MCLEAN, J. Treatise on the origin of destructive insect plagues. GEORGE C. HUSMANN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS, CALIFORNIA 6 ol tYv e tree WERE for the h ea .li n . REVELATION 22. 2. * Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonce voluntatis. TME^TISE Dn the Origin of Destructive Insect Flagnss and ImprovEments in the Art of their Eradication and FrEvention. From a MBtErEological and Hygisnic Basis, Revissd and TE- writtEn in San Francisco, California; U, S, a,, in April; 1LBB3, under the auspices of rrt ~cir "Tj" 1 "THr^iTCr ~\7t7~ "P^T" HPT" ""PT" A TT* T^ l r~i n j JljLV^J.N . VV _ _TTj_- _dl_. -F3 A_ r