=^ PRICE 2d. BURNS' 1913 COTTAGE CATALOGUE of RELICS and ENGRAVINGS AND NI5T0RY OF ITS CONSTITUTION. PHlNTED AT THE AYR AOVEHTlSFR " Burns' Ccdttage. HISTORY OF ITS CONSTITUTION AND CATALOGE OF CONTENTS OF COTTAGE AND MUSEUM. 1915. \ ^ — S _l. y 1 . ^ ■"■■■.■ ■ 1 ■ ' r ^^,,- ^^^ 7 P^' ' ' .*o* 1 5 pnoro byMA£K.M.LowAX. * BURNS' COTTAGE. * The Poet's father, William Burnes,* was born at Cloclmahill, in Dunnottar, Kincardineshire, on 11th November, 1721. He migrated to Ayrshire about 1750 to become gardener on the estate of Fairlie, in the parish of Dundonald. In 1752 he accepted a similar post under Mr Crawford, at Doonside, adjoining the south end of the Auld Brig o' Doon. He was afterwards employed as gardener and overseer by Provost Fergusson on the estate of Doonholm, which lies immediately opposite Doonside on the north side of the Doon. In June, 1756, while still in Provost Fergusson 's employment, and when residing at Doonside Miln (which is now called " The Dutch Mills "), William Burnes feud from Dr Alexander Campbell, physician in Ayr, for a feu-duty of £71 2s 5d Scots, equal to about £5 18s 6d sterling, 7 acres and 18 falls (Scotch measurement) of land at Alloway, intending to carry on business as a nurseryman and market gardener. On this ground he built a clay cottage with his own hands. The house consisted of a kitchen in one end and a room in the other. In the * Note.— In April, 1786, the Poet finally changed the spelling of his name from " Burnes " to " Burns," the orthography common in Ayrshire ( 6 ) kitchen there is the bed on which the poet was born. At the end of it there is a small closet which contained a bed for the children. Adjoining the Cottage and under the same roof, but not communicating with it, there were at the same time erected a byre and a barn, and all these buildings were thatched. On 15th December, 1757, William Burnes married Agnes Broun, daughter of Gilbert Broun, farmer in Craigenton, or Craiginton, in the parish of Kirkoswald, in Ayrshire, about ten miles south-west of the Auld Brig o' Doon. They at once took up their residence in the clay cottage, where, on 25th January, 1759, their first child, Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Poet, was born. The Poet was seven years of age when, in 1766, his father left the cottage at Alloway and settled in the small upland farm of Mount Oliphant, distant about a couple of miles east. He took the whole of his furniture with him except the bed, which was built in, and possibly the dresser. While at Mount Oliphant, William Burnes, on 20th November, 1771, feued for a feu-duty of £5 10s sterling about three Imperial acres of land at the south-west corner of the cottage lands to William and David Calbraith. This portion is now called Wrightfield, and is part )f the estate of Cambusdoon. ( ^ ) Little is known of how the cottage was occupied after Wilham Burnes left i(, but he continued to be proprietor of it until 3rd August, 1781, when he sokl it and what remained on his land, in all about five and a half Imperial acres, and tlie feu-duty of £5 10s annually payable for Wrightfield, for the very small price of £160 to James Murkland " as ])eacon of the Incorporation of Shoemakers in Ayr and his successors in place and office for behoof of the said Incorporation." Thereafter the cottage was occupied as a public-house, and came to be known as "Burns' Cottage." In 1819 it appears to have been proposed that Burns' Monument should be erected in the field to the south-west of Burns' Cottage, and a plan (a copy of which is in the museum) of the site and land at the Cottage was prepared by James Milligan, but this proposal was not adopted, and the Monument was built close to the Auld Brig. No change was made in the buildings of the Cottage until sometime between 1805 and 1819, when a stone and slated addition, 26 feet towards the public road and 15 feet back, was added, and consisted of a new room, entrance hall, and bar. In 1847 a second stone and slated addition, 45 feet long by 20 fee* broad, was (8 ) erected at the back of the first addition, and consisted of a bedroom and a hall for concerts, which accommodated the members of the Ayr Burns Club on each succeeding anniversary of the Poet's birth. About this period, the byre was converted into two rooms and a door broken out between them and the room of the original dwelling-house. The whole premises continued to be used as a public-house until May, 1881, when they, the five and a half Imperial acres of land and the feu-duty of £§ 10s, were purchased from the Ayr Shoemakers' Incorporation by the Trustees of Burns' Monument at the Auld Brig o' Doon for the sum of £4000. The Trustees expended about £500 more in repairing the buildings, enclosing the lands, purchasing relics and furnishings, and then opened the kitchen and room of the original cottage and the large hall of 1847 for exhibition to the public, and abandoned the license to sell liquors in the premises. That the public have appreciated the change is evident from the fact that while for the year ending 1st April, 1883, only 18,600 visitors visited the Cottage, the large number of 49,758 visited it during the year ending 1st April, 1903. In 1899 the Trustees resolved to dendolish the addition of 1847, and to restore (9) the Cottage buildings as nearly as possible to the state they may have been in when Burns' father left them in 1766, and permit visitors to visit the old byre .and barn as well as the old dwelling-house. They therefore removed the alterations in the old byre and made it again into a byre with trevises for cows and a stall for a horse such as were in use about 1759 ; they took down the hall of 1847— which since 1881 had been used as a museum for relics — and at the north-east corner of the lands built a new museum and house for the caretaker, and to prevent the risk of fire to the " auld thatched biggin," heated it with hot water pipes, the stove for which is built behind the caretaker's new house. The museum was completed in January, 1901, and most of the relics were removed to it from the old museum. The late Mr Craibe Angus' collection of engravings of Burns, his family, his friends and acquaintances, illustrations of the country of Burns and of scenes from his works, was at the same time purchased from his trustees and placed in the museum. Several additional holograph manuscripts of the Poet's, and copies of the first Edinburgh edition, of the first London edition, and the first Irish (Belfast) edition of Burns' poems, were also added to the collection. The table at which Jiurns wrote while living in Dumfries, the two chairs used at the Inn at Ayr by Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnnie, the ( 10) signboard, and some other articles were retained in tlie room in the old cottage. In the kitchen in the cottage the bed, which is built-in, and the dresser still remain, and are probably the same as were there when the Poet was born. Numerous Burns manuscripts and other relics have since been added. In 1902 the stone and slated addition built at the south end of the Cottage between 1805 and 1819 was demolished, and only the building of the original Cottage, byre, and barn are now left. In July, 1903, a perfect copy (No. 52 of this Catalogue) of tie First or Kilmarnock Edition of Burns' Works was purchased for £1000; and in December, 1904, Burns' Family Bible (No. 50 of this Catalogue) was purchased for £1700; 1907, " Scots wha hae " (No. 217) for £300; 1907, Volume containing portion of " The Twa Brigs " (No. 106) for £470; 1910, Burns' Desk (No. 144) for £630, and added to the collection of relics. W. H. DUNLOP, DooNsiDE, April, 1913. Secretary of the Trustees. ^ RELICS. » IN THE Cottage. KITCHEN. 1 Concealed Bed, probably occupied by the children of the Poet's father. 2 Bed in which the Poet was born. 3 Dresser and Plate Rack, believed to have been in the Cottage when Burn?' father occupied it. 4 & 5 Two Old Tables used in Cottage when licensed as a public house. () Clock purchased from the Corporation of Shoemakers in Ayr, from whom the Cottage and Grounds were purchased by the Trustees in 1881. ( 12 ) 7 Stool for Washing Tub which belonged to the Poet's Wife. 8 & 9 Two Kitchen Chairs of the time of Burns, formerly the property of Hamilton Douglas Boswell, Esq., writer in Ayr, who, from 1814 to 1824, acted as Secretary to the subscribers for the erection of Burns' Monument on the banks of the Doon. 10 Old Chest of Drawers with Press above. 11 Old Eound Table. 12 Milking Stool — believed to have been at Mossgiel in Burns' time. 13 Chair which belonged to Burns. Presented by his Granddaughter, Mrs Burns Hutchinson, 1905. ROOM. 14 Original Plaster Cast of Parting of Burns and Highland Mary for the Ayr Statue of Burns, by G. E. Bissell. (13) -. A- m > ou L ' nu • , Believed to have been constantly used by them 15 Tam o Shanter s Chair. ( ^j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ .^ ^ ^^^y^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^ ^^.^^^ was subsequently called " Tam o' Shanter Inn." Nos. 15 and 16 were bought at the sale of the effects of the late Mr Glass, Tam o' Shanter Inn, Ayr, in 1885, at a cost of £94. 16 Souter Johnnie's Chair. 17 Table which belonged to and was used by Burns while living in Dumfries. Bought from Mrs Pearce along with Nos. 192, 196, 197, 200, and 201, on 3rd December, 1886, for £20 16s. 18 Big Spinning Wheel of Burns' time. 19 Wee Spinning Wheel of Burns' time. 20 Spinning Reel, the complement of a large spinning wheel. Presented by Allan Stevenson, Architect, Ayr. July, 1907. 21 Bit of Old Oak taken from the foundations of the Auld Brig when repaired in 1910. Presented by Mr R. A. Oswald of Auchincruive. ( 14) 22 Old Curling Stone found when taking down the walls of Maggie Osborne's house in Ayr. 23 Old Curling Stone found in old house in vicinty of Burns' Cottage. 24 Old Sun Dial, date 1784. 25 Sign Board with painting of Burns on it, which was fixed outside Cottage when used as a public-house. 26 Engraving of Auld Brig o' Ayr, by Susan Crawford. Presented by Mr R. A. Oswald of Auchincruive. 27 Tribute to Burns by Colonel Ingersoll, United States. Presented by John E. Millholland. 28 Photograph of Painting, by Alexander Nasmyth, of the first Steamboat ever built, with Burns on board. Presented by Captain H. W. Bairnsfather, Blairgowrie. ( 1-' ) 29 & 30 Etchings of Big and Wee Spinning Wheels of Burns' tinae, by Robert Bryden. 31. Etching of Twa Brigs o' Ayr. Presented bv Mrs J. MM. Campbell, Daldorch, 1913. 32 Grate which belonged to Robert Burns when in Ellisland, 1789-91. Presented by the Trustees of John Clay, Lauder, 1905. 33 Photographs of Burns' Statue, Albany, New York. Presented by Alden Chester and Peter Kinnear, both of Albany Burns Club, U.S.A. 34 Trunk which belonged to Betty Burns (Mrs Thomson). Presented by the Trustees of the late James Clencairn Thomson, 1911. IN THE GARDEN ADJOINING. Two of the four lead figures which formerly were in the niches of the New Bridge of Ayr when it collapsed in 1876, ^ RELICS. * In The Museum. 50 The Family Bible of Robert Burns, the Poet. Published by John Eeid, 1766. This most extremely interesting and valuable relic contains on the reverse of the title of the New Testament the following entries :— In the handwriting of the Poet : — Kobt. Burns was born at Alloway in the Parish of Ayr — Janry. 25th, 1759. Jean Armour, his Wife, was born at Mauchline. — Fabry. 27th, 1767. Septr. 3rd, 1786, were born to them twins, Robert, their eldest Son, at a quarter past Noon ; and Jean, since dead at fourteen months old. — March 3rd, 1788, were born to them twins again, two daughters, who died within a few days after their birth. August 18th, 1789, was born to them Francis Wallace, so named after Mrs Dunlop of Dunlop ; he was born a quarter before seven, forenoon. — April 9th, 1791, between three and four in the morning, was born to them William Nicol ; so named after William Nicol of the High School, Edinr. November 21st, 1792, at a quarter past Noon, was born to them Elizabeth Riddel, so named after Mrs Robt. Riddel of Glenriddel. (17) In the handwriting of James Glencairn Burns : — James Glencairn, born 12th August, 1794, named after the Earl of Glencairn. In the handwriting of W. N. Burns: — Maxwell, born 26th July, 1796, the day of his Father's Funeral. So named after Dr. Maxwell, the Physician who attended the Poet in his last illness. Inserted by W. N. Burns, 9th April, 1867. The pedigree of the Bible is as follows: — (1) Willed by Jean (Armour) Burns to the eldest son Kobert Burns. (2) A signed receipt (in existence) of Robert Burns on receiving the Bible. (3) In possession of William Nicol Burns, the Poet's second surviving son. (4) In latter 's lifetime he gave the Bible to Mrs Sarah B. W. Burns Hutchinson, his niece, who lived with him. (5) Sold by Mrs Burns Hutchinson by auction at Sotheby's, London, to Bernard Quaritch for £1560 on 10th December, 1901; and (6) bought by Burns' Cottage Trustees from Bernard Quaritch on 15th December, 1904, for £1700. 51 Psalm Book of Widow of Burns, 28th March, 1803. 52 Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. By Robert Burns. Printed by John ( 18 ) Wilson, Kilmarnock, 1786. 8vo. size, 9 inch by 6 inch, 240 pages. This is a perfect copy, uncut, in the original paper covers as issued of the First or Kilmarnock Edition of Burns' Works, and was purchased in 1908 for £1000. The only other known perfect copy of this edition was sold by auction in 1898 for 545 guinea? 53 Burns' Commonplace Book, commencing Edinburgh, 9th April, 1787, consisting of forty pages of manuscript and a letter from the Poet to the Bailies of Canongate requesting to be allowed to lay a simple stone over the revered ashes of the remains of his friend Robert Ferguson. Purchased in 1897 for £365. 54 Original Manuscript of Burns' Poems, which was given at Stair House by Burns to Mrs General Stewart. Presented to the Trustees by William Allason Cunninghame, Esq., of Logan and Afton, a grandson of Mrs Stewart, 22nd September, 1880. This exceedingly interesting relic is a small quarto volume, in marbled papered covers, consisting of about 50 pages, all written in the autograph of the Poet in perfect preservation. Some of the poems have been written carefully in very neat and beautiful ( 19) caligraphy, others have been penned more hurriedly, and a few erasures here and there have been rendered necessary by shps due to haste. On every page, however, the writing is distinct and good. It contains the following, viz. : — (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 (11 (12 (13 (14 Author's notice to the readers. Dedication to Mrs General Stewart, of Afton. A Mother's Lament for the death of her (Mrs Stewart's) only son. Tam o' Shanter — a Tale. Elegy on Captain Matthew Henderson. The Epitaph. The Lament of Mary Queen of Scots. Written in the Hermitage of Friar's Carse. Alterations thereon. The Five Carlins. Epistle to Kobert Graham, Esq., of Fintry. Sweet Afton. Craigieburn Wood. On Sensibility. ( 20 ) (15) On seeing a Wounded Hare. (16) A Fragment on the late Miss Burnett. 55 Toddy Ladle, often used by Burns in Nanse Tinnock's, Mauchline. Purchased in 1892 from Miss Auld. 56 Lock of Burns' Hair, given by Burns' widow, at her husband's death, to Jean Wilson, Mauchline. Purchased in 1903 from her grand-nieces, the Misses M'Ewan, Glasgow, for £40. 57 Snuff Box which belonged to Colonel J. G. Burns. Presented by him to Miss Haugh. 58 Box made of wood of the bed on which Burns died. Presented by Sheriff Shairp, Ayr, 1904. 59 Letter to Sir James Shaw sending the Prince Eegent's subscription of fifty guineas to Burns' Monument, 29th August, 1815. (21) GO Poem — " Lord Gregory " — in the Poet's handwriting, and sealed with his own seal. Purchased in 1892 from Miss Auld, Doonbrae, Alloway. 60a First Philadelphia Edition, June, 1788. Purchased in 1912 for £25. 61 New York Edition of Burns' Poems, published about 1836. Presented 31st January, 1901, by James Clark, Park Avenue, West Chatham, Co. of Kent, Ontario, Canada, and taken by him while on duty during the siege of the City of Jackson from the residence of Bishop Green, Episcopal Bishop of the State, July, 1863. 62 First Irish Edition of Burns' Poems, pubHshed in Belfast, 1737. Purchased 1901. 62a Eazor in Case. Time of Burns. 63 First New York Edition of Burns' Poems, dated 1788. ( 22 ) 64 First Edinburgh Edition of Burns' Poems, dated 1787. 65 First London Edition of Burns' Poems, dated 1787. 66 Bit of Burns' coffin. Bought 1910. 67 Sir Alexander Boswell's, Bart., Copy of Montrose Edition of Burns' Poems, 1801, presented to him by his brother James. Sir Alexander was the Chairman of the Committee who erected Burns' Monument at Alloway. Bought in 1903 for £6 6s. 68 Necklace made of wood taken from " Alloway 's Auld Haunted Kirk." Presented by Miss Sloan, 2 Barns Street, Ayr, 26th February, 1900. 69 Paper Knife made of wood taken from Mossgiel Farm House when Burns resided there. Presented by Mr R. A. Oswald of Auchincruive, 1904. 70 Brass Candlestick which belonged to Robert Burns, and which is said to have been in the room at the time of his death. Presented to Burns' Cottage by Mr James MacKenzie, Chemist in Edinburgh. (23 ) 71 Volume 6 of Lawrence Sterne's Work (Dublin Edition), 1779 — the copy which belonged to Burns, containing numerous marginal notes in his own handwriting. Purchased in 1903 for £92. 72 Directory of Coimty and Town of Ayr, published 1830. Presented by Sir William Arrol, 1004. 73 Copy of Notes Written in Pencil by Burns on Margin in Vol. 6 Sterne's Works. 74 Views in North Britain, illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns, by James Storer and John Greig. Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, London, 1811. This book contains views of Burns' Cottage and the remains of Alloway Kirk engraved 1st March, 1805. 7<") First London Edition of Burns' Poems, 1787. This appears to be exactly a reprint of the Edinburgh Edition, with the exception of the title page and sundry minor details. Purchased 1901. 7G First Edinburgh Edition of Burns' Poems, 1787, dedicated to the noblemen and gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt. Presented by Mr C. G. Shaw, County Clerk, Ayr, 1901. (24) 78 Poetical Works of Janet Little; printed by John and Peter Wilson, Ayr, 1792. Note. — Mr John Wilson had then removed from Kilmarnock to Ayr. /9 "The Lounger," Saturday, December 9, 1786, containing an article on Kilmarnock edition of Burns' Poems, by Henry Mackenzie, " The Man of Feeling." 80 Lord Byron's Copy of the First Edinburgh Edition of Burns' Poems, with a " B " surmounted by coronet on front board. Bought in 1903 for £8 15s. 81 One of Nanse Tinnock's Platters. Presented by Mrs E. H. Dawson, 16th January, 1899. 82 Procession at Burns' Festival in 1844. Presented by Mr Thomas Duncan, Ayr, 1905. 83 "The English Review," published 1787, containing an article on Burns' Poems. (25) 84 Old Bank of Scotland Guinea Note, with Burns' handwriting thereon. 85 " Tam o' Shanter " in Gaelic. Translated by Findlay Farquharson, Balquhiddar. 86 " Petition of the Auld Brig o' Doon in arrest of Judgment," with the names of the subscribers, who contributed £136 5s towards purchasing, repairing, and keeping up the Auld Brig o' Doon in 1816. 87 Complete Edition of Lawrence Sterne's Works; 7 Vols. Dublin, 1779. 88 Volume of Proceedings at Burns' Centenary Banquets and Meetings on 25th January, 1859. Presented by the Kev. John Home. 89 Two Sermons preached 5th November, 1798, and " Ode to Liberty," by the Rev. Wm. Peebles. Presented by the Piev. John Home. 90 Volume of Sermons by the Rev. Wm. Dalrymple, D.D., who Baptised Burns — Published 1790. Presented by the Rev. John Horne, Louisburgh, Wick. (26 ) 01 Proceedings of the Synod of Glasgow and Ayr in the trial of heresy of the Rev. Dr William M'Gill, of Ayr. Presented by the Rev. John Home. 92 Copperplate, containing Portrait of the Poet, used for the frontispiece of " Burns' Songs and Poems," published by Wilson, M'Cormick & Cairnie, 1819. Presented by Sir WilHam Arrol, 1898. 93 Character, Death, and Funeral of the Poet's Widow. Published in Dumfries, 1834. Presented by Colonel Bennett, Ayr, 1904. 94 Poems by John Lapraik; printed by John Wilson, Kilmarnock. Nos. 113 and 94 were printed by the same printer in the same press and style as the original Kilmarnock edition of Burns' Poems. 95 Burns' Works, with Life and an Appendix, by Rev. Hamilton Paul. Printed by Wilson, M'Cormick, & Cairnie, Ayr, 1819. 96 Janet Hamilton's Poems. Presented by Mr Joseph Wright, Glasgow. 97 Burns' Works. Published in Cork, 1804. Presented by Mr E. R. M'C. Dix, Dublin, 1904. (27 ) ^ 98 Plan showing Burns' Cottage and Lands as in 1819; and the position in which it was then suggested to build a Monument in memory of the Poet to the South-west of the Cottage. Note. — This suggestion was not adopted. 99 Tibbie Stein's Spectacles. Presented by W. Dalglish, Bellasis, February, 1911. 100 Fac-Simile of Account, Eobert Burns to Peter Hill, stationer, Edinburgh, 1789. Presented by William Brown, bookseller, Edinburgh, February, 1901. 101 Fac-Simile of Accoimt, Robert Burns to James Kirkwood, 1787. Presented by William Brown, bookseller, Edinburgh, February, 1901. 102 Contemporary Authors of Burns, by J. Paterson, 1840. 103 Report of Festival in London on 5th June, 1819, in Commemoration of Burns, with Portrait of Burns, and H.R.H. Duke of Sussex (who occupied the chair) and Nineteen other Portraits. Bought in 1903 for £2 23. (28) 104 Memoir of Mrs Begg (the Poet's sister), by her grandson, Kobert Burns Begg, 1891. 105 Burns' Works in 2 vols. Published in Alnwick, 1808. Presented by Colonel Bennett, Ayr, 1904. 106 Autograph Manuscript, in Burns' handwriting, of "The Brigs of Ayr." Purchased in 1907 for £470. 107 Burns, translated into French from Scotch, by Eichard De La Madelaine. Presented by Miss Campbell, Ayr, 1905. 108 Gr. Thomson's " Select Collections of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice, including upwards of 100 New Songs by Robert Burns." 4 Volumes. Dates of G. Thomson's Collection— Vol. 1, March, 1799; Vol. 2, March, 1799; Vol. 3, December, 1801; Vol. 4, June, 1805. 109 Burns in different Languages. Published 1896. Presented by Mr William Jacks. ( 29 ) J 10 Walking Stick of the Poet. Presented by Mr John S. Kennedy, New York, 7th October, 1885. 111 Walking stick made out cf a broken rafter taken from the Poet's Birthplace in 1900. 112 "Catalogue of 500 Celebrated Authors in Great Britain now living." Published, London, 1788, and containing notice of Robert Burns. 112a Book of Clarinda's Letters. Presented by William Davidson, Hawthorn- bank, Galashiels, October, 1911. 113 Poems by George Campbell, printed by George Wilson, Kilmarnock, 1787. 114 Copy of the inscription placed in the Foundation Stone of Burns' Monument, AUoway, in 1820. 115 Forgery of Burns' handwriting, supposed to have been made by a man who was about 1893 convicted of forging Burns and Scott manuscripts. 116 Impression of Burns' Seal. ( 30 ) 116a Burns in German and other languages, published at 2^d. 117 Original MS. of Verses to Captain Gordon in answer to a question why " I was not asked to dine with them at Syme's." Purchased in 1907 for £45. 118 Holograph Letter to John Eichmond, Edinburgh, re Publishing of Poems. Dated 27th September, 1786. Purchased in 1907 for £37. 119 Original MS. of Poem, " Woo'd and Married and A'." Purchased in 1907 for £55. 120 " Tam o' Shanter and Souter Johnny," a Poem, illustrated by Thomas Landseer, London, 1830. 121 "An Address to the Deil," with notes and illustrations after designs by Thomas Landseer. London, 1832. 122 Robert Burns' Commonplace Book, printed from the original manuscript, 1872. (31) 123 The Olio, by Francis Grose, F.R.S. and A.S., with Portrait of Author. 2nd Edition, 1796. Nos. 120, 121, 122, and 123 were presented by Mr J. L. Bishop, Collector of Inland Kevenue, York, 1906. 123a a Manual of Religious Belief composed by William Burnes, the Poet's father, for the instruction of his children. Presented by Mr John Rusk, Ayr. 124 Grose's Antiquities, published 1790. Facing page 199 may be seen engraving of the Alloway Auld Kirk, inserted at the request of Burns, and to accompany which Burns composed the poem of " Tam o' Shanter." 125 Print of pleadings in the case of W. Creech, Bookseller, Edinburgh, against James Robertson, Printer, Edinburgh, as to the copyright of Burns' Works, 1803. 126 Pipe case made from wood of Burns' " Kist." Purchased in 1905 for £2 10s. 127 Volume 2 of "The Spectator," published 1776. This volume belonged to Burns' father when he lived at Lochlea. Presented by Mr D. E. Hill, Isalea, Ayr. ( 32 ) 128 Souter Johnnie's Hand Guard. 129 Folio Volume containing following original MSS. by the Poet: — Song on Captain Gordon, Kenmure. Poetical Letter to Dr Blacklock, Ellisland, dated 21st October, 1789. Portion of the celebrated Poem, " Brigs of Ayr." Song, " Caledonia." The Hue and Cry of John Lewars. Purchased in 1907 for £470. 130 Poems ascribed to Burns, dated 1801. 130a Invitation to Mrs Begg's Funeral. Presented by Ex-Treasurer Smith, Ayr. 131 Holograph Letter from Burns to his brother, William, saddler in Newcastle, dated 10th February, 1790. This letter contains advice to his brother as to his life in London. 132 Autograph Manuscript to Miss ****** (Cruikshank), a very young lady, written on the blank leaf of a book presented to her by the author. 133 Autograph Manuscript on the late Captain Grose's peregrinations through Scotland collecting the antiquities of that Kingdom. ( 33 ) 134 Autograph Manuscript " A Welcome to a Bastard Wean." 135 Autograph Manuscript of the " The Humble Petition of Bruar Water to the Noble Duke of Athole." 136 Autograph Letter to Alex. Fraser-Tytler, Esq., dated 6th November, 1765. 137 Volume issued by the Burns Club of St. Louis, U.S.A., containing reproductions of several well-known original Burns MSS. 138 Book containing facts substantiating Burns' election and inauguration to Lodge " Cannongato Kilwinning," 1st March, 1787. Presented by Mr J. L. Bishop, York, 31st July, 1908. 138a Odd leaves of Johnson, Scottish Musical Museum, with original holograph notes throughout by the Poet. Purchased in 1907 for £105. 138b Portfolio of Letters. From Friends of Robert Burns (19 in all). Presented by Mr W. Bryce, 22 York Place, Edinburgh. ( 34 ) 139 " The Land of Burns," a series of landscapes and portraits. 2 vols, by D. 0. Hill, R.S.A., and Professor Wilson, Edinburgh. Published by Blackie & Son, Glasgow. 1840. IBDa Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Kobert Burns, by llev-. Chas. Fiogers, LL.L>., 1877. Presented by Miss Houldsworth, Kozelle. 139b Book containing Photos taken during Restoration of Auld Brig, 1910. Presented by Mr Pi. A. Oswald of Auchincruive. 140 Chair made from the Oak Wood Printing Press on which the first edition of the Works of the Poet was printed at Kilmarnock in 1786. Presented by the family of the late T. M. Gemmell of Frankville, Ayr, October, 1891. 141 Eight-Day Clock, bequeathed by Miss Agnes Begg and Miss Isabella Begg, nieces of the Poet, to the Trustees of Burns' Monument, to be placed in the birthplace of the Poet at Alloway in memory of their mother, tiie Poet's youngest sister, and to whom this clock formerly belonged. Deposited there 25th January, 1887. (35 ) 142 Three panes of glass formerly in the windows of the Globe Tavern, Dumfries, and upon each of which lines of poetry were written with a diamond by Kobert Burns. Purchased May, 1901 — price, £110. 143 Plaster Cast of Skull of Burns, by Vago. 144 The Poet's Desk. Purchased in 1910 for £680. 145 Guitar which belonged to Robert Burns. Bought in October, 1911. 146 Two Brass Candlesticks which belonged to Robert Burns. Bought m October, 1911. IN PEDESTAL ON FLOOR. 165 Original Manuscript of "Holy Willie's Prayer," containing verse "When from my mother's womb I fell," etc., not in the copy of Kilmarnock Burns Club. Purchased— See Note at No. X83. ( 3G ) 166 Poem to John Taylor, Wanlockhead, in the Poet's handwriting. Purchased in 1892 from Miss Auld, Doonbrae, Alloway. 167 Original Manuscript of "The Whistle." On the 4th page addits; to Mr Cairns, jun., of Torr, Dumfries. Purchased — See Note at No. 183. 168 Original letter from Robert Burns (Sylvander) to Clarinda (Mrs M'Lehose), dated " Sunday Morning," probably 3rd February, 1788, and commencing — " I have just been before the throne of my God." 109 Original letter from Clarinda (Mrs M'Lehose) to Robert Burns, dated 25th January, 1792. Nos. 168 and 169 were purchased May 1901, for £65. 170 Holograph MS. of four pages quarto, being portion of the Stair MS. which was broken up many years ago. The MS. contains a song — tune, " Roslin Castle " — which is " The Bonnie Banks of Air." This is succeeded by a song — tune, " Ettrick Bank "—which is "The Lass o' Ballochmyle " ; and concludes with "The Vision, Duan II." Purchased in 1901 for £29 10s. (3?) lITl Letter explanatory of No. 170. 172 Memorandum of Agreement with William Creech, Publisher and Bookseller, Edinburgh, respecting the Sale of the Property in Burns' Poems, 1787. 173 Promissory Note of One Hundred Guineas, dated 3rd October, 1787, by Creech to Burns, endorsed by Burns. This was the price agreed on in No. 90. Nos. 172 and 137 were purch ased in 1903 for £37 10s. ^ 174 Original Holograph undated Letter, Burns to William Creech, enclosing MS. ^ of " Willie's Awa," dated Selkirk, 13th May, 1787. > 175 Original MS. of " Willie's Awa," mentioned in 174. Nos. 174 and 175 were purchased in 1903 for £146 10s. Note. — Nos. 172 to 175 inclusive were bequeathed by William Creech to Dr Charles Watson, and were sold by his heirs, 1903. 176 Fac-Simile Letter from Bonnie Jean to her Daughter, Mrs Thomson, dated 20th February, 1833. ( 38 ) 177 Verses in Burns' autograph, 6 lines, " The life's gay scenes delight no more." 178 Original Manuscript of Song, " Love will venture in." 179 Keceipt for Fine, da,ted Dumfries, 12th January, 1791, written and signed Robert Burns, on Government stamped paper. 180 Original Manuscript of an Election Ballad, " When Gilford Good our pilot stood." 181 Leaf out of Burns' Excise Book about 1795. 182 List of all Masonic Lodges then in Ayrshire in 1820. 183 Original Manuscript of Song, " In summer when the hay was mawn." Nos. 165, 167, 177, 178, 179, 180, and 183 inclusive were purchased in August, 1901, from Messrs Kerr & Richardson, Ltd., for £400. 184 Printed List of Books in the Library of E-obert Burns at his death, furnished by his sons. ( 39) 185 Minute of 23rd October, 1817, of the Committee on Burns' Monument, asking architects to send competitive plans, and offering a premium of twenty guineas or a piece of plate to the successful architect. 186 Minute of 26th January, 1818, of the Trustees adopting plan signed by R. Q. P., the production of Mr John Hamilton, junior, architect, 1 James Street, Edinburgh. 187 Print of Advertisement requesting Freemasons to attend and lay foundation stone of Monument near Alloway Kirk on 25th January, 1820. 188 Print of Notice in " Ayr and Wigtownshire Courier," reporting that the gardeners and nurserymen of Ayrshire had, on 18th April, 1826, planted the ground around the Monument with shrubs and flowers gratuitously furnished from a variety of quarters. 189 Minute of 15th November, 1819, by the Trustees accepting offer for erection, fixing the site of, and the names of the Trustees in whose favour the titles of the Monument shall be taken, and asking for further subscriptions. ( 40 ) 190 Report of Proceedings at Laying of Foundation Stone, and Speeches by Alexander Boswell of Auchinleck, and others, from " Air Advertiser " of 27th January, 1820. lyi Letter, dated 23rd June, 1823, from H. D. Boswell to the Preses of the meeting assembled to arrange ceremony to be observed when placing the tripod on the top of and completing the Monument. 192 Letter from Robert Burns, the Poet's Son, to Miss Grace Haugh, dated 18th September, 1851. 193 Letter from Maxwell Dick, Irvine, sending " Bonnie Jean's " ring to Burns' Monument, 7th December, 1869. 194 " Craigieburn Wood," a Scotch Song, in the Poet's handwriting. 195 Six lines of a Glossary in Burns' handwriting. 196 Invitation to attend Funeral of Poet's son, Robert, on 15th May, 1857, addressed to James Haugh. (41 ) 197 Printed Invitation to Mrs Burns' Funeral on 1st April, 1834. 198 Letter from Sir John Steele, R.S.A., as to his model of Burns' bust, No. 288 of this Catalogue, 25th March, 1887. 199 Intimation of Death, on 27th December, 1886, of Miss Isabella Begg, the Poet's niece. 200 Printed Intimation of Death of Mrs Burns, widow of the Poet, 26th March, 1834. 201 Private Notice requesting Mrs James Haugh to be present at house. 202 Contract of Feu between Dr Alexander Campbell, Physician in Ayr, and William Burnes (the Poet's father), gardener at Doonside Miln, of those 7 acres and 18 falls in the barony of Alloway, being the site of and land at Burns' Cottage, dated 2nd June, 1756. 203 Holograph Letter from Burns to Mrs Maclehose (Clarinda), 28th December, 1787 (5J pages). A long and magnificent letter, and the first known to exist signed " Sylvander." (42 ) 204 Minute of Committee of County Gentlemen, held in Ayr, 30th April, 1800, to get Auld Brig o' Doon immediately repaired. — Signed, John Boswell, Clerk. 205 Order, by Committee of County Gentlemen, to pay the sum of £64 18s 8d to John & James Ilutherford for repairs done to Auld Brig o' Doon. — Signed, William Crawford, Convener, then the proprietor of Doonside. 206 Keceipt for £64 18s 8d for repairs done to the Auld Brig o' Doon. — Signed, John & James Rutherford. 207 Holograph Letter from Burns to Mr Creech, Bookseller, Edinburgh, dated Dumfries, 16th April, 1792. Purchased in 1905 for £55. 208 Holograph Letter from Burns to Robert Miller, of Dalswinton, dated Edinburgh, 28th September, 1787. Purchased in 1905 for £48. ( 43) 209 Holograph Letter from Burns to Mr Sibbald, dated 1787. Purchased in 1905 for £26. 210 Letter from Thomas Carlyle to Poet's Sister, Mrs Begg, dated Chelsea, 7th June, 1842, intimating that the Government had granted a pension of £20 a year to Mrs Begg. Presented by Mrs F. Hay-Newton, 1906. 211 The Song on Captain Grose, enclosed in a cover to " Mr Findlater, Supervisor, Dumfries," giving him a copy of " the following lines " which " I wrote extempore and anonymous " "to Cardonnell," undated (about 1791). No. 133 of this Catalogue. 212 Autograph Poem " On reading in a newspaper the death of J M'L , Esq., brother to a young lady, a particular friend of the author. 213 Original MS. Song, " Anna, the charms my bosom fire." 214 A slip containing something of the form of the inquiries he (Burns) had to answer before getting his place as a gauger. (44) 215 Song of Chloris. Twelve lines of amorous verse in the Poet's handwriting. 216 List in Burns' handwriting of 31 " Serious " and 20 " Comic " Songs, which he had written. 217 Original MS. of " Scots Wha Hae." Purchased in 1907 for £300. 218 Holograph Letter, " Clarinda " to " Sylvander," dated Edinburgh, 22nd February, 1788. 219 Holograph Letter, " Sylvander " to " Clarinda " (2 pages), dated Glasgow, Monday, 9 o'clock, February 18th, 1788. ^ ENGRAVINGS, ETC ^ R large number of the Engravings in the"^following list were collected bg the late Mr Craibe JSngus, of Glasgow, and were sold bg his Trustees to the Trustees of Burns' Cottage in October. 1900. .250 Engraving of Funeral Procession of Robert Burns passing along High Street, Dumfries. By W. Forrest, after painting by W. E. Lockhart, R.S.A. 251 Engraving of Portrait of Robert Burns, from the miniature, by Miss Nasmyth, Etched by Lalause. Presented by Kerr & Richardson, Glasgow. 252 Reduced Fac-Simile of " A Man's a Man for a' that," with illustrative scroll border. 253 Photograph of Burns and 60 of his Dumfriesshire admirers. 254 Painting of Burns' Mausoleum at Dumfries. (46) 255 Engraving " Address to the Deil." 256 Painting of Burns' Monument, Alloway. 257 Fac-Simile in Burns' handwriting of alterations suggested on the 35th Paraphrase. 258 Coloured Engraving of Interior of Burns' Cottage. 259 Engraving of Burns' Cottage, published by Constable, 1805. 260 Engraving of Rev. J. Beattie. 261 Engraving of Portrait of Queen Victoria, 1899. Painted by H. V. Angley. 262 Ticket of the Banquet in the Music Hall, Edinburgh, Burns' Centenary, 25th January, 1859. 263 Fac-Simile of the Writing of the Poet upon Bibles presented by him to Highland Mary. These Bibles are in Burns' Monument at Alloway. ( 47 ) 264 Coloured Engraving of Burns' Monument, Alloway. 265 Engraving of Alloway Kirk for the " Edinburgh iVIagazine " about 1805. 268 Beugo's Engraving of Skirving's drawing of Nasmyth's Portrait of the Poet. 267 Proof Engraving on Indian paper of the Nasmyth — Neagle, portrait of Burns, first pubhshed in 1800. 268 Eeplica of the Model Burns Statue, Kilmarnock, by W. G. Stevenson. Presented by Bailie Wilson, Glasgow, 1881. 269 Engraving of Nasmyth's Portrait of Burns. Engraved by W. T. Fry, 1820. 270 Platinotype Photograph of Water Colour Drawing of Burns' Cottage. Presented by John Wilson, Edinburgh, January, 1882. 272 Engraving of Wallace Tower, Ayr, published 1st March, 1803, by Verner & Hood, London. Engraved by J. Storer and J. Greig, Chapel Street, Pentonville, London. (43) 273 Engraving of Nasmyth's Portrait of Burns. Engraved by K. H. Cromek. 274 Engraving of Kev. Hugh Blair, D.D. 275 Engraving of Portrait of Burns. Engraved by H. Robinson. 276 Engraving of Miss Elizabeth Burnett; published 1815. 277 Engraving of Robert Burns. 278 Engraving of Friar's Carse, Nithsdale, 1st June, 1789. Published by J. Hooper. 279 Engraving of Robert Burns, by Jenkins. 280 Engraving of Kay's Caricature of Captain Grose. 281 Engraving of Robert Burns, by J. & E. Harwood, London. 282 Engraving of Robert Burns. Published by Harrison & Co., 1796. (49) 283 Engraving of Nasmyth's Robert Burns, by W. C. Edwards. 284 Engraving of the Market Cross, Ayr. 285 Engraving of Robert Burns, by J. Rodgers. 286 Drawing on Wood " Mauchline Church and Castle." 287 Engraving of Captain Grose. 288 Engraving of Robert Burns. Engraved by J. Neagle; pubHshed bv Caldwell & Davies, 1800. 289 View of the Town of Ayr from the North. 290 View of the Town of Ayr and Firth of Clyde from the East. 291 Engraving of Robert Burns, by R. C Bell. ( 50 ) 292 Engraving of Her Majesty Queen Victoria receiving the Arclibislif)p of Canterbury, Dr Howley, and the Lord Chamberlain, the Marquess ot Conynham, when they informed her of the death of Wilham IV., June 20, 1837. Painted by Henry T. Wells, E.A. 293 Engraving of Eobert Burns. 294 Engraving of Kobert Burns, by Charles Heath. 295 Engraving of Alloway Kirk, by J. Storer, 1805. 296 Engraving of J. M. Wright's Picture of " The Holy Fair," by J. Rogers. 297 Lithograph of Piobert Burns, after Flaxman, by E.M. 298 Photograph of the Managers of the Incorporation of Shoemakers of Ayr, 1855, to whom Burns' Cottage and land then belonged. 299 Engraving of " Edinburgh," by J. Greig, 1805. 300 " Engraving of Cenotaph now being erected in Airshire to the Memory of liobert Burns." Published London, 1st June, 1819. (51 ) 301 Model of Burns' Statue, Ayr, by R. A. Lawson, which proved successful in the competition. Note. — The present statue, with some trifling alterations, was erected from this design. Presented by the Subscribers to this Statue, 1891. 302 Engraving of John Sime, Esq. 303 Engraving of Globe Tavern, Dumfries — The Howf of Burns. 304 Portrait of Piobert Burns, from the original drawing of Archd. Skirving, in the possession of George Rennie, Esq., London. 305 Engraving of the design of the Monument intended to be erected in tht; Mausoleum at Dumfries to the memory of Robert Burns. 306 Engraving of Mrs Thomson (Jessie Lewars). She was present at the PoeCs death and closed his eyes. 307 Engraving of Sir Joshua Reynolds' portrait of Rev. James Bcatlie, LL.I). ( 52 , 608 Engraving of Henry Mackenzie. 309 Engraving cf Allan Ramsay. 310 Engraving of Robert Burns. 311 Engraving of the picture of Burns' Monument, by P.C. Auld. Published 1830. 312 " The Jolly Beggars," after Sir W. Allan, by Air. Green, 1857. 313 Engraving of Allan Cunningham — 1832. 314 Engraving of Elizabeth Burnett, by K. M'Lea, S.A. Engraved by H. Robinson. 315 View of Ayr from Greenan Castle. Published 2nd December, 1810. 316 Engraving of Miss Nasmyth's Burns, by A. Lalause. (53) 317 Engraving of Sir Henry Eaeburn's portrait of himself. 318 Engraving of Mrs Dunlop of Dunlop, the Poet's correspondent. 319 Picture of Twa Brigs o' Ayr. Painted and presented by Miss Jane Campbell, Ayr. This picture shows the remains of the New Bridge which collapsed in 1878, and was painted in 1880. 320 Engraving of J. M. Wright's drawing of " The Cottar's Saturday Night." 321 Engraving of the Rev. James Beattie, LL.D. 322 Engraving of Robert Tannahill. 323 Engraving of the Poet, from Kerry miniature, by (3. Cook, 1795. 324 Portrait of Burns, and Scenes from his Poems. Published at Centenary of his birth, 25tli January, 1859, by Maclure & Macdonald, Glasgow, ( 54 ) 325 Coloured Engraving of Robt. A. Riddall's picture of Edinburgh, on the back of which is the following inscription: — " One of twelve presented by R. A. Riddall to the poet Burns." Engraved by Archibald Robertson. 326 Engraving of Mrs Burns, the widow of the Poet, from original painting b^ GilfiUan, by Cook, 1826. 327 Engraving of Robert Burns, by R. Anderson — after Nasmyth. 328 Engraving of Sir Walter Scott, aftet Sir Henry Raeburn. Engraved by D'Hautefuille. 329 Engraving of James Currie, M.D., F.R.S. Published 1st January, 1814. 330 Framed Poem on Robert Burns, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Presented by Robert Bird. 331 Engraving of the Earl of Glencairn, by Kenneth Masbay, R.S.A. ( s^) ) 332 Proof Engraving of Nasmyth's portrait of Robert Burns in the state in which Walker handed the plate to Cousins, formerly in the possession of John Phillip, R.A. The plate was afterwards finished by Cousins, and in March, 1901, and an engraving from it was sold in London for 80 guineas. 333 Engraving of picture of Mrs Isabella Begg, the Poet's sister, painted by W. Bonnar. Published 19th July, 1844. 334 Engraving of Eev. John Skinner. 335 Engraving by Walker & Cousins of Nasmyth's Portrait of Burns, from " Private Plate," dated December, 1830. Purchased 1910. 336 Engraving of Dundee Statue of Burns, and Scenes from his works. Published at the inauguration of the statue in Dundee, 16th October, 1880. 337 Engraving of Mrs Lewis Hay. 338 Engraving of Francis Grose, F.S.A. ( 56 ) 339 Engraving of William Allan's picture of Robert Burns. 340 Engraving of Monument erected in memory of Highland Mary in West Kirkyard, Greenock, 1842. 341 Engraving by William Smellie, F.S.A. 342 Coloured Engraving of Nasmyth's Robert Burns. 343 Etching of Murdoch's House in Sandgate Street, Ayr, where Burns learned French. 344 Engraving of James Currie, M.D., F.R.S. 345 Engraving of Lucy Johnstone. 346 Engraving of Burns being made Poet Laureate of the Freemasons of Scotland in Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh, 1787. ( 57) 347 Engraving of A. Skirving's drawing of Eobert Burns by J. Beugo. 348 Photograph of Picture of Robert Burns, by Dahl. 349 Engraving by Ptogers from the original Painting of Colonel James Glencairn Burns, the Poet's son. Published 1836. 350 Engraving by W. Hall of Mrs Burns and one of her grandchildren, Mrs Sarah Burns Hutchinson, the lady who sold Burns' Family Bible in 1904. Painted by S. M'Kendrie, S.A. 351 Copy of Alex. Nasrayth's full length portrait of Burns in National Gallery, Edinburgh. Purchased in 1905. 352 Engraving of Nasmyth's portrait of Burns, engraved by Mr Edward Mitchell; dedicated by permission to King William IV. 353 Engraving of Robert Burns, son of the Poet (" Bagatelle, 1795 "), from Kerry miniature. Engraved by C. Cook. ( 58 ) 354 Engraving of Kobert Ainslie, Esq. 355 " Robert Burns turning up a mouse in her nest witli the plough," November, 1785, from painting by Gourlay Steele. Engraved by Le Coute. 356 Engraving of Archibald Skirving's picture of Robert Burns. 357 Engraving of Robert Burns by H. Robinson; published by William Pickering, 1830. 358 Engraving of Mrs Bruce, Clackmannan. 359 Engraving of Sir H. Raeburn's portrait of George Thomson, music publisher, Edinburgh, by whom many of the accompaniments to the Poet's songs were arranged, and the collection of airs. No. 108 of this catalogue, were published. 360 Engraving of Skirving's drawing from Nasmyth's portrait engraved by Paton Thomson ; published 29th October, 1798. ( 59 ) 361 Woodcut of " Cutty Sark." The earliest illustration of Tam o'Shanter. 362 Engraving of John Moore, M.D. 363 Copy of Alex. Nasmyth's Portrait of Burns in National Portrait Gallery, in London. Presented by Sir William Arrol, 1905. 364 Engraving of Robert Burns, " And stood with his hand on the plough and his heart with the muse." Published 1853. 365 Engraving of Euphemia Murray. 366 Engraving of Eev. George Lawrie, D.D., minister of Loudoun. 367 Artist Proof Engraving of Eobert Burns, after the picture by A. Nasmyth in the National Gallery, Edinburgh. Engraved by Frank Short, A.K.A. Presented by Mr J. Boyd Anderson, Campbeltown, 1907. ( 60) 368 Engraving of Mr Bonnar's portrait of Burns' sister, Mrs Begg; published 1844. Presented by James Kobertson, LL.D., Glasgow. 369 Engraving of Rev. Thomas Blacklock, D.D. 370 Engraving of Robert Burns from picture painted by Peter Taylor, 1786. The original is in the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh. 371 Engraving by James Baird of Cambusdoon, which was presented by him to the late Misses Begg and bequeathed by them to Burns Cottage, 1887. 072 Engraving of Painting by Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Duncan fleeced and Duncan prayed, Hal Hal the wooin' o't; Meg was deaf as Ailsa Craig, Ha ! Ha ! the wooin' o't. 373 Burns on horseback, accompanied by Mr Sime in a storm, while on a tour in Galloway, during which Burns composed " Scots Wha Hae." after Somerville, by Every. ( 6] ) 374 Fac-Simile Photograph of Robert Burns from chalk drawing by A. Skirvjng from the original in the possession of Theodore Martin. 12 copies only printed. 375 Engraving of Burns reading his poem " The Winter Night," in the Duchess of Gordon's house in Edinburgh. Presented by Aitken, Dott & Son, Edinburgh. 376 Engraving of Mrs Anne Grant. 377 Fancy scroll, containing " Beauties of Robert Burns," by James M'Conochie, Longtown, Cumberland. 378 Engraving of Mauchline Castle; published February 26, 1791. 379 Painting of " The Holy Fair at Mauchhne," by R. Bryden, 1896. 380 Engraving of Picture of Birthplace of Burns prior to 1819. 381 Picture of Tam o' Shanter crossing the Auld Brig o' Doon. by J. Scott. ( 02 ) 382 Model for the Bust of Robert Burns, by Sir John Steele, R.S.A. ; firected in Westminster Abbey, London, and unvreiled by Lord Rosebery, March, 1885. 383 Engraving of D. 0. Hill's Picture of Auld Brig o' Doon. 384 Engraving of Interior of Burns' Cottage in 1829. Presented by Mr John ^^. Alston, Red House, Ayr. 385 Photographs of Burns' Sons — Col. W. Nicol Burns and Lieut. -Colonel James Glencairn Burns. Presented by Mrs Kennedy, Doonholm, 1905. 386 Three photographs of Mrs Begg and her three daughters, the sister and nieces of the Poet. Presented by Mr John B. Fergusson, Balgarth, Ayr. 387 Engraving of " Cottar's Saturday Night," after David Allan, by Paton Thomson. This engraving is one of the two copies which originally belonged to Robert Burns. 388 Engraving of the Banks of Doon, by J. Greig — 1811. (63) 389 Engraving of Burns' Cottage in 1829. Presented by Mr John S. Alston, Red House, Ayr. 390 Portion of the Carpet upon which Queen Victoria stood when crowned, 28th June, 1838. 391 Etching of the four Leaden Statues that stood on the New Bridge; Ayr, when it collapsed in 1876. 392 Engraving of Statue of Robert Burns, by Flaxman. Engraved by Cook. 393 View of the Twa Brigs at Ayr, showing the New Bridge, which collapsed in 1876, in ruins; by W. Forrest, after W. E. Lockhart, R.S.A. 394 Drawing of Burns' Cottage, by W. Forrest, after Sam Bough, R.S.A. 395 Engraving of Dumfries from New Bridge. Drawn by A. S. Masson; engraved by John Gellatly. ( 64 ) 396 Engraving of picture of Tarn o' Shanter, painted by A. Cooper, E.A. 397 Silhouette of Clarinda, " She, the fair sun of all her sex." Copies of Four Panels inserted in the Burns' Monument, Glasgow, designed b} James A. Ewing, and presented by Bailie Wilson, Glasgow, 1887. 398 The Cottar's Saturday Night 399 The Vision. 400 Memorial Stone. 401 Alloway Kirk. 402 Bust of Burns, by D. W. Stevenson, K.S.A. Presented by W. Grant Stevenson, K.S.A., 1905. 403 Photograph of Silhouette of Burns by Miers, 1787. Presented by Mr F. Wellesley, Woking, April, 1911.