UCSB LIBRARY \ * % THE NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST; OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOST VALUABLE VARIETIES m w i ^ OF ALL CLIMATES, ADAPTED TO CULTIVATION IN THE UNITED STATES 5 WITH THEIR HISTORY, MODES OF CULTURE, MANAGEMENT, USES, &c. WITH AN APPENDIX, ON VEGETABLES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, AND FLOWERS, THE AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF AMERICA, AND ON SILK, &C. BY WILLIAM KENRICK. Fifth Edition, Enlarged and Improved. BOSTON: OTIS, BROADERS, AND COMPANY. 1842. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841, BY WILLIAM KENRICK, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. TO THE HON. JOHN LOWELL, LL. D. SIR, I AM happy in being enabled to inscribe this work to a gentleman whose name is so intimately associated with all the great improvements connected with Agriculture and Horticulture, during more than a quarter of a century. The many valuable produc- tions the donations from Mr. Knight, and from other sources by you so extensively disseminated ; your disinterested and distinguished zeal to encour- age and enlighten in all useful pursuits, and especially those to which this work is principally devoted, are not only highly appreciated by contemporaries, but posterity will know and acknowledge their value. Please to accept this dedication, not only as an acknowledgment of the many favors received, but as an expression of my high estimation of your manifold and successful efforts in all that concerns the best interests of our country. With the highest respect and esteem, Your obedient servant, WILLIAM KENRICK. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION THE present edition of this work has been revised with very particular attention and care ; all the latest and most eminent writers of Europe, which have come to hand, having been diligently consulted, and the experience of the most intelligent of our own country. In this edition, many important improvements will be found, and many additions, particularly in regard to fruits. The list of these, although so complete in the former editions, is yet, in this, greatly improved ; and especially in those fine new kinds which have been so lately proved by Mr. Thompson and others, at the Garden of the London Horticultural Society at Chiswick, and elsewhere in England, and in France ; or more latterly approved with us. During a visit of the author to those countries, in the autumn of 1840, much information was collected by him from first- rate sources, from oral and other communications, which will be found in the following pages. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Dedication 3 Advertisement 5 Acknowledgments to Authorities, Correspondents, &c 9 List of Authors whose Works are either quoted or referred to. . . .9 INTRODUCTION 13 Section I. Climate 16 II. Modern or Landscape Gardens 21 III. Utility of Fruits 23 IV. New Varieties of Fruits Modes in which they are produced Decline of the Old Varieties 25 V. Of the Growth of Trees and Plants 34 VI. Transplanting 35 VII. Propagation 36 VIII. Inoculating 37 IX. Grafting 39 X. Fruitfulness 41 XI. Pruning 45 XII. Noxious Insects , 52 APPLE 58 PEAR 115 Old Pears 117 New Pears 130 QUINCE 174 PEACH 177 NECTARINE 206 ALMOND 210 APRICOT 212 PLUM 216 CHERRY 231 MULBERRY 212 VINE 213 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. CURRANT 286 GOOSEBERRY w * ' * '^^ RASPBERRY 293 SALAL BERRY 294 PERSIMMON 295 STRAWBERRY 296 LIME PLANT 308 MELON 308 BLACKBERRY 312 BERBERRY *313 CRANBERRY 313 CRANBERRY VIBURNUM 314 ELDER 315 MEDLAR 316 MOUNTAIN ASH 316 SHEPARDIA 317 NUTS Walnuts, Chestnuts, Filberts, &c. &c 317 SOUTHERN FRUITS. Fig 323 Olive 329 Orange Tribe .341 to 346 Pine-Apple 346 . Plantain and Banana 348 Many other species of Southern Fruits 323 to 355 APPENDIX, containing as follows Vegetables 356 to 377 Ornamental Forest Trees and Shrubs 377 to 396 Ornamental Flowers 396 to 400 Notes on the Agricultural Resources of America, Culture of Silk, &c 401 Insects 427 On Fences, Hedges, &c 429 On Deep Tillage 430 Glossary 431 Index 433 Index to the Appendix 445 Select and recommended List of Fruits 449 (See also the varieties which are marked with a star.) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO AUTHORITIES, CORRESPONDENTS, &c. THE descriptions of the fruits contained in the following pages are drawn from much personal observation, and from the most authentic testimonies and authorities, and from those alone on whom we may with confidence implicitly rely. Although most of them are already in our country, and have been already proved, yet many of them are new, and of very recent introduction. To the more common or proper names, I have in many cases annexed the botanical or descriptive names of the species or va- rieties ; this being the only one and universal name, by which they are alike known in every part of civilized America and of Europe. I have also, to avoid confusion in the nomenclature, endeavored generally to preserve, unaltered, the original or proper names, in the language of their own native country. These will serve in a meas- ure to identify, and also to indicate the country and the climate to which they properly belong. My obligations to the late Mr. Lowell I have elsewhere acknowl- edged, and my obligations to Gen. Dearborn, the first President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. I am also under very particular obligations to Mr. Manning, of Salem, for the many de- scriptions he has afforded me. All those articles marked R. M. are described on his authority, and are such as he has proved them to be in our climate. I have availed also of the valuable communi- cations of Messrs. Downer, of Dorchester ; Buel, of Albany ; S. G. Perkins, of Boston; of Col. Carr, of Bartrara's Botanic Garden, near Philadelphia. I am also particularly indebted to the great in- telligence and researches of Mr. Robert Thompson, of the Garden of the London Horticultural Society, and to Messrs. Ronald, Lee, Forrest, and other distinguished and intelligent cultivators in his vicinity ; MM. Dalbret, Jamin, Vilmorin, Margat, and Lusette, and other intelligent individuals in or near Paris; M. Emilien De Wael, of Antwerp, in Belgium ; and also to those very numerous individ- uals of our own country whom I have elsewhere named. LIST OF AUTHORS AND WORKS QUOTED OR REFERRED TO ADLUM. Memoir on the Cultivation of the Vine in America, and the best Mode of making Wine, by John Adlum. 12mo. Wash- ington, 1828. ANNALES D'HORTICULTURE. Annales de la Societe d'Horticul- ture de Paris. A valuable publication, in monthly numbers. 8vo. 10 LIST OF AUTHORS, ETC. BARNET. Description of the great Collection of Strawberries at Chiswick, in Vol. vi. Hort. Trans., by James Barnet, occupying 80 pages quarto. BON JARD. Le Bon Jardinier, edited by M. Poiteau and M. Vilmorin, for the year 1841. Paris. A work of over 1000 pages, annually published! in that city for nearly a hundred years. Bosc. Louis Auguste Guillaume Bosc, F. L. S. H. 8.; author of many articles in Nouveau Cours Complet d'Agriculture, and other works. COBBETT. American Gardener, by Wm. Cobbett, a celebrated political writer. COXE. View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, &c., in the United States of America, &c., by William Coxe, Esq. 8vo. Phil- adelphia, 1817. DE CANDOLLE. L, A. de Candolle, author of several articles in Nouveau Cours Complet d'Agriculture, a celebrated writer on Botany, &c. MR. COBB. Jonathan H. Cobb, Esq., of Dedhara, Mass., author of an excellent Manual on the Mulberry and Culture of Silk, pub- lished by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts, and also by order of Congress. D'ALBRET. Cours Theorique et Pratique de la Taille des Arbres Fruitiers, par D'Albret. 3d edition, Paris, 1840. DOM. ENCT. Domestic Encyclopedia, by A. F. M. Willich, M. D. Edition of Dr. James Mease, 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. DOH. O. Don. Traite des Arbres Fruitiers, par Henri Lewis Duhamel de Monceau. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1768. N. Don. Nouveau Duhamel, ou Trait6 des Arbres Fruitiers, Nouvelle edition, augmentee, &c., formerly conducted by Dr. Lois- leur Dcslongchamps ; now still continued by MM. Poiteau and Turpin ; several vols. folio, with colored plates. Paris. ED. ENC. Edinburgh Encyclopedia, American edition, by Dr. Brewster. The article on Horticulture, to which this principally refers, was drawn up by Patrick Neill, Esq. FES. AMER. CARD. New American Gardener, containing Prac- tical Directions on the Culture of Fruits and Vegetables, &c., by Thomas G. Fessenden, Editor of the New England Farmer. FOKSTTH. Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees, &c., by William Forsyth, Esq. Seventh edition, 8vo. Lon- don, 1834. COUNT DE HAZZI, Counsellor of State of Munich, author of " Complete Instructions for the Plantation and Management of Mul- berry Trees, and the REARING or SILK-WORMS." Transmitted by him, through Dr. Mease, to Congress. A professed disciple of the Comte Dandolo and M. Bonafoul. HOOKER. Pomona Londinensis, containing Representations of the best Fruit* cultivated in British Gardens, by William Hooker Esq., F. L. S. H. 8. 4to., with colored plates. HORT. Soc. CAT. Catalogue of the Fruits cultivated in the LIST OF AUTHORS, ETC. 11 Garden of the Horticultural Society of London, at Chiswick. 8vo. 1826. Also, the Descriptive Catalogue of 1831, which is ascribed to Mr. Robert Thompson. HORT. TRANS. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. 4to. 8 vols. MAG. HORT. The Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and all use- ful Discoveries and Improvements in Rural Affairs, by C. M. Hovey. A highly useful monthly work, published at Boston. JAMIN. Catalogue raisonne des Arbres Fruitiers of M. Jean St. Laurent de Jamin, Paris, 1838; and Manuscripts of 1841, from same source. MR. KNIGHT. Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq., F. R. S. L. S., &c., late the President of the London Horticultural Society, and he author of nearly a hundred articles in the London Hort. Trans., &c. &c., and author of several works on Rural Economy. LINDLEY. A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden, or an Account of the most valuable Fruits and Vegetables cultivated in Great Britain ; with Calendars of the Work required in the Orchard and Kitchen Garden, during every Month in the Year; by George Lindley, C. M. H. S. London, 1831. LOUDON. Encyclopaedia of Gardening, &c., by John C. Loudon, F. L. S. H. S., &c. London, 8vo. 1825. A work of 1233 condensed pacres, and several hundred engravings. LOUD. CARD. MAG. The Gardener's Magazine, by the same author. A most superior work, in periodical numbers. MICHAUX. The North American Sylva, or a Description of the Forest Trees, &c., with 156 colored engravings, by F. Andre Mi- chaux. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. MILLER. The Gardener's and Botanist's Dictionary, &c., by Philip Miller, F. R. S. 2 vols. folio. Revised by Professor Martyn. London, 1819. N KILL. Patrick Neill, Esq., A. M. F. L. S., author of the article on Horticulture in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, of the " Horticul- tural Tour," and other works; Secretary of the Caledonian Horti- cultural Society, &c NOUV. COURS COMPLET D'AGRI. CoCRS CoMPLET. NoUVCaU Cours Complet d' Agriculture, &c., ou Dictionnaire raisonne et uni- versel d'Agriculture, by the members of the Section of Agriculture of the Institute of France, viz. MM. Thouin, Parmentier, Tessier, Huzard, Silvestre, Bosc, Chassiron, Chaptal, Lacroix, De Perthius, Yvart, De Candolle, Du Tour, Du Chesne, Feburier, De Brebisson. and Rosier, (R.) 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. CHEV PARMENTIER. The Chevalier Joseph Parmentier, of Eng- hein ; description of various new fruits in-Hort. Trans. DR. PASCALIS. The Silk Culturist, &c., published in numbers, by Dr. Felix Pascalis. New York. Also author of " Practical Directions on the Culture of the Mulberry and of Silk," &c. PHILLIPS. Pomarium Britannicum ; an Historical and Botanical 12 LIST OF AUTHORS, ETC. Account of Fruits known in Great Britain; by Henry Phillips, F. H. S., &c. 8vo. London, 1823. POITEAC. A. Poiteau, one of the conductors of the Bon Jardin- ier and the New Duhamel ; and author of many of the articles in Annales d'Horticulture, &c. POM. MAO. Pomological Magazine, or Figures and Descriptions of the most important Varieties of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. London. A late work. PYRCS MALUS BRENT. Pyrus Malus Brentfordiensis, or a con- cise Description of selected Apples, by Hugh Ronalds, F. H. S., &c., with colored engravings. QCINTINIE. The Complete Gardener, or Directions for cultiva- ting of Fruit Gardens and Kitchen Gardens ; with divers Reflections on several Parts of Husbandry. In 6 books. By the famous M. de la Quintinie. Made English by John Evelyn, Esq. 1693. J. RIVERS, Jr. Descriptive Catalogue of Fruits, &c. ; also va- rious articles on fruits in Loudon's Magazine. ROSIER. Cours Complet d'Agriculture, theorique, practique, economique, &c., ou Dictionnaire universel d'Agriculture, &c. 15 vols. 4to. Paris, 1801. SPEECHLY. William Speedily; a Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, &c. 8vo, DR. THACHER, author of the American Orchardist, and various other valuable works, on history, medicine, &c. ER. 109 best and the cheapest kind is the neutral spirit a highly rectified and tasteless spirit, obtained from New England rum. Some, however, object to any addition of either sugar or alcohol, to supply deficiencies ; forgetful that these substances are the, very elements of which all wine, cider, and vinous liquors are composed. The strength of the cider depends on the specific gravity of the juice on expression : this may be easily ascertained by weighing, or by the hydrometer. I have described some of the most approved varieties of apples known. The density of their juices is designated by their weight, which I have stated ; which is always in proportion to the same measure and quantity of water, weighing 1000. According to the experiments of Major Adlum, of Georgetown, District of Columbia, it appeared that when two pounds of sugar were dissolved in a gallon of rain water, the bulk occupied by 1000 grains of rain water, weighed 1087 grains. From this it would appear that the juice produced by the best known apple, contains about two pounds of sugar in a gallon. Mr. Marshal has asserted that a gentleman, Mr. Bellamy, of Herefordshire, England, has, by skill, " produced cider from an apple called Hagloe Crab, which for richness, flavor, and price on the spot, exceeds, perhaps, every other liquor which nature or art has produced. He has been offered sixty guineas for a hogshead of 110 gallons of this liquor." Newark, in New Jersey, is reputed one of the most famous places in Amer- ica for its cider. The cider apple most celebrated there is the Harrison apple, a native fruit ; and cider made from this fruit, when fined and fit for bottling, frequently brings $10 per barrel, according to Mr. Coxe. This and the Hughs' Virginia Crab are the two most celebrated cider apples of America. Old trees, growing in dry soils, pro- duce, it is said, the best cider. A good cider apple is sac charine and astringent. To make good cider, the first requisite is suitable fruit; it is equally necessary that the fruit should be not merely mellow, but thoroughly mature, rotten apples being ex- cluded ; and ripe, if possible, at the suitable period, or about the first of November, or from the first to the middle, after the excessive heat of the season is past, and while sufficient warmth yet remains to enable the fermentation to progress slowly, as it ought. 10 110 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. The fruit should be gathered by hand, or shaken from the tree in dry weather, when it is at perfect maturity ; and the ground should be covered with coarse cloths or Russia mats beneath, to prevent bruising, and consequent rotten- ness, before the grinding commences. Unripe fruit should be laid in large masses, protected from dews and rain, to sweat and hurry on its maturity, when the suitable time for making approaches. The earlier fruits should be laid in thin layers on stagings, to preserve them to the suitable period for making, protected alike from rain and dews, and where they may be benefited by currents of cool, dry air. Each variety should be kept separate, that those ripening at the same period may be ground together. In grinding, the most perfect machinery should be used to reduce the whole fruit, skin, and seeds, to a fine pulp. This should, if possible, be performed in cool weather. The late Joseph Cooper, of New Jersey, has observed, em- phatically, that " the longer a cheese lies after being ground, before pressing, the better for the cider, provided it escapes fermentation until the pressing is completed; " and he fur- ther observes, " that a sour apple, after being bruised on one side, becomes rich and sweet after it has changed to a brown color, while it yet retains its acid taste on the op- posite side." When the pomace united to the juice is thus suffered for a time to remain, it undergoes a chemical change ; the saccharine principle is developed ; it will be found rich and sweet; sugar is, in this case, produced by the prolonged union of the bruised pulp and juice, which could never have been formed in that quantity had they been sooner separated. Mr. Jonathan Rice, of Marlborough, who made the premium cider so much admired at Concord, Massachu- setts, appears so sensible of the important effects of mature or fully ripe fruit, that, provided this is the case, he is willing even to forego the disadvantage of having a portion of them quite rotten. Let me observe that this rottenness must be the effect, in part, of bruises by improper modes of gathering, or by improper mixtures of ripe and unripe fruit. He always chooses cool weather for the operation of grinding ; and, instead of suffering the pomace to re- main but 24 or 48 hours, at most, before pressing, as others have directed, he suffers it to remain from a week to ten days, provided the weather will admit, stirring the mass CIDER. Ill daily till it is put to the press. [See his communication in Vol. vn. p. 123, N. E. Farmer.] The best cider is made, according to Dr. Mease, by the following process : The liquor, on coming from the press, is strained through hair cloths, or sieves, and put into clean, tight, strong hogsheads; these are filled, and the bung left out, and placed in cool, airy cellars, or on the north sides of buildings, where the air circulates. In a day, or sometimes less, according to the state of the weath- er and maturity of the fruit, the pulp begins to rise, and flows from the bung for a few hours, or a day or two at farthest ; at the intervals of two or three hours, the hogs- head is replenished, and kept full from a portion of the same liquor kept in reserve for this purpose, as it is deemed necessary that the whole pulp should overflow, that none may return again into the liquor. The moment the pulp has ceased rising, white bubbles are perceived ; the liquor is, in this critical moment, fine or clear, and must be in- stantly drawn off by a cock or faucet, within three inches of the bottom. On drawing off the cider, it must be put into a clean cask, and closely watched, the fermentation restrained or prevented : when, therefore, white bubbles, as mentioned above, are again perceived at the bung-hole, rack it again immediately, after which it will probably not ferment till March, when it must be racked off as before, and, if pos- sible, in clear weather. As soon as safety will admit, af- ter the first racking, a small hole must be bored near the bung, and the bung driven tight ; this must be finally sealed and a spile inserted, giving it vent occasionally, as circumstances require. In March, if not perfectly fine, it is drawn from the lees in a clear day, and fined ; this is usually effected by dissolving, in a few quarts of cider, three staples of isinglass, stirring it often ; this is poured into the hogshead. It must be drawn off again in ten or twelve days after, lest the sediment should rise ; if not fine now, repeat the fining again. In Herefordshire, according to Dr. Mease, (Dom. Ency.,) the sediment of the first racking is filtered through coarse linen bags; this yields a bright, strong, but extremely flat liquid; if this be added to the former portion, it will great- ly contribute to prevent fermentation, an excess of which will make the cider thin and acid. 112 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. The first fermentation in cider is termed the vinous ; in this the sugar is decomposed, and loses its sweetness, and is converted into alcohol ; if the fermentation goes on too rapidly, the cider is injured ; a portion of alcohol passes off with the carbonic acid. The design of the frequent rackings, as above mentioned, is principally to restrain the fermentation ; but it seems to be generally acknowledged, that it weakens the liquor. It is not generally practised, although the finest cider is often produced by this mode. Various other modes are adopted with the view of re- straining fermentation. Stumming by brimstone is thwt performed : After a few gallons of cider are poured into the hogshead, into which the cider is to be placed when racked off, a rag six inches long, previously dipped in melted brimstone, is attached by a wire to a very long, tapering bung: on the match being lighted, the bung is loosely inserted : after this is consumed, the cask is rolled or tumbled till the liquor has imbibed the gas, and then filled with the liquid. This checks the fermentation. Yet the French writers assure us, that the effect of much sulphuring must necessarily render such liquors unwhole- some. Black oxyde of manganese has a similar effect; the crude oxyde is rendered friable by being repeatedly heated red hot, and as often suddenly cooled by immersion in cold water. When finely pulverized, it is exposed for a, while to the atmosphere, till it has imbibed again the oxygen which had been expelled by fire. An ounce of powder is deemed sufficient for a barrel. If the cider is desired to be very sweet, it must be added before fermentation, other- wise not till afterwards. Mr. Knight, from his long expe- rience and observation in a country (Herefordshire, Eng- land) famous for its cider, has lately, in a letter to the Hon. John Lowell, stated that the acetous fermentation generally takes place during the progress of the vinous, and that the liquor from the commencement is imbibing oxygen at its surface. He highly recommends that new charcoal, -in a finely pulverized state, be added to the liquor as it comes from the press, in the proportion of eight pounds to the hogshead, to be intimately incorpo- rated : " this makes the liquor at first as black as ink, but it finally becomes remarkably fine." CIDER. 113 Dr. Darwin has recommended tnat tne liquor, as soon 355 the pulp has risen, should be placed in a cool situation, in casks of remarkable strength, and the liquor closely con- fined from the beginning. The experiment has been tried with good success ; the fermentation goes on slowly, and an excellent cider is generally the result. A handful of well-powdered clay to a barrel is said to check the fermentation. This is stated by Dr. Mease. And with the view of preventing the escape of the carbonic acid, and to prevent the liquid from imbibing oxygen from the atmosphere, a pint of olive oil has been recommended to each hogshead. The excellent cider exhibited by Mr. Rice was prepared by adding two gallons of New England rum to each barrel, when first made. In February or March, it was racked off in clear weather, and two quarts more of New England rum added to each barrel. Cider well fermented may be frozen down to any requisite degree of strength. In freezing, the watery parts are separated, and freeze first, and the stronger parts are drawn off from the centre. I finish by adding the following general rules; they will answer for all general purposes ; they are the con- clusions from what is previously stated : 1. Gather the fruit according to the foregoing rules ; let it be thoroughly ripe when ground, which should be about the middle of November. 2. Let the pomace remain from two to four days, according to the state of the weather, stirring it every day till it is put to the press. 3. If the liquor is deficient in the saccharine principle, the defect may be remedied, in the beginning, by the addition of saccharine substances or alcohol. 4. Let the liquor be immediately placed in a cool cellar, in remarkably strong, tight, sweet casks ; after the pulp has all overflown, confine the liquor down by driving the bung hard, and by sealing; a vent must be left, and the spile carefully drawn at times, but only when absolutely necessary to prevent the cask from burst- ing. The charcoal, as recommended by Mr. Knight, deserves trial. Fresh and sweet pomace, directly from the press, and boiled or steamed, and mixed with a small portion of meal, is a valuable article for food, or for fattening horses, cattle, and swine. 13* 114 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. VINEGAR, ETC. Vinegar is made of the best quality from hard old cider ; it must be placed under sheds in casks but two thirds full, with the bung out, and exposed to a current of air. Sour casks are purified by pouring in a small quantity of hot water, and adding unslacked lime ; bung up the cask, and continue shaking it till the lime is slacked. Soda and chloride of lime are good for purifying. When casks are emptied to 1)6 laid by, let them be thoroughly rinsed with water, and drained ; then pour into each a pint of cheap alcohol, shake the cask, and bung it tight, and it will remain sweet for years. Musty casks should be condemned to other uses. Cider should not be bottled till perfectly fine; otherwise it may burst the bottles. The bottles should be strong, and filled to the bottom of the neck. After standing an hour, they should be corked with velvet corks. The lower end of the cork is held for an instant in hot water, and it is then instantly after driven down with a mallet. The bottles must be either sealed, or laid on their sides, in boxes, or in the bottom of a cellar, and cov- ered with layers of sand. The process formerly adopted for obtaining new and excellent varieties of apples was, to plant only the seeds of the very best fruits, and to select from these only those individuals with large leaves and strong wood. Reason seemed to dictate this mode; but reason united to experi- erfte has taught a different. See the fourth section in the fofmer part of this work. 115 PEAR. (Pyrus Communis.) The pear is a tree of pyramidal and elegant form. The leaves are obtuse, elliptical, serrated; the flowers, which are produced on the short spurs of the former year, or of the preceding years, are in terminating villose corymbs; the fruit pyramidally formed, tapering towards the stalk, but varying in the different species. Its branches in a wild state are covered with thorns. It grows spontaneously, as we are informed, in every part of Europe, as far north as the latitude of 51. It will also succeed in those parts of the United States where the apple tree will flourish, pro- vided the soil is suitable. In New England, it flourishes as in its native soil. It is distinguished from the apple tree not less by its form than by its disposition to emit suckers from its roots, whenever these become obstructed by stones or other substances, or become bruised or broken. The pear tree is a tree of longer duration than the apple. It is stated that, in dry soils, they will continue in health, vigor, and productiveness for centuries. The timber is of a yellowish color, very firm, compact, and fine-grained, and is used for joiners' tools, &,c. &-c. It takes a fine polish, and, stained of a black color, it resem- bles ebony. The leaves will produce a yellow dye. In those parts of Europe possessing a climate similar to our own, in Italy and France, the pear is said to be in higher estimation as a dessert fruit than the apple. Uses. Good dessert pears are generally preferred to apples ; they are characterized by a pulp tender and melt- ing, or subliquid, as in the beurree pears, with a juice of a sugary, aromatic flavor ; or of a firm and brittle or crisp consistence, or breaking. Cooking pears should be of large size, the flesh firm, neither breaking nor melting, of an austere rather than sweet taste. Perry (poire of the French) is the fermented juice, made in the same manner as cider, from fruit of any size ; and the best perry is stated to be little inferior to wine, and the most austere fruits produce the best liquor. The pear is also good for baking, compotes, marmalade, &,c. They are also preserved in sugar or sirup of the cane. Dried 116 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. in ovens, the fruit will keep for years. This mode of pre- serving is common in France. Bosc has described two modes of drying pears, and adds, that in some of the can- tons of that country, the cultivators annually preserve, by these means, supplies of subsistence extremely agreeable and wholesome during winter and spring. He invites cultivators not to neglect this resource. In this mode of drying, those varieties of middle size, melting and sweet, are preferred. After the bread is drawn from the. oven, they are placed on the swept hearth, or on hurdles or boards. This operation is repeated a second, a third, and a fourth time, according to their size, and the degree of heat. The heat must not be so great as to scorch, and the fruit must not be dried to hardness. Lastly, they are placed in bags, and preserved in a dry place. The second mode of preserving is practised chiefly on the Rousselets and finest-flavored varieties. Bosc states that he has tried them after three years' preservation, and found them still good ; but they are better during the first year. They are gathered a little before their maturity, and after being half boiled in a small quantity of water, they are peeled and drained. They are next carried on hurdles to the oven, after the bread is drawn, or the oven is heated to a suitable degree ; here they remain twelve hours ; after which they are steeped in the sirup, to which have been added sugar, cinnamon, cloves, and brandy. They are again returned to the oven, which is now heated to a less degree than at first. This operation is thrice repeated, until they are sufficiently dried, or of a clear brown color, and firm, transparent flesh; and finally they are packed in boxes lined with paper. Thirty years ago, the number of varieties of pears ob- tained by cultivation, as stated by Dr. Willich, was 1500. But the number of good sorts is stated by Loudon "to be fewer in proportion than that of apples. Dr. Van Mons, and the Abbe Duquesne, since that period, have obtained from seed, during twenty years, upwards of 800 new and approved sorts, from probably 8000 new seedlings." From no less than 80,000, is my impression, but I state from memory only. I have detailed their modes of procedure, as stated by Dr. Van Mons, in the former part of this work. Their practice was the reverse of all the popular theories of the day j the results, unlike any thing of the kind before known. OLD PEARS. CLASS I. 117 CLASS I. OLD PEARS. The following list of Old Pears comprises all which are described by Duhamel and by Rosier, and some others also of the English writers. Some I have briefly described, and others I have only named. Many of them are still fine. In these descriptions I have availed of every resource. Many of the reasons for the brevity of this review are stated more fully in Section 4, in the former part of this work. ABBREVIATIONS. q. denotes those varieties of pears which will grow when inoc- ulated on a quince stock. Q. denotes those varieties which were named or described by Mons. Quintinie, 150 years ago. I have, in many instances, ap- pended his remarks of that distant day, and refer to the edition of his work translated and revised by Mr. Evelyn in 1G93. M. refers to Mr. Manning, of Salem. ) These gentlemen S. refers to Mr. Smith, of Smithfield, R. I. $ have tried, and cast off, near 200 of the old kinds. I denotes " bad pears," " indifferent pears," or " outcasts," on the authority of those to whose initials this character is annexed. R. refers to the 53 trees, of 19 varieties, recommended by Rosier SECTION I. SECTION I. comprises all the pears described by Rosier, whose descriptions comprehend essentially all those of Du- hamel. This section is arranged in the order of their ma- turity according to Rosier. 1. AMIRE JOANNET. St. John's. Petit St. Jean. The fruit is small, yellow, pyriform ; the flesh tender, sweet, not high flavored ; juicy, but soon turning mealy. One of the earliest of all pears, and chiefly valuable for its early maturity, (q.) July. PETIT MUSCAT. Little Music. Supreme. The fruit is very small, yellow, brownish red next the sun; roundish turbinate; half breaking ; of a musky flavor. The fruit grows in clusters. July, (q.) (CJ.|) The tree cankers, and is subject to blight. (M.|) (8.4.) 118 NEW AMEB1CAN ORCHARDIST. AURATE. August Muscat. (64) (q.) MUSCAT ROBERT. Robine. (Q,. ) MUSCAT FLEURI. Flowered Muscat, (Q,.) 2. MADELEINE. Citron des Carmes. Early Chaumon- telle. A fruit of medium size, pale yellow, with an occasional blush next the sun ; form turbinate ; flesh white, melting ; perfumed. End of July. A fine old fruit. This variety exhibits strong symptoms of decay. (M.) (q.) HATIVEAU. [R. I.] Q.UISSE MADAME. Windsor. An indifferent fruit. (M 4 ) (Q.) GROS BLANQUET. (q.) 3. *(|) EPARGNE of the French. JARGONELLE of the English. Grosse Quisse Madame. (Q..) The tree is one of the most productive of all pears. The fruit is the best of its season ; it is rather large, very ob- long ; of a green color, a little marbled with red next the sun ; the flesh melting, juicy, with a slightly acid, rich, and agreeable flavor. It ripens the last of July. In the vicinity of Boston, where this fruit is raised in abundance for the market, it is usually gathered long before fully grown, and mellowed in closely-confined masses. I am sorry to add, that the wood of this capital old variety be- gins to canker and decay at Salem, (q.) OGNONET. Archduke of Summer. SAPIN. DEUX TETES. Double-Headed. (0,4) BELLISSIME D'ETE. Supreme. Beauty of Summer. A middling fruit. (M.|) (4) (q.) BOURDON MUSQUE. Orange d'J^te. (Q,.) (q.) BLANQUET A LoNGUE-duEUE. Long-Stalked Blanket. (Q..) (R. 2.) PETIT BLANQUET. Little Blanket. (Q.) Very small and beautiful ; the skin very smooth, and yel- lowish white; breaking, musky ; but a very poor fruit, (q.) GROS HATIVEAU. Early in August. POIRE D'ANGE. Angel Pear. Early in August. OLD PEARS. CLASS I. 119 (|) POIRE SANS PEAU. Skinless. (Q.) A small, oblong pear ; the skin is smooth and thin, of a pale green, slightly colored with red next the sun; the flesh half melting, of a sweet and pleasant flavor. A good fruit, but the wood begins to canker. August. (M.) PARFUM D'AOUT. August Perfume, (q.) Middle August. CHER A DAME. Prince's Pear. (84) (q.) FIN OR D'ETE. Fine Gold of Summer. Middle August. EPINE ROSE. Thorny Rose. Summer Rose, (q.) SALVIATI. (Q.) August. ORANGE MUSQEE. (Q-.) (q.) ORANGE ROUGE. Red Orange. (Q-|) (q*) [R. 2.] ROBINE. Royale tf&e. Royal Summer. (Q.) (q-) (84) SANGCINOLE. Bloody Pear. (Q-) (q.) BON CHRETIEN D'ETE MUSQUE. Musk Summer Bon Chretien. (M 4 ) (Q.) GROS ROUSSELET. Roi d'Ete. (Q.) (q.) POIRE D'CEup. Egg Pear. Swan's Egg of For. and Coxe. (84) CASSOLETTE. Lechefriand. (Q.) (q.) GRISE-BONNE. Last of August. MUSCAT ROYALE. Beginning of September. JARGONELLE of Rosier and the French. Quisse Madame of the English and Americans. ^ This last name has been applied to another fruit ; both are called bad. (Q..J.) (84) 4. ROUSSELET HATIF of Coxe. Very small, but much admired as a very early fruit. The tree produces most extraordinary crops every year. Stalk long, fleshy, and curved ; color russety yellow, juicy, and excellent. Early in August. 5. [R. 4.] ROUSSELET DE RHEIMS. Petit Rousselet. The fruit is small, pyriform ; the eye is large, and even with the surface ; the stalk ten lines, the fruit twenty-seven lines, and twenty in its transverse diameter ; greenish yellow in the shade, brownish red next the sun; the flesh half melting, musky, very perfumed ; excellent to put in 120 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. brandy and for drying. Last of August. The tree is pro- ductive, (q.) AH MON DIEU! My God Pear! (q.) Poire d'Abon- dance. Nouv. Cours Comp. Valuable only for its productiveness. (Q..) (*) FIN OR DE SEPTEMBRE. Fine Gold of September. Beginning of September, (q.) FONDANTE DE BREST. Inconnue Cheneau. (Q,.) 6. EPINE D'ETE. Summer Thorn. Green Catharine. Rather small, tapering to the stalk, which, is long ; the eye even with the surface ; of a green color, covered with dark, russety blotches: the flesh is breaking, of a very musky flavor. The tree is very ^productive. Late in August, (q.) POIRE FIGUE. BON CHRETIEN D'ETE. Gracioli, Summer Bon Chretien. Of great size and beauty, and only esteemed on this ac- count. The tree is a bad bearer, and cankers ; the fruit often blights, and soon rots at the core, (q.) ORANGE TULIPEE. Striped Orange. Tulip Pear. Vil- laine d'Anjou. (Q-4) (q.) BERGAMOTTE D'ETE. Summer Bergamot. Milan dc Bcuvriere. (Q,.tf (84) (q.) BERGAMOTTE ROUGE. Red Bergamot. The fruit is rather small, short, turbinate, pale yellow, but red next the sun ; tender, melting, juicy, sugary, high- flavored. August, (q.) (M.) 7. *VERTE LONGUE. MouiUe Bouche. Long Green Month-water. The fruit is rather large ; form varying from pyramidal to turbinate j the skin smooth, of a dark green color; the flesh melting, of, a sweet, rich, and pleasant flavor. It ripens the beginning of August, and is a most excellent fruit ; the tree bears abundantly every year. We are per- suaded that this is not identical with that described by Duhamel. [R. 4.] BEURRE. Brown Beurre. Beurre Gris. Beurre Dork. Beurre Rouge. Rather large; obovate, tapering towards the stalk; greenish yellow, covered with thin russet, but occasionally OLD PEARS. CLASS I. 121 dusky red next the sun ; the flesh melting, buttery, rich, and excellent. October. One of the most ancient, and once the best of all pears. Even at this day, it is still pro- ductive and fair in some few gardens of the city, but it is rarely, if ever, seen in its markets. With the cultivators who furnish its supplies, it has now become an outcast. The fruit blights, and the wood cankers. (Q,.) (q.) ANGLETERRE. Beurre d? Angleterre. September. DOYENNE. Doyenne blanc. Beurre blanc. Bonne Ente. Carlisle of Mil. and others. Yellow Butter. Beurre Dore, or St. Michael, of Coxe. Garner of Rhode Island. Many other names might be added. The tree was once, with us, most extraordinarily produc- tive; the fruit the fairest, the most beautiful and delicious, and universally admired. This most ancient of all pears has now become an outcast, intolerable even to sight. In some sections of the city, it is even now productive and fair, but it is seldom seen in its markets. The fruit is of medium size, roundish oblong, diminishing towards the stalk, which is short, thick, and strong ; the skin smooth, of a pale lemon color, or sometimes colored with red next the sun ; the flesh white, melting, juicy, of delicious flavor. October. Such was the St. Michael once with us. (Q---J-) (84) (q-) BEZI DE MONTIGNY. (q.) BEZI DE LA MOTTE. Bicn Armudi. Beurre blanc de Jersey. (Q,-) This old fruit has lately disappeared from the markets of Paris. Nov. (q.) BERGAMOTTE SUISSE. Suissc. Striped Bergamot. (4) See BAKING PEARS, (q.) POIRE DE PRETER. POIRE DE NAPLES. Easter St. Germain. Lent St. Ger roam. (Q 4 ) (q.) CHAT BRUSLE. October to winter. 11* 126 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. [R. 2.] MUSCAT L'ALLEMAND. German Muscat, (q.) Considered by many an outcast. The wood cankers, the fruit blights. (84) (M 4 ) (q.) IMPERIALS A FEUILLES DE CHENE. Imperial Oak- leaved. April and May. (q.) SAINT PERE. Poire de Saint Pere. Baking. POIRE X GOBERT. June. [R. 2.] BERGAMOTTE D'HOLLANDE. Holland Berga- mot. D'Alenjon. This fruit keeps till May, and has with some become an outcast. (84) (q.) TARQUIN. April and May. SARASIN. Is considered here as an outcast. (84) (q.) [R. 4.] BERGAMOTTE SYLVANGE. The Sylvange vert d'Hiver is better than this, and the best of all the Sylvanges. SECTION II. The following old varieties are described by Duhamel and other authors, in the order of their maturity. GROS BLANQUETTE RONDE. Duh. July. 1O. GREEN CHISSEL. The tree is feeble, but productive ; the fruit in clusters; is small, nearly globular; color green, but brown next the sun ; gritty, saccharine, perfumed. Last of July. SUGAR Top, or July. AMBROSIA. Early Bcurre. Lind. Medium-sized; form roundish, flattened ; skin smooth, greenish yellow ; flesh tender, rich, sugary ; juice per- fumed. Last of August. MUSCAT ROYAL. Duh. End of August. AUTUMN BOUNTY. (84) OLD PEARS. CLASS I. 127 BROCA'S BERGAMOT. Gansefs Bergamot. A delicious, round fruit, but miserably unproductive ; an outcast here on this account. (84) October. CRASSANNE PANACHE. Rosier. Leaves variegated ; an ornamental variety. ELTON. Hort. Trans. An old fruit, of medium size, oval form, russety orange next the sun ; flesh breaking and excellent, but soon grow- ing mealy. September. K. L. FORELLE. Pom. Mag. C. Hort. Trans. FoRELLEN-BiRNE. Die!. POIRE TRUITE of the French. A fruit celebrated by the English and German writers for its superior beauty, excellence, and productiveness. The size medium, form obovate, color at maturity lemon in the shade, a rich sanguine or crimson next the sun ; spec- kled and covered with broad, ocellate spots ; hence called by the French trnite or trout pear; flesh white, juicy, buttery ; flavor rich, subacid, vinous. Dr. Diel assigns its nativity to Northern Saxony. In the vicinity of Boston it has dis- appointed expectation, and is regarded as a decayed vari- ety.. November. 11. GREEN PEAR OF YAIR. Hort. Trans. Middle-sized, regular form; green, slightly russeted ; flesh yellow, melting, sweet. A very productive and pop- ular Scotch variety, of great excellence. September. HOLLAND GREEN. Coxe. Holland Table Pear. (M.|) ORANGE BERGAMOTTE. Coxe. (M.|) PRINCE'S SUGAR. Lowre's Bergamotte. Middle-sized, not very rich, but good. With some it has become an outcast. (84) Very productive. RED CHEEK. English Red Cheek. English Catharine. Sweet, but soon turns mealy. Not much esteemed. Early in September. RUSHMORE'S BON CHRETIEN. Esteemed by some in New York. With us only es- teemed for baking. An outcast with some. (84) SEPTEMBER ORANGE. (M..J.) SUCRE VERT. Duh. Green Sugar, (q.) (Q.) Middle-sized, round, inclining to pyramidal ; the skin smooth, always green ; melting, juicy, very sweet. I have 128 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. stated that this fruit has made its exit from the markets of Paris. Last of October. Excellent some years. 1. SWAN'S EGG. Moorfowl Egg of Boston. Small, oval, turbinate ; green, but dull russet brown next the sun ; flesh tender, rich, saccharine, musky. The tree grows rapid and upright, and is productive. A favorite Scotch fruit. November. VERTE LONGUK PANACHE. Calotte de Suisse. Suisse. Striped Dean. Medium size, pyramidal ; striped with yellow on a green ground ; pale red next the sun. Indifferent. The bark is striped ; the fruit a curiosity. An outcast with some, (84) and not much esteemed by others. Rarely seen at this day in the markets of Paris. September. BON CHRETIEN D'Aucn. D'Auch. (M..J.) (84) ROUSSELET D'HIVER. Duh. Winter Russet ? OLD BAKING PEARS. 13. *CATILLAC. FORTY OUNCES. The fruit is very large, roundish turbinate ; pale yellow, but deeply stained with red next the sun ; flesh firm and breaking, the flavor astringent. A good bearer ; an ex- cellent baking pear, in use all winter. DOUBLE FLEUR. , ARMENIAN. Large, round ; at maturity yellow, but purple red next the sun ; breaking, juicy. An ornamental variety. (0.4) Good only for baking. DOUBLE FLEUR PANACH. An ornamental variety, with double flowers and striped fruit. Good for baking. February to April. GROS RATEAU GRIS. Bon Jard. Quint. Lind. BLACK PEAR OF WORCESTER. LOVE PEAR, PARKINSON'S WARDEN. POUND PEAR, but not of Langley. POIRE D'UNE L.IVRK. GRANDE MOSAR^UE of Knoop. Fruit very large, roundish turbinate; skin rough, yel- OLD BAKING PEARS. CLASS I. 129 lowish green, but obscure red or brown next the sun ; flesh very hard, coarse, austere, but good baked or stewed. It does not succeed on the quince. November to February. 14. *!RON PEAR. Rather large ; its color a yellowish or iron russet ; form rather oblong, regular, narrowing a little towards the sum- mit ; flesh breaking, juicy, and astringent. This pear keeps till May, is a good bearer, and an excellent baking sort. POIRE DE TONNEAU. Bon Jard. Lindley. BELLE DE JERSEY, UVEDALE'S ST. GERMAIN. PICKERING, UNION, UDALE'S WARDEN. Fruit very large, oblong, tapering to the crown, but compressed between the middle and the stalk ; in form of a cask ; skin smooth, dark green, but brown next the sun; at maturity yellow and red; flesh white, hard, austere; juice astringent. An excellent pear to cook. WARDEN. Medium size, turbinate form, of a dark russety yellow color. An autumn fruit, and excellent for cooking. This is a very productive yariety. 15. *POUND PEAR. One of the most valuable of our winter baking pears. It is highly esteemed, and is raised in considerable quantities, and barrelled for the markets or for exportation. The trees are extraordinary for their vigorous growth and productive- ness ; the fruit is very large, oblong, pyramidal, rounded at the crown, diminishing towards the stalk, which is very strong ; of a rusty green color, but brownish red next the sun ; firm, breaking, juicy, and astringent ; most excellent for baking or preserving. It will keep till April or May. It may not, perhaps, be improper here to subjoin a list of such still existing varieties, as M. duintinie has, in his day, in a more extensive and partly obsolete list, denounced and designated as pears of indifferent quality, and bad pears. I refer to the edition of Mr. Evelyn, printed in 1693. I do not, however, assert that this list is to be considered an in- fallible guide, but I believe it to be generally so ; and if true at that distant day, how much more reason have we for believing it is at least equally true now ! I add the following still existing varieties, which, on the authorities which I annex to each, have been denominated 130 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST, Indifferent Pears, Bad Pears, or Outcasts. Those marked B. are, however, good for baking. Brutte Bonne. Indif. *Q,. Caillot Rosat. Indif. Q..J. Fin Or d' Orleans. Indif. Q 4 Gilogile. Bad. 0,4 Queen of Winter. Reine d'Hiver. Indif. Q.. St. Francis. Bad. B. d.| Cluster. Outcast. 0,4 Golden Beurre. Outcast. 84 Z,o's Bergamot. " 84 P/'s Bergamot. " 84 Leggett's. ' " 84 J?erf .Butter Pear. " 84 CLASS II. NEW PEARS. The following list of new varieties are in part Ameri- can ; a portion of them are English, and a few of French origin ; but the greatest portion are Flemish, of all those not otherwise noted. Many additions, and numerous new kinds, mostly of Flemish origin, had been received by us through the liberality of the London Horticultural Society, during the years 1834 and 1835, their excellence having been proved at their garden at Chiswick. Numerous other varieties also have been sent us from Professor Van Mons, of Louvain, during those same years. More re- cently, and during the winter of 1840-1, a valuable dona- tion of new pears, of superior proved kinds, were received from M. De Wael, the secretary of the Horticultural So- ciety of Antwerp, in Belgium. During the autumn of 1840, and while in London, I used every exertion to procure all the new fruits of the most renowned excellence, either from the garden of the London Horticultural Society, or from the first sources in ivs immediate vicinity, and where all had been proved to the latest day. Other new and superior kinds I also pro- cured while at Paris ; and since that period, all that may have arisen truly valuable, cannot fail of finding their way hither, from other and first-rate sources. All those kinds marked J. have been very recently NEW PEARS. CLASS II. SUMMER. 131 proved at Paris, by M. Jamin, and described by him. Those same kinds which are marked D. have also been lately proved, by M. Dalbret, the superintendent of the compartment of fruits, at the Garden of Plants at Paris. Of the numerous new and fine varieties, which I procured of M. Jamin, I have particularly described in this class but twenty-five kinds, and those only which he designated to me as fruits the most extraordinary ; most of them being also quite new, and not then known in commerce. Trees of nearly every kind described in this class, are al- ready in our country. A. denotes those kinds of American origin. E. denotes those kinds which are native English. F. denotes most of those kinds which are natives of France. Most of all the rest are of the new Flemish kinds. SECTION I. SUMMER FRUIT. 16. D'AMANDE D'ETE. Thompson. Large, pyramidal ; color green and yellow ; juicy and good. August. 17. D' ANANAS D'ETE. Thompson. Large, obtusely pyramidal ; color brown, but red next the sun; beurree and good. August. 18. BELLE DE BRUXELLES. A'. Duh. Nouv. Cours Complct. The young wood is large, short, gray in the shade, red next the sun ; leaves small, oblong ; fruit large, pyramidal, its stalk on its summit ; skin beautiful clear yellow, but bright red next the sun ; the flesh is white, fine, of an agreeable fhvor. The fruit is the largest and the most beautiful of the season, which is early in August. 19. *BLOODGOOD PEAR. [A.] The fruit is of moderate size and roundish form ; of a yellow color throughout, and somewhat russeted ; the stalk an inch long. A pear of superior quality, ripening 132 NEW AMEKICAN ORCHARDIST. in July. This fruit is from Thomas Bloodgood, Esq., of New York, firm of James Bloodgood and Co., of Flushing. 20. BURLINGHAME. Dr. 8. P. Hildreth. [A.] A seedling raised by Mrs. C. Burlinghame, of Marietta, Ohio. A fruit of medium size ; surface smooth, with longi- tudinal depressions; of a yellow color, changing to rich crimson next the sun; flesh melting, white, very juicy, sugary, and delicious. Middle of July to the last of August. 21. CALEB ASSE MUSQUEE. Lindley. This fruit is four inches long, irregular, broadly angular, and knobby ; its diameter three eighths of its length, com- pressed below the middle ; the color deep yellow next ihe sun, and partially covered with thin orange gray russet ; flesh breaking, a little gritty, juicy, very saccharine. This pear will ripen the last of August with us. 22. *DEARBORN'S SEEDLING. [A.] This pear originated at Brinley Place, the mansion of the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn, in Roxbury. A seedling of 1818. The tree is of vigorous growth ; the fruit of medium size, rounded at the crown, and regularly diminishing in a parabolic manner to the stalk, which is inserted in a small cavity ; the skin is smooth, thin, green, speckled with russet points, and a fawn-colored blotch around the stalk, which is short and curved; the skin delicate yellow ; the flesh very melting, and fully equalling in flavor the once famous and delicious St. Michael. The first fruit was examined, and thus named, by the committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, in August, 1831. 23. DUQUESNE D'ETE. Thompson. Middle-sized ; obtusely pyramidal ; color brown or pale green ; beurree and good. September. [A ugust ?] 24. EARLY BERGAMOT. Pom. Mag. Lind. [F.] A medium-sized pear, of a green color, tinged at matu- rity with yellow ; streaked with brownish red next the sun ; of a roundish form, flattened at its base ; the flesh yellow- ish white, very juicy, a little breaking and gritty, but very rich and sugary. Ripe in August. A new fruit sent by M. Thou in to the London Horti- cultural Society, in 1820. A most excellent early variety ; an abundant bearer. NEW PEAKS. CLASS II. SUMMER. 133 25. GREEN SUMMER SUGAR. Dr. Willich. [C.] SUGAR PEAR OF HOYERSWERDA. SUGAR D'HOYERSWERDA. An excellent new fruit, of moderate size, raised from the seed of the Green Sugar, (Sucre Vert,) cultivated in Lower Lusatia ; it is oblong, but arched towards the crown ; of a grass green shade, spotted in every direction with green and gray dots; the pulp is mellow, without gritti- ness, and surpasses in taste all other summer pears. Its juice is of a vinous and subacid taste, decidedly superior, at least in taste, to the Green Sugar. If it be suffered to ripen on the tree, it acquires a greenish yellow shade. Ripe from the middle to the end of August, and it can be preserved only a few weeks. The tree bears fruit every year ; and the wood remains sound in the severest winters. 26. *JULIENNE. L'ARCHIDCC D'ETE. SUMMER BEURRE. Syn. of Coxe. SUMMER DOYENNE, erroneously. The tree grows upright and handsome ; it bears young and most abundantly. The fruit is of medium size, in- clining to obovate, tapering towards the stalk, which is short ; the skin is smooth, of a pale yellow color, with a faint blush next the sun ; the flesh is perfectly melting, rich, and juicy. One of the most beautiful and valuable fruits of its season, and deserving an extensive cultivation. It ripens the last of August. 27. *PASSANS DU PORTUGAL. Thompson. Of medium size, obovate form ; of a pale brown color ; juicy and excellent. August. A good bearer. 28. SABINE D'ETE. Land. Hart. Trans. Lindley. Raised in 1819, by Mr. Sloffels, of Mechlin; named for Mr. Sabine. The form is pyramidal, terminating in a round, blunt point at the stalk ; the color yellow, but fine scarlet next the sun ; the whole surface smooth, regular, and pol- ished ; flesh white, melting, juicy, and highly perfumed. It ripens early in August. The young wood is slender. It bears abundantly. 29. SEIGNEUR D'ETE. Land. Hort. Trans. Lind. This pear has been known many years in Flanders. It is above the middle size, a blunt oval ; of a fine orange color, but bright scarlet next the sun, and marbled ; ihe flesh melting, free from grit ; a rich and beautiful pear. It 12 134 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. there ripens the beginning of September, and will ripen here in August. The tree is handsome, and bears well. 30. VALLEE TRANCHE. Thompson. [F.] DE VALLEK. A middle-sized fruit, of obovate form ; of a yellowish green color ; juicy and excellent. A good bearer. August. SECTION II. AUTUMN FRUIT. In this section are included all those new varieties whose period of maturity has not been ascertained. 31. ALEX ANDRE DE RUSSIE. Lindley. An uncommonly fine new fruit, above the medium size, obliquely pyramidal, Bon Chretien formed, with an uneven, knobby surface; the stalk short, thick, depressed; of a greenish yellow color, almost covered with cinnamon rus- set ; the flesh almost white, gritty, but tender and mellow; juicy, saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. It ripens in September. 32. ALTHORPE CRASSANNE. Mr. Knight. [E.] Middle-sized, roundish ; of a brown and green color ; beurree and excellent. Originated by Mr. Knight, and sent by him to Mr. Lowell in 1832. He says, " This variety is very excellent and rose-flavored. This and the Monarch will not be equalled by any other variety in your climate ; both grow rapidly and bear abundantly." November. A very valuable, productive, new variety. The tree grows thorny ; the fruit nearly equals the winter Nelis in excel- lence ; is recommended highly by Mr. Thompson, and to take the place of the Diel, where the latter does not thrive. Fruit middle-sized, of a brownish green shade, beurree and excellent. It ripens from December to January. 33. *ANDREWS. AMORY, GIBSON. This fruit is large ; of a form inclining to oblong; melt- ing, and of most excellent flavor ; a first-rate and superior fruit. The tree is very productive. It ripens in September. NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 135 84. BELLE ALLIANCE. [J.] A large, new fruit, ripening at Paris in October, melting and excellent. 35. BELLE ET BONNE. Pom. Mag. SCHONE AND GCTE of Taschenbuch . GRACIEUSE. Thompson. This very valuable variety was sent to the London Hor- ticultural Society in 1826, by Messrs. Baumann, of Bollwil- ler ; and, much as our autumn pears have been improved, this ranks among the very best of them, being a delicious Bergamot of the best kind. This fine, new pear has been erroneously cultivated in Europe, under the name of Charles D'Autriche, Belle de Bruxelles, and Bergamotte De Cras- sanne, which are distinct fruits. " A harvest pear ; mag- nificent, very large, globular, depressed ; the stalk long ; skin greenish yellow, but next the sun yellow, with spots of russet ; flesh white, sweet, exceedingly rich and agree- able, perfumed. The tree is very productive. September." 36. BELLE ET BONNE DE HEE. [J.] Of medium size, melting and perfumed, new, of superior excellence, ripening in September at Paris. 37. *LA BELLE DE FLANDERS. Pom. Mag. FLEMISH BEAUTY of Pom. Mag. and Lind. BOSCH, BOCCHE NOIJVELLE. IMPERATRICE DE LA FRANCE. BRILLIANT. Pom. Mag. This new Flemish pear is of the first rank in quality ; it is large, very beautiful, and bears abundantly ; and will, without doubt, one day become a most important variety in the list of cultivators. The fruit is large, (the engraving sent by Dr. Van Mons is near four inches long and over three inches broad,) obovate, obtuse at the stalk; greenish yellow russet, but tinged with crimson red next the sun ; the flesh rather firm ; yellowish white, sweet, rich, melting, and excellent. It must be gathered while it adheres yet firmly to the tree, to have it in the utmost perfection. It ripens in October, and will keep a month or two. 38. BELLE HENRIETTE. [J.] A large, new fruit, half melting; a valuable fruit, ripen- ing in November at Paris. 39. *BELLE LUCRATIVE. Lindley. BraddicJc. Thompson. FOSDANTE D'AUTOMNE. A beautiful new Flemish pear ; middle-sized, roundish ; tapering to the stalk ; of a pale yellow color ; slightly rus- 136 NEW AMERICAN ORCHAHDIST. seted, and red next the sun j flesh a little gritty, but soft and mellow ; very juicy, sugary, with a slight musky per- fume. Early in October. Mr. Manning believes this to be Fondante (fAutomne ; it proves one of the very best and most productive of our autumn fruits ; and is recom- mended by Mr. Thompson, as very first rate. 40. BELMONT. Mr. Knight. Thompson. [E.] A new, large fruit, obovate in form, of a pale yellow or brown color ; juicy and excellent for cooking. The tree is a great bearer. November. [October 1] Raised by Mr. Knight, and sent by him in 1832 to Mr. Lowell. Mr. Knight calls it " very excellent here in November." 41. *BEURRE D'AMAULIS. Bon Jard. Thompson. Large, obovate, swollen, a little in form of theCalabasse; color, brownish green, blotched with red next the sun ; flesh melting, beurree ; juice abundant and excellent. This variety has proved with Mr. Perkins and Mr. Manning a first-rate fruit. September and October. 42. BEURRE D'ANJOU. [J.] New and large ; melting, perfumed, and excellent. It ripens at Paris in October. 43. BEURRE D'ARGENSON. Thompson. A large, pyramidal fruit, of a yellowish brown color ; beurree and excellent. November. [October ?] 44. BEURRE DE BEAUCHAMPS. [J.] Van Mons. Nouveau Cours Complet d Agriculture, Vol. XH. p. 127. This fruit is nearly round ; color yellowish green, speckled ; flesh almost white, half melting, having a pe- culiar flavor, which is very agreeable. It ripens in Novem- ber. The tree is very productive, says Van Mons, who sent us the specimen. - Base. 45. BEURRE DE BEAUMONT. [J.I Under medium size, but of superior excellence ; melting, and very fine; perfumed. A new fruit, which ripens at Paris in September; 46. *BEURRE BOSC. Large and very long, terminated by a crown, near three inches in diameter ; somewhat calabash-formed ; skin gray fawn color, but russety yellow at maturity ; flesh white, melting/ highly-flavored, and delicious. It ripens in NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 137 October. In England, the Bosc has proved a most ex- traordinary fruit. It is there stated that " the Beurre Bosc, and the Louise Bonne de Jersey, more than rival the Marie Louise." It bears well, and in America has been fotind a prodigious bearer. 47. BEURRE CRAPAUD. Thompson. Middle-sized, obovate ; color pale green ; beurree and excellent. October. 48. BEURRE CURTET. Van Mons. Annales (T Hor- ticutiure. [F.] The fruit is oval, rounded ; its length three inches, breadth the same ; the skin is green, thin, striped, and stained with red next the sun ; the flesh white, melting, full of sweet juice, quickened by an aromatic tartness, peculiar to the Bergamots. Last of September to middle of October. New England Farmer, Vol. x. No. 22, in- serted by Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Obtained in 1828, by M. Simeon Bouvier, an apothecary of Jodoigne, who has dedicated it to M. Curtet, a physician of Brussels. 49. BEURRE DELBECQ. London, from Bulletin Universe!. This is a new autumn pear, and is said to be a very su- perior fruit. The tree is more lofty, and of handsomer form than any other variety. It was raised by Van Mons from seed sown in 1813. 50. BEURRE DUVAL. Chev. Par. Thompson. A, new Flemish pear, raised by M. Duval. Middle- sized, obtusely pyramidal ; color pale green ; beurree and excellent. Excellent also and productive at the garden of Mr. Manning. October. 51. BEURRE D'ENGHEIN. [J.] New, of medium size, melting, and of excellent quality ; ripening in October. 52. BEURRE KNOX. M. Van Mons. Lindky. Large, oblong or obovate ; tapering to the stalk ; of a pale green or yellow color, thinly russeted next the sun ; flesh a little gritty, but mellow; juice saccharine, but without any peculiar flavor. October and November. Raised by Dr. Van Mons, and sent by Mr. Knight to Mr. Lowell in 1823. 12* 138 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 53. BEURRE MOIRE. [J.] New, of medium size, very fine, excellent, and per- fumed. It ripens in October. 54. BEURRE ROMAIN. Nouveau Cours Complet. CalvelL The fruit is large, nearly round, flattened at the summit ; of a yellowish green in the shade, slightly colored with red next the sun ; the flesh is melting and exquisite ; but must be eaten at maturity, as it becomes clammy soon after. Beginning of September. Bosc. 55. BEURRE ROUGE. [J.l Melting and excellent; a new fruit, under medium size; ripening at Paris in October. 56. *BEURRE SPENCE. M. Van Mons. This new pear was raised by Dr. Van Mons. It pos- sesses a melting and delicious flesh, its taste inestimable, and, according to some, unrivalled. It ripens in Belgium in September, and merits a distinguished place in our gar- dens, according to Dr. Van Mons and Mr. Braddick. The Beurre Spence, as cultivated in France, and such as is sold in the London market, is large, ovate or egg-formed ; the eye but little depressed ; stalk short, in a slight cavity ; color pale green, sprinkled with yellow russet, somewhat ruddy or striped next the sun ; melting, sweet, and highly- flavored. Mr. Kirke has assured me that the tree is very productive. 57. BEURRE VAN MONS. Thompson. Middle size; pyramidally formed ; skin russeted ; flesh beurree and excellent. November. [October ?] 58. BEZI DE LOUVAINE. Van Mons. Nouv. Cours Complet tf Agriculture, Vol. XH. p. 126. The fruit is long, its transverse diameter two and a half inches; skin a delicate green, but brown red next the sun ; the stalk short ; the flesh buttery, very agreeably perfumed. It ripens in October. Figured PI. 101 of the Annales Generales- des Sciences. Bosc. 59. BISHOP'S THUMB. Lindley. Thompson. ROCSSELINE, (of some.) Thompson. Large, very oblong, or twice as long as broad ; dark green, covered with iron russet, brownish red towards the sun; flesh yellowish green, melting, juicy, high-flavored, and excellent ; not handsome. September. NEW PEARS. CLASS H. AUTUMN. 139 60. BLEECKER'S MEADOW. [A.] A native fruit, of small si/.e, roundish form, of a yellow color; the flesh melting, juicy, sweet, musky, and of fine flavor. A good bearer. October. 61. BON CHRETIEN FONDANTE. Lind. Thomp- son. A most excellent new Flemish pear. It is large, oblong, regular in its outline ; the stalk short, stout ; mostly cov- ered with deep cinnamon russet ; flesh yellowish white, a little gritty, but rich and buttery, and full of a highly-sac- charine, rich-flavored juice, resembling that of the St. Ger- main. End of October to November. [October ?] The tree is a great bearer. 62. BROOME PARK. Mr. Knight. [E.] Originated by Mr. Knight, who describes it as " a rather small but excellent variety." Scions were sent by him to Mr. Lowell in 1832. 63. BROUGHAM HALL. Mr. Knight. [E.] Described by Mr. Knight as " an excellent variety here." Originated by him, and sent by him to Mr. Lowell, in 1832. 64. BUFFUM. [A.] The tree is upright and handsome. A native fruit, highly esteemed at Warren, R. I. The fruit is rather small, oval ; color russety yellow, but russety red next the sun ; melting ; juice agreeable. September. 65. BURNETT. [A.] An excellent native pear, which originated in South- borough, Mass. It received its name for Dr. Joel Bur- nett, of Southborough, who has introduced this fruit to notice. The fruit large, and in form of the Napoleon ; of an iron russet yellow ; flesh beurree, rich, musky, ex cellent. October. November. 66. *CALEBASSE BOSC. A new fruit, which I received from Mr. Forrest. Large, or rather larger than the Calebasse, and later, and, like that, nearly allied to the Beurre Bosc, and Paradise d'Automne, if indeed it be not identical with some of them ; of the same form, and covered with dark yellow russet ; melting, de- licious, sugary, and excellent. The tree bears abundant- ly. October and November. 140 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 67. CALEBASSE FONDANTE. Nouveau Cours Cumplet d Agriculture, Vol. xn. p. 124. The fruit is very much lengthened, knobby ; of a uni- form red color; its flesh is melting, sugary, agreeable, so far as I could judge from the fruits sent me by Van Mons. It ripens the beginning of October, and grows soft soon after. Bosc. 68. CALEBASSE MARIANNE. Nouveau Cours Complet d Agriculture, Vol. XH. p. 128. This fruit is very long ; about three inches in its trans- verse diameter, rather narrow in its length; of an orange color ; the stalk is short ; the flesh white, melting, very sugary, and very perfumed. This is one of the best of all pears. It very much resembles in its form a Calabash. The tree is thorny. This pear is figured PI. 49 of the Annales Generates des Sciences. Bosc. 69. *CALEBASSE VASSE. Large, and calabash-formed ; oblong, and nearly allied to the Beurre Bosc and Paradise d'Automne, and, like them, covered with yellow russet ; melting and delicious. A prodigious bearer. A fine new fruit, which I received from Mr. Ronalds. October. 70. *CAPIAUMONT. BEURRE DE CAPIACMONT. Pom. Mag. The young wood is brownish red; leaves folded and recurved, and changing to red in autumn ; the fruit of medium size, tapering pyramidally to the stalk, rounded at the crown ; the eye level with the extremity ; stalk half an inch long, inserted on the summit ; of a fine, clear cinnamon color, changing to yellow in the shade, rich bright red next the sun ; flesh yellowish, melting, beurree, very rich, and highly-flavored. It ripens in October, and grows equally well on the pear and the quince. The tree bears astonishing crops, and is one of the most valuable and profitable of all pears. Originated by M. Capiaumont, of Mons. This is not the fruit so long known and mis- called near Boston as the Capiaumont, that being the Frederic de Wurtemberg. 71. *CAPSHEAF. [A.] A large pear, of a globular form, inclining to turbinate; of an orange russet color ; melting, buttery, sweet, and rich-flavored. September and October. Highly esteemed NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 141 where known and cultivated. A valuable pear, introduced here by S. H. Smith, Esq., of Rhode Island. 72. COLMAR D'AUTOMNE. Thompson. Lindlcy- AUTUMN COLMAR. Lindlcy. A new Flemish fruit, obtusely pyramidal, irregular; the stalk depressed ; of a pale yellow or green color, thinly rus- seted next the sun ; the flesh rather gritty, but mellow, or beurree, with a sugary and slightly perfumed juice. An ex- cellent fruit. Ripe the beginning of September. The tree bears well. 73. COLUMBIA. [A.] A large native fruit, of roundish form, very handsome and fine, introduced to notice by the late Mr. Bloodgood, of Flushing, Long Island. October and November. 74. *COMTE DE LAMY. [Rivers.] A pale yellow fruit, of medium size, and obovate form; red next the sun ; a most excellent variety, abounding in a sugary and refreshing juice. The tree bears well. Octo- ber. Proved in the garden of Mr. Manning. 75. CROFT CASTLE. [E.] New, and originated by Mr. Knight ; form irregular, rus- sety red next the sun, yellowish in the shade ; the stalk long ; flesh juicy, sweet, and excellent, as proved by Mr. Maiming. The scions of this fruit were sent by Mr. Knight to Mr. Lowell. It ripens early in October. 76. CUMBERLAND. S. H. S., Esq. [A.] This native pear is stated by Mr. Smith, to be extraor- dinary for its size and beauty; some specimens have weighed near a pound. The color is yellow or orange, with a bright blush of crimson next the sun ; the flesh is rich, juicy, and melting; little inferior to the old St. Mi- chael. The original tree was first shown to him in 1830, growing in Cumberland, Rhode Island. It is about thirty years old, apparently hardy, and free from blight. It ripens in autumn, and may be kept till into winter. 77. *CUSHING. [A.] This native pear originated about forty years ago, on the grounds of Col. Washington Gushing, of Hingham, Massa- chusetts. The fruit is of medium size, oblong, contracted towards the stalk, which is short; the skin smooth, light green, but brownish red next the sun; the flesh whitish, melting, and full of delicious juice, sprightly, and of first- rate excellence. The tree is a great and constant bearer; 142 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. and although growing in an uncultivated pasture, it has produced annually fourteen bushels of fruit. Season, mid- dle of September. 78. DARIMONT. Lindky. Thompson. A new Flemish variety ; middle-sized, obovate ; of a russety color ; melting, saccharine, musky, somewhat as- tringent. September. 79. DELICES D'HARDENPONT. A new and fine Flemish fruit, raised by Counsellor Hardenpont, of Mons. The fruit is over medium size, or over three inches long and two and a half broad ; oblong, pyrami- dal, swollen beyond the middle, compressed towards the stalk ; its surface rather uneven, or knobby ; the stalk an inch long, stout, curved, obliquely inserted in a narrow cavity ; skin pale yellow, partially covered with cinnamon- colored russet ; flesh yellowish white, beurree, abounding in a sugary, slightly astringent, somewhat musky, and per- fumed juice. Ripe in October. The tree is a good bearer. 80. DELICES DE JODOIGNE. [J.] A new fruit, of medium size, melting and excellent ; ripening at Paris in November. 81. DELICES VAN MONS. [J.J Melting and excellent ; a new fruit, of medium size, ripening at Paris in November. 82. *DIX. Mr. Downer. [A.] This very fine native pear originated in the garden of Madam Dix, in Boston. It sprung from the seed about 1812. The tree is of medium vigor; the young wood is thorny. It is very productive. The fruit large, oblong; the skin rough, thick, green, but yellow at maturity, with a fine blush on the side exposed to the sun ; the stalk short, and situated on its summit ; flesh melting, juicy, rich, and of fine flavor, and is thought to be even superior to the St. Germain. It ripens from the middle to the last of October, and bids fair to be one of our very best autumn pears, for its beauty, fine flavor, and productiveness. 83. *DR. HUNT'S CONNECTICUT. J. Prince, Esq. The scions of this pear were received of Dr. Hunt, of Northampton, who received it from a friend in Connecti- cut, without a name. " The tree is of uncommonly vig orous growth, and a great bearer. A beautiful pear, of a NEW PEAHS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 143 good size, oblong form, yellow color, with a remarkably short stalk ; tolerable for the table, and excellent for cook- ing in October." A valuable and profitable variety for extensive cultivation. 84. DOYENNE SANTELETTE. Lindley. Thomp. A new, fine, handsome pear, raised by Van Mons. Mid- dle-sized, pyramidally oblong, narrow at the crown ; pale green, thinly russeted ; flesh white, a little gritty ; juice saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. October. [Sep- tember ?] 85. DE RACHINQUIN. Annales tf Horticulture. [F.] Vol. ix. No. 22, of the N. E. Farmer, inserted by the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. " The fruit is round, compressed ; the skin rough and brown like that of the Mons Jean ; flesh very melting, but- tery and sugary, and high-flavored. November and De- cember. This variety merits dissemination for the beauty of the tree and the quality of its fruit. It grows in clus- ters, and was produced by M. Noisette. 86. *DUCHESSE D'ANGOULEME. [F.] Pom. Mag. Hort. Trans., and various authorities. ANGOCLEME, DUCHESS OF ANGOULEME. I have already, in another place, detailed the mode practised by the most distinguished cultivators of France during the last ages, in their attempts to raise improved varieties of fruit from the seed, and the disastrous results. By planting only the seeds of the very best fruits, they seem to have indulged the expectation that nature might thus be driven to infinite lengths. Nature, already ex- hausted, seems to have reacted they witnessed a retro- grade. But nature alone, by a great effort, has sometimes accomplished, in that country, all that man, by misguided zeal and false science, had vainly attempted. Such ap- pears to have been the case in the Duchesse d 1 Angouleme, said to have been discovered growing wild in a hedge of the Forest of Armaille, near Angers, in the department of Maine and Loire. It was there found in July, 1815, on the return of the Bourbons the second time to France. Hence its name. "A pear of first-rate excellence, the finest of the late autumn pears. It is not less remarkable and distinct from others in its appearance, in its irregular, knobby surface. It arrives at a weight very unusual in 144 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. dessert pears. Specimens from the Island of Jersey have been seen weighing twenty-two ounces. The form is roundish, oblong, tapering towards the stalk, with an ex- tremely uneven surface ; the stalk and eye deeply sunk ; skin dull yellow, covered with broad russet patches ; the flesh rich, melting, very juicy and high-flavored, with a most agreeable perfume. The trees are stated to bear very early, and with certainty. It succeeds equally well on the quince stock or pear." It will ripen here about the last of October. Specimens of this fruit have been here pro- duced, some weighing a pound, and of very first rate quali- ty. The tree is a great bearer. 87. DUNMORE. [E.] A new and valuable fruit, which was originated by Mr. Knight ; large, and in form of the Diel, and very pro- ductive. 88. EMERALD. Thompson. [E.] A new fruit, originated by Mr. Knight, of great excel- lence, and a great bearer, as are all of Mr. Knight's gen- erally, as fully proved. 89. EYEWOOD. [E.] A new fruit, originated by Mr. Knight, and which Mr. Thompson describes as " excellent, and very productive ; " very lately proved by him, at the garden of the London Hort. Society. 90. FIGUE DE NAPLES. Thompson. Large, oblong, of a brown color, but red next the sun ; beurree and excellent. The tree is vigorous. Nov. [Oct. ?] 91. FONDANTE DES CHARNEUSE. [J.] A new, medium-sized fruit, melting and excellent. This fruit ripens at Paris in September. 92. FONDANTE VAN MONS. Thompson. Middle-sized, roundish; of a pale yellow color ; juicy and excellent. November. [October 1] 93. FORME DE DELICES. Thompson. Middle-sized, obovate; of a yellow color, russeted ; beurree and excellent. October. 94. FOSTER. Dr. Holmes. [A.] A native, raised by Capt. Otis Foster, of Winthrop, Me., from the seed of the old St. Michael, planted in 1802. The tree is very handsome, and extraordinarily productive. NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 145 The fruit possesses the flavor and other valuable qualities of this once favorite variety, but is larger, and keeps better. 95. *FREDERIC DE WURTEMBERG. WURTEMBERG. CApiAUMONT of Boston, formerly, lut errone- ously. A large and splendid fruit, of great excellence, raised by Dr. Van Mons, and so named by him in honor of, and at the particular request of Frederic, king of Wurtemberg. The tree grows vigorous and upright ; the young wood is strong, of a yellow color ; the leaves large and expanded ; the fruit large, flattened at the base, pyramidally formed, tapering to the stalk, which is placed on its summit ; color fine yellow, covered with beautiful crimson next the sun, melting, and of delicious flavor. The tree bears early, and very abundantly. This fruit was sent by Mr. Knight to the Hon. John Lowell, by mistake, under the name of the Capiaumont. I have received the true Wurtemberg from Dr. Van Mons; also the true Capiaumont, both from him and from several other sources; both have been well proved. 96. *FULTON. [A.] The tree is a great and constant bearer. A fine native pear, roundish turbinate; of medium size; the skin dark yellow, russeted; melting, juicy, sugary, and of delicious flavor. It ripens the middle of September, and lasts a month. To have this fruit in perfection, it should be gathered a little before its maturity, and ripened in the shade. Raised from seed by Mrs. Fulton, of Topsham, Maine. It is highly deserving of cultivation. 97. GENDESEIM. Lindley. The fruit is middle-sized, pyramidal, a little uneven in its outline ; the skin yellowish green, covered with specks and thin patches of gray russet ; flesh a little gritty, but mellow, and full of a saccharine, rich, and slightly musky juice. A new Flemish pear, and a hardy and productive tree. Ripe in September. 98. GENESEE. Judge Bud. [A.] A beautiful and excellent fruit, in form like the Passe Colmar, but of larger size. Flavor somewhat like the old St. Michael. September. 99. *GOLDEN BEURRE OF BILBOA. I have adopted this name for a superior fruit, which was 13 146 NEW AMERICAN OUCHARDIST. exhibited at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, in October, 1831, by Mr. Hooper, of Marblehead, the produce of a tree imported from Bilboa, in Spain. A new Spanish fruit, of medium size, very oblong, rounded at the crown, contracted towards the summit; of a fine bright golden hue, interspersed with patches of golden russet ; perfectly melting, juicy, rich, and of the finest flavor. A beautiful fruit, a great bearer, and highly deserving extensive culti- vation. 100. *GORE'S HEATHCOT. [A.] A native pear, a capital variety, which deserves to be ranked with the Seckel and Bartlett ; raised by Mr. Heath- cot, on the farm of the late Governor Gore, from the seed planted in 1812. The tree is remarkably upright and handsome in its growth ; the young wood is red and thorny ; the fruit is rather large; its diameter is three fourths of its length ; contracted towards the stalk ; of a fine yellow or straw color, tinged with red next the sun ; the flesh is rich, melting, and of most excellent flavor. It is a con- stant bearer, and the young tree produced, in 1831, five bushels of pears, according to Mr. Toohey, who has intro- duced this pear to notice. It ripens in September, and is highly deserving of cultivation. 101. *HACON'S INCOMPARABLE. Lindley. [E.] The fruit is middle-sized, turbinate, irregular; slightly angular near the crown ; the stalk stout ; skin rugose, pale yellow mixed with green, partially covered with orange russet; the flesh yellowish white, slightly gritty, but very buttery and melting ; juice abundant, very saccharine, ex- tremely rich, and possessing a high musky and perfumed flavor. A very valuable and excellent pear, raised by Mr. James Gent Hacon, of Dovvnham market, in Norfolk. The tree sprung from seed in 1814. It bears abundantly, and may justly be considered one of the best pears ever raised in England. The branches grow pendent ; and, as above described by Lindley, by Rivers, and others in England, so also has it been proved, by Mr. Manning and others here, to be perfectly delicious, and one of the most pro- ductive pears known. November and December. 102. ,*HARVARD. [A.] L'EpERGNE,/rmer name. This fine native pear originated in Cambridge, Mass. The tree is of vigorous, upright, and handsome growth. NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 141 and thorny ; the fruit above medium size, oblong, swollen at the crown ; contracted towards the stalk, which is in- serted in a cavity ; of a russety yellow color, tinged next the sun with russety red; the flesh white, juicy, melting; flavor like the combined flavors of the Seckel and Jargo- nelle. The tree comes slowly into bearing, but afterwards bears abundantly. It is ripe by the middle of September. Highly prized in the Boston markets. 103. HAZEL. Hort. Trans. Vol. vn. p. 310. Lind- ley. [E.] A small fruit, of a yellowish color, and speckled ; of an oval, turbinate form ; the flesh white, juicy, and sugary. Season, end of October to end of November. A Scotch fruit, and said to be extensively cultivated in Scotland for its good quality and abundant produce. 104. HENRI dUATRE. Lindley. Thomp. Van Mons. HENRY FOURTH. Hid. A new Flemish pear, raised by M. Witzhumb. The tree is a good bearer. Middle-sized, pyramidal, oblique at the crown ; pale yellow mixed with green, but orange brown next the sun; flesh pale yellow, a little gritty, but very tender and melting ; juice abundant, highly saccha- rine, with a slight musky perfume. A very excellent pear. It ripens early in September, and will keep a few weeks. 105. HENRI VAN MONS. Dr. Van Mom. New England Farmer, Vol. x. No. 7. Inserted by the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn, from the Revue des Revues; written for that periodical, by Dr. Van Mons. The fruit is very large ; contracted in proportion to its length, and swollen about one third of its height ; but the largest fruit often assumes a cylindrical form. The skin is smooth; of a greenish yellow, but brilliant red next the sun ; the flesh is tender, buttery, sweet, slightly mingled with acid, which renders it very agreeable. It is an ex- cellent autumn fruit, and its true pear flavor should make it in great demand. Named in honor of M. Henri Van Mons, of Brussels. 106. JALOUSIE DE FONTENAY VENDEE. [J.] New, of medium size, of superior excellence, melting, and very fine, perfumed ; ripening at Paris in September. 148 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 107. JUTTE, OR BUIST. Large, oblong, handsome, greenish yellow in the shade, ruddy next the sun, and good ; the tree a great bearer, ripening the middle of September. A variety received from the Lond. Hort. Soc., and lately proved by Mr. Man- ning. 108. KING EDWARD'S. JACKMAN'S MELTING of some English catalogues. A new fruit, received by Mr. Manning from England, origin unknown; large, and very oblong, pyramidal; the stalk short ; skin covered with dark red ; the flesh juicy and good, but not rich; remarkable for its beauty. The tree promises to bear well, and the fruit ripens late in Sept. 109. LODGE. Col. Carr. [A.] A new seedling, raised in the neighborhood of Philadel- phia. A tolerably large pear, of a brown color ; melting, juicy, and of delicious flavor ; thought by some to be su- perior to the Seckel. It ripens early, but keeps well; and is thought to be highly deserving of general cultivation. 110. *LOUISE BONNE DE JERSEY. [F.J LOUISE BONME D'AVRANCHES. Bon Jard. Lusette. A fruit of surpassing excellence, very large, oblong, pyramidal, swollen; brownish green in the shade, changing to yellow at maturity ; ruddy, or sometimes of a beauti- ful red next the sun ; flesh very melting and fine ; juice very abundant, sugary, and high-flavored. This very su- perior fruit originated at Avranches, or at Cherbourg, in France, where it ripens in October. M. Lusette stated to me that the tree was even more productive than the Marie Louise. In England, also, this fruit proves most extraor- dinary, ripening there in November. It is there stated that "this pear and the Bosc even more than rival the Marie Louise." So states Mr. Thompson. 111. MADOTTE. [J.J [Margat.] Large and beautiful, of a fine yellow color ; even supe- rior in quality to the Duchesse d'Angouleme, as Mons. Margat informs me ; equally as long, but not quite so broad, and of a more beautiful form ; ripening in November 112. *MARIE LOUISE. Pom. Mag. Van Mons. Thompson. MARIE CHRETIEN. Thompson. A new and most superior variety, originated by the Abbe NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 149 Duquesne. The tree bears abundantly; the fruit is ob- long, tapering towards both ends. The size varies from medium to large ; stalk an inch long ; skin nearly smooth, yellowish green, interspersed with patches of cinnamon- colored russet ; the flesh white, exceeding juicy, melting, buttery, and rich. It ripens early in October, and keeps till November. The tree succeeds equally well on the pear and the quince ; one of the most profitable and pro- ductive of all pears; the trees as proved both in England and America, bear wonderful crops. Scions of this capital variety were first received by Mr. Lowell, in 1823, sent hither by Mr. Knight. 113. MARIE LOUISE DELCOURT. [J.j Melting, perfumed, and excellent. A new fruit, of me- dium size, ripening at Paris in November. 114. MOCCAS. [E.] A new fruit, originated by Mr. Knight. A noble fruit, of large size, or as large .as Diel, such as I saw at the garden of the London Hort. Soc. The tree bears a most abundant crop, as was observed of all of Mr. Knight's new kinds. There are doubts as to the identity of this fruit. On the same tree I also saw another and splendid-looking scarlet fruit, large and pyramidal ; which was stated to be the Ramillies. 115. *NAPOLEON. Pom. Mag. Van Mons. MEDAILLE. Hort. Soc. Cat. SAUVAGEOX LIART of some, according to Van Mons. CHARLES D'AUTRICHE, and SUCRE DORE. Tltompson. This new and excellent variety was raised by M. Liart. Mr. Braddick has stated that he found the Napoleon in every good collection on the continent ; also the Marie Louise. This variety was sent, in 1823, by Mr. Knight, to the Hon. John Lowell. The fruit is large, in form of the Colmar, contracted in the middle; stalk half an inch long, slightly depressed ; the skin smooth, bright green, but at maturity pale green ; flesh very melting, with a most unusual abundance of rich, agreeable juice. It ripens with us in September. This variety is a great bearer, and succeeds equally upon the pear or quince stock. 116. NAUMKEAG. Mr. Manning. [A.] This pear was lately originated in Salem, by George Johonnot, Esq., and derives its title from the ancient In- 13* 350 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. dian name of that town. The fruit is nearly round, or roundish oblong ; the stalk long; of a yellowish russet color. A valuable pear, and a great bearer. Ripe in autumn. 117. *PARADISE D'AUTOMNE. A fine new fruit, sent to England as Paradise d'Hiver, large, oblong, or four inches long and two inches broad ; rounded at the crown, calabash-formed; the eye small, and not depressed, contracted towards the middle; the stalk an inch and a half long, inserted on the summit ; of a fine golden russety color, melting, of a sweet and de- licious, aromatic flavor. The tree grows strong and up- right, afterwards pendulous. The tree, like the Calebasse and Bosc, to which this variety is nearly allied, is a great bearer, as stated to me by Lee, of Hammersmith, of whom I received the kind. The fruit ripens a fortnight after the Williams Bon Chretien, and a fortnight previous to the Louise Bonne de Jersey. 118. PARMENTIER. Thompson. Middle-sized, obovate ; striped with bright red ; beurree and excellent. October. [September?] 119. PITFOUR. Mr. Knight. [E.] "A rich, melting pear ; season, November." Originated by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1832, to Mr. Lowell. The fruit is large, oblong, pyramidally-formed ; color rus- sety red. 120. POIRE DE DUVERNY. [J.] Large and excellent; a new and half melting fruit; ripening at Paris in October. 121. POIRE D' ANANAS. Loudon. A fruit of medium size, very handsome, melting, with a fine pine-apple flavor, (hence its name,) ripening in No- vember, and considered in Belgium as one of their very best kinds. 122. POIRE DE MONS. [J.] A new fruit, of excellent quality, of medium size, and ripening at Paris in November. 123. POIRE DE LOUVAINE. Lindley. The fruit is middle-sized, pyramidal, uneven on its sur- face; of a dull green color, mixed with yellow and spots of russet ; the flesh very tender, slightly gritty, and full of NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 151 a rich, very saccharine, musky juice. A very excellent pear, and hardy tree ; it highly deserves cultivation. Ripe the beginning of October, and fine to the end. 124. POIRE NEILL. Lindley. This fruit is sometimes nearly four inches long, and three and a half inches in diameter ; pyramidally turbinate, tapering to the stalk ; sometimes obliquely formed ; the stalk is short and obliquely inserted ; the skin pale yellow, intermixed with green, and mottled with thin gray russet; flesh white, a little gritty, but very soft and mellow, abound- ing with a saccharine and slightly musky juice. A very fine and handsome new pear from Flanders, so named in honor of Mr. Neill. Ripe in September, and lasts during October. The tree is a great bearer. 125. POPE'S QUAKER. [A.] Large and handsome ; of a bright yellow russet color, and good. The tree produces large crops of fruit every year, at the garden of Mr. Manning, who believes this fruit to be a native. 126. *PRINCESSE D'ORANGE. Pom. Mag. PRIXCESSE COSQUETTE. Thompson. The fruit is roundish turbinate, the size of the White Doyenne, (St. Michael;) the skin bright reddish orange russet; flesh yellowish white, sugary, and rich; in some seasons, perfectly melting, but occasionally a little gritty. From its great beauty, as well as the good quality of the fruit, this variety is highly recommended to notice, as a valuable autumn pear, ripening in October. Raised by the Comte de Coloma in 1802. Fine with Mr. Man- ning. 127. PRINCE'S SAINT GERMAIN. [A.] Raised by William Prince, Esq., proprietor of the Lin. Botanical Garden, Flushing, from the St. Michael and St. Germain. The fruit is rather large, oblong, regular in form ; yellow, covered with thin russet ; melting, and of ex- cellent flavor. It ripens in autumn, and will keep till win- ter. The tree is said to bear well. 128. REINE DES POIRES. Thompson. Large, obtusely pyramidal ; cqlor yellowish green, but red next the sun ; flesh breaking and good. September and October. The tree is a great bearer. It does not, however, merit its name. 152 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 129. RICHE DEPOUILLE. Lindley. Lond. Hort. Trans. RICHE D'APPOIE. This pear resembles the St. Germain in size and shape. It is large, oblong, the eye prominent ; tapering to the stalk, which is rather thick and long; the skin clear citron yellow, covered with numerous asperities, and rough like the orange or lemon, and tinged with scarlet next the sun ; the flesh is white, melting, not perfumed, but sweet and very pleasant. A new variety, ripening late in autumn or winter ; it succeeds on the quince or pear. 130. *SAINT GHISLAIN. This variety was raised in Belgium by M. Dorlain. A very superior fruit, of medium size ; pyramidal or turbinate in form ; the stalk on its summit, and fleshy ; pale green changing to pale yellow ; flesh juicy, beurree, rich, saccha- rine, peculiar, and very delicious. Ripe from the middle of September to end of October. The tree bears very abun- dantly. Introduced by S. G. Perkins, Esq. 131. SAINT MICHEL ARCHANGE. Bon Jard. [J!] Very large, and in form of a decanter: yellow at ma- turity ; flesh yellowish ^white ; fine, melting, sugary, re- lieved by an acid, and excellent. Ripe the beginning of October at Paris. Such also is the account which M. Vil- morin has given me of this fruit. 132. *SECKEL. [A.] A most delicious pear, of a size varying from small to medium ; of an obovate form ; the color varying from yel- lowish to brownish russet, but generally red next the sun ; of a melting, spicy, and most extraordinarily rich and de- licious flavor. In this respect, it is, by some, supposed to exceed any other native fruit. It ripens the middle of September, and lasts till the middle of October. The tree is of moderate growth and extraordinarily productive ; the fruit grows in clusters, and is recommended as indispen- sable in every good collection. Dr. Hosack has stated that this variety was first introduced to notice near Phila- delphia about 1770. It was found either on the grounds of Mr. Seckelor Mr. Weiss. 133. SERRURIER D'AUTOMNE. Annahs d'Hor- ticulture. New England Farmer, Vol. ix. No. 22, in- serted by the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. " M. Van Mons says the tree is tall and majestic ; the NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 153 leaves small, elongated, and appositely formed." The fruit is very large, oblong, obtuse at both ends; the skin of a delicate green ; it becomes yellow at maturity ; the flesh is white, tender, melting, full of a very abundant, sugary juice. The epoch of its maturity is towards the end of October, and it may be preserved three weeks. Produced by M. Van Mons. 134. SHOBDEN COUNT. Loud. Mag. [E.] Thorn. Raised by Mr. Knight ; a fine variety. It possesses a flavor partaking of that of the melon and pine-apple. A very superior and productive fruit. 135. STRIPED BON CHRETIEN. N. Duh. BON CHRETIEN PANACHE. Ib. PI. 115. Introduced by M. Vanieville, from Metz, in 1810. The tree comes early into bearing ; the young wood is striped ; the fruit is very large, and formed like the winter Bon Chre- tien, irregularly striped with yellow on a green foundation; the flesh almost melting, sweet, and very agreeable in its raw state. This interesting species merits to be extensive- ly multiplied. 136. *SUMMER, FRANCREAL. Pom. Mag. p. 106. GROS MICET D'ETE. Ib. FRANCREAL D'ETE. Diel's Pom. FOSDANTE. Knoop's Pom. FRANCE CANNEL. Ib. PREBLE'S BEURRE ? MILAN BLANC, of France. Rather large, turbinate, pale yellowish green ; the stalk short and thick; the flesh white, firm, juicy, buttery, melt- ing, rich, and excellent. The tree is a great bearer. The fruit ripens in August. The trees grow compact; the young wood is downy ; the leaves also are downy beneath. A fine, productive variety. 137. *SURPASSE MARIE LOUISE. [E.] PITT'S PROLIFIC MARIE. For the account of this new fruit I am indebted to Mr. Lee, of Hammersmith. The Surpasse Marie Louise was raised from the seed of Marie Louise, by Mr. Pitt. It is large, and very oblong, somewhat in form of the Bosc, or Calabash-formed, and covered with brown yellow russet ; melting, and of fine flavor. Yet in fine quality it does not surpass the Marie Louise, but is a prodigious bearer, even more so than that variety. In England the Marie Louise bears prodigious crops, as with us, but is sometimes liable in that climate to be cut off by late spring frosts ; but never so with us. It ripens in autumn. 154 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 138. SUPER FONDANTE. Thompson. Middle-sized, obovate ; of a pale yellow color ; beurree and excellent. It resembles the White Doyenne. It ripens in September. 139. THOMPSON'S. Thompson. Rivers. A new Flemish fruit, and so named by the London Horticultural Society, for Mr. Robert Thompson. Of medium size, obovate form ; pale yellow ; remarkably juicy, with a high flavor, resembling the Passe Colmar. November. 140. TILLINGTON. Lond. Hort. Trans. [E.] A new variety, raised by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1822, to the Hon. John Lowell. Middle-sized, turbinate, rounded at the crown ; the stalk short, fleshy ; color dull brick dust red next the sun ; the whole russeted. The flesh white, nearly beurree, a little gritty; sweet, rich, though not very juicy. November. 141. TRIOMPHE DE LOUVAINE. [J.] A new and very superior fruit, of medium size, melting and fine, and ripening at Paris in October. 142. *URBANISTE. BEURREE DU Roi of some. A new and most superior variety, raised by the Comte de Coloma, of Malines. The fruit is rather large and oblong ; pyramidally ovate; very regular; the eye slightly de- pressed ; the stalk an inch long, moderately and obliquely sunk; color pale green, inclining to yellow, small gray patches of russet dispersed over its surface; the flesh white, but reddish yellow next the core, which is large and a little gritty ; it is quite melting, juicy, and very sweet, with a x little perfume. This variety was sent bv Mr. Knight to the Hon. John Lowell in 1823, and has been by him liberally disseminated. It proves, with us, one of the very finest and most valuable of autumn pears. It ripens the middle of September, and keeps till December. A tree imported from France, in 1822, by John Prince, Esq., of Roxbury, under the name of Beurre du Roi, and on a quince stock, has proved a most excellent bearer, and a very first-rate fruit. The tree, the leaf, and the fruit, are evidence that it is no other than the Urbaniste ; its legitimate title having been suppressed in France, and a new one usurped in honor of Charles X. NEW PEARS. CLASS II. AUTUMN. 155 143. VERLAINE. New, and rather large, or three inches long, and two and a half broad ; ovate ; round at the crown, diminishing to the stalk, which is small, short, and inserted in a small cavity ; pale green and covered with russet in the shade, ruddy next the sun ; melting, of a sugary, aromatic flavor. It ripens in October. The tree bears well, as Mr. Kirk assures me, from whom I received specimens of fruit. 144. 'WASHINGTON. [A.] A medium-sized native pear, of an oblong form, much compressed towards the stalk ; very melting, and of deli- cious flavor. Thus it is described by Mrs. Griffith, of Charlieshope, New Jersey, who has sent this variety to Mr. Parsons. Autumn. The fruit produced by Mr. Lowell and Mr. Manning, is fine. 145. *WILKINSON. S. H. S., Esq. Mr. Downer. [A.] This new and fine native pear originated in Cumberland, R. I., on the farm of Jeremiah Wilkinson, brother to the celebrated Jemima Wilkinson, and was introduced here by Stephen H. Smith, Esq., of Providence, in 1829, and was so named by the committee of the Massachusetts Hor- ticultural Society. The tree is healthy, and a good and constant bearer ; the size and form are those of the St. Michael ; the skin dark yellow, with a brownish blush next the sun; the flesh is whitish, melting; flavor very peculiar, with a delicious sugary juice, sprightly and pleasant ; hav- ing distinctly the flavor of the rose and aroma. Season, October and November. 116. WHITEFIELD. Thompson. Middle-sized, oblong; of a brown or yellow color; beurree and excellent. The tree is a great bearer. Oc- tober and November. 147. *WILLIAMS EARLY. [A.] This new variety originated on the farm of Aaron Davis Williams, Esq., in Roxbury, Mass., and is stated to be a good bearer. It is rather below the medium size ; turbi- nate ; the color yellow, with a deep blush next the sun ; it is melting, juicy, and exceedingly fine-flavored. The tree is a good bearer. September. 148. *WILLIAMS BON CHRETIEN. [E.] BARTLETT. The fruit is large, irregular, pyramidal, or truncated ; 156 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. the eye on the summit ; the stalk gross and fleshy ; skin at maturity yellowish, mixed with russet brown, tinged with red next the sun ; flesh whitish, tender, delicate ; juice sweet, abundant, and agreeably perfumed. It ripens early in September, and keeps till October. The tree grows upright, wood yellow, and the leaf and tree are beautiful. One of the most beautiful, productive, and profitable of its season, and extensively cultivated near London, for the market. Its original being for a time lost, it received its latter name from that of the gentleman who has so liberally and extensively disseminated the fruit, Enoch Bartlett, Esq., of Dorchester, late vice-president of the Horticultural Society of Massachusetts. The Williams Bon Chretien originated in Berkshire, England, in the garden of a Mr. Wheeler, in 1796, and was, subsequently, extensively propagated by Mr. Williams, near London ; hence its name. It seems capable of sus- taining its good character in a diversity of climates; it flourishes at Malta, and produces equally well on the pear and on the quince. 149. WORMSLEY GRANGE. Knight. Thomp- son. [E.] A new variety, originated by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell. Middle-sized, ob- long, of a yellow brown color, beurree and excellent. Oc- tober. Mr. Knight describes it as a first-rate variety, re- quiring to be gathered before it is quite ripe. The lapse of years has not yet satisfied us that this English va- riety will answer in our warmer climate. SECTION III. WINTER FRUIT. 150. *BEURRE D'AREMBERG. Pom. Mag. Thompson. London. Knight. Annales d'Hort. POIRE D'AREMBERG. ^ Due D'AREMBERG. > According to the Pom. Mag. COI.MAR DESCHAMPS. j BEURRE DBS ORPUELiUKSofDeachfimps. The English writers, especially, speak of this new Flem NEW PEARS. CLASS II. WINTER. 157 ish pear as the very best of all known, " the prince of pears." One of the greatest bearers, coming early into bearing, and keeping well. It has been confounded with the Gloux Morceau, another fine pear, but larger. Mr. Knight sent the variety, in 1822, to the Hon. John Lowell, and it has been by him liberally disseminated. It was raised by the Abbe Deschamps, in the garden of the Hos- pice des Orphelines at Enghein. Deschamps at first called it Beurre des Orphelines, and M. Van Mons soon after named it Beurre d'Hardenpent, and, finally, Beurre dAremberg. The Pomological Magazine thus describes the tree and its fruit: Wood deep yellowish brown, sprinkled with gray spots; leaves middle-sized, ovate ob- long, of a rich dark green color. The fruit is large, tur- binate ; the skin of a delicate pale green, dotted with russet, which becomes a deeper yellow at maturity ; the flesh whitish, fine, very juicy, perfectly melting, without any grittiness, and of a very extraordinarily rich, sweet, high-flavored quality. It will keep till March, and is truly characterized, in the Horticultural Transactions, as de- serving to be placed at the head of all pears in cultivation. It is a great bearer, either on a quince, or as a standard. 151. BEURRE BRONZE. A new fruit, under medium size ; ovate form ; of a dull bronze color ; dull red next the sun ; melting and excel- lent. The tree bears well. The fruit has been produced by Mr. Lowell and Mr. Manning is highly deserving of cultivation. It keeps into winter. 152. *BEURRE DIEL. Pom. Mag. DOROTHEE ROY ALE of Van .Mons, according to Lindley. BEURRE D'YELLE. Lind. POIRE DE MF.I.OM. Ib. BKI-RRE ROYALE. Pom. May. DIEL'S BUTTERBIRNE GROS DII.LEX, COLMAR SOUVERAIN. SYLVASCHE VERTE D'HIVER of Mr. Knight. This noble pear was raised by Van Mons, and so named in honor of Dr. Augustus Frederick Adrian Diel. Its great merit, independent of its excellence, is its fertility. It is of the first rank among dessert pears. The tree is of vigorous growth. The fruit, when in perfection, is four inches long, and three inches broad : it is much swollen a little above the middle, going off to the eye either abruptly or gradually, and tapering straight to the stalk, without any contraction of the figure, which is much like the Bon Chre- 14 158 NEW AMERICAN ORCHAKDIST. tien, but without the protuberances. The skin at maturity is bright orange, with little trace of russet ; its dots sur- rounded with red ; the eye in a deep cavity, surrounded by knobs ; the stalk strong, one and a half inches long, in a deep, narrow cavity ; the flesh clear white, a little gritty towards the core, but perfectly tender, melting, juicy, with a delicious, rich, saccharine, aromatic flavor, without any perceptible acid ; the core small, the seeds usually abortive. This noble fruit, from the specimens here exhibited, bids fair to become one of our most valuable of all varieties. The Sylvanche Verte, sent by Mr. Knight to the Hon. John Lowell, proves to be identical with the Diel. 153. BEURRE FORTUNE. Bon Jard. Large, roundish, gray ; flesh beurree, melting. It keeps till July. This new fruit was produced by M. Parmen- tier, of Enghein, in 1828. Its character has probably been too highly extolled, and is yet doubtful, and has not justi- fied expectation, as M. Poiteau has informed us. 154. BEURRE GRIS D'HIVER NOUVEAU. [J.j Very excellent; a new and valuable fruit, of medium size, melting and perfumed. It keeps till the end of winter, or till spring. 155. BEURRE INCOMPARABLE. [J.] New, large, melting, perfumed ; a superior fruit, ripening at Paris in December, and keeping into winter. 156. BEURRE DE NOIRCHAIN. [J.J A new and very superior fruit, very melting and per- fumed ; of medium size. This valuable fruit keeps till spring. This fruit and the following are designated as very extraordinary. 157. BEURRE PICQUERY. [J.J [D.] New and very superior; of medium size ; very melting and perfumed. This fruit keeps till into winter, and is stated to be the best of all pears known, and of unrivalled excellence. 158. *BEURRE RANGE. Land. Hart. Trans. Pom. Mag. HARDENPONT DE PRINTEMPS. BECRRE EPINE. This new variety was raised at Mons, by the late Coun- sellor Hardenpont. It is described by Dr. Van Mons as being the best of the late pears, keeping till May. Mr. NEW PEARS. CLASS II. WINTER. 159 Knight, in 1823, sent this variety to the Hon. John Lowell. The tree is vigorous, and a good bearer after a few years ; the growth is straggling, the shoots sometimes growing pendulous. The fruit is middle-sized, oblong, tapering to the stalk, which is long and slender ; the skin deep green ; flesh green, melting, having a delicious, rich flavor, with very little acid ; it shrivels in ripening. 159. BEURRE WITZHUMB. Van Mons. Nou- veau Cours Complet d? Agriculture, Vol. xn. p. 126. The fruit is oval, knobby, three and a half inches in di- ameter ; skin rough, green, brownish red or dark brown next the sun ; flesh white, semi-transparent, melting, per- fumed. It ripens in December. This beautiful and excel- lent pear is figured PI. 105 of the Annales generates des Sciences. Bosc. 160. BEZY VAET. Dr. Van Mons. New England Farmer, Vol. x. No. 7. Extracted from an article, written by Dr. Van Mons, in the Revue des Revues ; inserted by the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. BEZY DE SAINT VAEST, according to Dr. Van Mons. " The Bezy Vaet, according to tradition, and from the name which it bears, was probably obtained by the late Abbe Saint Vaest, or had been disseminated by him. The fruit belongs to the sub-species of Rousselets. Its size and form are those of the Colmar ; ground deep green, blotched with purple, and stained in spots of rusty red ; flesh both melting and buttery, slightly yellow. It abounds in su- gar, and exhales a perfume which cannot be compared to the aroma of any other fruit. The period of its ma- turity is December and January ; but it can be prolonged by gathering the fruit fifteen days earlier than usual. It is superfluous to add that it is worthy of being received by amateurs. Specimens of superior fruit of this name, have been exhibited, by Mr. Downer, to the Massachusetts Hor- ticultural Society. 161. CARDINALE. N. Duh. PI. 62. [F.j POIRE D'AMIRAL of M. Hervy. ADMIRAL. A superb, oblong pear, of a pyramidal form, with a well- rounded base ; yellow in the shade, but beautiful red next the sun ; flesh white, half melting, coarse-grained, very juicy, sweet, and agreeable. It keeps till March. It is em- inently beautiful, and deserves to be better known. 160 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 162. *CLION. LE CURE. DUMAS. BOURGMESTRE of Boston, erroneously. Very large, very oblong, pyramidal or truncated; russety yellow in the shade, ruddy or bright scarlet next the sun. Large specimens, produced by John Heard, Esq., of Water- town, have been exhibited, weighing 13 ounces. As a table fruit, it is good at maturity, which is from December to Feb- ruary. A very valuable and profitable variety for its beauty, large size, keeping qualities, and the astonishing crops the tree bears ; and, as such, highly deserving of cultivation. A new fruit, which lately originated in France. The proper name, according to M. Vilmorin, should be Clion; or the name of the curate who originated the fruit. 163. COLMAR DEWEZ. London, from Bull. Univ. This pear, lately originated in the vicinity of Brussels, is said to contain a rare assemblage of extraordinary quali- ties. The flesh is white, tender, and exquisitely melting ; the juice abundant, mild, and of an elevated, agreeable per- fume, equal to the Hardenpont d'Hiver, improperly called Beurre d'Hiver. 164. COLMAR VAN MONS. Nouveau Cours Com- plet d Agriculture, Vol. XH. p. 133. Fruit pyramidal, yellow, with fawn-colored points ; of medium size ; the flesh half breaking, sugary, very agreea- ble. It ripens in January, and will keep two years, accord- ing to Van Mons. I have eaten of this fruit. The tree is extremely productive. Bosc. 165. DOWNTON. Thompson. [E.] Middle-sized, pyramidal ; color yellow in the shade, dull brownish red next the sun ; juicy and excellent. January and February. A great bearer. Originated by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1823, to the Hon. J. Lowell. 166. *EASTER BEURRE. Pom. Mag. BT> ERGAMOTTE DE LA f ENTECOTE. BEZI CHAUMONTELLE TRES GROS of M. StoffeJs. BEURRE D'HIVER DE BRUXELLES of the Taschenbuch. DOYENN D'HIVER of some, according to the Pom. Mag. CANNING, according to Thompson. SEIGNEUR D'HIVER Ib. DOYENNE D'HIVER. Ib. DOYENNE DE PRINTEMPS. Ib. PHILIPE DE PACQUES. ///. This fine new fruit probably originated in Flanders^ It is not to be confounded with the Easter Bergamotte, a good but inferior fruit. " Of all the very late keeping NEW PEARS. CLASS II. WINTER. 161 pears, this is decidedly the best, [for England.'] The fruit is large, roundish oblong, broadest towards the eye ; stalk short, thick, deeply inserted ; green, but yellow at maturity, with specks of russet brown ; the flesh yellowish white, perfectly buttery and melting, and extremely high-flavored. It is a most profuse bearer on a quince stock. It ripens from November to May. This variety bears abundantly, and promises to become one of our finest winter fruits." 167. FLEMISH BON CHRETIEN. Lindley. BON CHRETIEN TURC. Thomp. BON CHRETIEN DE NOUVELLE. Ib. BON CHRETIEN DE VERNOI. Ib. Very large; its transverse diameter three inches and a half; oblong, turbinate ; yellow at maturity, but russeted next the sun ; flesh yellowish white, breaking, but mellow at maturity; juice saccharine, slightly musky, perfumed. A very fine new Flemish pear. It succeeds on the quince. November to January. But Mr. Thompson describes it otherwise, as obovate, crisp, good for cooking, large, a great bearer. 168. GARNONS. Thompson. Large, of an oblong form ; of a greenish yellow color. Beurree and excellent. January. 169. GLORIA. Mr. Knight. COLMAR D'HIVER, former na.me. A name implying all that is excellent. A variety sent by Mr. Knight, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell. He thus described it : " Shape varying from nearly globular to pear- shaped; color yellowish green. A melting pear, of first- rate excellence, and very productive. Season, January." Specimens of this fruit, perfect in form and exterior, were produced by Mr. Parsons in 1831, but of doubtful char- acter. It cannot yet be recommended, except for fur- ther trial. 170. *GLOUT MORCEAU. Hort. Trans. Lindley. Knight. KRON PRINTZ FERDINAND, according to Thompson. BEURRE HARDENPONT. Ib. HARDENPONT D'HIVER. 11. D'AREMBERG of the French. Mr. Knight describes the Glout Morceau as " a very large Belgic variety, of great excellence." Mr. Thompson adds to all this, that " it is a good bearer, hangs long on the tree, which is hardy, an excellent beurree pear." Large specimens measure four inches long, and three and a half 162 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. in diameter ; much like the D'Aremberg in form, but larger, more oval, not so turbinate ; the stalk an inch long, and rather deeply inserted ; the eye deep, in an uneven hol- low; the skin is pale, dull olive green, inclining to yellow; covered with russety specks, and round the stalk russety blotches ; flesh whitish, firm, very juicy, but a little gritty at the core. A beautiful and fine variety. Ripe in Novem- ber, and will keep till March. It grows well on the quince. 171. ICKWORTH. Mr. Knight. [E.] " Melting, rich, rose-flavored." March and April. This new pear was originated by Mr. Knight, and scions were sent by him in February, 1823, to Mr. Lowell and the Massachusetts Agricultural Society. 172. JEAN DE WITT. A very productive, new fruit, melting and fine. It keeps till a late period in winter. At Mr. Wilmot's I found this to be one of his main winter kinds. Mr. Thompson ob- served, that " the Jean de Witt is somewhat allied to the Glout Morceau, but inferior, in point of flavor, to that excellent fruit ; yet it keeps longer, and is certainly deserv- ing of cultivation." 173. JOSEPHINE. POIRE D'ACSTRASIE. SABIHE of the French. JAMINETTE of some, according to Van Mons. This new Flemish pear is of large size ; flesh melting, juice sugared, and flavor excellent. It ripens in winter. The tree is beautiful. Mr Thompson calls it a good bearer, and nearly first-rate. It does well on the quince. 174. LA FOURCROY. Van Mons. Nouveau Cours Complct (P Agriculture, Vol. xn. p. 132. MERVEILLE DE LA NATURE. Fruit oval, two and a half inches in its transverse diame- ter; skin yellow, spotted; stalk strong; eye little sunk; flesh yellowish white at maturity, melting, slightly acid, excellent. It ripens in January. Figured PI. 86 of the Annalcs generates des Sciences. Raised by Van Mons. 175. LEWIS. [A:] This valuable pear originated on the farm of Mr. John Lewis, in Roxbury, Mass. The size is medium : form some- what globular ; the stalk long; the skin dark green and coarse ; the flesh whitish, very melting, juicy, and excel- lent. It ripens by the middle of November, and may be kept till February and March. Th tree, when loaded, NEW PEARS. CLASS II. WINTER. 163 droops like the willow. This new and excellent pear is a very great and constant bearer ; it is productive to a fault, and possesses the valuable property of hanging on the tree to a very late period ; and is highly deserving of cul- tivation. This fruit sells very high in winter in the market. 176. L'OKEN D'HIVER. Van Mons. Nouveau Cours Complet d' Agriculture, Vol. xn. p. 132. Fruit oval, a little lengthened ; its transverse diameter five inches ; stalk short ; eye sunk in a cavity ; skin of a clear yellow, washed with fawn color ; flesh white, melting, pleasant, perfumed, excellent. It ripens in March. Base. 177. LOWELL. Mr. Knight. [E.] A new pear, raised by Mr. Knight, and so named by him for the Hon. John Lowell, to whom the tree was sent in 1823. Mr. Knight observes, " Our climate is hardly warm enough for it ; but in yours I think it will prove excellent, and a very productive variety." 178. MONARCH. Thompson. Mr. Knight. [E.] A new pear; middle-sized; obovate; of a yellow brown color ; beurree and excellent, and productive. January. Originated by Mr. Knight, who sent it, in 1832, to Mr. Low- ell and the Mass. Agri. Soc. The Monarch, says Mr. Knight, " in my estimation, and that of a great many others, is without a rival as a dessert fruit, of a high musky flavor. The Monarch grows so fast, and bears so well, that I arn planting it for perry, convinced it will make a very fine liquor. This, and the Althorpe Crassanne, will not be excelled by any other varieties in your climate. Both grow rapidly and bear abundantly." Until 1840, the true Monarch was not known, either to America or in the garden of the London Hort. Soc. ; the first kind sent by Mr. Knight being thorny, and wrong, as he himself con- fessed with profound regret. Early in 1841, I introduced the true Monarch for the first time. 179. NE PLUS MEURIS. Thompson. A fruit of medium size ; roundish ; of a brown color, russeted ; beurree and excellent. November to March. One of the best of late pears. The fruit is not handsome, but very fine, and the tree is a very first-rate bearer. 180. NEWTOWN VIRGALIEU. M. [A.] The tree grows very crooked, bending by the weight of 164 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. its fruit. A large pear of a yellow color, with a very short stalk. A middling fruit only for the table, but an excel- lent baking pear. A most extraordinary bearer, and recom- mended for extensive cultivation. 181. *PASSE COLMAR. FONDANTE DE PANiSEL, ) of Van Mons, according to Pom. PASSE COLMAR EPINEUSE, ) Mag. BECRRE COLMAR DIT PRECEL. Ifort.^Soc.Cat. FONDANTE DE MONS. Thompson. D'ANANAS. Ib. COLMAR HARDENPONT. Ib. MAHOTTE SUCRE JAUNE. A most superior new pear, raised by Counsellor Harden- pont, at Mons. This variety was sent by Mr. Knight to the Hon. John Lowell, in 1823, and has been by him liberally disseminated. The fruit is middle-sized, conical, flattened at the crown; the stalk an inch long, moderately thick, slightly sunk ; the skin at maturity yellowish, sprinkled with russet, stained with red next the sun ; the flesh yel- lowish, melting, beurree, juicy, very rich, and most excel- lent. With us it proves a most delicious variety, and very extraordinarily productive. John Prince, Esq., of Roxbury, exhibited, in 1830, a branch two feet in length, containing thirty-one pears, and weighing nine and a half pounds. It ripens in November, and may be preserved till February, and is recommended for extensive cultivation. 182. PENGETHLY. Mr. Knight. [E.] "A large, dark brown pear, quite new, and now ripe." This pear was originated by Mr. Knight, and scions were sent by him in February, 1832, to Mr. Lowell and the Mas- sachusetts Agricultural Society. 183. PETRE. [A.] Philad. Hort. Trans. Col. Carr. This native fruit is " large, fair, melting, and of delicious flavor. It ripens in September, and keeps till late in win- ter." " The tree was planted by the elder John Bartram, in 1735, and has been in full bearing seventy years, and has probably yielded four hundred bushels of fruit, which has frequently sold for $5 a bushel." 184. POIRE DE BOULOGNE. [J.] New, large, and valuable ; flesh breaking ; a winter fruit. 185. PRESENT DE MALINES. Braddick. London. Rather large ; somewhat Bon Chretien shaped, smooth, and of a beautiful yellow throughout ; a melting pear, of a rich and musky flavor, and excellent quality. The tree NEW PEARS. CLASS II. WINTER. 165 is healthy, of vigorous growth, falls early into fruit, and promises to bear abundantly, and is a good fruit for keep- ing. Raised by the Count de Coloraa, of Malines. 186. ROUSELENCH. Thompson. [E.] Large, oblong, swollen in the middle or truncated ; of a pale green color ; beurree and excellent. January and February. The tree is very extraordinary for productive- ness. Raised by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell. 187. SAGERET. BonJard. [J.] The tree grows pyramidal, and is of a fine vigorous growth; the fruit of medium size, turbinate ; green, punctured with brown ; flesh melting, flavor pleasant, sugary, little perfumed. It keeps till spring. M. Vil- morin pronounces it very fine. There are two pears of this name ; this, being raised by Van Mons, is fine. That raised by Mr. Sageret, of France, is inferior. 188. SOUVERAIN D'HIVER. [3.] New and excellent ; of medium size ; a very superior melting winter fruit. 189. *VAN MONS LEON LE CLERC. A splendid new fruit, raised by M. Leon le Clerc, of Laval, and so named in honor of Dr. Van Mons. This fruit is not to be confounded with another fruit, raised by Dr. Van Mons himself, and called Leon le, Clerc, which is not at all to be compared to this. Mr. Langelier, of the Isle of Jersey, exhibited this fruit to the London Horticul- tural Society; and Mr. Thompson, and other first-rate judges, believe it to be the best pear in the world. It is thus described by him : " Form oblong, four inches in length, and nearly three inches in breadth ; the eye is shallow, small, but open ; the stalk rather more than an inch in length, moderately strong, and obliquely inserted ; the skin yellowish, every where profusely covered with brown, a little russeted near the stalk; the flesh is yel- lowish white, buttery, and melting, with a very rich, sugary flavor. It proves a pear of first-rate excellence, combining the properties of large size, handsome appearance, and rich flavor." This Fruit ripens from October to \\inter. 190. VICOMPTE DE SPOELBERCH. Van Mons. Extract from an article written by Dr. Van Mons in the Revue des Revues, inserted by the Hon. H A. S. Dear- 166 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. born : The size varies according to the quantity produced. Its form is nearly spherical, swollen, and flattened near the eye, contracted towards the stalk. The skin is thick and rough, of a brownish red next the sun, with purple spots ; on the opposite side deep green. The flesh is buttery, saccharine, full of agreeable and sprightly juice, and very high-flavored. This excellent pear is decidedly a winter fruit, and sometimes keeps till spring. It was raised by Dr. Van Mons. 191. WILHELMINA. [D.] Bon Jard. A new fruit, of great excellence ; large, arid melting ; ripening in September. Thus is this fruit described by M. M. Jamin and Dalbret; but the Bon Jardinier describes it as follows : In form of the Doyenne, punctured with gray in the shade, laved with red next the sun ; flesh yel- lowish white, beurree; juice abundant, sugary, perfumed. February. March. 192. *WINTER CRASSANNE. Mr. Thompson. [E.] A new pear, raised by Mr. Knight, and sent by him, in 1832, to the Hon. John Lowell and the Massachusetts Agricultural Society. Very large ; turbinate; of a greenish yellow and brown color ; beurree and excellent. January. It is thought by Mr. Rivers, and some others, to be one of the hardiest and most productive pears known. In 1840, a tree of this kind was witnessed, at the garden of the Lon- don Horticultural Society, which bore prodigious crops. 193. *WINTER NELIS. Pom. Mag. LA BONNE MALINOISE. Mr. Knight. Pom. Mag. Hort. Trans. NELIS D'HIVER. BONNE DE MALINES. Hort. Trans. A new variety, raised by M. Nelis, of Malines. Sent by Mr. Knight, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell. Repre- sented as a most excellent winter pear. Rather above the middle size; obovate; obtuse at the stalk, which is thick, and over an inch long; the skin yellowish, sometimes covered with russet brown ; the flesh yellowish, melting, buttery, juicy, very rich, and high-flavored. Equal to the Chaumontelle. One of the most delicious of all winter pears. None, it is believed, can say, that this variety is very productive. NEW PEARS. CLASS III. 167 III. The following new and celebrated varieties of pears are mostly in our country, and of very recent and foreign ori- gin; a small part only are American. The excellency and productiveness of a considerable proportion of them are undoubted, and some few are already well known ; all are eminently deserving of trial. ABBREVIATIONS. .1. H. is Annales d' Horticulture. H. T. is London Horticultural Transactions. Loud, is Mr. London. Lind. is Lindley. Par. is Chevalier Parmentier. Foil, is Mans. Poitcau, in Le Bon Jar- dinier. V. M. is Van Mons. D. is Mons. Dalbret, and J. is Mons. Jamin; and the star which is prefixed to these initials denotes that the fruits thus described by them are excellent. The numeral figures annexed denote the proportion in which those fruits are recommended for cultivation by them ; and this is in proportion to their excellency and productiveness, and also to the season of their maturity ; a greater proportion being recommended in the winter varieties, on account of their long keeping, and the proportion of them being fewer in number. SUMMER FRUIT. COLMAR D'ETE. A. H. Good; a great bearer. Aug. DE CANDOLLE. Thorn. Med. size ; juicy and good. Aug. DRAPIEZ D'ETE. Highly spoken of. INNOMINEE. V. M. Very large; good. Sept. LAMMAS. lAnd. Small; pyramidal; striped; beurree; excellent. July. MABILLE. J. 2. Large; beurree; good. Aug. AUTUMN FRUIT. AMBROSIA. Thorn. Medium size; roundish ; beurree; de- licious. Sept. ASTON TOWN. Small ; beurree ; good bearer. Oct. AUTUMN SUPERB. Manning. Large ; beurree ; beautiful ; not first-rate ; good. Aug. 168 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. BERGAMOTTE DE PARTENAY. *J. 4. Medium size ; beur- ree ; excellent. Aug. BERGAMOTTE DBS PAYSANS. Par. Medium size ; beur- ree ; excellent. Sept. BEURRE COLOMA. Par, Large size ; beurree ; sugary ; good. Aug. BEURRE DUQUESNE. Thorn. Medium size ; pyramidal juicy; good. Oct. BEURRE MORTEFONTAINE. *D. 4. *J. 4. Originated by B. Lefebvre, 1832 ; medium size ; beurree. Oct. BEURRE PATER NOSTRE. *D. 5. *J. 3. Medium size ; beurree ; fine. Nov. BEURRE ST. QUENTIN. A. H. Originated by Noisette; medium size ; demi-beurree ; great bearer. BON CHRETIEN DE BRUXELLES. *D. 3. *J. 5. Large ; half-melting; good. Sept. BON CHRETIEN NAPOLEON. *J. 6. Large; beurree; ex- cellent. Nov. CALEB ASSE FONDANTE. Base. Long; red; beurree; sugary ; good. Oct. COMTE DE MICHAUX. Mr. Ivcs. Large; beurree. It re- sembles Napoleon. Aug. CROSS PEAR. Magazine of Horticulture. New; origina- ted at Newburyport ; medium size ; roundish ; deep yel- low and red ; beurree ; perfumed ; excellent ; productive. October to December. DEARBORN. V. M. Originated by Van Mons. DOYENNE BOUSSOCK NOUVELLE. *J. 5. Large ; beurree, and fine. Oct. DOYENNE PANACHE. H. T. Doyenne formed ; striped with red ; beurree ; good. Aug. DOUBLE D'AUTOMNE. Lind. Medium size; round. Baking ; good. Oct. DUCHESSE DE BfiRRI, Or CAPUCINE. Mttrgat. *J. 4. Large ; beurree ; excellent. Sept. EXCELLENTISSIMI. J. 4. Medium size ; beurree ; excel- lent. Aug. GREEN PEAR OF YAIR. *Lind. Medium size ; pale green; good. Aug. GROSSE ANGLETERRE DE NOISETTE. Poit. Originated by Noisette; good. Late. PEARS. CLASS III. WINTER. 169 GRUMKCMVER WINTERBIRNE. Lind. Medium size ; pale green. Nov. HAMPDEN BERGAMOT. Fingal, or Ellanrioch, erroneous- ly. Thompson. Large and fine. JESCHIL ARMLDI. Tkom. Turkish; very productive; sweet. LA COLOMA. Bosc. Medium size ; beurree ; perfumed ; good. Nov. LA VANSTALLE. Bosc. Med. size ; pyramidal ; deep red. Oct. L'INCO.MMUNICABLE. Lind. Medium size ; pyramidal ; beurree ; musky. Oct. MELON DE KNOPFS. *J. 5. Large; beurree; excellent. Nov. MUSCARDINE. Manning Large; oblong; pyramidal; good. Sept. NOIR GRAIN. Poit. Medium size ; very productive ; es- teemed. Sept. POIRE DE LOUVAINE. *D. 4. *J. 4. Medium ; beurree ; excellent. Aug. POIRE DBS TROIS JOURS. *J. 6. Large ; beurree ; first- rate. Nov. PRINCE ESTERHAZY. Margat. Good; allied to Crassanne. RAMILLIES. Large ; oblong ; pyramidal ; beautiful ; crim- son ; brk. REINE CAROLINE. ROSTIEZA. Manning, Small ; excellent. Sept. SHAKSPEARE. *J. 6. Small ; beurree ; excellent. End of Aug. SIEULLE. Poit. Vilmorin. Has been overrated Oct. Nov. STRIPED ST. GERMAIN. Large ; a fine fruit. WINTER FRUIT. BELLE DE THOUARS, or POIRE ST. MARC. J. 4. Large ; pyramidal ; breaking. End of winter. BEURRE DE BOLWILLER. Thorn. Medium size ; beurree; good. Dec. Jan. BEURRE DE FLANDERS. *J. 6. Large; beurree ; excellent. Winter. 15 170 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. CHAPTAL. JV. D. Large ; breaking ; perfumed. May. COLMAR SABINE. V. Sf. Base. Med. size ; beurree ; sugary. April. DUCHESSE DE MARS. far. Large; beurree; good. March. GRANDE BRETAGNE DORE D'HIVER. Thorn. Medium size ; beurree ; excellent. Oct. Dec. MISSILE D'HIVER. *D.o. *J. Large; beurree,; valuable. Nov. Dec. PRINCE DU PRINTEMPS. Br. Loud. Small ; beurree ; sugary ; excellent. March. Roi DE ROME. V. M. Par. Medium size ; beurree : good. Dec. Jan. SURPASSE ST. GERMAIN. Br. V. M. Medium size ; beur- ree; good. Winter. The following new varieties are of unquestionable excellence ; scions of which were received during the winter of 1840-1, from Mr. Emilien de Wael, secretary of the Horticultural Society of Antwerp, in Belgium; all of which have been proved by him. These were sent to me, as the selections from his own private and immense collection, from all sources, of over 8000 varieties of fruits. D'Amande. Arbre Courbe,. Beurre de Kent. Bi-urre Tacon. Charlotte de Brouncr. Dingier. Doyenne Caroline. Doyenne. Soulange. Fausse Spreuw. Fondante de Chcrncusc. Fondant l c Grise. General Obdam. Grand Soldi Hernandes. Immense Bis d'Ete. Jaminette d'Hiver. Las Canas. Leon Le Clerc. Louise Morrel. Marquis de Bcdmar. Mcuris d'Hiver. Princcsse d' Orange. Roussclette d'Espercw. Seigneur Tachcte. For more particular notices of some of these, and of other fruits, &,c., see the SUPPLEMENT. CULTIVATION. 171 CULTIVATION. The pear tree is raised from seed or from suckers The seeds should be sown in the same manner as directed for apples ; and as they incline to grow with a tap root, some recommend that they should be transplanted into beds when but two inches in height, to force them to throw out lateral roots : others defer this operation until they are a year old, when they are taken up, deprived of their tap roots, and transplanted into beds, where they are suffered to remain a year or two ; after which they are again transplanted to the nursery rows, and their manage- ment afterwards is not unlike that of apples. The pear tree, in the climate of New England, is not so easily nurtured from the seed as the apple ; their long tap roots expose them to be thrown out of the earth by the frosts of winter. But afterwards they resist the most se- vere cold. GRAFTING AND INOCULATING. The most durable stocks for grafting and inoculating are the pear. " Du- breuil," says Loudon, " recommends the quince stock for clayey and light soils, and the free stock pear for chalky and siliceous soils." He further informs us that " grafted on the white thorn, (which, like the quince, renders them dwarfish,) pears come very early into bearing, continue prolific, and in respect to soil, will thrive well on a strong clay; which is unsuitable to those on quinces and wildings. But they are supposed to have an unfavorable influence on the fruit, in rendering it small and hard." By grafting or inoculating on the quince, pear trees come much sooner into bearing, their productiveness is increased, the good quality of the fruit is not changed, but the size and lon- gevity of the tree are diminished. Such pear trees are termed dwarfs. This mode is extensively adopted in France; but all kinds of pears will not grow on the quince stock. Those dwarfs trained in the form of a distaff, are called in that country Quenouilles; for the mode of train- ing which, and also for a new mode of dwarfing tht. pear, see the former part of this work. The pear tree is of an extreme hardihood, exceeding that of the quince, and is never annoyed by the borer. 172 NEW AMERICAN OBCHAKDIST. The quince, when exposed, is liable to danger from the borer in the same degree as the apple tree. Their attacks always commence in the parts exposed above ground, or at the surface of the earth, and never beneath. In trans- planting the pears, therefore, the quince stock must al- ways be completely buried, more than an inch beneath the soil. Thus situated and protected, the quince stock, from its nature, will strike root suddenly, new and numerous roots being produced on all sides, quite to the junction of the pear. Such is the mode adopted in practice by S. G. Perkins, Esq., and by other experienced cultivators, for the complete protection of the quince stock from all dan- gers of every kind. SOIL AND DISTANCE. The pear flourishes in rich soils and gentle declivities ; they will succeed in the most com- mon, deep, dry soil, and throw out numerous lateral shoots. But they do not flourish in moist situations; in a cold, strong, moist soil, with a clayey subsoil, they throw out very few lateral roots, the fruit is not so fair, nor of so good a quality, and the trees are not so long-lived. They will even grow in poor soils, and in the clefts of rocks. With respect to distance, the same observations to be found under the head of Apple, may here apply. But the pear, from its pyramidal form, requires much less space. Twenty feet, in suitable soils, is a good distance ; but less answers in poorer soils. But Quenouilles are found to answer even at four or five feet distance, producing large crops ; and as they occupy but little space, and come sud- denly into bearing, they are, for profit, extensively cultivated in France. The specimen pear trees which 1 saw at the Jardin du Roi, or Garden of Plants, at Paris, in the autumn of 1840, were under the particular care and management of Mons. Dalbret, the pupil of Thouin, and himself the author of a most valuable work on pruning. These trees were kept in the most perfect Quenouille or pyramidal form, from the summit quite down to the ground, by the system of short or spur pruning; and although at the dis- tance of but about seven feet asunder, yet they appeared to have ample space, and bore most abundant crops. But M. Dalbret then stated that ten feet was the most suita- ble distance. In our own climate, and with more heat and sunshine, and finer skies, less distance might suffice. Pears produced on quince stocks are found to be much PEARS. CULTIVATION. 173 improved in flavor ; all but some particular winter kinds, which are said in some cases to become worse. The young, luxuriant shoots of the pear tree, by being bent downwards, generally produced the finest possible bearing wood for the second year ; and by grafting on the quince, and bending the branches, fruit may be produced from a seedling pear in the third or fourth year from the seed, which, in the common course, would require from seven to fourteen years. That system of rendering trees productive I have fully described in the former part of this work, at page 44. I am inclined to believe it to be the best system of all others. As to standards, (pyramids,) very little other pruning is necessary, except taking out those few limbs that interfere in keeping the tree well balanced. The diseases and enemies of the pear tree are few. They are as follows : 1st. The Slug-Worm. I have given directions for the destruction of this insect under the general head of Insects. 2d. The worm which in summer envelops the leaves and branches with its silken covering, devouring the leaf to a skeleton. These are to be removed, together with the leaves on which they are found feeding, and destroyed. 3d. Curculio. An account of this insect is to be found under the general head of Insects. 4th. The insect called the White Mealy Insect. See also Insects, under the general head. 5th. Blight, or, as it is sometimes called, ^re-blight, is a malady not very common, which sometimes affects the pear tree during the months of June and July, causing the tree, or a portion of its branches, suddenly to turn black, with a mortal affection ; its leaves wither at once, as by a stroke of the sun, and in a few hours become of a brown or black color. Mr. Lowell is persuaded that this disease is caused by an insect, called the Scolytus pyri. He observes, " On the first appearance of this disease, I instantly sawed off all the limbs affected, and proceeded to examine them. I found at last the enemy, not at the point where death en- sued, but some inches below it. The insect was very small, and apparently incapable of such extensive mischief; but the effect was certain, and the manner of producing that effect was obvious. It had eaten a complete circle of the alburnum, or sap-wood, not exceeding the size of a knit 15* 174 NRW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. ting needle, so as completely to intercept the passage of the sap.'' This insect was shown by Mr. Lowell to the late Professor Peck, and in the account of the insect which was soon after published in the Massachusetts Agricultural Re- pository, the professor observed, that the mischievous ef- fects of this insect may be observed in June and July, and that the dead part of the branches should be cut off with- out delay, and burnt. Mr. Lowell has stated, -[New England Farmer, Vol. v. p. 2,] that by steadily pursuing the system of cutting off the limbs many inches below the apparent injury, and burning them, the insects have been extirpated from his estate. The account of Professor Peck was republished in the New England Farmer, Vol. n. p. 42. Some writers have attributed this disease to a stroke of the sun ; others at- tribute it to manuring too high ; some to excessive moisture at the roots, and too much pruning, which is supposed to cause a surfeit and produce a stagnation. But all agree that the only remedy is to saw off the limb. QUINCE. (Cydonia.) The quince tree is a spreading tree of low growth, its limbs generally distorted ; the leaves are roundish or ovate, entire, their petioles short; the flowers are large, pale red or white ; the fruit a pome, roundish oblong or ovate; the skin is downy, of a green, yellow, or orange color ; the pulp firm, of a harsh, astringent, and aromatic flavor. It is said to be a native of Austria, of Candia, and other parts of Europe. According to Goropinus, " quinces were the Golden apples of the Hesperides, and not oranges, as some commentators pretend." Phillips. USES. The quince is not eaten in a raw state, but is highly es- teemed in cookery ; preserved in sugar, they are delicious ; but previous to being thus preserved, they should be im- mersed for ten minutes in boiling water ; this prevents them QUINCES. 175 from becoming hard. Mixed with apples in pies, they com- municate a fine flavor. They are also made into marma- lade by the confectioners. " One quart of the juice of quinces, mixed with one "pound of sugar and fermented, affords a delicious wine : on adding to the same quantity one pint of the best French brandy, and four ounces of sugar, a celebrated liqueur is prepared on the continent, which is greatly prized as a cordial and stomachic, when taken in the small quantity of two or three spoonfuls before breakfast." Dom. Ency. Phillips relates the case of a gentleman completely cured of an asthmatic complaint of long standing, by the use of Quince Wine, made after the following receipt : " The quinces are cut open and deprived of their seeds, for these communicate an unpleasant flavor. After being ground fine, a gallon of water is to be added to every gallon of pomace ; after standing a day or two, it is pressed ; and to every gallon of liquor thus produced, three and a quarter pounds of good, moist sugar are added. The liquor is placed in casks, which are to be stopped quite close till March, when it is racked off, and bottled in the second year." VARIETIES. ORANGE QUINCE. Maliforma or Apple Quince is a large, roundish, beautiful fruit, ripening in November. The leaves are oval and woolly the lower side. OBLONG OR PEAR QUINCE. Oblonga. This fruit is pear-shaped, lengthened at the base ; leaves oblong, ovate. PORTUGAL QUINCE. Lusitanica. This fruit is of a variable form, sometimes pear-shaped ; very juicy and astringent; it is highly esteemed. It is reputed to be rather a shy bearer. Leaves obovate, woolly above. To this list may be added the Winter Quince, and the .French Musk Quince, and the following : JAPAN QUINCE. Cydonia Japonica, or Japan Pear. Pyrus Japonica. A shrub growing six or eight feet in height ; branches contorted and thorny; leaves small, oval, oblong, of a dark shining green ; its flowers splendid, of a fine scarlet, an inch and a half in diameter, and produced in clusters early in April. A native of Northern Asia, and one of the most ornamental plants of the season, and very 176 NEW AMERICAN OKCHARDIST. hardy. The fruit is of good size, but is not thought equal to the other varieties. There is a variety with white dou- ble flowers, and another with double red flowers. CHINESE Q.UINCE. Cognassier de la China. N. Duh. PI. 155. A new ornamental variety, unlike all others. This fruit is as singular as superb ; blossoms fifteen to eighteen lines in diameter; of a fine rose color ; their odor that of violets ; leaves obovate, stiff, pointed, finely serra- ted, shining green above, becoming reddish in autumn, downy beneath ; the fruit is oblong, truncated, regular ; the skin smooth, yellowish green ; the flesh is yellowish, dry, coarse-grained, harsh, austere; its juice acid, and not abundant. This fruit seldom arrives at maturity in the climate of Paris. But hopes are entertained that by plant- ing the seeds, new and fine varieties will be produced, which will ripen in due season. CULTIVATION. The quince is raised from the seeds, from layers, and from cuttings, planted in a moist soil. The valuable vari- eties are propagated by grafting or inoculation. Quinces are extensively used in France as stocks on which are in- oculated pears. This is said to improve the quality and productiveness of the Beurree or Butter Pears, especially the summer and autumn kinds. But breaking or winter pears are seldom or but rarely inoculated on the quince stock, as they are not so much improved. SOIL, SITUATION, PRUNING. Quinces require a rich, moist soil, and a sheltered situation. They flourish near brooks and rivulets. They require little pruning, except taking out old, useless wood and useless suckers; and eight or ten feet asunder is a good distance. Like the apple tree, they are liable to the attacks of the borer. The same remedies are equally effectual. 177 PEACH (Amygdalus Persia.) The peach tree is a tree below the middle size, with spreading branches, of rapid growth; the leaves smooth, lanceolate, serrated; the flowers are sessile, their calyces reddish, corollas pale or dark red ; the fruit a drupe of a roundish form, sometimes pointed, with a longitudinal suture or groove ; the skin is downy in the peach, but smooth in the nectarine, its color varying from white or yellow to red and violet ; the pulp thick, fleshy, or succu- lent, white or yellowish, sometimes red ; juice sweet, or subacid, and abundant, of a grateful and delicious flavor; stone hard, ovate, pointed, compressed, irregularly fur- rowed ; the kernel bitter. The tree blossoms in April ; the fruit ripens from July to late in autumn. The tree is not of long duration. Persia is considered the original country of the peach, although it is said to have been cultivated from time immemorial in most parts of Asia. Sickler asserts, according to Loudon, that " in Media, it is deemed unwholesome ; but when planted in Egypt, it becomes pulpy, delicious, and salubrious." The peach, according to Columella, when brought from Persia into the Roman empire, possessed deleterious qualities ; which Mr. Knight concluded to have arisen from those peaches being only swollen almonds, fyuberes,) or imperfect peaches ; and which are known to abound in the prussic acid. The best peaches in Europe are at present grown in Italy on standards. The best peaches of France, according to Phillips, are those produced at Montreuil, a village near Paris, where the whole population are exclusively employed in their cultivation, and by this have been maintained for several ages. They are cultivated here on lime-whited walls of great extent. Their climate requires it. In the United States, they flourish as in their native land, producing fruit of an excellent quality, wherever the maize or Indian corn will ripen to maturity. In New Jersey, there are those who cultivate this fruit exclusively ; and at Shrewsbury, on a single plantation, 10,000 bushels are annually produced for the New York market. Another, 178 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. on the Delaware, yields 20,000 bushels. It is also exten- sively cultivated in the Middle, Southern, and Western States, for the purposes of distillation ; on the refuse of the orchard or distillery, numerous swine are fattened. USES. The peach is not only a first-rate dessert fruit, but it makes a delicious preserve. In cooking, the most delicious pies are made of them. For this purpose they require no preparation ; they are used whole, simply placed in deep layers, sprinkled with sugar, and enveloped in the pastry ; no further additions are necessary ; the stone or kernel communicates its flavor, which is superior to that of the costly spices. Peaches are preserved by drying, and in this state they may be long preserved ; and thus pre- pared, they may be either eaten at the dessert like raisins, figs, and prunes, or used in cooking; and might form a valuable article for sea stores or for exportation. I will here describe three modes of drying ; and will suggest, that in drying them in-doors, the furnace should be placed in the cellar, and the drying effected in the apartment above, by an ascending current of heated air. In some of the Southern States, the drying process is facilitated by a previous scalding. This is effected by immersing baskets of the fruit a few minutes in kettles of boiling water. They are afterwards halved, the stone separated, and being laid with the skins downwards, the / drying is effected in the sun in three days of good weather. They then may be stored in boxes. In France, as we are informed, peaches and other fruits are thus dried whole. The peaches or other fruits, being pared, are boiled for a few minutes in a sirup consisting of one pound of sugar dissolved in three quarts of water, and after being drained by being laid singly on broad dishes, they are placed in the oven after the bread is taken out, and when sufficiently dry they are packed in boxes. The following is the mode of drying practised by Mr. Thomas Bellangee, of Egg Harbor, New Jersey. He has a small house provided with a stove, and drawers in the sides of the house lathed at their bottoms, with void intervals. The peaches should be ripe, and cut in two, not peeled, and laid in a single layer on tbe laths, with their skins downward, to save the juice. On shoving in the drawer, they are soon dried by the hot air produced by the stove. In this way great quantities may successively, PEACH. 179 in a single season, be prepared, with a very little expense in the preparation of the building, and in fuel. Wine of superior flavor may be made from peaches. For this purpose the stones are separated, the pulp is finely bruised, and intimately incorporated with a proportion of water and brown sugar. After remaining in the vat from twelve to twenty-four hours, and being occasionally stirred, the liquor is separated by straining and by pressure, and barrelled. Mr. Gourgas, however, has recommended to in- corporate the pulp and water by boiling. After straining, add sugar, and after standing twelve hours, the clear liquor is poured from the sediment into the cask, which is now to be bunged down. From the kernels, according to Bosc, an oil is drawn, possessing all the qualities of the oil of almonds. The leaves steeped in brandy communicate their flavor, and the liquor thus prepared is used in every preparation in cookery instead of foreign spices. And according to Phillips, a liquor resembling the delicious Noyeau is pre- pared by steeping peach leaves in white brandy; this liquor is sweetened with sugar candy and fined with milk, and is difficult to be distinguished from the genuine Noyeau of Martinico. The leaves, if I am not mistaken, contain prussic acid ; but so does the bitter almond ; and this last article forms the basis of the Noyeau, which is prepared in Boston. Crcme de Noyeau may also be pre- pared by adding to a pound of peach kernels, coarsely bruised, a pound of bruised cherry stones, stones and all ; three and a half or four gallons of the best brandy, two gallons of water, and five pounds of sugar. Add to each quart of liquor two grains of bruised pepper, and eight drachms of bruised cinnamon. After the whole has stood three days, it is str Mined through flannel, and bottled for use. Olivier asserts, [according to Bosc, in Nouveau Cours Complet d' Agriculture,] that the inhabitants of Scio em- ploy the leaves in dying silk of a deep green. They are also employed in medicine as a vermifuge, febrifuge, &,c. Collected in autumn, they are used in the prepara- tion of leather; and from the wood of the peach tree the color called rose pink is said to be produced. A good peach possesses a thin skin, the flesh thick and firm, abounding in a sugary, vinous, and high-flavored juice; the stone small. 180 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. CLASSIFICATION. The systematic classification of peaches, first begun by Miller and Duhamel, and afterwards greatly improved by Mr. Robertson, [See Lond. Hort. Trans. Vol. HI. p. 384,] was brought still nearer to perfection by the Count Lelieur, by the editors of the Bon Jardinier, and by Mr. Lindley. The systems of these last named differ not, however, from each other very essentially. The peach and the nectarine, both considered by the French writers as one and the same fruit, yet form separate classes. They have been divided into four classes 1st, the Peches, Freestone peaches, or those whose flesh sepa- rates from the stone ; 2d, the Pavies, Clingstone peaches, or those whose flesh adheres to the stone ; 3d, the Peches lisse, Smooth peaches, or Freestone nectarines ; 4th, the Brugnons, or Clingstone nectarine. The flowers form three divisions, accordingly as they vary in size; they are also distinguished by their color ; and the leaves, from the dif- ference in their formation, are divided into three classes. Thus by these various distinctions, together with the vary- ing 'qualities of the fruit itself, and the variation in the growth of the tree, the accurate observer will be enabled with facility, if not with certainty, to identify and to de- scribe any particular variety. The form of the glands, and their position, are distinctly visible with the complete formation of the leaf; they re- tain their character permanently, till the leaf falls in au- tumn. The globose glands are to be found, on the foot- stalks one, two, or more, and one, two, or more on the points of the serratures. The reniform glands are also situated, some on the footstalks, but those on the leaves grow within the serratures ; they connect together, seem- ingly, the upper and lower teeth of the serratures ; the leaves of very vigorous branches have a greater number of glands than are produced on the leaves of the globose varieties. Sometimes, however, glands are only discerni- ble on the leaves produced by branches of vigorous growth. It has been stated, that the leaves, from the difference in their formation, are divided into three classes; and that the flowers also form three divisions, accordingly as they vary in size The following figures representing the dif- PEACHES. 181 ferent forms of the leaf, are from the London Horticultural Transactions. CLASS I. comprehends those whose leaves are deeply and doubly serrated, having no glands. See Fig. 1. Fig. 1. CLASS II. includes those whose leaves are crenate or serrulate, having globose glands. See Fig. 2. Fig. 2. CLASS III. contains those whose leaves are crenate o- serrulate, having reniform glands. See Fig. 3. 16 Fig. 3. 182 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. An accurate observer will distinguish other characters in the glands ; they are either sessile or pedicellate ; but these distinctions are too minute for application on the present occasion. VARIETIES. CLASS I. includes Freestones, or peaches which part freely from the stone. This class is divided into three sections, according to the different periods of time in which the fruit matures. CLASS II. includes the Pavies, or Clingstones, arranged in some measure according to the order of their maturity. The epoch of the maturity of these fruits is calculated for the climate of Boston ; but it was found impossible to define this period with perfect accuracy, brought, as many of them have been, from different latitudes ; the periods of their maturity will sometimes vary a little from what I have stated, in different seasons, and from various causes. ABBREVIATIONS. S. denotes those leaves which are serrated, and having no glands. R. denotes these leaves whose glands are reniform. G. denotes those leaves which have globose glands. L., as applied to the flowers, denotes that they are large. M. denotes that those flowers to which it is applied are of medium size. S., as applied to flowers, denotes that they are small. p. denotes that the flowers to which it is applied are of a pale color. r. red. d. dark. I. FREESTONES; OR PEACHES WHICH PART FREELY FROM THE STONE. SECTION I. Includes those Freestone Peaches which ripen early, or during August, and previous to the Wth September. 1. RED NUTMEG. AVANT PZCHE ROUGE of the French. The growth of this tree is exceedingly slow, its habits PEACHES. CLASS I. 183 dwarfish. The fruit is bright scarlet next the sun ; globu- lar, and very small ; it is sweet, juicy, and good. Middle of July. Only valuable for its early maturity. 2. *EARLY ANNE. AVANT PECHE BLANCHE of the French. ANNE. The trees of this variety are of feeble growth ; the young wood is subject to mildew ; fruit small, white, globular ; the flesh white, melting, saccharine, and good. The chief merit is its ripening early. August. [Flowers L.] 3. EARLY ROSE. Of medium size ; pale in the shade, red next the sun ; of an agreeable flavor, and valuable for its early maturity. It ripens in August, and is of foreign origin. 4. *BURGESS'S BEAUTY. Large, and very beautiful ; very early, or earlier than the Early York ; better, and far more productive. The tree bears uncommon crops, and the fruit is excellent. Such is the character of this fruit, which I received of Mr. Grant, of Middletown, New Jersey, where it ripens in August. 5. BONAPARTE. Sinclair. Large, handsome, uncommonly fine, and very early ; ripening in August, or soon after the Nutmeg ; so named for Joseph Bonaparte, the Count Survilliers, who imported the fruit, the name being lost. Esteemed by Caleb R. Smith, of Burlington, New Jersey, as the best market fruit known at that place. This fruit I received of Robert Sin- clair, of Baltimore. 6. *TICE'S EARLY. Large, the largest and best of all the early peaches ; yel- low in the shade, deep red next the sun ; flesh yellow, juicy, sweet, delicious ; flavor unsurpassed. The tree generally bears well, but is not always sure. Such is the character of this fruit at Middletown, New Jersey, where it was originated by Mr. Tice. It will here ripen by the middle of August. This kind I received of Mr. Beers. 7. *WALTER'S EARLY. Fruit large ; color white in the shade, red next the sun ; flesh red, very juicy, and delicious. The tree is very pro- ductive, but only on sandy soils. A new variety, received from Mr. Beers, of Middletown, New Jersey, where this 184 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. fruit is esteemed as the very best and most productive of all the earliest peaches. It will ripen here at the 25th of August. 8. *EARLY CRAWFORD. Very large and handsome ; oblong ; pale yellow in the shade ; deep red next the sun ; flesh yellow, juicy, sweet ; relieved by an acid, very rich and excellent ; the tree a great bearer. A new variety, which was received from Mr. Beers. It was originated by William Crawford, Esq., of Middletown, New Jersey. It is there esteemed as the very best of all early peaches, the most productive ana profitable. It will here ripen the 25th of August. The tree bears sufficiently full to allow the fruit to grow large. 9. *COOLEDGE'S FAVORITE. COOLEDGE'S EARLY RED RARERIPE. The tree is vigorous and most extraordinary productive. A large, very handsome, globular fruit ; pale in the shade, but of a fine red or crimson next the sun ; very melting, juicy, sweet, and of a vinous flavor. This fruit ripens very early, soon after the Early Anne, and is esteemed a first-rate fruit by the cultivators for the markets of Boston. It was originated by the late Mr. Joshua Cooledge, of Wa- tertown, Massachusetts. 10. *EARLY RED RARERIPE. The fruit is large ; of a deep red color, which covers most of its surface ; of a globular form ; the flesh stained to the stone with red ; melting, juicy, rich, slightly acid, vinous, and excellent. A very valuable early fruit, and deserves to be recommended. U. *EARLY ROYAL GEORGE. A very large, handsome, and superior fruit, of a globular form ; of a yellow color in the shade, but of a fine deep red next the sun ; the flesh melting, juicy, saccharine, vinous, and most excellent. It ripens in August, and is one of the very best of all peaches, and a most productive kind. 12. *EARLY ROBINSON CRUSOE. Large, round, and very handsome ; pale in the shade ; pale red next the sun ; very juicy, sweet, and delicious. A very first-rate fruit, and add to this, the tree bears very ex- traordinary crops. It ripens the 10th of September. This superior new fruit, which I received of Colonel Carr, was raised by Dr. Coxe, of Philadelphia, from a stone brought PEACHES. CLASS I. 185 by Lieutenant Coxe, of the navy, from the Island of Juan Fernandez, in the Pacific Ocean the far-famed island of Alexander Selkirk, or of Robinson Crusoe. 13. EARLY PURPLE. N. Duh. Bon Jard. POUBPRJE HATIVE, LA VINEUSE, Pficne DU VIN, Ibid. One of the most beautiful of peaches ; encompassed by a middling suture ; of a globular form, flattened at the base ; its height twenty-six lines ; flowers large, and brighter than those of the Grosse Mignonne ; the fruit large, and of a deeper red ; the flesh equally melting and fine, vinous and high-flavored. August. 14. EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. SERRATED LEAF, or UNIQUE. The tree grows slowly, and is liable to mildew. The leaves are deeply and coarsely serrated, like the teeth of a saw ; the fruit is unequally divided by a deep suture ; its flavor good. It ripens in August. [Flowers S.] This variety, according to Mr. Floy, was found wild in the woods of New Jersey. 15. *YELLOW ALBERGE. ALBERGE JAUNE, PECHE JADNE, ROUSANNE. SAINT LAURENT JAUNE. Bon Jard. PETITE ROUSSANNE. Bon Jard. ROSASNA. Lindley. ALBERGE. Coxe. A middle-sized, globular fruit, of a yellow color in the shade, deep red next the sun ; a deep suture extends from summit to base ; the flesh deep yellow, but red- next the stone, melting, juicy, rich, sweet, vinous, and ex- cellent. A superior fruit, ripening in August. 16. DOUBLE MONTAGNE. Lind. Siox. Forsyth. EARLY DOUBLE MOUNTAIN. MONTAUBAN. T/iompson. Middle-sized, of roundish form; color greenish white in the shade, pale red, marbled with deep red next the sun ; flesh white, melting, juicy, high-flavored ; stone ovate, rugged. A beautiful and excellent fruit, ripening in August. [Leaves S. Flowers L.] 17. *BELLEGARDE. NOIRE DE MONTREUIL, GALANDE, BOH Jard. VIOLET HATIVE of some English authors. SMOOTH-LEAVED ROYAL GEORGE of some. The tree is vigorous and productive; the fruit is of medium size, much colored, and almost black ; the flesh resembles the Belle de Vitry; it is firm, saccharine, vi- 16* 136 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. nous, and one of the best of peaches. It ripens in August. [Leaves G. Flowers p.] 18. *GROSSE GALLANDE. Large and very handsome, of round form; white in the shade, red next the sun ; flavor excellent. A very superior fruit, which some have confounded with the Bellegarde. It ripens early in September. 19. BUCKINGHAM MIGNONNE. Pom. Mag. BARRINGTON. Pom. Mag. Land. Hart. Cat. " Leaves crenated, with globose glands ; flowers large ; the fruit is large, roundish, somewhat elongated; pale yel- lowish green, but deep red and marbled next the sun ; the flesh yellowish white, rayed with crimson next the stone ; melting, juicy, and very rich. A productive and handsome variety." 20. *GROSSE MIGNONNE. MIGNONNE, GROSSE MIGNONNE, VELOUTEE DE MERLET, of the French. GRIMWOOD'S NEW ROYAL GEORGE, EARLY VINEYARD. ROYAL KENSINGTON. Pom. Mag. Lind. VINEUSE DE FROMENTIN. Thompson. TRANSPARENT. Ib. ROYAL SOUVERAIN. Ib. POCRPRE DE NORMANDIE. Ib. BELLE BEACTE. 76. SMOOTH-LEAVED ROYAL GEORGE. Ib. MORRIS'S RED RARERIPE. This last synonyme I have added on the authority of a gentleman near Boston, of great intelligence and experi- ence. This peach, exhibited by Mr. Vose, has been ad- judged as deserving the premium of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, for-oneor two successive years, and is probably one of the most beautiful and delicious varie- ties in cultivation. The fruit is large, depressed, hollow at the summit ; its suture moderately deep ; the skin slightly downy ; of a fine deep red next the sun, marbled on a yellow ground towards the shade ; the flesh pale yellow, rayed with red next the stone, melting, juicy, of a rich, vinous flavor ; the stone rugged, ovate. Last of August. [Leaves G. Flowers L. d. r.] 21. *GE9RGE FOURTH. The fruit is of medium size, downy ; of a globular form, swollen on one side ; pale yellow in the shade, dark red next the sun; the flesh pale yellow, but red next the stone; of a rich and excellent flavor. A most superior fruit, which originated, "according to Mr. Floy, in the garden of Mr. PEACHES. CLASS I. 187 Gill, Broad Street, New York. [Leaves large, G. Flowers red, S.] 22. * HOFFMAN'S FAVORITE. A large, round fruit; pale in the shade, red next the sun ; the flesh juicy, sweet, vinous, and excellent. Early in September. A very beautiful fruit, of first-rate quality, and very remarkably productive. 23. *JACQUES. Roundish oblong, of good size ; of a yellowish color, but red next the sun ; flesh yellow, melting, juicy, sweet, and excellent. The tree bears well. Early in September 24. *MARIE ANTOINETTE. RED VELVET. Large and beautiful ; all covered with dark red, and re- sembling velvet ; juicy, sweet, and excellent. Received from Mr. Lyman, of Manchester, near Hartford, Conn., where this fruit is esteemed even as superior to the George Fourth. The tree is very productive, ripening 1st Sept. 25. *MELLISH'S FAVORITE. NOBLESSE, according to some. A very beautiful and excellent fruit, of good size and globular form ; fine yellow in the shade, of a fine deep crimson or purple color next the sun ; juicy, rich, sweet ; of a superior flavor. It much resembles the Washington. The tree is a great bearer. A most capital variety for its fine qualities and great productiveness; very superior to the Noblesse. Early in September. 26. *MONSTROUS FREESTONE. Very large and round, very beautiful; high colored, with red next the sun ; rich, juicy, sweet ; a fruit of extraordinary quality both for flavor, size, and beauty. Early in Sep- tember. The tree is moderately productive. 27. *MORRIS'S WHITE RARERIPE. MORRIS'S WHITE Luscious. The fruit is large, round or oval ; of a delicate white color ; the flesh white, juicy ; flavor sweet, rich, and ex- cellent. Middle of September. [Leaves R. Flowers S. p.] 28. MOUNTAINEER. Thompson. Raised from the Red Nutmeg and Early Violet Nec- tarine The fruit is sometimes partly smooth ; the size large; pale yellow in the shade, red next the sun; ol 188 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. excellent flavor. It will ripen in August. [Leaves G. Flowers L.] 29. *OLDMIXON FREESTONE. A large peach, of a yellowish white color, with a fine red blush next the sun; the form a little oblong; the flesh is sweet, rich, juicy, and excellent. It ripens the last of August. A beautiful and superior variety. 30. *ORANGE PEACH. APRICOT PEACH of Duhamel. The fruit is large, of a globular form ; of a fine yellow color ; the flesh very sweet, juicy, rich, and excellent. It ripens about the middle of September. 31. *PRESIDENT. A large, downy fruit, roundish, approaching to oblong; a shallow suture ; pale yellowish green, but red next the sun ; the flesh is whitish, juicy, melting, rich, and high-fla- vored ; the stone is large, pointed, rugged. With us this fruit is very first-rate ; and add to this the tree is a great bearer. September. [Leaves G.] 32. *RED MAGDALEN. MAGDELEINE A MOYENNE FLEURS. Bon Jard. MAGDELEJNE ROUGE TARDIVE ou A PETITE FLEURS. Ib. ROYAL GEORGE of the English, according to the Pom. Mag. MILLET'S MIGNONNE, LOCKYER'S MIGNONNE. Ib. NEW ROYAL CHARLOTTE. Thompson. That the Red Magdalen and Royal George are identical, has been renewedly asserted by a gentleman here of great observation and experience. I have ventured, therefore, to restore the original, and suppress the English name of Royal George, except as a synonyme. The young wood is liable to mildew. The fruit is large, globular, with a suture moderately deep on one side; dark purplish red next the sun, yellowish white in the shade, mottled with red at the junction of the colors ; the flesh white, rayed with red next the stone; melting, juicy, and high-flavored. September. [Leaves S. Flowers S.] 33. *SARGENT. So called from the name of the gentleman in Pearl Street, Boston, with whom this variety originated. The tree is of moderate growth, but wonderfully productive ; the young wood extremely subject to mildew. A medium-sized, round fruit; of a yellow color in the shade, slightly red next the sun ; the flesh is yellow, juicy, sweet, and very PEACHES. CLASS I. 189 delicious. A handsome and fine variety. Early in Sep- tember. 34. *SNOW PEACH. The tree is an abundant bearer. The fruit is of hand- some size, round ; the skin very thin, white, and delicate : the flesh very tender, juicy, sweet, and delicious. A beau- tiful and excellent fruit. It is sometimes called White Blossom, or Willow. The blossoms are very white, and the tree resembles a willow. 35. *WASHINGTON RED FREESTONE. The tree is wonderfully productive ; the fruit is of good size, round ; of a fine yellow color in the shade, fine dark crimson next the sun ; juicy, rich, of a sweet, vinous, and delicious flavor. A most beautiful and superior fruit. Early in September. 36. *YELLOW RARERIPE. Large, globular- formed ; yellow in the shade, dark pur- plish red next the sun ; very handsome ; flesh sweet, juicy, uncommonly delicious A very extraordinary fruit. The tree bears prodigious crops. One of the best of all peaches. It ripens 10th September. There are many varieties of this name, and but few or none equal. SECTION II, This Section includes those Freestone Peaches which ripen during Mid-Autumn, or from the tenth to the last of September. 37. BRAINARD'S LARGE YELLOW. Large ; yellow in the shade, red next the sun ; of excel- lent flavor ; ripening in September. A fine new variety, which I received from Manchester, of Mr. Lyman, who es- teems this one of the best of peaches. 38. COLUMBIA. A large and very singular peach, with an extremely rough and thick skin, of a dull red color, marbled with blotches of a dark, dusky red ; its form rather flattened, with a suture well defined ; the flesh yellow, melting, juicy, 190 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. rich, fibrous, and well-flavored. September. This peach is a curiosity. Mr. Coxe, who probably originated this variety, calls it a fruit of uncommon excellence. 39. HOGG'S MALACATUNE. Large ; yellow in the shade, fine red next the sun. The tree is very productive. This variety I received of Mr. Ly- man, who esteems it the best of all the Malacatune family known to him. It ripens the 20th September, Raised by Mr. Thomas Hogg, of New York. 40. "LAFAYETTE FREE. Size medium to large; round; pale in the shade, fine dark crimson next the sun ; flesh very juicy and delicious, and deep stained with crimson throughout. A beautiful variety. Last of August. This fine fruit was received of Mr. Joseph Beers. It much resembles the Brandy Peach. 41. *MALTA. PECHE MALTE. Dvh. BELLE DE PARIS. Bon Jard. MALTE DE NORMANDIE. Hort Soc. Cat. ITALIAN PEACH of Mil., according to the Pom. Mag. The fruit is above the medium size ; pale yellowish green, but next the sun somewhat marbled with purplish red ; globular, a little flattened, encircled with a slightly- depressed suture ; flesh yellowish, juicy, rich, vinous, and of superior flavor. An excellent and most productive va- riety, ripening in September. [Leaves S. Flowers L. p.] 42. *NIVETTE. R. M. VELOUTEE TARDIVE, Jard. Fruit, according to Bon Jard. The fruit is large, a little oblong, downy, green in the shade, and deep red next the sun ; the flesh firm, saccha- rine, and high-flavored. A most superior fruit, and highly deserving. September. [Leaves G. Flowers S.] 43. RED MAGDALEN COURSON. MAGDELEINE DE COCRSON, MAGDELEINE ROUGX. PAYSANNE. Bon Jard. p. 295. The tree is vigorous and productive. The leaves have deep serratures, and are without glands ; flowers large and pale; the fruit is rather large, round; pale yellow in the shade, of a beautiful red next the sun ; flesh firm and vinous. Beginning of September. [Leaves S. Flowers L. p.] 44. WHITE MALACATUNE. Coxe. WHITE RARERIPE. Coxe* A large fruit of extraordinary excellence ; of a pale yel- lowish white color ; the flesh yellowish white, firm, melting, PEACHES. CLASS I. 191 rich, and of excellent flavor ; the stone is not unfrequently cracked. Mr. Coxe states that it is the most admired fruit of the season, which is August, and that, if not too ripe, it makes a most delicious preserve. 45. *YELLOW RED RARERIPE. The tree is of very rapid growth. The fruit is beautiful, of a large size, and globular form ; of a fine yellow or gold- en color in the shade, but dark purplish red next the sun; the flesh deep yellow, rich, sweet, juicy, and of a most de- licious flavor. A very first-rate and extraordinary variety. The tree is a great bearer. Ripe middle of September. SECTION III. This Section includes late Freestones, or those which ripen from the last of September to November. 46. *BELLE DE VITRY. ADMIRABLE. Duh. Coxe. R. M. A large fruit, of a fine red color next the sun, yellowish white in the shade; the form globular, divided by a suture; a broad, deep cavity at its base; the flesh is white, stained with red at the stone; melting, jaicy, sweet, vinous, and excellent. A superior fruit. September. 47. *BEERS'S LATE RED RARERIPE. Very large, one of the largest of all peaches ; oblong ; white in the shade, pale red next the sun ; very juicy, and fine-flavored. The tree bears well. This fine fruit I received of Mr. Joseph Beers, of Middletown, New Jersey. It was originated by him. At that place it ripens the 15th of September, and will here ripen on the 25th. 48. *CRAWFORD'S LATE MALACATUNE. Very large and handsome, round; fine yellow in the shade, dark red next the sun ; flesh yellow, sweet, juicy, excellent. In appearance and flesh, it resembles Craw- ford's Early, or Tice's Early, and is the largest, finest, very best, and most productive of all peaches; and so esteemed at Middletown, New Jersey, from whence, and from Mr. Joseph Beers, I received this fruit. Ninety of these 192 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. peaches have filled a basket which contains over three pecks. Originated by William Crawford, Esq., of that place. It there ripens the 20th of September, and will ripen the last of September with us. 49. *GOLDEN RARERIPE. CAMD.EH. Large, round, very beautiful ; fine yellow in the shade, orange or red next the sun ; flesh juicy, sweet, and deli- cious. A fruit which I received from Mr. Joseph Beers, of Middletown, New Jersey. It much resembles Crawford's Late Malacatune, and ripens a week previous. The tree bears well, but is not so extraordinary for its productive- ness, as is that excellent variety. 50. *HEATH. KESRICK'S HEATH. This noble variety was received from the late Gen. Heath, of Roxbury, of revolutionary memory ; hence its name. The tree is very vigorous, and extraordinarily productive, and is probably a native. The fruit is very large, oblong, and beautiful; specimens have frequently been seen weigh- ing half a pound ; pale yellowish green in the shade, but beautiful deep crimson or violet next the sun ; unequally divided by a slight suture, which terminates in a point; the flesh is melting, juicy, rich, vinous, agreeably acid, and good. A capital fruit. Middle of September. 51. LATE ROBINSON CRUSOE. Large, round ; white in the shade, pale red next the sun ; very juicy and delicious. The tree bears very extraordi- nary crops, ripening the 1st of October. This most ex- cellent fruit I received of Colonel Carr. It was raised by Dr. Coxe, of Philadelphia, from stones brought by Lieu- tenant Coxe, of the United States navy, from the Island of Juan Fernandez, in the Pacific Ocean ; hence its name. 52. MORRISANIA POUND HOFFMAN'S. The fruit is very large, round ; pale green in the shade, red next the sun ; very juicy and delicious; ripening late, about the middle of October. Mr. Floy states that this variety was received of Gouverneur Morris, of Morrisania, near New York; but it was originated by Martin Hoffman, Esq. [Leaves G. Flowers S.] PEACHES. CLASS I. 193 53. *SMOCK FREE. Very large and first-rate; some have measured 12 inches iu circuintereuce ; oblong ; pale yellow in the shade, dark red next the sun ; flesh juicy, fine, a little acid. One of the best of all very late peaches, and so esteemed at Mid- dletown, New Jersey, from whence, and from Mr. Beers, I received the fruit. It there ripens from the last of Sep- tember to the 15th of October. Generally this fruit will ripen well in our more northern climate; but in some years it may prove too late. 54. CHINA FLAT PEACH. Hort. Trans. Braddick. JAVA PEACH. A most singular and curious peach, which is said to be much cultivated and esteemed in China. The diameter from the eye to the stalk is less than three quarters of an inch, and consists wholly of the stone and a skin which covers it. The thickness of its sides is one inch and an eighth, while its transverse diameter is two inches and a halt. The skin is pale yellow, mottled with red next the sun, and covered with hue down ; the flesh pale yellow, a beautiful radiated circle of fine red surrounding the stone, which is flatly compressed, small, rough, and irregular. The fruit is melting and good, being sweet and juicy, with a little Noyeau flavor and bitter aroma. In 1840, this curious variety was here received by a renewed importa- tion from Europe, and a first-rate source. [Leaves R. Flowers L.J 55. ISPAHAN. N. Dull. PI. xxiv. FKCHEII I>'!SPAHAN. 76. This singular tree was discovered in 1799, by Brugniere and Olivier, at Ispahan, the capital of Persia, in the vast Royal Gardens, where were concentrated most of the fruits of Asia. The branches are very slender and numerous, ihe leaves very narrow, finely serrated, of a delicate green color, and unlike those of any other variety known. The fruit is nearly spherical : the skin of a whitish green, slightly downy; flesh greenish white, melting, and sepa- rates from the stone ; juice abundant and delicious. 53. YELLOW ADMIRABLE, OR APRICOT PEACH Bon Jard. 1828, p. 293. ABRICOTEE, ADMIRABLE JAUNE, PECHE D'ORANGE. GROSSE JAUNE, PECHE DE BURAI, SANDAME HERMAPHRODITE. The leaves have reniform glands ; flowers large ; the 17 194 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. fruit is very large, yellow while immature, but at maturity a little laved with red next the sun ; the flesh firm, yellow, with a little of the flavor of the apricot. Very late and fine. 57. CARDINALE. N. Duh. PI. ccxxxvu. CARDINALE DE FURSTENBERG. Thompson. The fruit is medium-sized, flattened at its summit ; swoll- en on one side of the suture ; the skin dull gray violet, very downy and hoary ; the flesh marbled with violet red, but slightly tinged with yellow next- the stone; not very juicy, and deficient in flavor, in the climate of Paris, where it ripens from the 10th to the 20th of October. In warmer climates it is good, and in Italy excellent. A variety of the Blood Peach, excellent for preserving. [Leaves S, Flowers L. p.] 58. DWARF ORLEANS. PECHER NAIN. JV. Duh. PI. cccci. A singular and most diminutive tree. Flowers pale, large, and from twelve to fifteen lines in diameter ; the flesh juicy, and generally bitter. This very ordinary fruit does not ripen till late, the middle of October. It is only cultivated for curiosity ; and often cultivated in a pot, and brought with its fruit to the table. [Leaves large, S.] 59. *TETON DE VENUS. ROYALE. The tree is one of the most vigorous in its growth known, and very productive. The fruit is large, of a pale yellow- ish green in the shade, bright red, darkly marbled, next the sun; form globular, a little lengthened ; it is encircled by a broad, deep suture, terminating in a large, obtuse point at its summit ; the flesh melting, of a greenish yellow, but at the stone it is red ; and of a sweet and excellent flavor. It ripens early in October. There are two or three varieties bearing this name. This is the variety described in the New Duhamel, and a most superior fruit. PEACHES. CLASS II. 195 CL.ASS II. CLINGSTONES OR PAVIES, OR THOSE PEACHES WHOSE FLESH ADHERES TO THE STONE. This class of peaches is preferred to all others, by the inhabitants of warm climates. 60. EARLY NEWINGTON. Coze. A beautiful fruit, of medium size, and globular form ; of a white color in the shade, but red next the sun ; the flesh juicy, rich, and high-flavored ; the stone is small. Last of July. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] 61. *CATHERINE. R. M. Esq. Pom. Mag. OLDMIXON CLINGSTONE. Fruit large, round, variable ; color a beautiful red next the sun, marbled and dashed with darker shades; pale yel- low in the shade ; flesh very white, tinged with yellow, but firm, of a deep crimson next the stone ; juice abundant, and of a very rich and sweet flavor ; stone middle-sized, roundish oval, very slightly pointed. It ripens with us in September. Mr. Manning has stated that neither this, the Old Newington, nor the Oldmixon Clingstone, can be distinguished from each other by their external appear- ance, and are all first-rate fruits. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 62. *DIANA. Very large, round ; pale in the shade, fine red next the sun ; rich, juicy, vinous, and excellent. The tree bears constantly and very abundantly. It ripens in September. 63. *LAFAYETTE CLINGSTONE. A very beautiful fruit, of a fine yellow color in the shade ; bright red next the sun ; juicy, and of excellent flavor. The tree is a most productive and excellent variety. August Sometimes called Meiggs's Lafayette. 64. "LEMON CLINGSTONE. PINE-APPLE, OR KENNEDY'S LEMON. The fruit is rather large, oblong, and pointed ; of a deep yellow color in the shade, but of a dark fine red next the sun ; the flesh is yellow, rich, vinous, a little acid ; it is stained with red next the stone. September. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] ~ 196 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 65. *OLD NEWINGTON. This fruit is large and globular ; pale yellow in the shade, but of a fine bright red next the sun, sometimes marbled with deeper red; the flesh is yellowish white, very juicy, rich, sweet, and well-flavored. An excellent fruit, ripening in September, and productive. [Leaves S. Flowers L.] 66. RODMAN'S RED. C. Large, round, and very beautiful; pale in the shade, fine red next the sun ; juicy, vinous, very delicious. The tree is a great and constant bearer. A very popular fruit at Philadelphia. September. 67. *SPANISH. C. A large, round fruit, of a pale color in the shade, red next the sun, and very beautiful ; very juicy, sweet, vinous, and excellent. The tree bears moderately. Early in October. 68. *WASHINGTON CLINGSTONE. A large fruit; its color inclining to white, but next the sun a fine blush ; of globular from ; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, and excellent. A superior fruit, ripening in Sep- tember. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 69. PA VIE JAUNE. N. Duh. PL CCCLXXXIX. PERSICA NEWTONII. 76. PAVIE AI.BEHGK, PERSE^UE JAUNE. Bon Jard. YELLOW PERSE^DE. The petioles have reniform glands ; the fruit is very beautiful, very large, round, a little flattened at its summit, and marked with a groove; its diameter thirty-three lines; the skin is downy, yellow in the shade, of a very deep red next the sun ; the flesh yellow, firm, not fibrous, and red or of a blood color next the stone ; the juice abundant, sweet, and vinous. The stone is oval, obtuse, and of middling size. Ripe 12th September, at Paris. Excellent in warm summers. [Leaves R.] 70. PAVIE ADMIRABLE. Bon Jard. INCOMPARABLE of the English and Lindley. The fruit is large, roundish, swollen on one side ; skin pale yellow, but pale red shaded with light scarlet or deep crimson next the sun ; the flesh pale yellow, but red at the stone; juice sugary, and well-flavored ; stone roundish, and almost smooth. It ripens at the time of the Catherine. [Leaves R. Flowers S. P.] PEACHES. CLASS II. 197 71. GROSSE PERSEQUE. Bon Jard. p. 298. PERSEQCE ALLONGE. Ib. The tree is productive in unsheltered situations ; the fruit large and oblong, with swellings on its surface, of a red color next the sun. It requires a warm exposition, and will ripen with us late in September. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 72. PA VIE MAGDELEINE. Bon Jard. p. 294, 296. PAVIE BLANC. The tree is vigorous ; the fruit is large and downy ; white in the shade, and a beautiful red next the sun ; the flesh white, fine, melting, and of an agreeable musky flavor. This fruit will ripen about the last of September. [Leaves S. Flowers L. P.] 73. MONSTROUS POMPONNE. Bon Jard. p. 297. PAVIE DE POMPONNE, GROS MELECOTON, } GROS PERSEQUE ROUGE, \ofthe French. PAVIE MONSTREUX, PAVIE CORSU, ) The fruit is the largest of all peaches, and often termi- nates in a point at its summit. It is downy ; of a waxen white color in the shade, of a very lively and deep red next the sun ; the flesh is firm, and excellent cooked. It requires a warm exposition, and ripens, in favorable seasons, the end of October at Paris. This fruit will ripen earlier with us. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] 74. BLOOD PEACH. Large, oblong; downy; of a very dark violet or crim- son color ; flesh dark crimson or blood red to the stone; flavor ordinary, but highly valuable and beautiful for preserving, and by many deemed even preferable to the quince. The tree is very productive. 75. *HYSLOP'S CLINGSTONE. The trees of this variety are vigorous and productive. The fruit is large, rather oblong ; of a white color in the shade, changing to fine deep red next the sun ; the flesh melting, very juicy, sweet, vinous, and excellent. This variety ripens in October, and may be preserved till late in November, and is the latest variety which will generally answer in Massachusetts. 76. *WILLIAMSON'S. C. The tree is very extraordinary productive. The fruit is oblong, of good size, and terminated by a point; very white 198 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. in the shade, but red next the sun ; very juicy and fine-fla- vored. Middle of October. 77. SMOCK CLINGSTONE. Very large, oblong ; yellow in the shade, dark red next the sun ; flesh juicy, rich, a little acid ; one of the best of all the very late Clingstones, and so deemed at Middle- town, New Jersey, from whence, and from Mr. Joseph Beers, I procured the fruit. Raised by Mr. Smock, of that place. In some unfavorable seasons, this excellent fruit may not fully mature in the latitude of Boston, ex- cept only in warm situations. New and very productive, 78. HEATH CLINGSTONE. The fruit is very large, rather oblong, terminated by a point at its summit ; of a cream color, with an occasional blush next the sun ; the flesh is tender, melting, extremely juicy, and rich. It ripens late, too late for the climate of New England, except in very favorable seasons. Mr. Coxe informs us that this fruit was raised from a stone brought from the Mediterranean, by Mr. Daniel Heath, and in his estimation is superior to all other peaches known ; the stone generally opens, and the fruit, if not too ripe, is one of the most admired preserved in sugar ; that it ripens in Octo- ber, and keeps till December. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] CLASS III. ORNAMENTAL VARIETIES OF THE PEACH. 79. DOUBLE FLOWERING PEACH. PECHE A FLEURS DOUBLES. Bon Jard. The leaves have reniform glands. The tree is culti- vated for the beauty of its flowers, which are often semi- double and very large. Fruit good and pretty numerous. September. SO. CHINESE DOUBLE FLOWERING PEACH. AMYGDALIS SINENSIS PLEWO. A new and beautiful variety of Double Flowering Peach, lately received from England. 81. AMYGDALUS MACROCARP^E. 8*. AMYODALUS ORIENTALIS PEACHES. CLASS IV. 199 CXASS IV. ADDITIONAL LIST OF PEACHES. Some of the following peaches are new. They are mostly native fruits, a small portion of them only being of foreign origin. All of them are undoubtedly good, and many of them are excellent. Part of them will prove very productive, and all that could possibly be desired in this respect : but doubts exist in relation to the productiveness of some portion of them. ASTOR'S SEEDLING. Large; round; yellow and red; de- licious. September. BELLE CHEVEREUSE. Large ; red ; vinous ; excellent. August. BENNETT'S RARERIPE. Large ; red and white ; hand- some; productive. Early. *BERGEN'S YELLOW. Yellow ; fine. September. Extra BOURDINE. Large ; round ; red ; sweet ; vinous. Sept. BRANDY PEACH. Beautiful ; medium size ; round ; deep red ; flesh crimson ; good. August. BRODIE'S C. Beautiful ; large ; round ; red ; juicy ; fine ; moderately productive. September. CLINTON. Fine and handsome. September. CONGRESS C. Large ; red ; juicy ; fine ; mod. bearer. Sept. DE TONDENSIS. Large; fine; first quality; red and white ; moderately productive. September. Dix PEACH. Large; productive; first-rate. DOUBLE SWALSH. Medium size ; ovate ; red ; fine- flavored ; tolerably productive. EAGLE'S RED. Beautiful; large; red; fine. Sept. EARLY MIGNONNE. A small variety of the Grosse Mig- nonne. August. EARLY YORK. Large ; excellent ; mod. bearer. August. ENGLISH CHANCELLOR. Large ; oblong ; red ; rich ; vinous. OILMAN'S EARLY. Ripe soon after Nutmeg; new; pro- ductive; good. August. 200 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. GOLDEN PURPLE C. Medium size ; beautiful ; round ; yellow, dark crimson ; sweet ; very productive. August. JOSE SWEET. A fine fruit. LADY ANNE STEWARD. Handsome and fine. LATE CHEVEREUSE. Oblong ; medium size ; red : good. September. LATE PURPLE. Medium size; round; deep red; ex- cellent. September. MAGDELEINE DE BOLWILLER. Medium size ; red ; ex- cellent. August. MAMMOTH C Large ; red ; juicy ; fine. September. MIFFLIN'S PENNSYLVANIA. Large; fine ; from Penn. MIGNONNE FRIZEE. A variety of the Grosse Mignonne; singular. August. MOORE'S RARERIPE. Large; round; excellent; produc- tive. September. MURRAY'S MALACATUNE. Large and fine. PETITE MIGNONNE. Small ; round ; yellow and red ; productive ; excellent. 1st of August. PINCKNEY'S C. Very large ; red ; excellent ; late. Oct. POOLE'S LATE FREE. Large and excellent; late; from Philadelphia. October. PRINCE'S RED RARERIPE. Beautiful ; round ; red ; first- rate ; moderately productive. September. PRINCE'S PARAGON. Large ; beautiful ; new. September. ST. MICHAEL. New ; from France. SPRING GROVE. Medium size ; round ; red ; fine ; very early. August. STRAWBERRY. Beautiful ; deep red ; medium size ; flesh crimson ; good. August. SWEETWATER. Medium size ; white ; good. August. TROTH'S EARLY. New; very early and fine; a Jersey fruit. August. VAN ZANDTS. Large ; red and white ; excellent ; moderately productive. September. VINEUSE DE FROMENTIN. Large; oblong; red and white; excellent; moderately productive. 1st of Sept. PEACHES. CULTIVATION. 201 WARD'S LATE FREE. Large and fine; highly esteemed in Pennsylvania. October. WELD'S FREE. Large ; round ; excellent. September. WHITE MAGDALEN. Large ; white and red ; musky ; good. August. CULTIVATION. The peach tree is usually raised by planting the stones in autumn. Some, however, preserve them in soil exposed to the frosts of winter. In spring they are cracked, and either sown in beds or planted in the nursery, in rows four feet asunder, and about a foot distant in the row. In the same year or the year following, they are inoculated. The peach tree is usually inoculated on the peach stock. They are, however, sometimes propagated on the almond ; some- times on the plum stock. Mozard, according to Loudon, " prefers plum stocks, where the soil is strong and black ; " and Dubreuil recommends a plum stock for a clayey soil, and the almond stock for such as are light and sandy. The same opinion is held by the Montreuil cultivators. At Montreuil, we understand, the plum stock is not used, because the soil is dry. Use only the peach stock or al- mond on such soils. Peaches thrive best near the banks of rivers, and espe- cially those of brackish water. The curculiones are stated to avoid a moist atmosphere and salt air on the borders of rivers or the sea. SOIL, DISTANCE. The most suitable soil for the peach tree is a rich, sandy loam: a light soil answers well. The soil of Montreuil, as above stated, is dry. The peach tree will not flourish on a cold, stiff, wet soil. On such a soil they may grow vigorously, but they produce but little fruit, and that of ordinary quality. Some assert that they are more uniformly productive on the north side of hills, as it prevents their too early advancement before the vernal frosts are past. Ten or twelve feet asunder is deemed a good distance for the peach tree, in the colder latitudes; but in warmer climes, a greater distance is required. 202 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. MALADIES. The maladies to which the peach tree is subject are, 1st. The Curculio. For the remedies for this, see IN- SECTS, in the former part of this work. 2d. The worm which feeds on the sap-wood beneath the bark, principally near the surface of the earth. The worm is produced by a fly which, from the middle of June to the first of August, deposits its eggs on the bark of the tree, generally at its root, where the bark is tender. These are soon hatched, and the worm shortly penetrates beneath the bark, where it commences its work of destruction, devouring the sap-wood often around the whole circumference of the tree, causing the gum to exude, and often death. Much has been written and said of this insect ; yet the prevention is very easy, provided there is a necessity for it, which is not the case in all soils and situations. It seems with us only an occasional evil, and the remedies are seldom required. Whenever serious suspicions arise, let every tree be carefully searched at the surface of the earth, and the worm destroyed by probing with a pen- knife or pointed wire. A bout the beginning of June, form around the trunk of the tree a small conical mound, to the height of eight inches or a foot above the natural surface of the earth. Unleached ashes, which might be preserved for this purpose, are, without doubt, the best and most useful substance, and each tree will require about a peck. Charcoal, broken small, has been recommended; also cin- ders from the blacksmith's forge, to be placed around the trunk for protection. But any thing else, even a small, conical mound of soil, is found to answer. The design of this is, to protect that portion of the tree where the bark is most tender. Let this mound be levelled in October, and the bark will harden again beneath where it was placed. I am inclined to believe the potash wash, before described, would answer every purpose, as it does with the apple tree, if applied at the suitable time, also the wash recommended by Mr. Lindley. I have already stated, in Section XII. of the former part of this work, that in those soils thus in- fested, refuse tobacco has been applied around the trunk of the tree and at its foot, the effluvium of which has been found effectual in preventing the attacks of the grub. Poudrette has also been applied around the trunk, the am- PEACHES. CULTIVATION. 203 monia or odor of which has proved an effectual protection. Also coal tar. A gentleman of Nantucket has tried it on the plank of his ships which sail to the Pacific, to preserve them from the attacks of the sea-worm. The odor it ex- hales is powerful and lasting. Another cheap, easy, and effectual mode is practised by Mr. Vose, of Dorchester. About the last of May, the soil is removed to the depth of two inches round the trunk ; a composition of clay, ashes, &.C., is applied with a brush, and over this stiff brown paper is wrapped around the tree to the height of a foot, and the earth replaced. Sharp sand placed around the trunk of the tree, in a small, conical mound, has, it is stated, been found an effectual protection, from experiments made in Pennsylvania. And from ex- periments made in the state of New York by Mr. Van Rens- selaer, it appears that powdered charcoal placed around the trunk to the depth of two inches, is a protection. But the scoria from the blacksmith's forge would probably prove at least as effectual. Lastly, lime mortar, mixed with sulphur, is found good. And common lime mortar alone, applied round the tree, has been found effectual. With us no remedy is generally needed. 3d. But there is another malady, which I believe is unknown in New England, or at least I have never seen or heard of such a disease with us. It is by some called the yellows ; and, according to Mr. Coxe, " the malady which destroys much the largest portion of the trees, has hitherto baffled every effort to subdue it ; neither the source nor the precise character of the disease appears to be perfectly' understood." The trees are further stated to languish, the leaves turn yellow, and they perish shortly. The disease is contagious, soon spreading through the whole orchard ; and if trees are brought from a sound nursery, and planted on the same land, they usually perish during the first season. And the infected soil cannot be again occupied as a peach orchard, until some years of intermediate cultivation. The only remedy I have heard of for the destruction of this disease, is to destroy at once the infectious trees, before the disease is communicated to the whole orchard ; which, according to Mr. Prince, of the Linnsean Botanic Garden, as stated in Thachcr's Orchard- ist, is at the time the trees blossom in spring. 4th. The blossoms of the peach, and sometimes the tree itself, are liable to be cut off by winter, or by spring frosts, 204 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. which occur after the sap has arisen ; the danger in this case being caused by the occurrence of unusually warm weather, either during an open winter, or during the progress of a very early spring, which causes the tree to advance prematurely. Those trees being more especially exposed which are in warm and sunny expositions, while those trees which are situated on the north sides of hills, the most exposed to cold winds, and on the north sides of fences and of buildings, almost invariably escape. I have stated elsewhere, that in Switzerland a mound of earth is sometimes placed over the roots of plants in autumn, as a protection from winter frosts, to be removed in spring. Completely to protect the tree, and to insure a crop of fruit in all situations and seasons, let the whole surface of the earth beneath the tree, be covered to the depth of eight or ten inches, either with leaves, or coarse, strawy manure, or with coarse hay, in January and February, and when hard frozen. This will preserve the ground in a frozen state, and effectually retard the advancement of the tree till the danger is past, and to a late period in spring. PRUNING, &,c. In our climate the peach is almost uni- versally cultivated as a standard. They are rarely pruned at all. In New Jersey and Delaware, also, the best culti- vators prefer to leave the peach trees unpruned, even while standing in the nursery, that they may spread wide; and some there are who prefer close planting. There they are sometimes renovated by heading down, after they have borne two crops, for the production of new and more fruit- ful wood. This operation should be performed in spring. Trees are very rarely to be seen trained to walls, except oc- casionally in the gardens of the opulent. The most extensive peach orchard which has come to my knowledge, is that belonging to Messrs. Isaac Reeve and Jacob Ridgeway, of Philadelphia. It is situated forty- five miles below the city, on the River Delaware, at Dela- ware city, and contains 200 acres of trees, in different stages of growth. In 1839, they gathered from this orchard 18,000 bushels of first-rate fruit, from 170 acres of trees, whereof only 50 acres were then in full bearing. When the fruit has attained the size of a small musket ball, it is thinned. One of those gentlemen informed me, that of that size, they had gathered, in that year, 700 bushels, by measure, of the immature fruit. By this judi- cious management, while the amount of fruit was but little PEACHES. CULTIVATION. 205 diminished, either in weight or measure, its size and beauty were greatly improved, so that their fruit was the handsomest in the Philadelphia market ; and during the best of the season, much of it was sold at from $4.50 to 6 the basket, of three pecks in measure. Their trees are usually transplanted when but of a single year's growth from the bud ; they usually produce a full crop of fruit in the fourth year after being transplanted, and from some of their trees two bushels have been gathered in a pingle year. They prefer a dry soil, light and friable, on a foun- dation of clay, or gravelly clay, a good, but not a very rich soil. Like all other good cultivators, the whole land is always kept in cultivation. For the first two or three years, corn is raised in the orchard, but afterwards the trees are permitted to occupy the whole ground, nothing being suf- fered to grow beneath their shade, as this would rob the fruit of its nourishment. In Delaware, where the climate is warm and the soil good, twenty feet asunder is the suit- able distance recommended for the tree ; while on the eastern or Atlantic side of New Jersey, sixteen or seven- teen feet asunder is deemed sufficient by some of their most experienced cultivators, on good soils ; while farther north, or on poorer soils, a less distance will suffice. To render peach trees very productive, it has been rec- ommended to shorten the new, young wood in July, by cutting in a few inches ; and the shoots proceeding from these are to be shortened again during the course of the summer. This mode is favorable to the production of fruit buds, and the trees will produce more abundant crops the following year. This pruning or shortening may be most profitably performed with very large shears, with long handles, such as are used for clipping hedges; and I am persuaded that, with such an instrument, a man might prune a great many trees in a day. [See INTRODUCTION, Section VIII. Subs. 4th.] Mr. Knight, however, recom- mends to bend downwards the young and luxuriant shoots, instead of clipping : they thus produce the finest possible bearing wood for the second year. This last is the pref- erable mode. [See INTRODUCTION, Section VIII. Subs. 3.] With respect to trees trained to walls, Jean Pierre Sa- vard, at Montreuil, according to Loudon, varies the posi- tion of the branches every year, by elevating to a greater angle the weak, depressing the strong, cutting out old, 18 206 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. naked, or useless shoots; thus presenting at all times a well-baianced tree. The inference is, that these weakly shoots, by being thus elevated, grow stronger; and the branches, by being annu- ally bent in alternate years, become more fruitful on the principles before explained. Girdling increases the size, and hastens the maturity of the fruit ; it should be per- formed as soon as the tree comes into leaf. Its effects, though surprising, are ultimately ruinous to the branch on which the operation is performed ; yet it may be sometimes advantageously performed on alternate branches of the same tree in alternate years. And there are, I believe, certain cases, where a single crop of very early fruit will very far exceed the value of the tree. M. Noisette, according to Mr. Neill, against one piece of low wall, places his peach trees, five feet asunder, and trains them all obliquely, and in one direction, at an angle of 45. The growth of wood being thus restrained, the fruitfulness is promoted, and the tree falls suddenly into bearing, and bears abundantly. NEC TA R I NE (Amygdalas Nectarina.) The nectarine has been assigned to Persia ; it only differs from the peach in possessing a very smooth and glossy skin, and a pulp of a finer consistence. The French consider the nectarine (Peche lisse) as one and the same fruit as the peach. It is esteemed, however, by some, more wholesome and delicious. According to some authorities, its name is derived from nectar, which was supposed to be the favorite liquor which inspired the heathen gods. CLASS I. FREESTONE NECTARINES. V^vWity 'i /.'" -.--.-.i - 1. AROMATIC. Lindley. - A middle-sized fruit, inclining to globular; deep red or blackish brown next the sun ; the flesh pale straw, but red NECTARINES. CLASS I. 207 at the stone ; juice of a rich, vinous flavor. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 2. *EARLY VIOLET. Pom. Mag. Bon Jat-d. 1828. VIOLETTE HATIVE, PETIT VIOLETTE HATIVE, of the French. VIOLET, LORD SELBY'S ELRUGE, of the English The tree is productive ; its size generally medium ; pale yellowish green, but dark purplish red next the sun; flesh whitish yellow, but red next the stone, melting, juicy, rich, sweet, vinous, and excellent. August. [Leaves R. Flowers S.J 3. *ELRUGE. One of the very best of nectarines ; large, roundish oval, deep violet or blood color next the sun ; flesh whitish, melting, very juicy, rich, and very high-flavored. August. [Leaves R.] 4. FAIRCHILD'S EARLY. Lindky. Forsyth. The fruit is very early, and very small ; globular; yellow in the shade, deep scarlet next the sun ; the flesh yellow, not juicy, but well-flavored. [Leaves R. Flowers L,] 5. JAUNE LISSE, OR ROUSSANNE. Bon Jard. SMOOTH YELLOW. A small fruit ; skin smooth, yellow, a little washed with red next the sun. Its flavor that of the apricot. It ripens very late at Paris, where it requires a warm exposition. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] 6. *LEWIS'S NECTARINE. A fine new variety, raised from the stone of a peach by Mr. Lewis, of Boston. A beautiful fruit, of middle size, heart-shaped ; bright yellow, but intense red mottled next the sun ; flesh of a fine orange color, firm, sweet ; flavor very pleasant and peculiar. 7. *PERKINS'S SEEDLING. A seedling raised by S. G. Perkins, Esq., from the Lewis's Nectarine. A very large, beautiful, fine fruit, globular, bright yellow, of a dark purple crimson next the sun. 8. *PITMASTON ORANGE NECTARINE. Land. Hort. Trans. A new and beautiful fruit, of good size, globular, or heart- shaped, pointed ; of a fine yellow color, but dark crimson or purple next the sun ; flesh golden yellow, but red next the stone ; melting, juicy, saccharine, high-flavored. 208 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARD1ST. 9. *SCARLET. For. Lindley. A middle-sized fruit, rather ovate, of a fine deep scarlet next the sun ; the flesh greenish white, but red at the stone ; saccharine and well-flavored. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 10. TEMPLE'S. For. Lindley. A fruit below medium size, rather oblong ; of a pale red color next the sun ; the flesh white ; it shrivels at matu- rity ; very juicy, rich, and of fine flavor. [Leaves R. Flow- ers S.] 11. *WHITE OR FLANDERS NECTARINE. Pom. Mag. Hooker. Lind. NEW WHITE, EMMERSON'S NEW WHITE. Lind. P. Mag. A middle-sized, roundish, very pale fruit, slightly tinged with red next the sun ; flesh tender and juicy, with a fine vinous flavor. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] CLASS II. CLINGSTONES, OR PA VIES. 1. VIOLETTE CERISE. N. Duh. Bon Jard. The flowers are small and delicate. A very small fruit, the size of a Green Gage plum; very beautiful, of a fine cherry red next the sun ; good, but not high-flavored. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 13. *GOLDEN. For. Lindley. Rather large, globular, ovate, orange in the shade, bright scarlet, marked with deep red, next the sun ; flesh firm, yellow, pale red at the stone, and of good flavor. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 14. GROSSE VIOLETTE. Bon Jard. p. 298. VIOLETTE DE CODRSON, BRUGNON GROSSE VIOLETTE, Ib. The fruit rather larger and its flavor less vinous than the Violette Hative, (Early Violet.} Its skin is more marbled, and washed with violet red. Its maturity is also later ; or the 15th September. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 15. ITALIAN. Lindley. Forsyth. BRUGNON. For. A large, globular, pale yellow fruit, marked with dark NECTARINES. CLASS II. 209 red next the sun ; of a firm yellow flesh, red at the stone, juicy, rich, and good. It may ripen here in August. [Leaves R. Flowers S.] 16. RED ROMAN. Lindley. For. A very large, globular fruit, dark red or purple next the sun, yellowish in the shade ; flesh yellowish, but red next the stone ; juicy, saccharine, and vinous. Early in Sep- tember. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] 17. SCARLET NEWINGTON. Lind. For. NEWINGTON, LATE NEWINGTON. The fruit is rather large, globular, fine yellow, but bright red marbled next the sun ; of a firm pale yellow flesh, but red at the stone ; juicy, rich, sweet, vinous, and excellent. Early in September. [Leaves S. Flowers L.] 18. TAWNY NEWINGTON. Lindley. Pretty large, somewhat ovate; tawny-colored, marbled with dull red or orange next the sun ; flesh pale yellow, but red at the stone ; very juicy, sugary, and of a most delicious flavor. Ripening early in August. [Leaves S. Flowers L.] 19. VERMASH. Hooker. Pom. Land. PI. xxix. Not the Vermash or Peterborough of Mr. Forsyth. The tree is very fertile ; a small, roundish fruit ; skin very smooth, intense red next the sun ; flesh white, but red at the stone, of a high, delicate flavor, melting, juicy, sweet, relieved by an agreeable acid. Esteemed by Mr. Padley one of the best known. It succeeds the Early Violet. [Flowers L.] 20. VIOLET MUSK. Bon Jard. BRUGNON VIOLET MCSQUJEE, BRUOSON MCS^UE, Ib. RED ROMAN of Forsyth. The fruit is as large as the Grosse Violette, but brighter and of a more lively red next the sun ; the skin very smooth, amber color in the shade ; the flesh yellow, but red at the stone ; saccharine, vinous, musky. September. [Leaves R. Flowers L.] CULTIVATION. The nectarine, owing to the smoothness of its skin, is, like the plum, extremely liable to the destructive attacks of 18* 210 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. the curculio. For the preventives, see CURCULIO, in the former part of this work. The soil, cultivation, uses, &c., are the same as the peach. They are usually inoculated on the nectarine, plum, or peach stock. ALMOND. (Amygdalus.) The almond, according to the best authorities, is a na- tive of Asia. It is extensively cultivated in the south of Europe and Barbary, as a fruit tree, for its kernel, both for domestic use and for exportation. The tree bears a stri- king resemblance to the peach ; the leaves, also, much re- semble those of the peach, but are more smooth, and of a bright, shining green ; their lower serratures are glandular. The sweet almonds are used for the dessert, for confection- ary, and for perfumery. The bitter almonds are used in medicine. They abound in prussic acid, and form the basis of the delicious cordial called -Creme de Noyeau, This liquor, however, is also made of the kernels of the peach. [See PEACH.] The common almond, and the hard- shelled sweet almond, are planted principally as stocks for the inoculation of the better varieties of almonds and the peach. The almond is enveloped in a pulp of ordinary flavor. The principal kinds recommended are the fol- lowing : 1. SWEET SOFT-SHELLED ALMOND. Lind. AMANDE SULTAN A COQUE TENDRE. The shell is large, about an inch and a half in length ; it is flattened on one side, and rounded on the other ; it is smooth and tender ; the kernel is sweet and good. This sort is said to be much cultivated in France for food. 2. AMANDE PRINCESSE, ou DES DAMES. Bon Jard. AMANDE DES DAMES. Jf. Duh; PI. LV, The fruit is two inches in length ; the shell is oval, and over an inch in length ; it is soft and porous ; the kernel is ALMONDS. /ill soft, sweet, and excellent. This is said to be much culti- vated in the south of France for exportation. This fruit is recommended as one of the best for cultivation. 3. AMANDE SULTAN. This variety much resembles the Amande Princesse, but is not so large. 4. AMANDE PISTACHE. Resembles the Amande Princesse, but is of small size. 5. BITTER ALMOND. AMANDE AMERE. Of this variety there are several ; the two principal which are enumerated, are the following : 6. BITTER SOFT-SHELLED ALMOND. AMANDE AMERE A COQUE TENDRE. 7. BITTER HARD-SHELLED ALMOND. AMANDE AMERE A COQCE DURE. 8. PEACH ALMOND. AMANDE PECHER. These are hybrids, produced between the almond and peach ; some are large, juicy, but of bitter flavor ; some are tolerable for eating, with sweet kernels. 9. GREAT DOUBLE FLOWERING ALMOND. AMANDIER A GRAND FLEUR. .V. Duh. PI. CCCLMXH. This new variety originated at the Luxembourg; the tree is of fine form ; its bark shining, its leaves large ; the flowers are superb, of a beautiful white, and two inches in diameter ; the fruit is small, oval, obtuse, downy ; its shell very hard, the kernel plump, sweet, and good. Nothing is more beautiful than this almond in spring ; it merits a dis- tinguished place among the trees of ornament. 10. DWARF DOUBLE FLOWERING ALMOND. AMASDIER DE GEORGIE. JV". Duh. PI. xcn. This is one of the most ornamental of all shrubs ; it blossoms very early in spring, and the whole young wood is covered with the red blossoms, which are extremely double, and resemble small roses ; their diameter is about an inch. This variety has some single blossoms, which produce a fruit which is oblong, pointed, and about an inch and a quarter in length ; its skin green and downy ; it contains an almond which is bitter. 212 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. CULTIVATION. The varieties of almond are propagated by inoculation, either on the native stocks of the common almond, or on stocks of the peach or plum. Their cultivation is the same as that prescribed for the peach ; they are equally as hardy. APRICOT. (Armenian.) The apricot is a low tree, of very irregular growth ; the leaves are broad, roundish, pointed, glandular, serrated ; their petioles tinged with red ; the flowers are sessile, of a white color, tinged with red ; they appear very early ; the fruit is round, its color varying from white to yellow, and red ; it somewhat resembles a peach, but its flesh is firmer ; its hard, smooth, compressed stone resembles that of a plum. It ripens in July in the latitude of Boston. According to Phillips, it may derive its name from prcBcox, or early fruit; or, by corruption, a prcecox; hence apricock, or apricot. Its native place has been assigned to Armenia. M. L. Legnier, however, asserts, says Phillips, that it is not known to grow in the natural state in any part of Armenia. The inhabitants of the deserts called oases, gather and dry large quantities of apricots, which they bring down to Egypt for sale ; it there grows spontaneous- ly ; hence Legnier assigns it to Arabia. Pallas states it to be a native of Caucasus, the mountains there being cov- ered with it to their tops. Grosier says it covers the bar- ren mountains west of Pekin. (Phillips.) Regnier.and Sickler, says Loudon, assign it a parallel between the (Niger and Atlas.) USES. As a dessert fruit, the apricot is esteemed next to the peach ; it is also esteemed a most superior fruit, when used in pastry, for marmalade, jellies, and preserves ; it is also stated to make a delicious liqueur. In France and Germany, according to Dr. Willich, the Orange Apricot is usually preserved in a dried state for winter, when they APRICOT. 213 form a delicious ingredient in pies, tarts, &,c. The Chi- nese, we are told, form lozenges from the clarified juice, which, dissolved in water, yield a cool, refreshing beverage. Oil is also extracted from the kernel ; and Loudon informs us, that the young shoots yield a fine golden-cinnamon color to wool. VARIETIES. 1. ALBERGE APRICOT. Bon Jard. A large tree, and very productive. The flesh is melting, vinous, and excellent for preserving. The kernel is large and bitter. Early in August. There are two varieties superior in size and flavor ; that ofMontgamet and of Tours. 2. ALGIERS. For. An oval fruit, flattened or compressed, of a straw color ; juicy and high-flavored. 3. ANGOUMOIS. Lind. Bon Jard. p. 305. PURPLE ABRICOT. Lind. ALEXANDRIAN. Ib. ABRICOT VIOLETTE. Lux. Cat. BLACK APRICOT. For. A small, globular, downy fruit, a little oblong; of a pale red color, becoming deep red or purple next the sun ; the flesh pale red, but orange next the stone, a little acid, but good, with a strong odor ; the kernel is sweet, and the fruit looks at a little distance like an Orleans plum. Early in July. 4. *BRUSSELS. For. Highly esteemed for its productiveness. A middle-sized fruit, of a red color next the sun, covered with numerous dark spots ; the flesh is yellow, and of a brisk flavor. It separates from the stone ; the kernel is bitter. 5. *CRUFT'S LATE APRICOT. A large and very superior fruit, which lately originated in the garden of Edward Cruft, Esq., in Boston. Very rich, juicy, sweet ; and, in the opinion of the best of judges, a variety of surpassing excellence. August 15. 6. EARLY MASCULINE. Bon Jard. ABRICOTIN, ABRICOT PRECOCE, ABKICOT HATIF MPS^UE, of the French. RED MASCULINE. Lind. A small, nearly globular fruit, vermilion color next the sun, yellowish in the shade; the flesh is yellowish, of me- 214 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. dium quality; flavor musky; kernel bitter. Its chief merit is its early maturity. Beginning of July. 7. GROS MUSCH. Bon Jard. p. 306. The tree is vigorous ; the fruit perfumed ; on one side deeply grooved ; it is contracted on the other ; a freestone ; the kernel is sweet. July. 8. HEMSKIRKE. Pom. Mag. Origin unknown; it bears freely, ripening early, of a high, luscious flavor, superior even to that of the Moorpark. Middle-sized, roundish, slightly compressed ; its color and form that of the Moorpark ; flesh bright deep orange ; ten- der, juicy, with a particularly rich, delicate flavor, resem- bling that of the Green Gage plum ; kernel sweet. July. 9. *LARGE EARLY APRICOT. ABRICOT GROS PRECOCE. ABRICOT DK ST. JEAN ROUGE. ABRICOT GROS D'ALEXANDRIE, in Provence. Pom. Mag. Fruit medium-sized, compressed, a little oblong; skin downy ; fine bright orange, with spots of red next the sun, pale orange in the shade ; flesh orange-colored, juicy, rich, and parting from the stone. Ripe at midsummer, or on St. John's day ; hence its name. 10. *MOORPARK. Hooker's Pom. Land. ANSON'S, TEMPLE'S, DUNMORE'S BREDA, Ib. The tree is extraordinarily productive; the fruit is very large, of a bright orange or gold color, with dark spots next the sun ; flesh orange color, melting, and excellent ; the stone is large ; there is a pervious longitudinal passage through it, through which a needle may be passed. It is in the edge of the stone, a little aside from the centre. 11. MUSCH MUSCH. Bon Jard. Brought, a few years since, from the city of Musch, on the frontiers of Turkey, on the side of Persia. It is round, deep yellow, remarkable for the transparency of its pulp, through which the stone is visible; the flesh is very fine and agreeable. Early in July. 12. ORANGE. Lindley. EARLY ORANGE, ROYAL ORANGE, ROYAL GEORGE. The fruit is larger than the Masculine, roundish ; color orange, spotted with red or dark purple next the sun ; the flesh deep orange, succulent, and well-flavored ; not per- fectly a freestone; kernel sweet. APRICOT. 215 13. *PEACH APRICOT. N. Duh. PI. civ. Bon Jard ABRICOT PECHE. II. DE NANCV. The best and the largest of all apricots. Form variable, generally flattened ; skin slightly downy ; of a fawn color next the sun, with reddish spots ; flesh fawn color, yellow, melting, excellent ; neither dry nor clammy, like most apri- cots; juice abundant, high-flavored, peculiar. Excellent. Early in August. All authors concur in this description. 14. PORTUGAL. Bon Jard. ABRICOT DE PORTUGAL, OR MALE. Bon Jard. A small, globular fruit; flesh melting and good. Aug. 15. PROVENCE. Bon Jard. A small fruit ; flesh yellow, sometimes a little dry, but of a sweet, vinous flavor ; stone rugged ; kernel sweet. July. 16. ROMAN. Pom. Mag. Lindley. Bon Jard. ABRICOT COMMON. Bon Jard. BLOTCHED LEAVED TURKEY. Lind. and Pom. Mag. A vigorous tree, a large fruit in well-cultivated ground, superior to the Angoumois, but insipid when too ripe ; ker- nel bitter. July. A productive variety. 17. ROYAL. Bon Jard. Pom. Mag. A new variety, obtained at the Luxembourg ; better than the Peach apricot. The fruit is next in size to the Moor- park ; rather oval, compressed ; dull yellow, slightly red ; the flesh pale orange, firm, juicy, sweet, and high-flavored, with a slight acid ; kernel slightly bitter. 18. *ROYAL PERSIAN. Hart. Soc. Cat. Bon Jard. BREDA. Hort. Soc. Cat. HOLLANDE, AMANDE AVELINE, Bon Jurd. This fruit is small ; flesh yellow, melting, vinous, having the taste of the Aveline or Filbert ; kernel sweet. July. 19. TURKEY. Pom. Mag. LARGE TURKEV. Hooker's Pom. Lond. " An excellent apricot, scarcely known," little inferior to the Moorpark. Fruit middle-sized, very handsome, deep yellow, with rich orange red blotches next the sun ; the form globular ; the flesh yellow, firm, juicy, sweet, with a little acid, very rich, and excellent ; a freestone ; kernel sweet as an almond. 20. *WHITE APRICOT. Bon Jurd. ABRICOT BLANC. Bon Jard. The flesh is whiter than the Angoumois, and better, 216 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. having a little of the flavor of the peach. It ripens a little after the Early Masculine. CULTIVATION. The apricot is generally inoculated either on the apri- cot, plum, or peach stock ; the soil, and the maladies to which they are sometimes subject, are similar to the peach, but from the smooth skin which they possess, they are more liable to the attacks of the Curculio. For the preventives, see CURCULIO, in the former part of this work. SOIL, &,c. The apricot requires a rich, black mould. They will not flourish in a sandy, gravelly, or cold, damp soil. The distances asunder to which they ought to be set, and their cultivation, are similar to that of the peach. PLUM. (Prunus.) The plum tree rises to a height of from fifteen to eigh- teen feet, with moderately spreading branches. The leaves are ovate, serrated ; the petioles short ; the flowers are white. The fruit is a drupe ; its color varying from white or yellow to red, to blue, or to black ; the pulp is sweet or subacid; the stone smooth, ovate, pointed, compressed. Mr. Knight and others consider the Sloe Plum (P. spinosa) as the parent, not only of the Bullace, (P. insititia,) but of all the varieties of the English plums, (P. domestica.) The plum tree is supposed to be originally from Asia, but is also found growing in a wild state in North America. It is more hardy than the peach, as it flourishes in Canada ; from the confines of the tropics to high northern latitudes. USES. The finest varieties are esteemed a delicious dessert fruit ; the more ordinary varieties are used for pies, tarts, preserves, &-c. The Perdrigons, the Q,uetsches, or PLUMS. 217 prunes, are dried, and in this state may be long preserved ; they are imported principally from Spain, Portugal, and Marseilles. Prunes are deemed extremely wholesome food, and possessed of considerable medicinal efficacy. In the preparation of prunes, the perfectly ripe and sound fruit is arranged singly, and without being allowed to touch each other, on plates of tin or iron ; these are placed in an oven after the bread is taken out, and they are occasionally moved or turned. When taken from the oven, if not suf- ficiently dry, they are exposed to the influence of the sun, and when cold, they are packed in boxes. Prunes may be made even of any kind of plum. Brignoles are prepared in Provence from the Perdrigons, which possess a very sweet taste. The skins being first separated by a momen- tary immersion in boiling water, and the stones being ex- tracted, they are afterwards dried and preserved in the same manner as prunes. Ripe plums are deemed wholesome, if eaten in moderate quantities; but unripe plums are extremely unwholesome, more so, it is said, than any other kind of unripe fruit, pro- ducing dysentery, &c. The plum is said also to be capable of producing a good wine ; good brandy is also procured from it by distillation. Plums and peaches, it is asserted, may be preserved a year, by placing them in earthen ves- sels as soon as gathered from the tree; equal parts of honey and spring water, intimately incorporated, to be poured over them, and the vessels closely covered. The wood of this tree is beautifully veined ; it is therefore highly prized by turners, cabinet-makers, and for making musical in- struments. VARIETIES. 1. APRICOT PLUM. PRUNE ABMCOTE, PRUNE ABRICOTEE DE TOURS The fruit is large, globular, depressed, divided by a deep suture; whitish yellow, but faint red next the sun, and covered with bloom ; the flesh is firm, juicy, sweet, musky, and excellent. It ripens in August. Branches very downy. 2. BANKER'S GAGE. Bud. This plum originated in New York. A fruit of fine 19 218 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. size, and of delicious flavor, and admirably calculated for drying. 3. *BINGHAM. Large, oblong, and beautiful ; bright yellow in the shade, with specks of red ; pale red next the sun ; flesh yellow, very sweet and delicious, and adhering to the stone. An excellent fruit. The tree is very productive. Branches downy. 4. BLEECKER'S GAGE. This new and fine fruit was raised by the Rev. Mr. Bleecker, of Albany, from the stone of a German prune. A large, globular fruit, of excellent quality, and very pro- ductive. 5. BLUE GAGE. Col. Carr. Very productive. The fruit is of medium size, round ; of a blue color ; of an extremely sweet, fine flavor. A native fruit, raised from the Reine Claude. It hangs long on the tree, and is deservedly worthy of cultivation. 6. *BLUE HOLLAND. A round plum, of a blue color, juicy, and high-flavored. It readily parts from the stone. It ripens in September, and hangs long on the tree after arriving at maturity. A fine fruit, and a great bearer. 7. *BLUE IMPERATRICE. IMPERATRICE VJOLETTE. IMPERATRICE. Hooker's Pom. Land. PI. iv. The branches are very long and smooth ; the fruit medium-sized, and rather long, pointed at the base, round- ed or broad oval at the summit ; the skin is fine violet, very profusely covered with bloom ; flesh yellowish next the sun, a little firm at maturity, exceedingly rich and sweet ; it adheres to the stone. One of the best of late plums, and one of the most productive. September and October 8. *BREVOORT'S PURPLE BOLMER. BREEVOORT'S PURPLE WASHINGTON. The tree is of very rapid growth, and exceedingly pro- ductive : the branches smooth ; the leaves are like those of the Washington; the fruit large, beautiful, of an oval form ; of a blue color, covered with azure bloom ; the flesh adheres to the stone, and is of a sweet and delicious flavor. A new and very superior variety, ripening early in September. PLUMS. 219 9. *BRUYN GAGE. R. M. A new and very delicious fruit, which in excellence very nearly resembles the Green Gage, both in the wood, the leaf, and the fruit ; more nearly, according to Mr. Man- ning, than any other fruit he has seen. A native, which originated in the garden of Colonel Bruyn, of Kings- ton, N. Y. 10. *CALEDONIAN. Pom. Mag. PRUNE PECHE of the French. Pom. Mag. NECTARINE. Ib. HOWELL'S LARGE. Ib. The branches are brownish violet next the sun, and glabrous; the fruit very large, rather oblong, like a Nec- tarine in size and form ; of a purple color, covered with a fine azure bloom ; flesh greenish yellow, and adhering to the stone. A superb and excellent fruit, and one of the very best plums yet known of its size. It ripens early in August. The tree is wonderfully productive. 11. *COE'S GOLDEN DROP. COE'S SEEDLING, BURY SEEDLING, Pom. Mag. COE'S IMPERIAL. Ib. The tree is of thrifty growth, and bears well ; the branches are smooth, dark ; the leaves having two glob- ular glaads at their base ; the fruit one of the largest, the best, and the most beautiful known ; it is oblong and rather bell-shaped ; two to two and a half inches long, but less in breadth ; of a greenish yellow color, and spotted next the sun with violet and crimson; flesh gold color, and adhering to the stone ; of delicious flavor ; superior, it is stated, to any late plum cultivated in Britain. It ripens early in September, and will hang a long time after on the tree. This most superior fruit was sent by Mr. Knight to the Hon. John Lowell in 1823. 12. COL. WETHERELL. Mag. of Horticulture. A new variety of fruit, one of the very latest of plums, .ind of most excellent quality, and deserving a place in every good collection. Raised by Mr. Corse, of Montreal, and thus described by him. 13. COOPER'S PLUM. Coxc. Pom. Mag. LA DELICIEUSE. Ib. COOPER'S RED. Raised by Mr. Joseph Cooper, of New Jersey, from a stone of the Orleans ; it is very large, rather oblong, dark purple next the sun ; the flesh yellowish green, very rich, juicy, and delicious. Mr. Coxe informs us " that it makes 220 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. an exquisite preserve if deprived of its skin before too ripe. The tree grows vigorously ; the young wood is smooth, and the fruit is liable to perish at maturity. September. 14. *CORSE'S NOTA BENE. Large ; round ; of a bluish or copper color ; flesh green, rich, and as highly-flavored as the Green Gage. One of the best of plums. The tree bears wonderful crops. This fruit has been well proved by Mr. Manning and others in this vicinity. It was lately originated by Henry Corse, Esq., of Montreal. 15. CRUGER'S SCARLET SEEDLING. Mr. Ives. A new and beautiful variety, which lately originated in New York. Size that of the Green Gage ; of a lilac color in the shade, scarlet next the sun ; flesh yellow, sweet, and good. The tree is a great bearer. 16. DAMAS DE PROVENCE. N. Duh. PI. LXV. The fruit is roundish, a little oblong ; its height eigh- teen to twenty-two lines ; skin reddish violet, covered with thick bloom ; the flesh yellowish, tolerably high fla- vored ; juice sweet. This plum is one of the earliest. It ripens a month earlier than the Royale de Tours. Its early maturity and beauty render it worthy a distinguished place, although its quality is but second rate. 17. *DANA'S YELLOW GAGE. R. M. Of medium size ; oblong ; of a bright yellow color ; flesh juicy, sweet, and fine ; the tree a great bearer. A new and excellent fruit, which originated in the garden of the late Rev. Dr. Dana, of Ipswich, Mass. Introduced to notice by Mr. Manning. 18. *DIAMOND PLUM. London's Mag. VOL. m. p. 215. The diamond plum is perhaps the largest plum known, and very beautiful. In form it resembles the Magnum Bonum, but its flavor is superior ; color dark purple. The tree grows vigorously, and in orchards would form a fine contrast to the White Magnum Bonums. It sprung from the seed, in the nursery of Mr. Hooker, in Kent. The branches are smooth, dark violet ; the leaves shining green , the tree one of the most productive known with us. 19. *DIAPRE ROUGE. IMPERIAL DIADEM. MIMMS. Very large, and eminently beautiful ; a little oblong ; PLUMS. 221 Us diameter two inches and a half; of a bright purple next the sun, and covered with thick bloom ; the flesh yellowish green, tender, juicy, arid very agreeably flavored, resem- bling in this respect the Orleans. It separates from the stone, which is rugged. The branches are smooth. A late plum of the largest size. 20. DICTATOR. Mag. of Horticulture. Corse. A new variety, raised by Henry Corse, Esq., of Mon- treaJ. It first bore fruit in 1837. One of the largest and finest of all plums, exceeding the Bolmer's Washington in size, and equalling in flavor the Green Gage. The tree is of vigorous growth ; the fruit of a brownish purple color, covered with a beautiful bloom ; flesh juicy, rich, and high-flavored ; the stone very small. Thus it has been described by Mr. Corse. 21. *DOMINE DULL. R. M. GERMAN PRUNE. A new variety ; large, oval, of a dark blue color, inclining to black; the flesh yellow, dry, adhering to the stone ; of a sweet and rich flavor. It keeps long, and is eminently calcu- lated for drying. The branches are long, smooth, of a dark color. Raised in New York by a German divine named Dull, from a stone brought from Germany. September. 22. DOWNTON IMPERATRICE. Hort. Trans. Raised by Mr. Knight from the seed of the White Mag- num Bonum and pollen of the Blue Imperatrice. In shape like the Blue Imperatrice, but larger. Skin dark yellow, very thin; flesh yellow, soft, juicy, with a high-flavored acidity all characteristics of much excellence. The tree grows very strong ; branches long and smooth. It ripens late in September, and will keep a long time. 23. DRAP D'OR. MIRABELI.E DOUBLE. Duh. CLOTH OF GOLD. Small, roundish, over an inch deep, but of greater breadth ; bright yellow, marbled with red next the sun ; flesh yellow, tender; juice sugary and excellent. It sep- arates from the stone. Branches downy at the ends, smooth below. Ripe late in July. 24. *DUANE'S PURPLE. The tree grows very strong and upright ; branches downy; the leaves pale green, of unusual size; the fruit is very large, round, of a fine purple color next the 19* 222 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. sun, and covered with bloom; juicy, rich, and good. A fruit 6f the largest size, and of superior quality ; imported by Mr. Duane, of New York; the original name lost. 25. EARLY MONSIEUR. MONSIEUR HATIF. Duh. Branches very downy ; leaves oblong, glaucous beneath. A globular fruit, of medium size, of a violet or deep pur- ple color next the sun, and covered with a dense bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, melting, juicy, and good. It ripens a fortnight earlier than the Monsieur. July. 26. EARLY YELLOW. WHITE PRIMORDIAN of the English. JAUNE HATIVE, PRUNE DE CATAI-OGNE, Duh. The branches are slender, downy ; the fruit small, ob- long, whitish yellow; the flesh is rather dry, sweet, and musky. One of the very earliest plums, ripening in July. It is chiefly valued on this account. 27. *ELFREY. R. M. Under medium size; oblong; of a dark blue color; flesh firm, dry, but very rich and excellent. The growth is rather slender, the leaves bright shining green. The tree bears most abundantly. A native fruit, and very highly esteemed for its good qualities and great produc- tiveness, at Philadelphia, and in Jersey. 28. *GERMAN PRUNE. A large and very oblong fruit, bell-shaped,. of a blue color; flesh yellow, very juicy, sweet, and delicious. It ripens the last of August, and continues on the tree till winter ; and shrivels till it becomes quite dry. A fine fruit. 29. GOLIAH. Hort. Trans. ST. CLOUD of some collections. This fruit is remarkably large, some weighing four ounces ; compressed ; the skin is a deep reddish purple, covered with blue bloom; the flesh pale, firm, and adhe- ring to the stone ; well-flavored, but not rich. It is very useful for cooking. Ripe early in September. The branches are downy. A fine, handsome fruit; the tree uncommonly productive. 30. *GREEN GAGE. GREAT QUEEN CLAODIA of the English. GROSSE REINE CLAUDE, DAUPHINE, ABRICOTE VERT. A middle-sized, round fruit, of a yellowish green color, PLUMS. 223 of a purplish russety red next the sun; meeting, juicy, and of delicious flavor. Last of August. Lindley in- forms us that the name of Gage was derived from the circumstance of the Reine Claude being sent from France to the Gage family, with the name obliterated ; and through ignorance of the real name, it was called Green Gage. Branches smooth. An old and famous fruit. 31. GROS DAMAS ROUGE TARDIF. N. Duh. PI. CCCXCIV. LARGE LATE RED DAMASK. The fruit is very handsome, oval ; its height twenty lines ; skin thick, hard, bright red, covered with azure bloom ; the flesh yellow and melting ; juice sweet and good. This fine fruit will ripen here the last of August. 32. *ICKWORTH IMPERATRICE. Thompson. A new and very superior fruit, which was originated by Mr. Knight. Very large, or much larger and richer than the old Imperatrice. Of first-rate excellence, as abun- dantly proved at the garden of the London Horticultural Society, where the tree first bore in 1837. 33. *ITALIAN DAMASK. DAMAS D'!TALIE. Duhamel. This fruit is rather large ; globular, a little flatted at the base ; blue or violet next the sun, and covered with pale blue bloom ; the flesh is yellow, sweet, and high-fla- vored, and separates from the stone ; branches smooth. August. This variety is beautiful, and extremely pro- ductive. 34. *JENKIN''S IMPERIAL. The growth of the tree is very strong, the branches smooth, leaves very large ; the fruit is very large, ob- long ; of a blue or purple color, and covered with bloom ; of superior excellence. This variety has been by some confounded with the Caledonian, or Nectarine plum, but is very distinct, and is esteemed by good judges as one of the best of plums. 35. *KIRKE'S PLUM. Lindley. Forrest. Branches smooth ; the fruit is rather large, roundish oval, broadest at the base ; skin dark purple, covered with a copious azure bloom, which is difficult to remove ; flesh greenish yellow, firm, juicy, rich, and separates from the 224 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. stone. A very handsome variety, and most excellent bearer. A fruit of the very first rate. August. 36. 'KNIGHTS' LARGE GREEN DRYING. Thompson. A new and very extraordinary fruit, originated by the late Mr. Knight, former president of the London Hort. Soc. A tree in the garden of that society first bore spe- cimen fruit in 1838. Very large, round, green or yellow- ish green ; as large as Bolmer's Washington, and much higher flavored distinguished praise. Eminently val- uable either for preserving, or as a delicious dessert fruit. 87. LARGE SWEET DAMSON. HORSE PLUM. Large, roundish oval, of a dark blue color, covered with bloom; the flesh firm, yellowish green, juicy, sweet, and good ; it adheres to the stone. The tree is productive. 38. LOMBARD. R. M. The fruit is large, round, and very beautiful ; of a pur- ple color, with red dots on its surface; flesh good and agreeable. Very valuable for its great beauty and pro- ductiveness. The growth is strong, the branches smooth and ramous. A new fruit, which was originated by Judge Platt, of Whitesborough, New York, from a stone received from Amsterdam. The tree was subsequently dissemina- ted by a Mr. Lombard ; hence its name. 39. *LUCOMBE'S NONSUCH. Pom. Mag. t. 99. Lindley. This plum is large, and compressed at spmmit and base ; its breadth two inches ; its color at maturity, as well as form, resembles the Green Gage, but more streaked with yellow or orange ; flesh firm, and adhering to the stone ; juice abundant ; of excellent flavor, and nearly equal to the Green Gage, and superior to the Orleans ; branches smooth. A remarkably handsome and valuable new va- riety. A sure and never-failing bearer, ripening in August. 40. MONSIEUR. N. Duh. PI. CCXLII. PRUNE DE MONSIEUR. Ib. A handsome fruit, depressed ; its diameter from fifteen to twenty lines; violet red, covered with azure bloom; the flesh green or yellowish, melting; juice sweet, some- times very agreeable. It parts from the stone, and ripens twelve or fifteen days after the Monsieur Hdtif. Branches very downy; leaves glaucous. August. 41. MOROCCO. BLACK MOROCCO, EARLY MOROCCO, BLACK DAMASCUS, EARLY BLACK DAMASK, according to the Pom. Mag. A blackish purple fruit, of medium size, covered with pale blue bloom ; globular, a little depressed ; the flesh greenish yellow; juice rich and high-flavored. A produc- tive fruit. Branches downy ; the leaves having globose glands. July. 42. *ORLEANS. DAMAS ROUGE of the French. RED DAMASK. A middle-sized fruit, globular; of a red color, but blue or purple next the sun, and covered with bloom ; the flesh is pale yellow, juicy, rich, and astringent, and readily parts from the stone. A great and constant bearer, and very valuable fruit. The branches downy. It ripens in August. 43. *POND'S PURPLE. A large, round, purple plum, of a sweet and fine flavor. It ripens early in August, and was so named, by the com- mittee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, for Mr. Samuel Pond, of Cambridge, who has introduced this new kind to notice. A new and handsome fruit, which origi- nated in the garden of the late Henry Hill, Esq., in Summer Street, Boston. 44. PRECOCE DE TOURS. Hooker's Pom. LoncL EARLY DE TOURS. Ib. The tree is vigorous and fertile ; the fruit the best early variety in Britain; small, oval, dark purple, covered with fine bloom ; flesh greenish yellow, tender, juicy, of very agreeable flavor; branches downy. It ripens in July. 45. PRUNE D'AGEN. Bon Jard. Very oblong, of a blue black color. Of this fruit they make the celebrated prunes of Agen. 46. *PRINCE'S IMPERIAL GAGE. WHITE GAGE. An eminently valuable fruit ; the tree is very vigorous and upright in its growth, and extraordinary productive. The fruit is larger than the Green Gage, and of excellent quality. A single tree of this variety, at Charlestown, owned by Mr. Samuel R. Johnson, has, for several suc- cessive years, yielded crops, which were sold at from forty 226 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARD1ST. to fifty dollars per annum. This valuable variety was raised by William Prince, Esq., of the Linnaean Botanic Garden, Flushing, from a seed of the Green Gage. Branches downy. One of the most productive fruits known. Sept. 47. RED GAGE. Col. Carr. The tree grows vigorously ; branches dark, smooth ; the fruit of a greenish yellow in the shade, deep red next the sun. A delicious fruit, raised from the Reine Claude. 48. RED MAGNUM BONUM. IMPERIAL VIOLETTE of the French. IMPERIAL. A large, oval plum, two inches to two and a half in length ; deep red next the sun, and covered with blue bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, harsh, acid ; it parts from the stone, which is sharp-pointed. Good for cooking, and fit for little else. August. Branches smooth. 49. RED PERDRIGON. Lindley. PERDRIGON ROUGE. Hort. Soc. Cat. An excellent plum, of the first class ; middle-sized, round- ish oval, of a fine red color, with gold dots and a fine bloom ; flesh bright yellow, transparent ; juice sweet and delicious. Peeled and dried it makes excellent prunes ; not inferior to the White Perdrigon. August. Branches downy. 50. *RED QUEEN MOTHER. A large plum, of a bright red color, covered with pale bloom; the flesh is yellow, sweet, and excellent. It ripens in September. This is a very handsome and productive variety, and highly deserving of cultivation. The origin of this fruit is unknown. It resembles the Isabella. 51. *REINE CLAUDE VIOLETTE. London's Mag. PURPLE GAGE. VIOLETTE QUEEN CLAUDIA. A new seedling variety of the Green Gage, of a purple color, equally good, and a better bearer. It hangs longer on the tree, and is the best red plum we have. The Pomo- logical Magazine confirms this account, and adds, that it is not, like the Green Gage, disposed to crack. Fruit round- ish oval, somewhat flattened at the ends; stalk long, thick ; skin violet, covered with pale blue bloom, beneath which are pale yellow dots; flesh amber-colored, rich, sugary, exceedingly high-flavored ; stone oval, compressed ; the branches dark, smooth ; the leaves shining. One of the few purple plums which will rival the Green Gage in point PLUMS. 227 of flavor, and ripening at the same time. In 1837, as Mr. Thompson stated, no plum exceeded this. It hangs long on the tree, improving as it shrivels. 52. RIVERS'S EARLY. Rivers, Jan. A new seedling plum, raised by Mr. Rivers from the Early de Tours ; of medium size ; very fine, and earlier than that variety; the tree hardy and very productive. 53. *ROYAL HATIVE. A new and extraordinary variety, from France. A fruit fully equal to the Green Gage had already been found in the Reine Claude Violette, a purple plum, and ripening at the same time. But in the Royal Hative, a most desirable variety has been discovered, equalling in excellence those before-named varieties, but ripening from two to three weeks earlier, or at a different period of time. In Noi- sette's Manual it is described as a large violet fruit, in fla- vor resembling the Reine Claude Violette. Such is the account of this new fruit, as stated by Mr. Thompson. He adds, that this is distinct from every other variety, ex- cept, perhaps, the Mivian, so called, and probably a syno- nyme of this ; scions of which had been received of M. Stoffels, of Mechlin. The fruit is thus described by him Shoots very downy ; leaves slightly pubescent above ; (two characteristic traits which will always prevent its being confounded with the Reine Claude Violette, whose shoots and leaves are smooth;) fruit larger than the Reine Claude Violette, which it greatly resembles both in flavor and appearance ; in form roundish, but rather broader next the stalk, which is about a half an inch in length, thick, and not inserted in a hollow ; skin purple, dotted, and traced with a golden brown ; flesh yellow, slightly adhering to the stone, but parting from it at maturity ; flavor exceedingly rich ; stone small, ovate, and com- pressed. It ripens early in July. 54. ROYALE. N. Duh. PI. CCXLII. LA ROVAI.E of Hooker s Pom. Land. A large, very handsome fruit, diameter eighteen lines ; the skin thick, of a homely, dull brown red, concealed, how- ever, by a thick violet or azure bloom ; the flesh fine, yel- lowish green, firm, and cracking ; juice abundant, high- flavored, and delicious. An excellent plum. September. 55. *ROYALE DE TOURS. N. Duh. PI. xiu. The fruit is globular, flattened ; its length eighteen lines ; 228 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. a red violet next the sun, and covered with azure bloom; the flesh is yellow, fine, good ; juice abundant and sweet ; high-fla\ ored, and of superior quality to the Monsieur plum; and it ripens eight or ten days earlier. Branches downy, and nearly white. July and August. 56. *ST. CATHERINE. Hooker's Pom. Land. PI. XXIV. A medium-sized, oblong fruit; narrowest towards the stalk, broad and flattened at the summit ; of a bright gold color next the sun, spotted with red, and covered with bloom ; the flesh yellow, tender, sweet, and of fine flavor ; stone oval, flat ; it separates from the flesh. It ripens a little before the Imperatrice. Branches smooth. The tree bears well. 57. ST. MARTIN'S QUETSCHE. " A most excellent late purple plum," and, according to Mr. Thompson, eminently deserving. A new fruit, which was received into the garden of the London Hort. Society from the late Mr. Fischer, of Gottingen. 58. *ST. MARTIN ROUGE. ST. MARTIN. Bon Jaird. ... *._'**: Con's FINE LATE RED of various catalogues. An excellent fruit, as large as the Reine Claude Vio- lette, of the same color ; of an oval form ; the latest of all plums. This fruit is highly esteemed both here and in England, where known. One of the best of all late plums. It b> there known under the erroneous name of Cot's Fine Late Red. The branches are downy. October. 59. *SEMIANA. PRUNE SUISSE. JV. Lhth. PRUNE D'ALTESSE, MONSIEUR TARDIF. The fruit is very handsome, round, flattened ; its diame- ter eighteen to twenty lines ; color varying from bright violet to deep blackish blue, and covered with azure bloom ; the flesh greenish yellow, cracking and melting; juice very abundant and delicious. Not uncommon near Boston. An excellent fruit, ripening in September. Branches smooth ; the tree very productive. 60. 'SHARP'S EMPEROR. DENVER'S VICTORIA, QUEEN VICTORIA. Very large and beautiful ; as large as the Red Magnum Bonum ; of a roundish oval form and red color ; covered with a fine bloom; of a fine flavor. An excellent fruit, and eminently deserving. The tree grows very strong ; branches PLUMS. 229 downy ; leaves very large, broad, well rounded, smooth ; the stone tender ; the tree remarkably productive. 61. *SMITH'S ORLEANS. The tree is very vigorous and productive; the fruit is large, of an oval form and purple color ; its flavor excel- lent. A highly-esteemed variety. 62. SURPASSE MONSIEUR. Bon Jard. p. 308. " This superb fruit was raised by M. Noisette. It is more beautiful and more perfumed than the Monsieur." 63. VIRG1NALE. N. Duh. PI. xxxv. The tree is strong, vigorous, and productive; the fruit is round, slightly depressed ; its color yellowish, stained with violet or rose next the sun, and covered with dense bloom ; the flesh is melting; juice abundant, and very agree- able ; it adheres to the stone. One of the best of plums. 64. *WASHINGTON. BOLMEK'S WASHINGTON, FUANKLIN. A very large, globular plum, inclining to oval ; greenish yellow next the sun, approaching to pale orange, and cov- ered with a bloom, and occasionally crimson specks ; this plum has sometimes weighed over four ounces ; its flesh is yellow and firm, sweet and delicious; it parts readily from the stone, and ripens in September. Branches downy. August. This plum is equal in flavor to the Green Gage, and a very valuable variety, of American origin. 65. WHITE MAGNUM BONUM. Hort. Cat. IMPERIALS BLANCHE. Dull. EGG PLUM. WHITE, MOGUL, WHITE HOLLAND, of the English. GROS LUISA.NTE. Hort. Cut. WZKTWOKTH. The tree grows remarkably strong; the branches smooth ; the leaves unusually large. An oval fruit, of extraordinary size: of a yellow color, covered with pale bloom ; the flesh yellow, firm, acid, and austere ; it adheres to the stone, which is oval, and very pointed. This plum is excellent for cooking or preserves. Early in September. 66. WHITE PERDRIGON. Branches downy ; a middle-sized, oblong fruit, tapering from the stalk ; of a pale yellow, with red spots next the sun, and covered with white bloom ; flesh yellow, rich, saccharine, separating from the stone. Last of August. 67. *W1LMOT'S NEW EARLY ORLEANS. Mr. Hooker, in Hort. Trans. Vol. in. p. 392. Raised by Mr. John Wilmot. Earlier than the New 20 230 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. Orleans ; as early as the Morocco, and Precoce de Tours, as large as the Old Orleans, and more juicy ; a certain bear- er; a fruit above the middle size, round, its suture deep; dark purple next the sun, and covered with bloom ; the flesh greenish yellow, of excellent flavor, sweet combined with a pleasant acid ; it separates from the stone. Mr. Hooker considers this plum as decidedly superior to any of its season at present cultivated. Its beautiful appearance will obtain it a preference in the market. Branches downy. 68. SLOE. London. PRUNUS SPINOSA. A thorny tree, a wild plum of Britain. The fruit is small, very black, and astringent. The ripe fruit is excel- lent to preserve; unripe, the inspissated juice forms the German acacia, and affords an ink almost indelible for marking on linen. The juice is used mixed with various wines, to communicate the dark red color and rough taste of Port wine. The leaves are employed to adulterate the tea of China. 69. DWARF TEXAS PLUM. Mr. Russell. A low, dwarfish tree or shrub, rising 2 or 3 feet or more; the blossoms white, profuse, of a beautiful appearance, and in early spring resembling snow ; the fruit of different colors, according to the variety, some being yellow, some red, and some purple; the flesh of delicious flavor; the produce most abundant. This new tree, or shrub, was lately introduced to our country from a small district in the colder part of Texas, and the upper Colorado, by my friend John B. Russell, Esq., of Cincinnati, Ohio. He is persuaded it must prove hardy. CULTIVATION, &c. The plum tree flourishes best in a rich, sandy loam, neither too dry nor too moist. A cold, wet, clayey soil, or a dry, sandy situation, is not deemed so favorable. The varieties of plum are inoculated on the plum stock. Those raised from the seed are preferred, and some varie- ties will flourish on the peach stock ; but this is not deemed so suitable for a very high northern latitude. CHERRIES. 231 The mode of pruning, and the distances to wmcn the trees should be set asunder, vary but little from that of the peach. The plum, from its possessing a very smooth skin, is extremely liable to the attacks of the curculio. For the modes of prevention, see CURCULIO, in the former part of this work. Particular varieties of the plum tree are also liable to be attacked by a worm, which causes large black bunches to be formed on the limbs. Some varieties, how- ever, are exempted from this disease. The remedy is easy, and consists in separating every bunch, every badly-affect- ed branch, or even tree, and committing them to the fire. No affected tree should be suffered to exist near the orchard, la this way, and in this alone, the worm and the disease may be exterminated with certainty and but little trouble. CHERRY. (Prunus Cerasus.) The cherry is a tree of medium size ; the branches are shining, of an ash color; the leaves are ovate, serrated; the flowers are white, and produced in umbels; the fruit is a roundish drupe, of a yellow, red, or black color, and shining; of a sweet or acid flavor; it encloses a smooth stone. The native country of the cherry has been assigned to Asia. It was brought to Rome before the Christian era, by Lucullus, from a town in Pontus, called Cerasus; hence its name. USES. The cherry is a highly-esteemed summer dessert fruit. It is also extensively used in cookery, in pies, tarts, &.c. The dried fruit forms an article of luxury and food. In the forests of the mountains of the east of France, says Bosc, where the Merisiers formerly abounded, great quantities were dried, and constituted an important article of food, during the winter, of the Charboniers, a half savage, but kind and hospitable race. Their soups were prepared by boiling the dried fruit in water, with bread, a small portion of butter being added. From the juice a 232 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. fine wine is prepared. The Kirschenvasser or Kirswasse, of the Germans is identically the celebrated Marasquin of Venice, which was fabricated so extensively on the moun- tains of ancient Macedon. It is prepared by distillation from the fermented juice of the Merisiers or Mazzards, a portion of the bruised stones being added. But when other varieties are used, the more acid varieties, five or six per cent., by weight, of sugar, is added to the juice. The Mazzard cherries, the Morillos, and the fruit of the Virginia cherry, are steeped in brandy or rum, to improve its quality and flavor. The gum which exudes from the cherry tree is stated to be, in every respect, equal to gum arable, and is so extraordinarily nutritive, that, according to Hasselquist, more than a hundred men were kept alive during a siege of nearly two months, with no other suste- nance than a little of this gum gradually dissolved in the mouth. The wood of the cherry tree is hard and tough, and is much used by the turner and cabinet-maker, es- pecially the Virginia cherry, which is capable of receiving a fine polish, and has reddish streaks resembling mahoga- ny. The bark of this last species, according to Dr. Mease, is powerfully tonic, and has frequently been substituted with success for the Peruvian Bark. The bark of the roots is more powerful. VARIETIES. The following list of cherries has been divided into two classes. The distinction thus formed will be apparent on inspection of the tree and the fruit. CLASS I. This class includes, 1. The Bigarreaus, which are distinguished by possessing a firm and hard flesh. 2. The Heart Cherries. 3. The Mazzards. This class includes the Bigarreautiers, the Guiguiers, and the Merisiers of the French. The trees of this class generally grow tall and handsome, or in a pyramidal form; the young wood is strong ; the leaves large, oblong, pointed, of a bright green ; the blossoms large ; and the fruit sweet. The dry wood, according to Bosc, weighs fifty-five pounds to the cubic foot. CLASS II. To this class belong the Dukes, the Morillos, and similar kinds the Cerissiers or Griottiers of the CHERRIES. CLASS I. 233 French. The trees of this class are generally of lower growth than those of the first class ; of more compact form ; the branches more slender and numerous ; the leaves are of less size, of firmer consistence, of a dark green color ; the flowers of less size, but more open ; the fruit is round, tender, of a subacid or acid flavor. The dry wood of this class, according to Bosc, weighs 47^- pounds to the cubic foot. In addition to these, a few orna'- mental varieties of four distinct species will be described. CLASS I. BIGARREAUS, HEART CHERRIES, &c. 1. *KNIGHT'S EARLY BLACK. Hort. Trans. Raised by Mr. Knight, from the Bigarreau and May Duke combined. The blossoms of this new variety are produced in abundance, before those of any other sort ; and while the May Duke, in the same aspect, is yet a very unripe fruit, the Early Black Cherry has assumed its rich, dark hue, and its flesh is then firm and juicy. It resembles in its external appearance the Waterloo, but the stalk is shorter. It is abundantly sweet, and, though not very rich, of a pleasant flavor, and remarkably early. A fruit of large size, obtusely heart-formed, and ripe in June. 2. *DAVENPORT'S EARLY BLACK. Very early and excellent. The tree is of compact and fine form; the leaves large, light glossy green; it bears early and abundantly. The fruit is large, at maturity dark shining purple or black ; the flesh firm, sweet ; of a pleasant subacid and fine flavor. One of the finest and most productive early cherries known. A veVy popular fruit, and highly valuable for the market. It ripens the middle of June, and from eight to twelve days earlier than the European May Duke. This fine new variety origina- ted on the farm of Mr. Davenport, in Dorchester. 20* 234 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 3. BOWYER'S EARLY HEART. A fruit of medium size ; obtusely heart-formed j flesh tender; flavor fine. An excellent cherry, ripening early in June. Valuable alike for its very early maturity and productiveness. 4. RIVERS'S EARLY AMBER HEART. J. Rivers, Jun. A new fruit, which was originated by Mr. Rivers. Large, heart-shaped, of an amber color ; a very early variety ; the tree very productive. 5. * AMBER CHERRY. Below medium size, perfectly round ; color of amber, but red towards the sun ; of a very delicate appearance ; the flesh is melting, the taste lively and very sweet. It ripens with the May Duke. 6. MANNING'S EARLY WHITE HEART. A new and valuable variety, which was raised by Mr. Manning from the White Turkey Bigarreau ; medium sized; heart-formed; pale red, or amber colored next the sun, white in the shade ; sweet, fine, and remarkably early, or ripening in June. 7. BIGARREAU DE MAI. A new and very early fruit, of a red color, and medium size ; of a fine, sweet flavor ; its name dubious. Import- ed by Col. Wilder, from Messrs. Baumann, of Bohviller, as the very earliest variety known to them. It ripened per- fectly its fruit, near Boston, in 1841, even before cherries had appeared in the markets of Philadelphia and New York. 8. BIGARREAU DE ROCMONT. N. Duh. PI. CCCLXX. BELLE DE ROCMONT, CCEUR DE PIGEON, Bon Jard. The tree is vigorous and productive; the fruit large, heart-shaped, red, marbled, and shining; a beautiful fruit, an inch in height; flesh white, very little breaking; juice not abundant, rather sprightly, good. Middle of June. 9. *NEW LARGE BLACK BIGARREAU. The tree grows vigorous and handsome ; the leaves large; the fruit is very large, beautiful, and even sur- passing that of the Black Tartarean; obtuse heart-shaped; at maturity black and shining; the flesh black violet; juice of a deep red dye ; of a sweet, rich, and high-flavored taste. This Bigarreau is one of the most beautiful and the best of its species known. Ripening late, or in Aug. A CHERRIES. CLASS I. 235 new and superior variety, from France. Cultivated by Messrs. Edward Sparhawk, of Brighton, and Aaron D. Williams, near Boston. 10. BLACK BIGARREAU OF SAVOY. A variety lately imported from Savoy, and the vicinity of the Alps, by George Brown, Esq., of Beverly, and much resembling the Bigarreau Gros Noir, or Trades- cant's Black Heart. Fruit very large, black, flesh firm or hard, and good ; ripening in August, or very late. 11. *MANNING'S BLACK BIGARREAU. New, valuable, and originated by Mr. Manning. Large, round, and black ; the flesh sweet and of excellent flavor; ripening in August, and highly deserving a place in every good collection. The tree grows handsome, is very pro- ductive ; the foliage very large, shielding the fruit. 110. MADISON BIGARREAU. New, valuable, and very productive ; originated by Mr. Manning. Large, amber colored next the sun, pale in the shade ; flesh firm, flavor excellent ; ripening in July. 12. *NAPOLEON BIGARREAU. BIGARREAU NAPOLEON, LOVRMAN, Hort. Soc. Cat. LAUERMANN. Dr. fVillick. BIGARREAU GROS MONSTREUX. TTiom. GROS BIGARREAU DE LAUERMANN. The tree is extraordinary for the vigor and beauty of its growth; the leaves are very large, and plain or smooth on their upper surface ; the fruit very large, heart-shaped ; pale yellow in the shade, with bright red spots next the sun ; flesh remarkably white, solid, of a sweet, and agree- able, and excellent flavor. The largest and most beautiful of the heart-shaped cherries. It ripens early in July. 13. WHITE BIGARREAU. GRAFFION. Lind. BIGARREAU. Hooker. TURKEY BIGARREAU. Very large, obtuse, heart-shaped ; fine red next the sun, yellowish amber color in the shade ; flesh firm, white, sweet, and well-flavored. A beautiful and excellent fruit, not very productive. The tree, says Mr. Hooker, " evidently ex hibits the characteristics of age and debility." 14. *BLACK EAGLE. Of a size varying from medium to large, obtuse heart formed ; of a dark purple color, or nearly black ; flesh very tender, rich, and of excellent flavor, and ripens early. 236 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. The tree grows strong and very upright, and is very pro- ductive ; the leaves very large. This new variety was sent by Mr. Knight, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell, and was raised by Miss Elizabeth Knight, of Downton Castle, in 1806, from a seed of the Bigarreau, fertilized by the May Duke. 15. *BLACK HEART. GUIGNIER A FRUIT NOIR. Duh. Rather large, heart-shaped ; dark purple, approaching to black at maturity ; the flesh is dark red, tender, of ex- cellent flavor. Ripe early in July, and a good bearer. The true Black Heart is one of the best of cherries. 16. *BLACK TARTAREAN. BLACK RUSSIAN, BLACK CIRCASSIAN, SUPERB CIRCASSIAN. FRAZER'S BLACK TARTAREAN, RONALD'S BLACK HEART. Pom. Mag. Very large and beautiful, and of most superior quality ; heart-shaped ; of a dark purple or black color ; the flesh firm, dark red or purple, and of most excellent flavor. The tree is elegant ; of upright and extraordinary rapid growth ; its productiveness very great. It ripens the first of July. Supposed to have originated in Spain ; thence carried to Circassia, or Russia ; from Russia it was brought to Eng- land, in 1796, by Mr. John Frazer. Pom. Mag. But according to Mr. Hooker, it was brought from Circassia, in 1794, by Mr. Ronalds. 17. *DOWNER CHERRY. A new and valuable variety, reared by Samuel Downer, Esq., of Dorchester. The tree is very vigorous, and up- right in its growth ; the leaves very large, dark green ; a constant and great bearer. A large, light red cherry, of roundish form ; the flesh firm, flavor good and sprightly. Very late, and one of the most productive. It ripens after most other superior varieties are gone, and is on this account the more valuable, and highly prized in the markets. 18. DOWNTON CHERRY. Hort. Trans. Thomp- son. A new variety, raised by Mr. Knight, from the Elton or Waterloo. It is large; nearly round, inclining to heart- shape ; of a pale yellow color, sprinkled with minute red spots and larger patches of dull red or maroon; the flesh pale amber color, tender and juicy, very sweet and high- flavored. An excellent fruit. The tree bears well. CHERRIES. CLASS I. 237 19. ELTON. Mr. Knight. Hooker's Pom. Lond. PI. VII. Raised by Mr. Knight from the seed of the Bigarreau and pollen of the White Heart. The tree is very vigorous and very productive. The fruit is pretty large, heart- shaped ; pale glossy yellow in the shade, but marbled with bright red next the sun ; the stalk slender, two inches long ; the flesh firm, sweet, and rich. Very early. Sent, in 1823, by Mr. Knight, to the Hon. John Lowell. 20. FLORENCE. Hort. Trans. Vol. H. p. 229. Large, heart-shaped, depressed ; of a yellow amber color, marbled with bright red in the shade ; bright red next the sun; tolerably firm, juicy, rich, and sweet. A beautiful cherry, introduced by Mr. Houblon, from Florence. 21. *GRIDLEY. This excellent variety, which is sometimes called the Apple Cherry, originated on the farm of Deacon Samuel Gridley, of Roxbury. The tree bears constantly and very abundantly. The fruit is of handsome size, round, black ; the stalk short ; the flesh very firm, like all others of the Bigarreau class; juicy, of a fine, vinous flavor. During long-continued storms, it is sometimes liable to crack at maturity. A popular fruit for the market. It carries well, and is ripe soon after the early cherries are gone, or early in July. 22. HEREFORDSHIRE BLACK. R. M. LATE BLACK HEART. A large, black, and heart-shaped cherry; a most excel- lent fruit; a great bearer, and more valuable for ripening late, when most varieties are gone. 23. RED RUSSIAN CHERRY. A new and superior variety, which was imported from Russia, about thirty years ago, into Brooklyn, N. Y. ; its original name lost. A large, dark red cherry, of excellent flavor and quality. Ripening very late, or in August. The tree is very productive. 24. *SPARHAWK'S RED HONEY CHERRY. A most superior native fruit, and so named for Edward Sparhawk, Esq., of Brighton, who has introduced this cap- ital variety to notice. The tree grows upright and hand- some, and is wonderfully productive. The fruit is large, bright red, tender, juicy, of a very sweet and delicious 238 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. flavor. It is sometimes called the Honey cherry. A fine, profitable cherry, from its excellent qualities and very ex- traordinary productiveness, to cultivate for the market. It ripens late, and is one of the best of all cherries. 25. WATERLOO. Hort. Trans. A large, round, dark red fruit, inclining to black at ma- turity ; the flesh is firm, and of excellent flavor. Raised by a daughter of Mr. Knight, and so named from its per- fecting its first fruit soon after the battle of Waterloo. The tree is of strong, but irregular growth. This fruit was sent by Mr. Knight, in 1823, to the Hon. John Lowell. 26. *WHITE TARTAREAN. TRANSPARENT, WHITE TRANSPARENT CRIMEA. Rather large, beautiful, and obtuse heart-shaped ; pale yellow, approaching to an amber color next the sun ; flesh half breaking, and of excellent flavor. A much admired fruit, which ripens early in July. The tree grows upright and handsome, and bears well ; the leaves are large, smooth. One of the best fruits of the class of white cherries. CLASS II. DUKE CHERRIES, MORELLOS, &c. 27. *ARCHDUKE. LATE DUKE. Thompson. GRIOTTE DE PORTUGAL. Duk. PORTUGAL DUKE. A large, globular-formed, red cherry; like the May Duke, it grows in clusters ; but the tree grows more vigorous than that variety. An excellent cherry, and a great bearer. It ripens in July, and hangs a long time on the tree, im- proving in flavor ; and is, on all accounts, a valuable fruit. 28. BELLE DE CHOISY. Pom. Mag. Bon Jard. DOUCETTE, CERISE UE PALEMBRE. A middle-sized, roundish fruit, growing in pairs on a forked stalk ; skin transparent, red, mottled with amber ; the flesh -amber-colored, tender, and sweet; ripe rather be- fore the May Duke. It bears well as a standard. CHERRIES. CLASS II. 239 29. BELLE ET MAGNIFIQUE. This fine cherry was introduced to notice by General Dearborn. The tree is of vigorous growth, and moderately productive; the fruit of the largest size; round, of a dark red color, mottled with white spots, and abounding in acid. Valuable from its late maturity. The fruit is from France. 30. *EARLY PURPLE GRIOTTE. Thompson. Of medium size, heart-shaped; of a dark red color; flesh tender and excellent. It ripens the beginning of June. A valuable cherry, particularly for its early ma- turity. 31. GERMAN DUKE. GRIOTTE U'ALLEMAGNE. Nouv. Cours Complet d'jigr. DE CHAUX, Du COMTE DE SAiiNT MAUR, Ib. Equally as large as the Archduke ; almost as black; the flesh deep red, and very acid. It ripens the middle of July. The tree is of middle size, and not very productive. 32. *MAY DUKE. A large, globular, red cherry, usually growing in clusters. At maturity the flesh is tender, juicy, of an agreeable but acid flavor. This kind is usually gathered in June, and while it is yet sour and immature, for the markets, being one of the earliest varieties. The tree is of moderate v igor, compact in its form, and productive. 33. MONTMORENCY. CERISIER DE MOXTMORENCY A GROSS FRUIT. Bon Jard. LONG STEM MONTMORENCV. The fruit is large, flattened at its extremities, of a lively red color; the flesh of a yellowish white, slightly acid, and excellent. The tree is not very productive. It ripens in July. The Short Stem Montmorency, or GrosGobet, is a fruit of less size, and the tree less vigorous. 34. MORELLO. MILAN. Lang. CERISE DU NORD of Noisette. Lind. Middle-sized, round; nearly black at maturity; tender, juicy, of an agreeable flavor, in which much acid predomi- nates. July. This fruit is used for preserving. 35. *PLUMSTONE MORELLO. A very large, dark, round cherry, nearly black, of a rich, acid flavor, and deemed superior to all European Morellos. The stone is very large, and resembles that of a plum. A native fruit from Virginia, introduced to no- 240 ,NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. tice by William Prince, Esq., of the Linnaean Botanic Garden, Flushing. ORNAMENTAL VARIETIES. 36. LARGE DOUBLE FLOWERING CHERRY. The tree is of vigorous and upright growth ; the flowers are very large, very double, and beautiful^ resembling clusters of small roses. The appearance of the tree when in full blossom is striking and highly ornamental. The tree belongs to the Merisiers, or trees of the first class. 37. SMALL DOUBLE FLOWERING CHERRY. The tree is of slow, dwarfish growth ; the blossoms, how- ever, are not less beautiful than the preceding. The tree belongs to the Morellos and Dukes, or to the second class. 38. SERRULATE DOUBLE FLOWERING CHER- RY. CERASPS SERRCLATA PLENO. This new variety is one of the most beautiful of all the double flowering cherries. Both this and the following kind were introduced to America in 1840. 39. CHINESE LARGE DOUBLE FLOWERING CHERRY. CERASCS GRANDIFJLORA SINENSIS PI.ENO. By information lately received from Mr. Lee, this vari- ety is understood to be new, and more beautiful than the Serrulata, or any other species of double flowering cherry. 40. TOBACCO LEAF. BlGARREAUTIER A FfiCILLES DE TABAC. Bon Jdrd. A small, pale red fruit, of indifferent flavor; a poor bearer. The growth of this tree is strong, but crooked ; the leaves of enormous size. It is said to have received its name from the supposition that its fruit would prove pro- portionally large; cultivated only as a curiosity. The tree belongs to the first class. 41. VIRGINIA WILD CHERRY. CF.RASUS VIRGINIAHA. A native. It is found growing wild in the forests and pastures, and is a distinct species from any others here CHERRIES. CULTIVATION. 241 described. The trees grow large, and the fruit is produced in clusters, like currants. It is very small, of a pleasant sweet, slightly bitter, and very astringent taste. This variety is one of the most esteemed of all for brandy. 42. WEEPING CHERRY. CERISIER DE SIBERIA. This beautiful tree is of low growth, its branches slen- der and drooping; its leaves are very small, oblong, lanceolate ; they are of a deep shining green above, and of a pale shining green below. The fruit is small and numerous, of a bright red color, and extremely acid. This highly ornamental tree is generally inoculated at an ele- vated height on the Mazzard cherry. 43. COLONG DWARF CHERRY. A new species of cherry, a native from beyond the Rocky Mountains, and near the sources of the Columbia River ; lately brought thence by the hunters from the far West. A low tree or shrub, the leaves small, oblong, ser- rated, pale green. When but two feet in height, it blos- soms profusely. The fruit is a cherry of a small size and oval form ; of a black color and pleasant taste. It bears very abundantly, and the branches, when loaded with fruit, sometimes trail on the ground. CULTIVATION. The stones of the cherry are sown in autumn, in a rich, well-prepared soil. The second year they are transplanted to nursery rows four feet asunder, and at a foot distance from each other in the row. They are inoculated the third year. The best soil is a rich, dry, sandy loam, or calcareous soil, and an elevated situation. A cold, clayey, moist soil does not suit them. If the tree grows in suit- able form, pruning is neither much practised nor recom- mended. The suitable distance for planting the cherry tree in orchards, varies according to the goodness of the soil, and other circumstances, and may be stated generally at from fifteeu to twenty feet asunder. 21 242 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. MULBERRY. (Man*.) The mulberry is a genus comprising many species. Its origin has been assigned to China; but several species are found growing in a wild state in America. The friiit is a berry of a roundish or oblong form; of a color varying from white to red or black ; its pulp envelops numerous small seeds. USES. Most of the varieties of the mulberry are es- teemed dessert fruits. When perfectly mature, they are grateful to the taste and very wholesome. The sirup is useful in mitigating inflammations of the throat. The juice, when properly fermented, affords a pleasant vjnous wine. Mixed with apples, they afford a delicious beverage called mulberry cider, of a deep red color, like Port wine. Lastly, the leaves of the various species of the mulberry constitute the principal food of the silk-worm. Not every kind, however, is equally suitable. Those most esteemed are the Morus alba, M. lucida, M. tartarica, M. Moretti, M. Dandolo, M. Multicaulis, and the new Canton variety. VARIETIES. BLACK MULBERRY. MORUS NIGRA. This tree is a native of Asia Minor. It rises from twenty-five to thirty feet. The leaves are. large and rug- ged. Its fruit is large, black, aromatic, juicy, stibacid, and good. An agreeable wine is made from its juice. The juice is used for imparting a dark color to liquors; the bark of the root is a powerful cathartic ; and from the bark of the tree, strong cordage and brown paper are made. RED MULBERRY. MoRDS RCBRA. A native of America. The tree rises to the height of from thirty to forty feet ; the leaves are large, cordate, often pal mated, and more often three-lobed, dark green above, downy beneath, rugged : the fruit is of a very deep red color, and excellent. This variety is esteemed superior to the Black mulberry as a fruit, and the tree is more hardy. For an account of other useful varieties of mulberries, see the APPENDIX. CULTIVATION. These varieties of mulberry will flourish in alrtiost any soil, but grow most luxuriantly in a deep, sandy loam, rather in a humid than dry soil. They are propagated by seeds or by layers, and sometimes by cuttings. The seeds are obtained by washing the bruised pulp of thoroughly ripe fruit; they are carefully dried, and sown early in April, in a rich soil, and covered to the depth of half an inch with loam, and pressed down compactly. The second year, they are transplanted to nursery rows. VINE. (Fttfi wni/era.) The grape vine is a deciduous tree, with an irregular, contorted stem, and long, flexible branches. They trail on the earth, or, connected by their tendrils to trees, they rise vertically, even to the summits of those which crown the forest. The leaves are large, smooth, or downy, serrated, lobed, or entire. The leaves and footstalks of the white or yellow grapes, change from a green to a yellow color, late in autumn ; and those of the red or black grapes, to a reddish hue. The blossoms are produced in long clus- ters or racemes, from the wood of the same year ; they possess a fragrant odor. The fruit is in clusters, the ber- ries round or oblong ; their color varying from white or yellow to red, to blue, or to black. The pulp contains a juice, rich, saccharine, and abundant, of surpassing flavor. The berries contain from one or two to five small stones. Those, however, of the Ascalon, or Corinth, and the Sul- tana, have none. The vine is a native of the temperate regions. Its his- tory is traced to a very ancient date in Persia. It is cul- tivated extensively for wine in every part of Europe favorable to its growth, from the Mediterranean Sea to the latitude of 51 ; also in South Africa, and the African isles of the Atlantic, and in Greece. It is also cultivated in Barbary and Egypt, and in all those parts of Asia 244 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. which are possessed of a suitable climate; but not, how- ever, so much for wine, its use being forbidden to the disciples of Mohammed. It does not flourish within the tropics ; it may, indeed, grow there, but produces but little fruit, except in the mountainous elevations. Yet in some tropical countries, as at Bombay, where unceasing sum- mer allows no rest to the vine, or its wonted repose, they give them, by artificial means, a suitable season for slum- ber ; and the vine, thus recruited, becomes productive. [See CULTIVATION.] The vine is extremely long-lived : it is stated that some have lived six hundred years ; and, according to Bosc, there are vines in Burgundy four hundred years old. The na- tive vines of America, as of other countries, ascend to the summits of the highest trees of the forest, growing some- times of enormous dimensions. And vine timber is stated to be of very great durability ; of this fact, the long life to which the vine tree will attain, might alone be deemed sufficient evidence. It is deemed too valuable to be ap- plied to common purposes, its use being confined, almost exclusively, to furniture, statues, &c. USES. The fruit of the grape has been highly prized, in all ages, as a delicious and wholesome dessert fruit. They are used as preserves, in pastry and in cookery. Sugar is also made from the juice of the grape, good, but coarse-grained ; and the unfermented juice, when boiled to the consistency of honey, is esteemed a delicious article of food, being used, both in Europe and in the Moham- medan countries, either with or without sugar, as butter or honey is used. Raisins are prepared from the matured fruit of the grape. The clusters, without being separated from the branches, are dipped in a ley of wood ashes, containing a small por- tion of the oil of olives, and then dried by exposure to the sun. By another mode, though not so good, they are dried in an oven. Raisins are esteemed, not only as a delicious, but a wholesome and nutritious food, when used in moderation. They are of extensive use, both for the dessert and in cookery. A good wine may also be pre pared from them. The grapes which are imported from France and Spain, are packed in alternate layers of saw-dust, which has been thoroughly dried in an oven ; and we are assured, that GRAPES. 245 grapes may be preserved a year, by being gathered in the afternoon of a dry day, and enclosed in a dry, tight cask ; being laid singly, and in layers, between alternate layers of thoroughly kiln-dried bran. Sherbet constitutes a cooling and wholesome drink of the Mohammedans. It consists of the unfermented juice of the grape, mixed with water, sugar, and spices. The unfermented juice of the grape, which constitutes the essential elements of wine, consists of, 1st, water ; 2d, sugar; 3d, tartaric acid; 4th, mucilage; each in different proportions. But after fermentation, wine contains, by chemical analysis, 1st, water; 2d, alcohol; 3d, sugar; 4th, tartaric, carbonic, and malic acids. It also contains tan- nin, a coloring matter, and a volatile oil. Gross or watery wines are extremely difficult to pre- serve and manage. It is far otherwise with those which contain a suitable proportion of the essential elements ; these being comparatively of very easy management. Where the elementary principles are deficient, they should be added at once in the beginning, and before the fer- mentation has commenced. In modern France, sugar is now added, when its pres- ence is essentially wanting ; and vineyards which before would never make any thing, or but very poor wine, are now, by this addition alone, rendered productive in good wine ; and the sugar produced from the potato, is now, it is said, much used for this purpose in that country ; and for this purpose it seems to be peculiarly adapted, its taste being intermediate between the sugar of the cane, and the sugar which is produced from the grape. From a pound and a half of potato starch, one pound and a quarter of crystalline brown sugar has been obtained. And starch, according to Davy, is converted into sugar by the very simple process of boiling in very diluted sulphuric acid. One hundred parts of starch, four hundred parts of water, and one part of sulphuric acid, by weight, are kept boiling for forty hours ; the loss of water by evaporation being supplied by new quantities. The acid is to be neu- tralized by lime, precisely as the acid which is contained in the juice of the sugar-cane is neutralized, and the sugar is crystallized by cooling. The moderate use of good wine is deemed wholesome, especially to convalescents recovering from malignant fe- 21* 246 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. vers, and to those of debilitated habits, as it accelerates the circulation. On the other hand, its too liberal or im- moderate use undermines the constitution, and lays the foundation of a train of diseases. It paralyzes the mental faculties, and induces those disorders of body which not uncommonly terminate in death. The varieties of the grape are very numerous. The fol- lowing comprises a selection of the best varieties known. VARIETIES. In the arrangement of grapes, I have divided the whole into five classes. CLASS I. Those called Chasselas grapes. These are early. CLASS II. Those called Muscats, or Frontignacs. The Muscats are more tardy in ripening than the Chasselas grapes. CLASS III. Other foreign varieties. Black, blue, and purple grapes. CLASS IV. Other foreign varieties. White grapes. CLASS V. American grapes. CLASS I. CHASSELAS GRAPES. The Chasselas grapes are in high estimation at Paris, and in the north of France, as well for their excellent quality, as for their early maturity. 1. *WHITE CHASSELAS. ROVAL MCSCADIWE. o'ARBOTCJE, For. Lindley. CHASSELAS DF. FONTAINBLEAU. Bon Jard. SWEETWATER. The wood grows pretty strong; the bunches are large and shouldered; the berries are large, round, greenish yellow, golden or amber-colored at maturity ; the flesh is juicy, rich, vinous, and excellent. A capital and very pro- ductive variety. At Paris it is generally cultivated on walls. Near Boston it is considered one of the very best for our climate, ripening well its fruit in open culture, in GRAPES. CLASS I. 247 favorable seasons and situations. A gentleman here, of great experience and observation, is confident that the Sweetwater, and the Chasselas de Fontainbleau, are but one and the same ; and that the difference which they sometimes assume, is owing to no other causes, than a difference of exposition. 2. *GOLDEN CHASSELAS. CHASSELAS DORE, BAR SUR AUBE, Duh. BtmJard. RAISIN DE CHAMPAGNE. Bon Jard. p. 366. YELLOW CHASSELAS OF THOMERY. GROS COULARD. The wood of this fine variety is of medium vigor, the joints short ; by this it is distinguished from the White Chasselas. It is also a fortnight earlier than that variety, but is not so exuberantly productive. The bunches are large ; the berries large and round, of a yellow amber or gold color, melting, pleasant, sweet, and excellent. The bunches of this variety are somewhat peculiar, having mostly quite large berries, intermixed with some few of small size on the same bunch. This fine variety has been introduced by S. G. Perkins, Esq., and produces good crops in open culture in warm expositions. To produce great crops, and enable the fruit to set well, it must be screened from high winds from the time of blossoming till the fruit becomes of the size of peas. The Chasselas Dore, Bar sur Aube, of the old Duhamel and the Bon Jar- dinier, must not be confounded with the White Chasselas, or Chasselas de Fontainbleau, which is sometimes mis- called by this same name. 3. BLACK CHASSELAS. Lindley. CHASSELAS NOIR of the French. BLACK MUSCADINE of the English. The bunches are the size of the White Muscadine ; the berries are of a globular form, of a black color, and covered with blue bloom; the flesh is rich, and of very good flavor. 4. MUSK CHASSELAS. Duh. Bon Jard. CHASSELAS MUSQ.UE. Bon Jard. Duh. The bunches are of medium size; the berries are round and of moderate size, of a green or greenish yellow color ; the pulp is sweet, high-flavored, and musky. This variety is rather later than the Golden and White Chasselas. 5. RED CHASSELAS. Bon Jard. For. Lindley. CHASSELAS ROUGE. Bon Jard. RED MUSCADINE. The bunches are of medium size, but very compact ; the 248 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. berries smaller than the White Chasselas, of a dark red color, sweet, and of good flavor. This variety is not so early as the White Muscadine. 6. VARIEGATED CHASSELAS. Neill. Lindley. A new variety, raised by Mr. Knight, from the seed of the Chasselas, fertilized by the pollen of the Aleppo. The berries are striped, and very beautiful, with a thin skin, and juicy. The leaves in autumn become variegated with red and yellow. A very productive and hardy variety, ripening well in the open air. Thus has Mr. Neill described it, According to Mr. Lindley, the bunches are long, the berries rather small, globular, deep purple next the sun, tender, very saccharine, and of pretty good flavor. CL.ASS II. MUSCATS, OR FRONTIGNACS. The Muscats, or Frontignacs, are highly esteemed for their delicate and delicious musk flavor. They are not quite so early in their season of maturity as the varieties of Chasselas, and require more heat of climate. 7. BLACK FRONTIGNAC. Forsyth. Lindley. BLUE FRONTIGNAC, VIOLET FRONTIGNAC, ' Speechly. MUSCAT NOIR of the French. The bunches are rather short, and below medium size, and loosely formed; the berries are of medium size, round, black, and covered with blue bloom ; the flavor is vinous, sweet, and musky. This is not so highly esteemed at Paris as the White Muscat. It rarely ripens in open culture, either there or near Boston. 8. CANNON HALL MUSCAT. The bunches are large ; the berries large, oval, yellow or amber-colored; of delicious flavor. Each berry has but one seed. A new and very superior variety, in high repute in England. Earlier than the Muscat of Alexandria, and fully equal to that variety. It is stated, that at Chatsworth the duke of Devonshire has a vineyard completely filled with this favorite varietv. A favorite also, and much cul- GRAPES. CLASS II. 249 tivated at the celebrated fruit establishment of Mr. Wilmot. It requires considerable heat, and is very productive. 9. RED FRONTIGNAC. Mr. Neill GRIZZLY FRONTIGNAC. Ib. MOSCAT ROUGE. Bon Jard. The bunches are rather large, long, and moderately compact ; the berries are pretty large, round, of a red color, and of a high vinous and musky flavor. This variety ripens earlier than the White Frontignac, and although not so high-flavored as that variety, it is more esteemed in France than the Violet and Black Muscat. 10. RED MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA. For. Lind. RED FRONTIGNAC OF JERUSALEM of Miller. It resembles the White, except in regard to color. The bunches are rather large, and shouldered ; the berries rather large, oval, of a red color; the skin is thick; the flesh firm, juicy, saccharine, musky, and high-flavored. Bradley calls this one of the very best of grapes. It is also said to be more esteemed about Paris than the White Mus- cat ; and there, against good walls, it ripens very well. 11. *WHITE FRONTIGNAC. MUSCAT DE FRONTIGNAC, MUSCAT BLANC, Bon Jard. The bunches are very long, conical, compact; the ber- ries the size of the Chasselas ; round, a little elongated ; white, but slightly yellow next the sun ; the pulp white, crackling, of an exquisite sweet and musky flavor. Very productive. Highly esteemed near Boston, where its cul- tivation is principally confined to vineries, as it seldom comes to maturity in out-of-door cultivation. 12. *WHITE MUSCAT OF ALEXANDRIA. Neill. WHITE MALAGA. Hart. Soc. Cat. MUSCAT D'ALEXANDRIA BLANC. Bon Jard. PASSE LONGUE MUSI^UE. Ib. MUSCAT OF JERUSALEM. Miller. PASSE AfusftUEE. Hort. Soc. Cat. The bunches are very large, long, irregularly formed ; the berries very scattering, large, oval, of an amber color at maturity ; the skin is thick ; pulp hard, musky, juicy, racy, and high-flavored; the berries have one or two seeds, or none. Highly esteemed by the English ; it is also highly esteemed at Paris ; but they consider their climate too cold for all the Muscats. The Muscats are there placed in the angle formed by two walls, the one facing east, the other south. In the Catalogue of the London 250 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. Horticultural Society, the Malaga is put down as a syn- onyme of this. 13. *WILMOT'S EARLY MUSCAT. WILMOT'S EARLY PROLIFIC MUSCAT. A new seedling grape, of the Muscat species, which is stated to be one of the most productive bearers. In the vinery it produces its ripe fruit in perfection from March till October. This is one of the four principal kinds which, exclusively, are cultivated for profit by Mr. Wilmot, of Isle- worth, near London, the selections of all others. III. OTHER FOREIGN VARIETIES. BLACK, BLUE, AND PURPLE GRAPES. 14. ALICANT. Miller. No. 31. BLACK PORTUGAL. Hort. Cat. BLACK SPANISH of some. TEINTURIER. Hort. Cat. GROS NOIR D'ESPAGNE. Bunches very long, unshouldered ; berries of moderate size, somewhat oval; skin thick, of a black color; flesh tender, juicy, of an agreeable flavor ; the seeds very large. In autumn the leaves become beautifully variegated with green, red, and yellow. This vine requires heat or a warm exposition. 15. *BLACK CAPE. The bunches are very large and shouldered, sometimes weighing over two pounds; the berries extraordinary large, oval, and black ; of excellent flavor and quality. In highly- favorable seasons and situations, it ripens well in the vicin- ity of Boston in open air. Imported by S. G. Perkins, Esq., from the Cape of Good Hope. An acquisition to the country. It is a most productive variety ; and three vines, in open culture, have ripened at Mr. Perkins's more than 500 pounds in a single season. 16. BLACK DAMASCUS. Lindley. The bunches are middle-sized and loosely-formed ; the berries are globular and of different sizes ; the large berries have two seeds, the small have none; their color is black; flesh delicate, juicy, and of most superior flavor. GRAPES. CLASS III. 251 17. *BLACK HAMBURG. WARNER'S BLACK HAMBURG, according to Lindley. RED HAMBURG. Hort. Soc. Cat. The bunches are large, well-shouldered, and compact , their breadth is nearly equal to the depth ; the berries large, oval, of a deep purple color, or nearly black, and covered with a blue bloom ; the flesh is tender, saccharine, and of excellent flavor. A very productive and excellent variety ; a great favorite at Boston, and much cultivated in their grape-houses. In favorable seasons and situations, it ripens at that place in open culture. The wood of this variety is strong and luxuriant; the clusters of fruit are beautiful, and sometimes weigh two pounds. 18. BLACK LOMBARDY. London's Mag. Lind- ley. For. WEST'S ST. PETER'S. Lindley. The wood is short-jointed ; the bunches are long and large-shouldered ; the berries are large, round, black at maturity ; the skin is thin ; the pulp juicy and high-flavored. 19. *BLACK PRINCE. Neill. Hort. Trans. LISBON, or PORTUGAL, according to some. CAMBRIDGE BOTANIC GARDEN GRAPE of some catalogues. The leaves are broad, deeply-lobed, widely-serrated, their long footstalks tinged with red ; the bunches are very long, sometimes, but rarely, shouldered ; the berries are oval, dark purple, and covered thick with blue bloom ; the flesh is pale, juicy, sweet, and well-flavored ; each usu- ally containing five seeds. This excellent grape, it is stated, sometimes ripens even on the open walls in the south of England; the bunches have sometimes weighed a pound and a half. 20. BLACK RAISIN GRAPE. Lindley. For. The bunches are large, long ; the largest are shouldered ; the berries are large, black, of an oval form ; the skin is thick ; the flesh is firm, juicy, and very high-flavored. The wood is long-jointed. 21. BLACK ST. PETER'S. BLACK GR&.pE,from Palestine. Speedily. The bunches are large, long, sometimes shouldered ; they resemble the Black Hamburg, but are longer ; the berries are large, roundish oval, of a black color, and thin skin ; very juicy, delicate, and fine-flavored. Near Boston, this grape is seldom cultivated, except under glass. 252 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. 22. MILLER'S BURGUNDY. LIE MEUNIER, MORILLON JACON.NE. The bunches are short and compact; the berries small, round, black, and covered with blue bloom ; the flesh is tender, juicy, very sweet, and good-flavored ; the under surface of the leaves is covered with hoary down, like meal ; hence the name of Miller's Grape. One of the hardiest varieties, and extensively cultivated in Burgundy for wine. 23. *CONSTANTIA. The wood of this variety is large ; the leaves rough and downy ; the bunches are of good size ; the berries are round, of a purple color, and of a most delicious, sweet flavor. The fruit ripens well in the open air in our climate, but only in highly-sheltered situations. The berries con- tain but two seeds, and sometimes but one. This grape was imported by S. G. Perkins, Esq., from the Cape of Good Hope, and is supposed to be one of the most valu- able in the country, and remarkably productive. 24. *ESPERIONE. Hort. Trans. Vol. in. p. 93. . TURNER'S BLACK. Hort. Cat. The bunches are large, the size of the Black Hamburg, shouldered, pretty compact; the berries are round, or flattened at the head, of a deep blue or black color, and covered with bloom ; the flesh adheres to the skin, and, though neither melting nor high-flavored, is pleasant. The Esperione is productive to an extraordinary degree, very hardy, very early, equally so with the Sweetwater and Muscadine ; and in unfavorable seasons, has a decisive ad- vantage over these varieties. 25. FRANKENTHAL. Lindley. FRANKENDALE. The bunches are large and well-shouldered; they some- what resemble the Black Hamburg; the berries are oval, flattened at the head, indented at the side, of a purple or black color, covered with blue bloom ; the flesh is tender, juicy, rich, sweet, and of excellent flavor. 26. GROS GUILLAUME. N. Duh. The bunches very large and compact ; the berries are large, oval, black, and covered with azure bloom; the skin is thick ; the flesh green, melting; the juice abundant, and without color, pleasant, and sweet. They have gener- ally three small seeds. It produces abundantly, ripening the middle of September. In good years it ripens well on GRAPES. CLASS III. 253 espaliers. Its cultivation is not yet extended in the envi- rons of Pans, but it merits to be cultivated for the table. 27. GROS MAROC. The bunches are of good size, sometimes very large ; the berries are large, oval, of a dark purple or violet color, and covered with bloom ; the skin is thick ; the flesh juicy and high-flavored. It ripens in open culture near Boston, but only in favorable seasons and situations. 28. LANGFORD'S INCOMPARABLE. Lindley. The bunches are of good size, compactly-formed, and shouldered ; the berries are of moderate size ; the smallest are round, the largest oval, of a dark purple color, covered with blue bloom. The flesh is tender, juicy, saccharine, and resembles the Miller's Burgundy. Mr. Lindley states that a single vine, growing at Mr. Langford's, produced two hundred and twenty-five pounds in a single year ; he esteems it the best and most hardy out-of-door grape known in that country. 29. *SEEDLING OF BLOOM RAISIN. Thompson. A new and superior variety, produced for exhibition from the garden of the London Hort. Soc. in 1837. Bunches as large as the Black Hamburg, but more loose; berries black- er, and of higher flavor. It ripened by the side of the Black Hamburg near a month earlier ; hence it will be duly ap- preciated by those who cultivate early fruits. One of the most deserving fruits which appeared. Thus was it de- scribed by Mr. Thompson. SO. *WILMOT'S NEW BLACK HAMBURG. NEW DUTCH BLACK HAMBURG. A new and capital variety, extensively cultivated by Mr. Wilrnot at Isleworth. The bunches are large ; the berries larger than those of the Black Hamburg, and in appear- ance very remarkable, resembling bodies rendered globular by the blows of a hammer. A very large and beautiful fruit, of a dark blue-black color, and covered with fine azure bloom ; delicious, excellent, and very productive. RED, OR REDDISH PURPLE GRAPES. 31. POONAH. Hort. Trans. Vol. iv. p. 516. The bunches are large, well-shouldered, tapering to a point ; the berries are nearly oval ; pale red in the shade, 22 254 FEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. but darker red next the sun ; sweet, but not very juicy ; they have generally but two seeds. This vine was intro- duced from Bombay by Sir Joseph Banks, in 1817. The grape keeps a long time, and is extensively cultivated at Poonah, and the ripe fruit sent thence annually to Bombay and its dependencies. This grape eminently deserves trial. 32. RAISIN DE CARMES. Hooker's Pom. Land. PI. x. RAISIN DE CABO. For. Neill. The vine is vigorous and bears well; the fruit is in long, loose bunches ; the berries very large, interspersed with a few of small size, of an irregular, oval form ; the skin is rather thick, of a dusky reddish purple, covered with bloom ; the flesh is rather firm, extremely rich, though some- what acid ; the seeds are large, seldom more than one. 33. RED HAMBURG. Mr. Neill. WARNER'S RED HAMBURG. Ib. BROWN HAMBURG. Hort. Soc. Cat. GIBRALTAR. Ib. The bunches are large and similar in size and shape to the Black Hamburg ; the berries rather large, oval, dark red or purple; the skin is thin; the flesh juicy, delicate, and vinous. This variety, according to Mr. Lindiey, is the famous Hampton Court vine. CLASS IV. OTHER FOREIGN VARIETIES. WHITE GRAPES. 34. EARLY WHITE MUSCADINE. For. Neill. WHITE MUSCADINE, ROYAL MUSCADINE, Pom. Mag. AMBER MUSCADINE. For. EARLY WHITE GRAPE OF TENERIFFE of SpeecMy. The bunches are generally small, but very numerous ; but they are sometimes considerably large, loosely-formed, and shouldered ; the berries are round, medium-sized, of an amber color ; the flesh is firm, saccharine, rich, but not high-flavored ; very productive ; and, for the certainty of its ripening, it is considered one of the best European va- rieties for a northern climate. GRAPES. CLASS IV. 255 35. WHITE CORINTH. CORIKTHE BLANC. Duh. and Bon Jard. The bunches are small, oblong, compact; the berries very small, round, yellow, juicy, sweet, and without seeds. The Violet Corinthe differs from this only in color, and is probably identical with the Black Corinth, Zajite, or Black Ascalon, known in commerce as the Zante cur- rants, which we receive from the Mediterranean in a dried state. It has been estimated that 6000 tons are annually shipped from the Ionian Islands. 36. MALMSEY MUSCADINE. For. Lindlcy. MAI.VOISEE MUSQUE of Bradley. It resembles the White Muscadine, but the bunches and berries are smaller. It is very sweet, and of high flavor ; it bears well, and is a valuable grape. It requires a vinery in England so say Forsyth and Lindley. Bradley says it is one of the richest musked grapes ; that it came from Montserrat, and grows plentifully about Turin. 37. PITMASTON WHITE CLUSTER. Hort. Trans. Raised by John Williams, Esq., of Pitmaston, from the seed of the Auvernat, or Miller's Burgundy. The bunches are rather larger than the Auvernat, compactly-formed. It ripens earlier than that variety or the Sweetwater. The berries are round, a little flattened at the apex, of an am- ber color, but bronzed with russet next the sun ; the flesh is tender and pleasant. 38. SCOTCH WHITE CLUSTER. Thorn. Rivers. The bunches are compact ; berries roundish oval ; of a white color ; of a sweet and excellent flavor. This grape is very early and very productive. 39. *SWEETWATER, NEW GROVE END. Thorn. Rivers. A superior variety; the bunches long; berries oval, of a white color : skin thin ; the juice sweet and excellent. Early and very productive. At Mr. Wilmot's celebrated fruit establishment, a superior and favorite variety is cul- tivated under the name of New Sweetwater, which may prove identical with this. 40. SYRIAN. Mr. Neill One of the coarsest of the grape kind ; the bunches large, broad-shouldered, of very regular form ; the berries are large, white, oval ; the pulp firm and hard, of tolerable 256 NEW AMERICAN ORCRARDIST. flavor if well ripened.. An excellent bearer ; and the bunches, when ripe, will remain many weeks longer than any other variety. This grape would not probably ripen in the open air in the climate of New England. Mr. Speechly has stated that he raised at Welbeck a bunch of this variety measuring nineteen and a half inches in breadth, twenty- one and three fourths inches in depth, in circumference four and a half feet, and weighing nineteen and a half pounds. This is supposed to be the kind mentioned, Numbers xin. 23. 41. TOKAY. Duh. WHITE MORILLON. Speechly's Syn. GRIZZLV MUSCAT. The bunches are of moderate size, compactly formed ; the berries, inclining to oval, are rather small, faintly tinged with gray or red ; saccharine and pleasant. This grape ripens in good seasons near Boston in open culture ; and is the variety of which the celebrated Tokay wine is made. 42. ,VERDAL. Mr. Neill. Bon Jard. VERDELHO. Ib. Bon Jard. p. 367. The vine grows vigorously ; it is remarkably productive ; the bunches are variable in size, but beautiful ; the ber- ries are oval, of a fine amber color, of a very rich, saccha- rine taste and good flavor. Much cultivated in Languedoc, and there called Verdal. It was brought from thence to Paris, where it is highly esteemed as .the best and sweetest of all dessert grapes; but it there requires a warm sum- mer and the best exposition to bring k to maturity, when the bunches become beautiful, the berries large, each con- taining two seeds. This is the Verdellio grape, of Ma- deira, of which Madeira wine is principally made. 43. WHITE HAMBURG. Speechly. Lindley. WHITE PORTUGAL, WHITE LISBON, Hart. Soc. Cat. WHITE RAISIN, RAISIN MUSCAT. The bunches are large and loosely-formed ; the berries large, of an oval form and greenish white color; the skin is thick, the pulp hard, and the juice sweet, slightly mixed with acid. Mr. Lindley informs us, that this grape is by many much" admired, that it keeps long, and is the same that is annually imported into that country from Portugal, to the value of ,10,000 in the winter season, and sold in the shops for Portugal grapes. We may perhaps ascribe its long keeping to its hard pulp and thick skin, and would suggest that it might prove a profitable article of cultivation and export from the Southern States. GRAPES. CLASS V. 257 44. WHITE ST. PETER'S. SAINT PIERRE. Bon Jard. p. 363. Moscow. The buncheg are large, very beautiful, and compactly- formed ; the berries are round, white, and excellent. A valuable new variety, and well deserving trial with us. 45. ALEPPO. Speechly. RAISIN SUISSE. The bunches are formed of berries of different colors; the berries are round, of medium size; some are black, some white, but mostly striped with black and white; the skin is thin, the flesh juicy, and of superior flavor; the leaves are beautifully and variously striped in autumn with red, green, and yellow. This grape is rarely cultivated near Boston, except under glass. CLASS V. AMERICAN GRAPES. 46. ALEXANDER. SCHUYLKILL MuSCADEL. This vine is a great and sure bearer. A large grape, blue or black, somewhat eliptical ; sweet and luscious, when perfectly mature. Major Adlum states that he has made a wine of this grape, which Mr. Jefferson has pro- nounced " worthy the best vineyard in France." Not so suitable for the climate of Boston as the Isabella and Ca- tawba, and by no means equal to them. 47. BLAND. ELAND'S MADEIRA, MAZZEI. This fine native grape does not ripen well in our climate, except in favorable seasons; and is thus described by Mr. Bartram in a letter to Doctor Mease : " The bunches are large, branched, and well-shaped, six or eight inches in length ; the berries large, and round or oblate ; when perfectly ripe, of a dark purple or red wine color ; the juice sweet and lively, having a little musky flavor, with a small portion of an agreeable astringency, somewhat like our best bunch wild grapes, though much 22* 258 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. sweeter than any of them. If this grape is what T take it to be, a genuine American, it is a hybrid, or variety." 48. *CATAWBA. This superior variety was introduced to notice by Major John Adlum, of Georgetown, D. C., and is esteemed by him the very best native grape for making wine, known ; and the wine made by him at his vineyard, of this grape, is deemed by good judges excellent. The bunches are of very handsome size and form, and shouldered ; the berries are of a deep purple next the sun ; the skin is thin, juicy, sweet, rich, and vinous, with a very Jittle of the native or musky taste. This vine is very vigorous and hardy, re- quiring no protection, and is a great and certain bearer. This and the Isabella are, for the climate of New England, decidedly the very best native grapes hitherto known with us. Mr. Adlum has stated that he has no doubt but by his discovering the Catawba grape to be an excellent wine grape, that it will be worth to the United States one hun- dred millions of dollars before the end of this century. See his Memoir on the Cultivation of the Vine in America. 49. ELSINBURGH. Small, very hardy, and very productive ; of a blue color, very juicy and sweet, free from pulp and musky taste. 50. "ISABELLA. This fine native grape was introduced into New York about the year 1818. by Mrs. Isabella Gibbs, the lady of George Gibbs, Esq., of St. Augustine, then a resident of Brooklyn, L. I. It was received from Dorchester, South Carolina, and was named Isabella, in honor of that lady, by William Prince, Esq., of the Linnajan Botanic Garden. From him I first received this vine, about 1820. The vine is extraordinary for the vigor of its growth, and wonderful productiveness. It has been stated that a single vine iu the garden of General Swift, of New York, produced above eight bushels per annum, during each of the years 1820 and 1821 ; and the astonishing produce which we have here witnessed, confirms our belief in all that has been stated. The bunches are of large size; the berries are large, of an oval form ; of a dark purple color, approach- ing to black, and covered with bloom ; the skin is thin, with but very little pulp ; the flesh is juicy, rich, sweet, and vinous. By hanging the bunches in a room, it has been GRAPES. CLASS V. 259 ascertained that they lose that very small portion of muski- ness which they possess. This grape makes excellent wine, and requires no protection in our climate. 51. LUFFBOROUGH. Berries very large, of a deep purple color ; pulp dissolv- ing in a sweet, musky juice. Major Adlum says, the Luff- borough makes an excellent red wine. 52. *NORTON'S VIRGINIA SEEDLING. This very superior native grape was originated by Dr. N. Norton of Magnolia, one mile from the city of Rich- mond, in Virginia. The fruit is rather below medium size; fine as a table grape, and most excellent for wine. The wine is of a dark violet color, or of the color of Port wine, with a just proportion of astringency, and excellent flavor. The vine bears surprisingly. Not only the Catawba, but also the Prince Edward grapes, and the Norton's Virginia Seedling, are much cultivated by Dr. Norton and others of the vicinity of that city, where first I witnessed the won- derful crops of fruit which these vines bore. Through the kindness of Dr. Norton, I am favored with a full account of this grape, which I subjoin in his own words. In all his statements I have perfect confidence. " Vitis Nortoni. Produced by artificial impregnation from the Bland and Meunier. Foliage somewhat resem- bling the Bland. The shoots are of a red color, hardy, and resisting the greatest degree of cold which happens in any portion of the Union ; thriving with little care, and never failing to produce abundant crops of fruit, which has not, within the last 15 years, been known to mildew or rot. Fruit blackish, or of a dark purple; ripens in September, and will remain perfect until the hardest frosts ; largest bunches 9 or 10 inches long, sometimes shouldered, and moderately compact, weighing one fourth of a pound ; must rich, and of a dark reddish violet color. " Norton's Seedling stands unrivalled as a field and gar- den fruit in Virginia ; crops always surprisingly abundant, and yielding wines, which, with proper care, will be found inferior to none of the imported drinks from Madeira or France. I obtained this variety by artificial impregnation, after the manner of Knight. I consider it capable of doubling the amount of our exports, when it is properly at- tended to, throughout the Union ; for there is not a single state in our associated confederacy, which will not be found 260 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. propitious to its growth. Wherever the hickory and the oak are to be found, there also you may expect to rear this fruit. In whatever climate the Indian corns mature their seeds, the Norton's Seedling grape will certainly return a most astonishing yield to the cultivator. In France, if its properties were understood, it would supply the place of much of that useless trash, which just now so unprofitably clothes her fair bosom ; no casnalty would then cause any serious diminution in the vintage, which circumstance alone, independent of the improvement of her vines, would be, in a national point of view, of incalculable benefit to that country." Mr. John Carter, of the vicinity of that same city, who also cultivates this and the Catawba and Prince Edward vines to a considerable extent for the purposes of wine, has informed me, by a letter of a simultaneous date, as follows : " With regard to the value of this grape, I will say, that if your climate admits the Catawba and Isabella to mature their fruits before frost, this grape, being rather earlier than either of them, will produce at least 1000 gallons per acre, of such wine as sells here readily for $3 per gallon." 53. "CUNNINGHAM PRINCE EDWARD. A very superior grape, found growing in Prince Edward county, Virginia, much cultivated by Dr. Norton, Mr. John Carter, and others at Richmond and its vicinity, and highly approved by them all as a most excellent table graphs and fine for wine. From Dr. Norton I am favored "with the following more particular account of this fruit, which I here subjoin : " The Cunningham grape, from the county of Prince Edward, in this state, does not often rot or mildew ; it is certainly a fine-flavored fruit, resembling in taste the Ni- grillo of Madeira. It possesses, next to Norton's Seedling, more saccharine principle than any other fruit we culti- vate; it has so far, however, proved a shy bearer. Leaf three irregular lobes, obtusely serrated, resembling the Bland, the under side yellowish green ; length of the foot- stalk 2 inches ; the largest bunches, weighing one fourth of a pound, are of unusual length; berries round, black, sweet, and vinous, irregular in size, some nearly as large as the Bland, being a sack of juice without pulp; ripens the last of September, and by no means inferior to any foreign variety." GRAPES. CLASS r. 261 54. WOODSON PRINCE EDWARD. A remarkable variety, found growing in Prince Edward county, in Virginia; cultivated to considerable extent by Dr. Norton, Mr. Carter, and others in the vicinity of Rich- mond. Dr. Norton has kindly favored me with the de- scription of this fruit, which is as follows : " Three in- distinct lobes form the leaf, the terminal lobe more pyram- idal than usual, and more minutely elongated ; indentures of the leaf obscurely denned ; upper surface of a dark shining green, under portion glaucous ; length of the foot- stalk three inches. The Woodson is a great bearer, ripens later than most other fruits, requiring the action of a slight frost to bring it to a proper state for the press. I consider it a proper fruit for the manufacture of sparkling wine. Such only will it yield, upon which you may certainly make a calculation. The must is replete with a pulpy matter, difficult to throw down from the mass." Mr. Carter, by a letter of a simultaneous date, states generally, that the Woodson Prince Edward is very pro- ductive, a certain bearer, and fine wine grape. I have the most perfect confidence in the statements of these gentle- men. 55. *SCUPPERNONG. This fine species is a native of North Carolina and Virginia, and is found growing spontaneously at Roanoke Island, and in various other places. It is believed to be rather earlier than the Isabella. The fruit is large, round- ish; of a color varying from white, or brick red, to black; of a sweet, rich, and aromatic flavor. The wine made of this grape is of a very extraordinary and. peculiar flavor. For the following account of this singular fruit I am in- debted also to Dr. Norton. " The wood is smooth and remarkably hard, rarely ex- hibiting that shaggy appearance of the bark usual with most other vines ; the bark of the old wood is of a light iron color ; that of the young wood is of a brighter hue, marked with small specks of grayish white ; the leaf is finely indented or serrated, and highly glazed both above and be- low; it is tough and durable, remaining attached to the stem till the hardest frosts ; the berry is of a greenish white color; the skin of a satin-like texture, varied with minute choco- late-colored dots. It is pulpy, but easily dissolves in the 262 NEW AMERICAN ORCHARDIST. mouth, and is of a honey-like sweetness, and musky flavor and scent. The berries are congregated in bunches of from two to six each, the weight of the largest being eighty grains, and the smallest forty grains. The vine is a great grower and abundant bearer ; its flowers have no odor ; and it ripens its fruit here (at Richmond) the last week in September. The vine differs from the Black Scuppernong only in respect to color. This vine^ produces a wine much like one of high value in Madeira, (Aqua de Mel,) only 4 or 5 pipes of which are made there each season on a single estate." Much wine is made of this grape in North Carolina. Many barrels are made in a single season from a single vine. They are trained on arbors over the large court which usually separates the main houses in that country from the kitchen, which is in the rear ; and a single vine will soon cover a space of a hundred feet by forty. The climate of New England is not so well suited to this vine. Accounts have been stated of single vines which would produce forty bushels in Carolina. They are said to flour- ish, and their roots will find nourishment in sandy land, good for nothing else. 56. WORTHINGTON. This grape, according to Professor Rafinesque, produces smaller berries than the Frost grape; the juice sweet and rough, of a dark red color. Major Adlum calls it a very great bearer, and states that the wine of this grape, mixed with the Schuylkill, gives it a degree of roughness between Port and Claret. CULTIVATION, SOIL, Messrs. T. & H. Little, of Newbury, Mass , raised on a single acre a crop of mangel wurtzel weighing 74,518 Ibs. The ground should be thrown in ridges two feet asunder by back furrowing, the top being levelled, the seed sown and covered two inches deep, and the ground well rolled ; the plants being finally left a foot asunder in the row. Man- gel wurtzel, according to the analysis of Sir Humphrey Davy, con- tains more nourishment than carrots, and late experiments seem to have proved it. No. 9 is the kind recommended by M. Achard as the best of all for sugar ; great quantities of sugar are made in France from this root, and the refuse affords a most nourishing and fattening food for horses, cattle, and swine. All kinds of beets should be gathered before hard frosts commence ; wring off the tops and lay them in conical piles, cover first with leaves and then with earth, and before winter sets in, remove them to the cellar. 5. BITTER ROOT. Racine Amere. A new plant, found growing in the valley of the Columbia River, in form resembling a carrot. It is used as an article of food by the Indians and hunters, and although not very pleasant to the taste, its use as food is considered by them as very conducive to health. 6. BREAD ROOT. Psoralea esculenta. A southern perennial plant, a native of Missouri. Its roots are eaten like those of the potato, and with cultivation produce abun- dant crops. 7. CAMMAS. A new species of plant, found growing in the valley of the Co- lumbia River; a truncated root, which grows in moist, rich land, in the form of an onion. It is first roasted, then pounded, and made into loaves, like bread, and has a liquorice taste. An article of food of great importance to the Indians. 8. CARAWAY. Carum carvi. A hardy biennial plant, rising three or four feet in height. The seeds are used in confectionary, cakes, &,c., and to flavor alcohol. They are esteemed the finest of stomachics and carminatives. The roots are long and tuberous or conical, and esteemed even more delicious than the parsnip, and fully equal, on all accounts, even to Scorzonera. Cultivation the same as for carrots, which see. 9. CARROT. Daucos carota. A hardy biennial, rising to the height of three or four feet ; the roots long and conical. They are boiled with meat and fish, and used in stews and soups. They are excellent food for horses and cattle, being but little, if any, inferior to mangel wurtzel. 1. Early Short Orange, (for forcing.) 4. Purple. 2. Early Horn. 5. White Jlltringham. 3. Long Orange. 6. Lemon. No. 2 is fine for the table. No. 3 is fine for the table, and suitable for the main crop. The Purple is highly prized in the West Indies. The Altringham and Lemon are the suitable kinds to raise for horses 360 APPENDIX. and cattle, from the very great crops they produce. The Altringham or White Carrot is a new Belgian variety, of fine quality, and the most productive of all ; soWn in April or May, in rich, sandy loam, in rows a foot asunder, the plants being left four inches' distance in the row. Bury the seeds half an inch in depth, and roll the ground. Gather in the crops as soon as the first hard frosts commence, and house them before winter, in warm cellars. 10. COWISH. A new species of plant, or biscuit root, found growing on dry land in the valley of the Columbia River ; its size that of a walnut, but sometimes larger. In taste it resembles the sweet potato, and is prepared for food by the same process as the cammas, in which state it is a tolerable substitute for bread. S.S. 11. GINGER. An herbaceous perennial plant, a native of the East Indies or the Western World ; cultivated in New Spain, but especially in Jamaica, to a great extent- The stalks rise like reeds to the height of two and a half feet ; the leaves narrow and lanceolate ; the roots creep- ing, in tuberous joints. In autumn the soundest roots are scraped clean, and carefully dried in the sun. But the poorest roots are scalded previously to drying. Ginger forms the finest preserve in the world. For this purpose, they are dug as soon as the stalk has risen six inches ; these, being scalded and peeled, are washed in cold water, and steeped during three days, the water being often changed ; they are then preserved in sugar, and placed in jars. GINGER SIRUP. A most superior and useful sirup is made of ginger. The dried roots, being broken into small pieces in a mortar, are steeped in water over night. In the morning, increase the quantity of water to two gallons, and boil down to seven pints ; when settled, strain it through a fine strainer, and to every pint of liquor add a pound of sugar ; then boil an hour, and scum it well ; and when cold it is to be bottled. 12. LEEK. Allium porrum. 1. Large Scotch. 2. London. A species of onion. Its uses and cultivation are much the same. Sow in April or May. As the plants approach maturity, cover the bulbs with earth, to blanch, and give them a sweet flavor. 13. LIN-KIO. Ed. Enc. A species of Water chestnut, which grows in China ; of a cool- ing and agreeable taste. It is sometimes sold, like filberts, in a green state ; sometimes dried, powdered, and made into soup, and sometimes baked in the oven with sugar and honey. They sow the seeds at the end of autumn, in the shallowest places of ponds and rivers, in a south exposure. 14. ONION. Alliumcepa. 1. White Portugal. 4- Tree Onion. 2. Yellow or Straw Color. 5. Potato Onion. 3. Large Red. The White and Yellow are esteemed superior to the Red onion. CLASS I. NUTRITIOUS ROOTS. 361 The Tree onion is a perennial, producing bulbs on the summit of its stalks, which are valuable for pickling or other uses; it is propa- gated from the bulba of its tops or roots. $oXr the seeds of onions, from the tenth of April to the first of May, in rows a foot asunder, the plants finally to be thinned to two inches apart, the seeds to be covered one fourth of an inch, and the ground rolled. For an early crop, sow early in autumn, and protect during winter by a covering of litter. Another is the mode recommended by Mr. Knight for producing very large and early crops ; it consists in sowing the seeds very thick, upon poor ground, and beneath the shade of trees. These grow only to the size of peas the first season, when they are taken up and dried, and planted the following spring. The Potato onion is very hardy, mild, productive, and exceedingly early. It is raised only by planting the bulbs. Plant the bulbs, early in April, in rows a foot asunder, and eight inches apart in the row, an inch deep. Earth them up as they grow ; they reproduce in large clus- ters. Onions should be garnered as early in autumn as the tops decay, and dried and preserved in a dry place, secure from frost. In the valley of the Columbia River, a new species of onion has been discovered, which produces a beautiful red flower ; it some- times grows on volcanic scoria, where no other vegetable is found. 15. OXALIS CRENATA. London. An ornamental plant, a perennial, a native of Chili, and there lately discovered by Douglas. The flowers are beautiful, of a yel- low color, and in umbels ; the stalks and leaves are succulent, of an acid taste, and useful as salads; the roots or tubers are pro- duced in clusters; their taste, when boiled, somewhat resembles a chestnut. They are raised from the tubers, and are extraordinary productive, and as easy to cultivate as the potato, and decidedly su- perior in flavor. They require a rich soil, and, like the potato, they are stored during winter in cellars. 16. PARSNIP. Pastinaca saliva. 1. Guernsey Parsnip. 2. Common Parsnip. The parsnip is a biennial plant ; the root is very long and conical ; a delicious and sweet food when boiled for the table. A superior food for cattle. Cows fed on parsnips yield milk in great abundance, and of extra quality. The Guernsey is an improved variety. Sow the seeds in April, in rows a foot asunder, and thin the plants to three inches' distance in the row. On rich lands 1,000 bushels per acre have been pro- duced. S. S. 17. PEE-TSEE. Ed. Enc. A species of Water chestnut, which grows only in the southern provinces of China, in shallow rivers and ponds, with leaves like a bulrush, and hollow like the stalk of an onion; its fruit in the cap- sule of its root, like the husk of a chestnut 18. POTATO. Solarium tubcrosum. A perennial plant, a native of South America. The varieties are innumerable. Where great crops are desired, plant the potatoes in shallow furrows, three feet asunder. Or, in ploughing, plant in rows, in every alternate furrow. Choose the most productive and 31 362 APPENDIX. best kinds ; cut the largest in two or four pieces. Plant at the rate of twenty bushels to the acre, according to the state of the ground and the productiveness of the kind ; sometimes twenty-five bushels to the acre are required, more being generally lost by an ill- judged parsimony in the first instance than by overstocking the ground. But the precise quantity depends on various circumstances ; six or seven hundred bushels to the acre is not unusual. Never earth up potatoes. Potatoes afford, in some cases, a large portion of starch ; and this starch, by some slight alteration, may be converted into nearly its own weight of sugar. Plant from April to the last of July, near the surface; cover three inches; hoe twice or thrice. 19. ROCAMBOLE. Mlium scorodoprasum. A hardy, bulbous, perennial plant, of the onion or garlic species ; the root resembling the latter, but of more delicate flavor. Its cul- tivation is not much unlike that of the onion. 20. SALSAFY, or VEGETABLE OYSTER. Tragopogon porrifolius. A hardy biennial, producing beautiful flowers of a fine blue color; the root long and tapering or conical, of a white color and sweet taste. The outer rind being scraped off, they are steeped in vinegar to extract the bitter taste, then boiled or stewed like parsnips. Sow the seeds in April, and manage the same as for parsnip. 21. SALSJLLA. Edible alstrameria. A very beautiful herbaceous plant, a native of Peru. Its roots are eaten like the potato. It is cultivated in the West Indies, and may answer well in many parts of our country. 22. SCORZONERA. Scorzonera Hispanica. A perennial plant, a native of Spain. The root is small and tapering. Prepared by steeping in vinegar, as directed for salsafy ; and boiled and stewed, it is an excellent vegetable. Sow, as for parsnips, in April, but allow less distance. 23. SHALLOTS. Mlium ascalonicum. ' A species of onion, the bulbs compound, like those of garlic. A hardy perennial plant, a native of Ascalon and of Palestine. It is used to give flavor to roast beef gravies, and beefsteaks, &c., also to give a flavor to pickles. They are cultivated by division of the bulbs. Mr. Knight directs to place the bulbs on tjie surface of a rich soil, the mould being raised for support on either side. As soon as firmly rooted, the earth is removed to the bottom of the bulbs, and they are at once well watered, and thus growing wholly on the sur- face, they soon assume the size and form of onions; the crop is thus rendered more abundant, and the quality greatly improved. 24. SKIRRET. Sium sisarum. A perennial plant, a native of China. Its roots are tuberous and branching. When boiled, stewed, or fried, with butter, pep- per, &c., its flavor is sweet and agreeable. .Sow the seeds in April or May, and cultivate as for salsafy or parsnip. CLASS I. NUTRITIOUS ROOTS. 363 25. SWEET POTATOES, or CAROLINA POTATO. Con- volvulus batatas. A tender perennial plant, a low, creeping vine, a native of the Southern States. The roots are long tubers, of a white or red color ; when boiled, baked, or roasted, they are of a sweet, agreeable taste, and form a nourishing and wholesome food. It is raised from slips of the roots. The sweet potato is often cultivated as far north as Boston ; the slips are usually procured from New Jersey, as they are difficult to preserve, except in dry, warm chambers, secure from frost These are placed vertically in a hot-bed in April. When sprouted, they are transplanted to the open field, in a dry, warm situation, to a sandy, but well-manured soil ; they are placed in elevated hills, six feet asunder each way. The vines, as they extend, must not be suf- fered to strike root. 26. TARO. A bulbous-rooted plant, of the genus arum, a native of the valley of the Columbia River. It is planted in hills, and cultivated in the manner of rice, on ground so situated as to be partially flooded with water. It comes to maturity in eight or ten months from the time of planting. To prepare them for food, they are roasted ; they then become a substitute for bread ; or they are made into poi, by pulverizing and converting them to a paste. 27. TRAPA NATANS. Neill. This plant grows in ponds, and is eaten like the chestnut. The canal of Versailles is covered with the plant, and the root is some- times served up at table. 28. TURNIP. Brassica rapa. A hardy biennial plant. 1. Early White Dutch. 5. Yellow Stone. 2. Early Stone. 6. Yellow Maltese. 3. White Flat. 7. Long Yellow French. 4. Large English Norfolk. 8. Yellow Aberdeen. 9. Ruta Baga, Russian, or Yellow Swedish. Turnips may be sown broadcast ; very early for the early crop ; as late as midsummer for the late or main crop ; or, they may be sown in rows at distances proportioned to their sizes. No. 1 is es- teemed the best for an early crop. Nos. 5, 6, and 8, are new varie- ties, of superior quality, of a rich taste, and fine for keeping. No. 9 is also of a fine, rich quality, retaining all its goodness to a late period in spring. This kind produces enormous crops, and is a valuable article of winter food for cattle. No. 7 is a very superior new kind, from Teltow, near Brandenburg, of small and slender form ; those sown at midsummer keep till spring, and are of great excellence, whether stewed, or cooked by other modes. The best for the table are raised in poor ground; some have a skin of a coal black color. 29. WAPPATOO. Sagittifolia. A bulbous root, a new species of the arrowhead, which is found only in the valley of the Columbia River, below the Cascades. It grows in shallow lakes, and in marshes covered with water. When roasted, it becomes soft, and is then both a palatable and nourishing 364 APPENDIX. food, and is much used by the Indiana as an article of trade. The Indians search for the roots with their feet, and these, being extracted by their toes, rise to the surface of the water. S. S. 3O. YAM. Dioscorea A climbing plant, roots are very large, flattened, sometimes palmated. It is boiled or roasted like the potato, and is wholesome, palatable, and nutritious. The flower is also used for puddings and bread. D. alata is equally cultivated; its root is three feet long, and often weighs thirty pounds. Of both kinds there are numerous varieties. CLASS II. PULSE, VEGETABLE TOPS, &c. 31. ARTICHOKE. Cynara scolymus. A native of Italy and the south of France. The Globe artichoke is preferred. The flower heads, after the bristles or choke is removed, and while in an immature state, are boiled in water, with a little salt, till tender, and thus eaten ; sometimes they are fried, and used in ragouts ; and while very young, they are used as salads ; at other times, they are pickled. This is not the Jerusalem artichoke, which is a native of Brazil. It is a perennial, and is propagated by offset suckers, separated in April, and three or four are planted in a hill ; the hills in rows four feet asunder, and two feet distance in the row, in a deep, rich soil. They require to be slightly protected by litter in winter. 32- ASPARAGUS. Asparagus officinalis. A perennial plant of the most hardy description. The young sprouts are delicious food boiled. 1. Large Early Dutch. 3. Graresend. 2. Battersea. 4. Large White Reading. Sow the seeds an inch deep, in spring, and when the plants are a year or two old, plant them in rows fifteen inches asunder, and a foot apart in the row, in a soil made exceedingly rich, to the depth of ten inches. The asparagus, in its native state, is a dwarfish plant, with fibrous roots, which do not go deep ; but to be raised in its greatest perfection, and of a large size, the ground must not only be made rich at first, but kept so by being covered every autumn with a coat of manure, which is to be forked in very early in spring. 33. BEANS. Phaseolus. An annual plant or vine ; a native of the warm latitudes. It rises from two to ten feet, the stalk thick and angular, the leaves pinnate ; the flowers of fragrant odor ; the seeds large, ovate, flat tened enclosed in a long pod. CLASS II. PULSE, VEGETABLE TOPS. 365 I. ENGLISH DWARFS. 1. Broad Windsor. 5. Horse. 2 Early Mazagan. 6. Sword Long Pod. 3. Green Nonpareil. 7. Dwarf Bonurista. . 4. Heligoland. These are gathered and shelled when green. Sow them in rows three feet asunder, and three inches in the row, and two inches deep, in a dry soil, as early in April as the ground will answer, after the hard frosts are over. No. 7 is said to be one of the most productive and finest of Bush beans. II. KIDNEY DWARFS, OR STRING BEANS. 8. China Dwarf. 13. Early White Cranberry. 9. Mohawk. 14. Red Cranberry. 10. Marroto, or Thousand-to-One. 15. Large White Kidney Dwarf. 11. Early Quaker. 16. Early Yellow Six- Weeks. 12. Early Yellow Cranberry. The China Dwarf is the earliest; the Mohawk is early and very hardy ; the Marrow, or Thousand-to-One, is early, and long in bear- ing, the pods remarkably tender, and the finest of all string beans. Soil and distance the same as English Dwarfs ; sown from the first to the last of May. III. POLE OR RUNNING BEANS. 17. Large White Lima. 22. While Dutch Case Knife. 18. Small White Lima, or Saba. 23. Red Cranberry. 19. Large Scarlet Runners. 24. White Cranberry. 20. Large White Dutch Runners. 25. Yellow Cranberry. 21. London Horticultural. 26. Prolific Lima. No. 23 is a new kind, from South America ; from the extreme tenderness of its pods, it is a superior string bean. Nos. 23 and 24 are valuable string and shell beans. No. 21 is a productive bearer and excellent shell bean. Nos. 17 and 18 are unrivalled in their flavor as shell beans only. No. 26 is said to be the best of all beans, and fully equals the Lima, but hardier. Plant as soon as the ground will answer, in May or the last of April, in hills four feet asunder, and ten beans in a hill. Plant the Lima beans 10th of May. 34. BORECOLE. Brassica oleracea, var. sabettica. A species of kale, or cabbage, of the most hardy description. The head open, the leaves wrinkled or curled. The crown, or centre, when ameliorated by frost, is cut and boiled ; they are extremely delicate, tender, and sweet. Sow the seeds in April and May, and manage as cabbages. Before winter, transplant to trenches, and cover with straw for winter use. The stalks planted in spring pro- duce delicious sprouts. 35. BROCCOLI. Brassica oleracea, var. ;. botrytis, subvar. 1. Early Purple. 4. White Cape, or Cauliflotcer. 2. Early White. 5. Brimstone, or Portsmouth. 3. Large Purple Cape. A biennial plant, much resembling the cauliflower; one of the finest luxuries of the garden ; the heads are boiled and eaten with 31* 366 APPENDIX. butter, or the gravy of meat. The Portsmouth is very large ; the Large Purple Cape is very fine.- Sow in April and May, in a very rich soil, in rows two feet asunder, and two feet in the row, several seeds together, and tread the ground very hard. Leave, finally, but a single plant in a place. Hoe frequently, but shallow, and earth once. They flower from August to late in autumn. 36. BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Brassicaoleracea,v.;sabauda.,s\ibv. A delicate species of cabbage, which rises three or four feet in height. Small heads, an inch or two in diameter, issue from the base of the leaves ; these, after being duly ameliorated by frost, form a delicate article when boiled. Protected during winter, they furnish fine sprouts in spring. Sow in May, and cultivate as for cabbages. 37. CABBAGE. Brassica. 1. Early York. 10. Pancalier Savoy. 2. Early May. 11. Large Bergen, or Great American. 3. Early Low Dutch, 12. Large Late Drumhead. 4. Early Battersea. 13. Large Scotch. 5. Early Sugar Loaf. 14. Large Green Glazed. 6. Choude Milan. 15. Red Dutch. 7. Yellow Savoy. 16. Turnip- Rooted. 8. Large Cape Savoy. 17. Turnip- Rooted, or Arabian. 9. Green Globe Savoy. 18. Red Variegated Russian. A biennial plant. When boiled, it forms a wholesome and agree- able food. In making sour krout, the heads of cabbage, after being chopped fine, are strewed in layers in a barrel, and a handful of salt, mixed with a few caraway seeds, are strewed between each layer, till the barrel is filled. A heavy weight is now placed on the mass, and as soon as the fermentation, which soon commences, has subsided, the weight is removed and the barrel is headed. .A fine article for the sea stores of ships sailing on distant voyages a powerful antiscorbutic, and highly relished by all who become ac- customed to it, when boiled with beef. Savoy cabbages are deemed nearly equal to cauliflowers. No. 10 is said to be the best of all ; and cabbages set in spring produce fine sprouts. The Red Dutch, after being salted forty -eight hours, forms a good article when pickled in vinegar. The Large Dutch and Drumhead are profitable to raise for the food of cattle ; 44 tons were raised in 1821, by E. H. Derby, Esq., of Salem, on an acre. For early cabbages, sow in March, in a hot-bed. For a late crop, sow in May, stamping the ground hard. Set the small kinds two feet asunder each way, the large kinds three feet apart every way, and hoe often. In autumn, strip the outside leaves, and set the cabbages in eailh, in compact beds ; protect by a covering of straw or sea-weed. No. 18, or Red Variegated Russian, is a beautiful ornamental variety. 38. CARDOON. Cynara cardunculus. 1. Spanish Cardoon. 2. Cardoon of Tours. A gigantic plant, rising from four to five feet, much esteemed and cultivated in France. The thick ribs, or stalks of the leaves, when Tull grown and blanched, are tender and of a delicate flavor. Sow the seeds in April or May, in the bottom of trenches which CLASS II. PULSE, VEGETABLE TOPS. 367 are dug six inches in depth, and in rows four feet asunder, and eighteen inches apart ; leaving, finally, but a single plant in a place ; the soil deep, light, and rich ; water in dry weather. When the plant is nearly full grown, or in September, and in a dry day, tie up the leaves lightly, bringing the ribs in contact, with strong mat- ting. Cover the whole two thirds of its height, by winding closely a twisted hay band, an inch and a half in diameter, from the bottom, upwards; they will soon become blanched and tender. To secure from hard frosts, earth up, in a dry day, against the bands, and oth- erwise secure the plants in winter. It is used in stews, soups, and salads. 39. CAULIFLOWER. Brassica oleracea botrytis. A species of cabbage, of a most superior kind, the head or flowers only being used. Sow in September, and preserve the young plants during winter, for an early crop. For a late crop, sow in April. Transplant into very rich, and rather moist loam, three feet asunder every way. Tie up the tops gently, but close over the head, to blanch them. Boiled in a linen cloth, and eaten with melted butter, this vegetable is superior. 40. DANDELION. Lemttodtm taraxacum. A well-known and extremely wholesome vegetable for early greens and salads, of a slightly bitter, but agreeable taste. It is reputed to possess valuable medicinal properties. Sow in April or May, in a rich soil, or it may be propagated by division of roots, and improved by blanching. S. S. 41. EGG PLANT. Solanum mdongena. 1. Purple, (useful.) 2. White, (ornamental.) An annual plant, which rises two feet or more in height ; the fruit, which is produced in abundance, is very beautiful. In size and form, it resembles an ostrich's egg. Sliced and properly fried with ham, it is a delicious vegetable. Sow the seeds in a hot-bed in March, and transplant to the distance of two feet asunder in the open air, in May. A good portion of heat and of moisture are necessary, otherwise the seeds do not readily germinate. 42. HIBISCUS. Hibiscus esculentus. (Gombo.) A tender annual variety of Hibiscus, a native of the West Indies, and now cultivated in the south of France. It rises four or five feet, and produces capsules, which are used, while green, in soups, or eaten with butter. 43. INDIAN CORN. Zea mays. 1. New Early Ihoarf. 2. Sweet, or Sugar. These are the two principal kinds used at table. The New Early Dwarf is very early, and good for boiling. The Sweet is a kind well known ; it shrivels in drying, and is superior to all others for boiling. To preserve this kind for boiling in winter, it is first boiled in the husk, at the time while the kernel is yet tender, and aller being husked, it is hung up by the husks in the sun, till, thoroughly dry, it is shelled and laid by for use. When wanted, the corn is steeped in water over night, and to this same water beans are after- wards added, and the whole are boiled together. A delicious article ; 368 APPENDIX. it is called Succatash. Plant as soon as the ground becomes warm, in April or May, in rows four feet asunder, and in hills two feet apart in the row ; eight kernels in the hill ; cover two inches deep. 44. KALE. Brassica oleracea, var. ; sabellica, subvar. Ceesarean Kale, or Cow Cabbage. Green Curled Scotch Kale. The Caesarean kale, in congenial soils and climates, is a gigantic plant of the cabbage tribe ; a most profitable article for the food of cows 46. PEAS. Pisum sativum. 1. Bishop's Early Dwarf. 1 foot. 2. Russell's New Early Dwarf Prolific. I foot. 3. Dwarf Blue Imperial. 1 feet. 4. Dwarf Blue Prussian. 2 feet. 5. Dwarf Cimeter. 6. Knight's Dwarf Marrowfat. 2 feet. 7. Knight's Tall, Marrowfat. 6 feet. 8. Woodford's New Tail Prolific. 5 feet. 9. Dwarf Sugar (eatable pods.) 3 feet. 10. Tall Sugar, (eatable pods.) 4 feet. 11. Egg Pea. 12. Spanish Morotto. 13. Cedo JYulli. Sow early peas as soon as the ground will admit, in March. A quart of Early Dwarf peas will sow a row of 300 feet, rows three feet asunder. Nos. 1 and 2 are reputed the finest of the early kinds. Nos. 3 and 5 are very productive, and of delicious flavor. Nos. 6 and 7 are most superior late kinds for flavor and productiveness. No. 8 is of a fine green color, and bears well a long time. Nos. 9 and 10, or the Sugar or String peas, are fine, sweet, and productive kinds, the pods and peas being of delicious flavor. The Egg pea and Spanish Morotto are famous for their hardiness and productive- ness. The tall species of peas are sustained by brush-wood set in the rows. Some sow them in small circles ; as they rise, they sup- port each other. No. 13 is new, and remarkably early. 46. PUMPKINS. Cucurbita pepo. 1. Connecticut. 2. Mammoth. 3. Harrison Pumpkin. Plant the seeds in April or May, in very rich ground ; two plants to a square rod are sufficient. Pumpkins are valuable food for the table, either baked or stewed ; and valuable for fodder for fattening cattle or swine. Great crops are raised in cornfields with Indian corn, by dropping a seed in every eighth hill. The seeds produce a valuable oil on expression. The Mammoth pumpkin has weighed 226 pounds. The Harrison pumpkin is another new variety, and probably one of the most productive known. In 1840, and of this variety, E. H. Derby, Esq., of South Fields, in Salem, raised a crop, which produced at the rate of over 50,000 pounds to the acre. PUMPKIN SUGAR. According to an article contained in Lou- don's Gardener's Magazine, a method of making sugar from pumpkins has been discovered by M. L. HorTman, in Hungary, and the right secured to him by patent. In conjunction with M. Devay, he had established a small manufactory at Zamdor, where 4000 pounds of sugar had been made, some of which had CLASS II. PULSE, VEGETABLE TOPS. 369 been refined. From between 2GOO and 2700 pounds of pumpkins, 100 pounds of sugar are obtained, and an equal quantity of sirup. In making the sugar, the pumpkins are first cut in pieces, and the seeds being separated, the pumpkins, together with their rinds, are then grated fine, in the same manner as beet root, and the juice, being extracted by pressure, is purified and evaporated by the same process as that employed for the beet sugar. 100 pounds of pumpkins will yield as much sugar as 100 pounds of beet root; yet it is stated, that more than thrice the quantity of pump- kins can be obtained on a hectare of land than of the beet root ; and that the juice is far preferable to that of the beet root, because the latter more quickly ferments and spoils, while the juice of the pumpkin retains its virtues during 24 hours. The seeds yield, on expression, an excellent oil ; and from five pounds of seeds, one pound of oil may be obtained. In places remote from the seaboard, the making of sugar from the pumpkin will probably obtain a preference over that of the beet root ; so easily is the pumpkin raised. 47. SECHIUM. Mag. ofHort. Sechium edulis, or Siegos edulis. A new vegetable from South America ; in size and form resem- bling a very large bell pear; the skin smooth, of a pale green color; the flesh solid. For the table it is prepared in a manner similar to the squash, and is stated to be of a more delicate flavor. It has but one single flat seed, which is larger than a Lima bean. A new vegetable, imported by Mr. Buist, of Philadelphia, and altogether unlike any thing before known or cultivated here. 48. SEA KALE. Crambe maritima. A hardy perennial plant; a delicious and superior vegetable, as yet but too little known. It is said to grow wild on various parts of the sea-shore of Britain, where it is eagerly sought after in early spring. The young, tender, and unexpanded leaves and stalks, in a blanched state, are extracted from the pebbles and sand in which they are found buried, and cut off several inches beneath the sur- face, at the crown of the root. It will yet grow well in the interi- or, in any good, deep, dry soil, for the root goes deep. The plants should be placed in rows four feet asunder, and a foot or eighteen inches in the row. In March, cover it with sand or earth, in boxes or pots, to blanch it ; this renders it more beautiful to the eye, more tender, and delicate. Or it may be forced, by covering the pots or boxes with hot manure. Boil it thoroughly in water, or milk and water is better ; serve it up with melted butter, like the cauliflower. Sow the seeds as soon as ripe, and they readily vege- tate, but if kept till spring, they require to be cracked. Plantations are readily formed of pieces of roots two inches long, placed up right beneath the soil. 49. SPINACH, or SPINAGE. Spinacia oleracea. 1. Round-Leaved, or Summer. 3. New Winter. 2. Prickly-Leaved, or Fall. 4. .Yew Zealand. A most superior vegetable for greens ; an annual plant. The seeds of No. 1 may be sown in a rich soil, from April to July. No. Q may be sown in August or September for early spring. The New 370 APPENDIX. Winter is a kind, not common, from France ; the leaves fourteen inches long, eight inches broad, very thick and succulent. The New Zealand (Tetragonia expansa) is a fine spreading plant, yield- ing a supply of leaves during the whole summer. Sow this last early, in a hot-bed, or warm situation, in April or May, and trans- plant, giving them three feet space. 60. SQUASH. Giraumon. A superior vegetable for boiling, baking, or stewing ; a native of the warm latitudes. 1. Early Orange. 6. Long Yellow Crook Neck. 2. Early Long Warted. 7. Commodore Porter's Valparaiso. 3. Early Scallop. 8. Autumnal Marrow. 4. Acorn. 9. Scarlet Summer. 5. Canada Crook JYecfc. The Early Orange is a new summer variety, very early, and of superior quality. The Canada Crook Neck is, without doubt, far superior to any and all others, for the late or main crop. It is fine- grained, mealy, and of a sweet, excellent flavor. By being kept in a dry and suitable temperature, they may be preserved till the fol- lowing summer. Sow in April or May, as soon as the frosts are over, and the earth becomes warm ; the early or summer varie- ties in hills six feet asunder ; the winter varieties in hills eight feet asunder, and four plants may remain in a hill. AUTUMNAL MARROW SQUASH. Cucurbita succado. Introduced to notice by John M. Ives, Esq., of Salem. A fine new variety, of an ovate form, pointed ; the skin extremely thin, of a cream color ; the flesh orange ; the grain delicate, flavor excel- lent ; seeds large, pure white. Average weight, eight pounds. It keeps well in winter. The SCARLET SUMMER SQUASH is a new and beautiful flat va- riety, from France, of the acorn species, of a fine scarlet color. 61. SWISS CHARD. (See BEETS, No. 2, Poirees.) The finest kind of beet for greens is the Swiss Chard. The stalks of this are of large size, white, tender, and excellent; they boil like asparagus. It is sometimes called " Sir John Sinclair's beet." CLASS III. SALADS, PICKLES, SAVORY HERBS, PRESERVES, &c. 62. BASIL. Ocymum basilicum. An annual plant from the East Indies, sometimes used in salads in France, but principally and extensively used in that country in high-seasoned dishes and soups. The leaves are aromatic, and have the strong flavor of cloves. Sow early, in a hot-bed or warm expo- CLASS III. SALADS, PICKLES, HERBS, ETC. 371 sition ; transplant into rows a foot asunder, and a few inches apart in the row. CARAWAY. (See VEGETABLE ROOTS, No. 6.) 63. CELERY. Apium, graveolens dulce. 1. Large White Solid. 4. Italian. 2. Rose-Colored Solid. 5. J\'eu> Silver Giant. 3. Large White Hollow. 6. Celeriac, or Turnip-Rooted. The stalks of the leaves, when blanched, are used as salads, from autumn to spring; they are also boiled, to flavor soups, and some- times to be used at dinner. Celeriac is cultivated for its root. alone ; it is excellent sliced in soups, for its peculiar flavor; or, boiled till tender, it is eaten with oil and vinegar ; or it is stewed, to flavor rich sauces. This last kind is sown in April, in a hot-bed or warm ex- position, and transplanted to fifteen inches asunder every way, in moist, rich ground, but the plants are never earthed up. The former kinds are sown in April or May, in fine, rich earth, and shaded or covered with a board till the seeds vegetate. Transplant to trenches a foot wide, a foot deep, the plants a foot asunder; preserve every leaf, but destroy offsets. Earth up in dry weather, to blanch the leaf-stalks. 64. CHERVIL. Ciosma cerefolium. 1. Common. 2. Curled-Leaved. An annual plant ; the leaves have a warm and aromatic flavor, and are esteemed for salads; also in high-seasoned dishes and soups. Sow in rows a foot asunder, every three weeks, from April to September. 66. CHIVES, or CIVES. Mlium schamoprasum. A beautiful perennial ; a species of small onion. The tops are used in early spring for salads, and the tops and roots as early onions. It is cultivated by divisions of the roots, set six inches asunder. 66. CORIANDER. Coriandrum sativum. A hardy annual plant; the leaves are fragrant, the seeds aromat- ic, of a pleasant, spicy flavor. They are used as spices and in con- fectionary. Sown in April. 67. CRESS. Lepidium sativum. 1. Pepper grass, or Curled Cress. 3. Water Cress. 2. Broad-Leaved Garden Cress. A hardy annual plant, of a spicy taste ; used as a garnish, and in salads. It may be highly improved by cultivation. Sow as for lettuce, and at intervals from April to September. 58. CUCUMBER. Cucumis sativa. 1. Early Frame. 5. Long Green Turkey. 2. Early Short Prickly. 6. Long White Turkey. 3. Early Green Cluster. 7. Lonrr Green Prickly. 4. Long White Spined. 8. Girkm, or West India. A tender vine, an annual plant. The fruit is used raw in its green state, sliced in vinegar. When young, they are extensively 372 APPENDIX. used in pickling. Sow as soon as the ground becomes warm in spring ; cover a half an inch deep ; plant in hills six feet asunder every way, a dozen seeds in a hill, but leave finally but three. The ground must be rich, and manured well in the hill. For very early use, sow in small pots, in a hot-bed ; turn them into the open ground in May, protecting from the sun and late frosts. For pickling, plant from 10th of June to 10th of July, after a crop of early peas, or a crop of hay. No. 3 is a short and productive kind for open ground. The Green and White Turkey are fine, either in the open ground or for early forcing. 69. ENDIVE, or SUCCORY. Cichorium endivia. 1. White Curled. 3. Broad-Leaved Bataman. 2. Large Green Curled. A hardy annual from the East Indies ; esteemed for salads. Sow as for lettuce, at intervals from April to July, in a very rich soil. When fully grown, tie over the outer leaves to blanch the heads for use. Boiled during three hours, like dandelions, and eaten plen- tifully, endive has been found an effectual remedy for the jaundice, as recently discovered by the physicians of France. 60. FENNEL. Anethum fceniculum. This variety is perennial, a native of Italy. It is propagated by seeds sown in April, or by divisions of roots. In a boiled state it is served up with fish. 61. FLORIDA COFFEE. Mr. Dupont. Such is the name described in the Florida Herald of an annual pliint growing wild in Cuba, and now growing wild in some parts of Mississippi and about St. Augustine. The grains, which are pioduced fifty or sixty in a pod, are of the size of wheat, of an olive color; their flavor superior to the green coffee of Cuba, be- coming by age, in three months, equal to the best of coffee. A plant of the easiest culture in any poor soil. An acre will produce from 1500 to 2000 pounds. This valuable plant is a native, and grows abundantly in Attakapas, in Louisiana. Can this be Okra? 62. GARLIC. JIUium sativum. A hardy perennial, a species of onipn; a native of the south of France. It is propagated by a subdivision of the bulbs. These are set in rows a foot asunder, and five inches in the row. Early in au- tumn take up the roots and dry them. 63. HORSERADISH. Cochlcaria armoracia. A hardy perennial plant. The long and branching roots have a very strong and pungent taste ; and scraped in vinegar, they are highly esteemed as salads in winter and spring. It is raised from the crowns, each with an inch or two of root. These are planted in a very rich, deep, and humid soil ; in rows a foot asunder, the plants nine inches apart in the row. Or it may be raised from small pieces of the roots, placed upright and buried an inch beneath the surface. With sugar, the roots form a useful preserve. 64. ITALIAN CORN SALAD. ValeriancUa erior.arpa. A new variety, superior to the common kind, and earlier. An annual plant, which is used through winter and early in spring as CLASS III. SALADS, PICKLES, HERBS, ETC. 373 a salad ; it is also valuable early in spring, when boiled as greens Sow in August or September, cover lightly, and thin the plants to three inches. 65. LETTUCE. Lactuca sativa. 1. Early Curled Silesia. 7. Brown Dutch. 2. Tennis Ball. 8. Magnum Bonum Cos. 3. Royal Cape. 9. Ice Cos. 4. Large Drum Head. 10. White Cos, or Leaf. 5. Savoy Cabbage, or Green Head. 11. Green Cos. 6. Large Imperial. A hardy annual plant, one of the finest of salads known. The milky juice of the plant produces drowsiness, like opium. No. 1 is fine and early. No. 2 is fine and early, with small heads; both these and the Royal Cape are the kinds best known and most highly esteemed in the Boston market. The Cabbage or Head lettuce grows spreading, with round heads. The Cos lettuce grows up- right and oblong, and is sweetest. Sow in February and March, in hot-beds, for early use, and transplant in April ; and at intervals of three weeks, from April to September, in rows a foot asunder; the large-headed kinds may remain a foot apart in the row. 66. MARJORAM. Origanum. 1. Sweet Marjoram. 2. Pot Marjoram. The Sweet marjoram is biennial, a tender plant, a native of Por- tugal; highly esteemed for its savory taste, in highly-seasoned cookery. Sown in April in a hot-bed, or in a warm situation, and transplanted. The Pot marjoram is a hardy perennial, a native of Sicily; its uses are the same as the preceding. It propagates by division of roots in spring. 67. MARTYNEA. Martynea. An annual plant, with conspicuous, showy flowers. The green pods are fine for pickling. Sow in May ; the plants may remain two feet asunder. 68. MARIGOLD. Calendula ojficinalis. The common marigold is a beautiful, annual, hardy plant, some- times used in soups. Sow from April to May. The tops may be preserved by drying. 69. MUSTARD. Sinapis alba. An annual ; the young plants of White mustard are fine for sal- ads. The seed of the Black mustard, (S. arvensis,) ground, is a strong and most pungent seasoning for meat. A tea-cup of water and powdered mustard is an instantaneous and powerful emetic to dislodge poison from the stomach. Sow in April. A hardy plant, of the easiest culture, and of the tallest kind. 70. NASTURTIUM, or INDIAN CRESS. Troprm of a ring 6r hoop. Also called Hoop Willow. 67. ^VENETIAN SUMAC. Ekiis colinus. Smoke Tree. Purple Fringe Tree. Aaron's Beard. Jupiter's Beard. An elegant shrub or tree, rising from six to twenty feet, with a round head ; the leaves are round, and have the bdor of citron. The flowers are very striking, and have a beautiful appearance ; they appear in June, are in large tufts, of a purple color. In September and October they change, and appear like masses of wool. One of the most beautiful shrubs ; its appearance is very' conspicuous and superb. 68. S. S. ftWiLD ORANGE. Cerairus Caroliniana. A beautiful evergreen tree, of rapid growth, found growing OR the coasts of 'the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, rising to the height of from thirty to forty feet. The leaves are three inches long, oval, acuminate, smooth and shining above, and the tree affords an impenetrable shade. The flowers are small and numer- ous ; the fruit nearly black ; the pulp, which is not eatable, encloses a soft stone. CLASS III. TREES OF LOW GROWTH, OR SHRUBS, TO TKJI FEET, FOR THE SECOND RANGE. 69. JRosE ACACIA. Robina kispida. A low-growing shrub, which product's a succession of large clus- ters of pale blue or purple flowers. ORNAMENTAL TKEES, ETC. 387 70. {{ALTHEA. Hibiscus Syriacus. JL plena. MChea frutex. A native of Asia, but bears the winters of Boston perfectly well. One of the most ornamental of all shrubs, rising to the height of from six to twenty feet. The leaves are three-lobed. The chief varieties of the Double Althea are the Double Blue, Double Purple, Double Red, Double White Striped, or Pheasant Eyed, and Double White, &c. &c.- This last does not flower well in the latitude of Boston. The Altheas commence flowering not long after the hardy roses are gone, and continue blooming till late in autumn. They are very beauti- ful, and indispensable in every good garden. 71. {{AZALEA. This variety of honeysuckle is much admired. The pink and the white are the most common, and are natives of our woods ; they are extremely fragrant and beautiful when in bloom. The varie- ties known in cultivation may exceed a hundred. 72. CALYCANTHUS. C.floridus. Jlllspice, or Sweet-scented Shrub. A hardy shrub, rising six or eight feet in height ; the flowers are of a brown purple or dark red, of an agreeable odor, like spices. The leaves and the wood are very fragrant. 73. {CHINESE CALTCANTHUS. A variety with white flowers ; there is another Chinese variety with y ellow flowers. 74. {WEEPING CHERRY. See page 223. 75. {COLUTEA. Of this shrub there are the Colutea arborescens, with clusters of yellow flowers during summer and seed in a thin, inflated, mem- braneous case ; also the C. Pococki, with dark yellow flowers. Both are ornamental. 76. MISSOURI or JEFFERSON CURRANT. Ribes Missouriensis. A shrub rising to the height of six feet, with clusters of bright yellow flowers, of a fragrant odor in spring. 77. INDIAN CURRANT. SympTtoria glomerata. A low shrub ; the leaves are very small, oval ; the fruit, for which alone it is remarkable, is profusely clustered on the branches, and of a red color, but not eatable. 78. {PROFUSE FLOWERING CURRANT. Ribes multiftorum. Has long bunches of flowers, and is but little known. 79. {SNOWY FLOWERING CURRANT. Ribes niveum. Flowers white, pendent, and abundant, and ornamental. The fruit is black. A fine, hardy, ornamental shrub, brought by Douglass from the N. W. Coast. See CURRANT. 80. DIRCA PALUSTRIS. Leather Wood, so called from the uncommon flexibility of the tree and its branches. It rises from four to six feet, in form of a tree ; the flowers are yellowish white ; the leaves are oval. 81. BLOODY DOGWOOD. Cornus sanguined. Red-twigged Dog- ioood. The flowers are produced in clusters, but neither these nor the 388 APPENDIX. leaves are very striking. In winter the wood assumes a beautiful crimson color, and in that season is much admired. 82. WHITE FLOWERING DOGWOOD. Cornus alba. A shrub not very uncommon in our woods, producing a profusion of blossoms of a dull white, resembling the single rose. 83. {ENGLISH FLY HONEYSUCKLE. Lonicera xylosteum. A small tree or shrub, rising to the height of seven or ten feet; the leaves are dark green above, downy beneath; the flowers small, of a straw color, but not very conspicuous ; the berries are bright red; the shrub is considered ornamental; the flowers ap- pear in June and July. 84. {{RED TARTAREAN HONEYSUCKLE. Lonicera tartarica. An elegant shrub, rising from four to ten feet in height. The flowers are small, of a pale red color, very beautiful and fragrant, and appear early in April. This shrub is much admired. 85. {{CAUCASIAN or WHITE TARTAREAN HONEYSUCKLE. A variety of the last named ; a most elegant shrub, with blossoms of a pure and beautiful white. 86. {{DWARF FLOWERING HORSE CHESTNUT. JEsculus ma- A native of America ; it rises to the height of five or six feet, pro- ducing large spikes of beautiful white flowers, of a fine odor and ele- gant appearance. 87. S. S. {HAUESIA. Snow Drop Tree, or Silver Bell. There are two varieties of this tree, the H. diptera, and H. tetrap- te.ro. ; the former the two-winged, the latter the four-winged the blossoms are pendent, and of a pure white, bell-formed and beautiful. 88. {HAWTHORN. Cratagus oxyaccmthus. A tree of medium size, of many highly ornamental varieties ; some of which are distinguished for the elegance of their flowers, and some for the beauty of their fruit. 1. DOUBLE WHITE HAWTHORN. Covered in early spring with a beautiful sheet of white bloom. 2. NEW SCARLET HAWTHORN. Covered in spring with splendid and profuse scarlet bloom. 3. NEW DOUBLE PINK HAWTHORN. Covered with a beautiful pink-colored bloom. Other varieties are distinguished for the beauty of their fruit in autumn particularly, 4. ORIENTAL HAWTHORN. Cratagits Orientalis. var. Sanguinea. Produces large Port wine colored fruit. 5. LARGE YELLOW-FRUITED HAWTHORN. C. tanacetifolia. Has remarkably large and striking leaves, and large yellow fruit ; oth- er beautiful varieties are the Lrrana, &c. &c. The Hawthorn is much employed for hedges ; particularly the English Hawthorn, and the Washington Thorn ; the Cockspur or Newcastle Thorn, or Crus GaUi. This last is the best. See article HEDGES. 89. {INDIGO SHRUB, dmorphafruticosa. This produces spikes of blue flowers in great abundance, of hand- some appearance ; they appear in June. 90. {{LILAC. Syringa vulgaris. A beautiful shrub, rising from six to eight feet in height; it flow ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 389 ers in large clusters in April and May, of a fragrant odor. Of the lilac there are several fine varieties, all of the most hardy charac- ter. 1. Purple Lilac; flowers large and splendid, but too common. 2. White Lilac, with pure white blossoms. 3. New White Lilac, more beautiful. 4. Syringa Charles X., new and beautiful. 5. Syringa Sauge. 6. Syringa Varin. 7. Syringa Josik&a, a new and beauti- ful species of lilac ; flowers fine blue. 91. {{PERSIAN LILAC. S. Persica, This shrub rises six or seven feet in height. The leaves are pointed, and of less size than the common lilac. The flowers are smaller and more delicate. There are several varieties. 1st, Purple Persian L. ; 2d, White Persian L. ; 3d, Cut-leaved, or Chinese L., with curious leaves. 92. {{MAGNOLIA GLAUCA. Glaitcous Magnolia, A tree or shrub, with oblong glaucous leaves, and beautiful white flowers of a fragrant odor. The plant is very hardy, and flourishes best in a mixture of bog earth and common soil. 93. *{{MOUNTAIN LAUREL. Broad-Leaved Kalmia, Kalmia lu- tifolia, A superb evergreen shrub, very hardy ; a native of the Northern Stales of America. It rises five or six feet; the leaves are oblong and shining ; the flowers are in large convex clusters, of a rose or carnation hue, and appear in June or July, and are beautiful. 94. MOUNTAIN ROSE, or RASPBERRY. Rubus odoratus. A low shrub, remarkable for its large green leaves, and a succes- sion of blue flowers like small single roses. There is a variety with large white flowers. 95. S. S. *{{PALMETTO ROYAL, or BAYONET BUSH. A very singular production. It rises several feet, with a stiff, ligneous stem ; the summit is crowned with leaves in a cluster, of a dark green color, with crenated edges ; they are very stiff", dagger or sword-shaped, and sharp-pointed ; and they form hedges impene- trable to man or beast, at Savannah and St. Augustine ; the flowers are white, tulip-formed ; they crown the summit in a pyramid ; the fruit like a cucumber in size and form ; the skin smooth and shining, of a deep purple color; the pulp soft, juicy, agreeable, aromatic, and somewhat bitter. 9G. S. S. {{POMEGRANATE. See former page. 97. {PRIM, or PRIVET. Ligustrum vulgare. A sub-evergreen, rising eight or ten feet; the leaves are lance- olate, of a very dark green, like the myrtle ; the flowers are white ; the berries black, in large clusters. This plant forms a beautiful hedge. 2d. \Variegated Leaved Privet. (L. variegatum.) The leaves of this variety late in autumn are blotched with a bright gold color. 3d. t Chinese Privet. (L. sinensis.) A variety with leaves of the same dark green as the preceding, but of much larger size. 98. {{JAPAN QUINCE. Cydonia Japonica, or Pyrus Japonica. Japan Pear. See page 175. 99. {CHINESE QUINCE. See page 176. 33* 390 APPENDIX. 100. "^{RHODODENDRON MAXIMUM. ROSE BAT. Great Rhod- odendron. An evergreen shrub, a native of America. It rises from six to sixteen feet in height, with numerous branches ; the leaves are large, oblong, and thick ; of a dark shining green, and beautiful. Injjuly the flowers appear in large convex clusters, at the end of the shoots, of a reddish hue ; they are extremely beautiful, and last a long time. A moist soil is the most suitable. A very hardy va- riety. 101. *JJRHODODENDRON PoNTICUM, OT PoNTIC ROSE BAY. A beautiful variety, of foreign origin. The leaves are large, shining, and beautiful ; the flowers appear in midsummer, on the ends of the shoots, in large clusters, and are of a violet or purple color. A very beautiful shrub. A moist, sandy soil suits it best. This variety is not so hardy as the former species. 102. JJSNOw BALL, or Guelder Rose. Viburnum opulus. An elegant shrub, blooming very early and profusely in spring, in large, round, white clusters, like balls of snow. 103. JAPAN SOPHORA. Sopkora Japonica. A tree, rising, with a straight trunk, to a great height, in congenial climates. The branches are pendent ; the flowers in clusters, of a dull white. It was for a long time known that this tree produced the Japan Imperial yellow dye; but the bark, leaves, and wood failed of producing it ; but it is lately discovered to be produced froip its fruit. 104 SPIR.EA, Of the Spiraeas, there are several varieties ; they are all orna- mental. We enumerate, 1. {GUELDER ROSE SPIRJEA. Spirtea opulifolia, or ./Vine Bark. A shrub rising six or eight feet, with large round clusters of white flowers in spring. 2. {{SIBERIAN SPIRAEA. S. lavigata. A shrub rising five or six feet high, producing large, beautifulspikes of white flowers in spring. 3. RED FLOWERING. S. lomentosa. Produces handsome red spikes of flowers, and is neglected only because it is so common. 4. {NEPAL. S. Mia. Produces elegant red flowers. 105. {STRAWBERRY TREE. Euonymus. Of this tree or shrub there are several varieties. In autumn the trees are covered with a profusion of red berries, and are then deemed very ornamental. 106. {{SYRINGA. PMladdphus coronaris. A very ornamental shrub, producing a profusion of white flowers very early in spring, of a sweet fragrance. 1. {{CAROLINA LARGE FLOWERING SYRINGA. PhUad elphus grandi- fiorus, or Garland Syringa. Very hardy. The flowers are in gar- lands, and continue a long time. 2. {{VARIEGATED LEAVED SYRISGA. Pfiiladelphus rariegata. A beautiful and much admired variety, witli leaves variegated with green and white. ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 391 CLASS IV. SHRUBS OF LOW GROWTH. VARIETIES WHICH SELDOM RUE BTT FROM TWO TO FIV FEET X FOR THE FIRST, OR INKER RANGE. 107. ftDwARF DOUBLE FLOWERING ALMOJVP. Amygdalus nana. A superb shrub, flowering early in spring, in profuse clusters of very double blossoms, like small roses, of a rose or pink color ; one of the most ornamental shrubs of its season. See page 211. 108. YELLOW DIERVILLA. Diervitta lutea, or Acadian Honey- suckle. A low-growing, hardy, ornamental shrub. The wood is perfumed when broken ; the flowers are small, of a yellow color, and slightly fragrant. 109. CANDLEBERRT MYRTLE. BAYBERRY. Myrica cerifera la- tifolia. A low, hardy shrub, rising from three to five feet in height ; a na- tive of the Middle and Northern Atlantic States. The leaves are broad, shining green; when rubbed, they emit a fragrant odor. They remain on the tree till late in winter. The berries, profusely clustered on the limbs, are round, of the size of peppercorns ; each berry contains a small stone, and is covered outside with a waxen substance which resembles a thick azure bloom. The wax is ex- tracted by boiling. The berries, being placed in a boiler, are covered, until the water rises six inches above their surface, and these being continually stirred while boiling, the wax is separated, and this, rising to the surface like oil, is skimmed off" continually. As oft as the berries become exhausted, and will yield no more wax, they are withdrawn, and replaced by fresh quantities, the process of boiling continuing unceasingly, till the stock of berries is exhausted. This oil, being strained through a coarse cloth, and Cooled, is solidified, and being placed on lined cloths, the superfluous water soon dries ; it is then of a dull green color, and semi-transparent. Candles made of myrtle wax burn with a peculiarly clear, white flame, producing a beautiful light with but little smoke; and yield, while burning, a balsamic fragrance, and delicious perfume. The roots abound in the Gallic acid, and, when pulverized, they form a snuff of extraordinary medicinal power. The Candleberry myrtle will grow and flourish with little care ; a light, sandy, and somewhat moist soil seems most congenial to its growth. Hie Myrica Cerifera Angustifolia is another variety, with smaller seeds, a native of Louisiana, and there growing from ten to twelve feet high. Those trees produce seven pounds of seeds each, which yield about one fourth of their weight in wax. This wax is precisely similar in quality to the wax of the northern shrub. The balsamic fragrance yielded by the burning tapers formed of the new wax, is considered by the Louisianians as powerfully restorative to the sick. In that country, and at the suitable season, men go down to the sea- side, or wherever the trees abound, where they encamp with their whole families, and build a hut of palm leaves, and commence the pro- cess of gathering and of boiling, and continue while the berries last 392 APPENDIX. With the .view of rendering the produce of this plant a lucrative article of commerce, the French government have encouraged its growth ; and plantations of this shrub have been begun at Ram- bouillet and at Orleans. 110. S. S. {{CAMELLIA JAPONICA, or JAPAN ROSE. A beautiful evergreen tree^ producing flowers like roses, of vari- ous shades, extraordinary beauty and fragrance. It requires ef- fectual protection in the Northern and Middle States. It flowers in winter. 111. {{CORCHORUS JAPONICUS. Kama Japonica, Japan Globe Flower. An elegant shrub from Japan, rising, with many flexible stalks, to the height of five or six feet. The flowers, which are produced in succession from spring to autumn, are very double, and of a globu- lar form, and bright yellow color. This plant is strikingly beautiful. It bears the winters well in the latitude of Boston, with a very slight covering of straw or leaves, but generally without any pro- tection whatever. 112. {COTTONEASTER. A native of Sweden, a cold country. In June it presents a sheet of bloom, of snowy whiteness, and is of surpassing beauty ; in winter it is mantled with berries of fine scarlet. Varieties : 1 . C. acuminata , 2. C. mumularia ; 3. C. frigida ; and 4. C. affinis. The two last are of remarkably rapid growth. 113. {{DAPHNE MEZEREON. A lotf shrub, rising from two to three feet in height, with small, lanceolate leaves. In March the whole plant is decorated with flowers of a violet or red hue, and beautiful appearance. An el- egant shrub. ttWniTE FLOWERING MEZEREON is beautiful, but taller than the red. 114. {{TREE LUPIN. iMpinus arborescens. A singularly handsome, new shrub ; the flowers are large, and produced in beautiful clusters or racemes. 115. {{P^ONIA. The Tree Pewnias are as hardy as oaks. The flowers are of large size, and splendid in appearance. They are from China, and of several varieties. 1. Paonia Moutan Banksii, or Chinese Purple Tree Pseonia; flow- ers magnificent and fragrant. 2. Paonia roseo odorata, or Chinese Rose-Colored Tree Paeonia, with magnificent fragrant flowers. 3. Pfsonia panaveracea, or Chinese Poppy Flowered Tree Pseonia, with large single white flowers, with a purple centre. ] 16. ST. J OHN'S WORT. Hypericum. Of these there are several varieties ; the H. frutescens is a low shrub, which produces in summer a profusion of flowers of a yellow color. 117. {{SCOTCH BROOM. Spartium scoparium. A singular shrub, rising in many flexible stalks, like a broom ; the ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 393 flowers are yellow and very showy ; the appearance of this shrub is striking. 2. Siberian Broom, a low, trailing shrub, producing a suc- cession of small yellow flowers. 118. fJSNOWBERRY. Symphoria racemosa, A very hardy shrub from the Rocky Mountains. The berries, which are of the size of a cranberry, are in clusters, and are very white and delicate, like wax, and very ornamental. 119. #RosE. Rosa. The rose is justly called the queen of flowers, for its size and various beautiful shades and delightful fragrance. The colors vary from a pure white to red, to deep violet, and nearly to black. The yellow rose is not very uncommon. The rose is an indispensable requisite in every good garden. The lists enumerate at least one thousand names of hardy roses. 120. S. S. CHINA ROSES. These require a little protection during winter, in the Northern States. They are mostly ever-blooming, and universally admired on this account. They should be planted in the open ground in June, and may be again taken up in September ; or protected with moss or evergreens, and suffered to remain out all winter. The most common are the China Blush and Sanguined ; the Champney's Blush Cluster, and Noisette ; of these last there are many varieties, all blooming in superb clusters. Others, less common, are the Knight's Resplendent, the Grandval, or Hermite, more splendid still ; but both these last are of a dark crimson hue ; the Blush Tea Scented, of exquisite fragrance, and the Undulata. The Mul- tiflorus, Blush, and IWiite, and the Lady Banks's White and Yellow, and the Grevilli, are all running roses, and blossom in beautiful clusters ; but they do not blossom well except in a warm exposition. The Belle de Monza, the Yellow Tea Scented, and Yellow Noisette, are not common, but celebrated new kinds. Also La Triomphe d'Arcole, &c. &c. There are, also, many other kinds eminently beautiful. CLASS V. HONEYSUCKLES AND CLIMBING PLANTS. 121. ARISTOLOCHIA SIPHO. A rapid growing vine, with very large leaves, which are round, cordate, entire, of a bright green ; the flowers, which appear in June and July, are of an obscure purple, and of curious form, resembling a pipe ; admirably calculated for arbors, from the large size of the leaf. 122. J|BiGNOMA RADICANS, or Scarlet Trumpet Floioer. A rapid growing plant, a native of America, which extends its branches to a great distance ; the foliage of a fine green, and numer- ous ; from every joint roots are emitted, which attach themselves to the earth, and walls, and structures of wood ; the flowers are in clusters, each flower about four inches in length, in form of a trumpet, of a beautiful flame color. There is a very superior variety called the Minor. 394 APPENDIX. 123. {{BIGNONIA GRANDIFLORA. A variety from China, but not so rapid in its growth ; a fine climber. The flowers are large, and more in the Form of a bell than trumpet, and of a fine flame color. Both are very showy and beautiful. 124. {{CHINESE GLYCINE. Glycine sinensis, or PPwtaria conse- A beautiful vine, of rapid and very extended growth ; the flowers are very numerous, in long clusters, or racemes, of a purple color ; a magnificent flowering plant from China, and perfectly hardy on hills and elevated situations near Boston. 125. {{CLUSTER FLOWERING GLTCINE. Glycine fndescens. This appears to be of more vigorous growth than the Chinese, in our climate ; a very rapid growing vine , the flowers of a deep purple color, and in long clusters, or racemes, of a beautiful appear- ance; a native of the Southern States, but hardy. 126. {{!VT, EVERGREEN, or IRISH BROAD-LEAVED GIANT IVY. Hedera Mix. This, perhaps, is one of the most beautiful of all plants for covering arbors and walls. I suspect, however, our summers are too warm for it. On the north sides of buildings alone, I have observed, it flourishes in unfading beauty. 127. {VIRGINIA IVY, or American Ivy. Cissus kederacea. A remarkably rapid growing vine, and eminently calculated for covering walls, &c.; the leaves are large and palmated, changing in autumn to a fine crimson. This ivy is deciduous. 128. ROSES. Climbing varieties. 1. i !I>oi KSAUI.T. Maluku. A beautiful running rose, and the strongest and most rapid growing rose of all in northern climates. It blossoms most profusely, and with a brilliant display, in early spring, and occasionally during summer. The blossoms are double, of a deep crimson dye. 2. {COUNTESS OT LARMA. A beautiful variety of Double Ayrshire 3. ^DOUBLE CRIMSON SWEE* BRIER. 4. iEmpHYLLA. A very beautiful double blush and sweet-scent- ed running rose, a fine climber. 5. JFELICITE PERPETUE. Very fine. 6. JGREAT UNKNOWN. A new variety of Double Ayrshire. 7. ^LOVELY RAMBLER. Double Ayrshire, new variety. 8. {MARIE LEONIDA. Very fine and new. 9. JMYRIANTHCS. New and fine. 10. t tRi is A Ri: HI FOLIA. A beautiful and strong growing running rose, a native of the west, a fine climber. The flowers are small, and perfectly single, but grow in superb clusters, like Noisettes, with flowers of different shades on the same cluster. This rose flowers in July, after most other hardy roses are gone. 11. JSPLENDENS. Double Ayrshire. 12. jWiLLiAMs's DOUBLE YELLOW SWEET BRIER. 13. 8. S. *ttGREViLLi. Very rapid growing ; flowers in fine clus- ters of different shades. 14. S. S. *#BLUSH MULTIFLORA. Rapid growing ; flowers in superb clusters. ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 395 15. S. S. "{WHITE MCLTIFLORA. M. Alba. Superb white clus- ters of roses ; beautiful. 16. S. S. *{LADY BANKS'S. Two varieties, the white and the yellow ; both very beautiful, flowering in clusters. 17. S. S. "CHEROKEE. Not remarkable for the beauty of its flowers ; of very rapid growth ; used in Carolina for hedges. 129. VIRGIN'S BOWER. Clematis. Of this plant there are several varieties; some are hardy, arid some are tender. The Traveller's Joy (C. vitalba) is one of the most hardy and rapid growing varieties. C. viorna, C. viticella, and C. flamula are beautiful. 130. HONEYSUCKLES. Lonicera, Twining Honeysuckles. 1. {EARLY WHITE ITALIAN. Lonicera caprifolium. The flowers of this variety are white, and of a very delicate appearance ; they appear very early, but their duration is short; the vine is of very rapid growth. 2. {EARLY VARIEGATED BELGIC, or WOODBINE. A variety sim- ilar to the monthly, variegated in its blossoms; but it differs from that in flowering but once, very early and profusely. 3. {{CHINESE VARIEGATED HONEYSUCKLE, or Chinese Evergreen Twining. Lonicera ftexuosa sinensis. This beautiful honeysuckle is from China, and like many other productions of that country, it appears to be perfectly hardy ; the vines are very flexible, and of rapid and very extended growth ; it rises to a very great height ; the flowers are in pairs, or triple, covering the plant in profusion, from spring to autumn ; they are beautifully variegated with red, white, and yellow ; of delightful fragrance. 4. {{VARIEGATED MONTHLY HONEYSUCKLE, or Belgic. Lonicera Belgicuin. One of the most beautiful of all varieties ; the flowers last from spring till late in autumn ; the colors are variegated with white, and yellow, and red ; they are very fragrant. 5. {{SCARLET TRUMPET MONTHLY HONEYSUCKLE, or Coral. Lo- nicera sempenirens. Almost an evergreen ; one of the most rapid growing of all ; the flowers are of a fine scarlet, in form of a trum- pet, and are produced in profusion from spring till winter, and in- odorous ; the foliage is large and beautiful, of a dark shining green. A native. C. {{YELLOW MONTHLY TRUMPET. Lonicera Frazeri. The foliage of this is of a bright green ; the flowers differ from the Scarlet Trumpet only in being of a bright golden yellow color ; like that, it is a native of America. 7. {ORANGE-COLORED PUBESCENT. Lonicera pubescens. This is a native of the north-western coast of America ; the leaves are downy ; the flowers are large and beautiful, of an orange color. 8. S. S. {JAPAN HONEYSUCKLE. Lonicera Japonica. The flowers of this variety are produced in profusion, of a pale yellow color. It requires protection in northern climes. There are many other varieties. The Douglasi, or Canadian Straw- colored Honeysuckle is a native of America, has very large foliage. !). {{ETRUSCAN, or TUSCANY, ORANGE-COLORED. Lonicera etrusca. A new and beautiful variety, with flowers of an orange color. 10. {{COLUMBIAN HONEYSUCKLE. I'ining Honeysuckle. A new 396 APPENDIX. and very remarkable variety of Honeysuckle, or flowering vine, which is found in the valley of the Columbia River, and which the Rev. Mr. Parker has described as one of the first ornaments of nature. He calls it the Vining Honeysuckle. Washington Irving has also described the same plant in his " Astoria." The leaves are oval, and disposed in threes, of a rich green color ; each flower is com- posed of six petals, about three inches long, of a beautiful crimson color, spotted inside with white. The plant climbs to the topmost branches of trees, after which, continuing to grow, it descends, per- pendicularly, extending from tree to tree, until, finally, its vinous stalks connect and interlace the grove like the rigging of a ship. From the fibres the Indians manufacture baskets of so close a tex- ture as to hold water. The stems of this vine are tougher and more flexible than willows, and are stated to grow from three hundred to six hundred feet in length. FLOWERS. The lists of flowers recommended by most authors, are much too extensive for general purposes. I have made choice of the list recommended by Mr. J^eill, (Ed. Ency. Vol. x. part 2,) as the foun- dation, and from this I have taken some, and added many, new and fine. It includes the most showy and conspicuous varieties known. 1. FLORISTS' FLOWERS. These flowers are in a peculiar manner distinguished by the title of Florists' flowers. They are cultivated in beds by themselves : the principal are these 1. the Tulip; 2. the Ranunculus; 3. the Anemone ; 4. the Iris ; 5. the Dahlia ; 6. the Pink ; 7. the Carna- tion ; 8.. Polyanthus ; 9. Auricula; 10. Hyacinth; 11. Polyanthus Narcissus; and, 12. the Crocus. 2. PERENNIALS. Tall-growing, showy flowers, to intermix in the shrubbery border. For the shrubbery border, the following are recommended as the most suitable tall-growing, herbaceous plants 1. Hollyhock, (Ahhaa rosea ,) of different colors ; September till hard frosts ; 2. Goat's Beard Spiraea, (S.aruncus;) 3. Foxglove, (Digitalis,) biennial ; 4. Monks- hood, with blue and yellow flowers, (Mconitum ;) 5. Larkspur, (Del- phinium grandiflorum and exaltatum, and D. sincnsis ;) 6. Colum- bine (Aquilegia) varieties; 7. Iris, of the large species, (German- ica, sambucina, and siberica ;) 8. Willow herb, (Epilobium inigusti- folium;) 9. Double Feverfew, (Pyrcthrum parthcnium,) are showy in flower; 10. Tall species of Asters, (Jl. puniceus, multiflora, and linarifolia,) with blue and white flowers; 11. Tall species of Soli- dago ; 12. Perennial Sunflowers, particularly Helianthus decapetelus and H. multiflorus ; to these may be added, 13. Rudbe.ckia laciniata. 14. I add to this list the Tiger Lily, (Lilium tigridi/m.} Besides tall plants, some of humbler growth may be added, as patches of, FLOWERS. 397 15. Sweed Woodruff, (Asperula odorata,) and patches of, 16. Double Wood Anemone, (Anemone ne.morosa,) and, 17. the Lily of the Val ley, (Canvallaria majalis ;) there is a double red flowered variety of this ; also the Yucca jilainentosa ; the Yucca, gloriosa, and Great Black Astrantia, (.Istrantia Major.) 3. BORDER FLOWERS. The borders for perennial flowers are seldom less than four or five feet in breadth. One of the most ornamental tall-growing peren- nials is, 1. Double Scarlet Lychnis, (Lychnis clialcedonica, fl. pi. ;) 2. Hyssop-leaved Dragon's Head, (Dracocephalum speciosum,) and the Great Flowered, (D . grandiflorum,) with elegant blue flowers, and D. at'.ntifu.latutii; 3. Silver-rod, or Branched Asphodel, (Aspkodelus ramosus,) with fine white flowers; 4. Verbascum ferrugineum, Rusty Flowered, and V. phceniceum, or Purple Flowered, may be admitted ; together with, 5. the Fine Branched Lythrum, (L.virgatum,) which is covered for three months with purple flowers ; 6. two or three species of Centaurea, such as C. orientalis, with yellow flowers, and C. Caucasica, with white flowers, and C. montana, with blue flowers ; all hardy perennials ; 7. Double Siberian Larkspur, (Delphinium elntum,) flowers fine dark azure, and D. sinensis, elegant deep blue ; 8. Phlox pyramidalis and P. paniculate, P. suaveolus, P. Shepherdi, and P. tardiflora, are handsome, showy flowers ; 9. Linear Leaved Willow Herb, (Epilobium angustissimum, and sjricatum,) foliage fine, and flowers large, of a beautiful purplish red ; 10. Coreopsis verti- eellata, and C. lanceolata, flowers fine deep yellow; 11. Of the spe- cies of Speedwell, these are elegant Veronica virginiana, flowers blush-colored, and with white flowers ; and V. longifolia, flowers blue, white, or flesh-colored ; 12. Variegated Monkshood, (AconUum Tariegatum ;) 13. Rudbeckia purpurea, with large flowers; 14. Lia- tris spicata deserves a place in every collection ; 15. Acanthus mol- lis; 16. Of the fine genus Spirtea, the Queen of the Meadow, S. ulmaria, and Dropwort, or S. filipendula ; 17. Of Campanula, or Bell Flower, a hundred species have been named; there are several showy perennials, as Peach-leaved, (C.persicifolia,) with single blue, and single white, and with double flowers ; Nettle-leaved Bell Flow- er, (C. trachelium;) Pyramidal, or C. pyramidalis, and C. grandiflora. 18. Light Loosestrife, (Lysimachus erecta,) with showy yellow flowers, may be added. 19. DAHLIA. Belonging also to this class, the Dahlia is a noble plant, a native of Mexico ; a plant but lately known amongst us, rising from three to ten feet in height. It flowers profusely in au- tumn, after the hardy roses are past, and continues in flower till hard frosts commence. The flowers are magnificent; they are of a great variety of shades, and surpass those of the rose and camellia m size and splendor, although they fall short in fragrance. Its roots are large, oblong tubers. 4. ORNAMENTAL PLANTS OF MIDDLING SIZE. 1. Of the species of Achillea; Sweet Maudlin, (A. ageratum,) Sneezewort, (A. ptarmica,) with double flowers ; 2. Spring Adonis, (A. vernalis,) with large yellow flowers, in April ; 3. An elegant double variety of Rose Campion, (Agrostemma coronaria ;) 4. Peren- nial flax, (Linum perenne ;) 5. Round-headed Rampion, (Phyteuma orbicularis ;) 6. Sweet William, (Dianthus barbatus ;) 7. Ofthespe- 34 398 APPENDIX. cies of Eryngium, E.alpirium and E.amctkystinum are very orna- mental ; also, the Statice, or Thrift, in particular, S. latifolia, scopa- ria, tartarica, and speciosa ; 8. Fraxinella, or Dictamnus albus, is both beautiful and curious ; by approaching a candle to the flower, in a warm, dry and clear night in June, a slight explosion takes place, from the inflammable gas it exhales; 9. Cardinal Flower, (Lobelia car-dinulis,y a very elegant scarlet flowering plant, but is in u great measure now supplanted by the L.fulgens, of still greater brilliancy; there is also L. splendcns and L. siphilitica ; 10. Catananche cterulea, flowers of a fine blue ; Canadian Columbine, (Jlquilegia canadensis,) highly ornamental ; 12. Garden Wall Flower, (Ckeiranthus cheiri,) when double and of a dark color, is much prized ; 13. The Red and Scarlet Chelone, (C. obliqua, and bdrbata,) very late and pretty; C. major, fine peach-colored flowers, the most showy of the genus ; 14. German Goldylocks, (Chrysocoma linosyris,) with bright yellow flowers in the form of an umbel ; 15. Tritoma media, produces its beautiful spikes of orange flowers in autumn ; 16. Two species of Monardn; the Oswego Tea, or M. didyma. with scarlet flowers, and M. fistulosa, with purple flowers ; 17. The Perennial Lupin, (Lupinus pcrcnnis,) but a more showy plant is the L. nootkatensis, and L. poly- phyllvs; 18. Of the Perennial Poppies, the Oriental, (Papater ori- entalis,) with large, bright orange flowers; and the Welsh, (P . cam- bricum, with flowers of a deep yellow, and P. bracteata, or Cauca- sian ; 19. Red Valerian, (Valeriana rubra,) highly ornamental when of a dark color ; there is a white variety, which forms a fine contrast. 20. PEONIES. Belonging also to this class, several kinds of Peo- ny are magnificent border plants, and in splendor not by any means inferior to the Dahlia ; many of them are very superior to that in point of fragrance, in which some of them equal the rose; all are of the most hardy character. The most beautiful are, 1 . P. albiflora, or Single White ; 2. P. Whitleji, or Chinese Double White, flow- ers large, splendid, and fragrant; 3. P. albiflora fasta, or Makoya, new and beautiful, with double flowers; 4. P. Reexesii, new and beautiful, with large double flowers, of a light pink color; 5. P. Ro- SKO, or Double Rose-colored, changing to very pale ; 6. P. Carnca, or Double Flesh-colored; 7. P. Humet, or Chinese Double light Crimson; 8. P. Rubra, and, 9. P. rubra termifoluL, or fennel-leaved, both with deep single crimson flowers; 10. P. Rubra plena, Double Crimson; and, 11. P. fragrans, or Chinese Rose-scented, with superb dark crimson flowers, extremely fragrant; 12. P. Pottsii, dark crimson. 21. Smooth-leaved Bell Flower, (Campanula nitida.) very orna- mental, and completely covered with blue flowers. There is a double variety of this, but it is very rare. Of the numerous genus of Asters, with fine blue flowers,-the Italian Starwort, (A.rfmeuus,) the Alpine, (.4. alpinusj) and the A. sptctabilis ; Ragged Robin, (Lychnis fios cu- culi.) beautiful when double. 23. The varieties of L. dioicia, with double red and "double white flowers, are very showy; sometimes called Bachelor's Buttons : 24. The Plantain-leaved Crowfoot, (Ra- nunculus amplexicaulis,) pure white flowers, in April or May ; 24. Garden Rocket, (Hcsperis matronalis,} double white and double pur- ple ; these are excellent border flowers, being at once both showy and fragrant; 25. Virginia Spiderwort, (Tradcscantia nirginica,) with fine blue flowers, and with red and white flowers, blooming FLOWERS. 399 from spring to autumn ; 26. Asiatic Globe Flower, (Trollius asiuli- cus,) its rich orange-colored flowers are very brilliant ; T. europteus, flowers fine yellow arid handsome; 27. American Cowslip, (Dode- catheon meadia,) very elegant flowers, in May and June. The varie- ties of the Chinese Chrysanthemums, of almost every color, are particularly elegant. I must not omit the Day Lily, (Hemcrucallis japotiica,) with fine white flowers, H.fiaza, elegant yellow, //. cerulea, with elegant blue flowers and large shining leaves ; Asclepias tube- rosa; also, Iris pall Ida, is elegant, with large pale, sky blue flowers; Iris Swertii, new, and most beautifully variegated; Iris Jlava, fine yellow ; and Gladiolus maximus, with fine dark red flowers ; and G. natalensis, with superb red and yellow flowers. G. purpurea, with pale flowers, and G. Cardinalis, with scarlet flowers, are both fine. Double Cardamine, (Cardaminepratensis, pi.) Alpine Clematis, (Cle- matis Atpinus ;) Early Anemone, (Hepaiica triloba,) and Crimson Monarda, (Monarda didyma,) are fine. 5. LOW-GROWING FLOWERS FOR THE FRONT OF THE BORDER. 1. Double Purple Jacobea, (Senecio elegans ;) strictly speaking, this is only an annual, but double varieties may be continued by cuttings; 2. Several varieties of Phlox are very ornamental, particularly the common Lychnidea, (P. suaveolens ;) the early flowering, (P. divari- cata;) awl-leaved, or P. subulata; the Snow White, P. J\'ivalis and P. DrutHtnondi, and P. stolonifera, or creeping ; 3. The great flowered Siberian Fumitory, (Fumaria nobilis,) is very handsome, and contin- ues long in flower ; F. formosa, with delicate blush-colored blos- soms ; and the Yellow species, (F. lutea,) is valuable ; 4. Common Bloody Crane's Bill, (Geranium sanguhieum,) is not unworthy of a place; and the striped variety, (G. Lancaslriense,) and the streaked Crane's Bill, (G. striatum ;) 5. The Yellow species of Monkey flow- er, from Chili, (Mimu!us luteus,) is an acquisition, and very pretty ; and, 6. Different species of CEnothera, though of. humble growth, produce fine yellow flowers, particularly (E. frazeriana, (E. frutico- sa, CE.pumila, and Large White Primrose, ((E. speciosa;) 7. Marsh Marigold (Calthra paliistris) is likewise very showy, and for several weeks makes a brilliant appearance, but prefers a moist border; Feather grass (Stipa pinnata) is justly admired for its light, airy, and delicate appearance ; 8. Violets of different kinds are well known the Canadian, (Viola canadensis) is particularly elegant, and the Sweet or March Violet, (V. odorata ;) also Double Blue, (V. ceruleo, pi. ;) Double Purple, (V. purpurea, pi. ;) and Double White, (V. alba, pi.) all fragrant, but the large flowered variety is beautiful ; 9. The Anemones, with blue flowers, as the splendid rasque flower, (J). pulsatilla.) and different varieties of the Star Anemone, (A. ftor- tensis, and A.Apennina, and .4. prctensis ;) 10. The Gentians are also fine border plants, particularly the Gentiana saponaria, and G.acuu- lis, both with blue flowers. Orchis Jimbriata and O. blephariglottis are fine. Also Splendid Scarlet Verbena, (Verbena Melindris ;) White and Red Ladies' Slipper, (Cypripedium spectabilis,) and Double White Ranunculus, (Ranunculus aconilifolius, pi.,) are beau- tiful. 6. BIENNIALS. Some of the most common are, 1. Honesty, or Satin Flower, (Lunaria annua,) both white and purple ; 2. French Honeysuckle, (Hedysarum corunarium,} red and white ; 3. Yellow Horned Poppy, 400 APPENDIX. (Glaucium luteum;) 4. Tree Primrose, of several species, (Enothera oiennis, &c., and Moth-mullein, ( Verbascuiii blattaria,) yellow and white flowered. 7. FLOWERS FOR ROCK WORK. Masses covered with Lichens, especially, 1. Lichen atro-Jlavus, geographicus, r> n/osus, perellus, and stellaris, are very desirable. The following are very proper and ornamental ; 2. Cotyledon umbi- licus, and all plants which grow naturally in dry soil, are fit for rock work ; 3. Dianthus deltoid.es, D. armeria, and D. ccesins ; 4. The Red Valerian, (Valeriana rubra,) and the white variety; 5. Erinus alpi- nus;6. Madwort of different species, particularly Myssum saxatile and deltoideum ; 7. Cerastium repens ; 8. Erigeron alpinum; 9. Cy- clamen europaum and herdercefolium ; 10. Spring Gentian, (Gtntiana rerna;) 11. Soldanella tdpina; 12. Saxifraga oppositifolia and S. granulata, ft. pi.; 13. Verbascum myconi; 14. Lychnis alpina; 15. Primula nivalis, P. integrifolia, P. helvetica, and jP. marginata ; 16. Basil-leaved Soapwort, (Saponaria ocymoides;) 17. Stone crop, in par- ticular, Sedum album, glaucum, rupestre, aizoon, and sexangulaire ; 18. The Cobweb species of Houseleek, (Sempervivum arachnoideum.) 8. AQUARIUM. In the pond may be placed various marsh plants, as, 1. Marsh Calla, (Calla palustris ;) 2. Yellow and white-fringed Bog Bean, (Menyanthes nymphoides;) 3. The Flowering TH.ush,(Butomusumbel- latus;) 4. Water Violet, (Hottonia palustris;) 5. The Cat's Tail, (Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia) has a singular appearance Lastly, some of our own native aquatics may be recommended for their beauty and fragrance. The Nymphae, and in particular the White and Yellow Water Lily, (JV. a/iaand JV. lutea.) The White rivals the rose in beauty and fragrance. Also, the Double Flowering Arrowhead, (Sagittaria, fl. plena.) 9. ANNUALS. 1. The Indian Pink, (Dianthus chinensis,) 2. The Winged Thun- bergia, (T. alata,) and, 3. The Sensitive Plant, (Mimosa sensitiva,) though, strictly speaking, biennials, are often cultivated as annuals. Many of the annuals are very beautiful ; those of each species only which are the most showy, will be particularized. 4. Elegant Coreopsis, (C. tinctorial) this is very showy; 5. Beautiful Clarkea, (C. puldiella;) 6. White and Purple Candy Tuft, (Iberisumbellata;) 7. Daisy-leaved Catch-fly, red and white Silene lellidafolia ; 8. Venus's Looking Glass, (Campanula speculum ;) 9. Sweet Alyssum, (A. maritatum,) are very ornamental; 10. Convolvulus, major and minor; 11. African Marigold, (Tagetes erecta,) and French do. (T. patula;) 12. Lbye in a Mist, (Nigella damascena ;) 13. Variety of Scabius, (Scabiosa ;) 14. Ten Weeks Stock Gilliflower, (Chfiranthus annuus ;) 15. The rich and elegant Double Balsams, (Impatiens balsa- mina,) their capsules are curious; 16. Hibiscus trionum, with yellow flowers; 17. Many varieties of Larkspur, (Delphinium ajacis,) single and double ; 18. Varieties of Lupin, (Lupinus,) and of, 19. Sweet Pea, (Lathyrus odoratus ;) 20. Scarlet Malope, (M.trifida;) 21. Car- nation Poppy, varieties, (Papaver somnijerum,) are very showy ; 22. Purple-Eyed Crepis, (C. baruata ;) 23. Tangiers Scorzonera, (S. tingi* tannin ;) 24. The Eternal flower, varieties, red, white, purple, yellow, and blue, (Xeranthemum,) is unsurpassed ; its splendid flowers retain their beauty through the winter, and make a fine appearance in RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 401 vases; 25. Mignonette (Reseda odorata) is universally admired. The following are less hardy, and should be sown in a warm situa- tion, and transplanted, to bring them forward early : 26. Amaranth, (Amaranthus caudatus,) or Love-lies-bleeding, and, 27. Prince's Feather, (jj. hypochondriacus ;) and 28. The Chrysanthemums, par- ticularly C. tricolor and C. lutea. The following are tender annuals, and may be planted early in a hot-bed, and transplanted : Crimson Cypress Vine, (Ipomaa quamodit;) 2'J. Many varieties of Cocks- comb, (Celosia cristata,) with scarlet, purple, and yellow heads, are extremely ornamental; 30. Globe Ainaranthus, (Gomphrama globo- sa,~) of various sorts, with the Jlmaranthus tricolor, with each leaf of three colors, bright red, yellow, and green, are very showy ; 31. The Egg plant is showy on account of its elegant berry, of the size and shape of a large egg ; 32. The Ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crys- tallinum) is curious, its leaves and stalks being covered with crys- talline globules like icicles ; 33. And the well-known Sensitive plant, (Mimosa pudica.) CULTIVATION. The seeds of flowers are sown in the spring, in fine and newly- prepared fresh soil. Very fine seeds should be covered but a quarter of an inch deep, larger seeds deeper in proportion to their size ; and the ground is then to be immediately trodden hard ; this enables it to retain its moisture at the surface, which cooperating with the warmth of the sun on the seeds, they vegetate at once. NOTES ON THE AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF AMERICA, AND THE CULTURE OF SILK. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF SILK: ITS ANTIQUITY AND COMMERCE. Silk, or the splendid material produced by the silk- worm, was first known in ancient Ser, or Serial, in China. It was there first discovered in its own native forests of the mulberry tree. In that country it was called Se, and by transition it was called $cr by the Greeks, and Sericum by the Romans; and hence, by the different nations of Italy, of France, and of England, it is variously called Seta. Sole, and Silk, at the present day. Anciently, also, it was called Bomlykya, or Bomliycina, from Bombyx, a caterpillar which spins a web. The silk-worm, or Bombyx mori, is a precious insect, which is thus denominated from morus, the plant on which it feeds ; otherwise, and anciently, the Bombyx Assyrian, or Syrian improperly so called, since the country of the Seres, or Chinese, was another country, the most remote, and bounded on other shores; many a nation and faj distant country intervening. 34 * 402 APPENDIX. The cultivation of silk commenced in China 700 years before Abraham, and 2,700 before Christ. The Emperor Houng-ti, ".the Emperor of the Earth," who reigned over China more than a hun- dred years, and whose name is rendered immortal for his noble and Useful deeds, he who taught the Chinese to construct houses, ships, mills, carts, and other works of usefulness, he also persuaded his first consort, Si-ling-chi, to- bestow her attention on the silk-worms, it being his earnest desire that his empress also might contribute to the welfare of the empire. Aided by the women of her household, the Empress Si-ling-chi gathered the silk-worms from the trees, and introduced them to the imperial apartments. Thus sheltered and protected, and abundantly supplied with the leaves of the mulberry, they yielded silk superior in quality to that produced in the forests. She also taught them its manufacture, and to embroider. Silk and its manufacture, and the weaving, continued to be the principal occupation of the succeeding empresses, apartments b'eing especially appropriated to this purpose in the imperial palace ; and soon, from the highest rank of females, it became the occupation of all ranks in China ; and ere long, the emperor, the learned ckss, the princes, the mandarins, and courtiers, and all the rich, were attired in the splendid fabrics of silk, until, finally, silk became the great and inexhaustible resource of the wealth of China. From China it was exported to India, to Persia, to Arabia, and in- deed to the whole of Asia. The caravans of Serica performed long journeys of 243 days, from the far coasts of China to those of Syria. Silk was also rewoven and manufactured at a very ancient date, in the island of Kos, situated in the Archipelago, from the substantial fabrics which were received from Seres. It was here that Pamphila first invented and taught her nymphs to unravel, and with her loom to recompose, from the precious material, the thin, transparent gauze, and the other fabrics of an equally extended nature. The expeditions of Alexander to Persia and to India first intro- duced the knowledge of ilk to the Grecians, 350 years before Christ ; and with the increase of wealth and luxury in the Grecian court, the demand of silks prodigiously augmented. Persia en- grossed, for a time, the trade of Greece, and became rich in the com- merce of silk, which they procured from China. The ancient Phoe- nicians also engaged in the traffic of silk, and finally carried it to the east of Europe. But, for a long time after, even those who brought it to Europe knew not what it was, nor how it was produced, nor where situated was the original country of Serica, from whence it came. Ser, or Serica, was called Sereinda, a name evidently composed of Seres and of Indi, the names of two distinct and separate coun- tries, which the ancients had thus confounded ; even as the name of India has been, and still is, often indiscriminately applied to all the countries of the whole east of Asia, at the present day. Ammianus Marcellinus, the celebrated historian, has described the Seres as- a sedate and gentle people, living in perpetual peace with the neighboring nations, and therefore exempted alike from the calamities and the alarms of war ; with no occasion for offensive weapons, or even the knowledge of their use. Blessed with a soil the most fertile, and a climate the most delightful and salubrious, they are represented " as passing their happy days in the most per- fect tranquillity and delightful leisure, amid shady groves, fanned RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 403 by gentle breezes, and producing fleeces of downy wool, which, after being sprinkled with water, are combed off in the finest threads, and woven into sericum." This fable, which undoubtedly served for ages to deceive the na- tions, is supposed to have been the invention of the Seres them- selves, that they might appear to the wondering world as a peculiar people, on whom blessings were profusely showered down from heaven, in which no other nation could expect to participate. At Rome, and so late as A. D. 280, a silk attire of purple was accounted by an emperor as a luxury too expensive even for an empress, and that empress his wife, Severa; its value being equal to that of gold, by weight. Others there were at Rome, and enougli even at that day, who were by no means thus scrupulous in regard to price. But it was not till long after the seat of the Roman em- pire had been transferred to Byzantium or Constantinople, that the distinct and more perfect knowledge of the nature and origin of silk became known, and the mystery of the long sought " golden fleece " was revealed to Europe. In the sixth century, two monks arrived at the court of the Em- peror Justinian, at Constantinople, from a missionary expedition to China. They had brought with them the seeds of the mulberry, and communicated to him the discovery of the mode of rearing the silk- worms. And, although the exportation of the insects from China was forbidden, on pain of death, yet, by the liberal promises and persuasions of Justinian, they undertook a new expedition ; and at length they returned through Boukharia and Persia to Constantino- ple, in 555, with the eggs of the precious insect concealed in the hollow of their canes, or pilgrims' staves, which they had obtained in the far and still more distant country. Until this time, the exten- sive manufactures of the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Berytus had received their whole supplies of raw silk through Persia, from China. Even to the days of Justinian, according to ancient historians, no person at Constantinople knew, to a certainty, that silk was the pro- duction of an insect. It was generally supposed to be produced from the bark or leaves of trees, or growing, like the finest hair, from their branches. A new era now commenced. The whole value of the silks manufactured in France, in 18:35, amounted, by computation, to 140,000,000 francs, and it was estima- ted in Europe, that, in that year, silks to the amount of 50,000,000 francs were exported from that country to the United States alone. Yet in France, although they raise so much silk, they still import, annually, to the amount of 43,000,000 francs of raw silk, or nearly one third of all they consume, for the supply of their manufactures. In England, the climate, from its humidity or other causes, is found to be unsuited to its growth ; for this reason alone, the trials to raise it there have failed. Yet from 1821 to 1828, according to a late and authentic work on the silk trade, they imported, of raw silk, 24,157,568 Ibs., worth $120,787,580. Of this amount $59,881,283 came from Italy alone. At the present day, the silks which were consumed in Great Britain alone, so late as 1835, amounted to the enormous sum of $28,282,582 annually, at the wholesale prices, besides the whole amount of all they exported. The sudden and extraordinary extension of the silk manufactures, 404 APPENDIX. both in France and in England, during the latter years, has been mainly ascribed to the machine invented in France by M. Jacquard ; and the powerful impulse thus given, has been assigned to the Jacquard Loom. This loom performs all those labors which had heretofore been exclusively confined to the most skilful hands, with important economy of time, and of labor in the preliminary steps, and is so decidedly superior to all other looms, for all the Cu- rious varieties of figure-silk weaving, that it has superseded them all, both throughout France and England. According to the report of the Secretary of th6 Treasury, the value of silks imported into the United States during the year end- ing 30th September, 1835, amounted to $16,597 , will out- weigh five of the common kind; and their cocoons weigh almost in the same proportion. The quantity of food is one tenth" less in pro- portion to the weight of cocoons produced, than the common kind, but they require five or six days longer in their evolutions before they begin to spin. Their cocoons are four times as heavy as those of the small variety of silk-worm. Each cocoon yields nearly 8 grains, and measures almost 1.300 yards; and 100 cocoons weigh a pound, and 1,091 will yield a pound of pure reeled silk. Friuli silk is said to cause more trouble and waste in its manufacture, than that of either France or Lombardy. This may be owing, either to the breed of silk-worms, or, what is much more probable, to its being imperfectly reeled. For an account of the two following kinds of silk-worms, which are described as peculiar to Hindoostan, I am indebted to the researches of General Dearborn, who has described them from Atilburn's Ori- ental Commerce. 6. Arrindy Silk-Worm. This silk- worm is a species totally differ- ent from any hitherto described or known, and is called Arrindy, from the name of the plant, the Rhicinus, or Palmi Christi, on which RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 409 the insect feeds. It is peculiar to the districts of Dinagepore and Rangpore, in the interior of Bengal, where it is reared by the na- tives in a domestic state, as they do other silk-worms. The Palma Christi is largely cultivated in India, as it is also in many parts of France and some other countries, for the abundant produce of oil which is obtained from its seeds, which is known in commerce as the Castor oil. This plant is therefore cultivated for the double use of seeds and also of its leaves. The cocoons thus produced are remarkably soft, and white or yel- lowish, and the filament is so exceeding delicate, that it cannot be wound, as are other cocoons, but must be spun like cotton. The cloth woven of this substance, is white, coarse, and of a seemingly loose texture, but of incredible durability. It is used for the clothing of both men and women, and will wear constantly for ten, fifteen, or twenty years. The merchants also use it for packing fine cloths, shawls, and silks. Hot water dissolves its texture, causing it to tear ; it is therefore washed only in cold water. The Arrinda or Eria silk is reared in Assam, as in almost all Hin- doostan, but entirely within doors. It is fed principally on the Hera, or Palma Christi. It affords a fibre which at first looks rough, but after repeated washings becomes soft and silky . The poorest people of Hindoostan are clothed with this material, which is warm, and of incredible durability, the whole lifetime of a single person being seldom sufficient to wear out a garment made of this silk, which de- scends from mother to daughter for generations. Twelve broods pf tliis silk are sometimes raised in a year. In Assam alone, 80,000 pounds of this silk are annually produced. The Palma Christi flourishes in all the states of the south, and as far north as the latitude of Boston. 7. Tussch, or Wild Silk-Worm of India. This is a species of silk- worm which cannot be domesticated. They are so abundant in many parts of Bengal, and the provinces adjoining, as to have af- forded to the natives of those countries, and particularly to the Bra- rnins, from time immemorial, considerable supplies of a most durable, coarse, dark-colored silk, which is woven into a fabric called Tus- sch-dootie. This species of silk-worm might, it is supposed, prove highly use- ful to the inhabitants of the south of Europe, and also of the Southern States of America, where a cheap, light, cool, and durable dress is much wanted such a dress as this silk affords, and such as is worn by the Bramins of India. Once introduced, they would probably flourish, unaided by the care or assiduous attentions of man. In the province of Assam, in Hindoostan, Asia, which has lately come into the possession of the British power, amongst other pro- ductions hitherto unknown, there have been found about a dozen species of silk-worms, which produce the materials for valuable fabrics, including also the Arrinda. 8. The Muga Silk- Worm is never domesticated, or reared in houses; they feed on the leaves of a variety of trees. The eggs are laid on wisps of hay, which are collected and placed on the trees, whore they soon hatch ; plantain leaves being tied around the bot- tom of the tree, over which the worms will never pass. When a tree is stripped of its foliage, they descend, and are removed to other trees, by means of dishes of bamboo attached to poles. They feed 35 410 APPENDIX. thirty days, when they descend to the plantains, and, being gathered, and placed, on dry leaves, they form their cocoons. Their cocoons are two inches long, and thick in proportion ; they are not reeled like common silk, but spun like cotton or worsted. The silk is wove into cloth for scarfs, turbans, sashes, &c. In that climate they produce six crops in a year. 50,000 pounds of this silk is annually made in Assam. It may be the same silk-worm as that last described. There is another sort of these silk-worms, which produces a fibre of great lustre ; and a fourth kind, very large, the moths measuring ten inches across the wings. CHAPTER IV. MULBERRY, (Moms.) The mulberry, or moms of the botanists, is a genus comprising many species. It derives its name from Mor, in Celtic, black. Its origin has been assigned to China, but several species have been found growing in a wild state in America. In cold climates it is a deciduous tree, but an evergreen tree within the tropics. It was cultivated at a very early period of time in Western Asia and in Eu- rope, but only for its fruit. The fruit is a berry of a roundish or ob- long form; of a color varying from white to red or black; its pulp envelops numerous small seeds. USES. Most of the varieties of the mulberry are esteemed dessert fruits. When perfectly mature, they are grateful to the taste, and very wholesome ; the sirup is useful in mitigating inflammation of the. throat. The juice, when properly fermented, affords a pleasant, vinous wine ; mixed with apples, they afford a delicious beverage called mulberry cider, of a deep red color, like Port wine. The wood of the mulberry tree is compact, elastic, and hard, and susceptible of a fine polish ; it is therefore sought after by the uphol- sterer, the carver, and the turner. The strength of the timber ren- ders it valuable to the joiner, and also for building boats : its power of resisting the action of water has been compared to oak. The roots of the mulberry tree are of a yellow color, and strike downward; and the tree is extremely long-lived. M. de Saint Fond saw, in 1802, one of the original or parent trees of all the white mulberry trees of France, which the followers of Charles VIII. had brought from Italy, on his invasion of that country in 1494. M. Lachaux had caused this tree to be encompassed by a wall, to evince his respect and veneration, and to serve as a monument to a tree so inestimable. Whoever would enter extensively and at once on the cultivation of silk, let them, first of all, bestow their attention on the culture of the abundant supplies of food ; this principal and essential food be- ing no other than the material leaves of the various species of the mulberry tree. Not every kind, however, is equally suitable. Lin- nsRiis has enumerated seven species of those which were known in his day ; and amongst these there are two species, the Tinctora and Indica, which are not used as the food erf the silk-worm. The Tinc- tora is the Fustic of commerce, and is used only as a dye. The nourishment which is contained in the mulberry leaf is not RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 411 completely developed till the leaf is fully grown. The leaf, accord- ing to the analysis of Count Dandolo, contains, 1. The fibrous substance ; 2. The coloring matter ; 3. Water ; 4. The saccharine substance; 5. The resinous substance. The saccharine Substance is that which nourishes the insect, augmenting its growth and size. The resinous substance is that which, " separating itself gradually from the leaf, and attracted by the animal organization, accumulates, cleans itself, and insensibly fills the two reservoirs or silk vessels." The proportion of this nutriment depends on the variety of the mulberry, the age, the soil, and the moisture or dryness of the season. CHAPTER V. VARIETIES OF THE MULBERRY. Space will not admit a very particular description of every varie- ty. We will briefly describe a few, all fine for silk. 1. JAPAN PAPER MULBERRY. Broussonetia papyrifera. The tree is of rapid growth, and rises to a large size, with a round head ; the leaves are rough, either cordate, entire, lobed,or palmated. It is a native of China and Japan, and the liber, or inner bark, by being beaten to render it pliable, serves for paper, and as an article of clothing in those countries. The fruit is round and curious, but not edible. The leaves are eaten by the silk-worms ; and for this purpose, it is now successfully cultivated in France. A beautiful vegetable silk is procured from the bark of the young branches of the papyrifera, as has been proved by M. la Rouverie. He directs that the bark be separated, while the tree is in full sap, and beaten with mallets, and steeped in water, by which process he affirms fibres are obtained almost equal to silk in quality, and which, when woven, form a cloth whose texture resembles silk. 2. SHINING-LEAVED MULBERRY. Moms lucida. Leaves very large, pointed, cordate, and shining; fine for silk. 3. TARTAREAN MULBERRY. Merits Tartarica. The fruit resembles the Moms nigra. A variety from the vicinity of Asoph. It abounds on the banks of the Volga and Tanais. Leaves large, oval, oblong, serrated, shining ; excellent for silk. 4. WHITE ITALIAN. Moms alba. A native of China, naturalized in Italy ; already described ; too well known to need a more particular description. The leaves are small, but fine for silk ; the fruit insipid ; the bark forms a prepara- tion resembling silk. The young wood being gathered in Septem- ber, and steeped by day in still water, and spread on grass by night, for three or four days, may then be prepared and woven like flax. 5. MORETTI MULBERRY. A new variety, sometimes miscalled Alpine. Leaves ovate, sharp-pointed, entire, cordate at the base ; thin, smooth, large, of a beautiful and rather deep-shining green ; the silk fine. 6. MORUS ALATA. Leaves large and beautiful 7. ROMAN DURA. Leaves large, yellowish green, shining, and nsa proves identical with Roman dura. 8. BRUSSA. A variety 'from the vicinity of Constantinople, some- beautiful. The Morus Expansa 412 APPENDIX. times called the Asiatic. Leaves large, and of excellent quality. Other fine varieties, with large leaves, are the 9.- Morus J3lba Giazzola ; 10. Folia Doppia ; 11. Rose-Leaved; 12. Smtdl Queen,- 13. Spanish. 14. CUSHING'S NEW CHINESE MULBERRY. A new variety, lately introduced from China, by John P. Cush- ing, Esq., of Belmont, in Watertown. It was received from his Chinese friend in Canton, in the spring of 1837, and was imported in a growing state. Many trees of this fine variety have been liberally disseminated by him. I have thence affixed his name to the tree. The tree is of the most rapid growth ; the leaves very large, general- ly entire, but varying in the same species ; some being palmated or lobed, and of a beautiful shining green, and very numerous or thick set. The tree and its leaf are splendid, far more so than any other variety yet known ; the Morus multicaulis only excepted, which is evidently with this species very nearly allied. It produces silk of the first quality. The Canton Mulberry, so called, which was intro- duced by Dr. Stebbins, is evidently a variety of the same species. 15. MORUS MDLTICAULIS. Perrotet Mulberry. Morus .Ma Sinensis. A new variety, which is also called, by way of excellence, the Chi- nese Mulberry ; a tree of surpassing beauty ; a new and most valua- ble variety for the nourishment of silk- worms; a tree which is represented as possessing such decided superiority over all others, that it will speedily be substituted for them all, in every region of the globe.. It originated in the elevated regions of China, a country famous from antiquity for its silk ; a parallel only to our own, in all its va- rious climates and divers latitudes. It is to this tree, that the disci- ples of Confucius acknowledge their indebtedness for the prosperity and solidity of their empire. The tree grows vigorous, upright, and beautiful ; the leaves, large, soft, and tender, are petiolate, cordate, acuminate, serrated towards the summit, marked with nerves, always entire ; their upper surface is convex or curled, of a deep and beautiful shining green. The form and dimensions of the leaf vary in different soils. In a dry and arid soil they are of diminished size, their form elliptical, and without the heart-shaped indentation at the base, their breadth be- ing six inches, and their length eight ; but in a light, rich, and fri- able soil, the produce of the foliage is most abundant, the leaves large and cordiform, extraordinary specimens having sometimes measured more than a foot in breadth, and fifteen inches in length. The Morus multicaulis differs from all others in the uncommon vigor of its growth, and the property which the roots possess of throwing up numerous flexible stalks, the great length which these stalks acquire in a short space of time, and the facility with which it is propagated from layers, or even from the cuttings of a single eye. No other Variety will strike root thus readily from cuttings, but all others with difficulty. It differs, also, from the remarkable size which the thin, soft, and tender leaves speedily acquire, and the promptitude with which they are renewed. In all the maritime districts, from Long Island Sound to Georgia, in point of hardiness, both the Morus multicaulis and the Canton mulberry bear great resemblance to the oak; so also on the elevated RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 413 grounds near Boston. But in the low plains of the interior, and in the valleys of the north, they are liable to be injured in their tops by winter; yet in spring they start forth from the root with fresh vigor and renewed luxuriance. Both varieties, being of a prolonged growth, are therefore admirably calculated for the production of numerous crops of silk in a season. CHAPTER VI. SUBSTITUTES FOR THE MULBERRY. Various are the substitutes which have been proposed for the mulberry, which seems, indeed, the only suitable food. The Osage orange, or Madura, is, in fact, a species of the mulberry, and is found to answer well ; but the leaves cannot be gathered, except with inconvenience, on account of the numerous thorns. Latterly the Rainoon tree, a plant which grows only in the tropics, has been introduced to our notice as admirably adapted as food for the silk-worm, in its own proper climate. The RAMOOX TREE (Trophis Americana) is an evergreen tree, a native of the East and West Indies. In Jamaica it has been long known and used as the food of horses and cattle, and especially during the dry months, when, in some of those withering seasons, the most fertile valleys and pastures become the scenes of utter des- olation all being destroyed by a scorching sun. The Ramoon tree nourishes in the most barren and arid soil, producing at all seasons a succession of fresh leaves, and never suf- fers from drought. The leaves are oblong, acuminate or lanceolate, smooth, and entire. A quantity of silk- worms having been imported, and all other substitutes failing, the leaves of the Ramoon were tried with signal and unexpected success. A Jamaica paper of March 9, 1838, stales, that the silk-worms not only devoured them greedily, but appeared also to thrive better on them than on the mulberry. The silk produced was of a pure white color, and worth forty shil- lings a pound ; and it was calculated that three crops would be pro- duced in a year. The House of Assembly of Jamaica have voted the discoverer the sum of fifty pounds, "with a view to a future grant," as he progresses in the rearing of the silk- worm. CHAPTER VII. SOIL, SITUATION, CLIMATE, &c. Although the mulberry flourishes, most luxuriantly in a moist and rich soil and protected situation, yet the leaves which are produced in such soils are more crude, and not of a quality so nourishing. The growth of the tree in such soils and expositions, besides being more rapid, is prolonged to a later period in autumn, or until suddenly arrested by frost; and the immature wood of a forced growth, being more tender, is consequently more liable to be killed by early frosts and by winter. Such appears to have been the case in the winter of 1831-2, which destroyed so many full-grown trees of the hardiest 414 APPENDIX. description, even to the root. The ravages of that destructive win- ter seem -to have been confined to particular situations and soils ; to the productions of the forced growth of a summer not less uncommon and extraordinary' In a state of nature, and in the shades and protection of the forest, or of herbage, the growth of the young tree being slow, and the wood completely matured in due season, the case is far otherwise ; the bountiful covering of moss, of herbage, or of leaves, with which provident nature clothes the ground, being amply sufficient to mod- ify the growth of the plant, and defend, at the root. This protection, like the fleecy snow, being twofold, it defends alike from the blasts of sudden and excessive cold, also from the still more destructive and pernicious rays of the sun. These remarks are equally applica- ble to the very young trees of the different varieties of the mulberry, to those especially which late in autumn have been transplanted to new positions, or the forced trees of but a single summer's growth : defenceless, unprotected, and all exposed, on an unsuitable and naked soil, they meet the frosts of fcutumn and of winter unprepared. A dry, sterile sand is unsuitable ; and a shallow soil on a founda- tion of clay produces leaves of bad quality. In low, rich grounds, and extensive plains or prairies, near ponds, and in the valleys of rivers, the mulberry tree indeed grows most vigorously, yet the leaves being more watery, though voraciously devoured, they prolong the labors of the insect by inducing weakness, and injure the quality of the produce. These grounds are alike exposed to the destructive frosts of winter and of summer : the moisture of the atmosphere in such situations causes the leaves to become spotted and to mildew, and the leaves thus infected, if given to the insects, are the sure sources of disease and of death. Sunny expositions and the declivities of hills, those especially which slope to the south, east, or west, are favorable. The cocoons of mountainous countries are deemed superior to those of the plains; although not so large, they are usually of a whiter color. Plant the mulberry tree on the high uplands, and on the hills, for here they are neither exposed to suffer from the early and the latter frosts, nor are the leaves liable to become spotted or diseased from the mildew ; and from these combined causes, the growth of the tree will be con- sequently prolonged for a double length of time. Prepare the soil by suitable nutriment, to the depth of eighteen inches beneath the tree, and to a proper distance around. The roots of the mulberry tree strike downwards ; other plants may therefore be profitably cultivated beneath its shade, which is not deemed pernicious, the whole ground being kept as a garden during the first years. The proper soils for the mulberry tree are " dry, sandy, or stony." And trees growing on dry, sandy, or stony soils, and situated on the open plains, and on hills the most exposed to cold winds, will be found to suffer least of all from the destructive frosts of autumn and of winter. With all authors I must agree in recommending a soil of but moderate fertility, and least of all a cold, moist, and heavy soil, on a clay foundation, or even a very rich soil ; a dry soil, on a friable subsoil, on gentle elevations or declivities, being the most suitable of all for the mulberry from China. Land of middling quality will answer admirably land less calcu- RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 415 lated for other profitable cultivation. Land half covered with rocka may be profitably covered with mulberry trees, which will here find ample moisture, and nourishment, and warmth, from the direct and reflected rays of the sun. By cultivating the mulberry tree in hedge-rows, the ground will, in a short space of time, produce double the amount of food which can be obtained in any other way. And an equal amount of leaves may be gathered from the trees in hedge-rows, at less than one half the labor and expense which would be required from standard trees. It is thus that the mulberry is cultivated in China ; in autumn their hedges are annually cut down to near the surface of the ground, for the production of a new and more luxuriant crop of leaves in the ensuing season. In Persia, as we are informed, the trees are kept low, and not suf- fered to rise over six or eight feet in height. Broussa, a city of Turkey, at the foot of Mount Olympus, is famous for its silk, and is surrounded by mulberry plantations. The trees, says Commodore Porter, are planted in rows, not more than two or three feet apart, and kept pruned low for use, in the season for gathering the leaves, so that a man may reach the top. At other places in this great silk district, the same system is pursued. In stripping the leaves, those at the tip ends of the twigs are always left. But, in hot countries, the silk-worms are fed wholly on pruningft, as the leaves thus for a longer time preserve their needful freshness and moisture. John P. Cashing, Esq., of Belmont, in Watertown, a gentleman who has resided many years in China, has stated that the most ap- proved mode of cultivating the mulberry, as practised in that coun- try, consists in keeping them low by annual prunings, like plantations of raspberries. The same mode is also practised in India. This system of close planting and low pruning is in perfect conformity with the highly-approved mode of management which is now so extensively adopted with the grape vine, in vineyard culture, in modern France. During her residence at Broussa, Miss Pardoe visited the estab- lishments of the silk-worms, and made very particular inquiry as to the mode of feeding and management. The silk-worrns, as she states, are fed indiscriminately with branches of the red and the white mulberry, the last being preferred. The branches are strewed on the floor, and the silk-worms are never touched with the hand ; the withered mass being never removed, and when ready to spin, oak boughs, about four feet high, are planted in the mass, like a minia- ture forest, and in their leaves the silk-worms form their cocoons. Every crevice of the apartment is carefully closed to exclude the admission of air, and a fire of " charcoal ashes " is constantly kept up throughout both day and night. Meanwhile, as she states, it ap- pears certain that this mode of feeding and of management greatly increases the quantity of silk, and diminishes the labor of the feeders. This is the mode of feeding the silk-worms which produce, in the neighborhood of Broussa, an extraordinary quantity of silk. There is scarcely a house in the neighborhood of Broussa which does not contain several apartments filled with silk-worms, whose produce is disposed of to the spinners, of which there are a considerable num- ber in the. city. In one day. and of those only which entered at one single gate ot 416 APPENDIX. the city, and passed directly beneath her window, she counted up- wards of two hundred individuals, each driving before him a horse, mule, or donkey, and bearing boughs and foliage of the mulberry, compactly loaded. These mulberries, covering the immense plain, are each year cut down to the trunk closely. In the height of sum- mer, the far-spreading mulberry woods assume the appearance of the locust-blighted landscape ; every tree being left a branchless trunk, without a sign of foliage. CHAPTER VIII. CLIMATE, HABITS, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SILK-WORM. Wherever the mulberry finds a congenial climate and soil, there also the silk-worm will flourish ; such a climate and soil, and such a country, is ours throughout its whole extent, from its eastern to its western shores. The silk-worm is a native of China, a country famous from re- mote antiquity for its silk, and renowned for its industry, a parallel only to our own in all its various climates, and divers latitudes, in all its extraordinary vicissitudes of heat and cold. From China, also, we derive the tree, the essential food on which the insect most delights to feed. Transported to our shores, the silk-worm of Asia has here found a genial climate, a salubrious atmosphere, and the abundant pasture so well suited to all its wants. AVherever the Indian corn will mature its seeds, wherever the peach will mature its fruits, there also the mulberry and the silk-worms will flourish with ex- traordinary luxuriance, as in their native clime. Serene skies and days of unusual brightness are the characteris- tics of our climate; those days of continuous heat, of brilliant light and sunshine, being necessary, and these alone being all- sufficient duly to mature and to elaborate the juices of the leaves of the mulberry in all its varieties, thus converting them into the most healthy and nutritious food. Not every country is thus highly favored by nature. In England, first of all countries for its agriculture, they cannot raise silk, how much soever they consume. There, owing to the coldness and humidity of their climate, as their latest writers assure us, the mulberry in all its varieties will not mature its leaf, so as to become the wholesome and nutritious food of the silk-worm. (See the popular Encyclopedia now publishing in London, article Morns) Neither will the Indian corn mature its seeds, nor the peach ripen its fruit, in open culture, in that climate and country. In Europe, they usually lose from 35 to GO per cent, of their silk- worms ; the latter being the usual loss among the peasants. And, according to M. Beauvais, while the French have usually lost near 50 per cent, of their silk-worms, the Chinese, according to their best historians, lose not one in a hundred. This is in a measure to be ascribed to their superior climate ; but in part, also, it is justly due to their superior skill and management. In part, also, it may be ascribed to their rejecting, in the first instance and invariably, those RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 417 few worms which hatch prematurely ; but principally their extraor- dinary success is to be ascribed to their subsequent treatment of the insects, and particularly to their modes contrived for the purposes of ventilation and the preservation of a high temperature and pure atmosphere, and to the great attention which they bestow on them ; to their constant and night feeding, as well as by day. Forty times during the first twenty-four hours are they fed, and thirty times on the second day, a less number on the third day, and a still less num- ber on the subsequent days. Aware of the immense importance of the silk culture to the inter- ests of France, the government of that nation have established an experimental silk-farm at Montgeron, in the north of that country, under the superintendence of M. Camille Beauvais. Already, and previous to the year 1835, by his extraordinary management, had M. Beauvais succeeded in producing thirteen pounds of silk from the same number of silk-worms which, in France, usually produce but five pounds, and in Italy seven and a half pounds, and in India twenty pounds, and even in that cold climate he then expected soon to be able to produce an equal number of pounds. In the year 1837 was he enabled to produce 185 pounds of cocoons from 2,000 pounds of leaves, a quantity which had been found sufficient for that same number of silk-worms, or for 40,000, which, being of a size so superior, must have been more than sufficient for the production of 20 pounds of silk. By him, also, the wants of the silk- worm having been made fully known by new discoveries, and these wants being all supplied, losses from disease are no longer known. The silk-worm is a cold-blooded insect, its temperature that of the atmosphere in which it breathes ; its evolutions being wonder- fully quickened by heat, and prolonged by cold. 77 to 84 degrees of heat is its proper element, as now fully ascertained by M. Beau- vais. Combined with this suitable degree of heat and of purity, a certain degree of moisture in the atmosphere is indispensably neces- sary. In their native condition, the silk-worms are exposed to dan- gers continually, either from cold furious storms, or from devouring foes. In such a temperature, and under the benign protection and care of man, they flourish with extraordinary luxuriance, completing their evolutions with great economy of time, of labor, and with aug- mented production, all their labors being brought suddenly to a close. The habits of the silk- worm are peculiar to itself, both in regard to the time of taking its nourishment and its sleep. These habits differ essentially from those of the human race. The silk-worm takes no liquid with its food, except only what is contained in the fresh leaf on which it feeds. If neglected, or fed only at long inter- vals, and during the day, even though at such times fed abundantly, a large proportion of the food is thereby wasted. The leaves thus, for a long time exposed, becoming dry, the silk-worms refuse to eat, suffering irrecoverable injuries by day, and also during the long night, both by reason of hunger and tormenting thirst. They suffer doubly, also, from the voracity with which they then devour their food in the morning. But by fresh feeding, at short and frequent inter- vals, by night as well as by day, the food is all devoured, and half the quantity will suffice, none being wasted ; and half the expenses of gathering the leaves and of cultivation being saved ; even less 418 APPENDIX. than one hundred pounds of leaves thus fed, being found amply sufficient for the production of a pound of silk. The cocoons thus formed will be large and heavy, the- thread or filament substantial and strong, not liable to break in reeling, thus causing neither trouble nor waste. And eight pounds of cocoon of this superior size, will, with careful and skilful reeling, produce a pound of raw silk ; and in the manufacture of this silk the waste will be exceed- ingly small. The silk which is produced by the silk-worm is formed wholly from the excess of food suddenly consumed, over and above what is necessary to sustain life, as is also the fat of animals ; and the same principles, in regard to feeding, are alike equally applicable ; in both cases the true economy and great profit being the result of full and constant feeding ; a certain amount of food and liberal supply, and this rightly administered, being indispensably requisite completely to fatten the stall-fed ox during the accustomed period of a few months. But if this same quantity of food were parsimoniously given to this same animal, as its only subsistence, even during one whole year, the effect would be lost, and the animal, thus ill fed, would, at the end of this prolonged period, still remain the same lean beast as before. In the former case, the profit from feeding, to the owner, might indeed be very great, but in the latter case, quite the reverse ; as, independently of the great loss of time, the whole la- bor of feeding is also lost, and all the amount of food thus bestowed. The days devoted by the silk-worms to sleep are those of their moulting, or changes ; and except they sometimes pause for a few moments, at all other times their sleep must be but transient, if, in- deed, they ever sleep at all at any other time. In its native condi- tion, the fresh leaf of the mulberry becomes its permanent abode. From the first dawn of their existence they eat almost continually, except only on those particular days, and until they begin their cocoons, when they eat no more, but work incessantly during three days and three nights, until, this their last work being finished, they no longer work any more, but, entering the chrysalis state, they slumber profoundly for a season. CHAPTER IX. PROFITS OF THE SILK CULTURE IN FRANCE AND ITALY. The profits of a crop of silk are usually indicated by the size and quality of the cocoons. If the cocoons are very large, like the products of the well-cultivated and highly-fertilized fields, it por- tends a profitable and abundant harvest. One of the most celebrated of all the English writers on the use- ful arts, and on manufactures, is Dr. Andrew Ure ; and on agri- culture, one of the most distinguished is M. Puvis, president of the Agricultural Society of Ain, in France; the subject of silk having been fully investigated by both, both writers being especially of the latest day, and both having in their remarks a particular refer- ence to France. " In a great part of that country, the soil and cli- RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 419 mate being favorable, both authorities concur in stating, that the planting ot the mulberry trees and the raising of silk- worms, are, in this day, the most profitable of all agricultural pursuits. The mulberry tree, says Dr. Ure, is valued in Provence at from Gd. to lOd. sterling each, (or 12 to 21 cents,) or, this being its cost at the age of four years, at which time they are transplanted ; they may be stripped of their leaves in the fifth and sixth years, or three years from the time of grafting, and the seventh year it yields leaves worth one shilling sterling, or twenty-two cents ; and they go on increasing for twenty or thirty years, when the leaves bring thirty shillings, or $7,20. Large trees in the south of France will yield three hundred pounds, or, according to Dr. Ure, a tree will yield from one hundred to three hundred pounds, according to its magnitude and mode of cultivation. The cost of cultivation is one franc (eighteen and a half cents) per hundred pounds. The average cost of leaves, in good years, is three francs, or fifty-five cents per hundred pounds on the trees, in that country. The silk husbandry in France is completed in six weeks from the first of May ; thus affording the most rapid of all agricultural re- turns, and requiring only a small advance of capital for the purchase of the leaves. Cocoons are found to lose seven and a half per cent, in weight, in the first ten days, by the perspiration of the chrysalides. The pro- portion between the weight of silk which can be reeled, and that of the coarse floss which can only be spun, is found to be in the aver- age proportion of nineteen to one in perfect cocoons. But this does not include the outer floss, of a loose, furzy texture, which can never be reeled. 1,000 ounces of perfect cocoons have been found to produce 15<) ounces of pure cocoon. Thus every perfect ball, as soon as com- pleted, contains more than one seventh part of pure cocoon ; but this includes the floss and the pellicles. The length of the filament is usually from 500 to 1,200 feet. Count Dandolo states that it sel- dom exceeds 1,875 feet. Count Dandolo has stated, that twenty-one pounds of leaves, with economy in feeding, will produce one and a half pounds of cocoons. Again he has stated that, in Dalmatia, he has procured one and a half pounds of cocoons from fifteen pounds of leaves. In 1814, which was considered a season extremely unfavorable for silk-worms, Count Dandolo obtained fifteen ounces of very fine silk from seven and a half pounds of cocoons; and from the same weight of refuse cocoons he obtained thirteen ounces. These ex- traordinary cases are stated only to show the result of good and right management. "At Cevonnes, where the finest silk is produced, and where the cocoon is cast out, when seven eighth parts are reeled, thirteen pounds of cocoons, of a thread of four or five cocoons, are required for a pound of the purest silk in the world. The silk of Cevennes, in France, is probably the finest in the world. I have particularly stated the mode in which it is reeled, for to this cause, in a measure, it owes its celebrity. There is in- deed one kind which is sold at Lyons for from $4,42 to $4,64 the English pound ; but there U a kind still finer, which briugs $9,60 a pound. 420 APPENDIX. Four hundred thousand pounds of silk of superior quality was raised in Cevennes in 1832, and since that period, this quantity has been greatly increased ; as, among all employments of capital, none is so productive as the mulberry tree. It was yielding, at the above period, from fifteen to twenty per cent, profit to the intelligent agri- culturist. Thus states Dr. lire. There is a description of white silk, which is produced in the department of the Upper Ardeche, which is of a quality so su- perior, that it is purchased by the lace manufacturers of Nor- mandy, for more than fifty francs ($9,20) a pound. But a few years since, it commanded a price as hign as 150 francs a pound, (equal to $27,60.) The pound of silk, when well reeled, is capable of being con- verted into sixteen yards of the ordinary quality of Gros de Na- ples, or into fourteen yards of the first quality, and worth its weight in silver. The expense of reeling the excellent silk of Cevennes, which is but of four to five cocoons to a thread, is, according to Dr. Ure, but three francs and fifty centimes per Alais pound, which is equal to ninety-two one hundredths of a pound English, for reeling silk of this superior quality. This is about equal to sixty cents per English pound. In Italy, and during June, July, and August, a woman at- tending the kettle, and a girl to turn the reel, they work sixteen hours in a day, and then they wind a rubo, or ten pounds' weight of cocoons, which yields from one fifth to one sixth of their weight of silk, when their quality is good ; the whole expense of reeling amounting to 25. Gd. sterling per English pound, (equal to sixty cents.) Such are the statements of Dr. Ure. There, as in France, one person attends the pans, while another is employed in turning the reel. In most agricultural operations, and in manufactures, there is great saving, both of labor, of time, and of all things else, when these are managed on an extensive scale : silk is by no means an exception to this general rule, as this same system of M. Beauvais most fully proves ; so also the Comte Dandolo had taught before. That silk may be cultivated to profit on every farm and domestic establishment, however small, is a truth now established beyond dispute. Those distinguished masters have also proved, that, when skill and science have come in aid, the silk business may be carried on to profit far greater in large establishments and on an extended scale. CHAPTER X. SYSTEM OF M. CAM1LLE BEAUVAIS. At the Government Establishment, or experimental silk-farm, near Montgeron, in the north of France, M. Camille Beauvais, the superintendent, has adopted, with signal success, the more complete system of ventilation and of warming the apartments, invented by M. D'Arcet. By this system, a high temperature being at all times preserved, the silk-worms are fed twenty-four limes a day, for three days, during the first age , eighteen times a day during the second age ; twelve RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 421 times a day during the third and fourth ages ; and eight times a day during the fifth, or last, and longest age, during which they eat many times more than during all the previous ages the most per- fect cleanliness and a pure atmosphere being at all times preserved as indispensable. In conjunction with this high temperature and continued feeding, a certain degree of moisture or constant dampness is indispensable; since it is found that a drying heat has the effect, not only to absorb suddenly all the moisture of the leaves, thus rendering them unfit for food, but to absorb also the moisture from the luntrs and bodies of the insects. With a temperature of 81 to 84 of Fahr., a degree of moisture must be preserved, equal to from 85 to 89 of Saussure's hygrometer. Without this suitable degree of moisture, a high tem- perature was found by M. Beauvais to be utterly destructive. The same destructive effect, it is well known, is produced on the human system from similar causes. By this system of management he has also ascertained that the worms eat more, while the consumption of leaves is diminished, because they make much less litter and waste; the education being completed with a very great saving of time, and, consequently, economy in all things. So great was this saving, that, in 1836, the whole process was completed in twenty-one days, while in a common temperature it lasts usually from thirty-one to thirty- three days. CHAPTER XI. M. D'ARCETS SYSTEM OF VENTILATION. The salubrious Magnanarie, or healthy cocoonery of M. D'Arcet, is described as consisting of an oblong building with four ranges of hurdles ; in the end is a brick flue or chimney, and near this tie ap- paratus for warming the apartments, when required, is placed, in the cellar. This may consist of nothing more than a common cast-iron box stove, the stove a little elevated. This stove is surrounded on all sides, except the front, with a single wall built up roughly of brick work, as high as the floor, leaving a space of about a foot, on three sides of the stove, with a few openings at the bottom of the brick wall, for the admission of cold air from without ; this space forms the air-chamber. The stovepipe rises a few feet; then, de- scending within this narrow space, it passes off horizontally through this brick work into the chimney. A little fire being kindled within the stove, the cold air within the air-chamber, becoming heated, rises to the top ; thence dividing into four main branches, it is carried, by four main horizontal tubes of wood, beneath the floor, and directly beneath the hurdles. From these wooden tubes the heated air is permitted to escape upwards through the floor by numerous holes or openings, which are about two and a half feet asunder : these holes are of unequal size, the first being about an inch square, the size of each gradually increasing, as the current diminishes con- tinually as it proceeds. In the garret, corresponding wooden tubes are used, with holes Opening downwards through the ceiling. These tubes, uniting in one, enter the chimney ; these carry off the impure or cold air of the whole apartment. Near the chimney, and in the garret, and connected with these tubes, is a fan-wheel or 36 422 APPENDIX. blower, of thrice the dimensions of the wooden lubes, in excessive hot and calm or sultry days, when not a breath of air is stirring. By this simple process, artificial currents may be at any time pro- duced, and a hot, impure, stagnant atmosphere is speedily drawn out ; fresh, cool, and pure air, rising through the openings from be- neath, until the whole interior air is completely changed. I must observe, that, in warming the apartments by this mode, it is absolutely necessary that a small portion of moisture or steam should be infused along with the heated air. The silk-worms require it.* In most of our northern cities, at this day, numerous private dwellings, and public houses and churches, and most of our great manufactories, are warmed in this way, by currents of heated air from the cellar ; this being the most economical and perfect mode which has hitherto been devised. But during the calm and sultry days, and days of excessive heat, in some parts of India, the apart- ments of the opulent are refreshed by cool breezes artificially pro- duced, a man standing at the door with a vast fan. It has been very lately stated by Dr. Ure, that the five-guinea fan of Messrs. Lillie and Fairbairns operates to admiration. In some of those vast manufactories of Manchester, where its use has been introduced, the whole impure and unwholesome air is com- pletely and suddenly expelled and driven out, its space being sup- plied by air, pure, fresh, and wholesome. THE THERMOMETER is an instrument of the most simple kind, which measures the degrees of heat and cold with as unerring cer- tainty as a watch measures time. A child may learn its use in a moment, and be able to teach its use to thousands. It consists of a small bulb of glass, of the size of a bullet, connected with a small glass tube : the bulb and part of the tube being filled either with quicksilver, or with pure alcohol, double distilled from purest rum or brandy, the 'top of the glass tube is hermetically sealed, by melting the glass, by aid of a blowpipe, in the blaze of a lamp ; a scale of thin brass, iron, or wood being now added, it is graduated by another thermometer. As the heat of the atmosphere increases, the spirit expands and rises in the tube ; by cold, the spirit contracts and descends. > The cost of the instrument need not exceed a dollar, and it can never get out of order. In regulating the temperature of apartments, of baths, in evaporation, and in distillation, its use is necessary, and in breweries and in hot and green : houses it is indis- pensable. They are found in the mansions of our citizens in every town and village of our land ; and those gentlemen who, while they approve, yet discourage the use of this instrument, have egregiously mistaken the character of our countrymen. Eminently useful as it is, they will both know and possess the instrument. The Chinese regulate the temperature of the apartments devoted * Flame fires are not approved for giving warmth to the apartments of the silk-worms, in recent practice. They do indeed promote circula- tion, but they scorch the air. An iron stove heated to redness burns the vital air, consuming' the oxygen as much as does burning charcoal ; although it inav emit no mephitic vapor, yet it renders the air obnoxious to men and all animals that breathe. RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 423 to their silk-worms, wholly by their own sense of feeling a very uncertain mode. With them the use of the thermometer for meas- uring heat and cold, is as little known as is the watch for measur- ing time. THERMOSTAT. The thermostat serves to control and to modify the temperature. Letters patent were granted to Dr. Andrew Ure, of England, for an instrument of this kind, in 1831. It is formed by firmly uniting, face to face, two long, thin slips of metal, of different expansibilities ; one formed of steel, and the other of hard, hammered brass, both firmly riveted or soldered face to face, is found to answer well. Such a compound bar is found to warp or bend more or less, according to the degrees of heat or of cold, and may be made to op- erate in various ways. When formed in the shape of a ring or hoop, but not closed, by the unequal expansion or contraction on either side, it opens or closes more or less by cold and heat; and, finally, being employed as an agent for the opening of valves or stove regis- ters, or air ventilators, &c., it serves not merely to indicate, but to control and regulate the temperature of the apartment. Mr. Loudon states, that instruments for this purpose have been in use, latterly, in England, for regulating the temperature of hot- houses ; and as the temperature can never remain long perfectly stationary, those registers or ventilators are found to open or shut continually, almost every moment of time. THE HYGROMETER is a very simple instrument, to ascertain the moisture of the air. A piece of sponge will make a good hygrome- ter. Let the sponge be washed in pure water, then dried, and then let it be washed in a solution of sal ammoniac, or salt of tartar and water, and again dried. If the air becomes moist, the sponge will grow heavier ; but if dry, the sponge grows lighter. It may be at- tached to a beam like a steelyard, with an index, which will rise or fall with every change. Saussure's hygrometer is deemed one of the most perfect HURDLES are usually formed either of thin boards or of wicker, but those formed of twine netting, with meshes five eighths of an inch asunder, have been much approved. In the first ages, finer hurdles of brass wire have been used and preferred. These hurdles are placed an inch above others, formed of boards or of laths covered with stout paper. When the leaves are placed on the netting, the worms ascend, and the litter falls through. These hurdles slide, and are arranged in stages one above another, about fourteen inches asunder. The chrysalides in the cocoons are destroyed by exposing them on sheets to the noonday sun for a few hours, or in a confined room of glass, exposed to the sun ; or they may be stifled by the fumes of burning charcoal, or by other modes. But the very best way is, if possible, to reel the cocoons as soon as formed. The reel most highly approved is the reel of Piedmont. The operation by this ma- chine is the most perfect ; the threads having a lateral motion, no two being laid in the same place, otherwise the gum with which they abound would cause adhesion, and spoil the silk. In the reel of Piedmont, the threads are wound spirally along the reel the thread comes not in exactly the same place until after more than 2,000 revolutions of the reel. Its operation and construction are simple, but of the most perfect kind. 424 APPENDIX. A SYNOPTICAL TABLE, PUBLISHED BT DIRECTION OF THE FRENCH MINISTER OF COMMERCE AND Showing THE MOST RAPID PROCESS FOR REARING SILK WORMS, according to the Plan of M. CAMILLE BEAUVAIS, connected with D'ARCET'S Meth- od of yentUatwn; by B. DE LA GRANGE, Student of C. BEAUTAII. Translated from the French, in 1839, and first published in America by W. CHENEY AND BROTHERS, Conductor! of "The American Silk- Grower and Farmer's Manual" Burlington, JV. J. HATCHING BT ARTIFICIAL HEAT. 1st day, from 70" to 72 Fahrenheit; 2d 4ay, 75 ; 3d day, 77 ; 4th day, 79 ; 5th day, 82 ; 6th day, 84" ; 7th day, 86". Hatched this day. The moisture of the atmosphere, as indicated by the hygrome- ter of Saussure, was from 70 to 85. " For one ounce of Egft, . . ' about 40,000 Worms. I 1 3 n A ! f of Pound! of ,(not lotted,) ned in 24 If !i DAILY ATTENTIONS. * s 1~* 2 ilil 1 fe E . 1 _^_ Jj | | ills I* 1 1 1 1 ^ 8 86" 24 (a) 1 2 The worms are taken from the 2 84 24 2 u hatching-room to the cocoonery. 3 4 1 -5 82 79 24 (d) 1 10 Cleansing and dividing by means of nets, (c) 5 L , 770 18 (e) 8 " Cleansing. C 2 $ 770 18 11 <* 7 3 31 77 1 20 8 I 77 12 7 " Cleansing and dividing. 9 J OJ 77 12 15 M 10 3 < 770 12 40 < Cleansing 11 4 ?! 77 12 30 tt 12 3 77 3 50 13 77 12 (f) 40 " Cleansing. 14 77 12 65 1 77 s 460 it 2 Cleansing. 2;< j 77 8 300 300 2 Cleansing. 24 r 770 8 100 2 Branches are put up for the (t)2000 (A) 31 worms to form their co- coons on. 30 6th Age.l j 77 Gathering cocoona. *liu worm changes into a chrysalis immediately after it has finished its cocoon. 4fl 7th ] < The room where the moth* come out, which is on the 40th day, 4U Age. ( should be darkened. After they have come out, the males and females ihould not be allowed to remain together more than 8 or 9 hours. The females lay their eggs immediately after separation, each one of them lay- ing from 300 to 500; they are deposited on clean white cloth or paper. Alter leaving them 15 or 20 < ays in the place where they were laid, they are put into a cellar of the temperature of 45 or 50* of Fahrenheit, until the following year, care being taken to look at them occasionally. RESOURCES OP AMERICA, SILK, BTC. 425 OBSERVATIONS. (a) During the first three ages, the leaves should be cut very fine, and, instead of distributing them with the hand, much time would be saved, and the distribution made more equally, by using wire sieves, with meshes about | of an inch square. (A) Between the moultings there is always an increased appetite, espe- cially in the last age. (c) The cleansing consists in removing the litter from under the worms ; and the dividing, in spreading them so as to leave a space between them equal to their own size. During the last ages, two hurdles are filled from one. Dividing is effected by means of nets, with meshes f of an inch square. (d) At the approach of each moulting, the worms raise and toss about their heads, and their appetite diminishes; it is not necessary then to spread leaves, except on those which have not ceased eating ; and when they are all at rest, the feeding may be stopped entirely. (ej After moulting, it is necessary to increase gradually the quantity of nourishment, in proportion to -the increased appetite of the worms. (/) During the fourth age, the leaves are to be cut, but not as fine as before. At the fifth age, cease cutting the leaves. he worms are known to be preparing to spin their cocoons by the fol- lowing signs: 1. They discharge all the excremental matter contained in their bodies. 2. Their skins, and especially their feet, become transparent, and partake of the color of the cocoon they are to spin. 3. They wander about on the leaves without eaiing, and try to climb upon every thing they meet with, dragging after them fibres of silk. (A) The number of days' work does not augment in proportion to the number of ounces of eggs, because, for 10 ounces 210 days are sufficient, and 1,100 days for 100 ounces. (i) In 1837, M. Beauvais obtained 185 pounds of cocoons from 2,000 pounds of leaves, not sorted. Each worm requires but 3 days to wind its cocoon ; but it is well not to take them down until 6 or 8 days, so that the latest worms may have 72 hours, at least, to wind. The best-formed cocoons ought to be chosen to produce eggs. One pound of cocoons will produce an ounce of eggs. The rest are placed on hurdles until the killing of the chrysalis, which ought to be done as soon as possible. SUMMARY. The strongest indication of success is afforded, when the several changes taking place during the existence of the worm, are per- formed with the greatest possible uniformity, as to time ; and that this indi- cation may be fulfilled, it is necessary to maintain in the cocoonery, 1. An elevated temperature, sufficiently moist, and uniformly diffused; 2. A brisk and constant ventilation; 3. A feeding, light, frequent, and regular ; 4. The greatest cleanliness ; 5. At all times an active superin- tendence. (5-) Th CHAPTER XII. SYSTEM OF THE MISSES REINA, OF COME, IN LOMBARDY. Thia system has been fully described by M. Puvis ; and from its simplicity and extraordinary results, it appears to be that, which, above all others, will be eminently adapted to our climate, and the requirements of our people. The estates of the Count Reina arc 36* 426 APPENDIX. situated about two miles from Come, in Lombardy, and the several cocooneries which are established on that estate, are nearly all su- perintended by his daughters in person Hence this is called the system of the Misses Reina. When the suitable season arrives, the eggs of the silk-worms are placed in small linen bags, between two mattresses, which are not slept upon, which preserves them at an equal temperature ; and each day, these are visited for the purpose of giving fresh air. Thus situated, they usually begin to hatch in eight or ten days. After the eggs are hatched, the young worms are emptied into baskets lined with linen, and these, being removed to the cocoonery, are covered -with coarse canvass, with wide meshes, or with paper pierced with holes sufficiently large to allow a grain of wheat to pass through. Young twigs of the mulberry, being placed over these, are quickly covered with the worms. The young worms should be kept near a stove, and a temperature of at least 77 of Fahrenheit should be maintained in the cocoonery, which should in all cases be erected in a dry and airy situation. During the first and second ages, the worms are fed ten times a day, with fresh leaves chopped very fine ; sufficient being given to cover the worms. During the third and fourth ages, they are fed but eight times a day ; the leaves being cut coarsely in the third age ; but in the fourth, the leaves are merely sorted or separated from the stems and fruit. At the first moulting, the worms usually fast a day, and two days at the second moulting, nearly three days at the third, and a little longer at the fourth moulting; but a little food is usually given at the beginning of each change, for the sup- port of those not sick. The space which is allowed by them for the silk-worms on the shelves or hurdles during the last age, is 652 English feet for the ounce of eggs, which yield them 75 kilo- grammes, or 168 English pounds, of cocoons. This is double the space which is allowed by Count Dandolo, namely, 209 English feet, or 170 worms to the square foot, of the ounce containing 31 ,200, which produce, with him, 121 pounds of cocoons French, or 135 pounds English. Yet the silk-worms may be congregated more or less compactly, according to the more or less perfect system of ven- tilation. The temperature of the cocoonery, which is at first 77, is reduced gradually to 73 in the third moulting. At this time they partially open the ventilating holes during the warmest part of the day, and, K'ovided the weather is warm enough, no fire is made in the stove, uring the fourth age, all the ventilators are opened, and at the fourth moulting the windows are kept, at least, half open. In the fifth age, and especially when the worms begin their cocoons, all the ventilators and windows are left open night and day, for the ad- mission ofpure air, be the weather whatever it may. And should there not be sufficient space to allow the air freely to circulate, a part of the worms are removed to other apartments ; a perfect system of ventilation, a pure atmosphere, and sufficient space, being indis- pensable, especially during the fifth and last age, when, from the masses of food and of litter, and the copious transpiration from the bodies of the insects, noxious or pestilential exhalations particularly abound. These must be dispelled : neither can vast numbers of silk worms be congregated with perfect impunity by any other mode. RESOURCES OF AMERICA, SILK, ETC. 427 By this system, the Misses Reina obtain crops which average 75 kilogrammes of cocoons (16d pounds) to the ounce of eggs; and, what renders this result still more extraordinary, with a consump- tion of only ten pounds of leaves to one pound of cocoons ; this suc- cess being rendered the more remarkable, from the circumstance, that it extends alike through all the colonies of the estate of Count Reina, and the result having been equally as great during every year for many years past, including all seasons, both good and bad. Silk is, without doubt, destined, ere long, to become one of our greatest resources of national wealth, as it is also, at this day, in France and in Italy. It is believed that few additional improve- ments are now wanting to cause the scale, in the silk culture, favor- ably to preponderate, and even to out-rival that of cotton. What was cotton before the invention of the Cotton Gin ? Nothing. What is it now ? Wonderful to relate. In America, the culture of silk is progressing rapidly, and is fast be- coming established on a sure and lasting foundation. At many of the establishments since early in 1841, the silk-worms are fed and man- aged on the system of Edmund Morris, Esq., of Burlington, New Jer- sey, and with a success the most perfect and extraordinary. Mr. Morris is a gentleman extensively known for his practical knowledge and writings on silk. In some particulars, his system resembles that which is practised so successfully in the vicinity of Constantinople, as already described by Miss Pardoe and Commodore Porter ; his being a very high improvement on that system. It dispenses with all trouble in cleansing, and makes a saving of full half the expense of feeding by other modes, while the silk-worms by this system are exempt from disease. Parts of this system are secured to Mr. Morris by patent, and these rights are disposed of by him, either to individuals, or to coun- ties, or to states, at exceedingly low rates ; and every necessary in- formation is furnished by him gratuitously. By this system, the silk- worms are fed on the fresh twigs of the mulberry almost exclu- sively ; by these also, they are readily removed in vast numbers. In the last age, they are fed exclusively on the feeding frames, which are of very simple construction, being formed of a single layer of straw, which is thinly secured to its place. These slide in grooves formed in upright stanchions. From these feeding frames the silk- worms rise at the suitable time, and form their cocoons on the under side of other frames, similarly formed of straw, and placed over a foot above. These last, being covered with sized paper, serve also the double purpose of roofs ; they defend from the continual fallings from other feeding frames, which are placed but a few inches above INSECTS. (See also INSECTS, p. 49.) PYROLIGXEOUS ACID is not only destructive to insects, but protects the bodies of trees, to which it is applied, even from their approach. CAMPHOR is powerfully repulsive, from its strong odor. BITTER ALOES. Plants, according to Mrs. Tredgold, are com- 428 APPENDIX. pletely protected against insects, by washing them in an infusion of bitter aloes, which does not in the least injure the plants ; and the effects of a single application are stated to be lasting. FLAME FIRES. Samuel Preston, of Stockport, Pa., has success- fully destroyed insects in his garden and melon grounds, by Same fires of shavings, at night; the giddy insects rush into the fire from all quarters. He is satisfied that one shilling's worth of labor in an evening will secure a garden from their depredations, if not in time exterminate them. Fuel suitable may consist of the mowings of brush pastures or road-sides. FLAMBEAUX. Dr. Harris recommends, as effectual, to wind round the end of a stick, about a foot and a half long, old rags and swin- gling tow, dipped in tar or melted brimstone ; let this be stuck in the ground and set on fire ; it will burn a considerable time, and prove the funeral pyre of myriads. Staves of tar barrels might probably answer as well. - Certain trees and plants are peculiarly offensive to insects gen- erally. Such are the Virginia Cedar, the Pennyroyal, and some others ; and these being planted -very near, or in contact with, the peach tree, and other plants which are obnoxious to their approach, have proved, in certain cases, effectually repulsive from their pow- erful odor. Several other species of plants there are, besides the Red cedar, which, planted at the roots of the peach, and of other trees, which are liable to the attacks of destructive insects, may also prove equally repulsive from their powerful odor. Such are the tansy, and the Artemasia or Southern wood, both of which are perennial, and of the easiest culture ; the first being raised by division of roots, the last by cuttings. Forests and rivers serve, in a certain degree, to insulate, or to ob- struct the march of the canker worms, of the curculiones, &c. Thus it is, also, that in many places which are partially surrounded by the sea. the destructive insects are not known. Lastly, birds, of many kinds, are the natural foes of insects, from the multitudes which they devour as their principal food. Such are the crows or rooks, the blackbird, the robin, &c. ; and wherever bounties have been mercilessly offered for their destruction, the in- sect tribes have multiplied beyond all bounds, and gained the pre- ponderancy, and those countries have, in consequence, and invaria- bly, been visited with a curse. It has been computed that every crow or rook will consume a pound of worms and other insects in each week, during the whole season a vast number, which, other- wise, would have become the parents of millions. The black- bird and the robin, together with their young, devour also a propor- tionate number. Incredible numbers of the butterflies or moths, the parents of the unnumbered millions of the caterpillars and canker worms, are destroyed also by the martin, and others of their tribe, which seize their prey on the wing. In 1841, a premium was granted by the Massachusetts Horticul- tural Society to Mr. David Haggerston, for his discovery of an effectual remedy for the destruction of the rose-bug, and most other pernicious insects, which sometimes infest shrubs, and plants, and trees of the smaller size. The compound is composed of two pounds of train-oil soap, dissolved in fifteen gallons of water ; the compo- sition to be showered upon the trees or plants with a Willis syringe. FENCES AND HEDGES. 429 OF FENCES AND HEDGES. Mention has already been made of the Ha ! ha ! which is a wall constructed in the bottom of a dry ditch, and effectually concealed from the view on the interior side, or the side most exposed to view, by a lowly-graduated embankment to the top of the wall ; this embankment being formed of the earth which was taken from the ditch, which is all thrown out on that side, and smoothly spread. In all those situations where division fences of any other kind would but intercept or destroy the unity and beauty of the prospect, such an invisible division wall is admirable. A beautiful hedge may be quickly formed of the Larch ; and those formed either of the Prim or of the Arbor-vitse, or Red cedar, are eminently beautiful ; and particularly the last named, when, pruned in pyramidal form, they become remarkably compact and impervi- ous. These are the plants which no insect or animal will de- vour. As to the English hawthorn and the Washington thorn, they are both obnoxious to the destructive attacks of the borer, and cannot therefore be recommended. The following plants form beautiful live fences, all being armed with thorns : The Three- Thorned Acacia, when properly trained; it is armed with triple thorns a foot long. The Shepardia is beautiful in the leaf, or when covered with its crimson berries. The Osage orange has a beautiful leaf, and a very strong thorn or spine, and makes the finest hedge in the world. It is a new species of Morus or Mulberry, and so classed by naturalists. It endures the winters well, on hills and elevated situations near Boston, but is sometimes liable to be injured in its tops by the winter, in low grounds and valleys. The Prickly or Thorny ash (Zanthoxylum fraxineum) has a good thorn : both this and the Buckthorn (Ramnus r.atharticus) are of the most hardy char- acter, will grow well on any soil, and no animal or insect can en- dure them. The thorns of the latter, as also those of the Shepardia, like those of the Pear tree, grow only at the extremity of the branches. The Buckthorn is deservedly a popular plant near Boston. Lastly, the Cockspur thorn (Crus galli) is of rapid growth, has a beautiful leaf, and a strong thorn or spine, and is very hardy. John Prince, Esq., of Roxbury, who has tried this plant as a hedge for more than twenty years, is persuaded that no borer will ever annoy it, and that it is the best of all thorns. The hedge should be set out in the spring. In the autumn pre- vious, the ground should be dug on the intended line, at least eighteen inches deep, and the yellow subsoil cast out to this depth, and the trench filled with rich soil intermixed with good compost. The young plants, which should have been transplanted in the pre- vious year, are now to be sized, and reset in a single line, at the distance of nine inches asunder, and the ground kept in high culti- vation for a few years. The next spring, cut down the deciduous thorns to within four inches of the ground, when two or three branches will start up with renewed vigor, growing several feet during that summer. But evergreen trees must never be thus cut down. In the spring following, if any of the plants have discovered a disposition to outgrow all others, let such, and such only, be again 430 APPENDIX. cut down, as before. The hedge should be pruned once a year only ; and the only suitable time for pruning deciduous plants is as soon as the buds have swollen in spring ; and as for evergreens, as soon as vegetation has fairly commenced. In pruning, use no shears, but only a sharp bill attached to a long handle, striking upwards, and giving to the hedge its desired form, exclusively by the eye ; lowering the top a little at each annual pruning, and endeavoring to give to the hedge the form of a very steep roof, which form is ever to be preserved. Thus trained in the form of the quenouille, or distaff, as the hedge increases in height, so also it increases in breadth, all the branches experiencing in an equal degree the bene- fit of the sun and air, the falling rains and the dews ; it retains forever all its branches quite to the ground, standing impervious, like a pyramid on its base. Yet this is not the case where the sides of the hedge are pruned vertically ; as, in this last case, the upper limbs, receiving, as they must, the chief and almost exclusive benefit of the sun and air, and falling rains and dews, they become the superior, and the lower limbs inevitably perish. DEEP TILLAGE. Owing to our remarkably transparent atmosphere, the sun, in our latitude, from its exalted elevation during summer, shines with pe- culiar brightness and intense heat ; and droughts, which often and suddenly penetrate far below the limits of all ordinary cultivation, are of frequent occurrence. At such times, the trees and plants cease to grow, or become scorched with withering heat, and a pause in vegetation ensues, the best part of the summer being lost. The ob- vious and easy preventive remedy is deep tillage ; or the earth must be loosened to the depth of at least eighteen or twenty inches, with the subsoil plough, and the operation repeated at intervals of three or four years, until the whole earth to this depth becomes of the same uniform fertility. The subsoil plough is of Scotch invention. It is formed of great strength, and chiefly of iron, without the mould- board, and with a wing on each side. It is drawn usually by four oxen or horses, and follows in the bottom of a deep furrow, formed with the common plough. The subsoil plough serves admirably to stir and to loosen the subsoil to this extraordinary depth, without re- moving it from its place, or bringing the sterile earth to the surface. Thus broken or pulverized, the rains and the dews sink down, being readily absorbed, together with a due proportion of the richest juices of the manure ; and the roots of trees and of plants now strike root downwards, deep into the soil, below the influence of all but very extraordinary droughts ; where, finding permanent re- sources of nourishment, their growth continues uninterrupted and perpetual during the whole season. GLOSSARY. 1. Acuminate. Ending obtusely, with a prolonged, sharp point. 2. Alburnum. Sap-wood ; the white, soft, exterior layers of wood. 3. Anther. That portion of the stamen containing the pollen. 4. Aromatic. Fragrant ; spicy. 5. Astringent. Contracting. 6. Axil. The angle on the upper side between the leaf and stem. 7. Axillary. Growing from the axils. 8. Berry. A pulpy fruit enclosing seeds having no capsules. 9. Calcareous. Containing lime. 10. Calyx. The outer covering of the corolla. 11. Cambyum. The concentrated sap or viscid substance which lies between the bark and wood. 12. Capsule. A hollow seed-vessel, which opens when dry. 13. Catkins. Flowers in tufts, arranged on a slender or flexible thread. 14. Cordate, or Cordiform. Heart-shaped. 15. Coriaceous. Resembling leather or parchment. 16. Corolla. The crown, which encloses the stamens. 17. Corymbs. Flowers having a flat summit, which is formed of numerous flower-stalks, which arise on a common stem, from different heights. 18. Crenate. See SerruUite. 19. Deciduous. Not evergreen ; trees whose leaves fall in autumn are termed deciduous. 20. Dentate. Toothed ; edged with large, sharp points. 21. Denticulate. Minutely dentate. 22. Drupe. A fleshy fruit enclosing a stone. 23. Genus. [The singular of genera.] A family of plants which agree in flower and fruit. 24. Glands. Small heads, or inflated bodies, which appear in dif- ferent parts of plants or leaves. 25. Glaucous. Of a sea-green color. 26. Globose. Round or spherical. 27. Herbaceous. Not ligneous, or woody. 28. Imbricate. Overlaying like scales, or the slating of a roof. 29. Lanceolate. Spear-shaped ; both ends very acutely pointed. 30. Leaflet. A part or small leaf of the compound or pinnate leaf. 31. Liber. The inner layer of bark, which lies next the wood. The ancients wrote upon and formed their books of this substance; hence the name. 432 GLOSSARY. 32. Ligneous. Woody. 33. Lobe. A large division of a leaf 34. Serves. Parallel veins. 35. Obovate. Egg-shaped, with the smallest end towards the stalk. 36. Oral acuminate. Round at one end, pointed at the other. 37. Ovate. Egg-shaped. 38. Palmated. In the form of a hand with the fingers spread. 39. Panicle. A loose, irregular flower, subdivided into branches. 40. Peduncle. The stem, which supports the flower and fruit. 41. Pericarp. See Capsule. 42. Petal. The leaf of which flowers are composed. 43. Petiole. The footstalk, which supports the leaf. 44. Pinnate. Having two rows of leaflets arranged on a common petiole. 45. Pollen. The dust contained in the anthers. 46. Pome. A pulpy fruit containing a pericarp or capsule. Hairy, 48. Raceme. Long clusters. 47. Pubescent. Hairy, or downy. 49. Reniform. Oblong, oval, or lengthened. 50. Rugose. Wrinkled. 51. Serrate. Notched in a manner resembling the teeth of a saw. 52. Serrulate, or Crenate. Minutely serrate. 53. Sessile. Attached to the stem without footstalks. 54. Species. The last or lowest division. 55. Spine. A. thorn growing from the wood. Prickles grow freely from the bark. 56. Stamen. The outer circle of the slender filaments which rise around the centre of a blossom or flower. 57. Stigma. The summit of the pistil. 58. Stipule. Leafy appendages at the base of the leaves or petioles. 59. Suture. A groove, or channel. 60. Tendrils. The twining appendages of vines, by which they attach themselves to supporters. 61. Truncated. Having a square termination. 62. Umbel. Flowers having a convex summit, with numerous flower-stalks of equal length diverging from a common centre. 63. Variety. A subdivision of a species, or the lowest division. INDEX. Page. Agricultural ivesources of America, (Appendix) . . . .401 ALMOND. Its History and Uses 210 Great Double Flowering. . .211 Dwarf Double Flowering. ..211 Other varieties 210 Page. Blenheim Orange 72 *Blue Pearmain f9- 9] *Boxford til *Brabant Bellflower (it 88 gg Calville Rouge de Micoud . . .6 ' 1 APPLE. Its Description and History. 58 Its Uses 58 "1 Chandler 7-> "Chinese Double Flowering. .d> 73 To gather and preserve. .59,106 Cultivation &c 99 <>1 Cornish Gilliflower . oi Of Pruning 101 Cos Apple 7-> Insects, &c. which annoy.. 102 Cider 108 Court of Wyck u 71 Climate of the Apple,58,81,85,97 Varieties, American, and of Foreign Origin, adapted to our Climate, of the 1st and 2d Classes. ir> Curtis ^1 *Danvers Winter Sweet .73 S 73 Downton Golden Pippin . . . Drap d'Or Duchess of Oldenburg Dutch Codlin .88 .65 .05 33 American Golden Pippin 70 American Nonpareil 64 *American Summer Pearmain 61 93 "Baldwin 71 *Early Sweet Bough <;i *Early Harvest . ... fit Barcelona Pearmain 90 Beachemwell Seedling 90 *Beauty of the West 71 Early Red Juneating Easter or Pasque Apple. . . . .63 .98 65 Beau .. 61 Fall Pippin ID; Belle des Quermes 87 Belle du Havre 90 *Fameuse .(it; 99 *Bellflower 71 <)> 'i-> *Benoni 61 Beverly's Red 84 Foxley Franklin Golden Pippin Gardner Sweeting .n; .88 .73 Black Coal 72 37 434 INDEX. Gloucester White Page. ...84 P "Ortley ige. .78 89 M .78 78 71) 89 71) 89 (id M "Golden Ball 74 ...92 ...73 ...66 Pear Rennet Peck's Pleasant Pearmain Russet . . . *Pennock's Red Winter. . . . . 68 ..88 66 Pine Apple Russet Priestley Prince's Table Apple *Pomme Royal, or Dyer Green Newtown Pippin . ...74 ...92 74 88 Hagloe Crab ...96 Hampshire Greening. . . . ...74 82 *Porter 62 7!) '7'?) e-i Hartford Sweeting ...75 Herefordshire Pearmain . . ...75 93 ...75 Pryor's Red 84 "Ramsdel's Red Pumpkin Sweet 79 ...67 Jerusalem , ...93 ...75 85 Red Astracan 63 *Kenrick's Red Autumn. . "Kilham Hill ...67 67 Autumn Calville .66 t'.'.i King of Pippins Kirk's Golden Reinette.. ...89 ...89 76 and Green Sweeting.. * Quarrendon Red Seek-no- further ,8 !so "1 Large Yellow Summer.. ...62 77 ''4 La Violette 95 Princesse Noble . . .90 95 76 84 "Rhode Island Greening .7!) So Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet *Lyscom ...67 ...67 76 *Roxbury Russet ,89 BQ ^Maiden's Blush 62 63 93 63 M " 76 69 . .93 Scalloped Gilliflower . i-O "4 93 ' 76 69 67 Siberian Bitter Sweet.. . ; 96 M t P 77 H3 M ' V "t 78 yellow 78 96 68 63 -M *Spice Sweet Norfolk Beaufin. 93 "Orange, or Golden Sweeting. 68 Stroat , Striped June Apple .('9 .88 435 Page. Summer Rose 63 Superb Sweet 69 Swaar 80 Sweeney Nonpareil 95 Sweet Russet 70 Sy kehouse Apple 95 Taliafero 82 Virginia Crab 83 Greening 85 Waxen Apple 85 White Spitzenberg 81 "Williams Apple 63 "Wine Apple 81 Winter Sweeting 81 White Calville 81 Wycken Pippin 90 "Yellow Ingestrie 70 Newtown Pippin. ...82 "York Russeting 70 Varieties of the 3d Class, of high reputation in England. These deserve trial in Canada and the northernmost States, and Oregon. White Astracan 97 Also, 56 others, of celebrated kinds, noted at pp. 98 and 99. APRICOT. Its History and Uses 212 Cultivation 216 VARIETIES. Alberge 213 Algiers 213 Angoumois 213 "Brussels 213 "Cruft's Late Apricot 213 Early Masculine 213 Gros Musch 214 Hemskirke 214 "Large Early 214 "Moorpark 214 Musch Musch 214 Orange 214 "Peach Apricot 215 Portugal 215 Provence 215 Roman 215 Royal 215 "Royal Persian 215 Turkey 215 "White Apricot 215 Page. BERBERRY. Its History and Uses 312 Chinese 312 Holly- Leaved 1312 Other Varieties 312 BLACKBERRY. Its Uses, O 127 138 Sucre Vert . . 127 .158 158 126 J ' V " 128 158 126 138 Terling 124 .138 138 124 V M 138 120 Witihumb 159 Verte Longue Panache.. Vigne .128 122 Bezi de Louvaine Bezy Vaet .138 150 124 138 Vitrier 123 Bleecker's Meadow *Bloodgood .139 131 Warden 19Q [A few other old kinds are re- viewed at page 130.] Bon Chretien Fondante. . . Bmirgmestre. See Clion. .139 INDEX. 441 Broome Park Page. ..139 ..139 Page. *Gore's Heathcot 146 Buffum ..139 ..132 Harvard... Hazel 147 ..139 Henri Quatre 147 *Calebasse Bosc ..139 ._ Van Mons 147 140 Ick worth 162 Marianne ..140 ..132 Jalousie deFontenay Vendee 147 Jean de Witt 162 . Vasse ..140 Josephine 162 *Capiaumont ..140 ..140 Muhenne 133 Jutte or Buist 148 Cardinale ..159 ..160 ..141 Lewis , . 102 160 Lodire 148 ..160 L'Oken d'Hiver 163 ..141 141 i U ' & > onne vrai 8 "i4a ..141 Lowell "*163 *Cross ..168 Madotte 148 .141 Marie Louise Delcour 149 ..141 Moccas . . 149 ..142 Monarch 163 ..132 *Marie Louise .... .... 148 ..142 Napoleon 149 ..142 Naumkeag . . 149 Van Mons ..142 Ne Plus Meuris 163 143 *Dix ..142 ..142 Parmentier 150 ..160 *Passans du Portugal 133 143 Passe Colmar 164 ..143 Pengethly 164 144 Duquesne d'Ete ..132 Pitfour: 150 ..144 161 Prince's St Germain .151 Figue de Naples ..144 144 Poire d'Ananas 150 de Bouloo-ne 164 Van Mong 144 t orrne ae e i 144 144 de Mons .150 *r S ^ er " " H ' ' w ' "i* * * HP 145 Neill 151 ..145 Pope's Quaker 151 161 Reine des Poires 151 lrarnons_ ..145 Riche d'Epouille 152 ..145 Rouselench 165 Gloria . 161 Sabine d'Ete 1 33 161 Sageret 1 65 Irioux orceau..... 133 Saint Ghislain 152 Golden Beurre of Bilboa. ..145 Saint Michel Archangel ... 152 442 INDEX. Page. "Seckel ."7. .152 Page. "Corse's Nota Bene 220 Seigneur d'Et6 133 Cruger's Scarlet Seedling.. 220 Serrurier d'Automne 152 Shobden Count 153 Souverain d'Hiver .1.65 Striped Bon Chretien 153 "Dana's Yellow Gage 220 "Diamond Plum 220 "Diapree Rouge 220 Dictator 221 "Domine Dull . . 221 "Surpasse Marie Louise 153 Sylvange Verte. See BeurreDiel. Downton Imperatrice 221 Drap d'Or 221 Tillington 154 Dwarf Texas 230 Triomphe de Louvaine . . . . 154 "Urbamste . ...154 Early Monsieur 222 Early Yellow . 222 Vallee Tranche 134 "Van Mons Leon le Clerc . . .165 Verlaine 155 Vicomte de Spoelberch 165 "Washington 155 "Elfrey 222 "German Prune 222 Goliah . . . 2 9 2 "Green Gage 222 Gros Damas Rouge Tardif. .223 Whitefield 155 Wilhelmina . 166 "Italian Damask 223 Wilkinson 155 "Jenkin's Imperial . 223 Williams Early . 155 "Kirke's Plum 223 Williams Bon Chretien.... 155 "Winter Crassanne 166 "Knight's Large Green Dry- ing . . . . 224 Large Sweet Damson 224 Lombard 224 CLASS III. Notes on over 75 other new va- rieties of Pears. Persimmon 295 Monsieur 224 "Orleans 225 "Pond's Purple . 225 Pickle of the Walnut 318 of the Butternut 319 of the Olive 330 Precoce de Tours . 225 "Prince's Imperial Gage 225 Red Gage 226 Magnum Bonum 226 Perdrigon 226 PLUM. Its History and Uses 216 * Queen Mother 226 "Reine Claude Violette 226 Rivers's Early 227 Its Cultivation &c . ... 230 Apricot Plum 217 "Royal Hative 227 Banker's Gage 217 Royale 227 "Bingham 218 "Royale de Tours 227 Bleecker's Gage 218 "Saint Catharine. . 228 Blue Gage 218 Martin's Quetsche... 228 "Blue Holland .... 218 *Semiana 228 "Brevoort's Purple Bolmer.,218 "Bruyn Gage 219 Sloe. ..... 230 "Caledonian 219 "Smith's Orleans 229 "Coe's Golden Drop 21 9 Col. Wetherell 219 Surpasse Monsieur . ,229 Virginale 229 Cooper's Plum 219 "Washington ... . . .229 INDEX. 443 Page White Magnum Bonum 229 White Perdrigon 229 "Wilmot'sNew Early Orleans 229 Propagation 36 Pruning 45, 51, 204, 205 Quenouilles 48, 171, 172 QUINCE. Its History and Uses 174 Its Cultivation 176 Chinese 176 Japan 175 Oblong or Pear 175 Orange 175 Portugal 175 Other varieties 175 RASPBERRY. Its Description and Uses. . .293 Its Cultivation 294 "Red Antwerp 293 "White Antwerp 293 "Barnet 294 "Double Bearing 294 Tranconia 294 Other varieties described. . .294 Salal Berry 317 Select List of Fruits 446 Shagbark 321 Slugworm 55 Southern Fruits 323 Shepardia 317 Spur Pruning 46, 271 Silk, and the Agricultural Re- sources of America,(App.) 401 STRAWBERRY. Its Description and Uses. . .296 Its Cultivation 304 VARIETIES. Red Alpine 297 White Alpine 297 "Bath Scarlet 298 "Bishop's Strawberry 298 Black Prince 298 Black Roseberry 302 Downton 297 Duke of Kent's Scarlet 302 Elton Seedling 299 Green Strawberries, vari's.. 300 Grove End Scarlet 302 "Hovey's Seedling 299 Keen's Seedling 299 Large Flat Hautbois 301 "Methven Scarlet 302 Mulberry 299 Old Pine, or Carolina 300 "Old Scarlet 302 Prolific Hautbois 301 Roseberry 303 Swainson's 304 Sweet Cone 298 Turner's Late Pine 300 Wilmot's Superb 300 "Red Wood 297 White Wood 297 List of other varieties 303 Tea, see Index to Appendix 339 Its Imitation 287 Thermometer 422 Thermostat 423 Transplanting 35 Vinegar 114 VEGETABLES 356 Index to do 443 Wine of Quinces 175 of Cherries 231 of Mulberries 242 of Currants 286 of Elderberries 315 of Ginger 360 of Gooseberries 289 of Grape Vine. .245, 281 of Orange 344 of Pine Apple 346 of Peach 179 of Raspberries 293 of Rhubarb 375 of Strawberries 296 444 INDEX TO SOUTHERN FRUITS Page. Akee Tree 348 Alligator Pear 349 Anchovy Pear 349 Araucanian Pine 349 Banana 348 Bread Fruit 349 Cacao 350 Carob 334 Cashew Nut 350 Citron 344 Coffee, uses, preparation,&c.351 Cocoa Nut 352 Custard Apple, Varieties ... 334 Durion 352 Euphoria Longana 334 FIG. Its History, Uses 323 Cultivation 323, 327 VARIETIES. Angelique 324 Common Blue 324 Large Blue 324 Bordeaux 424 Brunswick 325 Figue Blanche Ronde 324 Black Genoa 325 Purple Genoa 325 White Genoa 325 Black Ischia 325 Brown Ischia 325 Green Ischia 325 Yellow Ischia 325 Black Italian 325 Brown Italian 326 Long Brown Naples 326 Malta 326 Marseilles 326 Murrey 326 Nerii 326 Brown Turkey 326 Violette 326 Small Early White 326 Granadilla, Varieties, &c.. .335 Guava, Varieties, &c 336 Page. Jujube 336 Lemon 345 Lime 345 Loquat 336 Lucuma 337 Madi 337 Mammea 353 Mango Tree 353 Mangostan 353 Oleaster 337 OLIVE. Its History and Uses 329 Cultivation 333 Varieties described 331 ORANGE. Its History and Uses.. 341, 344 Cultivation 342, 345 Blood, or Red Malta Orange 343 Common Sweet Orange . . . 343 Mandarin Orange 343 Seville Orange 343 Palm, or Date 354 PINE APPLE. Its History and Uses 346 Cultivation 247 Varieties described 347 Pinus Pinea 337 Pistachia 337 Plantain, its Description and Uses 348 Prickly Pear, Varieties, &c. 337 Pomegranate, Varieties, &c. 338 Rose Apple 354 Shaddock 345 Tamarind 354 Tchee-tse 341 Tea, its cultivation, uses, &c. 339 Triphasia 355 Tuna 341 Varronia Plum 355 445 INDEX TO APPENDIX VEGETABLES. Preparation of the Soil. Page. 356 Mangel Wurtzel Page. 358 Hot-Beds, &c 356 373 373 357 Marigold 373 358 364 373 364 Okra 374 Ba?u ?!;;.:.: 370 . 360 Bean . . 364 361 Beet 358 Parsley 374 Bitter Root 359 361 Bread Root 359 Peas 368 365 .361 365 374 366 ....361 Cabbage . . .. 366 368 359 Radish 374 359 374 ....366 Rape ....375 ....359 367 Rhubarb, Varieties . . . Rocambole ....375 .362 Celery 371 363 Chervil 371 gage 376 371 Salsafy 362 371 Salsilfa .... 362 Cowich 360 Savory .... 376 Cress . 371 ... 369 371 Dandelio^ 367 Sea-Kale 369 Effff Plant. . . 367 376 Endive . . 372 Shallots ......... ..362 Fennel 372 Skirret 362 Florida Coffee . . . 372 369 Garlic ..372 370 360 Sweet Potatoes 363 Hibiscus 367 Swiss Chard .. . . .370 Horseradish ....372 367 Taro ....363 376 Italian Corn Salad Kale . ....372 368 Tomato ....377 363 Leek 360 363 Lettuce 373 ....363 Lin-kio . . . ...360 Yam ....364 446 ORNAMENTAL TREES. Page. Arrangement of Ornamen- tal Trees, &c 377,378 Abele . ... 378 Page. Currant Missouri 387 Acacia, Purple Flowering.. 382 Rose 386 Daphne Mezereon, Red 390 White 390 Ailanthus,or Tree of Heaven 378 Almond, Large Double Flowering 211 Diervilla, Yellow 390 Dirca Palustris . 387 Almond, Dwarf Double Flowering 211 Dogwood, Bloody 387 , White Flowering 388 Elm American 380 Alnus Cordifolia 383 Althea Frutex, Varieties... 387 Apple, Chinese, Double Flowering 86 Apple, Red Siberian Crab. . .83 , Yellow Siberian Crab. 83 Aristolochia Sipho 393 , American Red 380 , Cork Bark 380 , Scotch. 380 , Ulmus Effusa 380 Flowers 394 Franklinia. ... . .384 Ash . ..378 Glycine Frutescens 392 Chinese 383 Chinese 39 Curled-Leaved 383 Halesia 388 Hawthorn, many varieties. .388 Hercules's Club 384 Mountain 316, 383 Weeping . .... 383 Hemlock . . 380 Azalea 387 Beech 379 Purple Leaved 383 Bignonia Radicans 394 ! Ri;'S Tartarean.' ^7.388 White do or Cau di flora 394 Early Bclgic 395 - Siberian ....391 Button' Wood 379 Cabbage Tree 383 Caly can thus .... 387 Twining .... . 395 Chinese White and Yellow 387 , Scarlet Monthly Camellia . 390 Carica Papaya 383 , Orange, or Pubes- cent 396 Camphor 379 Catalpas 379 Japan 395 Cedar Red 383 ' White 380 Cherry, Doubie Flowering .222 Etruscan 396 Horse Chestnut/White Flow- ering 379 7 Weeping 380 C lii< man thus, Snow Drop.. 384 Colutea, two Varieties 387 Corchorus 390 Horse Chestnut, variegated- leaved 379 Horse Chestnut,Dwarf Flow- ering, and other varieties . 388 Currant. Indian 387 INI Page. Indigo Shrub 388 >EX. 447 Page. Ivy, Evergreen, or Giant. . .394 Pride of India ..386 Prim or Privet 388 Judas Tree . . 384 Chinese 388 Juniper Swedish 386 , Variegated- Leaved. . .388 Kentucky Coffee 384 Laburnum, three varieties.. 384 Larch American .... .380 Rhododendron Maximum.. 390 Ponticum 390 , Scotch, or Alpine . . .380 Lilac, White and Purple . . .388 , Josikoea, and others. .389 , Persian, two varieties 389 , Chinese Cut- Leaved. 389 Lime, or Linden, three var. 380 Locust 381 Rose 393 .China, or Monthly ,var. 393 Roses Climbing 394 St John's Wort 390 Silver Fir ...382 Hemlock . . 380 Norway Spruce Fir 382 Honey Locust, or Three- Thorned Acacia. .. . 381 Shepardia 317 Snow Ball, or Guelder Rose 390 Snowberry ... 393 Magnolia, Blue Flowering. .381 Chandelier 381 Sophora Japan 390 , Chinese Purple.. 384 Cordata 384 Spireea Bella 390 - Guelder Rose 390 7 Splendid & 381 'Siberian & 5J90 7 Tripetala 381 Strawberry Tree 390 Maple Ash-Leaved .. ..385 Syringa, European Fragrant 390 Scarlet 381 Flowering 390 Mountain Laurel 389 , Variegated- Leaved. 390 ' Striped Leaved 382 Mulberry, Chinese . . . .385, 410 .... Japan Paper 385 110 Tulip Tree * 382 Tupelo Tree 386 Osage Orange 385 Venetian Sumach 386 Palmetto Royal . . 389 Virgin's Bower 395 PsBonia Tree . . 39(9 Wild Orange 386 Peach, Double Flowering.. 198 Pine White 381 Willow Black 386 Golden 387 , Pinus Lambertiana ..381 , Elastic, and others.. .381 Pinus Cembro 385 ) Ring 386 Weeping 383 ! Weepine' Napoleon 383 448 NOTES ON THE AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES OF AMERICA, ON SILK, ETC. Chapter. Page. I. Commerce of Silk, its Antiquity 401 II. History of the Silk- Worm 406 III. Varieties of Silk-Worms 408 IV. Mulberry 410 V. Varieties 411 VI. Substitutes for the Mulberry 413 VII. Soil, Situation, Climate, &c 413 VIII. Climate, Habits, and Management of Silk- Worms 416 IX. Profits of the Silk Culture in France and Italy 418 X. System of M. Camille Beauvais 420 XI. M. D' Arcet's System of Ventilation 421 XII. System of the Misses Reina, of Come, in Lombardy 425 Progress and System pursued in America 427 SELECT LIST OF FRUITS. The select list of fruits which are particularly recommended for a moderate collection, have been designated by a star throughout this work, and also throughout the Index, all these having been satis- factorily proved ; but, as a considerable proportion of the highest character are new, and of recent introduction to our climate, or not having been, as yet, satisfactorily proved, and are therefore excluded, it must be evident that this list will, from time to time, require a revision. 449 SELECT LIST OF FRUITS. The following select list of fruits is recommended as a very moderate selection, for a small garden, of the kinds best known in this day. The list of all winter fruits should be increased by additions to those named, or of other kinds. The numbers refer to corresponding numbers in the body of the work. APPLES. Nos. 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 22, 30, 33, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 49, 53, 56, 59, 62, 67, 74, 85, 86, 90, 92, 101, 105. PEARS. Nos. 3, 7, 13, 15, 22, 26, 33, 39, 41, 46, 69, 70, 77, 86, 95, 96, 101, 110, 112, 115, 130, 132, 136, 137, 148, 152, 158, 162, 166, 170, 181, 189. PEACHES. Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21,22, 25, 31, 34, 35, 36, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 62, 68, 74, 75. NECTARINES. Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13. APRICOTS. Nos. 5, 9, 10, 13, 18, 20. PLUMS. Nos. 3, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 46, 51, 53, 60, 61. CHERR IE S. Nos. 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 24, 26, 27. MULBERRIES. English Black, and American Red ; the last is best and hardiest. GRAPES. For the Northern States, Nos. 1, 2, 19, 24, 39, 48, 50. For cities, for vineries, or for the South, add, also, Nos. 8, 11, 13, 17, 23, 52, 53, 55. CURRANTS. Nos. 1, 5, 6. RASPBERRIES. Nos. 2, 3, 12. Add, also, the American White. STRAWBERRIES. Nos. 5, 9, 13, 24, 25. 38* ADVERTISEMENT. FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, &c., WILLIAM KKMIICK, IN NEWTON, MASS., A MILE FROM THE GREAT WX8TERN RAILROAD. A most extensive assortment of FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS, GRAPE VINES, &c. ; selections from the original or first-rate sources, and the finest varieties known. ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, AND HERBACEOUS FLOW- ERING PLANTS ; a large assortment of the most splendid hardy kinds. Trees and plants, when so ordered, will be carefully selected and labelled, and securely packed in mats and moss, for all distant places, and duly forwarded from Boston by land or sea. All distant orders to be accompanied either by cash, or by a draft on any eastern city. Catalogues sent, gratis, to all who apply. Address, by mail, '* JVetcton, near Boston," WILLIAM KENRICK. UCSB LIBRARY "Vl University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 000 613 241 9