s CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. -^+--- Accession No... Call . dya^\ V tfa it^J- * ' =^^ c-.-7=3 c=?^ t^^crr^^-^c^r^czT^^^^-^^^c^-^c^^ CATALOGUE | OF BOOKS IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1909 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT OF THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH A PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1909 Contents Page Preface ------------- 5 Author List ------------ 7 Subject Index ----------- 257 Title List ----- 55 1 $ LL 2108748 143336 Preface This catalogue of 2,500 books has been compiled primarily to help the children who use the Carnegie Library of Pitts- burgh. It is hoped, however, that it will serve also as a select bibliography of children's reading for the use of mothers, teachers and librarians. The catalogue is the joint work of the Catalogue depart- ment and the Children's department of the Library, the selec- tion having been made by the latter, while all the bibliograph- ical work was done under the direction of the Chief of the Catalogue department and the proof revised by the Editor of Publications. The selection is based on ten years' conscientious study of literature for children and observation of the use of books by the children who frequent the various agencies of this Li- brary children's rooms, home libraries, school-room collec- tions and deposit stations. To make the catalogue more valua- ble, a tentative list of the .fiction selected was submitted to a number of experts in library work, whom we wish to thank for many valuable suggestions. The lists of books on scientific and technical subjects were revised by specialists in these lines. The annotations are for the use of children. Best reading is indicated by an asterisk, exception being made in the case of miscellaneous collections of poetry. No attempt has been made to include books published in 1908 and many valuable books which would have been included are unfortunately out of print. Reference books, magazines, unbound picture-books and books in foreign languages have been omitted. English prices have been given in cases where they are lower than the American, but American editions may be obtained. In some cases, where prices were not given in the publishers' lists, they have been omitted. An effort has been made to make the subject index as com- 6 PREFACE plete as possible. It will be noticed, however, that many sub- jects are omitted and that some others are not adequately repre- sented. This is due to the fact that the Library has been unable so far to procure books which are considered suitable for children on these subjects. The headings selected are those which will be used in the dictionary card catalogues in our children's rooms. Single poems and fairy tales have not been indexed by subjects. HARRISON W. GRAVER, October 27, 1908. Librarian. Author List Aaron, Eugene Murray-. Butterfly hunters in the Caribbees. Scribner, $.75. Exploring expedition of a naturalist and two boys in the Bahamas and West Indies. Describes rare varieties of butterflies and other insects and methods of capture. Abbot, Alice Balch. jAia6f Frigate's namesake. Century, $1.00. About a little girl named for the frigate Essex. Abbot, Willis John. J973-7 Ai2b Battle fields and camp fires. 1890. Dodd, $2.00. Covers the second period of the military history of the Civil war, opening with the retreat from the Peninsula and closing with the accession of Gen. Grant to the chief command. The battles described are second Bull Run, Antietam, Corinth, Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Abbot, Willis John. J973-7 Ai2ba Battle-fields and victory. 1891. Dodd, $2.00. Third period of the military history of the Civil war, from the accession of Gen. Grant to the command of the Union armies to the close of the war. Abbot, Willis John. J973-7 Ai2 Battle-fields of '61. 1889. Dodd, $2.00. Describes the bombardment of Fort Sumter, the fatal field of Bull Run, the Penin- sular campaign and other battles fought on Southern soil during the first part of the Rebellion. Abbot, Willis John. J973 Ai2n Naval history of the United States. 1896. Dodd, $3.75. Begins with a chapter on the buccaneers and pirates, such as Morgan, Blackboard and Capt. Kidd. Then follow the expedition of Sir William Phips and the wars of 1776, 1812, 1861 and 1898. Many anecdotes. Abbott, Charles Conrad. J5g6 Ais Young folks' cyclopedia of natural history. 1895. Burt, $1.00. Descriptions of animal life, mammals, birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes; their structure, habits and distribution. Many illustrations. Abbott, Jacob. . jAi32c Agnes. (Franconia stories.) Bound with "Caroline." Agnes is a little blind girl who lives in the Franconia mountains. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32b Beechnut. Harper, $1.00. (Franconia stories.) Tells of a hunt for a black bear; also of Beechnut's adventure in the garden of the Tuileries and his voyage across the Atlantic ocean. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32c Caroline. Harper, $1.00. (Franconia stories.) Partial contents: The presents. Phonny's letter. A voyage. Beechnut's return. The blueberry party. Abbott, Jacob. Ellen Linn. Harper, $1.00. (Franconia stories.) Tells about the disaster in the snow, the diving pier and the hay camp. *Indicates the best reading. 7 8 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Abbott, Jacob. Franconia stories. Malleville jAi32m Wallace j Ai32m Mary Erskine jAi32ma Mary Bell jAi32ma Beechnut jAi32b Rodolphus jAi32b Ellen Linn jAi32e Stuyvesant jAi32e Caroline jAisac Agnes ; jAi32C Abbott, Jacob. jg2 A.374& History of Alexander the Great. 1876. Harper, $.50. Boyhood of Alexander of Macedon and his eastern expedition, including the con- quest of Persia and the invasion of India. Abbott, Jacob. j2 37523 History of Charles the First of England. 1899. Harper, $.50. His early life, accession to the throne, the long contest between the king and the people and the civil war to which it led. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 37513 History of Charles the Second of England. 1900. Harper, $.50. Eight of the 12 chapters deal with the dangers, privations and exile of his early life. Abbott, Jacob. jg2 9923 History of Cyrus the Great. 1900. Harper, $.50. "Cyrus was the founder of the ancient Persian empire a monarchy, perhaps, the most wealthy and magnificent which the world has ever seen." This book relates the strange story of his life as it was told of old by Herodotus and Xenophon. Abbott, Jacob. J92 J255a History of Genghis Khan. 1888. Harper, $.50. Romantic history of Genghis Khan (or Jenghiz Khan), the great Mongol conqueror. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 H237a History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. 1901. Harper, $.50. Of Hannibal, the. Punic wars and the destruction of Carthage. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 Cnga History of Julius Caesar. 1902. Harper, $.50. Partial contents: Czsar's early years. The conquest of Gaul. Crossing the Rubi- con. Csesar in Egypt. Czsar imperator. The conspiracy. The assassination. Abbott, Jacob. J92 Ms82a History of Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI of England. 1861. Harper, $.50. "Margaret of Anjou was a heroine; not a heroine of romance and fiction, but of stern and terrible reality. Her life was a series of military exploits, attended with dangers, privations, sufferings, and wonderful vicissitudes of fortune, scarcely to be paralleled in the whole history of mankind." Author. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 M43ga History of Mary, queen of Scots. 1904. Harper, $.50. Those who read this history and become interested in the beautiful and unfortunate queen Mary, will enjoy reading Scott's "Abbot" and Miss Yonge's "Unknown to history." ^Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST Abbott, Jacob. jg2 N238a History of Nero. 1901. Harper, $.50. Life of one of the most savage of the Roman emperors. It was in his reign that St. Paul is said to have met his martyrdom. Abbott, Jacob. jg2 P4ssa History of Peter the Great. 1901. Harper, $.50. The revolt of Mazeppa, the Swedish invasion of Russia, the building of St. Peters- burg and other events in the reign of Peter the Great, "the founder, as he is generally regarded by mankind, of Russian civilization." Abbott, Jacob. 392 4853 History of Queen Elizabeth. 1904. Harper, $.50. Elizabeth's marked personality and the many famous men and women associated with her make her reign one of the most interesting in English history. Scott's "Kenil- worth" and Bennett's "Master Skylark" illustrate this period. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 R3g82a History of Richard the First of England. 1900. Harper, $.50. The early life of Richard the Lion-hearted, his adventures during the third crusade, his capture and imprisonment and the siege of Chaluz. Abbott, Jacob. J92 RsgSa History of Richard the Second of England. 1901. Harper, $.50. "King Richard the Second lived in the days when the chivalry of feudal times was in all its glory. His father, the Black Prince; his uncles, the sons of Edward the Third, and his ancestors in a long line, extending back to the days of Richard the First, were among the most illustrious knights of Europe in those days, and their history abounds in the wonderful exploits, the narrow escapes, and the romantic adventures, for which the knights errant of the Middle Ages were so renowned." Preface. Abbott, Jacob. JQ2 RagSia History of Richard the Third of England. 1900. Harper, $.50. Life and reign of "Richard the Usurper" from his childhood to the fatal field of Bosworth. Abbott, Jacob. J92 R667a History of Romulus. 1901. Harper, $.50. Tells of the destruction of Troy, the flight of ^Eneas, the founding of Rome, and the Sabine war. Abbott, Jacob. J92 History of William the Conqueror. 1901. Harper, $.50. His reign in Normandy and the conquest of England. There is a shorter account of William the Conqueror in Church's "Stories from English history." Other books covering this period are Henty's "Wulf the Saxon," and Tappan's "In the days of Wil- liam the Conqueror." Abbott, Jacob. J92 Xiga History of Xerxes the Great. 1901. Harper, $.50. Life, character and exploits of Xerxes, ruler of the ancient Persian empire when it was at the height of its prosperity and power. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32m Malleville. Harper, $1.00. (Franconia stories.) The scene of the story is a glen in Franconia and Malleville is a six-year-old child sent into the country for her health. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32ma Mary Bell. (Franconia stories.) Bound with "Mary Erskine." What Malleville, Wallace, Caroline and Mary Bell did one summer in Franconia. *Indicates the best reading. io CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Abbott, Jacob. jAi32ma Mary Erskine. Harper, $1.00. (Franconia stories.) How Mary Erskine went to live in a log house in the woods and how Malleville went to visit her. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32b Rodolphus. (Franconia stories.) Bound with "Beechnut." Partial contents: The snow-shoes. Antonio a prisoner. The trial. Another trial. The flight. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32e Stuyvesant. (Franconia stories.) Bound with "Ellen Linn." Tells about the visit of Stuyvesant, Malleville's nine-year-old brother, to Franconia. Abbott, Jacob. jAi32m Wallace. (Franconia stories.) Bound with "Malleville." Partial contents: The party. The story-telling. The ship Gibraltar. The court- martial. Ascending the mountains. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. jgz F87gab Benjamin Franklin. 1903. Dodd. Tells the story of his boyhood in Boston, how he left home to seek his fortune, his self-education and his public life at home and abroad. Quotes largely from Benja- min Franklin's own writings. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. jg2 23423 Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson. 1901. Dodd. Hunting exploits and wild adventurous life in the far West. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. JQ2 66313 Daniel Boone, pioneer of Kentucky. 1898. Dodd. Life of the famous pioneer, hunter and Indian fighter. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. jga C886a David Crockett. 1898. Dodd. Rough frontier life, hunting adventures and Indian warfare. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. j2 87183 Ferdinand De Soto. 1903. Dodd. Adventures of De Soto and his band of cavaliers in the New World. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. JQ2 C82g3 Hernando Cortez. 1904. Harper, $.50. (Makers of history.) Adventures of the Spaniards in their quest for gold among the Aztecs. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. 392 14513 History of Henry the Fourth, king of France and Navarre. 1900. Harper, $.50. The history of Henry IV tells of the religious wars in France in the i6th cen- tury. "There is no romance so wild as the veritable history of those times." Weyman's "Gentleman of France" is a story of this period. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. jg2 H8i53 History of Hortense, queen of Holland, mother of Napoleon III. 1900. Harper, $.50. Life of Hortense Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepdaughter, who became queen of Holland. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 11 Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. J92 J443a History of Josephine. 1899. Harper, $.50. Her romantic life in Martinique, her imprisonment in France during the Reign ot terror, her marriage to Napoleon and her coronation as empress of the French. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. J97.2 Ai3 History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the Wampanoags. 1904. Harper, $.50. King Philip was the Indian chief who incited the terrible massacres in the Con- necticut valley and eastern Massachusetts. This book gives an account of his life and his wars with the white settlers. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. J92 R635a History of Madame Roland. 1904. Harper, $.50. Tragedy of one of the heroines of the French revolution. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. jga Ms86a History of Maria Antoinette. 1849. Harper, $.50. Sad story of the unfortunate Marie Antoinette, who at the age of 20 became queen of France. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. J92 BjS^a Miles Standish, captain of the Pilgrims. 1900. Dodd. History of the Pilgrims during the 40 years of Standish's connection with the Ply- mouth colony. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. J92 89383 Peter Stuyvesant. 1898. Dodd. New Amsterdam under the Dutch governors and the career of the picturesque, lion- hearted "Peter the Headstrong." Adams, Joseph Henry. J537-8i A2i Harper's electricity book for boys, with an explanation of electric light, heat, power and traction by J. B. Baker, and a dictionary of elec- trical terms. 1907. Harper, $1.75. Aims to give boys a practical working knowledge of electricity. Tells how to make cells and batteries, switches and insulators, armatures, motors and coils, and shows how easily experiments may be made with home-ipade appliances at small cost. Adams, Joseph Henry, ed. J790 A2i Harper's outdoor book for boys. 1907. Harper, $1.75. Tells how to make wigwams, aquariums, merry-go-rounds, pet shelters, summer- houses and pergolas, weather-vanes and windmills, aerial toys, coasters, skees and snow- shoes, kites and aeroplanes, fishing-tackle, land-yachts, fire-engines, water-wheels, boats, rafts, etc. Also gives directions about camping and trapping. Adams, Oscar Fay. J9 2 8 A2i Dear old story-tellers. 1889. Lothrop, $1.00. Short talks about Homer. The Arabian nights. .lEsop. Mother Goose. Charles Perrault. The brothers Grimm. La Fontaine the Good. Laboulaye. Hans Christian Andersen. Defoe. La Motte Fouque the Valiant. The author of "Paul and Virginia." Adelborg, Ottilia. jA228c Clean Peter and the children of Grubbylea. Longmans, $1.25. Tells in rhyme and colored pictures how Peter washed the children of Grubbylea. JEsop. J888 A25fg *Fables; retold by Mary Godolphin. McKay, $.50; Routledge, is. 6d. In words of one syllable. *Indicates the best reading. 12 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH JEsop. J888 A25fi *Fables; told anew and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs. 1894. Macmillan, $1.50. Some of the fables are, The wolf and the lamb. The lion's share. The frogs de- siring a king. The goose with the golden eggs. Belling the cat. Many pictures. The name of JEsop, the slave of Samos, is so identified with the fable in literature that almost all the fables that have appeared in the western world have been sheltered at one time or another under the shadow of his name. In the struggle for existence among all these fables a certain number stand out as the most effective and familiar. JEsop. J888 A25h *A hundred fables; tr. by Sir Roger L'Estrange, with an introduc- tion by Kenneth Grahame. Lane, $1.50. Many pictures by Percy J. Billinghurst. Agassiz, Mrs Elizabeth (Gary). J593 A26 First lesson in natural history. 1896. Heath, $.25. (Boston Society of Natural History. Guides for science-teaching.) Contents: Sea-anemones and corals. Coral reefs. Hydroids and jelly-fishes. Star-fishes and sea-urchins. Aikin, John, & Barbauld, Mrs A. L. (Aikin). J5O4 A2Q *Evenings at home; or, The juvenile budget opened; corrected and revised by Cecil Hartley. [1891.] Routledge, 2s. 6d. Fables, stories, dialogues and verses, such as The young mouse. The discontented squirrel. The kidnappers. The phttnix and the dove. The two robbers. Flying and swimming. The council of quadrupeds. Especially good to read aloud. Aikin, John, and others. jA2gie Eyes and no eyes, and other stories; ed. by M. V. O'Shea. Heath, $.20. Other stories: The three giants, by Mrs Marcet. Travellers' wonders, from Aikin and Barbauld's Evenings at home. A curious instrument, by Jane Taylor. Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. v.i. My boys, etc v.2. Shawl-straps v-3. Cupid and Chow-chow, etc v.4. My girls, etc v.s. Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc v.6. Old-fashioned Thanksgiving, etc Alcott, Louisa May. Cupid and Chow-chow [and o^her stories]. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.3.) Other stories: Huckleberry. Nelly's hospital. Grandma's team. Fairy pinafores. Mamma's plot. Kate's choice. The moss people. What Fanny heard. A marine merry-making. Alcott, Louisa May. *Eight cousins. Little, $1.50. Scrapes, mischief and fun of one girl and her seven boy cousins. "Rose in bloom" is the sequel to this. Alcott, Louisa May. jA355g Garland for girls. Little, $1.25. Seven stories about girls and flowers. The author says "If my girls find a little "Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 13 beauty or sunshine in these common blossoms, their old friend will not have made her garland in vain." Advice on health, manners, unselfishness, occupation, reading, traveling, home- making, manners, etc. Alcott, Louisa May. JA355J Jack and Jill. Little, $1.50. Story of a boy and girl comradeship; how Jack and Jill were hurt coasting and what happened while they were getting well. Alcott, Louisa May. jAsssJi Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore [and other stories]. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.5.) Other stories: Two little travellers. A jolly Fourth. Seven black cats. Rosa's tale. Lunch. A bright idea. How they camped out. My little school-girl. What a shovel did. Clams. Kitty's cattle show. What becomes of the pins. Alcott, Louisa May. Jo's boys and how they turned out. Little, $1.50. Sequel to "Little men." Alcott, Louisa May. *Little men. Little, $1.50. Jolly life at Plumfield with Jo's boys and girls. Sequel to "Little women." Alcott, Louisa May. *Little women. Little, $1.50. One of the most popular of girls' books. It is a story of the happy home life of four girls, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, drawn largely from the girlhood life of Miss Alcott and her sisters. The first of a series, the second being "Little men" and the last "Jo's boys." Alcott, Louisa May. jAssslu Lulu's library. 3v. Little, $1.00 each. A mixture of fairy tales, animal stories and the adventures of little girls and boys. Some of the stories are, The candy country. The skipping shoes. A hole in the wall. The piggy girl. Queen Aster. The brownie and the princess. A Christmas turkey and how it came. The blind lark. The little red purse. Sophie's secret. Alcott, Louisa May. jA355my My boys [and other stories]. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.i.) The boys described in the first story are real boys whom Miss Alcott knew. One of them is especially interesting as being the original of Laurie in "Little women." Other stories: Tessa's surprises. -Buzz. -The children's joke. Dandelion. Madam Gluck and her family. A curious call. Tilly's Christmas. My little gentleman. Back windows. Little Marie of Lehon. My May-day among curious birds and beasts. Our little newsboy. Patty's patchwork. Alcott, Louisa May. jAsssm My girls [and other stories]. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.4.) Other stories: Lost in a London fog. The boys' joke, and who got the best of it. Roses and forget-me-nots. Old Major. What the girls did. Little neighbors. Mar- jorie's three gifts. Patty's place. The autobiography of an omnibus. Red tulips. A happy birthday. Alcott, Louisa May. JA355O *Old-fashioned girl. Little, $1.50. The first visit of Polly, an old-fashioned girl, to a large city and her experiences when, six years later, she returned to earn her living by giving music lessons. Alcott, Louisa May. JAsssol *Old-fashioned Thanksgiving [and other stories]. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.6.) Other stories: How it all happened. The dolls' journey from Minnesota to Maine. *lndicates the best reading. 14 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Morning-glories. Shadow-children. Poppy's pranks. What the swallows did. Little Gulliver. The whale's story. A strange island. Fancy's friend. Alcott, Louisa May. JAassp Proverb stories. Little, $1.25. A few of the stories are, Kitty's class day. Psyche's art. A country Christmas. The baron's gloves. Alcott, Louisa May. *Rose in bloom. Little, $1.50. More good times of the "Eight cousins." Alcott, Louisa May. Shawl-straps. Little, $1.00. (Aunt Jo's scrap-bag, v.2.) Adventures of three young girls in Europe. Contents: Off. Brittany. France. Switzerland. Italy. London. Alcott, Louisa May. Silver pitchers, and other stories. Little, $1.25. Other stories: Anna's whim. Transcendental wild oats. Romance of a summer day. My rococo watch. By the river. Letty's tramp. Scarlet stockings. Independ- ence; a Centennial love story. Alcott, Louisa May. jAssss *Spinning-wheel stories. Little, $1.25. Contains 12 good stories, Grandma's story, a robber story with wolves in it; Tabby's table-cloth, a girl at the battle of Lexington; Eli's education and how he got it; Little things; The banner of Beaumanoir, about the Reign of terror; Jerseys; or, The girl's ghost; Little house in the garden, about bears, boys and girls; Daisy's jewel-box and how she filled it; Corny's catamount; The cooking-class, a jumble of fun and good things to eat; The hare and the tortoise, a bicycle story. Alcott, Louisa May. JA355U Under the lilacs. Little, $1.50. Story of a stray circus boy and the good friends he found for himself and his dog in the old house among the lilacs. Alden, William Livingston. JAssgc Cruise of the Canoe club. Harper, $.60. Describes a canoe club formed by the boys whose adventures are told in "Moral pirates" and "Cruise of the 'Ghost.' " Alden, William, Livingston. jAssgcr Cruise of the "Ghost." Harper, $.60. Sequel to "Moral pirates." Four boys take a cruise in a sail-boat through Long Island sound. They have various adventures with river pirates, oystermen, a life-saving crew and a shipwrecked brig. Alden, William Livingston. jA35gm Moral pirates. Harper, $.60. Story of four New York boys and their summer trip up the Hudson in the White- wing. A "soup explosion" and a chase after their runaway boat are among their ex- periences. Followed by "Cruise of the 'Ghost' " and "Cruise of the Canoe club." Alden, William Livingston. jAasgn New Robinson Crusoe. Harper, $.60. Humorous story of an Irish boy and an insane man, who were wrecked in the south Pacific. The insane man claimed to be the grandson of Robinson Crusoe and insisted upon living just as his grandfather did. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, ed. J8zi.o8 Book of famous poems. See his Famous poems. Same work published under both titles. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 15 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, ed. jSai.oS A$6 Famous poems. 1902. Hall & Locke. (Young folks' library, v.20.) "A treasure-house behold! A store more precious than the minted gold The poets from all times and from all lands Have given here into your blessed hands." Contains such famous poems as The eve of Waterloo. Rime of the ancient mariner. The skeleton in armor. Bugle song. The chambered nautilus. The three fishers. O captain! my captain! The high tide on the coast of Lincolnshire. Chevy-Chase. Recessional. Same as "Book of famous poems." Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. JA365S *Story of a bad boy. Houghton, $1.25. Tom Bailey and his chums play pranks and have all sorts of mischievous adventures. Alexander, Griffith. j8n A$7 Ballads of the busy bees. 1904. Bell Pub. Co., $.40. Verses about Billee, Betty, Bobbie and Bea, with pictures by Anna B. Craig, a Pittsburgh artist. Allen, Thomas Gaskell, & Sachtleben, W. L. jgi5 A43 Across Asia on a bicycle. 1897. Century, $1.50. Adventurous journey of two American students from Constantinople to Peking, a trip which covered more than 15,000 miles and lasted three years. Allen, Willis Boyd. Navy blue. Button, $1.50. Cadet life in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Allen, Willis Boyd. The Pineboro quartette. Estes, $.50. Tells how some young people started a newspaper and made money in running it. Allen, Willis Boyd. JA432S Son of liberty; or, The spirit of our fathers. Pilgrim Press, $1.25. Part taken by Will Frobisher in the movements of the "Sons of Liberty," 1773-76. The Boston tea-party, the tavern riot of Portsmouth and the capture of Fort William and Mary are among the incidents. Alton, Edmund, {pseud, of Edmund Bailey). J328-73 A46 Among the law-makers. 1892. Scribner, $1.50. The author when a boy was a page in the Senate and he tells about Congress and about the great men on whom the pages waited. qj68o-5 A48 Amateur work; a monthly magazine of the useful arts and sciences, Nov. igoi-April 1907. v.i-6, no. 6. 1902-07. Draper Pub. Co., $6.00. Contains illustrated articles descriptive of electrical and mechanical apparatus, furni- ture and other useful articles, games, photography, pattern-making, boat-building, etc. Ambrosi, Marietta. JQI4-5 A4Q Italian child-life; or, Marietta's good times. See her When I was a girl in Italy. Same work published under both titles. Ambrosi, Marietta. JQI4-5 A4Q *When I was a girl in Italy. 1906. Lothrop, $.75. Same as her "Italian child-life." Marietta's good times; told by Marietta. How we gave a play. How I played the queen. How we gathered violets and roses. My last Sunday in Italia. *Indicates the best reading. 16 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Amicis, Edmondo de. jAsi6c Cuore; an Italian school-boy's journal. See his Heart; a school-boy's journal. Amicis, Edmondo de. jAsi6c *Heart; a school-boy's journal, tr. by I. F. Hapgood. Crowell, $.60. An Italian school-boy's journal, including stories told by the school-master. Among them are, The little vidette of Lombardy. The Sardinian drummer-boy. Blood of Romagna. Shipwreck. The little patriot of Padua. Andersen, Hans Christian. jA544iy * Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs E. Lucas. Dent, 55. Hans Christian Andersen, king of fairy tale writers, was born in Denmark, April 2, 1805. He was the son of a poor cobbler and went to Copenhagen a poor boy. He became an actor, then through the generosity of his friends was enabled to attend the university. He died at the age of 70, leaving to the world a wonderful collection of fairy tales which have been translated into many tongues. Andersen, Hans Christian. qjA544iai *Fairy tales, with an introduction by E. E. Hale. Lippincott, $2.00. Partial contents: The red shoes. The chimney sweep. The nightingale. The em- peror's new clothes. The ugly duckling. The marsh king's daughter. The constant tin soldier. The flying trunk. The tinder-box. Little Tuk. What the moon saw. Andersen, Hans Christian. qjA544ir *Fairy tales and stories; tr. from the Danish by H. L. Braekstad. Century, $5.00. This beautiful edition of Andersen's fairy tales was prepared by the Danish govern- ment in honor of the looth anniversary of his birth. It is illustrated by Hans Tegner, a Danish artist, and has been translated for English children. Andersen, Hans Christian. JA544S *Stories and tales. Houghton, $1.00. Andersen, Hans Christian. qjA544ti *Tinder box, and other stories; illustrated by Helen Stratton. Blackie, 2s. Other stories: The swineherd. The darning-needle. The leaping match. Andersen, Hans Christian. qjA544U *Ugly duckling, and other stories; illustrated by Helen Stratton. Blackie, 2s. Other stories: The constant tin soldier. The top and the ball. Andersen, Hans Christian. qjA544wi *Wild swans; illustrated by Helen Stratton. Blackie, 2s. Andersen, Hans Christian. JA544W *Wonder stories told for children. Houghton, $1.00. These books contain many delightful tales. Among them the sad story of the stead- fast tin soldier and the little dancer, the strange tale of Thumbelisa, whose height was scarcely half a thumb's length, and the story of the beautiful princess who saved her n brothers from enchantment. Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn, tr. J8sg.6 A54 Viking tales of the North. 1889. Scott, $2.00. Contents: The sagas of Thorstein, Viking's son, and of Fridthjof the Bold; tr. from the Icelandic by R.B.Anderson. Tegner's Fridthjof's saga; tr. from the Swedish by George Stephens. Andrewes, Mrs Margaret (Hamer). See Browne, Maggie, pseud. ^Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 17 Andrews, Jane. J9io As6e Each and all; the seven little sisters prove their sisterhood. 1894. Ginn, $.60. Stories of little girls living in different parts of the world. Sequel to "Seven little sisters." Andrews, Jane. jgio As6s *Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 1895. Ginn, $.60. The seven little sisters are, the little brown baby; Agoonack, the Eskimo sister; Gemila, the child of the desert; Jeanette, the Swiss maiden; Pense, the Chinese girl; Manenko, the little dark girl; Louise, the child of the beautiful Rhine. Andrews, Jane. J57O.4 As6 Stories Mother Nature told her children. 1894. Ginn, $.60. Contents: Story of the amber beads. The new life. The talk of the trees that stand in the village street. How the Indian corn grows. Water-lilies. The carrying trade. Sea-life. What the frost giants did to Nannie's run. How Quercus Alba went to explore the underworld. Treasure-boxes. A peep into one of God's storehouses. The hidden light. Sixty-two little tadpoles. Golden-rod and asters. Andrews, Jane. jgc>4 As6 Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. 1894. Ginn, $.60. Stories of Kablu, the Aryan boy; Darius, the Persian boy; Cleon, the Greek boy; Horatius, the Roman boy; Wulf, the Saxon boy; Gilbert, the knight's page; Roger, the English boy; Ezekiel Fuller, the Puritan boy; Jonathan Dawson, the Yankee boy, and Frank Wilson, the boy of 1885. Anstey, F. (pseud, of Thomas Anstey Guthrie). JA625V Vice versa; or, A lesson to fathers. Appleton, $1.50. By means of a magic Garuda stone a father and his school-boy son exchange iden- tities. What happened thereafter is related in this story. Anthony, Gardner Chace. J744 A62C2 Elements of mechanical drawing. 1906. Heath, $1.50. Use of instruments, geometrical problems and projection. Arabian nights' entertainments. QJ3Q8 AGsala *Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp, and other stories from the Ara- bian nights; retold by Gladys Davidson and illustrated by Helen Strat- ton. Blackie, 2s. Other stories: The enchanted horse. Prince Ahmed and the fairy Banou. Arabian nights' entertainments. qJ398 A6sali *Ali Baba and the forty thieves, and other stories from the Arabian nights; retold by Gladys Davidson and illustrated by Helen Stratton. Blackie, 2s. Other stories: Camaralzaman and Badoura. Abou Hassan; or, The sleeper awakened. Arabian nights' entertainments. J3g8 A6sh *Arabian nights; a selection of stories from Alif Laila wa Laila, the Arabian nights' entertainments; ed. by E. E. Hale. Ginn, $.65. Contents: The travelling merchant. Story of the porter and the ladies of Bagdad and of the three royal mendicants. Story of the humpback. Story of Abou Mohammed the Lazy. Story of Ganem the son of Ayoub, the distracted slave of love. Story of Aladdin Abushamat. Story of Abou Hassan the wag; or, The sleeper awakened. The fairy tales which the people of Asia, Arabia and Persia used to tell. The events *Indicates the best reading. 18 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH are supposed to have happened in the reign of the great caliph, Haroun al Raschid, 786- 808 A. D. It was not until the reigns of Queen Anne and George I that the people of England and France read them, for they were then translated into French by M. Gal- land. From the French they were translated into all other languages. Arabian nights' entertainments. J3g8 A6sar *Arabian nights' entertainments; ed. by Andrew Lang. 1898. Long- mans, $2.00. Marvelous tales of ghouls and genii and princesses who work magic spells. Includes among others, The story of the fisherman. The story of the Greek king and the phy- sician Douban. The seven voyages of Sindbad the sailor. The little hunchback. Alad- din and the wonderful lamp. The enchanted horse. Arabian nights' entertainments. J3Q8 *Fairy tales from the Arabian nights; ed. by E. Dixon. [1907.] Putnam, $2.50. A selection of the tales edited for boys and gir's, and beautifully illustrated. Some of the stories are, The king of Persia and the princess of the sea. Prince Ahmed and the fairy. The first voyage of Sinbad the sailor. Story of the enchanted horse. Story of the speaking bird. Story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Story of the fisherman and genie. Story of the Grecian king and the physician Douban. Story of Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. Arabian nights' entertainments. qJ3Q8 A6sst2 *Sindbad the sailor, and The merchant and the genie; retold by Gladys Davidson and illustrated by Helen Stratton. Blackie, 2s. [Arnim, Mary Annette (Beauchamp), grafin von.] jA74ga April baby's book of tunes, with the story of how they came to be written. Macmillan, $1.50. "Little Polly Flinders," "Mary, Mary, quite contrary," "Little Miss Muffet" and other nursery rhymes are set to music for the amusement of three little girls. Colored illustrations by Kate Greenaway. A good picture-book for little people. Arnold, Emma Josephine. J93O A?5 Stories of ancient peoples. 1901. Amer. Book Co., $.50. Contents: The Egyptians. The dwellers in Babylonia and Assyria. The Hittites. The Phoenicians. The Hebrews. The Medes and Persians. The Hindus. The Chinese. Arnold, Sarah Louise. J372-4 Arnold primer. 1901. Silver, $.30. Many pictures, some of them colored. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 First reader. 1897. Silver, $.30. (Stepping stones to literature.) Many illustrations. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 Ayss Second reader. 1897. Silver, $.40. (Stepping stones to literature.) Fables, nursery tales, short stories and poems. Illustrated. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 A?st Third reader. 1897. Silver, $.50. (Stepping stones to literature.) Fairy tales, fables, poems, etc. Partial contents: Diamonds and toads. Hercules and the lazy man. -The pea blos- som. The truthful little Persian. Hiawatha's sailing. The old man and his donkey. Prince Darling. The sandpiper. The miller of the Dee. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 A;sf Fourth reader. 1897. Silver, $.60. (Stepping stones to literature.) Principally Greek myths and wonder stories. Among them, Aladdin; or, The won- *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 19 , The quarrel of the derful lamp. -The water babies. The brown dwarf of Rugen goddesses. The Trojan war.- The legend of Saint Christopher. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 Reader for fifth grades. 1897. Silver, $.60. (Stepping stones to literature.) Partial contents: Adventures of Bradamante. King of the Golden river. Inci- dent of the Crimean war. The skeleton in armor. Death of Baldur. Making maple sugar. Romance of the swan's nest. Escape from a panther. The discontented pendu- lum. First ship of Peter the Great. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 Aysre Reader for sixth grades. 1897. Silver, $.60. (Stepping stones to literature.) Legendary and historical tales and poems, such as Rip Van Winkle. landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England. Arnold von Winkelried. The eve of Waterloo. The Horatii and the Curiatii. Horatius at the bridge. William Tell. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 A75rea Reader for seventh grades. 1898. Silver, $.60. (Stepping stones to literature.) Selections from American authors, many of them historical or patriotic. Partial contents: Legend of the Moor's legacy. The courtship of Miles Standish. The gray champion. The rising in 1776. The deathbed of Benedict Arnold. The chambered nautilus. Supposed speech of John Adams. Lincoln's address at Gettys- burg.- Thanatopsis. The angels of Buena Vista. Arnold, Sarah Louise, & Gilbert, C. B. J8o8.8 A;srd Reader for higher grades. 1898. Silver, $.60. (Stepping stones to literature.) Selections from English authors. Partial contents: The deserted village. The passing of Arthur. Pickwick's drive to the manor farm. Endeavors of mankind to get rid of their miseries. Belshazzar's feast. The battle of Blenheim. King Henry the Eighth. Recessional. Asbjornsen, Peter Christen. J3g8 Aygf *Fairy tales from the far North; tr. from the Norwegian by H. L. Brsekstad. 1897. Nutt, 6s. Fairy tales of the Norwegian peasants translated for English children. They tell of princesses, trolls, strange beasts and other wonders. Partial contents: The quern at the bottom of the sea. Little Butterkin. The con- trary-minded woman. Farmer Weatherbeard. Ashiepattle, who ate with the troll for a wager. Old Father Bruin in the wolfpit. Gudbrand on the hill-side. Asbjornsen, Peter Christen. jsg8 Aygr 'Round the yule-log; Christmas in Norway. 1895. Estes, $.50. Stories of brownies and trolls told around a blazing fire one Christmas in Norway. Aspinwall, Mrs Alicia. jA84ie Echo-maid, and other stories. Button, $1.50. Other stories: In the land of the Wee-uns. The big light on Burning mountain. A leap-year boy. Aspinwall, Mrs Alicia. jA84is *Short stories for short people. Dutton, $1.50. Humorous stories about a squash vine that grew miles in an hour, a disobedient island that was nearly drowned, and other wonders. Atkinson, George Francis. J58i A8y First studies of plant life. 1902. Ginn, $.75. Contents: The growth and parts of plants. The work of plants. The behavior of plants. Life stories of plants. Battles of plants in the world. *Indicates the best reading. 20 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Atkinson, Philip. J62I-3I A8y Power transmitted by electricity and applied by the electric motor, including electric railway construction. 1900. Van Nostrand, $r.oo. Contents: Definitions. Principles of the electric motor. Stationary motors. Ap- plications of the stationary motor. Electric railways and railway motors. Central sta- tion construction and equipment. The language is plain and the 1 machines described as types are those in common use. Augsburg, De Resco Leo. J74i Ag2 Augsburg's drawing. 3\ r . 1901-02. Educational Pub. Co., $.75 each. v.i. A text book designed to teach drawing and color in the first, second and third grades. v.z. A text book of drawing designed for use in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. v.3. A text book designed to teach brush drawing, wash drawing, water colors, pen drawing, the human head and figure, chalk modeling, designing and constructive draw- ing in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, also the high schools. Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, comtesse d'. jAg24f *Fairy tales; tr. by J. R. Planche. McKay, $1.25. Full of marvels of dragons and monsters, stepmothers and transformed princes. Partial contents: The hind in the wood. The yellow dwarf. Gracieuse and Per- cinet. Princess Rosette. The beneficent frog. Belle Belle; or, The chevalier Fortune. The bee and the orange tree. Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, comtesse d', jAg24O and others. *Old-fashioned fairy tales. Little, $1.00. Contents: Princess Minikin. The story of Prince Elfin. The story of Prince Sincere. Blanch and Vermilion. Prince Desire and Princess Mignonetta. Toads and diamonds. The beneficent frog. Graciosa and Percinet. The Princess Maia. The white cat. Babiola. The master cat. Prince Cherry. Aunt Judy, pseud. See Gatty, Mrs Margaret (Scott). Aunt Louisa, pseud. See Valentine, Mrs Laura (Jewry). Austen, Jane. jAg33p *Pride and prejudice. Macmillan, 35. 6d. Finds its motive in the pride of birth and place that characterizes the really gener- ous and high-minded hero, Darcy, and the fierce resentment of his claims to love and respect on the part of the clever, high-tempered heroine, Elizabeth Bennet. "After De Foe and Goldsmith she was the first to write a thoroughly artistic novel in English, and she surpassed Goldsmith as far in method as she refined upon De Foe in material. Among her contemporaries she was as easily first as Shakespere among the Elizabethan dramatists; and in the high excellencies of symmetrical form, force of characterization, clearness of conception, simplicity and temperance of means, she is still supreme: that girl who began at twenty with such a masterpiece as 'Pride and prejudice,' and ended with such a masterpiece as 'Persuasion' at forty-two!" Howells's Heroines of fiction. Illustrations by C. E. Brock. Austin, Oscar Phelps. J353 Ags Uncle Sam's secrets; a story of national affairs. Appleton, $.75. About currency, the mint, railway postal service, foreign mail, banking, revenue systems, etc. Austin, Oscar Phelps. J355 Aga Uncle Sam's soldiers; a story of the war with Spain. Appleton, $.75. For boys who want to learn about West Point, army organization, coast defenses, details of camp and hospital life, and modern military methods in general. Avebury, John Lubbock, baron. See Lubbock, Sir John, baron Avebury. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST Ayrton, Mrs Matilda (Chaplin). J9I5-2 Ag8c Child-life in Japan and Japanese child-stories; ed. by W. E. Griffis. Heath, $.40. Festivals, games and sports of Japanese children; also some of the stories which are told to them. Illustrations by Japanese artists. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune. qj82i Ag8 *Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems. 1881. Blackwood, IDS. 6d. Martial poems. Partial contents: Edinburgh after Flodden. The execution of Montrose. The heart of the Bruce. The burial-march of Dundee. The widow of Glencoe. The island of the Scots. Blind old Milton. The buried flower. The refusal of Charon. jBug Baby days; with an introduction by the editor of St. Nicholas. Cen- tury, $1.50. Songs, stories and pictures for very little folks. Bacon, Mrs Dolores Marbourg, (pseud, of Mrs Mary j?84.8 Bi2 Schell (Hoke) Bacon), ed. Songs that every child should know; a selection of the best songs of all nations for young people. 1906. Doubleday, $1.50. Collection of simple melodies arranged for the voice only, such as All thro' the night. Annie of Tharau. Auld lang syne. Auld Robin Gray. Comin' thro' the rye. Drink to me only with thine eyes, and many others. Arranged under such headings as Songs of sentiment. Songs of war. National hymns. Songs of patriotism. Military nonsense songs. Shakespeare's songs. Contains indexes by titles, composers and authors. Bacon, Edwin Munroe. J9I7-4 Bi2h Historic pilgrimages in New England. 1898. Silver, $1.50. Visits to Plymouth, Salem, Marblehead, Lexington, Bunker Hill and other land- marks of Pilgrim and Puritan days in Massachusetts and of the Revolutionary period. Many pictures. Bacon, Mrs Josephine Dodge (Daskam) . See Daskam, Josephine Dodge. Badlam, Anna B. jgi6 Bi6 Views in Africa. 1900. Silver, $.72. (The world and its people.) Partial contents: The oases of the desert. Deserts of South Africa. People of the Congo river basin. "The Land of the moon." Diamond fields. Views of the Boers. Ostrich farming at Cape Colony. Ants of Africa. Education in Cairo. Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin. jBisgp Peter Newell Mother Goose; the old rhymes reproduced in connec- tion with their veracious history, with illustrations by Peter Newell. Holt, $1.50. A little girl has all sorts of adventures in Gooseland and meets many characters of the old nursery rhymes. Bailey, Edmund. See Alton, Edmund, pseud. Bailey, Mrs Florence Augusta (Merriam). See Merriam, Florence Augusta. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. J58o.7 Bi6 First lessons with plants; being an abridgement of "Lessons with plants." 1901. Macmillan, $.40. Contents: Twigs and buds. Leaves. Flowers. Propagation and habits. Col- lecting. *Indicates the best reading. 22 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Bain, Robert Nisbet, ed. J3Q8 Bi6 *Cossack fairy tales and folk-tales. 1894. Burt, $1.00. Folk-tales told to the Cossack children. Among the stories are, The vampire and St. Michael. Oh. The iron wolf. The tsar and the angel. The origin of the mole. The ungrateful children and the old father who went to school again. Ivan the Fool and St. Peter's fife. The wondrous story of Ivan Golik and the serpents. Bain, Robert Nisbet, ed. J3g8 Bi6r *Russian fairy tales. 1895. Burt, $1.00. New and delightful fairy tales from Russia, such as The golden mountain. The Muzhichek-as-big-as-your-thumb-with-moustaches-seven-versts-long. The tsarevna Loveli- ness-inexhaustible. The two sons of Ivan the soldier. The little feather of Fenist the bright falcon. Two out of the knapsack. Baker, Cornelia. jBi73C Court jester. Bobbs, $1.25. The heroine is the little princess Margaret of Hapsburg, who at four years of age was betrothed to the dauphin of France. The story tells of her adventures in France and in Austria and at the Spanish court. Baker, Ray Stannard. J6og Biy Boy's book of inventions; stories of the wonders of modern science. 1904. McClure, $2.00. Contents: A voyage on the bottom of the sea. Liquid air. Telegraphing without wires. The modern motor vehicle. X-ray photography. Tailless kites. The story of the phonograph. The modern skyscraper. Through the air. Baker, Ray Stannard. J6og Biyb Boys' second book of inventions. 1903. McClure, $1.60. Tells about wireless telegraphy, solar motors, the miracle of radium, Santos- Dumont's steerable balloons, and other recent inventions. Baker, Sir Samuel White. J5Q6 817 Wild beasts and their ways; reminiscences of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 1898. Macmillan, 123. 6d. The author was a sportsman who hunted in many parts of the world. Elephants, tigers, lions, bears, buffaloes and deer are among the animals which he tells about. Baker, Thomas O. J37 2 -4 Bi? Action primer. 1906. Amer. Book Co., $.25. Easy sentences, nursery rhymes and some simple poems. Illustrations are pictures of children and animals. Bakewell, Mary Ellen. jBi77t True fairy stories. Amer. Book Co., $.35. (Eclectic school readings.) Contents: The red shoes. The elder-tree mother. The knights and the good child. The knights and the naughty child. The ear of wheat. Five little seed babies. How the storks came and went. The milkweed fairies. A spring song. How the nautilus left his ship. The swan's song. The bell. A beaver story. How Christmas came to Bertie's house. The nightingale. A story of truth. Baldwin, James. J977 Bigc Conquest of the old Northwest and its settlement by Americans. 1901. Amer. Book Co., $.60. Some of the chapters are, The fur trade. On the Allegheny. Fort Duquesne. Braddock. The massacre of Mackinac. The "Long knives" of the border. Black Hawk's war. Mention is made of Pittsburgh on pages 51, 69, 78, 189, 228. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 23 Baldwin, James. J977 Big Discovery of the old Northwest and its settlement by the French. 1901. Amer. Book Co., $.60. Struggles with Iroquois and Sioux, discoveries of the great western lakes, and chapters on the Jesuit missionaries and the fur traders. Baldwin, James, ed. J3g8 Bigfa Fairy reader; adapted from Grimm and Andersen. 1905. Amer. Book Co., $.35. For little readers. Contents: The fox and the horse. The cat and the fox. The moon's story. The lost spindle. The little fir tree. The wolf and the man. The little house in the woods. The ugly duckling. The story of Thumbling. Briar Rose. An after word for the teacher. Baldwin, James, ed. J3g8 Bigf Fairy stories and fables. 1895. Amer. Book Co., $.35. Includes such favorites as The three bears. Little Red Riding Hood. The story of Tom Thumb. Jack and the beanstalk. Cinderella; or, The little glass slipper. Baldwin, James. J9O4 Big Fifty famous stories retold. 1896. Amer. Book Co., $.35. There are stories of King Alfred and the cakes, Robin Hood, Bruce and the spider, the Black Douglas, William Tell, Cornelia's jewels, the miller of Dee, Diogenes the wise man, Socrates and his house. Baldwin, James. jg23 Big Four great Americans. 1897. Amer. Book Co., $.50. (Four great Americans series.) The four great Americans are Washington, Franklin, Webster and Lincoln. Baldwin, James, comp. J8o8.8 Big Harper's school speaker. 3v. 1890-91. Amer. Book Co., $.60 each. v.i. Selections in poetry and prose for spring festivals, Arbor day, flower-planting day, Memorial day. v.2. Graded selections. v.3. Miscellaneous selections. Baldwin, James. J2g2 Big Old Greek stories. 1895. Amer. Book Co., $.45. Stories from Greek mythology. Among them, Jupiter and his mighty company. Story of Prometheus. The wonderful weaver. The lord of the silver bow. Quest of Medusa's head. The cruel tribute. The adventures of Theseus. Story of Atalanta. Baldwin, James. J3g8 Bigs *Story of Roland. 1903. Scribner, $1.50. (Heroes of the olden time.) Here are related the daring feats and great exploits of Roland, worthiest of the barons of France, and those of Oliver and Reinold and Ogier the Dane heroes who were his companions in arms. Baldwin, James. J2g3 Big *Story of Siegfried. 1896. Scribner, $1.50. (Heroes of the olden time.) Legends of the Nibelungen hero, Siegfried, full of the mystery, awe and poetry of the northern lands. They tell how Siegfried forged the wondrous sword, Balmung, of his riding through flaming fire to awaken the maiden, Brunhild, and of the many other strange and daring deeds which he wrought. Baldwin, James. J2g2 Bigs *Story of the golden age. 1896. Scribner, $1.50. (Heroes of the olden time.) The various legends about the causes of the Trojan war, ending just where the story *Indicates the best reading. 24 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH of the Iliad begins. They tell of the adventures of the boy Odysseus and the stories that were told to him. Among the stories are, Silver-bowed Apollo. The king of cattle thieves. The golden apple. Children of Prometheus. Two famous boar hunts. The sea robbers of Messene. Baldwin, James. 3398 Bigw Wonder-book of horses. 1905. Century, $.75. Eighteen stories of winged steeds and war-horses, of knights-errant and heroes. Among them are, The dancing horses of Sybaris. The enchanted horses of Firouz Schah. The black steeds of Aidoneus. The eight-footed Slipper. The horse of brass. Swift and Old-gold. Baldwin, May. jBigsp A popular girl. Chambers, $1.20. Boarding-school life in Germany; how the "heroine of the fire" was vindicated and how Fay Fairholme triumphed in the government examination and became the most popular girl in the school. Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. J523 Bais Star-land. 1893. Ginn, $1.20. Talks about the sun, moon, "giant" planets, comets, shooting-stars and other won- ders of the heavens. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. jBaisc Coral island. Nelson, 2s. 6d. A shipwreck in the south Pacific, a Robinson Crusoe existence on a coral island and strange adventures with sea monsters, pirates and cannibals. Ballard, Mrs Julia P. J595-?8 621 Among the moths and butterflies. 1897. Putnam, $1.50. Describes the appearance, habits and life histories of moths and butterflies, giving practical directions for study. Scientifically accurate, yet simple. Revised and enlarged edition of her "Insect lives; or, Born in prison." Ballard, Mrs Julia P. J595-78 621 Insect lives; or, Born in prison. See her Among the moths and but- terflies. Same work published under both titles. Bamford, Mary E. J59O-4 B2im My land and water friends. 1886. Lothrop, $1.25. Partial contents: A grasshopper's remarks. A bee's buzzings. A mud-turtle's lec- ture. A mouse's musings. A lobster's life. A dragon-fly's doings. A horned toad's observations. A mosquito's murmurings. Each animal tells his own story. Bamford, Mary E. J595-7 6219 Up and down the brooks. 1896. Houghton, $.75. Lives of the small animals and insects that are born and live in the brooks and fresh-water streams, such as water-scorpions, water-tigers, skating bugs, frogs, etc. Banks, Charles Eugene. JB227C Child of the sun. Monarch Book Co., $1.50. An Indian legend telling how Waupello delivered the tribe of the Arctides from their destroyer, the terrible "Piasau, bird of evil." Banks, Martha Burr. J266 622 Heroes of the South seas. 1896. Amer. Tract Soc., $1.25. Dangers and trials of Christian missionaries among the South sea savages. Partial contents: New Zealand and the Friendly islands; islands unworthy of their name. The Fiji islands; the people and the Lotu. The New Hebrides; the man who dug the well. The Sandwich islands; a country opened by a boy. Micronesia, the "lit- tle islands." The land of the "crisp-haired." "Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 25 Banner, Bertha. j6^6 622 Household sewing, with home dressmaking. 1898. Longmans, $.90. (Domestic science manuals.) Contents: Stitches. Plain sewing. Seams, bands, gussets, tucks and bindings. Fastenings. Patching and darning clothing, clothing materials. Dyeing, widths and identification of materials. Dressmaking. Finishing. Skirts. Bannerman, Mrs Helen. jB228s Story of little black Sambo. Stokes, $.50. A tiger story, with colored pictures. Barber, Grace Edson. J782.2 623 Wagner opera stories. 1901. Public School Pub. Co., $.50. Contents: The Rhine-gold. Die walktire; or, The story of Brunhilde. Siegfried. Die Gotterdammerung. Parsifal. Barbour, Ralph Henry. jB235b Behind the line. Appleton, $1.50. Story of college life and football. Barbour, Ralph Henry. JB235C Captain of the crew. Appleton, $1.50. Trials, struggles and triumphs which fell to the lot of the captain of "Hillton's "varsity crew." Barbour, Ralph Henry. jB235cr Crimson sweater. Century, $1.50. Various adventures and misadventures of the "Ferry hill" boys and especially of the boy in the crimson sweater, whose "touchdown" brought victory to the school. Barbour, Ralph Henry. jB235f For the honor of the school; a story of school life and interscholastic sport. Appleton, $1.50. Describes the long-drawn struggle of a cross-country run, exciting competitions in track athletics and other incidents of school life. A sequel to "The half-back." Barbour, Ralph Henry. jB235h The half-back; a story of school, football and golf. Appleton, $1.50. Tale of a preparatory school and of the freshman year at Harvard, closing with an account of a Yale-Harvard football game. Barbour, Ralph Henry. JB235W Weatherby's inning; a story of college life and baseball. Appleton, $1.50. The vindication of Jack Weatherby and how he saved his college from defeat. Baring-Gould, Sabine. See Gould, Sabine Baring-. Barnes, (A. S.) & Co. pub. J973 625 Popular history of the United States of America [to 1904, by J. D. Steel and Mrs Esther Baker Steel]. 2v. 1904. Barnes, $5.00. Full of anecdotes and interesting incidents and fully illustrated. Barnes, James. jB256ic Commodore Bainbridge from the gunroom to the quarterdeck. Ap- pleton, $1.00. (Young heroes of our navy.) Story-biography of a hero of the Algerine war and the War of 1812. Barnes, James. jB256if For king or country; a story of the American revolution. Harper, $1.50. Story of twin brothers who fought on opposite sides in the War of the revolution. *Indicates the best reading. 26 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Barnes, James. jB256ih Hero of Erie; Oliver Hazard Perry. Appleton, $1.00. (Young heroes of our navy.) Life of Commodore Perry, his adventures as a boy on the frigate General Greene, and as the hero of the exciting scenes of the battle of Lake Erie. Barnes, James. jB256il Loyal traitor. Harper, $1.50. Sea story of the War of 1812. Barnes, James. jB256im Midshipman Farragut. Appleton, $1.00. (Young heroes of our navy.) The great admiral's boyhood experiences on board Commodore Porter's ship, the Essex, during its eventful cruise in the Pacific. Barnes, James. ' jB256iy Yankee ships and Yankee sailors; tales of 1812. Macmillan, $1.50. Stirring narratives of valiant deeds. The incidents are drawn from history and tradition and many of them are of the kind which the new navy and the new system of warfare have made now impossible. Barnett, Mrs Henrietta O. J6n 826 Making of the body; a children's book on anatomy and physiology. 1896. Longmans, $.60. Partial contents: The body as a machine. The journey of a pin with eyes. What are bones? Force factories. The journey of the food. The journey of the blood. The eye and its covers. Barnum, Mrs Frances Courtenay (Baylor). See Baylor, Frances Courtenay. Barr, Mrs Amelia Edith. jB25gmi Michael and Theodora; a Russian story. Bradley, $.75. How two little Russian children rescued their father and mother from Siberia. The same story appeared in shorter form in "St. Nicholas," v.is, under the title "Michael and Feodosia." Barr, Mrs Amelia Edith. jB25Qt Trinity bells. Dodd, $1.50. Tale of life in old New York with a little Dutch maiden as the heroine. The story tells how she and her brother help to ransom their father, who has been captured by Algerian pirates. Barrie, James Matthew. JB2661 *Little minister. Luxembourg ed. Crowell, $1.50. Story of the Auld Licht minister of Thrums and Babbie, the gipsy maiden of Cad- dam wood. For the older girls. Barry, Etheldred Breeze. JB27I21 Little Tong's mission. Estes, $.50. About a little crippled boy who starts a sailors' mission. Barry, Fanny. jB27is Soap-bubble stories for children. Pott, $.50. The imp in the chintz curtain. The hedgehogs' coffee party. The stone-maiden. Dame Fossie's china dog, and other fairy stories. Barton, William Eleazar. jB28sw When Boston braved the king. Wilde, $1.50. A tale of the Boston tea-party. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 27 Basile, Giovanni Battista. jBagzp *Pentamerone; or, The story of stories; tr. by J. E. Taylor. Unwin, 2s. 6d. The "Pentamerone" is a collection of 50 fairy tales written in Italian. Madame d'Aulnoy and Charles Perrault and other fairy tale writers took some of their stories from this book. 18 of these tales are here translated into English and illustrated by the great artist, George Cruikshank. Contents: Peruonto. Vardiello. The flea. The enchanted doe. Parsley. The three sisters. Violet. Gagliuso. The serpent. The she-bear. The dove. The booby. The stone in the cock's head. The two cakes. The seven doves. The golden root. Nennillo and Nennella. The three citrons. Baskett, James Newton. J59&.2 629 Story of the birds. 1897. Appleton, $.75. (Appletons' home reading books.) Such chapter headings as How did the birds first fly, perhaps? War and weapons among the birds. The meaning of music among birds. How a bird goes to bed. What a bird knows about geography and arithmetic. Baskett, James Newton. J597 629 Story of the fishes. 1899. Appleton, $.75. (Appletons' home read- ing books.) Partial contents: Interesting things inside the fish. How a fish poses and keeps its head and back up. How a fish knows the world. How a fish escapes from its foes. How a fish gets its breath. Some finny friends worth knowing. Bass, M. Florence. J372-4 629 Lessons for beginners in reading. 1900. Heath, $.25. Short sentences, in large print, about flowers, nuts, seeds, etc. Colored pictures. Bass, M. Florence. J59 w knight-errant. Illustrated in color by Walter Crane. Champlin, John Denison. J973-7 35 Young folks' history of the war for the Union. 1889. Holt, $2.50. Contains maps of the principal battles and sieges, colored reproductions of the Union flags and the several state and Confederate ensigns, together with war songs and an account of their origins. Champney, Mrs Elizabeth (Williams). jCssSa Anneke, a little dame of New Netherlands. Dodd, $1.50. The many adventures on land and sea into which William Nicoll was led for the sake of Anneke and his vow to win her with a "lapful of pearls." *Indicaies the best reading. 54 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Champney, Mrs Elizabeth (Williams). Howling Wolf and his trick-pony. Lothrop, $1.50. Howling Wolf, after many adventures with his wonderful pony, finally finds the lost "medicine" of his tribe. Champney, Mrs Elizabeth (Williams). jCssSp Paddy O'Learey and his learned pig. Dodd, $1.00. How Paddy "eddicated" a pig for his little mistress and how he found a "luck penny." Champney, Mrs Elizabeth (Williams). jCasSpi Pierre and his poodle. Dodd, $1.00. About two runaway French poodles and the adventures of Pierre while in search of them. Chance, Lulu Maude. jgio C$6 Little folks of many lands. 1904. Ginn, $.50. The little folks are, Yaba, the Indian girl; Ikwa, the Eskimo boy; Mina, the Holland girl; Osom, the African boy; Ahmed, the Arabian boy; Tona, the Filipino girl; Matsu, the Japanese girl. Chandler, Katherine. J3g8 Cs6 In the reign of coyote; folklore from the Pacific coast. 1905. Ginn, $.65. Indian folk-lore stories as told to some little Spanish children by three Indian story- tellers: Tecla, their nurse, old Klayukat, the saddler, and Wantasson, the blacksmith. Some of the stories are, Why the mosquito hates smoke. Why the snakes change their skins. How the animals got their colors. Coyote's ride on a star. Why the bat is blind. The raccoon and the man-of-tar. Old Deer and Old Grizzly. The story of the Pleiades. Chapin, Anna Alice. J927-8 C$6 Masters of music; their lives and works. 1906. Dodd, $1.50. Contents: Palestrina. Scarlatti. Handel. Bach. Marcello. Pergolese. Gluck. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Weber. Meyerbeer. Rossini. Schubert. Berlioz. Chopin. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Schumann. Liszt. Wagner. Chapin, Anna Alice. J782.2 C$6 *Story of the Rhinegold (Der ring des Nibelungen), told for young people. 1897. Harper, $1.25. How the dwarf, Alberich, stole the Rhine maidens' gold and how Siegfried the great warrior and Brunhild the valkyria lifted the evil spell from off the world. Stories from Richard Wagner's great drama "The Nibelungen ring." Chapin, Anna Alice. J782.2 Cs6w *Wonder tales from Wagner, told for young people. 1898. Harper, $1.25. Contains the sea-myth of the Flying Dutchman, the legend of Tannhauser, the stories of Lohengrin the knight of the Swan, of Tristan and the beautiful Isolde and of Hans Sachs the cobbler-poet. Chapman, Frank Michler. J598.2 Cs6b2 Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds. 1902. Apple- ton, $2.00. Contains a field key to common birds, valuable chapters on structure, usefulness and migration, with brief descriptions of each species. Includes 75 full-page plates. Chapman, Frank Michler. J5Q8.2 Ca6h Handbook of the birds of eastern North America. 1902. Appleton, $3-00. Keys to the species, and descriptions of their plumage, nests and eggs, their distribu- *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 55 tion and migrations and a brief account of their haunts and habits. Introductory chap- ters on the study of ornithology, how to identify birds, and how to collect and preserve birds, their nests and eggs. Full-page plates in color and in black and white and more than 150 cuts in the text. Charles, Mrs Elizabeth (Rundle). JCs75C *Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Nelson, 55. Extracts from the diary of the Cotta family; being a story of Martin Luther and his times. Chase, Annie. JS8i Cs8 Buds, stems and roots. 1897. Educational Pub. Co., $.40. The children will delight in drawing the "big buds, little buds, fat buds, lean buds, jolly buds, sober buds," that crown the opening page. Chase, Annie, & Clow, E. J6yo Stories of industry. 2v. 1891. Educational Pub. Co., $.60 each. v.i. About i coal, petroleum, mining and manufactures of gold, silver, tin and iron, sewing-machines, ship-building, gas-making, etc. v.2. About cotton-spinning, calico-printing, carpet-weaving, whale-fisheries, print- ing, the manufacture of hats, leather, butter and cheese, candy, paper, etc. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales. For adaptation see Darton, F. J. Harvey. Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims. Storr, Francis, & Turner, N. H. Canterbury chimes. Cheever, Mrs Harriet A. jC^ys Strange adventures of Billy Trill. Estes, $.50. A canary bird's mishaps, told by himself. Cheney, Mrs Clara Emma (Griswold). J973-7 42 Popular history of the Civil war. 1894. Estes, $1.50. Same as "Young folks' history of the Civil war." Gives a connected account of the principal events of the Civil war, from the be- ginning to Appomattox Courthouse. Cheney, Mrs Ednah Dow (Littlehale), ed. JQ2 A355C Louisa May Alcott; her life, letters and journals. 1902. Little, $1.50. Girls who have enjoyed "Little women," "Old-fashioned girl" and other stories by Miss Alcott will like to read about the author's life in Concord and about the real "Jo," "Meg," "Beth" and "Amy." Chesney, J. jgi6.2 C42 Land of the pyramids. 1896. Cassell, is. 6d. (The world in pic- tures.) Partial contents: A glance at Egyptian history. Alexandria. The delta and up the Nile to Cairo. Cairo. The Red sea and the Suez canal. J973 C43 Children's history book; tales of the history of our native land, by famous story-tellers. 1896. Lothrop, $1.00. Twenty-four American history stories, each one told by a different author. Partial contents: The Pilgrims' Easter lily, by Hezekiah Butterworth. The heroes of "No.4," by W. B. Allen. "When George the Third was king," by E. S. Brooks. A story of 1812, by O. R. Seward. Choosing "Abe" captain, by J. C. Ambrose. Almost a deserter, by Sophie Swett. Children's nonsense book. Lothrop, $1.00. JC43&2 Tales and rhymes of fun, nonsense and absurdity. *Indicates the best reading. 56 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH JC4363 Children's wonder book; tales of marvel, mystery and merriment, by popular story-tellers. Lothrop, $l.oo. Ned's experiences with the "fraction-boys," how Polly went to school in Dwarfland, and other marvelous tales. Chisholm, Louey, com p. J82i.o8 C44 Golden staircase; poems and verses for children, with pictures by M. D. Spooner. [1907.] Putnam, $2.50. "The Golden Staircase has two hundred steps. If a child begins to climb when he is four years old, and climbs twenty steps each year, on his fourteenth birthday he will reach the top. Behind him will descend the staircase from which he has caught glimpses of the merriment and beauty and heroism beyond; before him will stretch those Elysian fields through which his feet have been prepared to roam. Following the two hundred poems and verses of the Golden Staircase are twenty Cradle Songs... and the book ends with a selection of forty Carols, Hymns and Sacred Verses." Preface. Colored pictures. Chodzko, Alexander Edmund Boreyko, comp. J3Q8 C44 Fairy tales of the Slav peasants and herdsmen. 1896. Burt, $1.00. Twenty fairy tales, with pictures by Emily J. Harding. Partial contents: The maid with hair of gold. The dwarf with the long beard. The flying carpet, the invisible cap, the gold-giving ring and the smiting club. Tears of pearls. The story of the plentiful tablecloth, the avenging wand, the sash that be- comes a lake and the terrible helmet. JC454 Choosing "Abe" Lincoln captain, and other stories. Saalfield, $.25. Other stories: Sally's seven-league shoes. The lost diamond snuff-box. Church, Alfred John, ed. J888 Lg6 *The Greek Gulliver; stories from Lucian. 1891. Seeley, is. 6d. A traveler's true tale from Lucian, being an account of his marvelous adventures with the moon-folk, the pumpkin pirates, the ox-headed people and other strange creatures. Church, Alfred John. J3Q8 C46 Heroes of chivalry and romance. 1898. Seeley, 53. Contents: The story of Beowulf. King Arthur and the Round Table. The treasure of the Nibelungs. Church, Alfred John. j8gi-5 C46 Heroes of eastern romance. See his Stories of the magicians. Same work published under both titles. Church, Alfred John. JC4681 Lords of the world; a story of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. Scribner, $1.50. The incidents of the story centre around the person of a young Greek lad who struggles in vain to resist the conquering Romans. Church, Alfred John. J883 HJSOCU *Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer. 1906. Macmillan, $1.50. Wanderings of Ulysses and his adventures with the giant Cyclops, the enchantress Circe and the fairy Calypso. Colored pictures. Church, Alfred John. J938 C46 Pictures from Greek life and story. 1894. Putnam, $1.25. Partial contents: The battle-field of freedom. The wooden walls. In the theatre at Athens. The fatal expedition. The last struggle. The cup of hemlock. The one hero of Thebes. ^Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 57 Church, Alfred John. J937 C46 Pictures from Roman life and story. 1900. Appleton, $1.50. Partial contents: A day with Horace. The death of Augustus. The death and burial of Germanicus. Tiberius at Capri. A struggle for freedom. The great fire of Rome. The last hours of a philosopher. A great captain. A family of patriots. A just emperor. A Roman at Athens. Church, Alfred John. JQI3-37 46 Roman life in the days of Cicero. [1884.] Seeley, 5s. Partial contents: A Roman undergraduate. In the days of the dictator. A great conspiracy. Csesar. Pompey. A brawl and its consequences. A governor in his province. Antony and Augustus. Church, Alfred John. J942 C46s Stories from English history. 1898. Seeley, 35. 6d. From Julius Caesar to Queen Victoria. A few of the chapter headings are, The story of King Canute. The Red king. King Richard's crusade. "The end of the King- maker." The boy-king and the three-weeks' queen. The seven bishops. The lost colo- nies. The Khyber pass. Church, Alfred John, ed. J883 H75S *Stories from Homer. Seeley, 53. Contains "The Iliad; or, The siege of Troy" and "The Odyssey; or, The adventures of Ulysses." The same stories are told more fully in this author's "Story of the Iliad" and "Story of the Odyssey." 24 illustrations in color from Flaxman's famous designs. Church, Alfred John, ed. jSj8 Lyss *Stories from Livy. 1882. Seeley, 53. Tells of Numa, Alba, Tarquin the elder, Servius, Brutus, Lars Porsena, Coriolanus, the Fabii, Cincinnatus, the Decemvirs, Virginia, the Veii, Camillus, Rome and the Gauls, Manlius of the twisted chain, the passes of Claudium. Church, Alfred John, ed. J882 C46s *Stories from the Greek comedians, Aristophanes, Philemon, Diphi- lus, Menander, Apollodorus. 1892. Seeley, 53. Partial contents: The wasps. The frogs. The parliament of women. The buried treasure. The ghost. The shipwreck. The girl of Andros. Church, Alfred John, ed. J882 C46 *Stories from the Greek tragedians. 1879. Seeley, 53. Partial contents: The vengeance of Medea. The seven chiefs against Thebes. Iphigenia in Aulis. The death of Agamemnon. The furies; or, The loosing of Orestes. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Church, Alfred John, ed. J873 V34 *Stories from Virgil. 1878. Seeley, 53. Partial contents: The horse of wood. The shipwreck. The love and death of Dido. The burning of the ships. The voyage to Italy. The wrath of Juno. The gather- ing of the chiefs. The battle at the camp. The broken treaty. The death of Turnus. Church, Alfred John. J3Q8 C46s *Stories of Charlemagne and the twelve peers of France, from the old romances. 1902. Seeley, 53. Of the slaying of Lothair, the coming of Roland, the treachery of King John and the craft of Mawgis; also how the bridge Mantryble was won, how the heathen and the French prepared for battle, how Roland winded his horn and of other notable adventures of the paladins of Charlemagne. Colored illustrations. Church, Alfred John, ed. J888 H47 *Stories of the East, from Herodotus. Seeley, 53. Tells how King Croesus was defeated and how King Cyrus took the city of Babylon, *Indicates the best reading. 58 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH how the Persians conquered Egypt and how King Darius made war upon the Scythians, with other stories told by the "Father of history." Church, Alfred John. jSgi-S C46 Stories of the magicians. Seeley, 2s. 6d. Southey's oriental romances of "Thalaba the Destroyer" and "The curse of Kehama" retold, with the story of Rustem from the Persian "Book of the kings." Most of the pictures are taken from Persian and Indian manuscripts. Also published with the title "Heroes of eastern romance." Church, Alfred John. jzgz C$6 Stories of the Old World. 1899. Ginn, $.50. (Classics for children.) Of the good ship Argo and the quest for trie golden fleece, of the riddle of the Theban Sphinx and the doom of the house of CEdipus; also of the fall of Troy, the wanderings of the crafty Ulysses and the adventures of JEneas. Church, Alfred John. j88a *Story of the Iliad. 1898. Macmillan, $1.00. What befell the Greeks before the walls of Troy. Tells of the daring of Diomed, the wisdom of Nestor, the shrewdness of Ulysses, the foolish pride of Agamemnon, the nobility of Hector, the grief of old King Priam and the courage of Achilles. Church, Alfred John. J88s *Story of the Odyssey. 1897. Macmillan, $1.00. Not a translation, but a simple, dignified rendering of the narrative. Church, Alfred John, ed. J888 *Story of the Persian war, from Herodotus. 1893. Seeley, 53. Among other events, the battle of Marathon, the defense of Thermopylae and the battle of Salamis. Colored illustrations from sculptures and vases. Church, Alfred John. jC468t Three Greek children. Seeley, 35. 6d. Life in ancient Greece; the games, customs, superstitions and sacrifices. Church, Alfred John. jC468tw Two thousand years ago; or, The adventures of a Roman boy. Blackie, 33. 6d. The hero is a young Roman on board a vessel detailed for the suppression of pirates. Spartacus, the gladiator, and Mithridates, king of Pontus, also appear in the story. Church, Alfred John. jC468w With the king at Oxford; a tale of the great rebellion. Seeley, 55. Part taken by a young Oxford student in the struggle between Charles I and the Roundheads. Church, Alfred John. jC468y Young Macedonian in the army of Alexander the Great. Putnam, $1.25. Adventures of two friends who join Alexander's army and take part in his great conquest of Asia. Civil war stories; retold from St. Nicholas. Century, $.65. JC4Q6 Contents: Off to the war. Virginia scenes in '61. The Merrimac and the Moni- tor. Eleanor's colonel. Lieutenant Harry. A story of Farragut. A drummer-boy at Gettysburg. How Moses was emancipated. Lincoln's God-speed to Grant. -Sheridan in the valley. The picket-guard. The Alabama and the Kearsarge. Lieutenant Gushing and the ram Albemarle. Sherman's march to the sea. Clark, Francis Edward, and others. 3174 C$2 Our business boys, by F. E. Clark; Art of good manners, by Mrs *Indica1es the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 59 S. D. Power; Business openings for girls, by S. J. White. 1895. Saal- field. $1.00. Clark, Henry Howard. Boy life in the United States navy. Lothrop, $1.25. Joe Bently's training on the United States school-ship Minnesota and his adventures on a man-of-war. Clarke, Michael. jSya Vs4ac Story of ^Eneas. 1898. Amer. Book Co., $.45. (Eclectic school readings.) His wanderings after the fall of Troy. "Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore, And in the doubtful war, before he won The Latian realm, and built the destined town." Clarke, Michael. jga Cngc Story of Caesar. 1898. Amer. Book Co., $.45. Deeds of the illustrious Roman whom Shakespeare calls "the foremost man of all this world." Clarke, Michael. J88a Hysic Story of Troy. 1897. Amer. Book Co., $.60. "In this book we are to tell the story of Troy and particularly of the famous siege which ended in the total destruction of that renowned city. It is a story of brave war- riors and heroes of 3000 years ago, about whose exploits the greatest poets and historians of ancient times have written." Introduction. Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. See May, Sophie, pseud. Clarke, W. J. J537-8i Css A. B. C. of electrical experiments; a practical elementary book es- pecially adapted to beginners & students. 1902. Excelsior Pub. House, $1.00. Tells how to construct simple types of batteries, electromagnets, wireless telegraph instruments, dynamos, motors and static machines. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See Twain, Mark, pseud. Clement, Mrs Clara (Erskine), afterward Mrs Waters. J755 Cs6 Angels in art. 1898. Page, $1.50. (Art lovers' series.) Legends of angels, illustrated with 34 plates reproducing famous pictures from Fra Angelico to Bouguereau. Clement, Mrs Clara (Erskine), afterward Mrs Waters. J755 Cs6s Saints in art. 1899. Page, $1.50. (Art lovers' series.) Contents: Concerning the representations of saints in art. The evangelists. The apostles. The Fathers of the church. Patron saints. The virgin patronesses and the great virgins of the Latin church. Other saints important to art. Beautifully illustrated with 33 reproductions of great paintings. Clement, Mrs Clara (Erskine), afterward Mrs Waters. QJ75Q Cs6 *Stories of art and artists. 1887. Houghton, $4.00. Contains 81 fine pictures of famous paintings and sculptures from the days of the ancient Greeks to modern times. Among others are, the Quoit-thrower, the Venus of Milo, the Laocoon, the Farnese bull, the Last supper by Da Vinci, the statue of Moses by Michael Angelo, the Sistine Madonna by Raphael, Beatrice Cenci by Guido Reni, St. George and the dragon by Diirer, the Blue boy by Gainsborough, one of Landseer's lions. Also gives stories about the original marbles or paintings and their artists. *Indicates the best reading. 60 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Clodd, Edward. JS7I C6i Childhood of the world. Ed. 12. 1904. Paul, 33. A simple account of man in early times. Partial contents: Man's first tools. Fire. Cooking and pottery. Use of metals. Dwellings. Writing. Language. Counting. Belief in magic and witchcraft. Myths. Nature worship. Clodd, Edward. J4ii C6i Story of the alphabet. 1906. Appleton, $.35. (Library of useful stories.) Tells about the beginnings of the alphabet, picture and cuneiform writing, Egyptian hieroglyphics, runes and ogams. Coates, Henry Troth, comp. J82i.o8 C6ac Children's book of poetry; selected from the best and most popular writers. 1872. Winston, $1.50. Treasure-trove of the children's favorite story-poems. Arranged under such head- ings as Baby-days. Play-days. Lessons of life. Animals and birds. -Trees and flow- ers. Nature. Christmas and New year. Old tales and ballads. Famous poems for older children. Coburn, Claire Martha. J9H-85 C6s Our little Swedish cousin. 1906. Page, $.60. Some Stockholm children take part in a skating carnival, a midsummer eve festival, a name-day party and in the preparations and festivities of Christmas, visit their grand- mother in the country, take a trip through the Gota canal and spend a day in the famous park, Skansen, near Stockholm. Cochrane, Charles Henry. J6o4 C64 Wonders of modern mechanism. Ed.4. 1904. Lippincott, $1.50. Resume of recent progress in mechanical, physical and engineering science. Inter- esting articles on the most important inventions of recent years. Describes modern "sky-scraper" office buildings, horseless carriages, the conveyance of electric power from Niagara, etc. Cochrane, Robert, ed, jC645f Four hundred animal stories. Lippincott, $1.25. Anecdotes of animal life, illustrating the speaking powers of parrots, the usefulness and cleverness of many dogs, horses and elephants, together with hairbreadth escapes from lions, tigers, bears and snakes. Cody, Sherwin. JQ28 C6s Four American poets. 1899. Amer. Book Co., $.50. Short accounts of Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier and Holmes. Cody, Sherwin. JQ28 C6sf Four famous American writers. 1899. Amer. Book Co., $.45. Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor. Coe, Fanny E. jgi4 C65 Modern Europe. 1898. Silver, $.60. (The world and its people.) Travel in European lands. Partial contents: Where the shamrock grows. Land of Hans Christian Andersen. Land of the wooden shoe. What the Danube sees. The treasure-house of Europe. Free from the Turkish yoke. The land of the czar. Coe, Fanny E. jgif C&5 Our American neighbors. 1898. Silver, $.57. (The world and its people.) Interesting descriptions of Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 61 Coffin, Charles Carleton. JQ2 Abraham Lincoln. 1893. Harper, $2.00. Life of the martyred president from his early years to his death, with many pic- tures. The author was personally acquainted with President Lincoln. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-3 C66 Boys of '76. 1876. Harper, $2.00. Tells of the brave deeds, the sufferings and contests, the victories and defeats, the patriotism and self-denial of the men who won our American independence. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66b2 Boys of '61; or, Four years of fighting; personal observation with the army and navy from the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of Rich- mond. 1898. Estes, $2.00. Soldier's life during the Civil war; in the hospital, on the march, and in the hour of battle. Originally letters of a war correspondent. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973 C66 Building the nation; events in the history of the United States from the Revolution to the war between the states [1783-1860]. 1882. Harper, $2.00. About the building of the first steamboat, the war with the Barbary pirates, Perry's victory on Lake Erie, the gold excitement in California, the struggle between the free state and slave state men in Kansas, and other events in the history of the United States. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66d Drum-beat of the nation; the first period of the War of the re- bellion [1861] to 1862. 1888. Harper, $2.00. From the bombardment of Fort Sumter to the emancipation proclamation. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66fo Following the flag. 1865. Estes, $1.25. The operations of the Army of the Potomac while commanded by McClellan. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66f Freedom triumphant; the fourth period of the War of the rebellion, 1864 to close. 1891. Harper, $2.00. About the march of the Army of the West from Atlanta to the sea, the last battles of the Army of the Potomac and the fall of Richmond. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66 Marching to victory; the second period of the War of the rebellion [1862] to 1863. 1888. Harper, $2.00. Tells of the siege of Vicksburg, and of the victories of Gettysburg, Lookout moun- tain, Missionary Ridge and of other battles. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66m My days and nights on the battle-field. 1887. Estes, $1.25. The author's own experiences at the battle of Bull Run, the naval fight at Memphis, the battle of Pittsburg Landing and the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson. Coffin, Charles Carleton. J973-7 C66r Redeeming the Republic; the third period of the War of the re- bellion, 1864. 1889. Harper, $2.00. "On no European battle-field was there ever a loftier exhibition of bravery and valor exhibited by Union and Confederate soldiers alike than at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Resaca, Kenesaw, Marietta and Atlanta." Preface, The four volumes "Drum-beat of the nation," "Marching to victory," "Redeem- ing the Republic," "Freedom triumphant" read in this order, form a connected history of the Civil war. *Indicatcs flic best reading. 62 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Coffin, Charles Carleton. JC662W Winning his way. Estes, $1.25. How a plucky boy not only won his way through poverty and trials, but did brave deeds as a soldier in the Union army. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. J8ai C68 *The rime of the ancient mariner, and Christabel. Putnam, $.75. " 'God save thee, ancient Mariner! From the fiends, that plague thee thus! Why look'st thou so?' 'With my cross-bow I shot the Albatross.' " From The rime of the ancient mariner. Collodi, C. pseud. See Lorenzini, Carlo. Colonial stories; retold from St. Nicholas. Century, $.65. JC722 Stage-coaches, pirates, Indian runners and fur-trappers give a flavor of romance and adventure to these tales. Contents: Ma-ta-oka of Pow-ha-tan. How the Pilgrims came to Plymouth. Little Susan Boudinot. The first Christmas tree in New England. The fight for a language. Old Dutch times in New York. An early American rebellion. My grandmother's grandmother's Christmas candle. Little Puritans. A new leaf from Washington's boy life. The stamp-act box. Our colonial coins. Comfort, Elizabeth Maxwell. jCyssl Little heroine of Poverty Flat: a true story. Whittaker, $.50. How a plucky Kocky mountain girl rescued the miners of the "Silver Heart." Compton, Margaret. J3Q8 Cys Snow Bird and the water tiger, and other American Indian tales. 1895. Dodd, $1.50. Some of the other tales are, The coyote or prairie wolf. How Mad Buffalo fought the thunder-bird. The bended rocks. White Hawk, the Lazy. The magic feather. The adventures of Living Statue. Turtle-dove, Sage-cock and the witch. White Cloud's visit to the Sun-prince. Comstock, Mrs Anna (Botsford). J595-7 CyaS Ways of the six-footed. 1903. Ginn, $.65. Insect stories with delightful illustrations from nature. Contents: Pipers and minnesingers. A little nomad. A sheep in wolf's clothing. The perfect socialism. Two mother masons. The story we love best. A dweller in tents. A tactful mother. A seine maker. Hermit and troubadour. Comstock, John Henry. J595-7 73 Insect life; an introduction to nature-study. 1902. Appleton, $1.75. Guide to a knowledge of insects through study of insects themselves. Clear and scientific. Directions for collecting and preserving specimens and many colored illus- trations. Comstock, John Henry, & Comstock, Mrs Anna J595-7 C73m (Botsford). Manual for the study of insects. 1901. Comstock, $3.75. A general work on entomology, with analytical keys to the orders and families of insects. Describes the common species and tells of their lives and transformations. Very fully illustrated. Valuable to the young collector. Cook, Agnes Spofford. J883 H75OC Story of Ulysses for boys and girls, adapted from the Odyssey of Homer. 1809. Public School Pub. Co., $.50. Stories of the lotus-eaters, Polyphemus the giant, the man-eaters and Circe the enchantress. For very little people. *Indicaies the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 63 Cooke, Flora J. J3g8 77 Nature myths and stories for little children. 1895. Flanagan, $.35. Partial contents: How the chipmunk got the stripes on its back. How the robin's breast became red. Swan maidens. King Solomon and the bee. Iris' bridge. The story of the pudding stone. Philemon and Baucis. The secret of fire. Cooke, John Esten. J975-5 77 Stories of the Old Dominion. 1897. Amer. Book Co., $.60. Incidents in the annals of the "Old Dominion." Some of the titles are, Adventures of Capt. John Smith. The great rebellion in Virginia. The knights of the Golden Horseshoe. Washington in the wilderness. Braddock and his sash. Point Pleasant and the death of Cornstalk. Lord Dunmore and the gunpowder. Morgan, the "Thunder- bolt of the Revolution." Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). jC78sb Barberry bush, and other stories. Little, $1.25. Nine stories for girls. Other stories: The lady in white satin. Angels unawares. In the cathedral. The engineer's story. A quiet girl. What the pudding brought. A chance word. Nika. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). JC783C Clover. Little, $1.25. Fourth in the "Katy did" series, in which Clover and Phil Carr go to Colorado and spend a winter in that wonderful land of gorges and canons and rainbow-colored rocks. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Cross Patch, and other stories. Little, $1.25. Other stories: Little Tommy Tucker. "Hark! Hark!" Miss Jane. The old woman who lived in the shoe. Simple Simon. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). jC78scu Curly locks, and Goosey, goosey gander. Little, $.50. Two short stories for little girls. Coolidge, Susan, (psrud. of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). JC783C Eyebright. Little, $1.25. Adventures of a little girl on a lonely island. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Guernsey Lily; or, How the feud was healed. Little, $1.25. How the "Guernsey Lily" helped to heal a family feud. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). In the High Valley; the last of the Katy did series. Little, $1.25. About an English girl who left her Devonshire home by the sea and came to live with her brother in the "High Valley" among the Colorado mountains. All the members of the Carr family are in the story. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). JC783J Just sixteen. Little, $1.25. Just 1 6 stories. A few of them are, The Do Something Society. Who ate the queen's luncheon? The shipwrecked cologne-bottle. Two girls, two parties. Etelka's choice. The sorrows of Felicia. Imprisoned. A child of the sea folk. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). ^783! Little country girl. Little, $1.25. Good times at Newport. ^Indicates the best reading. 64 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Mischief's Thanksgiving, and other stories. Little, $1.25. Other stories: Little Roger's night in the church. The world within the wall. -How the umbrella ran away with Ellie. Nanny's substitute. On top of the ark. Ricket's valentine. Christie. Contains also sketches of Fredrika Bremer, Jenny Lind and other women of the North. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). New-year's bargain. Little, $1.25. Each of the 12 months tells the children a story. There are fairy stories, a bear story and stories about little girls. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). jCySsni Nine little goslings. Little, $1.25. Contents: Curly locks. Goosey, goosey gander. Little Bo-peep. Mistress Mary. Lady bird. One, two, buckle my shoe. Ride a cock-horse. Lady Queen Anne. Up, up, up, and down, down, down-y. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Not quite eighteen. Little, $1.25. Sixteen stories. Some of them are, How Bunny brought good luck. Three little candles. The prize girl of the harnessing class. Two pairs of eyes. Pink and scarlet. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Round dozen. Little, $1.25. Thirteen stories. Some of them are, Little Karen and her baby. Helen's Thanks- giving. The secret door. Blue and pink. Toinette and the elves. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). jC78swha What Katy did. Little, $1.25. "Katy planned to do some wonderful things and in the end did none of them, but something quite different, something she did not like at all at first, but which on the whole was a great deal better than any of the doings she had dreamed about." Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). What. Katy did at school. Little, $1.25. Boarding-school life, with its secret societies, Christmas boxes, and other good ti Second volume of the "Katy did" series. Coolidge, Susan, (pseud, of Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). What Katy did next. Little, $1.25. How Katy Carr went to Europe. Third in the "Katy did" series. Coonley, Mrs Lydia (Avery), afterward Mrs Ward. j?84.8 Singing verses for children, words by L. A. Coonley, music by Elea- nor Smith and others. 1897. Macmillan, $1.00. Verses about the sunshine, the baby moon, the little stars, pussy-willows, etc. Illustrated in color. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC78ya Afloat and ashore. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. A sea tale. There are capture and recapture, shipwreck, a desert island, fights with the savages of the Pacific and other adventures. The story is continued in "Miles Wallingford." Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787d *Deerslayer. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. (Leatherstocking tales.) Tale of warfare in New York between the white settlers and the crafty Iroquois. Hawkeye, the frontier scout, is the hero. *Indicatcs the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 65 Cooper, James Fenimore. ^787! *Last of the Mohicans. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. (Leather- stocking tales.) Massacre at Fort William Henry during the French and Indian war, and the adven- tures of an English officer while trying to rescue two young girls captured by Indians. Cooper, James Fenimore. *Leatherstocking tales. Deerslayer jC787d Last of the Mohicans ^787! Pathfinder jC787pa Pioneers JC787P Prairie Cooper, James Fenimore. Miles Wallingford. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Sequel to "Afloat and ashore." Cooper, James Fenimore. ^Pathfinder. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. (Leatherstocking tales.) Third in the "Leatherstocking" series. Adventures in the forest. Hawkeye reap- pears in the war of '56 in company with his Mohican friend. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787pi *Pilot. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Story of a secret expedition to the English coast. Founded on the daring exploits of Paul Jones. Cooper, James Fenimore. JC787P *Pioneers. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. (Leatherstocking tales.) Story of pioneer life on the banks of Lake Otsego. Fourth in the series of "Leatherstocking tales." Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787pr *Prairie. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. (Leatherstocking tales.) This book closes the career of Hawkeye, or Leatherstocking. Driven west by the inroads of civilization, he has ceased to be the hunter and the warrior and has become a trapper on the upper Missouri. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787r Red Rover. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Tale of adventure on the sea at the time of the French and Indian war. Cooper, James Fenimore. JC787S Sea lions. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Story of two rival American schooners, each bearing the name of "The Sea Lion" and sailing on a voyage of daring adventure towards the southern pole. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787sp *Spy. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. The hero, the spy, is a cool, shrewd, fearless man, who is employed by Gen. Wash- ington in service which involves great personal hazard and little glory. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787t Two admirals. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Exploits of two English naval officers off the coast of Devonshire in the time of the Young Pretender. Cooper, James Fenimore. JC787W Water-witch. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Narrates the attempt of a king's officer to capture the Water-witch, a smuggling *lndicates the best reading. 66 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH brigantine, and her master the notorious "Skimmer of the seas." The scene of the story is the harbor of New York and the near-by waters. Cooper, James Fenimore. Wept of Wish-ton-wish. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. An Indian attack on a family of Puritan settlers in Connecticut; the disappearance of the little daughter, "the Wept of Wish-ton-wish," and King Philip's war are the chief events of the story. Cooper, James Fenimore. jCj&j-wi Wing-and-wing. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. The hero is one Raoul Yvard, the daring commander of a French privateer maneu- vering in Mediterranean waters. Cooper, James Fenimore. jC787\vy Wyandotte. Mohawk ed. Putnam, $1.25. Story of the frontier in the time of the Revolution and of the Indian attack on the "Hutted Knoll." Cooper, Samuel Williams. jC78gt Think and thank; a tale. Jewish Publication Soc. of America, $.50. The troubles of some Jewish boys at school and how, through pluck and honesty, they make friends and win success. Corbet, Mrs Katharine, & Corbet, Sybil. jCSna Animal land where there are no people. Button, $1.00. Pictures of the Melly, the Booba, the Dopple, the Jimatite, the Joox and other strange creatures that live in "animal land where there are no people." Cornish, Charles John. JSQi-5 C82a Animals at work and play; their activities and emotions. 1904. Seeley, 6s. Partial contents: Animals' beds. Animals' toilettes. Animals in society. Animal etiquette. Military tactics of animals. Animal courage. The animal sense of humour. Animals at play. Recent rat lore. Homes for wild birds. Cornish, Charles John, ed. qJ59o C82 Living animals of the world; a popular natural history. 24 pts. in 2v. [1902.] Hutchinson. v.i. Mammals. v.2. Birds. Reptiles and amphibians. Fishes. Jointed animals. Shell-fish, lamp- shells, sea-urchins, star-fishes, moss-animals, worms, corals, jelly-fishes and sponges. Cornman, Oliver Perry, & Gerson, Oscar. jgio C82 Geography primer. 1905. Hinds, $.50. Tells of animals, vegetation, climate, occupations of men, etc. The Pittsburgh edition has an introductory chapter on Pittsburgh and the near-by towns. Contains maps and many pictures. Cotes, Mrs Everard. Sec Duncan, Sara Jeannette. Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. 3822.33 Hg Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1900. Scribner, $1.50. Contents: Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. King John.- King Richard II. King Henry IV. King Henry V. King Henry VI. King Richard III. Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller, coinp. J82i.o8 Oxford book of English verse, 1250-1900. 1906. Oxford University Press, IDS. 6d. English ballads, lyrics, sonnets and songs. Beautifully printed on India pa;x.r. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 67 Cox, Sir George William. J2Q2 C8s Tales of ancient Greece. 1905. McClurg, $1.00. Combines "Tales of Greek mythology," "Gods and heroes" and "Tales of Thebes and Argos." Traces each story to its earliest known form. Cox, Palmer. Another Brownie book. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. Brownies abroad. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. qjCSssbro Brownies around the world. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. qjCSssbr Brownies at home. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. qjC853bp Brownies in the Philippines. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. Brownies, their book. Century, $1.50. Cox, Palmer. Brownies through the Union. Century, $1.50. The "Brownies" first saw the light in the pages of "St. Nicholas." Hordes of grotesque and comical little elves swarm on every page, intent on mischief or merry- making. Rhymed stories accompany the illustrations, but the pictures are the inter- esting part. Craddock, Charles Egbert, (pseud, of Mary Noailles Murfree). jC8s8do Down the ravine. Houghton, $1.00. Mysterious disappearance of the grant of the "gold-mine" ravine and the trouble it causes; a story of boy life in the Tennessee mountains. Craddock, Charles Egbert, (pseud, of Mary Noailles Murfree). jCSsSst Story of old Fort Loudon. Macmillan, $1.50. Pioneer life in Tennessee at the time of the Cherokee uprising in 1760. Cragin, Belle S. J595-7 C8s Our insect friends and foes; how to collect, preserve and study them. 1899. Putnam, $1.75. Describes the common insects found in the country east of the Rocky mountains and north of the Gulf states. Scientific names are given of such insects as are illus- trated and there is a list of popular names and their scientific equivalents. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). jC86sa *Adventures of a brownie. Harper, $.60. The mystifying tale of a house brownie who lived in a coal-cellar. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). J3Q8 C86 Fairy book; the best popular stories selected and rendered anew. 1902. Harper, $1.25. Old English tales, such as Jack the Giant-killer and Tom Thumb, stories from Per- rault and Madame d'Aulnoy and other delightful and time-honored fairy tales. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). JC863J *John Halifax, gentleman. Crowell, $1.50. A famous story of English domestic life. John Halifax is a poor lad who wins success and the right to bear "without abuse, the grand old name of Gentleman." *Indicates the best reading. 68 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). JC8631I *Little lame prince. Harper, $.60; McLoughlin, $.50. The story of Prince Dolor of Nomansland, who floated out of Hopeless tower on the wonderful traveling cloak of Imagination. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). jC863lit Little Sunshine's holiday. Page, $.60. Sunshine's summer outing in Scotland. Craik, Georgiana Marion, afterward Mrs May. JC8632S So-fat and Mew-mew, with an introduction by Lucy Wheelock. Heath, $.30. Story of a household dog and cat, told in words of one syllable. Cram, William Everett. J599 C86 Little beasts of field & wood. 1901. Small, $1.25. Contents: Little beasts and how to find them. Foxes. Weasels. Swimmers. Squirrels. Crane, Walter. J784-8 C86b Baby's bouquet. [1878.] Warne, 35. 6d. A fresh bunch of old rhymes and tunes arranged and decorated by Walter Crane. Cut and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. Companion to "Baby's opera." Partial contents: Polly put the kettle on. Hot cross buns. The old woman of Norwich. Buy a broom. Lucy Locket. The old man in leather. Charley over the water. The three little kittens. Crane, Walter. j?84.8 C86ba Baby's opera. [1876.] Warne, 35. 6d. A book of old rhymes, with new dresses by Walter Crane; engraved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. The music by the earliest masters. Crane, Walter. J888 A25C Baby's own /Esop. 1887. Warne, 35. 6d. The fables condensed in rhyme, with portable morals pictorially pointed by Walter Crane. Engraved and printed in colors by Edmund Evans. Crane, Walter. qjC867iba Baby's own alphabet. Mathews, is. 6d. (Walter Crane's picture books.) Nursery rhymes, with colored pictures. Crane, Walter. QJ398 C867b *Beauty and the beast picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's picture books.) Contents: Beauty and the beast. The frog prince. The hind in the wood. Crane, Walter. qJ398 C86y *Bluebeard's picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's picture books.) . Contents: Bluebeard. The sleeping beauty. Baby's own alphabet. Crane, Walter. qJ3Q8 C867C *Cinderella's picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's picture books.) Contents: Cinderella. Puss in boots. Valentine & Orson. Crane, Walter. qjC867ig *Goody Two Shoes picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's pic- ture books.) Contents: Goody Two Shoes. Aladdin. The yellow dwarf. ^Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 69 Crane, Walter. qJ398 CS6jm *Mother Hubbard, her picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's picture books.) Contents: Mother Hubbard. The three bears. The absurd A. B. C. Crane, Walter. qJ3Q8 C867t *Red Riding Hood's picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's picture books.) Contents: Little Red Riding Hood. Jack and the beanstalk. The forty thieves. Crane, Walter. qjCSSyit This little pig, his picture book. Lane, $1.25. (Walter Crane's pic- ture books.) Contents: This little pig. The fairy ship. King Luckieboy. These picture books are also published in 21 parts in paper covers at $.25 each. Cravens, Frances. 392 Ljiscr Story of Lincoln, for children. 1900. Public School Pub. Co., $.35. Very simply and briefly told. Creighton, Mrs Louise Hume (von Glehn). J94O C8y Heroes of European history. 1906. Longmans, $.50. Chapters on The greatness of Athens. Rome's great rival. Saladin and the crusades. Russia and the Tartar invasion. The Hundred years' war and Jeanne Dare. Henry IV of France. Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. Victor Emmanuel. Bismarck and German unity. Creighton, Mrs Louise Hume (von Glehn). J942 C876i Stories from English history. 1889. Longmans, $1.25. Legends and stories from old chronicles, and tales of great men and notable events in England's history. Among them, The legend of the preservation of Beverley. Hereward.- The siege of Mount St. Michael. King Richard's escape from the Turks. A Scottish raid. The fight of the Revenge. The gunpowder plot. The massacre of Glencoe. The chevalier Charles Edward. The siege of Lucknow. Creswick, Paul. Jsg8 C88 Robin Hood and his adventures. Button, $2.50. How Robin Fitzooth became the outlaw Robin Hood and how he outwitted the sheriff of Nottingham. Illustrations in black and white and in color. Crompton, Frances E. jCSgig Gentle heritage. Button, $.75. About five children who "imagined things" and of how they sought and found the "bogy." Crompton, Frances E. jCSgim Master Bartlemy; or, The thankful heart. Button, $.75. How the "House of the Thankful Heart" came to be re-endowed for the service of God's poor forever. Cross, Mrs Mary Ann (Evans). See Eliot, George, pseud. Crothers, Samuel McChord. jCSgsm Miss Muffet's Christmas party. Houghton, $1.00. Some of the guests of the Christmas party are Alice and the Cheshire cat, little Bo-peep, Aladdin, Sindbad the sailor, Uncle Remus and the "Little boy." Cruikshank, George, ed. J3Q8 C8g *Cruikshank fairy-book. 1897. Putnam, $2.00. Four old-fashioned fairy tales: Puss in boots. Jack and the bean-stalk. Hop-p'- my-thumb. Cinderella, retold and illustrated by the great English artist, George Cruik- shank. 'Indicates the best reading. 70 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Gumming, William Gordon. J799 Cgi Wild men and wild beasts; or, Scenes in camp and jungle. 1903. Scrihner, $.75. Hunting adventures in India. "Suddenly, a man on a tree cried out that the tiger was coming back, and, on look- ing up, I saw him coming towards us at a sharp trot. On reaching the nullah, he crossed it, and slowly ascending the hill, stood immediately below our tree. With a breech- loading rifle I might have shot him ten times over, and possibly, as he was coming on, I might have reloaded that which I had, but I knew that any movement on our part would probably make him charge, and we were too near the ground to make such a contingency desirable." From the description of a tiger hunt. Custer, Mrs Elizabeth (Bacon). jg2 Cg44cb "Boots and saddles;" or, Life in Dakota with Gen. Custer. 1902. Harper, $1.50. Story of army life, describing many fights with the Indians and ending with that last tragic battle of the pth cavalry with the Sioux. Custer, Mrs Elizabeth (Bacon). jgz Cg44cu Boy general; ed. by M. E. Burt. 1901. Scribner, $.60. The life of Maj.-gen. George Armstrong Custer, adapted from Mrs Ouster's "Tent- ing on the plains," "Following the guidon" and "Boots and saddles." It describes the perilous adventures, the courage and the sacrifices of the daring troopers of the plains. Custer, Mrs Elizabeth (Bacon). J92 Cg44cf Following the guidon. 1904. Harper, $1.50. Experiences of army life on the plains. Custer, Mrs Elizabeth (Bacon). jga Cg44Ct Tenting on the plains. 1895. Harper, $1.50. Garrison and camp life with Gen. Custer in Texas and Kansas. Cutter, Mrs Sarah J. comp. jygs Cgs Conundrums, riddles, puzzles and games. 1896. Paul, $.40. Gives more than 1,000 conundrums, besides telling about April first games, Hallow- e'en parties, a Thanksgiving-day frolic, a penny entertainment and other possible good times. Cyr, Ellen M. J372.4 Cg8 Advanced first reader. 1902. Ginn, $.25. (Art series.) Illustrated with pictures of famous paintings. Dana, Richard Henry. jgio.4 Dig *Two years before the mast. 1868. Houghton, $1.00. Describes two years spent as a common sailor before the mast, in the American merchant service. Dana, Mrs William Starr, afterward Mrs Parsons. J58o.4 Diga According to season. 1902. Scribner, $1.75. Talks about the flowers in the order of their appearance in the woods and fields. Illustrated. Dana, Mrs William Starr, afterward Mrs Parsons. J58o Dig How to know the wild flowers. 1898. Scribner, $2.00. ng descrip- the wild Dana, Mrs William Starr, aftenvard Mrs Parsons. 3581 Digp Plants and their children. 1896. Amer. Book Co., $.65. A series of easy readings on fruits and seeds, roots and stems, buds, leaves and flowers. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 71 Daniels, Frank T. J744-2 D22 Text-book of free-hand lettering. 1895. Heath, $.75. Preliminary exercises, forms of letters, spacing, inking, etc. With 12 plates. Darton, F. J. Harvey. j82i 41! *Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims retold from Chaucer & others, with introduction by F. J. Furnivall. [1904.] Stokes, $1.50. Tales told by a party of pilgrims who set out together for Canterbury from the Tabard inn in Southwark. Among the stories are, Faithful Constance. Patient Griselda. The story of Cambuscan Bold. The rocks removed. How crows became black. Virginia. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Dartcn, F. J. Harvey. J3Qg D26 *Wonder book of old romance; illustrated by A. G. Walker. [1907.] Stokes, $1.50. Tales of fair ladies and distressed damsels and of knights who fight dragons and rescue the unfortunate. Delightful pictures. Contents: William and the werewolf. King Robert of Sicily. Sir Cleges and the cherries. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The fair unknown. King Horn. The seven wise masters. Sir Degore and the broken sword. Guy of Warwick. The ash and the hazel. Floris and Blanchefleur. Amys and Amylion. Havelok the Dane. Darwin, Charles. J57O.QI Da6 What Mr Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship Beagle. Harper, $3.00. Wonderful little animals which can build islands, birds that catch fish, crabs that open cocoanuts, trees that have been turned into stone statues these are but a few of the strange sights seen by Mr Darwin in his voyage around the world. Daskam, Josephine Dodge, afterward Mrs Bacon. jD273si Sister's vocation, and other girls' stories. Scribner, $1.25. The first story tells how "Sister" took care of two little boys. The other stories are, A college girl. A taste of Bohemia. Her stepmother. A singer's story. A fair exchange. Her father's daughter. A country cousin. The flesh-pots of Egypt. Daughters of the American Revolution, Pittsburgh JQ74.886 D28 chapter. Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt. 1902. Of interest to all Pittsburghers. A brief account of the building of Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt and the historical events connected with them. Compiled in the main from Parkman's histories, Hildreth's "Pioneer history" and others. Contains also a chapter on the historical significance of the names of Pittsburgh streets. Published originally in Pittsburgh by Eichbaum and now obtainable through mem- bers of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. D'Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, comtesse. See Aulnoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle de Berneville, comtesse d'. Davis, Anna Chase. J973 DSI Stories of the United States. 1896. Educational Pub. Co., $.40. For the youngest readers. With illustrations. Davis, Mrs Mollie Evelyn (Moore). J976-4 032 Under six flags; the story of Texas. 1898. Ginn, $.50. "The history of Texas is far more than - romantic legend. It is a record of bold conceptions and bolder deeds; the story of the discoverer penetrating unknown wilder- nesses; of the pioneer matching his strength againa! the savage; of the colonist struggling for his freedom and his rights." Preface. Davis, Richard Harding. JDs23g Gallegher, and other stories. Scribner, $i.Oo. The first story relates the surprising adventures of the office-boy belonging to the staff of a great newspaper. *Indicates the best reading. 72 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Other stories: A walk up the avenue. My disreputable friend, Mr Raegan. The other woman. The trailer for room no. 8. "There were ninety and nine." The cynical Miss Catherwaight. Van Bibber and the swan-boats. Van Bibber's burglar. Van Bib- ber as best man. Davis, Richard Harding. JD323S Stories for boys. Scribner, $1.00. Contents: The reporter who made himself king. Midsummer pirates. Richard Carr's baby. The great tri-club tennis tournament. The jump at Corey's slip. The Van Bibber Baseball Club. The story of a jockey. Dawes, Anna Laurens. J353 032 How we are governed; an explanation of the constitution and government of the United States. 1896. Ginn, $1.00. Partial contents: Powers of Congress. Methods and customs of the House of representatives. Election of a president. Duties of the president. Rights and privileges of a citizen of the United States. The states. The territories. Day, Lewis Foreman. J744-2 033 Alphabets old and new, for the use of craftsmen, with an essay on Art in the alphabet. 1906. Scribner, $1.25. (Text books of ornamental design.) Contains 147 complete alphabets and 28 series of numerals. An introductory chap- ter traces the historic development of letter-forms. Useful for lettering. Defoe, Daniel. jD3;8l3 *Life of Robinson Crusoe. McLoughlin, $1.00. This edition contains both the first and second parts of the story. Strange, surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, mariner, who lived for 28 years on a lonely island. "If you should ever have a story of your own to tell, and want to tell it well, I advise you to take Robinson Crusoe for a model; if you ever want to make a good record of any adventures of your own by sea, or by land, I advise you to take Robinson Crusoe for a model; and if you do you will not waste words in painting sunsets, or in decorating storms and sea-waves." D. G. Mitchell. The same. Harper, $1.50 JD3781 A fine edition with attractive illustrations by the brothers Rhead, but contains only the first part of "Robinson Crusoe." Defoe, Daniel. jDsySlga Robinson Crusoe; ed. for little folks by Mary Godolphin. Educa- tional Pub. Co., $.50. Retold in simple language. Large print, many pictures. Delafield, Mrs Emily Prime. J793 233 Alice in Wonderland; a play compiled from Lewis Carroll's stories. Dodd, $1.25. Compiled from "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the looking- glass." Some of the scenes are the tea party, the queen's croquet party, the trial, the lobster quadrille. Deland, Ellen Douglas. jDsSgik Katrina. Wilde, $1.50. A summer vacation at the Perkins' farm with Katrina and the boarders, some of whom were no older than Katrina and quite as lively. Later she visits them in New York. Deland, Ellen Douglas. jDsSgim Malvern; a neighborhood story. Wilde, $1.50. How some enterprising boys and girls in a New Jersey country village form a "Travellers' Club," publish a newspaper, and do other things to raise money for a trip to the Chicago World's Fair. *Indicates tlte best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 73 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Oakleigh. Harper, $1.50. Of the rebellion of Edith Franklin. Deland, Ellen Douglas. Successful venture. Wilde, $1.50. The "successful venture" of four girls and their young brother who, rather than be dependent on their relatives, go to work and earn their own living. De la Ramee, Louisa. See Ramee, Louisa de la. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese JD42IC (Osterheld). Children of the wild; with Indian folk-lore stories for children. Stokes, $1.00. Contents: How a mother bear saved a little red baby. Why ducks have short tails and the coon must go barefooted. The old woman and the moose-snake. Who makes the echo ? The coyote bringing fire to the red people. The gratitude of Rabbit. Colored plates and illustrations in black and white. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese jD42ii (Osterheld). Indian child life. Stokes, $2.00. Indian stories and pictures. Also published in two volumes under the titles "Little red people" and "Little Indian folk." Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese jD42ilit (Osterheld). Little brothers of the West; with Indian folk-lore stories for chil- dren. Stokes, $1.00. Contents: The little red boy and his wolf friend. The punishment of the otters. Why the antelope lost his dew-claws and the deer his gall-bag. The punishment of the rabbit for disobeying. The old elk mama. The punishment of the coon. Colored plates and illustrations in black and white. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese (Osterheld). Little Indian folk. Stokes, $1.25. Nine stories of Indian child life, with colored pictures. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese (Osterheld). Little red people. Stokes, $1.25. Nine stories of Indian child life, with colored pictures. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs Therese (Osterheld). Red folk and wild folk. Stokes. $1.60. Indian folk-lore stories, with full-page colored plates and illustrations in black and white. Also published in two volumes under the titles "Children of the wild" and "Little brothers of the West." Denton, Clara Janetta. J793-* D43 Little people's dialogues, designed for young people of ten years. 1906. Penn Pub. Co., $.40. Contents: For the youngest children. For the older children and the older and younger combined. For special occasions: Thanksgiving day; Fourth of July; Wash- ington's birthday; Christmas; Miscellaneous. *Indicates tlie best reading. 74 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). Cats' Arabian nights; or, King Grimalkum. Lothrop, $1.25. Thrilling adventures of cats as told to King Grimalkum by Pussyanita, whom he had condemned to death. Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). jDssgj Jimmyjohns, and other stories. Lothrop, $1.00. Adventures of the twins Jimmy and Johnny Plummer, with other stories and dialogues. Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). JD539P Polly Cologne. Lothrop, $1.00. Polly Cologne was a rag baby who lived at the Land of Ease in Prairie Rose cot- back, and what happened to Rover, and how he came back, and when he came back, are invited to listen." Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). William Henry and his friends. Lothrop, $1.00. A sequel to "The William Henry letters." Diaz, Mrs Abby (Morton). William Henry letters. Lothrop, $1.00. Letters exchanged by a small boy at boarding-school and his friends at home. Dick, T. E. M. Bilberry wood; pictures by Elsa Beskow, verses by T. E. M. Dick. Brentano, $1.50. Story in rhyme, with delicately colored pictures. Dickens, Charles. jDssib *Barnaby Rudge; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. Barnaby Rudge joined the Gordon rioters in the stirring days of 1780. Dolly Var- den is another of the principal characters and Grip the raven plays an important part in the story. Dickens, Charles. jDssibl *Bleak house; ed. by Andrew Lang. av. Gadshill ed. Chapman, 123. About Mr. Jarndyce of Bleak hcuse and his wards in chancery. Dickens, Charles. jDssic *Child's dream of a star, and The child's story. Page, $.50. (Cosy corner series.) "Now, these rays were so bright, and they seemed to make such a shining way from earth to Heaven, that when the child went to his solitary bed, he dreamed about the star; and dreamed that, lying where he was, he saw a train of people taken up that sparkling road by angels. And the star, opening, showed him a great world of light, where many more such angels waited to receive them." From A child's dream of a star. Dickens, Charles. 3942 055 *Child's history of England. Button, $2.50. Tells the romantic history of the Phoenician visitors, Druid worship, invasion of Romans, Danes, Saxons and Normans; of William the Conqueror, and King John called "Lackland," of bluff "King Hal" and "Good Queen Bess," of Charles the "Martyr King" and Oliver Cromwell and his "Ironsides." Dickens, Charles. jDssichr *Christmas carol. Button, $1.00. A ghost story of Christmas. Illustrated by C. E. Brock. "He has not only pleased us he has softened the hearts of a whole generation. He *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 75 made charity fashionable; he awakened pity in the hearts of sixty millions of people. He made a whole generation keep Christmas with acts of helpfulness to the poor; and every barefooted boy and girl in the streets of England and America to-day fares a little better, gets fewer cuffs and more pudding, because Charles Dickens lived and wrote." Quoted by Laurence Hutton from the public press at the time of Dickens's death. Dickens, Charles. jDssicr *Cricket on the hearth; a fairy tale of home. Button, $1.00. An idyl, tender and pathetic, of the "Cricket, a little household god silent in the wrong and sorrow of the tale, and loud again when all went well and happy." Delicately illustrated in color by C. E. Brock. Dickens, Charles. jDssicte *David Copperfield; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. The personal history and experience of David Copperfield the younger, as related by himself. Dickens said "I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child and his name is David Copperfield." Dickens, Charles. jDssidoi *Dombey and son. Oxford India paper ed. Chapman, 2s. 6d. "Here we have the pathetic story of little Paul, the tragic fate of Carker. . .and the devotion of Susan Nipper, Mr. Toots, Captain Cuttle, and Sol Gills to the gentle, patient, lovable Florence." Laurence Hutton. Dickens, Charles. *Little Dorrit; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chapman, I2s. Strange history of the child of the Marshalsea prison. Dickens, Charles. . *Martin Chuzzlewit; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. Containing a full account of the installation of Mr Pecksniff's new pupil and of what became of Martin and his desperate resolve after he left Mr Pecksniff's house; what persons he encountered, what anxieties he suffered, what enterprises he undertook and of how at last the tables were turned completely upside down. Dickens, Charles. jD55in2 *Nicholas Nickleby; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v.' Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. In which Nicholas Nickleby becomes assistant to Mr Wackford Squeers, the York- shire schoolmaster, and varies the monotony of Dotheboys hall by a most vigorous and remarkable proceeding, which leads to consequences of some importance; also the further chronicle of the Nickleby family. Dickens, Charles. *Old curiosity shop; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. Little Nell and her grandfather, Dick Swiveller and the Marchioness figure in this book. Dickens, Charles. JD55IO *Our mutual friend; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. Tale of an extraordinary will and the complications which resulted from it, told in four parts, The cup and the lip. Birds of a feather. A long lane. A turning. The Boffins, the doll's dressmaker, Silas Wegg and Bella Wilfer are some of the characters. *Indicates the best reading. 76 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Dickens, Charles. *Pickwick papers; ed. by Andrew Lang. 2v. Gadshill ed. Chap- man, I2S. Adventures of Mr Pickwick and his friends, showing, among other pleasant matters, how he once undertook to drive and Mr Winkle to ride, and how they both did it. Dickens, Charles. jDssit *Tale of two cities. Luxembourg ed. Crowell, $1.50. Story of the French revolution and the Reign of terror. The uprising of the Parisian mob against the aristocrats and the terrors of mob-rule are told as by an eye- witness. In three parts, Recalled to life. The golden thread. The track of a storm. Dickerson, Mary Cynthia. J595-78 055 Moths and butterflies. 1901. Ginn, $2.00. Identifies "by means of photographs from life forty common forms, in caterpillar, chrysalis or cocoon, and adult stages. It makes clear the external structure adapting the creature to its life; it describes and illustrates the changes in form from caterpillar to chrysalis, from chrysalis to butterfly." Preface. 200 illustrations. Dickson, Mrs Marguerite Stockman. J973-2 055 From the Old World to the New. 1902. Macmillan, $.50. How America was founded and settled. After each chapter are suggestions of "things to remember," "things to read" and "things to do." Dix, Beulah Marie. jD647m Merrylips. Macmillan, $1.50. How Merrylips, a little cavalier maid, wanted to be a boy. Dix, Beulah Marie. JD647S Soldier Rigdale. Macmillan, $1.50. How he sailed in the Mayflower and how he served Miles Standish. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). jD6yid Donald and Dorothy. Century, $1.50. Story of a merry boy and girl about whom an interesting mystery lingers. Dodge, Airs Mary (Mapes). jDSyih *Hans Brinker. Scribner, $1.50. A story of glittering ice and flashing skates, and of the boys and girls of plucky little Holland. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). jD67il Land of pluck. Century, $1.50. Charming descriptions of Holland and its people, telling about its dikes, its streets and by-ways, its industries, and all the wonders that Dutch pluck has accomplished. The book contains also other short stories and sketches. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes), comp. qjD67in New baby world. Century, $1.50. Stories, rhymes and pictures, compiled from "St. Nicholas." Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). J8n Rhymes and jingles. 1895. Scribner, $1.50. Verses and pictures, both grave and gay, for little folk. Dodge, Mrs Mary (Mapes). J8n When life is young; a collection of verse. 1894. Century, $1.25. Humorous rhymes, jingles and pictures. Many originally appeared in "St. Nicholas." Partial contents: A dear little goose. The circus clown's dream. Alice in Won- derland. Eleven little pussy-cats. The smiling dolly. The frog, the crab and the limpsy eel. A Santa Claus messenger-boy. *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 77 Dodge, Nathaniel Shatswell. J973 D6y Stories of American history, teaching lessons of patriotism. 1879. Lothrop, $1.00. (American history stories.) Colonial and Revolutionary tales. Among them, The hero of Virginia. Braddock's defeat. Destruction of the tea in Boston harbor. John Paul Jones. The Declaration of independence. Surrender of Cornwallis. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. J7g8 D6y Riders of many lands. 1894. Houghton, $3.00. Col. Dodge has ridden with all kinds and conditions of men, from the Mexican vaquero to the Arab sheik, and has ridden every kind of mount, from a bronco to a bridle bullock. All these different kinds of riders and mounts he describes, telling many stories about famous rides and well-known horses. The book is finely illustrated by Frederic Remington. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Dole, Charles Fletcher. ji72 D6g The American citizen. 1893. Heath, $.80. About the government of our country, the rights and duties of nations, money, business, etc. Dole, Charles Fletcher. jD6g42c Crib and Fly. Heath, $.30. A tale of two terriers. Dole, Charles Fletcher. ji?2 D6gy Young citizen. 1899. Heath, $.45. Explains government, voting, taxes, etc. and shows that children should be good citizens. Partial contents: What the children can do for their city. Who patriots are. The policemen and what they are for. Our public servants.- The city fathers; or, Keep- ing house for the people. The city beautiful. The head of the nation. Dole, Nathan Haskell, ed. jD6g4b2 *Book of adventure. Hall & Locke. (Young folks' library, new ser. v.8.) Contents: A daring escape from a French prison, by Sir S. W. Baker. Exploring the Bagworthy water, by R. D. Blackmore. An adventure in Thule, by William Black. The first sally and the adventure with the windmill, by Cervantes. On the trail, by J. F. Cooper. An old cockade, by S. A. Drake. False teeth, an eye-glass and white legs, by H. R. Haggard. A brave woman's adventure, by Washington Irving. An adventure in war time, by J. P. Kennedy. How they took the gold train, by Charles Kingsley. Rescued from the Indians, by F. Marryat. The escape, by Herman Melville. The march to Mexico, by W. H. Prescott. Adventure of Leif the Lucky, from the old sagas. The disinherited knight, Adventures of a king, by Sir Walter Scott. Kidnapped, by R. L. Stevenson. In flood time, by Rudyard Kipling. Adventures of a boy among the red Indians, by John Tanner. A captive in the Caucasus, by L. N. Tolstoi. An adven- ture with Sioux Indians, by Jules Verne. Dole, Nathan Haskell. jg47 D6gy Young folks' history of Russia. 1903. Saalfield, $1.00. A few of the chapter headings are, The glory of Kief under laroslaf. The coming of the Tartars. The hero of the Don. How Ivan the Great married a Russian princess. How the young Ivan discomfited his guardians. How a false prince made a usurper tremble. A riot and a regent. The royal shipwright of Zaandam. How the Russian Hamlet wrought his own undoing. How St. George fought with the dragon. Dorr, Mrs Julia Caroline (Ripley). jD742i In kings' houses. Page, $1.50. A romance of the days of Queen Anne. Robin, the hero, is one of the "duke of Gloster's men" and the "Little Lady" of the story is the queen's godchild. *Indicates the best reading. 78 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH Dorsey, Ella Loraine. Midshipman Bob. Ave Maria, $.75. A boy's life at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Dorsey, Ella Loraine. JD743P Pickle and Pepper. Benziger, $.85. Who they were and what they did. Doubleday, Mrs Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), (pseud. QJ598.2 075 Neltje Blanchan). Bird neighbors; an introductory acquaintance with 150 birds com- monly found in the gardens, meadows and woods about our homes, with 50 colored plates. 1898. Doubleday, $2.00. Brief classifications and clear, direct descriptions afford the amateur bird student invaluable assistance. John Burroughs, the naturalist and author, says in his introduc- tion "I can say that it is reliable and is written in a vivacious strain and by a real bird lover." Doubleday, Mrs Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), (pseud. J598.2 Djsb Meltje Blanchan). Birds that every child should know; the East. 1907. Doubleday, $1.20. Partial contents: Our Robin Goodfellow and his relations. Some neighbourly acro- bats. A group of lively singers. Birds not of a feather. The swallows. Rascals we must admire. Some queer relations. Non-union carpenters. Day and night allies of the farmer. Birds of the shore and marshes. The fastest flyers. Illustrated with 72 photographs from life. Doubleday, Mrs Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), (pseud. J598.2 Neltje Blanchan). How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neighbours. 1902. Doubleday, $1.35. Contents: How to invite bird neighbours. The ruby-throat's caterers. Bird archi- tecture. Home life. Nature's first law. Songs without words. Why birds come and go. What birds do for us. Some naturalized foreigners. Doubleday, Mrs Nellie Blanchan (De Graff), (pseud. qJ58o Neltje Blanchan). Nature's garden; an aid to knowledge of our wild flowers and their insect visitors. 1900. Doubleday, $3.00. Describes over 500 species of wild flowers, arranged according to color. Gives scientific and popular names, short descriptions of flowers, leaves and fruit, preferred habitat, flowering season and geographical distribution, with comments on the flowers and their fertilization by insects. Many illustrations in black and white and in colors. Doubleday, Russell. JD754C Cattle ranch to college. Doubleday, $1.25. The true tale of a boy's adventures in the far West. Doubleday, Russell. J973-8Q 075 A gunner aboard the "Yankee." 1898. Doubleday, $1.25. From the diary of Number 5 of the after-port gun. Doubleday, Russell. J6og 075 Stories of inventors; the adventures of inventors and engineers, true incidents and personal experiences. 1904. Doubleday, $1.25. Contents: How Guglielmo Marconi telegraphs without wires. Santos-Dumont and *Indicates the best reading. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AUTHOR LIST 79 his air-ship. How a fast train is run. How automobiles work. The fastest steamboats. The life-savers and their apparatus. Moving pictures; some strange subjects and how they were taken. Bridge builders and some of their achievements. Submarines in war and peace. Long-distance telephony; what happens when you talk into a telephone re- ceiver. A machine that thinks; a type-setting machine that makes mathematical calcula- tions. How heat produces cold; artificial ice-making. Douglas, Amanda Minnie. J94