UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA SERIES ON CALIFORNIA CROPS AND PRICES ASPARAGUS H. R. WELLMAN AND E. W. BRAUN BULLETIN 487 JANUARY, 1930 CONTRIBUTION FROM THE GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRINTING OFFICE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1930 CONTENTS PAGE Summary 3 Asparagus acreage, United States 7 Acreage by states, 1928 7 Bearing acreage by districts in California, 1929 7 Acreage and production, Delta District, California 8 Trend of bearing acreage 8 Plantings necessary to maintain present bearing acreage 8 Plantings in the Delta, 1919-1929 10 Relation between age of beds and yield per acre 10 Trend of production 12 Canning asparagus 14 Prices paid to growers for canning asparagus 14 Relation between pack and price of canned asparagus 14 Exports of canned asparagus 18 Table asparagus 19 Important table-asparagus-producing states 19 Seasonal variation in carlot shipments 19 Trend of carlot shipments 25 Unloads in important markets 28 Close relation between prices in eastern markets 31 Relation between weekly average prices and receipts at New York 31 Seasonal variation in prices at San Francisco 32 Relation between annual prices and carlot shipments 34 Quality factors affecting asparagus prices 35 Acknowledgments 36 Appendix of tables 37 ASPARAGUS 1 II. R. WELLMAN2 and E. W. BRAUNs SUMMARY Practically all of the canning asparagus and about 45 per cent of the table asparagus produced in the United States are grown in California. Of the total bearing acreage of 55,640 acres in this state in 1929 approximately 93 per cent was in the Delta district. 4 This district contributes all of the canning asparagus and about 90 per cent of the carlot shipments of table asparagus from California. The other areas in the state producing table asparagus are in Imperial, Fresno, Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange counties. Between 1922 and 1926 there was an increase of 122 per cent in the bearing acreage in the Delta, most of which occurred in the last two years of that period. The very high prices which growers received in 1923 and 1924 greatly stimulated plantings. In those two years 20,000 acres were planted, which was equal to 91 per cent of the total bearing acreage in 1922. These plantings, however, did not result in a corresponding increase in bearing acreage until two years later, since asparagus does not usually come into bearing until the second year after the crowns are planted. As contrasted with the rapid expansion just described, the increase during the past three years has been small. In 1929 the bearing acreage in the Delta amounted to 51,600 acres, only 2,600 acres larger than in 1926. Judging from the recent plant- ings and the acreage that will normally go out of production in the next two years, the bearing acreage in 1931 will be about 7 per cent larger than in 1929. During the past eight years there has been a pronounced upward trend in production in the Delta, rising from 1,300,000 cannery boxes 1 Paper No. 7 The Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. 2 Extension Specialist in Agricultural Economics and Associate on the Giannini Foundation. 3 Extension Specialist in Agricultural Economics and Associate on the Giannini Foundation. 4 The Delta district includes an area of approximately 300,000 acres of peat and sedimentary soils at the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. About 90 per cent of this area is deep, soft, fibrous, and porous peat land. It is high in organic material and has a good water-holding capacity. These character- istics are highly desirable for asparagus culture. 4 University of California — Experiment Station in 1921 to 3,870,000 cannery boxes in 1929. It appears, however, that the peak of production has about been reached, at least for the time being. With normal yields production during- the next two years may be expected to average only about 5 per cent above the average of the past two years. The actual production in the Delta in 1929 was about 6 per cent below the estimated trend. The unusually cool weather during the cutting season reduced the yield. At the present time about 75 per cent of the asparagus produced in the Delta is utilized for canning and about 25 per cent for fresh consumption. The canned pack of asparagus, which remained practically station- ary at around 967,000 cases from 1916 to 1921, has increased rapidly during- the past eight years. In 1929 it amounted to 2,673,000 cases, an increase of 176 per cent over the 1916-1921 average. Despite this enormous increase the canners' opening prices were 14 per cent higher in 1929 than in 1921. The situation during that period, however, was not without its difficulties. The pack of 1924, which was 18 per cent larger than in any previous year, did not move readily into consumption at the high prices asked at the beginning of the season, and the carryover into the 1925 season amounted to about 170,000 cases. As a result the opening- price, which was $3.85 a dozen cans in 1924, was reduced to $3.10 a dozen in 1925. In 1926, with a pack 28 per cent larger than in 1925, a further reduction of 10 cents a dozen in the opening price was made. The lower prices, together with the extensive advertising campaign which was started in that year, greatly stimulated consump- tion. About 25 per cent more canned asparagus was sold in 1926 than in 1925. And in 1927 and 1928, despite small advances in opening prices, sales continued to increase, although at a somewhat slower rate. Viewing the period 1921-1929 as a whole, it is clearly evident that there was a substantial increase in the demand for canned asparagus. People were not only eating- much more canned asparagus at the end of the period than at the beginning, but they were also paying- more per can for it. Many factors contributed to this increase in demand. The purchasing- power of consumers has been at a relatively high level. The tendency towards the greater consumption of fruits and vegetables and the increased use of canned goods in general have been reflected in an increased consumption of canned asparagus. The packing of asparagus in picnic tins has made it readily available to the small Bul. 487] Asparagus 5 family. And the national advertising campaign instituted by the Canners' League of California has done much to call the attention of consumers to the merits of the product. Not only has there been a constantly expanding market for canned asparagus in this country, but foreign countries also have increased their purchases. Tn fact, the relative increase in exports has been even greater than the increase in the canned pack. In 1922 only 11 per cent of the canned pack was exported as against 18 per cent in 1928. Judging from the facts just presented, the outlook for canning asparagus is favorable. Growers should not, however, jeopardize the present favorable position by planting too large an acreage. During the next two or three years, plantings no larger than those in 1929 will apparently take care of the necessary replacements and in addition provide for a further substantial increase in demand. California table asparagus, as contrasted with canning asparagus, meets with considerable competition from that grown in other states. The shipping season in California starts in February and extends through June. The bulk of the crop, however, is shipped in March and April. Until about the middle of April the larger proportion of California shipments go to eastern markets, but thereafter most of them go to markets within the state. This is largely the result of the increase in the supplies in the eastern markets from other states. During the latter part of March and in April receipts from South Carolina and Georgia arrive in the eastern markets, while in April, May, and June receipts from the late-producing states, such as New Jersey, Illinois, Washington, Deleware, and Maryland arrive there. It is only during the first part of the shipping season that California asparagus escapes competition in the eastern markets from that grown elsewhere. About 90 per cent of the total receipts of California asparagus at New York arrive in March and April. The chief factor affecting changes in the weekly average prices of California asparagus during these two months is changes in the supply. Light receipts are gen- erally accompanied by high prices, heavy receipts by low prices. In the past six seasons an average of 88 per cent of the variations in the weekly average prices of California asparagus at New York during March and April can be accounted for by changes in receipts of asparagus, which leaves only 12 per cent to be explained by other factors, such as changes in the average quality and size of asparagus and the supply of competing vegetables. During the three years 1921-1923 the annual average prices of table asparagus were high, averaging $5.90 a crate at New York and 6 University of California — Experiment Station $3.75 a crate at San Francisco. During the past three years, however, prices have been much lower, averaging only $4.35 a crate at New York and only $2.70 a crate at San Francisco. That decline was largely the result of the great increase in carlot shipments, not only from this state, but also from South Carolina and Georgia. The com- bined shipments from these three states have increased from an aver- age of 517 cars a year in 1921-1923 to an average of 1,974 cars a year in 1927-1929. Approximately 69 per cent of that increase was from California, 22 per cent from South Carolina, and 9 per cent from Georgia. It is not expected that the upward trend in shipments from this state will continue during the next two or three years. With normal weather conditions shipments will, of course, be considerably larger than they were in 1929 when the unusually low temperatures which prevailed in the Delta reduced the yields, but it is not likely that they will average much above those of 1928. On the other hand, a further increase in the trend of shipments from both South Carolina and Georgia may be expected. The acreage in South Carolina was 32 per cent larger in 1928 than in 1926, while in Georgia it was 29 per cent larger. These increases, however, have not yet been reflected in corre- sponding increases in production since asparagus does not come into full bearing for several years after it is planted. Consequently, Cali- fornia growers may expect increasing competition from those states in the eastern markets during the next few years. Only in particularly favorable localities, therefore, are additional plantings of asparagus for fresh consumption alone likely to be warranted at this time. Bui* 487] Asparagus ASPARAGUS ACREAGE, UNITED STATES Acreage by States, 1928.— In 1928 about 95,000 acres in the United States were devoted to the commercial production of asparagus. The distribution of that acreage is shown in figure 1. It will be noted that approximately 65 per cent of the total was in the three Pacific Coast Total Asparagus Acreage, United States, 1928 Fig. 1. — California is the leading asparagus-producing state, containing approximately 63 per cent of the total acreage in the United States. (Data from table 12.) states of California, Washington, and Oregon ; 17 per cent in the five North Atlantic states of New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsyl- vania, and New York ; 13 per cent in the two South Atlantic states of South Carolina and Georgia; and 5 per cent in the three Mid-western states of Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa. California is by far the leading asparagus-producing state, having approximately 63.0 per cent of the total acreage in this country. New Jersey, the second in importance, has only 11.1 per cent of the total acreage, while South Carolina and Georgia have only 7.4 and 5.9 per cent respectively. Bearing Acreage by Districts in California, 1929. — The bulk of California asparagus is produced in the Delta district. In 1929 this 8 University of California — Experiment Station region had 92.7 per cent of the 55,640 bearing acres in the state (table 1) ; Imperial Valley had 3.9 per cent of the total, and the Mendota district in Fresno County 1.8 per cent. The other 1.6 per cent was scattered throughout the three counties of Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange (see table 1). TABLE 1 Beaming Acreage of Asparagus by Districts in California, 1929 District Acres Per cent of total 51,600 2,180 1,000 860 92 7 3 9 1.8 Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange counties... 1.6 Total . 55,640 100 Source of data: Canners' League of California. ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION, DELTA DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA Trend of Bearing Acreage. — The bearing acreage of asparagus in the Delta District of California from 1918 to 1929 is shown by the black bars in figure 2. For several years before 1919 the bearing acreage remained practically stationary at around 15,000 acres. In 1919 the trend of bearing acreage started upward. The increase during the four years of 1919 to 1922 amounted to 7,000 acres. That increase, however, was small as compared with that which occurred during the next four years, In 1922 the bearing acreage amounted to 22,000 acres; by 1926 it amounted to 49,000 acres, an increase of 27,000 acres or 122 per cent. Since 1926, however, there has been only a slight upward trend. The bearing acreage in 1929 was only 2,600 acres larger than in 1926. The forecast of bearing acreage for the two years of 1930 and 1931 is shown by the shaded bars in figure 2. It is expected that the bear- ing acreage in 1931 will be about 7 per cent larger than in 1929. Plantings Necessary to Maintain Present Bearing Acreage. — The age distribution of the asparagus acreage gives a basis for judging the number of acres that will normally have to be planted in order to maintain a specified acreage in bearing. An asparagus bed comes into bearing at two years of age and usually produces for a period of about eleven years. The acreage planted in 1928, therefore, will be in bearing in 1930, and that planted in 1929 will be in bearing in 1931. BUL, 487] Asparagus Bearing Acreage of Asparagus, Delta District, California, 1918-1929, and Forecast of Bearing Acreage, 1930-1931 60 45 2 30 15 BEARING ACRES FORECAST OF BEARING ACRES 111 Fig. 2. — The bearing acreage of asparagus in the Delta increased very rapidly between 1922 and 1926; since 1926 it has increased only slightly. (Data from table 2.) Estimate© Plantings Necessary to Maintain Present Bearing Acreage of Asparagus in the Delta District of California, 1930-1935 8 8 Acres' . * o o o o o o o o lO (0 o CM Fig. 3. — Within a few years relatively large plantings of asparagus in the Delta will be needed for replacements. (Data are three-year moving averages of plantings. Acres planted in the Delta each year from 1918 to 1929 are given in figure 4.) 10 University of California — Experiment Station On the other hand, the acreage planted in 1917 will ordinarily be out of production by 1930, while that planted in 1918 will ordinarily be out of production by 1931. There is, of course, considerable variation in the bearing life of asparagus beds. In estimating, therefore, the acreage that will be removed in the fall of 1930 and which will not be cut in 1931, an average of the plantings for the three years of 1917- 1919 may be used rather than the plantings for only 1918. The same procedure may be followed in the other years. Figure 3 shows the estimated number of acres that will ordinarily have to be planted in the Delta each year from 1929 to 1935 in order to fully replace the acreage that will normally go out of production two years later. It is estimated, for example, that around 2,600 acres will normally go out of production in 1932. Since an asparagus bed does not come into bearing until two years of age it is necessary to plant at least as large an acreage in 1930 as will normally go out of bearing in 1932, if the present bearing acreage is to be maintained. Indications are, however, that the plantings in 1930 will be even larger than in 1929 when they amounted to about 5,800 acres. According to the estimates in figure 3 such large plantings as those of 1929 will not be needed to maintain the present bearing acreage until 1932 or 1933. In 1934 and 1935, however, even larger plantings will be necessary since an average of about 8,100 acres will normally go out of bearing in each of the two years of 1936 and 1937. Plantings in the Delta, 1919-1929. — The number of acres of aspar- agus planted in the Delta each year from 1918 to 1929 is shown by the black bars in figure 4. During the first seven years of that period there was a very pronounced upward trend in plantings, In the two years of 1923 and 1924 a total of about 20,000 acres were planted as against a total of about 3,440 acres during the two years of 1919 and 1920. In 1925 and again in 1926 plantings were greatly reduced. In 1926 they were smaller than in any year since 1919 and were only 15 per cent as large as in 1924. During the past three years there has been a steady increase in plantings, rising from less than 1,700 acres in 1926 to over 5,800 acres in 1929. Relation Between Age of Beds and Yield per Acre. — The average yields of asparagus in the Delta at various ages is shown in figure 5. A field usually begins to produce the second year after the crowns are planted. The production that year, however, is very light, amounting on the average to only 20 cannery boxes per acre. During the next two years yields increase rapidly. At four years of age production averages around 75 boxes per acre. From four to six years of age there is a further increase in yield, but it is small as compared with that Bul, 487 ] Asparagus 11 Plantings of Asparagus, Delta District, California, 1918-1929 Acres 12 • CO io to cm 10 to en cm to O LO r-T iiiiimi CO CD o H CM to <* m to C- CO CD l-l 1-4 cm CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CD OS O) G5 05 CT> o> CT> Oi CD a cn Fig. 4. — Plantings were very heavy during the two years of 1923 and 1924. (Data from Canners' League of California.) Average Relation Between Age of Asparagus Beds and Yield per Acre in the Delta District of California Boxes oo o o to •* co ' co ■<* t- en o cm 80 .5 40 20 10 11 12 0123456789 Age of beds Fig. 5. — An asparagus field in the Delta usually reaches full bearing at six or seven years of age. (Data calculated from yields on several thousand acres of asparagus in the Delia District of California.) 12 University of California — Experiment Station during the previous two years. The peak of production usually comes in the sixth or seventh year. After the seventh year there is ordinarily a gradual decline. In the twelfth year a bed produces about 52 boxes per acre, approximately the same amount as it does in the third year. There is, of course, great variation among different fields with respect to yields at various ages. The curve in figure 5 represents the typical situation in the Delta. Many growers have obtained much higher yields than those given here, while others have obtained lower. Some beds reach the peak of production quickly and decline early, others reach their peak later and stay in production longer. Trend of Production.- — The total production of asparagus in the Delta for the years 1918-1929 is shown in figure 6. The black portion of the bars represents the production of canning asparagus ; the white portion, the production of table asparagus. During the four years 1918-1921 production remained fairly stationary at around 1,250,000 cannery boxes. Then occurred a period of rapid expansion. By 1924 production had reached 2,250,000 boxes and by 1928, 3,800.000 boxes. The average production during the three years of 1927-1929 amounted to 3,500,000 boxes as against an average of 1,250,000 boxes during the four years of 1918-1921, an increase of 2,250,000 boxes or 180 per cent. That rapid increase in production, however, is not expected to continue during the next few years. The forecast of the trend of production for 1930 and 1931 is shown by the broken line in figure 6. It indicates a period of fairly stationary production as contrasted with the great expansion of recent years. The actual production during the two years may, of course, be above or below the estimated trend, depending largely upon whether yields are above or below normal. With normal yields production during the next two years may be expected to average only about 5 per cent above the average of the past two years. The forecast of the trend of production was made from data on acreage by age of beds and yields per acre. The accuracy of the fore- cast may be judged by extending the trend backward for a period of years. The solid line in figure 6 shows the trend of production from 1921 to 1929, estimated on the same basis as the forecast. It will be noted that it corresponds closely to the actual production after allow- ing for variations in yields per acre from year to year. Most of the differences between the production and the estimated trend in the various years can be accounted for by differences in temperatures during the harvesting season. In 1927 and 1929, for example, the weather was unusually cool, in 1928 it was warmer, and 1926 unusually warm. Bul. 487] Asparagus 13 Production of Asparagus, Delta District, California, 1918-1929, and Forecast of Trend of Production, 1930-1931 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fig. 6. — There has been a. pronounced upward trend in production of asparagus in the Delta during the past eight years, but this rapid increase is not expected to continue during the next two years. (Data from table 2.) TABLE 2 Estimated Bearing Acreage and Production of Asparagus, Delta District, California, 1918-1929, and Forecast of Bearing Acreage and Trend of Production, 1930-1931 Bearing acreage Production Trend of Year Canning Table Total production 1 2 3 4 5 1918 acres 15,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 22,000 28,000 31,500 38,300 49,000 51,000 50,900 51,600 53,000 55,000 1,000 boxes* 947 1,083 1,076 931 1,302 1,596 1,882 1,832 2,348 2,299 2,712 2,995 1,000 boxes* 193 227 304 229 198 254 368 568 892 751 1,088 655 l,nni) boxes* 1 , 140 1,310 1,380 1,160 1,500 1,850 2,250 2,400 3,240 3,050 3,800 3,650 1,000 boxes* 1919 1920 1921 1,300 1922 1,500 1923 1,750 1924 2,100 1925 2,360 1926 2,890 1927 3,340 1928 3,700 1929 3,870 1930 3,870 1931 3,870 *Cannery boxes containing approximately 50 pounds. Sources of data: Col. 1. From surveys of private agencies. Forecasts are based on acreage thai will normally come into and go out of bearing in 1930 and 1931. Col. 2. From table 13, column 2. Col. 3. Includes carlot shipments, estimated express and mixed car shipments and local consumption. Col. 5. Calculated from data on acreage by a?e of beds and yields per acre. 14 University of California — Experiment Station CANNING ASPARAGUS Prices Paid to Growers for Canning Asparagus. — The average prices paid to California growers for No. 1 canning asparagus from 1910 to 1929 are shown by the solid line in figure 7. During the first seven years of the period prices remained at approximately 3 cents a pound. In 1917 prices began to rise and continued upward until 1920. That rise, however* was more than offset by the increase in the prices of commodities that farmers buy for use in living and produc- Prices of No. 1 Canning Asparagus and Index of Eetail Prices of Commodities Farmers Buy, 1910-1929 Cents toco toto to to to to to lO ID tO to to <# «* COt-<0'*«0<0 Index o>o oo oo cuioc-ooLoioioioioiow wio c-Hr-ll-lr-tr-1r-l«-l(HCVievli-lr-(r-lr-4i— Ir-lr-tiHr-t 200 o 2 167 2133 oioo CT> t-\ . 67 33 ," ^ INDEX OF RETAIL PRICE S/O • • / \\ "V* - --, ""■■ •^^ • »« •"•" >' ' :aw 1 PRICE < 5F < JING ASP ARA sus) Fig. 7. — As compared with their pre-war levels, prices of canning asparagus were higher than the index of retail prices of commodities farmers buy during the three years 1922-1924, but since 1924 they have been lower. (Data from table 13.) tion, which are represented by the broken line. It is recognized, of course, that the general index of prices of commodities that farmers throughout the United States buy, may not adequately represent the costs of producing asparagus, but it is the best index available at the present time. Since 1921 the index of prices of commodities farmers buy has remained fairly stable. As compared with it prices of canning asparagus were high during the three years, 1922-1924, and low during the past four years. Relation Between Pack and Price of Canned Asparagus. — The pack of canned asparagus in California for the years 1910-1929 is shown Bul. 487] Asparagus 15 by the solid line in figure 8, and the canners' opening prices on Large White in No. 2 1 /& square cans adjusted for changes in the general price level, by the broken line. It will be noted that the upward trend in the pack from 1910 to 3917 was accompanied by a downward trend in prices. Evidently there was little, if any, increase in the demand for canned asparagus during that period. Although consumers were buy- ing more of it at the end of the period than at the beginning, they were doing so onty at lower prices. Canned Pack of Asparagus in California and Canners' Opening Prices (Adjusted) on Large White in No. 2% Square Tins, 1910-1929 © 00 lO o tJ< o a> O ■* <* o m m m o o o Dollars *" o«-toa>oiocv» , <* , '*t-o>f-tt-coi-io r-i t*3cowtoc\itoc\ic\jwc\}c\}c\itototoeoto to i rwvn r-t-o>to«oOr-i«>cvji-*iot^ootoio«> o to«of-r-c-ooO50>o>oooo<\i"3t--t-c\i r-t cases • * •«•»«• i-Hr-l r-l r-1 i-l r-H CM CM 28 24 20 a I 16 o o °. 12 CANNED--0 a PACK <±/ ^^^ s ... \ ... K— *s >. ADJUSTED \ PRICE * 3 * Fig. 8. — During recent years there has been a substantial increase in the demand for canned asparagus. (Data from table 13.) Beginning about 1918 the trend of opening prices turned upward and they continued upward until 1924. That upward trend, however, was not the result of a decrease in the supply. In fact, after 1921 there was a pronounced increase. In 1924 the canned pack amounted to 1,793,000 cases as against an average of 961,000 cases in 1918-1921, an increase of 87 per cent. During the same period opening prices advanced 47 per cent. These facts indicate that there was a material increase in the demand for canned asparagus. Several factors contributed to the increased demand. The buying power of consumers, as indicated by wages and employment, was at a high level. The inclusion of a much larger quantity of fruits and vegetables in the diet and the general tendency toward the increased use of canned goods was reflected in an increased consumption of 16 University of California — Experiment Station Production, Carryover, and Consumption of Canned Asparagus, 1924-1929 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Fig, 9. — The consumption of canned asparagus was almost 50 per cent larger in 1928 than in 1925 despite slightly higher opening prices. (Data from table 3.) TABLE 3 Production, Carryover, and Consumption of Canned Asparagus, 1924-1929 Year Pack Carryover* from pre- vious year Available for con- sumption Carryover* into follow- ing year Con- sumption 1924 1,000 cases 1,793 1,745 2,236 2,190 2,338 2,673 1,000 cases 1,000 cases 1 , 793 1,915 2,487 2,596 2,740 2,942 1,000 cases 170 251 406 402 269 1,000 cases 1 , 623 1925 1926 1927 170 251 406 402 269 1,664 2,081 2,194 1928 2,471 1929. * Carryover figures include total stock on hand as of March 1. Source of data: Canners' League of California. Bui* 487] Asparagus 17 United States Exports of Canned Asparagus, 1922-23 to 1928-29 1,000 « 2 3 o o <=> 2 h cm cm cm cm ■o 4 to *• CM CM 1 1 CM to CM CM o> Crop year May to April Fig. 10. — Thoro has boon a steady upward frond in tlio exports of canned asparagus. (Data from table 14.) TABLE 4 United States Exports of Canned Asparagus by Countries of Destination Annual 1922-1927, and Average 1923-1927 Calendar years Country 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Average 1923-1927 Australia cases 26,459 14,246 10,334 21,629 7,050 11,821 1,068 3,067 2,986 1,683 745 4,687 6,779 570 3,802 370 21,152 cases 29,163 26,751 19,243 16,811 22,740 11,236 4,562 5,973 7,780 2,058 1,176 5,538 4,124 899 4,039 793 31,923 cases 31,330 42,577 17,663 26,448 10,715 8,207 5,070 4,572 8,584 3,527 7,793 6,414 4,984 2,613 2,581 638 36,721 cases 39,662 29,719 14,979 9,436 18,475 16,165 9,112 6,102 6,418 6,180 6,941 6,007 7,295 2,607 2,773 1,711 55,880 cases 51,511 29,858 22,667 22,958 13,700 12,505 10,964 9,680 5,121 9,100 9,039 8,383 5,199 4,969 4,613 6,075 46,760 cases 55,188 45,136 35,550 19,301 18,963 10,266 13,666 14,229 4,455 10,936 6,282 3,111 6,680 6,778 2,911 4,790 83,176 cases 41,371 United Kingdom 34,808 Canada Japan France China 22,020 18,991 16,919 11,676 Switzerland 8,675 British South Africa 8,111 Cuba 6,472 Netherlands 6,360 Belgium 6,246 5,891 British India 5,656 3,573 Java and Madura Denmark 3,383 2,801 Others 50,892 Total 138,448 194,809 220,437 239,462 273,102 341,418 253,845 Source of data: U. S. Dept. Commerce. Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States, annual numbers. Data, which were given in pounds, were converted to cases on the basis of 45 pounds to the case. 18 University of California — Experiment Station canned asparagus. About 1919 the canning of asparagus in picnic tins began. These tins contain sufficient asparagus for a small family and sell for about one-half as much as the large ones. Although data on carryover are not available before 1924 the con- sensus of opinion in the trade is that the carryover was negligible during the immediately preceding years. However, with a pack 273,000 cases larger in 1924 than in 1923 and with slightly higher opening prices, about 170,000 cases of the 1924 pack were carried over into the 1925 season. As a result a drastic downward readjust- ment in prices was made. The opening price in 1925 was $3.10 a dozen as against $3.85 a dozen in 1924. The situation during the past six years is illustrated in figure 9, in which data on carryover are included. The black portion of the bars represents the pack, the white portion the carryover from the previous year's pack, the single cross- hatched portion, the quantity in the hands of the canners at the end of the year, the double crosshatched portion the estimated consumption, and the black line the canners ' opening prices, The consumption of canned asparagus was only slightly larger in 1925 than in 1924. It is probable that the decline in the canners' opening prices in 1925 was not reflected in a corresponding decline in prices to consumers until several months later, and that consumers did not respond promptly to the lower prices when they did occur. In 1926, however, consumption was about 25 per cent larger than in 1925. The low level of prices had by that time prevailed for a considerable period. In addition, the Canners' League of California started an extensive advertising campaign. In 1927 and 1928 the increase in consumption continued, although at a somewhat slower rate, despite small advances in opening prices. During the past two years the canning of green asparagus has become of some importance. Sufficient information, however, is not yet available to determine how successful the product may become and what effect it will have upon the industry. Exports of Canned Asparagus. — The United States exports of canned asparagus from 1922-23 to 1928-29 are shown in figure 10. During that period there has been a steady upward trend in exports. Each year exports were larger than in the preceding year. The increase from 1922-23 to 1928-29 amounted to approximately 276,000 cases, or almost 200 per cent. There has been not only a large absolute increase in exports but also a substantial increase in the proportion of the canned pack Bul. 487 Asparagus 19 exported. An average of 11.7 per eent of the canned packs of 1922 and 1923 were exported as against an average of 17.1 per cent of the packs of 1927 and 1928. Our principal foreign markets for canned asparagus are given in table 4. During the five years 1923-1927 the sixteen countries listed separately have taken about 80 per cent of our total exports. Aus- tralia has been our most important foreign market, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, France, and China, in the order named. Those six countries have received approximately 58 per cent of our total exports, while Australia alone has received over 16 per cent. United States Production of Table Asparagus by States, Average 1925-1928 State California New Jersey South Carolina Illinois Maryland Washington Delaware Georgia Pennsylvania Michigan Iowa Oregon Total 1,000 crate 6 1,487 772 260 254 174 108 98 93 54 37 11 7 3,355 100.0 Fig. 11. — In addition to practically all of the canning asparagus, California pro- duces almost 45 per cent of the table asparagus grown in the United States. (Data compiled from U. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture 1928:789. 1929.) TABLE ASPARAGUS Important Table-Asparagus-proclucing States. — The relative impor- tance of the several states from the standpoint of production of table asparagus is shown in figure 11. The five states most important in the production of table asparagus are California, New Jersey, South Caro- lina, Illinois, and Maryland. During the four years, 192f)-1928, these five states produced 87.9 per cent of the total commercial crop, while California alone produced 44.3 per cent. Seasonal Variation in Carlot Shipments. — Table asparagus moves to market in carlots during a period of about four months, March to June inclusive. The 1925-1929 average weekly carlot shipments 20 University of California — Experiment Station from the United States, expressed in percentages of the total for the season, are shown by the solid line in figure 12. This line represents the typical seasonal movement. Shipments in carlots usually begin around the first of March. They increase rapidly during March and reach a peak around the first of April. During the last week in March and the first three weeks in April shipments are generally the heaviest. On the average 50 per cent of the total has been shipped during these four weeks. After the first week in April shipments gradually decline. By the end of May over 90 per cent of the total crop has been shipped and by the end of June the shipping season is practically finished. The seasonal movement varies, of course, from year to year depending largely upon weather conditions. The general extent and periods of competition between the different sections of the United States producing table asparagus are shown in figures 13 and 14. It takes about a week longer to ship asparagus from the Pacific Coast to the principal markets in the east than from such states as South Carolina and Georgia. In order, therefore, to show accurately the competition that California asparagus experiences in those markets, shipments from the states east of the Mississippi River were lagged one week. In figure 13 the black portions of the bars represent the weekly car lot shipments from California, the white portions, the combined shipments from the other asparagus-producing states. Because Cali- fornia produces so large a proportion of the total crop, shipments from this state closely parallel those of the United States, A limited quan- tity of asparagus is shipped from California in less than carlots during February, but shipments in carlots do not begin until about the first of March. During the next four or five weeks they increase rapidly, reaching a peak usually about the first or second week in April, but after that they decline. On the average about 80 per cent of the total carlo t shipments have been sent to market by the end of April, and about 94 per cent by the end of May. California is the earliest asparagus-shipping state. In some years, such as in 1928, a considerable proportion of our crop reaches the eastern markets before heavy shipments from the other states begin to arrive there. In other years, such as 1929, we meet with keen competi- tion from almost the beginning of the season. From the standpoint of competition between California and other states 1924 and 1926 were similar to 1928 ; 1925 and 1927 were similar to 1929. Bul, 487] Asparagus 21 Percentage of United States Carlot Shipments of Asparagus Shipped by Weeks, Average 1925-1929 Tf o> »o OcoeocMO^meomcvjo* .OiHWiHlOCMrHCRC Jilt r-t r4 o t D * J< • « M C J e M i- -I r H C 14 12 10 8 b 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 March April May June Weeks in shipping season Fig. 12. — The United States carlot shipments of asparagus are usually the heaviest during the last week in March and the first three weeks in April. (Da t;i computed from table 15.) Weekly Carlot Shipments of Asparagus, California and Other States, 1928-1929 Cars 400 300 200 100 400 300 200 100 , 1928 SEASON ill II CALIFORNIA I I OTHERS 1 I II 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 March April May 9 16 23 30 7 June July 1929 SEASON n _ CALIFORNIA I | OTHERS - n 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 March April May June July Fig. 13. — California asparagus meets with considerable competition in the eastern markets from that grown in other states. (Data from table 16. Shipments from all states except California, Oregon, and Washington were lagged one week.) 22 University of California — Experiment Station Figure 14 shows the weekly carlot shipments of asparagus from Georgia, South Carolina, Illinois, and Washington during 1929. In that year the shipments from these four states constituted 93 per cent of the total shipments included in "others" in figure 13. New Jersey is the most important of the asparagus-producing states, other than Weekly Carlot Shipments of Asparagus from Georgia, South Carolina, Illinois, and Washington, 1929 Cars 40 r 20 140 100 80 60 40 20 40 20 40 20 SOUTH CAROLINA .lllh. WASHINGTON 23 30 March 13 20 April 27 11 18 May 25 8 June 15 Fig. 14. — Shipments from Georgia and South Carolina compete most severely with those from California in the eastern markets. (Data from table 16. Shipments from Georgia, South Carolina, and Illinois were lagged one week.) California, that are not included in figure 14. The largest proportion of the New Jersey asparagus now moves to market by truck. Conse- quently, carlot shipments are not a reliable index of production in that state. The shipping season in New Jersey corresponds fairly closely to that in Illinois. A comparison of figures 13 and 14 shows that during the peak of our season South Carolina and Georgia are our most severe competitors in the eastern markets. Bul. 487] Asparagus 23 The general competitive situation is also shown by the monthly carlot shipments by states of origin, table 5, and the monthly unloads at New York City by states of origin, table 9. TABLE 5 United States Carlot Shipments of Asparagus by Months and States, 1927-1929 States March April May June July Oct. Nov. Total cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars 1927 California 188 104 47 636 280 64 20 204 63 118 1 6 1 1,154 447 111 61 102 94 10 12 52 43 93 2 2 1 156 19 3 158 Others 14 Total 339 1,022 534 225 6 6 1 2,133 1928 624 1 13 913 297 122 54 2 2 220 165 23 66 15 131 5 84 3 24 8 1,876 463 158 7 18 11 127 1 8 34 213 7 Total 638 1,390 625 181 12 24 8 2,878 1929* 294 43 22 606 407 87 41 202 47 86 Washington 57 22 68 24 25 14 51 14 Total 269 1,206 420 125 * Subject to revision. Source of data: U. S. Dapt. Agr., Bur. Agr. Econ., mimeographed reports. The carlot shipments by months and districts in California, for 1 lit 1 years 1926-1929 are given in table 6. Almost all of the shipments from the northern and central districts originate in the Delta. That section and the Imperial Valley start shipping at about the same time. 24 University of California — Experiment Station Shipments in carlots from the Imperial Valley extend for a period of about two months, and from the Delta for a period of about four months. Shipments from the Delta during" May and June, however, are much lighter than during the previous two months. The canning season in the Delta usually opens the first of April or shortly there- after. Most of the contracts between growers and canners specify the TABLE 6 Monthly Carlot Shipments of Asparagus by Districts in California 1927-1929 District March April May June July Oct. Nov. Total 1927 Northern* 81 74 312 270 5 49 73 130 1 48 70 514 Central* 1 545 Southern 6 33 6 1 89 Total 188 636 204 118 1 6 1 1,154 1928 Northern* Central* Southern Imperial Valley. Total 324 235 1 64 556 270 6 81 148 71 1 1,100 591 177 1,876 1929f Northern* Central* Southern Imperial Valley. Total 69 204 280 236 82 112 89 1 202 * Most of the shipments from the northern and central districts originate in the Delta. t Subject to revision. Source of data: U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Agr. Econ., mimeographed reports. delivery of the entire crop throughout the canning season, although some growers ship fresh asparagus for a time after the opening of the canneries. In addition a considerable acreage, particularly that which produces small asparagus, is cut green during the entire season. That acreage produces most of the asparagus that is shipped from the Delta for table consumption after the middle of April. In 1929 it was estimated that around 3,200 acres were cut green all season. Bul. 487 J Asparagus 25 In addition to the spring crop in the Imperial Valley, a fall crop has been developed during recent years. In 1928, for example, 24 cars were shipped in October and 8 cars in November. Trend of Carlot Shipments. — The annual carlot shipments of aspar- agus in the United States from 1917 to 1929 are shown by the solid line in figure 15. From 1917 to 1920 there was a small upward trend in shipments. Jn 1921 this upward trend was interrupted, and for Annum. Carlot Shipments of Asparagus, United States, 1917-1929 Total Early Late / > \ \ TOTAL y SHIPMENTS ^ / \ \ S / PROM EAR SHIPPING ST *TES / FRO M LATI .—.—•« __„ *I t> .' SHIPPIN J G STA1 zL •^ ,^*^ Fig. 15. — During the past six years there has been a very large increase in carlot shipments of asparagus, practically all of which has occurred in the early- shipping states of California, South Carolina, and Georgia. (Data from table 7.) the three years 1921, 1922, and 1923 shipments were low. Since 1923 there has been a rapid increase in shipments. During the three years of 1927-1929 they averaged 2,345 cars a year as against an average of 818 cars from 1921 to 1923, and an average of 1,079 cars from 1917 to 1919. All of the increase in carlot shipments from 1917-1919 to 1927- 1929 occurred in the early-shipping states of California, South Caro- lina, and Georgia. Those three states contributed 84 per cent of the total United States shipments in 1927-1929 as against 38 per cent in 1917-1919. In the late-shipping states there has been an absolute as well as a relative decrease in carlot shipments. The combined ship- ments from those statea averaged 671 cars annually in 1917-1919 as 26 University of California — Experiment Station against an average of 371 cars annually in 1927-1929. All of that decline, however, occurred in New Jersey and reflects the increase in truck shipments and not a decrease in production. The trend of ship- ments from Illinois and Washington, the other two most important late-shipping states, has been upward, table 7. In figure 16 the carlot shipments of asparagus from California are represented by the black portion of the bars, those from South Caro- lina by the shaded portion, and those from Georgia by the white por- tion. Approximately 69 per cent of the increase of 1,457 cars in the carlot shipments of early asparagus from 1921-1923 to 1927-1929 were from California, 22 per cent from South Carolina and 9 per cent from Georgia. Georgia has only recently become an important asparagus- shipping state. In 1924 only 8 cars were shipped from that state ; during the past three years shipments have averaged 128 cars annually. From 1921-1923 to 1927-1929 shipments from South Carolina in- creased from 142 cars to 468 cars, while shipments from California increased from 375 cars to 1,377 cars. In 1929 carlot shipments from California were smaller than in any year since 1924. Although the bearing capacity of the fields was larger than ever before, the yields were materially reduced as a result of the unusually low temperatures in the Delta just before and during the harvesting season. Not only did the low temperatures delay the start of cutting, thus shortening the length of the harvesting period, but they also diminished the average quantity obtained from the various cuttings. If weather conditions had been normal in 1929, carlot shipments would have been fully as large as in 1928 when they amounted to 1,876 cars. As contrasted with the period from 1923 to 1929, it is not expected that there will be a further marked upward trend in carlot shipments from this state within the next two or three years. The peak of bear- ing capacity of the present acreage has apparently been reached, and no further material increase in bearing acreage is in prospect in the immediate future. On the other hand, a further increase in the trend of shipments from both South Carolina and Georgia may be expected. Although data by age of beds are not available in these states, the relatively large increase in total acreage during recent years indicates that a considerable proportion of the present acreage has not yet come into full bearing. In South Carolina the total acreage, which amounted to 4,500 acres in 1925, increased to 5,300 acres in 1926 and to 7,000 acres in 1928, while in Georgia it rose from 2,820 acres in 1925 to 4,380 acres in 1926, and to 5,640 acres in 1928. These increases in total acreage, however, have not yet resulted in corresponding Bul, 487] Asparagus 27 TABLE 7 United States Carlot Shipments of Asparagus, by States of Okigin, 1917-1929 Early-shipping states Late-shipping states Grand Year Cali- fornia South Carolina Georgia Total Illinois New Jersey Wash- ington Others cars 5 12 Total total 1917 car a 265 303 377 502 362 304 458 718 1,279 1.503 1,154 1,876 1,102 c trs 94 105 81 89 129 143 154 185 263 364 447 463 496 cars cars 359 403 438 591 491 447 612 911 1,542 1,920 1,712 2,497 1,712 cars 49 21 79 161 170 161 93 157 165 144 158 213 144 ears 601 674 564 463 237 154 64 156 130 226 156 34 33 c irs 3 3 cars 658 712 643 635 411 320 173 324 364 499 420 381 312 cars 1,017 1918 1,120 1919 1,101 1920 1 2 5 10 10 31 111 93 127 99 5 2 1,226 1921 1922 902 767 1923 1924 1925 8 6 1 18 18 13 7 36 785 1,235 1,906 1926 1927 1928 1929* 53 111 158 114 2,419 2,132 2,878 2,024 * Subject to revision. Sources of data: Years 1917-1919. U. S. Dept. Agr., Weather Crops and Markets, 3: 11: 231. 1923. Years 1920-1928. U. S. Dept. Agr., Yearbook of Agriculture, 1928: 790. Year 1929, U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Agr. Econ., Weekly Summary of Carlot Shipments of Fruits and Vegetables, except shipments for Georgia, which are from B. C. Boree, Specialist in Market News, Bur. Agr. Econ., U. S. Dept. Agr. Annual Carlot Shipments of Asparagus from Early-Shipping States, 1917-1929 Calif. S. C. J t Ga. 24 20 o 8 12 r-» 8 4 H GEORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA CALIFORNIA Fig. 16.— Between 1921-1923 and 1927-1929 California contributed 69 per cent of the total increase in carlot shipments from the early-shipping states, while South Carolina contributed 22 per cent and Georgia 9 per cent. (Data from table 7.) 28 University of California — Experiment Station increases in production since an asparagus field is not ordinarily cut before two years of age and does not produce a full crop until several years later. Unloads in Important Markets. — The monthly carlot unloads of California asparagus in ten important markets of the United States TABLE 8 Carlot Unloads of California Asparagus in Cities by Months, 1927-1928 City March April May June July Total 1927 52 26 30 2 304 158 158 70 25 18 8 1 4 47 192 94 3 1 3 4 403 132 50 3 2 511 334 75 26 1 2 22 13 8 Salt Lake City 1 4 Total 113 753 344 182 5 1,397 1928 149 74 108 40 10 8 3 3 434 210 155 141 79 31 25 17 8 7 62 177 91 9 6 1 2 3 645 85 55 6 11 554 420 190 95 40 30 23 Salt Lake City 8 Total 395 1,107 351 140 17 2,012 * Includes estimated truck receipts. Source of data: Hansen, C. J., and O. W. Holmes, Marketing California asparagus. Annual sum- maries. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeographed reports. during 1927 and 1928 are shown in table 8. Our most important markets are New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. In 1928 these three cities received 80 per cent of the 2,012 cars unloaded in the ten cities listed in table 8. In addition to the carlot unloads at Los Angeles, a considerable quantity is received by truck. Most of the asparagus grown in Riverside, Los Angeles, and Orange counties is consumed locally. During March and April the larger proportion of California ship- ments goes to the eastern markets. In 1928 about 59 per cent of the Bul. 487] Asparagus 29 unloads listed during March and April were in New York, Phila- delphia, Boston, and Pittsburg, and only 36 per cent in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In May, however, only 23 per cent were in the four eastern markets while 76 per cent were in the two California cities, and TABLE 9 Cablot Unloads of Asparagus at New York, by Months and States of Origin, 1927 and 1928 State March April May June July Total 52 44 304 90 2 47 41 96 2 8 (5 1 403 175 New Jersey 68 12 178 2 1 1 1 10 7 4 5 Total . 96 401 201 70 12 780 1928 149 434 87 62 100 41 9 3 1 , 2 1 645 187 41 5 87 9 1 4 1 3 5 1 Total 149 524 219 42 5 939 Source of data: Hansen, C. J., and U. W. Holmes. Marketing California asparagus. Annual sum- maries. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeographed reports. in June no unloads from California were reported in markets outside of the state. After about the middle of April there is usually a decline in the proportion of California shipments that goes to eastern markets and an increase in the proportion to markets within the state. That situation is largely the result of the increase in the supplies in the eastern markets from the nearby-producing states. The extent of the competition from other states that California asparagus experienced in the New York market during the 1927 and 1928 seasons is shown in table 9. It will be noted that the competition during March and April was considerably greater in 1927 than in 1928. In the latter year carlot shipments from South Carolina did not appear in the New York market until April, while in 1927 relatively heavy shipments were received in March. It will also be noted that the 30 University of California — Experiment Station Weekly Average Jobbing Prices of California Asparagus at Three Markets, 1928-1929 11 ■e 7 E 5 at 1926 •— — — PHILADELPHIA V X »* ^ •3^"^ ^^fc% sss£~ 1929 — PHILADELPHIA ----- CHICAGO ^ v ( XV * V V \ i.^^S^^ X,'' -::^ 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 23 30 6 13 20 2? 4 March April March April May Fig. 17. — Prices of California asparagus in the eastern markets tend to move together. (Data from table 10.) TABLE 10 Weekly Average Jobbing Prices per Crate* of California Asparagus at New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago 1 , 1928-1929 Week 1928 Week ending 1929 ending New York Philadelphia Chicago New York Philadelphia Chicago dollars dollars dollars dollars dollars dollars Mar. 17 6.90 6.90 7.40 Mar. 23 10 55 11.00 7.60 24 5.55 5 55 5 40 30 6 25 7 25 6 60 31 4.15 4 35 4.70 Apr. 6 4.60 4.95 4.10 Apr. 7 3.45 3.70 3.80 13 4 75 4 35 3.25 14 3.95 3.75 3.70 20 4.10 4 20 3.80 21 3.50 3.45 3.40 27 4 00 3.60 3.25 28 3.70 3.45 3.55 May 4 3.25 2.80 2.25 * California pyramidal crate containing one dozen bunches, each weighing approximately 2% pounds. Sources of data: Hansen, C. J., and O. W. Holmes. Marketing California asparagus. Annual sum- maries. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeographed reports. Weekly prices are derived from the simple average of the daily range of selling prices of each grade, weighted as follows: very large 8, large 24, medium 40, and small 28. Buu 487 Asparagus 31 combined receipts from the states other than California are usually the heaviest in May, whereas those from California are heaviest in April. Close Relation Between Prices in Eastern Markets. — Prices of asparagus in the principal eastern markets tend to keep rather closely in line. Figure 17 shows the weekly average prices of California Average Jobbing Prices of California Aspakagus and Total Carlot Receipts at New York, by Weeks, 1924-1929 12 10 m 6 u at 20 40 120 140 Fig. 18. 60 80 100 Carlot receipts -Light receipts of asparagus at New York are generally accompanied by high prices, heavy receipts by low prices. (Data from table 11.) 160 asparagus at New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago during the 1928 and 1929 marketing seasons. While prices in the several markets did not always move in the same direction or to the same extent there was, nevertheless, a strong tendency toward the same general movement. An analysis of the figures for earlier years reveals the same tendency. Relation Between Weekly Average Prices and Receipts at New York. — The changes in prices from week to week in the various mar- kets are caused in the main by changes in the supply of asparagus in those markets. In figure 18 the weekly carlot receipts of asparagus at New York during March and April are measured on the horizontal scale and the average weekly prices on the vertical scale. Each dot 32 University of California — Experiment Station represents the receipts and average price for a given week. The solid curve represents the average relationship that has existed between receipts and prices during the past six years. During the early part of the season, when supplies are light, prices are very high. It is not unusual for the first few express shipments to sell for $15.00 or more a crate. As soon as supplies become heavier, however, prices drop rapidly. When carlot receipts at New York City were around 10 cars a week prices averaged about $10.00 a crate. When they rose to 20 cars a week prices declined to $8.00 a crate, and when they reached 100 cars a week prices averaged only $4.00 a crate. If the weekly carlot receipts were the only factor that affected the weekly price, all of the dots in figure 18 would be located in the position occupied by the solid curve. The fact that they are not indicates that other factors also influence the changes in prices from week to week. Among those factors are the quality and size of asparagus and the supply of competing vegetables. On the average, however, they have been much less important than the supply of asparagus. During the six years 1924-1929 an average of 88 per cent of the changes in the weekly jobbing prices of California asparagus at New York can be accounted for by the receipts of asparagus. This leaves only 12 per cent to be explained by all other factors combined. The analysis covers a period of eight weeks, beginning about the second week in March, in each of the six years mentioned. About 90 per cent of the total receipts of California asparagus at New York arrive during those eight weeks. Seasonal Variation in Prices at San Francisco. — The average seasonal variation in the jobbing prices of asparagus at San Francisco for the past five years is shown in figure 19. Prices are usually very high at the beginning of the season because of the limited supply. The first few receipts, which generally arrive the latter part of February, frequently sell for 40 or 50 cents a pound. As supplies increase prices fall. During the first week in March, when shipments in carlots usually start, prices average around 25 cents a pound, but by the first or second week in April when the peak of shipments is usually reached, they average only 7 or 8 cents a pound. From then until the end of the season prices fluctuate around 6 or 7 cents a pound. The increase in the supply of competing products slightly more than offsets the decrease in the supply of asparagus. From the middle of April to the end of the season receipts of asparagus at the markets within the state do not decline as rapidly as carlot shipments. In 1928, for example., carlot shipments were 80 Bul. 487 Asparagus 33 TABLE 11 Average Jobbing Prices per Crate of California Asparagus and Total Carlot Receipts at New York, by Weeks, 1924-1929 Weeks of 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 season* Re- ceipts Price Re- ceipts Price Re- cei pts Price Re- ceipts Price Re- ceipts Price Re- ceipts Price 1 2 cars 13 26 27 31 40 67 73 37 dollars 9.60 6 45 6 80 6 85 6 50 5 25 4 85 7 35 cars 9 13 46 68 104 116 109 93 dollars 7.50 9 05 6.15 4 35 4 30 2 95 3 00 2 30 cars 5 16 48 79 105 109 91 89 dollars 1 1 30 7.45 4 85 4 55 3 75 3 55 4 90 5.10 cars 5 37 59 74 79 100 99 76 dollars 12 50 7 25 5 15 4.45 4.25 3.70 4 50 4 55 cars 11 50 75 119 106 148 122 77 dollars 6 90 5 55 4 15 3 45 3 95 3 50 3 70 4 95 cars 3 6 58 75 95 99 103 108 dollars 12.50 10 55 6 25 4 60 4 75 4 10 4 00 3.25 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. Total or average 314 6 15 558 3 75 542 4.50 529 4 65 708 4.00 547 4 45 ♦Beginning weeks: 1924, Mar. 15; 1925, Mar. 14; 1926, Mar. 13; 1927, Mar. 19; 1928, Mar. 17; 1929, Mar. 16. Sources of data: Year 1924, Producers' Price-Current. Year* 1925-1928, Hansen, C. J., and O. \V. Holmes. Marketing California asparagus. Annual summaries. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeo- graphed reports— except receipts, 1926, and prices, week ending March 13, 1926, which are from Producers' Price-Current. Year 1929, U. S. Dept, Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ Daily Market Reports— except for week ending March 16, which is from New York Dailv Fruit Reporter. Weekly price* are simple averages of daily range of selling prices of each grade. In averaging the prices of each grade for the week trie following weights were used: very large 8, large 24, medium 40, and small 28. Average prices for the season were obtained by weighting the weekly prices by the carlot receipts. Weekly Jobbing Prices of White Graded Asparagus at San Francisco, Average 1925-1929 W t~- CO <7> 0> rH CO t- tO tO ^ tO Cents t-aoc\jcot^ao o •H £ 10 "^•"x^ 5 2 3 March 9 10 May 11 4 5 6 7 8 April Weeks in shipping seasons Fig. 19. — There is usually a pronounced fall in asparagus prices during tli first four weeks of the shipping season. (Data from table 17.) 12 34 University of California — Experiment Station per cent smaller in May than in April, whereas total receipts at San Francisco were only 41 per cent smaller and carlot receipts at Los Angeles only 16 per cent smaller. Relation Between Annual Prices and Carlot Shipments. — In figure 20 the annual carlot shipments from California, South Carolina, and Annual Average Jobbing Prices of California Asparagus at New York and San Francisco, and Total Carlot Shipments from California, South Carolina, and Georgia, 1921-1929 S, 5 a r-i 2 1 1 CARLOT ^O J PRICES NEW YORK SHIPMEI^ ITS V/' J.'* *"***^^ ? y \ \ ^ f^»* »«^ t *~ V v. ,-*•• '^•^ \ — •** J. SAN F RANCISCO _ 21 18 15 E df o 12 8 9 Fig. 20. — As a result of the rapid increase in carlot shipments from the early-shipping states, prices of California asparagus have averaged considerably lower during the past four years than they did between 1921 and 1924. (Data on carlot shipments from table 7; prices at New York, years 1921-1923 from Producers' Price-Current, years 1924-1929 from table 11; prices at San Francisco, years 1921-1924 from San Francisco Chronicle, years 1925-1929 from table 17. Prices per pound at San Francisco were converted to prices per crate on the basis of 30 pounds per crate.) Georgia for the years 1921-1929 are shown by the solid line, the annual average jobbing prices of California asparagus at New York and San Francisco by the broken lines. There is a distinct tendency for prices to be high when shipments are small and to be low when shipments are large. The relatively high prices received in 1929 can be accounted for in a large measure by the short crop. In 1925 prices declined more than would ordinarily be expected from the increase in shipments. In that year the quality of the California asparagus, Bul. 487] Asparagus 35 particularly during April, was poor, which was in part responsible for the low prices received. With even larger shipments in 1926 than in 1925 but also with much better quality, prices averaged about 70 cents a crate higher. During the past four years prices have averaged $4.40 a crate at New York and $2.60 a crate at San Francisco, as against $5.95 a crate at New York and $3.65 a crate at San Francisco during the four years of 1921-1924. This decline in prices greatly stimulated consumption. Carlot shipments from the early-shipping states average 1,960 cars a year from 1926 to 1929 as against only 615 cars a year from 1921 to 1924. Jobbing Prices of California Asparagus at New York by Size of Stalks, Average 1927-1929 Size Price Dollars per crate 2 3 4 Fig. 21. — A premium is paid for large asparagus. (Data are from the same sources as table 11.) Quality Factors Affecting Asparagus Prices. — Price quotations of California asparagus at New York are ordinarily reported on four sizes : very large, large, medium, and small. These descriptions refer to the size of the stalk. The average prices of the four sizes during the three years 1927-1929 are given in figure 21. During that period the very large size consistently brought the highest price, with an average differential in its favor of $1.00 a crate over the large size, $1.65 a crate over the medium size, and $2.45 a crate over the small size. In the Boston market in 1927 Waugh 5 found that the size of the stalk was of less importance than the length of green color in explain- ing the differences in prices at which individual lots of asparagus sold in the same day. The period of the investigation was from May 6 to July 2 and, therefore, did not cover the time during which the bulk of California asparagus arrived there. His analysis, nevertheless, is 5 Waugh, Frederick, V. Quality factors influencing vegetable prices. Journal of Farm Economics 10(2) :185. 1928. 36 University of California — Experiment Station of considerable value to California growers. It indicates that a large premium is paid for green asparagus in the Boston market. Waugh estimates that ''an inch of green color was worth 38.5 cents per dozen bunches in the Boston market in 1927. That is, asparagus which was green throughout a length of 6 inches from the tip sold for about 38.5 cents more per dozen bunches than asparagus which had only 5 inches of green color. Asparagus which was cut with 9 inches of green sold at $3.70 per dozen bunches as compared with $1.39 for asparagus with only 3 inches of green co 7 or. The influence of this one factor explained 41 per cent of the variations in prices found in 200 individual lots," whereas the size of the stalk explained only 15 per cent of the variations in prices. Although eastern markets prefer green asparagus, it is not always possible for California growers to ship this product with the maximum amount of green. Asparagus shipped to distant markets must usually be cut before the head of the spear opens in order to carry well during the long haul. In the Delta district there is constant danger of frost during the early part of the season. Consequently, the spears are usually cut when only 3 or 4 inches above the ground. 6 As contrasted with the situation in the eastern markets, the major- ity of consumers in San Francisco prefer white asparagus, although the demand for green asparagus in this market has been increasing during recent years. 7 Prior to 1925 white asparagus sold from one- half to two cents a pound higher than the green stock. Since then, however, the prices of the two have been approximately the same. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors of this bulletin wish to express their thanks and indebtedness to the following organizations which have generously contributed from their data and their time : California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service; Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce ; Division of Agricultural Economics, University of California; California Farm Bureau Federation ; California Agricultural Legislative Committee ; Canners' League of California; California Packing Corporation; and Libby, McNeil and Libby. Jones, H. A., and W. W. Robbins. The asparagus industry in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 446:75. 1928. 7 Hansen, C. J., and O. W. Holmes. Marketing California asparagus, 1927 season, p. 6. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeographed report. Bul. 487] Asparagus 37 APPENDIX OF TABLES TABLE 12 Asparagus Acreage, United States by States, 1925-1928 Source of data: V. S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture 1928: 7*9-790. 1929. 38 University of California — Experiment Station TABLE 13 Canned Pack of Asparagus, California, Canners ' Opening Prices per Dozen on Large White in No. 2y 2 Square Tins, and Prices per Pound Paid to Growers for No. 1 Canning Asparagus, 1910-1929 Canned pack Canners' opening prices Prices paid to growers Index of prices paid by farmers for Year Actual Adjusted commodities bought 1 2 3 4 5 6 1,000 cases 1,000 boxes dollars dollars cents 1910-191 J, =100 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 617 687 719 723 776 810 991 966 902 1,031 1,025 887 1,240 1,520 1,793 1,745 2,236 2,190 2,338 2,673 648 721 755 759 814 850 1,040 1,014 947 1,083 1,076 931 1,302 1,596 1,882 1,832 2,348 2,299 2,712 2,995 2.45 2.00 2.15 2 15 2 00 2 10 2 20 2.60 3 15 3.35 4 25 2.90 3 15 1.75 3 85 3.10 3.00 3.10 3 25 3.30 3.50 3.08 3.11 3.07 2 94 3.00 2.56 2.20 2.40 2 41 2.76 2.90 3 15 3.75 3.85 3 10 3.00 3.10 3 25 3 30 3.0 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.0 3 3.3 3.9 4.6 5 9 4 4 8 5 9 5.5 3 6 3.8 3.6 4 4.0 98 101 100 100 101 106 123 150 178 205 206 156 152 153 154 159 156 154 156 156 Sources of data: Col. 1. Years 1910-1917 from California Fruit News. Years 1918-1929 from Canners' League of Cali- fornia. Col. 2. Cases converted to cannery boxes containing approximately 50 pounds on the following basis: 1910-1927, 100 cases equals 105 boxes; 1928, 100 cases equals 116 boxes; 1929, 100 cases equals 112 boxes. Col. 3. California Packing Corporation, Calpak Annuals. Col. 4. Years 1910-1920 adjusted for changes in the general price level, by dividing by the Bureau of Labor Statistics all-commodity index of wholesale prices, in order to make them comparable with prices since 1920. Col. 5. Compiled from prices paid by various canners. Col. 6. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Index of prices paid by farmers for commodities used in living and production. Bul. 487] Asparagus 39 TABLE 14 United States Exports of Canned Asparagus, by Months, May,, 1929 Month May June July August September. October November December January February .. March April Total 1922-23 cases 10,520 29,014 30,162 24,536 14,576 6,852 5,646 4,812 2,756 5,296 3,316 1,666 139,152 1923-24 cases 26,181 63,253 32,164 30,110 8,217 8,257 7,286 6,478 4,298 4,647 3,875 5,468 200,234 1924-25 cases 58,096 52,797 33,415 21,386 10,202 10,895 8,304 7,988 8,746 5,049 7,399 5,523 229,800 1925-26 cases 36,449 48,044 36,640 24,027 19,661 20,903 14,689 12,332 10,468 9,628 6,966 13,750 253,557 1926-27 cases 40,043 46,840 30,558 30,616 23,721 24,872 17,537 18,103 10,690 13,927 11,395 10,443 278,742 1927-28 cases 31,168 61,102 46,603 46,113 31,332 27,497 24,715 26,433 22,324 18,890 15,260 9,267 360,704 1928-29 cases 33,355 77,363 41,756 47,022 22,154 41,411 29,571 35,337 32,710 22,910 20,461 10,737 Source of data: U. S. Dept. Commerce, Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States. Monthly issues. Data, which were given in pounds, were converted to cases on the basis of 45 pounds to the case. TABLE 15 Weekly Carlot Shipments of Asparagus, United States, 1925-1929 Weeks in shipping season 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929* It cars 14 27 82 309 255 282 281 108 91 67 64 64 51 57 61 47 29 7 cars 5 27 158 315 285 190 254 240 196 199 136 102 75 65 54 49 32 24 cars 6 62 121 226 305 237 203 201 198 133 80 92 74 71 49 47 18 2 cars 16 90 229 303 341 405 319 274 252 188 118 72 64 56 51 34 22 12 cars 2 2 16 3 4 58 171 5 344 6 235 7 261 8 290 9 194 10 112 11 12 98 66 13 ... 54 14 32 15 ... 35 16 .. . 30 17 19 18 7 Totals* 1,896 2,406 2,125 2,846 2,024 * Subject to revision. t First week, 1925, March 7; 1926, March 6; 1927, March 12; 1928, March 10; 1929, March 9. t Totals do not include 10 cars in February, 1925, 8 cars in October and 5 cars in November, 1926, 6 cars in October and 1 car in November, 1927, and 24 cars in October and 8 cars in November, 1928. Source of data: U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Weekly summary of carlot shipments. (Mimeo- graphed.) 40 University of California — Experiment Station TABLE 16 Weekly Carlot Shipments of Asparagus, United States, by States, 1928-1929 Week ending Cali- fornia South Carolina Georgia Illinois New Jersey Wash- ington Oregon Other states cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars 1928 Mar. 10 16 90 229 289 277 314 172 121 87 62 38 35 36 29 24 11 11 3 16 ■ 17 90 24 229 31 1 26 66 107 88 92 58 25 13 38 25 30 26 22 4 303 Apr. 7 . 341 14 405 21 10 38 22 22 15 10 5 3 1 1 319 28 1 3 3 274 May 5 12 25 34 34 26 21 22 19 15 9 8 1 5 6 1 2 2 7 7 2 1 252 188 19 118 26 72 64 9 56 16 51 23 34 30 22 •July 7 12 Total 1,844* 463 158 213 34 127 7 2,846* 1929f Mar 9 2 16 58 108 298 72 165 143 74 47 50 45 25 19 23 22 18 7 2 16 16 23 42 105 131 70 80 51 17 58 30 . . 21 30 26 15 14 8 171 1 6 6 23 25 14 18 11 17 10 6 344 13 235 20 .. 3 3 3 6 3 9 1 3 2 5 22 26 21 19 5 1 261 27... . 5 5 8 4 2 1 2 1 290 May 4 U 2 2 1 1 194 112 18 98 25 66 54 8... 32 15 .... 1 35 22 30 29 1 19 July 6 7 Total 1,102 496 114 144 33 99 28 8 2,024 * Does not include 24 cars in October and 8 cars in November, t Subject to revision. Sources of data: U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. Weekly Summary of Carlot Shipments 'mimeo- graphed). Buu 487 Asparagus 41 TABLE 17 Weekly Average Jobbing Prices per Pound of White Graded Asparagus at San Francisco, 1925-1929 Week of season 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2 cents 20 8 17 7 8 6 4.3 4 9 5 4 6 6 3 4 7 4 7 5 3 5 1 cents 32 1 18 5 11.7 6 8 6 4 7 4 cents 29.2 18 9 17 5 12 8.7 10 .6 7.4 6 6 9 6.7 6 5 6.5 cents 21.1 14 3 8.2 7 5 8 3 7 7.2 6.6 6 1 6.1 5 8 5 8 cer 33 24 17 13 11 10 8 7 6 ts 2 1 3 4 5 ti 8 8 3 3 7 8 6 7 7 7 7 8 1 2 1 3 8 5 3 9 10 6 5 11 12 6.1 6 Average 5 5 7.7 9.4 7 8 10.0 * Beginning weeks: 1925, March 7; 1926, March 6; 1927, March 12; 1928, March 10; 1929, March 9. Sources of data: Early and late weeks from San Francisco Chronicle. All other data for years 1925- 1928 from: Hansen, C. J., and O. W. Holmes. Marketing California asparagus. Annual summaries. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ. mimeographed reports. 1929 from U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Agr. Econ Daily Market Reports. Weekly prices are simple averages of daily range of selling prices. Average prices for the season were obtained by weighting the weekly prices by the carlot shipments from California. STATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION BULLETINS No. 253. Irrigation and Soil Conditions in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, California. 263. Size Grades for Ripe Olives. 277. Sudan Grass. 279. Irrigation of Rice in California. 283. The Olive Insects of California. 304. A Study of the Effects of Freezes on Citrus in California. 310. Plum Pollination. 313. Pruning Young Deciduous Fruit Trees. 331. Phylloxera-resistant stocks. 335. Cocoanut Meal as a Feed for Dairy Cows and Other Livestock. 343. Cheese Pests and Their Control. 344. Cold Storage as an Aid to the Market- ing of Plums, a Progress Report. 346. Almond Pollination. 347. The Control of Red Spiders in Decid- uous Orchards. 348. Pruning Young Olive Trees. 349. A Studv of Sidedraft and Tractor Hitches. 353. Bovine Infectious Abortion, and Asso- ciated Diseases of Cattle and New- born Calves. 354. Results of Rice Experiments in 1922. 357. A Self-Mixing Dusting Machine for Applying Dry Insecticides and Fun- gicides. 361. Preliminary Yield Tables for Second- Growth Redwood. 362. Dust and the Tractor Engine 363. The Pruning of Citrus Trees in Cali- fornia. 364. Fungicidal Dusts for the Control of Bunt. 366. Turkish Tobacco Culture, Curing, and Marketing. 367. Methods of Harvesting and Irrigation in Relation to Moldy Walnuts. 368. Bacterial Decomposition of Olives During Pickling. 369. Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes. 370. Factors Influencing the Development of Internal Browning of the Yellow Newtown Apple. 3 71. The Relative Cost of Yarding Small and Large Timber. 373. Pear Pollination. 374. A Survey of Orchard Practices in the Citrus Industry of Southern Cali- fornia. 380. Growth of Eucalyptus in California Plantations. 385. Pollination of the Sweet Cherry. 386. Pruning Bearing Deciduous Fruit Trees. 388. The Principles and Practice of Sun- Drying Fruit. 389. Berseem or Egyptian Clover. 390. Harvesting and Packing Grapes in California. 391. Machines for Coating Seed Wheat with Copper Carbonate Dust. 392. Fruit Juice Concentrates. 393. Crop Sequences at Davis. 394. I. Cereal Hay Production in California. II. Feeding Trials with Cereal Hays. 395. Bark Diseases of Citrus Trees in Cali- fornia. 396. The Mat Bean, Phaseolus Aconitifolius. 397. Manufacture of Roquefort Type Cheese from Goat's Milk. 400. The Utilization of Surplus Plums. 405. Citrus Culture in Central California. 406. Stationary Spray Plants in California. 407. Yield. Stand, and Volume Tables for White Fir in the California Pine Region. No. 408. 409. 410. 412. 414. 415. 416. 418. 419. 420. 421. 423. 425. 426. 427. 428. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 438. 439. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454 Alternaria Rot of Lemons. The Digestibility of Certain Fruit By- products as Determined for Rumi- nants. Part I. Dried Orange Pulp and Raisin Pulp. Factors Influencing the Quality of Fresh Asparagus After it is Harvested. A Study of the Relative Value of Cer- tain Root Crops and Salmon Oil as Sources of Vitamin A for Poultry. Planting and Thinning Distances for Deciduous Fruit Trees. The Tractor on California Farms. Culture of the Oriental Persimmon in California. A Study of Various Rations for Fin- ishing Range Calves as Baby Beeves. Economic Aspects of the Cantaloupe Industry. Rice and Rice By-Products as Feeds for Fattening Swine. Beef Cattle Feeding Trials, 1921-24. Apricots (Series on California Crops and Prices). Apple Growing in California. Apple Pollination Studies in California. The Value of Orange Pulp for Milk Production. The Relation of Maturity of California Plums to Shipping and Dessert Quality. Range Grasses in California. Raisin By-Products and Bean Screen- ings as Feeds for Fattening Lambs. Some Economic Problems Involved in the Pooling of Fruit. Power Requirements of Electrically Driven Dairy Manufacturing Equip- ment. Investigations on the Use of Fruits in Ice Cream and Ices. The Problem of Securing Closer Rela- tionship between Agricultural Devel- opment and Irrigation Construction. I. The Kadota Fig. II. The Kadota Fig Products. Grafting Affinities with Special Refer- ence to Plums. The Digestibility of Certain Fruit By- Products as Determined for Rumi- nants. II. Dried Pineapple Pulp, Dried Lemon Pulp, and Dried Olive Pulp. The Feeding Value of Raisins and Dairy By-Products for Growing and Fattening Swine. Series on California Crops and Prices: Beans. Economic Aspects of the Apple In- dustry. The Asparagus Industry in California. A Method of Determining the Clean Weights of Individual Fleeces of Wool. Farmers' Purchase Agreement for Deep Well Pumps. Economic Aspects of the Watermelon Industry. Irrigation Investigations with Field Crops at Davis, and at Delhi, Cali fornia, 1909-1925. Studies Preliminary to the Establish- ment of a Series of Fertilizer Trials in a Bearing Citrus Grove. Economic Aspects of the Pear Industry. Series on California Crops and Prices: Almonds. Rice Experiments in Sacramento Val- ley, 1922-1927. BULLETINS — (Continued) No. No. 455. Reclamation of the Fresno Type of 465. Black-Alkali Soil. 466. 456. Yield. Stand and Volume Tables for Red Fir in California. 467. 458. Factors Influencing: Percentage Calf 468. Crop in Range Herds. 459. Economic Aspects of the Fresh Plum 469. Industry. 470. 460. Series on California Crops and Prices: Lemons. 471. 461. Series on California Crops and Prices: Economic Aspects of the Beef Cattle 474. Industry. 462. Prune Supply and Price Situation. 464. Drainage in the Sacramento Valley 475. Rice Fields. Curly Top Symptoms of the Sugar Beet. The Continuous Can Washer for Dairy Plants. Oat Varieties in California. Sterilization of Dairy Utensils with Humidified Hot Air. The Solar Heater. Maturity Standards for Harvesting Bartlett Pears for Eastern Shipment. The Use of Sulfur Dioxide in Shipping Grapes. Factors Affecting the Cost of Tractor Logging in the California Pine Region. Walnut Supply and Price Situation. CIRCULARS No. 115. 117. 127. 129. 164. 166. 178. 203. 212. 230. 232. 239. 241. 244. 245. 248. 249. 250. 253. 255. 257. 258. 259. 261. 262. 263. 265. 266. Grafting Vinifera Vineyards. The Selection and Cost of a Small Pumping Plant. House Fumigation. The Control of Citrus Insects. Small Fruit Culture in California. The County Farm Bureau. The Packing of Apples in California. Peat as a Manure Substitute. Salvaging Rain-Damaged Prunes. Testing Milk. Cream, and Skim Milk for Butterfat. Harvesting: and Handling; California Cherries for Eastern Shipment. Harvesting and Handling: Apricots and Plums for Eastern Shipment. Harvesting and Handling California Pears for Eastern Shipment. Harvesting and Handling: California Peaches for Eastern Shipment. Marmalade Juice and Jelly Juice from Citrus Fruits. Central Wire Bracing for Fruit Trees. Vine Pruning Systems. Some Common Errors in Vine Pruning and Their Remedies. Replacing Missing Vines. Measurement of Irrigation Water on the Farm. Vineyard Plans. Leguminous Plants as Organic Ferti- lizers in California Agriculture. The Small-Seeded Horse Bean (Vicia faba var. minor). Thinning Deciduous Fruits. Pear By-Products. Sewing Grain Sacks. Cabbage Production in California. Tomato Production in California. Plant Disease and Pest Control. Analyzing the Citrus Orchard by Means of Simple Tree Records. No. 269. 270. 276. 277. 278. 282. 284. 287. 288. 289. 290. 292. 294. 295. 296. 298. 300. 301. 302. 304. 305. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. An Orchard Brush Burner. A Farm Septic Tank. Home Canning. Head, Cane, and Cordon Pruning of Vines. Olive Pickling in Mediterranean Countries. The Preparation and Refining of Olive Oil in Southern Europe. Prevention of Insect Attack on Stored Grain. The Almond in California. Potato Production in California. Phylloxera Resistant Vineyards. Oak Fungus in Orchard Trees. The Tangier Pea. Alkali Soils. Propagation of Deciduous Fruits. Growing Head Lettuce in California. Control of the California Ground Squirrel. Possibilities and Limitations of Coop- erative Marketing. Coccidiosis of Chickens. Buckeye Poisoning of the Honey Bee. The Sugar Beet in California. Drainage on the Farm. Liming the Soil. American Foulbrood and Its Control. Cantaloupe Production in California. Fruit Tree and Orchard Judging. The Operation of the Bacteriological Laboratory for Dairy Plants. The Improvement of Quality in Figs. Principles Governing: the Choice. Oper- ation and Care of Small Irrigation Pumping Plants. Fruit Juices and Fruit Juice Beverages. Termites and Termite Damage. The Mediterranean and Other Fruit Flies. 12m-l,'30