wm iff ^^!-^ The hidden hand Southvvorth 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Exchanf/ad. Price 15 CenU. I^NCER'S UNIVERSAL STAGE. No. 48. HE p[iDDEN Hand. A ©pama ?«i F??@ A©t«* BY ROBERT J O IST E S B S T N : GEOF^GE M. BAKER & CO. 41-45 Franklin Street. Vi'ETSUr PLAYS. Uncle Robert. Comedy in Tliree Acts. 7 male, 1 female character. The "Wife* Secret. Play in Five Acts. 9 male, 3 fenmle characters. The Vlrsinla, Veteran. Drama in 4 Acts. 11 male, 4 female characters. SPEITCER'S UNIVERSAL STAGE. ^ A Collection of COMEDIES, DRAMAS, and FARCES, adapted to either Public or Private Performance. Couiaining a full description of all the necessary Stage Business. miCE, 15 CENTS EA.CH. l^^ No Tlayf exchanged. 2. 3. -^ 4. I 2 > 8. nio liost fn XiOndon. A Drama hi Three Acts. G Mule, 4 Female char- acters. IVicholas Flam, A Comedy in Two Acts. By J. B. Buckstone. 5 Male, 3 Female characters. Tlie WelsSk Girl. A Comedy in One Act. By Mrs. Plandhe. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. John '^Vopps. A Fai-ce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 4 Male, 2 F.-male characters. Tlie Turlcisli Bath. A Farce in One Act. By Montague Williams and F. C. Burnand. Male, 1 Fe- male character. The Two Puddifoots. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Slorton. 3 Male, 3 Female characters. Old Honesty. A Comic Drama in Two Acts. By J. M. Morton, 5 Male, 2 Female characters. Two Gentlemen in a Fix. A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 2 Male characters. Smashinston Goit. A Farce in One Act. By T. J. Williams. 5 Male, 3 Female characters. Two Heads Better thanOne. A Farce in One Act. By Lenox Home. 4 Male, 1 Female character. 11. John I>obb8. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Morton. 6 Male, 2 Female characters. The Daughter of the RcKi* ment. A Drama in Two Acts. By Edward Fitzball. 6 Male, 2 Female characters. Aunt Charlotte's Itlald. A Farce in One Act. By J. M. Morton. 3 Male, 3 Female characters. Brother Bill and Mc. A Farce in One Act, By W. E. Suter. 4 Male, 3 Female characters. '^ 15. I>one o I'emale characters. . 22. The Pluantont Breakfast. A Farce in One Act. By Charles Sel- by. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. 23. I>andelions Bodges. A Farce in One Act. By T. J. Williams. 4 Male, 2 Female characters. 24. A Slice of Luck. A Farce in One Act. 1 - J. M. Morton. 4 3Iale, 2 Female c^^.^acter6. 25. Always Intended. A Comedy in One Act, }iy Horace Wigan. 3 Male. 3 Female characters. 26. A Bull in a China Shop. A Com- edy in Two Acts. By Charles Mat- thews. 6 Male, 4 Female characters. 27. Another Glass. A Drama in One Act, By Thomas Morton. 6 Male, 3 Female characters. 28. Bo-wled Out, A Farce in One Act. By H. T. Craven. 4 Male, 3 Female characters. 29. Cousin Tom. A Commedietta in One Act, By George Roberts. 3 Male, 2 Female characters. 30. Sarah's YouMg Man. A Farce in One Act. By W. E. Suter. 3 3Iale, 3 Female characters. 31. Hit Him, He has No Friends. A Farce in One Act. By E. Yates and N, H, Harrington. 7 Male, 3 Female characters. 3?- The Christening, A Farce in One ♦ id. By J. B. Buckston*. 5 Male, d Female characters. 3b. A Race for a TVidoiv. A Farce in One Act. By Thomas J, Wil- liams, u Male, 4 Female characters, ?^ Your Life's in Banker, A Farce ^ in One Act. By J. ">!. Morton. 3 ^ Male, 3 Female characters. 3i, True unto Beath. A Drama in Two Acts. By J. .Slieridan Knowles (5 Male, 2 Femuk- ch:H-acters. (9 (-> ^ O J^OOOeXy wO L-O ©OO^>CODQD£iOQ^^Q^Ck0CCZI4; CCZ.'vL. 'O^ ^m^ZjC CC THE HIDDEN HAND. % §xnmn, IN FIVE ACTS. ADAPTED FROM SIES. E3IMA D. E. N. SOUTHWOKTE'fi CELEBRATED NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME, PUBLISHED IN THE NEW YORK LEDGER. BY ROBERT JONES. CAST OF CHARACTERS, STAGE BUSINESS, ETC., ETC., CORRECTLY MARKED. BOSTON: GEO. M. B/VKER & CO. g i il«iiliil||liip.r < a= S ^^ B •a a ^i ^-llllliis ill-Ill s»^lp2 I . II ^i^sQ.;;.^^ KH H,la ^^i^l^l « 5 1H to en to CD U3 ^ g—:: ::-:::: = = = 3::::::= ggs^sg'^ § | S IPiillii.lli K^iiti s ^ -r .- • • "^ i I 5 . . . . . . .h • . • •§ B^ .,■» .- K . . . ^ . . • g g. 6-1 •§• I •••..§.. . ^ THE HIDDEN HAND. ACT I. SCENE 1. TliG Hudson Biver liailroad Depot, Kew TorTt.— Apple-woman's stand, r. ii. — People passing and re-passing. — ^ Four-cent Man, news-hoys, &c., discovered. — Music. — Harrt tl Willing and Gentleman Dick enter, l. 2 e. — Policeman **• crosses from ii. to l., icatching them. >- g Newshotj. Buy a paper, sir? 'crakl and Ledger. t« Dick (r.) No ; get out. I never patronize tlic papers, because '£2 they're down upon our frateruit)% But, Harry, this is dull -^ worl^. I haven't taken a trick to-day. Harry (l.) Nor I either. The greenies are scarce, now. What few do come to town are warned so much by tlie news- ^ papers that we don't stand the ghost of a chance to make a ^ living. If this thing goes on much longer, I shall starve to ^ death. ^ Dick. Not a bit of it, my boy. Have courage. Our country owes us a living; and if she don't find me one, it won't be my fault. (Dming tJiis, the cars have passed into the depot. — Bell now rings.) Ah, there's the cars. Come along, and let's see if , we can't find a victim. ^ {^Tliey exit, l. n. 2 e. — ^ number of hackmen cross from r. to l., encountering Major Warfield, who enters, l. 2 e., surrounded ^5 andfolloioed by newsboys, porters, hackmen,