1^ M, !' Ji v; \m<^ V/^iS^Pk PKY ^«»iM^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^S^ti^W-c^rWdto^ / A LIST OF NORFOLK MONUMENTAL BRASSES. Large Paper Copy. No. -2. O Here LiETH George Brigce Late of Latkeringsftt Esqvierwho HAD ISSVE BY At-INE HIS WIFE MAKOARETAND SaRA HIS DAVGHTER3 AND HEIRESAND DEPARTED OVT OF THIS LIFE Tl-E nVE AMD TWENTIE DAY OF FEBRVARIE 1S97 AMD TH; YERFS OF HIS A&E 5-3 . '^-3at-r»r (dtl) ^RASS AT WiVETON. A LIST MONUMENTAL BRASSES KEXLVENING IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK KEY. EDMUND FARREK. ifiovtoicl) : rUISTEIl HY AGAS II. GOOSE, KAMPANT HOUSE STREET 1890. \SHX SUBSClilliEltS TO TUE LAUGK rAi'Ei; ('Ui'iE.S. Antiquaries, Socioty of. Athill, C. H., Esq., Richmond Herald, College of Arms, London. Barnurd, G. W. G., Esq., 4, Surrey Street, Norwich. Beloe, E. M., Esq., Junr., King's Lynn. Bensly, W. T., Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Bishop's Registry, Norwich. Birch, Rov. C. G. R , Brancaster Rectory, King's Lynn (2 copies). Birkbeck, Henry, Esq., Stoke Holy Cross, Norwich. Boileau, Sir Francis G. M., Bart., Ketteringham Park, Wymondhani. Bromwich, F. A., Esq., Alexandra Road, Burton-on-Trent. Bulwer, Lt.-General W. E. G. L , Quehec House, East Dereham. Caius College Library, Cambridge. Colman, J. J., Esq., M.P., Carrow House, Norwich. Greeny, Rev. W. F., Norwich, Daubeney, Colonel St. John, Tliu Beacon, Kingswear, Darlmoulli, Devon. Elvin, C. N., Esq., Eckling Grange, East Derehiim. Farrer, Miss, Petygard's Hall, Swaffham. Farrer, Percy A., Esq., Petygard's Hall, Swaffham. Franks, A. W., Esq., C.B., F.R.S., British Museum, Loudon. Green, Herbert J., Esq., 31, Castle Meadow, Norwich. Griffith, Rev. H. T., SmaUburgh Rectory, Norwich. Gumey, J. H., Esq., Northrepps. Hales, Rev. George, Rickinghall Rectory, Diss. Hales, John B. Tooke, Esq., The Lower Close, Norwich. Hales, R. T., Esq., M.D., Holt (2 copies). Harcourt, Bosworth W., Esq., 39, St. Giles' Street, Norwich. Hope, W. H. St. John, Esq., Burlington House, London. 942697 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Hudson, Rev. J. Clare, Thornton Vicarage, Homcastle. Hudson, Rev. "W., Prince of Wales' Road, Korwieh. Jarrold and Sons, Messrs., Norwich. Jones, Rev. Thomas, Sporle Vicarage, Swaffham. le Strange, Hamon, Esq., Hunstanton Hall. Manby, Alan Reeve, Esq., JI.D., East Rudham, Swaffham. Manning, Rev. C. R., The Rectory, Diss. Methold, Frederick, Esq., Thorne Court, Shimpling, Siififolk. Norfolk and Norwich Library, Norwich. Plowright, W. C, Esq., Swaffham (2 copies). Spelman, C. C. R., Esq., Norwich. Stephenson, Mill, Esq., SI, Parchmore Road, Thornton 11. .itli Surri-y. Todd, J. T., Esq., 30, Victoria Street. Norwich. Tniversity Library, Cambridge. Walsingham, The Rt. Hon. Lord, Merton Hull, Thctford. Williams, Charles, Esq., Norwich. Winter, C. J. W., Esq., Cattle Market Street, Norwich. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Description page. I. AIDBOROUGH,— 1. A man in armour, c. 1480. reihaps Kobert Ilcrward, 1181 ... ... 1 2. Anno Ilcrward, 1185 ... ... 1 II. ALDBOROUGH 1. A man in civil dress, c. MOO. Purhaiis Kichard Ricards, 1493 ... .. 2 • 2. Inscriptiont,oClcmentHcrward,Gcnt , 1427 ... ... ... ... 2 ' 3. Inscription to Richard Kicaids(?), 1493 2 r III. BARNINGHAM WINTER.— A man in armour, c. 1410. I'Li-haps John Wynter, Esq, ... ... ... fl -^ IV. BEECHAMWELL ST. MARY.— John Grym5lon,\ » rector, H.'iO ... ... ... .■• '3) ••• 7 '^ ^A „ CREAKE, SOUTH.— A priest in cope, c. 1400... ll ... 22^ ,, WORSTEAD.— John Top, rector of Booton, p3 1404 (.') ... ...j« ... 109 /• -^^■ ,, LUDHAM.— Inscription to Thomas de Honyng, rector of Totter Heigham, c. 1350 V. BEESTON REGIS. — John Dey nes and wife Katharine, 1527 YI. BRAMPTON.— Robert Brampton, Esq., and wife Isabella, 14GS ... VII, DITCHINGHAM.— 1. Philip Bosard, Gent., wife Margery, and children, 1490 2. Roger Bozard, Gent., and son William, 1595 VIII. FRETTENHAM.— Alice Brunh.im, c. 1420 ,, THWAITE (South Erpingham).— John Puttok and wife Alice, [1469] IX. KIRBY BEDON.— A heart with scrolls, c. 1450 .. „ NORWICH ST. GILES.— Chalice, &c., for John Smyth, chaplain, 1499 ... ... ... ... ... 62 / AL 49 - 7 ^ 24 ^ 24 ^ 31 / 9(1 ^ 4r, /■ LIST OF rLLUSTEATIONS. Desciiption page. rS. NOEWICH ST. LAUEENCE.— Inscription to John Genev, / citizen. 1376 .. ... ... ... .'.. 67 '^ ^^ „ SALTHOUSE Chalice, &c., for Sir John Fevyr, priest, / 1.5iy ... ... ... .". ... S3 -/ J^L X. NORWICH ST. LATJKENCE.— John WeUys, mayor, 1495 (?) CG, 67 - EINGSTEAD ST. ANDEEW.— Richard KegeU, rector, . , , 14S2 XI. EAINHAM, EAST.— Robert Godfrey, ll.b., rector, 1522 WITTON, (Blofield.)— Dame Juliana Anyell, vowess, c. loUU XII. STEADSETT.— Thomas Lathe, Esq., 1418 SHAEEINGTON.— A man in armour, c. 1445. XIII. WAEHAM ALL SAINTS'.— ^Villiam Rokewod, Esq., 1474 ■^-XIV. WIVETON.— (Frontispiece) George Brigge, Esq., and wife Aiiue, 1597 ... ... . . XV. WOOD DAILING.— 1. Sir Rohert Dockyng, chaplain, 1465 2. Symon Bolwar, 1504 3. John and Thomas Buhver, 15 IS ... 4. Inscription to Katharine Bulwer, 14S7 5. Inscription to Lcttice Bulwer, c. 1500 SI -'- 77 /' 106 ^ 11 91 y 85 , ' ^1 103 - 107 / i^ 107 /^ 107 ^ 108 --' 108 - lOS • PREFACE nnilE following List of Monumental Brasses, w liieli are in existence at the present time in our Norfolk churches, has been compiled from an examination of tlie rubbings made by me when collecting the materials for my worlv on TIte Cliurch Heraldry of Norfolk. I am not so sanguine as to expect that the list is quite exhaustive, even though every brass has been verified by actual inspection, as recently as possible, and nothing taken on trust. There may be concealed, either by seats and matting, or hidden in the depths of some parish chest, treasures I have never seen, in that such things have come to light even in the last few months ; but I venture to hope, after a comparison of my list with others, that I have not left much undiscovered, untraced, and un- recorded. For much that is of value in the list I am indebted to the kindness and indefatigable labour of my frieuil, the Eev. C. G. R. Birch, Rector of Brancaster. He has carefully examined the rubbing of everj' brass, and with his great knowledge of the subject, the annotations and corrections he has freely supplied must furnish a result of increased value to those who are interested in the search for, and study of, such relics of antiquity. With regard to the arrangement of the list, the churches are placed in alphabetical order; in each church the efEgial and subject brasses being given before the inscriptions, each class according to date ; then follows a description of what still remains of each brass, as also of what is known to be lost. The date in Clarendon type is that of the engraving of the brass, usuall}^ also the date of decease. Every genealogical reference in the list, unless enclosed \\Hliin a rectangular bracket, or authoritatively specified, is recorded on the brass. In most instances the position in the church is stated, as also the size of the effigy or inscription in inches. For the illustration of the brass at Warham, I am inilebted to Mr. J. B. T. Hales ; for that at Barningham Winter, to Mr. C. J. W. Winter ; and those at Wood Dallin"', to General Buhver ; all the rest have been most generously presented by the Rev. C. G. R. Birch. PSEFACE. Ill Subjects for illustration have been selected i'lom tlioso brasses ^vllil•ll luivo not been alread\- L'iii;Tav(Ml in Cotman's work <,ir (.'isewlici'c, and wliicli, cithi'i' I'rnni the remoteness of their situation have been hitlnrto little known, or which supply some useful illustrntiim of costume or local wnrkmnnsliip. Having before our eyes, in one view as it were, the brasses of the whole county, Mr. Birch nnd myself have been struck by many curious and interesting features apparent in the diverse types of local engraving, on which it is impossible to eidargo Iicre, but which are distinctly traceable throughout the period when tlie manufacture of these memorials was evidently a source of profitable employment to nian\' craftsmen pi-obably resident in Xorwich. Some of the moi-e curious pecu- liarities are those noticeable in the work of an artist wJio at Warham All Saints', 1474, and Whissonsett, 1484, and c 1485, has executed military efBgies without the usual accompaniment of a sword, and also of another neai-ly contemporary, or perhaps the same, who, from about 1480 downwards, has represented ecclesiastics in the eucharistic vestment, shorn with unusual rigidity, but minus both stole and maniple, as at Ringstead, Sharington, St. Laurence and St. Etheldred, Norwich, TREFACE. Sparham, West Lynu. Wiveton, &c. Chalices and hosts, hearts with scrolls, and shrouded figures are all of a type peculiar to the county. I shall still continue to look out for missing brasses, and trust that others interested in like manner will do the same, and then — should it be required — I will gladly brine out a second edition, which may possibly be exhaustive and complete. EDMUND FARRER. Sickini/hall, Diss, March 2Sl/,, 1S90. ABIiRF.VIATIOXS. Arm. Armour. Mt. ^Tltatis. C. Circa, about. Chalice Chalice and host. Eff. or effs. Effii;)- or efEgies. Eleg. Elegiac. Inscrip. Inscription. Lat. Latin. Local Executed in the eounly WORKS OF KEFERENCE. Arch. Journal.— The Archa;ologiciil Journal. Bl. Norf.— The History of Norfolk, by the Rev Francis lUomefield, 11 vols. Svo., 1805-10. Boutell's Chr. Mon. — lioutell's Christian Monuments, IS-U. Boutell's Mon. Brasses. — Boutell's Muuuraental Krasses, 1847. Boutell's Series, 1849. Calendar of the Freemen of Norwich, by Walter Rye, 1888. Carthew's Bradenhams.— The History of the Parishes of East and West Bradenham, Necton, and Holme Hale, by G. A. Carthew, 1 vol., 1883. Carthew's Launditch.— The History of the Hundred of Launditeh, by G. A. Carthew, 3 vols., 1877-1879. Ch. Her. of Norf.— The Church Heraldry of Norfolk, by Rev. E. Fan-er, 2 vols, published, 1887-1889. Cotman's Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, &c., 1839. East Anglian. — First Series of East Anglian Notes and Queries, 1858. Gent. Mag. — Gentleman's Magazine. ■WORKS OF REFEREXCE. Gough — Cough's Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, 1786-96. H. — The Second Part of Haines' Manual of Monumental Brasses, 1S61. Haines' Introd. — The First Part of Haines' Manual of Monumental Brasses. 1861. History of Wodehouse Family, prirately printed by Lord Kimberley, 1SS7. Ije Neve's Fasti Ecclesioe Anglicanse, 1716. Norf. Archy. — Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Archajologieal Society, 10 vols. Oxford Manual, 184S. Palgi'ave Memorials, 1878. Paston Letters, Gairdner, 1872-1875. Record of the House of Gournay, 1848-1858. Rough Materials for a History of North Erpingham, by Walter Rye, 1883 to 1889. Sketches for an Ecclesiology of Norfolk, in the Deanery of Sparham, Taverham, and Ingworth. Streets and Lanes of the City of Norwich, by John Kirkpatrick, edited by Rev. W. Hudson, 1889. Visitation of Norfolk, published by Norfolk and Norwich Archaiological Society, 1 vol. Weekly Register. Winter's Selection of Norfolk Antiquities, published by C. J. W. Winter, Norwich. s^ lu X o 3 o n o n o < in a U) 01 < A LIST MONUMENTAL BRASSES REMAl.NINa IS THE COUNTY OF NOEFOLK, MDCCCXC. ACLE. I. Eff. in civil dress (headless) and inscrip. John Swanno, 1533. Chancel, H. Size of efi., 13 by 4,\. Local. II. Half eff. of ecclesiastic in gown, &e., and inscrip. Thomas Stones, "minister of the church for 43 years," 1627. North waU of chancel, 'R.—Norf. Archj., s. 201. Size of eff., 7 by 6. III. Inscrip. WiUiam Gay and Emma his wife, 1505. Nave. Size, 13A- by 2f. Local. IV. Inscrip. John Palmer, c. 1500. Nave. Siee, 13by2i. Local. ALDBOROUGH. I. Eff. in arm. — inscrip. and four shields lost, c. 1480. Eobert Ilerward. Probably who died 1481. North aisle^ H. Size of eff., 2G by 71. Local. II. Eff. of lady in butterfly head-dress and inscrip. — four shields lost. Anne, wife of Eobert Herward, 1485. Nave, H. Size of efl'., 26i by 10. Local. LIST or NOEFOLK BRASSES. ALDBOROUGH (continued.) III. Eii. iu civil dress, witli anelace on his riglit side, c. 1480-1490. Possibly Eichai-d Eicards (?), see No. T. Nave, H. Size of eff, 35f by 8i. Local. lY. Insciip. — shield lost. Clement Herward, Gent., 1427. North aisle partly covered up, H. C. G. E. B. — •• an effigA- lost." Size, 18J by 5}. V. Inscrip. Kichard Eicards (?), 1493. Broken and now loose in vestry, H. Size, 15 by "2. Local. ANTINGHAM. I. Eii. in arm , four shields, group of eleven sons and eight daughters, with names — fern. eS., also a device with inscrip. lost. Eichard Calthorp, Esq., 1554, and Anne his wife, daughter of Edmund Hastyng, Esq., 1562. Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. Ixxiv. p. 39. Size of effs., \~\ by 6. n. Inscrip. William Keson, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 7 by 2i. Local. m. Inscrip. Henry Keson, Eector, 1502. Nave. Size, 13 by 2^. Local. IV. Shield and inscrip. Bartram Calthorp, Esq., 1596- He married Margaret, daughter and coheir of Edmond Tichcbourne, of Eatonbridge [i.e., Edenbridge] in the county of Kent, Esq. They had two sons and six daughters. Nave. Size, 71 by 7f. ANMER. I. Inscrip. liicliard Parry, "A Cambro britan and person heere, for 56 or 57 years," 1624, rot. 80. Chancel. Size, 15;V by 4. Local. ASHWELLTHORPE. 1. Inscrip. of eight verses, last line defaced. Jano Knyvett [wife of Edmd. Knyvett], and daugliter of Sir John Bourchier, Kt., Lord Bernors, a widow twenty- throe years, 1561. North chapel. Size, 18 bj- Oj. Local, verj' curious. 4! a a: LIST OI- NORFOLK BRASSES. ATTLEBRIDGE. I. Clialico and iuscrip. George Cuynggam (Conyng- bam), Vicar, c. 1525. rimueol, H. Sizo, lOA l)y 2i. Local. II. Iuscrip. Johu Wafyu "of Attilbrigge," 1457. Nortli aislo. Size, 15J by 4. III. Inscrip. — heart lost. Hugh Ucjcii, 1486, nnd Jonn liis wifo. Nave. Size, 13J by 3. IV. Iuscrip. Thomas Peck, " in festo Sci Lauroncii." 1493. Navo. Size, 132 by if. V. Iuscrip. — shiehl lost. William, sou aud heir of Williaui Elys, Baron of the Exchequer, c. 1520. Nave, H. Size, 15 by 2. VI. Inscrip. Alexander Bedingfehl, Gent., 1588. Nave, on same slab as No. III. Size, 14J by 5f. AYLSHAM. I. EC. of eccli^siastic iu almuee, five scroUs, &c., with shield, merchant's mark, and inscrip. Thomas Tyl.sou, B.C.L., Vicar, c. 1490, much worn. Chancel, H. Size of brass, 59 by 21 J; size of eff., 2n by 7*. II. Eff. iu civil dress, with wife, much woru, c. 1500. Chancel. Size of effs., 18A- by 6. Local. III. Eff. iu civil dress, wife, and iuscrip. Hubert Farmau and Katheriue his wife, c. 1490, worn. Chancel. Size of effs., 16 by 4^. Local. rV. Two skeletons in shrouds and inscrip. Eichiird Howard, Citizen and Sheriff of Norwich, 1499, and Cecily his wife. Chancel, II. Size of skeletons, -Jaj by of. Local. V. Eff. in shroud and inscrip. Thomas Wymci', "worsted wouer," A benefactor to the church both during life aud after death. 1507. Chancel, II. Size of eff., 31J by 10. Local. VI. Inscrip. John Furmary, B.D., Vicar, Archdeacon of Stowe, and Prebend, of Walton in Lincoln Cathedral, " II painefull preacher," c. 1610. Chancel. Size, 22 by (i^'. LIST OF KOEFOLK BRASSES. BACONSTHORPE. I. Eff. uf lady kneeling, in heraldic di'ess, and inscrip. Apparently portion of a brass, formerly mural, above an altar-tomb, now destroyed, to Sir Cbristopber Hej'don, 1579 ; his first wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Drui-y, 1561, and his second wife Temperance, daughter of Sir Wj-monde Carewe, and widow of Thos. de Grej', Esq., of Merton, 1577. The eff. mural, and inscrip. on the sQl of a window in the south aisle.- — Ch. Her. of Norf., ii. 11; Norf. Archtj. xi. 73. Size of efi., 12 by 7; size of inscrip., 28J^ by 6i. II. Three shields, two ou a tomb against the north wall of the chancel, and a third mural in the south aisle, with the arms of Heydon, &c. Apparent^ belonging to a tomb now destroyed, to Sir John Heydon, 1550, and his wife Katherine Willoughby. Fonnerly in the north aisle. Size, 7 by 6. ni. Shield and inscrip. Dame Anne Hej'don, one of the daughters of John Dodg, Esq., first wife of John Potts, Esq., of Mauington, and then wife of Sii- Christopher Heydon, 1642. Mural iu the south aisle. — Cii. Her. of Koif., ii. 11; Korf. Archy., si. 73. Size, 18f by 9. lY. Inscrip. Ahee, daughter of Henry Heydon, Esq., 1479. !Mural iu south aisle. Size, I3iby'-'.V. V. Inscrip. ]!i^v. Josepli Clark, Eoctor, and Sarah his wife, 1693, xi. oG. Mural in chancel. Size, 12A by 8i. BANHAM. I. inscrip. Dame Elj-sabcth Mowntncy, " sumtjTue pryores" (of the nunnery of St. Georg(>, Thctfoi-d). Nave, H. Size, 15 by -1. On the same stone is tlio matrix of another which was iu Latin, meutioued iu LI. JVorf. i. 357, to the same lad_v, with date 1518. Tlio stone was probably brought from Thetford after the Dissolution. Brass, in i he Church or B^RN1N0HAH- TVlNTFR, probably ^'of JOHN WINTER, Knight of the Shire, 14 7, and I '4 M . LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BARNEY. I. Iiiscrip. (nmtilatod). Hnnry Hlowor, "alias Bnrkoro do li.'rnovo," c. 1500. Nave. Size, lOA by 2. BARNHAM BROOM. I. IfaU' cfl. in civil dross with scroll — inscrip. lust. Edmimd Bryghteve (?), 1467. Nave, H. Size of eff. and scroll, 1.') by 5. Local. n. Eff. in civil dress, with wife, sliield, and inscrip. John Dorant and Aleno (Ellena) his wife, 1514. Nave, IT. Size of off., 18.\ by (5. Local. BARN INGHAM NORTHWOOD. I. Eff. in arm., wife, grouiis of five sons and seven daughters, four shields, and inscrip. Henry Pagrave, Esq., 1516, and Anne his wife. North aisle, H. — Palyrave Memorials, p. fi. Size of eSs., 31 by 12. Local. Size, 91 Nave. BARNINGHAM WINTER. I. EH. in arm. and two shields^nscrip. lost. Probably for John Wynter, Esq., Knight of the Shire, 1-107 and n I -1, c. 1410. Mural, II. Size of e£f., 44 by \U. II. EvangeUstic symbol. Mural. Probably belonging to No. I. BARSHAM, EAST. I. Inscrip. with shield, now on the outer wall of a cottage. Not commemorative, but having relation to James Calthorpe's foundation of alms-houses, 1637. 11. Wiiifcr^s Selection of Norfolk Antiquities, i. pt. 5. Size, 17^ by 13J. II. Inscrip. Eobert Baton, 1472. Nave. by2f. III. Inscrip. James Bacon, 1531 (in Arabics), Size, 8J by 2i. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BAESHAM, WEST. I. luscrij). BarT)ara, daughter of Eoger Godsalve, Esq., and -wifo of Jolin Pots, Esq., 1615, ''died in childbed, set. 25." Chancel. Size, 1(5 bj- 7A. n. Shield and iuscriia. Edward Gouruar, 1641, and Martha his wife, daughter of Sir Edward Lewkenor. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii. pi. xciii. \i. -16; Record of House of Gonrnaij, p. 472. Size, IGJ by 1-i. BARTON TTJRF. I. In.'scrip. Thomas Am.ys, 1495 (?) '• wliich gaf a mesbook, and made this chapel her, and a sewte of blowe damask also gaf I of God, mccccxc. and v. yer." South chapel. — TFinfer^s Selections of Norfolk Aniiqwitics, ii. iit. (5. Size, 18i by 7A. II. luscrip. Thomas Aniys, and Margery his wife, "of such godes as god had the seid thorns lent, dede make thys chapel of Seint Thorns to a good ctont." See No. I. South chapel. Size, 22.V by 4. in. luscrip. — chalice lost. John Idewyn, Vicar, 1497. Chancel. Size, 214^ by 3. rV. luscrip. John Kocke, 1512. Nave. Size, 11 by 'Ji. BAWBURGH. I. Elf. in civil dross and in.scrip. — off. of wife lost. Eobert Grote, 1500, and Agnes his wife. Nave, 11. Size of efi., lOA by 3*. Local. II. E£E. in shroud, and inscrii)., on the same stone as Nos. III. and YII. Thomas Tyard, S.T.15., ^'icar 1505. Chnncel, H. Size of elf., 23.V by 7. Local. III. Elf. in shi-oud. Chancel. II. Part of No. Til Size, 14 by 3,?. IV. Chalice and inscrip. Will. liichers, Vicnr, 1531. Cliancel, ll.—Norf Archy., x. 201; Itaincs' Introd., c.xxv. Size, IG.i by 2. Local. WM tennnitinioiiaiBiffi oDffiiitfw Dif :ia mmiiiMlffinniffltrtiuiDpsKiMiBoinfrfnno ^HASS A1 pEESTON J^EQIS. LIST OF XORFOLK BRASSES. BAWBORGH {amliiiutil.) V. luscrip. — off. lost. EdTuuml Eyjjhtwys, S.T.P., Rector of St. Ariclmol-at-ricn, Norwicli, niid Viciir of tliis parish, 1493. Chiincol, TT. Size, loA hy ;!,]. Lociil. VI. Inscrip. Uobert T3'lne}' and lsa1)olla liis wife, (-.1490. Nave, H. Size, 1 3J by 2. Local. VII. Shield niul inscrip. Philip Teuisoii, S.T.P., Hector of Iletliersctt and Foulsham, Ai-chdeacon of Norfolk-, 1660. Ohancpl, R.— CV*. m,: of Nnrf.. i. 2C.7. Size, l>.)i l.y 10^'. Sec No. III. BEECHAMWELL. I. Eli. of ecclesiastic in oucharistic vestments — inscrip. lost, c. 1385; perhaps John Chervyll, Eector, 1349-1384. Chancel, ll.—Boufell's Series. Size, 20^ by 6. Eelaid. II. Half eff. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments, and inscrip. John Grymston, Eector, 1430. Chancel, H, Size of off., \-2h by 7 J. BEESTON REGIS. I. Eff. in civil dress, with a firearm suspended from hi.s neck, wife, and inscrip. John Dcynes, 1527, and Catherine his wife. Chancel, formerly on an altar tomb in the north aisle, with death's head, &c., H. Size of off., 22 by 8. Local. II. Two evangelistic symbols, St. Mark and St. Luke, surrounded by inscrijJS. — eff. of ecclesiastic lost, c. 1470. Chancel, 11 ; possibly removed from Boeston Priorj'. Size, ■) in. diameter. III. Inscrip. Eobert Eyston, Canon, "ffratris isti' loci," c. 1500. Chancel ; possibly removed from Beeston Priory. Size, 13i by 2^. Local. rV. Inscrip. Thomas Sprynggold, c. 1500. Chancel Size, 7i by 2^. Local. V. Inscrip. Thomas Hook, 1522. Chancel. Size, 12^ bj' IJ. Local. VI. Inscrip. Thomas Syso (Symson), Priest, 1531. Chancel, H. Size, 10 liy -1]. Local. 8 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BEESTON ST. LAWRENCE. I. Shield and inscrip. James Preston, Gent., 1630: in-obablj- 1627 corrected to 1630, vet. 66. This brass was removed from Old Buckenham. Chancel. Size of shield, 101 by 12^ ; size of inscrip. 14 hj 5. BEIGHTON. I. Inscrip. John TjTope, 1524. South aisle. Size, 131 by 2. Local. II. Inscrip. Isabella, wife of John Hfine, 1525. South aisle. Size, lOi by 2. Local. BELAUGH (South Erpingham). I. Chalice and inscrip. John ffeelde. Clerk, Eector, 1508. Chancel, H. Size, 22i by 2i. Local. n. Inscrip. W' illiam ffeelde, c. 1500. Chancel. Size, 8 by 2J. Local. TTT. Inscrip. "William Pawe, Clerk, Eector " de Bilaw," 1552. North aisle. Size, 12 by 2. Local. BILLINGFORD Earsham). I. Inscrip. Cliarles Le Grys, Gent., 1634, only son of Henry Le Grys, and Ann his wife, daughter of Anthony Yaxley. Chancel. Size, 8.V liy 7. Local. BINHAM. I. Eff., three-quarter length, in civil dress, and wife — inscrip. lost, c. 1530. Much worn. Nave. Size of ofEs., 13-J by oj. Local. BINTRY. I. Chalice and inscrip. Thomas Iloont, Chaplain, Eector, 1510. Worn. Nave, 11. Size, 18 by 2. Local. II. Portion of inscrip. Eobcrt Goodwj-n and Margaret his wife, 1518. Nave, U. Size, 2 wide. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BINTRY {conlinurd). III. Inscrip. Edmund Eusto, 1525. Navo, II. Size, 1 1^ by 2. Local. IV. Inscrip. William Eusto, 1531. Navo, II. Size, 12.V'by2. Local. BIRCHAM, GREAT. 1. Inscrip. Edith Coote, wife of "Mast John Wattis, Notary," c. 1470, Nave. Size, 12 by 2A. BIXLEY. I. Inscrip. Stephen jNIathii, 1463. Chancel. Size, 9 by 2f . BLAKENEY. I. Shield and inscrip. John Calthorpe, Esq., 1503, "one of the founders of . . .?" and jVlice [Astley] his wife, Nave, H. Size, 15 by 3^-. Local. II. Inscrip. Eichd. Brown and Avice his wife, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 7i by 3. Local. III. Inscrip. William Eowd and Helene his wife, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 12J by 2. Local. IV. Inscrip. Henry Scheppard and Katherine his wife, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 13 by 2. Local. V. Inscrip. Thomas Dobb, 1604. South aisle. Size, 17 A by 2A. BUCKLING. I. Bust in civil dress — inscrip. lost, c. 1360. North aisle, H. — Haines' Introd., p. cxxxiv. Size, 9f by 7. II. Eff. in arm., foTir shields and marginal inscrip. Sir Nicholas Dagworth, 1401, Lord of the IManor, Knight of the Shire, 1397; much employed in diplomatic services by Edward III. and Eichard II. South aisle, II. — Goiigh, ii., pt. ii. pi. i. ji. .5 ; C'otman, i., pi. xiii. p. U ; BoutelVs Series. Size of brass, 75 bj- 35 ; size of off., 66 bj^ 25. Peculiar, but not local. J) 2 10 LIST OP NOEFOLK BRASSES. BLICKLING {conlmued). III. Eff. in civil dress, wife, eleven sons and five daughters standing before their parents ; with iuscrip. Eoger fielthorp, 1454, and Cecily, his wife. Nave, H. Cotman, i., pi. xxiii. p. 10. Size of eSs., 12 by 7. IV. Eflf. of a maiden lady with flowing hair, and inserip. Cecilie Boleyn, sister to Geoif. Boleyn, Lord of the Manor, 1458, "who decessed in hir maydenhode of the age of L yeeres." Chancel, H. — Gough, ii., pi. xl. p. 120. Size of eff., 18i by 5^. V. Efi. of young lady, shield, and iuscrip. Anna, daughter of William Boleyn, Esq., aged 3 years, 11 months, and 13 days, 1479. Chancel, H. — Ooxigh ; Ibid.; CotiDcin, i., pi. xx-xiii. p. 23. Size of eff., 18 by 5. YI. Eif. of lady with butterfly head-dress and fine necklace, shield, and inserip. Isabella [Boleyn], wife of ^Villiam ChejTie, Esq., of the Isle of Sheppey, co. Kent, 1485. Chancel, H. — BouteWs Series. Size of efli., 27 by 8. Local. VII. Etf. of lady, holding in her arms two babies swaddled, with inserip. Anna a Wodc, second wife of Thomas Asteley, Esq., of Melton Constable, 1512. " ciue in die sci Agapiti mris masculu et femellu ad purtii pcpit et post pariendi Piculu subito migravit ad dmn A" humanissimi (?) V' XU" Xpi." Nave, YL.— Guugh, ii., pi. xxxviii. p. 309 ; Cotman, i., pi. Ii. p. 30 ; Introduction of ITaities, p. 221. Size of eff., 17 by o. Local. VIII. Inserip. Master Uenry Jerveys, Eector, 1460. North aisle. Size, 1 1 by 2^. Local. IX. Inserip. Geoff. Appelyerd, c. 1500. Smith aisle. Size, 7 by 2. Local. X. Inserip. Agnes Applyyerd. 1484, "y= iii Sunday in Lent;" also Eobert Phillepes and ^V■iIhn. IJoynald, her husbands. South aisle, H. Size, 21 A by 3. Local. XI. Inserip. Willm. Balys, c. 1490. Nurtli aisle. Size, 7i by 2^. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 11 BUOKLINQ [mditiufd). XII. rortion of inscrip. Joan Ward, 1490. North aislo. Size, 'JJ wide. Local. XIII. Inscrip. Antony, son of Sir William Boleyn, 1493. Chnucol. Size, 17 by 2^. Local. XIV. Inscrip. Margaret Walo (Walsh?), c, 1490. Nave. Size, 8 J by 2. Local. XV. Inscrip. Eoger Walssh, Gent., 1499. South nislo. Size, 15Jby2J. Local. XVI. Inscrip. John Catys, 1503, in Ai-abics. South aislo, II. Size, 14Jby2i. Local. XVII. Inscrip. John Cok, 1503, in Arabics. Nave, II. Size, 12 by 2J. Local. XVIII. Portion of inscrip. Agnes Lekyl? c. 1500. North Aisle. Size, 2^ Tvide. Local. XIX. Inscrip. Thomas Barker, c. 1500. South ai«le. Size, 7 by 2. Local. XX. Inscrip. John Barker, c. 1520. South ai.sle. Size, lOA by 2. Local. XXI. Inscrip. Margaret Grise, e. 1520. Nave. Size, 5^ by 2. Local. XXII. Inscrip. Eobt. Grise, 1518. Nave. Thi.s wan in existence in 18G2.— C. G. E. B. Size, 8 by 2. Local. BLOFIELD. I. Inscrip. John Ilowys, father of Thomas Ilowys, Qerk, Eector, 1458. Chancel. Size, 16^ by 2. II. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of John Barnard, 1497. South aisle. Size, 13} by 3. Local. III. Inscrip. John Kydman, 1524, and Margaret his wife. Nave. Size, 13 by 3. Local. IV. Shield and inscrip. Edward Paston, Esq., second son of Sir Thos. Paston, 1630. This was placed by his sou John Paston, Esq. Chancel. Size, 21 by 12. V. Shield and inscrip. Margaret, wife of Edward Paston, Esq., and daughter of Henry Berney of Eecdhani, 12 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BLOFIELD (mitinued). Esq., 1641. Placed by John Paston, Esq., her son and Exor. Chancel.— C/i. Mer. of Korf., i. 226. Size, 24 by I5i. VI. Inscrip. Mr. James Booty, 1666. South aisle. Size, 11 by 7. Verj' curious; local. [Blacksmith perhaps.] BODHAM I. Inscrip. John Fuller, 1512. Nave. Size, Hi by 2. Local. BOOTON. I. Inscrip. Mary, daughter of Christphr. Layer, Citizen and Aldei-man of Norwich, 1592. "Eequiesco in pace." Chancel. Size, 15 by 5. BRADENHAM. EAST. I. Inscrip. Bridget, wife of Francies Page, of Norwich, "baker." 1646. Size, 11 by 6^. Local. BRADESTONE. I. Inscrip. Osbert, son of John Bemey, Esq., "of Eedhili [Reedham], Lord of Braystoii," c. 1470. Chancel. Size, 10 by If. Local. BRADFIELD. I. Inscrip. John Tebald, 1490, and wives Agnes and Elizabeth. Nave. Size, 17^ by 3. Local. II. Inscrip. John, son of Jolin Tebold, 1503. Nave. Size, 12 by HA. Local. III. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of Thomas Beins, 1534. " Et p' quib) tonct'." Nave. Size, 15^ by 2. Local. BRAMPTON. I. Efls. in shrouds, representation of Virgin and Child, scrolls and inscrip. — .shield lost, llobert Brampton, Esq., 1468, and Isabella his wife. Chancel, II. Size of brass, 30 by 16i ; size of effs., 15i by 4i. II. Eff. in arm., and two wives, four sons, shield and ^uWrr (xxb a^aimoie ojipuo^racrt ecce laobti 2Biampt(iu m\%\ ftbunttia Ma pj^eum anuo-ffiillmo.lauuait) Dif pmmDo I §> 5) quaitrft^t^jt orto mifaaitte e mmDo fLOViim etaiirmJCalicTIacattaiuTatitrIg) robert brampton. esq. 1468 and wife isabella. Brampton. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 13 BRAMPTON {cmlinue,!). inscrip. John Brampton, Esq., 1535, with Tomassoj'iifi; nud AuTio, his wivos. ]\[ural, noi'tli siil(>, not phu'ud in any order, II. Size of effs., 21 J by 71. III. Eff. in gown, &c., wife, group of sons, shield, and inscrip. — group of daught(>rs lost. Edward Brampton, Esq., and Jono his wife, daughter of Oliristophcr Daubeni-y, Esq., 1622. Chancel, II.— C/i. Ilcr. of Nor/., ii.. 25. Size of effs., 18^ by Ih. IV. Inscrip. Emma, wife of Willin. TJoj-mos, Esq., daughter of Eobcrt Brampton, Esq., 1483. Mural, H. Size, 2(i.V by 3 J. V. Inscrip. Robt. Breton, Esq., 1479. lie married Elizth., daughter of Thomas Brampton, Esq. Mural, H. Size 15 by Z\. VI. Inscrip. Charles Brampton, 1631. Mural, II. Size, lOJ by 7. VII. Inscrijj. (coffin plate). Guybou GoJdard, Serjeant at Law, 1671, rot 58, " cujus animte propitiotur deus." [Very remarkable for date.] Mural. Size, 9A by 5}. BEANCASTER. I. lusirip. — heart and three scrolls held by hands issuing out of clouds on a shaft, lost. Willm. Cotyng, I{ector, 148[5] "qui hie uuc in puluere dormit e.xpectans adventu Eedemtoris sui." Chancel. Size, 20 by 4. Local. II. Inscrip. James Ilabbys, Eector, 1519. Nave. Size, \\\ by 2. Local. . III. luscrip. Sixteen English verses, curious. Robert Smith, " Founder of the Free School and Almshouse," 1596. Nave. Size, 21 by 12. IV. Inscrip. "William Tayler, Merchant, 1641, pet 77. Nave. Size, 18 by 4. BRANDON PARVA. I. Lascrip. Christiana Biik, c. 1520. Nave. Size, 9 by 2J. 14 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BRISLEY. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in eucliaristic vestment (head mutilated) holding chalice, and with inscrip. John Athowe, Eector of Horningtoft, 1531. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. ci. p. 49 ; Carthew^s Launditch, ii. 648. Size of eff., 19 by 7. Local. II. Shield, with arms of Taverner — inscrip. lost. South aisle. Size, 5 J by 6i-. III. Inscrip. Eobert Gogney, 1505. H. Size, 16 by of. IV. Inscrip. Eobert Markante, 1525, and Eose his wife. H. Size, 18f by 4 J. V. Inscrip. Christopher Athowo. 1585. II. Size, lOi by 31. BRISTON I. Inscrip. Hyng. (?) Smythe, 1532. Nave. Size, 11 i by 2 J. Local. BROOME. I. Two coloured shields, portions of two scrolls — etfs. and inscrip., &c., lost. Placed in the splaj' of a south window in the nave. See Norf. Archij., x. 206, for an account of it. Size of bi-ass, 30J hy 17A. BROOKE. I. Inscrip. Jane Ward, 1544. Size, 20 Ijy 1 ]:. Local; curious, on a fillet of one line. II. Inscrip. Thomas Tcsmond, Gent., 1626. Size, 91 hy 4. Local. BUCKENHAM FERRY. 1. Inscrip. Geoffrey Palmer, c. 1500. Louse in chest, C. G. E. B., "in 1882." Size, 8.-' by 2.1. Local. BUCKENHAM, NEW. 1. IiiMilp. .Vlico, wife of AVilllain Kiiyvet, Esq.; daughter of John Grey, son of Ecginald Grey, Lord of Eytliyn, 1474. Loose in chest. Size, 16J by 3. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 15 BUCKENHAM, OLD. I. Chalico, c. 1520. Navo, H. II. Bird with .scroll. " Deo Gracias."— iy/f. Nvrf., n. 392. H. Size, 6 by 3^. III. Insorip. Matthew Rturdyvant, Gent., 1604, a)t. 86. Ho left £100 to maiutciiauco of a school, nnil £10 for two new bells. Chancel. Size, 'I'i} by 6. IV. There is a modern shield in the nave in memory of the Preston family, probably copied from an older one. —Bl. Xorf., u. 392. BURGH ST. MARGARET. I. Ell", of occh'siastic in gowTi, kneeling; and inscrii). John Burton, Eector for about 28 years, 1608, fet. 68. Mural, chan('ol, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. civ. p. .50. Size of elf., 12 by 9.^. BURLINGHAM, NORTH (St. Andrew). I. luserip. .John Blak, 1505, and Katheriue his wife. Tower. Size, 12f by 3i. BURLINGHAM, NORTH (St. Peter.) I. Inscrip. — a shield lost. Henry WUton, Eector, 1507, in Arabics. North aisle. Size, 11 ^ by 2. II. Inscrip. lialph Godwin, 1518, and Agnes his wife. Nave. Size, 14i by 2. TIT. In.scrip. Gregorj' Mileham and members of his family, 1540—1615. Chancel, mural. Size, 13J by 10. rV. Inscrip. of six verses. Will. GUman, c. 1600. At the east end of the church,' outside. Size, 12i- by 3^. BURLINGHAM, SOUTH (St Edmund). I. Chalice and iuscriji. Sir Willm. Cartes, 1540. Chancel, H. — BoidM's Monumental Brasses. Size, IH by 2i. 16 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. BURLINGHAM, SOUTH [amtintied). II. Inscrip. Jolin Hewlett, Chief Constable of the Himdi-ed of Blofield, 1615. Loose in chest in 1887. H. III. Inscrip. William Smyth, Clerk, 1639. Chancel, H. Size, 9i by 2f . On the same slab as No. I. BURNHAM OVERT. I. Inscrip. Thomas Thj-rlow, 1516. Nave. Size, 15i by 2. II. Inscrip. Katherjm ThjTlow, 1517. Nave. Size, 14 J by 2. BURNHAM THORPE. I. Eii. in arm. ^vith collar of SS's., canopj' with embattled entablatiu-e, marginal inscrip., shields, and devices. Sir "Willm. Calthorpe, lord of the manor and patron of the church, son of ' Sir Oliver Calthorpe, and his wife Isabella, daughter of Sir Robert Bacon, of Erwartou. 1420. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. sviii. p. IG. Size of brass, 89 by 41 ; size of elf., 4-2A by 15. II. Inscrip. marginal, mutilated — e£F. lost (?). Katherine IIoo, daughter of PhiUipp EusseU, c. 1630. Inside a pew in the nave. Size of inscrip., lA wide. III. Inscrip. Philip Cornwaleys, Rector, j'oungest son of Sir AVilliaiu Cornwalejs, Kt.. 1680. Chancel. Size, Ifiiby 8]. BURNHAM WESTGATE. 1 . Kll'. of lady, group of one sou and two daughter.s, with iusorip. (mutilated) — male eff,, &c., lost. John Huntel}-, 1523. In a frame in tho vestry, H. Size, 17A by GJ. BUXTON. 1. Chalice and inscrip. Robt. Northen, Yicar, 1508. Chancel, within rails. Size, TiA by 3. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 17 BUXTON {conliaued). II. Inscrip. CocUy Abbys, ^^^do^v, 1506. Ndrth aisle. Size, 13 by 3i. Local. III. Inserip. John Manyg (Manning), c. 1500. North aish". Size, 10^ by 3^. Local. rV. Inscrip., four English verses, curious. Walter Stubbe, "yong Stubbe Waltere, hose sowle Cristo Jhii mut have, for wt. his holi blode he bougth it full dere." 1527. South aisle. Size, 15J by 3. Local. BYLAUGH (Eynesford). I. Ett". in ami., wife, three shields, four scroUs, inscribed "Yenk," and inscrip. — one shield lost. Sir John Cursou, 1471, "qui obiit in die fabiani et Sebastiani," and his Tvife Jone (Drury ?). Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xxxii. p. 22. Size of effs., 41^ by 12J. Local. CAISTER (next Yarmouth.) I. Inscrip. Marie, wife of Thomas Goodie, 1635. Nave. Size, 20 by 8. n. Inscrip. Thomasin, daughter of Henry Eandall, 1613. Chancel, within rails. Size, 2^ by U. CANTLEY. I. Inscrip. Henry Hyldewell, 1519. Loose in a chest in the tower. Size, ]4| by 2J. Local. II. Inscrip. of ten verses. Frances, wife of Edward (iaudye, 1637. Chaucel. Size, 12^ by 6^. CARLETON EOREHOE. I. In-sciip. Edward Tyllys, Gent , c. 1520. Size, 8| by 2. Local. CARLTON, EAST. I. Shield. Arms of Appleyard. In possession of Rev. C. 1{. Manning, the Eectory, Diss. Size, oi by -JJ. IS LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. CASTLEACRE. I. Inscrip. William ffuller, 1523. North aisle. Size, II. Inscrip. Marie, sometime wife of Edmund Hudson, draper, daughter of Edmund Barkham of Southacre, 1612. Tower. Size, le^bjMi. CATFIELD. 1. Inscrip. Iiichard Newys and Katherine his wife, t. 1500. Xave. Size, 16i by 2. CATTON. I. Inscrip. John Keton, sen., and his wife Margaret, c. 1500. North chapel. Size, 15 by 2^. II. Inscrip. John Broude, 1542, and his wife Annes. North chapel. Size, 17 l)y 3. CAWSTON. I. Inscrip. William Donne, 1503. and Elianore his wife. Size. 14 by 2 J. Local. II. Inscrip. Robert Eupe (Rumpe), 1521. Size, lli by 4. Local. III. Inscrip. Henry Goodman, 1526. Size, 11 by 2}. Local. IV. Inscrip. — oifs. and shield lost. \MlIiam Gurnay and Anne [Waj-tes ?] his wife, 1595. South transept, 11. Size, 18 by -5. CLEY. I. Eff. in civil dress, c. 1460. Loose in vestry. Size, 19i by G. II. Group of .six sons. Probably belonging to No. 1. Loose in v&stry, H. Size, Tj bj- 3,J. III. Eff. in civil dress, c. 1450 — feet lost. Loose in vestry. Size, 21 J by 7 J. 4 i LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 19 CLET (contimiril). TV. Effs. in slirouds, with separate tfls. of four sons and four daughters, each ono named, nine scrolls inscribed "Now tlius," and inscrips. reversed. Joliii Syiuondcs, ''marihiuuit," lo()8, and Agnes liis wife, 1512. South chapel, II. — Cotman, ii., pi. c.\. p. 52. Size of effs., 39 l)y 11. Y. EfT. (if ecclesiastic, in academital dross and cap, lioldiug ehiilice with wafer, and iuscrip. John Yslyngton, S.T.P., c. 1520. North aisle, Iti.— Cotman, ii., pi. xcvi. p. 47. Size, 16^ by (J. Local. VI. Inserip. John Symondis, 1505; also Agnes 1-182, and Margaret, his wives. Loose in vestry. Size, 24 by 7J. VII. Inserip. Henry Barn .... (Barnaby ?), c. 1500. Now placed below No. III. Local. VIII. Inserip. Eobert Tayllar, 1578. Palimp. base of canopy? Loose in vestry. Size, Idj by :!j. IX. lusL-rip. Kichard Kalye, 1588, with jilate beneath, and thereon a test. South aisle. Size, 18 by 5.V. X. Inserip. Thomas Greve, 1613. North aisle. Size, 14f by 3A. CLIPPESBY. I. Eff. in civil dress, wife, and portion of inserip.. which is loose. Thomas Pallyng, 1503, and Emma his wife. H. — BouteU's Hon. Brmaes, pp. 88, 110. Nave. Size of effs., 2.i| by 9. Local. II. E£E. in arm., wife, group of three daughters and one son in a shroud, seven shields and inserip. John Clippesby, Esq., 1594, and Julian his wife. Chancel, H. — Voiman, ii., pi. Ixxxiv. p. 4.i. Size of effs., 24 by 9A. This was formerly on an altar-tomb, now demolished. III. Portion of inserip. Sir John Heron, rector, 1472 (?). Palimp. — in the possession of the rector in 1886. Size, 2J wide. This was dug up in the garden of the old rectory. 20 LIST OF NOHFOLK BRASSES. COLBY. I. Inscrip. Thomas "Walsli, Gent., 1451, and wife Marj^aret, 1494. Size, 20J by 3J. Local. II. Inscrip. Alice, wife of Thomas Sadeler, 1496. Size, 16 bj 2i. Local. III. Inscrip.— shield lost. Eobert Walssh, 1503. wife Margery and son Thomas, 1480. Size, 23i by 3. Local. IV. Inscrip. Geoffrey Walssh, Clerk, Eector, 1508. Loose, in the possession of the rector. H., where it is stated that a chalice was originally belonging to it. There is a small matrix of both chalice and inscription in the church; but this brass will not fit thereon. Size, 13 by 3. V. Three scrolls, partly covered by font. Probably part of the brass to f-ir Thos. Attewood, Chaplain — eff. lost. Size, J wide, COLNEY. I. Chalice and inscrip. Henry Alikok, rector, 1502. Chancel, H. Size, 1 3 by 2i. Local. II. Inscrip. Eobert Pytcher, 1641. Nave, H., where it is given as "Pylcher." Size, 17A by 3. COLTISHALL. I. Inscrip. Eobert Postyl, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 4J by '21. Local. II. Portion of inscrip. "Pray for the sowle of William Br[asey]," c. 1480. Nave. Size, 4 wide. The letters in brackets supjilied fi'om Sketches for an Ecclesiology of Norfolk, p. 194. Local. COLTON. I. Inscrip. Tliomas Spendlove, Gent., late "Cheifo Constable of this hundred," 1631, set. 45. Size, 12 by 6. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BR^VSSES. 21 CONGHAM. J. Iiiscrip. Jolin Norris, 1571, and Edmond his 2'' soil. 1607. Chancel. Sizo, 20} by 4. II. Inscrip. Henry Spehnan, 1581, and Francis liis wife, 1622, daughter of William Saundor, Esq. There is a shield above it incised on the slab. Thoy wore parents of the noted Sir Henry ISpelnian, described licrcon as "clarissimus doctissimns que vir." Chancel. Size, 2(1 by 21. III. In.scrip. Thomas Rondish, 1632, heir of Tfichard (Bendish) of Essex, Esq. Chancel. Size, 20J by (ij. COSTESSEY. I. Inscrip. Isabella Yemys, c. 1500. Xave. Size, 1 1 .; by 2. liocal. II. Inscrip. Thomas Spantti, 1521. Nave. Size, 10 by 2|. Local. III. Inscrip. William Wood, "the hcldor," 1539. Nave. Size, 17i by 2. Local. IV. Inscrip. Francis, wife of Thomas Laier, of Booton, Esq., eldest daughter of Sir Edward Waldegrave, 1629. He left three sons. Chancel, within rails. Size, 19J by 0. This Church has been restored since inspection in 188^. CREAZE, NORTH. I. Eff. of man in civil or monastic dress, holding church in his arms, signet ring at the end of the rosary, whicli has beads inscribed with "ave" and "credo"; canopy (mutilated), and two verses at the base — marginal inscrip. lost, c. 1500. Chancel, H. — This is supposed by the Rev. J. Lee- Warner, in his article in the Norf. Archy., ix. 3, to be Sir WiUiam Calthorpe (grandson of Sir William Calthorpe of Burnham Thorpe), who died 1494, aot. 85, and either was probably buried at White Friars' (Carmelite) Church at Norwich, as directed by will, or at Creake Abbey, LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. CREAKE. NORTH (continued). to both of wliicli lie was a benefactor ; and fi'om one of wliicli this was removed here after the Dissolution. Cotmnn, i., pi. cxli. p. 26; Haines' Introd., p. 123. Size of brass as it now remains, GO by 221; size of eff., -10 by loj. Local. CREAKE. SOUTH. I. Half eli'. of ecclesiastic in cope — inscrip. and two shields lost, c. 1400. Nave, H. Size of eff., 18 by 11. II. Eff. of ecclesiastic in cope, &c., with pastoral staff, c. 1500; eff. in civil dress, c 1470 (both headless), and inscrip. — eff. of lady lost. John Norton, Clerk, 1509, his father Eichard, and his mother Cristina. Nave, H. Size of effs., 36 by 9A. Inscrip. local. ni. Shield, " Wheatley impaling Tepys "— eff. of lady and inscrij) lost. Clemence, wife of AViUiam Wheatlc}-, was daughter of Pefi3^s of Croake. 1565. — -See Parish Register. Nave. Size, 6i by 6. CRESSINGHAM, GREAT. I. Etf. in arm , wife, and inscrip. Eichard Eysle, Esq., 1497, and his wife Thomasine. Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xlv. p. 27. Size of effs., 18 by A\. Local. II. Eff. in ci^-il dress, with sacred monogram on vest — eff. of ladj' and inscrip. lost. — See Bl. Sorf., vi. 100. William Ej're, Esq., and Elizabeth [Barnardistonj his wife, 1507. lie was J.P. for Norfolk and Suffolk. Nave, H.— Cotman, i., pi. xlviii. p. 29. Size of eff., 351 by 9|. III. Eff. of ecclesiastic in almuce — inscrip. lost. John Abcrfeld, B.C.L., Eector, 1518. Nave, B..— Cotman, ii., pi. c. p. -19. Size of eff., 19 by 7. Local. lA'. Eff. of lad}', with shield — upper part of eff. and inscrip. lost, 1588 —Sec Bl. Norf., vi. 99. Elizabeth I'ludd, wife of Edward Fludd, Uent., Usher to Queen Elizabeth, and formerly wife of John Jenny. North aisle. Size of Bosard, Gent., and Margery his wife, 1490. Chancel, H. Size of effs., 19 by 7. Local. II. Eff. in civil dress, and son with inscrip. Eoger Bozard, Gent., 1503, and William his son. Nave, H. Size of effs., 17J b}' G and 12 b}- 4. Local. DUNHAM, GREAT. 1. Inscrip. and sliield. TIciir}' Bastard, Gent., "Lord of the Jfanor," 1624. Cliancl. — tV/. Jlci: of Xorf, ii. 106. Size, 19i' by 6. LUNSTON. I. Eff. in civil dress, ou either side oils, of females in shrouds, beneath a plain strip of brass broken ; incised on the slab, three shields and inscrip. Ann, wife of Clere Talbot, LL.U., daughter of William llarborne, 1649. She left three daughters and coheirs by William Sidnor, her first husband. Chancel, II. — Cutman, ii., pi. xcii. p. 46, where the male eff. alone is given ; Guugh, ii., pi. xxxviii. p. .'509. Size of male eff'., 27 bv 7 ; size of fern, effs., 18A l,y H- 4 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 25 EASTON. I. Insciip. Isabella Alberd, c. 1500. H. Size, 8J by ;5. Local. EDINGTHORPE. I. luscrip. Eaffe Spor (?), c. 1500. Nave. Size, 61 by 2. Local. II. Inscrip. Nicolas Linstod, c 1500. Navo. Size, 7A by 2. Local. ELLINGHAM, GREAT. 1. EIT. of lady, c. 1500 --inscrip. lo.st.— ^/. l\or/., i. 488. Probably for Anne, wife, first of Thos. Spelman, Esq., secondly of Eicbard Wyllugby, one of tbo daughters and heirs of Thomas Conyers, 1499. Nave. Size of eff., 27J by lO.i. ELLINGHAM (Claverin?). I. InM-riji. John llamond, Gent., 1632. Size, 15 by 6. ELMHAM, NORTH. I. Inscrip. Joan Fysscher, c. 1500. Yestry. Size, 9i by 2J. Thi.s ma}' be now beneath a chest. II. Inscrip. Will. Fysscher, c. 1500. This is beneath a chest in the vestry. III. Inscrip. Thomas Smith, Pastor, 1631. Size, lOi by 3A. ELSING. I. Eff. in armour, shiehl on arm, head on cushion, legs lost, with fine canopy, having St. George in the centre, and two figures on brackets representing the coronation of the Virgin, at the sides five "weepers," all with their armorial bearings on their jupons — inscrip. and three weepers lost. Sir Hugh Hastyngs, builder of the church, 1347. Chancel, H. — Cutman, i., pi. i. p. 1; Waller, pt. xv. ; Carter's Ancient Sculpture and Painting, i., pi. xii. pp. 13, 37 ; BouteWs Series; Ilainci Intio., p. 155 ; Xorf. Archij., vi. 202. c 2 r 26 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. ERPINGHAM. I. E£E. in fiill plate arm., small portion of marginal inscrip., with two evangelistic sj-mbols, St. Mattliew and St. John. Sir John de Erpingham, died 1370, brass not engraved till c. 1415. South aisle, H — Cotman, i., pi. v. p. 6. Size of efi., 5.5 by 16. II. Inscrijj. AVilliam Hobart, 1611. South aisle, H. Size, 22 by 4J. Local. FAKENHAM. I . Eff . of ecclesiastic in cope, lower part lost, verj' much worn. — marginal inscrip. and canopy lost. Henry Keys, Rector, Archdeacon of Norwich, c. 1428. Chancel, H. Size, 30 by 13 J. II. Eff. of man in ci^al dress, with two wives, both of them headless, 1470. Loo.se in vestry. Size of eiis., 10 by 5. III. Eff. of lady, c. 1510. Probably Audi-ie Narborow. See No. VII. Size of eff., 16 by 5. Local. IV. Foui- double hearts inscribed "Jhu mercy," ''ladi help," one at each corner of a large stone — inscrij). aTul shield lost. Nave, K. Size, 3i by 3 J. V. Portion of marginal inscrip. Probablj' for Ilonry Keys. See No. I. Loose in vestry. Size, IJ wide. VI. Inscrip. llichard Bctteson, Chaplain, 1497, iu Arabics. Loose in veslry. ."^ize, 13b3'2. Local. VII. Portion of inscrip. Audrie Narborow. Loose in vestry. Size, 1 J wide. See No. III. Local. FELBRIGG. 1. l-;ii'. in civil dress, and wife (lower part lost), also eff. in arm. and wife, shield and inscrip. in Norman Froncli. Symond de Felbrig, c. 1351, and his wife Alice, buried at Harling; also Roger do Felbrig, liis son, buried in Prussia, and his wife Elizabeth, c. 1380. Chancel, II. Cotman, i., pi. viLi. p. 8. Size of effs., 35 by lOJ. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 27 FELBRIQQ (conlintifd). II. SLit'lil ill a diaper with inscriii. — tlio coat of arms has boeu cut out. Gcorgo ftolbrygg, Esq., "of Tutyngton," 1411. Nave, B.—Boutell's Ch. Mon., p. 110; Haines Introd., p. 121. Size of design, 10 by 10; size of inscrip., 19 bj' 4.V. III. EfT. in arm., holding standard, wife, canopj', several sliiclds, badges, &c., and inscrip. Sir Symou ffelbrygge, K.G., standard bearer to Eichard II. [1-1-13] and ^[argaret his wife, a native of Bohemia, [daiigliter of Primislaiis, Duke of Tescheu, neplicw of Wincesliius V., King of Bohemia], who was cousin and lady-in-waiting to Anne of Bohemia, Queen of Eichard II., 1416. Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. XV. p. 13; Gough, ii. pi. xlvii. p. 133; BuidelVs Series; JVeekhj Register, No. 5, p. 72 ; Norf. Arch;/., i. o58 (mah' efT. only;. Size of brass, 111 by 46 ; size of effs., 64 by :!0. IV. Efi. of j'oung maiden lady, with flowing liiiir, and one shield — inscrip. and another shield lost, c. 1480. Chancel, II. Cut man, i., pi. Ivi. p. ;il. Size of efi., l;5A by 3^. Local. V. Eff. in arm., shield, inscrip.. and four curious versos. Thomas Windham, Esq., third sou of Sir Edmd. Windham, died 1599, placed by Sir John Windham of Orchard in Somerset, his cousin and heir, c. 1608. Nave, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. Isx.xvii. p. 44. Size of eff., 38 hyl3i. VI. Eff. of lady in ruff, &c., three shields, inscrip., and six verses. Jane, widow of Humphrey Coningsby, Esq., daughter of Sir Edmund Windham, wife, first of John Pope, Esq., of Oxfordshire, 1608, jjlaced by Sir John Windham of Orchard, Somerset, her cousin and heir. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. Ixxxix. p. 45. Size of eff., ■ u by 13A. VII. Inscrip. Eobart Loundo, 1612, '•buried by his wife Agnes." Nave. Size, 10 by 1. Local. 2S LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. FELMINGHAM. I. luscrip. Willm. Belys, 1492. Mural. Size, Hi bj- 2. Local. n. Inscrip. Margaret Belys, 1495. Mural. Size, 12 1 hy 2^. Local. ni. Inscrip. Katherine Howj-s, 1499. Mural. Size, 9} by 2. Local. TV. Inscrip. Edward London, c. 1500. Mural. Size, 7J by 2. Local. V. Inscrip. AViJlin. ffullnr, c. 1500. Mural. Size, 1 1 by 3. Local. VI. Inscrij). AVillin. Verginis and Eleanor his wife, c. 1500. Mural. Size, 12 by 3. Local. VII. Inscrij). Ursula "Wychehynggam, c. 1530. Mural, 11. "On reverse an inscrip. to Wm. Elyss, chaplain, 1500." Size, 10} by 2A. Local. VIII. I'urtion of inscrip. EUzabetb, wife of John . . . . , 1534. Mural. Size, 2 wide. Local. IX. Inscrip. Eobert Moone, 1591. Local. Palimp. On reverse, portion of an eff. of au ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments, c. 1460. ]\Im-al. Size, lOi by 5 J. X. Shield and inscrip. William Wyttwood, Gent., 1628, £Bt. 69. Mui-al. Size, 18 by 6A. These brasses are all placed on the waU by the soutli door, at the west end of nave. FELTWELL ST. MARY. I. Eil'. in arm. and inscrip. ffranci.s Hetht, Esq., of Mildenhall, 1479. He lunl a wife, (xrace. Chancel, mural. Size of eff., 13i by 4.V. II. Eff. of lady and inscrip. Margaret, wife of ffrancis Jfundford. Esq , 1520. Chaiu'cl, mural, H. — Colman, i., pi. liv. p. .'il ; Goxtgh, ii., pi. .xxxviii. p. 309. Size, 18.1 by 6. Local. FIELD BALLING. 1. liLscrip. John Nicholas, 1485, and Margaret his LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 29 FIELD DALUNQ {conlinutd). wife. " (Jui (lederut cniop nrgentea liuic ecclie." Size, Hi 1)V 4\. IT. Tnscrip. Robert Lowys nnd Agnes liis wife, <;. 1500. Si/e, la.Vby 2A. Local. III. Inserip. William Nycoks, 1506, in Arabics. Size, 1.5Aby2. Local. FINCHAM. I. VAX. of fern, in sliroiul, c. 1520. Nnve, IT. Size. 17iby4. II. Inserip. of sixteen verses — mutilated. Thomas Towiisheud ; 15[70]. Nave. Size, ISJ by 13]. FLITCHAM. I. luscrip. Edward Runtliwitt, born at Eippon, Yorlfs, 1614. Nave. Size, 22A by 7. FORNCETT ST. PETER. I. luscrip., with shield incised on the slab. Eichard Baxter, " ignave \iilneratus," 1484, had by his wife Isabella two sons and two daughters. Nave, H. 8izf. 18 by 3|. Local, curious. II. Inserip., with two shields thereon; and one more incised above on the slab. Thomas Baxter, 1535, and JIargaret his wife, daughter of William Drake. They had issue four (?) sons and one daughter. Nave. Size, 21 J by 3 A. Date both in Eoman numerals and Arabics. Local, curious. FOULSHAM. I. In.scrip. Thomas Themylthorp, 1526, and Joan his wife. Mural, south aisle. Eestored to the church by Stephen Tucker, Somer-set Herald. Size, 13f by 2 J. II. Inserip. of two English verses. Eichard Fenn, 1565. Curious. Nave. Size, 17^ by 4. III. Tnsfrip. Sir Thomas Hunt, Kt., "lord and patron of this church and mannor," 1616. Chancel. Size, 14 by 3. 30 LIST or NORFOLK BRASSES. FRAMINGHAM EAEL. I. Inscrip. Heury Buutiug, c. 1500. Xave, H. 8ize. S by If. Local. FRANSHAM, GREAT. I. Eff. iu full plate armour, without misericorde, sword mutilated, canojjy, two sliields, and marginal inscrip. Geoffrey ffransham, Esq., of Great Frausliam, who died on the feast of St. Jerome the Doctor. [1414.] Chancel. H. — Cotman, i., pi. xvi. p. 15 ; Cartheid's EM. of the Himd. of LaundiMi, i. •237. Size of brass, 93 by 43 ; size of eff., 60 by 19. II. Eff. of fern, in shi'oud, c. 1500. Nave, H. "Pro- bably for Cecilia, wife of John Legge." Size, 18A by 4. Local. FRENZE. I. Eff. in arm., three shields, and inscrip. Ralph Blen'haysett, Esq., " venerabihs vir," 1475. Cliancel, H. Etching hi/ JUrs. Hayles. Size of eff., '27 by 7. Local. II. Eff. in arm., two shields, and in-scrij). John Blon'hayset, Esq., 1510. Chancel, II. — ('(dinaii, i., pi. 1. p. 29. Size of eff., 251 by 7.1. Local. III. Eff. of a lady in widow's barbe, cloak, (S:c.. thr{>e shields, and inscrip. Lady Joan, widow of John Brahani, Esq., 1519. Nave, H. — Cotman, i., 2>1. liii- P- 30. Size of eff., 27£ by lO.V. IV. Eff'. in slu'oud and inscrip. Thomas llobson, c. 1520. Nave, H. Size of eff., 11 by 3. Local. y. Eff. of lady in pedinicntal hoad-dre.ss, two shields, and inscrip. Jane, widow of John Blen'haysett, 1521. Nave, H. — Cotman, ii., app. pi. v. p. DO. Size of eff., 28 by 8. VI. Portion of fem. eff., head on a cushion, and inscrip. — eff. of husband lost. Anno, daughter of Sir Thomas Blcnerhaysctt, Kt., and wife of George Duko, Esq., 1551. s < X a z Z tt til. X h O I o S < X z ul h I- ui X LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 31 FRENZE iconlinurd). (Soo Norwich, t>t. Margaret) Chancel, jilaced nortli and south, IL.—Bouteirs Mon. Brasses, p. 139; Arc/ii(. Juunial, ii. 247; O.rJ'urd Manual, p. 10; JIainea' Inlvwl., p. oo. Sizi> of eff.. 27A by 0. Loral, ciirioua. VII. Inscrip. Sir Thomas Blen'haj-sette, Kt., 1531. On east wall of chancel, II. — Cuiman, i., pi. Lxiii. p. 35 and front. The curious eft', in armour, with a tabard, four shields, and f^auntlets on a separate jilate, then engraved, are all lost. Size, 1 9 by (i. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Thomazin Platers, daughter of George ]Hilv(\ Esq., and wife of "William Platers, son and heir of Tliomas Platers, of Soterly, Esq., 1560. On north wall (if chancel, H. Size, 21^ by oA. IX. Shield and in.scrip. — there were more shields. Dame Margaret Blen'hayset, daughter of John Brahani, Esq., of Wetheriugset, and widow of Sir Thomas Blen'- liayset, 1561. They had issue two sons, Thomas, a priest, and Jolm, of Barshaui, co. Sutlolk, and five daughters, Elizabeth, wife first of Lionel Lowth, second of tfrantis Clopton ; Agnes, wife of Sir Anthony Eous ; Anne, who maiTied first George Duke, and second Peter Rede ; Mar- garet, married first to John Spelman, second to John Eyre ; and Katherine, married first to John Gosnold, and second to Anthony AVyngfyld. Chancel, H. Size, 2 1 by 9 J . X. Four shields, crest, and inscrip. Mary, only daughter and heiress of George Blenerhaiset, Esq., eldest son of Sir Thos. Blenerhaiset ; who fii-st married Thos. Culpeper, E.sq., and next Franc. Bacon, Esq. Buried at Petistree, Sulf., ajt. 70. 1587. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., Ixxxiii. p. 43. Size of inscrip., 18^ by bg. FRETTENHAM. I. E£E. of lady with inscrip. of 7 English verses. Myn Brunham, wife of Giles Thorndon, c. 1420. Chancel, H. Size of eS., 19 by 7^. Probably local ; early instance. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. FRETTENHAM {continutd). II. EfE. of lady, c. 1460. Chancel, II., mnraL—JVorf. Arehy., x. 214. Size of eff., 25i by 7. No. III. iwobably belongs to this. III. Inscrip. " Hie jacet Margareta fiUa Johis "Whyte scdT filii Johis White, Mihtis, uxor Eg-idii Seynilowe, Aruiigi, & dna de Mayton, fiHa Alicie filie et heredis Eobti Burnhm de lynne & uxoris Joliis White scdi pdict' & obiit T vigilia natalis diii Ao dni iiccccxxxv. P quoj aiab; it'cedat." Chancel, mm-al. Size, 20-^- by 3. IV. Inscrip. Eobert Brey-ce, c. 1500. Mural, chancel. Size, 5^ by 2^. Local. V. inscrip. Thomas Storme, Gent., 1530. Nave, H. Size, 6 bj' 2|-. This was. in 1888, loose in rectory. Local. VI. Inscrip. Eichard Woodes, M.A., "a painfull and profitable minister of God unto tliis parisli 18 years,"' 1620. !Mural, chancel. Size, 15J by 4. FRING. I. Inscrip. Eicliard Cryspe, 1517. Chancel. Size, 12i by 3. GARBOLDISHAM. I. luserip., with merchant's mark. John Carlton. Mercer. He had, by his wife Elizabeth, four sou.s and nine daughters, 1579. North aisle. Size, 18 by 6.]. GAYWOOD. I. Inscrip. Thomas Hares, rector 36 years, 1634, xt. 62. Placed by Anne his wife. Chancel. Size, 18J by 7i. Local. GILLINGHAM ST. MARY. I. Inscrip. John Kverard, Esq., 1553, and Dorathye his wife, daughter of John Chauncey, Esq., of Chauncey Tower, in the towne of Northampton. Chancel. Size, 16.i by 4J. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 33 GIMMINGHAM. I. luscrip. Anthony Death, Esq., 1612, and Elizabeth his wife, 1589. Nave. Size, 18i by U. n. Inscrip. Elizabeth Browniiige, 1632, and Eobert Browninffo her brother, 1634. Nave. Size, 14 J by 10. lU. Inscrip. Eichd. Browninge and Margaret his wife, both deceased, 1635. Nave. Size, 19 by 9. GISSING. I. Shield and inscrip. Robert Kemp, Esq., 1596, ret. 80, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Smythwine, Esq. They had issue two sons and three daughters. North chapel. Size, 23i by 6. II. Shield— A'emp impaling Cuherham, c. 1600. North Chapel. Size, 4^ by 5 J. GRESHAM I. Inscrip. James Catt, Gent., c. 1500. Size, 9f by 2^. Local. II. Portion of inscrip. " Martiue " Martin Thoson [e'.e. Thompson], 1618. Loose in chest. Size, 5^ wide. GRESSENHALL. I. Shield and inscrip. on one plate. John Estmond, born at Chardstock, Dorset, formerly Fellow of New College, Oxford, D.C.L., and Proctor in the Court of Arches, lately Eector of Saham Toney, 1604, £et. 56. Chancel, mural. Size, 14* by 16^. n. Shield and inscrip, of eight verses. Sarah Estmond, first wife of Thomas Steward, Gent., then of John Estmond, 1609. She had by her fir.st husband four sons and two daughters. Chancel, mural. Size, lOJ by 12J. D 34 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. GUESTWICK. I. Eff. iu civil dress and inscrip. James at hylle, c. 1500. H.— 3V/. Arclnj., xi. 78. Size, 13^ by 4. Local. II. Eff. in ci%dl dress and inscrip. Eiohd. at hyll, 1505. — Sorf. Archy., xi. 77. Size of eff., 12 J by 4. Local. TIT. Clialice and inscrip. Sir John Eob'tson (Eobert- son) and Eobert his father, 1504. U. Size, 19f by 2. Local. IV. Portion of marginal inscrip. " . . . . wife of Stephen Sturmer," c. 1450. Size, 1^ wide. Y. Inscrip. Catrine Eu'ard (Catherine Everard ?), c. 1500. Size, 9 by 2i. Local. W. Inscrip. Gaferj' Stuard, Gent., "pattern of thys cheche," 1547. Size, 7i by 6. Local. GUIST. I. Inscrip. John Brese, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 9 by IJ. Local. II. Inscrip. Eobert Wicks, Gent., 1569, Benefactor. Nave. Size, 16f by 7. GUNTHOEPE. I. Inscrip. Christopher, son and heir of John Houghton, and Elizabeth BardwoLL his wife, 1628. Mural, chancel. Size, 28 by 10. HALVERGATE. I. Bust of woman with turban, and inscrip. " Eobard Swane and his wife," 1540. Local. Paliuip. On the reverse, head and shoulders of a monk and inscrip. " ffrater Willm. Jernemu" [i.e. Yarmouth], probably from St. Benot's Abbey, c. 1440. Mural, II. JSWf. Archy., X. 218. Size of eff., 7J by 7|. II. Inscrip. Eobard Golword and Katerine his wife, "et p' quib? tencntur," 1543. Palimp. On the reverse, LIST OF NOBFOLK BRASSES. 35 HALVEROATE {continued). inscrip. "Elisabotli, wj'f of Thos. yo Lord scalys," c. 1460. Probably from St. Beuet's Abboy. Givon in fiill in Haines, ii. 249. Size, 20 by 4. Both local. ni. Inscrip. John Deymri, c. 1500. H. Size, 5J by 2. Local. IV. Inscrip. EUzabeth, wifo of Henry Wells, 1618, sot. 86. Mural. Size, 15i by 3i. These brasses are mounted in a frame, and in the tower, which is used as a vestry. HARDLEY. I. Inscrip. Richd. riaforth, 1526. Chancel. Size, 13 by 2. Local. II. Inscrip. Alice Drake, c. 1500. Chancel. Size, 1. Si by 2. Local. m. Shield: Brake arms, with quarterings. — For description see Ch. Her. of Xurf., i. 119; Ead Anglian, first series, i. 234. HARDWICK. L Shield and inscrip. (mutilated). George Bakon, c. 1500. The shield of this was in the possession of the rector in 1883. Size of shield, 4 J by 5^; size of inscrip., 12A^by2}. Local. HARLING, EAST. I. Portion of marginal inscrip. in Latin verse, round the altar tomb of Sir Robert Ilarlyng, who died at Paris, 1435. South aisle. Size, 1 J wide. HARLING, WEST. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in cucharistic vestments, and inscrip. Ealf ffuloflove, rector, 1479. Nave, H. Size of eff., 24 by 7. Local. 36 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. HARLING, WEST [cmtinurd). n. Eif in arm., wife, shield, two scrolls, and inscrip. William Berdewell, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Edmd. Wychyngham, c. 1490, " et p' qnibj tenentur." Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xsxvii. p. 25. Size of efFs., 24i by 7. Local. III. Eff. in arm., wife, and inscrip. William Berde- well, Esq., and Margaret his wife, "patron of the church, both died in one week, 1508. Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xlis. p. 129. Size of effs., ISf by 6^. Local. HAUTBOIS, GREAT. I. Inscrip. Eichard Hall and SibiU his wife, 1522. Chancel of the old church. Size, 18:^ by 2;^. HAVERINGLAND. I. Shield and inscrip. Alles (Alice) Townsend, wife of John Davye, Esq., of Munge [Mountjoy], 1561. Mural, north transept. — Ch. Her. of Xur/., ii. "6. Size, 19f by .3. Local. HEACHAM. I. Eff. in arm.— inscrip. lost, c. 1485. Nave, H. Size, 27 by 8. Local. n. Inscrip. John RoKe, Gent., 1594, sot. 32. Mural, north aisle. Size, 18,\ by HJ. HECKINGHAM. 1. Inscrip. Agnes Wood, c. 1500. Size, 7 by 2J1. Local. HEDENHAM. I. Chalice and inscrip. Richard Grene, rector, 1502. Chancel, II. Size, 13 by 3. Local. n. Inscrip. John Lamber (?), c. 1500. Nave, H. "Camber." Size, 13A by 2^. Local. III. Inscrip. for John Eicheman, c. 1500, " et p q"^ b' tone"." Nave, H. Size, 7 by 2. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 37 HEDENHAM {conltnued). IV. Insciip. Ealf Palmer, rector, 1530. Nnvo, II. Size, Oi by 4. Local. V. Inscrip. of four English vorsos. .Tolm Hichcman, sixth of that name, 1595. Nave, If. Size, \5\ by 1;,'. Local. VI. Inscrip. of sixteen English verses, with two .shields. By Robert Boddingfeld, Esq., on the death of his son ami heir Henry, 1594. Chancel, mural. Size, '22.1 by ISL HEIGHAM (St. Bartholomew). I. E£f. of gentleman in the costume of Charles I.'s reign. The inscrip. in cliurchwarden's possession. Thomas IIoll, second son of Thomas Holl, Esq., 1630. South aisle, II. Cotman, ii., pi. xci. p. 45. Size of eff., 12^ by 4i. Siz.e of inscrip., 14 J by 5;^. Local. II. Inscrip. marginal, mutilated. " Ilic jaccnt ossa WiUi et Margerie Bateman," c. 1330. They -n-cre father and mother of William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich. He ■was eleven times Bailiff between 1301 and 1326. Tower, partly covered. Size, \\ wide. This is the earliest known inscrip. in the county; and, with the .single exception of the Lombardie stops at Watlington, the earliest remaining memorial in brass. m. Inscrip. William Kar, c. 1460. Chancel. Size, 13|-bylJ. Local. IV. Inscrip. Elizabeth Holl, the daughter of Augustine HoU, Esq., 1633. In the possession of the churchwarden. Size, 13i by 6]. Local. HELHOTIGHTON. I. Hand, issuing from clouds, supporting a heart, with portions of three scrolls and inscrip. — three shields lost. Will. Stapilton and his wife Margaret, c. 1450. Chancel. Narf. Archy., xi. 89. Size of brass, 39 by 25^ ; size of inscrip., 25^ by 3f . 38 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. HELLESDON. I. Half e£F. in civil dress, ■witli wife, and inscrip. in French. Eichard de Heylesdone and Beatrice his wife, e. 1370. North chantry, H. — BoutelVs Series, JTlnter's Selection of Ivor/. Antiquities, i. pi. 4. Size of effs., 14 by 8. H. E£E. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments and inscrip. Eichd. Thaseburgh, Eector, 1389. North chantry, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. xciv. p. 47 ; BoutelVs Series. Size of e£E., 29A by 8. III. Inscrip. John de Heylesdon, 1384, and his wife Joan, patrons of the church and founders of the chantr}'. North chantry, H. "Engraved c. 1420." Size, 18 by 5. IV. Inscrip. Alice Hellisdone, c. 1520. Nave, H. Size, 8^- by 2. Local, very poor. V. Inscrip. Thomas Herte, e. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 8i by 2i. Local. HEMBLINGTON. I. liLscrip. Eobt. Blakke, 1480. Loose in chest. Size, lUbySJ. Local. n. Inscrip. Margaret Blakke, 1481. Nave. Size, 1 1 by 3. Local. in. Inscrip. "Alice B la . ." (c. 1525). Loose in chest. Size, 7 by 2J. Local rV. Inscrip. Sir John Lansda, c. 1510. Nave. Size, 9J by 2. Local. V. Inscrip. Audrio Bray, 1505. Nave. Size, 9f by 2A. Local. VI. Inscriix WiLlm. Blake, 1522. Nave. Size, 13 ])y 2. Local. VII. Inscrip. Eebecka Ilowlet, 1630, ret. 66. Nave. Size, 5.^ ])y 3. Local. HEMPSTEAD (Happing). 1. Inscrip. Eobert Deram, c. 1500. Size, 8} by 2^. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 39 HEMPSTEAD (Holt). T. Iiisurip. with six Latin verses. Edmund Hunt, Esq. 1610. " Ilo passed liis life in public emploj'ments." Mural. Size, 22 by 11. HEVINGHAM. I. Inscrip. Size, 12 by 2 J. Kichard Raj'ner, Local. 1593. Soutb chantry. HEYDON I. Inscrip. Katherine Bek, c. 1460 (?). Sizo, 11 J by 11 Lociil. II. Inscrip. Robert Dynno, 1469, and Alice his wife. Size, 9 by 2 J. Local. III. Inscrip. Sir Thomas Dynne, son of John Dynne, Monk of St. Benets-at-Holm, 1492. South aislo. Size, 17i by 3. Local. IV. Inscrip. — shield lost. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Dynno, and daughter of Henry Noon of Shelfanger, Esq., and gTanddaughtor of Sir Henry Noon, of the same place, 1492. Size, 20J by 3. Local. V. Inscrip. Robert Dynne, Gent., 1498, ''his parents and friends." Size, 17^ by S^. Local. VI. Inscrip. Margaret Dj-nne, 1511. Sizo, 11^ by 3. Local. VII. Shield and inscrip. " Herry Dynne, Gentylman," 1517. — C/i. Her. of Xorf., ii. 37. Local and peculiar. VIII. Shield and inscrip. on one plate. Robert Dynne, Esq., who married, first, Elizabeth, daughter of Ralph Wilkins, Citizen and Mayor of Norwich ; second, Beatrix, daughter of Sir John TendaU, of Hockwold, 158[0]. — Ch. Her. of Mr/., ii. 37. Size, 16J by 13^. IX. Inscrip. Henry Dynne, Esq., an Auditor of the Court of Exchequer, had issue by Joan [Balles] his wife, WiUiam, Thomas, Robert, Henry, Anthony, Elizabeth, 40 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. HETDON {continued). Prudence, Alice, AYinifrede, Margaret, and Beatrice. Died in London, 1586, ipt. 53. Size, 18 by 8 J. X. Two sliields — Bynne quartering Aylivard. Nave. Size, 5J by U. XI. Coloured shield — Bynne quartering Aylward. On a pillar of the nave. Size, 13A- by 12. XII. Shield and inscrip. Dorothy, daughter of John Ca.stell, Esq., of Eaveningham, and wife Frances, and wife of George Mordt. (Mordaunt\ second son of Henry Mordaiint of Little Massingham. They had issue, LeStrange, Robert, John, Hemy, Mary. George, and Thomas of whom she died in childbii-th. 1618. Chancel.— iVi. Her. of Norf., ii. 36. Size, 21 by 6i. XIII. Shield and inscrip. Amia, wife of Thomas Taverner, Gent., daughter and coheir of Edmund Eichers, Esq., of Swanington, l)y his wife Elizabeth Bedingfeild, 1630. Nave.- Ch. Her. of Norf., ii. 36. Size, 17 by 8^. HILBUEGH. I. Inscrip. Anne Sefull (Sefoule), "See Monialis," c. 1500. Nave. Size, 8.V by 3. Local. II. Inscrip. Olive Wal.sham, " Sancte Monialis," c. 1500. Nave. Size, 9J by 3. Local. HILLINGTON (Loddon). I. Shield and inscrip. of six English verses. Sir Anthony Gavdy, Kt., 1642. Chancel, H.— C/i. Her. of Sorf, i. 123. Size, 19^ by 8 J. Local. HINDOLVESTONE. I. Efi's. of man in gown, &.C., and wife kneeling, with ten sons and four daughters, shield, and inscrip. of ten English verses, curious. "Edmon Hunt the gentilman and Margret hyght his wife," 1558-1568. Plural, nave. Size of brass, 33 by 23; size of eifs., 12 high. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 41 HINDOLVESTONE {coniinufd). II. Inscrip. Jolui Woodcrofte, 1491. Nave. Size, lljby2i. Local. ni. Inscrip. — chalice lost. Thomas Warde, Vicar, 1531. Nave. Size, 17} by 'J.}. Local. IV. Inscrip. John Bully, 1586. I le left £ 1 'i for ehimh- Tvanlons to purchase lands or " myklio kyno to bo letten to fcarnie." Tho profits to bo distributed to the poor. Nave. Size, 22 by Hi. V. Inscrip. Beatrice Bullye, daughter and heyre of Dionyso Sherringham, wife of John Bullye, a benefactress. She left £20 to repairs of Church, and £20 to the relief of poor, "to reniayno as a towue stocke lor over." 1621. ■ Nave. Size, 20 by 8J. HINDRINGHAM. i. Iu.-icrip. AVillm. Kerre, 1499. South aisle. Size, 16by2A. Local. HINGHAM. 1. Two small labels, having dates 1615 and 1622. H. "John Longe, 1622, tet. 69, and wife [Margt.], 1615, aet. 66 ; and sou Eobert ; small eff . of a son and some labels only left." Nave. Size, 8f by 3}. HOLKHAM. I. Inscrip. (mutilated). Eobt. Doekyng, 1458, and his wife North chapel, H. Size, 3 wide. II. Sliield, crest, and inscrip. — one crest lost. Jane, daughter of William Armiger, Esq., of North Creake, and wife of John O.sborne, Esq., of Tylod Hall [in Latchiugdon] CO. Essex, 1618. ;et. 2 7. South chapel. Size, 20 by 5^. HOLME HALE. 1. Inscrip. in French. Sir Esmon de Illeye, Alice his wife, and their childi-eu, 1349. Presumably perished in the " Black Death." North aisle, IL Size, 221 by 2|-. One of the earliest and one of the few French inscriptions in the county. D 2 42 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. HOLME-NEXT-THE-SEA. I. Effs. of man in ci%-il di-ess, with anelace, collar, &c., wife, and inscrip. of six English verses, very curious and interesting. Herry Xotingham and his wife, builders of tower, chancel, &c., c. 1405. Mural, nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xiv. p. 12; Gough, ii., pi. Ixsxvii. p. 230. 8ize of effs., 18i by 6; size of inscrip., 18 by 17f. HONING. I. Eff. in arm., shield, and inscrip. Nicholas Parker, Esq., 1496. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xliv. p. 27. Size of eff., ISA by 5. Local. HONINGHAM. I. Inscrij). Katherine, wife of Richard Vincente, 1544. At the base of pews, nave. Size, 15 J by 3. Local. II. Inscrip. Eychard Vensent. 1544. At the base of pews, nave. Size, 1-1^ bj' 3. Local. III. Inscrip. Thomas Vyncent, 1556. At the base of pews, nave. Size, 16^by2i. Local. HOG. I. Portion of inscrip., curious. John Dunham, Gent., 1467, wife jUice, and daughter Margaret. Nave, H. Size, 3 wide. HOESTEAD. I. Inscrip. Ilenry Berd, c. 1500. South aisle. Size, 8i by IJ. Local. II. Inscrip. Isabella Berte, c. 1500. South aisle. Size, 8.\ bj' \\. Local. III. Inscrip. of six verses. Nicholas Aylande, 1607, set. 66, "a pajTifuU pastor ft)r 44 years." Chancel. Size, 17£ by 4J. IV. Inscrip. Eichard Sutton, S.T.B., rector for 10 years, 1619. Chancel. Size, 15J by 6 J. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 43 HORSTEAD {conllnued). V. Insorip. Edward Brees, 1626. Nnvc. Size, 20 by 41 VI. Inscrlp. Ann, dnughtor t)f John Townshend, Gent., 1636. South chancel, mural. Sizo, 11 by 5J. VII. Inserip. Frances, wife of John Townshend, 1637, set. 23. South chancel, murnl. Size, \ok by 7. VIII. Inserip. Audrj-, wife of George Horsnell, Gent., 1644. South aisle. Size, 2 0^ by 5.]. IX. Shield and inserip. Henry "Ward, Gent. He mai-ried Ann, daughter of Thomas Crofts. 1645, ret. 8fi. Nave. Ch. Her. of ^'orf., i. 253. Size, 2()A by 13^. HOUGHTON-IN-THE-BRAKE. I. Iu.scrip. John Tyckard "of Ilowton," 1510. Nave. Size, 4 J by 2^. Local. HOUGHTON-IN-THE-DALE. I. Inserip. Joan, wife of Eobert Hoser, c. 1520. Chancel. Size, 'J bj' 2. Local. II. Inserip. Sir John Gunne, "Vicar de Ilawt'n," c. 1530. HI. JVor/., ix. 247, has, "John Gime." Chancel. Sizo, 9| by 2. Local. HUNSTANTON. I. Elfs. in civil dress, wife, and inserip. Edmd. Grene and Agnes his wife, c. 1490. Nave H. — Cutman, i., pi. xxxviii. p. 2.5. Size of effs., 25 by 10. Local. II. Eff. in arm., with tabard and uplifted hands, under triple canop}', large crest and mantling, &c. ; at the sides seven effs. of ancestors, marginal inserip. with genealogy (slightly mutilated). Sir Roger le' Strange, 1506. On altar-tomb in the chancel : there are badges and devices on the side of the tomb. H. — Coimaii, i., pi. sivii. p. 28. Size of eff., 37 by 10^. Local. III. Three shields and insiirip. Henry le Strawnge, Esq., 1485, and his wife Katherine [Drury]. On an altar- 44 LIST OF XOEFOLK BRASSES. HUNSTANTON (continued). tomb in recess of the north chancel wall, jirobably used as an altar. H. Size, 17J by 4. IV. Shield and inscrip. Sir Hamon le Strange, 1654, tet. 71. Chancel, H.— 6'A. Rer. of Nor/., ii. 313. Size of brass and incised frame, 39 by 24. Commemorative inscrip. incised on the slab. INGHAM. I. Portions of canop}- and inscrip. — effs. and shields, &c., all lost. Brian de Stapilton, son of Sir Milo de Stapleton, 1438, and his wife, Cecilia, daughter of Lord Bardolph, I43'2. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xxii. p. 19; Gough, ii., pi. xlv. p. 119. II. I'ortions of canopy— effs., shields, and inscrip., all lost. Sir Milo Stapleton, 1466, and his two wives, Elizabeth, daughter of Sh" Simon Felbrigg, and Katherine, daughter of Sir Thomas de la Pole. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. XXX. p. '22. III. Inscrij). — shield lost. Ladj' Elizabeth, wife of Sir Francis Calthorppe, 1536. Chancel, H. Size, 13i by 3. Local, INGOLDISTHORPE. 1. Effi. of ecclesiastic in gown and cap, holding a book, with two effs. of ladies in hats aud inscrip. Agnes, wife of Thomas Bigge, Gent., and daughter of "this Thomas liogerson, late parson of this church," an■ a u u z 01 X D < h iV o a: I J < ^c^ r7-> o. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 47 LANGHAM. I. luscrip., mutilated. Tlobt. Barnard, Gent., 1605. Nnvo. Sizo, '27 by GA. II. Tnscrip. John Cacliys, ? jun., and Elizabeth his wifo, c. 1500. Chuucel. J>ize, Il.iby2-J. Said to be now under the organ. LANGLEY. I. Eft", of man in gown, &c., shield, and inscrip. Eobcrt Berney, Esq., 1628, ret. 79. H. The shield of this is partly covered by a pow. Chancol. Size of eff., 2n.\ by R. LESSINGHAM. I. Inscrip. Thomas Haelot, c. 1500. Size, 7i by 2J. Local. II. Inscrip. Edmund Kyng, c. 1500. Sizo, 8^ by 2J. Local. III. Inscrip. Edmund Kyng and Christian his wife, 1505, and their parents. Size, 16i by 3 J. Local. IV. Inscrip. Alice Heylet, widow, 1527. Size, 12A by 2. Local. This church was in a very ruinous condition when visited in 1885; and in 1887 the roof had fallen in, and the interior was inaccessible. LETHERINGSETT. I. Inscrip. Eicd. Fittz, one of the cursitors of the Court of Chancery. He married Barbara, daughter of Francis Kempe. 1630, -xt. 74. North aisle. Size, 2(Ji by 9J. LEXHAM, EAST. I. Inscrip. William Alee, 1629, sot. 83. Size, 12 by 7J. Local. LODDON. I. Two hands, issuing from clouds, holding a heart, 4S MST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. LODDON {conlitmed). with, two scrolls, shield with monogram D W, and inscrip. Dion3-sius WiUys, 1462. North aisle, H. Size of brass, 21 by 18. Local. II. Two efPs. in shrouds, with inscrip. Dame Kateryu Sampson, daughter of Sir Jas. Hobart, wife of Sir Thomas Sampson, Kt., previously the wife of John Blomevile, Esq., 1546. Chancel, H. Cotman, ii., pi. cxi. p. 52. Size of effs., 33 by 9i. Local. III. Eil. in arm. (head mutilated) with tabard, and inscrip. — eff. of wife lost. Henry Hobart, Esq., 1561, "of your charity pray for y' soule of,'" &c. Remarkable at so late a date. On altar-tomb in north chapel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. Ixxiii. pp. 39, 233. Size of e£f., 26A by lOi. Local. IV. Eff. of man in gown, wife, shields, and inserijJ. James Hobart, Esq., 1615, set. 91, and Francis his wife, daughter of Sir WiUiam Drury of Hawsted in Suffolk, 1609. They were married sixty years, and had eight sons and six daughters. On altar-tomb in the chancel, H. — C'otwan, ii., app., pi. vi. p. 60. Size, 3-'i by 12. V. Marginal inscrip. — etls., canopy, and shields lost. Anne, wife of Henry Hobart, E.*q., and daughter of Sir John flyneux. Chief Justice of England. 1530. North chapel, H. Size of brass, 64 by 20i. Local. YI. Inscrip. John Gare and Margaret his wife, c. 1520. H. Size, 12i by '2^. Local. VII. Inscrip. Nicholas Gavcll, Gent., 1518. In Arabics. H. Size, 9i by 2;^. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Eoger Olyworthe, 1526. II. Size, 6i bj' 2. Local. IX. Inscrip. Agnes Berry, 1529. 11. Size, 12J by 2J. Local. X. In.scrip. Sara, wife of Edward Hobart, son oF James Hobart, Esq., and daughter of Eobert Barnard, Gent., 1611. ^Married eight j'ears. Slio died after giving birth to a child, James. Size, 21^ bj' 11. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 4!) LUDHAM. I. luscrip. "Dfis Tliomas de Honygg, Eector de Heylia'," I'. 1350. Loose in chest. Size, 16^ by 2.J. One of the earliest inscrips. in the county, and very good. Mr. Thomas do H()^y^lg was instituted to the Rectory of Totter Heighnni in IJilo. Possibly enough, ho was one of the numerous Norfolk clerg)' who perished in the " Black Death " of 1319.— See Bl. Norf., ix. 113. II. Inscrip. of two eleg. verses. John Colman, c. 1450. Part in south aisle, and part loose in chest. Size, IG by 2i. III. Inscrip. Jolm PJiillippe, Vicar, 1466. Loose in chest. Size, lUby2i. Local. IV. Inscrip. John Sahnau, 1486. Ho and his wife CecUy (see No V.) were benefactors to the erection of the rood screen, erected in 1493, to the value of £14, as recorded thereon. Nave. Size, 16 by 2 J. Local. V. Inscrip. CecUy Sahnan, 1487. Nave. Size, l(i by 2J. Local. VI. Portion of inscrip. Simon Bakton and Emma his ■wife, c. 1500. Loose in chest. ISize, 2 wide. Local. Vn. Inscrip. Eobcrt Eyches, 1534. Loose in chest. Size, 18 by 1^. Local. VIII. Inscrip. (mutilated)— eff. in short cloak lost. Th(mms GoocUad. Born at Barrowden, Eutland 1593 Nave. Size, 16^- by 7. Local. IX. Inscrip. of eight verses— a shield lost. Richd. BaAer. Born at West Bilney. 1605. Nave. Size, 19f by 8J. X. Inscrip. on a heart. Grace, wife of Christopher \\lnte, and daugliter of Eichard Barker, 1633. Loose in chest. Size, 7^ by 7. Formerly on the same slab as No. IX. XI. Inscrip. Christopher White, Gent., 1659. Nave. Size, 15i- by .5^. This is on the same slab as No. IX. XII. Shield. Arms of Baldero of Barton. Loose in chest. In all probability there was no inscription, as there IS a slab at Barton with the same arms thereon, and no name attached. Size, 5A by 6J. E 50 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. LYNN ST. MARGARET. I. Efis. of man iu ci^nl dre.ss, and wife, under canopies, ■with souls, &c., above, and the twelve apostles and attendant prophets or saints beside and between the effs., below them a rustic scene ; marginal inscrip. in Lombardic letters. Flemish, much worn. Adam de Walsokne, Biugess of Lynn, 1349, and Margaret his wife, born at Cley. West end of south aisle, H. — Cotiuan, i., pi. ii. p. 3 ; TTaller, X)t8. iii. and v.; BotdelVs Mon. Brasses (details only), pp. 14, 15, 16; Eaines' Introd., pp. 1G2, 165. Photo-litho- graphed by W. Griggs, fi-om rubbing hy E. M. Beloe, jun., 18.S9. Size 118 by 68. II. Elfs. of man in civil dress and two wives, under canopies, with souls, &c., above, and eight weepers, in male and female costume, at the sides, beneath the ••Peacock" feast; uiargmal inscrip. in Lombardic letters. Flemish. Kobt Braunche, 1364, and wives Leticia and Margaret. West end of south aisle, H. — Cotinan, i., pi. iii. p. 4; Gough, i., pi. xlv. p. 115; Carter's And. Sculpture and Painting, ii 13; Old England, No. 1088 (details); BuutelVs Hon. Brasses (efis. of Eobt. and Margaret Braunche). Photo-lithographed bj- W. Griggs from a rubliing by E. M. Beloe, jun., 1888. Size, lOGi by 61. III. Mercliant's mark, marginal iuscrip., and eight Latin verses. John Atkin, Alderman and Maj-or, 1617, 8ot. 68, and Johanna his wife. They liad nine children : WiUiam, Thomas, John. Seth, Anna, Clement, Johanna, Frideswith, and Margery. Cliaucel, H. Size of brass, 85i by 37. IV. Shield, motto, and inscrip., with lour Latin verses. Francis Parlett, Gent., 1628. Chancel. Size, 21i byl3J. V. Inscrij). with four Latin verses. TIkiiikis Parlet, Gent., son of Francis I'arlet, Esq., Eecorder of tliis Borough, 1632, a;t. 17. Loose iu vestry. Size, '21 by 10. LIST OF NOKFOLK BUASSES. 51 LYNN ST. NICHOLAS. I. Inscrip. xVime, diuiglitor of Joseph and leabell Eaylio, 1627, sat. 24 days. "She was the first God gave unto her pai-ents, and the first baptized in th(? Funt of this chapoll." East end of north aisle. Size, l.ihyej. LYNN, WEST. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestment.s, -with inscrip. Sir Adam Owtlawe, Chaplain, 1503. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. xcix. p. <)9. Size of off., 27i hy 7. Local. MANNINGTON. I. Inscrip. Knthorine, wife of Thomas Lougher, Eector of Letheriugsott, daughter of John Potts, Esq., 1631. On slab in the ruined church. Size, 19 by 6^. Local, and very peculiar. MARTHAM. I. Heart inscribed. Eobt. Alen, Vicar, 1487. Chancel. This is filled in with enamel, and is but a copy of the original one, which has been lost. MASSINGHAM, GREAT. I. Piirliim of inscrip. John ffenn . . (Fermer), Eector, who died on St. Edmund's day, [14]16, "littera Domini- cali D." He was Canon of Lichfield, and Eegistrar of the Diocese. Chancel. Size, 4 wide. MATTISHALL. I. Eff. in civil dress, small — ef£. of female and inscrip. lost, c. 1480. Nave. Size, 1 2^ by 3^. Local. II. Eff. in civil dress and inscrip. Geoffrey Dene, c. 1510. Nave, H. Size, 17^ by .5. Local. III. Eff. in civil dress, and wife— inscrip. lost. Possibly Eobert Foster, woobnan, c. 1507. He built the chapel and LIST OF KORFOLK BRASSES. MATTISHALL (contifiutd\ ordered his burial here, with gravestone. South chapel, H. Size, 18i by 6i. Local. IV. Inscrip. Katheriiie Dew, 1521. South aisle. Size, lU- by 2. Local. V. Inscrip. Eobart Lemma, c. 1500. Loose in chest. Size, 8i- by 2J. Local. TI. Inscrip. of four English verses. James Mott (?), 1613. "He professed the lawe." South chapel. Size, 18 by 6. VII. Inscrip. fflorance, daughter of Arthxu- Croshold and Marye his wife, 1614. Chancel, H. Size, 14| by 4J. Local. Vill. Inscrip. of four English verses. Francis Croshold, 1615. Chancel, H. Size, 1 6* by 6|. Local. IX. Inscrip. of two English verses, Susanna Crossold, 1617. Chancel, H. Size, 1 1 by U. Local. X. Inscrip. Ann Wattes, wife of James Mott, 1621. South chapel. Size, 14| by 3A. Worn. XI. Inscrip. Thomas, seventh son oi John Eeppes, Esq., 1643. Loose in chest. Size, 12 by 4^. XII. Inscrip. Anna, eldest daughter of John Reppes, Esq., 1647. Loose in chest. Size, 12 by 4A. XIII. Inscrip. Judith, daughter of Arthur Cresheld, late wife to John Barker, 1651. Chancel. Size, 13 J by 4J. XIV. Portion of a shaft, belonging to a canopy. South nisle. Size, lOJby 1. MELTON, GREAT. I. Inscrip. Eichard ^Manger, Rector. lie was Rector of St. JNIary's, and was buried there 1458.— i?/. ^Wf., v. 14. It is now on the wall of the ruined tower of St. Mary's chui-ch. Size, 6J by 2i. Local. II. Inscrip. John Harvy, 1519. Now on the wall of the ruined tower of St. Mary's church, U. Size, 14 by 2. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 53 MELTON, LITTLE. I. yiiitlil aiul inscrip. Doroth}', wifo of Edmund Angwish and dnughter of Eobort Marsham, Gont., and EoLort .'Vngwisli lior son; both died 1604. Nave, H.— Ch. Uer. of Nor/., i. 176. Sizo, l«i by G^. MERTON. I. Ert'. in arm. and in tabard, with fivo sons, two wives: the one with throe and tlio other two daughters, all Icnoeling ; also throe shields — iuscrip. and scrolls lost. William do Grey, Esq., 1520, with his two wives, Mary Bedingfeld and Grace Teye. Nave, mural, K.— Cottnan, i., pi. iv. p. 31. Size of brass, 25 by 55 ; size of effs., 13^ by IIX. II. Eff. in arm. (logs lost), inscrip. (mutilated), and three shields. Thos. de Grey, Esq., son and heir of Edmund do Grey, Esq., 1562. He married, 1st, Anne, daughter of Hem-y Everode, Esq. ; and, '2nd, Temperance, daughter of Sir W3anond Carew. South aisle, beneath tlie pew, but the boards above it are moveable, H. "On reverse, part of inscrip., the feet of a man in armour resting on a Hon, c. 13Q0."— Cot ma?i, i., pi. l.\xv. p. ^(i. Sizo of eff., 20 by 14. III. Portions of four shields — in.scrip., crest, and heart with scrolls lost. William de Grey, Esq., 1474, and his wife Christian, daughter of John Mannynge, Gent., of Great EUingham. Nave, 'B.. — Ch. Her. of Norf., ii. \A1. Length of brass, 58 ; size of shields, b\ by 4 J. IV. Inscrip. and two scrolls— heart and two other scrolls lost. Alice, wife of John, eldest son of John Eyncham, daughter of Thos. Bedygffeld, sister of Mary Gre}', 1474. South aisle, II. Size, 17 by 3. V. Shield and inscrip. Edmund de Grey, Esq., 1548. Ho married Elizth., daughter of Sir John Spelman. Chancel, mural, H.— CA. Iler. of Sorf, ii. 142. Size, Hi by 3 J. 54 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. MERTON (c-mtinutd]. YI. Shield and inscrip. Thomas de Grey, Esq.. 1556, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Eichd. Fitz Lewes, "who, after her decease, made himself preast, and so Ijrved xli. yeres." South aisle, mural, H. — Ch. Her. of Norf., ii. 142. Size, 15 by 4i. VII. Shield and inscrip. Su- Eobert de Grey, 1644. He married Elizabeth, one of the daughters and co-heii's of William Bridon, Gent., late of Ipswich. Chancel, partly covered iip by dais, which can be moved, H. — Ch. Her. of Norf, ii. 1-12. Size, 20J- by 7. METHWOLD. I. Eff. in arm. with arms on jupon, banded camail, studded mail, and laminated soUerets, with canopy. Sir Adam de Clifton, 1367. On August 21st, 1888, the numerous loose pieces of this brass were in the possession of the rector ; but they have been lately fastened together in order, and replaced in the chui-ch. H. — No7f. Archy., vi. 18. METTON. I. Elf. in civil dross, and wife, both three-quarter length, with inscrip. Eobert Doughty, 1493, and Matilda his wife. Nave, II. Size of effs., 18iby7-i. Local. II. Inscrip. of two Enghsh verses, curious. Symond Talyor, c. 1480. jS'avo. Size, 13 by 2i. Local. III. Inscrip. Margaret Doughti, wife of "Will Douti, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 13^ by 2. MILEHAM. I. EfE. in civil dress, wife, gi'oup of live daughters, and inscrip. X'pofer Crowe, 1526, and Cristian his wife. South aisle, II. " Witli four sons and five daughters." — Carthew^s Laitnditch, ii. 378. Size of effs., ISJ by 5]. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 55 MORNINGTHORPE. 1. luscrip. John Ward, 1626. Nave. Size, 7 by 2. Local. MOESTON. 1. Eff. of ecclesiastic, in gown, &c., with inscrip. Eichnrcl Mak3^l^::es, Clerk, Eector, 1596. At the hase of a window, the south side of the chancel. Size of eS., 21.'. by 9. MORTON-ON-THE-HILL. I. Eff. of lady, with inscrip. incised on the slab. Katherino Awdley, "of Berechurch, co. Essex, widdow 45 yeai'S," 1611, set. 80. Nave, beneath a pew. Size of eff., 12 by 5. II. Inscrip. on a tomb. Mary, wife of Donsany Southwi'll, Esq., lord of the manor, 1636. North chapel. Size, l;JA by 4 A. MOULTON (Depwade). 1. Inscrip. of four Latin verses. WiUiam Machett, Eector, 1620. Size, 12^ by 7f Local. MOULTON (Walsham). I. Inscrip. — a shield lost. John Holler and Catherine his wife, "a° Eegni Eegis Henrici YII" xx" [1505]. Loose in chest, H. Size, 25A^ by 4^. The matrix of this brass 3'et remains. Local and peculiar. n. Inscrip. Anne, wife of James Underwode, and daughter of Henry Palmer, Gent., 1535. Loose in chest and broken, H. Size, 15 J by 2|. Local. MTJNDHAM. 1. Inscrip. Henry Osborn, 1538. Nave. Size, 12J by 5. Local. 56 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. MUNDHAM (cMiiniW). n. Shield, inscrip. of eight English verses, and four small diamond-shaped pieces, on which " Prepare to foUow mee." WiUiam Harborne, Esq., "-(vho Embassagde for Queene Elizabeth," 1617. Nave. Size of inscrips., 21 by 4A- and 18i by "i. NARBURGH. I. Eff. in gown of office, wife, two shields and inscriji. Henry Spelman, "Hospes" and Eecorder of Norwich, 1496 ; also Ela his wife [daughter of Willm. Narbm-gh]. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xliii. p. 27. Size of ofEs., 26 by 8i-. Local. II. Efi. in arm., two shields, and inscrip. John Sjielman, Esq, son and heir of Sir John Spelman, Justice of the Common Pleas, 1545. Ho married Margaret, daughter of Sii- Thos. Blen'hassett. Chancel, H. Size of eS'., 24 by 7i. Local. III. Eif. in judicial robe and coif, wife in heraldic mantle, both kneeling at desks, with curious representation of Eesurrection above, and inscrip. below. Sir John Spelman, "Secondary Justice of the King's Bench," 1545, and Elizabeth his wife [daughter of Sir Henry Frowick, of Middlesex] 1556 (inserted afterwards). Chancel, mural, H. — Cotman, i., pi. Ixix. p. 37. Size of brass, 34 by 26; size of effs., 12 by 9J. lY. Eff. in arm., and wife, both kneeling at desks, with three shields, two scrolls, and inscrip. Jolm Eyer, Esij., Eeceiver-General to Queen Elizabeth, in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambs, and Hunts, Ma.ster of Chancery, 1561 ; and Margaret his wife, daughter of Sir Thos. Blen'rhasset of ffrens, and widow of John Spehnan, E.sq. (No. II.) North aisle, mural, U. — Cotman, i., pi. Lx.xii. p. 39. Size of effs., 12^ by 9. V. Eft. in arm., one shield, motto on separate plate below, and inscrip. John Spelman, 1581. Ho married LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 57 NARBURQH [coiitimied). Jiulitli, the (liuigliter of Sir Olemont Higham, Ly wluim he liad Ch^nient ami William; and afterwards Kathoriiie, daughter of WiUm. 8aimder, Esq., by wliom lie had Eobert, tfrauncys, Brygot. Chancel, II. — Vutimin, i., jil. Isxxi. J). 42. Size of eff., 23 by 8. Local. VI. Inscrip. Henry Spelman, Esq., brother of 8ir John Spehnan (No. III.), one of the King's Justices, 1530. At the base of a window, north side of chancel. Size, 1 4 by 3. Local. VII. Inscrip. Elizabeth Goldyngham, wife of Jului Goldpigham, Esq , 1556. Sho was daughter of Henry Spolman (No. I.) Palim]i, part of eil. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestment, c. 1480. Tower, mural. "A shield with arms of Goldyngham impaling Spclman remained in 1862."— C. G. II. B. Size, 1.5 by 5.1. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Eichard Austen, Gent., 1593. Tower, mural. Size, 16^- by 5. Local. NEATISHEAD. ]. Inscrip. of seven Latin verses. William Emmyson, Vicai', benefactor to the church at the expense of £53, died on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 1480. Size, 14.1 by fiA. II. Iu.s(Tip. John Cabell, 1496, and Ellen his wife. Size, 1 7 J by 2i. Local. NECTON. I. Eff. of lady, with zigzag head-dress and lappet sleeves — French inscrip. and two shields lost. Ismayne, wife of Willm. de Wynston. died on Innocents' Day, 1372. Nave, by the west door, H. — Cotman, i., pi. vi. p. 7; BoidelVs Series; Carthew^s Bradenhams, 181. Size of eff., 29| by 7i. II. Eff. of lady in nun's mantle and widow's barbe — marginal inscrip. and thi-ee shields lost. PhiUipa de Beauchampe, widow of Sir Guy de Beauchamp, eldest son of Thomas, Earl of Warwick, who, after his death, took E 2 58 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. NECTON [cmtitiueJ). VOW of chastity, &c., daughter of Henrj, Lord Ferrers of Groby, 1383. North, chapel. The upper part of the slab is beneath the organ, H. — Cot/nan, i., pi. ix. p. 9; Carthew^s Bradenhams, 181. Size of eff., 44 by 12^. 111. Eff. in civil di'ess, and inscrip. John Bacon, Gent., 1528. Chancel, H. Size, 12 by 3 J. Local. lY. Eff. in civU di-ess, and wife, with group of seven sons kneeling between the effigies — group of three daughters lost. Robert Goodwyn and his wife Sabina, both died on the same day, 1532. Nave, H. — Cofman, i., pi. Ixv. p. 36; BouteWs Hon. Brasses (head of wife only). Size of efis., 18 by 4f. Local. V. Inscrip. — eff. of civ. and wife lost. William Curteys, Notary, and Alice his wife, 1499. Nave. 11. — Cotnum, i., pi. xxxix. p, 25 ; Carthew's Bradenhams, 195 (male eff. and inscrip. only). These authorities, and several others, have assigned this brass to Iloluie Hale. Size of inscrip., 19J by 2J. Local. In the possession of J. B. Nieholls, Esc]., London, was the female effigy of this brass. I am informed this is soon to be restored to its original position in the church. VI. Inscrip. Ethelburga, daughter of Robert Goodwyn, 1527. Nave, H. " Eff. lost." Size, 11 by 5i. NEWTON FLOTMAN. I. Three effs. in arm., all kneeling at desks, with name over each, and ten versos of inscrip., all on one plate. Eichard Blondovyle, 1490, ast. 85 ; Ralph Blondevyle, 1514, set. 45; Edward Blondevjle, 1568, rot. 75 (father, son, and grandson). Erected ly Thomas Blondevile, 1571. Chancel, mural. — Cotman, jd. Ix.xi.x. p. 41. Size, 17 by 19. NORTHWOLD. I. Inscrip. — chahco lost. Sir .John Dawson, 1531. Chancel. Size, 15A by 3^. Local. LIST OF NOKFOLK BRASSES. 59 NORTHWOLD {cnniimml). II. ISliioUl, and inscrip. of four Latin and four English versos on one plate. Thomas Scott, Eector, 1616, rot. 68 ; hnriod in the same grave with his mother. Chancel. Size, '27 by 20. NORWICH— The Cathedral. I. Inscrip. of nine Latin verses. Half Pulvcrtoft, "custos caronelle," c. 1500. Mural, Jesus Chapel. Size, 18 by 9. II. Inscrip. Edward, youngest son of Josej)]! Hall, 1842. Mural, between the arches on the north side of the choir. iSize, 16 by 24. St. Andi'ew. I. Canopy with shield and merchant's mark thereon, also inscrip., all mutilated — efEs. of man in civil or municipal dress, and wife with children, &c., lost. John Gilbert, citizen, grocer, alderman, and twice mayor, and Annora his wife, both deceased in the same week, 1467. North porch, H. Size 108 by 46. n. Eff. of man in civic mantle, and wife with large pomander — two shields and inscrip. lost, c. 1500. Probably for Eobcrt Gardiner, thrice mayor, who died 1508, and his wife. Chancel, H. — Cuttnuti, i., j)l. Lxvii. p. 37. Size of effs., 3.5 by 8. Local. III. Shield with merchant's mark thereon, scroll, two sons and one daughter — eff. in civil dress, wife, inscrip., another scroll, two sons and two daughters lost. Probabl}' for John Holly, brewer, 1527, and his wife Elizabeth. Tower. Size of children, 6^ by 3;V. IV. Shield and scroll — cross and inscrip. lost. John L'nderwood, Bishop of Chalcedon, 1541. Nave. — Norf. Archy., vi. 14. H. Size of shield, 8 by 9. V. Inscrip. " filia Eobt. Aylmer," 1493. South aisle, by organ, H. Size, 20 by 2^. 60 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. NORWICH— St. Andrew [couimueJ). TI. Inscrip. Jolm Clark, Alderman and twice Mayor. He died on Mj-dlent Sunday, 1527 ; and Elizabetli, Ceeili, and Agnes his wives. South aisle, by organ, H. ' ' Effigy lost." Size, 25 by 7^. Local. VII. Inscrip. Nathl., eldest son of Nathl. Remington, 1617, set. 14. South aisle, H. Size, 11 by 6. YIII. Inscrip. Mr. William Jackson, "Master of the King's Hospitall in Norwich," 1626. South aisle, H. Size. 15 by 6. Local and peculiar. IX. Inscrip. Henery ffyrmage, Gentleman, 1636. Nave. Size, ISJ by 6h. Local and peculiar. X. Inscrip. Mrs. Anne Skelton, 1648. South aisle. Size, 22iby 11. XI. inscrip. Ellen, wife of William Jackson [No. YIII.'], 1622. At Eainthorpo Hall. Size, 13^ 1^4^. Local and peculiar. St. Benedict. 1. Inscrip. Peter Vertegans, "gardjTier," 1633. North aisle. Size, 1 3 by 4 J. Local. St. Clement. I. Elf. of lady with pedimental head-dress and large pomander and inscrip. Margaret I'ettwode, widow, 1514. " Cui ala p xpi passionis merita ffideliu q suffragia electa inter agmia T ceUs sit sociata." Nave, H — Cotman, i., pi. lii. p. 30; Boutell's Mon. Brasses, p. 93 (the head z u tj X •c 3 < T J. O "^ h W, LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 67 NORWICH— St. Laurence iconimutd). VII. luscrip. John Geney, citizen of Norwith, Bailiff in l;i73. 1375. Loose in vestry. Size, 19 by 4. The oldest hrass in Norwich. Loi-;il and peculiar. ^^II■ Inscrip. and merchant's mark. Ivobert Asger, merchant and citizen of Norwich. [Sheriff in H20.] 1425. Nave, II. Size, 33J by 5. Local and peculiar. IX. Eichard at-the-yat3-s, citizen of Norwich, 1427. Loose in vestry, H. Size, 21^ by 5 J. Local and peculiar. X. Inscrip. John Asger, junior, citizen of Norwich, 1436. Loose in vestry. Size, 19J by 2^. XI. Inscrip. John Stylle, Chaplain, 1483. Loose in vestry. Size, H J by 3^. Local. See No. V XII. Small portion of inscrip. John Wellys, Alderman and Mayor of Norwich, who tlied 1495, during his mayoralty, and Margaret his wife. Loose in vestry. Size, 5 wide. See No. VI. XIII. Inscrip. Margaret, late the wife of Eobard Leche, Alderman of Norwich, 1535. Loose in vestry, H. Size, 16 by 5. Local. XIV. Shield with arms of Ilercers' Company. Loose in vestry. Size, 4| by 6. This probably belongs to Nos. VI. and XII. XV. Two portions of marginal inscrip., e. 1420-30, with one evangelistic emblem, a quatrefoil between each word of the inscrip. Loose in vestry. Size, 3 wide. Local and peculiar. St. Margaret. I. Eif. of lady with pomander, or possibly mirror, depending from girdle, "One of those Venice steel glasses," see Arch. Journal, ii. 247 ; and inscrip. Anne, daughter of Sir Thos. Blenerhayset, and wife 1st of George Duie, Escj., of Brampton, and then of Peter Eede, Esq., of Gymingham, 1577. South aisle, on altar-tomb, H. — C'otman, i., pi. Ixxx. p. -l^; Arch. Journal, ii. 247; BouteU's Hon. Brasses, 68 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. NORWICH— St. Margaret [continued). p. 139; Oxford Manual, p. 10; Haines' Introd., p. 55. The same lady is represented at Frenze, ^vliere her first husband's eff. is lost. Her second husband's eff. is at St. Peter Mancroft. Size, 231 by 9^. St. Martin at Oak. I. Inscrip. Ml'. John Bungey, 1557, and Agnes his wife, 1582, fet. 96, which latter left a house, "some tyme Eobert Herrold's," to the parish for repairs of Church, "so long as j'« same shall contynewe a Parish Church," and for a sermon by a "learned preacher" on the anniversary of her burial. Mural, nave, H. Size, 20J- by 16^. St. Martin at Palace. I. Purtiou of inscrip. — shield lost. John TUlys, 14[90] South chapel, H. Size, 2 wide. Local. n. Portions of marginal inscrip., with text from Job, commemorative inscrip.— shield lost, — See Boutell's Mon. Braxses, p. 150. Dame Jane, wife of Sir Phyllj-pe Calthorpe, Kt., and daughter of John Bleuerhasset, 1550. Chancel. Size, li wide. in. Inscrip., with four verses and small shield in the corner of the plate. John Shelton, second son of Ealph Shelton, Esq., of Brome iu Norfolk, 1588. Mural, nave, H. Size, 16^ by GJ. rV. Inscrip. John Powl, "Inholder," 1620. South chapel, mural, nave, II. Size, 1 8i by 9. Local, very rude. Y. Inscrip. Anthony, son of Peter Parham, M.D., and wife Susanna, daughter of Anthony [Sparrow], Bishop of Norwich, infant, I63J. Mural, nave. Size, 10^ by 3. YI. Inscrip. Eebecca, daughter of Peter Parham, M.D., infant, 1682. Mural, navo. Size, 11 by 3,^ yn. Inscrip. Thcmias, tliird son of Pot. Parham, M.D., infant. 1684. I^Iural, nave. Size, llj- bj 3A. VIII. Inscrip. Jane Webster, 1685. ;Mural, nave. Size, lljby 3. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 69 NORWICH- St. Mary Coslany. I. Insirii). i" Liitiu vctso. Hen. MontofortL, "in decretis Doctor," curate, 1518. Cliancel, H. Size, 2Gi by 5. Local. II. Inscrip. of twelve verses with shiolrl. Jlrs. Ane Claxton, 1605. She seems to have been boru Worship, and mnrriod first to .... Clarke. She had nine sons and five daughters. Jlural, north transept, H. Size, 1 5A^ by 101. III. Head of man in civil dress— part of a brass of a man and wife, c. 1460. Engi-aved by L'otman, i., pi. xsv. p. 20. lu Norwich Museum. Size, 3^ by 2.^. St. Michael at Plea. 1. Inscrip., with skeleton rising from a tomb, thereon merchant's mark, and above « Ecce quod oris." Barbara, wife of Willinin Ferrer, "Alderman and twiso Mayor of this citty [in 1.5G2 and 1.575]," 1588. "She yeUded up her soule to the Most Holy Trinity on Trinity Eve." Chancel, H. Size, 2 1 by 6i. n. Inscrip. Mary Ferrer, wife of Eichard Farrer, Alder- man and once Mayor, 1605. Mural, H. Size, 21 J by 6 J. III. Shield and inscrip. Anne Ferrer, wife of Eobert Fcrer, Alderman and twice Mayor, 15.30. WUliam Ferrer, her son. Alderman and twice Mayor, 1577. Eichard Ferrer, his son. Alderman and once Mayor, 1616. Mural, north tran.sept, H. Size, 35-^ by 14 J. IV. Inscrip., with eight verses. Daniel Heylett, M.A., Pastor of this church, 1617, at. 27. Chancel H Size' 16by7i. Local. V. Inscrip. Mr. Tobyas de Hem, Merchant, 1629, sot. 41. Nave, H. Size, 18 by 5. Local. VI. Inscrip. John Ward, B.A. of Eman. CoU., Camb 1634. Chancel, H. Size, ISJ by 4i. ^'11. Inscrip. An Cory, daughter of Thomas Cory, citizen and alderman of Norwich, 1634, rot. 17. Mm-al! nave. Size, 10^ by 8. 70 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. NORWICH— St. Michael at Thorn. I. luscrip. Katheryn, wife of James Bradshawe, 1591. Loose in chest. Size, 15 J by 5. Local. St. Michael Coslany. I. Eifs of man and wife in shrouds, with iuscrip. and four evangelistic s^Tubols. Henry Scolows, alderman [Sheriff in 1514], 1515, and his wife Alice. North chapel, H. " Merchant's mark." Size of effs., 27 by 7. Local. n. Inscrip. Joan, wife of Eich. fferro' (Ferrour), four times Mayor of the city, 1496. North chapel, H. Size, 16 by 2^. Local. III. Inscrip. witli merchant's mark Richard Iferro (Ferrour), Alderman, and five times Mayor of Norwich, between 1473 and 1498. 1501. " Hora quasi X post meridiem." North chapel, H. Size, 23} by 4. Local. TV. Inscrip. — chalice lost. Sir Thomas Coke, Eector of Bodham, c. 1515. North chapel, H. Size, 24 by 3^. Local and pceiUiar. Y. Inscrip. Helen and Elizabeth Godfrej-, daugliters of William Godfi-ey, Sheriff of Norwich [in 1505], 1530. North chapel, H. Size, 2C by 2-}. Local. St. Peter Hungate. I. Inscrip. Priulonco, wife of Augustine Styward, 1596. Nave, H. Size, 1;3A by 2J. Local. St. Peter Mancroft. I. Eff. in ann, salade helmet, &c., c. 1470, and inscrip. Peter liede, Esq., 1568, " wlio served the Emperor Charles V." Ho was second liusband of Anne Blenerliaysot, first married to George Duke, Esq. See Fronzo and St. Margaret, Norwich. Chanctd, H. "Palimps. on reverse of off. and inscrip., the up2)er part of a man in civil dress, with scroll work, iStc, 16th century, Flemish." — Cotman, i., pi. Ixxvii. \}. 41 ; Uaincn' LIST OP NORFOLK BRASSES. 71 NORWICH-St. Peter Manoroft {conlinued). Iiitrud., p. 52. Size of eff., 3.3} by 10}. Local, very furious. II. Four groups of cliildron, c. 1530, and an inscrip. of eight (?) el(>giac verses, much worn. Probably the remains of a large brass of a civilian and two wives — their effigies and a commemorative inscription Tn'ing lost. Nave. III. Inscrip., with two shields, all on the same plate. Thomas Waller and Elizabeth his wife, c. 1600. Nortli aisle. Size, 1 6 by 8^. IV. Shield and inscrip. William Welles, Rector, "Prebend. Cathedi-alis," 1620. West end of north aisle. Size, 18^ by H. V. Inscrip. Thomas Mathewe, eldest son of John JIathewo, 1632, and Lydia his wife. North aisle, II. Size, 16 by 9|. VI. Inscrip. William and Dorothy, children of Thomas and Elizabeth Waller, 16-15-1647. North aisle. Size, -Jd by lOi. Vn. Inscrip. Mr. John Dersley, j\[erchant, 1708, ret. 76, and Anna his second wife, daughter of Will. Eusli, of Colehestr., in ye county of Essex, 1698, ect. 48. Chancel, H. Size, 18* by 12 J. St. Peter Permountergate. I. Inscrip. — with skuU, cross bones, and shield above, with date. John Barny, Gent., 1620. This is probably palimp. from shai)e. Mural, chancel, H. Size, 16i- by 7|. Local. II. Inscrip. — chalice lost. Robert, son of Owen Godfrey, of Hindringham, Esq., 1646. Nave, H. Size, 16 by 4. This is probably palimp. on account of the matrix of the clialice. Local. St. Peter Southgate. "WTien this church was demolished, the brasses were removed to St. Etheldred, where see an account of them. LIST OF NOKFOLK BRASSES. NOEWICH— St. Simon and St. Jude. I. Inscrip. of two Latin verses. Henry Gardener, Priest, "born at Catton," c. [1471]. Miu-al, chancel, H. Size, lOA by If. Local. II. Inscrip. Margaret, vriie of Matthew Peckover, Sheriff of Norwich in 1615, 1616. Nave. Size, 17 by 5i. m. Inscrip. John, son of Daniel and Jane Walters, 1619. Mural, chancel, H. Size, 26A by 11 J. TV. Shield — arms of Fettus, with mantling. Probably part of the brass of Sir John Pettus, 1614, which is described in Bl. JVorf., iv. 360, as "above half covered with a seat." Nave. Size, lOJ by 12^. St. Stephen. I. Eff. of lady, c. 1410, with bedesmen at feet, and inscrip. added for "Eel" (or Elena?) Buttrj', su'tyme prj-ores of Campese, 1546. North chapel, H. — Cotman, ii , app., pi. i. fig. A, p. 57. Engi-aved in Xorf. Archy., vi. 295. Size, 26 by 8. IT. Eif. in civil dress — inscrip. lost. Thomas Bokenham, 1460. West end of south aisle, U., "and wife Christian." — Cotman, i., j)l. xxvii. p. 21. Size, 22J by 6. Local. III. Eff. in civic mantle and wife, with inscrip. Robert Brasyer, Alderman and Maj'or in 1410, deceased 1435, and Cristiana his wife. The brass was engraved c 1513. North aisle, II. Size of eff., 274 by 8. Local. IV. Two effs. in civic mantles — inscrip. lost. Ivichard Brasyor, sen., iVlderman and Mayor of Norwicli in 1 456 and 1463, and his son Pichard, also Alderman and Mayor in 1510, deceased 1513. AVest end of nave, II. Size of eff., 27-1 by 7|-. Local. Y. Eff. of ecclesiastic in cope, tippet, &c., and inscrip. Mr. Thomas Capp, D.C.L. and Vicar, 1545. Chancel, H. — C'utman, ii., pi. ciii. p. 50. Size, 24 by 7. VI. Inscrip. John ffrankissh, Gout., 1498 ; in Arabics at the base of the pulpit, II. Size, 13^ by 2. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 73 NORWICH— St. Stephen (conlinueil). VII. Insurip. Mastr. Eobert Grone, Mnyor, 1541. North aisle. Size, 19 by 6J. VIII. Inscrip. and six verses. Mary, wife of Edward Turfott, Gent., 1625. Nortli aisle, H. Size, 18 by 12. IX. Merdiaiit's mark ou a shield. Walter Daniel, four times maj'or, 1426. In Norwich Museum. Size, 4J by 5X. St. Swithin. I. Eff. in civil dress and wife, witli iiomandor and two merchant's marks — inscrip. lost. John ITorsleo, citzn. and alderman of Norwich, 1495, and his wife Agnes. Chancel, H. — BoutelVs Moil. Brasses. Size of eff., 27i by 8J. Local. II. Inscrip. Sir John Cok, Chaplain, 1456. Nave, H. Size, 121 by 3- III. In.'icrip. Agnes, wife of John Horsley, citizen and alderman of Norwich. See No. I. [She deceased 1504.] Size, \0i by 2*. Local. IV. Inscrip. Mary, daughter of Robert Barker, aldei-man of Norwich, c. 1500. Size, 12 by If. Local. V. Inscrip. Peter Tilnoy, 1503. Navo, H. Size, Ij by 2i. Local. VI. Inscrip. Simon Bryght, 1514. South aisle, H. Size, Hi by 2i. Local. VII. Inscrip. William Knyght, 1521. Part in nave, and part in the chest, H. Size, 9^- bj' 2}. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Richard Clement, 1535. Nave, II . Size, 12 J by 2^. Local. IX. Portion of inscrip. Margaret, wife of Thomas Baxter [1619]. H. Size, 3| wide. Local. X. Inscrip. and six verses. Matthew Bridgis, 1625, aet. 45. H. Size, 18f by 6*. Local. ORMESBY, GEEAT. I. Half eff. of lady holding a heart, circumscribed "Erth my bodye I giue to the, ou my soulo Jhu have 74 LIST or NORFOLK BRASSES. ORMESBY, GREAT (amiimitd). m'cy " — inscrip. lost, c. 1440. Loose in church chest, H. This has been altered b}' sliadmg-, and an inscription added, now also lost, to represent Alice, daughter of Sir AVni. Boleyn, and wife of Sir Robert Clere, 15.38. — Cotman, i., pi. IxA-i. p. 36. Size of efP., 22 by 5^. II. Eff. in arm., marginal inscrip. in Eoman capitals, each word divided bj- a shield having coats of arms connected with the family — four shields lost. Sir Eobert Clere, 1529. H. — Co/man, ii., pi. Lsii. i). 34 ; Uaiiicx' Introd., p. 34. Size of effs., 35i by Hi. Local and peculiar. III. Inscrip. Eobert Mortymer, Esq., c. 1480. Loose in chiu'ch chest. H. Size, 9i by 2]. IV. Three scrolls (one slightly mutilated), with text from Job xis., 25 — heart and inscrip. lost. Eobert Clere, 1446. H. Size, 14i long. ORMESBY, LITTLE. I. Inscrip. James, son of Walter Hawe, c. 1520. Now partly covered by font. Size, 2 wide. Local. I I . Inscrip. WiUiam Kar and Elizabeth his wife, c. 1520. Nave, 1 Of by 2. Local. III. Inscrip. John Carre, 1525. Tower. Size, 1.3^ by 2J. Local. OULTON. I. lu.scrijJ. Edmund Boll and Katlieriuo his wife, 1636. Nave. Size, 101 by 7. II. Inscrip. Thomas Bell, 1724. l\[ucli worn. Nave. Size, 9 by 7. OUTWELL. I. Eil. in arm. and inscrip. Eichard Qwadryng, Esq., 1511. North chapel, mural, II. Size of oC, 27 by 7.\. Ijocal. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. OUTWELL (con(miini). II. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of Gilbert Ilaultoft, one of the Bnrons of tlie Exchequer of King Henry VI., c. 1460. Gilbert Haultoft made liis will in 1457. See Korf. Archij., viii. 179. North chapel, mural. Size, loi by 2. OXBURGH. I. Portion of marginal inscrip. [William Schanckej', "8er\-ant to Sir Thomas Bedingfyld,"] 1521. Chancel, U. Size of brass, 32 J hy 1 7. Local. OXNEAD. I. Inscrip. Anne, daughter of Sir John Paston, c. 1490. Chancel. Size, 9i by 2i. II. Inscrip. Geoffit-y Brampton, Gent., Marshall of the Hall to Sir "William Paston, and afterwards to Clement Paston, Esq., at Oxnead, for many j-eurs, 1586, aDt. 63. Mural. Size, 17J by 6. III. Two shields and inscrip. Edmund Lambert, son of Eichard Lambert of London, Esq., had issue by his wife Anne Jackman, five sons and nine daughters, 1608. Chancel. Size, 22 J by 9A. IV. Two shields and inscrip. Alice Paston, widow, daughter of — Pakinton, Esq., first, wife of Eichard Lambert, Esq., of London; second, of Clement Paston, Esq., of Oxnead, 1608. Chancel. Size, 22 A by 10. V. Inscrip. on coffin-plate. Eobert Paston, Earl of Yarmouth, Lord Lieutenant and Vice- Admiral of Norfolk, &c., 1682, Eet. 52. Mural. Size, 9^ by 7. Yl. Inscrip. on cofBn-plate. The Hon. the Lady Bety Paston, daughter of the Et. Hon. the Earl of Yai-mouth, 1686. Mural. Size, 6^ by 6. VII. Inscrip. on coffin - plate. Eebecca, Countess Dowager of Yarmouth, 169^ Mural. Size, 9 by 6. 76 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. PASTON. I. Eff. of man in go-mi, two shields, inscrip., and foiu- verses — wife and two groups of children lost. Erasmus Paston, 1538, and Mary [Windliam] his wife, died c. [1590], apparently engraved c. 1580. Chancel, H. "On the reverse of one shield, part of a Dutch inscrip., 146-, on the reverse of the other, a head on a mattress, Flemish." — Cotman, i., pi. Ixviii. p. 37, where is engraved the matrix of the female efP. Size of eff., 25 by 10. PENTNEY. 1. Two shields and inscrip. Mi-s. Susan Wyndham, wife of Thomas Wj-ndham, Esq., one of the daughters of Thomas Clere of Stokesby in fflegg, Esq., 1620, eet. 74. Chancel.— Ch. Her. of Nor/., ii. p. 263. Size, 1 61 by yf . Local. PLUMSTEAD, GREAT. 1. Inscrip. Eichard Zottys, 1502. Nave, II. Size, 1 7 by 2 J. Local. PLUMSTEAD, LITTLE. I. Efi:. of man in close tunic (feet lost) and wife in buttei-fly head-dress — inscrip. lost, c. 1480. Chancel, H. Size of eff., 2.5A by 10. II. Eff. in arm., with feet on dog [unusual for date], three shields, with scrolls beneath each, and inscrip. of ten verses. Sir Edward Warner, Kt., 1565, vet. Hi. Chancel. Partly covered l)y a dais, which is moveable, H. — Cotmtvi, pi. Ixxvi. p. 40. Size of eff., 36^ by 12i. III. Inscriji. Walter Burfford, Eector, reluiilder of chancel [1469]. His successor was instituted in that year. Chancel, under dais, II. Size, 15^ by 2^. IV. Inscrip. John Marker, c. 1520. Nave, II. Size, 7* by 2J. Local. _ I ';^'' '■'<■!- "-'~^'*.- l -U-LUl.l.H..L I II 11 . ■ I ^ ' ^^V^ww^mv^^^^^^wmw^m ^^^^^^^^^^^^ X o i X o X z i o uj 5 c < X ai z LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 77 POKINGLAND. I. Inscrip. Wmiam Body, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size 75 by 2J. Local. II. Inscrip. Edward Canwold, 1501, and Iiis wife Cecily, 1503. Nave, H. Size, 21f by 2i. Local. POSTWICK. I. Inscrip. Ilonry Clyffion, Ecctor, 1500. Tower. Size, njby 2.^. Local. II. Inscrip. William TliyrkyU, 1501, and his wife Sissilia. Nave. Size, 15A^ by 2. Local. III. Inscrip. Jolm Bradfeld, 1513. Nave. Size, 19 by 2. Local. POTTER HEIGHAM. I. Four- shields, with crest and inscrip. on one plate. Eichard Baispoole, Gent., 1613. Chancel.— CA. Her. of Korf., i. 357. Size of crest and inscrip., 18 by 8J. Local and peculiar. PULHAM ST. MARY THE VIRGIN. I. Shield. Arms of Lamj with quarterings, impaling Aslack with quarterings. In 1883 it was loose in the possession of the rector. — Ch. Her. of Nor f., i. 14. Size 9 by 8. RAINHAM, EAST. I. Efl'. of youth in civil dress, shield, and inscrip. George, son of Eoger Townsend, Esq., c. 1500. South aisle, H. Size of eff., 9J by 3]-. Local. II. Eff. in academical dress, with scarf, and inscrip. Master Eobert Godfrey, Clerk, LL.B., Sector of Eeynhani St. Mary, 1522. North aisle, H. Size of eff.. Hi by 5. Local. 78 LIST OF XOEFOLK BRASSES. RANDWORTH. I. Inserip. Eoger Eryng, liSi. Nave, H. Size, 16 by 2f. Local and peculiar. n. Inserip. — worn. Robert Milward. This is iden- tified bj' his will. — JVorf. Archij., vii. 191. 1507. Nave, H. Size, 14jhy2. Local. III. Inserip. Eobert Bimne and Beatrice his wife, c. 1520. Nave, H. Size, 16i- by 2^. Local. IT. Inserip. Eobei't Kynge, 1521. Nave, H. Size, 13 by 2i. Local. Y. Three labels, bearing text from Job xix., originally placed above a heart, with insci-ip. below, c. 1540. Palimp. On the reverse of two of them are portions of Latin inserip., c. 14o0; on the third, "e Drye civis Norwici, 1510." Loose in chest, H. Size, 7 by If. RAVENINGHAM. I. Eff. of lady in butterflj' head-dress and Yorkist coUar of suns and roses, with cb'agon at feet, allusive to patron saint (Margaret). The collar is allusive to her husband's oifice in the coui-t of the Yorkist king, Richard III., with inserip. of eight verses — three shields lost. Margaret, wife first of Hounfrey Castyll, "late W3'if unto Eauf 'Wyllughb}', squier for Kyng Ej-chard the th3Td's body," 1483. Chancel, 11. — Cotman, i., pi. xxxv. i>. 2-1. Size of eff., 2oj by 12. Local and curious. II. Inserip. Richard Baspolc, and his wives, Alice, Beatrice, and Agnes, c. 1520. Nave, 11. Size, 11 by 3^. Local. III. Inserip. John Baspole, and Ids wives, Agnes and Elena, c. 1520. North aisle, 11. Size, 10 by 3}. Local. IV. Shield and inserip. on the same plate. Jolin Castle, Esq., 1593, a3t. 44, and Francis liis wife, daughter of Thomas Plater of Soterley, Suffolk, Esq., 1614, tct. 6a. Chancel.— C'A. Ifer. of Nor/., i. 109. Size, 2U by 27. LIST OF NOKFOLK BRASSES. 79 RAVENINQHAM {conliniuJ). X. Tiiscrip. of two Englisli vorses. Dorothea, wife of WiUiam Doiiuy, Gent., 1633 (37?). Chancel. Size, 18* l-y 5. REEDHAM. I. EtV. of lady in butterfly hoad-clress and widow's veil — eff. of hu.sband in armour and inscrip. lust. Elizabeth, (laughter of O-sbort Mundoford, Esq., wife of John Berney, Esq., 1474-5. South chapol, II.— Mr/. Archy., x. 214, 222. Size, 31i by 11. Local. II. Crest, with mantling, and one shield in white metal — two other shields, scrolls, and inscrip. lost. Berney family, c. 1540. South chapel. — Ch. Her. of Norf., i. 219. Size of crest, 16 square; size of shield, 6 J bj- 9. REEPHAM. I. EU. in arm. (legs mutilated), wife in nebule head- dress and mantle, portions of canopy and of marginal inscrip. Sir William de Kerdeston, 1391, and his wife Cecilia (Brewes). Chancel, H. — Colman, i., pi. xii. p. 10. Size of eff., 61 by 17. II. Inscrip. Margaret CampljTi, 1527. North aisle, H. Size, 8 by 2. Local. UI. Inscrip. John Jeckes, 1577. Nave, H. Size, 8;J by 5A. Local. rV. Inscrip. Eichd. Hey ward, 1608. North aisle, H, Size, 14 by 3i. REPPS (West Flegg). I. Inscrip. Sir John Greyve, Chaplain, 1451. Nave. Size, lOf by 2i. n. Inscrip. Sir Thomas Folshih, bachelor. Chaplain, c. 1460. Nave. Size, 14 J by 3. III. Inscrip. Sir John Symons, c. 1480. Nave. Size, 9 by 2|. 80 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. REPPS (Fleggl, lamliaued). rV. Inscrip. Eobert Amies the elder, 1591. His son Eobert " intendeth to be here buried." Nave. Size, 16|^ by U. REPPS, NORTH. I. Inscrip. Eobert Grey, 1492, mutilated. Tower. Size, 10^ by 3. II. Insurip. "William Eugge, 1512 Tower. Size, 12 by 5. Local. These brasses were covered with rubbish in May, 1888. REPPS, SOUTH. I. Inscrip. Thomas Blofeld, 1608. Loose in chest. Size, 12iby 5. REYMERSTON. I. luscriji. Eobert ffychepoole, 1509. Size, 16Jby2k Local. RINGLAND. I. Inscrip. John Atmere, Chaplain, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 6J by li. Local. LE. Inscrip. John Atmere, 1506, and Elizabeth his wife. Nave. Size, 24 J by 2|. Local. RINGSTEAD, GREAT. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments, and inscrip. Eichd. KegeU, M.A., "decretor Inceptor." Eector, 1485 (1482 ?). "Qui tectu isti eancelli totaUter ffiori ffecit." Chancel, 11. Size, 35^ by 10. Local. ROCKLAND Henstead). I. lii.-crip. ]\[argaret Sendell, c. 1500. Nave, II. Size, 10 by 2^. Local. n. Inscrip. Eobert Cocke, " tlio younger," Gent., 1638, xt. 22. Chancel. Size, 13J by 7 J. III. Inscrip. John Cocke, 1638. Chancel. Size, 1 1 ^ by 5i. LIST OF NOEFOLK BRASSES. 81 ROUGHAM. I. EQ'. in arm. under judicial roho, and coif, witli Yorkist collar of suns and roses, foet on a lion, and wife in a butterfly lioad-dress, rich necklace, and mantle — inscrip. lost. 8ir William Yelverton, Justice of the King's Bench, and Agnes [Brewes] his wife, c. 1470. Judge Yelvertou ■was an active adherent of the House of York. — See Paston Letters. Chancel, mural. It was formerly on an altar-tomb in the north chapel, H.— Gotigh, ii., pi. Ixxxvii. p. 230; Carthew's Lamditch, iii. 301. Size of e£f., 26 by 9. II. EfiF. in arm., wife, two labels, group of seven sons, and inscrip. William Yelverton, Esquire for the body to Edward IV., 1481 (in .\i-abic,s), and Katherino [Spelman] his wife, engraved c. 1510. Nave, mural, H. "A daughter lost." — Cotman, i., pi. xxxiv. p. 23 ; Cartheiv's Latmditcli, iii. 302. Size of effs., 26 J by 7i'. Local. III. Two very small effs. in swaddling clothes, under canopy, and inscrip., all on one plate. John Yelverton, 1005, and Eoger Yelverton, 1510 (in Ai-abics). Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. cLx. p. 52. Size of plate, 6i- by 4J. Local. lY. Eff. in gown and ruii, two wives in ruffs and brocaded petticoats, two groups of chilth-en, and three shields (another mutilated shield belonging to this brass is now placed above No. II.) — two shields and inscrip. lost. William Yelverton, 1586, and his two wives, Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Fermour, and Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Cocket. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. Ixxxii. p. 43 — the eff. of first wife apparently missing in his time ; Carthew's Launditch, iii. 303. Size of effs., 24 by 8i Y. Inscrip. Sir John Swaflim (Swaffham), Vicar, 1499 [or 1490]. Chancel, mui-al, }i.— Carthew's Launditch, iii. 301. Size, 15 by 3 J. RUNTON. I. Inscrip. Thomas Makke, 1497. Nave. Size, 13 by 3. Local. 82 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. RTJSTON, EAST. 1. luscrip. Eoger Skynnar, 1534, and Margaret his ■svife. Size, 10 by .5. Local. SAHAM TONEY. I. Inscrip. Anna Sandill, 1596, set. 48. Size, 17i by 6i. II. Inscrip. Edward Goffe of Tiirexton, founded Free School and four Almshouses ; also four Almshouses at Watton, 1612. Size, 12f by 8.^. Local and peculiar. SAIL. I. EfE. in civil dress, c. 1420 — lower part of eff., two wives, inscrip., and several children lost; one daughter remaining. Possibly Thomas Briggs and his wives, &c. He was living in 3rd Henry IV. (1402). South aisle. II. Etf. in civil dress, wife, three scrolls, and inscrip. Geoffrey Boleyn, 1440, ^yice his wife, and their children. Nave, H. " Five sons and foui- daughters lost," Size of effs., 2.5^ by 7J. III. Eff. in civil dress, wife, groiip of eight sons and four daughters standing before their parents, on a bracket (lower portion of which is gone, as also the canojiy), and inscrip. Thomas Eooso, 1441, and Katherine his wife. North transept, H. Size of brass as it now remains, 4.').l by 24 ; size of effs., 17 by 7 J. IV. Two female effs., one scroll, and inscrip. — nude, and anotlier female clT., with two sons and one daughter, lost. John ffuntcjTi, 1453, and his wives, Alice, Joan, and Ag^es. " Et p quib? tene''." North transept, mural, H. — Bl. A'w;/., vi. 234; Gough, ii., \A xc p. 120. Size of effs., 17 by 5. V. Eff. in sliroud, witli inscrip. of six curious verses. John 13rigge [1454]. South aisle, H. — C'otman, ii., pi. cviii. p. 51; Gough, ii., pi. xxxviii. p. 309. Size, 21 J by 0^. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 83 SALL {conliiiufd). VI. Portion of inscrip. Robert Aldi-ycli, public notary, 1474. Ldoso in chost. Sizo, 2 wide. Local. VII. Tortion of inscrip. Geoffrey Melman (?) c. 1480. Palinip., on the reverse portion of a lady's head, hair braided, resting on a cushion, c. 1400, Flomisli. Loose in chest, H. Size, 10 by 2A. VIII. Portion of inscrip. Simon Grene and Ilelwisia his wife, c. 1480. Loose in chest, H. Sizo, SJ wide. IX. Inscrip. — chalice lost. Sir Simon Boloyn, chaplain, 1482. Nave, II. Size, 12.] by 3. X. Inscrip. with four evangelistic sjTiibols — eff. of ecclesiastic lost. Sir Thos. Haghm, cliaplain, 1483. Nave, H. Siz(> of inscrip., 21^ by 3f. Local. XI. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of Edward Calwe, (laughter of John Walpole, Esq., 1486. Nave, H. Size, 20 by 3i. Local. XII. Inscrip. Edward Calwe, 1496. Nave. Size, 17. J by 2. Local. XIII. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of Thomas Eygthwys, 1504. Nave, n. Size, 16.V by 2.V. Local. XIV. Inscrip. John Eyghtwys, Gent., 1504. North aisle, H. Size, lA^ by 2A. Local. XV. Inscrip. William ffunteyn, 1505 (1515?), and Margaret his wife. Size, 15} by 2A. Local. XVI. Inscrip. Peter Crome and his wife Margaret, c. 1520. Nave, H. Size, 9^ by 2. Local. XVII. Inscrip. Katherine Good, c. 1530. Nave, H. Size, 6.1 by 2. Local. XVfll. Inscrip. Henry Hoddys, 1532. Nave, H. Size, 13Jby 2}. Local. SALTHOirSE. I. ChaHce and inscrip. of three curious verses. Sir Eobert Fevyr, 1519. Chancel. Size, lU by 4. Local. 8-4 LIST OF JfOEFOLK BRASSES. SANDRINGHAM. I. Sliield and inscrip. "William Cobbis, Esq--, of Sand- ryngbiii, who maried Dorethe, on of the dowghtr' of 8jT John Spehnan, Knrght, and had yssue betwext them, 4 sonnes and 8 dowghtr*." 1546. In tower, mural. Size, 241 by of. SAXTHORPE. I. InscTip. Thomas Smyth, 1528. Nave. Size, 8J by 3. Local. II. Inscrip. " Hac jacent in Tuba Cysly venerabUis ossa Orate, orate." 1534. Nave. Size, 16|^ by 2J. Local. SCAENING. I. Inscrip. John EusseU, 1507. Size, 18 J by 2. Local. SCOTTOW. I. (Vhalice and inscrip. Nicholas Wethyrley, chaplain, f. 1520. South aisle, H. Size, 10^ by If. Local. SCULTHORPE. I. Efi. in arm., kneeling, scroll, and inscrip. — four shields, &c., lost. Henry Unton, " GentUman Ciro- gi-aphorius" of the Court of Common Pleas, 1470. It is restored, and lines filled uj). Nave, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xxxi. p. 22. Size of eft'., 22 by Hi. II. EfE. in civil dress, wife, groups of seven sons and one daughter, also inscrip. John Humpton, 1521, and his wife Elizabeth. Nave, H. Size of cffs., 19 by (i. III. Shield and iuscriij., on the former a cross witli initials, and the letters J. S. John Stebyrd and his wife Margaret, c. 1480. Nave, H. Size, 12^ by 2 J. IV. Inscrip. Sir George Brown, parish priest, c. 1520. It is restored, and fiUod up Nuvo. Size, 10^ by 2. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 85 SEETHING. I. Iiisci-ip. .Alice Sponar, c. 1500. Size, 7^ b}' 2. Local. II. Insci'ip. Francis Sponar lunl William Sponar, e. 1500. Siz,., lO.V by 2. Local. SHARINGTON. I. Eli. in arm., c. 1445. Mural. Size of effs., 37 by lOi. IL EH. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vcstiuonts, and inscrip. Master John Botolff, Eector, 1486. Mural. Size of eff., 12A by SJ. Local. III. Eff. of lady, c. 1520. Mural. Size, 12 by 1. The Rector states that this was ploughed up in a field adjoining the churchyard. IV. Eff. in arm. (headless), wife in ruff and brocaded petticoat, five sons, and thi-oo daughters, all kneeling ; and inscrip. Christofer Dawbeuey, Esq., 1587, who married rhillippa, the daughter of Mr. Eobertes, co. Essex, Esq. Widow Philippa erected the monument in 35th Elizabeth [1593]. Mural. Size of eff., 13 by 13. V. Shield, c. 1500. Too indistinct to identify the arms. Perhaps belonging to No. VII. Mural. Size, 4 J by 5A. VI. Shield. Ai-ms of Dawbeney, c. 1520. Mural. Size, b^ by 6. VII. Inscrip. John Sharyngton, Gent., 1498. Mural. Size, 14 by 2. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Thomas Dawbeney, Esq., " Lord of Manor and Patron of this Chiuxh, 1527," and Anne his wife. Mural. Size, 23J- by U. SHELTON. I. Inscrip. Dame Katherine, wife of William Shelton, Esq., 1456. In 1883 this was in the possession of the Eector. It fits one of the matrices on a large altar-tomb in the church. Size, 14 J by 3j. 86 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. SHERNBOTTRNE. I. Ktf. ill arm , and wife in Korned lioad-di-ess and mantlfr — tlu-ee sliields and inscrip. lost. Sir Thos. >Sliernborne, Chamberlain to Queen Margaret of Anjou, 1458, and liis wife, Jamina de Cherneys, Lady in "Waiting to the Queen. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xxiv. p. 20. 8izeof cff , 39 by 13. SHERRINGHAM I. Etf. in civil dress, wife, and inscrip. — between effs. two groups of chiltlren lost. John Hook, 1513, and Magdalen his wife. South aisle, H. Size of etf., 19J- hy .5J. Local. II. Inscrip. John Estgato, 1501. Nave. Size, H\ by ;!. Local. III. luscrip. Thomas Borges, 1540, and Margaret his wife. South aisle. Size, 9A hy oh. Local. SHIMPLING. 1. luscrip. Anthony Le Grj^s, Gent., sou of Kobert Le Grys, and his wife Susan, 1598. Palimp. On reverse, iuscrij). to Thomas Le Grys, 1692. Sec Norf. Archj., X. 201. Nave. Size, 8i- by 3,V. Local and peculiar. SHIPDHAM. I. In.scrip. Master Thomas Alkoke, " sutj-nic psa of thj-s churclic." 1523. lie was related to Bishop Alcock of Ely. Size, 18A by 3. SHOTESHAM ST. MARY. i. l^lf. in arm., wife, and iuscrij). Edward Whyte, Esq., and Elizabeth [Fro.xmore] his wife, both died [of the sweating sickness] on the same day, July 8th, 1528. Chancel, II. — Cotmati, i., pi. Ixi. p. 34. Size of off., 30 by 10. Local. Till' iuscrip. was loose in the matrix in May, 1889. SLOLEY, 1. liisirip. Joan llardyngham, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 9i by 2, Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 87 SLOLEY (cmilinueJ). II. Inscrip. Adam Ryall, c . 1500. Navo, 11. Size, 6 A by 2. Local. III. Insorip. — chalice lost. "William Ward, chaplain, c. 1500. Navo, H. Size, 16i by 4. Local. IV. Inscriii., partly covered by pulpit — chalice lo.st. Eobert Glaveyn, Clerk, Rector, 1503. Nave. Size, 14X by 3. J. Local. V. Inscrip. Thomas Hardynggm, c. 1510. Navo, H. Size, 12 by 2. Local. VI. Inscrip. John Ileynys, c. 1510. Nave, H. Size, 8 by 2i. Local. VII. Inscrip. William Thirkyld, "Thirkyld Willm," c. 1510. Navo, H. Size, 7.1 by IJ. Local. VIII. Inscrip. William Xechyn ami Alice his wife, c. 1520. Nave. Size, 13 by 2^. Local. IX. Inscrip. Adam Sp'hawke, 1520. Nave, H. Size, 1 "i by 2 J. Local. SNETTISHAM. I. E£f. of lady (slightly nmtilated), c. 1560. South ai.sle, H. Size, y2t by 10. JI. Eff. in civil di-ess witli short cloak, &c., wife, with separate effs. of six sous and one daughter, scrolls, verses, and inscrip. John Cremor, 1610, and his wife Anne. North aisle, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. xc. p. 45. Size of brass, 86 by 43; size of effs., 23i- by 9J. III. Shield and inscrip. Thomas Gurlin, Gent., three times Mayor of Lj-nn, and M.P. for that town, 1644, ajt. 60. Size, 13 by 19i. SNORING, GREAT. I. Head of e£E. in arm., . and wife in mantle, over heraldic kirtle — body of male eff., marginal inscrip. and shields lost. Sir Ralph Shelton [1424] and his wife Alice, daughter of Sir Thomas de Uvedale. Chancel, H.^ — Cotman, i., pi. xix. p. 17. Size of fern, eff., 3Gi by 12. 88 LIST OF NOEFOLK BRASSES. SOTJTHACRE. I. Eff. in arm. and wife, witli arms on jupon and kirtle respectively, holding hands ; shield, helmet, and crest above effigies, with marginal inscrip , mutilated. Sir John Harsick, 1384, and his wife Katherine, daughter of Sir Bartholomew Calthorpe. North chapel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. s. p. 9 ; {xougli, i., pi. Iviii. p. 153; BotdclVs Series; Haines' Introd., p. 157. Size of brass, 82i by 40; size of effs., 61 by 17. II. Efi. of ecclesiastic in academical dress, kneeling ; above Blessed Yirgin and Holy Child, and below inscrip. — scroll lost. Sii' Thomas Leman, Eector, 1534. Chancel, H. — Cotman, ii., pi. cii. p. 49. Size of brass, 34 by 16A-; size of eff., lU by 9. III. Five mutilated fragments. (1) Two hands holding a heart, with inscrip., palimp. ; on reverse, head of civ., c. 1400. (2) Part of scroll, palimp. ; on reverse, Flemish letters. (3, 4, and 5) Scroll inscrips. " syk militis et Aliei," "sue cjuors aiab; ppicet' deus," "seruo tuo due." These are portions of a, brass, of which the matrix is still in the chancel. Sir Eoger Harsyk [1454] and his wife Alice. They are now (1888) in the possession of the churchwarden. SOUTHERY. I. Inscrip. John Canham, 1770, ret. 84, and llary his wife, 1779, vdi. 83. In ruined church. Size, 18 by 14. SPARHAM. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in euchnristic vestments, and inscrij). William Mustarder, Eector, c. 1490 [successor seems to have been instituted in 1493]. Nave, H, Size of eff., 24 by 7. Local. II. Inscrip. Clement Woh-j'sby, 1497. Nave. Size, 16 hy 3. Local. ni. Inscrip. Willm. Eollcard, Gout., 1500. Nave. Size, 1 2 by 2 J. Local. LIST OF NOUFOLK BRASSES. 89 SPIXWORTH. I. Jiiscrip. Greg-oi-y Lynsted, " In fcsto AssupcoTs bte Mniio," 1513. South aislo. Size, 14 by 2. J. Local. II. In.scrip. Jfargaret, wife of Thomas Thome, 1517. Beneath a pcnv iu tho nave. Size, 16J by 2. Local. m. Tortion of inscrip. John Sty . . . ., c. 1500. South aisle. Size, 2J wide. Local. SPROWSTON. I. Etl'. in arm. (upper part lo.st), wife, groups of four sons and six daughters beliiud their parents, all kneeling, with three shields and inscrip. John Corbet, Esq., 1559, and his wife Jane [daughter of Ealph Borney, Esq.] North chapel, mural, altar-tomb, K.— Cotman, i., pi. Ixxi. p. 38. Size of effs., 10^ by 7\. II. Inscrip. Eobert Spelraan, fourth son of John Spolman of Narborough, Esq., 1585. North aisle. Size, Hiby«. Local. STALHAM. I. Elf. of civ. and wife, c. 1460. Mural, south aisle. Size of effs., 16J by 4^. II. Inscrip. Edmund Cokke, 1499. Mural iu tower. Size, 14} })y 2^. Local. in. Inscrip. Wilhu. Eiches, 1624, vat. Hi. Chancel step. Size, 13A by 5 J. IV. Inscrip. John Eiches, Clerk, "Vicar of Stalham and Eector of Brumstead," a;t. 82, died a bachelor, 1624. Chancel, now covered (1889). Size, 17J by 8. V. Inscrip.— much worn. John Drake [1667J. Mural south aisle. Size, 12 by oi. STARSTON. I. Inscrip. AVillm. Bygott, Gent., 1580. Nave. Size, 15i by 2. Local and peculiar. G 2 90 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. STIFFKEY. I. Insciixi. William Lewkins, 1603. Nave. Size. 12i by 0. Local. II. Inscrip. Christian, wife of John Walker, 1630. Nave. Size, 14 by 6|. Local. STOCKTON. I. Inscrip. John Fale, S.T.B., Licentiate in Medicine, skilled in the Common Law, Eector, 1615. He repaired the rectory house. Size, 21 by 8i. STODY. I. Inscrip. Eobt. Braunche, Esq. [1502]. His will was dated in that year, and he was dead before 1505, when his widow desires to be biu-ied by him. — See Bl. Norf., ix. -141. Chancel. Size, 10 by 2'. Local. STOKE HOLY CROSS. L lusii-ip. Eobert Meke, 1533. Chancel. Size, U^ by 2. Local. STOKESBY. I. Eff. in arm., with salade helmet, mentoniere, and {collar of roses (?), wife with rich necklace, one shield, and inscrip. — one shield lost. Edmund Clere, Esq., 1488, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Charles, Esq. Chancel, H. — Cotman, i., pi. xxxvi. p. 24. Size of cffs., 20.1 by 8. Local. II. Elf. of ecclesiastic in academical dress and inscrip. — lower 2>art of efF. lost, upper part now mural, inscrip. <>n pavement. Master Thomas Gerard, B.C.L., Eector, 1506. Chancel. Size of eff., 11^ by 8; size of inscrip., 22 by 3J. III. Lower portion of eff. of lady in brocaded petticoat, one shield and inscrip. — shield in lozenge lost. Ann Clere [daughter of Eobert Gygges, Esq., and widow of Sir Thomas Clere], 1570. Chancel, H. — Co^mah, i., pi. Ixxviii. p. 41. Size of eff., 22 by 9. a < 1/) LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 91 STOKESBY (conlinuetl). IV. EfF. of lady, groups of five sons and six daughters, also inserip. M''" Anne, wife of Tliomas Clere, Esq., and daughter and hoir of Thomas Heigham, of Donham, co. Suffolk, Esq., 1614. Chancel, II. Size of etf., 25 by 10. V. luscrip. Dorothea Henioy, daughter of John Beruey of Koodham, e. 1470. Mural, chaucol. Size, 12] by 2i. VI. Inserip. John Holte, S.T.B., Rector, 1616, sot. 65. Chancel, H. Size, 17J by 4. VII. Inserip. Chai-les Clere, Esq., 1636, and Elizabeth his wife. Nave, H. Size, 21 by 6. STRADSETT. 1. Ell. in full plate arm , with collar and inserip. Thomas Lathe, Esq., "in vigil" Sci Bartholomei Apli," 1418. Nave, II. Size of eff., 2G.V by 7i. STRATTON ST. MICHAEL. I. Inserip. John Cowall, Rector. "Et jj (|ui])i tenet^" lie rebuilt the chancel iu 1487, and [died in 1509]. H. Size, 12Jby 3. n. Inserip. Richard Vynno, 1626, ret. G7. Size, l-lj by G. Local. STRATTON STRAWLESS. I. Portion of inserip. Robert (Marsham), c. 1465. Nave. Size, 10^- by li. Local. II. Inserip. Margaret, wife of Henry Todenhm (Todenham), e. 1500. Nave. Size, 1 Of by 1}. Local. III. Inserip. John Marsham, 1515. Partly covered. Nave. Size, 9 by 2. Local. IV. Inserip. Ellen Marsham, wife of John Marsham, 1515. Nave. Size, 12J by 2. Local. 92 LIST OF NOEPOLK BRASSES. STRUMPSHAW. I. luseiip. — chalice lost. John Hawys (?), Clerk, 1500. Loose, lying on the sedilia (in 1889). Size, 13:^ by 2j. Local. n. Inscrip. Nicholas Atken, c. 1500. Size, 12i- by 1 J. Local. in. Inscrip. Alice Dockyng, 1519. Nave. Size, 13A- by 2. Local. r\^. luscrip. William Sprygye, 1534. In a pew, :iave. Size, 8 by 3. Local. SUFFIELD. I. luscrip. Johu S3'niondys, 1453, and Cecily his wife. Tower, H. Size, 1 5f by 3f . n. Inscrip. John Cayworth, Eector for foiu'teen j"ears, 1637, a?t. 41. Chancel. Size, 2 1^ by 9. III. Inscrip. Thomas Symonds, Eector for forty-seven years, 1684. tot. 78. Chancel. Size, 21^ by 11^. SURLINGHAM. I. Eil. of ecclesiasti(' in academical dress, with inscrip. in foui- Latin verses. Master John Alnwik [Vicar, 1432-19], 1460. Gave gifts to the chiu-ch. Chancel, IT. — Cotman, ii., pi. xcviii. p. 48. Size of e£F., 21:^ by 7A. II. Chalice (mutilated) with inscrip. Sir Eichard Louhauw3s, Eector, 1513. Chancel, H. Size, 18 by 2}. Local. III. Portion of inscrip. Audrie Syr and Alice Walisch, c. 1520. Loose in a di-awor of the altar-table (1884). Size, 2 wide. Local. SUSTEAD, I. Shield and inscrip. John Pamme, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 8 by 2. Local. II. Portion of inscrip. "Will" [Bokke] and wife LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 93 SUSTEAD (conliiiufd). [Margaret] ," c. 1500. Loose in chest. Size, 2A- wide. Local. III. Inscrip. Mary, wife of Thomas Blofold, Gent., 1611. Nnvo. Size, 21 by 6. SWAFFHAM. I. Eil. iu ni-m., worn, c. 1480. Nave, H. — Cotman, ii., app., pi. iii. p. 58. Size, 26 by 8. Local. II. Inscrip. of two English verses. Thomas, son of Abry Cannon, 1634. H. Size, 12i by 7J. Local. SWAFIELD. I. Inscrip. Margaret Bwrgh, 1496. Nave. Size, 9 by 2 J. Local. SWAINSTHORPE. I. Shield and inscrip. Gilbert Havers, Esq., "Served Queen Elizabeth as Captain twenty-two years in Berwick, Scotland, Ireland, and the Netherlands." He married Frances, one of the daughters of Tho. Nashe. 1628, sot. 87. Mural, chancel. — Ch. Her. of Mr/., i. \80. Size, 15Jby 6. SWANTON ABBOTT. I. Eff. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments, and inscrip. Stephen Multon [Eector], 1477. Chancel, H. Size, 18 by 5. IT. Inscrip. Margaret, wife of Simon Skottowe, c. 1520. Size, S.Vby IJ. Local. III. Inscrip. Margget, wife of John Wegge, 1621. Size, 13 by 4^. IV. Inscrip. Elizabeth, wife of Phihp Knolles and daughter of John Wegge, 1641, tet. CO. Size, 11 by 12. Local. 94 LIST OF KOEFOLK BRASSES. SW ANTON MORLEY. 1. Inscrip. Eubert Eokysby, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 9f by 2. Local. n. Inscrip. Jolin Bone, c. 1500. Nave, H. Size, 7A li}- 2. Local. III. Inscrip. Thomas Baret and Margaret bis wife, c. 1500. North aisle, partly covered, H. Size, 2 wide. Local. IV. Inscrip. Thomas Wygthman and Annes and Kattryn his wives, "vryt the dat of ower lord God," 1533. South aisle. Size, 19 by 2. Local. SWARDESTON. I. Inscrip. John Goodwyng, 1550. Nave. Size, lOJ by 3i. Local. SYDERSTONE. I. Inscrip. George Hall, IJcctor of Syderstouo and of a mediety of Seaming [1605-1628]. Chancel, mural. Size, 5J square. TASBURGH. I. Two shields and inscrip. on one jilate. Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Thomas Baxter, Gent., 1586, ret. 16. Chancel. Size, 14i by 3 J. II. Inscrip. Eobcrt Meeke, 1598. Benefactor to the poor. Size, 20f by 4i'. III. Shield and inscrip. Dorotliie, wife of John Bui-man, LL.D., and daughter of Anthony Drury, Esq., 1642.— a. Eer. of Norf., i. 206. Size, 23J by 7. Local and curious. TAVERHAM. I. lu.scrip. John Stok, Gent., 1486. Size, 15 by 2^. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 95 TERRINGTON ST. CLEMENT. 1. Inscrip. John Coraunt, 1528, and his wife Joan. Navo, H. Size, 24 by -JJ. THEMELTHORPE. I. Eft', in civil di'ess and inscrip. William Pescod. 1505. Nave, H. Size of eff., 12J by 4^. Local. II. Inscrip. (broken). Katherine Pescod, c. 1500. Loose in chest. Size, 11 by Ik. Local. in. Portion of inscrip. Eichd. Poscod, c. 1500. Loose in chest. Size, 1^ wide. Local. IV. Inscrip. Robert Fork (?), c. 1500. Loose in chest. Size, 9 by 2A. Local. THORNHAM. I. One label, inscribed "Jesu mercy," "Lady help," c. 1460. Nave. Size, 5J by 2A. II. Inscrip. Simon Miller, merchant, 1464, with "W" on a shield, slightly mutilated. Nave. Size, Hi by 3. III. Inscrip. John Myller, 1488. [He and his wife Claricia erected the rood screen] — See Ijl. Xorf., x. 393. Nave. Size, 18^ by 2^. rV. Portion of inscrip. to a lady, c. 1480. Loose in chest. Size, 3J wide. THORPE-NEXT-HADDISCOE. I. Inscrip. John Mottes, 1534, and Margaret his wife. Nave. Size, 14:J by 2. THORPE MARKET. I. Inscrip. Sir Eoger Burges, Vicar, c. 1500. Loose in a cupboard in the vestry. Size, 9 by 2i. II. Inscrip. — two shields lost. Edmond Gresham, Esq., son of Sir John Gresham, 1586. Nave. Size, 22J by 7. III. Inscrip. Robert Langwade, yeoman, 1600. Loose in a cupboard in the vestry. Size, 8 A- by 3. Local. 96 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. THTTRGARTON. I. Inscrip. Sir John Bakon, Eector, 1509. Cliaucel. Size, 9| by 2J. n. Inscrip. Daniel Eobinson, M' of Aits, 1627, .let. -JT. Chancel. Size, 13J by 4. THUELTON. I. Inscrip. Thomas Denny, Gent., 1646. Nave. Size, I Of by 5. Local. THUXTON. I. Inscrip. John ffutter, Gent., 1572. Mural. Size, UA by 3f. Local. II. Inscrip. of six Enghsh verses. Marj' Seffowle, second wife of Gregory Pagrave, 1578, "eight and seventy." Size, ISJby 4i. III. Inscrip. of nine English verses. KatherLn Pigeon, third -n-ife of Gregory Pagrave, 1596, " si.^c and ninety." Size, 13Jby 6f. THWAITE (South Erpingham.) I. Eff. in civil dress, wife, and inscrip. in Latin verses. John Puttok [1-142] and Alice his wife [1469].— See i?/. Xorf., vi. 469." South aisle, H. Size of eff., 2Gi by 7. n. Shield. This is partly covered by a square pew, and there may be effs. beneath it. Possibly part of the brass of Richard Brown, Gent., 1508. — See Bl. Norf., vi. 469. Size, 5 by 5i. TIBENHAM. I. Inscrip. Ilobcrt Bucston, 1528, and his two wives, Cristiana and Agnes. Mural. Size, 14J by 3^. II. Inscrip. John de Buxton, died on Easter Eve, 1572, set. 84. Mural. Size, 19 by 8. III. Inscrip. John ]3uxton, Gent., son and heir of Eobert Buxton [the same person as No. II.], 1572, and Margaret Warner his wife. Mural. Size, 16 by 4. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 97 TOFT MONKS. I. Insciip. — brokeu. James a Badloj-, 1484, and Isaboll liis wife. Nnvo. Size, l.JJ >>y '2.1. Looal. II. Iiisirip. — mutilated. Tliomas Bert, 1529, and Jlai'sory his ^yifo. Nave. Size, 2^ wide. Local. III. Inscriji. Robert Kedgell, son of John Kedgell, 1606. Nave. Size, 11 l)y 3. IV. Inscrip. Edward Ilowlett, 1607. Chancel. Size, 20 by 5. V. Inscrip. John Kedgell, sun of liobcrt Kedgell, 1610. Chancel. Size, 17i by 5. VI. Shield, in possession of Mr. Fisher, Norwich. II. TOTTINGTON. I. Eff. of lady in veil, ruff, &c., and child (E.Y.), kneeling at a desk, with inscrip. Margaret Pory, 1598, set. 54. Placed by her second husband, Luke Vuger. North aisle, 11. — Gents.' Mag., Ixxxix., pt. i. 1819, ^il. ii. p. 113. Size of eff., lU by 9. TROWSE. I. Eli. of lad}', two shields, and inscrip the wife of Roger Dalyson, heir apparent to William Dalyson of Laughton, co. Lincoln, daughter and heire of Wilham Tuthill of Newton, 1585. Chancel, H. Size, 32 by 12. II. Inscrip. Richd. Loudo, Vicar, 1506. Chancel. Size, 12 J by 4^. Local. III. Inscrip. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Clypwell, 1728. Chancel. Size, 12 by 8. TEUNCH. I. Heart, and portion of two scrolls inscribed — shields and iusciip. lost, c. 1530. Nave. Size of brass, 25J by 2 1 . Local. H 98 LIST OF NOIirOLK BRASSES. TRUXCH [coNlmueil). II. Inscrip. — clialice lost. Nicolas Pylgrjiu, chaplain, c. 1500. Nave. Size, i2iby2. Local. III. Portion of inscrip. Walter Bownj-ng (?) and his wife Meliceut — worn, 1473. Palimp., on tlie reverse, part of marginal inscrip. and sliield, with ciu'ious marks, perhaps Flemish, or perhaps like those at St. Laurence, Norwich, c. 1420. H. — Ilouteirs lluii. Brasxes, p. 149. In possession of Mr. Bayfield, Norwich. TUDDENHAM, EAST. I. Eff. in civil dress (headless), with signet-ring at the end of rosary, and two wives— inscrip. lost, e. 1500. Loose in chest. H. — Cutman, i., pi. xlii. p. 26. Size of effs., 18 by 5-}. Local. TUDDENHAM, NORTH. I. A cross bearing an inscrip. Francisca, daughter of Thomas Skippe, Esq., 1625, rot. 2. H. This is stated to be beneath the dais, on which the choir seats rest, on the north side of the chancel, which cannot readily be removed. TUNSTEAD. I. Inscrip. Eeginald Crab, 1525. Loose in chest. Size, 10Jby2i. Local. UPTON. I. Inscrip. Thomas Cossey of Upton 1455. South aisle. Size, 13 by 2. Local. II. Inscrip. Ivobert Wynne and .\giu-s liis wifi', e. 1460. Chancel (?). Size, l"o| by 1 \ Local. III. Inscrip. Joan Taylowr, c 1500. Nave. Size, 7 by 2. Local. IV. Inscrip. Robert Dokkyg and llehvisia his wife [Persons of this name buried in the same aisle as late as 1841], 0. 1500. North aisle. Size, "■' by 2.J. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BHA8SES. 99 UPTON {conlwuril). V. Tnscrip. "William \Vyiiiio, 1505, aiul Agnes his wife, "will liavo a grnvostone tlio price of 2(;/8." — BL ^'o>■/., xi. I'M. Nave. Size, MJ by UJ. Local. YI. Tnscrip. Eoger Taylor, 1534. Nave. Size, 8 J by 2. Local. UP WELL. L FAX. of ecclesiastic in cope, with canopy, and supor- cauopy, c. 1430, marginal inscrip. — shields lost. Perhaps rienry Jlowbray, Eector, 1428. Mural, chancel, II. — Colman, ii., pi. xcv. p. 17. Sizu of brass, 72 by 30; size of etf., 15 by U. II. Efl. of ecclesiastic in cojie, with crossed stole, and with inscrip. Sir Ilemy Martyn, Rector of Yaxham, 1435. Mural, chancel, H. — BouteU's Serie>:; JVut-f. Archij., ii. 110. Siz(> of efl'., 30 J by 8|-. III. Eff. of lady, children, and inscriji. Jane [Coltropp], wife of Sinolphus Bell, Esq., 1631. Mural, chancel. — H. part ii. 236. IV. Inscrip. Willni. Damet, 1524, and Clarieia his wife. Nave. Size, 13 by -If. V. Inscrip. Tristram ])ymond, Es(j., 1660, ret. 52. Nave, Size, 11 by 3. ^'I. Inscrip. Maria, wife of Tristram Dymond, Esq., dannhtor of Peter Pretyman of Bacton, co. Suffolk, Esq., 1663, iiet. 57. Nave. Size, 11 i by 4. WACTON. I. Shield in lozenge and inscrip. Abigal Sedly, widow, daughter of John Knyvott of Ashwouldthorp, Esq., and wife of Martin Sedly of Morloy, Esq., 1623. Mural, nave. Si/e, 14.1 by A\. Local. WALPOLE ST. PETER. 1. Inscrip. — chalice lost. !-ir .John Whctoni, Parson of Walpole and Leverington, 1537. ('hancrl, II. Size, •Jl] by 4. Local. 100 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. WALPOLE ST. PETER [rnntinu-'^l). II. Inserqi., shield incised on the slab. Heni-y Frencham, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen CoU., Oxford, and thirt}' years Parson of Walpole. He married Anne AValvard, widow, daughter of Eohert Bajnard, Esq., 1629, !Bt. 71. Chancel. Size, 24 by 9. III. .Shield and inscrip. Eobert Butler, Esq., who married Elizabeth Wright, widow, 1630, ret. 59. Nave. There is a very good kneeling effigy in alabaster of this person on the south wall of the chancel: he is spoken of as "pius ornator Templi." Size, 20 by 10. IV. Shield and inscrip., on one plate. Barnabas Frencham, youth, and mother [1652], ret. 87. Chancel. Size, 13A by 15. WALSHAM. NORTH. I. ( lialici' and insirijJ. Sir Edmund Ward, Ticar [1473-1519.] South chancel. H. Size, 11 by 2. II. Chalice and in'crip. Sir Eobert AVythe, chaplain, c. 1520. H. Size, lOJ by 2. Local. m. Inscrip. Dame Margaret Hetercete, 1397. II. Size, 14i by 3i. IV. Inscriji. AVill. Rous, "primo die Kalendis Marcii," 1404. n. Size, 13 j by 3 J. V. Inscrip., with sliield of Grocers' Company. Eobert Eaunt, " Clieif Ccmstuble of the Hundred of Tuustoad," 1625, and Elizabeth his wife. Nave, H. Size, 211 by 8 J. VI. In.scrip. John Page, 1627. H. Size, 17.p.y 5^. WALSHAM, SOUTH. ST. MAKY. r. Inscrip. l.'ub.rt Wellis, c 1500. Nave. Size, 10 by 2. Local. II. Inscrip. Thomas Spayne, 1505, iT-t. o-i. ''Gave lands to find a lawmp to ])reu before the Eodc, and one to breu before the imago of our Lady, the keeping of his yere day."—/?/. J^oi-f., xi. 143. Nave. Size, 8 by 3. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 101 WiLSHAM, SOUTH, ST. MARY {conlinutJ). III. luscrip. Agnos Sjiynne, wifo of Thomas Spyfie, [No. n.], c. 1505. Nave. Size, 16 by SJ. Local. IV. Inacrip. Jnmes Rowiico, Merchant of Norwich, son of James Itowuco, 1638. Nave. 8izo, \3\ by 7 J. Local. WALSINGHAM, NEW or LITTLE. I. Elf. in ci-\-il dress, witli curious gypciere, wife, and inscrip. Geoff. Porter, 1485, and Beatrice his wife. South chantry. H. Size of effs., 18J by <1J. Local. II. Eff. in civil dress, wife, and inscrip. Henry Clederow, 1509, and Jonn his wife. Date in Arabics. Nave. Size, 19^ by G. Local. III. Eff. in gown, and wife, c. 1540 — inscrip. lost. North aisle, H. — Arch. Journal, xiv. 94 ; Mr/. Archy., vi. 267. Size, 19A by 7^. Local. lY. Chalice held by hands issuing from rays, and inscrip. Sir AVilliam "Weststow, chaplain, c. 1520. North chantry. Size, 11-| by 2^, Local. V. Inscrip. — haK eff. lost. Margaret Stoke, c. 1460. South aisle, H. — Norf. Arch;/., vi. 268 Size, 13^ by 2^. VI. Inscrip. Stephen Kotyll, 1485. North chantry. Size, 16 by 2]. Local. VII. Inscrip. — eff. lost. Nicholas Hylys, 1496. Soutli chantry. Size, lOJ by 3 J. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Margaret Chylde, c. 1500. North aisle. Size, 8;^ by 2J. Local. IX. Inscrip. — eff. lost. James Gresham, c. 1500. North chantry, 11. Size, 8A by 2. X. Inscrip. WiUiam Lawis, Baker, c. 1500. South aisle, H. Size, 11 i^ by 2. Local. XI. Inscrip., partly covered. Cissily [Gerald], c. 1500. North chantry, H. Size, 2 wide. Local. XII. Inscrip. William Gresham, 1513, and Agues his wife. North chantry. Size, 12f by 2. Local. 102 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. WALSINGHAM, NEW Or LITTLE [contwurd). Xin. Inserip. Jolin Gierke, 1515. Soutli aisle. Size, 1 -li by •->*. Local. XIV. luscrip. of two Latin verses, curious. John Child, 1517. South chantry, II. Size, 1 4J by 2]. Local. XV. Inserip. John Harte, 1526, and Alice his 'wife. South chantry, H. Size, l.ii bj' 3^. Local. XVI. Inserip. Nicholas Strotton, 1528, and Margaret his wife. South chantry, H. Size, ItJ by If. Local. XVII. luscrip. — chalice lost. Sir Thomas Grandon, Eector of Sti,-berd, 1532. Nave, 11. Size, 20 by 2^. Local. XVIII. Inserip. — chalice lost. Sir John Thorp, chap- lain, 1532. North chantry. Size, 15iby2i. Local. XIX. Inserip. — eff. lost. Chi-istopher Athowe, senior, 1542. North aisle. Size, 18 by 3. Local. WALSINGHAM, OLD or GEEAT. I. Insciip. of Euyli.sh verses — mutilated. Eobert Marcall, 1593. Nave. Size of fragment, 16.\ by S. II. luscrip. with two verses. Jaue, late wife of Kobert Golding, second daughter of Eobert Buck, Gent., and Elizabeth his wife, 1632. Nave. Size, 18i by 7*. III. InscrijL with four verses. Elizabeth, second daughter of Edmund Bullock, Esq., and wife of James Al(>e of Great Walsingliam, 1641. Nave. Size, 2I.\ by 13. WALTON, EAST. I. Inserip. AVilliam Bacar and Margaret his wife r. 1460. Nave. Size, Ui by 2^. Local. WALTON, WEST. 1. Inserip. John lleppes, Esi]., 1561, and liis two wives, Margaret, daughter and one of the heirs of Henry Smyth, and Thomasiu, daugliter of Thomas Derham. Mural, nortli aisle, II. Size, 10.] by 2.!. Lucal and curious. ^4jrtc^ M%ati l^ohcmob mam qm obttt ^_ IffH 1'^^ ^RASS AT Wahiiam, All ^aints. LIST OF NORFOLIC BRASSES. 103 WARHAM ALL SAINTS. I. KtJ'. in anil., shield, niul iiisciip. AVilliam Eokewod, Esq., 1474. [The sbield hears the arni.s of Ituh-wuod impaling- Ilahs. His father, William Eokewood, married Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Hales, brother of Sir Stephen Hales of Holt.] Nave, H. Size of eff., 18i by 6. Local, without sword. This brass is by the same hand as tho elliyies at Whissonsett. II. Inserip. Edmund Fram}nigham, Gent., LL.B., Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1626. ]\luiol, south transept. Size, 23i by 12. Curious. WAEHAM ST. MARY. I. Inserip. William Wigfall, Clerk, Eeetor of both chiuches, i.e., St. Mary and St. Mary Magdalen, 1618. Chaucel. Size, 18^ by 7. II. Inserip., with four Latin and ten English verses. Dns Eobert Pui-land, 1630. Nave. Size, 18 by 14 A. Curious. WATLINGTON. I. Five Lombardic stops, diamond-shaped, belonging to a marginal inserip., around a cross flory. Nave. Probably part of a brass to Sir Eobert de Watlington, 1293. II. Shield and inserip. Tiiomas Boteler, Esq., 1637, set. 67. He married Anna, daughter of Thomas Gausell, Esq. Chancel. Size, l-l^ by l/i. WELLINGHAM. I. Inserip. Thomas Leeke, "Hereuiita," c. 1500. Tower. Size, 7 by 2. Local. WELLS. I. Inserip. Thomas Bradley, Eector, builder of the chancel [1499]. Mural, chancel. Size, 8i by 21. 104 LIST OF XOEPOLK BRASSES. WENDLING. I. luscrip. nenry fierrour, Geut., 1620, -xt. 70. Nave. Size, 17J b)' 3. Local, curious. WEREHAM. I. Inscrip. Jolm Sjiycer, 1506, and Agnes liis vrife. Size, 19i by 2J. Local. WESTON. I. Eff. of lady in pedimental liead-dress, with necMace and cross, &c., vritb effs. of two sous kneeling, and inscrip. Elizabeth, wife of ffyi-niyn Itokcwoode, Esq., daughter and "ej-re" of Sir John Tj-nipley [Tymperley], 1533. Nave. — -AV/". Archy., xi. 82. Size of large eff., 1'\ by 7f ; size of small effs., 7^ by 3. Local, good. II. Inscrip. Master John ffermer, S.T.S., Eector, [1477]. Chancel. Size, 14^ by 2^. WEYBOURNE. I, Inscrip. Yalentine Moore, "fi-iendly to the poor" and "gave divers legases," 1593. Nave, mural. Size, l-'iby 4J. WHETACRE ALL SAINTS. I. Inscrip. in verse. [Eobert London], 1627, set." 69, and his wife, 1620, ret. 59. Nave. Covered partly by a pew. t?ize, 14 wide. WHINBURGH. I. Shield. " On a bend cotised three martlets," c. 1480 r?). Size, 4-i by 6. WHISSONSETT. I. Eir. in arm. — sliiehl and inscrip. lost. William Bozon, Esq., 1460. engraved c. 1485. — Carthetv's Launditch, i. 27". Size, 18 by 6. Local, without sword, as "Warhani All Saints No. I. A ■i LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 105 WHISSONSETT (conlimud). II. Eff. in arm., -with montioncro, and with inscrip. — .shield lost. TIios Gybon, 0<«nt., 1484. Towor, H.— Cufthew's Laniiditch, ii. .■)12. Size of off., 18 liy G. Local, withont sword, n.s Warlinui All Saints No. I. WHITWELL. I. Inscrip. George Coko, Gent., 1609. Chancel. Size, Uhy-li. WICKLEWOOD. I. Inscrip. John Dofeld and Agnes his wife, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 11} by 2-i. Local. WICKMERE. I. Inscrip. John Grenowo}' and Agnes his wife, and sou Eichard, all died 1494. Size, Ifi^- by 3. Local. WIGGENHALL ST. GERMAN. I. Inscrip. Ela, wife of Will™ Elwyue, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 18 by 4 J. II. Inscrip. William (?) Elwyn, Gent., 1508. Nave. Size, 161 by 2. Much worn. WIGGENHALL ST. MARY THE VIRGIN. I. Heart and scroll — two scrolls covered, one lost. Partly covered by a seat in the south aisle. Sir Eobert Kervile, son of Edmund Korvile, c. 1450. — BouteWs Chr. Man. Size of brass, 20 sipiaro. WIGHTON. 1. Shield and inscrip. Frances Bedingfcild, widow [of Christopher Bedingfeld, ob. 1627], daughter of Ilumfrey Chambers of Sturston, co. Suffolk, Gent., 1629. Nave. Size, 18 by 6 J. H 2 106 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. WILTON. 1. Inscrip. Joliu Buclitou, 1511, and liis wife Joan. Size. 14 In' •2\. Local. WINFARTHING. I. luscrip. Mattliew HaUyet, 1586, ret. 64. Size, l-'J liy 7|. Ldcal, curious. WINTERTON. I. luscrip. iSir 'NVillui. Keyniau, 1528. North aisle, irize, of hy 2.V. Local. II. Inscrip. Thomas Husband, Gent., 1676, ret. 86, and Mrs. Aune Husband, his 'wife, daughter of "William EejTaes, Esq., of Overstrond Hall, 1665, ret. about 68. Married fifty years and had three sons and one daughter, who all predeceased them except John, the j-oimgest son. Loose. 8izi\ '22 by 12. WITCHINGHAM, GREAT. I. Portion of inscrip. — shield lost. WiUiam do Wychyngham, Esq. 1[414]. Nave. Size, 4|- wide. II, Inscrip. Phillipa, wife of John Andi-ues, 1605, £et. 43. Nave. Size, 8^ bj- o.\. Local. m. Inscrip. Mary, wife of Thomas Aleyn, 1617, set. 72. South aisle. Size, 20 by 41. IT. Inscrip. Francis Le Neve, died on St. Peter's Day, 1616, and Margaret his wife, 1618. Jlarried fifty- three years. Chancel. Size, I7.i by 8. V. Shield and inscrip. George Meares, Esq., 1626. Nave. Size, 12 J by 5A. Local and peculiar. WITTON (Blofield). 1. Eff. of lady in nun's mantle and widow's barbo, and inscrij). Dame Juliana A nyell, "vowess," c. 1500. Nave. Size of eff., 15 by 5. Local. n. luscrip. Nicholas Dade, c. 1530. Nave. Local. Size, 4i by li. a,- «, 7 ■< o o o OP. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 107 WITTON (Tunstead). I. lusi'i-ip. {Sir Ilonry Ilomsley, Yicar [1502]. Chancel. Size, I'iA by 2J. Local. II. Insci-ip. Thomn.s Calke, 1519. Chaucel. Size, 12 by 2. Local. III. Inscrip. Tlionias Parnienter, died " 2 days before Hollimus," 1631, and lii.s wife Francis, "died one S' Steven's Day," 1(527. :Married forty-seven years. C'liancel. Size, 23 by G. WIVETON. I. E£E. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestments, holding chalice, and inscrip. Sir Willm. Bisshop, Clerk [Eector N75-1512.] Chancel, H. Size of eff., IG by 4A-. Local. II. Skeleton in shroud — another skeleton and inscrip. lost, c. 1540. Pos-sibly Thomas Briggs, who died lo-13-4, 35th Tlenry VIIL Nave, H. Size, 23 by 7|. Local. III. Eff. of man in gown, ruff, &c. ; wife in ruff, brocaded petticoat, &c.; .shiehl, and inscrip. George Brigge of Letheringsett, Esq., 1597, fct. 53, and wife Anne. Chancel, H. Size of effs., 32i by 12. Good. lY. Two shields, merchant's mark, and inscrip. The inscrip. notes a bequest of Eauf. Grenewey, citizen and alderman of London, to the parish, now invested in the impropriate rectory of Briston, 1558. Mural, south aisle, H. Size, 21 by 9J. WOOD BALLING. I. Eil'. of ecclesiastic in eucharistic vestment, and in.scrip. Sir- Eobert Dockyng, chaplain, 1465. South aisle. Siz(^ of eff., lU by 3A. Local. II. Eff. in civil cbess and inscrip. Simon Bohvar, 1504. North aisle. Size, 17 by 5. Local. III. Elf. in civil dress and inscrip. John Crane, " de WoddaUyug," 1504. Nave. Size of elf., 17 by 5. Local. 108 LIST OF XOEFOLK BRASSES. WOOD DALLING {conlinued). IV. Cbnliee and inscrip. Sir Eduard Warcop, chaplain, 1510. Nave. Size, 18i by 2. Local. Y. Two effs. in civil dress, and inscrip. John Bulwer, 1517, and Thomas Bulwer, 1518, sous of Eoger Bulwer. Nave. Size of effs., 5i by 2^. Local. VI. Inscrip. Katherine Bulwer, 1487. Nave. Size, 19 by 2. Local. Vil. Inscrip. Lettice Bidwer, c. 1500. Nave. Size, 10 by '2. Local. VIII. Inscrip. Thomas fflegge, c. 1500. Nave. Size, lOA by 2i. Local IX. Inscrip. John Byrcbut (?), 1504. South aisle. Size, 12 by 2i. Local. X. Inscrip. AVilliam Messanger, 1545. South aisle. Size, 15i by 3. Local. XI. Inscrip. Thomas Kempe, Gent., 1642. South aisle. Size, 12 A- by 3. Local. Xn. luscrip. John Scottowe, 1647. North aisle. Size, lOJ^by 5 J. Local. WOODRISING. I. Shield and inscrij). Eobart, eldest son and heir of Su- Eobart Sowtlnvell, Kt., by Eliz"', "the eldest daughter of Charles Lo. Howard, Admiral of England," 1586. Chancel.— 17(. Jler. of .Vo;;/'., i. 325. Size, Hi by i}. II. Shield, surrounded by the collar and badge of the Garter, inscription incised on stone. [Sir Francis Crane, Kt., Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, 1636.] Chancel.— Ch. Her. of Nor/., i. 325. Size, 11 by 1-5. III. Shield. Same as No. [. Size, -1 bv I.'.. WOODTON. I. Eff. of lady in flat licad-dress, kneeling (?), with inscrip. Cri.stiaua Bacon, 1632. Nave. Size of eff., 12^ by 6. Local. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. 109 WOODTON [conHmifil). II. luscrip. Thomas Koppyng, 1535. Size, 9,J by :i\. Loenl. Til. Tnscrip. Thomas ffciiii, c. 1620. This i.s probnhly piilimp., as it fits the matrix; and beneath it ar(i tlio matrices of two earlier shields. Size, 2S by 5}. Local. WORSTEAD. I. Half off. of ceclosiastic in euchnristie vestments. Sir Jolm Yop, Eector of Booton [1404 V] Chancel, 11. Size of efl'., 8J by ,5.1. II. El?, in civil dress - insciip. lost, c. 1500. Chancel, H. — Cofmaii, ii., app.. pi vii. p. 01. Size of eff., 23A- by 7.V. Local. III. Eff. in civil dress and inscrip. John Alblastyr, 1520. H(> and his wife Agnes (No. IX.) erected the rood- screen. Nave. Size of eff., 7^ by 3J. Local. IV. Inscrip. of two Latin verses, curious. John Spicer. 1440. Chancel. Size, 23i by 4^. V. Inscrip. John Glaven, 1505, and Isabella his wife. Nave. Size, 20 by 3. Local. VI. Inscrip. Thomas Whatt, " worsted weu'," 1506. Nave, H. Size, 16 by 4. Local. VII. Inscrip. with shield, thereon a merchant's mark impaling the arms of The Mercers' Company. John Cannan, 1508. Nave, H. Size, 14 by 2 J. Local. • VIII. Inscrip. Eoger Blome, c. 1520. Nave, II. Size. 8i by 2^. Local. IX. Inscrip. Agnes Alblaster [wife of No. III.], 1524. Nave. Size, 13A by 2^. X. Inscrip. Christopher Eant, 1538, and Joan his wife, "et p' q'b? tenet'." Chancel. Size, 17.V by JX. Local. WEETTON. I. Inscrip. John Blie (?), c. 1500. South aisle. Size, 7 by 2. Local. 110 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES. WROXHAM. I. Inscrip. Tvith sis verses. Margaret, wife of Eobert Booth, Clark, 1632. Cliancel. Size, loi by 7}. Local. WYMONDHAM. I. Shield — arms of Talbot. Over a vault. South aisle. Size, 8 b}- 9. This may lie nineteenth century -work. YELVERTON. I. EfE. of maiden lady with flowing haii-, small, and inscrip. Margaret -Mdiicho, daughter of Thomas Aldiiche, '•mairo" of Norwich [1507 and 1516] "died in her florysching j'outhe," 1525. H. Size of eff., 6]- by Z\. Local. II. Inscrip. John Sparow, c. 1500. H. Size, 'h by i. Local. III. Inscrip. Ancbew Sparow, 1503. H. Size, 17A by 2f. Local. IV. Inscrip. Thomas Holte and Earbara his wife, also "Mayster Eoberte Woluerton, Esquyer," her father, c. 1530. H. Size, lOi by 3f. Local. Y. Inscrip. John Sparowe, son of Thomas Sparowe, c. 1540. H. Size, 8^ by 3. Local. VI. Inscrip. Thomas Blenerhayset, Gent , fourth son of Thomas Blenherhaiset, of Barsham, co. Suffolk, Esq., 1590. H. Size, 15 by 5. Local. APPENDIX. A LIST OF BRASSES KXOWN TO HAVE BEEN RECENTLY IN EXISTENCE, BUT NOT NOW TO BE FOUND. BIRCHAM, GREAT. A mau iu civil cbcss, c. 1470— head and feet lost. Per- haps Master John Wattys, notary. This was in existence in 1882; 1)ut lost shortly afterwards when a stove was inserted in the nave. BURLINGHAM, NORTH (St. Andrew). I. lusorip. Thos. Gylbert, 1508, and wife Margaret. North aisle, H. II. Inscrip. Eobert Frennes, 1527. Nave, 11. CATFIELD, I. A fhalioe and host. Eieh. Foo, Rector of Thorpe near Norwich [1477-1508], c. 1500.— BouUirs Chr. Mon; H. II. Inscrip. Seman Haddon, jun., 1482. This is beneath the seats. in. Inscrip Alice, wife of Nicholas Gegebold. Tliis is also beneath the seats. COLBY. A chalice and wafer, c. 1500. Perhaps for Geoffrey Walsh, Rector, 1508. H. NORWICH— St. Michael Coslany. Inscrip. Eichd. "Wallotir, fii-st chautry priest, 1505. Five Latin verses. Stolen before 1861. South chancel. H., p. GO. 112 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — APPENBIX. NOEWICH— St. Peter Mancroft. I. Inscrij). ^lai'j', Jaugliter of [Cliristoplier] Hiidsoim, and Tvife of William Bussie, c. 1600. Married eighteen years. The e£E. was stolen in 18o7. North transept, H. II. Inscrip. Eich. Anguish, 1616. Nearl}- covered. Navo, H. m. The infant son of Eich. and Kath. Anguish, 1635. South chapel, H. St. Stephen. I^ Inscrip. Eobt. Burght, ISraj-or [in 150-1], 1516. and ■wife Alice — eUs. lost. North aisle, H. II. Evangelistic emblem, St. John, c. 1500. Belonging to No. I. III. Inscrip. Geo. Mingaye, Gent, (sou of ^Vm. Mingaye, Esq.), Mayor [in 1561], 1593. North chapel, n. IV. Inscrip. "\Vm. Mingaye, Esc[., of Gray's Inn (son of Wm. Mingaye, Esq.), 1607. H. V. Inscrip. Henr. Mingay, Esq., of the Inner Temple, 1632. This inscrip:). and No. IV. are under pews in the north chapel, H. St. Swithin. Inscrip. John Stalon, "barkere." 1463. IT. and c. Cf.n.n. (1861). St. Gregory. Inscrip. xVlice, wife of John Clerk. 1467. South aisle, II. RUNTON. lusrrip. Agnes Maryet. H. SHIPDHAM. A saint in brass ; dug up in churchyard. IT. SPARHAM. 111. and inscrip. Eich. Dykke, Ecctor, 1539. Jl. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — APPENDIX. 113 STIFFKEY. Iiiscrip. !Margt. Bramche, 1479. H. STTFFIELD. I. luscrip. Adam Symmonds, 1415 (?), and wife Agnes [Eugge.] II. II. Inscrip. William and Joan Betynys, both deceased April 1st, 1460. H. III. Inscrip. Jolin Theobald, 1467. H. THURGARTON. Inscrip. Margaret WarmoU, c. 1500.— Eye's Xorth Erpingham. WALSHAM, NORTH. I. Inscrip. Eobt. Bradfield, 1 5th century. U. II. Inscrip. Eobt. Grey, 1492. H. This may be a confusion with that at North Eepps, with same name and date. "WALSINGHAM, NEW. I. Half off. Margaret Stoke, c. 1460. II. Eff. and inscrip. "William Kemp, 1539, and wife Margaret. H. III. Inscrip. Eobert Torold. H. WHISSDNSETT. I. Eff. and inscrip. William Bozon, Esq., 1489. H. n. Inscrip. Eichard Bozoun, 1450. H. APPENDIX II. BRASSES IX TKIVATE POSSESSION, MUSEUMS, &c., IN THIS COUNTY. MR. BAYFIELD, Norwich. I. A lady, c. 1530, very small. Probably Anne Haste (or Hawte^, 1523. From St. Edmund, Norwich. — Cotman, i., pi. li. p. 32. n. Four daughters, c. 1440. m. Inscrip. to Walter Bownyng (?) and wife Melicent (?), 1473; on rever.se, part of marginal inscrip., and shield, perhaps Flemish, c. 1400. From Trunch. — BoutelFs Mon. Brasses, p. 149. IV. Inscrip. to Anne, wife of Thos. Eandolf, 1536 ; on reverse, part of a ladj- in mantle, Flemish, c. 1500. From St. Paul's or St. James' ('?), Norwich. Y. luscrii). to Thos. Cooper, baylj- [1576], who had one son and six daughters — four English verses mutilated. From All Saints, Dunwieh. VI. Two small fragments — one, feet of civilian, c. 1530 ; the other, part of inscription, 16th centui'j', with Flemish engraving on the reverse, c. 1400. Only Nos. III. and VI. are, at the present time, in Mr. Bayfield's possession, the remainder are said to bo stored away with other goods, and are not accessible, MR. J. J, COLMAN, M.P., Norwich. I. Fragments of the canopies belonging to the brasses at Ingham. II. Inscrip. to Elizabeth Stokys, 1492. III. Inscrip. to Nicolas Lord, 1493. LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — APPENDIX. 115 THE DEAN AND CHAPTEE, Norwich Cathedial. ]''.IIij,'y ui' lady, kiiccliiif;- at in-ajer desk, witli group of eiglit (lau-htiTs, f. 1570-1580. Size, 14 by 9. REV. E, FARRER. Two shields. The arms of the Goldsmiths' Company and Latham. Probably belonging to brass of John Stanley, citizen and goldsmith of London, son of John Stanley, Gout., by Ann, daughter of William Latham, Esq., 1626, in LTpminster C'liurch, Essex. MESSRS. JOSEPH GELDART AND SON, Wensiim Street, Norwich. liis( rip. John Kypp.vng, 1513. SIR CHARLES HARVEY, Bt., Rainthorpe Hall. Inscrip. to Ellen, wife of William Jackson, 1622. From St. Andrew, Norwich. Tliis is on the fireplace in " the Priest's Eoom." REV. C. R. MANNING, Diss. I. Instrip. to Simon, second son of John Throkmarton of South Elmham in Suffolk, second son of Thos. Throck- marton of Throkmorton, Worcestershire, 1527. Probably from TToly Trinity, Bunga}'. II. Inscrip. to Margaret, daiighter of John Throkmarton, c. 1520. Probably fi-om Holy Trinity, Bungay. III. Inscrip. to Alice, wife of William Bumpsted, Gent., c. 1530. IV. Grouj) of live daughters, c. 1600. V. Shield, with arms of Appleijard. Probably from brass of William Appleyard, Gent., 1481, at East Carlton. NORWICH MUSEUM. I. Head of a civilian, c. 1460. From St. Mary Coslany. — C'otman, i., pi. xxv. p. 20. II. Merchant's mark. Walter Daniel, 1426. From St. Stephen's. INDEX. Abbys, Cecily, 17 Aberfeld, John, 22 Adnmson, Jlary, 65 ; 'William, 65 Alberd, Isabella, 25 : Thomas, 63 Alblastyr, Agnes, 109; John, 109 Aldriohe, Margaret, S3 ; Thomas, 83 Aldrvch, Kobert, 83 Alee." Elizabeth, 102; James, 102; William, 47 Alen, Kobt., 51 Alevn, Mary, 106 ; Thomas, 100 Alik-ok, Henry, 20 Alkoke, JIaster Thomas, 86 Alnwick, Master John, 92 Amies, liobert, SO Amys, Margery, 6 ; Thomas, 6 Andnifs, John, 106; Phillipa, 100 Anguish, Dorothy, 53 ; Edward, 63; Katherinc,"ll2; Eichd., 112 Anyell, Dame .Juliana, 106 Appleyard, Kmma, 45; Geoff., 10; William, 45 Applyyerd, Agnos, 10 Armigcr, Jane, 41 ; William, 41 Arnold, Joan, 23 ; William, 23 Asger, John, 06 ; John, jun., 67 ; Kobert, 67 Aslack, — , 77 Asteley, Thomas, 10 Astley, Alice, 9 Athyile, James, 34 ; Kichd., 34 Athowe, Christopher, 14, 102; John, 14 Atkcn, Nicholas, 92 Atkin, Anna, 50 ; Clement, 50 ; Frideswith, 50 ; Johanna, 60 ; John, 60; Margery, 50; Seth, SO ; Thomas, 50 ; William, 60 Atmere, Elizabeth, 80 ; John, 80 Attewood, Sir Thos., 20 At-the-yatys, Richard, 67 Austen, liichard, 67 Awdley, Katherine, 65 Aylande, Nicholas, 42 Aylmer, Robt., 59 Bacar, Margaret, 102; William, 102 Bacon, Cristiana, lOS ; Isabella, 16 ; Franc, 31 ; John, 68; Mary, 31 ; Sir Kobert, 16 Badley, Isabell, 97; James a, 97 Baispoole, Richard, 77 Bakon, George, 36; James, 6; Sir John, 96 ; Robert, 6 Bakton, Emma, 49 ; Simon, 49 Baldero, 49 I'..ille3, Joan, 39 Balvs, Willm., 10 Bardolph, Cecilia, 44 ; [Lord], 44 Bardwell, Elizabeth, 34 Baret, Margaret, 94 ; Thomas, 94 Barker, Grace, 49 ; JIary, 73 John, 11, 52; Judith, 52 liiidiard, 49 ; Rolicrt, 73 Thomas, 1 1 Barkham, Edmund, 18 Baruaby, Henry, 19 Barnard, John, 1 1 ; Margaret, 1 1 ; Robt., 47, 48; Sara, 48 Barnardiston, Elizabeth, 22 liarny, John, 71 Baspole, Alice, 78; Agnes, 78; Beatrice, 78; Elena, 78: John, 78; Richard, 78 Bastard, Henry, 24 Bateman, Margery, 37 ; William, 37; William [Bp. of Norwich], 37 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 117 Haxtor, Cristiimn, 62 ; Eliznljcth, 9-t ; Isaliollii, 2!) ; Jlargnret, 29, 73 ; Kichard, 29, 62 ; Thomas, 29, 7a, 94 Bayiiurd, luibort, 100 ISayspcHilo, Mary, 46 ; William, 46 Beaiuliamiio, !Sir Guy de, 57 ; rhillipa de, 6' Bediiigfeild, Elizabeth, 40; Frances, 105 Bedingfeld, Alexander, 3 ; Mary, 53; Kolifit. 57; Thon as, 53 Bodingfii'ld, Klizalietli, 62 Bedingfyld, Sir 'J'lioiiias, 75 Bfins, Marf;arct, 12; Thomas, 12 Bpk, Kathcrine, 39 Bfklic, Margaret, 92; William, 92 liell, Edmund, 74 ; ,lano, 99 ; Kathoriuo, 74 ; yinolphus, 99 ; Thomas, 74 Bflys, Margaret, 28 ; William, 28 Bendi.^^h, Richard, 21 ; Thomas, 21 Beril, Hf-nry. 42 Berdewell, 'Elizahefh, 06; Jlar- garet, 36 ; William, 36 Burners [Lord], 2 Berney, D.irulhea, 91 ; Elizabeth, 79; Henrv, 11; Jane, 89; John, 12, 79, 9i; Oshert, 12; Ralph, 89; liobert, 47 Berry, Agnes, 48 Bert, Margery, 97 ; Thomas, 97 Berte, Is-ibella, 42 Beteyns, John, 63 Bottcson, Richard, 26 Betynys, Joan, 113; William, 113 Biggo, Agnes, 44 ; Thomas, 44 Hisshop, Sir Willm., 107 Blak, Katherine, 15; John, 15; Willm , 38 Blakke, Alice (?), 38 ; Margaret, 38; Robert, 38 Blen'hasset or Blenerhaysett, Anne, 30, 67, 70 ; George, 31 ; Jane, 30, 68; John, 30, 31, 68; Dame Margaret, 31 ; Margaret, 56 ; Mary, 31; Ralph, 30; Sir Thomas, 30, 31, 56, 67: Thomas, 30, 110 Blie {?), John, 109 Blofeld, Thomas, 80, 92 Blomevilo, Katcryn, 48 Blonde, Roger. 109 Blondovilc or Bloiulovyle, Edward, 58; John. 48: Ralph, 58; Richard, 58 ; Thomas, 58 Blower, Henry, 5 B.idy, William, 77 Bohemia, Anne of. 27 Bokenham, Christian, 72; Thomas, 72 Boleyn, Alice, 74, 82; Anna, 10; Anthony, 11 ; Cecilie, 10; Geof- frey, 10, 82; Isabella, 10; Sir Sinum. S3; Sir William, 10, 11. 74 Bono, .John, 114 Booth, Slargaret, 110; Robert, 110 Booty, James, 12 Borges, Margaret, 86 ; Thomas, 86 Bosard or linzard, Margery, 24 ; Philip, 24 ; Roger, 24 ; William, 24 Botelcr, Anna, 103; Thomas, 103 Botolff, Master John, 85 Bourchier, Sir John, 2 Bowman, Joan, 23; Margaret, 23; Thomas, 23 Bownyng, Melicent, 98, 114, AValter, 114; William, 98 Bozon or Bozoun, Richard, 113; William, 104, 113 Bradfeld or Bradfield, Robert, 77, 113 / Bradley, Thomas, 103 Bradshawe, James, 70 ; Katheryn, 70 Braham, Joan, 30 ; John, 30, 31 Bramche, Margt., 1 1 3 Brampton, Anne, 13; Charles, 13; Edward, 13; Elizabeth, 13; Geoff ry, 75 ; Isabella, 12; John, 13; Jone, 13; Robert, 12, 13 ; Tomasseyng, 13; Thomas, 13 Brascy, William, 20 Brasyer, Richard, 72 Braunche, I^eticia, 50 ; Margaret, 50 ; Robert, 50, 90 Bray, Audrie, 38 Brees, Edward, 43 Brese, John, 34 Breton, Robt., 13 Brewes, Agnes, 81 ; Cecilia, 79 118 LIST OF KOEFOLK BRASSES INDEX. Brevce, Robert, 32 Bridges, Matthew, 73 Bridon, Elizabeth, 54 ; William, 5-1 Brigge, Aune, 107; George, 107; John, S-2 Briggs, Thomas, 82, 107 Bronde, Anne, IS; John, IS Brown, Avice, 9 ; Sir George, 84 ; Eichard, 9, 96 Browne, Ann, 65 ; John, 62, 65 ; Judeth, 62; Philip, 65; William, 62 : Winifred, 65 Browninge, Elizabeth, 33 ; Mar- garet, ~^33; Richard, 33; Robert, 33 Brunham, Alys, 31, 32 Bryght, Simon, "3 Bryghteve, Edmund, u Brvon, Robert, 63 Buck, Jane, 102; Robert, 102 Buckton, Joan, 106; John, 106 Bucston, Agnes, 96 ; Cristiana, 96 ; Robert, 96. See Buxton Buk, Christiana, 13 Bullock, Edmimd, 102 ; Elizabeth, 102 Bully or Bullye, Beatrice, 4 1 ; John, 41 Bui war or Bolwar, John, 108 ; Katherine, 108; Lottice, 108; Roger, US ; Simon, 107; Thomas, 108 Bumpsted, Alice, 115; William, 115 Bungey, Agnes, 68 ; John, 68 Bunnc, Beatrice, 78 ; Robert, 78 Bunting, Henry, 30 Burfford, W.ilter, 76 Burgcs. Sir Roger, 95 Burght, Alice, 112; Robt, 112 B\irman, Dorothic, 94; John, 94 liiiniham, Kobort, 32 Buston, J(jhn, 15 Bussie, Marv, 112; Willi.im. 112 Butler, Klizlibeth, 100 ; Robert, 100 liuttry, " ]';<1 " or Elena, 72 Buxlou, Jolin, 96; Margaret, 96; Robert, 96. See Bucston Bwrgh, JIargaret, 93 Bvgolt, Willm., 89 Byrcbutt (f), John, 108 Cabell, Ellen, 57; John, 57 Cachys, Elizabeth, 47 ; John, 47 Calke, Thomas, 1 07 Calthorp or Caltborpe, Alice, 9 ; Anne, 2 ; Sir Bartholomew, 88 ; Bartram, 2; Lady Elizabeth, 44; Sir Francis, 44 ; James, 5 ; Dame Jane, 68; John, 9; Katherine, 88 ; Margaret, 2 ; Sir Oliver, 16; Sir Phvllvpe, 68; Richard, 2; Sir William, 16, 21 Calwe. Edward, S3 ; Margaret, 83 Camjilvn, Margaret, 79 Canhain, John, 88 ; JIary, 8S Cannon, Abry, 93 ; Thomas, 93 Canwold, Cecily, 77; Edward, 77 Capp, Thomas. 72 Carewe or Carew, Temperance, 53; Sir Wvmond, 4, 53 Carlton. Elizabeth, 32 ; John, 32 Carman, John, 109 Carre, John, 74 Castell, Castyil, or Castle, Dorothy, 40 ; Etheldreda, 24 ; Frances, 40 ; Francis, 78 ; Hounfrey, 78 ; John, 40, 78 ; Margaret, 78 Catt, James, 33 Catys, John, 1 1 Caus, Helen, 64; J(Jan, 64; Thomas, 64 Cayworth, John, 92 Chambers, Frances, 105; llumfrev, 105 Chapman, John, 06 Charles, Elizabeth, 90 ; Thomas, 90 Chauncev, John, 32 Cherneys, Jemima de, 80 Chervyll. John, 7 Chevne, \\'Uliam, 10 Child, John, 102 Childcs, Thomas, 66 Chylde, Margaret, 101 Clark or Clarke, Agnes, 60 ; Cecile, 60; Elizabeth, 60; John, 60; Jo.seph, 4 ; Sarah, 4; — , 69 Claxton, Mrs. Anc, 69 Clederow, Henry, 101 ; Joan, 101 Clement, Ricbai'd, 73 Clero, Alice, 74 ; Ann, 90 ; Jilrs. Anno, 91 ; Charles, 91 ; Edmund, LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 119 90; Elizabeth, 90, 91 ; Sir Robert, 74 ; Kobert, 74 ; Susan, 7G ; Sir Thomas, 90; Thomas, 76, 91 Clerk or Clorko, Alice, 112; John, 1(1'.', 112; Roger, Gl Clifton. Adam do, 51 Clippcsby, John, 19; Julian, 19 Clopton, Elizabeth, 31 ; firancis, 31 Clyffton, Henry, 77 Clypwell, Elizabeth, 97 ; Thomas, Cobbis, Dorctha, 84 ; William, 84 Cocke, John, 80 ; Robert, 80 Cocket, Sir Edward, 81; Jane, 81 Cok, Joan, GU ; Sir John, 73 ; John, 11 Col;e, George, 105; Sir Thos., 70 Cokke, Edmimd, 89 Colman, John, 49 Coltropp, .lane, 99. .See Calthorp Colvyle, John, 4.5 ; Riehd.. 45 Coningsby, Humphi-ev, 27 : Jane, 27 Conyer.i, Thomas, 25 ConjTjgham, George, 3 Cooper, Thos., 1 14 Coote, Edith, 9 Coraunt, Jane, 95 ; John, 95 Corbet, Jane, 89 ; John, 89 Cornwaleys, Philip, 16; SirWilliam, 16 Cossy, An, 69 ; Thomas, 69 (jiissey, 'J'homas, 98 Cotyng, AVilhn., 13 Couforth, Margaret, 23 Cowall. John, 91 Crab, Reginald, 98 Crane, .Sir Francis, 108; John, 107 Cremer, Anne, 87 ; John, 87 Cresheld. .See Croshold Cressenyr, Sir John, 23 ; Thomas, 23 Crofts, Ann, 43 ; Thomas, 43 Crorae, Margaret, 83 ; Peter, 83 Croshold or Cresheld, Arthur, 52 ; filorence, 52; Francis, 52; Judith, 52 ; Susanna, 52 Crowe, Cristian, 54 ; Xpofer, 54 Cryspe, Richard, 32 Culpeper, Mary, 31 ; Thos., 31 Curson, Sir- John, 17; Jone, 17 Curtes, RirAVillm , 15 Curteys, Alice, 58; William, 68 Cuynggam, George, 3 Dado, Nicholas, 106 Dagworth. Sir Nicholas, 9 Dalyson, Roger, 97 ; William, 97 ; -.97 Damet, Claricia, 90 ; WiUm., 99 Damme. .Tohn, 92 Daniel, Walt<'r, 73 Dauboney, Christopher, 13 Davye, Alice, 3G ; John, 36 Diiwbeney, Christopher, 85; Pliil- lipa, 85 ; Thomas, 85 Dawson, Sir John, .58 Death, Anthony, 33; Elizabeth, 33 L)e Cherncys, .Temima, 86 Decn, Hugh, 3 Do (irey, Anne, 53 ; Christian, 53 ; P3dmund, 53 ; Elizabeth, 53, 54 ; Grace, 53 ; Mary, 53 ; Sir Robert, 54 ; Temperance, 53 ; Thomas, 4, 5.3, 54; William, 53 Delapole, Sir Thomas, 44 ; William, 41 Dene, Geoffrey, 51 Dennc, Elianore, IS; William, 18 Denny, Dorothea, 79; Thomas, 96; William, 79 Deram, Robert, 38 Derhara, Thomas, 102; Thomasin, 102 Dersley, Anna, 71 ; .Tohn, 71 Dew, Katherino, 52 Deyma, John, 35 Deynes, Catherine, 7; John, 7 Dobb, Thomas, 9 Dockyng, Alice, 92; Sir Robert, 107; Robert, 41 Dodg, John, 4 Dofeld, Agnes, 105; John, 105 Dokkyg, Helwisia, 98 Dorant, Alene, 5 ; John, 5 Doughti or Doughty, Margaret, 54 ; Matilda, 54 ; Robert, 54 ; Willm., 54 Dowys, Agnes, 46 ; Thomas, 46 Drake, Alice, 35 ; John, 89 ; Robert, 63; William, 29; Wy- borough, 63 120 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. Drury. Anthony. 94 ; Dorotha, 94 ; Francis, 48; Katherine, 43; Sir William, 4, 48 ; — , 24 Drye, — , 78 Duke, Anne, 31, 67, 70 ; George, 30, 31, 67. 70 Diinh.am, Alice, 42 ; John, 42 ; JIargaret. 42 Dussvng, John, 46 ; Katherine, 46 ; William, 46 Dvkke, Kichd., 112 Pymond, Maria, 99 ; Tristram, 99 Bvnno, Alice, 39, 40 ; Anthony, '.S9 ; Beatrix, 39; Beatrice, 40; Elizabeth, 39 ; Henry, 39 ; John, 39; Margaret. 39. 4 o": Prudence, 40 ; Robert, 39 ; Sir Th.jnias, 39 ; Thomas, 39 ; William, 39; Wini- frede, 40 Elison, John, 60 ; Theoph., 60 Ehvvn or Elwyne, E!a, 10.5 ; William, 10.5 Elvs, William, 3 Elyss, W^m.. 28 Emmyson, William, 57 Emperor, William, 6o Erpingham, Sir John do, 26 Eryn;;, Roger, 78 Estgate, John, 86 Estm'Hid, John, 33 ; Sarah, 33 Eu'ard. Catherine, 35 Everard. Catherine, 34 ; Dorathye, 32 ; John. 32 Everode, Anno, 53 ; Henry, 53 Exccster, Master John. Gl Eyer, John, 50 ; Margaret, 56 Eyre, Elizabeth, 22; John, 31; Margaret, 31; William, 22 Fale, John. 90 Earman, Katherine, 3 ; Robert, 3 Farrcr, Katherine, 3 ; Robert, 3. See Fcrrour Felbriggo or ffelbrigge, Alice de, 26 ; Elizabeth, 27, 44 ; George, 27 ; Margaret, 27 ; Roger de, 27 ; Sir Svmon, 27,44; Svmond de, 26 Fenn, Kichaid, 29; Thomas, 189 ffeelde, John, 8 ffclthorp, Cecily, 10; Roger, 10 ffermer, John, 51, 104 Fermour, Anne, 81 ; Henry. 81 Fen'our, fferrour, Ferrer, or Farrer, Anne, 69; Barbara, 69 ; Henry, 104; Joan, 70; Mary, 69; Richard, 70 ; Robert, 69 ; William. 69 Ferrers, Henry [Lord], 58 Fevyr, Sir Robert, 83 fflegge, Thomas, 108 ffraukissh, John. 72 ifransham, Geoffrey, 30 ffuUer, William, 18, 28 ffuloflove, Ralf, 35 ffunteyn, Agnes, 82 ; Alice, 82 ; Jo.aii. 82 ; John, 82 ; William, 83 ffutter. John, 96 ffychepoole, Ifobert, 80 fi'yneux, Anne, 48 ; Sir John, 48 ifyrmase, Henry, 60 Fittz, karbara,"47; Richd..47 Fitz Lewes, Elizabeth, 54 ; Sir Richard, 54 Fludd, Edward, 22; Elizabeth, 22 Follcard, Willm., 88 FoLshni, Sir Thomas, 79 Foo, Richard, 1 1 1 Fork, Robert, 95 Foster, Edward, 23; Robert, 51 Framyngham, Edmund, 103 Frencham, Barnabas, 100 ; Henry, 100 Frennca, Robert, 1 1 Frowick, Elizabeth, 56 ; Sir Henry, 56 Froxmere, Elizabeth, 86 Fuller, John, 12 Furmary, John, 3 Fyncham, Alice, 53 ; John, 53 FysBcher, John, 25 ; William, 25 Gardener, Henry, 72 Gardiner, Robert, 59 Gare, Margaret, 48 ; John, 48 Gausell, Anna, 103; Thomas, 103 Gaydy or Gawdyc, Sir Anthony, 40; Edward, 17; Frances, 17 Gavell. Nich(das, 48 Gay, Emma, 1 ; William, 1 Gedge, John, 23 ; Margaret, 23 ; Robert, 23 Gegobold, Alice, HI ; Nicholas, 111 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 121 Geney, John, 67 Gerald, Cissily, 101 GerarJ, JInsterThomns, 90 Gilbert, Annorii, 59 ; John, 59 Oilman, Williiiin, 15 Gimo. .Iiihn, 43 Glavcn, Isaliclla, 109 ; John, 109 Glaveyn, Robert, 87 Goddani, Guybuii, 13 Godfrey, Elizabeth, "0 ; Helen, 70 ; Owon, 71; Master Robert, 77; Robert, 71 ; William, 70 Godsalve, Barbara, 6 ; Rugor, G Godwin, Agnes, 15; Ralph, 15 Gofl'e, Edward, 82 Gogney, Robert, 14 Goldin'j,', Jane, 102; Hobert, 102 Goldinj^bam or Ooldvngham, Eliza- beth, 57 ; John, 5'7 Golward, Katherino, .35 ; Robart, 34 Gooche, Marie, 17; Thomas, 17 Good, Kathcrine, 8.3 Goodo, Anne, 23 ; William, 23 Goodlad, Thomas, 49 Goodman, Henry, 18 Goodwyn, Ethelburga, 58 ; Mar- garet, 8 ; Robert, 8, 58 ; Sabina, 58 Goodwynp, John, 94 Gosnold, John, 31 ; Katherine, 31 Gournay, Edward, ; Martha, 6. Sfe (iurney Grandon, Sir Thomas, 102 Grenakvr, Joan, 60 ; Sir Robert, 61 Greno, Agnes, 43; Edmd., 43; Helwisia, 83 ; Richard, 36 ; Master Robert, 73 ; Simon, 83 Grenewav, Agues, 105; John, 105; Rauf, 107 Grcsham, Agnes, 101 : Edmond, 95 ; James, 101 ; William, 101 Grevc, Thomas, 19 Grey, Emma, 45 ; Sir ITenry, 43 ; Joan, 45; John, 14; Mary, 53; Reginald [Lord of R-i-th-sTi], 14 ; Robert, SO, 113; .Sir Thomas, 45 Grcyve, .Sir John, 79 Grise, Margaret, 1 1 ; Robert, 1 1 Grotc, Agnes, 6 ; Robert, 6 Grymslon, .Tohn, 7 Gunne, Sir John, 43 Giinton, Henry, 62 ; Margaret, 62 Gurlin, Thomas, 87 Gurnay, William, 18 Gnrney, Anne, 18 Gjbon, Tbos., 104 Gylbert, Margaret, 111 ; Thomas, 111 Giggcs, Ann, 90 ; Robert, 90 H.abbya, James, 13 lladdon, Seman, 111 Ilaclot, Thomas, 47 llai,'lim. Sir Thomas, S3 Hales, Elizabeth, 103 ; Thomas, 103 ; .Sir Stephen, 103 Hall, Edward, 59 ; George. 94 ; Joseph, 59 i Kichard, 36 ; Sibill, 36 Hallyet, Matthew, 106 llamond. John, 25 Ilarborne, AVilliam, 24, 56 Hardy iigham, Joan, 86 ; Thomas, 87 Hares, Anno, 32 ; Thomas, 32 Harlyng, Sir Robert, 35 Harsick or Harsyk, Alice, 88 ; Katherine, 88 ; Sir John, 88 ; Sir Roger, 88 H.arte, Alice, 102; John, 102 Harvy, Jolm, 52 Hasty ng, Edmund, 2 Hastyngs, Sir Hugh, 25 Haultoft, Gilbert, 75; Margaret, 75 Havers, Frances, 93 ; Gilbert, 93 llawe, James, 74; Walter, 74 Hawys, John, 92 Heigham, Anne, 91 ; Thomas, 91 Hellisdone or Ueylesdone, Alice, 38; Beatrice de, 38; John de, 38 ; Richard de, 38 Hem, Mr. Tobyas do, 69 Hemsley, Sir Henry, 107 Heron, .Sir Henry, 19 Ilerrold, Roliert, 68 Herte, Thos., 38 Hervy, Clere, 62 ; Thomas, 62 Herward, Anne, 1 ; Clement, 2 ; Robert, 1 I 2 122 LIST OF NORFOLK: BKASSES ESDEX. Hetercete or Hetherset, Dame j Margaret, 100 : — , 65 Hetht, Francis, 2S Heveningham, Anne, 45; Sir John, i 45 ; Thomas, 45 \ Heydon, Alice, 4 ; Dame Anne, 4 ; Anne, 4 ; Sir Christopher, 4 ; Henry, 4 ; Su- John, 4 ; Katherine, 4 ; Temperance, 4 Heylett, Alice, 47 ; Daniel, 47 Ueynys, John, 87 Hevward, Kichard, 79 ; "William, 60 Higham, Sir Clement, 57 ; Judith, 57 Hirst, Cicely, 44 ; William, 44 Hobart, Ann e, 48 ; Edward, 48 ; Kateryn, 48; Frances, 48; Henry, 48 ; Sir James, 48 ; James, 48 ; Sara, 48 ; William, 26 Hobson, Thomas, 30 Hoddys. Henry, 83 Holl, Augustine, 37 ; Elizabeth, 37 ; Thomas, 37 Holler, Catherine, 55 ; John, 55 HoUv, Elizabeth, 59 ; John, 59 Holte, Barbara. 118; John, 91; Thomas, 110 Honygg, Thomas de, 49 Hoo, Katherine, 16 Hook, John, 86 ; Blagdalen, 86 ; Thomas. 7 Iloont, Thomas, 8 Hopton, Arthur, 23 Horslee or Uorsley, Agnes, 73 ; John, 73 Horsnell, Audry, 43 ; George, 43 Hosir, Joan, 43 ; Robert, 43 Howard, Cecily, 3 ; Charles [I^ord], 108; Elizabeth, lOS; Kichard, 3 Howlct, Ecbecka, 38 Hewlett, Edward, 97 ; Jolin, 16 Howys, John, 1 1 ; Katherine, 28 ; Thomas, 11 Houghton, Christopher, 38 ; John, 34 Hudson, Edward, 18 ; Mario, 18 Hudsonn, Christopher, 112; Mary, 112 Humpton, Elizabeth, 84 ; John, 84 Hune, Isabella. 8 ; John, 8 Hunt, Edmund, 39, 40 ; Margaret, 40 ; Sir Thomas, 29 Hunteley, John, 16 Husband, Anne, 106 ; John, 106 ; Thomas, 106 Hyldewell, Henry, 17 Hylys Nicholas, 101 Idewyn, John, 6 Illeyc, Alice de, 41 ; Sir Esmon de, 41 Isbellys, John, 61 Jaclvman, Anne, 75 Jackson, Ellen, 60, 115; William, 60, 115 Jeckes, John, 70 Jenny, John. 22 Jernerau, Willm., 34 Jerveys, Master Henry, 10 Kar, Elizabeth, 74; WHliam, 37, 74 Keehe, Sir Edmund, 63 Kechyn, Alice, 87 ; William. 87 Kedgell, John, 97 ; Kichard, SO ; Robert. 97 Kelyng, Edmond, 23 Kemp, Elizabeth, 33 ; Margaret, 113; Robert, 33: William, 113 Kempe, Barbara, 47 ; Thomas. 108 Kerdeston, Cecilia, 79 ; Sir William de, 79 Kerre, William, 41 Kervile, Sir Robert, 105 Keson, Henry, 2 ; William, 2 Keton, Margaret, 18; John, 18 Ketyll, Stephen, 101 Keyman, Sir W'illiam, 106 KnoUes. Elizabeth, 93 ; Philip, 93 Knygbt. William, 73 Knvyett, Abig.ail, 99 ; Alice, 14 ; Edmund, 2; J.ine, 2; John, 99; Williau), 14 Kocke, Jolin, 6 Ko]iping, Thomas, 109 Kydman, John, U; Margaret, 11 Kyng, Christian, 47 ; Edmund, 47 Kynge, Robert, 78 Laier, Francis, 21 ; Thomas, 21 LIST OF NOEFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 123 Lambcr, John, 36 Lambert, Alice, 75 ; Anne, 75 ; Edmund, 75; Richard, 75 Langchy, (ieoil"., 66 Langwado, Kohert, 95 Ijansdo, Sir John, 38 Ljmy, — .77 Large, Alice, 61 ; Thomas, 61 Lathe, Thomas, 91 Landysdale, Slargaret, 62 ; Robert, 61 Lawes, Klizabcth, 62; Lucian, 62 Lawis, William, 101 Layer, Christopher, 12; Mary, 12 Lecho, Margaret, 67 ; Uobard, 67 Leoke, Thomas, 103 Legge, Cecilia, 30 ; John, 30 Le (Jrys, Ann, 8; Anthony, 86; Charles, 8; Henry, 8; Robert, 86 ; Susan, 86 ; Thomas, 86 Lokyl, Agnes, 11 Leman, Sir Thomas, 88 Lemma, Robert, 50 Le Neve, Francis, 106 Le Strange or Lo Strawnge, Sir Hamon, 4-1; Henry, 43; Kathorinc, 43; Sir Roger, 43 Lesyngham, Henry, 23 Lewkenor, Sir Edmund, 6 LewUins, William, 90 Linsted, Nicolas, 25 Lomnor or Lumnor, JIargaret, 45; William, 45 Londc, Kichd., 97 London, Edmund, 28; Robert, 184 L(mge, John, 4 1 ; Margaret, 4 1 ; Robert. 41 Lord, Nicholas, 114 Lougher, Katherine, 51 ; Thomas, 61 Louhauwys, Sir Richard, 92 Loundo, Agnes, 27 ; Robert, 27 Lowth, Elizabeth, 31; Lionel, 31; Agnes, 29; Robert, 29 Lulman, John, 66 Lynsted, Gregory, 89 Machett, William, 55 Makke, Thomas, 81 Makynges, Richard, 55 Malton, Stephen, 93 Mangor, Richard, 52 Manning or Mannynge, Christian, 53 ; John, 17, 53 Margaret of Anjou, 80 Markante, Robert, 14 ; Rose, 16 Marker, John, 76 Mark(m, Daniel, 63 Marsham, Dorothy, 53; Ellen, 91 ; Elizabeth, 64 ; John, 64, 91 ; Rolicrt, 53, 91 Martin, ,Tohn, 64 JIartyn, Sir Henry, 99 Maryet, Agnes, 112 Mascall, Robert, 102 Mathewo, John, 71; Lydia, 71 Jlathn, Stephen, 9 iMearcs, George, 106 Meeke, Robert, 94 Meko, Robert, 90 Melchior, John, 65 Melman, Geolfrey, 83 Messangor, William, 108 Slileham, Gregory, 15 Miller or Jlyller, Claricia, 95 ; John, 95 ; Simon, 95 Milward, Robert, 78 Mingaye, George, 112; Henry, 112; William, 112 Monceux or Jlonseuos, Margaret, 45 ; Thomas, 45 Moneslee, Isabella, 63; Walter, 63 Monteforth (?), Hen., 69 Moone, Robert, 28 Sloore, Valentine, 104 Jlordaunt, Dorothy, 40; George, 40 ; Henry, 40 ;" John, 40 ; Le Strange, 40 ; Jlary, 40 ; Robert, 40 ; Thomas, 40 Mortymer, Robert, 74 Mott, James, 50, 52 Mottes, John, 95 ; Margaret, 95 Moulton, Henry, 62 ; Rachel, 02 Mowbray, Henry, 99 Mowntney, Dame Elizabeth, 4 Mozeley, Isabella, 63 ; Walter, 63 Mundford or Mundeford, Elizabeth, 79 ; ffrancis, 28 ; Margaret, 28 ; Osbert, 79 Mustarder, William, 88 Narborow, Audrie, 26 124 LIST OF XOEFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. Xarbui-gh, Ela, 56 ; "Willm., 56 Kashe, Francis, 93 ; The, 93 Newys, Eichard, 18 Nicholas, John, 2S ; Margai-et, 28 Xoon, Sir Henrv, 39 ; Hcnrv, 39 Norfolk [Duke of], 45 Norris. EJmond, l!l ; John, 21 Northen, Eohert, 16 Norton, Cristine, 22 ; John, 22 ; Eichard, 22 Norwiche, Alice, 61 ; William, 61 Notingham, Henry, 42 ; — , 42 Ny colas, William, 29 Olvworthe, Roger, 48 Osborn, Henry, 55 Osborne, Jane, 41 ; John, 41, 46 Osbrone, John, 46 Owtlawe, Sir Adam, 51 Page, Bridget, 12; Francies, 12; John, 100 I'agrave, Anne, 5 ; Gregory, 96 ; Henry, 5; Katherine, 96; Mary, 96 Pakinton, Alice, "5 ; — , "5 Pallyng, Emma, 19 ; Thomas, 19 Palmer, Anne, 55; Geoffrey, 14; Henry, oo ; John, 1 ; Kalf, 37 Parham, Anthony, 68; Rebecca, 68; Peter, 68 ; yusauna, 68 ; Thomas, 68 Parker, Nicliolas, 42 Parlet or Parlett, Francis, 50 ; Thomas, 50 Parmenter, Francis, 107 ; Thomas, 107 Parry, Eichard, 2 Paston, Alice, 75 ; Anne, 75 ; Lady Bety, 75 ; Clement, 75 ; Edward, 11; Erasmus, 76 ; Sir John, 75; John, 11, 12; Mar- garet, 1 1 ; Mary, 76 ; Kcbecca [Countess of Yarmouth], 75 ; Robert [Earl of Yarmouth], 75; Sir Thomas, 1 1 I'awe, William, S Peck, Thomas, 3 Pcckover, Margaret, 72 ; Matthew, 72 Pull, William, 24 Pepyr, Joan, 64 ; "William, 64 Pepys, — , 22 Pescod, Katherine, 95 ; Eichd., 95; William, 95 Pettus, Sir John, 72 Pettwode, Margaret, 60 Phillepes, Robert, 10 Philippe, John, 49 Pigeon, Katherine, 90 Plaforth, Kichd., 35 Plater, Francis, 78 ; Thomas, 78 Platers, Thomas, 31 ; Thomazin, 31 ; "William, 31 Pole, Katherine de la, 44 ; Sir Thomas de la, 44 Pope, John, 27 Porter, Beatrice, 101; Geoff., 101 Pory, Margaret, 97 Postyl, Robert, 20 Pots, John, 4 Potts, John, 4, 51 ; Katherine, 51 Powl, John, 68 Preston, James, 8 ; — , 15 Pretyman, Maria, 99 ; Peter, 99 Primislaus [Duke of Techen], 27 Pulvertoft, Ealf, 59 Purdaunce, Dame Margaret, 62 ; Richard, 62 Purland, Dns Robert, 103 Puttok, Alice, 96 ; John, 96 Pycluird, John, 43 Pylgrym, Nicholas, 98 P>-tcher, Robert, 20 Qwadryng, Ricliard, 74 Ealye, Richard, 19 Ramsie, William, 61 Randall, Henry, 17; Thomasin, 17 Randolf, Anne, 114 ; Thos., 114 Rant, Cliristopher, 107 ; Joan, 109 Kaunt, Elizabeth, 100; Robert, 100 Raylie, Anne, 51 ; Isabella, 51 ; Joseph, 51 Ravuer, Richard, 39 Redo, Anno, 31, 67, 70 ; Peter, 31, 67, 70 Remington, Nathl., 60 Keppes, Anna, 52; John, 52, 102 ; Margaret, 102; Thomas, 52; Thomasin, 102 LIST OF NORFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 125 Re>Tiies, Anne, 106; Emma, 13; Willin., 13, 106 Reynidil, William, 10 Kicarils, Kich.ird, 2 Kichiird I., l>7 Kichanl III., 78 Kichoman, John, 3G. 37 Kiches, John, 89 ; Will., 89 Kichirs, Anna, 40 ; Edmund, 40 ; William, G, 24 Robertps, Phillipa, 85 ; Sir. — , 85 Robertson, Sir John, 34 ; Robert, 34 Robinson, Daniel, 95 Rogerson, Agnes, 44; Thomas, 44 Rokowood, Elizabeth, 103; flfyrmyn, 104: William, 103; — , 46 Rokvsbv, Robert, 94 RoU'e, John, 36 lioose, Katharine, 82 ; Thomas, 82 Rous. Agnes, 31; Sir Anthony, 31; Willm., 100 Rowd, Helene, 9 ; William, 9 Rownce, James, 101 Rugge, Elizabeth, 64; Robert, 04 ; William, SO Rumpe, Robert, 18 Runthwitt, Edmund, 29 Rush, Anna, 71 ; Willm., 71 Russell, John, 84; Phillipp, 16 Ruste, Edmund, 9 ; William, 9 Ryall, Adam, 87 Ryohes, Robert, 49 Ryghlwys, Edmund, 7; John, 83; Margaret, 83 Rysle, Richard, 22 ; Thomasine, 22 Uyston, Robert, 7 Sadeler, Alice, 20 ; Thomas, 20 ISalman, Cecily, 49 ; John, 49 •Sampson, Dame Kateryn, 48 ; Sir Thomas, 48 Sandill, Anna, 82 Saunder, Katherine, o7; William, 21, 57 Saye, Richard, 45 Sciilus, Elizabeth [Lady], 35; Thomas [Lord], 35 Schanckey, William, 75 Scheppard, Henry, 9 ; Katherine, 9 Scolows, Alice, 70 ; Henry, 70 Scott, Thomas, 59 Scottowo, John, 108 Sedley, Abigail, 99; Martin, 99 Sefowlo or Sefull, Anne, 40 ; Slarv, 96 Segrym, Agnes, 64 ; Ralph, 64 Sendell, Margaret, 80 Seynclowe, Egidius, 32 Sharyngton, John, 85 Shelton, Alice, 87 ; Cecily, 44 ; Edmund, 44 ; John, 68 ; Dame Katherino, 85 ; Sir Ralph, S7 : Ralph, 68 ; William, 85 Shernborne, Jemima, 86 ; Sir Thomas, 85 Sherringham, Dionese, 41 Sidnor, William, 24 Skolton, Mrs. Anno, 00 Skippe, Francisca, 98 ; Thomas, 98 Skottowe, Mary, 65 ; Margaret, 93 ; Richard, 65 ; Simon, 93 Skynnar, Margaret, 82; Roger, 82 Smith, Robert, 13; Thomas, 25 Smithe, Dorothy, 23; Will., 23 Smyth, Henry,' 102; Hjmg, 14; John, 62; Margaret, 102; Thomas, 84 ; William, 16, 46 Smythwine, John, 33 Southwell, Donsany, 55 ; Elizabeth, 108; Mary, 55 ; Sir Robert, 108; Robert, 108 Spantfl, Thomas, 21 Sparow or Sparrow, Andrew, 110; Anthony [Bp. of Norwich], 68 ; John, 110; Susanna, 68; Thomas, 110 Spayne, Thomas, 100 Speiman, Anne, 25 ; Bryget, 57 ; Clement, 57; Dorethe, 84; Ela, 56; Elizabeth, 53, 56, 57; Frances, 21; ffraunces, 57; Sir Henry, 21; Henry, 21, 56, 57; Sir John, 53, 56, 57, 84; John, 31, 56, 89; Judith, 57; Katherine, 57, 81; JIargaret, 31,56; Robert, 57, 89; Thomas, 25; William, 57 Spendlove, Hugh, 62 ; Eachell, 62 ; Thomas, 20 Sp'hawke, Adam, 87 12C LIST OF jrOErOLK BRASSES I^"X)EX. Spicer, John, 109 Sponar, Alice, So ; Frances, 85 ; ■WiUiam, 85 Spor, Ralfe, 25 Sprygge, AYilliam, 92 Sprynggold, Thomas, 7 Spycer, Agnes, 101 ; John, 104 Spynne, Agnes, 101; Thomas, 101 Stalon, John, 112 Stapilton, or Stapleton, Brian de, 44 ; Cecilia de, 44 ; Elizabeth, 44 : Katherine, 44 ; Margaret, 37 ; Sir ililo de, 44 ; Winni., 37 Stebyrd, John, 84 ; Margaret, 84 Steward, Sarah, 33 ; Thomas, 33 Stok, John, 94 Stoke, Margaret, 101, 113 Stokys, Elizaheth, 114 Stones, Thomas, 1 Storme, Thomas, 32 Strotton, Margaret, 102 ; Nicholas, 102 Stnard, Gefery, 34 Stubbe, Walter, 17- Sturdyvant, Matthew, 15 Sturmer, Stephen, 34 Sty—, John, 89 Styllo, John, 67 Styward, Augustine, 70 ; Prudence, 70 Suthei-ton, John, 65 ; Mary, 65 ; Kicholas, 04 Sutton, Richard, 42 Swailham, Sir John, 81 Swan, Sir William, 61 Swane, Robard, 34 Swannc, John, 1 Sj-mmonds, Symondes, Symondis, orSymondys, Adam, 113; Agues, 19; Cecily, 92; Sir John, 79; John, 19, 92 ; Margaret, 19 ; Tliomas. 93 Symson, Thos., 7 Syr, Audrie, 93 Talbot, Ann, 21 ; CIcro, 24 ; — , 110 Tavemer, Anna, 40 ; Thomas, 14 ; — , 14 Tayler, Roger, 99 ; William, 13 TayUar, Robert, 19 'I'avlor, Svmond, 54 Tavlowr, Joan, 98 Tebald or Tebold, Agnes, 12 ; Elizabeth, 12; -John, 12 Teschen, Duke of, 27 Tendall, Beatrix, 39 ; Sir Jolm, 39 Tenison, Philip, 7 Terry, John, 64 ; Lottys, 04 Tesmond, Thomas, 14 Teye, Grace, 53 Thaseburgh, Richd., 38 Themvlthorp, Joan, 29 ; Thomas, 29 Theobald, John, 113 Thirkyld, William, 87 Thompson or 'I'hoson, Martin, 33 Thorudon, Giles, 31 Thorne, J[arg:iret, 82 ; Thomas, 89 Thorp, Sir John, 102 Throckmarton, or Throkmarton, ilargaret, 115; John, 115 Thyikyll, Sissilia, 77 ; William, 77 Thyrlow, Katheryn, 16; Thomas, 16 Tichebourne, Edmond, 2 Tillys, John, 08 Tilney, Peter, 73 Todenham, Henry, 91 ; John, 01 ; Margaret, 91 Torold, Robert, 113 Townsend or Townshend, Alles, 36 ; Ann, 43 ; (Jeorge, 77 ; Frances, 43 ; John, 43 ; Roger, 77 ; Thomas, 29 Turfett, Edward, 73 ; Marv, 73 Tuthill, William, 97 Tvard, Thomas, 6 Tyllys, Edward, 17 Tylney, Isabella, 7 ; Robert, 7 Tylson, Thomas, 3 TjTiipe, John, 8 Tymperley, Elizabeth, 104 ; Sir John, 104 Vndcrwoode, Anne, 55 ; James, 55 Underwood, John [lip. of Calcodon], 59 Unger, Luke, 97 Unton, Henry, 84 Uvedale, Alice, 87 ; Sir Thomas, 87 LIST OF NOKFOLK BRASSES — INDEX. 127 Verginis, Eleanor, 28 ; Willm., 28 Verligiins, I'eter, 60 VincVnto, Vcnscnt, or Vyncont, Katheiinc, 42 ; Ivichard, 42 ; Thomas, 42 Vynno, Kieharil, 91 • Wafyii, Jolin, 3 AVaUlfgrave, Sir Edward, 21 Waliach, Alice, 93 Walker, ChristiaD, 90 ; Jolm, 90 Waller, Dorothy, 71 ; Elizabeth, 71 : Thomas, 71 ; William, 71 Walo. Jlargaret, II Walluur, Hit-hard, 1 1 1 Walpole, JIargaret, 83 ; John, 83 Walsham, Olive, 40 Walsh, or Wallsh, Geoffrey, 20, 111; JIargaret, 11, 20; Margery, 20; Kohert, 20; Roger, 11; Thomas, 20 Walsokne, Adam de, 50 Walters, Daniel, 72 ; Jane, 72 ; John, 72 Walvard, Anno, 100 Warcop, Sir Edward, 108 Ward, Ann, 43 ; Sir Edmund, 100 ; Henry, 43 ; Jane, 14; Joan, 11 ; John, 5:3, 69; Thomas,- 41; William, 87 WarmoU, Margaret, 113 Warner, Sir Edward, 76 ; Margaret, 96 Warryn, Thomas, 6 1 Warwick, Thomas [Earl of], 57 Watlington, Sir Robert de, 103 Wattes, Ann, 52 Wattis or Wattys, IFaster John, 9, 111 Waytes, Anne, 18 Webster, Jane, 68 Weggc, Elizabeth, 93 ; John, 93 ; Margaret, 93 Welles, William, 71 Wellis, Robert, 100 Wells, Elizabeth, 35 ; Henry, 35 WcUys, John, 66, 07 Wcststow, Sir AVilliam, 101 Wethyrley, Nicholas, 84 Whatt, Thomas, 109 Wheatley, William, 22 Wholom, Sir John, 99 White, Christopher, 49 ; Grace, 49 Whvto, Edward, 86 ; Elizabeth, 8(1 ; John, 32 ; Margaret, 32 Wicks. Robert, 34 Wi-fall, William, 103 AViikins, Rali.h, 39 Willoughhy, Kathorino, 4 Willys, Dionysius, 48 Wilton, Henry, 15 Windham, Sir Edmd., 27; Sir John, 27 ; JIary, 76 ; Thomas, 27 Winccslaus, King of Bohemia, 27 Wode, Anna ii, 10 Wodehous, or Wodows, Constance, 46 ; Sir Edward, 46 ; Dame Jane, 46 ; John, 46 Wolverton, Barbara, 110; Robert, no Wolvysbv, Clement, 88 Wood, Agnes, 36 ; William, 21 Woodcrofto, John, 44 Woodes, Richard, 32 Wriglit, Elizabeth, 100 ; Sir Richard, 45 Wychvngham, Edmd., 30 ; Ursula, 28 ;'WiUiam do, 106 Wygthman, Annus, 94; Kathi^n, 94 ; Thomas, 94 Wylby, John, 62 ; Matilda, 62 Wyllugby, IHargaret, 78 ; Rauf, 7S ; Richard, 25 Wymer, Thomas, 3 Wyndham, Mrs. Susan, 76 ; Thomas, 76 Wyngfeld, Anthony, 31 ; Margaret, 31 Wynne, Agnes, 98 ; Robert, 98 ; William, 99 Wynstnn, Ismayno de, 57 : William de, 57 WjTiter, John, 5 Wythe, Sir Robert, 100 Wyttwood, William, 28 Yarmouth, Countess of, 75 ; of, 7'J ; William, 34 Ya.\ley, Anthony, 8 Earl 128 LIST OF NORFOUK BRASSES DTDES. Yelverton, Agnes, SI ; Anne, 81 ; Jane, 81 ; John, 84 ; Katherme, 81 ; Roger, 81 ; Six William, 81 ; ■\Tilliam, 81 Yennys, Isabella, 21 Yerde, Anne, 45 : Thomas, 45 Yop, John, 109 Yslyngton, John, 19 Zottys, Kichard, 76 AOAS n. GOOSE, PUIXTEK, BAMPAXT HORSE STREET, XORWICn. UNIVERSIT\ OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. FEB 1 6 1960 REC'D MLD m 2 7 19W NON-RENIWABLE Uoi 24 i'-t'/t,^ Y DUE 2 WKS FROM CATE RECEIVED HW 1990 Form L9-32m-8,'57(.C8680s4)4-14 -»-N3 Farrer - 18142 A list of monu- F2li li mental brasses remaining in the County of Norfolk rrn i R 19GiQ L 006 060 063 2 ucsniiTHrRN RfGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 001067 714 4 NORFOLK. TROWSE 1585 TUDDENHAM, EASTI5OO UFV/ELL 1430 1435 1621 WATLINGTON 1329 V^ESTON 1533 WHISS0NSET1 1485 1484 Elizth Dalyson, aged 19 Civilian with ring at end of rosary & 2 wives Priest with cope, can. & entat. Mur. Henry Martyn, rector, cope. " Jane Bell " Sir Robert de Montalt. Flor. cross indent Elizth Rokev/ode V'm. Bozen, in arm, no sword Thos. Gybon, " " C. N. C. C. C. N. T. T. EAST BARSHA.M TOFT TREES 1330 Man in arm, under canopy. Marg. ins. Garter badges. Flor. cross v/ith marg. ins. in Lorn, letters Thos. de Melham. ST. ANDREW ST. CLEMENT ST. GEORGE CCLEGATE ST. MICHAEL COSL/i^NY ST. MARY COSLANY ST. GEORGE TOMBLAND ST. S^^'ITHIN ST MARGARET ST. JOHN SEPULCHRE ST. MARTIN at FAL;\CE ST. JOHN MADDER- MARKET 1500 1514 1472 1515 1450 1495 1577 1535 1597 1412 1450 1472 1476 1506 1524 152s 1558 NORWICH. Civilian in mantle C. Marg. Pettwode, widow. N. Vto. Norwiche, mayor, & v/ife mantle Br. N.C. Henry Scolows & wife, shrouds, mer.mk N.C Indent of chalice N. chap. ent. ditto " " nr rad. ? John Excester John Herslee & wife Anne Rede A.T. Civilian & wife. worn, palimp. John Browne & sister, holding hands Indent of large brass V/alter Moneslee & wife, v/orn. Mur John Todenham sm. Ralph Segrym ' wife, Mayor mer mark Wm. Pepyr & wife, alderman Thos. Caus & 2 v/ives mer. mark John Terry & wife. Mayor, on brackets arms of Norwich, Mer. Adv. Mercers John Mar sham & wife. Mayor bracket Robt. Rugge & wife. Mayoe. palimp. Mur. ? N. S.A. N.T. N.T. N. ALL MURAL NAVE NORFOLK. ACI.K 1^33 1627 AYLSHAM 1490 1490 1499 1506 1507 BRAMP70N 1468 1535 1622 BRISLEY 1531 BURGH ST. MARGARET 1608 DUNSTON 1649 EI J.INGKAM. GREAT 1500 FAKKNHAM 1428 1470 1470 1510 FELTV.^LL ST. MARY 1479 1520 FINCHAM 1520 INGHAM 1438 KETTER INGHAM 1470 1499 1530 MERTON 1495 1562 METHWOLD 1367 MILEHAM 1526 MORTON on the Hill 1611 OUT'-VELL 1511 RAINHAM, EAST 1500 1522 SCULTHORPE 1470 1521 SHOTESHAM ST. MARY 1528 STRADSETT 1418 1332 Stokesby TOTTINGTON 1598 John Swanne, civil, sra. c. Thos. Stones, minister of par.demi.sm. Mur.C. Thos. Tylson. B.C.L, vicar worn C. Rott. Farman & v/ife am. C. Rich. Howard & wife, shrouds, skel. C. Civilian & wife worn C. Thos. V/ymer shroud. C. Robt. Brampton & wife in shrouds. B.V. &c. C. John Brampton & wifes, in arm Mur. C, Edw. Brampton & wife c. John Athov/e, rector, chalace & wafer C. John Burton, rector in gown, kng. mm. C. Eff. in civil dress & 2 ladies in shrouds. C. ? a lady, husband lost N. Henry Keys, rector, worn. Mur. in orig.slab C. ? civilian & 2 wives ? Four double hearts &. ins, N. Audrie Narbarow ? Mur. II C. c. N. Francis Hetht, in arm. Marg. Mundford ? female in shroud Two ped. & por. side shaft of can. Sir Brian de Stapilton Fine indent of a Stapilton brass. Sir Hen Grey & wife, in arm Mur. C. Thos. Hevenyngham & wife. Tab. kng. " C. John Colvyle swad. clothes sm. C. Wm de Grey, in arm. tabard & 2 wives, L.'Jur. N. Thos de Grey, in arm Sir Adam de Clyfton.arms on jupon.Can.Mur.N.A. Chris. Crowe & wife, civil Kath. Awdley. widow. Rich. Qwadryng Geo. Towns end Robt. Godfrey, LL.B. rector sm. Henry Unton, in arm. kng. John Humpton & v/ife Edw. Whyte & wife, in arm. Thos. Lathe, in arm. with livery collar Dame Emrae de Montalt. Flor. cross with Lom. letters Marg. Pory and 1 son kng S.A. N. N.C. S.A. N.A. N. N. C. C. N. N.A. 4t ^*iV:^_*" w \ ■ mm '■'€ mM i^?*3c» k^ '*^w. ^1^ ■/■•■ r .'•* -t ■%■: