\jj Gj^ "3>«^^U'V£U.'0>-^ CLIVEDEN LIBRARY Number Date '^^^Idopf ASTOR ^oiiiqr o "^^^-^^-^)>^ ^^^^V^^fc^ 1 'M /(^. /f/r'^.^riUi ^wi ^■^^ >Lt '^--^^dc^ >^\.4. UNIVERSITY - OF - TORONTO ROLL^ OF SERVICE 191^ w 1918 UJSIIVERSITY - OF ^ TOROTsTTO - PRESS 1921 TO THE MEMORY OF THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES. TO THEIR KINDRED, TO THEIR COMRADES IN ARMS WHO HAVE RETURNED, THIS RECORD OF SERVICE IS DEDICATED. PREFACE FOR the past five years Professor G. Oswald Smith has given most careful and helpful attention to the records of those of the gradu- ates and undergraduates who served in the Great War. He has applied at every source where he thought most accurate information might be got, with the result that the Roll of Service, as it is now issued in final form, m»ust be as accurate as earnest investigation can make it. It is a task which could only have been adequately performed by pious care. The record also will be kept and read with almost sacred regard by the friends of those who have fallen and who ofTered their lives for the cause of freedom. Future generations of graduates and under- graduates of this University will turn to this perpetual memorial. An outline is given of the difTerent war activities in which the Uni- versity was engaged during this period. This will recall to many the work in which they had a share, and will let those who come after us know how we sought to do our part in the War. R. A. Falconer, President. June 13th, 1921. EDITOR'S PREFACE THE Roll of Honour contains the records of those who died when on Active Service. They are, with a few exceptions, based on information received from th^ next-of-kin or friends in each instance. Owing to the large number of the Fallen these memoirs have to be briefer than was originally planned, but all the documents received from relations, such as letters or newspaper accounts, are being kept among the University records, and it is hoped that full copies of them will be made and preserved in a room of the Memorial Tower. At the head of each record the rank held at the time of death is given, but reversions from a higher rank are shown in the narrative. The place of burial is given when known, though with the removal of bodies to the larger cemeteries it is recognise.d that some statements in this respect are no longer accurate. In the next section are given the records of those who died after discharge and within two years from the signing of the Armistice, when death appeared to be due in part to disabilities incurred on Active Service. In the main Roll of Service are given in abbreviated form the records of those who have returned. In an Appendix are given the records of those who have entered the University for the first time after returning from service. These are not included in the Summary. In the first line of each record the original graduation year is given, not the date of entry into the University. Where a second year is adde d in brackets it show^s that the man has returned to College and resumed his course. At the end of the first line the Militia unit and rank prior to enlistment for the war are given. The Active Service record begins with the second line. The battles given are not taken from any official list but are chosen as alifording the most convenient indication of each man's service, though it is recognised that this method of description does not adequately suit every case. The battles in which Canadians took part and which are usually given here are Ypres (April 1915); Festubert (May 1915); Givenchy (June 1915) ; St. Eloi (April 1916) ; Ypres, including Sanctuary Wood, Zillebeke, Mount Sorrel (June 1916); Somme (September- November 191 6) ; Vimy, including Fresnoy and other engagments south of Lens (April-July 1919); Hill 70 (August 1917); Passchendaele (October-November 1917); Amiens (August 1918); Arras, including Drocourt-Queant and Canal du Nord (August-September 1918) ; Cambrai to Valenciennes or Mons (October-November 1918). The records usually close with the signing of the Armistice. ROLL OF SERVICE vii In most instances it is assumed that service was also rendered on the front where the Canadian Forces were stationed in the periods between these battles — e.g. at Vimy (January-April 19 17), at Vimy, Lens, or Arras during the months after Passchendaele. Occasionally the form, e.g. 'Arras sec' (sector) is used to distinguish such periods from a battle more generally known by the same name. For those serving in the Imperial Forces, in order to avoid confusion with the Canadian battles where any uncertainty might be involved, the dates are given^ — e.g. Arras (April-June 1917), Cambrai (November 191 7). For the Canadian General and Stationary Hospitals place names are not usually given, but these can be ascertained from the index near the end of the book. The date of enlistment is given when known. Admittedly this does not do full justice to many who tried several times to enlist and were not accepted till later, when the physical standard had been lowered. The date of discharge is not as a rule given except for those who were invalided out of the service before November 19 18. Cases of illness are only recorded when they resulted in long absence from the front. Usually the successive units and ranks are given first, and casualties and honours are placed at the end of each record. The chronological order of events is thus broken, but on the whole it was found that this was the clearest method of arrangement. In the honours the 1914-15 Star, the General Service and Victory Medals are not mentioned, as they are implied in the dates of the records themselves. When it is known the date of the action for which the honour was won is given, and not the Gazette date. The purpose of the Introduction is not to anticipate the personal records of the main Roll of Service, except to a limited extent as regards the military units that were officially connected with the University. Consequently but few names occur twice in this book. Its object is to record briefly the history of the University here while so many of its members were away on active service, and to describe the efforts in national service made by the civilians remaining here. Such an account cannot be entirely impersonal, but those whose names are selected for mention, that is for the most part those who were officially more pro- minent, must be taken as representing many others who each according to his or her opportunity worked willingly and continuously during those years. The cover of this volume has been designed by Mr. J. E. H. MacDonald, a.r.c.a. In concluding this task the Editor wishes gratefully to acknowledge the assistance rendered him by all those within the University who were keeping records in the offices of the University Registrar and of the viii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO various Faculties and Colleges, by his assistants in the Roll of Service office, who were graduates of the University and gave devoted and unremitting care to their work, by the ex-service men themselves in answering enquiries about themselves and giving or obtaining infor- mation about others, and by the relatives and friends of the Fallen in giving the details on which the brief memorial accounts are based. Without the willing help of all these this work could not have been brought to completion. At best it can be but an imperfect record of the services rendered by nearly 6,000 sons of the University, but despite all defects may it be held as pietate operis excusatus. June 7th, 1921. CONTENTS Page Introduction - - - - - - - - - - xi Roll of Honour --------- i Roll of Honour U - - - - i57 Roll of Service --------- 167 Summary ----------- 529 Appentdix (List of ex-service men who have entered the Univer- sity after discharge) - - 535 Index of Hospitals - 599 Abbreviations, etc. - 601 INTRODUCTION THE UNIVERSITY DURING THE WAR WAR had been declared eight weeks before the session opened. On September 29th, 1914, the President in his opening address in Convocation Hall reviewed the causes of the war and appealed to the students present to face the issues before them, and in conclusion said : — "This is the greatest of moral struggles. Are there to be free democracies who only need to police themselves against the force- attacks of the barbarous? Or will force tower arrogantly above freedom and enslave intellect? The struggle had to come. It is well to have it decided one way or other finally, for our own sakesand for our children's. This struggle I want you to think about. Many of our members have already heard the call and have left to take their share in the war. Some of them will lay down their lives for our sakes. Others of you will doubtless go later. Most of us will, I suppose, remain at home. But do not shirk whatever sacrifice is necessary. Be ready to defend your life which, with its freedom, has been won for you by others. Live a life of sacrifice this winter and thereby contribute something to help the nation in relieving its suffering. Do not be light-hearted. You cannot be as merry as yesterday, nor as blithe as we hope you will be in the world's to-morrow. The world is in agony, let this agony reach the depths of our nature also, so that it may purge our selfishness. If we shall not be called upon to die or be wounded in the flesh, I hope that we may carry into the revived life of our nation, when it issues from the struggle, the healed wounds of the spirit that will be the sign of the battle in which we have won over again the right to call ourselves free- men in a real democracy." The purpose of this record is to show what was the response made to the challenge thus voiced. In the end the answer went beyond the words of this first appeal. As time went on it became clear that most of those who were then addressed could not remain. Though to nearly all present and to the graduates throughout the country war had seemed remote and improbable, and when it came none could foretell its extent and intensity, the response was prompt and continuous. To those of us remaining here it was not always easy to r-ealise how steadily the men were leaving through the years that followed. Singly or in small groups they went away, often without a word except a brief farewell to intimate friends. xii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO When the 1914-1915 session opened the First Contingent was about to sail. In it were some two hundred members of the University, most of whom had previously been members of the Active Militia. Those who were with No. 2 Stationary Hospital and a few others were to reach France before the close of the year and become entitled to the Mons Star. In command of the Third Battalion, Toronto Regiment, was Lt.-Col. M. S. Mercer, who had begun his soldier's career as a student in 1885 and was destined to end it as Commander of the Third Canadian Division at Sanctuary Wood. In the account that follows a general record of the events of each session is first given. Special work done by certain departments is for the most part described under the year 1917. Then the services of particular military units connected with the University are briefly recorded. 1914-1915 Through the first part of the year the teaching work of the University went on with little outward change, except that lectures and laboratory classes were cancelled after 4.00 p.m. to enable the undergraduates and members of the staff to drill in the newly organised C.O.T.C. and to receive military instruction. A course of public lectures on the war and its causes was given by members of the' stafT, and in place of the usual extension series nearly two hundred addresses were given in the Province on behalf of the Red Cross and other patriotic funds. The Speakers' Patriotic League had its offices in the University, Professor A. H. Abbott being its first Secretary. Members of the Modern Languages Depart- ment gave instruction in French to groups of soldiers in training at Exhibition Camp, and also prepared a French and German conversation manual for their use. In the course of the session Dr. Auguste Ledoux, Professor of Miner- alogy in the University of Brussels, arrived to be the guest of the staff as a special lecturer in the University. This position he held till his sudden death in 1918, which was due in part to the strain that he had undergone in the first days of the war. He had fought in the defence of Liege and Antwerp till he was wounded and disabled from further military service. Early in 1915 an epidemic of cerebro-spinal meningitis broke out among the troops in training at Exhibition Camp and at Belleville, and the assistance of the University Bacteriological Department was invoked. Professor J. J. Mackenzie, with Dr. Duncan Graham and other members of the staff in Medicine, immediately undertook the work of examining the several hundred men of the units in which cases had occurred and of ROLL OF SERVICE xiii isolating those infected and all 'carriers'. Dean Clarke and the staff of the General Hospital co-operated in every way, setting apart a special section of the building for the victims of the disease, and a camp for the carriers at the old General Hospital. The requisite anti-meningitis serum was provided by the Department of Hygiene. Apart from the care of those suffering from the disease, the usual work of the laboratories was multiplied many times for some weeks in the examining of thousands of swabs, the testing of cases, and the preparation and maintenance of the requisite apparatus. Valuable assistance was given by the members of the fifth year in Medicine who had enlisted in No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station and were in training at the time. By this prompt and strenuous action the spread of the disease was soon arrested and limited to some twenty cases, half of which ended in recovery. Throughout these months men were leaving College and enlisting. The Second Division was forming, and many joined the units in training at Exhibition Camp, specially the 4th Artillery Brigade, the 19th Battalion, the Divisional Cyclists, and the Eaton Machine Gun Battery. A group of medical students and graduates joined No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station, and those of them who graduated shortly afterwards obtained commissions in the r.a.M.C. on reaching England. On February 23rd, 191 5, a farewell dinner was given to 136 members of the University who were leaving for overseas with the Second Division. Addresses were given by the President and the Heads of Faculties and Colleges, the tenor of which is indicated by these words spoken by the Principal of University College: — "You are preparing to fulfil the first, and for most the highest duty of man — ^you are going to the front that the privileges of freedom which our fathers won, not without pain and sacrifice and the throwing away of all that the world counts comlortable and worth having, may be handed down undiminished to our children. You are fighting just as surely for the liberty and the nationeility of this proud land, though you will fight in Europe, as for the liberties and nationalities of Europe. You have faced the risks and offer your sacrifice — the supremest sacrifice most men can offer — for Canada's sake, that she may be still a proud and free country. "You will not repent it. When you return your romance will not vanish with your youth. You will have fought in the great war, you will have joined in the liberation of the world. You will be part and parcel of the heroic days of Canada, when she showed that she was conscious of her past and worthy of a future; that, the youngest of the nations, she had the ideals and the traditions of the proud races from which she sprang, and could rewrite thoee ideals and those traditions afresh for her descendants in lur own out-pound Mood. xiv UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "Vou will be to us as ihe Italians of the great days of Italy, as Garibaldi and Mazzini and Cavour and the Cairolis, and thousands of others are to the present-day Italians — the great figures of their country's history, the redeeming memories which have survived into a meaner and a poorer age. "And for those who do not return^ — for them there will be an even tenderer regard, and a more affectionate and wistful memory. You will be canonised even, it may be, as time goes on and memory lends her magic and distance her enchantments; and in the tears and heartache of your friends, there will be only grief and respect, and a desire that our children and children's children may be worthy of you; that the young life which will still be rioting round these University halls may be keyed up to your pattern and take to heart your example. Not unhappy surely is the nation which makes such pedestals for its dead, and not unhappy the fate of the young man who is set thereon." On February 25th a special Convocation was held to confer degrees on nearly fifty of those who were then about to go overseas. On this occasion was first put into force the decision to grant to all students going on active service a certain measure of academic credit. The conditions varied in the different faculties. In Arts each student was granted one year's standing or a part thereof. Thus later most of those who returned were enabled to complete their courses with three year's study. To the members of the staff who were absent on service the, University granted half their annual salary until their return. In March came a call for recruits in the 25th Battery of the 7th Artillery Brigade. Nearly a section was raised from within the Uni- versity in a few days. The departure of these men for Ottawa on the night of the i6th will long be remembered by many, as it was the first opportunity of giving a send-off to a large group of University students. A few days later another section was raised for the 26th Battery and left amid similar enthusiasm for Kingston. During the same month was raised the unit which has been most closely identified with this University's name — No. 4 General Hospital, whose service is recorded in a later section. On May 5th in Convocation Hall the University bade Its members farewell, and ten days later they sailed from Montreal. To provide the needful equipment for this unit the University Women's Hospital Association was now organised and continued its work for the four following years. The session closed a month earlier than usual in this and the following years. The examinations were held in April and Commencement in May. The proceedings at Convocation on May 21st, 1915, were com- paratively brief and were sad rather than joyous, for the second battle of Ypres had recently been fought and several sons of the University ROLL OF SERVICE ^v had fallen at St. Julien. On this occasion was read for the first time the list of the Fallen, which was repeated with growing numbers at each successive Commencement for the next four years. On two their degrees were conferred after death — Capt. A. C. Bastedo and Pte. D. E. Haig. Thus ended the most memorable session in the history of this Uni- versity. During the vacation its members were active for the most part elsewhere than in its grounds and buildings, but the rooms of ihe Uni- versity Women's Hospital Supply Association were filled with workers through the summer. At Niagara and other camps many were in training, and University men were in most of the Ontario and Western units that were being raised. Half the officers of one local battalion were graduates or students. At the close of the Co.t.c. camp in May the first Toronto contingent to the Universities Companies reinforcing the Princess Patricias was raised, and during the following months the recruits for these units were enrolled at the co.t.c. orderly room. Just before the next session opened occurred an event of great interest in itself, which acquired fuller significance a year and a half later. The plans of the Anglo-American Peace Centenary (1814-1914) Committee had been interrupted by the war; but one part of their programme was completed on September 20th, 1915, when in a special Convocation honorary degrees were conferred on six American members of the Committee — the late Hon. Joseph H. Choate, Professor W. C. Osborn, Messrs. W. B. Howland and J. A. Stewart, the Hon. Justice A. B. Parker, and President Murray Butler of Columbia University. The eloquent speech in response made by Mr. Choate revealed the direction in which the currents of American opinion were setting, soon to acquire decisive force. The speaker's long years of life were drawing to a close, but before the end came he saw the fulfilment of his desire, that the two countries whose common welfare he had served should be united in common action and in defence of a great cause. 1915-1916 When the session opened the number of men students was about 650 less than in the previous October and through the winter the attend- ance steadily dwindled through enlistments. Many members of the staff were also absent on military service. This involved additional work for those teachers who remained, since only a limited number of substitutes could be found, and although the classes were smaller they were not as a rule much fewer in number. Consequently in most departments full courses of instruction were still required. The strain was especially heavy in the Faculty of Medicine, as about fiftv of the staff wore absent and tlic number of students was not nnich lessened, since those in the senior years were directed by the military xvi UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO authorities to complete their courses so as to quahfy for commissions in the A.M.C., and already men who had enhsted in the previous year were being sent back from the front for the same purpose. In addition to the work of the regular year, a special summer session in medicine was held from May 1916 onwards, in response to a request from the War Office, in order that many might graduate six months earlier than usual. Outside of the work of the class-rooms the changes wrought by the war in the life of the University were becoming more manifest. The c.o.T.c. began training with a slightly smaller enrolment than a year before. Its strength rapidly diminished with the continuous enlistments for overseas seivice. For the senior medical students a special military course of A.M.C. training was provided. The Inter-University football and hockey matches were suspended, not to be resumed till 1919, but the Mulock Cup and other games were continued. The fraternity houses were closed. The various students' societies now either gave up their activities altogether or reduced their programmes. The women students, individually or in groups, were engaged in knitting and pre- paring materials, and the Hospital Supply Association was continuously active. The grounds were used largely by the District School of Infantry. During the first part of the year the undergraduates who enlisted were joining various units of the c.e.f. and not one or two in particular, except the Universities' Companies, p.p.c.l.i. About the New Year, however, a considerable number of men, mostly from Knox College, enlisted together in the 43rd Howitzer Battery, C.F.A., which was raised in Guelph and reached France as a unit. From now onwards many joined also the Divisional Signal Companies of the Engineers. At the end of December the first draft of candidates selected from the C.o.T.c. for Imperial commissions left for England. The question was now discussed of raising a distinct combatant unit bearing the University's name, in which its members could train and serv^e overseas together. There were two classes to consider, those who wished to qualify for commissions and those who preferred to join the ranks. Consequently it seemed better to meet the needs of both, and application was made for authorisation to raise two units, one an Oliicers Training Company as an Active Service branch of the C.o.T.c, the other an Artillery Battery. From this came the Overseas Training Company and the 67th Depot Battery, both of which during the rest of the war maintained a close connection with the University. Though neither of these units was destined to go overseas, they gave fellow students and graduates the opportunity of taking their first training together, usually for several months. From this time onwards a large ROLL OF SERMCE xvii proportion of the University of Toronto men who enhsted began their ser\'ice in one or other of these units. At the end of the session the University sustained losses which made its members realise with greater intensity the cost of the war. Edward Kylie, whose promise as scholar and teacher was already finding rich fulfilment, died in May while in training at Owen Sound; and not many days later the casualty reports from Sanctuary Wood and Mount Sorrel announced the deaths of many whose records are given in this book. In the list also was the name of one who, though not himself a member of the University, was well known to many here — \' ictor \^an der Smissen, the only son of his parents, who fell in action on June 13th. 1916-1917 At the opening of the next session the attendance of men students was reduced by 600, and before the end of January another 600 had left. This year was passed under conditions similar to those of the previous session. To those watching the casualty lists there was no relief. The Somme campaign continued through October and November; there was a short respite during the winter months, but the session closed while the fighting round Vimy and Lens was in progress. In view of the call for service at home by all those who could not enlist, the University held in January 1917 a registration of all its students, both men and women, in order to ascertain their physical condition and their willingness to do national work during the following summer. \^ery few men were found to be fit for active service, so that when some months later the Military Service Act came into force, even on a lowered standard it had no appreciable effect in the University. 220 of the men in attendance had volunteered for overseas s,ervice and had been rejected, and most of the others had some physical detect. Nearly all stated their willingness to do national service, more partic- ularly in agriculture and munitions, and there is reason to believe that all these promises were fulfilled in the following vacation. Of the remainder som.e, whp had been under age in 1916, enlisted, and most of the others were not fit for service in any of the usual forms. The C.O.T.C. continued its work, but on a considerably reduced establishment, since by this time most of its original member's had gone overseas. Of the 500 enrolled in the Corps most were freshmen. The Overseas Training Company was quartered in Burwash Hall, \'ict(M-ia College, and the 67th Battery, after summer training at Niagara and Petawawa, spent the winter at Exhibition Camp. In the course of the session two special Convocations were held, the first on January 23rd, 1917, to confer the honorary degree of ll.u. on The Duke of Devonshire, the new C.o\'ernor-C.eneral, and the second xviii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO on May 26th to admit to the same degree the Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, who was in America on the British Mission to the United States. In the course of his address Mr. Balfour said: — " I saw just now the honoured roll of those belonging to the University of Toronto who have already perished in the war. I refuse to think, I do not think, that they have perished in vain. I do not merely mean that their efforts as soldiers or as doctors or whatever they may have been— I do not merely mean that they have helped, and we recognise that they have helped, to bring a victory to the Allies which means in the long run victory to civilisation. I mean something deeper, and profounder, something more intimately connected with the life of this University. Believe me, the sacrifice made by these young men, with all life before them, is not merely service to their country and to the world ; it is direct service to the University which they have left for more dangerous and perilous methods of doing their duty in that station in the Empire to which they have been called. "And the reason I think so is that there is a common life belonging to every great institution, and above all to every great University, which goes on continually from generation to generation, which knows no break, which is the very ideal of earthly immortality. Now, when the future generations com>e to this great seat of learning in order to equip themselves for the struggle in life which is before them, do not doubt that they will get inspiration by looking at that list of immortal heroes; that they will feel that the University which they have attended is no mere organisation for imparting useful information, but that in its life it has done glorious and heroic things, and if the need should again come upon the country which it serves, the need will again be satisfied with equal courage, equal patriotism, and equal devotion to public duty." In the Honours List of June 3, 1917, the President was made Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. He insisted that the honour was conferred on the University for its service in the war rather than on him personally; but those who watched his unselfish devotion to the duty of the hour and his patient direction of their efforts felt that he had himself won a place of special distinction in the Uni- versity's history. At this point may be mentioned certain changes which do not belong to any one session, but were developed mostly in the course of the year 1917, and also the work done by certain departments in the University more particularly in the years 1917 and 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE xix The Royal Flying Corps In the spring of this year the Royal Flying Corps established a training centre for the Dominion with headquarters at Toronto. As the school grew during the next eighteen months a considerable portion of the University or College grounds and buildings were given over to this Force. These were the front and back lawns, parts of the Engineering Building, Convocation Hall, and Hart House, Wycliffe College, most of Burwash Hall, and the University Residences. In 1918 the University back lawn and the quadrangle of Burwash Hall were also filled with tents. The cadets received their preliminary training here, before being sent to the flying camps at Leaside, Borden and Deseronto. In the summer of 1917 many American cadets were seen training in company with the Canadians. In the first days, before the establishment of the school was complete, members of the staff in Applied Science voluntarily gave instruction to the cadets. A large body of instructors was event- ually brought to Canada, in which were several members of the Uni- versity who had seen service at the front. Among the cadets were many of the latest generation of undergraduates, and students from the upper grades of the schools, many of whom entered the University after the war. The propellers now seen in various University buildings are memorials of the stay of this Force in Toronto. Use of Buildings and Grounds Reference may also be made here to other uses made of the buildings either for troops in training or for those engaged in the care of disabled soldiers, who were now returning in large numbers. Part of Hart House had already been assigned by the Massey Founda- tion to the District School of Musketry. The remainder of the building was now divided between the Flying Corps, the training school for masseuses and those employed in 'functional re-education.' In addition the part of Burwash Hall not used by the Flying Corps was occupied by the Training Company. One University Residence was for a time used by the N.c.o. Training School, and was then given over with the others to the Flying Corps. The grounds and one wing of Trinity College had previously been occupied by the 123rd and 228th Battalions when training. When St. Andrew's College building was requisitioned by the C.a.m.C. for a hospital the school moxed into Knox College. Rooms in the Library, the Physics and Biological Buildings were used by the Hospital Supply Association, the Secours National and similar organisations. XX UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO The Connaught Antitoxin Laboratories In May 1914 the Laboratories were opened and so were fortunately in working order when the war's demand began. By these the agents for the prevention and treatment of diphtheria, small-pox, meningitis and tetanus were supplied at cost for all civilian needs not only in the Province but also through the whole of Canada and Newfoundland. When the war began there was a serious shortage in the supply of tetanus antitoxin. The Canadian Red Cross was at first enabled to obtain 10,000 packages from the United States, but it was clear that this supply would not last long. The Univ-ersity Laboratories were then further equipped by a grant from the Dominion Government, so that they could supply at cost the entire amount needed for the Canadian troops. Before the end of 1916 50,000 packages had been sent overseas and in addition all the small-pox vaccine required was supplied. All this was done without impairing the supply for local civilian needs. The work was carried on under the direction of Drs. J. G. FitzGerald and R. D. Defries of the Department of Hygiene. As the extended service was at first hampered by the fack of accom- modation for horses and other animals and by want of adequate labora- tory space, Lt.-Col. A. E. Gooderham, a member of the Board of Gover- nors, purchased a fifty acre farm in York Township, on which he built and equipped laboratories and stables, generously presenting the entire plant to the University. These Laboratories, named after h.R.h. the Duke of Connaught, were completed in 1916, and were formally opened by his successor the Duke of Devonshire on October 25th, 1917. The extent and importance done by this department of the University can be judged by the following figures which show the amounts supplied to the Army and the Red Cross during the war: — tetanus antitoxin 250,000 — 1 ,500 unit doses ; small -pox vaccine 700,000 tubes ; diphtheria antitoxin 57,665,000 units; anti-meningitis serum 75,000 cubic centi- metres. Functional Re-education and Physiotherapy In the winter of 1916-1917 Dr. E. A. Bott, of the Psychological Department, assisted by private subscriptions and voluntary help on the part of some of his colleagues in Arts and others, opened a small clinic for the 'functional re-education' of disabled soldiers. The aim was to restore to their normal working physical or mental powers that had become impaired by war disabilities, and in particular to remedy injuries to the nervous or muscular system received from wounds or shock. The method was largely psychological. Each patient was ROLL OF SERVICE xxi gradually induced to recover his self-control and self-confidence. This was often done by giving repeated practice with simple mechanical appliances fitted with metrical devices whereby each man might for himself register his progress. In May 1917 the Military Hospitals Commission organised work of this kind on a larger scale, and the workers in the University were trans- ferred to the staff that was now established in Hart House, part of which building had been granted for this purpose by the Massey Trus- tees. Here many patients were directly treated, but at the same time a school was organised for training special workers to be sent to the hospitals of the Dominion. Classes in massage were also established in the same building. In the summer of 1917 Dr. Bott was sent to England and France to investigate the methods in use there. In 1918 the whole of this work was transferred to the c.a.:nlc., which established in Hart House a general School of Physiotherapy, in which all the various systems of treatment, functional re-education, massage, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, etc., might be coordinated. The work was directed by the late Lt.-Col. Robert Wilson of Montreal, who had acquired wide experience of these m.ethods both in France and in England. To the staff of the school were added som.e University men who had returned from ser^dce in France. Professors J. P. McMurrich, E. F. Burton, and others gave their voluntary assistance by lectures and instruction in the University laboratories. The expeiiments made in practice revealed the need of further in- vestigations of the fundamental principles underlying the work, and measures were taken to organise the special researches required. The necessary funds had been supplied in the first instance by private generosity. In July 1918 Professor J. J. R. Macleod arranged to provide additional accommodation in the department of Physiology-, and a committee of the staff under Professor J. J. Mackenzie was appointed by the President to supervise the developmicnt of the work, for which provision was made for the year I9i8-i9i9bya grant of $1,500 from the Board of Governors. Partly because the immediate militaiy needs were still great, partly because further investigations and experiments were required to reach peimanent results, the work was continued after 1918. In 1919 the Dominion Government made a grant of Si2,ooo, through the Department of Militia and Defence, and the Director General of Medical Services appointed a research committee, consisting mostly of the same per- sonnel, to continue similar investigations. Lt.-Col. Wilson was its chaiiman, and after his death Col. C. L. Starr. After demobilisation steps have been taken to transfer the work to the Department of Health with a view to perpetuating for the general benefit the efforts that were xxii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO first evoked by the war's needs. The research work has been continued into the present year through the co-operation of various scientific departments. Work done under the Admiralty Board of Invention AND Research The question of procuring sufficient suppHes of heHum to replace hydrogen in naval and mihtary airships was first taken up by Sir Richard Threlfall, whose efforts received strong support from the Admiralty Board of Invention and Research under the late Lord Fisher. In 1915 Professor J. C. McLennan was asked by the Board to make investiga- tions to determine the helium content of the natural gas supplies avail- able within the British Empire and assist in devising methods for its production. Associated with him were his colleagues in the Department of Physics, Professors E. F. Burton and J. Satterly, and Captain H. A. McTaggart after his return from Salonica; also Professor Dawes of McMaster University, and Messrs, John Patterson of the Meteoro- logical Office, and R. T. Elworthy of the Department of Mines, Ottawa. Reports were made from all the natural gas fields of Canada, and an experimental station for extracting the helium from the gas was estab- lished at Hamilton. In 1918 a new station was opened in the West. A station was also established near London, England, in 1917. In.iQij when the United States entered the war it was arranged to co-operate with the American scientists in developing the supplies of helium available within their territory, and Professor Satterly was associated with Commander Bridge and Lieut. -Commander Lowcock of the Royal Navy for this purpose. By the summer of 1918 helium was produced in moderate quantities at relatively small cost in both coun- tries, and had the war been prolonged, large supplies would have been assured. Investigations were also begun with a view to developing the industrial and scie itific uses of helium for other than war needs. From May 19 17 till the close of the war Professor McLennan himself was in England serving first as a collaborator with the Board of Inven- tion and Research of the Admiralty, and later as Director of Research for the Admiralty. Besides supervising the work done in connection with helium, he was employed in directing a series of investigations and experiments in connection with the development of anti-submarine devices, as well as electromagnetic and magnetic aids to navigation. From December 1917 until September 1919 a number of University graduates and advanced students in the Department of Physics were working under his direction at London and other centres in Great Britain. In November 19 19 the President received a letter from the Lords of ROLL OF SERVICE xxiii the Admiralty thanking the University for having made it possible for Professor McLennan to spend these years in the services that are briefly here described and in contributing to the elaboration of permanent ar- rangements for applying scientific research to naval problems. Industrial Training and Occupational Therapy From 1917 onwards members of the staff, particularly in Applied Science, rendered assistance in refitting disabled soldiers for civilian occupations. Professor H. E. T. Haultain was appointed Vocational Officer for Ontario under the Invalided Soldiers Commission (later the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment). He arranged with his colleagues for their help chiefly in two directions. Classes foi industrial instruction in such subjects as the use of agricultural tractors and the repair of automobiles were formed, the temporal y Gymnasium being lent for the purpose. Courses were also given in mining and assaying, plan-reading and estimating, applied electricity, etc. The instructors themselves were mostly expert mechanics, and their work was done under the supervision of a committee of the Faculty — the late Dean W. H. Ellis, Professors C. H. C. Wright, G. A. Guess, H. W. Price, L. M. Arkley and others. For the more seriously injured men courses in * occupational thei apy ' were established. The work began in the hospitals, but it was not aimed meiely at restoiing the use of disabled limbs, but directed to practical tiaining in woodwork, basketry, book-binding, modelling, drawing, etc. The classes held in the University did not as a rule deal directly with the patients but were for the instruction of teachers. Duiing the next two years over 250 women teacheis were trained and sent to various hospitals and centres throughout the country. The work was done under the general direction of the same committee. Mr. J. W. Chester and a staff of special instructors, drawm partly from out- side sources, partly from within the University, supervised the work in detail. For these classes the east end of the Mining Building and the Library Reading-room were used. Other Services Some of the special services rendered by the Faculty of Medicine have been referred to in the preceding general account. More can be discovered by a reference to the personal records that follow. In the latter years of the war several members of the staff and graduates in Medicine were employed as Consultants at Headquarters in England, at Ottawa, and in the various Military Districts of Canada. The services conti ibuted by the general body of medical graduates is also xxiv UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO indicated by these figures: — C.a.m.C commissions 832; r.a.m.C. com- missions 212; Naval medical service 76. Similar service was also rendered by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. The importance of dentistry for the good health of the troops was recognised in Canada sooner than elsewhere, and an Army Dental Corps was first organised in the Canadian Forces. In 1916 a special summer session of the College was held, to enable the senior students to qualify sooner than usual for commissions in the c.a.d.c, and early in 1917 a special course was arranged to train junior students for positions as Sergeant laboratory assistants and Privates. For the session 1917-1918 it was enacted that every freshman who was physically fit should be required to take a special course of training for the work of Dental Sergeant. By these measures the needs of the service were con- tinuously met. The Ontario Veterinary College and the Ontario College of Pharmacy made similar special arrangements for training their students to m.eet the demands of the war. Graduates of the Ontario Agricultural College were also employed as experts in agriculture not only in Canada, but also in Great Britain and France. Many of the more important positions in the Canadian Forestry Corps overseas were held by graduates in Forestry. Several members of the staff and graduates in Science were employed as experts and consultants in munitiqn plants in Canada and Great Britain. Professor Watson Bain was appointed in February 1918 Chemical Adviser to the Canadian War Mission at Washington. Professor A. H. Abbott was Secretary of the Speakers' Patriotic League in 1915 and 1916. He was also Secretary of the British Red Cross Appeals in 1915, 1916, and 1917 (in which over 5,000000 dollars were raised). Secretary of the Organisation of Resources Comm.ittee, Director of Labour in Ontario for the Imperial Munitions Board and Secretary to other patriotic organisations. Since the close of the war he has become permanent General Secretary of the Canadian Red Cross. During the vacations of 1 91 7 and 1918 most of the students were employed on national service in Canada. Several of the women under- graduates were employed in frufit picking in the Niagara district. Some members of the staff also gave their time to speaking in different parts of the Province for the 'Greater Production' campaign. Military Instructors in the Colleges of the United States When the United States entered the war, a demand came from the Colleges for military instructors from Canada who had seen service overseas. From this University were sent some who had been invalided ROLL OF SERVICE xxv home, whose experience at the front combined with their academic training especially fitted them for this work. These were: — Lieut. R. Hodder Williams, M.C., to Columbia University; Lieut. W. H. King, D.S.O., to the City College, New York, and Johns Hopkins University; Major P. P. Aclard, M.c, to the Washington State College and Groton School, Mass.; Lieut. Raymond Massey to Princeton University and later to Yale University; Lieut. A. Bland to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later to Yale University; Lieut. E. H. Saer to the Southern Methodist College, Dallas; Lieut. W. W. Lang to North- western University, Evanston, 111.; Lieut. W. N. MacQueen to Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa; Lieut. S. N. Dixon to New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell, N.M.; Major R. N. Davy to Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Lieut. W. Martin to the University of Michigan. The Varsity Illustrated Supplement Each year from 1915 to 1919 the Students' Council — under the direction of Professor T. R. Loudon and the Rev. S. Childs, Presidents, and the late Harry W. Hayes and C. C. Grant, Secretaries, assisted by other members — Issued a Magazine Supplem.ent containing illustrated articles on the University and the war, and also all obtainable portraits of the University men on service. From several of the special articles wiitten in this Magazine or the 'L^niversity Monthly' some of the material for this Introduction is di awn. The proceeds of the Supplement amounted to nearly $40,000. Of this sum $6,000 were given to the purchase of two motor-ambulances for the Canadian Red Cross, $3,841 to the Patriotic and Canadian Red Cross Funds, $7,835 to the British Red Cross, $474 to the Belgian and Serbian Relief, $7,135 to the University Hospital, $2,356 to the re-education of soldiers in Hart House, $1,950 to the University Battery, $1,550 to the University Training Company, $200 to the Universities Tank Battalion. The greater part of the balance was given to the War Memorial Fund and devoted to the assistance of returned members of the University. 1917-1918 The session calls for but a brief record. In its first months the terrible casualty lists from Passchendaele recorded the loss of many of the University's sons. The work described in previous sections was continued. For the fifth year students in Medicine the session began in August, enabling them to complete their courses and go overseas by March 1918. In other faculties the attendance was again diminished, and of the first year students who were still under age for the M.s.A. many enlisted during the year. xxvi UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO A measure was now adopted which, with modifications, has since become permanent. Every male student was required to undergo a medical examination and to take physical training. In view of the immediate need it was enacted that this should take the form of military drill and instruction. Preliminary arrangements were made for a Department of Military Studies which was organised by Col. W. R. Lang after his return in 1919. The work of this class is now continued as part of the regular academic curriculum. In October the Connaught Antitoxin Laboratories were opened. The 67th Battery was again quartered at Exhibition Camp, and the Training Company at Burwash Hall. At the end of the session the First Canadian Universities Tank Battalion was organised, and many students enlisted in the University of Toronto Company. Comm^encement was held on May 17th, 1918, when honorary degrees were conferred on Earl Reading, the Hon. Elihu Root, and (in absence) M. J. J. Jusserand, French Ambassador to the United States. On the lawn the r.a.f. Cadet School was drawn up in review order, and the academic procession was headed by fifty returned LTniversity soldiers. After the degrees were conferred addresses were made by both the recipients. In concluding the Hon. Mr. Root said: — "May not our great Universities in the future carry on in the coming generations the lessons that we are learning to-day in that great conflict of principle in France and Flanders? May not our great Universities conscientiously, assiduously, with wise forethought and judgment teach patriotism, teach love of liberty, teach true love of justice, and teach young men and young women how to serve liberty, to ser\^e justice, to serve their country, as well as teach them Latin, Greek, Mathematics and Applied Science? I conceive that that great mission is before the great educational institutions of this Continent, I am confident that it is, and in the future course, of the University of Tojonto In the performance of this high duty I hope to live long enough to feel my pride redoubled in this new and prized association with your great University." 1918-1919 All returned encouraged by the victories of the summer, but saddened by the growing casualty lists. In those closing days more than a hundred names were added to the University's Roll of Honour, and it still seemed as if another session must follow like the four preceding. On November nth the long agony was over. The buildings were closed, and for a day all gave themselves up to common rejoicing. Soon the return to the old order became apparent. Many who were de- mobilised in Canada immediately resumed or began their University ROLL OF SERVICE xxvii courses, and once again a large number of men were seen in the College halls, and old activities were renewed. Early in 1919 many of those returning from overseas had come back, and they continued to come during the months that followed. To meet their needs- — some 400 had returned by May — -special arrangements were made. New classes were formed and continued to the end of July, and by this means many were enabled to complete a year's work. For those who had enlisted on leaving school special courses were provided, so that they might be ready to begin the regular first year work in the following October. For those of this group who arrived later and who had not matriculation standing when they had enlisted, a special preparatory class was con- tinued through the session of 1919-20. It was decided to allow the same academic credit to ex-service men entering the University as had been given to those who had enlisted from it. In Arts they were given the opportunity of graduating in three years, and in Medicine, where a six year course was being introduced, they were allowed to complete in five yeais. Nearly all the returned men took up their studies in earnest and determinedly overcame the initial difficulties. The class lists of the next two years have revealed the success of their efforts. Academic Progress Lest it should be thought that during these years little or no academic progress was made, a brief reference to this side of the University's life is needed. With many of the teaching staff absent and because of the mental strain of these years the classes were conducted with some difficulty, but though some loss of efficiency was inevitable, on the whole the usual standards were maintained and in several directions progress was attained. The details of a revised general course in Arts were planned, and it was brought into force in the fall of 1919. The course in Medicine was extended to six years and provision made for a general as well as a purely pi of essional education. The Board of Graduate Studies in Arts and Medicine was estal)lishcd in 1915, whose work rapidly developed in extent and value, and in 1917 a School of Engineering Research was organised in Applied Science. In this year also a special fund was set apart for research and investigations particularly in Medicine and Applied Science, and important work was done immediately on problems arising from the war. Fellowships for graduate work were given b\- private benefactors, and others contributed to the medical research fund. In the year 1918-19 the first full time professorship in ]\Icdicine was established by the gift of Sir Jf)hn and Lady Eaton. Lt.-Col. A. E. Ciood- erham gave the Connaught Laboratories in 1916, and a laboratory for investigations in zymolog>' in 1918. In 1917-18 a Faculty of Music was xxviii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO created, with Dr. A. S. Vogt as Dean, and instruction began in the next session. A new University Department of Psychology was organised under Professor C. K. Clarke, Dean of Medicine, to co-ordinate the study and teaching of the subject which hitherto had been partially dealt with in various faculties. The Department of Social Service, which was organised shortly before the war, became securely established and since then has greatly extended its sphere of usefulness. The work of the University Extension, Correspondence Schools and Local Lectures was continued and before the close of the war plans were outlined for the formation of a local Workers' Educational Association which have since been more fully developed. The University War Memorial A month after the Armistice a large meeting of graduates was held, and a representative committee of the Alumni Association was appointed to raise subscriptions and prepare plans for a Memorial to the Fallen. It was decided to spend part of the fund on the erection of a Memorial Tower between Hart House and University College, and to devote the remainder to the foundation of scholarships. It was arranged that the subscribers of each local centre should in a measure control the award of the scholarship within the particular district, and that a preference should be given to children and relaxtives of the Fallen. In all $350,000 have been subscribed, and the foundation stone of the Tower was laid by the Governor-General on Armistice Day 1919. In addition the University war veterans themselves have undertaken to provide a special fund for erecting the wall and arcade on which the names of those who died on service will be recorded. As the Dominion Government was unable to make any special provision for University students who had been on service, and in consequence many veterans were unable to begin or to continue their courses, ft was decided to give them assistance by loans from the Memorial Fund, and by June 1921 183,926 have been loaned to 303 students. HoNORiVRY Degrees In the days that followed the University added to the register of its honorary graduates some who, as soldiers or civilians, had rendered conspicuous service in the war. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, on his visit to Toronto in August 1919, received the degree of ll.d. both as Heir to the Throne and as one who had served at the front for four years. On October 15th, 1919, the degree was conferred on His Eminence ROLL OF SERVICE xxix Cardinal Mercier, and on Armistice Day the following were admitted: — Major-General Sir Willoughby Gwatkin, C.B., c.m.g., Chief of the General Staff, Canada; Major-General J. T. Fotheringham, c.m.g., a.d.m.s. of the Second Di\'ision in France and later Acting Director General of Medical Services in Canada; Brigadier-General C. H. Mitchell, C.B., C.M.G. , D.S.O., who was on the Staff of the Canadian Forces in France, and later of the Second British Army in France and the British Forces in Italy; Professor J. C. McLennan, O.B.E., f.r.s., who had done special work at the Admiralty. The degree of Master of Household Science was conferred on Matron-in-Chief Edith Catharine Rayside, R.R.C.; and that of M.A. on Major T. W. MacDowell, v.c, d.s.o., as the member of the University who won the highest military honour,^ and as representing "thousands of graduates and undergraduates who have done their duty, fought, even died, having performed countless deeds of valour which in their sum constitute Canada's glory." General Sir Arthur Currie, g.c.M.g., k.c.b., Commander of the Canadian Corps, was to have been honoured at the same time, but was unable to be present. He received his degree on Commencement Day in June 1920, together uath Major-General Sir Chailes Townshend, K.C.B. , the defender of Kut. At the Convocation of June 192 1 the degree was conferred on General the Right Honourable Jan Christiaan Smuts, P.c, Commander of the East African Force, and one of the master builders of the League of Nations. ^ From the offi::ial record: — Victoria Cross, Captain Thain Wendell MacDowell, 38th Battalion. For most conspicuous bravery and indomitable resolution in face of heavy machine gun and shell fire. By his initiative and coura::;e this officer, with the assistance of two runners, was enabled, in the face of great difficulties, to capture two machine guns, besides two officers and seventy-five men. Although wounded in the hand, he continued for five days to hold the position gained, in spite of heavy shell fire, until eventually relieved by his battalion. By his bravery and prompt action he undoubtedly succeeded in rounding up a very strong enemy machine gun post. THE UNIVERSITY UNITS No 4 GENERAL HOSPITAL IN February 1915 the University offered to provide a Base Hospital of 1,040 beds, the staff of which was to be manned from its members, and to contribute in a large measure to its equipment. The offer being accepted, the unit was quickly raised and after a farewell meeting in Convocation Hall sailed on May 15th under the command of Lt.-Col. J. A. Roberts, who had served in the South African War and had many years experience of Army Medical work. The original staff consisted of 38 officers. In adddltlon were 73 nurses under Matron Hartley, who remained with the Hospital throughout. With few exceptions they came from the Toronto hospitals which were officially connected with the University. Among the 206 rank and file were many undergraduates. Reaching England on May 28th the unit went to Shorncllffe, where it was allotted temporary quarters, till eventually It took over the Shorncllffe Military Hospital. During this period, however, most of the officers were detailed for special duties In hospitals or laboratories in London and elsewhere. In October they were reunited and left England for Salonica via Malta and Alexandria. The Hospital arrived at Its destination on November loth, being the first General Hospital on the ground, and moved to Its position on the Monastir Road about four miles west of Salonica. In some respects the hardest period of its service was during the first two or three months. Before the labour of unpacking, pitching tents, seeking a good water supply, and getting settled. In exceptionally cold and stormy weather, was completed the Retreat from Serbia had begun, and within a few days from their arrival some 600 patients were admitted. Tjhanks chiefly to the generous support of its friends In the University and Province, the Hospital was the best furnished and equipped of all in the Salonica area. Being a University unit it had on its staff a number of officers who were especially qualified to conduct experiments and research. In consequence both in Its laboratories and its X-ray depart- ment it largely met the needs of all the hospitals and became a scientific centre for the district. In its Dental department too it was much better equipped than other units and the Dental officers with their assistants were hard worked in meeting the demands made upon them. On May 25th, 1916, the Hospital moved from Its first position, where it had lived under canvas through the winter, to a new site at Kalamaria, a promontory to the south east of the town. The site In itself was ROLL OF SERVICE xxxi healthier and more suitable, and the new quarters were constructed entirely of substantial wooden huts. On the highest part of the ground weie the quarters for the officers, nurses and men. The administrative huts formed a line through the centre of the hospital proper. Branching off from this line to the north and south were the ward huts, those for surgical cases to the south, and those for medical cases to the north. The huts were mostly of uniform size, 140 feet long by 18 wide, with walls 9 feet high. The roofs were tiled, with an air space between them and the wooden ceilings. Next to No. 4 was No. 5 Canadian General Hospital from British Columbia. The daily average number of patients was about 1,300. The majority of cases treated in the Hospital were medical, of men suffering from malaria, dysentery and other illnesses; but there were always many wounded men to tend, more perhaps than is commonly imagined. With the fiercer fighting in France the newspapers did not give much information on the long trench warfare with attacks and counter-attacks on the Balkan front. During the two years at Salonica there were changes in the personnel of the unit. Col. Roberts, C.B., whose health had been affected, returned to England late in 1916. He was succeeded by Lt.-Col. W. B. Hendry, d.s.O., who had joined the Hospital when it was first organised and from now on remained in command till its disbandment. Other members of the staff were invalided or were recalled from time to time to take appointments elsewhere, being replaced by Canadian and and Imperial officers sent from England. After nearly two years' stay the climate began to tell on the health of many, especially the nurses, and in August 19 17 the order came to return to England. Perhaps the work done by the Hospital while at Salonica will best be appreciated, not from a list of statistics or from technical descrip- tions, but from letters wiitten by those who benefitted by the care and attention given them as patients, and by one of the Chaplains attached to the unit. The Rt. Rev. Mgr. Cavendish, C.F., wrote I0 the President in the spring of 1916: — "I have the honour to bring to your notice the following facts, which I am sure will give great satisfaction to you and all concerned in Canada. "I had the fdrtiine of being attached temporarily for duty as Roman Catholic Chaplain to the No. 4 Canadian General Hospital. My stay there was short, but it was more than sufficient for me to form a true idea and to appreciate most highly the way in which the medical officers, the nurses and the orderlies carried out their \ari()us duties. "I have had eighteen years of experience in niiliiar>' hospitals as Chaplain to the Forces, and 1 can say witlujut hesitation that I have xxxii UxMVERSITY OF TORONTO never seen hospital work performed with more order, efficiency and regularity than I saw it done there. I was more than edified by the scrupulous attention, devotion and self-sacrifice of the medical officers and nurses for their patients. These patients themselves saw this and were profoundly impressed by it, and could not help making special mention of it in their letters home to England, Ireland and Scotland, and to other countries in the Empire. One of my duties at the Hospital was to censor letters. In all the letters the patients sang their praises in honour of the medical officers, of the nurses and the Hospital in general. I could cite hundreds of such praises, but the following, I think, will be quite ample to show how deeply impressed the patients were by the excellent treatment which they received: — "My dear Mother — It is a real blessing to be in this hospital. I assure you I will be sorry to leave it. You have no idea how well and how gently we are dealt with here." "My dearest L. — Had I been at home, I should not have had such splendid treatment as I am having here. . . . These doctors are very much superior, and yet they are most kind and friendly with us all. The nurses are also very good and devoted to us." "... These medical officers are very good and know their business well. They also give themselves great trouble to help us on the way to a speedy recovery and although the patients here are very numerous, over 1,300, still deaths are very few and far be- tween. No doubt this shows the ability of the doctors. . . " "Dear Jamy — I am much' taken by these Canadian officers at the hospital here. They are really a fine set of gentlemen. I really cannot praise them enough for what they do for us." '•'My dear Mother, — I was admitted in this hospital last month. I really believed then my hour had come. But thanks be to God for sending me to ,this hospital, where I have had the greatest attention and care. I am getting fine now, thanks to the medical officers and the nurses. O Mother, they are fine people these Canadians, God bless them all!" "Personally I was also very much impressed with the unity that exists among the officers, a thing which is bound to have splendid results. I was sorry when I received orders to go to Salonica as Senior Chaplain, but shall always look back with pleasure to the happy days spent with Col. Roberts and all the other officers of the No. 4 Canadian General Hospital." Peter F. Cavendish, c.f. In September 1917 the Hospital returned to England. The County Hospital for the Insane at Basingstoke, Hants., which was uncompleted ROLL OF SERVICE xxxiii in 1914 and had been temporarily used by the r.a.m.c. and the Aus- trahans, was secured and finished sufficiently to meet the immediate need. The members of the Hospital were brought in Italian ships from Salonica to Taranto. The voyage had been slow, since owing to the menace of submarines the vessels could only travel by night and put in for shelter by day. From Taranto the journey was continued by rail through Italy and France. The Hospital's new home was situated on the Downs north of the town of Basingstoke and commanded a fine view. It had ample space and was fully equipped in every respect, with a central heating system, its o\^^l electric light plant and elaborate laundry and kitchen arrange- ments. Here the Hospital remained for nearly two years more, with an average of 1,200 patients, who were mostly Canadians. Except in a technical account, it is easier to write on the history of the Hospital when it was on the Eastern front, and more difficult to do full justice to its service after it became established in England. But it should be said that during the latter two years both in its medical and its surgical work the Hospital became one of the most efficient units in the Service, and won enthusiastic appreciation in all quarters. The direct connection with the University, which inevitably had been some- what broken in the later period of its stay in Salonica, was now reestab- lished and new relays of officers came directly from the University. The records that follow give the honours won by individual members of the Hospital. In addition eighteen of the nurses were awarded the Royal Red Cross. The Hospital lost by death three of its staff — Captain Norman Yellowlees, its first Adjutant, who was drowned in the Vardar River in May 1916; Lt.-Col. W. J. O. Malloch, who died when home on leave in February 1919; and Nursing Sister Lena Aloa Davis, who after suffering from malaria at Salonica contracted blackwater fever and suc- cumbed shortly after her return to England in 1917. In June 19 19 the Hospital's work was done and it returned to Canada The formal return welcome took place in Convocation Hall, when ad- dresses were made by the President, Dean Clarke and Col. Hendry. As it was on a Saturday afternoon in July, the gathering was not as large as it would have been at any time in the session. But in the brief pro- ceedings the University voiced its grateful appreciation ot the honour brought to it by those who through four years had faithfully done such fine service in its name. THE UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S HOSPITAL SUPPLY ASSOCLATION As soon as the University Hospital was officially authorised two committees were formed to jjroxidc ihe equipment needed o\cr and —3 xxxiv UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO above the government issues. The first, representing the Governors, Senate and Staff, arranged for the purchase of medical, surgical and laboratory apparatus. An appeal was made to the graduates and friends of the University, which received a prompt and generous re- sponse. The sum of 60,000 dollars was subscribed in a short time to provide the immediate needs. In addition four motor ambulances were given, two by Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Gooderham, one each by IMrs. J. F. \V. Ross and Mrs. C. W. Beatty, a limousine by Mrs. Hoover and friends in Cleveland, Ohio, another motor car by Mr. Alfred Gross of Chicago, and a motor truck by Mr. White of Cleveland. For future maintenance a generous gift of 40,000 dollars was received from Mr. A. C. Hardy, himself a graduate of the University, Mrs. Hardy and -Mrs. Fulford. The second committee, which was composed of ladies connected with the University, proceeded to prepare the hospital clothing, bed linen, surgical dressings and all similar articles. For the Immediate needs and for the surgical supplies throughout they drew from the general fund, but in addition they raised a second set of subscriptions for the purchase of all other. materials and of machinery. Of those who sub- scribed in the first instance many continued their contributions monthly or annually till the end of the war. The immediate work that lay before this committee, soon enlarged into an association, is indicated by the list of articles that the Hospital required at once: sheets 1,200; pillow cases 8,400; patients' towels 9,400; surgical towels 7,500; dish-cloths 1,100; slippers 500; socks 1,040 monthly; flannel shirts 1,500; surgical shirts 6,300; surgeons' gowns 800; small sheets 800; bed-jackets 1,000; dressing gowns 300; abdominal binders 400; laparotomy sheets 500. The Association began work at once, and aided by many ladies in the City and Province had the articles ready in a short time. They then continued to keep up the supply of these and similar articles for future needs. The extent of the work is shewn by the fact that in the first year 3,340 cases, containing 124,000 articles were sent overseas, and this average was more than maintained for the next three years. At first the bulk of the articles went to the University Hospital, but after it reached Salonica it was for the present adequately equipped and for further needs could more conveniently draw from the supplies at the local base. Consequently it was arranged that all the Association's output should be sent to the Canadian Red Cross, and a portion of it directed through this agency to the French hospitals. Supplies were also sent to the Canadian Field Comforts Commission, the French Secours National and similar organisations. At first a special committee of the ladies worked apart on preparing surgical supplies. Later when the full amount required was provided the members of this committee ROLL OF SERVICE x.vxv returned to co-operate with the general Association, but resumed their special work for a time in the autumn of 1917 in repsonse to a request from the University Hospital when it was being established at Basing- stoke. The University Women's Club also worked with this com- mittee in preparing sphagnum moss. The Association's service was twofold. A large amount of work was done in the central work-rooms at the University which were equip- ped with the necessary machines. It also provided a clearing house for the work done by many auxiliary agencies. The materials were pur- chased by the Association in large quantities at a time, and so with a considerable saving of expense. Individual volunteers or associated groups represent ing churches, schools and societies then took the materials and made them up. Several of these auxiliaries also sub- scribed to the funds of the Association. The officers of the Association were:^ — President, Lady Falconer; \'ice-Presidents, Mrs. W. H. Ellis, Mrs. A. L. McCrimjnon of McMaster University; Treasurer, Mrs. F. N. G. Starr (1915-1918), Mrs. W. A. Parks (1918-1919); Secretary, Mrs. \'. E. Henderson; Representing Colleges arid Faculties, Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. C. K. Clarke, Mrs. F. H. Wallace, Mrs. J. C. Robertson, Mrs. A. L. Langford, Mrs. H. T. F. Duckworth, Miss Hutton, Mrs. B. E. Fernow, Mrs. W. Pakenham, Mrs. W. E. Willmott, Mrs. E. A. A. Grange, Mrs. C. Heebner, Mrs. T. R. O'jVIeara; Honorary Members, Lady Walker, the late Mrs. R. A. Reeve, Mrs. J. A. Roberts; Officers of special cojnjnittees: — Finance, Mrs. G. M. Wrong, Miss Hutton, Mrs. G. C. Robertson; Work, Mrs. B. A. Bensley, Mrs. C. L. Starr; Work-room Secretary, Miss Evelyn E. Henderson; Publicity, Mrs. A. McPhedran; Purchasing, Mrs. K. C. Mcllwraith; Packing, Mrs. F. B. Kenrick, Mrs. Brefney O'Reilly; Surgical Supplies, Mrs. H. T. Machell, Dr. Margaret Johnston. At the final meeting of the Association in March 1919 it was re- ported that the total receipts of subscriptions for its work were 121,000 dollars; total disbursements 117,000 dollars; the balance was given to furnishing officers' quarters in the Christie Street Hospital. 347,392 articles of hospital clothing, linen, etc., were sent overseas, and 1,808,257 articles of surgical supplies. The service rendered by the Association in the relief of suffering and repairing of the war's injuries cannot be estimated solely by the large subscriptions raised or the amount of articles prepared and sent over- seas, but must also be judged by the long hours of willing and cheerful labour spent week in and week out, often at considerable personal sacri- fice, by those who still had their home duties to perform. Many too had their special anxieties to face, with husbands, sons and brothers overseas. In this common effort the ladies of the University and their xxxvi UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO associates also did an invaluable service to the University itself, by bringing it into closer contact with the women of the Province and the City, who made the Association's cause their own. THE CANADIAN OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS The University of Toronto Contingent of the c.o.t.c. was organised ill October 1914. It was not the first military unit connected with this University. From 1861 onwards for over thirty years 'K' Company of the Second Regiment, Queen's Owti Rifles, was known as the University Company. For a time there was a Trinity College Company in addition. Among the officers of ' K' Company were the .late Professors Croft (1862- 67), Cherriman (1862-73), Ellis (1866-76), and Professors Van der Smissen (1872-78) and Baker (1876-83). The Company took part in the resistance to the Fenian Raid of 1866, when three of its members fell at Ridgeway, J. H. Mewburn, Malcolm Mackenzie and William F. Tempest, in whose memory the window was set up in the East Hall. Destroyed in the fire of 1890, it was replaced by the present window which repro- duces the original design. The Company again served in the North West campaign of 1885. Soon afteiwards the University's direct con- nection with the Regiment ceased, but the records shew that in the follownng years many students and graduates both of the University and Trinity College served in this Company of the Queen's Own. Captain R. K. Barker, who commanded the Toronto company of the Canadian contingent in the South African war, was both an officer of the Regiment and a graduate of the University. For a brief period after August 4th, 19 14, the old connection was renewed. At a meeting, called by the late Dean W. H. Ellis and others, Univers'ty men were called on to begin training at once in one of the City Regiments. Amont those who were active in promoting this move- ment was the late Errol B. Piatt of the Queen's Own. A University Com- pany of this unit was established and began training in the evenings under Captain F. L. Burton. Several of those who then joined continued with the Regiment till they went overseas. Others transferred later to the C.O.T.C. In 1897 the late President Loudon requested a committee to con- sider the formation of a new MiUtia unit to be recruited from the Uni- versity. Not long afterwards the Second Field Company of the Cana- dian Engineers was organised, in which many undergraduates were trained in the following years under Professor W. R. Lang. In the Engineers of the c.e.F. were many who had received their first training in this unit. ROLL OF SERVICE xxxvii About the same time the Field Hospital and Field Ambulance Corps were organised, to become the nucleus of the present C.A.M.C. The commanders of two of the four Toronto Field Hospital Companies were Dr. J. T. Fotheringham and the late Dr. A. Y. Scott. Other members of the University or of Trinity Medical College were active in Army Medical service, notably Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson, who had served both in the North West and in South Africa. The Committee appointed by Dr. Loudon continued its efforts to secure the authorisation of a University Battalion. When the Oiificers Training Corps was established in Great Britain it was agreed that a similar body should be organised in Canada. Eventually the Corps was authorised and the first Contingent was raised at McGill University in 191 2. The establishment of a Toronto Contingent was delayed by difficulties in reaching an agreement with the Department of Militia and Defence for the provision of a site for Armouries. Organisation of the Corps The crisis of 1914 demanded immediate action, and without further delay the Contingent was authorised. In September a delegation repre- senting the Universities of Canada visited Ottawa to ascertain in what way they could best serve the country at war. It had been suggested that overseas units should at once be raised from the Universities, but the Government definitely replied that immediate needs would be better served by their providing units for training from which a supply of officers and non-commissioned officers could be drawn for the battalions of the C.E.F. as they were established. The regulations of the Corps implied that training for proficiency certificates 'a' and 'b', to qualify the holders for appointments as Lieutenant and Captain respectively in the Infantry, should be carried on for at least two years and concurrently with academic studies. Mem- bership in the Corps was also to be open to any who should wish to take the general training without the advanced work. These were to be known as 'efficiency' candidates. The history of the Corps in the next three years shews a large preponderance of the latter class, and the number of the proficiency certificates obtained does not bear a very large proportion to the whole. The regulations had been drawn up for peace times, and owing to the immediate exigencies of the war and the abnormally large enlistment in the Corps modifications in practice had to be made. Many members enlisted at once in the ranks of llu- c.i-:.r., and iti various branches of the service. Others received commissions in the C.E.F. battalions, and as immediate qualification was required, took shorter intensi\e courses in the District Schools of Iiiraii(r\-. Others xxxviii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO again found it necessary to qualify during the long vacations of 1915 and 1 916, when the Corps was not in operation. But it may reasonably be claimed that all its members learnt from their training in the Corps the first and not least important elements of military efficiency in all. arms of the Service. 1914-1915 Early in September a few members of the teaching staff who were In Toronto began daily training under Lieut. G. N. Bramfitt, C.E., and these formed the nucleus of the body of instructors for the Corps. Lt.- Col. \V. R. Lang, being in England in August, was recalled to Canada to supervise all the military instruction in the Toronto District, and in addition was shortly afterwards appointed Commander of the Corps. The University Rifle Association afforded a provisional organisation and its rifles were used till a full supply was available. Formal authorisa- tion was announced on November 2nd to take effect from October 15th, but within a few days after term opened nearly 2,000 students were drilling on the grounds on every afternoon after 4 o'clock. Though many had had some training with the Cadet Corps and some in the Active Militia, more had to learn the work from the beginning. The assistance of a few Sergeant Instructors from Headquarters was available, but for the most part the detailed instruction had to be given by those whose own training had begun not long before or had been suddenly revived after several years' intermission. The difficulties were many, but en- thusiasm and application compensated for want of experience. The members of the Battalion Staff were: — Officer Commanding, Lt.-Col. W. R. Lang; Majors, C.S. McVicar and A. D. LePan; Adjutant, Capt. G. N. Bramfitt; Quarter-Master, Lieut. C. H. C. Wright; Pay- master, Lieut. F. B. Kenrick; Musketry Officer, Captain V. E. Hender- son; Signalling Officer, Lieut. R. H. Hopkins, 45th Regt., attached; Battalion Sergeant-Major, J. F. Christie; Quarter-Master Sergeant, W. Hunt. Nine companies were first authorised, but three more were added before Christmas. They were arranged according to Faculties and Colleges: — ^A. and B., University College (with Knox), Captains G. H. Needier and M. W. Wallace; C. and D., Victoria, Captains C. Y. Massey and G. M. Smith; E., Trinity, Wycliffe and St. Michael's, Captain E. J. Kylie; F. and G., Medicine, Captains E. S. Ryerson and W. F. Mc- Phedran; H., L and K., Applied Science (with Forestry), Captains C. R. Young, A. W. McConnell, and H. H. Madill; L., Dental College, Captain \\ E. Henderson; M., Education and McMaster University, Captain W. S. Wallace. In the companies were also twenty-three subalterns drawn partly from the teaching staff, partly from the student body. ROLL OF SERVICE xxxix Through the Michaelmas term the usual courses of first training and mutual instruction were taken, and lectures were given by the senior officers. The weather was unusually fine throughout and a number of successful field days were held on Saturdays. On January 22nd, 19 15, H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught held the first inspection of the Corps. The arrangements had to be made on short notice and the Corps had only begun battalion drill a few days before. Despite the brief practice and the confined space of the Armouries the 1,500 men on parade ac- quitted themselves well and were highly commended by the Governor General. On April loth and 13th the Corps was inspected by the Officer Commanding the Military District and 1,359 were declared efficient. Already the numbers were diminishing owing to enlistments for overseas service. On May 3rd 709 members of the Corps went into camp for twelve days at Niagara-on-the-Lake. The camp was held in conjunction with the McGill o.t.c, and was commanded by the late Lt.-Col. W. C. Macdonald. As the period was short the men were kept hard at work on the camp grounds or at the rifle ranges with but little intermission till late in the day, and on some evenings lectures were given. On May 1 2th a tactical exercise was carried out against a skeleton force. May 13th was given to ceremonial. In the morning the movements were rehearsed before Major-General Lessard, and in the afternoon both contingents were reviewed by h.r.h. the Governor General. On the 14th a tactical exercise was carried out on a larger scale in conjunction with the McGill Corps and the Ridley College Cadets. The day con- cluded with a brief inspection by the Minister of Militia. The written work for Certificate 'a' had been taken in April, and the practical exam- inations were held in the camp. 153 candidates passed, nearly all of whom went on active service immediately afterwards. 1915-1916 At the opening of the next session 640 old members returned and 1,141 recruits were enrolled. Some changes were made to fill vacancies among the officers. Major Mc\'icar and Captain Ryerson having left in the spring with the University Hospital, Major LePan became Second in command, and Captain L. Gilchrist took command of F. Company. Captain C. N, Cochrane took charge of the Victoria College companies, as Captain Massey was now on the District Musketry Staff and Captain Smith was overseas. Licuts, G. S. Brett and \V. E. Willmott succeeded Captains Kylie and Henderson respectively when the latter went on active service. Captain F. B. Kenrick became Musketry Officer, and Mr. T. A. Reed was appointed Paymaster and Assistant Adjutant, xl UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO taking charge of the Orderly Room work and all the Corps records. An additional company was authorised under the command of Captain A. Foulds and later of Lieut. N. M. Macleod, and was recruited from graduates and others in the city. A large number of men from the Ontario \^eterinary College joined I. Company, which was commanded by Captain Kenrick after Captain McConnell went on active service, 'Some members of the teaching staff had enlisted in the previous year. Now many more joined and half of K. Company became known as the 'Staff Platoon'. The usual training was carried out through the session, and at the end of the year 125 members obtained proficiency certificates. At the annual Inspection 949 were on parade, the Corps having lost nearly half its numbers through enlistments for overseas during the session. At the end of 1915 the first draft of C.o.t.c. candidates for commissions in the Imperial Army had left. After the Overseas Training Company was organised at the end of of the session the work of training these candi- dates was transferred to it and will be described in the next section. " 1916-1917 By the end of the summer of 1916 nearly all the higher officers were on duty elsewhere. Col. Lang was on the General Staff of the District. Major Massey was in command of the District School of Musketry, and Captain Cochrane was on its staff. Captains Needier and Wallace were in charge of the Overseas Training Company, Captains McConnell and Gilchrist had gone overseas. Major LePan, was in command of the District School of Infantry, and Captains Bramlitt, Young, Kenrick, and Madill were on the Instructional cadre. Later Major LePan organised and trained the Polish Army at Niagara in the years 1917 and 1918, sending in all 20,720 Poles overseas. Associated with him from the University were Captains Young, Kenrick, Madill and Kirk. Owing to the reduced attendance in College the Corps was reorganised on a much smaller scale, the enrolment being now 524, mostly freshmen, and the training was carried on by the junior officers. Special Signalling classes were arranged for those who had previously taken the ordinary courses. 1917-1918 The Government grants to Militia units having been suspended, the Corps in one sense ceased to operate for the last year of the war. But its machinery and equipment were used for the training of the students who were now taking courses under the new compulsory scheme mentioned before. The actual instruction of the men, however, was given for the ROLL OF SERVICE xli most part by returned N.c.o.'s and members of the Army Gymnastic staff, under the supervision of Captain Blake-Forster, formerly of the 3rd Battahon, and special attention was paid to physical training. At the same time the life of the Corps was, as it were, being continued in the Training Company whose work is shortly to be described. Since the close of the war the Corps has been reorganised on a reduced • establishment to suit peace time conditions, and its work has been fitted in with that of the Department of Military Studies. Naturally its numbers are still small, when so large a proportion of the men now in attendance are already qualified by overseas service. But as time goes by each new generation will supply its quota of recruits to become ofificers in the Militia, and the Corps may look forward to a future of increasing usefulness in the service of the countr3\ THE UNIVERSITY OVERSEAS TRAINING COMPANY The beginnings of the Company antedate its ofificial authorisation by three months. In December 1915 it was announced that the War Ofifice would accept as caadidates for commissions in the Imperial Army mem- bers of the C.O.T.C., and others of like qualifications, who should be nominated by the Commanding Officer of the Corps and be approved by the Chief of the General Staff in Canada. The first candidates were selected after personal interviews by Major-General Willoughby Gwat- kin and left Toronto on the last day of the year. A second draft was chosen in February 1916. In March 1916 the establishment of an Overseas Training Company of the c.o.T.c. was authorised. It was to be a unit of the c.e.f., and its members were liable to be called on for service in any unit or rank by the Canadian authorities; but subject to this condition it was arranged that all candidates for Imperial commissions should from then onwards receive their preliminary training in the Company. Officers of other units wishing to apply first joined the ranks of the Company. Professor G. H. Needier, who as a student of l^niversity College had seen service in the North West in 1885, was appointed Commanding Officer. Professor M. W. Wallace was Second in command, and the subalterns were Messrs H. A. C. Brculs, L. R. Sh'oebottom, and H. W. Reid, undergraduates of the University. A. L. Huethcr became Company Sergeant-Major, and G. W. Kaiser Compan\- Quarter-Master Sergeant. J. P. S. Nethercott, \'. W. Armstrong, T. If. Jameson, T. W. G, Ashbourne, and the latr IL W. M. Cimiming were the first Sergeants. xlii UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Only members of this and other Universities or those who had equivalent educational standing were accepted. Recruits came from all parts of Canada and some from further afield in the Empire. Not a few were British residents in the United States. The members of the Company took the regular training required for ofhcers of the C.E.F., and many took the qualifying examinations at the District School of Infant^v^ Though on arrival in England the candidates for commissions had to take further courses and examinations, their previous training often enabled them to shorten the courses and many passed their final examinations with distinction. From time to time groups were sent to take courses in bayonet-fighting, bombing, machine gun work, etc., at the special schools at Camp Borden and elsewhere. The men left the Company after an average of eight months' training for various destina- tions. Some became ofhcers or N.c.o's in the Canadian units that were being raised in 1916 and 1917. Others joined the Royal Flying Corps or the Royal Naval Air Service, especially in the earlier days before the Fl^^ing School was established in Toronto. Others were sent temporarily or transferred permanently as Instructors to other units in the Military District, such as the Polish Army at Niagara. In the spring of 1918 the First Canadian Universities' Tank Battalion was raised. Nearly the whole of the Toronto Company, which was commanded by Major Wilfrid Mavor, .M.C., and ofiicered by members of the University, was recruited from the Training Company. The battalion went overseas in June, and with its training completed was about to cross to France, when the Armistice was signed. But the largest group was made up of those who were chosen for Imperial commissions. They were only accepted after careful selection. They were first recommended by the Officer Commanding the Company and were then examined by Col. W. R. Lang. If approved by him each candidate was required to have a personal interview with General Gwatkin, and only when his final approval was obtained was the applicant accepted. General Gwatkin took great personal interest in the work of the Company throughout and came to Toronto for the final selection of each draft. In all 334 candidates from ths Company were sent over and the last draft was on its way overseas when the war ended.' The total enrolment of the Company was 1,053 men, who were eventually distributed as follows:— to Im.perial commissions 334; to the Flying Services 118; c.e.f. commissions 73; C.E.F., N.c.o's and other ranks 53 ; to the Tank Battalion 201 ; to the Siberian Expeditionary Force 31; miscellaneous 24; discharged medically unfit 33; discharged on de- mobilisation 184. Two members died while on service in the Company. ^In addition 87 candidates for these commis?ions went overseas before the Company was fully organised, making a total of 421 from the C.O.T.C ROLL OF SERVICE xliii Major Needier and Captain Wallace remained in charge of the Com- pany throughout. When the first subalterns went overseas early in 1917 two of the Sergeants were promoted to succeed them, T. H. Jameson and J. P. S. Nethercott. When later these were appointed to the Tank Battalion, Lieuts. G. V. Laughton, m.c, P. K. Heywood and W. W. Lang, members of the University who had returned from overseas, took their places. After A. L. Huether went overseas in the spring of 1917, the Company Sergeant-Majors in succession were S. Butt, J. P. Hender- son, and F. W. Uden, d.C.M., formerly of the 58th Battalion. During the two years and seven months of its history the Company, with an average strength of 150, lived in barracks at Burwash Hall and trained in the University grounds, thus retaining a close connection with the University throughout. This book contains the personal records of only those who were before enlistment members of the Uni- versity or have become such since their return. But there were many others who, though not academically University of Toronto men, in many ways shared its life for a time, and the University is not unmind- ful of or ungrateful for the part which they played while bearing its name both here and at the front. THE 67th BATTERY, CANADIAN FIELD ARTILLERY When the question of raising a combatant unit from the University was discussed early in 1916, it appeared that most of those who wished to enlist in the ranks preferred the Artillery. Accordingly the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery was authorised, and recruiting began on March 29th. In two or three weeks it reached full strength, almost all the recruits being students or graduates. Later the proportion of actual members of the University to those drawn from other sources was not so large, but of the latter class many had University connections and some have entered as students since their return. The Battery retained its connection with the University throughout, and it was enacted that its officers should be graduates and their nominations approved by the President. The first recruits were disappointed to learn that it was to be a depot battery, and consequently that they could not go to France as a unit. But while serving in it College friends and associates were enabled to live and work together, often for several months. After going overseas the men of the successive drafts were distributed among various front line units, but as a rule each man found with him a few comrades who had trained with him in Canada. The first (\jmniandcr of the Battcrv was I.icnt. W. I. 'I'. Wright, son xliv UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO of Professor C. H. C. Wright, and himself a graduate and a member of the staff. The initial work of recruiting and training the unit was done under his direction. Except for a part of the summer of 1916, when Captain E. P. Johnston was in command, Lieut. Wright was in charge of the Battery for nearly a year. Associated with him at first were Lieuts. J. Newton, a former Captain of the University Football team, and W. Bowles, son of the Chancellor of Victoria College. The first draft of fifty men left for overseas on June 15th under the late Lieut. J. J. Campbell, who had enlisted as a gunner and then been promoted. The second draft, also of fifty men, left on July 12th with Lieut. Bowles in charge. Early in August the Battery went to Niagara for training and at the end of the month to Petawawa, where it remained till the late fall. Before it returned to Toronto another draft, of 96 men, left for overseas under Lieuts. Newton and H. Irwin. Through the winter of 1916-1917 the unit trained at Exhibition Camp. Lieut. Wright took a draft overseas in February, and Lieut. J. L. McCullough another in the spring. " The new Commander of the Battery was Captain R. J. Orde of Trinity College, who had enlisted in August 19 14 and had served as an officer in the R.f.a. in France and Mesopotamia until he was invalided home. He remained in charge through the summer of 1917, but was then forced to resign by ill health. He was succeeded by Captain H. E. Cawley, of Trinity College and Applied Science, who also had enlisted in August 1 9 14 and served in France for a year and a half. He had received his commission on the field after the battle of St. Julien, and continued to serve till he was wounded at the battle of Zillebeke. He remained in command of the unit until the end of the war. Further drafts were sent over, in the summer of 191 7 under Lieut. C. Eraser Elliott, in November 1917 under Lieut. H. D. Wallace, and in March 191 8 under Lieut. R. W. Hart. Smaller drafts also left from time to time. In the summer of 1918 Lieuts. R. D. Huestis, D. Huycke, and Gordon Lees, all of whom had been invalided home from France, joined the Battery. In September the Battery and the others of its brigade, Nos. 69, 70 a^nd 71, were merged in No. 2 Artillery Depot. From this the Second Canadian Tank Battalion was raised and went overseas in the autumn. 1 he efficiency of a depot unit, where changes of personnel are frequent, depends in no small measure on its more permjanent n.c.o.'s ap well as on its officers. From the summer of 1916 A. E. Jennings was Battery Sergeaht-Major. When he obtained his commission in 191 8 he was succeeded by b. s. m. Frank Pritchard. The Battery Quarter-Master Sergeants in succession were A. J. Lougheed, H. J. Vallentyne, and P. J. Avison. Sergeants P. F. Mdntyre, G. M. Shrum, P. S. McLean, and ROLL OF SERVICE xlv the late J. W. McDowell did valuable work in the first year before they went overseas. The Orderly Room Sergeants were H. Waugh and Stua^-t MacDorsald, and, after they went overseas, W. H. McDowell. Sergeants H. Nightingale and A. C. Garwood were with the unit during 1917 and 1918. A. Blyth was Pay Sergeant from March 1916 to November 1918, and the writer is indebted to him for several details of the Battery's history. The 67th was the only Artillery ujiit that wais officially connected with the University and it alone is described in detail here. Three other batteries, however, will always be associated in memory with the Uni- versity. In the records that follow the 25th, 26th, and 43rd Batteries occur frequently. The first two were raised in March 191 5, and a section of each was recruited for the most part here. They reached France in January 1916. The 25th served through the war to the end. The 26th was broken up in the spring of 191 7, and its members transferred mostly to the 17th or i8th Batteries. The 43rd was raised early in 1916 and reached France in July and served as a unit at the front for two and a half years. Not a few University men remained with these batteries throughout. THE UNIVERSITIES COMPANIES, PRINCESS PATRICIA'S CANADIAN LIGHT INFANTRY Early in 1915 the Regiment had been in action and was in need of reinforcements. Being originally recruited from various parts of the Dominion and not being a territorial unit, it had no special source from which reinforcements could be quickly raised. To meet the need an Overseas Company, temporarily attached to the 38th Battalion, was raised in McGill University from its own students and those of other Colleges with their friends, and began training in Montreal under Captain Gregor Barclay. In May this unit came with the McGill c.o.t.c. to Niagara Camp, where the University of Toronto Corps was also com- pleting its year's training. It had already been proposed that all the Universities of Canada should officially co-operate in this movement, and a second company of like character had been authorised. Before the camp closed it was definitely arranged that the University of Toronto C.O.T.C. should join in raising men, two of its officers being chosen to command platoons in the Company, Lieut. G. M. Smith and the late Lieut. D. G. Hagarty. Recruiting began at once in Niagara and was continued in Toronto. The Company mobilised in Montreal, the recruits going there as soon as attested. They were quartered in the McGill Union and used the College grounds for training. Enlistment was xlvi UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO not confined to University men, but only those of a like educational standing were accepted. Those in the ranks were all men of the same t\-pe and able to learn the work quickly. Congenial companionship and the opportunity of reaching the front in a short time proved strong incentives to enlistment. The First Company had gone overseas in May, and on June 28th the Second Company sailed from Montreal under the command of Capt. George McDonald and the late Capt. Percival Molson of McGill, both of whom had done much to initiate the whole effort. Their fine spirit proved both in Canada and in Flanders a great inspiration to all with whom they worked. The raising of the first two Companies had been so immediately suc- cessful that it was agreed to continue the plan, and during the remainder of 1915 and part of 1916 the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Companies were raised. Till he himself went on active service, the late Captain Edward Kylie acted as recruiting officer for the University of Toronto. The training of the companies was carried on at Montreal under the command of Major A. S. Eve, and later of Major C. M. McKergow, both members of the McGill teaching staff. The University of Toronto officers chosen for these later units were the late Lieut. J. R. Mitchener, and Lieuts. H. W. Cheney, C. C. Robinson, P. K. Heywood and A. B. Fennell. The First Company had gone to France in July 1915, and the men of the Second followed after only nine weeks' training. Those of the Third and Fourth went over early in 1916; those of the Fifth and Sixth went with the reinforcements after the battle of Sanctuary Wood. In that battle the Regiment's personnel was largely that of the Universities Companies. In the battalion itself the men were distributed where they were needed and the Companies lost their identity, but many who had enlisted and trained together were not separated in the trenches. In all over 1,400 men were recruited from or through the Universities of Canada for the Regiment and shared in its work and fame at Sanctuary Wood, Courcelette, Vimy, Lens and Passchendaele. By the opening of 1 9 18 but few of those recruited from this source were left in the ranks. Many had fallen on the field; others had been wounded or' invalided; some had been transferred to other units. Several won their commissions in the Regiment by service on the field. Of those that remained some were killed in the later fighting of that year, one of the last to fall being Sergt. M. Douglas Schell. A few w^ere destined to reach Mons on November nth, and to return to Ottawa, where the Regiment was demobilised on March 17th, 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE xlvii IT is, perhaps, more difficult to estimate aright the services rendered by an institution than those of individuals through a time of stress and trial. In giving the records of the men who fell in action or bore wound stripes or won decorations, and of all those whose names are in this Roll of Service, it is not easy to determine the precise share that their Alma Mater may claim in their fame. Yet if to her they brought great honour, without vain boasting it may be said that to them she gave something of value. The training which they received here was a pre- paration for the work that lay before them. Many of those who went and many who remained will acknowledge that to all those who guided the University's destinies here they owe much for an example of personal service, for words of wise counsel, for encouragement in despondency, for sympathy in sorrow through the darkest days. Any attempt to characterise the spirit of the University as shewn through these years is difficult. But something may be learnt from letters received from the front or from those who suffered loss. The writer has read many a letter sent home by a University man when another, his fellow student in arms, fell in action — from whom sometimes he himself was destined to be not long divided in death. They reveal how happy both were in their friendship, and happier because it w^as formed or continued within these walls. Those also who suffered loss have something to tell us, lest in later days we should forget. From many letters of a like spirit these passages are chosen. They were written by a young widow, herself a graduate, by a graduate father who lost two student sons, and by two other fathers, one of whom also gave both his sons in the cause : — "I think we all feel that we must, in whatever way we can, pass on the high ideals of our men to those who come after. For so many of them there are no children to 'carry on', and the coming University students must be made to feel that they are their spiritual children." "I want to thank the University authorities for their unfailing kind- ness to my three sons during their courses in the University. I am sure they were grateful, and could the latter two now tell you, they would say that the noble ideals which inspired their lives to the very last were in great part due to the high motives that have characterised the work of the University." "We who loved him hoped that his life would bring glory to his University; little did we think it would be by a glorious death. We are greatly comforted and consoled at this time by the generous praise and I"M\'ERSITY OF TORONTO affection expressed in letters from his many friends. As for your letter, we appreciate it, not less, but all the more that it is from a stranger. It seems to me there is one thing, among many, this war has tausght us — that spnpathy and understanding are the real bond of friendship, that this is not limited to one's relatives, but that those who share a like spirit ^^^th us are our kinsmen." "The University of Toronto has indeed a sad but glorious record of the war in its exceedingly long Roll of Honour. The work of the Universities, not only in Canada but throughout all English speaking countries, in training their alumni in those ideals of sacrifice to duty which sent them forth as leaders in distant fields should never be lost sight of; and perhaps those long sad Rolls will play an important part in the welding together of our people for centuries to come. In peace, as in war, one people!" ROLL OF HONOUR Killed in Action or Died on Service — 1 ]N Flanders fields the poppies blov? Between the crosses, ro^ on rov?, TKat mark our place; and in tKe sky The larks, still bra<)ely singing, Pj) Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short Aa^s ago We li\)ed, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Lo\)ed and were loA^ed, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hanas we throw • The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grox^' In Flanders fields. John McCrae. ROLL OF HONOUR ERIC MONTAGUE ABENDANA July lo, 1892— Oct. 16, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Sen of J. M. Abendana; b. Port Antonio, Jamaica; ed. St. Andrew's College; Applied Science, 1900-14, B.A.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Theta Delta Chi;^St. Mary's Cement Co. He was appointed to the Canadian Engineers in January 1916, and went overseas with the 4th Divisional Engineers the following June. In England he was seconded for duty under the War Office in charge of the construction of aerodromes. On rejoining the Engineers, 14th Field Company, he went to France in the spring of 1918, and was transferred to the 2nd Battalion, C.E., in July. Three months later he died of pleurisy at No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Duisans, Etrun. COLEMAN BOYD ADAMS June 13, 1895— Aug. 15, 1917 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of James H. Adams; b. Hanover; ed. Hanover P.s., Owen Sound c.i.; Victoria College, 1912-15; College Rugby and Hockey teams; c.o.T.C; 31st Regt., Lieut. In October 1915 he was appointed to the 147th, Grey County, Battalion, and went overseas in November 1916. At the end of the year he joined the 1st Battalion in France. He served through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements before Lens. On the day of the capture of Hill 70 he was returning from the front lines after the advance, when a shell struck, instantly killing him and the Corporal who was with him. Buried at Bully-Grenay. JOSEPH REGINALD ADAMS June 9, 1896— Nov. 26, 1917 Private, Eighth Battalion. Son of the Rev. G. K. B. Adams; b. Toronto; ed. Brantford P.s., Victoria, B.C., P. s., and H.S., Winnipeg H.S.; Wesley College, Winnipeg; Victoria College, 1912-16, b.a., (Pol. Sc); College Rugby, Hockey, Tennis teams; C.O.T.C. In February 1916, he was appointed as Lieutenant to the 141st Battalion. When later the number of officers was reduced he reverted to the ranks and thence won his promotion to Company Sergeant-Major before the battalion went overseas in April 191 7. To reach France he again reverted to Private and joined the 8th Battalion in June. After service before Lens through the summer, he was severely wounded at Passchendaele on November nth, a shell bursting near by just as his section had reached its objective. Two weeks later he died in hospital at Etaples, and was buried in the British cemetery there. WILLIAM HARVEY AGGETT April 25, 1895— Nov. 6, 1917 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion. Son of John T. Aggett; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale P.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science, 1913-15; Second Rugby and Hockey colours; c.o.t.c. In March 191 5, with a large number of University men, he enlisted in the 25th Battery, 7th Brigade, c.f.a., and went overseas in July. After transferring in England to the 23rd Howitzer Battery, 5th Brigade, he went to France in January 1916, and served in this unit on the Messines front and then through the battles of St. Eloi and Zillcbeke — Mount Sorrel. In July he was wounded in the knee and fractured his ankle at Armcntiercs. On his recovery he received his commission in the 4th Infantry Battalion, with which he served at Vimy and through the fighting before Lens and liiil 70. At Passchendaele he was instantly killed while leading his platoon forward from Bellevue Spur to reinforce the 1st Battalion. Buried west of Passchendaele. rXI\ERSITV OF TORONTO JAMES DOUGLAS AIKEN May 27, 1890— Nov. 9, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery. Son of the late J. H. Aiken; b. Cape Town, S-. Africa; ed. St. Mary's p.s., London P.s. andc.i.; Medicine, 191 1-12; Forestry, 1912-16, B.sc.F.; C.O.T.C. He left Canada on January ist, 1916, with the first draft of c.o.x.c. candidates for Imperial commissions. After training with the R. Horse Artillery, he reached France in February and was attached to a Trench Mortar Battery of the R. Field Artillery, 14th Di\ision. In April he was mentioned in Divisional Report for his efficient work. He served near Arras until August, when he was invalided for a month. He then rejoined his battery on the Somme front. Shortly after its return to the Arras front he died from injuries received in a premature explosion while the battery was in action. Buried at Arras. FREDERICK STANLEY ALBRIGHT March 23, 1883— Oct. 26, 1917 Private, Fiftieth Battalion. Son of J. D. Albright; b. South Cayuga; ed. Beamsville p.s.. Model School; Victoria College, 1904-08, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Hodgins Prize; Editor, 'Acta Victoriana'; Law course in Calgary; Thompson Prize; Barrister at Calgary, firm of Clarke, Carson, Macleod & Co.; Lecturer in Law at Calgarj' for University of Alberta; md. Evelyn Kelly, D.A. He had already won a prominent position in civil life, but though a higher rank was open to him, he chose to enlist as a Private, hoping to induce others to do the same. In June 1916 he joined the 191st Battalion and took an active part in recruiting for it. He was promoted Sergeant in October. After reverting, in September 1917 to the rank of Private, he joined the 50th Battalion in France. A few weeks later he was killed in the battle of Passchendaele. For six days his platoon held the line in a badly exposed position, from which only a few returned alive. Buried at Passchendaele. HUBERT GORDON ALLAN April 22, 1886— April 7, 191 5 Lieutentnt, y.m.c.a., b.e.f. Son of J. A. Allan, K.c; b. Perth; ed. Perth c.i.; University College, 1905-09, d. a. (Eng. and Hist. — CI.); M..\., 1913; Third Year President; Secretary, University Y.M.C.A. He was taking a b.d. course at Edinburgh when the war began. He went to France in December with the British y.m.c.a., having previously offered himself for service with the regular forces. After more than three months of very hard work in the Dieppe — Le Treport area he was taken suddenly ill and died two days later. Buried at Le Treport. HENRY HAROLD ALLEN Sept. 30, 1878— June 17, 191 3 Corporal, Eighty-first Battalion. Son of Henry Allen; b. Stayner; ed. Stayner p.s.; Trinity College, 1903-05, b.a. (Hist, and Pol. Sc); m.a., McMaster University; b.d. Queen's University; Presby- terian Minister at Aurora; md. Hannah Freeman Carruthers. In September 1915 he enlisted in the Stretcher-bearer section of the 8ist Battalion, and went overseas in April 1916. Shortly after arriving at Shorncliffe he died suddenly in Moore Barracks Hopsital. Buried at Shorncliffe. SAMUEL HALL ALLEN March 17, 1892— Oct. 12, 1917 Lieutenant, Ninety-seventh Battalion and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Alexander W. Allen; b. Port Huron, Mich.; ed. Wallaceburg p.s. and H.s., Harbord Street C.I. , Toronto; University College, 1913-15; c.o.t.c. ROLL OF HONOUR Early in 1915 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery, and later obtained a commission in the 97th Battalion. He went overseas in October 1916, and after serving for a time as instructor in bombing at Shorncliffe, transferred to the R. Flying Corps. He reached France in July 1917 and joined the 57th Squadron. Shortly afterwards he was injured in a crash, his machine controls having been shot away. Not long after his return to duty he was reported as missing. He had flown over the lines and failed to return. Later a German report stated that he had been killed on October 12th and was buried at Roslaere. THOMAS WILLIAM EDWARD ALLEN July 25, 1890— June 13, 1917 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Sen of the Rev. Canon William C. Allen; b. Millbrook; ed. Trinity College School; Teaching at Lakefield Preparatory School; Trinity College, 1907-08. He enlisted in the West in July 1916 with the 6th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and joined the battalion in France early in 1917. He served with the Lewis-gun section through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the subsequent fighting. On the night of June I2th, when returning with a water party to the front line, he was fatally wounded by a shell and died in No. 7 Casualty Clearing Station early the next morning. Buried at Noeux-les-Mines. ELTON CULBERT ALLIN Nov. 24, 1886— May 10, 1917 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of the late J. L. Allin; b. Bowmanville; ed. Lindsay p.s. and c.i.; Victoria College, 1906-09, 1910-11; Law Student at Regina, firm of Barr, Sampson & Stewart; md. Annie M. Cross. In May 19 16 he was appointed to the 203rd Battalion and went overseas in October. He joined the 44th Battalion in France on May 1st, 1917. Ten days later, when his battalion was preparing for the attack on the Triangle, he was killed by a shell near Givenchy as he was going up to the front line to relieve a wounded officer. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. JOHN OLIVER ALLISON Oct. 8, 1891— May 15, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixty-second Battalion and Royal Air Force. Son of Joseph Allison; b. Maxwell; ed. Maxwell p.s. and H.s.; Medicine, 1914-16; C.O.T.C. In May 1916 he was appointed to the 162nd Battalion as Signalling Officer. He was seconded to the R. Flying Corps in England, and after service in Egypt reached Mesopotamia in the summer of 1917. He was killed in the air at Altun Kupri on the Lesser Zab, while flying over the enemy's lines, after he had volunteered to take the Colonel of the Mapping Section with him in order to obtain important information' regarding the Turkish dispositions. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross and Bar had been awarded to him for good service rendered earlier in the cam- paign in carrying out raids at low altitudes over the enemy's forces. WILLIAM GEORGE AMSDEN March 23, 1888— Aug. 8, 1918 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion. Son of Lionel G. Amsden; b. Detroit; ed. St. Alban's School; Applied Science, 1906-10, B. A. sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Librarian, Engineering Society; c.P.R. Engineer- ing Staff; Consolidated Optical Co.; I2th Rcgt., Lieut. In June 1916 he was appointed Lieutenant in the 220th Battalion. He joined the 4th Battalion in France on the Lens front in November, 1917. Early in the morning on the first day of the battle of .'\micns, near Cayeux, he was in command of a first-wa\e UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO platoon. When owing to the hea\y mist the battalion partially lost its direction, he undertook the difficult and dangerous task of discovering the line of advance by taking a compass bearing and following it over broken ground and under heavy fire through the mist. Not long after he had successfully brought his battalion back to the right direction he was killed by a machine gun bullet. For his service, had he lived, he would have been recommended for a decoration. Buried at Ignaucourt. ARTHUR STUART ANDERSON May i6, 1889— June 2, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the late Rev. John Anderson; b. Peterborough; ed. Peterborough p.s. and C.I.; Scholarship; Applied Science, 1909-13. B-A.sc. (Mech. Eng.— Hon); Psi Delta Psi; IngersoU Rand Co., Sherbrooke, P.Q.; City Works Dept., Toronto. In June 191 5 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p. p.c.l.i., and reached the front in August. He served on the Somme-Amiens front during the autumn, and through the winter in the Kemmel area till March, when the battalion, now part of the 3rd Canadian Division, moved into the Ypres Salient. He was recommended for a commission in May, but before he could leave the battle of Sanctuary Wood began. During the bombardment he was killed by a shell which destroyed the front line dug- out in which he had volunteered to remain. CHARLES LAIDLAW ANDERSON Sept. 21, 1896— June 2, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Thomas L. Anderson; b. Port Hope; ed. Peterborough p.s. and c.i.; Forestry, 1914-15. In September 1915 he enlisted in the 33rd Battery, c.f.a., and transferred to the 4th Universities Company, P. p.c.l.i., in November, going overseas shortly afterwards. After a brief service with the battalion on the Flanders front, he was killed while on sentry duty on the morning of the battle of Sanctuary Wood. FREDERICK JOHN ANDERSON March 14, 1886— Oct. 28, 1917 Lieutenant, Eighty-fifth Battalion. Son of Frank Anderson; b. Niagara Falls, Ont.; ed. Niagara Falls p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science, 1903-07, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); City Engineer, Niagara Falls. In November 1915 he was appointed to the 98th Battalion, and went overseas in July 1916. A year later he joined the 85th, Nova Scotia Highlanders, Battalion in France, for which unit he served as Works Officer in the Lens area. At Passchendaele his company had just arrived to take over the line in preparation for an attack. They found that the battalion which they were to relieve had been compelled to fall back before the enemy. The company counter-attacked and recaptured the line. He was instantly killed when leading his men just as the objective was won. WILFRED BISSELL ANDREW June 4, 1896— Feb. 12, 1918 Lieutenant, Thirty-third Battalion and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Harry A. Andrew; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science, 1913-15: C.O.T.C. In December 191 5 he was appointed Signalling Officer to the 33rd Battalion. From May 1916 to June 1917 he was instructor in signalling to the 39th, 6th and I2th Reserve Battalions in England. He then joined the R. Flying Corps, and received his wings at the end of the year. He went to France in Jaunary 1918, being attached as bomber to the 55th Squadron on the Nancy front. A month later he was killed in action, his machine crashing after being over the enemy's lines. Buried at Bazoilles, near Nancy. ROLL OF HONOUR FREDERICK CHARLES ANDREWS Oct. 7, 1889— March 16, 1915 Lieutenant, Leinster Regiment. Son of the late Charles H. Andrews; b. Toronto; ed. Givens Street p.s., Toronto, St. Andrew's College; Applied Science, 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng.- — Hon.); Canadian Copper Co., Copper Cliff. In October 1914 he went overseas and was appointed to the 2nd Leinster Regi- ment. After only six weeks of training he reached France and on Christmas night first went into the trenches. During the following weeks he served in the severest weather on the Armentieres front, at a time when the British forces were largely out- numbered and the battalions could but seldom be relieved. After the battle of Neuve Chapelle the trench lines on either side became broken and confused. He had been cut at night with a party digging a new trench between the lines, and was returning in the dusk of dawn, when he was hit by a shot fired in error by the sentry of another battalion and died an hour later. Buried at Ferme Buterne, near Armentieres. His Commanding Officer wrote that, had he lived, he would have been recommended for the Military Cross for his courage in lying out all night between the lines with several wounded men. GORDON STEWART ANDREWS March 22, 1888— Nov. 18, 1915 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Walter S. Andrews; b. Torcnto; ed. privately; Trinity College, 1906-10, B.A. (Classics); Edward Blake Schol.; Editor, 'Trinity Review'; Staff, Toronto 'Mail and Empire'. In the autumn of 1915 he obtained a commission in the 33rd Battery, c.f.a. Short- ly afterwards he was accidentally killed v/hile in training at Kingston. WILBUR FAWCETT ANNIS Feb. 14, 1895— May 4, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Levi Edward Annis; b. Scarborough; ed. Scarborough p.s., Riverdale c.l., Toronto; Victoria College, 1915-16; 20th Regt., Lieut. At the end of his first term he was appointed to the 76th Battalion and went over- seas in September 19 16. The next month he joined the 58th Battalion in France. Being wounded near Vimy in December he was invalided to England, and on his re- covery- was seconded to the R. Flying Corps. He returned to Canada at the end of 19 1 7 and was appointed to the Instructional staff as Flight-Commander. He was fatally injured in an accident while in the performance of his duties, and died in the hospital in Camp Borden. ANDREW WILLIAM ARCHIBALD Feb. 4, 1892— April 4, 1917 Private, Fourteenth Machine Gun Company. Son of Andrew Archiljald; b. Hibbert Tp., Perth Cy.; ed. Tuckersmith P.S., Seaforth c.i.; Hon. Faculty Entrance, 1909; Teaching in Hullett and McKillop Tps., Huron Cy.; Education, 191 1 -12; Teaching at Zurich and Dufferin P.s., Toronto. In April 1915 he enlisted in the 35th Battalion, Machine Gun Section. The following January he joined the i8th Battalion in France, and in that unit served in the Ypres area and at St. Eloi and the Somme. In the latter battle he was wounded on October 19th. Early in 1918 he transferred to the 14th Machine Gun Company. He was killed by shrapnel a few days before the battle of \'imy Ridge. Buried at Ecoivres, Mont St. Eloi. WILLIAM LIND ARGO April 19, 1890— Oct. 17, 1918 Captain, I'nitcd States Chemical Warfare Service. Son of the Rev. James Argo; b. Nerval; ed. Wingham U.S.; L'nivcrsity College UXn'ERSITY OF TORONTO 1907-11, B.A. (Chem. and Min.); A. T. Fulton Schol., 1908, Edward Blake Schol., 1909, Daniel Wilson Schol., 1910; Treasurer, U.C, y.m.c.a.; m.a., 1912; Staff, Chemistry; PH.D. and Instructor, University of California; nid. Hilda Wallace Casselman. At first he worked under the United States War Office in Washington on problems of poison gas, and obtained important results on the eye-piece of the gas-mask. For this service he was appointed Chief of the Catalytic Section. In August 1918, on the special request of General Pershing, he received his commission in the American Army, which had been deferred owing to his Canadian citizenship, and shortly after- wards went to France. After a few weeks' service at Paris, Tours, and Chaumont (Haute-IMarne), he succumbed to pneumonia. Buried at Chaumont. ROBERT STANLEY ARMOUR July 8, 1889— Dec. i, 1918 Major, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Robert S. Armour; b. Campbellford; ed. Percy P.s., Campbellford H.S.; Medicine, 1910-15, M.B., CO. T.c. He was first appointed as Lieutenant to No. 4 General Hospital, but in July 1915 transferred to the R.A.M.C, in which he was promoted Captain in March 1916. For a year he served on a hospital ship to the Dardanelles and in the Mediterranean. After working also at Salonica and Alexandria he joined the East African Expeditionary Force, and served as Officer Commanding the First Field Ambulance in German and Portuguese East Africa at Mingayo and Dahaga. In March 1918 he was Mentioned in Despatches. At the close of the war he died from influenza "at No. 84 General Hospital. Buried at Dar-es-Salaam. PAUL LYNDON ARMSTRONG Sept. 17, 1890— Oct. 29, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-third Battalion. Son of the late John R. Armstrong; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa c.i.; University College, 1908-12, B.A. (Pol. Sc); Kappa Alpha; xiii Club; President, Historical Club; First Hockey colours. Tennis team; Law School; ll.b., 1915; 5th Regt., Lieut. In July 191 5 he was appointed to the 73rd Battalion, and went overseas in March 1916. He reached France in August, and served before Ypres and Vierstraat before going to the Somme front. At the time of his death he was Second in command of his company. He was killed by a shell near Courcelette, and buried at Albert Military Cemetery. THOMAS ANDREW ARTHURS May i, 1882— Dec. 6, 1918 Captain, Chinese Labour Corps. Son of Thomas Arthurs; b. Limehouse; ed. Georgetown H.s.; University College, 1905-08, B.A. (Philos.); Year executive; Vice-President u.c. y.m.c.a.; Knox College; Presbyterian Ministry, Missionary in Honan, China; md. Hilda Gertrude Scott. In March 1917 he left China with a Chinese Labour Battalion. In France he served at Zenneghem and Le Havre with No. 30 Company, and also acted as Interpreter. Shortly after the Armistice he was taken ill with pneumonia and died in Hospital at Le Havre, where he was buried in Ste. Marie Cemetery. ALEXANDER WATSON BAIRD March 2, 1892— Aug. 8, 1918 Captain, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of the late James Baird, k.c; b. Toronto; ed. Church Street p.s., Toronto, Upper Canada College; University College, 1910-11; Beta Theta Pi; Kent, McClain Co.; 40th Regt., Lieut. ROLL OF HONOUR He was first appointed to the 8oth Battalion and later transferred to the 126th. After reaching England in August 1916, he joined the ii6th Battalion and went wiih it to France in February 1917. In that year he served through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70, and Passchendaele. In the latter engagement he won the Military Cross for his bravery and skill in leading a successful raid on the enemy's trenches prior to the battalion's attack. On April 1-2, 191 8, he won a Bar to the Cross for his service in a trench raid at Mericourt on the Lens front. On the first day of the battle of Amiens the battalion in advancing on Hamcn Wood suffered severe casualties from machine gun fire. Leading his company he at once attacked a machine gun nest. Though he was hit several times he captured the position, but was shot by a concealed officer as the enemy were surrendering. His prompt action saved many lives and enabled the battalion to advance. Buried at Hourges. FREDERIC ALLEN BALLACHEY Feb. 20, 1877— Sept. 26, 1918 Lieutenant, United States Army Dental Corps. Son of Samuel Ballachey; b. Paisley; ed. Paisley P.s., Brantford C.I.; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1895-99, d.d.s.; Practising at Buffalo; nid. A. Leone Park. In March 1918 he was appointed to the United States Army Dental Corps, and served at BufTalo, and Camp Dix, N.J., where he succumbed to influenza in the following autumn. PANAYOTY PERCY BALLACHEY Nov. 9, 1877— June 14, 1916 Major, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of George Ballachey; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford p.s. and c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1895-99, d.d.s.; Practisirrg at Brantford; 38th Regt., Major; md. Fiances I. Doyle. In June 1915 he was appointed to the 58i:h Battalion as Second in ccmmand, and reached France early in 1916. The battalion was first stationed in the Ypres Sah'ent, and here he ser\'ed through the fierce fighting that followed the attack on Sanctuary Wood. Early in the morning of the day after the successful counter-attack he was going up to the front line, when he was struck by a shell fragment and instantly killed. Buried near Poperinghe. FRED EVEREST BANBURY Oct. 27, 1893— April i, 1918 * Flight Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Only son of Robert S. Banbury; b. Wolseley, Sask.; ed. Wolseley P.s. and H.s., Regina c.i.; Victoria College, 1911-12, University College, 1912-14; Regina Normal School; Teaching at Brcdenbury, Sask.; Law Student, Regina. In March 1916 he began training with the Curtiss Co., Newport News, Va. After obtaining his Pilot's certificate with the highest record of the School he went to England in Jul}', 1916, and received his commission in the R. Naval Air Service. He underwent further training there and reached France in March 1917, where he served in the 9th Squadron on ^he Dunkerque-Zeebrugge front. He was appointed Flight- Commander in July. In December he came home on leave, returning to duty in March 1918 with his Squadron (209th R.A.F.). A few days later he died from heart failure while flying. Buried at Hazcbrouck. After his death it was announced that the Distinguished Flying Cross had been awarded to him for his continuous skill and ability as a Pilot in 19 17, during which period he destroyed eleven enemy machines. LLOYD ASHLEY BANBURY June 22, 1894— April I7. iQi? Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of E. A. Banbury; b. Wolseley, Sask.; ed. Wolseley P.s. and U.S.; University College, 1912-14; Law student, Regina. 10 INI\ERSITY OF TORONTO He had been forced to give up his work at the University owing to the loss of the sight of one eye. After studying Law for a time with a Regina firm he enlisted in the spring of 191 6 in the 77th Batterj% C.F.A., and went overseas in August. In November he joined the 21st Battery, and served on the Somme and Vimy fronts. A few days after the capture of Vimy Ridge he was killed in action by a shell while serving his gun. Buried at Achcville Road Cemetery, Vimy. PERCY LOUIS BARBER April 13, 1893— Nov. 3^ 1917 Lieutenant, Twenty-first Battalion. Son of the Rev. P. Louis Barber; b. Southport, Eng.; ed. Hill Croft School, Bob- caygeon, Lindsay c.i., Picton c.r.; Teaching at Hill Croft and Toronto and Prince Edward County Schools; Education, 1914-15; Cadet Corps, Major; c.o.t.c, CoL- Sergt. In June 191 5 he joined the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.CL.i., from -which he was transferred to the 38th, and later to the 59th Battalion, with which he went over- seas. He joined the 21st Battalion in France, and while serving in It was wounded at Courcelette and again at Vimy Ridge. While leading his men at Passchendaele against a severe counter-attack, he was wounded in the chest by a sniper's bullet end only lived a short time afterwaids. Buried at Passchendaele. JOSEPH CLAUDE ANTHONY BARKER March 3, 1895— May 19, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Ftying Corps. Son of J. J. Barker; b. Toronto; ed. Nipigon P.s.; St. Michael's College, 1912-13; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1913-17, d.d.s.; c.o.t.c. Through the summer of 1916 he served as Sergeant in the c.a.d.c. at Camp Hughes, and then returned to College to complete his course. He again served in the c.a.d.c in Winnipeg and Camp St. Charles in the summer of 1917. In October he joined the R. Flying Corps at Toronto and trained through the winter in Texas, obtaining his commission in March 1918. After reaching England he was completing his course, when he was accidentally^ killed in a flight ne-ar Bournemouth, the day before he was due to go to France. Buried at Durrington, near Amesburj-. JOSEPH ALBURN BASSETT Aug. 26, 1888— Oct. 20, 1916 Corporal, Royal Canadian Regiment. Son of Elias Bassett; b. Listowel; ed. Listowel P.s. and H.s.'; Victoria College, 1913-14; Probationer, London Methodist Conference. In 1915 he enlisted at Halifax in the R. Canadian Regiment and went overseas in August. Reaching France early in 1916 he served through the fighting of the following spring and summer, mostly in the Ypres area. In the battle of the Somme he was missing. Later it was reported that, being wounded in the head, he bad been taken prisoner and had died at Graincouit. ALFRED CARBERT BASTEDO April 30, 1886— April 23, 1915 Captain, Fourth Battalion. Son of John M. Bastedo; b. Milton; ed. Milton p.s, and Contn. Sch.; University College, 1911-14, B.A. 1915; Tennis colours; 20th Regt., Capl. In the vacation at the end of his third year he joined the First Contingent, enlisting with him thirty-1 hree men in Miiton, and was appointed as Captain to the 4th Battalion. He went overseas that autumn and reached France in February 1915. At the second battle of Ypres he was killed near St. Julicn in the counter-attack that was made on the morning of April 23rd. He was one of ' he joined the 143rd Siege Battery, 5th Army, in January 1918, and served on the Somme front. He was gassed near Peronne on September i8th, 191 8, and succumbed to the effects some days later. Buried at Rouen. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his service on the day that he was fatally injured. Though suffering from gas himself, he went to the assistance of a section of his battery which had been heavily bombarded, brought back two wounded officers to a place of safety, and returning a third time to the post rallied the men of the section. WILLIAM JAMES BEATTIE Oct. 22, 1897— Sept. 30, 191 7 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Roj'al Naval Air Service. Son of Andrew Beattie; b. Stratford; ed. Stratford P.s. and c.i.; Victoria College, I916-I7; C.O.T.C. In June 1916 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, from which he was appointed to the lioth Battalion. When the establishment of this unit was reduced he was unable to go overseas with it, but after a short period of work as a shell inspector he joined the R. Naval Air Service and left Canada in March 1917. He passed his examinations in flying in June, and after taking a course in gunnery went to France in September. After a few days at Dunkerque he joined No. i Squadron on September 29th. The next day he was accidentally killed when he was making a practice flight. DAVID BENJAMIN BENTLEY Dec 16, 1864— April 5, 1917 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Benjamin Bentley; b. Uttoxeter, Lambton Cy. ; ed. W'oodstock p.s. and Woodstock College; Trinity Medical College, 1887-91, M.D., CM.; Practising at Sarnia' 14th Field Amb., Major; md. Alice Shaw Shepherd. He joined the First Contingent as Major in No. 2 Field Ambulance and went overseas in October 1914. Reaching France in February 191 5, he served on the front between Armentieres and Ypres, and then through the second battle of Ypres, in which he was slightly gassed. He returned to England in May and was appointed to the command of Monk's Horton Hospital. Here he remained till he was invalided. In November he was appointed to command the Base Depot, Medical Supplies, at South- ampton, lie was again invalided in November 1916, and died the following spring at Granville Hospital, Ramsgate. 12 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GEORGE HERBERT BERRY May i8, 1894— Oct. 9, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery. Son of George Berry; b Pincher Creek, Alta.; ed. Detroit University School, Upper Canada College; University College, 1912-16, b.a.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Secretary-, Rugby team. In June 1915 he joined No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital in England and went with it to Lemnos, which was a hospital base for the Gallipoli Expedition. When the Hospital was transferred to France he served in it for a while, but at the end of 1916 he began training for a commission in the r.f.a. He reached the front again in June 1917, being appointed to 'd' Battery, 315th Brigade. In the battle of Ypres — Passchendaele he was severely wounded and succumbed to his injuries three days later. Buried at Lyssenthoek. He had been recommended for the Military Cross. THOMAS HAROLD HILL BEVAN Dec. 31, 1886— Feb. 18, 1919 Captain, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of the Rev. Canon W. Bevan; b. Warboys, Hunts., Eng.; ed. Trinity College School; Applied Science, 1905-06; Accountant, Imperial Bank, London; 44th Regt., Lieut. After joining the Militia in January 1915, he was appointed to the 86th Battalion, and at the end of 1916 joined the 12th Machine Gun Company in France. He was wounded and gassed at Vimy Ridge on April nth, 1917. On returning to the front he served through the battle of Passchendaele, after which he was invalided with trench fever. He was attached to the Pay and Record Office on his recovery, but was again invalided in May 1918. He went to the front a third time in September and served through the fighting from Cambrai to Mons. In February 1919 he was taken ill and died at No. 20 General Hospital, Camiers. Buried at Etaples. NORMAN CREIGHTON BILTON May 30, 1889— March 5, 1919 Lieutenant, Canadian Heavy Artillery. Son of Thomas Bilton; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College'. University College, 1904-06; Chi Delta (Psi Upsilon); In business at Toronto; Kemp Mfg. Co.; Secy.-Treasurer, Bilton Bros. In January 1917 he began training for a commission and was appointed to the Cobourg Heavy Battery in April. He went overseas in charge of a draft two months later. He reached France in June 1918 with the nth Siege Battery of the Third Brigade Heavy Artillery. He served through the battle of Amiens and all the following engagements to the signing of the Armistice. After returning to England he was taken ill with pneumonia in February 1919, and died the next month at Bramshott Military Hospital. Buried at Toronto. PERCY VERE BINNS Feb. 8, 1893-Aug. 28, 1918 Captain, First Brigade, Canadian Engineers. Son of Ellis P. Binns; b. Port Antonio, Jamaica; ed. Huron Street P.S., Toronto; Pickering College, Woodstock College; Applied Science, 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Hydro-Electric Power Commission. In November 1915 he was appointed to the Canadian Engineers and joined the 1st Field Company at the front in the following June. During the Somme campaign he was wounded on September 8th, and was awarded the Military Cross for valuable service rendered in the construction of 'jumping-off ' trenches before Courcelette. He served through the Vimy-Lens campaign in 1917, including the capture of Hill 70 ROLL OF HONOUR ix in August. At Passchendaele he acted as Assistant Adjutant to the 1st Divisional Engineers. He was appointed Staff-Captain, 1st Brigade, Engineers, in May 1918. After serving through the battle of Amiens he was killed by a shell near xArras at the beginning of the adv^ance from that point. Buried at Dainvilie. MONTAGU HERBERT BIRD Feb. 22, 1896— July, 9, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of R. Montagu Bird; b. Cannington Manor, Sask.; ed. Collegiate School, Victoria, B.C., and Trinit}^ College School; University College, 1914-16; Kappa Alpha; c.o.T.c, Cpl.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In January 1916 he was appointed from the 48th Highlanders to the 134th Bat- talion, going overseas in August. He transferred to the R. Flying Corps in England, and on completing his course went to France at the end of June 1918, joining the 65th Squadron, R. Air Force. A few days later, at Vignacourt near Amiens, his plane crashed from an unknown cause, killing him almost instantaneously. Buried at Vigna- court. WILLIAM ALAN BISHOP Aug. 3, 1891— Sept. 26, 1916 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of A. K. Bishop; b. Owen Sound; ed. Keppel P.s., Owen Sound c.i.; Applied Science, 1913-15; Phi Sigma Tau; c.o.T.c. In March 1915 he enlisted from College with several others in the 25th Battery, C.F.A., and reached France in January 1916. He served as Signaller in the battery on the Kemmel front and before St. Eloi. At Ypres in June he rendered valuable service in mending wires under heavy fire, for which he was twice Mentioned. At the Somme, a few days after the capture of Courcelette, he went forward with a party to keep up communication between the Infantry and the advanced transmission station of the battery. Here he was severely wounded, and it is believed that he died shortly after- wards where he had fallen. GERALD EDWARD BLAKE May 28, 1892— July 23, 1916 Captain, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Son of the late Edward Blake; b. Toronto; ed. St. Andrew's and Bishop Ridlej- Colleges; University College, 1910-14, b. a. (Eng. & Hist. — CI.); Edward Blake Scholar; Kappa Alpha; Historical Club; xiii Club; Cricket colours; Law School. 1914-15; C.O.T.C. In July 1915 he received his commission and joined the i 4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry shortly after reaching France in November. He served at first south of Ypres and then on the Somme front, chiefly in the Hebuterne and Gommccourt sectors, and was quickly promoted to Acting Captain in command of a company. In the night attack on Pozicres he led his company up to the German parapet. Here he was instantly killed, but not before success was assured. Though the other officers of the company all became casualties the men carried on and captured the trench. He was found later where he had fallen, with a number of his men lying around liim. Buried at Pozicres. EWART ARTHUR BLATCHFORD May 17, 1893— Aug. 27, 1918 .■\cting -Sergeant, Onc-Iiundred-and-sixtccnth Battalion. Son of the Rev. T. W. Biatchford; b. Lambeth; ed. Wheatley p.s., Hamilton r.s., Essex H.S.; X'ictoria College, 1914-15; College Athletic executive and Association Football team; College Glee Club; c.o.T.c. 14 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In May 1916 he enlisted in the 182nd Battalion, and was promoted Corporal before going overseas a year later. He joined the i i6th Battalion on the Lens front at the end of March 191 8, and shortly afterwards was made Acting Sergeant. After serving through the battle of Amiens he fell in the advance from before Arras to the Drocourt- Queant line, when as his platocn was going forward he was 'struck by a machine gun bullet and instantly killed. Buried near Boiry Notre Dame. JAMES GORDON BOLE May 17, 1890— Aug. 28, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of William W. Bole; b. Moose Jaw, Sask.; ed. Winnipeg Preparatory School; University College, 1908-12, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Editor, 'Varsity'; Manager, Rugby team; Law School; Called to the Bar, 1916; 2nd Regt., Lieut. In October, he enlisted in the 19th Battalion, Second Contingent, in which he was promoted Sergeant. He reached France in September 1915, and served in the Ploeg- steert — St. Eloi area. He was Mentioned in Despatches for his service in the battle of St. Eloi, when he held a machine gun emplacement continuously for seventy hours. He returned to Canada in June 1916, and received his commission in the 255th Bat- talion. He went overseas again in May 1917, and in the following March joined the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps, in France. After going through the battle of Amiens, he was killed at Cherisy during the advance from before Arras while leading his company in a machine gun attack on the afternoon of August 28th. Burled at Cherisy. FELIX OLIVIER BOLTE April 22, 1894— Sept. 2, 1918 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. Son of the late Auguste Bolte; b. Toronto; ed. St. Alban's School, Upper Canada College; University College, 1912-15, b.a. 1916; Zeta Psi; 2nd Regt., Lieut. In May 1915 he was appointed to the 35th Battalion, and from this unit he joined the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles at the front in June 1916. He was injured by shell- shock at the Somme on September 15th and returned to England. For a time he was attached to the ist Command Depot and then to the 23rd and 12th Reserve Battalions. In March 1918 he returned to France and joined the 3rd Battalion. He served through the battle of Amiens and the first days of the advance from Arras. In the attack on the Drocourt-Queant line, near Cagnicourt, his company was held up and prepared to work round to a flank. Having been sent for by his Commanding Officer he was returning to his platoon, when the enemy opened fire with artillery. After taking shelter with some of his men for a time in a shell hole he was about to advance again, when a shell struck and killed him with four others. Buried near Cagnicourt. RICHARD HENRY BONNYCASTLE Feb. 10, 1881— Oct. 7, 1917 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Frank Edward Bonnycastle; b. Seymour Tp., Northumberland Cy.; ed. Campbellford P.s. and 11. s.; Medicine, 1901-05, m.b.; Practising at Campbellford ; md Winnifred Evelyn Carlaw. In November 1914 he joined the c.a.m.c, and transferred to the r.a.m.c. in May, 191 5. He reached France in July and served with the 47th Field Ambulance, 15th Division, and the King's Own Scottish Borderers. During the battle of Loos in Sept- ember he was with the advanced dressing station of the unit, and his service through the following months was mostly in that area. He returned to Canada in May 1916, and transferred again to the c.a.m.c. He served for a time at the Discharge Depot in Quebec, and then in command of the a.m.c. Depot in Military District No. 4 at Val- ( artier and Montreal. In the autumn of 1917 he died at his home in Campbellford. ROLL OF HOiNOUR 15 WALTER OSLER BOSWELL Jan. 19, 1890— March 3, 1919 Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Son of the late J. E. Boswell; b. Cobourg; ed. Sherbrooke, Que., H.s., St. Clement's School, Eglinton; Applied Science, 1907-11, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Tivani Electric Steel Co., Belleville, and Hydro-Electric Power Commission, Toronto. In August 1916 he joined the R. Naval Volunteer Reserve, and in January 191 7 was first appointed to a Motor Launch. He served on m.ls. 446, 248, 240. He went to the Eastern Mediterranean in April and was engaged in patrol and escort duties in the Port Said area. He served in the Naval force operating off the coast at the taking of Gaza, October to November 1917; then in mine-sweeping ofif Solium, N. Africa; then again along the coast line of Palestine, Haifa-Acre-Tyre-Sidon-Beyrout, in the final operations against the Turks. In February 1919 he sailed for England. Shortly after his arrival he contracted influenza, which developed into pleuro-pneumonia, and died at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Millbank. Buried at Brookwood. GEORGE EDWARD BOTHWELL Aug. 9, 1890— Sept. 15, 1916 Lieutenant, First Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of Thomas Bothwell; b. Perth; ed. Perth p.s. and c.i.; Forestry, 1909-13, B.sc.F.; Fencing colours; Super\'isor, Rocky Mountain Forestry Reserves; loist Regt. In October 1915 he enlisted in the 51st Battalion as a Private, and was promoted through the N.c. ranks to Lieutenant. He reached France in June 1916, and after a course of training at an Officers' School, joined the ist Mounted Rifles as Battalion Scouting and Intelligence Officer. At the Somme he led in the attack on Mouquet Farm, which he had previously reconnoitred for the battalion. After the attack, which succeeded with few casualties, he discovered a party of the enemy in a dug-out and summoned them to surrender. When they had passed out he was shot from be- hind by the officer of the party with a concealed revolver. Buried near Mouquet Farm. GEORGE HERBERT BOWLBY July 16, 1865— Nov. 10, 191 6 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Dr. D. S. Bowlby; b. Kitchener; ed. Kitchener p.s. and c.i.; Trinity Medical College, 1884-88, M.D., CM.; M.R.C.s. (Eng.) ; l.r.c.p. (Lond.); Practis- ing at Kitchener, 1892-1915; Mayor of Kitchener, 1901; Grey's Horse, Capt.; md. Adine Seagram (d.). In July 191 5 he was appointed to the Canadian Army Medical Corps. For over a year he was Deputy Assistant Director, Medical Services, at Folkestone, Bath and Seaford. He was accidentally killed at Seaford. Buried at Kitchener. HAROLD STAPLES BREWSTER July 15, 1893— Dec. 6, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Regiment and Royal Plying Corps. Son of W. S. Brewster, k.c; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford p.s. and C.T.; Victoria College, 1910-14, B. A. (Pol. Sc); Water-polo team; c.o.T.C; 38th Regt., Lieut. . In May 1915 he was appointed to the 36th Battalion, but transferred in England to the R. Canadian Regiment with which he went to France in October. During the next ten months he served on the Allicrt and Yprcs fronts and through the battle of Ziliebeke. In August 1916 he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps. He was killed in an accident near Dover while making his last long flight before receiving his wings. Buried at Brantforrl. i6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GEORGE GILBERT BRICKER Sept. i, 1892— Oct. 27, 1918 Captain, Canadian Forestry Corps. Sonof Simon B. Bricker; b. Waterloo; ed. Waterloo p.s., Kitchener c.i.; Applied Science, 1911-12, University College, 1912-13, Forestry, 1913-16; md. Kathryn C. Milroy. He enlisted in January 1916 in the Canadian Army Service Corps, and in March transferred toihe 224th Forestry Battalion, in which he was promoted Sergeant. He was attached to the c.f.c. Headquarters in England, and on receiving his commission went to France in March 191 7. He was attached to Headquarters at Etaples in charge of statistics for the Canadian Forestry work in France. He died of pneumonia at Bordeaux, where he was buried. ALBERT EDWARD BRIGHT March 9, 1891— April 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Albert Bright; b. Toronto; ed. Annette Street p.s. and Farquharson School, Toronto; University College, 1913-16; Knox College; c.o.T.c, Sergt. In March 1915 he enlisted in the 25th Battery, c.f.a., and reached France in January 1916. He served first on the Ploegsteert-Kemmel front and in the Salient. Ha\ing been promoted through all the ranks to Sergeant he was chosen in August for a commission and went to England for his training. Returning to France in November he was appointed to the i8th Battery, 5th Brigade. On the first day of the battle of \'imy Ridge he was detailed as Forward Observing Officer for the brigade. As he was advancing with his party he was shot by a sniper and fell, unable to speak but pointing forward, and died an instant later. Buried at Ecoivres. RUSSEL HUBERT BRITTON Sept. 11, 1881— May 2, 1917 Lieut.-Colcnel, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of C. E. Britton; b. Gananoque; ed. Gananoque p.s., Upper Canada College; University College, 1901-02; Zeta Psi; In business at Gananoque; 8th Bty., c.f.a.. Major; md. J. Bernice Jackson. He left Gananoque to join the First Contingent in August 1914, as Commander of the 3rd Batter}', ist Brigade, c.f.a., taking with him over 100 men from his home town who had served with him in the Militia. He reached France early in 19 15, and served through the battle of Ypres and the campaign of 191 5, and at St. Eloi, Ypres and the Somme in 1916. In October 191 6 he was promoted Lieut. -Colonel to command the 5th Brigade, 2nd Division, and in January 1917 was awarded the D.s.o. for his consistent courage, inventiveness and care of his men. After serving through the battle of Vimy Ridge he was instantly killed near Fresnoy by a shell which struck his dug-out. Buried at Aux Rietz. STANLEY HOWSON BROCKLEBANK Nov. 19, 1889— Sept. 20, 1918 Captain, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of David Brocklebank; b. Arthur; ed. Arthur p.s. and H.s.; University College, 1910-13; Year President; McMaster University, b.a.; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon); Law School; 30th Regt., Lieut. In August 191 5 he was appointed to the 71st Battalion and went overseas in March, 1916. He then transferred to the 46th Battalion and reached France in August. He was promoted Captain in November, and later to Acting Major. He served through the battles of the Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele and was four times wounded — on March i6th, 1917; April 9th, 1917; July nth, 1918; and August loth, 1918. On the last occasion, in the battle of Amiens, he was struck in the Knee, and a few weeks ROLL OF HONOUR later succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Le Treport. In December 1917 he had been Mentioned in Despatches, and again later when he was recommended for the D.s.o. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his courage and skill in directing the attack of his company, as he led the assaulting platoons until he was wounded. THOMAS GREGOR BRODIE Feb. 8, 1866— Aug. 20, 1916 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the Rev. Alexander Brodie; St. John's College, Cambridge and King's College, London; m.b., m.d., London; Demonstrator and Lecturer, King's College and London and St. Thomas Hospitals Medical Schools; Director, Research Labo'ratories, R. College Physicians and Surgeons; Lecturer and Professor of Physiology, R. Veterin- ary College; Brown Institute, University of London; School of Medicine for Women; F.R.S., 1904; Croonian Lecturer, 191 1 ; Professor of Physiology, University of Toronto, 1908; Alpha Omega Alpha (Hon.); md. Alice Sims. In May 191 5 he went to England with No. 4 General Hospital and spent the summer in researches on the respiratory processes in connection with wounds and dis- ease. He came back to Toronto for the session 191 5-16, and returned to England the next spring, when he continued his researches. Shortly before his death he took charge of a department in the Ramsgate Canadian Hospital to direct the means jaf re-educating maimed soldiers. He died suddenly of angina pectoris at his residence in Hampstead. WALTER JAMES BROOKS March 13, 1893— Oct. 9, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of Walter F. Brooks; b. Toronto; ed. De La Salle School, Riverdale c.i., Toronto; Applied Science, 1910-14; Toronto Harbour Commission. In the summer of 191 7 he joined the R. Flying Corps as a Cadet, and completed his training in Texas. He received his commission and went overseas in Fcbruar}' 1918. Reaching France in August he served in the 65th Squadron, R.A.F., en the Nieu- port-Lille section of the front. On the morning of September 28th he left the aerodrome with four others in support of an attack on Ostend. The formation was lost in the fog and rain, and of the planes that accompanied him two returned and two were captured. His own was shot down in flames, Some days later he succumbed to his injuries in a German hospital at Lokeren. Buried at Zand, Belgium. RICHARD AUSTIN BROWN Oct. 21, 1896— Nov. 14, 1917 Captain, Fifteenth Battalion. Sen of T. Albert Brown; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s., St. Andrew's College; University College, 1914-15; Zeta Psi; Second Rugby colours; c.o.T.c, Cpl.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In the summer of 191 5 he was appointed to the 58th Battalion, from which he went overseas with a draft shortly afterwards. He joined the 15th Battalion in France in November 1915, and in the following months served in the Ploegsteert-St. Eloi-Vpres area. He was wounded at Zillebeke and returned home for a while on leave, rejoining his battalion in October. At the battle of Vimy Ridge on April 9th, 191 7, he was awarded tlie Military Cross for his courage and ability in leading his company during the advance, and for his work in silencing an enemy machine gun. He served through the fighting of that summer ijcfore Lens and at Hill 70. At Passchcndacle, on Novem- ber 9lh, he was severely wounded in the head while in command of his company, and a few days later succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Lyssenthoek. 15 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO WALTER EVERARD ALWAY BROWN Aug. 28, 1894— Sept. 4, 1918 Private, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Mcrritt A. Brown; b. Toronto; ed. Clinton Street, McCaul Street, Leslie Street P.ss.; Riverdalec.i., Toronto; University College, 1915-16; Law School; c.o.T.c. In August 1916 he enlisted in the 201st Battalion, and later transferred, as Signaller, to the 198th Battalion, with which he went overseas in March 191 7. He joined the 75th Battalion in France in February 1918. On July 20th he was accidentally injured. In the fighting east of Arras, on September 4th, he was killed by the explosion of a shell. Buried near Arras. WARREN GEORGE BROWN Aug. 3, 1893— June 23, 1916 Corporal, Canadian Engineers. Son of John Brown; b. Collingwood; ed. Acton p.s. and H.s.; Applied Science, 1911-15; c.o.T.c. In November 1914 he enlisted in the 5th Field Company, Canadian Engineers of the Second Division, and reached France in September 191 5. He then transferred to the 6th Field Company, and served mostly in the area south of Ypres and in the Salient. A short time before his death he had been promoted Senior Corporal of No. 4 section. On the night of June 23rd, 1916, he was in charge of a party of Infantry repairing a communication trench, when he was struck by a rifle bullet and died in a few minutes without recovering consciousness. Buried at Reninghelst. WILLIAM GORDON BROW^N June 30, 1896— May 7, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of William Brown; b. Motherwell; ed. Motherwell P.s., St. Mary's C.i.; Applied Science, 1914-17; c.o.T.c. In August 19 1 7 he joined the R. Flying Corps as Cadet, and received his commis- sion in December, when he went overseas. He went to France in April 1918, joining the 19th Squadron on the Arras front. A few weeks later, when he was returning from patrol, his machine was seen to fall— it was unknown whether from accident or from the enemy's fire — and death was instantaneous. Buried at Aubigny. GEORGE WTLLIAM BRUCE Jan. 22, 1861— April 22, 1916 Lieut. -Colonel, Commanding One-hundred-and-eighty-first Battalion. Son of the late John Bruce; b. Allistcn; ed. Collingwood Schools; Victoria College, B.A., 1885 (Mods.); Editor 'Acta Victoriana'; Barrister, practising at Collingwood and Regina; K.C., 1908; Lt.-Col. O.C. 35th Regt.; md. Margaret Ellen McClelland. At the end of 19 15 he was appointed Officer Commanding the i8ist Battalion at Brandon. After several wrecks of strenuous work in raising and training his unit he was invalided, and was on the journey eastwards on leave when he died at Chapleau. Buried at Toronto. FR.^SER MACPHERSON BRYANS May 25, 1894— July 17, 1917 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of Dr. W. Eraser Brj'ans; b. Toronto; ed. W'inchester Street p.s., Jarvis Street C.I. , Toronto; Uni\-ersity of Toronto Schools; Applied Science, 1913-16; Second and First Rugby colours. He finished his course in aviation with the Curtiss School in September 19 16, an ' went overseas the next month. After completing his training in England he wa-^ appointed to the Felixstowe station for patrol duty over the North Sea. He was accidentally killed in a collision with another British plane while on a practice flight. Buried at Toronto. ROLL OF HONOUR 19 LEO BUCHANAN Sept. 5, 1885— April 19, 1916 Lieutenant, Third Machine Gun Company. Son of G. O. Buchanan; b. Truro, N.s.; ed. Kaslo, B.C., and Woodstock College; University College, 1902-06, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Editor, 'Varsity' and 'Torontonensis'; LL.B, 1908; Barrister, practising at Vancouver; 6th Regt., Lieut. In March 1915 he was appointed to the 47th Battalion and went overseas in June. Transferring to the 3rd Infantry Machine Gun Company he reached France in January 19 16 and served in the Ypres area. The night before his death he volunteered to do duty with the i6th Battalion as Machine Gun Officer at St. Eloi. He was killed instantly by a shell from a German revolving gun. Buried near Verbranden-Molen. WILLIAM PERCY BUCHANAN Jan. 12, 1891— June 8, 1917 Corporal, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Sen of Robert Buchanan; b. East Wawanosh Tp.; ed. Wingham H.s.; Education, 1914-15; Teaching at Carlton Street p.s., Toronto; C.O.T.C; md. Ethel M. Tipling. In IVIarch 19 16 he enlisted in the 170th Battalion and went overseas in October. He joined the 75th Battalion in France in December and served with the Lewis-gun section on the Vimy front. After taking part in the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements he was killed in action, being shot in the head during a midnight advance before Lens. JEFFREY HARPER BULL Sept. 2, 1888— Aug. 8, 1918 Major, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of the late B. H. Bull; b. Brampton; ed. Brampton h.s.; University College, 1906-09, B.A.; Year Vice-President; Law School; Candidate for West Sonierset, Imperial Parliament, 1918; 36th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 75th Battalion, in which he was promoted to Major on reaching France in August 191 6. After serving at the Somme he returned home on leave for the first part of 191 7. Shortly after rejoining his battalion on the Lens front he' was wounded on August 5th and again on October 3rd. He served through the battle of Passchendaele, and then on the Lens — -Arras front. He was awarded the d.s.o. in June 191 8 for his service during the operations before Lens in the previous year. On the first day of the battle of Amiens as he was leading his company to their objective, which was a sunken road near Beaucourt, he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried at Beaucourt. His name was Mentioned in Despatches five days after his death. ROSSWELL MORRIS BURGESS April 27, 1884— Jan. 5, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of the late Solomon Lossing Burgess; b. Doland, S.Dakota; ed. Burgessville Schools; R. College Dental Surgecns, 1907-11, d.d.s.; Practising at Toronto; md. Edna Somers Stewart. In December 1916 he was appointed to the Canadian Army Dental Cori s, and served in the Toronto Military District. On December 19th, 1917, he was taken ill and died some days later at the Base Hospital, Toronto. Buried at Toronto. SIDNEY SMITH BURNHAM Aug. 18, 1889— Aug. 9, 1918 Major, Nineteenth Battalion; Staff, Second Divisicn. Sen of Dr. G. Herbert Burnham; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; Iniversity College, 1906-1 1, B.A. 1912; xiil Club; Glee Club; Alpha Delta Phi; Quebec Bond Coy.; loth Regt., Lieut. 20 UNI\"ERSITY OF TORONTO He was appointed to the 19th Battalion in September 19 14, and went overseas in May 1915. Reaching France in September, he served, as Battalion Scout Officer, in the trenches before Messines through the winter, and at the battle of St. Eloi in the spring of 19 16. After a period in the trenches south of the Salient, the battalion moved to the Somme at the end of August. In this month he was promoted Captain, and then to the command of his company. On September 12th he was wounded in the arm near Courcelette, but returned to his company in November and was promoted Major. He was appointed Staff Captain (Intelligence), Second Infantry Brigade, in February 1917. During this year he served through the battles of Vimy, Arleux, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele. He was awarded the D.s.o. for his gallantry at Hill 70, when he personally supervised the placing of observation posts to ensure communication, and made daring reconnaissances under heavy fire, bringing back valuable information. In December he was appointed to the Headquarters Staff, Second Division, as G.s.o. ill. (Operations), going to England for a three months' course at Cambridge. After his return to France at the end of March 1918, he served on the Lens and Neuville-Mercatel fronts. On the second day of the battle of Amiens he was stationed with the 5th Btigade Head- quarters, as Liaison Officer for the Division during the battle, on high ground near Caix, and was watching the successful advance of the Infantry on Vrely, when he was instantly killed b}' a shell. Buried at Caix. He was three times Mentioned in De- spatches — April 30th, 1916; November 7th, 1917; and November 8th, 1918. WILLIAM JAMES GORDON BURNS May 7, 1890— Sept. 28, 1918 Major, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the Rev. Robert N. Burns; b. Barrie; ed. Orillia P.s., Brampton p.s. and H.S.; Upper Canada College; Victoria College, 1909-14, e.a. (Chem. & Min.); Fellow in Chemistry; c.o.T.C. In August 1915 he was appointed to the 30th Battery, C.F..A., and in December transferred to the 41st Battery. He was promoted Captain in June 1916, and reached France in the following month. He transferred again to the 30th Battery in March 1917, and from it to the 32nd Battery, 8th Brigade, in August. In December he was promoted Major and commander of the unit. During more than two years of continuous service he served through the battles of the Somme, Vimy (where he was wounded on April 17th), Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens and Arras. In the battle of Cambrai he was instantly killed by splinters from a shell when he was on a reconnaissance for a forward battery position at Bourlon Wood. Buried at Ontario Military Cemetery near Bourlon Village. In November 19 18 his name was Mentioned in Despatches, and in January 19 19 it was announced that the d.s.o. had been awarded to him for his service through the year, and particularly for his skill and courage in directing the work of his battery through the battles of Amiens and Arras. BRUCE HOSMER ACTON BURROWS June 30, 1893— Nov. 25, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Son of Acton Burrows; b. Winnipeg; ed. Model School, Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science, 1909-13, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Canadian Society of Civil Engineers; Canadian Allis Chalmers Co. In September 19 15 he joined the Engineers and shortly after was appointed to the 7th Field Company. Going overseas in March 1916, he took further courses in Eng- land, and in August reached the Belgian front with the 12th Field Company, 4th Division. Towards the end of September the unit moved to the Somme and at the time of his death he was in charge of the engineering on the front held by the 72nd ROLL OF HONOUR 21 Battalion. He was leading a party by night to put up wire at an important point fifty yards north of Regina Trench when he was struck by a shell fragment and died in a few moments. Buried at Bapaume Post Cemetery near Albert. CHARLES BUTLER Nov. 15, 1889— Sept. 28, 1918 Sergeant, United States Heavy Tank Corps. Son of Charles C. Butler; b. Iron Mountain, Mich.; ed. U.S. Public Schools; University of Wisconsin; Applied Science, 19 lo-ii ; Engineer. In November 19 17 he enlisted in the 304th American Engineers, being transferred later to the 65th Engineers and the 301st Battalion, Tank Corps. After arriving in England in March 19 18, he was appointed Reconnaissance Instructor. In the attack on the Hindenburg Line at Le Catelet-Gouy, on the night of September 28th, he volun- teered to go out with three others to lay the tape line for the tanks to follow. The enemy, discovering them, opened fire on the party and a shell struck, wounding the others and instantly killing him. Buried near Bouy. WILLIAM GEORGE BUTSON July 24, 1892— April 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of George William Butson; b. Staffa; ed. Staffa p.s., Seaforth c.i.; Education, 1912-13; O.A.C. special course; c.s.c.i.; Teaching in Mitchell H.s., 1913-14; Bowmanville H.S., 1914-16; In both schools organized Cadet Corps; 46th Regt., Lieut. In the spring of 19 16 he was appointed Captain in the 136th Durham Battalion, reverting later to the rank of Lieutenant. He went overseas in September, and the next month joined the 4th Mounted Rifies in France. He served through the latter part of the Somme campaign, and through the winter on the Vimy front. On the first day of the battle of Vimy Ridge he was killed by a sniper. Buried at Bruay. GEORGE WALTER CALL May 31, 1888— May 3, 1917 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of William B. Call; b. Toronto; ed. Dundas p.s. and H.s., Hamilton Normal School; Teaching at Dundas and Gait; University College, 1914-15; Knox College; McGill University, 1915-16; 29th Regt., Lieut. In May 1916 he was appointed to the i iith Battalion as Captain in command of 'd' Company and was in charge of recruiting at Preston. He went overseas in Sep- tember, and after reverting to the rank of Lieutenant joined the ist Battalion in France in the spring of 191 7. Two weeks later he was killed early in the morning as he was returning to his company from Headquarters. OLIVER LORNE CAMERON Aug. 14, 1888— Aug. 10, 1918 Captain, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of the late William Cameron; b. Woodville; ed. Lindsay c.i.; Applied Science, 1908-13, B..\.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Toronto City Waterworks; C.E.; md. Gertrude E. McCullough. In January 1916 he was appointed to the 208th Battalion, and went overseas in April 1917. He reverted from Captain to Lieutenant in March 1918 in order to reach the front, but was promoted again on the field. He joined the 54th Battalion in France. At the battle of Amiens on August 8th whjle he was leading up to llio attack, he was wounded with fourteen of his men by the bursting of a shell, and succumbed to his injuries two days later. Buried at Cruoy. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ANDREW RUSSELL CAMPBELL Oct. 26, 1880— Aug. 20, 19 14 ALijor, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Son of the Lite Major R. G. Campbell; b. Collingwood; ed. Collingwood p.s. and C.I.; Applied Science, 1899-1902, Diploma (Min. Eng.); Engineering at Saskatoon; 35th Regt., Simcoe Foresters, Sergt.; 105th Regt., Sr. Major, On the outbreak of the war he left Winnipeg with a contingent of the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry' and came to Ottawa to arrange for an appointment in the Engineers. A few days later he was drowned in the Rideau Canal. DUNCAN FREDERICK CAMPBELL April 28, 1876— Sept. 4, 1916 Lieut.-Colonel, Royal Highlanders, Black Watch. Son of the late Archibald Campbell; b. Toronto; ed. Trinity College School; Trinity College, 1895-98, B.A.; Lancashire Fusiliers, Lieut., Captain, S. Africa, D.S.O.; Royal Highlanders, Captain, Major, Lieut.-Colonel; Imperial Parliament, Member for North Ayrshire, 1910-16: md. Anne Louise Racey O'Reilly. In September 1914 he went to France and served with the ist, and later with the 3rd Battalion of the Black Watch. He was three times wounded in the first battle of Ypres and was invalided for a year. Through the first part of 1916 he served on the Belgian front. He was gazetted Lieut-Colonel in March, and was temporarily trans- ferred to the 2/7th Duke of Wellington's Regiment as Commanding Officer. In July he went to a section of the French front, where shortly afterwards he was severely injured in the explosion of a mine. A few weeks later he succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Kilmarnock, Scotland. He had been twice Mentioned in Despatches. JOHN JAMES CAMPBELL Jan. 16, 1890— Oct. 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery Onlysonof John C.Campbell; b. Gait; ed. North Dumfries p.s., Gait C.I.; Applied Science, 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Firm of Chipman & Power, employed at Bowmanville and Burlington. He enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battel y en its formation in April 191 6. In June he was promoted Lieutenant and went overseas in command of the first draft from the battel y. He joined the nth Battery in France on the Somme in October 1916, and served through the battles of Regina. Trench, Vimy Ridge and subsequent engagements to Hill 70. At Passchendaele he was wounded on October 20th, but remained on duty. He had been given leave to England but refused to go owing to the scarcity of officers at the time. Six days later he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried at Dickebusch. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his devotion to duty during five days' operations, when he steadied his men under continuous shell fire. He also carried a wounded Signaller back from the outposts for nearly a mile over shell-swept ground. ROBERT ALEXANDER RANKINE CAMPBELL March 19, 1893— July i, 1916 Second Lieutenant, West Yorkshire Regiment. Son of Robert Louis Campbell; b. Terravallur, India; ed. Berkhamsted School, Eng.; Trinity College and Forestry, 19 10- 1 4. In the autumn of 19 14 he enlisted in the 30th Battalion in British Columbia, where he had been working during the summer, and went overseas with the rank of Sergeant in the spring of 1915. At the end of April he joined the 15th Battalion in France and served through the battles of Festubert and Givcnchy. He was appointed to the 2nd West Yorkshire Regiment, 8th Division, in August, and served with it through ROLL OF HONOUR the battle of Loos in September and on the La Bassee front. His battalion moved to the Somme front near Albert in April, and in June he was injured by a shell but returned immediately to duty. After the first day of the battle of the Somme he was reported as wounded and missing near La Boisselle. He was last seen to fall wounded while leading his platoon forward in support. Two weeks later his body was found and buried. His Commanding Officer wrote "During the bombardment prior to the attack in which he was killed he had carried out several daring reconnaissances, and had he survived I should have forwarded his name for reward". WARREN KNIGHT CAMPBELL Aug. 28, 1893— Sept. 8, 1916 Major, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Frank A. Campbell; b. Mitchell; ed. Mitchell p.s. and U.S.; Victoria College, 1912-14; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon) ; Rugby and Lacrosse colours. He joined the c.E.F. in November 1914, and went overseas in May 1915, as Lieutenant in the Ammunition Park of the Second Division. In England he transferred to the R. Flying Corps, in which he received rapid promotion, being employed especially as Instructor. He was severely injured in December 19 15, while flying near Farn- borough, and after leaving hospital was given six months leave in Canada. While acting as Instructor for the Curtiss Company in Bufifalo he was fatally injured by a fall, and died shortly afterwards. Buried at Mitchell. WILLIAM MACKAY CARLYLE Nov. 15, 1888— Oct. 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of David Carlyle; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science, 1906-10, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Year executive; u.T. Rifle team; Tennis and Curling teams; Engineer on irrrigation in British Columbia and construction in Ontario. In September 1915 he joined the R. Flying Corps and trained in England. Going to France in August 1916 he served in the 60th Squadron on the Somme front. On October 26th when flying over the lines north of Albert he was missing, and several months later was reported through German sources as killed on that day. FREDERICK ALFRED CASH Feb. 25, 1896— July 24, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Only son of Robert C. Cash; b. Ingersoll; cd. Hamilton p.s. and c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1917-18. In January 19 18 he joined the R. Naval Air Service at Ottawa. He completed his training in June and began his service on the Firth of Forth, being attached to the Grand Fleet. A month later when he was flying alone his machine was seen from a distance to come down in a spinning dive, and when those who had witnessed the accident arrived he was found dead. Buried at East Linton, Haddingtonshire. JAMES POMEROY CAVERS Dec. 29, 1892— Sept. 3, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late W. A. Cavers; b. Gait; ed. Gait p.s. and c.i.. Upper Canada College; Applied Science, 1910-15; Boxing colours; President, Faculty Athletic executive; Faculty Rugby team; c.o.T.C. In January 1916 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery, in which he was promoted Sergeant before going overseas. He reached France at the end of the year and served in the fighting before St Eloi and Yprcs till July 1916, when he was wounded. On his recovery he transferred to the R. llying Corj^s and was sent in August 1917 to 24 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO the Balkan front, where he served with the 150th Squadron. The day of his death he was on escort duty protecting a reconnaissance machine, when he was attacked by six enemy planes. In order that the slower machine might escape he stayed and fought against such odds until his own plane was hit and fell into Lake Doiran. As he was swimming to the shore he was shot and sank. Two days before he had brought down two enemy planes, and after his death his name was Mentioned in Depastches for his services. ARTHUR HENRY CAVILL July 13, 1892— May 3, 1917 Private, First Battalion. Son of Frank Cavill; b. Collingwood; ed. Collingwood p.s. and c.i.; University College, 1913-14; Wycliffe College. In January 19 16 he enlisted in the 139th Battalion at Cobourg, and was promoted Sergeant in April. He went overseas in September, and was transferred to the 36th Battalion From it he joined the ist Battalion In France in January 1917, and reverted to the rank of Private. After serving through the first part of the Vimy campaign, he was killed in action at Fresnoy by a shell shortly after the objective had been won. Buried at Fresnoy. ADAM PEDEN CHALMERS March 4, 1865— May 16, 19 17 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late John Chalmers; b. Mornington, Perth Cy.; ed. Stratford and St. Mar>-'s Schools; Trinity Medical College, m.d., cm., 1892; Fellow, Trinity Medical College; Practising at Oil Springs, 1892-1914; md. H. Alberta Kennedy. In July 1916 he was appointed to the c.a.m.c, and after a short period at Camp Borden went to St. Lucia, B.w.i., as Medical Officer to the Canadian garrison there. He died suddenly from heart failure after a long day's work. Burled at St. Lucia. JAMES RUSSELL CHAMBERLIN April 7, 1891— June 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of James E. Chamberlin; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa p.s. and c.i., Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Forestry, 1910-14, b.sc.f.; Provincial Forestry Dept., B.C. In August 19 15 he joined the R. Flying Corps and went overseas in December. He trained at Reading, Thetford and Netheravon. At the latter place he was acci- dentally killed, his machine breaking in the air. Buried at Toronto. JAMES RONALD CHAPMAN Oct. 30, 1894— Oct. 3i. 191? Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Sonof Louis Chapman; b. Gait; ed. Gait p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science, 1912-16, B..\.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Psi Delta Psi; President, Electrical Club; c.o.x.c. In March 1916 he enlisted in the 49th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in September. He reached France in the following March, and served first in the 9th and later with the nth Battery. He went through the battle of Vimy Ridge and following engagements to Hill 70. At Passchendaele on October 28th, as they were answering s.o.s. calls, a shell struck the gun, killing four and fatally wounding him and his College friend, R. R. Hawkey. Three days later he succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Nine Elms Cemetery, Poperinghe. WILLIAM LIONEL CHARLTON Dec. 12, 1892— July 20, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Eighteenth Battalion. , Son of William Charlton; ed. Parkhill c.i.; Education, 1912-13; Teaching at s.s. 7, McGillivray. ROLL OF HONOUR In November 1914 he enlisted in the i8th Battalion and reached France in Sep- tember 1915. He served on the Ploegsteert section of the front, through the battle of St. Eloi and at Ypres. He was instantly killed on July 20th, 1916, when his battalion was in the line in the Vierstraat — St. Eloi area. Buried at Ridgewood Cemetery, near Vierstraat. ARTHUR WILLOUGHBY CHESNUT Jan. 28, 1890— Sept. 6, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry-. Son of D. George Chesnut; b. Toronto; ed. St. Andrew's College; Applied Science, 1907-10; B.A.sc, 1915 (Mech. Eng.); Theta Delta Chi; Foundation Co. of New York; Engineer at N. Transcona. In the summer of 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and in the spring of 19 16 joined the battalion in France, and served through the battle of Zillebeke. On July 2nd he was severely wounded in the knee while engaged in close fighting in the trench. For some time he was in hospital, after which he was sent to ShornclifTe. It was intended that he should return to Canada to receive a commission, but soon afterwards he was taken ill and died of pneumonia. PHILIP FRED CHIDLEY May 24, 1892— April 26, 1916 Corporal, Second Battalion. Son of the late John F. F. Chidley; b. Stratford; ed. Stratford p.s., Caledonia H.s.; University College, 19 10-13; Instructor, Reading Camp Association; North Bay Normal School. In June 1915 he enlisted in the 58th Battalion, and went overseas the next month. In December he joined the 2nd Battalion in France. After four months at the front he was killed in a bomb attack by the enemy near St. Eloi. Buried at Verbranden-Molen. PAUL BROOKS CLARKE Feb. 16, 1896— Oct. 28, 1917 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth Battalion. Son of Dr. William Frederic Clarke; b. London, Eng.; ed. Kew Beach p.s., LTpper Canada College, St. Alban's School, University of Toronto Schools; Trinity College, 1914-15; C.O.T.C. In January 1915 he enlisted in the Machine Gun Section of the 19th Battalion, and reached France in September. He served through the winter and spring in the Ploeg- steert-Ypres area and through the battle of St. Eloi. He was then invalided for several months. On his recovery, he trained in the Imperial Ofificers' Cadet Battalion at Oxford, but eventually obtained his commission in the 124th Pioneer Battalion, C.E.F. After some months of service in 1917 about Lens, he was killed near Zonnebeke while bringing up ammunition to the firing line in a night attack during the battle of Passchendaele. MAURICE ARUNDEL CLARKSON April i, 1893— April 21, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Edward R. C. Clarkson; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; University College, 1911-15, b.a. (Com. & Fin.); u.c. Rugby team; First Rugby colours; Mil CJul); Alpha Delta Phi; Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth; c.o.T.C; 9th Horse, Lieut. In the summer of 1915 he was appointed to the 75th Battalion, with which he wont overseas. He then transferred to the Artillery and went to France with the 41st Battery, I ith Brigade, c.f.a. He served through the battle of the Somnic and on the Vimy front. After the capture of Vimy Ridge, while reconnoitring a new battery position, he, with 26 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO several others of the battery, was severely wounded by hostile shelling near Vimy village on April 20th, 1917, and succumbed to his injuries on the next day. Buried at Barlin. He had been recommended twice for the Military Cross, and was Mentioned in Des- patches, dated April 9th, 191 7, for distinguished service in the field. JOHN LAWRENCE CLEARY March 3, 1897— June 9, 1918 Gunner, Canadian Hea\'y Artillery. Son of Thomas Cleaiy^; b. Appleton; ed. Appleton p.s., St. Patrick's School, Ottawa; Ottawa University; Applied Science, 1915-16; C.O.T.C. In August 1916 he enlisted with the 72nd, Queen's University, Battery, c.f.a. He was transferred to the ist Canadian Heavy Battery in England and went to France with it at the end of March 19 17. He served through the battle of Vimy and in the campaign before Lens; at Passchendaele and again on the Lens front. He was severely gassed on the morning of May 26th, 19 18, when the battery was being heavily shelled. On the night of May 30-31 the hospital in which he was lying was attacked in an air raid, and he was severely burned. The next day he was moved to the City of London Military Hospital and died there a few days later. Buried at Corkery, Ont. ALLEN CHARLES MACKENZIE CLEGHORN Feb. 2, 1872— March 22, 1916 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Andrew Cleghorn; b. London, Ont.; ed. Trinity College School; Trinity Medical College, m.d., cm., 1892; m.d., Victoria; Medical Superintendent, Toronto Home for Incurables; Medical Staff, Harvard University, 1899; md. Edna Gartshore. In December 1915 he was appointed to the c.a.m.c. and went overseas. Shortly afterwards, when he was attached to the 44th Battalion and awaiting orders to go to France, he died from pneumonia at Bramshott. Buried at Borden. CARLETON MAIN CLEMENT May 15, 1896— Aug. 19, 1917 Captain, Royal Flying Corps. Son of the Hon. Justice W. H. P. Clement; b. Toronto; ed. Vancouver p.s. and H.S.; Victoria College, 19 12-13; Theta Delta Chi; 31st B.C. Horse, Lieut. He resigned his Militia commission to enlist as Private in the 47th Battalion and went overseas in June 1915. He then transferred to the R. Flying Corps and obtained his commission in March 1916. He received his wings and was promoted First Lieu- tenant the following June, when he joined the 22nd Squadron in France. For over a year he served in continuous flying, chiefly over the Somme and Flanders fronts. In January 1917 he became Captain and Flight-commander. He was Mentioned in Despatches in April, and in May was awarded the French Croix de Guerre avec Palme. He was reported as missing on August 19th, his machine having been seen to go down out of control during a fight in the air. It was announced in January 1918 that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his gallantry and skill as leader of offensive patrols, and more particularly for destroying on one occasion two enemy machines and driving down five others out of control. WILLIAM HENRY CLIPPERTON April 10, 1886— Aug. 17, 1917 Lieutenant, Eighth Battalion. Son of William H. Clipperton; b. Toronto; ed. Thorold p.s., Niagara Falls c.i.; McGill University; Victoria College, 1905-06; Education, 1907-08; Teaching in Toronto schools; Principal, La Verendrye School, Winnipeg; 2nd Regt.; md. Ena Graydon. ROLL OF HONOUR In March 19 16 he was appointed to the 203rd, Winnipeg, Battalion and went overseas in October. He reverted from the rank of Captain in May 1917, in order to reach the front, and in July joined the 8th Battalion in France. In the attack on Hill 70 en August 15th, he had led his platoon to its objective, high up on the captured ground, when he was shot by a sniper through the throat and lung. It was not possible to remove him at once, but eventually, after some hours spent in a dug-out, he was carried back to No. 18 Casualty Clearing Station, where he died two days later. Buried at Mazin- garbe. FRANCIS NICHOLAS CLUFF Nov. 17, 1894— Aug. 28, 191S Lieutenant, Forty-ninth Battalion. Son of Noble Cluff; b. Seaforth, ed. Seaforth p.s. and Ci., Stratford Business College; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1915-16; 33rd Regt. In February 19 16 he was appointed to the i6ist Battalion, and went overseas in November. He reached France in May 19 18, joining the 49th Battalion. After serving through the battle of Amiens, he was killed by a machine gun bullet when his battalion was taking part in an attack at Pelves, east of Arras. Buried at Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, near Arras. OGDEN DUNLAP COCHRANE Feb. 15, 1890— Jan. 23, 1919 Lieutenant, Canadian Forces and Royal Horse Artillery. Son of the late Hon. Frank Cochrane; b. Mattawa; ed. St. Andrew's College; University College, 1908-14, b.a.; Alpha Delta Phi; xni Club; loth Regt., Lieut. Early in 19 16 he was appointed to the 123rd Battalion on its formation. Later he became A.u.c. to the General Officer Commanding Toronto Military iDistrict. In June 19 17 he went overseas as a Cadet in the R. Horse Artillery. While training on Salisbury Plain he received severe injuries in an accident, to which some months later he succumbed. Buried at Toronto. GORDON ALLAN COCKBURN Jan. 19, 1894— Nov. 8, 19 17 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery and Royal Flying Corps. Only son of William A. Cockburn; b. Toronto; ed. Huron Street p.s., Toronto, St. Andrew's College, University of Toronto Schools; Applied Science, 1911-13; Firm of Cockburn & Bundy. He was appointed to 43rd Howitzer Battery, c.f.a., in January 19 16, and reached France the following summer. He was wounded at the Somme on October 20th. After the battle of Vimy he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps. During the battle of Ypres and Passchcndaele he was severely wounded in an air fight and compelled to land at Houthem behind the German lines. Though he received immediate attention from his captors he died that afternoon in the dressing station. Buried in the Forest Cemetery at Menin. WILLIAM WILLIS CODE Sept. 30, 1892— Aug. 9, 19 18 Lieutenant, Fifth Battalion. Only son of Samuel Code; b. Valleyfield, Que.; ed. Dauphin, Man., p.s. and h.s.; Applied Science, 19 10-14; 32nd Manitoba Horse. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Dragoons, First Contingent, and reached France in the spring of 1915. He served dismounted through the battles of Festubert and Givcnchy. Subsequently he was recommended for a commission, and in the spring of 1917 was appointed to the ,sth Battalion, returning to France in May. 28 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO His company was retained among the shock troops and served in various places. On October 9th 19 17 he was wounded near Lens. In the battle of Amiens he was leading his men forward in an attack on a machine-gun emplacement, when he was struck on the head by a bullet. Calling out " Boys, I am hit, carry on ", he fell. Buried at Hill- side Cemeter>', south east of Amiens. JAMES DRUE COOK April 13, 1894— July 11, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of James N. Cook; b. Kirkwall; ed. Annette Street P.s., Humberside c.i., Toronto; Applied Science, 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon); Turner Construction Co., New York. In July 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps, and after training in Canada and Texas went overseas in January 1918. He went to France in June, joining the 107th Squadron, and served on the Ostend — Dunkerque front. On July ilth he was reported missing while fliying over the lines. Later it was announced from German sources that he had been killed in action on that day. Buried at Freyennes. WALTER HENRY COOPER April 12, 19 17 Private, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of the late Archdeacon Cooper; ed. Trinity College School; Trinity Medical College, 1886-7. He enlisted in the 139th Battalion at Cobourg in February 19 16, and went over- seas in September as a Sergeant. In the spring of 1917 he joined the 19th Battalion in France after reverting to Private. He was killed in action three days after the capture of Vimy Ridge. WILFRED JAMES COOPER May 3, 1897— Nov. 5, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Dr. Thomas Cooper; b. Melbourne, Ont.; ed. Strathroy P.s. and C.I.; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1918-17; c.o.t.c; md. Alberta M. M. Jackman. Early in 19 17 he joined the Canadian Army Dental Corps as Sergeant, and went overseas in May. After some months service in camps in England, he transferred in September to the R. Flying Corps, and received his commission in December. In 19 18 he went to France and from August onwards was employed as a night bombing Pilot in the loist Squadron, serving mostly on the Somme front, often crossing the line between Cambrai and St. Quentin, and reaching as far as Crevecoeur, Le Catelet and Bohain. A few days before the end of the war, when he was starting on a raid from Roisel, his machine crashed and took fire, from which he received fatal injuries. Buried at Roisel near Pcronne. CHARLES CRANSTON CORBETT 1889— Feb. 3, 1918 Captain, Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Ed. Crystal City, Man., H.s ; Veterinary College, 1913-15; C.A.V.C, Sergt.; C.O.T.C In February 1915 he enlisted in the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, leaving it in October to complete his course at College. In June 1916 he was appointed to the R. Army Veterinary Corps. After several months in France he died in February 191 8. CHARLES PENNER COTTON Dec. 21, 1890— June 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late Brigadier-General W. H. Cotton; b. Kingston; ed. Ottawa Model School, and c.i., Ashbury College, Ottawa; Applied Science, 1909-14; Faculty Hockey team; Second Hockey colours; Alpha Delta Phi. ROLL OF HONOUR 29 He enlisted in the 5th Batterj^ Second Brigade', c.f.a. of the First Contingent and reached France in February 19 15. In June he obtained his commission in the 8th Batter>\ He served through all the Canadian battles of 1915 and the first half of 1916; At Zillebeke he was in command of two guns that had been brought up to a position near the front line to be used in case of emergency. Fire was opened on them when they were discovered. He replied, assisted by his surviving gunners, and continued firing till the enemy came over Observatory Ridge, when he and his party were killed. Buried at Poperinghe. DOUGLAS JOHNSTONE COULTER May 7, 1896— Dec. 5, 19 18 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late M. Coulter; b. Vernonville; ed. Vernonville P.s., Fenelon Falls H.s., Cobourgc.i.; Medicine, 1915-17. In February 1917 he enlisted in the Cobourg Heavy Battery, and went overseas in April. He joined the Heavy Trench Mortar Battery of the 4th Division in France in July, and served in this unit on the Arras-Lens front, where he was slightly wounded, and through the battle of Passchendaele. In August 1918 he obtained his commission in the R. Air Force, but immediately afterwards was taken ill with rheumatic fever. From this he*never recovered, dying in hospital at Hastings, where he was buried. WALTER GORDON COUTTS Jan. 24, 1898— Dec. 3, 191? Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps Son of Charles Coutts; b. Toronto; ed. Parkdale P.s., Humberside C.I., Toronto; Medicine, 1916-17; c.o.x.c. In April 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps, and after training in Canada obtained his commission in August. For a time he was employed as Instructor at Leaside Camp before going overseas in September. Not long after reaching England, when he was instructing near Birmingham he was killed in an accident, his engine taking fire and the plane crashing from 300 feet. Buried at Toronto. STEWART COWAN April 30, 1890— Oct. i, 1916 Lieutenant, Twenty-fourth Battalion. Son of John Cowan, K.c; b. Sarnia; ed. Sarnia P.s. and c.i.; University College 1907-08; De'ta Kappa Epsilon; Law School; Barrister at Sarnia, firm of Cowan, powers & Cowan; 27th Regt., Lieut. In 1915 he was appointed to the 70th Battalion, and went overseas in April 1916. During the summer he joined the 24th Battalion, and served on the Somme front. He was killed in action at Courcelette. ERNEST HERBERT COX Nov. 15, 1888— May 23, 1918 Lieutenant, Eighth Battalion. Son of H. P. Cox; b. Winnipeg; ed. St. John's College, Winnipeg, and Trinity College School; Trinity College, 1905-09, u.\. 1910; College Rugby, Hockey and Cricket teams; Firm of Fielding & Shepley, St. Paul, Minn ; looth Regt.; nul. Gladys Alsip. In Septemljer 191G he was appointed to the lOOth Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion, and went overseas in a draft in October 19 17. He joined the 8th Battalion in France in December. Five months later he was killed in an air raid on he Arras front. Buried at Avesnes-le-Comte. UNIVERSITY OP' TORONTO JOHN WILBUR CRANE March 17, 1891— Oct. 30, 191S Captain, Rojal Air Force. Son of the late Dr. H. Bedell Crane; b. Newark, N.J.; ed. Newark p.s. and h.s., Staunton, Va., Military Academy; Applied Science, 1911-12, 1914-16; Second Rugby colours; Theta Delta Chi; 20th Regt., Lieut. In April 1916 he was appointed to the 216th Battalion and went overseas a year later. He transferred to the R. Flying Corps in England, and acted for a time as Instructor. In June 1918 he went to France, joining the 19th Squadron, r.a.f. On the morning of October 30th he started out in a formation of fifteen scouts and fifteen bombers between Valenciennes and Mens. As they turned they were attacked by an OAcrwhelming force of German machines. After shooting down two planes he was last seen contending against six of the enemy. JAMES PHILIP CRAWFORD April 30, 1885— Sept. 27, 1918 Captain, Third Battalion. Only son of the Hon. Thomas Crawford; b. Toronto; ed. Givens Street P.s., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Trinity College, 1903-06, b.a.; m.a. and b.c.l. 1909; Barrister, practising in Toronto; 2nd Regt., Major; md. Annie Laurie Bell. In January 1916 he was appointed Major in the i66th Battalion, and went over- seas in October. He was attached to the 12th Reserve Battalion in England, and em- ployed as Instructor in musketry. Reverting to Lieutenant, he joined the Third Battalion in France in August 1917. He was wounded en September 20th. He rejoined his battalion just before the battle of Amiens, through which and that of Arras he served. Shortly before his death he was promoted Captain. He died of wounds re- ceived near Cambrai. Buried at St. Quentin. ARTHUR RAMSAY CREIGHTON Aug. 21, 1894— April 12, 1917 Private, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of James W. Creighton; b. New Westminster, B.C.; ed. Royal City H.s.; University College 1910-1 1 ; Law student; 104th Regt. He enlisted in the 196th, Western Universities, Battalion in April 1916, and went overseas in November. In February 191 7 he joined the 46th Battalion in France on the Vimy front. He was wounded at Vimy Ridge and was being carried out, when a shell struck killing him and those with him. Buried near the place where he fell. RUSSELL ANDREW CROSS May 31, 1895— June 2, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Andrew Cross; b. Woodstock; ed. Hamilton P.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1912-15. In May 1915 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.L.T., and went overseas at the end of June. He joined the battalion in France in August and served in it on the Somme and Ypres fronts. At Sanctuary Wood on the morning of June 2nd, 1916, when the German bombardment began, a shell exploded on the trench roof and killcfl him instantly. GORDON WILLSON CROW May 9, 1894— Sept. 17, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. SonofJ.H.Crow; b.Welland; ed. Welland p.s. and H.s.; Victoria College, 1910-15, B.A.; Medicine, 1914-15; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Students' council; Swimming team. In March 19 15 he enlisted in the 26th Battery, and later received his commission in the Field Artillery. He joined the 7th Battery, 2nd Brigade, in France in February 1916. He wen the Milil ary Cross in June for his service as Forward Observation Officer ROLL OF HONOUR 31 at Zijlebeke, when he repelled a party of the enemy who tried to bomb him out of his post, and then reconnoitred and sent back information of the enemy's new position. He was killed in action at the Somme two days after the capture of Courcelette. HARRY LAURENCE CROWE April 12, 1897— June 22, 1917 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of Harry J. Crowe; b. Bridgetown, N.s.; ed. Acacia Villa School, N.S.; St. Andrew's College; Applied Science, 1915-16; Kappa Alpha; c.o.t.c. In the spring of 1916 he began his training at Newport News, Va., and on obtaining his Pilot's certificate went to England. After further training there he went on service in April 1917, being appointed to the Plymouth station on anti-submarine patrol duty. On the day of his death he was returning from a patrol over the Channel, in search of a submarine that had been reported, when from an unknown cause his machine fell into the sea. Buried at Toronto. HUBERT ANTHONY CULHAM Sept. 9, 1883— Oct. 4, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late J. A. Culham; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton c.i.; Ontario Agricultural College; Medicine, 1904-10 m.b.; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Practising at Viceroy, Sask. In the spring of 19 16 he was appointed to the C.A.M.C, and on reaching England served on a Travelling Medical Board and as Senior Medical Officer to the Reserve Artillerj' at Shorncliffe. Going to France in August 19 17, he was attached for a short time to No. 2 Field Ambulance, and then as Medical Officer to the ist Brigade, c.f.a., with which he served through the campaign of 1918 till his death. Late in the evening of October 4th he left Haynecourt, near Cambrai, for Wancourt with the Headquarters party of the Brigade. They had only gone a short distance when a bomb fell from an enemy's aeroplane instantly killing him. Buried at Haynecourt. JOHN ARTHUR CULLUM Feb. 6, 1879— Nov. 10, 1916 Captain, Twenty-eighth Battalion. Son of the late Michael Cullum; b. Alma; ed. Regina p.s. and H.s.; Trinity Medical College, M.D., CM. 1905; Practising at Regina; C.A.M.C, Lieut.; md. Retta M. Coote. In November 19 14 he was appointed Medical Officer to the 28th Battalion and reached France in September 1915. For eleven months he served as m.o. to the same battalion with great distinction through the trench warfare and at the battle of St. Eloi and Ypres. He was awarded the French Croix de Guerre in October 19 15, and also won the Military Cross in June 19 16 for his bravery in rescuing at great personal risk a Sergeant who was buried by a direct hit in his dug-out. In August 1916 he transferred to the Infantry, reverting to the rank of Lieutenant in his own battalion. With it he served through the battle of the Somme. In October he was awarded a Bar to his Military Cross for his courage and skill in evacuating the wounded under heavy fire. When in rest billets at Noulette Wood he was wounded, and died shortly after- wards in No. 22 Clearing Hospital. Buried at Bruay. After his death his Captaincy was gazetted. He had also been recommended for the Victoria Cross. HERBERT WILLIAM MACKARSIE GUMMING March 12, 1898— Sept. 5,1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of Walter W. Gumming; b. Campbellford ; ed. Huron Street I'.s., Toronto; University of Toronto Schools; University College, 1914-16; Year executive; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 32 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In March i9i6,on its organisation, he enlisted in the University of Toronto Over- seas Training Company as Sergeant and rendered important service as Instructor in that imit through its first year. He went overseas in March 1917, and joined the R. Naval Air Service. He began his active service flying in September with the 8th Squadron, R.X.A.S., and later with the 204th Squadron, R.A.F. He was injured in October but re- sumed flying. His service was mostly on the Arras and Dunkerque sections of the front. On September 5th, 1918, he was fatally hurt in a crash and died n hospital on thesam.^day. Buried at Dunkerque. BASIL LANCELOT CUMPSTON March 16, 1893— May 10, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Border Regiment. Son of Basil Arthur Cumpston; b. Wapella,Sask.; ed. Weston p.s. and H.s., Upper Canada College; U.C.C. Scholar, Trinity College, 1911-15, b.a. (Mod. Hist.); C.o.t.C. In May 1915 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas as Lance-Corporal the next month. He reached France in August and served in the battalion for a time till he returned to England to train for a commission in the Imperial Army. Being appointed to the 2nd Border Regiment, he returned to France in May 1916. On June 28th he was wounded at the Somme. On May 9th, 1917, near Bullecourt, he was reporting to his Commanding Officer the result of a reconnaissance, which he had made as Battalion Intelligence Officer, when a shell struck JHeadquarters and wounded all the Staff. The next morning he died of his injuries. Buried at Achiet- le-Grand. JAMES NELSON CUNNINGHAM March 29, 1893— Oct. 11, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Andrew Cunningham; b. Moose Jaw; ed. Moose Jaw p.s. and h.s.; Applied Science, 1911-16, b.a.sc.; C.o.t.C, Sergt., Lieut. In the spring of 1916 he joined the Instructional Stafi^ of the Machine Gun Depot in M litary District No. 2 with the rank of Sergeant, and was subsequently promoted Sergeant-Major. In April 1917, having joined the R. Flying Corps he left for England, and after completing his training reached France in September, joining the 56th Squadron. A month later, when flying over the German lines on the Armentieres front, he was attacked by five planes. His engines were disabled and he was wounded in the spine, but succeeded in bringing his plane to the ground within the British lines. He was taken to an Australian Casualty Clearing Station, where he died shortly afterwards. Burled at Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck. ROBERT ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM July 22, 1888— Sept. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of Robert Cunningham; b. Edinburgh, Scot.; ed. Edinburgh schools; Univer- sity of Edinburgh, 1906-10, B.sc; Staff, Applied Chemistry, 19 11-12; Staff in Chemistry Manitoba Agricultural College; md. In the spring of 19 16 he was appointed to the 196th, Western Universities, Battalion, and went overseas In October. He was employed In England for several months as Instructor in the Khaki University. In August 1918 he joined the 46th Battalion in France, and a month later was killed in action. Burled at Triangle Cemetery. WALTER HOWARD CURRY Oct. 27, 1890— Aug. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of James L. Curry; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne P.S., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1910-11. ROLL OF HONOUR 33 After training in the 216th and 199th Battalions he went overseas with a draft of officers in September 1916. On reaching France in November 1917 he was attached to the R. Flying Corps for duty till April 1918, when he joined the 19th Battalion. He was invalided in May, but rejoined his unit in July. After going through the battle_of Amiens, he was killed in action on the first day of the advance from Arras. Buriedat Achicourt. ALBERT EDWARD CUZNER Aug. 31, 1890— April 29, 19 17 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of the late John Cuzner; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa Model School and C.I.; Applied Science, 1909-10; University College, 1910-15, b.a.; Forestry, 1915-16; Phi Delta Theta; Athletic executive; Second and First Rugby colours; Second Hockey colours. In 1916 he joined the R. Naval Air Service and served in the 8th Squadron. On April 29th, 1917, he was reported as missing when flying over the lines at Vimy Ridge, his machine being seen to fall in flames. OLIVER GORDON DALRYMPLE Nov. 12, 1894— Nov. 3, 1916 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of John Anderson Dalrymple; ed. Smithfield H.s., Welland H.s.; R. College Dental Surgeons, 19 14-16; c.o.T.c. In the spring of 19 16 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, C.F..A., and went overseas with the first draft from it in June. In October he joined the i8th Battery, 5th Brigade, in France. On the Somme front two weeks later he was killed by a high explosive shell. He was the first member of the 67th Battery to fall. Buried^at Pozieres. EYRE FREDERICK MORTON DANN Oct. 31, 1887— Nov. 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-second Battalion. Son of the late Rev. Canon Dann; b. Limerick, Ireland; ed. privately, and at London c.i.; Applied Science, 1905-09, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); Rec. -Secretary, Engineer- ing Society; Alpha Delta Phi; British Columbia Hydrographic Survey; 72nd Regt.; md. Kathleen Isabel Thompson. " In September 19 15 he was appointed to the 72nd, Seaforth Highlanders, Battalion, and went overseas in April 19 16. He reached France in August and served on the Somme front. On his 29lh birthday he was wounded while with his company in the front line at Rcgina Trench. Two days later he succumbed to his injuries at No. 9 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Contay, near Albert. OSWALD GILBERT DARLING Nov. 22, 1893— Sept. 28, 1918 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the Rev. Charles B. Darling; b. Toronto; cd. Trinity College School, University of Toronto Schools, Oakwood C.I., Toronto; Applied Science, 19 14-16; C.O.T.C. In the spring of 19 16 he enlisted in the 6th I'niversities Company, p.i'.c.i..i., and joined the battalion in France early in 19 17. On \[)ril loth he was severely wounded at Vimy Ridge and for a year was convalescing in I'ngland. He rejoined his battalion in April 1918, and in August served through the battles of Amiens and Arras. After the crossing of the Canal du Nord he was killed in action when in charge of a Lewis-gun crew at the storming and raiiture of the village of Sailly near Cambrai. Buried near Sailly. —6 34 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GEORGE THOROLD DAVIDSON July 6, 1887— t)ct. 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Only* son of Dr. Alexander Davidson ; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Harbord Street C.I., Toronto; University College, 1903-08, B.A. (Pol. Sc); u.c. Literary Society executive; Barrister, practising at Medicine Hat. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the Calgary Rifles, but after reaching England he received his commission in the k.n.v.r., and served for a time on the Channel patrol. He then went with the R. Naval Division to the Aegean for service at Gallipoli, but when he reached Mudros the peninsula had been evacuated. He then proceeded with the Hood Battalion, r.n.d., to France and served in the Somme campaign. On September 25th at Beaucourt he volunteered to go into 'No Man's Land' to reconnoitre the enemy's trenches. Near the wire he became separated from the Petty Ofifiicer accom- I^anying him, who eventually returned wounded. A search party the next night failed to find any trace of him. Several months later it was reported that, being wounded and captured, he had died next day in a German hospital. GORDON PARSONS DAVIDSON Dec. 24, 1892— May 3, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Scots Fusiliers. Son of the late George L. Davidson; b. East Toronto; ed. E. Toronto P.s., Kimber- ley P.S., Malvern C.I., Toronto; Applied Science, 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Electr. Eng. — Hon.); A. H. Winter Joyner Co.; c.o.t.c. In the summer of 1915 he enlisted in the 95th Battalion, in which he was promoted Sergeant. He went overseas with a draft of C.O.T.C. candidates for Imperial commissions in March 19 16, and after training at Oxford was appointed to the R. Scots Fusiliers in November. In the spring of 19 17 he joined the ist Battalion of the Regiment in France. After a brief service he was missing on May 3rd at Monchy-le-Preux in the battle of Arras, and later was reported as having died on that day. LAWRENCE LAVELL DAVIDSON Sept. 19, 1896— Nov. 25, 1917 Lieutenant, Fifth Battalion. Son of J. J. Davidson ; b. Drayton ; ed. Yellowgrass, Sask., p.s. and H.s., Regina c.i. ; University College, 1913-14, 1915-16; c.o.t.c; 95th Regt., Lieut. In March 1916 he was appointed to the 152nd Battalion, and in October joined the 5th Battalion in France. Shortly afterwards he was atttached to the ist Canadian Entrenching Battalion working in the Souchez area. On April ist 1917 he rejoined the 5th Battalion, and served through the battles of Vimy, Arleux, and Hill 70. In the battle of Passchendaele, as Acting Commander of a company, he served through the heavy fighting of November loth. The next day his position was heavily bombarded with gas shells. He was badly gassed, but remained with his men a? long as he could, till finally he was forced to go to a dressing station. He was then evacuated to No. 14 General Hospital at Wimereux, where some days later he died from his injuries. Buried at Wimereux. ERNEST LANGFORD DAVIES Feb. 12, 1889— Oct. 21, 1916 Lieutenant, Eighty-seventh Battalion. Son of the late David Davies; b. Pernambuco, Brazil; ed. Stourwood School, South- bourne, and Ware Grammar School, Eng.; Farming in Ontario and Manitoba; Ontario Agricultural College, 1909-13, b.s.a.; Year President; College Water-polo and Swimming teams; Graduate student and Laboratory Assistant, Amherst Agricultural College, Mass.; StaflF, Ontario Agricultural College, 1914-15. ROLL OF HONOUR JO After being refused a number of times on physical grounds, he was accepted for service in the 25th Battery, c.f.a., in November 19 15. The following March he received his commission and was appointed to the 153rd Battalion. He went overseas in August with a draft of officers and almost immediately joined the 87th Battalion in France. After a brief service on the Somme front he was killed in action at the taking of Regina Trench. GUSTAVUS MITCHELL DAVIS Jan. 9, 1874— June 27, 1918 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Sheriff Robert H. Davis, m.d., Lt. Col.; b. York, Haldimand Cy.; ed. York P.s., Cayuga H.s.; Medicine, 1897-1901, m.b; Practising at Welland; 37th Regt.; c.A.M.C, Lieut. He volunteered for service in the Infantry, but in September 19 14 was appointed to the C.A.M.C. After serving with the Divisional Train and at Bulford Hospital in England, he was attached in May 1915 to the 5th Battalion in France and was with it through the battle of Festubert. He then transferred to the King Edward Horse. He was invalided to England in June 1916, and was attached to the d.m.s. Canadians and to the Embarkation staff. In March 19 17 he was appointed to the Hospital Ship Service. When H.M.H.s. 'Letitia' was wrecked on the coast of Nova Scotia, he rendered dis- tinguished service in the rescue and care of the patients, for which his name was Men- tioned in the ofificial communication to the Secretary for War. He was then appointed to H.M.H.s. 'Araguaya', and for a time to No. 2 Stationary Hospital at Boulogne. He was drowned at sea when H.M.H.s. 'Llandovery Castle', on the staff of which he was serving in June 1918, was sunk by an enemy submarine. MELVILLE ALLEN DUFF DAVIS Aug. 26, 1890— May 28, 1918 Second Lieutenant, King's Royal Rifles. Son of William H. Davis; b. Tara; ed. Tara p.s., Owen Sound c.i.; Victoria Col- lege, 1911-15, 13. A.; C.O.T.C. In July 1916 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company and went overseas in January 1917. Being appointed to the ist King's Royal Rifles, he reached France in May. At Mezieres, in September, he received a severe wound, necessitating the amputation of a leg. Several months later he succumbed to meningitis at Blackpool Military Hospital. Buried at Blackpool. He was awarded the Military Cross for directing the work of carrying and ration parties to the front line under heavy fire, nr ) for bringing up bombs during an enemy counter-attack; he also had taken command of and reorganised his company at a critical moment. IRVIN HARRISON DAWSON April 27, 1888— Sept. i, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery Son of John Dawson; b. Indianapolis, U.S.A.; ed. St. Catherines c.i.; Applied Science, 1906-09, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); Chi Delta Psi (Psi l^psilon); Faculty Rugby team; Engineer, Transcontinental Ry. and Welland Canal; 19th Regt., Lieut. In April 1916 he was appointed to the 54th Battery, c.F. A., and went overseas in September. He joined the 4th Battery in IVance in March 1917, and served through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70 and Passchendaele. I lo was awarded the Military' Cross for his courage and skill at Passchendaele, when as Forward Observation Officer he main- tained communication through the day under heavy shell fire, and though wounded refused to leave his post till relieved the next day. On .Xpril 17th, 1918, he was severely UNIVERSITY OF TOROxNTO gassed at Achicourt on the Arras front. After serving through the battles of Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant, he was wounded by a shell near Cambrai on August 29th when on forward duty for his batten,', and three days later died of his injuries in No. 42 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Aubigny. LESTER JEROME DEACON June 2, 1895— July 28, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Army Service Corps. Son of Thomas R. Deacon (Dip. Sc. 1891); b. Kenora; ed. Kenora p. s., Winnipeg P. s., Wesley College, Winnipeg; Applied Science, 1914-15. In March 1915 he enlisted in the 26th Battery, c.F. A., and later transferred to the 2nd Ammunition Park, m.t., as Driver. He reached France in September, and after serving through the winter in the Ypres area, he received his commission in the following spring. After a course in England he returned to the front and served through the battle of the Sonime in charge of portable machine shops and with the ist Divisional Ammunition Park. He then transferred to the ist Divisional Supply Column, and was in charge of taking in explosives for the attacks on Vimy and Messines. He was later attached to the Canadian section of the 5th Cavalry Divisional Supply Column. He was about to return to England for a rest, being exhausted after nearly two years in France, but before he could leave he was suddenly taken ill with tubercular peritonitis, from which he had previously suffered in his boyhood, and died in hospital at Frevent in a few hours. Buried at Frevent. CARL DE FALLOT July 17, 1885— July 15, 1915 Captain, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Son of the late Captain de Fallot; b. in Poland; ed. at Tokyo, Japan, and Trinity College School; Trinity College, 1902-05, b.a. (Hist. & Pol. Sc); M.A. 1912; College Rugby colours; Argonauts Rugby; Teaching at Imperial Naval College, Etajima, Japan; Canadian Bank of Commerce, Halifax; 2nd Regt. On the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the First Contingent, and was promoted Colour-Sergeant in the 12th Battalion. In England he obtained a commission in the Loyal N. Lancashires, and went with the 6th Battalion of the Regiment to the Darda- nelles in June, 1915. Shortly after his unit had gone into the trenches, on July 13th, Turkish snipers marked a path down which a ration party from his company were going. Several men were hit. On learning of what had happened he went to render assistance, and was wounded in the head by a sniper's bullet. Two days later he suc- cumbed to his injuries. Buried at Gaba Tepe, Gallipoli. HARRY LYMAN DEVLIN Jan. 15, 1896— Sept. 9, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Samuel L. Devlin; b. Stayner;ed. Stayner p. s. and h.s., St. Andrew's College; Staff of 'Toronto Star'; University College, 1913-15; 'Varsity' staff; Kappa Alpha; 35th Regt., Lieut. In June 1915 he was appointed to the 75th Battalion, and went overseas in the following March. He reached France in the summer of 19 16. Shortly afterwards, when his battalion was in the line before St. Eloi, he and Lieut. F. C. Howard took out a party for a night raid on the German trenches. When they reached the trench the enemy opened fire with machine guns, killing him instantly and fatally wounding Lieut. Howard. His body could not be found the next day by a search party which v.-ent out. It is thought that he was taken in by the Germans and buried beside his brother officer at Commines. ROLL OF HONOUR 37 CLESSON JOHN DICKINSON Dec. 17, 1897— Oct. 16, 1918 Sergeant Major, Instructional Staff, m.d. No. 3. Son of John Dickinson; b. Anderson; ed. Blanshard p.s., St. Mary's c.i.; Victoria College, 1915-17; c.o.T.c. In June 1917 he enlisted in the Canadian Engineers, Signallers. He was trans- ferred to Kingston in November as Instructor in the Eastern Ontario Depot Battalion. After eleven months' service there he succumbed to influenza at Belleville. DOUGLAS DICKSON May 18, 1883— April 14, 1917 Corporal, Forty-seventh Battalion. Son of Douglas Dickson; b. Glasgow, Scotland; ed. Hamilton Academy, Glasgow; Methodist Probationer, Bay of Quinte Conference; Victoria College, 1915-16; md. Marjorie Jane Buck. In November 1915 he enlisted in the 80th Battalion, and was made Sergeant. A year later he joined the 47th Battalion in France. He had reverted to the rank of Private, but was promoted Corporal on the field. On Nov. 24th, 1916, he was slightly wounded. At the battle of Vimy he was again wounded, and shortly afterwards suc- cumbed to his injuries at No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Barlin. ARTHUR CLARK DISSETTE Aug. 15, 1886— June 3, 1917 Flight Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Ser\ ice Son of Richard DIssette; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto s.s., Loyola College, Montreal; University College, 1903-04, Applied Science, 1904-08; In business at Vi ncouver, B.C. In October 191 5 he was appointed to the R. Naval Air Service, and in September 1916 joined the 3rd Wing in France. He was first employed in bombing, and was awarded the French Croix de Guerre for his part in the raid on Freiburg. Later he served on scout machines in the Ypres Salient, where he was killed near Poperinghe. Buried at Mendinghem, Proven. JOHN DUNCAN DOHERTY Sept. 28, 1889— July 26, 1918 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late Rev. A. E. Doherty ; b. Carluke; ed. Keady P.S., Owen Sound p.s. and C.I.; University College, 1911-15, b.a. (Philos.); Education, 1915-16; Knox College; c.o.T.c. In January 19 16 he enlisted in the 43rd Howitzer Battery, c.f.a., with a number of other University men. He reached France in July and served through the battles of the Somme, Vimy Ridge and the following engagements before Lens. He was wounded at Passchendaele on November 14th. During the following months his battery was stationed on the Lens and Arras fronts. He was killed at Arras by a premature explosion from one of the guns. Buried at Wanquetin. EVELYN PERCY DORRELL March 30, 1896— Oct. 14 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal West Surrey Regiment. Son of Lt.-Col. George Henry Dorrell; b. Woking, Eng.; ed. St. Augustine's, Ramsgate, Eng.; St. Michael's College, 1913-14; 72nd Regt. In the spring of 19 16 he enlisted in the 196th, Western Universities, Battalion, and went overseas in the autumn. He obtained his commission in the Queen's R. West .Surrey Regiment in July, and was appointed to the Slh Battalion, which he joined in November. He served on the Lens, Arras and Cambrai fronts. In I'cbruary 1918 he was wounded at Hargicourt. He was killed when crossing at night a narrow bridge over the Ri\cr Sclle, near Montrccourt, \\hich was commanded by the enemy's fire. Buried 3S UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO at Delseaux Farm Cemetery near Bapaume. His Commanding Officer wrote that had he not died, he would have been recommended for an award for his work on that night and for his service on previous occasions in carrying out difficult and dangerous patrols. GRANT DOUGLAS Sept. 25, 1887— Aug. 23, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery- Son of John Douglas; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; University College, 1909-13; Law School. In May 19 16 he enlisted in 'a' Battery at Kingston, and went overseas in Sep- tember. Early in 19 17 he joined the 7th Battery, 2nd Brigade, C.F.A. in France. He ser\-ed through the campaign of the following spring and summer on the Vimy-Lens front, till shortly after the capture of Hill 70. He was mending a broken wire, so as to give warning of an impending gas attack, when he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried near the i^lace where he fell, close to the enemy's lines by Hill 70. ROBERT JOHN GUNN DOW Oct. 2, 1883— Oct. 30, 19 17 Lieutenant, Forty-ninth Battalion. Son of the late John Ball Dow; b. Whitby; ed. Whitby c.i.; Trinity College, 1902- 06, B.A. (Pol. Sc. & Hist.); College Athletic executive; College Association football team; Barrister; loist Regt. Early in 1916 he enlisted in the ranks of the 151st Battalion. He was then given a commission in the same unit, and later promoted Captain. Reverting to the rank of Lieutenant he joined the 49th Battalion in France. At Passchendaele his battalion had been for three days in the attack and he had served with great skill and courage in command of his company. On October 30th he was hit by a sniper, but kept on for some time until forced to drop out. He insisted on walking to the dressing station as so many needed to be carried. He had almost reached a place of safety when he was struck by a shell and died almost immediately. KENNETH BFTOWN DOWNIE Oct. 18, 1894— Aug. 10, 1916 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late James Downie; b. Sourisford, Man.; ed. Toronto P.s., Melita, Man., p.s. and c.i.; University College and Forestry, 1914-16; Knox College; c.o.T.C. In January 19 16 he enlisted with several other University men in the 43rd Howit- zer Battery', loth Brigade, C.f.a., and went overseas in March. After two weeks at the front he was killed by shrapnel while serving as Signaller and repairing telephone wires in the Ypres Salient. His was the first death in the battery. Buried at Transport Farm. HUBERT SAMUEL DOWSON Dec. 13, 1891— July 31, 191 7 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of Samuel Dowson; b. Perth; ed. North Elmsley P.S., Perth P.s. and c.i.. Model School, Kingston; Victoria College, 1914-16; C.O.T.C. In April 1916 he enlisted with the Signallers, Canadian Engineers, and reached France a year later, when he joined the First Divisional Signal Company. After three months service on the Vimy-Lens front he was killed by a shell while laying a line in a trench near Hill 70. Buried at Nceux-les-Mines. OLIVER CECIL DREW June 26, 1894— July 23, 1917 Sergeant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of the late Oliver Drew; b. Brock Tp.; ed. Ellis p.s., Brock; Cannington H.s., Lindsay C.I.; Education, 1913-14; Teaching at Woodville ; Can. Engrs. ROLL OF HONOUR 39 In the autumn of 1915 he enlisted with the Ii6th Battalion, in which he was pro- moted Sergeant. He reached France in February 1917, and served through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements before Lens. Early in the morning of July 23rd he was in the leading party of a raid near Avion. They had reached their first objective at a machine-gun post, when the officer was killed. Being joined by the second party they went forward till they arrived at a sunken road and embankment from which they were forced by the enemy's fire to withdraw. As they retired he was missing and could not be found when search was made later. GEORGE CLARKE DUFF Aug. 2, 1893— Oct. 8, 19 16 Lance-Corporal, Fourth Battalion. Son of the late Hon. James DufT; b. Cookstown; ed. Cookstown p.s. and H.s.; Ontario Agricultural College, 1 190-14, b.s.a.; md. Elizabeth K. Drennan. In August 1915 he enlisted in the 76th Battalion, and though shortly afterwards he was offered a commission he chose to remain in the ranks. He went overseas in April, 1916, and in August joined the 4th Battalion at the front. In it he served as a battalion scout through the battle of Courcelette. After the attack on Regina Trench his body was found in No Man's Land, and it is believed that he had been instantly killed in the advance. Buried near-Courcelette. JAMES ROBERTSON DUFF Nov. 13, 1876— Oct. 8, 1916 Lieutenant, Forty-third Battalion. Son of the late Peter Duff; b. McNabTp., Renfrew Cy.; ed. Arnprior H.s., Renfrew Model Sch.; R. College Dental Surgeons, d.d.s. 1904; Practising at Portage la Prairie; 99th Regt.; md. Edna L. Haney. In September 19 15 he was appointed to the 79th Battalion, in which he was pro- moted Captain, and went overseas in April 1916. Reverting to Lieutenant, in August he joined the 25th Battalion in France, from which he transferred to the 43rd Battalion. He served first in the Ypres area, and then on the Somme as Battalion Bombing Officer. On the night of October 7th-8th his Battalion Headquarters moved to the West Mirau- mont Road north of Courcelette. The attack was launched just before 5 a.m., and shortly after the enemy's barrage opened. As he was assisting to remove wounded men from the Headquarters dug-out, a shell struck the stairway killing him and several other officers. Buried near the place where he fell. < ALEXANDER MITCHELL DUNBAR Jan. 9, 1891— Nov. 5, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of George Dunbar; b. Arthur; ed. Arthur p.s. and U.S.; University College, 1911-13. In January 1916 he enlisted in the 43rd Howitzer Battery, c.f.a., with a number of University men from Knox College, and went overseas a month later. He reached France with the battery in the summer and served through the battles of the Somme and Vimy Ridge and the following campaign before Lens. At Passchendaele he was wounded and died two days later in a Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Poperinghe. ARTHUR JACKSON DUNCAN April 3, 1893— Oct. 10, 19 18 Captain, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of Lyle Duncan; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdownc Ave. P.s., Model School, Harbord St. C.I., Toronto; University College, 19 10-14, "A. (Pol. Sc); Editor, 'Varsity '; 109th Regt., Lieut.; md. Muriel Meharg. 40 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In January 1916 he was appointed to the i8oth Battalion, and in September was promoted Captain. He went overseas the following month, and was Acting Major and Musketry- Instructor at West Sandling. Reverting to the rank of Lieutenant he joined the 19th Battalion in France. He was seriously wounded on August 15th, 1917, at Hill 70, but in November rejoined his battalion, to which he was appointed Adjutant. In February' he became a Company Commander, and was again promoted Captain in the autumn. He served through the fighting south of Arras from March to June, 19 18, and the battles of Amiens, Arras, Cambrai in the summer. On the night of October loth, at a position beyond Cambrai, he went out with his Sergeant in the darkness to straighten his line. Next morning the Sergeant was found killed by machine gun bullets. From German sources it was reported later that he himself had also been killed that night, but the details were never ascertained. GEORGE GORDON DUNCAN Jan. 25, 1892— May 22, 1915 Captain, Tenth Battalion. Son of the Rev. George P. Duncan; ed. Unionville P.s., Markham H.s., Wingham H.S.; University College, 1909-10; Medicine, 1911-12; Consumers Gas Co., Toronto; 36th Regt., Capt. In August 19 14 he was appointed to the 4th Battalion, and later transferred to the lOth Battalion of which he became Adjutant. He reached France in February 1915, and served through the battle of Ypres, being wounded on April 23rd. A month later he was killed in action at Festubert. THOMAS WILFRID DUNCAN Aug. 20, 1896— Sept. 26, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of T. R. Duncan; b. Mooretown; ed. Moore p.s., Sarnia c.i.; Applied Science, 1916-17; C.O.T.C. In 19 17 he joined the Royal Air Force, and after qualifying was employed as In- structor. On September 25th his plane crashed at Deseronto, and he succumbed to his injuries the next day. GEORGE DUNDAS Oct. 22, 1890— Sept. 2, 19 18 Captain, Royal Field Artillery. Son of William J. Dundas; b. Wheatley; ed. Wheatley p.s., Albert College, Belle- ville; Victoria College, 19 12-15; c.o.T.c. Early in 19 15 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery. He obtained a com- mission in the R. Field Artillery in England, and in the course of his service was pro- moted to a Captaincy. In March 19 16 he joined the i6ist Brigade in France. He received the Military Cross in October for conspicuous bravery under heavy fire at the Somme, when he was in command of four trench mortars placed at widely separat ed points. In September 19 17 he was gassed. He was awarded a Bar to his Military Cross in 1918 for his service during the March Retreat. He was killed in aclicn when taking part in the advance east of Amiens. Buried at Daours. GUY PEIRCE DUNSTAN July 9, 1892— July i, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Border Regiment. Son of Kenneth J. Dunstan; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; University College, 1911-15, B.A.; xiii Club; Zeta Psi; C.O.T.C. In May 19 15 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas in June. He received his commission in England in the i ith Service Battalion, Border Regiment (Lonsdale), and then was appointed to the Headquarters StafT of the ROLL OF HONOUR 41 97th Infantry Brigade, to which his battalion belonged. He reached France in November, going to the Albert-Thiepval area. On the first day of the battle of the Somme he was killed in action while carrying a despatch from the Brigade Headquarters to the Border Regiment near Thiepval. Buried in Lonsdale Cemetery, Aveluy, near Albert. WILFRID ELLIS DURANT Jan. 20, 1895— July 2, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of \V. A. Durant; b. ChestervlUe; ed. Winchester p.s., Chesterville H.s., Kempt- villec.l.; Education, 1914-15; Teaching at s.s. 10, Winchester, Dundas Cy.; C.O.T.C. In March 19 17 he joined the R. Naval Air Service and went overseas in May. On completing his training he went to France in November, and served in the Ypres area. After the change of organisation he was serving with the 29th Squadron, R. Air Force. The day of his death he was leading his squadron at a great height over the Ypres front when he was attacked by two German planes which came down from above a cloud. He was shot through the head and fell near Battery Corner. Buried at St. Omer. NORMAN OLIVER DYNES March 31, 1895— Oct. 15, 1918 Cadet, Royal Air Force. Son of Oliver Dynes; b. Toronto; ed. Cottingham and Jesse Ketchum p.ss., River- dale and Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Victoria College, 1914-17. In the fall of 191*7 he joined the R. Flying Corps as Cadet, and before his training was completed, died of pneumonia at Toronto. FREDERICK LAWRENCE EARDLEY-WILMOT Feb. 25, 1895— March 18, 1915 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Col. A. Eardley-Wilmot, c.m.g.; b. Portsmouth, Eng.; ed. Pelham House School and Cheltenham College, Eng.; Applied Science, 1913-14; Theta Delta Chi; Cheltenham College o.t.c. In August 19 14 he was appointed unpaid supernumerary Lieutenant in the P.P.C.L.I., and was taken on the paid establishment when in England. The regiment left for France in December as part of the 27th Division. He was then appointed Machine Gun Officer for the battalion and took a course at St. Omer. Not long after he had rejoined the unit near St. Eloi, when he was accompanying his Commanding Officer bj' night to select a machine gun position, he was instantly killed at an exposed point of the trench which was within a few yards of the German line. Buried at Voormezeele. FRANK DOUGLAS EARLY Aug. 15, 1888— May 14, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army V'eterinary Corps. Son of James Early; b. Brampton; ed. Brampton p.s. and h.s.; Ontario Veterinary College, 1910-12; Veterinary Surgeon, practising at Semans, Sask.; md. Hilda Mayc Willard. In January 1915 he was appointed to the Army Veterinary Corps, and for several months served in France, being attached to the Imperial Forces. He returned to Canada early in 1916, but a year later went overseas again. During his second period of service in IVance he was attached to the Strathcona Horse till March 1918, when he was taken seriously ill, and shortly afterwards was sent liack to Canada. In less than a month after his return lie died in hos|)ital at Kiniujslon. P.uricd a( Brampton. 42 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JAFFRAV EATON June 6, 1886— Oct. 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the kite Christopher Eaton; b. Owen Sound: ed. Owen Sound p.s. and c.i.; I'niveisity College, 1902-05, 1906-07, b.a.; Gymnasium team; Staff of 'Toronto Globe'; Toronto Press Club executive; Newspapermen's Rifle Association; 31st Regt., Major, Adjt. As Adjutant of his Militia Regiment he had taken an active part in recruiting and training men in 19 14, and a hundred men from Owen Sound joined the First Contingent. In 1915 he was appointed Adjutant of the 86th Machine Gun Battalion, and in January 19 16 transferred to the 147th Grey County Battalion as Major and Second in com- mand. On the reduction of the battalion establishment before going overseas he re- verted to the rank of Captain and became Quartermaster to the unit. He served as Quartermaster to the 8th Reserve Battalion in England till August 19 17, when he was allowed to revert to the rank of Lieutenant and joined the 4th Mounted Rifles in France. He was instantly killed on October 26th in the battle of Passchendaele, when his platoon was on the extreme flank and suffered so severely that only two returned. HAROLD SYLVESTER EDMONDS Oct. 20, 1895— April 20, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Wiltshire Regiment. Son of Richard Edmonds; b. Simcoe; ed. Simcoe p.s. and H.s.; Forestry, 1914-16; C.O.T.C. In February 1916 he was chosen from the C.O.T.C. as a candidate for an Imperial commission. After completing his training he was appointed to the Wiltshire Regiment in November, and joined the 2nd Battalion in France in December. He served in the trench warfare south of Arras during the following months. In the attack on Vimy Ridge on April 9th he led his platoon up to the enemy's wires, where he was wounded. Owing to the severe fighting it was not possible to bring him in till the night of the next day. Ten days later he succumbed to his injuries when at No. 24 General Hospital, Etaples. Buried at Etaples. For his work on the 9th before he was wounded he was recommended for the Military Cross, which was presented to his parents after his death. WILFRED EUGENE EDMONDS Sept. 13, 1876— Nov. i, 1918 Private, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of William B. Edmonds; b. Norwich; ed. Norwich p.s.; College of Pharmacy, PHM.B 1896; Druggist at Norwich, Ont., and Butte, Montana; md. Katharine M. Harper. In August 1918 he enlisted at San Francisco with the r.a.m.c, being attached to the 3rd Training Battalion. Shortly after arriving in England he succumbed to in- fluenza at Kirkham Military Hospital, Blackpool. Buried at Blackpool. CLAUDE ELSDEN ELLIOTT Aug. 2, 1894— Sept. 5, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Rev. George Elliott; b. Comber; ed. Tyrconnell p.s., Dutton H.s.; University College, 191 1-15, b.a.; Wycliffe College; Year Vice-President; y.m.ca. executive; c.o.T.c. In October 19 15 he enlisted in No. 2 Field Ambulance Depot. On reaching France in June 1916 he joined No. 7 Canadian General Hospital, which was then stationed at Le Treport and later at Etaples. He served in this unit for several months, being pro- moted Sergeant in August 19 17. He left for England in January 19 18, to train for the Air Service. Shortly after qualifying and receiving his commission he was killed in an accident at Hooton Park. Buried at Eastham, Cheshire. ROLL OF HONOUR 43 JOSEPH ELLIOTT April i, 1871— Dec. 12, 1919 Captain, Canadian Chaplain Service. Son of the late Thomas Elliott; b. Bayfield; ed. Galtc.i.; University College 1883- 87, B.A.; Knox College; Presbyterian Ministry at Nairn and Beechwood; md. Eleanor Rose Esson. He went overseas in December 1915 and was attached as Chaplain to the 9th c.m.r. and later to the a.s.c. at Bramshott. Going to France in June 1916, he served with the 6th Infantry Brigade in the Salient, at the Somme and on the Vimy front. He was invalided to England in November and was attached to the 1st Casualty Training Battalion and the 2nd Command Depot at Hastings and St. Leonards. In June 1917 he was appointed Senior Chaplain to the Machine Gun Depot at Crowborough, and in July to the Railway Troops at Purfleet. From January 1918 to July 1919 he was Chaplain to No. 4, University of Toronto, General Hospital at Basingstoke. Returning home with this unit, he was invalided and died at St. Andrew's Hospital, Toronto, in December. Buried at London, Ont. DOUGLAS QUIRK ELLIS Sept. 13, 1896— Feb. 8, 19 18 Lieutenant, Canadian Railway Troops and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Matthew C. Ellis; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; University College, 1914-16; Chi Delta Psi (PsI Upsilon); c.o.T.c. In May 19 16 he was appointed to the Canadian Army Service Corps, and served in Military District No. 2. Later he transferred to the Canadian Railway Troops, with a draft of which he went overseas in August 1917. He then was seconded to the R. Flying Corps, and trained at Reading and St. Albans. He was killed in a collision while flying near St. Albans. Buried at Toronto. JUDSON HAROLD ELLIS March 24, 1891— May 21, 1915 Private, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of William Sandford Ellis; b. Thornbury; ed. Alliston p.s. and H.s.; College of Pharmacy, phm.b. 19 13; Druggist. He enlisted in the c.a.m.c, First Contingent, in August 19 14. Going to France in the 3rd Field Ambulance in February 19 15, he served through the battle of Ypres in April. At Festubert, after the attack on the Orchard on May 20th, owing to the heavy casualties an appeal was made to the 3rd Field Ambulance for volunteers to assist in carrying in the wounded. With seven others and an ofificer he went forward and helped in the work under heavy fire till he himself and his friend, Private Little, were fatally wounded. The next day he succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Hinges. SHIRLEY DUNCAN ELLIS Nov. 19, 1892— March 19, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. Son of W. H. Ellis; b. Victoria, B.C.; ed. Victoria H.s.; School of Mines, Denver, Col.; Applied Science, 1911-14, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng. — Hon.); Mining Engineer in Chile. On the outbreak of the War he reported to the British Consul in Chile and crossed to England. Here he joined the Artists Rifles, from which he obtained his commission in the R. Engineers. He went to France in the summer of 19 15 with the 173rd Company, R.E. After seven months in the trenches he was taken ill and removed to hospital at Bethune, where he underwent an oi)eration but did not recover. Buried at Bolliune. It was announced after his death that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his service in rescuing a party of his men who had been entombed in a mine. The work took several hours and was carried out under heavy shell fire. When it was completed he collapsed, and it was due to his exhaustion in this eff^ort that he succumbed a few days later. 44 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO RE.MV BAZIL ELMSLEY Sept. 21, 1882— Oct. 4, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Son of the late Remy Elmsley; b. Toronto; ed. St. Augustine's, Ramsgate, Eng. University College, 1899-01; Applied Science, 1901-03; Kappa Alpha; Engineering at Elk Lake; 97th Regt. In the autumn of 19 14 he enlisted in the 20th Battalion, with which he went over- seas in May 19 15. He transferred in England to the Engineers and reached France in November. He served in the ranks of the 2nd Field Company, first in the Messines- Yprcs area, and then through the battles of Zillebeke and the Sonime, at Courcelette and Regina Trench. After spending the winter and following spring on the Vimy front, he was sent in April 19 17 to train for a commission. Returning to his unit in September he served through the battle of Passchendaele, and in the following months on the Lens- Arras front. He took part in the battles of Amiens and Arras during the summer of 19 18, and in the advance on Cambrai. During the fighting before that city he was killed instantly by a bomb from an aeroplane while he and a party of engineers were repairing a wire entanglement. Buried at Bourlon Wood. WILLIAM LAURANCE EVANS May 8, 1890— Aug. 11, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of W. J. Evans; b. St. Mary's; ed. St. Mary's P.s. and C.I.; Massey Harris Co., Regina, 1907-10; Medicine, 19 10-15, m.b.; President, University Western Club; i6th Light Horse; C.O.T.C. On graduating in May 19 15 he joined the c.a.m.c. and shortly afterwards trans- ferred to the R.A.M.c, going overseas in November. For a short time he was on duty at Lark Hill, and then went to France in February 19 16, being appointed to one of the Field Ambulances of the 55th Division. Soon afterwards he became Medical Officer to the I /6th King's Liverpool Regiment with which he served on the Somme front to the time of his death. He was instantly killed near the village of Guillemont as he was digging out one of his men who had been buried after the explosion of a shell. Buried at Maricourt. WINFIELD FAULDS Dec. 12, 1872— Oct. 10, 1918 Lieutenant, United States Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Major William Faulds; b. Aylmer West, Ont. ; ed. Aylmer p.s. and C.I.; College of Pharmacy, PHM.B. 1905; Druggist at Aylmer; m.d., Chicago; Practising at Geary, 111., and Butte, Mont. In 1917 he was appointed to the U.S. Army Medical Corps, io8th Sanitary Train, 35th Sanitary Squadron. Reaching France in 1918, he served with the 33rd Division on the Amiens front during July and August, and then on the Verdun and Meuse-Argonne sectors. He died of pneumonia at No. 7 Camp Hospital, a.e.f., and was buried at Rolempont, Haute Marne. JOHN CECIL FEENEY July 11, 1897— Sept. 15, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of John II. Feeney; b. Marmora; ed. Peterborough s.s. and c.i.; St. Michael's College 1913-16 ; College Rugby, Hockey, Baseball teams; c.o.T.c. Though qualified as a Lieutenant in the c.o.T.c. he enlisted in the ranks of the 5th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., early in 1916. In July he joined the battalion in France, being attached to the Headquarters bombers. Two months later he was killed in action at the battle of Courcelette. Buried where he fell. ROLL OF HONOUR 45 THOMAS HAROLD FENNELL May 16, 1889— May 17, 1916. Lieuten-nt, Second Canadian Mountei Rifles. Son of Joshua Fennell; b. Carp; eel. Arn prior H.s.; Education 1908-09; b.a., Queen's University; Teaching at Belleville Ci. ; 21st Hussars, Lieut. He was appointed in March 19 15 to the 3rd Mounted Rifles and went overseas in June. In the fall of the same year he went to France with the 2nd Mounted Rifles, and served through the winter on the Ploegsteert-Messines front, and then in the Salient. He was instantly killed by a sniper while he was setting out a machine gun in a new emplacement. Buried at Poperinghe. HUBERT JEFFERSON FENTON Aug. 2, 1884— Oct. 18, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of David J. Fenton; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton p.s. and c.i.; Playground supervisor, Hamilton; Methodist Ministry, Dyer's Bay and Kemble; Victoria College 1910-15, B.A.; Victoria Glee Club; c.o.t.c, Lieut. In May 19 15 he was appointed to the 84th Battalion as Machine Gun Ofiicer, and went overseas in June 19 16. He crossed with the 54th, B.C., Battalion to France in August. He was instantly killed by a shell where his platoon was holding a dangerous section of the f.ont line trenches at the Somme. Buried near the place where he fell. ARCHIBALD MACKENZIE FERGUSSON March 25, 1890— Aug. 24, 1918 Private, Thirty-first Battalion. Sonof Dr. JohnFergusson; b. Essex; ed. Ridgetown c.i.; University College 1907- 1 1 ; Royal Bank. He enlisted in November 19 17 and went overseas the following March. In July 19 18 he joined the 31st Battalion in France, and served on the Arras-NeuviLle-Vitasse front. He was instantly killed by a sniper on August 24th while on daylight patrol. Buried at Wailly Orchard Cemetery near Arras. VICTOR ARCHIBALD TERRIER Aug'. 29, 1893— June 2, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Chester Ferrier; b. Toronto; ed. Mimico P.s., Parkdale C.i.; University College 1911-14. In October 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p. p. c.i.. I., and went overseas in November. He joined the battalion in Flanders in the spring of 19 16. After the battle of Sanctuary Wood he was reported as wounded and missing. Later a prisoner in Germany, who belonged to the same company, stated that he had seen him killed on that day. GEORGE RIVERS SANDERSON FLEMING April 15, 1886— April 17, 1917 Flight Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Sonof Atwell Fleming; b. London, Ont.; ed. Ilarbord Street c.i., Toronto; Victoria College 1903-04; Applied .Science 1904-07, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); AtwcU Fleming Co. In August 19 15 he was appointed to the R. Naval Air Service, and reached France in the summer of 19 16. He was for a time employed in taking planes from England to a point near Paris; and then moved to Luxeuil, south of Nancy, with No. 3 Wing. From this point he was sent out on bombing expeditions against German munuions plants. On .'Xpril 14, 1917, when returning from a raid on Freiburg, he was shot down, the tail of his machine being blown away. He received fatal injuries, his breast bone and leg being broken. After regaining consciousness he was quite bright for some hours, but three days later succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Lcl)crau, Alsace. 46 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JAMES STEPHENSON FLEMING April 15, 1892— April 11, 1916 Sergeant, Second Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Son of Thomas Fleming; b. Trenton; ed. Brockville P.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1909-14, B.A.sc. 1916 (Min. Eng.); Mining Engineer at Timmins, Ont. In October 19 15 he enlisted in the 2nd Pioneer Battalion, and went overseas in December. While in England he completed a six months' course in signalling in six weeks. He reached France in March 19 16 and' served in the Ypres area. A few nights before his death, at the battle of St. Eloi, he rendered valuable service in helping to extricate a large number of men from a dangerous position, under heavy artillery fire. On the night of April lO-i i he was directing a party of men in repairing damages to the parapet after a bombardment, when he received a rifle bullet in the head which caused almost instant death. Buried at Ridgewood Cemetery, near Voormezeele. Shortly before his death he had been recommended for a commission. PETER McLAREN FORIN Jan. 28, 1869— April 19, 19 15 Captain, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late John Forin; b. Belleville; ed. Belleville P.s. and H.s.; University College 1887-91, B.A.; Queen's University School of Mines; Barrister, Lincoln's Inn, and practising in British Columbia; 102nd Regt., Capt. In the autumn of 19 14 he was appointed to the 34th Battery, C.F.A. The following spring he died of pneumonia contracted when in training at the Royal School of Artillery in Kingston. Buried at Belleville. GORDON OLIVER FORSYTH Nov. 10, 1890— Oct. 10, 1918 Lieutenant, Imperial Machine Gun Corps. Son of John Forsyth; b. Toronto; ed. Mount Shaver p.s., Orangeville H.s.; Uni- versity College 1909-14, B.A.; Education 1914-15; Teaching at Dufferin Street School, Toronto; c.o.t.c. In March 1916 he was appointed to the 182nd Battalion. On the reduction of its establishment, he enlisted in the University Training Company, from which he went overseas in June 1917. He was appointed to the Imperial Machine Gun Corps and joined the 37th Battalion. Reaching France in November, he served on the Cambrai front in the Third Army. In the advance near Le Cateau on October loth, 1918, he was going forward to discover the enemy's position, when he saw signs of a detached party left behind by the Germans to convey news of the advance. After bringing up more men he was about to rush the position, when two machine guns opened fire, killing him instantly. Buried at Viesly near Caudry. ROY ANDERSON FORSYTH Feb. 19, 1895— Nov. 28, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of John A. Forsyth; b. Teeswater; ed. St. Thomas and London p.ss., London C.I., Jarvis Street C.i., and Oakwood c.i., Toronto; Trinity College 1912-13, University College 1913-14. In November 1914 he enlisted in the 19th Battalion, and was later promoted to Sergeant, Headquarters, 4th Infantry Brigade. He reached France in September 1915 and served in the Ploegsteert-Ypres area, and through the battles of St. Eloi, Zillebeke, and the Somme. He obtained his commission in March 1917 in the R. Field Artillery, and in May transferred to the R. Flying Corps as an Observer in the 7th Squadron. On the morning of November 28th his plane went over the line with one other. They en- countered five German planes and after a severe fight drove them off. He and his Pilot ROLL OF HOiNOUR 47 were last seen by their companions going apparently without difficulty, but were lost sight of in the fog. Some days later a German mesasge was dropped stating that the machine had landed within their lines and the Pilot had been killed, but no details were learned of the Observer's fate. FRANKLIN JAMES FOSTER July 23, 1890— Aug. 23, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Adam Foster; b. Clinton; ed. Clinton p.s., Goderich c.i.; University College 1910-14, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); u.c. Literary Society executive; 'Varsity' staff; Regina Law School. In June 19 16 he enlisted in the Univ^ersity Overseas Training Company, and in September joined the R. Flying Corps, passing first in the qualifying examination. He went to France in April 1917 and joined the nth Squadron, 13th Wing, on the Lens- Cambrai front. On the day of his death he was out on patrol near Warlincourt, when a storm broke and a number of the machines made for the aerodrome. He had almost landed when another plane crossed his course. He might have landed safely himself, but in doing so would have endangered those in the other machine. To av'oid a collision he turned upwards again, but his engine stalled and the machine crashed, instantly killing him and his Observer. Buried at Saulty. FINLAY DAVID FRASER Dec. 2, 1886— Aug. 12, 1916 Captain, Fourth Battalion. Sen of the late Robert I. Eraser; b. Brantford; ed. Barrie P.s., Brantford p.s. and C.I.; Ontario College of Pharmacy, phm.b. 1910; Druggist, firm of S. Tapscott & Co., Brantford; 38th Regt., Capt. In January 1915 he was appointed to the 36th Battalion, and went overseas in June. A year later he joined the 4th Batlalion in France. After only two days in the trenches he was taken ill with appendicitis. Though operated on at No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station he continued seriously ill and died a month afterwards at No. 14 General Hospital in Boulogne. Buried at Wimereux. GEORGE MATTHEW FRETWELL Oct. 28, 1893— Sept. 27, 1918 Corporal, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of William Fretwell; b. Waterdown; ed. Waterdown P.s. and H.s.; Medicine 1911-14; Canadian Express Co. He enlisted in January 1918, and went overseas in March. After training at the Machine Gun Depot, Seaford, he went to France in August 1915, joining the 2nd Motor Machine Gun Brigade. After serving at the Canal du Nord he fell near Cambrai, being instantly killed by a shell as he was carrying ammunition to one of the guns of the battery. Buried at Sailly. For his good work he had been promoted Corporal on the morning of his death. HARRY WILLIAM FROGLEY Nov. 2, 1887— April 30, 19 16 Lance-Corporal, Canadian Engineers. .Son of Charles J. Frogley; b. Toronto; ed. St. Clement's School, N. Toronto; Applied Science 1908-10; Mainer Electrical Co., Winnipeg. In October 19 14 he enlisted in the Engineers of the Second Divisicn, and went o\er- seas in May 19 15. He went to France in July and served in the Ypres area. He was killed four miles south of Ypres when a shell exploded in his dug-out, none of the paity surviving. Buried at Dickebusch. 4s UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ALMIN MINOR FROOM iMay 24, 1893— Sept. 53, 1918 Cadet, Royal Air Force. Son of Ambrose C. Froom; b. Ormonde; ed. Ottawa P. s. and c.i., Regina P.s. and C.I.; University College 1911-14; ]McMaster University, B A.; Vice-President, Western Club. In January 1918 he joined the R. Flying Corps as Cadet, and trained at Leaside and Beamsville. At the latter place he -was killed in an accident while making a solo flight. Buried at Regina. GEORGE GORDON GALLOWAY June 9, 1894— Feb. 10, 1916 Corporal, Canadian Field Artillery'. Son of W. Oswald Gallowaj-; b. Toronto; ed. Borden Street p.s. , Harboid Streetc.i. Toronto; Prince of Wales Scholar; University College 1911-15, b.a. (Math. & Phys.); William Mulock Scholar; a.a.a.s. Scholar; Year President; u.c. Literary Society executive. After undergoing an operation in order to be accepted for ser^-ice he enlisted in March 1915, with a number of others frcm the Univ€rsity, in the 26th Batters^, c.f a., and before going overseas had qualified for Sergeant. The battery^ went to England in August, and reached France in Januarj^ 1916. On February' 7th just after the battery had moved4nto action, he went up to the front line in charge of the telephonists. The next afternoon he was hit by a sniper when passing an exposed corner of the trench. He was removed to No. 8 Casualty Clearing Station at Bailleul, where he died early In the morning of the second day. Buried at Bailleul. GERALD GALT Oct. 12, 1887— Dec. 25, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Sonof the Hon. Mr. Justice Gait; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto Church School; Applied Science 1903-07, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng.); Zeta Psi; Mining Engineer, Treadwell Mine, Alaska, and Braden Copper Co., Rancagua, Chile. In the summer of 1916 he returned to Canada from Chile and joined the 3rd Tunnel- ling Company, Canadian Engineers, at Ottawa. He reached France in September. After a brief service at the front, he was killed instantly by a shell on Christmas Day, when engaged in tunnelling operations near Messines. Buried at Hyde Park Corner Ceme- tery*, Ploegsteert. FRANCIS EGMONT GANE Feb. 4, 1885— :\Iay 13, 1916 Captain, Forty-third Battalion. Son of the late Francis J. Gane; b. Normanby, New Zealand; ed. Normanby, n.z.; Mining 1903-05; Dawson, y.t., h.s. 1905-07; University College 1907-10, 1911-12, b.a. (Classics); Treasurer, u.c. Literary Society; m.a. 19 14; Staff, Manitoba College. In May 1915 he was appointed to the 43rd, Cameron Highlanders, Battalion, and went overseas in June. The battalion reached France in January 1916 and his serv'ice was mostly in the Ypres Salient. He was killed by a sniper on the evening of May 13th while he was in charge of a working party behind the front line. Buried at 'Railway Dug-outs', near Zillebeke. RUSSELL THOMAS GARDNER Sept. 25, 1895— Sept. 20, 1917 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Sen of John F. Gardner; b. Guelph; ed. Jesse Ketchum, Fern Avenue p.ss.. Park- dale C.I., Tcrcnto; Applied Science 1915-16; College Jr. Rugby team; c.o.T.c. In 1916 he enlisted in the 53rd Battery ,c.f.a., and went overseas in September. He was promoted Corporal in England, and was for a time attached to the Ammunition ROLL OF HONOUR 49 Column, but reverted and rejoined the 53rd Battery in order to reach the front. He went to France in August of 1917, and served on the Lens front. A month later he fell — the first of the batter>-. The battel y was being shelled at interv-als, and the men weie working to build up cover for the gun position, when a shell splinter pierced hisheait killing him instantly and painlessly. Buried at Aix-Noulette. JOHN URE GARROW April 14, 1888— Sept. 12, 1916 Lieutenant, Fourth Csnadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Garrow; b. Goderich; ed. Goderich c.i., Toronto Church School, Upper Canada College; Univ-ersity College 1906-07, 1908-12, B.A. (Pol. Sc); XIII Club; Alpha Delta Phi; Law School; Called to the Bar 1915; c.o.T.c. In August 1915 he was appointed to the 74th battalion, and went overseas the following April. He crossed to France in June 1916 with a reinforcing draft to the 4th Mounted Rifles after the battle of Sanctuary Wood. He served first in the Ypres area and then went to the Somm.e with his battalion. At Courcelette he w-as fatally gassed while placing his f laloon in a section of the line. Buried at Puchevillers. JAMES ALEXANDER GARVIE May 13, 1896— Aug. 21, 1918 Lieutenant, King's Own Scottish Borderers. Son of William Alexander Garvie; b. Leith, Scotland; ed. Bonnington Academy, Leith; King Edward p.s., Oakwood c.i., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science I9I4-16; C.O.T.C. In the spring of 1916 he went overseas in a draft from the C.O.T.C, and obtained his commission in the King's Own Scottish Borderers, 2nd Battalion. He reached France in December and served through the Vimy campaign and the battle of Passchendaele. He was aw^arded the Military Cross fcr his service in this battle, when at Polderhoek on October 4-5, after all the other officers and riiost of the N.C.O.'s had become casualties, he took command of the company, and led his men with conspicuous bravery under hea\^ and continuous fire. At the end of the year he went with his battalion to the Italian front. Here he served on the Piave section till April 1918, when he returned to France. On the night of August 20th the battalion had gone into the trenches two miles in front of Gommecourt. The ne.xt day sone of his men were buried from the explosion of an enemy's shell in the trench, and when helping to dig them out he was instantly killed by a second shell. Buried at Gommecourt Chateau Cemetery. GORDON SMITH MELLIS GAULD May 22, 1893— March 25, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery and Royal Flying Corps. Sen of the Rev. William Gauld; b. Tamsui, Formosa; ed. Tuckersmith p.s., Exeter Ccntn. School, Seaforth ex.; University College 1911-15, b.a. (Philos.); Knox College; Year President; u.c, Y.M.C.A.; Vice-President, U.C. Literary Society; 'Varsity' staff. In February 1915 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery. He obtained a commission in the R. Field Artillery in England, and reaching France in April 19 16 served with the 149th Brigade, mostly on the Somme front. He was awarded the Mili- tary Cross for his service on July 5th-6th, when as Forward Observation Officer at the Briquetterie, he kept up, under heavy fire, visual communication with Headquarters after the wires had been broken. He had already been recommended for his courage in putting out a fire in a gun f.it alter a premature explosion by which he himself had been wounded. In the spring of 19 17 he was seccnded to the R. Fying Corps, and spent four months with the 8th Squadron in France as Artillery Observer. He then went to England to train as a Pilot, and on finishing his course was employed as Instructor. When he was flying with a pupil at Harlaxton, the machine crashed, from an unknown cause, killing both instantly. Buried at Grantham. —7 50 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JOHN D. GEAR Nov. 29, 1897— Nov. 10, 1918 Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Son of Dr. Henry Gear; b. Erin; ed. Erin P.s. and Continuation School; Medicine 1915-18; C.O.T.C. In January 19 16 he tried to enlist with the Signallers but was rejected. He was accepted as Surgeon Probationer in the r.n.v.r. in April 19 18 and after training at the R. Naval Hospital, Haslar, was appointed to h.m.s. 'Melampus', Destroyer, on the North Sea patrol. After some months service he died following a brief illness from influenza at No. 3 London General Hospital, Wandswotrh. Buried at Brookwood, Surrey. WILLIAM MILLER GEGGIE Aug. 18, 1893— Oct. 4, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Imperial Machine Gun Corps. Son of the Rev. A. Logan Geggie; b. Truro, N.s.; ed. Queen Victoria P.s., Parkdale C.I., Toronto, St. Andrew's College; University College 1911-13; Law School; Firm of Douglas & Gibson; c.o.T.c. He went overseas in March 19 16 with the second draft of C.O.T.C candidates for Imperial commissions, and was appointed to the Machine Gun Corps in January 1917. After leaving the school at Grantham he was given the command of a section of machine gunners whom he had trained from the beginning He went to France with them in the 227th Company in July. After a brief service at the front he was killed by a shell while he was giving supporting fire from his guns during an attack and was holding the foremost position of his company. DONALD PATZKI GIBSON May 2, 1891— July 6, 19 18 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of Alfred E. Gibson; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto, Wingham, Seaforth p.ss., St. Andrew's College, Wesley College; University College 191 2-13; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon); Canadian Bank of Commerce. After being twice rejected for active service as physically unfit, he was accepted in March 1917 as Equipment Ofificer in the R. Fying Corps. In January 1918 he went to England. Here after some months of service he succumbed to the effects of hard work in carrying on while in ill health from which he had suffered for some years past. Died at Leeds. Buried at Toronto. FRANKLIN REGINALD GIBSON Sept. 18, 1894— Sept. 20, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Garrison Artillery. Only son of Charles J. Gibson; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria and Rosedale p.ss., Toronto; Upper Canada College, University of Toronto Schools; Applied Science 1913- 15; Alpha Delta Phi; c.o.T.c; loth Regt., Lieut. In 1915 he was appointed to the Mechanical Transport, and reached France in May 1916, where he served in the 3rd Canadian Divisional Supply Column through the campaigns of that and the following year till October 1917. He then transferred to the R. Garrison Artillery, being appointed to the 176th Siege Battery, 80th Brigade. In January 1918 he went to the Italian front as Brigade Signalling Officer. While on this serA-ice he was taken ill at Genoa, and on his partial recovery was sent to England. A few days after hi's return he died at London Military Hospital. Buried at Bearwood Cemetery, Wokingham. ROLL OF HONOUR 51 CHARLES RANDOLPH GILLAN July 10, 1892— March 16, 1919 Seaman, Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve. Son of Charles H. Gillan; b. Eddy, N. Mexico; ed. S. Saanichton, B.C., P.S., Victoria U.S.; Columbian College; Trinity College 1911-12, 1913-14. In 1917 he enlisted in the R. Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve and served first at Esquimalt Naval Station. He transferred to Halifax Naval Station in June 19 18, and while still on service he died of pneumonia in hospital at Halifax. PAUL ARCHIBALD GILLESPIE Jan, 27, 1868— Mar. 23, 1916 Major, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Malcolm Gillespie; b. Sunderland; ed. Cannington p.s., jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Medicine 1887-91, m.b.; Practising at Penetanguishene and later at Winburg, S. Africa; Served in S. African War; md. Jane Satchwell. In 1914 he joined the R. Army Medical Corps, and served in the German West Africa campaign. When an outbreak of bubonic plague occurred he volunteered his assistance, and took charge till he contracted the disease himself and died at Winburg. Buried at Winburg, o.F.s. ERNEST RICHARD GILMER May i, 1889— Oct. 12, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Irish Fusiliers. Son of William H. Gilmer; b. Nevvr>-; ed. Elma p.s., Listowel U.S., Regina C.I.; University of Saskatchewan; Medicine 1913-15; C.O.T.C. In April 1915 he enlisted in No. 5 Field Ambulance, c.a.m.c, of the Second Con- tingent, and reached France in September. He served with this unit in the Ypres area till the spring of 1916, when he was wounded in the hand. He received his commission in the ist Battalion of the R. Irish Fusiliers in July. On October 12th at Les Boeufs on the Somme front he was sent forward with 70 men to attack a position that was believed to be weakly held, but proved to be strongly defended by machine guns. He fell near the German parapet, and of the party none returned. STANLEY HILL GLENDINNING Sept. 10, 1893— July 18, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late H. Glendinning; b. Sunderland; ed. Sunderland P.s., Uxbridge U.S., Lindsay c.i.; University College 1913-15; c.o.t.c. Early in 1915 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery, and went overseas in June. He went to France in February 19 16 and was employed for some months as scout, despatch-rider and signaller, mostly in the Ypres Salient. He then returned to England to train for the R. Flying Corps, and went back to France in October as an Observer in the 6th Squadron. In 19 17 he qualified as Pilot and in October was sent to Fort Worth, Texas, as Instructor in gunnery. He was transferred to Heamsville, Ont., in April 1918, where some weeks later he resumed flying to qualify as Flight-Commander. On July i8th when he was flying, his machine took fire and crashed, injuring him so severely that he died within a few hours. Buried at Sunderland. GEORGE CLARENCE GLIDDON 1888— May 11, 1915 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps and Tenth Battalion. Son of John Gliddon; b. Rodney; ed. Rodney p.s., St. Thomas c.i.; Medicine 1909- 14, M.n. He was beginning post-graduate work for his M.u., when the war broke out. He at once joined the First Contingent as Medical Officer to the loth Battalion, and went over- seas in October. Going to Fiance in February 19 15 he served through the second battle of Ypres. He was wounded on May 5th and succumbed to his injuries a few days later. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO THOMAS LEON GOLDIE Nov. 6, 1882— Aug. 28, 19 16 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of ihe late Thomas Goldie; b. Guelph; ed. Guelph p.s. and c.i.; University College 190004, B.A. (Nat. Science); Geological Surveyor in Ontario and Alberta. When the war began he was working at Regina, and shortly afterwards he returned lo Ontario \o enlist. Early in 1915 he joined the i6th Battery, 4th Brigade, c.f.a., and wenl overseas in May. He reached France with the Second Contingent in September and seived on the Ploegsteert-Kemmel-St. Eloi front. His previous experience as a surveyor made him a valuable observer for the battery. Though needing a rest and relief for some time, owing to the shortage of men he held on too long till he was finally invalided with jaundice, just at the time when his battery was moving into the Somme front. He died in hospital at Manchester, where he was buried. He had been recom- mended for the Military Medal and for a commission shortly before his death. STEWART MARCON GOODEVE Oct. 5, 1896— Nov. 20, 19 17 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery and Royal Flying Corps. Son of the late Arthur S. Goodeve; b. Chesley; ed. Rossland, B.C., p.s. and H.s., Ottawa C.I. ; University College, 1914- 16; Phi Delta Theta; c.o.T.C; c.f.a., Lieut. In March 1916 he was appointed to the 51st Battery, and later transferred to the 53id Battery, 13th Brigade, c.f.a., going overseas in September. He was seconded to the R. Flying Corps in England. After training in Artillery observation he went to France in July 19 17, joining the 21st Squadron. He was serving as Observer for the Artillery in the battle of Cambrai, when the machine was hit by the enemy's shell fire killing him and his Pilot. Buried at Dozinghem Military Cemetery, AMBROSE HAROLD GOODMAN Oct. 6, 1896— Aug. 15, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Only son of the late Ambrose K. Goodman; b. Cayuga; ed. Cayuga p.s.. Model School, University of Toronto Schools; University College 1914-16; C.O.T.C; 109th Regt., Lieut. In April 1917 he was appointed to the 'Great War Veterans Overseas Company' of the 109th Regiment, which later became a Company of the ist Central Ontario Regi- ment. He went overseas with its first draft in November 1917, and in April 1918 joined the Ii6th Battalion in France. On the first day of the battle of Amiens he was woundeld by a high explosive shell after his unit had successfully reached its objective. A week later he died from his injuries at No. 8 General Hospital, Rouen. Buried at St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. HEDLEY JOHN GOODYEAR Aug. 18, 1886— Aug. 22, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-second Battalion. Son of Josiah Goodyear; b. Ladle Cove, Newfoundland; ed. Ladle Cove p.s.; Methodist College, St. John's, Nfld.; Teaching, Moreton's Harbour, Nfld.; Victoria College 1909-13, B.A.; m.a. 1915; Education 1914-15; Teaching at Regal Road P.s., Toionto; c.o.T.c; c.s.c.i., Lieut. In March 19 16 he enlisted in the 20l£t Battalion and was soon promoted Sergeant, and then Lieutenant. Later he transferred to the 208th Battalion, with which he went overseas in May 1917. In the spring of 1918 he joined the 102nd Battalion in France. He was slightly wounded near Oppy en April 7th. After serving through the battle of Amiens he was instantly killed by a machine gun bullet on the night of August 22nd. Buried at Le Quesnel. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his service in the battle of Amiens when, regardless of danger, he led his platoon to the capture of a wood that was strongly defended by machine gun ROLL OF HONOUR 53 fire, and after the other officers became casualties took charge of the whole skirmishing line in a successful charge. He was the third son of his parents to give his life in the war. ANDREW ROBERTSON GORDON April i, 1863— Dec. 16, 1916 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Rev. Daniel Gordon; b. Glengarry; ed. St. Mary's H.s.; Medicine 1886-90, M.B.; Nu Sigma Nu; Practising at Toronto; Senior Assistant Physician, Toronto General Hospital; Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine; md. Emma Louise Wilson. In the spring of 19 15 he was appointed to No. 4, L'niversity of Toronto, General Hospital and went overseas with the unit in May. While at Shorncliffe he served on a Medical Board, but in July was forced by ill health to give up the work and return to Canada. Here he served for several monlhs at the Exhibition Camp in the Toronto Military District, until his beclth became loo seriously affected. On December i6th, 19 16, he died at his home. Bulred at Toronto. HENRY ANDREW GORDON Oct. 15, 1895— July 7, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Alexander Gordon; b. Durham; ed. Durham p. s., Weyburn, Sask., p.s. and Contn. School; Oakwood c.i.; Dominion Business College, Toronto; L^nlversltj' College 1916-17; c.o.T.c. In April 19 17 he joined the R. Flying Corps as Cadet, and received his commission in August. After training in Canada and Texas he went overseas in January 1918 and reached France in May. He served in the 60th Squadron, r.a.f., in the area north of Lens and en the Amiens-Bapaume front. On his first offensive flight he wes forced to land within the enemy's lines to assist a comp?nion, but though fired at from close range succeeded in returning safely. On July 71 h his machine fell between Foucaucourt and Proyart, east of Amiens. Buried at Herleville. HENRY RUSSELL GORDON April 10, 1891— June 13, 1916 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. Son of Henry B. Gordon; b. Toronto; ed. St. Alban's School, Toronto; L^niversity College 1908-12, B.A. (Eng. and Hist. -CI.); Historical Club; Staff, 'Toronto Daily Star'; 2nd Regt. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the 3rd Battalion, and reached France In February 1915. He served through the battle of Ypres and the fighting of that year. Having been promoted Corporal, he was chosen in 1916 for a commission in his battalion. After the capture of Mount Sorrel on the night of June 12th- 13th he was missing, and was later reported as believed killed in action in the early hours of the 13th. JOHN A. GORDON Feb. 25, 1892— April 4, 1918 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion. Son of Alexander C. Gordon; b. Toronto; ed. Givens Street, Dewson Street, Jesse Kelchum P.ss., Jarvis Street c.i., Dominion Business College, Toronto; Unhersity College 1911-14; Steele Briggs Co.; 12th Regt., Lieut. In January 1916 he was appointed to the 127th, York Rangers, Battalion and was placed In charge of recruiting at Newmarket. He was transferred to the 220(h Bal talion on Its organisation, to carry on the same work, and went over'scas with this unit. He joined the 4th Battalion in France in October 19 17 and served through the battle of Passchendaele and then on the Lens front. In the earl^ morning of April 4th, 1918, he took his platoon out on the Telegraph Hill sector, and was killed by a sniiicr shortly before the hour when he was to be rclic\cd. Buried at Wanquctin. 54 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO RALPH VYVIAN GORDON Jan. i8, 1896— Sept. 25, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force . Son of M. P. Gordon; b. Kamloops, B.C.; ed.'Kamloops P.S., South Park p.s., Victoria; Woodstock College; Applied Science 19 14-15; c.o.t.c. Though holding a Lieutenant's certificate in the C.O.T.C, in August 1915 he enlisted in the ranks of the 88th Battalion and served in the Signalling Section. After going overseas in May 19 16, he transferred to the 25th Battalion, which he joined in France in November. He served through the battles of the Somme, Vimy, Hill 70 and Pass- chendaele while with this unit. In January 19 18 he joined the R. Naval Air Service and obtained his commission in March, being appointed to the 55th Squadron, Independent Force, r.a.f. When on a bombing raid over the lines at Charmes, he was attacked and some of the main wires of his machine were shot away. He succeeded in returning and was just about to land, when the machine collapsed. The same evening he died from his injuries. Buried at Charmes. THOMAS SETON GORDON Nov. 29, 1890— Jan. 22, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Border Regiment. Son of Charles Gordon; b. Owen Sound; ed. Owen Sound p.s. and c.i.; Victoria and University Colleges 1908-12, B.A. (Pol.'Sc); Year President; Rec. Secretary, U.C. Literary Society, and Bristol Prize 1912; Psi Delta Psi; Law School; C.O.T.C. In May 1915 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and shortly after was promoted Sergeant. Going overseas in June, he obtained his commission in the Border Regiment, i ith Lonsdale Battalion. He went to France in November and served on the Albert sector of the Somme front. While the trenches were being shelled early in the morning of January 22, 1916, he heard the cry of wounded men. Fearing for the safety of his sentry, he left his dug-out to go to their assistance and was immedi- ately wounded by a shell. The same evening he succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Warloy-Baillon. WALTER HARVEY RUSSELL GOULD Nov. 4, 1893— Sept. 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Joseph Walter Gould; b. Uxbridge; ed. Uxbridge P.s. and H.s. ; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Electr. Eng.-Hon.); Year Secretary; C.O.T.C; Uxbridge Electric Light. Early in 1917 he was accepted for service in the R. Naval Air Service, but when he arrived in England transferred to the R. Flying Corps, and trained with the 63rd Squadron. On September i6th he joined the 70lh Squadron near Ypres. Ten days later he started with a formation from Ypres to bomb German stations along the coast, and did not return. Exact details were never learnt, but a message from a brother officer, who was taken prisoner, stated that they were attacked by a German formation, and a plane which was thought to be his was seen falling in flames. In his few days of service he had brought down two enemy machines. THOMAS EDWARD GOVENLOCK May 5, 1892— Sept. 30, 1916 Private, Twenty-first Battalion. Son of John M. Govenlock; b. Seaforth; ed. McKillop Tp. p.s. and Seaforth c.i.; Education 1911-12; Teaching at Steelton, Sault Ste. Marie, and St. Catherines c.i. In October 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i. and went overseas in November. He joined the Signal Section of the 21st Battalion in France the latter part of August 1916, on the Somme front. Not long after, while ofi^ duty, he was instantly killed by a stray shell. Buried at Courcelette. ROLL OF HONOUR 55 THOMAS FLECK GRAHAM Aug. 30, 1887— Sept. 20, 19 18 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Alexander Graham; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford p.s. and c.i.; Medicine 1909-14, M.B.; Graduate course in New York 19I-I-15. In 19 15 he was appointed Medical Officer to the 86th Machine Gun Battalion, and on reaching England was attached to the Canadian Machine Gun Depot. He was Men- tioned for Valuable Services in August 1917. Near the end of that year he went to France, being appointed to No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital. When this hospital was severely damaged by air raids he moved to Rouen. Here he died shortly after- wards, chiefly from exhaustion due to overwork during the period of the German oflfensive. Buried at St. Sever Cemetej-y, Rouen. FREDERICK NORMAN GRANDY April 28, 1892— Aug. 28, 1918 Lieutenant, Twentieth Battalion. Son of the Rev. Thomas Grandy; b. Linwood; ed. Cayuga H.s., Woodstock c.i.; Education 1912-13; Teacher's course, summer session 19 13; Teaching at Barrie C.i., I9i3-i5;35th Regt., Lieut. In November 19 15 he was appointed to the 157th, Simcoe Foresters, Battalion, and went overseas with it as Captain and Adjutant in October 19 16. He was attached to the 5th Reserve Battalion in England till early in 1918, when he reverted to the rank of Lieutenant and joined the 20th Battalion in France. He served for some months on the Lens- Arras front, and through the battle of Amiens. Early in the advance from before Arras he was killed by a sniper's bullet. Buried at Vis-en-Artois. JAMES BURNESS GRANGE June 14, 1890— April 20, 1918 Second Lieutenant, West Yorkshire Regiment. Son of Dr. W. D'Oyly Grange; b. Moffat, Scotland; ed. Repton School, Eng.; Ontario Agricultural College 1909-13, b.s.a.; Flax farming. He attempted to enlist early in the war, but was rejected owing to his eyesight. For some time he acted as Assistant Inspector under the Board of Agriculture, until he was accepted for service in the spring of 19 16, and was appointed to the 21st West Yorkshire Regiment. He went to France in January 19 17. After more than a year at the front, he was killed in action on the night of April 20th, 19 18, near Bethunc, when in charge of his platoon working to a new line of trenches. Buried at Gonnehem. OSWALD WETHERALD GRANT Dec. 27, 1892— June 13, 1916 Lieutenant, First Battalion. "Son of the Rev. Dr. Andrew S. Grant; b. Almonte; ed. Dawson p.s.. Upper Canada College; University College 191 1-14, B. A.; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon) ; College Athletic executive; College Rugby team; Tennis team; Law School; 2nd Regt.; 27th Regt., Lieut. At the end of 19 14 he was appointed to the 33rd Battalion and went overseas with its first reinforcing draft in July 19 15. He joined the 1st Battalion in France in August 19 15 and served with it for eight months mostly in the Ypres area. In May 19 16 he was appointed Brigade Bombing Officer. After the German advance before Zillebeke he returned to his own battalion as Machine Gun Officer for the drive to regain the lost ground. When the first and second German lines had been carried, he was instantly killed by a shell while he was holding an advanced machine gun position. It was an- nounced on January ist, 1917, that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for which he had been recommended shortly before his death on the ground of his consistent good work. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HUGH ALEXANDER MACKAY GRASETT Feb. 3, 1894— June 13, 1916 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. ^ Son of H. J. Grasett; b. Waterloo; ed. Barrie P.s. and c.r., Bishop Ridley College; Applied Science 1912-14; Phi Kappa Pi; 2nd Regt. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the 3rd Battalion, in which he was made Lance- Corporal. He reached France in the spring of 19 15 and served in the trenches near Armentieres. He was invalided to England in March, but rejoined his battalion on May 2nd. He served through the battles of Festubert and Givenchy, and then on the Ploegsteert front. In August he was given a commission and appointed to his own battalion. After a course of training in England, he returned to the front in January 19 16. During the attack on Mount Sorrel he was the first to bring up reinforcements to an advanced position held by an officer with a small party against an encircling movement of the eneni}-. Just as he reached this post he was wounded in the face, but continued on duty, and was placed in command by the officer, who was wounded, and held it till further reinforcements arrived. Not long after he was instantly killed, being shot through the head while leading a party of bombers in clearing the enemy out of shell holes. Buried where he fell. ROBERT MURRAY McCHEYNE GRAY April 25, 1S91— Sept. 30, 1918 Captain, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of George B. Gray; b. Gait; ed. Gait Central P.s. and c.i.; College of Pharmacy, PHM.B. 1914; Druggist at Gait; 29th Regt., Lieut. In September 1915 he W'as appointed Lieutenant in the 71st Battalion and wert overseas in March 19 16. He joined the 46th Battalion in France in August and served first on the Somme front. He was wounded on November 14th, and again at Vimy on April loth, 1917. During 1918 he served through the battles of Amiens and in the advance from Arras. He was severely wounded on September 28th at the Canal du Nord and succumbed to his injuries two days later. Buried at Duisans, Etrun, near Arras. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his courage and skill on September 27th in handling his company under heavy fire and securing the capture of six enemy machine guns. The next day by his leadership he disposed of three machine gun nests and, though hit in the arm, continued to lead his company till he was again and fatally wounded. IVAN TREMAYNE GREEN Sept. 14, 1898— Oct. 21, 1918 Private, First Canadian Tank Battalion. Son of Alfred G. Green; b. Tecumseth Tp., Beeton; ed. Beeton Junction and Pickering P.ss., Georgetown H.s.; Education 19 17-18. In April 1918 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company for the First Canadian Tank Battalion and went overseas in June. After training at Bovington Camp through the summer, he was taken ill with pneumonia on October ist and died on the 2 1st. Buried at Wool, Dorset. WILLIAM ROBERT GREEN Oct. 12, 1889— June 3, 1917 Captain, Forty-fourth Battalion. .Son of the late Frederick William Green; b. Moose Jaw; ed. Boharm, Sask., p.s, Moose Jaw c.i.; Victoria College 1907- 11 b.a. (Philos.); Victoria College Book Room 1911-12; Law Student, Moose Jaw and Osgoode Hall; Called to the Bar 1915; 60th Regt., Lieut. In December 19 15 he was appointed to 'd' Recruiting Area, later the 229th Bat- talion. From this he transferred to the 203rd Battalion in March 19 16 and was pro- moted Captain. He went overseas in October with the rank of Major, and in April 1917 , ROLL OF HONOUR D/ after reverting to Lieutenant, joined the 44th Battalion on the Vimy-Lens front. He took part in the heavy fighting of May 2nd, when a trench changed hands eight times in 24 hours. For his service he was Mentionsd in Despatches, and recommended for promotion again to his Majority. He was given command of a company, when the battalion returned to the trenches on May 26th. On the night of June 2nd-3rd an attack was made on the Lens Electric Light Station. He was wounded in the arm, but went on until he was instantly killed by a bomb at the mouth of an enemy dug-out. His party was cut off, and later he was found there with his men lying round him. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. After his death his Captaincy was gazetted. HENRY GREENWOOD July 12, 1893— July 18, 1916 Private, Twentieth Battalion. Son of William Greenwood; b. Whitemouth, Man.; ed. Kenora and Sudbury H.ss.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1914-15; c.o.T.c. In July 1915 he enlisted in the 76th Battalion and went overseas in April 1916. He went to France at the end of June to join the 20th Battalion, but when on his way to the front was taken ill with pneumonia, and died in hospital at Le Havre. Buried at Ste. Marie Cemetery, Le Havre. WILLL^M HENDERSON GREGORY March 4, 1890— April 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion. Son of Robert Gregory; b. Toronto; ed. Dufferin Street p.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1908-11, 1912-13, b.a; Wycliffe College; Anglican Ministry, Curate at St. Thomas' Church, St. Catherines; 19th Regt., Lieut.; md. Esther Gilmour. In December 19 15 he was appointed to the 98th Battalion, and went overseas in July 19 16. He joined the 4th Battalion in France in October, and served through the winter on the Vimy front. At the time of his death he was Acting Adjutant to the battalion, his knowledge of languages proving serviceable. He was killed by shrapnel on the first day of the battle of Vimy while leading his men up the Ridge. Buried at Ecoivres near Mont St. Eloy. ARNOLD GRISDALE April 3, 1891— Oct. 12, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Chatficld Grisdale; b. Port Robinson; ed. Niagara Falls p.s. and c.i.; Medi- cine 1912-17, M.B.; Track team; C.O.T.C. In September 19 18 he was appointed to the c.a.m.c, Toronto Military District, and served at Niagara-on-thc-Lake Camp. He died from influenza after a short illness on October 12th. JOHN VINCENT GUILFOYLE Dec. 2, 1889— Jan. 29, 19 18 Sergeant, York and Simcoe Foresters. Son of James Guilfoyle; b. Collingwood; ed. CoUingwood P.s. and c.l.; St. Michael's College; University College 1908-11, b..4l. (Pol. Sc); Law School, ll.b. 1915; Barrister, practising at Timmins; 2nd Regt. He joined the Queen's Own Rifles in August 19 14 in order to go overseas, but was invalided. In May 19 17 he enlisted in the York and Simcoe Foresters and was employed in recruiting for it in Northern Ontario. His health again failed him, and after spending some time in hospital, he died at Newmarket on January 29th, 19 18. Burled at Toronto. EDMOND ALAN GUNN April 2, 1898— Feb. 13, 19 19 Second Lieutenant, Royal Garrison Artillery. Son of Edmond Gunn; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s., Model School, Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; University College 1915-16; c.o.T.r.; 109th Regt., Lieut. 58 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In October 19 16 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, and went to England in March 1917, where he obtained his commission in the R. Garrison Artillery. He went to France in November 191 7, joining the 77th Siege Battery, with which he served on the Ypres, Arras and other fronts through the following year. After the Armistice, when on his way with his battery to join the Army of Occupation he was taken ill with pneumonia and died at Namur, where he was buried. MURRAY GRANT GUNN Nov. 15, 1894— Dec. 7. ^9^7 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of the late Andrew Gunn; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; University College 191 1-16; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon) ; c.o.t.c; 40th Regt., Lieut. In May 19 16 he was appointed to the Divisional Signallers, Canadian Engineers, but in October transferred to the R. Flying Corps, going overseas immediately after- wards. He joined the 23rd Squadron at the front in October 19 17 and served in the Ypres area, flying over Passchendaele, Houlthulst Forest and Polygon Wood. He was killed on December 7th, when he was flying over the enemy's lines, his plane falling to the south-east of Passchendaele. Later it was reported through German sources that he had been buried at the place where he fell. WILLIAM THOMAS HACKETT June 14, 1876— Feb. 25, 19 19 Captain, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of the late Thomas Hackett; b. Hockley; ed. Orangeville and Owen Sound Schools; R. College JDental Surgeons 1895-99, D-D.s.; Practising at Winnipeg; md. Evelyn Carruth. In March 19 16 he was appointed to the Canadian Army Dental Corps, and served during the summer at Toronto and Niagara Camps. He transferred to the Infantry in October and went to England the same month with the 169th Battalion. He was re- appointed to the C.A.D.C. in January 1917, and was stationed for the most part at Carlisle and Sunningdale with the Canadian Forestry Corps. Crossing to France in May 1918, he was attached to the c.f.c. in the Jura Mountains district. The following September he was Mentioned for Valuable Services. In February 19 19 he was taken ill with pneumonia and died at No. 20 General Hospital, Camiers. Buried at Etaples. DANIEL GALER HAGARTY Aug. 9, 1894— June 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Principal E. W. Hagarty, M.A.; b. Toronto; ed. Clinton Street p.s., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Cadets' Bisley team 1909; Cadets' representative at the Coronation 1911; Applied Science 1912-15; First Vice-President, Engineering Society; Beta Theta Pi; 2nd Regt.; C.O.T.C, Lieut. In May 1915 at the close of the C.O.T.C. camp he was appointed to the 2nd Universi- ties Company, P.P.C.L.i., and went overseas in June. He was Instructor in the Canadian Machine Gun School at Shorncliffe from August till early in 19 16, when he joined the battalion in France. When his father was appointed to the command of the 20 1st Battalion he was oflfered the Adjutancy of that unit. Before the arrangements could be completed, he returned to the trenches on May 31st, after a short leave in England, and two days later was killed by a shell while commanding No. 7 platoon in the front line at Sanctuary Wood. Buried at Hooge Crater Cemetery, Menin Road. ROLL OF HONOUR 59 DAVID ELLIOTT HAIG Aug. 2^, 1891— May 4, 1915 Private, Second Divisional Cyclist Company. Son of Donald J. Haig; b. Cypress River, Man.; ed. Haldimand Tp., Northumber- land Cy., P.S., Jesse Ketchum p.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto, Cobourg c.i.; University College 1911-15, B.A. (Eng. & Hist. -CI.); Year executive; Knox College; Working in missions during vacations; C.O.T.C. In the autumn of 19 14 he enlisted with a number of University men in the Cyclists of the Second Contingent, and trained at Exhibition Park, Toronto. He died of spinal meningitis in May 1915, and his degree was conferred a few days after his death. Buried at Toronto. ORVILLE DWIGHT HAIST March 3, 1894— July 5, 191 7 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Jacob M. Haist; b. Fonthill; ed. Fonthill P.S., Welland c.i; Victoria College I915-I7; C.O.T.C. In January 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps and went to England for his training. He qualified for his commission in June, having passed all his examinations with marked success. A few days before he was to leave for the front, when he was making a trial flight at Scampton near Lincoln on the evening of July 3rd, the engine stalled and the machine crashed. The second day afterwards he succumbed to his injuries at No. 4 Northern General Hospital. Buried at Newport Cemetery, Lincoln. JOHN PLAYFORD HALES Sept. 11, 1893— Aug. 23, 19 18 Captain, Royal Air Force. Son of Alfred Hales; b. Guelph; ed. Guelph p.s. and C.i.; Ontario Agricultural College 1910-15, B.s..\.; Staff, o.A.c. 1915-16. In July 19 16 he joined the R. Naval Air Service, and was first employed on patrol duty off the coast of Scotland. He went to France in September 1917 and served as Fighting Scout for four months. Afterwards for some time he was employed as Ferry Pilot in taking machines from England to France. He was Mentioned in Despatches for moving planes out of the line of the enemy's advance in March 19 18. In April he was appointed Captain in the r.a.f., and was Flight Commander at the time of his death. He rejoined his Squadron, the 203rd, in the summer. Five weeks later he was reported missing; and later it was ascertained that he had been killed while leading a patrol on a reconnaissance over the lines on the Somme front. Buried near Bray-sur- Somme. WILLIAM TEASDALE HALL April 6, 1893— May 19, 19 17 Captain, Royal Flying Corps. Son of F. Asa Hall; b. Toronto; ed. Huron Street P.s., Harbord Street C.I., Toronto; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng. -Hon.); C.O.T.C; Mining Engineer, Braden Copper Co., Rancagua, Chile. In April 1916 he left Chile and on his arrival in England was appointed lo (lie R. Flying Corps. He obtained his wings in August and joined the 21st Squadron, 14th Wing, as Fighting Scout on September 1st. On his first flight over the lines his engine stalled, but he succeeded in landing on the French side. He was injured on October 4th in making a descent after his first night flight. He served on the Amiens, Albert, and Monchy Lagache sections of the .Somme front. He was appointed Acting Flight-Com- mander in December and transferred to the 24th Squadron, being made permanent Flight-Commander in April 19 17. On May 19th, when he was trying a machine of a new type, the wings suddenly crumpled, and he was instantly killed by the fall. Buried at Monchy Lagache near P6ronne. 6o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO CLIFFORD ROBINSON HAMES March 5, 1895— April 25, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the Rev. Arthur B. Hames; b. Anworth, Man.; ed. Bartle, Cuba; White- vale and Markham p.ss.; Penetanguishene and Midland h.ss.; Applied Science 19 15-16; C.O.T.C. In February' 19 16 he enlisted with the Divisional Signallers, Canadian Engineers, and went overseas in May. He transferred to the R. Flying Corps in England in August 19 17, and received his commission In December. Shortly before he was to leave for France, he was accidentally killed near Dover, In attempting to land in a mist when the ground was almost invisible. Buried at the same time as the Zeebrugge heroes In Charlton Cemetery, Dover. CLARENCE DICKINSON HAMILTON Dec. 18, 1883— Oct. 9, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Dr. Charles J. Hamilton; b. Cornwall; ed. Cornwall P.s. and H.s.; Medicine 1904-06; M.D., CM., McGIll University, 191 1; Practising at Cornwall. He was appointed to the R.A.M.C. in August 19 14, and went in August 19 15 with the 141st Field Ambulance to France, where he served for eighteen months. He was Medical Officer to the 2nd R. Sussex Regiment through the battle of Loos and on the HuUuch-La Bassee front. Later he was with the 1st Black Watch. He then transferred to the C.A.M.C. and after serving both In England and France, returned to Canada with a casualty transport. After staying in Canada for a time he left on September 26th, 1918, for England as Second In command of the Medical service on the transport 'Huntsend'. W'hile on the voyage he, with several others, succumbed to influenza, and was burled at sea. DOUGLAS KIPP HAMILTON April 15, 1893— Aug. 8, 19 18 Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of the Rev. Richard D. Hamilton; b. Port Stanley; ed. London P.s., Petrolea P.s. andn.s., ListowelH.s., Brantford c.i.; Victoria College 19 12-16, b.a; Year executive; C.O.T.C. In October 1915 he was appointed to the 125th Battalion, and went overseas in August 19 16. He joined the 54th Battalion in France In April 19 18 on the Lens front. The first day of the battle of Amiens he was killed in action by a machine-gun bullet, when advancing at the head of his platoon. His College friend Laurence H. Rehder, who had been with him In every unit since they joined the forces together, was killed in the same battle. Burled near Beaucourt-en-Santerre. ROBERT GORDON HAMILTON June 18, 1894— Sept. 27, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Horse Artillery. Son of the Rev. R. M. Hamilton; b. Toronto; ed. Weston p.s. and h.s.. University of Toronto Schools; University College 1911-14; Beta Theta Pi; Law School. In 19 15 he enlisted in the 34th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in June. He ob- tained a commission in England in the Royal Artillery In November 19 15, and went to France in January 19 16, being appointed to the 77th Brigade, i6th Division. He served during the following months first near Loos, La Bassee and Arras, then on the Somnie front. In the attack on Combles, Sept. 24th-26th, he was attached to the French Infantry as Liaison Officer. After the town had been captured by an encircling move- ment, he was returning through Combles early on the 27th, when a shell struck and killed him and two other officers, one of them Captain R. E. Horkins of this University. His battery had been through very severe fighting in 'Death Valley' for three weeks and ROLL OF HONOUR 6i suffered heavy losses. He had served as Acting Lieutenant in conyiiand of the battery, and before his death had been recommended for a Captaincy. He had also been recom- mended for ihe Military Cross for rescuing a number of his men who had been buried by shell fire. Buried naar Maricourt. HAROLD LEANDER HANNA April i8, 1899— April 23, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery and Royal Air Force. Sonof Leander Hanna; b. Kaslo, B.c.;ed. KasloP.S. and H.s., Watford P.s. andn.s.; University College 1915-16; C.O.T.C.; 33rd Bty., C.F.A., Prov. Lieut. In November 19 16 he enlisted in the 71st Battery, c.f.a., and obtained his com- mission in the same unit in January 19 17. He went overseas in February 19 18, and was seconded to the R. Flying Corps. He had completed his training and was due shortly to leave for France, when he was accidentally killed at Salisbury Plain. He was prac- tising firing, when, as he was diving from twenty-five hundred feet, apparently one of the controls gave way, and his machine crashed, killing him instantly. Buried at Tidworth. WILLIAM NEIL HANNA Jan. 18, 1895— Nov. 20, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery and Royal Air Force. Son of the late Hon. W. J. Hanna, K.c; b. Sarnia; ed. Sarnia P.s. and c.i., St. Andrew's College; Victoria College 19 13- 15; Delta Upsilon. In the spring of 19 15 he,enlisted in the 26th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in September. He obtained his commission in England in the R. Field Artillery, and went to France with his unit early in 19 16. He was severely wounded at Mametz Wood in July, and for some months was under treatment and came home on leave. On rejoining his unit he was unable to continue in the Artillery, and transferred to the R. Flying Corps, 36th Squadron. He returned to the French front in January 19 18 and in October went to Ital}-, where he was engaged in flying over the Austrian front. A few days after the Armistice, while observing the Austrian retreat, he was accidentally killed. Buried at Montecchio Precalcino, Italy. HENRY ARTHUR HARDING Aug. 25, 1883— June 6, T916 Private, Fifth Battalion. Son of S. H. Harding; b. St. Mary's; ed. Port Rowan p.s. and H.s.; Trinity College 1901-04, B..\.; Teacher and Journalist in the West; loth Regt., Ptc.; 33rd Regt., Lieut.; 39th Regt., Lieut. Though he had had considerable experience in the Militia and held a Captain's certificate, he chose to enlist at once in the ranks of the 5th Battalion. He went over- seas in September 19 14 and for several months was employed in England as Instructor. In October 19 15 he joined his battalion in France. During the fighting before Zillebeke he was instantly killed by a sniper at a short distance from the trench. Buried at Larch Wood Cemetery. At the time of his death arrangements were being made for granting him a commission. THOMAS LESLIE HARLING July 27, 1895— June 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of R. Dawson Harling; 1). Liverjjool, Kng.; ed- Model School, Parkdale c.i., Toronto, University of Toronto Scliools; Ap()lied Science 1914-15; Aljiha Delta Phi; 9th I Idisc, l.ieut. 62 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In January 19 15 he was appointed to the 8th Mounted Rifles, and went overseas in October. He joined the 5th Mounted Rifles on the Belgian front in March 1916 and served in the Salient till his death. On May 31st his company had returned from rest billets to a position near Ypres. When the bombardment began on the morning of June 2nd, it was quickly sent forward in support with another company to Maple Copse. Here he was struck by a shell, and died as he was being taken back to a dressing station. His last known words were "God bless the boys". Buried at Transport Farm near Ypres. HOWARD KILBOURNE HARRIS Jan. 14, 1887— Feb. 22, 1918 Captain, Essex Regiment. Son of the late T. M. Harris; b. Brantford; ed. Huron Street P.s. Toronto, St. Andrew's College; University College 1904-05, 1906-09, b.a.; xiii Club; Year executive; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Law School; Bankers' Bond Co.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In April 1915 he went to England, where he obtained his commission in the ilth Essex Regiment. He went to France in April 1916, and served on the Somme and Ypres-Passchendaele fronts. He was promoted Captain in February 19 17, and in May- was awarded the Military Cross for successfully directing with great coolness and skill an attack on the enemy's trench near Albert. He was killed while making a reconnais- sance on an advanced German post near Bapaume. WEBSTER HENRY FANNING HARRIS Dec. 5, 1874— May 4, 1917 Captain, Chaplain Service, att. Sixth Infantry Brigade. b. St. Thomas; ed. Brockville C.i.; Druggist in Brockville; Trinity College 1907-10; Anglican Ministry at Stettler and Red Deer, Alta.; md. In January 19 16 he went overseas and the next month joined No. I Canadian General Hospital at Etaples as Chaplain. He was subsequently transferred to the 6th Infantry Brigade, 2nd Division. When serving en the Somme front in September he was wounded by shrapnel in the spine and paralysed from the hips downwards. He was admitted to the Empire Hospital, Vincent Square, London, where he remained for several months and died the following May. WILLIAM JAMES EUGENE HARRIS May 24, 1882— Aug. 8, 1918 Private, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of the late William Harris; b. Halifax, N.s.; ed. Irish Church Mission, Dublin; University College 1906-I1; Wycliflfe College; Anglican Ministry. In June 1916 he enlisted in the 204th Battalion and went overseas in March 1917- He reverted from the rank of Sergeant to that of Private in November in order to reach the front, crossing over in January 19 18. He had been offered a commission in the Chaplain Service, but postponed accepting it, as he preferred to remain in the ranks till the immediate campaign should be finished. He served for some months on the Lens and neighbouring sections of the front. On the evening of the first day of the battle of Amiens he was killed in action at Le Quesnel, and was buried the next day at Beaucourt- en-Santerre. CHARLES EDWARD HARROP Oct. 4, 1895— May 2, 1917 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery'. Son of Thomas Harrop; b. Garnet; ed. Walpole p.s., Hagersville H.s., Caledonia H.S.; Applied Science 19 13- 15; c.o.t.c. ROLL OF HONOUR 63 In April 19 16 he enlistedjin the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its formation, and went overseas in Juna. He joined the 22nd Howitzer Battery, 6th Brigade, in France in October, and served on the Somme and Vimy Fronts. After going through the battle of the Ridge he was wounded at Petit Vimy, when taking cover after his gun had been__shattered. He succumbed to his injuries on May 2nd, and was buried at Barlin. JAMES CUTHBERT HARTNEY May 21, 1885— May i, 1917 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion and Royal Flying Corps. Son of James Hartney; b. Pakenham; ed. Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1903-06, B.A.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Beta Theta Pi; Electrical Engineer. In December 1914 he was appointed to the 44th Battalion, and went overseas in August 19 15. He was seconded in England to the R. Flying Corps, and at the end of April 1917 went to France, joining the 19th Squadron as Observer. Three days later he was killed in a collision while flying over the lines near Chocques. Buried at Choc- ques Military Cem2tery. ROY ANDREW HARTRY Oct. 30, 1897— Oct. i, 1918 Corporal, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of Richard Hartry; b. Schreiber; ed. Schreiber P.S., Fort William C.I.; Applied Science 1916-17; c.o.t.c. In Febiuary 19 17 he enlisted in the 204th Battalion, and went overseas in March. He joined the 1st Battalion, Machine Gun Corps, in France in August, and served through the battle of Passchendaele. After going through the battles of Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant, he was wounded in the attack on Cambrai at Blecourt While he was making his way back to the dressing station he was killed by a sniper. Buried at Sancourt near Cambrai. He had won the Military Medal, which was received by his mother after his death. JOHN IRVINE HARVEY March 6, 1888— Sept. 16, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-second Battalion. Son of Norman Harvey; b. Scott Tp.; ed. Udora P.S., Uxbridge H.S.; Education 1910-11; Teaching at Chatham c.i. In September 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and before going overseas in November was promoted Sergeant. He received his commission in April 1916, and joined the 52nd Battalion in France in June after the battle of Zille- beke. He was killed in action at Courcelette while leading his men in the attack. Buried at Courcelette British Cemetery. NORMAN JOHN HARVIE Oct. 24, 1889— Oct. 15, 1916 Sergeant Major, Canadian P'ield Artillery. Son of Dr. A. R. Harvie; b. Orillia; ed. Orillia p.s.'and C.I.; Second Hockey colours; Applied Science 1907-11, n..\.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Civil Engineer; Corps of Guides. In September 19 15 he enlisted in the 40th Battery, 8th Brigade, c.f.a., and went overseas in February 1916. He reached France with the battery in July, and served on the Somme front. M Courcelette on ()ctol)er 15th the enemy opened heavy fire on the battery, which was in an open position. He and Major Gordon Soutliun were engaged in getting their men into a position of safety, when a shell struck, killing both. Buried at Albert. 64 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JOHN HATELY Aug. 17, 1S90— Aug. 21, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of George Hately; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford P.s. and c.i.; Trinity College 1909-13, B..\. (Philos.); M..\. 1914: College Rugby, Hockey, Basket-ball teams. In November 1914 he joined the 14th Battery, 4th Brigade, c.f.a., in the Second Contingent. He served with this unit in France as a Signaller from September 1915 till early in 19 17, in the Ploegsteert and Dickebusch areas, and through the battles of St. Eloi, Ypres and the Somme. Though he was offered a commission he preferred to continue in the ranks. When the 14th w^as broken up he transferred to the 27th Battery, and went through the Vimy campaign with it. In the attack on Hill 70 he was instantly killed while repairing a broken line to a post on Hirondelle Ridge on ground that was being heavily shelled. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. ROY RICHARD HAWKEY March 28, 1894— Oct. 29, 1917 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery'. Son of Charles P. Hawkey; b. Grimsby; ed. Grimsby P.s. and H.s., Hamilton c.i.; Applied Science 1913-16; c.o.t.c. In February 1916 he enlisted in the 47th Battery, 12th Brigade, c.f.a., and went overseas in September. He joined the i ith Battery in France in the spring of 1917, and went through the battle of Vimy and the Lens-Hill 70 campaign. At Passchendaele as he was serving in charge of his gun with marked courage and coolness, a shell burst near by killing three instantly, and severely wounding him and others. The same evening he succumbed to his injuries at the dressing-station. His College friend James Ronald Chapman, who had been with him in the nth Battery throughout, was fatally wounded by the same shell. HENRY STUART HAYES Feb. 21, 1890— Nov 2, 1916 Sergeant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Henry W. Hayes; b. Murray; ed. Murray P.s., Tnnton H.s., Regina Normal School ; Teaching in the West ; Trinity College 1910-14, B.A. (Math. & Phys.) ; Wellington Scholar ; President College Athletic Assoc; College Football and Harrier teams; Harrier colours; Busjness Manager, 'Trinity Review'; Secretaij', University Students' Council; Law School; 3rd Dragoons. In August 1915 he enlisted in the 26th Battery, 7th Brigade, c.f.a., and reached France early in 1916. He served near Ypres and at the Somme. On the evening of his death he was sitting with his men in their dug-out, when a shell burst in their midst, wounding him so severely that he survived for only a few minutes. Buried at Pozieres. A few days later it was announced that the Military Medal had been awarded to him for his action, shortly before his death, in going to the rescue of a comrade and extinguishing a fire in a gun pit where the ammunition was exploding and the enemy's shells bursting around him. His Commanding Officer wrote that had he lived he would have been recommended for a commission. GEOFFREY HEIGHINGTON Jan. 8, 1896— Nov. 2, 1918 Lieutenant, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the late Joseph Heighington; b. Toronto; ed. St. Alban's School, Jarvis Street C.i., Toronto, Bishop Ridley College; University College 1913-16; Zeta Psi; C.o.t.c; 48th Regt., Lieut. After serving for a time at Kapuskasing Camp, he was appointed in February 19 16 to the 134th Battalion, and went overseas in August. Early in 1918 he joined the 4th Mounted Rifles in France, and served first on the Lens section of the front. He was awarded the Military Cross in March for his action as leader of a section of a raiding ROLL OF HONOUR party near Hill 70, which penetrated the enemy's defences and resulted in the capture of a machine gun. During the withdrawal he held the communication trench, enabling all the wounded to be evacuated. Following the battles of Amiens, Arras and Cambrai through which he served, he was taken ill with pneumonia at the end of October and died a few days later at Torquay, England, where he was buried. THOMAS HERMAN HEINTZMAN July 26, 1888— May 26, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Herman Heintzman; b. Toronto; ed. Annette Street p.s., Humber- side C.I., Toronto; Applied Science 1905-07; Heintzman & Co. In October 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps,' and after training in Texas and at Armour Heights he was appointed Instructor at Deseronto. He was instantly killed in an accident near the Rathbun aerodrome. He was instructing a pupil in flying, when another machine suddenly appeared. A collision was inevitable, but in an effort to save the other machine he made a quick turn which, however, proved fatal. Buried at Toronto. JOSEPH GRANT HELLIWELL Nov. 26, 1888— June 15, 1915 Captain, First Battalion. Son of Grant Helliwell; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale P.s., Jesse Ketchum p.s., Jarvis Street C.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1906-10, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); Theta Delta Chi; Canadian Bridge Co., Walkerville; 21st Regt., Capt. In August 19 14 he was appointed Lieutenant in the 1st Battalion and went to France in February 1915. Shortly afterwards he was invalided to hospital in Rouen till May, when he rejoined his battalion at Festubert. At Givenchy his was one of the two companies leading in the attack. His Captain was wounded on reaching the first German trench. Taking over the command of the company, he led it forward to the second trench, where he was seen to fall struck by a bullet through the head. Buried where he fell. JAMES HENDERSON March 28, 1878— July 16, 1917 Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late James Henderson; b. Toronto; ed. Barrie p.s. and c.i.; Trinity Medical College 1898-1902, m.d., cm.; Practising at Sudbury and Regina; Served in S. African War; 1 6th Light Horse, Capt. He joined the First Contingent in August 19 14 with the i6th Light Horse from Saskatchewan but was invalided the same autumn. A year later he was appointed to the R.A.M.c, and went to France in September 19 15, attached to the Meerut Indian Division (Sikhs and Gurkhas). In January 19 16 he went with the same force to Mesopo- tamia and served in the attempt to relieve Kut. He was invalided in Ma\' I9i6,and in May 19 17 he returned to Canada on leave and died two months later at his home in Toronto. MAURICE RUSSELL HENDERSON May 21, 1894— June 13, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of the late Ernest G. Henderson ; b. London ; ed. Windsor p.s. and c.i. ; Windsor private school; University College 1912-15; Delta Kapjia Epsilon; 25th Regt., Lieut. In 1915 he was api^ointed to the 33rd Battalion and went overseas in the spring of 1916. He joined the 58th Battalion in Flanders and a few days later was killed in action in the counter-attack recovering the lost ground at Sanctuary Wood. Buried near Poperinghe. —8 66 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ALFRED HALL HENRY July i, 1898— Sept. 4, 1918 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of O. B. Henry; b. Drayton; ed. Drayton p.s. and Contn. School; Victoria College 1915-16; C.O.T.C. In March 19 16 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery on its formation, and went overseas in June. He joined the 21st Howitzer Battery, nth Brigade, in France in March 19 17 and went through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70 and Passchendaele. He also served in the battle of Amiens and the first part of the advance from Arras. During the attack on the Drocourt-Queant Line he was wounded on the night of September 3rd near Rumancourt, as he was going back to the waggon lines, and died the next day at No. 42 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Aubigny. LEWIS BROCK HENRY Sept. 23, 1892— Aug. 30, 1917 Captain, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of J. Edgar Henry; b. Maple Grove, Winona; ed. Winona P.s., Grimsby H.s,, Hamilton c.i.; Ontario Agricultural College 1909-13, b.s.a.; Secretary, o.A.c. Literary Society; O.A.C. 'Review' staff; Fruit farming; 77th Regt., Capt. In the spring of 1915 he recruited a platoon at Dundas, and in July was appointed to the 76th Battalion. He went overseas in April 1916, and for a time was with the 36th and the 3rd Reserve Battalions acting as Musketry Instructor. He was twice employed in taking drafts over to France. Early in July 1917 he joined the 58th Battalion and served on the Lens-Hill 70 front. i\fter less than two months' service there he was instantly killed by a shell when taking part in a successful attack on a German outpost. Buried at Aix-Noulette. LEONARD JOHN HEXTALL Nov. 6, 1890— Nov. 21, 1916 Lieutenant, Fiftieth Battalion. Son of the late John Hextall; b. London, Eng.; ed. at Hastings and Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon, Eng.; Ontario Agricultural College 1909-13, b.s.a.; Year President; Government service at Calgary. In November 1914 he enlisted in the 50th Battalion, in which he later received his commission and was appointed Signalling Officer. He went overseas in October 1915 and reached France the following August. He was injured by shell-shock while serving on the Somme front, and died near Contay, where he was buried. JOHN EMERSON HILL Jan. 20, 1891— March 28, 1916 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillety. Son of James Hill; b. Goodwood; ed. Whitchuch p.s., Aurora H.s.; University College 1911-15, b.a. (Pol. Sci.); 'Varsity' staff; c.o.t.c. In the autumn of 1914 he enlisted in the 14th Battery, 4th Brigade, C.F.A., and went overseas with the Second Contingent. He reached France in .September 1915 and served through the following months in the Ploegsteert-Ypres area. During the heavy fighting of March 27th, 19 16, at St. Eloi he went out to repair a broken wire. While he was in the communication trench he was wounded in the spine by a shell, and died the next day at No. 17 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Poperinghe. He had been recommended for a commission, and the order to return to England came the day after his death. CHARLES RUSSELL HILLIS Oct. 11, 1886— Feb. 25, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of Frank Hillis; b. Watford; ed. Inwood P.s., W'atford H.s.; Applied Science 1903-06, Diploma (Mech. Eng.); Course with Westinghouse Co., Pittsburgh; Canadian Westinghouse Co., Hamilton; 13th Regt., Lieut.; md. Helen Weeks. ROLL OF HONOUR 67 At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the 120th Battalion, and went overseas in August 19 1 6. While in England he was Adjutant to the Brigade School at East Sandling. He joined the Ii6th Battalion in France in August 1917, and served first on the Lens front and then through the battle of Passchendaele. After the return of his unit to Lens he was wounded, as it was taking over the line from the 58th Battalion, and died the next day in No. 7 General Hospital at St. Omer. Buried at Longuenesse near St. Omer. HENRY BOYD HODGE Nov. 29, 1880— Dec. 2, 1915 Lance-Corporal, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the late Robert Hodge; b. Clontibret, Ireland; ed. Clontibret P.s., Erasmus Smith School, Ireland; S. African War, served in 74th Imperial Yeomanry, Dublin Coy.; Cape Mounted Police; University College 1912-15; Wycliffe College. In January 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, in which he was promoted to Sergeant, and went overseas in July. Reverting to Lance-Corporal, he went to France in October and served on the Neuve Eglise section of the front before Messines. When his unit was in reserve on December ist he was wounded by a shell which burst over his tent. He died the next day and was buried at Red Lodge, Hill 63. He had acted at times for the Brigade Chaplain, and had been recommended for a Chaplaincy shortly before his death. JOHN EASTWOOD HODGSON July 28, 1888— Nov. 5, 1918 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the late John E. Hodgson; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1905-09, b.a. (Pol. Sc.);Year Treasurer; Historical Club; 'Varsity' stafT; Tennis colours; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon) ; Asst. Registrar 1910-11 ; Murray Mather Co.; 48th Regt., Lieut.; md. Dorothy Jean Murray. In August 1915 he was appointed to the 92nd Battalion, in which he was promoted Captain and made Paymaster. Going overseas in May 1916, he was attached to the 5th Reserve, and then to the 134th Battalion as Paymaster. He reverted to Lieutenant in March 1918 and went to France, where he was first employed with the Pay Corps. In September he joined the p.p.c.l.i. at Bourlon. On October 25th while on leave, he was taken ill and some days later died in a London hospital. Buried_at^Brookwood Cemetery. HERBERT SPENCER HOLCROFT Sept. 4, 1877— July 8, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Son of the late Thomas Holcroft; b. Orillia; ed. Trinity College School, Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1896-1900, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng.); Engineering Society executive; Dominion Land Surveyor. At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the 2nd Tunnelling Company, Canadian Engineers, and went overseas in January 191 6. Reaching France in the spring, he served in the Yprcs Salient, where he was injured by shell-shock in June. Me was taken to No. 4 London Military Hospital, and died there suddenly on July 8th. Buried at Bolney, Sussex. ROBERT HOME Dec. 29, 1890— April 22, 1917 Ca|»tain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of Robert Home; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne P.S., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Medicine 1908-13, m.b.; Staff in Medicine 1913-15; Staff of Toronto General and Grace Hospitals. 68 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In October 1915 he was appointed to the r.a.m.c, and went overseas in November. On February 1st, 1917, he went to France in charge of No. 75 Sanitary Section. During the following months he was on the strength of the 107th Field Ambulance, 35th Divi- sion, and served with it, or from time to time as Medical Officer to Artillery and Infantry units, firs.t in the Bethune-IMerville area, then in the summer on the Somme, and later on the Arras front. At the end of November he returned home for a short leave. When he reached France again in January 1917 he joined the 17th Field Ambulance, but for several weeks was attached to the 6th Divisional School and employed in giving in- struction at various places near Bethune and Noeux-les-Mines. At the end of March he rejoined the Ambulance. On April 21st he was in the front line near Loos, being tem- porarily attached to the i8th Field Ambulance, and worked all night. The next day he was leaving the aid-post with his Colonel to enter the ambulance car, when a shell struck, killing them both and the driver. Buried at Bethune. FRED HOLMES HOPKINS Oct. 31, 1880— Jan. 30, 1916 Lieut. -Colonel, Fourteenth Battalion, and Headquarters Staff, Shorncliffe. Son of His Honour Judge Hopkins; b. Lindsay; ed. Lindsay p.s. and c.i.; Uni- versity College 1901-05, B.A. (Pol. Sc); ll.b. 1910; u.c. Literary Society executive; Vice-President, Students' Union; xiiiClub; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Barrister, practising at Lindsay; 45th Regt., Lt.-Col. In August 1914 he was appointed to the 14th Battalion and went overseas with the First Contingent. After a period in France he was appointed Chief Compensation Officer at Shorncliffe. He was killed in a motor accident at Clapham, Sussex. Buried at Lindsay. RICHARD EARL HORKINS Dec. 9, 1890— Sept. 27, 1916 Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of T. J. Horkins; b. Campbellford; ed. Campbellford p.s. and H.S.; Medicine 1909-14, M.B.; Lacrosse colours; Faculty Rugby and Hockey teams; House Surgeon, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. He was first appointed to the c.a.m.c, and went overseas in May 1915. He then transferred to the r.a.m.c. and reached France in the summer, being attached as Medical Officer to the 77th Howitzer Brigade, R.F.A. He served in the Loos and Hill 60 areas, and then through the Somme campaign. Shortly after the capture of Combles, as he was passing through the town with Lieut. R. G. Hamilton, also of this University, and the Major of the battery, a shell struck and killed all three. Buried at Maricourt. ASA MILTON HORNER Dec. 31, 1893— Sept. 16, 1916 Lieutenant, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of William J. Horner; b. Shawville, P.Que.; ed. Beachburg p.s., Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Victoria College 1910-16, b.a.; President, College Athletic Union; College Basket-ball and Rugby teams; First. Rugby colours; c.o.T.c, Sergt. In December 191 5 he was appointed to the 74th Battalion, and went overseas is March 1916. He joined the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles in France in June. He was wounded by a shell at Courcelette as he was leading his platoon in the attack, and died from his injuries the next day in hospital at Warloy, where he was buried. ANDREW ALLISON HORTON April 19, 1896— Oct. i, 1918 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of E. A. Horton; b. St. Thomas; ed. St. Thomas p.s. and c.i.; University College 1913-16; Treasurer, u.c. Literary Society; C.O.T.C; 25th Regt., Lieut. ROLL OF HONOUR 69 In November 1915 he was appointed to the 91st Battah'on, and went overseas in the spring of 1916. He was in charge of Physical Training and Bayonet' Fighting for the 35th and 4th Reserve Battalions in England. In April 1917 he joined the ist Battalion in France. He served through the battles and campaigns of that year and of 1918 till his death. He was killed in action in front of Cambrai. Buried at Sancourt. ERNEST DRYDEN HOSKEN Nov. 6, 1889— Oct. 14, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Cameron Highlanders. Son of George H. Hosken;b. Smith's Falls; ed. Smith's Falls P.S., Dominion Business College; University College 1911-15, c.A. (Classics); Year executive; c.o.t.c. In January 1915 he enlisted in the 19th Battalion, receiving his degree shortly afterwards at a special Convocation. He reached France in September and was pro- moted to Lance-Corporal. He served with the battalion through the winter in the trenches and in the battle of St. Eloi near Ypres. In August 1916 he received his com- mission in the 7th Cameron Highlanders, 15th Division. He was wounded in October, and remained for several months in England. Shortly after his return to the front, he, went over with a small party in a raid from Monchy-le-Preux. He had volunteered for this work, and owing to his good service on night patrols his request had been granted. None of the party returned, and several months later he was reported as killed in action. FRANCIS CARL HOWARD Sept. 24, 1894— Sept. 9. 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Sonof Lewis A. Howard; b. Toronto ;ed. Huron Street p. s., Toronto; Upper Canada College; Medicine 19 13- 14; 9th Horse, Lieut. After qualifying in both Cavalry and Artillery he was appointed to the 75th Bat- talion in June 1915, and went overseas in March 19 16. Not long after reaching the front, when the battalion was in the line before St. Eloi, he and Lieut. H. L. Devlin took out a party on a night raid. When they arrived at the German trench, about 12.30 a.m., the enemy opened fire with machine guns, seriously wounding him and killing his com- panion. He was carried by his men to a shell hole, but they had to leave him owing to the enemy's bomb fire. Later he was taken in by the Germans, but died without re- covering consciousness on the afternoon of the same day. Buried at Commines. GEORGE EDWY CALDWELL HOWARD July 27, 1896— Sept. 26, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Edward S. Howard; b. Brampton; ed. Owen Sound p.s., Belleville p.s. and C.I.; Victoria College 1913-17, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); Alexander Mackenzie Scholar; 15th Rcgt.; C.O.T.C. In October 1916 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, and went to England in January 1917. He qualified as Flight Sub-Lieutenant in the R. Naval Air Service in July, and went to France the next month. He was wounded near Ostend on September 3rd and the following winter was home on leave. On his return to duty he was engaged in flying over the Belgian coast area. He was reported as missing near Zeebrugge on September 26th, 19 18. JOHN TURNER HOWARD May 21, 1892— June 18, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. Son of Willson S. Howard; b. Toronto; ed. Bolton Ave., Withrow, Huron Street P.ss., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1909-13, B..\.sc. (Civ. Eng.) ; 'Varsity' staff; Beta Theta Pi; Staff in Applied Science 19 13-16; C.O.T.C; md. Ruth Loudon. 70 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In August 19 16 he was appointed to the Canadian Engineers at Headquarters, Exhibition Camp, Toronto. He went overseas in May 19 17 and was transferred to the Royal Engineers. He reached France in March 1918, being attached to the Sound Ranging Section of the 5th Field Survey Company. On May 31st he was severely injured in a motor accident near Amiens, on the St. Vaast Road. His right leg was amputated, and tetanus set in, to which he succumbed at No. 10 British Red Cross Hospital. Buried at Le Treport. DAVID EDWIN HOWES May 20, 1877— May 19, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Edwin Howes; b. Minto Tp., Harriston; ed. Minto p.s., Harriston H.S.; Ottawa Normal School; Teaching five years; Trinity Medical College, M.D., CM. 1906; Practising at Shallow Lake; md. Margaret Young. In December 1915 he was appointed Medical Officer to the 147th, Grey County, Battalion, and went overseas in October 19 16. He was attached to the 8th Reserve Battalion and to Medical Boards in England. After going to France in November 1917 he was first attached to the Base Depot and then to No. i Canadian General Hospital. On the evening when the air raid on the Hospitals at Etaples began he had just returned from Church Service and was about to retire. He went over to render assistance to the injured, when a second bomb fell close by and instantly killed him. Buried at Etaples. HUGH LEWIS HOYLES Nov 13, 1880— Aug. 12, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-second Battalion. Son of N. W. Hoyles, K.C., LL.D.; b. Toronto; ed. Bishop Ridley College; Univer- sity College 1899-1903, b.a. (Eng. &Hist.-Cl.); Year President ; Manager, Senior Rugby team; Captain, Second Rugby team; Secretary-Treasurer, Cricket Club; Kappa Alpha; Law School; Barrister 1906, firm of Aylesworth, Wright, Moss & Thompson; Solicitor and General Counsel to Bell Telephone Co., Montreal; 5th Rcgt , Capt. and Adjutant; md. Elizabeth Sankey. In 19 15 he joined the 5th Royal Highlanders in Montreal, and after reverting to Lieutenant, went overseas with a reinforcing draft in November 1916. He joined the 42nd Battalion in France in March 1917, and served with it through the battles of Vimy and Passchendaele, in the latter of which he was slightly wounded. He was killed instantly at the battle of Amiens on the night of August 12th while leading his company in a successful attack. Buried at Bouchoir, near Roye. His name was Men- tioned in Despatches on November i8th, 191 8. CHESTER HUGHES March 30, 1888— Nov. 15, 1915 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Only son of James L. Hughes, ll.d.; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne p.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1905-09, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Railway Engineering; Can. Engrs. In the autumn of 19 14 he joined the 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers, of the Second Contingent, and was promoted Lieutenant In December. He reached France in July 1915, and was employed in charge of the construction of strong points for machine guns. He was killed by a shell, while walking at night on the road from Kemmel to Lindenhock. Buried at Locre. HUGH LLOYD HUGHES Aug. 4, 1887— March 6, 1917 Private, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of Joseph Hughes; b. Drayton; ed. Moorefield P.s., Fergus Contn. School, Guelph C.I.; Education 1911-12; Principal, Princeton Continuation School. ROLL OF HONOUR In December 1915 he enlisted in the 71st Battalion. He was transferred to the 54th Battalion in England, and reached France in August 19 16. Though he was offered a commission he preferred to remain in the ranks. Through the autumn of 1916 he served in the Somme campaign. On March ist, 1917, he was fatally wounded at Vimy Ridge, and succumbed to his injuries five days later. Buried at Barlin. A scholarship has been founded in his memory at the Princeton School. FRANK HUME Sept. 5, 1881— Oct. 31, 1917 Sergeant, Forty-seventh Battalion. Son of Alexander Hume; b. Gait; ed. Gait p.s. and H.s., and Glasgow, Scotland; Applied Science 1903-04; Irrigation Engineer in Alberta and British Columbia; md. Ada Winnifred Grififiths. In February 1916 he enlisted in the 172nd Battalion. He transferred to the 47th Battalion after arriving in England and went to France in March 1917. He had reverted in order to reach the front, but was again promoted to Sergeant shortly before his death. Through the summer he served in the campaign before Lens. At Passchendaele, he was shot by a sniper when directing the evacuation of a trench by his section. Buried at Poperinghe. WILLIAM HUSTON March 4, 1887— Dec. 6, 1917 Captain, Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Son of Mitchell Huston; b. Carman, Man.; ed. Carman P.s. and H.s.; Ontario Veterinary College 19 12- 15. #• In March 19 15 he was appointed to the R. Army Veterinary Corps. He served in France with the 37th Divisional Train and the 126th Brigade, r.f.a., and was ^Mentioned for his services. He was accidentally killed near Bailleul, when struck by a motor lorry. Buried at Bailleul. LINCOLN GEORGE HUTTON March 17, 1893— Dec. 13, 1916 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of Frank Hutton; b. Windsor; ed. Windsor p.s. and c.r.; Victoria College 191 1- 15, B.A. (Philos.); G. J. Blewett Scholar; Sanford Gold Medal; Fellow in Political Science 19 15; President, College Literary Society; Secretary-Treasurer, Inter-Collegiate Debating Union; c.o.t.c; 21st Regt., Lieut. In December 1915 he was appointed to the 99th Battalion, and went overseas in June 1916. The next month he joined the 1st Battalion in France as Bombing Officer. He was wounded at the Somme on September 21st. On the morning of December 13th, when his battalion was in the line on the Carency sector, near Vimy Ridge, he went over into 'No Man's Land' to make an important reconnaissance of the enemy's lines. Shortly after he was severely wounded by a sniper's shot. He was remo\ed back to hospital, but succumbed to his injuries a few hours later. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. FREDERICK ARTHUR IIUYCKE May 8, 1897— Sept. 3, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force Son of His Honour Judge Huycke; b. Cobourg; ed. Cobourg p.s.; Peterborough p.s. and C.I.; Victoria College 1915-17; C.O.T.C. In March 19 17 he enlisted in the Artillery', and in July obtained his commission in the 74th Batter>', c.f.a. He transferred to the R. Naval Air Service on going overseas in November, and reached France in March 19 18. He was employed mostly on flying patrol over the English Channel. On one occasion, about a month before his final flight, his plane fell into the sea, but he was rescued bj- a fishing boat. On September 3rd he flew out from Torquay on submarine patrol over the Channel, and did not return, and no trace was found either of him or of his Observer. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ALFRED WILLIAM HYDER May 4, 1889— Sept. 2, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Fifteenth Cyclist Battalion. Only son of Joseph W. Hyder; b.,Penshurst, Eng. ; ed. Penshurst and Palmers Grays Schools, Eng., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1913-15, 1916-17; Wycliffe College; c.o.t.c. In Januarj^ 1917 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, and went overseas in October. After training in England with the Artists Rifles, he received his commission in the 15th Corps Cyclist Battalion. He went to France in July 1918, and reached the front line in August. Two weeks later he was killed instantly by a shell when leading a platoon into action on the Bailleul-Armentieres road. Buried at Bailleul. JAMES HAMILTON INGERSOLL Oct. 30, 1895— Sept. 29, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment. Son of J. H. Ingersoll, K.c; b. St. Catherines; ed. Bishop Ridley College; Trinity College 1913-14; 19th Regt., Lieut. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the R. Canadian Regiment, with which he served on garrison duty at Bermuda for a time. He then went to England, and after taking a course at the R. Military College, Sandhurst, was appointed to the 2nd Lincoln- shire Regiment in September 19 15. He reached France in August 19 16 and served on the Somme front. At the time of his death he was attached to the 6th Service Battalion of the Regiment. He was killed in action at Ovillers on the Somme front and buried at Aveluy^near Albert. GEORGE LEYCESTER INGLES April 23, 1886— Jan. 1,-1915 Captain, Chaplain Service, att. 3rd Battalion and No. i General Hospital. Son of the Ven. Archdeacon Charles L. Ingles; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Toronto, Trinity College School, Toronto Church School; Trinity College 1905-08, b.a. 19 13; College Rugby and Cricket teams; Teaching at Trinity College School; General Theological Seminary, New York; Anglican Ministry, at Coldwater, and Curate of St. George's Church, Toronto; 2nd Regt., Sergt. In August 19 14 he was attached to the 3rd Battalion which was in part composed of members of his Militia Regiment, the Queen's Own. He was transferred for duty while at Salisbury Plain to No. i General Hospital, intending to return to the battalion when it should cross to France. On the outbreak of spinal meningitis in the camp he worked unremittingly in attendance on the sick, till he incurred the disease himself and succumbed after a few days. Buried at Bulford. RIC'kARD ALFRED IRELAND Jan. 13, 1889— Oct. 30, 1917 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late William Henry Ireland ; b. Trenton ; ed. Trenton p.s. and h.s. ; Medi- cine 1907-11, M.B.; House Surgeon, Toronto General Hospital; Practising at St. John's, Nfld.; Staff, Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph. In the summer of 19 15 he was appointed Medical Ofificer to the 76th Battalion, and went overseas in April 19 16. After being attached for a short period to the 39th and 36th Reserve Battalions in England he went to France in August. He first joined No. 3 General Hospital, and then No. 7 Stationary Hospital and No. 10 Field Ambulance. Later he was Medical Officer to the 5th Mounted Rifles. He served in the battle of the Somme and the Vimy campaign. At Passchendaele on October 30th, 19 17, he had filled his dressing station, and then left it to tend to the wounded men lying in the open, when he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried near the place where he fell. ROLL OF HONOUR VAN RENSSELAER SCHUYLER VAN TASSEL IRVINE Jan. 26, 1896— July Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. [19, 19 18 Son of William C. Irvine; b. Chicago; ed. Bishop Ridley College; University College 1915-16; Kappa Alpha; c.o.t.c. He joined the R. Flying Corps in June 1917, and in May 1918 reached France, where he served with the 43rd Squadron, r.a.f. After two months flying on various parts of the front he was missing on July 19th. He was last seen flying about eight miles north-east of Chateau Thierry. THOMAS CRAIK IRVING Aug. 31, 1878— Oct. 29, 1917 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Engineers. Son of Thomas C. Irving; b. Toronto; ed. Harbord St. c.i.; Applied Science 1900-02; Manager, Third Rugby team; Rec. Secretary, Engineering Society; McGill University 1902-03, B.sc; Delta Upsilon; Engineer, Robert W. Hunt & Co.; 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Capt.; md. Jessie Edna Murray. In August 19 14 he was appointed Captain in the c.e.f. and Commanding Officer of the 2nd Field Company, First Divisional Engineers, which he recruited in Toronto. He reached France in February 1915 with his unit, and served through the battles of Ypres, Festubert and Givenchy. Later in the year he was promoted to the rank of Major. He was, awarded the d.s.o. for his services in the third battle of Ypres in June 19 16. In the following autumn he was gazetted Lieut.-Colonel and appointed to the command of the Engineers of the 4th Division, which he commanded in the battles of the Somme and Vimy and through the following campaign before Lens. On October 29th, 1917, when the battle of Passchendaele was in progress, he was killed in his Headquarters by a fragment of a bomb dropped from an enemy's aeroplane. Buried at Brandhoek Military Cemetery. On January ist, 1918, his name was Mentioned in Despatches for his services at Passchendaele. OSCAR IRWIN Oct. I, 1885— Aprir23, 1915 Captain, y.m.C.A., attached Tenth Battalion. Son of the late John Irwin; b. Collingwood Tp., Grey Cy.; ed. Redwing p.s., Colllng- wood p.s. and c.i.; University College 1908-12; Knox College; Assistant at Victoria Church, W'est Toronto, and Mount Albert Presbyterian Church. He went overseas as Honorary Lieutenant with the Y.M.C.A. of the First Contingent, being promoted later to Captain. His service was chiefly with the loth Battalion, with which he went to France in February 19 15. At the battle of St. Julicn he was reported wounded and missing, and later as killed in action on that day. THOMAS BARCLAY JACK Dec. 30, 1894— Aug. 24, 1918 Captain, Queen's Westminster Rifles, London Regiment. Son of Arthur J. Jack; b. Seaford, Eng.; ed. London House School, Scaford, Wel- lington College, Brighton Technical School, Eng., Hamilton c.i.; Applied Science 1914- 15; C.O.T.C. In May 19 15 he was gazetted to the Army Service Corps, in which he was promoted Lieutenant in September 1915 and Captain in November. He went to France in January 1916 and served with the A.s.c. till December 1917. He was appointed to the Queen's Westminster Regiment in May 1918 and returned to France. Three months later he was reported as having died of wounds. FRANKLIN PALMER JACKES Jan. 26, 1888— April 18, 1918 Corporal, Seventh Canadian Railway Troops. Only son of F. W. Jackes; b. Markham Tp.; ed. Tliornhill p.s., Richmond Hill H.s.; Applied Science 1906-09, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Traffic Engineer, Bell Telephone Co. 74 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In January 19 17 he enlisted in the 257th Battalion, and went overseas the next month. He went to France at the end of March with the 7th Canadian Railway Troops, 'e' Company. After a year of service at the front he was killed instantly by a shrapnel fragment, when he was moving to a new position after having completed urgently needed work in a section that was heavily shelled by the enemy. Buried at Lillers. He had been Mentioned by his Commanding Officer for his service in carrying out a danger- ous and extensive sur\'ey in an advanced area under heavy shell fire. JAMES HARVEY JACKSON June 9, 1894— Oct. 16, 1918 Corporal, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Abraham Jackson; b. Kendal; ed. Kendal p.s., Port Hope H.s.; Victoria College 1912-14, 1915-16, B.A. (Math. & Phys.); c.o.t.c. In May 1916 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.F. A., and went overseas in a draft the next month. He joined the i8th Battery in France in October, and served with it through the battles of the Somme and Vimy. On July 6th, 19 17, he was wounded at Bois de Rollencourt. He served through the battle of Pass- chendaele, and in 1918 on the Lens-Arras front, then through the battles of Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant and Cambrai. He was instantly killed in action by a shell splinter while serving his gun at Iwuy. Buried at Naves, near Denain. He had been recommended for the Military' Medal for carrying out a wounded comrade under shell fire on September 27th near Buissy in the attack on Bourlon Wood. LEONARD FOSTER JAMIESON Aug. 18, 1883— June 27, 19 18 Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the Rev. W. H. Jamieeon, d.d. ; b. Port Hope; ed. Blenheim p.s., Ridgetown C.I.; Western University 1904-06; Medicine 1906-08; Graduate work in New York; Practising at Grimsby; md. Janet Edith Yuill. In October 19 17 he was appointed to the R.ArM.C, and after a short period of training in England reached Alexandria in December. He was sent immediately to Palestine being attached to the 2/5th London Field Ambulance. After six weeks at the base in Jerusalem he was sent forward to the advanced dressing station. Later he was Medical Officer to the 302nd Artillery Brigade. He served in the capture of Jericho, the crossing of the Jordan, and the raids on Es Sault. When he had returned to Alexandria on sick leave, he was accidentally drowned while bathing. Buried at the Military Cemetery, Alexandria. ROBERT CRAWFORD JAMIESON May 4, 1892— April 23, 19 15 Private, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of the late Robert Crawford Jamieson; b. Toronto; ed. Rose Avenue P.s., Jarvis Street C.l., Farquharson School, Toronto; University College 1910-11; 48th Regt. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the 15th Battalion, and reached France with the First Contingent in February 1915. He was reported as missing after the battle of St. Julien and later as killed in action on that day. RALPH HIMSWORTH JARVIS Oct. 22, 1890— Feb. 27, 19 18 Captain, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Edmund M. Jarvis; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, and Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1907-0S; Applied Science 1908-12, b.a.sc (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Psi Delta Psi; Civil Engineer; Corps of Guides; md. Evelyn Mary Jarvis. In 19 15 he began training with the Curtiss School, and in December went to England. He reached the Somme front in May 19 16, and in August was appointed Flight Commander. He was awarded the Military Cross for his service In driving off ROLL OF HONOUR 75 three enemy machines, after which he returned to complete his work of observation, and for carrying out later a reconaissance in a strong gale. From March to July 1917 he was on the Home Establishment at Brooklands. He then returned to the front, serving in the Ypres section till February 19 18, and was awarded the Belgian Croix de Guerre. Returning to England he was posted, as Acting Major, to the school at Grantham. Shortly afterwards he was accidentally killed while flying with a pupil. Buried at Weybridge. At the front he served with the 4th, 5th, and 7th Squadrons, and was several times Mentioned in Despatches. ERIC FRANKLIN JOHNSTON June 11, 1889— Nov. 18, 1918 Captain, Chaplain Service. Son of J. Reynolds Johnston; b. Carleton Place; ed. Raleigh, N.C., London, Ont.; Western University ; Victoria College 1906-07. 1909-13, b.a.; b.d. 19 16; c.o.t.c; Metho- dist Ministry, Assistant Pastor, Elm Street Church, Toronto; md. Jessie Louise Loveys. In Februaiy 19 16 he was appointed to the 201 st Battalion, and was transferred later to the 198th Battalion. He went overseas eaily in 19 17, and in England transferred to the Chaplain Service. After a short period of duty in various camps he went to France on August 2nd, 19 18, and was attached to the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. He was with this unit through the battle of Amiens and the following engage- ments till November 8th, when he was invalided with pneumonia to No. 20 Hospital at Camieis, where he died ten days later. Buried at Etaples. SINCLAIR BEATTY JOHNSTON Nov. 5, 1897— May 27, 1917 Second Lieutenant, East Kent Regiment— Buffs. Son of Adam Johnston; b. Toronto; ed. Withrow Ave. P.s., Riverdale CI , Toronto; University College 19 15- 16; c.o.t.c. In March 1916 he went overseas with a draft of Imperial Commission candidates from the c.o.t.c, and in October was gazetted to the 7th East Kent Regiment. He reached the Somme front at the end of 1916 and served there during the German retreat in the spring of 1917. After a short period spent north of Lens till after the battle of Vimy, the battalion returned again to the front south-east of Arras. On May 27th at dusk he went out to reconnoitre for an attack that was planned for the next morning, and did not return. Later it was reported that he had died as a prisoner of war, and it is believed that he was mortally wcunded and carried into the German lines, dying shortly after. REGINALD HEBER MANNING JOLLIFFE Nov. 24, 1893— April 9, 19 17 Lieutenant, Thirty-eighth Battalion. Son of the late Rev. T. W. Jolliffe; b. Campbellford; ed. Cannington p.s., Bownian- ville p.s. and h.s.; Victoria College 1913-14; c.o.t.c In the fall of 19 14 he enlisted in the 19th Battalion. He was invalided from it for several weeks and was eventually discharged as physically unfit. In 19 16 he was ap- pointed as Signal Officer to the 182nd Battalion, but went overseas with a draft of officers in September. After taking special courses in England he joined the 38th Bat- talion at the front in the spring of 19 17. Not long after, on the first day of the battle of Vimy, he was killed in action after he had passed the first German line and was ap- proaching the second trench. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. HERBERT JONES Sept. 2, 1874— March 5, IQI? Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Thomas Jones; b. Hamilton; cd. Hamilton c.i.; Medicine 189S-1900, 1902-1904, M.B.; Graduate work in Germany and in New York; Practising in Hamilton; C.A.M.C, No. 12 Field Amb., Capt.; md. Nellie Paulin. 76 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In the autumn of 19 14 he was appointed to No. 5 Field Ambulance of the Second Contingent, with which he served till his death. In Canada and England and for six months in France he acted as Paymaster to the unit in addition to his other duties. He reached France in the autumn of 19 15 and during the remainder of that year and through 19 16 he served in the Yprcs and Somme areas. On February 23rd when his unit was on the Vimy front he was taken ill with pneumonia, to which he succumbed some daj's later at No. 42 c.c.s. Buried at Aubigny. Shortly before his death he had been recom- mended for theD.s.o. TRAFFORD JONES Oct. 19, 1SS5— May 16, 19 16 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of the late George A. Jones; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s.. Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1902-06, B.A.SC. (Mech. Eng.); md. Madeline Smith. In May 19 15 he was appointed to the Second Divisional Ammunition Sub-Park and went overseas the same month. He transferred to the R. Flying Corps in England, and reached the front in January 19 16, He was killed in an engagement with three enemy machines. His Observer was wounded but succeeded in bringing the plane down within the British lines. Buried at Reninghelst, Poperinghe. ALBERT CATON JOURDAN July 9, 1893— Aug. 8, 1918 Private, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of the late Rev. P. A. Jourdan; b. Newmarket; ed. Meaford and Markham H.S.; Victoria College 1915-16; Preparing for Ministry; c.o.T.C. In January 1916 he enlisted in the 157th Battalion, Simcoe Foresters, with the rank of Sergeant, and went overseas in October. For a year he was Instructor in Lewis-gun work to the 157th and the 125th Battalions. He then transferred to a Reserve battalion with a view to training for a commission, but postponed the opportunity in order to reach the front without delay. Reverting in rank he joined the 54th Battalion in France in February 19 18 and through the spring served on the Lens front. On the first day of the battle of Amiens he was killed in action while leading a machine gun section at Beaucourt. Buried at Beaucourt-en-Santerre. KENNETH WILLIAM JUNOR Aug. 3, 1894— April 23, 19 18 Captain, Canadian Machine Gun Corps and Royal Air Force. Son of William Junor; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Toronto, St. Andrew's College; University College 1912-15; Kappa Alpha; 9th Horse, Lieut. In March 19 15 he was appointed to the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, from which he transferred in July to the 75th Battalion. Going overseas in March 19 16, he joined the nth Machine Gun Company in England. He went to France in July and served first on the St. Eloi and then on the Somme front. In 19 17 he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps, being appointed to the 56th Squadron in France in December. He served on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Army fronts from Arras to St. Quentin. On April 23rd, 19 18. it was announced that he had been awarded the Military Cross for his courage and resourcefulness, with particular reference to his destroying two enemy planes and driving down two others out of control. On the same day he was reported as missing at Bray-sur-Somme. ERNEST REECE KAPPELE June 25, 1893— April 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of the late George Kappele, K.c; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s., Toronto, St. Andrew's College; University College 19 10-12; Law School; 9th Horse, Lieut. ROLL OF HONOUR 77 In the summer of 19 15 he was appointed to the 75th Battalion, and went overseas in March 19 16. He served with the battalion in France through the summer and autumn of 19 16 on the St. Eloi and Somme fronts. In January 19 17 owing to ill health he was given lighter work on the Staff of the 3rd Brigade, but returned to his battalion to the command of his former company in March. He was instantly killed by a shell as he was leading his men into action at Vimy Ridge on the first day of the attack. Buried on the Ridge. HUGH REID KAY June 17, 1890— Nov. 6, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of William Kay; b. Bearsden, Glasgow, Scotland; ed. Bearsden p.s.; Ontario Agricultural College; University College 1911-15, b.a. (Philos.); y.m.c.a. executive; Year executive; 'Varsity' staff; Knox College; c.o.t.c. Early in 19 16, with a number of Knox College men, he enlisted in the 43rd Howitzer Battery, C.F.A., and reached France in July. He served first on the Ypres and Kemmel fronts, then through the battle of the Somme, and in the next year through the Vimy campaign and at Hill 70. He was awarded the Military Medal in the summer of 19 17 for his work as a linesman in keeping up telephone communication. At Passchendaele on November 6th he was detailed with an officer and two other signallers to go over with the Infantry. When the officer was wounded and taken back by one of the men, Kay with the other signaller went on and through the fighting continued to send back information. He was wounded but refused to leave. Later when he went to an advanced dressing station he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried near Passchendaele village. JOHN KAY July 29, 1892— Dec. 15, 1918 Major, First Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of John B. Kay; b. Toronto; ed. St. Andrew's College; Applied Science 1909-14, B.A.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Faculty Rugby team; Zeta Psi; 48th Regt., Lieut. In August 19 14 he was appointed to the 15th Battalion, and reached France the following May. He served with the battalion till January 19 16, when he transferred to the 13th Machine Gun Company, which later became part of the 1st Battalion, c.m.g.c. During three years at the front he served in the battle of Festubert, the winter campaign on the Messines front 1915-16; then through the battles of Sanctuary Wood, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Passchendaele, and in the first part of 1918 on the Arras front till he was invalided. He was Mentioned in Despatches in April 19 17 and awarded the Military' Cross for his energy and foresight in directing the work of his guns during the attack on Vimy Ridge. Not long after returning to Canada for duty he died of pneu- monia at Ottawa. Buried at Toronto. GORDON JACKSON KEAN Feb. 28, 1899— Oct. 24, 19 18 Gunner, Canadian Heavy Artillery Only son of John Kcan; b. Chicago; ed. Line p.s., Chicago, Kew Beach p.s., River- dale c.i., Toronto; Medicine 1917-18. At the end of his first year he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, B;,ittery, c.F.A. After training at Pctawawa he went overseas in September, and transferred to the Heavy Artillery in England. Shortly afterwards he was taken ill with influenza and died at Kinmel Park Camp, Wales. Buried at Bodelwyddan Churchyard, Rhyl. 76 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO WILLIAM .AIOSES KEDEY Oct. 4, 1888— Sept. 3, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Heman Kedey; b. Fitzroy Harbour; ed. Fitzroy Harbour p.s. and H.s.; Ontario Agricultural College iQii-15, B.s.A.; College Athletic Association executive; Students' Association executive; Year Hockey team, Captain. In March 1915 he enlisted in the McGi 1 Company of the 38th Battalion, which shortly afterwards became the ist Universities Company reinforcing the p.p.c.l.i.'T In July he joined the battalion in France. During a year's service at the front he served on the Somme, Armentieres, Messines, Kemmel and Ypres fronts. After the battle of Sanctuary Wood in July 1916 he joined the machine gun section of the battalion. A few days later he was severely wounded in the head and hand near Ypres. Some weeks later he succumbed to his injuries in hospital at Derby. Dying with no kindred or intimate friends near him, he was given a public and Masonic funeral at Derby, with many British and Australian wounded men in attendance. Among the wreaths was one given by the Governor-General of Canada as Provincial Grand Master of the Derbyshire Lodge. WILLIAM JOHN KEE Jan. 9, 1894— Dec. 20, 19 18 Captain, Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Sonof John C. Kee; b. St. John, n.b.; ed. St. John p.s. and h.s.; Ontario Veterinary College 1913-16; c.o.T.c. In May 19 16 he was appointed to the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, and arrived at Havre in July. He was attached to the Royal Horse Artillery, of the 14th Army Brigade, and in the next two years served in the Somme, Ypres and Arras areas. He crossed into Italy with the British force in November 19 17, returning to France at the beginning of the German offensive the following March. After the Armistice he was taken ill and died at No. 3 General Hospital, Wandsworth. Buried at St. John, n.b. CHARLES EDMUND KEEMLE Aug. 14, 1894— June 15, 1915 Private, First Battalion Son of Samuel Keemle; b. Wilmington, Del.; ed. Washington, D.C., p.s., Erie, Pa., P.S., St. Michael's College; St. Michael's College 19 11- 14; 27th Regt. In August 1914 he enlisted at Sarnia in the ist Battalion, and became one of the scouts of that unit. He reached France in February 19 15, and served through the battle of Ypres and the fighting of that May. The next month he was killed in action at Givenchy. THOMAS EWART KELLY Dec. 29, 1889— April 23, 1915 Private, Fourth Battalion. Son of Thomas Kelly; b. Toronto; ed. Park p.s., Dufferin p.s., Toronto; Private School and Y.M.C.A.; University College 19 10-14, b.a. (Pol. Sci.); 12th Regt. He had but recently graduated when the war began, and in August 19 14 he enlisted in the 4th Battalion. He went overseas in October and reached France in February 1915. He was reported as wounded and missing while serving as battalion runner in the second battle of Ypres, and later as having been killed on that day. HENRY ALEXANDER TAYLOR KENNEDY Nov. 29, 1894— Aug. 22, 19 17 Lieutenant, Thirteenth Battalion and Royal Flying Corps Son of James F. Kennedy; b. Hamilton; ed. Central p.s., and c.i., Hamilton; Trinity College 1912-14; University College 1914-15; College Rugby and Basket-ball teams; Basket-ball colours. ROLL OF HONOUR 79 After serving for a time with the Welland Canal Guard, he was appointed to the 37th Battalion in July 19 15. The next month he went overseas with a draft, and after a short period in England joined the 13th Battalion in France. From this unit he was seconded to the 3rd Brigade Machine Gun Company, ist Division. He was wounded on September 14th, 19 16. He then joined the R. Flying Corps, and served with the 40th Squadron in the Arras-Lens area. On August 22nd, 19 17, he was reported missing. The circumstances were never learnt, and some months later it was reported that he was presumed to have died on that day, STUART KENNEDY Dec. 28, 1887— July 2, 1915 Corporal, Second Battalion. Son of J. W. Kennedy; b. Apple Hill, Glengarry Cy.; ed. Apple Hill p.s., Alexandria H.S.; Ontario Agricultural College 1906-10, B.s.A.; College Athletic executive; Rugby team; Heavy-weight wrestling champion; Staflf, 'o.A.c. Review'; Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Live Stock Branch; District Representative at Perth; Queen's University 1912-14; 51st Regt. He was working on railway construction in the vacation when the wai began, and at once enlisted in the 5ist,Soo Rifles, Regiment, from which he joined the 2nd Battalion, C.E.F. Going overseas with the First Contingent, he reached France early in 19 15. He served in the machine gun section of the battalion through the second battle cf Ypres, and was wounded in May. He had been promoted to Corporal in April after the battle. He was killed in action not long afterwards at Ploegsteert Wood, as he was preparing an emplacement for his gun. Buried at Ploegsteert Wood, and later in Strand Military Cemetery extension. NELSON CLARKE KENNY Aug. i, 1891— May 18, 1917 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of James Milton Kenny; b. Guclph; ed. Guelph p.s., Swan River, Man., p.s.. New Westminster, E.C., p.s.; Columbian College 1907-0S, 1910-12; College athletic teams; Victoria College; Land Surveyor in British Columbia. In October 19 15 he enlisted in the ranks of the 67th Battalion, and went overseas in April 19 1 6. He reached France in August with his unit, which became the Pioneer Battalion of the 4th Division. After several months at the front he was recommended for a commission. About the time that he returned to the line his unit was broken up, and he was transferred to the 54th, British Columbia, Battalion, and shortly after to the 75th. After Vimy Ridge had been taken, a Canadian Composite Corps was formed for the purpose of building light railways up to the front line, and he was appointed to the command of a company. He had been in charge of the repair of a damaged track, and his party was being relieved, when the enemy artillery opened fire searching a concealed battery near by. A shell struck the culvert where he had taken shelter and instantly killed him and the Corporal who was with him. Buried at Villcrs-au-Bois. CLEVELAND KEYES Sept. 29, 1893— March 24, 1918 Major, Royal Field Artillery. Son of Sidney Killworth Keyes; b. Dartford, Kent, Eng.; ed. Abbey School, Bccken- ham and Haileybury College, Eng.; O.T.C.; Trinity College 1911-14, B..\. 1919; Delta Upsilon. On the outbreak of the war he returned to his home in England and obtained his commission in the R. Field Artillery. He was appointed to 'C Battery, 83rd Brigade, l8th Division, in October 19 14 and reached France in July 1915- During nearly three years' continuous service at the front, he was promoted through all grades from Second Lieutenant to Major. On January ist, 1917, lie w.is Mentioned in Despatches, and won So UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO the Military' Cross for his courage and resourcefulness in withdrawing his battery with- out casualties from an exposed position at Caterpillar Wood on the Somme on July 17th, 1916. Early in the morning of March 21st, 1918, the enemy opened a heavy barrage tire on his battery, which was stationed at La Fontaine near St. Quentin. He was severely wounded and carried to a dug-out, and shortly afterwards the Germans sur- rounded the position. Later it was reported that he had been taken prisoner and died three days later near Guise, where he was buried. His degree was conferred after his death. LILY DENTON KEYS July 12, 1889— Sept. 28, 1918 Nursing Sister, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Daughter of the late Frank Denton, K.c; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne P.s., Harbord Street c.i., Havergal College, Toronto; Victoria College 1907-11, b.a.; y.w.c.a. and Athletic executi\"es; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Graduate study in Munich and Paris; Education 19 13-14; Toronto Public Library; md. Lieut. Norman Keys, M.c. In August she began her training in the Nursing Service, and later was appointed to the Sandford Fleming Military Hospital at Ottawa. After a short illness she died of pneumonia contracted while on duty. Buried at Toronto. VERNON KING Aug. 28, 1886— April 11, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force. Son of William John King; b. Gravensend, Eng.; ed. Gravesend Proprietary School and Grays College, Essex; Ontario Agricultural College 1907-11, B.s.A.; United States Department of Agriculture, Wellington, Kansas. In November 19 14 he enlisted as Driver in the R. Naval Division, and in March 19 15 obtained his commission in the Royal Marines. He served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force from May 19 15 to May 19 16 in Egypt and Lemnos. He then went to France with the R. Naval Division, with which he remained till October 19 17, when he was attached as Observer to the i6th Squadron, R. Flying Corps. He was killed in action, together with his Pilot, while flying near Arras. Buried at Aubigny. JOHN RICHARD KIRBY Aug. 14, 1890— Dec. 16, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late John C. Kirby; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Parkdale c.i. , Dominion Business College, Toronto; Applied Science 1912-16, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Fourth Year President; Canadian Fire Underwriters Association; c.o.x.c. In November 19 17 he joined the Royal Eying Corps, and after training in Canada and Texas went overseas in July 19 18. He had received his commission and was about to leave for France, when the Armistice was signed and he was retained for flying duty in England. He was accidentally killed at Worthy Down when, from an unknown cause, his machine fell fjom 200 feet. Buried at Morn Hill, Winchester. HERBERT NORMAN KLOTZ Jan. 19, 1887— April 23, 19 15 Lieutenant, Second Battalion. Son of Eniil W. Klotz; b. Hamilton; ed. Huron Street P.S., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1904-05; Applied Science 1906-09, b.a.sc. (An. & Appl. Chem.); Phi Kappa Pi; Analytical Chemist, Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., Toronto; 9th Horse, Lieut. In August 19 14 he was appointed to the 2nd Battalion and went overseas at the end of September. He reached France In February 1915, and was one of the first ROLL OF HONOUR 8i members of the Univeisity to fall. He was instantly killed in the battle of Ypres, when leading his platoon in attack against the German trenches at daybreak on April 23rd. Buried near Langemarck. ARTHUR GERALD KNIGHT July 30, 1895— Dec. 21, 1916 Captain, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Arthur Cecil Knight; b. Bedford, Eng.; ed. Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1913-15; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.T.C. In 19 15 he was appointed to the R. Flying Corps, and reached France in February 19 16. He served in the 4th and 24th Squadrons on the Somme front. After ten months service he was reported as missing and later news came that he had fallen in flames after a combat behind the German lines at Douchy near St. Quentin. Buried at Moyenville. He has been awarded the Military Cross for his skill and gallantry on several occasions, particularly when he attacked at close range and brought down an enemy machine that was interfering with a reconnaissance. In January 1917 it was announced that he had also been awarded the D.s.o. for his continued skill and courage as a leader of offensive patrols, especially on one occasion when he led four machines against eighteen of the enemy, driving down four and dispersing the remainder. JOHN HENRY KNOX Feb. 7, 1895— March 30, 19 18 Lieutenant, Second Canadian Railway Troops. Son of the late Thomas H. Knox; b. Toronto; ed. Orillia P.s. and H.s.; University College 1914-15; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Second Basket-ball colours; 12th Regt., Lieut. In January 19 16 he was appointed to the 127th Battalion and went overseas in August. He crossed to France in January 19 17 with the 2nd Canadian Railway Troops, and during the year served on various sections of the British front. His unit took part in the resistance to the German attack in March 19 18. At a point south-east of Amiens he left his trench to attend to a machine gun emplacement some distance away, and was killed by a shell fragment when he was returning. Buried at Sains-en-Amienois. EDWARD JOSEPH KYLIE Sept. 19, 1880— May 14, 19 16 Captain, One-hundred-and-forty-seventh Battalion. Only son of Richard Kylie; b. Lindsay; ed. Loretto Nuns' School, and Lindsay C.I.; University College 1897-1901, B.A. (Classics, Eng. & Hist. -CI.); Mary Mulock Scholar- ship; Year President; Editor 'Varsity'; Delta Upsilon; Flavelle Scholarship; Balliol College, O.xford; B.A., Oxon. (Mod. Hist.) 1904; m.a.; Lecturer in Modern History, University of Toronto 1904-7; Associate Professor; Historical Club; Editor, 'University Monthly'; President, u.c. Literary Society; President, Students' Council; C.O.T.C, Capt. After organising and training 'e' Company of the C.o.T.C. through the session of 1914-15, he acted as Recruiting Officer in Toronto for the Universities Companies re- inforcing the P. p. C.L.I. In November 19 15 he was appointed Captain and Adjutant to the 147th, Grey County, Battalion, which was trained at Owen Sound during the follow- ing winter. After a brief illness he died of typhoid pneumonia at Owen Sound, and was buried at Lindsay. RURIC HARRY LALANDE Feb. 2, 1889— Oct. 6, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of J. T. Lalandc; b. Morrisburg; ed. Cobourg c.l.; Medicine 1907-10; Queen's University 19 14-18, m.b. He joined the c.a.m.c. in 1917, and in May 1918 was appointed lo tiic staff of Cobourg Military Hospital. He left Canada for England on September 25th and died from bronchial pneumonia during the \oyage. Buried at sea. —9 82 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BERTR.\M HOWARD LANDELS May 20, 1881— Sept. 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of Alexander Landels; b. Lower River, Hebert, n.s.; ed. Lower River School; Ontario Agricultural College 1907-11, b.s.a.; Staff, Agricultural College, Truro, N.s. In July 19 15 he enlisted in the 3rd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.I., and joined the battalion in France in November. After several months' service with the Princess Patricias, mostly on the Ypres front, he obtained his commission, and was appointed in August 19 16 to the 15th Battalion. He was severely wounded on the Somme, near Courcelette, and with others was placed in a shell hole for protection, it being impossible to take the wounded back at the time. Shortly afterwards he was killed by a shell that exploded near by. Buried where he fell. HENRY DRUMMOND LANG March 24, 1897— Dec. 31, 19 17 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of James Lang; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; University College 19 15- 16; c.o.t.c. In November 19 15 he enlisted in the 5th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.I., and went overseas in the spring of 19 16. He joined the battalion in France in June and served through the battle of the Somme in September and October. He was wounded at Vimy on April 9th, 19 17, but returned to the front in three weeks and served through the campaign before Lens, and the battles of Hill 70 and Passchendaele. On December 24th, when in an exposed part of the trench, he was shot in the neck by a sniper. He was removed to No. i S. African General Hospital at Abbeville, where a week later he died of his injuries. Buried at Abbeville. SIDNEY ALBERT LANG Aug. 25, 1884— Oct. 6, 19 18 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Son of John J. Lang; b. Omemee; ed. Omemee p.s. and H.s., Peterborough c.i. : Applied Science 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng. — Hon.); With Braden Copper Co., Ran- cagua, Chile. Being disabled for service overseas, he enlisted in the Engineers in the autumn of 19 17, and shortly afterwards was given his commission. He served on duty at the Engineers' camp at St. John's, Que., and died there from influenza after a few days' illness. Buried at Toronto. JAMES MILES LANGSTAFF July 25, 1883— Mar. i, 1917 Major, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of the late Dr. James Langstafif ; b. Richmond Hill; ed. Richmond Hill p.s. and H.s., Whitby C.I., Harbord Street C.I., Toronto; Matriculation Scholarships; University College 1900-01, 1906-07; Imperial Life Assurance Co.; F.I. A.; F. A. s.; c.a.; Law School, Gold Medallist and Van Koughnet Scholarship; Firm of Rowell, Reid, Wood & Wright; University Staff, Lecturer in Accountancy 1909-15; 9th Horse, Lieut. In the summer of 19 15 he was appointed to the 75th Battalion, in which he became Adjutant and eventually Senior Major and Second in command. He reached France in August 1916, and served first near Ypres and then through the later stages of the battle of the Somme. He was Mentioned in Despatches for his services, and before his death he had been selected for the command of a battalion in the near future. In the raid of March ist, 1917, at Vimy Ridge he led the battalion and fell in front of the German trench. Buried, together with his Commanding Officer, Lt.-Col. Beckett, at Villers-au- Bois. ROLL OF HONOUR 83 JOHN GRAHAM LARMOUR Nov. 16, 1893— Nov. 16, 19 17 Driver,, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late Rev. Dr. J. M. Larmour; b. Maitland; ed. Albert College, Belleville; R. College Dental Surgeons 1913-15. In April 1915 he enlisted in the 26th Battery, C.F.A., and went overseas in June. He transferred in England to the 23rd Howitzer Battery, 5th Brigade, and reached France in January 1916. He served first in the Ypres area, and then through the battles of the Somme, Vimy and Hill 70, and Passchendaele. He was awarded the Military Medal for bringing ammunition up to the guns under heavy shell fire. At the close of the battle of Passchendaele he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried at Vlamertinghe. ARTHUR JOSEPH LATORNELL Dec. 18, 1882— Nov. 18, 19 17 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops. Son of Thomas Latornell; b. Meaford; ed. Meaford P.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1900-03, B.A.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); City Engineer at Edmonton. Early in 19 16 he was appointed to the 75th Battery, C.F.A., and went overseas with a draft of men in April 19 17. Reverting in rank from Captain to Lieutenant in October, he joined the 4th Canadian Railway Troops in France. On November 9th he was seriously wounded in the head by the explosion of a bomb dropped in a raid of the enemy over the camp at Zuydcoote, and succumbed to his injuries a few days later. Buried at Zuydcoote. NORMAN LAWLESS Dec. 16, 1887— Feb. 19, 19 15 Sapper, Canadian Engineers. Son of the late Thomas Lawless; b. Hamilton; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Parkdale C.I., and Technical h.s., Toronto; Applied Science 1908-1 1, Diploma (Civ. Eng.) ; City Works Dept., Toronto. In August 19 14, with several of his fellows in the City Works Department, he enlisted in the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers. When crossing from England to France he contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia. He was taken from the troop train at Le Mans and removed to the Red Cross Hospital, where he died three days later. Buried at Le Mans. HENRY LAWRENCE Nov. 22, 1890— Jan. 17, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Yorkshire Regiment. Son of James Lawrence; b. Scarborough, Eng.; ed. AH Saints School and Municipal School, Scarborough; University College 1911-14; W'yclifle College; C.O.T.C. In May 19 15 he enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas in June. He joined the battalion in France in August and served in it with the rank of Corporal for nine months, first on the Somme, and then on the Armcntieres and Ypres fronts. He returned to England in May 1916 to train for a commission, and was appointed to the 5th Yorkshire Regiment, crossing to France again in October and going to the Somme front. On January 17th, 1917, he went out on night patrol with two others near Beaucourt. One of the party returned shortly afterwards fatally injured, and reported that the others were wounded. Search parties sent out at the time could not discover them, but a few days later their bodies were found in a shell hole and buried there. ALFRED EDWARD LAWTON Jan. 5, 1891— Nov. 11, 1915 Private, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Alfred Lawton; b. Birmingham, Eng.; ed. Aston p.s. and Clarke's College, Birmingham; University College 1911-12; Wycliffc College. 84 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In 1914 he joined the 17th Battalion with which he went overseas. He transferred to the C.A.M.C. in April 1915 and joined the 2nd Field Ambulance in France on the Ploegstecrt front. He served in this unit under great stress and danger throughout the summer. On October 28th he was with a stretcher party carrying out wounded from the front line to the ambulance post at Wulverghem, when he was shot through the chest by a sniper. Some days later he died from his injuries in hospital at Etaples where he was buried. HAROLD OAKLEY LEACH Feb. 5, 1890— Sept. 2, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of the late Rev. John Joshua Leach, ph.b.; b. Calgary; ed. Neepawa, Man., p.s. and H.S., Winnipeg Normal School; Applied Science 1910-15, b.a.sC. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Hydrographic branch, Dept. of Interior, Winnipeg!; C.O.T.C., Band Sergt.; io6th Regt., Lieut. In February 1916 he was appointed Machine Gun Officer to the 184th Battalion, and went overseas in November. He then transferred to the 12th Canadian Machine Gun Company, and reached France in May 1917. He served first on the Avion-Lens front, and then through the battle of Passchendaele, in which he won the Military Cross for his service in bringing his guns into a commanding position, from w^hich, though under hea\'y fire, he did valuable service in the pursuit of the enemy and in dispersing troops that were massing for counter-attack. In 1918 he served through the battle of Amiens, and the first days of the advance from Arras. At the breaking of the Drocourt line near Dury he was Acting Captain of his battery, in No. 2 Company, 4th Battalion, being in support of the 87th Infantry. When they had passed over the enemy's main and support trenches, he moved forward with two runners to choose an advanced position. After they had gone but a short distance a shell exploded near by, killing all three. Buried near Dury. HARRY ERLAND LEE April 8, 1889— Sept. 17, 1916 Gunner, First Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Son of Marcus Lee; b. Stoney Creek; ed. Wentworth p.s. and h.s., Hamilton c.i.; Education 1907-08; Teaching at Miniico Industrial School and Annette Street School, Toronto; Militia training 19 13. In January 19 15 he enlisted in the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles and went overseas in July. After a short period with the Fort Garry Horse he transferred to the 1st Motor Machine Gun Brigade, and reached France at the end of June 19 16. A few weeks later he was killed in action by a shell while he was serving his gun at Courcelette. Buried at Pozieres. AYTON RICHEY LEGGO Oct. 11, 1895— March 24, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Light Horse and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Dr. William A. Leggo; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa Model School and c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1911-15, d.d.s.; College y.m.c.a. executive; 'Varsity' staff; c.o.T.c, Lieut.; 43rd Regt., Lieut. In the summer of 19 15 he was appointed to the 58th Battalion, and went oveiseas in December. He was Instructor in Signalling at Shorncliffe Military School till July 1916, when he went to France as Signalling Officer with the Canadian Horse. After serving for some months on the Belgian front, at the end of the year he joined the R. Flying Corps as Observer with the 13th Squadron. As he was directing an engage- ment near Arras he and his Pilot were killed, the plane being struck and brought down by an anti-aircraft shell. Buried at Aubigny. ROLL OF HONOUR 85 ARTHUR VINCENT LEONARD Oct. 29, 1890— June 27, 1918 Captain, Cacadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Owen Leonard; b. Warkworth; cd. St. Mary's s.s., Hamilton, St. Michael's School, De La Salle Institute, Toronto; Medicine 1906-11, m.b.; First Rugby colours; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Isolation and Sick Children's Hospitals, Toronto. In August 1915 he was appointed to the c.a.m.c, and served for a month at Niagara Camp before going overseas. He crossed to France in November 19 15 and was attached as Medical Officer to the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, later joining No. 2 Field Ambulance. He took part in the battles of the Somme, Vimy, and Hill 70. In November 19 1 7 he returned to England and joined the staff of No. 16 Canadian General Hospital at Orpington. In December of the same year he was attached to the Hospital ship service, first with H.M.H.s. 'Araguaya', and later, in March 1918, with h.m.h.s. 'Llan- dovery Castle '. He was drowned at sea when this ship was sunk by an enemy submarine. JOHN LEONARD Dec. 5, 1896— July 13, 1918 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Charles J. Leonard; b. Toronto; ed. St. Peter's s.s., and Harbord Street C.I., Toronto; University College 1913-15; Edward Blake Scholar; William Mulock Scholar; 2nd Regt., Lieut. At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the i66th Battalion and went overseas in October 19 16. He joined the 75th Battalion in France in April 19 17 on the Vimy front, and served through the battles of Hill 70 and Passchendaele. He was awarded the Military Cross in January 1918 for his service in capturing" two prisoners in an attack by the enemy on the 1st, and in reconnoitring the German line during the following days in preparation for a successful raid. On the night of July I2-I3th, while with a fighting partrol near Gavrelle, he observed and attacked an enemy working party. The next night he took a patrol to the same place to obtain information, but was discovered and in- stantly killed. His companions were unable to recover his body, which it is believed was taken and buried by the enemy. GORDON FRANKLIN LESLIE June 26, 1894— Oct. 26, 19 17 Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of the late James B. Leslie; b. Erin; ed. Erin and Fergus P.ss., Guelph C.i.; Education 1913-14; Teaching at Kimberley 1914-15; Resident Dean at Alberta College. In April 1916 he enlisted at Edmonton in the 196th, Western Universities, Battalion, and went overseas in November. He received his commission in England, being ap- pointed to the 46th Battalion, which he joined in France in September 1917. A month later he fell at Passchendaele. He had just finished clearing a copse of the enemy, when he was instantly killed by a bomb. Buried at Decline Copse near Passchendaele Road. WILLIAM BROWN LESLIE April 5, 1893— Sept. 28, 19 18 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion. Sonof the late James B. Leslie; b. Erin; c(l. Erin and Fergus P.ss., and Guelph c.i.; Education 1912-13; Principal of Kimbcrky School; Teaching at Emo; 98th Rcgt.' He enlisted in December 19 15, shortly afterwards reneiving his commission in the 141st Battalion. He went overseas in May 1917, and in November joined the 44th Battalion in France. In July 19 18 he was wounded in a raid on Oppy, but rejoined his battalion on the second day of the battle of Amiens. He was instant ly killed by shrapnel on September 28th at Cambrai. Buried at Cambrai. 86 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO NEVILLE HALL LITTLE June 24, 1893— Oct. 29, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Lewis A. Little; b. Trenton; ed. Trenton P.s and H.s.; Medicine 1911-16, M.B.; Toronto General Hospital staff; m.r.c.s.; l.r.c.p.; c.o.t.c. In October 1916 he was gazetted to the c.A.M.c, and went overseas in February 1917. He was appointed to No. ii Canadian General Hospital, Moore Barracks, Shorncliflfe, being placed in charge of a new ward. He went to France with No. 13 Field Ambulance in July 19 18 and served through the campaign of that summer. On October 20th, at Denain shortly after the capture of the town, he was wounded in the thigh. He was taken to No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station, where he succumbed to his injuries a few days later. Buried at Duisans. HUGH D'ALTON LIVINGSTON Jan. 30, 1891— Aug. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of W. Churchill Livingston; b. Hamilton; ed. Brantford p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1909-13, b.a.sc. (Architecture — Hon.); Secretary-Treasurer, Tennis team; With firm of Angus & Angus, North Bay; Graduate course in Paris; 38th Regt., Lieut.; md. Florence Alexander. In March 19 16 he was appointed to the 125th' Battalion, and went overseas in July . He was in England with the 5th Division till April 1918, when he joined the Ii6th Battalion in France. At the battle of Amiens he was wounded in the arm but remained on duty. He was killed by- a machine gun bullet as he was leading his platoon in the attack at Bois du Vert, at the beginning of the battle of Arras. Buried at Monchy-le- Preux. MELVILLE ELLIOT LOBB July 20, 1892— April 23, 1915 Lance- Corporal, Third Battalion. Son of the late S. W. Lobb; b. Nanaimo, B.C.; ed. Model School, Toronto, Woodstock College; University College 1908-09. 1910-13, b.a. (Math. & Phys.); Canada Life Assurance Co.; 2nd Regt. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the 3rd Battalion, and went overseas at the end of September. He went to France with his battalion in February 19 15, and served first in the Armentieres section of the front. At the battle of St. Julien he was last seen carrying up ammunition; then was reported as missing, and later as killed in action on that day. WILLIAM ERIC LOCKHART Mar. 8, 1893— June 12, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers, Signals, and Royal Flying Corps. Son of the late W. T. Lockhart, m.p.p.; b. Newcastle; ed. Newcastle p.s. and H.s., Bowmanville H.s.; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Psi Delta Psi. In November 19 14 he enlisted in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company of the Cana- dian Engineers, in which he was later promoted Sergeant, and went overseas in May 19 15. He went to France with this unit in September, and served at the front, mostly in the Ypres area, till December when he was invalided with pleurisy and remained in England for several months. In February 19 17 he received his commission in the Engineers, and shortly afterwards was seconded to the R. Flying Corps. He returned to France on June 2nd, being appointed to the looth Squadron, and began night flying over the lines. Ten days later, when he was acting as machine-gunner, the plane fell just before crossing the enemy's lines, killing him instantly. Buried at Aire near St. Omer. ROLL OF HONOUR 87 HAROLD LAMONT LONGWORTHY May 24, 1894— April 8, 19 17 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of William M. Longworthy; b. Regina; ed. Regina P.s. and C.I.; Applied Science 1913-14; Phi Sigma Tau; Treasury Department, Saskatchewan Government 1914-15. In October 1915 he enlisted in the 38th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in February 1916. He crossed to France with his battery the following July, and served first near Ypres and then through the battle of the Somme. The day before the capture of Vimy Ridge he was instantly killed by a splinter from a shell which pierced his chest. Buried at Villers-au-Bois Cemetery. LOUDON BRIAN MELVILLE LOUDON Oct. 3, 1892— Sept. i, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of the late President James Loudon; b. Toronto; ed. Harbord Street c.i., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1910-15, B.A.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In August 19 15 he was appointed to the 92nd Battalion, and went overseas in May 19 16. A month later, reverting to the rank of Lieutenant, he joined the 15th Battalion in France. He was wounded severely in the foot at Courcelette on September 15th and returned home on leave in November. He went back to England in February 19 17 and for several months was on duty at West Sandling and Otterpool Camps. He had again been promoted Captain, but again reverted to Lieutenant in order to return to France in March 19 18. After serving through the battle of Amiens, he was killed near Hendicourt, east of Arras. He was leading his platoon forward and approaching the objective, when he was obliged to halt owing to the British barrage. As he was seeing that his men had cover he was struck in the heart by an enemy shrapnel bullet. Buried at Cagnicourt Wood. SIDNEY JAMES LUCK May 9, 1889— April 9, 19 17 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of John Luck; b. Leighton Buzzard, Eng.; ed. Henley-on-Thames School, Eng.; Methodist Probationer at Matheson and Cochrane; Victoria College 19 15-16. In September 19 15 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas the next month. The following spring he joined the battalion in France, and was wounded near St. Eloi in April 19 16. He returned to France in February 19 17. Two months later he was wounded in the back on the first day of the battle of Vimy. He was carried to a dressing station, but died shortly afterwards. Buried at Bruay. JOHN GORDON LUMSDEN Jan. 21, 1891— May 9, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of PVcd.H. Lumsdcn; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton P.s. and c.i.; Victoria College 1912-15; 13th Regt., 91st Regt.; c.o.t.c; 77th Regt., Lieut. In March 19 15 he resigned his commission in the Militia, and enlisted in the 5th Field Ambulance, C.A.M.C. He reached France in September, and in January 1916 was attached to the Y.M.C.A. for work with the 2nd Divisional Artillery, with which he served in various places during the following months. On the evening of May 9th he was making arrangements for opening a new y.m.c.a. branch at Dickebusch when a shell burst near by and instantly killed him. Buried at Renlnghelst. At the time of his death he was about to be transferred to the Artillery to train for a commission. ROBERT EDWARD MACBETH July 18, 1890— Aug. 19, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of William John MacBeth; b. Toronto; ed. Parkdale P.s. and c.r., Toronto; Applied Science 1907-11, it.A.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Assistant Roadways Engineer, City of Toronto. 88 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In November 1915 he joined the R. Flying Corps, and after qualifying as Pilot was employed as Instructor. He was injured by a fall in May 1916 when flying over the North Sea and returned home on sick leave in August. He went to the Bahamas, b.w.i., to survey for an aerial school, and then returned to England. Having undergone two serious operations in February and June 19 17, and being in consequence unfit for flying, he was employed for several months as Instructor in the theory of flying and compass work. He was offered the position of Chief Compass Officer in England, but declined as he wished to resume active service flying. In July 191 8 he was engaged as Ferry Pilot between London and Boulogne, and on August loth was passed as fit for general service. On the day of his death he was testing a Handley-Page machine and instructing another officer, at Maxstoke Castle near Birmingham, when it collapsed and fell. He and six others were instantly' killed in the crash. Buried at Maxstoke Castle. DOUGLAS SHERWOOD McCARTER March 8, 1895— Sept. 28, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of George S. McCarter; b. Calgary; ed. Revelstoke, B.C., p.s. and H.s.; Trinity College 1914-16; c.o.T.c. After being rejected a number of times on account of his eyesight, he was accepted for ser\ace in September 19 16, when he enlisted in the 78th Battery, c.f.a., at Calgary. He then trained for a commission at Kingston, coming out second in his class, and went overseas in April 1917 in charge of a draft from the 75th Battery. In November he joined the 33rd Battery, 9th Brigade, in France. At Passchendaele he was gassed. After going through the battles of Amiens and Arras, he was killed in action on Sep- tember 28th. He was acting as Forward Observation Officer at Bourlon Wood before Cambrai, and during the morning had kept up communication with Headquarters and sent back valuable information. Early in the afternoon he was instantly killed by a machine gun bullet. Buried at Bourlon Wood. THOMAS ALLAN McCOMB April 10, 1882— Aug. 30, 1917 Lance-Corporal, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of the late James McComb;b. Melancthon; ed. Granger p.s., Shelburne Contn. Sch.; Methodist Probationer at Trout Creek and Orville; Victoria College 1914-16; C.O.T.C. In April 1916 he enlisted in the 201st Battalion, and after transferring to the 170th Battalion went overseas in October. The next month he joined the 58th Battalion in France. He served through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements before Lens. Shortly after the capture of Hill 70 he was instantly killed by shell con- cussion at St. Pierre. Buried at Aix-Noulette. A month before his death he had been ordained on the field to the Ministry of his Church. JOHN McCRAE Nov. 30, 1872— Jan. 28, 19 18 Lieut.-Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Lt.-Col. David McCrae; b. Guelph; ed. Guelph p.s. and C.i.; University College 1889-92, 93-94, B.A. (Nat. Sci.); Medicine 1894-98, m.b.; m.d. 1910; Zeta Psi; Fellow and Lecturer, McGill University; Staff, Alexandra and R. Victoria Hospitals, Montreal; f.r.c.p.; Association of American Physicians; c.f.a., Lieut., S. African War, Queen's Medal with three clasps; c.f.a., O.C. l6th Bty. When war was declared he was on his way to England. At the end of August 19 14 he returned to Canada to become Medical Officer to the ist Artillery Brigade, c.e.f. With this unit he went to France and served through the battle of Ypres and the suc- ceed^g weeks. During those days "In Flanders Fields" was composed. In June 19 15 he was transferred, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, to No. 3, McGIll, General Hospital ROLL OF HONOUR 89 at Boulogne, with which he served in charge of Medicine till his death. On January 23rd, the day on which his appointment was announced as Consulting Physician to the British Forces in the Field, he was taken 111 with pneumonia, and five days later died in No. 14 General Hospital. Buried at Wimereux. LORNE HASTINGS McCURDY Nov. 27, 1893— Aug. 22, 19 17 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of D. G. McCurdy; b. Tottenham; ed. Tottenham p.s. and Contn. Sch.; Orillia Model School; Teaching in Ontario and Alberta; University College 1914-16; C.O.T.C. In April 1916 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in its first draft in June. He reached France in the autumn, joining the 29th Battery, nth Brigade, and served through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements. On August 22nd, near Hill 70, he was gassed and was removed to No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station, where he died on the same afternoon. HUGH EDWARD McCUTCHEON Aug. 8, 1888— Sept. 3, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Hugh McCutcheon; b. Kamloops, B.C.; ed. Pictou, N.s., and Greenwood, B.C., P.S.; Ithaca, N.Y., H.S.; University College 1909-11; Delta Upsilon; Murray, Mather & Co. In August 19 14 he enlisted in the 2nd Field Company, Canadian Engineers, and was promoted Corporal before going overseas. He reached France in February 19 15, and served at the front for eleven months, through the battle of Ypres and the following engagements. In January 1916 he obtained his commission in the 7th Worcestershire Regiment, and shortly afterwards transferred to the R. Flying Corps. He left for France again on August 23rd and joined the 4th Squadron on the Somme front. Two weeks later, when he was on Artillery patrol, his machine was struck and damaged by an anti-aircraft shell. He brought it back under difficulty for a considerable distance, but just before gliding to land, a gust of wind caused it to side-slip and crash. His Observer was severely injured and he himself was instantly killed. Buried at Warloy, near Albert. ALEXANDER GILMOUR MACDONALD 1888— May 18, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-second Battalion. Only son of Sheriff Charles Macdonald; Applied Science 1907-10; Land surveyor in Yukon, Alaska and British Columbia. He enlisted on the outbreak of the war in the i6th Battalion and went overseas in October 19 14. Reaching France in February' 1915 he served through the second battle of Ypres, and at Festubert, where he was severely wounded on May 15th. On his recovery he received his commission and was appointed as Lieutenant in the 102nd, North British Columbia, Battalion. Returning to France in August 1916 he was again seriously wounded on October 20th at Regina Trench. After some time in England he was returned to Canada as no longer fit for front line service. Following an operation which he underwent on his knee, infection developed, to which he succumbed. Buried at Vancouver. ARCHIBALD WALTER MACDONALD June 12, 18S9— Sept. 15, 1916 Lieutenant, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of Dr. Albert A. Macdonald ; b. Toronto; cd. Upper Canada College; University College 1906-09; Al])ha Delta I'hi; Swimming colours; loth Regt., Lieut. In November 1914 he was appointed to the I9lh Battalion, and went overseas in May 19 1 5. He reached France in September, and served on the Ploegsteert- Ypres 90 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO front, and through the battle of St. Elol. At Courcelette, when in command of his company, he captured the trenches that were its objective, making many prisoners. Just after he had sent back his report that the position was consolidated and his task completed, he was struck by a piece of shrapnel and instantly killed. Buried at Sunken Road Cemetery, Contalmaison. RUSSELL HUGH MACDOUGALL Oct. 24, 1897— Aug. 22, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of Hugh Macdougall; b. Fenelon Falls; ed. Owen Sound and Lindsay c.i.; Applied Science 1907-08; Faculty Hockey team; Employed in steel construction work. He enlisted in November 1915 in the 109th, Victoria and Haliburton, Battalion. On reaching England in July 19 16 he was transferred to the 44th Battalion. The following month he died of pneumonia after a short illness. Buried at Bramshott. JOHN WILLIAM McDOWELL Dec. 9, 1892— Dec. 13, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Heavy Artillery. Son of the late William McDowell; b. Glen Allan; ed. Glen Allan p.s., Drayton H.s.; Medicine 1914-16; c.o.t.c. In March 19 16 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its formation, and went overseas in October. He received his commission in June 1917, being appointed to the ist Canadian Siege Battery. Reaching France in October he served through the battle of Passchendaele. He was killed on the Menin Road when the Divisional Headquarters were destroyed by a bomb. Buried at Menin Cemetery. GEORGE ARTHUR McEWEN Feb. 15, 1894— Sept. 30, 1918 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Austin Eber McEwen; b. Bathgate, N. Dakota; ed. Yellow Grass, Sask., P.s. and H.S., Regina C.I.; Applied Science 1913-16; c.o.t.c. In February 19 16 he enlisted in the 47th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in September. After a period with the 80th and 54th Batteries in England, he went to France in March 1917, joining the nth Battery at the front. He served through the battle of Vimy, and the campaign before Lens. He was wounded at Passchendaele and invalided for some months. Returning to France in March 19 18 he was in action near Amiens, and then employed as draughtsman at the 3rd Brigade Headquarters. In the fighting before Cambrai on September 29th, he was wounded in the back by a fragment from a shell that burst near the Headquarters dug-out. Though he immediately re- ceived every possible attention he succumbed to his injuries on the next day at No. 33 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Ficheux, near Arras. AUBREY THOMAS McFADDEN Feb. 19, 1896— Nov. 25, 1917 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of C. A. McFadden; b. Burk's Falls; ed. Penetanguishene Prot. s.s. and H.s.; Victoria College 1913-15; c.o.t.c. He first enlisted in the 157th Battalion, and then transferred to the Canadian Engineers, Signals. He went overseas in May 19 16 and reached France in, October. After some months at the Base Signal Depot at Abbeville, he joined the nth Brigade Signal Section, 4lh Divisional Signal Company, in March 1917. He served through Vimy-Lens campaign of that spring and summer. In the latter days of the battle of Passchendaele, when he was resting with his section, the running of a line proved so costly that additional help was required. He volunteered, and it was while leading his section in this service that he was overcome by gas and succumbed not long after. Buried at Mendinghem Cemetery, Proven, near Poperinghe. ROLL OF HONOUR 91 PETER LYDELL McGAVIN March 28, 1896— Aug. 14, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son 'of Josiah McGavin; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto P.ss. and Technical School; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.T.c. He went overseas with the second draft of c.o.T.c. candidates for Imperial com- missions in March 1916. After training first for the Artillery, he transferred to the R. Flying Corps and received his commission in March 191 7. The next month he joined the 25th Squadron on the Lens-Arras front. On August 14th, when he was returning from a bombing expedition over the German lines south-east of Lens, his formation was attacked by a stronger force of the enemy. His machine was seen to fall, and later he was reported to have been killed on that day. GEORGE ALLAN McGIFFIN Dec. 8, 1881— Aug. 27, 1918 Captain, Twenty-fourth Battalion. Son of the late John Sumner McGiffin; b. Oakville; ed. Dufferin P.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1899-1903, b.a. (Pol. Sci.); Staff of Toronto 'Star', 'Mail and Empire', 'News'; Gagnier's Ltd. ; Canadian Associated Press; 36th Regt., Lieut. At the end of 1914 he was appointed to the 74th Battalion, from which he trans- ferred to the 37th in June 1915. Going overseas in October, he joined the 24th Battalion, Victoria Rifles, at the front in May 1916. He served in the battle of Zillebeke in June, and then in the St. Eloi section before going to the Sonime at the end of July. On September 17th he was severely wounded at Courcelette, being shot through the lung. After being home on leave for a time he returned to England in January 1917. He crossed to France again in October and served during the following months on the Lens front till he went to Amiens in August 1918. He was promoted Captain in July. He was killed in action on the first day of the advance from before Arras to the Drocourt- Queant line, while taking part in the attack on Upton Wood. Buried at Sun Quarry Cemetery, Cherisy. ROBERT BLANEY McGUIRE Nov. 17, 1894— April 30, iQi? Second Lieutenant, Middlesex Regiment. Son of Blaney McGuire; b. Orangeville; ed. Orangeville P.s. and H.s.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1914-16; c.o.T.c. At the end of 1915 he was accepted as a c.o.T.c. candidate for an Imperial com- mission, and went overseas in January 1916. He was appointed to the 15th Middlesex Regiment, and after a course at Oxford was sent to Ireland for duty, where he remained three months. He then completed his training, qualifying as a bombing Instructor. On March 20th, 1917, he joined the 23rd Middlesex Regiment In France. Not long afterwards he was killed near Ypres by the premature explosion of a bomb. Burled at Renlnghelst. ANGUS McINTOSH Dec. 19, 1883— Aug. 4, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Andrew Mcintosh; b. Elsinore; ed. Amabel Tp. p.s., Port Elgin H.s., Owen Sound C.I. ; Farming; University College 1910-11 ; Queen's University. He enlisted in October 1915 in the 46th, Queen's Battery, C.F.A., and went over- seas In February 1916. He went to France In July, and served In the 9th Brigade at the Sommc, Vimy and Lens. He was instantly killed by a long distance shell, when in rest back of the lines on the Lens front. Burled near where he fell. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GORDON KING MACKENDRICK June 9, 1894— Oct. 8, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battahon. Son of Lt.-Col. William Gordon AlacKendrick, d.s.o. ; b. Toronto; ed. Welleslej' P.S., Toronto; Trinity College School; Applied Science 1914-15; c.o.t.c. ; 12th Regt., Lieut. In October 1915 he was appointed to the 8ist Battalion with which he went over- seas in the spring of 1916. He joined the 58th Battalion on theSomme in September, The second time that he was in the line before Courcelette his company reached Regina Trench, and beat back two counter-attacks, in which fighting he was wounded in the leg. As only a few men were left, they were ordered to retire, and while withdrawing between the trench and the wire he, with his Company Commander, was killed by a shell. Buried where he fell. ALISTER MUNRO MACKENZIE Feb. 18, 1885— March 30, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of the late Norman Ambrose William Mackenzie; b. Burlington; ed. Bur- lington and Staney Brae P.ss. ; Forestry 1909-10; First Swimming colours; Canadian champion canoe paddler, doubles and single; Intercollegiate wrestling champion; Surveying and building; Beil Telephone Co., Montreal. In ]\Iarch 1915 he enlisted in the Machine Gun vSection of the 19th Battalion, and reached France in September. Through the winter he served in the Wulverghem — St. Eloi area, and distinguished himself in several reconnaissances. When on duty with his section in the trenches at Ridgewood he was instantly killed by a bomb. Buried at Ridgewood Cemetery. He had been mentioned for a commission, and been recom- mended for the D.C.M. for his service in a trench raid. * DOUGLAS FRASER MACKENZIE June 16, 1894— Aug. 4, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the Rev. Murdoch MacKenzie, d.d.; b. Chefoo, China; ed. Georgetown H.S., Harbord Street C.i., Toronto; First Mary Mulock scholar; University College 1913-14; u.c. Literary Society executive; Knox College. In October 1914 he enlisted in the 19th Battalion, but was subsequently^ discharged as physically unfit. Shortly afterwards, however, he was again accepted for service with the 35th Battalion. When a draft of signallers was called for in May 1915 he volunteered and went overseas with the Second Divisional Signal Company. He reached France in September and for 25 months served in the Second Division through the fighting around Ypres, at the So^nme and from Vimy to Hill 70. In October 191 7 he joined the Royal Flying Corps as Cadet, and received his commission in February 1918. For some time he was employed in flying machines from one camp to another in England, which delayed the completion of his training as a fighting scout. He was accidentally killed when flying near the home of his uncle. Col. Grant Morden, Hether- den Hall, Bucks. Buried at Iver Heath. GEORGE LAWRENCE BISSET MACKENZIE Jan. 4, 1892— June 7, 1916 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. Only son of George A. Mackenzie; b. Toronto; ed. privately and at Upper Canada College; University College 1909-13, b.a.; All Souls Prize; Phi Kappa Pi; Law School; I2th Regt., Lieut. On the outbreak of the war he volunteered for service in the ranks, but owing to his eyesight was refused. He then obtained a commission in the 12th York Rangers, from which he was appointed to the 35th Battalion early in 1915. In June, with his close friend Errol Piatt, he was sent overseas with a draft, and in October they both ROLL OF HONOUR 93 joined the 3rd Battalion in France. He served through the following winter and spring in the area south of Ypres and in the Salient. It was during the interval between the losses at Sanctuary Wood and the recapture of the line that he was sent with one non- commissioned officer to reconnoitre the trenches that were temporarily held by the enemy. Though his companion was wounded he brought him safely back, after having obtained valuable information. He had made his report and was returning to his company when he was instantly killed by a sniper. Buried at Lyssenthoek, near to Errol Piatt, who had fallen a few days before. WALTER WAKE McKENZIE April 28, 1891— Feb. 19, 1917 Captain, Canadian Army iVIedical Corps. Only son of Thomas McKenzie; b. Point Edward; ed. Sarnia p.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; Medicine 1909-14, m.b.; Vice-President, Medical Society; Staff, Hamilton Asylum. In August 19 1 5 he was appointed Medical Officer to the 83rd Battalion, with which he went overseas in April 191 6. In October he was transferred to Shorncliflfe Military Hospital. When on duty there he was taken ill on February 17th with spinal meningitis to which he succumbed after two days. WILLIAM STEWART McKEOUGH Sept. 2, 1893— Sept. 15, 1916 Major, Eighteenth Battalion. Son of W. E. McKeough; b. Chatham; ed. McKeough P.s. and Chatham c.i.; University College 1910-12, Medicine 1912-14; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Manager, Third Hockey team; Medical Athletic executive; Track team 1912-14, First colours and Captain 1914; Intercollegiate high jump record; Athletic directorate 1914-15; 24th Regt., Lieut. In the fall of 1914 he was appointed to the iSth Battalion, and went overseas in April 1915. Reaching France in September he served through the autumn and winter on the front south of Ypres. He was promoted Captain in January 1916, and Major in July. At St. Eloi he distinguished himself by his bravery in bringing in the wounded after the unsuccessful attack on Crater 3. On the morning of the battle of Courcelette his battalion, despite heavy casualties, took part in the capture of the Sugar Refinery, and he was killed in action as he reached the German parapet when leading his company in the attack. ARTHUR EDWARD McLAUGHLIN Jan. 5, 1870— Sept. 11, 1916 Major, Canadian Mounted Rifles, att. Second Battalion. Son of the late James Wellington McLaughlin; b. Bowmanville; ed. Bowmanville H.s. ; University College 1889-92, b.a.; Kappa Alpha; Barrister, practising at Bowman- ville; 3rd Dragoons, Major. In April 1915 he was appointed to the 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles and went overseas in October. He twice went to France for instruction, being in the trenches by Easter 1916. Early in August he was attached to the 2nd Battalion, as it was moving to the Somme front. He was severely wounded on September 9th in the successlul attack made by his battalion on a salient near the Windmill on the Bapaume Road, and died of his injuries two days later in hospital at Warloy-Balllon, where he was buried. HOWARD JAMES MACLAURIN July 26, 1887— June 14, 1916 Captain, Sixteenth Battalion. Son of John R. MacLaurin; b. Vanklcck Hill; ed. Vanklcek Hill r.s. and c.i.; Woodstock College; R. College Dental Surgeons 1905-09, n.n.s.; Year Vice-Presi- dent; College Football and Hockey teams; Practising in Winnipeg. 94 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In December 1914 he was appointed to the 43rd Battalion, and went overseas in June 1915. He was chosen as one of the officers in the first draft from this unit to the 1 6th Battalion, which he joined in France in the same month. A year later he was killed in action in the fighting at Sanctuary Wood. Buried at Poperinghe. During his year's service at the front he had been three times wounded, twice recommended for a decoration and four times Mentioned, the last time in March 1916 for his work in making a reconnaissance of a German listening post. His Captaincy was gazetted shortly after his death. ALLAN PRATT MACLEAN Dec 18, 1896— March 18, 1918 Captain, Twentieth Battalion and Royal Flying Corpe. Son of William B. Maclean; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 1913-15; Alpha Delta Phi; 48th Regt., Lieut. In January 1915 he was appointed as Lieutenant and Signalling Officer to the 20th Battalion. With this unit he went to France and served for several mcnths on the front south of Ypres, and through the battle of St. Eloj. In July 1916 he joined the R. Flying Corps, nth Squadron, with which he served on the Scmme, and later on the Ypres section of the front. He was promoted Captain in June 19 17. He was killed in action on March 18th, 1918, being shot down while flying in the vicinity of Arras. DONALD GORDON MACLEAN Feb. 9, 1898— Feb. 4, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Duncan J. MacLean; b. Bridgeburg; ed. Bridgeburg p.s. and h.s., London C.I.; Applied Science 1915-17; c.o.t.c. Early in 19 17 he joined the R. Naval Air Service and shortly afterwards transferred to the R. Flying Corps. He obtained his commiseion in May, and after completing his training joined the 45th Squadron on the Italian front in January 1918. A few days after his arrival he was flying in a formation of five, which attacked eight enemy planes over the Piave and drove down five. He himself had driven and followed one down, and was on his way back while still flying low, when he was killed by an anti-aircraft shell, his machine crashing as it crossed the lines. Buried at Giavera Cemetery, Montello. DUGALD BLACK MACLEAN March 12, 1889— Aug. 29, 1916 Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Sod of the late Dugald MacLean; b. Burgoyne; ed. Paisley p.s., Owen Sound c.i.; Applied Science 1907-08; Medicine 1908-13, m.b.; President, Medical Athletic executive; Association Football first and second colours; House Surgeon, Winnipeg General Hospital. In June 19 15 he was appointed to the r.a.m.c. and reached France the next month with the 48th Field Ambulance, in which unit he remained during most of his service. He won the Military Cross in July 19 16, at the Somme near Delville Wood, for gallant action under shell fire whije acting as Medical Officer to the 8lh East Lancashire Regi- ment. A month later he was killed near Loos. Buried at Philosophe. GORDON DAVIS McLEAN Nov. 18, 1889— Aug. 21, 1918 Lieutenant, Imperial Tank Corps. Son of the late Dr. Peter McLean ; b. Ayton; ed. Ayton and Hanover p,ss., Guelph C.I., Ottawa C.I.; University College 1907-11, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Alexander Mackenzie Scholar; Historical Club; Vice-President, u.c. Literary Society; Law School; ll.b. 1914; Barrister, C.P.R. Legal Dept., Calgary; c.o.t.c. ROLL OF HONOUR 95 Early in 19 16 he was accepted as a c.o.x.c. candidate for an Imperial commission, and went overseas in Match. Receiving his commission in the Machine Gun Corps in November, he began his training with the Tank Corps shortly after, and reached France with the 7th Battalion in May 1917. In June 1918 he was promoted First Lieutenant, and was about to be made Captain at the time of his death. In the advance of August 1918 he was instantly killed by a shell just after the tanks had rallied from the attack at Bucquoy near Bapaume. Buried at Queen's Cemetery, Bucquoy. DONALD MURDOCH McLENNAN Aug. 25, 1889— Sept. 20, 1917 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of A. A. McLennan; b. Lancaster; ed. Lancaster p.s.; Farming; Ontario Agri- cultural College 1910-13; Associate Representative, Department of Agriculture, Hast- ings Cy i9i4-i5;o.A.c. 1915-16, B.s.A. ; Staff o.A.c. 'Review'; Year executive; President, O.A.C. Literary Society. He enlisted in March 191 6 with the 56th, o.A.c, Battery, C.F.A., and went overseas in September. When this unit was broken up in England his section was transferred to the 55th Battery, with which he went to the Lens front at the end of August 1917. Less than a month later he was instantly killed by shrapnel when he was relieving the aero- plane sentry at the guns. Buried at Aix-Noulette. GEORGE GORDON MACLENNAN 1887— July 20, 1917 Flight Commander, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of the late Rev. Alexander MacLennan; Applied Science 1907-10, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.) 1912. In 19 16 he was appointed to the R. Naval Air Service, and was promoted Flight Lieutenant at the end of the year, and Flight Commander in June 1917. He served with the 6th Squadron in the Verdun area, and on the Alsace-Lorraine front. On April 2nd, 191 7, he was awarded the French Croix de Guerre. On July 20th he was killed while leading his flight in action. DAVID DOUGLAS MACLEOD Feb. 12, 1890— June 8, 1916 Captain, Foity-ninth Battalion.' Son of David Noble Madeod; b. Parkhill; ed. Parkhill P.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1907-11, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Civil Engineer and Surveyor; loist Regt,. Lieut. In January 1915 he was appointed as Lieutenant to the 49th Battalion, in which he was later promoted Captain. Going overseas in May 1915 he reached France with his unit in October, and served through the following winter and spring in the area south of Ypres and in the Salient. On June 3rd, 1916, he was severely wounded when in command of his company in the counter-attack on Sanctuary Wood. He succumbed to his injuries five days later in hospital at Le Touquet. Buried at Etaples. JOHN DEWAR McMURRICH April 20, 1874— Dec. 9, 1917 Corporal, Seventy-second Battalion. Son of the late William Barclay McMurrich; b. Toronto; ed. Ujipcr Canada College; Trinity College 1892-95, b.a.; m.a. 1904; College football and hockey teams; Law School 1897- 1901; Barrister, practising at Vancouver; md. Evelyn Temple. After being twice rejected for a commission owing to a weak knee, he was accepted for service in the ranks in 1916, and went overseas in March 1917. Reverting from Sergeant to Private he went to France in July, joining the 72nd Battalion, and served in it on the Lens and Passchendaele fronts. He was wounded by a bomb near Arras on December 7tli, and died in hosjjital two days later. Buried at Duisans. 96 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO WILLIAM GORDON MACNEVIN Dec. 27, 1893— Feb. 3, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of William J. MacNevin; b. Exeter; ed. Goderich p.s. and c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1911-15, d.d.s.; c.o.t.c; md. Myrtle Irene Stewart. In March 1915 he enlisted in the 26th Battery, c.f.a., but not long afterwards received his commission in the Army Dental Corps. Going overseas at once, he served for a short time in England and then went to France. During this period he was at- tached in succession to the 2nd c.m.r. Brigade, No. i Field Ambulance, No. i Casualty Clearing Station and No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance, at various points on the front. In December 19 16 he returned to England, being attached to No. 13 General (No. i Stationary) Hospital at Hastings. He was invalided to Canada in May 19 17, and some months later he died from tubercular meningitis at Gravenhurst Sanatorium. Buried at Goderich. CHARLES KENNETH MACPHERSON Nov. 24, 1890— Oct. 25, 19 17 Lieutenant, Forty-second Battalion. Son of the late Duncap Ferguson Macpherson; b. Cljnton; ed. Clinton Model School and C.I. ; Goderich C.I. ; Applied Spience 1911-14; Theta Delta Chi; Mining engineering and munition work; 33rd Regt., Lieut. At the end of 19 15 he was appointed to the i6ist, Huron, Battalion, and went over- seas in October. In 19 17 having reverted from Captain to Lieutenant, he joined the 42nd Battalion in Frnace. In the battle of Passchendaele he was killed in action at California Trench in the forward area east of Ypres. Buried at Vlamertinghe. STUART MACDONALD MACPHERSON Dec. 18, 1890— Oct. 20, 1916 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Archibald MacPherson; b. Ringwood; ed. Woodstock p.s., Petrolia h.s., Woodstock C.I. ; Canada Business College, Chatham; Chartered Accountant, Henderson & Co., Winnipeg; University College 1914-15; Knox College; c.o.t.c. In March 19 15 he enlisted, with many other LIniversity men, in the 25th Battery, 7th Brigade, c.f.a. He reached France in January 19 16 and served through the spring and early summer in the Ypres area, and later on the Somme. He was regarded as one of the most efficient gunners in the battery, and had been offered promotion. After a period spent in the horse-lines he had but recently returned to the guns, when he was instantly killed by a fragment from a shell that had struck the next gun-pit. Buried at Bapaume Post Cemetery, near Albert. EDGAR HAROLD McVICKER Oct. 12, 1892— Sept. 9, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Only son of Samuel McVicker; b. Toronto; ed. Gladstone Avenue p.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; Medicine 1910-15, m.b.; House surgeon, St. Michael's Hospital; c.o.t.c In October 1915 he was appointed to the r.a.m.c, and reached France in January 1916. The next month he went to the front with the 2/ist Wessex Field Ambulance, 55th Division. He served in the Abbeville, Armentieres and Arras areas, and then on the Somme front. In the battle of the Somme he was present at the fighting round Longueval, Guillemont, Delville and Ginchy Woods. Here the 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers, to which he was attached as Medical Officer, had made an attack, and he was dressing the wounded at the regimental aid post at Waterloot Farm, when a shell ex- ploded near by and instantly killed him. Buried near Mametz. MAURICE IRVING MACHELL May 6, 1891— Sept. 15,. 1916 Second Lieutenant, King's Shropshire Light Infantry. ROLL OF HONOUR 97 Son of Dr. Henry T. Machell; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto Church School, Upper Canada College; Trinity College 1908-13, b.a.; New York General Theological Seminary 1913-14; 2nd Regt. In the autumn of 1914 he enlisted in the 19th Battalion, in which he was later made Lance-Corporal, and went overseas in the following spring. In August 1915 he was appointed to the 3rd King's Shropshire Light Infantry. After serving for some months as Musketrv' Instructor in this unit, he went to France in June 19 1 6, joining the 5th Battalion of the Regiment at the front. Early in the morning of the attack on Delville Wood, as it proved impossible to advance through the wood, he took a party round one side to clear out a number of snipers who were threatening his platoon. He was hit in front of a communication trench leading towards Flers, and died almost instantly. The work that he had begun was successfully completed by the Sergeant of his part}-. JOHN REGINALD MAGUIRE Dec. 28, 1896— Aug. 17, 1916 Second Lieutenant, West Yorkshire Regiment. Son of the late James W. Maguire; b. Corunna; ed. Huron Street P.S., Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Applied Science 1915-16; C.O.T.c. He left Canada at the end of his first term with the first draft of C.O.T.c. candidates for Imperial commissions. Early in 1916 he was appointed to the 14th We.st Yorkshire Regiment and joined the 12th Battalion of the Regiment in France in July, intending to return in September to take a course with the R. Engineers. Three weeks after his arrival in France he was instantl}' killed on the Somme front when leading his men in attack on the night of August l6th-i7th. Buried near Guillemont. HENRY LAWRENCE MAJOR Nov. 21, 1897— June 15,^917 Lieutenant, One hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Only son of Albert Edward Major; b. Whitevale; ed. Whitevale p.s., Markham h.s. ; University College 1914-15; 2nd Regt., Pte.; 34th Regt., Lieut. In September 1915 he was appointed to the i i6th Battalion, in which he was later promoted Captain. He went overseas in July 1916. Early in 1917, reverting to Lieu- tenant, he went with his battalion to France. On April i8th he was in charge of a work- ing party a mile beyond Vimy Ridge, when the enemy opened fire. As he was in the open seeing his men to a place of safety, he was hit by shrapnel in the knee. He was removed to hospital in Bristol, where he succumbed to septicemia arising from his injuries. Buried at Bristol. WILLIAM JOHN OGILVIE MALLOCH Aug. 10, 1869— Feb. 18, 1919 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Donald McG. Malloch; b. Clinton; ed. Clinton p.s. and H.s.; University College 1887-91, B..\.; Medicine 1892-96, M.B.; Alpha Delta Phi; f.r.c.s. 1906; Practising in Toronto; Staff, Toronto General Hospital; StaflF, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. In the spring of 1915 he was appointed to No. 4, LIni\ersit) of Toronto, General Hospital. He reached Salonica with this unit in November 1915, and served with it throughout till he returned to England in 1917. For a short period he was in charge of surgery at No. 16, Ontario, General Hospital in Orpington, and then rejoined the L'ni- versity Hospital at Basingstoke. He arrived in Canada on February 5th, 1919, and was almost immediately taken ill with pneumonia, to which he succumbed some days later. Buried in Toronto. In .Ajjril 1919 his name was among those Mentioned for Valuable Services. — 10 98 UNIVERSITY OF TOROxNTO IAN CAMERON MALLOUGH July 5. 1896— Nov. 14, 1917 Private, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Robert Mallough; b. Dungannon, Huron Cy.; ed. Dungannon and Teeswater P.ss., Wingham H.s.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1915-16; C.O.T.C. In November 1916 he enlisted in the c.a.m.c. and went overseas. At the end of May 1917 he joined No. i Field Ambulance in France, and through the summer served on the Lens front. He was instantly killed by a shell while carrying a wounded man from the front line at Passchendaele. Buried at Brandhoek. MAURICE EDWARD MALONE April 2, 1895— June 3, 1916 Lieutenant, Fiftenth Battalion. Son of E. T. Malone, K.c; b. Toronto; ed. Huron Street p.s., Toronto; St. Andrews' College; University College 1913-15; Hockey colours; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.t.c, Col.- Sergt.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In June 1915 he was appointed to the 58th Battalion at Niagara, and in August went overseas with a draft from that unit. He joined the 15th Battalion in France in November and served with it through the winter and spring in the area south of Ypres and in the Salient. When the battle of Sanctuary Wood began on June 2nd his platoon was back in billets for a rest. They were immediately called up, and after marching several miles through the night, advanced in the counter-attack at Observatory Ridge on the morning of the 3rd. Just as they reached the farthest point of the advance, and when he was looking for means to get through a thick hedge, he was struck. Calling out "Never mind, it is all right", he fell. Buried at Lyssenthoek. ROBERT JAMIESON MARION Oct. 26, 1898— April 21, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late Peter Marion; b. Wallace Tp., Palmerston; ed. Palmerston P.S., Strathcona, Alta., c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1916-17; c.o.t.c. In his first year he joined the Army Dental Corps and went overseas as Sergeant in March 1917. He transferred in England to the R. Flying Corps, and received his commission in November. On April loth, 191 8, he went to France, joining the 54th Squadron. Eleven days later he was reported as missing, having last been seen flying over the enemy's lines. AUBREY MILTON MARSHALL Aug. 30, 1889— Sept. 15, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Edward Marshall; b. Strange; ed. King p.s., Aurora H.s.; Methodist Pro- bationer, Cochrane District; Victoria College 1906-07, 1915-16; C.O.T.C. In December 1915 he enlisted in the 5th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas the following April. He joined the battalion in Flanders shortly after the battle of Sanctuary Wood in June 1916. Three months later he was killed in action at Courcelette. FREDERICK JOHN STRANGE MARTIN Aug. 23, 1875— Aug. 30, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of the late Edward Martin, D.c.L.; b. Hamilton; ed. Trinity College School; Trinity College 1893-96, b.a.; m..\. 1898; Barrister, practising at Sault Ste. Marie; Crown Attorney; 51st Regt., Lieut. In the latter part of 1915 he was appointed to the 119th Battalion, and went over- seas in August 1916. He joined the 58th Battalion in France in February 1918. After service on the Lens- Arras front, he was in the battle of Amiens, and was recommended for the Military Cross for his bravery in the field on that occasion. Later in the month ROLL OF HONOUR 99 he was detailed for duty behind the lines, but on his own request was allowed to remain with the battalion. On August 27th, during the attack on Bois du Sart near Monchy in the battle of Arras, he was taking his platoon up a shallow communication trench under heavy machine gun fire when he was wounded in the abdomen by a bullet. With some difficulty his Platoon Sergeant and two Privates brought him back. He was conveyed to No 7 Casualty Clearing Station, where he underwent an operation, but succumbed to his injuries shortly afterwards. Buried at Ligny St. Flochel. IVAN BERNARD MARTY April 12, 1879— April 6, 1917 Private, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Dr. John Marty; b. New Hamburg; ed. New Hamburg Cont. Sch.; Medicine 1915-16. In May 1916, at the end of his first year, he enlisted in the iiith Battalion and went overseas in September. He joined the 75th Battalion on the Vimy front in December. When acting as stretcher-bearer he was wounded in the early hours of April 4th, 1917, and died two days later at No. 22 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Bruay. GORDON McMICHAEL MATHESON May 29, 1892— Aug. 11, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of George A. Matheson; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton p.ss., Highfield School; Trinity College 1910-14, b.a.; Medicine 1914-15; Basket-ball colours; College Rugby team; 13th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 120th Battalion in December 19 15, and went overseas the following August. After being attached to the 134th in England, he joined the 44th Battalion at the front in March 1918. On the third day of the battle of Amiens he was severely wounded when leading his men, under hea\'y machine gun fire, into the ^■illage of Fouquescourt, and died shortly afterwards. Buried at Crucifix Corner near War- villers. GEORGE GEOFFREY MAY Sept. 25, 1893— April 9, 19 17 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of A. F. May; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa p.s. and c.i.; University College 191 1-15, B.A. (Pol. Sc); Kappa Alpha; xiii Club; c.o.t.c, Sergt.; g.g.f.g., Lieut. At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the 130th Battalion, and went overseas with a draft in September 1916. In March 191 7 he joined the 75th Battalion at the front. A month later he fell at Vimy. The battalion was temporarily held up by uncut wire, and he was bringing up men in support, when he was instantly killed by the concussion of a shell. Buried at Vimy Ridge. JOHN FREELE MEEK July 19, 1893— Aug. 14, 1918 Lieuttnant, Royal Air Force. Son of James Meek; b. Southwold Tp.; ed. Southwold P.s., St. Thomas c.i.; University College 1912-16, b.a. (Pol. Sc); 'Varsity' staff; u.c. Literary Society, Treasurer; c.o.T.C; 25th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in the autumn of 1915 to the 70th Battalion, with which lie went overseas in April 1916. In July he joined the 24th Battalion on the Ypres-St. Eloi front. He was severely wounded in the arm on September 28th at Courcclctte, and returned home at the end of the year. For a time he resumed his studies, but thoui^li his arm was permanently injured and he had been refused for further scr\ ice in tlic Canadian forces, he volunteered for the R. Flying Corps. He trained in Canada and returned overseas in May 1918. After flying in France for a month he had conic back 100 UXI\ERSITY OF TORONTO to England in July for a course in gunnery, and was about to leave for the Italian front. As he was flying on target practice over the sea, apparently he fainted and was instantly killed when the machine overturned and fell into the sea. Buried at Frieston. GERALD JAMES WALLACE MEGAN Aug. i6, 1884— Sept. 26, 1918 Lieutenant, Thirteenth Battalion. Son of the late Peter Megan; b. Stratford; ed. Stratford s.s. and c. I.; University College 1902-06, B.A. (Classics); Editor, 'Varsity'; Undergraduate Union executive; Delta Upsilon; Financial News Bureau, Montreal; C.o.T.C. (McGill). He was appointed to the 148th Battalion in the autumn of 1915, and went overseas in August 1916. In October he joined the 13th, Royal Highlanders, Battalion in France and served in it first on the Somme front. In March -1917 he was appointed Assistant Adjutant, and during that year went through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70, and Passchendaele. In 19 18 he served on the Lens- Arras front, and through the battles of Amiens and Arras. He was killed in action at the Canal du Nord in the advance on Cambrai. Buried near Cambrai. MALCOLM SMITH MERCER Sept. 17, 1859— June 3, 1916 Major-General, Commanding Third Division. Son of the late Thomas Mercer; b. Etobicoke Tp., York Cy. ; ed. Delmer p.s., St. Catharines c.i. ; University College 1881-85, B.A. (Philos.); Recording Secretary, u.C. Literary Society; Law School 1885-88; Barrister, practising in Toronto, firm of Mercer & Bradford; 2nd Regt., Sec. Lieut. 1885, Lieut. 1887, Captain 1891, Adjutant 1892-97, Bt.-Major 1902, Major 1906; Lt.-Col., o.c. ist Bn. 191 1; Commandant 1912. As an undergraduate he received his commission in the Queen's Own Rifles. Devoting special attention to rifle shooting, he was a number of times on the Bisley team, and was its Adjutant in 191 1. In 1913 he visited the ground where later the troops under him were destined to fight. He had also taken special Staff courses. On the outbreak of the war he left Toronto as Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion, and at Valcartier was appointed to command the ist Infantry Brigade. In this com- mand he served through the battle of Ypres and the following campaign of 1915. In January 191 6 he was promoted Major-General and appointed to command the newly formed Third Division, which when completed took over the Hooge — Zillebeke sector in March. Early on the morning of June 2nd he was making a tour of inspection of the front trenches, and had just left the position occupied by the 4th Mounted Rifles, when the enemy's bombardment began. Being severely shocked by a shell, he made his way to a dug-out some yards back with Lieut. L. Gooderham, his a.d.c, where they remained for four hours till the bombardment slackened. They then began to go back over the open, but after having gone a short distance he was wounded in the leg. Lieut. Gooder- ham dragged him into a ditch and bandaged his wound. Meanwhile the advancing Germans had passed them. In the evening the British guns opened a barrage to check the enemy's reserves. During the night engagement of June 2-3 he was instantly killed by a piece of shrapnel about one o'clock a.m., and the next day Lieut. Gooderham was taken prisoner. General Mercer's body was found on June 13th, when the ground was recaptured, and buried at Poperinghe. Just before his death he was awarded the c.b., and he was Mentioned in General Haig's Despatches of April 30th and November 13th, 1916. JOHN REDMOND WALSINGHAM MEREDITH May 22, 1878— Nov. 25, 1916 Major, Ninety-fifth Battalion. Only son of Chief Justice Sir William Meredith, Chancellor of the University; b. London; ed. Trinity College School; Huron College; University College 1895-99, ROLL OF HONOUR loi B.A.; Alpha Delta Phi; Law School; Barrister, practising in Toronto, firm of Hellmuth, Cattanach & Meredith; Asst. Ofilcial Guardian; 9th Horse, Lieut.; 2nd Regt., Lieut.; md. Miriam Isidore Hellmuth. In the spring of 1915 he was one of the Examining Officers to the c.o.t.c. in Camp at Niagara. Shortly afterwards he was appointed Adjutant to the 95th Battalion, with which he went overseas in May 1916. When he was preparing to go to France he died suddenly in London. Buried at Toronto. HENRY KEBLE IMERRITT Sept. 26, 1919 Major, American Expeditionary Force. Trinity College 1883-84; Living at Mprristown, N.j. He went overseas as a member of the Accounting Staff" of the American Red Cross in February 1918. He was later appointed as Captain in the a.e.f. to the American Bureau of Reconstruction and Relief, and then Associate Direc or of the Bureau of Insurance. He died while still serving in France. Buried at Tureuse Cemetery, Paris. CHARLES ALBERT VON HOLT MICHELL Aug. i, 1897— May 24, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Dr. A. Von Holt Michell; b. Dublin, Ont.; ed. Dublin P.S., Stratford C.i.; Applied Science 1915-16; C.O.T.C. In April 1916 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its organisation, and went overseas in June. He joined the i8th Battery in France in September, and served with it through the battle of the Somme. In February 1917 he was invalided to England. Though the medical authorities hesitated, he obtained permission to return to his battery at the end of March. After the battles of Vimyand Fresnoy, he was killed by a shell near the "New Brunswick Road," east of the Ridge, where the battery had been posted in an advanced position. Buried at Aux Rietz. REUBEN DELEMME MILLYARD Sept. 22, 1893— Sept. 30, 1918 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the late Rev. R. W. Millyard; b. St. Thomas; ed. Exeter and Lucknow p.ss., Woodstock C.I. ; Victoria College 1911-15 ,b.a. (Math, and Phys.); President, Mathe- matical and Physical Society; c.o.t.c. In November 1915 he enlisted in the 5th Universities Company, P.P.C.1..1. and went overseas the next spring. During the next year he was employed as Instructor at the Depot in Shorncliffe. In April, 1917 he received his commission and in June joined the battalion in France. He was wounded at Passchendaele while temporarily with the 38th Battalion. He was home on leave, and then after service in England rejoined his own battalion early in September 1918. At the end of the same montli he was killed in action near Tilloy before Canibrai. Buried at Tilloy. RICHARD ARTHUR MITCHELL June 8, 1894— Sept. I5. 1916 Private, Canadian Army Medical Corps, att. Fourth Machine Gun Company. Son of the late W. H. Mitchell; b. Kingston: ed. Kingston P.s., Trinity College School; Trinity College 1912-15; Preparing for the Ministry; 47th Regt. In November 19 14 he enlisted in the 5th Field Ambulance and went overseas in April 1915. Reaching France in June he served through the following months in the area south of Ypres and in the Salient. In November he was attached to the 4th Brigade Machine Gun Company At Courcelette when an Officer and Corporal of his company had been hit he went forward to render assistance. F^inding that they were both killed, he was making his way back, when he was severely wounded by a sniper's bullet and died a few minutes later. Buried at Adanac Cemetery. 102 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JOHN ROY MITCHENER March 14. 1897— Sept. 2-], 1916 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of John George Mitchener; b. N. Toronto; ed. Deer Park p.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Apph"ed Science 1914-15; Gymnasium colours; 2nd Regt. Cadet Cps., Lieut.; C.O.T.c, Lieut. He was appointed from the c.o.t.c. to the 3rd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., in June 1915, but being ill with typhoid fever when it went overseas, left in November in command of the 4th Company. He joined the battalion in France in June 191 6 after the battle of Zillebeke. In the attack at Courcelette on September 15th the two platoons under his command became joined to the 42nd Battalion and went through with it. Early next day he got into touch with his own Commanding Officer and re- ceived orders to bomb down the trench to his right. This he did successfully, thereby assisting the Patricias to gain their second objective. In carrying out this task he was wounded and removed to hospital at Le Touquet. At first he seemed to be doing well, but on the 27th his heart failed and a few hours later he succumbed. Buried at Etaples. HERBERT STANLEY MONKA/fAN Oct. 3, 1876— Dec. i, 1915 Captain, Third Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of John Monkman; b. Brussels; ed. Watford P.s., Strathroy C.I.; Ontario College of Pharmacy, phm.b., 1897; Trinity Medical College 1902-06, m.d., CM.; College Liter- ary Society executive; Assistant Treasurer, College Medical Society; Practising at Vegreville, Alta.; 19th Dragoons, Capt.; md. Margaret Walker. He was appointed to the 3rd Mounted Rifles early in 191 5, and went overseas in June. At the end of September he reached France. A few weeks later he was killed in action at La Petite Douve, near Ploegsteert. Buried at Ploegsteert Military Cemeterj\ CHARLES WESLEY DEEPROSE MOONEY Aug. 31, 1898— Oct. 8, 1918 Gunner, Canadian Heavy Artillery, att. Canadian Corps Signal Company. Son of the late Samuel W. Mooney; b. Inverness, P.Q.; ed. Inverness Academy and Stanstead College; Victoria College 1915-16; College Rugby team; C.O.T.C. In March 1916 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its organisation. After going overseas he transferred to the 1st Canadian Heavy Battery and reached France in May 1917. He served as a Signaller in wireless through the campaign before Lens and at Hill 70 and Passchendaele, and again on the Lens front through the following winter and spring. After going through the battles of Amiens and Arras, he was wounded near Cambrai on October 3rd. He was removing wireless equipment from a post that was being threatened by heavy shell fire to a safer position, when he was struck in the neck and leg by shrapnel. Though his friends gave Immediate aid and he was quickly taken back for treatment, he died from his injuries five days later in hospital at Camiers. Buried at Etaples. JAMES GORDON MOORE Sept. i, 1895— Aug. 13, 1919 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of W. J. Moore; b. Toronto; ed. Annette Street P.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; University College 1914-17; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company in December 1916, and qualified for a Lieutenant's commission in the Infantry. In 1917 he transferred to the R. Flying Corps. He went in March 1918 to France, where he served with the 56th • Squadron in bombing raids over German territory. He was fatally injured on October 18th near Boulogne. As he was flying the machine crashed and burst into flames. He was found trying to rescue his Pilot from the burning wreckage, although his own clothing was on fire. This action cost him his life, as he was severely burned and after several months of suffering he died at Kensington Hospital. Buried at Hampstead. ROLL OF HONOUR 103 EDWARD CLARENCE MORGAN Dec. 16, 1894— June 2, 1916. Lance-Corporal, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of John W. Morgan; b. Cookstown; ed. Weston H.s.; Education 1914-15; C.O.T.C. He enlisted in May 1915 in the 4th Mounted Rifles, and reached France in October . He served with the battalion machine gun section through the following months on the Ploegsteert-St. Eloi front and in the Salient. When the battle of Sanctuary Wood began his machine gun was blown to pieces and all of the crew were buried. It appears from the report of one of his companions, who was eventually dug out by the Germans, t hat he was either instantly killed or died shortly afterwards. He had been badly wounded at the beginning of the fight but, being in charge of the gun, refused to leave his post. BASIL MENZIES MORRIS May 19, 1895— March I7. iQi/ Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers and Royal Flying Corps. Son of James L. Morris, c.E.; b. Pembroke; ed. Pembroke P.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); 42nd Regt., Lieut., att. c.o.t.c. In May 1915 he was appointed to the 59th Battalion as Machine Gun Officer. He transferred at the end of the year to No. i Tunnelling Company, C.E., with which he went to France in Februar>' 1916. He served with this unit in the Ypres Salient till January' 1917, when he was seconded to the 6th Squadron, R. Flying Corps. He received his Observer's wing in February. A month later he was killed in action. As he was flying over the lines before Ypres his machine was hit and eventually collapsed. Buried at Remy Siding, Poperinghe. DONALD WHITCOMBE MORRISON Aug. 23, U9C— Aug. 8, 1918 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. Only son of Charles E. Morrison; b. Toronto; ed. St. Andrew's College; Howe Military School, Indiana; University College 1915-16; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.t.c; loth Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 213th Battalion in May 1916, and went overseas in the following January. At the end of May 1917 he joined the 3rd Battalion in France, and served in it through the battles of Hill 70 and Passchendaele. He was killed in action at Bois Gentelles when serving as Lewis-gun officer to the battalion on the first da}- of the battle of Amiens. Buried at Hangard Wood. FRANK RAYMER MORTIMER March 11, 1889— Oct. 29, 1918 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Only son of John Mortimer; b. Cedar Grove; ed. London p.s. and c.i. ; Applied Science 1906-10, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Hydrographic Dept., Ministry of Marine. He enlisted in the Heavy Artillery at Ottawa in May 1917, and at the end of September joined the 23rd Howitzer Battery, c.f.a., in France. He was invalided from Passchendaele in November, and returning home in March 1918 went to hospital, where he died some months later. EDWARD BASIL GOWAN MORTON April 10, 1898— July 16, 1918 Captain, Royal Air Force. Son of F, G. Morton; b. Barrie; ed. Private School, Barrie P.s. and c.l.; Applied Science 1916-17; c.o.t.c. In April 1917 he applied to join the R. Naval Air Service and was accepted. As no more were needed at the time for this service, he transferred to the R. Flying Corps. After training in England he went to France in November 1917 with the 49th Squadron. He was stationed first at Bcllcvue near Arras, and then near Dunkerquc, where the 104 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO squadron cooperated with the Na\^ in blocking Ostend. In June 1918 he was promoted to Captain and Flight Commander in the 98th Squadron, r.a.f., and shortly after went to the French front on the Marne. On July i6th he was reported missing while flying near Dormans, where it is believed he was killed in action on the same day. FRANCIS VIVIAN MORTON Dec. 11, 1896— Nov. 10, 191 7 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of J. D. Morton; b. Portage la Prairie; ed. Bridgewater p.s.. Model School and Oakwood H.S., Toronto, University of Toronto Schools; University College 19 13-15; Theta Delta Chi; C.O.T.C. In March 191 5 he enlisted with several other University men in the 25th Battery, 7th Brigade, c.f.a. Reaching France with the same unit in January 1916, he served in it continuously for nearly two years, through the battles of St. Eloi, Ypres, the Somme, Vim}', Fresnoy, and Hill 70. He was killed at Passchendaele, when he was in charge of his gun which was in action on the afternoon of November loth. A German shell burst a few feet behind the gun, and a piece of shrapnel pierced his heart instantly killing him. Buried at Vlamertinghe. HEBER HAVELOCK MOSHIER Jan. 11, 1889— Aug. 29, 1918 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of David D. Moshier; b. Sombra, Lambton Cy.; ed. Sarnia P.ss. and C.I.; Medicine 1905-09, m.b.; Staff, Toronto General Hospital 1909-11; Practising at Calgary 1912-13; Professor of Physiology, University of Alberta 1914-16; md. Ida Winnifred Griffith. In the spring of 1916 he was appointed to No. 11 Field Ambulance, c.a.m.c, as !Major and Second in command, and went overseas in May. He reached France in August, and served through the Somme, Vimy-Lens, and Passchendaele campaigns. In October 1917 he was appointed to the command of his unit, as Acting Lieut. -Colonel, the full rank being confirmed some months later. In April 191 8 he was Mentioned in Despatches for his services in the field. After serving through the battle of Amiens, he was killed in the advance from before Arras near Wancourt as he was going forward to choose the position of an advanced dressing station. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. CHARLES ALEXANDER MOSS June 19, 1872— Oct. 24, 1916 Major, Third Battalion. Son of the late Chief Justice Sir Charles Moss; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; University College 1890-94, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Zeta Psi; Rugby and Lacrosse colours; ll.b. 1895; Barrister, firm of Aylesworth, Wright, Moss & Thompson; Bencher, Law Society , loth Regt., Lieut.; md. Elizabeth Britton. In the summer of 1915 he was appointed as Captain to the 8ist Battalion, and was later promoted Major. When his unit was broken up in England, he joined the 3rd Battalion on July ist, 1916. To go to France he had reverted to the rank of Captain but was again promoted Major on the field. On October 8th he was wounded before Courcelette, and was removed to hospital in Rouen, where some days later he succumbed to his injuries. Buried at Rouen. GORDON MUCKLOW Aug. 28, 1892— Sept. 27, 191 8 Private, Seventh Battalion. Son of Edward Mucklow; b. Bury, Lanes., Eng.; ed. Malvern College, Eng.; Ontario Agricultural College 1911-15, b.s.a.; Farming in British Columbia. After being rejected several times owing to defective eyesight, he was accepted for service in October 1917, when he joined the British Columbia Regiment, in which he ROLL OF HONOUR 105 was later promoted Corporal. After reverting in rank he joined the 7th Battalion in France on August 20th, 1918. A month later he was killed in action as the battalion was advancing across open ground at Haynecourt near Cambrai. Buried at ALarquion. ARTHUR EDWARD MUIR Jan. 19, 1889— May 21, 1915 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of Robert Muir; b. Winnipeg; ed. Winnipeg p.s. and c.i.; University College 1908-09; First Rugby colours; Zeta Psi; Manitoba College; Winnipeg Rowing Club Rugby team; In grain business and automobile agencies. In September 19 14 he was appointed to the 15th Battalion and went overseas in October. Reaching France early in 1915 he served through the battle of Ypres in April. At Festubert he was wounded in the knee early in the day, and later in the throat. Keeping on, he was then killed in the charge by machine gun bullets. Buried at point s. 27, B.2.0., near Festubert. HAROLD GLADSTONE MURRAY March 7, 1894— Dec. 16, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Alexander George Murray, ll.b.; b. Toronto; ed. Wellesley Street P.s., Toronto; Gore JBay p.s. and Contn. Sch.; Owen Sound C.i.; University College 191 1- 15, B.A. (Math. & Phys.); Class Asst. in Physics, 1914-15; c.o.T.C. In the spring of 1915 he enlisted in No. 4, University of Toronto, General Hospital, with which he served for several months as assistant X-ray operator. Leaving Salonica he returned to England to train for a commission in the Canadian Field Artillery. He was attached in March 191 6 to the 1st Divisional Trench Mortar Brigade, in which he served first on the Ypres front, and then as commander of 'y' Battery at the Somme. He then transferred to the R. Flying Corps and early in December joined the 12th Squadron as Observer. A few days afterwards, when he was on photography patrol on the Arras front, his machine was attacked by three enerry planes. It is believed that he succeeded in shooting down one of these, but the controls of his own machine were damaged, and though the Pilot brought it back over the lines, it crashed from a hundred feet, instantly killing him. Buried at Avesnes-le-Comte. JOHN CARR NEWTOMBE Dec. 22, 1893— March 21, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. Son of the late Octavius Newcombe; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s., Lansdowne P.S., Model School, Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1911-12, 1913-16, B.A.sc. (Mech. Eng.). He enlisted in the University of Toronto Overseas Training Company and went overseas in August 1916 with a draft of candidates for Imperial commissions. In January 1917 he was appointed to the R. Engineers, and the next month joined the 12th Field Company, 6th Division, in France, and served in it on the Lens .sector. After coming home on leave in November, he returned to France early in January 19 18, but remained at the R.E. Base, Rouen, for three months. While there he prepared a manual on "Man and Vehicle Loads for r.e. Stores" which was adopted by all the Allied armies. He rejoined his unit on the Arras front early in March. About ten days later, on the first day of the great German offensive, he was killed at Morchies, near Bapaume. On the opening of the attack his company moved up through an intense enemy barrage, to occupy trenches in support of the Infantry. Later in the day, while defending these positions he was wounded in the foot and arm, and three of his own men were carrying him to a dressing station when just as they reached the door a shell burst, killing him and two of the bearers and severely wounding the third. io6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HARRY REID NICHOLSON April 12, 1896— April 24, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of William Nicholson; b. Hamilton; ed. Ryerson P.S., Hamilton, and C.I.; Applied Science 1913-16; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.T.C. In April 19 16 he was appointed to the 234th Battalion and went overseas in August. He joined the ist Pioneer Battalion in France in September and served with it on the Somme front. He was transferred in February 19 17 to the R. Flying Corps, 20th Squadron, as Observer. On April 24th, 1917, he and his Pilot were with the squadron flying in battle formation over the German lines about twenty miles from Vimy. They became separated from the others and were attacked by three enemy machines. They succeeded in bringing down one of these but in doing so had to drop to a lower level, where they were shot down by the other planes. ARMINE FRANK GIBSON NORRIS April 20, 1893— Sept. 28, 1918 Lieutenant, First Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Only son of Frank H. Norris; b. Chapleau; ed. Mattawa P.s., Sault Ste. Marie P.s. and H.S., OrilliaH.s.; Applied Science 1914-15; C.O.T.C. In March 1915 he enlisted in the Machine Gun Section of the 20th Battalion, with which he went to France in September. During the following winter and spring he served on the front south of Ypres and in the Salient, taking part in the battle of St. Eloi. In the autumn he went through the Somme campaign and was made Lance- Corporal after Courcelette. He was recommended for promotion early in 1917, and receiving his commission in the Machine Gun Corps, trained in England. In March 1918 he returned to France and was posted to No. 2 m.g. Company. After going through the battles of Amiens and Arras, he was killed near Haynecourt before Cambrai. Having pushed his guns forward as far as possible under heavy fire he went on to make a reconnaissance in order that he might find a safe approach for his men, when he was shot through the heart. Buried at Crucifix Cemetery, near Sains-les-Marquion. It was announced after his death that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his service at Buissy Switch in the battle of Arras, when he took charge of his battery after its commander had been wounded, brought his guns forward to the exposed flank of the infantry which he was supporting, and by his skilful dispositions under heavy fire assured their protection. HERBERT BRAID NORTHWOOD Sept. 9, 1884— Sept. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, Seventy-eighth Battalion. Son of William Northwood; b. Ottawa; ed. Waller Street p.s., and c.i., Ottawa; University College 1904-05; Chi Delta Psi; Manufacturer's Agent, Real Estate and Insurance; 43rd Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 77th Battalion in August 1915, and went overseas in June 1916. In July he joined the 78th Battalion and went to France a month feter. He was appointed Bombing Ofiicer to the 12th Brigade at the end of the year. He served at the Somme and through the battles of Vimy and Passchendaele. From March to June 1918 he was with the ist Divisional and the Canadian Corps Headquarters, and then returned to his battalion. After serving through the battle of Amiens he fell in the advance from Arras to Cambrai, being instantly killed by a shell fragment as he was leading his men, on the morning of September 27th near Quarry Wood during the storming of the Canal du Nord. Buried at Quarry Wood. He had been recommended for an award for his courage and skill as Brigade Bombing Officer at Passchendaele, and after his death it was announced that he had been given the Military Cross for his consistent good work during two years' service at the front. ROLL OF HONOUR 107 JAMES HENRY OLDHAM Sept. 29, 1884— Sept. 24, 1916 Captain, Third Battalion. Son of the late James Henry Oldham; b. Manchester, Eng. ; ed. Cobourg p.s. and C.I.; Victoria College 1904-08, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Vice-President, College Literary Society; College Athletic executive; Phi Delta Theta; Law School; ll.b. 1912; Barrister, firm of Ritchie, Ludwig & Ballantyne, Toronto; Working in the Evangelia Settlement, Toronto; c.o.t.c; loth Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 83rd Battalion, in which he was promoted Captain, and acted as Quarter- Master. Going overseas in April 1916, when his unit was broken up he joined the 3rd Battalion in France on July 1st. After a brief service at the front he fell at Courcelette. While holding an enemy trench he was instantly killed in trying to recover a bomb, from which he endeavoured to save his men. Buried at Pozieres. JOHN ANTHONY NINIAN ORMSBY Oct. 15, 1893— Aug. 2, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of John Y. Ormsby; b. Danville, p.q.; ed. Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1912-15; Alpha Delta Phi; loth Regt., Lieut. In January 1915 he was appointed as Lieutenant to the Eaton Machine Gun ■Battery and went overseas in June. He transferred in England to the R. Flying Corps and joined the 6oth Squadron on the Somme front in July 1916. Early in the next month he was killed while on reconnaissance over the enemy's lines. Buried at Beaumetz. HAROLD HEBER OWEN July 2, 1894— Jan. 31, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventh Battalion. Only son of the Rev. Cecil C. Owen, B.A.; b. Toronto; ed. London p.s., Vancouver P.ss. an(3 H.S.; Vancouver College; Medicine 1912-14; Wycliffe College; Faculty Base- ball team; College Hockey team; Boxing and wrestling; Preparing for medical missionary work; 6th Regt., Lieut. In August 1914 he was appointed as Lieutenant to the 7th Battalion, but on the reduction of its establishment he resigned his commission and joined the 3rd Field Ambulance as Staff Sergeant. Reverting to the rank of Sergeant, he went to France in February 1915 and served with the Ambulance through the battles of Ypres and Festu- bert. He then obtained his commission again and joined the 7th Battalion at Givenchy a few days after the battle of June 15th. Owing to his medical experience he frequently gave first aid to the wounded. During the following months he organised night patrols and trench raids with such success that his battalion had control of 'No Man's Land'. On the night of his death he, with a small group of scouts, met a working party of the enemy and drove them back to the trenches, from which they opened fire with machine guns. When two of his party were wounded he ordered them all to withdraw while he covered their retreat with his revolver. Seeing that after a few moments he was not following, the two wounded men and another made their way back and found him lying on the ground shot through the head. They carried him back, but he died before they could reach the trench. Buried at Red Lodge. He had been recommended for a decoration, and was twice Mentioned in Despatches, on December 31st, 1915, and April 30th, 1916. JOHN FERGUSON PALLING Aug. 14, i860— Jan. 31, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Charles Palling; b. Orillia; ed. Barrie C.I.; Trinity Medical College 1884-88, M.D., CM.; Fellow, t.m.c; Practising at Barrie; Registrar of deeds for Simcoe County; md. Margaret Anne Steele. I08 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In January 191 7 he was appointed to the C.A.M.C. as Medical Officer to the 177th Battalion, with which he went overseas in April. For some months he was on the staff of the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Buxton, till he was taken ill in December and died in London a few weeks later. Buried at Innisfil. BALFOUR MALCOLM PALMER Aug. 22, 1894— Aug. 10, 1918 ' Lieutenant, Second Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of D. F. Palmer; b. Toronto; ed. Fern Avenue p.s., Parkdale C.i., Toronto; Victoria College 1913-16; c.o.T.c; 38th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed as Lieutenant to the 198th Battalion in February 1916, and went overseas a year later. In April 1918 he joined the 2nd Mounted Rifles on the Lens- Arras front. On the third day of the battle of Amiens he was wounded in the attack on Le Quesnel, and died shortly afterwards at a dressing station. Buried at Bouchoir. GEORGE REGINALD PARKE Jan. 23, 1889— March 24, 1917 Lieutenant, Eighteenth Battalion. Son of Walder Parke; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton P.s. and c.i.; Ontario College of Pharmacy 1910-11, phm.b.; Druggist, firm of Parke and Parke igo6-i6; 91st Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 173rd Battalion in April 1916 and went overseas in November. In January 1917 he joined the i8th Battalion on the Vimy front. He was in charge of a raiding party before day-break on March 24th at Neuville St. Vaast. On reaching the enemy's parapet he was severely wounded and ordered his men to retire. Two of them who stayed with him were killed and their bodies were recovered some days after when the trenches were captured. He was not found, but it was reported later from German sources that he had been taken prisoner and died on the same day. ARTHUR ALLAN PARKER Oct. 4, 1892— Oct. 12, 1918 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of A. H. Parker; b. Humber Bay, Etobicoke; ed. Mimico P.S., Humberside C.I., Toronto; Medicine 1909-14, m.b.; Staff' of Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. In February 1916 he was appointed to the C.A.M.C. and was first on duty at the Exhibition Camp Hospital, Toronto. He was then attached to the 86th, Machine Gun, Battalion, and went overseas in May. In England he was on the staff of Etchinghill Hospital. Reaching France in December 1916 he served continuously with the 6th Field Ambulance. He went through the Vimy — Lens campaign of 191 7 and the battle of Passchendaele. He was awarded the Military Cross for his service on August 21- 22, 1917, in clearing the wounded from his regimental aid post under heavy fire near Lens. After serving in 191 8 through the battles of Amiens, Arras and Cambrai, he was wounded in the head and arm, and succumbed to his injuries at Arras. Buried at Ficheux. GEORGE LEWIS ROBERTS PARRISH March 6, 1899— Jan. 11, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Only son of A. W. Parrish; b. Paisley; ed. Caledonia p.s and H.s.; Victoria College 1916-17; C.O.T.C. At the end of his first year he joined the R. Flying Corps in May 1917, being pro moted to Acting Sergeant Instructor at Mohawk Camp, Deseronto, before receiving his commission. Refusing an offer to be sent to Texas as Instructor for the winter he went overseas in October. As he was completing his practice before crossing to France he was accidentally killed at Rendcomb Camp, Cirencester. Buried at Caledonia. ROLL OF HONOUR 109 AUBREY MELCHIOR WILLIAM PATCH Dec. 5, 1885— Aug. 18, 1916 Second Lieutenant, King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Son of the late Rev. H. M. Patch; b. Torquay, Eng.; ed. Merchant Taylors School, and Radley College, Eng. ; Ontario Agricultural College 1904-08, B.s.A.; CP.R. Forestry Dept., Winnipeg 1908-11. When the war began he tried to join the Canadian Force, but was rejected because of his eyesight. He then went to England, and after being twice refused on the same grounds, was accepted early in 191 5 in the Public School Corps. From this he was transferred to the East Surrey Regiment, in which he trained for some months. He then received a commission, being appointed to the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment in July 1916. He went to France immediately, and in the next month was killed while leading his platoon in attack on a German trench before Albert on the Somme front. MURRAY HULME PATERSON Nov. 17, 1891— Sept. 16, 1917 Captain, Royal and Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of D. S. Paterson; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham p.s. and c.i.;' Medicine 1909-14, M.B.; Staff, St. Michael's and Sick Children's Hospitals, Toronto. In May 191 5 he was appointed to the R..A..M.C. and went to France in July. For two years he served as Medical Officer with the 1st Rifle Brigade. He was awarded the Military Cross for his service on July ist, 1916, when he assisted in carrying out the wounded under heavy fire. One soldier that he was carrying was killed and another was hit. He kept at the work for many hours, attending to the wounded till he was com- pletely exhausted. In the summer of 191 7 he transferred to the c.A.M.C. Shortly after- wards he was accidentally killed by a fast train when walking on the railway track. Buried at Orpington. EDGAR WILLIAM PATTEN March 21, 1891— Oct. 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of Charles G. Patten; b. Morriston; ed. Morriston P.s., St. George Contn. Sch., Brantford c.i.; University College 1912-16, b.a. (Math. & Phys.); Edward Blake Scholar, Alexander T. Fulton Scholar, William Mulock Scholar, a.a.a. Scholar; Gold Medallist ; C.O.T.C. In March 1916 he enlisted in the 215th Battalion, and was promoted Corporal in June, and Sergeant in July. He received his commission in August, passing his examina- tions with distinction. He went overseas in a draft of officers in September and crossed to France in July 1917, joining the 58th Battalion on the Lens front. On the day of his death at Bellevue Spur, Passchendaele, as he went forward with his platoon the officer on his left was killed and the advance was held up. After rallying his men he found that in order to make further progress it was necessary to bring forward a machine gun, the crew of which had all been killed or wounded. He carried it up and was getting it into position when he was instantly killed by a sniper. Buried where he fell. All of the sixteen officers who went over with him became casualties. CHARLES FORREST PATTERSON Aug. 4, 1896— Nov. 13, 1917 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of the Rev. J. R. Patterson; b. Nelles Corners; ed. Thorold p.s., Brantford p.s. and C.I., St. Catherines c.i.; Victoria College 1914-15; c.o.T.c. In December 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers. After being i^ronioted to Corporal he reverted in rank on going to France, where he was attached to tlio nth Infantry Brigade. He reachetl the front line on April loth, 191 7, the day after the attack on Vimy Ridge, and served as a linesman from no UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO then onwards through the following engagements before Lens and at Hil! 70. On the day of his death at Passchendaele he with two others was laying a line between the advanced Brigade Report centre and the Headquarters of the 75th Battalion which was in support. The work had to be done under heavy shell fire over five-hundred yards of open country. As it was nearing completion a heavy barrage fire opened, with the beginning of the German counter-attack. He persisted in carrying on to finish his task and had almost reached the pill-box with which connection was being made, when he was instantly killed by a shell. Of the thirteen signallers operating from this pill-box, twelve were killed or seriously wounded. Buried at Tyne Cote cemetery. Hill Crest Farm. ROBERT DOUGLAS PATTERSON Aug. 4, 1890— June 14, 1917 Sergeant, Canadian Army Service Corps. Son of the late Robert L. Patterson; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1907-08; Victoria Realty Co.; Argonaut Rowing, Rugby and Hodvey colours. He enlisted in July 1916 in the Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport, and went overseas in September. He served on the Flanders front with the C.A.s.c, 8th Railway Troops. He was instantly killed by a shell while waiting with his car near an ammunition dump at St. Quentin, Belgium. Buried at Wulverghem. NORMAN HOWARD PAVVLEY Dec. 18, 1888— April 12, 1917 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of William H. Pawley; b. Alton; ed. Alloa P.s., Brampton H.s.; Ontario Agricultural College 1909-11, 1913-15, b.s.a. ; College Rugby and Hockey teams; Seed Commissioner, Saskatchewan; 95th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed early in 1916 to the 195th Battalion and for some time was head of the recruiting staflf of that unit. Going overseas in November he soon after joined the 44th Battalion on the Somme front. From there he went to the Arras — Vimy area, and while serving there was awarded the Military Cross on February 3rd, 19 17, for his service during a trench raid in which he personally captured a machine gun. On the third day after the capture of Vimy Ridge, he was wounded in the head. As he was being carried back he was again wounded and died before he could reach the dressing station. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. THOMAS WILLIAM PARKER PEACOCK March 26, 1891— May 6, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Christopher Robertson Peacock; b. Stroud; ed. Stroud P.s., Bradford H.S., Barrie c.i.; Medicine 1911-16, m.b.; c.o.t.c. On graduating in 1916 he was appointed to the C.A.M.C. in Toronto Military District and sgrved at Niagara Camp during the summer of that year. In March 191 7 he was transferred to Military District No. 13 at Calgary, and was expecting to leave with a draft of troops in the middle of May. He was instantly killed in a motor accident at Calgary, and his brother Lt.-Col. M. B. Peacock was seriously injured at the same time. Buried at Stroud. GORDON MACKENZIE PEARCE Sept. 30, 1896— April 26, 1917 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth Pioneer Battalion. Son of William K. Pearce; b. Seaforth; ed. Seaforth p.s., St. Thomas P.s., Highfield School, Hamilton, University of Toronto Schools; Applied Science 1914-15; c.o.t.c; G.G.B.G., Lieut. In November 1915 he was appointed to the 124th Battalion, and went overseas the following summer. He went to France with his unit in March 1917. A month later he ROLL OF HONOUR m fell near Vimy. He was in charge of a working party in an advanced and exposed position on the Souchez Road, when the enemy began shelling. He was instantly killed by the second shell, and his Sergeant-Major was fatally wounded. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. HORACE PEARSON July 28, 1897— Oct. 14, 1916 Private, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of Henry Pearson; b. Barwell, Eng.; ed. Barwell Wesleyan School; Queen Alexandra p.s., Riverdale c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1915-16; C.O.T.c. Before completing his first year he enlisted in February 191 6 with the Cyclists, and went overseas in April. After a brief period with the 74th, he transferred to the 44th Battalion, and reached France in August. He served for a short time on the Ypres front and then went to the Somme. He fell at Courcelette during an artillery bombardment, when a shell burst in the front line, instantly killing him and several of his companions. Buried near the place where he fell. HENRY MARTYN PECK Aug. 5, 1893— Sept. 28, 1918 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the Rev. E. J. Peck; b. Ashbourne, Eng.; ed. Monkton Combe School, Bath, Eng., and Barrie c.i.; Applied Science 1911-15, B..\.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Water-polo team; Swimming colours; Surveying, and with Imperial Munitions Board; C.O.T.C. He enlisted in January 1917 in the 73rd Battery, c.F.A., and went overseas in April. He then transferred to the p.p.c.l.i. and went to France in August. He was invalided shortly afterwards to England, where he remained till September 1918. A few days after he had rejoined his battalion at the front he was wounded by an anti-tank bullet when he was acting as runner during the operations near Raillencourt, and died at No. 30 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux. THOMAS WILLIAM PENHALE May 11, 1893— April 15, 1917 Second Lieutenant, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Son of William H. Pcnhale; b. Exeter; ed. Stephen p..s., Exeter H.s., Clinton c.i.; Connor Machine Co.; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.t.c. He went overseas in the spring of 19 16 with the second draft of C.O.T.C. candidates for Imperial commissions. After his training was completed he was apppoinied to the King's Royal Rifle Corps. He went to France early in December, joining the 13th Battalion of the Regiment, and reached the trenches at Christmas. After a brief service at the front in the Arras sector, he was severely wounded in the thigh at Monchy in the battle of Arras on April nth, while gallantly leading his men, and succumbed to his injuries four days later in St. John's Ambulance Hospital at Etaples, where he was buried. STANLEY JAMES PEPLER Nov. 17, 1889— March 6, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Thomas S. G. Pepler; b. Toronto; cd. Port Hope P.s., Trinity College School; Applied Science 1908-11, Diploma (Mech. Eng.); Assistant Engineer, Toronto Harbour Commission; Corps of Guides, Lieut. In February 1916 he was appointed to the 4th Divisional Cyclists, and went over- seas in April. After being for a time with the 51st Battalion, he transferred to the R. Flying Corps in August. He went to France in January 1917, joining the 43rd Squadron, and served mostly on the front east of Aire and for a time on the Somme. On March 6th he was flying In a formation of five over the lines near Arlcux,whcn they were attacked by eight German machines. As he was engaged with one of the enemy planes another came from behind and sliot him down. A German airman dropped a message later saying that his body had been found by Ins machine and burled wIkmt he fell. 112 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO FREDERICK CHARLES PEPPIATT April 21, 1880— May 9, 19 17 Lieutenant, Eighteenth Battalion, att. Fourth Trench Mortar Battery. Son of the late Philip Peppiatt; b. Parkdale; University College 1908-09; Wycliffe College; Contractor; 20th Regt., Lieut.; nid. Margaret Louise Buchner. In August 19 1 5 he was appointed as Lieutenant to the 76th Battalion, and went overseas in April 191 6. Shortl}' afterwards he joined the i8th Battalion in France, from which he went later to the 4th Trench Mortar Battery. He served through the battles of the Somnie and Vimy Ridge. As he was going round to see to the comfort of his men he was struck by a piece of flying shrapnel and instantly killed. Buried near Arleux- en-Gohelle. CECIL VICTOR PERRY April 18, 1892— April 23, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery. Son of Richard S. Perry; b. King Tp., York Cy.; ed. Bathurst Street, Lansdowne, Huron Street p.ss., Harbord Street Ci., Toronto; Applied Science 1910-14, B.A.sc. (Civ. Eng. — -Hon.); Engineering Society executive; Year President; 'Varsity' staff; Harriers colours ; Manager, Track team; Civil Engineer in Northern Ontario. In March 1915 he enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery, and went overseas as Bombardier in June. He then obtained his commission in the R. Field Artillery in November, and being appointed to the 120th Battery, 27th Brigade, 5th Division, went to France in March 1916. He served through the battle of theSomme, and distinguished himself on August i8th at Edge Trench in Delville Wood, when he took charge of some Infantry whose officers had all become casualties, and assisted them to hold the position which they had won. He was Forward Observation Officer at Switch Trench on Sep- tember 15th, and when a party of enemy snipers in a redoubt was holding up the In- fantry, he borrowed rifles and with three others worked round to a point that com- manded the redoubt, preventing the enemy from shooting and enabling the Infantry to advance. For these actions he was awarded the Military Cross. He fell in the following spring, at Vimy Ridge, when a shell struck his dug-out killing him and three other officers. Buried at Vimy Cemetery. VALENTINE RALPH PFRIMMER June 16, 1892— May i, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery and Royal Flying Corps. Son of the late Jacob Pfrimmer; b. Downie Tp., Perth Cy.; ed. Ellice, Perth Cy., P.S., Stratford Ci.; Applied Science 1912-15; Athletic executive; Faculty Association Football and Hockey teams; First and Second Association Football colours; c.o.t.c. In March 1915 he enlisted in the 25th Battery, 7th Brigade, c.f.a., and was pro- moted to Corporal and Acting Sergeant before going overseas in the following summer. He obtained his commission in England, and going to France early in 1916 joined the First Divisional Ammunition Column, with which he served for nine months on the Ypres and Somme fronts. At the end of the year he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps as Observer, and served with the 8th Squadron. On May ist, 19 17, he was on patrol over the lines when his machine was hit, and fell, instantly killing both him and his Pilot. Buried at Warlincourt Halte. HOWARD VINCENT PICKERING Sept. 5, 1884— Oct. 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the late Joseph Pickering; b. Arkona; ed. Tapleytown P.s., Hamilton C.I.; Teaching at CJrimsby; University College 1906-10, b.a. (Eng. & Hist. — Mods.); Year Secretary; Treasurer, u.c. Literary Society; Students' Parliament; Historical Club; Phi Delta Kappa; Education 1910-11; m.a. 1911; ph.d. course, Columbia; Staflf, Faculty of Education, and University of Toronto Schools; Staff, Stratford Normal School. ROLL OF HONOUR 113 He was appointed in November 1915 to the iioth Battalion, in which he was made Assistant Adjutant. Going overseas in 1916, he joined the 4th Mounted Rifles in April 19 17 on the Vimy front, and served in the engagements south of Lens and at Hill 70. He fell at Passchendaele, being instantly killed by a sniper as he was leading his men in the attack on the morning of October 26th. Buried near the place where he fell. HENRY ERROL BEAUCHAMP PLATT May 16, 1891— May 5, 1916 Lieutenant, Third Battalion. Son of Arthur T. Piatt; b. London; ed. Talbot Street p.s., London, Queen Victoria P.s. and Parkdale c.i., Toronto; University College 1909-13, b.a. (Pol. Sc); xiii Club; Historical Club; First and Second Rugby colours; Psi Delta Psi; Argonaut Rugby team; Mackenzie Fellow in Political Science; m.a. 1914; Law School — with firm of Rowell, Reid, Wood & Wright; 2nd Regt., Lieut. On the outbreak of the war he received his commission in the Queen's Own Rifles, and took an active part in organising the University Company which trained with that regiment during the autumn of 19 14. After a period of guard duty at Toronto Island he was then appointed to the 35th Battalion, and went overseas with a draft from that unit in June 1915. With him went Lieut. G. L. B. Mackenzie, also of this University, who served with him for several months and was killed on the same front. He reached France in October and, except for a period of special training at St. Omer, served through the following winter and early spring in the trenches. At the time of his death he was Battalion Intelligence Officer and in command of the regimental scouts and snipers. A German attack before Ypres was expected early in May, and on the night of his death he with two other men was making an important reconnaissance near Hill 60, when he was shot in the head by a sniper. Every man of the company volunteered to go out and bring him in. Three of them carried him back unconscious to the lines, and he died within a few hours. Buried at Lyssenthoek. ROY IRVINE POAST March 29, 1897— July 18, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. ' Son of Richard Poast; b. Omemee; ed. Emily p.s., Omemee H.s., Lindsay c.i.; Vic- toria College 1914-15; c.o.T.c. In September 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and joined the battalion on the Ypres front in May 1916. After going through the battle of Sanctuary Wood, he was killed at Mount Sorrel. With five others he had held an advanced point of the trenches for four days till it became untenable. As they were about to withdraw one of his party was buried by a shell explosion. He was helping to dig his comrade out from the broken trench in full view of the enemy, when he was instantly killed by a second shell. Buried where he fell. WILSON PORTER March 28, 1892— March 24, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Wilson Porter; b. Port Dover; ed. Port Dover p.s. and U.S.; Medicine 19 15- 16; C.o.T.c. He went overseas in March 1916 with the second draft of C.O.T.C. candidates for Imperial commissions. Later in the year he was appointed to the R. Field Artillery, and early in 1917 went to France, where he served wiili llic 52nd Brigade. He was employed in command of a hundred men moving up guns and aninuinition to the ground which the enemy had evacuated before Arras. He was wounded in liis fourth engage- ment (luring this battle, on May 12th. On his recovery he transferred to the R. Flying Corps in October, and returning to France served in the 56th Squadron. On ^h^rch 24th, 1918, he went out flying a single-seated machine in a formation of twehc, of which — 11 114 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO his alone failed to return. He was last seen attacking one of the enemy's planes, and several months later it was reported that he had been killed in action on that day. JAMES EDWARD POTVIN Aug. lo, 1895— June 19, 1917 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of the late Peter Potvin; b. Midland; ed. Midland p.s. and H.s.; University College 1913-15; Chi Delta Psi. Though for some time past he had been in ill health, he began training at Dayton, Ohio, and San Antonio, Texas. Being appointed in April 1916 to the R. Naval Air Service, he reached the advanced sea-plane base at Dunkerque in December. He was Mentioned in Despatches in April 191 7 for his services in an engagement off the coast. About this time he went in a single-seater machine to search for an officer who had been forced to come down in German waters. After finding him and reporting to the station he returned and drove off three enemy two-seater planes that were about to capture the officer, who was eventually rescued. On June 19th he was missing after a battle over the sea ten miles from Ostend. HAROLD BRANT PRESTON Aug. 18, 1893— Sept. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Son of T. H. Preston; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford, Victoria p.s., and c.i.; University College 1910-14, B.A. (Pol. Sc); Second Basket-ball colours; Phi Delta Theta; 38th Regt., Lieut.; md. Jean Peterson. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 125th Battalion, and went overseas in August 1916. In April 1918 he joined the 54th Battalion in France. He was awarded the Military Cross for his service at the Drocourt-Queant line on September 2nd, when he took command of his company after all the other officers had become casualties, a-nd successfully led it in the attack and captured the sunken road. This was not one of his company's tasks, but seeing that the company in front was held up, causing a check to the whole line, he immediately grasped the situation and took prompt action. At the end of the same month he was killed in action, being shot through the heart during the fighting at Bourlon Wood. Buried at Bourlon. EVAN EDWARD PRICE Nov. 10, 1896— Sept. 11, 1919 Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Dragoons. Only son of the late Lewis Price; b. Mount Elgin; ed. Upper Canada College; Trinity College 1915-16; G.G.B.G., Lieut. In his first year he was appointed to the Mounted Rifles Depot, and went overseas in July 1916. In January 1917 he joined the R. Canadian Dragoons on the Somme front, and in March won the Military Cross for his service in a mounted action near Roisel, when he attacked a party of the enemy.and dispersed it, making many prisoners. Later he was awarded a Bar to the Cross for his courage and initiative on the Hindenburg Line at the end of June, when as Brigade Intelligence Officer he made reconnaissances for five nights in succession on the enemy's wire, and on the night of the raid led the first party into the trenches, where he remained through the engagement, obtaining valuable information. He served during the autumn first at Passchendaele and then in both battles of Cambrai. On February 13th, 1918, he won the Distinguished Service Order for his service in another raid, near Havrincourt, when for three succeeding nights he made reconnaissances, and in the raid itself led forward parties and blew gaps in two belts of the wire, ensuring the success of the attack. He was severely wounded at the Bois de Moreuil before Amiens on March 28th. Being disabled from further service he was invalided home in October, and died after an operation some months later. After his death his name was Mentioned in Despatches. ROLL OF HONOUR 115 HOWARD PRLAIROSE PRIAIROSE Jan. 19, 1895— May 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion. Only son of Dr. Alexander Primrose, Dean of Faculty of Medicine; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 191 4-15; Phi Kappa Pi; loth Regt., Lieut. In March 1915 he was appointed to the 36th Battalion, and went overseas in June. While in England he was attached to the Ordnance Corps at Bramshott from October 1915 to February 1916, In May he joined the 4th Battalion in France. A few days later he was killed in action by the explosion of an enemy's shell in the trenches before Ypres. Buried at Reninghelst. JOHN ALEXANDER PROCTOR April 28, 1894— March 3i, 1919 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of the late John Alexander Proctor; b. Beaverton; ed. Beaverton p.s. and H.s. ; University College 1914-16; C.O.T.C; 34th Regt., Lieut. At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the Il6th Battalion with which he went overseas in July 1916. Reaching France in February 1917, he served as Battalion Scout Officer through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70 and Passchendaele in that year, and the battles of Amiens and Arras in 1918. He was wounded on September 23rd in the ad- vance from Arras. While awaiting his return home he was accidentally killed in England. -Buried at Beaverton. DAVID EDGAR PYE Jan. 3, 1889— May 4, 1917 Private, Twenty-ninth Battalion. Son of Alfred Charles Pye; b. Arnprior; ed. Arnprior p.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1906-10, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); With James Laidlaw, m.e., Cranbrook, B.C., 1910; p.l.s.; D.L.S.; Field Engineering Co., Victoria, B.C., 19 14. He enlisted in June 1916 in the 103rd Battalion, and went overseas the next month. In October he joined the 29th, Vancouver, Battalion at the front. He served as section leader through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the fighting of the following days. When in the trenches under a heavy bombardment he was instantly killed. Letters from his friends bore witness to the influence he exercised over all his comrades, and he had been recommended both for promotion as N.c.o. and for a commission but each time had declined. Buried at Fresnoy. ARTHUR HARPER QUA Dec. 2, 1887— June 4, 1916 Corporal, Canadian Engineers. Son of the late Arthur Qua; b. Paris; ed. Paris p.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1904-08; Y.M.C.v. and Student Volunteer work; Canadian Westinghousc Co., Hamilton. In August 1914 he enlisted in the 1st Field Company, C.E., and went overseas with the First Contingent. He reached France in February 1915 and served through the battles of Ypres, Festubcrt and Givenchy, and then continuously in the Ypres area. Because of his efficient work and his influence with his comrades he had been chosen for further jiromotion and was about to leave for England to train for a commission, when the battle of Sanctuary Wood began. He was killed by a shell when engaged with a party in digging, under heavy fire, a new support line from Knob Farm to Rudkin House. Buried at 'Railway Dug-outs' near Zillebeke. HENRY CHARLES QUAIL June r, 1892— Feb. 18, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. Son of John T. Quail; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne and Dewson Street P.ss., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1909-13, B.A.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Faculty Swimming team; Assistant Engineer, Hydro-Electric Comiiiission ; ()'h Horse, Lieut. ii6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Resigning his Militia commission he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company in January 1917, and went overseas in a draft of Imperial commission candi- dates in March. Being appointed to the Royal Engineers in June he went to France in August. He served with the 124th Field Company in the neighbourhood of Armen- tieres till his death in February 1918. He was instantly killed by a shell while he was in charge of a working party that was constructing shelters at Houplines. Buried at C6te Bon Jean Cemetery, Armentieres. MATTHEW RAE July 10, 1892— March 19, 1917 Private, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the Rev. Frank Rae; b. Uddingston, Scotland; ed. Uddingston p.s., George Watson's College, Edinburgh, The Academy, Dumfries, Scotland, and Markham H.s., Ontario; Medicine 19 11- 12; Canadian Northern Railway, Surveying Department; G.G.B.G. . After joining the Militia in August 1914 he enlisted two months later in the 4th Mounted Rifles, and went overseas in the following spring. Reaching France in October 19 15 he served as Signaller on the front south of Ypres and in the Salient. On June 2nd, 1916, at Sanctuary Wood he was wounded and taken prisoner as he was trying to save his signalling apparatus. But for that delay he might have escaped. After nine months of suff'ering he died as a prisoner at Courtrai and was buried in the Military Cemetery near there. WILLIAM EMSLEY RALEY April 25, 1893— Oct. 11, 1916 Sergeant, Canadian Engineers. Son of Charles Raley; b. Ottawa; ed. Ottawa South p.s., Lethbridge p.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); c.o.T.c. In April 1915 he enlisted in the 2nd Divisional Engineers. Reaching France in 1916 he joined the 2nd Field Company, and served on the Ypres and Somme fronts. He was promoted Sergeant in June 19 16. On October 8th he was wounded by a shell as he was leading his men to work in ' No Man's Land' near Albert. Three days later he succumbed to his injuries, and was buried at Contay. PAUL RANEY Dec. 25, 1892— Aug. 21, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of the Hon. W. E. Raney, k.c; b. West Toronto; ed. West Toronto p.s., St. Andrew's College, Oakwood c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Railway engineering. In December 1916 he joined the R. Flying Corps, and after training at Camp Borden and in England he reached France in July 1917, being appointed to the 66th Squadron then operating in the Ypres area. A month later he was reported as missing. For a long time no details as to his fate could be ascertained, till news came from Lieut. P. O'Brien, a member of the same squadron who had been shot down and taken prisoner four days earlier and eventually had escaped, from Germany. Lieut. O'Brien, while in hospital behind the German lines, had witnessed the fight between six British and more than double the number of enemy planes. After the British had maintained the uneven fight for a considerable time, four, planes crashed to the ground, two on each side. Lieut. O'Brien then learnt that Paul Raney was one of those killed. Buried near Roulers. JOHN HENRY RATZ Sept. 7, 1869— Feb. 11, 1918 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. ROLL OF HONOUR 117 Son of the late John Ratz; b. Elmira; ed. Elmira p.s., Gait c.i.; University College 1888-92, B.A.; Medicine 1892-95, m.b.; m.d., cm. Trinity; Practising at New Dundee, Elmira, Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, and Preston; 29th Regt., Alajor; md. Carrie Ruth Bechtel. He was appointed to the c.a.m.c. in January 19 15 and went overseas as Medical Ofificer to the 34th Battalion in October. After service at Shorncliffe and West Sandling, and with the Pensions Board at Bath, he returned to Canada in September 1916 and was appointed Assistant Medical Adviser to the Pensions Board at Ottawa. He died at Ottawa after a long illness on February nth, 1918, and was buried at Elmira. FREDERICK NEWTON READ Jan. 23, 1891— Oct. 30, 1917 Corporal, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Aaron Read; b. Oweji Sound; ed. Owen Sound p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1907-11, b.a.sc. (Civ. Eng.); Town Engineer, Kerrobert, Sask. He enlisted in May 1915 in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and joined the battalion at the front in August. He served as a Signaller through the following autumn and winter on the Somme and Armentieres fronts. In the spring of 1916 he was invalided, from gas and poisoning, to England. After his recovery from serious illness he joined the p.p.c.l.i. Depot at Seaford, where he was employed as Regimental Sergeant Major. He was three times offered a commission in the Royal Engineers but declined, preferring to remain with his own unit. In August 19 17, reverting to the rank of Private, he rejoined the battalion at the front, and shortly afterwards was promoted Corporal. He received his papers for a commission in the p.p.c.l.i., but remained with the battalion for the battle of Passchendaele. Here he was killed in action, being shot by a sniper as he was trying to rescue a comrade. Buried at point D. 4 d. 8.3, near Passchendaele. JOHN STANLEY REAUME Oct. 10, 1893— Oct. i, 1918 Lieutenant, Thirteenth Battalion. Son of the Hon. Joseph O. Reaume; b. Windsor; ed. St. Alphonsus School, Wind- sor; St. Michael's College; University College 1912-13; Medicine 1913-14; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon) ; Varsity First Rugby team; Argonaut Rugby teams; Corps of Guides. He enlisted in September 1914 in the 13th Battalion, Machine Gun Section, in which he was later promoted Sergeant. Reaching France in February 19 15 he served through the battles of Ypres, Festubert and Givenchy. He received his commission in June T916, returned to Canada and was appointed to the 241st Battalion. Going overseas again with this unit in April 1917, he rejoined the 13th Battalion at the front, and served through the battle of Passchendaele of that year. In 191^ after going through the battles of Amiens and Arras he was instantly killed at Sancourt before Cambrai. Buried at the 'Canada' Cemetery near Cambrai. LAURENCE HENRY REHDER July 3, 1892— Aug. 8, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Only son of Henry Rchdcr; b. Paris; ed. Paris P.s. and H.s.; In business at Paris; Victoria College 1912-16, b.a. (Com. & Fin.); c.o.t.C; 38th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 125th Battalion in November 19 15 and went overseas in the following August. In April 1918 he joined the 54th Battalion in France on the Arras front. He was killed in action on the first day of the battle of Amiens. On the same day fell his College friend Douglas K. Hamilton, who had joined the 125th Battalion with him anr! remained with him till the end. Ii8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ELLIS VAIR REID Oct. 31, 1889— July 28, 1917 Flight-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of Albert N. Reid; b. Belleville; ed. Belleville P.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1907-11, b.a.sc. (Architecture); President, Architectural Society; Architect, firm of Burke, Horwood & White. In January 19 16 he joined the R. Naval Air Service, and reaching the front in November, served first with No. 3 Wing in the Belfort area. He transferred later to No. 10 Wing and served on the Ypres — ^St. Julien front. On July 28th, 1917, in an engagement when he was commanding a flight he was reported as missing, and later as having been killed in action on that day. Shortly before his death he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his work before Ypres, more particularly on June 6th, 1917, when he atacked and drove down a hostile scout, and on June 15th when he was leading a formation of three scouts and encountered ten enemy planes, two of which he drove down out of control. He was also twicg Mentioned, on July 12th and July 27th, and was recommended for the D.s.o. GEORGE ERNEST REVELL Aug. 4, 1877— June 15, 1915 Sapper, Canadian Engineers. Son of the late Robert Revell; b. Woodstock; ed. Woodstock p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1896-99, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng.); Mining Engineer at Nelson, B.C. In August 1914 he enlisted in the ist Field Company of the Engineers in the First Contingent. He reached France early in 1915, and after four months' service in difficult and dangerous work he was killed in action at Givenchy. He was waiting for the explosion of a mine preceding an attack when a shell struck, instantly killing him and five of his companions. Of the fifteen men in his party eleven were killed and three wounded. Buried where he fell. RONALD MACKENZIE RICHARDS March 13, 1895— Nov. 13, 1914 Private, London Scottish. Son of the late Frederick Edward Richards; b. Foo Chow, China; ed. Colet House, Rhyl, Wales, and Berkhamsted School, Eng.; Trinity College and Forestry 1912-14. When war was declared he was at his home in England, and he at once enlisted in the London Scottish. He took part in the famous charge of his battalion on Novem- ber 1st in the first battle of Ypres. A few days later he was instantly killed by a shell in a wood near Ypres. Buried where he fell. He was the first member of the University to fall in the war. WILLIAM PERCY RICHINGS Jan. 6, 1893— June 3, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Anti-Aircraft Artillery. Son of George T. Richings; b. Crookston, Minn.; ed. Grantham p.s., Niagara Tp. P.S., St. Catharines c.i.; Victoria College 1913-16; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.F.A., on its formation in April 1916 and went overseas in July. In November he joined the i6th Battery, c.F.A., in France. During January and February 1917 he was attached to an Imperial Anti- Aircraft battery for instruction, after which he joined 'e' Battery of the Canadian A.A.A. After serving through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the subsequent engage- ments, he was wounded on June ist near Thelus Corners on the Arras road, and two days later succumbed to his injuries at No. 30 Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Aubigny. ROLL OF HONOUR 119 RUPERT ELWYN RIVERS May i, 1892— June 3, 19 16 Lance-Corporal, Forty-ninth Battalion. Son of James Rivers; b. Perth Cy.; ed. Hibbert P.s., Seaforth c.i.; Teaching at Hagersville; Medicine 1914-15; c.o.t.c. In April 1915, before the end of his first year, he enlisted in the 35th Battalion, and went overseas in October. At the end of May 1916 he joined the 49th Battalion on the Ypres front. Less than a week later he was reported as missing between June 2nd and 5th. On June 3rd the battalion advanced to the counter-attack on Sanctuary Wood with heavy losses, and held the ground gained through the next day till relieved on June 5th. JAMES GERSHOM ROBERTS April 18, 1892— Aug. 10, 1918 Lieutenant, Seventy-eighth Battalion. Son of Major J. G. Roberts; b. Brampton; ed. Brampton p.s. and H.s.; Hon. Matriculation;', R. College Dental Surgeons 1911-15, D.D.s., l.d.s.; Lacrosse colours; College Athletic executive; College Hockey team; c.o.t.c. In the spring of 1915 he joined No. 4 General Hospital, c.a.m.c, and was later promoted Sergeant. When with this unit at Salonica he was recommended for his commission. He was invalided to England in September 19 16, and on his recovery was appointed Captain in the Canadian Army Dental Corps and did duty first at Westenhanger and then at Basingstoke on the return of No. 4 Hospital. He then transferred to the Infantry, reverting to the rank of Lieutenant. In April 19 18 he joined the 78th Battalion in France. On the third day of the battle of Amiens he was severely wounded when leading his men at Hallu. The officer of the supporting platoon, with three others from many volunteers, procured a stretcher. As he was being carried out under heavy fire a shell struck near by, and he succumbed to the shock. Burled at Hillside Cemetery between Le Quesnel and Caix. FRANK BRUCE ROBERTSON Sept. 9, 1892— Sept. 9, 1918 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of Robert Robertson; b. Hamilton; ed. Hagersville P.s. and H.s.; University College 1909-10; Forestry 1911-14, b.sc.f.; President, Foresters' Club; Forestry Department, Ottawa. He enlisted in the 4th Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., in October 1915, and went overseas in November. He took signalling courses in England and joined the battalion at the front in October I916. In April 1917 he transferred to the 3rd Canadian Divi- sional Signalling Company, being attached to an Artillery brigade. He served at the Somme, and in the battles of Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens and Arras. He fell in action on his 26th birthday, being killed by a shell at Vis-en-Artois. Buried at Vis-cn-Artois. JAMES ERNEST ROBERTSON June 20, 1879— March 9, 1916 Lieutenant, Twenty-seventh Battalion. Son of the late Duncan Robertson; b. Milton; ed. Clinton Street p.s., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1897-1901, b.a. (Pol. Sc); Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon); Business Manager, 'Varsity '; Law School; ll.b. 1904; Barrister, practising in Winnipeg; Secretary, Winnipeg Supply & Fuel Co. In June 1915 he was appointed to the 90th, Winnipeg Rifles, Battalion, and went overseas in command of a draft in September. He joined the 27th Battalion in France in December on the Kemmel front. Here after {i brief service he was killed, being shot by a sniper. Buried at Locre. 120 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DAVID ALEXANDER ROBINSON May 6, 1897— Feb. 18, 1918 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of the late David A. Robinson; b. Goldsmith; ed. Leamington p.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.x.c. He was appointed to the 99th Battalion in March 19 16, and went overseas in May. On reaching England he was taken ill and was in hospital for six months and then was in a reserve battalion. In May 1917 he joined the ist Battalion at the front, and served with it continuously till his death except for two months when he was out of the line, having been gassed. On the day of his death he was out with a wiring party at Hill 70, when the enemy opened upon them with machine gun fire. He was wounded, and as he was making his way back he was struck and killed by a trench mortar. CHARLES EMMANUEL ROCHEREAU DE LA SABLIERE Jan. 2, 1894— Oct. 3 > Aspirant, Thirty-first Chasseurs, French Army. [191 8. Son of Charles Rochereau de la Sabliere; b. Toronto; ed. St. Ignace College, Paris, France, Ste. Marie College, Montreal College, St. Michael's College, Toronto; College de Bollengo, Italy; University College 1912-13; Gendron Mfg. Co., Toronto; Assistant to the French and Belgian Consul. He left Canada for France on August 8th, 1914, and joined the 140th French Infantry Regiment. He was later promoted to Corporal in the 144th Regiment. He served in the autumn of 1915 at Souain on the Champagne front. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for his service here; also the Silver Star and Bronze Palm, and was Mentioned in Divisional and Army Citations. In 1916 he took part in the defence of Verdun at Fort de Tavannes. After returning to Canada on a short leave in the spring of 19 17, he rejoined his unit, and served in the attack on the Chemin des Dames and the capture of Forts Malmaison and Pinon. In February 1918 he entered an Officers' training course at St. Cyr, and on qualifying was appointed to the famous 31st Battalion of the Chasseurs-a-Pied (Blue Devils). At the end of September he took part in the advance under General Gouraud on the Champagne front. On October ist he was badly gassed but refused to report. Two days later he was advancing along a narrow track railway near Orfeuil under heavy fire. After warning his men he was instantly killed by the concussion of a shell. His body was found later and buried at Orfeuil pending removal to the family vault at Montmartre, Paris. After his death it was announced that the Medaille Militaire had been awarded to him as falling in action. CLIFFORD ELLIS ROGERS Feb. 13, 1894— Nov. 7. 1918 Private, Canadian Corps Cyclist Battalion. Son of the late Robert Rogers; b. Toronto; ed. Gladstone Avenue and Dewson Street p.ss., Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1911-12; Applied Science 1912-13; Draftsman & Inspector, Toronto City Waterworks. He enlisted in April 19 16 with the Canadian Cyclists, and went overseas in the same month. He reached France in August 1917, and served through the campaigns of the following year until his death a few days before the Armistice. He was killed by a gas shell when serving on the road from Valenciennes to Mons. Buried at Quiv- rechain Cemetery, Belgium. STANLEY WALLACE ROSEVEAR March 9, 1896— April 25, 1918 Captain, Royal Air Force. Son of Howard S. Rosevear, B.A.; b. Walkerton; ed. Lindsay p.s., Port Arthur c. I.; Applied Science 1915-16; c.o.T.c. ROLL OF HONOUR 121 In November 1916 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, and in January 19 17 transferred to the R. Naval Air Service. He qualified as a Scout Pilot in June, being at the head of the list, and received his commission which was dated from April. He went to France in July joining the ist squadron (later 201st, r.a.f.), and served on the Ypres — Lille sector, and later in the Dunkerque area. In his first month of service he was Mentioned for his work over the lines in support of the Infantry, and again in August and September. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross on October 28th, for his gallantry as a Fighting Scout in destroying several hostile machines and attacking the enemy Infantry from low altitudes. On January ist, 1918, he was promoted to Flight Lieutenant, and in March won a Bar to the Cross for his service more particularly on the 15th when he attacked a formation of eight and brought down two of the enemy machines. He was made Flight Commander in the same month, and promoted Captain in the R. Air Force. During the German offensive in the spring he served at various points between Dunkerque, Bailleul, and Arras. He was killed in action on April 25th near Arras, and was buried at St. Hilaire Cemetery, Prevent. In nine months' service he had brought down twenty-three enemy planes. ANDREW ROSS Jan. 12, 1876— Sept. 29, 1918. Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Kenneth Ross; b. Huron Tp., Bruce Cy.; ed. Lochalsh p.s., Huron Tp. P.S., Wingham h.s., Kincardine H.s., Goderich C.I.; Medicine 1900-1904, M.B.; Teaching in Ontario and Western Provinces. In 19 15 he enlisted in the ranks of No. 8 Field Ambulance, and reached France in June 1916. After more than a year's service at the front he obtained his commission in the c.a.m.c, and was appointed to No. 2 Canadian General Hospital. For a time he was attached to No. 47 British General Hospital. He then joined No. 12 Canadian Field Ambulance. Two weeks later on September 29th, 19 18, he was employed with a stretcher party in clearing the wounded from a regimental aid post close to the front line at the Canal du Nord. Here he was wounded by a shell, and losing consciousness died shortly afterwards. Buried at Queant Military Cemetery. GEORGE CROWTHER RYERSON Oct. 21, 1883— April 23, 1915 Captain, Third Battalion. Son of Major-General G. Sterling Ryerson, a. M.S.; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Upper Canada College; Applied Science 1902-05; Alpha Delta Phi; Insurance Broker, firm of Mitchell & Ryerson; loth Regt., Capt. He was appointed in August 1914 to the 3rd Battalion, with which he went over- seas, and to France in February 1915. Shortly after the enemy launched their first gas attack on the afternoon of April 22nd, his battalion and others being in reserve were ordered to fill the gap. He was killed while leading his company against overwhelming odds and under heavy machine gun and artillery fire. Buried at Wieltje. ' EVAN RYRIE Feb. 15, 1894— July 18, 1917 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of the late Harry Ryrie; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Toronto, Trinity College School; University College 1911-13; u.c. Athletic executive; College Junior Rugby team; Second Rugby colours; Zeta Psi; Canadian Bank of Commerce; 48th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in May 19 15 to the 20th Battalion, and went overseas the same month. He reached France in September and served on the front south of Ypres till November, when he was taken ill. After being in hospital for five months he returned home on leave in March 1916. Returning to F"rance in December he joined the 15th 122 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Battalion and served on the Vimy front and through the battle of April and subsequent engagements south of Lens. He was killed in action on July i8th, 19 17, near Lens when conducting a party back of the lines. Buried at Hersin. CHARLES EDWARD SALE Oct. 15, 1878— Jan. 17, 1916 Major, Eighteenth Battalion. Son of the late Edward Knight Sale; b. London Tp.; ed. London Tp, amd London P.ss., St. Mary's c.i., London c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1900-04, d.d.s.; Practis- ing at Goderich; 32nd Regt., Capt.; md. Kate Hughes Campaigne. He was appointed in November 1914 as Captain to tlie i8th Battalion, Second Contingent, and was later promoted Major. Reaching France in September 19 15 he served in the St. Eloi — ^Ypres area throughout the autumn. While on duty in the trenches he was wounded in the leg, and died in the ambulance as he was being taken back to No. 5 Base Hospital. Buried at Bailleul. EDWIN FRANCIS SANDERS Aug. 4, 1893— Oct. 15, 1917 Private, Twenty-fourth Battalion. Son of Edwin L. Sanders; b. Ottawa; ed. St. Patrick's s.s., and c.i., Ottawa; University College 1912-16, b.a. (Eng. & Hist.-Cl.); Edward Blake Scholar; u.c. Literary Society executive; Fourth Year executive; Recording Secretary, Newman Club; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in February 1916 as Orderly Room Clerk in the 199th, Irish Rangers, Battalion, and was promoted Sergeant in May. Going overseas in December he took a special n.c.o. course in England, and acted as Instructor at Shoreham. Though he was asked to retain this position, he gave it up to go to the front, and reverting in rank joined the 24th Battalion at the front in June 19 17. During July and part of August he was employed chiefly with working and entrenching parties. He then went to the front line, having volunteered for Lewis-gun work. On October 15th at Mericourt, south east of Lens, he received multiple wounds from shrapnel, and died on the same day. Buried at Aubigny. MALCOLM DOUGLAS SCHELL April 24, 1893— Sept. 28, 1918 Sergeant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Only son of Malcolm S. Schell; b. Woodstock; ed. East Oxford P.s., Woodstock Central P.S., Woodstock College; Applied Science 1914-15; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in November 1915 in the 5th Universities Company, p.p.CL.i., and while in training at Montreal was promoted to Company Sergeant- Major of the unit. Going overseas in April 19 16, he went to France in the autumn and reverted to the rank of Private on joining the battalion at the front. During nearly two years' service in the battalion, he was promoted through all the N.c.o. grades to Sergeant, and took part in the battles of the Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens and Arras. He was killed in action at the taking of Bourlon Wood. Buried at Neuville near Cambrai. . After his death it was announced that the Distinguished Conduct Medal had been awarded to him for his service on August 26-28th in the operations south of the Scarpe. When all the officers of the company had become casualties he took command and led the men forward under heavy fire. He rallied them at a critical moment and, regardless of danger, successfully directed the work of the company till an officer was sent forward to take command. ROLL OF HONOUR 123 STANLEY WALTER SCHREITER Sept. 28, 1893— Aug. 11, 19 17 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Alvin George Schreiter; b. Kitchener; ed. Kitchener P.s. and c.i.; Uni- versity College 1911-13; Manufacturer. He enlisted in the 43rd Battery, c.f.a., in January 19 16, and went overseas at the end of the next month. He reached France in July and served at the front for thirteen months, in the Somme and Vimy campaigns. On August nth he was fatally wounded near Arras and died on his way to hospital. Buried at JMaroeuil. CHARLES BEVERS SCOTT Nov. 21, 1881— June 26, 1917 Lieutenant, Fifty-fourth Battalion. Only son of Charles Scott; b. Windsor; ed. Windsor p.s. and C.I.; University College 1900-02; Edinburgh University, B.A., M.A.; Law School; Secretary, Osgoode Hall Literary Society; President, Inter-collegiate Debating Union; Secretary, National Chorus, Toronto; Barrister, with firm of Urquhart & Urquhart; 2nd Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in January 1916 to the i66th, Q.o.R., Battalion. While in train- ing he was Battalion and Brigade Musketry Instructor at Camp Borden. Going over- seas in October, at the end of the year he joined the 54th, British Columbia, Battalion in France, and served through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements south of Lens. On the night of June 26th, 1917, he was leading a relief party to the front trenches near Lens, when they encountered heavy shell-fire. He ordered his men to take shelter under a bridge. As there was not room for all he remained outside, where he was fatally wounded in the chest by shrapnel and died a minute later. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. DOUGLAS GORDON SCOTT April 26, 1896— Dec. 13, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Thomas B. Scott; b. Hawick, Scotland; ed. Peebles p.s., George Watson's College, Edinburgh, Guelph p.s., Parkdale c.i., Riverdale c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1914-17; Faculty Rugby, Hockey and Basket-ball teams; Second Rugby colours; First Hockey colours; c.o.T.C. In the spring of 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps, and went overseas in Sep- tember. He was accidentally killed on December 13th when he was attached to the 6th Training Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, at Tern Hill, Shropshire. Misjudging his distance from the ground he looped the loop at 500 feet, and his machine crashed before he had time to correct it. Buried at Stoke-on-Tern, Shropshire. FREDERICK GUNDY SCOTT Nov. 9, 1895— Apl. 20, 19 17 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late Frederick William Scott; b. Toronto; ed. Grimsby p.s. and h.s.; Harbord Street C.i., Toronto; Victoria College 1912-16, b.a. (Com. & Fin.); Psi Delta Psi; C.o.T.C; 7th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut. In the summer of 1915 he was appointed to the 40th Battery, C.f.a., and went overseas in February 1916. Reaching France in July he served first on the Ypres front and then at the Somme. After going through the battle of Vimy Ridge, for his work in which he was recommended for a decoration, he was killed a few days later. He was taking a party of men through Vimy village to a new position, when a shell burst among them killing him and fatally wounding Lieut. M. A. Clarkson, also of this University. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. GORDON GEORGE BEATTIE SCOTT June 11, 1895— Sept. 3, 1917 Flight Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. 124 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Son of Andrew Scott; b. Guelph; ed. Guelph p.s., c.i., and Model School; Teaching at Hickson, Oxford Cy.; Education 1914-15; Teaching at Winchester Street p.s., Toronto; c.o.T.c. In June 1916 he joined the R. Naval Air Service, and trained in Canada, France and England. He went to the front on July 6th, 1917, joining the ist Squadron. In less than two months' service in the Bailleul area, he had many encounters with enemy planes, on one occasion fighting singly against three at close range. On September 3rd he was missing, after having gone on a special duty over the enemy's lines, and later was reported as presumably having been killed on that day. JAMES GARNET SCOTT Aug. 26, 1892— Jan. 25, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, att. r.n.a.s. Only son of the late W. M. Scott, m.d.; b. Holland, Man.; ed. St. Catharines p.s., Bishop Ridley College; Applied Science 1909-14, b.a.sc. 1918 (Mech. Eng.). He joined the R. Naval Air Service in August 1915, and went overseas in January 1916. After obtaining his Pilot's certificate he became medically unfit for flying, and was transferred to the R. Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was attached to the r.n.a.s. as Engineer Drafting Ofificer and worked at the Crystal Palace. He was promoted Lieutenant in 1917. Early in 1918 he died suddenly in hospital at Croydon, and was buried at St. Catharines. WALTER FRANCIS SCOTT Aug. 11, 1893— Aug. 10, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-seventh Battalion. Son of Peter Scott; b. Brussels; ed. Brussels P.s. , Seaforth C.I. ; Teaching at Auburn and Colmville; Education 1913-14; Asst. Principal, Earl Grey School, Toronto, 1914- 15; 33rd Regt., Lieut. He was appointed Lieutenant in the i6ist, Huron County, Battalion in December 1915, and went overseas in November 1916. He joined the 47th Battalion at the front in March 1918. On the third day of the battle of Amiens he was killed by a machine gun bullet at Fouquescourt. Buried at Beaufort. WILLIAM GEORGE STANLEY SCOTT Sept. 28, 1890— Nov. 11, 1916 Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of W. H. Scott; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria P.s., Parkdale c.i., Toronto; University College 1906-09, 1910-12, b.a.; Law student, Saskatchewan. In June 1915 he was appointed to the 46th, Saskatchewan, Battalion, and went overseas in September. He reached France in July 19 16, and was in command of the battalion bombers. On September i8th he was wounded but remained on duty. He was killed in the early hours of November nth at Regina Trench, when he led a party of thirty-eight bombers in a night attack, only eleven of whom returned. Buried where he fell. In the following January he was Mentioned in Despatches for his service in a successful trench raid on an earlier occasion. PERCY ROY SHANNON Dec. 5, 1887— Nov. 3, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of Wellington M. Shannon; b. Walkerton; ed. Walkerton p.s. and c.i. ; Medicine 1912-15, 1916-17, m.b.; Year Secretary; Nu Sigma Nu; c.o.T.c. He enlisted first as stretcher-bearer in the 34th Battalion in the spring of I9i5,and went overseas with the rank of Sergeant in November. He was then sent back to complete his medical course and graduated in 1917. Receiving his commission in the R.A.M.c. he joined No. 12 Field Ambulance in March 1918, and served with it and the lith Field Ambulance on the Arras — Cambrai front. During the summer he was ROLL OF HONOUR " 125 invalided with trench fever for two months. In the advance towards the Belgian frontier he was wounded in the head by shrapnel while he was giving aid to a wounded man in a sunken road that the enemy were shelling. He was taken to Congies near Haspres, where he died shortly afterwards. Buried at Villers-en- Conchies near Valenciennes. JOHN EDWARD SHARMAN Sept. 11, 1892— July 22, 1917 Flight Lieutenant, Acting Flight Commander, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of Thomas H. Sharman; b. Oak Lake, Man.; ed. Oak Lake p.s., St. John's College, Winnipeg, Jarvis Street c.r., Toronto; Applied Science 1913-15; c.o.x.c. He was accepted for service in the R. Naval Air Service in August 1 9 15. After training at Halifax and in England, he was appointed in August 1916 to No. 3 Wing for service in Eastern France; being stationed first at Luxeuil and then near Nancy. In April 1917 he was assigned to No. 10 Squadron, att. nth Wing, R.F.C., and later to the 22nd Wing, and transferred to the Flanders front. He was promoted Flight Lieutenant in June 1917, and made Acting Flight Commander a few days before his death. In May 1917 he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his work in long distance air raids. Twice on the same day he had successfully led a flight. He was also awarded the French Croix de Guerre avec Palme and Mentioned in a Citation by General Castel- nau for his services in eleven long distance raids, particularly in two attacks on Fribourg in one day. On June 24th he was Mentioned in Despatches and won a Bar to his Cross for the courage and skill which he showed in attacking enemy aircraft, on one occasion leading six British planes against fifteen of the enemy. On July 22nd he was reported as missing, and later it was learned from German sources that he and his Observer had been killed in action on that day over the lines near Warneton. SAMUEL SIMPSON SHARPE March 13, 1872— May 25, 1918 Lieut. -Colonel, Commanding One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of the late George Sharpe; b. Zephyr; ed. Uxbridge P.s. and H.s.; University College 1890-92, 1893-95, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); Law School; Barrister, practising at Ux- bridge; M. p. for North Ontario, 1908-18; 34th Regt., Major; md. Mabel Edith Crosby. In the autumn of 1915 he was appointed to the command of the ii6th, Ontario County, Battalioji, which he recruited and trained. Reaching France in February 1917, he served in the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements south of Lens, and then at Hill 70 and Passchendaele. He was Mentioned in Despatches and awarded the D.s.o. in January 19 18. After a year's service at the front he was invalided, and was returning home on leave, when he died suddenly in Montreal a few days after his arrival in Canada. Buried at Uxbridge. JOSEPH GORE SHEPLEY July 29, 1889— Oct. 26, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. Son of Lawrence W. Shepley; b. Amherstburg; ed. Maiden P.s., Essex p.s. and H.S.; Applied Science 1910-14, b.a.sC. 1918 (Min. Eng.); Mining in N. Ontario; md. Wilhelmina F. Hill. In April 1918 he enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company, and at the beginning of May received his commission in the Canadian Engineers. After training at St. John's, Que., he went overseas in June. Not long after his arrival in England he was taken ill while training at Seaford, and died in hospital at Eastbourne on October 26th. Buried at Seaford. MORLEY ROY SHIER Dec. 4, 1894— Sept. 6, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. 126 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Son of James M. Shier; b. Scott Tp., Ontario Cy.; ed. Leaskdale p.s., Uxbridge H.S.; Education 1912-13; Teaching at Corson's Siding p.s., Victoria Cy., and Earl Grey School, Toronto. In November 1917 he joined the R. Flying Corps, receiving his commission in the R. Air Force in April 1918, and going overseas the next month. He began his active service flying with the 256th Squadron in July on patrol duty off the Northumberland coast. On September 6th he went out on patrol in foggy weather and when twenty miles from the shore his machine fell' into the North Sea. WESLEY GEORGE SHIER Feb. 7, 1894— June 2, 1916 Sergeant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Robert George Shier; b. Port Perry; ed. Central P.s., Victoria; Central P.S., and H.S., Vancouver; Applied Science 1911-15, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); c.o.t.c. He enlisted with a number of University men in the 25th Battery, c.f.a., in March 1915. Going overseas with a draft in June, he transferred in England to the 23rd Batter^-, in which he was promoted through the different grades to Sergeant. He reached France in January 1916, and served on the front from Kemmel to Ypres. On the night of June 2nd he had brought up ammunition to the guns before Ypres, and was ordered to return by another road that seemed safer. As he was going back on the Ypres — Dickebusch Road, near Cafe Beige, a shell struck the ammunition wagon killing two men and wounding others. Being a short distance ahead he fell from his horse, and immediately afterwards another shell struck close by and fatally injured him. He died without recovering consciousness shortly after being brought to the first aid station. Buried near Ouderdom. He had been selected for a commission, and also been recommended for the d.c.m. for his service at St. Eloi. JOSEPH CUTHBERT SHIPTON Nov. i, 1893— Jan. 16, 1916 Lance- Corporal, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the late George Walter Shipton; b. Bridgetown, N.s.; ed. Carleton Corner, N.S., P.S., Oxford House School, and Whitgift Grammar Sthool, Croydon, Eng.; Truro Agricultural College, N.s., 1910-12; Instructor in Entomology, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture; Ontario Agricultural College 1913-15, B.s.A. On graduating he enlisted in the 38th Battalion in April 1915, from which he trans- ferred to the 1st Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i. Going overseas in June, he joined the battalion at the front in July. After a few months' service, chiefly on the Somme and Armentieres fronts, he was taken ill on December 17th with cerebro-spinal menin- gitis, and died a month later in No. 7 General Hospital near St. Omer, where he was buried. ALEXANDER McGREGOR SIMPSON April 15, 1887— Sept 5, 1918 Second Lieutenant, London Regiment. Son of Archibald Simpson; b. Elma Tp.; ed. Newry p.s. and Listowel H.s. ; Uni- versity College 1904-08, B.A. (Math. & Phys.), m.a. 1909; Alexander Fulton Scholar, Mulock Scholar, a.a.a.s. Scholar; President, Math, and Phys. Society; Education 1908-09; Teaching at Brandon c.l. In March 19 16 he enlisted in the 196th, Western Universities, Battalion, and went overseas in November. He then obtained his commission and joined the i8th London Regiment in August 1918. After a month's service on the Somme front he fell in action at Nurlu. He had attacked a party of the enemy at dawn on September 5th, and in the evening advanced against them again. As he was going forward he was shot and in- stantly killed by a German who had been cut off and was in hiding. Buried at Peronne. ROLL OF HONOUR 127 COLIN SIMPSON March 6, 1895— Aug. 7, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery. Son of Douglas Simpson; b. Toronto; ed. Rose Avenue p.s., Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; Victoria College 1912-14; Second Basket-ball colours; Phi Delta Theta; Argonaut Rugby team and Rowing eight; Maitland, Young & Sons, c.A. He enlisted in the C.f.a. in the summer of 1915, and after qualifying as Sergeant went overseas with that rank in the 33rd Battery. In England he received his com- mission in the R.F.A., standing first in his class, and reached France in March 19 16, being appointed to 'a' Battery, 179th Brigade, 39th Division. He served in the Ypres — • Bethune area, and shortly before his death was attached to the Headquarters of his brigade. He was killed by a shell when on his way to the observation post. Buried at Gorre Chateau, near Bethune. In November 1916 his name was Mentioned in Despatches for his distinguished service as Observation Officer. • ERNEST ALROY SIMPSON Dec. 21, 1893— Sept. 21, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of E. A. Simpson; b. Toronto; ed. Huron Street P.S., Toronto, Upper Canada College; University College 1911-15; Beta Theta Pi; G.G.B.G., Lieut. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 58th Battalion, and reached France in the following spring. He was wounded on April 24th, 1916, while taking a working party up to the line at Hooge. He rejoined his battalion on July rst, and went with it to the Somme in September. Here he was killed in action near Courcelette a week after the capture of the town. JOSEPH DONALDSON SIMPSON June 28, 1888— Oct. 11, 1918 Major, Tenth Battalion, and Forty-fourth Brigade Staff. Son of E. A. Simpson; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 1907-12, B.A.; Beta Theta Pi; xiii Club; G.G.B.G., Lieut.; md. Violet Duggan (d). He was appointed, as Lieutenant, to the loth Battalion in August 1914, and reached France on April 27, 1915. He served with this unit through the campaigns of 1915 and 1916, being promoted to Major in September 1916. He was awarded the Military Cross in November. He was then appointed G.s.o., 3rd grade, in the First Division, and served in this capacity through the Vimy, Lens, and Passchendaele battles. He was Mentioned in Despatches of December 28, 1917. From November 1917 to May 1918 he was seconded to the 7th Imperial Infantry Brigade as Brigade Major. He was invalided to England from May to July. On returning to the front he was attached to the 44th Imperial Infantry Brigade, 15th Division, as Brigade Major. On October 9th he was fatally wounded, and died at No. 15 Casualty Clearing Station two days later. Buried at Houchin, west of the Lens — La Bassee line. ROBERT BLACKBURN SINCLAIR Oct. 23, 1891— March 22, 1919 Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery and Royal Air Force. Son of John Sinclair; b. Strathroy; ed. Queen Victoria P.S., and Parkdale C.I., Toronto; Applied Science 1909-13, 1914-15, B.A.SC. (Civ. Eng.); Psi Delta Psi; First Rugby colours; Can. Engrs. . In March 19 15 he enlisted with the 4th Brigade Headquarters, C.F.A. , and went overseas in May. He obtained his commission in the R. Field Artillery when in Eng- land, and went to Frahce in January 1916. He served in 'a' Battery, 64th Brigade, I2th Division, on the Ypres, Somme and Arras fronts. In September he was injured by shell-shock. The following July he was seconded to the Royal Flying Corps, and served in England with No. 7 Training Depot Squadron, and the 123rd, Canadian, Squadron, till his death. He died of pneumonia on March 22nd, 1919, and was buried at Hampstead. 12): UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HARRY ROY SMITH Aug. 3. 1890— Jan. 14, 1919 Capytain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Walter J. Smith; b. Leamington; ed. Leamington p.s.; Dufferin, Givens Street, Jesse Ketchum p.ss., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University and Victoria Colleges 1909-11, Medicine 1911-15, M.B.; Gymnasium colours; Faculty Rugby team; 'Varsity' staff; y.m.c.a. executive; Secretary, Toronto Playgrounds Association; C.O.T.C.; md. Faye Elizabeth Schram. He enlisted in No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station in February 1915, receiving his degree at a special Convocation in the same month. Going overseas with the rank of Sergeant, he obtained his commission in the r.a.m.c. in June 1915. After serving for a time on transports between Gallipoli and Alexandria, he was attached to the Berkshire Yeomanry in Egypt till September, when he went to Khartoum. While serving there he was attached as Surgeon to the force that made a march of 250 miles into the desert to rescue a party of British who had been captured by the Senussi Arabs. In June 19 16 he was promoted Captain and appointed Medical Officer to the ist King's Own, R. Lancaster, Regiment. He served with them through the Somme campaign. On December 8th he was severely wounded by a shell that came through the roof of his aid-post. He was invalided home and In July 19 17 was appointed to the Re-educational staflf working at Hart House, Toronto, where he was employed in training maimed soldiers to recover the use of their limbs and to acquire anew their self-confidence. While still engaged in this work he was taken ill with pneumonia and died a few days later. Buried at Toronto. JEFFERY FILDER SMITH Feb. 5, 1885— June 29, 1917 Lieutenant, Thirteenth Battalion. Son of James F. Smith; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto Church School, Upper Canada College; Leonard McLaughlin Scholar, Trinity College 1903-05; College Cricket, Football, Hockey teams; Farming at Cooksville; G.G.B.G., Lieut. Going overseas in August 19 16 he was appointed to the 92nd Battalion from which he transferred to the 73rd Battalion on the Somme front in October. When this unit was broken up he transferred to the 13th, Royal Montreal Highlanders, Battalion in April 19 1 7. He was wounded on April 7th at Vimy Ridge, but returned to duty ten days later. Being Assistant Intelligence Officer to his battalion he went out on patrol on June 29th, between Acheville and Mericourt, and did not return. It was learnt later that he had been fatally wounded, and after being taken in by the Germans had died on the same day. Buried at Mericourt. LEONARD STANLEY SMITH Aug. 17, 1891— Nov. 26, 1917 Sergeant, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of the late David Smith; b. Gait; ed. Gait P.s. and c.i.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1912-16, d.d.s.; c.o.t.c. In October 1916 he enlisted in the Army Dental Corps, with the rank of Sergeant, and served first at Barriefield Camp and Kingston. Going overseas in November 1916, he served in hospitals at Hastings, Shorncliffe and Seaford. After a year's service in England he died from diphtheria at Warrington. RICHARD LANGFORD SMITH March 16, 1895— April 17, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Heavy Artillery. Son of Richard Smith; b. Perth; ed. Perth p.s.; Alexander Muir p.s. and Parkdale C.I., Toronto; University College 1914-15; Wycliffe College; Second Hockey colours; College Rugby, Basket-ball and Base-ball teams; c.o.t.c. ROLL OF HONOUR 129 He enlisted in October 1915 in the 34th Battery, c.f.a. From this he transferred later to the 63rd Battery, in which he was promoted to Sergeant-AIajor, and then received his commission. He reached France in March 1917, being appointed to the 5th and later to the 8th Siege Battery. After a year's service at the front, mostly in the Vimy-Lens area, he died suddenly of heart failure. Buried at Ablain St. Nazaire. He had been recommended for a decoration. ROBERT SCOTT SMITH Feb. i, i88r— Dec. 22, 1917 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late John Smith; b. Oxford Cy.; ed. Guelph s.s. 2 p.s., Guelph c.l.; Medicine 1906- 11, m.b.; Practising at Hardisty, Alta. He joined No. i a.m.c. Training Depot at London, Ontario, in April 1916. Going overseas in October, he served for a year in the Canadian Convalescent Hospital at Uxbridge. He died of anaemia at London and was buried at Brookwood. ROBERT WADE SMITH Oct. 4, 1873— Sept. 15, 1916 Private, Seventy-second Battalion. Son of the late Thomas R. Smith; b. Wilmot Tp., Waterloo Cy.; ed. Oxford Cy. P.S., Woodstock College; Applied Science 1895-98, Diploma (Ci\-. Eng.-Hon.); Pro- vincial Land Surveyor, British Columbia; 102nd Regt., Capt. Holding a commission in the Militia, he offered his services on the outbreak of the war, but was rejected as medically unfit. For some time he was employed in training Officers. He then was accepted for overseas service and enlisted in the ranks of the 72nd, Seaforth Highlanders, Battalion in September 1915. He reached the front at the. end of July 1916. Six weeks later he was killed in action at Kemmel, while on a trench patrol. Buried at Kemmel. GEOFFREY ALLAN SNOW Jan. 11, 1894— Sept. 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Acting Captain, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of A. J. Russell Snow, K.C.; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, St. Andrew's College; University College 1912-15; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.t.c, Col. Sergt.; 48th Regt., Lieut. In September of 1915 he was appointed to the 92nd Battalion, with which he went overseas in May 19 16. He joined the 15th Battalion in France in July, and served first on the Ypres front as Intelligence Officer. After going to the Somme he was slightly wounded at Mouquet Farm on September 9th. Before he had fully recovered he volunteered, on the 25th, to take charge of No. 4 Company, whose Captain had been killed. On the next day in an attack on Schwaben Rectoubt before Courcclctte he was wounded in the shoulder. His Major told him to take refuge in a shell hole, where he must have been killed shortly afterwards. LORNK SNYDER Aug. 5, 1896— April 23, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Hampshire Regiment. Son of Alfred Snyder; Ij. St. Jacob's; ed. .St. Jacob's P.S., Kitchener c.i. and Technical Institute; University College 1914-16; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in the University of Toronto Overseas Training Company in April 1916, and went overseas with a draft of Cadets in September. Receiving his commission in February 19 17 he was posted to the 3rd Hampshire Regiment, and later was transferred to its 2nd Battalion. He reached France in March and after six weeks' service at the front he was missing on April 23rd, being with a party that was cut off by the enemy. —12 I30 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO KENNETH IAN SOMERVILLE Nov. 17, 1895— Mar. 16, 1918 Lieutenant, Fifth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of Charles R. Somerville; b. London, Ont.; ed. London p.ss., and c.i. ; Chateau de Lancy, Geneva; University of Toronto Schools; University College 19 14-15; Phi Delta Theta; C.O.T.C.; 7th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in October 1915 to the 33rd Battalion, with which he went over- seas in April 1916. In June 1916 he joined the 6oth Battalion at the front, and served with it at Ypres, the Somme and Vimy Ridge. When this battalion was broken up in May 1917 he transferred to the 5th Mounted Rifles, with which he served in the battles before Lens, and at Hill 70 and Passchendaele. In the winter of 1917-18 he was at Brigade Headquarters for two months, and then returned to his battalion. On March 15th, 19 18, he took part in a raid before Mericourt, in which he was wounded in the face at the second German trench. Being blinded by his injuries he was being brought back when he was caught in the enemy's barrage and was wounded a second time. He failed to survive an operation and died early the next morning. Buried at Thelus Cemetery', Yimy. RUSSELL WRIGHT SOPER April 20, 1889— April 2, 1918 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of the late Armon Soper; b. Whitby; ed. Port Perry P.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 1909-13, b.a.sc. (Architecture — Hon.); Architect, practising at Sarnia; 27th Regt., Lieut.; md. Alma Priscilla Nutting. In July 1916 he enlisted in the Ii6th Battalion, and was promoted Sergeant before going overseas shortly afterwards. He received his commission in November, and joined the battalion at the front early in August 1917. He served through the battles of Hill 70 and Passchendaele, and during the following winter on the Lens front. On April 2nd, 19 18, when the unit to the left was forced to retire near Mericourt, the position of the battalion was threatened. He was in charge of filling in a communication trench to block the enemy's advance when he was killed. Buried at La Chaudiere Cemetery, Arras — Lens Road. JAMES CAMPBELL SORLEY Feb. 10, 1893— Sept. 25, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of James Sorley; b. Carleton Cy., near Ottawa; ed. Quarries P.s. and Contn. School; University College 1912-15; Knox College; c.o.t.c. At the end of 1914 he enlisted with the Cyclists of the Second Division, in which he was later made Lance-Corporal. Reaching France in September 19 15 he served for a year, before Wytsrhaete, at St. Eloi, Ypres and the Somme. After the battle of Cource- lette he returned to England to train for a commission, being appointed to the 17th Reserve, and for several months acted as Instructor in Signalling. He then transferred to the R. Air Force. Though he was ofi^ered an Instructorship in this force in England, he refused and returned to France, joining the 213th Squadron on August 24th, 1918. A month later he was missing on the Belgian front near Ostend. Believed to have been buried at Wynendael. IVAN EDWARD SOULE April 22, 1893— Aug. 26, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Regiment. Son of Asa W^ Soule; b. St. Stephen, n.b.; ed. St. Stephen p.s., Moore's Mills Superior School, New Brunswick Normal College; Dalhousie University; University College 1914-15- ROLL OF HONOUR i^i He enlisted in January 19 16 in the 5th Universities Company, p.p.c.L.r., and joined the battalion in France in June. He was wounded on September 15th at Courcelette. After his recovery he trained for a commission, and was appointed to the R. Canadian Regiment, which he joined at the front in September 1917. He served through the battle of Passchendaele and on the Arras front. After going through the battle of Amiens, he was killed in action before Arras. Buried at Long Trench, near Monchy. JAMES MITCHELL SOUTER March 28, 1894— April 11, 1917 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of James E. Souter; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton p.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.T.C; 13th Regt., Lieut. In March 1916 he was appointed to the 133rd Battalion, and went overseas in October. He then transferred to the R. Flying Corps, and went to France in March 1917, joining first the 12th and later the 59th Squadron. After less than a month's service he was killed in action near Arras. With six other machines he went out in the direction of Douai, and none of them returned. After the Germans retired from this front he was found with his Pilot, beside the machine, and they were buried where they had fallen. GORDON HAMILTON SOUTHAM Feb. 7, 1886— Oct. 15, 1916 Major, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of William Southam; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton Central P.s., Upper Canada College; University College 1903-07, B..\. (Pol. Sci.); First Rugby colours; Zeta Psi; XIII Club; Molson's Bank, Hamilton; Staff, 'Hamilton Spectator'; md. Mary M. McGibbon; 4th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. In the autumn of 1915 he was appointed to the 40th Battery, 8th Brigade, c.f.a., and went overseas in February 1916. He reached France in July and served on the Somme front. On October 15th, the brigade was holding a forward position before Courcelette, and was exposed to heavy shell fire. It became necessary to remove the men to cover, those of the 40th Battery being the last to leave. He was employed with Sergeant-Major N. J. Harvie, also of this University, in supervising their removal, when a shell struck killing the latter instantly, and wounding Major Southam so severely that he died a few minutes later. It was largely due to his courage and coolness that the casualties sustained by the battery were not heavier. Buried at Albert. After his death his name was Mentioned in Despatches of April 9th, 1917. CHARLES ASHBURY SPARLING May 16, 1881— Oct. 26, 1918 Captain, Canadian Chaplain Service. Son of Charles Philip Sparling; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; Trinity College 1901-04, B.A. (Thcol.), m.a. 1905, r.d.; Anglican Ministry, Diocese of Niagara, Rector of St. Mark's, Hamilton; nul. Mary Elizabeth Macpeak. In the spring of 1918 he was appointed to the Chaplain Service, and did duty first at Harriefield Camp and then at Petawawa. He was sent to Niagara Camp when the influenza epidemic of the following autumn began, and while on this service and tending to the dying, he contracted the disease himself. A few days later he died in hospital at Hamilton, where he was buried. THOMAS VINCENT SPARLING Oct. 23, 1895— Oct. 31, 1917 Sergeant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late Re\-. William W. Sparling; b. Caledonia; ed. Conn p.s,, Courtland P.S., North Toronto H.S.; Victoria College 19 14- 16; Year President; C.O.T.C. 132 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO In March 1916 he enlisted in the 13th Brigade Ammunition Column, C.F.A., and was promoted Sergeant in June. After training at Kingston and Petawawa he went overseas with the 52nd Battery in the summer. He reached France with his battery in August 1917, and two months later was killed in action on the Lens front. The battery was in action behind a row of houses on the northern outskirts of Lievin, when the enemy opened up a heavy fire. He was struck by a shell splinter in the chest and died a few minutes later. Buried at Aix- Noulette. JAMES ARTHUR STANLEY Oct. 18, 1893— Sept. 27, 1918 Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of Bernard W. Stanley; b. Lucan; ed. Biddulph p.s., Lucan H.s.; Medicine 1911-16, M.B.; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in February 1915 in No. 2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, but was recalled from England to complete his course. On graduating he was appointed to the R.A.M.C. in June 1916, and went to No. 41 General Hospital at Salonica, where he remained till August 1918. He then went to France, being appointed to No. 14 Field Ambulance, from which he was sent as Medical Officer to the 15th R. Warwick- shire Regiment. After a brief service in the front line he fell at Gduzeaucourt, east of Bapaume. As he was attending to a wounded man on a stretcher outside his aid-post and shelter he, with fourteen others, was instantly killed by a shell. Buried at Lebuc- quiere. WILLIAM STANLEY STEELE June 28, 1890— Feb. 15, 1918 Private, First Class, United States Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps. Son of John Steele; b. Southwold Tp., Elgin Cy.; ed. Southwold p.s., St. Thomas C.I.; Applied Science 1908-12, B.A.SC. (Mech. Eng.); Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. ; md. Gertrude Carow (d.). He enlisted at Brooklyn, n.y., in December 19 17 in the Aviation section, United States Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps. After two months' service he died of pneumonia at Brooklyn. CHARLES HILTON STEWART Nov. 22, 1892— Nov. 3, 1917 Lance-Corporal, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late John Stewart; b. Eramosa; ed. Guelph ? ss. and c.i.; Alexander Stewart Drug Store, Apprentice; ColTege of Pharmacy, phm.b. 1914: Mgr. Pharmacy Hockey team; Carnahan Drug Stores, Toronto. He enlisted in April 19 16 with the 55th Battery, c.f.a. Going overseas with a draft from this unit he transferred in England to the C.A.M.C In September he went to France and after serving for a brief time in a hospital at Rouen, he joined No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance. He served on the Somme front, at Courcelette, Le Trous- lay and Contay, and the next year at Vimy and Hill 70. Towards the end of October he went to Passchendaele. He was first on duty at dressing stations, but owing to the difficulty .of carrying out the wounded, additional stretcher-bearers were called for. As he was assisting in this work, a shell struck, instantly killing all si.x bearers and the wounded man. Buried at Waterloo Pill Box, Passchendaele Road. JOHN HOWARD STEWART June 5, 1893— June 27, 1916 Private, Twentieth Battalion. Son of the late John Stewart; b. York Mills; ed. York Cy. P.s., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1911-13, 1914-15; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in March 1915 in the Machine Gun Section of the 20th Battalion, and went overseas in May. Reaching France in September he served on the Ploegsteert — ROLL OF HONOUR 133 Ypres front during the following autumn and winter, and through the battle of St. Eloi in April 1916. When in the front trenches before Ypres he was struck b}' shrapnel and instantly killed. Buried at Bedford House Cemetery, Zillebeke. He had frequently been given responsible work in charge of making emplacements for the guns, and had been offered promotion a number of times but had on each occasion declined. ERNEST ZAVITZ STIRRETT Oct. 2, 1888— June 22, 1917 Surgeon, Royal Canadian Navy. Son of George Stirrett; b. Port Huron, Mich.; ed. Western Ave. P.S., Humberside C.I., Toronto; Medicine 1909-12, 1913-15, m.b.; Alpha Kappa Kappa. • On graduating he was appointed in May 1915 to the c.a.m.c. and was attached as Surgeon to h.m. Transport 'Scandinavian'. He transferred in April 19 16 to the R. Canadian Navy, and served on h.m.c.s. 'Niobe', Halifax Base. Being invalided he came home on leave in April 191 7, and died there two months later. Buried at Toronto. LYALL ARNOLD STOKES Jan. 9, 1897— Feb. 3, 19 19 • Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of W. Duncan Stokes; b. Mount Albert; ed. Scott Tp. p.s.. Mount Albert h.s.; University College 1915-16; Knox College; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in April 1916 with the Signallers, Canadian Engineers, and went overseas in September. He reached France in June 1917, joining the ist Divisional Signal Company, and served on the Lens front and at the battle of Passchendaele of that year. In 1918 he was on the Lens— Arras front, and then took part in the battles of Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. till the Armistice. After being in Germany with the Army of Occupation he was taken ill with penumonia when on the return journey, and died at Huy near Liege. Buried at Hu}- Communal Cemetery. JOHN HERBERT ADAALS STONEMAN March 29, 1893— Sept. 29, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of the late John Curtis Stoneman; b. Hensall; ed. Hensall P.s., Exeter Cont. Sch., Clinton c.i.; Victoria College 1910-13, b.a. (Pol. Sc); College Water-polo team; Boxing Champion, 125 lbs.; Law School. In 1916 he was appointed to the 220th Battalion, and in March 1917 transferred to the 204th Battalion. In order to go overseas he reverted to the rank of Private, and was promoted to Sergeant on board ship. In England he transferred to the Machine Gun Corps, again reverting and again being promoted to Sergeant. He reverted a third time to go to France in August 1917, when he joined the 13th Machine Gun Com- pany. After serving through the battle of Passchendaele, he returned early in 1918 to England to qualify for a commission. In the summer he joined the 4th Battalion, C.M.G.C, at the front. Shortly afterwards he was killed in the battle of Cambrai. About midnight he went out on an inspection and was passing on a sunken road when a shell burst near by, a fragment of which instantly killed him. Buried at Sains-les-Marquion, near Bourlon Wood. GEORGE STAGEY STRATFORD March 31, 1892— Nov. 17, 191 7 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the late Joseph Stratford; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford p.ss., and c.i.; Applied Science 1911-12, 1913-15; Beta Theta Pi; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.C.l.i., in June 1915, ant! joined the battalion ig France in August. After serving through the following months on the Somme and Armentieres fronts and in the Salient he was wounded at Sanctuary Wood 134 U.NIVERSITY OF TORONTO in June 19 16. He was in hospital for six months, and on his recovery began to train for a commission. He rejoined the battalion in May 1917 and through the summer served on the Vimy-Lens-Hill 70 front. After going through the battle of Passchendaele he was killed when his battalion was holding the trenches at Meetscheele. Buried at Passchendaele. • JEFFREY McVICAR STRATHY March 29, 1892— Sept. 14, 1916 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals, and Royal Flying Corps. Son of R. L. F. Strathy; b. Montreal; ed. Toronto, Welland, Owen Sound, Victoria, B.C., P.ss.; Port Arthur p.s. and Ci.; Applied-Science 1909-13, b.a.sC. (Electr. Eng. — Hon.); Westinghouse Co., Hamilton; 96th Regt. He enlisted in October 19 14 in the 2nd Divisional Signal Company, and went overseas in May 1915. Reaching France in September he was attached to the 6th Infantry Brigade on the front south of Ypres and in the Salient, and served through the battle of St. Eloi. At the beginning of September 19 16 he joined the 70th Squadron, of the R. Flying CoVps on probation for a commission as an Observer. Two weeks later he was killed in action. He was on a reconnaissance with three other machines in the direction of Cambrai, and as they were returning they were attacked by a number of German planes. Shortly afterwards his machine was seen to fab in a vertical dive over the enemy's lines, one of the wings breaking. EDMUND ROCHFORT STREET May 20, 1876— Oct. 15, 1916 Major, Sherwood Foresters. Son of the late Hon. W. P. R. Street; b. London, Ont.; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 1894-95; Kappa Alpha; loth Regt., Lieut.; 2nd Hampshire Regt., Lieut., South Africa 1901-02; Captain 1902-06; Ontario Agricultural College. In 1914 he rejoined the Imperial Army, being appointed to the 2nd Sherwood Foresters, and reached the front in January 1915. He was awarded the d.s.o. for his conspicuous good work under heavy fire from May 13th to i6th near Le Touquet and for going down a gassed mine to assist in the rescue of entombed men. In the battle of the Somme he was mortally wounded near Meaulte while standing on the trench parapet to encourage the men in going over the top In an early morning attack. Buried at Grovetown British Cemetery. FREDERIC GUSTAVUS STUPART March 13, 1896— Oct. 22, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Sir Frederic Stupart; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; Forestry 1914-15; I2th Regt., Lieut. In the summer of 1915 he was appointed to the 8ist Battalion and went overseas in April 1916. He joined the 75th Battalion at the Somme front in September. When Regina trench had been taken on October 21st, he was bringing up an ammunition party to the captured position. As he was leading them through a heavy barrage he was severely wounded by a high explosive shell but called on his men to go on and leave him. He was taken back by a party of German prisoners to a collecting station and from there sent to hospital at Contay, where he died early the next morning. Buried at Contay. CHARLES ELLIOTT SUTCLIFFE May 7, 1892— June 6, 1917 Major, Seventy-seventh Battalion and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Frederick William Sutcliffe; b. Brampton; ed. Lindsay P.s. and^c.i.; Uni- versity College 1909-11; In business, firm of J. Sutcliffe & Sons; 45th Regt., Capt. ROLL OF HONOUR 135 He was appointed in July 19 15 as Captain in the 77th Battalion, in which he was later promoted Major, and went overseas in June 1916. After service in France with the 26th, New Brunswick, Battalion, he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps, and returned to the front line before Cambrai in April 1917 as Scout Pilot. He served with the 54th squadron in the Cambrai area, and brought down several enemy machines. On June 6th he went out with twenty-three others, and when they were a considerable distance over the German lines they were met by forty enemy planes. During the engagement he went to the assistance of another who had become separated from the rest. Driven miles from his squadron he fought three enemy planes till he was finally shot down. He brought his machine to land and set it on fire before he succumbed. Buried at Epinoy, near Cambrai. \VILLL\M ALEXANDER DENISON SUTTER BY Feb. 19, 1879— Oct. 29, 1917 Private, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of William John Sutterby; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton, Hess Street P.S., and C.I.; Victoria College 1915- 16; Year Secretary; c.o.T.C. He enlisted in March 1916 in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its formation ,and went overseas in July. In England he was employed as Instructor with the rank of Corporal, and w'as recommended for a commission but declined. Reverting in rank he went to France at the end of August 1917 and joined the ist Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. In the battle of Passchendaele the members of his unit were dismounted, and placed in the front line. When serving here he was struck on the forehead by a piece of shrapnel and almost instantly killed. AYSCEAU FRANCIS ROBERT WILLIAM SWINNERTON Oct. 10, 1892— Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. [March I, 1917 Son of Robert William Swinnerton; b. Hyderabad, India; ed. Vale College, Ramsgate, and Dean Close School, Cheltenham, Eng.; Applied Science 1912-14; 2nd Regt., Lieut. He volunteered for service in 1914, but owing to defective eyesight was not then accepted. For several months he was employed on the Toronto Island Guard. Early in 1916 he was appointed to the i66th, Queen's Own, Battalion, and went overseas in October. After serving at .Shorncliffe as Instructor in Bayonet Fighting, he went to France in December and joined the 75th Battalion. In the attack at V'imy Ridge on March ist, 1917, he reached his objective and was placing a machine gun in position, when he was shot by a sniper. Believed to have been buried where he fell. ARTHUR WILLIAM TANNER ^Dec. 15, 1876— June 4, 1916 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Robert J. Tanner; b. Watford; ed. Victoria P.s., Ottawa; Medicine 1895-99, M.B.; Engaged in Railway medical work, and practising at Moosomin, Sask.; i6th Light Horse, Lieut.; md. Flora Blanche Richmond. In the autumn of 19 14 he acted as Recruiting Officer in the Moosomin district, and in January 1915 was appointed Medical Officer to the loth c.M.R. He took command of the Hospital unit at Camp Hughes with the rank of Captain in July, and in August became a.d.m.s. of Military District No. 10. In February 1916 he was promoted Lieut. - Colonel and appointed to the command of No. 10 Canadian Field Ambulance. He reached France in April and served on the Third Division front in the Salient. During the battle of Sanctuary Wood he was severely wounded when at the advanced dressing station in the court yard of the Sacre Canir Hospital at Ypres. He still personally directed the moving of all the wounded to a place of safety. Only when this work was completed would he allow himself to be taken back to No. 10 c.c.s. Here he underwent an operation, but succumled to his injuries two days later. Buried at Lyssenthoek. 136 " UXI\ERSITV OF TORONTO ALFRED LIVINGSTONE TAYLOR Dec. 9, 1893— Aug. 28, 1918 Corporal, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of Wilson Taylor, b.a.; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham, Payne p.s., Central P.S., and C.I.; Victoria College 1912-16, B.A. (Eng. & Hist. — CI.); C.O.T.C He enlisted in February 1916 in the 182nd Battalion, and shortly before going over- seas transferred as a Signaller to the ii6th. He reached France in March 1917 and served through the battles of Vimy and Hill 70 in that year. During the winter he was the representative of his battalion in the University of Vimy Ridge, and through his service he, in the absence of a Chaplain or y.m.c.a. worker, often performed their duties among his comrades. After going through the battle of Amiens he fell on the second day of the advance from before Arras, being killed by shrapnel while holding a post at his battalion's final objective near Monchy. He was the second son of his parents to give his life, his brother Ross, also of this University, having.been killed early in 1916. FREDERICK IVANHOE TAYLOR April 21, 1891— Sept. 15, 1916 Lance-Corporal, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the Rev. E. B. Taylor; b. Walsall, Eng.; ed. St. Matthew's Church School, Queen Mary's Grammar School, Walsall; Trinity College 1913-15; Preparing for the Ministry; Toronto 'Mail and Empire' staff; C.O.T.C He enlisted in August 1915 in the 3rd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and joined the battaliou'-in France in November. He served on the Armentieres — Ypres front, and was wounded on June 2nd at the battle of Sanctuary Wood. At Courcelette he was instantly killed at the beginning of the advance. GEOFFREY BARRON TAYLOR Feb. 4, 1890— April 24, 1915 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of W. J. M. Taylor; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1910-13; Second Rugby colours 1910, First Rugby colours 1911; Trinity College, Oxford, 1913-14; Stroke, Argonauts Rowing Eight, Henley, 1913; Oxford Trial Rowing Eights. He joined the 15th Battalion on its arrival in England in the autumn of 1914, and went with it to France in February 1915. In the battle of St. Julien he was reported as missing and believed to have died from gas poisoning. He was last seen making his way to a deserted farm house a short distance back from the trenches. JOHN SANFORD TAYLOR June 8, 1893— Sept. 26, 19 16 Private, Borden Armoured Battery. Son of the late Mr. Justice George L. Taylor; b. Bothwell; ed. Bothwell p.s.. White- house P.S., St. Andrew's College; Applied Science 1910-14, b.a.sc. (Min. Eng.); Mining Engineer at Porcupine. He enlisted in January 1915 in the Borden Motor Battery, and went overseas in May. In March 1916 he was accidentally injured by the explosion of a shell casing. He fell at Courcelette, being struck in the head by a shell fragment, as he was serving a gun which he had volunteered to take after it had been sighted by the enemy. Buried at point R. 29, c. 6.7. near Courcelette. He had been recommended for a commission shortly before his death. IVIERRILL SAMUEL TAYLOR April 15, 1893— July 7, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of Samuel Taylor; b. Singhampton; ed. Singhampton P.s., Yellow Grass, Sask., p.s. and H.s., Regina c.i.; Applied Science 1912-16; Faculty Rugby teams; Second Rugby, and First Association colours; c.o.t.c. ROLL OF HONOUR 137 In April 19 16 he enlisted in the University of Toronto Overseas Training Company, and in February 1917 joined the R. Naval Air Service, in which he was appointed Flight Sub-Lieutenant in August. He served in the 9th Naval Squadron (later 209th, r.a.f.) in the Dunkerque area from September 1917 to February 1918, and then on the Amiens front. He was leading his patrol on its return from a trip over the lines, when it was attacked by a number of German planes. They fought back to the British front line and he had brought down an enemy machine, when his own plane was struck and shot down. Buried near the place where he fell at Corbie, east of Amiens. Just at the time of his death the award of the French Croix de Guerre for his service was announced. ROBERT EDWARD TAYLOR March 16, 1890— Sept. 17, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of W. J. Taylor; b. North Ridge, Esse.x Cy. ; ed. North Ridge P.S., Essex H.s.; Applied Science 19 13- 16; c.o.t.c. He joined the R. Flying Corps in November 1916, and on completing his training was employed for a time in the Home Defence at London. In July 1917 he joined the 41st Squadron, 13th Wing, in France. On the morning of September 17th when flying over the lines seven miles east of Arras, his formation encountered three enemy machines of the German 'Circus'. He immediately attacked, and in the fight the enemy's leader shot his machine down out of control within the German lines. ROSS MALCOLM TAYLOR Dec. 29, 1895— Jan. 8, 19 16 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Wilson Taylor, b.a.; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham, Central p.s., and c.i.; Victoria College 1912-14; C.O.T.C. In January 1915 he enlisted in the 4th Brigade Ammunition Column, c.f.a., and went overseas in May. Reaching France in September with the 2nd Division, he served through the following months on the front south of Ypres. On January ist, 19 16, he was transferred to the 13th Battery, and a week later he was killed by a shell when on duty for the first time in the front line observation post. Buried at Ridgewood. He was one of the first members of his College to enlist for service and was the first to fall. CHARLES EVERETT THOMPSON May 14, 1894— Feb. 3, 1917 " Lieutenant, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Principal R. A. Thompson; b. Hamilton; ed. Hamilton p.s. and CI.; Medicine 1912-16, m.b.; c.o.t.c. On graduating after a special session in Medicine at the end of 19 16 he was appointed to the C.A.M.C. After a brief service, he died of pneumonia at the Military Base Hos- pital, Toronto. Buried at Hamilton. HENRY PURDOM THOMPSON —Nov. 2, 1918. Captain, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of M. N. Thompson; b. Belleville; ed. Upper Canada College; R. College Dental Surgeons, 1890-94, d.d.s.; Practising in the West. He was appointed to the Dental Corps in May 1915, and went to France in August. Here he served with No. 2 and No. 3 Field Ambulances. On returning to England served at Shorncliffe Depot, at Lenham Special Hospital, and in the London Area. He died in London after a brief illness. 138 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HENRY RICHARD THOMSON May 30, 1894— Oct. 25, 1917 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Only son of "George C. Thomson; b. Hamilton; ed. Highfield School, Hamilton; Trinity College 1914-15; c.o.t.C. He was appointed to the 58th Battalion in June 1915, and reached France in the spring of 19 16. He was wounded near Ypres in May and came home on leave. On his return he served for a time at Headquarters, Shorncliffe, and then rejoined his battalion in June 1917. After serving on the Lens and Passchendaele fronts he was ordered to return for duty in England. He was proceeding to the transport line when he was wounded in the head by a shell, and died an hour later. Buried at Remy Siding, Poperinghe. WILLIAM DAVIDSON THOMSON Dec. 5, 1885— Jan. 5, 19 17 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Only son of the late John Thomson; b. North Gower; ed. Salem p.s., Burk's Falls P.S., Guelph c.i., Regina c.i. and Normal School; Teaching at Radisson, Sask.; University College 1906-10, b.a. (Pol. Sci.); Barrister, firm of McCraney, Mackenzie & Hutchinson, Saskatoon; 105th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in October 19 15 to the 53rd Battalion, and went overseas in March 1916. In June he joined the p.p.c.l.i. in France, and was with this unit till August, when he transferred to the R. Flying Corps as an Observer. During the following months he served with the 6th Squadron, 2nd Wing, on the Ypres Front. He was killed in action while directing battery fire over 'No Man's Land' before Zillebeke. Buried at Lyssenthoek. ARNOLD MONROE THURSTON Aug. 9, 1891— June 26, 1916 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of W. H. Thurston; b. Flesherton; ed. Flesherton p.s. and H.s.; Forestry 1912- 15; Asst. Editor 'Varsity'; 2nd Regt. At the end of 1914 he joined the Headquarters (Intelligence and Signalling) of the 4th Brigade, c.f.a., and went overseas in May 1915. Reaching France with the Second Division in September he served on the front south of Ypres till January 1916 when he received his commission on the field. He was then appointed to 'v 2' Trench Mortar Battery, and served through the battles of St. Eloi in April and Ypres in June. He was killed together with his batman in the bay of a trench by a shell as he was returning to his observation post after visiting his battery. Buried at Reninghelst. JAMES HARVEY TODD June 18, 1883— Oct. 17, 1918 Major, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Dr. J. A. Todd; b. Georgetown; ed. Wellesley p.s., Harbord Street c.i., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Medicine 1901-05, m.b.; Practising at Toronto; c.a.m.c, M.o. 9th Horse, Capt.; md. Kathelin Shea. In September 19 14 he was appointed Medical Officer to the R. Canadian Dragoons and served with them till December 191 5. He then was in charge of the X-ray Depart- ment in the Duchess of Connaught Red Cross Hospital at Taplow till April 191 6, when he became Adjutant and Second in command of the c.a.m.c. Training School. Returning to Canada in February 1917, he was appointed Acting d.a.d.m.s. in Military District No. 5, Quebec. While serving here he was taken ill with pneumonia and died in a few days. Buried at Toronto. WILLIAM GORDON TOUGH July 24, 1889— Sept. 16, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Heavy Artillery. ROLL OF HONOUR 139 Only son of Robert J. Tough; b. Pembroke; ed. Queen Victoria P.S., Parkdale CI., Toronto; Applied Science 1907- 11, b.a.sc, (Civ. Eng.); Psi Delta Psi; Civil Engineer; 14th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut. He was appointed in the spring of 1916 to the 70th Battery, c.F.A., and went over- seas with a draft in October. In February 1917 he proceeded to France, joining the 2nd Canadian llea\y Battery at Carency. He was attached to the 3rd Siege Battery for the battle of Vimy, and then rejoining his own unit served with it on the Vimy — Lens front till October and then through the battle of Passchendaele. After serving through the first half of 1918 on the Maroc front he took part in the battle of Arras. In Sept- ember his battery relieved an Imperial unit at Villers Cagnicourt. Here he was fatally wounded by a shell as he was returning to his battery from the Brigade Headquarters, and succumbed to his injuries on the next day. Buried at Aubigny. NORMAN EWART TOWERS Oct. 7, 1887— Sept. 20, 1916 Captain, Royal Canadian Regiment, att. Trench Mortars. Son of Thomas Ford Towers; b. Sarnia; ed. Sarnia p.ss. and C.I.; University College 1905-08, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); 'Varsity' staff; Zeta Psi; xin Club; Law School; LL.B. 191 1 ; Barrister, practising at Port Arthur, firm of Keefer, Keefer & Towers; ist Hussars, Lieut. Early in 19 15 he was appointed to the 52nd Battalion, and went overseas with a draft from that unit in June. He was then appointed to the R. Canadian Regiment and proceeded to France with it in September 19 15. He served in command of a platoon and as Machine Gun Ofificer through the winter and following spring on the front south of Ypres and in the Salient and through the battle of Sanctuary Wood. He was then promoted Captain and appointed to the command of the 7th Brigade Light Trench Mortars. On the evening of September i6th, while directing the operation of some captured trench mortars against the enemy at Courcelette, he was wounded but refused to go back. Shortly after he was again and fatally wounded, all the members of his crew becoming casualties at the same time. He was taken back to hospital at Rouen, and died the day after his arrival there. Buried at St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen. JOHN ARCHIBALD TREBILCOCK May 2, 1893— May 21, 1918 Major, Royal Field Aertillry. Son of Joseph Trebilcock; b. East Toronto; ed. E. Toronto P.s. and H.s.; Uni- versity College 1910-11, Forestry 1911-15, b.sc.f.; Association Football colours. He enlisted in December 1914 with the 4th Brigade Headquarters, C.F.A., and went overseas in April 19 15. He then obtained his commission in the R. Field Artillery, and went to France in March 1916. He served first with the 8ist, and then from January 19 1 7 onwards with the 76th Brigade. In the course of this year he was promoted to Lieutenant, Captain, and Major. He served first on the Armentieres front, and then at the Somme from June 1916 to February 1917. During 1917 he served through the battles of Vimy, Messines and Passchendaele. He was awarded the Military Cross for his service at Passchendaele in September, when he kept his guns working under heavy enemy fire, and put out, at great personal risk, blazing ammunition that had caught fire in one of the gun-pits. From November 1917 to April 1918 he served on the Italian front. A month after his return to France he was killed in action near .\rras. One of his guns had been struck by an enemy shell, which also set on fire the camouflage and hut shelter. The position was then heavily bombarded, and part of the ammunition caught fire. On being notified he at once went forward to assist the men who had taken shelter near the wrecked gun. He was near the entrance when he was severely wounded by the explosion of a shell in the heated ammunition, and though taken back at once to the dressing station, he died of his injuries shortly afterwards. Buried at Le Bac du Sud. 140 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JOHN WILLIAM TRIBBLE Nov. 7, 1894— Oct. 22>, 1917 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of Adam Tribble; b. Shelburne; ed. Honeywood P.s., Meaford H.S.; Vi:toria College 1913-16. He enlisted in December 1915 with the 4th Divisional Signallers, c.E., and went overseas in March 1916. Reverting from Lance- Corporal he went to France in October. During the following year he served, being employed on line work, through the battle- of Vimy and the following engagements, and at Hill 70. He was fatally wounded near Potje in the battle of Passchendaele. Being at a station near Headquarters he was repairing the line, which had been broken in several places, when he was severely injured by a shell fragment. Shortly afterwards he died of his wounds in a Casualty Clearing Station. Buried at Poperinghe. BERNARD FREEMAN TROTTER June 16, 1890— May 7, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Leicestershire Regiment. Son of the late Rev. Professor Thomas Trotter; b. Toronto; ed. Wolfville, N.s., Woodstock College; McMaster University, B.A. 1915; University of Toronto, M.A. course, 1915-16; c.o.x.c. He went overseas in the spring of 1916 with a draft of c.o.x.c. candidates for Imperial commissions. Being appointed to the nth Pioneer Battalion of the Leicester- shire Regiment, he went to France at the end of the year. After a brief service at the front he was instantly killed when working with the battalion transport on the night of May 7th, 1917. Buried at Mazingarbe. A selection of his poems has been published entitled "A Canadian Twilight and other Poems of War and of Peace", including one "Ici Repose", written at the front shortly before his death. REGINALD DAVID TURNBULL Jan. 23, 1890— April 9, 1917 Sergeant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of William A, Turnbull; b. Farquhar; ed. Ashborne Tp. p.s., St. Mary's C.I.; University College 1909-13, B.A. (Philos.); Y.M.C.A.; Knox College; College Travelling Fellowship; Preparing for Presbyterian Ministry, in charge of Crowland and Port Robinson churches; md. Maude M. Ralph. He enlisted in February 1916, with a number of other Knox College men, in the 43rd Howitzer Battery, and reached France in July. He served first in the area near Ypres, and then at the Somme and on the Vimy front. On the first day of the battle of Vimy Ridge he was in charge of his gun, which had succeeded in putting most of an enemy battery out of action. He went to the next gun-pit to give the information, and had just returned, when he was instantly killed by a splinter from an enemy shell that exploded in front of his gun. Buried at Villers-au-Bois. He had often performed a Chaplain's duty for his comrades in the battery. ELFRIC ASHBY TWIDALE June 11, 1892— April 22, 1917 Captain, Royal Field Artillery and Royal Flying Corps. Son of Ashby P. Twidale; b. High Rock, Que.; ed. Ottawa p.s., Niagara Falls p.s. and C.I.; Applied Science 1910-14, B.A.sc. (Chem. Eng.); Track team colours; Second Basket-ball colours; Faculty Basket-ball team; Secty.-Treasurer, Tennis Club; 44th Regt., Sergt. He did duty with the Welland Canal Guard from August 1914 to February 1915, when he joined the Eaton Machine Gun Battery. He served as Signalling Sergeant in this unit, and was promoted to Sergeant-Major in England. He then obtained his commission in the R.F.A. in November 1915, being appointed to 'c' Battery 64th ROLL OF HONOUR 141 Brigade, and reaching France the following April. He served in 1916 on the front from Wailly to the Hohenzollern Redoubt, and at the Somme in the Montauban-Longueval and Auchonvillers-Ovillers areas. In January 1917 he was seconded to the R. Flying Corps, and attached to No. 16 Kite Balloon Section on the Arras front. He was killed near Ficheux when he was forced to jump from his balloon which had been fired by the enemy, his parachute failing to_ work. Buried at Bucqqoy Road Cemetery, near Boisleux-au-Mont. WILLLAM FRANCIS TWOHEY June i, 1896— July 3, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Only son of Principal W. J. Twohey; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham s.s. and C.I.; University College 1914-16; Staff 'Chatham News'; c.o.T.C; 30th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. He enlisted in the c.a.s.c, Mechanical Transport, in August 19 16, and served at Camp Borden till the end of October. After taking an officer's course in Artillery at Kingston, he joined the R. Naval Air Service in November and went overseas shortly afterwards. On completing a course at Greenwich he went to Vendome in France for further training. In June 1918 he returned to England. A month later he was fatally injured when flying a long distance bombing machine at Cranwell, and died on the next day. Buried at Cranwell. KENNETH MARSDEN VAN ALLEN March 7, 1889— May 4, 19 16 Flight Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of the late Edmund Walker Head van Allen; b. Winnipeg; ed. Lakefield Preparatory School, Trinity College School; Applied Science 1906-11, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Second Rugby team; Faculty Rugby team; Zeta Psi; Electrical Engineer. He joined the R. Naval Air Service in May 1915, and was first employed on patrol at Dover. On April 26th, 1916, he went to Coudekerke on the Belgian frontier. A few days later he was shot down at Middelkerke after a bombing expedition against Ostend, and died on the same day. Buried at Wenduyne, Belgium. GEORGE EDWARD VANSITTART Oct. 7, 1884— May 14, 19 16 Major Canadian Field Artillery. Only son of the late John Pennefather Vansittart; b. Mussoorie, India; ed. Upper Canada College; Royal Military College; Applied Science 1904-05; Alpha Delta Phi; McGill University; Manager, Crane Falls Power and Irrigation Co., Boise, Idaho. On the outbreak of war he returned to Canada and was appointed to the 13th Battery, 4th Brigade, c.f.a., in which he was promoted to Major and Commanding Officer before going overseas. He reached France in the autumn of 19 15 and served on the front south of Ypres and in the Salient. He was wounded by an enemy shell while his battery was in action near Dickebusch, and died three hours later. Buried at Lyssenthoek. After his death his name was gazetted as Mentioned in Despatches of April 191 6. THOMAS NEWELL VICKERS April 19, 1890— April 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Seventy-eighth Battalion. Son of Henry V'ickers; b. Renwick; cd. Romney p.s., Leamington H.s.; Applied Science 1908-11, Diploma (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Provincial Engineer and Surveyor, Battleford District, Sask.; 22nd Light Horse, Lieut. He was appointed to the 195th Battalion in February 1916, and went overseas in October. At the end of November he joined the 78th Battalion at the front. In the attack on Vimy Ridge his company had advanced about eight hundred yards, and 142 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO waited behind a group of mine craters till the barrage should move forward. Im- mediately after the advance was resumed he was severely wounded. Though his batman, who was later killed in action, made an effort to bring him back to the aid-post, he died after going only a short distance. Buried at Givenchy-en-Gohelle. STANLEY MAXWELL VOGAN Oct. 25, 1 891— Nov. 18, 19 16 Private, Seventy- fifth Battalion. Son of the late Henry Vogan; b. Woodstock; ed. Woodstock p.s. and C. I.; College of Pharmacy, phm.b. 1914; Druggist at Woodstock; 22nd Regt., Lieut. He was attached as supernumerary Lieutenant to the 71st Battalion in September 1915. In order to go overseas with his unit he reverted to the rank of Private in April 1916. He was then transferred to the Bearer Section of the 75th Battalion, and in September went to France where he served on the Somme front. On the afternoon of November iSth he with two others was attending to a wounded man near Regina Trench, when an enemy shell exploded instantly killing all four. Buried near the place where he fell. GEORGE ELMER WAIN June 11, 1895— Nov. 21, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Alexander Wain; b. Allenford; ed. Tara P.s., Harriston H.s., Owen Sound C.I.; University College 1913-16; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in April 1916 in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas with a draft in June. In the summer of 1917 he went to France, joining the 5th Divisional Trench Mortar Battery. He served first on the Lens front, and then at Passchendaele, where he fell in action. JOSEPH TACKABERRY WALKER Sept. 17, 1888— Sept. 20, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifty-eighth Battalion. Son of Frederick W. Walker; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Huron street p.s., Jarvis Street C.I. , Toronto; Applied Science 1906-08; Architect; G.G. B.C., Lieut. He joined the 58th Battalion in September 19 15, and went overseas two months later. Reaching France in May 1916, he served through the battle of Ypres in June and at the Somme. He was killed in action at Courcelette while leading his men in a bombing attack. Buried at Courcelette Cemetery. STANLEY ARTHUR WALKER Dec. 19, 1899— Oct. 14, 1916 Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps. Son of the late Rev. George Walker; b. Bolton; ed. Meaford p.s. and H.s., New- market C.I.; Medicine 1910-15, m.b.; Faculty Athletic executive; House Surgeon, Toronto General Hospital; C.o.T.c. On graduating he was appointed to the r.a.m.c. and went overseas in November 1915. He reached France in March 1916 and joined the ii6th Field Ambulance, from which he was sent as Medical Officer to the 6th Cheshire Regiment. He served on the Somme front, and was instantly killed at Thiepval as he was attending to the wounded under heavy fire in a front line trench. Buried at Thiepval. HUGH DOUGLAS MACINTOSH WALLACE July 15, 1894— June 7, 1917 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of Peter Wallace; b. Midland; ed. Midland P.s., Blind River p.s. and H.s., St. Andrew's College; Applied Science 1910-14, p.a.sc. (Civ. Eng. — Hon.); Engineer, Welland Canal. ROLL OF HONOUR 143 In November 1915 he joined the R. Naval Air Service, and went overseas in February 1916. He was posted to No. 3 Wing in France from August 1916 to February 1917, and then to No. i Squadron, No. 11 Wing. He served for some time on the Nancy front, and then in the Nieuport area. On the day of his death he went out alone to attack an enemy machine, when his engine choked and he was instantly killed by the fall. Buried at Bailleul. FREDERICK WILLIAM WALSH Aug. 30, 1894— July 11, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Gloucestershire Regiment. Son of Robert William Walsh; b. Hornsey, Eng.; ed. Sevenoaks, Kent, and St. Paul's School, London, Eng.; Ontario Agricultural College 1912-16, b.s.a.; c.o.t.c. He made several attempts to join the Canadian forces, but was unsuccessful owing to defective eyesight. At the end of 1915 he was accepted as a C.O.T.C. candidate for an Imperial comimssion, and in March 1916 was appointed to the nth Gloucestershire Regiment. He went to France on June 27th, and was attached to the 17th R. Welsh Fusiliers. Two weeks later he was wounded in the attack on Mametz Wood on the Somme front, and died the next day at No. 36 Clearing Station. Buried at Heilly Station Cemetery, near Mericourt-l'Abbe. ROYLAND ALLIN WALTER Aug. 26, 1890— Sept. 29, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-ninth Battalion. Son of William Walter; b. Saltford; ed. Colborne P.s., Goderich c.r. ; Education 1911-12; University College 1913-15; College y.m.c.a. executive; First Tnack colours; Delta LTpsilon; Teaching at Brown p.s., Toronto; 33rd Regt., Lieut. At the end of 1915 he was appointed to the i6ist, Huron County, Battalion, and went overseas in October 1916. He joined the 49th Battalion at the front in May 1918, and served through the battle of Amiens and the advance from before Arras. In the attack on Cambrai he was wounded on September 29th and died of his injuries the same day. Buried at Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheu.x. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his courage and initiative in the battle of Arras on August 26th-29th, when he took command of his company at a critical moment after his superior officers had become casualties. When the company was held up by artillery and machine gun fire he reconnoitred the ground and brought it into a position from which it was able to advance. HENRY GLASSFORD WARD' May 27, 1895— July 24, 1918 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Only son of the late Henry Ward; b. Guelph; ed. Rose Avenue, New Beach, Duke Street, Church Street P.ss., Toronto; Riverdale c.i.. Technical 11. s., Toronto; Applied Science 1915-16; c.o.t.c. At the end of his first term he enlisted with the 3rd Divisional Signallers, Canadian Engineers, and went overseas in March 19 16. He joined the 4th Divisional Signal Company at the front in August 1916. He served on the Somme and Vimy fronts, and then was invalided and returned to Canada in October 191 7. After some months of illness he died at his home of tubercular meningitis. Buried at Toronto. IVAN JOHN WARREN April 23, 1891— March 8, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Gloucestershire Regiment. Son of Thomas H. Warren; b. Guelph; ed. Guelph p.s. and c.i.; College of Pharmacy, phm.b. 1912; Druggist, firm of Brown and Beaton, V^ancouver, B.C.; C.O.T.C. 144 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO He enlisted in the University Overseas Training Company on its formation in April 1916, and went overseas in September. He then received his commission in the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment in France which he joined on March 8th, 1917. Exactly a year later he was wounded in the face while putting up wire entanglements near Furnes, and succumbed to his injuries on the same day. Buried at Haringhe Cemetery, Banda- ghem. CHARLES HAROLD WATSON March 21, 1 891— Aug. 11, 19 18 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of the late George- C. Watson; b. Toronto; ed. Queen Victoria p.s., Parkdale C.I., Toronto; University College 1907-09, 1910-12, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); Law School; Barrister, firm of C. and H. D. Gamble, Toronto; 14th Bty., C.f.a., Lieut.; md. Gladys Lewis. He was appointed to the 69th Battery, c.f.a., in the spring of 1916, and went over- seas with a draft in November. In August 1917 he joined the 13th Battery at the front, and served through the battle of Passchendaele, and then on the Lens — Arras front. In the opening days of the battle of Amiens he was in charge of the section of his battery that was in close support to the advancing Infantry. As they were firing in response to an s.o.s. call from the Infantry, his own guns being under heavy fire, he was instantly killed by a shell. Buried at Rosieres. On the day before his death he had been recommended for the Military Cross for his service on the first day of the battle of Amiens. HUGH JARMAN WATSON Aug. 2, 1896— Nov. 29, 1917 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-twenty-fourth Battalion. Son of William G. Watson; b. Toronto; ed. Winchester and Dewson Street p.ss., Parkdale C.I., Toronto, University of Toronto Schools; Victoria College 1912-15; Theta Delta Chi; 9th Horse, Lieut. In December 1915 he was appointed to the 124th Battalion, and went overseas in August 1916. He went to France in March 1917. A month later he was severely wounded on April 13th when his unit was employed in consolidating a position won in the attack on Vimy Ridge. After several months of suffering he died at the Empire Hospital, London. Buried at Toronto. WILLIAM OGILVIE WATSON 1878— April 20, 1918 Sergeant, Seventh Infantry, American Expeditionary Force. Son of the late John Watson; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 1896-97. He enlisted in November 1917 at Fort McDowell, California, with the 13th Infantry of the American Expeditionary Force, and was later transferred to 'f' Coy., 7th Infantry, a.e.f. He died of valvular heart disease at the port of embarkation, Hoboken, n.j. ROBERT EDWARD WATTS Oct. 22, 1890— June 9, 1916 Lieutenant, Eighty-fourth Battalion. Only son of Arthur Edward Watts, K.c; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford P.s. and c.i.; Applied Science 1909-13, b.a.sc. (Mech. Eng.); Engineer, Welland Canal; Can. Engrs. In the summer of 19 15 he was appointed to the 84th Battalion, and trained at Niagara Camp, and then at Toronto. Shortly before his battalion was to go overseas he died of scarlet fever. Buried at Farringdon Cemetery, Brantford Tp. ROLL OF HOXOUR 145 WILFRED JOHN WATTS Nov. 23, 1892— Oct. 21, 1918 Captain, Royal Warwickshire Regiment and Royal Air Force. Son of George W. Watts; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Trinity College School; Royal Military College; Applied Science 1910-11; University College 1911-15, b..\.; Chi Delta Psi (Psi Upsilon); 38th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 4th Battalion, c.e.f., in August 19 14, but on reaching England he transferred to the R. Warwickshire Regiment, and in July left for Gallipoli in command of a reinforcing draft to the 9th Battalion of the Regiment. Here he served as Company commander at Anzac, Suvla and Helles. His battalion was part of the 13th Division that covered the withdrawal from Suvla Bay, and then from Cape Helles. At the latter place he was severely wounded on January 3rd, 19 16. Returning home on leave, he transferred in June to the 215th Battalion, c.e.f., with which he went overseas again in April 1917. He served in the 2nd Canadian Reserve Battalion till November. He was then seconded to the R. Flying Corps and appointed Adjutant to the 8oth Squadron, 42nd Wing, in Texas. His squadron W'as later transferred to the 44th Wing at Camp Borden. When serving here he died after a brief illness, and was buried at Toronto. JAiMES SYMINGTON WEAR Aug. 14, 1890— Sept. 15, 1916 Captain, Twentieth Battalion. Son of Thomas J. Wear; b. Windsor; ed. Windsor p.ss. and c.i., Detroit Central H.S.; Methodist Probationer, Lynn Valley, B.C.; Albert College, Belleville; Victoria College 1913-15; C.O.T.C.; 21st Regt., Capt. He was appointed, as Lieutenant, to the 99th Battalion at the end of 1915, and promoted to Captain before he went overseas in June 1916. He was Intelligence Officer for the 6th Reserve Brigade in England during July. On August 2nd, reverting to Lieutenant, he joined the 20th Battalion on the Belgian front. A few weeks later he fell at Courcelette. He had captured fifteen prisoners and was holding the position that he had gained and awaiting a counter-attack, when he was instantly killed by a shell fragment. Buried where he fell. He was Mentioned in Despatches about the time of his death. EDWARD ALFRED WEBB March 28, 1896— April 17, 1916 Private, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Edward H. Webb; b. Brighton, Eng. ; ed. East Missouri Tp. p.s. ,St. Mary's C.I.; Victoria College 1915; College field-day champion. Shortly after entering College he enlisted in the 4th ITniversities Company, P.P.C.L.I., and went overseas in November 1915. Me joined the battalion in France in February 1916. He was wounded by a shell near Ypres on April 14th, and succumbed to his injuries three days later. Buried at Lyssenthoek. GEORGE ROY WEBER Nov. 20, 1891— July 23, 1917 Lieutenant, One-hundred-and-sixteenth Battalion. Son of Joseph E. Weber; b. London; ed. London p.s., Hamilton p.s. and c.i.; Boys' Secretary y.m.c.a., Niagara F"alls; Victoria College 1911-16, B..\. (Math, and Phys.); C.O.T.C; 91st Regt., Lieut. He was appointed to the 120th Battalion in August 1915, and was promoted to Captain before going overseas. Reverting to Licuten'ant he joined the i i6th Battalion on the Vimy front in May 1917. On July 23rd he was missing near Avion. After a raid two outposts had been left behind with orders to hold the position if possible. He went out u illi one of two half-platoons to relieve them, anil both parties were broken up wlicn an enemy counter-attack began. — 13 146 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DOUGLAS WEIR July 30, 1884— Nov. 12, 1918 Captain, Canadian Forestry Corps. Son of Robert Stanley Weir, K.c, d.c.l.; b. Montreal; Ontario Agricultural College 1902-06, B.S.A.; McGill University, m.sc; Staff in Bacteriology, Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, p.q.; md. Wilmot Gow. In IVIay 1915 he was appointed Instructor in the Army Service Corps at Quebec, and in June 19 16 he was promoted Captain and attached to the 4th Divisional Training Corps, with which he went overseas. He was then appointed to the Canadian Forestry Corps, as Chief Forester, serving with Headquarters in London. For a short time before his death he was attached to the Transport Service in Scotland. He died on November I2th, 1918, at Edinburgh, of pneumonia following influenza. Buried at Comely Bank Cemetery, Edinburgh. GERALD EDWIN W'ELLS Oct. 4, 1892— Oct. 25, 1916 Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of Richard James W'ells; b. Harriston; ed. Harriston p.s. and Mount Forest H.S., Western Canada College; University College 19 10- 16, B.A. ; Glee Club executive; 105th Regt. He was appointed in April 19 16 to the 65th Battalion, and went overseas in June. He then transferred to the 46th Battalion, with which he went to France at the end of August 1916, and served first on the Wytschaete front and then on the Somme. The night before his death he had been in charge of a party laying out a trench close to the enemy's line at Regina Trench, prior to an attack by the next battalion. The following morning he led another party detailed to secure the position. Both these tasks he carried out with success under difficult and dangerous conditions. When the attack on the left failed he took part of his company to occupy a position against a possible counter-attack. Later in the afternoon he was instantly killed by a stray shell while standing in the trench. Buried near the place where he fell. RANDOLF HADDEN ARNOLD WEST July 5, 1893— March 24, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Son of D:. Stephen West; b. Angus; ed. Angus p.s., Barrie c.i.; Education 1912- 13; Teaching at Napanee C.I., and Shirley Street P.S., Toronto; 35th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in December 19 15 to the 157th Battalion, and went overseas in October 1916. A year later he went to France, joining the Borden Motor Machine Gun Battery. He was instantly killed in the March Retreat of 1918, being shot through the head by a sniper when his battery was in action at Clery, north-west of Peronne. GEORGE ALFRED WHATELY March 8, 1894— May 10, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of John Whately; b. Thornbury; ed. Thornbury p.s. and Contn. .School; Harbord Street C.I., Toronto; Applied Science 1913-16; c.o.t.c. He joined the R. Flying Corps in July 1917, and received his commission at the end of October shortly before going overseas. He went to France the following March, joining the 8oth Squadron, and served partly on the front north of Armentieres to Yprcs, partly on the Somme. After two months' service he was missing when flying behind the German lines. Many months later it was reported that he had been shot down near Villers Bretonneux, and had been buried at Chipilly east of Corbie. CHARLES HERBERT WHEELOCK Sept. 5, 1892— March 19, 1918 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of C. R, Wheelock; b. Orangeville; ed. Orangeville P.s. and H.s.; Applied Science 191 1- 15; c.f..\. ROLL OF HONOUR 147 He enlisted in April 19 15 in the 14th Battery, 4th Brigade, c.f.a., and went over- seas in May. He was made Bombardier on going to France in September. He served with the Artillery on the Ploegsteert — Armentieres front, through the battles of St. Eloi, Ypres and the Somme, and then before Vimy. During the summer of 1917 he trained for the R. Flying Corps, and received his commission in October. He was appointed to the 63rd Squadron, and employed in the London defences. On the day of his death he was practising climbing turns, when his machine fell out of control into the Thames. Buried at Dartford, Kent. WILLIAM KENNETH WHITE Oct. 23, 1897— Oct i, 1916 Private, Thirty-first Battalion. Son of Nathaniel White; b. Spencerville; ed. Roebuck p.s., Spencerville P.s.; Victoria College 1914-15; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in November 19 15 in the 59th Battalion, and went overseas in April 1916. In August he joined the 31st Battalion at the front, and served through the attack on Courcelette. Ten days later, as his unit was moving up to the trench line, the enemy opened fire on the valley where the men were resting. He was severely wounded by a shell, and a few days later succumbed to his injuries in hospital at Boulogne, where he was buried. JAMES LEROY WHITSIDE —Nov. 11, 1916 Lieutenant, Forty-sixth Battalion. Son of W. H. Whitside; Applied Science 1907-10, b.a.sc. 1912 (Civ. Eng.); 2nd Ed. Tp., C.E., Lieut. He was first employed in instruction on entrenching and pontoon work at Camp Sewell, Man., and was offered the appointment of Second in command of the School. Declining this he went overseas in January 1916. In England he was on the Divisional Staff, and acted as Instructor in trench building. He went with the 46th Battalion to France in August, and served first on the Ypres front and then at the Somme. He was chosen to lead a night attack on a position of the enemy's trench which had withstood five previous assaults. The attack was successful and secured valuable results. Just as he reached the trench he was severely wounded by a shell. He was carried back by prisoners to a dressing station, and sent on to hospital at Contay, where he died that afternoon. Buried at Contay. WILLIAM ARTHUR WILCOX April 4, 1893— May 20, 1915 Private, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of William James Wilcox; b. Virden, Man.; eel. Salmon Arm, B.C., P.S.; Okanagan College, Summerland, n.c; Columbian College 1912-14; Victoria College; 102nd Regt. He enlisted in the 30th Battalion in November 19 14 and went overseas in February 1915. He joined the 15th Battalion in France early in May, and a few days later was killed in action on the night of May 20th at Festubert. Buried where he fell near La Quin(iue Rue. MAURICE FISKEN WILKES Dec. i, 1891— Sept. 15, 1916 Lieutenant, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of George Wilkes; b. Brantford; ed. Brantford p.s. and c.i., Trinity College School; University College 1909-13, n..\. (Pol. Sci); Law School; 2nd Regt. He enlisted in October 1914 in the 19th Battalion, and went overseas in May 1915. Reaching France in September he served during the winter on the Ploegsteert — Messines front, and through the battle of St. Eloi in .April 1916. lie then reUirncd to England to 148 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO train for a commission, and was appointed to his own battalion which he rejoined at the front shortly before it reached the Somme. He fell at Courcelette, being shot through the heart when leading his platoon in the advance, just as it reached its objective. REGINALD PRIXSEP WILKINS Aug. 7, 1892— Sept. 27, 1918 Lieutenant, Forty-fourth Battalion. Son of E. D. R. Wilkins; b. Calgary; ed. Wetaskiwin, Alta., P.s. and H.s., 'West- ward Ho' College, Edmonton; Trinity College 1910-11, 1912-15, b.a.; 'Trinity Review' staff; College Athletic executive; College Football team; Delta Kappa Epsilon; C.O.T.C.; 48th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in December 19 15 to the 120th Battalion, and went overseas in August 1916. During 1917 he was with the 134th Battalion, 5th Division, in England. In March 1918 he joined the 44th Battalion in France on the Lens — Arras front. He was again in England taking a course, when his College friend G. M. Matheson, who had been with him in the same units throughout, was killed at Amiens. A few days after his return to France he himself fell in action. His battalion held a position between Inchy and Moeuvres in the advance on Cambrai. In the early morning of September 27th his company began to advance and he was instantly killed by a shell just after leaving the trench. HAROLD REID WILKINSON Nov. 8, 1893— Sept 10, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of the Rev. F. Wilkinson; b. Toronto; ed. Dartmouth, n.s., p.s.. Model School and Jarvis Street C.I., Toronto; University College 1910-13; Northern Electric Co. He enlisted in the Eaton Machine Gun Battery early in 1915, and went overseas in June. He reached France in February 19 16, and served in the Motor Machine Gun Battery with the Third Division on the Ypres and Somme fronts till October, being promoted to Sergeant while with this unit. He then obtained his commission in the R. Flying Corps, and served as Observer on the Ypres — -Messines front. When taking photographs over the lines on May 8th, 1917, prior to the attack on Messines Ridge, he was wounded in the head by a machine gun bullet. Some months later he died from his injuries in hospital at London. Buried at Toronto. WILLIAM HARTLEY WILLARD Oct. 6, 1894— Sept. 15, 1916 Lieutenant, Eighteenth Battalion. Son of James C. Willard; b. West Toronto; ed. Annette Street p.s., Humberside C. I., Toronto; University College 191 1-15, b.a.; Law School; 12th Regt. He was first appointed to the 35th Battalion, from which he transferred to the 83rd before going overseas in September 1915. He joined the i8th Battalion at the front in 1916, and was wounded in July. At Courcelette he was in charge of parties carrying ammunition to the front line. The battalion had taken its objective, and he had come up to the forward position when he was instantly killed by a shell, the enemy having the range of the trenches. CHESTER MATTHEW WILLEY July 11, 1897— July 9, 1916 Second Lieutenant, Royal Garrison Artiller. Son of James Willey; b. Ruthven; ed. Ruthven p.s., Leamington h.s.; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.T.C He went overseas in January 1916 with the first draft of C.o.T.C. candidates for Imperial commissions. He was appointed to the R. Garrison Artillery and stationed at Sheerness. After a brief service he was taken ill and died in hospital at London. ROLL OF HONOUR 149 GEORGE KNOX WILLIAMS June 9, 1888— June 10, 1916 Flight Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. Son of George E. Williams; b. Toronto; ed. Ryerson p.s. and Technical H.s., Toronto; Applied Science 1907-11, B.A.sc. (Mech. Eng. — Hon.); Staff in Applied Science 1912-15; C.O.T.C He went overseas in September 1915 and joined the R. Naval Air Service. After qualifying he went to France on June i, 1916, joining No. 3 Wing. A few days later he was instructing a French Officer to operate a scout machine at Luxeuil, when they collided with another plane operated by two French airmen, and all four were killed. Buried at Luxeuil. MARK WEBBER WILLIAMS Oct. 15, 1893— Oct. 30, 1917 ; Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of W. H. Williams; b. Burlington; ed. Nelson, Halton Cy., p.s., Hamilton c.i.; LTniversity College 1912-15; 2nd Regt ; c.o.T.C. He enlisted in May 1915 in the 2nd Universities Company, p.p.c.l.i., and went overseas the next month. In August he joined the battalion in France, and served first on the Somme front and then before Armentieres and in the Salient. At the battle of Sanctuary Wood he was severely wounded in the arm on June 3rd. After his recovery he received his commission in his own battalion, and rejoining it in the spring of 1917 served on the Vimy — Lens front. He was killed in action at Passchendaele. The first line of enemy trenches had been captured, and he was leading his men on to the second line when he was hit by a sniper's bullet and died of his injuries an hour later. Buried near the place where he fell at Bellevue. PHILIP EDWARD WILLIAMS July 9, 1897— Oct. 22, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Son of the late A. Roland Williams; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College, St. Clement's School, University of Toronto Schools; Applied Science 1914-16; c.o.T.c; 9th Horse, Lieut. In November 19 15 he was appointed to the 124th Battalion, and went overseas in August 1916. After his unit had been converted into a Pioneer battalion he went with it to France in March 1917, and served at Vimy, on the front south of Lens, and at Passchendaele. In December he transferred to the R. Flying Corps, and after com- pleting an Observer's course returned to Canada to train as a Pilot. When thus employed he was taken ill with pneumonia at Armour Heights and died in hospital a few days later. Buried at Toronto. RUSSELL WILLIAMS Feb. 26, 1892— May 9, 1917 Lieutenant, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of Daniel S. Williams; b. Milverton; ed. New Hamburg p.s. and H.s.; Teaching at Gait P.s. ; University College 1915-16; c.o.T.c. He enlisted in February 19 16 in the iiith Battalion, in which he was promoted to Sergeant and then received his commission shortly before going overseas in August. He joined the 19th Battalion at the front in October. Two weeks before his death he was appointed Adjutant to his battalion. After going through the battle of Vimy Ridge he fell a month later, being instantly killed by a shell at Fresnoy in an attack on the enemy's trenches. Buried at Mont St. Eloy. WILLIAM TAYLOR WILLISON April 2, 1888— Sept. 15, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifth Canadian Mounted Rifles. 150 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Son of Sir John Willison; b. Toronto; ed. Wellesley p.s., Toronto, Upper Canada College; University College 1907-08; Kappa Alpha; Journalist, with Toronto 'News', Montreal 'Herald', Fort William 'Herald', Regina 'Province'; 2nd Regt., Lieut.; md. Marjory Haskins. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 74th Battalion, and went overseas in March 1916. He went to France in June 1916 with reinforcements to the 5th c.m.r. after the battle of Sanctuary Wood. He was killed in action as he was leading his men in the advance at Courcelette, being the first of his company to fall. Buried at Cource- lette Military Cemetery. ARTHUR PATRICK WILSON Oct. 2, 1895— Sept. i, 1918 Lieutenant, First Battalion. Son of Arthur A. Wilson; b. Tilbury; ed. Tilbury p.s. and H.s.; University College 1912-16, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); Alexander Mackenzie scholarship; 24th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in December 1915 to the 99th Battalion, and went overseas in May 1916. In July he joined the ist Battalion at the front. He was wounded on September nth at the Somme. For his service on the same day he was awarded the Military' Cross, when he commanded his platoon with great coolness and skill through a heavy bombardment and forwarded information gained at great personal risk. Though temporarily blinded he was with difficulty induced to leave the trench. On recovering from his injuries he was with the 4th Reserve Battalion during part of 1917, but returned to the front in October. After going through the battle of Amiens, he was severely wounded on August 30th in the advance from Arras, when he was struck by a piece of shell while leading his men, and was rende'ed unconscious. Two days later he succumbed to his injuries in hospital at Rouen, where he was buried at St. Sever Cemetery. HAROLD MACKENZIE WILSON Oct. 10, 1891— June 9, 1916 Lieutenant, Fifteenth Battalion. Son of Harold Wilson; b. Toronto; ed. Model School, Harbord Street C.I., Toronto, Bishop Ridley College; University College 1908-09; Zeta Psi; Toronto Cricket team; 48th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed in August 1914 to the 15th Battalion, and reached France early in May 1915. He served through the battles of Festubert and Givenchy, and then on the Ploegsteert front. On July 30th, 1915, hewas severely wounded near Hill 60, and after convalescence came home on leave. Returning to the front in February 1916, he was appointed Instructor in a bombing school at La Clytte, near Dickebusch. He was then chosen for a position on the Staff of the 6th Brigade. On the day of his appointment he was accidentally killed by the explosion of a bomb as he was supervising the. work of a class, having volunteered to take the place of another officer who was temporarily absent. Buried at Lyssenthoek. JARDINE TURNER WILSON Sept. 26, 1897— Nov. 23, 1917 Gunner, Canadian Field Artillery. Only surviving son of P. Turner Wilson; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale P.s., Toronto, St. Andrew's College; University College 1914-16; Second Rugby colours; Year executive; Kappa Alpha; c.o.t.c. He enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., on its formation in the spring of 1916, and went overseas in October. He crossed to France in March 1917, and served with the ist Divisional Ammunition Column till June. After a month with the 2nd Battery he was 1 osted as Signaller to the 24th Battery, in which he served till ROLL OF HONOUR 151 his death. He served through the battle of Vimy and the summer campaign before Lens, and fell at Passchendaele. He was on night duty at the telephone in a signal pit, when a shell struck the shelter, instantly killing him and his companions. Buried at Vlamertinghe. MATTHEW MAURICE WILSON Dec. 21, 1896— Oct. 10, 1918 Lieutenant, Eighteenth Battalion. Only son of the late Matthew Wilson, K.c; b. Chatham; ed. Chatham p.s., Bishop Ridley College; Trinity College 1914-15; 24th Regt., Lieut. He was appointed as Lieutenant to the i86th, Kent County, Battalion in October 1915. When the battalion's establishment was reduced before leaving Canada in March 1917 he reverted to the rank of Private in order to go with it overseas. In England he again obtained his commission, and joined the i8th Battalion in France in February 1918. After serving on the Arras front and then through the battles of Amiens, Arras and Cambrai, he was fatally wounded when leading his men in the attack on Iwuy, and succumbed to his injuries shortly afterwards. Buried at Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux. PHILIP HAMILTON WILSON May 27, 1876— Aug. 10, 1918 Private, Second Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of the late James Wilson; b. Toronto; ed. Toronto p.ss., Toronto Church School; Trinity College 1894-95; Clerk; md. Ida Burns. He enlisted in the 198th, Canadian Buffs, Battalion in March 1916, and went overseas a year later. In March 1918 he joined the 2nd Mounted Rifles at the front. After serving on the Arras section, he was killed in action on the third day of the battle of Amiens. Buried at Bouchoir. WILLIAM ROBERT WILSON Sept. 3, 1893— Oct. 25, 1916 Lieutenant, Seventy-first Battalion. Son of the late Robert Wilson; b. Drumbo; ed. Blenheim p.s., Woodstock c.i., Woodstock College; University College 1913-14; Knox College. He enlisted in October 1914 in No. 5 Field Ambulance, c.a.m.c, but obtained his commission and was appointed to the 71st Battalion before going overseas in April 1916. He reached France in August 1916 and served first on the Ypres front and then at the Somme. On October 25th he was reported as missing and later as believed to have been killed in action on that day. WILLIAM TULLY WILSON Sept. 28, 1890— Nov. i, 1917 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Ralph Wilson; b. Hamilton; ed. Brant Tp., Bruce Cy., P.s., Mount Brydges P.S., Strathroy c.i.; Farming; Presbyterian Missioner, Chaplin, Alta., 1913; Uni- versity College 1914-15; Year executive; Knox College; c.o.t.c. He enlisted as Driver in the 25th Battery, 71 h Brigade, c.f.a., and was made Bombardier before going overseas in August, and promoted Corporal in October. He reached France in January 19 16, and served on the Ypres front and then on the Somme. In February 1917 he was recommended for a commission, which, after training in England, he received in July. He returned to the front on October 15th, and was appointed to the 15th Battery. Two weeks later he fell in action at Passchendaele, being instant Iv killed as his battery was answering an s.o.s. call. Buried at Ylamer- tinghe. 152 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO JAMES HENRY WINSLOW Feb. 3, 1890— Nov. 15, 1917 Bombardier, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of James Winslow; b. London; ed. London P.s. and C.i.; Ontario Agricultural College 1910-15, B.s.A. He enlisted in April 191 6 in the 56th Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas in September. He then transferred to the 55th Battery, and crossed with it to France in August 1917. After two months' service on the Lens front he was wounded on No- vember 14th when on duty at an observation post, and died the next day. Buried at Aix-Noulette. WILLIAM JAMES WITHROW Oct. 28, 1868— May 5, 1917 Captain, Commanding Canadian Topographical Section. Son of the late Rev. Dr. William James Withrow, f.r.s.c. ; b. Hamilton; ed. Model School, Jarvis Street C.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1887-90, Diploma (Civ. Eng.); Examiner of Patents, Ottawa; Can. Engrs., Lieut.; md. Guinevere McCarthy. He was appointed in March 19 15 to the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion, with which he reached France in November. In January 1916 he was transferred to a Machine Gun Company, and commanded it at St. Eloi, Ypres and the Somme. He was appointed in January 191 7 to the command of the Canadian Topographical section, which he organised, and he did important service in preparing the plans for the advance at Vimy Ridge. Though exhausted by his work he refused to take leave, and accepted the position of Quarter-Master to his old battalion. On the first day of his new duties as he was returning'from Ordnance stores he fell dead with heart failure. Buried at Ecoivres. FRANK ABBOTT WOOD Jan. 21, 1895— Jan. 4, 1918 Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps. Son of Frank A. Wood; b. Toronto; ed. King Edward P.s., Toronto, University of Toronto Schools; Applied Science 1914-16; Y'ear President; Engineering Society executive; President, High School Club, y.m.c.a.; c.o.t.c; g.g.b.g., Lieut. He was appointed in 1916 to the 177th, Simcoe County, Battalion, in which he was promoted Captain, but reverted in rank on going overseas in April 19 1 7. In England he joined the R. Flying Corps, and after completing his training as Pilot he was taking a special course in aerial gunnery. As he was flying at East Harling, Norfolk, his machine crashed killing him in the fall. Buried at East Harling. LOWELL WALLACE WOOD June 5, 1891— Oct. 17, 1918 Captain, Fourth Battalion. Son of the late John Marshall Wood; Adopted son of the late Thomas F. Wallace; b. Lloydtown; ed. Woodbridge P.s. and Contn. School; University College 1907-11, B.A. (Pol. Sci.); Lacrosse team; College Rugby team; Law School; Barrister, firm of Swinburne & Wood, Fort William; 12th Regt., Lieut. He first enlisted in 1915 in the 94th Battalion, from which he went to take a qualify- ing course for a commission. In May 1916 he was appointed to the 220th, York County, Battalion, and went overseas in April 19 17. He reached France a year later, joining the 4th Battalion at the front. After serving in the Arras sector, and through the battles of Amiens and Arras, he was wounded in the head, back and chest on October 2nd in the operations before Cambrai. Some days later he died from his injuries in hospital at Camiers. Buried at Etaples. ROLL OF HONOUR i53 NORMAN CLARK WOOD Feb. 22, 1893— Sept. 2, 1918 Lieutenant, Imperial Tank Corps. Son of E. Stuart Wood; b. Kamloops, B.C.; ed. Kamloops p.s. and H.s.; Queen's University 1913-14; Applied Science 1914-16; C.O.T.C. He went overseas in March 1916 with the second draft of c.o.x.c. candidates for Imperial commissions, and was appointed to the Tank Corps, 17th Armoured Car Battalion, going to France in the summer of 1917. He was severely wounded at Cambrai in November 1917 and invalided till April 1918. In the battle of Amiens his unit was among the first to break through the enemy's lines. On September 2nd his battalion was working with the Canadian Corps, and his car was in action on the Arras — Cambrai road at Monchy when it was struck by a shell and caught fire. He brought his men to cover under heavy machine gun fire. As it slackened he was about to leave the trench to make an observation, when he was instantly killed by a machine gun bullet. Buried at Avesnes-le-Comte. After his death it was announced that the Military Cross had been awarded to him for his service on the Villers Breton neux Road, on August 8th, when his section led the battalion into the enemy's territory, clearing the way under heavy fire. When two cars had their wheels broken, by his courage and skill he suc- ceeded in bringing them back to the lines. JOHN ROBINSON WOODS March 20, 1892— Oct. 24, 1917 Captain, Fourth Canadian Mounted Rifles. Son of Sir James Woods; b. Toronto; ed. Church Street p.s., Toronto, Toronto Church School, Upper Canada College; University College 1910-14, b.a. (Com. and Fin.); Alpha Delta Phi; xiii Club; 2nd Regt., Lieut. He was In Europe when the war began, and returning to Canada joined the Queen's Own Rifles, with which he trained till he was appointed in May 19 15 to the 35th Battalion. Going overseas in October, he joined the 4th Mounted Rifles on the Ypres front in June 1916. He served at the Somme and through the battle of Vimy Ridge and the following engagements on the Lens front. On the night of October 24th, in the battle of Passchendaele, he was instantly killed by a shell which struck the support dug-out where he was stationed. Buried at St. Jean Cemetery, near Ypres. ROY CECIL W'OODWARD June 7, 1896— Aug. 11, 1918 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, Signals. Son of Hezekiah Woodward; b. Oshawa; ed. Cannington p.s. and H.s.; Medicine 1915-16; C.O.T.C. Before the end of his first year, in February 1916, he enlisted in the Signallers, Canadian Engineers. He reached Francp in April 1918, joining the 4th Divisional Signal Company. After serving on the Lens — Arras front he was severely wounded on August 9th near Denuin Valley in the battle of Amiens. He died two days later in hospital at Dury, where he was buried. OSMUND BARTLE WORDSWORTH May 17, 1887— April 2, 1917 Second Lieutenant, Imperial Machine Gun Corps. Son of the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth; b. Glaston, Rutland, Eng. ; ed. Langton Matravers, Dor^t, and Winchester College; Trinity College, Cambridge, 1906-09, b.a., and 1911-13, M.A. 1913; Lecturer, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1911-14; Staff, Trinity College, Toronto, 1914-15; c.o.x.c. He returned to England on the 'Lusitania', from which lie was one of the last to escape after having given his life-belt to another, lie received his commission in the 9th Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry in June 1915. Before going to France 154 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO he transferred to the 21st Machine Gun Company, and reached the Arras front in September 1916. He was killed in action at the battle of Arras. Having brought his guns into position for assisting the attack on Henin-sur-Cojeul, he saw that the men at one of them were in difficulty. Refusing to allow any of those whom he had placed in shelter to carry his instructions he started to go himself, and soon after was seen to fall shot through the heart. Buried near Henin-sur-Cojeul. BENSON WRIGHT March 14, 1896— Nov. 18, 19 16 Lieutenant, Seventy-fifth Battalion. Son of Alfred Wright; b. Toronto; ed. Rosedale p.s., Upper Canada College; University College 1913-15; Kappa Alpha; 9th Horse, Lieut. He was appointed in the summer of 1915 to the 75th Battalion, and went overseas the following March. He reached France with his battalion in August 1916. A few days later he was wounded at St. Eloi, but rejoined his unit before it went to the Somme in September. Shortly before his death he brought in a wounded man who was lying close to the enemy's trench. On November i8th the battalion attacked 'Desire' Trench. As Machine Gun Officer he took his guns to a forward position beyond the captured lines, and while supervising the placing of these he was killed by a sniper. Buried where he fell near Courcelette. DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD WRIGHT Oct. 3, 1895— Aug. 12, 1918 Lieutenant, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of the Rev. T. H. Wright; b. Ormstown, P.Q.; ed. Sidney and Nicola P.ss., Kamloops h.s., King Edward ir.s., Vancouver; Columbian College; Victoria College 1910-11 ; 104th Regt. He enlisted in April 1915 in the ist Universities Company, p.p.c.l'.i., and was made Corporal before going overseas in the next month. He joined the battalion at the front in July, and served at the Somme and before Armentieres. In the spring of 1916 the battalion moved to the Salient, and on June 3rd he was wounded at Sanctuary Wood. He then received his commission and returned to the front before Lens in May 1917. He then served through the battles of Hill 70 and Passchendaele, and on the Arras front in 1918. He fell in action on the fourth day of the battle of Amiens. As he was leading his men in a bombing attack on the enemy's trench he was wounded in the chest, and died at the dressing station shortly afterwards. Buried at Bouchoir. WILLIAM JONATHAN WRIGHT Nov. 14, 1874— Aug. 18, 1917 Lieutenant, Nineteenth Battalion. Son of the late George Wright; b. Harrington; ed. St. Mary's p.s. and C.i.; Uni- versity College 1892-96, B.A. (Classics); M.A. 1897; Teaching at Warkworth, Bradford, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Forest; Principal, St. Mary's c.i.; 28th Regt., Lieut.; md. Mary Edith Robertson. Though over forty years of age he soon prepared to go on Active Service, and was appointed to the iioth, Perth County, Battalion in December 1915 and went overseas in August 1916. He joined the 19th Battalion in France in October and served with it on the Vimy front and through the battle of the Ridge. In May 19 17 he was attached to the 4th Trench Mortar Battery. He was killed in action during a German counter- attack after the capture of Hill 70. Buried at Sans-en-Gohelle near Lens. His Com- manding Officer wrote "Had he come through this attack I should have recommended him for the Military Cross". ROLL OF HONOUR 155 HAROLD VERSCHOYLE WRONG Dec. i, 1891— July i, 1916 Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers. Son of Professor G. AL Wrong; b. Toronto; ed. Bishop Ridley College, St. Andrew's College; University College 1909-13, b.a. (Classics, Eng. and Hist.); Kappa Alpha; Historical Club; xiii Club; Tennis colours; Flavelle Scholar, Christ Church, Oxford. In December 1914 he received his commission in the 15th, Salford, Battalion of the Lancashire Fusiliers. He crossed to France with this unit in November 1915 in the 32nd Division, and went into the line in the area of the future Somme battle, between Thiepval and La Boisselle. On July ist, 1916, his brigade attacked Thiepval frontally. He was last seen crossing the German front line wounded in the hand. Most of the battalion was cut off after crossing the first line, and nearly all were killed. Thirteen officers and over five hundred men were missing, and but few were afterwards reported as prisoners. * NORMAN JAMES LANG YELLOWLEES Aug. 12, 1886— May 5, 1916 Captain, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of Thomas Yellowlees; b. Toronto; ed. Lansdowne and Wellesley P.ss., Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; University College 1903-07, b.a. (Biol. & Phys. Sci.); M.B. 1909; Year Secretary; Nu Sigma Nu; Staff, Toronto General Hospital; Practising in Toronto; c.a.m.c, Capt. He was appointed in March 1915 as Adjutant to No. 4, University of Toronto, General Hospital, and went overseas in May. He reached Salonica with this unit in November. When a Zeppelin had been brought down by the fire from h.m.s. 'Aga- memnon' and had fallen into the marshes near Salonica, he set out with three others of the Hospital staff to see the wreck. As he was trying to cross the Vardar River his horse stepped into deep water and he was carried down. Dr. George Wilson, who was with him, made a brave but vain attempt to rescue h'm, and nearly lost his own life in the effort. Captain Yellowlees' body was recovered later and buried at Salonica. ARTHUR WARREN YOUELL Aug. 25, 1888— Nov. 12, 1918 Sergeant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of George W. Youell; b. Aylmer; ed. Aylmer p.s. and H.S.; Applied Science 1906-10, B.A.sc. (Mech. Eng.— Hon.); Staff 1910-12; Canadian Ingersoll-Rand Co., Sherbrooke, p.q. In September 1916 he enlisted in the 67th, University of Toronto, Battery, c.f.a., and went overseas the next month. He was promoted Sergeant in England, but reverted to go to France in March 1917. Having served in the ist Divisional Ammuni- tion Column, he transferred after the battle of Vimy to the 24th Battery, in which he was again promoted Sergeant in July. He served through the battles of Vimy, Hill 70 and Passchendaele. In the latter he won the Military Medal for maintaining com- munication with a signal lamp for several hours, during which he remained in the open under heavy fire. He was offered a commission on the field in April 1918, but refused, preferring to go to England to take a complete course. He was about to leave for this purpose, when on the night of August 6th, just before the Amiens advance, he was wounded at the battery position by a splinter from an aeroplane bomb. Blood poisoning developed later and he succumbed on the day after the .Armistice. Buried at South- ampton, England. 156 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MARTIN CORTLANDT DE BUDE YOUNG Sept. 8, 1894— Sept. 26, 1915 Second Lieutenant, King's Own Scottish Borderers. Son of Colonel F. de B. Young, C.M.G.; b. Naini Thai, India; ed. Heswall, Cheshire, R. Naval College, Osborne; Elizabeth College, Guernsey; Trinity College School; Trinity College 1913-14; o.x.c, Elizabeth College. On the outbreak of the war he went to England and joined the Sportsmen's Bat- talion, R. Fusiliers. He then obtained his commission, and being appointed to the 7th King's Own Scottish Borderers, reached France in July 1915. In the attack on Hill 70 by the 15th Division at the battle of Loos, he led his men over the trench front. The battalion was for the* moment checked by heavy shell fire and gas fumes. He at once called out to Piper Lachlan "Give the boys a skirl" — a well-known incident — and the advance began. Shortly afterwards he was wounded. When the stretcher- bearers came to take him up he told them to take one of the Privates instead, and started to walk to the dressing station. The effort cost too much, and he died from loss of blood shortly after. Buried at Noeux-les-Mines. ROLL OF HONOUR II. Died after Discharge 1917-1920 in part from disabilities incurred on Service ROLL OF HONOUR IL SAMUEL GEORGE ALDERSON Sept. i8, 1888— March 6, 1917 Captain, Canadian Army Dental Corps. Son of Thomas A. Alderson; b. Waterdown; ed. Carlisle P.s., Waterdown p.s.; R. College Dental Surgeons 1907-11, d.d.s.; Practising at Hamilton. In October 19 15 he was appointed to the Army Dental Corps, with which he served till he was invalided. After a long illness he died at Carlisle a few days following his discharge. ALAN FEATHERSTON AYLESWORTH Aug. 9, 1880— Aug. 24, 1919 Major, Ninety-fifth Battalion. Only son of Sir Allen Aylesworth; b. Toronto; ed. Upper Canada College; University College 1897-1901, B.A.; Law School; Barrister, firm of Aylesworth, Wright, Moss «& Thompson; 36th Regt., Lieut.; md. Gladys Burton. In September 19 15 he was appointed to the 74th Battalion, and in November transferred to the 95th Battalion. He went overseas in May 19 16. During part of 1917 he was attached to the War Office for special duty. At the end of that year he was invalided home and discharged shortly afterwards. During the following months he was in ill health, and died at Barrie on August 24th, 19 19. WILFRED ROBERT BAUER Nov. 29, 1893— Oct. 11, 1918 Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery. Son of Alois Bauer; b. Kitchener; et. Waterloo P.s., Kitchener c.i., St. Jerome's College; Applied Science 1913-15; c.o.T.C. In March 19 15 he enlisted in the 25th Battery, c.f.a., and left Canada in May. He transferred to the 23rd Battery in England and reached France in January 19 16. During the year he served in the battle of St. Eloi, at Ypres, and at the Sonime, where he was wounded at Courcelette. For a time he was attached to the ist Divisional Head- quarters in charge of cable laying. In the autumn of 19 16 he was invalided and spent several months in hospital. Returning to Canada he received his commission and was appointed Military Representative in No. i District in connection with the Military Service Act. After his discharge in February 1918, he served on the Military Hospital Vocational Training staff. He died from influenza at his home in Waterloo. LAWRENCE SAMUEL BEATTY March 16, 1893— Sept. 4, 1920 Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Son of the late James H. Beatty; b. Thorold; ed. Queen Victoria P.s., Parkdale C.i., Toronto; Victoria College 1913-14, Medicine 1915-16; g.g.b.g., Lieut. He was appointed in August 1916 to the r.n.v.r., and in June 1917 went to Malta. He served in Motor Launches 438 and 344, and in command of h.m.m.l. 41, and H.M.M. L. 164. He was employed on escort and patrol duty and mine-sweeping in the Mediter- ranean. He was discharged in June 1919, and died in the ne.xt year after a long illness. ALFRED CHRI.STIAN CLEEVES June 2, 1890— May 21, 1919 Lieutenant, Canadian Garrison Artillery. Son of Frederick Cleeves; b. Rotherham, Eng.; ed. liastbournc College; Farming at Saanich, B.C.; Ontario Agricultural College 191 1- 14, B.S.A.; md. Janet O. Story. i6o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO He joined the 4th Brigade as Trumpeter in December 19 14, and was promoted Sergeant-Trumpeter before going overseas in May 1915. He went to France in Sep- tember, and served on the St. Eloi-Ypres front, and later at the Somme. In February 1917 he returned to England to train for a commission, and was appointed to the Garrison Artillery in June. He became Assistant Adjutant to the Canadian School of Gunner}^ and served with it in England and France till the end of the war. After his discharge he returned to his farm at Saanich, B.C. In April 19 19 he was operated on for internal trouble due to the strain of war service, and died in hospital at Victoria, B.C., three weeks later. FR.'\NCIS COURTNEY CONNERY April 3, 1883— Sept. 18, 1920 Major, One-hundred-and-sixty-sixth Battalion. Son of the late Joseph Connery; b. Toronto; ed. p.s. and Harbord Street c.i., Toronto; Applied Science 1902-03, 1904-05; Civil Engineer, Toronto and Niagara Power Co.; Hydro-Electric Commission; Pearson Engineering Co., N. York; Canada Wire and Cable Co.; 2nd Regt., Lieut.; md. Gertrude Edith Murdoch. He was appointed to the i66th Battalion early in 1916 and went overseas in October. In July 1917 he went to France, being transferred to the Imperial Forces as Commander of No. 57 Company, Chinese Labour Corps. After six months' service he was invalided and returned to Canada. He resumed his civil occupation, but his health again broke down and he died after a brief illness. CHARLES EDWARD DOHERTY Nov. 29, 1873— Aug. 14, 1920 Lieut. -Colonel, Canadian Army Medical Corps. Son of the late William Frederick Doherty; b. Hanlan, Peel Cy.; ed. Model School, St. Michael's College, Jarvis Street c.i., Toronto; Trinity Medical College 1895-99, M.D., CM.; Superintendent, Hospital, Nelson, B.C.; Practising at Fernie, B.C.; Medical Superintendent, Hospital for the Insane, New Westminster, B.C., 1900-14; 104th Regt., Major; md. Elweena Martin. In August 19 14 he was appointed, as Major, to No. i Canadian General Hospital, with which he went to France in April 1915. He was appointed a.d.m.s. in London in October, and served there till his return to Canada in August 1917. In January 1917 he was Mentioned in Despatches. He was Commanding Officer of the Newmarket Hospital for some months till March 1918. He then returned to New Westminster and resumed his duties, partly in the care of soldiers, at the Hospital for the Insane. When working there he was taken ill and died at his home. ROBERT DOUGLAS GALBRAITH May 28, 1893— Sept. 12, 1920 Major, Canai.S; Lieut., Mar. 1919. 176 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Archer, George Barnes; m.b. 1904. R.A.M.c, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; France, June 1916, No. 2 c.c.s.; M.O., 30th Labour Group, May 1918; Bailleul, Ebblinghem, Hazebrouck area; No. 4 Sta. Hosp., St. Omer, Dec. 19 18. Archer, William Lawrence; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1906; 44th Regt., Hon. Capt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. Sist Bn., Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, No. 3 c.c.s. ; 1st Can. Inf. Bde.; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; No. I Distr., Can. For. Cps., and Can. School of Gunnery. Archib.vld, Cedric Hughes; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.b. 1918. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy; Wounded, Givenchy, June 15, 1915; Invalided Mar. 1916; c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Lieut., May 1918; a/o.c, r.a.f. Hosp., Long Branch; e.m.o. and Asst. to A.D.M.S., Embarkation c.s.c, Archibald, Edward Blake; Victoria 1905-07. Y.M.C.A., Capt., June 1915; France, July 1915, att. Can. Corps Hdqrs., Physical Director. Archibald, James Will Dixson; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Sept. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; r.a.f. , Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Archibald, Samuel Wallace; Education 1914. 119th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Sergt.; France, 58th Bn., Lieut.; Wounded Oct. I, 1918. Archibald, Thomas Dickson; m.b. 1899; 9th Horse. 8th C.M.R., Capt., Feb. 1915; c.a.m.c, Eng., Capt., Nov. 1915; France, 1916; Major, June 1916; Somme (July-Nov. 1916); Returned Feb. 1917. Argue, Henry Harold; m.b. 1913. c.A.M.c, Lieut.; Capt.; m.c, Nov. 19 16; (Further details not available). Arkell, Herbert Edward; m.b. 1896; 25th Regt. Amb. Corps, Pte. c.A.M.c, s.'M.o., M.D. I, Capt., Jan. 1918; Transport duty. Mar. 1919. Arksey, George Albert; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 256th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1917; A/Sergt.; France, June 1917, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Sergt.; Nieuport, Ypres (Sept. 1917), Vimy (June 1918), Lys sec. (Aug. 1918); Mil. Medal, Ypres, Jan. 1918. Abmer, James Cameron; b.a.sc 1910. C.E., M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; St. John's, Que., Nov. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, Feb. 19 18. Armitage, William Robert Ramsay; m.a. 1913, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 234th Bn., Capt., June 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; 12th Res. Bn.; France, Nov. 19 17, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; 3rd Bn., Jan. 19 18; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, gaz. June 1919. Armour, Archibald Douglas; b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1903; 36th Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Capt. and Adjt., June 1915; Major, Mar. 1916; Hdqrs. Staff, Bram- shott, Bde. Musketry OfTr.; France, Mar. 1917; Injured; Invalided Dec. 1917. Armour, Donald John; b.a. University Coll. 1891, m.b. 1894, f.r.c.s.; r.a.m.c.(s.r.), B.A. M.c. , Major, Aug. 1914; Lt.-Col.; [Lieut., Surg, to K. Edward's Horse. Queen's Can. Mil. Hosp., Surgeon-in-Chief; King George Mil. Hosp., Surg; Roland Garden OfTrs.' Hosp.; Hamilton OfTrs.' Hosp.; i.o.d.e. Can. Red Cross Oflfrs.' Hosp.; St. Katharine's Lodge Amer. Red Cross Oflfrs.' Hosp.; Mil. Hosp., Southall; Queen Alexandra Mil. Hosp., Specialist; New End Mil. Hosp., i/c Surg. Div.; No. 16 and No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosps., Consulting Surg.; C.M.G., June 3, 1918; Mentioned, Services, twice. ROLL OF SERVICE 177 Armour, Eric Normax; b.a. University ColL 1899, Board of Governors; 36th Regt,, 74th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 19 15; 95th Bn., Capt., Nov. 19 15; Major, [Lieut. Mar. 1 9 16; o/s. June 19 16; Permt. Pres. District Court Martials, Nov. 19 16; A.G. Br., Hdqrs., London, June 1917; France, July 19 18, Court Martial Offr., Can. Corps; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Armour, Robert Gardiner; b.a. Trinity 1904, m.b. 1908, Staff; c.o.t.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Major, May 1917; Neurological Consultant, m.d. 10, July 19 18. Armstrong, Arthur Chester; m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1915; o/s. June 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp. and M.o. 23rd Res. Bn.; France, Nov. 19 15; Conducting duty, Le Havre-Canada; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 19 16; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb., July 19 16; M.o. 2nd c.m.r., Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; Gassed, Vimy, Apl. 1917; m.d. 12; R. Jubilee Hosp., m.d. ii; Discharged Feb. 1918; French Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Somme, Sept. 1916; M.C., gaz. Aug. 1917. Armstrong, Arthur Gordon; Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 19 18; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Heather'. Armstrong, Benjamin Douglas; b.a. Llniversity Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; Hdqrs., C.E., T.D.; France, Oct. 1918, 3rd Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Spr.; Lille, Tournai, Courtrai. Armstrong, Charles Harold Algeo; b.a. Llniversity Coll. 19 11. 73rd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Capt. and Adjt., Feb. 1917; Ypres, Yierstraat, Somme, Vimy. Armstrong, Eddie Fisher; Applied Science 1920; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, 19 18. Armstrong, Ernest Fpederick; d.d.s. 1904; 97th Regt., Capt., T/Lt.-Col. 159th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Oct. 19 15; France, Mar. 19 18, att. c.a.m.c. No. 13 Fd. Amb., Capt.; lOth Inf. Bde., Evacuation Offr.; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1918; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Armstrong, Ewen Cameron; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Leaside, 2/a.m., July 1918. Armstrong, George Herbert Lawrence; m.b. 1902. R.A.M.C.y Lieut., 19 15; Egypt, Dec. 19 15, m.o. 31st Div. Train, A.s.c; El Kan- tara, Sinai; Invalided May 19 16. Armstrong, George Hugh; Trinity 19 17. Can. Gen. List, Lieut., Nov. 19 15; r.f.c, Lieut.; France, June 1916, 6th Sqdn.; 19th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Capt., June 1918; Air Force Cross. Armstrong, Gordon Wilson; b.a. Victoi-ia 1913, m.b. 1916. R.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, July 1916, M.o. 8th North Staffordshire Regt.; France, Mar. 19 17; Messines, Passchendaele; Wounded, Hill 60, June 7, 19 17; Wounded and gassed, Passchendaele, Sept. 1917; C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt. and Adjt., Jan. 1918; o.c, a.m.c, T.D., M.D. 2, Aug. 1918; Major, Jan. 1919; D.s.o., Passchendaele, Sept. 1917; Despatches Sept. 1917. Armstrong, Harold Grover; m.b. 1920. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. '\'iola'; North Sea. Armstrong, Hakrv Everett; Education 19 13. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Lieut., Jan. 1916; cf.a. Res., Jul\- iqi6; o 's. Sept. 1916; Can. School of Artillery, Instr., Sept. 1916; France, nth Bty., Cf.a. Armstrong, Howard Brown; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Education 1918; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of t., Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Dec. 1917; Fn nee, Oct. 1918, Cps. Sig. Sch. — ir. 178 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Armstrong, John Alexander; d.d.s. 1890; 43rd Regt., Capt. c.A.D.C, Lt.-Col., Apl. 1915; Dir. of Dental Svces., Folkstone, Col., Aug. 1915; France, Aug. 1915, att. No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Sept. 1915; France, June 1916, and Jan. 1918; Can. Corps Hdqrs., Feb. 1918; Messines, Vimy (Feb. 1918); c.m.g., Jan. 1918; c.b.e., June 1919; Mentioned, Services, Dec. 1917 and Feb. 1918. Armstrong, Lewis C; Education 19 13. Enl. June 1916; France, ist Bn.; Wounded Oct. 2, 1918. Armstrong, Robert King; Applied Science 1917; 4th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Oct. 1916; Med. unfit, Nov. 1916; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1917; r.f.c, Canada, Lieut., Mar. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut. Armstrong, Thomas Eugene; Applied Science 1916; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; 21st Hwr. Bty., Sgr.; France, Jan. 1916; Cpl.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 1917, and Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 3, 1918; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Armstrong, Vernon Walton; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. Col. -Sergt. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Sergt., May 1916; 216th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 4th Bn., Lieut.; Hill 70, Amiens, Arras — Denain; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918. Armstrong, Wilfrid Ernest; b.v.sc. 1915. R.A.V.C, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; France, Dec. 1915, att. 156th Bde., 33rd Div.; I20th Bde. and 122nd Bde., 38th Div.; i8oth Bde., i6th Div.; Somme, Ypres (1917), Kemmel, St. Quentin (1918), Ypres (1918); Despatches June 1919. Armstrong, William DuNWOODiE; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c. 6th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Feb. 1915; R.a.f., Lieut.; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 19 17; (Further details not available). Armstrong, William Joseph; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. r.a.f.. Cadet, Apl. 1918; Re-enl. 2/a.m., Dental Mechanic, June 1918; Dis- charged Aug. 1918. Arthur, Edward Charles; b.a. Victoria 1880, m.a. 1883, m.d., cm. Trinity 1888. C.A.M.c, No. 12 Fd. Amb., Capt., May 1916; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bramshott, Aug. 1916; France, June 1917, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 3 c.i.b.d., Etaples, July 1917; C.G.B.D., Etaples, Sept. 1917; M.o. Can. For. Cps., No. 5 Jura Distr., Nov. 1917; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., May 1918; Med. Bds., Bramshott and Witley, Witley Spec. Hosp., Feb. 1919; Hosp. ship svce., June 1919. Arthur, Robert Maurice; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Bty.; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Lens; Can. For. Cps., London Hdqrs., July 1917; No. 3 Can. For. Dist. Hdqrs., Carlisle; A/Sergt., Apl. 1919. Arthur, Wilfrid Stewart; Medicine 1920; 97th Regt., Lieut. 159th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 38th Bn.; France, Dec. 1916, Can. Cps. Tram- ways, Mar. 1917; Vimy; Returned to complete course Sept. 1917. Asbury, Fbank Clarke; b.a. Victoria 191 1, m.a. 1913, Education 1915; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Transf., Admiralty Research Board. Ashbourne, Elmo Linfield; Victoria 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c R.N.C.V.R., Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1917; Atlantic Coast Patrol, Aug. -Dec. 1917. June 1918-Apl. 1919; Esquimalt Base, Dec. 1917-June 1918. Ashbourne, Thomas Gordon William; b.a. Victoria 19 17; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1916; ROLL OF SERVICE 179 R.G.A., Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., Feb. 1919; France, Oct. 1917; Ypres, Menin Road; Gassed, Ypres, Oct. 1917. AsHFORTH, Alfred; Applied Science 19 14. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. AsHTON, Ernest Charles; m.d., cm. Trinity 1898; 32nd Bty., c.f.a., Lt.-Col., o.c. 36th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Jan. 1915; o/s. June 1915; o.c. 9th Res. Inf. Bde., Col., Sept. 1915; o.c. Can.Tr. Div., Shorncliffe, Nov. 1916; T/Btig.-Gen., Mar. 1917; G.o.c 15th Can. Inf. Bde., Apl. 1917; A/Adjt. -General, Canada, Nov. 1917; T/Major-General, Jan. 1918; Can. Militia, Adjt. -General, Aug. 1919; c.m.g., Jan. I, 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917 and Aug. 1917. Aspland, Willl\m Harold Graham; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897. British Red Cross, French 3rd Army Corps, H6pital temp., Medecin-en-Chef, 1914-1915; Serbian Army, i/c Base Hosp., Major, 1915-16; Prisoner of War, Austria, Dec. 1915; Liberated Mar. 1916; Russian Army, i/c Fd. Hosp., Col., 1916-17; Persian, Turkish, Galician and Roumanian fronts; r.a.m.c, Major; No. 3 Native Labour Gen. Hosp., 1917-18; No. 3 n.l. Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col. i/c and s.m.o. Chinese Labour Cps.; Serbian Order of St. Sava, 3rd Class; Serbian Red Cross Order; Russian St. George's Medal; Russian Order of St. Vladimir, 4th Class; 1914-15 Medal. Atkey, Richmond Henry; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c. No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; Cpl.; o/s. Apl. 1915; c.a.d.c, Sergt., Lieut., Capt.; France, Feb. 19 16, att. No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec; Invalided Mar. 1918. Atkin, Gilbert McIntosh; m.b. 1902. c.a.m.c, d/a.d.m.s., m.d. 13, Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. May 19 17; Shorncliffe area; King's Can. Spec. Hosp., Bushey Park, Aug. 1917; Returned Aug. 1918. Atkinson, Charles Francis; m.b. 1909. c.a.m.c, m.o. 202nd Bn., Capt., A] I. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, No. II Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 44th Pn.; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 11, 1918. Atkinson, Garnet Stewart; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Cnr., Mar. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1915; c.a.d.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., June 1915; France, Aug. 1915, att. No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ploegsteert sec, Messines sec, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Noulette sec; Invalided and discharged Dec. 191/; c.a.d.c, m.d. i, Capt., Sept. 1918. Atkinson, George Elmer; Victoria 1919; c.o.t.c 56th Bty., C.F.A., Cnr., Mar. 1916; 66th Bty., c.f.a., Bdr.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Vimy, Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — \'akncienncs. Atkinson, George F.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.a.d.c, Pte., June 1917; R.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; o s. Dec. 1917; R.a.f., Lieut.; Injured; Discharged July 1918. Atkinson, Hakworth; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c > C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916,4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Valenciennes. Atkinson, Roy George; University Coll. 1915; 34th Regt., Lieut. Ii6th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 73rd Bn., Aug. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; In- valided; r.f.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; k.a.f. Atkinson, Walter Lawrence; PIducation 1914, (Medicine 1924); c.s.c.i., Lieut. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Sept. 1918, C.E.; Aubin St. Vaast. Atkinson, \\ 11.1 i am Donald Trench; b.a. University Coll. 1912, Education 1913; 129th 1^11., I.icul., Nov. 1915; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; l77'li Rt'gt^-. Lieut. i8o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, i\vion; Injured and invalided Sept. 1917; 3rd Res. Bn. Atwell, William Clarence; University Coll. 1918, Medicine 1920; c.o.T.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Linnet'. AuDEN, Kenneth Francis; Medicine 1920; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918, Augustine, Alpheus Price; Applied Science 1907, Diploma. C.E., Spr., Sept. 1916; Lieut., Dec. 1916; r.e., Lieut.; Capt., Apl. 1919; France, Dec. 1917, R-E., 124th Fd. Coy.; Armentieres; Gassed, Houplines, Mar. 1918; N. Russian Ex. F., 1918-19. Auld, James Cresswell; University Coll. 1916; i6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1914; Hdqrs. 4th Bde., c.f.a.; France, Sept. 1915, i6th Bty.; 3rd Bty.; 4th Bty., Capt., A o.c; Art. Adjt., Ross Bks.; 2nd Bty., A/Major; Ypres-Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded May 1916, Oct. 1916, Oct. 1918; m.c, gaz. June 1916; Bar to M.c, gaz. Nov. 1916; Second Bar to M.c, Sailly, Sept. 18, 1918. Austin, Allan McNiece; Victoria 1918; co.t.c 130th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; R. West Surrey Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Aug. 1916, 1st R. West Surrey Regt.; Somme; Wounded, Le Transloy, Nov. 3, 1916; 3rd Res. Bn., R.W. Surrey Regt., Bombing Offr.; Lieut., July 1917; India, Feb. 1918, att. 1st Garrison Bn., Somerset Light Infantry; Rawal Pindi; Admin. Staff, India, Nov. 1918. Austin, Frank Douglas; b.a.sc. 1915. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1914; L-Cpl., July 1915; Motor-cyclist sec; France, Sept. 1915, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., L-Cpl.; 2/Cpl., Nov. 1915; Kemmel sec, Ypres, Somme, Hill 70, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Villers- au-Bois, Aug. 26, 1917, and Guesmes, Nov. 1918. Austin, James William; Victoria 1918; co.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Sept. 1916, 1st Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; att. 2nd Art. Bde. Hdqrs.; att. ist Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Lens-Arras; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Austin, Randolph; b.s.a. 191 i. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres, Somme, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Avery, Charles Ruglas; b.a.sc 1913, m.a.sc 1915; co.t.c C.E., Spr., Feb. 1915; 13th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr., Cpl.; 27th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Ploegsteert-Ypres, St. Eloi, Somme, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. • Avery, Clarence Hambly; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt. Aykroyd, George Cecil; Applied Science 1918; co.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Nov. 1915; 30th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; 48th Bty.; 12th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; 13th Bde. Hdqrs.; 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; France, Aug. 19 17; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Aylesworth, a. C; m.b. Victoria 1890. C.A.M.C, A.D.M.S. Staff, M.D. I, Capt. Aylesworth, McGillivray; b.a. University Coll. 1912. 6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; ist Can. Motor m.g. Bde.; Wounded Oct. 9, 1916; Sub-staflf, Hdqrs. Can., Hastings; Cpl., Feb. 1917; Cadet, Mar. 1917; Invalided, C.M.G. Depot; F"rancc, Apl. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. ROLL OF SERVICE i8i Babcock, Frederick Ernest; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.C, Sergt.; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Backus, Harold Storey; University Coll. 19 19. R.A.F., Cadet, May 19 18. Badgerow, George Washington; m.b. 1894, f.r.c.s., l.r.c.p., m.r.c.s. C.A.M.C, Lt.-Col., Consulting Surgeon (Throat, nose and ear) — Can. Throat, Nose & Ear Clinic, London area; No. 15 Can. Gen*. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Red Cross Off rs.' Hosp.; i.o.d.e. Hosp.; King's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Bushey Park; Milton Hill Mil. Hosp.; S. African Mil. Hosp., Richmond Park; c.m.g., June 19 18; Hon. Assoc, Order St. John of Jerusalem, Dec. 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1918 and Feb. 1920. Badgley, Leonard Amey; b.a.sc. 1912. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1918. Bagshaw, Daniel Judson; d.d.s. 1904. C.A.D.C, Capt.; att. Can. Conval. Hosp., Uxbridge. Bailey, Benjamin Studley; d.d.s. 1905. C.A.D.C, M.D. 10, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; Shoreham Area 1917. Bailey, Norman Samuel; d.d.s. 1914.' c..\.D.c., Capt. Baillie, William; m.b. 1907; 12th Regt., Capt. 35th Bn., Major, Apl. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; c.a.m.c. Major; o.c Central Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2; (Further details not available). Baillie, William Harold Trevorrow; b.a. University Coll. 19 11, m.a. 19 12, m.b. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Mar. [1915, Staff. 1917; att. 4th, 19th and 15th Res. Bns.; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bramshott; France, May 1918, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; cc.r.d.; att. No. 23 C.c.s., Aug. 1918; M.o. 14th Bde., C.F.A.; m.o. ist Can. Div. Train; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Med. Bds., Witley; C.D.D., Buxton. Baines, William Henry; University Coll. 19 13-15, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c , Can. Cyclist Corps, Pte., Feb. 1915; L-Cpl., Apl. 1916; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916; Impl. Tank Corps, Sec' Lieut., -July 1917; Wounded and gassed Aug. 1917; Can. Cyclist Corps, Lieut., Sept. 1917; Cambrai, Valenciennes, Mons. Baird, William Forbes; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Lieut., May 1916; att. Petawawa; Capt., Nov. 1916; O/'s. Dec. 1916; Witley and London area; France, Aug. 1918, att. No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Baird, Wilmot Johnston; b.a.sc 1911. c.a.s.c, 1st Div. Train, Cpl., Aug. 1914; q.m.s., Jan. 1915; France, Feb. 1915; 8th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; Bdr., Sept. 1916; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; Lieut., Jan. 1919; Armentieres, Ypres, Bethune, Ploegsteert (1915). Ypres, Somme (1916), BuUy-Grenay (1917), Lens, Bapaume (1918), Somme, Gouzeaucourt, Solcsmes, Le Quesnoy, Forct de Mormal, Hautmont, Maubeuge; M.c, Somme, Apl. 5, 1918; Bar to M.c, Achiet-le-Grand, Aug. 23, 1918. Baker, Albert Henry; m.m. 191 1. C.A.M.C, Lieut., 1917; Capt.; Transport svce., Cliina, Dec. 1918. Baker, Harold Edward; m.b. 1920; c.o.t.c 1st Depot Bn., c.o.r., Pte., May 1918. Baker, Herbert William; b.a. X'ictoria 1907, m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., June 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp. i82 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Baker, Jessie Robinson (Mrs.); b.a. University Coll. 1916. Women's Hospital Corps, Mil. Hosp., Endell St., London, Nurse, Feb. 1917. Baker, Lloyd Lennox; Victoria 1921, (Medicine 1924). R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Baker, Maurice Daniel; m.d., cm. Trinity 1898. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Mesopotamia, May 1916; M.o. Oxford & Bucks L.I.; No. I Brit. Gen. Hosp.; Amara, L. of c; Returned Mar. 1917. Baker, Vernon Ewart; b.a. University Coll. 1920; c.o.x.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., Gnr., June 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Can. Res. Art.; c.a.p.c, Dec. 1918; A/Cpl., Jan. 1919. Balbaud, Paul; Staff, University Coll. 1914. French Army, Cycle Cps., Pte., Aug. 19 14; Marne, Aisna, Vieux Berguin, 19 14; Armentieres, Neuve Chapelle, Aubers, Fromelle, Montdidier sec, 1915; att. ist British Army, Lieut. Interpreter, Sept. 1916; Vimy, 1917; att. 27th Sqdn., R.A.F., Amiens, 1918; 1st Brit. Army, Armentieres, Arras; att. American Mission, Hdqrs., Marshal Foch; att. British Mission, Hdqrs., Marshal Petain. Baldwin, John Macleod; b.a. Trinity 1899, m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. c.A.M.c, Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; m.o. 23rd Res. Bn.; France, June 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6 Distr., Can. For. Cps. Baldwin, Lawrence Counsell Martin; b.a.sc 1913. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., 1914; 9th South Lancashire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Capt., Aug. 1917; Salonica. Balfour, Gordon Bruce; b.a. University Coll. 1907; gth Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 70th Bty., C.F.A. , Capt., o.c Apl. 1916; Major, Jan. 1917; R.G.A.; France, Nov. 1917, o.c. 28th Siege Bty.; o.c. 7th Siege Bty.; o.c. 366th Siege Bty.; att. 34th Div., 2nd Corps, h.a. Liaison Ofifr.; Cambrai, Armentieres, Ypres. Balkwill, Stafford Russell; Education 19 15. 69th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., July 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amman. Col.; 3rd Div. T.M. Bty.; Wounded, Neuville St. Vaast, Feb. 19 17; 3rd Can. Siege Bty., C.G.A., June 1917; France, June 1917; Vimy sec, Passchendaele, Lens- Vimy sec, Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons. Ball, Francis Henry; Trinity 1908. 3rd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Aug. 1915; Cpl., Dec. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1916; London Rifle Bde., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, isf London Rifle Bde.; Richebourg St. Vaast, Aubers Ridge, Arras, Ypres, Cambrai; Wounded, Aubers Ridge, Feb. 1917; Shell-shocked and gassed, Cambrai, Nov. 9, 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Ball, Frederick St. Clare Widmer; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c C.E., Spr., July 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1916; M.D. i (i/c electr. constr. and miintce.). Ball, Frederic William; Veterinary Coll. 1914-1916. 133rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; Wounded (ampu- tation), Passchendaele, Oct. 21, 1917. Ball, Harold DeWitt; m.b. 1910, Staff; Prov. Lieut. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Oct. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Oct. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gsn. Hosp.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1918, No. 8 Can. Sta, Hosp. and No. 9 Fd. Amb.; M.o. i/c Red Cross Hosp., Maidenhead, Berks. 30; Burley Camp, Aldershot; c.r.a. Hosp., Witley. Ball, Muriel Amanda Sparks (Mrs.); University Coll. 1914. o/s. Oct. 1916; Can. Field Comforts Com., ShornclifTe; Brit. Red Cross, Asst.- Qr.-Mr.; Lieut., Dec. 1917; Red Cross Hosp., Berks. 30, Asst. Qr.-Mr. Ball, Oliver Vaughan; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt., 47th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Hdqrs., i6th Bde., c.f.a.; Hdqrs., [A/Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 183 13th Bde., Bdr., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr , L-CpL; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Valenciennes; MiL Medal, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Ball, Stanley Stafford; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Gallipoli — Hosp. ship; Egypt, 1915; India, Mesopotamia (1916) ; C.A.M.c, Capt.; Whitby Conv. Hosp., Mar. 1918. Ball, Willl\m King; University Coll. 1919; 22nd Regt., Lieut. - i6ist Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Machine Gun Instr.; France, Apl. 1918, 47th Bn., Lieut.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Valenciennes. Ball, William Vance; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of T. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Transf., Admiralty Research Board. Ballantyne, Charles Clarke; m.b. 19 14. C.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., May 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; West Cliff Can. Eye and Ear Hosp., Aug. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1919. Ballantyne, Leslie Rutherford; University Coll. 1918, Knox; c.o.t.c 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; Bdr., June 1917; France, July 1916; Ypres sec, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; W^ounded, Pass- chendaele, Dec. 3 1917; Lieut., Oct. 1918; Transf., y.m.c.a. Ballantyne, Peter Melville; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, att. ist Can. Inf. Bde.; Arras, Lens. Ballantyne, Thomas Whitson; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.c, M.D. I, Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; M.o. 5th Can. Res. Bn.; France, Aug._i9i8, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 5th Bde., C.F.A. ; M.o. 26th and 28th Bns.; Buissy Switch, Canal du Nord — Mons. Ballard, George William Mercier; b.a. University Coll. 1904, m.a. 1905, ll.b. 4th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; [1911; 13th Regt., Lieut. Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915; 76th Bn. (Canada), Capt., July 1915; Major, Sept. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; 13th Bn. Inf., CD. F., Lt. -Col., Apl. 1917; Dept. of Militia and Defence, A.D., Estates Br., Jan. 1918. Balls, George Herbert; b.a. University Coll. 1898; c.o.t.c (u. of Man.) . Inf. School of Instr., m.d. id, Capt., 2nd i/c, Mar. 1916; Cmdt., Apl. 1917; i/c Inf. School of Instr., Camp St. Charles, July 1917; Injured; Discharged June 1918. Banbury, Perley; Victoria 1919; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Ammun. Col.; i6th Bty., C.F.A. ; Vimy, Lens, Amiens, etc. Banbury, Thomas Roy; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 63rd lUy., C.F.A., Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 58th Bn.. Lieut.; Pass- chendaele, Lens sec; Can. Res. Art.; France, Aug. 1918, 40th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Oct. 26, 1918. Banks, Hubert Raymond; b.a.sc 1914; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; ce., sth Div., Lieut.; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; 7th Bn., ce., Lieut., Capt.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; WiMindcd, \'iin\-, Ma\- 21, 1017; M.c, Remy, Aug. 28, 1918. Banks, Vivian LisNEY; Veterinary Coll. 1910-11. r.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1916; Cipt., M ly 1917; France, Junj 1916, att. 53rd i84 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Welsh Div.; 54th Div.; Egypt, Aug. 1916; Desert Mounted Cps.; No. 25 and No. 21 Vety. Hosps.; Palestine; Wounded, Bira, Jan. 1917. Bantinx., Arthur Digby; b.a. Victoria 1913; 72nd Regt., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; r.g.a., 266th Siege Bty., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 177th Siege Bty.; Lieut., May 1918; r.g.a., 250th Siege Bty., Capt., Aug. 1918; Arras (1917), Messinas (1917), Passchen- daele, Kemmel; Gassed, Passchendaele, Dec. 1917; M.C., Kemmel, Apl. 1918. Banting, Frederick Grant; Victoria 1914, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.a.m.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. May 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp.; France, July 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., and m.o. 44th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; W'ounded, Cambrai, Sept. 28, 1918; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Dec. 1918; Dom. Orth. Hosp., m.d. 2, Mar. 1919; M.C., Cambrai, Sept. 27-28, 1918. Banting, Oswald Fenton; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Lieut., 1918; Capt.; Siberian Ex. F., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Mar. 1919, No. II Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb.; Vladivostok, Trans- Siberian Ry., Gournostai. Baragar, Frederick Drury; Education 1915; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr.; 17th Bty., Cpl., 1917; 4th Bty., Lieut., Mar. 1918; St. Eloi, Hooge, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; M.C., Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Barber, Herbert Campbell; b.a.sc. 1911. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June 1917; h.m.m.l. 171, Oct. 1916; i/c h.m.m.l. 378, Mar. 1918; S.W. Irish Coast patrol. Barber, Jessie; b.a. LIniversity Coll. 1908. Drummond St. Mil. Hosp., Montreal, Dietitian. Barber, Truman; University Coll. 1915-17, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; 8th Army Art. Bde., Bdr.; Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Barbour, Robert Andrew; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.A.s.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Barbour, Roydon MacFarlane; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917; c.o.t.c. 64th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1917, 25th Bn., Lieut.; Capt., Aug. 1918; Mericourt sec. Lens sec, Neuville St. Vaast-Mercatel, Arras, Inchy-en-Artois, Sensee Canal, Mons; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; m.c, gaz. Jan. 11, 1919. Barfoot, Walter Foster; University Coll. 19 18, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. o/s. Jan. 1916; i6th Res. Bn., R. Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 1916, R. Sussex Regt.; att. T.M. Bty., Nov. 1916; ist Div. Bombing School, Instr. & Adjt., Jan. 1917; 2nd R. Sussex Regt., Lieut., A/Adjt., July 1917; Tpt. Offr., Dec. 1917; A/Adjt., May 1918; 2nd t.m. Bty., A/Capt. o.c, July 1918; Somme, Passchendaele, Amiens, etc.; French Croix de Guerre, Feb. 1919- (in liaison with 35th French Corps). Barker, John Barrett; Trinity 1908. 43rd Bn., Pte., 1915; C.A.s.c, Lieut.; France; (Further details not available). Barker, John James; St. Michael's 1917, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c 183rd Bn., Cpl., May 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 1916. Barker, Percy Weeks; b.a. Victoria 1908, m.b. 1910. R.A.M.c, No. 112 Fd. Amb., i6th Irish Div., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Dec. 1915; att. 1/3 London Art. & 9th Dublin Fusiliers; Loos sec, Somme; Invalided ROLL OF SERVICE 185 Oct. 1916; C.A.M.C, No. II Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1917; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1919; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Barker, Rybert Kext; b.a. University Coll. 1892; 2nd Regt., Major; S. African 95th Bn., Lt.-Col. o.c, Sept. 1915; o/s. May 1916; [War, Can. Force, Capt. 13th Inf. Bde., o.c, Dec. 1916; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy; 2nd C.G. Regt., o.c, June 1917. Barlow, Cuthbert Lawren'CE; University Coll. 1918; c.o.T.c. co.T.C. draft Jan. 1916; 15th R. Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., 1916. Barney, Thomas Ivison; Education 191 8. R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Cadet, Sept. 1918. Barnes, Edmund; Victoria 1907-08, 1909-10. 5th Univ. Coy., P.P.C.L.I., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.cl.i.; L.-Cpl.; C.A.M.C, No. 9 Fd. Amb.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Arras— Lens sec, Vimy, Passchendaele. Barnes, Lyman Franklin; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.T.c. o/s. Mar. 1916; r.e.. Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 150th Fd. Coy.; Wounded, Lindenhoek. June 7, 1917; India, Nov. 1917; 3rd Sappers & Miners Corps, Dec. 1917; Persia, June 1918, i/c 1st Fd. Coy., South Persia Rifles, Ears Bde., Lieut.; Capt., Aug. 1918; Invalided Mar. 1919; Hdqrs. Staff, Simla, India,, May 19 19; Egypt, Aug. 19 19. Barnes, Walter Bruce; m.b. 1918; c.o.T.c C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte.; L.-Cpl.; o/s. Mar. 1915; France; Returned to complete course Feb. 19 16. Barnett, John David Henry White; m.b. 1915; c.o.T.c C.A.M.C, Capt., M.o. 164th Bn., Eng., Mar. 1918; France; Wounded Aug. 1918. Barr, David Percival; Applied Science 19 16. Fort Garry Horse, Tpr., Sept. 1914; 25th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr. ; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi, Hooge, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 3, 1917; Invalided and discharged Jan. 1918. Barraclough, William Wray; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.a. 1915, m.b. 1916; 65th Bty., C.A.M.C, No. 16 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Dec. 1916; Capt., Dec. 1917; [c.f.a., Lieut. o/s. Mar. 1917; France, June 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 4th Bn., ce.; Amiens, Arras. Barrie, Howard Green; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899; f.r.c.s. (Ed.); S. African War, Brit. Red Cross, i/c ist Base Hosp. to Serbia, 1914; [Surgeon; S.A. Medal. i/c No. 4 Res. Hosp., Scopljie, Lt.-Col.; r.a.m.c. No. 44 Sta. Hosp., e.e.f., Capt.; No. 21 Gen. Hosp., Alexandria; Serbian Order of St. Sava; Serbian Red Cross Medal. Barritt, Albert Edward; University Coll. 1914-15, Wycliffe; c.o.T.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, 1916-18; (Details not available). Barrow, Gore M.; Trinity 1908; S. African War. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 84th Bn., Capt., Oct. 1915; o s. June 1916; Can. Cav. Bde., June 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Sr. Chapl., m.d. 13, July 1918; A/Asst. Dir. Chaplain Svce., W. Canada, Sept. 1918. Barry, Francis Howard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918. ca.d.c. No. 5 Sta. Hosp., Sergt., June 1915; Egypt, Aug. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Discharged Dec. 1916. Bakrv, Harry Nelson; b.a. University Coll. 1913, ll.b. 1917; i6th Bty., c.f..\., Lieut. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June 1917; Ports- mouth, Oct. 1916, ii.M.M.L. 137; W. Indies, Jan. 1917, h.m.m.i.. 151; Temp, i/c H.M.M.L. 151, Apl. I918; i/c H.M.M.I.. I5I, DcC. I918. i86 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Barry, James Evertt; m.b. 1916; c.o.xc. c.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cpl.; o/s. May 1915; Returned to complete course, Oct. 1915; C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., June 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; M.o. 172nd Bn.; M.o. 85thBn.; France, May 1917, M.o. 2nd Bn.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8-9, 1918; Bar to M.C., Canal du Nord, Aug. 30-Sept. 3-28, 1918; Despatches June 1918. Bartholomew, John Wesley; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt.j 1917. Bartlet, Frank A.; Applied Science 19 15. c.A.M.C, San. Sec, Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Somme; Invalided Dec. 1916; King's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Sept. 1917; A/Sergt. Oct. 1917. Bartlet, Walter George; b.a. University Coll. 1908, ll.b. 191 i. 241st Bn., Capt., July 1916; France, July 1917, seconded to the Impl. Forces, att. 2nd Army, July 1917-Apl. 1918. Bartlett, Roy Douglas; Medicine 1920 (1924); c.o.t.c 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.cl.i., Pte.; Ypres sec, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916; Discharged July 1917. Barton, Aubrey John Thomas; R. Coll. Dental. Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; o/s. June 1918; A/Sergt.; Discharged July 191 8. Barton, James Warren; m.d.; Staff; m.o. 2nd Fd. Coy., ce.; att. c.o.t.c c.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Nov. 1916; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Pres., Standing Bd. of Officers, Major, Feb. 1919. Barton, Newton James; m.b. 1911. c.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut.; France; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 19 16; (Further details not available). Barwick, Hugh Atkinson; University Coll. 191 1; 48th Regt., Lieut. 15th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt.; Ypres sec; Prisoner, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915; Transf. to Holland, Mar. 1918; Repatriated Nov. 1918. Bascom, Charles Horace; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., 1916; France, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy. ; Cpl.; (Further details not available). Bastedo, William Edgar; b.a. University Coll. 1912; 2nd Regt. c.A.s.c, Supply Col., Sergt., Dec. 1914; Wt. Offr., Aug. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; P.P.CL.I., Pte., Dec. 1915; L.-Cpl., Sept. 1916; Neuve Eglise, Kemmel, Sanctuary Wood, Somme; c.A.s.c, Mar. 1917. Bastow, Douglas Clay; Medicine 1919; c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Syringa'. Bateman, Harry Robinson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Dec. 1917. Bates, Dallas Wetmore; b.a. Victoria 1920. United States s.a.t.c, City College, New York, Cadet, Sept. 1917. Bates, Gordon Anderson; m.b. 1907. c.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt.; i/c Camp Borden Hosp., May 1918. Bates, Henry Kendal; m.b. 1908. c.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., Aug. 1915; Major, July 1919; o/s. Aug. 1915; Can. Spec. Hosp., Shorncliffe; Impl. Spec. Hosp., Cambridge; France, Sept. 1918, M.o. Can. For. Cps.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 8 Fd. Amb., Mar. 1918; Can. Spec. Hosp., Etchinghill, Nov. 1918. Bath, Charles Lambert; Trinity 1915. Eaton M.G. Bty., Lieut., Sept. 1914; att. r.f.c, Oct. 1915; France, May 1916, 32nd, 29th, 40th and 1st Sqdns. ; Capt., Nov. 1916; Armentieres-Bethune (May- ROLL OF SERVICE 187 July 1916), Somme-Bethune, Ypres; Wounded, Ypres, Oct. 1917; Injured, Winchester, Eng., May 19 18. Batstone, William Howard; Victoria 1916. Can. Cycle Cps., Sergt., 1916 (Further details not available). Batten, Brock Lane; University Coll. 1918. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Trench Howitzers, c.f.a.. Bdr., Cpl.; Zillebeke, St. Eloi; Wounded, May 9, 1916, and Aug. 19, 1916; Invalided Dec. 1916; Distr. Bombing School, m.d. 2, Sergt. Instr. ; Discharged Dec. 1917. Batten, Harold Leslie; Applied Science 1911, Diploma. 6th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Jan. 1918; L.-Cpl., Mar. 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918; 1st and 3rd c.e. Res. Bns. Batten, Walter Howard; m.b. 1918. c.a.m.c, att. R.A.F. (Canada), Lieut., May 1918; o s. Sept. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Capt., Apl. 1919. Battley, John Charles Sinclair; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1919). C.A.M.C, No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Aug. 1914; Cpl.; France, Nov. 1914; Sergt.; Returned to complete course June 1916; 1914 Star. Baumann, Emil J.\cob; b.a. (n.y.), PH.D. (Yale), Staff 1916. U.S. Army, Sanitary Cps., Pte., Nov. 1917; Sergt., Dec. 1917; 1st Lieut., Feb. 1918. Baxter, Marion St. Clair Leitch (Mrs.); Trinity 1915, University Coll. 1918, Brit. Red Cross (Eng.), 1915-Aug. 1916; St. John's Amb. Bde., [(b.a. 1919). V.A.D., July 1917; Brit. Red Cross Motor Convoy Amb. Dept.; France, Oct. 1917; Etaples. Bayly, George William; Forestry 1914. 3rd Bn., M.G. sec, Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; L-Cpl.; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915; France, Aug. 1915, 3rd Bn., Lieut.; Invalided Oct. 1915; Can. Mil. School, Shorncliffe, Apl. 1916; R.o. July 1916. Bayne, Hugh Cameron; R. Coll. Dental Surg., 1920. C.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Sergt.; o/s. Aug. 1918. Be.vch, Fay Ward; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Sergt. Beacock, Victor Alonzo; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 3rd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., July 1915; L.-Cpl., Aug. 1915; 4th Bn., R. Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., Dec. 1917; Capt. and Adjt., Feb. 1918; France, Aug. 1916; Serre, Arras, Monchy-le-Preux, Ypres, Arras; M.c, Cour- celles-le-Comte, Aug. 21, 1918. Beament, Arthur Warwick; University Coll. 1919; 43rd Regt., Lieut.; ate. c.o.t.c 164th Bn., Lieut., Sig. Offr., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Mar. 1918; att. Brutinel's Bde., Sig. Offr., Aug. 1918; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Can. Gen. Base Depot, Nov. 19 1 8. Bean, Harvey George; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c 198th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt.; c.a.d.c; o/s. Dec. 1916; Returned to com- plete course Dec. 19 17. Beasley, Bruce Clement; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c c.e.. Signals, Spr., Oct. 1917; c.a.s.c, Pte.; u. of t. o, s. Tr. Coy., Pte.; r.g.a., Cadet, Oct. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Beasley, Thomas Alexander; Trinity 1916; 13th Regt., Lieut. .joth Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Jul\ igi.s; France, Jan. 1916, 17th Bty., c.f.a.; 2nd Div. t.m. Group, May 1916; \'ijres. Hill 60, Hill 63; Invalided Sept. 1916; No. 2 Sec, d.a.c (Canada), Jan. 1917. i88 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Beaton, Blake Byron; d.d.s. 1915. c.A.D.C, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917. Beaton, Colin; Medicine 1922. C.E., Spr., May 1918; 2nd Bn., c.e.r.d., June 1918; France, Sept. 1918, C.E., p.B. Coy.; Cambrai. Beaton, William James; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 182nd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Invalided and discharged Mar. 1917. Beattie, Robert Galbraith; b.a. University Coll. 1914; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; o/s., Cadet, Aug. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 1916. Beattie, William; University Coll. 1893-96, Knox; H/Major, Chaplain. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 2nd Bn., Major, Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, ist Bde.; 2nd Can. Div., Sr. Chaplain, Sept. 1915; Lt.-Col., May 1916; Ypres, 1915, 1916; Somme, Arras; Asst. Dir. Chaplain Svces., England,' Mar. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, Asst. Dir., L. of c.; A/Dir. Chaplain Svces., Apl. 1918; Director, Chaplain Svces., Canada, Col., July 1918; c.m.g., June 5, 1916; Despatches, Ypres (Apl. 1915), June 1916. Beatty, Frank Weldon; b.a.sc. 1913. 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; 8th Army Bde., C.F.A., Sgr.; Ypres sec, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, CamVrai — Mons; Wounded. Beatty, Harold Arthur; b.s.a. 1915. 1st Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Mar. 1915; o/s.; Injured and discharged. (Died). Beatty, James Campbell; m.b. 1905. C.A.M.C, Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Shorncliffe; Can. Officers' Conval. Hosp., Broadstairs; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp.; France, Dec. 1917. Beatty, James Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.a. 1915; c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Mar. 1915; L.-Cpl.; France, Aug. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists; C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 5th Bty., C.F.A.; Kemmel, St. Eloi sec, Yf res (19 16) , Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917. Beatty, James Stanley; University Coll. 191 1. o/s. Nov. 1915; R.F.C., Lieut.; Capt.; France, Apl. 1916; Ypres sec; Instr., Eng.; Mesopotamia, Jan. 1918; Egypt; D.F.C., Mesopotamia, Oct. 1918. Beatty, John Archibald; d.d.s. 1906. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; att. Mil. Hosp. Carling Heights, London, and Speedwell Mil. Hosp., Guelph; Invalided June 1918. Beatty, John McLaren; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c o/s. Jan. 1916; 9th East Kent Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1916, 12th King's Royal Rifles; i8th k.r.r., Nov. 1916; Lieut., July 1917; Somme, Messines (June 1917); Wounded, Serre, Aug. 6, 1916, and HoUebeke, July 31, 1917; Invalided. Beatty, Percy Wood; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, ll.b. 1914; loth Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, Apl. 1916, 8th Bde. M.G. Coy., Lieut.; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 2, 1916; Can. M.G. School, m.d. 2, Capt., Oct. 1916; Pay & Allowance Bd., Ottawa; Major, May 1917; M.C, Ypres, June 2, 1916. Beatty, William Hughes; b.a. Victoria 1912. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut.; Lieut.; English Channel. Beaven, Clarence Theodore; b.v.sc 1917. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., June 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; Vety. Hosp., Shorncliffe; France, Sept. 1917, att. 5th Bde., C.F.A.; Vimy sec, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 189 Beck, Henry Joseph; St. Michael's 1919; c.o.t.c. u. of T. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex. P., 20th Can. m.g. Coy., Sept. 1918. Beckett, Reginald Samuel; b.s.a. 1913; 2nd Dragoons, Sergt. c.A.s.c, No. 2 T. D., Pte., A/Sergt., Nov. 1916; Prov. CpL, Prov. Sergt. Beckett, Russell James; R. CoU. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917. Bedard, Edward Louis; b.a.sc. 19 14. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Bedell, Thomas Casey Dorland; m.b. 1896; 56th Regt., Lt.-Col. 1st Can. Div., Lt.-Col., Aug. 1914; France, Aug. 19 15, 15th Bn., 2nd ic; 156th Bn. (Canada), Lt.-Col. o.c; o/s. Oct. 1916; c.a.m.c, Woodcote Park Conval. Hosp., Epsom, Lt.-Col., May 1917; o.c. Princess Patricia's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Bexhill, Jan. 1918; A/Col., June 1918; Col., Dec. 1918. Beemer, Harry Gordon; Medicine 1892-94. 169th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o s. Oct. 1917; o.c No. 2 Disch. Depot. Beer, Edwin Charles; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.a.m.c, Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1916, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1917; A s.m.o., R.A.F. (Canada), Sept. 1918. Beith, Robert Elwood; Applied Science 1909, Diploma; 51st Regt., Lieut. 228th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1916; o/s. Feb.- 1917. Belfry, Joseph Earlby; Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c U. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1917; att. 2nd Bn., co.R., Sergt. Instr., Jan. 1918; R.G.A., Cadet, July 1918; Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Belknap, Elmer Alman; Victoria 19 18; c.o.t.c 20ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 170th Bn.; France, Nov. 1916, 75th Bn., Pte.; Viniy; Invalided Feb. 1917; y.m.c.a., London, Sergt., Mar. 1917; France, May 1918, 75th Bn., Pte.; L.-Cpl., Sergt.; Amiens, Arras, etc. Bell, Alfred Hannam; b. a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; Cpl.; France, Apl. 1917, att. Can. Corps Hvy. Art.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Bell, Arthur McKnight; b.a. Trinity 1903, m.a. 1904, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c. No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Mediterranean, Hosp. ship; France; Salonica, M.o. 2/23rd London Regt., att. i8ist Bde., r.f.a.; Goth London Div.; Egypt, France, Salonica, Mesopotamia. Bell, Charles Austin; b.a.sc 19 14; 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Sergt. 2nd Fd. Coy., CE., Spr., Aug. 1914; PVance, Feb. 1915; Sergt., c.s.M.; Lieut., Mar. 1916; 3rd Fd. Coy., ce., Capt., July 1917; 3rd Bn., ce.. Major, May 1918; Fleurbaix, Ypres (1915), Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Sommc, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 26, 19 15, and Ypres, May 1916; Severely wounded (double amputation), Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; m.c, gaz. Jan. 1917; Bar to M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Bell, Charles Cameron; b.a. University Coll. 1896, m.a. 1897, m.b. 1900; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, A.D.M.S., m.d. I, Major, Oct. 1915 — Dec. 1918. [Capt. Bell, Clarence Bruce; University Coll. 1916, (Education 1920). 1st Bn., co.R. , Pte., June 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Sergt., Jan. 1919. Bell, Edmund Charles; Victoria 1917, Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c 50th Bty., C.F.A., (inr., .\pl. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 41I1 Ht>-.; Viniy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. 190 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Bell, George Graham; Applied Science 1908, Diploma; r.m.c, Cadet. V. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; C.E. t.d., St. John's, Que., Lieut., June 1918; Siberian Ex. P., Aug. 1918. Bell, Gordon Low; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Fame'; Pacific; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Bell, Harold; m.b. 1912. R..\.M.c., Lieut.; Conv. Hosp., Epsom; c.a.m.c, Discharge Depot, Buxton, Capt.; (Further details not available). Bell, Herbert Clifford; b.a. University Coll. 1903. U.S. Army, May 1917; U.S. Engineers, ist Lieut., Aug. 1917; Transfd. to Intelli- gence, Sept. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; u.s. Engineers, Capt., Mar. 1918; Marne sec, St. Mihiel (Sept. 1918); Citation, a.e.f., Intelligence work at g.h.q., June 19 19. Bell, Hilll\rd Brooke; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T. Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; c.f.a., Lieut., Nov. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., July 1917; Lieut., Sept. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 66th Sqdn.; Ypres, Roulers, Menin sec; Italy, Dec. 1917; R.a.f., Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Mar. 1918; Piave, Asiago; M.c, Piave-Asiago, Apl. 1918; Italian Military Medal, Piave- Treviso-Trentino, Apl. 1918; Despatches May 1918. Bell, J. Douglass; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.t.c. R.F.C, M.G. Instr., Aug. 1917; 2/a.m., Dec. 1917; R.a.f., i/a.m., Mar. 1918; A/Cpl., Sept. 1918. Bell, James Stark; University Coll. 1911, (b.a. 1919); 32nd Regt., Lieut. i8th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt., June 1916; 2nd Can. Div. School, Instr., July 1916; i8th Bn., Capt. and Adjt., June 1917; Major, , May 1917; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c. Hill 70, Aug. 1917; D.s.o., Arras, Aug. 26-28, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1918. Bell, James Willlam; University Coll. 1917, (Medicine 1922), Wycliffe; c.o.t.c 26th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; i8th Bty., c.f.a., Sgr., Mar. 19 17; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Somme, Aug. 1916, and Passchendaele, Nov. 4, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Bell, James Wycliffe; d.d.s. 1894; 91st Regt., Major. C.A.D.c, Capt., Oct. 1915; o/s. Dec. 1915; West Cliff Eye and Ear Hosp., Shorncliffe, Dec. 1915; Invalided Sept. 1916; Discharged Mar. 1917. Bell, John Johnston; b.a., m.a. (Oxen.); Staff, 1911-12; London Regt., t.f., Capt. I /20th London Regt., Capt.; France, Mar. 19 15; Festubert, Loos (Sept. 19 15); Invalided Feb. 1916; 20th Res. Bn., London Regt., Capt.; War Office (Mil. Intelligence), Oct. 1916; Committee of Impl. Defence, Historical Section, June 1917; Despatches June 1916. Bell, John Kenner; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 2nd Bdc, c.g.a., Spr.; Ypres, Lens, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Bell, John Wycliffe; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.A.D.c, Sergt., May 1917. Bell, Kenneth Carter; b.a. University Coll. 1916. Mil. Topograph. Survey, Canada, May 1916; u.s. Army, y.m.c.a.. Camp Devens, Mass., Sept. 1917; u.s. Naval Res. Force, Petty Offr. — Machinist's Mate, May 1918. Bell, Kenneth Norman; b.a., m.a. (Oxon.); Staff, 1909-11; Inns of Court l/ist London R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt., May 1915; [o.T.c, L-Cpl. ROLL OF SERVICE 191 France, May 1915; o.c. 130th Hv>'. Bty., r.g.a., A/Major, Sept. 1916; o.c. 329th Siege Bty., Feb. 1917; o.c. 99th Siege Bty., Nov. 1918; Somme, Neuve Eglise-Ypres, Arras sec., Passchendaele, St. Venant (Apl. 1918), Bethune — Lembecq (Sept. -Oct. 1918); M.c, Westhoek, 1917. Bell, Ralph Steward; b.a.sc. igiS.* C.E., 6th Sig. Coy., Lieut., May 1918; Siberia, Feb. 1919. Bell, Richard Lloyd; Victoria 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 1st Bn. W.O.R., Pte., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; 4th Res. Bn,; Khaki Univ., Cpl. Bell, Thomas Herbert; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Nov. 1914; Capt., Mar. 1915; Major, Dec. 1917; A/Lt.-Col., Mar. 1919; France, Sept. 1915; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917: Despatches June 1917. Bellsmith, Frederick Marlett; Applied Science 1895, Victoria 1902, 1907-08. 204th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Chaplain Svce., Canada, Capt., Apl. 1916-Apl. 1917. Belt, Walter Cayley; m.d., cm., Victoria and Trinity, 1892; u.s. Army, Med. Res. U.S. Army Med. Cps., Capt., June 1917; att. 13th u.s. Inf., Aug. [Cps., Capt. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Siberia, Nov. 1918, att. 27th U.S. Inf. Belton, Cassius Wilkinson; m.b. Trinity 1891; Permt. a.m.c, Col. c.A.M.c, Col.; A.D.M.S., M.D. 10, 1914-15; Pensions and Claims Bd., Aug. 1915; Med. Adviser, Bd. Pensions Commissioners, Nov. 1916. Belton, James Ross; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c, Queen's. 46th, Queen's, Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres-Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; r.f.c. Cadet, Aug. 1917; Sec. Lieut. Dec. 1917; r.a.f., 214th Sqdn., Lieut., May 1918; Belgian coast, Mons-Charleroi-Brussels sec. Bemrose Byron Willson; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty. C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France Nov. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Ammun. Col.; 40th Bty., c.f.a.; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy sec; R.A.F. , Cadet, July 1918. Bender, Cory Adrian; Trinity 1919; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; o/s. June 1918; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut. Bennett, Harold; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1916; Qr.-Mr. Dept., Cpl.; R.E., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Mar. 1918; att. 8th Div., Sept. 1918; Lens-Arras. Bennett, Oscar Wilbur; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 191 7; Wounded, Monchy, Aug. 28, 1918. Bennett, Percy; b.a.sc 1915. C.E., Spr., July 1917; On leave to Munitions work, 1918. Bennett, Robert Carman; Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c 4th Bde. Ammun. Col., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1915; Bdr., Cpl.; France, Sept. I9i5> 15th Bty., C.F.A.; Sergt., Oct. 1915; Can. Res. Art., Lieut., June 1918; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Vimy, July 1917; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Bennett, Stewart Gordon; b.a.sc 1914; Oxford o.t.c, Eng. France, Nov. 1914, British Red Cross, Chauffeur; y.m.c.a.; r.e., ist Indian Fd. Sqdn., .Sec. Lieut., July 1915; R.E., 4th Fd. Sqdn., Lieut., July 1917; 3rd Fd. Sqdn., C-ipt., July 1918; 1st Fd. Sqdn. 1918-19; Aisne (1914). Arras (1916) Somme (1916-17), Cambrai (Nov. 1917), Amiens (Mar. 1918); Somme— Mons (Aug.-Nov. 1918); m.c, June 1918; Despatches, (i) n.d. (ii) Nov. 30, 1917 , Cambrai. 192 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Ben-Oliel, Herbert Alfred; University Coll. 1906, Wycliffe; 46th Regt., Lieut. 59th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1915; o/s. Aug. 1915; att. 2ist Bn.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, May 1916, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Somme; 2nd Can. CD., Hastings, Feb. 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., July 1917; Liverpool Hosp. Area, Major and Sr. Chapl., x\ug. 1918. Bentham, W1LLI.A.M George; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Feb. 1917; Capt., Feb. 1918; India, Aug. 1917, att. i6th Indian Div.; Remount Dept., v.o. to Purchasing Offr., June 191 8; India, Baluchistan, Tibet. Bentley, Albert William; University Coll. and Forestry 1916 (1921); 6th Bty., c.o.T.c. draft, o/s. Jan. 1916; r.f.a., 'a' Bty., 48th Bde., Sec. [c.f.a., Lieut. Lieut.; France, Feb. 1916; A/Lieut., May 1917; Lieut, and Adjt., July 1917; Capt., Aug. 1917; (att. 5th Army, Mar. 1918; att. ist Army, Lens, Aug. 1918); Somme (1916), Arras (1917), Passchendaele, Conde Canal, Maubeuge, Mons; M.C., March Retreat, 1918; Despatches Dec. 1917, June 1918. Bentley, George Andrew; m.b. 1918. C.a.m.c, m.d. I, Lieut., July 1918. Bentley, William Joseph; d.d.s. 1900; c.a.m.c. No. 14 Fd. Amb., Capt. c.a.m.c, att. No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., Capt., Dental Surgeon, Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; C.A.D.C, Major; Lt.-Col., Mar. 1917; a. d.d.s., Shorncliffe Area; A.D.D.S., Witley Area, Mar. 1919; m.b.e., Jan. 1918; o.b.e., June 1919; Men- tioned, Services, Mar. 1918. Berdan, Oscar Lafayette; m.d., cm. Trinity 1889; 26th Regt., Major. c.a.m.c, m.o. 135th Bn., Major, Nov. 1915; o/s. Aug. 1916; Invalided 1919. Bere, George Samuel ; University Coll. 1917 (b.a. 1920); c.o.T.c 63rd Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Jan. 1918; Cpl.; Injured Jan. 4, 1918. Bergey, Simon Alvah; b.s.a. 1912; c.o.T.c, McGill, Lieut. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; Sergt. Berkeley, Garnet Lawrence; Applied Science 191 1, Diploma; Cps. of Guides, Can. Cyclist Depot, Capt., O.C, Jan. 1916; o.c 4th Div. Cyclist Coy., [Lieut. Apl. 1916; o.c. Res. Cyclists, Chiseldon, Eng., May 1916; Injured May 1916; France, May 1917, Can. Corps Cyclists, Capt.; Discharged Nov. 1917. Berkinshaw, Richard Coulton; b.a. Trinity 1913; 9th Horse, Lieut. 124th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; France, Mar. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn., Adjt.; I2th Bn., ce., May 1918; Major, Nov. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Despatches July 1919. Berry, Albert Edward; b.a.sc 1917; c.o.T.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; R.E., Cadet, Feb. 1918; Sec. Lieut. Berry, Byron Conr.\d; Applied Science 1910; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Sergt. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; 30th Bty., Gnr., Mar. 1917; 1st Tnlg. Coy.,CE.,Spr., Apl. 1918; ce., Lieut., Nov. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras (1918). Berry, Earl Grant; m.b. 191 7; c.a.m.c, No. 11 Fd. Amb., Sergt. -Major. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Returnad to complete course June 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., 1917. Berry, Earl Wellington; Applied Science 192 1. C.E., Spr., May 1918; L.-Cpl.; ce., Cadet, July 1918. Berry, Edward Wilson; Applied Science 1910, Diploma. Can. Corps Hdqrs., ce., Surveying Dept., Spr.; France; (Details not available). Berry, Emerson George; d.u.s. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Sergt., Mar. 1916; Lieut.; o/s. May 1917; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 193 Berry, Kenneth; d.d.s. 1918. c.A.D.c, M.D. I, Lieut., Feb. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Capt., Sept. 1918. Bertrand, Ozro Herman; R. CoH. Den al Surg. 1919. R.F.C. Cadet, Oct. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., May 1918; 254th Sqdn., May 1918; South Devon sea patroL Bescoby, Felix Harold; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Nov. 1914; Cpl.; France, Sept. 1915; Can. a.a. Art., Jan. 1917; Sergt., May 1917; Cadet, Dec. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Injured; Invalided Apl. 1918. Best, Charles Herbert; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; Bdr.; 2nd Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Sergt.; o/s. Oct. 1918. Best, James Harold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 192 1. c.A.D.c, M.D. 10, Pie., Sergt., Apl. 1918; Tuxedo Mil. Hosp., Winnipeg. Beswick, Richard Carl; Applied Science 1914. 228th Bn., Sergt., Apl. 1916; c.s.m.; 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., c.s.M., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1917; Wt. Offr., 11, Apl. 1917; Arras (1917), Havrincourt Wood, Bullecourt, Croisilles, Passchendaele, March Retreat (1918), Amiens etc. Bethuke, Henry Norman; m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres (1915); Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; r.n., H. M.S. 'Pegasus', Surgeon; Grand Fleet. Bethune, Hugh William; b.a. University Coll. 1909. Can. Inf., Lieut.; France; M.c. July 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., May 1918; (Further details not available). Bethune, Robert Thomas; University Coll. 1914. Fort Garry Horse, Tpr., Sept. 1914; 9th King's Own Royal Lancasters, Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1914; Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., May 1918; France, Sept. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Serbian Retreat (Dec. 1915); Bulgaria (1915-18); De- spatches, Salonica, June 1918. Bethune, William; m.b. 1907; c.a.m.c. No. 12 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 1914; Manor Hosp., Eng.; France, Nov. 1914; (att. No. 13 Brit. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1914-Mar. 1915); Fres., Trav. Med. Bd., Eng., Mar. 1916; Major, Apl. 1917; Invalided May 1917; M.o. Central Mil. Conval, Hosp., M.D. 2, Dec. 1917; M.o. i/c Brant Mil. Hosp., Dec. 1917-Aug. 1918; Discharged Oct. 1918. Betts, Harold C; Victoria 19 12. nth C.M.K., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, P'eb. 1917, c.a.m.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Betts, Hyl.v Hume; University Coll. 1907, b.a.sc. 1908; Public Schools Spec. Corps. Inns of Court, Pte., Sept. 1914; Cheshire Regt., Lieut., Dec. 1914; R.E., Lieut., Dec. 1914; F"rance, Jan. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; att. Staff d.a.q.m.g., June 1916; Asst. Dir. of Docks, Dec. 1916; Lt.-Col., Feb. 1917; Asst. Dir., Trans- portation, Hdqrs. in Italy, Dec. 1917; o.b.e. Jan. 1919; Despatches June 1916, June 1917; Mentioned, Services in Italy, June 1918, Jan. 1919. Bevan, Edgar Cyril; Trinity 1916. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1914; Lieut., Jan. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., June 1915; Lieut., July 1917; Capt., Nov. 1918; 'c' Bty., 58th Bde., nth Div., Oct. 1915; 'b' Bty., 117th Bde., 39th Div., Aug. 1918; Gallipoli, Suvla Bay, Oct. 1915; Egypt, Dec. 1915; F"rance, June 1916; Somme, Vimy, Bullecourt, Messines, Passchendaele, March Retreat 1918, Advance July-Oct. 1918; M.c, \'imy, .■\i)l. 10, 1917. — IG 194 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Bevan, William Henry Basil; Applied Science 1905. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Aug. 1914; Cpl., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1915; 3rd Fd. Coy., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Ypres (1915), Fest- ubert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); Wounded, Festubert, May 1915, Ypres, June 1916, and (accidentally) Dickebusch, July 1916; d.c.m., Ypres and Festubert, Apl. 1915; Invalided Sept. 1916; o.c. School of Trench Warfare, m.d. i, Capt.; M.S. A., District OfTr., m.d. i, Major. Beynon, Erdmann Doane; b.a. Victoria 1914, m.a. 19 15. 198th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Impl. Army, Cadet; Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1918; Indian Army. BiBET, Louis Auguste; Staff, University Coll.; French Regular Army. French Army, nth Dragoons, Lieut., Sept. 1914; 23rd Regt. Inf., Capt.; 44th Regt. Inf.; 105th Regt. Inf.; Champagne, Verdun, Vosges, Sous- Arras; Wounded June 22, 1915, and Oct. 19, 1915; Chevalier, Legion d'Honneur; Croix de Guerre avec Palme; Discharged July 1918. BiCKFORD, Leonard Dundas; University Coll. 1910; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; ist Dep. Bn., 2ndc.o.R., Lieut., Jan. 1918; o/s. Jan. and May 1918; 8th Res. Bn.; Siberian Ex. F.; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Bicknell, James Nathan; Victoria 1913-15, b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Mar. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; North Sea patrol and ferry piloting. Bicknell, Nathan Johnson; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; 23rd Res. Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 24th Bn.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Ypres, July 24, 1916; Invalided and discharged Aug. 1917. Bidwell, Frances Lucy Dorothea; b.a. Trinity 1916. St. John's Amb. Bde., v.a.d.. Mar. 1918; R. Marine Hosp., Deal. Biggar, Earle Lachland; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, No. 3 Coy., Lieut; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1917. Biggar, James Lyons; m.b. 1903; 88th Regt., Lieut. c.a.m.c, Fd. Amb. Depot, m.d. 13, Capt., May 1915; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., o.c. May 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme; Invalided Jan. 1917; Can. Conval. Hosp., Bromley, o.c; Can. Mil, Hosp., Liverpool; No. 3 Can. ccs., Oct. 1917-June 1918. Biggar, Oliver Mowat; b.a. University Coll. 1898; loist Regt., Lieut. Asst. -Judge-Advocate-General, m.d. 13, Major, July 1916; Military Service Council, Aug. 1917; Judge-Advocate-General, Lt.-Col., Jan. 1918; Col., Apl. 1919. Biggs, S. Percy; University Coll. 1904; Can. Engrs. Lt.-Col. o.c. Div. Engineers, m.d. 2, Mar. 1916. BiNCH, Wilfred Reese; Victoria 19 19; c.o.t.c. 4th Div. Ammun. Sub-Park, CF. A., Pte., May 1916; c.A.s.c; France, Dec. 1916, C.A.s.c, 2nd Div. Supply Col.; Arras sec; R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; R.A.F. , Sec. Lieut., 1918; Amiens sec. Bingle, Thomas; University Coll. 1918, (Education 1920); 38th Regt., Lieut. 125th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1918, 44th Bn.; Hill 70 sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918, and Arras, Sept. 2, 1918; M.C., Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Binkley, George Ernest; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, M.o. 123rd Bn., Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; m.o. 5th Div. En- gineers; France, Mar. 1918, att. Can. Eng.; M.o., CE. and Can. M.G. Cps. Reinf. Depots. ROLL OF SERVICE 195 Binning, Gordon Griffith Terhune; Medicine 1922. R.N.W.P., Cavalry Draft, Tpr.; o/s. May 1918; Can. Res. Cav. Regt. BiNNS, Ray Elerton; Applied Science 1913, (b.a.sc. 1919). Borden Armoured Bty., Gnr. Jan. 1915; R.E. Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). BiRCHARD EsLiE RussELL; B.A.SC. 1910; 2nd Regt. Eaton M.G. Bty. Sergt. -Major Jan. 1915; Wt. Offr., May 1915; Lieut., Aug. 1915; c.A.s.c. Depot, Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Supply Col., July 1916; France, Aug. 1916; o.c. 4th Can. Div. Supply Col., Jan. 1917; Major, Nov. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; o.c, C.A.s.c, London Area, Feb. 1918; o.m.f.c, Hdqrs., Chief Inspr., Mech. Tpt., Oct. 1918. Bird, Edward Alexander; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c; 14th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 75th Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut., June 1916; 2nd Can. Hvy. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, gaz. June 1919. Birdsall, Elmer; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc 1920). c.A.s.c, Dr.; Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., Apl. 1918; (Details not available). Birdsall, William Wallace; m.d., cm. Victoria and Trinity 1889. c.A.M.c, Capt.; France 1918, M.O., No. 5 Dist., Can. For. Cps., Jura Mts. Birkenshaw, John Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1913; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 24th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; Bdr., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Nov. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918; Vimy-Lens, Pass- chendaele, Lens sec; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 26, 1917. Birnie, John Frederick Pope; b.a. Victoria 191 1. nth Hwr. Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Jan. 1916; 'c' Bty., r.c.h.a.; France, 8ist Bty., Mar. 1917; 2nd Can. Div. Animun. Col., Apl. 1917; 4th Can. Div. Ammun. Col., June 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Mcnchy Hill, Apl. i, 1918; Discharged Nov. 1918. Birrell, Russell George; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c. Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte. Birrell, Walter Gordon; b.a.sc 1916; Staff 1917-18. 2nd Bn., c.o.R., Pte., July 1918; o/s. July 1918; 3rd Res. Bn. Bishop, Charles Allan; Applied Science 1918. 220th Bn., Lieut., Capt. 1916; (Further details not available). Bishop, Clifford Ethelbert; Victoria 1913. Can. For. Cps., Pte.; iioth Coy., Scotland. Bishop, Harold Henry; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. r.a.v.c, Lieut., July 1915; France, att. 28th and loth Divisions; c.A.v.C, Capt.; att. 1st and 2nd Divisions; Discharged Apl. 1918. Bishop, John Leigh; b.a. Trinity 1913; g.g.f.g., Lieut. 77th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 87th Bn., Lieut.; France, Aug. 1916; Hdqrs., o.m.f.c, London, Apl. 1917; France, Oct. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme (1916), Valenciennes (1918); Wounded, Somme, Nov. 18, 1916, and Valenciennes, Nov. 5, 1918. Bishop, Joseph Moore; Victoria 1915; Applied Science 1916. Can. Inf., Pte. (Details not available.) Bishop, Russell; R. Coll. Dent. Sueg. 1917. 252nd Bn., Lieut., 191 7; Can. For. Cps., France; Invalided and discharged Nov. 19 1 7. Bitzer, Armin Moritv; Applied Science 1909. CE. Signals, June 1915; France; 57th Motor Air Line sec; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., i/c instrument repair; r.g.a., Cadet, Nov. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Apl. ii)i8; k.g.a., Mountain .■\rtillery, Aug. 1918. 196 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Black, A. S.; Veterinary Coll. 19 13- 15. (Reported on Active Service. No details available.) Black, A. Percival; Applied Science 19 14. St. John's Amb. Bde., Pte., Mar. 1915; r.a.m.c, St. John's Amb. Bde. Hosp., Pte.; France, July 1915, Base Hosps., Etaples and Trouville. Black, Davidson; m.b. 1906; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. c.A.M.c, T.D., M.D. 2, Capt., July 1917; Div. Labty., m.d. 2, Sept. 1917; o/s. June 1918; c.A.M.c, T.D., July 1918; Can. Gen. Labty., Witley, Sept. 1918. Black, George Duncan Ralph; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905; Hong Kong Vol. Cps. R.A.M.C, Major, Feb. 1915; Tsing Tau, Feb. 1915; China 1915-19; Mentioned, Services. Black, Howard; m.b. 1915; c.o.x.c c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; Capt., June 1917; o/s. Feb. 1917; Westen- hanger; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Mar. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., July 1918; M.o. 21st En., Aug. 1918; Amiens, Arras — Mens; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 26, 19 18. Black, Howard McConnell; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.x.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1918. Black, Willlam Gr.\ham; Applied Science 1920; c.o.x.c R.F.C, Cadet; R.a.f., Sec. Lieut., 1918. Blacksxock, George Gooderham; Applied Science 1915. R.F.A., Lieut., 1914; 1st Can. Div. Art., a.d.c to o.c; Staff Capt.; 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., d.a.a.g.; a. a. and q.m.g., A/Major; A/Lt.-Col., Dec. 1918; M.c gaz. June 3, 1918; Despatches. Blacksxock, Gibbs; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.a. 1912. Univ. and Public Schools Bde., Pte., Sept. 1914; Transferred to Munitions, Aug. 1915; loth Bty., C.G.A., Gnr., May 1918; France, Oct. 1918; Denain, Petit Foret, Valenciennes, Rombies. Blacksxock, William Gooderham; b.a. University Coll. 1902. French Red Cross, Amb. Driver, 1914; (Died July 4, 1920.) Blackwell, Roy Wellingxon; d.d.s. 1917. c.a.d.c, Sergt., Sept. 1916; Lieut., Oct. 1916; o/s. May 1917; Capt., Oct. 1917. Blackwood, SxEWARX Temple; University Coll. 1899; loth Regt., Lieut. 58th Bn., Jr. Major and Adjt., June 1915; Hdqrs. Staff, Ottawa, d.a.a.g.; Capt.; A.A.G., Major; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1919. Blain, David; b.a.sc 1913. 123rd Bn., Lieut.; France, Mar. 1917; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. Blair, Eager James; Applied Science 1910; 23rd Regt., Lieut. 198th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Can. For. Cps.; CE.; France, June 1917, 7th Bn., C.E., Lieut.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Blair, John F"reeman; D.cf.s. 1908. c.a.d.c, att. No. 4 Fd. Amb., Capt.; Major; d.s.o.. Mar. 1919; Despatches July 1919; (Further details not available). Blake, Hume; b.a. University Coll. 1884. C.E.F., Pensions and Claims Bd., Eng., H/Major, Dec. 1915; H/Lt.-Col., Nov. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Blake, Harry Moore; University Coll. 1908; c.o.x.c. u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1916; R. Dublin Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, ist R. Dublin Fusiliers; Lieut., July 1918; Arras, Ypres, Courtrai; Severely wounded, Boesinghe, July 13. 1917. Blakeley, Alexander William; University Coll. 1919; c.o.x.c. u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1918. ROLL OF SER\ICE 197 Blakely, Arthur McAmmond; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c; 24th Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.o. i86th Bn., Capt., May 1916; France, Apl. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., June 1918; M.o. 9th Bde., c.f.a., Sept. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Severely wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 29, 1918. Blakely, William McDowell ; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. Blaxchard, Ben7.\min Howes Calkin; b.s.a. 1914. 17th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; 15th Bn., Jan. 1915; France, Feb. 1915; Cpl., June 1915; Ypres, Festubert; Wounded, Festubert, May 1915; Severely wounded, Ploegsteert, Aug. 26, 1915; Discharged Nov. 1916. Bland, Alan Gr.\h.a.m, b.s a. 1913. 4th Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A. , Gnr., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; t.m. Bty., Lieut. ,- O.C, Feb. 1916; Kemmel- Ypres; Invalided Aug. 1916; r.s.a., Kingston, Instr., Jan. 1917; Capt., July 1917; Instr., Mass. Instit. Technology, July-Sept. 1917; Instr., Yale Univ., Sept. 191 7 -June 1919. Blandin, Murray Howard; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c. 1st Bn., 1st C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; C.A.D.C, July 1918. Blatz, Wilhelm Emet; b.a. Victoria 1916, M.A. 1917, (Medicine 1921); c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Staff Sergt., i/c Functional re-education. Blayney, York; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c 13th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr.; France; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; C.A.M.C, Lieut.; o/s. May 1918. Bleakley, Thomas Wilmot; d.d.s. 1910, m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, T.D., M.D. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1917; T. D., M.D. I ;. Capt., Dec. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Queen's Hosp., Sidcup; France, Nov. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. Bleakney, Arthur Stuart; b.a. University Coll. 19 15. 2ist Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; L-Cpl.; 39th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; Instr., Shorn- cliffe M.G. School; France, July 1916, ist Can. m.g. Coy.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Severely wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. Blott, Robert Dudley; Medicine 1917 (1923). 37th Bn., Pte., June 1915; France, 42nd Bn.; Wounded Mar. 23, 1916; Dis- . charged Dec. 1916. Blue, Archie Wilfred; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918. Boast, Charles Raymond; b.v.sc 1918; c.o.t.c R.A.v.c, Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Dec. 1918, No. 2 Vety. Hosp., Le Havre; No. 14 Vety. Hosp., Abbeville; No. 2 a.r.d. Boddington, David Harvey; M.B. 1905, Staff. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt.; China, Jan. 1917; Brit. Red Cross, Siberian Ex. F., Oct. 1918. Boddy, Albert Ha wley; b.a. Trinity 1913; 38th Regt., Lieut. 162nd Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; 36th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1916; Invalided and discharged Mar. 1917. BoDDY, John; Education 19 15. R.A.F. 2/a.m., Sept. 1917; Cpl. BoDDY, Robert Arthur; b.s.a. 1913. c.a.s.c, Pte., Sept. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. y.m.c.a., Shorncliffe, Oct. 1917- Dec. 1919; Khaki Univ., Shorncliffe, Instr. Bogart, Ernest Charleton; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy.; Cpl.; Siberia, Jan. 1919; Vladivostok — Harbin. 198 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BoHAN, Charles Clayton; St. Michael's 1915. 1st Bn., E.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; France, June 1918, 2nd Bn,; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Boles, William Patterson; m.b. 19 18. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Lieut., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., Fd. Amb. BoLLEN, Christopher; m.b. 1888, m.d. 1891. Australian Imperial Forces, Capt., July 1915; 15th Australian Fd. Amb.; Major, 2nd i/c, Nov. 1915; Suez Canal Defences 1916; Armentieres, Fleurbaix, Somme (1916). Bolster, Lancelot Edward; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Apl. 1916; Capt. 1917; Mesopotamia, May 1916; Invalided Jan. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 2/3rd South Midland Fd. Amb.; Cambrai (Nov. 1917), St. Quentin Retreat (Mar. 1918); Discharged Sept. 1918. BoLTE, Auguste Armour; University Coll. 1918. c.A.s.c, Lieut., Feb. 1916; 230th For. Bn., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, 75th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, etc.; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Bond, Charles Ernest; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2., Lieut., 1918. Bond, John Henry Martin; b.a. Trinity 1909. 1st Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; Invalided and discharged June 1915. Bonnell, Mossom Burwell; Applied Science 1904, Diploma. 3rd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Oct. 1916; Arras; Invalided Aug. 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Bonnycastle, Gerald Carlow; d.d.s. 1900; 46th Regt., Capt. c.a.d.c, Capt., Nov. 1915, att. 136th and 139th Bns.; o/s. Apl. 1916; att. 5th Can. Tr. Bde.; Can. Conval. Hosp., Epsom; Staff clinic, London; France, Oct. 1917, No. I Can. ccs. ; i/ist East Lanes. Fd. Amb.; Can. Cps. Dental Labty.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Nieuport sec. ; Vimysec; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917; Despatches July 191 7. Boone, Charles Armel; University Coll. 1901; loth Regt., Lieut; 2nd Manchester Regt., Sec. Lieut., S. African War 1900; Lieut. 1901; Despatches Aug. 1901; 123rd Bn., Major 2nd i/c, Nov. 1915; [S.A. Medals and clasps; Capt. 1907. France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; 9th Bn., C.E., Major 2nd i/c; Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Gassed, Passchendaele; Discharged Aug. 1918; Despatches Jan. 1918. BooNE, Frank Herbert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Lieut.; att. r.f.c (Canada); Transport service, China-France; c.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918. Booth, Frank Whitehead; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c, Sgr. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Sept. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 19th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; R.A.F., Cadet, July 191 8; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras. Booth, George Ewart; Applied Science 191 7; c.o.t.c R.F.C, May 1917; Discharged, Transf. to Munitions; 67th. u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 12th Bty., cg.a.. Artificer; Valenciennes, Mons. Booth, Lancelot Parker; m.d., cm. Trinity 1887, d.d. Trinity 1902. R.A.M.c, South African Forces, Capt.; (Further details not available). Booth, Robert; Trinity 1916-18. C.G.R., Pte., May 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 75th Bn.; Valenciennes; Khaki Univ. (Belgium), Instr., Jan. 1919. Booth, Samuel J.; Victoria 1916. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) ROLL OF SERVICE 199 Booz, Frederick Bernard; Applied Science 1917; c.o.x.c. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1915; 53rd Bty., c.f.a., Sergt.; (Further details not available). BoswELL, John Francis; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16. c.A.v.c.,. Lieut., Mar. 1917; France, May 1917, 2nd Can. Div., Capt ., d.a.d.v.s. att. 1st Bde., c.f.a.; Arras sec, Passchendaele, Arras etc. (1918). BoswELL, William Henry; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. A.E.F., 304th Ammun. Tr., 79th Div., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; France, Sept. 1918;; \'ety. Cps., att. 304th Engineers, Lieut., May 1919; Meuse, Argonne. BoTT, Edward Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1912, Staff. General List, i/c Functional Re-education, H/Capt. BoTT, George Ernest; Victoria 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; Cpl., Sergt.; France, Mar. 1918, Can. Cav. Bde., Sig. Troop, Spr.; Amiens, Le Cateau. BoucK, Charles; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, Capt., Dec. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; att. 4th Res. Bn.; France, July 1918. Boulding, Charles Richard; Education 1912, (Medicine 1923). 95th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, ist Bn.; Somme, Lens, Vimy; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 3, 1917; Invalided and discharged Jan. 1918. Boulter, John West; b.a. University Coll. 1915. o/s. Oct. 1916; R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 21st Sqdn.; R.A.F., Lieut.; Ypres sec. BovltEr, Lel and Wellington; University Coll. 1919, (Medicine 1923); c.o.x.c 75th Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Mar. 1917; R.s.A., Lieut.; France, July 1918, 48th Hwr. Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; Somme, Cambrai, Douai — Mons; Gassed Jan. I918; Invalided Jan. 1919. Bourinot, Arthur Stanley; Trinity and University Coll., b.a. 1915.; c.o.t.c 77th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; r.f.c, Sept. 1916; France, 191 7; Prisoner, June 3, 1917. BouRKE, Fr.\ncis John; phm.b.. 1916. R.A.F., Cadet., 1918. Bourne, Obre Brabazon; Applied Science 1907, Diploma; 36th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 76th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1918; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt.; Lieut., May 1918. Bowes, Emer William John; Education 1915; c.o.t.c (London), Lieut. R.F.c, Cadet, Dec. 1917; r.a.f., Flight Cadet. Bowes, Harold Edwin; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1917; o/s. Jan. 1918; R. Art., Sec. Lieut. Bowie, Innes; m.d., cm. Trinity 1893. c.A.M.c, Major, Lt.-Col.; France, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp. Bowles, Walter Fletcher; b.a. Victoria 1914, Staff; c.o.t.c, Sergt., Lieut. U. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 19 17; Sergt.; ist Can. Tank Bn., Litut., \p\. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Bowxes, Wilfrid George Devitt; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Sept. 1916; Wounded and shell-shocked Somme, Oct. I, 1916; Invalided and discharged Apl. 1917. Bowman, Edgar Peterson; b.a.sc 191 i. 256th Can. Ry. Constr. ]',n., Pte., h'cl). 1917; Sergt.; France, June 1917; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Nieuport and Ypres sees. Bowman, Frederick; Api)licd -Science 1911, Diploma; 58th Regt. Can. Ry. Tjis., 15th Reinforcing Draft, Pte., May 1917; France, Sept. 1917. 7tli Hn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Cpl., .\pl. igis; 4tli I'.n., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut., Oct. 19 18; Passchendaele, March Retreat (St. Quentin), Cambrai etc. 200 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Bowman, Fred Behimer; m.b. 1906; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, Capt., July 1915; Major, Dec. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; o.c. No. 2 Can. Mob. Labty.; o.c. No. i Can. Gen. Labty.; Italy, Feb. 1918, o.c. No. 14 Mob. Labty., Taranto; Asiago sec; Special w.o. Comm., France, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1916. Box, WiLLARD McConnell; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.c, Sergt., 1916-17. BoYCE, Arthur John; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; Invalided Feb. 1917. Boyd, Arthur Macallum; b.a. University Coll. 1907; 4th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 46th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, July 1916; A/Capt., June-Dec. 1917; Ypres-Kemmel sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele; Re- turned Jan. 1918; 1st Bn., ist C.O.R., Capt., June 1918. Boyd, Edmund; b.a. University Coll. 1905, m.b. 1908; c.A.M.c, Capt. C.A.M.c, Capt., Sept. 1918; o/s; West Cliff Can. Spec. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Boyd, Fr.\nces Rogan; University Coll. 1904. American Red Cross, France. Boyd, Gardiner Mossom; Applied Science 1908. C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1916; France, June 1917, 4th Bty; 25th Bty., Sgr.: Ltns, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras — ^Valenciennes. Boyd, Henry Ormsby; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897. C.A.M.c, M.o. 109th Bn., Capt., July 1916; o/s. July 1916; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bramshott; M.o. 21st Res. Bn.; France, July 1917, Can. For. Cps., s.M.o. No.' 12 Distr., Bordeaux, Major; o.C Facture Detention Hosp.; French Rosette d'Officier de ITnstruction Publique, May 19 19. Boyd, Herbert Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1909. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1917; France, June 1917; Lieut.; Capt., Oct. 1918. Boyd, Julian South worth; m.b 1909; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.c, T.D., M.D. 2, Capt., Mar. 1916; Major, July 1916; o/s. Apl. 1919. Boyd, Robert Shields; b.a. University Coll. 1917, Wycliffe, (reg. m.a. 1919); co.T.c, c.A.s.c, T.D., M.D. 2, Pte., Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, p.p.cl.i.; [Cpl. 3rd Pn., Can. m.g. Cps., Pte., May 1918; Lens, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai. EoYD, William Ernest, d.d.s. 1916. ist Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Ap!. 1918. (Died 1920). Boyd, William James; b.sc.f. 1916. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Mar. 1915; 53rd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut.; France, Sept. 1916, i6th Bty., c.f.a.; 53rd Bty., c.f.a.; Can. Cps. Art.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Loos, Oct. 1917, and Arras, Mar. 1918; Discharged Sept. 1918. BoYE, James Graham; Applied Science 1921 (1923). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; Can. Res. Art. BoYER, George Florian; m.b. 1907, m.d. 1911, Staff; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; a.d.m.s. Staff, Shorncliffe, Oct. 1916; Ramsgate Spec. Hosp., Apl. 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Oct. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Returned Apl. 1918; Consultant in Neurology, m.d. i and m.d. 2. Boyes, Nelson Ross; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17. C.A.V.C, Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Woolwich, Shorncliffe. Boyle, Victor Osmund; b.a. Trinity 1913, m.a. 1914. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., June 1918; att. Niagara Camp, Hamilton Hosp. ROLL OF SERVICE 201 Brace, Albert James; Victoria 1901-04. Chinese Labour Cps., Lieut., May 19 17; France, Sept. 1917; Capt. Br:\.ce, George Arnold; Applied Science 192 i ; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., Pte.; o/s. June 1918. Brace, William Donald; m.b. 19 13. c.A.M.C, M.o. 203rd Bn., Capt., ApL 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; m.o. i8th Res. Bn.; France, May 1917; No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. g.h.q., 3rd Echelon, Rouen, Sept. 1917; Returned Jan. 1918; i/c Moose Jaw Mil. Hosp., m.d. 12; Pres., Gen. Med. Bd., Regina. Bradley, Henry Dell; b.a. University Coll. 1915. 74th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens. Bradley, Randolph Willmott; d.d.s. 1920. Can. Inf., Pte.; c.a.d.c, Pte., June 1917; att. r.a.f. (Canada), June 1918.. Bradley, Thomas; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897; c.a.m.c. c.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1915; No. 2 f.a.d., London; o.c 149th Bn., T Lt.-Col.; c.a.m.c, Oct. 1916; Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Buxtoi>, Eng., Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, No. 2 Can. c.c.s.; No. i Can. Fd. Amb., March 1918; Ypres sec. Bailleul sec. Bradshaw, William John; University Cofl. 1916. C.F.A., Lieut.; France; Rep. wounded Nov. 26, 1917; France, June 1918; Northern Russia, c.f.a., Lieut., 1918-19; M.c, gaz. May 1919. Br.\dstock, Arthur; Trinity 1913. 213th Bn., Pte., 1916; 238th Bn., Pte. Bramfitt, George Neville; Education 1908, b.a. Victoria 1915, Staff; 2nd Fd. Coy., Instr. Cadre, M.D. 2, Capt., Aug. 1915; Adjt., [cE., Capt.; c.o.t.c. Major. Apl. 1916; o.c, N.c.o. T.D., M.D. 2, Oct. 1917; 2nd Bn., 2nd co.r., June 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Invalided; att. R.A.F. , Nov. 1918. Brand, John Murray; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt.; France, Aug. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Invalided Dec. 1917; Ireland; Mentioned, Salonica, July 1920. Brandon, Harry Elmer; b.a.sc 1907; io6th Regt., Lieut. 184th Bn., Pte.; Lieut., Dec. 1^15; Can. For. Cps., 36th Coy., Oct. 1916; France, Aug. 1917. Bray, George Herbert; d.d.s. 1905. c.a.d.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; i/c Dental clinic. Tuxedo Mil. Hosp., m.d. 10; Capt., Dec. 1915; o/s. Dec. 1915; Beachborough Hosp.; France, Mar. 1917, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; att. Can. Cps. Hdqrs. Bray, Harry Randle; b.a. University Coll. 1905; r.cn., Sub-Lieut. R.N.cv.R., Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1914; h.m.c.s. 'Rainbow'; Pacific; h.m.c.s. 'Niobc', h.m.cs. 'Tuna', 1915-16; Atlantic; C.F.A. , Lieut., Oct. 1916; cg.a., loth Bty., Jan. 1918; France, Mar. 1918; Vimy sec. Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — -Mons. Breadon, Lorenzo Hutchinson Morton; b.a. Trinity 1910. 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; 5th Ilwr. Bty., C.F.A. , Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 1st Div. Ammun. Col.; Can. Cps. Survey Sec, Hvy. Art., June 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens etc. Brebner, John Bartlet; University Coll. 19 17, (b.a. — O.xon, 1920). c.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cjil., A])!. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1916; Staff Sergt., Apl. 1917; R.g.a., Cadet, Feb. 1918; R.G.A., 519th Siege Bty., Sec. Lieut., .\ug. 1918; Instr., Cenir.il Siege School, Lydd, Oct. 1918. 202 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Brecken, Pait. Ralph; Victoria 1908, b.a.sc. 1909. Y.M.C.A., Capt.; o/s. Aug. 1917; Bramshott; France, July 1918; Gassed, Sept. 1918. Breckon, William Darche; b.s.a. 1906. C.A.s.c, Pte., Mar. 1917; Can. Inf.; 4th Can. Hvy. Bty.; France; CA.M.C. Breen, Joseph Melville; Applied Science 1918 (1921). C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; A/Sergt.; L-Cpl.; France, June 1917, 4th Div. Sig. Coy.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Denain-Valenciennes; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918. Brenx.\kd, Clarence George; University Coll. 1921 (1923). R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1918. Brent, Charles Henry (Rt. Rev.); b.a. Trinity 1884, m.a. 1889, d.d. 1902. A.E.F., Major and Senior Chaplain; France, Dec. 19 17; St. Mihiel, Argonne, Meuse, Vesle, Somme; Cmdr., Belgian Ordre de Leopold, Apl. 1919; u.s. Distinguished Service Medal, Apl. 1919; Medal, Amer. Academy of Social Sciences, Apl. 1919; C.B., July 1919. Brereton, Lloyd Randolph; b.a.sc. 1914; ist Fd. Troop, c.e., Spr. 2nd Army Troops Coy., C.E.,Sergt., June 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Kemmel, Ypres, Somme, Mont St. Eloi; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Nov. 1917, 104th, 59th and 52nd Sqdns. ; Armentieres, Messines, Cambrai-Arras- Albert; Wounded July 1918. Breslove, David; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.a. 1915, Education 1915. 1st Depot Bn., 1st c.o.R., Pte., Mar. 1918. Brethour, Elden James; Trinity 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 80th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Can. Pay Ofifice, London, Eng. Brett, James Enos; b.a. Victoria 1914. 68th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; (Further details not available). Breuls, Harold Alvin Carl; University Coll. 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Sergt. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Lieut., Mar. 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., July 1918; Fiance, Sept. 19 1 8, 1 68th Siege Bty.; Le Catelet, Maretz— Le Cateau; Gassed, Escau- fourt, Oct. 14, 1918. Brickenden, William Thomas; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Nov. 1916; r.n.c.v.r., Wt. Offr., w/t. Operator, Mar. 1917; Jeddore Rock Sta., A. p. v. 'Stadacona', Barrington Passage Sta. Bricker, Calvin David; d.d.s. 1907. c.A.D.c, Capt.; France; (Further details not available). Bridge, Harold Edward; Trinity 1915. 7th C.M.R., Pte., Jan. 1915; Sergt., Pte.; 12th Bn., Lieut.; France, Mar. 1916; 19th Bn., Lieut.; Arras-Lens sec; Wounded and prisoner, Fresnoy, May 8, 1917; Exchanged Apl. 191 8; Repatriated Aug. 1918; Capt., 1918. Brien, John Wesley (m.p.); m.d., cm. Trinity 1892. CA.M.C , M.o. 99th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1916; Hospitals service; Invalided Aug. 1917; Bd. Pension Commissioners, Oct. 1917; British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, Detroit, Jan. 1918. Briggs, Fr,\nk Courtney Heaton; d.d.s. 1900; c.a.m.c, H/Lieut. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1917; Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton; 3rd C.C.D., Hastings; Can. For. Cps., Sunningdale; France, June 1918, L. of c; No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp. Bright, Denny; University Coll. 1914-15, Wycliffe. C.A.s.c, Pte., Dec. 1916; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut. Bright, Samuel George; b.v.sc 191 i. R.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; att. 32nd Div.; att. 31st Div.; ROLL OF SERVICE 203 Egypt, Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Serre, Lacouture (1916), Somme (1916- 17), Vimy (1917), Douchy (Mar. 1918), Bailleul-Belgiek-Russeignies (Sept.- Nov. 1918); Gassed Oct. 28, 1918; Despatches Aug. 1919. Brink, George Clair; m.b. 1913. c.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Capt., June 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Mar. 1916, att. 3rd Div. c.e.; Ypres, Somme; Invalided; Discharged Apl. 1917. Brinsmead, Howard; b.v.sc. 1916. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Aug. 1916; Capt.; Vety. Hosp., Bangalore, India. , Brisco, Clarence Alfred; m.b. 1913; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.C, No. 5 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt. -Major; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Major, Feb. 1918; France, Sept. 1915, No. 73 Fd. Amb.; Loos, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Messines, Passchendaele, March Retreat (1918); M.C., Aug. 1917; Despatches June 1917. Bristol, Everett; b. a. University Coll. 191 i ; R.o., Lieut. 1st King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Aug. 1914; 13th Hussars, Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1914: France, Dec. 1914; 15th Can. Bn., Lieut., May 1915; Hdqrs., 3rd Can. Inf. Bde., Capt. and Bde. m.g. Offr., June 1915; Neuve Chapelle, Givenchy, Ploeg- steert-Messines sec; Severely wounded Dec. 18, 1915; Chief Instr., m.g. School, M.D. 2, Oct. 1916; Dept. of Militia, Hdqrs. Staff, Private Secretary to Minister, Dec. 1916; Hdqrs. o.m.f.c, London, d.a.a.g. and Private Secretary to Minister, Nov. 1917; C.M.G., June 1918; Mentioned, Services, May 1918. Broadworth, Robert Thompson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 28th Bty., c.f.a., Dr.; 15th Bty., Mar. 19 17; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton, Aug. 1918; C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Pte., Nov. 1918. Brock, Cecil Guelph; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c; 90th Regt., Lieut. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1916; France, June 1917, 1st Sqdn.; r.a.f., 209th and 3rd Sqdns., Lieut.; Ypres, Arras, Amiens sees.; Wounded Aug. 13, 1917, and Aug. 21, 1918. Brock, Ernest Reginald; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c; 96th Regt., Lieut. 144th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June 1917; Mediterranean and Adriatic patrol. Brock, George Melbourne; b.a. University Coll. 19 13; c.o.t.c, Western Univ. c.a.m.c. No. 10 Sta. Hosp., Capt. and Qr.-Mr., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Dec. 19 17. Brock, Henry; b.c.l. Trinity 1899, d.c.l. 1905; loth Regt., Lt.-Col. o.c Gen. Staff, m.d. 2, Chief Recruiting Offr. for Toronto, July 19 15, an 1 for m.d. 2, Sept. 19 15; Director, National Service, m.d. 2, Sept. 19 16. Brock, Milton Ward; Victoria 19 19; c.o.t.c r.f.c. Cadet, Dec. 19 17; r.a.f. Brock, William Middleton; b.a.sc 1913; 21st Regt., Cpl. C.K., Signals, Spr., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy., 12th Inf. Bde.; c.e., Lieut., Aug. 1918; 2nd i/c 4th Pontoon Bridging Tpt., Sept. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Bourlon — Mons; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 31, 1917. Brockenshire, Freeman Albert; m.b. 1913. c.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Ami). Dcjiot, Lieut., Nov. 1915: Cajit.; France, May 1916, No. I Can. Base Hosp.; No. 9 Fd. Amb., Sept. 1916; M.o. R. Can. Regt., Jan. 1917; M. o. No. I Can. Labour Bn., Oct. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Ypres; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1918: Major, Ajil. 1919; Dom. Ortli. Hosp., M.D. 2, July 1919. 204 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Broder, Frederick Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1902. 148th Bn., Cpl., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, 21st Bn., Pte.; CpL; Vimy-Lens sec; Wounded, Lens, July 19 17. Brodie, Frederic James; m.b. 1904, m.d. 1905, f.r.c.s.; c.a.m.c, Lieut. R. A. M.c, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., June 1916; Malta, Sept. 19 15; Imtarfa Mil. Hosp.; Salcnica, June 1916, No. 37 Gen. Hosp., Surg. Spec; Balkans, 1916-17; C.A.M.C, Capt., Oct. 1917-Oct. 1919; Shaughnessy Mil. Hosp., m.d. 11,0. i/c Med. Div. Brodie, William Michael; b.a.sc. 1896. 234th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Discharged Apl. 1917. Brogden, Lawrence Frederick; m.b. 191 i. c.a.m.c, Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Dec 1916; France, Dec. 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.r No. 8 Fd. Amb., Jan. 1918; m.o. 9th Bn., c.e., May 1918; No. 3 c.c.s., Nov. 19 18; Vimy, Arras, Amiens. Brokenshire, Melville Clinton; Education 1913; 49th Regt., Lieut. 109th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 253rd Bn.; France, Aug. 1917, 15th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — ^Douai. Bromley, Albert James; Medicine 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. 84th Bn., Med. Sergt., July 1915; France, 1916, 75th Bn., Pte.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918; De- spatches Nov. 1916. Brooke, Arthur Terrill; Trinity 1918. 19th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded Jan. 1917; Invalided and discharged Feb. 19 18. Brooke, Rufus John Whitby; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; M.O. British and Canadian Re- cruiting Mission, Minneapolis; M.o. Hosp. Ship 'Madras' to Siberia, Jan. 1919. Broom, John Cameron Wilson; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c, Lieut. C.A.D.C, m.d. 3, Lieut., Mar. 1917; att. 230th For. Bn.; att. r.f.c, July 1917; Capt., Feb. 1918; o/s. Feb. 1918; Returned for duty Sept. 1919. Brough.\ll, George Herbert; b.a. Trinity 1883. C.A.M.C, Pte., Aug. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1917; c.a.m.c Dapot, Westenhanger and Risboro' Bks; Princess Patricia's Hosp., Ramsgate; France, Sepl. 1917; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Dec. 1917; att. Manitoba Regtl. Depot; Seaford, Apl. 1918; No. I CCD.; France, May 1918, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No, 3 ?nd No. II Impl. Sta. Hosps., Aug. 1918; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1918. Broughton, Ernest Alfred; Medicine 1916, (m.b. 1917); c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Staff Sergt., Nov. 19 15; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Returned to complete course June 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., Oct. 1917; Capt., June 1918; Spadina, Whitby and St. Andrew's Mil. Hosps., 1917-1919. Brouse, Eld ridge Dean Gooderham; b.a.sc 1915; c.e.; c.a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Lieut. C.A.s.c, No. 3 Amm. Sub-Park, Lieut., Jan. 1916; C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt. Coy., June 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col.; Seed, to r.g.a., 204th Bty., Mar. 1918; C.G.A., Oct. 1918; Ypres, Arras. Brown, Alfred Carman; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921, (Medicine 1924); 15th Regt. 182nd Bn., Pte., May 1916; Bandsman; Invalided and discharged Sept. 1917. Brown, Archie Fairbairn; University Coll. 1916; i8th Mtd. Rifles, Lieut. 32nd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, May 1915, 2nd Bn.; Capt., Feb. 1916; Invalided Apl. 1916; 14th Can. Inf. Bde., 5th Div., England, Staff Capt.; France, June 1917 2nd Bn., A/Major; Festubert, Givenchy, Hill 60, (1915- ROLL OF SERVICE 205 1916); Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; D.s.o., Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Despatches June 1917, May 1918; Invalided and discharged May 19 18. Browx, Arthur Huxtixgdon; Victoria 1917; c.o.x.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme Oct. 12, 1916, Passchendaele, Nov. 10, 1917, and Somme, Sept. 1918. Browx, Charles Clixton; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. • C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919; o/s. Sept. 1918; att. Regtl. Depot group, Witley; 'e' wing, Bramshott; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; 'm' wing, Witley. Browx, Chester Pettit; b.a. Victoria 1910, m.a. 1911, m.b. 1913, d.p.h. 1915; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, M.D. II, Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. July 1916; Salonica, Aug. [Lieut. 1916, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., June 1919; o.C. Distr. Labty., M.D. 2. Browx, Claude; d.d.s. 1899. c.a.d.c, Capt., Major, Lt.-Col.; o/s.; .\.d.d.s., 5th Div. ; a. d.d.s., Witley; A.D.D.S., Bramshott; O.B.E., June 1919; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1918. Browx, Douglas Laxdseer; d.d.s. 1913. C.A.D.C, Capt. Aug. 1917; Dental clinic. Tuxedo Hosp., M.D. 10; o/s. June 1918; SeafordArea; London Area. Browx, Duxcax Eugene; St. Michael's 1919, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c 228th Bn., Cpl., May 1916; Sergt.; France, Apl. 1917; Vimy, Lens, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Aug. 20, 1918. Browx, Edmuxd Percival; b.a. University Coll. 1901 ; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Major, Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; 9th Bn., C.E., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Italy (Dec. 1917-Jan. 1918), Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Sept. 18, 19 18; Despatches Jan. 1918, Nov. 1918. Browx, Elmer Leslie; b.v.sc 1917. C.A.V.C, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., July 1917; France, June 1917, att. 1st Can. Div.; Lens sec, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Browx, Elmer William; Medicine 192 i. 2Hd Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918. Browx, George Gordon; Victoria 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 17th Bty., Mar. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918. Brown, George Williams; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; ist Can. Tank Bn., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Brown, George Wood; University Coll. 1909; 95th Regt., Lieut. 68th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, July 1916, 13th Bn.; loth Inf. Rde. Hdqrs. Staff, Mar. 1917; 4th Bde. Hdqrs., Staff Capt., Sept. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 6, 1918; m.c, gaz. Jan. 1918. Brown, Gordon; Applied Science 1903. 151st Rn., Scrgt., Dec. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1916; (Further details not available). Brown, Hakoi.d Duke; Education, 1912; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c, Scrgt. 141)1 iity., c.K.A., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1015; c.f.a., Lieut. Junf i()i7; 2o6 UMVERSITV OF TORONTO 7th Bty., C.G.A., Oct. 1917; Loos, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches Mar. 1919. Browx, Harold Erxest; m.b. 1914. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; (Details not available). Browk, Harold Russell; Applied Science 1915. R.N.V.R., Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1916; England and Channel; Invalided Sept. 1916; R.X.C.V.R., i c recruiting, Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1916; Atlantic patrol, Apl. 1917; Invalided and discharged Dec. 19 17. Brown, Harry jVIootrey; St. Michael's 1920 (1921). R.F.c, Cadet, May 19 17; Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; France, 98th Sqdn., att. French Army; Wounded Apl. 19 18; Prisoner Aug. 191 8. Brown, Harry Paterson; University Coll. 1919, Wycliflfe; c.o.T.c. R.A.F. , Cadet, July 1918. Brown, Henry Speight; b.a.sc. 1917; c.o.T.c. R.N.C.V.R., Radial Tel. Br., Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1917; Sydney, N.s., Sta. Brown, Hilton Orland; b.a.sc. 1912; c.o.T.c. u. of T. o s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; c.e., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Brown, Homer Gr.\nt; b.a. Victoria 1906. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., July 19 17; Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917. Brown, Hubert Arthur Wood; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1912. c.A.M.c, M.o. 169th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o s. Sept. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. 29th Bn., Feb. 1917; Vimy; Invalided May 1917; Kirkdale Mil. Hosp., Liverpool, June 1917; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 1917; Dom. Orth. Hosp., m.d. 2, Mar. 1919. Brown, James B.; m.b. 1908; 32nd Regt., Capt. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., 1916; Mesopotamia, Jan. 1916, No. 23 Sta. Hosp.; Tigris, Kut Relief Expediticn; Invalided 1916; c.A.M.c, Capt.; Staff, A.D.M.S., m.d. 2, 1917-1918; Discharged June 1918. Brown, Jaiies Clifton; b.v.sc. 1915. Can. Remount Comm., Lieut; (Further details not available). Brown, James Douglas; University Coll. 1914; 2nd Regt. i8oth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl., Apl. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 123rd Can. Picn. Bn., Pte.; L-Cpl., Apl. 1918; 9th En., c.e.. May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Mons; Gassed, Vimy, May i, 1917. Brown, JohnTr-\cy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.T.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1917; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1918; France, June 1918, 42nd Sqdn.; 8ist Wing, Sept. 1918; 22nd Sqdn., Dec. 1918; Merville sec. Brown, John Vassie; m.b. 1903. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., Feb. 1915; R.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, July 1915, No. 47 Fd. Amb.; No. 61 ccs., July 1917; Loos, Somme, Arras (1917), Ypres; Invalided Sept. 1918; M.c, Arras and Somme, June 5, 1917. Brown, Kenneth Clarkson; b.a. University Coll. 1904. Can. For. Cps., 79th Coy., Pte.; Sergt., Nov. 1917; o/s. Brown, LoRNE .Ale.x.\nder; University Coll. 1919; c.o.T.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; Cadet, May 19 18; Lieut., Oct. 1918. Brown, Percival Beckett; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.b. 1916; c.o.T.c R.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1916; Capt.; Mesopotamia; i c Margie Camp; Invalided Oct. 1916; No. 17 Sta. Hosp., Bombay; C.A.M.C, Capt., Feb. 1918; Hospitals, M.D. 2. ROLL OF SERVICE 207 Brown, Percy Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c, No. ii Fd.^ C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; [Amb., Lieut. Major, Nov. 1915; d.m.s. Office, London, Eng., Sept. 1916; o.c, i.o.d.e. Hosp., London, Mar. 1917; No. 2 c.c.s., Lt-Col. o.c, Nov. 1917; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Somnie, Passchendaele, Kemmel (1918); o.b.e., Jan. 1919; French Croix de Guerre, Kemmel, May 1918; Despatches June 1915, Nov. 1918. Brown, Roland Robert; Applied Science 1915. (Reported as en Active Service. No details available.) Brown, Stuart Hall; b.a. University Coll. 1912; 36th Regt., Lieut. School of Inf., M.D. 2, Lieut. Instr., 1916; 208th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1917; 204th Bn., Capt., May 1917; France, Jan. 1918, Ii6th Bn., Lieut.; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 28, 19 18. Brown, Wallace Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c; looth Regt., Lieut, looth Bn., Lieut; (Further details not available). Brown, Walter James; b.s.a: 1894; 12th Bde., c.f.a., Lt-Col. 4th Bde., C.F.A., Lt-Col., Nov. 1914; a/c.r.a., 2nd Can. Div. an 1 B;h. Area Cmdr.; France, Sept. 1915, o.c. 4th Bde., c.f.a.; Ypres sec, St. Eloi; a.a.G., M.D. I, Aug. 1916; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1919. Brown, Willla.m; b..a.. University Coll. 19 10. C.A.M.C, Pte., Dec. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; France, Feb. 1918, No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Douai. Brown, Willl\m Alexantjer; Trinity 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, U. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1916; 5th Hwr, Bty., c.f.a., Nov. 1916; Composite Bty., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, 24th Bty., Sgr.; Vimy, Pass- chendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mens; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 17, 191 7; Bar to M.M., Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 3, 1918. Brown, Willl\m Easson; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Tr. Sch., Westenhanger; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Capt.; Invalided and discharged May 1918. Brown, William John; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. C.A.M.C, Major, Sept. 1915; o/s. Sept. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; West Cliff Hosp.; M.D. I, Consultant, Sept. 1917. Brown, William Lyttleton James; Educaticn 1913. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Se, t. 1917; c.o.r.; Lieut.; r.g.a. Brownf, Howard; App'ied Scienci 1912. Enl. 1915; Fn nee, 1917-18; (Furtler details not available). Browne, Lanfear Milne; b.a. University Coll. 1915. r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Italy. Browne, William Eli; m.b. 1906. C.A.M.C, m.o. i8oth Bn., Capt.; Base Hosp., m.d. 2. Brownxee, Basil Ernest; d.d.s. 1907. C.A.D.C, M.D. 10, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; att. ist Res. Bde.; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 1 1 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Mil. Hosp., Etchinghill; Can. Mil. Hosp., Epsom. Brownlee, Harold Joseph; b.a. (Kansas), Staff, Applied Science, 1915-16. A.E.F., iioth Engineers, 35th Div., 1st Lieut., 1917; Capt., Oct. 1918; France, May 1918; Amiens sec, Alsace sec, St. Mihiel, Meusc-Argonnc, Verdun. Bruce, George Nigel; University Coll. 1915. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., June i9i(>; France; R.N.V.R., Lieut., Feb. 1918; Patrol duty. East coast of England, Adriatic, Medi- terranean, Aegean; Mine-sweeping, Aegean, Dardanelles, Nov. 1918. 208 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Bruce, Harry; Trinity 1907-10. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Feb. 1918; o/s. Mar. 1918; att. i8th Res. Bn.; Chaplain Staff, London Area, Aug. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Valenciennes. Bruce, Herbert Alexander; m.b. 1892, m.d. 1893, f.r.c.s. (Eng.), Staff; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C., No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Lt-Col., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915; [Lt.-Col. Inspector-General, c.a.m.c. Col., July 1916; r.a.m.c, Col., Consulting Surgeon to British Armies in France, Jan. 1917; Le Havre, Etretat, Trouville areas; Despatches May 1918, July 1919; Belgian Ordre de la Couronne, Chevalier, June 1920. Bruce, Thomas Langlois; b.a. Trinity 191 1. Can Chaplain Svce., att. 9th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, May 1915; C.E., Lieut.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Sept. 21, 1918. Bruen, Alexander McWhorter; Forestry 1917. A.E.F., Hdqrs. Coy., 3rd f.a., 6th Div., Pte., Dec. 1917; France, July 1918. Brunell, Henry Peareth; Applied Science 1920; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, Sept. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, 218th Sqdn.; Shot down, Sept. 28, 1918; d.f.c. Brunet,.0.; Veterinary Coll. 1908-10; c.A.s.c, No. 6 Coy., Lieut. C.A.S.C, 2nd Res. Park, Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt., June 1915; France, Sept. 1915; No. I Base Vety. Hosp., Le Havre, Sept. 1916; att. 12th Bde., c.f.a., Dec. 1916; att. 3rd Bde., c.f.a., Apl. 1917; Ypres, Hill 60, St. Eloi, Vimy, Lens- Arras, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens. Bryan, Claude Glennon; b.a. University Coll. 1896. General List., Capt., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Major, Aug. 1916; Lt.-Col., July 1917; Hon. Assoc, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1917; Knight of Grace, Order of St. John, 19 18; Order of the Crown of Italy, Officer, 19 19; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1918. Bryan, Clayton George; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; c.A.s.c, Motor Tpt., Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1916, 1st Can. Cav. Bde. Supply Col.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Bryan, Frederick W.; Medicine 1914. c.A.s.c, 2nd Div. Supply Col., Pte., Aug. 1916; Sergt.; France, Dec. 1916; Can. Cps. Gas Services, Cps. Hdqrs., Pte.; Staff, Cps. Chemical Advisor, Cpl., Sergt.; Vimy; British Mil. Mission to U.S.A., Gas Instr., July 1918. Bryans, Fred Thomas; m.b. 191 i. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Capt., June 1918. Bryant, George Eraser; Applied Science 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c, Lieut. o/s. draft, C.O.T.C, Jan. 1916; loth Suffolk Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; Lieut., Oct. 1917; France, Aug. 1916, 8th Suffolk Regt., i8th Div.; 9th Suffolk Regt., 6th Div., Sept. 1916; Somme, La Bassee-Loos sec, Hill 70, Cambrai (Nov. 1917); Wounded, Cambrai, Nov. 30, 1917. Bryant, John Leslie; University Coll. 1895, ll.b. (Man.); 6oth Regt., Lieut. 128th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., June 1916; i6ist Bn., Capt.; France, Sept. 1917, 46th Bn., Lieut.; Lens sec, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchen- daele, Oct. 26, 1917; Invalided and discharged May 1918. Brydon, A. B.; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; France, May 1916; Egypt, Dec. 1917; Palestine, Mar. 1918; att. 7th Indian Div. Bryson, George Gordon; University Coll. 1921 (1923). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; Dr.; o/s. Sept. 1918; Sgr. ROLL OF SERVICE 209 BucHAN, Percy Halcro; b.a.sc. 1909. 231st Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Can. Ry. Tps., Aug. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 5th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; Ypres sec, Vimy, Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Buchanan, Frank Montgomery; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut.; o/s. Oct. 19 18. Buchanan, Harold Carson; University ColL 1917, (a. a. 1918); c.o.t.c. o/s. draft, c.o.t.c, Dec. 19 15; loth East Surrey Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Aug. 1916, 9th East Surrey Regt.; Delville Wood, Vimy (Oct. 1916), Hulluch; Wounded and shell-shocked, Hulluch, Nov. 16, 1916; Invalided and discharged Dec. 1917. Buchanan, Nelles Victor; b. a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 'c' Bty., r.c.h.a., Lieut., Aug. 1915; c.f.a.. May 1916; France, May 1916, 2nd Can. Trench Mortars; 28th Bty., c.f.a., Nov. 1916; 20th Bty., Mar. 1917; 38th Bty., Capt., Jan. 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 16, 1917, and Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918; M.c, La Coulotte- Avion, June 5, 1917. Buchan.\n, Thomas Russell; b.a.sc. 1913. C.E., Lieut., June 1916; France, Feb. 1917, No. i Tnlg. Coy.; 7th Bn., C.E., July 1918; C.S.M.E., Aug. 1918; 7th Bn., c.E., Mar. 1919; Messines, Ypres (1917), Amiens (1918); Wounded, Ypres, May 18, 1917. Buck, Harold; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Anib., Capt., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; m.o., R. Can. Regt.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; A/Major, Dec. 1916; Major, Dec. 1917; St. Med. Bd., a.d.m.s., Canadians, London, May 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 25, 19 17; M.c, July 1917; Despatches June 19 17. Buckley, Harry; b.sc (Manchester), Staff, Arts, 1915-16; c.o.t.c. King's Liverpool Regt., Pte., June 1916; R.E., Meteorological sec, Cpl., Nov. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, att. g.h.q.; r.e., 'c' Sound-ranging Sec, 3rd Fd. Survey Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1917; Somme, Cambrai (1917), Havrincourt (Mar. 1918), Advance of Aug. -Nov. 1918. Buckley, Howard Ray; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; let Can. Tank Bn., Pte.; o/s. June 1918. BuDD, Harry Clare; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c; 24th Bty., c.f.a., Sergt. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1917; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt., Sergt. -Major; 119th Bn., Pte., Cpl.; France, Jan. 1918, 1st Can. Div. Ammun. Col., Gnr.; 7th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1918; Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Baralle, Sept. 5, 1918. Bull, Frank Lees; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 208th Bn., Med. Sergt., Apl. 1916; Sergt.; France, Feb. 1918, 58th Bn., Pte.; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras. Bull, Harold Oscar; Victoria 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o, s. June 1918. Bulmer, Harry Ray; b.a. University Coll. 1917, Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u.of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1917; 119th Bn., Pte, June 1917; k.n.v.r., Surg. Proltr., Sept. 19 17; Surg. Sul)-Liful. ; h.nls. 'Petunia', Oct. 1917; Med- iterranean. Bulteel, Reginald Herbert Hillersden; Trinity 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. ist Depot Bn., n.u. Regt., Capt., June 1918; Mil. Hosp., Frcdericton, n.b. — 17 2IO UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Bunting, William Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1892. R.N.V.R., Aug. 1914; 48th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1915; Cpl., Sept. 1915; 30th Res. Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, June 1916, 58th Bn., Lieut.; Ypres sec, Somme; Severely wounded, Somme, Sept. 1916; Returned Oct. 1918. BuRBiDGE, George Harrison; b.a. Trinity 1905; c.o.t.c, Univ. of Man.; 13th Regt., I20th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; .C.E., Lieut.; Discharged May 1917. [Lieut. BURBIDGE, Henry Arnold; b.a. University Coll. 1895, ll.b. 1897; 13th Regt., Lieut. I20th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; Major, May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; 2nd Res. Bn., Feb. 1917; Invalided and discharged Sept. 1917. BURCH, Arthur Lafayette; b.a. University Coll. 1899; 36th Regt., H/Major. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 74th Bn., Major, Oct. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Bram- shott; France, Aug. 1916, loth Bde., 4th Div.; Ypres sec, Somme, Arras sec, Vimy; Returned June 1917; Sr. Chapl., Niagara, 1918; Sr. Chapl., M.D. 2, Sept. 1918. BuRD, Walter; University Coll. 1917-18 (1919-20), Wycliffe. 28th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; Cpl., Sergt.; France, Sept. 1915; Kemmel, Ploeg- steert sec, Lille sec; Wounded, Kemmel, Jan. 1916; d.c.m., Kemmel, Jan. 1916; Invalided, and discharged Aug. 1917; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 19 17; o/s. Jan. 19 18; Worcestershire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Sask. Regt., Lieut., Dec. 1918. Burden, Henry John; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 75th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; nth Can. m.g. Coy., Lieut.; France, June 1916; nth Can. m.g. Coy., Capt.; r.f.c, England, Apl. 1917; France, Feb. 1918, 56th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., July 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy (1916-17), 3rd Army front (1918); d.f.c, Aug. i, 1918; d.s.o., Aug. 10, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1918. BuRFORD, Justus Fernard Miles; Forestry 1916. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; nth Res. Bn., Pte.; France, r.g.a., 19th Siege Bty., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Burgess, James Roy; Applied Science 1910, b.a.sc. 1915. C.E., 3rd Div., Spr., Feb. 1916; Discharged Apl. 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1918. Burgess, John Fred; m.b. 1913. c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Nov. 1914; Capt., Jan. 1915; Major, Feb. 1917; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 12, 1918; o.b.e., Jan. i, 1919; Despatches Nov. 19 18. Burgess, Wilmot Amos; b.a. Trinity 1908. A.E.F., u.s.Q.M. Cps., Hdqrs. Det., 92nd Div., Sergt., Apl. 1918; ist Class Sergt., Aug. 1918; France, June 1918; St. Die, Vosges sec. (Aug. -Sept. 1918), Marbache sec. (Oct. -Nov. 1918), 2nd Army advance (Nov. 1918). Burke, Frederick Sypher; m.b. 191 i; c.a.m.c. No. 13 Fd. Amb., Lieut. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1914; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Mar. 1915, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. loth Bn.; Gen. Reinf. Base; d.a.d.m.s. (a/ a.d.m.s.), Seaford, Major, July 1917; d.a.d.m.s., Bordon area, Nov. 1918; d/a.d.m.s., Bramshott, Aug. 1919; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1918 and Apl. 1919. Burn, George Augustus Harold; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., 1916; o/s. ; (Further details not available). Burness, Kenneth Charles; Applied Science 1915; c.o.t.c 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., L-Cpl., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Cpl., Sept. 1915; Sergt., May 1916; Lieut., June 1916; Capt., Aug. 1918; ROLL OF SERVICE 211 Adjt., Dec. 1918; Somme (1915), Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Mericourt sec, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 14, 1918; Bar to M.c, Mons, Nov. 9, 1918. Burnett, John Maitland; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.C, M.D. II, Capt., May 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. Can. For. Cps. ; France, Sept. 1918, No. 8 Can. Sta.'Hosp. Burnham, Fr.\nk Warren; b.a.sc. 1906; 13th Regt., Lieut. 76th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, July 1916, 7th Can. m.g. Coy., Lieut., o.c; Capt., Apl. 1917; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Major; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, etc.; m.c, gaz. June 1919; Despatches Dec. 1917 and Nov. 1918. Burnham, Howard Hampden; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, M.o. 2nd Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt.; France, Feb. 1915; No. 2 Fd. Amb., Dec. 1915; m.o. 2nd Bde., c.f.a., Apl. 1916; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme; West Cliff Can. Eye and Ear Hosp., Feb. 1917; Major; Italian Silver Medal for Military Valour, 1916; Despatches Apl. 1915. Burns, Beverley Bertram Rawlinson; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c 49th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France; 13th Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A., Cpl.; Returned to complete course Jan. 1918; (Further details not available). Burns, Harold Stanley; m.b. 1907. C.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1916; R..A..M.C., Lieut., June 1916; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916, No. 19 CCS.; No. 61 Indian Sta. Hosp.; Returned July 1917; C.A.M.C, Ccnval. hosps., m.d. 2, Capt., June 1917. Burns, MaryGl.\dys; Victoria 1916, (b.a. 1919). att. Y.M.C.A., England, Nov. 1916; Land Service Corps, Milford, Jan. 1917; V.A.D., Detach. 30, Berks, Apl. 19 18; Asst. Qr.-Mr., Maidenhead Hosp., Sept. 1918. Burns, Robert Newton; b.a. Victoria 1879. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 124th En., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; 5th CE., Mar. 1917; Can. For. Cps., No. 51 Dist., Edinburgh, June 1917; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Can. For. Cps., Hdqrs. No. i Dist., Alengon, and No. i Dist., London area. Burnside, Robert Knox; Victoria 1914-18; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn. o/s. June 1918. BuRRis, Howard Lester; m.b. 1904; ca.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, M.D. II, Capt., June 1915; Major, July 1915; Salonica, Dec. I9i5i No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Invalided Dec. 1916; A.D.M.s. StafT, Bramshott, Feb. 1917; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col., Mar. 1918. Burroughes, Cecil Roy; b.a. University Coll. 1909; 36th Regt., Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt. and Adjt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; (Further details not available). Burroughs, Charles McIntosh; m.b. 191 i. C.A.M.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Burrows, Alvin Robert; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; q.m.s.; 55th Bty., Jan. 1917; France, .\ug. 1917; (Further details not available). Burrows, Frank Xavier; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Ptc, July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th M.G. Coy., Sei t. 1918; Siberia, Dec 1918. 212 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Burrows, Leslie Frank; b.s.a. 1915; ist Div. Anim. Col. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, F'eb. 1917, 22nd Bty., c.f.a.; Capt., Aug. 1917; Vimy,Hill70; Wounded and gassed, Lens, Aug. 15, 19 17; Invalided Nov. 1917; Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, Staff Capt., Mar. 1918; m.c. Hill 70, Aug. 15. 1917- Burt, Alfred LeRoy; b.a. Victoria 1910, m.a. (Oxon.) 1916; c.o.t.c, Alberta, Lieut. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; att. Khaki University, Nov. 19 18. Burt, Arnon Wyles; b.a. Victoria 19 14. C.A.s.C, i/c, s.T. and B., Amherst, N.s., and Sackville, n.b., Lieut., 1916. Burt, Arthur Campbell; b.v.s:. 1913. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; att. 3rd Div., Brit. Cavalry, Div. V.O.; Egypt, June 1916; Greece, Italy, France; Vimy, Amiens, Cambrai, Le Cateau. Burt, Arthur Chadwick; Summer Session 1915; 38th Regt. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., July 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Fit. Lieut., Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Capt., Apl. 1918; Nieuport-Ypres sec. Burton, Carman Edgar; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 21st Hwr. Bty.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Arras sec, Passchendaele; r.f.c. Cadet, Jan. 1918; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Burton, Harry Robert; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Apl. 1918, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Amiens, Arras — Mons. Burwash, Adam Nathaniel; Applied Science 1917. R.N.; (Further details not available). Burwash, Edward Moore Jackson; B.A.Victoria 1893, m.a. 1897, ph. d. 1914; c.o.t.c. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 12th Bde., C.f.a., Capt., July 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Can. Musketry Sch., Bordon; 127th Bn.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, May 1917, No. 39 Impl. Gen. Hosp., Havre; 4th Can. Inf. Base Depot, Etaples, June 1917; Hosp. Svce., London Area, July 1918. Burwash, Lachlan Taylor; Victoria 1894, Applied Science 1896, Diploma, m.e. 1910; i6th Cav., Lieut., Oct. 1915; ist Can. Pion. Bn., [c.a.m.c. No. 16 Fd. Amb. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1916; Capt., Nov. 1916; Major, Feb. 1919; Messines, Ypres sec, Zillebeke, Somme, Vimy (1916), Arras-BuUecourt, Pilkem, Ypres (1917); Gassed, Yser, July 20, 19 17. Burwash, Nathaniel Alfred; Victoria 1902, b.a.sc. 1905. C.E., Spr., Apl. 1915; 2nd Cpl.; France, Sept. 1915, 6th Fd. Coy., c.e., Spr.; Kemmel, Dickebusch-Zillebeke; Wounded, St. Eloi, May 14, 1916; Discharged Jan. 1917. Bush, Clayton Elgin; b.a.sc. 1909; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. 1st Can. Div. Cycle Coy., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt., Major; Can. Cps. Cyclists; Svce. 1914-1918. Bushfield, Frank; Victoria 1907-09. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 211th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916. Bussell, Edward Irvine; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c. 2o8th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917, loth Sqdn.; R.A.F., Capt.; N.w. Indian Frontier, 97th Sqdn. Butchart, Clayton Goldwin; phm.b. 1915. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, 1916, p.p.c.l.i., Pte.; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Discharged Mar. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE _ 213 Butler, Thomas Bertram; University Coll. 1915-17 (1919-20), Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 19 17; France, Sept. 19 18, 2nd Bn., c.e.; Arras, Cambrai- Valenciennes. Butt, Luther Brown; Victoria 1917-18 (1919-20). C.A.M.C., Base Hosp. , m.d. 2, Sergt. Butt, Stephen; b.a. Victoria 1917, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl., c.s.M., Mar. 1917; Sergt.- Major, Jan. 1918; ist Bn., 2nd C.O.R., Lieut., Jan. 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th M.G. Coy., Lieut., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Dec. 1918. Butt, William Henry; m.b. 1912. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., July 1917; att. r.a.f., 1918; c.a.m.c, Transport duty. Butterfield, John Egerton Claydon; University Coll. 1908; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. c.e.. Railways, Lieut., Dec. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1918; Can. Ry. Tps. Depot; r.e., Ry. Directorate, Baghdad, Mesopotamia. Butters, Thomas Lowell; m.b. 1913. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, May 1915, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; M.o. 27th Bn.; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Zillebeke; Invalided July 1916; Can. Conval. Hosp., Epsom; Capt., Nov. 1916; Major, Dec. 1917; Returned Mar. 1918; a.d.m.s. Staff, M.D. 2; d/a.d.m.s., m.d. 2; o.c. Mil. Wards, Toronto Gen. Hosp. Buttle, Walter William; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Mar. 1918; Petawawa; o/s. Sept, 1918; att. r.a.m.c, Bodelwyddan Hosp.; m.d. 4, Kinmel Park Camp. Byers, Ellis Stephen; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Bty., 6th Hwr. Bde., C.f.a.; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr.; 58th Hwr. Bty., Lieut., July 1918; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Cacciapuoti, Nestore; m.a. Victoria 1913. Italian Army, i6th Artillery, Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; Lieut.; Secretary to o.c, H.M. The Queen's Mil. Hosp., Rome, Capt., Interpreter; Italian Ribband; Discharged Oct. 1918. Cain, Robert Fr.\ncis; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Cairns, Kelso C; m.b. 1905. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Calbeck, Arnim George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Apl. 1916; 83rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, 2ist Hwr. Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Passchcndaelc, Nov. 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Calder, Roy Crooker; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1919); c.o.t.c, Cpl. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Oct. 1917, 247th Siege Bty.; Wounded, Hooge, Oct. 27, 1917; Retired List, May 1918. Caldwell, Dorothy Le.slie Code (Mrs.); b.a. I'nivcrsity Coll. 1914. St. John's Amb. Bde., v.a.d.; England. Caldwell, George Leonard; m.b. 1914. c.a.m.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). Caldwell, Henry James; b.a.sc 1919; c.o.t.c C.E., St. John's, Que., Cadet, May 1918. Caldwell, Henry Lounds; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, May 1917; No. 2 and No. 4 Vety. Ilosf s.; att. New Zealand Div.; att. 72nd .Army Bde., r.f.a., July 214 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1917; Italy, Nov. 1917; France, Mar. 1918; Passchendaele, Piave River, Messines, Arras-Bapaume; Invalided Nov. 1918. Caldwell, William Boyd; b.a.sc. 1913. C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 3rd Tnlg. Coy., C.E.; Ypres sec; M.C., Roubaix, Oct. 19, 1918. Cale, Clarence Edmund; University Coll. 19 16, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 22nd Bty.; 23rd Bty.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Calhoun, John Campbell; m.b. 1906; c.a.m.c, No. 11 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.c, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; att. No. 4 Impl. C.C.S., Festubert and Givenchy; West Cliff Can. Eye and Ear Hosp., Dec. 1916; Major, Apl. 1917; Med. Bd., London; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Returned Oct. 1918; i/c Eye, Ear and Throat Dapt., M.D. 2, Lt.-Col., Apl. 1919. Callan, John Joseph; University Coll. 1913-16, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 8th Bde., c.f.a., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Juna 1916; Francs, Sipt. 1916, No. 2 Can. c.c.s.; 4th Div. Art., May 1917. CalAan, Lindley Bell; Victoria 1919; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; r.n.a.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Devonport Destroyer patrols, Jan. 1918; No. 2 Battle Sqdn., Grand Fleet, North Sea, Feb. 1918; No. 18 Balloon Base, Scotland, Jan. 1919. Calverley, Hugh Salvin; Trinity 1916. 3rd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; 12th Essex Regt., Sac. Lieut., Dae. 1914; Lieut., July 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; ist Essex, att. i/sth Essex Regt.; Gallipoli (1915), Egypt, Palestine (1916-17), France; Wounded Mar. 26, 1917; m.c, gaz. Aug. 1917; Bar to M.c, gaz. Apl. 1919. Camelon, Thomas Pattison; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890. A.E.F., Med. Cps., att. 85th Div., Major, Apl. 1917; (Details not available). Cameron, George Milne; b.a. University Coll. 1915, m.b. 1916. C.A.M.c, Labty. Unit, m.d. 2, Pte., May 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916; m.o. 6th South Lancashire Regt.; No. 41 Fd. Amb.; France, Oct. 1917; m.o. ist East Yorkshire Regt.; No. 65 Fd. Amb.; M.c, Epehy, Mar. 21, 1918; Bar to M.c, Orvillers, Oct. 25, 1918. Cameron, Gordon Campbell; Medicine, 1917 (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c C.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Staff Sergt., Mar. 1915,; Salonica, Oct. 1915; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr., May 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Acheron'; H.M.s. 'Comet'; Mediterranean; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918. Cameron, Hugh Clayton; b.a. University Coll. 1915; 25th Regt., Lieut. 91st Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France; Reptd. wounded Sept. 6, 1918; m.c, gaz. Jan. 1918; (Further details not available). Cameron, Irving Heward; m.b. 1874, ll.d. (Ed.), f.r.c.s. (Eng.), f.r.cs. (Ed.), R.A.M.C, Lt.-Col.; King George's Hosp., London, Hon. Surg.; [f.r.c.s. (I.); Staff. C.A.M.c, Lt.-Col., No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c. May 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c. Surgery, July 1915; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c Surgery, Feb. 1916; D.G.M.s. Staff, Mar. 1917; President, Board Medical Consultants, Can- ada, Col., Sept. 1917-May 1920; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917 and Feb. I9I9> Cameron, John Joseph; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. Jamaica War Contingent, Principal M.O.; Pensions Committee. Cameron, Max George; b.a.sc 1910. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) ROLL OF SERVICE 215 Cameron, Robert Carey; Education 1914. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Jan. 1916; 8ist Bty., c.f.a.; France, 13th Bty., C.F.A., Bde.; Wounded, Quarry Wood, Sept. 27, 191 8. Cameron, William Ann; b.a. University CoH. 1907. 243rd Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; Sergt.; Discharged, medically unfit, June 1917. Cameron, William Harold; Victoria 1920, (Medicine 1924). R.F.C. Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 9th Wing; Ypres sec, Poper- inghe; Lieut., A/Capt. Cameron, William Robert; Veterinary Coll, 1909-11; 17th Argenteuil Rangers, R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt.; France, May 1916, att. 84th Bde., [Lieut. R.F.A.; Armentieres, Ypres, Arras, Somme. Campbell, Angus Alexander; m.b. 1906; c.a.m.c. No. i CI. Hosp., Capt. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Nov. 1915; No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot; Base Hosp., M.D. 2, Major, June 1917. Campbell, Archibald Marshall; b.s.a. 1915. Natal Carbineers, Tpr., Sept. 1914; German West Africa; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., 1917; France; r.a.f., Lieut. Campbell, Colin Alexander; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Capt.; Oculist, m.d. 2, Sept. 1915-May 1918; Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Consultant, Jan. 1916-May 1918. Campbell, Donald MacLean; Medicine 1920 (1923); 26th Rcgt. 135th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1918, 15th Bn.; ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Arras sec, Amiens; Gassed May 191 8; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Campbell, Duncan Alexander; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Returned 1919. Campbell, Ed; WIN Harold; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1916; Bramshott and Seaford Camps; France, Mar. 1918, att. 5th and 7th Bns., Can. Ry. Tps. Campbell, Ellsworth Teesdale; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 192 1. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Discharged Oct. 1917. Campbell, Frank Woodrow; Applied Science 19 18; c.o.t.c. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; Sergt.; France, Mar. 1917, 9th Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; 7th Bty., June 1917; Bdr., Sept. 1918; Vimy," Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Campbell, Frederick Thomas; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.C, Capt., May 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Registrar, Adjt.; Surgeon (191 7); France, Jan. 1918, No, 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 8th Bn.; Major, Sept. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; M.c, Canal du Nord, Sept. 3, 1918; Bar to M.c, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27-28, 1918. Campbell, Harold Montgomery; b.a.sc 1914; Corps of Guides, Lieut. 7th C.M.R., Lieut., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 1st Hussars, Spec. Svce. Sqdn. (later Can. Light Horse); Capt., Oct. 1917; Major, Oct. 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; M.c, Somme, gaz. Oct. 26, 1916. Campbell, James Patrick; m.u. 19 10. C.A.M.C, M.o. 1391!) Hn., Capt., Sept. 1915; s.M.o., ce. t.d., St. John's, Que., Oct. 1916; o.c St. John's Mil. Hosp. and Pres. Med. Bds.; A.n.M.s., St. John's Camp. Campbell, John Archibau) McDonald; m.u. 1908. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Ca|)t., Jan. i<)i5; o/s. Fel). i';i6; c.a.m.c. artd CE. T.D., SiiorncIifTc; Fr;ince, Aug. 191O, Xo. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. No. S Impl. 2i6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Sta. Hosp.; No. i Can. c.c.s., Mar. 191 7; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb., May 191 7; M.o. 52nd Bn., July 1917; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb., June 1918; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., July 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens-Arras sec; Gassed, Lens, Sept. 4, 1917, and Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Campbell, John George Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 191 i, Staff; c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., Mar. 1915; [No. 13 Cav. Fd. Amb., Lieut. Capt., May 1915; m.o. 25th Bn.; France, June 1916; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 2nd Bde., c.g.a., Jan. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Vimy, June 15, 1917; Staff, D.G. M.S., Ottawa, Aug. 1918; Major, Feb. 1919. Campbell, John Nelson; b.v.sc. 1915. A.E.F., U.S.A. Vety. Cps., Sec. Lieut., June 1917; ist Lieut., July 1918; France, Aug. 1918. Campbell, John Samuel; b.a. University Coll. 1883, m.a. 1887; 19th Regt., Lt.-Col. Welland Canal Force, Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1915; Niagara Frontier Defence Force, o.c, Feb. 1916; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Inspector, o/s. Bns., Mar. 1916. Campbell, Kenneth Charles; d.d.s. 1901; 48th Regt., Lieut. 43rd Bn., Capt., Dec. 1914; France, Feb. 1916; A/Major, July 1916; Messlnes, Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 4 1916; m.d. 10, Record Offr., 1918. Campbell, Lorne Gordon; University Coll. 1917; 36th Regt., Lieut. 198th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 2nd cm. R.; Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Campbell, Peter Gordon Cory; Applied Science 1914; 48th Regt., Lieut. 15th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Apl. 1915; Capt.; Hdqrs., 3rd Bde. Orderly Offr.; 3rd Bde., A/Staff Capt., Nov. 1916; 15th Bde., Staff Capt., June 1917; 5th Bde., Staff Capt., Mar. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Messines, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 1918; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Campbell, Stanley Minto; University Coll. 1920, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; L-Cpl.; Cpl.; 5th King's Royal Rifles, Sec. Lieut., June 1918; France, Sept. 191 8; ist k.r.r.; Cambrai — Le Quesnoy. Campbell, Thomas Chambers; Trinity 1898, m.d., cm. Trinity 1902. c.A.M.c, M.o. 67th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; (Fuither details not available). Campbell, Thomas Donald; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c. Col. Sergt. c.A.D.c, Sergt., May 1916; Lieut.; o/s. Dec. 1916; Invalided Aug. 1917; c.A.D.c, Canada, 1917-20. Campbell, Thomas William; b.a.sc 1919; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; r.g.a., Cadet, Nov. 1918. Campbell, Walter Ruggles; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.a. 1912, m.b. 1915, m.d. c.A.M.c, Div. Labty., m.d. 2, Lieut., July 1917; Capt., Nov. 1917; [1917, Staff. o/s. June 1918; Shorncliffe, July 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 1918. Campbell, William Claude; Applied Science 1905, Diploma. R.E., 177th Tnlg. Coy., Lieut.; Wounded, Yser Canal, July 29, 191 5; Returned March 1916. Caitoee, Charles Newton; b.a.sc 1914; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; L-Cpl., Cpl.; C.E., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Canniff, Clarkson M.; Applied Science 1888, Diploma. 74th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; c.a.p.c; Invalided and discharged Nov. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 217 Cannon, Oscar Anson; m.b. 1907; 28th Regt., Capt.; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, Capt., Apl. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; m.o. 17th Bn.; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Lemnos, Gallipoli (Aug. 1915), Egypt; d.a.d.m.s., M.D. i; D.G.M.s. Branch, Ottawa, i/c Invaliding, Mar. 1916; Major, July 1917; To China, special service, 1917; d.a.d.m.s., m.d. 6, May 1918; Lt.-Col., May 1918; A.D.M.S., M.D. I, July 1918; Mentioned, Services, Halifax disaster. Cardwell, William Arthur; m.b. 1914. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Apl. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; Meso- potamia, June 1916, No. 24 Combined Fd. Amb.; Euphrates; Egyptian Ex. P., 7th Indian Div., Sept. 1918; No. 108 Combined Fd. Amb.; o.b.e., Mesopotamia, gaz. Mar. 1919. Carleton, George Wylie Dundas; m.b. 1911. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., Aug. 1916; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, No. 132 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 12th R. Sussex Regt.; Bethune sec, Somme; c.a.m.c, St. Med. Bd., m.d. 2, Capt., Feb. 1917; Base Hosp., m.d. 2, June 1917; St. Med. Bd., m.d. 2, Nov. 1918. Carley, Albert Bethune; University Coll. 1917 (1922). c.A.M.c, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Feb. 1915; Can. Pay and Record Off., Sergt.; C.F.A., Sergt., Aug. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 21st Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches July 1919. Carlisle, Andrew Murr.\y; Medicine 1918 (1921); 57th Regt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Jan. 1917; Cpl., Apl. 1917; Sergt., July 1917; Loos, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Maple Copse, Ypres, Mar. 25, 1916; r.a.f.. Cadet, June 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Carlisle, George Harold; m.d., cm. 1905. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Carlisle, Vernon; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; c.a.m.c. No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Mar. 1915; Lemnos, Aug. 1915; France, 1916; Sergt.; Returned to complete course Sept. 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Shorncliffe; Capt., Apl. 1919. Carlyle, David Br.\inerd; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c, Sergt., Lieut. 95th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 4th Bn.; Can. Cps. Reinf. Camp, 1st Div. Wing, Feb. 1918; 4th Bn., Oct. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Fresnoy, Mons. Carlyle, Margaret McKay; b.a. University Coll. 1914. St. John's Amb. Assoc, v.a.d., Nov. 1917; o/s. July 1918; Fort Pitt Hosp., Chatham. Carlyle, Robert Thomas; b.a.sc 1914. R.A.F. , Cadet, Aug. 1918; Cpl. Carman, Ralph Sylvester; Forestry 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 224th Can. For. Bn., Pte, Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Can. For. Cps., L-Cpl., Staff Sergt. Carman, Russell Aubray; b.a. Trinity 1900, b.c.l. 1910; nth Light Horse, Lt.-Col., 1st cm.r.. Major, 2nd i/c, Nov. 1914; loth cm.r., Lt.-Col., o.c, [o.c Dec. 1914; o/s. Apl. 1916; Fort Garry Horse Res. Regt., o.c; France, Mar. 1917, att. 2ist Bn.; Vimy; Returned June 1917; Mentioned, Services. Garment, William Miller; b.a. University Coll. 1916; 2nd Regt. 2nd Regt., Q.O.R., Dei ot. r^n. J^^e., May 1915; 122nd Bn., I.itut ., j.iu. igi6; Capt., Aug. 1916; Can. l"or. Cp^-. Jmic \<)\j; Immiici-, junr njij, Can. For. Cps., 43r(l Coy., o.c; No. i Dist. H(lf)t, Pte., .Aug. 1915; o/s. Feb. 1916; France, 240 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO June 1916; att. 1st Bn., Aug. 1916; Cpl., Feb. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, ist Bn. Crocker, Kenneth John; Victoria 1916, (b.a. 1918); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, June 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. Crockett, John Row-land; d.d.s. 19 16; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., 1916. Croden, James Eric; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Aug. 1918; Ypres, Armentieres (Mar. 1918), Amiens- Avesnes; Wounded, Houthulst, Feb. 1918; d.f.c, Sept. 1918. Croll, Hubert Alexander; d.d.s. 1896; 12th Dragoons, Major and Adjt. loth C.M.R., Major, Feb. 1915; 2nd i/c; o/s. Apl. 1916; Can. Cav. Res. Regt., Adjt.; Can. Cav. Tr. Bde., Major and Staff Capt.; c.a.d.c, a/a. d.d.s., Nov. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917. Cromarty, Robert Parker; b.a. University Coll. 1914, (m.b. 1918), m.sc. (McGill)). c.A.M.c, 2nd Div. San. sec, Pte., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Sergt., Oct. 1915; Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Apl. 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Crompton, Charles Roderick Blackburn; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 4Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1915; Staff Sergt., May 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Invalided Oct. 1916; Base Hosp., M.D. 2, Feb. 1917; Tpt. duty, China, Aug. 1917; Invalided, China, Oct. 1917; M.o. 2nd C.O.R., Jan. 1918; T. D., m.d. 2, Feb. 1918; Whitby Hosp., May 1919. Cronyn, William Hume; b.a. University Coll. 1895, m.b. 1901. C.A.M.c, M.o. nth Bde., c.f.a., Capt.; France, 1916; att. R.F.C, 1917. Crossen, Ernest Percy; Victoria 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1917; France, Mar. 1918; r.a.f., Lieut.; Amiens sec. (March Retreat), Hamel, Somme (Aug. -Oct. 1918). Crouch, Stanley Stuart; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c c.a.d.c, Pte., Mar. 1917; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Dec. 1917. Crowell, Clement William; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c 32nd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1917, 'c' Bty., 149th Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut., June 1918; Arras (1917), Messines, Ypres, Passchen- daele; Gassed, Messines, June 1917; Wounded, Passchendaele, Dec. 4, 1917. Crowley, Lawrence Joseph; Medicine 1921 (1922); c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, T. D., M.D. 2, Ptc, Apl. 1917 ; France, Jan. 1918, No. 2 Can. Fd . Amb. ; Lens- Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Cruiksilvnk, Hamilton Chalmers; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1919); c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 Depot, Pte., Dec. 1914; No. 2 Can. ccs., Feb. 1915; Staff Sergt.; France, Aug. 1915; Returned to complete course Oct. 1916; c.a.m.c, Lieut., Feb. 1917; Div. Labty., m.d. 2, Apl. 1917. Cruikshank, William Douglas; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.d. cm. (McGill); 2nd c.A.M.c, Capt., Jan. 1916; France, May 1916, m.o. 27th Bn.; [Regt. No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o., p.p.cl.i.; Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Cruise, William Wilson; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., 1916; France, Feb. 1916; m.o. No. 38 Midland Fd. Amb.; m.o. 4th Gloucestershire Regt., 48th Div.; Somme (1916). ROLL Op- SERVICE 241 Cruse, George Albert; Victoria 19 18; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; ist Essex Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; Lieut., July 1918; France, Feb. 1917, att. 2/9th Manchester Regt.; 3rd Esse.x Regt.; 1st Essex Regt., Nov. 1917; 38th Bn., ImpL m.g. Cps., 38th Welsh Div., May 1918; La Bassee, Passchendaele, Menin Road, Ancre — Maubeuge (1918); Wounded, La Bassee, ]\Iay 14, 1917. Cryderm.\x, Wilbur James; Medicine 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c, Sergt. c.v.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Cpl., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Sergt., Apl. 1916; Invalided Aug. 1916; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr.; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Camelon'; h.m s. 'Wisteria'; Mediterranean; Invalided May 1918. Crysdale, Cecil Rainsford; Applied Science 1906. Can. Pion. Reinf., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 48th Pn. (3rd Pion. Bn.); 29th Bn., Apl. 1917; 2nd Can. Tramway Co., C.E., Capt., o.c, Nov. 19x7- Major, Mar. 1918; .Somme, Viniy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Thelus, Apl. 10, 1917. Crysler, Roy Allan; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 47th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Hdqrs., i6th Bde., c.f.a.; Hdqrs., 13th Bde., C.F.A., Feb. 1917; C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy., att. 13th Bde., c.f.a., Sgr., Aug. 1917; France, Aug. 19 17; Lens-Arras; r.a.f., July 1918; A/Sergt., Sept. 1918; Lieut., Feb. 1919. Culham, Gordon Joseph; b.s.a. 1913. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 19 16; o/s. 1917; (Further details not available). Culham, John; University Coll. 1910, Victoria 1917, (b.a. University Coll. 1920). c.iV.s.c, Pte., July 1915; ist Can. Cav. Bde . Amm. Park, Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 1st Can. Cav. Bde. Supp y Col., Feb. 1917; 5th Can. Div. Art., M. T. Supply, July 1918; 2nd Can. Div. m. t. Coy., Oct. 1918; Somme (1916-17), Amiens, Arras, etc., (1918 ) Cullen, Ernest Keys; m.b. 1903. U.S. Med. Offr. Res. Cps., i-t Lieut., 1917 No. 17 Base Hosp. Unit; Capt. CuLLis, Wilfred Llewellyn; b.a. Victoria 1916. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Cumberland, Thomas Daily; m.b. 1913 c.a.m.c. No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Mar. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, July 1915, No. 53 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 9th Duke of Wellington's Regt.; M.o. loth Sherwood Foresters; Somme, Arras; Salonica, July 1917, No. 28 Gen. Hosp.; No. 67 Fd. Amb., 22nd Div., Feb. 1918; M.o. 9th King's Own R. Lancaster Regt., Mar. 1918; Doiran, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey; o.b.e., June 3,1919; Despatches June 1919. CUMMIFORD, Lytle Milton; Trinity 1920; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte. Sept. 1917; att. Polish Force, Niagara, Sergt., Instr., Dec. 1917; 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Ap . 1918; o/s. June 1918. CuMMiNG, Robert Bremmkr; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c 182nd Bn., Pte., Fel). 1916; Cpl., Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; y.m.c.a., London. CuNLiFFE, Gordon Fletcher; phm.b. 1916. c.a.m.c, m.d. 13, Pte., Jan. 1917; o/s. May 1917; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 191 7; France, Dec. 191 7, No. 9 Can. Sta. Hcsp. Cunningham, C. G.; Veterinary Coil. 1912-14. r.a.v.C, Lieut; (Further details not available). Cunningham, John Grant; b.a. University Coll. i9I2,m.b. 1915, (d.p.h. 1920); c.o.t.c c.a.m.c , No. 2 I'd. Amb., Capt., Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 191.S; France, Feb. 1916, No. 4 Gen. Hosp.; No 6 Conval. Hosp.; No. 1/2 Highland Fd. Amb., — 19 :;4-^ UXn'ERSITY OP^ TORONTO 51st Div.; No. 44 Fcl. Amb., 14th Div.; M.o. 7th King's R. Rifles; Vimy sec, Somme; Returned Dec. 1916; m.d. 2, att. M.H.C. and i.s.c. Cunningham, John Robert; b.v.sc. 1915. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., 1916; Major, 1918; France, May 1915; Mesopotamia, Jan. 1916; East Persia, Afghan War, Jan. 1919; d.a.d.v.s., l. of c, Persia. Cunningham, Leslie Gordon; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, Feb. 1917; Sec. Lieut., July 1917; Injured, England, Sept. 1917; France, R.A.F., July 1918, 29th Sqdn.; Bethune — Dixmude sec, Courtrai. CuRRAX, Ernest Temple; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. c.A.M.c, Capt., May 1916; Red Cross Hosp., Buxton; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp. ; No. 1 1 Can. Fd. Amb., Feb. 1918 ; m.o. 50th Bn., Mar. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18. Curr.\n, Walter Hilton; University Coll. 1909. Lieut., Mar. 1915; Can. Mil. School, Shorncliffe; France, Sept. 1915, i8th Bn.; a/a.d.c. to G.o.c, Impl. Command, Shorncliffe, 1916; Gen. Carson's Personal Staff; O.M.F.C. Ministry, 1917; Ploegsteert, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele. Currey, Douglas Verral; m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, Capt., Mar. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Francs, Mar. 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. ist Div. C.E.; Vimy; a.d.m.s., Sub-Staff, London; s.m.o., c.a.p.C, London. CuRRiE, John Elgin; Education 1910, University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c R.C.H.A., Gnr., May 1916; Sergt.; c.f.a.; C.g.a. ; France, Apl. 1917, 2nd Can. Hvy. Bty., Gnr.; Vimy, Ypres, Vimy sec. (1918), Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918. Curry, Frederic Crawford; phm.b. 1913; 41st Regt., Lieut. 2nd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Apl. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; att. ist Fd. Coy., C.E., Bde. Wiring Offr., June-July 1916; Festubert, Givenchy, Ploegsteert- Messines, Ypres (1916); Wounded, Ypres, July 1916; 6th Res. Bn., Apl. 1917; i/c Bde. School, Topography and Reconnaissance, Seaford, 1918. Curry, Percy William Mark; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. R.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916; Indian Gen. Hosp., Basra; 15th Indian Div., Apl. 1917-Mar. 1919. Curtis, Irene Hyland (Mrs.); b.a. Victoria 1909. R.A.M.c, No. 22 Gen. Hosp., Staff Nurse, May 1916; France, June 1916-June .1918. Curtis, James Davis; m.b. 1894; 25th Regt., Major. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; Capt., 1916; m.o. nth R. Sussex Regt.; M.o. S. African Res. Bn;. Bramshott Mil. Hosp.; Cambridge Mil. Hosp.; Returned May 1916. Curtis, William Thomas; b.a.sc 1913. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Sergt., Oct. 1915; Lieut.; France, 1916; 6th Bn., C.E., May 1918; (Further details not available). CUR20N, John Howard; Applied Science 1911, Diploma; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Cpl. C.E., 3rd Tnlg. Coy., Lieut., June 1916; France, July 1916; Hill 60, Ploegsteert- Messines; Invalided and discharged May 1917. Cuthbertson, William; b.a.sc 1914; c.e. c.o.t.c. draft, o/s. June 1916; 32nd Bn.; r.e.. Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1918; Peronne, Albert, Bapaume, Arras, Lens, Nieppe, Cambrai, Bullecourt, Mons; Gassed, Nieppe Forest, June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 243 Cutting, Alden Blair; b.s.a. 1904. 250th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; A/Sergt.; 249th Bn., Prov. Sergt., Oct. 1917; France, May 1918, 15th Bn.; Sergt.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Cadet, Nov. 1918; Khaki Univ., Witley, Instr. DaCosta, William Raymond Campbell; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.T.c; 4th Bty., c.f.a., R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; Flying Offr., Mar. 1916; France, [Lieut. May 1916, 22nd Sqdn.; Somme; No. 10 R.s., Instr.; Capt. and Fit. Comdr., Mar. 1917; No. 88 R.s., o.c, Apl. 1917; No. 86 c.t.s., Canada, o.c. May 1917; R.A.F., Apl. 1918; Mobn. Sqdn. England, o.c, June 1918; Admin., A/Major, Oct. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Sept. 1919. Dafoe, Earl Ross; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.T.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr.; Ypres (1916), Somme; Invalided Sept. 1916; Discharged Jan. 1918. Dafoe, William Allan; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.T.c c.a.m.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; Salonica, Nov. 1915; R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., 1917; h.m.s. 'Ambuscade', July 1917; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Dagger, F. Gordon; Medicine 1916. yth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., L-Cpl.; Cpl.; Med. Sergt.; France, Feb. 1917. Dale, Gordon McIntyre; b.a. Victoria 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.T.c R.A.M.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Apl. 1916, No. 20 Gen. Hosp., Camiers; No. 12 Fd. Amb.; att. ist Bn., Rifle Bde., July 1916; No. 10 Fd. Amb., Sept. 1917; Ypres sec, Beauniont-Hamel, Ypres sec, Somme (1916- 17), Arras (1917), Ypres sec; c.a.m.c. Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., Feb. 1919; Despatches Dec. 1917. Dale, William Percival; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.T.c. C.E., Signals, Spr.; Mil. Medal, Oct. 1917; (Fu ther details not available). Dales, John Frank; b.a. University Coll. 1913, ll.b. 1916; c.o.T.c 182nd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 19 17; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut.; France; Gassed Mar. 24, 19 18. Dales, Merrill Garbutt; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.T.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; France,- Mar. 1917, 4th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 19, 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Dales, Walter; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905. C.A.M.C, Capt.; Med. Bd., Sudbury Mobn. Centre. Dallyn, Frederick Alfred; b.a.sc 1910, ce. 1913; Can. Hydr. Cps. & San. Advrs., Siberian Ex. F., Hydrol. Offr., Capt., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918; [Capt, Director, Allied Anti-typhus Exp., W. Siberia; Invalided Apl. 1919. Dallyn, Gordon Mealey; b.sc.f. 1916; c.o.T.c, Lieut. 170th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; 248th Bn.; France, Oct. 1917, 58th Bn., Lieut.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. i, 1918; M.c, Cambrai, Sept. 1918. Dalton, Ernest Way; Education 1916, (University Coll. 1923); c.o.T.c 63rd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1917; c.g.a.; France, Sept. 1918; g.g.a., R.n., Verchin; 3rd c.s.c, Jemappcs. Dalton, George Francis; b.a.sc 1914. 3rd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France; 3rd Bn., C.E., Capt.; Roptd wounded, Oct. 1918; M.c, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918. 244 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DaltOxV, Robert Everett; m.b. 1918. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Aug. 1914; Cpl.; France, Mar. 1915; Sergt.; Lieut.; Returned to complete course Jan. 1916. Daly, Reginald Meredith; Victoria 1919. R.A.F., Cadet, Mar. 1918. Daly, Roland Oliver; b.a. University Coll. 1912; c.a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Lieut. c.A.s.c, No. 2 t. D., Lieut., Dec. 1916; u. of t o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1917; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 194th Siege Bty.; March Retreat, Somme Advance, 1918; Despatches Mar. 1918. Danard, Beverly Pearce; Medicine 1922. C.E., Spr., May 1918; L-Cpl.; c.a.m.c. Danby, John James; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891; f.t.m.c. c.a.m.c, m.o. 207th Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. May 1917; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; France, June 1918, Nos. 3 and 4 Can. ccs.; Nos. 48, 46, 62 Impl. ccs. ; Amiens, Arras, Vimy sec. Danby, Smith Lancelot Everett; Medicine 1920 (192 1). R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub.-Lieut., May 1918; h.m.s. 'Gardenia', June 1918; N. Ireland, Port Said, Beyrut, Black Sea. Dancey, Wilfrid Alan; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc 1920). R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., July 1918; N. Atlantic patrol. Daniel, Norman Hoyles; b.a.sc 1915. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists; L-Cpl., Nov. 1914;^ Cpl., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 53rd t.m. Bty., Lieut.; 5th Bty., c.f.a.; Capt., July 1917; Wounded Apl. 2, 1916; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Feb. 1918. Daniel, Thomas Archie; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; Transfd., Admiralty Bd. of Research. Daniel, Thomas Ei;> ward; Education 19 12; c.s.c.i., Lieut. 164th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, 150th Army Bde., r.f.a.; Amiens (Mar. 1918), Ypres, Amiens-Bellicourt, etc. (Aug. -Oct. 1918); Injured, Poperinghe, July 18, 1918. Daniels, Percy; b.a. Victoria 1916, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Sept. 1918; Bourlon, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Danis, James Thomas; Medicine 1921 ; c.o.t.c 2nd Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f.. May 1918. Darch, Frederick Cuthbert; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918; Impl. Army, Cadet. Darling, Henry Maurice; b.a. University Coll. 1903, ll.b. (Harv.) 1907. u.s Army, Signal Res. Cps., Aviation Sec, Capt., Jan. 1918; Sig. Cps., Legal Dept., Eqpt. Div. (later Advisory and Consulting Dept., Bureau Aircraft Production); Secty., Aircraft Bd., June 1918; a.s.c, Capt., Oct. 1918; France, Nov. 1918; Asst. to Chief Claims OfTr., i/c Dept. Reports and Reviews, Tours. DaRYAW, ChAUNCEY; D.D.S. 1919; C.O.T.C ca.d.c, Sergt. Dashwood, Ger.vld Raikes; Applied Science 191 7. l6th Middlesex Regt., Sept. 1914; 13th Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 84th Bde., r.f.a., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Anti- Aircraft Bty., Dec. 1917; Loos, Somme, Ancre, Arras, Messines, Ypres; Wounded, Loos, Sept. 26, 191 5. ROLL OP^ SERVICE 245 Dashwood, Richard; b.a.sc. 1914. Enl., B.E.F., Nov. 1914; 13th Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Wounded, Loos, Sept. 25, 1915; Invalided July 1916; R. Monmouth Regt.; R.E., June 1917; France, July 1918; Ypres. Davey, James Edgar; m.b. 1902; c.a.m.c. No. 19 Fd. Amb., Major ,o.c. C.A.M.C, No. 2 C.C.S., Major, Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. c.cs., Lt.-Col., o.c, Aug. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Aire (Feb.- Aug. 1916), Remy Siding, Poperinghe (Aug. 1916-Nov. 1917); o.c. Halifax Mil. Hosp., Feb. 1918; o.c. Brant Mil. Hosp., Apl. 1918; d.s.c, Jan. 1918; De- spatches Jan. 1 91 8. Davidson, Alexander Topp; b.a. University Coll. 1906, ll.b. 1909; 9th Bty., c.f.a., 30th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., June 1915; Capt.; France, July 1916, [Lieut. 30th Bty.; 35th Bty., Oct. 1916; Major, July 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Vimy Apl. 1917. Davidson, David James; b.a. University Coll. 1901, Knox. Army Clothing Dept., Shahjahanpur, India, Sec. Lieut. D.widson, Ernest Irving; Applied Science 191 1. C.E., Lieut., 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; i/c Aerodrome constr., England. Davidson, Herbert Garden; University Coll. 1908. 74th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; Capt.; France, June 1916, 4th CM. R.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 28, 1918. Davidson, John Cheyne; b.a. Trinity 1882, m.a. 1887; 57th Regt., Major, Chaplain. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 93rd EWi., Major, Nov. 1915; Sr. Chapl., Barriefield Camp, June 1916; o/s. July 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Dec. 1916, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Ypres sec. (Nov. 191 7); Returned Dec. 1917; Mentioned, Nov. 1917. Davidson, John Francis; Trinity 1921. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1918. Davidson, Joseph Jocelyn; University Coll. 1913, b.a.sc. 1915. R.F.c, Lieut.; att. 3rd Gloucestershire Regt.; Invalided and discharged Apl. 1918; (Further details not available). Davidson, Robert Douglas; b.a.sc. 1914. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1917; 119th Bn., Pte.; France, Oct. 1917, 45th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; Passchendaele, Lens, Nieppe Forest, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 191 8. Davidson, Walter Boyd; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Aug. 1918; Capt., Aug. 1919; North Russia, Nov. 1918, att. R.A.s.c, 1123rd Coy. Davidson, William Mortimer; Applied Science 1914. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; Capt.; Lieut.; r.f.c, 1916; (Further details not available). Davidson, William Warren; b.a. Victoria 1908; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 'C' Bty., R.C.H.A., Lieut., May 1916; 50th Bty., c.f.a.; 13th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 55th Bty., c.f.a.; France, Aug. 191 7; Lens- Arras, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918. Davis, Ammon Victor; Victoria 1919. C.E., Signals, Spr., Ai)l. 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Jan. 1918; r.a.f.. Sec Lieut., Apl. 1918; France; Invalided. Davis, Arthur I.; b.a.sc. 1910. o.T.C, Bangalore, India, 1917; Queen Victoria's Own Sappers and Miners, India, .Sec Lieut.; R.i;.; Bushirc, Persia. 246 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Davis, Daniel Irwin; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2., Lieut.; o/s.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Capt. Davis, Gordon Willet; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 25th Btyf., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr.; St. Eloi, Somme; Shell-shocked Feb. 1917; Invalided 1917, and discharged July 1918. Davis, Henry Clarke; m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 4th c.m.r., Feb. 1917; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., Apl. 1918; Major, Dec. 1918; D.A.D.M.S., Can. Cps., Feb. 1919; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Dec. 191 7; Bar to M.C., Cambrai, Sept. 28, 191 8. Davison, Edward Sumner; Applied Science 1912, b.sc.f. 1914. K. Edward's Horse, Tpr., Apl. 1915; France, June 1915; R.E., 176th Tnlg. Coy., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1915; Lieut., July 1917; R.f.a., Mar. 1917; R.E., 176th Tnlg. Coy., Feb. 1918; r..\.f. lo'h and 15th Sqdns., Juns 1918; Givenchy, Fosse Calonne, Vimy, Arras, Ypres; Wounded, Vimy, June 26, 1916. Davison, Lewis Richmond; d.d.s. 1917. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt.. Oct. 1917. Davison. Wilfred; b.s.a. 1913. c.F..\.; Div. Amm. Col., Sergt., 1915; France; (Further details not available). Davy, Robert Nelson; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1906; 31st B.C. Horse, o.c. 225th Bn., Major, 2nd i/c, Dec. 1916; o/s., i/c, Jan. 1917; France (Intelligence); Returned Sept. 1917; Cmdt., Dept. Mil. Science and Tactics, Phillips Andover R.o.T.c, U.S.A. Nov. 1917. Dawson, Herbert John; b.a. University Coll. 1898 m.a. 1900; 14th Regt., Lt.-Col. 59th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c. May 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 46th Bn., o.C; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes; D.s.o., Somme, Oct. -Nov. 1916; Bar to d.s.o., Hallu, Aug. lo-ii, 1918; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Mar. 1918; C.M.G., Jan. 1919; Despatches, June 1917, Jan. 1918, June 1918, Nov. 1918. Dawson, Herbert MacMillan; University Coll. 1913; 19th Alta. Dragoons, Lieut. 19th Alta. Dragoons, Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Can. Cps. Cav. Regt., Capt., May 1916; Adjt., July 1916; Can. Light Horse, Major, Mar. 1917; (Adjt., Mar. -Sept., 1917); Can. Cps. Cav. Res., Mar. -June 1918; Can. Light Horse, June 1918; 2nd i/c, Nov. 1918; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ploegsteert sec, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Somme, gaz. Jan. 1917. Dawson, Lawrence Earl; Medicine 1921 ; c.o.t.c 2nd Depot Bn., ist c.o.R., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f., May 1918; Resumed course Sept. 1918. Dawson, Lewis Henry; d.d.s. 1895; 21st Alta. Hussars, Capt., Adjt. 31st Bn., Capt., Nov. 1914; Major, Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec; Invalided Feb. 1 916; Discharged Feb. 191 7. Day, Oswald John; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Major, Aug. 1918; France, July 1915, m.o. East Surrey Regt.; Loos, Somme; Arras, Ypres (1917); Arras, Lens (191 8); m.c, gaz. June 1917; Bar to m.c, Oct. 1917. Day, Robert Booker; University Coll. 191 1, Wycliffe. i6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 29, 1915; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt.; att. No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Salonica; Invalided Aug. 1916; France, July 191 7, att. R. Can. Regt.; Vimy- Lens; att. Can. For. Cps., 54th Distr., England. ROLL OF SERVICE 247 Deacon, Frederick Herbert; Victoria 1895. Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. i, Inspector Supplies, Major, Jan. 1916; Staff, Dep. Inspector Gen., Militia Hdqrs., Lt.-Col.; Inspr. Supplies, E. Canada, June 1916; Chief Inspr. Accounts, Canada, Sept. 1918; Col., Nov. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1919. Deacon, Thomas Reginald; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 230th Can. For. and Ry. Constr. Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1918; Can. For. Cps., Sunning- dale, Eng.; France, Oct. 191 8. Deadman, William James; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Staff Sergt., Nov. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Egypt, July 1915, Conval. Camp, e.e.f., Port Said; Rest Camp, Abbasia, Feb. 1916; No. 27 Gen. Hosp., Cairo, Mar. 1916; Invalided May 1916; Cambridge Hosp., Aldershot, Oct. 1916; Salonica, Sept. 1917, No. 52 Geh. Hosp.; No. 26 Mob. Bactl. Labty., Struma, Oct. 1917; No. 27 Mob. Bactl. Labty., Doiran, Jan. 1918; Central Labty., Brit. Salonica Forces, Feb. 1918; a/o.c. No. 28 Mob. Bactl. Labty., Sept. 1918. Dean, Arthur Cyril; University Coll. 1919; 48th Regt., Lieut. 134th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; R.F.C., Sept. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 43rd Sqdn.; Armentieres— -Amiens; Prisoner, Armentieres, Apl. 12, 1918. Dean, Robert Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.a.d.c, Sergt., Feb. 1918. Dean, William Ashton; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 95th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 198th Bn.; r.n.v.r., Motor-boat patrol, Sub- Lieut., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; 2nd i/c h.m.m.l. 305, Jan. 1917; Spec, svce.. Decoy Sailing Ships, Sept. 1917-Nov. 1918; h.m.s. 'Dargle'; i/c h.m. Tr. 'Commissioners'; h.m.s. 'Baron Rose'; 2nd i/c h.m.s. 'Vereker'; North Sea, anti-submarine actions, Oct. 1917, July 1918; Despatches Oct. 31, 1917. Dean, William Ernest; m.d., cm. Trinity 1898. r.a.m.c, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; Transport svce., 1916-19. Deans, James Martin; d.d.s. 1906. c.a.d.c, m.d. I, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt. de Champ, Saint-Elme; Staff, University Coll. and Victoria; B.esL. French Army, Auxil. Cps., Pte., Aug. 1914; Invalided Sept. 1915. Defries, Robert Davies; m.b. 191 i, m.d. 1913, d.p.h. 1914. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Oct. 1916; Div. Labty., m.d. 2. DeGruchy, Philip Cuthbert; Applied Science 1914; c.a.m.c. No. 10 Fd. Amb. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, F"eb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Mt. Sorrel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 18, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1917; Returned Sept. 1918. Delahev, Wallace Acheson; b.sc.f. 1915. 49th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; c.e., Spr., Aug. 1915; France, Oct. 1915, 9th Fd. Coy.; 2/Cpl., May 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, (1915-16); r.e., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; Invalided Aug. 1917-Jan. 1918; France, 121st Fd. Coy., r.e., 36th Div., Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Capt., Jan. 1919; Yprcs-Baillcul (1918); M.c, Courtrai, Oct. 16, 1918. Delamere, Rudolf Dawson; b.a.sc 1914. r.n.a.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut., 1915; Mt. Lieut.; German East Africa, -Apl. 1916; Seaplane Sqdn., Zanzibar; d.s.C, Lindi area, Feb. 1918. Delaporte, Antoine Valentine; b.a.sc 1913. Hydrol. Cps., Capt., May 191.S; CE., Lieut., Feb. 1916; u. of T. o, s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; U.K., Sec. Lieut. 248 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DE LoTBiNiERE, Alain Joly; Forestry 1913; 5th Regt., Lieut. 42nd En., Lieut., Feb. 1915; A/Capt.; France, Oct. 1915; Hill 60, Ypres, Somme, Viniy; Gassed and shell-shocked; Can. Mil. Mission to France, Aug. 1917; Can. Repres. Office, g.h.q., 2nd Echelon; Returned Sept. 1918. Dempster, Arthur Jeffrey; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.a. 1910. U.S. Army Signal Cps., Pte., Nov. 1917; att. Naval Exptl. Sta., New London, Conn.; Master Sig. Electrn., Mar. 1918; Signal Cps., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; France, Nov. 1918; att. Italian and French Navies, Taranto, Toulon. Dempster, James Cheney; b.a. Victoria 1913. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 39th Bty., C.F..-V.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Denison, Merrill; Applied Science 191 5. American Ambce. Svce., att. French Army, Conducteur, Oct. 1916; Sous-chef; att. 20th and 64th Divs.; Verdun, Argonne, Champagne; Injured May 1917; A.E.F., 14th M.G. Bn., Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918; Vosges, St. Mihiel; Invalided; att. Art. Tr. Centre, Paris. Denison, Walter Wallbridge; Trinity 1903; g.g. e.g.. Major. 4th C.M.R., Major, 2nd i/c, Nov. 1914; France, Nov. 1915; Hdqrs. Staff, 3rd Can. Div., Aug. 1916; D.s.o., Ypres, June 1916; Despatches Dec. 1916. Dent, Frederick Stephenson; Victoria 1915; 36th Regt., Capt. 4th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Royal Fusiliers, Capt., Dec. 1914; Impl. Cyclist Cps., Aug. 1915; A/Major, Feb. 1919; 41st Div. Cycl. Coy., Nov. 1915; France, Dec. 1915 and May 1916; 2nd Cps. Cycl. Bn., May 1916; 7th Cps. Cycl. Bn., July 1918; 6th Cps. Cycl. Bn., Mar. 1919; Laventie-Armentieres, Somme (July 1916-Mar. 1917), Arras- Messines, Passchendaele, etc.; Wounded, Ypres, June 10, 1917; Invalided Apl. 1918; M.c, Alenin Road, July 31, 1917; Despatches, Tournai-Ath, Nov. 1918. Denton, Wilfred Herbert; University Coll. 1919; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, 15th Bn.; Ypres, Somme, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 26, 1916, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918, Hindenburg Line, Sept. i, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. De Pencier, Adam Urias (Rt. Rev.); b.a. Trinity 1895, m.a. 1896, d.d. 1910; 56th Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 62nd Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; o/s. Jan. 1916; [Regt. France, June 1916, att. No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., 1916-18; Lt.-Col., Apl. 1918; att. Kinmel Park Camp, Rhyl, 1918; o.b.e., June 1918; Despatches, June 1917, June 1918. De Pencier, Theodore Frederick Wells; Trinity 1917 (1920); c.o.t.c. c.o.T.c. o/s draft, Dec. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1916, 15th Div. Amm. Col.; 'c ' Bty., 71st Bde., r.f.a.; 15th d. a. c, Lieut.; 'd' Bty., 70th Bde., r.f.a.; Somme, 1916; Arras, Ypres, Cambrai, 1917; Arras, Soissons, 1918. Des Rosiers, Raoul Lawrence; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1918; Witley; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. Deverall, Edwin Victor; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c; loth Regt., Lieut. 204th Bn., Lieut., July 1916; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1916; r.e.. Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917; France, June 1917, 89th Fd. Coy. and 62nd Fd. Coy., 14th Div.; Lieut., Capt., Oct. 1918; Messines, Menin Road, Inverness Copse, Messines, Ypres, Passchendaele, 1917; St. Quentin, March Retreat, Amiens, Ypres — Scheldt, 1918; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, Oct. 22, 1917; m.c, Elincourt, Mar. 10, 1918; Bar to M.c, Lys, Oct. 15, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 249 Devitt, Frederick Baker; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.s.c, No. 2 Sub-Depot, Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., att. 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Dr.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Devitt, Leslie Kerr; Education 1915, (University Coll. 1923). R.F.c, Cadet, Juiie 1917; R.a.f., Lieut., 1918; France; Wounded, Cambrai, July 31,1918. Devlin, Harry Kerchever; Applied Science 191 8. Impl. a.s.C, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1916, 646th Coy; (Further details not available). Dewar, Roy Edgar; Education 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., July 1917; C.E., Jan. 1918. Dexter, William Eddison; Forestry 1918; g.g.f.g., Lieut. 38th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; 77th Bn.; France, June 1916, 5th cm. r.; Invalided Sept. 1916; France, June 1917, R.F.C, loth Sqdn.; Ypres, Soinme, 1916; Beth- une-Armentieres, Ypres, 1917; Wounded, Polderhoek, Dec. 3, 1917; Discharged Oct. 1918. Dey, Willi.\m Frederick Imrie; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut.; Capt.; o/s. June 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton. Dibblee, John; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. Dick, David Campbell; b.a. University Coll. 1908; 14th Bty. c.f.a., Lieut. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 9th Bde., c.f.a., Adjt.; Capt.; 33rd Bty.; France, July 1916; 32nd Bty., Oct. 1916; o.c 32nd Bty., Mar. 1917; A/Major, June 1917; Ypres, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Returned Feb. I 918; Despatches Jan. 1918. Dick, David Levern; m.b. 191 i. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1 91 5; 4th and 5th Black Watch Res. Depot; France, No. 142 Fd. Amb.; Loos; c.a.m.c, Capt., June 1917; Strathcona Mil. Hosp., Edmonton, Resdt. M.o.; Returned Soldiers' Hosp., Red Deer, Alta., Med. Supdt. Dickenson, Malcolm Edward; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Sub-Park, Pte., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl.; France, Aug. 1916, No. 4 Sub-Park, Cpl.; No. 4 Can. Div. Mech. Tpt. Coy., Apl. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. Dickson, Alfred John; St. Michael's 191 7. c.a.m.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Feb. 1916; 4th Can. Div. San. Sec, May 1916; France, Aug. 1916, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; L-Cpl., Sept. 1916; Cpl., Feb. 1917; Sergt., Sept. 1917; Commlnes sec, Somme, Vimy, Passchen- daele, Lens sec; Invalided Oct. 191 8; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 9 Can. Sta. Hosp. Dickson, Archibald Chester; Education 1914. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. T.M. Bties.; Bdr., Aug. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Dickson, Benjamin Harold; Admin. Staff. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte, Sept. 1915; France, May 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; att. 7th Bde. Wirers, July 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Avion, Apl. 2S, 1917; Invalided June 1918. Dickson, Charles Scott; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); R.N.V.R., Surg. -Probr., Apl. 1917; h.m.s. 'Minos', May 1917; Dover [c.o.t.c. Patrol, Belgian Coast, N. Ireland; Returned to complete course .\pl. 1918. 250 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Dickson, Ernest Charles; b.a. University Coll. 1904, m.b. 1906, m.d. 1917. C.A.M.C., M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 1918; o/s.; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp. Dickson, Ivan Wanless; m.b. 1910, f.r.c.s. (Ed.). War Office, Surg., 1914-16; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Salonica, No. 30 Sta. Hosp.; c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., July 1917; Invalided Apl. 1918. Dickson, James Archibald; b.a. University Coll. 1913, m.b. 1916; 33rd Regt., Capt. R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, No. 3 Gen. Hosp., Basra; Invalided Dec. 1916; India, Ceylon, Egypt, Malta; att. Spec. Surg. Hosp., Birmingham, June 1917; o.c. Highbury Orthop. Hosp., Birmingham, Dec. 191 8. Dickson, James Robert; b.s.a. 1906, m.s.f. (Mich.); g.g.f.g. Ottawa Siege Bty., c.g.a., Gnr., Apl. 1917; o/s. June 1917; Can. For. Cps., Forest Engr., Nov. 1917; Sergt., June 1918; Lieut., Sept. 1918. Dickson, John St. Clair; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. Sub-Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt., Instr., Mar. 1916; C.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1917; Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, June 1917. Dickson, William Beatty; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1917; h.m.s. 'Romola', May 1917; [c.o.t.c. English Channel, Firth of Forth, Scapa Flow; Returned to complete course Apl. 1918. Dignam, Hugh Molyneux; Applied Science 1919 (1922); iioth Regt., Lieut. 208th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, Jan. 1918, 54th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant; W^ounded, Dury, Sept. 2, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Dill, Arthur Wright; Applied Science 1906. 225th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Sergt.; France; (Further details not available). Dill, W. L; Veterinary Coll. 19 13-15. R.A.V.C., Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; France, July 1916; Somme; Ypres, 1917; March Retreat, Cambrai, 1918. DiLTZ, Bert Case; Trinity 1919; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; att. loth Can. Inf. Bde., June 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy., loth Inf. Bde.; Cpl., June 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Dingle, Frank; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.A.D.C, m.d. 2, Pte., June 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Aug. 1918. Dingle, Guy Elton; University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c C.F.A., Gnr.; 147th Bn., Lieut.; France, c.m.r.; Wounded July 25, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1917. Dinnick, Oswald Tilson; m.b. 1904. R.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Aug. 1914, att. American Hospital, Chateau d'Annel, Compiegne, Surg.; Allied Forces Base Hosp., Boulogne, Surg.; In- valided Apl. 1915; Countess Lyttcn's Hosp., and Mil. Sec, Cancer Hosp., Londcn ; Med. Asstn. Appeal Bd., m.s.a.; Naval Emergcy. Cps., Surg.; 1914 Star. Dippell, Louis William; Victoria 1916 (1920); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Sgr., Bdr.; Ploegsteert, Kenimel, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Nov. 1917; N. Russia, Sept. 1918, 67th Bty., C.F.A., Bdr.; Archangel front; Mil. Medal, Somme, Oct. 1916; Bar to m.m., Touldas, N. Russia, Nov. 1918. Ditchburn, Joseph Seymour; b.a. Trinity 1912; 2nd Regt.> c.o.t.c 19th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; L-CpL; France, Sept. 1915; Messines, Dickebusch; Wounded, Dickebusch, Nov. 22, 1915; 122nd Bn., Lieut., June 1916; France, June 1917, Can. For. Cps., 44th Coy., Adjt.; No. i Distr., Orne. ROLL OF SERVICE 251 Dixon, Albert Johnson; b.a. Trinity 1916; c.o.t.c; 14th Bty., c.f.a., Sergt. 42nd Bty., C.F.A. , Sergt., Dec. 1915; 8th Bde. Amm. Col.; France, July 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 58th Bty., C.f.a., Lieut., Sept. 1917; Gassed, Ypres, Aug. 1916; Wounded, Arras, May 28, 1918; Adjt., Permt. Cond. Staff. Dixon, Elliott Rupert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1920); c.o.t.c. 71st Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 71st Bn., Pte.; 12th Can. m.g. Coy., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; L-Cpl.; Ypres, Somme; Invalided Nov. 1916; c.a.d.c, Apl. 1917; R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; Egypt, Feb. 1918; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., July 1918. Dixon, Ewart Gladstone; University Coll. 191 1 ; 91st Regt., Lieut. R.F.c, Feb. 1917; Can. Def. Force, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Depot Bn., c.o.R., Aug. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, 20th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 26, 1918; M.c, Cambrai, Oct. 11, 1918. DixoN, Hamnett Alonzo; m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, t. d., m.d. 2, Lieut., June 1916; Capt.; o/s. June 1916; Salonica, Aug. 1916, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Basingstoke, 1917-19. Dixon, Leonard Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.a. 1912, Wycliffe. Mesopotamian Ex. F., y.m.c.a.. Gen. Secty.; India, Nov. 1914; Mesopotamia, July 1915; O.B.E., June 1918; Despatches, Sept. 1916, May 1917, Mar. 1919. Dixon, Silvanus Noble; Trinity 1916; S. African War; c.o.t.c. Col. Sergt. 139th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 58th Bn.; Vimy; Wounded, Lens, June 29, 1917; Invalided Aug. 1917; att. Polish Force, Niagara, 1917-18. Doane, Angus Jay; University Coll. 191 7; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; r.n.v.r.. Motor-boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; H.M.M.L. 505; H.M.s. 'Hermione'; English Channel, Dec. 1916; Mediterranean, June 1917; Irish Sea, June 1918; Dover, Dunkerque- Zeebrugge, Nov. 19 18. Dobbin, Gordon Murray; m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; m.o. 213th Bn.; o/s. Mar. 1917; m.o. Can. Res. Art. Bde., Apl. 1917; No. i Can. Gen. Labty., Nov. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. Dobbin, Mervyn Lawrence; University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; r.f.c, Lieut., Eqpt. Offr., Oct. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; R.A.F. , Techn. Offr., Apl. 1918; Flying Offr. Dobbin, Warren Leslie; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c, Lieut. • C.E., Lieut., May 1916; 15th Fd. Coy., c.e., Jan. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 4th Fd. Coy.; 4th Bn., C.E., Apl. 1918; Capt., Nov. 1918; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. DoBELL, Richard Joseph; St. Michael's 1921. R.A.F. , Cadet, Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1918. Docherty, John Franklin; b.a. Victoria 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl 1917; h.m.s. 'Hydrangea', June 1917; h.m.s. 'Dia- dem', Nov. 1917; H.M.S. 'Matchless', Dec. 1917; Mediterranean convoy svce.; Dunkerque patrol; Returned to complete course Apl. 1918. Dodds, Thomas; University Coil. iS()7. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 1551)1 Pn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. c.A.s.c, Bramshott, Dec. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Hosps., London, Dec. 1917; Returned Feb. 1918. Dodge, Gordon; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c c.a.d.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO DoHERTY, Charles Alexander; Applied Science 1916; 4th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 71st Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1916; Dept. Fortif. and Works, War Off., A, Capt., July 1917; Resdt. Engr., Aerodrome constr., N. London and E. Coast Air Def.; r.a.f., i/c Aer. constr., E. Coast and Midlands, Sept. 1918; Major, 1919. Doherty, William Albert; Applied Science 1921. R.N.C.v.R., w/t.. Mar. 1918; w/t. Operator, June 1918; Trlr. No. 8. Doherty, William Ellwood; University Coll. 191 1. att. Italian Naval Flying Cps.; Italian honour; (Further details not available). Doherty, William Joseph; Education 1912. 3rd Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; Sergt., Col. Sergt.; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres; r.h.a.. Sec. Lieut., July 1915; Lieut., July 1917; Gallipoli, Aug. 1915, Argyle Mountain Bty., R.h..\.; Egypt, Dec. 1915; Suez Canal, Gaza; Salonica, July 1916; Serbia; France, July 1917, 126th Siege Bty., r.g.a.; Cambrai (Nov. 1917), Bullecourt (Dec. 1917), Peronne, Amiens (Mar. 1918), Amiens-Cambrai (Aug. -Nov. 1918); Wounded, Gallipoli, Dec. 22, 1915, and Beaumetz, Mar. 1918; M.C., Ypres, Aug. 20, 1917; Bar to M.C., Cambrai, Oct. 16, 1918; French Croix de Guerre, St. Quentin; Serbian Order of Karageorge, Salonica, Oct. 1917. DoLSON, Wilbur John McLaren; d.d.s. 1913. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Apl. 1916; 215th Bn., Lieut., Capt.; c.a.d.c, att. r.a.f.. Long Branch, Capt. Donald, Duncan; University Coll. 1895; 48th Bn., Lt.-Col.; Long. Svce. Dec. 134th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Dec. 1915; O.C, 7th Inf. Bde., m.d. 2, 1916; O.C 2nd Inf. Bde., m.d. 2, 1916-17; Invalided and discharged Feb. 1917. Donald, Frank Chalmers; b.s.a. 1915. 56th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917; Bdr., Cpl.; Lens sec, Arras-Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Valenciennes; Invalided Nov. 1918. Donald, Hugh Harvie; b.a. University Coll. 1911; 48th Regt., Lieut. i/c Toronto Island Guard, Lieut.; 92nd Bn., Capt., Sept. 1915; Bramshott, Staff Cap't.; 5th Res. Bn., Capt.; France, Oct. 1916, Nov. 1917, 15th Bn., Lieut.; A/Capt., Aug. 191 8; Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, etc. Donald, Roy Brownlee; Education 19 17. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, ist Div. Sig. Coy.; Hill 70- Arras sec; Invalided May 1918. Donaldson, Ralph Wilfred; b.s.a. 191 5. 38th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, July 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; 52nd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1916; Can. Cps. Gas Svces., Apl. 1917; Can. Cps. Tps., Gas Offr., Feb. 1918; 2nd Can. Div., Gas Offr., A/Capt., Dec. 1918; Ypres, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Ypres, May 12, 1916; M.C, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Donaldson, William Darrell Ethelfred; Trinity 1917. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Sec Lieut., May 1918; att. h.m.s. 'Pegasus', 'Barham', 'Furious', 'Marlborough'; Grand Fleet, North Sea. Donley, Henry Gordon; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., IVJar. 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1915; 49th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., May 1916; 69th Bty., Apl. 1917; u. of t. o/s.Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 191 7; C.F.A., Lieut.; France, Mar. 191 8, 1st Div. t.m. Bty.; 7th Bty., C.F.A., Dec. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Donovan, Laurence Alphonsus; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c. A.v.c, Lieut., July 1916; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 253 DooLiTTLE, Gordon Westover; Victoria 191 6. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Feb. 1915; nth Gloucestershire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, June 1916, att. 14th R. Welsh Fusiliers; r.f.c, Oct. 1916; Lieut., Apl. 1917; R.A.F., Apl. 1918. DoRE, Harry Campbell; Education 1913 and 1916. 20ist Bn., Pte., May 1916; L-Cpl., Sergt., July 1916; 198th Bn., Cpl., Pte., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Bn., Pte.; Arras sec; Wounded, Neuville Vitasse, May 14, 1918. DoRES, James Emmanuel Eugene; d.d.s. 191 6; c.o.t.c. Hdqrs. 2nd Can. Contgt., Pte., Apl. 1915; c.a.d.c, Hdqrs., Sergt., Sept. 1915; Discharged May 1916. DouGAN, Harry Leslie; b.a. Victoria 1909; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1916; Musketry Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt., Instr. ; M.D. 6, Halifax, Sydney, Instr.; a/c.s.m. Douglas, Annie; b.a. University Coll. 1916. Euclid Hall, Toronto, Dietitian. Douglas, Earl; University Coll. 19 19; 34th Regt., Lieut. R.C.H.A., Gnr., May 1916; c.f.a.; France, Dec. 1916, 1st Can. Hvy. Bty.,c.G.A.; Bdr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded Mar. 9, 1918; Gassed May 27, 1918, and Sept. 1918. Douglas, Harold Melrose; Education 1915, (University Coll. 1923); c.o.t.c. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., June 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.CL.i.; Wounded, Ypres, May 12, 1916, and Aug. 21, 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, p.p.c.l.i.; Invalided Mar. 1918. Douglas, Hugh Stanxey; Education 1915, (Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Sub-Park, Pte., Dec. 19 15; Impl. a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Discharged Oct. 1917. Douglas, Ivan Robertson; phm.b. 1915. 70th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., June 1916; 5th Hwr. Bty.; France, 35th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 2"], 1918. Douglas, John Harvey; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 109th Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; 4th c.m.r.; France, Apl. 1916; Ypres, Sanctuary Wood; Wounded and prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Interned in Switzerland Dec 19 16; Repatriated Sept. 1917; Capt., Sept. 1917; Discharged Feb. igi8. Douglas, John Sutherland; mb. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, t. d., m.d. 2, Lieut., 1916; France, June 1917; 3rd Can. Div. Wing c.c.R.c; Capt., Dec. 1917. Douglas, K. L.; Veterinary Coll. 1910-12. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Douglas, Malcolm Lvall; University Coll. 19 17; Corps of Guides, Lieut. 71st Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 34tli \\n.\ France, Mar. 1916, ist Bn.; Wounded and shell-shocked, Ypres, June 19 16; att. R.F.C, Canada, 92n(l Sqdn., .-X Adjt.; 92nd S(|dn., 78th Sqdn., Adjt.; School of Flying, Armour Heights, Adjt. Douglas, Thomas St. Clair; University Coll. 1919, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c. 203rd Bn., Pie., Apl. 1916; r.f.c. Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Lieut.; r.a.f.; Ferry pilot, England-France, Nov. 1917-Dec. 1918. Dow, William Wilfrid; Medicine 1920(1921); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., \\^\. 1917; L-Cpl.; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr., Nov. 1917; Surg. .Sub-Lieut; h.m.s. ' Vega'; North Sea; Returned to complete course Sept. 19 18. 254 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Do^xiNG, Charles; Forestry 1912, University Coll. 1913. 4th C.M.R., Oct. 1914; France, Mar. 1916, C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Dr.; Ypres; Shell-shocked Nov. 1916; Duty in England, 1917-18. Downer, Henry; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.x.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 25th Bty.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Gassed Sept. 14, 1918. Downey, George Aloysius; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c; nth Hwr. Bty., Lieut. nth Hwr. Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; 35th Bty., Mar. 1917; A/Capt., Oct. 1918; Ypres-Kemmel sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Lens-Vimy sec, Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed, Vimy, May 19, 1917; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; Despatches June 1917. Downie, Ralph Waldo; Applied Science 1916 (1921); 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Cpl. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Aug. 1914; 2nd Cpl., Aug. 1914; Cpl., Nov. 1914; France, May 1915; 9th Fd. Coy., c.e., Apl. 1916; c.q.m.s.. May 1916; Festu- bert, Messines, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy sec; c.e., t. d., Canada, Nov. 1916; C.E., Lieut., Dec. I916; m.d. 5, May 1917-1918. Downing, Frederick Hale; Applied Science 191 1, Diploma. (Reported as on Active Service; No details available.) Dowsley, George William Ogil vie; m.b. 1899; c.a.m.c. No. i CI. Hosp., Capt. c.a.m.c, No. I C.C.S., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp., July 1916; Major, Dec. 1916; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Arras, Messines, Cambrai sec; (Temp. att. Nos. 6, 10, 19, I5,49C.C.S.; No. i Conv. Depot; No. 3 Can. c.c.s.); s.M.o., No. 3 c.c.d., Seaford, Dec. 1917; Staff, a.d.m.s., Ripon, Apl. 1919; St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, June 1919. Doyle, Albert Martin; b.a. University Coll. 1913. A.E.F., 329th M.G. Coy., 85th Div., Pte., Nov. 1917; 310th Mob. Vety. Sec; France, Aug. 1918; a.s.c. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1918. Doyle, Bernard Stephen Joseph; b.a. St. Michael's 1910. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1917; o/s. Sept. 1917; Hdqrs., Shorncliffe; E. Sandling; Purfleet; France, Jan. 1918, att. 3rd Can. Inf. Base; nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Apl. 1918; No. 3 Can. c.c.s., July 1918; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp. and h.m.a.t. 'Essequibo', Mar. 1919. Doyle, Richard Hamilton; Medicine 1918 (1921). 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr.; Cpl.; France, Jan. 1916; Sergt.; 7th Bty., C.F.A,, Lieut., July 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Aug. 1918. Drake, Theodore George Harwood; m.b. 1914. R.A.M.c , Lieut.; France; Wounded June 1916; (Details not available). Draper, Carman Birney; University Co 1. 1919; c.o.t.c u.of T. o/s.Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; Sergt.; o/s. May 1918; R.F.A., Sec. Lieut. Draper, Henry Charles; University Coll. 1912. 127th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Capt.; (Further details not available). Drew, Charles John Robert; b.a. Trinity 1915; c.o.t.c. 64ihBty.,c.F.A.,Gnr.,Dec 1917; Bdr.; 1st Bn., Can. Gar. Regt., L-Cpl., Sergt. Drew, George Alexander; University Coll. 1917; nth Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. i6th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec, St. Eloi; Wounded, Dickebusch, May 5, 1916; Invalided; 64th Bty., C.F.A. , o.c, Nov. 1917-Apl. 1918. Drew-Brook, Thomas Geoffrey; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f. Lieut.; France, Jan. 1918, 73rd Sqdn.; Wounded and prisoner. May 20, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 255 Drewry, William Starkey; University Coll. 1905; 34th Horse. 6ist Bn., Capt., June 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; (Further details not available). Drixnan, Angus Alexander; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Capt., Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; m.o. 5th c.m.r.; No. 47 Impl. CCS. ; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned May 1918; o.c Ogden Mil. Hosp.; m.c , gaz. Jan. 1917. Driscoll, Harrison Archer; University Coll. 1910; 79th Regt., Lieut. 90th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; o/s. May 1916; (Further details not available). Drope, John Harold Nelles; University Coll. 1918. r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., 1915; France; Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Canada, i/c 78th Sqdn.; Mentioned, Services, Sept. 1919. Drulard, Elmer Grover; University Coll. 19 19. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; Discharged 1918. Drummond, Harold; b.a. University Coll. 1916; 48th Regt., Lieut. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1917; Lieut., Sept. 1918; Singapore, Nov. 1917, 80th Coy., r.g.a. Drummond, Henry Andrew; Medicine 1921 (1923). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1917; o/s. Jan. 1918; c.g:a., June 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Drury, John Ernest; m.d., cm. Toinity 1901, f.t.m.c c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1918. Drybrough, John; Applied Science 19 19 (1922); c.o.T.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 26th Bty.; 17th Bty., Mar. 1917; Bdr., Aug. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — V'alenciennes; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 19 17. Drynan, John Valentine; University Coll. 1918; c.a.s.c. No. 2 Coy., Lieut. c.A.s.c, No. 2 T. d., Lieut., Nov. 1916; Can. For. Cps.; France, June 1917, . C.F.C, 46th Coy., Adjt.; 7th Coy., Adjt.; att. 2nd Bde., r.a.f.. Liaison OfTr.; 13th Coy., C.F.C Dudley, Eustace; Education 191 1. (Reported as on Activ^ervice. No details available.) Dudley, Robert Lorne; d.d.s. 1903. c.a.d.c, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Invalided and discharged June 1916. Duff, John Henry; d.d.s. 1914. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Apl. 1916; Dental clinic, ShornclifTe; i/c clinic, Purfleet; France, July 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Wounded in air raid, Etaples, May 19, 191 8. Duggan,Alleyne Mortimer; University Coll. 1918 (1921); c.o.T.c. Sub-StafT, M.D. 2, Can. m.g. Depot, Sergt.-Major, Instr., Apl. 1916; r.f.c. Cadet, Aug. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, 205th Sqdn.; Amiens sec; Injured Dec. 191 S. Duggan, Charles Reade; b.a. Victoria 1915; 2nd Regt., Pte., Lieut. r.f.c, Lieut., July 1915; Injured Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 9th Sqdn.; Somme, (Apl. 1917); Injured May 1917; Instr., Salisbury Plains area; att. Can. Air F~orcc, Dec. 191 8. Dugcan, Robert Broddy; b.a. Victoria 1913; 36th Regt., Lieut. 36tii Hn., litiit., Jan. 1915; France, Dec. 1915; Vimy sec; Musketry Instr., W. Sandling, Lieut., Capt.; Hdqrs., 5th Can. Div.; France, 2nd Bn., Can. m. G. Cps., 1918. Duggan, Sherman Francis; Applied Science 1918 (1922). 1st Depot Bn., ist c.o.R., Pte.; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., May 1918; o/s.. Cadet, Sept. 1918. 256 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Dunbar, Ira William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (192 1). R.F.C, Cadet, Oct. 1917; k.a.f., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; 254th Sqdn., June 1918; 236th Sqdn., July 191 8; South Coast patrol. Dunbar, John Gardner; University Coll. 1914. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jiine 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Hwr. Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Dec. 1917; France, Oct. 1918, 2nd Hwr. Bty. Dunbar, William Bowie; b.a.sc. 191 2. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1917; School of Musketry, m.d. 2, Sergt., Instr., Dec. 1917; C.E., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Duncan, Charles Clinton; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; o/s. Sept. 1916; (Further details not available). Duncan, David Merritt; b.a. University Coll. 1894. 43rd Bn., Capt., Dec. 1914; Major; France, Feb. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Arras Invalided and discharged May 191 7. Duncan, James Lewis; b.a. University Coll. 1910. 29th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, July 1916; nth Bde., CF.a., Capt. and Adjt.; 3rd Can. Div. Art., A/Staf? Capt., Dec. 1916; 38th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Aug. 1917; 2nd Can. Div. Art., Stafif Capt., Oct. 1917; d.a.a.g., 2nd Can. Div., Major, Dec. 1918; c.f.a., Capt., Nov. 1918; Ypres- Wytschaete, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai-Mons; M.C., gaz. Jan. 1919. Duncan, John Moyle; b.a.sc. 1912. R.N., Engr.-Lieut., Sept. 1914; h.m.s. 'Victory', 'Jupiter'; 'Erin' (Jan. 1915); 'Lion' for 'Inflexible' (Junei9i5); 'Dahlia' (May 1916), Chief Engr.; 'Orestes' (Apl. 1917), Chief Engr.; Grand Fleet; Admiralty, Nov. 191 8. Duncan, Wallace Steve'nson; Medicine 1920 (1921); 36th Regt., Lieut. 126th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; ii6th Bn.; France, Nov. 1916, loth Bn.; Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 191 7; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 191 7; Returned to complete course Aug. 1917. Duncan, Walter Cameron Cruickshank; University^Coll. 1919, (Applied Science R.N.C.V.R., w/t. Operator, 1916; h.m.c.s. 'Acadia"', Wt. Offr. [1922); c.o.t.c. Duncanson, Andrew Eastman;. Applied Science 1911; loth Regt., Capt. 36th Bn., Capt., Apl. 1915; Major; France, Mar. 1917, 3rd Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; 6th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai, etc.; D.s.o.., Jan. i, 19 19; Des- patches June 1918, Nov. 1918. Dunfield, John Daniel; b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1910. 149th Bn., Major, Sept. 1916; France, July 1917, att. 38th Welsh Div. Hdqrs.; Ypres (1917), Somme, (Aug. -Nov. 1918). Dunkelberger, John William; b.v.sc. 1911. a.e.f. Vety. Res. Cps., att. Hdqrs. 78th Div., Sec. Lieut., June 1917; v.c.n.a., 1st Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, June 1918; Ypres, Arras sees., St. Mihiel, Meuse- Argonne. Dun'LOP, Hi'gh Carfrae; phm.b. 1902; 33rd Regt., Capt. 71st Bn., Major, Oct. 1915; i6oth Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Capt.; 5th Bn., C.E., Apl. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. DuNT-OP, Walter Stephen; University Coll. 1919 (1920); c.o.t.c, Sergt. c.a.m.c, Hdqrs. m.d. 7, Pte., Oct. 1917; r.f.c. Cadet, Jan. 1918; r.a.f. Dunn, Alexander Stanley; Medicine 1919; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; c.a.s.c, att. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Aug. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; c.a.s.c, Desp. Rider, Apl. 1916; 17th Lancashire ROLL OF SER\'ICE 25; Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Sept. 1916; Injured Jan. 1917; Ypres, Armentieres, Somme, St. Quentin (Mar. 1917); R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., ApL 1917; Lieut., Feb. 1918; r.a.f.; Peronne, Nieuport; Italy (Piave, Nov. 1918). Dunn, Elliott Arthur; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; Injured June 1918; 26th Sqdn., Scotland, July 1918. Dunn, John; Veterinar>^ Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; France, Maj' 1916, att. 307th Bde., R.F.A.; (Further details not available). Dunning, John Nelson; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt., 1916. Dupuis, Louis Fabien; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., 1916. Durant, W. Lorne; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., Aug. 191 7; m.d. 10. DuRBROW, Peter Anderson; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 17th Bty., Apl. 1917; R.A.F., Cadet, Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919; St. Eloi, Somme, X'imj-, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Mil. Medal, Sept. 191 7. DuRNiN, Edward Warren; b.a. Victoria 191 1, Education 1914. C.E., Spr., Sept. 1918. DussEAU, Charles; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c R.F.c, 3/a.m., Jan. 1918; 2/a.m., Feb. 1918; r.a.f.. Cadet, June 1918. Dustan, Ernest Bruce; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Hwr. Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Wounded July 16, 191 6; Mil. Medal, Dec. 1917; Cadet; (Further details not available). Duthie, L. John; Applied Science 1907. C.E., No. I Tnlg. Coy., Lieut., July 1916; France, Feb. 1917; 4th Bn., ce., July 1918; Ypres (1917), Amiens, etc. (1918). Duthie, Richard Clarke; b.v. Sc. 1914; (d.v. sc. 1920). 13th C.M.R., L-'eut., Feb. 1915; Brit. Remount Comm., Capt., June 1915- Jan. 1919, Canada and U.S.A. DwYER, Charles Edward; St. Michael's 1920 (1921). (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Dyer, William Spafford; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1916; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 'd' Bty., 152nd Bde., r.f.a.; 152nd Bde., Education OfFr., Nov. 1 91 8; Lieut., Mar. 191 9; Cambrai (191 7), March Retreat, Ch&teau Thierry, Ypres, Courtrai; Gassed, Hazebrouck, May 191 8. Dykes, Philip John; b.a. Trinity 1913; c.o.t.c Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., June 1918; att. ist Bn., ist Que. Regt., ^LD. 5; o/s. Aug. 1918; att. 3rd CE. Res. Bn.; France, Dec. 1918, 12th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; loth Bn. Dyment, Colin Victor; b.a. rni\ersity Coll. 1900. Amer. Red Cross, Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; ist Lieut., Dec. 1918; France, June 1918; att. 91st Div., A.E.F.; Argonne (Sept. -Oct.), Scheldt-Audenarde (Oct.- Nov.). Dyment, Walter Allan; Inivcrsity Coll. 1912; i2lh Regt., Lieut. Can. Ry. Tps., Canada, Lieut., Oct. 1917-1918. —20 258 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Eadie, George Sharp; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Staff; Medicine 1918 (1921); C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 5th Can. Inf. Bde., [c.o.T.c. Hdqrs. Signals; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele ; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Eadie, Gillies; b.a. University Coll. 1901. Chinese Labour Cps., Apl. 1917; War Off. Emigration Agency, Recruiting Off., Records Dept., May 1917; C.L.C. Pay Off., Asst. Chief, Chinese Staff, Apl. 1918; c.L.c. Head Off., Tsingtao, July 1918; Chief of Chinese Staff and Asst. Pmr., Dec. 1918; Mentioned, Services, 1919. Eadie, Louis Francis; Applied Science 1910, Diploma. 75th Bn., Pte., July 1915; L-Cpl.; France, Aug. 1916; 75th Bn., Sergt., Nov. 1^16; Lieut., Apl. 1917; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy sec; 2nd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., Asst. Adjt., Dec. 1917. Eager, Joseph Culloden; m.b. 1911. c.A.M.c, M.D. ID, Capt., Dec. 1915; o/s. Jan. 1916; m.o. nth Res. Bn. and 104th En.; Injured July 1916; France, Sept. 1916, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1917; M.o. 78th Bn., Nov. 1917; Ypres — Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; m.c, gaz. Dec. 2, 1918; p.p.c.r.c. Hosp., Bexhill; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp. Eaman, Wilbert Roy; d.d.s. 191 i. c..\.D.c., Lieut.; Capt., 1916. Earp, Ernest Charles; University Coll. 1903-06, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 68th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; France^ Can. Base Depot; att. i6th Bn.; Vimy; Invalided June 1917; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1918: Can. For. Cps., 51st Distr., Inverness; Discharged Sept. 1918. Earp, William Arthur; b.a. University Coll. 1910, Wycliffe. Chaplain Svce., India; att. Gurkha Regt., Dharmsala; y.m.c.a., Impl. Tps., Agra. Eastcott, James Cleave; Victoria 1920 (1922). 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Dr., May 1917; A/Bdr., June 1917; A/Cpl., Dec. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dr.; Arras; Injured, Wancourt, Sept. 6, 1918. Eastham, Alfred; b.s.a. 1909. 56th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 6th Can. Bde. m.g. Coy.; Capt., o.c; Major; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; N. Russia, Murmansk, Sept. 1918; m.c, gaz. Jan. 1917; D.s.o., Nadvoitsa, N. Russia, Feb. 1919; Despatches June 1919. Eastman, Mack; b.a. University Coll. 1907. 196th Bn., Pte., Dec 1916; Sergt.; France, Nov. 1917, 29th Bn., Pte.; Bn. Scout N.C.O., Apl. 1918; B.C. Regt., Lieut., Nov. 1918; Vimy-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Can. Cps., Lecturer in History. Easton, George Stuart; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 26th Regt., Lieut. iioth Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Lieut., Apl. 1916; y.m.c.a., Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Sept. 1917, att. Can. Cps. Hdqrs.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Eastwood, John Hubert; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.T.c; 57th Regt., Lieut. 93rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, 2nd Bn., Lieut.; att. Can. Cps. Tramways, Oct. -Nov. 1917; 2nd Bn., Dec. 1917; Capt., Oct. 191 8; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 191 8. Eby, Hilbert; Applied Science 1917; c.o.T.c 59th Bty., C.F.A., Sgr., Mar. 1916; 14th Bde. Hdqrs., cf.a.; France, Dec. 1917, 2nd Bty.; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens — Cambrai, etc. ROLL OF SERVICE 259 Eby, Wilbert Harold; b.a. Victoria 1911, m.b. 1913; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c. (Act. Mil.), Capt., May 1916; c.a.m.c. (c.e.f.), Asst. s.M.o., Toronto Armouries; o/s. June 1918; Risboro' Bks.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Pres. Med. Bd., 1918-19. ECCLESTONE, WiLFRED MaRLOW; M.B. I9IO. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., July 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1918, No. 55 Brit. Gen. Hosp. Edgar, David Keithock; University Coll. 1900; Impl. Army, r.e., Capt. R.E., India, Capt., Aug. 1914; M.E.F.; Mesopotamia, Apl. 1916; Works Direc- torate; Asst. Dir. Works, m.e.f., T/Major, June 1916; Major, June 1917; Dep. Dir. Works, m.e.f., T/Col., Feb. 1918; Dir. Works, m.e.f., Apl. 1919; Bt. Lt.-Col., June 1919; d.s.c, Sept. 1917; Despatches Aug. 1917, Aug. 1918, June 1919. Edgar, Oscar Pelham; b.a. University Coll. 1892; Staff, Victoria; loth Regt. and Kapuskasing Camp Guard, Lieut., Capt., 1916, 1917. [c.o.T.c, Lieut. Edge, Hugh Percy; b.a. Victoria 1909; c.o.T.c. 147th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 15th Bn.; Capt., Dec. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. I, 1918; M.C., gaz. 1919. Edgecombe, George Harold; b.sc.f. 1910; 19th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Lieut., Jan. 1916; 8th Comp. Bty., Garr. Art., St. John, N.B., Jan. -Feb. 1916; France, July 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 3rd Can. Div. Tr. Mortars, Sept. 1916; 3rd c.d.a.c, Dec. 1916; 32nd Bty., c.f.a., Mar. 1917; 1st Bty., Aug. 1917; D/23rd Bty., Capt., Oct. 1918; A/Major, O.C, Feb. 1919; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Edmison, Thomas Bickerton; m.b. 1903. c.A.M.c, Capt.; Ramsgate Mil. Hosp., 1916; (Further details not available). Edmonds, Charles William; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1919); c.o.T.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr.; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded May 5, 191 7; Discharged Apl. 191 8. Edmonds, Ernest Walter; Victoria 1917, (Education 1920); c.o.T.c C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; France, May 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Nieppe Forest, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed, Hill 70, Sept. 4, 1917. Edmonds, George Edward; b.a. University Coll. 191 1; c.o.T.c Y.M.C.A., Lieut., May 1917; Godalming; France, Oct. 1918, att. loth Bde.; 4th Can. Pion. Bn. Edmonds, Lewis Cawsey; m.b. 1918; c.o.T.c C.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; att. r.a.f.; Toronto Gen. Hosp., Mil. Dept. Edmonds, William Brodie; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.T.c r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1915; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Feb. 1917, 48th Siege Bty.; Arras (1917), BuUecourt, Messines, Ypres; Wounded, Ypres, July 23, 1917; Invalided Aug. 1918. Edmunds, J. A.; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. R.a.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available.) Edward, Eva Norine Butler (Mrs.); b.a. University Coll. 1909. St. John's Amb. Assoc, v. A. D., June 1917; Brit. Red Cross .\nib. Driver; France, Oct. 191 7; Red Cross Motor Amb. Convoy, Etaplcs base. Edward, Mary^Lee; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.b. 1908. France, Mar. 1918, att. loth French Army Mil. Hosp., Surg.; Lieut.; French Croix de Guerre. 26o UMVERSITY OF TORONTO Edwards, Clement; b.a.sc. 1909. R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Eqpt. Offr., Oct. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; r.a.f., May 1918; France, May 1918, 1st Aircraft Park; 22nd Sqdn.; 'l' Flight; ist Wing Hdqrs.; 2nd Sqdn.; Lens, Arras, Cambrai. Edwards, Edwin Wesley; b.a. Victoria 1899, m.a. 1912. 34th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; Lieut., Feb. 1916; 39th Bn.; France, Aug. 1917, 2ist Bn.; Capt., Sept. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens; Wounded, Fransart, Aug. 11, 1918; Gassed, Mons, Nov. 9, 1918; M.c, Mens, Nov. 9, 191 8. Edwards, Evan; b.sc. (Wales); Staff 1914-15. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1915; Lieut., Oct. 1917; Admiralty, Torpedoes and Mines Dept., Nov. 1917. Edwards, Frank Webber; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921; c.o.x.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Edwards, Gordon Ross; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.x.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1917; Musketry Sch., m.d. 2, A/Sergt., Instr.; C.E., Lieut.; o/s. June 1918. Edwards, John Charles Richard; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.x.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 191 8; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; Mediterranean, Aug. 1918; Black Sea Sqdn., Apl. 1919; Crimean coast. Edworthy, Silvanus; Victoria 191 9. 1st Bn., W.O.R., Pte., May 1918; Discharged, medically unfit, June 1918. Eede, John Russell Lowell; m.b. 1918; c.o.x.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Effrick, John Burton Munro; Victoria 1919; c.o.x.c. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, No. 2 Can. San. Sec; r.a.f.. Cadet, July 1918. Elder, Roberx Caswell; b.s.a. 1918. W.O.R., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f.. Cadet, July 1918. Eldon, Frank Irving; University Coll. 1918 (1921); c.o.x.c. 67th, u. of X., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2nd Bty., c.f.a.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 7, 191 7; France, Oct. 191 8. Elkerxon, Frank James; m.b. 1917; c.o.x.c. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., Mar. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Risboro' Bks., Shorncliffe; Etchinghill Hosp., Mar. 1918; France, Nov. 1918, No. 20 Impl. Hosp.; Witley Spec. Hosp., Feb. 1919. Ellah, Joseph Nelson; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut.; Capt.; Mesopotamia, Apl. 191 7; (Further details not available) . Elliox, Henry Charles S.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1888, l.r.c.p. (Ed.); c.a.m.c. Major. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Major, Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914, i/c No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1915; Lt.-Col., Dec. 1916; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., Oct. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1917; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c, Apl. 1918; 1914 Star; o.b.e., June 1919. Elliox, Hugh Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.b.'i9i6; c.o.x.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Mil. Hosp., Folkestone; Capt.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Aug. 191 8, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; Valenciennes. Elliox, Reginald Vallack; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.x.c. u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; o/s. May 1918; r.g.a., Cadet; att. r.f.a. ROLL OF SERVICE 261 Elliott, Albert Edward; Victoria 1915. 125th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; CpL, Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, p.p.c.l.i., Pte.; Lens-Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 12, 1918. Elliott, Alexander Smith; d.d.s. 1906. c.A-.D.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt.; France, Nov. 1918, No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb. Elliott, Arthur Henry; Education 1913. C.A.M.c, Pte., Dec. 1915; 75th Bn., Sgr.; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme; Wounded, Regina Trench, Oct. 25, 1916; Discharged Sept. 1917. Elliott, Colin Eraser; b.a.sc. 191 2. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 1916; Impl. Hvy. Artill.; France; Reptd. wounded Aug. 27, 1918; Gassed Sept. 24, 1918. Elliott, Donald George; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.a.s.c, t. d.. No. I Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; (Further details not available). Elliott, Everett Victor; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918; c.o.t.c, Sergt. c.A.D.c, Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, Apl. 1917; 75th Bn., Pte.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Elliott, Frederick William; Education 1913; c.s.c.i. C.A.M.c, Pte., Dec. 1915; 75th Bn., Pte., Sgr., Dec. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Sergt., May 1917; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; Wounded and shell-shocked, Courcelette, Oct. 25, 1916; r.f.c. Cadet, Aug. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1917; Instr., Canada, Dec. 1917; R.A.F. Elliott, George Bruce Sloan; Forestry 191 7 (1923); 79th Regt. Strathcona Horse, CpL, Dec. 1914; France, Dec. 1915, Strathcona Horse, Tpr.; L-Cpl., May 1916; Cpl., Jan. 1919; Messines, Somme, St. Quentin, 1916; Equancourt, St. Quentin, Cambrai, 1917; St. Quentin, Amiens, Le Cateau, 1918. Elliott, George Reginald; b.a.sc 1912; Corps of Guides, Lieut. Can. Cyclist Cps., Lieut., Aug. 1915; ce., 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Nov. 1916; Discharged Sept. 191 7. Elliott, Herman James; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c CE. Signals, Spr., 1916; o/s.; Hdqrs., 5th Div. Sig. Coy. Elliott, M.vlcolm Stanley; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Victoria; c.o.t.c 227th Bn., Sergt., 1916; Lieut., Jan. 1917; 51st Bn., Can. Def. Force, Mar. 1917; 1st Bn., 1st C.O.R., Jan. 1918; France, Apl. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded (amputation), Monchy, Aug. 28, 1918. Elliott, Orville Ard; d.d.s. 1910. C.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt.; c.a.d.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Capt., June 1915; France, Sept. 1915; ALijor; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 11, 1916; D.s.o., Neuville Vitasse-Wancourt-Cherisy, Aug. 26-29, 1918; Bar to D.s.o., Iwuy, Oct. 11,1918; Despatches July 1919. Elliott, Reginald John; Medicine 1919; c.o.t.c; 49th Regt., Lieut. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 39th Hn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; R.f.c, July 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 52nd and 94th Sqdns.; r.a.f., Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Apl. 191 8; Somme, Cambrai, etc. Elliott, Thomas Rose; V'ictoria 191 6. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; Sergt.; 64th Bty., Lieut., Jan. 1918; o/s. Apl. 1918. Elliott, William Boyd; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; r.f.c, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, r.a.f., Lieut.; Capt., June 1918; d.f.c, Feb. 1919. 262 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Ellis, Arthur \Villl\m Mickle; b.a. University Coil. 1906, m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, No. I Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; Can. Mob. Labty.; France, Mar. 1915; Major, Dec. 1916; No. 5 Can. Mob. Labty., o.c; Asst. Adviser in Pathology, 4tii Army, Apl. 1918; ist Army, 1915; 2nd Army, 1916-18; 4th Army 1918-19; o.b.e., June 1919; Despatches June 1917, June 1918, July 1919. Ellis, G.\rnet Cromwell; b.s..\. 1913. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.C.L.I.; Somme, Vpres; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Discharged June 191 7. Ellis, H.\rold Hodgson; b..\. University Coll. 1911; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 37th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; France, May 1916, 7th Bn.; Ypres; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 3, 1916; Staff, Minister of Militia, Ottawa, Jan. 1917; Staff Lieut. (A/Capt.), June 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1919. Ellis, Leon McIntosh; b.sc.f. 1911; 103rd Regt. 242nd For. Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; Can. For. Cps.; France, Jan. 1917, 20th Coy., Exploitation Supt.; Can. For. Cps. Directorate Staff, Asst. Chief Forest Offr.; Capt., Nov. 1917; i/c Appraisal, etc., of properties. Western Front, Normandy to Jura. Ellis, Matthew Langdon; b.a. University Coll. 1911; c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, July 1916, 9th Can. M.G. Coy.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Bellevue Spur, Oct. 26, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918; m.c, Bellevue Spur, Oct. 26, 1917. Ellis, Stayner; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c. No. 14 Fd. Amb., Capt. c..\.M.c., No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Adjt.; Major, Dec. 1916; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., 2nd i/c, Feb. 1917; D.A.D.M.S., Ripon area, Apl. 1919. Ellsworth, Lorne H.\ll; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14; 2nd Dragoons. R..\.V.C., Lieut., Mar. 1915; France, July I9i5,att. i8th Div.; Somme; Wounded, Buire-sur-l'Ancre, Jan. 21, 1916; Discharged Apl. 1916. Elwood, Arthur Leslie; University Coll. 1912, Wycliffe. 13th Lincolnshire Regt., Pte., 1916; Invalided and discharged 1918. Embree, Melville Hamilton; b.a. University Coll. 1901, m.b. 1904. R.A.M.c, Lieut.; France, No. 112 Fd. Amb.; Invalided Oct. 1916; Discharged 1917. Embury, John Fletcher L.; University Coll. 1899; 95th Regt., Lt.-Col. 28th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Kemmel, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 14, 1916; 13th Bde., 5th Can. Div., Brig.- Gen., o.c, Nov. 1916; France, Oct. 19 17; t/g.o.c, 2nd Bde., Jan. -Mar. 1918; G.o.c, Can. Sec, g.h.q., ist Echelon, June 1918; c.m.g., June 1916; cb., June 1919; Despatches June 1916, May 1918, Mar. 1919, July 1919. Emmerson, Eric Roy; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Motor boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., May 1916; h.m.m.l. 447; Lieut., i/c h.m.m.l. 447, 1917. Emmet, Arthur George; University Coll. 1909, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 98th Bn., Capt., May 1915; o/s. July 1916; 13th Bde., C.F.A., Oct. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, ist Can. Inf. Bde. Enright, Percy Joseph; St. Michael's 1921 (1919-20). 1st Bn., 1st co.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 3rd Bde., ist Div. c.c.R.c; 2nd and ist c.l.w. Coys., Cpl.; Can. War Graves Detacht., 1919. Evans, Arthur Carson; b.a.sc 1915. 8th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Jan. 1916; 12th Bde. Amm. Col., Sergt.; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Arras; CE., Lieut., Nov. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 263 Evans, Delbert A.; m.b. 1903. R.A.M.C., Lieut., 1914; Capt.; Dardanelles, 1915; Egypt, 1916-17; India; France; (Cologne, 1920); (Further details net available). Evans, Donald Thomas; m.b. 191 i. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; Capt.; Mesopotamia, 1916; France, Nov. 1916, Fd. Amb.; (Further details not available). Evans, Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1912, (Staff 1919-20, m.a. 1920). Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., June 1917; France, July 1917, 6th Group; Lieut., Dec. 1918; A/Capt., Mar. 1919. Evans, Elbert Van; University Coll. 1920 (1923). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, July 1917, 12th Bty.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded and gassed, Passchen- daele, Oct. 1917; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 1918; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele. Evans, Graham Thomas; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1918); c.o.t.c; g.g.b.g., Lieut. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut.; 124th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2ist Bn.; Loos sec, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 23, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1917. Evans, Joseph Austin; m.b. 1907; 34th Regt., Lieut. R.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1915; No. 48 Fd. Amb.; Dardanelles, Aug. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915, No. 25 C.C.S.; Invalided Oct. 1915; No. 17 Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1916; Discharged Aug. 1916. Evans, Stanley Livingstone; Applied Science 1908, Diploma, b.a.sc. 1910. C.E., Lieut.; (Further .details not available.) Evans, Thomas Charles; b.v.sc. 1910, d.v.sc. 1912; c.a.v.c, Capt. c.A.v.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Apl. 1915, i/c No. i Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre; No. 5 Impl. Vety. Hosp., Abbeville, June 1915; V.O., 5th Bde., 2nd Div., C.F.A., Eng., Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; a.d.v.s., 2nd Can. Div., Major, Apl. 1917; Bt. Lt.-Col., June 1917; Lt.-Col., Apl. 1919; Pathologist, Impl. Army Vety. School, Aldershot, June-Oct. 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Cambrai, etc. (191 8); M.C., gaz. Jan. i, 19 16; Despatches Jan. 1916, Jan. 1918, July 1919. Evans, Wellesley Dorland; b.a. University Coll. and Trinity 1916, (Staff 1920). 4th Can. Div. Cycle Coy., Pte., Mar. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps., June 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 3rd Bde. Can. m.g. Coy.; 1st Bn. Can. M.G. Cps.; Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., Interpreter, Aug. 1918; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Evelyn, Stephen Jemmot; Med. 1917, (m.b. 1919); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cpl., July 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Sergt.; Staff Sergt., May 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. Everest, Robert Edgar; b.s.a. 1905. 5th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Aj^l. 1915, 4th Bn.; Ypres; Invalided May 1915; C.A.M.C, No. 9 Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 35th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Dury, Sept. 2, 19x8. Ewart, Eli Wilson; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c, Sergt. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Veronica'; Corfu- Otranto, Adriatic. EwENS, Harry Brown; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., Feb. 1917; Capt.; O/'s. June 1917; France, Oct. 1918. Ewing, Charles Mansfeld; Education 1913. 83rd Bn., Pte, Aug. 1915; C.Q.M.S.; France, Mar. 1918, 75th Bn.; \'iiiiy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Invalided Oct. 1918. Ewing, Ernest Olliphant; b.a.sc 1913; c.o.t.c V. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte, Oct. 1917; ce., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. 264 rXIVERSITY OF TORONTO EwixG, Francis James; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890. c.A.M.c, M.D. II, Capt., Oct. 1915: 0/5. Jan. 1916; d.a.d.m.s., Shomcliffe, June 1916; c.A.M.c. Hdqrs., London, Oct. 1916; q.m.g. Dept., Hdqrs., London, Nov. 1916; c.A.s.c, Can. Hdqrs. Staff, London, Asst. Dir. Supplies and Tpt., Major; A.D. of s. and Chief Inspector, Army Catering. Eyres, Henry Herbert; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1915; Capt.; France, Apl. 1916, Xo. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Sanctuary- Wood; Invalided June 1916; King's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Bushey Park, July 1916; Can. Oflfrs. Hosp., London, June 1919. Eyres, James Arthur; Victoria 19 19; c.o.t.c u. of t. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1916; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Oct. 1917; Fit. Sub- Lieut., Mar. 1918; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl., 1918; Injured May 1918; France, June 191 8; Nieuport — Roulers, Le Cateau. Faed, Percival Elmore; m.b. 1913; c.a.m.c, Capt. CA.M.c, Toronto Mobn. Centre, Capt., Mar. 191 7; China, Aug. 1917; British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, Boston, May-Oct. 1918. F.AJR, William Henry; Victoria 1916. 215th En., Sergt.; u. of t. o, 5. Tr. Coy., Pte.; r.f.c, Cadet, Dec. 1916; (Further details not available). F.\iRCLOUGH, Henry Rushton; b.a. University Coll. 1883, m.a. 1885, ph.d. (Johns Amer. Red Cross, Swiss Comm., Eerne, Chief of Div., i c Belgian [Hopkins). Relief; Amer. Red Cross Comm., Monten^ro, Lt.-Col.; Serbian Order of St. Sava, Cmdr.; Serbian Cross of the White Eagle; Cross of Serbian Red Cross; Cross of Order of Danilo, Montenegro; Belgian Ordre de la Couronne, Officier. Fairclough, Herbert Wellington James; b.a.sc 1918; c.o.t.c Can. Ry. Constr. Depot, m.d. 2, Pte., Apl. 1918; France, July 1918, 58th Broad Gauge Coy., Spr. Fairhead, Newman .\llan; Applied Science 1913. c.A.s.c, Lieut., July 1916; France, 2nd Div. Mech. Tpt.; Capt.; (Further details not available). Fallis, Leslie Clinton; m.b. 1915: c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; France, July 1917, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. Fallis, Millard Power; Applied Science 1916. 249th En., Pte., Nov. 1916; Hdqrs., m.d. 12, Instr.; m.d. 5, Sergt., Instr.; France, May 191 8, 5th En., Pte.; 2nd Motor m.g. Bde., Despatch-rider and Scout, June 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens. Fargey, Thomas Archie; b.a.sc 1915. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Discharged June 1918. Farmer, George De\-ey; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891; c.a.m.c, No. 12 Fd. Amb., Major, c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., o.c, Nov. 1914; France, Sept. [o.c 1915; Kemmel-Ypres sec, Somme, Lens sec; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., o.c, Nov. 1916; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Col., o.c, Dec. 1917; c.b.e., Jan. 1919; .Men- tioned, Services, Apl. 1919. Farmer, George Ricil\rd Devey; m.b. 191 8; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Farmer, Harold Nash; b.a. Trinity 1911, m.a. 1916. Can. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Mar. 1916; c.a.p.c, London, Oct. 1916; Invalided and discharged -•\pl. 1918. Farncomb, Hugh Frederick; Medicine 192 1, (Applied Science 1923). R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., .Apl. 1918; Mudros, Aug. 1918; Mudros, Sta\Tos, Imbros; Injured, Imbros, Sept. 30, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 26= Farquharson, Charles Donald; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. Can. Res. Cyclists; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Capt.; France, Sept. 1918, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; Valenciennes-Mons. Farquharson, Ray Fletcher; Medicine 1922. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., ApL 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Farrell, Allan Caton; b.a. Victoria 1901. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 175th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; 38th Bn., Oct. 1917; 44th Bn., Nov. 1917; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, etc. Farrell, Andrew Richard; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. c.A.M.c, M.o. 7th Bde. Hdqrs., Capt., Oct. 1914; o/s. July 1915; m.o. Can. Res. Art., Dec. 1915; Transport duty, Aug. 1916; i/c c.a.d.d., Nov. 1916; c.\.t.d., Dec. 1916; Invalided May 1917. Farrell, J. T.; Veterinary Coll. 1910-12. R.A.V.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available), Farrell, Michael Ignatius; b.v.sc 191 7. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; A/Major, Dec. 1918; Salcnica, att. 31st Bde., r.f.a., 28th Div.; 3rd Bde., R.f.a.; Struma Valley, Doiran; Constantinople, att. 130th Bde., r.f.a. Farrell, Vance Ronald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917. Farrelly, Thomson J.; Applied Science 191 1, Diploma. C.E., Signals, Spr., 1916; France, Cps. Hdqrs., Cable sec; Cadet, Nov. 1917. Fasken, Joseph Elgin; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 51st Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Arras- Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Fasken, Samuel Albert; b.a. University Coll. 1916, (Education 1920). 224th Bn., Pte.; Cpl.; o/s May 1916; Hdqrs., London, Qr. -Mr. Staff, Pte.; Cpl., Q.M.S., Jan. 1918. Fassel, Elgin George; University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; L-Cpl. Falxkner, Colin Benjamin; Victoria 1919. C.E., Spr., July 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Fawcett, John Purvis; University Coll. 1915, m.d., cm. (McG.); 13th Regt., Lieut. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Apl. 1918; o, s. Aug. 1918; Capt. Fawcett, John Thomas; Education 1915. R.CG.A., M.D. 6, Gnr., Apr. 1918. Feasby, Harold George; Education 1915; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o s. June 1918. Feick, Thomas Burton; Medicine 1918 (1920). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., 1917; h.m.s. 'Phoebe'; Returned to complete course Apl. 1918. Feiling, Keith G.; b.a. (Oxon.); Staff 1907-09. 3rd Black Watch, Sec. Lieut.; att. Gen. Staff, a.h.q., India, Lieut., Oct. 1915; Central Recruiting Bd., Secty., 1917-19; Capt., 1917; o.b.e. Felker, Stewart Randall; Victoria 1914-15, Education 1916. y.m.ca., May 1917; India, Aug. 1917. ' Fell, Francis Dawson; Medicine 1922; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; c.a.m.c, Pte., Aug. 1918. 266 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fellowes, Kenneth Cameron; Applied Science 1913- 84th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 25th Bn.; Invalided Oct. 1916. Fenech, Harold Bartholomew; University Coll. 1919- R.A.F., Cadet, June 1918. Fennell, Arthur Bertram; b.a. Victoria 1906, m.a. 1910, Admin. Staff; c.o.t.c, 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Lieut., D^c. 1915; France, June 1916, [Lieut, P.P.C.L.I.; 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., 5th Inf. Bde., Dec. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Dec. 1917; CE. T. D., Seaford, Mar. 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 6th Sig. Coy., Capt., Sept. 1918; M.c, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. Fennell, Robert Elmer; Victoria 191 5. C.G.A., Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Apl. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, 4th Can. Siege Bty.; att. 227th and 324th Bties., r.g.a.; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 11, 1917; Y.M.C.A., Seaford, Lieut., Mar. 1918. Fenwick, Charles Philip; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.o. 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt., June 1916; France, Oct. 1916; No. I Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 1917; m.o. ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Oct. 1917; Can. Mil. Hosp., Etchinghill, Sept. 1918; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1918; a.d.m.s. Off., Ripon; Somme, Peronne, St. Julien — 'Pilkem (1917), Amiens; M.c, Somme, Feb. 1917. Ferguson, Donald Gregor; b.a.sc. 1914; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; 9th Bn., C.E., Capt., May 1918; 8th Bn., C.E., Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Ferguson, Duncan James; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; C.A.d.c, Pte. Ferguson, George Hendry; b.a.sc. 1906; Can. Hydrol. Cps., Capt. C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 3rd Army Tps., c.e.; nth Fd. Coy., C.E., Mar. 1917; Capt., May 1918; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras- Lens; Injured and invalided June 1918; m.c, Passchendaele, Oct. 1917. Ferguson, Hugh Edg^^r; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Lieut.; Capt.; Toronto Mobn. Centre, Oct. 1915-1919. Ferguson, John; b.a. University Coll. 1915. R.A.F., Cadet, Oct. 1918. Ferguson, John Stanley; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., May 1918; H.M.s. 'Wyncote', June 1918; Trans- Atlantic escort. Ferguson, Joseph Roy; University Coll. 1918. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; r.f.c, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; gthSqdn.; Peronne, St. Quentin, Cambrai. Ferguson, Thomas Washington; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Fergusson, Adam Tower; b.a.sc 191 1 ; 30th Regt., Lieut. 241st Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 18th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Fransart, Aug. 16, 1918. Fergusson, Charles Douglas; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.t.c c.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1918. Fergusson, George Arthur; B.A.Victoria 1900. 241st Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 15th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 267 Fergusson, Neil Colquhoun; University ColL 1918. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1914; c.a.s.c, No. 2 r.s.d., Lieut.; France, Sept. 1915, 4th Bn., Lieut.; Ypres, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Mt. Sorrel, June 24, 1916, and Lens, Sept. 1917; Discharged June 1918. Ferrie, Gordon Campbell; University Coll. J914. 86tli Bn., Lieut., 1915; Capt., Major; France, Dec. 1916, 2nd Can. M.G. Coy.; Wounded May 19 17. Ferfier, Douglas Walter; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c; c.f.a., Lieut. Att. R.C.H.A., Lieut., Instr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, iith Bty., c.f.a.; 3rd Bde., C.F.A., Adjt., Jan. 1918; 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs., A/Staff Capt., Aug., 1978; R.A. Cps. Hdqrs., Staff Learner, Sept. 1918; 4th Can. Div. Art., Reconn, Ofifr., Jan. 1919; Can. Cps. Hdqrs.; 12th Bty., c.f.a., Capt.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C, Courcelette Nov. 9, 1916. Ferfier, Gordon John; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; Mesopotamia, May 1916; No. 20 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 262nd Bde., r.f.a.'; No. 129 Comb. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 107th Pioneers, Indian Army; i/8th Gurkha Rifles, i..\.; 2nd Black Watch; Mesopotamia, Tigris (1916-17); Palestine, Dec. 1917; De- spatches, Mesopotamia, Apl. 1918; M.C, Palestine, July 1918. Ferris, Cecil Bruce; Applied Science 1913; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e. 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, etc.; c.q.m.s., R.S.M.; Wounded June 1915; Invalided 1916; School of Inf., m.d. 2, Lieut., Instr.; A/Adjt.; N.c.o. T. D., A/Adjt., Dec. 1917; Croix de Guerre; d.c.m., Jan. 1916. Ferris, Elizabeth Grace Swanzey (Mrs.); b.a. Victoria 1898. Navy and Army Canteen Bd., Superintendent, Regtl. Canteens, No. i Area, Eng., May 1917; Ireland, Sept. 1918, organised Women's Cps., Canteen Bd. and Training School, Dublin. Ferris, Reginald Heber Carroll; b.a. Trinity 1915; c.o.t.c. 1st C.O.R., Pte., Feb. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 2nd c.m.r.; Mons. Ferris, William Donovan; m.b. 1898. c.A.M.c, m.o. 66th Bn., Capt., June 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; No. 9 Can. Gen., Hosp., Chief Surg. ; France, Jan. 1918, No. i Can. ccs.; Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Fetherstoxhaugh, James Edward McCormick; Applied Science 1908. R.F.A., Lieut., Nov. 1914; 'd' Bty., 170th Bde.; Capt.; A/Major; M.C; Despatches twice; (Further details not available). Fick, Ellis Lloyd; Education 1914. 48th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; c.a.s.c, Sergt., Sergt. -Major; France, Dec. 1916, c.a.s.c, Pte.; 6th Bde., c.f.a., Lieut.; Wounded Aug. 8, 1918. Fiddes, Gordon Harold; Education 191.4, (Applied Science 1923). 123rd Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 19th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 16, 1918. Fidl.\e, Edward; b.a. l^niversity Coll. 1905, m.b. 1907. R.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1916; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, No. 22 Sta. Hosp.; Invalided Sept. 1916; Alexandra War Hosp., Bombay; C.A.M.C, Capt., July 1917; No. I Gen. Labty., Eng.; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1918; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1918. FiEi D, John Jordan; m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c Capt., May 1915; R.A.M.C, Eastbourne Mil. Hosp., Lieut., May 1915; France, Aug. 1916, No. 132 Fd. Amb., Capt.; Sommc, Ancre; Wounded, Thiep- val, Nov. 12, 1916; Surg, i/c Depot, Alnwick; Invalided and returned May 1918. 268 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fielding, Ellis Mack Vaughan; Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c. 176th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1916; Invalided and discharged Aug. 191 7. Fielding, Evart Lloyd; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Education 1915; c.o.t.c, Lieut. 170th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 15th Bn.; att. 3rd Can. T.M. Bty., July 1917; Invalided Apl. 1918; 15th Bn., Sept. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaelc, Lens-Arras sec, Canal du'Nord, Cambrai — Mens; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 19, 1917. Finch, Orlaff Elgin; m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Oct. 1914; R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., June 1916; France, Aug. 1915, No. 92 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 15th R. Warwickshire Regt.; M.o. 2nd King's Own Scottish Borderers; M.o. i/6th Argyll and Sutherland High- landers; No. 13 Fd. Amb.; No. 15 Fd. Amb.; Major, Nov. 1918; Loos, Vimy, La Bassee, Armentieres, Somme, Ypres, Piave (Italy), Merville, Bucquoy- Bapaume, Foret de Mormal, Hautmont; M.c, Beugnitre, Bapaume, Aug. 23, 1918. FiNDLAY, Charles Alexander; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Whitby Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919. Findlay, Douglas Gordon; m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Capt.; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley; M.o. Can. Res. x-^rt.; Injured Apl. 1917; (Further details not available). Findley, Thomas Irving; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c, Cpl. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; C.f.a., Lieut.; France, Feb. 1916, 25th Bty.; i/c 'z' Bty., T.M. Group, 2nd Div., Apl. 1916; 25th Bty., Jan. 1917; R.f.c. Aug. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 82nd Sqdn.; r.a.f., Apl. 1918; Kemmel, St, Eloi, Ypres, Vimy, Hill 70, March Retreat (1918); Wounded, Ypres, July 26, 1916, and Moreuil, Apl. 2, 1918; M.c, Moreuil, Mar. 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. FiNGLAND, William; b.a. L^niversity Coll. 1912, m.a. 1913, Knox. y.m.ca., att. 20th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1915; Shorncliffe, May 1915; France, Jan. 1916, att. i6th Bn.; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Vimy sees.; London and Edinburgh, 1917-18; Khaki Univ., Instr. Finlayson, Donald Roberick; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., Capt; China; (Further details not available). FiNNEMORE, C. W.; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. R.a.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Firstbrook, Hugh McBain; b.a. Victoria 1915. 2i6th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Dec. 1917, 75th Bn.; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Droccairt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Firstbrook, John Hackett; Applied Science 1918; Cps. of Guides. R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, May 1916, 22nd Sqdn., Lieut.; Somme; Wounded and prisoner, Somme, July l, 1916; Switzerland, Dec. 1916; Repatri- ated Sept. 1917; R.F.C and r.a.f. Records, Canada, 1918. Firstbrook, William Gordon; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy., Pte.: Siberia, Jan. 1919. • Firth, Lorne Miller; b.a. University Coll. 1916. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; Bdr., Sergt.; Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, T.M. Bty., c.f.a. , 1st. Div.; 6th Bty., Nov. 1918; Arras, Amiens Cambrai, etc. ROLL OF SERVICE 269 Fisher, Clarence Braden; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, July 1917, 56th Sqdn.; Invalided Nov. 1917; Norwich Aircraft Park, Mar. 1918; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918. Fisher, Harry; Victoria 19 14. 78th Bty., C.F.A.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Fisher, Murray Malcolm; Education 1915, (Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., July 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., att., 6th Bde., c.f.a.; Lens, Passchendaele, Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai- Mons; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 15, 1918. Fisher, Paul Allen; b.s.a. 19 ii. 1st British Amb. Unit, Italy, Sottotenente, Oct. 1916; Mte. Santo, Plava, Baingizza, Caporetto; Discharged Aug. 1917. Fisher, William Stanley; b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; Can. Res. Art., Sgr.; Cpl., Instr.; France, Jan. 1917, 20th Bty., Sgr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 9, 1917; Returned Oct. 1918. FissETTE, Casimir Courtlant); m.b. 1898. R.A.M.c.Apl. 1916; Mil. Hosp.,Rugeley, Staffs., Surg.; Mil. Hosp., York, Surg.; Returned Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c, Capt.; Exam. Bd., Brantford; Med. Bd. of Reyiew, Toronto; Discharged Nov. 1918. FiiTON, Thomas Gerald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; O/S. Nov. 1917; 6th Can. Res. Bn. Fitzgerald, James Patrick; b.a. University Coll. 1895; Staff, St. Michael's; c.o.t.c; i8oth Bn., Capt., May 1916; France, 19th Bn., Lieut.; Lens, [iiothRegt. Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Arras, Aug. 26-28, 1918. FitzGeR:VLd, John Ger.\ld; m.b. 1903, m.d. 1920, Staff; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, La bty. Unit, m.d. 2, Lieut., o.c. May 1915; Capt., Aug. 1915; d.a.d.m.s. II (San.), M.D. 2, Nov. 1915; Major, Sept. 1916; r.a.m.c, Major, Apl. 1918; France, June 191 8, No. 39 Mobile Labty., o.c, and Asst. Adviser in Pathology, 5th Army. Fitzger,\ld, Maurice Richard; University Coll. 1919 (1922). R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918; Re- turned Oct. 1918. Fitzpatrick, Charles Patrick; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Observer'. Fitzrandolph, Charles Spurden; University Coll. 1899; 71st Regt., Lieut. I) 5th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 44th Bn.; Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Courcelette, Oct. 25, 1916, and Lens, June 3, 1917; Discharged Oct. 1917. Flanagan, John Joseph; St. Michael's 1917. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Flanders, Claude Mortimer; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; Mesopotamia, India. Flavelle, Joseph Ellsworth; University Coll. 1916. l66th Bn., Lieut., 1916; Capt.; Invalided and discharged. Fleck, John Gordon; University Coll. 1903, Applied Science 1904, Di|)loma. 231st Bn., Major, Oct. I()I5; France, July 1917, 72ncl Bn., Capt.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Qucant ; Wounded, Drocourl-Qucant, Sept. 3, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; Bar toM.c, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 1-3, 1918. 270 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fleming, Albert Grant; m.b. 1907, d. p. h. 1914. c.A.M.c, Labty. Unit, m.d. 2, Capt., o.c, Apl. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Dec. 1917, No. i Can. c.c.s. ; No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; M.O. 4th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; d.g.m.s. Off., London, Asst. to Con- sultant in Sanitation, etc., Nov. 1918; M.C., Inchy, Sept. 27, 1918. Fleming, Earl; Education 1914. 63rd Bty.,C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 38th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens-Arras; Invalided May 1918. Fleming, Gold win Orford; Victoria 1912, b.a.sc. 1914; 8th Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut. No. I Can. Constr. Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, Oct. 1916; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt., 1917; Belgian, Passchendaele, Ypres, and Somme sees. Fleming, Robert Russell; b.a. Victoria 1915; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Feb. 1917. Fletcher, Andrew Almon; m.b. 1913, Staff 1913-15. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Returned June 1917; Neurologist, Spadina and Central Mil. Hosps., m.d. 2, 1917-18; M.D. 10, 1919. Fletcher, Arthur Guy Ashton; m.d., cm. Trinity 1894; 12th Regt., Capt. 4th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; lOth Devonshire Regt., Capt.; France, Sept. 1915; Wounded Nov. 6, 1917; R.A.M.c, May 1917; o.c No. 7 Conval. Depot, Brit. Black Sea Force, A/Major, Mar. 1918. Fletcher, Charles George; b.a. University Coll. 1913, Knox; c.o.t.c ^th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.cl.i. ; 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Apl. 1917; Ypres sec, Zillebeke, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 2, 19 16. Fletcher, Hugh Murray; Applied Science 1906; 13th Regt., Lieut. Can. Cyclist Cps., Lieut., May 1916; c.a.m.c. No. 15 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1917; Can. For. Cps., Lieut., June 1917; France, Sept. 1917, Can. For. Cps., 74th Coy.; 123rd Coy., England, att. r.a.f., Aug. 1918. Fletcher, William Arthur; b.a.sc 1911. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, i8th Bty., C.F.A.; Bdr., Dec. 1917; Can. Cps. Survey Sec, Cpl., May 1918; c.e.. Cadet, Nov. 1918; Lieut., Jan. 1919; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded Aug. 18, 1918. Flint, Charles; b.a.sc 1910. C.P.R. Constr. Cps., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; 4th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Major, Feb. 1917; R.N. Siege Guns, Apl. 1917; Dixmude, Ypres (1915), Somme (1916), Arras (1917), Nieuport (1917-18); D.s.o., June 3, 1918; French Croix de Guerre, 36 Corps d'Armee, Feb. 8, 1918. Flook, Franklin Roy; Victoria 1912-13. 1st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; Bdr., Oct. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 1917; r.a.f., Cadet, Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Flynn, Frank Joseph Dion; b.a. University Coll. 1917 (1918-19); c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Flynn, Matthew Joseph; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 14th Bty., c.f.a.; 19th Bty., Dr., Mar. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Foerster, Arthur Jacob; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.a. 1915; c.o.t.c U. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20lh M.G. Coy.; Siberia, Gournastai Bay, Jan. 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 271 Foley, Claude James; Applied Science 1912. C.A.D.C, Sergt.; (Further details not available). Foley, Willl\m John; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. 256th Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1917; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Spr.; France, June 1917; Somme, Nieuport, Ypres, Lille; Gassed July 11, 1918. Foote, Frederick Foster; b.a.sc. 1913- 'C' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., June 1918; O.T.C, Probr., Oct. 1918. Foote, George Edwahd; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c; loth Regt. 2nd Div. Cyclist Coy., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded Aug. 20, 1917; c.a.s.c, 1917-18. Foote, Walter Samuel; m.b. 1916. r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., 1917; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916, No. 20 C.C.S.; No. 61 Sta. Hosp., Nov. 1916; Invalided Jan. 1917; No. 21 Gen. Hosp., Egypt, May 1917; Palestine, Aug. 1917, M.o. i/6th Highland Light Infantry; M.o. i/5th Devonshire Regt., Apl. 1918; 3rd battle of Gaza, Jerusalem, Jaffa; Discharged July 1918. Forbes, Harry Lawrence; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, May 1917, Vety. Base Hosp.; att. 158th Army Bde., r.f.a., 15th Div.; 8th Div.; Dunkerque- Ypres, Arras; Vety. Hosp., Eng. Forbes, Harry Stewart; b.a. University Coll. 1911. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917; France, July 1917, 193rd Coy; A/Capt., July 1918; Lieut., Oct. 1918; Chinese Order of Wen Hu. Forbes, Robert Ross; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921; 28th Regt., Sergt. 1st Bn., 1st C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f., Cadet, May 1918. Ford, Harry Mills; b.a. Victoria 1913- 48th Bty., C.F..\., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, Sept. 1916, 6th Bty., Sgr.; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided and discharged 1918. Foreman, John Leonard; b.a.sc. 19 14; Naval Svce. Dept., att. c.g.s. 'Acadia', R.N.V.R., Lieut., 1917; Admiralty Survey Aux. Cruiser Sqdn.; [Arctic, 1914-15. h.m.s. 'President', h.m.s. 'Hearty'; North Sea. Foreman, Oscar Harold; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., June 1918; France, Sept. 1918; No. i Can. Vety. Hosp.; Khaki Univ., Ripon, Instr., 1919. (Died Mar. 7, 1921.) Forestei.l, Tobias Frederick; b.a. St. Michael's 1917; c.o.t.c. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Sgr., Nov. 1917; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Onmaing, Nov. 4, 1918; Mil. Medal, Onmaing, Nov. 4, 1918. Forge, Francis Wesley; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1919); c.o.t.c. i8oth Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1916; France, c.A.M.c, No. 12 Fd. Amb.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. FoRGiE, Leon Craig; Applied Science 1913. A.E.F., io8th Fd. Artill., Lieut., May 1917; Capt.; France, July 1918; Fismes- Vesle, Oise-Aisne, Argonnc, Ypres-Lys. FoRMAN, James Henry; Victoria 191 7 (1922). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Fit. Sub-Lieut., June 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Capt., May 1918; Wounded, Nieui)ort, Aug. 28, 1917; Prisoner, Doual, Sept. 4, 1918; d.f.c, May 28, 1918. Forneret, George Reginald; b.a. Trinity 1910; i3tli Rt'Rt. loth Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; iMancc, Feb. 1915; Wounded, Ncuvc Chapcllc, Mar. 1915; Invalided .\ug. 1915; School of B.F. & I'.T., m.d. I, Capt. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO FORSTER, Cyril; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.C.V.R., Eng. Room Artfr., Oct. 1917; Guelph patrol, mine sweeping, Halifax base. FoRSTER, Frederick Joseph Richardson; m.b. 1897; 28th Regt., Major. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; M.o. 41st Div. Amm. Col.; Falmouth Mil. Hosp., Surg.; Discharged Jan. 19 1 7. FoRSTER, Harvey George; b.a. Victoria 1913. 6th Hwr. Bde., c.f.a., Gnr., Oct. 1915; France, Nov., 1915; ist Hvy. t.m. Bty., 3rd Can. Div. Art., June 1916; Sergt., July 1916; St. Elo', Ypres (1916), Somme, Beaumont-Hamel, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded Feb. 13, 1916. Forsyth, Ewart Wilfred; University Coll. 1919 (1921). (Chemist svre. 1916-18); ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Forsyth, Robert; b.a. University Coll. 1913. c.a.m.c, No. I Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 5th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 27th Bty., Capt., Aug. 1917; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Beaumont-Hamel, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed, Vimy, May 8, 1918. Forsyth, Wilfred Weston; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13; c.a.v.c, Lieut., att. 9th Horse. C.A.v.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; V.O. 4th c.m.r.; Capt., July 1915; Mob. Vety. Sec, 4th Can. Div., o.c, July 1916; France, Aug. 1916; v.o. 4th Bde., c.f.a., Nov. 1917; v.o. 4th Can. Div. Train, Mar. 1918; v.o. 4th Bde., c.e., Nov. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Valenciennes; Mentioned, Somme, 191 6. Foster, Douglas Mortimer; d.d.s. 1900; i6th Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Major, o.c; Long c.a.d.c, Capt., Nov. 1915; att. 87th Bn.; o/s. Apl. [Svce. & Coronation Dec. 1916; i/c clinic, Dibgate; France, Jan. 1917, att. Can. Cav. Bde.; Peronne, St. Quentin, Lens sees.; Invalided Sept. 1917; i/c clinic, Seaford, June 1918. Foster, Edwin Roland; phm.b. 1916. W.O.R., Pte., May 1918; c.a.m.c, t. d., m.d. i, Sergt.; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Foster, Francis Howe; Medicine 1922 (1923). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 78th Bty.; 2nd Can. Tank Bn., Pte.; C.A.M.C Foster, Harold William Alexander; ll.b. 1909; 36th Regt., Lieut. 20th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt., Dec. 1915; Major, June 1917; 1st Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, June 1918; Ypres, St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens-Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Bois Carre, Wytschaete, Dec. 24, 1915, and Ypres, June 26, 1916, and Calonne, Jan. 17, 1917; M.c, Bois Carre, Dec. 24, 1915; Bar to m c, Le Sars, Somme, Oct. I, 1916; D.S.O., Calonne, Jan. 17, 1917; Despatches June 3, 1917, July 8, 1919. Foster, Roberts.; Veterinary Coll. 1916-17 (1919-20). A.E.F., 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 164th u.s. Inf., Cpl.; Svce, in France, Jan. 1918- Feb. 1919. Fotheringham, John Taylor; b.a. University Coll. 1883, m.b. 1891, m.d., cm. Trinity c.a.m.c, Lt.-Col.; [1891, (LL.D.-Hon. 1919); Staff; Princ. m.o., m.d. 2, Lt.-Col. A.D.M.S., Valcartier, Sept. 1914; a.d.m.s., 2nd Can. Div. and m.d. 2, Oct. 1914; o/s. Apl. 1915; a.d.m.s., 2nd Can. Div.; France, Sept. 1915; Col., Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme, Vimy sec; Returned Mar. 1917; Major-Gen., Mar. 1917; a/d.g.m.s., Mill ia Hdqrs., Ottawa, Aug. 1917; c.m.g., June 3, 1916; Despatches Jun2 3, 1916, June 3, 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 273 FouLDS, Archibald; b.a. University Coll. 1904; 2nd Regt., Lieut., sec. to c.o.x.c, 123rd Bn , Capt., Nov. 1915; Major, Mar. 1916; 123rd Can. Pion. [Capt. Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; 8th Bn., C.E., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele Amiens, Arras, etc.; Despatches Jan. 19 18. FouLDS, Gordon Sutcliffe; m.b. 1914; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, Asst. toA.D.M.s., M.D. 2, Capt., Apl. 1916; Major, Oct. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918, Capt. FouRNiER, Vivian Stephen; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918; c.o.x.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., July 1918; Mediterranean; Black Sea, mine sweeping, 1919. FowxDS, Eric Sutherland; Applied Science 191 1 ; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e. 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Spr., Aug. 1914; France, Hdqrs., 2nd Bde., Intel . Sec, 1917-18; Cadet, May 1918; Lieut.; Wounded 19 16; (Further details not avail- able). Fowler, Alfred Charles; Education 1918. 1st C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; France, Nov. 1918, 4th c.m.r.; Valenciennes-Mons. Fowler, Claude Horace; University Coll. 1905. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Fowxer, Reginald Griffith; Education 1915; c.o.t.c. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Fox, Ben; University Coll. 1919; C.o.t.c. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Fox, William Henry; Admin. c.a.m.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Qr.-Mr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Yprcs, etc.; Cap".; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1916; Major; m.b.e., 1918. Fox, Frederick John; b.a. University Coll. 1902, m.b. 1908. R.A.M.c, Capt.; o/s Feb. 1918; Mil. Hosps., London, Portsmouth, Warlingham. FoY, James Cuvillier; University Coll. 1903; g.g.f.g., Lieut. 77th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 12th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs. Staff.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Returned Jan. 1918; Militia Hdqrs. Staff. FoYSTON, Bert Elleston; b.s.a. 1915. 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1915; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., May 1916; France, July 1916; Bdr., Aug. 1916; Somme, V^imy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Frain, Charles Elias; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917; France, July 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Oct. 1918; M.o. 7th Bn., Oct. 1918; Cambrai, Valenciennes. Frair, Harold Edward; Victoria 1914-16 (1919-20); c.o.t.c. 235th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1916; 134th Bn.; P>ance, Mar. 1918, 15th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 29, 1918. Fralick, Royal Foster; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s.; Returned to complete course Jr.n. 1918. Frank, Reginald Wilson; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, att. nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tjs.; Armentiercs Retreat, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Fraser, Alan; b.a.sc 19 ii. 256th Bn., Pte., Feb. 19 17; Discharged, medically unfit, I"cb. 19 17. (Died May 28, 19 17.) —21 274 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fraser, Alexander George; d.d.s. 1902; 7th Regt., Lieut. 142nd Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; France, July 1917, ist Bn., Lieut.; Wounded, Lens, July 27, 1917; w.o.r. Depo^ July 1917; 4th Res. Bn., Oct. 1917; Capt., Nov. 1917; c.A.D.c, England, Dec. 1917-May 1920. Eraser, Donald Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.iM.c, Lieut., May 1915; No. 94 Fd. Amb.; Eg>'pt, Dec. 1915; Capt.; France, June 1916; Somnie; C.A.M.C, Capt., Feb. 1917; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; China, att. Chinese Labour Cps., Dec. 1917; Mentioned, Services; Div. Labty., m.d. 2, July 1918; o.c. Div. Labty., m.d. 2; M.C., Serre, July i, 1916. Eraser, George Earl Max; b.a. St. Michael's 1920. R.A.F. Reserve, July 1918. Eraser, George Murr^vy; Medic'ne 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c, Sergt. 95th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 1st Bn.; att. ist Coy., c.E., Bde. Wiring Offr. ; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1917, and Fresnoy, May 3, 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. Eraser, Gordon Keith; Education 1916 (1920). 139th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl.; France, Nov. 1916, 4th Bn., Pte.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. i, 1918; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Eraser, James Johnston; m.b. 1902; c.a.m.c. No. 14 Fd. Amb., Capt. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; O.c. No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., Nov. 1916; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Vimy, Ap'. 17, 1917; c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Apl 1918; d.g.m.s. Branch, Militia Hdqrs., May 1918: A.D.M.S., Petawawa, May 1918; o.c. Manitoba Mil. Hosp, Oct. 1918; D.S.O., Hill 70 and Passchendaele, gaz. Jan. i, 1918; Despatches June 1915, June 1917, Jan. 1918. Eraser, Jonathan Alexander; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c 71st Bty , C.F..\., Gnr., 1916; (Further details not available). Eraser, Margaret Ethel Victoria; b.a. Trinity 1894, m.d., cm. Trinity 1899. Amer. Women's Hosps., No. i Unit, Aug. 1918; France, Sept. 1918; Chiteau Thierry, Suzancy; No. 2 Unit, La Ferte-Milon, Director, Dec. 1918; Vic-sur- A'sne, 1919; Medaille de Reconnaissance, Suzancy, Mar. 1919. Eraser, Robert Gordon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; L-Cpl. Eraser, Roderick Alexander; Applied Science 1916, (b..\.sc. 1918); c.o.t.c; 20th 37th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; C.E., Lieut., June 1916; France, [Regt., Lieut. Oct. 1916, C.E., Cable Sec; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 31, 1917; Invalided June 1917; 2nd Bn., 1st co.r.. Mar. 1918; Discharged Apl. 1918. FR;\\\xey, Gordon Leigh; d.d.s. 1920; 9th Horse. C.A.D.c, Sergt., May 1916; Sergt. -Major, Instr., Aug. 1917. Erayn, Gilbert; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. r.a.v.c, Lieut'., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; France, Aug. 1916, No. 14 Vety. Hosp.; att. 91st Bde., 20th Div.; att. 93rd Army Bde., r.f.a., Feb. 1917; att. 1st Light Bde., Mar. 1919; Somme, Vimy, Messines, Passchendaele, Cambrai (1917), Retreat and Advance, Arras sec, 1918. Eredenburg, Ford Webster; Victoria 1919; c.o.t.c 20ist Bn., Lieut., 1916; Cadet Inspr., m.d. i; 2nd Bn., 2nd CO.R.; C.A.P.C. Frederick, Ernest Victor; m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c, Lieut. r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, July 1915, att. No. 1 ROLL OF SERVICE 275 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Dardanelles, Lemnos, Aug. 19 15; Egypt, Feb. 19 16; Salonica, Mar. 1916; Invalided to Egypt; No. 15 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; M.o., Tpt. to Meso- potamia and India, Mar. 1917; Salonica; Returned on leave June 1917; o/s. July 1917; Mesopotamia, Baghdad, No. 70 Indian Sta. Hosp., 1917-18; India, May 1918; M.O., Tpt. Svce.; M.o. 2nd Garr. Bn.. Manchester Regt., Hong-Kong and Vladivostok, July-Sept. 1918; Asst. Supt., Civil Hosp., Hong-Kong; • Returned Oct. 19 18. Freeborn, Switzer Gardner; b.s..\. 1915; nth Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 5th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Lieut., July 1915; 20th Bty., C.F.A. ; France, Jan. 1916, i8th Bty.; 'e' Can. A. A. Bty., Jan. 1917; Capt., Aug. 1917; ist Bty. Feb. 1918; Hill 63, Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 18, 1916, and Vimy, May 25, 1917; M.C., Somme, Oct. 14, 1916. Freel, Herbert Barnes; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., 1918; att. 1st Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., A] 1. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 1918; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, May 1919. Freeland, Edward Ewing; b.a.sc. 19 12. 7th Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., Apl. 1917; A/Sergt. -Major, Gnr., A/Sergt.; France, Jan. 1918; C.E., Lieut.; Lens sec. Canal du Nord, Cambrai. Freeman, Claude Wesley; b.a. Victoria 1896, m.b. 1903. R..\.M.C., Chinese Gen. Hosp., Lieut., July 1917; France, July 1917; Capt. Freeman, James Roy; b.a.sc. 1911. Nova Scotia Siege Bty., Gnr.; Cobourg Hvy. Bty., 19 18. Freestone, Roy Willlvm; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., A^ 1. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, i8th Bty.; Bdr., Mar. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Re- turned Oct. 1918; C.A.D.c, Pte., Oct. 1918; Sergt., Aug. 1919. French, Herbert Stanley; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; 55th Bty., Bdr.; (Further details not available). French, Walter Gordon; b.a.sc. 1915; Corps of Guides. c.p.r. Constr. Cps., Spr., Apl. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; Cpl.; Dixmude sec, Ypres-Dickebusch, Arras, Somme, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Havrin- court, Nov. 30, 1917. Frid, Herbert Percival; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 86th M.G. Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; Hdqrs. Staff, M.D. 2; 228th Bn.; 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt.; France, Apl. 1917; Major; Ypres, Arras, Somme. Frisby, Walter Gardner; University Coll. 1914; c.s.c.i., Lieut. 198th Bn., Lieut., ¥eh. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Mar. 1917; y.m.c.a.. Khaki Univ., London, Lieut.; Capt., Mar. 1918. Fritz, Wesley Edward; Education 1918 (1920). C.E., Spr., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Frost, Henry Arthur; b.a. Victoria 1913, (b.d. 1915). Can. Chaplain Svce., att. No. i Sta. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; Lemnos, Aug. 1915, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Lem.nos, Egypt, France; Major, .Aug. 1916; Crowborough, Dec. 1916; Vernon Park Hosp., Manchester, Aug. 1917; Returned Sept. 1918.. Frost, Leslie Miscampbell; University Coll. 1919. 157th Bn., Lieut., Asst. Adjf., Dec. 1915; Caj)!.. May 1916; France. Aug. 1917, 20th Hn., Lieut.; Hill 70, Avion, Passchendaele, Neuville Vitasse; Wounded Mar. 31, 1918; Invalided. 276 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fry, Clifford Norwood; Applied Science 192 i (1922). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; 3rd c.g.a., Sgr. Fuller, Charles Harvey Rogers; b.a.sc. 1914; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e.; c.o.t.c; 9th 2i6th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt. and Adjt.; France, May [Horse, Lieut. 1917, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut.; Ypres, Kemmel, Nieuport, Ypres, Lille. FuREY, Nicholson Willl^m; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 7th Bde. Hdqrs., CF.a., Cpl.; o/s. Aug 1915; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; c.a.m.c, Lieut., 1917; o/s.; M.o. 3rd Res. Bn., Capt.; r.a.m.c, Capt.; Egypt, Nov. 1919; Ismalia. FuRSEY, Frank Ross; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. U.S. Army Med. Cps., Capt., Oct. 1918; Base Hosp., Camp Lewis. FuTCHER, Thomas Barnes; m.b. 1893. c.a.m.c, Lt.-Col., 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Resigned Apl. 1918. Fydell, Melvin Roberts; Education 1909; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, 4th Bty., Lieut.; Invalided Mar. 1918. Gabriel, John Matthew; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918; o/s. Apl. 1918. Gaby, Robert Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.d. (Cornell), Staff. C.A.M.C, No 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Karasouli; Returned Sept. 1917; Mil. Ward, Tor. Gen. Hosp., Surg. Spec, Dec. 1917; Major, Apl. 1918. Gage, Charles Edwin; Applied Science 19 16, (b.a.sc. 1920); co.t c 4th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Gnr., Cpl., Sergt.; 228th Bn., Lieut.; France, 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Invalided; Discharged May 1918 Gahan, Frank; b.a. Trinity 19 14. Oxford Univ. O.T.C, Oct. 1914; Discharged, medically unfit; 32nd Res. Bn.,att. Estates Branch, Pte.; Sergt., June 1916; \Vt. Offr. 2, Feb. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Dec. 1916. Galbraith, Charles Thomas; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C. Lieut., June 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., Mar. 1917; Gallipoli, Sept. 1915, m.o. 9th Worcestershire Regt., 13th Div.; Egypt, Mar. 1916, No. 13 CCS.; m.o. 1st Garr. Bn., Essex Regt., May 1916; P. of Wales Mil. Hosp., London, Jan. 19 17; France, May 19 17, No. 42 Sta. Hosp. (Amiens); M.o. 1st N. Staffordshire Regt., Aug. 19 17; She^rness Mil. Hosp., Mar. 19 18; France, July 19 18, M.o. nth Shropshire Light Inf.; M.c, Gallipoli, gaz. Mar. 15, 19 16; Despatches Mar. 19 16. Galbraith, John Stupart; b.a.sc 1913, Staff 1913-5; c.o.t.c, Sergt.; loth Regt., 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Camp Engr., Valcartier, 1916; [Lieut. 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; France, June 1917 Vimy, Loos, Ypres; Invalided Feb. 1918; M.c, Ypres, Oct. 20, 1917. Galbraith, William Torrance; Veterinary Coll. 19 14- 16; c.o.t.c CA.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., July 1917; France, July 1917, att. loth Can. Inf. Bde ; 5th Bde., c.f.a.; No. 2 Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre: att. 4th Bde., CF.A.; Souchez-Vimy, Lens, Roclincourt, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Gall, Hugh; b.a.sc 1915; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., L'eut. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 257th Ry. Constr. Bn., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Capt., Apl. 1917; Ypres, Somme (1918), Hinges-Nieppe, Cambrai. ROLL OF SERVICE 277 Gallaugher, Leonard Cauthers; Medicine 1921 ; c.o.t.c. 2nd Bn., ist C.O.R., Pte., May 19 18; Discharged, medically unfit, June 19 18. Gallaway, Percival Henry; Victoria 19 18; c o.x.c. 182nd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl., Jan. 1917; A/Sergt.; Sergt., July 1918; France, Nov. 19 17 — Election staff. Gallie, John Gordon; m.b. 19 10, Staff; c.o.x.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salon'ca, Nov. 1915; Invalided Nov. 1916; No. ID Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; Discharged Sept. 19 17; m.h.c, 1917-18. Gallie, \Villl\m Edward; m.b. 1903, (m.d. 1920), f.r.c.s. (Eng.), Staff; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 1918; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., [Lieut. Buxton, Mar. 1918; France, Mar. 1919; Italy, Apl. 1919; Major, Feb. 1919. Gallivan, Thomas John; b.a. St. Michael's 1916. Can. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Sept. 1916; France, June 1918, R. Can. Regt.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 28, 1918. Gallow, William Forbes; m.b. 1896; c.a.m.c. No. 15 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, a.d.m.s. Staff, M.D. I, Capt., Feb. 1917; 0;'s. Sept. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Asst. Registrar and Adjt. Galpin, Frederick Harold; Education 1915; c.o.x.c 1st Can. Tank Bn., Cpl., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., Ripon, Sergt. Galpin, Huberx Brewer; Education 1912; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 55th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; 63rd Bty., Cpl., Sergt., Apl. 1916; C.F.A. , Lieut., June 1916; 55th Bty., Aug. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Lens- Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Mons; Wounded, Lens, Nov. 14, I9I7- Ganton, Herbert Bliss; University Coll. 1916; c.o.x.c R.N.C.V.R., W/x Operator, Halifa.x. Garbutt, Charles Thomas Percival; m.b. 1918; c.o.x.c. C.A.M.C, Lieut., July 1918; Camp Borden; Med. Bd., Exh. Camp; Kapuskasing Camp. Garbuxx, Herberx Reuben; d.d.s. 1920. 235th Bn., Pte., July 1916; c.a.d.c, Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to com- plete course Nov. 191 7. Garden, John Henderson; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.x.c. U. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1916; Can. For. Depot, Sergt., Alar. 1917; C.S.M., Apl. 1917; Sergt.-Major, Aug. 1917; Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Mar. 1918, CF.c att. Y.M.C.A.; Capt., Sept. 1918; y.m.c.a. Supervisor, c.F.c, France and England. Garden, William George; St. Michael's 1912; 26th Regt.; 48th Regt. 135th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; 125th Bn.; 3rd Can. Labour Bn.; 4th Can. Labour Bn.; 2nd Can. Inf. Works Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; L-Cpl., Mar. 1917; Ypres sec, Messines, Passchendacle, Arras sec; Gassed, St. Eloi, July 1917; Returned Mar. 1918; No. i Distr. Depot, Cpl., Sergt. Gardiner, Berxram Reuben; d.d.s. «9I4. c.a.d.c, Lieut. ^Mar. 1916; Capt. Gardiner, Frederick Goldwin; b.a. University Coll. 1917; g.g.b.g., Lieut. C.M.R., Lieut., Aug. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1917; att. r.f.c, Feb. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, Indep. Air Force. Gardiner, Herberx M.; b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.x.c. u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Cpl., Ap]. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; R.F.C, Sec Lieut.; Injured; Invalided and discharged 191 7. 278 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Gardiner, Samuel David; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. King's Own Yorkshire Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; King's Royal Rifles, May 1916; att. R.F.c, Sept. 1916; Injured, Beaulieu, Eng., Feb. 1917; Invalided and discharged June 19 18. Gardner, Albert Victor; d.d.s. 1919. c.v.D.c, Sergt. Gardner, Douglas Bankier; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., T. D., Ottawa, Lieut., May 1916; 14th Fd. Coy., C.E., 5th Div., Jan. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 8th Fd. Coy.; 8th Bn., c.e., Apl. 1918; Lens-Hill 70, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Gardner, James Wilfrid; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. 173rd Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Sept. 1917, ii6th Bn.; Passchendaele ; Invalided Nov. 1917; Discharged July 1918. Garfat, Earl Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 71st Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; 44th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy sec; c.a.d.c, Eng., Pte., Jan. 1917; Sergt., Mar. 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Garratt, Philip Clarke; University Coll. 1914. R.F.c, Sec. Lieut.,- Aug. 1915; France, June 1916; Capt., Oct. 1916; Somme; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 21, 1916; r.a.f., Capt., Apl. 1918; i/c Fit. Group, Northolt, May 1918; a.f.c, June 3, 1919. Garrow, Alan Balfour; b.a.sc. 1908; 48th Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; Hdqrs. 8th Bde.; Hdqrs. 15th Bde.; Staff Capt., Sept. 1916; France, July 1918, nth Bn., c.e., Capt.; Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Gauld, John Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Knox. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Nov. 1915; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt., c.s.M.; 58th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Capt.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Avion, June 26, 1917, and Passchendaele, Oct. 28, 1917; Siberian Ex. F.,Gen. Base, Capt. and Adjt., Sept. 1918; Siberia; m.c. Avion, June 26, 1917. Gauld, William H.a.rvey; Medicine 1919 (1921), Knox. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Ypres, Somme, etc.; Invalided Jan. 1917; R.F.c, Cadet, Feb. 1918; Can. Cps. Cyclists, Pte., Apl. 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Gauthier, Joseph Albert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Caviller, Charles Alexander Fox; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905. CA.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; R.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Malta, Floriana Hosp., Sept. 1915; Invalided Nov. 1915; Chiseldon Mil. Hosp., Surg. Spec, Jan. 1916; Returned Aug. 1916. Gay, Austin Grant; Education 1917, (Victoria 1922). 2ndBn., istco.R., Pte., June 1918; 2nd Can. Garr. Regt.; r.a.f., a.m., Aug. 1918. Ge.\le, Charles Norman; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, Oct. 1915; Flt.-Lieut., June 1917; R.A.F., Capt., Apl. 1918; Submarine patrol. North Sea and English Channel. Geddes, Allan Walter; University Coll. 1913, Wycliffe. • 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Sept. 1915; Cpl., Oct. 1915; Sergt., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.c.l.i., Pte.; Ypres; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 3, 1916; Invalided and discharged July 1917. Geddes, George Wilson; Trinity and University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 14th Bty.; 19th Bty. ; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 279 Geddes, Ralph Charles; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.l, Pte., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Wounded, Mt. Sorrel, July 18, 1916; 38th Bn., Lieut., 1916; France, May 1917; Capt., 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded Mar. 1918; M.C., Dec. 25, 1918. Geddes, Willi.\m Alexander Sloane; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. C.a.m.c, 1917; Returned to complete course; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Base Hosp.; Niagara Camp. Geddes, Willl^m Ross; University Coll. 1918 (1921); 26th Regt. 182nd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt.; 208th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, Ii6th Bn., Pte., Sergt.; Lens-Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Gee, John Joseph; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.a.m.c. Exam. Bd., Mobn. Dej ot, Toronto, Lieut., Sept. 1917; Med. Adviser to Registrar, m.d. 2, (m.s.a.. May 1918); c.e.f., Capt., Feb. 1918; Disch. Depot, m.d. 2, Nov. 1918; Transport duty, Mar. 1919. Geiger, Roy; Victoria 1918; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., July 1916; France, May 1917, att. 5th Bde., C.f.a.; Lens sec; Wounded, Lens, Sept. 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Geiger, Sidney; Education 1916; c.o.t.c, Cpl. W.O.R., Pte., May 191 8. Gell.\tly, H.\rvey; University Coll. 1919, (R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923). 1st Alta. Regt., Pte., Apl. 1918; Sergt., Dec. 1918; No. 13 Distr. Depot. Gemeroy, George Alexander; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Aug. 1917. Gemmel, Kenneth Shaw; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1915; o/'s. May 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; Sergt., Nov. 1918; C.S.M., Mar. 1919. George, Ruggles Kerr; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, (m.b. 1916); 2nd Regt., Lieut. 3rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1915; Ypres sec, Festubert; Wounded, Festubert, May 26, 1915; Invalided; Returned to com- plete course; c.a.m.c, Capt., Dec. 1916; o/s.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1917; Spadina Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Feb. 1918. German, Al.\n Macdonell; b.a.sc 1913. C.E., Lieut., July 1915; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Sept. 1916, 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Lieut., Capt.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches June 1918. German, Douglas; Forestry 1916, Applied Science 1917. 4th Bde., c.f.a. , Hdqrs., Gnr., Jan. 1915; Injured Nov. 1916; Discharged Nov. 1916. German,. Philip Barry; University Coll. 1917; r.c.n., Lieut. Naval Hdqrs., Ottawa, Naval Intell. Offr., Aug. 1914; H.M.C.s. 'Grilse', Apl. 1917; H.M.C.s. 'Shearwater', Nov. 1917; Patrol duty. Gianelli, Adele Marguerite; Trinity 1907-08. Can. Red Cross Hdqrs.; r.f.c, Offrs. Au.\. Hosp., Stoke Poges. Gibson, A. B.; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.V.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Gibson, Alexander Robertson; Education 1913, b.paed. 1915, m.a. (St. Andrews); 63nl I5n., I. lent., Jiil\- igi.s; France, May 1916, 13th Bn.; [35th Horse, Lieut. Capt., July 1916; Sanctuary Wood, .Somme, Vimy; Wounded, V'imy Apl. 1917; Can. Tr. School, Bcxhiil, June 1917; Can. Cps. School, France, May 1918. 28o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Gibson, Donald Filmer; Victoria 192 1 (1922). R.A.F., 3/A.M., May 1918; 2/a.m. Gibson, Edward Lyle; Medicine 1919, (Education 1920). 86th Bn., Lieut., 1915; Capt.; Instr., Can. m.g. Depot, Crowboro', and 17th Yukon M.G. Co3^; France, 1917, 4th Can. m.g. Coy., Lieut.; Wounded, Passchen- daele, Nov. 6, 1917; ist Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Capt. Gibson, George Alexander Lunham; University Coll. 1916, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Feb. 1915; R.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 179th Bde., R.F.A.; 'c' Bty., 119th Bde., Dec. 1916; Festubert, Givenchy, Ancre, Beaumont-Hamel, (1916); Ypres, (1916-17); Wounded, Ypres, May 28, 1917; Res. Bde., r.f.a., Lieut., Feb. 1918; att. r.a.f., June 1918. Gibson, Harold Gordon; University Col!. 1913-15; 109th Regt., Lieut. 198th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 20th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918. Gibson, Henry Howe; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1915; France, Nov. 1915, 2nd Bde. Amm. Col.; 1st Can. Div. t.m. Bty., May 1916; 30th Bty., c.f.a.. May 1917; Wounded, Sanctuar}' Wood, June 7, 1916; Invalided Oct. 1918. Gibson, James Robert; m.b. 1910. c.a.m.c, m.d. 5, Capt., Nov. 1917 Apl. 1919. Gibson, John Aubrey; University Coll. 192 i (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; att. 2nd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., A/Sergt., July 1918. Gibson, John Dunbar; b.a. University Coll. 1913; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy.,Pte.,Oct. 1917; L-Cpl., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Gibson, John Elias; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.a. 1907, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 169th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, att. 1st Div., c.f.a.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp. Gibson, John McIntyre; b.a.sc. 1912, (c.e. 1920); 12th Regt., Lieut. 127th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., Major; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Major and Chief Engr.; France, Jan. 1917; Ancre-Cambrai (Jan. -Apl. 1917), Messines, Nieuport, Ypres (July 1917), Passchendaele, St. Quentin, Villers-Bretonneux, Amiens (Mar. 1918), Kemniel, Somme-St. Quentin, Le Cateau; d.s.o., gaz. June 3, 1919; Despatches Nov. 1918, Mar. 1919. Gibson, Orlan Kingsley; d.d.s. 1902. c.a.d.c. Major, Lt.-Col.; Bramshott; d/d.d.s.; m.b.e. June 3, 1918; O.B.E., June 3, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917, Aug. 1917. Gibson, Ralph Burgess; b.a. University Coll. 1916; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., June 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; 5th Bn., C.E., Capt. and Adjt., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens- Vimy sec, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Gibson, Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1897; c.o.t.c. l68th Bn., Major, Jan. 1916; France, Dec. 1916,4th Can. Labour Bn.; Messines- Wytschaete, Ypres- Passchendaele,, Vimy sec; A/Dep. Minister of Militia, Can. Hdqrs., London, May 1918; o/s. Disposal Bd., Lt.-Col., Chairman; o/s. Pur- chasing Comm.; D.S.O., Jan. I, 1918; C.M.G., June 3, 1919; Despatches Jan. 19 18. Gibson, William Osmund; b.a. University Coll. 1915. 25th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 31st Bty., Lieut., June 1915; France, July 1916; A/Capt., Lieut.; Ypres-Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Injured Feb. 1918; Invalided July 1918; Despatches Feb. 1917. ROLL OP^ SERVICE 281 Gilbert, Albert Victor; b.sc.f. 1916; c.o.x.c. 238th Can. For. Bn., Pte., Aug. 1916; A/Sergt.; Can. For. Cps., Sergt., Staff Sergt., Q.M.S.; R.x.A.s., P.F.o., Jan. 1918. Gilchrist, Archibald John; m.b. 1905. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., Apl. 1915; m.o. ist Worcestershire Regt., Oct. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; Neuve Chapelle, Rouge Bafic, Aubers Ridge (1915); Injured, Croix du Bac, Jan. 26, 1916; No. 10 Gen. Hosp., Rouen, Mar. 1916; i/c Surgical Div., No. 10 Gen. Hosp., May 1917; A/Major, Jan. 1918; M.c, Jan. 1916; O.B.E., June 3, 1919; Despatches June 1915, Jan. 1916, July 1919. Gilchrist, Joseph Appelbe; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c, Lieut. C.A.M.c, att. For. and Div. Cycl. Tr. Bn., m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; Mil. Wards, Tor. Gen. Hosp., Capt., Dec. 19 17. Gilchrist, Lachlan; b.a. University Coll. 1904, m.a. 1905, Staff; c.o.t.c, Capt. C.A.M.c, Capt., July 1916; i/c X-ray Def t , No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1916-19 Gilfillan, George Elliott; d.d.s. 1902. C.A.D.C, Capt. Gill, Clifford Bickell; b.a. University Coll. 1913, b.sc.f. 1916; c.o.t.c. Imp. Army, Mech. Tpt., Pte.. Dec. 19 15; Mesopotamia, June 19 16, 59th Coy., A.s.c, M.T.; 80th a.a. Sec, June 1918; Adv. m.t. Depot, Nov. 1918; Karun, Sept. 1916-Feb. 1918; Persian L. of c, June-Nov. 1918; Baghdad, Euphrates L. of c, India, 1918-19; Invalided July 1916, July 1918, Sept. 1918. Gill, Daniel Gordon; Medicine 1921 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 51st Bty., Sgr.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Gill, Ernest Irving; b.a.sc. 1914. R.C.H.A., Lieut., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, Qomp. Bty.; att. 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 24th Bty., c.f.a., July 191 7; Viniy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 25, 1917; M.c, Pass- chendaele, Oct. ID, 19 1 7. Gill, Robert James; University Coll. 191 1; 41st Regt. 156th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; Adjt.; Major; France, 21st Bn., Lieut.; A'Capt., Oct. 1918; M.c, gaz. Apl. 2, 1919; (Further details not available). Gillam, George Joshua; m.b. 19 id. C.A.M.c, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Lieut.; Capt., July 1915; Lemnos; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Major; France, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Despatches Nov. 1918. Gillam, Murray Herbert; University Coll. 1915. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Gillanders, John Gordon; Education 1915; c.o.t.c r.f.c. Cadet, May 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, r.a.f., i8th Sqdn., Lieut.; Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Aug. 1918; First Army front; d.f.c, Aug. 23, 1918; Despatches Jan. 1919. Gillespie, Alexander Hamilton; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1916; King's Own Scottish Borderers, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1917; Palestine, Aug. 1917-1918; Lieut., Sept. 1918. Gillespie, James; University Coll. 1918, (Applied Science 1921); c.o.t.c i6ist Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916. Gillespie, John William; University Coll. 1919. R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, June 1917; Lieut., Apl. 1917; Flanders front; Prisoner, Aug. 19, 1917. Gillespie, Robert Steele; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; C.F.A. , Lieut., 282 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Feb. 1917; 23rd Bty., Nov. 1917; Ypres (1915-16), Passchendaele, Vimy-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. GiLLEY, Edgar Roland; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., Apl. 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; Lieut., May 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; c.E. T. D., Seaford. GiLLEY, James Royden; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c, Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 47th Bn.; Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; 1st Bde., Can. Motor m.g. Cps.; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Lens- Arras, Amiens; Invalided Aug. 1918. Gillies, Allan Ross; Applied Science 1908; 8th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 3rd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 13th Bty., Sept. 1915; 3rd Bty., Jan. 1916; 47th Bty., Capt., May 1916; 2nd Hwr. Bty., Mar. 1917; IMajor, May 1917; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Givenchy, June 1915, and Vimy, Apl. 1917; Invalided and discharged Nov. 19 17. Gillies, Archibald: b.a.sc. 1909. i86th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Ypres (19 1 7), Peronne, Amiens, Arras, Bethune, Cambrai. Gillies, Earl; m.b. 1916. c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., 1916; Capt. Gillies, James Bernard; b.a. St. Michael's 1920. 1st Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Sergt. Gillies, John Zachariah; b.a. University Coll. 1911, m.b. 1913. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Apl. 1916; Capt., May 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; M.o. Res. Bde., c.f.a. , Nov. 1916; St. Med. Bd., Seaford, July 1917; France, July 1918, No. I Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist Can. Div. Amm. Col., Aug. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2. GiLLiLAND, Samuel G. ; Education 19 13. Enl. 19 18; France, 2nd c.m.r. GiLLRiE, Frederick Russell; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; Lieut., Apl. 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1915; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Sept. 1917. GiLLRiE, Robert Bruce; Medicine 1921; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., May 1918. GiLMOUR, Charles Hawkins; m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c. No. ii Fd. Amb., Major, o.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Major, Aug. 1914; France, Mar. 1915; Lt.-Col., Sept. 1916; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1916; Mil. Orthop. Hosp., Shepherd's Bush, Apl. 19 17; Can. Ofifrs.' Hosp., Broadstairs, July 19 17; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Surgery, Sept. 19 17; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Gilmour, Joseph Leeming; b.a. University Coll. 1885, m.a. 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., Stafif, m.d. 2, Capt., Mar. 1915; att. 35th Bn., and 133rd Bn.; o/s. May 1917, y.m.c.a.; Returned Sept. 1917. GiLROY, Alfred Edward Tucker; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c; 30th Regt., Lieut- 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, May 1917, 82nd Hwr. Bty., Sgr.; 2nd Hwr. Bty., Gnr.; c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 19 18; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 20, 1917. GiLROY, Wilbert Harold; d.d.s. 191 i; 90th Regt., Lieut. c.A.D.c, att. Hdqrs. Staff, 6th Inf. Bde., Lieut., May 1915; Capt., Dec. 1915; France, Nov. 1915; Locre; Invalided Apl. 1916; r.f.c, Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 4th Sqdn.; Somme, Passchendaele; Wounded Oct. 1917; Discharged 19 18. ROLL OF SERVICE 283 GiMBY, Joseph Edwin; Victoria 1915, m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut.; att. r.f.c, Camp Borden; M.o. 208th Bn.; o/s. ApL 1917; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. nth Res. Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, m.o. ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Capt., May 1918; Ypres sec, Amiens, Peronne, Cambrai, Le Cateau, Maubeuge; Invalided Nov. 191 8. GiROUX, RoMu.vLD Fraxcis; St. Michael's 191,9; c.o.t.c. Can. For. Cps., Pte., Oct. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 44th Bn., L-Cpl.; Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Arras, Apl. 29, 1918, and Amiens, Aug. 12, 1918. GiRvix, John Scott; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Apl. 1916; France, Sept. 1917, att. Can. Cps. Hdqrs.; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. GiRViN, Patterson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.n.a.s., Oct. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, 55th and 25th Sqdns. GiVENS, Harold Frederick; Applied Science 1919 (1923); c.o.t.c. o/s., c.o.t.c. draft. Mar. 1916; Impl. m.g. Cps., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, May 1917, 127th and 200th Coys.; 33rd Bn., M.G. Cps.; Ypres, Cambrai; Invalided Dec. 1917. Givens, William Clarke; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., June 1916; o/s. June 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Admitting Offr., July 1916; Registrar, Dec. 1916; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb., Mar. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, m.o. nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Dunkerque; Merville- Armentieres, Dec. 1917-May 1918 (Retreat); Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, etc.; Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, 1919; m.c, Armentieres, Apl. 1918. Gladney, Edward Mark; b.a. University Coll. 1903. 80th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1915; 74th Bn., June 1916; France, 50th Bn., Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy sec; Invalided Feb. 1917; Discharged Jan. 191 8. Glass, John Judah; b.a. University Coll. 191 7; c.o.t.c 2nd C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; Cpl.; France, Oct. 1918, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Pte.; CR. T. D., Eng. Glass, Lawrence Guernsey; b.a.sc 1915; 7th Regt., Lieut. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; Discharged June 1916; C.E., Signals, Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 19 18, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons, Gleasox, John Lovatt; Veterinary Coll. 1913-14. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclist Coy., Pte., Dec. 1914; L-Cpl.; France, Sept. 1915; 3rd Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; L-Cpl.; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme; Invalided Oct. 4, 1916; Discharged 1917. Glenn, Everett Hubert; Education 1910. 164th Bn., C.S.M.; C.Q.M.S., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; France, 23rd Hwr. Bty., C.F.A., Q.M.S. Glennie, George Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Education 1916; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 142nd Siege Bty.; Lieut., Feb. 1919; Passchendaele, Cambrai (1917), Cambrai — Albert (Mar. 1918), Bapaume, Cambrai — Maubeuge. Glover, Charles; University Coll. 1917 (1922), WyclilTe. loth Svce. Bn., East Yorkshire Regt., Pte., Sept. 1914: 13th Svce. Bn., East Yorkshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 1916; Lieut., July 1917; Somme; Wounded and prisoner, Serre, Nov. 13, 1916. Glover, James Stephen; Veterinary Coll. 1914-17, (b.v.sc 1920); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; c.a.v.c, Pte., Dec. 1916; France, No. I Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre; L-Sergt., i/c Bactl. Labty. 284 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Glover, Thomas Stanley; Applied Science 1917 (1922), WycHffe; 2nd Regt. 3rd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; 3rd King's Own Yorkshire Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1914; Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Apl. 1915, 3rd k.o.y.l.i.; Sscd. m.g. Cps., Dec. 1915; 13th Bde., M.G. Cps., 5th Div.; Ypres, St. Eloi, Carnoy, Arras; East Africa, Apl. 19 17, 259th Coy., M.G. Cps.; Wounded, Njangao, German E. Africa, Oct. 17, 1917; M.C., E. Africa, gaz. July 29, 1918. Glover, Willl^m B.; University Coll. 1918. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) GoBLE, Gordon Ellis; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c. "2ioth Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, June 1917, ist c.m.r.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Oppy, Amiens, Arras — Mons; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 15, 1918. Godfrey, Richard Johnston; d.d.s. 19 16; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Goforth, Paul; b.a. University Coll. 1914, (Social Svce. 1918); 93rd Regt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 17th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1914; 17th Bn., Lieut, and Asst. Adjt., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Base Depot, Le Havre, Adjt.; Capt., Feb. 1916; Invalided June 1916; Discharged Jan. 1918. GoLDiE, William; m.b. 1906. c.a.m.c, Capt., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp. GoLDiNG, James William; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1917; Returned to complete course Feb. 1918. GoLDiNG, Norman Shirley; b.s.a. 19 14. 36th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; Cpl., June 1915; ist 'City of London' Sanitary Coy., Lieut., Jan. 1916; i/c 66th East Lancashire Santy. Sec, Apl. 1916; Capt., July 1916; France, Mar. 19 17; Bethune sec. Goldsmith, Perry Gladstone; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896, Staff; 2nd Regt., Major. c.a.m.c, m.o. 3rd Bn., Major, Aug. 19 14; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Dec. 19 14, att. No. 13 Impl. Sta. Hosp., Boulogne; m.o. No. 7 Amb. Tr.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Ear and Throat Specialist; West Cliff Hosp., Lt.-Col., June 19 15; Duchess of Connaught Can. Hosp., Taplow; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; St. Med. Bds., Specialist, Bramshott, Shoreham; Pres., Med. Bds., Hastings; Pension Bd. and St. Med. Bds., London; Pres., St. Med. Bd., London Area; Can. Offrs.' Conv. Hosp., Broadstairs; Can, Offrs'. Hos. ., Matlock; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c; Col., Sept. 1918; c.b.e., June 3, 19 19; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 19 17, Sept. 19 18. Good, Charles Atkinson; b.s.a. 1914; 69th Regt., Lieut. 193rd Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 85th Bn., Lieut.; Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., May 1918; Invalided July-Sept. 1918; Willerval-Oppy, Cambrai; Khaki Univ., London, Nov. 1918. GcoDERHAM, George Hamilton; University Coll. 191 1; c.o.t.c; 14th Bty., c.f.a. Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; 70th Bty., c.f.a., Sergt.; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1917; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., July 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 156th Bde., R.F.A.,33rd Div.; Lieut.; A/Capt.; Capt.; Zillebeke (19 17), Passchendaele, Wytschaete-Kemmel (Apl. 1918), Dickebusch (June 1918)), Hindenburg Line, Cambrai — Le Cateau; Invalided Oct. 19 18. Gooderham, Henry .Stephen; Applied Science 1918. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut.; c.a.m.c, No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lieut., Qr.Mr.; Can. Hosp., Etchinghill, Capt., Nov. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 285 GOODERHAM, Melville Ross; University Coll. 1899; 48th Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Capt., July 1915; Major; c.f.a., Sept. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, C.F.A., Lieut.; Amm. Col.; i/c Army Res. Amm. Dump, Mt. St. Eloi for Vimy; Adv. Amm. Dump, Neuville St. Vaast; Amm. Col.; Vimy-Lens sec, Passchen- daele; 40th Bt}-., c.f.a.; Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. GoODFELLOW, JoHX ScouLER; M.D., CM. Trinity 1894. C.A.M.c, T.D., M.D. 4, Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. May 1917; M.o. nth Res. Bn.; att. C.A.S.C.; France, Aug. 1918, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp. ; No. 13 Imp!. Gen. Hosp.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1919. GooDHAN'D, Hadley Charles; d.d.s. 1916; 22nd Light Horse; c.o.t.c, C.A.D.C., M.D. 13, Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt., Lieut., Capt.; France, Mar. 1918, att. loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., July 1918; Ypres sec, Vimy, Boubers, Amiens, Arras, etc. GooDMAX, Hymax Myer; b.a.sc. 1913. 1st Depot Bn., ist Que. Regt., Pte., Feb. 1918; c.e., Cadet, July 1918. Goodmax, Wilfred Hubert; Victoria 191 7; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1915; (Further details not available). Goodwillie, Frederick Barber; b.a. University Coll. 1894; 52nd Regt., Capt. nth Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; i/c Can. Res. Cyclists, Eng., Apl. 1915; Injured Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1918, Can. Cps. Cyclists Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 2, 1918. Gordox, Axdrew Robertsox; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. ; 9th Bty., , 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., May 1917; u. of T. o/s. Tr. [c.f.a., Lieut. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; France, Feb. 1918, 19th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut.; Lens-Vimy sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant; Wounded, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Gordox, Arthur Carmax; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.X.V.R., Surg.-Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Primrose', June 1918; North Sea. Gordox, Charles William; b.a. University Coll. 1883, Knox 1887; 79th Regt., Capt., Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 43rd Bn., Capt., Dec. 1914; Major; France, [Chaplain. ]\Iar. 19 16; Ypres, Somme, Arras, Neuville St. Vaast; Impl. Govt. Spec. Mission to U.S.A., Feb. 1917 and July 1918; Spec. Missions in Canada and Gt. Britain, 1917 and 1918. Gordox, David William; b.a. University Coll. 1914. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec Lieut., Sept. 1917; R.a.f. Lieut., France, Mar. 1918, l8th Sqdn.; Arras sec; Wounded, Arras, Apl. 9, 1918. Gordox, Edward Clarexce; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c; 48th Regt., Lieut. 134th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 4th Bn.; Arras-Vimy sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; M.C., Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Gordon, Guy Burns; b.a. Trinity 1900, m.a. 1902; 44th Regt., Capt. 20th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1914; Major; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres dgif)), Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916; ist C.O.R. Depot, Shorncliffe, Major, o.c; Discharged Aug. 1918; Despatches Sept. 15, 1916. Gordox, Robert Ivax; Medicine 1921 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 51st Hwr. Bty.; Wounded, Arras, May 29, 1918; Returned to complete course Nov. 1918. Gordon, X'axcouver Camdex; b.a. University Coll. 1912. » R.F.c, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Injured Mar. 17, 1916; France, Sept. 1916, i8th and 23rdSqdns.; Somme; StafT, School of Aero-Gunnery, Hythc, Dec 1916; r.f.c, Camp Borden, May 1917; Liaison OfTr., U.S. Air Force, Fort Worth, Texas, 191 7-18: In\,i!i<|cd and discharged July 1918. 286 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Gordon, Willard Meredith; b.a. Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918. Gorman, Morley Edward; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; R.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, July 1915, No. 51 Fd. Amb., 17th Div. (July 1915-June 1917); (att. 79th Bde., R.F.A., Jan.-May 1916); Ypres, The Bluff, Somme (Fricourt- Ginchy), Hebuterne, Somme (Sailly-Saillisel — Combles), Arras (May 1917); Salonica, Aug. 1917, No. 28 Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. 51 Fd. Amb.; Passchcndaele, Cambrai (Dec. 1917), March Retreat, Albert; C.A.M.C, Hart House, M.D. 2, Capt., July 1918; Whitby Conval. Hosp.; d.g.m.s. Staff, 1919; M.c, Somme Retreat, Mar. 19 18. GoRRiE, Harold Thompson; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Mil. Svce. Branch, Dept. of Justice, Ottawa, Sept. 1917; Chief Statistician, 1917-18. GoRSSLiNE, Raymond Myers; m.b. 1911; Permt. a. m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.c, No. I Fd. Amb., Capt., Aug. 1914; o.c Base Med. Stores, Eng.; France, Sept. 1915, No. 2 Adv. Depot, Med. Stores; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1915; D.A.D.M.S., 3rd Can. Div., Feb. 1916; Major, July 1916; d.a.d.m.s.. Can. Cps., Sept. 1918; D.A.D.M.S., Can. Hdqrs., London, Feb. 1919; a.d.m.s., Can. Hdqrs., London; Ypres, (1916) Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant — Mons; d.s.o., gaz. June 4, 1917; Despatches May 15, 1917, June i, 1917- GOSSE, Richard Josiah; University Coll. 19 16. R.F.C, Cadet, Dec. 1916; Sec. Lieut.; France, Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; Flan- ders front; Injured Jan. 29, 1918; Wounded, Roulers, Feb. 4, 1918; Discharged Aug. 1918. GouGH, Richard Patrick; St. Michael's 1921; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; c.g.r., Aug. 1918. GouiNLOCK, George Roper; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c; 14th Bty., c.f.a., 69th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., June 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. [Lieut. Amm. Col.; 15th Bty., C.f.a., Lieut., A/Capt., A/Major Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens; o.c. 15th Bty., 1919; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 20, 1917; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. GouiNLOCK, Robert Watson; b.a.sc 1914; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; 5th Bn., C.E., June 1918; Capt., Oct. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches Jan. i, 1918. Gould, John Nelson; Victoria 1913-15. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Goulding, Arthur Melville; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.d. (Harv.); c.f.a., Lieut. R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Apl. 1916; Somme; Invalided and dis- charged Oct. 1916; C.A.M.c, Lieut., July 1918. GoviER, William; Trinity 1902. C.A.M.c, Pte., May 1917; o/s. Oct. 1917; d.g.m.s. Staff, London, ist Class Clerk. Gow, George; d.d.s. 1899. c.A.D.c, att. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Major; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Lt.-Col., July 1916; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Serbian Order of the White Eagle; • . C.M.G., June 3, 1919; Despatches Dec. 1916, Nov. 1917. Gow, Walter; b.c.l. Trinity 1896; 48th Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt. and Adjt.; Major; France, Apl. 1916, 19th Bn.; Ypres; Invalided 1916; Dep. Minister, o.m.f.c, Lt.-Col., 1917-18; Col., Feb. 19 1 8. ROLL OF SERVICE 287 Graham, Col well Campbell; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.c, Pte., Dec. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; Bramshott; A/Sergt., Sergt., Lieut., Capt. Graham, David Alexander; b.a.sc. 1910; loist Regt., Lieut. 138th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917; Capt., July 1917; A/Major, Sept. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Somme (1917), Ypres, Peronne — St. Quentin (1917); March Retreat, Ypres, Somme, Peronne — St. Quentin, 19 18. Graham, David Scott; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. Can. Cyclists, Lieut., Nov. 1915; C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Apl. 1916; France, Sept. • 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Sub-Park; 2nd Can. Div. Supply Col., Nov. 1917; 4th Can. Div. Supply Col., Jan. 1918; 3rd Can. Div. M. T. Coy., Apl. 1918; A/Adjt., Aug. 19 18; Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Mens. Graham, Duncan Archibald Lamont; m.b. 1905, Staff; c.o.t.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1915; France, June-Oct. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; France, Dec. 1917-Jan. 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, Lt.-Col.; Despatches Dec. 1917. Graham, Ernest Victor; Medicine 1903; c.o.t.c. 76th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 72nd Bn.; Kemmel sec, Somme; Returned Nov. 1917; 2ndc.o.R., Lieut., Jan. 1918; Capt., May 1918. Graham, Frederick Taylor; b.a. Victoria 1913. .. Can Chaplain Svce., Lieut.; att. Kapuskasing Camp, Jan. 1915; Capt.; Chapl. and y.m.c.a. Svces. Graham, George Wilbur; b.a. University Coll. 1897, m.b. 1905. c.A.M.c, m.o. 2o8th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1917; Transferred to i.s.C. Graham, Gratton Clifford; m.b. 1913. C.A.M.c, M.o. 252nd Bn., Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; m.o., Hythe Ranges; France, Sept. 19 18; Cambrai. Graham, Havelock Cameron; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; A/Flt. Cmdr., July 19 18; 88th Tr. Sqdn., Camp Borden, Instr. Gr.\ham, John; m.b. 1904; 36th Regt., Capt. c.A.M.c, m.o. 74th Bn., Capt., July 1915; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bramshott, Sept. 1915; France, Feb. 1917, No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 14th Bn., May 1917; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Valenciennes; Despatches Jan. i, 1918. Graham, John Alexander; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c C.A.D.c, Sergt., 19 17. Graham, John Alexander; Medicine 1919 (1921). R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1918; h.m.s. 'Firedrake'; North Sea. Graham, Lorne Benjamin; m.b. 1907. R.A.M.C, King George Hosp., London, Capt. Gr<\ham, Malcolm George; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, m.d. I, Lieut., Feb. 1917; o/s. July 1917; Shorncliffe Depot; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp. Gk.\ham, Malcolm Robert; .m.b. 1906. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Apl. 1916; P'rance, Nov. 1917; Mcricourt, Arras, Cite St. Pierre; Wounded -X] 'I. njiS. Gr.miam, Philip Victor; mh. I'MS; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. 11. .sii., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. 288 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hosp., July 1916; No. 2 C.C.D., Aug. 1916; France, Sept. 19 16, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. Can. For. Cps., Central Group, Dec. 1916; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., June 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Graham, Roscoe Reid; m.b. 1910, Staff; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918; o/s. Jan. 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1918. Graham, Stanley Galbraith; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course 1915; R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 19 16; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Aug. 19 16; Bagh- dad, Ramadi, Khan Baghdad!. Graham, Sumner; University Coll. 19 12; loth Regt., Lieut. R.F.C.Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, May 1917, 70th Sqdn.; r.a.f., 32nd Sqdn., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Injured, Candas, May 1917; Wounded, Chateau Thierry, June 6, 1918. Graham, Thomas Stewart; b.a.sc. 1915. 129th Bn.j Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; 213th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Apl. 1917; R.E., Lieut., June 1917; Capt. Gil\ham, Thomas Wesley; b.a. University Coll. 1903. A.E.F., Y.M.C.A., May 1917; att. Offrs. Tr. Camp, Fort Snelling, Minn.; o/s. June 1918; Paris; i/c H&tel du Palais; i/c Palais de Glace, Sept. 1918. Graham, Walter Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c, Lieut. Sub-Staff, M.D. 2, Sergt., Musketry Instr., Apl. 1916; 205th m.g. Depot, c.s.m., Jan. 1917; Transferred to Mines Branch, Munitions Comm., Aug. 19 17. Grah.\m, Wilfred Lamont; Medicine 1920 (1923); c.o.t.c o/s. draft, c.o.t.c. May 1916; Impl. m.g. Cps., 189th Coy., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Apl. 1917; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Arras, Passchendaele, Cambrai (1917), March Retreat, Armentieres; Wounded, Cambrai, Mar. 21, 1918; Gassed, Hazebrouck, Apl. 27, 1918. Graham, Willl-CmCreighton; b.a. Victoria 1912, m. a. 1913; c.o.t.c, McGill, A/Capt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 148th Bn., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, att. 7th Can. Cav. Fd. Amb.; Fort Garry Horse; St. Quentin sec, Somme; Discharged Aug. 1917. Graham, William Ezra; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897, f.r.c.s. (Ed.); 15th Horse, Major. c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; France, May 1918, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp. Grange, Edward Rochfort; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c R.N.A.S., Prob. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1915; Fit. Sub-Lieut., Jan. 1916; ist Wing, Dunkerque, Jan. 1916; 8th Sqdn., R.N.A.s., att. 22nd Wing, r.f.c, Oct. 1916; Fit. Lieut., Dec. 1916; Dunkerque, Somme, Amiens; Naval Air Sta., East- bourne, Aug. 1917; Fit. Cmdr., Dec 1917; r.a.f., Capt., Fit. Group Cmdr., Apl. 1918; Wounded, Bapaume, Jan. 7, 1917; French Croix de Guerre, Dun- kerque, Sept. 1916; D.s.c, Somme, Nov.-Dec 1916 and Jan. 1917; R.a.f. Despatches, Aug. 29, 19 19. Grant, Edmund Alexander; d.d.s. 1906; c.a.m.c, Lieut., Dent. Surg. c.A.D.c, Capt., July 1915; i/c Dental Svces., Valcartier; o/s. Dec. 1915; Bramshott; France, Aug. 1916, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Nov. 1918. Grant, Erastus William; University Coll. 1919 (1923); c.o.t.c 52nd Bty., C.F.A., Cnr., Apl. 1916; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1917, 5th Can. Div. Art., Gnr.; q.m.s.. May 1918; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes. Grant, Melville; ll.b. 191 i. c.A.s.c, Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Train; Capt., Apl. ROLL OF SERVICE 289 1918; Ypres, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cani- brai; Despatches Apl. 7, 1918. Grant, William Gordon Eraser; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Bdr.; o/s. July 1916; r.f.c, Lieut.; France, 4th Sqdn. ; Invalided Oct. 1918. Gray, Ant)Rew; b.a.sc. 1904; 36th Regt., Lieut. 126th Bp., Capt. and Qr.-Mr., Oct. 1915; C.E., Mar. 1918; France, July 1918, 9th Bn., C.E.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. (Accidentally killed Jan. 29, 1920.) Gr-\y, Antjrew Jack; b.a.sc. 1913. l6th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres; Wounded, Festubert, May 21, 1915; Discharged Dec. 1917. Gray, Arthur Graham; b.a.sc. 1913. 122nd Bn., Lieut., 1916; Can. For. Cps., 44th Coy.; France, No. i Distr. Gray, David James; b. a. Victoria 1912, Education 1915, Staff 1915-17; c.o.t.c. ** u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Gray, George Stewart; Applied Science 1915; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1915; Fit. Lieut.; Wounded Sept. 5, 1916; Dis- charged Dec. 1917. Gr.\y, Harvey F.; Education 1915; c.o.t.c. C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, June 1918, 12th Can. Siege Bty. Gr-AY, James; Applied Science 1907; 34th Regt., Lieut. 182nd Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Major; o/s. May 1917; 208th Bn., Capt.; Dis- charged Mar. 1918. GR.A.Y, James; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c. R.F.C, Cadet, Feb. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Dec. 191 7; r.a.f., Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., June 1918; Amiens, Mcntdidier, Marne, Somme; French Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Aug. 19 18. Gr:\y, James Edward; b.a.sc. 1911. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Gray, Joseph Everard; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1913, Education 1914, 198th Bn., Sergt., Apl. 1916; u. of t. [Wycliffe; c.s.c.i., Lieut.; c.o.t.c. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte.; r.g.a., 215th Siege Bty., Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917; Lieut., Feb. 1919; Ypres (1917), Passchendaele, March Retreat, Amiens, etc.; Wounded, Vermand, St. Qucntin, Sept. 14, 1918. Gray, Wesley Harold; Medicine 1918 (1922). 4th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Gnr.,7an. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; i6th Bty., June 1917; 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Aug. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, etc. ; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Graydon, Allan Richard; University Coll. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c; r.m.c. Cadet. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 75lh Bde., r.f.a.. Guards Div.; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Ypres (1917); Gassed, Ypres, Nov. 3, 191 7. Greatrex, William Kerr; b.a.sc 19 17. C.E., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Injured, St. John's, Que. Greaves, Aubrey Vernon; m.b. 1916; 2nd Regt., Cpl. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Etching-hill Can. llosp.; Capt., July 1917; PVance, June 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 11 Can. I'd. .'\mb., Aug. 1918; M.o. 6th Bn., ce., Aug. 1918; Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Mons. Green, Edwin Arthur; University Coll. 1912-16, WyclilTe. Impl. Cha|)lain Svce., Capt., Aug. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, att. King's Royal Rifles and Rifle Bns., Havre; Cherbourg Base, Dec. 19 18; Tank Cps., 19 19; Hdqrs., Forward Dislr., St. Pol, Ii)i9- —22 290 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Green, Howard Charles; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c, Cpl. 54th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Can. Cps. Tr. School, Instr., Aug. 1917.; A/Capt., Feb. 1918; 6th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Apl. 1918; g.h.q.. Can. Section, ist Echelon, Staff Capt., Dec. 1918; Ypres sec, Sonime, Vimy, Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Mar. 1919. Green, John Carruthers; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., June 1918. Green, Lester Marshall; Victoria 1909; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 164th Bn., Major; Discharged, medically unfit. Green, Norman Hamilton; Medicine 1922. R.N.C.V.R., w/t. Operator, 1918. Greene, Alan Dallas; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, Wycliffe; loth Regt., Capt., Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 123rd Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Aug. [Chaplain. 1916; 125th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 2nd Bde., c.g.a.; Arras sec, Cambrai, Valenciennes, etc. Greene, Elliot Anson; Applied Science 1912; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 9th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt.; Major, o.c, June 1916; 15th Bde., c.f.a.. Major and Adjt.; 6ist Bty., c.f.a., Major, o.c, Dec. 1917; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Bois Grenier, Sanctuary Wood, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai-Valenciennes; D.s.o., Jan. 1919; Despatches June 1915, Nov. 19 1 8. Greene, Gerald Elliot Denbigh; b.a.sc. 19 10; loth Regt., Lieut. 3rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt.; Ypres; Prisoner, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915; To Holland, Apl. 1918; Mentioned. Greene, Heber Hannington Kerr; b.a. University Coll. 1911, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1916; att. 89th Bn.; France, Oct. 1916, att. R. Can. Regt.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; London area, Nov. 1917; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1918; Hosp. Ship 'Essequibo', Apl. 1919. Greene, Philip Weston; b.a.sc. 1909; 36th Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 2nd Tr. Bde., Engr. Offr. i/c Instr.; 123rd Can. Picn. En., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; 8th Bn., c.E., Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Injured, Arras, Aug. 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. Greene, Richard Leslie; b.a.sc. 1911. c.E., Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Oct. 191 7, No. 3 Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut.; Ypres sec; Wounded, Glencorse Wood, Ypres, (^ct. 29, 1917; c.E., t.d. Greene, William Richard; d.d.s. 1894; 5th p.l.d.g., Lieut. c.A.D.c, Capt., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, Le Havre; Major.; Discharged Aug. 1917; Despatches Apl. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. (Died Feb. 23, 192 1.) Greenslade, Stanley Herbert; b.a. Victoria 1916- c.o.t.c Y.M.C.A., Dec. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1917; Lieut.; att. 3rd Can. Res. Bn.; Can. Hosp., Etchinghill, Mar. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 6th Can. InL Bde.; Arras — Mons. Greenwav, George Ethelbert; m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c, No. 19 Fd. Amb., Capt. c.A.M.c, Capt.; Bd. of Examrs., Hamilton Recr. Depot, Sept. 1914; o.c, c.o.t.c Mil. Hosp., Niagara, May 1915; Pres., St. Med. Bd., Hamilton and Sr. M.O. Mobn. Centre, Feb. 1917; Major, Mar. 1917; Brant Mil. Hosp., Nov. 1918; A.D.M.s. Office, M.D. 2, Dec 1918; 111 May 1916, July 1918, Feb. 1919. Greenwood, Alan Bernard; m.b. 1894. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Aire sec. ROLL OF SERVICE 291 Greenwood, Sir Thomas Hamar, Bart., k.c, m.p.; b.a. University Coll. 1895; k.e.h.; 2nd Regt., Res. Cav., Impls., Capt., Aug. 1914; att. Recruiting [r.o., Capt. Directorate, Sept. 1914; War Office, Staff Capt., Major, Dec. 1914; loth South Wales Borderers, 38th Div., Lt.-Col., o.c, Dec. 1914; France, Oct. 1915, att. 8th Gordon Highlanders; Hill 60, Ypres; France, Dec. 1915, loth S. Wales Borderers; Recruiting Directorate, special duties, Jan. -Aug. 1916. Greer, George Garnet; m.b. 1913; c.a.m.c, att. 3rd p. of w. Dragoons, Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.o. 2nd Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, att. 2nd Bn.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., June 1915; m.o. loth Bn., June 1916; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1916; Major, 2nd i/c, Jan. 1917; d.a.d.m.s., 4th Can. Div., Oct. 1917; a/a.d.m.s., m.d. 3, 1919; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Festubert, , Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; m.c, Regina Trench, Oct. 19, 1916; French Croix de Guerre avec Etoile, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; Despatches, Passchendaele, gaz. June i, 1918. Greer, Richard Haliburton; University Coll. 1898; 109th Regt. i8oth Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1916; o, s. Nov. 1916; Returned May 1917. Greer, Samuel Roy; Victoria 1916, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; C.F.A., Lieut., 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 19th Bty., c.f.a.; Ploegsteert-Dickebusch, St. Eloi, .Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Passchendaele, Lens-Vimy sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 22, 1916; m.c, gaz. Dec. 2, 1918. Greer, Thomas Earl; b.a. Victoria 1913; 6oth Rifles, Lieut. 68th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 128th Bn., Capt.; France, Aug. 1917, ist c.m.r., Lieut.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 30, 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Metz sec; Injured, Nancy, Sept. 14, 1918. Greey, Allan; Applied Science 191 1; 9th Horse, Lieut. 170th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 20th Bn.; 5th Bn., CE., Sept. 1918; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Gregory, Alexander W\\rren; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., July 1917; Capt., July 1918; att. Can. Ry. Tps., m.d. 2, Aug. 1917; o.c. Polish Camp Hosp., Niagara, Sept. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; C..A..M.C. Cas. Coy. and No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp. Gregory, Goldwin Smith; University Coll. 19 16. o/s. May 1915; Friends Amb. Unit, att. Brit. Red Cross; ist Brit. Amb. Unit for Italy, July 1915; Carso; r.a.s.c. Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 36th Siege Bty. Amm. Col., 2nd i c, att. 36th, Ulster, Div.; r.g.a., Dec. 1916; A/Capt., A/Major; 249th, 5f)th, 36th, 46th Siege Btics.; r.a.s.c, Lieut. Gregory, William Ferguson; b.a. University Coll. 1918, Knox; 35th Regt., Sergt. 4th Univ. Coy., P.P.C.L.I., Pte., Oct. 1915; L-Cpl.; France, Apl. 1916, p.p.cl.l, Pte.; Ypres; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 4, 1916; Invalided Nov. 1916; Dis- charged Oct. 1917. Gregory-Allen, Leonora; Trinity 1910. c.a.m.c, Nursing Sister, Aug. 1915; o/s. May 1917; France, Dec. 1917. ^'o- 9 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 59 Brit, c.c.s. Grier, Crawford Geale Monro; Trinity 1919, (University Coll. 1923) ; 7th Bty., c.f.a., 8th Bdc. Amm. Col., C.F.A., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916,30th Bty., [Lieut. C.F.A.; 35(li ilwr. Hty.; 43rancc, .Sept. 1915, 14th Bty., Sergt.; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Nov. 1916; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Aug. 1917; C.G.A., Lieut., seed. Can. Cps. GasSvccs.; Gas Offr., Can. Cps. Hdqrs. Art., Nov. 191 7; Ypres, St. Eloi, Sommc, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchcn- daele, Arras; Discharged Sept. 191 8. 294 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GwYN, Norman Beechey; m.b. 1896. c.A.M.c, No. I Sta. Hosp., Capt., Jan. 1915; France, Feb. 1915; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Sept. 1915; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1915; Major, Apl. 1917; Lt.-CoI.,i/c Med., Feb. 1918; a/o.c. No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., June 1918-1919; A/Consultant, 3rd Army, Sept. -Dec. 1918. GzowsKi, Harold Northey; Applied Science 1903; c.e., Major. C.E., M.D. 2, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Engr. and 2nd Div. units, Instr.; P.s.l., Instr.; o.c. 8th Ed. Coy., Major, Mar. 1915; o/s. June 1915; i/c construction of Filtration Plants for British, French, Roumanian, and American Armies, 1915- 19; France, Jan. 1916; att. ist French Army; Verdun, St. Mihiel sees. GzowsKi, John Sobieski; Applied Science 1910; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 19th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; loth Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt., July 1916; 19th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1917; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele ; Can. Hdqrs., London, Dec. 1917; Returned for duty Apl. 1918. Haas, Maximilian Stephen; b.a.sc. 1915; 2nd Regt., Lieut. Island Guard, Lieut.; 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 36th Bn.; France, Sept. 1916, 3rd Can. M.G. Coy.; Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded Sept. 7, 1918. Haddow, George Caldwell; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Nov. 1917, 15th Can. M.G. Coy.; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; 3rd Div., y.m.c.a. Hdqrs.; Lens- Arras sees. Haddow, William Robert; Forestry 1918 (1923); c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, 3rd Supply Col, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Sept. 1916, ist Can. Div. Supply Col., m.t.; ist Div. m.t. Coy.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Hadley, William Eraser; Applied Science 1916; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. R.C.E., Permt. Force, Lieut., Apl. 1915; Hdqrs. StafT, T/Capt., Nov. 1915; R.C.E., Capt., June 1917; Staff, Dir. Gen. Engr. Svces., Apl. 1915; Adjt., r.c.e., Sept. 1915; A/Asst. Dir. Signalling, Hdqrs., Sept. 1915-Feb. 1918; o.c. Sig. T.D., Sept. 1915-Feb. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, Feb. 1918. Hagaman, Edgar Kenneth; Applied Science 1913. R.N.V.R., Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June 1917; s.w. English Channel, Thames Estuary, Dover — -Dunkerque patrol; B.w.i., Trinidad Base. Hagarty, Edward William; b.a. University Coll. 1883, m.a. 1908, Senate; c.s.c.i., 20ist Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1916; Resigned Oct. 1916. [H/Lt.-Col. Hagedorn, Grover Cairnes; b.a.sc 1916. C.E., Lieut., Sept. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; C.E. t.d., Crowborough; i/c, p.t. & B.F., ce. T.D.; 23rd Res. Bn., Sept. 1917; att. Can. Hdqrs., London; i/c Engr. Svces., Witley, Dec. 191 7; c.e. t.d., Seaford, Nov. 191 8. Hagerman, Albert Robert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Staff Sergt.; Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Jan. 1916; c.A.M.c, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; France, May 1918, No. 9 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 12 Can. Ed. Amb. ; M.o. 19th Bde., r.g.a. ; m.o. 78th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Oct. 29, 191 8; M.c, Bourlon Wood, Sept. 29, 1918. Hagey, John Wesley; d.d.s. 1898. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1914; c.a.d.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., June 1915; Major, June 1919; o/s. June 1915; France, Apl. 1916, No. 10 Can. Ed. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded Mar. 28, 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1920. ROLL OF SERVICE 295 Hagey, Milton Henderson; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.C, M.D. I, Lieut., Mar. 1918. H.\GGEN, Geoffrey Loosmore; b.a. Victoria 1913. Royal Fusiliers, Pte., 1914; Manchester Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Oxford and Bucks. L.I., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1915; Lieut., Dec. 1916; Capt., Nov. 1917; France, Sept. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Invalided June 1916, Oct. 1917; Despatches, Salonica, Jan. 1919. Hague, Omer Grenville; m.b. 1920; c.o.t.c. 182nd Bn., Med. Sergt., Apl. 1916; ii6th Bn., Med. Sergt.; o/s. July 1916; Injured Oct. 6, 1916; Invalided and discharged Dec. 1916. Hague, Robert Dyson; Applied Science 1908. 3rd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Cpl., Sept. 1915; Sergt., Oct. 1915; Lieut., Feb. 1916; Asst. Adjt., Feb. 1916; Adjt., June 1916; In- valided Apl. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 4th Army Tps. Coy.; Capt., June 1918; 6th Bn., C.E., Adjt., June 1918; Ypres etc. (1915-16), Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Despatches Jan. i, 1918. Hahn, James Emmanuel; University Coll. 1914; 27th Regt., Capt. 1st Bn., Capt., att. Gen. Staff, ist Can. Div., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Sept. 1915; 8th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt., I, May 1916; Can. Hdqrs., London, Feb. 1917; Gen. Staff, 3rd Can. Div., July 1917; 4th Can. Div., G.S.O., III, Dec. 1917; nth Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, Feb. 1919; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Messincs (June 1917), Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 2, 1916, and Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; M.C., Ypres, Apl. 1915; D.s.o., Drocourt- Queant, Sept. 27, 1918; Despatches May 1915, Jan. 1916, June 1919.' Hahn, Melville John; phm b. 1913. Siberian Ex. F., 259th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Haig, Allister Park; Education 1913; cs.c.i., Lieut. ' 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 44th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Fouquescourt, Aug. 18, 1918. Haight, Walter Reuben Wigmore; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1915; Fd. Amb. Draft; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Capt., July 1915; France, July 1915, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1915; M.o. 1st c.m.r., Dec. 1915; Messincs, Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; m.o. Prison Camps; Repatriated Feb. 191S; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1918; Major, June 1918. Hain, Gordon Robert; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg.-Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Grampus'. Haik, Cifarles Harvey; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, Exam, and Med. Bds., m.d. 2, Capt., Sept. 1917; Consultant, r.a.f. Hosp., May 1918; Siberian Ex. V., No. 11 Sta. Hosp., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Dec. 1918. Haiiiert, Samuel Frederick Taylor; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.t.c C.A.V.C, Lieut., July 1918; France, Sei)t. 1918. Haldenby, Eric Wilson; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, June 1916, 15th Bn.; Asst. Adjt., Dec. 1916; A/Major, Feb.-Mar. 1917; Adjt., A Capt., Mar. 1917: Cai)t., Dec. 1917: Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 10, 1916; m.c, Hill 70, Aug. 1917. Hale, George Carlton; Trinity 1906, m.d., cm. (McGill) 1909; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.a.m.c, m.o. iStli I5ii., Capt., Dec. 1914; Major; France, Sc|it. 1915; St. Eloi: 296 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Invalided May 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med. Svce.; St. Med. Bd., Shoreham, Med. Referee; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med. Svce.; Returned Mar. 1918; o.c. Mil. Hosp., m.d. i; Despatches June 1916; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917. Halfyard, Levi; b.a. Victoria 1918; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 2nd Can. Tank En., Cpl., Sept. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Sergt., Oct. 1918. Hall, Austin Davis; University Coll. 1915. 147th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; C.Q.M.S., Dec. 1915; France, Oct. 1917, 4th c.m.r., Pte.; Cpl.; A/Sergt., Sept. 1918; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, etc.; 3rd Res. Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1918. Hall, Ernest Amos; m.d., cm. Trinity 1884. c.a.m.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). H.\LL, Ernest Raymond; b.s.a. 1915. i6oth Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Sergt., Staff Sergt.; France, Sept. 1918, 9th Bn., c.e.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. H.A.LL, Floyd Edwin; University Coll. 1915. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918. Hall, George William; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905. C.A.M.C, Capt., Feb. 1915; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, June 1915, m.o. 15th Bn.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1916; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., Feb. 1917; Major, May 1918; Vimy, Arras, etc. ; D.s.o., Arras, Sept. 2-6, 1918; Despatches July 1919. H.\LL, Hector Clayton; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1912; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, m.o. 8th Bde., cf.a., Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. Feb. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Asst. to a. m.d., i, d.m.s. Can.; France, May 1917, No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 28th Bn., May 1918; d.a.d.m.s., 2nd Can. Div., Oct. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; m.c, gaz. June 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Hali, Henry Wilfred. Education 19 13. C.F.A., Sgr., Nov. 19 17; o/s.; Can. Res. Art. Hall, Kells; b.a.sc 1910. 138th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Capt., Oct. 1917; Ypres sec, Amiens sec, Conchil-Conteville Ry., Cambrai sec; Wounded, St. Julien, Oct. 4, 1917. Hall, Morton Eldred; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, m.o. 151st Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; San. Offr., m.d. 3; o/s. June 1918; Granville Can. Hosp.; i/c Can. Med. Museum. Hall, Ralph W.\tson: d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Pte., May 1916; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 191 7; Returned to complete course Jan. 1918; c.A.D.c, Lieut. Hall, Robert Carr; b.a. University Colli. 1916, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., H.M.s. 'Niobe', Surg. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1917; h.m.s. 'Victory'; h.m.s. 'Viking', June 1917; h.m.s. 'Broke', Nov. 1917; Dover patrol; Escort and sub- marine patrol, Zeebrugge and Ostend; Returned to complete course Mar. 1918. Hall, Robinson Alexander; Education 19 16. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 19 18. Hallam, Theodore Douglas; University Coll. 1910. Sifton m.o. Bty., Pte., Sept. 1914; r.n.v.r., att. r.n.a.s., Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1914; Lieut., Mar. 1915; Gallipoli, Apl. 1915, r.n.v.r., att. Australians and 29th Brit. Div.; r.n.a.s., A/Flt. Lieut., Aug. 1915; Anzac, Gully Ravine; Hendon Air Sta., Lieut.; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Lieut., July 1916; o.c. Hendon Air Sta., Sept. 1916; ROLL OF SERVICE 297 Fit. Cmdr., Dec. 1916; o.c. War Fit., Felixstowe Sta., Mar. 1917; Sqdn. Cmdr., Jan. 1918; R.A.F., Major, Apl. 1918; o.c. Seaplane Experimental Sta., Felix- stowe, June 1918; Wounded, Gallipoli, June 5, 1915; d.s.c, Gallipoli, Dec. 18, 1915; Bar to D.s.c, North Sea, June 23, 1917; Second Bar to D.s.c, North Sea, Dec. 21, 1917; Despatches, Aug. 5, 1915 (Gallipoli), June 1917, June 1918. H.\LLiD.\Y, Clarence Peter; Education 1914, University Coll. 1923; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; 28th London Regt., Pte., Sept. 1916; King's Own Yorkshire L.i., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; Lieut.; Somme (Mar. 1917), Messines, Nieuport, Passchendaele, Hindenburg Line — Avesnes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Dec. 2, 1917; M.c, Fayet, Apl. 14, 1917. Hally, Gordon Holborne; b.a.sc. 1914, Staff; 2nd Regt., c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Cpl.; France, Jan. 1916, 26th Bty.; i8th Bty.; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Lieut., Dec. 1917; 51st Bty., c.f.a.; Messines sec, St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Monchy-le-Preux, Sept. 191 8. fL\LSTED, Thomas Henry; m.d. Victoria 1887. U.S.A. Med. Cps., 1917; Exam. Bds., Syracuse; Amer. Red Cross, June 1918; France, July 1918; Major, Chief of Intell. Bureau, Med. Research and Intell. Dept., Paris. Ham, Kenneth Sheridan; Trinity 1919; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 40th Bty.; c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens. Hames, Clarence Francis Willard; Victoria 1919 (1921), (Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; c.e., Spr., Oct. 1916; 5th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., C.E.; France, Feb. 191 8, 3rd Can. Hvy. Art. Bde., Sig. Sub-sec; Returned to complete course Nov. 1918. Hamilton, Albert Edward; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., c.c.h.a. Hdqrs.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Hamilton, G.win Gibb; b.a. University Coll. 1917. 1st Depot Bn., ist C.O.R., Pte., June 1918. Hamilton, Gerald Musgr.we; b.a.sc 1912; 44th Regt., Lieut. 4th Div. Sig. Coy., c.e., Lieut., July 1915; 7th Fd. Coy., C.E.; France, Oct. 1916; 7th Bn., C.E., Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Vimy, May 2, 1917; M.C, Vis-en-Artois, Aug. 28, 1918. Hamilton, Harold Parrish; m.b. 191 5; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; R.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1915, No. 86 Fd. Amb. and 2nd East Surrey Regt.; Loos (Sept. 1915); Egypt, Oct. 1915, M.o. 2nd East Surrey Regt.; Salonica, Dec. 1915; Malta, Jan. 1918, Hosp. svce.; Italy, Apl. 1918, Base Hosp., Taranto; C.A.M.c, Capt., June 191 8; Mil. Wards, Tor. Gen. Hosp. and St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2; M.c, Salonica, Dec. 10, 1916. Hamilton, Henry Kent; University CoU. 1913; loth Regt., Lieut. Guard duty, Lieut.; 123rd Bn., Lieut., Capt., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Hdqrs., Can. For. Cps., England. Hamilton, James Grey; b.a. University Coll. 191 1; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1917; r.g.a., Sec Lieut., Dec 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 449th Siege Bty.; 222nd Siege Bty.; att. Australian Cps. r.a. Hdqrs.; Lieut.; Roisel— Epehy, Albert (Apl. 191 8), Somme, Amiens, Le Cateau. 298 UNI\TRSITY OF TORONTO Hamilton, John Russell; Victoria 1919 (1923); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; R.A.F., Cadet, Aug. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens. Hamlin, Lloyd Edmund; Medicine L920 (1922); c.o.t.c. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 'b' Bty., r.c.h.a.; Peronne — Bapaume sec, St. Quentin, Lens, Hill 70, ist Cambrai, St. Quentin (March Retreat); Wounded, St. Quentin, Mar. 21, 1918; Discharged Nov. 1918. Hammell, Donald Henry; d.d.s. 1915. ^ c.A.D.c, Lieut., June 1915; Ottawa, Valcartier; att. 38th Bn., Bermuda, Aug. 1915; o/s. May 1916; West Sandling; Capt.; c.o.c, Ashford; France, Dec. 1917, No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp. Hammond, George Shearer; University Coll. 1918 (1921), Knox; c.o.t.c 55th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col., Gnr.; Somme, Vimy sec; Injured, Vimy, Feb. 15, 1917; Invalided Jan. 1918. Hampson, Arthur; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 4th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Cpl.; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., June 1917; Ypres-Kemmel- Ploegsteert sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens-Vimy-Arras sec; Cadet, July 1918; Lieut, Dec. 1918; Meritorious Service Medal, July 8, 1918. Hanagan, Ray; Veterinary Coll. 1914-15. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., July 1917; France, May 1917, att. ist Can. I'nf. Bde.; att. Can. For. Cps., No. i Distr.; Gassed. Hancock, Clarence William; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc. 1919). 1st Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Pte., July 1918; To munitions. Hand, William Francis; St. Michael's 1919. w^o.r., Pte., Nov. 1917; L.-Cpl.; Sergt., Feb. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, ist Bn., Pte.; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 26, 19 18. (Drowned Aug. 19, 1919.)^ Hanes, George Samuel (m.p.p.); b.a.sc. 1905 (1903); 6th Fd. Coy., c.e. C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, July 1918, 9th Bn., c.e.; a/o.c. Forward Water Supply Sec, Sept.-Oct. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hanley, Henry Gordon; University Coll. 1919, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; 55th Bty., Jan. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 8th Bty.; 5th Bty., Apl. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Hanley, James Bernard; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt., May 1917; No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, May 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., June 1918; m.o. R. Can. Regt., July 1918; m.o. 9th Bde., c.f.a., Aug. 1918; m.o. 43rd Bn., Oct. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hanley, William Joseph; b.a. University Coll. 1901, ll.b. 1904; 19th Dragoons, 2i8th Bn., Major, June 1916; France, Apl. 1917, [Lieut.; 97th Regt., Capt. 8th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Messines, Ypres, Anzac Ridge, Passchendaele, Wyts- chaete (1918), Kemmel, Locre-Bailleul, Ypres — Passchendaele — Hulst, Ypres — Courtrai; Despatches Nov. 8, 1918, July 8, 1919. Hanlon, John Edmund; b.a.sc. 1915. c.e., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Hanmer, George Forest; Victoria 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. c.e., Spr.; Discharged, medically unfit. Hanna, Gordon McLelland; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c. c.a.m.c, m.o. 125th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Invalided Nov. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE " 299 Hanna, John Edward; Veterinary CoH. 1910-12. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; France, May 1916, No. 22 Vety. Hosp. ; att. 51st Highland Div., July 1916; Somme, Beaumont-Hamel, Vimy, Passchendaele, Cambrai (1917), March Retreat, April Retreat, Rheims, Canal du Nord, etc.; M.c, Flanders, Oct. 18, 1917; Despatches 1918. Hanna, John Jeffery; b.a.sc. 1914. 1st Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 3rd Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut., May 1916; c.e. t.d., Seaford, Instr., Dec. 1917; Capt., May 1918; France, June 191 8, 9th Bn., c.E.; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Hill 60, Messines, Ypres (1917), Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hanna, Wu^liam George; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Seaman, July 1917; Leading Seaman, Feb. 1918; Petty Offr., Mar. 1918; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1919; Mine- sweeping, English Channel and North Sea. Hannah, Beverley; m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.a.m.c, Capt., Sept. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; M.o. 8th Can. Res. Bn.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Hansford, Jeffrey Ellery; ll.b. 1891; 90th Regt., Lieut. 8th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; 144th Bn., Sr. Major, Dec. 1915; 203rd Bn., Lt.- Col., o.c, Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, att. 8th Bn.; Res. of Offrs., c.e.f., Dec. 1917. Harcourt, Cecil Copp; b.a. University Coll. 1915; C.O.T.C. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 191 5; France, Sept. 191 5; loth R. Warwick- shire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Feb. 1918; Kemmel (1915-16), Somme, Hebuterne, Messines, Ypres; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916, and Hollc- beke, July 26, 1917; Invalided and discharged Sept. 1918. Harcourt, Fred Young; b.a. University Coll. 1900. 94th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt. and Adjt., Apl. 1916; Can. Pion. t.d., Aug. 1916; Adjt., Sept. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 1st Can. Labour Bn., Capt. and Adjt.; 1st Can. Inf. Works Bn.; Asst. to Labour Cmdt., Can. Cps., Staff Capt., Mar. 191 8; Epehy — St. Quentin, Ypres, Vimy- Lens-Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches, June 1918, July 1919. H.\rcourt, John Adam Alexander; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 83rd Ilwr. Bty., Bdr., Oct. 1916; France, Mar. 1917; 17th Bty.; 22nd Bty;. Vimy, Hill 70^ Passchendaele; Wounded, Lievin, July 11, 1917, Aug. 8, 1917, and Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; Discharged Oct. 1918. Harcourt, Richard Mackenzie; Applied .Science 1909; loth Regt., Major. 35th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; Capt.; 156th Bn.; France, 7th Bn.; Mentioned Aug. 1917. Harden, Arthur; Victoria 1914-15. c.a.m.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; o/s. May 1915; ^o. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Salonica, Nov. 1915, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Cpl., Scrgt.; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Dec. 1917; att. d.c.s. Hqdrs., London; 4th Res. Bn.; c.c.s., Witley; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Witley Depot; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Despatches July 1917. Harding, Percy Seccombe Donne; b.s.a. 1913. 130th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; IVance, 4th Bn.; m.c, Jan. 1919: Despatches Nov. 1918; (Further details not available). Hardstaff, Roy John; m.b. 1916. C.a.m.c, Lieut., 1916; (Further details not available). 300 * UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hardy, Ethelbert Brown; m.b. 1905; c.a.m.c, No. ii Fd. Amb., Major. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Major, Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., o.c, Nov. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somnie; o.c. Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Nov. 1916; o.c. St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp.; D.S.O., Somme, Oct. 12, 1916; Despatches June 1915, Jan. 1917. Hardy, Eugene Alexander Patrick; m.b. 1902; 2nd Regt. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt. Hardy, Ralph Williard; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.T.c. 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., C.E., Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; L-Cpl.; 12th Can. Inf. Bde., Sig. Coy., Cpl., Feb. 1918; Sergt., Sept. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Gassed Dec. 191 7; Mil. Medal, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 4, 1918; d.c.m., Valenciennes, Nov. 1918. Hardy, William George; b.a. Victoria 1917, (Staff, University Coll.); c.o.T.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; Cpl., Sergt.; Invalided and discharged June 1918. Hare, Harold Richard; b.s.a. 1914; c.e. 164th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; R.g.a., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, Feb. 1918,228th Siege Bty.; March Retreat, Amiens — Mons; Wounded, Morlancourt, Aug. 15, 1918. Hare, Robert Bloomer; Medicine 1918 (1922); c.o.T.c c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 28th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Loos, Ypres; Wounded and Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 6, 1916. Hargrave, Henry Ralph; m.b. 191 7; c.o.T.c Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Pte., May 1915; Cpl., Sergt.; France, Aug. 1915; Nieuport, Dixmude, Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1916; C.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1917; Capt.; o/s. July 1918. Harman, Huson Murney; Trinity 1912; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1915; 19th Bn., Apl. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Capt., Major, Apl. 1917; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; 2nd Div. Wing., c.c.R.c, Nov. 1917; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 21, 1916. Harman, John Alfred; Applied Science 191 2. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Dec. 1915; Fit. Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1916; Fit. Lieut., June 1917; North Sea Patrol; Anti-Zeppelin defence, Eng.; Aegean Sea; Injured, Detling Hill, Eng., Aug. 2, 1916, and at Thasos, June 13, 1917; On h.m.s. 'Ermine' when sunk, Aug. 2, 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. Harman, Wilfred; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.T.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., Sergt. Harmer, Charles Ger.\ld; Medicine 1908. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Harper, Frank Cecil; b.a. University Coll. 1898, b.d. Knox 1901; 35th Regt., Capt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 177th Bn., Capt., June 1916; Can. Chaplain Svce., Feb. 1918; Base Hosp., M.D. 2; o/s. Mar. 1918, h.m.s. 'Araguaya'; St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2; Mentioned. Harper, Grant Errol; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.T.c Ii8th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl., Pte.; France, Oct. 1917, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Cpl.; 5th Bn., C.E., Spr., June 1918; Passchendaele, Vimy — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Harper, William Sinclair; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. C.A.M.c, M.o. 155th Bn., Capt., 1916; Hdqrs., Ottawa; Transferred to LS.C Harris, Charles Strachan; Medicine 1922 (1923). u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. ROLL OP' SERVICE 301 Harris, Charles Wilbur; Victoria 1916, (b.a. University Coll. 1919, Medicine 1921); C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cpl.; Salonica, Nov. [c.o.t.c. 1915; Surg. Probr., June 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Redgauntlet'; North Sea, Harwich Force; Returned to complete course Nov. 1918. Harris, Edwin Charles; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, Capt., Oct. 1916; France, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., May 1918. Harris, Harry Cecil; Medicine 1909, Applied Science 1913, Diploma. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1917; c.E. t.d.. Cadet, Apl. 1918; France, 5th Bn., C.E., Lieut. H.\rris, Joseph; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; o/s. July 1918; Imp!. Army, Cadet. Harris, Norman MacLeod; m.b. 1894. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., May 1916; o/s. June 1916; Bde. San. Offr., Seaford, Nov. 1916; France, Nov. 1918, No. 4 Can. San. Sec, o.c Harris, R.\lph Walton; Applied Science 1915, (b.a.sc 1917); Cps. of Guides, Sergt. Cps. of Guides, Sergt., Aug. 1914; r.ch.a., Gnr. ; Bdr. ; France, June 1915, r.e., 177th Tnlg. Coy., Sec. Lieut.; Ypres, Kemmel; Wounded, Railway Wood, Dec. 14, 1915; Invalided June 1916; Mining School of Trench Warfare, m.d. 2, Instr. ; Discharged June 1917. H.arris, Reginald Stephen; phm.b. 1916. C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1916; France, June 1917, 'CA.' Cable Sec; Can. Cps. Survey Sec, Sig. Sec, Apl. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Hinges sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Harris, Reginald Vanderbilt; b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1910; c.o.t.c, Dalhousie, 246th Bn., Lieut, and Asst. Adjt., Sept. 1916; Hdqrs. Staf?., M.D. 6, [Lieut. Distr. Casualty Offr., Capt., June 1917; Distr. Mil. Repr., M.S. A., Oct. 1917; Chief Public Repr., Feb. 1918; Discharged Oct. 1918. Harris, Robert Burrows; m.b. 1903. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Mar. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; ShornclifTe Depot; Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton; France, Oct. 1918, No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 29th Bn.; M.o. 6th Bde., c.f.a.; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley. Harris, Robert Inkerman; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., Sept. 1915; r.a.m.c. No. 134 Fd. Amb., 39th Div.; France, Mar. 1916, No. 134 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 14th Hampshire Regt.; Capt., Sept. 1916; Festubert, Somme, Ypres, Mcssines, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Aug. 17, 1917; M.c, Hamel-sur-.\ncre, Sept. 3, 1916; Bar to M.c, Elverdinghe, Aug. 5, 1917; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Dec. 1917; Davisville Mil. Orthop. Hosp., Jan. 1918; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., Feb. 1919. Harris, W.\lter Eric; Trinity 1912, (b.a. 1918); 7th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 14th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Hdqrs. Staff, 2nd Can. Div., Gas Svcc, Lieut., Capt.; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Chemical Advr., Major; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches June 1918. Harris, William; b.a. Uiii\crsity Coll. 1915, m.b. 1918. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Apl. 1918; Brant Mil. Hosp.; o/s. Sept. 191R; Capt., Apl. 1919; T.D., Kininiel Park; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 1918. Hakkison, Francis C. St. I!.; b.s.a. 1892, d.sc (McG.), f.r.s.c; c.f.a., r.o.. Major; A.A.G., Petawawa Camp, 1915-1918; Lt.-Col., [Macdonald Coll. c.o.t.c, o.c. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1918 and Jan. 1919, Director of Agriculture, Khaki Univ. ^,02 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Harrison, Frederick Christopher; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917; Seed, to r.a.f., No. 4 School, M.O., Apl. 1918; Flying Offr., Apl. 1918. Harrison, Howard Davidson; m.b. 1910, f.r.c.s. (Eng.). Troopship Svce., India, Surg., Oct. 1914; r.a.m.c. Major, June 1915; Welsh Mil. Hosp., Cardiff, i/c Surgical Div. Harrison, Lawrence Christopherson; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Wycliffe; c.o.x.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., Apl. 191 7; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai, etc. Harrison, Ronald; Applied Science 1918, (b.a. sc. 1920J; c.o.x.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Despatch-Rider; Injured Nov. 1917; Discharged Apl. 1918. Harrison, Tillson Lever; m.b. 1907. c.A.M.c, M.D. 13, Capt., 1916; (Further details not available). Harrison, William Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1916. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; L-Cpl., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1917, ist Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Can. Cps. Sig. School, Cpl., Sept. 1918; Arras-Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens. Harrity, John James; University Coll. 1917; c.o.x.c. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Det. 1915; Bdr., Cpl.; 8ist Bty.; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Sergt., Oct. 1918; Cadet, Oct. 1918; Hill 70, Lens — ^Arras — Vimy sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Harron, Lionel William; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.x.c. 204th Bn., Lieut., Sig. Offr., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, ii6th Bn.; att. 9th x.m. Bty.; Lens — Neuville Vitasse sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Cambrai, Oct. I, 1918. Harstone, Jean Emily; b.a. Trinity 1913, m.a. 1914. o/s. Apl. 1916; Lady Byng's Conval. Hosp., Thorpe Hall, v.a.d.; France, Dec. 1916, Brit. Red Cross Amb. Convoy, Section Leader, Etaples; Le Treport, July 1918. Harstone, John Archibald; b.a. University Coll. 1915; 57th Regt.; c.o.x.c. 77th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 19th Bn.; Capt., Sept. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Canal du Nord, Mons; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 24, 1917, and Neuville Vitasse, Apl. 1918; M.c, gaz. Apl. 2, 1919; Despatches July 1919. Hart, Alfred Purvis; m.b. 191 i. r.a.m.c, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1916, No. 140 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 21st King's Royal Rifles, 1916; M.o. 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1st Div., 1917; No. 2 Fd. Amb., ist Div., 1918; Somme, Nieuport Bains (July 1917), Passchendaele, Sambre (Oct. 1918); M.c, Rejet de Beaulieu, Nov. 4, 1918; Despatches, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916. Hart, Ernest William; b.s.a. 1915. 4th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Sergt.-Major, Mar. 1915; r.f.a., 6th a.a. Art. Bty., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1915; Lieut., July 1916; France, 1915; Wounded, Ypres, June 1916; o.c Agricultural Detach., 1917. Hart, Harry Jamieson; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 4th Bty.; Bdr., Dec. 1917; C.F.A., Cadet, Sept. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 8, 1917, and Vimy, July 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 303 Hart, Hugh; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.b. 1913. 31st Bn., Pte , Nov. 1914; France; c.a.m.c, m.o. 25th Bn., Capt.; Xo. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; Wounded, Somme, Sept. i, 1916; m.c, gaz. July 18, 1917; Bar to M.c, gaz. Jan, 11. 1919. Hart, Luther S.; Education 19 12. Enl. May 1918; France, 75th Bn. Hart, Melville Mason; b.a. University Coll. 191 1; loth Regt., Lieut. 76th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, June 19 16, 4th c.m.r. ; Major, Apl. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Brit, and Can. Recruiting Mission, Boston; Siberian Ex. F., Sept. 1918; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 1917; Bar to M.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 19 17. Hart, Richmond Wyllie; b.a. University Coll. 1906. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 1917; France, Sept. 1918, 35th Bty. Hart, Robert Alexander; d.d.s. 1919; 59th Regt. 67th, u. of t., Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Mar. 1918; o/s. July 1918. Hartford, Harold Anthony; D.b.s. 1919. 1st Depot Bn., ist C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; C.E., Spr.; c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Sergt. Hartley, William Almont; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.C, Sergt., May 1917. Hartney, Harold Evaxs; b.a. University Coll. 1911; 105th Regt., Lieut. 28th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1914; R.F.c, Lieut., 1915; Capt.; France, June 1916, 20th Sqdn.; Ypres — Armentieres; Wounded Feb. 21, 1917; att. u.s. Air Svce., ist Pursuit Group, Major, o.c. May 1918; Lt.-Col.; Toul sec, May-June 1918; Chateau Thierry sec, June-Sept. 1918; 27th Aero-Sqdn., Sept. 1918, St. Mihiel; Argonne — Meuse,. Sept. -Nov. 1918; a.e.f.. Gen. Hdqrs., Chaumont, Nov. 1918; Italian Silver Medal for Valour, gaz. May 28, 1917; French Croix de Guerre avec Palme, June 25, 1918; American D.s.c, Fismes, Aug. 13, 1918; Legion d'Honneur, Chevalier, Apl. 3, 1919; Valour Citation (u.s.), St. Mihiel, Sept. 12, 1918; Meritorious Service Citation (u.s.), Apl. 19, 1919. Hartry, Ryerson Robert; Education 1909; 24th Regt., Lieut. i86th Bn., Major, Oct. 1915; Lieut., Mar. 1917; France, July 1917, i8th Bn.; Capt., July 191 8; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Harvey, Basil Coleman Hyatt; b.a. University Coll. 1894, m.b. 1898. U.S.A., OfTrs. Res. Cps., Med. Sec, Capt., Apl. 1917; Fort Riley, Kansas, Tr. Camp, M.O., June 1917; o.c. No. 16 Amb. Coy., July 1917; Cmdt. Schools, Med. Dept., 34th Div., Oct. 1917; Major, Nov. 1917; No. 13 Base IIosp., Jan. 1918; France, June 1918. Harvey, Francis Rudd; m.b. 1910. c.a.m.c, England, Capt , Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1916, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 43rd Bn.; Vimy, Passchendaele; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1918; Hosp. Ship Tpt. duty, Dec. 1918. Harvey, Willoughby Henwood; m.b. 1904, m.d. 1908, m.a. (Cantab.). R.A.M.C, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt.; i/c Standardising Labty. for Wasscrmaiin Test; o.c. Central Mil. Labty., Eastern Command, Cambridge, Eng. Harvie, Horace Manly; m.h. 1911; c.a.m.c, Sergt. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1916; No. 2 F"d. Amb. Depot; a.o.m.s. Branch and Distr. Depot No. 2; o/s. Oct. 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Feb. 1917, No. I Can. ccs.; No. 2 Can. ccs., Apl. 1917; Vimy, Messines, Pas- schendaele, etc. IIarvik, James Gray; University Coll. 1913; 103rd Regt., Sergt. Imj)!. a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte, Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 191^, att. I4ih Cps. Siege Amm. Park; Somme, Vimy, Arras, Ypres, Passchendaele; r.n.a.s., p.f.o.. 304 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fit. Sub-Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut., ApL 1918; Submarine patrols, North Sea, English Channel, French coast. H.\RViE, Robert Morley; m.b. 1916; No. 13 Can. Cav. Fd. Amb., Sergt.; c.o.T.c. C..\.M.C., No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Re- turned to complete course June 1916; c.A.M.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; M.O., C.F..A. and C.A.S.C.; Med. Bds.; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Aug. 1918, No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1918; m.o. Can. Siege Art.; M.O. 1st C.M.R. Harvie, William Arthur; m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, No. 8 Sta. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1916; St. Med. Bd.; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; M.o. 4th Can. Labour Bn.; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp.; M.o. Indep. Air Force; Returned Oct. 1918; d.s.c.r. Harvie, William Prescott; b.a. University Coll. 1918; c.o.T.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 2nd Can. Tank Bn., Pte.; Sergt., Oct. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918; Lieut. Harryett, Roland Emerson; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. Haskett, Frederick Harold; Medicine 1919 (1921). R.N.V.R., Surg.-Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Mischief. Haslam, Percy John Enman; University Coll. 1916-17 (1919-20), Wycliffe. 1st Depot Bn., n.s. Regt., Pte., Mar. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, R. Can. Regt.; Mons. Hassard, Frank Russell; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1912. r.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; France, Jan. 1916, No. 102 Fd. Amb.; No. 104 Mhow Indian Cav. Fd. Amb., 5th Cav. Div., Sept. 1917; Pales- tine, Mar. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, i/5th London Fd. Amb., and i/20th London Regt.; Somme, Cambrai (1917), Passchendaele, L'Escaut; M.c, Somme, July 1916; Despatches June 1918. Hassard, Oscar Garnet; d.d.s. 1903. c.A.M.c, att. No. I Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; (Further details not available). Hastings, Clarence Emerson; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.T.c c.A.s.c, Lieut., 1916; 2o8th Bn.; (Further details not available). Hastings, Milton Berkley; Applied Science 191 1; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Gnr., July 1916; 71st Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Mar. 1917; 8th Res. Bn., Lieut.; France, Oct. 1917, 4th c.m.r., att. x 3 Div. t.m. Bty.; 3rd Can. Div^ Art., Jan. 1918; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Injured Nov. I, 1918; M.c, gaz. Dec. 2, 1918. Hath£way, Clarence Murray; University Coll. 1914-16, Wycliffe. 34th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 115th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 26th Bn.; V'imy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; r.a.f.. Cadet, Feb. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Hatrick, William Joseph; b.a. St. Michael's 1916. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Hawes, Joseph Howard; b.a.sc 1914. 256th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; Sergt.; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Sergt.; France, June 1917; Somme, Nieuport sec, Ypres, 1917-18. Hawke, Benjamin E.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1887. r.a.m.c, Lieut., Feb. 1917; (On s.s. 'Laconia' when sunk); Capt.; Manor War Hosp., Epsom; Croydon War Hosp.; Queen's Hosp., Sidcup. ROLL OF SERVICE 305 Hawkins, Francis William; phm.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, Cas. CI. Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte., 1916; Sergt.; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb., Pte., 1917; (Further details not available). Hawley, Harold Albert; b.a.sc. 1913. C.E., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Haydex, William Yates; d.d.s. 1902; Corps of Guides, Capt. c.A.D.c, Capt., Nov. 1915-1919. Hayes, Cecil Talmage; b.a. University Coll. 1914; g.g.b.g. jth C.M.R., Pte., Feb. 1915; Fort Garry Horse, L-Cpl.; c.f.a., Gnr.; France, Jan. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Bdr.; Can. A.A. Art., Jan. 1917; Ploeg- steert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens — Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hayman, Lorne Thomas; b.a.sc. 1914; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, July 1918, 6th Bty.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Haynes, Nelson Willard; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917. Hays, Robert Cockburn; Trinity 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c; 33rd Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; L-CpL, Cpl.; France, Feb. 1916, 26th Bn., Pte.; L-Cpl.; Kemmel, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 16, 1916; Discharged June 1917. Haywood, Alfred Kimball; m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c, m.o. 2nd Regt., Lieut. c.v.M.C, m.o. 3rd Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916); Can. Conval. Hosp., Epsom, Major, o.c, Apl. 1917; Discharged Aug. 1917; M.C;, Ypres, Apl. 1915; Despatches June 1915. Hazlewood, Harry Cleaver Purvis; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.o. 204th Bn., Capt., May 1916; i c Mowat Hosp., Kingston, Nov. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Mar. 1917. Hazlewood, Hugh Freeman; b.a. Victoria 1916. 20ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 198th Bn., Sept. 1916; Discharged Oct. 1916. Hazlewood, James P'rederick; m.b. 1907. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., 1917-18. Hazlewood, Thomas Wetherill; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c 234th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt., Staff Sergt.; Discharged, medically unfit, Dec. 1916. Heakes, F"rancis Vernon; Victoria 1918, (Medicine 1920); 109th Regt., Lieut. 20ist Bn., Lieut., .Apl. 1916; 198th Bn., Sept. 1916: r.f.c, Sept. 1917; France, Mar. 1 91 8; March Retreat; Wounded Apl. 1918. Healy, Michael Conger; University Coll. 1919: loth Regt., Lieut. R.F.C, Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 58th Sqdn.; r.a.f.; Ypres, Armen- tieres, Douai. Healy, Peter John; d.d.s. 1910. c.A.D.c, Lieut.; Capt., 1916; (Further details not available). Heard, Kenneth McKellar; Medicine 1920 (1^22); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., I-\l). 1916; o/s. Ma\- 1916; 51)1 ("an. Div. Sig. Coy., cr.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Hearle, Eric; b.s.a. 1917. 4th \',n., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres; Wounded, 'S'prcs, :\\A. 2^, 1915; Invalided Jan. 1916. Hf.akst, Howard Vernon; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; I>ance, July 1916, 58th P.ii.; "Sprcs sec, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 16, 1916; att. d. of s. \ t., London, Jul>' 1917; Returned Dec. 1917; .Sihcrian I''x. I"., -Sept. 1918. — 2.{ 3o6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hearst, William Irving; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, June 1916, 5th c.m.r.; 40th Res. Bn., Sept. 1916; c.o.c, Ashford, Oct. 1916; France, Mar. 1918; ist Can. Div. Hdqrs., 0.0. ; 3rd Can. Div., Apl. 1918; Ypres, Somme; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Heatley, Albert Harold; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.C.l.i., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; L-Cpl.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 191 7; Discharged Apl. 191 8. He.\ton, Hugh Attrill; Applied Science 191 5; 2nd Regt. 2nd King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Aug. 1914; King's Own R. Lancaster Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres; Wounded, Ypres, Mar. 1916; r.f.c, Canada, Lieut., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Apl. 1918; M.c, The Bluff, Mar. 3, 1916. Hedley, Charles Wilkinson; b.a. Trinity 1892, m.a. 1894; 96th Regt., Chapl., Capt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 94th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 58th Bn.; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; 3rd Can. Div. Art.; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Hospitals, m.d. 2. Heisey, Karl Brooks; Education 19 18, (Applied Science 1922). R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. Heisz, George Martin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Arras — Amiens; c.a.d.c, Sergt., Oct. 1918. Helliwell, Maurice Round; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, No. 80 Fd. Amb., Lieut., May 1915; France, Oct. r9i5; Amiens sec; Salonica, 1915-16; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., July 1916; France, Oct. 1916; Somme; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916; Ferry Pilot, Jan. -May 1917; r.f.c, Canada, Aug. 191 7; Camp Borden and Texas, Instr.; Med. Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., Feb. 1918; O/s. Feb. 1918; i/c Med. Fit. Helliwell, Paul Vaughan; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918; m.d. 5, 1918. Hellmuth, Frederick Gordon; University Coll. 1918. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., 1917; (Further details not available). Helme, James Burn; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1918; Cpl. Henderson, Archibald; b.a. Victoria 1901, m.b. 1906. R.A.M.C, Lieut., 19 15; o/s.; Invalided; C.A.M.C, Capt.; Brant Mil. Hosp.; Hamilton Santm. (Died Feb. 12, 1921). Henderson, Charles Brookfield; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. 92nd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, June 1916, 15th Bn.; R.E., 120th Coy., Lieut., May 1917; Somme, Vimy, Ypres, etc. Henderson, David Alexander; m.b. 1907. R.y., Chatham Bks., Surgeon Nov. 1914; h.m.s. 'Canada' Aug. 1915; Battle of Jutland; R.N. Hosp., Gibraltar, May 1917. Henderson, EarlClement; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 13th Bty.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Henderson, Frederick Cecil; Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 4th Bde., C.F.A., Hdqrs., Gnr., Jan. 1915; Invalided and discharged, Apl. 1915; R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1915; Fit. Lieut.; a.d.c to Dep. Chief of Air Staff, Sept. 1917; R.A.F., Capt.; North Sea Patrol, Jan. 1916; Eg>'pt and Palestine, 1916-17; Italy, 1917; Returned July 1918. Henderson, Frederick Lewis; University Coll. 1915; 91st Regt., Lieut. 19th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt., Aug. 1916; Messines, ROLL OF SERVICE 307 St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 14, 1916; Welland Canal Fd. Force, Musk. Offr., Mar. 1917; 2nd Bn., c.g.r , July 1918. Henderson, John Fr.\ncis; Applied Science 1910; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 71st Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., June 1916; France, June 1917, 7th Bty., c.g.a.; 8th Bty., C.G.A. ; 7th Bty., c.g.a.; Lens sec, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Drocourt Queant — Mons. Henderson, John McCailum; Education 1914. C.F.A. , Gnr., Feb. 1917; France, 13th Bty. Henderson, Joseph Edward Christian; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; Manitoba Regtl. Depot; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., May 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1917; France, May 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. Can. For. Cfs., Bordeau.x Group, June 191 8. Henderson, Melville Grant; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 47th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Hdqrs., 12th Bde., c.f.a.. Mar. 1916; Hdqrs., i6th Bde., c.f.a.; 5th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., June 1917; France Aug. 1917, att. 13th Bde., C.F..\.; Lens sec. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, gaz. Jan. 24, 1919. Henderson, Norman William; Victoria 1917. Y.M.C.A., Shoreham, Capt., Dec. 1917. Henderson, Orville John; Education 191 6; c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., June 1918; Cpl.; o/s.; Sergt.; Khaki LTniv., Instr.; c.a.p.c. Henderson, Roy Hartley; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Sta. Hosp., Capt., June 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Dec. 1917; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb., Jan. 1919- Cps. Specialist, (Eye and Ear). Henderson, Thomas Davidson; Applied Science 1904. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 12th Fd. Coy.; Capt.; 12th Bn., c_E., May 1918; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Valenciennes. Henderson, Velyien Ewart; b.a. University Coll. 1899, m--^- 1902, m.b. 1902, Staff; 198th Bn., Major, Feb. 1916; Sr. Major; C.A.M.C, Capt., Mar. [c.o.t.c, Capt. 1918; France, June 1918, No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 13th Bde., c.f.a., Aug. 1918; 2nd Can. Div., Education Offr.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., 1919; Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Valenciennes, etc. Henderson, William Bruce; b.a. University Coll. 1911. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., June 1917; (Further details not available). Hendry, Leslie Ellis; phm.b. 1916. C.AM.C, Queen's Unit, Sergt. Dispenser, Sept. 1917; Q.M.S., Apl. 1918; Lieut. and Qr.-Mr., Sept. 1918. Hendry, William Belfry; h.a. Uni\ersity Coll. 1895, m.b. 1904, Staff; c.a.m.c, c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosi)., Lt.-Col., Mar. 1915; [No. 10 Fd. Amb., Major. Salonica, Nov. 1915; o.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1917; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Col., Dec. 1917; D.S.O., Jan. 1917; Despatches July 1916, Mar. 1917. Hendy, Ronald Alexander; Trinity 19 15. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., 1914; Royal Warwickshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Severely wounded; fl-'urthcr details not a\ailable). Henley, Clare Everett; Education 19 16. 1st C.O.R., Ptc, May 19 17; Cpl. Hennan, James Havelock; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11. C.A.v.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., July 1915; o;s. June 1915; France, A])!. 1916; R.cii.A. Bde., Aug. 1917; Somme, Cambrai (ist and 2nd battles, 1917), Hill 70, Amiens, Le Cateau. Henry, Andrew Edmund; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891, f.t.m.c c.A.M.c, Cai)t., June 1916; o/s. June 1916; nld. 12, Apl. 1918. 308 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Henry, Samuel Eldin; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.F.c, Cadet, Sept. 1917; R.a.f., Sec. Lieut., May 1918; Instr., Canada. Henry, Willard Jarvis; m.b. 1918. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Apl. 191 8. Henry, William Ernest; b.a. Victoria 1917, m.b. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918. Henry, \Villi.\m Oliver; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.b. 1913. c.v.M.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). Hepburn, Gordon; Applied Science 192 1. C.E., Spr., May 1918; France, Sept. 1918, ist Bn., C.E., Spr.; Canal du Nord; Invalided Oct. 7, 191 8. Heppleston, John Wilj^iam; Veterinary College 1915-17; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1918. Herington, Harold Percy; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Dec. 1915; 6th Univ. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916, P.P.C.l.i., Sgr.; 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Apl. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Hermeston, William Russell; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, 2/a.m., Mar. 1917; i/a.m., June 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1917; Sergt., Feb. 1918. Hermon, James William; Applied Science 1911; 72nd Regt. i6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy; c.A.M.c, No. i Gen. Hosp., Pte., Oct. 1915; R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917. Hern, Gordon Eliot; Trinity 1920, (University Coll. 1922); c.o.t.c 1st Bn., 1st C.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; att. Polish Force, Sergt.; Siberian Ex. F., 20th M.G. Coy., Sergt., Sept. 1918; Siberia. Herold, William Henry; Applied Science 1920 (192 1). R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., June 1918; o/s. July 1918. Heron, John Barton; b.a.sc 1906; 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Lieut. No. I Can. Constr. Bn., Lieut., May 1916; Capt., July 1916; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Oct. 1916; Major, Feb. 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., July 1918; Somme, Dunkcrque, Ypres (1917-18), Somme (Mar. -Nov. 1918). Herridge, William Duncan; b.a. University Coll. 1909. Lieut., Nov. 1914; 8th c.m.r., Dec. 1914; att. 6th Bn., Fort Garry Horse, Apl, 1915; F"rance, June 1915, ist Can. Div. Mounted Tps.; att. 3rd Can. Inf. Bde. May 1916; 2nd Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt. (Intell.), Aug. 1916; 2nd Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt. ('a' and 'q'), Feb. 1917; 4th Can. Div., G.s.o. ill., Dec. 1917; 2nd Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, June 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Jan. 1918; Bar to M.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918; d.s.o., Bourlon Wood, Sept. 28-30, 1918; Despatches June 1917, July 1919. Hertzberg, Charles Sumner Lund; Applied Science 1905, Diploma; Cps. Res., ce., C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 7th Fd. Coy., ce., Lieut.; France, Apl. 1916; [Lieut. Ypres, Somme, Vimy sec; Wounded, Neuville St. Vaast, Jan. 21, 1917; Inval- valided July 1917; Spadina Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Adjt., Nov. 1917; Capt., Jan. 1918; o.c Cas. Coy., Dist. Depot, m.d. 2, Apl. 1918; m.d. 2 Svce. Coy., ce., July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., i6th Fd. Coy., 2nd i/c, Oct. 1918; Major i/c, Apl. 1919; Siberia, Oct. 1918; M.c, Somme, Dec. 7, 1916. Hertzberg, Halfdan Fenton Harbo; Applied Science 1907, Diploma; 2nd Fd. Coy., 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt.; [ce., Lieut. 1st Fd. Coy., C.E., Major, o.C; ist Div. ce., Lt.-Col., o.c, Jan. 1918; 3rd Bde., CE., Col., o.c, July 1918; Ypres (1915 and 1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Ypres, ROLL OF SERVICE 309 Apl. 24, 1915; M.c, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915; d.s.o., Jan. 1918; c.m.g., June 3, 1919; Despatches June 1915, Jan. 1918, June 1918, June 1919; o.c, r.c.e., m.d. 6. Hessian, Henry Arthur; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c..\.M.c., M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1916; o/s. June 1916; Capt.; France, May 1917, No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb. ; M.o. 58th Bn.; Lens, Passchenclaele, Lens sec; Invalided June 1918. Hesson, Edgar John; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., July 1917. Hetherington, Henry Brown; Victoria 1914, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Capt., 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917-July 1919. Hett, Sibbald; b.a.sc. 1907. 228th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1917; 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Apl. 1917; Capt.; Major; Amiens — Ypres sees. Heurtley, Eustace William; b.s.a. 191 i. 29th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1915; Bdr.; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; Lieut., July 1917; Directorate of Agric, Mesopotamian Ex. F., T/Major, July 1918; M.c, July 1917. Heward, George Crookshank; b.a. Trinity 1893, m.a. 1896; loth Regt., Lieut. Gen. List, Lieut., Sept. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Impl. Army, Staff Lieut., School of Instr., Crowborough ; France, Nov. 1916, a.d.c. to G.o.c, 37th Div. ; Capt.; Neuve Chapelle, Lens, Arras, Messines, Ypres, Bucquoy; Returned for duty with A.A.G., Canada, Oct. 1918; Despatches Nov. 1918. Hewgill, John Cyril; Medicine 192 1 (1922). 1st Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918. Hewitt, Samuel Ross Delap; m.b. 1914, Staff. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Invalided Sept. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Can. Conval. Hosp., Epsom, St. Med. Bd., Mar. 1917; m.d. 2, Canada, Jan. 1918. Hewson, Charles Harvey; Victoria 1917 (1922); c.o.t.c. Eaton m.g. Bty., Pte., Feb. 1915; Cpl., Aug. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; Lieut., Aug. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917; Major, Nov. 1918; France, Feb. 1916; Wounded and gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; M.c, Guillemont, Aug. 1917. Hewson, George Cyril Vane; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; R.n.a.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1915; France, Mar. 1916, No. 5 Wing, Coudekerque; 5th Sqdn., Petite Synthc; Injured, Coudekerque, Apl. 1916, and Dover, Dec. 1916; Fit. Lieut.; r.a.f., Staff of N.w. Area Hdqrs., Glasgow, A/Major, Aug. 1918. Hewson, Ralph Rowley; Applied Science 1915; Cps. of Guides. Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Spr., Apl. 1915; PVance, Aug. 1915; Xieuport — Peronne, 1915-18. Heyd, Charles Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1905, m.d. (Univ. Buffalo) 1909; Med. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., June 1917; Major, Nov. 1917; [Res. Cps., Capt. Lt.-Col., Jan. 1919; Base Hosp. No. 8; France, Aug. 1917; att. 3rd British Army, Sept. -Oct. 1917; att. ist French Army, Auto-Chir. No. i; U.S. Army, July 1918-Jan. 1919; o.c. Mobile Hosp. No. 7, a.e.f.; Somme Retreat, Cantigny, Montdidicr — Noyon,2nd Marne, St. Mihicl, Champagne (att. 4th French .Army), Argonne — Bcrnccourt (2nd Army a.e.f.). Heywood, Percy Killbourne; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.l, Lieut., Oct. 1915; Can. m.g. Base Depot; France, May 1916, 1st Can. m.g. Coy.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70; Invalided; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., 1918; Despatches Dec. 1917. 3IO UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hicks, Elgin Dovley; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 191 7; Discharged Nov. 1918. Hicks, William Joseph; b.a. University Coll. 1911, m.b. 1913. R.A.M.c, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; No. loj Fd. Amb.; France, Nov. 1915; La Bassee — Lens sec; Invalided July 1916; Eg>'pt, Jan. 1917, M.o. 2/5th Middlesex. Regt.; Palestine (ist and 2nd battles of Gaza); M.o. i/ c Wisbeach v.A.D. Hosp., England, Aug. 1917. HlGiNBOTHAM, Helen Phyllis; b.a. University Coll. 1912. U.S. Army, Base Hosp. No. 71, (Res.) Army Nurse, Sept. 1918; Camp Dix, x.j.; France, Dec. 1918, Base Hosp. No. 71; Hosp. Centre, Beau Desert, Bordeaux and Montpont. HlGiNBOTHAM, Harold Torrance; Applied Science 1913; 30th Regt., Lieut. 34th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, June 1916, 13th Bn.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Mouquet Farm, Sept. 4, 1916; Invalided and discharged Aug. 1917. Hill, Arthur Vesey; Applied Science 1910; 31st Regt., Col. -Sergt. 7th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 1915; Can. M.G. Cps., att. Bde. Staff, Seaford, Capt. and Adjt., Mar. 1917; Invalided Mar. 1918; att. Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa; o/s. Mar. 1919; Demobn. StafT, Record Oflfr., m.d. ii. Hill, Carl English; Medicine 1918 (1921). c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 40th Bn., Lieut.; June 1916; 24th Bn., July 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; 23rd Res. Bn., Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Aug. 1918. Hill, Clarke Robertson; b.a.sc. 1920; c.o.t.c. R.N.C.V.R., w/t Learner, Apl. 1918; w/t Operator; Atlantic Patrol. Hill, Eric Maxwell; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c r.a.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Hill, Harold Otto; b.a.sc. 1909. A.E.F., 1st Depot Bn., Sig. Cps., Pte., Oct. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, Sig. Cps. L. of C, Office of Chief Sig. Offr., Tours, Pte.; Cpl., Apl. 1918; Sergt., Jan. 1919. Hill, Hibbert Winslow; m.b. 1893, m.d. 1899, d.p.h. 1911. c.a.m.c, D.A.D.M.S., i/c San., m.d. I, Feb. 1916; London Mobn. Camp, San. OfTr.; Discharged June 1918. Hill, Joseph Pearson; Education 1915; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., 'c a' Cable Sec; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Valenciennes, Mons. Hill, Keppel Wigmore; Trinity 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; R.G.A., Cadet, Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918. Hill, Lawrence Roland; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; Cpl., Aug. 191 5; Returned to complete course Nov. 191 5; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916, No. 9 and No. 10 Indian Gen. Hosps., Basra; No. 42 Ind. Gen. Hosp., Amara; German E. Africa, Oct. 1917, o/c 'b' No. 120 Ind. Fd. Amb.; France, Oct. 1918, No. 36 ccs.; Ypres; Wounded, Lukuledi River, German E. Africa, Nov. 17, 1917; Invalided Dec. 1918; Diploma, R. Humane Society, for saving life, Amara, Mesop., Apl. 11, 1917. Hill, Willi.ui Gordon; Applied Science 1915, (b.s.a. 1920). 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; 66th Bty.; France, Sept. 1917; Lens sec; Invalided Mar. 19 18. Hill, W. R.; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Capt.; France; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 311 Hillary, Robert Michael; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890; 12th Regt., Lt. -Col., Surg.; Col. c.A.M.c, M.o. 127th Bn., Major, Dec. 1915; M.o. 2nd [Aux. Offrs. Long Svce. Bn;, Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917; Bapaume — Albert, Cambrai, Ypres, Dunkerque, Passchendaele; Returned Nov. 191 7; i/c Mil. Hosps. Hamilton, Jan. 1918; St. Med. Bd., m.d. 2; Lt.-Col., Nov. 1918. HiLLEY, Joseph; b.a. University Coll. 1916. Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy., Pte., Sept. 191 8. HiLLiARD, Foster; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., 4th Div^ Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; 12th Can. Inf. Bde., Sig. Coy.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918; Bar to m.m., Denain-Valen- ciennes-Onnaing, Nov. 7, 1918. HiLLiER, Riel; m.d. Victoria 1886; ist Hussars, Capt.; North West 1885 Medal. 7th C.M.R., Capt., Jan. 1915; att. c.a.m.c; Dardanelles, Aug. 1915, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Egypt, Feb. 1916; France, No. 8 Brit. Sta. Hosp., Wimereux, ApL- July 1916; No. I Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1917; M.o. 38th Bn., June 1917; m.o. loth, nth, I2th Fd. Coys., c.e., Aug.-Dec. 1917; Avion — Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Ypres; Discharged May 1918. Hillier, Sydney John; Victoria 1915-16; c.o.t.c. C.E., 3rd Di\\ Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy., L-Cpl., Spr.; France, Apl. 1918, 1st Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valen- ciennes. HiLLis, Samuel Joseph; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. U.S.A. Med. Res. Cps., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Med. Offrs. Tr. Camp, Fort Riley, Kans., June 1917; U.S. Med. Cps.; o/s. Oct. 1917, m.o. 26th Engrs.; Capt., Nov. 1917; 44th Art., Coast Art. Cps., Rgtl. Surg., Mar. 1918; France, Apl. 1918; Champagne, St. Mihiel; Major, Feb. 1919. HiNCH, Edward Francis; Applied Science 1910, Diploma; 14th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 9th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut., Jan. 1918; France, Oct. 1918; Valenciennes, Mens. HiNCHLEY, John Melvin; Education 19 14. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Hinds, Arthur Osw.\ld; d.d.s. 1915. C.A.D.C, M.D. I, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 1918. Hinds, Francis; d.d.s. 1912. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; Shorcham; France, Aug. 1918, No. 8 Can. Sta. Hpsp. Hinds, Paul Irenaeus Bernard; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c 2o8th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; Discharged, medically unfit, Aug. 1916; Can. Ry. Constr. and For. Cps., Lieut., Sept. 1917; r.a.s.c, Horse Tpt., Lieut.; Italy, Aug. 1918; France. HiNMAN, Robert Byron; b.s.a. 1915. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., May 1916; Cpl., Aug. 1916; 5th Can. San. Sec, Jan. 1917; France, June 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Camlirai, etc.; Khaki Univ., A/Scrgt. HiPWELL, Frederick William Watts; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Sept. 1916; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; o/s. Aug. 1917; Capt.; Hdqrs. ShornclifTe Area; France, Oct. 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Hthir.-^., Wit ley Area, i/c Med. Bds. Hiscox, William Franklin; University Coll. 1914, Education 1913. iioth Bn., Caj)!., Jan. 1916; att. Iiiipl. .Army, Hdqrs. loth .Army Cps., Forward Area Cnidt., July 1917. 312 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HoAG, Charles Kenneth; Applied Science 191 7; Cps. of Guides. 4th C.M.R., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; Lieut., June 1916; Messines, Ypres, Zillebeke; Wounded, Ypres, July 26, 1916; Invalided Oct. 1916; att. R.F.C. (Canada), Adjt., June 1917; 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.R., Dec. 1917; Capt., Feb. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., Capt., Apl. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 9th Bn., Impl. Tank Cps.; Landrecies; d.c.m., Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916. Hoar, Howard Blair; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; c.a.d.c, Mar. 1918; Sergt.; r.q.m.s. HoBBS, Allan Bowman; b.a. Victoria 1910. 6ist Bn., Pte., June 1915; France; Wounded Nov. 1916; (Further details not available). HoBsoN, Geoffrey Knighton; b.v.sc. 1913. C.A.v.c, Lieut., Oct. 1914; France, Mar. 1915, att. Ii8th Bde., r.f.a., 1st Can. Div. ; R.A.V.C, Capt., Jan. 1916; att. 6th Cps. Mounted Tps., July 19 16; att, 9th Div. Art., Sept. 1917; Ypres, Givenchy, Festubert, Somme, Arras, Hill 60, Passchendaele, Zonnebeke, Courtrai. Hodge, William Ray; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, No. 94 Fd. Amb., Lieut., May 1915; Eg^'pt, Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1916; Mesopotamia, Jan. 1917; Capt.; No. 133 Gen. Hosp., Basra; Returned July 1918; C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Sept. 1918. HoDGiNs, Heber John; d.d.s. 1905. i6ist Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; c.a.d.c, m.d. 2. Hodgins, Lloyd Clifford Arnott; b.a. Trinity 1904, m.a. 1905, m.a. (Harv.) 1907. Amer. Red Cross Unit, Sec. Sanitaire Americaine, Sec. 5, Formation Harjes, Lieut. Hodgins, Wilfred Ernest; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916; Capt.; Kut-el-Amara ; Invalided to India; Wellington Hosp., India; o.c Persian Gulf San. Sec, Reshire, Persia. Hodgins, William Egerton; b.a. University Coll. 1874, m.a. 1885; g.g.f.g., Lt.-Col., 1st Div. Area, Col., O.C; Brig. -Gen., Dec. 1914; Militia [o.C; Permt. Staff- Hdqrs., Ottawa, A/Adjt.-Gen., Jan. 1915; Major-Gen., Sept. 1915; Can. Demobn. Committee, o.m.f.c, Repres., Dept. of Militia and Defence, Canada, Sept. 1917; cm.g., June 3, 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917, July 1918; Retired Mar. 19 18. HoDGKiNs, George Chester; phm.b. 1915. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., May 1915; Sergt. Compounder; France, July 191 5, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., Sergt.; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Invalided to England P'eb. 1916; Discharged Dec. 1917. Hodgson, Edwin George; m.d., cm. Trinity 1906; c.a.m.c, Capt. R.A.M.C, Lieut., July 1917; M.o. i/c Ashton Gate Hosp., Bristol; France, Sept. 1918, No. 26 Gen. Hosp., Etaples, Capt.; No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Le Havre; No. 57 CCS. Hoffman, Russell Weir; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c, Cpl. c.a.d.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Nov. 1918. Hogan, John Douglas; b.v.sc 1917. C.A.v.c, Lieut.; Capt., July 1917; (Further details not available). Hogarth, Bruce Bowers; b.a.sc 1914. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1916; France, Topograph. Branch. ROLL OF SERVICE 313 Hogarth, Clarenxe Earle; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.E., Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, Can. Hdqrs., 4th a.t. Coy., C.E.; 1st A.T. Coy.; 1st Tramways Coy., c.E.; 2nd Tramways Coy.; Ypres — Amiens; Wounded, near Lens, Oct. 1917. Hogarth, Walter Piper; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 191 5; Salonica, Oct. 191 5; Cpl., Sergt.; R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1917; H.M.s. 'Alarm'; North Atlantic; Invalided Nov. 19 1 7. Hoidge, Reginald Theodore Carlos; b.a.sc. 1916. R.G.A., Sec. Lieut.; r.f.c, Aug. 1916; France, Apl. 1917; Lieut., Capt. and Fit. Cmdr.; Injured Mar. 1918: M.c, June 1917; Bar to M.C., Oct. 1917. Holland, Ubert Cecil; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 191 8; o/s. Nov. 19 18. Hollingshead, Thomas George; d.d.s. 1914; c.e. C.A.D.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, att. Can. For. Cps. Holme, Herbert Richard; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c. No. ii C.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Aug. 1914; Pres., St. Med. Bd., [Fd. Amb., Capt. M.D. 2; M.o. British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, Chicago; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1918; Asst. Can. Red Cross Commissioner, Siberia, Dec. 1918; Siberia, Dec. 1918; Invalided Mar. 1919. Holmes, Alfred; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 3rd R. Dublin Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., July 1916; 2nd R. Dublin Fuslrs.; France, Oct. 1916; Kemmel sec, Somme, Wytschaete; Wounded and Prisoner, Wytschaete, May 27, 1917. Holmes, Aubrv Stuart; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c C.E., 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Holmes, Aurdy Benjamin; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., July 1918; Siberia, Feb. 1919. Holmes, Charles Ross; b.a.sc. 1915. R.F.C, Cadet. Holmes, George Llewellyn; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 55th Bty., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 6th Bty.; Bdr., 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, etc. Holmes, Horace; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 71st Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs.; France, Aug. 1916, c.a.m.c, No. 12 Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Discharged May igi8. Holmes, James Elliott; d.d.s. Trinity 1903, l.d.s.; 105th Regt., Capt. nth Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; lith Res. Bn., Adjt., May 1915; c..\.d.c., Capt., Adjt., July 191 5; Major, Feb. 1916; Lt.-Col., Mar. 1917; France. .Aug. 1915 and Jan. 1916; A.D.D.s., Brighton Area, Nov. 1916; a. d.d.s., 5th Can. Div., Jan. 1917; A.D.D.s., Bramshott, July 1917; A. d.d.s., Canada; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 191 7. Hollies, Thomas Byron; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., June 1916; Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, July 1917, alt. r.f.c; Nieuport, Ypres sec; Injured; Invalided Jan. 1918. Holmes, William Hugh; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Hone, Arthur David; b.a. Trinity 19 14, m.a. 19 16. Cobourg Ilvy. lUy., Gnr. May 1917; Transferred to Munitions, Oct. 1917. 314 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hone, Percy Wilfrid; Education 1916 (Victoria 1924); c.o.t.c. 20ist Bn., Pte.; 198th Bn.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy.; c.a.d.c; Sergt.; o/s. Honey, William Bodden; m.d., cm. 1908. R.A.M.C, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; Suvla Bay, Aug. 1915, No. 33 and No. 34 Fd. Ambs., nth Div.; Imbros, Alexandria, Suez Canal zone (Mar. 19 16), Sinai Peninsula (Mar.-July 1916); France, Nov. 1916, att. 38th Welsh Div.; Ypressec; c.a.m.c, Capt., Aug. 1917; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. Can. For. Cps., Inverness; Etchinghill Hosp.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley; r.a.m.c, Capt., Aug. 1919; India, Oct. 1919; Mesopotamia, Oct. 1919; India, Nov. 19 19; Rawal Pindi, Punjab. HoNSiNGER, Eliphalet Wilbur; d.d.s. 1900; 25th Regt., Sergt. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 1914; c.a.d.c, Capt.; France, Sept. 1915; Loos, Hill 70, St. Eloi, Hulluch, Ypres; Gassed, Nov. 20, 1916; Sr. Dent. Offr., Purfleet, Aug. 1918; Major, Jan. 1919; Sr. Dent. Offr., Witley, Jan. 19 19; Medaille Militaire, Sept. 20, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1920. HooDLESs, Joseph Bernard; b.s.a. 1905; 33rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. R.C.H.A., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, June 1915; r.c.h.a., Amm. Col., Capt., O.C; Ypres, Somme (att. Guards' Div.), Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, 1st and 2nd battles of Cambrai, March Retreat, Amiens; Wounded Sept. 6, 1918. Hoover, John Ernest; Victoria 1917. R.N.cv.R. ; (Further details not available). Hoover, Owen Hugo; b.a.sc. 1912. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 1st Can. Hvy. Bty.; Ypres, Vimy, Arras — Mons. Hope, John Andrew; Law 1916; 42nd Regt., Capt. 59th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; Adjt.; France, Sept. 1916, 46th Bn.; Capt.; A/Major, Major; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 1917, and Arras, Sept. 3, 1918; M.c, Passchendaele, Oct. 18, 19 17; d.s.o,, gaz. Dec. 2, 19 18; Despatches Jan. 1919. Hope, John Campbell; Applied Science 1913; 48th Regt., Lieut. Att. Staff, Polish Force, Niagara, Nov. 19 17; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1918; 1st Can. Tank Bn., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Hope, Luther Sawyer; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Forestry 1917. 88th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; Invalided May 1917; France, June 1918, 5th Bn., C.E., Spr.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, Sancourt, Oct. 4, 19 18. Hopkins, Arthur William; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c c.a.v.c, att. 14th Inf. Bde., Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt.; France, Dec. 1917, att. Can. For. Cps., No. 6 Distr., Vosges Mts. ; Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre, Oct. 1918. Hopkins, Bruce Holmes; m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, att. 45th Regt., Capt. C.A.M.C, Med. Supt., Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial Sanatm., m.d. 3, Capt., Sept. 1917- Hopkins, Charles Herbert; Applied Science 1909. 5th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Dec. 1914; Sergt., May 1915; C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France, July 19 16, 7th Fd. Coy., c.e.; 7th Bn., ce., Capt., May 19 18; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hopkins, Edward Stanley; b.s.a. 191 i. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available). ROLL OF SERVICE 315 Hopkins, Harold Rodney; Applied Science 1917; c.o.x.c. 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; r.f.c, Cadet, Feb. 1918; r.a.f., 207th Sqdn., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; Lieut., Jan. 1919. Hopkins, Herbert Everett; University Coll. 1914, Medicine 1920 (1921); 2nd Regt.; 84th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 169th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; [109th Regt., Lieut. France, Nov. 1917, 20th Bn., Lieut.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; Pass- chendaele, Arras, Amiens; Returned to complete course Nov. 1918; R.o., Capt. Hopkins, Lester William; University Coll. 1916; 45th Regt., Lieut.; c.o.x.c' 39th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1914; Capt., May X915; France, Feb. 1916, 21st Bn.; St. Eloi; R.F.C, 35th Sqdn.; A/Flt. Cmdr., Aug. 1917; Fit. Cmdr., Oct. 1917; Vimy, Passchendaele, Cambrai sees.; r.a.f., Capt., Instr., England. Hopkins, Robert Holmes; b.a.sc 1907, Staff; 45th Regt., Lieut., att. c.o.t.c. 39th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Injured Jan. 30, 1916; France, Nov. 19 17, 2nd Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches Feb. 19 17, Nov. 1918. Horning, John Henry; b.a. Victoria 1915, Education 19 16 (1920); c.o.x.c, Cpl. o/s. draft, c.o.x.c, Jan. 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., July 1917; France, Feb. 19 16, 96th Bde., r.f.a.; 21st Div. t.m. Bty., June 19 16; Armentieres, Somme; Salonica, Sept. 1916, 57th Bde., r.f.a.; Battle of Junkoj; Palestine, Nov. 1917, 67th Bde.; 3rd battle of Gaza, Jerusalem, Mt. Ephraim (Mar. 1918), Sharon (Oct. 1918); Wounded, Fricourt, July i, 1916; Injured, Struma Ri\er, Feb. 1917. Hoskin, Hugh Alexander; d.d.s. 1904. c.A.D.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; C|linic, St. Martin's Plain; i/c clinic, London, Apl. 1918; i/'c clinic, Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Sept. 1919. Hosking, Richard Sandfield; Victoria 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.x.c. C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy.; Vimy, Lens; Invalided Sept. 1917; c.f.a.. Cadet, Aug. 1918. Hoss.\CK, James Eric; University Coll. 1921 (1923); c.o.x.c. u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Gen. List, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. HoxcHKiss, Thomas Finl.\y; Veterinary Coll. 1912-15. c.A.v.c, Lieut., May 1915; r.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1915, att. io8th Bde., R.F.A.; Loos, Ypres sec, Kemmel; Invalided Apl. 1916; Discharged Oct. 1917. HousxoN, Frank Bowell; University Coll. 1918 (1923). 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Sgr. ; Mcssines sec, Kemmel, St. Eloi, Ypres (19 16), Somme; Wounded, Rcgina Trench, Oct. 8, 1916; Discharged Feb. 1918; Mil. Medal, Regina Trench, Oct. 8, 1916; De- spatches, Apl. 1916, Jan. 19 17. HousxoN, Eraser Charles Alfred; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.x.c, Scrgt. 20ist Bn., Coy. Sergt. -Major, Feb. 1916; 170th Bn.; 169th Bn., Dec. 1916; Ii6th I'n., Dec. 1916; L-Sergt., Feb. 1917; France, Feb. 1917, 116th Rn., Sergt.; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens; Wounded, Avion, July 23, 1917, and Mericourt, Sept. 16, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918; d.c.m.. Avion, July 23, 1917. HousxoN, William John; Education 1914; c.s.c.i., Lieut. 20ist Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 170th Bn., Oct. 1916; i6()th Bn., .\pl. 1917; France, leb. 1918, 44th Bn.; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 191H; Khaki Univ., Ripon, Secty. and Regstr., 1919. 3i6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HowARP, Roger Sharples William; b.a. Trinity 1894, m.a. 1904. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. i86th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Discharged May 1917. Howard, Vaughan Maclean; Trinity 1917; c.o.t.c. i66th Bn., Lieut., Capt., July 1916; R.F.c, Apl. 1917; Wounded; (Further details not available) . IIowARP, William Richard; b.a. Trinity 19 16; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; L-Cpl.; 255th Bn., Sergt., Dec. 1916; 1st C.O.R., Instr.; c.a.d.c, r.s.m., Nov. 1917. Howell, Edwin; University Coll. 19 17; c.o.t.c, Sergt., Lieut. 139th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, 75th Bn.; La Coulotte, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant; Wounded, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918; M.C., Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Howell, Howard Daniel; b.a. Victoria 19 15; c.o.t.c. 20ist Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Can. For. Bn., Qr.Mr.; o/s.; C.F.c, Chudleigh. HowTLL, James Harrison; b.a. University Coll. 1913, m.a. 1914, m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Sergt.; Returned to complete course Jan. 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2', Lieut., Nov. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; France, Jan. 1918; Capt., May 1918. Howes, Elmer Andrew; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 19 16, 30th Bty. ; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 19, 1917. HowEY, Richard; m.b. 1898, m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p. (Lond.). c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1916; Med. Bd., London; France, Sept. 1917, att. Can. For. Cps., No. 5 Distr., Vosges Mts.; Sr. m.o. No. 6 Distr. and o.c. La Joux Hosp., Champagnole, Jura, Oct. 1918. HowEY, William; b.a. Victoria 19 10; 31st Regt., Col. -Sergt. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl., Feb. 1916; Cpl., Mar. 1916; Sergt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1916, Can. Cps. Cable Sec, Spr.; 'c. D. ' Cable sec; 'c.A. ' Cable Sec; Injured Sept. 1916; att. Can. Cps. Wireless Sec, Jan. 1918; 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., July 1918; St. Omer, Somme (1916); Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Valenciennes. Howitt, John Ranson; m.b. 1915, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Pte., Feb. 1915; Sergt.; r. a. m.c, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., 1916; St. George's Hosp., Malta; m.o. i/4th King's Own Scottish Borderers, e.e.f.; M.o. i/ioth London Regt.; Egypt, Sinai, Palestine, Syria. HowiTT, Maurice Hamilton; b.s.a. 1913. 102nd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; c.a.m.c, att. 102nd Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; 102nd Bn.,Feb. 1918; L-Cpl., Sept. 1918; Khaki Univ., A/Sergt. Instr.; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Cambrai, Oct. 1918. Howlant), Goldwin William; b.a. University Coll. 1897, m.b. 1900. C.A.M.C, Capt., 1914; Base Hosp., m.d. 2, 1915; Major, 1917; Neurologist, Hosps., M.D. 2, Dec. 1917. HowLETT, Thomas Floyd; Applied Science 1913. 6th Fd. Coy., ce., Spr., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Jan. 1916; 2nd Cpl., Sept. 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; r.f.c, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut., July 1917; Instr.; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Injured Mar. 26, 1918. HowsON, Christopher; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905; c.a.m.c c.a.m.c, m.o. 63rd Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, July 1916; att. Can. m.g. Depot, Crowborough, Nov. 1916; France, July 1917, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb., July 1917; att. No. 22 ROLL OF SERVICE 317 ImpL C.C.S., Bruay, Aug.-Sept. 1917; t/m.o. 14th Bn., Oct. -Nov. 1917; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Amiens; Injured, Arras, May 25, 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. HowsoN, George William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 126th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; Ii6th Bn., L-Cpl.; France, Feb. 1917; att. Can. Cps. Dental Labty., Sept. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70; Mil. Medal, Avion, July 23, 1917; Discharged Nov. 1918. HowsoN, John Howard; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. 198th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1917; Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 20th Northumberland Fus.; att. 34th Div., Traffic Offr. ; 9th Northumberland Fus., May 1918; att. 259th Prisoner Coy., Oct. 1918; Ypres (1917), Ervillers, Armen- tieres, Merville; Gassed Aug. 24, 1918. Hoy, Charles Norman; phm.b. 1896; s. African War. 1st Mtd. Rifles, Natal Carabineers, S. Africa, 19 14- 15; S. African Rebellion and German W. African campaigns; Gibeon (Mar. 1915), Windhuk; 1st Cape Cps., Major, 2nd i/c; German E. Africa, Nov. 1915-Dec. 19 17; Moschi, Morogoro, Rufigi River, Massassi, Hatia; 1st Cape Cps., Lt.-Col., o.C; Egypt, Palestine, Apl. 19 18 — June 19 19; Khebit Tebeit (Sept. 19 18), etc.; Egypt, 19 19; Wounded, Hatia, Sept. 8, 19 17; d.s.o., German E. Africa. HuBBARB, John Philip; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. DiV. Amm. Col.; 1 6th Bty., May 19 17; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. HuBBERT, Sydney; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 71st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1917; Cpl., Sergt.; (Further details not available). HuDGiNs, Patrick Henry; b.v.sc. 1910. U.S. Army, 3rd Div., Capt.; (Further details not available). Hudson, Horace Frederick; b.s.a. 1907; ist c.a.s.c, Sergt. i6th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 19 14; Bdr.; France, Sept. 19 15; Kemmel, Locre, Messines; Injured, Messines, Feb. 13, 1916; Invalided and discharged May 1917. Hudson, Walter Drew; University Coll. 1919. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; 7th Can. Siege Bty., Lieut.; Wounded Apl. 1917; Invalided Oct. 1917. Huestis, Richard Douglas; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c; 34th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Jan. 1916; att. 'c' Bty., r.c.h.a.; France, Jan. [c.F.A., Lieut. 1917, 2nd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70; Gassed, Oct. 12, 1917; Invalided Jan. 1918; 67th, u. of T., Bty., July 1918. Huether, Archibald Leslie; b.a. Victoria 1915, Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c, u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1916; Coy. Sergt.- [Col.-Sergt., Lieut. Major, Mar. 1916; r.n.a.s., f.f.o.. Mar. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut., June 1917; Italy, Sept. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Adriatic; Italian Bronze Mil. Medal for Valour, gaz. Apl. 1919; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Huff, Albert James; b.a.sc. 1912; loist Regt., Lieut. 202nd Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Can. Ry. Tps. Depot; France, Aug. 1917. 6^h '^'i-. Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut.; Cambrai sec, Ypres— Passchendaele, Cambrai sec. (March Kotriat), Aniirns; Gassed, Hermes, Feb. 19 iH; atl. Kinmel Park Camp, Capt. Hughes, Bernaki) 1 Idii.; Applied Science 1917. 6lh Fd. Coy., c.E., Spr., Oct. 19 14; France, Sept. 1915; Kcmmcl; Invalided Jan. 1916; Can. War Records, May 191C1; Can. Pay Office, Sept. 1916; c.E. Depot, May 1917; Can. For. Cps., June 1917; Cpl. 3i8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hughes, Chester Arthur; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 47th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Bdr.; 80th Bty.; 54th Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, nth Bty.; Sergt.; Viniy, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 19 17; C.C.D., Bramshott; Can. School of Gunnery, Witley, Instr.; Northern European Ex. F., c.F..-\., Sergt., Sept. 1918; Mil. Medal, Archangel, gaz. Sept. 1919. Hughes, Frederick Nassau; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. C.A.M.C, o.c. Central Mil. Conval. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Oct. 1916; St. Med. Bd., M.D. 2, Dec. 1917. Hughes, John Franklin LuNDY; Forestry 1916; c.o.t.c. o/s. draft, c.o.t.c; 32nd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 3rd Devonshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 2nd Devonshire Regt.; Lieut., Apl. 1918; 9th Devonshire Regt., 1918; Somme, Ypres, etc.; Shell-shocked and wounded, Ypres, Aug. i, 19 17. Hughes, Raymond Lees; b.a. University Cell. 1915; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Cpl.; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; Lieut., July 1918; France, Mar. 1916, 149th Bde., r.f.a., 30th Div.; 150th Army Bde., R.F.A. , Jan. 1917; Instr., Larkhill, Jan. 1918; Somme (Montauban, Tr6nes Wood, Guillemont), Somme (Flers, Guedecourt, Bapaume) ; Arras — Messines, Wytschaete, Ypres (1917), Passchendaele; Wounded, Somme, July 1916. HuGHSON, Hugh McBean; University Coll. 1916, Forestry 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 28, 1916; Can. For. Cps., May 1917; att. Hdqrs., Can. For. Cps., France; Hdqrs. No. 4 Distr., Adjt., Aug. 1917; Capt., Apl. 19 18. HuGiLL, Wilson LaVerne; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c 1st Depot Bn., W.O.R., Pte., May 1918; c.a.d.c, m.d. i, Sergt., June 1918. HuGLi, Edwin Ezr.a. Herman; b.a.sc 1914. 1st Depot Bn., Volunteer Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; 67th, u. of t., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; France, Aug. 1918, 31st Bty.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. HuKiNs, Gordon Roy; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Hume, Alexander Douglas; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c 34th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Oct. 1915; o/s. draft, C.O.T.C, Jan. 1916; 15th Royal Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1916, 2nd Royal Fusrs., 3rd Div.; 4th Royal Fu?rs.; att. 9th t.m. Bty., A/Capt.; 4th Royal Fusrs., A/Capt.; Ancre (Serre), Arras (Monchy-le-Preux), Zonnebeke, ist battle of Cambrai (Bullecourt), March Retreat (1918), (Fontaine-les-Croiselles, Neuville-Vitasse), German Offensive Apl. 1918 (Givenchy, Festubert) ; M.c, gaz. June 1918; Bar to M.c, gaz. July 1918. Hume, Allan Gibson; Applied Science 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c U. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; 213th Bn., Sergt., Nov. 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; Invalided and discharged. Hume, George Sherwood; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; o/s. June 1918; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut. Hume, Guy George; d.d.s. 1897. c.a.d.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., May 1915; Capt.; o/s. Jan. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col.; Returned July 1918; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Hume, Walter Bunting; University Coll. 1913-14. Impl. A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte.; Eg^'pt, Light Armoured Motor Bty., Dr.; Invalided June 1916; Invalided and discharged. ROLL OF SERVICE 319 Humphrey, Fred Emerson; d.d.s. 19 16; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.C., M.D. I, Lieut., Feb. 1917; Capt., Mar. 1918. Humphrey, John Norman; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.c, Lieut., Oct. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; A/Major, 1918; No. 93 Fd. Amb., July 1915; Egypt, Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1916; Somme (1916), Arras (1917), Italy, Oct. 1917, No. 71 Fd. Amb.; Battle of Piave (1918); M.c, Somme, 1916; Bar to M.C., Piave, 1918. Humphreys, Elford Victor; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1918). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; o/s. July 1916; c.A.D.c, Shorncliflfej Pte., Sept. 1916; Sergt., Oct. 1916; Returned and discharged Mar. 1917. Humphreys, Ennis Rutledge; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918, Hunt, John Garnet Wollsely; m.b. 1903; Capt. C.A.M.C., No. I Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France; Major, Jan. 1916; Petrograd; o.c. Anglo-Russian Fd. Hosp., Bukovinia, June 1917; Czernovitz, Austria; Kaminitz- Podolsk, Russia; Retreat from Galicia to Russia; Daraghoie, Roumania; Russian Cross of St. Vladimir, Kaminitz Podolsk, July 1917; Dis- charged Apl. 19 18. Hunt, Joseph William; m.b. 1907; 51st Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.c, Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1917; Major; Ypres sec, Somme, ist and 2nd battles of Cambrai, Somme, St. Quentin; Wounded, St. Quentin, Mar. 24, 1918. Hunter, Albert Clarence; Victoria 1921, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c u.of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 19 18; ist Can. Tank Bn., Pte.; o/s. June 19 18; Cpl. Hunter, Alfred Howard; b.v.sc 19 14; c.f.a., Lieut.; c.a.v.c C.A.v.c, att. 4th Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 19 14; Capt., July 19 15; France, Sept. 1915; att. 2nd Can. Div. Train, Sept. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens; Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre, Aug. 19 17; att. Hdqrs. No. 5 Distr., Can. For. Cps., May 1918; Gen. Base Depot, Oct. 1918. Hunter, Alfred Taylour; University Coll. 1889, ll.r. 1890; 12th Regt., Major, 2nd 4th Bn., Major, Aug. 1914; France, Apl. 1915, 1st Bn.; 4th Bn.; [i/c. 2nd Bde., m.d. 2, Bde. Major; p.p.cl.i. ; Ypres, Festubert, Vimy; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 24, 19 15; 12th Res. Bn.; Invalided Oct. 19 17; 12th Regt., Lt. -Col. i/c. Hunter, Andrew; m.a., b.sc, m.b., ch.b. (Edin.); Staff. C.A.M.c, Labty. Unit, m.d. 2, Capt. Hunter, John Bruce; b.a. Victoria 1911. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 208th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Can. Disch. Depot; France, Mar. 19 18, att. 85th Bn., Major; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Cps. Chaplain, Oct. 1918; Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton, Jan. 1919; Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C, Bourlon W'ood, Sept. 27, 19 18. Hunter, Wujjam Harold; Victoria 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 19 17. Hunter, Wili-Iam Howard; Applied Science 19 17 (b.a.sc, 1920). 220th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; F"rance, Dec. 1917, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; 5th Bn., C.E., May 1918; A/Capt., Capt.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. MURDON, Eli/arktu; M.I)., CM. Trinity 1895. o/s. June 1916; r.a.m.c, Surg. ; Malta, Aug. 1916; Salonica, June 1917; IIosps., Guildford and Woolwich, Sept. 1918-Jan. 1919. Hurlburt, Charles Watson; >i.n. 1910. C.A.M.c, No. II Fd. Amb., Capt., A|)l. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; Invalided Apl. 1917; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1917; i.o.d.e. Can. OfTrs. Hosp., London, Aug. 19 18. 320 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HuRLBLRT, Frederick Hemans; m.b. 1907; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Mesopotamia, May 1916; Kut-el-Amara, Jan. 1917; Returned Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c, Capt., 1918. Hurst, Albert Reginald; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. May 1917; E. Sandling, etc. Husband, Arthur Clifford; Medicine 1919; c.o.t.c. 19th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; c.a.m.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; Impl. Army, Cadet, Nov. 1916; King's Own Yorkshire L.i., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 19 17. Husband, Lester Birely; Applied Science 19 16, (b. a. sc. 1920); c.o.t.c; 13th Regt. 76th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 72nd Bn., July 1916; France, Aug. 1916; [Lieut, Kemmel sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Zonnebeke, Oct. 25, 1917; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Jan. 1918; Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, Estates Br. May 1918; Capt., Jan. 1919; M.C, near Souchez, Mar. i, 1917. Huston, William John Henry; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., June 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Dickebusch, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 18, 1917; CE. T. D., Jan. 1918; A/Cpl., Musk. Instr. Sept. 1918. HusTWiTT, Sydney Arthur; b.a.sc 1914. C.E., Lieut., Sept. 1916; att. r.f.c. Mar. 1917; France, June 1917, 25th and loist Sqdns.; Ypres, Arras, Amiens, Noyon, Cambrai; Prisoner, May 6, 1918. Hutcheson, Frank Wilson; Applied Science 19 14. C.E., Lieut.; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June 1917; Motor Launches (1916), Mine-sweepers (1917), 4th Div. Northern Patrol 1917-18. Hutcheson, Harold Osborne; b.a. Victoria 1912, m.a. 1914. Brit. Y.M.C.A., France, Dec. 1914; att. 17th and 41st Impl. Div.; Ypres sec; Can. Y.M.C.A., England, Capt., Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1918, att. 2nd Can. Inf. Bde. Hutcheson, Walter Beamish; Applied Science 1913. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 19 16; r.f.c, Aug. 19 16; 39th Defence Sqdn., London, Dec. 1916; France, June 1917, 57th Sqdn.; Ypres; Prisoner, Aug. 21, 1917. Hutchings, William; Applied Science 1914, (b.a.sc 1918). 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; France; Invalided Feb. 1917; (Further details not available). Hutchinson, Edgar Duncan; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, t. d., m.d. I, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. May 1917; T. d., Westenhanger; 1st C.C.D.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp.; Capt., Jan. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp. Hutchinson, George Ockley; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899. C.A.M.C, Halifax Mil. Hosp., Lieut., Jan. 1916; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; France, June 1916, No. 9 Gen. Hosp.; No. 10 Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 and No. 5 Fd. Amb. Flotilla; i/2nd East Lane. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 42nd m.g. Bn.; Flanders front, 1916-18. Hutchison, Frederick Lorne; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c, Cpl. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; L-Cpl., Apl. 1917; Cpl., Sept. 1917; R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., June 1918; 240th Patrol Sqdn., Calshott base, July 1917; Dundee base, Nov. 1918; Anti-submarine patrol, Portsmouth and East Coast Commands. Hutchison, Thomas Harry; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1918); c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, m.d. I, Pte., Sept. 1915; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1916; att. Bushey Park Can. Hosp., Hampton Hill; Returned and discharged Sent. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE HuTTOX, OsMAN AUSTIN; B.A. University Coll. 1920. C.E., M.D. I, Spr., IVIay 1918; C.A.M.C., M.D. 2. HuTTON, Robert Lyle; m.b. 1906, f.r.c.s. (Ed.)- R.A.M.C., Lieut., June 1915; Capt., June 1916; Mediterranean, July 1915; Suvla Bay; Hosp. Transports, Mediterranean; Discharged June 1918. HuTTOK, Thomas Oswald; m.b. 1907. R.A.M.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1915, No. 68 Fd. Amb.; Somme; Salonica, Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, No. 49 c.c.s.; Invalided Nov. 1916; Beaufort War Hosp., Bristol, July 1917-Dec. 1918. HuTTON, William Lawrence; m.b. 191 i; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.o.R.Can.Regt., Lieut., Aug. 19 14; Capt., Sept. 19 14; France, Oct. 1915, M.o.R.Can.Regt.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; c.a.m.c. Depot, Shorn- cliffe, Major, 2nd i/c; France, June 1918, No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb., 2nd i/c; Ypres, Somme, Lens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 1916; Men- tioned, Services, Mar. 19 18. HuYCKE, Francis Garr.\tt; Applied Science 19 19; c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., Oct. 1917; h.m.m.l. 15; i/c h.m.m.l. 13, Jan. 19 19; Mine-sweeping, Harwich base. HuvcKE, George Meredith; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1918); c.o.t.c. 33rd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., May 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 2nd Bty.; Capt., Dec. 1916; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 8, 19 17; Discharged Sept. 19 18. HuYCKE, Wilfrid Field; b.a. Victoria 19 13. 59th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; A/Adjt.; 39th Bn.; France, July 1916, i8th Bn.; 19th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Hyde. Russell George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 129th Bn., Pte., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; L-Cpl.; C.a.d.c, Pte., Dec. 1916; Sergt. Hynes, Arthur Robert; d.d.s. 19 12. C.a.d.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). Hyslop, Herman Teleor; Veterinary Coll. 1910-12. r.a.v.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; Gallipoli, Apl. 1915, att. 29th Div. Train Hdqrs. and 86th Inf. Bde.; Egypt, Jan. 1916; Suez; France, Mar. 1916; att. 147th Bde., r.f.a., Apl. 19 16; Injured Aug. 28, 19 16; Invalided; France, Dec. 19 17, att. 8th Cps. Hdqrs.; att. 72nd Bde., r.f.a., Oct. 19 18; Somme, Ypres, Vimy, Cambrai, Belgium (1918). Iler, Stanley Burrett; Applied Science 1908, Diploma; 15th Rcgt., Lieut. C.E., Lieut., Oct. 1915; 4th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916; c.e. t. d., Seaford, Dec. 1917; c.s.m.e., Asst. Instr., May 1918; Capt., June 1918; France, July 1918, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, gaz. Jan. 19 18. Imrie, Cyril Gray; m.b. (Western Univ.); Staflf. c.a.m.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; o/s. May 1915; att. London Hosp., Whitechapcl, July 1915; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Major, Feb. 1918; St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Nov. 1918. Inch, Robert I'ortune; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c; 91st Rcgt., Lieut. 86th Bn., Lieut., .Sept. 1915; Capt., May 1916; Can. m.g. Depot, Crowborough. Major, July 1916; France, Nov. 1917, ist Motor m.g. Bde., Lieut.; Capt., Mar, 1918; Vimy sec, Somme (Mar. 1918), Amiens, Drocourt-Queant— Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 10, 1918; m.c, Somme, Mar. 24, 1918. — 24 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Ingersoll, Leslie Hall; Applied Science 19 17. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., 1917; (Further details not available). Ingham, Bruce Everett; b.a. University Coll. 1911, Education 1912, m.a. 1915; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1916; r.e., Signals, Sec. Lieut., [c.o.t.c. Jan. 1918; France, June 1918, 50th Div. Sig. Coy.; Curlu, Mt. St. Quentin, Cambrai, Le Cateau, Mormal Forest. Ingles, Charles James; Applied Science 1904; 44th Regt., Capt., Adjt. Welland Guard, Adjt., Aug. 1914; 98th Bn., Major, Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1917, 20th Bn.; Adjt., Mar. 1917-July 1918; 2nd i/c, Sept. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendacle, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; o.c. 20th Bn., Dec. 1918; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 27, 1918; D.s.o., Arras, Aug. 26-27, 1918; Despatches July 1919. Ingram, Alfred Ernest Winnington; Trinity 1915. 7th C.M.R., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs. ; r.g.a., 177th Siege Bty., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; Hooge, Vimy, Somme, Messines. Ingram, Robert; m.b. 1903. r.a.m.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). I NNis, Percy Cameron; University Coll. 1919 (1923); c.o.t.c. R.N.C.V.R., w/t Jan. 1917; Convoy duty, Milford Haven base; Wounded, off Belgian Coast, June 1917; d.s.c. June 1918. Ireland, Guy O'Neil; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. c.a.m.c, Capt., Mar. 1917; o/s. May 1917; Conval. Hosp., Woodcote Park, Aug. 1917-Mar. 1919. Ireton, Henry John Cunningham; b.a. University Coll. 1916, m.a. 1917. R.N.C.V.R., h.m.c.s. 'Stadacona', Mate, June 1917; Transf., Admiralty Staff, Dept. of Torpedoes and Mines, Anti-submarine Defence, Dec. 19 17; Dept. of Research and Experiments, Admiralty Phys. Labty. Ironside, George Albert; b.a. sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 55th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr,, Mar. 1916; Bdr., Mar. 1916; Sergt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Arras, Lens, Hill 70; Gassed, Lens, Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Sergt., Aug. 1918; Can. Air Force, Dec. 1918. Irvin, Wilfrid Fri\nklin; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1917; 2nd E.o.R.; Discharged Jan. 1918. Irvine, Duncan Robert; b.s.a. 1914. 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; Bdr., May 1917; Cpl., Nov. 1917; Sergt., June 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Passchendacle, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Lievin, May 10, 1918. Irvine, Eldon Coulter; b.a. Victoria 1903, m.a. 1904; 53rd Regt., Lieut. 117th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; o/s. Aug. 1916; Staff, Bde. Sig. School, Seaford; 23rd Res. Bn., Jan. 1917; Bde. Sig. School, Shoreham; Div. Sig. School, Bram- shott, Instr. ; Khaki Univ., Instr.; Returned Feb. 19 18; Valcartier; Discharged Aug. 1918. Irvine, Harold John; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Feb. 19 16; C.A.M.C, M.o. Fort Vigie, St. Lucia, B.W.I., Lieut., July 1917; Capt., May 1918. Irvine, Lancelot Carlton; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 117th Bn., Pte.; France, Sept. 1917, 14th Bn.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Gassed, Douai, Oct. 11, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 323 Irving, Lewis Erskixe Wentworth; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900; c.f.a., Major; d.s.o., 15th Bty., C.F.A. , Major, Dec. 1914; o/s.; c.a.m.c, Woodcote Park [S. Africa. Hosp., O.C.; Lt.-Col.; a.d.m.s., m.d. 2, Col.; Mentioned, Services, 1917 and Sept. 1918. Irwin, Arthur Lonson; Applied Science 1921. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Mar. 1918; Bdr., June 1918; o/s. Irwin, Hyndman; b.a.sc. 1910; 14th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., July 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 17th Bty.; 5th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Dec. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Monchy, Drocourt-Queant; Gassed Aug. 29, 1917, and Drocourt- . Queant, Sept. 13, 1918. Irwin, James Earle; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Sanc- tuary Wood, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 1916; c.a.d.c, Pte., Sept. 1918; Sergt., June 1919; Returned Oct. 1918. Irwin, John Robert; m.b. 1902. r.a.m.C, Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Oct. 1915, Xo. 16 Gen. Hosp., Le Treport; No. 19 Fd. Amb., 33rd Div., Nov. 1916; m.o. 2nd Worcester Regt., May 1916; Cuinchy-Givenchy sec. (1915-16), Somme (1916), Coucy Forest (1917); c.a.m.c, St. Med. Bd., Folkestone, Capt., Aug. 1916; No. 9 Can. Sta. Hosp., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, att. Can. For. Cps.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 47 Impl. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1918; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918; i/c Surgery, Sask. Mil. Hosp., Moose Jaw; M.c, Cuinchy, June 28, 1916. Irwin, Joseph Thomas; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 19 18, (d.d.s. 1.920). c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; Sergt.; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Returned and discharged Nov. 19 18. Irwin, Robert Joseph; Victoria 19 18 (1920); c.o.t.c 227th Bn., Pte., May 1916; L-Cpl., July 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1916; Can. Chaplain Svce., Oct. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; att. Res. Bn.; London Area; Can. Ry. Tps., Purfleet, Apl. 1918; France, June 1918, Can. g.h.q., 3rd Echelon; Can. For. Cps., Dec. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1919. Irwin, Thomas Arnold; Trinity and University Coll. 1917 (Trinity 1920); 91st Regt., I20th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, May 1917, ii6th Bn.; 9th Can. [Lieut. Inf. Bde., Sept. 19 18; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 1917; M.c, Cambrai, Sept. 27 - Oct. i, 1918; French Croi.\ de Guerre, Damery, Aug. 13, 1918. Irwin, Wilfred James Hunter; University Coll. 1919, (ba. 1920); c.o.t.c, Lieut. Atlantic Tpt. Svce., w/t. Mar. 1917; r.n.a.s., Oct. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; A/Capt., Oct. 1918; 241st Sqdn., Anti-sub- marine sea patrol, s.e. Coast and Channel; 243rd Sqdn., French coastal patrol, Cherbourg — Calais; Injured, Venc'6mc, Dec. 27, 1917; Wounded, near Dieppe, Sept. 5, 1918. Ives, Raymond Ellsworth; Victoria 1916, Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 48th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 19 16; Bdr., Cpl.; 8ist Bty., Sergt.; France, Mar. 19 1 7, 13th Bty.; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens, Arras; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Ives, Victor Earl; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; A/Cpl., Aug. 1918; Sergt., Sept. 1918. 324 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Jackes, Hervey Lee; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 C.C.S., Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Mar. 1915; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Sept. 19 15, No. 13 Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. c.c.s. ; Major, 1916; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1916; Ypres, Lens, Vimy; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 19 17; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 19 18. Jacksox Alan Bart; m.b. 19 16; 39th Regt., Lieut.; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 2 c.c.s. , Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Staff Sergt., May 1915; Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; c.a.m.c, t. d., m.d. 2, Capt., May 1916; o/s.; Can. Hosp., Etchinghill, Mar. 1917. Jackson, Charles Willl\m Henry; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 75th Bty., c.F. A., Lieut.; o/s.; (Fu'ther details not available). Jackson, Franklin Chavette; Applied Science 1901, Diploma. 257th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; 4th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Ypres, Peronne, Amiens, Villers-Bretonneux, Queant, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Marquion, Sept. 27, 1918. Jackson, George Hamilton; b.s.a. 19 16. 56th Bty., c.F. A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; Injured; Discharged Mar. 1917. Jackson, Gilbert Edward; b.a. (Cantab.), Staff. R. West Kent Regt., Pte., Jan. 1916; Mesopotamia, Oct. 1916, 2nd R. West Kent Regt.; India; 6th Loyal North Lancashire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918. J.\ckson, Gordon Burgess; University Coll., b.a. Trinity 1912, ll.b. 1915. R.N.C.V.R., Seaman, Nov. 1916; Mate, June 1917; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1917; Lieut., Jan. 1918; Mine-sweeping and Escort duty, Portsmouth base; i/c, R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Hdqrs. Devonport, Nov. 1917. Jackson, Gordon Park; m.b. 1908; S. African War, 2nd c.m.r., Tpr. C.A.M.C, T. D., m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1918; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 19 18. Jackson, Harry; d.d.s. 1898. C. A. d.c, Lieut., May 19 15; o/s. June 19 15; Capt.; att. Can. For. Cps. ; France, Sept. 1917; Meritorious Service Medal, June 3, 1919. Jackson, John Allan; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c Sub-Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt. Instr., Apl. 1916; c.s.M. Jackson, John Sandfield; Education 1911. C.A.M.C, No. 3 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1916; France, No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb.; (Further details not available). Jackson, Kenneth Bell; b.a.sc 1916, (Staff). 49th Bty., c.F. A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 84th Bty., Bdr.; France, Mar. 1917, 2nd Hwr. Bty., Gnr.; Can. Cps. Survey Sec, Draftsman, May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Can. War Narrative Sec, Mapping Dept., Jan. 1919. Jackson, Lloyd Creighton; Education 1918. R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., w/t Operator, Sept. 1918. Jackson, William Albert; b.a. University Coll. 1917, Education 1918 (1920). u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., Sergt., Instr., Nov. 1918. James, Arthur Brown; m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Sept. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Can. Spec. Hosp., Etchinghill; France, Oct. 1918, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 4 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; Invalided Dec. 1918; A/Major. James, Norman Valentine; b.v.sc 1909. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt.; France, May 1915, Vety. Hosp. and Conval. Horse Depot; att. 187th Bde., r.f.a., 41st Div.; Indian Vety. Hosp., Marseilles; ROLL OF SERVICE att. 28th Bde., r.f.a. (Flying Column), Jan. 1918; Somme, Ypres (1916-17), Wytschaete, Messines, March Retreat, Kemmel, Armentieres; Gassed, Wyts- chaete, June 1917; Wounded, Armentieres, May 30, 1918, and Nov. 11, 1918; French Legion d'Honneur and Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Feb. 1919; Belgian Ordre de Leopold, Chevalier, and Croix de Guerre avec Palme, Feb. 1919; Mentioned three times. James, Richard Thomas; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; att. 22nd Res. Park, r.a.s.c; att. 98th Bde., r.f.a., June 1915; France, July 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Doiran sec; Invalided Jan. 1917; London Div. Vety. Hosp., England, June 1917; France, Sept. 1917, att. 87th Bde., r.f.a., 19th Div.; Somme, Messines, etc. James, Stewart McKee; d.d.s. 1918 (1917); c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1917; Capt.; o/s. Feb. 1918; att. Bramshott, Ripon. James, Wilfred Crossen; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c.; g.g.b.g., Lieut. 124th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Toronto Mobn. Centre, July 1916; ist Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Jameson-, Thomas Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c, Sergt. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt.; Lieut., Mar. 1917; ist Can. Tank Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Jamieson, Archibald Eldon; d.d.s. Trinity 1904. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; att. 9th Res. Bn.; France, Mar. 1918; att. Can. Ry. Tps.; Flanders, Somme. Jamieson, Edgar Archibald; Applied Science 1910, Diploma. 6th D.C.O.R., Lieut., Oct. 1915; Staff, Master Gen. of Ordnance; o/s. Apl. 1917; Inspector of Guns and Steel. Jamieson, Ernest Fletcher; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Seaford; Capt.; France, Nov. 19 17, No. 2 Can. c.c.s.; Ypres sec. Jamieson, Harold W.; Education 19 17; c.o.t.c Enl. May 1917; France, 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; (Further details rot available). Jamieson, Ross Alexander, b.a. Trinity 1906, m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Brit. Mod. Research Comm., Hampstcad Mil. Hosp., Apl. 1917; Mil. Heart Hosp., Colchester; France, Nov. 19 18, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp. Jamieson, William George; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, T. D., M.D. I, Lieut., Jan. 1917; m.d. 2, Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Westenhanger, May 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., July 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Aug. 1918; Feronne, Le Cateau, Maubeuge; Med. Bds., Witley and Bramshott. Janes, Robert Merrideth; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, t. d., m.d. 2, Capt., Sept. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; No. 2 Mob. Lably., Folkestone; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton, Jan. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Mil. Hosp., Epsom and No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1919. Janson, James Theodore; b.sc (London), Staff 1912-13. 7th King's Own ^■orkshirl■ 1..1., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1914; Lieut., Nov. 1914; Capt., Dec. 1914; France, Jul\ 1915; Major, May 1916; A/Lt.-Col., Oct. 1917; 22nd Northumberland P'usiliers (3rd Tyneside Scottish), A/Lt.-Col., o.c, Apl. 1918; Armentieres (Aug. 1915), Ypres (Jan. 1916), Somme, Havrincourt Wood (Mar.- June 1917), Passchendaele, Cambrai (Oct. -Nov. 1917), Ypres sec, St. Quentin — 326 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Amiens (Mar. 1918), La Bassee sec, Scheldt — Antoing (Oct. -Nov. 1918); d.s.o., June 3, 1917; Bar to d.s.o., Cambrai, Nov. 30, 1917; Despatches, Jan. 1917, June 1917, Nov. 1917, June 1919. Jaques, John; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; 39th Regt., r.s.m. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Mar. 1916;- Capt., Mar. 1917; Salonica, June 1916; Egypt, July 1916; Palestine, 1916-18; 54th Div., 53rd Div., 74th Div.; Australian Light Horse; Romina, Gaza, Hebron, Jerusalem, Haifa, Jordan, etc. Jardine, Garnet Raymond; Applied Science 1909. 5th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr.; (Further details not available). Jefferv, Charles Chantler; Applied Science 1910, (Diploma 1920). 1st Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Capt., May 1918; 5th Bn., C.E., July 1918; Armentieres — St. Eloi — -Ypres, Vimy (Jan. 1918), Amiens — Mons. Jeffrey, Andrew Murr.\y; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 14 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., 1916; France, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 1st Bn., C.E. Jeffrey, Edward Shapter; m.b. 1914; c.a.m.c. No. 10 Fd. Amb., Staff Sergt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Stat? Sergt., Sept. 1915; Lieut.; Capt., Jan. 1915; France, Apl. 1915, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Aug. 1915; Major, Feb. 1917; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb., June 19 17; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Aug. 1917; D.A.D.M.S., Canadians, London, May 1918; Messlnes sec, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; M.C., Vimy, Apl. 19 17. Jeffrey, Hugh Gilbert Stirling; Education 191 1, University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1919); 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1916; Bdr.; 12th Can. Siege [c.o.t.c Bty., July 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 3rd Siege Bty., C.G.A.; 3rd Can. Hvy. Bty., Oct. 1918; Passchendaele, Lens sec; Injured, Lievin, Mar. 15, 1918. Jeffs, Eulalie Lillian Mary (Mrs.); b.a. Victoria 1918. Clearing Svces. Cmd., Quebec, Dietitian, Oct. 1918-1919. Jeffs, George Douglas; b.a. Victoria 1914, m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., Feb. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; h.m. Amb. Tpt. 'Araguaya', Sept. 1917-Mar. 1919; Capt., Dec 1917. Jeffs, Howard Brown; Victoria 1912, m.b. 1914; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Lieut. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Apl. 1915, M.O. 5th Bn.; M.o. 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; h.m. Amb. Tpts. 'Letitia' and 'Araguaya'; d.a.d.m.s.. Embarkation, Clearing Svces. Cmd.; a.d.m.s., Emb., CI. Svces. Cmd.; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 6 and Sept. 7, 1916; m.c, Nov. 1916; Despatches Apl. 1916; Mentioned, Services, Oct. 19 17, Mar. 19 18. Jenkins, Charles Frederick; Applied Science 1919 (1920); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy.; Vladi- vostok, Jan. 19 19. Jenkins, James Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1913, Education 1915; 12th Regt., 127th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. [Lieut. Tps.; Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele, Somme (1918); Transfd., Admiralty Anti- submarine svce. Jenkins, Walter Scott; University Coll. 19 17; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1917; A/Capt., Oct. 1917; Mesopotamia, July 1917, 384th Siege Bty.; Diyala sec. — Kifri, Kerbook, etc.; Despatches, Diyala, Dec. 19 17. Jennings, Frederick Cecil; Education 1909, Victoria 1918. 153rd Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Major, Sept. 1916; Invalided Apl. 1917; Dis- charged June 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 327 Jessop, Harold Herschel; Applied Science 1912. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, etc. Jewell, Ross Moore; University Coll. 1918, Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Marvel'. Jewitt, Ernest William; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920). C.A.M.c, T. D., M.D. I, Pte., Oct. 1915; France, June 1916, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; att. 7th Can. M.G. Coy., Feb. 1917; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., Mar. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Jewitt, George Gladstone; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.c, t. d., M.D. I, Pte., Oct. 1915; c.A.D.c, Apl. 1916; Can. Res. Art., July 1916; France, Mar. 1917, ist Can. Hvy. Bty., Gnr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 3, 1917; Returned Oct. 1918. Jewitt, Oliver Victor; b.a. Victoria 1910, Education 1912; 24th Regt., Capt. 33rd Bn., Capt., Feb. 1915; Major; France, June 1916, ist Bn., Capt.; Major; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Returned and discharged May 1917. Johnson, Archie Laughton; d.d.s. 1908; 6oth Regt., Lieut. 68th Bn., Capt., July 1915; 128th Bn., A/Adjt.; 229th Bn., Major, 2nd i/c; o/s. Apl. 1917; C.A.D.c, Hdqrs., Bramshott, May 1917; 3rd Can. CD. Clinic, Seaford; C.E., Clinic, Seaford. Johnson, Arthur Jukes; b.a. Trinity 1910. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Sept. 1914; r.a.s.c, 4th Coy., 12th Div. Train, Sec. Lieut.; Lieut.; Capt.; France, Apl. 1915; r.f.a., 'c' Bty., 62nd Bde., Lieut., Jan. 1917; 'd' Bty., Capt.; 62nd Bde., Adjt.; Loos, Somme, Arras (Apl. 1917), Cambrai (Nov. 1917), March Retreat, Montdidier, Amiens, etc.; Wounded May 1918; French Croix de Guerre, July 24, 1918. Johnson, Elton Main; University Coll. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c; 91st Regt., Lieut. 1st Depot Bn., 2nd CO.R., Lieut., Oct. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1918; r.g. a. ,211th Bty., Gnr.; Cadet; Gen. List, Sec. Lieut.; France, Can. Hdqrs. Records Off., 1919. Johnson, Frederick MacNab; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; Staff Sergt.; Regtl. Sergt.- Major; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Returned to complete course June 1916; C.A.M.C, Lieut., Jan. 1917; att. r.f.c; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb.; Capt., Mar. 1917; France, No. 51 Brit. Fd. Amb., 17th Div.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 2nd Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Mons; m.c. Canal du Nord, Sept. 27-28, 1918. Johnson, Gordon Ross; b.a.sc 1913. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Apl. 1915; France, June 1915; R.E., 177th Coy., Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; Lieut.; Capt.; M.c, Feb. 19 18. Johnson, Harold Alexander; Applied Science 1908. 86th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; c.q.m.s.; Can. M.o. Cps., Lieut.; France, Nov. 1916, 9th Can. M.G. Coy.; Vimy, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 13, 1917; Can. M.G. Depot, Seaford, Instr., Works Offr. Johnson, Joseph Harvey; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Jan. 1917; Fit. Lieut.; France, Jan. 1918, 7th Sqdn.; R.A.F., 207th Sqdn.; Night bombing, Bruges, Oslcnd, etc., Dunkcrque base, Jaii.-.\i)!.; Amiens, June-Sept. 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Johnson, Kenneth Malcolm; d.d.s. 1913. c.A.D.c, Capt., Aug. 1917; i/c Clinic, Tuxedo Hosp., Winnij^eg; o/s. June 1918. Johnson, Sydney Munnings; b.a.sc 1895. Iioth Bn., Capt.; (Further details not available). 328 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Johnston, Alexander Pelan; Victoria 1917; 36th Regt. 20th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 19 15; Sergt. -Major, Oct. 1916; Lieut., Mar. 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Mons; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 19181 and Mons, Nov. 10, 19 18; M.C., Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Johnston, Arthur Harold; Victoria 1917-18 (1919-20). Enl., Pte., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; att. y.m.c.a., Feb. 1919. Johnston, Ashley Cornell Cooper; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903, f.t.m.c. c.a.m.c, m.o. 50th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Major, Apl. 1919; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Johnston, Bertr.\m Kirkpatrick; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., Bdr.; Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Lieut.; att. Polish Force, Niagara; 65th Bty.; .\.D.C. to Chief of British Mission to Roumania, Capt.; Roumania, Dec. 1917; Roumanian, Hungarian, and Russian fronts; Star of Roumania, Chevalier. Johnston, Clarence Elmor; Trinity, b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1913. 4th Univ. Coy., P.P.C.L.I., Pte., Sept. 1915; 124th Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, Lens, Ypres; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Wounded June 15, 1917, Oct. 23, 1917. Johnston, Douglas Butterworth; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Jan. 1918; R.A.F., Lieut.; France, Aug. 1918, 25th Sqdn. Johnston, Edward Pardee; University Coll. 1918; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 41st Bty., Adjt.; 12th Bde., c.f.a., Capt. and Adjt.; 67th, u. of T., Bty., Capt.; r.g.a., 418th Siege Bty., O.C; Eg>'pt, Aug. 1917; Palestine; 245th Siege Bty.; France, May 1918; Major, Aug. 1918; Gaza — ^Jerusalem; Amiens (att. Australian Cps.), Ypres — -Flanders Advance. Johnston, Ernest Wilmot; Applied Science 19 17, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 54th Bty., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 4th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Nov. 1917; France, Oct. 1918. Johnston, Frederic Van Dolson; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c C.M.R., Lieut.; R. Can. Dragoons; France; (Further details not available). Johnston, George Arthur; b.a. University Coll. 1914; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 82nd Hwr. Bty.; 2nd Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70; Gassed, near Lens, Aug. 17, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Johnston, George William Frederick; Applied Science 19 15; c.o.t.c; 23rd Bty., 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; Sergt.; France, Sept. 1918, [c.f.a., Sergt. 27th Bty., Gnr.; Bourlon Wood — Valenciennes, Rombies. Johnston, Grant; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c C.A.D.c, Sergt.; o/s.; att. 14th Res. Bn. Johnston, Henry Freeborn; b.a. Victoria 1910. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; Admiralty, Compass Dept., R.N.V.R., Lieut. Johnston, -Hugh Wellington; m.b. 1907; 98th Regt. C.A.M.C, Capt., July 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; s.M.o. Otterpool; France, Nov. 1917, M.o. 13th Bde., C.F.A.; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb., Oct. 1918; Lens— Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Johnston, James Walter; Applied Science 1921 (1922). Siberian Ex. F., Pte., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Dec 1918. Johnston, John Allen; Trinity 1920. 2nd Depot Bn., m.d. 3, Pte., May 1918; Queens' Univ. Amb. Cps., Oct. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 329 Johnston, John Thomas; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Lens. Johnston, Reginald Archibald Charles; b.sc.f. 1917. R.F.C, Eqpt. Offr., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; Flying Ofifr., Jan. 1918; r.af., Lieut.; France, Aug. 19 18, i8th Sqdn.; Bethune — Arras. Johnston, Robert Bland; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 2nd Regt., Lieut. i66th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; Major; France, Mar. 1918, ist c.m.r., Capt.; Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, etc. Johnston, Robert Edison; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. 20ist Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; c.a.d.c, Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; Discharged Dec. 1917. Johnston, Robert Edmuntd; m.b. 1910. R.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., June 1916; No. 104 Fd. Amb.; Egypt, Nov. 1915; Suez Canal; France, July 1916, m.o. 31st Divl. r.e.; Soninie, Bethune, Thiepval, Arras (Apl. 1917); Wounded, Neuve Chapelle, Nov. 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1918. Johnston, Samuel Hudson; Applied Science 19 18; c.o.t.c. 91st Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 19th Bn.; Capt., Apl. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded May 8, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1917. Johnston, Stanley Rogers; Victoria 1916 (1921); c.o.t.c. c.a.s.c, m.d. 2, Dr., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 3rd Div. Train; Cadet, May 1917; 78th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Arras— Lens, Amiens; Wounded July 20, 1918; y.m.c.a., Sept. 1918. Johnston, Wilfred Joseph; m.b. 19 16. c.a.m.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; Cpl., Jan. 1915; Sergt., June 1915; Sergt. -Major, Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1915; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres; Wounded, St. Julien, Apl. 23, 1915; Returned to complete course Nov. 1915; c.a.m.c, Lieut., Jan. 1917; Base Hosp., M.d. 2; Capt., Jan. 1918. Johnston, William Ealing; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., May 1917; R.N. Hosp., Haslar, June 1917; h.m.s. 'Cynthia', July 1917; h.m.s. 'Ulster', Mar. 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Johnston, William Victor; b.a. Victoria 1920, (Medicine 1923). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy., Oct. 1918. Johnstone, Benjamin Irvine; Education 1917, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c R.F.C, Cadet; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 27th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Distance bombing Sqdn., Amiens front; Wounded, Busigny, Mar, 24. 1918; Instr., Shrewsbury, Nov. 1918. Johnstone, David Scott; m.b. 1903. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Jan. 1917; France, Aug. 1917-1918. Johnstone, James Ernest Ainsworth; University Coll. 1918 (1922). 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 6th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; 25th Bty.; 2nd Div. Tr. Mortars; Kemmel, Ypres, Somme; Invalided -Sept. 1916; C.C.A.C Ildqrs.; Can. Pay OfT., London; Cpl., Sergt., 1919. Johnstone, Lloyd; Education 1912, (Medicine 1924); c.s.c.i., Lieut. 19th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; Cpl., L-Scrgt.; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec; 6th R. Welsh Fusiliers, Sec. 'Lieut., Jan. 1916; Lieut., A/Capt.; Bde. Musk. OtTr.; France, Apl. 1918, 9th R. Welsh Fus., 19th Div.; Ypres (1918), Marne, La Bass^e — Neuve Chapelle, Cambrai, etc; M.c, Monlrecourt, Oct. 23, 1918. JoLLiFFE, Ernest Howard; h.a. \'ictoria 1903, Education u)o8; c.o.t.c. 20ist Bn., l.ifut., .A])]. 1916; France, Mar. i<)i7, 75th Hn.; 41I1 C.in. Div., Gas Offr., Apl. 1917; c.c.R.C, Gas Offr., Apl. i<)iS; \iin\-, Lens, Passrhendacie, Arras. 330 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Jones, Mrs. A. Chisholm; Library Staff. College Conval. Hosp., m.d. 2, Massage Sister, 1917-18. Jones, Alun Wynn; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 4Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; King of Serbia's R. Household Medal, 1918; Returned and discharged Jan. 1918. Jones, Ch.\rles Durrant; Education 19 15; c.o.t.c. 227th Bn., Pte., June 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 52nd Bn.; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; att. Khaki Univ., A/Sergt., Instr. Jones, Clarence Audley; University Coll. 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., June 1917; North Sea patrol; Injured Jan. 28, 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. Jones, Colston Graham; LTniversity Coll. 1918 (1921), Knox; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Ypres, Somme; Invalided Nov. 1916. Jones, Earl McConnell; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Jones, George Russell; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; r.n. Hosp., Haslar, May 1918; H.M.s. 'Offa', June 1918; Grand Fleet, North Sea, Scapa Flow base; Port Defence Flotilla, Portsmouth; Dogger Bank patrols, Norwegian convoys; 'Sub' screen, u.s. Mine-laying Sqdn. and 4th Battle Sqdn., Grand Fleet. Jones, Gordon Roseburgh; b.a.sc. 1907. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, July 1917; A/Capt., Oct. 1917; Lieut., Nov. 1918. Jones, Jesse Willis; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Wycliffe. Y.M.C.A., Sussex Camp, N.B., Capt.; o/s. Sept. 1916; att. 5th Can. Div. Art.; France, Sept. 1917; Lens sec, Amiens; England, Aug. 1918; Supervisor, Ripon area, Jan. 19 19. Jones, John Powell; Admin. Staff. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1915; 9th Bde., C.F.A., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., May 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Nieppe Forest, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Valenciennes; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 16, 1917 and Aug. 20, 1917; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 25, 1917. Jones, Louis Elgin; b.a. University Coll. 1900, Applied Science 1911, Diploma; 27th i8th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1914; Major, Dec. 1914; France, Sept. [Regt., Capt. 19 15; Lt.-CoL, O.C., May 19 17; Ypres, St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Neuville Vitasse — Mercatel, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 2, 1916; D.S.O., Sept. 1917; Bar to D.s.o., gaz. Jan. 11, 1919; C.M.G., June 3, 1919; Despatches Jan, i. 1918, June 3, 1918, Nov. 8, 1918, July 8, 1919. Jones, Nathaniel Unsworth; University Coll. 19 19, (R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921); 20ist Bn., Pte., 1916; Lieut.; 198th Bn.; (Further details not [c.o.t.c. available). Jones, Newbold CoUrsolles; b.a. Trinity 1898, m.a. 1904, m.d. (McG.) 1902. C.A.M.C, Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; West Cliff Can. Hosp.; France, July 1918, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. No. 48 and No. 46 ccs., No. 3 and No. 4 Can. ccs.; Amiens, Arras; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Witley, Ripon. Jones, Percy Grant; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c. Can. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; 74th Bn.; 38th Bn.; L-Cpl., Nov. 1916; Cpl., May 1917; Can. Ordnance Cps., Oct. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918; Y.M.C.A., Beaver Hut, London, May 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 331 Jones, Reginald Elsdon; Applied Science 1915. C.A.S.C, Can. Cps. Tps. Mech. Tpt., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Cpl.; Ypres (i9i6),Somme,Vimy, Hill yo.Passchendaele, Amiens, Canal du \ord, Alons. Jones, Robert Samuel; b.a. Trinity 19 10. C.A.S.C, Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918; c.a.m.c, A/Sergt.; Khaki Univ. Jones, Russell Draper; Applied Science 1915, (b.a.sc. 1919); c.o.t.c. 234th Bn., Lieut.; Discharged, medically unfit. Jones, Willlam Ewart; m.b. 19 16. c.a.m.c, M.d. 2, Capt., June 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; Risboro' Bks., Jan. 1918; France, Mar. 1918, M.o. 4th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Xo. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. Tank Cps.; att. Cav. Cps. School; No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 3rd Bn.; Amiens, Arras, etc., Mar.-Sept. 1918; Witley, Mar. 1919. Jordan, Graham Albery; m.b. 1920. R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., May 1918; r.n. Hosp., Haslar, June 1918; h.m.s. 'Vanquisher', July 19 18; 20th Flotilla, North Sea. Jordan, Joseph; m.b. 1900. C.A.M.C, M.o. 95th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. May 1916; ist Can. Tr. Bdc., S.M.O., Sept. 1916; 2nd Res. Bde., s.M.o., Jan. 1917; France, May 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. 32nd Bn., M.G. Cps., Apl. 1918; Arras, Belgium. Joy, Douglas Graham; Applied Science 191 1. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut., 1914-15; c.m.r.; r.f.c, 1915; R.A.F., 105th Sqdn., Ireland, Major; Air Force Cross, Jan. 1919. Joyce, Charles Maurice; d.d.s. 1913; 31st Regt., Lieut. 147th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; c.a.d.c, Dec. 1915; Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, c.a.m.c, att. Can. For. Cps.; Can. Cps. Dental Labty.; att. ce. ; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb.; Can. Cps. Hdqrs. Joyce, Harry Gordon; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c r.a.m.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; Major, Nov. 1917; Mesopotamia, July 1916, No. 61 Indian Sta. Hosp., Baghdtid; Palestine^ 1917; No. 7 Egyptian Sta. Hosp., Jerusalem; Major, o.c, Jan. 1918; o.c Egyptian Hosp., Jericho. Joyce, Robert Ethbert; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr.; h.m.s. 'Falcon'; 11. M.S. 'Amazon'; Returned to complete course Apl. 1918. Judd, William Wallace; b.a. Trinity 1908; c.o.t.c, King's College. 112th Bn.) Capt., 1915; Major; O/'s. July 1916; Returned Dec. 1916. Julian, Fennell Thompson; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, May 1917, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy.; 5th Can. Art. Bde. Hdqrs., Sgr., June 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sec, Neuville Vitasse; Gassed, Neuville Vitasse, Apl. 8, 1918. JuLL, George Norman; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c R.A.V.C, June 1916; Lieut., July 1916; Capt., July 1917; Salonica, Oct. 1916, att. 27th Div. Train; Serbia, Bulgaria, Southern Russia; Despatches Jan. 1919. JUNKiN, Frederick Lancelot; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c CE., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, July 1917, R.E., Sig. base; 3rd Divl. Hdqrs.; 8th Inf. Bde. Sig. Sec; Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to com- plete course Oct. 1918. JuNKiN, Robert Lawrence; b.a.sc 1913; 3rd Fd. Coy., cr.., Lieut. 2ncl Can. Div. Engrs., Lieut., Dec. 1914; 5th Fd. Coy., C.E.; France, Nov. 1915, 5th Fd. Coy., C.E.; 2nd Army Tps. Coy., C.H., Capt., Feb. 1917; 2nd Can. Div, Hdqrs. Staff, Adjt., cr.e., June 1917; 4th Bn., ce.. Major, May 1918; Kcmmel, St. Eloi, Somme, \'imy, Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; m.c, Somme, Sept. 1916. 332 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Jvpp, Ernest Hodgson; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 1st Can. Constr. Bn., Pte., May 1916; L-Cpl., June 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Somme, Ypres sec; Gassed, Pilkem Ridge, July 31, 1917; Invalided and discharged July 1918. Jvpp, James Broadfoot; m.b. 1910; 2nd Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Capt., Oct. 1915; o/s. Jan. 1916; Invalided Feb. 1916; Staff, A.D.M.S., M.D. I, Aug. 1918. Justin, Fr.\nk Joseph; Victoria 1921 (1922). R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Fit. Cadet, Sept. 1918. Kaiser, Gordon Weyler; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Q.M.s., Apl. 1916 — Jan. 1919. Kamman, Julius Ira; b.a.sc. 1914. A.E.F., Radio Research Div., Radio Labs., Sig. Branch, n.j., Pte., Cpl.; Radio Labs., 29th Svce. Coy., Sergt., Sept. 1918; Sig. Cps., Fd. Sig. School, 14th Svce. Coy., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918. Kappele, Daniel Paul; m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c, No. 12 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb. Major, Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; No. 7 Can. Cav. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., Dec. 191 7; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Peronne, St. Quentin, Lens, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Wounded, Iwuy, Oct. 12, 1918; Brant Mil. Hosp., o.c, Mar. 1919; d.s.o., June 3, 1918; Bar to d.s.o., Iwuy, Oct. 12, 1918; Despatches June 1918, July 1919. Kappele, John Logan; d.d.s. 1909. C.A.D.C, Ottawa, Lieut., June 1915; Capt.; o/s. June 1915; France, Sept. 1915, att. 4th Can. Inf. Bde.; att. Impl. Base, Le Havre; Ergland, Dec. 1916; A/Major, May 1918; Major, Nov. 1918; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1918. Kay, Alexander Charles; phm.b. 1902. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Kay, James; Forestry 1912, (b.sc.f. 1919). 19th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; o/s. May 1915; Injured; Invalided and discharged Feb. 1917. Kayler, Karl Dwight; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., L-Cpl.; France; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Keachie, Lester Millman; b.a. University Coll. 1913. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Apl. 1917; Cpl., July 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 221st Bty., R.G.A.; Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; C.f.a., Cadet, Aug. 1918. Keeper, Matthew Wilks; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 69th Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut., 1916; Discharged Jan.. 1918. Keeper, Norman Grant; b.a.sc. 1914. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; 53rd Bty., Bdr., Cpl.; 73rd Bty., q.m.s.; C.E., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Lieut. Keegan, Herbert Leo; b.s.a. 1913. 50th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1915; Can. Mil. School, Shorncliffe, Major, July 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 47th Bn.; Lt.-Col., o.c, Apl. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Mt. Houy, Nov. 2, 1918; d.s.o., gaz. Dec. 2, 1918; Legion d'Honneur, Croix de Chevalier, July 191 7; Despatches Nov. 191 8. ROLL OF SERVICE 333 Keeley, Joseph Austin*; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1915; o /s. ApL 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; M.o. ist Can. Res. Park; France, Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 2nd Bde., C.F..\. Keeling, Wilford Lorne; Victoria 1919, (b.a. University Coll. 1920); c.o.T.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 191 7; o/s. Dec. 191 7; y.m.c.a., Sergt., Jan. 1919. Keemle, Louis Ferdinand; St. Michael's 1919. A.E.F., U.S. Med. Cps., Pte., Aug. 1917; Sergt., Jan. 1918; 303rd Bn., Tank Cps.; France, Oct. 1918. Keenleyside, Clifford Benjamin; b.a. Victoria 1892; 95th Regt., Lieut. 195th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; 249th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Sept. 1916. Keffer, Charles Percy Almer; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1910; loist Regt., Lieut. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Keith, Arthur Wyllie; b.a. University Coll. 1900; 52nd Regt., Lieut. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, June 1916, 3rd Can. Bde. M.G. Coy.; Ypres, Sonime, Lens sec; Wounded, Lens, Nov. 28. 1916; Invalided Jufy 1917. Keith, David Forbes; b.a.sc. 1916 (1907); 9th Horse, Capt. 75th Bn., Capt., July 1915; Major; Sr. Major; France, Aug. 1916; Hdqrs. nth Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Learner, July 1917; Hdqrs. 6th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt., I, Sept. 1918; Somme (1916), Vimy (1917), Amiens (1918), Cambrai — Mons. Keith, George Alan; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 9th Horse, Lieut. 170th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; Major; nth Bn., C.E., May 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 4, 191 8. Keith, George Walter; b.a. University Coll. 1897; 109th Regt., Lieut. 204th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Major; o/s. Mar. 1917; 2nd Res. Bn.; Dis- charged May 1917. Keith, Norman Macdonnell; b.a. University 1909, Medicine 1910, m.d. (Johns r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1916; France, June 19^6, No. 13 Brit. [Hopkins) 191 1. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6c.c.s.; Capt., A/Major; Despatches Mar. 1919. Kelleher, James; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Sergt., Oct. 1918. Kelleher, James Stangulus; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. r.a.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; France, May 1917, No. 2 Vety. Base Hosp.; No. 4 Vety. Hosp., Calais; att. 126th Bde., r.f.a., Sept. 1917; att. 182nd Bde., k.f.a., Oct. 191 7; Passchendaele; No. 4 Vety. Hosp.; Invalided and discharged June 1918. Kelleher, Mortimer Sebastian; b.s.a. 1914- 71st Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; 47th Bn., att. lotli Can. Inf. Bde. t.m. Bty.; France, Aug. 1916; Wounded, Dickebusch, Sept. 24, 1916; France, June 1917, 4th Res. Bn.; 47th Bn., Aug. 1917; loth t.m. Bty., Sept. 1917; Army Agric. svce., Carency, Mar.-Nov. 1918; loth t.m. Bty., Nov. 1918; 47th Bn.; Dickebusch (1916), Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec. (1917-18). Kelley, John Douglas; b.a. Trinity 191 1; 33''d Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut.; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; k.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 59th Div. Amm. Col.; 295th Bde., R.F.A., Mar. 1918; March Retreat, Ayette-Ablainzcvillc; Ga.ssed, Aycttc- Ablain7.cviilc, Apl. 13, 1918. Kells, Geokge Wood; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, Capt., Apl. 19 16; France, July 19 16, No. 12 Can. Fd. .'.ml).; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 4th Hn.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; No. 9 Can. (k-n. Hosp. 334 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Kelly, Bvrritt Elmer; m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, M.D. 3, Capt., Nov. 1914; o/s. Apl. 1915; m.o. i2th Res. Bn., Apl. 1915; France, June 1915, No. 2 Can. Fd. Anib.; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb., Major, Dec. 1917; Givenchy, Ypres (1915-16), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 7, 1916; d.s.o., gaz. Apl. 2, 1919; French Croix de Guerre, gaz. July 18, 1919; Despatches July 1919. Kelly, Daniel Patrick James; b.a. University Coll. 1913; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 191 7; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Kelly, George Easterbrook; Victoria 1918. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Kelly, Lawrence Daniel; St. Michael's 1918. 2nd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., Pte., 1918. Kelly, Loyal Macnider; University Coll. 1921. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 191 8. Kemp, Clarence A.; University Coll. 1914. C.A.S.C., Lieut., Oct. 1915; Can. For. Cps., Capt., Apl. 1917; c.a.s.C, Lieut., June 1917; France, Mar. 1918, ist Can. Div. Train; Amiens, Arras, etc. Kemp, Frederick Wismer; m.a. 1917; c.o.t.c. R.F.C, Cadet, May 1917; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Transfd., Admiralty, Bd. of Invention and Research, Nov. 1917; . Discharged Sept. 191 8. Kemp, Milburn Watts; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920), c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Knight Templar', H.M.S. 'Swift' and h.m.s. 'Laburnum'; Dover Patrol, Mine-sweeping, Queens- towm, Ireland. Kemp, Stanley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.E., Spr.; (Further details not available). Kennedy, Andrew; phm.b. 1905. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Kennedy, Gordon Nasmith; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 45th Regt., Lieut. o/s. Coy., 45th Regt., Lieut., Feb. 1915; 59th Bn., June 1915; 39th Bn., Aug. 1915; C.A.S.C, Hdqrs. o.m.f.c, London, Dec. 1915; France, Aug. 1917; 1st Can. Div. Train, Nov. 191 7; Capt., Dec. 191 7; Amiens, Arras, etc.; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1917. Kennedy, Harry Baldwin; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c; 14th Bty., c.f.a., C.F.A., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; [Lieut. 43rd Hwr. Bty., June 1917; 9th Hwr. Bty.; r.a.f.. May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, March Retreat, Ypres — Lille — Courtrai; Injured, Menin, Nov. 14, 1918. Kennedy, Henry George; b.a.sc 1911. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Kennedy, Ivan Everett; b.a. Trinity 1916; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Kennedy, Michael Patrick; Veterinary Coll. 1909-12; c.a.v.c c.A.v.c, att. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Lieut., 1914; Capt.; France, June 1916, att. Hdqrs. 5th Can. Inf. Bde. ; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Ypres, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, Mons; m.c, gaz. June 3, 191 8. Kennedy, Robert Bryson; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Kenney, Arthur Allan Blair; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.D.c, Capt., Jan. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919; British Mil. Mission, Siberia, May 1919; Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Omsk, Ekaterinburg. ROLL OF SERVICE 335 Kenney, William George Cathcart; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14, (Medicine 1926); R.A.V.C, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, [20th Regt., Sig. Sergt. July 1915; Ypressec; Invalided Oct. 1915; France, Dec. 1915, Vety. Hosp., Abbeville and Etaples; Injured Nov. 1916; Eg>'pt, May 1917; 3rd battle of Gaza, Jerusalem, etc.; Invalided Dec. 191 7. Kenny, Randal Young; m.b. 1907. c.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., Aug. 1916; Major, Dec. 1917; att. No. 2 Can. c.c.s., Aug. 1918. Kenrick, Fr.\nk Boteler; b.a. University Coll. 1894, m.a. 1901, Staff; c.o.t.c, Lieut. School of Inf., Instr. Staff, m.d. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., July 1916; 3rd Depot Bn., Polish Army, Niagara, Major, Oct. 1917; Ofificier de I'Ordre de I'Etoile Noire. Keough, William Taylor; b.a. Victoria 1893, m.a. 1897; 59th Regt., Lieut. 154th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 154th Bn., Capt., Oct. 1916; 6th Res. Bn., Jan. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, Can. For. Cps., No. 12 Distr., Bordeaux area; c.c.s., Doullens, June 1918; Fort Garry Morse, Aug. 1918; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp., Dec. 1918; Amiens sec, Le Cateau, Mons. . Kerby, George W.; b.a. Victoria 1888. Can. Chaplain Svce., Major, June 1916; att. as Chief Recruiting Offr., Hdqrs., M.D. 13, Major and Chaplain; Distr. Mil. Repres., m.s.a., m.d. 13; Discharged Feb. 1918. Kerby, Harold Spencer; b.a.sc. 1914. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Feb. 1915; Dardanelles, May 1915; Fit. Lieut., Dec. 1915; Wounded, Dardanelles, Nov. 26, 1915; Invalided; France, Dec 1916, 9th and 3rd Sqdns., Fit. Cmdr.; o.c. No. 4 Fighting School; r.a.f., Capt.; D.s.c, France, Aug. 191 7; a.f.c, gaz. Jan. i, 1919. Kerfoot, R. Ray; Education 19 12. C.A.M.C, Pte., Jan. 1916'; France, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; Invalided July 1918. Kergin, Lewis Wellington; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.C, Lieut., Jan. 1916; r.a.m.c. Mar. 1916; Capt., Nov. 1917; Meso- potamia, May 1916, Mob. Column, s.M.O.; Advance Base Depot, Baghdad, July 1917. Kern, Charles William; University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Can. Inf., Lieut., Dec. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 15th Can. m.g. Coy.; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., May 1918; Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Kern, Edward Ernest; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 46th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; \"imy, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, Feb. 13, 1917, and Dury, Sept. 2, 1918. Kerr, Arnold Roy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921); 303rd Cadet Cps., Capt. 198th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl., Sept. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit; Spec. Svce. Coy., m.d. 2; c.a.d.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned Oct. 1918. Kerr, Clarence Lorne; Education 1916. 1st Depot Vn., e.o.r., Pte., 1917-18. Klkk, John Beverley; Medicine 1920 (1921). R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; Invalided and discharged Aug. 19 17. Kerr, John Eddington; b.a. Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Nov. 1918. Kerr, John Harold; \'ictoria 191H; 44th and 72nd Regts., Lieut. 196th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; ci:., July 1917: France, Jan. igiS, ce., 2nd Div. Sig. Coy.; 2nd Can. Div., Wireless Offr.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons 336 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Kerr, Reginald Wilder; University Coll. 1903; loth Regt., Lieut. 147th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; Adjt., May 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 58th Bn., Lieut.; Lens, Hazebrouck, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. KerRj St.\nley Chandos St.weley; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, ll.b. 1916; loth Regt., 19th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; [Lieut. att. 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs., Mar. 1916; Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Vierstraat, Kemmel; o.m.f.c. Hdqrs., Adjt. -General's Br., Staff Capt., Oct. 1916; ist C.O.R.; Invalided and discharged, Sept. 1918. Kerr, Stanley Stanton; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, July 1915, att. 19th Div. Train, A.s.c; Loos, Somme, Messines, Menin, Cambrai, Kemmel, Marne, Lys sec, Cambrai, etc. Kerr, Wilfred Brenton; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, nth Bty., Sgr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Kerridge# Laura Isobel Findlay Moodie (Mrs.); m.b. 1914. Gerrard-Freeman-Thomas War Hosp., Bombay, India, att. 6th Poona Div., M.O., May 1918; Discharged Nov. 1918. Kerruish, Hubert Bethune; Education 1914. i8th Bn., Lieut,; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Oct. 1916; Fit. Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Cam- pania'; R..\.f.; Despatches July 1918. Kerruish, Thomas Maxwell; b.a. Victoria 19 16; c.o.t.c. 124th and 75th Bns., Lieut., Musk. Instr.; France, Oct. 1916, 52nd Bn.; Gassed, Vimy, Apl. 1917; r.f.c, June 1917; R.A.F., A/Flt. Cmdr., Netheravon, Mar. 1918, Kerster, Gustave Adolph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Kert, Lawrence; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 159th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; 228th Bn.; r.f.c.; France, Sept. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele; Prisoner, Passchendaele, Nov. 27, 1917. Ketchum, Philip Allan Cheyne; Trinity 1921 (1923). R.F.C, Cadet, Feb. 1918; o/s. July 1918; Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1918. Ketterson, Alexant)ER; Trinity 1911-12. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 8oth Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; 8th Bde., C.F.A.; France, Oct. 19 16, 6th Can. Inf. Bde.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Cambrai; Davisville Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Oct. 1918; Cobourg Mil. Hosp. Keyes, John Ellwood Leonard; m.b. 1908, Staff 1916-17. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., 1915; France, No. 3 Fd. Amb., ist Div.; No. 47 Fd. Amb., 15th Div.; m.o. ist Coldstream Guards; La Bassee-Loos- Souchez sec; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Nov. 1917; Spadina and Davisville Mil. Hosps.; a.d.m.s. Staff; c.a.m.c, t.d., m.d. 2, o.c Keys, Herbert John Erskine; b.a. University Coll. 1906. 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Spr., Aug. 1914; L-Cpl.; France, Feb. 1915; 7th Fd. Coy., C.E., Cpl.; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Lens, Somme, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. i6, 1917; C.E., Lieut., 1918. Keys, Norman Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1910, (ll.b. 1919); c.o.t.c 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.l, Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.cl.l; L-Cpl.; 3rd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Ypres (19 16), Somme, Hill 70, Loos; Wounded, Sanctuary W^ood, June 2, 1916, Fresnoy, May 3, 1917, and Hill 70, Aug. 19, 1917; Invalided and discharged Feb. 1918; m.c, Fresnoy, May 3-5, 1917. Kidd, Gordon Earle; phm.b. 1915. e.o.r , Pie., Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 44th Bn.; Cambras Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18. ROLL OF SERVICE 337 KiDD, William Enxis;" b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1903. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 21st Bn., Capt., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec, St. Eioi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, etc.; Major, June 1917; Wounded Aug. 1917; Bramshott, Sept. 1918; Rhyl Camp, Dec. 1918; M.C., Oct. 1916; Despatches June 1918. KiDD, William Sidney; Applied Science 1916 (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 207th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1917, 12th Can. m.g. Coy., Pte.; 38th Bn.; Cpl.; Passchendaele; Invalided Mar. 1918. KiELY, JoHX Alneas; University Coll. 1914. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Kelgour, Archibald Joseph; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 19th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 19th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; 4th Can. M.G. Coy., May 1917; Messines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918; Despatches, St. Eloi, Apl. 19 16. KiLGOUR, Donald McEd wards; m.b. 1906. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; r.a.m.c, 'x' Coy., Adjt.; *y' Tr. Coy., Adjt., July 1916; i/c *f' Coy., Dec. 1916; Italy, July 1917, att. Hdqrs., R.F.A.; I /3rd Lowland Fd. Amb.; Carso, Piave Retreat (Gorizia — Treviso); France, May 1918, M.o. ist London Scottish; BuUecourt, Canal du Nord, etc. Ki£gour, Duncan Gordon; Medicine 1922 (1923). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o s. June 1918. KiLLiP, William Charles; Applied Science 1908, Diploma. 86th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915: 19th Can. m.g. Coy., Feb. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; nth Can. M.G. Coy.; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; A/Capt.; Gassed. KiLLMASTER, FREDERICK George; B.A. University Coll. 1903, Mus. Bac 191 1. C.A.M.C, m.d. I, Pte., June 1917; Sergt.; ist. Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; C.A.M.C, att. ist Can. Tank Bn., Sr. Med. N.c.o. KiLLORAN, Martin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Pte, Oct. 1918; Sergt., 1919. Kilmer, Charles Edward; b.a.sc. 1916 (1913); 2nd Regt., Lieut. 19th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt., Dec. 1915; St. Eloi, Ypres; Wounded July 29, 1916; Invalided Dec. 1916; Staff, d.a.a.g., Ottawa, Aug. 1918; British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, U.S.A.; Discharged Oct. 1918; D.S.O., July 29, 1916. Kilmer, Margaret Helen; University Coll. 1907-08. v..\.d., England. Kilpatrick, Elizabeth Margaret Ritchie; b.a. University Coll. 1908. St. John's Amb. Bde., v.a.d.; o/s. Mar. 1918; ist Northern Gen. Hosp., New- cast Ic-on-Tyne; Effcy. Stripe, Apl. 1919. Kilpatrick, George Gordon Dinwiddie; b.a. University Coll. 1909, Knox 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 34th Bn., Capt., June 1915; o/s. Oct. 1913; Shorn- cliffc, Afiji. to Sr. Chaplain, Feb. 1916 (att. 32nd Res. Bn.); France, May 1916, att. 42nd Bn.; 3rd Can. Div., Major, Sr. Chaplain, Oct. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, .Arras — Mons; ixs.o., Hill 102, Domart, Aug. 8, 1918; Despatches June 1917, July 1919. Kilty, Clarence George; Education 1915. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 191C); 5th Can. Div. Amm. Cnl.; I'rance, Aug. 1917; 52nd Bty., Dec 1917; Bdr., Mar. 1918; Arras sec, .Aniiins, Arras. Cambrai — Mons. —25 338 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO KiMURA, Seizaburo; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.a.m.c, No. ii Fd. Amb., Pte. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Sept. 1915; 111, 1917; Basingstoke, Oct. 1917. King, Alexander Ford; Education 1915, (University Coll. 1923); c.s.c.i. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Feb. 1917; France, Aug. 1917; 52nd Bty., Dec. 1917; Bdr., July 1918; Cpl., Feb. 1919; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. King, Geoffrey Francis; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 133rd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; c.a.s.c; France, Mar. 19 17, c.a.s.c, 14th Sec, ist Base Mech. Tpt. Depot; att. 5th Can. Cav. Div. Supply Col.; Can. Cps. Supply Col.; 2nd Can. Div. Supply Col.; Cps. Tps., Mech. Tpt. Coy.; Peronne sec, Arras sec, Valenciennes. King, George Clarence; b.a. University Coll. 1899; ist Hussars, Capt. 99th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; 241st Bn., June 1916; Major; France, May 1917, Conducting duty; Canada, Nov. 1917, 1st Depot Bn., w.o.R.; Clearing Svces. Cmd., and Staff o/s. Repres., D. of r., m.h.q., Jan. 1919. King, John Amassa; University Coll. 1919, R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; Can. M.G. Cps., Oct. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, nth Can. M.G. Coy., Pte.; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; Loos, Lens, Arras sees., Vimy sec, Lievin sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. King, John Bevan; Trinity 1920 (1922). R.F.c, 2/a.m., Oct. 1917; Cadet, Aug. 1918. King, John Leslie; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut.; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb. T.D., Capt., June 1918. King, Marjorie Crickmore; b.a. University Coll. 1917. Brant House Mil. Hosp., Dietitian; Queen Alexandra Santm., London, May 1918. King, William Hope; b.a. Llniversity Coll. 1910; 90th Regt., Lieut. 144th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, May 1917, 52nd Bn.; Lenssec; Wounded, Lens, Sept. 4, 1917; Invalided Dec. 1917; City College, New York, Capt., Instr. ; Johns Hopkins University, Instr., Sept. 1918; D.s.o., Lens, Sept. 4, 1917. KiNGDON, Kenneth Hay; Staff 19 14- 16, (ph.d. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., June 1916; C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; Transferred, Admiralty Bd. of Invention and Research, July 19 17. Kinghorn, Allan; m.b. 1904. Rhodesian frontier, Civil M.o., Oct. 1914; Northern Rhodesia Rifles, Surg.- Capt. and s.M.O., Apl. 1915; Surg.-Major, Jan. 1916; Northern Rhodesia Med. Cps., 1917; A.D.M.S., Nyasaland-Rhodesia Fd. Force, July 1917; German East Africa; Despatches 19 16. Kingsburgh, James; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Vimy, Aug. 31, 1917; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 5, 1917. Kingsford, Maurice Rooke; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c, Sergt.; loth Regt., Home Guard, Instr., Dec. 1914; Toronto hi. Guard, Feb. 1915; [Lieut. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut.; 20th Bn., May 1915; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, Sept. 1916, No. 3 Wing; r.a.f., Capt., Apl. 1918; Alsace, Somme, Arras, Dunkerque; Injured, Aubigny, Apl. 5, 1917; r.a.f. Instr., England. Kingsmill, George Frederick; b.s.a. 1914. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) ROLL OF SERVICE 339 KiNGSMiLL, Jack Ardagh; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. o/s. draft, c.o.t.c, Dec. 19 15; Leicestershire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1916, att. iioth T.M. Ety., iioth InL Bde.; Lieut., May 1917; Sommc, Hinden- burg Line (1917), Ypres (1917); att. 51st Welsh Regt., Apl. 1918. KiNGSTONE, George Alexander; b.a.sc. 1915 (1910); c.o.t.c; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, nth Fd. Coy., C.E.; nth [Lieut. Bn., C.E., May 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. KiNSEY, Harold Ivan; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c. Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., July 1917; att. Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Kinsman, James Douglas; Medicine 19 19, (m.b. 1920). C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Apl. 1917; r.n.v.r., Surg. Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1917; H.M.s. 'Nizam', Grand Fleet, Scapa Flow, Oct. 1917; Returned to complete course Aug. 1918. Kirby, Luther Henry; b.a. Victoria 19 10, Education 1915; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; Transferred Admiralty, Bd. of Invention and Research, Dept. of Mines and Torpedoes, Nov. 19 17. Kirby, Robert William; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c 53rd Bty., C.F.A., Bdr., Jan. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Injured Feb. 1917; C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., July 1917. Kirby, Walter James; b.a. Victoria 1909, m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, m.o. 84th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; ccs., M.D. 2, May 1916; m.o. 198th Bn., Sept. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; France, July 1917, No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided, Huy, Dec. 19 17. Kirk, William Frederick; Education 1909; c.s.c.i., Capt. School of Instr., m.d. 2, Major, Nov. 1915; Polish Army, Niagara, i/c Bn., Sept. 1917. Kirkham, Frederick Russell; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Egypt, Mar. 1916; Capt.; (Further details not available). Kirki'atrick, George Denison; University Coll. 1918; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, No. 3 Wing, 6th Sqdn.; Fit. Lieut., June 1917; k.a.f., 212th Sqdn., Capt., Apl. 1918; Belfort, Nancy, Somme, Arras, Dunkerque, Yarmouth Sea patrol. KiRKUp, Norman Nelson; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1919); c.o.t.c 34th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; c.a.m.c, T.D., m.d. 2; o/s. Aug. 1915; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr.; h.m.s. 'Marmion', Grand Fleet, Scapa Flow; H.M.s. 'Valkyrie', Harwich base; h.m.s. 'MastifT', Dover patrol; Returned to complete course Sept. 1917. Kirn, Russell Walter; b.a.£C. 19 16; c.o.t.c A.E.F., 312th Engrs., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, Dec. 1917; ^■•^- Res., 6th Engrs.; a.e.f., 26th Div.; 89th Div., ist Lieut.; Nancy — St. Mihiel. Kirwan, Philip Treacy; b.a.sc 1912. U.S.A., Med. Supply Depot, Camp Lewis, Wash., Pte., Sept. 191 7= C.unp Greenleaf, Ga., Sept. 1918; Food Div., Med. Dept., Sergt., Nov. 1918; Surgeon- General's OfT., Nov. 1918. Kischel, Frederick Wii.LLVM; Applied Science 1921; c.o.t.c. u. of T. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918; Discharged, medically unfit, Nov. 1918. Klemmer, Edward Huber; Education 1917. 1st Depot Bn., w.o.r., Pte., May 1918; k.a.i-., Cadet, June 1918. Klingner, Louis William; Applied Science 1907, Diploma; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut. 8th Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut., Apl. 1915; luh Fd. Coy.; loth Fd. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916, loth V(\. Coy.; lolh Bn., c.e., Capt., May 1918; 4th Bde., C.E., Staff 340 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Capt., Oct. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Courcelette, Nov. 1916. Knight, Charles Fraser; m.b. 19 13. Can. Inf., Nov. 1914; c.a.m.c, Lieut.; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., June 1916; Major, July 1918; Dardanelles, Aug. 1915; Salonica, May 1916, att. 7th Mounted Bde.; France, Sept. 1917, No. 97 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 148th Bde., r.f.a.; No. 133 Fd. Amb.; Ypres, St. Quentin (Mar. 1918), Ypres — Messines, Hinden- burg Line; D.s.o., Bellicourt, Sept. 27-30, 1918. Knight, Frank R.; d.d.s. 1917. c.a.d.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Seaford; France, Mar. 1918, No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; Arras — ^Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Knight, Frederick William; b.sc. (Birm), Staff 1914-15; c.o.t.c. 19th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec, Dickebusch, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); Wounded, The Bluffs, July 1916; Can. M.o. Cps., Lieut., Feb. 1917; Can. m.g. Depot, Crowborough and Seaford. Knight, Harold Albert; Applied Science 1920 (192 1). 1st E.O.R., Pte., Apl. 1918, on command to Impl. Munitions Bd. (June 1917). Knight, James Archibald; b.a.sc. 1914; Cps. of Guides. 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Aug. 1915; Cpl.; France', Mar. 1916; 2nd Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Aug. 1916; nth Bn., c.e., May 1918; Capt., Nov. 1918; Ypres (June 1916), Messines, Hooge (1917), Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Valenciennes; M.c, Valenciennes, Nov. 1918; Despatches. Knight, Sidney; b.a.sc. 1911. 2i8th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; Sergt., June 1916; Lieut., Sept. 1916; 8th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Mar. 1917; France, Apl. 1917; Messines — Hill 63 sec; Invalided Aug. 1917; r.f.c, Jan. 1918; 143rd Home Defence Sqdn., June 1918. Knox, Arthur Wesley; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Capt., June 1916; o/s. June 1916; France, Jan. 1917, M.o. 59th Bde., R.G.A.; Somme (1917), Arras (1917), Passchendaele; att. 2nd c.c.d., England, Feb. 1918. Knox, James Edward; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1914; att. No. 13 Art. Fd. Amb.; Capt., May 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Egypt, June 1915, No. 19 Gen. Hosp., Alexandria; Gallipoli, Suvla Bay, Aug. 1915, No. 54 ccs.; Suez Canal, Jan. 1916, No. 33 Fd. Amb.; France, May 1916, m.o. 6th Yorkshire Regt., nth Div., Capt.; Arras, Courcelette, Thiepval, Ancre, Somme — Bapaume (Feb. -Apl. 1917); Injured, Dec 1916, Apl. 1917; Returned June 1917; c.a.m.c. Mil. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt.; Discharged June 1918. Koester, Charles H.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.a.d.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917. Kortwright, Francis Herbert; Applied Science 1909. 177th Bn., Capt.; Lieut.; (Further details not available). Krug, Stanxey James; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., m.d. 2, Pte., Mar. 1916; 4th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Jan. 1917; France, Feb. 1917; Somme (Mar.-May 1917), Elverdinghe — Ypres, Nieuport, Cambrai and Somme (Nov. 1917-Mar. 1918), Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Val- enciennes. Krug, William Peter; b.a. University Coll. 1913. Depot Bn., w.o.r., Pte., Apl. 1918; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 341 KuHRiNG, GusTAV Adolf McRobbie; University Coll. 1898-1901, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 6th c.m.r., Capt., Nov. 1914; Lemnos, Aug. 1915, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; France, Apl. 1916, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; King's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Bushey Park, Dec. 1916; Resigned Apl. 1917. Kyle, Norman David; m.b. 1904. British Red Cross, King George Mil. Hosp., London, England, Surgeon, June 1916-Mar. 1918. Laddlaw, Alfred Nelson; d.d.s. 1919. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Laidlaw, William Charles; m.b. 1895; c. a.m. c, Lieut.; (d .cm., S. Africa). c.A.M.c, M.o. 4th Bde., C.F.A., Capt., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; ist Can. Div. San. Sec, o.c, Apl. 1916; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Major, Chief San. OfTr., Aug. 1917; England, Apl. 1918. Laidlev; Clifford Hillis Munroe; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. c.A.D.c, Pte., 1917. Laing, John Stuart; b.a.sc. 1913. C.E., Sergt.; att. Can. Ry. Constr. Cps., Sergt., Instr., Feb. 191 8. Laing, Peter Alexander; Applied Science 1905, Diploma. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., June 1915; ist Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut.; France, Sept. 1915, 6th Fd. Coy.; ist and 2nd Tnlg. Coys.; att. 2nd Fd. Survey Coy., 9th Army Cps. R.E., 1917-18; ist Bn., c.E., Capt., 1918; Ypres (1915-16), Messines (1917-18), Noyon Retreat (Mar. 1918), Kemmel, Chcmin des Dames, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., gaz. Mar. 8, 19 19; Despatches June 19 16. Laird, David Gordon; b.s.a. 19 15. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Monchy — Cambrai; Gassed, Arras, June 29, 1918; Wounded, Bourlon Wood, Sept. 28, 19 18. Laird, William Aubrey Clarence; b.a. University Coll. 19 14; c.a.s.c, 20th Coy., C.A.s.c, 20th Coy., I2th Detacht., Lieut., July 1915— May 1919; [Lieut. Offr. i c Supplies, m.d. 12. Lajoie, Edward Thomas; University Coll. 1917, (d.d.s. 1920). c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Jan. 1918. Lally, Joseph Vincent; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., 1917. Lamb, Thomas Francis; Applied Science 19 13; g.g.b.g. 58th Bn., Sergt., July 1915; France, Feb. 1916; c.E., Lieut.; Capt.; Mil. Medal; M.c, Monchy-le-Preux, Aug. 27-28, 19 18; (Further details not available). Lamey, Martin Patrick; d.d.s. 1919. c.A.D.c, Sergt. Lamont, George Anderson; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, Lieut., Feb. 19 16; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Feb. 19 16; Egypt; Mesopotamia, No. 39 Fd. Amb., Apl. 1916; Feliah, Tigris; Invalided Dec. 1916; Capt., Feb. 1917; Brit. Station Hosp. and Cadet Coll., Wellington, India, May 1917-Oct. 1919; o.c Indian Troops Hosp., Trichinopoli, Oct. 191S. Lane, Andrew; b.a. University Coll. 19 14, Knox. 43rd Ilwr. Bty., C.F.A., Bdr., Jan. 1916; France, July 19 16; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 27, 1916, and Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Lane, Daniel Austin; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy.., Pte., May 1916; L-Cpl., July 1916; South Persian Rifles, Sec Lieut., Dec. 1916; Lieut., May 1917; A/Capt., Sept. 1917: Persian Gulf, Bandar Abbas, Aug. 1917; -South Persia, Aug. 1917; EgVPt, I9I9- 342 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lane, Walter Ross; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Bdr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi; Invalided and discharged Sept. 19 16. Lang, Harry Beckett; Medicine 19 19; 2nd Regt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 3rd Bedfordshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., June 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 2nd Beds. Regt.; A/Capt., Nov. 1917; Invalided Feb. 1918; 3rd Beds. Regt., Mar.-Sept. 1918; 2nd Beds. Regt., Sept. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918; Ypres, Somme, 1915-17; Messines, Gheluvelt, 1917; St. Quentin, Feb. 1918; Vendhuil, Le Cateau, Busies, Foret de Mormal, Sept.-Nov. 1918; M.c, Le Cateau, Oct. 23, 1918. Lang, John Leiper; b.a.sc. 1907. 242nd Bn., Capt., Sept. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Jan. 1917; France, Jan. 1917, Can. For. Cps., 22nd Coy.; Major, May 1917. Lang, Willmm Robert; d.sc. (Glasgow), Staff; Brit, and Can. Aux. Forces 1889-1914; Ceneial Staff, [m.s.c; 2nd Div. Engrs., Lt.-Col., O.C.; u. of T., C.O.T.C, o.c. Canada, Sept. 1914; Offr. i/c Instruction, 2nd Div., Sept. 1914; o.c, C.O.T.C, Nov. 1914; G.S.O., III, M.D. 2, Jan. 1916; G.S.O., II, June 1916; Col., Dec. 1917; G.S.O., I, M.D. 6, Jan. 1918; Halifax; N.s., cb. and p.e.i. Coast Defences; m.d. 2, and Rhine Army, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1919. Lang, William Warner; Victoria 1918; c.o.t.c c.A.s.c, Valcartier, Sergt., June 1915; R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, 1st and 3rd Sqdns., Lieut.; Somme, Messines; Injured May 1916, and Feb. 1917; Invalided July 1917; North Western Univ., Evanston, 111., Instr., Sept. 1917; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., July 1918. Lakglon, Horace William; Trinity 1915. 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1916; 38th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; Sergt., Dec. 19 16; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valen- ciennes; D.C.M., Avion, Aug. 12, 1917. Langford, Howard David; Victoria 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c 227th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 4th c.m.r.; att. 8th t.m. Bty., Dec. 1917; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 29, 1918. Langford, John Alexander; Victoria 1917, Applied Science 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, 2nd Army Tps. Coy.; 3rd Fd. Coy.; 3rd Bn., C.E.; Capt., A /Major; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1917; m.c, Vimy, Apl. 21, 1917. Langford, William Frederick; Victoria 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c; 15th Horse Lieut. C.E., Signals, Spr., Nov. 1916; L-Cpl., Jan. 1917; Sergt.,. Apl. 1917; Cpl., May 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., att. loth Bdc, c.f.a., Spr.; Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Langhorn, Charles Reginald; Medicine 1920 (1922). c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., Apl. 1918. Langmaid, Clare Annis; Victoria 1905, m.d., cm. 1906. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; o/s.; Capt.; France, Aug. 1918-Mar. 1919. Langman, Arthur Ernest; l.lb. 1915; 46th Regt., Lieut. 235th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Lieut., July 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., July 1918. Langrill, AsHTON Sill; m.b. 1895. c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; Hosps., Salisbury Plain and Devizes, Major; France, 1915-17; Hosp., Boulogne; M.o. ist Can. Div. Train; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1917; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 343 Lanning, John; b.a.sc. 1912. R.N.V.R., Sub.-Lieut, July 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; English Channel and Orkneys patrols; r.a.f., Air Constr. Svce., N. Scotland, Capt., Feb. 19 18. LaPierre, Louis Ames; b.s.a. 1903. 7th C.M.R., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1915; France, June 1916, 4th c.m.r.; Ypres, Somme; Can. Cav. Depot, Shorncliffe, 1917; m.d. 5, 1918. Lapp, Aleck Donald; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.C, Capt., June 1917; Discharged Apl. 1918. Larmour, Robert Ross; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916. Larsen, Thorleif; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.a. 1907. 196th Bn., Reinf. Draft, Pte., Feb. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; Cadet, Aug. 19 18. Lash, John Fr.\ncis; b.a. University Coll. 1906, ll.b. 1909; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Major, Aug. 1915; o/s. May 1916; Dep.-Judge-Adv.-Gen., o.m.f.c, London; France, Feb. 1917, g.h.q., Asst. to Can. Repres. ; G.H.Q., Can. Repres., Mar. 1918; Siberian Ex. F., Repres. of Minister of Militia, Col., Sept. 1918; O.B.E., Nov. 1918; Despatches, Feb. 1918, Oct. 1918. Latchford, Austin Matthew; b.a. University Coll. 1915; 32nd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 34th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, Mar. 19 16, 6th Bde., c.f.a.; y 2 c, 2nd Div. T.M. Bty., Apl. 1916; 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., May 1916; i8th Bty., Jan. 1917; 20th Bty., Mar. 1917; ist Can. Div. Amm. Col., Feb. 1918; Capt., Dec. 1917; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchcndaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1917; Gassed, Passchcndaele, Oct. 1917; Injured, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918. Latchford, James Kyran; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Medicine 1919 (1921); 32nd 69th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, [Bty., c.f.a., Lieut, att. X 2 c, T.M. Bty.; v 2 c, t.m. Bty., A/Capt., O.C; Lieut.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Avion — Neuville-Vitasse — Boyelles sees., Amiens; Re- turned to complete course Sept. 1918. Latimer, Herbert James; Victoria 1910-13. 109th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 15th Bde., c.f.a., Capt., July 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; London Area; France, June 1917, Can. For. Cps.; 14th Bde., c.f.a.; Lens — Vimy — Oppy sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Latimer, William Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1911; 9th Horse. 124th Bn., Lieut., Major, Dec. 1915; o/s. Aug. 1916; France; Despatches Apl. 1917; (Further details not available). Lattimer, John Ernest; b.s.a. 1914; 25th Dragoons, Lieut. 4th c.m.r., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1916; Messines sec, Ypres (1916); Wounded and Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Transf. to Switzerland, Nov. 1917; Repatriated Mar. 1918; Discharged Sept. 1918. Laughlin, Norman James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., May 1917; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; r.a.f.. Sec. Liout., June 1918; H.m.s. 'Furious', July 1918; h.m.s. 'Pegasus'; H. M.S. ' Emperor of India'; h.m.s. 'Orion'; Grand Fleet, North Sea. Laughton, George Van Wyck; University Coll. 1919; 7th Rcgt., Lieut. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Northumbcrhuid Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut.; France, Jan. 1917; Armentieres, Arras sees., Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, .Apl. 29, 19171 Invalided June 1917; att. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy.; Discharged Apl. K)^^- ^'•<^> Arras, Apl. 1917. 344 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Laurie, John Lee Wright; Trinity 1921 (1922). R.A.F., Cadet, Aug. 1918. Laurie, Joseph Hexry; Veterinary Coll. 1910-12. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; France, May 1915, 14th and 24th Divs.; Ypres, Loos, Hill 60, Messines, Wytschaete, St. Eloi, Vimy, March Retreat, Cambrai — Maubeuge; Wounded, Ypres, Aug. 29, 1915; m.c, Jan. i, 1918; Despatches Jan. 1917. Laurier, Robert; University Coll. 1917. R.A.F., Canada, Lieut., July 191 8. Laventure, Ger.\ld Esmond; University Coll. 1918, Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Bdr. , France, Mar. 1917, 'e' Bty., A..A.. Art., Gnr.; Bdr.; Vimy, Lens; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Lavery, Thomas Herbert; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Law, Ralph Melville; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Knox; c.o.t.c. 19th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; L-Cpl., Sergt.; Impl. Tank Cps., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; Lieut., Capt.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Ypres (1917), Cambrai (1917), Somme (1918), Villers-Bretonneux; ist Can. Tank Bn.; Wounded, Bourlon Wood, Nov. 23, 1917; m.c, Bourlon Wood, Nov. 23, 1917. Lawless, Alphonsus Thomas; St. Michael's 1919; c.o.t.c. 235th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; Sergt.; 134th Bn., Pte.; 13th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Spr.; France, Apl. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, St. Quentin, Cambrai — Mons. Lawrence, Alec Mitchell; Applied Science 192 1. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Lawrence, Charles Awty; b.s.a. 1909. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 19 16; 8th Army Bde., A/Capt., Jan. 1918; 53rd Bty., Capt., Sept. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant; Despatches Jan. 19 18. Lawrence, George Wellesley; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 8ist Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; 39th Bn., May 1916; c.e., Feb. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; att. Hdqrs., Can. Hvy. Art., Feb. 1919; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Lawrence^ Harold Rezeau; Trinity 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c; c.f.a., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Lawrence, Willl^m Levi Lambly; b.a. Victoria 1907. J22nd Bn., q.m.s., Apl. 1916; b.q.m.s.; France, July 1917, Can. For. Cps., 51st Coy., q.m.s. ; att. 3rd French Army, Foret de Coucy and Chemin des Dames; Vosges; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Apl. 1918; att. 3rd c.cd., Seaford. Lawson, Alexant)ER Smirle; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Capt. CA.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Salonica, July 19 16, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Basingstoke, Sept. 19 17. Lawson, Harold Peter; Victoria 1920, University Coll. 1918-19; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Pte., Sept. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, July 1918. Lawson, Hugh Hutchinson; University Coll. 1918, (Applied Science 1922). 4th Bty., C.G.A., Lieut., Dec. 1915; att 'c' Bty., r.c.h.a.; France, Apl. 1917; 4th Can. Siege Bty., A/Capt., June-Dec. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 26, 1918. Lawson, James Irving; Trinity 1908-09; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. r.c.h.a., Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Oct. 1917; Can. For. Cps., Oct. 1918; Cambrai (1917), March Retreat, Bellenglise — Villers Bretonneux, Amiens — Bouchoir; Wounded Dec. 5, 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 15, 19 18. ROLL OF SERVICE 345 Lawson, James Sharp; phm.b. 1915, (University Coll. 1920-21). c.A.M.c, Camp Hosp., m.d. 2, Sergt. Dispenser, Jan. 1917; c.a.m.c, m.d. i, Oct. 1917; Discharged July 1918. Lawson, Octo Gerald; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., Sept. 1917; M.D. I, Nov. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, July 19 18. Lawson, Thomas Wallace; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1906; g.g.b.g., Lieut. 4th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Capt., Jan. 1915; Staff Capt.; France, July 1916, 43rd Bn., Capt.; Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; O.M.F.C. Hdqrs., London, d.a.a.g., Oct. 1916; g.h.q.. Can. Sec, 3rd Echelon, D.A.A.G., Apl. 1917; Passchendaele; g.h.q., Can. Sec, Staff Capt., Aug. 1918; g.h.q. , Can. Sec, d.a.q.m.g., Nov. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Lay, Robert Henry; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c. r.a.v.c, Lieut., July 1916; Capt., July 1917; Eg>'pt, Sept. 1916; Salonica, Sept. 1916, loth Irish Div.; Struma Valley; Invalided July 1917; France, July 1918, att. i8oth Bde., r.f.a.; Advance from Lens. Laycock, Samuel R.\lph; b.a. Victoria 19 11. C.E., 1st Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Nov. 1916; France, July 1917, Signals, ist Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; Passchendaele, Lens — Vimy — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Lazenby, Frederick Sylvester; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Lazier, Harold Lister; b.a. Victoria 1901, m.a. 1902, ll.b. 1904. 147th Bn., Capt., 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 19th Bn.; NeuvilleSt. Vaast — Vimy; Discharged Sept. 19 17. Leach, James Wesley; m.b. 1918. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 19 18;' o/s. Leacy, Allan Tasker; St. Michael's 1921. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; A/Bdr.; 2nd Can. Tank Bn., Cpl.; A/Sergt., Sergt. Leak, William Harold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.t.c C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte.; France, 4th Can. Amm. Sub- Park; (Further details not available). Learn, Cecil Royden; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.a.m.c, Capt., July 1915; o/s. Aug. 1915; r.a.m.c, Aug. 1915-Oct. 1917; c.a.m.c, Canada, Nov. 1917-1919. Leary, Edgar John; b.a. University Coll. 19 10, m.b. 19 12. C.A.M.C, Capt., Feb. 19 15; o/s.; a.d.m.s. Staff, London; France, Nov. 19 15, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; M.o. 5th c.m.r.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Discharged Jan. 1918. (Died Aug. 1918.) Leask, Thomas McCr;\e; m.b. 1899; 27th Light Horse, Capt. c.a.m.c, No. id Fd. Amb., Major, Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; o.c No. 10 Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., Apl. 1917; a/a.d.m.s., 3rd Can. Div.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc; n.s.o., Jan. 1918; Bar to D.S.O., Cambrai, Sept. 30-Oct. I, 1918; Despatches, Jan. 1918, July 1919. Leckie, John Gardner; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; No. 2 Depot Hly., Oct. 1918. LeClair, William James; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c 238th For. Bn., Lieut., I9ir3; France, Can. For. Cps., 39lh Coy., May 1917; Capt., 1918. 346 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lee, John Gagen; b.a. Trinity 1906, m.a. 1910, m.b. 1912. C.A.M.C., Lieut., June 1915; R.A.M.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Mesopotamia, May 1916, No. 22 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 36th Sikhs Bn., Oct. 1916; Recapture of Kut; France, Mar. 1917, m.o. 13th West Yorkshire Regt., 31st Div., Capt.; Arras (1917), April Retreat, Bailleul, Plate La Becque, Foret de Nieppe, Messines; Wounded, Bailleul, Apl. 12, 1918; m.c, Bailleul, Apl. 1918. Lee, Leonard Alldwyn Cole; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Lieut., 1916; France; Despatches July 1919; (Further details not available). Lee, Percival Alder; Medicine 192 1; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Pte., Apl. 1918. Lee, R. M.; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Lee, RcY Charles; Applied Science 191 i; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 67th Bn.; France, Sept. 1916; 75th Bn., Apl. 1917; Somme, Vimy; Invalided June 1917; Discharged Apl. 1918; M.c, La Coulotte, June 8, 1917. Leech, Frederick William; m.b. 19 17; c.o.t.c. 4th Bde., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; France, Sept. 1915; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; r.n., Surg. Lieut., June 1917; Red Sea and East African Coast; Caspian Sea Exped., Mesopotamia, Persia (Aug. 1918-Apl. 1919.) Lefroy, Langlois Dundas; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1915; 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1916; No. 2 Spec. Svce. Coy., Dec. 1916. Legate, Harry Burton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., July 1915; Bermuda, Sept. 1915; France, June 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Legate, John Harold; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr., Dec. 1916; Sergt., Feb. 1917; C.F.A., Cadet, Oct. 1918; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Leggett, William Cecil; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1916, (d.d.s. 1917) ; 9th Horse; c.o.t.c P.P.C.L.I., Pte., Aug. 1914; c.A.D.c, Sergt.; o/s. May 1915; France; July 1915, c.A.D.c, att. No. I Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. r.a.m.c; Suvla Bay, Aug. 19 15, 29th Div., Sergt.; 27th Div. Hdqrs., Salonica; Wounded, Karissi, June 3, 1916; Eg>'pt; Sergt.-Major; att. nth New Zealand Bn., Marseilles, Somme; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 16. LeGros, Ben; b.a. Victoria 1915. Impl. Y.M.C.A., India and Mesopotamia. Lehman, Edgar John; d.d.s. 19 13. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, att. Can. For. Cps., Hdqrs. No. 12 District. LeMesurier, Arthur Baker; m.b. 19 10. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Oct. 1914; Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Oct. 1914, No. 14 Sta, Hosp., Ostend, Calais, Wimereux; No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Jan. 1915; Outreau (Boulogne), Abbeville; No. 8 Gen. Hosp., Rouen, Jan. 1916-N0/. 19 18. Lennox, Oswald Elmer; University Coll. 1916; 2nd Regt. 3rd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 23rd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 170th Bn., Apl. 1916; 87th Bn., May 1917; France, 3rd Bn.; St. Julien, Festubert, Lens — Arras, Amiens; Wounded, (i) Festubert, May 19 15, (ii) June 19 17, (iii) Amiens, Aug. 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 347 Lent, Roy Walter; Victoria 19 17; c.o.t.c. 20th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 5th Res. Bn., Lieut., May 1917; France, 20th Bn.; Ypres, St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, Vimy, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons; Injured, Ypres, July 19 16. Leonard, Leo Dennis; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, M. D. 2, Capt., Dec. 1916; att. r.a.f., Canada, 1918. Leonard, Thomas D'Arcy; b.a. University Coll. 1915; 2nd Regt., Sergt. 35th Bn., Sergt., Apl. 1915; e.g. M.S.; 5th Bn., Lieut.; France; Wounded Dec. 13, 1915; Invalided; Discharged June 1917; R.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; Dis- charged, medically unfit. LePan, Arthur D'Orr; b.a.sc. 1908, Admin. Staff; c.o.t.c. Major. School of Inf., Instr. Cadre, M.D. 2, Major and Adjt., Nov. 19 15; Lt.-Col., o.c; Polish Army, Niagara, o.c, Sept. 1917; Legion d'Honneur, Croix de Chevalier, Mar. 1919; Riband and Despatches, Franco-Polish Army, Mar. 1920; Men- tioned, Services, Feb. 1919. Leppan, Hubert Dudley; b.s.a. 1914. Impl. Light Horse, Africa, Tpr., Dec. 1914; German South West Africa; 6th King's Royal Rifle Cps., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, loth k.r.r.c; 17th k.r.r.C; A/Capt.; 3rd battle of Ypres (1917), Cambrai, March Retreat, Mt. Kemmel; Wounded Mar. 26, 1918; m.c, Amiens, Mar. 1918. Leslie, Allan George; b.a.sc. 1916 (1913); 9th Bty., cf.a., Lieut. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 49th Bty.; loth Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, and Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 1917; M.c, Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 1917. Leslie, Norman Victor; University Coll. 1905, m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 19 14; France; M.o. 26th Bn.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; Major, Apl. 1917. Leslie, Oliver Newton; d.d.s. 1904. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Apl. 1915; Capt.; o s. June 1915; Major; i/c clinic, Shorn- cliffe; France, Mar. 1916, att. ist Can. Pion. Bn.; ca.d.c clinic, Le Havre; West Cliff Can. Hosp., Folkestone, Jan. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., July 19 18; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 19 17, Mar. 19 18. Le Sueur, Norman Lisle; b.a. University Coll. 1909. 70th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, July 1916, 24th Bn., att. 5th Can. Inf. Bde., A/Staff Capt., Mar. 1917; 24th Bn., Apl. 1917; 7th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Learner (i), June 1917; Capt., Aug. 1917; att. 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Feb. 1918; att. 7th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., May 1918; att. 4th Army Hdqrs., July 1918; 3rcl Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt., Aug. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Robecq, May I, 1918, and -Sailly-en-Ostrevant, Oct. 8, 1918; M.c, gaz. June 3, 1919; Despatches Apl. 1917. Letts, Frank Lawrence; m.b. 1915; c.a.m.c, Lieut. British Red Cross, Serbia, June-Dec. 1915; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c Depot, Westcnhangcr, Apl. 1917: m.o. 3rd Res. Bn., May 1917; Can. Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Buxton, Dec. 1917; France, June 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 3 Can. c.c.s., Aug. 1918; Cam- brai — St. Quentin sec; Med. Bd., Witley, A])!. 1919. Leuty, Henry Douglas; d.d.s. 191 8; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Lieut., May 1918. Levesque, George Honare; d.d.s. 1919. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; o/s. 348 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Levey, Thomas Henry; d.d.s. 1895. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Mar. 1915; c.a.d.c, Jan. 1916; Capt., July 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; Returned Jan. 1918; Vancouver Mil. Hosps., i/c Dental Svces.; A. d.d.s., M.D. II, Aug. 1918; District Dental Offr., m.d. ii, Apl. 1920. Lewis, Allen Lewis; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c. ii6th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Cpl., July 1916; 30th Res. Bn., Lieut.; France, Apl. 1917. 7th Bn.; A/Capt., Apl. 1918; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Lewis, Archibald Clifford; b.a. Victoria 1915, (m.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 8th Army Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Oct. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches June 1919. Lewis, Charles Terrill; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Sept. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. loth Bde., c.f.a., Dec. 1917; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Dury, Aug. 29, 19 18. Lewis, Edmund Percy; m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, Exh. Camp. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Dec. 1915; m.o. 123rd Bn., Jan. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Salonica, May 1916, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; A/Major, June 1919. Le\\is, Ernest Ormiston; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1919); c.o.t.c, Cpl. Sub-Staff, Hdqrs. m.d. 2, Sergt. Instr., Mar. 1916; c.s.M. Lewis, George Franklin; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, M.o. 241st Bn., Capt., June 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Seaford; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., June 1918; France, Oct. 1918, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 46th Bn., Nov. 1918; Valenciennes. Lewis, Richard Garwood; b.sc.f. 1912; 43rd Regt., Lieut. C.E., Signals, Lieut., June 1916; Can. For. Cps., Apl. 1917; France, Apl. 1917, 28th Coy., No. 5 Distr., Jura; 28th Coy., No. 6 Distr., Vosges; Discharged Sept. 1918. Lewis, Roderick Llewellyn; B.sc.-(Wales), Staff 1914-15. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, Hill 70, Sept. 22, 1917; Khaki Univ., A/Sergt., Instr., Nov. 19 18. Lewis, Terrell Doswell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s.; att. C.T.s., Bexhill; Seaford. Ley, Albert George; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Sta. Hosp., M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; m.o., ce. and M.G. Depot, Crowborough, May 1917; M.o. Hythe Ranges, Aug. 1917; West Cliff Can. Spec. Hosp., Sept. 1917; Asst. to d.d.m.s., Seaford, Oct. 1917; France, May 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; Arras; No. i Div. Wing. LiDKEA, Harvey John; Applied Science 1921 (1922). CE., Spr., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. LlESEMER, Herbert Conrad; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. LlGHTBOLKN, ALEXANDER Harvey; B.A. University Coll. 19 12; 9th Horse, Lieut. 4th C.M.R., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; Capt., Mar. 19 16; Ploegsteert, Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; To Holland, May 1918; Major, Dec. 1918; Mentioned Feb. 1920. LiGHTBOURN, Francis Gw^NNE; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920), Wycliffe; c.o.t.c, Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Sergt., Instr., 1916; C.s.M.; Lieut.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. [Lieut. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1917; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut.; France, D/86th Army Bde., r.f.a.; ROLL OF SERVICE 349 Lieut.; Ypres (1917-18), March Retreat, Amiens, Le Cateau, Foret de Mormal; Injured, Villers-Bretonneux, June 19 18. LiGHTBOURN, GILBERT Ord; University Coll. 1916, WyclifiFe; 109th Regt., Lieut. 180th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; y.m.c..\., E. Sandling; r.n.a.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Capt., July 1918; Coastal patrol & convoy, British Coast and Mediterranean, Nov. 19 17 — Nov. 19 18. LiLLiE, Gerald L.^urexce; b.a.sc. 191 1; Cps. of Guides. R.N.C.V.R., Engine-Room Artifr., Oct. 1917; h.m.c.s. 'Vimy', 3rd Engr., Apl. 19 18; Atlantic Coast patrol. Lindsay, Alfred Bare; University Coll. 19 18; 9th Horse, Lieut. 75th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Aug. 1916; A/Capt., Apl. 1917; Ypres sec , Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec; 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.R., 1918; M.C., Lens, June 8, 19 17. Lindsay, Arlof Robert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c. No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916, No. 61 Sta. Hosp.; German East Africa, Sept. 1917, No. 150 Combd. Fd. Amb.; Despatches, East Africa, 1917. LiNT5S.\Y, Lionel Lodge; University Coll. -1918. R.A.F., Lieut.; Marine Aircraft Sta., Isle of Grain; (Further details not available). Lindsay, Roy Eli; b.a.sc. 19 14. No. I Can. Constr. Bn., Pte., July 1916; Cpl.; Lieut.; France, Oct. 1916; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1916; Svce. to Apl. 19 19. LiNDSEY, Charles Bethune; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 19th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; Capt., Feb. 1915; 4th Can. Inf. Bde., Bombing Offr., June 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 2nd Can. Div. School of Instr., o.c. May 1916; att. 3rd Can. Inf. Bde., Sept. 1916; 4th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt. (Int.), Oct. 1916; 3rd Can. Div., G.s.o. iii, Apl. 1917; nth Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, Aug. 1917; 4th Can. Div., G.s.o. ii, July 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; D.s.o., Vimy, Apl. 1917; Bar to D.s.o., Arras, Sept. 2-4, 1918; Despatches three times. Linton, Adam Pearce; b.a.sc. 1906; 95th Regt., Lieut. 68th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Capt.; France, Aug. 1916, ist Can. Pion. Bn.; 9th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Major, Nov. 19 17; Somme, Arras, Ypres; Palestine, Sept. 1918, Can. Bridging Coy., att. e.e.f.. Major; o.b.e., Palestine, June 3, 1919. Linton, George Meredith; Forestry 1917, (b.sc.f. 1919); c.o.t.c. Can. For. Cps., Pte., Mar. 1917; Cpl., Sergt., Mar. 1917; o/s. June 1917: Can. For. Cps. Gen. Hdqrs., London, Pte., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Dec. 1917; Sergt., Feb. 1918; Mentioned, .Services, Aug. 1918. Linton, James Alexander; Medicine 1916 (1921); 2nd Regt. 19th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 4th Bde. Grenade Coy., A /.Sergt.- Major; 19th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; Mil. School, Crowborough ; Grenade School, W. Sandling, Apl. 1917; France, May 1917. iQth Bn.; Capt., Jan. 1918: St. Eloi, Somme, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai, etc,; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 28, 1916, and Arras, Aug. 26, 1918; M.C, Somme, Sept. 1916. Linton, John George Hall; Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pic, July 1918. LiPARl, Angelo; m.a. (Columbia), d.litt. (Rome), Staff. a.e.f., 152nd Depot Bde, Camp Upton, l.i., Pte., Dec 1917: 3"! Div. H.lqrs., Camp Greene, N.c, Sergt., Interpreter; Francc,"ApI. 1918; Champagne— Marne, 350 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Aisne — Marne, St. Mihiel; Off. of Mil. Attache, U.S. Embassy, Rome, Sept. 1918; Italian Ribbon, Apl. 1919. LiPPERT, James Ferguson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919. c.A.D.c, Sergt. Lipsey, Clarence Howard; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Lieut., 1917; Capt., Oct. 1918. LiTSTER, Kenneth Ivan; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 234th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; 4th C.M.R., Jan. 1918; Lens-Hill 70, Arras, Kemmel sees., Amiens, Arras — Val- enciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. 2, 1918. Little, Arthur Murray; Applied Science 1914 (1922). 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Dec. 1916; 8th Can. Siege Bty.; France, Oct. 1917; Ypres (1917), Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — -Mons. Little, George Albert; b.a. University Coll. 1906. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Feb. 1918; att. 13th and ist Res. Bns.; France, Nov. 19 18, 4th Bde., c.E. Little, George Douglas; University Coll. 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918. Little, George Wilfred; University Coll. 19 12. P.P.C.L.I., Lieut.; France; Capt.; Wounded, Jan. 28, 1917; M.v.o. Jan.i, 1919; M.C, gaz. Mar. 8, 1919; (Further detais rot available). Little, Harold Boyd; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Jan. 1915; Sergt., Feb. 1915; R.h.a., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, i8oth Bde., R.F. A.; x 16 t.m. Bty., May 1916; A/Lieut., Sept. 1916; i8oth Bde., Apl. 1917; i/c t.m. Bty. Group, Lieut., May 1917; i6th Div., A/Div. t.m.o., June 1917; i8oth Bde., July 1917; Loos, Somme, Wytschaete, Messines, Ypres; Wounded, Ypres, Aug. 22, 1917; m.c, Wyt- schaete-Messines, June 1917. Little, Harold Smith; Medicine 19 19, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; R.N. Hosp. , Gosport; H.M.s. 'Grasshopper', July 1917; H.M.s. 'Ossory', Oct. 1917; Returned to com- plete course Oct. 1918. Little, Herbert Moore; d.d.s. 1904. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt. Little, Oliver John Samuel; m.b. 1914. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2 ,Capt., Sept. 1915; M.o. 220th Bn., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; M.O., C.R.C.R., July 1917; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1917. Little, William Caruthers; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr., Cpl.; France, Jan. 1916; Sergt., July 1916; Q.M.S., Dec. 1916; C.F.A., Lieut., July 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 20th Bty.; St. Eloi, Ypres (19 16), Somme, Vimy sec, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918; Mil. Medal, Mouquet Farm, Oct. 1916. Livett, John Chatteris; d.d.s. 19 16; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, May 1916; Lieut., July 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Bram- shott, May 1917; i/c clinic. Queen's Can. Mil. Hosp., Beachborough, Mar. 1918; Seaford, Sept. 1918; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, 1919. Livingston, Arthur Hereward; Applied Science 1918 (1921). 5th Univ. Coy.., pp.cl.l, Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.cl.l; L-Cpl.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens; Shell-shocked, Mt. Sorrel, July 17, 1916; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 27, 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Livingston, David; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904, f.t.m.c; 2nd Inf., Nat. Guard, Wash., A.E.F., i6ist Inf., 41st Div., Capt., Aug. 1917; France, Dec. 1917; [Capt. Chief Tactical Offr., 90th Div., July 1918; 359th Inf., 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 351 Livingston, Frederick Johnson; b.a. Victoria 1911, m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, Capt., Oct. 1914; R.A.M.c, Lieut., May 1915; Dardanelles, Aug. 1915, No. 31 and No. 32 Fd. Ambs.; Suvla Bay; Serbia, Oct. 1915; Serbian Retreat; France, June 19 16, No. 104 Fd. Amb., 34th Div., Capt.; M.o. 34th Div. r.e., June 1916; Somme, Armentieres, Arras; c.a.m.c, Davisville Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., July 1917. Livingston, John Milton; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1916; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; o/s. Jan. 1917; Xo. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Princess Patricia's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Ramsgate; France, Jan. 19 18, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Livingstone, George Chesterfield; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Exh. Camp, m.d. 2, Capt., Sept. 1917; Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Registrar; o/s. June 1917; Bn. m.o., Seaford; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp. Livingstone, Harry Drlmmond; m.b. 19 10. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Lloyd, Ewart Gladstone; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c. 32nd Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Aug. 1915; France, Dec. 1915, 7th Bty.; Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Oct. 25, 1916; France, Sept. 1917, 36th Bty.; Passchendaele; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Wireless, Jan. 1918; ]n\alided May 1918. Lloyd, Frank Percival; b.a. (Sask. Univ.), m.a., u. of t., 1916, (m.b. 1920); io8th 203rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; France, Apl. 1917, 44th [Regt.; C.O.T.C Bn., Lieut.; Wounded, Lens, May 11, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1917; R.o.,Oct. 1918. Lloyd, Irwin McMurchie; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Siberian Ex. F.; Siberia, 1919. Lloyd, Richard Hilton; b.a.sc 19 15; c.o.t.c R.F.C, Sept. 1916; Sec. Lieut.; France, Feb. 1917; Lieut.; Vimy, Lens, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 28, 1917; Discharged Oct. 1918. Locke, Clarke E.; b.a. Victoria 191 1; 33rd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; R.F.A., Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 19J8; Lieut.; Arras, Somme, Cambrai; Gassed, Cambrai, Sept. 19 18. Locke, Henry Ward Beecher; Medicine 1915, (m.b. 19 18). C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Cpl., Aug. 19 14; Staff Scrgt.; Prance, Feb. 19 15; 4th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; A/Capt.; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); Returned to complete course July 19 16. Locke, Lester Sifton; Victoria 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; Scrgt., Dec. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, 2m\ Div. Sig. Coy., att. 6th Bde., c.F..\.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Locke, Russell Pierce; b.a. Victoria 191 1, ll.b. 1914. C.A.s.C, Mech. Tpt., M.D. 2, Lieut.; Mcch. Tpt. Depot, m.d. 2, .Adjt. ; Fort Garry Horse; France, Sept. 1917 and Sept. 19 18; A/Capt. Logan, Frederick Alex^ynder; b.a. University Coll. 1916, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1917; r.n. Hosp., Gosport, May 1917; H. M.S. 'Unity ', June 1917; Atlantic sulmiarine and escort i)atrol; Returned to rompletc course Jan. 1918. Logan, Hugh David; Medicine 1921 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Sgr., Mar. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 45th Bly.; \imy, Mcrville, Arras; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Logan, Robert Kenneth; Victoria 19 19; c.o.t.c C.E., 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; .Sonunc, \'iin\, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. 352 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LoGiE, WiLLL\M Douglas; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1919); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 10 Sta. Hosp., Pte., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Sergt.; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 17. LoN'EY, Byron Stanley; m.b. 19 17. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Base Hosp., Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich., Lieut., Oct. 1918. Long, Harold James St. Clair; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917, Pte.; att. 14th Res. Bn.; 2nd C.C.D., Hastings; c.t.s., Bexhill; att. 21st, 17th, loth Res. Bns.; Hdqrs., Ripon; Sergt., June 1917. Long, Victor Carman; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt.; Discharged, medically unfit. LoNGM.\N, Edwin Grant; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. 157th Bn., Sergt., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1917, loth Can. m.g. Coy., Pte.; Sergt.; 4th Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. LoNGSTAFF, JOHN Calvin; Applied Science 19 10, Diploma. 127th Bn., Pte., 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. LONGWORTHY, WiLLIAM EaRL; B.A.SC. I915. 6oth Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 11, 1918; M.C., gaz. Apl. 2, 1919. LoREE, George Roy; Medicine 1915. U.S. Med. Cps., No. 329 Fd. Amb. Lorimer, Norman Holmes; b.a.sc. 1915. 53rd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 20th Bty.; 19th Bty.; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Capt., July 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. LoucKs, Frederick Stanley; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, Capt., Mar. 1917. Loudon, Thomas Richardson; b.a.sc. 1906, Staff; 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Lieut. C.E., "Lieut., Dec. 1915; No. i Can. Constr. Bn., Capt. and Adjt., May 1916 Sr. Major, Aug. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; ist Bn. Can. Ry. Tps., Jan. 1918 Somme, Hindenburg Line (1917), Cambrai, Ostend, Ypres, Passchendaele Invalided May 1918; C.r.e., m.d. il, Oct. 1918; Despatches Nov. 1917. Lou GH, Albert Gordon; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Invalided May 1916; c.a.d.c, A/Sergt.; Lieut.; Capt.; att. Bearwood Hosp., 1917; R.F.C, Lieut., Aug. 1917; Scout-pilot, Feb. 1918; Injured Apl. 1918; Western front. LouGHEED, Gladstone Wilfred; m.b. 19 13, m.d. 19 14, Staff. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1915; M.o. 134th Bn., Dec. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 20th Bn., Oct. 1917; M.o. 28th Bn., Dec. 1917; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb., May 1918; Vimy sec, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Shell-shocked, Boisleux-au-Mont, Mar. 1918; M.c, Cambrai, Oct. 12, 1918. Low, Arthur Mervyn; University Coll. 1909-12. 84th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; o/s. June 1916; (Further details not available). Low, Donald Macintosh; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c, Cpl. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Kinmel Camp; M.o. 3rd Res. Bn.; M.o. 12th Res. Bn.; 'n' Wing, C.C.C.; St. Med. Bd., Witley; Capt., Apl. 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 353 Lowe, John; Trinity 1920 (1922). C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; France, ApL 1918, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; ist Can. Cps. Survey Sec, Oct. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Mons. Lowe, William Arthur; m.b. 1916. C.A.M.C, Lieut., "Mar. 1917; Capt., May 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist Bn., c.e., Sept. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes, etc. Lower, Arthur Reginald Marsden; Education 1910, b.a. University Coll. 1914, R.N.V.R., Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut. June, 1917; Motor [Staff; c.o.T.c. Boat patrol; h.m.m.l. 16; h.m.m.l. 274; English Channel and North Sea patrol, Dover and Harwich Bases; Zeebrugge, Apl. 1918. LowERV, James Robert; Victoria 1913; 22nd Horse, Sergt. 151st Bn., Major and Adjt., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 49th Bn.; \'imy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Mar. 19 18. Lowndes, Erle Bostwick; University Coll. 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1917; ist, att. 3rd, Gordon Highlanders, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; att. 14th Argyll and Sutherland Hdrs., June 1918; France, July 1918; 2nd Army Advance, Belgian front, Sept. -Nov. 1918; m.c, Ypres, Sept. 7, 1918. LowRiE, Andrew Wellington Percy; b.a.sc. 19 12. (Reported as on Active Service, No details available.) Lowrie, James Clazie; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Knox; C.O.T.C. 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. LowRV, Charles Ariel; University Coll. 1920, (Applied Science 1923); c.o.t.c. R.N.C.V.R., Radio-Tel., Jan. 1917; Wt. Offr., Apl. 1917; h.m.s. 'Lady Elvelyn', May 1917; North Atlantic convoy; Hydrophone Svce., anti-submarine, Halifax Base, Feb. 1918; Barrington Passage Radio Sta., Apl. 1918. LowRY, Robert J.; Education 1913. Il6th Bn., Lieut., 1916; 182nd Bn.; 3rd East Kent Regt., 1917; France, July 1917, 6th East Kent Regt.; Impl. M.G. Cps.; Arras, Monchy, Cambrai, La Basfee, HohenzoUern Redoubt. LowRY, William Herbert; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901, Staff; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; [Capt. Major, 1917; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; A Lt.-Col., May 1919. Lucas, Alexander Burton; P^ducation 1915; c.o.t.c R.A.F., Cadet, July 1918. Lucas, Frederick Ernest; LJnivcrsity Coll. 1919, WyclitTe; c.o.t.c. 34th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr.; 53rd Bty.; 53nd Bty.; 43rd Hwr. Bty.; Wounded Aug. 19 18; (Further details not available). Lucas, John Frederick; b.a. Trinity 1913; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Apl. 1916; 83rd Hwr. Bty., Sei^t. 1916; France, Mar. 19 17, 22nd Hwr. Bty.; Vimy; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Sub-Staff, June 1917; Can. Cps. Gas Svces., Sergt., F"eb. 19 18. Lucas, Melville Franklin; m.d., cm. Trinity 1892. c.a.m.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Luck, Norrille Eduard; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920). V.M.C.A., Capt.; o/s. Jan. 1917; Shorncliffc; France, Aug. 1917, att. 4lh Can. Div.; att. Can. Cps. Hrkirs., Aug. 1918; Pafschcndaelc, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. iiKE, Charles Maxwell; b.a. University Coll. 1919, (m.a. course 1920): c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Ptc, Nov. 1918. — 20 354 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Luke, William RussEL Ferguson; Victoria 1920 (1923); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1918. LuNAN, William; b.a. Trinity 1912; 2nd Regt., Lieut. c.E. Signals, Spr., Oct. 1917; p.p.c.l.i. draft, Pte., Oct. 1917; L-Cpl.; France, Apl. 19 18, P.P.C.L.I.; Mericourt sec, Wailly, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Monchy- le-Preux, Aug. 26, 19 18. LuNt), Thomas Herbert; b.s.a. 1912. 29th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1915; Sergt., June 1916; France; Injured, Somme, Oct. 21, 19 16; (Further details not available). Lye, Ossian Gardiner; b.a.sc. 19 14. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., May 19 15; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i., Cpl.; Somme, Ypres; Invalided Apl. 1916; att. r.a.m.c, Cpl., Aug. 1916; a/r.q.m.s., Oct. 1916; R.A.M.C, Org. Chem. Research Labty., Oxford. Lye, Russell Galbraith; b.a.sc. 19 15; Cps. of Guides. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Sqdn., Lieut.; Arras to the Coast, Somme sec; Wounded, Somme, Apl. 19, 1918; Invalided Sept. 1918. Lyle, Frederick John; University Coll. 19 19, (Applied Science 1923); c.o.t.c. 215th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt., Lieut., Pte.; France, Aug. 1917, 54th Bn., Pte.; Cpl., Sept. 1917; Lieut., June 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Valenciennes. Lymburner, Malon Gr.\nt; Applied Science 19 18. R.N.C.V.R., Stoker, Nov. 1917; Ldg. Stoker, Aug. 1918; c.d. 19 and t.r. ii, H.M.C.s. 'Margaret'. Lynes, Joseph P.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; att. Can. For. Cps. Depot, Sunning- dale; Discharged Nov. 19 17. Lyon, George Seymour; University Coll. 19 18. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 'x' t.m. Bty., 1st Can. Div. ; Ploegsteert-Messines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres; Wounded, Mt. Sorrel, May 31, 1916; Discharged Nov. 1916. Lyon, Gordon Maxwell; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; 5th Hwr. Bty.; France, Dec. 1916, 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 6th Bty., Apl. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele Arras sec; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 1917; Gassed Sept. 4, 1917. Lyons, George Weir; Medicine 1920, (R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; o/s. May 1916; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Lytle, Lloyd Belfry; Applied Science 1913, (b.a.sc 1920). 6th Fd. Coy. Depot, c.E., Spr., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; 3rd Res. Bn., c.E.; Invalided Oct. 19 18. McAlister, Archibald Douglas; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c c.a.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt.; France, Jan. 1918, att. 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches July 1919. McAlister, Hector Clive; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut.; Capt.; o/s.; (Further details not available). McAllan, Norman Robert; Medicine 1922 (1923). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. McAllister, Alexander Laughton; b.a.sc 1894; ce., Lieut. C.E., Lieut., Sept. 1916; 257th Bn., Capt.; 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Apl. 1917; Major; Ypres (1917), Somme sec, Peronne, St. Quentin; Arras sec, Cambrai, Le Cateau; Wounded, Ypres, July li, 1917; Despatches June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 355 MacAlpine, Cyril Douglas Hughes; b.a. University Coll. 1907; 79th Regt., Lieut. Remount Offr., Capt., May 1915; c.a.s.c, Asst. Purchasing Offr., Aug. 1915; Major, Oct. 1915; Chief Purchasing Offr., Jan. 1916; Asst. Dir., Supplies Feb. 1916; France, June 1916; Dep. Dir. Supplies and Tpt., Lt.-Col., Oct. 1916; Dir. Supplies & Tpt., Feb. 1918; c.a.s.c, o.c. Personnel, France, Apl. 1918; Mt. Sorrel, Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; o.b.e. Jan. 9, 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 28, 1917, and Mar. 23, 1918. McAlpine, Gordon Smith; m.b. 19 13. c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Capt. McAndrew, Joseph Benedict; b.a.sc. 1912; 19th Regt., Lieut. 176th Bn., Lieut and Adjt., Feb. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut.; Ypres sec, Somme, Lens — Eethune. McAndrew, William Mackay; b.a.sc. 191 2. C.E., Spr., May 1917; Lieut., June 1917; St. John's, Que. McArthur, Alexander Stant^ey; b.a.sc 191 i; loth Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; CE., June 1916; France, July 1916, 3rd Tnlg. Coy., C.E.; Hill 60, Ploegsteert, Messines, Hooge, Menin Rd.; Returned Nov. I9I7" att. British War Mission, New York. • • McArthur, Edwin Campbell; m.b. 1910. c.a.m.c. No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1916; Salonica, Aug. 1916, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Basingstoke, Sept. 19 17. McAvoy, Clifford Harold; phm.b. 19 15. W.O.R., Pte., May 19 18; c.a.m.c, Cpl.; 4th Res.; France, Sept. 1918,47th Bn.; Denain, Valenciennes. McBain, James William; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.a. 1904; t.f. (Eng.), Lieut. Bristol University o.T.c, Capt. and o.c. May 1915; 3rd Officer Cadet Bn., Staff Capt., Feb. 1916; att. Ministry of Munitions, Dept. of Explosives Supply, June 191 8; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 19 18. McBain, Wallace Ward; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1917; Italy, June 1918, R.A.F., 28th Sqdn., Lieut.; Asiago, Piave. McBean, Kenneth Duncan; University Coll. 1918. 136th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; Sergt., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 2nd Bn., Pte.; Lens sec; Invalided Apl. 1918. MacBeth, William Lewis Colquhoun; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c. c.a.m.c. No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 1914; France; r.a.m.c, No. II Gen. Hosp.; No. 7 ccs.; c.a.m.c, m.o. 4th Bde., c.f.a.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Hamilton Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2; British and Canadian Recruiting Mission, U.S.A., 1917. McBr,\dy, Robert William; b.a. St. Mirhad's 1915; c.o.T.C. 141st Bn., Lieut.; Invalided; Discharged May 19 17. (Died Oct. 3, 19 '7-) McBride, Erle Stanley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1916, (n.n.s. 1920). 26th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; c.a.d.c, m.o. 2, Sergt. MacBride, John; b.v.sc. 1911. 9th Bty., c.f.a., Dr., Aug. 1914; R.A.v.c, Lieut., Dec 1914; Ci\\n., Dec. i<)i5; France, Jan. 1915; No. i Vety. Hosp., Mar. 1915; att. 7th Bdc, k.ii.a., isl Cav. Div., v.o. i/c; Invalided Feb. 1917; No. 3 Vety. Hosp., Mar. 1917: att. 235th Bde., K.F.A., 47th Div., v.o. i/c, Apl. I<)i7; Ypres, Messines, Loos, Arras, Somme, Cambria. McBride, Walter John; b.a. University Coll. 1915- o.T.c, Fort Niagara, N.v., Apl. 1917; School of Mil. Aeronautics, Nov. 1917; 356 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO U.S. Sig. Cps., Ax'iation Div., Lieut., Pursuit Pilot Apl. 1918; France, June 1918; Injured, Issoudun, July 18, 1918. McCabe, Robert Henry; Education 1916, (Applied Science 1923); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; F"rance, Oct. 1916, ist Can. Div, Amm. Col.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McCaffrey, Walter Raymer; b.a.sc. 1915. 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; F" ranee, Aug. 1917, Musketry, Bombing, p.t. & b.f., Sergt. Instr.; r.f.a.. Cadet, Jan. 19 18; Sec. Lieut., July 1918; France; 27th Bty., r.f.a., 4th Div. ; Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons. M.\cCallum, Arthur Jeffers; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c. a.m. c, Lieut.; o/s.; No 4 Can, Gen. Hosp. ; Invalided Oct. 1918. McCallum, Frederick Harold; b. a. University Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists Bn.; 75th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1916; Ploegsteert, etc., St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Vimy sec; Wounded, Souchez, Mar. i, 1917; Discharged 1918. McCamus, John Arthur; Victoria 1913; 22nd Regt., Lieut. 22nd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 8ist Bn.; Capt., May 1916; France, July 1916, 4th Can. M.G. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Major, Apl. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Hill 70, Aug. 1917. McCamus, Laurence David, Education 19 16; c.o.t.c. C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; France 63rd Bty.; Cpl. McCamus, William Roswell; b.a. Victoria 1914, Education 1915; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., June 1916; France, Dec. 1916, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 5th Bty.; Vimy, etc.; Wounded, Petit Vimy, June 1917; Discharged Dec. 1917. McCandless, John Clinton; University Coll. 1920 (1923); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Apl. 1918; Anti-aircraft Searchlight Coy., C.E., June 1918; Lens, Somme, Cambrai — -Mons. McCann, Herbert John; d.d.s. 1919. c.A.D.c, Sergt. McCarron, Terence Myles; University Coll. and St. Michael's 19 12. C.F.A., Lieut.; o/s.; R.A.F., Lieut., Sept. 1918. McCart, Howard William David; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Brisk'; Mediter- ranean. McCarter, Arthur Burnet; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. c.o.t.c. draft. Mar. 1916; 32nd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Impl. M.G. Cps., Sept. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 203rd m.g. Coy.; La Bassee, Nieuport; Wounded, Nieuport, July 23, 1917; Discharged -Mar. 1918. McCarthy, Thomas Vincent; b.a.sc. 19 13. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1916; France, July 1916; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1917. McCartney, Cyril Fallis; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, att. 20th Bn., Sergt., June 1915; Lieut., M.D. 3; France, Aug. 1915; Le Havre Dec. 1915; Returned June 1916; Rejoined, c.A.D.c, m.d. 3, Capt., Jan. 1917. McCartney, George Edward Robert; m.b. 1901. o/s. July 1915; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp.; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Gallipoli, Egypt, Salonica; c.a.m.c, Capt.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major. ROLL OF SERVICE 357 McCaul, John Godfrey; Applied Science 1913. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Oct. 1915; 8th Bde. Amm. Col., Jan. 1916: 40th Bty.; 35th Bty.; France, July 1916, 40th Bty.; A/Capt., Dec. 1917-Mar. 1918; Ypres — Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Injured, Somme, No\^ 1916; Invalided Oct. 1918; M.C., Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 19 17. Macaulay, George Babixgton; Applied Science 1914. (On Active Service four years. No details available.) Macaulay, .Robert Vernon; b.a.sc. 1912. 5th Bty., C.F.A., Bdr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 45th Bty., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Ypres, Festubert, La Basfee-Givenchy, Messines sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Canal du Nord; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 3, 1917, and Canal du Nord, Sept. 10, 1918; m.c, Vimy, Apl. 1917, and Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. McCausland, Harold; b.a. Trinity 1900, m.a. 1909; 2nd Regt., Col.-Sergt. (1893-98). Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 95th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; 47th Bn., July 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Can. Ry. Tps. Depot, Purfleet, Sr. Chaplain, Jan. 1918; To R.o., Mar. 1918; A. /Dir. Chaplain Svces., Western Canada, Lt.-Col., July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., Major, Sr. Chap- lain, Sept. 1918; M.c, Jan. i, 1918. McClellan, John; Education 19 14. c.F..\., Gnr. 19 16; France, loth Bty.; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18. McClelland, James Clarence; m.b. 1916; 22nd Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; R.N., T/Surgeon, Feb. 1917; Surg. Lieut., Aug. 1918; r.n. Hosp., Gosport, Mar. 1917; h.m.s. 'Agamemnon', May 1917-N0V. 1918, Aegean Sqdn.; (att. r.n.a.s., Imbros, Mar. -Apl. 1918). McClelland, John Clarence; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr. 1916-1918; (Further details not available). McClelland, John Percival; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Amm. Sub-Park, 3rd Div., Ptc, Mar. 1916; France, May 19 1 6, 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens; R.F.C., Cadet, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; r.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; France, Aug. 1918, 13th Sqdn.; Arras, Bourlon, Cambrai, Canal du Nord; Shot down, Haussy, Oct. 23, 1918; 35th Sqdn., Ferry Pilot, 1918-19. McClelland, Whxlvm Albert; m.b. 1907. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt.; (Further details not available). McClenaghan, Vivian Stewart; Trinity 1917, Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 4th Fd. Coy.; 4th Bn., C.E., Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; m.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Bar to M.c, Cambrai, Oct. 9, 1918. McClenahan, Daniel Alexander; m.b. 1894, (d.p.h. 1920); c.a.m.c. No. 12 I'd. Welland Canal Force, San. Offr., Capt., Aug. 1914-1918. [Amb., Capt. McClenahan, Robert Roy; b.a. University Coil. 1910, m.b. 1912: c.a.m.c, No. 12 C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 4lh [Fd. Amb., Capt. Can. Div. San. Sec, o.c; No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb., Apl. 191 7; M.o. 54th Kn., Aug. 1917; No. II Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Bc.xhil! Conv. llosp., Dec 1917; Can. Med. H(iqrs., London, Dec. 1918; Wounded, Somme, -Sept. 22, 1916; Dcsjiatchcs, June 1917. McClenahan, Whijam Stanley; b.a. University Coll. 1916. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl.; o, s. Jan. 1917; Sergt. 358 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO McClintock, George Arthur; Applied Science 1917 (1922). 5th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1914; Bdr.; France, Feb. 1915; Sergt.; c.f.a., Cadet, Mar. 1917; Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, att. 4th Bde., c.f.a.; I2th Bty., 3rd Bde.; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 27, 1915, Somme, Sept. 27, 1916, and Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; France, 12th Bty., Sept. 1918. McClintock, John Joseph; m.b. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 191 8. McClinton, James; Education 1915, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; r.n.v.r,, Sub.-Lieut; North Sea (Dogger Bank), Dover, English Channel, Atlantic patrols. McClinton, Willi.vm Sinclair; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1919); 35th Regt., Lieut. 4th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; 37th Bn., Jan. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, i8th Bn.; Capt., Oct. 1916; 4th Can. Inf. Bde., Grenade Offr., Nov. 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Lens; Returned to complete course Jan. 1917; C.A.M.C, Div. Labty. Unit, m.d. 2, Capt., June 1918; m.c, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Des- patches July 1916. McClure, Fred Darius; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). C.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917; Cpl., July 1916; Sergt., Feb. 1917. McClure, Wallace Burnett; Medicine 1920 (1922), Knox; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy.; Vimy, Hill 70 (att. 5th Bde.), Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 191 8. McCoLL, Ernest Leonard; b.a. University Coll. 1915; g.cb.g.. Major. 7th C.M.R., Major, Jan. 191 5; France, Jan. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 6th Bty., C.F.A., o.c. ; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Canal du Nord; Despatches Jan. 1918. McCoLL, Evan B.; Applied Science 191 1. R.N.C.V.R., Wireless Censor, Sub-Lieut. McCoLL, John Rome; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1919); c.o.t.c. 124th Bn., Sergt., Jan. 1916; Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; nth Bn., C.E., May 191 8; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 2, 1918; M.c, Canal du Nord, Sept. 4. 1918. McCoLLUM, John Alexander; m.b. 1901. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Ramsgate & Buxton, Feb. 1917-18; France, Aug. 1918, No. 4 Can. ccs.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McCollum, Russell; Education 191 6. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; (Further details not available). McCoMBER, Jarvis Laurier; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; r.g.a.. Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut., June 1918; France, July 1918, 94th Siege Bty.; 41st Siege Bty.; 4th Army front, Somme — Hecq (Le Cateau). McConkey, Oswald; b.s.a. 19 17; o.a.c, c.o.t.c. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; c.g.a., Lieut.; France, Nov. 1917, 6th Can. Siege Bty.; Arras — Vimy sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Khaki Univ., i/c Agric, Seaford. McConnell, Arthur Wellesley; b.a.sc 1907, Staff; c.o.t.c, Capt. Ii6th Bn., Capt. & Adjt., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1917, Ii6th Bn., Major & Adjt.; 2nd i/c, Aug. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Sr. Musketry Offr., M.D. 2, Jan. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 359 McCoNNELL, Charles Alexander; Education 1917; c.o.t.c. u. of T. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut. McCoNNELL, Robert Stanley; b.a.sc. 1915. r.f.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; R.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. May 1918. McConnell, Walter Adams; Applied Science 1910; 109th Regt., Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; No. 2 Can. Constr. Bn., Capt., June 1916; 256th Ry. Constr. Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Jan. 1917; France, June 1917, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., O.C; Somme, Nieuport, Passchendaele, Ypres — Kemmel — Pro\'an — Vimy sees. (Jan. -Sept. 1918), Gheluvelt, Menin, Courtrai, Lille; Injured June 10, 1918; Gassed, Vimy, July 12, 1918, and Becelaere, Oct. 14, 1918; D.s.o., Jan. I, 1919; Despatches Jan. 1919. MacCorkindale, Hugh Neil; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 72nd Regt., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 191 7; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1918, iSth Siege Bty., nth Cps. Hvy. Art.; 2nd and 5th Army fronts; Ypres — Lys, Bethune— Scheldt, Ath. MacCorkindale, John Charles; University Coll. 1916. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cpl.; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Dec. 1915, 173rd Bde., r.f.a., 36th Div.; o.c, t.m. Bty. July 1916; 173rd Bde., Dec. 1916; A/Capt., Dec. 1917; Capt., July 1918; Somme, Arras (1917), Messines, Ypres, Passchendaele; Signalling Instr., Dunstable, 1918; Wounded, June 21, 1917; M.c, Messines, Nov. 16, 1916. McCoRMACK, Carson Alexander Vivian; University Coll. 1912; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 3rd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt.; Returned July 1915; 83rd Bn.; Ii6th Bn., Major, Nov. 1915; France, Dec. 1916, 3rd Bn.; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Vimy, Hill 70; Staff, Distr. Dep., m.d. 2, June 1918; Staff, Kinmel Park, A/ Lt.-Col.; Lt.-Col., June 1919; o.b.e., June 3, 1919. McCoRMACK, William Gordon; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). R.F.C, Lieut., Feb. 1917; Italy, Nov. 1917; Anti-submarine patrol, Adriatic; R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1918; h.m.s'. 'Alarm'; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. McCoRT, Cecil Roy; b.a.sc 1915; co.x.c, Cpl.; Montreal Hvy. Bde., Lieut. 6th Can. Siege Bty., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 370th Bty., r.g.a., o.c; France, Aug. 1917, 415th Bty., R.G.A., o.c; 163rd Bty.; 328th Bty.; Capt., Dec. 1917; Ypres— Zillebeke (1917), Arras, March Retreat, Albert; Gassed, Hendecourt, May 14, 1918. McCorvie, Charles Ray; Medicine 1921; 24th Regt. Amb. Cps., Sergt. 1st Depot Bn., 1st C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f.. Cadet; c.a.m.c, m.d. i, Pte., June 1918; L-Cpl., July 1918. McCorvie, John Edward; m.b. 1914. c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Capt., June 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; c.a.m.c Depot, Shorncliffe, Asst. Adjt., Feb. 1917; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1917; i c Ravenscroft Mil. Hosp., Seaford, Aug. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Invalided Feb. 1918; StafT, a.d.m.s., London Area, Apl. 1918. McCosH, John Thornton; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., July 1918; Polish Camp Hosp., Niagara; Clearing Svces. Cmd.; Trans-Atlantic Conducting Svce., Mar. 1919; Capt., 1919. McCowan, William Pokteous; b.a. University Coll. 1913, M.n. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Davisville Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Aug. 1917; o s. Feb. 1918; R.a.m.c, Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, No. 18 Vi\. Amb.; M.o. Ath Bn., Impl. mg. Cps.; Ypres, Kcnmicl, Amiens, St. Quentin, Lc Catcau. McCoy, Samuel Harvey; b.a. University Coll. 1889, m.b. 1892; 19th Regt., Surg. o/s.; C.A.M.C, Major, .Xug. 1915: i, c Med. Records; Pres., St. Med. Ikl. for 36o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Offrs., London, Aug. 1917; i.o.d.e. Offrs.' Hosp., London, Lt.-Col., o.c. Mar. 1918; Office of Chief of Gen. Staff, Ottawa, Historical Sec; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917 and Mar. 1918. McCr:VCken, John Fleming; m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, Capt., Oct. 1915; o/s. July 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; M.o. 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Somme; Returned Nov. 1917. McCr.\e, Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1891, m.b. 1895, m.d. 1908; c.f.a., Capt., R.o. C.A.M.C, Lt.-Col., June-Oct. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med. Div. McCrea, James Gerald; St. Michael's 192 1. R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. McCreery, Hugh Joseph; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc. 1920). R.F.c, 2/a.m., Mar. 1917; i/a.m., Cpl., Sergt.; r.a.f. McCrimmon, Alexander Murray; University Coll. 1915, b.a. (McGIll) 1916. Can. Cyclists, Lieut., Feb. 1916; att. Army Cyclist Cps.; France, June 1917, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Can. Cps. Hdqrs. McCrimmon, Kenneth Howard; University Coll. 1912, b.a. (McGill); 32nd Regt., i8th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt.; Major; [Lieut. St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Injured May 31, 1917; Asst. Dir., Supplies & Tpt., St. John, N.B.; D.s.o., gaz. July 1917; Despatches, Jan. 1917, Dec. 1917. McCrodan, Byron Alfred; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; C.E., Lieut.; o/s. Aug. 1918. McCuAiG, Duncan Fletcher; b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1918. McCuAiG, Oliver Bain; b.a.sc. 1905; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., a/c.q.m.s. 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., q.m.s., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Sergt.-Major, Oct. 1915; Lieut., Dec. 1915; att. 3rd Army Tps. Coy., c.e., July 1916; posted 3rd Army Tps. Coy., Mar. 1917; A/Capt., June 1917; Capt., o.c. 3rd Army Tps. Coy., Sept. 1917; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Jan. i, 1918; Despatches July 1919. McCuAiG, Peter James; b.a.sc 1909. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McCuE, Peter Francis; m.b. 1903. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Capt., Nov. 1916; o/s. May 1917; Can. Mil. Hosp., Liverpool, May 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 20th Bn.; M.o. 28th Bn.; att. No. i Impl. C.C.S.; Arras, Canal du Nord, Cambrai— Mons. McCuLLOCH, Albert Ernest; b.a. Victoria 191 1, m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, Sta. Hosp., Exh. Camp, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917; France, Apl. 1916; Somme, Ypres; Injured, Boulogne, Mar. 26, 1917; Invalided Mar.-Nov. 1917; Canterbury Hosp., Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Oct. 1918. McCuLLOCH, Robert James Percival; m.b. 1904. C.A.M.C, m.d. 3, Lieut., Apl. 1915; o/s. July 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; France, Sept. 1915, No. 2 Base Hosp.; No. 35 Gen. Hosp., Calais; Invalided Oct. 1916; Queen Alexandra Mil. Hosp., Millbank, Capt.; Discharged Feb. 1918. McCuLLOUGH, H.; Veterinary Coll. 1908-10. R.A.V.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available). McCuLLouGH, James Lindsay; Education 1909. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 1916; France, 58th Bn.; Wounded, Passchen- daele, Oct. 26, 1917; Invalided Dec. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE -,6i McCuLLOUGH, John Clark; m.b. 19 i6; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Nov. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Dec. 1917, M.o., Strathcona Horse; Somme, St. Quentin Retreat, Amiens; Wounded, Parvillers, Aug. 10, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918. McCuLLOUGH, John William Scott; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890, d.p.h. 1914. c.A.M.c, San. Adviser, Hdqrs., M.D. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1914; d.a.d.m.s., Sanit., M.D. 2; Capt., Major, Aug. 1915; Lt.-CoL, 1917. MacCurdy, John Thomson; b.a. University Coll. 1908. Maida Vale Hosp., London, 1917; U.S.A. Med. Res. Cps., Lieut., Sept. 1917; U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., Nov. 1918; att. Empire Hosp., London, Feb. 19 18; France, May 1918, Di\^ Psychiatrist; Chateau Thierry, Tou!, St. Mihiel, Argonne. McCuTCHEON, James Oscar; d.d.s. 1918. c.a.d.c, Lieut., Apl. 1918. McDermid, Erle; University Coll. 1918. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) M.\cDermott, W^illiam Bernard; m.b. 1912. c.A.M.c, m.o. 46th Bn., Jan. 1915; m.o. ist cm.r.; France, Sept. 1915; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; d.m.s. Office, London; Can. Hosp. Ship, 'Letitia', Adjt.; Anglo-Russian Hosp.; att. 8th Russian Army; Galicia, Bukovinia, Russia, Roumania; h.m.s. 'Olympic', s.m.o., !Mar. 1918; Amer. Med. Svce,, Repres. of C.A.M.C, Camp Rilley, Kansas, m.o.t.c. Major, Mar. 1918; Western Ont. Mil. Hosp., Lt.-Col., o.c, Apl. 1919; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917. MacDonald, Alexander Edward; m.b. 1916; 32nd Regt., Lieut.; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Cpl., Feb. 1915; Sergt.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; c.A.M.c, Lieut.; Base Hosp., M.D. 2, Capt., June 1916; F"d. Amb. Depot, St. John, N.B., Sept. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; M.o. 12th Res. Bn., Feb. 1917; France, June 1917, No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 3rd Bn., Sept. 1917; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; M.c, Upton Wood, Aug. 30-31, 1918. Macdonald, Archibald Duncan; b.a.sc 1912. C.E., Lieut., July 1916; att. r.f.c, June 1917; R.f.c, Nov. 1917; Italy, Feb. 1918, 42nd Scjdn.; Piave sec; France, Mar. 1918; Aubers Ridge, ForSt de Nieppe, Lille, Tournai sec; Injured, Valenciennes, Dec. 23, 1918; d.f.c, gaz. May 1919; Despatches Nov. 1918; H/Capt. MacDon.vld, Ashley Roy; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1916; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, No. 133 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; No. 57 Combined Sta. Hosp., Sakucha; Invalided Oct. 1916; c.A.M.c, Conval. Homes, m.d. 2, Capt., July 1917. McDonald, Cecil Alonzo; d.d.s. 1918. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; o, s. June 1918; c.a.d.c, Scrgt. Macdonald, Charles Alexander; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; r.e.. Cadet, Feb. 1918; Sec. Lieut. Macdonald, Charlton Ewing; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1918); 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Signals, Sergt., Nov. 1914; 3rd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., (c.E., Scrgt. Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1916; 'i'prcs; Wounded Aug. 13, I9i<'; Discharged Apl. 1917. McDonald, Floyd Robert; Applied Science 1920(1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., June 1918; o/s. June 1918; ist Res. Bn., CE. Macdonald, Frank Manning; b.a.sc 1912. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., June I9if>; North Sea, Sept. iyi<^; Anti-submarine duty, English Channel, Adriatic, Mediterranean; Lieut. Macdonald, Frederick James; b.a. University Coll. iqi 1. C.E., M.D. 3, Spr., June 19.18. 362 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Macdonald, Frederick Wvld; University Coll. 1912; 48th Regt., Lieut. 15th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres; Prisoner, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915; Capt., May 1916; Transf. to Holland Mar. 1918; M.C., Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915. M.\CDONALD, George Alfred; b.a. University Coll. 1910, Knox. 228th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1917, 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt., Aug. 1917; att. 54th Bn., Oct. 1917; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. M.^CDONALD, George Gordon; Universitry Coll. 1916; 2nd Regt. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; (Further details not available). M.\CDOxALD, Harold Hildreth Randolph Donald; University Coll. 1909, Applied 3rd Royal Sussex Regt., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1915; France, Oct. [Science 191 1. 1915, 2nd R. Sussex Regt.; Capt., Dec. 1915; Somme; Egypt, June 1917, att. 4th R. Sussex Regt.; Palestine, 3rd battle of Gaza, Jerusalem, Jordan Valley, Eg>'pt (1919); Wounded, Somme, July 15, 1916, and in Jerusalem advance, Oct. 16, 1917. McDonald, Harry Sandfield; Victoria 1914-16 (1919-20); c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte., June 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1917; Cpl., Mar. 19 17; Fran^ce, Nov. 19 17, att. ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Pte.; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp., Dec. 1918; Arras, Villers-Bretonneux, Bray, Peronne, Froissy, Chaulnes, Villers-Carbonel, Epehy, Le Cateau, Valenciennes, Maubeuge. MacDonald, James Duncan; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919. Macdonald, James Herbert; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; o/s. Aug. 1917; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Capt.; France, Oct. 1918, att. No. 55 Impl. 'Cambridge' Unit; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; Can. Labty. Staff, att. No. I Can. Gen. Labty., Folkestone, No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., and No. r6 Can. Gen. Hosp. McDonald, James Howitt; Education 1914, (Forestry 1922). c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Pte.; Cpl.; o/s. Dec. 1916; 5th Can. Div. San. Sec, Pte.; France, 1st Can. San. Sec. McDonald, James Willlvm; d.d.s. 19 15; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 19 15; o/s. May 1915; Cpl.; c.a.d.c, Sergt., July 1915; Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, No. 3 Can. CCS.; Ypres sec; Conval. Hosp., Bromley, Sept. 1917; c..\.d.c. Hdqrs., London, Eng.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton; King's Can. Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Bushey Park. MacDonald, John Adda; phm.b. 1914; ca.m.c. No. 14 Fd. Amb., Staff Sergt. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Staff Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; Sergt. - Major, Jan. 1917; Lieut., Qr.-Mr., Jan. 1918; England, Jan. 1918; Capt. Qr.- Mr., Jan. 19 19; Mons Star, 19 14. MacDonald, John Alaster; Applied Science 19 17. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Nov. 1914; 2nd Can. Div. Cyclist Cps.; France, Sept. 1915; 15th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; Cadet, Feb. 1917; France, Oct. 19 1 7. 30th Bty., CF.A., Lieut.; Ypres, St. Eloi, Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Pozieres, Sept. 1916. McDonald, John Laing; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., May 1916; Capt., June 1916; Salonica, Aug. 1916; Basingstoke, Sept, 1917; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, July 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 363 McDonald, John McWilliam; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, T. D., M.D. I, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o s. Dec. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, Capt. Macdoxald, John Milligan; University CoU. 1914; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; o/s. ApL 1916; France, 3rd Bn.; (Further details not available). Macdonald, John Welsford; b.a. University Coll. 1911; 78th Regt., Capt. 185th Bn.; Major and Adjt., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1918, 44th Bn., Capt.; Arras sec; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918; M.C., Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918. McDonald, Joseph John Alexander; Medicine 1921 (1922); -c.o.t.c. 2nd Depot Bn., ist c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f., 2/a.m. McDonald, Joseph Willl\m; University CoU. 1914, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 66th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Salonica, Aug. 1916, No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Basingstoke; In- valided May 19 18. McDonald, Kenneth Duncan; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres sec, St. Eloi; Wounded, St. Eloi, Apl. 25, 1916; m.h.c, Instr., Mar. 19 17. Discharged Dec. 1917. MacDon.\ld, Neil M.; Education 19 17. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; o/s.; r.g.a.. Cadet, Sept. 1918; Sec. Lieut. Macdonald, Norman Frederick; University Coll. 1918, Knox; c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; 4th Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Wounded, Somme, Aug. 1916, July 1917, and Aug. 1918; M.C, Oct. 1917.; (Further details not available). M.\cdonald, Norman James; b.a. University Coll. 19 12. R.F.C, Lieut.; Wounded; (Further details not available). McDonald, Percy; Applied Science 1909. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McDonald, Roderick C; b.a.sc. 19 14. R.N.C.V.R., A.B. Seaman; Atlantic patrol. Macdon.\ld, Roger Allan; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 47th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; 54th Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, 6th Bty.; W^ounded severely, Vimy, May 3, 1917; Invalided Feb. 1918. Macdonald, Roger Ralph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., Dec. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; R-^C-. Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Nov. 1918; Injured Nov. 12, 19x8. MacDonald, Thomas Albert; Education "1909; 37th Regt., Lieut. 114th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; Major; France, Dec. 1916, att. Hdqrs., ist Army. MacDonald, Wilbert Lorne; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.a. (Wis.) 1910, ph.d. 235th Bn., Lieut., July 1916; Capt.; France, [(Harv.) 1912, Staff 1912-13- Apl. 1918, 78th Bn., Lieut.; Amiens; Khaki Univ., Jan. 1919; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Macdonald, William Alexander; m.b. 1899. C.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No- - ^^-i"- ^»^"- Hosp.; Med. Bds., Willey, Feb. J919. McDonald, William Moss; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 19 16; France, Feb. I9i«, '^t Can. Tramways Coy.. C.E.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. MACDONALr), William Ross; b.a. University Coll. 1914. Knox; c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; L-Cpl.,Cpl.; France; 4th Bn., Lieut.: Injured Nov. 1916; Invalided Jan. 1917. ^64 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Macdonald, William Wagner; d.d.s. 1915; 2nd Regt. c.A.D.c, Capt., Apl. 1918. AIacdonell, Ian McLean; b.a.sc. 1915; c.e., Univ. Coy. Cps. of Guides, Lieut., Nov. 1914; att. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Mar. 1915; 41st Bty., C.F.A., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916, 41st Bty.; nth Bde., c.f.a., Adjt., Dec. 1916; a.d.c. to G.o.c, ist Can. Div., July 1917; ist Can. Div. Art., Staff Capt., Aug. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded Jan. 1918; m.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches, Passchendaele, June 1918. McDougall, Alan Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; Can. m.g. Depot, Jan. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, 2nd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Pte.; Arras, Cambrai, etc. McDougall, Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1899. 224th Can. For. Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c. Mar. 1916; France, June 1916, Director, Timber Operations, Col., Sept. 1916; Can. For. Cps., -Brig. -Gen., Apl. 1917; G.o.c, June 1917; Major-Gen., Dec. 1918; c.b., Jan. i, 1918; Legion d'Honneur, Croix d'Officier, Apl. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1918. McDougall, Alexander Lorne; University Coll. 1903; c.e., Lieut. 4th Can. Pion. Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Dec. 1916; France, June 1917, c.F.c, 47th Coy., Major, o.c; Swiss Border. McDougall, Archibald Cameron; Applied Science 1912. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1915; France, Nov. 1915; 224th Can. For. Bn., Oct. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Capt., May 1917; Major, May 1918; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, etc. Macdougall, Charles Spurgeon; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, T. D., m.d. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., July 1917; France, May 19 18, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; Capt.; M.o. 15th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. MacDougall, Dougal Peter; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Hwr. Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr., July 1917; Cadet, Apl. 1917; 22nd Bty., Lieut., Nov. 1917; Ploeg- steert, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy-Arras, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 27, 1918. McDoug.vll, Eric Graham; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.a. 1911, e.sc.f. 1911. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Somme (1915), Kemmel, Messines, Ypres; Wounded (amputation), Ypres, Apl. 18, 1916; Discharged Mar. 1917. McDougall, Frederic Moore; University Coll. 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 26th Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 26th Bty.; 17th Bty.; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Valenciennes; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 27, 1918. McDougall, John Lorne; b.a. University Coll. 1914. On Active Service; France; Wounded Nov. 1917; Invalided Nov. 1918; (Further details not available). McDougall, John Wallace; Education 191 7. R.A.F., Cadet, June 1918. McDougall, Kenneth Hamilton; University Coll. 1913. Can. For. Cps., Capt., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1916; Major, Mar. 1917; Lt.- Col., Nov. 1917; D.S.O., Mar. 1918; Despatches Jan. 1918. McDougall, Morris; b.a. University Coll. 1903; 2nd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 50th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 53rd Bty., Capt., o.c, Sept. 1916; r.f.a., ROLL OF SERVICE 365 Capt., July 1917; Mesopotamia, Oct. 1917; Fathah Gorge — Mosul; Afghanis- tan, May 1919; Khyber Pass, Loe Dakka; A/Major, June 1919. Macdougall, \Villl\m Eraser; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., Aug. 1916; France, Sept. 1915; Somme, Vimy, Messines, Arras, 3rd battle of Ypres (Aug. 1917); Wounded, Ypres, Aug. 15. 1917; India, 1918; Punjab riots; att. Baluchistan Ed. Force, 1919. MacDowell, Thaix Wendell; b.a. Victoria 1915, (m.a.-Hou. 19 19); 4i.'t Regt., 38th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., July 1915; Bermuda, Aug. 1915; [Lieut. France, Aug. 1916; Major, Oct. 1918; Ypres, Messines, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 18, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; D.s.o., Somme, Nov. 18, 1916; Victoria Cross, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Despatches twice. McEachern, John McFaul; Medicine 1919 (1923); 79th Regt., Lieut.; C.O.T.C. C.A.M.c, No. 5 Ed. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; 43rd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France Jan. 1916, i6th Bn.; Messines sec, Ypres (1916), Somme; 174th Bn., Canada, Capt., Dec. 1916; Can. Tr. School, Bexhill, Instr. ; France, Mar., I9i8,-27th Bn., Lieut.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Iwuy. McE.\CHERN, Keith James; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc. 1920). C.E., Spr., May 1918; Cadet; Injured, June 28, 1918; Discharged Sept. 1918. MacE.\chern, Norman Allan; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.a. 1909, Knox. . Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 134th Bn., Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, att. ist Bde., C.G.A.; Lens — ^Arras sec; Returned Oct. 1918. McEachren, Frank Yeigh; Applied Science 1909; 36th Regt. Public Schools Spec Cps., Epsom, England, Oct. 1914; Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1914; Resigned Dec. 1915; 198th Bn., Canada, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt.; France, Feb. 1918, 4th C.M.R.; Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — V'alenciennes. McElroy, Harry Morton; b.s.a. 1913; 98th Regt., Lieut. 141st Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; France, Aug. 1917, 8th Bn., Lieut.; Lens; Wounded Sept. 28, 1917; i8th Res. Bn., Musk. Instr.; Can. Tanks Hdqrs., Art. Instr., May 191 8. McEoWN, Ian; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1919, m.a. course 1919-20). 198th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl.; Discharged, medically unfit, Jan. 191 7; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1918. McEwEN, Peter; b.sc.f. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.O.T.C, o/s. draft, Apl. 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; Lieut., June 191S; France, Sept. 1917, 126th Army Bde., r.f.a.; Ypres sec, Passchcndaele, Bethune sec. Loos sec, Arras — Mons. McEwEN, Robert J.vmes; m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Lieut. Sask. Recruiting Sta., Aug. 1914; c.a.m.c, Lieut., Dec. 1914; France, Mar. 1915, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; A/Major, Ajil. 1916; Major, Dec. 1917; Impl. c.c. Stas., Surg., Mar. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1918; Trans- portation Svce., s.M.o. to Saskatoon, Feb. 1919; O.B.E., Jan. 1919; Despatches Dec 1918. McEwEN, Willl\m James; d.d.s. 1913. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, .^pl. loiR, No. 3 Can. Ge,n. Hosp.; c.a.d.c Labtys., Namur. MacFadzean, William B.; b.v.sc. 19 15. R.A.v.c, Lieut., June 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; Egypt. Jan. 1916; Salonica, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Turkey; Despatches Apl. 191 S. McFarl.and, George Franklin; b.a. University Coil. 1902, ll.h. 1905; 31st Regt., Hdqrs.,M.D. 2,.Sr. Musk. Offr., May 1915; 147th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Dec (Major. 1915; 8th Res. Bn., o.c, Jan. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, 4tli cm.k., Major, 2nd 366 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO i/c; Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Loos-Lens- Arras sees., Amiens; Dep. Judge Adv. Gen., and A/Judge Adv. Gen., Dec. 1918; Lt.-Col., Feb. 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. ]\L\CF.\RLANE, Athol Herridge; Applied Science 19 16; 3rd Fd. Troop, c.e. 4th C.M.R., Pte., Feb. 1915; Cpl., May 1915; France, Oct. 1915, 4th c.m.r., Pte.; Lieut., Capt.; Messines, Ploegsteert, Ypres, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 2, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; ist Bn., 2nd c.o.r.. Major, Feb. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; m.c, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916. McFarlane, Austin McPherson; b.v.sc. 1915. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Feb. 19 16; (Further details not available). M.\cfarlane, Edric David; b.a.sc. 19 10. R.F.C, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Injured, Texas, Dec. 1917; - North Sea patrol, July 19 18. McFarlane, Hugh Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1910, Knox 1913. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Pte., July 1916; Sergt., Dec. 1916; 1st Can. Tank Bn., Cpl., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; Can. Chaplain Svce., att. C.C.D., Witley, Capt., Oct. 19 18; France, Mar. 1919, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.d. i, June 19 19. McFarlane, Uria; University Coll. 1917. R.F.C, Cadet; (Further details not available). McFaul, Alexander McNeil; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; 43rd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; 9th Can. Inf. Bde. m.g. Coy., July 1916; Major, o.c, Oct. 1916; Zillebeke, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Zillebeke, June 5, 1916, and Courcelette, Sept. 16, 1916; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918; M.c, Passchendaele, 1917; Despatches June 19 17. McFaul, James Nevin; b.a. University Coll. 19 15, Knox; c.o.t.c 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McFaul, William Lawrence; b.a.sc 19 13; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; c.e., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918. McFeetors, Earl; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 45th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Gassed, Lens, Apl. 30, 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. McGanity, Arthur James; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, M.o. 84th Bn., Capt., July 1915; o/s. June 1916; France, Aug. 1916, M.o. 4th Can. Div. Train; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., Feb. 1917; M.o. 47th Bn., Dec. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; C.A.M.C Depot, ShorncliflFe, Adjt., July 1918; C.A.M.C Cas. Coy., o.c, Oct. 1918; d.g.m.s. Staff, London, Jan. 1919. McGarv.\h, Arthur William; Trinity, University Coll., Victoria 1919, (Medicine u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; [1922); C.O.T.C o/s. June 1918; L-Cpl. McGarvin, Michael James; b.a. University Coll. 1904. 173rd Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Pte., Apl. 1917; Cpl., Sergt., S/Sergt., s.q.m.s.; Lieut., Aug. 1918. McGearv, William Lachlan; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920). 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.cl.l; Cadet, Dec. 1916; 38th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Aug. 1918; Ypres, Zillebeke, Somme, Avion, Lens, Passchendaele, Loos-Lens-Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Qucant, Wounded, Avion, June 29, 1917, and Dury, Sept. 2, 1918; m.c. Avion, June 29, 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 367 McGee, Harry Estevan; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; 12th Div.; France, May 1915; Loos (1915-16), Somme (1916), Arras (1917), Cambrai {1917), March Retreat (1918), Advance July-Nov. 1918; o.c. Mobile Vety. Sec; India, Nov. 1918; v.o. i/c Mesopotamia base; Despatches, Cambrai, Nov. 1917, and Dec. 1918. McGee, Leslie; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.x.c. C.O.T.C. o/s. draft, June 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., Aug. 1918; India, Julyi9i7; Mesopotamia, Nov. 19 17, 266th Bde., r.f.a.; A/Adjt.; Saniarra sec; Palestine, El Jelil, El Haram and Coastal sec, Mulebbis, Wady Ballut, Advance into Samaria. McGhie, William Gordon; b.a.sc. 1911; 19th Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; Capt., Oct. 1917; 5th Bn.,c.E., Capt., June 1918; Major, July 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 1916, and Wancourt, Aug. 1918; Italian Silver Medal for Valour, Somme, Sept. 1916; M.C., Vimy, Apl. 1917; Despatches Sept. 1916 and Mar. 1917. McGiBBON, Peter (m.p.); m.b. 1904. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Apl. 19 15; France, Aug. 1915, M.o. 8th R. Berkshire Regt.; Loos, Hulluch, Second German Offensive; Wounded, Loos, Sept. 25, 1915, and Hulluch, Oct. 13, 1915; M.c, Hulluch, Oct. 13, 1915. McGiE, William Robertson; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 99th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, July 1916, 19th Bn.; Ypressec.; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Discharged Oct. 1917. McGill, Andrew Kirk; Education 19 15; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Nov. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut.; F"rance, Mar. 1918, r.a.f., 239th • Sqdn., Lieut.; South Coast patrol. McGiLL, George Waddell; Education 1909, (b A. Queen's). 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; Bdr.; 52nd Bty., Cpl.; France, Aug. 1917; Wounded, Hill 70, Sept. 7, 19 17. MacGillivray, Angus Howard; b.a. University Coll. 1896, m.a. 1898, Knox. Can. Chaplain Svce , att. 173rd Bn., Capt., June 1916; o/s.; att. 2nd Res. Bn.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Discharged, Dec. 19 16. (Died Nov. 14, 19 19.) McGiLLiviMY, Charles Roy; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1916, Knox; c.o.t.c 196th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c, June 1917; o/s. June 1917; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1917; Khaki Univ., Taplow., Seer., Nov. 1918; att. y.m.c.a., Beaver Hut, 1919. McGiLLiVRiW, Donald; m.b. 1897, m.d., cm. Trinity 1899, Staff; loth Regt., Capt. c.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Major, Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Lt.-Col., May 1916; Returned July 1917; d.g.m.s. Branch, Ottawa, Bd. of Med. Con- sultants. McGiLLivRvW, James E^dward; Medicine 1917, (m.r. 1920); 20th Horse. c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 28lh Bn., I'to., L-Cpl.; Wounded, St. Eloi, Apl. 17, 1916; c.a.m.c, Pte, Aug. 1916; Transport Svce., Jan. 1917; Returned to (oinpliac course Sept. 1917; Mil- Medal, St. Lloi, Apl. 1916. McGlVEKiN, Frederick Aktiilr; Applied Science 1908; 2nd I'd. Coy., c.E., Lieut. lOth Fd. Coy., c.E., Lieut., July 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Capt.; loth Bn., ce., Major, 2nd i/c; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 4, 1918; M.c, gaz. June 3, 191S; Despatches Jan. 1918. McGreeh, Arthik Hi'ffman; b.a. Trinity 1906, m.a. 1909. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. c.E., Capt., Sept. 1914: "/^- Sept. 1914: France, Feb. 1915, No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; .Major, Jan. 191^1; Lt.-Col. and Asst. 368 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Dir. of Chaplain Svces., Can. Cps., Feb. 19 17; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Somme, Nov. 14, 1916; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches June 15, 1916, July 7, 1919. MacGregor, Arthur Emerson; b.a.sc. 1912. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; A/Capt. and Qr.Mr., Mar. 1916; Capt., Oct. 1916; 1st Res. Bde. School, Adjt., Jan. 1917; France, July 1917. 44th Bn.; att. 1st Army Hdqrs., Aug. 1917; att. 5th Army Hdqrs., 'q' Branch, May 1918; Arras — Ypres. McGregor, William; Education 19 17 (1920). C.E., Spr., Feb. 1917; Ca.s.c, Pte., Feb. 1918; France, Feb. 1918, 3rd Can. Div. Mech. Tpt. Coy.; Lens — Arras sec; Injured July 16, 19 18. McGugan, Donald; b.a. University Coll. 191 1; 72nd Regt. i6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; A/Sergt., Dec. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, i6th Bn., Sergt.; q.m.s.. Mar. 1915; Wt. Offr., July 1915; att. G.H.Q., 3rd Echelon, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Staff Capt., Jan. 1916; g.h.q., Dep. Asst. Adjt. -General, June 1916; Major, Feb. 1918; G.H.Q., Offr. i/c Can. Records, France, Lt.-Col. and d.a.a.g., Apl. 1919; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Jan. i, 1916; O.B.E., June 1919; Despatches Jan. 1916, Jan. 1919, June 1919. McGuGAN, Duncan Fletcher; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 71st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; France, Mar. 1918; Can. Div. Amm. Col.j. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McIlhargey, Patrick Eugene; b.a.sc. 1917; c.o.t.c. CA.S.C, Mech. Tpt., Pte., June 1918; o/s. July 1918. McIlwraith, Douglas Gordon; m.b. 1901; c.a.m.c. No. 12 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, Bd. of Med. Examrs., Hamilton, Capt., Aug. 1914; a/o.c No. 12 Fd. Amb. (Mil.), Nov. 1914; o.c, Mil. Hosp., Hamilton, Mar. 1915; M.o. i/c Conv. Homes, Nov. 1915; o.c. Mil. Hosp., Hamilton, Mar. 1916; Major, Nov. 1916; Pres., Exam. Med. Bd., m.s.a., Sept. 1917. MacInnes Charles Stephen; b.a. Trinity 1892, m.a. 1893; loth Regt., Capt. Hdqrs. Staff, Ottawa, a.a.g., i. Major, July 1915; Bt. Lt.-Col., Feb. 1916; Admin. Staff Offr., i, Nov. 1916; England & France, special duty, att. Hdqrs, Dec. 1916-Feb. 1917; Hdqrs., Ottawa, Feb. 1917-Apl. 1919; Col., Mar. 1917; Dep. Adjt. Gen., Organisation, Apl. 19 17; Washington, U.S.A., special duties; C.M.G., Aug. 1917; Mentioned, Services, July 1917; Mentioned, Services in U.S.A., Oct. 1919. McInnis, Thomas John; Medicine 1920 (1923). 217th Bn., Pte.; Lieut., A/Capt., Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1916; r.f.c; Wounded Oct. 25, 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. McIntosh, David Graham; b.a. University Coll. 191 1; io8th Regt., Lieut. 34th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, June 1916, 5th c.m.r.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Invalided; ist Depot Bn., w.o.R., Capt., Jan. 1918. McIntosh, Donald Keough; d.d.s. 1912. c.A.D.c, att. 119th Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1916. Macintosh, George William; Victoria 1911. 3rd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Aug. 1915; 3rd Fd. Coy., ce., Spr., Oct. 1915; Impl. Army, Sec. Lieut., May 1918; (Further details not available). McIntosh, Herman Whitefield; b.a. Victoria 1912, Education 1913. (Reported as on Active Service No details available.) i ROLL OF SERVICE 369 McIntosh, John William; b.a. University CoH. 1892, m.b. 1894. C.A.M.C, Capt., June 1917; o/s. June 1917; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Pres., Offrs.' St. Med. Bd., London; France, Apl. 19 18, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., i'c Medicine; Returned Sept. 1918; Consultant, m.d. ii; Major, Sept. 1918; Lt.-CoL, Jan. 1919. McIntosh, Peter Douglas; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Can. Inf., Lieut., May 1915; att. r.f.c; France, Mar. 1917, nth Sqdn.; Arras, Vimy; Wounded July 25, 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. Macintosh, Robert Duncan; b.v.sc. 191 i. C.A.v.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; r.a.v.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; Egypt, Mar. 1915, No. 17 Vety. Hosp. Sec; v.o. i/c Zion Mule Cps.; 41st Remount Sqdn.; No. 19 Mob. Vety. Sec; No. i Conv. Horse Depot; No. 26 Vety. Hosp.; i/c, a. v. c. Base Depot; No. 26 Vety. Hosp. ; Anzac, Suvla Bay, Egypt; Invalided, Dardanelles, Dec. 12, 1915; Invalided Sept. 1918. McIntosh, Wilfred Alonzo; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896, f.t.m.c; 39th Regt., Major, m.o. C.A.M.C, m.o. 133rd Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; Major, Aug. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; Med. Bds., Shoreham, Hastings; Can. Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Buxton; Can. Conval. Offrs.' Hosp., Broadstairs, 2nd i/c; France, Oct. 1917, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; Can. For. Cps., No. 6 Distr., Gerardmer, Vosges, s.M.o. & o.c Hosp.; C.A.M.C, T.D., M.D. I, o.c, Sept. 1918. McIntosh, William Verne; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Capt., Apl. 1918; T.D., M.D. I; Clearing Svces. Cmd., Quebec; o/s. June 1919; Conducting Staff. McIntyre, Archibald Fleming; Education 1918. C.E., Spr., May 1918; France, Sept. 1918; 2nd Bn., ce., Oct. 1918; \'alenciennes. McIntyre, Edward Lorne; m.b. 1911; c.a.m.c, Lieut., C.A.M.C, m.d. id, Capt., 1918; Med. Bds.; Tpt. Svce. McIntyre, George Crer.\r; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, Lieut., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; No. 38 Fd. Amb., 12th Div.; M.o. 9th Royal Fusiliers, 12th Div. ; Hohenzollern Redoubt, Somme, Ovillers, Mouquet Farm, Flers, Gueudecourt; Returned Dec. 1916; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., 1917-18. Macintyre, Hor.\ce Roy; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Capt., Oct. 1915; No. 3 Can. Div. San. Sec; m.o. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; France, Mar. 1916; M.o. 18th Bn.; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy; Invalided May 1917; Can. Offrs.' Hosp., Broadstairs; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp. McIntyre, Peter Findlay; Applied .Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Bdr., Cpl., A/Sergt.; France, Dec. 19 1 6, 29th Bty., Gnr.; 36th Bty., Mar. 191 7: Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Mer\ille; Gassed, Lens, Aug. 22, 1917; Wounded June 28, 1918. McIntyre, Reyburn R.; k. Coll. Dfiual Surg. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 1916; Lieut., Dec. 1917; Cajit., IXc. 1918. McKague, Ernest Victor; b.a.sc 1915; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. Can. Cyclists, Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Can. Cps. Cyclists, Capt.; att. r.f.c, Nov.-Dcc 1916; att. 5th Army Hdqrs., 1917: Vpres, .Somme, Neuville-St. Vaast, VIm\-, Passchendaele, \inu- sec, .Amicus, .Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C, Passchendaele, 1917. Mac K\v, Alexander; m.d., cm. Trinity i8()5; 36th Regt., M.ijor. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, Apl. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Discharged Mar. 1916. —27 J)/> UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO McKay, Alexander Lynn; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Undine', [c.o.t.c. June 1917; Grand Fleet, Scapa Flow, Firth of Forth; Returned to complete course July 191 8. IMackay, Alexander Walter; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.D.C., Sergt., June 1916; o, s. Dec. 1916; r.f.c, Lieut., Jan. 1918; r.a.f. MacKay, Angus; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.a.m.c, m.d. I, Lieut., Feb. 1917; o/s. June 1917; c.a.m.c, t.d., Shorncliffe, Capt.; France, Oct. 1918, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1919. MacKay, Charles; m.b. 19 16; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1916; Asst. Offr. i/c Casulaties; Capt.; M.H.c, Oct. 1916. Mackay, Charles Mackenzie; m.b. 1903; 22nd Regt., Capt. c.a.m.c, m.o. 71st Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bram- shott, June 1916; France, Mar. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. -Hosp.; m.o. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Aug. 19 17; m.o. 5th Bn., C.E., June 19 18; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McKay, Donald Alfred Pringle; d.d.s. 1913. c.a.d.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). McKay, Donald George; m.b. 19 10. c.a.m.c, m.o. 126th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, M.o. 46th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 27, 1917; Returned Mar. 1918. McKay, Donald Walter; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; m.d. ii, June 1918. Mackay, Douglas Havelock; University Coll. 19 19; r.m.c. Cadet. R.E., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; Lieut., Nov. 1918; France, Mar. 1918, 62nd Div. Sig. Coy., R.E.; att. 185th Bde. Sig. Sec, r.e., 62nd Div., Dec. 1918; att. High- land Div. Sig. Coy., R.E., Dec. 1918; Arras sec, Bucquoy sec, Marne (Rheims) (July 19 18), Bucquoy, Bapaume, Cambrai — Maubeuge. MacKay, Ernest George; b.a.sc 1912; 91st Regt., Lieut. 19th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; A/Major, Aug. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; Messines, Ypres, St. Eloi; Can. Staff, Shorncliffe, Sept. 1916; Can. Staff, Brighton, Nov. 1916; a.g. Staff, London, Dec. 1916; Staff Capt., Jan. 1917; d.a..\.g.. Major, Oct. 1918; Mentioned, Services. Mackay, Norman Douglas; University Coll. 1919; r.m.c. Cadet. R.E., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; Lieut., Nov. 1918; France, Jan. 19 18, 8oth Fd. Coy., R.E. ; St. Quentin, Hangard Wood, Villers-Bretonneux (Amiens), Albert, Bray — Corbie; Wounded and Prisoner, Bray-Corbie, Aug. 6, 19 18; M.c, gaz. Jan. I, 1919. McKay, Robert Alexander; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Oct. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Apl. 1917; France, May 1916. Wounded, Somme, July 20, 1916; France, May 1917; Passchendaele; Italy, Nov. 1917-Mar. 1918; Returned May 1918. MacKay, Robert Alexander; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Cpl. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1917; Cadet, Oct. 19 18; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Despatches Oct. 1918. McKay, Robert Roy; University Coll. 1918; 91st Regt., Lieut. 76th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 36th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916, ist Bn.; Capt.; ROLL OF SERVICE -,- Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; Invalided Feb. 1918. MacKay, William Morton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty.,'c.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; o/s. July 1916; c.a.d.c, Sergt.; Returned to complete course Nov. 19 17. McKee, Charles Sears; m.b. 1896; c.a.m.c. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Gen. Hosp., Capt.; o/s. Aug. 19 15; (Details rot available). McKee, Clarence Sparks; b.a. University Coll. 1914; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Asst. Div. Intell. Offr., Lieut., Jan. 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 19 17; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut.; France, Nov. 19 18. McKee, Eldon Clifford; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, att. 5th Div., Sergt.; o/s. Dec. 1916; Hastings. McKef, George Humphries; Education 1916, (d.d.s. 1920). C.A.D.C, M.D. 3, Sergt., 1918. McKee, Samuel Cochr.\ne; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c, Sergt. r.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1918; Capt., May 1919; o/s. June 1918; Woolwich and Bulford; Salonica, Nov. 1918, v.o., 20th Bde., 27th Div.; No. 18 Vety. Hosp.; Black Sea, Batoum, Tiflis, S. Russia. McKellar, John; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 67th, u. ofT., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1917; o/s.; Transf., Admiralty, Bd. of Invention and Research. McKelvey, Silas Atwell; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.t.c C.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Woolwich Hosp. MacKendrick, Bruce; b.a.sc 1917; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 19 17; R.E., Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 19 18, 2i2th Fd. Coy., R.E., 33rd Div.; Wounded, Hecq, Nov. ^, 1918. MacKendrick, Harry Crane; Forestry 1918; c.o.t.c, Lieut. I nth Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Nov. 1916, 4th c.m.r.; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens; Gassed, La Chaudierc, Sept. 5, 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917; att. Hdqrs. Sub-Staff, M.D. I, Mar. 1918; No. i Distr. Depot, Mar. 1918. MacKent)RICK, Harry Frederick; m.b. 1893, m.d., cm. Trinity 1893; 29th Regt. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt.; France, Sept. 1915, No. 31 ccs.; No. 59 F"d. Amb., June 1917; No. 2 Australian ccs., July 1917; No. 38 ccs., M;ir. 1918; att. No. 2 Can. ccs., Feb. 19 18; Messines, Wytschaete, Somme; Re- turned May 19 18. Mackenzie, Albert Pryse; Applied Science 1920 (1921). CA.s.c, No. 2 t. d., Pte.; No. 2 Svce. Coy., Cpl.; Injured Nov. 16, 1917. Mackenzie, Alexander John; b..\. University Coll. 1896, ll.b. 1898, m.b. 1900, Staff; c.A.M.c, M.o. 15th Bn., Major, Aug. 1914; F'rance, [48th Regt., Major, m.o. Feb. 1915; Yprcs, Festubert, Givcnchy; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Medicine; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Medicine and 2nd i/c, Jan. 1916; Lt.-Col., May 1917; Princess Patricia's Can. Red Cross Hosp., o.c, June 1917; (".ran\ ille Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton, i/c Med. Dcpt., Jan. 1918; o.c. Mil. Hosps., M.n. 6, Halifax, May 1918; Consultant, M.D. 2, Aug. 1919- Mackenzie, Alexander Maclon.\ld; b.a.sc 1914, (c.e. 1920); c.o.t.c, McCJiil, Lieut. C.E., T. D., St. John's, Hue., Lieut., May 1918; o, s. July 191H. Mackenzie, Archibald Edward; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c 13th Bty., CF. A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; ^'I)^csscc.; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1917; o s. .Aug. 1917; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witlcy, Oct. 1917; m.o. 198th Bn.; m.o. 3r(i Res. Bn.; France, Oct. 1918, att. No. 53 Impl. Gen. IIosp., Wimcreux; Med. Bd., Can. Gen. Base UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Depot; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, May 19 19; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. jNIcKexzie, Arthur Pe.\rson; b..\. Victoria 1913, m..\. 1914, Staff 1914-15; c.o.t.c, 124th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 19 16; i/c b.f. & p.t.. Camp Staff, Niagara, [Lieut. June 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 4th Bn.; Co;- Offr., Nov. 1917; Scout OfTr., Feb. 1918; Intell. Offr., Apl. 1918; Capt., Sept. 1918; Adjt., Jan. 1919; Lens sec, Scarpe — Neuville-Vitasse sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Pecquencourt; Gassed Nov. 1917; Wounded, Upton Wood, Aug. 1918; M.C., Amiens, Aug. 1918. McKenzie, D.wid Croal; m.b. 1896. 141st Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Dec. 1915; o/s. ApL 1917. Mackenzie, David Hardy; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 42nd Regt., Lieut. 78th Bty., C.F.iV., Gnr., May 1917; 12th Can. Siege Bty.; France, May 1918; Vimy sec, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes. McKenzie, Douglas William Samuel; Victoria 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c. 92nd Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 42nd Bn.; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Regina Trench, Oct. 7, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Oct. 1918. Mackenzie, Frank Morley; University Coll. 1915, Medicine 1918, m.d., (Detroit c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Capt., Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; No. 12 Can. [Coll.) 1916. Gen. Hosp. Mackenzie, Harold John; b.a.sc." 1914. C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France, July 1916, ist Tnlg. Coy., c.E.; ist British Army, Chief Instr. of Mines, June-Aug. 1918; loth Bn., C.E., Capt., May 1918; Major, Dec. 1918; St. Eloi (1916-17), Messines (June 1917), Ypres sec, Pass- chendaele, Vimy-Arras sec. (1918), Canal du Nord — Mons; M.c, Passchendaele, gaz. June 3, 1918. M,\CKENZiE, James Alexander; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr.; 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; o/s.; Returned Aug. 1917. Mackenzie, John Joseph; b.a. University Coll. 1886, m.b. 1899, Staff; c.a.m.c. C.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; M.D. 2, 1917. Mackenzie, John Ross; m.b. 1893; Med. Cps., 2nd N. Dakota Inf., ist Lieut. A.E.F., U.S. Med. Cps., Lieut., Mar. 1918; Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, Iowa; No. 26 Casual Coy., Camp Custer; France, Sept. 19 18, No. 305 Amb. Coy., 77th Div.; Argonne — Meuse; No. 15 Amb. Coy., 2nd Div., Med. Cps., 23rd Inf.; Med. Res. Cps., Capt. McKenzie, John Vernon; b.a. Victoria 1909; 42nd Regt. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.l, Pte., Sept. 1915; 87th Bn., Cpl.; Ii8th Bn., Lieut., July 1916; i6oth Bn.; r.f.c; France, Aug. 1917, looth Sqdn., Indep. Air Force; r.a.f.; Nancy sec; Wounded Oct. 31, 1918. Mackenzie, John William; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. 13th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Sergt., Oct. 1915; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1917; o/s. Mackenzie, Kenneth Bruce; Applied Science 1904. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McKenzie, Kenneth George; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut., Nov. 1914; Exh. Camp Hosp., m.d. 2, Jan. 1915; o/s. May 1915; R.A.M.c, Lieut.; Capt., May 1916; France, Aug. 1915, No. 25 Gen. Hosp.; No. 54 Fd. Amb., Oct. 1915; m.o. loth Essex Regt., Nov. 1915; m.o. 2nd Staffordshire Regt., Mar. 19 16; Albert- Arras sec; Mesopotamia, July 1 9 16, No. 40 Gen. Hosp.; Officers' Conv. Depot, Mesop., Jan. 19 17; c.a.m.c, Davisville Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Aug. 1917; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., Jan. 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 373 Mackenzie, Robert Dewar; m.b. 19 14. C.A.M.c, Camp Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Feb. 1916: o/s. Aug. 1916; m.o. Res. Bns.; France, Feb. 1917, No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 15th Bn., Mar. 1917; No. i Can. Fd. Amb., Oct. 1917; m.o. 15th Bn., Apl. 1918; No.-2 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1918; a/d.a.d.m.s., 1st Can. Div., Dec. 1918; d.a.d.m.s., g.h.q., Jan. 1919; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; M.C., Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. McKenzie, Wilfred Lawrence; Victoria 1913, Forestry 1914, Medicine 1918 (1921); 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb.; France, [c.o.t.c. Sept. 1915; Cpl., Nov. 1915; Ypres (1915-16); Invalided; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1917; R.A.F., Aug. 1917; Returned to complete course Mar. 1918. Mackenzie, William John; m.b. 191 i. C.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; m.o., c.f.a.; S.M.O., Shorncliffe, Apl. 1916; d.a.d.m.s., Shoreham and Seaford, Dec. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 43rd Bn., Mar. 1918; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., Major, Oct. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; s.M.o., London Area, Mar. 1919; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 24, 1917; Despatches Dec. 8, 1918. Mackenzie, William Thompson; phm.b. 1915. 123rd Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; Cpl., Sergt.; France, Feb. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; Vimy; Invalided June 1917; c.a.m.c, Princess Patricia's Can. Red Cross Hosp., Apl. 1918. Mackenzie-Naughton, John Douglas; b.a. University Coll. I9I2,m.a. 1913. 2nd Depot Bn., B.C. Regt., Pte., June 19 18; L-Cj 1., Cpl.; Siberian Ex. F., Hdqrs., Nov. 19 18; Siberia, Dec. 19 18; Sergt. McKeough, George Thomas; m.b. 1877, m.d. 1880. c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Major; o/s.; Med. Bd., Cas. Asseml ly Centre, Folkestone; Pres., Med. Bd., Bramshott; Resigned, invalided, Sept. 1916. McKeown, Charles John Weylie; University Coll. i9i<^, (Api lied Science 1922); u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; 204th Bn., Sergt., June 1916; [c.o.t.c. Hdqrs., b.f. and p.t. School, m.d. 2, Mar. 1917; r.f.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; France, Feb. 1918, 70th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Flanders; Prisoner Feb. 18, 1918. McKeown, Justin; m.b. 1917. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McKeown, Patrick Walter Hughes; b.a. University Coll. 1887, m.d., cm. Trinity C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915; [1889, Staff. France, Oct. 19 16; Pres., St. Med. Bd., Canadians; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., O.C; Col., Mar. 1917; c.b.e., June 3, 1919. Mackersie, William George; Medicine 1920 (1922); 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Spr. C.E., Spr., Mar. 19 16; Cpl.; France, Nov. 1917, 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Lens- Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. McKibbin, Alan Ernest; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Oct. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; Somme (1916), Peronne sec. (1917); Returned Dec. 1917; C.A.M.C, 1918-19. McKiBBON, George Louis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1922). C.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o s. McKie, Joseph George; Medicine 1912. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McKillip, Thomas Henry; m.h. 1913; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Lieut. C.A.M.C, No. 2 I'd. Anil)., Capt., .Sept. 1914; a.d.m.s. Staff, M.n. 2; o/s. Sept. 374 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1914; France, Feb. 1915, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 75th Bn.; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Festubert, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras; Major, Sept. 1916; Lt.-Col.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, 2nd i/c; h.m.a.t. 'Essequibo', O.C.; D.S.O., June 26, 1915; Despatches June 22, 1915. McKiXLAY, Archibald Stewart; Education 1910, (b.a. University Coll. 1920); u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th [c.s.c.i., Lieut. M.G. Coy., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. MacKinlay, Robert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; No. i Can. Mob. Labty., June 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 24 Gen. Hosp.; M.o. Can. m.g. Cps., Dec. 1918; Med. Bd., and No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., 1919. McKiNLEY, Francis Aloysius; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 12, 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. MACKINNON, Angus Alexander; University Coll. 1913. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1915; c.a.s.c, Cps. Tps. Supply Col., Desp. Rider; France, Jan. 1916; Invalided Nov. 1917; 4th Can. Div. Motor Tpt. Coy., Dr., Feb. 1918; Plocgsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, Arras — Vimy sec, Ypres sec, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Monchy — -Mons. McKiNNOX, Archie Lynn; Education 1915, (Medicine 1924); 30th Regt., Lieut. i9Sth Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 20th Bn., Pte.; Arras sec; Wounded, Vis-en-Artois, Aug. 28, 19 18; Mil. Medal, Vis-en- Artois, Aug. 28, 1918. MacKinnon, John Archibald; b.a.sc. 1911. C.E., Lieut., Jan. 1916; 3rd Army Tps. Coy., C.E.; France, June 1916; Capt.; 3rd Fd. Coy., C.E.; 14th Fd. Coy.; 3rd Bn., C.E.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Petit Cagnicourt, Sept. 8, 1918; M.C., Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. • MACKINNON, John George; Applied Science 1909, Diploma; 48th Regt. 239th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; Cpl., Sergt.; France, Mar. 1917, 3rd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Lieut., June 1917; Ypres, Ploegsteert, Lacature, Arras, Armentieres, Cambrai (Nov. 1917), Douai, Valenciennes, Mons. McKiNNON, Kenneth Wilbur; Veterinary Coll. 1915-18; c.o.t.c C.A.V.C, Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, No. i Can. Vety. Hosp.; att. 7th Can. Inf. Bde., Sept. 1918; Arras, Cambrai, etc. MacKinnon, Malcolm M.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., Nov. 19 18; att. 164th Depot Bde., Camp Funston. (Died July 23, 19 19.) McKiNNON, Neil E.; Medicine 1919 (1921). 48th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Invalided July 1917; Dis- charged Mar. 19 18. MacKinnon, William Thomas Morris; b.l. (Dalh.) 1898, m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c. No. 2 C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Capt., Aug. 1914; Major, Sept. [Gen. Hosp., Capt. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, temp, i/c Can. ccs.; att. No. i Impl. ccs., May 1915; Bailleul, Aire, Cholques; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1916; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., Nov. 1916; att. a.d.m.s. Staff, Folkestone, Jan. 1917; Can. Hosp., Etchinghill, Lt.-Col., o.c, Aug. 1917; Col., Sept. 1918; c.m.g., June 3, 1919; Despatches, Cholques, Nov. 30, 19 15; Mentioned, Services. ROLL OF SERVICE 375 McKiRDY, William Stuart; Applied Science 1910, Diploma; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; 9th Fd. Coy., c.e., L-Cpl., Sergt.; [L-Cpl. France, May 1916, 2nd Cpl.; Sergt., Nov. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Avion, May 31, 1917; Invalided; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. McKmght, James Henry; Applied Science 1909, Diploma. 256th Bn., Pte., Cpl., Feb. 1917; Sergt., June 1917; France, June 1917, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Lieut., Dec. 1917; Somme, Nieuport, Ypres — Passchendaele; Invalided Apl. 1918. Maclachlax, Colin Campbell; d.d.s. 1908. C..\.D.C., Lieut., Capt. McLachlan, Elmer James; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, June 1917, No. 13 Vety. Hosp.; att. 6th Impl. Div., Oct. 1917; Ypres — St. Quentin; No. 24 \'ety. Hosp., Aug. 1919. MacLachlan, James Duncan; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.C, Sergt., Nov. 19 17. McLachlan, John Reginald; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Sept. 1917. Maclachlan, Kellogg Sinclair; b.a.sc. 1913. Impl. Munitions Bd., Mar. 1916-Mar. 1918; c.e.. Cadet, Aug. 1918. MacLachlan, Lorne Edgar; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.C, Sergt., Apl. 1917. McLachlan, William Alton; b.a.sc 1914; 4Hth Regt. 134th Bn , Lieut., Jan. 19 16; France, 4th c.m.r.; (Further details not available). McLachlin, James Leask; b.a. University Coll. 1914; c.o.t.c 31st Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Aug. 1915; R.f.a., Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., July 1917; France, Feb. 1916, B/95th Bde., r.f.a.; Bde. Sig. Offr., May 1916; Somme, Scarpe, Ypres (1917), March Retreat (1918), Kemmel Hill, Retreat Aisne— Marne, Beaumont-Hamel — Avesnes — Maubeuge Rd.; Wounded, "Marne Retreat, May 27, 1918. McLaren, Arthur James; b.a.sc. 1912. 226th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; C.E., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, ist and 3rd Tnig. Coys., C.E.; A/Capt., Sept. 1918; Ypres sec, Kemmel, Messines, Armen- tieres, etc.; Wounded, Hill 60, Sept. 23, 1917; Despatches July 1919. Maclaren, Charles Henry; ll.b. 1905; 8th Bde., c.f.a., Lt.-Col. 2nd Bty., c.f.a.. Major, Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; ist Bde., c.f.a., Lt.-Col., O.C, Aug. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Art., Brig.-Gen., July 1917; Invalided; Can. Res. Art., England, O.C, July 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; D.S.O., gaz. Jan. 14, 1916; C.M.G., Jan. i, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1915, Jan. 1918. McLaren, George Hagarty; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899; 48th Regt., Lieut. 15th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres; Gassed, Ypres, Apl. 1915; 92nd Bn., Major, 2nd i/c, Aug. 1915; o/s- ^'^y 1916; 5th Res. Bn., 2nd i/c, Jan. 1917; 12th Res. Bn., 2nd i 'c. Mar. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1917. McLaren, Gordon Browning; University Coll. 1913. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., June 1916; Lieut., June I 917: Imming- ham base, East Coast, Eng.; Torquay, 1917; B. West Indies, Julv loiS; i/c H.M.M.L. 443, Sept. 1918. MacLaren, Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1888, m.b. 1894; Res. 2nd Regt., Sergt.; c.a.m.c, Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; M.o. (North West Medal 18S5. 376 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 36th and 43rd Bns.; Med. Bds., Bramshott; Canada, May 1917; Brit. & Can. Recruiting Mission, Providence, R.i., Dec. 1917. Macl.\rex, Hugh John; Applied Science 1917; 8th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 33rd Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 4th Bty.; 33rd Bty., Capt.; 31st Bty., Nov. 1917; Ypres (1916), Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded July 3, 1916; M.C., Cambrai, gaz. Apl. 2, 1919. Maclaren, Kenneth Bruce; b.a. Victoria 1912; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, June 1917, 15th En.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Gassed Mar. 15, 1918. McLaren, Peter Stewart; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. r.a.m.C; (Further details not available). MacLaren, Ralph Thompson; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. R.A.M.C, Lieut., 1915; o/s. 1915; France, 1916; Somme, La Bassee; Discharged 1917. McLaren, Wallace Hentjerson; d.d.s. 1901. c.A.D.c, M.D. 13, Lieut.; Capt.; o/s.; Bramshott. McLarty, Gordon Archibald; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; R.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Eastbourne; France, Feb. 1916, M.o. 8th Royal West Kent Regt., 24th Div., Capt.; Somme, Vimy, Messines, Ypres (1917); c.a.m.c, Med. Bds., m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918; a.d.m.s. Staff, M.D. 2, Aug. 1918; D.S.O., Jan. i, 1918; Despatches Dec. 25, 1917. McLaughlin, Hugh Johnston; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, June 1916, 15th Bn.; A/Capt., Oct. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; W'ounded Mar. x, 1917, and Hill 70, Aug. 16, 1917; Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, j.a.g.'s Br., Lieut.; Capt.; ist Can. Tank Bn., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; France; St. Quentin Canal. McLaughlin, Robert Cairnduff; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt.; 1917-19. McLaughlin, Ross Van Norman; d.d.s. 1916. c.A.D.c, Sergt., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, att. No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ploegsteert — Ypres sec; Returned to complete course June 1916. McLaughlin, William Webster; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt., Lieut. i66th Bn., Lieut., 1916; School of Musk., M.D. 2. McLaurin, Lloyd Drake; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, m.d. 13, Pte.; Lieut., Capt.; o/s.; att. Can. Div. Hdqrs., Bramshott. MacLaurin, Norman William Tempest; m.b. 1902. c.A.M.c, Med. Bd., m.d. 2, Capt.; o/s.; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 1918. McLay, James Franklin; b.a. University Coll. 1911, m.b. 1913. r.a.m.c, Lieut.; o/s. May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, No. 6 Cav. Fd. Amb., 3rd Cav. Div.; Caft., May 1916; No. 104 Fd. Amb., 30th Div.; Loos (1915), Somme, La Boisrelle, Pozieres, Armentieres and Arras sees.; Salonica, Aug. 19 17, No. 30 Sta. Hosp. ; France, June 19 18, mo. King's Own Scottish Borderers; No. 4 Fd. Amb., Guards Div., s.b. Offr., Major, Aug. 19 18; Marne, Chateau Thierry, Scissons Road, Beugneux, Cambrai — Maubeuge; M.c, July 1918; French Croix de Guerre, and Cor; s Citation, July 19 18. McLav, Samuel McMurrich; b.a. (McM.) 1903, m.b. 1910. r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1914; Capt., Nov. 1915; Cambridge Hosp., Aldershot; France, Jan. 1915, m.o. 5th Cameron Highlanders; No. Ii Gen. Hosp., Boulogne; No. 7 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 30th Bde., R.F.A.; M.o. 2nd Leinster Regt.; Ypres, Mes- sines, Somme; Wounded, Guillemont, Aug. 18, 1916; Returned Dec. 1916; c.A.M.c, Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 377 McLean, Allan Lockhart; Medicine 19 19. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, A/Sergt. McLean, Charles Morley; University Coll. 1913. (Reported as on Acti\-e Service. No details available.) Maclean, Daniel; Victoria 1918 (1920); c.o.t.c. C.O.T.C. o/s. draft, Jan. 19 16; 9th R. West Surrey Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1916, nth R. West Surrey Regt.; Somma; Invalided Nov. 1916; r.f.c, May 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 8th Sqdn., Lieut.; Picardy; Wounded Apl. i, 1918; r.a.f. ; Invalided Nov. 1918. MacLe.\n, Don.\ld George; b.a. University Coll. 1911; c.a.s.c. No. 2 Coy. Can. Perm. A.s.c, att. No. 5 Detach., Lieut., Dec. 1914; c..\.s.c., 4th Div. Train, June 1916; France, Jan. 1917; ist Can. Div. Train; ist Div. Mech. Tpt. Coy.; 1st Inf. Bde., Supply Offr.; 1st Div. Mech. Tpt. Coy., Supply Offr.; Passchen- daele. Lens, Arras. McLean, Donald Hector; b.a. University Coll. 1890. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) McLean, Ernest Cyrus; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Feb. 1916; o/s. May 1916; c.e.t.d., Feb. 1918. McLean, George Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 19 15. 19th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 21st Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., July 1916; Capt., June 1917; St. Eloi, Somme, Arras; Wounded, Hargicourt, Sept. 9, 1917. McLean, Hugh Clayton; m.b. 1903. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1917; Capt.; i/c Exh, Camp Hosp., Nov. 1917; Relief Cps., Halifax Disaster, Dec. 1917; Adjt. to o.c, c.a.m.c, Niagara, May 1918; Pension Bd., Oct. 1918. MacLean, Isaac Murray; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1916; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, .\pl. 1917, 20th Sqdn.; 199th, Night flying, Sqdn., Feb. 1918; Instr., England, July 1918; Ypres, Roulers — Lille, Messines; Wounded, Zillebeke Lake, Aug. 14, 1917. Maclean, James Douglas; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. c.A.M.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). McLean, James Grey; Applied Science 1913. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) MacLean, John; m.b. 191 i. French Red Cross, Sr. Surgeon; (l^etails rot available). McLean, John Lorne; d.d.s. 1901; 49th Regt. 59th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; France; Shell-shocked Sept. 1916; (Further details not available). McLean, John Roy; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c iiith Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1917, 15th Can. M.G. Coy.; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Capt., June 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchcndacle, .Xrras— Neuville-Vitasse sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded and gasscil, Canal du Nord, Sept. 12, 1918; French Croix de Guerre, Aug. 1918. MacLean, Malcolm Brown; Applied Science 1910; 2nd Dragoons, Lieut. 176th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 8th Bn., Can. Ry. Tjis.; I'ranrt.-, July 1917; Ypres sec. MacLean, Neil Bruce; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.a. 1908; c.o.t.c, Univ. of Man., 6ist Bn., Capt., June 1915; Major, June 1915; 2nd i/c; France, (Capt. Aug. 1916, 52nd Bn.; r.(;.a., Nov. 1916; 2r)Sth Siege Bty., o.c, J.m. 1917; 378 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 3rd Bde., R.G.A., 19th Cps., Educational Oflfr., Dec. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Nieuport-Dunkerque, Passchendaele, Ypres (Sept. 1918), etc.; D.s.o., June 3, 1918; Despatches Dec. 1917, May 1918. McLean, Norman Jennings; b.a. University Coll. 1912. C.A.s.c, 2nd Div. Supply Col., Lieut., 1915; France, 4th Can. Div. Train, Capt.; 72nd Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1918; Wounded and gassed July 1918. McLean, Percy Stewart; b.a. University Coll. 1909; c.o.'t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; France, 35th Hwr. Bty.; Sergt.; Lieut.; Injured Aug. 19 18; (Further details not available). McLean, William John; m.b. 1916. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1916; Capt.; o/s. June 1916; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, M.o. 3rd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Lens sec, Cambrai sec; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1918; c.a.m.c. Tr. School, Mar. 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1918; M.o. Can. For. Cps., Sept. 1918. McLean, William Taylor; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c. No. 13 Cav. Fd. Amb., Capt. c.A.M.c, A.D.M.s. Office, M.D. 2, Capt., Aug. 1914; Major, Apl. 1917; Service 1914-19. McLelan, Thomas Gregor; University Coll. 191 1; nth Regt., Lieut. I2ist Bn., Capt. and Adjt., May 1915; Major; o/s. Aug. 1916; i6th Res. Bn.; Discharged Sept. 19 17. McLellan, Charles David; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; Lieut., Feb. 1919; France, Sept. 1917, 158th Siege Bty.; Poelcapelle, Passchendaele, April Retreat 1918, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. McLellan, David John; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c CA.v.c, Lieut., Capt.; att. 13th Bde., c.f.a., 1918; (Further details not available). MacLellan, John; University Coll. 1920, (Applied Science 1923); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; ist Res. Bn., ce. McLellan, Roy Alexander; b.a.sc 1912; 30th Regt.; 7th Fd. Coy., ce., Lieut. ce., Lieut., Nov. 1916; Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 13th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Amiens, Albert, Peronne, Cambrai — Mons. McLellan, Thomas George; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. McLelland, William James; Applied Science 1920 (1923). R.F.c, 2/a.m., Oct. 1917; Cpl., Cadet; o/s. July 1918; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut.; Injured and invalided Sept. 19 18. MacLennan, Alexander Livingstone; Applied Science 1902, Diploma, d.l.s. C.E., St. John's, Que., Lieut.; o/s. Apl. 1917; France; Invalided Jan. 1918, MacLennan, Donald Stirling; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Spadina Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2; Euclid Hall, M.D. 2, - i/c, Aug. 1917; Capt., Nov. 1917; o/s. June 1918; No. 3 ccd., Seaford, Aug. 1918; att. Can. m.g. Depot. MacLennan, Finlay Angus; University Coll. 1919 (1922), Knox; c.o.t.c 43rd Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. McLennan, Stanley Archibald; Applied Science 1918. 230th Can. For. Bn., Pte., Nov. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1917; Can. For. Cps., Mech. Br., London, Feb. 1917-1919. McLennan, Thomas Alven; m.d., cm. Trinity 1898. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., Aug. 1918; Post Hosp., Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Sept. 1918; Discipl. Bks. Hosp., Oct. 1918; Post Hosp., Nov. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 379 MacLeod, Angus Henry; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. R.A.V.C, Lieut., July 1916; Capt., July 1917; Salonica, Sept. 1916, att. 146th Bde., R.F.A.; att. 37th Bde., r.f.a.; att. 7th Indian Div. Train; Salonica, Egypt, Palestine, Syria. McLeod, Arnold Roderick; b.a. University Coll. 1913. Attested, Derby Scheme, Dec. 1915; Transf. Cavendish Labty., Cambridge; R. Aircraft Estabt., Farnborough, Nov. 1916. McLeod, Donald Vosburg; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 58th Bty.; r.f.c, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Jan. 19 18; r.a.f. Lieut.; France, Aug. 19 18; Ypres. MacLeod, George Waters; Applied Science 1907, Diploma. 49th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1915; France, Nov. 1915; Major, June 1916; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., May 1918; R. Can. Regt., o.c, Sept. 1918; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., o.c. Mar. 1919; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 17, 1916; D.S.O., Somme, Sept. 1916; Bar to d.s.o., Passchendaele, Jan. 1918; Despatches Jan. 19 17, May 19 18. McLeod, John George; m.b. 1904; c.a.m.c, Capt. r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Egypt, July 1915, No. 19 Gen. Hosp., Alexandria; No. 17 Gen. Hosp., Alexandria; Returned June 1916; c.a.m.c, Capt., June 1917; o/s. Aug. 19 17; Hosp. Service., 19 17- 19. McLeod, John Henry; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1918; H.M.s. 'Tribune'; Adriatic. MacLeod, Neil; m.b. 1907; c.a.m.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb., Capt. c.a.m.c. No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914, att. r.a.m.c; No. I Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 7th Bn.; m.o. 15th Bn.; Ploegsteert, Messines, Kemmel, Ypres, Hills 60 and 70; Wounded, Ypres, June 16, 1916; C.A.M.C, Pres., St. Med. Bd., m.d. 3, Major. McLeod, Samuel Murdo; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c C.A.D.c, Sergt.; o/s.; Returned to complete course. MacLeod, William Donald; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917; Cpl., July 1917; Sergt., June 1918. McMahon, Earl John; St. Michael's 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 19 18. McMahon, John Alva; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr., Oct. 1916; 17th Bty., Mar. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed, Pass- chendaele, Oct. 29, 1917. McMahon, Thomas Walsh; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. R.A.V.C, Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Nov. 1915, i6th R. Irish Div.; No. 2 Vety. Hosp., Le Havre, Dec. 1916; att. 12th Div., Jan. 1917; No. 14 Vety. Hosp., Abbeville, July 1917; 32nd Div., Jan. 1918; No. 24 Vety. Hosp., Gourney-en-Bray, Mar. 1918; att. Royal Irish, 8th Hussars, May 1918; i/c Vety. Hosps., Stirling & Liverpool, 1919; La Bassee, Somme, Ypres, ;\rras, Cambrai, Amiens, Somme, St. Quentin; m.c, .•Xmiens, -Aug. 10, 1918. MacMahon, Virgil Paul; m.b. 1916. c.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Sept. 1916; Service 1916-19. McManamv, John William; b.a. St. Michael's 19 17. R.F.C, Cadet, Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut., July 1918; o's. July I9i8. McMane, Charles; m.b. 1905. c.a.m.c, Capt., Oct. 1914; o/s. Apl. 1915; Bromley Conv. Hosp., .\, 49th H.i., Tic; \pres; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 3, 1916; Discharged Nov. igij- McVean, John Hennary; Applied Science 191 7; c.o.T.c; g.g.b.c... Lieut. 177th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; c.m.k. Depot, Hamilton, Sig. Odv., A].!. 1917; o/s. Oct. 1917; 1st Res. Bn., c.e.; c.s.m.e., Seaford, June 1918. McViCAR, Charles Stanley; m.b. 1907, Staff; S. African War; c.o.T.c, Major. c.a.m.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Major, Apl. 1915: Salonica, Nov. 1915: Temp. att. No. 30 Impl. Fd. Ami,., Struma, Dec. 1916; Lt.-Col., May I9«7: »''• of Pension —28 386 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Commrs., Canada, Oct. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med., Mar. 1918; Consultant, M.D. 2, Sept. 1918; o.c, Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Jan. 1919; Despatches July 23, 1917. McVic.\R, Kenneth Neil; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. McViCKAR, Frederick; b.sc.f. 1913. 50th Gordon Hdrs., Aug. 1914; R. Can. Dragoons, Tpr., Sept. 1914; France, May 1915; Festubert, Givenchy; Invalided July 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Somme, Cambrai (1917), St. Quentin (Mar. 1918); Wounded, St. Quentin, Mar. 23, 1918. IMcWiLLiAMS, Victor Howard; m.b. 1900. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; C.a.m.c, Lieut.; Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt. and Adjt.; (Further details net a\ailable). Mabee, Oliver Raymond; phm.b. 1900, m.d., cm. (McG.) 1906; c.a.m.c. Mil. Conv. Homes, m.d. 2, Vis. Surg., 1915-18; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Sept. 1918; o/s. Sept. 191 8; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Mabson, Frank Tildesley; Victoria 19 13- 14. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., June 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.cl.i.; Sergt., Nov. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 17, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; y.m.c.a., Lieut., 1918; London, Eng.; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Machell, Geoffrey; Trinity 1912-13; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 15th Bn.; Ypres sec, Somme; Invalided Oct. 1916; Discharged June 1918. Machell, Herbert Eric; b.a. Trinity 1915; c.o.t.c 19th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; CpL, Dec. 1914; Sergt., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Lieut., Feb. 1916; Ypres sec, St. Eloi; Invalided, Ypres, May 1916; att. Hdqrs. Staff, Camp Borden, July 1916; Brant House Conv. Hosp., o.c, Dec. 1917; Discharged Mar. 191 8. Mackle, John Lawson; d.d.s. 1919. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb.. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. Macklin, Alfred Hope; m.b. 1896. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available.) Macklin, Garnet E. ; Education 19 12. Enl. Jan. 1916; France, 15th V.n.; Lieut.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, and Arras, Sept. 2, 1918; D.C.m., Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; m.c. Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. Madden, EzR:\. Durrell; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1915; St. Martin's Plain; France, Feb. 19 17, att. No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 19 17. Maddock, Charles Orvill; b.a.sc 1918; c.o.t.c CE., Spr., June 1918; Cadet. M.-vdill, FIenry Harrison; b.a.sc 1912, Staff; c.o.t.c, Capt. Instr. Cadre, School of Inf., M.D. 2, Capt., Nov. 1915; Major, Sept. 1916; Polish Army, Niagara, ist Depot Bn., o.c, Oct. 1917; St. John's Depot, Polish Army, o.c, Nov. 1917; N.C.O., T.D., M.D. 2, O.C, Feb. 1918; Polish Army, Niagara, Offr. i/c Tr., May 1918. Magann, George Loranger; Applied Science 1915; 9th Horse, Lieut. 6th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1914; ist Can. Div. Amm. Col., Sept. 1914; 12th Bty.; France, Feb. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1916; 3rd Bde., c.f.a., Adjt., July 1916; 1st Can. Div. Art., Staff Capt., Jan. 1917; Major, Aug. 1917; Ypres, Festubert, ROLL OF SERVICE 387 Givenchy, Loos, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 25, 1917; Invalided Feb. 1918; Despatches Nov. 1916. Magee, Allan Angus; b.a. University Coll. 1902; c.o.t.c, McGill, Major. 148th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 42nd Bn. and Hdqrs. Staff, 3rd Can. Div.; G.S.O., 11, May 1917; Hdqrs. Staff, Bramshott; 4th Can. Di\\ Hdqrs. Staff, G.s.o., 11, Sept. 1917; Can. Cps. Hdqrs. Staff", a/g.s.o. ii, i, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; d.s.o., Jan. I, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917; Despatches May 1918, Dec. 1918. Magee, Henry Edey; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1915; L-Cpl., Feb. 1916; c.e.. Cable Sec, Cpl., Aug. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; Sergt., May 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 19 17. Maguire, Willlvm Sanford; University Coll. 1915, (Applied Science 1923). C.A.M.c, No. 8 Fd. Amb., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, May 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl.; Sergt., Oct. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Arras, Aug. 1918; Bar to M.M., Valenciennes, Oct. 29, 19 18; Despatches Dec. 20, 19 18. Magwood, John Pomeroy; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. Eaton m.g. Bty., Pte., Mar. 1915; r.f. a., Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., July 1917; A/Capt., Mar.-May 1918; France, Mar. 1916, 'a' iioth Bde., R.F.A., 25th Div.; Vimy (1916), Somme (1916), Somme (Mar. 1918), Lys, Aisne, Marne, Advance from the Ancre (Aug. 1918); Wounded, Pozieres, Aug. 28, 1916, Bapaume, Mar. 28, 1917, and Morlancourt, Aug. 10, 1918; Mentioned, French Citation, Savigny, May 30, 19 18. Magwood, John Wesley; Victoria 1893-94; 9th Horse. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 216th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned June 1917. Magwood, Samuel John Newton; m.b. 1906, Staff; c.a.m.c. C.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Capt., Nov. 1914; o/s. July 1915; France, Sept. 1915; No. 2 Can. C.C.S.; No. i Impl. Conv. Camp; No. i Impl. c.c.s.; No. 8 Impl. Sta. Hosp.; Office D.G.M.S., Ottawa, Mar. 1917; a.d.m.s. Staff, m.d. 2; Major, .Mar. 1918. M.-\HAFFV, Alexander Francis; b.a. University Coll. 1912. Yukon Inf. Coy., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Can. M.G. Cps.; France, Oct. 1917, 4th Can. M.G. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed, Arras, Aug. 1918. M.\HAFFY, Kenneth Arnold; b.a. University Coll. 19 15; 23rd Rcgt., Lieut. 1st Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; 5th Bn.; France, June 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; Major, Sept. 1916; Givenchy, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 4, 1916, and Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918; M.c, gaz. Nov. 1916; Bar to M.C., Ilaynccourt, Sept. 27, 1918; d.s.o., July 1917; Despatches Jan. 1918. Mahon, Henry M.\cleod; UniversityXoll. 1919; c.o.t.c; r.m.c Middlesex Regt., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; o/s.; att. k.f.c, Nov. 1017: ka.f., Lieut., Feb. 1919. Mahon, Joseph Anthony; Summer scss. 191 i. U. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte, Jan. 1918; K.F.A., Cadet, .Sept. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Mar. 19 19. Main, Cleveland; b.s.a. 1911. K.c.iLA., Gnr., Nov. 1915; Imi.l. a.s-.c, Motor T\n., Pte; Egypt, .Apl. 1916; Palestine; Gaza, Wady Baliut, Nablus. J 88 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Maines, Frederick James Thompson; b.a. Victoria 1914; c.o.t.c. Y.M.C.A., Capt., Dec. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; Bramshott; France, Oct. 1917, att. 3rd Can. Div.; att. 12th Res. Bn., Nov. 1918; Passchendaele, Vimy, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, etc. Mair, Arthur Baxter; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; R.f.c, Cadet; Sec. Lieut.; France, Nov. 1918. Maitland, Hugh Bethune; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. R.N., Surgeon, Oct. 19 17; R.N. Hosp., Haslar. Malcolm, Archibald Grant; University Coll. 1918, Knox; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; Invalided; Discharged Apl. 1916. M.\LCOLM, Fr.\nklin Roy; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c. o/s. draft, C.O.T.C, Jan. 1916; 25th Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Armentieres, Arras (1917), Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided'; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Capt. Malcolm, Gordon George; m.d., cm. Trinity 1906. c.A.M.c, m.d. 10, Capt., Nov. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1918; No. 3 ccd., June 1918; a.d.m.s. Staff, Seaford, Dec. 1918. Malcolm, James J.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. U.S.A., Med. Res. Cps., ist Lieut., Aug. 1918; Fort Riley, Kansas, Sept. 1918. Malcolmson, Alexander S.\muel; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 47th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1916; 71st Bty.; France, Aug. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Tr. Mortars; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918; Despatches June 1918. Mallett, George Stuart; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918. Mallory, Fred Rous; d.d.s. 1900; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.D.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., June 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Invalided " July 1916; West Cliff Spec. Hosp., Oct. 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1917; To R.O., Dec. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Malloy, John Dorian; St. Michael's 19 19. R.A.F.; (Furthei details not available). Malone, GeRiVLD Morphy; University Coll. 1909; 48th Regt., Lieut. 134th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 15th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Arras, Sept. 1-2, 1918. M.\lone, Thom.\s Basil; b.a. University Coll. 1909, ll.b. 1912; loist Regt., Lieut. 5i9t Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt.; France, June 1916, 49th Bn., Lieut.; Capt., Jan. 1917; att. Hdqrs. Staff, 7th Can. Inf. Bde.; att. 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Parvillers, Aug. 15, 1918; M.C, Cambrai, Sept. 1918. (Died Apl. 15, 192 1.) Manby, Aaron Woodrooffe; Applied Science 1918. R.N.C.V.R., Seaman, Apl. 1917; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; France, June 1918; Merville — Bethune, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Aug. 29, 1918. Manion, Robert James (m.p.); m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. Anglo-French Ambce., French Army, 1915; Noyon; c.a.m.c, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; Canterbury Mil. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1916, No. 6 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 2ist Bn.; Vimy; Discharged Feb. 1918; M.C, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Mann, Robert Willan; m.d., cm. 1906. c.a.m.c, Capt., 1915-18; Hosps., M.D. 2. Manning, Ernest David; Education 1913. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; 55th Bty.; France, July 1917; Wounded, Lens, July 18, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 389 Manning, Fred; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. Y.M.C.A., Capt., Dec. 19 16; ,o/s. Jan. 1917; France, ApL 19 18; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Manning, Frederick William; m.b. 1906. C.A.M.C, Capt.; (Further details not available). Manning, Harold Ernest; b.a. Victoria 1912; nth Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 47th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Feb. 1916; 49th Bty.; 83rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Hdqrs. 6th Bde., c.f.a.. May 1917; 22nd Hwr. Bty., June 1917; A/Capt., May-Aug. 1918; 6th Bde., c.f.a.. Educational Offr., Dec. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Manning, Henry Gordon; b.a. Victoria 1909, Education 1910, Staff; c.o.t.c, Lieut. o/s. June 1915; 3rd Northamptonshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, May 1916, 1st Northamptonshire Regt., Lieut.; Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 9, 1916; Discharged Jan. 1918. Manning, Henry William; b.a. Victoria 1912. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Cpl., 1918. Manning, Herbert Kent; Victoria 1906, m.b. 191 i. C.A.M.C, M.o. 198th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; m.o. 205th Bn.; o/s. June 1917; M.o. Can. M.G. Depot, Seaford; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; m.o. 5th Res. Bn.; m.o. Can. Air Force; Invalided Oct. 19 18. Manning, Thomas Paul; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, i8th Bty.; (Further details not available). Manning, Trevor Reginald; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c, Col.- 74th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; r.n.v.r.. Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., [Sergt. Aug. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; h.m.m.l. 529, Sept. 1916; h.m.m.ls. 75, 360; English Channel, North Sea, West Indies. Mansell,- George Richard; Applied Science 1914. 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, L-Cpl., Nov. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Cpl.; 75th Bn., June 1916; France, Aug. 1916; nth Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Intell. Dept.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 31, 1916; Invalided May 1917. Manson, William George; University Coll. 19 18; c.o.t.c; 68th Regt., Lieut. 2nd Bn., B.C. Regt., Lieut., Dec. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Oct. 1918, 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Valenciennes, Mons. Manzer, Robert Howard; b.a. Trinity 19 13, (m.a. 1920). 196th Bn., Pte., June 1916; o/s. Nov. 19 16; Can. For. Cps., Groombridge, Feb. 1917; Can. For. Cps. Hdqrs., London, Nov. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, Nov. 1918. Manzer Roy; University College, 1918, (1920); c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; France, Feb. 1918; r..\.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Capt. and Fit. Cmdr., July 1918; 84th Sqdn., 22nd Wing; Somme, March Retreat; Wounded and Prisoner, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; d.f.c, Julys, 1918. Marani, Ferdinand Herbert; Applied Science 1916. 3rd Bn., Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Lieut., May 1915: Capt., Feb. 1916; Ypre.s, Fcstubert, Givcnchy, Mt. Sorrel; Wounded, Mt. .Sorrel, June 13, 1916; Invalided July 1916; Despatches June 19 17. MaR(VNI, Geoffrey Rutherford; University Coll. 1918; 48th Regt., Lieut. 134th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1918, 42n(l Bn.; Kcmmcl— Arras sees., Amiens; Wounded, Parvillcrs, Aug. 13, 1918. 390 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Marcy, William James Morden; m.b. 1909. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Capt.; Invalided; (Further details not available). AIargisox, Oswald; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Markle, Gower Ambro; Applied Science 19 10. 205th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; c.e., Signals, Spr., L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; C.E., Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, 4th Bn., c.e.; Bourlon, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Marlatt, I<£NNETH Dean; Applied Science 1908, Diploma; 9th Horse, Lieut. 4th C.M.R., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 19 15; Capt.; Messines, Ypres (1916), Somme, Arras; Brit. & Can. Recruiting Mission, Boston, June 1917; o.c. Boston Depot, Sept. 1917; Major, Feb. 1918. Marling, Thomas William Birchall; b.a. Trinity 1901, m.a. 1902; S. Africa, c.f.a.; 93rd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1916; France, [46th Regt., Lieut. Mar. 1917, 2nd Bn., Lieut.; A/Capt., Nov. 1917; Capt., Mar. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918; m.C, Amiens, gaz. Oct. 2, 1918. Marlow, Frederick Charles; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., Aug. 1915; Salonica, May 1916, No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, Mar. 1917; France, Oct. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. Marlow, Frederick William; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900, f.r.c.s. (Eng.), Stafif; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, A.D.M.S., M.D. 2, Lt.-Col., Mar. 1915; [No. I CI. Hosp., Lt.-Col., o.c Chief Med. Inspector, c.e.f., Canada; Resigned Apl. 1917. Marr, John Cecil; Victoria 1914. C.E., S r.; France; (Further details not available). Marr, Robert Bruce; Education 1917, (University Coll. 1923); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1917; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918. Marritt, Isaac Clayton; Victoria 1918, (Forestry 1922); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, nth Can. Inf. Bde., Sig. Sec; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; Injured Jan. 19 17. Marsh, Earl Jose; Applied Science 1921; c.o.t.c R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Fit. -Cadet, Sept. 1918; u.s., n.a.d., Ensign. Marsh, Henry Hooper; University Coll. 1920 (1921), WyclifTe; c.o.t.c. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; Bdr.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte. Marshall, David Heggie; b.a. Victoria 1904, m.a. 1905. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 122nd Bn., Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. May 1917; Bear- wood Conv. Hosp. ; att. 5th, 12th, 8th, Res Bns. ; No. 1 1 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; France, July 1918, 1st Bde., C.G.A.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Marshall, Earl; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Sept. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1918; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918; Staff Sergt., May 1919. Marshall, Frederick Robinson; b.a. University Coll. 19 15. 71st Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut.; Discharged, medically unfit, Jan. 19 17. Marshall, George Anthony; Summer Sess. 1915; 29th Regt., Lieut. iiith Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps., Lieut., May 1917; France, Oct. 1917, ist Can. Motor m.g. Bde.; Passchendaele, Vimy, Somme (1918), Arras, Cambrai— Mons; Wounded, Amiens, Apl. 2, 1918; Despatches. Marshall, Gladstone; University Coll. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., w/t.. Mar. 1917; Atlantic patrol. Marshall, Harold Stanley; Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 'b' Bty., r.c.h.a.; Hill 70, Cambrai (1917), March Retreat; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 391 Marshall, Harry John; Applied Science 1909. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut.; France; 6th Bn., C.E., June 1918; (Further details not available). Marshall, Herbert; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Staff; c.o.t.c. C.O.T.C. draft, June 1916; 5th R. Irish Rifles, Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, att. 2nd R. Irish Rifles; Asst. Adjt., Sept. 1918; Adjt.; Messines, St. Quentin Retreat, Ypres — ^Bailleul sees., Passchendaele (1918), Courtrai, etc.; Wounded, Messines, June 7, 1917; Despatches Mar. 1919. Marshall, James Frederick Stewart; m.b. 1908. C.A.M.C, Capt., 1915; o/s.; T.D., Shorncliffe; M.o. Sask. Regt. & C.F.A.; France, Oct. I9i6» No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist c.m.r., Mar. 1917; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., May 1917; M.c, Dec. 4, 1917; o.b.e., June 3, 1919. Marshall, Joseph Atholstan Pembroke; b.a.sc. 19 14, (c.e. 1920); 26th Regt., 135th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; c.e.. May 1916; o/s. May 1917; [Lieut. Invalided; Discharged Jan. 19 18. Marshall, Vivl\n Clifford; d.d.s. 1907. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt.; o/s.; Folkestone; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Marshall, William Henderson; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. Brit. Red. Cross Hosp, Woolwich, Dec. 1916-July 1917; u.s. Med. Cps., Major, Dec. 1917-Dec. 1918. Martin, Alexander Douglas; Medicine 1921; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. X, Pte., May 19 18. Martin, Charles Courtland; b.a. University Coll. 19 15; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Mar. 1915; 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, Lieut.; France, Mar. 1916, Can. Cps. Cyclists; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Aug. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Passchen- daele, Nov. 10, 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 13, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 13, 1918. Martin, Charles Kirwan Craufurd; Trinity 1917; 4th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 15th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Feb. 19 15; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec; G.H.Q., 3rd Echelon, Sept. 19 15; Capt., Jan. 1916; g.h.q., Staff Capt., June 1916; g.h.q., 3rd Echelon, D.A.A.G., Aug. 1916; Major, Feb. 1918; 1916-18 campaigns; d.s.o., Jan. 1918; Despatches Jan. 1917, Jan. 1918. Martin, D'Arcy Argue Counsell; b.a. Trinity 1920; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; L-Cpl., Aug. 1918. Martin, Edward Austin Hamilton; b.a. Trinity 1913; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 37th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; France; g.h.q., Rouen; Staff Capt.; d.a.a.g.; Can. Hdqrs., London, a.g. Off.; France, 2nd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Despatches June 1917. Martin, Herbert Carl^ Victoria 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; L-Cpl.; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Mediterranean, July 1915, Hosp. Ship Svce.; .Salonica, Nov. 1915, No. 32 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 5th R. Inniskilling Fusiliers; Salonica, Calcali; Mesopotamia, No. 21 Comb. I'd. Amb.; Kut-el-Amara, Baghdad, Bakuba; France, No. 56 Fd. Amb.; Ypres, St. Quentin; Prisoner, St. Quentin, Mar. 19 iS. Martin, Irwin Blake; b.s.a. 1917. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Div. Amm. Col., Nov. 1917; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Martin, James Eliphelet; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Gen." Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; France, Apl. i.ji.s; l>ischargcd Feb. 1917. 392 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Martin, Joseph James; b.a. Trinity 1920; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Fit. -Cadet. Martin, Lawrence Melville; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917 (1921). 2ist Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; L-Cpl., Cpl., L-Sergt.; France, Sept. 1915; C.E., 4th Bde. Mining Sec, L-Sergt.; 3rd Tnlg. Coy., C.E., L-Sergt., Sergt.; C.Q.M.s.; 2nd Tnlg. Coy., C.Q.M.s., Lieut., Capt.; nth Bn., C.E., June 1918; Ypres (1915- 17), Messines (June 1917), Amiens; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918. Martin, Norman Roy; b.s.a. 19 16. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1916. Martin, Thomas; b.a.sc. 1897. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Martin, Thomas William; Applied Science 19 15. C.E., Spr., June 1917; France, June 1918, 6th Bn., c.E.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Martin, William; b.a. University Coll. 1908. 43rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1914; Capt.; France, Sept. 1915; 27th Bn.; 79th Bn.; i/c Tr. Cps., Univ. of Michigan, 1917; College Station, Texas, 1918. Martin, William Ernest; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., Sept. 1916; Conv. Hos;s.; Capt., Sept. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1918; R.A.M.C, Lieut.; France, Mar. 19 18, No. 94 Fd. Amb.; Somme, Flanders; Gassed, Merris, May 17, 1918; Birmingham S, ec. Hosp., Sept. 1918; C.A.M.C, Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., 1919. Martin, William George; Victoria 1913-15. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 205th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; A/Prin. Chaplain, M.D. 2, 1917; o/s. July 1918; France, Nov. 1918. Martindale, Hubert Stanley; b.a. Victoria 1914. r.f.c. Cadet, Dec. 1917; Fit. Cadet, July 1918; o/s. July 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 19 19. Martyn, Oscar William; b.a.sc 191 i. 77th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1918; Bdr.; Sergt., June 1918; C.f.a., Cadet. Martyn, William Mervyn; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c, Lieut. West Indies service, Apl. 1916; C.A.M.C, Lieut., Sept. 1917; Capt. Mason, Douglas Herbert Campbell; b.a.sc 1908; 2nd Regt., Capt. 3rd Bn., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Major, Feb. 1916; 2nd i/c, June 1916; Lt.-Col., Apl. 1919; Ypres, Sanctuary Wood, etc., Fresnoy, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915, Mt. Sorrel, June 13, 1916, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918; d.s.o., Mt. Sorrel, June 13, 1916; Bar to d.s.o., Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches Jan. 1917, Nov. 1918, July 1919. Mason, Frank Harrison; Applied Science 1914. r.n. ; (Further details not available). Mason, Harold Ethelbert; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, June 1917, 6th Can. Siege Bty.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Mason, James Arthur Ryerson; b.a. Victoria 1914; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., June 1916; 82nd Hwr. Bty., Bdr.; 58th Hwr. Bty.; r.f.c, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; North Sea, Anti-submarine patrol, Apl. 1918; Air Force Cross, Jan. i, 1919. Massey, Alfred Yale; m.d., cm. Trinity 1898. R.A.M.C, Capt.; M.o. Native Tps. Bn.; Major; Belgian Congo; L'Ordre Royal du Lion, Croix de Chevalier. ROLL OF SERVI CE 393 Massey, Charles Vincent; b.a. University Coll. 19 10, Staff, University & Hdqrs. Staff, M.D. 2, Major; Sr. Musketry Offr. & [Victoria; CO.T.c, Capt. o.c. Sch. of Musk., Nov. 1915; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1916; War Committee of Cabinet, Ottawa, Secretary, Jan. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 19 19. Massey, Daniel Webster; d.d.s. 1906. 139th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Lieut., Capt.; Bermuda, May 1916; England, Nov. 19 16- Dec. 19 18. Massey, R.wmont) Hart; Victoria 19 18; c.o.t.c. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 13th Bty.; St. Eloi; Wounded, St. Eloi, May 14, 1916; Shell-shocked June 5, 1916; Invalided; Can. M.G. Depot, M.D. 2, Instr.; Princeton Univ., A/Capt., m.g. Instr., June 1917; Yale Univ., Gunnery Instr., Oct. 1917; Siberian Ex. F., 85th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Masson, Duncan Morrison; University Coll. 1916, (b.a. 1918, m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Returned to complete course June 19 17. Masters, Charles Keith; b.a. University Coll. 1901, m.a. 1903, Wycliffe. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1916, att. No. i Can. C.c.s.; 58th Bn.; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; 13th Res. Bn.; Sanctuary Wood, Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 8, 1916; m.c, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916, and Regina Trench, Oct. 8, 1916; Despatches Sept. 1916. M.\tchett, Lloyd LeRoy; d.d.s. 19 id, University Coll. 19 15. C.A.s.c, Ottawa, Lieut., July 1915; Capt.; c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Nov. 1916, 39th Bty.; Somme, Vimy; Gassed, Vimy, May 22, 1917; Dis- charged Jan. 1918. Matchett, Vernon Osborne; b.a. University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; att. Polish Army, Sergt. Mather, Stewart Finlay; University Coll. 1911. 159th Bn., Pte., June 1916; C.E., Spr., May 1917; France, Aug. 1917, No. 3 Tnlg. Coy., C.E.; Ypres; Can. For. Cps., Pte.; Hdqrs. No. 10 Distr., Haute- Marne; att. 5th French Army; Cpl., Nov. 1918; Sergt., Feb. 1919. Mathers, Fr.\ncis Graham; b.a. University Coll. 1916; 79th Regt., Lieut. 43rd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Feb. 1916; r.f.c, 35th Sqdn., Feb. 1917; R.A.F., Canada, Capt., May 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Cambrai (Nov. 1917); Injured Mar. 31, 1916; Wounded, Somme, Aug. 1916, and Oct. 8, 1916. Mathers, James Andrew; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1917; Capt.; Base Hosp., M.D. 2; Sta. Hosp., Camp Borden; o/s. Sept. 1918; Can. Spec. Hosp., Etchinghill; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom. Matheson, John Sutherland; m.d., cm. Trinity 1894. C.A.M.C, Major, Oct. 1916; o/s.; Med. Bd., London Area; Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton, Dec. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; i/c Surg., Mani- toba Mil. Hosp., Apl. 1919. Matthew, Ernest Gustave; b.a. University Coll. 19 14. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, May 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; 8th London Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; A/Capt.; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut., Feb. 191S; Lieut.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy (1916), Ypres (1917). Cambrai (1917); Wounded, Courcelette, Oct. 8, 1916; Gassed, Bourlon Wood, Nov. 1917. Matthews, Arnold Cotton; b.a.sc 191 1; loth Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, Mar. 191^^, 3'''pt, 19 15-16; India, 1916-17; Meso;otamia, 1917; , h.m.h.s. Tongola', Adjt., 1917-18; German East Africa, 1918-19; A/Major, June 1918; West Africa, 1919; Despatches, E. Africa, 1918. Milburn, Sidney Albert; d.d.s. 1910; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; c.a.d.c, Aug. 1918. Millan, Rupert Paul; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Sergt., Apl. 1917; m.d. 2, Oct. 1917; m.d. 3, Apl. 1918. Millar, Myron E.; Medicine 1920; c.o.t.c c.e.. Signals, Spr.; (Further details not available). Millar, Willis Norman; b.sc (Pa.), m.f. (Yale), Staff. A.E.F., Apl. 1917; loth Engrs. (Forest), Capt., June 1917; France, Oct. 1917; ROLL OF SERVICE 397 U.S.A. Cps. of Engineers, Major, July 1918; Supply svce., Base Sec. No. i; Adv. zone svce., Toul sec. MiLLEN, Gordon James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). C.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., Mar. 1917. Miller, Albert Sherman; b.a.sc. 1914. 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut., June 19 17; France, Nov. 1917; Pilkem Ridge, Amiens, Cambrai, Le Cateau. Miller, Barstow Harding; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c, Lieut. 213th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, July 1917, 85th Bn.; Lens, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Wounded, Avion, Aug. 3, 1917, and Cambrai, Sept. 29, 1918. Miller, Cecil Orr; m.b. 19 17; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1917; R.a.m.c, Lieut., Feb. 1918; Capt., Feb. 1919; France, Mar. 19 18, No. 11 Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist Hampshire Regt.; M.o. 2nd Essex Regt.; M.o. 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers; M.o. 2nd Seaforth Hdrs.; m.o. i/4th Seaforth Hdrs.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Miller, Donald Johnston; Applied Science 1910, Diploma. 4th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr.; Lieut.; France, 9th Fd. Coy.; Capt.; Wounded, Sept. 15. 1917; Despatches July 1919; (Further details not available). Miller, Frederick Robert; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.b. 1907, m.a. 1910. c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Capt., 1915-18. Miller, George Barnes; Veterinary Coll. 1915-1 7; c.o.t.c. 75th Bty., C.F.A., Farr. Sergt.; 38th Bn., Pte.; France, 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs. Miller, Harold Rexford; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o s. June 1918. Miller, Leslie Howard; Victoria 1914 (1922). 32nd Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; France, Oct. 1915, 5th Bn.; Can. Cps. Wireless, Spr., Jan. 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1917; Sergt., Dec. 1917; Cadet, June 1918; France, Sept. 1918, Can. Wireless, Cps. Hdqrs., Lieut.; att. 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Wireless Offr.; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens sec, Passchendaele, Vimy (1918), Cambrai. Miller, Winfield Holmes; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut.; Surg. Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Fervent', July 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. MiLLiAN, John Currie; b..\. Victoria 19 14; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; Cpl., Dec. 1916; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut., 1917; Lieut., Mar. 1919; France, Oct. 1917, 30th Siege Bty., R.G.A.; Ypres, Passchendaele, Advance of 1918. MiLLiGAN, Frank Sturgeon; b.a.sc. 191 1; c.o.t.c. c.o.t.c. draft, Nov. 1915; Northumberland Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; R.E., July 1916; France, Sept. 1916, 206th Fd. Coy., 32nd Div.; 152nd Fd. Coy., 37th Div., Lieut., Jan. 1918; 37th Div., R.E., A/Capt., Adjt., Jan. 1919; Bethune, Somme, LeQuesnel— St. Quentin (Mar. 1917), Messines, Nicuport, \ pros, Bucquoy (Apl. 1918), Boves, Bucquoy— Maubcuge; M.C., Oct. 1918. Milligan, Walter Gordon; Victoria 1919; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 22nd \Uvr. Bty.; Bdr., Apl. 1918; vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Vimy, May 10, 1917; Gassed, Valenciennes, Nov. I, 1918. Milligan, William Edgar; b.a.sc. 1914. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; c.E., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. Millman, Norman Craig; b.a.sc. 1913; 2nd Fd. Coy., cic, Spr. o/s. Dec. 1915; R.F.C, Sec. Lieut.; France, 1916, 48th Sqdn.; Lieut.. Jan. 1917; Capt. cS: Fit. "Cmdr., Jan. 1918; Nicui)ort -Ypres, 4th Army front, Cambrai- Laon, 5th Army front; m.c, Apl. 191H; .\ir Force Cross, gaz. May 1019 398 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Mills, Cecil Vernor; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Capt.; o/s.; Shorncliffe; (Further details not available). Mills, Charles Ransome; Forestry 1915; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e. R.F.C, Cadet, Nov. 1917; R.a.f., Sec. Lieut., July 1918; Instr., Beamsville. Mills, Frank Leon; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; Cpl., Jan. 1918; Sergt., Apl. 1918; C.E., Lieut., Apl. 1918. Mills, Geoffrey Gordon; b.a.sc. 1908. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Capt. , Dec. 1915; Invalided May 1916; France, Sept. 1916, 40th Bty., C.F.A.; o.c, Nov. 1917; (Further details not available). Mills, James Edgar; Applied Science 1903; R. Can. Art., Permt. Force, Major. 1st Can. Div. Art., Instr., Aug. 1914; France, Jan. 1915; Lt.-Col., Feb. 1916; Col., Dec. 1916; Gallipoli, Egypt; D.s.o., Gallipoli, Sept. 1915; Despatches 1916, 1917. Mills, Lesslie Gordon; b.a.sc 1912; loth Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, June 1916, 4th c.m.r.; Capt.; Somme, Vimj^, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 22, 1916; Distr. Depot, m.d. 2, Aug. 1918; a.d.c. to g.o.c, m.d. 2, Sept. 1918; Despatches, Passchendaele, June 191 8. Mills, Paul Hubert; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 31st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; Sergt., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Lieut.; Can. School of Gunnery, Instr., July 1917; 31st Bty., Dec. 1917; Ypres, Kemmel, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Lens; Invalided Apl. 1918; North Russia Ex. F., Capt., June 1918; Major, Dec. 1918; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Russian Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class, Feb. 1919. Mills, Stanley Gordon; b.a. Victoria 1906, m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c. No. 13 Cav. Fd. C.A.M.C, M.o. 35th Bn., Capt., Apl. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; [Amb., Capt. 4th Bde., S.M.O.; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c X-ray; France, June 1917, No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; m.o. 42nd Bn.; No. 3 Can. c.c.s., Feb. 19 18; Lenham Spec. Hosp., Feb. 19 19; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom; College Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2. Milne, Cecil Paton; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1916; A/Lieut., Nov. 1917; Lieut., Dec. 1918; Southampton base, Sept. 1916; Portsmouth base, Dec. 1916; English Channel; West Indies, Jan. 1917; Anti-submarine defence. Milne, John Williams; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c c.e.. Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, Can. Cps. Signals; 8th Army Bde., C.F.A., Sig. sub-sec, Aug. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Monchy, Cambrai-^Mons; Mil. Medal, gaz. Aug. 1919; D.c.M., gaz. June 1919. Milne, Thessalon Herbert; b.a. University Coll. 1916, m.a. 1917, Staff. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1917; nth Can. Siege Bty., Bty. Cmdr's Asst.; France, Sept. 1918. Milne, Wilfrid Campbell; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Sergt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Staff Sergt.; Meritorious Service Medal, June 1917; Despatches Jan. 1917, July 1917. Mingay, Henry George; Victoria 1918. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, cf. Cable Sec, Can. Cps. Signals; 8th Army Bde., C.f.a., Signal sub-sec, June 1916; Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Minns, John Edward; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, i6th Bty.; ROLL OF SERVICE 399 Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. MiNOGUE, Harold Thomas; d.d.s. Trinity 1904; c.a.m.c, H/Lieut. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Nov. 1915; A. d.d.s., m.d. ii, Capt., Dec. 1915; Major, Apl. 1916; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt. Mires, ALwnard Harold; Veterinary Coll. 1916-17. U.S.A. Offr. Res. Cps., May 1917; Quartermasters' Cps., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; 1st Lieut., Feb. 1919; France, Jan. 1918, Remount Svce., i/c Supply Sta., Advanced sec; i/c Sales Commissary No. 27, Rolempont, Feb. 1918; Hdqrs. Adv. Sec. Sales Comm. No. 25, o.c, Neufchateau (X'osges); Invalided. MiSKELLY, Lawrenxe Wood; Victoria 1919 (1922); 15th Regt.; c.o.t.c. 150th Bn., Pte.; 156th Bn.; A/Sergt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; (Further details not available). Mitchell, Atholl Fitzgerald; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15; c.o.t.c. r.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; France, July 1916, att. 25th Div.; Somme; Salonica, Oct. 1916, att. 27th Div.; Struma, Vardar; No. 16 Mob. Vety. Sec, O.C; No. 7 Res. Vety. Hosp., Eng., Nov. 1918; Wounded, Albert, Aug. 5, 1916; Despatches, Kopaci Spur, Salonica, Mar. 1918. Mitchell, Charles Hamilton; b.a.sc. 1894, c.e. 1898, Board of Governors; (Staff, Dean of Applied Science; LL.D.-Hon. 1919); Corps of Guides, Major. 1st Can. Div. Hdqrs., G.s.o., 3rd Grade (Intell.), Major, Aug. 19 14; France, Feb. 1915; Lt.-Col., 1915; Can. Corps, g.s.o., 2nd Grade, Sept. 1915; 2nd Impl. Army, G.s.o., ist Grade, Oct. 1916; British Forces in Italy, G.s.o., ist Grade, Nov. 1917-Jan. 1919; Brig.-General, Oct. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Messines, Menn Road, Polygon Wood, Brood- seinde, Passchendaele; Asiago, Piave River; War Office, Gen. Staff, Jan. -May 1919; D.S.O., 1916; C.M.G., 1917; C.B., 1918; Long Svce. Dec. 1919; Legion d'Honneur, Officier, France, 1916; Ordre de Leopold, Officier, Belgium, 1917; Croix de Guerre, Belgium, 1917; Corona d'ltalia, Ufficiale, Italy, 1918; Croce di Guerra, Italy, 19 18; Despatches seven times. Mitchell, Filvnk; Forestry 1917; c.o.t.c c.o.t.c. draft, Jan. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; 8th Devonshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Dec. 1916; Beaumont-Hamel, Serre, Puisieux, Croisilles, Ecoust, BuUecourt; Wounded, Ecoust, Apl. 2, 19 17. Mitchell, Frank Leslie; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; Gassed Apl. 1918; (Further details not available). Mitchell, George Fleming; d.d.s. 1919. C.A.D.C, Pte., May 1916; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1917. Mitchell, Gordon; b.a.sc 19 15; c.o.t.c C.O.T.C draft; 32nd Res. Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; K.E., Cadet Sergt., Sept. 1916; Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Mar. 1917; 154th Fd. Coy., A/Capt., Dec. 1917; 122nd Fd. Coy., A/Capt., Sept. 1918; Arras, Messinet, Ypres (1917), Amiens (Mar. 1918), Ypres; M.c, Doullens, July 19 18; Despatches, Ypres, Dec. 1917. Mitchell, Harold Alexander; d.a. University Coll. 19141 ^••"- '9'^: c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 19 16; o/s. Apl. 1917; ^.o. Res. Bile., c.f.a.; att. A.D.M.s.,Shorncliffe; Med. Bds.; Can. Conv. Offrs' Hosp., Matlock; Capt., Dec. 19 17; France, 19 18, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp. Mitchell, Henry Knight; m.b. 1915. C.A.M.C, Capt., Sept. 1916; o/s. M;ir. i<)i7; IVance, Apl. 1918, M.o. R. Can. Dragoons; Amienp, Roye, Le Cateau; Gassed, Albert, May U', lO'^- 400 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Mitchell, Hugh Howard; m.b. 19 io. C.A.M.C, Capt.; Gassed May 1918. (Further details not available.) Mitchell, Ira Nelson; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Mar. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton, Capt.; France, Aug. 19 18, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 3 Can. San. Sec; r.a.m.c. Black Sea, 1919. Mitchell, James Harvey; Education 1916; c.o.t.c Enl., Feb. 1918; o/s. Mar. 1918; ce., Signals, Cpl. Mitchell, James Sims; b.a.sc 1914, Staff 1914-16. CE., Lieut.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Mitchell, Joel Murray; b.a. University Coll. 1913. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Mitchell, Laurance Corley; Applied Science 191 1, Diploma. 6ist Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; 44th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres sec, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 25, 1916; Discharged Mar. 1918. Mitchell, Norman Hendrie; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Cornflower', July 1918; Mediterranean. Mitchell, Robert C; b.a.sc 1918; c.o.t.c u.of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ce., St. John's, Que., Lieut., May i9i8;o/s. Mitchell, Roy Elgin; University Coll. 19 15; 9th Horse. 204th Bn., L-Cpl., Mar. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917. (Further details not available). Mitchell, William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (192 1). c.A.D.c, Sergt. Mitchell, William Henry Maxwell; phm.b. 1917. 1st Bn., 2nd C.O.R., Feb. 1918; ca.m.c; Siberian Ex. F., No. 1 1 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Siberia, Oct. 1918; Gournastai Bay & Second River. Mix, Archibald Eugene; Applied Science 1919; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; R.e., Sec. Lieut.; France, Oct. 1918, 512th, London, Fd. Coy., 56th Div.; Cambrai, Valenciennes, La Grande Hon- nelle, Maubeuge. Model, Samuel; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 3, Sergt., Feb. 1918. Moffat, Ambrose Bell; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, m.o. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Sept. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Aug. 1917; France, Feb. 1916, m.o. 2nd Seaforth Highlanders; No. 12 Fd. Amb.; m.o. ist West Riding Regt.; M.o. R. Dublin Fusiliers; Somme, Passchendaele; C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1918. Moffat, Ruth Isabel; b.a. Trinity 1915. St. John's Amb. Assoc, v.a.d., Jan. 1918; o/s. Mar. 1918; ist London Gen. Hosp., Camberwell. Moffatt, Herbert Bayne; m.b. 191 i. C.A.M.C, Capt.; i/c Surgery, Petawawa, 1917; Med. Bd., 1918. Moffitt, Louis Wilfrid; b.a. Victoria 1915. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 15th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp., Mar. 1915; 7th Bn., July 1915; 15th Bn., Apl. 1916; Major, Nov. 1916; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Sr. Chapl., Mar. 1917; Hosps., Edinburgh, Mar. 1918; 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Sr. Chapl., Aug. 1918; 15th Bn., Nov. 1918; Givenchy, Zillebeke, Mt. Sorrel, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Despatches June 1917, Jan. 1918. Mogan, James Thomas; b.a.sc 1915. R.F.c, Cadet, Aug. 1917; k.a f., Lieut., 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 401 MoGAN, Walter Michael; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. 208th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1917; (Further details not available). MoLESWORTH, George Nepean; Applied Science 1907, Diploma; 9th Horse, Lieut. 124th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; Major, May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Dec. i, 1917; Asst. C.R.C.E. and Distr. Engr., m.d. 5, July 19 18. MoLLAND, Charles Edwin; University Coll. 1913. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., 19 17; France, 48th Coy., Capt. MoNDS, William; b.a.sc. 1900; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut. No. I Can. Constr. Bn., Capt., Aug. 1916; Major; France, Oct. 1916, ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; (Further details not available). Monk, George Benning; University Coll. 1906. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Montague, Edward Xavier; St. Michael's 1920; c.o.t.c. Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Record Off., Pte., May 1918. Montague, Furry Ferguson; Applied Science 1906, Diploma; 34th Horse, Lieut. 1st C.M.R., Dec. 1914; 2nd Can. Div., a.d.c. to G.o.c, Capt., Feb. 19 15; France, Sept. 1915; 2nd Can. Div., G.s.o. in, Feb. 1916; Major, Dec. 1916; St. Eloi, Zillebeke, Somme; Can. Hdqrs., London, Asst. Mil. Sec, Jan. 1917; British Ministry of Information, Asst. Dir. of Intell., May 1918; c.m.g., June 3, 1918; Order of St. Anna, 2nd Class with Swords, 1917; Mentioned, Services, 1917 and 1918. Montague, Percival John; b.a. University Coll. 1904; 34th Horse, Lieut. 27th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1915; 6th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 2nd Can. Div., d.a.a.g., Aug. 1916; Major, Nov. 1916; 2nd Can. Div., D.A.Q.M.G., Jan. 1917; 2nd Can. Div., A. A. and q.m.g., Lt.-Col., Sept. 1917; Can. Cps. Demobn. Camp, Chief Staff Offr., Jan. 19 19; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., Jan. I, 1917; D.S.O., 1918; c.m.g. , 1919; Despatches June 1916, Jan. 1918, June 1918, Jan. 1919, June 1919. Monteith, Eric Morrison; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 228th Bn., Lieut., 1916; Capt. and Adjt.; Major; Resigned, ill health. Monteith, James Clarence; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. iioth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; c.s.M.; France, Sept. 1917, 102nd Bn.; Passchen- daele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Lock Wood, Sept. 4, 1918. Montgomery, Albert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917; m.o. Res. Bn.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Pathologist. Montgomery, James Graham; d.d.s. 19 19; c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, Sergt. Montgomery, John Edward; m.b. 19 10; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, No. 13 Fd. Amb., Capt., May 1916; o/s. July 1916; France, Aug. 1916: Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy sec; Invalided Mar. 1917. Montgomery, Stanley Randall Percival; Medicine 1922. c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Pte., Apl. 1918. Moody, Arthur Joseph; m.b. 1917. c.A.M.c, Lieut.; att. r.f.c, Canada & Texas; Capt., Aug. 1918. Moody, Frederick Hayward; b.a.sc 1909; 2n(l Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; n6th Bn., I\-l). 1916; Major, Mar. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, i i6lh Bn., Capt.; A/Major, l.l.-M.iv i>)i7; Vimy, Mericourt; Wounded May26, 1917; 2nd Can. Res. Bn., ;\djt., Aug; 1917: Min. of Munitions, Air Bd, Dec 1917: France, Oct. 1918; Mens; Major, 1919- — 29 402 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Moon, Athol Alexander; m.b. 1915; c.o.x.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Gallipoli, Aug. 1915; Dardanelles, Mesopotamia; c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Sept, 1918. Moon, Harold Roy; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.x.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., May 1918; h.m.s. 'Lepanto', June 1918; Atlantic convoy and escort. MooNEY, WiLLL\M Elmer; University Coll. 19 17 (1920); c.o.x.c. 67th, u. of X., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele ; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 1917. Moore, Alexander McMichael; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.x.c. C.O.R., Pte., Aug. 1918; u. of X. o/s. Tr. Coy., Oct. 1918. Moore, Charles Howard; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, M.D. 10, Lieut., July 1915; att. c.f.a.; Capt.; o/s. Aug. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., Apl. 1916; att. Base, May 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Sept. 1917; c.a.d.c, Seaford, May 1918; Segr. Camp, Aldershot, July 1918; Mentioned, Services, Apl. 1919. Moore, Cyrus Frank; University Coll. 1916; 9th Horse, Lieut. 124th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Can. For. Cps., June 1918; Arras sec, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Bois de Houdain, Havrincourt, Bois de Mormal. Moore, Henry C.\rman; Education 1915, Knox; c.o.x.c. iioth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 1916; Lieut., May 1917; France, Aug. 1917 and Sept. 1918,4th cm. R.; Passchendaele, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 1917. Moore, James; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899; 34th Regt., Lieut. c.A.M.c, M.o. Ii6th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 22, 1917; Whitby Mil. Hosp., Feb. 1918; Distr. Depot, M.D. 2, Apl. 19 18. Moore, James; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1915; M.o. 33rd Bn., Jan. 1916; o.c Hosp., Hastings; France, Aug. 1916, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 19th Bn.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1916; Somme; Returned Dec. 1916; ist Depot Bn., w.o.R., s.M.o., Jan. 19 18; A/Embarkation Offr., Halifax. Moore, James Arxhur Coulxer; b.s.a. 1914. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; (Further details not available). Moore, Roberx James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., m.d. 13, Aug. 1917; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Moore, Thomas William; Medicine 191 1. c.A.M.c; France, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.c, Dec. 1917, gaz. Jan. 18, 1918; (Further details not available). MooRHEAD, Andrew Samuel; m.b. 1906. c.A.M.c, Conv. Homes, m.d. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Aug. 1917; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Nov. 1918; France, Nov. 1917, No. 8 Sta. Hosp., Boulogne; No. 2 Gen. Hosp.; No. 33 (No. 28) Surgical Team, o.C; Nos. 38, 49 CCS., 3rd Army; Nos. 47, 41, 20, 55, 48 ccs., 4th Army front — Le Cateau. MooRHOUSE, Edmund Lloyd; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.x.c R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., June 1918; Instr., Camp Mohawk, Sept. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 403 MooRHOUSE, Victor Hexry Kingsley; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.b. 19 10. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Jan. 1915; France, Jan. 1915, French Red Cross, Surgeon; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lieut., Mar. 19 15; Capt.; No. i Can. Fd. Amb., Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme; C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt. & Registrar, Alar. 1917; Tor. Gen. Hosp., Apl. 1918; St. Andrew's Mil. Hosp., July 1919; m.c, Somme, Nov. 19 16. MooRHOUSE, Walter Norwood; Applied Science 1904, Diploma; 9th Horse, Lieut. 4th C.M.R., Lieut., Dec. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; 8th Can. Bde., m.g. Coy., Jan. 1916; Capt., July 1916; 15th Can. m.g. Coy., Major, o.c, Jan. 1917; 3rd Can. Div., Div. m.g.o., July 1917; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Lt.-Col., o.c, Jan. 1918; Can. M.G. Depot, Seaford, o.c, Oct. 1918; Messines, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Merville sec, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; D.S.O., Jan. I, 1919; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; De- spatches Dec. 28, 1917, Dec. 31, 1918. MoR.\N", Hexry Fr.\n'Cis; Education 1917. C.A.M.C, Pte., Jan. 1917-Dec. 1918. Moran, William James; b.a. University Coll. 1891, ll.b. 1892. 1st. Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Adjt., May 1916; Capt., June 1916; Major, Feb. 1917; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Arras, Neuvillc-Vitasse, Passchendaele; Invalided and discharged Dec. 1917. Morden, Joseph Rolph; University Coll. 1918 (1921), Knox; c.o.T.c 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Bdr., Sept. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Morell, Henry; m.d., cm. Trinity & Victoria 1892; C.A.M.C, Capt. C.A.M.C, M.o. 1st Div. Amm. Col., Capt., Aug. 1914; M.o. 17th Bn.; France, Nov. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 14 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; Returned Nov. 1917; D.A.D.M.S., M.D. 5, Major, Nov. 1918; r.a.mx., Eg>ptian Ex. F., 1919. Morgan, Alfred Egbert; m.b. 1900. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Feb. 19 16; i/c Med. Staff, Camp Borden Hosp.; o/s. Aug. 1917; a.d.m.s. Staff, Folkestone; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1918, i/c Hosp., Facture. Morgan, Charles Elgin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Sergt., Mar. 1916; r.a.f., Lieut., July 1917; (Further details net available). Morgan, Edward Archibald William; m.b. 1909. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; Egypt, July 1916; Salonica, Aug. 1916, att. 28th Div.; M.o. i6th Cps. Cav., Dec. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, m.o. 4th Suffolk Regt.; No. 102 Fd. Amb.; No. 103 Fd. Amb.; M.o. i, 4th Cheshire Regt.; Arras (1917), Flanders, Nov. 1917 and Sept. 1918. Morgan, George Syrian; d.d.s. 1920. C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; att. r.a.f., June 1918; Discharged Dec. 1918; Re-enlisted, c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Pte., 1919; Sergt. Morgan, Richard Norman; b.s.a. 1892. (Reported as on Active Service. No details availaljle.) Morgan, William John; University Coll. 1914-16 (1919-20), Wycliffe; c.o.t.c CE., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 5th Can. Inf. Hdc. Signals; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Valenciennes. MoRisoN, Frank; b.a. University Coll. 1900. i6th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; Major; France, Feb. 1915: Can. Record Onicc, London; Can. Hdqrs., London, Asst. Mil. Sec; Mil. Sec; Lt.-Col., June 1918; Col.; D.S.O., Jan. 1916. 404 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MoRLEY, George Whitaker; b.a. Trinity 1910, ll.b. 1916. 70th Bty.,C.F. A., Lieut., Jan. 1917; Injured Mar. 29,1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. MoRPHY, John Aubrey; b.a.sc. 191 2. 37th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Capt., Major; France, Aug. 1916, 2nd Can. Pion.. Bn.; 5th Bn., c.e., June 1918; 2nd i/c, Aug. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; D.s.o., Jan. i, 1918; Despatches Dec. 1917. MoRRELL, Joseph Allan; University Coll. 1918 (1921); c.o.x.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, c.e., c.c.r.s., A/Cpl. Morris, Alan; b.a.sc. 191 5; c.o.x.c. British Red Cross, Orderly, May 1916; France, July 1916; American Red Cross Bureau of Construction, Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; Lieut., July 1918; Capt.; Oct. 19 18. Morris, Charles Ayre; b.a.sc. 1910. C.E., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, July 1916, No. 2 Tnlg. Coy.; c.e. t.d., Seaford, Instr., Feb. 1918; nth Bn., C.E., June 1918; Capt.; Ypres sec, Messines, Ypres, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; m.c, gaz. June 3, 1918; Bar to M.c, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918. Morris, James Ramsey; b.a. University Coll. 1915; 42nd Regt., Lieut. 38th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Bermuda, Aug. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Invalided Oct. 19 16; France, Jan. 19 17; Vimy; Can. For. Cps., England, June 19 17. Morris, John Ferguson Germon; Victoria 1909-12. 204th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 177th Bn., Lieut., July 1916; i8oth Bn., Dec. 1916; France, May 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Vimy — Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy sec; Injured, Ablain St. Nazaire, Dec. 27, 1917; Can. Chaplain Svce., Canada, Capt., June 1918; m.d. 10; att. r.a.f., Leaside, July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., Sept. 1918. Morris, Robert Hartshorne; Medicine 1918 (1922); c.o.x.c. Ii2th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Feb. 1917, 3rd Can. m.g. Coy.; Capt., Feb. 19 18; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras; Injured, Vimy, Apl. 1917; Wounded, Cagnicourt, Sept. 2, 1918; Trans- Atlantic Conducting Staff, 1919; m.c, Passchendaele, Oct. 1917; Despatches, Hill 70, Aug. 1917. Morris, Walter George; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; France, 29th Bty.; 34th Bty. ; (Further details not available). Morris, Wilfred Diggles; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Morrison, James Douglas; d.d.s. 1920. c.a.d.c, Pte., Nov. 1917. Morrison, Matthew Albert; d.d.s. Trinity 1894. C.A.D.C, att. 93rd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915-May 1916. Morrison, Neil Farquharson; University Coll. I9I9» (b.a. 1920, Medicine 1923); C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned and dis- [co.T.C charged Apl. 1918. Morrison, Robert Lindsay; m.b. 1910. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918; San. Offr., Witley. Morrison, Thomas; m.b. 1907. 19th Bn., Capt. and Adjt., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; St. Eloi, Ypres; C.A.M.C, Folkestone, Capt., Aug. 1916; Escort duty, Canada, Mar. 1917; d.g.m.s. Staff, Ottawa; i/c, c.a.m.c, Niagara, May 1918; Major, Aug. 1918; Siberian Ex. F., d.a.d.m.s., Sept. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 405 Morrison, William Albert; Victoria 19 12. 228th Bn., Pte., June 1916; 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., A/Cpl., Mar. 1917; France, ApL 1917; Pte., Jan. 1918; Doullens— Albert, Neuville, Havrincourt, Epehy, St. Emile, Velu Wood — Beaumetz, Passchendaele; Injured, Ypres, Dec. 20, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1918. Morrison, WiLLL\M James; Applied Science 1899; 2ndRegt.; South Africa, r.c.d. and C.A.s.c, Lieut., [2nd CM. r.; Queen's Medal; 12th Regt.; Toronto Light Horse. Sept. 1914; Eaton m.g. Bty., Capt., o.c, Jan. 1915; Major, Mar. 1915; Can. Cav. Amm. Park, O.C; France, Jan. 1916; ist Can. Div. Amm. Park, o.c, July 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Invalided and discharged June 1917. Morrison, William Logan; Veterinary Coll. 19 13- 15; c.o.t.c c.A.v.c, Lieut., May 1916; r.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., May 1917; France, July 19 16, att. 9th Cps. H\y. Art.; Messines, Wytschaete, March Retreat, Kemmel, Rheims, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed Sept. 15, 1918. Morse, Charles Hassel; b.scf. 19 15; c.o.t.c 224th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; o/s. May 1916; Can. F^or. Cps.; Windsor Forest; A/Capt., May 1918; Impl. Tank Cps., Instr., June 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., Oct. 1918. Mortimer, Arthur Beresford; b. a. Trinity 1911. Att. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut.; 63rd Bty., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty., Apl. 1916; Can. Siege Art., Sept. 1916; att. 259th Siege Bty., r.g.a., Nov. 19 16; No. 7 Can. Siege Bty., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; 'e' Bty., Can. a. a. Art., June 1917; Can. Cps. Gas. Svces., att. Can. Cps. Reinf. Camp, Gas OfTr., Nov. 1917; att. 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs.; A/Capt., Div. Gas Offr., Apl. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Morton, Charles Orr; Applied Science 1919 (1923); c.o.t.c C.E., 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Dec. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; lOth Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Dec. 21, 19 17. Morton, Francis Lee; University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; r.n.v.r.. Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut.; Lieut., Aug. 1917; H.M.s. 'Hermione', Southampton, Oct. 1916; h.m.m.l. 428, Ports- mouth, Dec. 1916; Malta, Mediterranean, Jan. 1917; Mine-sweeping; Adriatic, May 1918, i/c Tr. 'Loch Hourn'; i/c h.m.m.l. 576, Rhine Flotilla, Dec. 1918. Morton, George Victor; d.d.s. 19 13; io8th Regt., Lieut. c.A.D.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., June 1915; o/s. June 1915; France, -Aug. 1915; o/s. 1915-19; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Morton, Gerald Alexander; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., May 19 17; Sergt. Morton, Guy; b.a.sc 1915 (1910). Y.M.C.A., Lieut., Aug. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918; att. London Hdqrs., Bramshott, Sea ford. Morton, Noel; Medicine 19 16. 3rd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; ist Can. Inf. Bde. StatT, Interpreter, Jan. 1915; France, Feb. 1915; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915; Sergt.; Invalided Jan. 1918. Morton, Stani.ey Edgar; b.a. Trinity 1906, m.a. 1910. Can. Chaplain Svcc., m.d. i, Capt., June 1918. Mosely, Lewis Alfred; b.s.a. 19 14. i/5th Hampshire Regt., Pte., Aug. 1914; India, Nov. 1914; L-Cpl., Jan. 1915: Cpl., Sept. 1916; Cadet, Jan. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917: i/ist Brecknockshire Regt., Mhow, India, May 1917; i/25th London Regt., Sept. 1917: (Kurthcr details not available). 406 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Moss, Ezra Henry; b.a. Victoria 1916, Staff, (m.a. 1920). C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl., Sept. 1916; Cpl., Nov. 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Sergt., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., att. loth Bde., C.F.A., Spr.; Vimy sec. Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, Canal du Nord and Bourlon Wood, Sept. 19 18. Moss, Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1908. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Aug. 1914; att. 5th Dragoon Guards, Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Sept. 1915, R. Can. Dragoons, Lieut.; Adjt., Aug. 1916; Capt. & Adjt., Aug. 1917; Sqdn. Cmdr., Aug. 1918; Major, Oct. 1918; Ploeg- steert, Messines (1915), Somme, Peronne — St. Quentin (Jan. 1917), Cambrai (1917), March Retreat (1918), Montreuil, Rifle Wood (Apl. 1918), Cambrai, Le Cateau; m.c, Le Cateau, Oct. 9-10, 1918; Despatches twice. Moss, Wallace Hanley; Victoria 19 18, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. W.O.R., Pte., Apl. 1918; L-Cpl. MossMAN, James Kilburn; m.b. 19 ii. American Ambce., Neuilly-s/ Seine, Nov. 1914; Serbian Army, Kragujavatz and Zaitchar, A/Surgeon, Mar. 1915-Aug. 1915; c.a.m.c, m.o. 170th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. i8th Bn., June 1917; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., Feb. 1918; 2nd Can. Div., d.a.d.m.s., Jan. 1 9 19; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Serbian Red Cross and Cross of St. Sava, Aug. 1915; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Mothersill, John Elmore; b.a. University Coll. 1910, Knox. C.A.M.C, Pte.; France, Apl. 1916, No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Gassed Apl. 24, 1917; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1917; Hosps.; att. 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Nov. 1917; Arras, Amiens. MouNTEER, Douglas Grant; Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c C.A.S.C, Pte., L-Cpl., 19 17; (Further details not available). MowAT, Herbert Angus; University Coll. 1911-12, 1913-14, Wycliffe. Ii8th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; i6oth Bn.; France; Wounded Aug. 1918; (Further details not available). Mowbray, Willl\m; b.a. University Coll. 1895; 24th Regt., Capt. 70th Bn., Major, Aug. 1915; France, Dec. 1916, 14th Bn.; Lens sec; 2nd Que. RegtI. Depot, England, o.c, Mar. 1917; France, July 1917, att. 17th Cps. Hdqrs., Aug. 1917; 278th Area Employment Coy., o.c, Sept. 1917; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Aug. 1918; Arras — Cambrai sees.; 774th a.e. Coy., 4th Army Hdqrs., Namur, o.c, Feb. 1919. Mover, Leslie Clare; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 95th Regt., Lieut. 195th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Sept. 1916; 2nd Can. Labour Bn.; France, Nov. 1916, I2th Bn., Can, Ry. Tps.; Major, Dec. 1917; ist Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs. Staff, Intell. Ofir. and d.a.p.m., Nov. 1918; Arras — ^St. Quentin sec, Cambrai (Nov. 1917), March Retreat, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; d.s.o., Villers Faucon, Mar. 22, 1918; Despatches Jan. i, 1918, Nov. 8, 1918. MoYLE, Carl Thomas; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Cpl.; c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt.; France, Apl. 19 18, 3rd Mech. Tpt. Coy.; att. 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Arras — Lens sec, Belgium; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. MoYLE, Henry Brown; m.b. 1910. r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; Mesopotamia, Apl. 1916, No. 32 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; Salonica, Feb. 1917, att. 7th Entrenching Bn.; 7th Motor Amb. Convoy, May 1917; No. 42 Gen. Hosp., June 1917; France, Apl. 1918, No. 90 Fd. Amb.; att. 72nd Bde., r.f.a., May 1918; No. 3 Gen. Hosp., May 1918; Exeter War Hosp., Sept. 1918; MaghuU Neurol. Mil. Hosp., Oct. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 407 MozLEY, John Henry; b.a. (Cantab.); Staff, Trinity, 1912-15; c.o.t.c. R.F.A., 'c' Bty., 87th Bde., Sec. Lieut.; France, Nov. 1915; Lieut., July 1917; Hdqrs. Staff, 87th Bde., July 1917; 'b' Bty., 87th Bde., r.f.a., Nov. 1917; 19th Div. Amm. Col., Apl. 1918; 'd' Bty., 88th Bde., R.F.A., Apl. 1918; 19th Div. Amm. Col., May 1918; Capt., Sept. 1918; Hdqrs., 19th Div., Sept. 1918; Somme, Ancre (1916), Ypres (1917), Cambrai (1918), Lys, Marne; Wounded, Vierstraat, May 27, 19 17. MucKLESTON, Harold Struax; b.a. Trinity 1899, a.m. (Stanford) 1900, m.d., cm. c.A.M.c, Capt., June 1915; [(McGill) 1905; c.a.m.c, No. 4 Fd. Amb., Capt. a.d.m.s. Staff, M.D. 4, Major. Mueller, Rudolph Martin; Applied Science 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; 1st Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 191S. MuiR, George; Education 1915. 189th Bn., Sergt.; c.a.m.c, No. 14 Fd. Amb., Pte., 1917; France. MuiR, James Murray; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c; 12th Regt., Lieut. 127th Bn., Lieut., Sig. Offr., Dec. 1915; Capt., June 1916; Injured 1916; France, June 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut.; Capt., Sept. 1917; Adjt., Sept. 1918; Passchendaele, Villers-Bretonneux, German Retreat (1918). MuiR, Peter; Education 1915; c.o.t.c ' c.a.m.c, Pte., Apl. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Cpl., Apl. 1917; Sergt., Sept. 1917; 2nd C.C.D., 1919. Mulhollaxd, Donald Badgerow; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1919); CO.t.C; 48th Guard duty, M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1916; r.n.a.s.. Mar. 1917; [Regt., Lieut. o/s. Mar. 1917; Injured, Manston, Eng., July 12, 1917; Discharged Apl. 1918. Mulhollaxd, Percival Craick; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 136th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 15th Can. M.G. Coy.; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps. ; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. MuLLETT, Clifford Latimer; Victoria 1919 (1922). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., 1917; France, 7th Bty., c.f.a.; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 28, 1918. Mulligan, Clifford Victor; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c; 45th Regt., Lieut. 109th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 123rd Can. Pion. Bn., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Mulligan, David Gerald; b.a. St. Michael's 1915. Kapuskasing Camp Guard, Pte., Mar. 1916-1918. MuLLix, Albert Ernest; d.d.s. 1895; 27th Regt., Major. c.A.D.c, Capt., June 1915; o/s. June 1915; France, May 1916, att. No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb.; att. No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb.; Can. Cps. Dental Labty., o.c, Apl. 1917; att. Can. Mil. Hosp., Kirkdale; att. No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, Apl. 1917. Mulock, William Pate; University Coll. 1919. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 48th Bty.; r.s.a., Kingston, Instr.; d.a.a. and Q.M.G., Petawawa; Siberian Ex. F., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Mulqueen, Frederick James; b.a.sc 19 13. R.N.V.R., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1914; North. Sea; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1915; France, Mar. 1915, 45th Bty., R.F.A.; R.E., 172nd Coy., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1915; Lieut., Dec. 1915; 182nd Coy., A/Capt., o.c, Jan. 1916; A/Major and Capt., May 1916; Major, Feb. 1918; Wounded, St. Eloi, May 7, 1915, and St. Quentin, Sept. 18, 1918; m.c, St. Eloi and Armcnticrcs, Dec. 1916; D.S.O., Farquier, Mar. 21, 1918; Despatches June 1017. Pt.-c. 1917, June 1918, Nov. 1918. MuLviHiLL, William Laurence; St. Michael's 1921, (1922). 74th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 191S; 2nd Can. Tank Bn.; o s. Sept. 1918. 4o8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MuNN, Frederick James; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.b. 1906. c.A.M.c, D.A.D.M.S., M.D. 2, Major, Feb. 1916; M.o. 'd' Unit, m.h.c.c, Nov. 1916; Pres., St. Med. Bd., Apl. 1917. MuNN, James Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Malta, June 1918; North Africa; Italian Croce di Guerra. MuNRO, Alan Hugh; b.a.sc. 191 i. 5th Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Nov. 1914; 6th Fd. Coy.; France, Sept. 1915; 2nd Cpl.; C.E., Lieut.; Kemmel, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Kemmel, Mar. 1916. Munro, Willlvm Hamilton; Applied Science 1904, Diploma; 57th Regt., Lieut. 3rd Can. Amm. Sub-Park, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1916; Major, Jan. 1919; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Nov. 19 18. MuNROE, George Albert; d.d.s. 1903. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt. MuNTz, Eric Percival; b.a.sc. 1914. No. I Constr. Bn., Lieut., July 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., ^ Tpt. Offr.; att. for Light Ry. Operation, 4th Army, Dec 1917; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt., Qr.-Mr., Jan. 1917; 1st. Bridging Coy., Can. Ry. Tps., 2nd i/c, Aug. 1918; Palestine, Sept. 1918. Murchison, Clifford Arthur Lysle; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. 226th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, i6th Bn., Pte.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 16, 1918. Murdie, William Campbell; b.a.sc. 1913, m.a.sc. 1914, Staff 1913-14; 3rd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Mar. 1916: France, Oct. 1916, 9th Fd. Coy., c.e.; 9th Bn., [c.E. C.E., Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord — ^Mons; m.c, gaz. Apl. 2, 1919. Murphy, Cyril Joseph; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.A.F. , Sec Lieut., 19 18. Murphy, James Philip; b.a. St. Michael's 191 7; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1918. Murphy, Nicholas James; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. Murphy, Thomas Albert Hanley; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1917, 14th Bn.; A/Capt., Aug. 1918; Asst. Adjt.; A/Adjt.; Capt., Jan. 1919; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Murray, Allister McDonald; m.b. 1908. R.A.M.C, Lieut. (Further details not available). Murray, Asbury Whitman; Applied Science 1921. 1st Depot Bn., n.s. Regt., Feb. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; 17th Res. Bn. Murray, Charles; b.s.a. 1908. Enl., Feb. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 102nd Bn., Pte.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Murray, Donald Andrew; m.d., cm. 1906. c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt.; o/s.; Major, Dec. 1918. Murray, Donald Walter Gordon; Medicine 19 19 (192 1). 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Dec. 1915; 17th Bty., Sergt., 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimj', Hill 70; Returned to complete course Aug. 1917- Murray, Gordon Sutherland; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c c.a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte.; c.a.d.c; Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s.; Purfieet. I ROLL OF SERVICE 409 Murray, Howard St. Clair; Trinity 191 1. A.E.F.,i7thEngrs.,'c'Coy.,Sergt.,Apl.i9i7; France, Aug. 1917; Lieut., Oct. 1918, Murray, James Kenneth Parry; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Sta. Hosp., Hamilton, Sergt. Compounder, Mar. 1916-Nov. 1918. Murray, John Grant; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c, Sergt. Att. Can. School of Musk. Cps., Sub-Staff, June 19 15; Can. School of Musketry Cps., Oct. 1917; C.S.M., Instr., Nov. 1917. Murray, Lawrence McCheYxVe; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920, Medicine 1923); 134th Bn., Lieut. & Asst. Adjt., Jan. 19 16; [c.o.t.c; 48th Regt., Lieut. France, Apl. 19 18, 15th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Murray, Lewis Alexander; Medicine 1922. o/s.; 3rd Res. Bn., Pte., Feb. 1918; Can. m.g. Depot; Invalided July 191S. Murray, Reginald St. Elmo; b.a. Trinity 1911, m.b. 1913; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., C.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1918; Hdqrs., m.d. ii; Hdqrs., m.d. 12. [Lieut. Murray, Robert Hamilton; b.s.a. 1912. 82nd Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, June 1916; 31st Bn.; Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 26, 1916; Invalided and discharged June 1918. Murray, William Leo; b.a. St. Michael's 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. May 1916; East Sandling; France, Jan. 1917, att. No. 3 Can. c.c.s.; loth Can. Inf. Bde., Feb. 1917; 50th Bn.; Poperinghe sec, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Drocourt- Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; M.c, Amiens, Aug. lo-ii, 1918; Bar to M.c, Cambrai, Sept. 27-28, 1918. Murray, William Paul; b.a.sc 1911 (1909). Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Spr., June 1915; France, Aug. 1915; Lieut., May 1918; att. R.E., 5th Ry. Survey and Reconn. sec. May 1918; Nieuport — Ypres, Kemmel, Passchendaele, Bapaume — Cambrai, Bussigny, Amiens, Peronne, Arras, Douai — Mons; M.C, Cambrai, Oct. I918. MuRTHA, Leo Joseph; St. Michael's 1916-17, (Applied Science 1923). 1st Depot Bn., E.O.R., Pte., Mar. 1918; o/s. June 1918. MuRTON, Harry Stephen; b.a. University Coll. 1907. 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Spr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Yi-res, Festubert, Gi\enchy; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Feb. 1916; No. 3 Wing; 9th Sqdn., Dun- kerque; 3rd Sqdn., Somme; Fit. Lieut.; Prisoner, Vitry, May 1917; r.a.f., Capt.; South Russia, 47th Sqdn., June 1919-May 1920. Murton, James Carroll; Applied Science 1911, Diploma; 30th Regt.; 14th Bty., No. 2 Constr. Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; ^seth Ry. Constr. Bn., [c.f.a., Lieut. Major, Jan. 1917; France, June 1917, loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Major, 2nd i/c; Nieuport, Ypres, Passchendaele, Lens, Lille, Courtrai; Recmd. for d.s.o. MusGRiVVE, John Ernest Theodore; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Transf'd Ministry of .Munitions, Eng. MusGROVE, Wendell Melville; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c 176th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917; France, July 1917. Hdqrs., 51st Highland Div.; att. 4th Army Corps Hdqrs., Capt., .\pl. 1918; Caml)rai, St. Qucntin. MussoN, George; m.b. 1895; c.a.m.c. No. 14 l-\\. Ami)., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Yi^res; \o. i Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1916; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1917; Major, Lt.-Col. Musson, Ralph Thomas; Trinity 1918; c.o.t.c; 9lh lUy., c.f.a., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1917; r.g.a., 503rd lUy., Sec. Lieut.; France, Apl. nji'^, I3th_l'>ty., k.g.a.; Somme, .Albert, Cambrai, Mornial. 410 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Mustard, William McLachlin; University Coll. 1918 (1922), Knox; c.o.t.c. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; France, July 1916; 36th Bty., Sept. 1917; Bdr., Oct. 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; d.c.m., Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917. MuTART, Leo Carl; Victoria 1920. 2nd E.O.R., Pte., May 1918; 74th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., May 1918; u. of x. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1918. MuTCHMOR, James Ralph Steele; b.a. University Coll. 1913, Knox. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; Sergt., June 1916; France, July 1916; Y.M.C.A., att. Witley, Lieut.; att. Bearwood Hosp.; France, June 1918; att. 4th Div., C.F.A.; Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Vimj', Apl. 22, 1917. Myers, Hubert C; b.a. Victoria 1915; 9th Horse, Lieut. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1916; o/s. May 1916; France, Apl. 1918, C.E., Signals; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Nairn, Laurence Graham; phm.b. 19 14. Siberian Ex. F., 1918; (Further details not available). Naismith, Archibald Gladstone; m.b. 1908. 2nd C.M.R., Tpr., Dec. 1914; o/s. June 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Nov. 1915, No. loi Fd. Amb.; Bethune, La Bassee, Somme, Hindenburg Line (Arras), Nieuport, Ypres, St. Quentin (Mar. 1918), Hangard Wood; In- valided May 19 18; Central Mil. Hosp., Fort Pitt; o.c. Demobn. Camp, Central Mil. Hosp., Eastern Command; M.c, Hindenburg Line, Apl. 1917. Nash, Harold Chester; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1915; France, May 19 16; Patrol svce.; Returned to complete course Dec. 19 16. Nash, James Cundiff; b.a.sc. 19 12; i3th Regt. c.A.s.c, Pte., June 1915; Mech, Tpt.; France, Dec. 1916; 2nd Can. Amm. Sub- Park, Apl. 1917; R.A.F., Cadet, Aug. 1918; C.A.s.c, A/Cpl., Jan. 1919; Lens — • Vimy sec, Belgium, Somme, Arras sec. Nash, Roland Philips; Education 1916 (1920); c.o.t.c. i6ist Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, i8th Bn.; Sergt.; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 16, 1917. Nasmith, George Gallie; b.a. University Coll. 1900, m.a. 1903, ph.d. 1903, (d.sc- Can. Hydrol. Cps., Lt.-Col., o.c, and ist Can. Div., San. Adviser, [Hon. 1917). Aug. 1914; France, Mar. 1915, ist Can. Div. Hdqrs., i/c Water Supply and San. Adviser; No. 5 Can. Mob. Labty., o.c. Mar. 1915-Nov. 1916; Col., Apl. 1917; La Bassee — Ypres; Invalided Nov. 19 16; c.m.g., Jan. 1916; Despatches. Naylor, Archibald Enos; m.b. 1909. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Naylor, Arthur Herbert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt.; o/s. Sept. 1918. Neal, Harold Baker; Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Nov. 1918; y.m.c.a., Capt.; France, Feb. 1919, att. ist Brit. Cav. Div. Nealon, Wilfred James; St. Michael's 1921; c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Nedeau, Howard McClure; Veterinary Coll. 1910-12. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) ROLL OF SERVICE 411 Needler, George Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1886, ph.d. (Leipzig); Staff, Uni- u. of T., o/s. [versity Coll.; 2nd Regt., N. West Medal 1885; c.o.T.c, Capt. Tr. Coy., Capt., o.c. Mar. 1916; Major, o.c, Nov. 1916-Feb. 1919. Neelands, Abram Rupert; Applied Science 1906, Diploma. 1st Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Nov. 1914; Lieut.; France, Oct. 1916; ist Bn., C.E., Capt., May 19 18; Souchez-Montreal Crater, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — 'Valenciennes; m.c, Vimy — Passchendaele, gaz. June 3, 19 18; Despatches Jan. 19 18. Neelant)S, Ralph James; Victoria 19 18 (1922), (Medicine 1923); c.o.T.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; 149th Bn., Sergt.; i6ist Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 47th Bn., Pte.; Arras sec; r.a.f.. Cadet, July 1918. Neelands, Reginald Egerton Kirkwood; b.a.sc. 191 i. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Sergt., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; \Younded June 11, 1917 and Jan. 1918; (Further details not available). Neely, David Bradley; m.b. 1899. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Neely, James Verner; Victoria 19 19. 252nd Bn., Pte., Mar. 1917; c.a.m.c, m.d. 3, June 1917; 72nd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1918; o/s. Apl. 1918; Can. For. Cps., 126th Coy., A/Sergt., Dec. 1918. Neely', Malcolm James; b.v.sc. 1915. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; r.a.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; Eg>'pt, July 1915, att. 27th Div.; Egypt, Dardanelles, Salonica, Bulgaria, Roumania; Despatches June 9, 19 18. Neff, Earl Aubrey; Medicine 1907; loist Regt., Lieut. 9th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; c.a.m.c. Major, Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, No. II Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col.,o.c.; Roclin- court, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1918; Despatches July 19 19. Nelles, Douglas Alexander Hardy; University Coll. 1915; 39th Regt., Lieut. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, July 1916, 5th Sqdn.; Fit. Lieut., Apl. 1917; Interned in Holland Apl. 22, 1917; Returned Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Capt., Apl. 1918; d.s.c, May 1917. Nelson, Elford John; m.b. 1920; c.o.T.c. 1st Depot Bn., c.o.R., Pte., May 1918; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Pte., May 1918. Nelson, Harold Mo\-le; Applied Science 1909, University Coll. 1907-09. c.A.s.c, Pte., Feb. 1917; ce., Spr.; France, Sept. 1917; ist Tnlg. Coy., ce.; Sergt.; Ypres, Vimy — Lens — Arras sec, Amiens. Nesbitt, Howard Ashton; d.d.s. 1905. c.a.d.c, att. 109th and 257th Bns., Lieut., 1915; Discharged 1917. Nesbitt, James Ernest; Veterinary Coll. 1915-16; c.o.T.c 73rd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., June 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; c.A.v.c, Sergt., Dec. 1916- Oct. 1918. Nesbitt, James Henry; m.b. 19 18; c.o.T.c c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Nesbitt, Robert Norman; Education 19 14. C.E., Signals, Spr., Aug. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, ist Can. Div. .\rt. lldqrs. Staff; \'iniy sec, Hill 70, Passchendaele, .\rras sec, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Nethercott, James Pliny Sylvan; Education 1911, b.a. \'ictoria 1916, (m.a. course u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy.,Sergt., Mar. 1916; Lieut., 1917; [1919-20); c.o.T.c, Lieut. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o s. June 1918. 412 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Netherton, William John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 192 1. U.S.A. Med. Dept., Base Hosp. No. 51, Pte., Mar. 1918; ist Class Pte., July 1918; France, Aug. 1918; Argonne, St. Mihiel. Nettleton, Edwin; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c. 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; c.a.m.c, Pte.; Lemnos, Sept. 1915, No. i Can. Sta. Hosp.; Salonica; Returned to complete course May 1916; c.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1918; Oy^s. Sept. 1918; Capt. Nettleton, John Morris; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c. No. 15 Fd. Amb. c.a.m.c, Capt., Oct. 1914; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Lemnos, Aug. 1915; Major, Sept. 1915; Egypt, Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1917; Lt.-Col., 2nd i/c, June 1918; a.d.m.s., m.d. 12, Dec. 1918. NEWTkiAN, Frank Stanley; b.sc.f. 1913. 133rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Sergt.; o/s. Oct. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Lieut.; 129th and 117th Coys., Dornoch, Scotland. Newman, Royal Egbert; Victoria 1912-15. c.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Cpl., July 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1917; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917. Newton, John; b.a.sc 1910; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1916; 83rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, 22nd Hwr. Bty.; A/Capt., Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy — Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Douai — Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918. Newton, Keith Leslie; b.a.sc 19 13. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 19 18. Ney, Cecil Herman; b.a.sc 1916; c.o.t.c R.F.c, Cadet, Sept. 19 17; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut.; Injured, Beamsville, July 13, 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Nichol, Frederick Thomas; b.a.sc 1911; looth Regt., Lieut. nth Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Apl. 1915; Ypres, Festubert; Wounded, Festubert, May 25, 1915; Invalided Aug. 1915; lOOth Bn., June 1916; Capt., July 1916; Major, Sept. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; ist Can. Cas. Tr. Bn., o.c, Oct. 1916; 2nd C.C.D., o.c, Feb. 1917; Sr. Offrs. School, Aldershot, Apl. 1917; nth Can. Res. Bn., July 1917; Bde. Area & Khaki Univ., Shorncliffe & Seaford, o.c, Jan. 1918; Discharged Nov. 1918. Nichol, William John; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c No. I Constr. Bn., Pte., July 1916; Invalided Oct. 1916-Feb. 1917; France, Feb. 1917, 1st Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; Cpl., Sept. 1917; Lieut., Sept. 1918; Somme (1917), Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Mons. Nicholson, Cecil; d.d.s. 1911; 77th Regt. 129th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt .; o/s. Aug. 1916; c.a.d.c; France, May 1918, Can. Cps. Dental Labty. Nicholson, Harry Luscombe; b.a. University Coll. 1913, WyclifTe 1915. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 198th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Hospitals, Canada. Nicholson, Harry Manley; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.a.m.c, m.o. 20th Bn., Capt., Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915, m.o. 20th Bn.; Ypres, St. Eloi; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Somme (19 17), 5th Army; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Major, Feb. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Nicholson, Murr.\y Stewart; Trinity 1918. 184th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 251st Bn., Lieut.; France, Dec. 1917, 8th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 28, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 413 Nicholson, Robert Walter; Education 19 10; c.s.c.i. 136th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; 252nd Bn., Adjt.; France, Aug. 1917, 15th Bn., Lieut.; Passchendaele, Loos-Lens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. I, 1918. Nicholson, William Freeman; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c. No. 19 Fd. Amb., Capt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Capt., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 2 Can. c.c.s., Dec. 1916; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb., Major, 2nd i/'c, Feb. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Fosse 10; d.a.d.m.s., Witley, Mar. 1918; M.C, gaz. Jan. I, 19 17; Mentioned, Services, ApL 19 19. NiCKLE, Frederick James; Victoria 1915, Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., ApL 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Stork', June 1918; loth Destroyer Flotilla, North Sea. NiCKLE, Millen Alexan-der; m.b. 1907, (f.r.c.s. (Ed.) 1918); c.a.m.c, m.o.. 20th c.a.m.c, m.o. 152nd Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; No. 8 Can. Sta. [Horse, Capt. Hosp.; o/s. May 19 16; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Ramsgate; France, Aug. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; m.o. 44th Bn.; m.o. 72nd Bn.; Hill 70, Lens-Avion, Passchendaele; No. 8 Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. r.a.f.; Nancy sec; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; h.m.a.t. 'Essiquibo' Nicklin, Harold Storey; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c C.E., Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 12th Bn., C.E.; Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai — Valenciennes. NiMMO, Clarence Robert; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c 63rd Bty., CF.A., Gnr., 1916; Sergt.; (Further details not available). Nixon, Alfred Westland; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891; 20th Regt., Major. r.a. M.C, Capt., Nov. 1915; Hdqrs., Aldershot; Discharged Dec. 1916. (Died Apl. 8, 192 1.) Nixon, William Herbert; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c Can. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Lens, Passchendaele; R.A.F., Cadet; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Noble, William Garnet; Victoria 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 17, 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Discharged June 1918. NODWELL, George Ross; University Coll. 1918, Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1916; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; North Sea patrol; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918. Norris, John Taylor; Education 19 15. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 19 18. Norris, Robert Hethrington; Education 1917- Enl. May 1918; o/s.; Cadet. Northcote, Reginald Stafford; b.a. University Coll. 1910; loth Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., Tpt. Offr., July 1915; 123rd Bn., Capt. & Adjt., Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn., A/Major & Adjt.; 7th Bn., C.E., A/Major & Adjt., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70. Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Invalided Aug. 1918; Hdqrs. Staff, Witley, Nov. 191S. Norton, Alban Lawrence; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Sergt., Jan. 1916; att. 147th \)n.; m.d. 2; o/s. Oct. 1916; Dibg-ate, Shorncliffe. Norval, Thomas Howard; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; 5th Div. Sig. Coy., 2nd Cpl.; Franco, Apl. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. 414 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Norwich, Arthur Caven; m.b. 1916; Cps. of Guides. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt.; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, No. 7 Fd. Amb., Lahore Div., Indian Army; Abdul Hasan Bend (Jan. 19 17), Kut-el-Aniara (Feb. 1917), Baghdad, Felujah (Mar. 1917); Invalided to India May 1917; att. 6th Poona Div., Oct. 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Norwich, Harry Ben; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1919). 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 19 15; 8th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; France, Sept. 1915; Bdr.; 7th Bty., Bdr., Apl. 1917; Ypres, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Vimy, May 25, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. NoTT, Gordon Eugene; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.x.c, Sergt. Sub-Staff, M.D. 2, Sergt., Instr., Mar. 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; R.E., Sig. Svce., Sec. Lieut. NoTTiNG, Errol Spencer; b.v.sc. 1918. r.a.v.c, Lieut., June 1918; Capt., June 1919; France, Nov. 1918, att. 291st Bde., R.G.A.; att. 58th Div., a/d.a.d.v.s., 1919. NouRSE, Clifford Bennett; b.s.a. 1915. P.P.C.L.I., Pte., Aug. 1914; Cpl., Nov. 1914; France, Dec. 1914; St. Eloi, Ypres; Wounded, Hooge, May 8, 1915; i68th Bn., Canada, Major, Oct. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; Invalided Feb. 1917; d.c.m., St. Eloi, Feb. 28, 1915. NoxoN, Franklin Clowes; University Coll. 1918, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 129th Bn., Cpl., Sergt.; 124th Bn., L-Sergt.; Lancashire Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut.; France, June 19 17; Epehy, Ypres; Wounded and Prisoner, Sept. 6, 1917; Lieut., Oct. 1918. Nyblett, H.\rold GrjVnt Mavesyn; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896; c.a.m.c. No. 17 Cav. C.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; Major, [Fd. Amb., Capt. Apl. 1915; Convoy duty at sea, Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 3rd Div. Team; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme, Arras- Vimy sec; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, Apl. 1917; O.C School of Remedial Gymnastics, i/c training of Instructors, 1917-18; M.o. i/c Garr., Calgary, 19 18- 19. O'Beirn, William Francis; St. Michael's 1920, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Discharged, medically unfit; 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; ist Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Sept. 1918. O'Brian, Geoffrey Stuart; University Coll. 1916; g.g.b.g., Lieut. 4th C.M.R., Lieut., Jan. 1915; 2nd Can. Div. Cyclist Cps., Lieut.; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Ypres sec; r.f.c, Lieut., Sept. 1916; Ferry Pilot, Apl. 1917; Leaside Camp, Canada, Instr., Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Capt.; Sqdn. Cmdr., Deseronto, 1918; Air Force Cross; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1919. O'Brien, Adrian Egbert; Applied Science 192 i; c.o.t.c C.E., Spr.; Brockville t.d., Sergt., Instr., Nov. 1918. O'Brien, Arthur Henry; b.a. Trinity 1887, m.a. 1888, b.a. University Coll. 1888; 74th Bn., Major, Aug. 1915; 114th Bn., 2nd i/c; [g.g.f.g.. Major; R.o. i8oth Bn., 2nd i/c; France, Jan. 19 17, 6oth Bn.; Can. For. Cps.; Invalided Feb. 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. O'Brien, Austin David; St. Michael's 192 1. 74th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., 1918. O'Brien, James Francis; d.d.s. 1915. c.A.D.c, Capt., Nov. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; att. 2nd ccd.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Sept. 19 18, att. General Base, Etaples. O'Brien, John Edwin; b.a.sc 1917; c.o.t.c R.F.C, 2/a.m., July 1917; C.E., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; ist Res. Bn.,c.E. ROLL OF SERVICE 415 O'Brien, Wilfred E.; Education 19 17. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 19 18. O'Connor, Dominic Jeremiah; University CoU. 1921. 2nd Bn., c.o.R., Pte., 1918. O'Connor, George Joseph; St. Michael's 1919; c.o.t.c. 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd C.O.R. , Pte., May 1918; r.a.f., June 1918. O'Connor, John J.; University ColL & St. Michael's 19 18; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte.; Siberian Ex. P., m.g. Coy., Sept. 1918. O'Donnell, Bernard Anthony Patrick; Medicine 1922 (1923). R.A.F. , Cadet, Apl. 1918. O'Flaherty, John Garnier; St. Michael's 1917, Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc. 1920). R.A.F. , 2y'A.M., Mar. 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. O'Flynn, Edmund Duckett; University Coll. 1969; 15th Regt., Capt. 2nd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt., July 1915; Adjt., Oct. 1915; Ypres (1915), Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916); Shell-shocked, Zillebeke, June 6, 1916; Invalided; 247th Bn., Major, Nov. 1916; 15th Regt., c.d.f., Lt.-Col., o.c, Apl. 1917. O'GoGARTY, M. G.; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) O'GoRMAN, Vincent Keating; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Cantonment Hosp., Agra, India; Mesopotamia, June 19 16, No. 39 Fd. Amb., 13th Div.; M.o. Cheshire Regt.; M.o. North Lan- cashire Regt.; M.o. 55th Bde., r.f.a.; c.^.m.c, Canada, Capt., Feb. 1917; M.o. 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Mar. 1917; Ypres sec, Somme, Bethune (1918). O'Grady, Gerald Francis'deCourcy; University Coll. 1909; 90th Regt.', Lieut. 8th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Capt., Dec. 1914; France, F"eb. 1915; Major, 2nd i/c, June 19 16; Ypres (1915), Ypres (1916),* Somme; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 1915, and June 1916; Invalided Dec. 1916; Can. Army Gymnastic Staff, Supt., Western Canada, Dec. 1916-Dec. 1918. O'Learv, Edward Joseph; d.d.s. 1919. c..\.D.c., Sergt. O'Leary, Florance Charles; b.a. St. Michael's 1913. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. Nov. 1918; r.g.a., Cadet. O'Leary, Fr.\ncis Joseph; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c. No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Cp!., Sergt., Staff Sergt.; Flanders, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchcndaclc; Wounded (amputation), Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; Returned July 1918; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. O'LoANE, John Henry; b.a. St. Michael's 1918; c.o.t.c, Sergt. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. O'Neill, James A.; Veterinary Coll. 1916-17; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; R.a.f., Sec. Lieut.; o/s.; Instr., Scampton, England. O'Neill, James Gregory; d.d.s. 1908. c.A.D.c, M.D. 10, Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt., Sept. 1916; ^o/s. Dec. 1916; att. C.F.A. Res. Bde.; Invalided and discharged Dec. 1917;* Rc-enlistcd C.A.D.C, M.D. 10, Capt., Jan. 1918. O'Neill, Joseph; St. Michael's 1915. 235th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, Oct. 1917. 19th I^'i- Woiini4- C.A.M.C, M.I). 2, Lieut., Auk. ";I4; Ca|"". ">• -^"g- ">'•'>: ^'"- " *"•'"• ''<■"• 420 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hosp.; France, Feb. 191 7, No. 13 Can. Fd. Arab., Capt.; Major; m.o. 26th Bn.; i/c Surgery, Bramshott; Vimy, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Gassed, Vimy, Apl. 1917; M.C., Arras, Sept. 2-4, 1918; Bar to m.c, Cambrai, Sept. 27-30, 1918. Palmer, Walter Stanley; Medicine 1920 (1922); 36th Regt., Lieut. C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1916; Lieut.; 198th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 2nd C.M.R.; ist Can. M.G. Bn.; Arras sec, Lens; Returned to complete course Aug. 1918. Pamfhilon, Walter Melville; Medicine 1920 (1922). K.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Melpomene'. Panter, John Stafford; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 4th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme; Invalided Dec. 1916; C.C.D., Hastings; Can. Res. Art.; C.F.A., Cadet, Dec. 1917; France, May 1918, 6oth Bty., Lieut.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Panton, Kenneth Douglas; m.b. 1904; c.a.m.c. No. 18 Fd. Amb., Capt., o.c. c.A.M.c, No. 3 Fd. Amb., Capt., Aug. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col., Oct. 191 5; Salonica, Dec. 1915; att. No. 27 C.C.S., Struma, Apl. 1916; att. No. 35 c.c.s., Doiran, Ap!.- May 1917; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c, Dec. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Sept. 1918. Panton, Leonard Arthur Cattanach; m.b. 1904; c.a.m.c, Capt. R.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1915; Medit. Ex. F., Aug. 1915; No. 17 Sta. Hosp.; Cape Helles, Gallipoli; Wounded, Cape Helles, Dec. 31, 1915; c.a.m.c, m.d. 10, Capt., Dec. 1916; To Chinese Labour Cps., Wei-Hai-Wei, Dec. 191 7; a.d.m.s. Staff, m.d. 10, May 191 8; Mentioned, Services, in typhus epidemic at Wei-Hai-Wei, Feb.-Mar. 1918. Parfitt, Elliott Hill; b.s.a. 191 8. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Paris, John; Applied Science 1904, Diploma. 257th Ry. Constr. Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; Sergt.; France, 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; Lieut.; (Further details not available). Park, Andrew Perry; b.a. University Coll. 1913. Y.M.C.A., Valcartier, Aug. 1914; att. i8th Bn., Nov. 1914; India, Mar. 1915, Army Secty., Delhi & Lahore; German East Africa, Nov. 191 6, y.m.c.a. Staff, A/Capt.; i/c Fd. Force Canteens, E. Africa; Mesopotamia, Apl. 1918. Park, Frank Stewart; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 191 i. Staff; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, M.o. 4th CM.R., Capt., Feb. 1915; France, Oct. 1915; Messines sec, Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; M.o. Gutersloh and Minden Prison Camps; Repatriated Feb. 1918; Major, Feb. 1918; Hart House Mil. School, M.D. 2, May 1918; College Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, 1919; o.b.e., Feb. 1920; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1920. Park, George Harry; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c 6th Univ. Coy., P.P.CL.i., Pte., May 1916; France, p.p.cl.i.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; (Further details not available). Park, Maurice Henry; Education 1908; 57th Regt., Capt. 59th Bn., Capt., July 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; 39th Bn.; R.F.C, Aug. 1916; In- valided July 1917; R.A.F., Canada, Instr. Park, Robert Tomlinson; Applied Science 1918 (1922). R.F.C, Draftsman Mech. Sec, 2/a.m., 1917-18. Parke, Harold; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 91st Regt., Lieut. 76th Bn., Lieut., June 1915; Capt.; France, July 1916, 20th Bn.; Ypres, Somme, Calonne; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Calonne, Jan. 17, 1917; British ROLL OF SERVICE 421 & Canadian Recruiting Mission, Chicago, Jan. 1918; Siberian Ex. P., 259th Bn., Capt., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919; m.c, Calonne, Jan. 17, 1917. Parke, Roy Walder; phm.b. 1908; 13th Regt., Lieut. 58th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Messine?, St. Eloi, Ypres, Sanctuary Wood, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 20, 1916; 13th Bn., C.D.F.; 1st Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Capt. & Adjt.; 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.R., Adjt. Parker, Albert Herman; b.a.sc. 1915. R.E., Sec. Lieut.; Salonica, Dec. 1916, 37th Army Tps. Coy., r.e.; Lieut., Mar. 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. Parker, Charles Bemister; b.a. Victoria 1904, m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, att. R.A.F., Canada, Lieut., June 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Seed, to R.A.F. Medical Svce.; France, Nov. 1918, r.a.f., m.o. 91st Wing; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1919. Parker, Chester; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 191 8; c.o.T.c. C.A.D.C, M.D. 4, Sergt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Parker, Gilbert Prvor; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1917; France, May 1918, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., July 1918; M.o. 31st Bn.; M.o. 25th Bn., Mar. 1919; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Despatches July 1919. Parker, Henry Albert; Arts & F"orestry 1917, (b.sc.f. 1920); c.o.T.c, Cpl. 224th Can. F"or. Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Lieut., July 1917; England & Scotland. Parker, Thomas Harold; b.a. Victoria 1907, m.a. 1910; 3rd Fd. Coy., ce., Spr. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., June 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; 5th Bn., C.E., June 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, St. Eloi, Apl. 16, 1916; Despatches June 1918. Parker, Walter John; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., F"eb. 1916; L-Cpl., Nov. 1916; Sergt., Jan. 1917; 5th Div. Sig. Coy. Parker, William Cabel; b.a. University Coll. 1913. 46th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916, 26th Bty.; C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Apl. 1917; 2nd Cpl., May 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele. Parkin, Maxwell Richard; d.d.s. 19 13. C.A.D.C, Capt., Apl. 1918. Parkinson, Norman Frederick; b.a.sc 1913, m.a.sc 1915. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Dec. 1914; 13th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; i^iir., Apl. 1915; Cpl., Sergt., Aug. 1915; IVancc, Sept. 1915, 22nd Bty.; 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Lieut., Aug. 1916; 15th Bt>-., Sept. 1916; Loos, Mc.ssines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, \'iniy; Wounded, Frcsnoy, May 3, 1917; Rccnid. for M.c; Discharged July 1918. Parks, Archibald Stewart; Education 1916; c.o.t.c. 4th Can. Amm. Sub-Park, Pte., May 1916; France; Wounded M.iy 25, 1918. Parks, Margaret; m.d., cm. Trinity 19DI. C.A.M.C, No. I Gen. Hosp., Nursing Sister, Oct. 1914; France, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. I Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 C.in. Gen. Hosp.; No. i Can. C.c.s., Sept. 1917-Oct. 1918. Parlow, Alan Edward; r.sc.f. 1913. 7th Hn., Pte., Aug. 1914; 1st Can. Inf. Bdc, Sergt.; 19th London Rest., .Sec. 422 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lieut., Dec. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Lieut. & A/Adjt.; Capt.; r.e., Lieut.; nth Sherwood Foresters, Capt.; g.h.q., Directorate of Forestry; Menin Road, Ypres, Neuve Chapelle, Bols de Biez, Richebourg, Givenchy, Festubert, Loos. Somme; Wounded three times; Despatches June 1916; Discharged June 1918, Parmiter, Frederick; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, Apl. 1915, No. 10 Vety. Hosp.; att. 8th Impl. Div., Oct. 1915; att. No. 4 Area, May 1919; att. No. 2 Advance Remount Depot, June 1919. Parney, Frederick Schlenker; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; c.a.m.c. Depot, May 1917; Capt., Dec. 191 7; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 19 18; France, Aug. 191 8, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp. and No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1918; M.o. 19th Bn., Sept. 1918; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Parney, George Lyman; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918. Parr, Russell Leonard; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.a.m.c, Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Dec. 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Invalided May 1918; Discharged July 1918. Parry, John Rowt^and; Victoria, b.a. University Coll. 1899, m.b. 1903. C.A.M.C, M.o. 86th Bn., Capt.; Surgeon, Hamilton District. Parry, Wilfrid Wright; b.a. University Coll. 1912, ll.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.s.c, Lieut.; o/s. Mar. 1917; (Further details not available). Parsons, Charles St. Clair; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c; Cps. of Guides & 227th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; R.N.A.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; [109th Regt., Lieut. France, Dec. 1917; Dunkerque; Wounded and Prisoner, Apl. 22, 1918. Parsons, Harold Campbell; b.a. Trinity 1891, m.d., cm. Trinity 1892, m.a. 1904, C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Major, Mar. 1915; o/s. [Staff; c.a.m.c, Lieut. May 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Lt.-Col., Dec. 1917; t/o.c, Mar. 1918; Board of Medical Consultants, 1918-19; Despatches July 1917. Parsons, Johnson Lindsey Rowlett; b.a. University Coll. 1897, Applied Science 28th Bn., Major, Oct. 19 14; [1901, Diploma; Corps of Guides, Major. 2nd i/c, Jan. 1915; 2nd Can. Div., G.S.O., III, Apl. 1915; France, May 1915; 2nd Can. Div., G.s.o., 11, Dec. 1915; Lt.-Col., Sept. 1916; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., G.S.O., II, Oct. 1916; 5th Can. Div., G.s.o., i, Sept. 1917; ist Can. Div., G.s.o., I, Chief of Gen. Staff, Dec. 1917; g.h.q., ist Echelon, Can. Sec, 2nd i/c & Sr. Staff Offr., Jan. 1919; Col., Feb. 1919; Festubert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, etc.; d.s.o., Jan. 1917; C.M.G., Amiens-Arras, gaz. Jan. i, 1919; French Croix de Guerre, gaz. Oct. 10, 1918; Legion d'Honneur, Chevalier, gaz. Jan. 29, 1919; Despatches Nov, 13, 1916, May 28, 1918, Dec. 31, 1918, July 8, 1919. Parsons, Richard; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901, f.t.m.c, f.r.c.s. (Ed.) 1917. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; M.o. 89th Bn.; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, July 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Invalided Sept. 1917; Discharged June 191 8. Pashler, Charles Frederick; Trinity 1915-16. 8ist Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, June 1916, 4th c.m.r.; Lieut., 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Monchy, Aug. 28, 1918. Paterson, Edwin Burton; phm.b. 1912; 44th Regt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Staff Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 423 Paterson, Elwin L.; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., M.D. 4, Spr., 1918. Patox, Herbert Thomas; phm.b. 1911. C.M.R. Depot, M.D. 2, Sergt. Patten, Benjamin Bell; b.a.sc. 1904. 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Bdr., Cpl.; 55th Bty.; 8ist Hwr. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917; 20th Bty., A/Cpl.; Cpl., July 1917; Sergt., Aug. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918; Lens, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Gassed, Ypres, Oct. 31, 1917; Wounded and gassed, Arras, June 2, 1918; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Patterson, George Sutton; Victoria 1911-12, b.d. 1912; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; L-Cpl., Nov. 1916; att. 5th Div. Amm. Col. Depot, Sergt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Jan. 191S; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918. Patterson, Gordon Cummings; b.a. University Coll. 1913, (Staff). 3rd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., July 1915; 7th Res. Bde. Hdqrs., Cpl., Sergt., Coy. Sergt. -Major, Wt. Offr.; 23rd Res. Bn., Lieut.; France, Oct. 1916, 3rd Bn.; Capt., Aug. 1917; 1st Can. Div. Hdqrs., Intell. Offr., Aug. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec., Amiens, Arras, Canibral — Mons; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Patterson, Roy Garland; b.a.sc. 19 14. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; L-Cpl.; France, Oct. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Cpl.; Sommc, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 5, 1917; 1st Res. Bn., c.E.; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Patterson, Thomas Allan; Victoria 1899; 2nd Regt., North West Medal 1885; S. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Nov. 1915; [Africa, 2nd c.m.r., Tpr., 1901-02. o/s. Nov. 1915; att. nth Bde.; No. 11 & No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosps. & Helena Mil. Hosp., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, No. 2 Can. c.c.s. ; att. 8th Bde., c.f.a., Feb. 1917; Ypres sec, Vimy; Shell-shocked & invalided May 1917; No. 11 & No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosps. & Helena Mil. Hosp.; Discharged June 1917. Patton, Harald Smith; b.a. University Coll. 1912, Education 1915; c.o.t.c. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, L-Cpl., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.l, Cpl.; Messines sec, Somme (1915), Ypres (1916); Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Y.M.C.A., Lieut.; att. Hdqrs., Folkestone; France, att. ist Can. Div. Reinf. & Tr. Wing, Capt.; att. 2nd Can. Inf. Bde.; 3rd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Sr. Y.M.c.A. Offr., Nov. 191 8; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Patton, Kenneth Lawrence; University Coll. 1908. 43rd Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 27th Bn., Capt., Major; Offrs. Tr. Sch., Bexhill; M.C: (Further details not available). Patton, Wilt^iam John; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Knox. 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Mt. St. Eloi sec; Invalided Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Nov. 1917. Paul, Gordon Scarborough; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (192 1). c.x.d.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s.; Returned to complete course Oil. 1^17. Paul, Reginald; .m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c; 9th Horse, Med. Sergt. 8th C.M.R. , Pte., Jan. 1915; Cjil., Sergt.; R..\. M.c, Lieut.; Capt., \qiCi; France, Aug. 1915, No. 79 I'd. Amb.; Salonica and Macedonia, Nn -d r.l Amli , ]^oc. 19 15 — Dec. 19 17. Paul, Richard Corlky; Forestry 1918, (Applied .Science 1923); c.o.t.c. 2r)th Bty., c.F..\., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Rdr.; France, J.m. 1016; (>!., .Sergt.; 17th Bty., Sergt., li.o.M.s.; St. Eloi, Ypres {l<)l(^), .Somme, \imy. Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 15, i<)i''>, l"resno>-, May 2, 1917, and .Amiens, .Aug. 8, I918. 424 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Pa tFL, Roy Allan; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 153rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt. & Adjt., July 1916; France, July 1917, seed, to R.E.; att. Staff, Chief Engr., 5th Army; Staff, C.R.E., Abbeville area; Staff, C.R.E., Boulogne area. Pauley, Gerald Edwin; Medicine 1922 (1923). 75th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918. Paitlin, James Burnside; b.a. University ColL 1904, Knox 1907. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 86th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; Crow- borough, Sr. Chaplain, May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 43rd Bn.; Souchez, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917. Paulin, Stanley; m.b. 1898; c.a.m.c. No. 18 Fd. Amb., Capt., T/Major. C.A.M.C., No. 13 Fd. Amb., Major, June 1916; France, Aug. 1916; No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., o.c, Aug. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Mons; D.s.o., Bourlon Wood-Cambrai, Sept. 27-Oct. i, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1917 (Pass- chendaele), and Mar. 1919. Paltll, Francis Harold; Trinity 1913-14 (1919-21); c.o.t.c; 7th Regt., Lieut. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, 4th c.m.r.; Lens, Arras sec, Kemmel, Amiens; Gassed Sept. 5, 1917; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918. Pavlopolxos, Jason Amphion Michael (Paulson, Paul); University Coll. 1915. (Reported as on Active Service with Greek Army; Details not available.) Payette, Henry Joseph; b.a. St. Michael's 1916, Education 1917. R.F.c, Canada, a.m., June 1917; R.a.f., 1918. Peace, W'illiam James; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Capt.; d.f.c, 1918; (Further details not available). Peacock, Mark Bennett; ll.b. 1907, ll.m. 1908; 103rd Regt., Major. 103rd Regt., 1914-19, i/c Banff & Mt. Castle Internment Camps, etc.; 103rd Regt., C.D.F., Lt.-Col., o.c, Apl. 1917. Peacock, Ralph McDougall; d.d.s. 1899. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut.; Capt. Pearce, George Lancelot; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c 74th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., July 1916; France, June 1917, 4th Can. Siege Bty.; loth Can. Siege Bty., 1919; Hill 70, Lens, Arras, Cambrai. Pearce, Joseph Algernon; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Lieut., Sig. 58th Bn., Lieut., Sig. Offr., June 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Capt., [Offr. May 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded July 9, 1916; Injured, Somme, Sept. 22, 1916; Invalided Oct. 1916; Instr. Staff, m.d. 2, Jan. 1917; M.D. 10, Distr. Sig. Offr., May 1917; C.E., Sig. t.d., Ottawa, Oct. 1917; 2nd Depot Bn., E.O.R., Jan. 1918; Major, June 1918; 3rd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., Dec. 1918; 3rd Detacht., c.g.r., o.c, 1919; Recmd. for m.c Pearce, Levi Percy; b.a.sc 1916 (1915); c.o.t.c c.a.m.c. No. 8 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt., May 1916; r.e.. Sec. Lieut., ' May 1917; France, July 1917, 57th Fd. Coy.; r.e., 780th Artisan Works Coy., Nov. 1917; Lieut., July 1918; Nieuport, Ypres, etc.; Gassed Aug. 1917. Pearce, William Melancthelon; Forestry 1916; 15th L. Horse, Lieut. 14th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1914; France, Apl. 1915; 3rd Can. m.g. Coy., Capt., Feb. 1916; 1st Can. m.g. Coy., Major, o.c, Dec 1916; 4th Can. m.g. Coy., o.c, Oct, 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Coy. Cmdr., Mar. 1918; Ypres, Festubert. Givenchy, Messines sec, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Festubert, May 20, 1915; M.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917: Despatches Jan. 1917, and May 1917 (Vimy). ROLL OF SERVICE 425 Pearen, Hartley Earle; b.a. University Coll. 1916, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c. 41st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; 8th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; Can. Pay Off., London, Sergt.; France, Apl. 1917, 17th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Pearse, Robin; f.r.c.s. (Eng.), Staff. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Major, May 1918; -St. Andrew's Mil. IIosp., m.d. 2, June 1919. Pearson, Harry John; University Coll. 1913-14, 1916-17, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte., Dec. 1916; Cpl., Jan. 1918; y.m.c.a., Capt., Apl. 1918; Hosp. & Tpt. duty. Pearson, Harry Mitchell; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Kno.x; c.o.t.c. Can. Chaplain Svce., Lieut., Jan. 191 6; Petawawa; Kapuskasing, Chapl. & Duty Offr. ; Discharged Jan. 1918. Pearson, Henry Clinton; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895, f.t.m.c < c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; o, s. May 19 15; m.o. 2nd Can. Amm. Park; France, Sept. 1915, m.o. 2nd Can. Div. Supply Col.; m.o. ist Div. Supply Col., Apl. 1916; m.o. 3rd Div. Supply Col., Nov. 1916; m.o. 2nd Can. Div. Train, Jan. 1917; Xo. 4 Can. Fd. Amb., Apl. 1917; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 191 7; Flanders, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Gouy-en-Artois, May 17, 1918; Returned Sept. 191S; Bd. Pension Commrs. Pearson, Lester Bowles; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1919); c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Cpl.; Can. Inf., Lieut., Aug. 1917; R.F.c, Oct. 1917; Injured, Hendon, Dec. 13, 1917; R.A.F., Canada, Instr., 1918. Pearson, Marmaduke Pritchard; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Maroc, Jan. 7, 1917; Can. Inf., Lieut., July 1917; r.n.a.s, Fit. Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1917; R.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, and Dover patrol. Pearson, Robert, m.p.p.; b.a. Victoria 1904; 103rd Regt., Lieut. 89th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt.; France, 1916, 49th Bn.; v.m.CA.; oth Can. Area Employment Coy., Capt., o.c; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Somme, .Sept. 16, 19 16. Pearson, Vaughan Whittier; Victoria 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, June 1917, 6th Can. Siege Bty.; att. Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Signals, Wireless sec, Apl. 1918; Cadet, Sept. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Lievin, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, Peabt, John Davidson; b.a.sc 1914. No. I Can. Constr. Bn., Pte., July 1916; France, Oct. 1916, ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Cpl.; nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut., Dec. 191 7. Peart, John Walton; b.a.sc 1913; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 60th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., July 1916; q.m.s. ; France, Aug. 1917, 60th Bty., Gnr.; Bdr., Dec. 1917; Cpl., .'\ug. 1918; Recnul. for commission, Oct. loiS; Lens (Aug. 1917-Aug. 1918), Anu'cns, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; \\'oundcoii/cmu- court (Mar. 1918); Wounded, St. Julicn, Oct. 1917; M.n.i:., June 3, 1919; Despatches July 1919. Phillips, Harry Shaw; Medicine 1921 (1922); c.o.t.c. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; Disrharpcd Oct. 1017; k.a.i ., ("adot, June 1918. Phillips, James Thompson; Victoria 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c. 40th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 191.S: Franco, July 1016; c.f.a., Cadci, .Aug. 19"^; Lieut., I^ec. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens. 428 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Phillips, Robert Wesley; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, Sta. Hosp. Exh. Camp, m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1916; M.o. 208th Bn.; M.o. i8oth Bn.; o/s. Nov. 1916; m.o., c.c.d., Hastings; Shoreham; Bramshott; France, Nov. 1917, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., Dec. 1917; No. 9 Can. Fd. Amb., Dec. 1917; m.o. 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Mar. 1918; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., July 1918; Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Invalided Oct. 191 8. Phillips, Stanley James; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Capt. Phillips, William Eric; b.a.sc. 1914. Leinster Regt., E.C., Sec. Lieut.; att. 7th Leinster Regt., Capt., Dec. 1914; France; 2/8th R. Warwickshire Regt., Major, 2nd i/c; 2/6th R. Warwickshire Regt., Lt.-Col., o.c. Mar. 1918; att. Polish Arm^^ Liaison Offr., 1919; Wounded Sept. 7, 1918; M.C., Aug. 1916; D.S.O., Sept. 1918; Despatches 1916, 1918, 1919. Philp, George Rowe; m.b. 1909, Staff; c.a.m.c, No. 13 Cav. Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914, att. No. 13 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1915; Major, June 1915; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1915; m.o. 5th Bn., Dec. 1915; m.o. ist Can. Div. Amm. Col., Jan. 1916; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb., 2nd i/c, Feb. 1916; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col., o.c, June 1916; Ypres etc. (1915-16), Somme, Viniy; Returned May 1917; A.D.M.S., Petawawa, June 191 7; Bd. Pension Commrs. ; Despatches June 1917. Philp, Howard Joseph; Victoria 1920, (Applied Science 1922); c.o.t.c c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., m.d. 2, Pte., Mar. 1917; r.f.c. Cadet, Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; France, July 1918, 208th Sqdn. Philp, Walter Gillespie; Trinity 1917, (Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Feb. 1918. Philp, William Melville; b.a.sc. 1915. 1st Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Wounded Dec. 1915 and May 1917. Philpott, Elmore; University Coll. 1917. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1916; 33rd Bty., Jan. 1917; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, June 26, 1917, Passchendaele, Nov. 17, 1917, and Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918; Bar to m.c. Arras, Sept. 2, 1918; Despatches June 1918. Phippen, John Hubert; University Coll. 191 1; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 3rd Div. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, July 1916; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., A/Capt., June 1917; R.f.c, Dec 1917; Ypres (1916), Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens. Phipps, Stewart Beaumont; Trinity 1921; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 20th m.g. Coy., Sept. 1918; L-Cpl., Jan. 1919; Siberia, Jan. 1919. PiCKARD, Jack Whitton; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 191 7; o/s. Feb. 1917; Returned to complete course Dec. 1917. Pickup, Harold Richard; b.a. University Coll. 1906. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 220th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1918; France, June 1918, 6th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; 25th Bn.; Amiens sec, Ypres; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., and Disch. Depot, Buxton. ROLL OF SERVICE 429 Pickup, William Samuel; Medicine 1914, m.d. (Man.)- C.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1914; R.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Gallipoli, Aug. 1915, 29th Div. ; Invalided Dec. 1915; att. No. ID Can. Gen. Hosp., ApL 1916; France, May 1916, No. i Gen. Hosp.; No. xi Fd. Amb., 6th Div.; Somme, Quadrilateral, Les Boeufs; M.o. 7th Somerset Light Inf., 20th Div.: Cambrai (1917); Wounded and gassed, Cambrai, Nov. 30, 1917; Discharged Aug. 19 18. PiGOTT, Roy Bernard; Applied Science 1909, Diploma, (b.a.sc. 1918). (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Pike, Abram Bowman; Education 1913. 20ist Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 19th Bn.; Arras sec; Prisoner June 19 18. PiLCHER, John Wesley; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, m.d. id, Capt., Apl. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 5th Bn.; att. r.f.c; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 52nd Bn.; Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Major, Jan. 1918; d.m.s. Off., ' London; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp. PiL key, Melville; Veterinary Coll. 1909-ir. r.a.v.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1915, att. nth H\t- Bde., R.G.A.; att. 24th Bde., r.f.a., Aug. 1916; att. 62nd Bde., r.f.a.. Mar. 1917; Indian Vety. Hosp., Aug. 1917; No. i Base Remount Depot, Rouen, Dec. 1917. PiNARD, Napoleon Joseph Victor; d.d.s. 1913. C.A.D.C, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Seaford; Capt. PixNiNGTON, Edward Francis; Trinity 1907-10. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 162nd Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. 35th Bn.; C.A.M.C. Depot, Westenhanger; France, Sept. 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp., Feb. 1918; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1918. Plant, Arthur Herbert; b.a. Victoria 1912. R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Seaman, July 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; h.m. Auxil. Patrol, Mine-sweeping svce., Nov. 1917; Able Seaman, Leading Seaman, Petty Offr. 1st class, Jan. 1918; R.N.v.R., Sub-Lieut., May 1918; h.m.s. 'Vivid'; Asst. to O.C, R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div. Pl.\skett, H.\rry Hevu^ey; Trinity & l>niversity Coll., b.a. 1916; c.o.t.c; 33rd Bty., 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 72nd Bty., Lieut.; [c.f.a., Lieut. France, Oct. 1917, loth Bty.; 3rd Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Ord. Offr., May 1918; Passchendaele, Lens— Arras sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai— Valenciennes. Platt, John Reginald; phm.b. 1913- 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Cpl.; Wounded Jan. 17, 1917; (Further details not available). Playfair, Lyman; Applied Science 192 i ; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; att. Polish Army, Scrgt., Inslr., May 1918. Plummer, John Orme; Trinity 1917. 3rd R. Inniskilling Fusiliers, Sec Lieut., Nov. 1914: France, June loi.S: In- valided May 1916; C.F.A., Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Sept. 1918, i8lh Bty. Plummer, Pkrcyvale W.uxace; Trinity 190^'; g.c.b.g., Lieut. I70lh Bn., Capt. and Qr.-Mr., Jan. 191^'; France, Aug. 1917. 4>l' ^n.. C.u,. Ry. Tps., Qr.-Mr. Plunkett, James Alan; n.n.s. 1917; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, Lieut., May 1917: Capt., May 1918; att. R.a.f., Rathbun Hosp., Dcseronto; att. Mowat Hosp. and Queen's Mil. llo-^p , m.i>. 3- 430 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PoAG, Arthur Reginald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 5, Pte., Feb. 1916; att. 5th Can. Div., Sergt.; o/s. Dec. 1916; Bramshott; att. Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom. PoiRiER, John Leo; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. PoLDON, George Harold; Victoria & University Coll. 191 6. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917-1919. Pole, Willard Harford; phm.b. 19 15. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Pollock, Frank Jones; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c; 5th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 73rd Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Aug. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 24th Bty.; Vimy, etc.; Wounded June 14, 1917; France, Oct. 1918, 24th Bty.; Valenciennes, Mons. Pollock, George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c 204th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 125th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 54th Bn.; Lens — Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 191 8; c.a.d.c, Sergt. PooK, George Gidley; b.v.sc 1915. R.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1915; Capt., July 1916; o/s. July 1915; Aldershot; France, Sept. 1915, No. 8 Vety. Hosp.; No. 3 Vety. Hosp.; Somme sec. (1916-19). Pool, Charles Lundy; Applied Science 1917; c.o.t.c U.S. Naval Reserves, 2nd Class Seaman, June 1917; Ensign, Dec. 1917; Hampton Roads Base. Porte, Willlvm Barry; b.a.sc 1907. 1st Can. Pion. Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; 9th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut., Dec. 1917. Porteous, Hugh Aubrey; b.sc.f. 1916; c.o.t.c o/s. draft, c.o.t.c, Dec. 1915; 9th Devonshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1916; Lieut., July 1917; ist Devonshire Regt., Apl. 1918; Somme (1916), Beaumont-Hamel — Bapaume (1916-17), Gheluvelot (Oct. 1917), Merville (Apl. 191 8); Indian Army, Permt. Forces, att. 2/7th Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs, Calcutta, Sept. 191 8; Despatches Nov. 1917. Porter, Alvin Beverley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.t.c c.a.d.c, Sergt., Nov. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.f.c, Oct. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; R.A.F., Lieut., Sept. 1918; Ferry Pilot, England-France, Sept. 1918. Porter, David Halliday; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c Impl. Y.M.C.A., May 1917; o/s. June 1917; India, Aug. 1917; Mesopotamia, Oct. 1917. Porter, George Dana; m.b. 1894. c.A.M.c, Div. Labty., m.d. 2, Capt., o.c, Aug. 1915. Porter, Louis Alexander Murray; Applied Science 1910. 204th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt. -Major, Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; 208th Bn.; Medically unfit; CA.P.c, London, Pte., Mar. 1918; L-Cpl., Sept. 1918; Cpl., Nov. 1918; Sergt., Jan. 1919. Porter, William Arthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917, (d.d.s. 1918); c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Pounder, John Allan; b.a. University Coll. 1912; 2nd Bty., c.f.a. 51st Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Feb. 1916; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1917; b.q.m.s.. Mar. 1918; c.f.a.. Cadet, Oct. 1918; Lens, Vimy sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai. ROLL OF SERVICE 431 POUPORE, Albert Genille; University Coll. 1917; 9th Horse, Lieut. 75th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Major, Oct. 1916; 2nd i/c. Mar. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Canal du Nord; Siberian Ex. F., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Dec. 1918; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916; D.s.o., Vimy, Mar. i, 1917. Poupore, William Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 9th Horse, Lieut. 75th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Capt.; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Vimy, Mar. 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917; att. R.F.C., Canada; m.c, Apl. 1917. Powell, Francis Clement; Trinity 1918 (1920). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., A/Sergt. Powell, Newton Lionel; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 208th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, July 1917, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; 4th Bn., C.E., May 1918; A/Capt., Dec. 1918; Hill 70, Passchcndaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc Powell, William Dominion; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Pte., Apl. 1915; Discharged May 1915; Transf'd to Munitions. Powell, William Gayner; b.a. University Coll. 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. i, Lieut., Intell. Offr. ; r.n.v.k., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Jan. 19 18. Powers, Fr.\\k J.; phm.b. 1915. R.N.C.V.R., Petty Offr., 2nd Clas, Dispenser; Atlantic Div. Poyntz, Arthur; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Pte., May 1916; Sergt., Mar. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to com- plete course Nov. 1917; Rc-enl., C.A.D.c, Sergt., 1918; q.m.s., Lieut. Pratt, Abraham Osmund; University Coll. 1920, (Applied Science 1922); r.m.c R.F.C, Cadet, Feb. 19 18. Pratt, Forest Millen; b.a.sc 1912. C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, 7th Fd. Coy.; 7lh Bn., CE. ; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchcndaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded July 20, 1917, and Sept. 2, 1917; m.c, Courcelette, Sept. 26, 19 16; Despatches Nov. 19 18. Pratt, Robert S.; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c R.C.H.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, C.E., Signals, Spr. ; Vimy — Passchendaele; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Pratt, William Charles; m.b. 1906. C.A.M.C, Mil. Hosp., M.D. I, Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Buxton, Apl. 1918. Pratten, FrvVNK Harten; m.b. 1912. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1915; m.o. 35th Bn.; o/s. Ocl. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, 1917, M.o. 2n 1 Bty., c.f.a.; Vimy, Hill 70, etc; Spec. Hosp., London. Prendergast, D'Arcy Jerome; University Coll. 1916, (h.a. 1919'. Mcduini- 1919 25th Bty., ck.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; |(i9-22); c.o.t.c R.F.A., Cadet, Apl. 1916; 83rd Bdc, k.f.a., Sec. Lieut., July 1916; att. k.k.c, No. 5 Kite Balloon Sec, May 1917; Lieut., Feb. I9i«; Capt., June 1918; R.A.F.; Plocgsteert, Somme, Arras (1917). Cambrai (1917), Orninn Offensive (Mar. 1918), Somme (1918); Despatches (.Somme 191K) Nov. 8, 191K, NLir. 16, 1919. Presgrave, Ralph; Applied Science 1921; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte, July ii)\H. 432 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Prestox, Harold Ernest; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet; (Further details not available). Preston, John Alex^vnder Victor; b.a. University Coll. 1885, ll.b. 1888; 46t4i Regt., 39th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Dec. 1914; o/s. June 1915; 39th Res. Bn., [Lt.-Col. o.c, July 1915-Jan. 1917; France, Mar.-Apl. 1916, att. 21st Bn.; St. Eloi; To R.O., Apl. 1917; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917. Preston, William Jeffrey; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Knox; 91st Regt., Lieut. 86th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; i8th Can.,M.G. Coy.; France, Mar. 1918; ist Can. M.G. Bde., May 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Wounded, Vis-en-Artois, Sept. 2, 1918. Prewett, Frank James; University Coll. 191 6; c.o.t.c. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. June 1915; r.f.a.-, Sec. Lieut.; France, 'a' Bty., 159th Bde., r.f.a.; (Further details not available). Price, Cecil Kingsley; Medicine 19 17 (1923). 15th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (191 6), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Price, Grenville Carson; b.a. University Coll. 1910; 105th Regt. 96th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; R.A.F.; Can. For. Cps. ; (Further details not available). Price, Harold Warnica; Victoria 1919 (1921), (Medicine 1923); c.s.c, Sergt.; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Oct. 1916; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1916; [c.o.t.c. Mesopotamia, June 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Samarra, Tekrit, 1917; Hit, Ana, Kifri, Tuz Kurmatli, Tauk, Baaji, Shergat, 191 8; Mosul, Naseriyah (Euphrates), Suleymanyah (Kurdistan), Khasvin (Persia), 1919; Wounded, Baaji, Oct. 24, 1918. Price, Harvey Stinson; b.a. University Coll. 1909; c.f.a., Lieut. 238th For. Bn., Lieut., June 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Can. For. Cps. Base Depot, Sunningdale, Capt. Price, Merritt; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., May 1915; France, July 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; 12th Essex Regt., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1915; Lieut., July 1916; Capt., June 1917; Major, Oct. 1918. Price, William Herbert (m.p.p.); ll.b. 1909. 204th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1916; France, July 1917, 19th Army Corps, Area Cmdt. ; 2nd Army Corps, special service, 'q'; Y'pres, Passchendaele, Boesinghe, Proven, Lys, Harlebeke, etc. Priest, Arthur Harding; b.a. Trinity 1912. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Sept. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; West Cliflf Can. Hosp. ; France, Sept. 1916, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp. ; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. ; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Aug. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, att. 47th Bn. ; Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 15, 1918; Despatches July 1919. Primrose, Alexander; m.b. 1889, Staff, (Dean, Faculty of Medicine). c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lt-Col., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Consultant to Canadian Forces in England, Col., May 1917; Consultant Surgeon, m.d. 2, Mar. 1918; C.B., June 3, 1918; Mentioned, Services.'Mar. 1918. Pringle, George Charles F'raser; b.a. University Coll. 1898. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; att. 6th Can. Tr. Bde.; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, May 1917, No. 2 Can. ccs.; 43rd Bn., May 1917; Avion, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; ist Can. Tank Bn., Eng., Aug. 1918; h.m.h.s. 'Araguaya', Nov. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 433 Pringle, John Earle; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.x.c. o/s. draft, C.o.t.c, Mar. 1916; R.E., Sec. Lieut.; Quetta, India, Jan. 1917, 2nd Queen Victoria's Own Sappers and Miners, 14th Coy.; Q.v.o.s. «S: .m., loth Fd. Coy., Lieut.; India, Mesopotamia (Tigris); Palestine, GazA (Nov. 1917), Judaea, Jerusalem, Sharon, Syria; Invalided Jan. 1919. Pritchard, Ruggles Bernard; b.a. University CoU. 1916; C.O.T.C, CoL Sergf. 207th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; Lieut., June 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 2nd Bn.; Lens sec, Neuville-Vitasse sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 191S. Proctor, Frank Norman; University CoH. 1919; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; Instr. Proctor, Homer Fletcher; University CoH. 1918; c.o.t.c. 180th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1916; R.F.c, May 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 32nd Sqdn.; Ypres.Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, ApL i, 1918; R.A.F., Canada, WingDemobn.Offr. Proctor, William Douglas; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 14th Bty. ; No. 2 Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Spr., Feb. 1917; Cpl., Feb. 1918; 12th Bn., c.e., Scrgt., Jul\- 1918; Ypres, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai; c.e., Cadet, Nov. 1918; Lieut., Jan. 1919. Procunier, Charges Allt; University Coll. 1914. Can. For. Cps., 70th Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; France, Aug. 1917; Cpl.; Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Dec. 1917; London & Shorncliffe; att. Can. For. Cps. Depot, Sunningdale; c.a.m.c. Depot. Procunier, William Ernest; m.b. 1905. Newfoundland Contgt., M.o., May 1917; R.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., June 1918; France, July 1917, l/ist Midland Fd. Amb.; No. 18 c.c.s.; M.o., No. 24 Labour Group; .m.o. 67th Bde., r.g.a.; m.o. i/2nd Newfoundland Regt.; Lens, Arras (Mar. 1918), Lens — Mons (Oct. -Nov. 1918). Proud, William Albert; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Dec. 1914; o/s. July 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt., July 1916; Gallipoli, Oct. 1915, M.o. i/8th Hampshire Regt.; m.o. i/6th Essex Regt.; No. 23 Brit. Sta. Hosp., Mesopotamia; Anzac, Gallipoli, Egypt (Western Frontier), Suez Canal, Sinai, Mesopotamia, India. Proudfoot, Willl\m; b.a. Trinity 1910; 33rd Regt., Lieut. 33rd Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, June 1916, 15th Bn.; Capt., Dec. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Avion — Lens sec; Wounded, Somme Oct. 16, 1916, Vimy Apl. 9, 1917, Hill 70 Aug. 15, 1917, Lens .Mar. 7, 1918; M.C, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. Prueter, Herbert John; Education 1914; c.s.c.i., Lieut. 182nd Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Impl. M.C. Cps., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; France, Oct. 1917; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Wounded, Epchy, Dec. 4, 1917, and Boauniont- Hamel, Aug. 21, 191 8. Puffer, DeWillet Stanley; Victoria 1916, (m.d. 1920); c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Cpl., Sept. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Sergt.; Staff Sergt., Aug. 1916; Invalided Dec 1915-May 1916, .Nov. 1916, Feb. 1917; Returned to complete cour.sc .\n\-. 1<)I7. PuGH, Edgar Chkistian; m.b. 1919; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., Nov. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918. PuGSLEV, Ernest Edcjar; Victoria 1910-14. Can. Chaplain Svcc, Capt., .Sept. 1915; .itl. 351I1 I'.ii., Od. 191.S; Hr.inislK.it, St. Martin's Plain, W. .Saiujling; I'ranrc. July 191''^ No. 3 Can. Sta. ilo.sp.; 25th Bn., Aug. I917; 20II1 lin., iS: Sr. (hapl.iin, 4tli Inf. I'.de.. July l. Rennie, George Septimus; m.d., cm. Trinity 1889; 33rd Bty., c.f.a., Lt.-Col. 13th Bty., C.F.A., Lt.-Col., Sept. 1914; c.a.m.c, Xo. 2 c.c.s., o.c, j.ui. 1915: A.D.M.S., Canadians, Shorncliffe, May 1915; Col., July 1915; a.d.m.s., British, Dover; France, May 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c; .\ 'Base Cmdt., Le Treport; C.M.G., Jan. i, 1918; Despatches, three times; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1918. Rennie, Gordon Cameron; Applied Science 191 6. c.A.s.c, Pte.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Renton, Thomas Harold; d.d.s. 1912. C.A.D.C, Capt. Rinwick, James; University Coll. 1907, 1915- 202nd Bn., Pte, Oct. 1916; France, May 1917. 5»tli 1^"-; Woundid, I.iis, June 21, 1917. Rettie, James Et.RiCK; n.s.A. 1912. c.A.s.c, Merh. Tpt., Lieut.; o/s. Nov. 1915; R.F.c; Mcsopot.mu.i, June nju.; Invalided -Sept. 1916; India, Ceylon, Egypt; (Further details not available.) Reynolds, Chaki.es Wesley; phm.b. 1909. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; No. 9 Can. Ccn. Hosp., Lieut., Dispenser, Jan. 191^^: Can. Med. .Stores, No. 4 Aert, Givcnrhy, Armentiires (Sept. I915). Messinessec, Hill 60, Vi)rcs (1916), Ancre, .Somiue, Vimy, Lens, Passj-hcndacic; Invalided Dec. 1917; m.c, I-resnoy, May 3, 1917. 442 UxNIVERSITY OF TOROxNTO Richardson, William Francis; Medicine 1922 (1923). R.A.F., Res. List, Cadet, May 1918. (Died Jan. 31, 192 1.) Richardson, William Randall; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c. c..\.D.c., Sergt. Richmond, Andrew Roland Buchanan; b.v.sc. 191 i. 9th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1914; Farrier- Sergt.; r.a.v.c, Lieut., Dec. 1914; France, Jan. 1915, No. 2 Vety. Hosp.; att. 41st Bde., r.f.a., v.o., Mar. 1915; No. 3 Mobile Vety. Sec, 2nd Impl. Div., Capt., o.c, Aug. 1915-Nov. 1917; No. 3 \'ety. Hosp., Dec. 1917; No. 2 Mob. Vety. Sec, ist Impl. Div., Temp. o.c; No. 2 Vety. Evac. Sta., o.c, Feb. 1918; 2nd and ist Divs., 8th & 2nd Corps fronts; Ypres — Bray-sur-Somme; Despatches Nov. 1917. Rickaby, Harold Colman; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c, Sergt. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i.*, Pte., May 1915; L-CpL; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i., Pte.; L-Cpl., Dec. 1917; Sergt., Jan. 1918; Cadet, Aug. 191 8; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Somme (1915), Armentieres sec, Yptes (1916), Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens; Invalided Feb. -Aug. 1917; French Croix de Guerre, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Rickard, Roy Hurley; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; Cpl.; 235th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., 19 17; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 191 7; France, Jan. 1918, I20th Siege Bty.; St. Quentin (Mar. 1918), Arras— Mons; M.c, St. Quentin, Mar. 21, 1918. Riddell, Andrew Rutherford; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c ca.m.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Feb. 191 7, No. 96 Fd. Amb., 32nd Div.; No. 5 Gen. Hosp.; No. 42 Sta. Hosp.; Somme, Peronne, Le Quesnel; Invalided; ca.m.c, Spadina Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2, Capt. & Adjt., Jan. 1918; Asst. to a.d.m.s., m.d. 2, Sept. 1918. Riddell, John Morrison; b.a.sc 1913. CE., 2nd Army Troop Coy., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; 12th Fd. Coy., Aug. 1917; I2th Bn., ce., May 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Vimy — Arras sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Mar. 1919. Riddell, William Roy; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c ca.m.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Oct. 1915; Cpl.; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., X-ray Dept.; France, Dec. 1916, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp., X-ray Dept.; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Ridge, William Wray; Victoria 1917, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c 35th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; Cpl.; 58th Bn., Pte.; France, Apl. 1916; Sergt., Oct. 1916; Lieut., Apl. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 16, 1916. Ridley, Charles Bryson; Medicine 1921 (1923). R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Oct. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, r.a.f., 43rd Sqdn., Lieut.; Fit. Cmdr. ; Wounded June 4, 1918; Wounded and prisoner July 10, 1918. Ridley, Ethel Blanche; b.a. Trinity 1895. ca.m.c. No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Matron, Sept. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Ramsgate, Matron, Nov. 1915; Buxton, Sept 1917; France, Jan. 1918, Can. H.Q., L. of c, Prin. Matron; Royal Red Cross, Jan. 1916; c.b.e., Jan. 1919; Despatches Jan. 1919. Ridley, John Brabant; University Coll. 1920. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 19 18. RiEHL, William Henry; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Spr., 1918; L-Cpl.; Cadet. RiERDON, William Roy; phm.b. 1^12; 34th Bty., c.f.a., Major, o.c 22nd Bty., C.F.A., Major, o.c, Aug. 1914; France, Dec. 1915; Seed, to r.f.a.. ROLL OF SERVICE 443 Mar. 1916; R.F.A., 41st Div. Art., Major; A/Lt.-Col.; Somme (1916), Nieuport, Ypres (1917), Italy (Nov. 1917), Mte. Montello, Piave; France, Mar. 1918, 91st Bde., R.F.A.; March Retreat, Somme; Invalided June 1918; D.s.o., Jan. 1918; Despatches, Somme, 1916, and Ypres, 1917. Riley, George Wilfred; Applied Science 19 19. Impl. A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, May 1916; Somme, Vifny, Belgian, Australian & New Zealand fronts. RiRiE, William Bee; Victoria 1918; c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., May 1915; L-Cpl.; France, May 1916, ist Div. Sig. Coy., Spr.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. RiSEBOROUGH, ErNEST CeCIL; M.B. I918; C.O.T.C. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919. RisDON', Erxest Fulton; d.d.s. 1907, m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; Hosps., Boulogne, etc.; Major, May 1919; Offr. i/c Facial reconstruction, Canada. Ritchie, Arthur Bullard; m.b. 1910. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Capt., Aug. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; m.O. ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; m.o. Can. Cps. Cav. Regt.; M.o. Can. Light Horse, July 1917; Neuve Chapelle, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Ritchie, Francis Gordox; b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c 190th Bn., Lieut.; Sergt.; o/s.; Pte., Sergt.; R.F.A., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Ritchie, George Frederick; Applied Science 1901. 153rd Bn., Lieut., June 1916; 127th Bn.; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Ancre (Jan. -Mar. 1917), German Retreat (Mar.-May 1917), Mcssines (June 1917), Ypres, Passchendaele, March Retreat, Lys (June-July 1918), Somme — Belgium; Despatches June 19 18. Ritchie, Henry Scott; University Coll. 1919. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., 1917; (Further details not available). Ritchie, John Ernest; b.a.sc. 1913. 147th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; Sergt., Nov. 1915; Lieut., m.g. OITr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 6th Can. M.G. Coy.; 3rd Can. m.g. Coy.; ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Passchendaele, Hill 70 sec. Lens- Arras sec; Can. Cps. M.G. School, Capt., Instr., Oct. 1918; o.c, Oct. 1918. Ritchie, William Wyse; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c. 35th Bn., Sergt., Jan. 1915; 23rd Bn., Aug. 1915; France, June 1916; No. 2 Tnlg. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Apl. 1917; No. i Tnlg. Coy., Feb. 191S; Capt., May 1918; C.S.M.E., Instr., Aug. 1918; Ypres, 1916-17; \'imy, .Arras, 1918; Gassed, Vimy, Dec. 1917. Rive, Henry; b.s.a. 1903; 5th c.g.a. 62nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, .sth Can. Div. .\min. Co\.; B.Q.M.S., Jan. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Somnie, Canil)rai. Roach, TiroMVS Francis; St. Michael's 1915; 103rd Rfi;(. 4th Univ. Coy., I'.P.C.L.I., Pte, Oct. 1915; 137th Hn., Lieut., \)cc. km.S. I'rance, Mar. 1917, 50th Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Arras; Wounded May 11, 1917: Franco, Jan. 1918; Invalided; Discharged Sept. 1918. RoAF, HkrmI'RT ICr.DOS; m.b. 1902, M.D. 1905; M.sc i<>n.>, l.m . i<>io (Livorixx)!). r.a.m.c, Vd. Ami)., T.F., London Med. Bde., Lieut., Sept. 191 4: Capt., Apl. 1915; Cairo, Sept. 1914; Citadel Mil. Ilosp., Cairo, liarteriol. Specialist, Aug. 1915; Mil. Iiifert. Di-;. Hosp., Cairo, .\\A. \<)i-; No. 36 Sta. Hosp., e.e.f., May 444 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1917; No. 39 Indian Gen. Hosp., e.e.f., July 1918; No. 2 Prisoners of War Hosp., Cairo, Aug. 1918. ROAF, James Richardson; b.a.sc. 1900; Cps. of Guides, Capt. No. 4 Tnlg. Coy., c.e., Major, o.c, Feb. 1916; France, July 1917; Forward Tramways, 14th Army Cps., o.c, Oct. 1917; 19th Army Cps., Cps. Tramway Oflfr., 1917; 19th Army Cps., Fd. Engr., Oct. 1918; Ypres (1917), Peronne, Amiens, Reninghelst, Ypres, etc.; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches July 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. RoBB, Andrew David; Victoria 1902; 77th Regt., Capt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 129th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Wesleyan Soldiers' Home, Supt., Nov. 1916; att. 5th Can. Div., Mar. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, Can. Cav. Bde. ; Cambrai (Nov. 1917), March Retreat (1918), Bois de Moreuil, Bois de Boves, Amiens. RoBB, Edgar John; d.d.s. 1917. c.A.D.c, Capt., 1917-19. RoBB, Maurine; University Coll. 1915, m.a. (Man.). C.A.P.C,, London, Nov. 1916; w.a.a.c; France, Sept. 1917, W.A.A.C, Qr.-Mr. ; Queen Mary's a.a.c. Administrator; Signal Camp, 2nd i/c, 1918; Boulogne, St. Omer, Calais, Abbeville; G.H.Q. Medal. RoBB, William James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). c.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917. Roberts, Hubert Shearwood; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. R.A.M.c, Capt., Oct. 1915; M.o, 179th Bde. Amm. Col., r.f.a., 39th Div.; France, 1915-16; m.o., Mil. Hosp. & Troops, Minster, I. of Sheppey, 1918-19. Roberts, James Alexander; m.b. 1898, Staff; S. African War; c.a.m.c, Lt.-Col. c.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col., o.c. Mar. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Col., Dec. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c, Feb. 1917; Basingstoke Hosp., o.c. May 1917; a.d.m.s., Canadians, London Area, Aug. 1917; D.D.M.S., Canadians, Inspector Gen., Jan. 191 8; C.B., Jan. I, 1917; Despatches, Salonica, twice. Roberts, James Grattan; d.d.s. 1908. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt. Robertson, Alexander Ross; b-.a.sc 1909; 109th Regt., Lieut. 169th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Capt.; France, Oct. 1917, 20th Bn., Lieut.; Lens — Vimy, Arras, Neuville Vitasse; Wounded, Neuville Vitasse, Mar. 1918: 1st C.O.R. Depot; 12th Res. Bn.; 2nd Res. Bn., CE.; Hdqrs. Bramshott, A/Capt. Robertson, Arthur Stuart; b.a.sc 1915; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 63rd Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, May 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 38th Bty., Sept. 1917; Mericourt, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Robertson, Atholl Stuart; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c. Col. Sergt. 26th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Cpl., May 1915; Sergt., July 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 48th Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., July 1916; 2nd Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Jan. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded May 11, 1917; Despatches Sept. 1918. Robertson, Dalton Gartley; b.a. University Coll. 19 17. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; France, 38th Bty., Sgr. ; (Further details not available). Robertson, David Edwin; m.b. 1907, Staff, (m.d. 1920). c.a.m.c, m.o. 1st Bn., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; No. i Can. Fd. Amb., Dec. 1915; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb., Major, Aug. 1916; Ypres, Festubert, ROLL OF SERVICE 445 Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme; Returned Jan. 1917; Davisville Orthop. Hosp., M.D. 2; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., 1919; Despatches Jan. 1917. ROBERTSOX, Donald Frazer; Applied Science 1903, d.l.s.; 2nd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 13th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Capt., o.c, Mar. 1916; 51st Bty., o.C; 13th Bde., C.F.A., Adjt.; 15th Bde., c.f.a., Adjt.; France, Aug. 1917, 5th Can. Div. Art., Staff Capt.; La Bassee — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Robertson, Ewart John; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 19th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines, Ypres sec; Invalided Mar. 1916; att. War Records Office; Cpl., Sergt., s.q.m.s.; Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, Sr. Record Offr.; Invalided Sept. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1917. • Robertson, Harold Deeks; b.a. Victoria 1905. Chinese Labour Cps., Lieut. Robertson, Harold Denmark; b.a.sc. 1901; c.e. 34th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; 9th Fd. Coy., c.e.. May 1916; France, May 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy; Injured June 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917. Robertson, Hartley Grant; b.a. Victoria 1914. C.E., Signals, Spr., Aug. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; 2nd Can. Motor m.g. Bde., May 1918; Can. Cps. Signal Coy., Aug. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Robertson, Irving Earle; University Coll. 1903; 9th Horse, Lieut. 170th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Aug. 1916. Robertson, James Murray; b.a.sc. 1914. 14th Bty., c.f.a., Sergt., Sept. 1914; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; 65th Bde.; Egypt, Nov. 1915,60th Bde.; Suez Canal; France, June 1916, 133rd Bde.; Arras sec, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 19 16; r.f.a., nth Div., Lieut.; 172nd Bde., 75th Div., E.E.F., July 1917; Palestine, 1917-1918, Gaza, Jerusalem, Sharon, Damascus; Staff Lieut., i, June 1918; Egj'pt, June 1919. Robertson, James Murray; m.b. 1^18; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919. Robertson, John Nelson; b.a. University Coll. 1897, R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918. 204th Bn., Pte., 1916; c.a.d.c.; o/s Oct. 1916; Sergt.; Bramshott; Discharged Jan. 1918. (Died 1919.) Robertson, John Ross; Victoria 1917. c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., May 1916; France, Feb. 1917, att. 5th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Motor Tpt. Sec; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Jan. 1918; k.a.f., Sec. Lieut., June 1918; France, July 1918, 204th Sqdn.; Nieuport — Ypres; Woundcti, Ypres, Aug. 15, 1918. R0BERT.SON, Lawrence Bruce; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.h. 1909, Staff. c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; N0.2C.C.S.; o/s. Apl. 1915; No. 1 1 Can. ("kii. ilo.>?p.; France, Sept. 1915, No. 2 Can. c.c.s. (att. No. 22 c.c.s., r.a.m.c, 1915); Major, Apl. 1917; Loos, Ypres, Messines, Passchendaeic; Mil. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Feb. 19 1 8. Robertson, Norman Roy; u.a.sc. 1907; 6th Fd. Coy., c.e., Capt. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. I9i5,^r(l I-"d. Coy., Capt., Sept. 1915; 9th Fd. Coy., Major, o.c, Jan. 19 16; 9th Mn., C.i:., Lt.Col., o.c, May 1918; Ypres, F'estubert, Givcnrhy, Ypres (1916), Somme, \*imy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; D.s.o., June 3, 1918; French Croi.v 'pt, Nov. 1917; Invalided May 1918. Salter, Wilbur Ralph; b.a. University Coll. 1918. A.E.F., 67th Regt. Inf., Pte., Aug. 1918; Cpl.; Sergt., ist Sergt., 1919. Samuel, Maxwell; b.a.sc. 19 18; c.o.t.c. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available). Sanders, Harold Ferris; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, Pte., Oct. 1916; Cpl., Nov. 1916; i/c Stores, Mech. Tpt., London, Dec. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 2nd Can. Rlhd. Supply Detach., Pte.; Dept. of s. & T., 1st Army; Barlin, Arras, Valenciennes. Santjerson, Hartley Herman; Victoria 1914, Forestry 1918; c.o.t.c r.f.c, Lieut., Eqpt. Offr. Sanderson, John Inglis; Forestry 19 18. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 19 15; 33rd Bty.; Bdr., Sgr.; France, July 19 16; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; r.a.f., Lieut., Jan. 1918; Wounded, Ypres, Sept. 1918; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917. Sant)s, David Richmontd; b.s.a. 1915. C.A.M.C, No. 2 F.A.D., Pte., Oct. 1915; M.D. I; Sergt., Apl. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1917; L-Cpl., May 1918; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Khaki Univ., A/Sergt., Jan. 1919. Sanson, Robert David; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891. C.A.M.C, No. 8 Fd. Amb., Capt., Jan. 1916; France, May 1916; Injured July 1916; M.o. Can. Amm. Sub-Park; Returned Oct. 1916; o.c, Ogden Mil. Hosp., Calgary, May-Nov. 1918. Sarjeant, Percy Albert; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 19 16; o/s. Apl. 19 15; Returned to complete course Oct. 1915; r..\.m.c., Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916; Amara, Sheik Saad, Baghaliah; Palestine, Aug. 1917; Gaza, Beer- sheba, Jerusalem, Jericho; France, Sept. 1918; Tournai, Lille. Saunders, Bryce Johnstone; Applied Science 1883; loist Regt., Lt.-Col. 9th Bn., Major, Pmr., Aug. 1914; att. Hdqrs., Shorncliffe, May 1915; i/c 2nd Can. Div. Surplus Baggage Depot, July 1915; Consol. Baggage Depots, o.c, Hdqrs., London, Mar. 1917; F'rance, June 1917, 50th Bn.; Lens; i/c Baggage Depots, London, June 1917; Seed. War Office, Ministry of Munitions, June 1918; Wounded, in London air raid, Dec. 18, 1917; Despatches Aug. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 455 Saunders, Charles Greatley; b.v.sc. 1909; c.a.v.c, att. 2nd Bde., c.f.a., Capt. c.A.v.c, att. 3rd Bde., c.f.a., v.o., Capt. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; No. i Can. Vety. Hosp., Major, o.c, Dec. 1915; ist Can. Div., d.a.d.v.s., Aug. 1917; Ypres (1915), Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Ypres, Apl. 22, 1915; D.s.o., June 3, 1918; Despatches June 1916, Jan. 1918, May 1918. Saunders, Harold Ault; d.d.s. 19 19; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Pte., 1918. Saunders, John Tennant; b. a. (Cantab.); Staff 19 11- 12. loth Durham Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1914; Lieut.; Capt., Jan. 1915; France, May 1915; 20th Durham Light Inf., Sept. 1917; Ypres (1915), Ypres (Sept. -Nov. 1917); Italy, Nov. 1917; Piave; France, Mar. 1918; Bapaume and Passchendaele Retreats; Wounded, Hooge, June 30, 1915, and Mt. Kemmel, July 18, 1918. Saunders, Kenneth Herbert; University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 5th Durham Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, May 1916, att. 15th Durham Light Inf.; A/Capt.; Lieut., July 1917; Kemmel (1916), Arras (1917), Ypres (1917), Epehy (1918); Wounded, Kemnicl, July 29, 1916, Hindenburg Line Apl. 9, 1917, and Epehy Mar. 22, 1918; att. Munitions, Chem. Warfare Dept., Cambridge, July 1918; m.c. Arras, Apl. 9, 1917. Sauntjers, Leslie Boulter; University Coll. 1917. 25th Bty. C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915: r.f.a., Sec. Lieut.; France, 1916, io8th Bde., R.F.A.; Lieut.; Capt.; D/io8th Bde., Major, o.c, Aug. 1918; Somme, Wyt- schaete, Messines, Ypres (1917), Vimy, March Retreat, Somme, Hindenburg Line, Lille — Mons; Wounded Nov. 1918; M.c, July 1918. Saunders, Robert Porteous; b.a. University Coll. 1908; loth Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt.; France, May 1916, 19th Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Major; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, gaz. June 3, 1918; d.s.o., gaz. Jan. i, 1919; Despatches Nov. 19 18. Savage, Ezra Willl\m; b.a.sc. 19 15; c.o.t.c C.E., Lieut., June 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Passchendaele, Arras sec, .Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; m.c, gaz. Jan. i, 19 19. Savage, Thomas Macdonald; m.b. 19 13. Systeme de Sante Franc^aise, Lieut., June 1916; Verdun; c.a.m.c, Capt., Oct. 1917; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Tpt. duty; Ofificier de I'lnstruction Publique, Sept. 1917. Sawers, Frederick John; b.a. Trinity 1901, m.a. 1902; 3rd Can. Dragoons, Capt., Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., July 1918; att. Aldershot Camp, N.s., [Chapl. and C.E.T.D., St. John's, Que. Sawyers, Walter Lindsay; d.d.s. 19 19. 52nd Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; Sergt.; c.v.D.c, Sergt.; Discharged, medically unfit, July 1918. Savwell, George Frederick; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1914, WyclilTe. Imp!. Y.M.C.A.; France, Aug. 1918. Scandrett, Wilmer Leonard; b.sc.f. 19 12. o/s. Dec. 1915; R.F.C, Lieut.; France, June 1916, 22nd Sqdn.; 21st Sqdn., Capt. ik. Fit. Cnidr., Jan. 1917; Somme, Belgian front; k.f.c, Canada, Instr., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Capt., Apl. 1918; o/s. Nov. 1918; r.a.f. Staff, Salisbury; Mentioned, .Services, Jan. 19 19. 456 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Scarborough, Charles Mortox Michael; Applied Science 19 14. 196th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Hdqrs., Mech. Draughtsman. Scarlett, Emmett; m.b. 1904. c.A.M.c, M.o. 173rd Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; (Further details not available). ScARROW, Clifford Ensley; Victoria 1919 (1920); c.o.t.c. Can. For. Cps., 6th Draft, Pte., Sept. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, ist c.m.r.; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 29, 19 18. Schiller, James Grant Allison Miller; University Coll. 1912; 36th Regt., Lieut. 126th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; 109th & 124th Bns.; Invalided Feb. 1917. Schnarr, Nelson; d.d.s. Trinity 1895; 98th Regt., Major. 94th Bn., Major, 2nd i/c, Nov. 1915; 32nd Bn., 2nd i/c, July 1916; 15th Res., Jan. 1917; France, July 1917, att. No. i Can. c.c.s.; att. Can. Cps. Inf. School, Dec. 1917; Nieuport, Arras — Lens. ScHWALM, Harvey Valency; d.d.s. 1917- C.A.D.C, Lieut., 1917; Capt.; o/s.; Shoreham & Purfleet. Schwartz, George Bryant; Applied Science 1906; Cps. of Guides, 2nd Detach., Lieut. 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, Capt., o.c, Sept. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Eng., O.C; 74th Bn.; Seed, to Air Ministry, aerodrome construction; Lympne, A/Resdt. Engr.; Hawkinge, a/r.e., Sept. 1917; Hucknall, R.E., Oct. 1917; Henlow, r.e., June 1918. Scott, Alexander Gordon; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c; 42nd Regt., Lieut. 59th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 8oth Bn., Nov. 1915; 74th Bn.; nth Can. m.g. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916; Capt., Feb. 1917; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Feb. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918; m.c. Lens, Aug. 1917. Scott, Bertal Hopton; m.b. Trinity 1883, m.d., cm. Trinity 1888. R.A.M.c, Lt.-Col., Aug. 1914; No. 9 Gen. Hosp., o.c; France, Aug. 1914; A.D.M s., 6th Div., Apl. 1915; Armentieres (1915), Ypres (1915-16), Somme, Bethune; No. 10 Gen. Hosp., o.c, Apl. 1917; Col.; a.d.m.s., Brit. Hdqrs., Marseilles, Feb. 1918; Despatches, Jan. 1915, Sept. 1915, Oct. 1916, Jan. 1917; c.m.g. Scott, Charles Arthur; Applied Science 1909, Diploma; 23rd Regt., Lieut. 198th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Aug. 1917; Passchendaele, Villers-Bretonneux, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. ScoTT, Charles Vincent; b.a. University Coll. 1914, m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c, Sergt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines sec; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; c.a.m.c. Mil. Conv. Hosp., Whitby, Lieut., May 1917; Capt., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; Mil. Hosp., Buxton; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Scott, Cyrus William; Education 1911; 30th Regt., Lieut. 153rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; France, Aug. 1917, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut.; 5th Bn., C.E.; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Capt., June 1919; Lens, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. ScoTT, Donald McArthur; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c 204th Bn., 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte.; o/s. Oct. 1917; Impl. Army, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918.; (Further details not available). Scott, Douglas Edmund; Victoria 1920, (Medicine 1924). Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., June 1917; France, June 1918, 3rd Can. Siege Bty.; Lens sec. Arras, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 457 Scott, Edwix Harvey; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 8th Bde., c.f.a., Amn. Col., Sergt., Dec. 1915; 40th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Bdr.; France, July 1916; Can. Cps. Branch Intell. Sec, Jan. 1918; 40th Bty., June 19 18; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc. Scott, Frank McDonald; Education 1910; 33rd Regt., Lieut. i6ist Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, May 1918, 52nd Bn.; Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 18, 1918. Scott, George Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1896. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Capt. and Pmr.; (Further details not available). Scott, George Raymore; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, T.D., M.D. 2, Lieut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; Westenhanger Depot; Capt., Dec. 1917; ist c.c.d., s.m.o., Sept. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., Sept. 1918; Cambrai — Mons. ScoTT, Harold Robinson; Education 1916; c.o.t.c. 109th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; 123rd Bn.; France, Mar. 1917, Can. For. Cps., No. 26 Coy.; No. i Coy., Adjt., May 1918; 3rd Army area. ScoTT, John Dewar; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15. R.A.V.C., Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, July 1915, att. r.f.a. Western fiont 1915-1919; (Further details not available). Scott, John Douglas; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; 12th Bn.; France; Wounded Aug. 1918; (Further details not available^ Scott, Reginald Hood; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T. Bt3^, C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 23rd Bty., Sgr.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ScoTT, Silas Warren Cheever; b.a. University Coll. 1909; 2nd Regt., Lieut. School of Musketry, m.d. 2, Capt., Instr., 1916-17; Invalided. ScoTT, Stanley Meredith; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. R.N.C.V.R., h.m.s. 'Barham', Able Seaman, Nov. 1916; att. Grand Fleet, Feb. 1917; Seaman, Torpedo- man; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1919; H.M.S. Trawler 'William Barnett', Hydrophone Offr.; h.m.s. 'Egmont', Malta, June 1918; H.M.S. 'Queen', Taranto, Otranto barrage; h.m.s. 'Europa', Mudros, Mine-sweeping in Dardanelles, and Escort duty. ScoTT, Thomas Aylmer; Applied Science 1916; 32nd Regt., Lieut. 52nd Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Lens, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Parvillers, Aug. 16, 1918. Scott, Wallace Arthur; b.a. University Coll. 1895, m.b. 1898, f.r.c.s.. Staff; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col. [No. 13 Cav. Fd. Amb., Major, o.c. Aug. 1914; No. 2 Can. c.c.s., o.c; France, Nov. 1914; Ypres; Col., Apl. 1916; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp., o.c; a/a.d.m.s., ShornclilTe, July 1918; Injured, Shorncliffe, Sept. 29, 1918; c.m.g., Jan. i, 1918; Despatches; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 19 18. ScoTT, William John; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., L-Cpl., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918. Scott-Kerr, William Francis; Trinity 1918; c.o.t.c o/s. May 1915; 2/ist Lothians & Border, -Yeomanry, Sec Lieut., June 1915; r.f.c, Jan. 1917; Injured May 1917; IVance, Apl. 1918; Amiens sec; Prisoner May 1918; Escaped, recaptured. Scroggie, George Thompson; University Coll. 1913; 2nd Regt. 19th Bn., Ptc, Feb. 1915; Eaton M.G. Bty.. Lieut., Apl. 1915; Invalided Oct. 458 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1915; France, Apl. 1916, 7th Can. Bde. M.G. Coy.; Eaton m.g. Bty., June 1916; Capt., o.c, Jan. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 31, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1918; Despatches Jan. 1917. ScuDAMORE, Harold Burt; Trinity 1916, (b.a. 19 19). 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1915; Can. Pay and Record Office, A/Sergt. Dec. 1915; France, May 1917, 4th Bn., Pte.; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens; Wounded, Lens, Feb. 27, 1918; Invalided June 1918. ScuLLARD, Garner; m.b. 19 16; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Mesopotamia, No. 12 Indian Gen. Hosp.; (Further details not available . Seale, Thomas Elgin; Trinity 19 16. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Nov. 1915, 105th and 103rd Bdes., r.f.a., 23rd Div.; Lieut., July 1917; i/c Depot, England, May 1918; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres (1915), Somme, Messines; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915; Gassed, Messines, June 4, 1917; M.C.. Somme, Sept. 17, 1916. Seaman, Robert Lloyd; Victoria 19 16; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; iSth Bty., Sgr., Mar. 1917; Bdr.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; North Russia, Sept. 1918, i6th Bde., c.f.a., Cpl.; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; D.C.M., North Russia, May 1919. Seaton, W.\llace Balfour; m.b. 19 13. C.A.M.c, Capt., Oct. 1915; ra.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Jan. 1916, No. 107 Fd. Amb.; No. 17 Fd. Amb., Jan. 1917; Armentieres, Neuve Chapelle, Somme, Arras, Loos; Invalided, Loos, Apl. 10, 1917; att. 3rd Yorkshire Res. Bn., July 1917; Returned Dec. 1917; c.A.M.c, Capt., Dec. 1917. Sebert, Louis Joseph; m.b. 1912. c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Capt., May 1916; China, Aug. 1917, Tpt. duty; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp. Secord, James B. Archibald; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Secrett, Leonard Clalde; University Coll. 1918 (1919-20), Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Sept. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Segre, Beresford Henry; b.a.sc. 1909; 2nd Fd. Coy., ce., Univ. Sec, L-Cpl. 13th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 19 15; St. Eloi, Kemmel, Hill 63; Wounded, Vierstraat, Mar. 26, 1916; CG.A. Res. Art., A/Sergt., Nov. 1917; R.E., Sec. Lieut., July 1918; Lieut., Jan. 1920; Salonica, Nov. 1918, r.e., 501st, Wessex, Fd. Coy.; Caucasus, Anatolia. Seibert, Fred Victor; b.a.sc. 191 i. R.A.F., Cadet, Feb. 1918. Seibert, Percy T. ; Applied Science 19 19; c.o.t.c i6oth Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl., Sergt., Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, 44th Bn.; Oppy sec, Amiens; Wounded 'amputation', F"ouquescourt, Aug. 10, 1918. Selby, Ernest Raymond; m.b. 1910. c.A.M.c, M.o. 50th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1914; Capt.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Mar. 1915; No. i Can. ccs.; M.o. 43rd Bn., July 1916; No. 8 Can. Fd. Amb., Major, Nov. 1916; A/Lt.-CoL, o.c. Mar. 1918; Lt.-Col., Jan. 1919; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 21, 1916, and Sept. 6, 1918; d.s.o., June 3, 1919; Despatches May 28, 1918, and July 11, 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 459 Self, Albert Roger; b.a. Victoria 19 17, (m.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Transfd. Admiralty Bd. of Invention and Research. Sellman, VV. J., Veterinary Coll. 191 5-17. U.S.A., Vety. Coy. No. i, Pte., May 1918; Offrs. Tr. School. Semple, Hugh Arnold; d.d.s. 1909; c.a.m.c, Lieut. & Dental Surg., m.d. 2. C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Capt., May 1916; Major, May 1918. Serles, Hugh Roy; Medicine 1920 (1923); C.O.T.C. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Pte , Apl. 1916; Base Hosp., Niagara; o/s. Feb. 1917; Yarrow Mil. Hosp., Broadstairs; France, Feb. 1918, 54th Bn.; Lens, Mericourt, Oppy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai,_ Oct. i, 19 18; Mil. Medal, Cambrai, Oct. i, 1918. Serson, Harold Victor; Applied Science 1905, Diploma; 42nd Regt., Lieut. C.E., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Jan. 1918, 9th Bn., c.e., Lieut.; A/Qr.-Mr., Apl. -Aug. 1918; A/Adjt., Nov. 1918; Lens, Arras, Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai — Mons. Setterington, Harvey Basil; b.a. University Coll. 19 13, ll.b. 19 16; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; Instr., m.d. 2, Mar. 1918; 2nd Depot Bn., 2nd C.O.R., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; r.a.f., Cadet; Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Sewell, K. D.; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. R.A.v.c, Lieut; (Further details not available). Seymour, Murton Adams; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 158th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 31st B.C. Horse, Lieut., Mar. 1916; r.f.c. May 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 41st Sqdn.; Ypres — Dunkerque — Armentieres; Invalided Dec. 1916; R.F.C, Canada, May 1917; r.a.f., Capt. & Wing Adjt., July 1917; Major, Oct. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1919. Seymour, Newton Florentine; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Lieut.; 73rd Bty., C.f.a., July 1916; Discharged Mar. 1917. Seymour, Richard Ansley; Medicine 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c, Sergt.; 72nd Regt., Lieut. C.a.m.c, Pte., June 1915; Discharged, medically unfit, June 1915; C.A.M.C, No. II Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; France, July 1916; Sergt., Feb. 19 18; Ypres, Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Seymour, Theodore Frederick; m.d., cm. Trinity 1902. A.E.F., U.S. Med. Cps., Lieut., Nov. 1917; M.o. 2nd Bn., 330th Inf. Regt.; France, July 1918; Capt., 1919. Shanahan, An'drew Martin; St. Michael's 1921. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Shannon, Eugene Harold; m.b. 1920. Depot Bn., c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; Discharged, medically unfit. May 1918. Shannon, George Lugsdin; d.d.s. 1919. C.A.D.C, Sergt. Shanno.v, Geraldine Wickste;.\d; Trinity 191 1. St. John's Amb. Bdc., V.A.D.; o/s. Mar. 1918; Kensington Red Cross Hosp. Shannon, Samuel Leonard; University Coll. 1916; looth Regt., Lieut. Lieut., Rccr. OfU'r., Prince Albert, Sask., May 1916; R.F.C, Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, 70th Sqdn.; German Retreat, Somme (1917), Arras (1917), Messines, Passchendaele; R.F.C, England, Instr., July 1917; Injured Sept. 20, 1917; Can. Air Force, 2nd Sqdn., Nov. 1918. Sharp, Jonathan Gumersal; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Cpl. o/s. draft, C.O.T.C, Dec. 1915; r.g. a.. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; att. r.f.c; I'rance, Mar. 1917, 34th Sqdn.; Lieut., Aug. 1917; Somme sec, Ilerbccourt, Epchy 46o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (Mar.-Jiine 1917), Marcoing — St. Quentin (June 1917), Nieuport (July-Nov. 1917); Italy, Piave and Asiago sec, Dec. 1917; Wounded, Piave, Mar. 31, 1918; M.C., Nieuport, Aug. 5, 1917. Sharp, Murr.\y Chesney; b.a.sc. 1913. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1915; France, May 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 5th Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A.; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Bdr.; Ypres (19 16), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Shaepe, Alva J.; b.v.sc. 1917. A.E.F., 303rd Fd.Sig. Batt.,Nov. 1917; 309th Fd. Art.; Art. Vety. Cps., Sergt. ; France, May 1918-1919. Sharpe, Charters Thomas; University Coll. 1915, Wycliffe. Y.M.C.A., Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. June 1916; France, Aug. 1916, att. 2nd Can. Inf. Bde.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70.; Can. Ry. Tps.; Can. Cps.; Can. Hdqrs., Rhyl. Sharpe, Ernest Wesley Cubitt; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1918; Arras — St. Quentin; Wounded, Cambrai, Aug. 29, 1918. Sharpe, James Harold; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1915; Returned to complete course; R.A.M.c, Lieut.; Capt.; Mesopotamia; France, Sept. 1918, m.o. Cheshire Regt.; (Further details not available). Sharpe, John Franklin; Forestry 1918; c.o.t.c Can. For. Cps., 4th Coy., Sergt.; o/s.; No. 52 Distr. Hdqrs., Carlisle, 19 18. Sharpe, Noble Carman; b.a. Victoria 1909, m.b. 191 i, Staff; 9th Horse, Tpr. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918. Sharpe, Orwell Egbert; b.a. University Coll. 1914; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, Oct. 1917, Aerial Fighting School; 2nd Sqdn., Jan. 1918; Lens sec; r.a.f., 99th Sqdn., Indep. Air Force, Apl. 1919; India, May 1919; Afghan War 1919-20. Sharpe, Willlvm Clarence; University Coll. 1919, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a.. Dr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 191 7; Invalided Jan. 191 8. Sharpe, Willl\m D.; b.a. Victoria 1891, m.d. (Western Univ.) 1895. o/s. July 1915; R.n.m.c, British Naval Mission Hosp., Belgrade, o.c and Surgeon; Serbia, Aug. 1915; Bombardment of Belgrade, Retreat to Salonica; Returned Dec 1915; ca.m.c, m.o. 234th Bn., Capt., Apl. 1916; Staff, h.m.r.h.s. 'Aquitania', Mudros to England, Nov. 1916; m.s.a. Bd.; Discharged Dec. 1917; Serbian Order of Red Cross, Dec. 1919; Serbian Cross of Mercy. Shaunessy, John Orchard ; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., May 1918. Shaver, Errol Oliver; University Coll. 1918, (b.a. 1920, Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Bdr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 191 8. Shaver, Floyd Day; b.s.a. 1913; 2nd Regt. Can. Remount Svce., Lieut., May 1915; c.a.v.c, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., Sept. 1916; France, June 1916; Can. Vety. Hosp., Shorncliffe, Adjt., Aug. 1916; Can. Remount Depot, Witley, o.c, Feb. 1917; Returned & discharged Oct. 1917; Mentioned, Services, 1916-17. Shaw, Francis Peter; d.d.s. 1917; ca.m.c. Dent. Surg. c.A.D.c, m.d. I, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Dec. 1915; A. d.d.s., m.d. i; Major, Mar. 1916; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 461 Shaw, George Murr.\y; m.b. 1904. c.A.M.c, M.o. 43rd Bn., Lieut.; r.a.m.c, Capt.; m.c, Jan. 1917; (Further details not available). Shaw, George Stark; University Coll. 191 7; c.o.t.c. 1st Que. Regt., L-Cpl.; Cpl., Aug. 1918. Shaw, John William; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891; 33rd Regt., Major. c.A.M.c, m.o. i6ist Bn., Major, Dec. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1916; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley; Discharged May 1918. Shaw, Lysle Orting; Medicine 19 16. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Shaw, Robert Norman; m.b. 1906. c.A.M.c, m.d. I, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Shaw, Robert William; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Shaw, William Edward Vallack; b.a.sc 1915; 14th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 34th Bty., CF.A., Lieut., Oct. 1915; 52nd Bty., Capt., o.c; Hdqrs. 13th Bde., CF.A.; France, Jan. 1917, 20th Bty.; 21st Bty.; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Arras, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras-Lens sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 2^,, 1917; Despatches July 1919. Shaw, William Reginald; University Coll. 1917; 9th Horse, Lieut. 2nd Depot Bn., ist C.O.R., Lieut., Jan. 1918; r.a.f., Aug. 1918. Sheard, Joseph Louis; b.a. University Coll. 191 1. C.A.s.c, Bks. Offr., Springhill, N.s., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Depot Offr. of Supplies, Sackville, n.b.; o/s. Jan. 1918; R.G.A., Feb. 1918. Sheard, Paul; b.a.sc 1916. C.A.s.c, 3rd Div. Train, Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Ypres, Somme; Invalided Apl. 1917; Adjt., 'd' Unit, m.h.C; Davisville Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Asst. Adjt., Jan. 1918. Sheard, Terence; University Coll. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, May 1918, 5th Div. t.m. Bde., CF.A.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Shearer, Charles Cecil; Education 1916; c.o.t.c 122nd Bn., Pte., May 1916; Discharged Mar. 1917. Sheehy, Richard Albert; d.d.s. 1917. ca.d.c, Lieut., Oct. 1916; Capt., Oct. 1917; o/s. July 1918. Sheldon, John McMichael; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c ca.d.c, Lieut., May I9i8'; Siberia, Sept. 1918. Shenstone, Norman Strachan; b.a. University Coll. 1910. c.A.M.c, Capt.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Shepard, Lionel John; University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., CF.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; (Further details not available). Shephard, George Roy; Applied Science 1918 (1921). C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 1st Div. Sig. Coy.; Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Ar.ras, Cambrai, etc. Shepherd, William Gordon; .m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, Capt.; (Further details not available). Sheppard, Albert Campbell Trkmain; Applied Science 1907, Diploma. 4th Fd. Coy., C.E., Cpl., Xo\'. 1914; o/s; Sergt.; Invalided & discharged May 1916. 462 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Sheppard, Edmund Culver; University Coll. 1910; 72nd Regt., Lieut. 72nd Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; 196th Bn., Mar. 1916; Capt.; r.f.c; France, Mar. 1917, 52nd Sqdn.; Somme, Belgian coast, July-Oct. 1917; Invalided Dec. 1917. Sheppard, Harold Nelson; Education 1912, Victoria 1916. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1918. Sheppard, Herbert Lorne; b.a.sc. 1914; 33rd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Lieut., May 1916; France, May 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 39th Bty., c.f.a., July 191 7; Vimy sec. Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec. Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches Jan. 1919. Sheppard, James Alexander; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.t.c. C.a.v.c, Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, No. i Can. Vety. Hosp., Le Havre; No. 12 Can. For. Cps.; att. r.c.d. Sheppard, Norris Edward; b.a. Victoria 1918, (m.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Sheridan, Charles Wesley; Victoria 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; R.G..\., Sec. Lieut., July 1918; France, 244th Siege Bty.; Aug.-Nov. campaign. Sheridan, William Ernest; University Coll. 1917, R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 5th Bty.; Bdr. ; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai, etc. Sherman, Norman Clarence; Applied Science 1910, Diploma; Militia Hdqrs., Can. Ordnance Corps, Perm. Force, Inspr. Orel. Machinery [Ordnance Dept. and Inspecting Ord. OfTr., Esquimalt; Inspr. of Carriages, Ottawa, Capt., Feb. 1915; Major, Dec. 1915; Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, Chief Inspr., Art. & Engr. Stores; Seed., Quebec Arsenal, Asst. Supt., Apl. 191 7; Lindsay Arsenal, Asst. Supt., Oct. 1917; Siberian Ex.F., Can. Ord. Cps., and o.c, Ord. Mobile Workshops, Oct. 1918; British Mil. Mission, Inspr. Ord. Machinery. Sherwood, Livius Percy; b.a. University Coll. 1907, ll.b. 1910; 5th Dragoon Guards, R. Can. Dragoons, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt.; France, May 1915; [Major. 52nd Bn., June 1916; Festubert, Givenchy, Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; Mil. Secretary to o/s. Minister of Militia, Jan. 191 7; Man. Regt., Major, Apl. 1918; Secretary, o/s. Mil. Council of Canada, Oct. 1918; Russian Order of St. Stanislas, 3rd Class with Swords, Jan. 191 8; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Shields, H.\rry J.\mes; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 1911, Staff. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Basing- stoke, Sept. 1917; Major, Sept. 1918; Serbian Order of St. Sava, 1917. Shields, James Douglas; m.b. 19 13; c.a.m.c, Lieut. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, 2/ist West Lancashire Fd. Amb.; M.o. i/sth King's Liverpool Regt.; m.o. 275th Bde., r.f.a.; Arras (1916), Somme, Ypres; Returned Dec. 1916; c.a.m.c, Capt., Oct. 1916; Spadina Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2; Bd. Pension Conimrs., Sept. 1917. Shields, Ross Lester; m.b. 191 i; c.a.m.c, Lieut. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1914; o/s. May 1915; Capt.; Mediterranean, July 1915, No. 63 Gen. Hosp., i/c Surg. Div.; Dardanelles, Malta, Salonica; Returned July 1918; c.A.M.c, Major, July 1919; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., m.d. 2, Registrar. Shier, Leonard Vernon; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c 20ist Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; r70th Bn.; France, Aug. 1917, 20th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens; Returned to complete course Aug. 19 18. Shier, Walter Earlin; Education 19 15; c.o.t.c Ii6th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., July 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, ROLL OF SERVICE 463 Passchendaele, Mericourt; Instr., b.f. & p.t., U.S.A., Capt.,Feb. 1918; Discharged July 1918. Shillington, Johx Wesley; m.d., cm. Trinity 1887; c.a.m.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Lt.-Col. C.A.M.C, Lt.-Col., 1914; M.O., Can. Engrs. Tr. Depot, Ottawa, Feb. 1916-1919. Shilstra, Alexander John; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. C.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1915; R.A.M.c, Mar. 1916; Mesopotamia, Apl. 1916; Kut-el-Amara, Tigris front, 1916-17; Returned; C.A.M.C, St. Med. Bd., m.d. 10; Siberian Ex.F., Sept. 1918; Vladivostok, Jan. 1919. Shipley, Manley Adair; LTniversity Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 1st Can. Hvy. Bty.; Somme, Arras, Vimy; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; Lieut., Aug. 1919; India, June 1918, 27th Indian Mountain Bty.; Afghanistan and N.W.Frontier, India (1919). Shirley, John Alvin; b.a. University Coll. 19 10. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 2nd Depot Bn., E.O.R., Capt., June 1918. Shirley, Reginald King; Medicine 1922. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918. Shirton, George Kirk; Medicine 1917; c.o.t.c; 37th Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.C, Capt., Dec. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917: M.o. ist Res. Bn.; m.o. Hdqrs. and Details, Seaford; France, Mar. 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 7 Can. Cav. Fd. Amb.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 4th c.m.r.; m.o. 49th Bn.; Arra?, Cambrai — Mons. Shoebottom, Lionel Robert; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Lieut., Mar. 1916; r.n.a.s., p.f.o.. Mar. 1917; Fit. Sub- Lieut., June 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 7th and i6th .Sqdns.; r.a.f., ii6th Sqdn., Capt., Sept. 1918; d.f.c, July 1918. Shook, Alexander McDonald; University Coll. 19 16. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, No. 5 Wing, Dunker- que; Fit. Lieut., Jan. 1917; Fit. Cmdr., May 1917; 4th Sqdn., Aug. 1917; R.A.F., i/c Leysdown Sta., Major, July 1918; Manston, Sept. 1918; Wounded May 16, 1916, and Oct. 18, 1917; French Croix de Guerre, May 12, 1917; D.s.C, Aug. 6, 1917; D.S.O., Jan. i, 1918; Air Force Cross, Jan. i, 1919. Shortreed, William John; b.a. University Coll. 1909; loist Regt. 51st Bn., IMajor, Jan. 1915; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd c.m.r.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70; Depot I'm., Alta. Regt. and Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 13, Nov. 1917; Siberian Ex.F., 260th Bn., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Dec. 1918. Shotwell, James Thomson; b.a. University Coll. 1898. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Shrum, Gordon Merritt; Victoria 19 17, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Sergt. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Sergt.; France, Dec. 1916, 29th Bty., Gnr.; 36th Hwr. Bty., Apl. 19 17; Cpl.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 25, 1917; Mil. Medal, Cambrai, Oct. 7, 19 18. Shuxk, Everton Simon Moote; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.v.R.,.Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Munster'; h.m.s. 'Bcnd-Or', Nov. 19 18; Northern Patrol. Shuttleworth, Charles Buckingham; m.d., cm. Trinity 1894, StalT. C.A.M.C, Sr. M.O., Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Consulting Surgeon; Major, Aug. 19 16. SiBUALD, Andrew Leedon; b.a. University Coll. 19 14, m. v. 19 15, Knox; c.o.t.c CE., Signals, Spr., I'ob. 1916; c.E.T.f).; Sergt.; C.s.M. 464 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SiBBETT, William Algernon; Applied Science 191 1, Diploma; 35th Regt. 122nd Bn., L-Cpl., Jan. 1916; Lieut.; Can. For. Cps., 43rd Coy.; France, June 1917, Can. For. Cps., No. i Distr.; Capt., May 1918. SiEVENPiPER, Stanley H.; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Oriole', 'Morning Star', 'Radstock'; Plymouth Base, Firth of Forth. SiFTON, Clifford; b.a. University Coll. 1915; Cps. of Guides, No. 2 Detach., Lieut. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Dec. 1914; Capt., May 1915; France, Oct. 1915; 13th Bty., Mar. 1917; Major, o.c, July 1917; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valen- ciennes; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 19 16, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18, and Drocourt- Queant, Sept. 4, 1918; D.S.O., Amiens, Aug. 1918; Despatches Dec. 1917. Dec. 1918. SiFTON, John M.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890; f.t.m.c. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., Mar. 1917; att. Aviation Sec. Sifton, John Wright; b.a. University Coll. 1909. Hdqrs. Staff, Valcartier, G.s.O. i/c Intell., Major, May 1915; Staff, Inspr- General of Western Canada, Staff Offr., Nov. 1915; Siberian Ex.F., l6th Can. Inf. Bde., Staff Capt. 'q', Sept. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. SiFTON, LoY S.; University Coll. 1910. 44th Bty., C.F. A., Capt.; France; Wounded, Ypres, June 19x6; Invalided and discharged Apl. 1917. SiFTON, Wilfred Victor; University Coll. 1917. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut.; 4th c.M.R., May 1915; France, Oct. 1915; Hdqrs., 2nd Bde. c.m.r., Intell. Staff Capt., Oct. 1915; p. and b.t. Staff, England, Dec. 1916; France, May 1917, 4th CM. R., Capt.; Adjt., July 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Mons; Wounded, Ypres sec, Nov. 1915; D.s.o., Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1918. Sifton, Winfield Burrows; b.a. University Coll. 1910. A.D.C to Camp Cmdt., Valcartier, Lieut., Aug. 1914; 1st Can. Div., Staff of Advance Party, Capt., Sept. 19 14; o/s. Oct. 1914; ist Can. Div. Hdqrs., A.D.C to G.O.C.; Injured; Discharged Jan. 1915. SiLCOX, Albert Brotherhood; Applied Science 1906; c.e., Univ. Coy. 142nd Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; L-CpL, June 1916; Tpt. Sergt., July 1916; 4th Res., Pte., L-Cpl., Sergt.; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Sept. 1917; L-CpL, Jan. 1918; Dixmude — Passchendaele (Pilkem Ridge) ; Wounded, International Corner, Mar. 21, 1918. Silcox, Ross Phillips; University Coll. 1909. 1 8th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, 2nd Can. Div. Train, 2nd Div. Salvage Coy., Sergt.; 18th Bn.; (Further details not available). Silcox, William Logan; m.b. 1896; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Capt., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres, Somme; Returned 19 17. Sills, Charles Pearsall; b..\.sc. 1912. 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Bdr., Sergt.; C.G.A., Lieut., June 1918; Ypres sec, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Sills, Clarence Ham; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. R.A.M.C, Lt.-Col.; M.E.F.; Invalided; (Further details not available). Silverman, Frank Arthur; b.a. University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c u, of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 191 8; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 46; Sim, William Horne; Trinity 1918; c.o.t.c. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Nov. 191 5; Discharged, medically unfit; 170th Bn.; 6th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Sept. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; 7th Res. Bn., L-Cpl.; Hdqrs., London, Estates Br., Oct. 1917; Buxton Disch. Depot, Sept. 1918. SixME, Adam Watson; b.a.sc. 1914; 12th Regt., Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 191 5; France, Apl. 1916, 8th Can. Bde. m.g. Coy.; Capt.; Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; To Holland, Apl. 1918; Re- patriated Sept. 191 8. Simmers, Joseph Adolph; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., May 1915; France, Oct. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Invalided Dec. 1915; Discharged Aug. 1916; Re-enl., c.E., Signals, Spr., Cpl., Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Nov. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; Italy, Sept. 191 8, 67th Wing; Taranto, anti-submarine patrol. SiMMOXs, Harry Alexander; d.d.s. 191 i. C.A.D.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s.; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Simmons, John Frederick Lindsay; Applied Science 1915, b.sc.f. 1915. 4th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Can. Inf., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 87th Bn.; Bde. Wiring Offr., Jan.-Mar. 1917; Kemmel Hill, Ploegsteert, Ypres (191 6), Lens, Yimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided June 1918; m.c, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Simon, Keith Myrie Benoit; m.b. 1913, d.p.h. (Lond.), f.r.i.p.h. ; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.a.m.c, Lieut., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915; R.a.m.c, Lieut., Capt.; France, June 1915, Meerut Hosp. ; No. 5 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. i8th Middlesex Regt.; Loos, Somme, Ancre, Meteren, Ypres; c.a.m.c, Granville Spec. Hosp. Simpson, Bruce Napier; b.a.sc. 1914. 42nd Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut., Dec. 1915; 54th Bty., Mar. 1916; Invalided Jan. 1916; Discharged Feb. 1917. Simpson, Frederick Walter; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Maj' 1916; France, Apl. 1918; Amiens, Arras. Simpson, Hugh Woodill; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt.; France, Sept. 191 7; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Simpson, John Garbutt; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Education 1916; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., 2nd Clk.; July 1918. Simpson, Samuel Huntington; d.d.s. 1902; 14th Regt., Capt. C.A.D.c, Capt., Oct. 1915; Major, Oct. 1917. Si.MPsoN, Thomas John; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Salonica, Dec. 1915, No. 20 Sta. Hosp.; No. 31 I-"d. Amb.; m.o. 7th R. Munster Fusiliers; Struma; Capt., Oct. 1916; Invalided; France, Jan. 1917, M.o. ist Cps. Cav.; Bethune, Ypres sec; Bd. Med. Examrs.; c.a.m.c, Canada, Capt., Oct. 1917; Pres. No. 23 Med. Bd. Centre; M.o., Mil. Wards, Tor. Cen. Hosp., m.d. 2, Jan. 1918; Major, Jan. 1919; Whitby Mil. Hosp. Sims, I-rederick Robertson; University Coll. 1900. A.E.F., U.S.A. Med. Cps., No. 41 Gen. Hosp., Capt.; France, Sept. 191 8, u.s. Base Hosps., Nos. 63,106, 117,214. Sims, Henry Bukth; Applied Science 1895; 2nd Regt.; 4th Fd. Coy., c.E., Lieut. Can. o/s. Constr. Cps., ist Rcinf. Draft, Lieut., Sept. 1915; Franco, July 1916; Capt., Jiil\- 1917; 2n(l .\rni\- fiont and Soninic, 1916; 5th, 3r(l, ist Army fronts, 1917-18. —33 466 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Sims, Roy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. c..\.D.c., June-Oct. 1917. Sinclair, Alfred Victor; d.d.s. 1914. C..\.D.C., Lieut., Capt. Sinclair, Angus William Roe; University Coll. 1917. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut., Jan. 1915; 92nd Bn., Aug. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 15th Bn.; Messines sec, Ypres, Arras, Cambrai — -Valenciennes; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. i, 191 6. Sinclair, Archibald Gordon; b.a. Victoria 1896, m.a. 1898. U.S.A., Y.M.C.A.; France. Sinclair, Charles Eldon; b.a.sc. 1914. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Dec. 1914; i6th Royal Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, May 1916, 19th Can. Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Major, Nov. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens; Invalided Dec. 1917; m.c, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Sinclair, Daniel John; Education 1914. 46th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, ist Can. Hvy. Bty.; Lens, Passchendaele; Invalided Oct. 29, 1917; Can. Res. Art. Sinclair, Donald John; b.a. University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Sinclair, Elmer Samuel; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; Sergt., Instr., Mar. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., Cpl., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Sinclair, Granvil Reed; Applied Sci'ence 1917; 34th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 33rd Bty., c.f.a. , Lieut., Jan. 1916; 52nd Bty., Jan. 1916; 74th Bty., June 1916; France, June 1917, 6th Can. Siege Bty.; A/Capt., Nov. 1918; Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Vimy sec. Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 2-], 1918'. ' Sinclair, Hugh Adams; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; r.f.a., Sec. Lieut., Dec 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 104th Bty., R.F.A. , 7th Div.; Lieut., July 1917; 12th Bty., r.f.a., 7th Div., Capt., Oct. 1917; Somme, Ancre (1917), Ecoust-Croissilles, Bullecourt, Pass- chendaele; Italy, Dec. 191 7; Montello, Asiago, Piave — Tagliamento; M.c, Gueudecourt, Nov. 1916. Sinclair, Ian Macintosh Roe; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Applied Science 1917; 13th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Capt., [48th Regt., Lieut. Major, A/Lt.-Col.; Lt.-Col., Mar. 1919; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Festubert, May 20, 1915, and Sanctuary Wood, May 17 and June 4, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; m.c, Oct. 18, 1917; D.s.o., Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918; Despatches (The Bluff, Apl. 19, 1917) June 1917, and (Cambrai, Oct. 1918) July 1919. Sinclair, James Ward; m.b. 1918. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918; m.o., r.a.f., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Sinclair, John Charles; phm.b. 1916. 2nd C.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, 78th Bn.; Arras, Canal du Nord, Bourlon; Wounded, Bourlon Wood, Sept. 27, 19 18. Sinclair, Kenneth Younie; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 95th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, ist Bn.; Somme, Vimy; W^ounded, Fresnoy, May 3, 1917; R.N.A.s., p.f.o., Aug. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut.; R.A.F., Lieut.; Returned to complete course May 191 8. ROLL OF SERVICE 467 Sinclair, William Ewing; m.b. 191 4. C.A.M.C., No. 5 Fd. Amb., Capt.; France, 1915; Hosp., Le Treport; No. 5 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Sinclair, William Stewart Hay; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1916; Capt., Nov. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1918. Singleton, Arthur Carman; Medicine 1922 (1923). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. SiRRS, George Armond; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1919); c.o.t.c. c.a.s.c. Motor Tpt., Pte., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; c.a.d.c, Sergt. Skaith, John Bright; b.a.sc. 1914. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 191 7; o/s. June 191 7; r.e., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Skeeles, Leslie Ord Campbell; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., July 1917; o/s. Dec. 1918. Skelton, Robert Jonathan; b.s.a. 1916. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Hwr. Bty., Nov. 1917; Bdr., Sergt.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Skene, James Bertram; b.a. (Queen's), m.a. course 1917-18. u. of T. 0/3. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; Seed. Polish Army, Sergt., Apl. 1918; School of Inf., m.d. 2. Skey, Lawrence Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1888, m.a. 1891, Wycliffe. Y.M.C.A., Capt., Jan. 1918; France, Mar. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Skey, Warren Russell; University Coll. 1918 (1922), Wycliffe. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1915; Bdr., Cpl.; 73rd Bty., Lieut., May 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 7th Bty.; 48th Hwr. .Bty., Mar. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Despatches Jan. 1918. Skilling, William Milton; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. 8ist Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; 40th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1915; 48th Bty., Feb. 1916; R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1916; Lieut., May 1918; France, Jan. 1917, 'a' Bty., i8oth Bde., r.f.a.; Messines, Wytschaete, Ypres (1917); Invalided Aug. 16, 1917; 73rd Div. Amm. Col., r.f.a., Dec. 1917; Ireland, Mar. 1918; 5 'a' Res. Bde., r.f.a. Skipper, Sidney Charles; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Mameluke', July 1918; H.M.s. 'Sirdar', Sept. 1918; Grand Fleet, North Sea. Slater, Arthur Erskine; b.s.a. 1908. India, Agra and Mainpuri Distrs., Capt., Recruiting Offr. Slee, William Reginald; b.a. University Coll. 1916. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, June 1918, 8th Can. Siege Bty.; Arras sec, .'\miens. Arras, Cambrai — -Mons. Sle.min, Charles Clifford; Victoria 19 19. 125th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1918, 54th iJn.; (J'urtlier details not available). Slemin, John .Austin Di'fferiv; b.a. Victoria 1916. 125th Bn., Lieut., -Sept. 1915; 215th Bn., Capt., .Aug. I9i(>; i.:5Ui \in.; France, Feb. 1918, 54tii Bn., Lieut.; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Sloan, Gordon Hamilton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.t.c. 30th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; 40th Bty., Sergt.; Discharged June 191 7. Sloan, James Mackenzie; b.sc.f. 1915; c.o.t.c. A.E.F., U.S.A., M.G. Coy., ii2th Inf., 28th Div., Suppl> Sergt., May 1917; 20th 468 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO U.S. Engrs., 7th Bn. (Forest); Bn. Sergt. -Major, Jan, 1918; France, Mar. 1918; Hdqrs. 7th Bn., 20th Engrs., Master Engr., Jr. Grade, 1919; Chateauroux (Indre), Vendome (Loir et-Cher). Sloan, Orr Hermax; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 191 7. i6oth Bn., Pte., 1916; (Further details not available). Sloan, Willl-vm Emmerson; b.a. Victoria 1913. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Aug. 1918; Siberian Ex.F., 20th M.G. Coy.; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Sloaxe, John George Moore; m.b. 1895. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Capt.; Salonica; Brit. Conv. Depot. No. i, 2nd i/c, 1917: (Further details not available). Sm.axl, Arthur Atwell; m.b. 1895, m.d. 1904; u.s.a., ist Lieut. U.S. Med. Cps., Base Hosp. No. 83, Major, May 1917; Evac. Hosp. No. 11, Lt.-Col.; France, Sept. 191 8. Smart, Walter Sinclair; Victoria 1906. 235th Bn., Sergt., May 1916; o/s. May 1917; att. y.m.c.a. Smellie, Samuel Stewart; Applied Science 1920 (1922). C.O.R., Pte., 1918; o/s. Smelser, William Arthur; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c, Col. -Sergt. School of Musketry, Hdqrs. m.d. 2, c.s.M., May 1916; c.E., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918. Smillie, Emmaline Eva; b.a. University Coll. 1913. Indian Army, Jabbalpore, Nursing Sister, Aug. 191 6; Hosp. Ship 'Loyalty', Matron, Jan. 1917; Bombay, Persian Gulf, East Africa, Egypt; Discharged Mar. 19 1 8. Smillie, William Robert; Summer Sess. 1914; 25th Dragoons, Lieut. 215th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Lieut., June 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 4th C.M.R.; Mericourt, Hill 70, Lens; Wounded and gassed, Vimy, Sept. 5, 1917; Invalided Dec. 1917; No. I Distr. Demobn. Depot, Apl. 1918; Capt., Dec. 1918. Smith, Alexander Henry; Applied Science 1899; c.a.s.c, 2nd Div. Train, Lieut. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Capt., Oct. 1916; A/Major, June 1917; 4th Bn., C.E., Capt., May 1918; Major; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai — Mons. Smith, Armand Armstrong; University Coll. 1912; 77th Regt., Capt. 20th Bn., Capt., Oct. 1914; Major; 129th Bn., Major, 2nd i/c, Nov. 1915; France, Dec. 1916, 4th Bn.; Vimy sec; 5th Div. Hdqrs., Eng.; 14th Can. Inf. Bde., A/Staff Capt.; i6ist Bn., Major, 2nd i/c. Mar. 1917; a/o.c. i6ist Bn., and A/Bde. Major, 14th Bde., Dec. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 20th Bn., Capt.; Major; Neuville Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Amiens, Aug. 8-9, 1918. Smith, Campbell Taylor; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1916; France, Jan. 191 7, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Invalided Dec. 191 7. Smith, Chester Hiram; Applied Science 1917. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 'x' Bty., 2nd Can. T.M. Group; r.a.f., June 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele. Smith, Clarence Everitt; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 82nd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, July 1916, 52nd Bn.; Capt., Apl. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Mericourt — Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai — Mons; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 4, 1917, and Hill 70, Aug. 28, 1917; ^.c, Vimy, Apl. 4, 191 7; French Croix de Guerre, Damery, gaz. July 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 469 Smith, David; m.b. 1902. C.A.M.C, Mil. Hosp., London, M.D. i, Lieut., o.c, Maj' 1915; Capt., Major; M.o. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Smith, David King; m.b. 1896, Staff; 48th Regt., Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Mar. 1915; Major, Apl. 1915; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1916; Salonica, Nov. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1916; Returned May 1917; Mil. Hosp., Halifax, m.d. 6, o.c, Aug. 1917; Davisville Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, o.c, Mar. 1918; Mentioned, Services, 1917. Smith, Donald Alpine; b.a.sc 1908. 5th Bn., Cpl., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, 5th Bn., Pte.; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916); C.E., 5th Res. Bde., Lieut., Engr. Offr., Instr.; (Further details not available). Smith, Douglas McDougall; b.s.a. 1915; c.a.m.c 56th Bty.,C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Amiens, Arras, etc. Smith, Edwin Carl; University Coll. 191 7; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl., June 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; Lieut., July 1918; Egypt, June 1917, 54th Div. T. Mortars; 270th Bde., R.F.A. , Oct. 1917; i6th Mountain Bty., Oct. 1917; 8th Mountain Art. Bde., R.G.A., Mar. 1918; A/Capt. & Adjt., Dec. 1918; Gaza, Jerusalem, Jericho, Ramleh, Tul Keram, Nablus, Haifa, Acre, Tyre, Sidon, Beyrout, Tripoli; De- spatches (Palestine^ Mar. 1919. Smith, Ernest Eckardt; b.a.sc. 191 7; c.o.t.c. C.E., Lieut., 1918; o/s. ; Seaford. Smith, Ernest Gilmour; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Knox; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, ist Div. Compte. Bty., C.F.A.; 48th Bty.; Vimy; Wounded severely, Vimy, July I, 191 7; Discharged Oct. 1918. Smith, F. D.; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. R.A.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). 'Smith, Frank Homer; University Coll. 191 7. Can. Cycle Cps., Lieut.; R.F.c; Invalided; R. N. A. s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1917; R.A.F.; (Further details not available). Smith, Frank Lewis; Applied Science 1910, Diploma. 13th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Sergt.; France, Sept. 1915; C.F.A., Lieut., Apl. 1918; 5th Can. Div. Art.; Ypres (1915-16), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Smith, Frank Roy; m.b. 1917. C.A.M.C, No, 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1917; Capt., May 1918; m.o., r.f.c. May 1917; r. a. f.. Spec. Hosp., o.c, Apl. 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918. Smith, Fred; Victoria 1915-17; c.o.t.c Impl. V.M.C.A., June 1917; att. Indian Army; Afghan Frontier (1917); Meso- potamia, Nov. 191 7; Invalided Dec. 191 7; 2/56th Punjab Rifles, Sec. Lieut., Lieut.; Afghan Frontier, 1919. Smith, George Malcolm; b.a. University Coll. 1909, b.a. (0.\on.); Staff, L'ni\ersity 2nd Univ. Coy., p.r.CL.i., Lieut., May 1915; [and Victoria; c.o.t.c, Capt. Franco, June 1916, p.p.cl.l; att. ist British .'\rmy Cps., Intel!. & Counter- Battery Staff, Capt., Oct. 1917; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens — La Bassee (1918); m.c, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916. 470 UNIVERSITY OF TOROxNTO Smith, George Napier; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, July 1918. Smith, George Walker Manning; m.d., cm. Trinity 1900. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; France, Italy (spec, svce.); Lemnos, No. 18 Sta. Hosp.; Egypt, M.o. 3rd Brit. West India Regt.; c.a.m.c. Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt.; China — France, Tpt. duty. May 1917; M.o., Can. m.g. Depot, Eng.; Black Sea, Base Hosp. Smith, Harold Morrey; Victoria 1918, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., June 1916; C.E., Signals, Aug. 1916; Cpl., Apl. 1917; France, Nov. 1918, Can. Cps. Sig. School, A/Sergt.; Khaki Univ., Jan. 1919. Smith, Harry LeRoy; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., June 1916. Smith, Harry Lyle; d.d.s. 1916; 24th Regt.; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Pte., May 1916; Sergt.; c.a.d.c, att. 177th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1916; o/s. May 1917; Capt., Oct. 1917; Bramshott; att. No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Dental Svces. Smith, Issacher Ruebert; m.b. 1912. R.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1914; R. Herbert Hosp., Woolwich; France, Nov. 1914, i/c Surg. Div., No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Le Havre; Sialkot Fd. Amb., Mar. 1915; att. 2nd King's Dragoon Guards; Poperinghe, Menin Road, Chateau Rouge; Gassed, Menin Road; Invalided and discharged Sept. 191 5. Smith, James Morrison; Summer Sess. 1914-15, (Applied Science 1923). o/s. Nov. 1916; R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1916; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Mar. 1918, l6th and 7th Sqdns. ; Lens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Smith, Jesse Willard; Veterinary Coll. 191 5-1 6; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; c.a.v.c, Pte.; France, Feb. 1917, c.A.v.c, Biol. Labty., Le Havre; L-Cpl., Cpl., L-Sergt.; Sergt., Apl. 1918; Beaumont, Vety. Sergt.; Returned Oct. 1918. Smith, John Leonard; Forestry 191 1-12; 36th Regt., Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, May 1917, att. Can. Cps. Tramways Coy.; 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; loth Bn., C.E., July 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passqhendael^, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Smith, Joseph Lavell; Victoria 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c; 2nd Regt., Sergt. i66th Bn., Sergt., Instr., Jan. 1916; Sub-Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt.-Major, Instr., Jan. 1917; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; 3rd Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, Aug. 1918, att. i/sth Devonshire Regt.; att. 1 86th Bde. Hdqrs., Capt., Jan. 1919; Havrincourt, Solesmes, Foret de Mormal, Le Trenchon, L'Hermitage. Smith, Joseph Reginald; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.a. 1914, m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; 7th C.M.R., May 1915; c.a.m.c. Staff Sergt., June 1915; Lemnos, Aug. 1915, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp., Pte.; Returned to complete course May 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Mil. Wards, Tor. Gen. Hosp., Registrar & Adjt., May 1918. Smith, Lewis Gordon; Victoria 1919, (b.a. 1920), c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; y.m.c.a., Sergt., att. Can. For. Cps., 135th Coy., Camberley. • Smith, Lola Rowell; b.a. Victoria 1917. R.A.F., Wycliffe Coll., Dietitian, 1918. Smith, Neil; d.d.s. 1905; 24th Regt., Major. o.c, c.e.f. Bn., 1916, Lt.-Col.; (Further details not available). Smith, Percy Vernon; b.a. University Coll. 1919, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c R.A.F., Armt. School, Hamilton, A.M., May 191 8. ROLL OF SERVICE 471 Smith, Robert Henry; m.b. 1898; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, Capt., Aug. 1914; France, Apl. 1915, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, Dec. 1916; France, 1915-18; Returned May 1918; c.A.M.c, Canada, 1918-19. Smith, Roy Percy; m.b. 1914; c.a.m.c, Lieut. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt.; Mesopotamia, Apl. 1916; No. 23 Sta. Hosp.; France, Apl. 1917; No. 10 Fd. Amb., 4th Div. ; m.o. ist King's Own R. Lancaster Regt.; No. 2 Sta. Hosp.; Arras (Apl. 1917), Cambrai (Nov. 1917); Wounded, Arras, June 12, 1917; Returned Apl. 1918; C.A.M.C, 1918-19. Smith, Russell Newton; Trinity 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c, Sergt. C.O.T.c draft, Dec. 1915; 13th Hampshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; R.F.C, Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 54th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Capt.; Somme, Bapaume — Peronne; Wounded, Monchy-le-Preux, Apl. 14, 1917; 40th Sqdn., Croydon, Lieut., Instr., June 1917; Spec. Flying School, Gosport, Instr., Aug. 1917; s.E. Area Flying Instr. School, Shoreham, Fit. Cmdr., Aug. 1918. Smith, W. A.; Veterinary Coll. 1908-10. R.A.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Smith, Walter Franklin; University Coll. 1917; 2nd Regt. 19th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Messines-Dickebusch; Invalided Dec. 28, 1915; 198th Bn., Canada, Lieut., June 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Bn.; A/Capt., Jan. 1919; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.C, Fransart, Aug. 16, 1918. Smith, Walter Maxwell; Applied Science 1918 (1921). C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1916; France, Apl. 191 7, ist Div. Sig. Coy., att. 2nd Bde., C.F.A.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Smith, William Earl; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c Sub-Staff, M.D. 2, Sergt., Musk. Instr., Apl. 1916; Sergt.-Major, Jan. 1917; att. Siberian Ex.F., Instr., Sept. 1918. Smith, William Glyn; F"orestry 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Sergt.; i8th Bty., Mar. 1917; Sergt.-Major; c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1918; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Arras sec; Mil. Medal, Vimy, May 1917; Bar to m.m., Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Smith, William Harley; b.a. University Coll. 1884, m.b. 1888; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Major, Oct. 1916; France, Oct. 191 8, No. 14 Impl. Gen. Hosp., Wimereux; No. 2 Can. c.c.s., Jan. 1919; att. Caserne Pepiniere, Paris, Mar. 1919; No. 9 Can. Sta. Hosp., Apl. 1919; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1919. Smith, William Harry; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, M.D. 3, Sergt.; Lieut., July 1919. Smith, William Lorne; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919; c.o.t.c i6oth Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; Cpl., May 1916; L-Sergt., Oct. 1916; Sergt., Nov. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, ist Bn.; att. Can. Cps. Cage, Aug. 1918; Lens sec -Amiens, Arras, etc. Smith, William Mokley; b.a. Victoria 1914, m.a. 191C), li..b. 1917; c.o.t.c u. of t. o/.s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; A/Sergt.; Khaki Univ., Ripon, Instr. Smith, William Roswell; b.a. University Coll. 1913; c.o.t.c V. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., N()\-. 191^'; 385th, Siege Bty. ; France, Aug. 1917, 210th Siege Bty. ; A/Capt., June u)iS; Lieut., Aug. 1918; Passchendaele, March Retreat, .Xmicns— Lc Catcau; Woundiil Passchendaele, Oct. 12, 1917. 472 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Smithson, Earl Wesley; b.a.sc. 1917. R.N.C.V.R., \Vt. Offr., Sept. 1918; Mine-sweeping, Atlantic Coast (n.s.). Smuck, James Wallace; m.d., cm. Victoria 1892. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1916; Polish Army, Niagara, s.m.o., Oct. 1917; M.O. i/c Givens Conv. Hosp., Toronto, Jan. 1918; a.d.m.s. Staff, Dec. 1918; Clearing Svces. Cmd., Jan. 1919-1920. Smylie, Clifford Hugh; Medicine 1921 (1923); c.o.x.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Smylie, Roderick Thomas; Medicine 1921; c.o.x.c. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Pte., Mar. 1918. Smyth, Charles Walter; b.a. Victoria 19 14. c.A.M.c, m.d. 10, Pte., Aug. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Invalided Jan. 1918; Discharged Aug. 1918. Smythe, Coxn; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.x.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 40th Bty., Lieut.; France, July 1916; r.f.c, June 191 7; Ypres, Somme, Wytschaete, Vimy, Passchendaele; Wounded, Ypres, Sept. 1916; Wounded and Prisoner, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; M.C, Neuville St. Vaast, Feb. 13, 191 7; Despatches Dec. 1919. Smythe, Garnet M., b.a.sc 1914; 19th Regt., Lieut. 76th Bn., July 1915; Invalided and discharged, Apl. 1916. (Died Apl. 14, 1920.) Skeath, Christiana Munro; b.a. University Coll. 1917. Masseuse, July 1917; Edmonton Mil. Hosp., Mar. 1918. Sneath, Roy Gooderham; b.a.sc 19 12. 4th Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., 1915; France, June 1916, 12th Fd Coy.,C.E.; In\alided Sept. 1916; Crowborough and Witley, Instr., June 1917; France, Nov. 1917, I2th Fd. Coy., C.E.; Capt., Oct. 1918; Lens — Arras — Bethune sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Snelgrove, Oscar Henry; Trinity 192 1. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Snell, Arthur Ev.\ns; b.a. University Coll. 1899, m.b. 1902; Permt. ca.m.c, Capt, c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Major, Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Can. Cps., d. A.D.M.S., Sept. 1915; 3rd Can. Div., a.d.m.s., Lt.-Col., Col., May 1916; Can. Cps., D.D.M.S., July 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; D.s.O., Jan. 1917; C.M.G., June 1918; French Croix de Guerre, Amiens, Aug.. 8-20, 1918; Despatches June 1916, Jan. 1917, Jan. 1918, June 1918. Snell, George Hillm.-vn; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 48th Hwr. Bty., Sgr. ; Bdr., Jan. 1917; c.a.d.c, Sergt., Aug. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, May 25, 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 15-16, 1917. Snetsinger, Herbert Allan; m.b. 1913. c.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1915; o/s. June 1915; Capt., July 1915; Major, Dec. 1918; C.A.M.C Depot; Monk's Horton Conv. Hosp.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom; France, Feb. 1916, No. 7 Can. Cav. Fd. Amb.; Somme, Cambrai (191 7). Bois de Moreuil and Bois de Hangard (Mar. 1918), Amiens — Le Cateau; c.A.M.c, Cas. Coy., Nov. 1918; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, Dec. 1918. Snider, Eber Egerton; b.a. Victoria 1890; c.s.c.i., Capt. 139th Bn., Major, Nov. 1915; i88th Bn.; France, Mar. 1917, R. Can. Regt.; Bde. Camp Cmdt.; 7th Can. Inf. Bde., Range Offr.; Vimy, Lens; To R.O., Sept. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 473 Snider, Everett Earl; Victoria 1917; Nanaimo Inf. Coy., Lieut. c.A.M.c, Pte., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, No. 13 Can. Fd. Anib.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — V^alenciennes. Snider, Norman Wray; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917. Snider, Roy James; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Salonica, Aug. 1916, No. 41 Gen. Hosp. and No. 66 Fd. Amb.; Mesopotamia, Sept. 191 7, M.o. ii6th Alahratta Light Inf.; India, May 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 14 Fd. Amb.; Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 23, 1918; m.o. Tpt., Prisoners, Germany to England, Nov. 1918; m.o. 3rd Devonshire Regt., Feb. 1919. Snively, Alexander Crosby; b.a. University Coll. 1904; 48th Regt., Lieut. 92nd Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; Major; France, Mar. 1917, 54th Bn.; Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided July 1917; att. c.o.t.c, Feb. 1918; Discharged Aug. 1918. Snively, Schl^ler Crosby; b.a. University Coll. 1906. 35th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; France, 20th Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Invalided; Can. Hdqrs., London, A.A.G. Br., Oct. 1916; Discharged Mar. 1918; att. r.a.f., Mar. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Snow, Gerald Bradley; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1919); c.o.t.c, Cpl.; 48th Kapuskasing Camp, i/c 48th Regt. Detach.; 134th Bn., Lieut., [Regt., Lieut. Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 15th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Cagnicourt, Aug. 31, 1918. Snyder, Henry Emerson; Education 19 11. r.f.c, Cadet, July 1917; Lieut., Nov. 1917; o s. Dec. 1917; France, May 1918; Ypres sec, 2nd Army front. Soehner, Howard Clayton; b.a.sc 1920; c.o.t.c C.E., q.m. Stores, Brockville, Spr., May 1918. Somers, James Benj.\min; Medicine 1919. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) SOMMERViLLE, WiLLiAM EwART; B.A. Trinity 1915. c.A.p.c, Exh. Camp, m.d. 2, Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1917; Italy, Oct. 1917, ist Brit. Amb. Unit, Lieut.; att. 2nd Italian Army; att. nth and 37th Divs., 3rd Ital. Army; att. 1st Ital. Army, June 1918; Monte Gabriele (1917), Gorizia, Caporetto Piave (June 1918), Trentino, Italian Advance (Oct. 1918); Italian Croce al Merito di Guerra and Silver Medal, Piave, June 15-23, 1918; Italian War Medal, Nov. I, 19 18. SooTHER.'\N, Henry Clare; University Coll. 1905; 33rd Regt., Lieut. 71st Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; Capt.; Can. Hdqrs. Staff, Bramshott; r.a.f.; I'^anro, 1917: Fit. Cmdr., May 1918; Nieuport — Dixmude, Albert — Cambrai. SouTHEY, Ernest Clay; Trinity 1906; S. African War; 46th Regt., Capt. 2ist Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Capt.: Wounded, St. Eloi, Apl. 1916; Invalided June 1916; 235th Bn., Canada, Major, Aug. 1916; Dis- charged Mar. 1917; Despatches, St. Eloi, Apl. 1916. Soward, Frederick Hubert; University Coll. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, 15th Bn., Pte.; Arras, Cam- brai — Valenciennes. Sowers, Roy Vrrnon; Education 1917, (University Coll. 192 1). c.a.s.c, Mcrh. Tpt., Pte., Aug. 1917; r.a.f.. Cadet, Jan. 1918. Spackman, George Percy; University Coll. 1919. Impl. a.s.c, Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1916; .Sommc, .\rras (1917), Ypres (1917); R.A.F., .^pl. 1918; .Sec Lieut.; Egypt. 474 UNIVERSITY OF TOROxNTO Sparks, Erxest Bland; d.d.s. 1906; 14th Regt., Major. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Sta. Hosp., Apl. 1915; o/s. May 1915: c.a.d.c, June 1915; Eg>pt, Aug. 1915; France, Apl. 1916; England, Mar. 1917; To R.o. Sept. 1917. Sparks, George LiXDSAY; m.b. 1907; c.a.m.c, Capt. c.A.M.c, T.D., M.D. I, Capt., Oct. 1916; Siberian Ex.F., No. 11 Can. Sta. Hosp., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918; Seed. British Mil. Mission, Siberia, May 1919. Sparks, Willmot Edward Lexox; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917; Westen- hanger Depot, i/c Drill & Training; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 47 Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; M.o. 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; m.o. loth Bn., ce.; Valenciennes, Mons. Sparrow, Cecil John; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. R.A.M.C., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt.; Balkans, Nov. 1915; Bulgarian Frontier; France, Feb. 1917, No. i Impl. Gen. Hosp., Etretat; No. 138 Fd. Amb.; Ypres (1917); M.o. 99th Res., Aldershot; M.o. Motor Tpt., Grove Park. Sparrow, M.; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Capt., att. Hvy. Art.; (Further details not available). Sparrow, \ViLLL\M Hutchinson; University Coll. 1919 (1922); r.m.c R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 'a' Bty., 177th Bde., r.f.a., i6th Irish Div.; Lieut., Nov. 1917; att. R.A.F., No. i School, Art. Obsr., Sept. 1918; Cambrai, Amiens (Mar. 1918), Armentieres, Arras, Noeux-les- Mines; Despatches, Biache St. Vaast (Sept. 4, 1918), Nov. 1918. Spaulding, Harrison Bray; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 37th Regt., Lieut. 114th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 21st Bn.; Lens sec; Invalided Jan. 1917; 6th Res. Bn., Mar. 1917; Discharged Dec. 1917. Spaulding, Herbert Earl; Education 1914, (Medicine 1924). Can. Cyclists, Pte., May 1916; France, May 1917; r.a.f.. Cadet, Sept. 1918; Can. Res. Cyclists, Oct. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai. Spaut^ding, Margaret Frances Hanna (Mrs.); University Coll. 1919. Massage Sister, Aug. 19 17; Head Masseuse; Discharged Aug. 19 18. Spear, Robert; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897. U.S.A. Med. o.T.c, Lieut., Sept. 1917; a.e.f., Med. Cps., Capt., Dec. 1917; att. 126th Inf., 32nd Div., Nov. 1917; France, Mar. 1918; att. 12th m.g. Bn., 32nd Div., Oct. 1918; Major, Nov. 1918; Alsace sec, Aisne, Marne, Oise— Marne, Meuse — ^Argonne. Spearman, Harold; Veterinary Coll. 19 14- 16, 5th Dragoon Gds.; c.o.t.c. c.a.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Capt., V.O.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens sec, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Speck, John TnoiLVS; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c CE., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Speer, Victor Douglas; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918, (d.d.s. 1920); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, loth Bty.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Arras, Passchendaele; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 20, 1916; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 1917; Returned to complete course Sept. 1918; C.A.D.C, Sergt., Oct. 1918; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 1917. Speight, William Arthur; Applied Science 19 18; c.o.t.c R.N.C.V.R., Mine-sweeper Tr. No. 2, ist Class Stoker, Mar. X9i7-June 1919- Spellman, Joseph Alexis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1921. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; c.a.d.c, Pte., Sept. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 475 Spence, Anthony George Allen; b. a. Victoria 1917; c.o.x.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1916; France, June 1917, ist Naval Sqdn.; R.A.F., Lieut., A/Flt. Cmdr., att. Spec. Flying School, Gosport, June 1918; Somme — North Sea; Messines, Passchendaele, Zeebrugge and Ostend, Amiens, etc.; Wounded, Nieuport, Nov. 8, 19 17. Spence, Clarence Armstrong; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. o/s. draft, c.o.t.c, Feb. 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Dec. 1916, 235th Bde., R.F.A., 47th Div.; Ypres, Messines; Wounded, Messines, June 7, 19 17; Lieut., May 1918; r.a.f., Sept. 1918. Spence, Frank A.; Education 1912. 182nd Bn., Lieut., 1916; East Kent Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917; Wounded Mar. 19 18; M.C., gaz. June 3, 19 18. Spencer, Alexander Charles; b.a.sc. 1908; ist Hussars, Lieut. 2nd Can. Div. Cav., Lieut.; Pmr.; France, 1915, Can. Light Horse, Qr.-Mr.; Capt., Mar. 1917; Major; Despatches; (Further details not available). Spencer, Clarence Reginald; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1908; 46th Regt., Capt. 39th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1914; Chaplain, May 1915; France, Nov. 1915, att. No. 3 Can. C.C.S.; Strathcona Horse; R.c. Dragoons, Jan. 1916; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp., Aug. 1916; Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme (July-Aug. 1916); Can. Cas. Ass. Centre, Eng., Nov. 1916; 37th, 64th, 34th, 22nd Bns.; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1917; Discharged Feb. 1918. Spencer, George Johnston; b.s.a. 1914, Staff; c.o.t.c. i86th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; France, July 1917, i8th Bn., Lieut.; att. 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., June 1918; Can. Cps. GasSvxes., att. 5th Can. Inf. Bde., July 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Despatches Mar. 16, 19 19. Spencer, Harry Story; Applied Science 1919 (1921); 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e. C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 1st Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Spencer, Launcelot Arthur; Trinity 1920; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; 3rd Can. Siege Bty.; Lens sec. Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Lens, May 29, 1918. Spencer, Robert Almon; Victoria 1897-99. 84th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 147th Bn., Jan. 1916; Capt., May 1916; France, Jan. 1918, 4th C.M.R., Lieut.; Loos sec, Mericourt sec; Invalided Apl. 1918; France, Aug. 19 18; Valenciennes. Spencer, Victor Charles; b.a. Trinity 1909. Chinese Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; r.a.f.. Cadet, Aug. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Spencer, Watson George; Education 1915; c.o.t.c. c.e., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Transfd. Admiralty Bd. of Inventions & Research, Oct. 19 17. Spinks, Earl Jay; b.a. University Coll. 1913, Knox. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, 48th Hwr. Bty., Sgr.; (Further details not available). Spohn, Philip Douglas; m.b. 19 10. att. r.a.m.c; o/s. draft American Offrs., Dec. 1916; r.a.m.c. Brook War Hosp., London, Capt. Spracklin, Arthur Lllwelyn; Victoria 1915-18; C.O.T.C. R.F.q., Cadet, Nov. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., May 1918; 87th Sqdn., Camp Borden, Instr. 476 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Spragge, George Warburton; b.a. Trinity 19 15; c.o.t.c. 42nd Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Dec. 1915; 8th Bde. Amm. Col.; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Bdr., May 1916; France, July 1916; 2nd Can. Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Sept. 1916; Ypres — Bethune (1916), Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mens. Spratt, Wray Lionell; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). r.f.c, 2/a.m., Mar. 1917; Discharged Feb. 1918. Spriggs, George Trimnell; University Coll. 1903-07, Wycliffe; 17th Regt., Bgr. 28th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, i6th Bty.; Bdr., Aug. 1917; 6th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Jan. 1918; 2nd Can. Div. Art. Hdqrs., Feb. 1918; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Invalided Aug. 29, 1918; No. 7 Can. Disch. Depot, Cpl., Jan. 1919; Sergt., Mar. 1919; Despatches Nov. 7, 1917. Spurr, Starr Freeman; Veterinary Coll. 1913-14; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., July 1916; r.a.v.c, Lieut., July 1916; Capt., July 1917; Vety. Hosp., Aldershot; France, 1916, att. 124th Bde., R.f.a., 37th Div.; Vimy, Somme, Ypres, Messines, Hindenburg Line, Le Quesnoy; Despatches Apl. 1918. Squire, George C; Education 1916. 63rd Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Apl. 1918. Squire, Willl\m James; Education 19 10. ist Depot Bn., w.o.R., Pte., Aug. 1918. Stafford, Roy Percival; b.a. Victoria 1914, b.d. (Wesl. Th. Coll., Montreal) 1916. 148th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; m.o. Sergt., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 42nd Bn.; Lens sec. Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 16, 1918; Can. Chaplain Svce., Oct. 1918; Stalker, Colin Holmes; Applied Science 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c; g.g. e.g., Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1917; France, May 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; loth Bn., C.E., May 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Stalker, Malcolm Edward James; b.a. University Coll. 1916; c.o.t.c, Cpl. 4th Can. Div. Cyclist Coy., ^te., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Lens sec; Invalided Jan. 26, 1918; Stalker, Ross Stuart Carpenter; University Coll. 1913. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 17th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Mons. Stalker, William Douglas; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Stallwood, Robert Jabez; b.a. Victoria 1891; (d.s.o., S. Africa). 228th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1916; Mach. Gun Instr., Hamilton; o/s. Feb. 1917; (Further details not available). Stammers, Charles Lambert Brooke; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895, f.t.m.c; ca.m.c, c.a.m.c, No. I Sta. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Lemnos, [m.o. 42nd Regt. June 1915; Egypt, Jan. 1916; Salonica, Mar. 1916; Invalided Sept. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1917; M.o. Can. For. Cps., Sunningdale; Bearwood Conv. Hosp.; Returned Sept. 1918. Standing, Robert Oswald; b.a.sc 1914. c.A.s.c, 3rd Div. Supply Col., Mech. Tpt., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 3rd Can. Amm. Sub-Park; R.F.C, Nov. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut., Oct. 1918. Standish, John Lloyd; phm.b. 1910; 15th Light Horse. 202nd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916;- r.f.c; r.a.f.; France, Apl. 1918; Wounded, Bourlon Wood, Oct. i, 1918. Stanford, John Alfred; Veterinary Coll. 1912-14. r.a.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; Sta. Vety. Hosp., Aldershot; ROLL OF SERVICE 477 att. 37th Div. Art., v.o., Apl. 1915; France, July 1915; Bethune — Somme; No. 4 Base Remount Depot, Boulogne, Oct. 1916-Apl. 1919. Stanley, Clarence Willl\m; b.s.a. 19 14. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; m.h.C; Discharged Mar. 1918. Stanley, George Edward; Veterinary Coll. 1914-15. 37th Bn., Pte., June 1915; France, Jan. 1916, C.E., ist Div. Sig. Coy., att. 3rd Can. Inf. Bde., L-CpL; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras; Returned to complete course Nov. 191 8. Stansfield, Norman; b.s.a. 1914. loth Hussars, Pte., Dec. 1914; 3rd Welsh Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1915; Lieut., Nov. 1915; France; Wounded severely. May 26, 1916; Invalided and discharged Apl. 191 7; Despatches. Staples, Milton Howard; b.a. Victoria 1909. 2nd Univ. Coy., p. p. C.L.I. , Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Armen- tieres, Somme; nth East Surrey Regt., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1915; Ireland, Apl. 1916; Macedonia, Aug. 1916, att. 7th R. Munster Fusiliers; 6th R. Munster Fuslrs., Lieut., July 1917; Struma, Yenekoi; Palestine, Sept. 1917; Gaza- Beersheba, Hereira, Jerusalem; Wounded, Deir Ibzia, Dec. 28, 191 7; France, May 1918; 1st R. Munster Fuslrs., June 1918; Drocourt-Queant — Cambrai, Laventie — -Lille, etc. Staples, Richard Charles Herman; d.d.s. 1913. C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Sept. 1915; o/s. Dec. 1916; Capt.; Bramshott, Shorncliffe, Witley, Shoreham, Hastings, Seaford; France, May 1918, Can. Cps. Dental Labty.; ist Div. Wing, c.c.R.C; Bramshott, Seaford, 1919. Staples, William Ewart; b.a. Victoria 1914, m.a. 1915, Education 1915; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, May 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy. ; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Stares, Henry Albert; Mus. Bac. Trinity 1913; 91st Regt., Wt. Ofifr., Bandmaster. 80th Bn., Lieut., Bandmaster, Nov. 1915; o/s. May 1916; Hdqrs., Bramshott, Divl. Bandmaster; Discharged May 1917. Stark, William Berkeley; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c. No. 16 Gen. IIosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; France, July 1917; M.D. 2, Dec. 1917. Stark, William Hardy; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, May 1918, 8th Bde. Amm. Col.; 30th Bty. ; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Starr, Clarence Leslie; m.b. 1890, Staff. c.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Major, Sept. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Ramsgate; Lt.-Col.; France, Sept. 1917; Vpres sec; Bd. Medical Consultants, Canada, Mar. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Starr, Frederic Newton Gisborne; m.b. 1889, m.d. Victoria 1889, Staff. o/s. Aug. 1918; r.a.m.c, Major, Sept. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 53 Gen. Hosp.; No. 14 Sta. Hosp.; No. 55 Gen. Hosp.; No. 63 c.c.s.; No. 8 Sta. Hosp., a/o.c. Surg. Div., Dec. 1918; c.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches Mar. 1919. Starr, George Lothrop; b.a. Trinity 1895, m.a. 1896; Kingston Garr., Chafilain, Impl. Chaplain Svce., Major, Aug. 1914; 37th and 55th Bdes., [Major. B.E.F.; France; Can. Chaplain Svce.; Barrieficld, Sr. Chapl., May 1915; o/s. July 1916; Invalided June 1917. StAYNKK, DlDLEY SUTHERLAND; B.A.SC. I9IO, C.E. I915. 55th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1916; 64th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; 55lh Bty.; 5th Can. Div. t.m. Bty.; Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele; Invalided Jan. 1918; Can. Res. Ar(., June 1918; Can. School of Gunnery, Instr., Sept. 1918. 478 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Steacy, Russell George; University Coll. 19 19 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr.,Oct. 1916; France, July 1917, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 13,1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Steel, George Ernest; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Sept. 1918. Steel, William Arthur; b.a.sc. 1915; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e.; c.o.t.c, Lieut. Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt., July 1915; C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs. Staff., Div. Sig. Offr.; o.c, Wireless, Feb. 1918; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Capt., Wireless Offr., June 1918; Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., 2nd i/c. Mar. 1919; Kemmel sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.c, Somme, Sept. 1916; Despatches, Apl. 1917 (Vimy), July 1919. Steele, Andrew Lawson; b.a.sc 191 i. C.E., 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Apl. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 4th Bde. Sig. Coy., 2nd Can. Div.; Cpl.; Invalided Jan. 1917; Lieut., Sept. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 78th Bn.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Mar. 30, 191 8. Steele, Arthur Cleland; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., July 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., Mar. 1918. Steele, Charles Wellington; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; i8th Bty., Dr., Nov. 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Steele, George Albertus; b. a. Victoria 1908; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, July 1917. Steele, Robert Brown; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. Steele, Thomas Murray; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c 64th Bty.,C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 82nd Hwr. Bty., Sept. 1916; 58th Hwr. Bty.; R.A.F., Sept. 1917; Lieut., Dec. 1917; France, 218th Sqdn.; Bruges, Zeebrugge, Ostend; Wounded and Prisoner, Dixmude, Sept. 28, 1918. Steers, Francis Paul; Applied Science 19 14. C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France, June 1917; 2nd Bn., C.E.; Capt., Oct. 1918; Hill 70, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Canal de L'Escault; Wounded, Hill-70, Aug. 15, 1917; M.c, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. i, 1918. Steiner, Everette Samuel; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; r.a.v.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, June 1917, No. 3 Vety. Hosp.; att. 14th Div. Tps., Oct. 1917; No. 26 Mob. Vety. Sec, Apl. 1918; att. 47th Bde., r.f.a., June 1918; Ypres — St. Quentin. Stephens, Wellington; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899. C.A.M.C, Capt., Feb. 1918; o/s. May 1918; Shorncliffe Depot; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; c.a.m.c Cas. Coy. Hdqrs., Conv. Camp, Kinmel Park; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp. Stephens, Wilfred Charles; University Coll. 1921. r.n.cv.r.. Res. List, Sgr., Apl. 1917. Stephenson, Benjamin George; m.b. 19 18. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918; Capt., Sept. 1918; att. r.a.f., July 1918; o/s. Mar. 1919. Stephenson, George Elgin; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1916; France, May 1917, 8th Fd. Coy., c.e.. Dr.; Spr.; L-Cpl.; C.E., Lieut., Nov. 1918; Hill 7a, Passchendaele, Vimy sec; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 479 Stepler, William Gordon; University Coll. 1919; c.o.x.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 83rd Hwr. Bty.; France, Mar. 1917, 54th Bty.; 4th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Stern, Eugene Washington; Applied Science 1884, Diploma. U.S.A. Engr. Offrs'. Res. Cps., Major, May 1917; Office of Chief of Engrs., Washington, D.C.; France, Nov. 1917, att. 8th French Army; Pont-a-Mousson — Baccarat sec; Base Sec. No. 2, Supt. of Roads; Gironde, Garonne — Blaye — Libourne area. Sternberg, Fr.\nk Joshua; b.a. Victoria 1906. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Dec. 19 15; France, p.p.c.l.i.; Wounded July 1916; (Further details not available). Steven, Hugh McGregor; b.a.sc. 191 i. C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France, July 1916, No. i Tnlg. Coy.; Capt., Jan. 1918; 7th Bn., C.E., July 1918; Ypres sec, Lens — -Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Invalided Oct. 21, 1918. * Steven, Robert Allan; Applied Science 1915. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; C.E., Spr., May 1916; Sergt., July 1916; France, Nov. 19 16, 7th Fd. Coy., c.e., Spr.; Cpl.; 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., July 1917; Vimy — Lens; Lieut., Jan. 1918; Discharged Sept. 1918. Stevens, Paul Laval; Applied Science 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; R.E., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, Cav. Cps. Bridging Park; Lieut., Dec. 1917; No. 5 Foreway Coy., Mar. 1918; Capt., June 1918; Arras .(Apl. 1917), Cambrai (Nov. 1917), Ypres — Passchendaele (Nov. 1917), Armentieres (Apl. 1918), Ypres — -Menin — Lille, etc. Stevenson, Arthur Bertram; Victoria 1918 (1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; L-Cpl.; o/s. Dec. 1917; Sig. Instr. Stevenson, Cecil William Graham; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c. 29th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1915; nth Bde., c.f.a., Sgr.; France, July 1916; att. C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Apl. 1917; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., June 1917; C.C.R.C, Oct. 1917; 3rd Can. Div. T. Mortars, Sig. Instr., Jan. 1918; 33rd Bty., Gnr., Mar. 19 18; Ypres, Kenmiel, Somme, Lens, Foret de Nieppe, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Petit Vimy, May 17, 1917. Stevenson, George Herbert; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c. 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; c.a.m.c, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Sergt.; Lemnos, Aug. 1915, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Pte.; Egypt; Returned to complete course May 1916. Stevenson, Harold Glenn; b.a. University Coll. 19 16, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Pelican'; h.m.s. 'Seafire'; Buncrana Base, Ireland; North Sea. Stevenson, Oscar Douglas Andrew; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 2nd Regt. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; 255th Bn., Sergt.; Brit. Labour Cps., Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Mar. 1918, Labour Cps., 302nd Coy.; Wounded, Vlamertinghe, Apl. 1918; Macedonia, May 1918, 13th Macedonian Bn., i6th Cps., A/Capt.; Lieut.; Brit. Salonica Forces, g.h.q. Staff, Intell. Cps.; Black Sea Army, g.h.q., Intell., A/Capt., Dec. 1918; Vardar — Doiran — -Struma — Maritza; Danube, Caucasus, Asia Minor, S. Russia; Wounded, Doiran, Sept. 1918; Invalided twice. Stevenson, P. B.; Education 19 17. R.r.c, 19 17; (Further details not available). Stic WART, Alan Edgeworth; b.a.sc. 1912, m.sc. (Chicago) 1913 C.K., 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., (\{. 1914; f-''--. Signals, Lieut., I'eb. 1915; I->ance, 480 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Apl. 1916, att. Can. Hvy. Art., Sig. Offr.; Capt., Dec. 1916; 1st Div. Sig. Coy.', 2nd i/c, July 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., Jan. i, 1918. Stewart, Alexander Garnet; Education 1916, (University Coll. 1923); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1917; Sergt.; o/s. Sept. 1918; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut. Stewart, Alvie Earl; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Pte., July 1918; Hamilton Sanitm. Stewart, Arthur Greig; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 109th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 252nd Bn., May 1916; o/s. ; 6th Res. Bn.; Invalided Nov. 1917. Stewart, Charles Elmer; d.d.s. 19 19; c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., Sept. 1917; Lieut., May 1919; Camp Borden and Toronto. Stewart, Charles Graham; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 192 1. c.a.d.c, Pte., 1917. Stewart, Daniel Logan; Medicine 1916. C.A.M.C, Capt., Sept. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; France, June 1917; Nieuport sec, Passchendaele. Stewart, Douglas H olden; b.a. University Coll. 1914; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1916; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1917; Lieut., Oct. 1917; 1917-18 campaigns. Stewart, Douglas Lionel Noble; b.a.sc. 1908. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Stewart, Edward; Applied Science 1913. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Stewart, George; m.b. 1905. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Feb. 1916; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Apl. 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; India, June 1916; Hosps., Ferozepore; Hosp. svce.; Fort Pitt Mil. Hosp., Chatham, Eng., Apl. 1917; Salonica, Sept. 1917. No. 30 Sta. Hosp.; No. i Conv. Camp, Nov. 1917; Returned Apl. 1918; C.A.M.C, Brant Mil. Hosp., Capt., May 1918; Exh. Camp, m.d. 2, Jan. 1919; m.o. Hamilton DIsp. Depot, Mar. 1919. Stew.\rt, Gilbert O.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). C.F.A., Gnr.; c.a.d.c, Pte., June 1917; Cpl., July 1917; Sergt., Sept. 1917; Sergt. -Major, Dec. 1917. Stewart, Harry Allan; d.d.s. 1914. c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Lieut., May 1916; Capt.; o/s. Dec. 1916; Folkestone, St. Martin's Plains; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, June 1918, No. 3 Can. ccs.; No. I Can. Fd. Amb.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Petrograd Hosp., London, Mar. 1919. Stewart, Henry Emmerson; University Coll. 1920, (Applied Science 1923); c.o.t.c, R.F.c, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Dec 1917, [L-Cpl. 3rd Sqdn.; St. Quentin— Somme; Wounded, Pozieres- Albert, Mar. 27, 19 18; R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Ferry Pilot, Channel Svce., May 1918. Stewart, James Lloyd; d.d.s. 1919; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Sergt., May 1917; Borden, Toronto, Kapuskasing, att. r.a.f.. Long Branch; Lieut., May 1919, Hamilton. Stewart, James Rowland Fawcett; b.a. University Coll. 1908, ll.b. 1911; loist 177th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; France, July fRegt., Lieut. 1917, att. 1st British Army, ist Army Tps., Sub-Area Cmdt.; Norrent-Fontes, Tangry; ist Army Hdqrs., Claims Offr., Asst. to d.a.q.m.g., Sept. 1918; Mer- ville — Lens — Arras sec, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 481 Stewart, John Alexander; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.c, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, July 1918, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp. Stewart, John Murdoch; m.b. 1914. c.A.M.c, No. I CI. Hosp., Capt., Aug. 1914; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Major, 1917; (Further details not available). Stewart, Peter; b.s.a. 1914. 141st Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Sergt., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Oct. 1916; 198th Bn., Aug. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 2nd c.m.r.; Mercatel sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Hdqrs., o.m.f.c, att. Khaki Univ., Nov. 1918. Stewart, Robert Edwards; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 136th Bn., Lieut., July 1916; 235th Bn., Sergt.; 208th Bn., Cpl., May 1917; France, Feb. 1918, 54th Bn., Pte.; Cpl., Aug. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Canal du Nord, Sept. 2, 1918. Stewart, Roderick de la Pierre; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. U.S.A. 'b' Bty., 13th Regt., Fd. Art. Depot, Camp Jackson, s.c, ist Sergt., Sept. 1918. Stewart, Thomas Hudson; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1913, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 8ist Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 1st C.M.R. ; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, and Cambrai, Sept. 29, 1918; M.C., Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Stevvart, William Eric; b.a. University Coll. 1917. C.A.S.C, M.D. 3, Lieut.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Stickwood, Herbert F.; Education 1913. 1st C.O.R., Pte., Mar. 1918; o/s.; Injured Sept. 29, 1918. Stillwell, James Jerome; b.a. Victoria 1913. 229th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt., June 1916; 249th Bn., Dec. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Nov. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1918; Virginia Water Camp; France, Sept. 1918, 5th Bn., Pte.; Cambrai; att. y.m.c.a.; Khaki Univ., Feb. 1919. Stinson, Arnold Rogers; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c; 45th Regt., 109th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; r.n.v.r., Motor Boat patrol, Sub-Lieut.; [Lieut. H.M.s. 'Hermione', Aug. 1916; h.m.m.l. 381, Jan. 1917; i/c h.m. Trawler 'King George', Lieut., Aug. 191 7; h.m.s. 'Pekin'; i/c h.m. Trawler 'Cadet'; North Sea, North Atlantic, Iceland. Stirrett, Gordon Park; Applied Science 1905. C.E., Spr., Feb. 1916; No. 4 Tnlg. Coy., c.e., Lieut., Apl. 19L6; 5th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Feb. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; 2nd and 3rd Armies (1917), 3rd, 1st and 5th Armies, (1918) ; Can, Embarkn. Camp, Le Havre, Jan. 1919. Stirrett, John Ross; University Coll. 1919 (1921). 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr!, Mar. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Bdr., Cpl.; c.f.a.. Cadet, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Stirrett, John Thomas; b.a. University Coll. 1908; 36th Regt., Lieut. 126th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1915; Major, Jan. 1916; 109th Bn., Nov. 1916; Div. Hdqrs. Staff, Bramshott, Dec. 1916; France, May 1917, Can. For. Cps., 38th Coy., Capt.; Hdqrs. Staff, No. i Distr., .'\ug. 1917; Paris — Rouen; Returned May 1918; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2. Stobie, George IIicKiiicKT; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, m.d. 2, l.icut., Jan. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb., Capt.; France, Jan. 1918, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; .M.o. 2nd Bdc., c.g.a.; Arras sec, Amiens, .'Xrras, Cambrai — Mons. —34 482 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Stock, James Joseph; Applied Science 1908, Diploma. C.E., 2ncl Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1915; 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., June 1915; France; Capt.; Major, Sept. 1918; Wounded Oct. 1918; m.c, Aug. 1916; Bar to M.c, Inchy — Canal du Nord, Sept. 27-29, 19 18. Stock, Laurence James; St. Michael's 1917-18 (1922). 1st C.O.R., Pte., May 1918; o/s. ; C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1918. Stock, Valentine Frederick; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1915; R.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; France, Jan. 1916, No. 104 Fd. Amb.; Capt., July 1916; m.o. 22nd Northumberland Fusiliers, Jan. 1917; Armentieres, Somme (1916), Vimy, Arras (1917); Wounded June 24, 1916; Returned July 1917; c.a.m.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2; Dom. Orthop. Hosp., M.D. 2; M.c, La Bcisselle, July i, 1916. Stockton, Ronald Pickard; b.a. Victoria 1908, ll.b. 19 ii. r.f.c. Cadet, Dec. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Oct. 1918, 59th Sqdn.; Solesmes — Le Quesnoy, Foret de Mormal — Maubeuge. Stoddart, W'arren Ormsby; University Coll. 1918, Medicine 1920 (1922). 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Discharged; r.f.c, Cadet, 1917; Lieut.; France, Nov. 1917, 43rd Sqdn.; Invalided Mar. 1918; Halton Camp, Aug. 1918. Stokes, La Verne Franklin; Applied Science 192 i (1923); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr.; r.n.cv.r., Sgr. ; h.m.c.s. 'Acadia', Sydney, cb. Stone, Charles Blair; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. c.a.m.c, Capt., May 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp. Stone, James Giles Robinson; m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, Lieut. r.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; France, Jan. 1916, No. 102 Fd. Amb.; No. 18 ccs.; Bois Grenier, Merville, Bethune; C.A.M.C, Capt., July 1916; att. d.m.s. Staff, Can. Med. Hdqrs.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp.; Lenham Spec. Hosp. Stone, John Douglas; b.a.sc 1915; 24th Regt., Lieut. 33rd Bn., Lieut., May 1915; France, May 1916, 58th Bn.; Sanctuary Wood; Invalided July 1916; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. i, Jan. 1917; To R.O., Aug. 1917. Stone, Ralph Emerson; d.d.s. 191 i; 96th Regt., Lieut. 52nd Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; c.a.d.c, Capt., June 1916; att. No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb.,; France, Nov. 1917, No. I Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 19 18; Lenham Spec. Hosp.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Bearwood. Stone, Robert Spencer; University Coll. 1917, (b.a. 1919), Knox; 24th Regt., Sergt.; Hdqrs., m.d. 2", Sergt.; Sig. Instr., Apl. 1915; 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., [c.o.t.c Lieut.; att. Staff, m.d. i, Asst. Div. Sig. Offr., Apl. 1916; iiith Bn., Aug. 1916; att. r.f.c, Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1917, 59th Sqdn.; Wounded, Arras, Apl. 24, 1917; Invalided to R.O., Nov. 1917. Stoneman, Edwin Curtis Robinson; b.a.sc 1^14; c.o.t.c, McGill. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., July 1916; France, Jan. 1917, nth Sqdn., No. 4 Wing; Nieuport sec; Fit. Lieut.; Italy, Jan. 1918; r.a.f., Capt., Sept. 1918; Albanian, Montenegrin, Austrian frontiers; Italian Silver Medal for Military Valour, Kuche Bridge, Albania, Sept. 1918; d.f.c, Cattaro, Jan. 1919. Storey, Gilbert Calder; University Coll. 1913, b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c C.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Jan. 1917; ce., Spr., July 1917; France, Jan. 1918, 9th Fd. Coy.; 9th Bn., C.E., L-Cpl., May 19 18; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Avion, Mar. 31, 1918. Storey, Vernon Harcourt; m.b. 1915; c.a.m.c, Capt. M.H.c, 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., June 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. ROLL OF SERVICE 483 Storms, Douglas Hinch; Applied Science 1915, (b.a.sc. 1920); 13th Regt., Lieut. 8th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; 4th Bty., Capt.; ist Bty., O.C.; 20th Bty., Major, o.c; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded, July 30, 1917; Instr. Staff, m.d. 2, Dec. 1917; C.F.A. Bties., M.D. 2, Adjt., Feb. 1918; G.s.o., Petawawa, i/c Training, May 1918; Siberian Ex.F., Art. & Amm. Col., Sept. 1918; Siberia, 1918-19; m.c, Jan. 1917. Storms, Thomas Harold Douglas; b.a. Trinity 1910, m.b. 1915; 13th Regt., Lieut. c.A.M.c, No. 2 C.C.S., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; No. 76 Fd. Amb.; No. 94 Fd. Amb.; Egypt, Nov. 1915; France, Mar. 19 16; Returned June 1916; c.A.M.c, Capt., Sept. 1917; Med. Bd.; Mil. Hosp., Hamilton. Story, Rolaxd Aviso n; b.a.sc. 1916 (1911). C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; L-Cpl.; Cpl.; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Stothers, Carman Edmund; Education 19 16; c.o.t.c. 170th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 75th Bn.; Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Lens, June 10, 1917; Discharged Feb. 1918. Stothers, John Cannon; Education 19 13. 170th Bn., Sergt., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 15th Bn., Pte.; Lens, Arras, Amiens, Canal du Nord, Douai, Valenciennes; Gassed, Lens, Mar. 13, 19 18. Stover, Charles Bowen; d.d.s. 1906; 21st Regt. i8th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1914; o/s. Apl. 1915; (F'urther details not available). Strachan, Douglas Harkness; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 24th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70; Invalided Oct. 1917; France, 1918; Cambrai — Mons. Strachan, James Grant; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1918); c.o.t.c. 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; c.A.M.c, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Sergt.; Lemnos, Aug. 1915; Returned to complete course May 1916; c.A.M.c, Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Capt., Apl. 1919. Strachan, Robert George; phm.b. 1906. c.A.M.c, Sergt., June 1915; France, Mar. 1916; att. 2nd CM.R., June 1916; att. 3rd Entrenching Bn., Sept. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy sec; No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp., Dec. 1916-1919. Strathern, Robert Alexander; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c C.A.D.C, M.D. 3, Lieut., Jan. 1918. Strathy, Elliot Seton Grasett; Applied Science 1908; 12th Regt., Lieut. C.M.R._ Depot, Capt., Oct. 1915; Lieut., May 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 58th Bn.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 14, 1917; Discharged May 1918. Strathy, George Stewart; m.d., cm. Trinity 1905; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Capt., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, No. 2 ccs.; (No. 11 Impl. (ien. Hosp., Oct. 1915-Jan. 1916); Major, Dec. 1916; m.o. 44th Bn., Sept. 1917; Somme, Messines — Wytschaete, Passchendaele, Lens; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., A/Lt.-Col.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med. Div.; Lt.-Col., Nov. 1918; Despatches June 14, 1918. Strathy, Gerard Brakenridge; b.a. Trinity 1900, m.a. 1902; c.a.m.c, Lieut. & c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Lieut., Qr.-Mr., Feb. 19 15; Capt., Apl. 19 15; |Qr -Mr. France, Sept. 1915, No. 2 Can. ccs., Qr.-Mr. & Adjt.; Aire, Poperinghe; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Jan. 1918; Adjt. Gen. Staff, Hdqrs., o.m.f.c, July i9i8; Staff Cai)t., Dec. 1918; Major, Mar. 1919. Stratton, Durward; d.d.s. 1902; 20th Horse, Lieut. C.A.D.C, Lieut., May 1915; Capt.; France, Sept. 1915, att. ist C.M.u.; No. 3 Can. Ffi. Amb., Dec. 1915; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1916; Manitoba Mil. Hosp., M.D. 10, i/c Dental Dcpt., .'\pi. 1918; a. d.d.s., m.d. 10, Aug. 1918. 484 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Stratton, Keistneth Vern; b.a. Victoria 19 16; c.o.x.c. c.o.T.c. draft, o/s., Dec. 1915; 12th R. Warwickshire Regt., Sec. Lieut.; r.n.a.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1916; loth Naval Sqdn., Fit. Lieut.; Injured Jan. 1917; Invalided. Stratton, Wilfred Wilkins; University Coll. 1917; 57th Regt., Lieut. 39th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; 59th Bn.; 80th Bn.; France, Mar. 1916, C.A.s.c, 3rd Div. Supply Col.; r.f.c, 23rd Sqdn., Aug. 1916; Invalided Apl. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; 91st Sqdn. Street, Harold Wilbert; m.b. 1918; c.o.x.c. c.A.M.c, Conv. Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1918; Res. & Tr. Depot; Epsom Conv. Hosp., Nov. 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp. Streets, Charles Willmott; Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.T.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Fit. Cadet. Streight, Samuel James; m.b. 1910. British Red Cross, att. r.a.m.c, Aug.- 1914; France, Sept. 1914, Motor Amb. Convoy, Abbeville; Bethune, Ypres (Oct. 1914); c.a.m.c. No. 2 c.c.s., Capt., June 1915; Major; France, Sept. 19 15; Aire, Poperinghe (1915-18), Esquelbecq (Apl. 1918), Lille; Surg. Spec, Dec. 1917; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Surg. Div., Mar. 1919; 1914 Star; o.b.e., June 3, 1919; Despatches June 1918. Strome, Iv.\n Roy; b.a.sc. 19 14; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. 192nd Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, July 1916, 2nd Can. Pion. Bn.; r.a.f., Aug. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Arras; Invalided Sept. 1918. Strong, Harold James; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.T.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1918. Struthers, Ernest Black; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1912. R.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1917; Capt., May 1918; France, July 1917, Chinese Gen. Hosp., Noyelles. Struthers, Robert Gordon; m.b. 1914. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, June 1917, Chinese Gen. Hosp. Struthers, William Eugene; m.b. 1897, m.d., cm. Trinity 1897, b.a. Trinity 1904. c.a.m.c, m.o. 2i6th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; m.o. 3rd Res. Bn.; Can. Div. Staff, Bramshott, San. Offr., Aug. 1917; Returned Aug. 1918. Stuart, Cecil James Scott; b.a. Trinity 1910, m.a. 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Jan. 1916; att. 37th Bn.; France, Mar. 1916, att. 24th Bn.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded Apl. 1918; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918; Despatches Jan. 1917, Jan. 1918 (Passchendaele), June 1918 (Arras). Stuart, Harold Brownlee; b.a.sc 1909; ce., ist Fd. Tp., Lieut. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Capt., Oct. 1916; 6th Bn., ce., Major, o.c. May 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Stuart, Lionel Marshall; m.b. 1918; c.o.T.c c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Lieut., May 1918. Stubbs, Edward John; m.b. 1900. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Styner, Wesley Bird; Medicine 1918; c.o.T.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr.; 83rd Bn., Med. Sergt.; 12th Bn.; France; C.A.M.C, No. 3 Fd. Amb.; Wounded Nov. 1916; Invalided. Sullivan, Bernard Charles; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920). R.N.V.R., Surg.-Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H. M.S. 'Saxifrage'; Sub- marine patrol and convoy duty; Irish coast. North Sea. ROLL OF SERVICE 485 Sullivan, Edward Alan; Applied Science 1889. R.A.F., R.E. Sec, Lieut., Eqpt. Offr., Nov. 1917; Mentioned, Services, July 1919. Sullivan, Francis James; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.x.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1918; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Sullivan, Glenn Alexander; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty.,c.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; r.f.c. Cadet, Feb. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Sullivan, Herbert; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C., Lieut., May 1918. Sullivan, J. L.; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. R.A.v.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Sully, Newton Cameron; Victoria 1916; 15th Regt. c.A.M.c, No. 5 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Apl. 1915; Egypt, Aug. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Cpl., Oct. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 1917; Returned Oct. 1918. Summers, Benson Smith; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 4th Div. Sig. Coy.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 18, 1917; Y.M.C.A., Lieut., 1918; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 13, 1917. SuRERUS, John Alvin; b.a. Victoria 19 15; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., July 1916; France, Apl. 19 17, att. Can. Cps. Hvy. Art.; L-Cpl.; Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., Wireless Sec, Aug. 1917; Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Lens — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Sutherland, Cecil Braddin; ll.b. 1912. 51st Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; Sergt.; France, June 1916, 15th Bn., Pte.; Sergt.; Wounded, Ypres, June 27, 1916; Hdqrs. Staff, London, Estates Br., s.Q. M.S.; Invalided and discharged Apl. 1918. Sutherland, Charles Goldie; m.b. 1907. r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1917; No. 102 Fd. Amb., T/i/c; France, Jan. 1916, No. 102 Fd. Amb., 2nd i/c; Bois Grenier sec, Somme, Arras; No. 68 Gen. Hosp., May 1917; Salonica, June 1917; No. 49 Sta. Hosp., A/ Major, Surg. Spec, Jan. 1918; Itea-Bralo Base & L. of c, s.M.o., Feb. 1918; Returned July 1918; M.C., Arras, gaz. June 3, 1917. Sutherland, Davison; b.a.sc. 1915; iioth Regt., Lieut. 2o8th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; r.f.c. Sec Lieut., Dec. 1916; France, June 1917, 24th Sqdn.; Nieuport— Dixmude, Arras — St. Quentin; No. i School, Aer. Fighting, Instr., Jan. 1918; r.a.f., Lieut.; Capt., Oct. 1918. Sutherland, Donald Matheson; m.b. 1903; 24th Horse, Major. 1st Bn., Major, Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915; 71st Bn., Canada, Lt.-Col., o.c, Aug. 1915; 74th Bn., o.c, June 1916; France, July 1916, 52nd Bn., o.c; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 1916; i6oth Bn., o.c. May 1917; France, Mar. 1918, att. 52nd Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; D.S.O., Bois de Vert, Aug. 27-28, 1918; Despatches June igiSt July I9i9> Sutherland, Frederick Henry; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. I, Capt., June 1916; 111 Feb. 1917; o/s. June 1918; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. Can. For. Base Depot, Sunningdale, s.M.o., Sept. 1918. Sutherland, James Willis; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Nov. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; o/s. May 1915; Capt., May 1916; A/Major, May 1918; Gallipoli, Aug. 1915, No. 25 ccs.; Suvla Bay; Invalided Dec. 1915; No. I Malta Coy.; Malta Base Hosp., Feb. 1916 — Feb. 1919. Sutherland, John Lindsay; Medicine 1919 (1921); i9(h Regt., Lieut.; c.o.t.c C.O.T.C draft. Mar. 1916; 32nd Res. Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; Impl. Tank Cps., Sec. Lieut., No\-. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 'f' Bn., Impl. Tank Cps.; Lieut.; 486 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Ypres (1917), Cambrai (1917); Wounded, Cambrai, Nov. 20, 1917; Invalided Apl. 19 18. Sutherland, Joseph Gordon; m.d. Victoria 1885. C.A.M.C, Capt., July 1916; West Cliff Hosp. ; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp., i c Eye & Ear Dept.; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., i c Eye & Ear Dept. Sutherland, Wu^llani Francis Boddey; Applied Science 1918. C.A.S.C., Mech. Tpt., m.d. 2, Pte., May 1916; P Sergt., May 1917; France, June 1918, Can. Motor m.g. Cps., 2nd Bde.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. SuTTiE, Gerald Lyn^ham Porte Gr.\nt; Trinity 191 1, University Coll. 191 1 (1922); R. Can. Regt., Lieut., Aug. 1914; Bermuda, Sept. 1914; France, [r.C.R., Lieut. Jan. 1916; Capt., Mar. 191S; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; 3rd Can. Div., d.a.a.g., Jan. 1919; Hdqrs. Staff, Ripon, d.a.a.g.; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. i, 19 17; Despatches. Sutton, Albert Edward; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, Oct. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Mar. 1916, No. 132 Fd. Amb.; No. 95 Fd. Amb. ; Somme, Arras (1917); Wounded, Ga%Telle, June 21, 1917: c.a.m.c, Capt., Feb. 1918; r.a.f., Med. Svce.; M.c, Beaumoijt-Hamel, Nov. 1916; Mentioned, Ser\-ices (Air Ministry'), Sept. 1919. Sutton, Harold Chester; m.b. 19 14. R.A.M.C, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Sutton, Leonard Victor; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 126th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; 109th Bn.; Ii6th Bn., Dec. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; Capt., Sept. 19 18; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Sutton, Norman Henry; m.b. 1903; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, Major, Nov. 1915; St. Med. Bd., Shorncliffe; Pres., St. Med. Bd., Bramshott, Feb. 1916; Aux. Mil. Hosp., Ramsgate, June 1916; France, May 1917, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb., Nov. 1917; m.o. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dec. 1917; Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sees.; Pres., St. Med. Bds., Bramshott & Ripon, Aug. 1918-Mar. 19 19; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Mar. 1919; S.M.O., 'Empress of Britain'. Swan, William Douglas; Medicine 1918 (1920); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Sub-Lieut., May 1918; h.m.s. 'Berberis', Sept. 1918; Corfu, Otranto Barrage. Swan, Willi.vm George; b.a.sc 1906; 104th Regt., Capt. 131st Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Major; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Light Rys., Constr. Engr.; Somme, Messines, Passchendaele, Lys (1918), Ypres; d.s.o., Passchendaele, Sept. 19 18; French Croix de Guerre, Lys, 19 18; Despatches June 1918, Nov. 1918, Jan. 1919. SwANN, Harold Frank; Victoria 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915: c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1916; I2th Bty., Feb. 1917: Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens; Invalided Jan. 19 18; Discharged Sept. 19 18. SwANSON, Wilfrid Laurier; Victoria 19 19 (1921); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, Dec 1917, att. 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs. ; I2th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Mar. 1918; Lens — .\rras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Injured Nov. 26, 1918. Swanston, Albert Edward; b.a. University Coll. 1914, Knox. Y'.m.ca., Capt., Oct. 1916; O s. Oct. 1916; Shorncliffe, Witley; France, Oct. 1917, att. 4th Can. Div.; Arras — Lens sec; att. Can. For. Cps., No. 5 Distr., Jura Mts.: Can. Embarkn. Camp, Le Ha%Te; Witley, June 1919- ROLL OF SERVICE 487 Sweeney, Daniel James; m.b. 1903. C.A.M.C., M.D. 4, Capt.; (Further details not available.) Sweeney, Denis; m.b. 1911. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Sweet, Edmund; ll.b. Victoria 1886. 215th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; Major, 2nd i 'c, Dec. 1916; o /s. Apl. 1917; 2nd Res. Bn., May 1917; 2nd c.o.r.d.; ist c.o.r.d., o.c. Depot Coy.; Hdqrs. Shorncliffe; att. Can. High Commissrs. Off. Sweet, George Edmuntd Foster; Victoria 19 19. 215th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Invalided; 2nd Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Lieut., 1917; o, s. 1918. SwEETM.\N, Stant,ey M.; Victoria 19 19; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy.; Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. SwiNNERTON, Aylmer Aberffrau; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1919); c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915, Can. Cps. Cyclists; 5th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; Kemmel, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Returned Nov. 1917; Discharged Nov. 1918. Switzer, Bertrand Carlisle; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; France, Oct. 1918, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. Can. m.g. Cps. Switzer, John Wesley; Medicine 192 1; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Pte. Switzer, William Arthur Wh.\ley; Victoria 1918 (1920), (Medicine 1923); c.o.t.c 35th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915: Cpl.; sSth Bn., Pte.; France, Apl. 19 16; Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded and gassed, Somme, Sept. 17, 1916; Invalided July 1917; No. I Spec. Svce. Coy., m.d. i, Sergt.; Discharged Oct. 1917. Switzer, William George; d.d.s. 1896. c.a.d.c, Capt.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Sydie, John Errol; b.a. University Coll. 1917; c.o.t.c R.F.C, Cadet, Mar. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Jan. 1918, 43rd Sqdn.; r.a.f., 70th Sqdn., Lieut.; Lens — Armentieres, Arras, Albert — Somme; Prisoner, Maricourt-sur-Somme, June 30, 1918; Repatriation Staff, Copenhagen. Sykes, George Frederick; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c C.A.M.C, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Dec. 1914; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1915; Ploegsteert; Returned to complete course Jan. 1916; c.a.m.c, m.d. i, Lieut., 1917; Capt.; o's.; No. II Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, No. 14 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 ccs. Sykes, Harry Re.\; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. C.A.D.C, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Witley, Hastings, Queen's Hosp., Sidcup. Sykes, Paul; University Coll. 1919; 2nd Bty., c.F..\., Sergt. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Sergt., Jan. 1916; 50th Bty., c.f.a.; 52nd Bty.; France, Aug. 1917, 52nd Bty., Gnr.; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Raillencourt, Oct. 19 18. Sylvester, Karl Bertr.\m; Applied Science 19 10; 45th Regt., Lieut. R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., Eqpt. Offr.,Oct. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; R.a.f., Lieut., Oct. 1918. Sy.mington, James Bruce; Education 1913, Medicine 1919 (1923). 25th Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut.; Wounded, \'imy, May 13, 1917; Mil. Medal, Arras, Apl. 1918. Symons, Harry Lutz; University Coll. 1912-14; g.g.b.g., Lieut. 4th cm.r., Lieut., Jan. 1915; France, Oct. 1915; C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy.; r.f.c, Aug. 1916; 65th Sqdn., Oct. 1917; Capt., Mar. 1918; -Air Ministry Staff, Apl 488 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1918; 2nd Sqdn., Can. Air Force, Recdg. Offr.; c.e., Mar. 1919; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Passchendaele, Bailleul, Proven, Droglands, Armentieres— Dixmude, Foret d' Houthulst. SzAMMERS, Charles Franklin; Applied Science 1911, Diploma. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1915; 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Pte.; Cpl.; France, Mar. 1916; 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., May 1916; Capt., June 1917; c.e., ist Tram- way Coy.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, St. Eloi, Mar. 1916; French Croix de Guerre, Amiens, Aug. 19 18. Tackaberry, Stan-ley Gibson; b.a.sc. 1914. c.A.s.c, Pte., Apl. 1917; C.E., Signals, Spr., July 19 17; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Tech. Offr., Nov. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; Henley-on-Thames; No. 4 Aircraft Repair Depot, Mar. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918. Taggart, James Gordon; b.s.a. 1912. C.A.M.C., Pte., May 1917;- Cpl.; Discharged Nov. 1917. Talbot, Charles Alfred; Education 1916. u. cf T. OS. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918. T.A.LLON, Joseph Edward; St. Michael's 1919, (b.a. 1920), (Education 1920); c.o.t.c. 2nd Depot Bn., e.o.r., Pte., June 1918; o /s. July 1918; 6th Res. Bn. Tamblyn, William John Wesley; Education 191 1, Summer Sess. 1915. c.A.M.c, Reinf. No. 7 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Jan. 1916; Sergt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; Staff Sergt., Jan. 1917; Invalided June 1917; R.g.a., Cadet, 1918. Tanner, John Eckert; University Coll. 19 19, (b.a. 1920); c.o.T.c. C.F.A., Lieut., May 1917; r.f.c, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 19 18; Instr.; Texas, Borden; School, Aer. Fighting, Beamsville. Tansey, John Earl; b.a. St. Michael's 1915. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, Dec. 1917; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Tansey, Joseph Reynold; St. Michael's 1918, Applied Science 1919. R.F.C, Cadet, June 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; France, 1918, Bombing Sqdn. Tanton, John Fitzgerald; Applied Science 19 19 ; c.o.t.c c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Jan. 1917; France, June 1917; Invalided June 1918. Tapping, Frank; Applied Science 1914. 54th Bn., Pte., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915, 2nd Can._ Div. Motor Tpt., Dr.; R.F.C, 2nd Sqdn., Sec. Lieut., Obsr., Nov. 1916; Lieut., Flying Offr., Apl. 1917; Loos (1915) — Cambrai (1917). Tate, Eldred Crawford; m.b. 19 17; c.o.t.c R.N., Surg. Lieut., 1917; c.a.m.C, Capt.; (Further details not available). Tate, Harry William; Applied Science 1909, Diploma; 8th Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut. 2nd Can. Pion. Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Capt.; France, Mar. 1916; Major, 2nd i/c; 9th Bn., c.e., 2nd i/c, June 1918; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Apl. 9, 1917, July 8, 1919. Tawse, William John; b.s.a. 1915. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1916; r.s.a., Kingston, A/Sergt.; 64th Bty., Gnr.; France, Sept. 19 17, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Hwr. Bty.; Lens sec, Pass- chendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 12, 1917; Discharged May 1918. Taylor, Addison; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.c, m.d. 2, Lieut.; Capt.; Spadina Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Apl. 1918. Taylor, Alexander Harold; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.b. 1910; c.a.m.c, att. c.a.m.C, Capt., Mar. 1915; France, May 1915, [No. 17 Fd. Amb., Lieut. m.o. i6th Bn.; m.o. 24th Bn.; Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme; No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Major, Dec. 1917; h.m. Hosp. Ship 'Essequibo', A/Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1919; m.c, Courcelette, Oct. 17, 1916. ROLL OF SERVICE 489 Taylor, Allan Elsworth; b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1903; g.g.b.g., Major. 4th C.M.R., Capt., Nov. 1914; 2nd c.m.r. Bde., Staff Capt., July 1915; France, Oct. 1915; Major, Oct. 1915; 9th Can. Inf. Bde., StafT Capt., Feb. 1916; 4th Can. Div., D..\.A.G., Jan. 1917; 4th Can. Div., d.a.q.m.g., June 1917; Seaford Area, a. A. & q.m.g., Lt.-CoL, Oct. 1918; Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai; D.s.o., Passchendaele, gaz. June 1918; Despatches Dec. 1916, June 1917, June 1918. Taylor, Edward H.arold; University Coll. 19 18. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Cpl., Sergt.; o s. June 1915; 3rd Res. Bty.; Injured; Discharged Oct. 1915. Taylor, Ernest Ira; University Coll. 1921 (1923). R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Signalman, May 19 18; Trawler 'Givenchy', c.B., Seagull patrol; Belle Isle Straits, Bermuda, Jamaica, Mexico, California — ^Esquimalt. Taylor, Frank Harold; Applied Science 1918 (1921); 109th Regt., Lieut. 204th Bn., Lieut., June 1916; att. r.f.C; France, Sept. 1917, 41st Sqdn.; R.A.F., 84th Sqdn., Capt.; Arras — St. Quentin; M.C., Cambrai, June 1918. Taylor, Frederick Norman; University Coll. 1916, WyclifTe; 12th Regt., Sergt. 1st Fd.'Coy., C.E., Spr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Pmr. Sergt., Mar. 1917; R.F.\., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; 291st Bde., r.f.a., Feb. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme, La Fere (Mar. 1918), Villers-Bretonneux, Albert, Epehy, Lens, Mons; Wounded, Festubert, May 24, 1915. T.4YL0R, Harold Dlxon; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.x.c. c..\.D.c., Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Taylor, Henry M.\chell; University Coll. 19 15. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Can. Cps. Cyclists, Cpl.; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele. Taylor, Hugh Daniel; b.a. Victoria 1912; 31st Regt. C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Dec. 1915; Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 70th Bn., May 1916; o/s. May 1916; 39th Bn.; France, May 1917, No. i Can. c.c.s.; nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; 38th Bn. & 12th Bde.; Ypres sec, Vimy, Lens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Taylor, Milton Adam; University Coll. 1919; 30th Regt., Lieut. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Injured Aug. 25, 1916; France, May 1917, ist Bn.; Lens, Hill 70, Vimy, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918. Taylor, Neil Joseph; University Coll. 1916, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; r.f.C, Sec. Lieut.; France, Aug. 1917, nth Sqdn.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Arras — St. Quentin; Wounded and Prisoner, Sept. 19, 1917. Taylor, Norman Burke; m.b. 1909. r.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; France, Dec. 1915; Somme (Thiepval); c.a.m.c, Capt., July 1916-1919. Taylor, Roland Earl; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr.; i68th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl., Sergt.; France, 2nd Bn., Pte.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Taylor, Ross; b.a.sc. 1912, StafT; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Lieut., June 1916; Resigned Oct. 1916; v. of T. o s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1918; o/s.; R.E., Cadet. Taylor, Thomas Gardiner; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt.; St. Eloi, Ypres (19 16), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Boisleux-au-Mont sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. 490 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Taylor, Walter Herbert; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. C.A.M.C, Capt., Aug. 1914; M.o. 36th Bn.; o/s. June 1915; West Cliff Hosp.; France, May 19 16, No. 2 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; Somme, etc.; Discharged Aug. 19 18. Taylor, Willl\m John; d.d.s. 19 16; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917. Teal, Glenn Evelyn; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Pte., June 1917; Sergt., May 1918; o/s. June 1918. Telfer, Alan Foster; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 35th Regt. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Cpl., May 1915; 3rd R. Dublin Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, July 1916, ist R. Dublin Fuslrs.; Somme, Ancre, Arras (1917), Ypres (1917); Indian Army R.o., July 1917; India; Egyptian Ex.F., Palestine, May 1918, 59th Scinde Rifles f.f., Capt., Aug. 1918; Sharon, etc.; Wounded, Sailly Saillisel, Mar. 31, 1917; m.c, Azzun Ridge, Sept. 20, 1918. Temple, Charles Algernon; m.d., cm. Trinity 1891, m.d. Victoria 1891; c.a.m.c, C.A.M.C, M.o. 8th Bde., cf.a., Capt., Jan. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. [Lieut. Hosp.; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Apl. 1916, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 4 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres (1916), Somme; Returned Dec. 1917; Can. Pension Bd., Bd. of Review, m.s.a.; St. Med. Bd., Hdqrs., m.d. 2. Templin, Hugh Charles; University Coll. 19 19; c.o.t.c Can. Cyclist Cps., Pte., Feb. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Mar. 1916; C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1917; Discharged, med. unfit. Mar. 1917. Tennant, Herbert Montgomery; Education 1912, Trinity 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. 5th Univ. Coy., P.P.CL.i., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.cl.i.; Cpl., Feb. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Ternan, Ernest Arthur; b.a.sc 1912. C.A.s.C, Shorncliffe, Lieut., Feb. 1916; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917; Capt.; Somme (1917), Ypres, Noyon, Amiens, Le Cateau, St. Quentin. Teskey, Frank Clifton; b.a. University Coll. 1914; 2nd Regt. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.cl.i.; Somme, Messines — Kemmel, Ypres, Vimy, Valenciennes, Mons; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 191 6, and Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Tew, W'ILLIam Pelton; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, m.d. I, Lieut., Feb. 1917; R.n., Surg. Lieut., May 1917; Haslar Naval Hosp.; H. M.S. 'Biarritz', Oct. 1917; Eastern Mediterranean, Adriatic; Chatham Naval Hosp. Thibaudeau, John Stewart; LTniversity Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T. Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 15th Bty.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 25, 19 17. Thistle, William Brown; m.d. Victoria 1886, m.d. Trinity 1891. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Major, Chief Physician & Consultant, Aug. 1916; Med. Consultant, m.d. 2. Thoburn, Charles Augustus; University Coll. 1921 (1922). Can. Ry. Constr. Cps., Lieut., Apl. 1917; Discharged Oct. 1917; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; Siberian Ex.F., 20th M.G. Coy., Sept. 1918. Thomas, Alan Miller; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1919); c.o.t.c, Lieut. 35th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1915; r.f.c, Nov. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, 22nd Sqdn.; Somme; Hdqrs. Staff, r.f.c, Canada, 1917; k.a.f., Capt.; m.b.e., Dec. 22, 1919; ' Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1919. ROLL OF SERVICE 491 Thomas, Clayton Homer;. Medicine 1922 (1923); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Thomas, George Cecil; Applied Science 1911, Diploma; 8th Fd. Coy., c.e. o/s. Apl. 1916; 32nd Bn., Pte.; c.a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Lieut., Oct. 1916; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917-1919. Thomas, Maud Isabel; b.a. University Coll. 1912, Adm. Staff, (Medicine 1926.) St. John's Amb. Bde., v.a.d. ; o/s. Aug. 1916; ist Southern Gen. Hosp., Birming- ham; France, Apl. 1917, No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Rouen; No. 32 Sta. Hosp.; Royal Red Cross, June 3, 1919; Despatches Dec. 1918. Thomas, Newton Oscar; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.b. 1916, Staff; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; No. i Can. Gen. Labty., Folkestone, Capt.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton, i/c Labty., Mar. 1918; France, Jan. 1919. Thomas, Robert Arthur; m.d., cm. Trinity 1902. C.A.M.C, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Mar. 1916; France, July 1917, No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb., Aug. 1917; M.o. 4th Bde., C.F.A., Aug. 1917; M.o. 54th Bn., Oct. 1917; Lens, Hill 70, Ypres, Passchendaele; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, June 19 19. Thomas, Roy Hindley; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., Jan. 1916; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom, Apl. 1916; France, May 1917, No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 4th Bn., May 1917; No. i Can. Fd. Amb., Oct. 1917; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; d.a.d.m.s., M.D. 2, A/Major, Feb. 1919; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8-9, 1918; Mentioned, Services, Feb. 1917. Thomas, Willlvm Davies; b.a. (Oxon.), Staff, Trinity, 1912-16; loth Regt., Lieut. 2i6th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 123rd Can. Pion. Bn.; Wounded Mar. 28, 1918. Thomason, Henry Denny; m.d., cm. Trinity 1892. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Col.; Gen. Hosp. No. 5, Ft. Ontario, N.Y., o.c Thompson, Alfred Andrew; Medicine 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c c.e. , Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, ist Div. Sig. Coy.; ist Can. Div. Art. Hdqrs., Sgr., Apl. 1917; 2nd Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Jan. 1918; V^imy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Thompson, Allan Orla; Forestry 1918. 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Nov. 19 15; France, Mar. 19J6, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Lieut., June 1917; 19th Bn., Sept. 1917; Capt., Feb. 1919; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Neuville Vitasse, Apl. 5, 1918; M.c, Neuville Vitasse, Apl. 5, 1918. Thompson, Andrew Ruthven; University Coll. 1915; 37th Regt., Lieut. c.a.s.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; 114th Bn., Lieut., Capt.; France, May 1917,4th Bn., Lieut.; Wounded severely, Passchendaele, Nov. 5, 1917; Invalided May 1918. Thompson, Andrew Thorburn; b.a. University Coll. 1890, ll.b. 1891; 37th Regt., 114th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1916; [Col., o.c,; 5lh Inf. Bde., o.c; r.o. F" ranee, Dec. 1916, att. 43rd Bn.; Arras — Vimy sec; 2nci c.o.R. Depot, England, O.C; Special svce., Nov. 1917; Invalided Aug. 1918. Thompson, Charles Allen; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c 25th Bty., c.r.A., Gnr., Mar. 1913; France, Jan. 1916; r.a.f.. Cadet, Aug. 1918; St. Eloi, ^'pres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens. Thompson, Charles F.; Veterinary Coll. 1912-15. R.A.V.C, Lieut.; Capt.; France; No. 3 a.s.c; att. 84th Bde, i8th Div.; att. 35th Div. Train; (Further details not available). 492 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Thompson, Christopher Craig; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c; g.g.b.g., Lieut. ' 124th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 111 Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, No. i Can. Constr. Bn.; Invalided Mar. 1917; France, Sept. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Arras, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Can. Staff, Eng., A.D.C., Apl. 1918; Invalided Sept. 1918. Thompson, Clarence Edward; Victoria 1918, (Medicine 1924). 129th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 124th Bn.; France, Dec. 1916, p.p.c.l.i. ; 7th Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., July 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1918; Sergt., Oct. 1918; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Lens, Apl. 21, 1918, and Cambrai, Sept. 14, 1918; Mil. Medal, Arras, Aug. 1918; Bar to M.M., Cambrai, Sept. 1918. Thompson, D'Arcy Nicholls; University Coll. 1918. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Mons; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 8, 1916. Thompson, Edgar Linton; University Coll. 1909, d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, Lieut.; Capt. Thompson, Fr,\nk Leslie; m.b. 1911; c.a.m.c, No. 11 Fd. Amb., Lieut. c.a.m.c, Capt., Feb. 1917; Davisville Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, May 1917; o/s. June 1918-Aug. 1919. Thompson, Fred Lionel; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. 130th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Sergt., May 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; att. 5th Can. Div., Oct. 1916; att. Can. For. Cps., June 1917; For. Camps, England & Scotland; Sunningdale Base, June 1918; France, Sept. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. Thompson, Howard Ellesworth; m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., Aug. 1917; Capt.; France, Mar. 1918, r.a.m.c, M.o. i/5th Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf., Lieut.; Villers-Bretonneux, Arras, Cambrai. Thompson, Howard Grant; Applied Science 1918 (1922). 135th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; 134th Bn., Oct. 1916; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., July 1918; Calshot, anti-submarine patrol; Aegean, IMudros Base, Sept. 1918; Caspian Sea, Feb. 1919. att. 266th Sqdn.; Wounded, Caspian, June 28, 1919; D.F.C. and Despatches, Ft. Alexandrovsk, May 21, 1919. Thompson, Ivan Beresford; Medicine 1920 (1921). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Hardy', Devonport, Julyl9i8; h.m.s. 'Manly', Dover patrol, Oct. 1918; Atlantic convoy; Dunker- que — Ostend. Thompson, James Elmer; d.d.s. 1915. C.A.D.c, Capt., Jan. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Thompson, Lawrence; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c R.A.F., Cadet, Nov. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. May 1918. Thompson, Morley Abraham; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c. c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Lieut., Oct. 1917- Thompson, Percy Walker; m.b. 1888; r.a.m.c, t.f., Eng., Capt. r.a.m.c. No. 4 London Fd. Amb., 2nd London Div., Capt., Aug. 1914; Major, Feb. 1915; France, Mar. 1915; Festubert, Rechebocq. Thompson, Robert Fleming; b.a. University Coll. 1910, Knox. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 4th Art. Bde. and 4th Inf. Bdc, Capt.', Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 4th Can. Art. Bde., Dec. 1916-Dec. 1918; 12th Can. Inf. Bde., Sept.-Dec 1917; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Gassed, Passchen- daele, Nov. 1917; M.c, Somme, Nov. 1916. ROLL OF SERVICE 49^ Thompsox, Robert Garner; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. C.O.T.C. draft, Jan. 1916; 13th R. Warwickshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916, 14th R. Warwickshire Regt.; Lieut., July 1917; att. R.F.c, Obsr., Aug. 1917; Somme, Festubert (1916-17), Vimy, Arras; Injured Oct. 23, 1917; Invalided May 1918; r.a.f., Canada, Aug. 1918. Thompson, Robert John; Applied Science 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 4th Can. Di\\ Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1916; 74th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916, 44th Bn.; L-Cpl.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Somme, Nov, 20, 1916, and Fresnoy, May 10, 1917; Prisoner, Lens, Aug. 3, 1917. Thompson, Walter Wilson; m.d., cm. Trinity 1889, f.t.m.c. C.A.M.C, Lt.-Col., Nov. 1914; Niagara frontier svce., Nov. 1914-July 1918. Thompson, Willl\m Robin; b.s.a. 1909, m.sc. (Cornell). Admiralty, att. R.N. Hosp., Haslar, Bacteriologist, Mar. 1916. Thomson, Arthur; b.a. University Coll. 1903, m.a. 1910, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Spadina Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt. Thomson, Arthur Patrick; b.a.sc 19 17; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 19 18. Thomson, Charles Glendening; m.b. 1896; Perm, r.a.m.c, Major. F ance, Aug. 1914, r.a.m.c, No. 10 Gen. Hosp., Major, Registrar; 21st Impl. Div., D.A.D.M.S.; Lt.-Col., May 1915; No. 13C.C.S., o.c, Nov. 1917; Loos (1915), Armentieres (19 15-16), Somme, Ypres (Oct. -Nov. 19 17); D.s.o., Jan. i, 19 17; French Croix de Guerre, June 1918; Despatches Dec. 1914, Dec. 1916, Dec. 1917. Thomson, Edward Murray; b.a. University Coll. 1911; 60th Regt., Lieut. 46th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt.; France, Aug. 1916; A/Major, Nov. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 12, 1917; Sask. Regtl. Depot, o.c, July 1917; Pres. Bd., Mar. 1918; France, Sept. 1918; g.h.q., Can. Sec, Staff Capt., 'q', Nov. 19 18; Major. Thomson, EsPLEN William; University Coll. 1918 (1921). 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 55th Bty., Mar. 1916; Injured June 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; loth Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; 39th Bty., Nov. 1917; 36th Bty., May 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917. Thomson, Gregory James; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c r.a.f.. Cadet, May 1918. Thomson, Joseph Rielle; University Coll. 1916. Impl. Army, Sec. Lieut.; India; (Further details not available). Thomson, Muril-vy Garth; m.b. 1914. C.A.M.C, M.o. 37th Bn., Capt., Aug. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; m.o. 9th Bde., C.F.A., Apl. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres (1916), Kemmel, Somme, Arras sec, Vimy; Can. Mil. Hosp., Liverpool, Adjt., June 1917; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Oct. 1917; Can. Spec. Hosp., Sidcup, Jan. 1918; King's Can. Red Cross Spec. Hosp., Bushey Park, Major, Registrar, Mar. 1918. Thomson, Thomas Muir; Education 1914; 31st Regt., Lieut. C.A.M.C, Pte., July 1916; 248th Bn., Lieut.; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut.; o/s. Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; Instr.; A/Flt. Cmdr. Thomson, William Alexander; Medicine 1917. 129th Bn., Pte, Oct. 1915; 60th Bn.; France, Nov. 1916; Invalided Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, 87th Bn.; L-Cpl.; Vimy sec, Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 19, 1918; Mil. Medal, gaz. Sept. 1918. Thorne, Stewart Mills; b.a.sc 1901. No. I Tnlg. Coy., CE., Lieut., Nov. 1915; I'rance, Feb. 1916; Capt., May 1916; Major, May 1918; 51 li i'.ii., ce., Aug. 1918; Armentieres, St. Eloi (1916-17), 494 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Messines (June 1917), Ypres (1917), Vimy — Lens (Jan. 1918), Arras (Mar.-Apl. 1918), Villers-Bretonneux (Aug. 1918), Arras, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., St. Eloi, gaz. July 18, 1917; French Croix de Guerre, St. Eloi, gaz. May i, 1917. Thornley, Glen Arthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). c..\.D.c., Pte., June 1917. Thornley, Joseph Henry; b.a.sc. 1909. 33rd Bn., Major, Sept. 1914; ist Can. Pion. Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; 5th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., England, Jan. 1917; France, Feb. 1917; Somme, etc.; Wounded, Courcelette, Oct. 4, 1916; d.s.o., gaz. July 1917; Despatches Jan. i, 1918. Thornton, Laurence Holmes; d.d.s. 19 14. C.A.M.c, No. 3 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., Apl. 1915; Capt.; o/s. May 1915; France, June 1915, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. r.a.m.c. No. i3Sta. Hosp.; Returned June 1917; To r.o., Nov. 1917. Thornton, Wilfred Willson; d.d.s. 1895. C.A.D.C, M.D. 2, Capt. Thrush, Charles Alexander McLaughlin; m.b. 1906. C.A.M.c, M.o. 114th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1916; Asst. M.o. 36th Res. Bn.; M.O., C.A.s.C, T.D., Shorncliffe, Dec. 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; Office A.D.M.S., M.D. 2, Jan. 1918. Tillson, George Delevan; Applied Science 1915, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., May 1918; C.E., Lieut., Aug. 1918; Halifax, m.d. 6. Tillson, Laurence Byron; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. Eaton M.G. Bty., Pte., Jan. 1915; Bdr., Mar. 1915; Can. Cav. Bde., Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; i6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., June 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Injured, Passchen- daele, Nov. 22, 1917; Invalided; M.C., Lens, Aug. 21, 1917. Tillson, Victor Harrison; University Coll. 19 17, (b.a. 1920). 86th, M.G., Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; r.n.v.r., Sub-Lieut., Aug. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 19 17; Adriatic, Dardanelles. TiLsoN, Frederick Lemon; b.a. Victoria 1910. 151st Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; Sergt.; 218th Bn., July 1916; 8th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Spr.; France, Apl. 1917; Cpl., Apl. 1918; A/Sergt., Aug. 1918; Ypres sec. Tilston, John Arthur; b.a.sc. 19 14. Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Spr., Apl. 1915; France, July 1915; Cadet, Apl. 1917; C.G.A., Lieut., Sept. 1917; Seed, to Air Ministry, aerodrome constr., Res. Engr., Ireland, Dec. 1917; Capt., Sept. 1918. Tilt, Lloyd Clayton; b.sc.f. 19 13. 242nd Can. For. Bn., Sergt., Sept. 1916; 230th Can. F~or. Bn., Lieut.; Can. For. Cps.; France, Apl. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1917. TiMMiNS, Harold Aberdeen Watson; Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 20th Bty., May 1917; Bdr., Dec. 1917; c.f.a., Cadet, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Neuville-Vitasse, May 5, 1918. TiMMis, Reginald Symonds; Veterinary Coll. 1909-11; r.c.d., Perm. Force, Lieut. R. Can. Dragoons, Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, May 1915; Capt., June 1915; Major, Jan. 1916; Festubert, Givenchy, Neuve Eglise sec, Ypres (1916), Somme (1916-17), St. Quentin sec, Passchendaele, Cambrai (Nov. 1917), St. Quentin, March Retreat, Menessis, Compiegne, Amiens, Bethune sec, Albert, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Neuve Eglise, July 13, 1915, and Somme, July 16, 1916; D.S.O., Menessis, Mar. 1918; Despatches Nov. 8, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 495 TiMMs, John Nelsox; b.s.a. 1918. 1st Depot Bn., w.o.R., Pte., May 1918. TiNTDALE, Charles Edward; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Jan. 1916; 64th Bty.; France, June 1917, 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 8th Bde. Amm. Col.; 24th Bty.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. TiSDALL, Frederick FitzgeR-vld; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1916; o/s. June 1916; Queen's Can. Mil. Hosp., Beachborough, Capt., Aug. 1917; College Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, Dec. 1917-1920. Titus, Olcott Wood; b.a.sc. 1917; c.o.t.c. 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Sept. 1917; c.e.. Signals; p.p.c.l.i. draft, Pte.; C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1918; Cadet, Apl.1918; Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, nth Bn., c.e.; Cambrai — ^Mons; 3rd Inf. Works Coy.; 2nd Can. War Graves Coy., 19 19. ToBiN, Kenneth Edmund; Applied Science 19 16. 4th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, 4th Bn., Cpl.; A/Sergt., May 1918; Lieut., Aug. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons; M.C., Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918. ToLMiE, Eachern; Education 1916; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918. Tolmie, J.^mes Craig (m.p.p.); b.a. University Coll. 1885; 21st Regt., Chaplain. 99th Bn., Major, Pmr., May 1916; o/s. May 1916; 35th Bn., Pmr. ; France, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., Pmr.; 4th Can. Div. Fd. Ambs., Pmr. Tom, Cecil Woodward; University Coll. 1918; c.o.t.c. 95th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; Invalided Mar. 1916; Discharged Sept. 1916. Tom, James Archie; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 23rd Hwr. Bty., Bdr.; Cpl., Sergt.; C.F..\., Cadet; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele. ToMLiNsoN, William Valentine; phm.b. 19 17. r.f.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, 23rd Sqdn.; 4th Army front. Tompkins, Miles Nicholas; b.s.a. 1912. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 40th Bn., Capt., Oct. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, att. 60th Bn.; 9th Can. Inf. Bde.; No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; 15th Can. Inf. Bde.; 3rd Bde., C.G.A.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras — Cambrai; Princess Patricia's Can. Red Cross Hosp.; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Oct. i, 1918; m.c, Ypres-Somme-Vimy, gaz. Jan. i, 1918. Tompkins, Stuart Ramsay; b.a*. University Coll. 1909. 66th Bn., Pte., July 1915; 89th Bn., Lieut.; France, Oct. 1916, 31st Bn.; att. 6th t.m. Bty.; Lens — Vimy; Invalided May 1917; Discharged May 1918; Siberian Ex. F., 260th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Topping, Victor; b.a.sc 19 17; c.o.t.c, Sergt. R.F.C, Sec. Lieut., June 1917; Instr., Sept. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; Castle Brom- wich, Instr.; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Injured, Apl. 4, 1918. Torrance, Robert Douglas; b.a.sc 1912; 30th Regt., Lieut. 34th Bn., Lieut., Vl'\). 1915; I'rance, May 1916, 14th Bn.; Ypres (1916); Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 3, 19 16; Can. Ry. Constr. Tps.; Seed. War Off., aerodrome constr., Oct. 1917; Capl., Sept. 1918. ToTTON, Charles R.; b.a. University Coll. 1907, m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c. No. 14 Fd. Amb., r.a.m.c, Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Dec. 1915, No. 8 Gen. Hosp., [Lieut. 496 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Rouen; No. 23 Fd. Amb.; M.o. 3rd Div. Train; Somme; No. 11 Sta. Hosp., Rouen; Returned Nov. 1916; c.a.m.c, Capt., 1916-19. Towers, Robert Irwin; b.a. University Coll. 1896; r.o., Lt.-Col. 70th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Aug. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, att. Hdqrs.; att. 24th Bn., Dec. 1916; Souchez sec; Pres., Regtl. Funds Bd., Feb. 1917; Can. o/s. Mil. Fund Bd., May 1917; Returned on duty Oct. 1917. Towers, Thomas Logan; m.b. 1908. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Lieut.; o/s.; Hosp. svce.; Hosp. Ship svce.; Capt.; Major; (Further details not available). To\\iLL, William Frederick; Veterinary Coll. 1914-17; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., June 1917; France, July 1917, att. ist Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; o.b.e., June 3, 1919. TowNSLEY, William Allen; b.s.a. 1915; nth Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. i6th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1915; 14th Bty.; France, Sept. 1915, 4th Bty.; Capt., June 1917; 8th Army Bde., C.F.A.; 8th Army Bde. Amm. Col., i/c, Oct. 1917; 8th Army Bde., Adjt., Sept. 1918; 8th Army Bde. Amm. Col., i/c, Jan. 1919; Messines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras — Vimy — Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Mons; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Despatches, Amiens, Aug. 1918. Tracy, Gordon Frederick; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; 5th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Jan. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1917; Can. Signal Depot, Seaford, Instr. Staff, Mar. 1918; France, Nov. 1918, 4th Div. Sig. Coy. Tracy, Hermann Lloyd; University Coll. 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c 20ist Bn., Sergt., Bandmaster, Feb. 1916; u. of x. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte.; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1917, 53rd Sqdn., Lieut.; Capt & Fit. Cmdr., Nov. 1917; Instr., Mar. -Sept. 1918; R.A.F., i6th Sqdn., Sept. 1918; 13th Sqdn., Jan. 19 19; Ypres sec. Lens — Arras, St. Quentin, etc. Trapp, Juaneita Eliza; b.a. Trinity 1917. Dietitian, 1917-18; Shaughnessy Mil. Hosp., Vancouver; Balfour Sanatm. Travers, John Thomas; Medicine 192 1. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Traverse, Alfred Freeman; University Coll. 1915-17, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. 65th Bty. C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; Cpl., Feb. 1918; Sergt., Mar. 1918; Can. Signal School, Petawawa, Instr., July 1918; 2nd Can. Tank Bn.; r.s.a., King- ston, Cadet. Tr.\ynor, Aloysius Victor; b.a. St. Michael's 1917; c.o.t.c R.F.C, Cadet, Mar. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. Tread WELL, Norman Howell; b.a. University Coll. 19 13. loth Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., 1916; (Further details not available.) Treble, Charles Edward; Victoria 1898, m.b. 1901, m.d. 1904. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Apl. 1916. (Died Oct. 28, 1919.) Trees, Alexander George; b.a.sc 1915 (1910); 36th Regt., Lieut. 234th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 2nd c.m.r.; Meri- court, Amiens; Wounded severely, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918; Invalided. Tregillus, Cyril Alwyn; b.s.a. 19 13. c.a.s.c, Pte., Apl. 1915; c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., 4th Div. Amb. Workshop, Lieut.; o/s. June 1916; Injured Oct. 1917. Treleaven, Clifford Leroy; b.a. Victoria 1914, m.a. 1915; c.o.t.c R.F.C, Cadet, June 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Lieut.; Transfd. Admiralty, Bd. of Invention & Research. ROLL OF SERVICE 497 Trelford, William Glenn; d.d.s. 19 13. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., June 1915; A. d.d.s., m.d. 2, Capt.; o/s. ApL 1916; Folkestone, Epsom; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Aug. 1917-June 1919. Tremayne, Herbert Ernest; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895; R.o., Capt. C.A.M.c, Capt., Oct. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Jan. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.* Tremayne, John Ernest; Trinity 1914-15, b. a. sc. 1916; c.o.t.c; 12th Regt., Lieut. 127th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; C.E., July 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 107th Can. Pion. Bn.; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Aug. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Ypres, etc. Trewin, Robert Forbes; Education 1914, (Victoria 1923). 220th Bn., Pte., June 1916; L-Cpl.; 134th Bn., Pte.; France, Aug. 1918, Can. Cps. Sig. Base; 3rd Bn., Sept. 1918; Cambrai, Douai, etc. Trimble, Dana Newcomb; Applied Science 1914, University Coll. 1915, b.a. (Harv.) A.E.F., 1st U.S. Engrs., ist Div., Pte., May 1917; Cpl., June 1917; [i9i5- France, Aug. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918; Lorraine (Oct. 1917), Toul (Jan.-Apl. 1918), Montdidier — Noyon, Cantigny (May 1918), Soissons (July 1918) ; Wounded, Soissons, July 20, 19 18; American Distinguished Service Cross, Soissons, July 20, 1918. Tripp, Ralph Newton; m.b. 191 i; c.a.m.c, m.d. 12, Lieut. C.A.M.c, Capt., Nov. 1917; o/s. July 1918; Can. Spec. Hosp., Witley, Sept. 1918; Can. Mil. Hosp., Epsom, May 1919; London Area, 1919. Trivett, Alexander Christopher Sargent; b.a. University Coll. 1912, m.a. 1913, 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; France, [Wycliffe 19 15; c.o.t.c Sept. 19 15; Cadet; Wounded, Armentieres, July 12, 19 16; Discharged Oct. 1916; Recruiting Offr., M.D. 2, Lieut.; y.m.c.a.; o/s. Sept. 1917; Capt., 1917; Returned Oct. 1918. Trow, Ralph Meredith; b.a.sc. 19 13. C.E., M.D. 4, Lieut., May 1917; Siberian Ex.F., c.e., Sept. 1918. Troy, Martin Leo; St. Michael's 19 16. Can. Cyclists, Pte., Sept. 19 16; France, Mar. 19 18, Can.- Cps. Cyclists; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Truemner, Norman Peter; d.d.s. 1918; c.o.t.c c.A.D.c, Sergt., Feb. 1918; Lieut., Mar. 1918; m.d. 3. Trumpour, John Ryerson; Victoria 1915-17; c.o.t.c Impl. Y.M.C.A.; o/s. June 1917; India, Aug. 1917; Mesopotamia, Oct. 1917; Makina Camp, Basra; Advance Rest Camp, Baghdad, Dec. 1917; Samarra Post, Feb. 1918; Baghdad Central y.m.c.a., Secty., June 1918. Truscott, Russell Sturtbridge; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c C.E., Signals, Feb. 1916; France, Sept. 1916; Somme, V^imy, Passchendaele; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Tucker, Gilbert Norman; University Coll. 19 18; c.o.t.c 135th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France; Wounded Apl. 1918; (Further details not available) . Tucker, Thomas Stuart; d.d.s. 1915; c.o.t.c; 42nd Regt., Lieut. c.A.D.c, Lieut., July 1916; Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; att. Can. Ry. Tps., Purfleet, May 1917; att. 3rd ccd., Seaford, Nov. 1917; Bde. clinic, Seaford, May 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1918. TUFFORD, .'\LE.\'ANDER AuSTIN; B.A.SC. I917; C.O.T.C. c.i;., M.I). 4, Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918; Khaki Univ., Instr., Nov. 1918. Tullek, I'hm.o William; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. C.A.M.c, Lieut., Aug. 1915; r.a.m.c, Feb. 19 16; France, Mar. 19 16, No. 24 Gen. Hosp.; No. 71 F(\. Anib., 23r(l Div.; No. 70 Fcl. Amb., 23nl Div.; No. 10 —33 498 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Gen. Hosp.; No. 9 Sta. Hosp.; No. 90 Fd. Amb., 32nd Div.; No. 36 Gen. Hosp.; Vimy sec, Warloy-Baillon, Aveluy, Thiepval, etc.; Discharged Jan. 1917. TuRNBULL, Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1915, Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.x.c. 40th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 13, 1917; Invalided Feb. 19 18. TuRNBULL, Arthur Grant; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. R.F.C, Cadet, May 1917; (Further details not available). Turner, Edward Allan; Trinity 1917; 41st Regt. C.A.s.c, Pte., Feb. 1915; Sergt.; France, Aug. 19 16, Cpl.; Sergt., Nov. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Staff q.m.s., w.o., ii, Jan. 1919. Turner, Francis Mills; b.a. Trinity 1915. U.S.A. Ordnance Cps., Gas Warfare Dept., Apl. 1917; a.e.f., Chem. Warfare Svce., Lieut., Oct. 19 18. Turner, George Charles; University Coll. 1915-17, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Pte., Feb. 1917. Turner, Harris (m.p.p.); University Coll. 1909. 1st Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, p.p.c.l.i.; Somme (19 15). Ypres (1916); W'ounded (blinded), Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Discharged 19 17; Russian Cross of St. George. Turner, John Whitlock; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. c.A.D.c, Capt., Sept. 1916. TuTT, James McIntosh; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. C.A.s.c, No. 2; o/s. Coy., Cpl.; A/Sergt.-Major; o/s.; Pte., Cpl.; C.A.s.c Res., Shorncliffe. (Further details not available). TuTT, William Robert; m.b. 191 i. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Nov. 1914; r.a.m.c, Lieut., July 1915; No. i34Fd. Amb.; Capt., July 1916; France; m.o. i/ist Cambridge Regt., Apl. 1916; Gassed June 1916; No. 5 Conv. Depot, Cayeux, i/c Surg. Div., Aug. 1916; m.o. 93rd Bde., R.F.A., Mar. 1917; Wounded and gassed July 12, 1917; M.o. ist Siege Art. Res. Bde., Eng., Oct. 1917; M.o., Argyll & Sutherland Hdrs., Edinburgh Castle, Feb. 1918; Invalided Nov. 1918. Tuttle, Howell Alfred; b.a.sc. 1917. U.S.A. Res.; u.s. Sig. Cps., Aviation sec. Cadet, Aug. 1917; Sec. Lieut., May 1918. Tweedy, George J.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890. U.S.A., Med. Cps., Capt., Oct. 1918; Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, la. TwiGG, Charles Blacker; b.s.a. 1907. c.A.M.c, 6th o/s. draft, No. i Fd. Amb., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916; No. 6 Can. Fd. Amb., July 1916; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens sec. Arras sec; Invalided Apl. 7, 1918. Tye, Howard Warner; Applied Science 1908, Diploma. 195th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 78th Bn., Works Offr.; 12th Can. Inf. Bde., Vvorks Offr., Mar. 1918; 12th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Apl. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Invalided Apl. 1918; m.c, Vimy- Avion- Pass- chendaele, gaz. Jan. 1918. TvRER, Wilfred Lorne; m.b. 1914; 35th Regt., q.m.s. c.A.M.c, Capt., Oct. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Salonica, July 1916, No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 79 Impl. Fd. Amb., Jan. 1917; No. 5 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1917; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Dec. 19 17. Tyrwhitt, Raymond; Applied Science 1915; c.o.t.c 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 215th Bn., Capt., Adjt., 1916; France, July 1917, Impl. Army, Capt.; Area Cmdt.; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 499 Tytler, William Howard; b.a. University Coll. 1906, m.b. 1909; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; No. 14 Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; Seed, to War Off., No. i Mob. Labty.; No. 2 Can. c.c.s., Major, Dec. 1916; Ypres (1916); No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1919; No. 15 & No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosps.; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom; Despatches July 1919. Underbill, Frank Hawkins; b.a. University Coll. 191 1, b.a. (Oxon.). 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Sept. 1915; Hertfordshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, ist Hertfordshire Regt.; Lieut., Mar. 1918; Ypres sec, Cambrai; Wounded, Villers-Faucon, Mar. 22, 1918. Underwood, George Balfour; University Coll. 1921, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Ungar, Edison Bidwell; Veterinary Coll. 1913-15 (1918-19). 15th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; CA.v.c, Sergt., Sept. 1916; att. 15th Bty., 6th Bde., C.f.a.; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Upshall, Orval Stanley; phm.b. 1915. c.a.m.c; o/s.; (Further details not available). Ure, Douglas Gordon; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc. 1920). C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1917; c.e., Fort McNab, Halifax, N.s. U RQUH ART, Aeneas Macklw; University Coll. 1919, (Medicine 1924); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1917; Impl. t.m. Bty., Sec. Lieut., Lieut.; France; Prisoner, St. Quentin, Mar. 28, 1918. Urquhart, George Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1908, ll.b. 1911; 21st Regt., 241st Bn., Lieut., June 1916; Can. m.g. Depot, Nov. 1917; France, [Lieut. Apl. 1918, 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Iwuy. Urquhart, George Theodore; Medicine 1918, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. I2th Bde., c.f.a. , Gnr., Mar; 1916; 13th Bde., c.f.a., Med. Sergt.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens sec; Returned to complete course Jan. 1918. Urquhart, Richard William Lvn; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920), (Medicine c.e.. Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; C.A.M.C, Nov. 1917; France, [1923); C.O.T.C June 1918; Arras; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Urquhart, Thomas Cameron; University Coll. 1915; c.a.s.c, Lieut. CA.s.c, Lieut., Dec. 1914; 80th Bn.; 44th Bn.; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 10, 1917; Discharged Jan. 1918. Utley, Regi^'ald Albert; Applied Science 191 i. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte, June 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Armen- tieres, Somme (1915), Kemmel, Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Discharged Apl. 1918. Valens, Ashley William ; m.b. 1918. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., July 1918; m.d. 13, Calgary. Vallentyne, Harold James; Education 1908; c.s.c.i., Lieut.; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1916; Bdr., May 1916; Q.M.s., Sept. 1916; FVance, May 1917, 21st Bty., Gnr.; Bdr., Sept. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Van Blaricom, Earl Winfield; Victoria 1910. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 52nd Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens — Vimy — Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. 500 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Van Camp, John Lloyd; Forestry 192 i (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; R. Can. Naval Air Service, Fit. Cadet, Sept. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918; att. r.a.f.. Airships Dept. Vanderburgh, J. W. Stanley; Victoria 1915. 63rd Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Feb. 1917, 28th Bn.; L-Cpl., Apl. 1918; Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Arleux, May 3, 1917. Van Norman, Clarence Percival; b.a.sc. 1911; 12th Regt., Lieut. 127th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; No. i Constr. Bn.; ist Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Oct. 1916; Somme, Ypres sec; Invalided Feb. 1917; France, June 1917; In- valided Dec. 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. • Van Norman, Karl Halifax; m.b. 1904. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Oct. 1915; o/s. Nov. 1915; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Dec. 1915; Capt.; d.a.d.m.s., London Area, Nov. 1916; Invalided June 1917; Brit. & Can. Recruiting Mission, U.S.A., July 1917; a.d.m.s. Staff, m.d. 2, Sept. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1917; Registrar & Adjt., Mar. 1918; att. D.G.M.S., London, Oct. 1918; d.a.d.m.s.. Mar. 1919. Van Nostrand, Cornelius Innes; University Coll. 1909; Cps. of Guides, Lieut. r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., July 1915; Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Feb. 1916, 12th Sqdn.; Somme; Prisoner July i, 1916; Transfd. to Holland May 1918. Vanston, Frederick Harold; b. a. University Coll. 19 13; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; att. School of Muskty., m.d. 2, A/Sergt., Mar. 1918; o/s.. Cadet, Sept. 19 18. Van Wyck, Hermon Brookfield; b.a. Victoria 1912, m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Sergt., Apl. 1915; Capt. and Adjt.; Salonica, Sept, 1917; Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918. V.vrdon, Lester Milton; Applied Science 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai-Mons. Varey, John Matthew; b.s.a. 1916. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Bdr., Cpl.; Lens, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; D.c.M., Oct. 1918. Vaughan, Orval Douglas; Applied Science 191 7 (1920); c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Mech. Tpt., May 1916; o/s. July 1917; Seed. Ministry Munitions, Air Min. Br., Dec. 1917; France, May 1918, c.e., Mech. Tpt. Coy.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Vaux, Francis Leonard; m.d., cm. Trinity 1885; Perm, c.a.m.c. Major. c.A.M.c, No. I Gen. Hosp., Major, Sept. 1914; t/a.d.m.s., Canadians, Tidworth & Shorncliffe; France, May 1915, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Aug.-Sept. 1916, (Somme); and Aug.-Dec 1917, (Arras — -Passchendaele); l. of C; Invalided Dec. 1917; Lt.-Col. Veitch, Ambert Hastie; m.b. 1911. c.A.M.c, m.o. i6oth Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; o/s. Oct. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, m.o. 8th Bn.; No. 3 Can. P'd. Amb.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded Oct. 19 18; M.c, gaz. June 3, 1919; Despatches Nov. 1918. Veitch, Hugh Duncan; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, Lieut.; Capt., m.d. 2, Jan. 1918: (Further details not available). Verity, Lloyd Egerton; Medicine 19 19, (m.b. 1920). r.f.c, Cadet, 1917; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr.; Returned to complete course July 1918. Verity, Morley Fountain; b.a.sc 1914; 38th Regt., Lieut. 125th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1918, 54th-Bn.; A/Capt., Oct. -Nov. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; m.c. Chilly, Aug. 19, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE soi Vernon, Arthur Arundel Harcourt; Trinity 1917, Applied Science 1918. 2nd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Feb. 1915; East Surrey Regt., Sec. Lieut., June 1915; France, Dec. 1915, loth East Surrey Regt.; r.f.c, 25th Sqdn., Nov. 1916; R.A.F., Capt., Apl. 1918; Italy, June 1918, 139th Sqdn.; France, Oct. 1918, 48th Sqdn.; Prisoner Nov, 4, 1918. ViCKERS, Reginald Jabez; b.v.sc. 1912; 12th Dragoons, Farr. Sergt. c.A.V.C, att. 6th Bde., c.f.a., Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt., July 1915; France, Jan. 1916; No. 2 Can. Mob. Vety. Sec, o.c, Apl. 1918; a/d.a.d.v.s., June-Aug. & Sept. -Oct. 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; M.c, gaz. Jan. i, 1919. ViCKERY, Clarence Albert; Education 1913; 34th Regt., Lieut. 182nd Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 208th Bn.; France, Jan. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; Gassed, Arras, Mar. 1918; No. i School of Instr., Capt. ViNiNG, A. M.; Veterinary Coll. 1915-17; c.o.T.C. C.A.V.C, Lieut., July 1918. ^ViPOND, Frank; Trinity 1905; 36th Regt., Chaplain. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., Apl. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Red Cross Hosp., Buxton; Can. Conv. Hosp., Uxbridge, Feb. 191 7; France, July 1917, att. 58th Bn.; Lens; Injured, Neuville St. Vaast, Sept. 6, 1917; Invalided, Feb. 1918; att. r.a.f., Canada, June 1918. VOADEN, Wendall Wycliffe; d.d.s. 1920; c.o.T.C. c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1917; Returned to complete course Nov. 1917. Vogelman, Edward; phm.b. 1915. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) VoKES, Fr.\nk Perry; University Coll. 1911; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 55th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., June 1916; France, Sept. 1917, 27th Bty.; ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Neuville- Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Lievin, Jan. 21, 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. VoKES, Victor Vincent; Applied Science 1912; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1917; R.A.s.c, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, May 1918, 65th Army Fd. Art. Bde. Park Sec; Aire — Peronne. VON GuNTEN, Carl P'rederick; b.a.sc. 1913. A.E.F., 411th Engr. Cps., Pte., Oct. 1917; Sergt., Nov. 1917; Master Engr., Dec. 1917; 605th Cps. Engr. Regt., July 1918; France, Oct. 1918. VON Gunten, Clarice Louise; b.a. University Coll. 1913. U.S.A. Base Hosp., No. 13, Secty., Apl. 1918; France, May 1918. Vrooman, Fulton Schuyler; m.b. 1904. c.A.M.c, Capt., Nov. 1916; Mil. Hosp., Cobourg, o.c; o/s. Mar. 1918; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp. Waddell, Frank Melbourne; Applied Science 1917 (1921). u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 19 18; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., Instr., Feb. 1919. Waddington, Melville Wells; Trinity 1918; c.o.T.C I2th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Lieut., Mar. 1916; 84th Bty.; France, July 1917, Seed, r.f.c, 20th Sqdn., Obsr.; Passchendaele; Instr., Canada, Feb. 1918; R.A.F., Flying OfTr., Aug. 1918. Wade, George Harrison; m.d., cm. Trinity 1897, f.t.m.c; ca.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, m.o. 175th Bn., Capt., June 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; M.o. 21st Res. Bn.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; Major, Oct. 1918. 502 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wade, Stanley Gilbert; b.a. Trinity 1903, m.a. 1904. Impl. Chaplain Svce., Capt., May 1917; 2/5th East Lancashire Regt., 66th Div.; France, May 1917; 198th Inf. Bde.; Ypres (1917-18), Somme, March Retreat, etc.; Wounded, Le Cateau, Oct. 18, 1918; Hon. c.F. 1920. Wagner, Allen Colborne; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. c.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt.; France, July 1917, att. loth Can. Inf. Bde.; 4th Can. Mob. Vety. Sec, o.c, Oct. 1918; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Wagner, Dixon Park; b.a. Trinity 1910, b.a. (Oxon.); 12th Regt., Lieut. o/s. Aug. 1916; 2nd Artists Rifles, Pte., Sept. 1916; nth R. Dublin Fusiliers, Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, ist R. Dublin Fuslrs.; Lieut., July 1918 ; Arras (Apl. 1917), Ypres (Aug. 1917), Foret d'Houthulst, Croisilles, Ep6hy (Dec. 1917), Ypres — Courtrai (Sept. -Oct. 1918); Wounded, Courtrai, Sept. 28, 1918; M.C, Steenbeek, Aug. 9, 1917; Bar to m.c, Courtrai, Oct. 23, 1918. Wagner, Harold Wilfrid; b.a.sc. 19 14. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1918; o/s. June 1918. - ^ Wagner, LeRoy"; m.b. 1918; c.o.t.c. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1918. Wait, George Enoch; Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c; 12th Regt., 220th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; r.f.c, Mar. 1917; France, Oct. 1917; [Lieut. Capt. & Fit. Cmdr., Mar. 1918; r.a.f.; Cambrai, Lens, Amiens, Chateau Thierry, Armentieres, etc; Invalided June 1918; Despatches, Amiens, May 1918. Walcott, William Daniel; b.a.sc. 1912, (c.e. 1920); c.o.t.c. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; 7th Fd. Coy., c.e., Spr.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded severely, Courcelette, Sept. 16, ' 19 16; Invalided and discharged. Waldron, Carl William; m.b. 191 i, d.d.s. 19 15. C.A.M.C, Capt., Dec. 1915; London, Eng.; Can. Eye & Ear Hosp., West Cliff, July i9i6;«No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Major, May 1917; Mentioned, Services, Mar. 1918. Wales, Henry Charles; m.b. 1899; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C, Capt., June 1917; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; i/c Offrs. Conv. Hosp., Toronto. Walker, Agnes Merle Young (Mrs.); m.b. 1916. R.A.M.C, No. I Southern Gen. Hosp., Birmingham. Walker, Albert Henry; b.a. University Coll. 1913, WyclifTe. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; Malta, No. i Balloon Base, Apl. 1918; Alexandria, No. 3 Bain. Base, r.a.f., Lieut.; Imbros, No. II Bain. Base; Constantinople, No. 12 Bain. Base. Walker, Alfred Alexander; University Coll. 1914; loth Regt., Lieut. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Sub-Park, Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Sept. 1917; Can. Cps. Tps. Mech. Tpt. Coy.; Hdqrs., Can. Cps. Mech. Tpt. Col., Adjt.; Hdqrs., s.M.T.o. Can. Cps., Adjt.; Capt., Dec. 1918; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Walker, Charles William; m.b. 1898. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Sept. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt.; Devonport Mil. Hosp.; France, Apl. 1916, No. 8 Base Hosp., Rouen; i/c No. 61 Fd. Amb., att. 20th Div. Train, a.s.c, July 1916; Injured May 1917; M.o. Tank Bn., Boving- ton, Sept. 1917; att. R.A.F., Hursley Park; Winchester Mil. Hosp.; France, Nov. 1917, No. 35 Amb. Train; Returned Apl. 1918; c.a.m.c, Spadina Mil. Hosp., M.D. 2, Capt., Apl. 1918; i/c Temp. Amb. Coy., July 1919. Walker, Earl Hastings; Victoria 1914-15, 16-18; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 503 Walker, Frank Muir; m.b. 1913. c.A.M.c, Lieut.; r.a.m.c, Lieut.; Capt.; Dardanelles; France, M.o. 15th Bde., R.H.A.; Prisoner, Cambrai, Nov. 1917; Repatriated Mar. 1918; C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., June 1918; M.C., Dec. 1917. Walker, George Anton; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c. 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 64th Bty.; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 1916. Walker, George Elder; University Coll. 1917. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 'e' Bty., Can. A. a. Art., 1917; (Further details not available). W.A.LKER, George Thomas; d.d.s. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917. Walker, Harold Colem.a.n; University Coll. 1915, b.a. 1917; g.g.b.g., Lieut. o/s. Sept. 1914; R.F.A., Lahore Div., Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1915; France, Apl. 1915; Lieut., Sept. 1915; Ypres (1915), Neuve Chapelle, Loos; Ypres, Vierstraat — Neuve Eglise, Laventie, Neuve Chapelle sees.. Lens; c.f.a.. Can. School of Gunnery, Lieut.; Capt., Sept. 1916; Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Capt., May 1918. Walker, J.vmes Alexander; b.a.sc. 1910; 72nd Regt., Lieut. Yukon Inf. Coy., Lieut., June 1916; c.f.a., Apl. 1917; (med. unfit); Seed, to Art. Stores Inspection Dept., Ottawa. Walker, Robertson Roy; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, M.D. 2, Lieut., May 1916; Capt., Sept. 1916; i/c c.a.d.c, Niagara, May 1918. Walker, Thomas Earl; R. Coll. Denta'l Surg. 1917; c.o.t.c 26th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 17th Bty., Bdr., Mar. 1917; Neuve Eglise — Kemmel, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 19 17; Invalided and discharged May 1918. Walker, Thomas Willoughby; b.a. Victoria 1899, m.b. 1903; 105th Regt., Lieut. c.A.M.c, m.o. 196th Bn., Capt., June 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Apl. 19 18, No. 4 Can. ccs., i/c Med.; Arras se.c, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Walks, William Goodworth; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c c.A.v.c, Lieut., Capt., Mar. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1917, att. Can. For. Cps., No. 10 Distr., att. 3rd French Army; att. 3rd Can. Div., Mar. 1918; att. 2nd Can. Div., Mar.-Apl. 1918; Coucy le Chateau — St. Quentin sec, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Wall, Stanley Liddle; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13; 27th Regt., Lieut. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1917; o/s. June 1915; Tpt. duty, England — U.S.A. — Egypt; France, Jan. 1916, No. 11 Vety. Hosp.; att. 97th Bde., R.F.A., 2ist Div., Apl. 1916; Invalided Feb.-Apl. 1917; att. 38th Welsh Div., Apl. 1917; La Bassee, Arras, Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele; Eygpt, Greece, Italy (1917-18); France, Feb. 1918; att. i86th Bde., r.f.a., 39th Div.; March Retreat, Arras — Mons; Wounded, Fricourt-sur-Somme, June 28, 19 16. Wallace, Andrew; Education 1913. CA.s.c, Ptc; France, Mech. Tpt. Sec, Can. For. Cps., 1917. Wallace, Harold Holtorf; b.a. University Coll. 1913, Wycliffe. 34th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Oct. 1915; Bdr.; 'c' Bty., r.C.h.a., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Sept. 19 16, 25th Bty., c.f.a.; 2nd Can. Div. Art. Hdqrs., Gas OlTr., Sept. 1917; 2nd Can. Div., Div. Gas OfTr., Jan. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec; Injured Mar. 19 18; Can. School of Gunnery, Instr., .'\ug. 19 18. 504 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wallace, Harry Draper; Applied Science 19 17; c.o.t.c. 234th Bn., Lieut., Capt.; 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Lieut.; o/s. Nov. 19 17; France, Feb. 1918, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai — Valenciennes. Wallace, Herbert Ellerslie; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895. C.a.m.c, M.D. 2, Capt.; Base Hosp., m.d. 2; o/s.; (Further details not available). Wallace, James Hill; b.a. Victoria 1903; 43rd Regt., Lieut. Att. 38th Bn.; y.m.c.a., att. 8th c.m.r., Capt., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, att. 5th c.m.r. ; att. Can. Cps. Hdqrs., i/c Can. Y.M.C.A., France, Major, Feb. 1917; Seed. Chinese Labour Cps., Mar. 1918; Can. Mil. y.m.c.a., o/s., Dep. Supervisor, July 1918; o.b.e., June 3, 1918; Chinese Order of Weng Fu, Mar. 1920; Despatches Jan. 1918. Wallace, James Hugh Gilmor; b.a. Trinity 1905, m.a. 1907; 12th Regt., Lieut. 8ist Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 127th Bn.; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Jan. 1917; Ypres, Passchendaele, etc.; Invalided Dec. 1917; Distr. Depot Hdqrs., m.d. 2. Wallace, John H.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 1917. Wallace, John Stephen Moffatt; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 83rd Hwr. Bty., Oct. 1916; France, Nov. 19 1 7, 4th Can. Siege Bty.; Vimy sec. Lens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Wallace, Malcolm William; b.a. University Coll. 1896, ph.d. (Chicago), Staff; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Capt., 2nd i/c, Mar. i9i6TDec. 1918. [c.o.t.c, Capt. Wallace, Nathaniel Clarke; Trinity 1916; c.o.t.c; 12th Regt., Lieut. 8ist Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Sept. 1916, 20th Bn.; Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 19 17; Invalided July 1917; att. Can. Ry. Tps., Canada, Jan. 1918; Capt., June 1918; Discharged Sept. 19 18. Wallace, Norman Clyde; m.d. 1894; c.a.m.c, Hon. Major. Can. War Contgt. Assoc, Queen's Can. Mil. Hosp., Beachborough Park, Sr. Resdt. M.O., Aug. 1914; c.a.m.c, Capt., Sept. 1916. Wallace, Norman Eric; Trinity 19 18. 40th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., 1915; France, Feb. 1916, i6th Bty.; Somme, Vimy; R.F.C.; Wounded severely Sept. 19, 19 17. Wallace, Paul Anthony Wilson; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c C.E., 5th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Aug. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; ce.. Signal Hdqrs., Shorncliffe, Desp. Rider; Injured Feb. 1918; Invalided. Wallace Robert Harold; Education 19 15. Enl. July 1917; o/s.; ist Bn., CT.C , Lieut. Wallace, Robert Richard; m.b. 1882. o/s. June 1915; R.A.M.c, Capt.; King George's Hosp.; Mil. Hosp., Norwich, O.C& Surgeon; Major; Mentioned, Services, Sept. 1917. Wallace, Wilfred William; Applied Science 19 15. 15th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., May 1915; Bdr.; France; Wounded, Ypres, June 1916; Invalided and discharged Aug. 1917. Wallace, William Fulton; b.a. University Coll. 19 13, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., June 1918; att. Aldershot Camp, N.s.; o/s. Aug. 1918; 6th Can. Res. Bn.; France, Jan. 1919, Can. Gen. Base, Etaples& 2nd Bde., ce. Wallace, William Stewart; b.a. University Coll. 1906, Staff; c.o.t.c, Capt. 139th Bn., Capt., Dec. 1915; Major; o/s. Sept. 1916; 36th Res. Bn.; France, Dec. 1916-Jan. 1917, att. 1st c.m.r.; Vimy sec; Injured Feb. 1917; 3rd Res. Bn., Adjt., June 1917; Pres., Khaki Univ., ShornclifTe, Nov. 1917; Invalided and discharged June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 505 VVallbridge, Fr.\ncis George; b.a. Trinity 1892, m.d., cm. Trinity, 1892; c.a.m.c, c.A.M.c, M.o. 157th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; o/s. Sept. 1916; Pres., [Lieut. Med. Bd. and a.d.m.s. Staff, Witley; France, May 1917, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. Nos. 24 & 47 Brit. Gen. Hosps. ; att. No. '47 C.C.S.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps. ; Ypres sec, Pass- chendaele. Lens sec; a.d.m.s. Staff, London Area; St. Med. Bd., London; Can. Conv. Hosp., Epsom; St. Med. Bd., Sunningdale. Wallis, Arthur Gladstone; m.b. 1905. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Wallis, Hugh Macdonell; Applied Science 1916; 79th Regt. i6th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; L-Cpl., May 1915; 13th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 7th Can. Inf. Bde., Orderly Offr., Jan. 1916; Capt., June 1916; Staff Capt., Sept. 1916; 3rd Can. Div., G.s.o. in (Intell.), Aug. 1917; 4th Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, Feb. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; D.s.c, Mons, Nov. 1918; Despatches June 1918, June 1919. Wallis, James Harold; Applied Science 19 15. i6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; L-Cpl., May 1915; Lieut., July 1915; Capt., Oct. 1916; 7th Can. Inf. Bde., Sept. 1916; 6th Can. Inf. Bde., Staflf Capt., July 1917; Major, Sept. 1917; Can. Cps. Gen. Staff, Dec. 1917; att. Staff G.o.c, Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; nth Can. Inf. Bde., June 1918; G.s.o. Ill, Aug. 1918; att. Hdqrs., Witley, Sept. 1918; a/g.s.o., i, Oct. 1918; Ypres, Festubert, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Festubert, May 18, 1915. Walmsley, Gordon Turnbull; University Coll. 1919, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1918; Impl. Army, Gen. List, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1919. Walmsley, Lewis Calvix; b.a. Victoria 1919, (Education 1920); c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte., Sept. 1917; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1918. Walsh, Harris Leamon; b.a. Trinity 1905. 36th Bn., Lieut., May 19 15; France, Dec. 19 15, 4th Bn.p Ypres; Wounded, Observatory Ridge, June 13, 1916; Returned Sept. 19 16; 215th Bn.; Discharged Apl. 1917. Walsh, Stanley Young; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., May 1916; Mediterranean; Hosp. ship svce.; Dardanelles, att. Gloucestershire Regt.; Mesopotamia; Invalided Sept. 1916; France Jan. 1917; (Further details not available). Walsh, William; Victoria 1871-73. Can. Chaplain Svce.; (Further details not available). Walsh, William Charles; m.b. 1907. c.A.M.c, No. 13 Fd. Amb., Capt., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, No. 13 Fd. Amb.; m.o. 54th Bn.; m.o. 50th Bn.; m.o. 78th Bn.; St. Eloi sec, Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 1918; Despatches, Lens, June 1918. Walt, Charles Finlay; d.d.s. 1903; 49th Regt., Capt. 77th Bn., Lieut., .'\ug. 1915; 80th Bn., Capt.; c.a.d.c; o/s. Dec. 1915; Shorn- cliffe Area; France, Nov. 1916, att. No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Staff, a.d.o.s., m.d. 3, Mar. 1918; a. d.d.s., M.D. 3, Major, Aug. 1918; Despatches Jan. i, 1918. 5o6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Walters, John James; m.b. 1899. c.A.M.c, M.o. ii8th Bn., Capt.; Pres., Med. Bd. ; Hosp. svce. (Further details not available). Walton, Arthur Harold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 19 19, (d.d.s. 1920). c.A.M.c, No. I C.C.S., Pte., Aug. 1914; Sergt.; o/s. Sept. 1914; France, 1915-16; c.A.D.c, Sergt., Apl. 19 16. Walwyn, Frances Marion; Victoria 1912-13. St. John's Amb. Assoc, v.a.d.; o/s. June 1917; att. 2nd London Mil. Hosp., Chelsea; Can. y.m.c.a., Beaver Hut, Lady OflFr., Sept. 1918. Walwyn, Willl\m Edwin McLean; Victoria 1916, Medicine 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c. ; 198th Bn., Capt., May 1916; Major, Sept. 1916; France, [36th Regt., Lieut. Mar. 1918, 102nd Bn., Capt.; Major, Oct. 1918; nth Can. Inf. Bde^, Educ Offr., Dec. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Ward, Arthur Lanceley; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.t.c. Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2, Sergt., Signals, Dec. 1915; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1917; R.E., Signals, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918. Ward, James Edward; University Coll. 191 1, b.a. (Oxon.) 1912, m.a. (Oxon.) 1914. Impl. Chaplain Svce., Major; France, Sept. 1915, 75th Inf. Bde., Sr. Chaplain; Wounded, Armentieres, Dec. 14, 1915; att. No. 4 London Gen. Hosp., 1916; Eastern Command Depot, Thetford, Sr. Chaplain, 1917; Canada, Dec. 1917; M.D. 4, Distr. Sr. Chaplain, 1918. Ward, John Wilmot; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Neuville-Vitasse, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 10, 1917; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 12, 1918. Ward, William Fitzgerald; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c. 1st Bn., C.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; o/s. Feb. 1918; 12th Res. Bn.; Khaki Univ., Witley, Instr., June 19 18. Ward, William Frank; Education 19 16; c.o.t.c, 85th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; Cpl.; Siberian Ex. F. Wardlaw, Norman; University Coll. 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c. c.o.t.c. draft, Apl. 1916; 32nd Res. Bn., Pte.; Impl. Rifle Bde., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 13th Rifle Bde.; Lieut.; r.f.c, 26th Sqdn., Sept. 1917; France, July 1918, iioth Sqdn., Indep. Air Force; Arras (1917), Rhine Valley raids (1918); Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 11, 1917. Wark, Albert Edward; d.d.s. 1905. c.A.D.c, att. 158th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; m.d. ii; Capt., July 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; att. No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1918, att. 9th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Bapaume — Mons. Warner, Carleton Griffin; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 86th M.G. Bn., Lieut., 1915; Capt., May 1916; France, May 1917, 2nd Can. m.g. Coy., Lieut.; 13th Can. m.g. Coy., June 1917; ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Mar. 1918; A/Capt., Sept. 19 18; Capt.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Cagnicourt, Sept. 2, 19 18. Warner, Wilfrid Parsons; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., Apl. 1917; R.N. Hosp., Haslar; h.m.s. 'Forester', May 1917; English Channel; Returned to complete course Jan. 1918; D.s.c, May 1918. Warren, Cameron Alexander Andrew; m.b. 1901; ca.m.c, No. 11 Fd. Amb., Major. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Major, Apl. 19 15; d.a.d.m.s., m.d. 2; Lt.-Col.; Base Hosp., m.d. ROLL OF SERVICE 507 2, T, o.c, Sept. 1916; A.D.M.S., Brit. & Can. Recruiting Mission, N. Yoric; Siberian Ex.F., No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb., o.c, Sept. 1918; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Warren, Donald Alexander; b.a. University Coll. 1910, m.b. 1912. R.A.M.c, Lieut., Nov^ 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1915, and Apl. 1916, No. 18 Gen. Hosp.; No. 10 Fd. Amb., May 1916; No. 22 c.c.s., July 1916; m.o., 1st R. Warwickshire Regt., Aug. 1916; Somme, Le Transloy, Arras (1917), Passchendaele; C.A.M.C, Capt., Jan. 1918; King's Can. Red Cross Hosp. - Bushey Park, Adjt. & Registrar; m.c, Fampoux, Apl. 11, 1917; Despatches June 19 1 7. Warren, Percival Sydney; Trinity 1917, (b.a. 1920). 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Bdr., CpL; i8th Bty., Mar. 1917; Sergt.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Gassed and shell-shocked, Passchendaele, Nov. 2, 19 17. Warrington, Stamford John Thomas; Applied Science 1913. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Warwick, Robert; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.T.c. 1st Can. Amm. Sub-Park, Pte.; o/s.; R.F.C., Cadet, Oct. 1917; r..\.f., Sec. Lieut., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Washbl'rn, Bert Lawrence; Trinity 1911, d.d.s. 1915. C.A.D.C, Lieut., Capt.; att. Mil. Hosp., Quebec. Washington, Frederic Paul Laurence; Trinity 1917; 13th Regt., Lieut. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., June 1915; France, Mar. 1917; Eastern Mediterranean & Greece, Mar. 1917-1918; Fit. Lieut., June 1917; R.a.f., Capt., June 1918. Washington, Harold Albert; Applied Science, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917-; L-Cpl., CpL; c.e., Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Wasson, Everett Lawrence; University Coll. 1917 (1923), WycliflFe; c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 6th c.m.r.; 4th c.m.r.; L-Cpl., May 19 15; France, Oct. 19 15; Messines — Neuve Eglise, Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Repatriated Apl. 1918. Waterous, Reginald Joseph; University Coll. 1919. C.F.A., Lieut., May 1916; France, June 1917; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Waters, Donald Mackenzie; Applied Science 1915 , (b.a.sc. 1920). 32nd Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 51st Bty., Feb. 1916; France, July 1917, t.m. Bty., C.F.A., 4th Can. Div. ; Capt.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918; M.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Watson, Benjamin Philip; m.d., ch.b. (Ed.), f.r.c.s. (Ed.), Staff. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Oct. 1915-Sept. 1916. Watson, Clarence Herbert Dean; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1917 (1921); 46th Regt., loth Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915, loth Bn.; Town [Lieut. Major, Houdain, winter 1917-18; 8th Can. Inf. Bde. Staff, Lieut.; Messines — Fleurbaix, Ypres (1915), Ypres, Hill 60 (1916), Vimy, Hill 70, Arras; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 23, 1915, and Mt. St. Eloi, May i, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Watson, Douglas Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920 (1921). C.A.D.C, Pte., June 1917. W.^tson, Ervin Herbert .'\lfred; b.a. University Coll. 1900. 20ist Bn., Lieut., Aiil. 1916; 198th Bn., Major, Capt.; o s.; Invalided Apl. 1918. Watson, George Francis; Medicine 1919 (1921). R.N.V.R., .Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. .Sulj-Licut.; h.m.s. 'Hydrangea'; Gibraltar, Singapore. 5o8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Watsox, George Herbert; Medicine 1922 (1923). R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918. Watson, Harry Jackson; m.d., cm. Trinity 1899, m.d. (Man.); 3rd Regt. c.A.M.c, M.o. 144th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Sept. 1916; a.d.m.s. Staff, Bramshott, Oct. 1916; Staff, d.g.m.s., Ottawa, Aug. 1917; Pres. Med. Bd., M.D. 10, Nov. 1917; Discharged Dec. 1917; U.S.A. Med. Cps.; No. i Gen. Hosp., New York, Mar.-Dec. 1918. Watson, James Graeme; University Coll. 19 13; 48U1 Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Oct. 19 16, ist Bn.; Vimy-Souchez- Roclincourt sec; Wounded, Arras — Lens Road, Apl. 5, 1917; att. 5th Can. Bde. Hdqrs., Bramshott, & Div. Hdqrs., Shorncliffe; Invalided Dec. 1917; Hdqrs., M.D. 2, Capt., Aug. 1918. Watsox, James Morrison; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920). 55th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 20th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Gassed, Zonnebeke, Nov. i, 1917; North Russian Ex.F., 68th Bty.,c.F.A., Aug. 1918; Russia, Sept. 1918; Vaga & Dwina sees. ; Russian Medal of St. George, June 19 19. Watson, John Pringle; Applied Science 1904, b.a.sc. 1906. 1st Depot Bn., ist Que. Regt., Pte., Jan. 1918; C.E., Spr., Feb. 1918; L-Cpl., Mar. 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. July 1918; 2nd Res. Bn., c.e. Watson, Lanceley Thomas; Applied .Science 1915, (b.a.sc. 1920). 134th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 15th Bn.; Lens sec. Arras sec; ■Wounded, Arras, Apl. 15, 1918. Watson, McClelland Barry; b.a.sc. 191 i, c.e. 1916, (m.e. 1918); 2ndFd. Coy., c.e., 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Aug. 1914; Sergt.; c.e., ist Div. Sig. Coy.; [Cpl. Injured Dec. 24, 1914; R.E., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1915; Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Oct. 1915, R.E., 147th Coy.; Somme; r.f.c, Dec. 1916; Instr., 14th, 36th, 32nd Res. Sqdns., England and Scotland; Instr., Canada; o.c. 84th Res. Sqdn.; 82nd Tr. Sqdn., A/Flt. Cmdr., Sept. 1917; R.a.f. Watson, Orville Pearce; phm.b. 1915. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918. Watson, Peter James; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1916; Capt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; att. c.a.s.c; Returned Nov. 19 17. Watson, Philip Caiger; University Coll. 19 18, Wydiffe. c.A.M.c, No. ii Fd. Amb., Pte., Feb. 1915; 26th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Discharged, medically unfit. May 19 15. Watson, William Harold; b.a. Victoria 1916; 20th Regt., Lieut. 75th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; i6th Can. m.g. Coy., Jan. 1917; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Returned Dec. 1917; att. r.a.f. Hdqrs., Toronto, Capt., Jan. 1918; Mentioned, Services, Sept. 1919. Watt, Herbert James; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Apl. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; France, May 1917; att. New Zealand Ex.F., 3rd Bde. Art., June 1917; att. 48th Bde., r.f.a., Nov. 1917; 111 Oct. 1918; att. 38th Welsh Div., Nov. 1918; Armentieres (1917), Ypres (1917), Somme (1918), Lens (1918). Watt, Willlvm Ewart; University Coll. 1907. c.a.s.c. No. 7 Depot Unit of Supply, Pte., June 19 15; Sergt.; s.s.M., Wt. Offr.; France, Sept. 1915-1919. Watts, Egbert Madden; Applied Science 1910; r.o. Lieut. 198th Bn., Capt., Feb. 1916; Major, Mar. 1916; France, July 1917, att. 7th ROLL OF SERVICE 509 Impl. Cps. Hdqrs. Stafif; 4th Impl. Cps. Hdqrs. Staff, Feb. 1918; g.h.q., 'q' Branch, Apl. 1919; Despatches Jan. 1919. Watts, Frederick Earle; m.b. 1904; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 19 15; Salonica, Nov. 19 15; Invalided June 1917; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Basingstoke, Sept. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Can. Cas. Coy., Sept. 1918; No. 4 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dec. 1918; A/Lt.-Col., Jan. 1919; No. 16 Can. Gen. Hosp., Lt.-Col., July 1919. W.AUGH, Bruce W-\llace; b..\.sc. 1912. 9th C.M.R., Pte., July 1915; loth c.m.r.; i8th Can. m.g. Coy. ; France, Mar. 1918; Arras sec; Wounded, Arras, May 22, 1918. Waugh, John Keith; A- plied Science 19 15. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1915; R.n.a.s. Sta., Calshot, Instr., Mar. 1916; R.N.A.s. Sta., Portland, o.c, Mar. 1917; R.a.f., Capt.; D.s.c, 1918; Despatches Jan. 1919; Permt. r.a.f., 1919. Way, William Stanley; b.a. (McMaster), Education 1918; c.o.t.c. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918. Weale, Oliver C; Veterinary Coll. f9i5-i7; c.o.t.c, Sergt. 1st Depot Bn., ist C.O.R., Pte., Apl. 1918; c.a.v.c, m.d. 2, May 1918; Sergt., June 1918; Siberian Ex.F., Remount Sqdn., Oct. 1918; L-Cpl., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Wearne, Harry; b.s.a. 191 i. i6th Bty., C.F.A., Cpl. Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; Injured Feb. 1917; R.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Apl. 1918; Lieut., May 1918; Injured July 1918. Weart, Aylmer Joshua; m.d., cm. 1905. c.a.m.c, m.d. 13; Lieut., Mar. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; M.G. 15th Res. Bn., Jan. 1917; att. ca.s.c. Mar. 1917; m.o. 19th Res. Bn., June 1917; a.d.m.s. Staff & St. Med. Bd., Bramshott, Aug. 1917; Med. Bds., m.d. 13, Dec. 1917; Calgary Mil. Hosp., Aug. 1918; Col. Belcher Mil. Hosp., Calgary, Adjt. & M.O., Apl. 1919. Weaver, Eugene John; St. Michael's 1919. R.N.V.R., Seaman, Jan. 1917. Webb, Fred Earlby; m.b. 1913. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt.; France; r. a. m.c, M.o. 17th R. Sussex Regt.: Despatches July 1919; (Further details not available). Webster, Cecil Alexander; b.s.a. 1913; 77th Regt. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Pte., May 19 15; o/s. June 19 15; 15th Middlesex Regt., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Webster, Douglas Barr; Applied Science 1915, Medicine 1919; c.o.t.c 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr.; r.c.h.a., Lieut.; France, Apl. 1916; R.cii.A. Bde., Adjt., Mar. 1918; Capt., Oct. 1918; Somme, German Retreat (Mar. 1917), Hill 70, Cambrai (Nov. 1917), St. Quentin Retreat (Mar. 1918), Amiens, LeCateau; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 19, 1916; Despatches (Lc Cateau, Oct. 8, 1918), gaz. Jan. 1919. Webster, Howard; b.a.sc. 1913; 2nd Regt., Univ. Coy., Sergt. 26th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Sergt., Sergt. -Major; 34th Bty., Lieut.; 33rd Bty.; France, July 1916; 19th Bty., Capt., o.c, Nov. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded Somme, Oct. 19, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 13, 1917; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 13, 1917; Despatches June 19 17. Webstek, Robert Newell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920; c.o.t.c. C.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1917; att. iitli Krs. Bn., Sergt.; 510 UNI-VERSITY OF TORONTO R.F.C, Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, r.a.f., 213th Sqdn.; Ypres — Nieuport, att. Belgian iVrmy. Weicker, Julius Johx; Applied Science 1919, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. C.E., Spr., May 1918; France, Nov. 1918, att. c.E., 5t'i Army Tps. Coy.; att. R.E., 472nd Fd. Coy. Weir, Charles; University Coll. 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. C.O.T.C. draft, Dec. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1916, 70th Bde., R.F.A., 15th Div.; Cuinchy — Loos sec, Somme; Wounded, Longueval, Sept. 3, 1916; East Coast & London Defence, nth Mob. a.a. Bty., June 1917; Lieut., July 1917; France, Oct. 1918, 5th Army A. a.a.; Lille — Tournai; Men- tioned, Services, Feb. 20,, 19 19. Weir, David Henry; b.a.sc. 1913. 215th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; ist Depot Bn., 2nd C.O.R., Dec. 1917; CE.; France, Sept. 1918, ist Bn., c.E.; Canal du Nord, Douai — Mons. Weir, Edmund George Harrison; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) WeiRj, Frank Edward; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., June 1916; France, Sept. 1916, nth Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A. ; 3rd Can. Div. Art. Hdqrs.; r.a.f.. Cadet; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens. Weir, James Donnell; m.d., cm. Trinity 1895. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., July 1918; Ft. Sheridan, 111., Hosp. ; Hosp. Div., Chicago, Qr.-Mr., Oct. 1918. Weir, James Gordon; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.a. (Harv.) 1909. 36th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1915; 19th Bn.; France, Jan. 1916, 4th Can. m.g. Bde.; Capt., Aug. 1916; A/Major; 7th Can. m.g. Coy., Aug. 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Major; Lt.-Col., o.c, Feb. 1918; St. Eloi, Hill 60, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; D.S.O., Arras, Sept. 1918; Despatches Apl. 1916, and (Vimy) June 1917. Weir, Milton Laverne; Applied Science 1918, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c E.N.C.V.R., 4th E.R.A., Oct. 1917; H.M.c.T. 'St. Eloi', 3rd E.R.A., Feb. 1918. Weir, Robert; b.a. University Coll. 1911, Education 1912; 2nd Regt.; 95th Regt., 195th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; Major; France, Jan. 1917, 78th Bn.; [Lieut. Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 2, 1917; att. Hdqrs., o.M.F.C, London, May 1918; g.h.q., France, Dec. 1918. Weir, William Hawksley; m.d., cm. Trinity 1896, f.t.m.c r.a.m.c, Capt., Sept. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. Weldon, Harold Stanley; Applied Science 1918 (1922); c.o.t.c Hdqrs. Staff, Ottawa, Lieut., Nov. 1915; 9th Fd. Coy., C.E.; France, Oct. 1916, 6th Fd. Coy.; 6th Bn., C.E.; Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Injured Jan. 22, 1919; M.C, Canal du Nord Sept. 1918; Despatches Jan. 19 1 8. Weldon, Roy; Victoria 19 18; c.o.t.c C.E., Sergt., Instr., Feb. 1916; Spr.; o/s. Dec. 1917; c.s.m.e., A/Cpl. Welford, Percy Gould; b.a.sc 1913. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 49th Bty.; loth Bty., Mar. 1917; 3rd Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A., July 1917; Bdr.; C.F.A., Cadet, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Willerval, Apl. 1917. Wellington, Charles William; University Coll. 19 18; c.o.t.c 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Sub-Park, Pte., Feb. 1916; L-Cpl.; France, June 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col., Pte.; r.f.c. Cadet, Feb. 1918; France, July 1918, CE., ROLL OF SERVICE 511 Mech. Tpt. Coy.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Somme (1918), Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Wells, Archibald Reid; b.a.sc. 1916; c.o.t.c. C.O.T.c. draft, Apl. 1916; 32nd Res. Bn., Pte.; Essex Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Dec. 1916, 13th Essex Regt.; Lieut., July 1917; Somme (1917), Hindenburg Line, Vimy, Opp3', Cambrai (1917), Armentieres (1918), Albert; Wounded Mar. 1918; att. Admiralty, Aug. 1918; M.C., Oppy, Apl. 28, 1917; Despatches Dec. 1917. Wells, Charles Archib.\ld; m.b. 1917; c.o.t.c. 13th Bty., C.F.A., Bdr., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 19 15; Ypres sec; Returned to complete course Feb. 1916; Ca.m.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., May 1917; Capt., May 1918. Well WOOD, George Reginald; Medicine 19 19 (1923); c.o.t.c. 48th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 13th Bty., Sgr.; Bdr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Gassed, Amiens, Aug. 24, 1918. Welsh, George Arthur; Education 19 17; c.o.t.c. R.F.c, Cadet, May 1917; R. a. f., Lieut.; France, 210th Sqdn.; Belgian Croix de Guerre. Welsman, Theodore Squire; University Coll. 19 19, Applied Science 1920; c.o.t.c. R.X.C.V.R., w/t Operator, May 1918; Halifax patrol. Welton, Kenneth; b.s.a. 1916; 9th Bty., c.f.a. 71st Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 4th Bty.; r.a.f., 59th Sqdn., Obsr., June 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Cambrai, Solesmes, Le Quesnoy; Wounded June 19, 1917. Wesley, Timothy Millard; b.a. University Coll. 1904, Knox. i6ist Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Q.M.s.; o/s. Nov. 1916; y.m.c.a., Lieut. West, Alexander Mackenzie; b.a.sc. 1910. 9th Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut., June 1915; France, May 1916; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., att. Chief Engr.'s Staff, Jan. 1918; Capt., May 1918; Major, Nov. 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 23, 1917; m.c, Passchendaele, Dec. 9, 1917; Despatches Jan. 19 1 8. West, Ch.\rles William; b.a.sc. 19 15; c.o.t.c. France, Can. Cps. Tramways Coy., Lieut.; Can. Cps. Light Ry. Constr. Coy., Capt., Major; (Further details not available). West, John Flewelling; University Coll. 1918, Education 1916; c.o.t.c. 238th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1916; Can. For. Cps., 14th Coy.; France, Nov. 1916; Can. For. Cps., Hdqrs., Central Group, Aug. 1918. West, Robert Bruce; b.a. University Coll. 1920 (1920-21). u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918. West, Thomas Macdonald; Applied Science 192 1. R.A.F., 3/a.m., July 1918. West, W. E. S.; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) We5T, William Ralph; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; 23rd Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; 14th Bty., Lieut., Nov. 1916; ist Bty., Oct. 1917; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Valenciennes; Wounded, Calonne, Jan. 11, 1917, Arras, Sept. 5, 1918, and Valenciennes, Oct. 20, 1918; M.c, Arras, Sept. 19 18. Westman, Albert Ernest Roberts; Victoria 1921. R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Fit. Cadet, Sept. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918. 512 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Weston, Rene Edward Amos; m.b. 1908. C.A.M.C, M.o. i68th Bn., Capt., Jan. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Oct. 1917, No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. 2nd Bde., c.f.a.; Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., Bourlon Wood, Sept. 2"], 1918; Despatches Jan. I, 19 19. Whaley, Allyn Bellamy; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 157th Bde., R.F.A. ; x/35th t.m. Bty., r.f.a., June 1916; Lieut., July 1916; R.F.C., Aug. 1917; Somme, Arras (1917); Injured, Arras, Apl. 1917; Despatches Feb. 1917. Wheable, Geoffrey Alfred; Education 1912. 142nd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 64th Bn.; France, May 1917, 1st Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; m.c, gaz. Feb. 1918. Whealy, Arthur Treloar; Medicine 19 18; c.o.t.c. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Sept. 1916, No. 3 Wing; 9th Sqdn.; R.A.F., 203rd Sqdn., Capt.; Saar Valley, Somme, Belgian Coast, Ypres, Lys Valley, Vimy, Arras, St. Quentin; d.s.c, Somme, gaz. Apl. 26, 1918; Bar to D.s.c, Lys Valley, gaz. June 21, 1918; d.f.c, gaz. Dec. 3, 1918; Despatches Nov. 1918. Wheeler, Harold Albert; Education 1914. 228th Bn., Pte., June 1916; France, Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Cadet, May 1918; Sec. Lieut. Wheeler, James Walter; m.d., cm. Trinity 1892. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Wheeler, Thomas Digby; b.a. Victoria 1913, m.a.; m.d., cm. (Man.). C.A.M.C, Capt.; o/s.; att. Risboro' Bks.; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Buxton, Dec. 1917; C.A.M.C Depot, Oct. 1918; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp., Dec. 1918. White, Arthur Henry; b.s.a. 1917. 64th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Sept. 1917. 23rd Hwr. Bty.; Pass- chendaele, Vimy sec. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. White, Clarence Lear; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c 156th Bn., Pte.; Sergt., Feb. 1916; C.Q.M.s., May 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 21st Bn., Pte.; Vimy sec. Arras sec; Cadet; E. Ont. Regt., att. 6th Res. Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1918. White, Garnet C; Summer Sess. 19 15; c.s.c.i., Capt. 1st Sask. Bn., Pte., Jan. 1918; France, May 1918, 28th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918, and Cambrai, Oct. 28, 1918. White, George Brooks; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c 68th Bty., CF. A., Gnr., Aug. 1916; Bdr., Nov. 1916; r.c.h.a., Gnr.; France, Oct. 1917; Bdr., June 1918; St. Quentin Retreat, Picardy sec, St. Quentin, Le Cateau. White, George Edward; m.b. 1913. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Capt., Sept. 1918; Clearing Svce. Cmd., Apl. 1919; o/s. July 1919; A.D.M.s. Staff, M.D. 10, Jan. 1920. White, Harold Frank; Applied Science 1903, Diploma; 7th Regt. CE., M.D. I, Lieut., Mar. 1916; w.o. Regt., 1917; c.e., Jan. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, C.E., 3rd Army Tp. Coy.; Mons. White, Harry Emmanuel; University Coll. 1919; c.o.t.c; 48th Regt. R.O.T.C, Univ. of California, Cpl., Sept. 1918; Sergt., Bn. Sergt. -Major; u.s. Engr. Cps., Univ. of California, s.a.t.c, Pte. White, James Ernest; Victoria 1918 (1920). C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; Sig. t.d., Seaford, Feb. 1918; Hdqrs. Sig. Details, Bramshott, Mar. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 513 White, James Walke; phm.b. 1899; ist c.m.r., S. African War, Medals; c.a.m.c, c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Sergt., Sept. 1914; [No. 11 Fd. Amb., Staff Sergt. Staff Sergt.; o/s. Oct. 1914; Base Med. Supply Depot, Lieut., Qr.-Mr., Mar. 1915; No. 3 Can. Adv. Depot Med. Stores, Capt., o.c, Dec. 1915; France, ApL 1917, No. 2 Can. Adv. Depot Med. Stores, o.c; Ypres sec; A/Major; Can. Central Depot Med. Stores, London, o.c, Dec. 1918; Major, June 1919. White, Lloyd James; University Coll. 19 12. CF.A., Gnr., July 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., July 1917; (Further details not available). White, Olver Clayton; b.s.a. 1910. Can. Vety. Hosp., Tpr., Oct. 1914; Sergt., Nov. 1914; France, Apl. 1915, Can. Vety. Hosp., q.m.s.; c.a.s.c, 2nd Can. Army Aux. Horse Coy., Lieut., Oct. 1916; 2nd Can. Div. Train, Sept. 1918; Ypres — Armentieres sec. (1916-18), Cambrai — Mons(i9i8); Despatches Jan. 1916. White, Orville Reid; Education 1915; c.o.t.c 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Cpl.; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. White, Stanxev George; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c c.a.d.c, m.d. 3, Lieut., May 1917; Capt., May 1918. White, Thomas Esmond; m.b. 1916. C.A.M c, Lieut., 1916; o/s.; (Further details not available). White, William Charles; m.b. 1898, m.d. 1901. Amer. Red Cross, Major; France, July 1917; Chief i/c Div., Tuberculosis, for France; Director Tuberculosis Commn., Amer. Red Cross, for Italy, 1918-19; Commandeur de I'Ordre de Saint Sava, Serbie, Oct. 15, 1918; Commandatore della Corona d'ltalia, Dec. 3, 1919. White, William Russell; b.s.a. 191 5. 56th Bty., CF.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Amiens, Arras, etc.; d.cm., Monchy, Aug. 26, 19 18. Whitelaw, Robert Gordon; University Coll. 1914; 109th Regt., Lieut. 169th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Can. m.g. Cps., Dec. 1917; France, ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Whitelaw, William Menzies; b.a. University Coll. 19 10. Imp!. Y.M.C.A.; Eg>'pt, July 1915; Mesopotamia, Jan. 1916; German East Africa (Kilwa), Nov. 1916; y.m.ca., Canada, Lieut., Aug. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1917; att. Can. Art., Witley; France, Oct. 1918, Can. Cps. Tps.; Mons. Whitley, Percy Lorne; b.a.sc. 1914; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, June 1916. Whitmore, Alfred Ernest; m.d., cm. Trinity 1903. R.A.Si.c, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Whitmore, Norman Wesley; Victoria 1917, (b.a. 1920); c.o.t.c C.E., 4th Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl., Dec. 1917; Somnie, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Whitney, Ralph Leeming; b.a. Victoria 1917; c.o.t.c 198th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 19 16; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Bn., Cpl.; Pto., Apl. 1918; L-Cpl., Sergt., Aug. 1918; Cadet, Nov. 1918; Neuville-Vitasse, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Auberchicourl. Whittaker, Roy Wesley James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Sergt., Apl. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; France, July 1918; Wounded Sept. 13, 1918. Wiiittkmore, William Lwvrf.xce; h.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 191 i. c.a.m.c, m.o. 19th Bn., Lieut., Oct. 1914; Capt.; France, Sept. 1915; Loos, St. —36 514 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somnie; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 19 16; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 1917; Major, Apl. 1918; m.c, Courcelette, Sept. 1916. WicHER, Edward Arthur; b.a. Victoria 1895. U.S.A. Y.M.C.A., Natl. War Work Council, Spec. Secty.; o/s. May 1918; att. u.s. Forces, England & France; att. British Tps., Malta, Eg>'pt, Palestine; Injured July 1918 (ship torpedoed). WiCKHAM, Frederick Earl; Medicine 1920; c.o.x.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., 1916. (Further details not available). Wicks, Albert Garfield; d.d.s. 1917; c.o.t.c. C.A.D.C, Lieut., June 1918; Aldershot Camp, n.b.; Camp Hill Hosp., Halifax. WiDDicoMBE, Arthur Ernest; b.a.sc. 1916. c.o.t.c. No. I Constr. Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 1916. (Died Nov. 7, 1918.) WiDDiFiELD, Charles Russell; b.a. Trinity 1911; 57th Regt., Lieut. 59th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 93rd Bn., Capt.; 39th Bn.; France, Apl. 1917, 21st Bn., Lieut.; Lens, Hill 70; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 18, 1917; Invalided. WiDDiFiELD, James Gillespie; b.a. Trinity 1909. A.E.F., Y.M.C.A., Secty., Sept. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, att. 26th Div.; Soissons, Toul; Discharged Aug. 19 18. WiDDOWs, Robert Francis; University Coll. 1914-16, Wycliffe; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Dec. 1916. Wight, William G.; m.d., cm. Trinity 1890. U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., May 1917; Base Hosp., 85th Div.; Discharged Jan. 1918. WiGLE, Douglas St. John; Medicine 1917 (1922); Cps. of Guides, Sergt. l8th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 4th Can. Inf. Bde. Staff, Jan.- July 1916; 241st Bn., Canada, Capt., Sept. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, i8th Bn.; Ypres (1915-16), St. Eloi, Lens— Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 1918. WiGLE, Ernest S.; b.a. University Coll. 1884; 21st Kegt., Lt.-Col. i8th Bn., Lt.-Col., o.c, Oct. 1914; France, Sept. 1915, i8th Bn.; 4th Impl. Bde., Staff Offr.; Messines — Wytschaete, St. Eloi, Ypres (19 16); Returned June 1916; 3rd Bde., Camp Borden, m.d. 2, Brigadier;- Discharged Dec. 1917. WiGLE, Gerald Benson; Applied Science 1918; c.o.t.c. c.A.s.c, Pte., Dec. 1915; Impl. a.s.c, Mech. Tpt., 640th Coy., 22nd m.a.c; France, Mar. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Apl. 1918; Ypres (1916-17); Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 10, 1917. WiLCOCK, William Stanley; Applied Science 19 15, (b.a.sc. 1920). 2nd Fd. Coy., C.E., Spr., Nov. 1914; 15th Bty., 4th Bde., C.F.A., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Bdr.; Ypres (1915-16), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Pass- chendaele; N. Russian Ex.F., i6th Bde., c.f.a., Aug. 1918; Archangel. Wilcox, George Allen; d.d.s. 1913. C.A.D.C, m.d. 2, Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt.; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. 92nd Bn., Oct. 1916; att. Can. Ry. Tps., Purfleet, Feb. 1917; att. Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton, Oct. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, att. Can. For. Cps., No. 9 Distr.; Albert, Abbeville. WiLDMAN, Vincent; University Coll. 19 18. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1918. WiLFORD, Edward Corry; m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c, Lieut. c.A.M.c, Capt., Jan. 1917; o/s. Feb. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, No. 9 Can. Sta. Hosp.; att. No. 51 Brit. Gen. Hosp.; att. Chinese Gen. Hosp.; No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp. Wilkes, Gerald Hyde; b.a.sc. 1915, (Staff 1919-20); ce., 2nd Fd. Tp., Lieut. 44th Bn., Lieut., May 1915; ce.; France, May 1916,3rd Fd. Coy.; istFd. Coy., ROLL OF SERVICE 515 June 1916; 1st Can. Div. Engrs., Adjt., Feb. 1917; Can. Cps. Reinf. Camp, Engr. Wing, Capt., May 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Wilkes, James Frederick Ransom; Trinity 19 15. King Edward's Horse, Tpr., Sept. 1914; r.f.a., 89th Bde., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 1914; Injured; Discharged Dec. 19 15; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 2,. Record Off., Lieut., Dec. 1915; Capt., 1916; Siberian Ex.F., Hdqrs. Staff, Sept. 1918; Siberia, Sept. 1918. WiLKiE, Charles Stuart; b.a. Trinity 1898, m.a. 1910; S. African War; R. Can. Regt; R.F.A. , Capt., Sept. 1914; 69th Hwr. Bde., 13th Div.; [R. Can. Art.; R.o. Invalided Mar. 1915; Injured (sinking of 'Hesperian'); CF.a., d.a.a.g., Peta- wawa, 1916-17; Major, May 1917; att. r.c.h.a. Depot, and r.s.a., Kingston, Instr., 1916-18. WiLKiE, Robert Harold; University Coll. 1912. 33rdBn., Sergt.; i loth Bn., Sergt.; c.s.m.; o/s.; (Further details not available). WiLKiNs, Alexander R.\lph; phm.b. 19 15, (Medicine 1924). C.E., Signals, Spr., Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1917, c.a.m.c, No. 2 c.c.s., Pte.; Sergt., Sept. 19 18; Ypres — Lille. WiLKiNS, Elwin Dean; Trinity 1916. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 19 15; France, Sept. 19 15; Cpl., Sergt.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Despatches Feb. 1918. Wilkinson, Fr.a.nk Wesley; Medicine 1919 (1921); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, June 1917, 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dr.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Wilkinson, Frederick Hugh; University Coll. 1919 (1923). (Music 1922), Wycliffe. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; 4th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916; loth Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Sig. Sec, June 1917; L-Cpl.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Bar to m.m., Drocourt-Qucant, Sept. 2, 1918; Second Bar to M.M., Cambrai, Sept. 27, 19 18. Wilkinson, Kenneth Bruce; University Coll. 1920; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Dec. 1916; L-Cpl., July 1917; Cpl., Sept. 1917; o/s. (Further details not available.) Wilkinson, Reginald Ernest; University Coll. 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. 77th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Dec. 1916; France, May 1917, Srd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 8th Army Bde. Amm. Col., c.F.A., Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Wilkinson, William Alvy; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. 4th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a., Bdr., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; 13th Bty., C.F.A., Jan. 1916; Cpl., Dec. 1917; 35th Bty., Lieut., Sept. 1918; Kcmmel — Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Cambrai— Mons; Rec for M M., Apl. 1917. Willard, Andrew William; University Coll. 19 12; c.o.t.c. C.O.T.C. draft, Dec. 1915; loth Border Regt., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Williams, Charles Edward; d.d.s. 1910. c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Lieut.; (Further details not available). Williams, Claude Vivian; Medicine 19 19 (1922); 13th Regt., Lieut. 8()tii M.G. Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 6th Can. Bde. m.c;. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Capt., Apl. 19 18; Vimy, Hill 70; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; Returned to complete course Aug. 1918; M.c, Vimy, A|il. 9, 1917. 5i6 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Williams, Egbert Rowland; b.a.sc. 1912; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; 5th King's Own Yorkshire Light Inf., Sec. Lieut.; France, Oct. 19 18. Williams, Julius Edward; Veterinary Coll. 19 12- 14. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Mar. 1915; Capt., Mar. 1916; France, July 1915.; (Further details not available). Williams, Percival Algernon; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Capt., July 1917; M.O., Camp Borden & ist Depot Bn., ist C.O.R.; o/s. Mar. 1918; Can. Gen. Labty., Witley. Williams, Ralph E.; Applied Science 19 16; c.o.t.c. 4th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; 13th Bty., Dec. 1916; Ploegsteert, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Williams, Ralph Wilfred Hodder; b.a.,m.a. (Oxon.j, (m.a. — Hon., Columbia); Staff, 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., [University & Victoria; C.O.T.C, Sergt. June 1915; Cpl., Sergt.; 3rd Welsh Regt., Sec. Lieut.; Can. Gen. List, Lieut.; France, Oct. 1915, Can. Eye Witness Staff; p.p.c.l.i. Depot, Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 19 16; Invalided Apl. 1917; Columbia Univ. O.T.C., i/c Instr., Capt., 1917-18; M.C., Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916. Williams, Robert; Victoria 1913. Impl. Army; (Further details not available). Williams, Russell Henry; Applied Science 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 1916; r.f.c. Mar. 1917; Sec. Lieut., July 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 59th Sqdn.; Cambrai (1917), Queant — St. Quentin; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Feb. 17, 1918; r.a.f., Canada, Lieut., Instr. Williams, Sidney Elton; University Coll. and Forestry 191 1. 15th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Bdr., Feb. 1916; c.f.a., Lieut., Aug. 1917; 43rd Bty., Nov. 1917; Kemmel — Ploegsteert, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Lievin, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Williams, Thomas John; b.a. Trinity 1915. 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1914; Bdr., Cpl.; o/s. May 1915; R.f.a., Sec. Lieut; France, 131st Bde., r.f.a.; 59th Bde., r.f.a.; 58th Bde., r.f.a., Capt.; m.c. Williamson, Fr.\nklin Milton; d.d.s. 1916. c.A.D.c, M.D. 5, Lieut., Feb. 1916; Capt., Dec. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, July 1918. Williamson, Frederick; Trinity 1911-13. Can. Chaplain Svce., Capt., June 19 16; att. Can. Conv. Hosp., London; France, Nov. 1916, No. 3 Can. c.c.s.; att. 4th Can. Inf. Bde.; Vimy, Lens; 5th Can. Res., Aug. 1917; Returned Feb. 1918. n Williamson, Owen Templeton Garrett; b.a.sc 1910. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; Cpl., Jan. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 23rd Bty., Gnr.; Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons. Willis, John Somerville; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 45th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; France, July 1915, 5th Bn.; L-Cpl., Jan. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; Lieut., Sept. 1917; Messines — Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Lens, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Hill 60, July, 24, 1916, and Passchendaele, Nov. 12, 1917, and Arras, Apl. 29, 1918; Despatches, Arras, Apl. 1918. WiLLMOTT, Arthur Roy; b.a. Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1916; Cpl.; r.e.. Signals, Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918, No. 6 Area Sig. Detach.; No. 5 Area Sig. Detach., o.c. May 1918; ROLL OF SERVICE 517 No. 84 Motor Air-line Sec, O.C., Sept. 1918; att. R.E., 22nd Cps. Sig. Coy.; Lens — Bethune sec, Arras sec; Injured Jan. 1919; Despatches Mar. 16, 1919. VViLLMOTT, Lesslie Earl; Victoria 1916, Applied Science 1917, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c, 170th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 124th Bn., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, [Lieut. 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Ypres; r.f.c, 15th Tr. Sqdn., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Instr. ; Injured, Grantham, July 26, 1918. WiLLOUGHBY, Charles James McNeil; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c. R.A.M.c, Lieut., June 1916; Mesopotamia, Aug. 1916, No. 3 Gen. Hosp., Basra; att. River sick-convoy, Dec. 1916; Baghdad Advance, Feb.-Mar. 1917; Capt., June 1917; India; Egypt, Apl.-June 1917; Connaught Hosp., Aldershot, July 1917; France, Mar. 1918, att. Ry. Tpt.; No. 27 Fd. Amb., and M.o. 12th Royal Scots, 9th Scottish Div., June 1918; Lys Retreat (Apl. 1918), Bailleul, Ypres — Scheldt. WiLLOUGHBY, Charles Morley Rae; b.a. University Coll. 1914. 77th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, 6oth Bty.; Cambrai — Mons. WiLLOUGHBY, George McClure; b.a. University Coll. 19 10. 70thBty.,c.F.A., Lieut., Mar. 1916; R.G.A., Lieut., Nov. 1917; France, July 1918; Palestine, Sept. 1918, 29th Indian Mountain Art. Bty., A/Capt.; Bake Ridge, Bagalat — Damascus, El Kastal, etc. WiLLOUGHBY, Henry Albert George; b.a. Victoria 19 10, m.a. 191 i, Education 19 13; 33rd Bn., Capt., Feb. 19 15; Major; 36th Bn.; France, [24th Regt., Lieut. Aug. 1916, 3rd Can. Entr. Bn.; 4th c.m.r., Sept. 1916; Sonime, Arras sec; Invalided Feb. 5, 1917; Seed. Min. of Munitions, Dec. 1917; 3rd Can. Res. Bn., July 1918; Discharged Oct. 19 18. Willows, Clarence Elliott; b.a. Victoria 19 14. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; 8th London Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1916; Lieut., July 1917; r.f.c, 53rd .Sqdn., Lieut.; r.a.f.; Flanders, Somme (19 15), Vimy, Somme (1916), Flanders (1918); Wounded, High Wood, Sept. 15, 19 16. WiLLSON, Herbert George; b.a. University Coll. 1901, m.b. 1907, Staff. c.A.M.c, Lieut., Sept. 1914; Capt., 1915; No. i Med. Bd. of Review, m.d. 2; Siberian Ex.F., No. 16 Fd. Amb., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Mar. 1919. Will SON, William Claremont; phm.b. 19 16; c.o.t.c. c.A.M.c, M.D. 2, Sergt., May 1916; m.d. 6, Staff Sergt., Oct. 1916; Dispenser, Tpt. duty, England — Canada, Nov. 1916-Aug. 1919. Wilson, Alexander Douglas; b.a. University Coll. 1904, ll.b. 1907; 72nd Regt., 47th Bn., Major, Mar. 1915; 72nd Bn., 2nd i/c; France, Aug. 1916; [Capt. 3rd Can. Inf. Bde., Bde. Major, Apl. 19 18; Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; d.s.o., Vimy, Mar. i, 1917; Despatches Jan. i, 1918 ancl Nov. 8, 1918. Wilson, Archibald F'rederick; b.a.sc 1908; Master Sig. Electrn. A.E.F., 2nd Depot Bn., Sig. Cps., Dec. 1917; France, June 1918; u.s. Sig. Cps., Sec. Lieut., June 1919; att. Office, Chief Sig. Offr., Hdqrs. ; Tours; Citation, Meritorious .Service, June 19 19. Wilson, Arthur Hunter; d.d.s. 1920. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; c.a.d.c, m.d. 2, Ptc, Sept. 1918. Wilson, Charles Edgar; m.b. 1915; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, Lieut., May 1915; r.a.m.c, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; No. 106 Vd. Amb.; France, Jan. 19 16; m.o. 19th Northumberland Fusiliers (32 months); M.O. Sherwood Foresters; m.o. Cheshire Regt.; No. 107 Fd. Amb., a/o.C; Somme (Montauban — Guillemont), Arras (1917), Foret d'Houthulst 5i8 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (Passchendaele), Somme (1918), Kemmel, Ypres — Renaix; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., May 1919; u.c, Dernancourt, Mar. 28, 1918. Wilson, Charles Edwin; m.b. 1907; c.a.m.c, m.o. 47th Regt., Capt. c..\.M.c., M.o. 93rd Bn., Capt., June 1916;"^ o/s. July 1916; Returned Oct. 1916. Wilson, Charles Oswald; Applied Science 1919 (1922); 35th Regt., Lieut. 177th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps. ; France, Mar. 19 17; Ypres sec, Messines, Flanders; Injured, Zillebeke, July 1917; Invalided Sept. 1917; Can. Ry. Tps. Depot, m.d. 2, Feb. 19 18; Capt., Aug. 19 18. Wilson, Cleveland Roy; m.b. 1911. C.A.M.C, M.D. 2, Capt., Oct. 1917; Hamilton Mil. Hosp.; o/s. Mar. 1918; Gran- ville Can. Spec. Hosp.; France, Nov. 19 18, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 20 Gen. Hosp., Camiers; att. G.H.Q., 3rd Echelon, Rouen; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Can. Disch. Depot, Buxton; att. Can. g.h.q., London. Wilson, David Bruce; b.a. Victoria 1916, Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920); c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; 119th Bn., Pte.; r.n.v.r., Surg. Probr., Sept. 1917; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Afridi', Oct. 1917; Dover Patrol, Belgian Coast Patrol, Ostend and Zeebrugge (Apl. 23-24, 19 18); Returned to complete course May 1918. Wilson, David Donald; d.d.s. 1905; 49th Regt., Lieut. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Lieut., June 1915; o/s.; att. 39th Bn., Capt.; France, Mar. 1916, att. 3rd Can. Pion. Bn.; Messines, Ypres sees.; Can. Base, Le Havre; ist Can. Res. Bde., Engl., Sr. Dental Offr.; Returned Oct. 1917; a.d.d.s., m.d. 3; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Wilson, David Gordon; Medicine 1917, (m.b. 1920). 1st Bde. Hdqrs., C.F.A., Gnr., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Cpl.; Fleurbaix, Ypres, Festubert, Quinchy, Ploegsteert; c.a.m.c. No. 3 Gen. Hosp., Cpl., Mar. 19 16; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 17. Wilson, Edwin Herbert; d.d.s. 1906; 42nd Regt., Capt. 130th Bn., Capt., Nov. 1915; c.a.d.c; o/s. Oct. 1916; Sr. Dental Offr., Witley; att. Can. For. Cps.; France, Dec. 19 17, No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Wilson, Ernest Merrill; b.a. Victoria 19 15; c.o.t.c 74th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1916; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1917, ist Can. Siege Bty., Gnr.; Bdr.; Lens, Passchendaele, Cambrai, etc. Wilson, Frank Cameron Searles; m.d., cm. Trinity 1904. C.A.M.C, Lieut., Feb. 1915; Fd. Amb. Hosp., Valcartier, 2nd i/c; Capt., Aug. 1915; o/s. Sept. 1915; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp., i/c Med.; att. Can. Record Off., London; M.o. i6th Bde., c.f.a.; Invalided Dec. 1916; Discharged Dee. 1917. Wilson, Frederick Bart Gladstone; m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Capt., June 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; Crowborough Mil. Hosp., Mar. 1917; m.o. Can. m.g. Depot, Seaford, July 1917; a.d.m.s. Staff, Folkestone, Sept. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o. No. 4 Brit. Labour Group; att. 23rd p.o.w. Coy. Wilson, Frederick Harold; Medicine 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Nicator', Atlantic Convoy; h.m.s. 'Moorsom', Dover Patrol. Wilson, Garnet Roy; b.s.a. 1918. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; No. i Can. Art. Depot. Wilson, George; b.s.a. 1913. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec. 19 15; Sergt.; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., May 1916; France, July 1916; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., May 1917; c.f.a., Lieut., ROLL OF SERVICE 519 Dec. 1918; Ypres— Kemmel, Somme, Arras, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens — Bethune sees., Amiens; Khaki Univ., Witley, i/c Agric. Education. Wilson, George Ewart; m.b. 1903, f.r.c.s. (Eng.) 1908, Staff. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Apl. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 19 15, No. 4 Gen. Hosp.; att. No. 28 Impl. c.C.s.; Karisuli; Invalided Dec. 1916; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp., Mar. 1917; Returned Nov. 1917; Mil. Wards, Tor. Gen. Hosp., M.D. 2, Major, Apl. 1918. Wilson, James Clarenxe; b.a.sc. 1915; c.o.x.c. R.C.H.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 2nd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Bdr.; Cpl., Aug. 1917; Sergt., Jan. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Wilson, James L.; m.b. 1905. r.a.m.c, Lieut., June 1915; Gallipoli, Egypt; Invalided, autumn 1916; Pres., St. Med. Bd., England. Wilson, James Malcolm; d.d.s. 1905; 15th Regt., Capt. c.A.D.c, M.D. 3, Capt., Sept. 1915; Major, Apl. 1916; Lt.-Col., Oct. 1917; o/s. Aug. 1918. Wilson, James Tilton; University Coll. 1921. R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., w/t., Sept. 1918. Wilson, John Ruthven; b.s.a. 19 16. 56th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., May 1916; 55th Bty.; France, 1917; Lens, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Dury, Aug. 26, 1918; M.C., Dury, Aug. 26, 1918. Wilson, John Samuel; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c. 26th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt.; France, Jan. 1916; Q.M.S., •Sergt. -Major; Wt. Offr., ii; c.f.a., Lieut., July 1917; Can. School of Gunnery, Instr.; France, May 1918, 51st Hwr. Bty.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; M.c, Amiens, Aug., and Dury, Sept. 1-3, 1918. Wilson, LeRoy Zimmerman; b.a.sc. 191 i. Can. o/s. Ry. Constr. Cps., Lieut., Mar. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; Dixmude — Ypres; att. R. Naval Siege Guns, Nieuport; 4th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps., Capt., Jan. 1917; Somme, Arras, Ypres— Nieuport, 1917; Wounded, Oct. 1917; Major, Jan. 1918; Somme, Arras, 1918; War Office, special service, Aug. 1918; M.c, Nieuport, Oct. 1917. Wilson, Malcolm James; b.a. University Coll. 1913, m.b. 1916; c.o.t.c c.A.M.c, No. 2 CCS., Pte., Feb. 1915; Sergt.; Returned to complete course; R.A.M.C, Lieut., June 1916; Capt., June 1917; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916, No. 14 San. Sec; m.o. 2nd Norfolk Regt., Oct. 1916; m.o., Porter Cps., Dec. 1916; No. 16 CCS., Dec 1916; No. 20 Conibd. Indian Fd. Amb., Oct. 1919; Shumran Bend — Baghdad (1917) ; Persia, July 1918-1919; Ilamadan, Kasvin, Bijar, Enzeli. Wilson, M ANTON Anderson; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c 14th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; c.f.a., Lieut., July 1917; France, Oct. 19 18, 9th Bty., C.G.A.; Ploegsteert, Ypres (1916), Somme, \'imy sec, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Cambrai — Mons. Wilson, Melville William; b.a. University Coll. 1913; 36th Regt., Lieut. 70th Bty., C.F.A , Gnr., July 1918; Sergt.; o/s. Aug. 1918. Wilson, Norman King; m.b. 1907; 9th Horse, Major. R.A.M.C, Lieut., May 1915; Capt., Nov. 1915; Mediterranean, July 1915, Tpt. Svce.; No. 88 Fd. Amb., A/Major i/c, Nov. 1915; Suvla Bay, Cape Helles; Invalided Jan. 1916; C.A.M.C, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Major, i/c Ear, Nose & Throat, May 1916; Seaford, May 1918; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp., July 1919. Wilson, Norman Richard; b.a. Victoria 1899, m.a. 1902, ph.d. 1908. 196th Bn., Capt., May 19 16; Major; o/s. Nov. 1916; (iMiillicr details not available). 520 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wilson, R. G.; Veterinary Coll. 1909-10. R.A.V.C., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Wilson, Ralph Leroy; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, May 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Vimy — Lens; Invalided Aug. 1917; C.E., Signal Base, Sept. 1917; Despatch rider, Shorncliffe & Rhyl, 19 18. Wilson, Robert James; m.d. 1886. c.A.M.c, No. 16 Gen. Hosp., Capt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; No. 16 Gen. Hosp., 1916-18. (Died March 20, 1921.) Wilson, Walter Scott Rowcliffe; b.a. Trinity 1906; loist Regt., Lieut. 63rd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; 139th Bn., Capt.; Major, Mar. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 5th C.M.R.; Invalided Jan. 1917; To R.o. July 1917. Wilson, William; Medicine 19 19 (1922). c.A.M.c, No. 7 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; France, Apl. 1916; Returned to complete course Oct. 19 18. Wilson, William Stewart; Applied Science 1916 (1921); 2nd Regt., Cpl.; 31st Regt., 147th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 38th Bn.; Capt., [Lieut. Nov. 19 18; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Hill 70 sec, Denain — -Valenciennes; Wounded, Hill 70, Mar. 27, 1918. Wiltse, John Harold; d.d.s. 1913. c.A.D.c, Lieut.; o/s. Oct. 1916; Capt.; (Further details not available). Wimperley, Claude Cecil; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c ii6th Bn., Lieut., May 1916; France, 75th Bn.; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916; Can. Garr. Regt., 19 18. Winchester, Arthur Scott; b.a. University Coll. 1913. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, May 1917, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy., 'c a' Cable Sec; Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, Hersin-Coupigny, Aug. 18, 1917; Cpl., July 1918; Lieut., Jan. 1919. WiNTisoR, Frances Evelyn; m.b. 1908. c.A.M.c, Oct. 1916; o/s. Oct. 19 16; R.A.M.c, Endell St. Mil. Hosp., London, Lieut.; Capt.; Discharged Apl. 19 18. Wing, Ross Hamilton; d.d.s. 1916; c.o.t.c. 2nd Can. Div., a.d.m.s. Staff, Pte., Apl. 1915; Sergt., Sept. 1915; France, Feb,_ 1916, No. 3 Can. c.c.s.; Ypres sec; Discharged June 19 16. Winn, Norman Dingwell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Mar. 1916; Sergt., May 1916; Svce., 1916-20. Winnett, Albert William; d.d.s. 1899; 14th Regt., Capt. c.A.D.c, Capt., June 1915; i/c Dental svces., m.d. 3; o/s. Dec. 19 15; No. 9 Can. Gen. Hosp., Dental Offr.; C.A.D.C, A/Adjt., Feb. -Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; c.A.D.c, Adjt., Dec. 1916; d. a. d.d.s., Apl. 1917; Major, Julyi9i7; Can. Hdqrs., Seaford, a.d.d.s., Lt.-Col., June 1918; o.b.e., Jan. i, 1919; Despatches. . Winter, Thomas Br.\dbury; b.a. Trinity 1908. c.A.M.c, Pte., 1916; o/s.; d.m.s. Sub-Staff; Invalided. Winterbottom, George Lyne; Mus.Bac.1919; ist Hussars, Sergt. R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; Lieut., Mar. 1918; Instr., Camp Borden; 80th Sqdn., Cadet Pool Cmdr. W'isE, Andrew Milford; b.a. Victoria 19 13. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp. m.d. 2, Pte., 1916. Wiseman, John Franklin; Trinity 1910; 102nd Regt. Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 172nd Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; att. 24th, 2 1st & 9th Res. Bns.; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 521 WisHART, David Edmund Staunton; b.a. University Coll. 1909, m.b. 19 15; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C., Xo. 2 C.C.S., Sergt., Feb. 1915; r.a.m.c, att. loth Irish Div., May 1915; Suvla Bay, Aug. 19 15, Trawler duty; Serbia, Nov. 19 15, No. 31 Fd. Amb.; Serbian Retreat; Salonica, Jan. 19 15, No. 31 Fd. Amb.; M.o. lOth Div. Amni. Col., Capt., May 1916; m.o. 4th Highland Mountain Bde., r.f.a., Jan. 1917; No. 31 Fd. Amb., Mar. 1917'; Struma River sec, Struma Advance (Sept. 1916), Prosenik (May 1917); Palestine, Sept. 1917, No. 31 Fd. Amb.; Beersheb'a^ Gaza, Ajalon, Jerusalem, Beitania, Jiljilia (Mar. 1918); c.a.m.c. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., June 1918; Despatches Nov. 1917. WisHART, David James Gibb; b.a. University 1882, m.d., cm. Trinity 1887, Staff; C.A.M.C, Lt.-Col., Apl. 1918; Consultant in [2nd Regt., Col.-Sergt. 1882. Oto-Laryngology, m.d. 2. WiTHROW, Leslie; Applied Science 1915; 60th Regt., Lieut. 68th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; 128th Bn.; Can. M.G. Cps.; France, Mar. 1917; 6th Can. m.g. Coy., May 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., May 1918; A/Capt., Apl.-May 1919; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. WiTHROw, Oswald Ch.arles Joseph; m.b. 1902; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Capt. C.A.M.C, M.O. 8ist Bn., Capt., Sept. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp.; Returned Aug. 1917; Newmarket Mil. Hosp., m.d. 2, o.c, Sept. 1917. Wod EH ousE, Robert Elmore; m.d., cm. 1906; c.a.m.c, Lieut. C.A.M.C.Asst. Water Expert, Valcartier, Major, Sept. 1914; ist Can. Div. Hdqrs., San. Off r.; France, Jan. ^915; ist Can. Div. San. Sec, o.c. ; Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy; Can. Conv. Hosp., Bearwood, o.c, Nov. 19 15; Lt.-Col., Nov. 1917; O.B.E., June 3, 1919; Mentioned, Services, Aug. 1917. Wolfe, Cecil Edgar; Veterinary Coll. 1910-13. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Jan. 1915; Capt., Jan. 1916; Eg>'pt, Salonica, France; (Further details not available). Wolff, Howard Hope; Veterinary Coll. 1915-16. R.A.v.c, Lieut., May 1918; Capt.; France, May 1918; att. i/ist Lothian and Border Horse; att. ii6th Bde., R.F.A. ; Remounts, Constantinople, May 19 19; France, Balkan front, Constantinople, Asia Minor, S. Russia, Egypt. Wood, Charles Bruce; Victoria 19 14. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; o 's. June 1918; Impl. Army, Gen. List, Sec. Lieut., Mar. 19 19. Wood, Charles Douglas; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. c.A.D.c, Pte., June 1917. Wood, Frank; University Coll. 1918. 215th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; r.n.a.s., Apl. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut., July 1917; Fit. Lieut., Jan. 1918; Italy, Albania; Italian Croce di Guerra, Albania, June 1918. Wood, Frank Herbert; b.a. University Coll. 1901; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 83rd Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1915; 37th Bn.; France, Apl. 1916, 4th c.m.k., Capt.; Ypres sec; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916; Transf. to Holland May 1918. Wood, George Howard; b.a.sc 1917; c.o.t.c 71st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; Sergt., Sergt.-Major; o/s. Jan. 191S; In- valided June 1918; C.E., Lieut., Dec. 1918. Wood, Harry Alison; b.a.sc. 1915; Cps. of Guides, Lltut. R.i'.c, Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1915; France, June 1916; Lieut.; Capt. & Fit. Cmrjr., Dec. 1916; Major & Sqdn. Cmdr., Mar. 1918; Arras— Sommc; i/c Tr. Depot Sta., Aug. 1918; m.c, Somme, Sept. 1916. 522 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wood, Howard Kenneth; Applied Science 1919; 38th Regt., Lieut. 215th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, ii6th Bn.; Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; m.c, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Wood, James Henry; m.b. 1908; c.a.m.c. No. ii Fd. Amb., Capt. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Capt., Sept. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; No. 2 Can. Fd. Amb., Feb. 1916; Major, Sept. 1916; A/Lt.-Col., May 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 17, 1916; 1914 Star; d.s.o., gaz. Jan. i, 1919; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Passchendaele, Nov. 19 17; Despatches Nov. 19 18. Wood, Jeffrey Malcolm; b.a. University Coll. 191 2; 2nd Regt., Lieut. 74th Bn., Lieut., July 19 15; Capt.; o/s. Mar. 19 16; Invalided; att. q.m.g. Off., Can. Hdqrs., London, Jan. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, No. i Coy., ist Can. Div. Train; Amiens, Arras, etc. Wood, Robert Ferrier Burns; b.a.sc. 1913; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Major; France, 1917; Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, etc. Wood, Willl\m Henry; Veterinary Coll. 1914-16; c.o.t.c. r.a.v.c, Lieut., 1916; Capt.; Mesopotamia; (Further details not available). Woodcock, Herbert Francis Dealtry; b.a. Trinity 1902, m.a. 1903; 25th Dragoons, Can. Chaplain Svce., att. 164th Bn., Capt., Mar. 1916; o/s. Apl. [H/Capt. 1917; Otterpool, May 1917; att. Can. Cavalry, Shorncliffe, June 1917; France, Nov. 19 17, No. 3 Can. Sta. Hosp.; 5th Bn., Jan. 19 18; Lens— Arras sec; Wounded Mar. 31, 19 18; Returned June 19 18. WooDHOUSE, Arthur Sutherland Pigott; b.a. University Coll. 1919, Wycliffe, (reg. c.a.m.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Pte., May 1918. [m.a. 1919-20); c.o.t.c. WoODHOUSE, Cuthbert; b.a. University Coll. 1906. ist Bn., 1st C.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; Siberian Ex.F., Hdqrs., Sept. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918; Camp Cmdt. Woods, William Edward; m.b. 1920; c.o.t.c. R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; H.M.s. 'Silene', July 1918; Buncrana Station; Invalided & discharged Oct. 19 18. WooKEY, Harold William; m.b. 19 13, Staff. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Lieut., Sept. 1914; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Capt., 1916; Basingstoke, Sept. 19 17; Major, 19 17; Davisville Hosp., m.d. 2, Apl. 19 19; r.a.m.c, Brighton Mil. Hosp., Major. WooKEY, Stanley Alfred; b.a.sc 191 i. C.E., m.d. 4, Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 7th Bn., CE. Woollatt, Robert Sidney; d.d.s. 1909. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Sept. 1916; Svce. 1916-1920. WooNTON, William Gordon; b.a.sc 1918; c.o.t.c 1st W.O.R., Pte., 1918. Worden, Ernest Harold Glover; Education 1914; c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June 1916; 3rd R. Berkshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 19 17, 6th R. Berkshire Regt.; Arras, Ypres, Menin Road; Lieut., June 1918; Salonica, 1918, 7th R. Berkshire Regt.; Serbia, Bulgaria, Adrianople, Dobrudja; Wounded, Menin Rd., July 31, 1917; m.c, Menin Rd., July3i, 1917. WoRTHiNGTON, Alan Niven; Applied Science 19 13; loth Regt., Lieut. 13th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert; Wounded, Festubert, May 24, 1915; 169th Bn., Canada, Capt.; Major, Feb. 1916; o/s. Oct. 19 16; Returned, medically unfit, I-'eb. 19 18. ROLL OF SERVICE 523 WoRTHiNGTOx, Sir Edward Scott, M.V.O.; m.d., cm. 1897. R.A.M.c, Major; France, Oct. 1914-Oct. 1917; Dep. Asst. Dir. Gen. Med. Svces., Oct. 1917; Asst. Dir. Gen. Med. Svces., Lt.-Col., Mar. 1918; Bt. Col., June 1918; Physician to p.m., h.r.h. the Duke of Connaught, 1917; Knight of Grace; C.M.G.; K.C.V.O.; Despatches and Mentioned, Services, three times. Wray, John Stanley; m.b. 1909. C.A.M.C, M.D. 13, Capt., July 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; M.o. 25th Res. Bn.; Trav. Med. Bd., Shorncliffe; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; M.o. Alta. Regtl. Depot; France, May 1918, No. 3 Can. Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist Bde., c.f.a.; m.o. 2nd Bde., C.F.A.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Injured, Arras, Sept. 20, 1918. Wray, Sylvanus; Medicine 19 19. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available). Wright, Alexander Francis; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. A.E.F., U.S.A. Med. Cps., Capt., July 1918; Base Hosp. No. 65; France, Sept. 1918-Jan. 1919. Wright, Alfred John; b.a.sc 1913; 8th Fd. Coy., ce., Sergt. 74th Bn., Sergt., July 1915; 9th Fd. Coy., ce., cs.m., Feb. 1916; nth Fd. Coy., CE.; France, Aug. 1916; r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., May 1917; 25th Sqdn., Aug. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut., Mar. 1918; 43rd Wing, Canada, May 1918; A/Flt. Cmdr.; Ypres — Kemmel (19 16), Somme, Vimy — Lens, Arras, Bourlon Wood, Passchen- daele, March Retreat (1918), Amiens; m.c, Feb. 1918; French Croix de Guerre, Mar. 1918. Wright, Bruce Haken; Applied Science 1920 (1921); c.o.t.c u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Impl. Army, Cadet. Wright, Charles Edward; d.d.s. 191 1; 49th Regt., Capt. 80th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; c.a.d.c, Apl. 1916; Capt., Aug. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; C.C.D., Shoreham, Oct. 1916; ist C.C.D., Nov. 1916; att. c.a.p.c, London, July 1917; France, Oct. 1918, Can. Cps. Dental Labty.; Arras — Namur; att. C.A.P.C, London, Mar. 1919. Wright, Charles Seymour; b.a. University Coll. 1908, m.a. 19 13; 2nd Regt.; o.t.c, R.E., T.F., Scottish Wireless Cps., Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1915, [Cambridge. i/c 5th Army Cps. Wireless; R.E., No. 2 Army Wireless Coy., Capt., O.C; G.H.Q., Gen. Staff, Intell. 'e'; m.c, Jan. 1918; o.b.e., 1919; Legion d'Honneur, Ypres, 1915; Despatches four times. Wright, Charles Stewart; m.b. 19 id. o/s. June 1916; France, Jan. 1916, att. Anglo-P'rench Red Cross, Capt.; att. R.A.M.c.Capt., Asst. to Inspector of Mil. Orthopaedics (repr. Amcr. Orthopaedic Assoc); Verdun; Returned Mar. 1917; c.a.m.c, Capt., Mar. 1917; Discharged Aug. 1918. Wright, Frederick William; Medicine 1920 (1923); c.o.t.c R.N.A.S., P.F.O., 1917; R.A.K., Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, June 1917, Vendome Flying School, Instr., att. 212th Sqdn., 84th Wing. Wright, Herbert George; Applied Science 1907; 72nd Regt., Lieut. 231st Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; Capt.; France, July 1917. 72nd Bn., Lieut.; Capt.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes; m.c, Arras, Sept. 2, 19 18. Wright, James Harold; University Coll. 192 1. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1918. Wright, John Lord; Victoria 1912-15; c.o.t.c c.a.m.c, Pte., June 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, 31st Bn., Pte; Invalided Mar. 1918; y.m.c.a., Cpl. Wright, Joseph Elmer; d.d.s. 191 i. c.a.d.c, Capt.; o/s.; No. 1 1 Can. Gen. Hosp.; (Further details not available). 524 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO • Wright, Joseph Theodore; m.d., cm. Trinity 1901. C.A.M.C, M.o. 184th Bn., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; m.o. nth Res. Bn.; S.M.O., Can. Cav. Cps.; France, Oct. 1917, No. i Can. Gen. Hosp.; m.o., 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Villers-Bretonneux (Mar. 19 18), etc. Wright, Newton Rowell; Victoria 1916; c.o.t.c; g.g.b.g.^ Lieut. Kapuskasing Camp, Lieut., Jan. 1916; 124th Bn., Jan. 1916; Capt., July 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 124th Can. Pion. Bn.; loth Bn., c.e., Capt., May 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches Dec. 1918. Wright, Walter Walker; m.b. 1904. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Capt., Dec. 1917; West Cliff Hosp.; No. 12 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Jan. 1918, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb. ; m.o. 44th Bn., Mar. 1918; Lens — Arras sec; West Cliff Hosp., Aug. 1918. W'RIGHt, Wilfred Hornsby; b.s.a. 1912. (Reported as on i\ctive Service. No details available.) Wright, Wilfrid John Archibald; Victoria 1919 (1922); c.o.t.c. Bde. Hdqrs., m.d. 2, Sergt.; 248th Bn., Lieut.; u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; o/s. Oct. 1917; R. Sussex Regt., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not avail- able). Wright, William James Turnbull; b.a.sc. 1912, Staff; c.o.t.c; 9th Bty., c.f.a., 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., o.c, Mar. 1916; [Lieut., att. c.o.t.c. France, July 1917; ist Bn. Can. Ry. Tps.; R.F.C, 6th Sqdn., Intell., Sept. 1917; loth Sqdn., Nov. 1917; R.f.c, 8th Bde. Hdqrs., Jan. 1918; r.a.f., 83rd Wing Hdqrs., July 1918; Flanders (1917), Metz sec. (1918); m.b.e., June 3, 1919. Wrong, Frederick Hay; b.a.sc. 1913. C.E., m.d. 4, Lieut., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; France, 12th Bn., c.e. Wrong, Harry Arkell; Medicine 1920 (1922); c.o.t.c 43rd Hwr. Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Feb. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres — Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens; Returned to complete course Oct. 1918. Wrong, Humphrey Hume; b.a. University Coll. 1915; c.o.t.c, Cpl. 3/4th Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Inf., Sec. Lieut., July 1915; France, Nov. 1915, i/4th Oxford & Bucks. L.I.; Lieut., Aug. 1916; Ypres (1915), Somme; Invalided Nov. 1916; att. R.F.C, Canada, Mar. 1917; R.a.f., Capt. & Adjt., June 191S; Mentioned, Services, Jan. 1919. Wylie, John Francis Arthur; phm.b. 1903. C.A.M.C, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Staff Sergt., Chief Dispenser, Mar. 19 15; Salonica, Nov. 19 15; Wt. Offr.; Basingstoke, Sept. 19 17. Wylie, William Hamilton; b.a.sc 1912; 8th Fd. Coy., c.e., Lieut. C.E., Lieut., Feb. 1916; nth Fd. Coy., c.e.; 14th Fd. Coy., Mar. 1917; France, Dec. 1917, nth Fd. Coy.; 4th Bn., C.E., May 1918; Capt., Dec. 1918; Lens- Mericourt-BaJlleul-Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Wyllie, William James Else; Applied Science 1921. 1st C.O.R., Pte., June 19 18; Can. Garr. Regt.; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 19 18. Wyman, Hugh Kennedy; b.a.sc 1915; c.o.t.c 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; Bdr., Sept. 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Cpl., Nov. 1916; Sergt., Jan. 1917; C.E., 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., Lieut., Sept. 1917; 5th Bde., C.F.A., Sig. Offr., Dec. 1917; 6th Can. Inf. Bde., Sig. Offr., Aug. 1918; Messines sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (19 16), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lievin, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; M.C, Cambrai, Oct. 9-11, 1918; Despatches Jan. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 525 Wynne, Charles Stuart; m.b. 1914. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1916, M.o. 12th Middlesex Regt.; Capt., Nov. 1916; M.o. i8th Div. Amm. Col., Mar. 1917; M.o. 82nd Bde., r.f.a., June 1917; Somme, July-Nov. 1916 (Carnoy, Maricourt, Bois des Tr6nes, Thiepval, Grandcourt, Bapaume, Regina Trench); Ypres, June-Oct. 1917 (Zillebeke, Poelkappelle, Passchendaele) ; Wounded and gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 29, 1917; M.O., Prisoners Camp, Loch Doon, June 1918; Stobhill Hosp., Glasgow, A/Major, Registrar, June 1919; M.C., Thiepval, Sept. 26, 1916. Yates, Arthur Volkman; Education 1913; 29th Regt., Lieut. iiith Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, ist Bn.; Capt., Nov. 1917; Adjt., Dec. 1917; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; m.c, gaz. Apl. 1919; Despatches Dec. 1918. Yelland, Herbert Maxwell; m.b. 1911. c.a.m.c, m.d. 2, Capt., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; M.O. 3rd Res. Bn., c.E. ; M.O. Can. Tr. School; Trench Warfare Sch., & Offrs. Cas. Coy., Bexhill; p.p. Can. Red Cross Hosp.; a.d.m.s. Staff, Seaford. YoRKE, Park Layton; b.a.sc. 1913. U.S.A., Coast Art. Cps., Ft. Monroe, Va., Pte., Feb. 1918; Chemical Warfare Svce., Paritan Arsl., N.J., Asst. Engr.; att. Ordnance Engr. School, Aberdeen, Md.; o.R.c, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918. YouELL, Leonard Lynde; Applied Science 1916, (b.a.sc. 1920); c.o.t.c. 43rd Hwr. Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; 35th Bty., May 1917; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai —Mons; M.C, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; Bar to M.c, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 3, 1918; Despatches June 19 17. Young, Clarence Randolph; m.b. 1911. R.A.M.C, Lieut., Nov. 1915; Capt., Nov. 1916; France, F"eb. 1916, Xo. 16 Fd. Amb.; M.o. ist King's Shropshire Light Inf., Nov. 1916; Somme, Arras, Hinden- burg Line, Lens, Ypres, Passchendaele, March Retreat, St. Quentin, etc.; Gassed, Bohain.Oct. 17, 1918; m.c, Somme, Sept. 1916; Bar to m.c. Lens, 1917; Second Bar to M.c, Lagnecourt, Mar. 21, 1918; D.s.o., St. Quentin, Sept. 18, 1918; Despatches July 19 19. Young, Clarence Richard; b.a.sc 1905, ce. 1914, Staff; c.o.t.c, Capt. C.O.R., Capt., att. Hdqrs. Staff, M.D. 2, School of Inf., Feb. 1916; Major, Sept. 19 16; Polish Army, Niagara, Adjt. & 2nd i/c, Sept. 19 17 1 Officier de I'Ordre de I'Etoile Noire, June 1920. Young, Ernest Herbert; m.b. 1907. C.A.M.C, No. ID Sta. Hosp., Capt., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Granville Can. Spec. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Jan.-Apl. 1918; Returned Apl. 1918; Can. Mil. Hosp., Cobourg, o.c, Aug. 1918; Major, Mar. 1919. Young, Fred Armstrong; b.a. Victoria 1897, m.b. 1899; c.a.m.c, Capt. C.A.M.C, No. 3 CCS., Major, June 1915; France, Feb. 1916, No. 3 ccs.; att. Hdqrs., Bramshott, Feb. 1918; France, June 1918, No. 3 CCS., Lt.-Col., O.c; Ypres (1916-18), Arras— Albert, Le Quesnoy (1918-19); o.B.E., June 3, 1919; Despatches July 8, 19 19. Young, Harold Gordon; Applied Science 19 19, (b.a.sc 1920); c.o.t.c R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., May 1917; h.m.c.s. 'Cartier', Sydney, en.; o/s. June 1917- Young, Harvey Gordon; m.b. 19 16; c.o.t.c. C.A.M.C, Capt., June 1916; France, Mar. 1917, No. LO Can. Fd. Ami).; m.o. 49th Hii., .\])\. I'M?; \'iniv, mil 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, .Arras, Cambrai; 526 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 1918, and Cambrai, Sept. 1918; D.s.o., Passchendaele, Oct. 30-Nov. II, 1917; M.C., Arras, Aug. 26-29, 1918; Despatches June 1918; Central Mil. Conv. Hosp., m.d. 2, Apl. 19 19. Young, James Wilson; b.a. Victoria 1915; c.o.t.c. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; ist Bn., ist c.o.r., Aug. 1917; p.p.c.l.i. Res.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Young, John Francis; Applied Science 1917 (1921); c.o.t.c. 25th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1915; r.g.a., Sec. Lieut., July 1916; France, July 1916, 113th Bty.; Somme (1916), Arras (1917); Lieut., Jan. 1918; Instr., Winchester, Jan.-Oct. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, i/ist North Riding Bty., R.G.A. ; Le Cateau; Invalided Oct. 1918. Young, John Francis Todd; b.a. University Coll. 1916, m.a. 1917, (reg. ph.d. 1919-20). R.N.C.V.R., Mate, June 1917; h.m.c.s. 'Stadacona'; o/s. Nov. 1917; Admiralty, att. Dept. of Torpedoes & Mines; Dept. of Research & Experiments. Young, Roland Wilbur; m.b. 19 12. R.A.M.c, Capt., Sept. 1914; Malta, Sept. 1915, St. David's Hosp.; No. 17 Gen. Hosp., Alexandria, Egypt, Apl. 19 16; Salonica, Mar. 19 17, No. 43 Gen. Hosp.; Macedonian front; Returned Aug. 19 17; c.a.m.c, 1917-19. Young, Roy Winfred; b.a.sc. 19,14. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; Bdr.; o.T.C, Kingston, Cadet, Oct. 1918. Young, Theodore John; Applied Science 1918 (1921); c.o.t.c; iioth Regt., Lieut. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Dec. 1916; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; Lieut.; r.a.f.; France, Apl. 19 18, att. 9th Bde.; Night-flying. Young, Thomas William Herbert; m.d., cm. Trinity 1894, f.t.m.c; f.r.c.s. (Lond.); C.A.M.C, M.o. 2nd [loth Bde., C.F.A., Lt.-Col., o.c; (57th Regt., Lt.-Col., o.c). Div. Engrs., Lt.-Col., Jan. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; No. i Can. ccs., o.c, June 1916; Can. Mil. Hosp., Buxton, o.c, Mar. 1917; Can. Mil. Hosp., Uxbridge, o.c, June 1917; Returned Dec. 1917; Despatches Jan. 1917. Young, William Lee; University Coll. 1909. 194th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; No. 2 Can. Constr. Bn., Capt.; Can. Ry. Tps., Lieut.; France, June 1917; Nieuport, Ypres sec; m.c, Ypres, Aug. 1918. Younie, Alexander Russel; Veterinary Coll. 1911-13. R.A.v.c, Lieut., Feb. 1915; Capt., Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1915, No. 6 Vety. Hosp.; Egypt, Mar. 19 16; Salonica, Nov. 19 16, att. 57th Bde., r.f.a.; 26th Div. Hdqrs., a/d.a.d.v.s., Apl. 1919; Struma Valley (Nov. 1916-Aug. 1917), Doiran (Sept. 1917-Mar. 1918), Vardar, (Mar.-Sept. 1918), Ruschuch, Varna, Con- stantinople; Wounded, Vardar, June 18, 1918. Zealant), Hollis W^alter Arthur; Veterinary Coll. 19 14- 16; c.o.t.c R.A.v.c. Lieut., Mar. 1917; Capt., Apl. 1918; Macedonia, July 1917, No. 11 Vety. Hosp., Brit. Salonica Forces. Ziegler, Otto Ewart; Applied Science 1907. (Reported as on Active Service. No details available.) Zimmerman, Everett Roy; d.d.s. 1905. c.A.D.c, Lieut., Capt. Zimmerman, George Foster; d.d.s. 1914. c.A.D.c, m.d. 2, Capt., Dec. 1916; i/c clinic, Tor. Gen. Hosp.; Euclid Hall, M.D. 2; i/c Dental Prosthesis, Mil. Hdqrs., m.d. 2. Zimmerman, William; b.a. Victoria 19 16; g.g.b.g. c.m.r. Depot, Hamilton, Lieut., July 1917; Toronto Mobn. Centre; Discharged July 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 527 ZiNN, John Harry; d.d.s. 1915; 32nd Regt., Lieut. i6oth Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; c.a.d.c, Capt.; Bramshott, Feb. 1917; France, May 1919, att. Can. War Graves Detach., Vimy. ZuMSTEiN, George Todd; Medicine 1919, (m.b. 1920). R.N.V.R., Surg. Probr., May 1918; Surg. Sub-Lieut.; h.m.s. 'Pigeon', June 1918; H.M.s. 'Lizard', Sept. 1918; Mediterranean, North Atlantic. ZuMSTEiN, Robert Victor; b.a. University Coll. 1917 (reg. ph.d. 1919-20); c.o.t.c. ist Depot Bn., ist c.o.R., Pte., May 1918; A/Cpl.; France, Nov. 1918, 19th Bn., Pte.; 2nd Can. Div. Hdqrs., Jan. 1919; Khaki Univ., A/Sergt., Feb. 1919. ZwiCK, Frank Eraser; Medicine 1919 (1921). c.A.M.c, No. 2 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, Mar. 1915; Ambce. Tpt., Jan. 1916; Injured Sept. 1916; Invalided Dec. 1916; Returned to complete course. ROLL OF SERVICE 529 SUMMARY Officers Present and Former Staff 133 Graduates (exclusive of Staff) 2453 Undergraduates 980 Former Students 469 Faculty of Education (other than graduates) 78 Ranks Total 16 149 387 2840 901 1881 127 596 107 185 4II3 1538 5651 613 were killed in action or died on service. Of the Officers 726 were promoted from the ranks, 411 receiving commissions in the Canadian Forces, 306 in the Imperial Service, and 9 in the Allied Forces. Most of those who received Imperial commissions enlisted originally in the c.e.f. 116 who are included in the ranks were Cadets in training at the time of the Armistice. The distribution by branches of the Service is shown on the next page. In these figures are not included 105 members of the University, reported as being on Active Service, concerning whom no information could be obtained. This summary does not include those who have entered the University after returning from Active Service, and whose records are given in the Appendix that follows. —87 530 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO ARMY Canadian Imperial Allied Total Headquarters, Corps, Division, Militia, District. 87 Cavalry 13 Field Artillery 558 Heavy Artillery : 55 Infantry 866 Mounted Rifles 58 Engineers (and Pioneers) 285 Engineers, Signals 166 Machine Gun Corps 106 Tanks 73 Cyclists 27 Railway Troops 98 Labour Army Service Corps 63 Forestry 60 Medical 95° Dental 364 Veterinary 47 Chaplains 106 Y.M.C A 37 17 104 13 79 4 641 78 133 130 15 ion 58 53 10 348 6 7 179 10 I 117 5 2 80 I , , 28 . . 98 II . . II 9 2 74 60 2X6 51 1217 , , I 365 94 6 147 4 2 112 9 7 53 4019 722 108 4849 ROLL OF SERVICE XAVY Canadian R. Navy 2 R. Naval \'olunteer Reserve 42 Allied Navies Naval Medical Service 3 peria 1 Allied Total 7 9 36 78 4 4 76 79 47 119 170 AIR FORCE Canadian Imperial Allied Total R. Air Force, from r.n.a.s. R. Air Force, from R.F.C. . . R. Air Force (1918) R. Can. Naval Air Service. Allied Air Services 102 322 134 558 102 322 134 3 3 564 AUXILIARY SERVICES Canadian 9 Imperial 34 Allied 13 56 Totals — Army 4849 Navy 170 Air Force 564 Auxiliary 56 Uncertain 12 5651 532 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HONOURS British. Victoria Cross I Companion of the Order of the Bath 7 Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George 34 Knight Commander, Royal Victorian Order. . ._ I Member, Royal Victorian Order I Distinguished Service Order 114 Bar to D.s o 14 Second Bar to d.s.o i The Order of the British Empire: Commander 8 Officer 44 Member 10 Military Cross 4^5 Bar to M.c 38 Second Bar to m.c 2 Distinguished Service Cross 11 Bar to D.s.c 3 Second Bar to D s.c i Distinguished Flying Cross 20 Air Force Cross 8 Distinguished Conduct Medal i? Military Medal 73 Bar to M.M 7 Second Bar to M.M I Meritorious Service Medal 4 1914 Star 12 Royal Red Cross 4 Other Honours 8 Mentions in Despatches 4^0 Mentions for Valuable Services 128 ROLL OF SERVICE 533 HONOURS From Allied Countries France — Legion of Honour, Chevalier ii Croix de Guerre 42 Other Honours 9 Belgium — Order of the Crown 2 Order of Leopold 3 Order of the Lion i Croix de Guerre 9 Italy — Order of the Crown 3 Croce di Guerra 4 Military Medal for Valour , 6 Other Honours 3 Russia — Order of St. Stanislaus 3 Order of St. Vladimir 2 Order of St. Anna 2 St. George's Medal 2 United States — Distinguished Service Cross ; 2 Distinguished Service Medal 2 Serbia — Order of St. Sava 5 Order of the White Eagle - Order of Kara-George I Cross of Mercy i Roumania — Star of Roumania i Montenegro — Orrlcr of Danilo 2 China — Order of Wen Hu 4 Franco-Polish — Order of Black Star of Poland 2 APPENDIX Registered in the University after Returning from Active Service Aberkethy, Wilson Walter; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1916; France, Apl. 1918, Can. Survey Sec; Vimy sec, La Bassee, Amiens, Cambrai — -Mons. Adams, Harry Proctor; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1916; 3rd Tnlg. Coy.; France, Oct. 1917; Ypres; Invalided. Adams, Henry Carlton; A- j lied Science 1924. R.A.F., May-Oct. 19 18. Adamson, John Charles; Applied Science 1924. 30th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1915; France, Mar. 1916; Ypres; Argyll & Suther- land Highlanders, Sec. Lieut., Lieut., Dec. 1916; (Further details not available). Agnew, Ellis Alexander; Applied Science 1924; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; Lieut., Oct. 1919; 351st Bde., r.f.a.; France, Aug. 19 1 8, Conducting duty; North Russia, July 1 9 19; Vologda front, Archangel, Capture of Ymptza, Evacuation of Archangel. AiTCHisoN, David Bancroft; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; R..\.F., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; Lieut., Dec. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, Indep. Air Force; N. Eastern France, long distance raids. Allan, Alexander Wyllie; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 82nd Regt., Lieut. Reinf. Coy. (p.e.i.), Lieut., Sept. 1915; 105th Bn.; Can. m.g. Cps. ; France, Mar. 1917; Capt., Dec. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Wounded Aug. 15, 1917; M.C., gaz. Feb. 2, 1919. Allen, Charles Euart; University Coll. 1923. 153rd Bn., L-Cpl., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, ist Bn., Pte.; L-Cpl., Sept. 1918; Arras, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai, etc.; Invalided Oct. 29, 19 18. Allen, Ernest Fraser; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 104th Regt. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Mt. Sorrel, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele. Allen, Stewart James; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut., Lieut., A/Capt.; France, Feb. 1918, 88th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Flanders, Ypres, Somme (Aug. 1918), Valenciennes (Nov. 1918). Allingh.vm, Gordon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.a.m.c. No. 3 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Feb. 1915; Lemnos, July 1915; Invalided 1915; Discharged June 1918. Allison, John Richard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 48th Regt. 134th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 15th Bn.; Cpl., Nov. 1918; \'im.\-. Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Lens, 1917; Gassed, St. Pierre, 1918. Allward, Hugh L.\chlan; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, Oct. 1917; Sec. Lieut., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; F"erry Pilot, England-France. Amyot, Gregoire FfiRft; Medicine 1924; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb.; c.o.t.c C.a.m.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Sergt.; R.A.F. , Cadet, 1918; Egypt, Salonica, Italy, France. 535 536 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Amyot, John Francis; Medicine 1924; c.a.m.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Egypt, Salonica, Italy, France. Anderson, Gordon Noble; Victoria 1922; 36th Regt., Cpl. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Sept. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; Injured, Vendome, Jan. 24, 1918; Discharged Mar. 1918. Anderson, Oswald Watson; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., June 1917; p.p.c.l.l, Pte.; France, Apl. 1918; 14th Bn.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Anderson, Willl\m Kerr; Medicine 1923; c.o.t.c. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 48th Hwr. Bty.; Bdr., Apl. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Ardenne, Malcolm; Forestry 1924. 65th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; 53rd Bn.; France, June 1916, 14th Bn.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Ypres, June 1916, and Somme, Sept. 1916; Can. For. Cps., loth Coy. (iioth Coy.), Jan. 1917. Armstrong, Balfour Cooper; Medicine 1924. c.a.m.c, Pte., Oct. 1915; o/s. July 1916; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, Mar. 19 1 8, No. II Can. Fd. Amb.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Armstrong, Irving Wellington; University Coll. 1923. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918. Armstrong, William Thomas; Victoria 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; o/s. Feb. 1918. Arthur, Raymond Kingsley; Trinity 1924; r.m.c. C.F.A., Lieut.; o/s. Oct. 1916 — Jan. 1919. AsHCROFT, Cyril Cropton; Queen's Univ.; Applied Science 1922. 2nd Can. Div. Cycl. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme; C.F.A., Lieut., Jan. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 6th Bty., C.F.A., Feb. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. AsHDOWN, Charles Rowland; b.a. (McGill), Education 1920; c.a.m.c. No. id Fd. 8ist Bn., Med. Sergt., Aug. 1915; ist Can. r.b. School, [Amb., Staff Sergt. Sandling, Sergt., Instr.; France, Oct. 1918. Atkinson, Dale Sydney Elden; Victoria 1923- Enl. Jan. 1916; Impl. Army, Sec Lieut., Dec. 1917; (Details not available). Atkinson, William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 147th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 3rd Div.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, etc. Attridge, Wilbert Lloyd; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; o/s. June 1918. Ayer, Horace Milton; University Coll. 1924; 23rd Alta. Rangers, Lieut. 13th C.M.R., Sergt., Feb. 1915; Pte.; France, Aug. 1916; 7th Bde. t.m. Bty., Oct. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Arras, Amiens, Valenciennes — Mons; Wounded, Lens, May 19, 19 18. Bain, Theodore; Medicine 1926. 92nd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; Cpl.; France, July 1916, 15th Bn.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 26, 1916, Vimy, June 10, 1917 and Arras, Sept. i, 1918. Baird, Ewart Lesley; Applied Science 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 537 Baird, Harry Presley; Applied Science 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 170th Bn.; 58th Bn.; France, Nov. 1916; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Baker, Albert Lynn; R. CoU. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, No. loSta. Hosp., Pte., June 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Dec. 1917. Baker, Charles Barnard; Veterinary Coll. 1919-21. 35th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; France, Feb. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 27th Bty., Aug. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Returned and discharged Mar. 1918. Baker, Clarence Clifford; University Coll. 1922; r.m.c. R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. Baker, Frederick Edw.\rd; Medicine 1924. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., June 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 55th Bty., c.f.a. ; 6oth Bty.; Lens, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Arras, Apl. 3, 1918, and Monchy, Sept. 17, 1918. Baker, Frederick Francis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. c.A.M.c, Feb. 1915; Dardanelles, Aug. 1915; Lemnos; F" ranee, Apl. 1916; C.A.D.C, Nov. 1916; Sergt., Mar. 1917; Somme. Baker, Guy Livingstone; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 71st Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; 102nd Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Baker, Harold Norman; Applied Science 1923. R.F.C, Jan. 1918; r..\.f., Sec. Lieut. Ball, William Mansell; Medicine 1924; 51st Regt., Sergt. 119th Bn., Cpl., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; Can. M.G. Cps., Cpl.; France, Mar. 1918; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 26, 1918. Balmer, Harold Frederick; University Coll. 1923. Enl. July 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; France and England. Bannerman, Glenney Franklin; Victoria 1923. 2nd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., May 1915; France, Aug. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; South Staffordshire Regt., Sec. Lieut., Dec. 19 17. Barber, Joseph Driscoll Curtis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. C.A.D.C, Pte., Dec. 19 16; o/s. May 19 17; Sergt. Barlow, Henry Summers; Medicine 1924. 20ist Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt., July 1916; France, Feb. 1918; Arras sec; Gassed Apl. 12, 1918; Wounded June 17, 1918. Barnes, Herbert GrjVNt; Education 1920. 20ist Bn., Pte., May 1916; 198th Bn.; 256th Bn.; loth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, June 19 17; Somme, Nieuport, Ypres, Lille. Barnet, James Dean; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 153rd Bn., Sgr., Apl. 191 6; Fiance, May 191 8, 15th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Barnett, Robert McCallum; Medicine 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A. , Edr., Jan. 1918; Cpl., May 1918; o/s. Sept. 1918; Can. Res. Art. Barr, John Alvin; Education 1920. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; L-Cj)!. Barrett, Horace Arthur; Applied Science 1924. 157th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl., Sergt., c.s.m.; r. a. f., Lieut.; Ferry Pilot, Eng- land — France, 19 18. Bartlett, Fred Lamble; Vii toiia 1923. C.E., 2n(l Di\ . Sig. Coy., L-Cpl., Sept. 1916; France, .\pl. 1917; \'iiny, Hill 70, 538 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Cambrai, Oct. 1918. Barton, Harold George; University Coll. 1923. Enl., C.E.F., Aug. 1914; France; Sergt.; (Details not available). Barton, Harold Gervaise; University Coll. 1922; 2nd Regt. 14th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Sergt., Aug. 1916; Ypres, Festu- bert, St. Eloi, Lens, La Bassee, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Arras; Gassed, Ypres, Sept. 17, 1917. Bates, Joseph Edgar; Medicine 1922. C.E., Spr., Mar. 19 16; France, Jan. 19 17, 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; 4th Can. Div. Art. Signals; Vimy, Lens sec, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Roclincourt, Arras; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, gaz. Feb. 4, 1918; Returned Oct. 1918. Baxter, Wallace John Frederick; Applied Science 1924. 20th Bn., Sgr., Nov. 1914; C.E., Wireless; France, Sept. 1915, ist Can. Div. Wireless sec; Invalided July 26, 1916; France. Bayne, Robert John Beattie; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1917; France, 1918, 6th Bn., c.e. Beattie, Herbert James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 3rd Univ. Coy., P.P.C.L.I., Pte., July 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 3rd Bde. Can. M.G. Coy.; Sergt., Aug. 1917; ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Ypres (19 16), Somme, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 6, 19 16. Beattie, John; Applied Science 1924. C.E., Spr., June 1916; France, May 1917; L-Cpl., Jan. 1919; Lens sec, Passchen- daele, Lens — Arras sec, Amiens, Canal du Nord, etc. Beattie, John Frederick MacDonald; University Coll. 1923 (On Active Service; Details not available.) Beattie, Preston Andrew; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 147th Bn?, Sgr., Dec. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, 5th C.M.R.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Beatty, Geoffrey Byrne; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. R.A.F.: (Details not available). Beatty, Samuel Robinson; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Becker, Wilfrid Artland; Applied Science 1924. R.N.C.V.R., w/t Operator, Mar. 1918; tr. 25, June 1918 — Feb. 1919; Sydney, N.s. Beckett, Reginald Walter; Applied Science 1923; 13th Regt.; 4th Bty., c.f.a., 71st Bty., C.F.A., Sergt., Aug. 1916; 24th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; France, [Lieut. Mar. 1917, 8th Bde., c.f.a.; Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens sec. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Mons. Bedell, Wilson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. 147th Bn., Pte., Dec. I9"i5; France, Mar. 19 17, 42nd Bn.; Vimy, Loos, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 29, 19 18. Bedford, Harold Fairhead; Applied Science 1923. 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col., Spr., Feb. 1916; c.A.s.C; 127th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Jan. 1917; Nieuport, Ypres, Arras, Somme (1918). Beecroft, George William; Applied Science 1923. 123rd Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Can. Pion. Bn. and C.E., Spr. Belger, Leander; University Coll. 1924. R.A.F., Cadet, Feb. 1918; Sec Lieut.; o/s. Aug. 1918. Bell, Alexander Miller; Medicine 1924. 76th Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Nov. 1916; Sergt., Lieut.; Mil. Medal. ROLL OF SERVICE 539 Bell, Arthur Armstrong; Applied Science 1923. 234th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1917; C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1917; France, Apl. 1918; Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; 5th Bde. sec, c.f.a.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Bell, Edward Graham; Medicine 1926. Eni. July 19 15; France, 49th Bn. Bell, Harold Busselle; Applied Science 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Mar. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Bell, John Edwin; University Coll. 1924. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918. Bell, Truman Allen; phm.b. 1920. Pte., Jan. 1918; Siberia; Cpl., Aug. 1918. Benn, Leon; University Coll. 1924. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Bennett, Clifford Arnold; Applied Science 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 3rd Bty.; Bdr.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Bennett, Willard Erlandson; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. (On Active Service; o/s. 2 years; Details not available.) Bennett, Willi.\m Russell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, Apl. 1917; A/Bdr., Sept. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes, etc.; Gassed, Cambrai. Benninghaus, George James; phm.b. 1920. R.F.C, Cadet, Nov. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; Injured. Berrington, Adrian; Staff, Applied Science. (On Active Service, Impl. Army; Details not ava'lable.) Berry, Fleetwood Becher; Trinity 1923. (On Active Service; o/s. 2 years; Details not available.) , Best, Crawtord James; Medicine 1924. 1st Depot Bn., e.o.r., Pte., May 1918; o/'s. June 1918. BiCKNELL, Frank Russell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; Yarmouth base. North Sea; Bulgaria, Feb. 19 18; Sea patrols, Mudros — Dardanelles and N. Aegean, South Russia; Injured, Gulf of Xeros, July 29, 19 18, and Caspian Sea, June 28, 19 19; D.F.c, gaz. Jan. i, 1920; Despatches Jan. i, 1919. Bigelow, Levvis Herbert; Medicine 1924. c.a.m.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., June 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; A/Sergt. Billings, Edward John; Education 1920. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Bird, Samuel Roland; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.A.M.C, No. I Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Sept. 1915; No. 10 Can. Fd. Anih.; France, Apl. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Medaille Miiitarie, Somme, Feb. 13, 1917. Bird, William John; b.s.a. 1920. 66th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; l-rance, Aug. 1917; Sergt.; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; d.c.m. BissETT, William; b.s.a. 1920. 56th Bty., C.K.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 66lh Bty., Jan. 1917; France, .Aug. 1917; (Further details not available). 540 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Black, Grant Nichol; Medicine 1924. R.F.C, June 1917; Wt. Offr., Dec. 1918; Camp Borden. Black, Thomas Hirst; m.a., b.sc, ll.b. (Glasgow), Staff. R.G.A., Gnr. Bdr. Blackburn, Melvin Ray; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 25th Regt., Sergt. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Jan. 1916; L-Cpl.; France, July 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; 3rd Div. Tr. Bn., A/Sergt.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens sec. Hill 70 ; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 1916, and Hill 70, Aug. 22, 1917; Discharged Mar. 1918. Blackburn, Robert Glyn; Applied Science 1923. 17th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; L-Cpl.; France; Prisoner. Blacklock, Joseph Neilson; R. Coll. Dental Surg., 1923. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., Dec. 1915; Sergt.; r.f.c, Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917; Passchendaele, Ypres sec; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; In- valided June 19 18. Blackstock, Roy Stevenson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 35th Regt. 157th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Ii6th Bn., Nov. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens. Blackwtll, Austin Claude; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. c.A.s.c, Sergt., Sept. 1916; c.a.d.c; o/s. Feb. 1918; Sergt., Apl. 1918. Blackwell, Leslie Egerton; University Coll. 1923. 204th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, May 1917, 75th Bn.; L-Cpl., June 1917; Cpl., Sept. 1917; Sergt., Dec. 1917; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918. Blight, Thomas Francis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 196th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Lieut.; France, Mar. 1917, 27th Bn.; R.A.F.; Capt.; Vimy, Lens; W'ounded and Prisoner, Tournai, July 11, 1918. BoAKE, Victor Ersyll; Applied Science 1923. R.C.H.A., Gnr., Oct. 1916; Sgr.; France. BoNTD, Eric Warren; Veterinary Coll. 1918-20. R.N.W.M.P., Aug. 1914; 6th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, June 1915, Lord Strathcona's Horse; Givenchy, Messines, Dickebusch; 111 Nov. 1915; Dis- charged Dec. 1916. BoNGARD, Gordon Ross; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., 19 17; Gassed; Invalided. Booth, Caspar Stuart; Medicine 1924. 156th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, May 1917, 38th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Lens, Mar. 27, 1918, and Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Booth, George Robert; Veterinary Coll. 1920-21. Enl. Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 9th Bn., c.e.; Cambrai; Wounded, Bruay- sur-Escaut, Nov. 5, 19 18. BowYER, Clayton Musgrove; Applied Science 1923. 133rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; France, Apl. 1917, 4th Bn., Pte.; Loos, Lens, Vimy, Arras; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 16, 1917. Boyce, Robert William; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Boyd, Andrew Allan; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 141st Bn., Pte., Aug. 1916; 72nd Bty., c.f.a., Feb. 1917; 4th Bty., c.g.a., June 1917; France, Sept. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917; R.A.F., Aug. 1918; Sec Lieut., Nov. 1918. Boyd, Charles Thomas; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 6ist Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; 44th Bn.; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, Aug. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 541 Boyd, James; Medicine 1924. EnL Nov. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit. Mar. 1918. Boyd, Joseph Angus; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, No. 9 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Jan. 1916; o/s. June 1916; France, Sept. 1917, No. 10 Can. Fd. Amb.; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Boyd, William Roberts; Medicine 1924. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916; Returned Nov. 1917; Discharged Feb. 1918. Boyle, Gerald Edwix; Applied Science 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, Feb. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 3rd Bty., C.F.A., Apl. 1917; 2nd Bty., Oct. 1917; Bdr., Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Boyle, John; University Coll. 1924. Enl., C.F.A., Apl. 1918; (Details not available). Bradey, William Frederick; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; France, May 1917; c.f.a.; Lens, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Arras (1918); Wounded, Arras, Apl. 7, 1918. Brady, Clarence Leonard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 133rd Bn., Pte., May 1916; 123rd Bn.; 8thBn.,c.E.; France, Apl. 19 17; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Brayley, Robert Edwin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a. , Gnr., May 1917; France, June 19 18, 8th Bty., C.G.A.; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. Bredin, W'ILFREd; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., Aug. I918. Breithaupt, Carl Louis; Applied Science 1922. C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917. Breuls, Carman Paul; Applied Science 1923. C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Dec. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, ist Div. Sig. Coy.; Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 16, 1917; Mil. Medal, Oct. 1918; Despatches Aug. 1917. Bristow, George; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 9th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Sept. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt.; Ypres, Festubert, Loos, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras; r.a.f., 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Mil. Medal, Courcelette, Sept. 1916; Bar to m.m., Passchendaele, Dec. 19 17. Brodie, William Marr; University Coll. 1923- (On Active Service 23^ years; Details not available.) Brown, Allyn Wynne; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1916; France, Jan. 1918; 8th Army Bde., Signals; c.f.a.; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Brown, Edg.\r Carlyle; phm.b. 1920. 72nd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, June 1918; Amiens, Cambrai— Mons. Brown, Francis Bruce; Applied Science 1923. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 85th Bty.; Siberia, Jan. 1919. Brown, FniVNK John; Applied Science 1923- (On Active Service; o/s. I year; Details not available.) Brown, Harold Ross; Medicine 1926. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; L-Cpl., May 1918; Cpl., June 1918; Sergt., Aug. 19 18. 542 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Brown, James Dowsley; Forestry 1923. R.A.F., 1918. Brown, John Moffatt; Education 1920. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Brown, Joseph Magnus; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Brown, Milton Herbert; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., May 1918. Brown, Peter; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service 1916; Details not available.) Browne, John Howard; Applied Science 1923. EatonM.G.Bty.,Pte., Jan. 1915; Cpl.; C.E., Signals; France; Can. Cps. Survey Sec. Brownlee, Delmer Frederick; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 2nd Div. Sig. Coy.; 5th Bde. Hdqrs., CF.a.; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Buchanan, Allan Jordan; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 102nd Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 3, 1918. Buchanan, William Paul; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; o/s. 3 years; Details not available.) Bull, Wilbur Jackson; Applied Science 1923. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 19 18; Siberia. Bunt, Francis Alvin; Victoria 1923. 148th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 42nd Bn.; Wounded severely, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged May 1918. Bunting, William Russell; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Oct. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1917. Burbank, Jerome Douglas; Applied Science 1924. Can. A; my, 1916-17; U.S. Navy, 1918-19. BuRGAR, William John; Victoria 1924. Enl. Sept. 1917; R.A.F. Burns, William Boaden; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Burrows, Earl Stanley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 30th Regt. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 66th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Buschlen, Harold Clifford; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., July 19 17; France, 12th Bn., C.E.; (Further details not available). Butcher, William John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 58th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Ypres; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 13, 19 16; Discharged May 19 17. Butler, Edward William; Applied Science 1923. C.E.F., Lieut.; France; Mil. Medal; (Further details not available). Button, Edward William; Applied Science 1923. Iiith Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Nov. 1916; L-Cpl., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Apl. 1918; Sergt., Aug. 1918; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 6, 1917. Caldwell, W'illiam Salem; Medicine 1924; 23rd Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 72nd Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., Oct. 1917; France, Sept. 1918, ist Bde., c.f.a.; att. Can. Cps. Wireless sec; att. 14th Bde., c.f.a.; att. 3rd Can. Inf. Bde.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons, ROLL OF SERVICE 543 Cameron, Garrett John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 154th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt.; o/s. Oct. 1916; c.a.p.c; France, Aug. 19 18; Arras, Cambrai; Wounded Sept. 28, 19 18. Cameron, George Donald West; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, Oct. 1918; Oise, Sambre Canal. Cameron, Henry George; Medicine 1923. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Cameron, Hugh M.a.cLaren; Medicine 1926. C.F.A., Gnr., June 1917; Injured; Discharged Mar. 1918. Campbell, Allan Gordon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., May 19 17; France, Feb. 19 18, 23rd Hwr. Bty.; Arras, Amiens, Arras, etc. Campbell, Ewen Sutherland; University Coll. 1922. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut.; Discharged, medically unfit. Campbell, George Workman Wallace Argyle; Medicine 1924. Enl., Pte., Jan. 1918; Discharged, medically unfit, July 1918. Campbell, Goldie Thomas; Education 1920. 39th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1915; France, Nov. 1915; Ypres sec, Somme; Wounded June 9, 1916 and Somme, Sept. 17, 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 25th Bn.; . Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Arras. Campbell, Gordon Eddington; Medicine 1924. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Sta. Hosp., Pte., Jan. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1916; France, June 1916, No. 7 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. c.c.s., Aug. 1917; Passchendaele. Campbell, James Gerard; Medicine 1926. Enl., Sgr., Apl. 1916; France; (Further details not available). Campbell, James Murray; Education 1920; 38th Regt. 215th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; 125th Bn., Pte., June 1917; France, Mar. 1918, P.P.C.L.I.; Can. m.g. Cps., Apl. 1918; Invalided July 28, 1918. Campbell, Lorne De Vers; Applied Science 1924. 127th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; Somme sec, Ypres sec, Somme (1918), Villers Bretonneux; R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919; Wounded, Bapaume, Apl. 24, 1917. Campbell, Lorne Stark; Applied Science 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1917; Sergt.; r.f.c, Dec 1917; R a.f.. Sec. Lieut. Campbell, Reginald Hector Maurice; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 50th Regt. i6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 1914; Invalided Apl. 4, 1915; 54th Bn., Canada, June 1915; France, Mar. 1916, i6th Bn.; Cpl., Oct. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Wounded Sept. 5, 19 16, and Oct. 8, 1918. Campbell, William Alexander; Queen's Univ.; Applied Science 1923. (On Active Service; o/s. 31 months; Details not available.) Caple, Harold Henry; Medicine 1924. 196th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Sept. 19 17; Cadet, Aug. 19 18; Passchen- daele, Loos, Amiens; Wounded, Hamel, Apl. 4, 19 18. Carew, Arthur William; Applied Science 1923. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte, Apl. 19 18; o/s. Sept. 19 18; r.g.a.. Sec Lieut. Carley, Forest Cecil; Applied Science 1923. 93rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Sept. 191^^, 5th c.m.r.; Can. Cps. Tramway Coy., Aug.-Nov. 1917; Somme, Vim\ , Hill 70, Monohy, Cambrai— Mons; Wounded, Maricourt, Apl. 18, 19 17. Carr, Alexander Norman; Education 1920. Cobourg Hv>'. Bty., Gnr., Apl. 1916; 5th Bty., c.g.a.; Franco, Sept. I<)l6; 544 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Sergt.; 12th Bty., c.g.a.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Armentieres, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 9, 19 18. Carroll, David Ormsby; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. C.E., Mar. 1917; France, Feb. 19 18; Vimy, Amiens, Arras — Mons. Carroll, Ralph Edward; Medicine 1924. R.C.H.A., Gnr., May 1916; r.n.a.s.. Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, Feb. 19 17; r.a.f., Capt.; Nieuport sec. (June-Sept. 1917), Ypres sec. (Sept. -Nov. 1917); Injured Nov. 23, 1917; Invalided Jan. 1918. Carruthers, Vivian Hallam Hillocks; Applied Science 1923. 6th Can. Hvy. Bty., Gnr., May 19 16; France, Sept. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 17, 1917. Carslake, Clarence Hale; Applied Science 1923. 47th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; France. Carson, Charles Terry; Applied Science 1923. 40th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; France, July 1916; Sergt.; Ypres sec, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Dury, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Mt. St. Eloi, Jan. 9, 19 17. Carswell, William Edward; Applied Science 1924. 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Nov. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Cyclists; 74th Bn.; 75th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; att. nth Bde. Wirers, Mar. 1917-May 1918; att. nth Bde. Battle Field Clearing Coy., May 19 18; att. Khaki Univ.; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras — Valenciennes. Carveth, W^\LTER Alva; Medicine 1924. R.F.c, Cadet, Feb. 1917; Lieut., July 1917; r.a.f.; France, June 1918; Capt., July 1918; Arras — Ypres; Wounded and Prisoner, July 25, 1918. Cathcart, Standish Victor; University Coll. 1924. c.a.s.c, Pte., Mar. 19 16; France. Catto, Douglas Ellisson; Applied Science 1923. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, June 1917, 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Hwr. Bty., Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Epinoy, Oct. i, 19 18. Catto, John Maurice; Applied Science 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 115th Sqdn., Independent Force. Cayley, Arthur Bowen; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. o/s. 2 years; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut.; France; Prisoner. Cayley, Murray Alexander; Victoria 1922. r.a.f.. Cadet, June 1918. Chaffe, Redvers Sydney Southwood; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; 255th Sqdn. Chambers, Frederic William; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, 3/a.m.; Cadet, Oct. 1917; Sec Lieut., May 1918; Sub-marine patrol, English Channel, North Sea; Mine searching patrol. Chard, Thomas; Education 1920. 147th Bn., Pte., Sept. 19 15; Sergt.; France, Aug. 19 17, 102nd Bn., Pte.; Sergt.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Wounded, Arras, 19 18; Cadet; Mil. Medal, Amiens, 1918. Charles, Garner Allen; Education 1920; 2nd Regt. Can. Cyclist Cps., Aug. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Cyclists; Can. Cps. Cyclists Bn., June 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 19 17. ROLL OF SERVICE 545 Charltox, Willl\m Howard McNally; Medicine 1924. C.F.A., Gnr., ApL 1918; r.a.f., Cadet. Chater, Walter Norman; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. o/s., C.F.A.; (Details not available). Chisholm, George Brock; Medicine 1924. 37th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1915; France, July 1915, 15th Bn.; L-Cpl., June 1916; Cpl., Sept. 1916; Sergt., Dec. 1916; Lieut., Jan. 1917; A/Capt., Feb. 1918; Capt., Oct. 1918; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord; Wounded, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 1918; m.c, Hill 70, Aug. 1917; Bar to m.c, Amiens, Sept. 8-9, 1918. Chowen, Wilfrid, Roy; Applied Science 1924. Enl., Pte., May 19 16; France, i8th Bn. Church, John Anderson; Applied Science 1923. 38th Bn., Sergt., Jan. 1915; France, Aug. 19 16; Ypres sec, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 19, 19 16; 3rd c.c.d., Dec. 19 16; Khaki Univ., London, ApL 19 18; C.A.P.C, London, July 1919. Clark, Neil; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Mar. 19 16; France, May 1917; Lens, Passchendaele; H.A.F., Cadet, June 19 18. Clark, R.\lph; Medicine 1926. c.A.M.C, Pte., May 19 17; o/s. June 1.9 17. Clark, Ward Ferguson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; c.o.t.c. 78th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, 40th Bty.; Arras, Val- enciennes, Mons. Clarke, Albert Ross; Applied Science 1922; 12th Regt., Lieut. 127th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1917; Somme, Ypres, Nieuport, Villers Bretonneux; Wounded, Nieuport, July 10, 191 7. Clayton, Cecil John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. R.N..\.s., Fit. Sub-Lieut., May 1916; France, May 1917; Fit. Lieut., Dec. 1917; R.A.F. , Capt., May 19 18; Major, Oct. 19 18; North Sea, Belgian Coast, Heligo- land Bight; D.F.C., Jan. i, 1919; Despatches Sept. 1917, June 1918. Clements, Robert Walter; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 3rdc.D.T., Jan. 19 16; France, July 19 16; 6th Can. Siege Bty., Jan. 19 17; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Ypres, Amiens. Cline, Harold MacKechnie; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 231st Bn., rte., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 72nd Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Clothier, Walter James Kilburn; University Coll. 1923. c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., May 19 18; Valcartier, June 19 18; Hdqrs. Detach., Ottawa, Oct. 1918. Cockburn, Leslie James; Applied Science 1923. c.A.s.c, Pte., Jan. 1917; France, Spr. Code, Douglas Bl.'^ckburn; Medicine 1924. 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; Bdr., Cpl.; France, June 1918; Sergt., Jau. 1919; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. Code, Edwin Ryeburn; University Coll. 1923. C.E., Signals, Mar. 1916; Discharged Jan. 1918. Cohoe, John Edward; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. C.E.F., Lieut., Aug. 1916; o/s. Feb. 1918; France. Cole, Murray Stafford; Medicine 1923. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 191^'; T^"''- Queen's, Bty., C.F.A.; France, Jan. '—38 546 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Can. Div. Art. Hdqrs.; 'y' Bty., 2nd Can. Div. T.M. Bde.; 20th Bty., c.f.a.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Coles, Frederick Burton; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F.; (Details not ava'lable) . Collier, William Benson; Education 1920; c.s.c.i., Lieut. 1st Can. Div., Spec. Svce., Lieut., Aug. 1914; o/s. Oct. 1914; 216th Bn., Canada, Lieut., Dec. 1916; o/s. June 1917. CoLMAN, Arthur Russell; Applied Science 1924. 33rd Bty., C.F.A. , Sgr., Nov. 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres, Kemmel, Lens, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Kemmel, Nov. ii, 1916, and Arras, Nov. 11, 1918. Colter, John Leonard; Applied Science 1923. 149th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; No. i Spec. Svce. Coy.; No. if.d.c; Can. For. Cps., 126th Coy.; France, Apl. 19 18, 47th Bn.; 5th Bn.; 47th Bn.; Somme, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918. Connell, James Lorne; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 37th Bty., C.F.A. , Nov. 1915; France, July 1916; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. CoNNON, Peter Copeland; b.s.a. 1920. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 55th Bty.; (Further details not available). Conover, James Douglas; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Mar. 1915; France, 36th Bde. Hdqrs.; r.a.f., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Cooke, Harry Martin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.A.s.C, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl.; France, May 1918; Douai, Denain, Valenciennes; att. Indep. Air Force, Vosges; c.a.m.c. Mar. 1919. Coon, Arthur Willard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1917, att. 8th Bde., C.F.A., Hdqrs., Sgr.; Vimy sec, March Retreat, Amiens sec, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded Oct. 4, 1918. Coons, DwightS.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 173rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 54th Bn.; France, Aug. 1917; Lieut.; Mil. Medal, Aug. 8, 1918. CoRBEN, Stanley Herbert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.A.M.C, No. II Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Angers, Jan. 2, 1918. CoRiSTiNE, Wilfrid Clarence; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.A.M.C, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy. Corkery, Vincent Jeremiah; St. Michael's 1920-21. (On Active Service; o/s. 3 years; Details not available.) Cotton, Henry; Victoria 1919-20. 148th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; L-Cpl., Apl. 1916; Lieut., 1917; att. r.f.c. Mar. 1917; France, Apl. 1917; Obsr., May 1917; Wounded and Prisoner, Somain, May 28, 1917; Despatches. CouTTS, Albert Ernest; phm.b. 1920. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt., Staff Sergt.; Ypres, Festubert, G'lvenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; Mil. Medal, Vimy; Bar to m.m., Cambrai. ROLL OF SERVICE 547 CouTTS, John McDermot; University Coll. 1921. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1918. CouTTS, Wallace McHardy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 177th Bn., Sgr., Apl. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 19th Bn.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 28, 19 18. Cowan, Willl\m Rae; Ap; Ted Scence 1924. Can. Perm. A. s.c, Pte., Motor Transport Dr., July 1916; c.A.s.C; Invalided; Discharged, medically unfit, Feb. 1917. CowiE, Albert Harold; Education 1920. i66th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Can. M.G. Cps.; France, Nov. 1917, 6th Can. m.g. Coy., Signals; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Vimy sec, Lievin, Neuville Vitasse (Apl.-June 1918), Amiens, Monchy, Cambrai, Mons. Craigie, Crawford Campbell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 195th Bn., Pte., Feb. 19 16; France, Nov. 1916, 5th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 1917, and Passchendaele, Nov. 10, 1917; Invalided Oct. 19 18. Cram, Wilson Dunlop; Forestry 1923. R.F.C, Cadet, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1918; o/s. Mar. 1918; r.a.f.; North Sea. CRA^VFORD, Arthur Scott; Applied Science 1923. 173rd Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; 134th Bn., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, ii6th Bn.; Amiens, Arras; Invalided Aug. 19 18. Creswtck, Edward Aidan; Applied Science 1923. 177th Bn., Aug. 1916; o/s. 22 months; (Further details not ava'lable). Crich, Wilfred Victor; Education 1920. i6ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Feb. 19 18, i8th Bn., Cpl.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Mil. Medal, Arras, Aug. 26, 1918. Crich, William Aubrey; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.N..\.s., Fit. Lieut., Nov. 1917; France, Aug. 1918; Western front; Returned and discharged Apl. 19 18. Crosbin, Hazen Walter; Forestry 1923. 6th C.M.R., Pte., May 1915; France, Oct. 1915; 5th c.m.r., Jan. 1916; Cpl., Apl. 1916; Armentieres, Ploegsteert, Kemmel, Ypres; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 3,1916; C.A.M.C, June 1917. Cross, Arthur; Victoria 1919-20. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Injured, Camp Borden, Sept. 26, 1918. Crossen, William Victor; University Coll. 1924. R.A.F., Cadet, 19 18. Crossgrove, George Matthew; Ay pled Science 1924- Enl. Dec. 1915; 87th Bn.; France; Lieut.; Discharged A; 1. 1918. Crowe, George Fr,\ncis; Applied Science 1923. R.F.C, Sept. 1917; Injured; (Further details not available). Crowe, Loren Lee; Acadia Univ.; Medicine 1923. r.a.f. , Cadet, 1918. Crysdale, John Percy; University Coll. 1923. C.E., Mar. 1916; France, c.c. s.c; Cpl.; (Further details not available). Cunningham, Robert Wall.\ce; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 2n(l Regt. c.A.s.C, Pte., Dec. 1916; r.f.c. Sec Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1918. Currie, Cecil McLaren; University Coll. 1923. r.a.f.. Cadet, May 1918. Currie, George Calvin; Medicine 1924. 119th Bn., Pte., May 1916; A/Sergt., Aug. 1916; France, Feb. 1918; Cpl., Feb. 548 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 1918; Maricourt, St. Pierre, Amiens, Damery, Arras; Gassed Aug. 16, 1918; Wounded Aug. 27, 19 18. CuRRiE, MoRLEY Arthur; Medicine 1924; 51st Regt., Lieut. 119th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; c.f.a.; France, Aug. 1918, 4th Can. t.m. Bty.; loth Bty., c.F..\. ; Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Curtis, Nichol.\s; b.s..\. 1920. 13th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Feb. 19 15; France, Sept. 19 15; A/Capt.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Oppy; Gassed, Willerval, May 7, 1917; Staff, War Office, M. 1.8; Invalided Jan. 1918; Discharged June 1918; Despatches June 1917- CusHNiE, John; University Coll. 1923; 30th Regt. 153rd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, ist Bn.; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. Daniel, Charles Delbert; Victoria 1919-20. 252nd Bn., Lieut:, Mar. 1917; ca.m.c, t.d. No. 2, Pte., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Nov. 1917; Sergt., Mar. 1918; d.g.m.s. Staff, Staff Sergt., Oct. 1918, Daniel, Walter Campbell; University Coll. 1923. r.f.c, Sec. Lieut., May 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 64th Sqdn.; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Arras, May 18, 1918; r.a.f., England, June 1918. Darby, Thomas Jefferson; University Coll. 1922. 152nd Bn., Pte., June 19 16; o/s. Oct. 19 16; France, 4th and 5th Bns. Darker, Grant Docks; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., Reserve, Pte. 11, May 19 18. Darker, John Wilford Hassard; Preparatory Class 1919-20; 103rd Regt. CA.M.C, A/Sergt., Oct. 1917; 78th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., May 1918. Darling, Frederick Leslie; Applied Science 1923. R.C.H.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; c.f.a.; France, Aug. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 6th Bde. Hdqrs., c.f.a.; 25th Bty., c.f.a.; Passchen- daele. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Valenciennes; Wounded and gassed, Valenciennes, Nov. 2, 1918; G.H.Q., Can. Sec, 3rd Echelon, Rouen, Jan. 19 19; Impl. Pay Staff, Genoa, Italy, Apl. — July 1919. Davey, Harold Keith; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; L-CpL; France, June 1917, 4th Fd. Coy., CE., Despatch Rider; 4thBn., C.E.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai, etc. Davidson, Arthur Greenwood; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 19221'. 86th, M.G., Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; L-Cpl.; Sergt.; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; , Fit. Sub-Lieut.; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918; Invalided Aug. 1918. Davidson, Samuel Wilson; University Coll. 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; A/Sergt.; r.g.a.. Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918. Davis, Allan Eyre Nixon; University Coll. 1924. 114th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 4th Bn.; Arras — Lens sec; Returned and discharged Oct. 1918. Davis, Cecil Reginald; Applied Science 1924. 114th Bn., Pte., July 1916; 36th Bn.; 34th Bn.; C.A.S.C, Supplies; C.A.s.C, Mech. Tpt.; France, Feb. 19 18, att. 5th P'orestry Distr.; Jura Mts. Davis, Frederick; Applied Science 1924. R. Newfoundland Regt., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Sergt.; France and Flanders; Wounded, Ginchy, Jan. 27, 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 549 Davis, John Wilson; Education 1920. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; L-CpL, May 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1917. Davison, Ralph Rutherford; Medicine 1924. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Fd. Amb., Pte., Nov. 1915; Cpl., May 1916; Sergt., July 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; A.D.M.s. Hdqrs., Brighton; a.d.m.s. Hdqrs., 5th Div.; No. 14 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, May 1918; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., d.d.m.s. Staff, Feb. 1919; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Davison, Wilfred Moran; Preparatory Class 1919-20; 32nd Regt,, Lieut. 71st Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; loth Bde. Light T.M. Bty.; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl., May 1917; Sergt., May 1918; 44th Bn., Aug. 1918; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Lens, June 3, 1917- Day, Allan; Medicine 1924. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; France, Mtiy 1918; Amiens, Le Cateau, etc.; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. 12, 1918. Day, George Sparkes; Victoria 1923; g.g.b.g. 4th C.M.R., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; Messines, Kemmel sec, Ypres sec; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916. Deacon, Percival Alan; Applied Science 1924. R.N.A.S.; o/s.; (Details not available). D'Easum, Leonard Geoffrey; Medicine 1924. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Nov. 19 15; F"rance, May 19 16, p.r.c.L.i.; 49th Bn., Lieut., 1918; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Amiens; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 10, 1917. De Cow, Dan Douglas; Applied Science 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; o/s. Delahey, Neil Alexander; Victoria 1923. R.A.F., May 1918. Delamere, Harold Dawson; Medicine 1924; g.g.b.g., Lieut. 2nd Depot Regt., c.m.r., Lieut., Nov. 1915; France, Sept. 1917, 58th Bn.; Seed. No. I B.T.W., R.A.F.; France & Belgium; Wounded, Mericourt, Mar. 20, 1918. Derbyshire, Wilfred John; Medicine 1926; 51st Regt.. 19th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1^15; Messines, St. Eloi, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, St. Eloi, Apl. 19 1 6, and Vimy, May 191 7. Dickey, Carl Manning; b.s.a. 1920. 8th Can. Siege Bty., Sgr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Cambrai, Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Petit Vimy, Mar. 28, 1918. Dickie, Wilfrid Chipman; University Coll. 1922. R.a.f. ; (Details not available). Dickson, Joseph Leslie; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922; 22ntl Regt., Lieut. i68th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; att. r.f.c, Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917, 43rd vSqrln.; Vimy-Lens sec, Arras sec; Wounded, Airc-sur-Lys, May 7, 1917; Mentioned, Aire-sur-Lys, Apl. 15-30, 1917, and May 5, 1917- Diehl, Wallace McGarva; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Aug. 1916; France, 2nd Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; (Further details not a\ailable). Dillon, Harry Robertson; Applied Science 19^3; 141I1 Biy., c.k.a., Lieut. 31st Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., June 1915; 5th Bde., c.f.a.; I^ancc, Jan. 1916,5th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a.; 17th Bty.; x 2 c, y 2 c, Z2 c, v 2 c, t.m. lUics.; Div. t.m.o,. 550 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 2nd Can. Div.; o.c. 2nd Can. Div. t.m. Bties. ; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., Ypres sec, July 29, 1916; Despatches Jan. 1918. DiNNiwELL, Oliver Clarence; Medicine 1924. Enl. May 1918; (Further details not ava'lable). Donald, Stanxey Keir; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 82nd Regt., Lieut. 105th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; 104th Bn.; France, May 19 18; Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 16, 1918. Dormer, John Garfield; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 53rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; 75th Bty., c.f.a.; France, Mar. 1917, 24th Bty., C.f.a. ; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy- Arras sees., Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Dorsey, William Ed\vin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 99th Regt., Sergt. i8ist Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1916; France, June 1917; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Douglas, James Woods; University Coll. 1923. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 21st Hwr. Bty.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens; Wounded, Lens, Feb. 26, 19 18. Dow, Norman David; b.s.a. 1920. 38th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, July 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; L-Sergt.; Lieut., Apl. 1917; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Mar. 10, 1917; De- spatches Dec. 31, 1918. Downe, Frederick Norman; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 34th Bn., Pte., May 1915; France, Dec. 1915, 13th Bn.; i8th Bty., C.F.A.; Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916, and Vimy, May 24, 1917; Discharged Apl. 1918. DoxsEE, James Egerton Roswell; Victoria 1923. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., Oct. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Nov. 1917, 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Vimy-Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Druce, Eric; Forestry 1923. 144th Bn., Feb. 1916; 224th Can. For. Bn., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1916; Can. For. Hdqrs., London; c.f.a., May 1918; France, Oct. 1918. Drummond, Peter Rob; Applied Science 1923. 1st C.O.R., Jan. 1918; France, 15th Bn.; Sergt. Dliff, John Harold; Forestry 1923. 86th, M.G., Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps., Dec. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 6th Can. m.g. Coy.; Vimy; Wounded, Arleux, May 4, 1917; Discharged Mar. 1918. Dunbar, Prosper Gerald; Applied Science 1922. C.E., Spr., Jan. 1917; France, Sept. 1918. Dunbar, Wilfred Roy; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. Duncan, Gordon George; Applied Science 1923. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 53rd Bty.; France, Sept. 1917; r.f.c. Mar. 1918; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1918; Lens sec. Duncan, Harvey Daniel; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 137th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 49th Bn.; France, Dec. 1916; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens sec, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 31, 1917. DuNCOMBE, Keith Lionel; Medicine 1924. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, June 1917; Cambrai (19x7), Lens, Passchendaele, March Retreat (19 18), Amiens, Le Cateau. ROLL OF SERVICE 551 DuNDAS, Gordon Ayres; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; Cpl., Signal Instr.; France, May 1917; Sergt., Nov. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valen- ciennes. DuNDAS, Robert Anthony; Education 1920. 1st Depot Bn., Pte., Jan. 1918; r.a.f.. Cadet; o/s. Aug. 1918; Sec. Lieut. Dunham, James Edwin Stephen; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, Pte., June 1916; o/s. Mar. 1917; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut. Dunlop, Pius James; Applied Science 1923. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 13th Bty., c.f.a. ; Pass- chendaele, Vimy sec, Lens sec, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Gassed, Roclincourt, Aug. I, 1918. Dunlop, Ralph Waldo; Medicine 1924. 2nd c.e. Res. Bn., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; ist c.E. Res. Bn. DuNNETT, Fr.\nk Henry; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 139th Bn., Cpl., Dec. 1915; France, Nov. 1916, 87th Bn.; r.a.f., Cadet, June 1918. Dyer, Alfred Wilson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 177th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; B. & p.t. School, c.s.m., Instr.; France, Aug. 1918, 15th Bn. Dyer, Joseph Wilson; Applied Science 1923. 47th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., July 1916; 54th Bty.; France, Mar. 19.17, nth Bty.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 19 17; Discharged Apl. 19 18. Dymond, John Malcolm; Applied Science 1924; 2nd Regt. 3rd Bn., Cpl., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; gaz. Lieut, in the Field, May 1915; 23rd Res. Bn., July 1915; France, Jan. 1916; Capt., Jan. 1916; A/Major, July- Nov. 1916; Ypres, Festubert, Messines sec. (Jan. -Mar. 1916), Ypres, Somme, Vimy sec; ist Can. c.d., Dec. 1916; Major, Mar. 1919; Wounded, Festubert, May 22, 19 15, and Mt. Sorrel, June 13, 19 16. Eakins, ClaR:\nce Gray; University Coll. 1921, Wycliffe. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; France, Sept. 1917, ist Can. Div. Amm. Col.; i8th Bty.; Lens sec, Passchendaele, Arras; Injured, Arras sec, Apl. 19, 1918. Eaton, Ernest Lowden; b.s.a. 1920. 219th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 'b' Unit, M.H.C.C, Feb. 1917. Echlin, Erland Saint-Clair; Medicine 1924; 2nd Dragoons. 4th C.M.R., Pte, Sept. 1914; Fort Garry Horse, Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1916. Edgecombe, John Frederick; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 71st Regt. 9th Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., Sept. 1916; France, Sept. 1917; Vimy sec, Passchen- daele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Elder, John Gladstone; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., May 1918. Elford, Herbert Cyril; Victoria 1923; c.a.s.c. w.o.R., Pte, May 19 18; L-Cpl. Elkerton, William Cordingley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. X95th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, I9lh Hn.; .Xrras, .•\micns; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 27, 1918. Elliot, William Forrester; Applied Science 1923. C.E.F., 2 years; (Details not available). Elliott, Frank Wallace; Applied Science 1923. c.A.M.c, T.D. No. 2, Mar. 1916; o 's. July 1916; France, Sept. 1916, No. 8 Can. 552 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Fd. Amb.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 31, 1917. Elliott, George Albert; Medicine 1924. 196th Bn., Pte., June 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 46th Bn.; Vimy; Wounded, Carency, Apl. 11, 1917; 15th Res. Bn., Cpl., Musk. Instr.; France, Aug. 1918, 4th Can. Div. Wing, Sergt., Musk. Instr.; 46th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1918. Elliott, Wiltox Harper; Education 1920. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., May 1917; ist Hussars; France, Mar. 1918, ist Bn.; 2nd C.M.R. ; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Ellis, Fraxklin Alexander; Applied Science 1923. 114th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1918, ll6thBn.; Vimy sec. Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Ellis, Frederick Mark; Victoria 1919-20. Enl. May 1918; o/s. June 1918; 8th Can. Res. Bn.; Can. Signal School. Elsey, John Gordon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 78th Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, July 1916, 7th Bn.; ist Can. Div. Supply Col, att. 2nd Can. Inf. Bde. Signals, June 1917; L-Cpl., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Sept. 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens — Cambrai; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 14-16, 1917. Endicott, James Gareth; Victoria 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1917; France, Jan. 1918, ist Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; att. 2nd Bde., c.f.a., Mar. 1918; Lens-Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. English, Samuel Sandford; Medicine 1924. c.a.m.c, Pte., Apl. 1915; R.F.A., Nov. 1917; Balkans; (Further details not available). Evans, George Frederick; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F., May 1918. Evans, Meyler Gwyn; Applied Science 1923; 2nd Fd. Coy., c.e., Sergt. C.E., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1915; 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Aug. 1916; , Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Canal du Nord — Mons; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. I, 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. Everist, Wilfred Clair; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918. EwiNG, Ernest Hamilton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Enl., Pte., Sept. 1918; Discharged Oct. 1918. Fair, Albert Edward Harold; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Fair, William Joseph Arthur; St. Michael's 1923; 23rd Regt., Lieut. 162nd Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps., Jan. 1917; France, May 1917, 2nd Can. M.G. Coy.; 8th Can. m.g. Coy., Aug. 1917; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valen- ciennes. Falby, Bolton; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 159th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Apl. 1917, 24th Bn.; Lens, Hill 70; Wounded severely, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Faris, Edwin MacKay; Applied Science 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Feb. 1917; o/s. Oct. 1917; r.a.f., Lieut.; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 553 Farley, John; Applied Science 1923; Lieut. R.F.c, May 19 17; France, r.a.f., 102nd Sqdn.; (Further details not available). Farr, Percy William; Education 1920. 153rd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, June 1918, 27th Bn.; i8th Bn., 1919; Amiens, Arras, Douai, Cambrai; Wounded and shell-shocked, Cambrai, Oct. II, 1918. Fawcett, Walter Lyell; University Coll. 1923. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; France, 8th Can. Siege Bty.; (Further details not available). Fawcett, Wesley Wellington; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Feb. 19 16; France; (Details not available). Fennell, Hilliard Bertr,\m; phm.b. 1920. C.E., Signals, Feb. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, Can. Cps. Sig. Coy.; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele. Fennell, Milton Hugh; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, June 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Fenton, John Joseph; Education 1920. 196th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; Can. For. Cps.; France, Apl. 1917. Fenton, Wilson Kennedy; Medicine 1924. C.E., Spr., May 1918; France, Sept. 1918, 4th Bn., C.E.; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Fenwick, Alan Raymond; Forestry 1924. R.A.F., Apl. 1918. Ferguson, James Gordon; Medicine 1926. Enl. Dec. 1916; France; (Details not available). Ferguson, Peter Howard; b.s.a. 1920. 1st Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, July 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; L-Cpl., Mar. 1918; Cpl., Aug. i9i8;Somme (1915), Armentieres, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Invalided Dec. 1915-May 19 16; Mil. Medal, Vimy, Apl. 17, 19 17. Ferguson, Robert Irvin; University Coll. 1923. i6ist Bn., Lieut., Dec. 19 15; Discharged, medically unfit, Dec. 19 17. Ferguson, Thomas Gordon; Medicine 1924. C.E., Spr., Oct. 1917; o/s.; ist c.e. Res. Bn. Ferrier, William Gladstone; Applied Science 1923; 12th Regt. 180th Bn., Sgr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, 19th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele; Invalided Nov. 13, 1917; c.e., Signal Base, Witley, Sept. 1918. FiNDLAY, Robert Murray; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France, Aug. 1918, C.E. Finlay, Harold Homer; Medicine 1924. 196th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, June 1917, 46th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 19 17. Finlay, James McKim; Victoria 1918-19. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Finlayson, David Stewart; Medicine 1924. l6oth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 43rd Bn.; Arras-Vimy sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. FiNLEY, Richard Alexander; Applied Science 1923. R.C.D., July 1917 — June 1918; (Details not available). Finmark, Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. i«oth Bn., Pte, Feb. 1916; c f.a., Feb. 1917; France June 1917, n 48lh Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded and gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 17, 1917- 554 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Firth, Harry Ector; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Aug. 19 16; France. (Details not available). Fisher, Donald Brown; Victoria 1922. 67th, u. of T., Bty.,c.F.A.,Gnr., Apl. 1917; c.g.a.; France, May 19 18; Arras, etc. Fleming, David Russell; Medicine 1924. " I20th Bn., Pte., May 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a.; France, Dec. 1916, 3rd Bty., C.F.A. ; Cpl.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passe hendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Fleming, Eric Gordon; Medicine 1922. 114th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, May I9i7i 12th Can. M.G. Coy.; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele ; Wounded, Passchendaele, Sept. 31, 1917; Invalided Sept. 19 18. Flenley, Ralph; m.a. (Liverpool), b.litt. (Oxon.), Staff. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., June 1915; France, Nov. 19 15, 149th Bde., R.F.A.; Lieut., Jan. 1917; Bde. Sig. Offr., May-Dec. 1917; 149th Bde., A/Capt. and Adjt., Apl. 1918; 30th Div., Education Offr., Capt., Oct. 1918; Somme (1915-16), Arras (Apl. -May 1917), Messines (June 1917), Ypres (June-Dec. 1917), March Retreat, Kemmel (Apl. 1918), Wytschaete, Lys — Scheldt; Despatches 1917 and 1918. Fletcher, Calvert Lockwood; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. FooTE, Clarence Everett; Forestry 1923; 23rd Regt. 170th Bn., Sgr., May 1916; 170th Bn.; 54th Bty., c.f.a.; France, Mar. 1917; 6th Bty.; 7th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens sec. Arras, Somme (1918); Gassed, Hill 70, Aug. 17, 1917. Foote, John Calvin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 103rd Bn., Pte., Dec. 19 15; c.e., 5th Div. Sig. Coy.; France, Aug. 19 17; 2nd Cpl., Sergt.; Lens, Arras, Amiens; Meritorious Service Medal, Jan. 25, 1919. Forrest, Samuel James; Medicine 1924. Enl., Pte., Mar. 19 17; 4th c.m.r.; (Details not available). Fowler, Arthur Coulson; Medicine 1926. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A. , Dr., Dec. 1917; o/s.; (Further details not available). Francis, Edw.\rd Walter; Applied Science 1923; u.c.c. Rifles, Capt., Instr.; c.o.t.c, R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; A/Lieut., Dec. 1917; [McGill, Lieut.; r.m.c. Egypt, Dec. 1917; o.c.,x. 74 M. t. m. Bty.; att. loth Irish Div., Feb. 1920; Orderly Offr. and o.c. Hdqrs. Staff, 68th f.a.b., Apl. 1920; Palestine (Jerusalem, etc.); Invalided, Mediterranean, Dec. 31, 1917 and Palestine, Sept. 8, 1918. Francis, Ray; University Coll. 1918-19. 1st Bn., 2nd C.O.R. Franks, Selwyn T.; Applied Science 1923. r.f.c. Cadet, Oct. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, July 1918; Lieut.; Fit. Cmdr.; Soissons — Rheims, Arras sec. (July 1918); Wounded, Cambrai, Aug. 23, 1918. Eraser, John Lambton; Medicine 1924. 149th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Mar. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. 18, 19 18. Fraser, Thomas; Medicine 1924; r.n.w.m. Police, Const. R.A.F., Pte., Sept. 1918; Lieut.;' o/s. Apl. 1918. Frederick, Wilfrid Douglas; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. R.G.A., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Fuller, Wilfrid Eastland; University Coll. 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Jan. 1916; France; 38th Bty., c.f.a. FuMERTON, Aubrey; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 137th Bn., Pte., May 1916; c.a.d.c. ; France, Dec. 1917; Nancy sec. ROLL OF SERVICE 555 Galbraith, Regixald Arthur Harvey; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. R.E., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Gane, John Montgomery; Education 1920; 13th Regt. I20th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; L-Sergt.; Sergt.; France, Mar. 1918, 54th Bn.; Can. Cps. Survey Sec; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mens. Gannon, Langford James; Applied Science 1924. 103rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 29th Bn.; Arras sec, Vimy; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 8, 19 17; r.a.f., Apl. 19 18. Gardiner, Frederick John; Victoria 1920-21. o/s.; (Details not available). Gash, Arthur Blain; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. R.F.A., England and France, 20 months; (Further deta'ls not available). Gauld, Ross Laurier; Medicine 1924. Can. Amm. Col., Pte., Oct. 1918; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Gawley, Robert James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; A/Sergt.; o/s. Sept. 1918; General List, Sec. Lieut. Geddes, Hugh Huntly; University Coll. 1922. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 39th Bty.; 3rd Can. Div. T.M. Bty.; 45th Bty.; Vimy, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Gibbons, Albert Victor; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 26th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; France, Nov. 1917; Vimy-Lens sec, Neuville-Vitasse sec, Arras sec; Young Soldiers' Bn., England, June 19 18; Can. Cav. Depot, July 1918; France, Nov. 1918, Lord Strathcona's Horse. Gibson, Harold John; University Coll. 1924. C.E. Signals, Spr., Oct. 19 18; Siberia. Gibson, Joseph A.; Education 1920. I /3rd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Pte., Oct. 19 16; France, July 19 18, 14th Argyll and Sutherland Hdrs.; Ypres — Commines — Lille, Roubaix — Scheldt. Gilchrist, Robert Allan; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, No. II Fd. Amb., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres, Sonime, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai. Gillies, Archie; University Coll. 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1916; Bdr.; Gnr.; France, June 1918, 15th Bty.; Amiens, Arras — Mons. GiLLMOR, James; Applied Science 1923. 196th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; L-Cpl., June 1917; Cpl., Aug. 1917; Sergt., Oct. 1917; Cadet, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras. GiLLMOR, Thomas; Applied Science 1923. 196th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 46th Bn.; Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Lens, May 7, 1917; 2nd Can. Inf. Works Bn.; Vimy-Lens sec; Motor Tpt., England. Gilmore, Lloyd Elmo; University Coll. 1923, Applied Science 1924; c.a.s.c, Sergt. c.a.s.c, Feb. 1916; att. Permt. Force, m.d. 2; Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Xov. 1917; C.G.A.; France, July 1918, Can. Cps. Hvy. Art. Reinf. Depot; 7th Siege Bty., C.G.A. ; Vimy, Cagnicourt, Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons. Glave, Ralph Brunt; Applied Science 1923; 32nd Regt., Lieut. i6oth Bn., Cj)!., Jan. 1916; C.E., Signals; France, .A])!. i<)i7; all. loth Bdc, c.f.a. Glenney, Wilton Ross; Medicine 1924. R.N.A.S., p. P.O., Mar. 1917; FU. Sub-Lieut., Aug. i()i7; Aegean Sea, Oct. 1917; R.A.r., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Eastern Mediterranean, Struma front (Salonica). 556 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO GoDARD, William Robert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 77th Regt., Lieut. 129th Bn., Sergt., Apl. 1916; r.f.c, Jan. 1918; Egypt, Mar. 1918; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918; Ismalia, El Rimel. GoHEEN, R.VYMOND WiLLiAM ; University Coll. 1923. C.E., June 1918. GoLDiE, John Edward; Applied Science 1923. 62nd Bty., C.F.A., Apl. 1916; 58th Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. GoLDiE, John Gibson; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F. , Cadet, July 1918. Goldsmith, George Lawrence; Medicine 1924. Can. Offrs. Hosp., 1917; c.a.m.c, 1918; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp. Good, Allan Wilfrid Gilmore; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 71st Regt., Lieut. 104th Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1915; 140th Bn.; R. Can. Regt.; France, Oct. 1916, 60th Bn.; att. 9th Can. l.t.m. Bty., Nov. 1916; att. 58th Bn.; 9th Can. l.t.m. Bty.; Capt., o.c, Jan. 1918; att. 9th Can. Inf. Bde.; 58th Bn., Nov. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. Gordon, Harold; Medicine 1922. i^-N., 3-2- years; (Details not available). GowER, John Leveson; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; r.f.c; France, Mar. 1918;. Prisoner Sept. 1918. Graham, James Archibald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 156th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; 230th Bn., Lieut.; Can. For. Cps.; France, Feb. 1917; Somme, Vosges, Normandy. Graham, Joseph Robert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.a.m.c. No. 18 Depot, Pte., May 1915; No. i Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp.; France, Jan. 19 17, No. i Can. ccs.; Ypres sec, Vimy, Somme, Lens, Arras. Gray, Bruce Gordon; University Coll. 1920-21; Cps. of Guides. 20ist Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Jan. 1918, 75th Bn.; Capt., Oct. 1918; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — -Valenciennes; m.C, Valenciennes, Nov. 1918. Gray, Frank Earl; Medicine 1923. (On A'tive Service; o/s.; Details not available). Gray, Kenneth Curlette; Applied Science 1923. 95th En., Pte., Oct. 1915; 6oth Bn.; France, Sept. 1916; 87th Bn., May 1917; Cpl., Sept. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 19, 1918. Gray, Llewellyn McKinley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 73rd Regt. 6th C.M.R., Tpr., Feb. 1915; France, Oct. 1915; C.E., 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., Jan. 1916; Ypres (1915-16), Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Gray, Thomas Wesley Alvin; Medicine 1924; 46th Regt., Lieut. 136th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; 235th Bn., Pte.; c.s.m.; 134th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 3rd Bn.; Khaki Univ.; Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 30, 1918. Gray, William Goldwin; Medicine 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Dr., May 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70; Wounded July 27, 19 17. Greene, Charles Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 103rd Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchen- daele; r.a.f. , Oct. 1917; Sec. Lieut., June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 557 Greig, Gordon Tait; R. CoU. Dental Surg. 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 56th Bty., C.F.A., Nov. 1916; 55th Bty.; France, Aug. 19 17; La Bassee — Scarpe, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Mons. Grenzebach, Earl Wilfred; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 51st Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 46th Bn.; France, Oct. 1916; Somme, Viniy; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 21, 19 17. Grenzebach, Sylvester Leslie; Applied Science 1924. 71st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, Aug. 1918, i6th Bty.; Arras — Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 19 18. Grierson, Nathan Bennett; Medicine 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1915; France, Oct. 1916; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc. Grieve, Robert McLeod; phm.b. 1920. 153rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Can. M.G. Cps., July 1917; France, Nov. 1917; Passchendaele, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Griffin, Bruce Manlev; Medicine 1924. 157th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Nov. 1916, ist Bn.; Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, and Cambrai, Sept. 27, 19 18; Mil. Medal, Canal du Nord, Sept. 27, 19 18. Gropp, Gordon Stewart; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 208th Bn., Pte., May 19 16; Cpl.; France, Feb. 19 18, 54th Bn.; Lens, Amiens, Valenciennes; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 19, 1918. Gudgin, Harry Oswald; Education 1920; 105th Regt., Lieut. 214th Bn.,Capt. and Pmr., May 1916; Staff, m.d. 12, Asst. d.p.m.; w.o.r., Lieut., Nov. 19 17; o/s. Jan. and June 19 18; nth and 14th Res. Bns.; Tank Cps. Guest, Duncan Morvan; Victoria 1919-20. Enl. Aug. 1918; (Details not available). Guest, Richard Clarence; Western Univ.; University Coll. 1922. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Apl. 1918; o/s. Oct. 1918. Gullett, Donald Werden; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 73rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 2nd Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. Sept. 1918. GuNN, Andrew Douglas; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c; Impl. Army, Sec. Lieut.; France, 14 months; (Details not available). Guthrie, James Austin Twohy; Medicine 1926. R.A.F., 1918. Guthrie, James Campbell; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Feb. 1916; France, July 1916; Hill 60, La Bassee, Ypres, Messines, Pass- chendaele, Armentieres; Discharged Apl. 1918. Haas, Karl Edouard; University Coll. 1923- R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. Haldenby, Charles Norman; Applied Science 1922. o/s.; 2nd Can. Div. Amni. Col.; (Details not available). Hall, Edward Robert; Victoria 1921. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Apl. 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Oct. 1916. Hambley, George Henry; Victoria 1922. loth C.M.R., Pte., Oct. 1915; Lord Strathcona's Horse, Sgr.; France, Oct. \i)\6, 'a' Sqdn., 19th Aha. Dragoons; 'a' Sqcfn., Can. Light Horse; Somnu-, \iniy, Loos, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons. Hamilton, Ira Wilson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. C.A.D.c, June 1915; o/s. June 1915; 9tli I»f- ^Jc. Hdqrs.; France, Jan. I'/K"-; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; C.A.D.C, Mar. 1917. 558 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Hamilton, Keith Campbell; Applied Science 1923. C.E.F., Spr., July 1917; France; (Details not available). Hand, Wilbur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 119th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 58th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai, etc. Hanna, Frederic James; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. o/s. July 1918; C.F.A., Lieut.; France; (Details not available). Hanning, James Rowland; Applied Science 1923; 29th Regt., Lieut. 122nd Bn., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 58th Bn. Hardy, Albert Victor; Medicine 1924. R.A.F.; o/s. 9 months; (Details not available). Harl, Wilfrid George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. 215th Bn., Sergt., Apl. 1916; c.a.d.c, Pte.; Sergt.; o/s. Apl. 1917; France, July 1918. Harris, Kenneth Robert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922; Cps. of Guides. c.a.d.c, Sergt., Feb. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917. Harron, Leroy Stanley; Victoria 1923. (On Active Service, c.e.f.; Details not available.) Harston, John Clifford; Victoria 1922, Applied Science 1923. 1st Regt., C.G.A., A/Bdr., Apl. 1918. Hart, Enos William; Victoria 1919-20. 70th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916; 5th c.M.R., Oct. 1917; Ypres, Somme, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Mericourt; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Mericourt, Mar. 15, 1918. Hart, Morley C; Education 1920. Ry. Constr. & For., Pte., Feb. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; Can. Ry. Tps.; Can. For. Cps.; L-Cpl. Haslam, Jack Braithwaite; phm.b. 19 19. 2nd Depot Bn., B.C. Regt., Dec. 1917; Esquimalt Hosp., Cpl., Dispenser, Haver, Malcolm James; Victoria 1922. 249th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1916; Cpl.; France, Apl. 1918, ist c.m.r. ; Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, Mons; Invalided Sept. 23, 1918. Hawkins, William John Henry; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F., Jan. 1918. Hay, John Strathearn; University Coll. 1920-21; r.m.c. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Hazell, Harry Frank; Applied Science 1924. R.F.C, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; Instr.; r.a.f., Lieut., Apl. 1918; o/s. May 1918; Staff, Cranwell Station, June 1918; Navigation & Bombing School, Thetford, Instr., Oct. 1918. Hazlewood, Harvey Eaton; Victoria 1923. 20ist Bn., Apl. 1916; 170th Bn., Sept. 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Oct.' 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 23rd Bty., c.f.a., May 1917; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Heaslip, Percy Titus; Medicine 1924. Cobourg Hvy. Bty., Gnr., June 1917; France, Dec. 1917, c.f.a.; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras-Cambrai Road, Aug. 29, 19 18. Heath, Lionel McIvor; Veterinary Coll. 1919-20. 14th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Ypres,Somme Wounded, Somme, Nov. 1916; Discharged July 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 559 Heath, Thomas Ralph; Medicine 1924. 242nd Bn., Pte., Oct. 1916; France, Can. For. Cps. ; (Further details not available). Helliwell, Alfred Lloyd; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. On Active Service; o/s. Sept. 1918; (Deta'ls not available). Hemond, Charles Joseph; Medicine 1926. Enl., Sgr., Oct. 1917; France; (Details not available). Henderson, James Gray; Applied Science 1923. 129th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, 14th Bde., c.f.a., Gnr.; (Further details not available). Henderson, Rexford Eugene; University Coll. 1923; 14th Bty., c.f.a. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Mar. 1917; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Nov. 1917; Lieut., May 1919; France, Mar. 1918; Ypres (1918), March Retreat, Merville sec, Loos sec, Advance (Oct. -Nov. 1918); Wounded, St. Venant, Apl. 29, 1918. Henderson, Willl\m Walter; Medicine 1924. 77th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Oct. 1916; Bdr.; Sgr.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Hendry, Willla.m Roy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 77th Regt. 86th, M.G., Bn., Cpl., July 1915; Can. m.g. Depot, Sergt.; France, Oct. 1916, 4th Can. M.G. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; r.a.f., June 1918; Lens, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras. Heney, Michael Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1920. r.n.v.r., Surg. Sub-Lieut., July 1918; h.m.s. 'Ivy', Sept. 1918; Convoy duty, Port Said — Malta, etc.; h.m.s. 'Mallow', Nov. 1918; Australasian mine- sweeping unit, China Sea and Australian waters. Henry, Arthur Taylor; Medicine 1924. Enl., c.A.M.c, May 1917; o/s.; No. 15 Can. Gen. Hosp. Henry, Roy Jarvis; Applied Science 1922. 49th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, Feb. 1917; 71st Bty., May 19 18; 73rd Bty. Hepburn, Dugald; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., May 1916; France, ist Div. Sig. Coy.; (Further details not available). Hershey, John Harold; Medicine 1924. " 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt.; France, Mar. 1917, 33rd Bty., C.F.A.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Somme, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Arras, .Sept. 19, 1918. Higbee, John Carveth; Applied Science 1923- 71st Bty., C.F.A., 1918. Hilll\r, Horace Knight; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Res., Pte., Sept. 1918. Hilliard, Wilfrid Laurirr; University Coll. 1922. Ii8th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; Can. M.G. Cps.; France, Mar. 1918, ist Bn , Can. M.G. Cps., Sgr.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Valenciennes. Hii,Lii-,R, James .'Xrthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 2()()tii Bn., Pte., Nov. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 78lh Un.; Iamis, Maricourt, Avion sees., Arras, Amiens; Wounded Mar. 27, 191.S, and Amiins, Aug. 8, 1918. Hinds, Erol J.vmes; R. Coll. I3eiital Surg. 1922. C.A.D.c, Pte., May 1916; Scrgt.; o/s. Apl. 1917- Hindson, James Douglas Wilmot; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.A.F., 2/a.m., Apl. 1917; Cadet; o/s. June 1918; Sec. Lieut. 56o UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO HoDGiNS, William Clarence; Veterinary Coll. 1919-21. Lord Strathcona's Horse, Tpr., Oct. 1915; France, May 1917; Cambrai (1917), Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Roye, etc. Hodgson, Gordon Arthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.D.c, Pte., May 1917; France, Dec. 1917, c.a.m.c, Cpl., att. Indep. Force, R.A.F.; Nancy sec. Holmes, Sidney David; University Coll. 1923. 1st Siege Bty., c.g.a.; (Further details not available). Honey, Edgar Morley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 8oth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 50th Bn.; France, Aug. 1916; Ypres Sirec, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 8, 1916, and Vimy, Apl. 12, 1917; 4th Can. Div. School, Cpl., July 1917; 21st Res. Bn., Pte., Feb. 1918. Honey, Samuel Lee; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 203rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; A/Sergt.; France, 1918, 44th Bn.; Lieut., Nov. 19 18; Amiens. Hooker, Alby Leroy; phm.b. 1920. 2nd Can. Hvy. Bty., Gnr., Apl. 191 6; France, Apl. 191 7; Vimy, Lens, Passchen- dae.e. Arras, Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Hooker, William; Victoria 1923. 20ist Bn., Bugler, Feb. 1916; c.A.s.c., Nov. 1916; France, Dec. 1917; r.a.f., June 1918; France, Aug. 1918; Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai^ — Mons. Horning, Harmonous Gladstone; Applied Science 1922. C.G.A. , Mar. 1917; o/s.; (Details not available). Hosie, Robert Christie; Forestry 1924. 135th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; 134th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 4th c.m.r.; Cpl., Aug. 1918; o.T.c, Witley, Oct. 1918; Sergt., Nov. 1918; Vimy-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai. Hounsom, Albert Ernest; University Coll. 1919-20. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; r.a.f. , Sec. Lieut.; France, Mar. 1918; Dundee Station, Aug. 1918. Howard, Ernest Ford; University Coll. 1922; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France; r.a.f.; m.C Howard, Franklin; Medicine 1923. c.a.m.c; (Details not available.) Howard, John Allan; Ottawa Univ.; Medicine 1924. Militia Hdqrs., Ottawa, Jan. 1916 — Sept. 1919. Hudson, Albert Douglas; University Coll. 1922. U.S. Nav>^ 1918. HuESTON, Robert Montgomery; Applied Science 1923. r.f.c. & R.A.F., 2 years; (Details not available). Huffman, Ralph W.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 235th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; 134th Bn., June 1917; France, Feb. 1918, 4th c.m.r.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Hill 70, Apl. 18, 1918. HuGGiNs, Frank William; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. R.G.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, 112th Siege Bty., r.g.a.; Lieut., Feb. 19 19; 267th Siege Bty., Mar. 19 19; Passchendaele, Cambrai (19 17), Amiens (Mar. 19 18), Bapaume, Arras, etc. Hugill, Oswald Hebron; Applied Science 1923; 51st Regt. 119th Bn., Feb. 1916; 227th Bn.; b.f. and p.t. School; 2nd c.o.r.; Can. m.g. Depot; France, Nov. 19 18; Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE s6i HuRLBURT, William Ellis; Medicine 1924. Ottawa Siege and Heavy Art. draft, Gnr., ApL 19 17; France, Sept. 19 17, 5th Can. Div. Art., Dr.; Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, Valenciennes. HuTTON, John Cowan; University CoU. 1923. i6ist Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 47th Bn.; Loos, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 27, 1918. IcKLER, Cornelius Herbert; Applied Science 1923. 1st Depot Bn., w.o.r., Pte. Irvine, Walter Holland; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 104th Bn., Sergt., Oct. 1915; o/s. June 1916; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; Lieut., July 1918; Instr. Irwin, Cecil Holmes; Forestry 1922. R.N.C.V.R., Wireless Operator. Irwin, Dudley Arthur; Medicine 1924. R.N.A.S., Fit. Cadet. Irwin, Karl Webster; Applied Science 1923. 247th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1917; 235th Bn.; France, Nov. 1917, 19th Bn.; Vimy sec, Lievin sec; ist c.o.R. Depot, Apl. 19 18; Young Soldiers' Bn. Irwin, Robert William; phm.b. 1920. c.A.M.c, Pte., Feb. 1917; France, Oct. 1917, Xo. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; Vimy, Hill 70, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Irvmx, William Arthur; Manitoba Univ.; Victoria 1921; c.o.t.c, Univ. of Man., McGill Univ. Siege Art. Depot, Gnr., May 1917; loth Can. Siege [Sergt. Bty.; France, Mar. 19 18; Amiens, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Jackman, Henry Rutherford; University Coll. 1923. R.A.F. , Cadet, Sept. 1918. Jackson, Gordon Marshall; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 195th Bn., Cpl., Feb. 19 16; France, Nov. 19 16, 5th Bn.; Vimy sec, Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; Invalided Nov. 1918. Jackson, Harold McGill; Trinity 1923. R.E.; (Details not available). Jackson, John Archibald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; Lieut.; France, Feb. 1918, 84th Sqdn.; Somme sec, Amiens, St. Quentin, Mt. St. Quentin, Le Cateau, Hindenburg Line, etc. Jackson, Joseph Edgar; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 97th Regt. 76th Bn., Pte., Aug. 19 15; France, June 19 16, 4th Bn.; Vpres sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens sec. Arras; Discharged Jan. 19 18. Jackson, William Clifford; Applied Science 1923. 182nd Bn., Mar. 1916; c.e.. Signals; France, Apl. 1918, p.p.C.l.i.; 3rd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps., June 19 18; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Caml)rai, etc. James, Gordon; Medicine 1926. On Active Service, c.e.f., 18 months; (Details not available). James, Welland Reid; phm.b. 1920. 253rd Bn., Pte, Sergt., Jan. 1917; France, Apl. lyiS, .\o. 2 Can. Id. Ami)., Arras, Amiens, Cambrai- — Mons. Jamieson, Elmer; Education 1920; Pte. 114th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, May I9'7. '^t '^n; Passchcndaclc, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. -39 562 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Janes, Ernest Clifford; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Sept. 19 18. Janes, Frederick Alexander; Dalhousie Univ.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. R.A.M.c, i8th Coy., att. Guards' Bde., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, Jan. 1917, R. Newfoundland Regt., Med. Cps.; L-Cpl., May 1917; Cpl., Oct. 1917; Conibles, Somme, Cambrai, Monchy, Arras, Peronne, Somme, Yser Canal, Ypres, Armen- tieres, Poelcapelle, Passchendaele; Wounded, Arras, Apl. 14, 1917; Gassed, Passchendaele, Mar. 13, 1918; Despatches, Monchy, Arras, Apl. 14, 1917, and Poelcapelle, Oct. 9, 19 17. Janes, Norman William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; c.s.c. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Arras, Passchendaele, Souchez, Arras (19 18), Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Hill 70. Jaquith, Lancelot Everett; Medicine 1924. U.S. Army, Apl. 1918; Med. Dept., Sergt., Sept. 1918; Gen. Hosp. No 14, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Jarrett, Gordon Bertram; Applied Science 1923. SthUniv. Coy., P.P.C.L.I., Pie., July 1915; France, Dec. 1915, p.f.c.l.i.; Kemmel, Hooge, Ypres; Wounded and Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1-9 16; Transf. to Switzerland; Returned Oct. 19 18. Jarvis, Kingsley; University Coll. 1920-21. Enl. 1914; (Details not available). Jebb, William Pembroke; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 169th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 15th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Arras; Lieut. Jenkins, Frank Tristram; Forestry 1923. 2nd Can. Res. Park, Dr., Dec. 19 14; 2nd Can. Army Aux. Horse Coy.; France, Sept. 1915; Sanctuary Wood, Passchendaele, Messines, Ypres — Armentieres. Jennings, Harry Nelson; Medicine 1924. c.a.m.c. No. 18 Fd. Amb., Pte., May 1915; ist Fd. Amb. Reinf.; r.f.c, June 1917; Egypt, Oct. 1917; Salonica, Feb. 1918; Invalided Sept. 30, 1918. Jennings, John Earl; University Coll. 1922. Enl. Apl. 1917; o/s. Jan. 1918; r.a.f., Sec. Lieut.; Prisoner. Johnson, John Albert; Applied Science 1923. R.A.T.C; U.S. Army Air Svce., Oct. 19 17. Johnson, Norman; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Spr., Mar. 1916; France; (Details not available). * Johnson, Sydney Reid; University Coll. 1923. Enl., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, 8th Bn.; (Details not available). Johnston, Bruce Henry; Applied Science 1922. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1916; L-Cpl., Dec. 1917; c.e.. Cadet, Nov. 1918; C.E., Lieut., Jan. 1919; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Dec. 8, 1917. Johnston, Henry Hibbert Paul; Applied Science 1923; 56th Regt. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Nov. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 13th Bty., c.f.a.; Can. Cps. Signals; 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; 27th Bty.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 9, 19 17. Johnston, Howard William; Medicine 1924. R.A.F. , 1918. Johkston, J.\mes Gordon; Applied Science 1923. 20ist Bn., Feb. 1916; 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Nov. 1916; F ance, Sept. 1917; R.A.F. , Cadet, Aug. 1918; Lieut.; Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens. ROLL OF SERVICE 563 Johnstone, Irvin Benjamin; Medicine 1924. » R.F.c, Cadet, May 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, Dec. 1917; Lieut., Apl. 1918; Amiens; Wounded Mar. 24, 19 18. Jones, Harry Douglas Chipman; Applied Science 1923. 58th Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Feb. 1916; (Further details not available). Jones, John Roberts; Trinity 1923. R.A.F., I918. Jones, Thom.\s Osw.ald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Pte., Mar. 1915; o/s. May 1915; Salonica, Nov. 1915; Invalided May 1916; c.A.D.c, att. No. 4 Gen. Hosp., Basingstoke, Sergt., Oct. 1917; Serbian Household Medal, Salonica, Mar. 9, 1917. Joy, Clyde Barker; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Oct. 1917; o/s.; R.A.F., Lieut. ' . Julius, George Edward; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Ord. Seaman, June 19 17; att. R.N. and Mine-sweeping Div. ; Leading Seaman. JuNKiN, Charles Ivan; Medicine 1924. 43rd Bty., c.F..\., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 19 16; Bdr., Cpl., Sergt.; c.f.a.. Cadet; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Vimy, July 5, 19 17, and Arras, July 27, 19 18. Jupp, Alexander F.\llis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 195th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Nov. 1917; Neu\ilie Vitasse sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras sec, Aug. 20, 1918. Kay, John Archibald C; Queen's Univ. ; Applied Science 1922. c.A.M.c, No. I Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Apl. 1916; L-Cpl.; o/s. Aug. 19 16; Sergt.; Staff, a.d.m.s. Canadians, Folkestone. Keating, James Edward; phm.b. 1920. r.CH.a., Gnr., Feb. 1916; France, Sept. 1916, 9th Bty., c.f.a.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Wounded Nov. 6, 191 7; Invalided Oct. 191 8. Keeler, John Wilson; University Coll. 1922. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918. • Keene, Joseph; Victoria 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr.; France, ist Div. Sig. Coy.; (Further details not available). Keith, Haddow Macdonnell; Medicine 1924^ u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; r.a.f., .Apl. 1918; Aegean, Sept. 1918; South Russia. Keith, Leslie Malcolm; Education 1920. 78th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; C.E., Signals; France, Jan. 1916, 3rd Div. Sig. Coy.; Can. Cps. Signal Coy.; att. ist Bde., c.g.a.; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, \'alcncicnnes, etc. Keith, William Hargr.\ve; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F. , July 1918. Kell, John Ambrose Campbell; Victoria 1923. R.N., Mar. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; .Able Seaman, Feb. 1918; Leading Seaman, May 1918; Mine-sweeping and submarine patrol, English and Bristol Channels. Kelly, Adolphus Bruce; Medicine 1924; c.f.a., -Sgr. 1st C.O.R., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Kelly, John Earl; Applied Science 1923. Enl., Pte., May 1918; Siberia. 564 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Kelly, Melvin Campbell; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., July 1918. Kelly, Rayford Ennis; phm.b. 192a. Il6th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 2nd Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras; Mil. Medal, Arras, Sept. 6, 1918. Kelly, Robert Huntingdon; Preparatory Class 1919-20; 109th Regt., Lieut. 180th Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1916; r.f.c, Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; Lens sec. Kelly, Terrance A. ; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 159th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1915; Cpl.; Can. Ry. Tps. Depot, Purfleet; France, Feb. 1917; 1st and 2nd battles of Cambrai, Amiens (March Retreat), Nieuport, etc. Kelly, Vincent; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 1st C.O.R., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; 6th Res. Bn. Kemp, Frederick Falls; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; g.g.f.g. 154th Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 21st Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele; Invalided Jan. 19 18. Kennedy, Henry Lyle; Applied Science 1923; 32nd Regt., Lieut. 70th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; r.f.c, Oct. 1916; R.A.F., France and England. Kennedy, Wallace Murray; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Apl. 1918. Kennedy, William Robinson; University Coll. 1923. (On Active Service, 3 years; Details not available). Kenyon, Byron Benjamin; Medicine 1924. Enl. Jan. 1918; (Details not available). Kenyon, William Acheson; Education 1920. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; C.E., Signal Off., Shorncliffe; Khaki Univ., Dec. 19 18. Kerr, Hugh Thomson; Medicine 1924. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., May 1918; 73rd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr. Kesteven-Balshaw, Humphrey; Applied Science 1923. 219th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; 85th Bn.; France, Feb. 1917; 12th t.m. Bty., June 1917; Vimy, Hill 70; Gassed, Avion, Oct: 9, 1917. Ketchum, Hugh Ferrar; Trinity 1922. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., June 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dr.; r.a.f.. Cadet, Oct. 1918; Vimy, Lens sec, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Canal du Nord, Cambrai; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 10, 1918. KiDD, Gordon Earle; phm.b. 1915. E.O.R., Apl. 1918; France, Sept. 1918; Cambrai, Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18. Kilburn, Lee Albert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 71st Regt. 9th Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., Nov. 1916; 4th Can. Siege Bty.; France, Oct. 1917; Cpl.; Belgium and France. Kilty, Harold Raymond; Education 1920. (On Active Service; Details not available.) King, Charles Henry; Education 1920; 36th Regt. 164th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl.; France, Mar. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Valenciennes, Mons; Gassed, Arras, Aug. 28, 19 18. Kinsman, Donald Alexander; Applied Science 1923. 83rd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; 208th Bn., Lieut.; att. r.f.c, England, Oct. 1917- Sept. 19 18; France, Oct. 19 18. Kinsman, Robert Horace; Medicine 1924. Enl., Pte., Apl. 1918; r.a.f., June 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 565 Kirk, Claude Murray; University Coll. 1923. R.A.F., Cadet, Sept. 1918. KiRKWooD, Kenneth Porter; University Coll. 1923; Cadet Cps., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Dec. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., July 1918; Mediterranean, Aug. 1918; Malta, Sicily; 271st Sqdn., 67th Wing, Taranto, Italy, Oct. 1918; Anti-submarine patrol and escort duty; att. 13th Tr. Depot Station, Ternhill, Eng., Dec. 1918. Knott, Gordon Adrian; University Coll. 1922. (On Active Service; Details not available). Knox, Robert Strachan; m.a. (Abdn.), b.a. (Oxon.), Staff, University Coll.; 4th 3rd Bn. The Gordon Highlanders, Sec. Lieut., [Gordon Highlanders, t.f., L-Cpl. June 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Lieut., Aug. 1917; Capt., Jan. 1918; 44th T.M." Bty., July 1917; 44th T.M. Bty., o.c, Dec. 1917; Somme (1916), Arras (1917), Ypres (1917), Arras (1918); Gassed and { risoner, Monchy le Preux, Mar. 1918. Knox, William John Stuart; Victoria 1923. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available). Kramer, Herbert Otto; Applied Science 1923. 24th Bn.; France; (Details not available). KuEHNER, WiLFORD CoNRAD; Medicine 1924. r.a.f. , May 1918. Lackey, Albert Osborne; University Coll. 1924. C.A.M.c, o/s., 8 months; (Details not available). Laing, Jack Wilfrid; Medicine 1924. 76th Bn., Pte., July 1915; Can. m.g. Depot, June 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 12th Can. M.G. Coy.; Cpl., Sept. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 20, 19 17. Laing, Joseph Stewart; phm.b 1920. 37th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; France, Dec, 1916, 26th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, etc.; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, and Beaumetz, Apl. 10, 1918. Laing, Willi.\m Oswald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 241st Bn., Pte., June 1916; A/Sergt.; France, Sept. 1917, i8th Bn., Pte.; Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 9, 1918. Laird, Robert Govenlock; Applied Science 1922. « R.A.F., Apl. 1917; (Details not available). Landsborough, Arnold Muir; Medicine 1924. 1st Depot Bn., Pte., May 1918; r.a.f., May 1918. Lane, George Ritchie; Medicine 1924; 39th Regt. 133rd Bn., Cpl., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; France, Sept. 1917; L-Cpl., Sergt., Lieut.; Lens sec, Ypres, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Canal du Nord. Lang, Heman Otter; Applied Science 1923. 'a' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; France, Sept. 1918. Langford, Walter Frederick; Education 1920. R.F.c, Cadet, Jan. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; o/s. Sept. 1918. Langtry, John Harold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. lOist Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Cpl.; France, Sept. 1916, KUh Bn., Pte.; L-Cpl., Cpl., L-Sergt., Sergt., Cadet; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Pa.sschcndaeic, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 16, 1918; French Medaillc Militairc, 1\'I>. i.?, 1918; D.C.M., Apl. 28, 1918; Mil. Medal, Oct. i, 1918- Latimer, Robert Holmes; Medicine 1924; 57(h Rcgt. Sthc.M.R., Pte., Junei9l5; France, Jan. 19 16, 4th cm. r.; Mcssincs, Dickcsbusch, Ypres; Prisoner, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 19 16. 566 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Laughton, Joseph Laverne; Medicine 1926. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918; Sec. Lieut. Laurie, Russell MacLeod; Applied Science 1923. C.E.F., Oct. 1917; R.G.A., Sec. Lieut.; (Details not available). Laurie, William Little; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Dec. 1915; France, June 1916, C.E., Cps. Signal Coy.; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Vimy, Jan. 12, 1917. Lavender, Francis John; Applied Science 1924; 77th Regt. 1st Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; L-Cpl.; France, Feb. 1915; c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Dr.; Ypres (1915), La Bassee — Ypres; Discharged June 1916. Law, Ronald Graham; b.v.sc. 1920. 19th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1914; France, Oct. 1915; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme; Wounded Aug. 15, 1916 and Sept. 25, 1916; Invalided and discharged. Lawrence, Roy; Applied Science 1923. R.N.C.V.R., Wireless Operator. Lawson, Arthur Johnston; Applied Science 1922. iiith Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 8th Can. m.g. Coy.; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Vimy sec. Hill 70, Lens, Arras, Cambrai; Gassed Aug. 29, 1917; Wounded, Boves Woods, Aug. 1918. Lawson, Arthur Wendell Philips; Applied Science 1923. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ. Lawson, Gordon Redvers; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 9th Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., May 1917; France, July 1918, 3rd Can. Siege Bty.; Lens, Cambrai, Amiens, Valenciennes, Mons. Lawson, William Fisher; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 134th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Oct. 1916, 15th Bn.; ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Jan. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. Learoyd, Everett Salton; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; o/s. ; 3 years' service; (Details not available). Learoyd, Harold Gordon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; (Details not available). Leary, Albert Edward; University Coll. 1924. 170th Bn., Pte., May 1916; r.n.a.s., Jan. 1918; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; R.N. Station, Eastchurch, Mar. 1918; Injured Apl. 1918; Invalided May 1918. Lee, Lorne Cecil; University Coll. 1923. 170th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; L-Cpl., Aug. 1917; Cpl., Nov. 1917; Sergt., Feb. 1918; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 17, 1918. Leigh, George FR/Vnklin; University Coll. 1923. Enl. July 1916; Discharged June 1918; Canada. Lennox, Henry; University Coll. 1923. 154th Bn., Sgr., Mar. 1916; 156th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Leslie, Fitz William; Veterinary Coll. 1919-20. 1st Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Pte., June 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918; Invalided Oct. 1918. Leven, Willl\m Ewart; University Coll. 1923. (o/s. 3 years; Details not available) . Liddy, Frank James; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Mar. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 567 Lindsay, Harold J.; Victoria 1923. R.A.F., May 1918; 1st Pte. Lindsay, Thomas; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., Sept. 1918; Siberia, 259th Bn. Little, Elliott Menzies; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918. Little, John Llewelyn; Medicine 1926. . 64th Bty., C.F.A., Cpl., Jan. 1917; Discharged July 1917. Littlefield, Charles Grant; University Coll. 1922. T.M. 526, 7th French Army, Pte., Apl. 19 17; Chemin des Dames; Gassed, Bourg-et-Comin, July 1917; Injured, Fort Malmaison, Oct. 1917; Returned Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Cadet, Apl. 1918; Fit. Cadet, Nov. 1918. Littlejohn, Edward; Applied Science 1924; r.m.c. 1st Norfolk Regt., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 191 7; Lieut., Feb. 1919; Seed, r.a.f., Apl. 1918; Injured. Littlewood, S.\mson; Victoria 1919-20. c.a.m.c, t.d. No. 2, Pte., July 1917; Siberian Ex.F., No. 11 Can. Sta. Hosp.; Siberia, Oct. 1918; L-Cpl., Dec. 1918; Cpl., Mar. 1919. Locke, Henry Shirley; R. Coll. Dental Coll. 1924. 68th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; c.a.d.c, Se-^gt.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, etc. Lockhart, John Lorne; Medicine 1924. 58th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; L-Cpl., Sept. 1915; France, Feb. 1916; Cpl., July 1916; Invalided Oct. 8, 1916; c.a.m.c, England, Sept. 1917; Sergt., Apl. 1918; Mentioned June 3, 1916; Mil. Medal, Sept. 27-Oct. 8, 1916. LoNERGAN, Augustine Harold; Applied Science 1923. 51st Bty., C.F.A., Sgr., May 1917; France. Long, John Alexander; Education 1920; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; 5th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Sergt.; France, Apl. 1918; Arras sec; r.a.f.. Cadet, July 1918; Sec. Lieut. Long, Marshall William; Education 1920. ist Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918. Longworthy, Ward Odell; Applied Science 1923. 77th Bty., c.F.A.,Gnr., July 1916; 7thc.G.A.; France, Oct. 1917; Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Cambrai — Mons. Lord, Sydney Newly; b.s.a. 1918. 34th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt., Lieut.; 153rd Bn., Lieut.; France, Aug. 1916, 75th Bn.; nth Can. Light T.M. Bty.; Somme, Le Sars; Wounded, Courcelette, Nov. 27, 1916; Discharged Sept. 1918. LoTT, Frank Melville; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 34th Regt., Lieut. C.E., Lieut., May 1916; France, Nov. 1917; Arras sec, Amiens, .'Krras, Cambrai, etc. Lowery, Robert Percival; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 2nd Regt. 83rd Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Aug. 1916, 20th Bn.; Lieut., 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras. LowEY, Ebgar Frank; Applied Science 1924. l6ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 47th I'.ii.; Amions, Arras, Valenciennes; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. I, 19 18. Luckham, Clarence Farewell; b.s.a. 1919. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Feb. 1917; o/s. May 1917; Injiind; Iin.iiiikil IKr. 1917. Luxton, John Hyslop; University Coll. 1923. R.A.r., Res., 1918. 568 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lyle, Vernon Bateman; Applied Science 1923. C.A.M.C.; France, C.E.; Cadet; (Details not available). Lyon, Lorne Albert; Medicine 1924. 1st Depot Bn., Pte., Apl. 19 18; France, 75th Bn. McAdam, James Douglas; University Coll. 1923. 234th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; c.A.M.c, M.D. 2; Siberian Ex.F.; Siberia, Oct. 1918, No. II Can. Sta. Hosp. McAlister, Harold Richardson; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, May 1917 — Apl. 1919; (Details not available). McAndless, Fred Watson; Applied Science 1924; c.s.c. 135th Bn., Sgr., Nov. 1915; 134th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 4th Bn.; La Bassee, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. McArthur, Hor.\ce Hosner; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 15th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Armentieres, Neuve Chapelle, Ypres; Prisoner, Ypres, Apl. 24, 19 15; Escaped Oct. 24, 19 17; Discharged Jan. 1918. McAteer, James; Medicine 1924; 48th Regt. 84th Bn., Pte., July 1915; Cpl.; 75th Bn., L-Cpl.; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl., Sept. 1916; Lieut., May 1917; St. Eloi sec, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 15, 1917, and Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2, 1918. McBain, Robert Wellington; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, Apl. 1916; A/Cpl., Feb. 1918; Ypres (1916), etc. MacBeth, Donald; Applied Science 1923. On Active Service Dec. 19 15 — ^Nov. 19 18; (Details not available.) McCall, George Whittet; b.s.a. 1919; 96th Regt. 94th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 46th Bn.; St. Eloi, Somme; Wounded, Mouquet Farm (Somme), Nov. 10, 1916; Discharged Oct. 1918. McCallum, Archie Peter; Medicine 1923. C.A.M.C; o/s. Aug. 1916 — Feb. 1918; (Details not available). McCallum, John Duncan; Medicine 1926. Enl., Pte., Mar. 19 16; France, C.A.S.C.; (Details not available). MacCallum, Neil Whitney; Education I920. 135th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; L-Cpl.; Cpl.; 125th Bn.; France, Nov. 1917, Ii6th Bn.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. McCartney, Thomas Gerald; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, No. 15 Fd. Amb., Pte., June 1916- o/s. Oct. 1916; A/Cpl., Feb. 1917; France, Apl. 1918, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb., Pte.; Arras-Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cam brai — Valenciennes. MacCharles, Malcolm Donald; b.s.a. 1920; 94th Regt. 6th cm.r., Apl. 1915; France, Oct. 1915; 4th c.m.r., Jan. 1916; Messines sec, Ypres; Wounded and prisoner June 1916. McConaghy, John Archibald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 6th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, May 1915; Wounded, Bruay, Mar. 19, 1917. McCrae, George Wellington; Applied Science 1923. 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1917; France, Aug. 1918, 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Arras sec, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai, Valenciennes. McCreath, David Oswald; Forestry 1924. i6oth Bn., Sgr., Jan. 1916; C.E., Signals, Feb. 1918; France, May 1918, 44th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE 569 McCuLLAGH, Ernest CRA^VFORD; University Coll. 1924. 23rd Bn., Pte., Oct. 1914; 21st Bty., c.f.a.; France, May 1915, 2nd Bty., c.f.a.; Bdr., Apl. 1916; Mtd. Police, A/Cpl., June 1918; Can. Embark. Camp Staff, Feb. 19 19; Witley Camp Staff, June 19 19; Ploegsteert, Festubert, Givenchy, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Loos, Aug. 13, 19 17. McCuLLOCH, Hugh Leslie; Applied Science 1923; 9th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Lieut., Nov. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 1st Bty., Feb. 1918; Amien?, Arras, Drocourt-Queant, Canal du Nord; Wounded, Damery Wood, Aug. 1918. McDermott, Edward Charles; Education 1920; 47th Regt. 1st Can. Div. Mech. Tpt. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, etc., 1915-1918 campaigns. McDoNAGH, Frank Gerr.\rd Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Can. Res. Cyclists, Pte., Aug. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, Can. Cps. Cyclist Bn.; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras; Invalided Sept. i, 1918. Macdonald, Alexander Gordon; Preparatory Class 1919-20. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Nov. 1917; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; France, Feb. 1918, 205th Tr. Sqdn., Vendome; Injured, Blois, Loire, Apl. 7, 1918. Macdonald, Donald Monteith; McGill Univ. 1917; Applied Science 1921. C.E., 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., Spr., Feb. 1915; r.f.c. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, Oct. 1916; Arras sec. (Oct. 1916-May 1917); R.A.F., Lieut., Apl. 1918; Instr., England, U.S.A., Canada, June 1917-Nov. 1918. McDonald, Hubert Clarence; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 103rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1915; France, May 1917, 102nd Bn., Sergt.; Lens, Pass- chendaele, Oppy sec; Wounded, Oppy, July 27, 19 18; Mil. Medal. MacDonald, Neil; Medicine 1924. R.G.A., Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). Macdonald, Rolland; Veterinary Coll. 19 19-21. 32nd Bn., Pte., Dec. J914; France, May 1915, 2nd Bn.; Festubert, Givenchy; Buried and shell-shocked June 15, 1915; C.A.v.c, Vety. Hosp.,Le Havre, Jan. 1916; Can. For. Cps., 71st Coy., No. 12 Distr., Vety. Sergt., Mar. 1918; South France. MacDonald, Roy; Victoria 1919-20. 2nd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 1915; Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy; Injured, Wulverghom, Oct. 28, 1915; 12th Res. Bn.; c.c.A.c, Folkestone; Garrison Duty Coy., Shoreham; C.C.A.C, Hastings; e.o.r. Depot, Scaford; C.D.D., Buxton; Discharged Jan. 1918. McDonald, Thomas Alexander; Medicine 1924. C.A.M.C, No. II Fd. Amb., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1916; France, Aug. 1916; R.A.F., July 19 18; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Ypres, Passchendaele; Gassed, Pass- chendaele, Oct. 26, 1917. MacDonell, Malcolm James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 59th Regt. 73rd Hn., Pte, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl., Oct. 1916; 42nd Bn., Apl. 1917; Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Loos, Passchendaele; Wounded, Somme, Nov. 11, 1916 and Passchendaele, Nov. 3, 1917- McDougall, Charles Allan; Education 1920. C.A.M.C, Pte., May 1918; No. 16 Can. Fd. Amb.; Siberia, Oct. 1918. MacDougall, Frank Archibald; Forestry 1923. 46th Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Dec 1915; France, Nov. 19U1, 91)1 Bty., c.f.a., Sgr.; 3rd Bdc. Hdqrs., Wireless Operator, Aug. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc; Gassed, \'imy, Sept. 5, I9I7- 570 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MacDougall, John Lorne; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 196th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, June 1917, 46th Bn.; Vimy-Lens sec, Passchendaele, Lievin, St. Pierre (Jan. 1918), Bailleul Wood (Apl.), Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 8, 1917, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 1917, and Canal du Nord, Sept. 28, 1918. McDouGALL, Richard Hamilton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 253rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; France, Sept. 1917; Cpl.; Vimy, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Monchette, Aug. 28, 1918; Mil. Medal, Arras, Aug. 27, 1918. MacFarlane, John Douglas Barron; Forestry 1923; c.o.t.c, McGill. McGill Siege Art. Draft, Sgr., May 1917; loth Can. Siege Bty.; France, Mar. 1918; Vimy, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. MacFarlane, Joseph Arthur; Medicine 1922. C.A.M.C., No. II Fd. Amb., Mar. 1916; o/s. May 1916; France, Aug. 1916; Sergt., Apl. 19 18; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec; Returned Oct. 1918. McGarity, John Edward; Preparatory Class 1919-20. 38th Bn., Pte., May 1915; Bermuda; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl., Sergt., Lieut.; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele; Invalided I>ec. 9, 19 17; Mil. Medal, Somme, Nov. 1916; Bar to m.m., Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917. McGarry, Frank Joseph; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Spr., Aug. 1917; France, June 1918; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Bourlon Wood, Sept. 9, 19 18. McGill, William Lloyd; Medicine 1924; g.g.b.g. 2oist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 164th Bn.; ii6th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Monchy, Sept. 26, 1918. McGillivray, George Argo; Medicine 1924. 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col., Feb. 1916; 4th Can. Amm. Sub-Park; France, Aug. 1916; r.f.c. Mar. rgiS; Lieut.; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Cambrai (1918). McGiNNis, James Archibald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 22nd Sask. Light Horse. 196th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Lieut., Apl. 1917; r.a.f., Aug. 1917; France, Oct. 19 17; Belgian Coast — Verdun. McGiRR, Ernest James; University Coll. 1923. 76th Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Nov. 1916, 49th Bn.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Hill 70, July 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 1918. McGregor, William; Education 1920. 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col., Pte., Feb. 1917; France. McHaffie, Roy Paterson; Univ. of Alberta; Applied Science 1922. c.A.s.c, No. I T.D., Pte., June 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; r.a.f., Lieut., Mar. 1918. McInnes, Alfred Clare; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. Fort Gary Horse, June 1917; France, Aug. 1918. McInnis, Edgar Ward well; University Coll. 1923. 5th Can. Siege Bty., Apl. 1916; France; Cpl.; (Further details not available). McIntosh, Duncan Alexander; phm.b. 1920. 29th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sept. 1916; Sergt., July 1917; c.s.M., Dec. 1918; St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. McIntosh, Duncan Neil; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Cadet, 1918. McIntyre, Harry Addison; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, p.p.c.l.i.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 571 McIntyre, John Vincent; Education 1920. 215th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 255th Bn., Sergt.; 125th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, P.P.C.L.I.; Vimy-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 1918. Mackay, Archibald Francis; Medicine 1924; 76th Regt., Lieut. 85th Bn., Lieut., Sept. 1915; France, Feb. 1917; A/Capt., Mar. 1917; Capt., June 1918; Vimy, Lens; Wounded, Lens, June 28, 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917. McKay, Arthur Ralph; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., May 1918. McKay, Delos Clair; phm.b. 1920. 43rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens, Lievin; Wounded, Arras, July 28, 1918. McKay, Donald Robert; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., 1918; (Details not available). McKay, Elmer Garfield; Education 1920; Cadet Cps., L-eut. 255th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1917; Sergt.; France, Dec. 1917, 3rd Bn., Pte.; A/Cpl., Dec. 1918; Hill 70, Loos, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Despatches, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918, and Cherisy, Aug. 31, 1918. McK.AY, George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; France, Jan. 19 17, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; t.m. Bty.; 27th Bty.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Mackay, George Chisholm; Medicine 1924, R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; r.n.a.s., Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917; Capt., Aug. 1918; Nieuport-Ypres sec; Wounded Sept. 12, 1918; d.f.c; Belgian Ordre de Leopold; Croix de Guerre avec Palme; Despatches. McKay, Hugh Alexander; Applied Science 1923. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; c.f.a.; France, Aug. 1916, 3rd Bty., c.f.a.; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec. McKay, James Bell; Medicine 1926. R.A.F., Res., Aug. 1918. McKay, Kenneth Russell; University Coll. 1924. 147th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 58th Bn.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele; Invalided Nov. 14, 1917; 8th Res. Bn., Sergt. McKee, John Willl\m; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. On Active Service; o/s. 2 years; r.a.f.; (Details not available). McKellar, Hugh Ellar; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Pte., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918; L-Cpl. MacKendrick, John Noble; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F. , July 1918. McKenna, Vincent; Forestry 1923; 50th Regt., Lieut. 5th Regt., C.G.A., Apl. 1916; 15th Bde., c.f.a., Lieut.; France, July I0T7- 4^1i Div. Tr. Mortars; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 19th Bty.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; M.c, Drocourt-Queant, Sept. 2-3, 19 18. McKenzie, Howard Beebe; Applied Science 1923. R.N. Transport Svcc, Wireless Operator, 1915; Canada-England-Francc; 201st Bn., Mar. 1916; L-Sergt.; c.e.. Signals, Spr., Sept. 1916; r.n.c.v.r.. Wireless, Wt. Offr., Feb. 1917; 3rd Grade Wireless Operator, Apl. 1918: Torpedoed, Prisoner,Releascd,May30,l9i8; Discharged July 191S: R.A. F., Cadet, July 1018. Mackenzie, William IIodnett Ferguson; R. Coll. Dental. Surg. 1923. 44th Bn., Pte., June 1915; France, Aug. 1917. No- 3 Can. Fd. Ami)., Loos, Hill 70, Passchendaele; R.A.F. , Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918. 572 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Mackenzie, William John; Applied Science 1923. R.N.A.S., P.F.O., Apl. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut.; France, Dec. 1917; Lieut., Capt.; Flanders (Dec. i-Mar. 15, 1918), Somme (Mar. -Aug. 1918), Flanders (Aug. 1918- Mar. 1919); Wounded, Amiens, Apl. 21, 1918; d.f.c, Flanders, Oct. 1918; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Flanders, Oct. 1918. McKeown, Lorne; Medicine 1926. 2l0th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, 46th Bn.; (Further details not available). McKiLLOP, Vernon Archibald; Applied Science 1924. c.A.s.c, July 1918. McLachlan, Howard Thorold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1916; Impl. Army, Sec. Lieut.; France, Aug. 1918, Wiltshire Regt.; 12th Somerset Light Infantry; Lille sec; Wounded, Tournai, Oct. 21, 1918. MacLaren, Donald Forsyth; University Coll. 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 1917; r.g.a., Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918. MacLean, Andrew Dyas; University Coll. 1919-20. (o/s. 3 years; Details not available.) McLean, Duncan John; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Pte., Sept. 1918. MacLean, Frederick James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; r.a.f., Cadet, 1918; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens; Wounded, Pass- chendaele,' Nov. 6, 19 17. McLean, Osbert Myles Lasuage; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1925. 37th Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; 17th Bn.; 13th Bn.; France, Ma-. 1916; C.A.S.C, loth Depot Unit of Supply, Cpl., July 1916; St. Eloi, Ypres (1916); Injured, Zillebeke, June 13, 1916. MacLellan, John; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; is c.E. Res. Bn., Jan. 1918. McLelland, William James; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F. , Sec. Lieut.; (Details not available). McLeod, Cecil Donald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 76th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1917; France, Mar. 1918; Lens sec. Arras sec, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Agny, Arras sec, July 19, 1918. MACLEOD, John Wills; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. R.A.M.c, Dental Sec, Sergt., Oct. 1915; Mesopotamia, Sept. 1916; Asst. Con- troller, Native Labour Political Dept., Mesopotamia, w.o., i, R. Sergt. -Major; Native Labour Cps., A. /o.C; Euphrates, Tigris ronts; India. MacLeod, Malcolm Plaw; Applied Science 1924. R.F.c, Cadet, Feb. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; France, July 1918; Ypres sec, Cambrai, etc.; d.f.c, Jan. i, 1919; Belgian Croix de Guerre, Jan. i, 1919. MacLeod, Murdo; Veterinary Coll. 1919-21. R.c Dragoons, Pte., June 1915; France, June 1916, Can. m.g. Cps.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Somme (Mar. 1918); Wounded, Somme, Mar. 24, 1918. MacMillan, Angus W.; University Coll. 1923. 1st Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; o/s. Sept. 1914; Medically unfit Aug. 1916; (Further details not available). McMillan, John; phm.b. 1920. 48th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1915; France, Mar. 1916; 7th Bn., May 1917; Sergt., Aug. 191 7; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded,Hill7o, Aug. 15, 1917; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 15,1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 573 McNabb, Andrew Leslie; Veterinary Coll. 1919-21. c.A.M.c, No. 3 Fd. Amb. Depot, Cpl., May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; Vimy, Avion, Passchendaele; Gassed, Passchendaele, Oct. 26, 1917; c. Tr. Br. d., Etaples; Can. For. Cps., No. i Distr., Asst. Dispenser, Cpl., Oct. 1918. McNamara, M. J.; Education 1920. (On Active Service ; Details not available ) MacNicoll, Wilfrid Thomas; Medicine 1926. (On Active Service; o/s. 2 years; Details not available.) MacQuarrie, Edison Malcolm; Applied Science 1924. C.E., Spr., Sept. 1917; France, June 1918, 3rd Bn., c.e.; Arras, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord — Valenciennes. McQueen, Andrew William Eraser; Applied Science 1923. 157th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; L-Cpl.; 125th Bn.; Can. m.g. Depot; France, Mar. 1918, 14th Can. m.g. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. McQueen, Melbourne Victor; Applied Science 1923. C.A.S.C., Lieut., Jan. 1916; Can. Ry. Tps., May 1917; 3rd Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, Feb. 1918; France, Oct. 1918, l/sth Sherwood Foresters, 46th Div., Lieut.; Andigny, Catillon, Prisches, Cartignies, Sambre-Oise Canal. McQuillan, Harold James; University Coll. 1923. 134th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; L-Cpl.; Pte.; France, Feb. 1918, 4th Bn.; Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. MacRitchie, Gerald Rowe; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 149th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; i6ist Bn.; France, Apl. 1918, 2nd Div. Wing, C.C.R.C; i8th c. and B. Coy.; 2nd Can. Div. Concert Party, May 19 18. MacTavish, Frederick George; Victoria 1919-20. c.A.M.c, Pte., Oct. 1917; Siberia, Oct. 1918. Macklin, Wilfred Harold; Applied Science 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl.; 198th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918, 19th Bn.; R.A.F., Nov. 19 18; Neuville Vitasse, Mercatel sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Maedel, Harold Chester; Applied Science 1923. Enl. June 1918; o/s.; A/Cpl.; (Details not available). Magee, John Gentles; Applied Science 1923. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 19 18; r.s.a., Kingston. Magill, James Johnston; Applied Science 1923. Enl. Apl. 1917; France, r.a.f., istSqdn., Lieut.; (Further details not available). Magrath, James Lawson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. Enl. Feb. 1916; P'rance, Jan. 1918; Cpl.; (Details not available). Magrath, Miler; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; i6th Sask. Light Horse. c.A.D.c, Pte., Mar. 1916; o/s. Dec. 1916; France, Sept. 1918. Mahaffy, Albert Wesley; Univ. of Saskatchewan; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Mech. Sec, a.m., July 19 18. Maltby, Ernest Johnstone; University Coll. 1922, Mctiiciiie 1924. Ottawa Siege & Hvy. Art., May 1917; France, Nov. 1917, 4th Can. Siege Bty., (inr.; Vimy sec, Cambrai. Mandeville, James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923- '254th Bn., Pte, Dec 1916; Scrgt.; France, Dec 1917; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, Sensee Canal, Denain. 574 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Mann, Arthur James; b.s.a. 1920. C.E., Spr., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; Khaki Univ., Agric. Instr., A/Sergt., Nov. 19 18. Mann, Samuel Clifford; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 53rd Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, June 1916; Ypres; Wounded, Hill 60, Aug. 12, 1916. Manning, Charles Edward; Education 1920; 13th Regt. I20th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Sergt.; France, Mar. 1918, 54th Bn.; Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Manton, William Douglas; b.s.a. 1920. C.F.A., Gnr.; France, 9th Bty.; Wounded Sept. 29, 1918; (Further details not available). March, Harry Mills; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 249th Bn., Pte., Dec. 19 17; France, Aug. 1918, 5th Bn.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Marks, George Rowan; Applied Science 19 18. R.A.F., 1918. Marr, Ernest Clifford; University Coll. 1923. R.A.F., May 1918. Martin, Frank; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923.. C.A.D.c, Sergt., July 1915; o/s. Dec. 1915; att. No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, Aug. 19 16; (Further details not available). Martin, John Burns; University Coll. 1922. 113th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, i6th Bn.; Vimysec; Wounded, Vim3', Apl. 9, 1917; Invalided Aug. 1917. Martin, Thomas Henry Willis; Education 1920. No. 2 Can. Ry. Constr. Draft, June 1917; 7th Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Oct. 1917; Cpl., Nov. 1918. Martyn, Harry Laishley; Education 1920; 32nd Regt., Lieut. R.N.C.V.R., Nov. 19 16; R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Ordinary Seaman; o/s. Nov. 19 16; 'R.N.V.R., Sub-Lieut., Sept. 1917; Lieut., Sept. 1918; Mine-sweeping svce. Mason, Fr.a.nk Hubert; Trinity 1922; 41st Regt. 2nd Bn., Pte., Aug. 1914; France, Feb. 19 15; L-Cpl., Apl. 1915; Cpl., July 1915; Sergt., June 1916; Ypres, Givenchy, Ypres (1916), Somme; Wounded, Ypres, Apl. 24, 1915, and Somme, Sept. 9, 1916; Can. Record Office, London, Apl. 1917. Mason, Harold Campbell; b.s.a. 1920; 26th Regt., Lieut. 253rd Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1917; 72nd Bty., C.F. A., Gnr.; Sergt.; France, Aug. 1918, nth Bty.; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Massey, Denton; Applied Science 1922. U.S. Art., Sept. 1918. Massey, Lorne Earle; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; 48th Regt. c.A.M.c, Aug. 1915; C.F. A., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1917; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Cambrai^ — ^Mons. Maus, John Henry; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Pte., May 1918. Mayor, Wilfrid; Applied Science 1923; r.m.C; 48th Regt., Lieut. 15th Bn., Lieut., Aug. 1914; France; Feb. 1915; Capt.; Major; 1915-1917 campaigns; Wounded four times; M.C.; Hdqrs. Staff, m.d. 6, 1917-1918; ist Can. Tank Bn., o.c. Toronto Coy., Apl. 1918. May, Cyril Henry; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 37th Bty.; 39th Bty.; Lens, Arras, Vimy, Hill 70; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 28, 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 575 Meekison, Donald Murray; Univ. of Brit. Columbia; Medicine 1924; 72nd Regt., 196th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Cpl., Sergt.; 46th Bn., Pte.; France, [Lieut. Feb. 1917; L-Cpl.; Lieut., Aug. 1918; 72nd Bn., Lieut.; Wounded, Lens, June 3. 1917- Meikle, Matthew; Applied Science 1923. 159th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Ii6th Bn.; (Further details not available). Melady, Thomas Sylvester; St. Michael's 1922. 2nd Bn., Can. Garr. Regt., June 1918. Meldrum, Willl\m Ellis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.N.C.V.R., Mate, June 1917; Mate i/c Motor Boat, Sydney, n.s., Aug. 1917; H.M.C.s. 'Lady Evelyn', Mate, Oct. 1917; Convoy and patrol duty, Western Atlantic; R.M C Dockyard, Staff, Admiral Suptd., Halifax, Feb. 1918; T/ Acting Lieut., Flag Lieut., Feb. 1918. Mellish, Albert Henry; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F., May 19 18. Menzies, Frank Haggart; Medicine 1924. C.E., Spr., Oct. 1917; France, Aug. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Meredith, Howard Jackson; Applied Science 1923. iithCan.Gar. Art.,Gnr.,July 1917; France, Apl. 19 18; Viniysec.,Cambrai~i\Ions. Merritt, Roland Lee; Education 1920. 40th Bty., c.f.A., Sept. 1915; France, July 1916; Cpl.; Somme, Viniy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Roumancourt, Sept. 8, 1918; Mil. Medal, Monchy, Aug. 26, 19 18. Meyer, Howard B.\ildon; Applied Science 1922. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Aug. 19 17. Millar, D.wid Lloyd; University Coll. 1923- 119th Bn., Cpl., Mar. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps. Miller, Harold Robert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 12th Ht\-.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord — Mons. Miller, J.\.mes Wright; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 29th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Jan. 1916; France, July 1916; 35th Bty., ^L'lr. 1917; 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 22nd Bty.; 3rd Can. Div. Anim. Col.; Ypres, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Vimy, July 13, 19 17. Miller, William Henry; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Mar. 1918. Mills, Clarence Allen; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Milne, Norman Lintjsay; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, June 19 17, 4th Bty.; r.a.k., June 1918; France, Sept. 1918, c.f.a.; Thelus, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Cambrai, Lievin, etc. Mitchell, John Clarence; h.a. Western Univ. 19 13, McGill Univ. ii)i.S; .•\pf)!icd 29th Bty., C.F.A. , Lieut., Oct. 1915; [Science 1921; 6th Bty., c.f.a., Lieut. 55th Bty., Feb. 1916; 52nd Bty., Feb. 1917; France, Aug. 1917; nth Can. Inf. Bde. Hdqrs., Orderly Offr., Sept. 19 18; Hill 70, Lens sec, Oppy sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Sept. 2, 19 18; M.c, Monchy, Aug. 26, 1918. Mitchell, Wn.LiAM Ihii,; University Coll. 1922. Chinese LaI)our Cps., France; (Further details not a\,iilalilc). Mitchener, Eric Harold; University Coll. 1923. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France; Wounded; (I'urther details not available). 576 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Montgomery, Alexander Eugene; Medicine 1923. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Montgomery, Robert Charles; Medicine 1924. 20ist Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Bn. ; Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Moor, Herbert Hutcheson; Applied Science 1922. R.N.C.V.R., Sept. 19 17. Moore, Wallace Nelson; Medicine 1923. c.A.M.c, T.D. 2; (Further details not available). Moorhead, Ewart Everett; Medicine 1924. E.O.R., Pte., Feb. 1918; France, Sept. 1918; Cambrai sec; Wounded, Sailly, Oct. 9, 1918. Moote, Gerald Lockie; phm.b. 1920. R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Ordinary Seaman, Mar. 1917; o/s. Apl. 1917; Able Sea- man, Nov. 1917; Leading Seaman, July 1918; Mine-sweeping and convoy duty, English Channel and North Sea; Returned Aug. 19 18. MoRAUD, Marcel; L. es L., Dip. d'Et. Sup.; Staff, University Coll.; 63rd Regt. Inf. 63rd Regt. Inf., Pte., Aug. 1914; Officer Interpreter, Nov. 1914; Champaigne sec; Wounded Jan. 12, 1915; French Mission to U.S.A., Aug. 1915; Invalided and discharged Aug. 191 6; French High Commission, Washington, Aug. 19 17- Oct. 1918. More, Willl\m George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 72nd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1917; 4th Can. Div. t.m. Bty.; France, July 1917; Bdr., Oct. 1917; 4th Can. Div. Amm. Col., Dec. 1918; Avion sec, Ypres, Arras sec, Boves, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Lens, Dec. 25, 1917. Morphy, Charles Norman; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Enl., Pte., Aug. 1915; France, Dec. 1915; Kemmel, St. Eloi, Ypres, Hooge; Wounded, Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 19 16. Morris, Hubert Mervyn; Applied Science 1923. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Apl. 1916; 3rd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Sergt.; Cadet; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras. Morrison, Robert George Kerr; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Apl. 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o., Nov. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., June 1918; Mudros, Sept. 1918, 63rd Wing; 62nd Wing; Seaplane patrol & bombing, Turkish and Bulgarian front; South Russia, Feb. 1919, 266th Sqdn. ; Petrovsk; att. H.M.s. Alleydor YussenofT, Caspian Sea, May 19 19; Despatches Oct. 9, 1919, Dec. 22, 1919. Morton, Percy Wilfrid; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923- 139th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; France, Apl. 1917, 4th Bn.; A/Sergt., June 1918; R.A.F. , June 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele. MoRWiCK, Edward Irwin; Applied Science 1923. 129th Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; France, Aug. 1917; 58th Bty., C.F..A..; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai. Moss, Francis Wilfred; Applied Science 1923- R.A.F. , Cadet, Aug. 1918. Moss, William Alexander; Preparatory Class 1919-20; 77th Regt., Sgr. Welland Canal Guard; 86th, M.G., Bn., Sgr., Aug. 1915; Can. M.G. Depot; France, Nov. 1916, loth Bde., m.g. Coy.; 4th Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Vimy, Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Bourlon Wood, Denain, Valenciennes. Mount, Harry Telford Roy; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Feb. 1916; France, S?pt. 1916; Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Mil. Medal, Passchendaele, Sept. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE 577 MowAT, Bruce Howard; Applied Science 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Jan. 1918; L-CpL, Aug. 1918. MowAT, Robert Harold; Forestry 1923; 73rd Regt., Lieut. 132nd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, ApL 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Gassed, Passchendaele, Nov. 30, 1917. Muirhead, Stuart Robert; Applied Science 1934. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., July 1917; France, Aug. 1918, Can. Cps. Cyclists; Arras, Cambrai — Mons. MuNRO, Frederick William; Medicine 1924. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., July 1918. Murphy, Ford Andrew; Applied Science 1923. C.A.M.C, Pte., July 1916; C.E., Signals; France, Nov. 1917, ist Can. Div. Sig. Coy.; Amiens, Arras, etc. Murphy, George Houston; Applied Science 1923. C.E.F., o/s., 13 months; France, 22nd Bn ; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy; Wounded (deafened). Murr.\y, John Ross; Applied Science 1923. 3rd Can. Div. Supply Col., Pte., Mar. 1916; c.a.s.c. ; France, Sept. 1916, ist Can. D V. Supply Col.; Can. Cps. Supply Col., Apl. 191 7; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Musgrave, Arthur Hamilton; b.s.a. 1920. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Mustard, John Melville; Medicine 1924. Enl., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Mutch, Gordon C.wen; Applied Science 1923. 20ist Bn., Cpl., Mar. 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Apl. 1918, 3rd Bn., Pte.; c.o.r. Depot, Oct. 1918; A/Sergt., Cadet; Lieut., Nov. 1918; Amiens, Rouvroy, Arras. Myles, William McCauley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 119th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France,. Nov. 1916, 52nd Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 14, 1917, Monchy, Aug. 28, 19 18, and Cambrai, Oct. i, 19 18; Despatches, Passchendaele, Nov. 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 1918. Nash, Abram Leland Stanley; Applied Science 1922; 38th Regt. 40th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; Bdr.; Cpl.; France, July 1916; Sergt., July 1916; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Nash, Frank Lov.\tt; Medicine 1926. R.c.ii.A., Gnr., Apl. 1917; France, Jul\- 1918; Amiens, Arras, etc. Nash, Roland Philips; Education 1920. 4th Res. Bn., Cpl., Jan. 1916; France; Lens; Wounded, Hill 70, Jul\- 16, 1917. Nattress, David Irving; Applied Science 1923. 227th Bn., Aug. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, Can. Gen. Base Depot. Neelin, Wellington Eric Ethelbert; Medicine 1924. 207th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; o/s. June 1917; c.e., Signals, Spr., Dec. 1917- Neilson, John Russell: Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Nelson, John Franklin; Victoria 1922. R.A.F., Cadet, Jan. 1918; Sec. Lieut.; o s. Oct. 191S. Nethercott, Frederick Arnold; Applied Science 1923. U. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., June I<)i6; k.i .c, -Sec. Lieut.; I'ranrr, Oct. 1917. 66th Sqcln.; 41)1 Tr. Depot Station. —40 578 UxXIVERSITY OF TORONTO Netherton, Fred James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 1st Depot Bn., Pte., May 1918; o/s. July 1918; ist Res. Bn.; Bde. Hdqrs.; 2nd c.c.D. Nettleton, Cecil Arthur; Applied Science 1923; 2nd Regt. 198th Bn., Pte., June 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 20th Bn.; Cpl.; Arras, Canal du Nord, Cambrai — Mons. Newlove, Robert Arthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 67th, u.of T., Bty.,C.F.A.,Gnr., Dec. 1916; France, July 1917,4th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 45th Bty. ; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Nicholas Alfons Louis; Veterinary Coll. 1918-19. Signal Troop, Can. Cav. Bde., Cpl., Aug. 1914; France, 20 months. Nichols, Thomas Russell; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., Sec. Lieut.; o/s. July 1918. NicoL, Kenneth Tyrwhitt; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1917; 39th Sqdn., London Defence; Lieut., Feb. 1918; France, Dec. 1918. Nixon, Charles Marlboro; b.s.a. 1920. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 66th Bty., Bdr.; Injured May 15; (Further details not available). Noble, John Henry; Manitoba Univ.; Medicine 1924. Notts. & Derbyshire Regt., Pte., Aug. 1917; (Further details not available). NoDWELL, William Edwin; Education 1920. R.C.H.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; c.f.a.; France, Nov. 1916, 21st Bty.; Somme. Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — ^Valenciennes. NoDWELL, William Ewart; University Coll. 1923; 30th Regt., Lieut. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Oct. 1915; France, Apl. 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Ypres, Sanctuary Wood, Hooge; Invalided, Ypres, July 19 16; Discharged Jan. 19 18. Norcross, Maxwell Arden; Bishop's Univ., Lennoxville; Applied Science 1922. R.N.C.V.R., Wt. Offr., w/t, Apl. 1918; w.c, in, Apl. 1919; Mine-sweeping & patrol, Canadian Coast; o. i/c Wireless, s.s. 'Frankmere'; Atlantic. Norman, Ralph Maron; Applied Science 1924. C.E.F., 3 years; (Detail not available). Norman, Ronald Edmund; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Lieut.; France, ist Sqdn.; (Further details not available). Norris, Charles Adam; Applied Science 1923; Westmount Rifles. 66th Bty., C.F.A. , Gnr., May 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Lens sec; r.a.f., Mar. 1918; Sec. Lieut., Feb. 1919. NouRSE, Reginald Elbridge; Victoria 1922. R.A.F., Res., May 1918. O'Donnell, James; St. Michael's 1923, Medicine 1926. C.E., Spr., Jan. 1917; o/s.; (Further details not available). O'GoRiiAN, John Thomas; Medic'ne 1924. 130th Bn., Sergt., Mar. 1916; 38th Bn.; France, Nov. 1916; Vimy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes; Wounded, Vimy, Feb. 22, 1917; Mil. Medal, Nov. 1-4, 1918. Odell, Frederick Charles; b.s.a. 1920. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1918; ist Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. June 1918. Ogilvie, William George; Preparatory Class 1919-20; 46th Regt., Lieut. 74th Bty., C.F.A., Sgr., Aug. 1916; France, July 1917, 4'h°Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 2ist Hwr^ Bty., Nov. 1917; Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Cambrai — Valenciennes. ROLL OF SERVICE 579 Oldfield, Henry George; b.s.a. 1920. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gn ., Alar. 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 'b' Bty., r.c.h.a.; March Retreat (1918), Albert, Amiens, Roy, Le Gateau, etc.; Mil. Medal, Le Gateau, Oct. 10, 1918. Oldford, Roy; Applied Science 1923. 3rd Univ. Goy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., July 1915; France, Dec. 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Kemmel, Ypres, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. i, 19 17; att. 7th Inf. Bde., Seaford; 3rd Bde. Sig. Base, Seaford. Olmsted, James Moxtrose Duncan; a.b. (Middlebury), b.a., m.a. (Oxon.), m.a., us. Med. Res. Gps., May 1917; Base Hosp. No. 7, [ph.d. (Harvard), Staff. Pte.; Pte. 1st Glass, Jan. 1918; Active Svce., Feb. 1918; U.S. Aux. Hosp. No. i, N. York Gity, Sept. 1918; Yale Army Lab. School, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1918; Base Hosp., Gamp Devens, Dec. 1918. Ord, Thomas Wilfred; phm.b. 1920. 2nd Gan. Div. Gyclist Goy., Pte., May 1915; France, Sept. 1915; Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, etc.; Wounded, Villers Gagnicourt, Sept. 2, 1918; Mil. Medal, Arras, Sept. 2, 1918. Ormiston, Robe Russell; Veterinary GoU. 1918-20. 184th Bn., L-Gpl., Jan. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 27th Bn.; Somme, Vimj^; Wounded, Vimy, Mar. 28, 1917; Invalided Nov. 1917. Orr, Morton Douglas; *University Goll. 1923. R. Gan. Regt., May 1915; France, 20 months; r.a.f.; (Details not available). OsBOURNE, William Antjrew; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Ireland, Sept. 19 16; Ganada, Mar. 19 17; No. 4 Sch. of Aeronautics, Aero- Engine Instr., Apl. 19 17; n.c.o. i/c Engine Flight, Scrgt. Mechanic. OsTERHOUT, Arthur Berson; Medicine 1924. On Active Service; o/s. 3 years; France, 46th Bn., Lieut. (Died Feb. 8, 1920). Ostrander, Lawrence Ellis; Applied Science 1923. Enl., Pte., Mar. 1917; o/s.; Discharged, medically unfit, Apl. 1918. Paget, James Alan; Applied Science 1923. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., July 1916; ist Gan. Hvy- Bty.; France, Apl. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amien?, Arras, Gambrai, etc.; Wounded, Passchendaele, Dec. 2, 1917; Gassed, Lievin, May 10, 1918. Pallett, Ernest Edward St. George; Veterinary Goll. 1917-20. loth Bn., Nov. 1914; F"rance, Apl. 1915; Ypres, Festubcrt, Givenchy; Injured May 21, 19 15; Discharged Sept. 19 15. Parker, Harold Thomas; Education 1920. 54th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Bdr.; France, Mar. 19x7: Gpl.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant, Gambrai; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 17, 1917. Parrott, John Ross; R. Goll. Dental Surg. 1922; 5th Fd. Goy., c.e. 5th Fd. Goy., c.e., Spr., Aug. 1914; Gpl., Sergt., c.s.M., Lieut.; 25(>th Ky. Gonstr. Bn., Lieut., Feb. 1917; loth Bn., Gan. Ry. Tps.; Fr;ui< e, June 1917: Passchendaele, Ypres (1918), Vimy, Messincs, Somme, Lille Paterson, Jesse George; R. Goll. Dental Surg. 1924. l/lst C.O.R., Pte., July 1918; Siberian Ex.l-\, 20th M.(.. Coy.; .Sil.cii.i, Jan. 1919- Paterson, William Leslie; Applied Science i9-3- 64th Bty., C.F.A., May 1918; 85th Bty.; Siberian E\.\-. Paton, Walter Mudie; Medicine 1924. 34th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., IVb. 1916; 53r(l Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; '""^ ■'^"•'^ 580 UxMVERSITY OF TORONTO Amiens, Vimy sec, Cambrai, Valenciennes, etc.; Wounded, Cite St. Auguste (Lens), Sept. 20, 1917. Patry, Frederick Lorimer; Medicine 1923. On Active Service Mar. 1916 — Aug. 1918; (Details not available). Patterson, John Archie; Medicine 1923. C.A.M.C, England & France, Aug. 1916 — July 1918; (Details not available). Paul, Hugh Alvin; Medicine 1926. Enl. Dec. 1916; France, 23rd Bty., c.f.a.; (Details not available). Pearce, William Ralph; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. O/S. Aug. 19 18; C.R.A. Pearen, Percy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 20ist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 170th Bn., Aug. 1916; 169th Bn.; ii6th Bn.; France, Feb. 1917; Lens, Ypres, Amiens, Arras. Pearson, Francis Wilkinson; Universi y Coll. 1922; r.m.c. R.A.F., 1918. Penhall, George Routledge; Veterinary Coll. 1918-20. C.A.M.C, Pte., Feb. 1915; c.a.s.c, Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 19 16; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; Invalided Nov. 16, 1917. Penwarden, Harold George; phm.b. 1920. 1st W.O.R., Pte., Jan. 1918; France, May 1918, i8th Bn.; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Ville de Liege, Aug. 28, 19 18. , Perkin, Irvine Boyer; Education 1920. C.A.M.C, M.D. I, Sergt., Apl. 1917; Siberia, Oct. 1918, No. 11 Can. Sta. Hosp.; c.c Hosp., Omsk. Perry, Lucius Dixon; Veterinary Coll. 1920-21. A.E.F., 58th U.S. Inf., 4th Div., Feb. 19J8; Pte. ist Class, Cpl., Apl. 1918; France, May 19 18; att. 51st Engrs.; Aisne-Marne Offensive, Chateau Thierry; Wounded, Chateau Thierry, July 20, 1918. Pew, William Harold; phm.b. 1920. R.C.H.A., Gnr., Dec. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, 21st Bty., C.F.A. ; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Phillips, John Allen; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 75th Bty., C.F.A., May 1917; r.n.a.s., p.f.o.; Sec. Lieut.; France, Sept. 1918; Nancy sec. Phillips, Mackinnon; Medicine 1924. 2nd Depot Bn., e.o.r.; 74th Bty., c.f.a.; 3rd Depot Fd. Bty., May 1918. Philp, Gerald Meredith; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. 153rd Bn., Apl. 1916; c.a.d.c; o/s. May 1917; France, May 1918; Arras sec. Philp, Robert Wesley; Victoria 1923. R.A.F., Pte., Aug. 1918. PiCKFORD, Basil Charles William; Trinity 1923. On Active Service, 25 yrs.; France; (Details not available). Pike, Jesse Guy; Applied Science 1924. 20ist Bn., Bandsman, Apl. 1916; 198th Bn.; France, Apl. 1918, 19th Bn.; Arras, Amiens. PiNCHiN, Arthur Holtman; Medicine 1924. w/t., Naval Tpt. Svce. Pinnell, Fred Henry Arthur; Applied Science 1923. Enl. July 1916; France; Discharged, medically unfit, Sept. 1918; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE c8i PiTTis, Kenneth Frank; University Coll. 1923; 109th Regt. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., May 1916; France, Jan. 1918, Can. Cps. Cyclist Bn.; att. 1st Can. Motor m.g. Bde.; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Plewes, Russell Vernon; Applied Science 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., June 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; T3th Bty., C.F.A., June 19 17; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Powell, Arthur Evan; Education 1920; loth Regt. C.A.M.C., Base Hosp., m.d. 2, Dec. 1916. Powell, Clinton Heber; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, T.D. No. I, Pte., Mar. 1916; o/s. July 1916; France, Sept. 1916, No. 7 Can. Sta. Hosp.; No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. Pratt, Charles Henry; Medicine 1924. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 19 17; o/s.; (Further details not available). Pratt, David Wilfred; Medicine 1926. R.F.c, Cadet, June 1917; Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; France, Feb. 1918; Italy, Feb. 1918, 28th Sqdn. ; r.a.f., Lieut., May 1918; Capt., Feb. 1919; Piave; Long Reconn. & Offensive patrols; Wounded, Grossa, Mar. 18, 1918, and Treviso, Mar. 28, 1918; Invalided Sept. 1918; Italian Croce al Merito di Guerra. Prendergast, William Killoran; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Apl. 1917; L-Cpl.; k.n.a.s., p.f.o., Oct. 1917; Fit. Sub-Lieut., Mar. 1918; Great Yarmouth, Apl. 1918; North Sea Patrol; No. 2 School of Aerial Gunnery, Aug. 1918; Italy, Oct. 1918, 139th Sqdn.; Piave; R.A.F. , Lieut. Preston, Allen Victor; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Price, Arthur Valleau; Applied Science 1923; Cps. of Guides. R.N.C.V.R., Apl. 1916; R.F.c, Dec. 1916; France, Oct. 1917; Lens, Arras, Cam- brai (Nov. 1917), Peronne, March Retreat; Wounded, Amiens, Ma". 23, 1918; Invalided Aug. 1918. Prince, Laurence Wilkinson; University Coll. 1923- R.F.c, Cadet, Dec. 1917; R.A.F. , Sec. Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Pritchard, Harry Scarf; Applied Science 1923. 153rd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, loth Bn.; (Further details not available). Pritchard, William Hilliard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 74th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1916; France, June 1917, 4th Can. Div. Art.; Ttill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — ^Valencienncs. Prosser, Thornton; Education 1920. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Proltd, Robert Harvey; Medicine 1924. i6oth Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Cpl., May 1916; Sorgt., Oct. 1916; 78th Bn., Ptc.; France June 1918; Amiens; Wounded Aug. 24, 1918. Prowse, William Robertson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 35th Bn., Pte., May 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 4th Can. M.G. Coy.; > .* . a.> ., Si-pt. 1916; ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps., Apl. 19 18; St. Eloi, Vpres (1916), Sommc, Amions, Arras; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Arras, Sept. 2, 191S. Pullar, James Glenson; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924; i03r(l Regt. 3rd Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Ptc., Aug. 1915; France, May 19 if^. im'.cl.i.; Cpl.; Lieut., Sept. 1917; Vpres (1916), .Somme, Vimy, Passchcnflaele. Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Cagnicourt, Sept. 2, 1918; M.C, gaz. Jan. 11, i«)i9: Dc patches Dec. 31, 1918. 582 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PuRDY, Frank; Education 1920. C.E., Spr., May 1918; L-Cpl.; o/s. June 1918; Cpl. Purvis, William Frank; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, Apl. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; r.a.f., Lieut.; Dover patrol; France, Apl. 1918; 2i8th Sqdn.; Bombing raids. Ostend, Bruges, Zeebrugge, etc.. Battle of Zeebrugge Mole; Shot down at the Mole, and interned in Holland, June 29, 1918. Pyke, Edgar William ; Education 1920. - 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Nov. 1916, i6th Bty.; Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 20, 1917; Discharged Sept. 1918. Quirk, E. L.; Education 1919. (On Active Service Details not available.) Ramsay, Alexander Meredith; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1916; France, 2 years; (Further details not available). Rawson, Clarke Michell; Education 1920. R.C.H.A., Gnr., July 1916; Bdr.; France, Mar. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Reid, Anthony Meredith; Applied Science 1923; 3rd Fd. Coy., c.e. C.E., Spr., Aug. 1915; Lieut.; France, Oct. 1916, ist Fd. Coy., C.E., Lieut.; 2nd Bn., C.E., Capt. and Adjt., May 1918, Vimy, Hill 70, Arras sec, Passchen- daele, Amiens, Arras, Canal du Nord, etc.; Wounded, Arleux, Apl. 28, 1918; m.c. Reid, Roy Jacob; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France. Mar. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Reid, William Joseph Walter; Applied Science 1924. 28th Bn., Jan. 19 17; c.e.; France, Oct. 19 17; Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai — Mons. Relyea, Robert Clair; Applied Science 1923. C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France; (Details not available). Renwick, George Edgar; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, Can. Cps. Signal Coy.; Can. Cps. Hvy. Art., Gnr.; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras. Renwick, Walter Howard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. I nth Bn., L-Cpl., Jan. 1916; France, Nov. 1916, 4th Bn.; Vimy, Lens, Somme, ^ Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Fresnoy, May 3, 1917, and Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Reynolds, H. W.; Education 1919. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Reynolds, Harry; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F. , July 1918. Richards, Charles Alvin; Medicine 1924; 46th Regt. 247th Bn., Jan. 1917; 235th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 2nd cm. R.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Richards, Harold Charles; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 129th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Can. m.g. Depot; France, Mar. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. RiDOUT, Geoffrey Swabey; Applied Science 1922. R.E., Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1915; France, Aug. 1915; Lieut., July 1916; Capt., Apl. 1917; Loos, Somme, Bullecourt, Passchendaele; Italy, Nov. 1917-Sept. 1918; m.c, Italy, June 1918; Despatches, Somme, Jan. 1917, and Passchendaele, Nov. 1917. ROLL OF SERVICE s8 0': Riley, Robert Coles; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, Base Hosp., m.d. 2, June 1917. RippoN, Norman Eugene; phm.b. 1920. 4th Bde. Hdqrs. Staff, c.f.a., Gnr., Feb. 1915; France, Sept. 1915; A/Sergt., Feb. 1916; 6th Bde., c.f.a., Hdqrs. Staff, Mar. 1917; r.a.f., Aug. 1918; Ypres sec, St. Eloi, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens. Riseborough, Willl\m James; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 19 17; France, Apl. 19 18, 19th Bty.; Amiens, Cambrai, etc. Ritchie, Charles Bruce Scott; University Coll. 1923. On Active Service, June 1917-Aug. 1918; R.A.F. ; (Details not available). Ritchie, Joseph Stewart; b.a., Western Univ.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Sta. Hosp., Pte., May 1916; L-Cpl., Sergt.; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, Dec. 1917; r.a.f., Cadet, July 1918; c.a.m.c. Depot, Dec. 1918. Roberts, Owen Christie; Medicine 1924- Amer. Ambce. Driver, July 1915; France, July 1915-July 1917; r.f.c, Sept. 1917; Discharged, medically unfit, Aug. 1918. Robertson, Donald Graham; University Coll. 1923; 13th Regt. 31st Bty., c.f.a., Lieut., July 1915; France, July 1916; Ypres, Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Returned Apl. 1918; 69th Bty., June 1918; 67th, u. of T., Bty., July 1918; Siberian Ex.F., Sept. 1918: o.c. Disch. Sec; Casualty Coy., m.d. 2, Apl. 1919. Robertson, George David; Applied Science 1924. r.f.c, Cadet, Sept. 1917; r.a.f.. Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. Robertson, Harold Foster; Applied Science 1923- R.N.C.V.R., w./t. Robertson, Harry Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 48th Regt., Sergt. 92nd Bn., Sergt., Aug. 1915; 43rd Bn.; 17th Bn.; France, Mar. 1916; L-Cpl., Sept. 1916; Cpl., June 1917; Sergt., Aug. 1917; Lieut., June 1918; Zillebekc, Hill 60, Somme, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Canal du Nord, Cambrai, Foret de Raismes; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 26, 1916, and Passchendaele, Nov. 1917; Belgian Croix de Guerre, gaz. July 1918. Robinson, Clarence Tremaine; University Coll. 1923. R.F.C, Lieut., Apl. 1917; France, Jan. 1918; R.A.F.; Ypres— St. Qucntin. Robinson, Gabriel Acton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 50th Bty., c.f.a., Feb. 1916; 52rd Bty.; France, Aug. 1917; Forward Bde, 13th C.F.A., Mtd. Orderly, Aug. 1918; Hill 70, Lens, La Bassce, Arras, Amiens, Monchy, Cambrai— Valenciennes; Injured, Arras sec, July 18, 19 18; Wounded, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18 Rogers, Edwin Everett; Unversity Coll. 1919-20. Enl. Mar. 1916; o/s.; (Details not available). RoLPH, Ernest Gordon; Applied Science 1923. R.F.C, Sept. 1917; R.AF.; (Details not available). Rosborough, Hugh Christie; University Coll. 1918-19. 1st Depot Bn., Regina, Sept. 1918. Ross, Douglas Leith; University Coll. 191S-19. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Nov. 1916; England and France, I9I7-I9- Ross, John Cecil; Medicine 1924; 30th Regt". 196th Bn., Ptc, Apl. 1916; Lieut., Feb. 1917; I'ranco, -Scpl. 1917. i^< ("•«•«■: Passchendaele, Hill 70 sec, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Hill 70. ]-»"• '> '9'^^. and Amitns, Apl. 8, 19 18. 584 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Ross, John Douglas Eraser; University Co 1. 1922. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Nov. 1918. Ross, Percy John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 147th Bn., Pte., May 19 16; France, May 19 17, 4th C.M.R.; Vimy, Loos, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Rowan, Eric Reginald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.D.c, Pte., Apl. 1916; o/s. Apl. 1917; C.E.; (Further details not available). Rowland, Harry Frederick; b.s.a. 1920. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; Sergt. Sgr., June 1916; 55th Bty., Jan. 1917; France, Aug. 19 17; Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; d.c.m. Rowxey, Arthur Edward; Medicine 1924. r.f.c. Cadet, Jan. 1918; o/s. June 1918; Sec. Lieut., Jan. 1919. Ruddy, Richard Kenneth; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. (On Active Service; o/s. i year; France; Further details not available. > RuGG, Herbert; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., Pte., July 1918. Rundle, Wilmot Llewellyn; Applied Science 1923. 134th Bn.. Pte., Feb. 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; (Further details not available). Russell, Douglas Campbell; Medicine 1924. Enl. Dec. 1916; Lieut.; France, Sept. 1917; Wounded Nov. 14, 1917; Dis- charged July 19 18; (Further details not available). Ryan, Joseph; St. Michael's 1922. Enl. Oct. 19 14; Discharged, medically unfit; Re-enl., Nov. 19 15; France; Wounded — amputation; Discharged Aug. 1918; (Further details not available). Rynard, William Morvel Wesley; Medicine 1924. C.E., Signals, Spr., Sept. 1918. Sager, Elmer; Education 1920. 205th Bn., Pte., Oct. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 2nd Can. Motor m.g. Bde.; ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Salter, Percy Ellis; University Coll. 1924. 58th Hwr. Bty., c.f.a.. Dr., Apl. 1916; France; (Further details not available). Samuel, William Anderson; Education 1920. 141st Bn., Pte., Sept. 1916; 52nd Bn.; France, Sept. 1917; 3rd Bde., C.E., Oct. 19 18; Ypres, Lens, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Sant)ERS, Frederick William; Applied Science 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Sept. 1916; France, June 1917, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Lens, Vimy, Ypres, Arras, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — -Mons. Sant)erson, Arthur Charles; Applied Science 1922. Yale Unit, s.A.T.c, Sept. 1918. Sands, George Edgar; Medicine 1924. 63rd Bty., C.F.A. , July 1916; France, Dec. 1916; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Sauerbrei, Claltje; University Coll. 1923. Enl., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, i6th Bn.; (Further details not available). Saunders, Charles Fountayne James; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. Enl. June 1916; France, R. Can. Dragoons, Lieut.; (Further details not avail- able). Saunders, Dyce Chalmers; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. C.F.A. , Lieut., July 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. ROLL OF SERVICE cs^; Sawyer, Leighton R.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Dr., Mar. 1917; c.g.a., Sgr.; France, Apl. 1918, 7th Bty., C.G.A. ; Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 19, 19 18. Sayre, Joel Grover; University Coll. 1923. (On Active Service; o/s. 14 months; Details not available.) Scarlett, Earle Parkhill; Medicine 1924; c.o.t.c, Univ. of Man., Lieut. 196th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Can. Cyclist Cps.; France, Nov. 1917; 2nd Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; Lens, Amiens — Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Aug. 2S, 19 18. Scharff, Robert Lyle; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. R.F.C, Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Mar. 19 18; Lieut., May 1918; France, July 1918; Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Douai, Sept. i, 19 18. ScHiNBEiN, Edler Ell\s; Applied Science 1923. 118th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, May 1917; Vimy — Lens sec. Scott, Frederick Albert; Applied Scence 1923. 164th Bn., Dec. 1915; France, Pte.; (Further details not available). Scott, Reginald Francis; Medicine 1924. 1st Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; o/s. June 1918. Scott, Robert Balgarnie Young; University Coll. 1923. Mercantile Marine, Sept. 1917; r.n.c.v.r., Dec. 1917; \v t Operator; att. H.M.C.s. 'Niobe'; att. Hdqrs.; h.m. 'Queen Helena', May 1918; North Atlantic, English Channel, Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea and North Sea. Scott, Thomas Francis; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service; o/s. 3^ years; Details not available.) Scott, Walter Cavill; Victoria 1923. R.N.C.V.R., 8 months. ScoTT, William Alan; University Coll. 1923. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Seaborne, Frederick Shaw; Applied Science 1923; 31st Horse. nth CM. R., Sgr., Mar. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 28th Bn.; r.a.f., A/Sergt., Dec. 1917.; R.A.F. , Sec. Lieut.; Loos — Lens sec, Vimy, Lens sec. Hill 70, Passchen- daele. Lens sec. Sedgewick, Joseph Michael; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; g.g.b.g. 58th Bn., Pte., July 1915; France, Feb. 1916; 9th Can. t.m. Bty.; 58th Bn.; Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Dickcbusch, Mar. 20, 1916. Serson, Charles Macdonald; Trinity 1924. Enl. July 1916; (Details not available). Sexsmith, Edgar Lloyd; Medicine 1924. Enl. Jan. 1917; o/s.; c. a.m. c, England, A/Sergt. Sharp, Ronald Abercrombie; Applied Science 1923. 69th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; 12th Bde. Amm. Col., c.f.a.; 5th Can. Div. Amm. Col.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens sec, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Sharpe, Charles Thomas; Applied Science 1924. r.n.a.s., P.F.O., Dec. 1917; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1918; Defence of London; Injured, Sheerness, Isle of Shcppey, May 6, 1918. Shaw, Edison Stanhope; Medicine 1924. 64th Bty., C.F.A. , Apl. 1916; 8th Bty., c.g.a.; I>ance, Aug. 1917; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Shelton, Bertram Metherel; Victoria 1923. C.A.M.C, m.d. 2, Pte., May 1917; r.n.v.k., Wt. Offr., Radiotelegraph Operator; Offr. i/c Wireless; Patrol svce. 586 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Shepherd, Oswald George; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923 97th Regt., Lieut. 159th Bn., Lieut., Jan. 1916; o/s. Nov. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; Invalided Oct. 1917. Sherk, Wilfrid Samuel; Applied Science 1922. R.A.F., Cadet, 19 18. Sherlock, Frank McGill; University Coll. 1924. Enl., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, c.a.m.c; (Further details not available). Shields, Stanley ; Applied Science 1924. R.A.F., May 1918. SiLVERTON, Thomas Louis; Medicine 1926. Enl., Pte., Feb. 19 16; France, ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; (Further details not available). SiMMs, Freeman Curtis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 1st Can. Siege Bty., Sgr., July 1915; France, June 1916, Liaison, 26th, 29th, 85th Bns. ; 1st Can. Siege Bty., Bdr.; Sonime, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded and gassed, Mametz Wood, July 29, 1916; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917; Mil. Medal, Hill 70, Aug. 1917. Simpson, Walter La Vern; Applied Science 1924. 177th Bn., Pte., May 1916; France, Jan. 1918, 9th Bn., C.E.; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. SiMSON, Fred Thomas; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., May 1918; France. SiNNOTT, James Arthur; Medicine 1924. C.E., Pte., Mar. 1916; c.a.m.c. No. 2 Mob. Labty., Sergt.; France, July 1918, No. 2 Can. Gen. Hosp. SiRRS, Robert Raymond; Applied Science 1924; 9th Horse. R.A.F., Jan. 1918; c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Sergt.; France, 1918; Lens-Arras sec; Gassed, Lens. Sisley, Edgar Briggs; Medicine 1926. R.A.F., June 1918. Shilling, Harold Roy; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. C.A.M.C, No. 5 Fd. Amb., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 29, 1916; r.a.f., Apl. 1918; Sec. Lieut.; Flanders and France. Skuce, Ecklin Daniel; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 75th Bty., C.F.A., Aug. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, 13th Bty.; Vimy, Lens, Pass- chendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Sloan, Samuel Gordon; Medicine 1924. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Sept. 1917; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Bourlon Wood; Wounded, Inchy, Sept. 25, 19 18. Sloman, Frederick George; Medicine 1924. C.A.M.C, o/s., 2,^2 years; (Details not available). Sloman, Wilbert George; Education 1920. R.A.F. , Cadet, Dec. 19 17. Smart, George Wallace; Applied Science 1924; 46th Regt., Bugler. 136th Bn., L-Cpl., Feb. 1916; France, June 1917, 38th Bn., Pte.; 4th Can. Div. Sig. Coy., Feb. 1918; L-Cpl., Aug. 1918; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Smith, Charles Gordon; Dalhousie Univ.; Medicine 1922. (On Active Service 3 years; Details not available.) Smith, Cyril Boyd; University Coll. 1923. o/s. Jan. 1916 — Aug. 1919; France, 32nd Bn. A/S/Sergt.; r.n.a.s , Jan. 1918; r.a.f. , Sec. Lieut.; (Further details not available). ROLL OF SERVICE 587 SxMiTH, Gordon Chester; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, No. 14 Fd. Amb., Pte., Mar. 1917; France, June 1918; Can. Cps. Hdqrs., Sergt., Sept. 19 18; Lens, Arras, etc. Smith, Harold Hubert Wydvil; Trinity 1923. R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Fit. Cadet, Sept. 1918. Smith, Harry Derrick; Applied Science 1923. (On Active Service, Oct. 19 16 — Apl. 19 19; Details not available.) Smith, John David; Applied Science 1924. r.f.c, Sept. 1917; R.A.F., Lieut.; o,/s. Smith, Leslie Arlington; Education 1920.' 67th, u. of T., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1918; 2nd Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. Oct. 1918. Smith, Lewis Vincent; Victoria 1923. C.E., Spr., Apl. 1918. Smith, Victor George; Applied Science 1924. Enl., Pte , Aug. 1915; France, 3rd Bn.; Discharged, medically unfit, Nov. 1917; (Further details not available). Smither-\m, Ivan Lloyd; phm.b. 1920. 155th Bn., Pte., June 1916; France, Apl. 1917, 21st Bn.; Vpres, Lens, Arras and Amiens sees.; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Smyth, Robert Gordon; phm.b. 1920. 'a' Bty., R.C.H.A., May 1917; France, Mar. 1918; Bdr.; March Retreat (1918), Albert sec, Amiens, Le Cateau. Smythe, Clarence William; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 254th Bn., Nov. 1916; 253rd Bn.; France, Jan. 1918; Cpl., Sept. 1918; Lens, Loos, etc. Sneddon, Harold Robertson; University Coll. 1923- 170th Bn., Pte., May 1916; nth Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Feb. 1917; Ypres sec, Armentieres, Arras, Snell, Jerrold Webber; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, No. 2 Fd. Amb. Depot, Mar. 1916; France, Sept. 1916; L-Cpl., July 1917; No. 3 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Cpl., Nov. 1917; Sergt., July 1918. Snow, Royle Burleigh Longueville; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., 13 months; (Details not available). Sn-\'der, Arthur Lawrence; Applied Science 1923. R.N.C.V.R., Jan. -Mar. 1917; r.a.f. Sorsoleil, Jack Victor; University Coll. 1923. R.A.F., Capt.; France; M.C.; (Further details not available). Speakman, Horace Bradbury; m.sc. (Manchester), StafT; o.t.c, Manchester. British Admiralty, June 1915; Brit. Army, Pte, Jan. 1916; Impl. Munitions Bd., Ottawa, 1916-19. Spratt, Ernest Harold; Medicine 1924. R. Can. Naval Air Svce., Aug. 1918. Sproatt, Charles Beverley; Applied Science 1923. R.N.A.S., Fit. Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1915; I'^lt. Lieut., Fit. Cmdr., Oct. Kur: '< \ ' •- Capt. Apl. 1918; France, May 1916, 5th Sqdn., No. 5 Wing, Dunkc-r.iuo; Dover Patrol, Apl. 1917; 5th Sqdn., Dunkcrquc, July igi?-]^"- «9i«: North Sea patrol, Yarmouth, May 1918-Mar. 1919; "i^c., Dunkcrquo, Oct. 1917. Standen, C.\lvin Washington; Medicine 1924. 172nd Bn., Pte., .Sept. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916. 588 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Stanley, Alfred; Trinity 1924. 4th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Oct. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Wounded severely, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 1916; Invalided; Discharged 1918. Stapells, Ernest Beverley; Preparatory Class 1919-20; loth Regt. 169th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Cpl., Scout; ii6th Bn., Pte.; France, Feb. 1917; Cpl., Sergt.; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens sec, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Starr, Frederic A. E.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 'c' Bty., R.C.H.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; c.f.a.; France, Oct. 1916, 27th Bty.; Somme Vimy, Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 27, 19 17; North Russia, Sept. 1918; Retreats from Ust Pedenza and Sken Gursk, Vistavka, Malo-Briznik. Steele, John Arthur; b.s.a. 1920. 1st Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.l, Pte., Mar. 1915; France, July 1915, p.p.c.l.i.; Armentieres, Somme (1915), Neuve Eglise, Kemmel, Ypres (1916), Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Hooge, May 8, 1916. Steeves, Arthur Carey; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 105th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; Sergt.; France, Mar. 1918, 26th Bn.; Neuville Vitasse, Mercatel sec, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 28, 19 18. Stephenson, Baillie Thomson; University Coll. 1922. R.N.C.V.R., Wireless Operator, 1917. Stewart, Cameron An-derson; Education 1920. R.F.C, July 1917; o/s. Dec. 1917; Sec. Lieut., Lieut.; Instr., Apl. 1918. Stewart, Don.\ld Wilfred; Medicine 1924; 32nd Regt., Lieut. i6oth Bn., Pte., Jan. 1916; Serg^.; Lieut., July 1916; r.f.c. Mar. 1918; France, June 19 18, 55th Sqdn., r.a.f., Indep. Air Force; Long distance day-bombing, Rhine from Nancy — Meuse et Moselle, Lens sec. Stewart, Ermant) Francis; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 50th Bty., c.f.a. , Dr., May 1916; Cpl.; France, Nov. 1916, 2nd Hwr. Bty.; (Further details not available). Stewart, Evan Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. i6oth Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 87th Bn.; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 19 18. Stewart, Harry Raymontd; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. c.A.M.c, m.d. 10, Pte., Apl. 1917; France, June 1917, No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; Vimy-Lens sees., Passchendaele, Ypres; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 31, 1917. Stew.\rt, John Victor; Forestry 1924. 67th, u. of T., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., May 1918. Stewart, ICelvin Alexander; Forestry 1922. 9th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1915; 32pd Bty., Sept. 1915; France, Mar. 1916, 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col.; 21st Hwr. Bty., Aug. 1916; Bdr., Oct. 1917; Sergt., May 1918; C.F.A., Cadet, Sept. 1918; St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Drocourt-Queant; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 17, 1917, and Passchendaele, Oct. 19, 1917. Stewart, Malcolm Davidson; McGill Univ.; Applied Science 1922. 66th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Valenciennes. Stewart, Roy Alexander; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., May 19 18. Stinson, Edward Darwin; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. ' » Fort Garry Horse, Aug. 1914; France, May 1915; Messines sec, Ypres, Le ROLL OF SERVICE 589 Cateau, Givenchy; Wounded, Ypres, Nov. 30, 1915; R. Can. Dragoons, June 1917. Stirling, Lloyd Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. i6oth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, Mar. 1918; Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, Mons. Stokes, Lorxe Sidney; Medicine 1924. (On Active Service 13 months; Details not available.) Stoll, Wilfrid Henry; Applied Science 1923. 157th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; o/s. Oct. 1916; France. Stott, Frederic William; Applied Science 1923. R.N.; (Details not available). Stott, Sydney John; Medicine 1924; loth Regt., Lieut. 123rd Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, Feb. 1917; Vimy, Lens-Arras sec; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 22, 1917. Strachan, L\n Thompson; University Coll. 1923. u. of t. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; ist Can. Tank Bn., Apl. 1918; Sergt.; o/s. June 19 18. Stratford, Arthur Hope; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. Impl. Infantry, Sec. Lieut., Sept. 19 14; Capt.; France, ist Bedfordshire Regt.; Eg>'pt, German East Africa; Wounded Mar. 12, 1915. Strebig, Donald Lionel Morris; Medicine 1924. 2i6th Bn., Sergt., Feb. 1917; France, Mar. 1918, Sgr.; Vimy sec. La Bassee, Arras, Lens, Somme; Wounded. Stredder, Frederick Owen; University Coll. 1919-20. (r.n. ; Details not available). Strickland, Donald D'Eyncourt; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. R.F.A., Aug. 1917; (Details not available). Sutherlant), Harold Rothwell; University Coll. 1923- c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Pte., Aug. 1916; 5thc.M.R.; France, Feb. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Sutherland, Hector MacBain; Medicine 1924. Can. Ry. Constr. Depot, Pte., Feb. 1918; i6th Bn. Sutherland, John Logan; University Coll. 1923. (On Active Service 3 years; o/s. 2 years; Details not available.) Sykes, Alfred Robert; Forestry 1923. C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 19 16; France, Oct. 19 17, 2nd Can. Siege Bty., c.g.a.; 52nd Bty., C.F.A., Mar. 19 18; Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Sykes, Ant>rew Victor; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, No. I Fd. Amb. Depot, Pte., Feb. 19 16; France, June 1916, No. 7 Can. Cav. Fd. Amb.; Cpl., Dec. 1918; Somme (1916, 1917), Cambrai (1917). Yprcs, March Retreat (1918), Amiens, Le Cateau. Sykes, Murray Cookman; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Gnr., Jan. 1916; 54th Bty., c.f.a.; r.c.h.a.; France, Oct. 1916; Somme, Peronne and Cambrai (1917). Lens, St. Qucntin (Sept. 1917- 1918), Retreat from Vermand, Villers Bretonneux (Apl. 191S). Albert and Montigny (att. Americans and Can. Cav. Bde.), Amiens, Lc Cateau, Douai, Mons, etc. Tait, Fr.\nk Willlvm; K. (Oil. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.D.c, Pte., Oct. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Sergt. Taki;, Percival Hor.\ce; Applied Science 1924- R.F.c, Cadet, Nov. 1917; RA.f.. Lieut., Apl. 191H; Inslr., Texas an.l Leasu c; 0/s.Junei9i8; Felixstowe Station, June 191H; Longdistance Reconn. p.ilroU; 590 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Houton Bay Station, Sept. 1918; Submarine patrol; Ameland, North Hinder, Terschelling, North Sea Patrol. Taylor, Andrew Willard; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 85th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 42nd Bn.; France, Dec. 1916; Belgium and France; Mil. Medal, Arras, Oct. 8, 1918. Taylor, Cecil Harry; University Coll. 1924. 157th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; o/s. Oct .1916; France, 2nd Bn.; (Further details not available). Taylor, Charles Elmer; Victoria 1919-20. c.A.M.c, Pte., May 1917; Can. m.g. Cps., Sept. 1917; France, Feb. 1918; Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Taylor, Francis Howard; Victoria 1922. R.A.F. ; Discharged, medically unfit. Taylor, James Crearar; Applied Science 1924. R.N.C.V.R., w/t Operator, July 1917-Feb. 1919. Taylor, Joseph Watson; University Coll. 1923; 30th Regt., Lieut. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Sept. 1917; r.n.a.s.; r.a.f., Lieut., May 19 18; France, July 19 18, 115th Sqdn.; Indep. Air Force; Night bombing, Rhine towns, Alsace, Saar Valley, Nancy sec; Injured, Langres, Oct. 29, 1918. Taylor, Norman William; University Coll. 1923. 31st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1915; France, July 1916; Somme, Vim^', Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, Mons; Gassed, Romecourt, Sept. 1918. Taylor, Thomas Talbot; Forestry 1923. c.A.s.c, Dr., May 1916; 102nd Bn.; France, June 1917; 4th Can. Div. Hdqrs. ; 7th Can. Inf. Bde.; Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras, Amiens, Drocourt- Queant, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Lens, Sept. 19 17; Khaki Univ. Taylor, Wilfred Henry; Medicine 1924. r.a.f. , Cadet, Dec 1917; Sec. Lieut., Aug. 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. Teskey, Charles Harold; University Coll. 1924. Enl. Feb. 1916; 3rd Bn.; c.a.p.c, A/Sergt.; (Further details not available). Thaler, August Franklin; Medicine 1926. C.E., L-Cpl., May 1918; o/s. June 1918; c.a.p.c. Thomas, Blyth Hannington;- Education 1920; c.o.t.c, London. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Sta. Hosp., May 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; Cpl.; France, Dec. 1917; r.a.f., July 1918. Thomas, George Horx; Education 1920. 182nd Bn., Pte., June 1916; Sergt., Nov. 1916; Hdqrs. Musk. Sub-Staff, c.s.M., Feb. 1917. Thompson, Allen Lloyd; Victoria 1923. 205th Bn., Pte., July 1916; 205th, m.g., Bn., L-Cpl.; Can. m.g. Depot; France, Nov. 1917, 13th Can. m.g. Coy.; ist Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Passchendaele, Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Arras — Mons. Thompson, C. E.; Education 1919. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Thompson, George Robert; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. W.O.R., Pte., June 1918; o/s. July 1918. Thompson, Henry Arthur Lensen; University Coll. 1922. R.A.F., 1918. Thompson, James Wilfred Gains; Victoria 1919-20. 20ist Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; 170th Bn.; 169th Bn.; Ii6th Bn.; France, Feb. 19 17; Scout Sergt.; Cadet, Sept. 19 18; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, ROLL OF SERVICE 591 Arras, Amiens, Arras— Canal du Nord; Wounded, Avion, July 21, 1917, and Canal du Nord, Sept. 5, 1918; Mil. Medal, Mericourt, Apl. i, 1918.' Thompson, John Earl; Applied Science 1923. 227th Bn., Pte., July 1916; France, Dec. 1917, 4th C.M.R.; Loos sec. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; Wounded, Loos, Apl. 19, 1918; Gassed, Iniverain, Nov. 8, 19 18. Thompson, Russell Arnold ; Medicine 1924. 46th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 19 15; France, Mar. 19 17, 45th Bty.; Ypres, Kemmel, Somme, Vimy; Returned Aug. 19 17. Thompson, Sanford MacDonald; University Coll. 1924. (On Active Service; o/s.; Details not available.) Thompson, Thomas Walter; Medicine 1924; 36th Regt.; c.o.x.c. 204th Bn., Pte., July 1916; 125th Bn.; France, Mar. 1918, 54th Bn.; Oppy, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Sept. 30, 19 18. Thomson, Charles Edgar; Education 1920. 177th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Discharged Sept. 19 16. Thomson, George Aviner; Applied Science 1923. 1st Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.R., June 1918. Thomson, James Currie; University Coll. 1922; 32nd Regt., Lieut. 2o8th Bn., Sergt., May 1916; France, Feb. 1918, 58th Bn., Pte.; Vimy sec, Arras sec, Amiens; Wounded, Amiens, Aug. 8, 19 18. Thomson, John Morton; Applied Science 1923. loth Can. Siege Bty., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, June 1917, Sth Can. Siege Bty.; loth Can. Siege Bty., Sept. 1918; Sth Can. Siege Bty., Oct. 1918; Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras, Doua', Cambrai; 111 June 1918. Thornton, Carman Hubejrt; Victoria 1923. i68th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; C.Q.M.s.; Mil. Medal; (Further details not available). Thrupp, Adrlvn Cracroft; Forestry 1923. nth C.M.R., Tpr., Aug. 1915; 29th Bn., Pte; France, Oct. 1916; Souchez- Neuville St. Vaast sec, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Discharged Mar. 1918. ToMLiNSON, Frederick Clayton; Applied Science 1923. 127th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; 2nd Bn., Can. Ry. Tps.; France, Jan. 1917; R.a.f., Oct. 1918; Ypres sec, Somme, St. Quentin, etc. Tomlinson, Gordon Keith; Applied Science 1924. 135th Bn., Pte., 1916; o/s. Aug. 1916; France, C.E., Signals; (Further details not available). Torr.\nce, Robert Arthur; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Mar. 1916; 53rd Bty.; France, .^ug. 1917; Hill 7^\ Lens, Arras, Valenciennes, Mons. Torrance, Thomas Milton; Education 1920. R.N.C.V.R., o/s. Div., Dec. 1916; o/s. Jan. 1917; Petty OfTr.; R.N., Res. Trawler Sec, mine-sweeping and patrol duties, Irish Sea and Engli.^h Channel; R«turiu-•. Sergt., .Sept. 1918; c.f.a., Lieut. 592 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Truax, Alfred Jaques; Medicine 1924; 2nd Regt. 35th Bn., Pte., May 1915; France, Mar. 1916; L-CpL, Nov. 1918; Ypres, Somme, Lens, Vimy, Passchendaele; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 15, 1916, and Arras, May 8, 19 18. TuFFORD, FiRiL\N DUDLEY; Victoria 1924. R.F.c, Mar. 1918. TuFFORD, Norman Grant; Medicine 1923. 91st Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; Cpl.; France, Sept. 1916, 21st Bn.; Pte.; Lens sec, Vimy; Invalided Apl. 30, 1917; c.a.m.c, No. 15 Gen. Hosp., Aug. 1917. TuRNBULL, John Fulton; Forestry 1923. 26th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1914; France, Sept. 1915; L-Cpl., Cpl., Sergt.; Kemmel, St. Eloi, Ypres, Somme, Lens, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917; Mil. Medal, Courcelette, Sept. 15, 19 16. Tyrrell, James Douglas; Medicine 1924; 91st Regt., Lieut. I20th Bn., Lieut., Dec. 1915; France, June 1917, ii6th Bn.; Lens, Passchen- daele, Lens- Arras sec, Amiens, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. i, 19 18. Unger, Delbert Bruce; Victoria 1921. C.E., Signals, Oct. 1918. Unsworth, John; University Coll. 1920-21. (On Active Service; Details not available.) Upper, Frederick Anthony; Applied Science 1923; 2nd Dragoons, Lieut. 176th Bn., Lieut., Apl. 1916; France, Nov. 1917, 124th Bn.; 12th Bn., c.E., May 19 18; Lens sec. Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Urquhart, Donald; University Coll. 1922, Medicine 1924. ist Depot Bn., e.o.r., June 1918. Usher, Charles; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 68th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Sept. 1916; France, Feb. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Lens, Passchendaele, Arras; Wounded, Passchendaele, Nov. 16, 1917; Wounded and gassed. Arras, Mar. 28, 1918; North Russia, Sept. 1918; Dwina and Vaga Rivers, Emptsa. Vanderburgh, Alfred Wharton; Medicine 1924; c.a.m.c. No. 18 Fd. Amb. C.A.M.C, No. I Fd. Amb. Draft, Pte., May 1915; o/s. June 1915; Cpl., Nov. 1916; R.F.c, Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; Flying Offr., Feb. 1918; Lieut., Apl. 1918. Vanderburgh, Walter Alexander; Applied Science 1924. 127th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Jan. 1917, Can. Ry. Tps.; Somme, Ypres; Wounded Aug. 22, 1917; Can. For. Cps. Vaughan, Arthur Henry; University Coll. 1923. 204th Bn., L-Cpl., June 1916; France, May 1917; 75th Bn.; Vimy sec; Wounded, La Coulotte, June 8, 1917; Invalided June 1918. Veals, Howard James; Education 1920; c.o.t.c. C.E., Signals, Spr., Mar. 1916; France, Apl. 1918, 3rd Can. Div. Sig. Coy., att. 9th Can. Inf. Bde.; Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. Vincent, Robert Norman; Queen's Univ.; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Aug. 1917; R.A.F.; (Further details not available). ViNiNG, Charles MacLaren; University Coll. 1921. • 6th Univ. Coy., p.p.cl.i., Dec. 1915; France; Wounded; Invalided and dis- charged 1918; (Further details not available). Virgin, Albert Ross; Education 1920. 20ist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 198th Bn., c.s.m.; A/2nd Class w.o.; France, Mar. 19 18, Pte.; Sergt.; Vimy sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. ROLL OF SERVICE 593 Vivian, Frederick William; R. ColL Dental Surg. 1923. 1st Depot Bn., 2nd c.o.r., Pte., May 1918; o/s. Aug. 1918. VoKES, Hadfield Arnold; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c. No. 2 Fd. Amb. Draft, July 1915; o/s. Aug. 1915; A/Cpl.; France, Mar. 1918, No. 10 Can. Sta. Hosp. Vrooman, William Oswald; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 192-3 . I4&th Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 95th, 23rd, 69th, nth, 8th Bns.; 58th Bn.; France, July 1917; Viniy sec, Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai. Waddington, Harrison; Victoria 1922, Medicine 1926. R.F.c, Jan. 1918; R.A.F., Sec. Lieut.; o/s. Aug. 19 18. Wade, Charles Albert Gr.\ydon; Applied Science 1923. C.F.A., Gnr., Oct. 1916; France, 4th Bde., c.f.a.; (Further details not available). Waldron, Lanslott Fletcher; University Coll. 1923. R.N.C.V.R., Nov. 1916; (Further details not available). Wales, Herbert Granville; University Coll. 1923. C.E.F., May 1916; o/s.; Impl. Army, June 1917— Apl. 1919; (Further details not available). Walker, Robert Bruce; Education 1920, University Coll. 1924. i6ist Bn., Pte., May 1916; 47th Bn.; France, Feb. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Cam- brai — -Valenciennes. Walker, Samuel Weylie; Applied Science 1923. c.A.s.c, No. 2 o/s. T.D., Apl. 1917; R.F.c, Nov. 1917. Walks, John D.wid; Applied Science 1923. Enl., Pte., Jan. 1916; France, ist Bn., Can. M.G. Cps.; (Further details not available). Wallace, Ernest; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Fort Garry Horse, Pte., Aug. 1914; France, June 1915, Lord Strathcona's Horse; Givenchy (1915), Messines (1915), Somme, German Retreat from Peronne (Mar. 1917), Cambrai (Nov. 1917), Amiens (Mar. 1918), Amiens (Aug. 1918). Wallace, Samuel Arnold; University Coll. 1918-19. 28th Bn.; (Details not available). W.\LLER, Samuel; Trinity 1923. (On Active Service 3 years 9 months-, Details not available.) Walley, George Albert Cl.wton; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 196th Bn., Pte., May 1916; Can. m.g. Depot; France, Sept. 1917, Borden Bly., ist C4n. Motor m.g. Bde.; Passchendaele, Lens sec, Amiens Retreat, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Arras, Aug. 28, 1918; Mil. Medal, Amiens Retreat, Mar. 24, 1918. Walsh, James Patrick; Medicine 1924. R.A.F.; (Details not available). Walton, George Rutherford; Medicine 1923. On Active Service; o/s. 18 months; France; Discharged Sept. iqi8: (Details not available). Walton, John Ruskin; Forestry 1922. R.A.F., May 1918. Walvvyn, Arthur G.; Victoria 1923; 20th Regt., Lieut. 2i6th Bn., July 1916; R.F.c; France, Apl. 1917. 3'-d S<,dn.; Il.nr.ncourt Wood-Cambrai-Qucant sec; Photographic an.l Artillery i^atrol; Invah.lcd Oct. 1917; o/s. Sept. 1918. Wanless, George' Andrew; .Applied .Science 1924- •, , , . Enl., Pte,Feb. 1916; France; Wounded; (Further details not available). —41 594 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Wansbrough, Elgin McKinnon; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Can. M.G. Cps.; France, Sept. 1917, 5th Can. m.g. Coy.; 2nd Bn., Can. m.g. Cps.; Cpl., Sergt.; Passchendaele, Lens, Arras, Amiens, Cambrai, Mericourt; Mil. Medal, Amiens, Aug. 8, 1918. Wansbrough, Robert Cecil; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 164th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; Can. m.g. Cps.; France, Sept. 1917; Hill 70, Pass- chendaele, Lens; Gassed, Lens sec, Dec. 22, 1917; Invalided Oct. 1918. Ward, Burnett Alexander; Medicine 1924. 122nd Bn., July 1916; 208th Bn.; France, Jan. 1918, Ii6th Bn.; Lens, Amiens", Arras, Cambrai, Mons; Wounded Aug. 28, 19 18. Ward, Walter Charles; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Simcoe Foresters, Sept. 1917; France, Jan. 1918. Waring, Arthur Wesley; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. nth Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Nov. 1917; France, Aug. 1918; Arras, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai, Valenciennes. Warner, Oliver Martin; Medicine 1924. U.S. Army, Sergt., Dec. 1917; (Further details not available). Wasman, Leslie John; Education 1920. i6ist Bn., Sergt., Jan. 1916; France, Mar. 1918, 47th Bn.; Sergt., Oct. 1918; Amiens, Arras, Denain, Valenciennes; Wounded, Arras, Sept. i, 1918; Mil. Medal, Valenciennes, Nov. i, 19 18. . Wass, FRiVNK Lloyd; Applied Science 1922. 69th Bty., C.F.A., May 1918. Watson, Clarence; Victoria 1924. R.A.F., 1918. Watson, Leigh Alexander; University Coll. 1924. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1918; 2nd Can. Tank Bn.; o/s. Oct. 1918. Watson, Reginald Alexander; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 71st Bn., Sept. 1915; e.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt.; France, Apl. 1917; Ypres. Watson, Stanley Alvin; Education i 920. 157th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; Sergt., Jan. 1916; ii6th Bn., Dec. 1916; France, Jan. 1917; Lieut., Jan. 1918; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele; D.C.M., Avion, July 23, 1917; Bar to d.c.m., gaz. Mar. i, 1918. Watson, Willis Wilfrid; Applied Science 1924; 46th Regt. 124th Bn., Pte., Dec. 1915; France, Mar. 1917; 12th Bn., C.E., May 1918. Weagant, Harry Weathreby; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 51st Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1916; Cpl.; France, Mar. 1917, 21st Bty.; Vimy, *Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — ^Mons. Weatherhead, William Andrew; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. Enl. Sept. 1917; o/s. Mar. 1918; 6th Can. Res. Bn. Weaver, Richard Thomas; Medicine 1924. 198th Bn., Pte., July 1916; u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Sept. 1916; r.f.a.. Sec. Lieut., Mayi9i7; Lieut., Nov. 1918; France, July 1917, x/32 t.m. Bty.; A/i68th Bde., r.f.a. , Sept. 1917; Nieuport, Passchendaele, Houthulst, Arras, Kemmel, Amiens, etc. Webber, Robert Percival; University Coll. 1923. i8oth Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; 123rd Bn.; France, Feb. 1917; 7th Bn., c.E., June 19 18; Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras, Valenciennes, Mons. Weber, George Harold; R. Coll. Dental .Surg. 1923. 64th Bty., C.F.A., Sgr., Mar. 19 16; France, Dec. 19 16; Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, etc.; Wounded, Cite Saint Laurent, Aug. 26, 1917; North Russian Ex.F., 67th Bty., C.F.A., Aug. 19 18; Dwina River. ROLL OF SERVICE 595 Weiss, William; University Coll. 1922. U.S. Navy, July 19 18. Wentworth, Frederic John; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 215th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Oct. 1917, 54th Bn.; Passchendaele, Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Cambrai. West, George Richard; Queen's Univ.; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., June 1918; o/s. July 1918. West, Harold David; phm.b. 1920. R.F.C, 3/a.m., Dec. 1916; Sec. Lieut., Sept. 1917; Lieut., Mar. 1918; France, Mar. 1918; R.A.F., Indep. Air Force; Vosges Mts. West, John Alexander; Applied Science 1922. 133rd Bn., Sergt., Dec. 1916; France; Invalided; (Further details not available). Westcott, Donald Bernard; Medicine 1924. On Active Service; o/s.; i6th Art. Bde.; Russia; (Details not available). Westland, Carlyle Edward; Forestry 1923; 2nd Regt. 4th Can. Div. Cyclists, Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, Can. Cps. Cyclist Bn.; Lens sec, Ypres sec, Lens sec, Amiens, Arras. Weston, Roy Victor; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. R.A.F., Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; France, June 1918. Weston, Wilbert John Livingstone; Victoria 1923. R.C.H.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Jan. 1917, 3rd Can. Div. Amni. Col.; 45th Bty., C.F.A., Mar. 1917; Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Nieppe Forest (1918), Amiens, Arras — Mons. Westwater, Robert; Education 1920; c.a.m.c, No. 19 Fd. Amb., Sergt. C.A.M.C, No. 2 Sta. Hosp., Staff Sergt., Aug. 1914; France, Nov. 1914; Invalided; No. 10 Can. Gen. Hosp.; Wt. Ofifr. i; Mons Star. Whitaker, Fr.\nk Chapman; University Coll. 1923; r.m.c. C.F.A., Lieut.; France, 51st Bty.; (Further details not available). White, Cedric Orra; Medicine 1925. R.A.F., Pte., Sept. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; o/s. May 1918. White, Charles Carman; Medicine 1924. R.A.F., May 1918. White, Richard Eric; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. R.F.A., Sec Lieut., Jan. 1915; Lieut., Aug. 1916; 20th Bty., r.f.a., Mcerut Div.; France, Mar. 19 15; Givcnchy-Fauquissart sec; Mesopotamia, Dec. 19 15- June 1916; Kut-el-Amara; Invalided to India, July 1916; India, Nov. 1916, 89th and 90th Bties, r.f.a.; 8th Bty., June 1917; n.w. Frontier; Mesopotamia, Jan. 19 18; Persia, Russia, Caspian Sea and Brit. Exped. to Baku, Caucasus, June 1918-Mar. 1919; Served with R.N. on Caspain Sea. White, William Arthur; Applied Science 1923. C.E., Spr., May 1918; o/s. July 1918. Whitfield, Harold Gladstone; University Coll. 1923. R.A.F., Cadet, May 1918. Wiese, Theodore F.; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 70th Bn., Pte., Sept. 1915; France, Oct. 1916, 20th Bty., c.f.a.; Somme, Vimy, Lens, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuville Vitasse, Amiins, Arras, Cambrai— Mons; Mil. Medal, Amiens. Wilcox, John Edward; University Coll. 1922. C.E.F., 2 months; Discharged, medically unfit. WiLDFANG, Earle J.; Medicine 1924. 195th Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; 19th Can. M.<;. Coy.; 1-rancc, Feb. i<)iS: Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons. 596 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO WiLFORD, John Richard; Applied Science 1923. On Active Service, 2^ years; Prisoner; (Details not available). WiLKEV, Lorne; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. C.A.M.C., Pte., July 1916; o/s. Feb. 1917; Hosp. ship; France, July 1918, 4th Can. San. Sec; Lens sec. WiLKiNS, Stanley Reginald; University Coll. 1923; 20th Regt., Lieut. 32nd Bn., Pte., June 1916; Middlesex Regt., Sec. Lieut.; France, Feb. 1917, nth Middlesex Regt.; 4th Middlesex Regt., Jan. 1918; Lieut., June 1918; Capt., Oct. 1918; Arras (Apl. 1917), Cambrai (1917), Ypres sec. Arras sec, Cambrai, etc.; M.C., Cambrai, Nov. 20, 1917. Wilkinson, Jonathan; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 5th Regt. 32nd Bn., England, Mar. 1916; Hdqrs., Shorncliffe and London, Sergt.; Can. Gen. Depot, Res. Cavalry; Invalided June 1919. Williams, Clarence Stuart; Applied Science 1923. R.F.c, Cadet, May 1917; Sec. Lieut., Oct. 1917; o/s. Oct. 1917; Lieut.; Injured, England, Feb. 19 18. Williams, John Edgar; Medicine 1924. 70th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; France, Mar. 1917, Compte. Bty., c.f.a., att. 1st Can. Div. Amm. Col.; Vimy; Invalided June 1917. Williams, John James Parker; Medicine 1924. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, June 1916, p.p.c.l.i.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Oct. 8, 1916; Discharged Jan. 1918. Williams, John Maurice; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 183rd Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, Feb. 1917, i6th Bn.; Vimy, Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Hill 70, Aug. 15, 1917- Williams, Russell Allen; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. c.A.M.c, No. 10 Fd. Amb., Apl. 1915; y.m.c.a., Niagara, July 1915; 3rd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Gnr., Dec. 1915; Cpl.; Lieut., Feb. 1916; France, Aug. 1917, 'v' Bty., 5th Can. Div. t.m. Bde.; A/Capt., Sept. 1918; 52nd Bty., c.f.a., Nov. 1918; Capt., Mar. 1919; Lens sec, Bailleul sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai — Mons; Wounded, Lens sec, Apl. 24, 1917 and Dec. 29, 1917. Williams, Thomas George; Victoria 1921. io6th Regt., Pte., June 1917; loth Winnipeg For. Cps.; o/s. Dec. 1917; Dis- charged Apl. 19 18. Williams, Wilfred Freeman; Applied Science 1923. R.A.F., Aug. 1917; Sec. Lieut.; o/s.; (Further details not available). Williams, Wilfrid Oliver; Medicine 1924. c.A.M.c, June 1917; o/s. July 1917; France, Oct. 1918. Williams, William; Education 1920. 8ist Bn., Pte., Feb. 1916; France, June 1916, i8th Bn.; Cpl.; St. Eloi, Somme, Vimy; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 1917. Williamson, George Suter; Medicine 1924; 34th Regt., Bandsman. c.A.s.c, Mech. Tpt., Dr., Dec. 1916; France, June 1917; Passchendaele, Ypres sec. Lens sec; r.a.f., June 19 18; Sec. Lieut. Wilson, F. St. Clair; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 253rd Bn., Pte., Jan. 1917; 54th Bn.; France, Sept. 1917; Lens, Passchendaele; Wounded, Passchendaele, Oct. 28, 1917- Wilson, Ray Holland; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 6th Regt., Lieut. 62nd Bn., Lieut., July 1915; France, Nov. 1916, 29th Bn.; Vimy, Hill 70, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Vimy, Apl. 9, 1917, Hill 70, Aug. 22, 1917, and Arras, Aug. 28, 1918; m.c. ROLL OF SERVICE 597 Wilson, Richard Ernest; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 234th Bn., July 1916; Discharged, medically unfit, Oct. 1916. Winter, Lorne Maine; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 56th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., May 1916; Sgr.; France, Aug. 1917; Lens sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc. Wood, Frank; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 215th Bn., Lieut., Mar. 1916 r.n.a.s., Apl. 1917; Defence of London; Italy and Balkans, Feb. 1918; Albania; Italian War Cross, June 1918. Wood, Henry Bartram; Applied Science 1923; r.m.c. On Active Service; Lieut.; France; (Details not available). Woods, Alexander Ritchie; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923; 103rd Regt. 5th Univ. Coy., p.p.c.l.i., Pte., Dec. 1915; o/s. Apl. 1916; Invalided Feb. 1917; Discharged Apl. 19 17. Woolcott, Arthur Oliver; Education 1920. 67th, u. of t., Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Feb. 1918; 70th Bty. Woolcott, Earl Stant^ey; Education 1920. ist C.O.R., Feb. 1918; 67th, u. of t., Bty., c.f.a., Gnr.; 70th Bty. Wright, Edward Nicol; University Coll. 1922. u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy., Pte., Nov. 19 18. Wright, Jajies Ewart; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1924. 78th Bn., Pte., Nov. 1915; France, Aug. 1916; Cpl. Oct. 1917; Ypres sec, Somme, Vimy; r.a.f.. May 1918; Sec. Lieut., Apl. 1919. Wright, Lloyd Harrison; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1922. C.A.D.C, June 1915; A/Sergt.; o/s. Dec. 1915; No. 11 Can. Gen. Hosp.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; France, Aug. 19 16, No. 11 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 12 Can. Fd. Amb.; No. 13 Can. Fd. Amb.; Ypres, Somme, Vimy; att. r.a.f.. May 1918. Wright, Richard James; Education 1920; 30'th Bty., c.f.a., B. Sergt. -Major. 63rd Bty., c.f.a., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Dec. 1916, 43rd Bty., Bdr.; \'imy, Passchendaele, Mericourt sec, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded, Cambrai, Oct. i, 1918. Wright, William Elmer; Applied Science 1923. Can. Div. Cyclists, Pte., July 1916; 198th Bn., June 1917; A/L-CpL; France, Mar. 1918, 19th Bn.; Eaton Bty., ist Can. Motor m.g. Bde., Apl. 1918; 2nd Can. Motor m.g. Bde., June 1918; Cpl.; Can. G.B. Depot, Sergt., Dec 1918; Bethune, Achicourt, Amiens, Arras; Wounded, Monchy, Sept. 2, 19 iS. Wright, William Gilchrist; b.sc.f. 1920. 2nd Can. Div. Amm. Col., Lieut., Dec. 1914; France, Aug. 1915: 4i'i Bde., c.f.a., Dec. 1915; 6th Bde., C.F.A., Apl. 1916; Capt., Mar. 1917; .X'Major, Oct. 1917; Major, Nov. 1918; Somme, V'imy, Hill 70, Passchendaele; Wounded, Pozicres, Sept. 26, 1916; m.c, Vimy, May 3, 1917. Wyatt, Richard Ei.mork; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 46th Bn., July 1915; PVancc, June 1916, 3rd Bn.; Ypres, Somme; Wounded, Somme, Sept. 3, 1916; Discharged Dec. 1917. WvLiE, Ian Morrow; University Coll. 1924; 34th Regt., Lieut. 182nd Bn., Pte., Apl. 1916; L-Cpl.; Lieut.; 2oHlh Bn.; Frame, J, in. igiS, 1 i6th Bn., Lieut.; Lens, Cambrai — Mons. Wylie, Walter Arthur; Medicine 1924. 196th Bn., Pte., Mar. 1916; France, May 1917, 46th Hii.; Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens, Camlirai; Wounded, Lens, Aug. 11, i')i7. Wyndham, Carl; Medicine 1924. C.a.m.c, T.D.; r.f.c, Cadet; R.A.F.; (Further details not available). 598 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Yack, Wilfrid Laurier; Applied Science 1922. Enl., C.E.F., 1915; France; nth Can. m.g. Coy., Cpl.; Wounded; Discharged June 1918; (Further details not available). YouDALE, William Palmer; Education 1920; 19th Regt. 8xst Bn., Pte., Aug. 1915; Cpl., Sgr., Mar. 1916; France, Aug. 1916, 19th Bn.; O.K. Clerk, Jan. 19 19; Somme, Vimy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai, etc.; Wounded, Courcelette, Sept. 12, 19 16. Young, Thomas Harold; R. Coll. Dental Surg. 1923. 50th Bty., C.F.A., Gnr., Apl. 1916; France, Aug. 1917; Hill 70, Lens-Arras sec, Amiens, Arras, Cambrai; Wounded Oct. 12, 1918. Zealand, Edward Lamport; Applied Science 1922; r.m.c. R.c. Dragoons, Lieut., Apl. 1917; o/s. Nov. 1918. CANADIAN GENERAL AND STATIONARY HOSPITALS No. I General Salisbury & Bulford, Oct. 19 14 — May 19 15. Etaples, May 1915 — July 1918. Trouville, July 19 18 — Feb. 19 19. Bramshott, Mar. — Apl. 19 19. No. 2 General Salisbi*ry, Oct. 19 14 — Feb. 19 15. Lavington, Feb. 19 15— Mar. 19 15. Le Treport, Mar. 1915 — Mar. 1919. ShornclifYe, Mar. — Apl. 19 19. No. 3 General Shorncliffe, May — June 19 15. (McGill) Dannes, Camiers, June 1915 — Jan. 1916. Boulogne, Jan. 19 16 — May 19 19. Witley, May — June 19 19. No. 4 General Shorncliffe, May — Oct. 1915. (University of Toronto) Salonica, Nov. 19 15 — May 19 16. Kalamaria, Salonica, May 19 16 — Aug. 19 17. Basingstoke, Sept. 1917 — July 1919. No. 5 General Shorncliffe, Sept. — Nov. 1915. Salonica, Dec. 19 15 — Aug. 19 17. Liverpool, Oct. 1917 — Oct. 1919. No. 6 General Shorncliffe, Apl. — July 19 16. (Laval) St. Cloud, July — Aug. 19 16. JoinvIlle-le-Pont, Aug. 19 16 — Jan. 19 17. Troyes, Jan. 1917 — June 1918. Joinville-le-Pont, June 1918 — May 1919. England, May — June 19 19. No. 7 General Cairo, Jan. — Apl. 19 16. (Queen's) Le Treport, Apl. — Oct. 1916. (formerly No. 5 Stationary) Etaples, Oct. 19 16 — May 19 19. England, June — -July 1919. No. 8 General St. Cloud, July 19 16 — Feb. 19 19. (formerly No. 4 Stationary) England, Feb. — Apl. 19 19. No. 9 General Shorncliffe, Feb. 1915 — Dec. 1918. (Shorncliffe Military) Kinmel Park, Rhyl, Dec. 1918— July 1919. No. .10 General Brighton, Mar. 1917 — Sept. 1919- (Kitchener Military') No. II General Shorncliffe, May 1915 — Sept. 1919- (Moore Barracks) No. 12 General Bramshott, Oct. 19 16 — Sept. 19 19. (Bramshott Military) No. 13 General Hastings, Dec. 19 16 — June 1919- No. 14 General . . .Eastbourne, Jan. 19 17 — Oct. 19 19- No. 15 General Taplow, Dec. 1914 — Sept. 1919. (Duchess of Connaught Red Cross) No. 16 General Orpington, Feb. 1916 — Sept. 1919 (Ontario Military) No. I Stationary Salisliury, Oct. — Nov. 1914- London, Nov. 1914 — Feb. 1915- 599 6oo UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO No. I Stationary Le Havre, Feb. 1915. Wimereux, Mar. — July 1915. Lemnos, Aug. 1915 — Jan. 1916. Alexandria, Feb. 19 16. Salonica, Mar. 19 16 — ^Sept. 19 17. Hastings, Sept. 1917. Became No. 13 General. Nc. 2 Stationary Salisbury, Oct. — Nor'. 19 14. Le Touquet, Nov. 1914 — Oct. 1915. Outreau, Oct. 1915— Apl. 1919. Witley, Apl.— May 19 19. No. 3 Stationary Shorncliffe, May— Aug. 19 15. Mudros, Aug. 19 15 — Feb. 19 16. Alexandria, Feb. — Mar. 19 16. Boulogne, Apl. — Nov. 19 16. DouUens, Nov. 1916 — Aug. 1918. Rouen, Aug.— Oct. 1918. Malassise, Oct. 1918 — Feb. 1919. Shorncliffe, Feb.— Apl. 1919. No. 4 Stationary Shorncliffe, May 19 15. St. Cloud, Sept. 1915— July 1916. Became No. 8 General. No. 5 Stationary Shorncliffe, June — Aug. 19 15. (Queen's) Cairo, Aug. 1915 — Jan. 1916. Became No. 7 General. No. 7 Stationary Shorncliffe, Jan. — June 19 16. (Dalhousie) Le Havre, June — De". 1916. Harfleur, Dec. 1916 — May 1917. Arques, May 1917 — Apl. 1918. Etaples, Apl.— May 19 18. Rouen, May — Sept. 1918. Camiers, Sept. 1918 — Feb. 1919. Le Havre, Feb. — Mar. 19 19. Shorncliffe, Mar.— Apl. 19 19. No. 8 Stationary Shorncliffe, May — Dec. 19 16. (Saskatchewan Coll. of Hastings, Dec. 1916 — Oct. 1917. Phys. & Surgeons) Witley, Oct. — Nov. 19 17. Camiers, Dec. 1917 — Apl. 1918. Charmes, Apl. — Nov. 1918. Rouen, Nov. 1918. Dunkerque, Nov. 1918 — Apl. 1919. Bexhill, Apl.— May 19 19. No. 9 Stationary (Divided among other units June — Oct. 19 16.) (St. Frangois Xavier) Bramshott, Oct. 1916— Dec. 1917. St. Omer, Dec. 1917 — Apl. 1918. Etaples, Apl. — Sept. 1918. Camiers, Sept. 1918 — May 19 19. Witley, May — July 19 19. No. 10 Stationary Shorncliffe, Aug.— Nov. 1916. (Western) Seaford, Nov. 1916— Jan. 1917. Eastbourne, Jan. — ^Dec. 1917. Boulogne, Dec. 19 17. Calais, Dec. 1917 — Apl. 1919. Bexhill, Apl. — May 1919. ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. A/ (Capt., etc.)— Acting. A.A. — Anti-Aircraft. A.A.G. — Assistant Adjutant General. A.D.D.s. — Assistant Director of Dental Services. A.D.M.s. — Assistant Director of Medical Services. A.D.v.s. — Assistant Director of Veterinary Services. A.E.F. — American Expeditionary Force. A.F.C. — Air Force Cross. A.M. — Air Mechanic. A.s.c. — Army Service Corps. Amm. Col. — Ammunition Column. Art. — Artillery. Att. — Attached. Bde. — Brigade. Bdr. — Bombardier. ' Bn. — Battalion. Bty.— Battery. c. or Can. — Canadian. C.A.D.C. — Canadian Army Dental Corps. C.A.M.C. — Canadian Army Medical Corps. c.A.p.c. — Canadian Army Pay Corps. c.A.v.c. — Canadian Army Veterinary Corps. c.B. — Companion of the Order of the Bath. c.B.E. — Commander of the Order of the British Empire. c.c.D. — Canadian Command Depot. c.c.R.c. — Canadian Corps Reinforcement Camp. CCS. — Casualty Clearing Station. C.D.F. — Canadian Defence Force. CE. — Canadian Engineers. C.F.A. — Canadian Field Artillery. CF.C — Canadian Forestry Corps. C.G.A. — Canadian Garrison Artillery. C.G.R. — Canadian Garrison Regiment. C.M.G. — Companion of the Order of St. Michael anrl St. George. C.M.R. — Canadian Mounted Rifles. C.o.R. — Central Ontario Regiment. c.s.M. — Company Sergeant- Major. C.S.M.E. — Canaflian School of Military Engineering. CI. — Clearing. Cmd. — Command. Cmdr. — Commander. Cmdt. — Commandant. Col. — Column. Comm. — Commission. Cond. — Conducting. Constr. — Construction. Con V. — Convalescent . Coy. — Company. Cpl. — Corporal. Cps. — Corps. Cycl. — Cyclist. D. — Deputy. D.A.C. — Divisional Ammunition Column. D. A.D.M.s., etc. — Deputy Assistant Direc- tor of Medical Services, etc. D.D.s. — Director of Dental Services. D.c.M. — Distinguished Conduct Medal. D.F.C. — Distinguished Flying Cross. D.M.s. — Director of Medical Services. D.s.c — Distinguished Service Cross. D.s.o. — Distinguished Service Order. Dec. — Decoration. Dir. — Director. Distr. — District. Div. — Division or Divisional. Dom. Orth. Hosp. — Dominion Orthopaedic Hospital (Toronto). Dr. — Driver. E.E.F. — Egyptian Expeditionary Force. E.O.R. — Eastern Ontario Regiment. Eqpt. — Equipment. Ex. — Expcdit ionary . Exh. — Exhibition (Camp, TorontoV Exptl. — E.xpcrimcntal. F.A. — Field Artillery. Fd. Amb. — Field .•\mi)ulance. Fit.— Flight. For. — Forestry. G.S.O., I, 11, III— General Staff Officer, ist, 2ml, 3nl Gr.nlf. Gaz. — Gazetted. * Gen. — General. Gnr. — (lunner. 60 1 602 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO H.Q. or Hdqrs. — Headquarters. Hosp. — Hospital. HAy. — Heavy. Hwr. — Howitzer. i/c — In charge or command. Impl. — Imperial. Inspr. — Inspector. Instr. — Instructor or Instructional. K. — King or King's. Lab. or Labty. — Laboratory. L-Cpl. — Lance Corporal. M.B.E. — Member of the Order of the British Empire. M.C. — Military Cross. M.D. — Military District (Canada). M.D. I — Western Ontario (London). M.D. 2 — Central Ontario (Toronto). M.D. 3 — Eastern Ontario (Kingston). M.D. 4 — Western Quebec (Montreal). M.D. 5 — Eastern Quebec (Quebec). M.D. 6 — Maritime Provinces (Halifax). M.D. — Manitoba and N.W. Ontario (Winnipeg). M.D. II — British Columbia (Victoria). M.D. 12 — Saskatchewan (Regina). M.D. 13 — Alberta (Calgary). M.E.F. — Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force. M.G. — Machine Gun. M.o. — Medical Officer. M.S. A. — Military Service Act (Canada 1917). M.T. or Mech. Tpt. — Mechanical Trans- port. M.v.o. — Member of the Royal Victorian Order. Med. Bd.— Medical Board. Mil.— Military. Mil. Medal or m.m. — Military Medal. Mob.— Mobile. Mobn. — Mobilisation. o.B.E. — Officer of the Order of the British Empire, o.c. — Officer Confmanding. o/s.— Overseas. Off.— Office. OfTr.— Officer. P.F.O. — Probationary Flight Officer. p.p.c.L.i. — Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Pion. — Pioneer. Pmr . — Paymaster . Probr. — Probationer. Pte.— Private. Q.M.s. — Quarter-Master Sergeant. Qr.-Mr. — Quarter- Master. R.— Royal. R.A.F. — Royal Air Force. R.A.M.c. — Royal Army Medical Corps. R.A.v.c. — Royal Army Veterinary Corps. R.c.H.A. — Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. R.C.N. — Royal Canadian Navy. R.E. — Royal Engineers. R.F.A. — Royal Field Artillery. R.F.C. — Royal Flying Corp?. R.G.A. — Royal Garrison Artillery. R.N. — Royal Navy. . R.N.A.s. — Royal Naval Air Service. R.N.c.v.R. — Royal Naval Canadian Volun- teer Reserve. R.N.v.R. — Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Ry. — Railway. S.M.O.— Senior Medical Officer. San. — Sanitary or Sanitation. Sec. — Section, Sector, or Second. Seed. — Seconded. Sgr. — Signaller. Sig. — Signal or Signalling. Spec. — Special or Specialist. Spr. — Sapper. Sqdn. — Squadron. Sr. — Senior. St. (Med. Bd.)— Standing. Sta. — Stationary. Sub-Lieut. — Sub-Lieutenant. Sub-StafT— Subordinate StafT, Head- quarters. Surg. — Surgeon. Svce. — Service. T.D. — Training Depot. T.M. Bty. — Trench Mortar Battery. Tnlg. — ^Tunnelling. Tpr. — Trooper. Tps. — Troops. Tpt. — Transport. Tr. — Training. Trlr. — Trawler. ROLL OF SERVICE 603 u. of T. o/s. Tr. Coy. — -University of Toronto Overseas Training Com- panj'. U.S.A. — United States Army. v.o. — Veterinary Officer. Vety. — Veterinary. w.o.R. — Western Ontario Regiment. Wt. Offr. or w.o. — Warrant Officer. w/t. — Wireless Telegraphy. I THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 50m-3,'68 (H9242s8) 9482 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY i| III {II 11 i|ii II II 1 1 1 "! II AA 000 294 324