; 7 Co., Bombay. Ainsworth, John Cooper. Born December 20, 1884, at Hyde. B.A. (2nd class Architecture), 1907. Architect. Arnold Hill, Gee Cross, Cheshire. Airey, Millicent (Yorks.). Born January 5, 1884, at Brighouse, Yorkshire. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1904. M.A., 1907. Assistante in French Lycees of Grenoble and Versailles, 1904-1905. Student at Berlin University, 1905-1906. Appointed to teach Modern Languages at the Salt Schools, Shipley, 1906. St. Ronans, Moorhead, Shipley. *Aitken, William (Yorks.). Born May 19, 1868, at Wick, N.B. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master at Lord Weymouth's Grammar School, 1899-1900. Assistant Master in the Longton High School and Lecturer in the Technical School, 1900-1902. Assistant Science Master, Dewsbury Technical School and P. T. Centre, 1902-1903. Science Master, at Tollington Schools, London, N., 1903-1904 ; at Huish School, Taunton, 1904-1905 ; at Grammar School, Preston, 1906. 261, Burley Road, Leeds. Albery, Richard Henry (Univ.). Born July 29, 1879, i n London. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Oliver Lodge Prizeman, 1902. Physics Master, Warrington Secondary School and Technical Institute, 1903 ; Second Master since 1906. i, Brackley Street, Stockton Heath, Warrington. *Alcock, Arthur Frank (Owens). Born November 25, 1871, at Bredbury, Stockport. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1891. M.A., 1894. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Classical Tripos, Part I., 2nd class, Division 3), 1894. Classical Tripos, Part II., 2nd class, 1895. Solicitor. 76, High Street, Evesham ; Knowle Hill, Evesham. Alcock, Reginald (Owens). Born December 22, 1868, at Burslem, Staffordshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. . In practice at Hanley since 1897. Honorary Assistant Surgeon to the North Staffordshire Infirmary, Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent. Honorary Secretary, North Staffordshire Division of the British Medical Association. High Street, Hanley, Staffordshire. I Alcock, Richard (Owens). Born May 16, 1865, at Bredbury, Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. M.D., 1894. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1889. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1890-1891. Honorary Surgeon, Goole Cottage Hospital. Underleigh, Darwen, Lanes. * Alcock, Sarah (Owens). Born June 4, 1871, at Bury. B.A., 1893. Assistant Mistress in Colston's Girls' School, Bristol, 1894-1896; in the North Manchester High School, 1896-1897 ; in the Bury High School (now Grammar School), 1897. 35, Parkhills Road, Bury, Lancashire. Alderson, George Pickles (Univ.). Born February 14, 1876, at Bootle, Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Physician to Dr., now Sir James Barr, Royal Infirmary, Liver- pool, 1899-1900. In general practice. Bank Cottage, Turton, Bolton, Lanes. Aldred, John White (Owens). Born November 6, 1876. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Civil Surgeon at the South African War. Died January i, 1901, at Kroonstad. Aldridge, Geoffrey de Ybarrondo (Univ.). Born November 14, 1875, at Claughton. B.A., 1897. Tutor at Hemfield School, Sutton, in 1897. Ordained by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, deacon 1898, priest 1899. Curate of Milborne Port, 1898-1900 ; of Milverton, 1900. Rector of Kingweston since 1902. Kingweston Rectory, Somerton, Somerset. Aldridge, Noel (Univ.). Born November 19, 1879, at Birkenhead. B.A., 1900. Assistant Master, Ormskirk Grammar School, 1901. Ordained as deacon, 1903 ; priest, 1904. Late Curate at Tibshelf, Derbyshire. Priest-in-charge, Roodepoort, Transvaal, since 1906. Cathay, Howbeck Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Alexander, David Alfred (Univ.). Born May 26, 1872, at Carnoustie, N.B. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Formerly in general practice at Leek ; at Bristol since 1902. \ 30, Berkeley Square, Clifton, Bristol. Alexander, David Moore (Univ.). Born March 7, 1878, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch,B.,i90i. University of Liverpool : M.D., 1906. Assistant Medical Officer, Bagthorpe Infirmary, Nottingham, 1901. House Surgeon, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool, 1903. Honorary Anaesthetist, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool, 1904. Alexander Fellow in Pathology, the University, Liverpool, 1904. Honorary Medical Officer, Wallasey Camp for Girls, 1906. 102, Bedford Street, Liverpool. 10 * ff Alexander, Samuel. Born January 6, 1859, at Sydney, New South Wales. M.A., 1905. Balliol College, Oxford: B.A., 1881. M.A., 1885. Fellow of Lincoln College, 1882-1893. Green Moral Philosophy Prize, 1887. Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews, 1905. Lecturer in Philosophy at Lincoln College, 1883-1889. Professor of Philosophy in the University, 1893. Has published Moral Order and Progress, etc. 24, Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester. Alker, Francis. Born August 21, 1883, at Withington, Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. The Croft, Alexandra Grove, North Finchley, London. Allahverdiantz, Michael Aghadjanian (Owens). Born May 23, 1862. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1888. M.Sc., 1892. Employed on a mining expedition by the Bank of Persia, Bushire.. Died August 22, 1892. Allcock, Mrs. W. B. See Jones, Alice M. Allcott, Arnold. Born September 21, 1885, at Great Harwood, near Blackburn, B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Hunter's Bar Council School, Sheffield, since 1907. 93, Murray Road, Sheffield. Allen, Alfred Llewelyn (Owens'). Born July 17, 1878, at St. Helens, Lanes, B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1907. Research Chemist, United Alkali Co., Ltd., Central Laboratories,. Widnes, England, 1902-1903. Chief Chemist to The North American Chemical Co., Bay City, Michigan, U.S.A., since 1903. c/o The North American Chemical Co., Bay City, Michigan, U.S.A. Allen, John. Born April 3, 1884, at Radcliffe, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1908. The Beeches, Radcliffe, Lancashire. *fAllen, John Edward. Born December 27, 1850, at Bollington, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. Durham University : M.D., 1891. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin., 1874. L.S.A., Lond., 1874. F.R.C.S., Edin., 1892. In general practice, Todmorden, 1874-1893. Harrogate, 1893-1898. Tadcaster, 1898-1906. Retired. S. Nicholas House, Hull Road, York. Allen, May (Univ.). Born March 30, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Diploma in Teaching, 1905. Librarian in the Zoology Department, the University of Liverpool. The Hawthornes, Gateacre, near Liverpool. Allen, Thomas Percy (Owens). Born December 31, 1874, at Pendleton. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. In general practice since 1900. 48, Clifton Road, Prestwich, Manchester. Allison, John Raymond (Yorks.). Born February 17, 1879, at Warter, near Pocklington. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Manager and Chemist to the Island Trading Company, Brunei, British North Borneo, 1902-1907 ; Manager, 1907-1908, Invalided home in 1908. High Street, Easingwold. II Allpass, James Trafford (Owens). .Born November 20, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. With Clayton Aniline Company, Ltd., Manchester, since 1902. Helmfield, 7, Buller Road, Longsight, Manchester. *Altham, Jesse Liddel (Owens). Born July 17, 1869, at Burnley. B.Sc., 1890. Tea Merchant, etc. Member of Burnley Town Council, 1892-1895, 1897-1900, and since 1906. Governor of Burnley Grammar School, since 1899. Member of Burnley School Board, 1901. Chairman of Reedley Hallows Parish Council, 1898. Greenfield, Burnley. Altham, Josiah Goodacre. Born October 15, 1881, at Bolton. B.A. (3rd class History), 1904. M.A., 1906. On Staff of Pupil Teachers' Centre, Mining and Technical College, Wigan, 1904-1907. Assistant Master, Salford Municipal School since 1907. Clarendon Grove, Bolton. *Alvarez, Anthony Ralph (Owens). Born October 21, 1864, at Broughton, Salford. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1885. M.A., 1892. Assistant Master at Eccles Grammar School, 1887-1904. Teacher of Spanish at Hanley School of Art, 1888-1904. Lecturer in Spanish at University College, Nottingham, 1888-1895 ; at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1889-1897 ; at University College, Liverpool, 1889-1904. 51, Atwood Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Anderson, Arthur (Owens}. Born September 26, 1877, at Ashton-under-Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. Late Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary. i, Manchester Road, Warrington. Anderson, Cyril Clark Segar (Univ.). Born 1877, at Southport. B.Sc., 1898. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. With J. Hetherington and Sons, 1898-1899 ; with Sir James Farmer and Co., 1899-1900 ; with Messrs. Coulthard's, Engineers, Preston, 1900. Deceased. Anderson, Edmund Litchfield (Univ.). Born May 31, 1873, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant Surgeon, Liverpool Cancer and Skin Hospital, 1901. Medical Officer, Corps of Commissionaires, 1899. Lieutenant 6th V. B. The King's (Liverpool) Regiment, 1904. 1 02, Queen's Road, Liverpool. * Anderson, Jasper George Litchfield (Univ.). Born June 10, 1876, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Ridley Hall, Cambridge, 1898-1899. Ordained by the Bishop of Hereford. Deacon 1900 ; Priest 1901 ; Curate of St. James', Hereford, 1900-1905. Curate of Trinity, Chesterfield, since 1905. Cromwell Mount, Newbold Road, Chesterfield. Anderson, Jesse. Born February 17, 1885, at Hindsford, Atherton, Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. Teacher, Cavendish Municipal School, Manchester, 1907. 73, Shakerley Road, Tyldesley, near Manchester. 12 Anderson, John (Yorks.). Born August 13, 1874, at Glasgow. B.A., 1896. Leeds University : B.A., 1906. Minister of the Lowther Street Congregational Church, Kendal, 1899- 1905. Minister of the Abbey Lane Congregational Church, Saffron Walden, since 1905. The Manse, West Road, Saffron Walden. Anderson. Jonas William (Univ.). Born August 23, 1874 at Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon at Southport Infirmary in 1898 ; at Royal Infirmary,. Liverpool, 1898-1900. 4, Oxford Road, Birkdale, Southport. *Anderson, Lewis Pemberton (Univ.). Born November 29, 1871, at Ulverston. B.A. (3rd class, Classics), 1891. L.R.C.P. and S. Edin., L.F.P. and S., Glas., 1902. Medical Officer to the Post Office, Ulverston. Hamilton House, Church Walk, Ulverston. Anderson, William Jenkins Webb (Yorks.). Born July 4, 1870, at Barrow-in- Furness. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. M.D., 1906. F.L.S. (London). Junior Resident Medical Officer at Leeds Public Dispensary in 1899. Now Senior and Medical Missionary and Superintendent of the Hospital, Fatshan, near Canton. Wesley an Mission, Canton, South China. Anderson, William Roocroft (Owens). Born July 5, 1880, at Wigan. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Leigh Grammar School, 1901-1905. Now Second Master, Lady Manners School, Bakewell. Granby Croft, Bakewell Anderton, Edward William (Yorks.). Born November 23, 1875, at Bradford, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Resident Obstetric Officer, Leeds General Infirmary, 1900-1901. Resident Ophthalmic Officer and Senior Assistant House Surgeon, Sheffield Royal Infirmary, 1901. Certifying Surgeon under the Factory and Workshop Act for the Hawes District, 1908. Hawes, S.O., North Yorks. Anderton, John Westall (Owens). Born April 17, 1879, at Accrington, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Accident House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Junior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Infirmary, 1906. House Physician, Salford Royal Infirmary, 1906. Glenroyd, 50, North Drive, St. Annes-on-the-Sea, Lanes. Anderton, Neander (Univ.). Born October 12, 1870, at Padiham. B.A., 1894. Assistant Minister (Unitarian) at Bank Street Chapel, Bolton, 1898- 1900. Minister of Percy Street Chapel, Preston, 1900-1904. Minister, Pendleton Unitarian Free Church, Manchester, since 1904, 66, Moorfield Road, Pendleton, Salford. Andrew, George William. Born November 30, 1884, at Stockport. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1906. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1904. Research Assistant to Prof. W. A. Bone, F.R.S., 1904-1905. Beyer Fellow, 1905. Re- search Chemist (with Messrs. J. Summers and Sons, Shotton, Flint), 1906. 17, Ryeland Street, Shotton, Flintshire. Andrew, Harry (Owens). Born September 13, 1874, at Middleton Junction. ,B.Sc., 1897. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master at Handsworth Technical School, 1898-1899 ; Assis- tant Lecturer in Engineering at Hartley College, Southampton, 1899-1900 ; Lecturer in Engineering, Northampton Institute, London, E.C., 1900-1902 ; Engineering Master, Birmingham Municipal Day Technical School, 1902-1904 ; Lecturer in En- gineering at the Woolwich Polytechnic, 1904. Clovelly, FoxcroH Road, Shooter's Hill, Kent. Andrew, John Harold. Born January 14, 1887, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Glenthorne, King's Road, Colwyn Bay. Andrews, William Allen (Yorks.). Born December 8, 1877, at Leeds. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Central High School, Leeds, 1902. 582, Meanwood Road, Mean-wood, Leeds. Angus, Alfred Henry (Univ.}. Born May 29, 1873, at Hutton Lowcross,. Guisborough, Yorks. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Lecturer, Leeds Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1896-1897 ; Assistant Master at Harrogate College, 1897-1900 ; Second Master and Chief Mathematical Master, Birmingham Municipal Technical Day School, 1901-1906; Head Master, ' George Dixon ' Secondary School, Birmingham, 1906. Author of A Preliminary Course in Differential and Integral Calculus. 505, City Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Angus, Laurence Mortimer. Born April 23, 1887, at Aberystwyth. B.A. (2nd class Architecture), 1907. In Architect's Office, Manchester. Bryndedwydd, Llanishen, near Cardiff. *Annett, Henry Edward (Univ.}. Born 1871, at Nottingham. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1899. D.P.H., 1896. Holt Tutorial Scholarship, University College, Liverpool, 1894. (1851) Exhibition Scholar, 1896. Demonstrator, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1898. Member of Expedition to Sierra Leone, West Africa, 1899. Director of Malaria Expedition to Nigeria, 1900. Superintendent, Liverpool Institute of Comparative Pathology, 1902. Lecturer in Comparative Pathology, University of Liverpool, 1903. Professor of Comparative Pathology, Univer- sity of Liverpool, 1906. Ivy Lea, Rock Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Anson, Emily (Yorks.). Born December 13, 1882, at Hambleton, near Selby, B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Science Mistress, Central High School, Leeds, 1905. Gibson House, Hambleton, Selby, Yorks. H Appleton, Roy (Yorks.). Born September 30, 1879, at Beverley, East Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. M.D., 1907 M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1904. L.S.A. (Lond.). In general practice. The Bar House, Beverley, East Yorkshire. Appleyard, John Henry Ross (Yorks.). Born August 4, 1875, at Dewsbury. B.Sc., 1897. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at Council Secondary School, Halifax, 1898. 5, Willow Lane East, Huddersfield. Archdeacon, William Henry (Yorks.). Born October 17, 1872. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1893. 27, Bull Green, Halifax. Archer, Arthur Bennett (Univ.). Born September 5, 1881, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Sefton Park School, Liverpool, 1903-1907. Form Master, Municipal Secondary School, Whitworth Street, Man- chester, 1907. 25, Charles Berrington Road, Wavertree, Liverpool. *Ardern, Edward (Owens). Born December 26, 1878, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Assistant Chemist to the Manchester Corporation, 1899. Resident Chemist, Rivers Department, Manchester Corporation, 1904. Greengates, Davyhulme, Urmston. Armes, Jane Prue (Yorks.). Born June 19, 1881, at Nottingham. B.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Bede Higher Grade School, Sunderland, 1903-1905. Assistant Mistress, Hanson Girls' Secondary School, Bradford, 1905. Licentiate, College of Preceptors, 1905. Certificate for Ability to Teach (College of Preceptors), 1906. 54, Conference Road, Armley, Leeds. *fArmitage, Elkanah. Born December 16, 1844, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter. B.A. (Honours in German), 1864. B.A., 1865. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Moral Science Tripos), 1868. M.A., 1871. Lecturei on Logic in the Owens College Evening Classes, 1870-1875. Congregational Minister in Oldham, 1872-1884; in Rotherham, 1884-1890. Theological Professor in the Yorkshire United In- dependent College, Bradford, 1890.1 Westholm, Rawdon, near Leeds. Armitage, George Herbert (Yorks.). Born September 2, 1876, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Tamworth Grammar School in 1897 ? at Yalding Grammar School, 1897-1899; at Swaffham Grammar School, 1899-1904 ; at Owen's School, Islington, 1905. 3, Nightingale Lane, Hornsey, London, N. Armitage, Sydney Herbert. Born August 29, 1886, at Northwich, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1907. Chemist at Messrs. Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight, 1907. Chemist in Private Research Laboratory of Ludwig Mond, F.R.S., Ph.D., etc., 20, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London, N.W., 1908. 96, Belsize Road, St. John's Wood, London, N. W. ; 5, Moss Road, Winnington, Northwich, Cheshire. 1$ Armitage, Thomas Coulborn (Owens). Born December 21, 1871, at Cheadle- Hulme, Cheshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1893. M.Sc., 1896. Formerly Electrical Engineer. Now Manufacturer. The Oaks, Charley, Lancashire. Armitstead, Henry (Owens). Born August 18, 1876, at Bury. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Master under Leeds School Board, 1899-1900 ; at Radcliffe Bridge Schools, 1900. Physics Demonstrator, School of Science, Llanelly, 1901-1906. Lecturer in Physics, Presidency College, Calcutta, 1906. 5, Humayoon Place, Calcutta, India. Armstrong, Francis Edwin (Univ.). Born January 20, 1879, at Nottingham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. Colliery Manager's Certificate, 1905. With British Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co., London, 1899-1900; at Tinsley Park Collieries, Sheffield, 1900-1902; now at Newdigate Colliery, Nuneaton. # 26, Lancaster Avenue, Liverpool. Armstrong, George Edwin (Owens). Born December 22, 1869, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Lecturer in Engineering, Brighton Technical School, 1894-1897. Head of Engineering Department, Municipal Technical College, Brighton, 1897-1902. Principal, Municipal Technical School, Londonderry, Ireland. Municipal Technical School, Londonderry, Ireland. *Armstrong, Hubert (Univ.). Born May 23, 1872, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D., 1900. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Medical Practitioner. Demonstrator in Physiology at University College, Liverpool, 1892-1893. House Physician, etc., at Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1894-1895. Resident Medical Officer, Liverpool Lock Hospital, in 1896. Hon. Assistant Physician at Infirmary for Children, Liverpool, 1899. Honorary Anaesthetist, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1904. 7, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Armstrong, Mary (Univ.). Born September 20, 1868, at Oxton, Birkenhead. B.A., 1890. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Professional Musician. Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music, 1897. Studied at Berlin University, 1899-1900. 3, Avondale Road, Hoy lake, Cheshire. Arnison, Thomas Wright (Owens). Born October 29, 1872, at Penrith. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. House Surgeon at the Royal Hospital, Salford, 1896-1899. The Poplars, Rastrick, Yorkshire. *Arnold, Miles Bracewell (Owens). Born November 7, 1878. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D., 1905. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1905. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1901. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902. House Physician, City of London Hospital for Diseases of the i6 Chest, 1903. Senior Assistant Medical Officer to the Manchester City Fever Hospital, 1904. Medical Officer to Blackburn Educa- tion Committee, 1908. Ravenswood, Wood Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Ash, Alfred Edwin (Owens). Born January 28, 1868, at Stoke-on-Trent. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. M.D., 1903. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, 1890. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1891 ; Wigan Royal Infirmary, 1892. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1900-1902. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Honit on Union, 1905. Honiton, Devon. *Ashburner, Mrs. H. S. See Led ward, Marion Craig. Ashby, Josephine (Univ.). Born January 28, 1881, at Derby. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Harris Institute, Preston, 1903-1907 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Ilkeston (Derbyshire), since 1907. 113, Duke Street, Southport. Ashcroft, Edward Maynard (Owens). Born September 27, 1875, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. D.P.H., 1904. Temporary Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Rochdale, 1903. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Derby, 1904-1905. Resident Medical Officer, Dewsbury Smallpox Hospital, 1904-1905. 248, Stockport Road, Levenshulme, Manchester. Ashe, Charles Septimus (Owens). BornApril 21, 1870, at Eccles, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. Resident Medical Officer of Dyffryn Aled (Branch of Cheadle Royal Asylum), 1895-1896. House Physician, Manchester Royal In- firmary, in 1896. Resident Medical Officer, Crumpsall Workhouse, Manchester, 1896-1898. Medical Officer to Out-Patients, Man- chester Children's Hospital, 1898-1899. Northenden Road, Sale, Cheshire. Asher, Joseph Mayor (Owens). Born September 23, 1872, at Manchester. B.A. ( i st class Philosophy), 1898. M.A., 1901. University Scholarship in Philosophy, 1898. Langton Fellowship in Philosophy, 1898- 1900. Trinity College, Cambridge : Advanced Student, 1898-1900. Ordained Rabbi 1893. Rabbi of Madison Avenue Synagogue, New York, 1901-1907 ; Rabbi of Lexington Avenue Synagogue (Orach Chaim), New York, 1907. Professor of Homiletics, Jewish Theo- logical Seminary of America, New York, 1902. 61, East gird Street, New York, U.S.A. Ashforth, George Ernest (Owens). Born November, 10, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. With the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company since 1897. The Old School House, Penwottham, Preston. Ashforth, Mrs. G. E. See Taplen, Mary. Ashforth, Thomas Bertram. Born August i, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1906. Draughtsman, Hans Renold's Chain Works, Manchester, 1906. Assistant Engineer, North-Eastern Railway Co.'s Docks, Hull, 1907. 3, Charlotte Street, Hull', Dock Offices, Hull. I? Ashmore, Patricius Wallace (Yorks.). Born June 29, 1876, at Seaton, Cumberland. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. I Has held posts as Assistant, and Ship's Surgeon. 25, Norman Terrace, Roundhay, Leeds. Ashton, Albert (Owens}. Born April 3, 1867. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. . Medical Practitioner. Formerly Resident Assistant at Barnes Con- valescent Hospital, Cheadle. Died at Perim, Arabia, July 12, 1906. Ashton, Daniel Aspinall (Owens}. Born October 25, 1869, at Mytholmroyd, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Resident Medical Officer at Dyffryn Aled Private Asylum, Abergele, 1900-1901. Civil Surgeon, South African War, 1901-1902. West African Medical Service, Southern Nigeria, 1903-1907. Denham, Rosswood Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. '* Ashton, George (Owens}. Born April n, 1874, at Fallowfield, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. M.D., 1903. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1896. Senior Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospitals, 1897. Surgeon on Hospital Ship Nubia for South African War, 1900. Senior House Surgeon, Bolton Infirmary, 1902. Assistant Surgical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904-1906. Medical Officer, Man- chester Royal Infirmary, 1907. Captain Royal Army Medical Corps Volunteers. Lecturer and Examiner in Ambulance to the Manchester Education Committee, L. and Y. and L. and N. W. Railway Companies. 315, Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. .Ashton, Harold Thomas (Owens}. Born April 21, 1867, at Darwen. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1885. M.Sc., 1889. D.Sc., 1900. Engineer. With Messrs. W. and J. Yates, Blackburn, 1886-1890. Mechanical Assistant to Superintendent Royal Laboratory, Wool- wich, 1890, and Assistant Mechanical Engineer, Royal Ordnance Factories, 1899. Mechanical Engineer, Royal Ordnance Factories, 1903. Superintendent, Royal Small Arms Factory, 1905. Royal Small Arms Factory, En field Lock, Middlesex. .Ashworth, Frank Henry Staunton (Owens}. Born December 7, 1878, at Newstead. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. House Surgeon at Carmarthen and Carmarthenshire Infirmary, 1902 ; at Swansea General and Eye Hospital, 1903. Clinical Assistant East London Hospital for Children (Shadwell), 1903. In general practice. Dunluce, Hucknall Torkard, Notts. * f Ashworth, George Howell (Owens}. Born February 25, 1856, at Aigburth. B.A., 1904. Hatfield Hall, Durham : Theological Scholar. L.Th. (ist class Honours), 1886. M.A. (Durham), 1889. Curate of All Saints, Monkwearmouth, 1886-1891. Curate of Whit- burn, 1891-1901. Vicar of Harton, 1901. Harton Vicarage, South Shields. i8 *f Ashworth, James Hartley. Born May 2, 1874, at Accrington. B.Sc., 1904. London University: B.Sc., 1895. D.Sc., 1899. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Zoology, OwensTCollege, 1896-1900. Lecturer in Invertebrate Zoology since 1900" and in Entomology and Protozoology since 1905, in the University" of Edinburgh. 4, Cluny Terrace, Edinburgh. *Ashworth, James Reginald (Owens). Born July 8, 1861, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1893. M.Sc., 1899. D.Sc., 1903." Demonstrator in Physics, Owens College, 1894-1895. Lecturer in Rochdale Technical School, 1896. Honorary Research Fellowship, Owens College, 1898. Representative of the University on the Rochdale County Borough Education Committee, 1903-1907. Has contributed to Proceedings and Phil. Trans, of Royal Society. Author of Practical Exercises in Magnetism and Electricity (2nd edition, 1899), and Heat, Light, and Sound, an Introductory Course of Practical Exercises, 1906. 105, Freehold Street, Rochdale. Ashworth, Joseph Harold (Owens}. Born October 29, 1870, at Shaw, near Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. D.P.H., 1897. General practitioner since 1893. Fernholme, 385, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Ashworth, Norman (Yorks.). Born June 18, 1875, a ^ Birkdale, Southport. B.A., 1898. Assistant Master, Hunslet Carr Board School, Leeds. Scholey Hill, Methley, near Leeds. *f Ashworth, Percy. Born November 15, 1864, at Shaw, near Oldham. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1884. M.B. (ist class Honours), B.S., 1888. M.D., 1889. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1889. Late House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and Northern Hospital, Manchester. Late Assistant Surgeon. President, Southport Medical Society, 1905-1906. Now in general practice. 65, Leyland Road, Southport. Aspland, Alfred Lees (Owens). Born April 10, 1878, at Dukinfield, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1900. c/o Mrs. Stirling, 94, Debden Road, Saffron Walden, Essex. Astbury, Alexander. Born September 4, 1882, at Penymynydd, near Mold, Flintshire. B.Sc., 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemist, Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Manchester. Assistant Science Master, Hawarden County School, 1904 ; at Towyn County School, 1905. Assistant Chemist, Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Manchester, 1907. 238, Great Western Street, Moss Side, Manchester. *Atkinson, Bernard Norman (Owens). Born April 2, 1866, at Ningpo, China. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1886. M.A., 1890. Clerk in Holy Orders, 1889. Curacies at Bodmin, 1889-1891; St. Oswald's, Chester, 1891-1895 ; Kelsall, Cheshire, 1896-1904. Vicarage of Little Budworth, Cheshire, 1904, Little Budworth Vicarage, Tarporley, Cheshire. 19 1[ Atkinson, Edmund. B.Sc., 1882. Ph.D. (Heidelberg). Assistant to the Professor of Chemistry at Oxford (Sir B. C. Brodie) 1856-1858. Lecturer on Experimental Science in Cheltenham College, 1859-1861. Professor of Experimental Science in the Royal Military and Staff Colleges, Sandhurst, 1862-1887. J.P. for Surrey. Commissioner for Income and Land Tax in the Farnham Division of Surrey. Died May 4, 1900. Atkinson, Janet (Yorks.}. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. *Atkinson, Lilian Lockwood. Born at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1904. University Scholar, 1904. Language Mistress at Bradford Girls' Grammar School, 1904-1906. Head Mistress, Settle Secondary School, since 1907. Undercliffe, Settle, Yorkshire. Atkinson, Raymond Alexander Hannay. Born April 15, 1881, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, West Kensington General Infirmary, 1904-1905. House Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Miller Hospital, Greenwich Road, London, S.E., 1905. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Burton- on-Trent, 1906. 4, Westwood Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. * Atkinson, Roberta Mary Moreland (Owens}. Born November 20, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1900. Assistant Inspector to the Manchester Education Committee. 4, Westwood Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. Atkinson, Samuel Greenup. Born July 12, 1885, at Caldbeck, Cumberland. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1906. Science Master, Fowey Grammar School, since 1906. Grammar School, Fowey, Cornwall. Attwell, Mrs. S. W. See Scotson, Annie. Auden, Harold Allden (Owens}. Born October 8, 1874, at Horninglow, Staffs. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1898. D.Sc. (Tubingen), 1897. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Owens College in 1898. Head of Chemical Department, West Ham Technical Institute, 1898-1903. Research Chemist at the United Alkali Co.'s Central Laboratory, Widnes, since 1903. Westwood, Grassendale, Liverpool. Auld, Catherine Gemmell (Univ.}. Born October 29, 1875, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Mistress at Edgehill College, Bideford, 1898-1899 ; at Portland House School, Kemptown, 1899-1900 ; at Clyde School, Greenock, 1902-1906. Studying in Berlin, 1906-1907. 9, Stuart Avenue, Hun?s Cross, near Liverpool. 20 Auld, Helen Park (Univ.). Born January 26, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Botany), 1899. University Scholarship in Botany, 1899. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Science Mistress, High School for Girls, Coventry, 1900-1902. Gilchrist Travelling Student, 1902-1903. Science Mistress, St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, since 1903. 9, Stuart Avenue, Hunt's Cross, near Liverpool. *Auld, Jessie (Univ.). Born July 21, 1869, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1888 and (2nd class Mathematics), 1889. M.Sc., 1891. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Science Mistress, Weirfield School, Taunton, 1889-1891. Student at Cambridge Training College, 1891-1892. Science Mistress, High School, Blackburn, 1892-1895. Head Mistress, County Girls' School, Llandovery, 1895-1900. Principal (with Miss Skeat, Ph.D.) of Baliol School, Sedbergh, since 1900. Baliol School, Sedbergh, Yorkshire ; 9, Stuart Avenue, Hunt's Cross, near Liverpool. Auld, Lilian Elizabeth (Univ.). Born June 9, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Science Mistress, Shrewsbury High School, 1901-1907. 9, Stuart Avenue, Hunt's Cross, near Liverpool. *Auld, Margaret Downes (Univ.). Born January 12, 1873, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1892. M.Sc., 1895. Gilchrist Travelling Studentship, 1896. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Second Mistress, Southolme School, Whalley Range, Manchester, 189 - 1895. Science Mistress, Blackburn High School, 1896-1905. Married, April 29, 1905, Arthur Blott. Korosko, Westcliffe-on-Sea. Aungier, Mark (Univ.). Born January, 1875. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Died January 2, 1907. Aveyard, Ethel Ann (Yorks.). Born January i, 1881, at Bruntcliffe, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Rotherham, 1903. Prin- cipal, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Winslow, Bucks., 1904. Park Road, Winslow, Bucks. : Bleak House, Gildersome, near Leeds. *Ayres, Thomas (Owens). Born April 9, 1877, at Preston. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Science Master, Organised Science School, Ferndale, Glamorgan, 1898- 1901. Studied at Strassburg University, 1902. Science Master, County and Intermediate School, Pengam, Glamorgan, 1903. Lecturer in Physics and Modern Languages, St. John's (Training) College, Battersea, London, S.W., 1904. St. John's College, Battersea, London, S.W. Badger, May. Born February 18, 1887, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours Division Applied Chemistry), 1907. 25, Scarsdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. 21 Badger, Walter Spencer (Univ.). Born November i, 1871, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1900. 1 House Physician and House Surgeon (Senior Resident), Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1896-1897. Private practice in Stockport, Liverpool, and now in Wolverhampton. Late Hon. Surgeon, Wolverhampton and District Hospital for Women. Fairfleld, Albert Road, Wolverhampton. Badhwar, Naranjandas. Born 1885, at Ferozepore, India. B.Sc. Tech., 1906. Engineer. Managing Proprietor, Lalas Bankamal Naranjandas Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factory, Muttra, India. Lalas Bankamal Naranjandas Cotton Factory, Muttra, India. Bagnall, Ernest Harold (Owens}. Born November 7, 1875, a t Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Research Chemist at Messrs. Levinstein's Chemical Works, Blackley, 1898. Deceased. *Bagshaw, Edith Mary (Owens). Born January 30, 1876, at Bolton. B.A., 1897. Assistant Mistress, Bolton Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1897. 15, Bertrand Road, Gilnow Park, Bolton. Bagshaw, Lilian Jane (Owens). Born September 20, 1879, at Bolton. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Central Higher Grade School, Bolton, 1901-1902. First Lady Assistant, Blackpool P. T. Centre and Secondary School, 1902. 92, Withnell Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Bailey, Alfred. Born August 30, 1883, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1907. Draughtsman, Platt Bros, and Co., Ltd., Oldham, 1907. 24, Rock Street, Oldham. Bailey, Harold (Owens). Born April 9, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1894. M.Sc., 1898. First Univ. Exam. (R.U.I.), 1906. Teacher in the Cheetham Organised Science School, Manchester, 1894- 1897. Science Teacher in the Westoe Secondary School, South Shields, since 1898. 28, Roseberry Avenue, South Shields. *Bailey, James Harold (Owens). Born August 13, 1869, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. House Surgeon to Manchester Southern Hospital, 1891-1892 ; to Wirral Children's Hospital, 1892-1893 ; to Bolton Infirmary, 1894-1895. Lecturer on Physiology, Salford Technical Institute, 1896-1901. Medical Officer, Salford Hospital, 1897-1901. Vice- President, Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, 1906. Author of numerous articles on Coleoptera. In medical practice at Port Erin since 1901. Church Street, Port Erin, Isle of Man. Bailey, John Thomas (Owens). Born July 8, 1876, at Poulton-le-Fylde, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Visiting Surgeon and House Surgeon to the Stockport Infirmary from 1901-1903. In general practice at Stockport since 1905. 278, Wellington Road South, Stockport. 22 Baillie, Thomas Bryson (Univ.). Born November 20, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1896 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1897. Ph.D. (Wiirzburg), 1899. Science Master at Borlase School, Marlow, 1900. Analytical Chemist, Messrs. Henry Tate and Sons, Ltd., Love Lane Sugar Refinery, Liverpool, 1901. 16, Birchdale Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. Bainton, Charles Morell (Owens). Born June 18, 1870, at Stebbing, Essex. B.A., 1899. Pastor of Olivet Congregational Church, Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A. Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.A. Bainton, James Herbert (Owens). Born March 13, 1867, at Stebbing, Essex. B.A., 1888. M.A., 1891. Congregational Minister, 1891. Minister of Ilkeston Church, 1891- 1898 ; at Vancouver, 1898. Vancouver, British Columbia. *Bake, Henry John Tyack (Yorks.). Born July 26, 1865. B.Sc., 1894. M.Sc., 1899. Jesus College, Cambridge : B.A. (Senior Optime), 1887. Senior Mathematical Master, Trinity College, Glenalmond, 1888-1892. Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics, St. Mark's Training College, Chelsea, 1895-1896. Head Master, Knaresborough Grammar School, 1896. King James's Grammar School, Knaresborough. Baker, Arthur Harry (Owens). Born November 26, 1878, at Birmingham. B.A. (ist class History), 1903. M.A., 1906. University Scholar in History, 1898. Langton Fellow, 1905. Ordsall Hall Clergy School, 1904-1905. Ordained by Bishop of Man- chester, deacon 1905, priest 1906. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1906- 1907. 30, Eldon Street, Oldham. Baker, Frank (Owens). Born April 9, 1874, at Pendleton. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895. Electrical Engineer. With the Electric Construction Co., since 1896. Oxley Cottage, New Oxley, near Wolverhampton. *Baker, George Arthur. Born July 16, 1883, at Stockport. LL.B., 1904. Solicitor, 3rd Class Honours, 1906. Admitted on the Rolls, 1906. 72, Adswood Lane East, Stockport. Baker, Richard Stanley (Owens). Born February 9, 1882, at Birmingham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Appointed Assistant Engineer (3rd grade), to the Public Works Depart- ment of the Government of India, 1904. Taunggyi, Southern Shan States, Upper Burma. Baldwin, John McLean. Born June 23rd, 1883, at Colne, Lanes. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1904. Science Master at Taunton Trade School, Southampton, since 1904. Taunton Trade School, Southampton ; 25, Westridge Road, Southampton. Baldwin, Sam (Owens). Born October n, 1880, at Todmorden, Yorks. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Explosives Works Manager. Appointed Chemist at Messrs. Curtis and Harvey, Ltd., Explosives Works, Cliff e, Kent, January, 1902 ; Chief Chemist, September, 1902. Works Manager for Explosives and Chemical Products, Ltd., Great Oakley, Harwich, Essex, 1905. c/o Explosives Works, Great Oakley, Harwich, Essex. 2 3 *Baldwin-Wiseman, William Ralph (Owens). Born March 29, 1876, at Norwich. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895, and ( 2nd class Geology), 1897. M.Sc., 1898. Civil Engineer. With R. E. Middleton, Westminster, 1899-1900; with T. and C. Hawksley, Westminster, 1900 ; with Middleton and Hunter, Westminster, 1901-1902. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Hartley University College, Southampton, 1902- 1904. Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Hartley University College, Southampton, since 1904. Examiner in Land Surveying, Technological Scholarship Examination, London County Council, 1906 and 1907. Telford Prizeman, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1906. Council Gold Medallist Surveyors' Institution, 1906. 165, Shirley Road, Southampton. Ball, Mrs. Benjamin. See Fallowfield, Annie G. Ball, James Handby (Univ.). Born May 18, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1896 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1897. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1905. A.I.C., 1904. F.I.C., 1907. Analytical Chemist at County Laboratory, Liverpool, 1897-1898, and at North of England Chemical Works, Berwick-on -Tweed, 1898- 1899; Assistant Master at Wellington College, Shropshire; at Carpenter Company's Schools, and Blue School, Wells, 1900-1901. Chemist to the Condensed Milk Company of Ireland, Ltd., since 1901. Rathbane Cottage, Limerick, Ireland. Ballardie, George de Caynoth (Yorks.). B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Bally, Harold Spencer (Univ.). Born July 8, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1898. Assistant Master at Birkenhead Institute, 1898-1899 ; at Northgate Schools, Lincoln, 1899-1901 ; at Tottenham County School, 1902. 36, Radley Road, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, London, N. Balmforth, Edgar Nichols (Yorks.). Born September 17, 1874, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1896. ScienceTeacher at the Hanson Higher Grade School of Science, Bradford. Now Mathematical Teacher at the Municipal Technical School, Lincoln. u, Tennyson Street, West Parade, Lincoln. Bamber, Alice. Born October 2, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1907. Science Mistress, Convent High School, Winckley Square, Preston, since 1907. Convent High School, Winckley Square, Preston. Bamber, William Edward (Owens). Born September 4, 1872, at Bolton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1893. M.Sc., 1896. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1900. Analytical Chemist. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Owens College, 1893-1894. Teacher of Chemistry in Bolton Technical School, 1894-1900. Medical Practitioner. Cyprus House, Bolton, Lanes. Bamford, George Harold (Univ.). Born July 3, 1881, at Bootle. B.A., 1903. Senior Mathematical Master, George Green's School, London, E., September, 1904. Also Lecturer in Geometry, School of Engineering and Navigation, London, E. 77, Alexandra Road, London, N.W. 2 4 "Bamford, Harry (Owens). Born March 10, 1866, at Chadderton, Oldham. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1888. M.Sc., 1891. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering at Owens College, 1888-1893. Lecturer in the University, 1892-1893. Associate Professor of Hydraulics in McGill University, Montreal, 1893-1896. Lecturer on Engineer- ing Drawing and Design and Official. Assistant to the Professor of Engineering at Glasgow University, 1896. Is also a Consulting Engineer. The University, Glasgow. Bamford, James Edmund (Owens). Born May n, 1869, at Wardle, Rochdale. B.A., 1895. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, Deacon, 1896; Priest, 1897. Curate of All Saints, Gorton, 1896-1899 ; of St. Mary's, Droylsden, 1899. Curate-in-Charge of St. Andrew's, Droylsden, 1908. Albert Terrace, Manchester Road, Droylsden, Manchester. Bamford, Thomas Fletcher (Owens). Born February 26, 1872, at Rochdale. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Acted as Assistant, 1897-1898. In private practice in Stockport, 1898- 1907. Acted as locum tenens in 1907. Travelled on account of ill-health, 1907-1908. 4, Chandos Road, Heaton Chapel, Stockport. Bancroft, Alfred Ernest. Born July 25, 1886, at Chadderton, Oldham. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Sharp Street Council School, Manchester, 1907. 570, Tonge Moor Road, Bolton. Band, Stephen (Univ.). Born May 9, 1878, at Birkenhead. B.A., 1897. At Wukingfu, near Swatow, China, English Presbyterian Mission, since December, 1903. 32, Shrewsbury Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Banks, Mrs. Howard. See Hacking, Margaret A. Barber, George Alfred (Owens). Born December 5, 1875, at Derby. B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant to Engineer, Midland Railway, Derby, 1902-1903. Chief Draughtsman, Hans Renold, Ltd., Manchester, 1903-1904. Shop Manager, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich Arsenal. A.M.I.Mech.E., 1906. Edale, Foxcroft Road, Shooters Hill, Kent. Bark, Thomas Taylor (Univ.). Born February 12, 1875, at Bootle. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, etc., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon with Field Forces, South Africa, 1900-1901. Surgeon R.M.S. Majestic and Republic. Resident Medical Officer, Brown- low Hill Infirmary, Liverpool, 1905-1906. Crownville, i, Queen's Road, Great Crosby, Liverpool. Barker, Agnes. Born October 24, 1887, at Todmorden. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. French Mistress, Weirfield School for Girls, Taunton, Somerset, 1908. Sunny Bank House, Cornholme, Todmorden, Yorkshire. Barker, Florence Annie. Born March 9, 1884, at Crompton. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress Cornholme Council School, 1904. Assistant Mistress Rochdale Secondary School and P. T. Centre, 1907. Sunny Bank House, Cornholme, Todmorden, Yorkshire. 25 *Barker, John Hampden (Owens). Born March 7, 1858, at Todmorden. M.B., Ch.B. (Distinction in Anatomy and Medicine), 1888. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1888-1889. Medical Practitioner. 129, Rossall Road, Ansdell, Lytham, Lanes. Barker, Leonard Noel (Owens}. Born December 25, 1882, at East Dereham, Norfolk. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1903. Civil Service. Assistant Examiner in Patent Office, 1904. 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Barker, Roland. Born February 8, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. 17, Withington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Barker, William Edward (Owens}. Born May 28, 1869, at Hulme, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. L.S.A. (London), 1903. Medical Practitioner. Deputy Medical Officer of Clitheroe and Gisburn. Medical Officer of Health to the Borough of Clitheroe. Medical Inspector of Schools to the Clitheroe Education Authority. Medical Referee to the British Workman and Methodist and General Assurance Companies, etc. i, Castle View, Clitheroe, Lanes. *Barkla, Charles Glover (Univ.). Born June 7, 1877, at Widnes. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1898, and (ist class Physics), 1900. Trinity College, Cambridge : Advanced Student, 1899. (1851) Exhibition Scholar (at Trinity and King's Colleges), 1899-1902. Liverpool University : D.Sc., 1904. Oliver Lodge Fellow, 1902-1905. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Physics in the University of Liverpool since 1905 ; Lecturer in Advanced Electricity since 1906. Trewyth, Meols, Cheshire ; University Club, Liverpool. Barkway, James Lumsden (Univ.). Born July 9.. 1878, at Culsalmond, Aberdeen shire. B.A., 1899. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Passed Cambridge Theological Tripos as an Advanced Student, 1903. Minister of Presbyterian Church of England, at Redcar, Yorkshire. Michaelhouse, Redcar, Yorks. ^Barling, Frederick Harvey. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1872'. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1874. Admitted as Solicitor, 1878. Author of a poem, Leonidas, or the Bridal of Thanatos. Died January 6, 1887. *fBarling, John Rawlinson. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1858. Admitted as a Solicitor, 1862, practising in Liverpool and elsewhere. Ceased to practice, 1890. Barlow, Gertrude Emily (Owens). Born March 22, 1877, at Hanley. B.A., 1900, Assistant Mistress, Broadway School, Burton-on-Trent, 1901-1905 ; Municipal Secondary School, 1905-1907. 83, Park Road, Hanley, Staffs. 26 Barlow, Percy Smith (Yorks.). Born April 8, 1878, at Pocklington. B.Sc., 1897. Cambridge University : B.A., 1905. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Master at Normanton Grammar School, 1898. Science Master at Government Training College, Cairo, 1905. Government Training College, Cairo. *fBarlow, Thomas. Born September, 1845, a * Edgworth, Bolton. B.Sc., 1882. External Examiner, 1894-1896. Honorary D.Sc., 1902. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Biology), 1866. B.Sc. (3rd class Geology), 1867. M.B. (ist class Medicine, 2nd class Obstetrics, ist class Forensic Medicine), 1873. B.S. (3rd class Honours), 1873. M.D., 1874. Honorary LL.D. of the following Universities : Aberdeen, 1902 ; Toronto, 1906 ; McGill, 1906 ; Harvard, 1906. Medical Practitioner. F.R.C.P., 1880. Physician to Hospital for Sick Children, 1885 ; to London Fever Hospital, 1886 ; to University College Hospital, 1887 ; to the Queen's Household, 1896-1899. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen, 1899. Created a Baronet, 1901. Physician to the King's Household. Examiner in Edinburgh University (1882-1887), Durham University (1894), to the Conjoint Board, 1897. Professor of Clinical Medicine at University College, London, 1896. Author of numerous Medical works. 10, Wimpole Street, London, IV. Barnes, Charles Kepler (Univ.). Born May 2, 1875, a ^ sg a. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. F.I.C., 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Science Master, Mathematical School, Rochester, 1898. Analytical Work, 1899-1902. Science Master, Ware Grammar School, 1903-1904. Science Master, Aberayron County School, 1905. County School, Aberayron, Cardiganshire. *Barnett, Lionel David (Univ.). Born October 21, 1871, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1892. University Scholar in Classics, 1892. M.A., 1895. Litt.D., 1900. Trinity College, Cambridge : Browne's Medal, 1893, 1894, 1896. Craven Scholar, 1894. B.A. (Classical Tripos, Part I., ist class, Division I.), 1894. Classical Tripos, Part II., ist class, Distinction, 1896. Chancellor's Medal (Classics), 1896. Craven Student, 1897. M.A., 1899. Professor of Sanskrit, University College, London, 1906. Formerly Assistant in the Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts, British Museum ; Director since 1908. 15, Avenue Crescent, Mill Hill Park, Acton, London. Baron, Harold (Owens}. Born November 7, 1882, at Irlams-o'th'-Height, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. Mercer Scholarship, 1903. Gartside Scholarship for Commerce and Industry, 1903-1905. Chemist with J. A. Miller and Co., Patent Agents, Berlin, 1907. Batcombe, Irlams-o'th'-Height, Manchester. *Baron William Briscoe (Owens). Born October 27, 1877, at Irlams-o'th'- Height B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Chemist with Manchester Steam Users' Association, 1900 ; with 27 Messrs. Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Warrington, 1906. Assistant Manager, Fuel Saving and Water Treating Co., Ltd., 1906. Highfield Cottage, Irlams-o'th' -Height, Manchester. Barr, Dora Douglas (Univ.). Born July 30, 1880, in the Isle of Man. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Girls' Grammar School, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. 52. Helens, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. *Barras, Elsie Clara (Yorks.). Born November 4, 1881, at Huddersfield. B.A., 1903. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, College Municipal Secondary School, Huddersfield, 1903. 7, George Street, Huddersfield. *f Barrett, Edwin Relfe. Born October 12, 1848, at Royston, Herts. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A. (Honours Logic and Philosophy), 1871. Connected with the London Missionary Society as a Missionary in China, 1873-1879. Minister of London Road Congregational Church, Leicester, 1880-1882 ; of Norwood Church, Liverpool, 1882-1899 ; of Salem Congregational Church, Bradford, since 1899. 4, Marlborough Road, Bradford, Yorks. Barrett, Mary (Univ.). Born March 12, 1873, at Kensington, London. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1892. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Scholar of Newnham College, Cambridge, 1892-1894. Formerly engaged in teaching. Married, July 30, 1895, Harry Martindale Speechly, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Pilot Mound, Manitoba, Canada. Barron, Sidney Norman. Born December 26, 1884, at Kingstown, Ireland. B.Sc., 1907. Civil Engineering. Assistant to W. H. Allen, C.E., of Ennis, County Clare, 1907. Draghtsman in Engineer's Office of Commissioners of Irish Lights, D'Olier Street, Dublin, since 1907. 15, Fade Street, Dublin. *f Barrow, George William. Born December 3, 1864, at Lancaster. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1885. Partner, Barrow and Nicholson, Lancaster. University Representative Governor of the Royal Grammar School, Lancaster. Co-opted Member of Education Committee, Lancaster. i, De Vesci Place, Kingstown, Co. Dublin. Bartlett, Godfrey Thomas (Univ.). Born February 7, 1880, at West Derby, Liverpool. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Civil Engineer. A.M.I.C.E., 1907. 6, Bryngwyn Road, Clytha Park, Newport, Mon. Barton, Edith Beatrice (Yorks.). Born November 6, 1882, at Oakworth, Keighley. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Diploma in Education, 1905. Assistant Mistress, Girls' High School, Rondeborde, Cape Town, 1905. 60, Manville Road, Keighley. 28 Barton, Marion (Owens). Born September 3, 1881, at Stockport. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at the Stockport Pupil Teachers' Centre. Delamere, Stepping Hill, Stockport. Bash/orth, George Albert (Owens). Born August 14, 1876. B.Sc., 1897. Died December 6, 1898. Bason, Charles James (Owens). Born August 30, 1869, at Woodford Halse, Northants. B.A., 1890. Assistant Master at Fulneck Boys' School, Yorks., 1891-1892 ; afterwards at Pranjius (Switzerland) and at Lymm Grammar School. Music Teacher, Choir Master, and Organist, 1908. High Street, Woodford Halse, By field, R.S.O., Northamptonshire. Bass, Elizabeth Lucy (Owens). Born December 30, 1873, at Sheffield. B.A., 1898. Mistress at Farington College, New Brighton, 1898-1899 ; at Montague House School, Weymouth, 1900-1904 ; the Grammar School, Ashton-in-Makerfield, 1904-1906. Married, 1906, to the Rev. W. C. Hall (M.A. Mane.). 36, Dora Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. *Bass, James Mason (Owens). Born June 3, 1871, at Sheffield. B.A. (2nd class History), 1896. M.A., 1900. Unitarian Minister ; appointed to Chesham Congregation, Bury, 1898. 15, Malvern Street, Bury, Lancashire. *Bate, James Reed (Univ.). Born November 15, 1870, at .Manchester. B.A., 1894. B.Sc., 1894. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. B.Sc., 1904. English Master, Falkirk High School, 1894-1896. Assistant Master in English and Mathematics, Glasgow Academy, in 1897. Head Master, St. Bridget's Church of England School, Wavertree, Liver- pool, 1897-1900. Head Master, Ormskirk Grammar School, 1901. Grammar School, Ormskirk, Lancashire. Bateman, Samuel (Owens). Born February 18, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. Assistant Research Chemist to Mr. W. Thomson, F.R.S.E., Royal Institution Laboratory, Manchester, 1902-1904. Chemist to the West Indies Chemical Works, Ltd., Spanish Town, Jamaica, since 1904. 27, King Street, Spanish Town, Jamaica, B.W.I. Bateman, William Hirst (Owens). Born August 18, 1874, at Farnworth. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1897-1898. House Surgeon, Manchester Southern Hospital, 1898-1899. Medical Officer of Health, Norden Urban District Council. Honorary Medical Officer, Rochdale Infirmary. Since 1899 in general practice. Daisy Bank, Spotland Road, Rochdale. Bates, Herbert (Univ.). Born May 18, 1876, at New Brighton, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1901-1902. Senior Casualty Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1901. Deputy Medical Officer, H.M. Prison, Bagthorpe, Nottingham, 1902-1907. In general practice, Nottingham, 1902-1907. Church Road, Wavertree, Liverpool. 2 9 Bates, Mabel Alice (Univ.). Born December 31, 1880, at Heptonstall. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress at Cockburn Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1902- 1905; at Girls' Grammar School, Farnham, Surrey, since 1904. 36, Castle Street, Farnham, Surrey. *Bateson, Thomas (Owens). Born November 9, 1872, at Bashall Eaves, near Clitheroe. B.A. (2nd class History), 1894. University Scholarship in History, 1894. John Bright Scholarship, 1895. M.A., 1897. Teacher's Diploma, 1897- Director of Education, Waterloo, Liverpool. Contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, the English Historical Review, etc. Education Offices, Town Hall, Waterloo, Liverpool. Batho, Cyril (Univ.). Born June 21, 1885, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng. (ist class Honours), 1904. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1905. M.Sc., 1906. Rathbone Medal (En- gineering), 1904. University Scholarship (Engineering), 1904 and (in Mathematics) 1905. University Fellowship (Engineering), 1906. i, Dunstan Street, Wavertree, Liverpool. Batley, Ward Allen. Born June 30, 1885, at Ackworth, near Pontefract, Yorks. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Marlborough Road Council School, Salford, since 1907. 197, Eccles New Road, Salford, Manchester. Batten, Francis Joseph (Owens). Born October 15, 1871, at Wakefield. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Medical Practitioner. Newlyn House, Euston Road, Morecambe. Battersby, John. Born April. 14, 1879, at Fairneld, Manchester. M^B., Ch.B., 1904. L.D.S. (England), 1908. Late Senior House Surgeon, The Infirmary, Bury. 913, Ashton Old Road, Manchester. Batty, Richard John. Born April 2, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. Student in Faculty of Medicine in the University. 179, Upper Brook Street, Manchester. Bauerkeller, Dora Theresa Jessie. Born February 4, 1884, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1906. Gilchrist Travelling Scholar, 1906. Student at Heidelberg University. Modern Language Mistress, Kendal High School, 1907. Elm View, New Road, Kendal, Westmoreland. *f Baxter, Arthur William. Born 1865, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Oxford University : M.A. London University : B.A. Scholastic appointments, 1888-1894. Ordained Deacon, 1894; Priest, 1895. Vicar of St. James's, Rochdale, since 1903. St. fames' s Vicarage, Wardleworth, Rochdale. Baynes, Amy Pilkington (Univ.). Born October 7, 1879, at Hulme Walfield, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Private Tuition. Hornton Grounds, Banbury. 3 Beach, Mrs. E. M. See Shallcross, Lucy E. *Beard, James Robert (Owens). Born September 19, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1905. Junior Assistant Engineer to The Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., 1905. 4, Queen's Terrace, Clarence Road, Manchester. Beard, John (Owens). Born November n, 1858, at Heaton Norris. B.Sc., 1885. M.Sc., 1893. D.Sc., 1894. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College 1884. Ph.D. (Freiburg i/B), 1884. Zoologist in charge of Dunbar Marine Station, 1889-1890. Senior Assistant in Zoology, Edinburgh, 1890-1894. University Lecturer in Zoology, Edinburgh, 1894. Honourable Mention, Prix Serres, for Embryology, Academic de France, 1900. Zoological Department, University, Edinburgh. *Beard, Mary Lilian (Owens). Born March 2, 1874, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1894. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1895. Mathematical Mistress at Victoria College, Eccles, 1899. Torwood, Dwygyfylchi, Penmaenmawr , N. Wales. Beard, William Keith (Owens). Born September 18, 1875, a * Ashton-on-Mersey. Gilchrist Scholarship, 1893. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1896. Uni- versity Scholarship in Engineering, 1896. Pupil at the Great Central Locomotive Works, Gorton, 1897. Lecturer at the Dukinfield Technical School, 1898. Lecturer in Engineering at the Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol, 1901. H.M. Inspector of Factories since 1905. 51, South John Street, Liverpool. Beam, Edward Gordon. Born September 24, 1887, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1907. Shuttleworth Scholarship, 1907. 22, Amherst Street, Withington, Manchester. Beam, Joseph Gauld. Born January 14, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Student at Freiburg i/B University, 1904-1906. Springfield, Cartmel, Grange -over-Sands. *Beaumont, Fanny Constance (Univ.}. Born June 20, 1868, at Woolton, Liverpool. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1890. M.A., 1893. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at the High School for Girls, Liverpool, 1890. Joint Head Mistress of the South Liverpool School for Girls, Ltd., since 1903. 16, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool, S. Beaver, Hugh At wood (Univ.). Born August 30 1868, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. Medical Practitioner. Late Assistant Medical Officer, Berks County Asylum. Branksome Park, Bournemouth. Beaver, Robert Atwood (Univ.). Born September 13, 1865, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D., 1896. London University : M.B., 1900. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), L.S.A. and D.P.H. (Camb.). Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer to the Hinton District, 1896. Police Surgeon, 1896. Deputy Coroner for North Dorset. Now in practice at Bristol. 15, The Avenue, Clifton, Bristol. Beazley, Arthur Tetley (Univ.). Born June 18, 1881, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Electrical Engineer. With British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby, 1902-1904 ; General Electric Co., Schenectady, U.S.A., since 1904. A.M.Inst.C.E., January, 1907. c/o Railway Engineering Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Beckett, Arthur Denison (Owens). Born September 17, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1896. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Bradford, 1901-1902. In practice at Birkdale, 1904-1908. Travelling in Australia. Beckett, Elizabeth (Univ.}. Born October 21, 1866, at Liverpool. B.A., 1888. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Married, July 27, 1898, James Kerr, of Liverpool. Waynesville, Sunningdale Road, New Brighton, Cheshire. Beddoes, John Lewis (Univ.}. Born September 3, 1874, at Manchester. M.B.,Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Bentinck House, Forest Grove, Nottingham. *|Bedson, Peter Phillips. Born April 2, 1853, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Lecturer, 1881-1882. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1873. B.Sc. (ist class with Scholarship in Chemistry, 2nd class Geology), 1874. D.Sc., 1878. Durham University : M.A., D.Sc. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry at Owens College, 1878-1882. Professor of Chemistry at the Durham College of Science (now Armstrong College), Newcastle, 1882. Co-translator of Meyer's Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry, and author of papers communicated to the Chemical Society, Society of Chemical Industry, &c. Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Beecroft, Jennie. Born June 6, 1886, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Teacher's Diploma, 1907. Assistant Mistress, Queen Mary's High School, Walsall, since 1907. 29, Westbourne Street, Walsall. Beeley, Arthur (Yorks.). Born October 18, 1877, at Sheffield. B.Sc., 1897. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1906. London University : M.B., B.S., 1906. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1906. Late House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds. House Physician, Brompton Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, London. 14, Park Avenue, Keighley. *Beer, Mrs. Edward, - See van der Veen, Margrieta. *Beggs, Mrs. D. C. See Sutton, Alice M. E. Bell, Albert Henry (Owens}. Born October 4, 1877, a ^ Dearham, Cumberland. B.Sc., 1902. Harling Scholar in Physics, 1902-1903. Demonstrator, Royal College of Science, London, 1904. Lecturer in Physics, Science and Art Institute, Walsall, 1905. S her wen House, Dearham, Cumberland. ^v UNIVER: />r- '/ 32 Bell, Charles Dickson (Owens). Born September n, 1875, at Preston. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Civil Engineer. Assistant in the Borough Engineer's Office, Barrow-in- Furness, 1895-1900. Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, India, 1900. Public Works Department, Bombay. Bell, George Herbert (Owens). Born November 14, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1900. Derby Scholarship, 1900. M.Sc., 1903. With Messrs. Mather and Platt, Salford, 1900. Glebelands, Prestwich, Manchester. Bell, James. Born October 4, 1884, at Coatham, Cleveland. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master at the High School, Middlesbrough. 7, South field Road, Middlesbrough. Bell, John Johnston (Univ.). Born March 16, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899 and (ist class History) 1900. University Scholarship in History, 1900. Balliol College, Oxford : Brakenbury Scholar, 1901-1905. B.A. (2nd class Literae Humaniores), 1904 and (2nd class Modern History) 1905.. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Tutor and Deputy Lecturer in History, in the University of Liverpool, 1905-1906. Lecturer in History in the Day Training Department of Goldsmith's College, University of Lond'on, 1906. i, Kelvin Grove, Liverpool. \Bell, Joseph. Born April 28, 1840, at Bolton. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1866. Engaged in teaching in private schools. Proprietor for some years of Laurel Bank School, Higher Broughton. Died October 22, 1897. Bell, Robert Lancaster. Born August 20, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. Electrical Engineer. 77, Crescent Road, Crumpsall, Manchester. Bell, Wilson (Univ.). Born March 9, 1881, at Liverpool. LL.B., (with Honours), 1902. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1906. Solicitor (ist class Honours, Law Society Final Exam.), June, 1903. Managing Clerk with Messrs. Sharpe, Parker and Co., 12, New Court, Carey Street, London. 19, Solent Road, West Hampstead, London, A'.ir. *Benas, Bertram Benjamin Baron (Univ.). Born July 25, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. LL.B., 1905. Barrister-at-Law (Northern Circuit, Chancery Court of the County Palatine of Lancaster). Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1906.- President, University Legal Society, Liverpool, 1904-1905. 5, Prince's Avenue, Liverpool. Wason, Chambers, 4, Harrington Street, Liverpool. Middle Temple, London. *Benatar, David (Univ.). Born July 15, 1872, at Gibraltar. B.Sc., 1894. Liverpool University : B. Eng., 1904. Civil Engineer. Member of the Engineering Staff, H.M. Dockyard 33 Extension and Harbour Works, Gibraltar, 1895-1906. Assistant Government Engineer, Gibraltar, since 1907. Church Street, Gibraltar. Bendall, Mary Constance (Univ.}. Born December 24, 1879, at Birmingham. B.A., 1900. Married. Cockrill. 46, Grosvenor Street, Liscard, Cheshire. Bengry, Percy Harold. Born July 8, 1879, at Normacot, Longton, Staffs. B.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Manchester, 1904-1905. Assistant Master at Whalley Range (St. Margaret's), Higher Elementary School, 1905- 1906. Assistant Master at the County Intermediate School, Towyn, 1906. Towyn County School, Merioneth. Benington, Philip (Univ.). Born December 4, 1872, at Wakefield. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1900. High field House, Weaste, Manchester. Bennett, Bertram Marriott. Born September 15, 1877, at Birch Vale, near Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Surgeon, Horton Infirmary, Banbury, 1905. Junior House Surgeon, Chesterfield Hospital and Dispensary, 1906. Westwood, Birch Vale, near Stockport. *|Bennett, Frederick William. Born February 13, 1860, at Leicester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (Honours in Medicine), 1884. M.D., 1885. Hon. Assistant Physician, Leicester Infirmary, 1886. Surgeon Ear and Throat Department, 1890. 25, London Road, Leicester. Bennett, George Ernest. Born December 25, 1884, at Stockport. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Engineer. Pupil to Mr. J. J. Webster, M.Inst.C.E., since 1904. c/o J. J. Webster, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., 39, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Bennett, Harold. Born May 2, 1886, at Audley, North Staffs. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Johnson Street School, Bradford, Manchester, 1907. 31, Cecil Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. *fBennett, Matthew James Bowden. Born August 4, 1858, at Little Hulton. B.A., 1905. London University : B.A. (3rd class Classical Honours), 1881. Assistant Master, Chorley Grammar School, 1881. Ordained Deacon, 1883 ; Priest, 1884 ; by the Bishop of Manchester. Curate, Facit, 1883; St. Luke's, Miles Platting, 1885 ; St. Jude's, Kensal Green, W., 1887. Senior Master. Clewer House School, Windsor, 1888 ; Albert Park Grammar School, Melbourne, 1889. Curate, Sutton Oak, St. Helens, 1897 ; Consett, 1899. Minister, Steiglitz, Victoria, since 1906. Meredith, Victoria, Australia. nnion, John Alexander (Owens}. Born July 22, 1849, at Manchester. M.Sc., 1898. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge :' Mathematical Scholar, 1878. B.A., 1880. M.A., 1883. Called to the Bar, 1884. Director of Technical Instruction to the Lan- cashire County Council, 1891. Died 4th November, 1900, at Blackpool. B I 34 Benson, Arthur Newton (Owens). Born April 3, 1881, at Kendal. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Assistant House Surgeon ; Assistant House Physician, General Hospital, Nottingham, 1903-1905. Surgeon, S.S. A jax, 1905. House Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary, Manchester, 1906. In general practice, 1907. 89, City Road, Hulme, Manchester. *Bentley, William Henry (Owens}. Born July 17, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1894. University Scholar in Chemistry, 1894. University Fellow in Science, 1895. M.Sc., 1897. D.Sc., 1900. Research Chemist at Levinstein, Ltd., Colour Works, Blackley, 1897. 3, Woodbine Terrace, Irlam, Manchester. Berry, Herbert Martin (Univ.}. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Late Assistant House Surgeon, Borough Hospital, Bootle. 639, Bloxwich Road, Bloxwich, Staffs. *Besso, Sabbato Louis. Born September 15, 1882, at Blackpool, Lanes. LL.B., 1904. Gartside Scholarship, 1905. Investigating Cotton Industry in Switzer- land and Italy, 1906-1907. 374, Moss Lane East, Manchester. *Best, Rachel (Owens}. Born July 18, 1876, at Bolton. B.A., 1897. First Mistress, Leek High School. West fields, Leek, Staffs. *Bibby, James (Univ.). Born October n, 1877, a t Lancaster. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Works Manager at Messrs. Kynoch, Ltd., Birmingham. White Road, Sutton Coldfield. Bickerton, Reginald Ernest (Univ.}. Born September, 1870, at Liverpool. M.B.,Ch.B., 1895. House Physician, &c., Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1895-1896 ; Assistant at the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospita'l, 1898. In practice as an Ophthalmic Surgeon. Chief Clinical Assistant, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorfields) ; Clinical Assistant, Central London Ophthalmic Hospital. Lecturer and Demonstrator on Practical Ophthalomology at the Medical Graduates College and Polyclinic, London. Late Surgeon, Pacific Steam Navigation Co.'s Orissa. Assistant in Prof. Fuchs' Augenklinik Allgemeinen Krankenhaus, Vienna, 1897. Also studied Eyework, Berlin. Fellow of London Medical Society. 137, Harley Street, London, W. Uickerton, William Henry (Owens). Born August 29, 1870, at Harmer Hill, near Shrewsbury. B.Sc., 1892. Railway Engineer. With the L. and N. W. Railway, Crewe, 1893-1899. Assistant Engineer to Midland and Great Northern Railways, 1899- 1901. Temporary Assistant to the Essex County Surveyor in 1902. Assistant on the Engineering Staff of the Midland Railway, since 1902. Engineer's Office, Northern Division, Midland Railway, Derby ', The Hawthorns, Mickleover, near Derby. Bicknell, Arthur (Univ.}. Born September 4, 1868, at Walsall. M.B.,Ch.B., 1892. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, B 2 35 1892. Resident Medical Officer, Parish Infirmary, Liverpool, 1892- 1896. Assistant Surgeon, Hospital for Diseases of Nose, Ear, and Throat, Liverpool, 1897. Jin practice at West Kirby since 1896. Redburn, Banks Road, West Kirby, Birkenhead* Billing, John Henry (Univ.}. Born December 12, 1878, at Blackpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. 121, Church Street, Blackpool. Binns, George (Owens). Born January 6, 1873, at Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Surgeon, British and African Steamship Navigation Co., 1904. Medical Superintendent, Turner's Patent Process for Treatment of Woollen Effluents, since 1904. In general practice at Stockton Heath since 1905. Stoodley Villa, Stockton Heath, Warrinston. Birch, Sarah (Univ.). Born January i, 1859, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A., 1888. Thomasson Prize, 1889. Assistant Mistress, Holly Hill, Hampstead, 1890-1891. Second Mistress, Halifax High School, 1891-1895. Head Mistress of Heath School, Failsworth, 1895-1899 ; of Highfield School, Wilmslow, 1900. Married, August 6, 1898, William Dennis Hull, of Moston. 146, Bolton Road, Pendleton, Manchester v Birchal, Minna (Owens). Born May 3, 1879, at Timperley, Cheshire. B.A., 1901. Church Field, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Bird, Frank. Born March 17, 1887, at Cardiff. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1907. Assistant Chemist, Bird and Son, Ltd., Cardiff, 1907. 38, Newport Road, Cardiff.. *Bird, Lancelot William (Univ.). Born October 25, 1876, at Liverpool B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Ordained by Bishop of Liverpool, Deacon, 1900 ; Priest, 1901. Curate of St. Nicholas, Blundellsands, 1900-1902. Curate of Whitchurch,. Salop, since 1902. Whitchurch, Salop. ' Bird, Robert Tate (Owens). Born January 6, 1870, at Ha wick, N.B. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Minister at Hooley Hill Congregational Church, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1898-1902. 44, Hazelwood Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. *Birkby, John Gay (Owens). Born March 4, 1876, at Stockwell, London, S.W. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Southall Street Board School, Manchester, 1898- 1899 ; at Ashton Old Road Board School, Manchester,' 1899- 1902 ; at Southern Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1902- 1904. Form Master at the Municipal Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. The Schools, Swinton, Manchester. Birkett, Harold Metcalfe (Yorks.). Born January 9, 1877, at Bradford Yorks M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Formerly Assistant in Private Practice. Now engaged as locum tenens.. 24, Blenheim Road, Manningham , Bradford. 36 Birkhead, Alice (Univ.). Born June 22, 1880, at Heaton Chapel. B.A., 1900. 134, Eastbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport. Birley, Hugh Ronald Chichester (Owens}. Born September 18, 1878, at High Grove, near Cheadle, Cheshire. B.A., (3rd class History), 1901. Since 1901 Manager in India-rubber Works in Manchester. Woodside, Knutsford, Cheshire. Birnage, George Alfred (Owens). Born November 18, 1873, at Bedford. B.Sc., 1896. Science Teacher at the Central School of Science, Bolton, 1896. Assis- tant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, 1896-1901. Senior Science Master, Leyton Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1901. 44, Harpenden Road, Wanstead Park, London, N.E. *Birtwhistle. Frederick Percy Hewetson (Yorks.). Born June 27, 1882, at Barton-on-Humber. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Casualty House Surgeon, Hull Royal Infirmary, 1905. House Surgeon, Salop Infirmary, Shrewsbury, 1906. In general practice. Priest Gate, Barton-on-Humber. *Birtwistle, George (Owens). Born April 13, 1877, at Burnley. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. University Scholar, 1896. Leblanc Medallist, 1896. Pembroke College, Cambridge : Scholar, 1896 ; Senior Wrangler, 1899 .* Mathematical Tripos, Part II., Class I., Division I., 1900. Fellow of Pembroke College, 1900. Principal Mathematical Lecturer of Pembroke College, 1902. M.A., 1904. Moderator, 1907. Stoneyholme Cottage, Holme Road, Burnley. Bishop, George Harry (Owens). Born December 7, 1868. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. The Laurels, Woodside, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Bishop, Harry Coghill Watson. Born April 15, 1885, at Tittensor, Staffs. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1906. Graduate Scholar, 1906. Engineer. O niton House, Stone, Staffs. Bishop, Sarah Ellen (Yorks.). Born June 7, 1877, at Dewsbury. B.A., 1896. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Higher Grade School, Batley, 1897-1902. Assistant Mistress, Girls' Modern School, Leeds, since 1902. 4, Elmwood Terrace, Dewsbury. *Bithell, Jethro (Owens}. Born January 29, 1878, at Hindley, Wigan. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1900. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Batley Grammar School, 1900. Studied in Copen- hagen, 1901. Assistant Master, Ranelagh School, Athlone, 1902. Lecturer in Modern Languages, Technical Institute, Salford, 1902-1904. Assistant Lecturer in German, University of Man- chester, since 1905. Studied in Munich, April- August, 1906. The University, Manchester. 37 Black, James. Born November 7, 1882, at Arbroath, N.B. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master in Ducie Avenue Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1906. 40, Claremont Road, Moss Side, Manchester. Blackburn, Charles Bewicke (Owens). Born May 22, 1875, in London. B.Sc., 1894. Civil Engineer with Electric Construction Company since 1898. New Oxley, Wolverhampton. Blackledge, Katherine (Univ.]. Born January i, 1875, at Waterloo, Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1896. Newnham College, Cambridge : Classical Tripos, Part I., Class III., Division I., 1899 ; Part II., Class III., 1900. Rose Hill, Lydiate, near Liverpool. *Blackstock, Kate (Owens}. Born August 15, 1877, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1899. M.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress at Gelligaer County School, Glamorgan. Assistant Mistress, Haberdashers Aske's Girls' School, Acton, W. 46, May field Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. *Blakeman, John (Owens). Born January 28, 1881, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1901. Derby Scholar, 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Trinity College, Cambridge : Major Scholar, B.A. (Bracketed I4th Wrangler), 1904. Assistant in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University College, London, 1904-1906. Mathematical Master, Leicester Technical School, 1906. 149, Lees Road, Oldham. Blandford, John Henry (Owens). Born January 15, 1875, at Ockbrook, near Derby. B.Sc. (2nd Class Mathematics), 1894. M.Sc. 1897. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (loth Wrangler), 1897. M.A., 1900. Scholar, 1895. Assistant Master, Fulneck School, Leeds, 1898. Moravian Minister, Wellfield, Shipley, 1902 ; Gomersal, Leeds, 1904. Moravian Church, Gomersal, near Leeds. Bleakley, James. Born June i, 1885, at Darwen, Lanes. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1907. Demonstrator in Manchester Municipal School of Technology, 1908. 67, Exeter Street, Devonshire Street, Ardwick. Bleasdale, Robert (Owens). 'Born November 16, 1874, at Hindley, Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Medical Practitioner. Junior House Surgeon to the Southport Infirmary, 1896-1897. Medical Referee to the Independent Order of Foresters, 1897. Medical Referee to Prudential and other Insurance Companies, 1899. Medical Referee to Joiners' and Painters' Unions, 1899. Deputy Medical Officer to Ashton-under- Lyne Workhouse, 1906. Bedford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Blease, Arthur Torkington (Owens). Born March 22, 1879. at Altrincham. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1902-1903. Resident 38 Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, 1903-1904. Clinical Assistant, Ophthalmic Department, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 1905-1906. Clairville, Woodlands Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. *Bles, Charles Marcus (Owens). Born May 29, 1869, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1889. M.Sc., 1899. Civil Engineer. Apprentice in L. & Y. R., Horwich, 1889-1890. Pupil of Chief Engineer, Great Western Railway, 1890-1892. Assistant Engineer, Great Western Railway, 1892-1893. Assistant En- gineer, East Indian Railway, 1895 ( m charge of a division of South Behar Railway under construction, 1897-1898). Acting District Engineer, East Indian Railway, Gya, 1905-1907. '^ ^ -. Palm House, Higher Broughton. *tBles, Edward Jeremiah. Born April 2, 1864, at Hr. Broughton, Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc. Honorary Research Fellow in Zoology (Owens College), 1890. Mill House, Iffley, near Oxford. Blevin, Edith Mary (Univ.). Born September 12, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class History), 1902. University Scholar in History, 1902. University of Liverpool : B.A., 1902. University Research Exhibition: in History, 1903. Assistant Mistress, Bangor County School for Girls, since 1905. 9, Victoria Park, Banqor, N. Wales ; and 15, Sybil Road, Anfield, Liverpool. Bligh, John Patrick (Univ.). Born October 15, 1878, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Brownlow Hill Parish Infirmary, 1903-1905, In general practice. Medical Referee, Canada Life Assurance Company. 109, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. Bloor, Harold Edgar (Univ.). Born March 5, 1882, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Assistant Gas Engineer, Birkenhead Corporation Gas Works, since 1907, 39, Beresford Road, Oxton, Cheshire. *|Blore, Isaac (Owens). Born January 9, 1859, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1883. M.D., 1888. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1881. Late District Obstetrical Physician, Manchester Southern Hospital ; House Physician and District Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; Assistant Physician, Manchester Hospital for Con- sumption and Diseases of the Throat ; Medical Superintendent, Leeds Borough Hospital ; Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital ; Resident Medical Officer, Netherfield In- stitution for Infectious Diseases, Liverpool ; and Assistant Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle. Primrose Bank, Kirk Onchan, Isle of Man, *Blott, Mrs. A. See Auld, Margaret. 39 Boag, Frank Leigh. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Clinical Assistant, Leeds Hospital for Women and Children ; late Anaesthetist and Casualty Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester ; and House Surgeon, Bradford Royal Infirmary, and Horton Infirmary, Banbury. Whin/ell, Booth's Hill, Lymm, Cheshire. *Board, Beatrice Mary (Owens}. Born March 23, 1869, at Wolverhampton. B.A., 1889. Teacher under the Egyptian Government in the Sanieh College, Cairo, 1904-1907. Married, June 23, 1908, James Scott. Birch Villa, Cheadle Hulme, near Stockport. Boardman, Ernest (Owens). Born September 27, 1874, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master, Central Higher Grade School, Bolton, 1897. 139, Deane Road, Bolton. *fBoddy, Hugh Walter. Born March 30, 1847, at Cheetham, Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : M.B., 1876. M.D., 1884. Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer of the Prestwich Union Work- hoiase Hospital. Formerly Assistant Physician, Clinical Hospital ; and Resident Surgeon, Salford Hospital. Crumpsall Terrace, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Bodel, Frederic Ernest (Univ.). LL.B., 1902. Barrister-at-Law. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. 187, Stanley Road, Bootle, Liverpool. Bold, Edgar (Owens). Born August 27, 1875, at Walkden. B.A., 1896. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1901. Ingleside, Swinton, Manchester. Bold, Henry Alfred (Owens). Born February 26, 1871, at Walkden. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. In general practice in Salford since 1898. Died February 17, 1906. Bollans, Robert Wilfred (Yorks.). Born December 21; 1872, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Hon. Surgeon to Wood's Hospital, Glossop, 1898. Medical Officer of Hadfield District since 1898. In general practice. Hadfield, near Manchester. *Bolton, Lucy (Owens). Born April 17, 1874, at Pittenweem, N.B. Mus.B., 1896. Teacher of Music. Organist and Choir Trainer, Barregarrow, I.O.M., 1902. Conductor, Peel Choral Society 1903. Choir Mistress, Holy Trinity, Redhill, 1907. Erinville, Ki'k Michael, Isle of Man. *Bonavia, Mrs. F. See Jiicker, Hilda. 40 Bone, Albert Hillhouse (Owens). Born October 27, 1873, at Stockton-on-Tees, B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1893. M.Sc., 1897. With Messrs. Beyer, Peacock and Co., Gorton, 1893-1896. Chief Engineer's Certificate, Board of Trade (Marine), 1902. Inspecting Engineer, under Sir A. M. Rendel, K.C.I.E., since 1902. 32, Hilda Place, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. *Bone, William Arthur (Owens). Born March 19, 1871, at Stockton-on-Tees. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1891. Mercer Scholarship, 1891. Leblanc Medal, 1891. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1891. University Fellowship in Science, 1892 and 1893. M.Sc., 1894. D.Sc., 1897. Lecturer, 1900. Ph.D. (Heidelberg), 1893. F.R.S., 1905. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Owens College, 1894-1896. Head of Chemical Department of the Battersea Polytechnic, 1896-1898. Senior Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Owens College, 1898. Assistant Lecturer in Metallurgy, 1902. Lecturer, 1903. Professor of Applied Chemistry (Fuel and Metallurgy), Leeds University, 1906. The University, Leeds. Boon, Mabel (Owens). Born January 21, 1872, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1900. M.A., 1903. Formerly Assistant Mistress at Rhyl County School and Pendleton High School. Senior Mistress at Bede Collegiate School, Cumber- land, 1908. Bede Collegiate School, Cumberland. Boote, Richard Harvey (Owens). Born October 31, 1869. LL.B., 1893. Solicitor. Admitted on Rolls, 189.1. Died June 27, 1899. Booth, John Bennion (Univ.). Born February 24, 1880. LL.B., 1899. ' The Sporting Times,' 52, Fleet Street, London, E.G. *|Booth, Thomas Carter. Born 1856, at Stalybridge, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. Durham University: M.D., 1896. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1879. Gorse Hill, Humphrey Lane, Urmston, Manchester. Boothroyd, Alexander (Owens). Born January 13, 1881, at Ashton-under- Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice. Rydal Mount, 45, Manchester Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. Boothroyd, Frank. Born May 21, 1884, at Ashton-under-Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. 45, Rydal Mount, Manchester Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. Boraston, Louisa Adina (Univ.). Born March 21, 1879, at Wavertree. B.A., 1900. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. c/o Rev. J. S. Simon, The College, Didsbury, Manchester* Borland, Hugh Becket. Born August 20, 1885, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Teacher in Elementary School. 39, Devonshire Street, Higher Broughton, Sal/ord- *Boss, Elizabeth Wilson (Owens). Born May 17, 1877, at Manchester. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1901. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Temporary Assistant Mistress at the Salford Pupil Teachers' Centre and Secondary School for Girls. Hest Bank, 434, Moss Lane East, Manchester. J3ostock, Bertram Ravenscroft. Born September 21, 1885, at Northwich. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours, Applied Chemistry), 1907. Lecturer and Demonstrator at Verdin Technical School, Northwich, on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, 1907. 36, Winnington Terrace, Northwich. Bott, Constance Mary (Univ.}. Born June 18, 1880, in London. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1902. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Diploma in Education, 1904. Science Mistress at Queen Anne's School, Caversham, near Reading, 1903- 1907 ; at Kensington High School since 1907. The Limes, Victoria Road, Fulwood, Preston ; 24, Anley Road, West Kensington. Bottomley, Christine. Born March 27, 1883, at Stalybridge. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, The Grammar School, Mottram-in-Longdendale, 1907. Daisy Bank, Millbrook, Stalybridge. *fBottomley, James. Born November 8, 1838, at Salford. B.A., 1882. London University : -B.A., 1865. Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry, 3rd class Biology), 1867. B.Sc. (ist class, disqualified by age for the Scholarships in Chemistry and in Botany, 3rd class Geology), 1867. D.Sc., 1870. Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics at Queenwood College, 1868-1872 ; at Taunton College School, 1873-1875. 220, Lower Broughton Road, Manchester. *Bottomley, Leonard (Owens}. Born December 22, 1873, at Ashton-under- Lyne. B.A., 1892. M.A., 1895. LL-B. (with Honours), 1895. London University : Inter. LL.B. (ist class Honours with Exhibition), 1894. LL.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. LL.D., 1898. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1896. Tutor in Law, Owens College, 1899. Lecturer of the University, 1904. Clerk to the Justices of the Saddleworth Division of the West Riding of the County of York, 1908. 78, King Street, Manchester. Bottomley, William Cecil (Owens). Born March 19, 1878, at Ashton-under- Lyne. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1897. Derby Scholar, 1897. M.Sc.', 1900. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (3rd Wrangler), 1900. London University : B.A. (2nd class Mathematics), 1898. Entered Home Civil Service, 1901. Appointed Assistant Private Secre- tary to the Earl of Crewe, 1908. Colonial Office, Downing Street, London, S.W. *Boughey, Edith Emily (Owens). Born April 7, 1870, at Manchester. Mus.B., 1901. Head Mistress, New Mills High School, since 1903. New Mills High School, near Stockport. 42 *Boulsover, Esther Ann. Born April 21, 1884, at Bakewell. B.Sc., 1905. Science Mistress, Grammar School (Girls), Bury, Lanes., since*i9O5. 25, Knowsley Street, Bury, Lanes., and The Croft, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Boulton, Robert Edgar (Univ.). Born June 2, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. Formerly Engineer at the Liverpool Engineering and Condenser Co.. Electrical Engineer to Messrs. A. Guinness, Sons and Co., Ltd., Dublin. Ardganagh, Ballsbridge, Dublin. Bourne, Gertrude (Owens). Born September 4, 1877, B.A. (2nd class History), 1898. Bowden, William James (Owens). Born October 17, 1870, at Glossop. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Medical Practitioner. Honorary Surgeon to Wood's Hospital, Glossop, 1895. Medical Officer to Glossop District, 1899 ; to the Work- house Infirmary, 1899 ; to the Post Office, and under Board of Education, 1904. Norfolk Street, Glossop. Bowen, David Jones (Univ.). Born March 22, 1871, at Tredegar. B.Sc., 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master under Liverpool School Board, 1894. Science Master, Ruabon County Grammar School, 1895. Ordained Deacon, 1902, and Priest, 1903, by the Bishop of St. Asaph. Curate of Ruabon. since 1902. Gardden Lodge, Ruabon, North Wales. Bowen, Frederick (Owens). Born January 17, 1881, at Rishton, near Black- burn, Lancashire. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. University Scholar, 1900. Assistant Engineer, Corporation of Leigh (Gas and Water Departments), since 1900. 155, Smallbrook Lane, Leigh, Lancashire. Bower, Frank (Owens). Born April 21, 1880, at Lymm, Cheshire. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master at Ascham College, Clacton-on-Sea, 1900-1901 ; at Cranmore House School, Wolverhampton, 1901-1902 ; at Birken- head School, 1902-1906 ; and at Halesowen Grammar School, 1906. Master on H.M.S. Conway since 1907. Author of A Dictionary of Economic Terms (Routledge). Ashleigh, Haden Cross, Old Hill, Staffs. ; H.M.S. ' Conway,' River Mersey, Rock Ferry. Bower, Joshua (Owens). Born May 20, 1876, at Macclesfield. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Chemist to the New Explosives Co., 1898-1900; to Messrs. Kynoch, Ltd., 1900 ; to Messrs. De Beers Explosives Works, Somerset West, Cape Colony, 1903-1906 ; to Messrs. Kynoch, Ltd., since 1906. 35, Witton Road, Aston, Birmingham. Bowman, George Frederick (Owens). Born May 6, 1868, at Ashton-under- Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Medical Officer of Health, Limehurst Rural District. Strathdene, Taunton Road ; 103, Wellington Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. 43 Bowman, Joseph Walter (Owens). Born November 15, 1858. B.A. (2nd class History), 1887. M.A., 1890. B.D. (St. Andrews). Congregational Minister, 1890. Minister of Peckham Congregational Church, 1895-1900 ; of Whitby Congregational Church since 1906. The Manse, Whitby, Yorks. Bowtell, Louisa Minnie (Owens}. Born January 18, 1880, at Aston, Birmingham. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Plymouth Grove Municipal School, Manchester, since 1903. 29, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Bowtell, Norman Edwin (Owens). Born January 2, 1878. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Chemist with the Castner-Kellner Alkali Co., 1899. Died December 3, 1904. *Bowtell, Thomas Henry (Owens). Born March 27, 1877, at Bristol. B.A., 1899. Teacher's Diploma, 1902. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Manchester Municipal Secondary School. Senior Master, Accrington Secondary School, since 1907. 29, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester ; 20, Queen's Terrace, Accrington. Boyd, Harold de Haven (Yorks.). Born July i, 1877, at Glasgow. B.Sc., 1895. Ph.D. (Strassburg), 1898. Member of firm of David T. Boyd and Co., Chemical Merchants, since 1899. c/o Messrs. David T. Boyd and Co., Dunster House, Mincing Lane, London, B.C. Boyd, Simeon (Yorks.). Born December 8, 1880, at Pudsey. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905* Assistant Master at Lapage Street Council School, Bradford, 1904-1907 ; at Carlton Street Secondary School, Bradford, since 1907. $$* *' 21, Royd View, Pudsey, Yorks. *fBoyden, Arthur Henry. Born July 29, 1867, at Bristol. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., B.Sc., 1894. Minister of Birkdale Congregational Church, 1897-1902; of Blackpool Claremont Congregational Church, 1902-1906 ; of Exeter United Methodist Church since 1906. 10, Hills Court, Exeter. Boyle, Alan (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Ida and Robert Arthington Convalescent Hospitals, 1905. Resident Obstetric Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1905-1906. Now Resident Medical Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds. General Infirmary, Leeds. *Boyle, David Harrop (Owens). Born May 3, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1896. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1904. Teacher at the Birley Street Board School, Manchester, 1896-1898 ; at the Roby Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1898-1901. Ordained Deacon, 1904 ; Priest, 1905. Assistant Curate, St. Thomas', Hyde, 1904-1906. Tutor and Assistant Chaplain at the College, Chester, since 1906. 864, Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshaw, Manchester. 44 Bracher, William Herridge (Owens). Born June 16, 1868, at Wincanton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1887. M.Sc., 1890. South Hill, Wincanton, Bath. Bradley, Florence Margaret (Yorks.). Born May 8, 1880, at Scarborough. B.A., 1902. University of Leeds : B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Blenheim Council School, Leeds, 1902-1905 ; Leeds Central High School, 1905-1907. Married, August 14, 1907, G. H. Rydall. 19, Methley Drive, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. *Bradley, Francis Ernest (Owens). Born April 16, 1862, in London. LL.B., 1888. London University : Inter. LL.B. (2nd class Honours), 1886. LL.B, (2nd class Honours), 1893. LL.D., 1895. Called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, 1889, Northern Circuit. Late Tutor in English Law at Owens College. Formerly Lecturer in Equity at University College. Author of A Handbook to the Companies Act, 1900; 3rd edition, 1901. Freeman of the City of London in the Worshipful Company of Glaziers, 1905. 2, St. James' Square, Manchester. Bradley, Neville (Univ.). Born March i, 1878, at Wolverley, Worcestershire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Medical Missionary in South China. Thornton Hall, Childer Thornton, near Chester ; and C.M.S., Pakhoi, South China. Bradley, William (Owens'). Born August 27, 1875, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Formerly in general practice at Ashton-under-Lyne. Albert House, 104, Bradford Street, Ancoats, Manchester. Bradley, William Timothy (Univ.) Born October 9, 1876, at Farlton, near Carnforth. B.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Science Master, Newtown School, Waterford, in 1898. With the North Eastern Railway Company since 1899. Hallgarth, Caperby, S.O., Yorks. *Bradshaw, John Christopher (Owens). Born June 23, 1876, at Adlington, Lanes. Mus.B., 1898. Mus.D., 1901. Assistant Organist, Manchester Cathedral, 1896-1898. Organist, &c., at Parish Church, Llangollen, 1898-1900 ; at All Saints, Scar- borough, 1900; at Christchurch Cathedral, New Zealand, 1902* Lecturer in Music, Canterbury College, University of New Zealand, 1902. Examiner, University of New Zealand, 1904. Official Organist, New Zealand International Exhibition, 1906-1907. Merlewood, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch, New Zealand. *Bradshaw, Lawrence (Owens). Born December 28, 1880, at Newt on-le- Willows. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. D.Sc., 1907. University of Giessen : Ph.D., 1905. Dalton Scholar in Chemistry, 1901-1903. (1851) Exhibition Scholar, 1903-1906. Research Fellow in Physics, 1905-1906 ; now Lecturer in Chemistry, Harper-Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Salop. 21, Chester Road, Southport. 45 Braide, George Frederick William (Owens). Born November 5, 1862. M.B., Ch.B. (Distinguished in Materia Medica, Morbid Anatomy, Forensic Medicine, and Mental Diseases), 1886. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1886. ' Passed 5th into Indian Medical Service, 1887. Surgeon-Captain,. I. M.S., 1887. Civil Surgeon, Punjaub, 1890. Punjaub Jail Depart- ment, 1891. Inspector-General of Prisons, Punjaub, 1906 ; Major, . 1899 Lieutenant-Colonel, 1907. Lahore, Punjaub, India. Braithwaite, Leonard Ralph (Yorks.). Born November 20, 1879, at Barnsley. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1903. University Scholarship in Medicine, 1900. University of Leeds : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, Leeds General Infirmary, 1903. Resident Medical Officer, Ida Convalescent Hospital, 1904. House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, 1904. Resident Casualty Officer, 1905-1907 ; Resident Surgical Officer, Leeds General Infirmary, 1907. The General Infirmary, Leeds. Braithwaite, William Dalston (Yorks.). Born December 16, 1859, at Cother- stone, in Teesdale, North Yorks. B.Sc., 1895. London University : B.A. (3rd class Mental and Moral Science), 1892, B.Sc., 1896. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Master at Ackworth School, Pontefract, 1883-1891. Science Master at the County School, Cardigan, 1897-1899. Head Master, Ulster Provincial School, since 1899. Ulster Provincial School, Prospect Hill, Lisburn, Ireland. *Bramley-Moore, Evangeline (Univ.) Born in 1872, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. 30, Peel Street, Dingle, Liverpool. Brammall, Mrs. See Jackson, Mary M. Bramwell, Frederick. Born November 3, 1884, at Little Lever. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Teacher under Manchester Education Committee. 77, Higher Market Street, Farnworth, S.O. Branson, John Charles Sydney. Born December 30, 1880, at Leicester. B.Sc., 1904. Chemistry Master, King Edward VII. Grammar School, King's Lynn, since 1905. Sevan House, Broad Street, King's Lynn. Brash, Charlotte Agnes (Univ.). Born November 13, 1875, a ^ Stockport. B.A., 1900. Cambridge Teachers' Certificate, 1901. Assistant Mistress at th& Mount, Darlington, 1902-1905 ; at The High School for Girls, Barnsley, since 1906. 20, Victoria Street, Barnsley ; 53, Within gton Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. *Brayshaw, Alfred Neave (Owens). Born December 26, 1861, at Manchester. LL.B., 1885. London University : B.A., 1881. Articled to a Solicitor in Manchester, 1881-1885. Practised as a Solicitor in Manchester, 1885-1889. Master in Oliver's Mount 4 6 School, Manchester, 1889-1892 ; in the Friends' School, Bootham, York, 1892-1903. Lecturer at the Woodbrooke (Society of Friends) Permanent Settlement, Selly Oak, Birmingham, 1903- 1906. Since 1907 Lecturer in the Society of Friends. Rockport Villa, Aubord Street, Scarborough. Brayshay, Maurice William (Yorks.). Born March 7, 1883, at Stockton-on- Tees. * B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1906. Draughtsman, Works Department, Royal Dockyard, Chatham, 1903. Appointed Assistant Engineer, P.W.D. of India, and sent to the Eastern Bengal State Railway, 1905. Sub-divisional Officer, Saidpur, E.B.S. Railway, India. *fBrazil, Walter Henry. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (Honours), 1889. M.D., 1891. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1886. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1892. Medical Referee, Mt Vernon Hospital for Consumption, Bolton. Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, and Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. 365, Blackburn Road, Bolton. Brear, Arthur (Owens). Born September 7, 1870, at Halifax. B.Sc., 1894. Teacher at Moorside School, Halifax, 1894-1896 ; at the Warley Road Board School, Halifax, 1897. Technical College, Halifax; 4, Shaw Lane, Ovenden, Halifax. *Breeze, John Frederick. Born May i6th, 1885, in London. B.Sc., 1904. In Leipzig with Ph. Zwickerski Maschinenbau, 1904-1906. With Mather and Platt, Ltd., Salford Ironworks, 1906-1908. With J. & H. Gwynne's, Ltd., Hammersmith Ironworks, London, since 1908. 27, Hollingbourne Gardens, West Baling. Brennan, Lewis Harry. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. Brentnall, Alice Marian (Owens). Born October 30, 1874, at Withington, Manchester, B.A., 1900. Teaching in Claremont College School, Stockport. Thorn Bank, Heaton Moor, Stockport. Brentnall, John. Born July 29, 1883, at Orange Grove Farm, near Uitenhage, South Africa. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemist to Messrs Isaac Storey and Sons, Ltd., Engineers, Cornbrook, Manchester, since 1906. 32, Victoria Crescent, Eccles, Lanes. Brentnall, Samuel Boyre (Owens). Born August 17, 1873, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Third Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1901-1902. Junior House Surgeon, Bolton Infirmary, 1902-1903. In general practice in Rochdale since 1903. The Crescent, Rochdale. 47 "Brereton, Neville (Owens). Born February 26, 1875, at Carrington, Cheshire. B.A., 1898. Assistant Master, Birley Street Science School, Manchester, 1898. Registered Secondary Master (Col. B.), 1902. Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, 1903-1904. Ordained Deacon, 1904 ; Priest, 1905 ; by the Bishop of Liverpool. Licensed to the Curacy of St. Simon and St. Jude, Anfield, Liverpool, September, 1904. 62, Douglas Road, Anfield, Liverpool. Brew, Louise Constance (Univ.). Born July 27, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Hendon Hall, London, 1899-1900. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. The High School, Stamford, Northants. Brewis, John Thomas. Born August 14, 1879, at Gateshead. B.A., 1904. B.D., 1906 (with distinction in Old Testament Criticism, Ecclesiastical History, Comparative Religion, History of Doctrine, and Hebrew Old Testament). Graduate Scholarship in Theology, 1906. Minister of the United Methodist Free Church since 1901. Tutor in New Testament Greek, Free Methodist College, Manchester, since 1906. 10, Parkhills Road, Bury, Lancashire. *Brian, Percy (Owens). Born August i, 1881, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Teacher of Chemistry and Botany in the Waverley Road Secondary School, Birmingham, since 1903. Lecturer in Nature Study at Smethwick Technical School, 1906-1907. Buckingham Villa, Olton, Birmingham. Bride, John Webster. Born September 18, 1883, at Wilmslow, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B.. 1907. Assistant Medical Officer, Children's Dispensary, Gartside Street, Man- chester, January to June, 1908. High Bank, Fulshaw Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Bride, Thomas Milnes (Owens). Born December 10, 1881, at Wilmslow, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. Assistant Medical Officer at the Dispensary of the Manchester Children's Hospital, 1906-1907. Junior Resident Medical Officer at the Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1907. High Bank, Fulshaw Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire ; Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, near Manchester. Bridge, Henry Nuttall (Owens). Born October 23, 1874, at Rawtenstall, near Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Ship's Surgeon. At present with the Booth Steamship Company. 50, Bromwich Street, Bolton, Lanes. Brier, Albert (Yorks.). Born October 4, 1879, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Certificated Teacher. Second Master and Science Teacher at Ulverston Grammar School. 4, Ainsworth Street, Church Walk, Ulverston. Lanes. 4 8 t Brierley, Henry. Born January 28, 1847, at Rochdale. B.A., 1902. Justice of Peace, Borough of Rochdale, 1888. Registrar of Bury County Court, 1888. Member of Rochdale School Board, 1893. Registrar of Wigan County Court, 1898. Chairman of Wigan Secondary Education Committee, 1903. Honorary Secretary of Lancashire Parish Register Society. Thornhill, Wigan. JBrierley, Jesse Carl Albert. Born October 22, 1878, at Huddersfield. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. Assistant Science Master, Royal Academical Institution, Belfast, since 1907. 7, Glandore Street, Antrim Road, Belfast. Brierley, Joseph (Owens). Born March 16, 1869, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1893. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics at the Huddersfield Technical College, 1895-1898. Science Master under Oldham School Board since 1898. Ashton Road West, Failsworth, Manchester. Brierley, Wilfred Edward (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. M.R.C.S., L.RiC.P. (Lond.), 1905. Indian Medical Service (obtained ist place at entrance). 32, Montague Place, Russell Square, London, W.C. Briggs, Charles Lionel (Univ.). Born September 6, 1877, in London. B.A., 1898. Theological Student at Manchester College, Oxford. Market Gardener. Woodlands, Cranborne, near Salisbury. Briggs, Ernest (Univ.). Born October 6, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Formerly Analytical Chemist at Messrs. Tyson, Richmond and Jones, Vauxhall Soap Works, Liverpool. Now Assistant General Works Manager, Chris. Thomas and Bros., Ltd., Broad Plain Soap Works, Bristol. 13, Manor Park, Redland, Bristol. Briggs, Ernest (Univ.). Born December i, 1880, at Bradford. B.A , 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Master at Wakefield Grammar School since 1904. 7, Albert Terrace, Wyke, Bradford ; 7, Hat field Street, Wakefield. Briggs, Maude (Yorks.). Born December 18, 1877, at Armley, Leeds. B.A., 1901. Leeds University : M.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Armley Park School, 1902 ; at Castleford Pupil Teacher Centre, 1903 ; at Pudsey Secondary School, 1904-1906. Married, June 11, 1906, F. T. Chapman, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Glenholme, Hesketh Avenue, Kirkstall, Leeds. Briggs, Samuel Henry Clifford (Yorks.). Born April 13, 1880, at Cleckheaton. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Leeds University: M.Sc., 1905. Grccnbank, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire. 49 ^Briggs, Walter (Owens). Born June 15, 1880, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1902. London University : M.B., B.S., 1904. Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Blackburn and East Lanes. In- firmary, 1902-1904. Post-graduate Clinics, Vienna, 1905. 129, Montague Street, Blackburn. *Brightmore, Arthur William (Owens). Born May 9, 1864, a * Manchester. B.Sc. ( i st class Engineering), 1883. M.Sc., 1886. D.Sc., 1898. Bishop Berkeley Fellow, Owens College, 1883. M.Inst.C.E., 1896. Manby Premium, 1885, Telford Premium, 1901, Watt Gold Medal, 1907. Resident Engineer on Construction of Vyrnwy Aqueduct, Liverpool Waterworks, 1888 to 1894. Resident Engineer on Construction of Elan Aqueduct, Birmingham Water- works, 1894-1899. Professor of Engineering Construction, R.I.E. College, Cooper's Hill, 1899-1906. Engineering Inspector, Local Government Board, 1907. Joint author of The Principles of Waterworks Engineering (1894). Author of Structural Engineer-, ing, 1908. Bur ford, Egham, Surrey. *Brightmore, Harry Sterndale (Owens}. Born February 6, 1867, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Medical Practitioner, in general practice since 1894. Lime Field, Broughton Lane, Manchester. Brindley, Albert Edward (Owens}. Born May 2, 1865, at Astbury, Congleton. B.Sc. (3rd class Physiology), 1886. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Obstetrics), 1889. D.P.H., 1898. London University : Preliminary Scientific M.B. (2nd class Zoology), 1883. Inter. 'M.B. (3rd class Physiology), 1886. M.B., 1892. M.D., 1894. Formerly Resident Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester ; and at St. Mary's Hospital. Assistant Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary. Surgeon, S.S. Priam. Medical Officer of Health, Bury, 18981908. Medical Officer of Health for Derby, 1908. Medical Superintendent of the Hospitals of the Bury and District Joint Hospital Board. Vice-president, Incorporated Society of Medical Officeis of Health (N. W. Branch). Brislee, Francis Joseph (Univ.}. Born January 6, 1876, at Holyhead. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. University Scholar, 1902. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. D.Sc., 1906. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, University of Liverpool, 1903. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Physical and Electro-chemistry, University of Liverpool, 1906. Muspratt Laboratories of Physical and Electro-chemistry, University of Liverpool ; 14, Newell Road, Liscard, Cheshire. *Brittain, Charles Edward (Yorks.). Born May i, 1877, at Sheffield. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Student in Chemistry at Strassburg, 1896-1897. Chemist at Major & Co.'s Coal Tar Distilleries, Hull, 1897-1898. Science Master at the Rawlins School, 1898-1901. Organist at Wood-house Parish Church in 1899. Second Master Grammar School, Normanton, 1901-1904. Teacher of Electricity, Waken eld Technical School, 1901-1904. Head Master, Grammar School, Normanton, since 1904. Grammar School, Normanton, Yorks. 50 Broad, William Henry (Univ.). Born September 13, 1874, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.D., 1907. House Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1900-1901. Robert Gee- Fellow in Anatomy, 1901-1902. Holt Fellow in Physiology, 1902-1903. Hon. Surgeon in Charge, Department of Orthopaedics and Massage, David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool. Lecturer in Physical Anthropology, University of Liverpool. Surgeon- Lieut., 2nd V.B.K.L.R. 18, Princes Road, Liverpool. *Broadbent, Ellinor Lucy (Univ.}. Born 1873, at Latchford, Warrington. B.A. (ist class History), 1895. University Scholarship in History, 1895. M.A., 1898. Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford : Entrance Scholarship, 1896. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Resident Tutor, University Hall, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Warden of Victoria Church Hostel since 1904. 266, Oxford Road, Manchester ; The Hollies, Latchford, near Warrington. Broadbent, Ethel Beatrice (Univ.). Born October 27, 1880, at Ponsanooth,. Cornwall. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Arnot Street School, Liverpool. 17, Wesley Street, Waterloo, Liverpool* Broadbent, John. Born May 13, 1884, at Uppermill, Oldham. B.A. (3rd class English Language and Literature), 1907. English Teacher at Luxembourg, 1907. Fischmarkt 3, Luxembourg ; Upper Court Street, Uppermill, near Oldham. *fBroadfield, Edward John. Born September 7, 1831, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. Member of Court and Council since 1880. Treasurer,. 1900-1903 and 1908. London University : B.A., 1864. Governor of Owens College, 1871. Member of Manchester School Board, 1878 (Vice-Chairman, 1891). J.P. for Manchester. Governor of Manchester Grammar School and High School for Girls. A Mynshull Trustee. Member of the Manchester Education Committee. Member of the Council of the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes. Vice-Chairman of the Royal Manchester College of Music. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Halle Concerts Society. Deputy Chairman of the Directors of the Gentlemen's Concerts. Member of the Council of the Whitworth Institute. Chairman of the Governors of Manchester Grammar School. Roseleigh, Prestwich, Manchester. Broadhead, James Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 31, 1882, at Batley. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, St. Michael's School, Liverpool, 1904-1906. Science Master, Ashville College, Harrogate, since 1906. Cliff e House, Surrey Street, Batley. Broadley, William (Yorks.). Born October 24, 1878, at Keighley. B.Sc., 1898. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, -Todmorden, 1898-1899. Student at Headingley College, 1899-1902. Now Minister of Wesleyan Methodist Church. 33, Park Road, Loughborough , Leicestershire. *Brockbank, Edward Mansfield (Owens}. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D. (highly commended), 1893. M.R.C.P., 1894. Consulting Physician. House Physician at Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1891-1892. House Physician, General Hospital, Birmingham, 1892-1893. Resident Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1893-1895. Honorary Physician, Ancoats Hospital, 1899-1904. Honorary Assistant Physician, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1904-1905. Honorary Assistant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Editor Medical Chronicle, 1903. Author of Gallstones or Cholelithiasis (1896); The Murmurs of Mitral Disease; Sketches of the Lives and Work of the Honorary Medical Staff of the Manchester Infirmary, 1752-1830; Life Insurance and General Practice (1908). 51, Palatine Road, Withington. Brodmeier, Edith Lily (Owens). Born August 15, 1879, at Hexham, Northum- berland. B.A., 1900. English Mistress at Winter sdorf, Southport, 1900-1902. Private Teaching at Hawes, Yorkshire, 1903. English Mistress at The Grange, Buxton, 1904. Private Teaching at Wallingford, Oxon., 1904-6. Form Mistress at Manchester High School since 1907. Villarosa, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Bromhall, Charles Harry (Owens}. Born April 27, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Late House Surgeon, General Hospital, Birmingham. Late Resident Medical Officer, City Infirmary, Birmingham. Now at Branch Dispensary, Nottingham. Branch Dispensary, Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham. Bromley, Harry. Born August 26, 1884, a t Middleton Junction, Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. B.A., 1907. Professeur Assistant d'Anglais, Ecole de Commerce, Marseilles (1907). 2, Fred Street, Middleton Junction; Ecole de Commerce, 148, Rue Paradis, Marseilles. Brook, Harry (Yorks.). Born July 29, 1880, at Shelf, Halifax. B.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Accrington, since 1904. Stone Chair, Shelf, Halifax. Yorkshire. Brook, Sydney Wilkinson (Owens). Born December 5, 1870, at Manchester. University Scholarship in Medicine, 1892. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1894. London University : Matriculation (loth in Honours), 1889. Inter. M.B. (2nd Class Honours Materia Medica), 1892. M.B. (3rd class Honours Medicine, 3rd class Honours Forensic Medicine), 1895. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894-1895. Ingleside, Willows Lane, Accrington. *fBrooke, Henry Ambrose Grundy. Born June 6, 1854, at St. Helens. B.A., 1883. London University : Matriculation (i3th in Honours), 1872. Inter. B.A. (2nd class English), 1873. B.A., 1874. M.B. (2nd class Medicine), 1880. Physician. House Physician and Surgeon, Manchester Infirmary, 1879-1880. Physician to Manchester and Salford Hospital for 52 Skin Diseases. Lecturer on Skin Diseases in the Owens College and in the University. Co-editor of the British Journal of Derma- tology. Addison House, Victoria Park, Manchester. *fBrookes, Frederick Dobson. Born March io ; 1856, at Timperley, Cheshire. B.A., 1904. Cambridge University : B.A., 1880. M.A., 1890. Ordained Deacon, 1880; Priest, 1882. In charge of Cariboo, British Columbia, 1887-1892. Curate of Chester-le-Street, 1897-1907. Vicar of Birtley since 1907. The Vicarage, Birtley, Co. Durham. Brooks, William Stansfield (Owens). Born May 21, 1877, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Lecturer on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Norwich Technical Institute, since 1901. 152, Earlham Road, Norwich. Broome, James Spears. Born November 14, 1881, at Pendleton, Salford. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Mercer Scholar in Chemistry, 1904. Assistant Master, Pendleton Higher Elementary School, 1904-1905. Science Teacher, Salford Municipal Secondary School, since 1905. 1 8 , Seedley Park Road, Pendleton Salford ; Secondary School, Salford. *fBrothers, Horace Edward. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1890. Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, 1889. Science Master, Tunstall, Staffs., 1890-1895. Analyst and Works Manager, Goldenh-ill Colour W T orks, till 1899. H.M. Inspector of Factories, 1899. Annsville, Glenburn Park, Belfast. Broughton, Alfred Galen Scheele (Yorks.). Born 'November 16, 1874, at Bolton, M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Hon. Secretary, Mirfield and District Medico-Chirurgical Society. Bank View, Hick Lane, Batley. *fBrown, Arthur Leoline Jenkyn. Born July 18, 1861, at Birmingham. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1880 (ist class Mental and Moral Science), LL.B., 1884. Solicitor, admitted 1884. Assistant Secretary, Derbyshire Education. Committee, since 1903. County" Education Office, Derby. Brown, Caroline Mary (Owens). Born September 28, 1879, at Eccles. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1901. Assistant Mistress at the High School for Girls, Coventry, 1903-1906. Assistant Mistress at St. Saviour's and St. Olave's Grammar School for Girls, London, S.E., 1906. 24, Heslington Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Brown, Charles Herbert ( Univ.). Born January 3, 1882, at Tuebrook, Liverpool, B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1903. M.A., 1906. Assistant Master, Collegiate School, Grimsby, 1903. Wesleyan Minister,, Lambeth, London, S.E., 1904-1907. 31, Fentiman Road, London, S.W. 53 Brown, Charles Richardson. Born May 28, 1882, at Stockton-on-Tees. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Junior House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary, since 1906. Warrington Infirmary. Brown, Ernest (Univ.). Born February 8, 1878, at St. Helens. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship, 1898-1900. Lecturer in En- gineering, University College, Liverpool, 1900. Lecturer in Applied Mechanics, University of Liverpool, 1903-1905. Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics in McGill University, Montreal, since 1905. Engineering Building, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Brown, Florence Margaret. B.Sc., 1905. fBrown, George. Born December 7, 1854, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (37th in Honours), 1874. Inter.B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1875. B.Sc., 1879. D.Sc., 1885. Science Master, Farnham Grammar School. Lecturer under the Surrey C.C., 1893. Searle Road, Farnham, Surrey. Brown, George Herbert (Owens). Born February 18, 1879, at Middlewich, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1902. House Physician, Bedford County Hospital, 1902-1903. Junior House Surgeon, House Physician, and Senior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1903-1905. Now in general practice. Tean, Stoke-on-Trent. Brown, Harry Mewburn (Owens). Born April 2, 1871, at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. London University : Matriculation (i 25th in Honours), 1887. B.A. (2nd class English), 1889. Formerly Assistant Medical Officer at Cheadle Royal Lunatic Asylum ; Parkside Asylum, Macclesfield ; and Cambridgeshire County Asylum. Kiltullagh, Willoughbridge, Market Dray ton. *Brown, Henry (Yorks.). Born March 3, 1875, at Giggleswick, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1896. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, 1901 ; Resident Obstetric Officer, Leeds General Infirmary, 1902. Now in general practice. 117, Upperthorpe Road, Sheffield. Brown, James William Henry (Yorks.). Born November 30, 1859, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. General Practitioner. Medical Officer to Post Office, Roundhay, 1904. Vernon House, Roundhay, Leeds. *Brown, John (Owens). Born November 16, 1849, a * Callington, Cornwall. M.B., Ch.B., 1888. M.D., 1889. D.P.H., 1889. Tn general practice. Medical Officer of Health, Borough of Bacup. Surgeon to the Sourhall Joint Hospital. Medical Officer, Bacup No. 2 District, Haslingden Union. Medical Officer, Post Office. Burwood House, Bacup, Lancashire. 54 *Brown, John Percival (Owens). Born June 13, 1878, at Bacup, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Junior House Surgeon at Macclesfield Infirmary, 1900. Late House Surgeon to Hulme Dispensary, Manchester. Hon. Life Member arid Surgeon, St. John's Ambulance Association. Medical Officer to the Post Office, Bacup. Medical Examiner for Bacup Board of Education. Medical Examiner Star and other Assurance Com- panies. Burwood House, Bacup. *Brown, Minnie (Owens). Born May 20, 1869, at Cheetham Hill, Manchester. B.A., 1895. M.A., 1898. Married, September, 1895, Thomas Brown. 12, Darley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. *Brown, Robert John (Owens). Born May 7, 1865, at Edinburgh. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1886. Mercer Scholarship, 1886. M.Sc., 1889. Studied at Heidelberg, 1886-1887, at Chariot tenburg, 1887- 1888. Lecturer in Chemistry, Stockport Technical School, 1889. Principal of Stockport Technical School since 1890. Technical School, Stockport. *Brown, Sydney (Owens). Born May 5, 1881, at Maryport. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Intermediate School, Llanelly, 1903. Now at Mont- gomery Street School, Birmingham. Montgomery Street School, Birmingham ; 133, Senhouse Street, Maryport. Brown, Thomas (Yorks.). Born December 14, 1877, at Knottingley, Yorks. M.B. Ch.B., 1903. Resident Medical Officer, Public Dispensary, Leeds, 1903. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Ida Semi-Convalescent Hospital, 1905. In general practice since 1906. Sea View Road, Liscard, Cheshire. *Brown, Mrs. Thomas. See Brown, Minnie. Brown, William Croumbie Treadwell (Owens). Born April 3, 1870. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. London University : Matriculation (68th in Honours), 1887. B.A., 1889. Formerly Medical Officer in charge of Smallpox and Vaccination, East London and Kimberley, and Resident Surgeon, New Somerset Hospital. Cape Town. Died February 10, 1899. Brown, William Henry Trotter (Univ.). Born July 23, 1866, at Liverpool. LL.B., 1903. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls 1895. Commissioner for Oaths, practising at Liverpool and Liscard. Firm, J. T. Read and Brown. Balmblre, Radnor Drive, Liscard ; 77, Lord Street, Liverpool. Brown, William Lowe (Univ.). Born February 13, 1876, at Wigan. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1895. University Scholarship in En- gineering, 1895. James Forrest Medal, 1897. M.Sc., 1898. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1905. Civil Engineer. Assistant Engineer on the Central London Railway, 1897-1898 ; on the Nile Navigation Works, Assouan, Egypt, 1898. 55 Director of Barrage, Asyut, 1901. On the Nile Navigation Works, Assouan, until 1904. On the Pennsylvania Railway Tunnels, New York, U.S.A., 1905 Pennsylvania Tunnels, 564, West 33^ Street, New York City, U.S.A. Brown, William Mclntyre (Univ.). Born October 27, 1870, at Dublin. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1894. In general practice since 1894. 2, Park Road, West Kirby, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Browne, Edgar Gordon (Univ.). Born March 13, 1871, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1898. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Studied in Bonn and Heidelberg, 1896-1897. Lecturer in German in the Evening Classes of University College, 1897-1901, and in the City School of Commerce, 1899-1903. Examiner in Commercial German to the Victoria University, 1900-1901. Since 1904 Assistant - tant Inspector of Elementary Schools to the Liverpool Education Committee. 9, Victoria Mount, Oxton, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Browne, Percy Alfred (Univ.). Born October 5, 1875. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Entered Indian Medical Service, 1900. Died September 5, 1903, at Bannu, India. Brownsdon, Charles (Univ.). Born July 16, 1867, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master at Waterloo College, 1892-1893 ; at Claughton Col- legiate School, 1893-1897 ; at Odiham Grammar School, Hants., 1900-1903. Private Tutor at Cranbrook, Kent, since 1903 Handcocks, Cranbrook, Kent. Brownsdon, Henry Winder (Univ.). Born November 14, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1904. Jena University : Ph.D., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1903. Chemist to the King's Norton Metal Co., Ltd., of King's Norton, near Birmingham, and of Abbey Wood, Kent, since 1902. 53, Elliscombe Road, Charlton. Kent. Brownson, Alfred Lever (Owens}. Born October 12, 1874. at Hyde. B.A., 1895. LL.B., 1898. In practice as a Solicitor (Messrs. T. & A. L. Brownson). Thorncliffe, Hyde. Brownson, George Leigh (Owens). Born April 19, 1883, at Hyde. B.A., 1902. Manufacturer. Burnside, Hyde, near Manchester. *fBrownson, Thomas. Born August 22, 1857, at Hyde. B.A., 1882. London University .'Inter. B.A. (2nd class English), 1876. B.A., 1878. Inter. LL.B. (3rd class Honours), 1882. Admitted as a Solicitor, 1882. Practises in Hyde and Manchester. Clerk to Hyde Magistrates. Chairman Education Committee, Hyde Technical School. Town Clerk of Hyde since 1898. 24, Woodend Lane, Hyde. 56 Brownson, Thomas Kerfoot (Owens). Born Aptil 25, 1885, at Hyde, Cheshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1905. Science Master, Grammar School, Normanton, 1906. 4, Firville Terrace, Normanton. *Brownsword, Frank (Owens). Born April 4, 1867, at Heaton Norris. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1888. M.Sc., 1891. F.C.S., F.I.C. Science Master of Shebbear College, 1894. Principal of Bryn Derwen Preparatory School, 1902. Bryn Derwen, Old Colwyn, North Wales. Brownsword, Percy (Owens}. Born March 13, 1876, at Heaton Moor, Man- chester. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1904. 40, Brazennose Street, Manchester ; Thorn Villa, Heaton Moor, near Stockport. *Broxap, Ernest (Owens). Born March 25, 1880, at Higher Broughton. B.A. (2nd class History), 1900. M.A., 1903. Yarn Agent. Contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, the Historical Review, etc. West Cliff, Higher Broughton, Manchester. *Broxap, Henry (Owens). Born September 5, 1865, at Broughton, Manchester. B.A., 1883. Cliff Point, 335a, Lower Broughton Road, Manchester. Broxap, Walter (Owens). Born September 22, 1874. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1894. Mercer Scholarship, 1894. Yarn Agent. 13, The Polygon, Lower Broughton Road, Manchester. Bruce, Mary Walbrand (Yorks.). Born July 29, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Mistress, Bradford Girls' Grammar School, 1902-1903. Married, John McCrae, in 1903. Government Laboratories, Johannesburg, South Africa. *Bryson, Ada (Owens). Born August 14, 1869, at Manchester. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Journalist. Superintendent of Classes for Working Men in Withington, 1897-1898. Craigton, Belfield Road, Didsbury, Manchester. *Buchanan. Robert James McLean (Univ.). Born July 23, 1864, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Medicine), 1888. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1889. M.R.C.S. (Eng.)., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1888. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1897- Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Formerly Assistant Hon. Physician, Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Liverpool ; House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; Demonstrator in Physiology at University College ; Holt Fellow in Physiology ; Demonstrator of Pathology, University College, Liverpool ; Medical Tutor and Registrar, Liver- pool Royal Infirmary ; Surgical Tutor and Registrar, Liverpool Royal Infirmary ; Honorary Physician, Liverpool Stanley Hospital ; President, Liverpool Microscopical Society. Now Assistant Hono- rary Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary ; Lecturer, Forensic Medicine, Liverpool University ; Research Student, Cancer Laboratories, Liverpool University. 6, Rodney Street, Liverpool. 57 Buck, Gertrude Barbara (Univ.). Born July 20, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress in Boys' Higher Grade School, Stoke Newington, 1902-1904; in Girls' Council School, Stroud Green, 1905-1906. 'Married, June 14, 1906, Arthur Walter Richardson. 19, Avenue Road, Southall, Middlesex. Buck, Howard (Owens}. Born April 15, 1881, at Boston (Lines.). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Surgeon, Newark Hospital, 1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, since 1905. 1 8, Lonsdale Road, Fallow-field, Manchester. Buckley, Alfred (Owens). Born June 15, 1865, at Stainland, Yorks. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1899. Congregational Minister, 1893. Minister of Congregational Church, Bollington, near Macclesfield, 1893-1897 ; of Congregational Church, Longton, 1898-1900. Sub-editor of Literary World since 1900. 12, Bickersteth Road, Tooting, London, S.W. Buckley, George Granville (Owens}. Born April 15, 1878, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. M.D., 1906. D.P.H., 1905. General practice at Oldham, 1903-1905. Assistant Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Medical Officer to Oldham Education Com- mittee, 1905-1908. Medical Officer of Health for Crewe, 1908. Town Hall, Crewe. Buckley, James Charles (Owens}. Born April 20, 1869, at Ashton-under-Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. M.D., 1894. Formerly Senior Resident Medical Officer, Nottingham General Hospital, and House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and at Hospital for Consumption, Brompton. Formerly Senior House Surgeon, West London Hospital ; House Surgeon, Southern Hospital, Man- chester ; Resident Medical Officer to the Dyffryn Aled Branch of the Cheadle Royal Asylum. Now Senior Assistant Honorary Physician to the General Hospital, Nottingham. In general practice at Nottingham. 9, Ropewalk, Nottingham. Buckley, John Anthony (Owens}. B.A., 1903. M.A., 1907. Buckley, Lucy (Univ.}. Born October 3, 1868, at Oldham, Lanes. B.Sc., 1891. Glasgow University: M.B., Ch.B., 1900. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.). L.F.P.S. (Glas.). Clinical Assistant, Northumberland County Asylum, 1901. In private practice in Leeds. Married, January 23, 1906, the late James Wilkinson Pinniger, M.A. 35, Park Square, Leeds. *fBuckley, Samuel. Born January 20, 1847, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.R.C.S., 1868. L.S.A., 1868. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1873. M.B. (ist Division), 1880. M.D., 1885. M.R.C.P., 1894. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1870-1872. Honorary Physician, Manchester Northern Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children, 1880. Late Medical Officer of Health, Crumpsall Urban and Prestwich Sanitary Districts, 1880. Presi- dent, Manchester Clinical Society, 1894. President, North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, 1902. President, Manchester Medical Ethical Society, 1904-1905. President, Medical Society, 1906. 72, Bridge Street, Manchester. Budden, Charles William (Univ.). Born March 30, 1878, at Litherland, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1901. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Walton W T orkhouse, 1901-1903. 12, Cable Road, Hoy lake, Cheshire. *Budenberg, Christian Frederick (Owens). Born May 2, 1864, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1883. M.Sc., 1887. Assistant Editor of Industries, 1886-1888. Engineer (Messrs. Schaffer & Budenberg) since 1888. Manager and Managing Director since 1889. 31, Whitworth Street, Manchester ; Somerville, Marple. Bulcock, Harry (Owens). Born January 25, 1880, at Blackburn. B.A., 1900. B.D.. 1906. Student at Lancashire College, 1901-1903. Pastor of Droylsden Con- gregational Church since 1904. 3, Healey Terrace, Fairfield, Manchester. Bullough, Alice. Born December 31, 1881, at Hindley, near Wigan. B.A., 1907. Assistant, Royal Latin School, Buckingham. Sand field, Hindley, Wigan ; c/o Miss Walters, Temperance Hotel, Buckingham. Bullough, Florence (Owens). Born August 20, 1877, at Pendleton, Salford. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress at Waterloo Higher Grade School, Oldham, 1899 ; at Municipal Secondary School, Manchester. 1904. 2, Longton Road, Claremont Road, Irlams-o'th' -Height, Manchester. Bullough, Fred (Owens). Born July 13, 1876, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Surgeon, S.S. Sardinia, 1903. In general practice. Market Street, Hindley, near Wigan. Bullough, Louisa (Owens). Born January 27, 1880, at Bolton. B.A., 1903. Sandfield, Hindley, Wigan. Bullough, William Arthur. Born April 15, 1884, at Hindley, near Wigan. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1907. Medical Student in the University. Sandfield, Hindley, Wigan. Bulman, John Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 9, 1881, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Leeds Middle Class School, 1904-1906. Science Master, Ossett Grammar School, 1906. Grammar School, Ossett ; Cartref, Chapel Allerton, Leeds. *|Bunting, Percy William. Born February i, 1836, at Radcliffe, Manchester. B.A., 1882. Pembroke College, Cambridge : B.A. (2ist Wrangler), 1859. M.A., 1862. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1862; Editor of Contemporary Review, 1882. n, Endsleigh Gardens, London, N.W. 59 *Burgess, Arthur Henry (Owens). Born February 2, 1874, at Stretford, Manchester. B.Sc., 1892. M.Sc., 1895. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. F.R.C.S., 1899. Surgeon. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1896-1897. Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1897- 1898 ; at Union Hospital, Crumpsall, 1898-1899. Surgical Officer at Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899-1901. Surgical Officer and Medical Superintendent of the Manchester Christie Hospital, 1901-1905. Visiting Surgeon to the Manchester Union Hospital, 1901. Surgeon to the Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1905. Hon. Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Assistant to the Professor of Systematic Surgery, University of Manchester, 1905. Hon. Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Christie Hospital, 1906. Milverton Lodge, Victoria Park, Manchester. Burgess, Charles Hutchens (Owens}. Born December 21, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1900. Mercer Scholarship, 1900. Leblanc Medal, 1900. M.Sc., 1903. D.Sc., 1906. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry in the University of Manchester, 1905-1906. Professor of Chemistry at Medical and Technical Colleges, Colombo, 1906. Deceased. Burgess, Lillie (Yorks.). Born December 18, 1879, at Leeds. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Arts Mistress, Central High School, Leeds, 1902. 2, Shafton View, Holbeck, Leeds. *Burgess, Walter Herbert (Owens). Born May 5, 1867, at Hastings. B.A., 1894. Unitarian Minister. Assistant Missionary to the Manchester District Association of Presbyterian and Unitarian Churches, 1895-1898. Minister at Accrington, 1898 ; Loughborough, 1905. 28, Beacon Road, 'Loughborough. Burgess, William Ernest (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. *Burgis, Edwin Cooper (Owens). LL.B. (with Honours), 1905. Graduate Scholar, 1905. Lincoln College, Oxford : B.A. (ist class Modern History), 1901. M.A.,. 1904. B.C.L., 1905. Called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, 1904. Certificate of Honour and Bacon Scholarship. Lecturer in Common Law in the University of Manchester, 1906. Barrister-at-Law, practising on the Northern Circuit. 60, King Street, Manchester. Burkhard, Alexander (Yorks.). Born July 30, 1879, at Shipley, Yorkshire, M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Assistantships, etc. Lochleven, Bingley, Yorkshire. 6o Burley, Leo le Gay (Yorks.). Born November 4, 1871, at Theberton, Suffolk. B.A., 1897. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Master at St. Margaret's College, Lowestoft, in 1897 '> at Ulster Provincial School, Lisburn, 1897-1898. 14, Brewers' Hall, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. *Burman, John Harold (Owens). Born February 9, 1879, at West Cowes. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901". Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., 1905. Civil Engineer. With the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. Grizedale, Park Avenue, Timperley, Cheshire. Burman, Sarah (Univ.}. Born April 14, 1877, at Hull. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Anfield College, Liverpool, since 1899. 17, Berkley Street, Liverpool. Burn, Helen (Univ.). Born April 10, 1881, at Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, County Intermediate School, Abergavenny, 1901- 1906. Assistante Anglaise, Lycee de Jeunes Filles, Niort, France, 1906. 13, Jermyn Street, Liverpool. Burn, Irene (Univ.}. Born May 13, 1876, at Liverpool. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1897. M.A., 1900. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Cliff Girls' School, Eastbourne, 1898. Married, F. E. Wilkins. 5, Prince's Avenue, Great Crosby, near Liverpool. Burn, Mary (Univ.}. Born April 12, 1869, at Liverpool. B.A., 1889. M.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress in the Liverpool Institute Girls' School, 1891-1900. Head Mistress of the High School for Girls, Leek, 1900-1905. Head Mistress of the County High School for Girls, Maidenhead, Berks., 1905. High School, Maidenhead, Berks. Burnet, Robert (Univ.}. Born February 9, 1875, at Wigan. B.Sc. (ist class Botany), 1897. M.Sc., 1901. University Scholarship in Botany, 1897. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., M.Sc., 1904. House Surgeon, Choi ley Hospital, 1900. District Medical Officer to the Parish of Birmingham. 369, Lodge Road, Hockley, Birmingham. Burnett, Theodore Ridley (Univ.}. Born April 23, 1877, at Scotby, near Carlisle. B.Sc., 1898. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1905. Ph.D. (Basel), 1900. F.C.S. Assistant to the County Analyst for Liverpool, 1900-1901. Chemistry Master, Dewsbury Grammar School, 1902-1903. Army Coach, Overstrand, Cromer, 1903-1904. Science Master, Lincoln Grammar School, 1904-1905. Head Master, Grammar School, Kirkby Lonsdale, since 1905. University Extension Lecturer. The Grammar School, Kirkby Lonsdale. 6i Burnett, Thomas Gregory. Born July 21, 1876, at Lostwithiel, Cornwall. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1907. House Physician, Johannesburg Hospital, South Africa, 1908. Johannesburg Hospital, South Africa. *Burnham, John Charles (Owens). Born December 9, 1866, in London. B.Sc., 1888. Chemist to the Special Committee on Explosives, and Assistant Chemist to the War Department, 1889-1894. Chemist at the Government Gunpowder Factory, Kirkee, 1894-1898. Chemist and Manager, Government Cordite Factory, Coonoor, 1898. Cordite Factory, Aruvankad, Nilgiri Hills, India. .Burnley, William Ewart (Univ.). Born April 13, 1880, at Huddersfield. B.A., 1899. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. A.C.A., 1904. Articled to Messrs. Dawson, Langley, and Chevalier, Chartered Accoun- tants, Liverpool, 1904. Manager of their London Office since 1907. 152, Liscard Road, Liscard, Birkenhead ; 7, -Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, London, S.W. Burroughs, Benjamin Palmer (Univ.). Born March 4, 1867, at Liverpool. LL.B., 1897. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge : B.A., 1890. M.A., 1893. Solicitor. 15, Sweeting Street, Liverpool . 12, Park field Road, Liverpool. : *Burrows, Merrick William (Owens). Born June 25, 1873, at Devizes. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1898. Demonstrator at Westminster School, 1895-1896. Science Master Longton Endowed School, 1896-1897. Second Master, Paston Grammar School, North Walsham, 1897-1900. Science Master at Huish School, Taunton, 1900 ; at Carnarvon County School, January, 1902 ; at Atherstone Grammar School, September, 1904 ; at South Shields High School, January, since 1906. Dunkirk, Devizes, Wilts. Burrows, Norcross (Owens). Born December u, 1862, at Stockport. B.A.. 1884. i, Milton Road, Ware, Herts. Burton, John Reginald. Born July 26, 1882, at Saddleworth, Yorks. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, St. Margaret's Higher Elementary School, Manchester. 348, Dickenson Road, Longsight, Manchester. Burton, Marguerite Rachel (Owens). Born August 13, 1877, at Pembroke Dock. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress under the Leeds Education Committee, 1900-1904. Head Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre (Girls), Bootle, since 1904. 229, Hawthorne Road, Bootle. *Burtt, Arthur Henry (Owens). Born January 8, 1869, at Malton. B.Sc., 1896. D.Sc. (Tubingen), 1899. Formerly, 1886-1890, in the grocery business at Scarborough. Assistant 62 Master at Dinglewood School, Colwyn Bay, in 1890, and at Stramon- gate School, Kendal, 1890-1892. Now Director of the British Botanical Association, The Laboratory, Holgate, York. 4, South View, Holgate, York. *Burtt, George Edward. Born May 13, 1884, at Holmfirth. B.Sc., 1905. Woollen Yarn Manufacturer since 1905. Tenter Hill, New Mill, near Huddersfield. Bury, Ernest (Owens}. Born March 21, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1899. Analyst to the Bridgewater Trustees, 1895. Manager of Brackley By- Product Coking Plant, and Chemist to Lord Ellesmere's Bridge- water Collieries and Estates, since 1895. Buckley House, Little Hulton, near Bolton. Bury, Frederick Charles (Owens). Born 1863, at Fallowfield, Manchester. M.B. (with distinction in Medicine, Clinical Surgery, and Morbid Anatomy), 1887. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1887. L.M. Rotunda Hospital Dublin 1888. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1887. General Medical Practitioner at Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent, since 1889. Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent. Bury, George William. Born February 15, 1885, at Darwen. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Surgeon, Infirmary, Bury. Infirmary, Bury ; Lyndale Cottage, Darwen, Lancashire^ *fBury, Judson Sykes. Born 1853, at Salford. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., B.S., 1877. M.A., 1879. F.R.C.P., 1894. Consulting Physician. Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, since 1889. Bradshaw Lecturer to College of Physicians, 1901. Lecturer in Clinical Neurology in the Owens College, 1903. Lecturer in the University, 1904-1908. 10, St. John Street, Manchester. Bush, Harry Julius (Owens}. Born May 9, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Student at Marburg. Bush, Herbert Henry (Owens}. Born December 26, 1875, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1898. Engineer. With Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co., New York, 1898-1900. In Engineer's Office, State of New York, Albany, 1900.. 86, Lancaster Street, Albany, N.Y., U.S.A. *fButterfield, Frank. Born April 6, 1874, at Blackburn. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1898. B.S., 1905. Late Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Blackburn and East Lancashire Infirmary. 81, Preston New Road, Blackburn. Butterworth, Harwood. Born December 19, 1886, at Sladen, Littleborough. B.Sc., 1907. Sladen, Littleborough, near Manchester. 63 *Butterworth, John James (Owens). Born September 19, 1871, at Heywood. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. D.P.H., 1900. M.D., 1904. Resident Medical Officer at City Fever Hospital, 1898-1899 ; at Small- pox Hospital, Manchester, in 1899. House Surgeon, Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, 1899-1900. Lecturer in Hygiene and Physi- ology, Royal Technical Institute, Salford. Assistant Medical Officer, Salford Education Committee. School Medical Superintendent for County of Lancashire, 1908. 13, Moor field Road, Pendleton ; Town Hall, Salford, Lancashire. Butterworth, Robert Neilson (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Died June 27, 1905. Butterworth, Stephen. Born August n, 1885, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1907. Demonstrator in Physics, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, 1907. 429, Bury Road, Rochdale, Lanes. *Byers, Alfred (Owens). Born January 16, 1869, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.D., 1902. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1888. B.Sc., 1890. Inter. M.B. (2nd class Anatomy, 2nd class Physiology), 1891. Surgeon. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894. Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1895- 1896. Medical Officer of Health for Wilmslow, 1896. In private practice at Wilmslow since 1898. Wilmslow, Cheshire. *Bygott, Eliza (Owens). Born May 14, 1873, at Cross Fields, Sandbach. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1898. M.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, High School for Welsh Girls, Ashford, Middlesex, 1903-1906. Cross Fields, Sandbach. Byne, Loftus St. George (Owens). Bom September 19, 1872, at Teignmouth. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Fairmount, Priory Road, Bournemouth. Byrne, Mrs. G. See Walthew, Florence A. Byrne, John Scott (Univ.). Born June 10, 1877, at Dublin. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1899. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B.,Ch.B., 1904. Diploma in Tropical Medicine, 1904. Formerly House Surgeon, Hospital for Women, Liverpool, 1900. Resident Medical Officer, Leeds Public Dispensary, 1902-1903. Resident Medical Officer, Leeds Sanatorium for Consumptives, since 1906. Leeds Sanatorium for Consumptives, Gate forth, near Selby, Yorks. *Bythell, William James Storey (Owens). Born March 14, 1872, at Bombay. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.D. (Gold Medallist), 1902. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (3rd class Natural Science Tripos, Part I.), 1893. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1898-1899. Resident Medical Officer and Anaesthetist, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1899-1902. Senior Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, since 1902. Woodcliffe, Pre^twich, Manchester ; 40, Brazennose Street, Manchester. 6 4 Bywater, Gertrude. Born September 8, 1879, at Pemberton, near Wigan, B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. First Assistant Mistress of Claremont Ladies' College, Ramsgate, Kent. The Mount, Crawford, Upholland, Lancashire ; Claremont, Ramsgate, Kent. Bywater, Harry Howard (Owens). Born November 9, 1877, at Pemberton, near Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Late House Surgeon, London Ophthalmic Hospital. Senior, Junior, and Assistant House Surgeon, Preston Royal Infirmary. Clinical Assistant, Central London Throat and Ear Hospital ; and Man- chester Cancer Pavilion and Home ; and Junior Clinical Assistant, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. 17, Winckley Square, Preston, Lanes. Bywater, William (Yorks.). Born January 31, 1883, at Gomersal, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1904. National Diploma in Dairying of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1904. Teacher, Coleraine High School, 1905. Now in Canada. Krauss P.O., Milestone, Saskatchewan, Canada. C *fCadman, Arthur Wellesley. B.Sc., 1904. L.R.C.P.I., 1880. M.R.C.S., 1882. F.R.C.S., 1894. Formerly House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Visiting Surgeon, Newcastle-on-Tyne Dispensary.. Late Lecturer in Applied Anatomy and Demonstrator in Anatomy, King's College, London. Contributed to Journal of Physiology. 19, Wickham Street, Brockley, London, S.E. ; 2$a, Old Bond Street, Piccadilly, London, W. *Cadman, Harold Carlier (Owens). Born January 14, 1869, at Failsworth, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Cheadle Convalescent Hospital, in 1893. Late Assistant Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Home. c/o Dr. Collin, The Grange, Newport, E. Yorks. Cain, Herbert Porritt (Owens). Born February 24, 1882, at Ramsbottom. LL.B., 1902. Solicitors' Final, November, 1903 (2nd class Honours) ; also Stephen Heelis Gold Medallist. In practice at Waterfoot, near Manchester, since June, 1904. Partner in firm of Knowles and Thompson. Stubbins Villa, Ramsbottom, Lancashire. "Cain, John Cannell (Owens). Born September 28, 1871, at Stubbins, near Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1892. M.Sc., 1902. D.Sc., 1904. Dalton Scholar, 1892. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, Owens College, 1893. D.Sc. (Tubingen), 1893. At Heidelberg in 1894. Technical Chemist at Levinstein's Chemical Works, Blackley, 1895. Head of Chemistry and Physics Department, Municipal Technical School, Bury, Lanes., 1901. Manager and Head Chemist at Messrs. Brooke, Simpson and Spiller, Ltd., London, 1904. Editor of Chemical Society's Publications, 1906. 28, Pembury Road, Clapton, London, N.E. 65 Calam, Harold (Yorks.). Born December 23, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. M.Sc., 1907. A.I.C., 1905. Assistant Chemist to West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers- Board, 1905. 71, Cemetery Road, Beeston Hill, Leeds. Callaghan, C. J. (Univ.). Born March 8, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Science Master, St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool, 1900- 1901. In Excise Branch, Inland Revenue Department, 1901-1902. Assistant Chemist, Government Laboratory, Clement's Inn, Strand, London, W.C., since 1902. Government Laboratory, Clement's Inn, Strand, London, W.C. ; 4, Onslow Road, Fairfield, Liverpool. Callaghan, Frank (Univ.). Born August 8, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Head Master in Physics, St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool, 1898. Head Tutor, Skerry's Civil Service and University College, London, 1903-1906. At present Head Master in Mathematics and Science,. Rockwell College, Cashel, Co. Tipperary. 4, Onslow Road, Fairfield, Liverpool. Callan, Thomas (Univ.). Born July 3, 1885, at Cheadle, Cheshire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. Fellow of Chemical Society, 1907. Research Assistant (Chemistry) to Professor Campbell Brown, Liverpool University, 1906-1908. 22, Church Street, Egremont, Cheshire. Callender, Cecil Margaret Romaine (Owens). Born November 10, 1877, at Didsbury. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1898. English Mistress in the Sutton (Surrey) High School, G.P.D.S.C., 1902. Appointed Second Mistress. 1906. Ashfield, Lymm, Cheshire. Callister, William Edward (Owens). Born May 28, 1881, at Peel, Isle of Man. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Science Master at St. Margaret's Secondary School, Whalley Range, Manchester, 1902-1904. Science Master at the Douglas- Secondary School, Isle of Man, since 1904. The Rowans, Onchan, Isle of Man. Callum, Harold Sidney Hill (Yorks.). Born February n, 1871. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. M.R.C.S., 1897. L.R.C.P., 1897. Civil Surgeon to the Army in South Africa, 1900. Tadcaster* Calverley, William. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1904. 282, Liverpool Road, Patricroft, Manchester. Calvert, Harry Thornton (Yorks.). Born May 3, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1897 an d (2nd class Chemistry) 1898. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1898-1901. Leipzig University : Ph.D., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. F.I.C., 1904. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1901. Chemist with Messrs. Reckitt and Sons, Ltd., Hull, 1902. Chemist to the West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board since 1903. Thorntonville, St. Johns, Wake field. C I 66 Cambell, Archibald. Born August 16, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. 142, St. Augustine Road, Southsea. *ffCameron, Robert Watson. Born March 21, 1861, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1888. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest ; North Staffs Infirmary ; Brompton Hospital. Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Wolverhampton Hospital for Women. Lifford House, Penn Road, Wolverhampton. Cameron, Mrs. Stewart. See Warham, Amy. Campbell-Horsfall, Charles Edward. See Horsfall, C. E. C. Campbell, Duncan (Univ.). Born September 16, 1880, at Glasgow. B.Sc., 1905. Chemist to Messrs. Hignett Bros., Liverpool, 1905-1906. Now Chemist tt> the British Nicotine Co., Bootle. Calidon, West Kirby. ""Campbell, Emma Margaret (Owens}. Born February, 8, 1874, at Manchester. B.A., 1896. Assistant Teacher in the Mulberry Street Board School, Manchester, 1896. 36, Monton Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Campbell, James Williamson. Born September 28, 1884, at Glasgow. B.Sc. Tech., 1906. Assistant to Professor of Engineering, Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. The Technical College, Glasgow. Campbell, Violet Smith (Univ.). Born February 12, 1876. B.A., 1900. Married, March 9, 1905, Alexander Wilson Russell. Kimberley Pinte Co., Utah, U.S.A. Cannell, John Kaneen (Univ.). Born May 17, 1878. B.Sc., 1899. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. 20, Wellington Street, Douglas, Isle of Man. Canter, William Hathin (Yorks.). Born October 4, 1877, at Barnsley. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Late Senior Resident Medical Officer, City Hospitals, Seacroft, and Public Dispensary, Leeds ; and Senior House Physician, Leeds General Infirmary. Now in general practice. The Woodbines, Earby, vid Colne. *Capamagian, Anthony John (Owens}. Born September 25, 1878, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.D., 1903. F.R.G.S. Formerly House Surgeon and Physician at Huddersfield and Sunder - land; Surgeon to Bibby Line, P. & O., White Star Line. Now in private practice, and doing literary and journalistic work. Raby House, 40, Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester. *f|Capper, Stewart Henbest. Born December 15, 1859, in London. M.A., 1905. Edinburgh University : M.A. (ist class Classics), 1880. Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1891. Associate of the Royal Canadian Academy, 1897. Royal Canadian Aca- demician, 1899. C 2 6 7 Macdonald Professor of Architecture, McGill University, Montreal, 1896-1903. Professor of Architecture, University of Manchester, since 1903. Lieutenant, Canadian Field Artillery, 1900 ; Captain, 1901. Captain, 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Manchester Regiment, 1905. The University, Manchester ; 337, Moss Lane East, Manchester. *Capstick, John Walton (Owens). Born August 31, 1858, at Lancaster. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1883. Derby Scholarship, 1883. M.Sc., 1886. D.Sc., 1893. London University : Matriculation (i8th in Honours). B.A., 1881. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Natural Science Tripos, Part I., and ist class Part II., Chemistry and Physics, distinguished), 1891. Fellow, 1893. M.A., 1894. Lecturer in Natural Science, 1895-1898. Junior Bursar, 1898. Lecturer at University College, Dundee, 1883-1888. Trinity College, Cambridge. *Carey, Arthur (Univ.). Born January 30, 1867, at Widnes, Lanes. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry). 1891. Leblanc Medal, 1891. Mercer Prize,. 1891. M.Sc., 1894. With the United Alkali Co. The Groves, Grassendale Park, Liverpool. *Carey, Edward (Univ.). Born December 12, 1871, at Widnes. LL.B., 1896. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, 1896 ; at the Chancery Bar of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Assistant Registrar, University of Liverpool, 1908. 45, The Elms, Prince's Park, Liverpool ; 4, Harrington Street, Liverpool. Carey, James (Univ.). Born April 25, 1875, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Daisy Street Board School, Liverpool, 1897-1898 ; at St. Paul's School, Prince's Park, Liverpool, 1898-1904 ; at Upper Park Street Council School, Liverpool, since 1905. 231, Burlington Street, Liverpool. *Carmichael, John Fisher (Univ.). Born November 5, 1877, at Glasgow. B.Sc., 1896. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Chemist with Messrs. E. Scott and Co., Engineers, London. 63, St. Domingo Grove, Liverpool. \Cavnelley, Thomas. Born 1852. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (6ist in Honours), 1870. Inter. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1871. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1872. D.Sc., 1876. Lecturer in Chemistry, Owens College, 1875-1879. Professor of Chemistry, Firth College, Sheffield, 1879-1882 ; University College, Dundee, 1882-1888 ; Aberdeen University, 1888-1890, Author of Physico-Chemical Constants, &c. Died August 27, 1890. Carr, Laurence Hudson Ashdown. Born March 10, 1887, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1906. 15, Albert Terrace, Blackpool* 68 Carrier, Else Haydn (Univ.). Born October 20, 1879, at Leighton Buzzard. B.Sc., 1903. University of Liverpool : M.Sc., 1905. Mistress of Science and Mathematics, Duchess School, Alnwick, since 1904. 55, Mayow Road, Forest Hill, London, S.E. *Carroll, Walter (Owens). Born July 4, 1869, at Manchester. Mus.B., 1896. Mus.D., 1900. University of Durham : Mus.Bac., 1891. Organist of St. Clement's, Greenheys, 1892-1895. Music Master at Day Training College, Owens College, 1892. Teacher of Harmony, 1903. Professor of Harmony, 1904, at Royal Manchester College of Music. Lecturer in Harmony and Composition, and Examiner for Musical Degrees, University of Manchester, since 1904. Westcroft, Lansdowne Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Carson, George Edward St. Lawrence (Univ.}. Born January 24, 1873, atLiver- pool. B.Sc., 1892 and (ist class Mathematics) 1893. Derby Scholar. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (2nd Wrangler), 1896. Class I., Division II., Mathematical Tripos, 1897. Lecturer in Mathematics, University College, Sheffield, 1898-1901. Scientific Adviser and Director, J. H. Dallmeyer, Ltd., 1901-1905. Head of Mathematical Department, Battersea Polytechnic, 1905- 1908. Head Mathematical Master, Tonbridge School, 1908. Member of Committee on Teaching, Mathematical Association. Member of Council of Association of Teachers in Technical In- stitutes. Member of the Faculty of Science and of Mathematical Board of Studies, University of London. Chatham House, Hadlow Road, Tonbridge. Carson, Madeline. Born January 13, 1874, at Heaton Chapel, Stockport. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Teacher at Manchester Education Committee's Evening Classes for Certificated Students, Pupil Teachers' College. Assistant Mistress at Battersea Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1907. Newton House, Newton Avenue, Longsight, Manchester. *Carter, Godfrey (Yorks.). Born September 21, 1857, at Wakefield. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.R.C.S., 1880, &c. D.P.H. (London), 1898. House Physician, Leeds Infirmary, 1880-1881; at South Devon Hospital, Plymouth, 1881-1883. In practice at Ilkley from 1884-1896. Governor of Ilkley Grammar School. Formerly Demonstrator of Anatomy, University College, Sheffield. Senior. Assistant House Surgeon, Leeds General Hospital, and House Surgeon, South Devon Hospital. Author of contributions to Medical Journals. 4, Lawson Road, Broomhill, Sheffield. -Carter, Hilda Mary (Univ.}. Born October 14, 1881, at Theddingworth, Rugby. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1903. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at the \Vimbledon High School, 1905. Mistress in the Preparatory Department of the Boys' High School, Nottingham, since 1906. Preparatory Department, Boys' High School, Nottingham. 6 9 Carter, James Bubier (Owens). Born March 6, 1870, at Tottington. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1893. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1895-1896. In general practice since 1896. The Poplars, Ulverston, Lanes. *tfCarter, Roger Neale. Born April 22, 1870, at Manchester. M.Com., 1907. Chartered Accountant (ist in Honours List), 1893. Lecturer in Accounting in Owens College, 1903. Lecturer in the University since 1904. 16, Kennedy Street, Manchester. Cartwright, Emily. B.A., 1907. 49, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Caspari, William Augustus (Univ.). Born January 12, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1896. Leblanc Medal, 1896. (1851) Exhibition Scholar, 1897- 1899, at Jena and Gottingen. With Messrs. Rowntree and Co., Ltd., 1899-1902. At the National Physical Laboratory, 1903-1906. In Analytical and Consulting practice since 1906. 7, Idol Lane, London, E.G. "Catterall, John Herbert (Owens). Born April 19, 1872, at Preston. B.A., 1896. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Pastor, Upper Independent Chapel, Heckmondwike, 1899- 1900. Pastor of Audley Range Congregational Church, Blackburn, 1901-1903. Head Master of Council School, Cleveleys, since 1907. Beach Avenue, Cleveleys, Blackpool. *Chadderton, Anna Leigh. Born March 17, 1874, at Bottom-o'-th'-Moor, Oldham. B.A., 1895. M.A., 1900. Assistant Mistress, Oldham Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1895-1899. Mistress of Method, Durham College of Science (now Armstrong College) Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1900-1905. Married, September, 1905, Christopher Davidson. Rush Hill, Uppermill, near Oldham. Chadwick, Caroline (Owens). Born March 18, 1881, at Salford. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Manchester (Southall Street School), 1903-1905. Form Mistress, Girls' Secondary School, Salford, since 1906. Homewood, Worsley, near Manchester. "Chadwick, Edgar Ignatius. Born September 7, 1877, at Farncombe, Broad- way, Worcestershire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1906. Draughtsman to Patent Indented Steel Bar Co. 1906. 85, Kensington Gardens Square, Bayswater, London, W. Chadwick, Edith Dorothy. Born January 27, 1884, at Eccles, near Manchester. B.A., 1907. Homewood, Worsley, near Manchester. Chadwick, Percival Wager (Yorks.). Born January 21, 1884, at Hull. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. Studying at Freiburg University, Germany, 1904-1905. c/o P. W. Chadwick, The Park, Hull. 7 o Chad wick, Robert Bertram. Born December 8, 1886, at Rochdale. B.Sc., Tech., 1907. Chemist with Messrs. J. Crosfield & Sons, Warrington, since 1905. 98, Mitchell Street, Rochdale. *Chadwick, Samuel. Born March 8, 1884, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Assistant Chemist, West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board, Wake- field, since 1906. Rivers Board Office, Northgate, Wakefield. fChadwick, William Edward. Born May 2, 1858, at Thornhill Lees, near Dewsbury. B.Sc., 1904. Jesus College, Cambridge : Foundation Scholar and Exhibitioner, 1877. B -A. (Aegrotat. Math. Tripos), 1881. M. A., 1884. B.D., 1906. D.D., 1907. Vicar of St. Paul's, Sale, 1887-1903. Vicar of St. Giles', Northampton, 1903. Chaplain of St. Thomas' Hospital, Northampton. 1903. Select Preacher, Cambridge, 1906. Author of The Social Teaching of St. Paul (Camb. Univ. Press). St. Giles' Vicarage, Northampton. * ft Chaffers, Sydney. Born October 8, 1862, at Manchester. M.A., 1905. Sub-Registrar, Owens College, 1892-1895. Registrar, 1895-1904. Bursar of the University since 1904. The Grange, Boothstown, Manchester. *Chalmers, Albert John (Univ.). Born March 28, 1870, at Patricroft. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1893. Liverpool University : M.D., 1905. F.R.C.S., 1895. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1905. Formerly Medical Officer, Gold Coast, West Africa. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Owens College; House Surgeon, Cancer Hospital, Brompton, &c. Formerly served Ashanti Field Force, 1900; men- tioned in despatches ; medal and clasp. Lecturer on Pathology, and Registrar, Medical College, Colombo, Ceylon. Author of Papers and Reports on Tropical Medicine, Hygiene, and Pathology. Medical College, Colombo,^ Ceylon. Chalmers, Charles Stuart (Owens). Born August 4, 1883, at Witl ington, Manchester. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Engineer, Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, Moradabad, United Provinces, India, since 1904. Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, Moradabad, United Provinces, India. Chambers, Ethel (Owens). Born January 18, 1877, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Grecian Street Board School, Salford, 1899 ; since at Mauldeth Road Municipal School, Withington. 24, Brailsford Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Champion, Claud Lee. Born November 13, 1885, at Micklehurst. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Cockburn High School, Leeds, since 1907. 31, Virginia Road, Leeds. Chandley, Silvia Dorothy (Owens). B.A.. 1901. Formerly Assistant Mistress at Sale High School for Girls. 7 1 *Chapman, Charles (Owens). Born June 17, 1870, at Manchester. B.A., 1895 and (2nd class History) 1896. Cobden Club Prize, 1897. M.A., 1900. London University : B.A., 1894. Private Tutor. 83, Mosley Street, Manchester ; 4, Whitelake Avenue, Flixton. Chapman, Mrs. F. T. See Briggs, Maude. Chapman, Harold Percy (Yorks.). Born May 23, 1877, at York. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Science Master, Archbishop Holgate's School, York, 1897- 1898 ; at Laxton Grammar School, Oundle, 1899. 28, New Walk Terrace, York. Chapman, James Fraser. Born November i, 1885, at Swinton, Lancashire. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1906. Draughtsman with Lancaster and Tonge, Ltd., Engineers, Pendleton, since 1906. Teacher of " Heat Engines " at Bury Technical School since 1907. 27, Park Street, Swinton, near Manchester. Chapman, Sydney. Born January 29, 1888, at Eccles. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1907. Graduate Scholar, 1907. Now taking Post-Graduate Course in the University (Mathematical Honours). Sizarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1908. Grove Lodge, Abbey Grove, Eccles. *ffChapman, Sydney John. Born April 20, 1871, at Wells, Norfolk. Jevons Research Student, 1898. M.Com., 1905. University of London : B.A., 1891. M.A., 1894. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Mental and Moral Sciences Tripos, Parts I. and II.), 1898. Major Scholar. M. A., 1903. Adam Smith and Cobden University Prizes. Lecturer on Economic and Political Science, University College, Cardiff, 1899-1901. Professor of Political Economy, Owens College, and in the University, Manchester, since 1901. Author of The Lan- cashire Cotton Industry (1904) ; The Cotton Industry and Trade (1905) ; In Collaboration with Lord Brassey, Foreign Competition (1904) ; Wages and Employment (1907). Burnage Lodge, Levenshulme, Manchester. *Chapman, Thomas William (Yorks.). Born February 9, 1875, a * W 7 akefield. B.Sc., 1898. Teacher's Diploma, 1898. M.Sc., 1902. University of Leeds : M.Sc., 1906. Master at Central Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1898-1902. Principal, United Methodist (Eng.) College, Wen chow, 1902. The College, Wenchow, China. *Chard, Edith Annie (Yorks.). Born October 25, 1876, at Hammersmith, London, W. B.A., 1897. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Mistress at Enmoor Lodge Collegiate School, Leeds, 1898 ; Zetland House, Harrogate, 1901. Private Tutor, 1905. Killiney, York Road, Harrogate. Charlesworth, Arthur (Yorks.). Born December n, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master (Chemistry), Cockburn High School, Leeds. 88, Markham Avenue, Leeds. 72 *Charlesworth, John (Owens). Born February 4, 1880, at Church Coppenhall,. Cheshire. B.Sc., 1902. Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northern Polytechnic Institute, Holloway, London, N., since 1903. 140, Efftngham Road, Harringay, London, N. *Charlton, Margaret Helena (Owens). Born August 12, 1875, a ^ Durham. B.Sc., 1898. Teacher in Bede Higher Grade Girls' School, Sunder land, until 1901. Science Mistress, Victoria High School, Londonderry, 1901-1903. Married, July 20, 1904, Lance Fallaw, M.A., B.Litt. (Durham). Koree, Calramatta Road, Norman, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. Charnley, Joseph. Born August 29, 1886, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1907. Gilchrist Travelling Studentship, 1907. 3, TV afford Place, Old Trafford, Manchester. Chater, William John (Univ.). Born January 16, 1880, at Northampton. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Northampton, since 1903. 105, Abington Avenue, Northampton. Cheatle, Herbert John (Owens). Born June 30, 1874, at Birmingham. B.A., 1898. Congregational Minister at Dawlish, 1899-1902. Congregational Minister at Torquay, since 1902. Bournville, Thurlow Park, Torquay. *Cheetham, David Hubert (Owens). Born August 14, 1868, at Ashton-under-Lyne. M.B.,Ch.B., 1893. Medical Practitioner. The Hollins, Stockport Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. Cheetham, Frederick Thomas. Born December 14, 1885, at Waterside, Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Teacher in the Marlborough Road Council School, Salford, since 1907. 17, Ripon Street, Ashton-under-Lyne* Cheshire, Walter Kay (Owens). Born January 22, 1880, at Crewe. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1899. Assistant in the L. & N. W. Rly. Co.'s Laboratory, Crewe, 1899-1902. Chemist in the Public Health Laboratory of the Lanark County Council since 1902. County Health Offices, Hamilton, N.B. Chew, Robert Owen. Born October 22, 1878, at Whalley, Lancashire. B.Com., 1907. Lecturer in Higher Commercial Subjects in Technical Schools of Newry, Armagh, and Portadown. 27, Queen Street, Newry, Ireland ; Pool House, Whalley, Blackburn. *Chisholm, Alice Thornley (Owens). Born June 24, 1879, at Radcliffe. B.A., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1902. Assistant Mistress at Bolton Municipal Secondary School. 339, Oxford Road, Manchester. 73 -*Chisholm, Catherine (Owens). Born January 2, 1878, at Radcliffe, Lancashire. B.A., 1898. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Battersea Branch of Clapham Maternity Hospital, 1904-1905. Senior House Surgeon, Clapham Maternity Hospital, 1905. Resident Medical Officer, The Eldwick Sanatorium, Bingley, 1906. Since 1906 in general practice in Manchester. 339, Oxford Road, Manchester. Chisholm, Emily (Univ.). Born July 17, 1881, at Oxton, Birkenhead. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Girls' County School, Hengoed, Cardiff, 1903 ; .Middlesbrough High School since 1904. 13, I meson Terrace, Middlesbrough. Chorlton, Alfred Ethelbert Gospatric (Owens). Born September 26, 1869, at Manchester. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor (Honours at Final Examination) ; admitted 1894. Chairman Manchester University Union, 1904. Member of Prestwich Urban District Council, 1907. Practises as Solicitor in Manchester. Waveney, Prestwich Park, Prestwich; 32, Brazennose Street, Manchester. Chorlton, James Dewsbury (Owens}. Born January 13, 1873, at Withington, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Barrister-at-Law. Has published The Rating of Land Values. 2, Garden Court, Temple, London, E.G. Christian, Alexander Gladstone (Univ.}. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. c/o Bengal Coal Co., 5, Fairlie Place, Calcutta, India. *Christophers, Samuel Rickard (Univ.}. Born November 27, 1873, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Resident Physician, Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1898. Member of the Malaria Commission of the Royal Society and Colonial Office, 1898-1902. Entered Indian Medical Service, 1902. Now Captain and Superintendent of the King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Guindy, Madras. Joint author of The Practical Study of Malaria and other Blood Parasites, 1903. Author of The Anatomy and Histology of Ticks, 1906 ; and of other Scientific Memoirs. The King Institute, Guindy, Madras Presidency ; 2, West Road, Albert Park, Liverpool. Clague, Nessie Catherine. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Queenswood Girls' School, Clapham Park, London. 29, Roseneath Road, Urmston, Manchester. Clark, Annie Moon (Owens}. Born April 22, 1875, a t Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1899. M.A., 1902. Oxford University Teachers' Diploma, 1900. Late Assistant Mistress at Wycombe Abbey School. History Mistress, Manchester High School, since 1906. Manchester High School, Dover Street. Clark, Charles Bernard. Born February n, 1885, at Doncaster. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1905. In Engineering Works at Bedford. 16, Grafton Road, Bedford. 74 Clark, James (Yorks.). Born November 13, 1875, at Osmotherley, Yorks. B.Sc., 1901. Munich University : Ph.D., 1904. Science Master, Sidcot School, 1901-1902. Head Master, Newtown School, Waterford, 1906. Newtown School, Water ford, Ireland. \ *Clark, Nellie (Univ.). Born March 10, 1877, at Preston, Lanes. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Teacher at Lancaster Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1898-1899. Principal of Pupil Teachers' Centre, Middleton, 1899-1906. Head Mistress of the Pupil Teacher and Preparatory School- for Girls, Hastings, 1906. Melrose House, Edmund Road, Clive Vale, Hastings. *Clarke, Andrew Campbell (Owens). Born June 9, 1874, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D., 1905. L.S.A., 1900. In general practice since 1900, at Higher Broughton, Manchester* District Medical Officer, Salford Royal Hospital, 1901. Medical Referee, Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, 1905. Divisional Police Surgeon for Broughton, 1906. 402, Bury New Road, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Clarke, Harold. Born November 22, 1881, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1905. Science Master, Fishguard County School, 1905-1906 ; Ashton-in- Makerfield Grammar School since 1906. 10, Osborne Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield. *Clarke, Henry Reginald (Owens). Born February 15, 1876, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Formerly Senior and Junior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospitals, Manchester ; Junior House Surgeon, Bolton Infirmary. Now Honorary Anaesthetist, Manchester Northern Hospital for Women and Children. 364, Bury New Road, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Clarke, James Bertram (Owens). Born November 29, 1874, at Manchester. M.B.,Ch.B., 1897. Formerly Civil Surgeon : Volunteer Surgeon-Lieutenant 22nd Company Imperial Yeomanry, South Africa; Lieutenant R.A.M.C., 1901 ; Captain, 1904. c/o Messrs. Holt & Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Clarke, James McFarlane (Owens'). Born January 28, 1857, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1885. M.R.C.S. (Eng.). L.R.C.P. (Lond.). L.S.A. (Lond.). Surgeon. 262C, King Street, Ravenscomb Park, London, W. Clarke, John Hutton (Owens'). Born February 9, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. In business, 1896-1902. Ordained Deacon, 1902 ; Priest, 1903, Man- chester. Curate of St. Martin's, Castleton Moor, 1902-1907 ; of St. Elisabeth, Reddish, since 1907. 2, Ainsdale Grove, Reddish, Stockport. 75 Clarke, Katherine. Born July 21, 1877, at Birmingham. B.A., 1904. Teachers' Diploma (Cambridge), 1906. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bootle, Liverpool, 1904-1906. English Mistress, Uplands School, St. Leonards-on-Sea, since 1907. 37, York Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Clarkson, Jessie Dewrance. Born November 12, 1882, at Barrow-in-Furness. B.A. (ist class History), 1904. Teacher's Diploma (Withers Prize), 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Manchester High School for Girls, 1905-1906. Croslands Park Road, Barrow-in-Furness. Clarkson, Leonard (Junior). Born May 16, 1887, at Moss Side, Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1907. 6, Florence Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Classen, Ernest. Born February 9, 1881, at Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Modern Languages), 1905. M.A., 1907. Modern Language Master, Coleraine Academical Institution, Co. Derry, Ireland, 1905. Lecturer in English, Faculty of Technology, University of Manchester, 1906. Lecturer in English, The Uni- versity of Upsala, Sweden, 1907. University Extension Lecturer, University of London, 1907. Author of two German Scientific and Technological Readers (Harper), 1906. 9, Sysslomansgatan, Upsala, Sweden. *fClay, Charles. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1881. 4, Holford Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Clay, Laurence (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Died August 3, 1906. Clayton, Edith. Born May 2, 1882, at Romiley, near Stockport. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Harris Institute, Preston, 1904-1905 ; Secondary School, Ashton-under-Lyne, since 1905. Green Lane, Romiley, near Stockport. Clayton, Reginald. Born February 9, 1883, at Radcliffe, Lancashire. LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1906. Practising at Manchester and Radcliffe. Temple Chambers, Brazennose Street, Manchester. *Clayton, Robert Henry (Owens). Born March 20, 1872, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1893. Chemist with Messrs. Hardman and Hold en, Limited, since 1892. Messrs. Hardman and H olden, Varley Street, Miles Platting, Manchester. Cleasby, Mabel (Yorks.). Born February 20, 1874. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1899. Late Assistant Mistress at Carnarvon County School. Prospect House, Ripponden. Cleaver, Leonard Swainson (Univ.). Born December 3, 1873, at Stoneycroft, Liverpool. LL.B., 1897. 7 6 Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Admitted March, 1899. Commissioner for oaths. Cleaver, Holden 6- Co., 26, North John Street r Liverpool. Clegg, Alford Victor. Born July 18, 1885, at Littleborough, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1907. Leblanc Medal, 1907. Haverbrack, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. *Clegg, John Gray (Owens). Born February 6, 1869, a * Eccles. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1893. Member of Court, 1900-1905. London University : M.B. (University Scholar and Gold Medal in Forensic Medicine, ist class Honours in Obstetric Medicine, and 2nd class Honours in Medicine), 1893. B.S., 1893. M.D., 1894.. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1894. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1891. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1892. Prosector and Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, 1899, and Extra Demon- strator in Pathology, 1903, in the Owens College. Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester: House Surgeon, 1894-1899; Honorary Assistant Surgeon, 1899 ; Honorary Surgeon, 1902. Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Northern Hospital for Incurables, 1905. Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Schools of the Lancashire and Cheshire Society for the Permanent Care of the Feeble Minded, 1905. 22, St. John Street, Manchester. *fClegg, John Taylor. Born November 21, 1840, at York. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A. (Honours), 1865. Head Master of Clarendon Road School (Eccles), 1866-1892. Ordained Deacon (Manchester), 1891 ; Priest, 1892. Curate of Barton-on- Irwell (1891-1892); of Bowling, Bradford, 1892-1894; of St. Peter's, Rochdale, 1894-1898; of St. John's, Flint, 1898-1899; of All Saints, Gorton, 1899. Now Vicar of Burwardsley, Chester. Also Chaplain to Lord Tollemache, of Peckforton Castle, since 1902. Burwardsley Vicarage, Chester. Clemens, Godfrey Jackson (Owens). Born November 10, 1878, at St. John's, Antigua. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1898. M.A., 1902. Assistant Master, Fulneck School, near Leeds. Minister of Moravian Church, Brockweir, Chepstow, since 1906. Brockweir, Chepstow, Mon. Clement, Oswald (Univ.). Born September 16, 1880, at Egremont, near Birkenhead. LL.B., 1901. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, October, 1904. 131, Cecil Chambers, 86, Strand, London, W.C. ; 53, Coldharbour Lane, Denmark Hill, London, S.E. Clements, Sarah Eliza. Born July 30, 1885, at Belfast. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. Leblanc Medal, 1906. Science Mistress in Victoria College, Belfast, since 1906. 67, Botanic Avenue, Belfast. *Clemesha, Henry Wordsworth (Owens). Born October 6, 1873, at Preston. B.A. (2nd class History), 1893. M.A., 1896. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1897. Has contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, and has written Introduction to Hewitson's Preston Court Leet Records. Cannon Street Chambers, Preston. 77 Clemesha, William Wesley (Owens). Born April 19, 1871, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. D.P.H., 1902. M.D. (com- mended), 1903. ? House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894-1895. Indian Medical Service, 1896. Captain, 1899. At present officiating Sanitary Commissioner of Bengal. Office of Sanitary Commission of Bengal, Writer's Buildings, Calcutta. Cliff, Rose Gertrude. Born April 5, 1882, at Leicester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Waterloo Secondary School, Oldham. Assistant Mistress in charge of Pupil Teacher's Centre, Municipal Secondary School, Nelson. 35, Coppice Street, Oldham; 101, Carr Road, Nelson. *Clubb, Joseph Albert (Univ.). Born February 17, 1866, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology,) 1894. University Scholarship in Zoology, 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Curator in the Free Public Museum, Liverpool, 1895. Shirley House, Upton, Birkenhead, Cheshire. *Coates, Harold (Owens). Born October 28, 1873, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1-897. D.P.H., 1899. M.D. (com- mended), 1901. House Surgeon, Eccles and Patricroft Hospital, 1897-1898. Senior Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health, Manchester, 1899-1901. Medical Officer of Health, Public Analyst, and Medical Super- intendent, Isolation Hospital, Burton-on-Trent, 1901-1904. Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 1905. Medical Officer of Health, Medical Superintendent, Isolation Hospital, and Medical Officer to Education Committee, Hornsey, N., since 1904. Municipal Offices, Highgate, London, N. Coates, Richard (Yorks.). Born March 3, 1877, at Bradford. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Surgeon to Huntingdon County Hospital, 1903-1904. Surgeon to S.S. Orcana (P.S.N.C.), 1904. Now in general practice. Medical Officer for No. i District of Bridg water Union, and Public Vaccinator for No. 2 District. 38, Monmouth Street, Bridgwater, Somerset. Cochran, James. Born at West Didsbury, Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. M.Sc., 1907. At Stuart Street Manchester Corporation Electric Power Station. Glendale, West Didsbury. Cockrill, Mrs. See Bendall, Mary C. Cocks, Mabel Angelina. Born April 6, 1882, at Bredbury, Stockport. B.A., 1904. Senior Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Hyde, since 1904. Harden Cottage, Woodley, near Stockport. Cohen, Alexander Max. Born February 12, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Analytical Chemist to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 1906. 322, Waterloo Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester ; 94, Highfield Road, Rock Ferry. *fCohen, Julius Berend. Born May 6, 1859, at Pendleton, Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Munich University : Ph.D., 1884. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Owens College, Manchester, 1885-1891. Lecturer and afterwards Professor of Organic Chemistry, Yorkshire College (Leeds University), since 1891. The University, Leeds. Colclough, Tom Peach. Born December 15, 1885, at Dukinfield. B.Sc., 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Teacher's' Diploma, 1907. Science Master at Ashford Grammar School, Kent, since 1907. Ash/ord Grammar School, Kent. *Cole, Hylda Constance (Univ.). Born June 25, 1875, at Parkgate, Chester. B.A., 1896. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Cambridge Teacher's Diploma, 1899. Student of the Women's Training College, Cambridge, 1898-1899. Head Mistress, Selwyn House School, Rugeley, 1899-1900. Assis- tant Mistress, Sandford School, Blundellsands, 1900-1906. English and Mathematics Mistress, Glasgow High School for Girls, since 1906. Sunnyside, Parkgate, Chester. Coleclough, Henry Tudor. Born June, 1886, at Connah's Quay, Flintshire. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Upper Lloyd Street Council School, Moss Side, Manchester. Evening Lecturer, Royal Technical Institute, Salford. 22, Dude Street, Oxford Road, Manchester. Collett, John Henry (Owens). Born July 24, 1876, at Gloucester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Manufacturing Chemist. Hill field, Wotton, Gloucester. Collier, Joseph. Born 1855, at Hyde, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (University Scholarship. Gold Medal in Forensic Medicine. Honours in Physiology and Histology and Medicine), 1884. B.S. (University Scholar and Gold Medal in Surgery), 1884. M.R.C.S., 1882. L.S.A., 1882. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1885. Lecturer in Dental Anatomy and Physiology, 1884-1885, and Demon- strator in Anatomy in Owens College, 1882-1885. Assistant to Lecturer in Practical Surgery in 1893, and Lecturer in Practical Surgery in Owens College, 1900-1904, in the University, 1903-1905. Resident Surgical Officer and Surgical Registrar, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirm- ary. Medical Officer, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company. Honorary Surgeon, and, later, Consulting Surgeon, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury. Visiting and Consulting Surgeon, Workhouse Infirmary, Crumpsall. Captain of No. 2 Company of the Royal Army Medical Corps (Volunteers). President of the Manchester Pathological Society. President of the Manchester Medical Society. Author of numerous contributions to Medical Journals, &c. Died October 13, 1905. *Collins, Arthur Ward (Univ.). Born December 17, 1859, at Rainhill. M.B., Ch.B. (Honours in Anatomy, Materia Medica, and Pharmacology), 1886. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1885-1886. In general practice at Ulverston since 1889. Medical Officer for Ulverston Workhouse. Fountain Street, Ulverston. UNSV 79 Collins, Clara. Born April 2, 1885, at Heaton Park, Manchester. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Princess Road Municipal School, Manchester. i, Grosvenor Street, Heaton Park, Manchester. Collins, Mary (Univ.). B.A., 1901. Collins, Mary Catherine (Univ.). Born October i, 1873, at Liverpool. B.A., 1896. London University : B.A., 1895. Head Mistress, Girton House School, West Kirby, 1896. 145, Kingsley Road, Liverpool. Collinson, Robert Whiteley (Owens). Born November 6, 1875, at Halifax. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1897. University Fellowship in Science, 1898. Analytical Chemist at Carrow Works (J. & J. Colman, Ltd.) since 1900. The Laurels, 49, Mount Pleasant, Norwich. *Colman, Harold Govett (Owens). Born February 5, 1866, at Peterborough. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1885. Mercer Scholarship, 1885. M.Sc., 1888. Wiirzburg University : Ph.D. (summa cum laude), 1888. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer, Mason College, Birmingham, 1891-1892. Chief Chemist to the Birmingham Corporation Gas Department, 1892-1903. In practice as Consulting Chemist since 1903. Elmside, Worcester Park, Surrey. *Compston, Edmund Leach (Owens). Born June 29.. 1870, at Settle, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., (2nd class Honours), 1893. In general practice. Senior St. John's Ambulance Surgeon. Lilac House, Crawshawbooth, Rawtenstall, Lancashire. Connolly, Thomas Francis (Univ.). Born December 9, 1878, at Kilcorran, Ireland. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1899. 57, Breckfield Road South, Everton, Liverpool. Coogan, Thomas (Owens). Born December 21, 1880, at 12, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1903. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital, Manchester, 1904-1906. At present Assistant to Dr. Watkin at Earlstown, Lancashire. roo, Market Street, Earlstown, Lancashire. Cook, Albert William (Owens). Born April 22, 1877, at St. Helens, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1901. Mechanical Engineer. Cowley Mount, St. Helens, Lancashire. Cook, Charles (Univ.). Born December 29, 1873, a t Liverpool. B.Sc., 1895. Assistant Master in the School Board School of Science, York Place, Brighton, 1895. Deceased. Cook, Gilbert. Born October 26, 1885, at Blackburn. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1905. Graduate Scholar, 1905. Articled Pupil to D. C. Rattray, Esq., M.I.C.E. (Chief Engineer of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway), January i, 1906. Edenholme, 8, Clarendon Road, Garston, Liverpool, 8o *Cook, Joseph Basil (Owens). Born 1877, at London. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1902. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1907. House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1902 ; St. Mark's Hospital, London, 1903 ; Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children, Brighton, 1903-1904. Senior Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Kensington Infirmary, W., since 1905. Fellow of Medical Society of London. Pavkdene, Gt. Missenden, Bucks. ; Kensington Infirmary, W. *Cooke, Alice Margaret (Owens). Born September 18, 1867, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1890. M.A., 1893. Member of Court, 1897. Jones Fellowship, Owens College, 1890. Assistant Lecturer in History at Owens College, 1893-1897. Assistant Tutor, Department for Women, Owens College, 1897. Assistant Lecturer in History at the University College, Cardiff, 1901-1903. Appointed to arrange and catalogue Lord Acton's Library for the University Library, Cambridge, 1903-1907. Lecturer in History, University of Leeds, 1907. Has contributed to the English Historical Review, to the Dictionary of National Biography, and to Poole's Oxford Historical Atlas. Has edited for the Chetham Society the MS. Visitationes B.M.V. de Whalley. 1 8, Grosvenor Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. *Cooke, Arthur William (Owens). Born December 27, 1863, at Manchester. B.A., 1883. M.A., 1886. Assistant Tutor, Handsworth Theological College, 1890-1893. Wesleyan Minister at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 1893 ; at London, 1894 ; at Stockport, 1897 ; at London, 1900; at Glasgow, 1903 ; at New- castle-on-Tyne since 1906. 61, Linden Road, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Cooke, Matthew James Hilton (Owens). Born August 28, 1879, at Astley, Manchester. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master at St. Mark's Boys' School, Worsley, 1903. Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics at Stockport Technical School since 1903. 25, Countess Street, Stockport. Cooling, Percy John (Owens). Born August 30, 1878, at Madras. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master at Kingswood School, Bath, 1900-1907 ; Emanuel School, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W., since 1907. Woodhill, Portishead, near Bristol. *Cooper, Albert Henry (Yorks.). Born July 13, 1877, at Leeds. Gilchrist Scholarship, 1895. B.Sc., "1897 and (ist class Physics) 1899. University Scholarship in Physics, 1899. M.Sc , 1900. London University : B.A., 1896. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Science Master at Wrexham County School since 1899. 64, Stratford Street, Dewsbury Road, Leeds. Cooper, Charles. Born November 5, 1887, at Whitefield, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1907. Master at the Fielden School, Manchester, 1908. 193, Belmont Road, Astley Bridge, Bolton. 8i Cooper, Emor Reuben (Owens). Born November 6, 1873, at Higher Ardwick, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. Late Resident Surgical Officer and Resident Medical Officer, City Infirmary, Birmingham, and Resident Obstetrician, Central Midwifery Board Training School. Wood Lawn, Hastings Place, Lytham, Lanes. *Cooper, James Sidmouth (Owens}. Born November 2, 1869, at Axbridge, Somerset. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1903. Minister, Wesleyan Methodist Church. Ordained at Newcastle-on- Tyne, 1901. 55, Prince Albert Road, Wavertree, Liverpool. Cooper, Marjorie. Born August 20, 1883, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class History), 1905. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Manchester High School, since 1906. Edgedale, Hale, Cheshire. Cooper, Percy Robert (Owens). Born August 7, 1869, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. London University : Preliminary Scientific (M.B.) (3rd class Zoology), 1887. Inter. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1888. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1889. M.B. (3rd class Medicine, ist class Forensic Medicine), 1896. M.D., 1901. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1893. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1895. Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester ; Assistant Demon- strator in Zoology and Pathology, Owens College. In general practice at Bowdon and Broadheath since 1895. Glenthorn, The Downs, Bowdon, Cheshire. Cooper, Thomas Brammall (Owens). Born January 21, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1891. A.MJnst.C.E. Assistant Engineer on Manchester Ship Canal, 1891-1896: to Mr. James Nuttall, 1896-1899. Resident Administrative Engineer, British Electric Traction Co., 1899-1900. Managing Engineer for Messrs. Edmund Nuttall and Co., 1900-1906. Managing Partner, Messrs. T. B. Cooper and Co., Sun Buildings, Bristol, since 1906. 4, Grange Road, Clifton, Bristol. Cooper, William Arthur (Yorks.). Born March 20, 1883, at Cockermouth. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master at Friends' School, Ackworth, 1903-1905 ; at King's College, Cambridge, since 1905. King's College, Cambridge. Coopland, George William (Univ.). Born July 8, 1875, at Carnarvon. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1901. Teacher at Elementary Schools, 1896-1899. At Municipal College, Grimsby, 1899-1901. Municipal Secondary School, Norwich, 1901-1903. The County School, Dover, since 1903. Claremont, Grabble Hill, Dover. Cope, Herbert Ambrose (Owens). Born August 16, 1879, at Derby. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1900. Engineer with Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A., 1901-1904; with Westinghouse Patent Bureau, London, from 1904. Registered Patent Agent, 1907. Croft House, Ashbourne Road, Derby. 82 *ffCopinger, Walter Arthur. Born April 14, 1847, in London. M.A., 1905. LL.D. (Cantuar). F.S.A., F.R.S.A. Barrister -at-Law. Professor of Law in the University, since 1892. Some- time President of the Bibliographical Society. President of the Manchester Law Library Society. Author of History of the Manors of Suffolk, and various theological and antiquarian publications. Moreton House, Kersal, Manchester. Copley, Frederick (Yorks. ). Born December 17, 1879, at Charlestown, Shipley.. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Belle Vue Secondary School, Bradford, since 1901. Fern Cottage, Charlestown, Shipley. Coppock, Harold. Born February i, 1882, at Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Physician, General Hospital, Cheltenham, 1908. Newquay, Davenport Park, Stockport ; General Hospital, Cheltenham. *Corbett, Catharine Louisa. Born December 2, 1877, at Handforth, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1907. Junior Medical Officer, Battersea Maternity Hospital, 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Chelsea Infirmary, 1906. Now Assistant Medical Officer, West Ham Hospital. West Ham Infirmary, Leytonstone, London, N.E. *Core, Donald Elms. Born October, 1882, at Fallowfield, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1906. Leech Fellow in Medicine, 1906. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906-1907. Pathologist, Manchester Cancer Hospital, 1907. House Physician to Derby- shire Royal Infirmary, Derby, since 1907. Groombridge House, Withington, Manchester ; Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby. *Core, William Hamilton (Owens). Born January 9, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1901. With Messrs. Simon Carver Ltd., Engineers, 1897-1905. Became a Member of the Manchester Stock Exchange in 1906. Groombridge House, Withington, Manchester. *Corkhill, Joseph George Garibaldi (Univ.). Born October 23, 1862, at Liver- pool. M.B., Ch.B., 1886. M.D., 1901. M.R.C.S., &c., 1884. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1884-1885. House Surgeon, Stanley Hospital, 1886-1887. Physician, "Smedley's Hydropathic, at Matlock, 1887-1889 : at Southport, 1889. "in private practice at Southport since 1889. 21, York Road, Birkdale, Southport. Cormack, Robert Richardson (Univ.). Born December 7, 1880. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1905. National Scholar, Royal College of Science. Associate of the Royal School of Mines, 1903. Remanet Scholarship in Metallurgy, 1903. Assistant Manager, ~Sinai Exploration Syndicate, Egypt, 1903. Assistant Manager, Le Roi No. 2, Ltd., Rossland, B.C., Canada. Member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1006. Le Roi No. 2, Ltd.. Rossland, B.C., Canada. 83 *Cornish, Vaughan (Owens). Born December 22, 1862, at Debenham Vicarage, Suffolk. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1888. M.Sc., 1892. D.Sc., 1901. F.C.S., 1888. F.R.G.S., 1897. Gill Memorial Award R.G.S., 1900. F.G.S., 1901. Silver Medal, Scientific Photography, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Honorary Member, Yorkshire Philosophical Society, 1906. Author of original scientific papers on Water Waves, Sand Dunes, Sand Banks, Snow Drifts, etc. (Geographical Journal, 1897-1907). 31, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W. Corrie, William Edward (Yorks.). Born July 15, 1877, at North Ferriby, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1902. Engineer with Messrs. Urquhart, Lindsay and Co., Dundee, 1898-1900 ; with Great Northern Railway, 1900-1901 ; with Gold Coast Government Railway, 1901-1903 : with Burma Railways, 1903- 1906. Engineer on Construction of Shire Highland Railway, British Central Africa, since 1907. Kilchoan, Balgay, Dundee ; Engineering Staff, Shire Highland Railway, Blantyre, Nyassaland. Corson, James Frederick (Owens}. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Late Assistant Resident Medical Officer, County Asylum, Lancaster, and Hope Hospital, Pendleton. House Surgeon, Eccles and Patricroft Hospital, and Junior Demonstrator of Anatomy, Owens College, 1902. (Now travelling.) County Asylum, Lancaster. Cort, John Milton (Owens'). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Died October 9, 1901. fCort, John Patchett. Born October 17, 1856, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1882. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1879. M.A., 1883. Ordained York; Deacon, 1879; Priest, 1880. Senior Curate of St. Philip's, Sheffield, 1879-1881. Curate of Sale, 1881-1884. Vicar of Sale since 1884. Surrogate for the Diocese of Chester. Chair- man of the Bucklow Board of Guardians from 1904. The Vicarage, Sale, Cheshire. Coston, Edward Percy (Univ.). Born May 24, 1883, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. With Messrs. Cammell. Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead, 1902-1905. Assistant Engineer with Messrs. J. Gordon Alison and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead, 1905-1908. 2, Gerald Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. *Cotton. Robert. Born January 28, 1886, at Rusholme, Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1905. Articled pupil to Messrs. John Newton, Son and Bayley, Civil Engineers, Manchester. Past Students' Medal, Manchester University Engineering Society, 1906-1907. Westholme, Devonshire Road, Pendleton, near Manchester. Cottrell, Allin. Born April 20, 1886, at New Delph, near Old ham. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1907. Assistant Teacher, Waterloo Senior School, Oldham. New Delph, near Oldham. 8 4 Couldrey, Paul Sidney (Univ.). Born February 20, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1897. At Royal School of Mines (National and Research Scholar), 1897-1900, Assistant Manager to the Cordoba Exploration Co., 1901. c/o British Vice-Consul, Mauriques g Cordoba, Spain. *Coulson, Alfred (Yorks.). Born July 31, 1877, at Scarborough. B.Sc., 1897. M.Sc., 1900. London University : B.A., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1906. Science Master, Grammar School, Dudley, 1906. Head of Physics and Mathematics Departments, Technical School, Dudley, 1902. 37, Gladstone Road, Scarborough. Coulthard, Albert (Owens). Born June 25, 1876, at Workington. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. Assistant Master at Chelmsford Grammar School in 1898 ; at Cleobury Mortimer Agricultural College, 1 898-1 900. Lecturer at the Christian Brothers' College, Cork, 1900-1903. Senior Science Master, Clon- goweswood College, co. Kildare, 1903. Occasional Lecturer, Department of Technical Instruction, Ireland, for Teachers' Courses. 112, Harrington Road, Workington ; Clongoweswood College, co. Kildare. Cousins, Henry. B.Sc., 1904. Cousins, William Phillips (Owens). Born March 3, 1867, at Kilgetty, Pem- brokeshire. B.A., 1893. M.A., 1906. B.D. (St. Andrews), 1895. Congregational Minister, 1892 ; at Ossett, 1895 ; at Bramhall, since 1905. Fern Lea, Bramhall, Cheshire. *Coutts, Francis James Henderson (Owens). Born April 29, 1865, at Bowen,. Queensland, Australia. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Pharmacology and Therapeutics), 1892. Honorary Research Fellowship, Owens College, 1895. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1898. D.P.H., 1900. B.Sc. (in Public Health), 1908. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1892-1893. Resident Medical Officer, Victoria Hospital, Burnley, 1893-1894. Assistant in Public Health Department, Manchester University, 1899-1901. Joint Editor of the Medical Chronicle, 1900-1901. Medical Officer of Health for the County Borough of Blackpool, and Medical Superintendent to the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Blackpool, 1901. 264, Hornby Road, Blackpool. *Coutts, John William (Owens). Born August 13, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Minister of the United Free Church of Scotland, Coldstream, 1902- 1907; Aberdeen, since 1907. i, Fonthill Road, Aberdeen. Coventry, Charles (Owens). Born September 8, 1871. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Hon. Assistant Physician, Perth Hospital, Western Australia. Milligan Street, Perth, Western Australia. 85 *Coventry, Theodore (Owens). Born May 5, 1864, at Salford. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1886. M.Sc., 1889. Engineer. Managing Director of Messrs. Smith and Coventry, Limited, Machine Tool Makers, Salford. Beech House, Altrincharn, Cheshire. Cowap, John Chester. Born November 29, 1884, at Over, Cheshire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Assistant Chemist to H.M. Customs, 1904. 1 8, Forburg Road, Stoke Newington, London, N. *Coward, Hubert Frank (Owens). Born October 18, 1883, at Blackburn. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. University Scholar, 1903. University Fellow, 1904. Dalton Scholar, 1905. Tutor of Hulme Hall, 1905. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer, Manchester University, since 1906. Hulme Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester ; 25, Rividge Road, Blackburn, Lancashire. Coward, Katharine Hope. Born July 2. 1885, at Blackburn. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1906. Elected Research Student, 1906. Science Mistress at Skipton Girls' Grammar School since 1907. 25, Rividge Road, Blackburn, Lancashire. Coward, Milburga Scott (Univ.). Born September 23, 1875, at Southport. B.A., 1898. First Mistress at English Convent, Bruges, 1898-1900. Western Lodge, Portland Place, London, W. Cowell, Rhoda Mary (Owens}. Born August 26, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1898. Married, May 31, 1899, Alfred Robinson. Birch Grove, Rusholme, Manchester. Cowin, Daniel (Owens). Born December 15, 1876, at Douglas, Isle of Man. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Assistant House Surgeon, West Bromwich District Hospital. House Physician, Salop Infirmary. Assistant House Surgeon, St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, Rochester. Late Medical Officer, Gold Coast West African Medical Staff. 16, Thorny Road, Douglas, I.O.M. Cowlishaw, Mrs. See Gibson, Louisa. Cox, Edward Harvey. (Owens). Born April 5, 1878, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice Casualty House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1903. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1904. House Surgeon, Northern Hospital, Manchester, 1904- 1905. Assistant Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906-1907. 7, Alexandra Road, Manchester. *Cox, Sydney George (Owens). Born November 9, 1881, at Manchester. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1908. 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Cox, William Joseph. Born September 7, 1876, at Rotherham. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. Anaesthetist and Casualty Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1906. South Terrace, Moor gate, Rotherham. 86 Coxhead, Mrs. G. E. S. See Kelly, Margaret D. Coxon, Laurance Adams (Yorks.). B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Coxson, Esther Shelmerdine. Born April 22, 1877, at Stockport. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Stockport Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1907 ; Stockport Municipal Secondary School since 1907. 72, Offerton Lane, Stockport. Crabtree, James Fox (Owens). Born October 27, 1871, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1892. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1897. 40, Brazennose Street, Manchester. Crabtree, Walter (Owens). Born September 24, 1875, a * Todmorden. B.Sc., 1896. University Scholarship in Anatomy, &c., 1897. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1900. Resident Medical Officer, Stoke Union Hospital, 1900. 125, Netherfield Road, Nelson, Lanes. *Crabtree, Walter Robinson (Univ.). Born July 14, 1870, at Southport. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1889. M.Sc., 1892. Civil Engineer. Assistant in Nautical Survey of Ribble, 1889-1890 ; to Borough Surveyor of Southport, 1890-1898 ; to City Surveyor of Sheffield, 1898-1899. Surveyor to Rural District Council of Doncaster since 1899. 40, Windsor Road, Doncaster. Craig, Colin McKean. Born June 30, 1883, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1905. M.D., 1907. Junior Demonstrator in Anatomy in the University of Manchester, 1905-1907. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. At present Junior Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital. 8, Parkfield Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. Craig, Elsie (Owens). Born April 25, 1880, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Ross Place Municipal School, 1902-1904 ; Stretford Road Secondary School, 1904. 35, Derby Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Craig, John (Owens). Born October 4, 1877, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. In general practice. 161, Ashton New Road, Beswick, Manchester. Craine, David (Univ.). Born September i, 1878, at Ballaugh, Isle of Man. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1904. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, St. Michael's Hamlet Board School, Liverpool, 1900. 56, Gwendoline Street, Liverpool. *Crake, Herbert Milverton (Univ.). Born October 20, 1874, at Spennymoor. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Since 1899 on Special Plague Duty in Calcutta. 234/6, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta. 8? Crankshaw, Hugh Mason. Born November 10, 1883, at Horwich, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1906. Colliery Manager's Certificate (ist class), 1907. Mining Engineer. General Mine Inspection Work as Assistant to Mining Engineer, Mexico, 1907. Manager of Salt Deposits, Carmen Island, Gulf of California, 1908. u, Ironmonger Lane, London ; Apartado 66, Guaymas, Est de Sonora, Mexico. Cranwill, Emily (Univ.). B.A., 1902. Deceased. Craven, Clara. Born May 23, 1884, at Hyde, Cheshire. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, County Secondary School, Hyde. 68, Chapel Street, Hyde. Crawford, David McFarlane. Born February 19, 1887, at Airdrie, Lanarkshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Private Tutor. 5, Clifton Road, Eccles, Manchester. Crawshaw, Annie (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Crawshaw, Charles William (Owens). Born October 2, 1878, at Ramsbottom. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. D.P.H., 1905. L.M., Rotunda Hospital, Dublin. External Maternity Assistant, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 1901. Barwood Mount, Ramsbottom, Lancashire. Crawshaw, John William (Owens). Born March 14, 1869, at Bedford Leigh, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1892. House Suigeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1892-1893. In general practice since 1895. Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand. Crawshaw, Kate (Owens). Born April 29, 1881, at Ramsbottom, near Man- chester. B.A., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1902. Barwood Mount, Ramsbottom, near Manchester. Crawshaw, Margaret (Owens). Born June 16, 1882, at Ramsbottom. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Lancaster Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1906; Municipal Secondary School, Haslingden, since 1906. Barwood Mount, Ramsbottom, Lancashire. *Crawshaw, Samuel. Born May 4, 1860, at West Leigh, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. M.R.C.S., 1883. In general practice. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1884. 23., Trafalgar Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. Craze, Bessie (Univ.). Born April 8, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Married, October 5, 1904, Samuel B. Johnson. 20, Ellerslie Road, Tue Brook, Liverpool. 88 *Creak, Robert Brown (Owens). Born January 23, 1862, at Manningham, Bradford. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1882. M.Sc., 1887. Mechanical Engineer. With London and North-Western Railway, 1882- 1887 ; with Messrs. Beyer, Peacock and Co., in 1887 ; with Messrs. Henry Simon Limited, Manchester, since 1887. 37, Alan Road, Withington, Manchester. Creer, William Henry (Univ.). B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Creeth, Norman Allen. Born October 3, 1886, at Belfast. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. Assistant Master, Boys' High School, Sale, Cheshire, in 1906. 80, Northenden Road, Sale, Cheshire. Creighton, Thomas Henry (Univ.). Born August 24, 1873. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. Engineer. With Messrs. G. Scott and Co., Sunderland. Then Marines Engineer. Died July 22nd, 1897. Crichton, Elizabeth Shankland ( Univ.). Born September 27, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma (Cambridge), 1906. Studied at International Guild, Paris, 1903-1904. Assistant English Mistress, St. Bride's High School, Helensburgh, N.B., since 1906. Glenray, Helensburgh ; Rowallan, Park Drive, Blundellsands , Liverpool. Crichton, James (Univ.). Born September 6, 1884, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B. Eng., 1904. Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship, 1903-1907. 308, Byres Road, Hillhead, Glasgow. Crichton, Mrs. J. D. See Ainslie, Hester Wingate. *Crocker, John Hedley (Owens). Born February i, 1859, at Tavistock, Devon. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1892. M.D., 1894. D.P.H., 1894. Medical Practitioner. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Charing Cross Hos- pital, 1882. House Surgeon, 1883. House Physician in 1884. Medical Officer of Health for the Port of Manchester and the Borough of Eccles till 1901. Medical Officer of Health, Richmond (Surrey), 1901. Visiting Physician, Mogden Isolation Hospital, Isleworth, Middlesex. Medical Officer to Richmond (Surrey) Education Authority. Petersham, Richmond, Surrey. Crofts, George (Owens). Born October 10, 1879, at Handley, near Clay Cross, Derbyshire. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master. Moseley Road School, Birmingham, 1903-1904. Science Master, Smethwick Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1905. Ivy Brae, 86, Edgbaston Road, Smethwick. 8 9 *Crompton, Alice (Owens). Born November 4, 1866, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1889. M.A., 1893. Private Tutor in Classics, 1890-1894. Warden of the Manchester University Settlement since 1898. Representative of Convocation on University Court, 1901. Art Museum and University Settlement, Ancoats Hall, Manchester. Crompton, Andrews (Owens}. Born December 28, 1869, at Rivington. B.A., 1890. Member of Adlington Technical Instruction Committee, 1895, Chairman of Rivington Parish Council, 1905-1907. Member of Chorley Union Board of Guardians, 1906 ; of Chorley Rural District Council, 1906 ; of Chorley South District Education Committee, 1905. Governor of Rivington and Blackrod Grammar School. Governor and Manager of Rivington Day School. Rivington Hall, near Bolton, Lancashire. Crompton, Harold James (Owens). Born October 29, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1898. M.D., 1903. D.P.H., 1906. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1898-1899. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1899-1900. Resident Medical Officer, Cheadle Convalescent Hospital, 1901. Resident Medical Officer at Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1903. Assistant Medical Officer at Prestwich Asylum, since 1904. County Asylum, Prestwich, Manchester. Crookes, Bernard Humphrey (Univ.). Born 1865, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1888. M.Sc., 1893. Civil Engineer. With Sir B. Baker (Forth Bridge), 1888-1890 ; on the Selangor Government Railways, Straits Settlements, 1890-1895 ; with Sir A. Binnie on London C.C. Waterworks in 1896 ; with Mr. Mansergh, Birmingham Waterworks, 1896-1900 ; with Armstrong, Whit worth and Co., 1901. 34, Devonshire Place. Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Cropper, John Westray (Univ.). Born June 17, 1881, at Portobello, N.B. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1904. M.Sc., 1905. George Holt Bronze Medal Physiology, 1964. Medical Student, United Hospitals Chemical School, Liverpool. i, The Crescent, Union Street, Seacombe, Cheshire. Crosfill, John (Yorks.). Born December 19, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Central High School, Leeds. Brayton, Gledhow Wood Grove, Leeds. *Crosland, Esther. Born July 23, 1884, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Further Study in Faculty of Arts, 1907-1908. The Hawthorns, Bredbury, near Stockport. Cross, George Harold (Owens). Born August 12, 1874, B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1893. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1893- Balliol College, Oxford: 2nd class Mathematical Moderations, 1895. B.A. (2nd class Natural Science), 1897. Passed into Indian Civil Service, 1896. Indian Civil Service, Karachi, India. 9 o Crossle, Henry Corry. Born November 12, 1885, at Newry, Co. Down. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1906. Assistant Engineer to James Barton, Esq., C.E., Dundalk, 1906. Assistant Engineer to John Graham, Esq., Contractor, at New- townards, since 1907. North Street, Newtownards, Co. Down. *Crossley, Arthur William (Owens}. Born February 25, 1869, at Accrington. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. D.Sc., 1899. F.R.S., 1907. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1894. Wii'rzburg University : Ph.D., 1892. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, St. Thomas's Hospital, London, 1895 Lecturer, 1900. Assistant Examiner in Chemistry, London Uni- versity, 1895. Examiner in Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1904. Professor of Chemistry, Phar- maceutical Society of Great Britain, 1904. Honorary Secretary of the Chemical Society, London, 1905. External E'xaminer in Pure and Applied Chemistry in the Faculty of Technology, in the University of Manchester, 1906. Author of Chemical Memoirs and Papers. 10, Crediton Road, West Hampstead, N.W. ; 17, Bloomshury Square, London, W.C. fCrow, John Kent. Born October 25, 1855, at Chesterfield. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (i8th in Honours), 1873. Inter. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1874. B.Sc. (ist class with Scholarship in Chemistry, ist class with Scholarship in Geology), 1876. D.Sc., 1878. Consulting Chemist to Messrs. Wilkinson, Hey wood, and Clark, 1880- 1898 ; General Manager and Director since 1898. Ivydene, Westcombe Park, Blackheath, London, S.E. Crowe, Eleanor Gertrude (Univ.). Born October 28, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Diploma in Education (Liverpool), 1905. Assistant Mistress, " Strathallan," Brighton, 1903-1905 ; Bedford College, Liverpool, since 1905. 47, Bedford Street, Liverpool. Crowther, Herbert (Yorks.). Born February 7, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master at Leeds Southern Higher Grade School, 1900-1903 ; at School of Science, Blackburn, 1903-1904 ; at Sexey's School, Bruton, since 1904. High Street, Bruton, Somerset. Cryer, Edward (Yorks.). Born May 25, 1882, at Shipley, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1902. Assistant to E. G. Carey, Esq., A.M.I.C.E.. Consulting Engineer, Uddingston, near Glasgow, since 1903. c/o W. Vallance, Esq., 2, Firpark Terrace, Dennistoun, Glasgow; Market Street, Shipley, Yorkshire. Cundall, Edward (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : 1905. Late Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Scarborough Hospital. c/o Weslcyan Mission House, Hankow, China. da Cunha, Francisco. Born January 28, 1879. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, 1906. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Wrexham, 1907. The General Infirmary, Wrexham, North Wales. Cunningham, Jean Orme (Yorks.). Born October 28, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Technical and Art School, Wakefield, since 1904. 20, Clarendon Place, Mount Preston, Leeds. *Cunliffe, Ernest Nicholson (Owens). Born November 8, 1877, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1901. M.D. (with commendation), 1903. University Fellowship in Medicine, 1901. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902-1903. Assistant Medical Officer, Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool, 1903-1904. Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1904-1906. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. Honorary Assistant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. 1 1 , 52 John Street, Manchester. Cunliffe, Harry Norman. Born December 8, 1887, at Church, near Accrington, Lancashire. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division, Electrical Engineering), 1907 Student Demonstrator at the Manchestei School of Technology. Castle View, The Cliff, Salford. Cunliffe, James Grimshaw. Born Septembei 20, 1885, at Church, Lancashire. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Electrical Engineeiing Assistant, Manchester Corporation Tramways. Castle View, The Cliff, Salford. Cunliffe, Richard Grimshaw. Born September 20, 1885, at Church, Lanes. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Electrical Engineering Assistant, Manchester Corporation Tramways. Castle View, The Cliff, Salford. Cunningham, Frank Bennett (Owens). Born July 23, 1868, at Manchester. LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted 1895. Lynden Lea, Prestwich Park, Manchester, Curnock, William Emmanuel Macbryde (Univ.). Born September 12, 1875, at Birmingham. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Messrs. Siemens Bros., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Woolwich, London, 1901-1902 Chief Assistant, Engineering Department, .North- ampton Institute, London, E.C., 1902-1904. Head of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department, Technical College, Huddersfield,, 1904-1907. Head of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Depart ment, Battersea Polytechnic, London, S.W. Batter sea Polytechnic, London, S.W*. Cussans, Margaret Mary (Univ.). Born 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. 9 2 Lecturer in Nature Study at Edge Hill Training College, 1901 ; subse- quently at the Day Training College, Southampton Street, London, W. Now Mistress of Method at Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool. 52. Arkles Lane, Liverpool. Cussons, John (Yorks.). Born July 20, 1876, at Salton, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1897. A.C.P., F.C.S., 1899. Cape of Good Hope University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Portmadoc County Intermediate School, 1898. Vice- Principal, Villiersdorp School, Cape Colony, 1903-1907. Science Master, Aliwal North High School, Cape Colony. Rail Hall, Easington, Hull ; High School, Aliwal North, Cape Colony. D Dakeyne, Daniel Irving. Born September 26, 1882, at Didsbury, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Cheadle, Staffordshire. Dakin, Henry Drysdale (Yorks.}. Born March 12, 1880, at Hampstead. B.Sc. (ist Class Chemistry), 1901. Research in Physiology and Organic Chemistry at Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, 1903 and 1905 ; at the Physiological Institute, Heidelberg, 1904 ; at the Laboratory of Dr. C. A. Herter, New York, U.S.A., since 1906. 819, Madison Avenue, New York City, U.S.A. Dalai, Sorabjee Adarjee. Born September 7, 1881, at Broach, Bombay Presi- dency, India. B.Com., 1907. Bombay University (Elphinstone College] : B.A., 1904. Studying for the Bar since 1906, at the Middle Temple. c/o Messrs. James Greaves dv Co., 13, Ridge field, Manchester ; Broach, Bombay Presidency, India. *Dale, Clara Martha (Owens). Born August 2, 1869, at Latchford, Warrington. B.A., 1896. Married, July 12, 1907, Frank Perrot. 31, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Dale, Janet Margaret (Univ.}. Born February 2, 1881, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Castle Hill Collegiate School, Maidenhead, 1904- 1906. Assistant Mistress, County Secondary School, Hyde, Cheshire, since 1907. 28, Sandon Street, Liverpool. Dale, Mary Isabella (Univ.). Born September 9, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Senior Mistress, Preparatory School, County Secondary School, Hyde, Cheshire, since 1904. 28, Sandon Street, Liverpool; i, Parsonage Street, Hyde, Cheshire. \Dale, Richard Samuel. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (Honours in Chemistry), 1862. B.A.. 1864. Chemist (Messrs. Robert Dale & Co.). Died July 6, 1899. 93 Dalglish, Jessie Dorothy (Univ.). B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1906. Dalton, Joshua Bower. Born May 19, 1879, at Wilmslow, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1905-1906. Resident Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, Crumpsall, 1906-1907. Senior Resident Medical Officer, 1907. Bollin Side, Hawthorn Lane, Wilmslow. *fDancer, William. Born March i, 1841, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1882. Chemist and Manager, Cornbrook Chemical Works. -*Darbyshire, Douglas Edward ( Univ.). Born September 21 , 1869, at Birkenhead. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. Physician. Assistant House Surgeon, Royal South Hants Infirmary, 1895-1896. House Surgeon, Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, 1896- 1897. District Medical Officer, Carnarvon, 1900. Medical Officer of "Health, Cottesloe. Leake Street, Cottesloe, West Australia. *fDarling, William Howarth. Born December 15, 1842, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Chemist and Druggist. 26, Dover Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. *Darlow, Francis (Yorks.). Born March 15, 1872, at Bradford. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. University: M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice since 1898. Fieldhead, Hors/orth, near Leeds. *Darwin, George Henry. Born June. 29, 1852, at Masboro', near Rotherham. B.Sc., 1904. St. Andrews University: M.D., 1895. F.R.C.P. (Edin.), 1889. Knight of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Surgeon-Major, 2nd V.B.M.R. Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health. Author of several works on Ambulance and Hygiene. Wentworth, Lethbridge Road, Southport. Davenport, George (Owens). Born March 28, 1873, at Radcliffe. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant at the Pendleton Higher Elementary School since 1897. Head Master and Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Radcliffe Technical School (Evening Classes), since 1898. Davenport, John Aldersey (Owens). Born January 27, 1880, at Nantwich. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Pnysician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, in 1904. Junior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1904-1905. House Physician in 1905. Senior House Surgeon in 1906. Ship's Surgeon (Holt Line), 1906-1907. In general practice. Ford Green, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. Davenport, John Alfred (Owens). Born April 3, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904.' A.M.I.Mech.E., 1904. Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at East London College, 1904. Recognised Lecturer of the University of London. East London College, Mile End, London, E. 94 Davey, Charles Edwin (Owens). Born June 6, 1863, at Liskeard. B.Sc., 1888. Christ's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Junior Optime), 1882. M.A., 1886, Assistant Master at Woodhouse Grove School, 1883. Now Joint Head Master of Oxenford House School. Oxenford House School, Jersey. David, William John. Born 1882, at Penarth, South Wales. B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Hannah Street School, Barry, 1904. Teacher of Magnetism and Electricity under the Barry Technical Instruction Committee, since 1906. 41, Glamorgan Street, Barry. *Davidson, Mrs. C. See Chadderton, Anna Leigh. Davidson, John Howard (Owens). Born December 12, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1904. Chemist at Goldenhill Cobalt, Nickel, and Colour Works since 1900. Goldenhill, Stoke-on-Trent. Davidson, Jonathan Roberts (Univ.). Born May 29, 1874, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1894, a nd (2nd class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Civil Engineer. Resident Engineer in charge of Rivington Works of Liverpool Water Works, 1898-1900 ; at Prescot New Reservoir, 1900. Corporation House, Harwich, Bolton. Davidson, Maggie (Owens). Born October 10, 1879, at Oldham. B.A., 1901. Senior Mistress, County Secondary School, Hyde, since 1902. Church Road, Uppermill, Oldham. *Davies, Albert (Owens). Born August 20, 1882, at Manchester. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor, carrying on business alone under the style of Lloyd and Davies, at Manchester. Obtained Honours in the Solicitors' Final Examination, 1904. Stephen Heelis Gold Medallist. 26, Cooper Street, Manchester. Davies, Arthur Vernon (Owens). Born June 10, 1872, at Bridgend, Glamorgan. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. House Surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1896 ; at Clinical Hospital, 1896-1897. Certifying Factory Surgeon. In general practice since 1898. Glenarm House, Shaw, Lancashire. Davies, Charles Augustus (Owens). Born May 17, 1867, at Warrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.D. (commended), 1899. In general practice at Ramsey, 1893. Author of Scientific Papers. Coroner. Justice of the Peace. Late Admiralty Surgeon. Content, Alberta, Canada. Davies, Eric William David. Born March i, 1887, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1906. At Messrs. Mather and Platt, Ltd., Engineers, Manchester, since 1906. Balder stone Vicarage, Rochdale. Davies, Ernest Edward Dentith (Owens). Born March 4, 1870, at Ramsey, Isle of Man. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1889, and (3rd class Physics), 1890. M.Sc., 1892. B.A., 1893. St. Andrews University : B.D., 1900. 95 Congregational Minister at Lane Congregational Church, Holmfirth, 1895-1899 ; at Congregational Church, Nelson, 1899-1903. Mathematical and Science Master, Colne Secondary School, since 1903. 158, Skipton Road, Colne, Lancashire. Davies, Herbert (Owens). Born May 31, 1874. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa. Died June 15, 1900, at Springfontein. *Davies, John Harcourt (Univ.). Born April 10, 1871, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. M.D., 1902. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Late Senior Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, University of Liverpool. Fern House, 63, Walton Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool. Davies, Margaret Elizabeth (Owens). Born March 20, 1873, at Heaton Moor, Stockport. B.Sc., 1895. Lecturer in the Swansea Training College, 1895-1900. Married^ December 20, 1900, Frank Roscoe, Lecturer on Education, University of Birmingham. 66, Bunbury Road, King's Norton, Birmingham. *Davies, Samuel Henry (Owens). Born September 19, 1870, at Liverpool. Gilchrist Scholar (then at Univ.), 1888. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1890. Mercer Scholarship, 1890. Leblanc Medal, 1890. M.Sc., 1895. At Heidelberg, 1890-1891. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Yorkshire College, 1891-1892. Demonstrator at Owens College, 1892-1893. Head of Chemistry Department, Battersea Polytechnic, 1894-1896. Research Chemist at Rowntree & Co.'s Cocoa Works, York, since 1896. White Cross Lodge, York. Davies, Samuel Lloyd. See Lloyd-Davies, Samuel. Davies, Seymour Whitney (Univ.). Born July 20, 1878, at Egremont, Cheshire. M.B... Ch.B,, 1901. Senior Casualty Officer ; House Physician ; Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1901-1902. General Practice, Wrexham, 1902, ; since 1903 at Liscard. no, Liscard Road, Liscard, Birkenhead. Davies, Thomas Charles Blayden. Born October 8, 1885, at Knutsford. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1907. Engineering Certificate, 1907. Che I ford Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. Davies, William Edwin (Univ.). Born in 1870, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. D.P.H., 1897. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1892-1893. Resident Medical Officer, Rochdale Infirmary, 1894-1898. Since 1898 in general practice at Castleton. Died March 6, 1902. Davis, Frederick (Owens.) Born November 27, 1877, at Blackburn. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1897. MSc., 1904. Chemist to the Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, 1898. Chemist to the Hayfield Printing Co., Ltd., Hayfield, near Stockport, since 1907. Stanley, Whalley, near Blackburn. 9 6 Davis, Frederick William Daniel (Yorks.). Born May i, 1874, at Aberdare. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1893. M.Sc., 1899. Civil Engineer. Contractor's Engineer on the Port Talbot Railway and Dock Co.'s new railways, 1897-1898 ; on Heaton Lodge and Wortley new line, (L.N.W.R.), 1898-1900; on Cardiff Railway Co.'s new line to Pontypridd, 1901. Engineer on the Admiralty Harbour Works, Dover, 1901-1903. Chief Engineer for Messrs. S. Pearson and Son, Contractors, on the Malta Breakwater, since 1903. Llwynderi, Neath, South Wales. Davis, George Keville (Owens). Born April 6, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Engineer to Messrs. Davis Bros., Chemical Engineers, London and Manchester, 1902. 57, Trinity Road, Booth, Liverpool. Davis, William Hathaway (Yorks.). Born March 22, 1881, at Hull. B.A., 1903 and (2nd class History) 1904. Leeds University : M.A., 1906. Assistant Master at the Leeds Central High School, 1904-1906. Second. Master at the Normanton Grammar School since 1906. The Grammar School, Normanton. Davis, William John. B.Sc., 1904. Dawson, Ben (Owens). Born October 7, 1878, at Oldham. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1900. In Government Laboratory, under Dr. T. E. Thorpe. Deceased. Dawson, Charles Hollows (Owens). Born June 20, 1876, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. In general practice. Moorland House, Tonge, Bolton. Dawson, George Duncan. Born February 17, 1883, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. L.M. (Rotunda Hospital, Dublin), 1907. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester City Fever Hospital, 1905-1906. External Midwifery Assistant, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 1907. Horncliffe House, Lytham Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Dawson, James Ferguson. Born December 2, 1883, at Whitehaven. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Varna Street Council School, Openshaw, Manchester. 5, Upper Hulton Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Dawson, Margaret (Owens). Born August 21, 1880, at Oldham. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Rolls Road Council School, 1903-1904. Head Mistress, Springhead Council School, 1905-1908. Head Mistress of Victoria Road Council School, Northwich, 1908. 125, Union Street, Oldham. Dawson, Shepherd (Owens). Born March 14, 1880, at Whitehaven. B.A., 1901. M.A., 1904. London University : Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Second Master, Lydney Secondary School, 1902. ii, Howgill Street, Whitehaven, Cumberland. 97 Dawtrey, Henry (Owens). Born December 21, 1871, at Halifax, Yorks. B.A., 1901. Sir Henry Tate Scholarship, 1901-1903, at Manchester College, Oxford. Assistant Minister (Unitarian), Upper Chapel, Sheffield, 1904-1906. Minister of Broughton Unitarian Free Church since 1906. 29, Bowker Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Day, Frank Herbert (Univ.). Born in 1865, at Worcester. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B.. 1905. House Surgeon, Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital, Coventry. Warwick Road, Kenilworth. Daykin, John Bertram (Yorks.). Born July 9, 1883, at Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. B.Sc. ,'1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1906. Assistant Master at Leeds Central High School since 1906. 1 6, Tempest Road, Beeston Hill, Leeds. *Deakin, George Arthur (Owens). Born May 24, 1881, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master in Manchester, 1903-1904. Resident Warden of Stockport Ruskin Hall, 1904-1905. Assistant Master at Stockport, 1904-1905. Ordained Deacon, 1906. Curate of St. Matthew's Church, Ardwick, since 1906. 34, Exeter Street, Ardwick, Manchester. Dean, Gertrude Augusta (Owens}. Born April 25, 1878, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. B.Sc. (and class Mathematics), 1900. M.A., 1902. M.Sc., 1903. Governess at the Bishop Otter College, Chichester, 1900-1904. Married, June 8, 1905, A. A. Mellor. Meliden, Shirley Road, A cock's Green, Birmingham. Dean, Thomas (Owens'). Born June 7, 1881, at Wigan. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, The Church Institute, Bolton, 1903-1905. Senior Mathematical Master, East Ham Technical College, East Ham, 1905. 12, Staines Road, Ilford. Deane, Arthur Maslen (Yorks.). Born April 9, 1879, at Batley, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Late House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, and Resident Medical Officer, Smallpox Hospital, Dewsbury. Mill Road, Batley Carr, Dewsbury. Dehn, Curt Gustav (Owens}. Born May 7, 1883, at Hamburg. LL.B. (with Honours), 1902. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1906. Director of the University Magazine Committee, Ltd., 1905. 85, London Wall, E.G. 19, Garway Road, Leinster Square, Bayswater, W. Dehn, Frank Bernhard. Born September 14, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1907. Research Student in the University since 1907. Moss Bank, Oak Road, Withington, Manchester. D I 98 Delahunty, Paul Vincent. Born June 25, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours), 1907. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Municipal School of Technology, Man- chester, 1907. 10, Great John Street, Manchester. tfDelepine, Auguste Sheridan. Born January i, 1855, at Perroy, near Rolle, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland. M.Sc., 1905. Lausanne University : B.Sc. (with Distinction), 1872. Edinburgh University : M.B., C.M. (ist class Honours), 1882. Prix de Concours for Dissertation, University of Lausanne, 1873. Curator of the Henry Schlumberger Herbarium (Musee de Colmar, Alsace), 1874-1876. Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy and Pathology, Edinburgh, 1882. Demonstrator of Histology and Practical Pathology, 1884-1886; and Lecturer on Physiology and General Anatomy, 1886-1888 ; and Lecturer on Pathology, 1888-1891, at the St. George's Hospital Medical School, London. Professor of Pathology and Morbid Anatomy, Owens College, 1891-1904. Professor of Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology, University of Manchester, 1904. Director of Public Health Laboratory, about 1902. Honorary Fellow of the Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1901. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Agriculture, Turin of 1906. Late Examiner in Pathology (a) Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, England ; (6) University of Cambridge. Additional Examiner in Public Health, University of Edinburgh. Birch Hall, Rusholme, Manchester. Dell, John Alexander (Yorks.). Born November 18, 1881, at London. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Cambridge University : Diploma in Education, 1904. Student Teacher, Sidcot School, 1903-1904. Junior Science Master, Sidcot, till 1907. Assistant Master, Sexey's Trade School, Bruton, since 1907. Sidcot, Prospect, Bruton. Denby. Maurice (Yorks.). Born December 21, 1882, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1904. M.A., 1906. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Master at Undercliffe School, Bradford, 1904-1905 ; at Secondary School, Pudsey, 1905-1906; at Secondary School, Mexborough, since 1906. The Laurels, Church Street, Mexborough. Dendy, Arthur (Owens). Born January 20, 1865, at Patricroft, near Manchester. B.Sc., 1884 and (2nd class Zoology) 1885. M.Sc.. 1887. D.Sc., 1891. F.R.S., 1908. F.L.S., F.Z.S. Demonstrator in Zoology, Owens College, 1884. Temporary Assistant on Editorial Staff of "Challenger" Expedition Office, 1885. Assis- tant in the Zoological Department of the British Museum, 1887. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Biology in the University of Melbourne, 1888. Fellow of Queen's College, University of Melbourne, 1889. Professor of Biology in the Canterbury College, University of New Zealand, 1895. Professor of Zoology in the South African College, Cape Town, 1903. Professor of Zoology in King's College, University of London, since 1905. Fellow of the Linnean and Zoological Societies of London. Corresponding Member of the Royal Societies of Victoria and Tasmania. Author of numerous memoirs on Zoology, Comparative Anatomy, etc. King's College, London, IV. C. ; Binfield, Weybridge, Surrey. D 2 99 Denison, Robert Beckett (Yorks.). Born May 25, 1879, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1899 a nd (ist class Chemistry) 1900. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1900. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship for three years at Aachen, Breslau, Berlin, and London, 1901-1904. ' Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. D.Sc., 1907. Breslau University : Ph.D., 1903. Now Assistant Professor in Chemistry at Heriot Watt College. Edinburgh. Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh. Dennis, Herbert (Yorks.). Born October 21, 1880, at Scarborough. B.Sc., 1902. Science Master at Friends' School, Saffron Walden, since 1906. Brookleigh, Westbourne Grove, Scarborough. Denniston, William Cunningham (Owens). Born July 4, 1884, at Dunoon, Argyllshire, N.B. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1903. Entrance Scholar in Medicine, igo3. Student in the Medical Faculty in the University. Warrenhurst, Higher Downs, Bowdon, Cheshire. *Dent, Frankland (Yorks.). Born July 9, 1868, at Coverham-with-Horsehouse, Yorks. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1893. M.Sc., 1897. Ph.D. (magna cum laude) (Munich), 1897. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship, Yorkshire College, 1894. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Demonstrator of Chemistry at Yorkshire College, 1896-1897. Chemist to the Sierra Company, Ltd., Burgos, 1901-1904. Assistant Government Analyst for Straits Settlements, 1905. Government Analyst for Straits Settlements and Lecturer to the Straits Settle- ments Medical School since 1906. Author of papers on Chemical Subjects. Glenwood, Claremont Road, Headingley, Leeds ; Government Analyst's Laboratory, Singapore. Denton, Ernest (Yorks.). Born January 28, 1882, at Wakefield. B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at Burnley Grammar School, 1902 ; at Derby Muni- cipal Secondary School since 1906. Municipal Secondary School, Derby. Depree, Sidney Smalbroke (Univ.). Born August 19, 1874, at Brisbane, Queensland. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Senior House Surgeon, Bootle Borough Hospital, in 1900. Surgeon, White Star S.S. Runic and Athenic. Hon. Surgeon, Leek Fire Brigade. In general practice. (McClew, Depree and Hardwicke) Clerk Bank, Leek, Staffs. *Derby, Emily (Owens). Born August 13, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Roby Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester ; Pupil Teachers' College, Princess Street, Manchester. 20, Oak Bank, Harpurhey, Manchester. Desai, Umedram Lalbhai (Owens). Born November 16, 1869, at Surat, India. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. M.D., 1901. M.D. (Brussels), 1895. Chief Medical Officer of Bansda State in 1898. Served with the British Field Forces in South Africa. Author of books and numerous- IOO scientific papers, &c. Now Major. Personal Physician to His Highness the Nawab of Rampur, and Military Surgeon-in-Charge of His Highness's Armies and Imperial Service Troops. Valod-Zilla, Swat, India. *Desquesnes, Ernest (Owens). Born July 17, 1857, in London. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor. Mayfield, Sale ; 9, Bexley Square, Salford. Devon, Arthur (Owens}. Born June 20. 1875, at Delhi, India. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1902. With Great Central Railway, 1898-1899. Assistant Locomotive Super- intendent, North-Western State Railway, India, 1899. District Locomotive Superintendent, East Indian Railway, since 1904. Tundla, United Provinces, India. Dewe, Joseph Adalbert (Owens). Born April 17, 1866, at Ramsgate, Kent. B.A. (2nd class History), 1903. M.A., 1906. Professor of History at St. Thomas' College, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1903-1906 ; at University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, since 1907. Publications : A Medicsval and Modern History ; also A History of Economics, 1908. Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada. *Dewhurst, Charles Bennett (Owens). Born November 15, 1868, at Chadderton. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Assoc.Inst.C.E. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Owens College, 1893. Lecturer in the University since 1894. 33, Torbay Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Dewhurst, Frederick (Owens). Born March 22, 1881, at Middleton Junction. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. At Messrs. Johnson and Matthey's Gold Refinery, Hatton Garden, 1902- 1903. Assistant Examiner hi H.M. Patent Office since 1903. Firwood View, Middleton Junction ; 91, Merton Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Dewhurst, James (Owens). Born June 6, 1875, at Middleton Junction. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master at Freehold Board School, Oldham, 1896-1898 ; at the Central Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1898-1899 ; at the County School, Aberayron, 1899-1902 ; at Penketh School, 1902-1903 ; at Mountjoy School, Dublin, 1903-1905 ; at Yardley Secondary School, near Birmingham, since 1905. Middleton Junction, near Manchester. *Dewsnup, Ernest Ritson. Born April 17, 1874, at Manchester. B.A., 1895. M.A., 1900. Warburton Prize, 1902. Jevons Studentship in Economic Research, 1903. F.R.G.S. and F.S.S., 1900. Assistant Superintendent, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Swansea, 1895- 1896. Lecturer in English and Mathematics, Central Organised Science School, Swansea, 1896-1898. Principal of Graceland College, Iowa, 1898-1899. Sikes Lecturer in Economics and Head of the Department of Higher Commercial Education, Huddersfield Technical College, 1899-1903. Lecturer in Railway Transport, University of Manchester, 1903-1904. Professor of Railways, Director of the Courses in Railway Education, and Curator 101 of the Museum of Commerce, University of Chicago, 1904-1907. Professor of Railway Administration, University of Illinois, and Extension Professor of Railway Technology, University of Chicago, 1907. Has published The Housing Problem in England. University of Illinois, Urbana, U.S.A. Dibben, Lila Brodie. Born August 16, 1885, at Timperley, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class History), 1907. Research Student in History since 1907. Holy Trinity Vicarage, Northwich. *Dickin, Margaret (Univ.). Born August I, 1863, at Whittington, Salop. B.A. (ist class English Literature), 1902. M.A., 1905. John Bright Fellowship, 1903. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Porthygan, near Wrexham. Dickinson, Cyril (Yorks.). Born December 4, 1881, at Halifax. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. A.I.C., 1904. Assistant Chemist at a branch of the Bradford Dyers' Association, 1902. Chief Assistant to J. Kear Colwell, F.I.C. (Analyst for Finsbury, Holborn and Bedford), 1903. Assistant to W. Scott Tebb, M.A., M.D., F.I.C. (Public Analyst for Southwark) since 1903. Abbots ford, Holly croft Avenue, Hamp stead, London, N.W. Dickinson, Harold Bertie (Univ.). Born March 16, 1869, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1894. F.R.C.S., 1897. London University : Inter. M.B. (2nd class Anatomy), 2nd class Physi- ology), 1891. M.B., 1894. M.D., 1897. House Physician, etc., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1893-1894. Resident Medical Officer, Liverpool Lock Hospital, 1894-1895. Senior House Surgeon, Bootle Borough Hospital, 1895-1896. Honorary Surgeon to Birkenhead Borough Hospital in 1900. Late Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, University College, Liverpool. Grey Friars, Hereford. Dickinson, Richard (Owens). Born February 2, 1883, at Bolton. LL.B., 1903. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls.. 1905. 23, King Street, Manchester. Dimmock, John. Born August 12, 1882, at Preston. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master, St. Matthew's Higher Grade School, Preston, 1906. Goldens Square, Preston. Dimond, John Lyn (Univ.). Born March 8, 1879 M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1900. Dishart, Ellen Holliday (Owens). Born July 2, 1884, at Crewe. B.A., 1903. . Assistant Mistress. The Academy, Crewe. 256, Nantwich Road, Crewe. Dixon, Annie (Yorks.). Born February 28, 1878, at Leeds. B.A., 1900. Mistress at the Central High School. Leeds, since 1904. 1 1 8, Belle Vue Road, Leeds. 102 "ffDixon, Harold Baily. Born August n, 1852, in London. M.Sc., 1905. F.R.S. Oxford University : B.A. (ist class Natural Science), 1875. M.A., 1878. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Christ Church, Oxford, 1876. Millard Lecturer, Trinity College, Oxford, 1879. Bedford Lecturer and Tutor, Balliol College, Oxford, 1879. Fellow of Balliol College, Fellow of Royal Society, 1886. Professor of Chemistry in Owens College. 1886. President of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society, 1907. Publications : Conditions of Chemical Change in Gases (1884) ; Rate of Explosion in Gases (the Bakerian Lecture for 1893) ' Movements of Flame in Explosion of Gases (1902) ; Atomic Weight of Chlorine (1905). Beechey House, Victoria Park, Manchester. Dixon, Harry Simm. Born January 13, 1883, at Burnley. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. In general practice. 141 and 143, Oxford Road, Burniey, Lancashire. Dixon, James Lowe Barton (Owens). Born December 23, 1867, at Sale, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B. 1893. M.D., 1896. D.P.H., 1899. Medical Practitioner. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1893-1894. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1894- 1895. Medical Officer, Crumpsall Workhouse, 1895-1896. Surgeon to the Muttaburra Hospital, Queensland, 1900-1901. Assistant Medical Officer, City of Brisbane, 1901. Honorary Medical Officer, Bulli Hospital. Bulli, New South Wales, Australia. Dobson, Constance (Yorks.). Born May 30, 1877, at Ilkley. B.A., 1899. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Carlton Street Higher Grade School, 1899 : Pupn Teachers' Centre, Bradford, 1902. 1 20, Kendall Grove, Nab Wood, Shipley. Dobson, Joseph Henry (Univ.). Born October 12, 1878, at Crewe, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. M.Eng., 1907. Electrotechnical Research Student, 1903-1904. Head of Engineering Department, Gamble Technical Institute, St. Helens, 1903-1904. Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Electrotechnics, Transvaal Technical Institute, 1904. Professor of Electrotechnics at the Transvaal University College, 1905. Appointed Dean of the Hall of Residence, T. U. C., 1906. Also practising as Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineer in Johannesburg, South Africa. Electrical Engineering Department, Transvaal University College, Johannesburg, South Africa. Dobson, Robert Thornley (Univ.). Born October 27, 1877, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, Liverpool Stanley Hospital, 10)03-1904. Resident Surgeon, Liverpool Dispensaries, 1904. 21, Poulton Road, Seacombe, Cheshire. Dobson, William Henry Noel (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1898 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1899. Died December 29, 1899. IDS *Dockray, John Smalley (Owens.). Born January 9, 1871, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1897. M.D., 1898. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1895. London University : B.Sc., 1900. In general practice. House Surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1895 a t Manchester Southern Hospital, 1896. Resident Medical Officer, Dyffryn Aled, Branch Cheadle Royal Asylum, 1896. Thornfields, Hadham Road, Bishop's Stortford. *Dockray, Kenneth Titus Smalley (Owens). Born January 7, 1875, at Man- chester. B.A., 1895. Trinity College, Cambridge : Moral Science Tripos, Part I., ist class, Division 3, 1897 ; Part II., ist class, 1898. Admitted a Solicitor, 1902. Commissioner for Oaths, 1908. 34, Kennedy Street, Manchester ; Barnfield, Wood Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. '"ffDodd, Catherine Isabel. Born 1864, at Birmingham. M.A., 1905. Head Mistress in a Higher Grade School, Reading. Head Mistress of the Pupil Teacher Classes in Reading. Studied Education and Philosophy for two years in the Universities of Jena, Berlin, and Zurich. Head of the Women's Day Training College at Owens College, Manchester, 1892. Mistress of Method and Lecturer in Education in the University, 1892-1905. In 1902 established the Biunswick Street Practising School in connection with' the work of the Women Training Students of the University. Appointed Lecturer on English Literature in the Summer Holiday Course of the Jena University. Principal of Cherwell Hall, Training College for Secondary Teachers in Oxford, and Head Mistress of the Milham Ford Secondary School for Girls, Oxford, 1905. Publications : Introduction to Herbartian Principles of Teaching, 1897 (Swan, Sonnenschein) ; The Vagrant Englishwoman, 1905 (Smith, Elder and Co.). Contributed to the Nation's Need, edited by Spenser Wilkinson, 1904 ; The School Journey in Germany, 1897, Vol. I. ; Special Reports on Educational Subjects, edited by M. E. Sadler. Hungarian Education, Vol. VIII. ; Special Reports on Educational Subjects, edited by M. E. Sadler, and numerous other books and articles on Educational Subjects. Cherwell Hall, Oxford. Dodd,?Emmeline Beatrice (Univ.). Born August 30, 1875, at Ramleh, Egypt. B.A., 1896. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Governess in a Greek Family. 1897-1898 ; in an English Family, 1898- 1905. Joint Head Mistress, Private School, Ramleh, Egypt, 1905. 7, Rue de VAncienne Bourse, Alexandria, Egypt. Dodd, James (Owens}. Born October 29, 1880, at Burnley. B.A., 1901. Ordained Deacon, 1903 ; Priest, 1904. Curate of Emmanuel, Oswald- twistle, 1903. ii, Bury Street, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. Dodds/ Herbert Heniy. Born May 9, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry).. 1905. Assistant Chemist to Messrs. Kynoch, Ltd.. Explosives Manufacturers, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, 1906. Sheltonville, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. 104 *Dodge, Eva (Owens). Born January 23, 1880, at Liscard, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class History), 1901. M.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Government Certificate, ist Division, 1903. Gilchrist Travelling Studentship, 1903. At Cherwell Hall, Oxford, 1907- 1908. Assistant Mistress, Lincoln Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1907. Has published The Teaching of History in German Girls' Schools. Bankfteld, Roebuck Lane, Sale, Cheshire; Cherwell Hall, Oxford. *Dodgson, Sarah Alice (Yorks.). Born August 22, 1883, at Skipton. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1004. M.A., 1907. English Assistant at Lycee de Jeunes Filles, Lyons, 1904-1905. English Mistress, Private School, Jena, Germany, 1905-1906. Modern Languages Mistress at Girls' Grammar School, Keighley, 1906. 7, Ring-wood Terrace, Skipton, Yorks. \Dodgson, William. Born April 14, 1845. B.Sc., 1882. Private Tutor. Died November 14, 1893. Doman, Norah May (Owens}. Born February 9, 1874, at Bolton, B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1895. M.A., 1898. Assistant Mistres?, Church High School, York, 1896-1897 ; Bolton Church Institute Girls' School, 1897-1900. Classical Mistress, Welsh Girls' High School, Ashford, Middlesex, 1900-1904. Head Mistress, St. Winifred's, Bangor, North Wales (Woodard Society), from 1904. St. Winifred's, Bangor, North Wales. Donaghy, William (Univ.}. Born December 10, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1902. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master at Liverpool, 1902-1904. Form Master at Warrington Secondary School and Technical Institute since 1904. 46, Vandyke Street, Liverpool. Dougal, Daniel. Born December 4, 1882, at Strathaven, Lanarkshire, N.B. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Owens College, 1906-1907. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Derwent Place, Preston Road, Blackburn. \Dougan, Thomas Wilson. Born July 6, 1852, at Loughmourne Manse, Ballybay, Co. Monaghan. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (i9th in Honours), 1872. Inter. B.A. (2nd class English, 3rd class Latin), 1873. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1876. M.A. (Gold Medal), 1881. St. John's College, Cambridge : Browne's Medal, 1878. B.A. (3rd in ist class Classics), 1879. M.A., 1882. Fellow, 1879. Professor of Latin in Queen's College, Belfast, 1882. Edited Thucydides vi. (Bell), 1883. Examiner for Royal University of Ireland, 1890. Fellow, 1899. Edited Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, i., ii. (Camb. Univ. Press), 1905. Died June 4, 1907. Douglas, George Frederic (Owens). Born June 3, 1882, at Wellingborough. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1904. j Science Master, Thorne Grammar School. 30, Market Street, Wellingborough. Douglas, Mrs. J. F. See Gowan, Alice M. Douglas, William Robert (Owens). Born August 29, 1880, at Great Harwood. B.Sc., 1902. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Demonstrator in Anatomy, 1905-1906. Senior House Surgeon, Liver- pool Children's Hospital, 1906. House Surgeon, 1906-1907. Assis- tant Surgical Officer to Out Patients, 1907, and Surgical Registrar, 1907-1908, in Manchester Royal Infirmary. i, Belle Vue Terrace, Bury, Lanes. Douglass, Malcolm (Owens). Born December 18, 1861. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1885. Died November 30, 1886, aged 24. Dow, James Fleming. Born August 31, 1883, in London. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1907. Accident Room House Surgeon, 1908. May-field, Shepherd's Hill, Highgate, London, N. Dowler, Helen (Owens). Born September 4, 1880, at Winton, near Manchester. B.A., 1903. 72, Rocky Lane, Monton, Eccles. Drennan, William St. George (Owens). Born July 20, 1872, at Sandwich. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master at Risca County School, Monmouthshire, 1898-1899 ; at the Alun County School, Mold, 1899-1901. Head Master of Kirton Grammar School, Lincolnshire, 1901-1904 ; of the Grammar School, Drax, near Selby, 1904. The Grammar School, Drax, near Selby, West Yorkshire. ^Dresch/eld, Julius. Born October 13, 1845, at Niederwerrn, Bavaria. B.Sc.... 1883. M.Sc., 1905. Wurzburg University : M.D., 1866. L.R.C.P., 1869. M.R.C.P., 1877. F.R.C.P., 1883. Physician, Chorlton, Manchester, 1872. Assistant Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1872. Consulting Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Physician, Christie Hospital. Con- sulting Physician, Manchester Skin Hospital ; Manchester Col- lege of Music ; Society for Distressed Foreigners ; Home for Aged Jews. Professor of Pathology, Owens College, 1883-1891 ; of Medicine, 1891-1907. Examiner in Medicine, Cambridge University, 1886-1890 ; College of Physicians, London, 1897- 1900. Bradshaw Lecturer, College of Physicians, London, 1886. President of Manchester Medical Society ; of Manchester Patho- logical Society ; of Manchester Therapeutic Society ; of Section of Pathology, British Medical Association, 1886; of Section of Medicine, British Medical Association, 1902. Vice-President of Neurological Society of England, 1888-1889. Died June 14, 1907, at Withington, Manchester. Drugman, Julien Leon Eugene. Born May 28, 1875, a t Brussels. M.Sc., 1906. Bonn University : Ph.D., 1898. Lecturer in Chemistry, Huddersfield Technical College, 1906-1907. Research Chemist to Institute of Gas Engineers, at Leeds University, 1907. Fuel and Metallurgy Department, The University, Leeds. io6 Duckworth, Samuel. Born August 2, 1882, at Salford. B.Sc., 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master in Manchester and Salford, 1904 ; Lowestoft Pupil Teachers' Centre and Secondary School, 1905. 78, Alexandra Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Duff, Gordon Alison (Univ.}. Born November 21, 1884, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng. (ist class), 1904. Liverpool University Scholar in Engineering, 1904-1905. With J. Brown & Co., Clyde- bank, 1905-1906 ; J. Crosfield & Sons, Warrington, 1906. Braco, Park Road, West Kirby, Cheshire. *Duff, John Bruce (Univ.). Born July 26, 1881, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1900. With Messrs. Laird Brothers, Birkenhead, 1900 ; Messrs. J. Gordon Alison & Co., Ltd., Birkenhead, 1907. Braco, Park Road, West Kirby, Cheshire. *Duffield, Walter Geoffrey. Born August 12, 1879, at Gawler, South Australia. M.Sc., 1908. University of Adelaide : B.Sc., 1900. Angas Engineering Scholar, 1901. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A., 1903. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1908. Junior Demonstrator in Physics, University of Adelaide, 1900. Research Student Assistantship, National Physical Laboratory, 1903. Honorary Research Fellow in Physics, Manchester University, 1904-1907. Member of the International Solar Physics Congress, 1907. Mac- kinnon Student, Royal Society, 1906-1907 and 1907-1908. 9, Lime Grove, C.-on-M., Manchester. Duffin, Henry Charles. Born July 2, 1884, in London. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1906. M.A., 1907. Master for English, Latin, and French at Thorne Grammar School, 1907. The Grammar School, Thorne, near Doncaster. Duggan, Edwin Merle. Born February 17, 1884, at Castle Eden. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. Student Apprentice in Woolwich Arsenal, 1904-1905. Assistant Engineer in Indian Public Works Department, 1905. Assistant Engineer, I.P.W.D., Belgaum, Bombay ; c/o Messrs. King, King & Co., Bombay. Dukes, Ashley. Born May 29, 1885, at Bridgwater, Somerset. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Not them Polytechnic Institute, 1905-1906. 49, Lawford Road, Kentish Town, London, N.W. Duncan, John (Yorks.). Born February 27, 1874, at Otley. B.Sc., 1895. Civil Engineer with Messrs. Robert Middleton, Leeds, 1895-1897. Engaged in erecting Freezing Works in New Zealand in 1898, and Saw Mills in New South Wales in 1899 ; since 1899 in the Design and Construction of Gold Dredging Machinery in New Zealand. Messrs. Cutten Bros., Prince' s[Street, Dunedin, N.Z. Duncanson, Alexander Walter (Univ.). Born April 17, 1881, at Blackpool. B.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1905. Assistant Engineer, Liverpool Corporation Water Works, 1906. 22, The Judge's Drive, Newsham Park, Liverpool. 107 Dunk, Harry (Yorks.). Born November 23, 1874, at Barnsley. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1898-1899. In general practice at Clayton-le-Moors since 1900. Surgeon to Altham Colliery Co. Referee Britannic Assurance Co. and Blackburn Mutual Assurance Society. Fern Bank, Clayton-le-Moors, Accrington. *Dunkerley, Stanley (Owens). Born April 21, 1870, at Burnley. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1889 and (ist class Engineering) 1890. Derby. Prize, 1889. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1891. M.Sc., 1892. External Examiner, 1901. D.Sc., 1905. Served on the Manchester Ship Canal, 1890-1892. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Univeisity College, Liverpool, 1893-1896. Uni- versity Demonstrator in Engineering, Cambridge, 1896-1897. Professor of Applied Mechanics, Royal Naval College, 1897-1905. Professor of Engineering in the University, Manchester, 1905. 137, Lapwing Lane, Didsbury, Manchester. Dunlop, John (Owens}. Born June 28, 1865. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. Formerly House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Practised as Physician and Surgeon in Wilmslow, Cheshire. Died July 2, 1895. *Dunlop, Robert (Owens}. Born March 12, 1861, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1882. M.A., 1885. Cobden Club Prize, 1885. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, 1888. Author of a Life of Henry Grattan, 1889 ; Life of Daniel O'Connell, 1900. Has contributed to the Dictionary of National Biography, the English Historical Review, the Cambridge Modern History, Owens College Historical Essays, &c. Hotel Alte Post, Golling, vei Salzburg, Austria. Dunworth, John Leonard. Born March 16, 1887, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Assistant Chemist at Levinstein's, Ltd., 1907. Lynwood, Clarendon Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Dutton, Edward Charles (Owens}. Born January 30, 1876, at Eccles. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Surgeon at Ancoats Hospital, 1899-1900 ; at Stockport In- firmary, 1900-1901. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force (Medal with five clasps). Late House Surgeon, Manchester Southern Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children, and the Manchester Maternity Hospital ; Gynaecological Wards, Liverpool Royal Infirmary ; Medical Officer, Liverpool Maternity Hospital ; Obstetric Assistant, University of Liverpool. Sunnyside, Upper Chorlton Road, Brooks's Bar, Manchester. *Dutton, Ethel (Owens). Born May 4, 1880, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Stoke-on-Trent Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1902-1904. Head Mistress, Taunton Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1905. Studying at Cherwell Hall, Oxford, 1907. Temporary posts at Droyssig and Birmingham in 1906 and 1908. 16, Earlsbury Gardens, Handsworth, Birmingham. io8 Dutton, Frank (Owens). Born October 17, 1872, at Horwich, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master at Central Higher Grade Schools, Leeds, 1896-1897. Science Master, Carpenters' Company's Technical Institute, 'f Stratford, London, E., 1897-1904. Head of Chemical Department, Alleyn's School, Dulwich, London, since 1904. 52, Beauval Road, Dulwich, London, S.E. \ Dutton, Joseph Everett (Univ.}. Born September 9, 1875, at Rock Ferry. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. Member of the Liverpool Malaria Expedition to Nigeria, 1900. Inves- tigated Malaria in Gambia, 1901. Proceeded to the Congo in 1903. Died on Expedition. *D\verryhouse, Arthur Richard (Yorks.). Born November 22, 1867, at Hale, near Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Geology), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. University Scholarship in Geology, 1899. Leeds University : D.Sc., 1905. Assistant Lecturer in Geology, Yorkshire College, 1899. Fellow of the Geological Society. 10, Ashwood Villas, Headingley, Leeds. Dyke, Thomas James. Born June 15, 1884, at Cr6we. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Chest er-le-Street, 1907. 79, Thomas Street, Crewe. Dykes, Jessie (Owens}. Born April 22, 1878, at Darlington. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Hanley Higher Grade School ; at Oldham Pupil Teachers' Centre. 49, Cleveland Road, Crumpsall, Manchester. *f Dyson, Gibson. Born February 12, 1863, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Brock Hall, Leominster. Dyson, Taylor (Owens}. Born March u, 1882, at Diggle, near Oldham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1901. London University : B.A. (2nd class French Language and Literature and English Language and Literature). Assistant Master at Newbury Grammar School, 1901-1902 ; at Penarth Intermediate School, 1903-1907. Senior Modern Language Master, Cranbrook School, 1908. School Terrace, Diggle, near Oldham ; Cranbrook School, Cranbrook, Kent. *Dyson, William (Owens}. Born May 19, 1871, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Junior House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1896-1897. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1897 J Clinical Hospital, Manchester, 1897-1898. "Hon. Surgeon to the Forester Hospital, Much Wenlock. Now in private practice. Alison House, Broseley, Salop. E Eastham, Tom (Owens}. Born February 22, 1879, at Hadfield, Derbyshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Resident Medical Officer to Royal Boscombe and West Hants Hos- pital, 1902. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1904. Member of the Northern Circuit, 1906. Honorary Secretary to the Lancashire Division of the National Union of Conservative Associations, 1907. 78, King Street, Manchester ; The Thorns, Hadfield, Derbyshire. 109 Eastwood, Dorothy. Born December 19, 1886, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Form Mistress, Halesowen Grammar School, 1907. c/o Mrs. Hall, Hagley Road, Halesowen, Birmingham ; Fairfield, Manchester. Eastwood, John Hastings (Univ.}. Born February 17. 1876, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899. At Westminster (Presbyterian) College, Cambridge, 1899-1902. Ordained to Presbyterian Ministry, 1902. Inducted to Christ Church, Forest Hall, Northumberland, on December 13, 1902. The Manse, Forest Hall. Northumberland. *tEastwood, Thomas Crossley. Born May 13, 1860, at .Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1879. LL.B., 1888. Barrister-at-Law. Clifford's Inn Prize and Stephen Heelis Gold Medal, Solicitors' Final Examination, 1883. Holt Scholar (Gray's Inn), 1884. Aggregate Prize, Inns of Court Lectuies, 1884. Ardern .Scholar (Gray's Inn), 1885. Lecturer in Conveyancing in University, 1907. 2, St. James's Square, Manchester. *fEaton, William (Owens). Born October 26, 1854, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1874. Admitted as Solicitor, 1879. Clement's Inn Prizeman and Stephen Heelis Gold Medallist. Notary Public, 1892. Commissioner for Oaths, 1886. Springfield, Victoria Park, Manchester. *Eddington, Arthur Stanley (Owens). Born December 28, 1882, at Kendal. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1902. M.Sc., 1906. London University : B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1903. Cambridge University : B.A., 1905. Senior Wrangler, 1904. At Trinity College, Cambridge, 1902-1905. Chief Assistant at Royal Observatory, Greenwich, since 1906. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1907. Royal Observatory, Greenwich ; Varzin, Walliscoie Road, Weston-super-Mare. *fEdgar, Clifford Blackburn. Born October 2, 1857, in Lancashire. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Mus., 1889. Director of the Niger Company and of the Bank of Nigeria. Mayor of Richmond, 1898-1899, and 1903-1904 Alderman and Magistrate of Richmond. Member of Surrey C.C-. Vice-Chairman of the Surrey Education Committee. Member of the Senate of the University of London. Chairman of the Richmond Education and Finance Committees. Honorary Treasurer of the Musical Association ('Incorporated). Member of the Court of the Worship- ful Company of Musicians. Chairman of the Richmond Public Library and Technical Instruction Committee. Wedderlie, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. *Edgar, Edward Charles (Owens}. Born April 12, 1881, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. M.Sc., 1906. D.Sc., 1906. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1901. Fellowship, 1902-1903. Dalton Chemical Scholarship, 1904. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry in the University of Manchester, 1905. Mellor Road, Marple Bridge. no *|Edge, Abraham Matthewson. Born September 18, 1850, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Royal University of Ireland : M.D., 1873. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1878. Physician's Assistant at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1874. District Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital', 1874-1876. Physician to the Salford Royal Hospital, 1878 ; to the Manchester Southern Hospital, 1879-1899 ; Consulting Physician, St. Mary's Hospitals, 1899. Honorary Consulting Physician to Chetham's Hospital. The Cottage, Whalley Range, Manchester. Edge, Richard Robert. Born December 29, 1874, at Astley, near Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Modern Languages), 1907. Modern Language Master at Leigh Grammar School, Lancashire, since 1907. Withington Cottages, Astley, near Manchester. *Edminson, Frederick John (Owens], Born May 10, 1860, at Manchester. B.A., 1883. M.A., 1886. Assistant Master, Hereford County College, 1885 ; Mill Hill School, 1885-1891 ; Leighton Park School, 1891-1894. House Master, 1894. Assistant Master and House Master, Friends' School, Reading. Friends' School, Reading. Edmonds, Arthur James (Owens}. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Died December 29, 1904. Edmonds, Stanley Herbert. Born July 27, 1882, at Bromley, Kent. B.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Ridley College, Ontario, 1904-1906 ; at Foster's School, Sherborne, 1907. St. Audvie's, Sherborne, Dorset. *Edmondson, Alfred Richard (Owens}. Born September 8, 1864, at Lytham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. With Messrs. Mather and Platt, 1879-1890. Lecturer on Engineering under the Manchester School Board, 1892-1897 ; at the Man- chester Municipal School of Technology, &c., 1897. The Oaks, Moss Lane, Timperley, Altrincham. *Edwards, Arnold John (Owens}. Born May 29, 1869, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. M.D. (highly commended), 1895. Medical Practitioner. Honorary Assistant Surgeon to the Manchester and Salford Lock Hospital, 1903. Honorary Surgeon (formerly House Surgeon) to the Chorlton-on-Medlock Dispensary, 1896. ' Formerly House Surgeon to the General Infirmary, Leeds, and the Southern Hospital, Manchester. Melbourne House, Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Edwards, Ernest John (Yorks.}. Born December 3, 1879, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Teacher of Geology at Leeds Technical School, 1902-1906. Demon- strator and Assistant Lectuier in Geology at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 1907. University College, Cardiff. Ill *Edwards, George Frederick (Owens). Born June 8, 1852, at Cambridge. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Obstetrics), 1889. M.D., 1891. L.S.A., 1882. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1883. House Surgeon, Blackwell Colliery Hospital. Derbyshire, in 1882. Resident Surgeon, Ripon Hospital, in 1886. In general practice at Bexley from 1889-1906. c/o Martin's Bank, Limited, Bexley Heath, Kent. Edwards, Gwendolen. Born May 3, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Cheetham Higher Grade School, 1904-1905 ; at Dr. Williams' High School, Dolgelley, since 1906. Park Cottage, Denbigh, N. Wales. Edwards, Norman Fox (Owens). Born October 27, 1891, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Resident Medical Officer at the Manchester Consumption Hospital, 1893-1894. Senior House Surgeon at the Swansea General Eye Hospital, 1894-1895. Resident Medical Officer at the Chorlton-on- Medlock Dispensary, 1896. Broseley, Salop. Edwards, Sarah. Born March n, 1885, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Higher Grade School, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Colwyn Bay, 1906-1907. Park Cottage, Denbigh, N. Wales. Edwards, William. Born September i, 1887, at Dukinfield. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1907. Research in the University, 1907-1908. Rydal Mount, Cheetham Hill Road, Dukinfield. Elce, Tom. Born July 10, 1888, at Altham, Accrington. B.Sc.Tech. (Sanitary Engineering, Honours), 1907. Engineering Pupil. Rock Mount, Altham, Accrington. Elias, Grace Dorothy (Univ.}. Born April 18, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1902. M.A., 1905. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. First Assistant Mistress, Beaumaris Grammar School, 1902. 154, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool ; 2, Yorke Terrace, Beaumaris, Anglesey. Elias, Mrs. F. See Morice, Edith L. Elias, Wm. Alfred (Univ.}. Born December 19, 1879, at Arvonia, Osage County, Kansas, U.S.A. LL.B. (ist class), 1901. University Law Scholarship, 1901. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Practising as a Barrister on the Northern Circuit. Called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, 1904. Joint Author of a law book entitled The Aliens 1 Act and the Right of Asylum, 1906. Contributor to Wales : To-day and To-morrow, 1907. 25, Lord Street, Liverpool. *Elliott, Ethel Mary Linder (Owens). Born October 21, 1872, at Nottingham. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at the Manchester High School for Girls, 1903-1905. Second Mistress at the Bridlington High School for Girls, 1905. Tramore, Roundhay Road, Bridlington, Yorkshire. 112 *Elliott, Mabel Alice (Owens). Born March 29, 1879, at Oldham. B.A. (3rd class History), 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1901. M.A., 1903. Formerly Assistant Mistress at Leigh Grammar School, 1901-1903. Woodroyd, Lancaster Road, Eccles Old Road, Manchester. Elliott, Reginald Leslie (Owens}. Born August 28.. 1874, in London. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Studied at Zurich, 1898-1899. With Messrs. Elliott Bros. & Co., of Sydney, N.S.W., 1899. 88, Ashley Gardens, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Elliott, Spencer Hayward (Yorks.). Born June 27, 1883, at Glasgow. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1904. M.A., 1906. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. English and Divinity Master at Ripon Grammar School, 1904-1906. Ordained (Ripon Diocese), 1906. Senior Curate, St. Simon's Church, Leeds, 1907. 6, Belmont Grove, Leeds. Elliott, William (Univ.). Born March 5, 1879, at Strabane, Ireland. B.A., 1902. M.A., 1905. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. F.R.Hist.S., 1904. Assistant Master at Upper Park Street Schools, Liverpool, 1902. Lecturer at Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, 1903. 15, Alder son Road, Wavertree, Liverpool. *Ellis, Er Victor (Univ.}. Born July 31, 1865, at Midhope, near Sheffield. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Analytical Chemist. Chemist to Messrs. Craig and Rose, Caledonian Varnish, Oil, and Colour Works, 1891. 7, Hillside Crescent, Edinburgh. Ellis, Frank Thomas (Univ.}. Born November 14, 1881, at Liscard, Cheshire. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1901 and (2nd class Physics) 1902. Appointed Cadet Civil Service, Straits Settlements, 1903. Passed Final in Chinese, 1906. Second Assistant Protector of Chinese, Singapore (acting), 1906. District Officer, Christmas Island (acting), 1907. District Office, Christmas Island. Ellis, James John (Yorks.}. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Student in the Faculty of Theology, 1906-1908. Temporary Teaching post in Findlay College, Mannargudi. In charge of pastorate at Mannargudi, 1908. Findlay College, Mannargudi, Tanjore, India. Ellis, John William (Univ.}. Born January 24, 1857, at Doncaster. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. L.R.C.S.E., 1880, &c. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Honorary Physician, Liverpool Hahnemann Hospital. Surgeon-Major, 6th V.B. King's Liverpool Regiment. Fellow of the Entomological Society of London. 18, Rodney Street, Liverpool. *Ellis, Mary Catherine (Owens). Born August 14, 1868, at Manchester. B.A., 1892. M.A., 1896. 87, Park Street, Greenheys, Manchester. Ellison, Florence (Univ.). Born February 5, 1868. B.A., 1890. Morning Governess. Embleton, John William (Yorks.). Born May 19, 1879, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1902. First Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Wigan, 1902-1904. Head Master, .Southchurch Hall Boys' Council School, Southend- on-Sea. Sunnyside, Leamington Road, Southend-on-Sea. Emmott, Mary King (Univ.}. Born October 22, 1882, at Wilmslow. B.A., 1904. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. M.A., 1905. Teacher's Diploma with Special Certificate, 1905. Lecturer at British and Foreign School Society's Training College, Stockwell Lane, London, S.W., 1905-1906. Head Mistress, Sidcot , School, Winscombe, Somerset, 1906. Sidcot School, Winscombe, Somerset. Emrys-Roberts Edward (Univ.). Born May 14, 1878, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. University of Liverpool : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Served with South African Field Force, 1900. Assistant Medical Officer, Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool, 1902-1903. Ethel Boyce Research Fellow in Gynaecological Pathology, 1903-1906. Sub-Curator of Pathological Museum (Gynaecological Section), University of Liverpool, since 1906. Clinical Assistant, Hospital for Women, Liverpool, since 1906. 12, Rodney Street, Liverpool. England, Amos (Owens). Born February 14, 1878, at Barrowford. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Science Master, Grammar School, Cork, 1901-1902 ; Municipal Secondary School, Leamington, 1902-1903; King Edward VI. School, Stourbridge, 1903. Hillcroft, Amblecote, Stourbridge. *tfEngland, Edwin Bourdieu. Born September 9, 1847, a t Mill Hill, Middlesex. M.A., 1893. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A., 1870. M.A., 1873. Litt.D., 1893. Assistant Lecturer in Classics at Owens College, from 1872 to 1892 ; also formerly Lecturer of the University. Warden of Hulme Hall, 1892-1904. Has edited Euripides, Iphigenia .in Tauris and Iphigenia in Aulis. High Wray, Ambleside. *England, Helen Mary (Owens). Born August n, 1880, at Withington, Man- chester. B.Sc. (3rd class Zoology), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Honorary Research Fellow in Zoology, 1903-1904. High Wray, Ambleside. Ensor, Mrs. R. C. K. See Fisher, Helen. Entwisle, Adeline Maud. Born October 12, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. Mathematical Tutor in the Day Training Department of University College, Bristol, 1907. 86, Manchester Road, Swinton, Manchester. *fEntwistle, Johnson Lomax. Born December 13, 1862, at Bolton, Lancashire. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A. (ist Division), 1884. M.A. (ist Division Mathematics), 1891. Assistant Mathematical Master at Monmouth Grammar School since 1891; House Master, 1895-1906 ; second Master, 1906. Captain commanding Monmouth Company, 4th Volunteer Battalion South Wales Borderers, 1900. i, Oakleigh, Hereford Road, Monmouth. *Epstein, Mordecai (Owens). Born June 24, 1880. B.A. (2nd class History), 1902. M.A., 1905. University of Heidelberg : Ph.D., 1908. University of Breslau, 1902-1904. At University of Berlin, 1904- 1905. Organising Secretary of Jewish Religious Union, London, 1905. 8, Lynton Road, London, N.W. Eva, Douglas Cooper (Univ.). Born September 8, 1883, at Attleborough, Norfolk. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1907. Science Master, Balshaw's Grammar School, Leyland, 1904 ; Grammar School, Crewkerne, 1908 ; Grammar School, Hinckley, 1906. 35, Regent Road, Great Crosby, Liverpool. Evans, Daniel Emlyn (Owens). Born February i, 1871, at Pumpsaint, Car- marthenshire. B.A., 1896. Minister of English Congregational Church, Bangor, 1900. 44, Holyhead Road, Bangor. Evans, Evan (Owens). Born October 31, 1869, at Hyde. B.A., 1898. Associate of the Theological Senate, 1899. Director of Whitworth Institute, Darley Dale, 1900. Secretary to Darley Dale Education Committee, 1905. Whitworth Institute, Darley Dale, Matlock. Evans, Gwladys (Owens'). Born June 12, 1885, at Mutley, Plymouth. B.A. (2nd class History), 1906. M.A., 1907. Teacher's Diploma, 1907. Assistant Mistress in Fielden School. Brookfield Parsonage, Gorton, near Manchester. Evans, Mrs. H. See Taylor, Ruth. Evans, Horace Walter (Univ.). Born February 10, 1877, a ^ Liverpool. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Nottingham, 1899. Science Master, High Pavement Secondary School, Nottingham, 1906. 45, Leonard Avenue, Sherwood, Nottingham. Evans, John (Owens). B.A., 1901. Evans, John Eric (Univ.). Born in 1875. B.Sc., 1897. Messrs. Huson Brothers, 13, Batavia Buildings, Liverpool ; 30, Alma Road, Birkdale, Southport. Evans, Sam. Born August 12, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1908. 88, Acomb Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Evans, Samuel Ernest (Owens). Born March 23, 1876, at Newton Heath, Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1897. Wfidham College, Oxford : Classical Moderations, 2nd class, 1899. Literae Humaniores (3rd class), 1901. M.A., 1904. Senior Classical and English Master at the Grammar School, Doncaster. since 1901. Primrose Bank, Newton Heath, Manchester. Evans, Susannah (Univ.). Born August 24, 1881, at Liverpool. B.A., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Repetetrice a 1'ecole normale, Caen, Calvados, 1904. Assistant Mistress at Cheltenham Grammar School, since 1905. 9, Oxford Street, Cheltenham. Evans, Walter Herbert (Owens). Born January 29, 1883, at Strasburg, Alsace, Germany. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Chemical Research at Manchester University, 1903-1904. Technical Chemist, 1905-1906. Assistant Examiner in H.M. Patent Office, 1906. H.M. Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. *fEvans, William Arnold. Born May 15, 1862, at Sheffield. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1884. M.D., 1888. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.S.A., 1883. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1890. Late House Physician and Pathologist, Wolverhampton General Hospital ; House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; Assist- ant Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, and District Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital. Medical Officer of Health, City of Bradford. Town Hall, Bradford, Yorks. Evans, William Thomas (Univ.). Born February 13, 1881, at Rhuddlan. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, St. John's School, Birkenhead, 1903. 87, Grange Road West, Birkenhead. Everett, James Herbert (Yorks.). Born July 14, 1878, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Secondary Section, Cockburn High School, Leeds, since 1902. Cockburn High School, Leeds. *Ewan, Thomas (Owens). Born July 23, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1889. Mercer Scholarship, 1889. I ^S I Exhibition Scholarship, 1891. M.Sc., 1896. Munich University : Ph.D., 1890. Demonstrator of Chemistry, Yorkshire College, 1894-1896. Research Chemist to the Aluminium Co., of London and Oldbury, 1896- 1900. With the Cassel Gold Extracting Co., Glasgow, since 1900. Cassel Cyanide Co., Ltd., Shuna Street, Mary hill, Glasgow. Ewart, Arthur Ernest (Univ.). Born August 6, 1874, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1894. With Cochran & Co., Engineers, in 1894 ; Fairfield Engineering Works, 1894-1897. Assistant Engineer in the Navy, 1897 '> a * Royal Naval College, 1897-1900; H.M.S. Vindictive since 1900. H.M.S. 'Vindictive,' Mediterranean Squadron. u6 *Ewart, Edith Margaret (Univ.). Born April 13, 1870, at Liverpool. B.A., 1891. M.A., 1894. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Bedford College, Liverpool, 1891-1894. Studied in Germany, 1895. Senior Mistress of Intermediate School, Narberth, in 1896; of Intermediate School, Abertillery, 1896-1898; of County School, Aberystwyth, 1898. Now Head Mistress of Folke- stone County School for Girls. 2, Bouverie Road East, Folkestone. *Ewart, Robert John (Univ.). Born July 20, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1896. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.Sc., 1903. M.D., 1904. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1902. Turner Lyon Jones Scholarship, 1896. Torr Gold Medal, Physiology', 1898. Holt Fellow in Physiology, University College, Liverpool, 1899 ; in Pathology, 1902. Senior House Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1900 ; Surgical Tutor and Registrar, 1903. Demonstrator in Physiology in University of Manchester, 1904-1905. Formerly Demonstrator in Pathology in University of Liverpool. 33, Berkeley Street, Liverpool. F *Fairbourn, William Walker (Owens). Born December 13, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Schoolmaster at Cheetham Higher Grade School since 1901. 71, Devonshire Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Fairbrother, Jessie (Yorks.). Born December 29, 1880, at Leeds. B.A., 1903. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Leeds Central High School. 20 1, Beeston Road, Leeds. Fairbrother, Percy Thomas (Owens). Born November 3, 1873. B.A. (2nd class History), 1893. Balliol College Oxford : B.A. (3rd class Modern History), 1897. Assistant Master, Dover College. Barrington Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. Fairbrother, William Samuel (Owens). Born July 25, 1881, at Wigan. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Hindley Grammar School. The Orms, Spring Bank, Pemberton, Wigan. *|Fairclough, John James Kent (Owens). Born October 19, 1855, at Lymm, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. Royal University of Ireland : M.D., M.Ch., 1877. L.R.C.P.I. and L.M., 1876; M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1877. Obstetric Physician, No. 4 District, Manchester Maternity Hospital. Major and 2nd in command Manchester Co.'s R.A.M.C. (Vol.). Hon. Surgeon, Chorlton and Hulme Dispensaries. In private practice at Old Tr afford. Greenmount, Sevmour Grove, Old Trafford, Manchester; 414, Stretford Road, Manchester. 117 Fairer, John Arnold. Born October 7, 1883, at Kirkby Stephen, Westmore- land. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1907. South field House, Cornwall Road, Bedford. Fairrie, Septimus Harold (Univ.). Born March 12, 1867. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon-Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps. Late House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. c/o Messrs. Fairrie &> Co., 21, Victoria Street, Liverpool. Falconer, Edwin Walter (Owens). Born August 22, 1876, at Birmingham. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. Late Senior House Surgeon, Pieston and County of Lancaster Royal Infirmary. 235, Newchurch Road, Stackstead, Bacup. Falconer, James Law (Owens). Born October 5, 1881, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1903. Bradley Memorial Surgical Scholarship, 1903. Accident Room House Surgeon, 1904, House Surgeon, 1904-1905, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Dreadnought Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich, 1906-1907. Oswald House, Barlow Moor Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Falkner, Ernest Basil. Born May u, 1880, at Old Trafford, Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Keble College, Oxford : B.A. (3rd class Natural Science), 1904. Senior Science Master, County School, Wellington, Somerset, 1905. Assistant Science Master, Tonbridge School, and Science Instructor to the ' Eton House ' Army Coaching Establishment, Tonbridge. 2, B 'or dyke, Tonbridge, Kent; Elian Brook, Brooklands, Cheshire. *Fallaw, Mrs. Lance. See Charlton, Margaret Helena. Fallowfield, Annie Gertrude (Owens). Born February 8, 1873, at Clayton - le-Moors, near Accrington. B.A., 1893. Assistant Mistress under the Birmingham School Board, 1894-1895. Senior Mistress, Municipal Science and Technical School, Nelson, 1895-1897. Married, July 10, 1897, Benjamin Ball, A.M.Inst.C.E., Borough En- gineer, Nelson. 70, Hibson Road, Nelson, Lancashire. *Faraday, Ethel Richmond (Owens). Born October 23, 1870, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1895. University Scholar in Classics, 1895. M.A., 1898. Studied at Berlin and Brussels Universities, 1 895-1 896. Has contributed to the Dictionary of Political Economy and the Fortnightly Review. Carshalton House, Heaton Road, Withington, Manchester. *Faraday, Lucy Winifred (Owens). Born July 8, 1872, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class .English Language and Literature), 1897. University Scholarship, 1897. University Fellowship, 1898. M.A., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Visiting Mistress, Manchester High School for Girls, and Private Coaching, 1899. Assistant Mistress, Howells School, Llandaff, 1893. Has translated from the Old Irish a prose epic entitled The Cattle Raid of Chalnge. Carshalton House, Heaton Road, Withington, Manchester. n8 *Faraday, Wilfred Barnard (Owens). Born March 14, 1874, at Longsight, Manchester. LL.B. (Honours), 1897. Called to the Bar, Gray's Inn, Hilary, 1900. Lee Prizeman, Gray's Inn, 1898. Secretary of Bimetallic League, 1897. Secretary of Tariff Reform League, 1902. Equity Draftsman and Conveyancer, Member of the Northern Circuit, and Chancery of Lancaster Court. Member of Stockport Education Committee, 1907. Author of The Leigh-Phillips Correspondence and numerous pamphlets. Milnethorpe, Davenport, near Stockport ; 78, King Street, Manchester. Farmer, Amy Margaret. Born August 9, 1882, at Kensington, London, W. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress under Leeds Education Committee, 1905-1906. Assistant Secretary, Hamp stead Charity Organisation Society, since 1906. Brambletye, 26, Nassington Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Farmer, Euphemia Lethbridge (Univ.). Born October 2, 1879, at Walton, Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. At present Medical Student, Liverpool University. Eller How, A ere field Road, Prenton Hill, Birkenhead. Farmer, Frank Harvey (Univ.). Born August 2, 1881, at Walton, Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1901. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Student Apprenticeship and subsequent engagement with Westing- house Electrical Company, Pittsburg, U.S.A. c/o John T. Farmer, 418, Coristine Building, Montreal, Canada. Farmer, John Taylor (Univ.). Born December 14, 1874, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. McGill University : B.A. Sc. (ad eundem), 1896. M.E., 1897. Mechanical and Hydraulic Engineer. Late Assistant Examiner in Canadian Government Patent Office. With Messrs. Ball and Wood, New York, 1899-1900 ; Watts-Campbell Co., Newark, N.J., since 1900. Now in practice at Montreal. 427, Coristine Building, Montreal. Farmer, Robert Crosbie (Univ.). Born November 30, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. Mercer Scholarship, 1897. M.Sc., 1901. Ph.D. (summa cum laude) (Wiirzburg), 1899. Birmingham University : M.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : D.Sc., 1904. Assistant Chemist, Messrs. Craig & Rose, 1899-1900. Priestley Scholar- ship, University of Birmingham, 1900. Lecturer, University of Birmingham, 1901-1902. First Assistant, Chemical Research Laboratory, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, since 1902. Eller How, A ere field Road, Prenton Hill, Birkenhead. Farrar, Douglas (Owens). Born January 12, 1881, at Prestwich, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1902-1906. Lecturer in Physics, Hartley University College, Southampton, since 1906. Standleigh, Whitefield, near Manchester. 119 *Farrar, Harold (Owens). Born May 24, 1877, at Stand, Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. With Great Central Railway, 1 898. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1903. Assistant District Engineer, G. C. Railway, Grimsby Docks, since 1904. Standleigh, White field, Manchester. Farrell, Frank James (Owens). Born June 21, 1877, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Assistant Lecturer in Dyeing -and Calico Printing, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1896-1897. Chemist to Messrs. Grant and Co., Silk Manufacturers, Great Yarmouth, 1897-1900. Manager of Dyeing Department, Messrs. Spiers and Pond, Ltd., Battersea, 1901-1904. General Manager to Messrs. Spiers and Pond's Dye- works and Laundries, London, S.W., since 1904. 44, Prince of Wales' Mansions, Battersea Park, London, S.W. Farrimond, Joseph. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Farrington,- Henry (Univ.). Born March 27, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Demonstrator in Engineering at the Polytechnic, Regent Street, London, 1901-1904. | Now in America. 52, Hahnemann Road, Walton, Liverpool. *fFaulkner, John Thomas. Born March 5, 1856, at Urmston, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1904, London University : M.B. (Honours in Forensic Medicine), 1880. M.D., 1882. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1878. Late Accident House Surgeon and House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Apsley House, Stretford, Manchester. *Fayle, Harold. Born November 6, 1884, at Clonmel, Ireland. B.Sc., 1905. Pupil, Engineer's Office, G. S. & W. Rly., 1905-1907. Ellerslie, Temple Road, Miltown, Co. Dublin. Feamley, Lewis William Knapton (Yorks.). Born June 28, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Leeds Central High School, since 1904. 2, Dial Villas, Woodhouse Moor, Leeds. Fearnsides, Philip Henry (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Died November 4, 1900. Featherston, Sydney (Owens). Born April 7, 1878, at Bishop Auckland, Durham. B.Sc., 1901. Science Master, The School, Cheadle Hulme, 1901-1903 ; Framlingham College, Suffolk, since 1903. Framlingham College, Suffolk. *Fell, Thomas Isaac (Univ.). Born January 4, 1879, at Crook, Durham. B.A., 1901. M.A., 1905 Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Special Master, Brae Street Council and Science Schools, Liverpool, 1903. Licentiate of College of Preceptors, London, 1906. Evening Lecturer, Pupil Teachers' College, Liverpool, 1904. King Street, Garston, Liverpool. I2O Fennell, Theodore Llewellyn (Owens). Born July 30, 1874, at Washington, Co. Durham. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. House Surgeon. Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901-1902. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, 1902-1903. Medical Officer, Knutsford District and H.M. Prison, Knutsford. Princess Street, Knutsford. Ferguson, Charles Baldwin (Owens). Born August 22, 1875, at Birmingham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1896. M.A., 1899. Assistant Master, Richmond Hill School, London, S.W T ., 1896-1897. Second and House Master, Shebbear College, North Devon, 1897- 1899. At Elmfield College, York, 1899-1901. Now at Government School in Orange River Colony. Gray College, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Ferguson, Charles Henry (Univ.). Born January 23, 1877, at Warrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Assistant Surgeon, South Dispensary, Liverpool, 1900. House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmaiy, 1901-1903. Medical Practice. 2, Weaste Road, Weaste, Manchester. *fFerguson, John. Born November 15, 1855, at Ardwick, Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Durham University : M.D., 1896. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1876. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1876. In general practice. 266, Stockport Road. Manchester. Ferguson, Philip. Born January 17, 1885, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. Junior Demon- strator in Physiology, University of Manchester, 1907-1908. 266, Stockport Road, Manchester. *Ferguson. Roderick Morrison (Owens). Born October 27, 1878, in Stirlingshire. B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Lecturer at Sunderland Technical College, 1902-1905. Lecturer at Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, since 1905. Municipal School of Technology, Manchester ; 371, Hollins Road, Hollinwood, Oldham. Ferguson, Ronald Leslie. Born November, 1881, at Farnworth, Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Assistant House Surgeon to Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, 1905. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. House Physician (six months), 1906 ; House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, since 1907. Ancoats Hospital, Manchester ; The Laurels, Eccles, Manchester. Fernley, Florence (Univ.). Born November 2, 1881, at Oldham. "B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Roundthorn Council School, Oldham, 1903-1904 ; Pupil Teachers' Centre, Oldham, since 1904. 7, Barlow Street, Greenhill, Oldham. Ferris, Daniel Joseph (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.S.A., 1901. 6, Penrhyn Avenue, Litherland, Liverpool. 121 Ferris, Robert Francis (Owens). Born October 16, 1876, at Campbeltown, Argyllshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Per shore House, Per shore Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. *tfFiddes, Edward. Born July 31, 1864, at Aberdeen. M.A., 1905. Aberdeen University : M.A., 1885. Cambridge University : B.A. (ist class Classical Tripos, Parts i. and n.), 1888. M.A., 1892. Assistant Lecturer in Classics, Owens College, 1890-1895. University Lecturer, 1893-1895. Assistant Secretary to Council and Senate, Owens College, 1895-1904. College Tutor, 1899-1904. Registrar of the University of Manchester since 1903. Special Lecturer in Roman History since 1905. Has contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, and has edited Studies of Roman Imperialism, by the late W. T. Arnold. 173, Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester. Field, Ernest Wilfred Fulham (Yorks.). Born December 29, 1876. B.Sc., 1896. Mathematics and Science Master, Blue-coat School, King's Hospital, Dublin, 1897-1898. Died November 26, 1898. *Fielding, William Richard. Born May 6, 1884, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, since 1905. 276, Deane Church Lane, Bolton. Findlay, George Hindson (Yorks.). Born August 12, 1882, at Leeds. B.A., 1903. Clerk in Wesleyan Mission House, 1903-1904. At Leeds University, 1904-1905. Lay Agent, Wesleyan Home Missions, 1905-1906. Entered Wesleyan Ministry, 1906. At Didsbury College, Man- chester, 1906-1907. Foreign Missionary (Madras), 1907. Headingley College, Leeds. Findlay, Mary Grace (Yorks.). Born January 10, 1877, at Richmond, Surrey. B.Sc., 1898 and (2nd class Mathematics) 1900. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Head Mistress of Wesleyan Mission Girls' High School, Royapettah, Madras, 1901-1904 ; of Primary School and Kindergarten, Bruns- wick-street, Manchester, 1906. 223, Brunswick Street, Manchester. Finklestone, Harry. Born March 17, 1887, at Manchester. LL.B. (Honours), 1906. 379, The Mount, Higher Broughton, Manchester. r inn, Cornelius Philip (Yorks.). Born June 17, 1880, at Pontefract. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Private Assistant to Professor J. J. Dobbie, F.R.S., University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1901-1902. Chemist with Farnley Iron Co., Ltd., Leeds, 1902-1906. Pontefract Road, Castle ford. Finney, Albert Ernest (Owens). Born February 5, 1876, at Lowestoft. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1900. M.D. (commended), 1903. Late Pathological Registrar and Resident House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; Demonstrator of Morbid Anatomy, and Junior Demonstrator of Pathology, Owens College. Honorary Assistant 122 Pathologist, Cancer Hospital, Stanley Grove. Honorary Visiting Medical Officer, Ancoats Convalescent, Wharf ord. Barwood. Wilmslow, Cheshire, Firth, Annie (Yorks.). Born April 30, 1878, at Drighlington. B.Sc., 1898. Teacher at Belle Vue Higher Grade Girls' School, Bradford, 1899. Married, August 8, 1906, to Arthur Ehodes. 12, Selborne Villas, Clayton, Bradford. Firth, Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 5, 1873, at Drighlington. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. In general practice at Morley. Glenholme, Morley, near Leeds. Firth, Charles Turner (Yorks.). Born June 8, 1880, at Beulah, Idle, Bradford. B.Sc., 1900. Assoc. Mem. Inst.C.E., 1906. Formerly employed in Waterworks Construction near Holmfirth, Yorks. ; also in Sewage Works Engineering under the Sewage Engineer to the Bradford Corporation ; has also carried out Hydraulic Investigations for Prof. Goodman, of Leeds University. High-field View, Idle, Bradford. Firth, Margaret Ann (Owens'). Born June 2, 1874, at Halifax. B.A., 1896. Assistant Mistress, Leeds Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1897-1898 ; at Hebden Bridge Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1898-1900. Married, May 30, 1900, Herbert Gates, Brick and Sanitary Pipe Maker, Halifax. Horley Green, Claremont, Halifax. Firth, William Winterbottom (Owens). Born June 17, 1874, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1901. London University : A.R.C.Sc., 1901. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, University College, Bangor, 1900. Lecturer and Demonstrator in Electrical Engineering, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 23, Melrose Avenue, Monkseaton, Northumberland. *tFish> Arthur Henry. Born December 14, 1858, at Chester. B.A., 1904- London University : B.A., B.Sc. Head Master, Arnold House School, Chester. Ordained Church o England, 1884. Arnold House School, Chester *Fish, Ellen (Owens). Born December 20, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Mistress at Higher Grade School, East Finchley, 1898-1899; a Ardwick Science School, Manchester, 1899. 179, Barton Road, Stretford, Manchester Fish, Frederick William (Owens). Born January 31, 1871. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. Resident Medical Officer, Convalescent Hospital, Southport, 1895-189 Died August 15, 1896. Fish, George Alfred Briggs (Owens). Born September 29, 1866, at Ashto under-Lyne. LL.B., 1900. Admitted as a Solicitor, 1889 ; practised at Ashton. Deceased I2 3 Fish, Thomas Arnold (Owens). Born December 20, 1881, at Royton, Oldham. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1902. M.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Ashville College, Harrogate, 1902. Modern Languages Master, Tiffin's Boys' School, Kingston-on-Thames, 1905. Milford, Chesham Road, Norbiton, Surrey. Fisher, Frederick Broughton (Yorks.). Born September 25, 1881, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A., 1904. Master at Birkenhead Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1904. 9, Rose Mount, Oxton, Birkenhead. Fisher, Helen (Owens). Born April 27, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1897. Formerly Organising Secretary to the Collyhurst Recreation Rooms Committee. Married, May 31, 1906, Robert Charles Kirkwood Ensor, B.A. 49 and 50, Ontario Buildings, Preston's Road, Poplar, London, E. Fisher, Paul (Univ.). Born January 6, 1877, at Llandudno. B.Sc., 1903. Science Demonstrator, Liverpool School Board, 1899-1900. Chemistry Master, Arnot Street Higher Grade School, Liverpool, 1900-1904. Head of Chemical Department, Warrington Technical School, 1904. 173, Padgate Lane, Warrington. Fitzgerald, Edward (Univ.). Born September 30, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. Science Master at Kingswood School, Bath, 1902-1905. Lecturer to the University of London, Goldsmith's College, since 1905. 154, Venner Road, Sydenham, London, S.E. Flack, Frederick Henry (Owens). Born February 5, 1878, at Burnley. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Late Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Blackburn and East Lancashire Infirmary. 56, Railway Street, Nelson, Lanes. Fleming, Jane Allison. Born January 9, 1883, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Surgeon to the Manchester and Salford Hospital for Skin Diseases, 1907. Didsbury, Manchester. Fleming, William Cowan (Univ.). Born March 8, 1868, at Alexandria, Egypt. B.A., 1890. Collegiate Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Colombo ; formerly at Norham, Northumberland. Minister, Presbyterian Church of England, Ancoats, Manchester, 1906. 59, Smedley Road, Cheetham, Manchester. Fletcher, Albert Herbert Bateson (Yorks.). Born August 20, 1875, at Low Moor, Bradford. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Surgeon, S.S. Staffordshire, 1901. Derneholm, Stanhope Road, Darlington. *Fletcher, Alfred Woodroofe (Owens). Born October 8, 1868, at Crumpsall, Manchester. LL.B. (ist class), 1892. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1893. Elected to the Northern Circuit, 1893. Practised on the Northern Circuit and at the Parlia- mentary Bar, 1893-1907. Representative Governor of Newchurch I2 4 Grammar School, 1895-1905. Ripon Clergy College, 1907. Or- dained Deacon by Bishop of Ripon, 1907. Curate of St. George's, Leeds, since 1907. 57, Springfield Place, Leeds. Fletcher, Annie Caroline (Owens). Born September 19, 1878, at Oldham. B.A., 1901. First Assistant Mistress, Barnsley Higher Elementary School, 1902- 1904. Mistress at Chadderton Pupil Teachers' Centre, Oldham, 1904-1905. Married, June, 1906, James E. Whittaker. Rush Bank, Middleton Road, Oldham. Fletcher, David (Owens). Born July 23, 1878, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1901. Science Master, Truro College, 1901-1906. Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1906-1907 ; Central Secondary School, Bolton, 1908. 34, Mackenzie Street, Sharpies, Bolton. Fletcher, Francis Statham (Owens). Born January 29, 1871, at Hampton Wick, Surrey. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Honorary Medical Officer to District Nurses' Home, Bradford, Man- chester. 499, Grey Mare Lane, Bradford, Manchester. Fletcher, Harriet Mary (Owens). Born October 19, 1879, at Manchester. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress. Thomas Street Municipal School, 1903-1904 ; Form Mistress, Secondary School, Stretford Road, Manchester, since 1904. 12, Pembroke Grove, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester. Fletcher, Hubert Middlecott (Univ.). Born October 10, 1876, at Litherland. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. F.R.C.S. (Lond.). House Physician, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1899-1900 ; at Stanley Hospital, 1900-1904. Died October, 1904. Fletcher, John (Owens). Born 1857, at Bury. Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1886. L.S.A., 1881, &c. In general practice. 40, Dawes Road, Fulham, London, S.W. Fletcher, Joseph. Born December 25, 1880, at Failsworth, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. In general practice. 627, Oldham Road, Failsworth, Manchester. Fletcher, Rowe Brennand (Owens). Born February 4, 1878, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., 1906. Late Senior Resident Medical Officer. St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children, and Manchester and Saliord Lying-in Hospital, and Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary. Willow Bank, 130, Great Clowes Street, Manchester. [Flower, George William (Yorks.). Born July 9, 1878, at Whitwood Mere. B.Sc., \ 900. Chemist to Sheffield Chemical Co. since 1902. 38, Firth Park Crescent, Sheffield. Flower, Mrs. W. See Webster, Mary E. Floyd, Ernest William (Owens). Born December 23, 1875, at Eccles, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1898. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1898-1899. Senior j Resident Medical Officer, Guest Hospital, Dudley, 1899-1900. Assistant Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1901- 1902. Honorary Physician, Hulme Dispensary, 1902. Westwood, West-wood Street, Moss Side. Floyd, James Edward (Owens). Born 1868, at Stalybridge, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. 144, Hyde Road, Gorton, Manchester. Foley, Frank Settle (Owens). Born May i, 1858. LL.B., 1900. Solicitor, admitted 1885. Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 1906. Swallowfield, Harwich ; 78, King Street, Manchester. Folkard, Muriel 'Bracewell. Born 1882, at Thornhill, Wigan. B.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Teacher at High School, Halifax, 1904. Assistant Mistress at Wigan Grammar School, 1905-1906 ; at Wigan Girls' High School, since 1907. Wingates, Haigh, near Wigan. Follows, George (Owens). Born July 20, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. With Messrs. Follows & Bate, Ltd., 1884-1890. M. S. & L. Railway, 1890-1893. Lecturer in Mathematics and Engineering, Liverpool School of Science, Technology and Art, 1896. Lecturer in Mathe- matics and Engineering, Liverpool Municipal Technical School, since 1901. The Municipal Technical School, Liverpool. Forber, Edward Rodolph (Univ.). Born July 20, 1878. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1897. Gilchrist Scholarship, 1895. Derby Exhibition, 1897. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (i4th Wrangler), 1899. Natural Science Tripos, Part II., Class II., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. 12, Heathcott Street, Edge Hill, Liverpool. Forbes, Mary Cameron Gunn (Univ.). Born January 19, 1875. B.A., 1897. Teacher at the Stockport Pupil Teachers' Centre. Married J. L. Haig 14, Stanley Road, Barrow-in-Furness. Forrest, Archibald (Univ.). Born November 4, 1875, at Leyland. B.A., 1901. Assistant Master, School of Science, Barrow-in-Furness, 1901-1903. English Master, Municipal Secondary School, Derby, since 1903. 67, Walbrook Road, Derby. Forrest, James Alexander Mitchell (Owens). Born April i, 1874. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Manufacturing Chemist with Messrs. Smith & Forrest, Holt Town. Died August 15, 1899. 'Forshaw, Arthur (Owens). Born May 14, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Chemist at Earl of Ellesmere's Brackley Coke Works, Little Hulton, Lancashire, since 1903. Ford House, Bury Old Road, Manchester. 126 Forster, Robert Thomas (Yorks.). Born December 25, 1874, at Carlisle. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.S.A., 1900. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, No. 3 District, Bridlington Union. Medical Referee, Prudential Assurance Company. Late House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds. Pentreve, Hunmanby, Yorks. Forsyth, Christina Brand (Yorks.). Born March 8, 1879, at Glasgow. B.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant at Central High School, Leeds. 101, Caledonian Road, Leeds. Forsyth, John Andrew Cairns (Yorks.). Born October 12, 1876, at Glasgow. B.Sc. (and class Physiology), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Demonstrator in Physiology, Yorkshire College, 1897-1898. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1901-1902. Pathological Curator, General Infirmary, Leeds, and Assistant Demonstrator in Pathology, Yorkshire College Medical School, 1902-1904. Studied in Berlin and Vienna, 1904. 2, Beaumont Street, Portland Place, London, W. Fort, Henry Mellon Born December 30, 1880, at Oldham, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Accident Room House Surgeon, 1906-1907 ; House Surgeon (Mr. Thorburn), 1907, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Falcon House, Oldham. Fortune, Alfred Price (Univ.). Born May 5, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Sefton Park Board School, Liverpool, 1899. First Master, Birchfield Road Council School, Liverpool, since 1905. 26, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. . Foster, Mrs. See Moore, Constance G. Foster, David Charles. Born April 27, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1907. Murcott, Islip, Oxon. Foster, Edmund Dean (Owens). Born June 6, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1898. Assistant Professor of Engineering, Heriot-Watt College, 1897. Head of Engineering Department, Municipal Technical College, Brighton, since 1902. Municipal Technical College, Brighton. Foster, Elsie Kathleen (Univ.). Born April 13, 1875, at Birkenhead. B.A., 1895. Private Tutor. Hazel Brae, 78, Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead. Foster, Frank (Owens). Born July 28, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. University Scholar- ship, 1903. Gartside Scholarship, 1903. Vulcan Fellowship in. Engineering, 1905. Travelling in America, 1904-1905. Assistant to Works Manager at Engineering Works of Yates and Thorn, Ltd., Blackburn. Has published Engineering in the United States. 7, Victoria Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. 127 Foster, Glyn William Arnold (Owens). Born November 6, 1881, at Bangor, North Wales. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. University Fellowship in Chemistry, 1903-1904. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1904. Chemist to Salpeter Satire Industrie Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, Tyrol, since 1906. Innsbruck, i Tirol, Erler Strasse 8 m . Foster, Robert Bruce (Univ.}. Born October 15, 1882, at Hull. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics) 1902 and (srd class Physics) 1903. In H.M. Patent Office since 1904. Cray ford, Onslow Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. Foster, Trevor Thomas. Born July 25, 1884, at Bangor, North Wales. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1905. Assistant Science Master, Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, since 1906. Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Fothergill, Albert Sandall Cyril. Born June 15, 1880, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1905. Senior Science Master, Sir William Laxton's Grammar School, Oundle, Northants, 1906. Laxton School House, Oundle, Northants. Foulkes, William (Univ.). Born June 24, 1878, at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Bootle Secondary School for Boys. Lecturer Bootle Evening Schools. 65, Lawton Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. *Fowler, Gilbert John (Owens). Born January 23, 1868, at Paris. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1886. M.Sc., 1889. D.Sc., 1903. Demonstrator and Lecturer, Owens College, 1888-1896. Assistant to Rivers Committee of Manchester City Council, 1896-1899. Super- intendent and Chemist of Corporation Sewage Works, 1899. Con- sulting Chemist to Rivers Committee of Manchester City Council, 1904. Lecturet in Bacteriological Chemistry, Public Health Department, University of Manchester, since 1905. Author of numerous researches. Broad Oak, Urmston, Manchester. Fowler, Mrs. H. R. See Scott, Margaret. Fox, Henry Edward. Born May 8, 1878, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (London), 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Halifax Infirmary, 1906. Thornleigh, Accrington, Lancashire. *ftFox, Thomas William. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Lecturer in Textile Manufacture in the University since 1905. 15, Clarendon Crescent, Eccles. Frame, Mrs. W. H. See McHowat, Annie. [ Frankenberg, Mrs. M. See Nathan, Elise M. France, Norman Edgar. Born January 31, 1884, at Macclesfield, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Apprentice in Engineering Shop of Messrs. L. Gardner & Son, Patri- croft, Manchester, 1904-1905. Draughtsman to Messrs. Mather & Platt, 1905-1906. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering and Mathe- matics at Halifax Technical College since 1906. 125, Monton Road, Eccles, Manchester. 128 *Francis, Francis Ernest (Univ.). Born 1871, at Chester. B.Sc. (and class Chemistry), 1892. M.Sc., 1902. D.Sc., 1903. Ph.D. (Erlangen), 1894. Assistant Lecturer, University College, Liverpool, 1895-1896. Lecturer on Chemistry, University College, Bristol, 1896. Professor of Chemistry, University College, Bristol, since 1906. University College, Bristol. *Frankland, John Naylor (Yorks.). Born July 10, 1876, at Goathland near Whitby, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Derby Scholarship, 1899- Leeds Universitv : D.Sc., 1905. Clare College, Cambridge : B.A. (Honours), 1901. M.A., 1907. Lecturer in Mathematics and Science at the York Training College for Elementary Schoolmasters, 1901-1903. Assistant Master, Brad- field College, Berks., 1904. Senior Mathematical Master, Berk- hamsted School, 1905-1906. Senior Master Engineering Side, Bedford Grammar School, since 1906. The Grammar School, Bedford ; 27, Spenser Road, Bedford. Frankland, Lilian Winifred (Univ.}. Born June 17, 1883, at Stoneycroft,. Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1903. Married, April 13,. 1907, Charles Edward Thomson. 5, Fir Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. Franklin, Charles Leopold. Born February 21, 1883, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Late Junior House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary. Bella Vista, Mount Poad, Fleetwood. *ttFraser, Drummond Drummond. Born April 24, 1867, at Manchester. M.Com., 1907. Fellow of the Institute of Bankers. Formerly Manager, London, City and Midland Bank, Manchester ; now Sub-Manager, Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Company. Sandiway House, Palatine Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Fraser, Edward (Univ.). Born September 28, 1881, at Blundellsands, near Liverpool. LL.B. (with Honours), 1902. University Scholarship in Law, 1902. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor, admitted March, 1906. Barton Heys Road, Formby, Lancashire ; c/o Messrs. North, Kirk 6- Co., 15, Lord Street, Liverpool. Fraser, Lennox Reginald (Univ.). Born June 18, 1874,' at Ditton, near Warrington. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Entered Government Survey Service as District Surveyor, Uganda r British East Africa, 1904. Government Survey Department, Entebbe, Uganda Protectorate, British East Africa. 129 Fraser, William Norman (Univ.}. Born November 20, 1873, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1907. , Assistant Master at Bangor Street Board School, Manchester, 1897- 1899; at Blyth Higher Grade School, 1899-1900; at Widnes School of Science, since 1900. 25, Deacon Road, Appleton, Widnes. French, James Wilson (Owens}. Born July 7, 1875, at Crook, Durham. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1895. Assistant Chemist of Castleton Print Works, 1895-1897; Head Chemist, 1897-1906. Chemist at S. Barlow and Co.," Ltd., Stakehill Works, Castleton, Manchester, since 1906. 152, Hey wood Road, Castleton, Manchester. *Frost, Robert (Owens}. Born June 17, 1859, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Sc., 1882. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1886. Northern Circuit. Author of A Treatise on the Law and Practice Relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. 55, Kensington Court, London, W. Fry, George Cecil (Yorks.). Born October u, 1876, at Saltaire. B.Sc., 1894 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1895. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 190?. A.I.C., 1898. F.C.S., 1899. F.I.C., 1901. Science Master in Dronfield Grammar School, 1896-1897 ; in Newburjr Grammar School, 1897-1900; in Archbishop Holgate's School, York, 1900-1902 ; in Middlesbrough High School, 1902-1903 ; in Devon County School since 1904. Author of Essays in. Knowledge, The Journal of Education, and The Leisure Hour. Devon County School, South Molton. Fry, Stafford (Univ.}. Born June 3, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. 1 8, Durban Road, Liscard, Cheshire. Fryer, Alfred Henry. Born August 21, 1884, at Rouen, France. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1904. Apprentice, Manlove, Alliot & Co., Nottingham, Engineers, 1904, Manager, Fryer & Co., Engineers, Rouen, since 1907. Rue Dufay, Rouen, France. *Fryer, Arthur Frederick (Univ.}. Born February i, 1868, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1892. Mercer Scholarship, 1892. M.Sc., 1895. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Demonstrator, University College, Liverpool, 1892-1893. Lecturer in Chemistry, Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, 1893- 1897. Professor of Chemistry, Stonyhurst College, 1897-1899. Ordained by Bishop of Chester, Deacon, 1899 ; Priest, 1900. Curate of Lostock Gralam, 1900; Masborough, Rotherham, 1901; Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, 1904 ; Witton, Blackburn, 1905. Science and Form Master, Clarence School, Weston-super-Mare, since 1906. Clarence School, Weston- super -Mare. Fullen, Harry (Owens). Born October 6, 1871, at Oldham. B.A., 1893. Assistant Master, The Municipal Secondary School, Oldham. 199, Windsor Road. Oldham* E I I 3 *fFuller, Arthur Waltoa. Born at Derby. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (3rd class Zoology), 1872. B.Sc. (2nd class Geology), 1873. Emmanuel College, Cambridge : B.A. (3 5th Wrangler), 1877. M.A., 1880. Assistant Master, Bury Grammar School, 1878-1879 ; at Friar Park, Henley-on -Thames. 1880-1883. Head Master since 1883 of the Chorlton High School, now (since 1897) the South Manchester School (preparatory to the Manchester Grammar School). 80, Central Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Fullerton, Thomas George (Univ.}. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Gabbatt, John Percy (Univ.). Born February 3, 1880, at Preston. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1900. Derby Scholarship, 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Peterhouse, Cambridge : Scholar, 1901-1904. B.A. (bracketed 8th Wrangler, Mathematical Tripos, Part I.), 1903 ; ist class Mathe- matical Tripos, Part II., 1904. M.A., 1907. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. London University : Teacher's Diploma, 1907. Mathematical Lecturer, University College, Nottingham, since 1904. 9, Harley Street, Walton, Liverpool ; University College, Nottingham. Gabbott, Edgar Parr. Born August 25, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. West-field, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. *tfGamble, Charles William. Born February 24, 1867, at Whitby, Yorkshire. M.Sc. Tech., 1906. Educated at the Yorkshire College, Leeds. Lecturer on Photography at the East London Technical College, 1890-1895. Director, Photo-Mechanical Department, Bolt Court Technical School, 1895-1898; Director of the School, 1898-1900. Principal of the London County Council School of Photo-Engraving and Litho- graphy (formerly Bolt Court Technical School), 1900-1902. Head of Department of Photography and Printing Crafts, and Lecturer on Rene Photography, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, since 1902. Lecturer on Rene Photography in the Faculty of Technology, University of Manchester, since 1906. 1 6, Clarence Road, Withington, Manchester ; School of Technology, Manchester. ^Gamble, Frederick William (Owens). Born July 13, 1869, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1890 and (ist class Zoology) 1891. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1892. M.Sc., 1893. D.Sc., 1900. F.R.S., 1907. Demonstrator in Zoology, Owens College, 1893. Lecturer, 1900. Assistant Director of the Zoological Laboratories, 1905. Secretary, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1906. Heathtwaite, Bramhall Lane, near Stockport. E 2 *Gamble, Herbert (Owens). Born February 17, 1873, at Manchester. B.A., 1892. John Bright Prize, 1894. M.A., 1895. Oxford University : B.A. (Honours School of Theology), 1904. j Studied at Berlin and Paris, 1894-1895, and at Freiburg, 1897. Assis- tant Master in Friars School, Bangor, in 1896 ; in the Liverpool Institute, 1896-1897 ; in Wheelwright Grammar School, Dewsbury, 1897-1900 ; at the Tottenham Grammar School, 1900 ; at Mans- field College, Oxford, 1901-1904. Head Master of the Educational Side, Oakfield School, Arnside, since 1904. Pastor of the Congrega- tional Church, Hest Bank, since 1906 (this post being held con- jointly with the above). Haslemere, Arnside, Carnforth. *Gamble, Mercier (Owens). Born July 12, 1876, at Cheetham Hill, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1905. f. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901-1902. Junior House Surgeon, House Physician, and Senior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1902-1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Southern and Maternity Hospitals, 1905. Surgeon, S.S. Achilles, Ocean S.S. Co., 1905-1906. Colour-Sergeant, Manchester University Company 2nd Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regiment, 1906. Medical Missionary, Baptist Missionary Society. c/o Missionary in Charge, Matadi, Congo Free State, West Africa. Gandhi, Shiavax Hormazshav. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. 228, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Gardner, Alexander. Born August 23, 1886, at Royton. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1906. Thornhill, Burnley. *Gardner, Henry Dent. Born January 29, 1882, at 'Lee, Kent. B.Sc., 1905. At present Research Student in Chemistry in the University. Farrmead, The Goffs, Eastbourne. *t Gardner, Thomas Harry. Born November 24, 1861, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Managing Director and Chairman of L. Gardner & Sons, Ltd., Engineers, Patricroft. Brackley House, Ellesmere Park, Eccles, Lanes. Garfit, Charles Corringham (Owens). Born December 13, 1870, at Northwich. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. In general practice at Kirby Muxloe since 1897. Kirby Muxloe, near Leicester. Garlick, John Percy. Born February i, 1882, at Salford. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Acting Medical Officer for a Division of the Oldham Union, 1904. Junior Assistant House Surgeon, Assistant House and Visiting Surgeon, and Senior House Surgeon (pro tern,), The Infirmary, Stockport, 1905. Assistant to General Practitioner at Walton, Liverpool, 1906. Surgeon R.M.S. Accra, 1906. L. T. Medical Officer, Lancashire County Asylum, Winwick, 1906. *Now in general practice. 144, Broad Street, Pendleton, Manchester. Garlick, Winifred. Born August 27, 1883, at Pendleton, Salford. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress Secondary School, Knottingley, Yorks., 1907. 86, Fitzwarren Street, Seedley, Manchester. 132 *Garner, Charles (Owens). Born August 8, 1875, at Flixton, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.D., 1902. Demonstrator in Physiology, Owens College, 1899, 1900, and 1902. Assistant Medical Officer and Pathologist, County Asylum, Chester, 1902. Surgeon to the S.S. Prometheus, 1903. Watford Villa, Irlam Road, Flixton, near Manchester. Garnett, James Holden. Born March 16, 1883, at Ramsbottom. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Science Master, County School, Pembroke Dock, South Wales. Fair View Cottage, Ramsbottom, Lancashire ; Myrtle House, Park Street N., Pembroke Dock, South Wales. Garratt, Ernest (Univ.). Born September 24, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry,) 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. A.I.C., 1904. Assistant to the Public Analysts for the County of Lancaster, City of Liverpool, &c. Demonstrator on Public Health Chemistry in the University of Liverpool. 57, Seabank Road, Liscard, Cheshire. *Garrett, Frederic Charles (Owens}. Born June 25, 1867, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1887. Mercer Scholarship, 1887. M.Sc., 1892. Durham University : D.Sc., 1905. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Durham College of Science, 1891- 1894, and 1895-1900 ; Lecturer since 1900. Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Garside, Bertha (Yorks.). Born February 3, 1880, at Liversedge. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Burley Town Infants' School, Leeds, 1902 ; Central High School, Leeds, 1905 ; Abbey Mixed School, Selby, since 1906. The Hollies, Armoury Lane, Selby. *Garside, George Henry (Owens'). Born May 18, 1864, at Dukinfield. LL.B., 1903. Solicitor, admitted on the Rolls, 1886. Deputy Town Clerk of Oldham since 1903. 210, Waterloo Street, Oldham. Garstang, Walter (Owens}. Born June 26, 1876, at Merton, Surrev. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.S.A., 1901. Late House Surgeon, Royal Lancaster Infirmary, and Clinical Assistant, Manchester Ear Hospital. Now in general practice. Beardall Street, Hucknall Torkard, Notts. Gatecliff, Jnr., John (Yorks.). Born July 5, 1884, at Harden, near Bingley. B.Sc., 1903 and (ist class Chemistry) 1904. A.I.C., 1905. Assistant Analyst to the Midland Railway Co. since 1904. 6, Mount Curmel Street, Derby. Gaul, Ernest George. Born February 27, 1873, in London. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1907. Research Student in Public Health in the University, 1907-1908. Temporary Chemical Assistant in charge of London County Council Outfall Works, Beckton, in 1907 and 1908. Chemical Assistant in the Public Health Department in the University, 1908. Woosnung Cottage, Bognor. 133 Gaunt, Louis Henry Armistead (Yorks.). Born November 8, 1881, at Stan- ningley, Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. t Assistant Engineer to Horsforth Urban District Council, 1904-1906. Assistant Sewage Engineer to Leeds Corporation, 1906-1907. Assistant Waterworks Engineer, Leeds Corporation, since 1907. Sun field Cottage, Stanningley, Leeds. Gaunt, Rufus (Yorks.). Born April 13, 1881, at Morley, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1902, Leeds University : M.Sc., 1907. Berlin University : Ph.D., 1906. Assistant Lecturer in Agricultural Chemistry, University College of North Wales, Bangor. i, Snowdon Villas, Bangor ; Pawson Street, Morley, Leeds. Gaut, Robert Charles (Yorks.). Born January 28, 1876, at Thetford, in Norfolk and Suffolk. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. N.D.A. (National Diploma Agriculture), since 1904. Lecturer in Agriculture, Lancashire County Council, since 1904. Agricultural Department, County Offices, Preston, Lanes. Gawler, Robert (Yorks.}. Born February 7, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1900 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1901. M.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. 3, South View Terrace, Bennett Road, Headingley, Leeds. *fGeden, John Mease. Born July 9, 1856, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1877. Architect, 1876-1888. Articled in Manchester, 1876-1880. Practised in London (Messrs. Dunk & Geden, 36, Leadenhall Street), 1880- 1888. A.R.I.B.A., 1881-1888. Hon. A.R.I.B.A., 1889-1897. Ordained by the Bishop of Rochester, Deacon 1888, Priest 1889. Curate of St. Mark's, Kennington, 1888-1891 ; of Christchurch, 1891-1900. Rector of Bromesberrow, 1900-1903 : of Sherington, Bucks, since 1903. Sherington Rectory, Newport Pagnell. Gee, Randolph Hatton. Born June 24, 1886, at Wigan. LL.B., 1905. Articled Clerk to Solicitor (Mr. Arthur Smith, B.A., LL.B., King Street, Wigan). Ingleside, Spencer Road, Wigan. *ftGee, William Winson Haldane. Born June 29, 1857, at Bolton, Lancashire. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. London University : B.Sc. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Physics at the Owens College, 1881-1891. Chief Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering at the Municipal Technical School, Manchester, 1891-1902. Pro- fessor of Pure and Applied Physics at the Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, since 1902. Oak Lea, Whalley Avenue, Sale, Cheshire. Geiler, Gertrud Hermine. Born June 5, 1883, at Blackpool. B.Sc., 1906. Studying for Medical Degree in the University. Thornleigh, Wardle Road, Sale, Cheshire. 134 Gslderd, Gilbert Wright (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Died December 13, 1901. George, William. Born August 14, 1881, at Morecambe. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906. Medical Prac- titioner. Oak Bank, Lancaster. *Gerland, Conrad (Owens'). Born January 3, 1864, at Macclesfield. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1884. M.Sc., 1887. University of Marburg : Ph.D., 1886. Research under Professor Zincke, 1886-1888. Assistant Chemist with Messrs. F. Steiner and Co., Church, Lancashire, 1888-1890. Prin- cipal of the Chemical Department of the Blackburn Municipal Technical School, 1889-1899. Consulting Chemist of the Hyndburn Brick and Tile Co., Ltd., Accrington, 1897-1907. Meadow Bank, Accrington. Gibbins, Hugh (Owens). Born February 17, 1879, at Birmingham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. 62, Wellington Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. *fGibson, Alexander. Born April 5, 1853, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1882. Chief Draughtsman in the Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty. Hydro graphic Department, Admiralty, London *S. W. *Qibson, Arnold Hartley (Owens). Born July 26, 1878, at Sowerby Bridge. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. Graduate Scholarship, 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Head of Mathematical Department, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1903-1904. Senior Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in the Whitworth Engineering Laboratories since 1904. Associate Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1906. Nether End, Northenden, Cheshire. Gibson, Ernest Augustine (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Coroner for City of Manchester. Summerlands, Dudley Road, Whattey Range, Manchester. Gibson, Louisa (Univ.). Born February 14, 1867. B.A., 1891. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Head Mistress of the County Girls' School, Hawarden. Married. Now Mrs. Cowlishaw. *Gilbody, Alexander William (Owens). Born August 14, 1870. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Munich University : Ph.D., 1893. Honorary Research Fellow, Owens College, 1898. Formerly Lecturer in Chemistry. Bradford Technical College. . tGilchrist, George. B.A,, 1905. 135 Giles, Arthur Edward (Owens). Born December 22, 1864, at Bombay. M.B., Ch.B., 1888. London University : Matriculation (6oth in Honours), 1883. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology, 2nd class Physics), 1886. M.B. (3rd class Medicine, ist class Obstetrics, 3rd class Forensic Medicine), 1891. M.D., 1892 (qualified for Gold Medal). M.R.C.P., 1893. F.R.C.S., 1896. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1888-1889. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Union Infirmary, 1889-1891. House Physician, General Lying-in Hospital, 1891-1892. Since 1892 in consulting practice in London. Surgeon (formerly Assistant Surgeon) Chelsea Hospital for Women, 1893. Gynaecologist Tottenham Hospital, 1899. Author of Moral Pathology (1895) Diseases of Women (with J. Bland-Sutton, 5th Edition, 1906) Menstruation and its Disorders, 1901 ; Gynecological Diagnosis, 1906. 10, Upper Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Giles, Humphrey Noel (Univ.}. Born December 23, 1880, at Nuneaton. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1903. Associate Member Inst. C.E., 1906. Assistant Resident Engineer. Liverpool Water Works, 1905. Resident Engineer, 1907. Liverpool Corporation Water Works, Oswestry, Shropshire. Gill, Annie Wylie (Univ.). B.A., 1901. Gill, Edwin Leonard (Yorks.). Born November 17, 1877, at Redhill, Surrey. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1904. Assistant at Manchester Museum, 1900. Curator of the Hancock Museum, Newcastle-on-Tyne, since 1901. Hancock Museum, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Gill, James Francis (Univ.). Born July 25, 1880, at Bootle, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Liverpool, 1902-1904. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Birmingham University, since 1904. Assistant Secretary, Institute of Mechanical Engineers' Committee on Gas Engine Research, 1906. The University, Birmingham. Gill," John Frederic (Yorks.). Born July 6, 1876, at Redhill, Surrey. B.Sc., 1897. Aberdeen University : M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours and Anderson Gold Medal in Clinical Medicine), 1906. i, Park Road, Halifax. *Gill/ Margaret Emma (Owens). Born January 26, 1870, at Chester. B.Sc., 1890. Second Mistress, Redbrook College, Camborne, 1890-1892. Science Teacher, Science and Technical School, Small Heath, Birmingham, 1892-1900. Science Mistress at the Aston Higher Elementary School since 1900. 31, Hampton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Gill, Percy Smith (Yorks.). Born December 2, 1878, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master, Rotherham Grammar School, since 1902. 27, Highfield Lane, Keighley, Yorks. : 3 6 Gillman, Percy. Born October 10, 1882, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Seymour Road School, Manchester, 1905 ; Nelson Street School, Manchester, since 1906. 29, Grosvenor Street, Newton Heath, Manchester. *Gilmore, Randolph Orme (Owens). Born August 9, 1854, at Stockport. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths, 1903. Formerly at the Bar (called 1882). 5, Parkwood, Victoria Park, Manchester. Glasgow, Edwin (Univ.). Born December 5, 1874, at Bootle. B.A., 1895. M.A., 1898. Wadham College, Oxford: Classical Moderations (2nd class), 1898. B.A. (2nd class, Lit. Hum.), 1900. Classical Master, Forest School, Walthamstow, since 1900. 9, Breeze Hill, Bootle, Liverpool. Glasgow, Mrs. E. See Postance, Eva C. Gleave, Ada Bineham (Univ.). Born October 18, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Mistress, St. Margaret's Higher Grade School, Anfield, Liverpool. 34, Onslow Road, Elm Park, Liverpool. Gledhill, Luther (Yorks.). Born July 2, 1873, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1898. Assistant Master, South Metropolitan School, Sutton, 1894-1896; at Leeds Southern Higher Grade School, 1896 ; at Ashville College, Harrogate, 1901-1903. Headmaster, Runcorn County Secondary School, since 1903. Dane Bank, Northwich, Cheshire. Gledhill, Walter (Yorks.). Born May 25, 1882, at Barnsley. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, King's Road School, Wombwell, Yorks., since 1905. 17, Pogmoor, Barnsley, Yorkshire. Glover, Vincent Joseph (Univ.). Born July 20, 1875, at Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Formerly Medical Officer of Health, Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Parish Medical Officer do., 1901. Honorary Medical Officer, Seafield House, Seaforth, 1902 ; Park House Convalescent and Nursing Institution, Waterloo, 1904. Medical Examiner, Wesleyan General Assurance Society, 1905, and Medical Examiner, United Kingdom Temperance and Provident Assurance Society, 1904. Lecturer in Hygiene, Waterloo Urban District Technical School, since 1903. Glen Avon, Crosby Road North, Waterloo, near Liverpool. Godwin, Lilian. Born June 18, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, County School, Barry, 1905 ; Stockport High School since 1906. 8, Holmefield, Sale, Cheshire. "fGoldschmidt, Hermann Julius. Born February 24, 1863, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1881. 137 Member of Court of Governors, 1903. Member of Council, 1905. Man- chester City Councillor, 1892. Alderman, 1906. Durham House, Withington, Manchester. Goldschmidt, Oscar Bernard (Owens}. Born February 16, 1873, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Late House Physician, Bethlen Royal Hospital, and Medical Officer, Rimington's. Guides, South Africa Field Force, 1899-1901. Died at Lytham, May 18, 1908. Goldsmith, John Naish (Owens}. Born November 30, 1874, at Hastings. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1903. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1898. Chemist with the British Xylonite Co., Manningtree, 1898. East Bergholt, near Colchester. Goldstraw, Edith Alice. Born June 6, 1885, at Hanley, Staffs. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, St. Chrysostom's Girls' School, Manchester. 283, Upper Brook Street, Manchester. *Golland, Arthur (Owens}. Born July 10, 1874, at Manchester. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Kilburn Grammar School, London, N.W., 1901-1902 ; at Manchester College, Oxford, 1902-1905. Assistant Minister, Essex Church, London, W., since 1905. 26, Westmoreland Road, Bayswater, London, W. Gomersall, Ernest Edward (Yorks.). Born November 27, 1882, at Castleford, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1904. L.C.P., 1905. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Upper Park Street School, Liverpool, 1904-1906. Science Master, the Grammar School, Hipperholme, near Halifax, since 1906. Airedale House, Glass Houghton, Castleford, Yorkshire. Gooch, Sydney (Owens}. Born March 20, 1881, at Bamber Bridge. B.Sc., 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Science Master, Barmouth County School, 1903 ; St. Margaret's Higher Grade School, Prince's Road, Liverpool, 1904. ii, Rossett Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool. Good, James Percy (Owens}. Born November 10, 1876, at Sheffield. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901. House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1902-1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Southern Hospital, 1904. Now in general practice at Birmingham. 15, Lordswood Road, Harborne, Birmingham. Goodall, Joseph (Yorks.). Born March 2, 1876, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Poor Law Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Bellingham Union. In general practice at Capheaton since 1900. Mirlaw House, Capheaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ^Goodfellow, Thomas Ashton (Owens}. Born September 16, 1865, at Hyde, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. London University: M.B., 1898. M.D., 1891. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1888. '38 House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1889-1891. Late Resident Medical Officer and House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1891-1892. Formerly Prosector and Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy in the Owens College. In general practice in West Didsbury since 1893. "o, Palatine Road, West Didsbury. Goodson, Ethel Elizabeth (Yorks.). Born January 30, 1882, at Armley, Leeds, B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Married, December, 1903, William Alexander Osborne. The University, Melbourne, Australia. Goodwin, William. Born November 8, 1873, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1905. Gottingen University: Ph.D., 1907. 1851 Exhibition Scholar at Gottingen, 1903 ; Paris, 1904 ; Manchester, 1905 : Gottingen, 1906-1907. Analyst, 1895-1899. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer, Queen's College, Galway, 1899-1902. Thorncliffe, Macclesfield, Cheshire. *Gordon, Edward (Owens). Born June 30, 1855, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1885. M.D., 1886. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1882. L.S.A., 1881. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1882. Hon. Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1887-1895. Hon. Medical Officer, Actors' Association, 1897. Medical Officer to the Post Office, Bembridge ; to the Board of Education, Bembridge. Medical Referee, Prudential Assurance Company, Bembridge. The Limes, Bembridge, Isle of Wight. Gordon, Reginald (Owens). Born December 28, 1876, at Huddersfield. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. At Jessop Hospital, Sheffield, 1901 ; Stockport Infirmary, 1902. In general practice, 1903-1904. Surgeon, R.M.S. Carmania, Cunard Line. Ronaldsburn, Derbyhaven, Castleton, Isle of Man. Gornall, Frank Howorth (Owens}. Born May 31, 1876, at Warrington. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1903. Chemist to Messrs. A. J. King & Co., Ingersley Vale Bleach Works, Bollington, 1897-1898. Working out details of Artificial Silk Process, 1899-1902. Chemist in Wellcome Research Laboratories, Snow Hill, London, 1902-1904. Joint Author of papers on Con- stituents of Taraktogenos purzii (Chaulmugra Seed), and the Constitution of Chaulmugric Acid, Part I. (J.C.S., 1904). Ely Theological College, 1904-1905. Ordained Deacon, 1905 ; Priest, 1906. Assistant Curate, Holy Trinity, Harrow Green, Leytonstone, London, E., since 1905. 256, Park Road, Crouch End, London, W. Gorst, Isabel Grant (Owens). Born May 27, 1879, at Bolton. B.A., 1899. Teacher's Diploma, 1901. Assistant Mistress, Bolton Municipal Secondary School. Lo stock, Bolton ; 1 8, Warley Road, King Cross, Halifax. Gorst, Joseph Harold (Univ.). Born October 25, 1881, at Bebington. B.Sc., 1902. Chemist to Messrs. Hignett Bros. & Co., 1904-1905. Assistant Chemist to Messrs. Chance & Hunt, Oldbury, 1906-1907. Research Student at the University, Liverpool, 1907. Lecturer in Chemistry at the Municipal Technical School, The Gamble Institute, St. Helens, since 1907. 3, Highfield South, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. 139 tGough, John Harley. Born May 27, 1862, at Edgbaston, Birmingham. B.Sc., 1904. Durham University : M.D., 1902. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1899. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1884. L.R.C.P., 1885. Honorary Physician, Torquay Hospital, Torquay ; Western Hospital for Consumption, Torquay ; Erith House for Invalid Ladies. Admiralty Surgeon for Torquay and Babbacombe. Certifying Factory Surgeon for Torquay. Late Honorary Physician, Oakenden Convalescent Home, Torquay, 1898-1902. Honorary Surgeon, Tavistock Cottage Hospital, 1892-1896. Resident Medical Officer, Royal Albert Hospital, Devonport, and Medical Officer in sole charge of the Admiralty Lock Wards, 1889-1890. Senior House Surgeon, Wolverhampton and Staffordshire General Hospital, 1886-1889. Senior and Junior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospitals, Manchester, 1885-1886. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1884-1885. Glenallon, Old Torwood Poad, Torquay. Gough, Thomas. Born September 9, 1885, at Accrington. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1907. w Science and Mathematics Master at the Royal Academy, Irvine, N.B., 1908. 230, Avenue Parade, Accrington, Lancashire. Gould, Jay (Univ.). Born January, 1867. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. Major I.M.S. 39th (P.M.O.), Central India Horse, and Secretary to P.M.O., Eastern Command. Goulden. Edmund Albert (Owens). Born March 8, 1870, at Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.D., 1905. In general practice since 1893. Police Surgeon, Stockport County Borough. 8, Greek Street, Stockport. Gowan, Alice Margaret. Born November 23, 1883, at Newtown, Montgomery. North Wales. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1905. Assistant Mistress, Pendleton High School, Manchester, 1906-1907. Married, August 26, 1907, Rev. J. F. Douglas, B.A. 10, Upper John Street, Golden Square, Piccadilly, London, S.W. Gowan, Edith Mary (Owens). Born January 12, 1881, at Arston, Sheffield, Yorkshire. B.A., 1903. Teaching Diploma (London), 1905. Mistress of Method, Diocesan Training College, Bristol, since 1904. Diocesan Training College, Fishponds, Bristol ; Holly Lodge, Shanklin, Isle of Wight. Graham, Edward (Owens). Born October 27, 1872, at Perth. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Demonstrator in Chemistry and Physics at St. Mary's Hospital, Pad- dington. Deceased. . Graham, John (Univ.). Born August 2, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Barrow-in-Furness, 1900 ; Municipal Secondary School, Hanley, since 1906. 8, Edith Road, An field, Liverpool. 140 Graham, Joseph William. Born June 16, 1883, near Wigton, Cumberland. B.A. (2nd class History), 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Master under Manchester Education Committee, Alfred Street Schools, Manchester. 27, Park Street, Greenheys, Manchester. Ellenboro', Maryport, Cumberland. Graham, Margaret (Univ.). B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Graham, Walter (Univ.). Born July 27, 1867, at Glasgow. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool, 1898- 1900. Civil Surgeon in the South African War, 1900. P.O. Box 273, Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. Grant, Charles Henry (Yorks.). Born December 25, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Central High School, Leeds. 212, Burley Road, Leeds. Grant, Frederick Ernest (Yorks.). Born May 6, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. M.Sc., 1905. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Examiner in the Patent Office since 1904. The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. *Grant, William Prince (Owens}. Born November 12, 1877, at Brooklands. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1903. Lyndhurst, Hursted, Rochdale. *Gravely, Frederic Henry. Born December 7, 1885, at Wellingborough. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1906. Platt Biological Scholarship, 1906. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Zoology in the University of Manchester since 1907. Dalton Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester ; 5, Silver Street, Wellingborough. Gray, Arabella Hyde Janet Ethel (Yorks.). Born March 19, 1879, at Torquay. B.A., 1897. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, County School, Bethesda, 1899. 59, Aireville Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford. Gray, Catherine Isabella (Yorks.). Born November 13, 1881, at Leeds. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1904. Bishophill House, York. Gray, Harold Heath. Born August 12, 1886, at Hoyland, Nether, near Barnsley, Yorks. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Demonstrator in Metallurgy, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1907. Metallurgical Dept., McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Greaves, Frederick William Marshall (Yorks.). Boru June 26, 1880, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Junior Assistant Medical Officer, Leeds Union Infirmary, 1905-1906 ; Senior Assistant Medical Officer, 1906. Sturdie House, Roundhay Road, Leeds. Greaves, Mary Helena (Univ.). Born February 24, 1877, at Birkenhead. B.A., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1902. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Liverpool, 1900. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. 47, H amp stead Road, Fair field, Liverpool. *fGreen, Alfred Henry. B.Sc., 1904. Oaklands, Lowton, Lancashire. Green, Clarence James (Owens}. Born February 26, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Priestley Scholarship in Chemistry at Mason's College, Birmingham (now University of Birmingham), 1899-1900. Assistant Demonstrator in Chemistry at Owens College, 1901. Assistant Chemist in Government Laboratories, 1901-1903. Manager of Waterproofing Department for Nicholson's Raincoat Co., Ltd., 1903. 35, Blandford Road, St. Albans, Herts. Green, Mrs. C. S. See Johnson, Emily. Green, Edgar Francis Stephen. Born November 25, 1883, at Portsmouth, Hants. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906-1907. House Surgeon, Royal Hants County Hospital, Winchester, 1907. Brandon House, Mile End, Portsmouth. Green, Ellen. Born December 12, 1882, at Pemberton, Wigan. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Teacher's Diploma (London), 1905. Assistant Mistress at Wigan Mining and Technical College, 1906-1908 ; at Wigan Girls' High School, 1908. 386, Spring Bank, Pemberton, Wigan. Green, Mrs. J. A. See Johnston, Adeliza N. Green, Mrs. J. A. See Tennant, Camila D. Green, James Howard (Owens}. Born September 13, 1865, at Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. Surgical Operator, Bricklayers' Society. 56, Higher Hillgate, Stockport. Green, John James (Owens). Born November 21, 1864, at Burnley. B.Sc., 1892. National Scholarship, Royal College of Science, 1892-1895. A.R.C.S. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. Science Master, Ashville College, Harrogate, 1895-1898 ; at Lincoln Grammar School and School of Science, 1898. Head of the Chemical Department, Lincoln Municipal Technical School, 1898. 31, Cheviot Street, Lincoln. I 4 2 Green, Mary Katherine (Owens). Born April u, 1869, at Manchester. B.A., 1895. Teacher. 5, Stanmore Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Green, Percy Charles (Univ.). Born October 15, 1879, at Stockton Heath, Cheshire. B.A., 1899 and (2nd class Classics) 1900. 8, Drummond Road, Hoy lake, Cheshire. Green, Philip Halbert (Owens). Born May 19, 1878, at Portsmouth. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. Clinical Assistant, Barnes Convalescent Hospital. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Infirmary, Manchester. Anaesthetist, Royal Portsmouth and South Hants Eye and Ear Infirmary. Brandon House, Mile End, Portsmouth. Greenall, Charles Edwin (Univ.). Born March 22, 1877, at Preston. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Lecturer and Assistant to Master of Method in Bristol University Day Training College for Men since 1905. University Day Training College for Men, Kensington Place, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucester. *Greengrass, Mary Ethel. Born June 6, 1882, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Bridlington High School for Girls, 1905 ; Man- chester High School for Girls, 1906 ; Orme Girls' School, Newcastle, Staffs, 1906-1907. Oxford Road, Manchester, S.E. *Greenhalgh, Arthur (Owens). Born April 29, 1864, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. D.P.H., 1893. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1892. Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer of Health for Accrington. Honorary Surgeon, Victoria Hospital. Cobham Place, Accrington, Lanes. Greenhalgh, John Percival Handel (Owens). Born March 5, 1876. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.D. (with commendation), 1905. Surgeon in the Royal Navy. Staff Surgeon. For address see Current Monthly Naval List. *Greenhalgh, Stanley. Born August 16, 1883, at Atherton. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1905. 167, Bolton Road, Atherton, Lancashire. *Greenwood, Alfred (Owens). Born July 22, 1871, at Hyde. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. M.D., 1900. House Surgeon, Cancer Hospital, Manchester, 1895. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1896. House Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary, 1896-1897. Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, 1897-1899. Medical Officer to the Out Patients, Man- chester Children's Hospital, 1899-1900. Medical Officer of Health for the Borough of Crewe, 1900-1902. Since 1902 Medical Officer of Health for the Borough of Blackburn ; Medical Officer to the Blackburn Education Authority ; Lecturer in School Hygiene, Advanced Hygiene, and Advanced Physiology at the Blackburn Municipal Technical School. Health Office, Blackburn. Greenwood, Archer (Owens). Born August 17, 1877, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Late Surgeon to Orient Pacific Co., R.M.S. Orizaba. In general practice, formerly at Bury, Lancashire, and now at Newton Heath. i 100. Droylsden Road, Newton Heath. Greenwood, Arthur (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Greenwood, Charles Henry (Yorks.). Born September 3, 1875, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1904. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1899-1900. Resident Casualty Officer, Leeds, 1901-1903. 3, Wyndham Street, Treherbert, Glam. Greenwood, Harold Cecil. Born May 3, 1877, at Edenfield. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Mercer Chemical Scholarship, 1907. Engaged in Research in Electro-chemistry, 1907. 200, Market Street, Edenfield, Manchester. *Greenwood, John (Owens}. Born September 10, 1855, at Pendleton. B.A., 1891. Mining Engineer. Director of the Manchester Carriage Co. and other Companies. I, Marsden Street, Manchester. Greenwood, John William (Owens'). Born January 29, 1879, at Bamber Bridge. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Civil Surgeon, South Africa, 1901-1902. Junior Demonstrator in Physiology in Owens College, 1903-1904. In general practice, i, Slade Lane, Longsight ; 8, King Street, Manchester. Gregory, Frederick Charles (Univ.). Born August 19, 1879, at Liverpool. LL.B., 1901. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. 7, Union Court, Castle Street, Liverpool. Gregson, Arthur Herbert (Owens). Born April 17, 1880, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. In general practice. 86, Lower Audley Street, Blackburn. *ffGrier, James. Born May 28, 1870, at Gorebridge, N.B. M.Sc., 1906. Lecturer in Pharmacy, University of Manchester. 17,* Duke Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Grierson, John Turner (Univ.). Born December 9, 1877, at Rock Ferry. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1899. 535, New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. 'Griffith, Arthur Stanley (Univ.). Born March 20, 1876, at Eccleston. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. M.D., 1901. University College, Liverpool : Alexander Fellow in Pathology, 1899-1901. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1898-1899. Resident Medical Officer, Lock Hospital, 1899. Manor House, Hale, Liverpool. Griffith, Frederick (Univ.). Born 1879, at Eccleston. M.B., 1901. D.P.H., R.C.P.S. (Lond.), 1902. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Alexander Fellow, 1903-1905. House Physician and Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1902. Investigator to the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis, 1905-1908. Manor House, Hale, Liverpool. *Griffith, William (Owens). Born March 13, 1868, at Barmouth. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. Medical Practitioner. Resident Medical Officer, &c., London Tem- perance Hospital, 1894-1899. Formerly Resident Medical Officer, Denbighshire Infirmary. i, Cambridge Place, Regent's Park, London, N.W. *Griffiths, Albert (Owens). Born October 8, 1867, at Chester. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1893. D.Sc., 1899. Demonstrator in Physics at Owens College, 1895-1898. Lecturer at University College, Sheffield, 1898-1900. Head of Physics Depart- ment, Birkbeck College, 1900. Recognised Teacher of London University since 1901 ; Member of Physics Board of Studies, London University, since 1904; Member of Science Faculty, London University, since 1906; Internal Examiner in Physics, London University, since 1905. Birkbeck College, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, E.G. *|Griffiths, John Alfred. Born January 26, 1848, in London. B.Sc., 1882. Royal Exhibitioner, Royal School of Mines, 1865-1868. Whitworth Scholar, 1870. Associate, Royal School of Mines (Mining and Metallurgy), 1873. M.I.Mech.E., 1874. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1874. Civil Engineer. With Messrs. Gregson, Brown and Son, Middleton, 1868-1871 ; with L. & N.W.R. in 1872 ; at Toowamba Foundry, Queensland, 1873-1876; in Queensland Railway Service, 1876-1878; on West Australian Railway, 1878-1879. Assistant Lecturer, Engineering Department, Owens College, 1880. Engineer to Waste Water Meter Co., Liverpool, 1881-1885. Cycle Manufacturer, Coventry, 1885-1887. Assistant Engineer, Normanton-Croydon Railway, Queensland, 1887-1891. Researches on Wind Power at Charters Towers, Queensland (Watt Medal and Crampton Prize from the Inst.C.E.), 1892-1893. Electric Lighting of Penrith, N.S.W., 1894-1895. Hydraulic Survey, Queensland, 1895-1900. Examiner of Patents, State Patent Office, Queensland, 1900. Classification Officer, Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Patents, since 1904. Published several papers. Commonwealth Patent Office, Rialto, Melbourne, Victoria. Griffiths, William Henry (Univ.). Born March 28, 1879, at Seacombe. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1905. Formerly Assistant Master, Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn, N.B. Now Science Master, County Intermediate School, Portmadoc, North Wales. 39, Marmaduke Street, Edge Hill, Liverpool. *Grime, Jessie (Owens). Born August 25, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Stretford Road, Manchester, 1897. Senior Mistress, Pupil Teachers' College, Princess Street, Manchester. 1 8, Hartington Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. H5 Grime, John Ernest. Born July 25, 1880, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Student of the Theological Faculty at the University of Manchester and at Lancashire Independent College. Lancashire Independent College, Whalley Range, Manchester. Grime, John William (Owens}. Born August 17, 1874, at Bury. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master, Royal Grammar School, Whalley, 1896-1897. Science Master, County Intermediate School, Llandyssil, South Wales, 1897-1900 ; at Hipper holme Grammar School, 1900 ; at Liverpool Institute, 1901-1902 ; on Cadet School Ship, H.M.S. Conway, Liverpool, 1902-1904. Since 1904 Demonstrator in Chemistry at Portsmouth Municipal Secondary School. 83, Francis Avenue, Southsea, Portsmouth. Grime, Roger Ernest. Born September 28, 1884, at Darwen, Lanes. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. On Staff of Electrical Department, Mather & Platt, Ltd., since 1904. 6, Cornbrook Street, Old Trafford. *Grindley, John Henry (Owens). Born June 24, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1896. University Fellowship in Science, 1896. (1851) Exhibition Research Scholarship, Owens College, 1897. Whitworth Scholar, 1898. M.Sc., 1899. D.Sc., 1902. M.I.Mech.E., 1906. Demonstrator at Owens College, 1899. Head of Engineering Depart- ment, Huddersfield Technical College, 1902. Lecturer in En- gineering, Liverpool University, 1904 ; and in Applied Mechanics, 1905. Principal of the School of Engineering, Giza, Egypt, since 1907. School of Engineering, Giza, Egypt. Grindrod, Walton (Owens). Born September 26, 1879, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master at Municipal Secondary School, Manchester, 1901- 1903 ; at Bolton Grammar School since 1903. The Old Vicarage, Halliwell Road, Bolton. Groocock, Henry Lloyd (Yorks.). Born September u, 1878. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Public Works Department, Ceylon. Grove, Thomas (Yorks.). Born December 17, 1873, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Science Master at Central High School, Leeds, 1896-1903. Head Master, Robin Hood Council School, near Waken eld, since 1903. School House, Robin Hood, Wake field. Grundey, Frederick Roscoe (Owens). Born January 16, 1872, at New Mills. B.Sc., 1894. Fellow of Chemical Society. Science Master, Organised Science School, Douglas, 1894. Now Head Master, the Secondary School, Douglas. 33, Woodbourne Square, Douglas, Isle of Man. Grundy, Allan Wilson (Univ.}. Born March n, 1879, at Liverpool. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Naval Store Officer, Admiralty, 1899 ; at H.M. Naval Yard, Esquimault, since 1900. H.M. Naval Yard, Esquimault, British Columbia. 146 *Gruning, Henry Hermann (Owens). Born January 26, 1874, at Hampstead, London. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Apprentice Engineer, Fairneld Shipbuilding Co., 1895-1900. Sailed as 6th Engineer to South Africa and Australia in the S.S. British Princess, Transport No. 50, 1900-1901. With Messrs. Marks and Clerk, Patent Experts and Consulting Engineers, of 18, Southamp- ton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C., since 1902. 3, Blakesley Avenue, Ealing, London, W. Gschwind, Henri Francois Emile (Univ.}. Born December 3, 1874 at New Bilton, Rugby. B.A., 1896. Modern Language Master, Pontywaun County School, Risca, Monmouth- shire, 1901-1902 ; at King Edward's Grammar School, Camp Hill and Five Ways, Birmingham, 1902-1904 ; at Boys' High School, Sunderland, 1904-1905 ; at Institute Wiget, Rorschach, Switzer- land, since 1905 ; at Institute Dr. Schmidt, St. Gallen, since 1907. Institute Dr. Schmidt, St. Gallen, Switzerland. Guest, George. Born December 4, 1884, at Bolton, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1906. Science Master at Haslingden Secondary School. 12, Gilnow Road, Bolton. Gunter, John Henry (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. *Guthrie, Thomas (Yorks.). Born May 28, 1875. B.Sc., 1894 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1895. , Strassburg University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1898. Assistant, Clarence Iron Works, 1899-1900 ; at Gelsenkirchen, Germany, in 1900 ; Assistant Manager, Coal Distillation Works, Port Clarence, Durham, 1901. Research Chemist, British Uralite Co.'s Works, Higham, Kent, 1902. Since then Assistant Chemist to the Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S.W. c/o Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Sydney, N.S.W. Guthrie, Mrs. T. See Leach, Elsie. *fGuttridge, William Alfred. Born April 23, 1853, at Rochdale. B.A.,i882. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1877. M.A., 1880. Minister of Victoria Road Congregational Church, Cambridge, 1877- 1891. Minister at Zion Congregational Church, Attercliffe, Sheffield, since 1892. 14, Chippingham Street, Sheffield. \Gwyther , James. Born October 28, 1840, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (Honours in Chemistry and Classics). 1857. B.A., 1860. M.B. (3rd class Medicine, 3rd class Midwifery, 2nd class Forensic Medicine), 1863. Formerly Assistant Physician, Hospital for Sick Children, Pendlebury, (resigned 1873). In general practice at Torquay until 1889. Died December 7, 1905. *|Gwyther, John Howe. Born September 4, 1834, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1853. Congregational Minister, 1857. Minister of Liscard Congregational Church, 1869. West View, Heswall, Cheshire. i H Hack, Frederick George (Owens). Born March 23, 1879, at Milborne Port. Somerset. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Late Junior House Surgeon, Lincoln County Hospital. Late House Physician and House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester. In general practice. 68, Stanley Road, Halifax. Hacking, Margaret Atherton (Univ.). Born December 3, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1898. Teacher's Diploma, 1900. Head Mistress, Formby Institute, 1898. Married, August 6, 1905, Howard Banks, Civil Engineer, Manchester. 10, Devonshire Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy Manchester. Haddon, John William (Owens). Born August 6, 1883, at Wellington, Somerset. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. Chemical Assistant, Government Laboratory, since 1904. 5, St. George 7 s Square, Regent's Park, London, N.W. *Hadfield, Benjamin (Owens). Born December n, 1875, at Brinnington, near Stockport. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1902. Assistant Master, Brighton Higher Grade Schools, 1898-1903 ; Birley Street Higher Elementary School, Manchester, since 1903. Heorot, Lower Bredbury, near Stockport. *Hadfield, Dora (Owens). Born August 12, 1878, at Altrincham, Cheshire. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress in Special School for Feeble Minded Children, Lovell Road, Leeds, 1903-1906. Chesham Place, Bowdon, Cheshire. Hadfield, Ellen. Born 1881, at Hadfield. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Grammar School, Mottram-in-Longdendale, since 1904. Had field Vicarage, near Manchester. Hague, Harold (Owens). Born October 19, 1880, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master, Secondary School, New Mills, 1902-1904 ; Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. 149, Balfour Street, Oldham. Hague, John Cecil (Owens). Born February 18, 1871, at Manchester. B.A., 1896 and (ist class Philosophy) 1897. Gilchrist Travelling Scholar, 1898. Assistant at Bangor Street Board School, 1897-1898. English Master, Moravian Boys' School, Neuwied-am-Rhein, 1898-1899. Lector in English, Prague University, 1900. Normal Master, London Day Training College, since 1904. Kelmscott, Windsor Road, Church End, Finchley, London, N. *Hague, John Scholes (Owens). Born March 29, 1874, at Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. With Messrs. Asa Lees & Co., Oldham, 1897-1902. Lecturer in Muni- cipal Technical School, Oldham, 1897. Engineering Lecturer and Superintendent of Workshops, Municipal Technical School, Bootle, Liverpool, 1902. Head of Pre-apprenticeship Day Trade School, Bootle, since 1906. 99, Worcester Road, Bootle, Liverpool, i 4 8 fHaigh, Arthur Harry. Born February 25, 1858, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1882. M.Inst.C.E. Assistant to Borough Surveyor, Huddersfield, 1880-1881, Ordnance Surveyor, 1881-1882. Government Assistant Engineer, Natal Railways, 1882-1885. Private Practice in Natal. Engineer of Dundee Branch Railway and of Newcastle Waterworks ; Coast Surveys for Natal Government Railways, &c., 1888-1895. District Engineer, Cape of Good Hope Government Railways, 1895-1897, Resident and Chief Resident Engineer, Bakerloo Electric Railway, London, 1897-1906. Private Practice, Westminster, since 1906. 20, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. ; 95, Blenheim Crescent, Ladbroke Grove, London, W. Haigh, Frederick Alwyn (Owens}. Born November, 1881, at Hale, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1902. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Queen's College, Galway, Ireland, 1903-1904. Since with the British Thompson-Houston Company at Rugby. Briargate, Warwick Drive, Hale, Cheshire : Norfolk House, Clifton Road, Rugby. Hainsworth, Frederick (Yorks.). Born September 28, 1874, at Shipley, Yorks, B.A., 1898. Mansfield College, Oxford : Theological Scholarship, 1904. B.A. (2nd class Theology), 1907. Teacher at Woodroyd Board School, Bradford, 1895. Minister of Ciren- cester Congregational Church since 1907. 2, Corin Villas, The Avenue, Cirencester. Hainsworth, John William (Yorks.). Born February 13, 1867, at Thackley. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Resident Obstetric Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1894-1895. In general practice at Greengates since 1895. Moravian House, Greengates, Apperley Bridge, Bradford, Yorks. *Hale, James (Univ.). Born August u, 1872, at Liverpool. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1903. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Teacher under Liverpool School Board, 1898-1899 ; at East Ham Board Pupil Teacher Centre, 1899-1900. Principal of East Ham Pupil Teacher Centre, 1900. Examiner, London County Council, since 1905. 56, Wanstead Park Avenue, Manor Park, London, E. *Hale, William Ramsay (Univ.). Born August 16, 1868, at Kirkdale, Liverpool. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Lecturer, Central Classes for Certificate Students and Pupil Teachers under the Liverpool School Board and the Liverpool Voluntary School Managers' Association, 1896-1903. Acting Head Master, Butler Street School, Liverpool School Board, 1900. Head Master, Queen's Road Day and Evening School, Liverpool School Board, 1901. Inspector of Schools, Cheshire County Council, 1903. Newry Park, Chester, Haler, Percy James (Yorks.). Born August 20, 1876, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. A.M.Inst.M.E., 1901. A.Inst.E.E., 1902. Head of Engineering Depart- ment, Wedgwood Institute, Burslem, Staffs., 1901-1903. Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Hackney Technical Institute, London, N.E., since 1903. 26, Argyle Road, Tottenham, London, N. 149 Haley, Mary Beatrice (Univ.). Born December 28, 1877, at Halifax. B.A., 1900. Assistant Mistress, Sefton Park Board School, Liverpool. Head l Mistress, Girls' Secondary School, Knottingley. High Cross House, Hill Top, Knottingley. Hall, Alfred (Owens). Born April 27, 1873, at Boston. B.A., 1896. M.A., i9(5o. Theological Student at Manchester College, 1896-1899; at Berlin, 1899. Hibbert Scholar, 1899-1900. Unitarian Minister of the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, since 1900. 20, Mount Pleasant, Norwich. Hall, Archibald Alexander (Univ.). Born July n, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Jena University : Ph.D., 1903. Demonstrator in Chemistry at the Armstrong College, Newcastle-on- Tyne. 45, Arundel Avenue, Liverpool. Hall, Charles Richard (Owens). Born October 24, 1878, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1900. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1900-1901. House Surgeon, Southport Infirmary, 1901-1902. In general practice, Southport, 1902-1903. In general practice, Leigh, Lancashire, since 1903. Honorary Surgeon, Leigh Infirmary, since 1906. Died April 18, 1908. Hall, Frederick. Born October 17, 1885, at Heaton Chapel. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. East Bank, Beech Road, Stockport. *Hall, Isaac Walker (Owens). Born September 16, 1868, at Lincoln. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. M.D., 1902. Demonstrator in Physiology, Owens College, 1899-1901. Assistant Lecturer in Pathology in the University, 1901-1903 ; Lecturer in Pathology in the University, 1903-1906. Professor of Pathology, University College, Bristol, 1906. Director of the Pathological Laboratories, Royal Infirmary, Bristol, since 1906. University College, Bristol. Hall, James Thomas Bridge. Born December 9, 1883, at Waterhouses. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. In general practice. Waterhouses, near Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Hall, John Albert (Owens). Born August 24, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1888. Mercer Scholarship, 1888. M.Sc., 1892. With the Clayton Aniline Co., 1888-1893. Chemical Manufacturer (Victoria Chemical Co.), 1893. Lt.-Col. Canadian Artillery Militia, Commanding 5th British Columbia Regiment, Canadian Artillery, since 1903. Castlewood, Beacon Hill, Victoria, British Columbia. Hall, Joseph Percy (Owens). Born August 6, 1871, at Bury, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. London University : M.B., B.S., 1898. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1895. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1895-1896. Senior and Junior House Surgeon, Royal Hospital, "Salford, 1896-1898. Hon. Surgeon, West Derby Orphanage. In general practice. 7, Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool. Hall, Marian (Owens). Born April 9, 1872, at Macclesfield. B.A., 1893. Formerly English Mistress at the Hohere Tochter Schule, Erfurt, Germany. Assistant Mistress, Cardiff Intermediate School, since 1900. Intermediate School for Givls, Cardiff ; Llwyn On, Old Colwyn, N. Wales. *Hall, Mary Elizabeth (Owens}. Born January 12, 1876, at Cheadle, Cheshire. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Head Mistress of a High School for Girls (private), New Mills. Assistant Mistress, North Manchester High School for Girls, 1904-1905 ; Pendleton High School, 1905. Head Mistress of County High School for Girls, Loughton, Essex, since 1906. High School for Girls, Loughton, Essex. Hall, Richard John (Owens}. Born January 3, 1866, at Winsford, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. F.I.C., 1906. Silver Medallist in Cotton Dyeing (City and Guilds), 1903. Evening Superintendent, Warrington Municipal Technical Institute, 1897-1903. Senior Science Master, Wallasey Grammar School and Chemistry Master, Wallasey Technical Classes, 1903-1908. Sandy croft, Serpentine Road, Egremont, Cheshire. Hall, Sydney. Born December 16, 1883, at Norwich. B.Sc., 1906. T, Harford Street, Lakenham, Norwich. Hall, William (Owens). Born July 24.. 1875, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master, Central Higher Grade School, 1897. Science Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bolton, since 1903. 120, Lonsdale Road, Smithills, Bolton. *Hall, William Charles (Owens). Born April 22, 1870, at Boston. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Manchester College, Oxford : Student, 1894-1897. Unitarian Minister, appointed to Ashton Congregation, 1897 ; Waverley Road Church, Small Heath, since 1905. 36, Dora Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Hall, Mrs. W. C. See Bass, Elizabeth Lucy. *Hallam, Joseph Henry (Owens). Born October 20, 1876, at Bolton. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. Peterhouse, Cambridge : Exhibitioner, 1902-1905. B.A. (2nd class Natural Science Tripos), 1905. Science Master at the County School, Pembroke Dock, 1898-1900 ; at the Municipal High and Technical School, Nelson, Lancashire, 1900-1901. Science Lecturer, Blackpool Education Committee, 1901-1902. Organising Master for Secondary Education, West Riding County Council, 1965-1906. Sectional Chief Assistant, Secondary Education Department. West Riding County Council, since 1906. Education Department (Secondary Branch), County Hall, Wakefield. Hallsworth, Harry Mainwaring (Owens). Born December n, 1876, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1901. Cambridge Teachers' Certificate, 1904. L.C.P., 1904. Assistant Master, Westoe Secondary School, South Shields, 1901-1902. Senior Science Master, Municipal Secondary School, Brighton, 1902-1907. Senior Science Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Shef- field, since 1907. Pupil Teachers' Centre, Sheffield ; 10, Churchill Street, Oldham. Halstead, George. Born June 13, 1884, at Nelson. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1905. Assistant in Borough 'Engineer's Office, Nelson, since 1905. Clover Hill, Nelson, Lancashire. Halstead, James Henry (Owens). Born November 26, 1866, at Huddersfield. B.A., 1895. Pastor of the Tabernacle Congregational Church, Stockport, since 1898. 10, St. Thomas's Place, Stockport. Halstead, John Edward (Yorks.). Born May 27, 187?, at Elland. B.Sc., 1895. Colour Chemist with Messrs. T. F. Firth & Sons, Clifton Mills, Brighouse, 1896-1898. Teacher at Leicester Technical School, 1898-1900. With Messrs. W. Grandage & Co., Bradford, in 1900. Technical Manager at Wm. Briggs & Co. (Century Dyeworks), Ltd., Elland, 1901-1907. 2, Melrose Terrace, Elland, Yorks. Halstead, Nancy Westwell (Owens). Born April i, 1869, at Crawshawbooth. B.A., 1893. Married, July 24, 1893, R ev - John Howard, Vicar of Christ Church, Walshaw. Green Bank, Walshaw, Bury, Lancashire. Hamer, Ernest Fenton (Yorks.). Born June 22, 1880, at Halifax. B.Sc., 1900. A.C.P., 1907. Science Master, Kilburn Grammar School, London, N.W., 1900-1901 ; Senior Assistant, 1901-1902. Senior Assistant at Wirksworth Grammar School, Derby, since 1902. North Lea, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. Hamer, Frederick. Born January 29, 1872, at Audenshaw. LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1894. Clerk to the Audenshaw Urban District. Council since 1899. South View, Audenshaw ; 101, Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. *Hamer, Harry (Owens). Born July 21, 1871, at Pendleton. B.Sc., 1893. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1897. In general practice at Tyldesley since 1899. The Square, Tyldesley, Manchester. Hamer, John Parkinson (Owens). Born January 29, 1882, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. Assistant Locomotive Foreman, Sandhills, Liverpool, 1906. Locomotive Foreman, Blackpool, since 1907. Locomotive Sheds, Central Station, Blackpool ; Hill Top, Hornby Road, Blackpool. Hamer, Norman Stanley. Born August 12, 1880, at Bolton. Mus. Bac., 1905. L.T.C.L., 1906. Professor of Music. Deputy Organist of Bridge Street Wesleyan Church. Victoria Chambers, 23, Knowsley Street, Bolton, Lancashire. *Hamer, Rowland (Owens). Born June 19, 1874. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Late Senior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital. Trafalgar Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. Hamilton, John George (Owens}. Born October 25, 1877. B.A., 1897. Journalist. Trafford Old Hall, Old Trafford, Manchester; The Red Row, Mellor, near Marple. Hammerton, Jonas (Yorks.). Born October 15, 1875, at Darfield. B.Sc., 1896 and (2nd class Physics) 1897. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Science Master at Archbishop Holgate's School, York. 1898-1900 ; at Wellington College, Salop, 1901. Darfield, near Barnsley. Hammond, Margaret Louise (Univ.). Born June 4, 1874, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Brae Street School of Science, Liverpool, 1897-1899 ; at Liverpool Council Pupil Teachers' College, 1899. Senior Mistress since 1904. Ivy Bank, Tynwald Hill, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. Hamnett, Frederick George (Owens). Born August 5, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1900. Science Teacher, Roman Catholic Secondary Girls' School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, Adelphi, Salford. 34, King Street, Moston, Manchester. Hampson, Annie Farnworth. Born May 4, 1882, at Bolt on. B.A., 1906. Teacher, Bolton Municipal Secondary School, since 1906. Meadow Hill, Lostock Park, Bolton. Hampson, William Robert (Owens). Born January 27, 1876, at Bolton. Mus.B., 1898. Organist, &c., Christ Church, Bolton ; now at Parish Church, Pontefract. 5, Priory Terrace, Wakefield Road, Pontefract. Hance, Harry Malkin (Univ.). Born April 18, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1902. A.M.I.C.E., 1907. Mining Engineer. First class Manager's Certificate, Manchester, 1904 ; Home Office Full Certificate, 1905. Acting Manager, Easton Colliery, Bristol, 1902-1905. Resident Manager of Indian Man- ganese Company, Ltd., at Nagpur, since 1905. Nagpur, Central Provinces, India. Hanckel, Alfred Woods (Univ.). Born August 8, 1874, at Prescot. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1899. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Civil Engineer with Sir Douglas & Francis Fox, C.E., 28, Victoria Street, S.W., 1896-1898 ; with the Great Western Railway, 1898. With the City Imperial Volunteers in South Africa in 1900. Assis- tant Engineer with Great Western Railway, 1900-1902. Engineer under the Government of India ; posted to Bombay Government, 1903, and placed on Special Duty under the Superintending Engineer on Special Duty ; employed in investigating Protective Irrigation Schemes in the Deccan ; placed in charge of the Mira Right Bank Canal Project, 1903. c/o King, King <&> Co., Bombay, India. *fHancock, William John. Born December 15, 1863, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1886. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1890. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1890-1891. House Surgeon, District Infirmary, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1891-1894. In general practice since 1894. Medical Officer of Health, Borough of Stalybridge, 1905 ; Police Surgeon, 1905. Certifying Factory Surgeon, Stalybridge District, 1905. Medical Officer, 3rd District, Ashton-under-Lyne Union, 1905. Wake field Road, Stalybridge. *Handley, Christine (Univ.). Born July 29, 1871, at Runcorn. B.A., 1892 and (2nd class History) 1894. M.A., 1895. Married, February 6, 1907, Claude William Moat. 94, Belvedere Road, Upper Norwood, London, S.E. Handley, Florence (Univ.). Born March 3, 1877, at Birmingham. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Birchfield Road Council School, Liverpool, 1901 1902 ; York Place Higher Grade School, Brighton, 1903. Form Mistress, Municipal Secondary School, Hanley, Staffs., since 1903. 342, Walton Breck Road, An field, Liverpool. Hanna, Norah. Born July 23, 1887, at Whitehaven. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1907. Assistant Mistress, Malvern House School, Lewisham, Kent, since 1907. Kingston House, Whitehaven. *Harbottle, David Lindsay (Univ.). Born April 14, 1877, at Orrell, near Wigan. LL.B. (with Honours), 1898. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1902. Assistant Solicitor to the Bolton Corporation, 1903-1905. Deputy Town Clerk, Bolton, since 1905. 1 6, Shrewsbury Road, Bolton ; Town Hall, Bolton. Hardaker, Walter Henry (Yorks.). Born July 6, 1877, at Yeadon. B.Sc., 1898. Assistant Master, Douglas Higher Grade School, 1898-1903 ; at the Technical School, Handsworth, Staffs., since 1903. Ivy dene, Sandwell Road, Handsworth, Staffs. *Harden, Arthur (Owens). Born October 12, 1865, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1885. M.Sc., 1888. D.Sc., 1902. Erlangen University : Ph.D. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Owens College, 1888-1897. Lecturer in the University, 1893-1897. Chemist to the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine since 1897. Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, London, S.W. Harding, Percy Thorp (Owens). Born April 20, 1879, at Old Trafford, Man- chester. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Medical Officer, Manchester Warehousemen and Clerks' Provident Association. Honorary Medical Officer, Actors' Association. Assis- tant to Medical Officer of Health for Farn worth, 1903-1905. Ship's Surgeon, 1905-1906. In private practice since 1906. Holly Bank, Edgeley, Stockport. Harding, Victor John. Born October 23, 1885, at Bury. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. Graduate Scholarship, 1906. Leblanc Medal, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Lonsdale Terrace, White field, near Manchester. Hardman, David (Owens). Born February 13, 1872, at Dulesgate.Todmorden. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Science Master, Carpenter Company's Institute, Stratford, London, E., 1896. Principal, Municipal Technical School, Coleraine. Esdale Terrace, Coleraine, Ireland. Hardman, Richard Smith (Owens}. Born January 13, 1871, at Bury, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. London University : Inter. M.B. (ist class Materia Medica), 1892. M.B., 1895. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1894. Junior House Surgeon, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan, 1894- 1895. In general practice at Cheadle Hulme since 1896. Medical Officer, Warehousemen and Clerks' Orphan Schools. Medical Officer to Post Office. Sittinghurst, Cheadle Hulme, near Stockport. *Hardwick, William Roscoe (Univ.}. Born January 30, 1872, at St. Helens. B.Sc., 1895. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Partner in the firm of Messrs. Huson & Hardwick, 13, Batavia Buildings, Liverpool, since 1896. 13, Batavia Buildings, Hackings Hey, Liverpool. Hardy, Joseph (Yorks.). Born April 24, 1881, at Thornton. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Fair Weather Green School, Bradford, 1904-1906 ; Belle Vue Secondary School, Bradford, since 1906. 5, Royd Terrace, Thornton, Bradford. *Harger, John (Univ.}. Born January u, 1875, at Seacombe, Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1895. Priestley Research Scholarship, Mason College, Birmingham, 1896- 1899. Chemist with Messrs. Reckitt & Sons, Ltd., Hull, since 1899. Gallow Hill, Market Harborough. Hargreaves, Egerton (Owens}. Born June 30, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1903 and (ist class Chemistry) 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Grecian Street Higher Grade School, Salford, 1904- 1907. Lecturer in Chemistry at Technical School, Stockport, since 1907. Arthog, Garners Lane, Davenport, Stockport. Hargreaves, Louisa Jane (Owens}. Born August 4, 1877, at Burnley. B.Sc., 1900. Senior Mistress, Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, Accrington. 26, St. Matthew Street, Burnley. Hargreaves, Marion Campbell. Born March 13, 1885, at Canton, China. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress at Broomfield School, Didsbury, Manchester, 1906- 1907. Woodstock Road, Oxford. *Haring, Nathan Charles. Born July 24, 1864, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1889. L.S.A., 1886. M.R.C.S., 1888. Late House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1886 ; House Physician, Man- chester Royal Infirmary, 1887 ; Honorary Medical Officer, Chorlton Dispensary, 1889. At present, Physician, Manchester Hospital for Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and Crossley Sanatorium ; Physician to the Manchester Jewish Hospital. Consulting practice. Winter's Buildings, St. Ann Street, Manchester. \Harker, John. B.A., 1904. Heidelberg University :. M.D., 1865. L.R.C.P. (Edin.), 1860. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.S.A., 1856. Honorary Senior Surgeon, Royal Lancaster Infirmary. Medical Officer of Health, Lancaster. Died November, 1904. Harker, John Allen. Born January 23, 1870, at Alston, Cumberland. Berkeley Fellow in Physics, 1896. M.Sc., 1906. Tubingen University : D.Sc. Research Assistant at Kew Observatory, 1896; afterwards working at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, 1900. Joule Student of the Royal Society, 1903-1904. Member of Council of the Physical Society. Secretary of Section A of the British Association. Now Chief Assistant and Head of Thermometry Department of the National Physical Laboratory. Cape House, Kingston Road, Teddington, Middlesex. Harnden, Maude Elizabeth (Univ.). Born March 25, 1875, at Blundellsands. B.A., 1897. Mistress in Private School, Top Hill House, Hampstead, 1900-1903 : at Private School, Redcar, Yorkshire, 1903-1904 ; at Maidenhead High School, 1904-1905. 72, Balls Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Harriman, Frederick George. Born May 24, 1887, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1907. M.A., 1908. Appointment as 'Maitre Auxiliaire ' in the College Paul Bert, Auxerre, France, since 1907. The Pines, Flixton, near Manchester. Harris, Alfred (Univ.). Born August 29, 1868, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. D.P.H. (Cambridge). Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Fellow of Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health. Late Resident Assistant Medical Officer, City Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 45, Bedford Street, Liverpool. Harris, Sydney Joseph (Owens). Born April 2, 1858. B.Sc., 1883. M.Sc., 1887. Head Master of the Leeds Technical School. Died May 27, 1897. ^Harris, Thomas. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (ist class Honours in Medicine, qualified for Gold Medal), 1882. M.D., 1883. M.R.C.S., 1881. F.R.C.P 1893- Lecturer on Diseases of the Respiratory Organs in Owens College, and subsequently in the University, 1906. Honorary Physician, Man- chester Royal Infirmary. President of Manchester Medical and Pathological Societies. Chairman of Associates of Owens College, 1898. Numerous contributions to medical journals. Died September 8, 1906, at Brewood, Staff ordshire. 156 Harris-Jones, Percival James. Born September i, 1883, at Bolton-le-Moors M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Surgeon, S.S. Justin (Booth), 1906. Resident Medical Officer, Bourne- mouth Royal National Sanatorium, since 1907. Heath Bank, Bolton, Lanes. *Harrison, Arnold Frean (Owens). Born March 27, 1883. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. James Prescot Joule Medal, 1906. James Forrest Medal, 1906. Miller Prize, 1906. Assistant Engineer, Indian (Government) Public Works Department, since 1906. Romna, Dacca, Eastern Bengal. Harrison, Edmund (Owens). Born May 27, 1866. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Resident House Surgeon, General Dispensary, Birmingham. Died July 13, 1899. Harrison, Elizabeth. Born December 10, 1882, at Didsbury, near Manchester. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1904. M.A., 1906. Student at the Manchester University, 1904-1905. Student at the Cambridge Training College, 1905-1906. Assistant Mistress, Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School for Girls, Mansfield, since 1907. Craigmore, Ollerbarrow Road, Hale, Cheshire. Harrison, Fred. Born December 5, 1887, at Cirencester, Gloucestershire. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1907. Assistant Surveyor to the Trafford Park Estates Company since 1907. 879, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester. Harrison, Joseph Greenall. Born September 14, 1882, at Preston. B.Sc., 1905 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Upper Jackson Street School, Manchester. 19, Aked Street, Ardwick, Manchester. Harrison, Maud (Univ.). B.Sc., 1901. Deceased. ^Harrison, William Hudson (Yorks.). Born October 16, 1876, at Colne. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. Chemist to the Sewage Committee, Leeds Corporation, 1898-1906. At present Agricultural Chemist to the Government of the Madras Presidency, India. Harrowell, Francis William (Yorks.). Born November 13, 1877, a ^ Southsea. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. In private practice. 138, Beeston Road, Beeston Hill, Leeds. Harsley, Fred (Owens'). Born May 24, 1862. B.A. (ist class English Language), 1885. M.A., 1888. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1885. Langton Fellowship, 1886. Lektor in English Language, University of Berlin, 1891. The University, Berlin. Hart, Herbert Frere (Univ.}. Born March, 1874, at Satara, Bombay Presi- dency. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Medical Officer in charge of the 2nd Royal Fusiliers, in South Africa, 1900. Late Captain, R.A.M.C. In private practice, Carnarvon, Cape Colony. Carnarvon, Cape Colony, South Africa. 157 Hart, Thomas Wheeler (Owens). Born May 13, 1875, at Stretford. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. 1,000, Chester Road, Stretford, Manchester. Hartley, Florence Mary (Univ.). Born December 12, 1879, at Ealees, Little- borough, near Manchester. B.A., 1904. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Form Mistress, Secondary School, Rochdale. 82, Park Road, Heybrook, Rochdale. Hartley, Frank. Born March 20, 1884, at Knutsford. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1907. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907-1908. Beechcroft, Ollerton, Knutsford. *Hartley, Harold (Yorks.). Born December 20, 1875, at Calverley, near Leeds. B.A., 1897. Teacher's Diploma, 1897. John Bright Prize, 1899. M.A., 1900. Assistant Master at Leeds Higher Grade School, 1898-1899 ; at Burnley Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1899-1900. Assistant Lecturer in Education at Yorkshire College, 1900-1903. Inspector of Schools under East Riding Education Authority, 1903-1904. Appointed one of H.M. Inspectors for Schools, 1904. Board of Education, Whitehall, London, S.W. Hartley, Harold (Owens). Born March 29, 1873, at Heywood. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. London University : M.B. (Honours in Forensic Medicine), 1899. M.D., 1902. F.R.C.S. (Eng.). 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, 1897-1898 ; at Southern Hospital, Manchester, 1898-1899 ; at North Staffordshire Infirmary, 1900- 1903. Now Honorary Surgeon to the Haywood Hospital, Burslem. The Lodge, Basford, Stoke -on-T rent. Hartley, Harold. Born December 13, 1887, at Douglas, Isle of Man. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Gartside Scholarship, 1907. Fernbank, Little Switzerland, Douglas, Isle of Man. Hartley /Harriett Annie (Univ.}. Born January 14, 1875, at Bradford. B.A., 1897. Assistant Mistress at Nottingham Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1897-1899; at Hull Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1899-1904. Principal of Pupil Teachers' Centre, Jarrow-on-Tyne, since 1905. 1 66, Albert Road, Jarrow-on-Tyne. *Hartley, John (Owens). Born August 7, 1868, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, 1897-1899. Surgeon, Ocean Steamship Co., 1900. In practice at Buxton since 1900. Lismore House, Hardwick Street, Buxton, Derbyshire. Hartley, John Whittam (Owens). Born January 10, 1882, at Burnley. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon, P. and O. Steamship Co., 1905-1906. Assistant Superinten- dent, Civil Medical Department, Hong Kong, since 1906. Civil Medical Department, Hong Kong. Hartley, Joseph (Owens). Born March iq, 1871. B.A., 1895. Hartley, Mary Arundel (Owens). Born April 8, 1881, in London. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1901. Junior Classical Mistress, Manchester High School, 1901-1902. Classical Mistress, St. Bride's School, Helensburgh, N.B., 1908. St. Bride's School, Helensburgh, N.B. *Hartley, Percival (Yotks.). Born May 28, 1881, at Calverley, near Leeds. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Master, City Technical School, Oxford, 1904-1906. Grocers' Company Research Student, The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea, S.W., since 1906. The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, London, S.W. "Hartog, Philip Joseph (Owens). Born March 2, 1864, in London. B.Sc., 1882. Bishop Berkeley Fellow of the Owens College, 1890-1891. University of Paris : Licencie-es-sciences Physiques, 1883. London University : B.Sc., 1885. Junior Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry at the Owens College, 1891- 1895. Senior Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry at the Owens College, and Secretary to the Victoria University Extension Com- mittee, 1895-1903. Lecturer in the Victoria University, 1898- 1903. Member of the Court of Victoria University (elected by Convocation), 1901-1903. Secretary to the Mosely Commission of Educational Enquiry, 1902-1903. Academic Registrar of the University of London since 1903. Secretary to Treasury Committee on the Organisation of Oriental Studies in London, 1907-1908. Publications: History of the Owens College, 1851-1901; The Study of English ; contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, etc., etc. University of London, South Kensington, London, S.W. *Hartt, Richard (Owens). Born December 9, 1865, at Manchester. B.A., 1893- Assistant Master, People's College, Nottingham, 1894-1895. Assistant Public Secondary School, Aberfeldy, in 1895. Head Master, St. Peter's National School, Great Yarmouth, 1895-1897 ; Church of England Pupil Teachers' Centre, Norwich, 1897-1899. Assistant, Birley Street Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1899. Head Master of the Hyde Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1899-1903. Assistant, Municipal Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. Sunny side, Beechwood Avenue, Romiley. *Hartt, Mrs. R. See Hodges, Elizabeth. Harvey, Amy Cecilia. Born April n, 1885, at Thirsk, Yorkshire. B.A., 1907. Reading for Teacher's Diploma in University, 1907-1908. 10, St. John's Road, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Harvey, Edwin Josiah William (Univ.). Born December 20, 1873, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1897. Wesleyan Minister. 5, Cairns Street, Liverpool. *Harvey, Thomas Edmund (Yorks.). Born January 4, 1875, at Leeds. B.A., 1893. Christ Church, Oxford : 2nd class Classical Moderations, 1895. B.A. (ist class Lit. Hum.), 1897. M.A., 1900. Studied at the Universities of Berlin and Paris, 1898-1899. Assistant in the British- Museum, 1900-1904. Warden of Chalfont House, 1900-1904. Member of London County Council since 1904, 159 Deputy- Ward en, 1904-1906, and Warden of Toynbee Hall since 1904. Author of The Rise of the Quakers, Poor Raoul and other Fables, A London Boy's Saturday, etc. Warden's Lodge, Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel, London, E. Harwood, Arnold James 1 . B.Sc., 1905'. Deceased. *tHarwood, Henry. Born November 8, 1848, at Bolton. B.A., 1882. University of Oxford : M.A. Solicitor to the University of Manchester. Consulting Solicitor to the Co-operative Union, Ltd., for England, Ireland, and Wales. 2, Cooper Street, Manchester ; Stanley Avenue, Birkdale, Southport. Harwood, Henry Francis. Born Mardh 26, 1886, at Southport. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. With Calico Printers' Association, Rhodes, Middleton. Erlesdene, Park Road, Hale, Cheshire. *fHaslam, George James. Born May 18, 1858, at Abbey Hey, near Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Royal University of Ireland : M.D., 1880. Platte Physiological Scholar- ship, 1 88 1. M.R.C.S., 1880. District Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1880. Honorary Physician, Hulme Dispensary, 1881. Assistant Lecturer in Physiology, Owens College, 1882. Scientific Investigator Clinic, for Internal Medicine, University of Zurich, 1883. Edited Translation of Ecker's Anatomy of the Frog, 1889. Surgeon to Orphans' Home, Fremont, Nebraska, 1892. Hospital Surgeon, Chicago and North-Western Railway, 1900, and District Surgeon, 1902. Practising Surgery at Fremont, Nebraska, U.S.A. 77, West 6th Street, Fremont, Nebraska, U.S.A. Haslam, Robert. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. High Bank House, Tong Fold, Bolton. *Haslam, Theodore (Owens). Born January 28, 1861, at Hollinwood, Oldham. B.A., 1884. Principal of the Chadderton School Board Pupil Teachers' Centre, Werneth, Oldham, since 1898 ; previously Head Master of the South Street School, Hollinwood. Hardman Terrace, Hollinwood, Oldham. Hasse, Henry Ronald (Owens). Born July 27, 1884, at Gracehill, Co. Antrim. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. St. John's College, Cambridge : Scholar, 1904. Seventh Wrangler, Mathematical Tripos, Part I., 1905. B.A., ist class, 3rd Division, Mathematical Tripos, Part II., 1906. Isaac Newton Studentship for Research in Mathematical Physics, 1907. Honourable mention for Smith's Prize, 1908. Engaged in Research in Mathematical Physics at Cambridge, 1908. Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Liverpool, 1908. St. John's College, Cambridge. i6o Hatch, Herbert Andrew (Yorks.). Born November 22, 1875, at Halifax. B.Sc., 1899. Science Master, Technical Schools, Chester, since 1903. Grosvenor Museum, Chester. Haughton, Amy. Born October 12, 1881, at Salford. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Cassland Road Higher Grade School, Hackney (London County Council), 1904-1905. English Teacher in the Day Secondary School and Day Trade School of Woolwich Poly- technic since 1905. 7, Egan Crescent, Talbot Road, South Tottenham, London, N. Haughton, Ethel Anne (Owens). Born July 26, 1879, at Sandbach, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1901. Teacher's Diploma (Cambridge), 1905. 1 8, Mostyn Avenue, West Kirby, Cheshire. Hawcridge, Marion. Born August 7, 1882, at Bradford, Yorkshire. B.A. (3rd class English Language and Literature), 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Stockport High School since 1905. Rowallan, Barrow-in-Furness. Hawkes, James Leonard (Univ.). Born April 29, 1877, a t Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.D., 1906. General Practitioner. 187, Edge Lane, Liverpool. Hawkes, John Henry. Born February 9, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Birley Street Higher Elementary School, Beswick. 10, High Street, Newton Heath, Manchester. *Haworth, Alfred (Owens). Born February 7, 1868, at Eccles. B.A., 1890. Partner in the firm of Messrs. James Dilworth & Sons, Yarn Agents, since 1895. Member of Court of Owens College, 1892; Member of University Court, 1897 ; Member of the Council of Owens College^ 1899, and of the University, 1903. J.P. (City of Manchester). Woodend, Bradgate Road, Altrincham ; Messrs. James Dilworth &> Son, Pall Mall Court, Manchester. *Haworth, Mrs. Alfred. See MacGowan, Elizabeth A. Haworth, Mrs. Alfred. See Muir, Dora J. Haworth, Edward (Owens). Born December 10, 1872, at Clayton-le-Moors. B.Sc. (i st class Chemistry), 1893. M.Sc., 1896. D.Sc., 1899. University Scholar in Chemistry, 1893. Leblanc Medal, 1893. University Fellow in Science, 1894. Bishop Berkeley Fellow, Owens College, 1895. Honorary Research Fellow, 1895. Demonstrator, Owens College, 1895-1897. Assistant Chemist, Castner-Kellner Alkali Co., since 1898. Sunnyside, Norman Road, Runcorn. *Haworth, Frank Abraham (Owens). Born April 30, 1874, at Altrincham. B.A. (3rd class History), 1896. M.A., 1899. In business in Manchester (Messrs. James Dilworth & Sons). Sandiford Cottage, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Haworth, Frederic (Yorks.). Born September 20, 1874, at Holmfirth. B.Sc., 1895. Teacher's Diploma, 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Assistant Master, Leeds Boys' Modern School, since 1896. 10, Ashville View, Cardigan Road, Leeds. I Haworth, Harold Firth (Univ.}. Born October 15, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc ; , 1905. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. David Rew Memorial Scholar, 1904. Ph.D. (Basel), 1906. (1851) Exhibition Scholar (Zurich Polytechnikum and University), 1905-1906. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator (Electrical), City and Guilds of London Central Technical College, since 1906. City and Guilds Central Technical College, Exhibition Road, London, S.W. Haworth, Henry Dean (Owens). Born October 9, 1881, at Nelson. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1903. D.P.H., 1906. M.D., 1907. Junior Research Fellowship in Public Health, 1906. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1903-1904, and Junior House Surgeon, House Physician, and Senior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1904-1905. Lomeshaye Road, Nelson, Lanes. ^Haworth, Walter Norman. Born March 19, 1883, at Chorley. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Private Research Assistant to Prof. W. H. Perkin, The University, Manchester, since 1906. Dacca House, Chorley. *Hay, John (Univ.). Born November 25, 1873, at Birkenhead. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. M.D. (Commendation), 1901. M.R.C.P., 1903. University of Liverpool : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Formerly Honorary Physician to the Liverpool Stanley Hospital ; Honorary Physician to the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest ; Honorary Pathologist to the David Lewis Northern Hospital ; Lecturer on Hygiene and Public Health, Pupil Teachers' College ; Medical Tutor and Registrar, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1900-1903 ; Stipendiary Medical Officer to the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, 1901-1902 ; Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Mill Road Infirmary, 1898-1900; Senior House Physician, 1897-1898 ; assistant in Throat and Ear Department, House Surgeon to the Eye Department, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; House Surgeon to the Lock Hospital, 1896-1897. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Student Demonstrator of Histology, Liverpool University. Now Assistant Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; President, Microscopical Society, Liverpool ; Editor, Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. Author of numerous Papers on Medical Subjects. 12, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Hayes, Alfred Parker (Owens). Born February 27, 1874, at Keswick, Cumber- land. B.A., 1897. Clerk in Holy Orders. Deacon, 1899 ; Priest, 1900. Curate of Holy Trinity, Carlisle, 1899. Vicar of Lindal-with-Marton, Carlisle, since 1905. The Vicarage, Lindal-in-Furness. F I 1 62 Hayes, Frederick William (Yorks.). Born May n, 1878, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. 3, Reginald Terrace, Leeds. *fHayle, Thomas Hahnemann. Born March 4, 1855, at Newcastle-on-Tyne. B.Sc., 1904. London University: M.B., 1879. 154, Drake Street, Rochdale. Haynes, James Herbert (Owens). Born March 25, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1896. Science Master, Urmston Higher Grade Organised Science School, Manchester, 1896-1898 ; at Fairfield Higher Grade School. Bristol, 1898 ; at Fairfield Secondary School, Bristol, since 1904. 65, Kennington Avenue, Ashley Down, Bristol. *Hayton, Edward Ribtan (Owens). Born June 15, 1859, at Flimby, Cumberland. B.A., 1885. Congregational Minister, 1888 ; of Congleton Church, 1888-1902 ; at Tintwistle since 1902. The Parsonage, Tintwistle, Manchester. Hayvvard, George (Owens). Born March 28, 1878, at Manchester. B.A., 1902. M.A., 1907. Ridley Hall, Cambridge, 1902-1903. Deacon, 1903 ; Priest, 1904. Curate of St. Peter's, Everton, Liverpool, 1903-1906 ; of St. Nathaniel's, Liverpool, since 1906. 151, Canning Street, Liverpool. *Hayward, Joseph William (Owens). Born January 24, 1875, at Winchmore Hill, London, N. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1895. University Scholarship in Engineering, 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Tutor in Engineering, Dalton Hall, 1896-1898. Demonstrator in Engineering, Durham College of Science, Newcastle, 1898-1902. Senior Assistant in Engineering Laboratories at Central Technical College, 1902-1906. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, since 1906. Engineering Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Hayward, William Davey (Univ.). Born April i, 1870, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon-Captain and Major, Indian Medical Service. Chitral Relief Expedition (Medal and Clasp), 1895. Field Operations, Malakand, 1897 (Clasp). Civil Employ in Bengal, 1899. Recalled temporarily to Military Duty, 1900. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Medical College, Calcutta, and also Police Surgeon of Calcutta, since 1906. c/o Grindlay &> Co., Calcutta. Hazlehurst, Alfred Noel (Univ.). Born August 9, 1874, at Runcorn, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Electric Engineer. Engaged in Experimental Work, 1897. Engineer- in-Charge to the Leicester Corporation Electricity Station, 1900- 1903. Manager of the Depositing Department of the Leeds Copper Works, 1903-1904. Technical Engineer of Longstreth's, Ltd., Accumulator Manufacturers (Manufacturers of the Lithanodc Accumulators), since 1904. The Grange, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. F 2 *Hazlehurst, Richard Cecil (Owens). Born May 22, 1880, at Runcorn, Cheshire. Mus.B., 1902. Mus.D., 1906. F.R.C.O., 1907. Principal of a College of Music, Brixton, London, S.W., since 1907. 183, Loughborough Road, London, S.W. Hazlewood, John (Owens).. Born February 20, 1881, at Patricroft. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. Chemist to Whitwood Chemical Co., Ltd., Normanton, Yorks., 1903- 1905. With Hazlewood & Sons, Ltd., Nelson Works, Patricroft, since 1905. 81, New Lane, Patricroft, Manchester. *fHeadridge, John Parsons. Born November 4, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Lecturer on Dental Metallurgy in the University. London University : B.Sc., 1892. L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), 1894. D.D.S. (Pennsylvania). Late Honorary Assistant Dental Surgeon, Victoria Dental Hospital, Manchester. 25, St. Ann Street, Manchester. Heal, Lyndhurst William. Born September 8, 1880, at Levenshulme, Man- chester. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Late Assistant Master, The Secondary School, Stockport ; now Second Master at the Trowbridge Secondary Day School and Victoria Technical Institute. Southernhay, Innox Road, Trowbridge, Wilts. Heald, John Forster (Owens). Born November 8, 1872, at Lower Crumpsall, Manchester. B.Sc., 1897. Lecturer at Ducie Avenue Board School, 1897-1898 ; at Hyde Technical School, since 1898. At Salford Technical Institute, 1898-1899 ,- at Manchester Technical School since 1904. Brook Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Heald, Samuel Linley (Yorks.). Born April 7, 1879, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1906. Glastonbury, Somerset. Healey, John (Owens). Born August 3, 1869. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer of Health for Mossley, 1896, Certifying Factory Surgeon for Mossley since 1897. Staley Road, Mossley, near Manchester. *Healey, John Edridge (Owens). Born October n, 1874, at Ashton-on-Ribble M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899. In general practice at Preston since 1899. Ravenswood, Moor Park, Preston. Heap, Florence Annette. Born June n, 1882, at Habergham, near Burnley. B.A., 1904. 3, Thursby Square, Burnley. Heap, Harri. Born July 4, 1886, at Burnley, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. A.I.C., 1908. Assistant Lecturer in Sanitary Chemistry in the University of Man- chester since 1907. 3, Thursby Square, Burnley. i6 4 Heap, James Henry (Owens). Born May 9, 1868. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1888. Civil Engineer, Public Works Department (State Railway Branch), India. Lahore, Punjab, India. *Heap, Richard Rankin (Univ.). Born September 7, 1875, at Aintree, near Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Blackmoor, West Derby, Liverpool. Heap, Samuel (Owens). Born May 23, 1880, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. With Messrs. S. Heap and Sons, Ltd., 1903 ; with R. W. Oddy, Esq., F.I. C., Analyst, 1903-1904. Chemist, with Samuel Heap and Son, Ltd., since 1904. Ingledene, Norden, near Rochdale. Heap, William. Born August 12, 1884, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1904. Caldershaw, Rochdale. Heapy, Harold Ernest (Univ.). Born in 1880, at Birkenhead. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1902. Late House Surgeon and Senior House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. In general practice. 40, Marlborough Road, Manningham, Bradford, Yorks. Heath, Emily Charlotte (Owens). Born March 24, 1880, at Hamilton, Bermuda. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Mistress at the Hugh Myddelton Higher Grade School, London, 1902-1904 ; at the Hackney Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1902. 33, Crouch Hall Road, Crouch End, London, N. Heathcote, Godfrey. Born December 21, 1878, at Ardwick, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. In practice as locum tenens. Apsley House, Hyde Road, Ardwick, Manchester. *Heathcote, Godfrey (Owens). Born July 20, 1870, at Manchester. LL.B., 1891. Solicitor, admitted 1895. Langdale, Arnside, Westmorland. Heathcote, Henry Charles (Owens). Born December 12, 1870, at Winster, Derbyshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Medical Officer, 5th District, Bath Union. In general practice at Twerton-on-Avon since 1893. Twerton Villa, Twerton-on-Avon, Bath. *Heathcott, John (Owens). Born October 7, 1868, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1889. M.Sc., 1893. Civil Engineer. With the L. & N. W. Rly.'s Engineer, Manchester, 1890-1891 ; with the Chief Permanent Way Engineer, L. & N.-W. Rly., 1891-1900. Thornhill, Prince's Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. Heaton, William Lawson (Owens). Born November 9, 1883, at Ramsbottom, B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemical Manufacturer at Radcliffe. Bolton Road, Ramsbottom, Lanes. Hebblethwaite, Douglas Nichols (Univ.). Born August 15, 1879, at Liverpool, B.A. (ist class Classics), 1901. University Scholar, 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. , Assistant Master, Birkenhead School, since 1902. 8, Wellington Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. *Hecht, Charles Edward (Qwens). Born July 12, 1865, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1886. M.A., 1889. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1890. Hon. Sec., Social and Political Education League, 1894-1903. Organising Secretary,. Women's Memorial to Queen Victoria, 1901-1903 ; Land Law Reform Association, 1905-1906. 3, Essex Court, Temple, London, E.G. Hefford, Charles Nelson (Yorks.). Born October 18, 1875, at Street, near Glastonbury. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer. With Messrs. J. & H. McLaren, Midland Engine Works, Hunslet. Engineering Assistant, City of Leeds Electricity Department. 29, Headingley Mount, Leeds.. *Hefford, George Winfield (Yorks.). Born September 9, 1871, at Street, near Glastonbury. B.Sc., 1893. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Head Science Master at King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage, and Lecturer to Wantage District Council, 1894-1900. Senior County Science Master for the Staffordshire C.C. since 1901. Rowley Park, Stafford. Heinke, John Leathart (Owens). Born August 28, 1875, a "t Twickenham, Middlesex. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholar- ship, Owens College, 1896. Tubingen University : D.Sc., 1898. Chemist at the Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, 1898. Hilton Lane, Walkden, Manchester. Helliwell, Hamlet. Born January 26, 1878, at Mytholmroyd. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Master, Dewsbury Technical School, since 1905. Mount Pleasant, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire. Helm, William Alexander (Owens). Born March 19, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1900. Resident Surgical Officer, Birmingham Infirmary, 1900-1901. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator for the Munslow Division of the Ludlow Union. The Cottage, Munslow, Craven Arms, Shropshire. Hemsalech, Gustav Adolphus. Born May 25, 1875, at Lodz, Russian Poland. M.Sc., 1906. University of Paris : D.Sc., 1901. Engaged in Research at the Laboratoire des Recherches Physiques a la Sorbonne, Paris. 6, Rue de la Sorbonne, Paris. 1 66 Henderson, Henry Martyn ( Univ.). Born July 4, 1873, a * Rock Ferry, Cheshire, M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. In general practice since 1900. Formerly Medical Officer, etc., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Resident Medical Officer, Lock Hospital, Liverpool. 4, Dingle Hill, Prince's Park, Liverpool. Henderson, Hilda (Univ.). Born December 22, 1884, at Liverpool. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at the Church Institute, Bolton, Lanes., since 1900. 57, Pembroke Place, Liverpool. Henderson, William Savile (Univ.). Born June 18, 1872, at Edinburgh. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. London University : B.Sc., 1893. Liverpool University : M.D., 1906. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1899. House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Now in practice at Liverpool. 63, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Henstock, Herbert (Owens). Born September 22, 1876, at Bonsall, near Matlock, Derbyshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1906. Ph.D. (Zurich), 1905. Honorary Reseat ch Fellow, 1906-1907. Demonstrator in Chemistry in the University of Leeds since 1907. The University, Leeds. Heptinstall, Richard (Yorks.). Born February 8, 1879, at Oulton, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Central High School, Leeds, 1901. Science Master, County Secondary School, Crewe, since 1902. 270, Walthall Street, Crewe. Hepworth, Frank (Yorks.). Born June 10, 1883, at Leeds. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1904. M.A., 1906. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Heckmondwike Secondary School, since 1905. Doncaster Road, Wakefield, Yorkshire ; 4, Heights Lane, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. Hepworth, Minnie (Yorks.). Born May 5, 1880, at Leeds. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress under Leeds Education Committee, 1902-1904. As- sistant Principal, Batley Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1905. Assistant Mistress, Grammar School for Girls, Batley, 1905-1908. First Assistant Mistress, Morley Secondary School, 1908. Brantwood, Morley, Yorks. *Herford, Henry John Robberds (Owens). Born March 17, 1869, at Manchester. B.A., 1888. Final Examination of Incorporated Law Society (Prizes and Medal), 1893- Entered Civil Service, 1893. Now Clerk in the Estate Duty Office. i, Frognal Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. i6 7 *fHerford, Robert Travers. Born March 13, 1860, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1880. Minister since 1883. The Parsonage, Stand, White field, near Manchester. *Herford, Ulric Vernon (Owens). Born November 16, 1866, at Manchester. B.A., 1889. Titular Bishop of Mercia (Patriarchate of Babylon and the East). At Manchester College, Oxford, 1889-1891 and 1896-1897. Minister at King's Lynn, 1893-1896. Built the Church of the Divine Love, Oxford, 1898. Consecrated Bishop, November 30, 1902, by Max Basilius, Metropolitan of India, at Palithamen, S. India, 1903. Succeeded to the jurisdiction of Max Basilius on his death. 137, Banbury Road, &> 60, Percy Street, Oxford ; Driftcombe Cloyster, Bisley, Gloucestershire. Herschell, Constance (Univ.}. Born February 13, 1880, at Oxton. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Has taught at Private Schools in Windermere.Southport, and Liverpool. Now a Missionary in India. c/o Mrs. Herschell, 18, King's Mount, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Hewitt, Annie Paxton. B.A. (2nd class Modern Language), 1905. M.A., 1906. Oak-field, Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire. *Hewitt, Charles Gordon. Born February 22, 1885, at Kerridge, Macclesfield. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1905. Graduate Scholarship, 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Zoology in the Manchester University, 1905-1907. Lecturer in Economic Zoology in the Manchester University since 1907. Fir Grove, Macclesfield. *Hewitt, Francis William (Univ.). Born March 10, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1898. University Scholarship in Engineering, 1898. M.Sc., 1903. With Messrs. Rowlandson, Liverpool, 1898 ; with Mr. T. L. Miller, 1899. Assistant at Corporation Electricity Works, Barnsley, 1900. Chief Assistant, Corporation Electricity and Tramways Departments, Darlington, 1901-1906. Assistant Editor of The Electrician since 1906. Electrician Offices, i, 2, 3, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Hewitt, William Elisha Huff- (Univ.). Born September 13, 1880, at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1903-1904. Ship Surgeon, Lamport & Holt, 1903. In practice, Ashton-in-Makerfield, 1904- 1905. In practice, Rhos-on-Sea, since 1905. Rhianfa, Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay, North Wales. Hewlett, Edith Lettice. Born December 10, 1883, at Brackley, Northants. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1905. Teacher's Diploma (London), 1904. Science Mistress at the Pupil Teachers' Centre and Secondary School, Middleton, Lancashire, 1905-1906 ; at the Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, since 1906. 48, Hilton Lane, Walkden, Manchester. i68 *fHewlett, Ernest Godfree Whitworth. Born October 9, 1864, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Berkeley Fellow, Owens College, 1887-1888. Trinity College, Cambridge : Major Scholar, 1885. B.A., 1886. M.A., 1891. Classical Tripos, 2nd class, ist Division, Part I., 1886. ist class, Part II. (Language), 1887. Assistant Master, Hulme Grammar School, Alexandra Park, Man- chester, since 1890. Member of Withington U.D.C. Education Committee, 1903-1904. 87, Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester. *Hewlett, Harold Bryning. Born September 14, 1884, at Manchester. v ; > B.Sc., 1904. Articled Pupil to D. C. Rattray, Esq., M.I.C.E., Chief Engineer to L. & Y. Railway, since 1905. Engineer's Office, L. & Y. Rly., Hunts Bank, Manchester. Hey, Wilson Harold. Born September i, 1882, at Come. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Tom Jones Surgical Scholarship, 1907. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1905. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1905. Resident Medical Tutor, Hulme Hall, Manchester, 1905-1906. Casualty Officer and Anaesthetist, Ancoats Hospital, 1906. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906-1907. The Mount, Colne, Lancashire. Heyhurst, Annie (Owens}. Born December 9, 1879, at ? Bradford, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Formerly Temporary Teaching under Cheshire, and subsequently under Portsmouth Education Committee. ' Holmfield, New Moston, Manchester. Heys, Frederick Arnold. Born May 5, 1888, at Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire. B.A., 1907. Law Student. 75, Rhyddings Street, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington. *fHeywood, John. Born October 19, 1849, at Bolton. B.A., 1882. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1875. M.A., 1881. Called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, 1877. Northern Circuit. Chairman of Associates of Owens College, 1901. The Pike, Bolton. *Heywood-Waddington, J. See Waddington, J. Heywood-. Hibbert, Cecil. Born August n, 1884, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Fourth Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Hospital, 1906. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. House Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1908. The Hollies, Godley, Hyde, Cheshire. Hibbert, Harold (Owens}. Born August 27, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. F.I.C. Leipzig University : Ph.D. (summa cum laude}, 1906. Senior Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1899-1904. Studied Chemistry at the University of Leipzig, 1904-1906. Private Assistant to Prof. Arthur Michael, and Instructor in Chemistry, Tuft's College, Mass., U.S.A., 1906-1907. Private Assistant to Professor Michael, Tuft's College, 1907-1908. Creston, Marple Bridge, Stockport. 1 69 Hibbert, Walter. Born September 16, 1887, at Oldham. B.A., 1907. 179, Lee Street, Oldham. Hickey, Walter (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Late House Surgeon, Rawcliffe Hospital, Chorle\^. 'Berkeley Lodge, Hale Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. "Hickling, Henry George Albert. Born April 5, 1883, at Nottingham. B.Sc. (ist class Geology), 1905. Graduate Scholar, 1905. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Geology, University of Man- chester, since 1906.^50, Lancaster Road, Fallow field, Manchester. Hicks, George Dawes (Owens). Born September 14, 1862, at Shrewsbury. B. A. (i st class Philosophy), 1888. M.A., 1891.. Litt.D., 1904. Hibbert Scholar, 1891-1896. University of Leipzig : Ph.D., 1896. Minister of Unity Church, Islington, London, 1897-1903. Lecturer for the London School of Ethics and Sociology, 1897-1898. Assis- tant Editor of Hibbert Journal, 1902. Examiner in Logic and Moral Philosophy, University of Glasgow, 1904-1907. Professor of Moral Philosophy, University College, London, since 1904. Examiner in Mental and Moral Science, University of London, 1905. University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. : 9, Cranmer Road, Cambridge. Hield, Esther Margaret (Yorks.). Born February 20, 1878, at Leeds. B.A., 1899. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. 2, Newton Crescent, Newton Park, Leeds. Hield, Mary Elsie (Yorks.). Born February n, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. 2, Newton Crescent, Newton Park, Leeds. *Higgins, Sydney Herbert (Owens). Born May 18, 1884, at Moss Side, Man- chester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Gartside Scholar, 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Demonstrator in Manchester Municipal School of Technology, Depart- ment of Dyeing, 1906. Author of Dyeing in Germany and America (Gartside Report). Luncarty Bleachfield, Perth, N.B. *fHigginson, Charles Gaskell. Born November 4, 1858, at Swansea. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (47th in Honours), 1875. B.A. (3rd class Classics, 2nd class French), 1878. M.A., 1881. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1896. L.S.A., 1896. Assistant Master, Nottingham High School, 1879-1883. Acting Head Master, Stockport Grammar School, 1883. Second Master, West Kent Grammar School, Brockley, 1885-1886. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1897. Assistant Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital, 1897-1899. Honorary Medical Officer of Salford Royal Hospital, Pendleton Branch, 1899- 1900. Assistant Medical Officer, Birmingham Infirmary, 1900- 1901. President of the Positivist Society, Manchester, 1889-1900, Assistant Medical Superintendent at Crooksbury Sanatorium, 170 Farnham, 1901. From 1903-1908 employed as Locum Tenens. Now Temporary Public Vaccinator to the All Saints' District of Birmingham. 372, Gillott Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Hignett, John (Univ.). Born August 23, 1873, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Assistant Master, King Edward's School, Totnes, 1897-1899. Senior English Master, Middle School, Ipswich, 1899-1904; Bury Grammar School, Lancashire, since 1904. 327, Walmersley Road, Bury, Lancashire. Higson, Richard Woodward. Born September 10, 1880, at Atherton, near Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. 281, St. Helens Road, Bolton. *Hiles, Isa Lockyer (Owens). Born June 22, 1875, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1897. Research Scholar. 1897-1899. M.Sc., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Assistant Mistress, Manchester High School, 1900-1904. Published various Papers on Zoological Research. Kynance, Ashley Heath, Hale, Cheshire. Hill, Edward Falkner (Owens). Born June 4, 1877, at Wellington, Somerset. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1900. Clinical Assistant, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1900. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1900. Resident Medical Officer at Dyffryaled, 1900 ; at Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1901-1902. In general practice in Manchester. 336, Oxford Road, Manchester Hill, Edward Percy. Born August 20, 1887, at Helsby, Chester. B.Sc. Tech., 1906. In Electrical Engineering Department, Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester, 2, Elm Mount, Helsby, via Warrington. Hill, James Edward Hornsby. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1905. Hill, James Samuel. Born January 9, 1885, at Whitworth, near Rochdale. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Springfield Council School, Sale. Glen View, Whitworth, near Rochdale. Hill, Mabel (Yorks.). Born December 26, 1881, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Barkerend Council School, Bradford, 1903-1904. 98, Tennyson Place, Bradford, Yorks. Hill, William Bertram (Yorks.). Born May 18, 1879, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Resident Medical Officer, Leeds Consumptive Sanatorium, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, 1906 ; Hospital for Women and Children, Leeds, since 1907. The Mount, Harrogate. *fHiller, Edward George. Born October 28, 1862, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. M.Inat.C.E. M.Inst.M.E. Chief Engineer and Manager to the National Boiler and General In- surance Co., Ltd., 22, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. Oakholme, Wilbraham Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Hilliam, George (Yorks.). Born October 3, 1877, at Stanningley. B.Sc., 1899. Cape University : B.Sc. Assistant Master, Southern Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1899-1900 ; Normal College, Cape Town, 1901. Vice-Principal, Boys' High School, East London, South Africa, since 1901. Boys' High School, East London, South Africa. Hilton, Nellie. Born September 9, 1884, at Pendleton, Manchester. B.A., 1906 and (2nd class Philosophy) 1907. Lecturer in Education and History at Warrington Training College, since 1907. Ivy Bank, Eccles Old Road, Pendleton , Manchester. Hime, Edward Maurice (Yorks.). Born January 9, 1876, at Sheffield. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. In general practice at Aysgarth. Aysgarth, S.O., Yorkshire. Hime, Henry Charles Rupert (Yorks.). Born November 8, 1877, at Sheffield. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1899 ; Captain, 1902. In South Africa during the War, 1900-1902. c/o Messrs. Holt & Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. *Hinchcliffe, Arthur Edward Townend (Owens). Born August 6, 1866, at Barnsley. LL.B., 1901. Solicitor (Honours, Alfred Sykes' Gold Medallist), 1893. Partner in the firm of Aimitage, Sykes, and Hinchcliffe, Solicitors, Hudders- field. Woodside, near Hudders field, Yorkshire. Hindley, Harry (Owens). Born February 7, 1879, at Great Lever. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master at Lymn Grammar School, 1898-1899 ; at Eagley Grammar School, Bolton, 1900-1902 ; at Hawarden County School since 1902. Examiner to Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes, 1906. Hamilton House, Hawarden House, near Chester. Hindley, John Chad wick (Owens). Born November 7, 1875, at Tyldesley, near Manchester. . M.B., Ch.B., 1899. In general practice at Rainhill, Lancashire, 1900-1907. Since then at Carrog. Riverdale, Carrog, near Corwen, Merioneth. Hindley, John Pear (Owens). Born December u, 1878, at Cheadle Hulme. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master. County School, Ebbw Vale, 1900. Lecturer in Mathe- matics, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, since 1906. 112, Upper Lloyd Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Hindshaw, Florence Pye (Owens). Born August 2, 1879, at Manchester. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Grammar School, Ulverston, Lancashire. 3, The Laurels, Ulverston. 172 Hindshaw, James (Owens). Born July 31, 1876, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Resident Medical Officer at Shirley Warren Infirmary, Southampton, 1902. Senior Resident Medical Officer at Bagthorpe Infirmary, Nottingham, 1903. Surgeon of S.S. Idomeneus (Alfred Hall Line). Surgeon, R.M.S. Clement (Booth Line). Surgeon, Ebbw Vale Cottage Hospital. Hillside House, Ebbw Vale, Mon. *Hindshaw, Winifred (Owens). Born August 10, 1874, at Manchester. B.A., 1897. Examination in Pedagogy (London University), passed with distinction in written papers, 1908. Teacher in the Accrington Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1898. Lecturer in English, Swansea Training College, 1899. Mistress in the Prac- tising School (Day Training Department for Women), Owens College, 1902-1903. Mistress of Method, Swansea Training College, since 1903. Ashdene, Sherwood Avenue, Priory Road, Sale, Cheshire. Hinkley, William (Owens}. Born June 8, 1861, at Birmingham. B.A., 1888. Minister of the London Missionaiv Society at Anantapur since 1891. Anantapur, South India. Hinton, Arthur Gerald (Owens). Born March 26, 1880, at Halesowen, near Birmingham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1901. Technical Assistant, Manchester Steam Users' Association, 1901-1905. Draughtsman and Technical Assistant, Messrs. Ruston, Proctor and Co., Lincoln, 1905-1907. Assistant Teacher, Polytechnic School of Engineering, Regent-street, W., since 1907. The Dene, Exeter Road, Brondesbury, London, N.W. *Hird, Samuel (Owens). Born December 25, 1878, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Municipal Technical Institute, Portsmouth, 1901. H.M. Inspector of Factories since 1905. 51, Allen Road, Wolverhampton. Hirst, Grace (Univ.). B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. *Hirst, Harry (Owens). Born April 9, 1878, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Assistant Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Lecturer in Physics, at the Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1903-1907. Vice-Principal (and Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering) of the Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham Joint Sub-Committees' Technical Institutes since 1907. 1 68. Rock Avenue, Gillingham, Kent. Hirst, Henry Reginald (Yorks.). Bora July 20, 1876, at Batley. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1895. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Woollen Manufacturer (Messrs. G. H. Hirst & Co., Limited). Bank House, Staincliffe, Batley, Yorks. Hirst, Tom Oakes (Univ.). Born July 8, 1879, at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1903. University Fellow in English Language, 1906. Liverpool University : M.A., 1906. Ph.D. (Bonn), 1907. Chapelstead, Gateacre, Liverpool. Kitchens, Ernest. Born .March 17, 1881, at Congleton. B.Sc., 1905. Head Master, Astbury Schools, Cheshire, 1905. Science Master, Congleton Technical School, since 1905. Sefton Avenue, Park Lane, Congleton, Cheshire. Hitchin, George Robert (Owens). Born December 31, 1879, at Burnley. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Surgeon, Ocean Steamship Co. (Booth Line and Leyland Line). 15, Ormerod Road, Burnley, Lanes. Hoare, Louisa O'Donoghue (Univ.). Born August 9, 1871, at Jordanstown, near Belfast. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Bedford College, Liverpool, 1898-1900. All Saints Vicarage, Oakhill Park, Liverpool. Hobart, John William (Yorks.). Born September 18, 1874, at Batley. B.Sc., 1896. Teacher's Diploma, 1897. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master in the Leeds Boys' Modern School, 1897-1898 ; in the Healey Board School, Batley, since 1899. 42, Halifax Road, Staincliffe, Batley. Hobley, Robert Arthur (Yorks.). Born July 6, 1875, at Farsley. B.Sc., 1898. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Southern Higher Grade Schools, Leeds, 1898 ; Cockburn High School, Leeds, since 1902. Ashville Terrace, Farsley, near Leeds. *Hobson, Bernard (Owens'). Born April 19, 1860, at Sheffield. B.Sc., 1887 and (ist class Geology) 1888. M.Sc., 1890. Studied at Heidelberg, 1888-1889. Lecturer in Petrology and Lecturer in Geology, &c., in the University of Manchester. Author of several papers on Geological subjects. Thornton, Park field Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Hodge, Hubert (Owens). Born January 23, 1882, at Southport, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Surgeon, Southern Hospital for Women, 1903. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904 ; Ancoats Hospital, 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1906 ; Metro- politan Asylums Board (Fever), Park Hospital, Lewisham, S.E., since 1907." Park Hospital, Hither Green, London, S.E. ; Schuyllkill, 29, Knowsley Road, Southport. *Hodges, Elizabeth (Owens'). Born April 15. 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1895. Head Mistress, Municipal Technical School, Accrington, 1895-1900. Married, August I, 1900, Richard Hartt, B.A. (Viet.). Sunnyside, Beechwood Avenue, Romiley, Cheshire. Hodgkinson, Alexander (Owens). Born November 12, 1877, at Waterloo, near Liverpool. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1901. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Junior House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary, 1902-1903. Senior House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary, since 1903. Infirmary, Warrington. *Hodgson, Charles Edward (Yorks.). Born January 14, 1877, at Dewsbury. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Leeds University : M.A., 1905. Ph.D. (Jena), 1906. Assistant Master, Ackworth School, Pontefract, 1896-1899 ; Friends' School, Saffron Walden, Essex, 1901-1904 ; Bootham School, York, since 1907. 14, Westgate, Dewsbury. *fHodgson, John. Born February 13, 1856, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1881. Surgeon in general practice at Oldham, 1882-1905. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1880. Assistant Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1887-1898. Honorary Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1898-1905. Medical Officer, Oldham School Board and Education Committee, 1899-1905. Pathologist to H.M. Coroner for Oldham, 1887-1905. The Wicket, Vicarage Lane, Bowdon, Cheshire. *Hodgson, John Frederick (Owens). Born May 8, 1874, at Keighley, Yorks. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.D., 1903. House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1900 ; Senior House Surgeon, 1901. Resident Medical Officer, Halifax Union Poor Law Hospital, 1901-1903. Assistant Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Medical Superintendent, Borough Fever Hospital, Halifax. Medical Practitioner. Trafalgar House, Halifax. *Hodson, John Wignall (Owens). Born May 6, 1883, at Newcastle. LL.B., 1904. University Scholarship in Law, 1904. Passed Solicitors' Final Examination, June, 1907, with 3rd class Honours. Admitted as Solicitor in November, 1907. Judge Coventry Prize, 1908. Rhyddington, Clifton Drive, Lytham. Hogarth, John Preston (Univ.). Born April 5, 1874. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Engineer under the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Died April 23, 1899. Holden, Charles (Owens). Born July n, 1880, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1903. Form Master, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton. Halliwell, Bolton. Holden, Edmund Howarth. B.Sc., 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Holden, George Atkinson. Born 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. Apprenticed to Kendal & Gent, Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Manchester. One Ash, Hyde Road, Gorton, Manchester. Holden, Henry (Owens). Born January 4, 1862, at Royton. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1885. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1886. M.Sc., 1888. Senior Mathematical Master, Queen's College, Taunton, 1890-1892. Science Master, Shebbear School, and Lecturer on Agriculture for Devon County Council, 1892-1893. Head of Physics Department, Currie Technical Schools, Folkestone, 1894-1895. Mathematics and Physics Master, Shrewsbury School, since 1896. Kingsland, Shrewsbury. *fHolder, Henry William. "Born February 26, 1851, at Sheet, near Petersfield. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter. B.A. (2nd class English), 1874. B.A. (3rd class Logic), 1875. M.A., 1879. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (2nd class Moral Science Tripos), 1878. M.A., 1882. Registrar of Owens College, 1884-1895. Bursar of Owens College, 1895-1900. Beachmount, Arnside. *Holdsworth, Jennie (Yorks.}. Born December 23, 1877, at Dewsbury. B.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress at the Higher Grade School, Heckmondwike, 1898- 1900 ; at the Swindon and North Wilts Technical School, 1900- 1906; at the Central Secondary School, West Ham, E., since 1906. n, Ismailia Road, Forest Gate, London, E. Holdsworth, John Francis. Born September 20, 1882, at Wilmslow, Cheshire. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Formerly travelling in the Colonies ; now farming in Lincolnshire. Fernhill, Alder ley Edge, Cheshire. Holgate, Jane (Yorks.). Born April 23, 1881, at Burnley, Lanes. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Thoresby High School, Leeds, 1905-1906 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Shrewsbury, since 1907. 15, Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds. *Holland, Robert Wolstenholme (Owens}. Born March 21, 1880, at Romiley, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. LL.B. (with Honours), 1905. First Class in Barristers' Final Examination. Assistant Class Master, Nelson Street Municipal School, Man- chester, 1901-1905. Head Master, St. Margaret's Junior Boys' School, Whalley Range, since 1905. Lecturer in Mercantile and Industrial Law, Manchester Municipal School of Commerce. Woodbine, Flixton, near Manchester. Holland, Mrs. T. R. See Morrish, Edith R. Rollings, Evangeline (Owens}. Born August 15, 1878, at Farsley, near Leeds. B.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Assistant Mistress at Mexborough Secondary School since 1905. 136, Sandy Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Hollingsworth, William (Owens}. Born October 27, 1874, at Manchester. B.A., 1895. - Certificated Class Teacher, Manchester Education Committee, 1895- 1899. Senior Master, Municipal Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, 1899-1906. Secretary to Examinations Board of National Union of Teachers since 1906. 37, Lynmouth Road, Fortis Green, London, N. Hollway, Mrs. C. J. J. S. See Rome, Ethel. i 7 6 Holme, Dorothy (Owens). Born August 29, 1881, at Roe Green, Worsley. B.A. (2nd class History), 1902. Married, November 9, 1907, C. S. O'Neill,. M.D. Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire. Holme, George (Univ.). Born December 6, 1883, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1908. Assistant Engineer, North-Eastern Railway Electrification, Newcastle and Tynemouth Branch, 1903-1905. Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Indian Government, since 1905. Lashio, Northern Shan States, Burma (Agents : Messrs. A. Scott & Co., Rangoon). Holme, Richard Carlyle (Owens). Born November 9, 1877, at Worsley. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Second Lieutenant, Royal Artillery, 1900. Captain Royal Artillery. Adjutant, Shropshire and Stafford Artillery Volunteers, Headquarters, Stoke-on-Trent. Sandown Fort, Isle of Wight. Holme, Ursula (Owens). Born June 27, 1874, at Droylsden. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1896. Teacher's Diploma, with Special Diploma in English Literature, 1897. M.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Day Training Department, Mason College, Bir- mingham, 1897-1900. Married, September 3, 1901, H. W. Jeans. 95, Kenilworth Road, Putney, London, S.W. Holmes, Ethel (Yorks.). Born April i, 1880, at Bradford. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Whitehall Road School, Leeds, since 1902. 2, Hall Royd. Shipley. Holmes, Francis Burnand Greame (Owens). Born July 13, 1873, at Holme, York. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. In general practice at Accrington, 1895-1898. Since in general practice at Bury. 78, Walmersley Road, Bury, Lancashire. Holmes, Frank William (Owens). Born October 26, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1899 and (2nd- class Chemistry) 1900. M.Sc., 1902. u, Rye Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. *Holmes, Mabel Gertrude. Born May 24, 1885, at Derby. B.A., 1904. Wynnthorpe, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Holmes, Margaret Jane. Born May 19, 1883, at Reddish, Manchester. B.A., 1906. Teachei's Diploma, 1907. Assistant Mistress, County Secondary School, Truro, since 1907- Ryton House, Gorton, Manchester. Holmes, William Smithson (Owens). Born September 19, 1878, at Bradford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Junior and Senior House Surgeon at the Oldham Infirmary, 1902-1904. 31, Wellington Street, Bradford, Manchester. *Holt, Alfred. Born October 20, 1877, at Liverpool. M.Sc., 1907. Cambridge University : B.A., 1900. M.A., 1904. Honorary Research Fellow (in Chemistry), in the University of Man- chester. Crofton, Aiqburth, Liverpool. 177 Holt, Charles Louis John (Owens). Born October 12, 1883, at Brussels. B.A. (3rd class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1902. M.A., 1905. Admitted as Solicitor, 1907. Practising since at Preston. 3, Broadgate, Preston. Holt, Felix. Born May 31, 1881, at Astley. B.A., 1904. Student at Manchester College, Oxford, 1904-1907. Assistant Minister at Bank Street Chapel, Bolton, since July, 1907. i, Myrtle Street, Bolton, Lanes. Holt, Henry (Owens). Born October 24, 1876, at Salford. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. D.P.H. (London), 1905. Late House Surgeon, Southern Hospital, Manchester ; Stanley- Hospital, Liverpool. Demonstrator in Anatomy in the University. Assistant to Medical Officer of Health, Stockport Smallpox Hospital. Eastholme, Heaton Chapel, near Stockport. *Holt, Joseph James Harrison (Owens). Born September i, 1861, at Butler Green, Chadderton. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. Diploma in State Medicine (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ireland), 1905. Medical Practitioner. In general practice at Buckley, Flintshire, 1896 1897 ; and at Middleton since 1897. i, Townley Street, Middleton, Lanes. "Honeyburne, Mary (Univ.). Born December 16, 1874, at Liverpool. B.A., 1895 and (3 rd class Classics) 1897. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Mistress in Victoria High School, Londonderry, 1898-1899. Junior Inspectress of Schools, Bengal, 1908. 23, Duke Street, Southport. *Hooper, Alfred (Owens). Born April 19, 1869, at Birmingham. B.A., 1893. M.A., 1902. Pastor of Rusholme Road Congregational Church, 1896-1907. Pastor of Birkdale Congregational Church since 1907. 5, Carlisle Road, Birkdale, Southport. Hooper, Alice Constance (Univ.). Born April i, 1876, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Freeland College, Shawford, 1897-1898 ; at Wyggeston Girls' High School, Leicester, 1898. 74, Shrewsbury Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Hooper, Helen Marion (Owens). Born May 3, 1879, a t Devonport. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1903. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Ashton-under-Lyne Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1903. Now Lecturer in English at Avery Hill Training College. Dunfield, Ambleside Avenue, Streatham, London, S.W. Hooper, Marshall, Junior. Born December 21, 1875, at Ripley, Derbyshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Casualty House Surgeon, Bolton Infirmary. Late Junior Resident Medical Officer and Junior and Senior House Surgeon, and Pathologist, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. The Infirmary, Bolton ; Ripley, Derbyshire. 1 7 8 *Hooper, Olive Octavia (Univ.). Born May 29, 1873, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1899. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Mathematical Mistress, Municipal Secondary School, Derby. Municipal Secondary School, Abbey Street, Derby. Hooton, William Marrs (Univ.). Born April 22, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. Christ Church, Oxford : Mathematical Moderations (ist class), 1900. First class Honours, Natuial Science Final, 1902. M.A., 1905. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Second Master, Port Talbot County School, Glamorgan, 1896-1898. Senior Science Master, Middlesbrough High School, 1902-1906. Chief Chemistry Master, Repton School. High Street, Repton, Burton-on-Trent. Hope, Ernest (Univ.). Born September 28, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Senior Assistant Master, St. Stephen's Schools, Liverpool, E., since 1903. 20, Stanley Street, Fair-field, Liverpool. Hope, Geoffrey Dodleston (Univ.). Born November 23, 1880, at Thurstaston, Wirral. B.Sc., 1903.. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Halle University : Ph.D., 1906. Hath Heys, Oxton, Birkenhead. Hopkins, Ethel (Owens). Born July 8, 1877, at Greenfield, Yorkshire. B.A., 1898. Senior Mistress, Penygroes County Intermediate School, North Wales, 1898-1900. Principal, Castleford Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1900- 1903. Mistress, Tredegar County Intermediate School, Monmouth, 1903-1905. Lecturer in English, Havergal College, Toronto, Canada, 1905-1907. Senior Mistress, Castleford Secondary School, since 1907. Greenfield, Smawthorne Lane, Castleford, Yorkshire. *fHopkinson, Albert. Born October 7, 1863, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Emmanuel College, Cambridge: B.A. (Natural Science Tripos), 1885. M.B., B.C. M.A., 1889. Formerly House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Now in general practice in Withington. Parsonage Nook, Withington. Manchester. *fHopkinson, Alfred. Born June 28, 1851, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. Member of Court, 1880-1896 and 1898 ; of Council, 1880-1891 and 1898. Chairman of Convocation, 1887-1890. Representative Governor of Manchester Grammar School, 1898 ; of Hulme's Charity, 1898 ; and of the John Rylands Library. London University : Inter. B.A. (ist class English), 1869. B.A., 1870. Lincoln College, Oxford : B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1872. B.C.L. (ist class), 1874. Vinerian Scholarship, 1875. M.A., 1875. Stowell Fellow of University College, Oxford. Hon. Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. Hon. L.L.D. of Glasgow and of Aberdeen Universities. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1873. Professor of Law, Owens College, 1875-1890. Reader in Equity to the Council of Legal Education, 1892-1898. Q.C., 1892. M.P. for Cricklade Division of Wiltshire, 1895-1898. Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. Principal of Owens College, 1898-1904. Vice-Chancellor, 1900-1902 and since 1903. The University, Manchester ; Fair field, Victoria Park, Manchester. *fHopkinson, Charles. Born November, 1854, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Civil Engineer. M.Inst.C.E., 1888 (Telford Premiums, 1886-1903). M.Inst.M.E., 1885. Director of the Teesside Iron and Engine Works Co., 1890-1896 ; of the Carnforth Ironworks Co., 1896. County Alderman of Lancashire, 1889-1892. Manchester Royal Infirmary Board, 1902. The' Limes, Didsbury, Manchester ; 29, Princess Street, Manchester. *fHopkinson, Edward. Born May 28, 1859, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (24th in Honours), 1875. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1879. D.Sc., 1881 (Branch VI. Electricity and Magnetism). Emmanuel College , Cambridge : B.A. (loth Wrangler), 1881. M.A., 1884. Fellow, 1883. Civil and Mechanical Engineer. M.Inst.C.E. (Telford Premium (twice) ; Telford Medal ; George Stephenson Medal). Member of the Council of Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Vice-Chairman of Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester. Vice-Chairman of The Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Ltd. Member of Governing Committee of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 1905. Governor of Owens College, 1897-1904. Member of The University Court, 1903. Chairman of the Associates, 1899. Ferns, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Hopkinson, Edwin (Owens}. Born April 7, 1881, at Bury, Lancashire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. University Fellowship, 1903. Gartside Scholarship, 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Chemist at Messrs. Pilkington Bros., Glass Works, St. Helens, Lancashire, since 1906. i, Withington Grove, Sloane Street, Brooks' s Bar, Manchester. ^Hopkinson, John. Born July 27, 1849, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. External Examiner, 1880-1883. London University : Matriculation (9th in Honours), 1867. Inter. B.Sc. (ist class and deserving of Exhibition in Mathematics, ist class with Exhibition in Chemistry), 1867. B.Sc. (ist class Scholarship in Mathematics), 1868. D.Sc., 1870. Trinity College, Cambridge : Sheepshanks Exhibition, 1868. B.A. (Senior Wrangler), 1871. ist Smith's Prizeman, 1871. Fellow, 1871. M.A., 1874. Consulting Engineer. F.R.S. (Member of Council). M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council). Formerly with Messrs. Chance Bros. & Co., as Engineer and Manager. Inventor of Group Flashing Lights for lighthouses, of appliances for generating and distributing Electricity, &c., &c. Author of many scientific papers. Scientific Adviser to the Trinity House. Died, August 27/1898. Hopper, Ashley Scott (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Surgeon, White Star Line. Late Senior House Surgeon, Borough Hospital, Bootle. 44, Earlston Road, Liscard, Cheshire. i8o Hopwood, Cecil Hutchinson (Owens). Born June n, 1878, at Stalybridge. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Surgeon, Holt Line, 1902. General practice at Fenton, Staffordshire, since 1903. Baker Street, Fenton, Staffordshire. "fHopwood, Harold Raleigh. Born August 3, 1848, at Stalybridge. B.A., 1882. Oriel College, Oxford : M.A., 1874. Ordained deacon 1873 and priest 1874. Rector of St. James's Church, Manchester, from 1889. Chaplain, ist Cadet Battalion, Manchester Regiment, from 1890. i, Plymouth Grove, C.-on-M., Manchester. Hornby, George Goodall (Yorks.). Born November i, 1876, at Sunderland. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1900. Pastor of the Providence Methodist Church, Golcar, 1897 ; Ranmoor College, 1898. Received into the Ministry of the Methodist New Connexion, 1899; stationed at Scotswood-on-Tyne, 1899 ; Leeds, 1900 ; Birmingham, 1901 ; Cannock, 1903 ; Manchester since 1905. 23, Westwood Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Hornby, Thomas Baldwin (Owens). Born December 16, 1877, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Teacher, Salem Board School, Nelson, 1900 ; Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, since 1902. 84, Arkwright Street, Bolton, Lanes. Home, Jesse (Owens). Born January 4, 1874, at Bolton. B.A., 1896. Assistant Master, King James's Grammar School, Knaresborough, 1896-1900 ; at Church Institute, Bolton, 1900-1904 ; Municipal Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. 86, Manchester Road, Walkden. Horner, Thomas. Born December 17, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. Assistant Chemist, Levinstein's, Ltd., Manchester, since 1907. 80, Hall's Crescent, Rochdale Road, Manchester. Horrocks, Adelaide. Born January 8, 1887, at Leigh, Lancashire. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1907. Graduate Scholarship, 1907. Studying for Teacher's Diploma, 1907-1908. Gained Anglo-French Association Prize, 1907. Assistant Mistress, Leigh Grammar School, 1908. 65, The Avenue, Leigh, Lanes. Horrocks, Herbert (Owens). Born March 19, 1868, at Bury, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Obstet- rics), 1890. London University: Inter.B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1885. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1886. Inter.M.B. (ist class with Medal in Anatomy), M.B. (2nd class Medicine, ist class Obstetrics, ist class with Scholarship and Medal in Forensic Medicine), 1891. M.D., 1892. Formerly House Physician, Hospital for Consumption, Brompton ; and House Surgeon, N. E. Hospital for Children. Now Honorary Assistant Obstetric Physician and Surgeon, Public Hospital, Perth, West Australia. 475, St. George's Terrace, Perth, West Australia. ^fHorrocks, Peter. Born February 21, 1853, at Farn worth, near Bolton. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (27th in Honours), 1872. M.B. (ist class Medicine with Medal, 2nd class Obstetrics), 1877. M.D., 1878. "F.R.C.P., 1889. Demonstrator of Anatomy at Guy's Hospital, 1879-1883. Assistant Physician to the. National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, 1881-1883. Assistant Obstetric Physician and Demonstrator at Guy's Hospital, 1882 ; Obstetric Physician, 1898. Examiner in Obstetrics at London University, 1895 ; for the Conjoint Board. 1889-1898. Late Examiner in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University, and Examiner in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Universities of Liverpool and Leeds. President of the Obstetrical Society of London, 1901-1903. 42, Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W. fHorrocks, William Heaton. Born August 25, 1859, at Bolton. B.Sc. London University : B.Sc., 1878. Inter .M.B. (3rd class Anatomy, 2nd class Physiology), 1880. M.B. (2nd class Medicine), 1883. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, in 1882 ; at Brompton Hospital for Chest Diseases, 1882 ; Resident Medical Officer, Surrey County Hospital, 1883-1886. Surgeon-Major in the Army. Assistant Professor of Military Hygiene, Netley. Joint Author of Theory and Practice of Hygiene (2nd edition). c/o Messrs. Holt 6- Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. Horsfall, Arthur Edward (Yorks.). Born January 28, 1876, at Slaithwaite. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Cambridge University : D.P.H., 1904. Late Senior House Surgeon, Huddersfield Infirmary. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1902-1903. Plague Medical Officer, Cape Colony Government, 1900-1901. Slaithwaite, Yorks. Horsfall, Charles Edward Campbell- (Yorks.). Born April 29, 1877, at Masham. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1899-1900. House Surgeon, Women and Children's Hospital, Leeds, 1900. Hon. Surgeon, Clevedon Cottage Hospital. Now in general practice. Rossmore, Cheltenham. Horsfall, Francis Rodgers (Yorks.). Born January 16, 1872, at Leeds. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1902. Master at Borden Grammar School, Sittingbourne, in 1896 ; at Lees Street Board School, Higher Openshaw, 1897-1900 ; at Central Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1900 ; at Wheler Street Muni- cipal School since 1907. Dingle View, Edge Lane, Droylsden, Manchester. Houghton, Elizabeth Annie (Owens). Born May 22, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress, Ardwick School of Science, Manchester, 1898-1905. Married, October 4, 1905, Richard Ward. 19, Norfolk Road, Erdington, Birmingham. *Hoult, Walter Brook (Univ.). Born May 28, 1875, at Stoneycroft, Liverpool. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Assistant Master, Bootle College, 1894-1895. Student at United Methodist Free Churches Theological College, 1895 '> stationed at Horwich, 1898 ; Bury (Parkhills), 1900 : Goole, 1901 ; now at Hebden Bridge. The Manse, Cross Lane, Hebden Bridge. 182 Hoult, Wilfred (Univ.). Born April 30, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1907. A.M.I.Mech.E., 1903. A.M.I.E.E., 1905. Engineering Apprentice,. Messrs. David Rolls and Sons, Liverpool, 1895-1899. Draughtsman, Boothroyd, Hyslop and Co., Liverpool, 1902-1903. Assistant Engineer, Guinness's Brewery, Dublin, 1903-1904. Chief Assistant Engineer, Experimental Test House, at the Stafford Works, and Representative Engineer at Manchester Branch of Siemens Bros.' Dynamo Works, Ltd., since 1904. Siemens Bros.' Dynamo Works, Ltd., 196, Deansgate, Manchester. House, Samuel Herbert (Univ.). Born June 5, 1871, at Maidenhead. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1893-1894. House Surgeon, Grimsby Hospital, 1895-1896. In general practice in Liverpool since 1896. 4, Shaw Street, Liverpool. ""Howard, Arthur (Owens). Born May 9, 1879, at Halifax. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Assistant House Surgeon, Northampton General Hospital, 1904. House Surgeon and House Physician, Kent and Canterbury Hospital, 1905-1906. Surgeon, S.S. Polyphemus and S.S. Alcinous, Ocean S.S. Company, 1906. Senior House Surgeon, Borough Hospital, Birkenhead, 1907. Bank House, Chinley, near Stockport. Howard, George. Born August 5, 1880, at Cockermouth, Cumberland. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Technical School, Stalybridge, since 1906. Elm Cottage, Currier Lane, Ashton-unde-r-Lyne. Howard, Mrs. John. See Halstead, Nancy W. Howard, John Albert (Univ.). Born December 23, 1875, at Nettleborough, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. At Military Hospital, Dover, 1899-1900 ; at No. 9 General Hospital, 1900-1901 ; with Columns, 1900-1901 ; at No. 7 General Hospital, Pretoria, 1901-1902. In general practice since 1902. 1 1 , White-field Road, Stockton Heath, Warrington. Howard, John Whiteley. Born December 29, 1883, at Triangle, Halifax. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. With Messrs. Siemens Bros. & Co. Dynamo Works, Stafford, since 1905. 84, Wolverhampton Road, Stafford. Howard, Thomas Godwin Charsley (Univ.). Born 1876, in London. B.A., 1897. Durham University : L.Th., 1898. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. Ordained by Bishop of Hereford, 1899. Curate, 1899-1907, S. Nicholas, City and Diocese of Hereford. Senior Curate, Christ Church, Chelsea, S.W., since 1907. 30, Markham Square, Chelsea, London, S.W. *Howarth, Aileen. Born March 17, 1880, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Monmouth Street Council Schools, Rusholme, since 1904. 21, Bold Street, Moss Side, Manchester. *Howarth, Edward (Owens). Born July 5, 1878, at Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. 56, Abbey Hills Road, Oldham. Howarth, Frederick (Yorks.). Born March 20, 1875, at Halifax. B.A., 1896. Leeds University : B*A., 1905. Assistant Master in Akroyd Place Board School, Halifax, in 1896 ; in Portland Road Board School, Halifax, 1897-1898 ; Higher Grade School since 1898. 167, Claremont Road, Halifax. Howarth, Wilfrid. Born May 10, 1884, at Halifax. B.A., 1906. Student in the Faculty of Theology. Hartley Primitive Methodist College, Alexandra Park, Manchester. *Howarth, William James (Owens}. Born February 9, 1868, at Pendleton. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. M.D., 1893. D.P.H., 1896. Formerly House Surgeon at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and Loughborough General Hospital. Medical Officer of Health for Bury, 1896-1898. Medical Officer of Health for Derby, 1898; for the County of Kent, 1908. Maidstone, Kent. Howden, Samuel Percy (Owens). Born August 17, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1897. Teacher at Ardwick School of Science, 1897. Teacher of Physics, Ardwick Higher Elementary School. 97, Cheadle Road, Cheadle Hulme, near Stockport. Howe, John (Owens). Born July 16, 1871, at Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. In general practice. District Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, No. 8 District, Chorlton Union, 1902. Medical Officer, Levenshulme Post Office, 1903. Medical Examiner of Candidates for post of Pupil Teacher, Board of Education, Whitehall, and Candidates for posts in the Civil Service, Somerset House, since 1904. Eskdale, Albert Road, Levenshulme ; 28, Kirkmanshulme Lane, Longsight, Manchester. *Howell, Hugh Fletcher. Born August 26, 1882, at Coalbrookdale. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, The Polytechnic, Regent Street, London, W., since 1904. Coalbrookdale, Shropshire. Howes, Ernest Walter (Owens). Born October 13, 1869, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1903. Student at Mansfield College, Oxford, 1896-1899. Minister of the Cheetham Hill Congregational Church since 1899. 22, Oak Road, Crumpsall, Manchester. Howies, Fred (Owens). Born January 8, 1878, at Pendleton, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. Private Assistant to Mr. Arthur McDougall, B.Sc., 1898-1900. Chemist to the West Hartlepool Gas and Water Co. in 1900. Manager of Messrs. McDougall's Millwall Docks Works, since 1900. 38, Glenluce Road, Blackheath, London, S.E. Hewlett, Arthur Waltham. Born July 28, 1880, at Bury, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Assistant Surgeon, R.M.S. Celtic (White Star Line), 1906. Surgeon S.S. Cametense (Booth Line, Amazon), 1906. Assistant House i8 4 Physician, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1906-1907. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. Indian Medical Service since 1907. 36, Bolton Street, Bury, Lancashire. Hewlett, Cecil George. Born May 30, 1882, at Bury, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 190*8. 36, Bolton Street, Bury, Lancashire. Howson, John Lamb. Born December 20, 1886, at Lancaster. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1906. M.A., 1907. At present Student Teacher at Bootham School, York. Bootham School, York ; Airedale Villas, Morecambe. Hoyle, Arthur Alwyn. Born September 2, 1885, at Sowerby Bridge. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1907. Assistant Master, Manchester High School, 1908. 25, Hollins Lane, Sowerby Bridge, Hoyle, Arthur Ernest (Owens). B.A., 1903. Hoyle, David. Born September 21, 1884, at Blackpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1906. Assistant Master, Navigation Road Council School, Altrincham. 45, Lyndhurst Street, Bolton. Hoyle, Frederic (Owens). Born December 29, 1876, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. House Surgeon at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1898-1899 ; at the Maternity and Southern Hospitals in 1899 ; Senior Resident Medical Officer to the Chorlton Union Hospital, 1900-1902 ; Surgeon, S.S. Dardanus, 1899-1900 and 1902-1903. 138, Wellington Road North, Heaton N orris, Stockport. *ffHoyle, William Evans. Born January 28, 1855, at Manchester. M.Sc., 1893. Oxford University, Christ Church : B.A. (ist class Honours, School of Natural Science), 1877. M.R.C.S., 1880. F.R.S.E., 1883. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Owens College, 1881-1882. Director of the Manchester Museum since 1889. Naturalist on the Challenger Editorial Staff, 1882-1888. President of the Conchological Society of Great Britain, and Ireland. President of the Museums Association, 1906. President of Section D, British Association, 1907. Publications : Report on the Cephalopoda collected by H.M.S* Challenger, and other Zoological memoirs. The University, Manchester ; 25, Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester. Hoyle, William Frank. B.A., 1906. Hubback, George Clay (Univ.). Born April 7, 1882, at West Kirby, Cheshire, B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Engineer, Admiralty Harbour Works, Dover, 1903-1905 ; Assistant Engineer, Port Commissioners, Calcutta, since 1905. c/o Messrs. King, Hamilton &> Co., Calcutta. *tfHubner, Julius. Born December 21, 1866, at Friedland, Bohemia. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Lecturer in Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, etc., in the University, since 1905. Ash Villa, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. 1 85 Hudson, Frank (Owens). Born March 31, 1884, at Padiham. LL.B., 1903. Solicitors' Final Examination, November, 1906. Admitted January, 1907. Grove House, Padiham ; 12, St. James's Row, Burnley. *Hudson, James Hindle (Owens). Born September 27, 1881, at Flixton, Manchester. B.A., 1903. Cobden Prize.. 1904. M.A., 1906. Assistant Master, Birley Street Higher Elementary School, Manchester, since 1903. Oaklands, Flixton, Manchester. Hudson, Margaret Ellen (Yorks.). B.A., 1901. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Married. Now Mrs. Parnaby. Huff-Hewitt, William Elisha. See Hewitt, William Elisha Huff-. *fHughes, Alfred. Born May 23, 1860, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Corpus Christi College, Oxford: B.A. (2nd class Mathematics; ist class Modern History), 1882. M.A., 1885. Birmingham University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Manchester Grammar School, 1883-1889. Head Master, Liverpool Institute, 1890-1896. Registrar of the Victoria University, 1896-1903. Organising Professor of Education, University of Birmingham, since 1903. Member of the Education Committees for Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Wolverhampton. 321, Hagley Road, Birmingham. *fHughes, Charles. Born May 6, 1851, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. Chairman of Convocation, 1890-1893. London University : Matriculation (5th in Honours), 1867. Inter. B.A. (2nd class Mathematics), 1868. B.A., 1869. Yarn Agent in Manchester. Governor of Owens College, 1882-1897. Member of Manchester School Board, 1885-1888. Chairman of Associates of Owens College, 1878. Chairman of Graduates' Com- mittee for Opposing the Disruption of the Victoria University, 1903. J.P. for the City of Manchester, and one of the Directors of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Publications : Shake- speare's Europe, 1903 ; an Edition of Willobie his Avisa, 1904 ; and Knyvett's Defence of the Realme, from a MS. in the Chetham Library, 1906. 35, Bel field Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Hughes, Clement Alston (Univ.). Born March 5, 1880, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1903 ; and House Surgeon, 1904. In general practice. Kenilworth, 13, Aigburth Road, Liverpool, S. ^Hughes, Ernest Ethelbert. Born September 16, 1879, at Altrincham. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1904. House Physician, Manchester Royal infirmary, 1904-1905. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Consumption Hospital. Bowdon, 1905-1906. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1906-1907. Woodburn, Broomfield Lane, Hale, Cheshire. i86 Hughes, Frederic Selby (Univ.). Born August 3, 1874, at Llan saint f raid, Glyn Ceiriog. B.Sc., 1895 an d (2nd class Engineering) 1896. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Engineer, Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 1896. Now District Engineer, Bengal-Nagpur Railway. c/o The Agent, Bengal-Nagpur Railway, Calcutta. Hughes, Marianne Matilda (Owens'). Born June 10, 1876, at Chorlton-cum- Hardy, Manchester. B.A., 1900. Assistant Mistress, Queen Street Elementary School, Bradford, Man- chester, 1901-1902 ; at Every Street, Ancoats, 1902 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1902-1905. Head Mistress, Pupil Teachers' School, Newport, Monmouthshire, since 1905. 1 6, Summerhill Avenue, Newport, Monmouthshire. Hughes, Robert Bristow (Univ.). Born August 6, 1872, at Wallasey, Cheshire, LL.B., 1900. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor, 1897. In practice at Liverpool. Inglenook, Penketi Road, Liscard, Birkenhead; 26, North John Street, Liverpool. *fHughes, Walter. Born May 14, 1855, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (3rd in Honours), 1871. Inter. B. A. (2nd class Latin), 1872. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1873. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1890. Unsuccessfully contested Stirling Burghs, as Liberal Unionist Candidate, 1892. 35, Belfield Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Hughes, William Arthur (Owens'). Born April 19, 1881, at Flint. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Heathside School, Warrmgton, 1904-1905. Post Graduate Student at Manchester, 1905-1906. Mathematical Tutor in Exeter Diocesan Training College since 1906. The Diocesan Training College, Exeter. Hull, Mrs. W. D. See Birch, Sarah. Hulme, Ernest. Born September 28, 1880, at Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Formerly House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Dargle, 6, Cambridge Road, Southport ; c/o Dr. Talent, Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. Hulme, Ernest Copeland (Owens}. Born January 17, 1875, at Macclesfield. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. House Surgeon, Devonshire Hospital, Buxton, 1900. Brook House, London Road, Macclesfield. Hulme, Thomas Stanford (Owens). Born August 18, 1860, at Middlewich. B.A., 1889. Second Master at Longton (Staffs.) Endowed School, 1889-1900. Master at Rutlish School, Merton, S.W., since 1900. 34, Cecil Road, South Wimbledon, London, S.W. Humfrey, John Charles Willis (Univ.). Born June 25, 1879, at Chester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1899. University Scholarship in Engineering), 1899. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1900. M.Sc., 1 1903- Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Research), 1902. Scientist to Baldwin/s, Ltd., Wilden, near Stourport, since 1902. Wilden, near Stourport, Worcestershire. Hummel, Alfred Roland Ure (Yorks.). Born 1881, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Manager, Cliffe Mills (Messrs. Robert Jowitt & Sons), Great Horton, Bradford. 152, Woodsley Road, Leeds. Hummel, Ernest Lonsdale (Yorks.). Born November 25, 1882. B.Sc., 1903. Mining Engineer. Diploma of the Imperial Royal School of Mines, Leoben, Austria, 1906. 152, Woodsley Road, Leeds. Hummel, John James (Yorks.). Born June, 1879, at Milngavie, Dumbarton- shire. B.Sc. (3rd class Physiology), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Resident Clinical Assistant, Hospital for Women and Children, Leeds, 1905-1906. House Physician, Leeds General Infirmary, 1906-1907. 152, Woodsley Road, Leeds. Hunsworth, Herbert. Born September 21, 1884, at Halifax. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Rochdale Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. Elmfield House, Elm field Terrace, Halifax ; 15, Sussex Street, Rochdale. Hunt, Arthur Douglas (Univ.). Born December 31, 1880, at Douglas, Isle of Man. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.D., 1905. House Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1903-1904 ; Senior House Physician and Senior Resident Medical Officer, 1904 ; Surgical Tutor and Registrar, 1904-1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Crossley Sanatorium, Delamere Forest, Cheshire, 1906. In partnership with Dr. Copestake, 42, Duffield Road, Derby. 78, Kedleston Road, Derby. Hunt, Francis William (Yorks.). Born June 14, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Chemist with Reckitt & Sons, Ltd., Hull. 21, Chestnut Avenue, Hyde Park, Leeds ; 5, Chestnut Avenue, Hull. Hunter, Douglas Egbert (Univ.). Born September 24, 1883, at Woolton, near Liverpool. B.A., 1902. Assistant Master, Thame Grammar School, Ox on, since 1906. Farnworth, Widnes, Lancashire. Hunter, Ernest Logan (Univ.). Born June 9, 1880, at Woolton. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. Assistant Master, Royal School, Raphoe, since 1900. Royal School, Raphoe, Co. Donegal. 1 88 Hunter, Herbert (Yorks.). Born December 6, 1882, at Stockton-on-Tees, Co. Durham. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University-.: B.Sc., 1905. Barley Expert to the Department of Agriculture, Ireland. Appointed November, 1903. Blenheim, Marlboro' Road, Donnybrook, Dublin, Ireland. Hunter, Holiday Leycester. Born June 12, 1884, at Eccles, Lanes. B.Sc., 1905. Resident Engineer, No. 2 Dock Contract, Manchester Dry Docks Com- pany, 1905. Assistant to Resident Engineer, Salford Docks, Manchester Ship Canal Company, since 1907. Oakhurst, Eccles Old Road, Manchester. Hurst, Thomas Ockerby (Yorks.). Bom March 24, 1873, a t Dewsbury. B.A., 1892. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Theological -Student (Church of England). Ordained Deacon, 1902;. Priest, 1903, at Exeter. Curate, St. Matthew's, Stonehouse, Devon, to 1905 ; St. George's, Halifax (Diocese of Wakefield), 1905 1907 ; St. Peter's, Davenport (Ex.), since 1907. 6, Brunswick Place, Stoke, Davenport (Ex.). *Hurst, Walter. B.Sc., 1905. 731, Greene Street, Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A. Hurter, David Garnett (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Died May 10, 1898. Hurworth-Robinson, Thomas Christopher (Univ.). Born September 7, 1863, at Middlesbrough. LL.B., 1899. B.A. (Royal University of Ireland), 1888. Assistant Master, Modern School, Leeds, 1889-1890. Head Master, New Brighton High School, since 1890. Member of the Court of the University of Liverpool. High School lor Boys, New Brighton, Birkenhead. Hutchinson, Florrie (Yorks.). Born September i, 1881, at Cowling, near Keighley, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Mistress at Keighley Girls' Grammar School, 1904 ; Science Mistress since 1905. 422, Skipton Road, Utley, near Keighley, Yorkshire. Hutchinson, James Randal (Owens). Born March 30, 1880, at Chorley. Lanes. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1902. D.P.H., 1904. Bradley Scholar in Clinical Surgery, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904.. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902-1903. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital, Withing- ton, 1903-1905. House Surgeon, Eye and Ear Infirmary, Liverpool, 1905-1906. Assistant Medical Officer to the Blackburn Education Committee, 1906. Author of (jointly) The Action of Some Drugs] on the Endogenous Uric Acid of Gouty Individuals. 2, Queen's Road, Chorley, Lancashire. Hutchison, Daniel Lean (Owens). Born March 8, 1864. B.Sc. (2nd Class Engineering), 1892. M.Sc., 1895. Assistant Resident Engineer, Glasgow Central Railway, 1892 1896. Resident Engineer, Catesby sub-division of the Great Central Rail- way's extension to London, 1 896 1898 ; on Great Northern and City- Railway, 1898. 3, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, London, S.\\' . i8g Hutton, Arthur Best (Owens). Born 1879, at Ballinderry, Co. Antrim. B.A., 1900. Assistant Master, Fulneck School, Yorkshire, 1902. Moravian Minister, Tobago, B.W.I., 1905. Port of Spain, Trinidad, since 1906. Rosehill, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Hutton, Ellen Mary (Owens). Born March 29, 1882, at Ballinderry, Co. Antrim. B.A., 1901. Teachers' Diploma, 1905. Assistant Mistress, Fairneld Girls' School, Manchester, since 1901. Girls' School, Fairfield, Manchester. *Hutton, Joseph Edmund (Owens). Born November 12, 1868, at Fulneck, near Leeds. B.A. (ist class History), i8 } g. Bradford History Scholar, 1890. M.A., 1895- Master at Fulneck School, 1890-1892. Assistant Minister, Fulneck, 1892-1894. Historical Research, Herrnhut, Saxony, 1894-1895. Moravian Minister at Wellfield, Shipley, 1895-1897 ; Devonport, 1897-1900 ; Belfast, 1901-1905 ; Heckmondwike since 1905. Author of Short History of the Moravian Church ; Life of John Cennick. Contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, 1902. Moravian Manse, Heckmondwike, Yorks. *Hutton, Robert Salmon (Owens). Born November 28, 1876, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. D.Sc., 1905. Studied at Leipzig and Paris. Demonstrator in Electrochemistry, Owens College, 1900. Lecturer in Electrochemistry. Assistant Director of the Physical Laboratories, 1906. Special Lecturer in Electrochemistry, 1908. West Street, Sheffield. Hutton, Samuel King (Owens). Born November 26, 1877. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Moravian Medical Mission, Okak, Labrador. Hutton, William Austin (Yorks.). Born July 26, 1879, at Shipley. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. A.M.I.C.E., 1906. With Mr. W. J. Cudworth, Engineer, N.E.R. Railway, 1899-1903. Assistant Engineer, East Indian Railway Company, since 1903. Engineer's Office, East Indian Railway, Delhi. Huxley, Frances Mabel. Born April 15, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Student in the Faculty of Medicine in the University. Ivy House, Heaton Moor, near Stockport. Hyde, Ellis (Owens). Born May 4, 1872, at Ardwick. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1894. Zurich University : Ph.D. 272, Dickenson Road, Rus holme, Manchester. Hyde, Frank King (Univ.). Born September 18, 1877, a "t Carnarvon. B.Sc., 1897. 101, Botanic Road, Liverpool. I "Illingworth, Dudley Holden (Owens). Born February 3, 1876, at Bradford. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Director of Cole, Marchent & Morley, Limited, Engine Builders, Bradford. i go Director of Isaac Holden et Fils (France), Limited, Woolcombers, at Croix (Nord), and Reims (Marne). Director of the Bradford District Bank, Limited, Bradford. Westwood, Clayton Heights, Bradford, Yorkshire. Illingworth, William Arthur (Yorks.). Born September 23, 1877, at Louth. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. Formerly in general practice at Ravenglass (Cumberland) and Belling- ham. Deceased. Imlach, Cedric Macgregor (Univ.). Born March 14, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1898. 15, Halkyn Avenue, Liverpool. Irnlach, Gladys Maud (Univ.). Born March 5, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1900. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. 15, Beech Street, Fairfield, Liverpool. Ingham, Amy. Born October i, 1882, at Heaton Park, Manchester. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Beechfield School, Wilmslow, since 1906. Spring Terrace, Water Lane, Wilmslow. Ingham, Harry. Born March 28, 1884, at Little Lever. B.Sc., 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, St. Thomas's Schools, Bury, 1906. Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, Bury Technical School, since 1906. 26, Hamilton Street, Bury. Ingham, Harry Lionel. Born May 22, 1886, at Leintwaidine, Herefordshire. B.A., 1907. Student at Lancashire Independent College, preparing for B.D. 104, Claremont Road, Moss Side, Manchester. Ingham, Sarah. Born January 31, 1883, at Heywood. B.A., 1905. Form Mistress, Haslingden Secondary School, 1905 ; Blackpool Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1906. 17, Kensington Avenue, Victoria Park, Manchester. Ingham, Thomas Herbert (Owens). Born November 15, 1874, at Ashton- in-Makerfield. Mus.B., 1895. F.R.C.O. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Thomas's Church, Werneth. 24, Beech Grove, Ashton-on-Mersey, *Ingle, Harry (Yorks.). Born December 18, 1869, at Leeds. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1891. Leblanc Medal, 1891. Exhibition Research Scholarship, Yorkshire College, 1891. Munich University : Ph.D., 1893. Leeds University : D.Sc., 1905. Demonstrator at Yorkshire College, 1894-1895. Lecturer on Chemistry, Hull Technical School, 1895-1896. Chemist to Messrs. J. Barry, Ostlere & Co., Linoleum Manufacturers, Kirkcaldy, 1896-1899, and to Messrs. Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd, Limited, 1899. Now Agricultural Chemist to the Transvaal Government. Creskeld, Balwearie Road, Kirkcaldy, Fife. igi Ingouville, Peter (Univ.). B.Sc., 1903. 480, Calle Canonenef, Monte Video. Inman, Frederick William (Univ.]. Born February 23, 1875, at Garsdale, near Sedbergh. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. House Surgeon at Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1898-1899 ; ai Rochdale Infirmary, 1900. Obstetric Assistant, Liverpool Lying-in Hospital, 1901. Civil Surgeon, South Africa, 1901-1902. 90, Brighton Street, Seacombe, Cheshire. *Innes, William Ross (Univ.}. Born February 5, 1873, at Bootle. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. D.Sc., 1902. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1895. Liverpool University : D.Sc., 1905. Demonstrator of Chemistry, Mason College (now the University), Birmingham, 1896. Now Chemist to Messrs. J. Rutter & Co., Tobacco Manufacturers, Mitcham, Surrey. 6, Griffiths Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Ireland, Clement Arthur. Born October 24, 1882, at Farnworth, near Bolton. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Higher Elementary School, Pendleton, Salford, since 1905. 24, Park Street, Farnworth, near Bolton. *Ireland, Percy Edward (Owens). Born December 16, 1871, at Salford. B.A., 1891. Engaged in Teaching for three years. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1897. Registrai of Glossop County Court, 1904. In practice at 6, Market Street, Glossop, and 53, Brown Street, Manchester. Slatelands House, Glossop, Derbyshire. Irminger, John Charles. Born October 15, 1882, at Copenhagen. B.Sc. Tech., 1906. Assistant Engineer, Retiro Gaswork, Buenos Aires, since 1906. Uusina de Gas Retiro. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Irving, Hamilton. Born February 15, 1879, at Huddersfield. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. London University : M.B., B.S., 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1904. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. House Surgeon, Evelina Hospital for Children, London, 1906 ; House Physician, 1906-1907. Author of University Sketches, 1904 (Sherratt and Hughes). Senior House Surgeon, St. Peter's Hospital. 2, Greenhead Road, Huddersfield. Isaacs, Edward Maurice (Owens). Born July 14, 1881, at Manchester. Mus.B., 1901. Halle Scholar (Royal Manchester College of Music), 1900-1903. Performer's Diploma with Distinction (Associate, Royal Manchester College of Music), 1903. Solo Pianist and Teacher of Pianoforte Playing. 24, Albany Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Isgrove, Annie. Born June 24, 1886, at Stockport. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1907. Platt Biological Exhibition, 1907. Research Studentship, 1907. 61, Hulton Street, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Isherwood, James Grime (Owens}. Born January 30, 1881, at Bolton. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1903 and (ist class Physics) 1904. University Scholar, 1904. I 9 2 Formerly Assistant Master at Woolwich Polytechnic School and at Church Institute School ; now at Pupil Teachers' College, Man- chester. Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester. Jsherwood, John William (Owens). Born November 3, 1871, at Warrington. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1893. M.A., 1896. Durham University : L.Th., 1896. English Master, Realschule, Waldkirch, Baden, 1894-1895. Ordained by Bishop of Worcester, Deacon, 1896; Priest, 1897. Curate of St. John's, Bromsgrove, 1896-1898 ; of Parish Church, Kidderminster, 1898 ; of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, 1901-1906 ; of St. Mary's,' Shrewsbury, 1906-1907. Vicar of Berwick, Shrewsbury, since 1907. Berwick Vicarage, Shrewsbury. Isle, William Collinson (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1902. *Ives, Robert Garside (Owens). Born April 15, 1866, at Stalybridge. LL.B., 1888. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1888. Commissioner for Oaths, 1894. Perpetual Commissioner since 1906. 172, Stamford Street, Stalybridge ; The Ashes, Stalybridge. J Jack, Alexander Fingland. Born June 17, 1883, at Manchester. Gartside Scholar, 1906. B.Com., 1907. Insurance Broker, John Jack & Son, 26, Pall Mall, Manchester. Darley House, Darley Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Jackson, Alfred Hemick (Owens). Born March 9, 1851, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. University of Melbourne : B.Sc. (ad eundem), 1888. Registered as Dental Surgeon, 1879. Registered Chemist and Druggist (by examination), 1872. Pharma- ceutical Chemist of Great Britain, 1878. Member of the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain, 1878. Fellow of the Chemical Society, London, 1883. Director of the College of Pharmacy, Melbourne, 1886-1889. Assistant Master, Melbourne Grammar School, 1889-1894. Professor in the Veterinary College, Melbourne, 1890-1896. Principal of the Electrical Engineering School, Mel- bourne, 1894. Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, 1898. President of the Incoiporated Institute of Analysts, Assayers and Metallurgists, 1903-1906. Public Analyst to the City of South Melbourne since 1 906. Author of Various Researches on Chemical Subjects. The Electrical Engineering School, 349, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia ; Villa Mancunium, Dandenong Road, Caulpeld, Melbourne, Australia. Jackson, Archibald William. Born August 13, 1884, in London. B.A., 1906. Since studying at Lancashire College. Lancashire College, Whalley Range, Manchester. Jackson, Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 17, 1877, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Marshfield Board School ,f Bradford, 1899; Grange Road Secondary School, Bradford, since 1905. 15, Windermere Road, Great Horton, Bradford, Yorks. 193 Jackson, Arthur Randell (Univ.). Born July i, 1877, at Southport. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1897. University Scholarship in Zoology, 1897. M.Sc., 1900. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1900. Liverpool University : M.Sc., M.B., Ch.B., 1904. ' Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1901. 67, Hoole Road, Chester. *f Jackson, Edwin. Born" November 8, 1853, at Old Trafford, Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1872. L.S.A., 1875. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1876. Physicians' Assistant, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1876. In general practice at Whalley Range since 1876. Chairman Moss Side School Board, 1893-1899. 77, Withington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. * Jackson, Eric Henry (Owens}. Born December 6, 1865. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1888. M.Sc., 1891. Merchant (Messrs. Frederick J. Jackson & Co.) Died July 7, 1899. *Jackson, Harry Percival (Yorks.). Born June 28, 1876, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1898. Teacher's Diploma, 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Leeds Central High School, 1898-1902. Science Master, County School, St. Davids, Pern., 1902-1907. 3, Royal Terrace, St. Davids, Pembrokeshire. Jackson, Mary. Born January 16, 1882, at Stalybridge. B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Mistress in Mining and Technical College, Pupil Teachers' Department, Wigan, 1904-1907. Assistant Mistress in Secondary School, Chorley, since 1907. 15, Colyton Road, Chorley ; Secondary School, Chorley. Jackson, Mary Matilda (Owens}. Born July 21, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bury, 1900. Married, Brammall, 2, Moss Bank Road, Higher Crumpsall, Manchester. Jackson, Sarah Elizabeth. Born December 7, 1884, at Bury. B.A. ( i st class Classics), 1907. University Scholarship in Classics, 1907. Research Student at Cambridge University, 1907. 20, Heywood Street, Bury. Jackson, William Bramley. Born, 1881, at Old Trafford, Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1903. M.Sc., 1907. Government Inspector of Explosives, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. T. O. Smith's Building, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Jackson, William Ferriday (Owens}. Born July 9, 1873, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1899. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1897-1899 ; at St. Mary's Hospital in 1899. In general practice in Ardwick since 1900. District Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator for No. 5 (Ardwick) District of the Chorlton Union. 46, Wycliffe Street, Ardwick, Manchester. G l 194 Jackson, Winifred. Born July 27, 1884, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Manley Park School, Manchester, since 1907. 64, George Street, Moss Side, Manchester^ Jacobs, Charles Ernest. Born October n, 1886, at Burslem, Staffs. B.Sc., 1905. Science Master, Probus School, Cornwall, since 1905. Probus, R.S.O., Cornwall. Jagger, John Ernest (Owens). Born July 12, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1898. University Scholarship in Engineer- ing, 1898. Whitworth Scholarship, 1901. M.Sc., 1901. Bowen Research Scholarship, at Mason College, Birmingham, 1899. Assistant Lecturer, Hull Technical School, 1898-1899. Now Chief Draughtsman with Ferranti, Limited. 4, Kershaw Street, Failsworth, Manchester. Jalland, William Edward Cecil. Born August 14, 1884, at Gorton, Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master at Hyde Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1906-1907 ; at Hebden Bridge Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1907. 51, Brook Road, Gorton, Manchester. * James, Alfred Thomas Stephen (Owens}. Born December 4, 1871, at Fairford, Gloucestershire. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1893. M.Sc., 1903. London University : B.A., 1892. Congregational Minister, 1897 ; of Moldgreen Church, Huddersfield, 1897-1900 ; of Ashley Road Church, Bowdon, 1900 ; of Southgate Church, Gloucester, since 1904. Dunchurch, Stroud Road, Gloucester. James, Mrs. D. E. See Owen, Eliza M. James, Edward William Harold. Born August 2, 1885, at Radcliffe, Man- chester. B.Sc., 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Science Master, West Riding County School, Heckmondwike, since 1907. The Manse, Halstead, Essex. James, Joseph Henry (Yorks.). Born January 15, 1872, near Penzance. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1899. LL.B., 1901. Minister of the Methodist Free Churches. Cross Lanes, Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire. James, Matthew Benjamin (Owens). Born February 28, 1870, at Athlone. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. House Surgeon, Huddersfield Infhmary, 1896-1897. Assistant Medical Officer/ Holborn Infirmary, 1897-1899. Resident Medical Officer, Islington Infirmary, since 1899. Islington Workhouse, St. John's Road, Upper Holloway, London, N. James, Thomas Theophilus (Owens). Born April 3, 1876, at Mevagissey, Cornwall. B.A. (3rd class History), 1900. M.A., 1903. Warden, Lancashire College Settlement, Manchester, 1901-1906. Minister, Wycliffe Congregational Church, Sheffield, since 1907. 239, Middlewood Road, Sheffield. G 2 195 * Jameson, Alexander Hope (Owens). Born October 15, 1874, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1894-1895 and 1896-1897. l A.M.I.C.E., 1901. Miller Prize and 'James Forrest' Medal from Inst. C.E., 1897. Civil Engineer. Demonstrator in Engineering, Owens College, 1895-1896. Draughtsman in Chief Engineer's Office, L. & Y.R., 1897-1900. Assistant to Resident Engineer, L. &Y.R. ; at Halifax, 1900 ; at Wakefield, 1900-1901. Engineer- ing Assistant, Derwent Valley Water Board, 1901-1905. Resident Engineer on Grindleford to Rowsley Section, Derwent Aqueduct, since 1905. Resident Engineer's Office, Baslow, Derbyshire. * Jameson, William Hope Masterton (Owens). Born March 27, 1877, at Accrington. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Engineer, Apprentice in Locomotive Works, Great Central Railway, Gorton, 1897-1901. Draughtsman at Locomotive Dept., Great Central Railway, Gorton, 1902 ; at British Westinghouse Electric and Engineering Co., Trafford Park, Manchester, 1903 ; at Messrs. Joseph Crosfield and Sons, Warrington, 1904. Assistant on Aqueduct, Derwent Valley Water Board, 1905-1906 ; Extra Assistant at Howden and Derwent Dams, 1906-^1907. Langham Lea, Langham Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Jardine, Douglas Kennedy (Owens). Born June 17, 1876, at Georgetown, British Guiana. B.Sc., 1900. Manager of Daily Chronicle (Georgetown). ' Daily Chronicle ' Office, Georgetown, Demerara. Jarrett, Percy (Univ.). B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1901. At East London Technical College. Assistant Master, Technical School, Handsworth, Birmingham, since 1905. *Jeans, Mrs. H. W. See Holmes, Ursula. Jeans, Victorine Elizabeth (Owens). Born October 14, 1867. B.A., 1889. Cobden Club Prize, 1891. Died June 10, 1900. Jefferson, Robert Ernest. Born April 15, 1883, at Pendleton. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master under Manchester Education Committee. 9, Barrfield Road, Pendleton, Salford. *Jeffery, Harry Foster (Owens). Born June 4, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. House Surgeon, Bury Infirmary, 1897-1899. Honorary Surgeon, Bury Infirmary. Police Surgeon, Hey wood. Member Hey wood Town Council. In private practice since 1899. Sandon House, Heywood, Lancashire. Jenkins, Gwilym Moses (Owens). Born April 30, 1870, at Rhymney, Mon- mouthshire. B.A., 1898. Fellow of the Theological Senate, 1902. Pastor, Delph Congregational Church, 1901-1905 ; Congregational Church, Hazel Grove, since 1905. Queen's Road, Hazel Grove, near Stockport. ig6 Jenkins, Hugh Llewellyn (Owens). Born April 4, 1873, at Llanelly, Carmar- thenshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. London University : D.P.H., R.C.P.S., 1904. Late Staff Surgeon and Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force. ^ 386, Bethnal Green Road, London, E. Jenkins, Richard Owen. Born March 4, 1883, at Caermarthen. B.Sc., 1904. Entered Wesleyan Ministry, 1904. Entered Didsbury Theological College and the Faculty of Theology, University of Manchester, 1905. Now Wesleyan Army Chaplain. Wesleyan Manse, Peshawur, N. India. Jenkins, Ruth Hope. Born June 12, 1883, at Bucklow Hill, Cheshire. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress under the Manchester Education Committee since 1907. 38, Er shine Road, Colwyn Bay, N. Wales. *Jerdan, David Smiles (Owens). Born July 12, 1871. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1895. University Fellow in Science, 1896. M.Sc., 1898. D.Sc., 1901. Glasgow University : M.A., 1892. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1897. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Owens College, 1897-1899. Manager, Gelatine Department, J. & G. Cox, Ltd., Edinburgh, since 1899. Timor a, Colinton, Midlothian. Jessop, Frederic Hubert (Yorks.). Born April 7, 1882, at Honley, Yorkshire. LL.B., 1903. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1904. Second class Honours, Soli- citors' Final, April, 1904. Alfred Sykes' Gold Medallist for Hud- dersfield and District. Buxton House, Kidsgrove, Staffordshire. *ft Johannson, Arwid. Born March 15, 1862, at Dorpat, Livonia. M.A., 1905. Dorpat University : Bachelor of Comparative and German Philology, 1885. Master of Comparative Philology, 1888. Staatsexamen for "Oberlehrer (Dorpat), 1888. Lecturer in German at the University of Upsala (Sweden), 1889-1894. Professor of German Language and Literature in the University since 1895. Horgr, Didsbury, Manchester. * Johnson, Alfred Edward (Owens). Born September 3, 1880, at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1903. Tom Jones Surgical Scholarship, 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1903. F.R.C.S., 1907. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1903-1904. Accident House Surgeon, 1904. Casualty House Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Ancoats Hospital, 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Gartside Street, 1905. Assistant Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1905 ; Surgical Registrar, 1906-1907. Assistant to Lecturer on Operative Surgery, Manchester University, 1904-1906. Now Resident Medical Officer, Middlesex Hospital. Middlesex Hospital, London, W. Johnson, Alfred Forbes. Born November 8, 1884, at Nottingham. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1907. Graduate Scholarship in Classics, 1907. Studying for Civil Service Examination. c/o Herr Thur, Barsinghausen, Bei Hannover, Germany ; 64, Park Road, Lenton, Nottingham. | Johnson, Arthur Newton. Born January 16, 1856, at Darwen. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (i8th in Honours), 1874. Inter, B.A. (3rd class Latin), 1875. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1876. M.A., 1878. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Theological Tripos), 1881. M.A., 1885. Congregational Minister, 1881. Assistant Minister, Chorlton Road Congregational Church, 1881-1883. Minister of Bond Street Con- gregational Church, Leicester, 1883-1892. Home Secretary, London Missionary Society, since 1892. 55, Parliament Hill, Hampstead, London, N.W. Johnson, Charles Curtis (Univ.}. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Johnson, Edith Drinkwater. Born November 23, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Botany), 1907. Assistant Mistress, Llangollen County School, North Wales, since 1907. Tower Farm, Llangollen, North Wales. Johnson, Emily (Owens). Born October 3, 1867, at Manchester. B.A., 1888. Married, June, 1894, Rev. Cyril S. Green, of the South Africa General Mission, and sailed for Pondoland the same year. Nkanga, Mlengana, Umtata, Tembuland, South Africa. Johnson, Florence Annie (Yorks.). Born March 14, 1881, at Leeds. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress in Elementary School in Leeds, 1903-1904. Teacher of English History at Blackpool Municipal Secondary School since 1904. Johnson, Frederick William (Yorks.). Born October 14, 1876, at Tickhill. r M.B., Ch.B., 1899. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1900. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1901. Surgeon-Captain, 4th (Notts.) Volunteer Battalion Notts, and Derby Regiment. Nearfield House, Bawtry, Yorkshire. Johnson, Hewlett (Owens). Born January 25, 1874, at Kersal, Manchester. B.Sc., 1894 Oxford University : B.A., 1904. A.M.I.C.E., 1898. Assistant at the Ashburys Railway Carriage and Iron Works, Openshaw, in 1897. Editor and Proprietor of Interpreter, since 1905. Ordained Deacon, 1905 ; Priest, 1906. Curate of St. Margaret's, Altrincham, 1905. Examiner for Certificate of Biblical Knowledge in the University of Manchester, 1907. Vicar of St. Margaret's, ' Dunham Massey, since 1908. South Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Johnson, John Anderton (Univ.). Born March 8, 1879, at Southport. M.B., Ch.B. ( 1902. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant Medical Officer County Asylum, Rainhill, 1902. Junior House Surgeon, House Physician and Senior House Surgeon, David Lewis Northern Hospital, 1902-1904. Surgeon S.S. Arracan, Glasgow to Rangoon. Late Lecturer, Rochdale Branch of St. John Ambulance Association. 428, Liverpool Road, Holloway, London, N. Johnson, John Mountfort (Owens). Born December 13, 1861 at Leek M.B., Ch.B., 1888. M.D., 1897. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1887, and Junior Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1888. Medical Officer, Leekfrith District, 1892. Medical Officer of Health, Leek Urban District Council, since 1901. 31, Ball Haye Street, Leek. Johnson, John William Haigh (Yorks.). Born October 15, 1876, at Thornhill Lees. B.Sc., 1896. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant under Public Analyst for Huddersfield, 1896-1898. Chemist West Riding Rivers Board, Wakefield, 1898-1907. York House, Thornhill, Dewsbury. Johnson, Lionel Capper (Owens and Univ.}. Born August 10, 1874, at Aughton Moss. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. London University : M.B., 1900. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1900. Late Senior House Surgeon, Stanley Hospital, Liverpool. In general practice. Anaesthetist to the Leeds General Infirmary and the Leeds Dispensary. 14, Lidgett Park Road, Roundhay, Leeds. Johnson, Samuel James Cecil (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Glengele, Sea Road, Abergele, N. Wales. *Johnson, William Crosby (Owens). Born April 28, 1875, a t Salford. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Honorary Physician, Pendleton Branch, Salford Royal Hospital. Late House Physician, Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital. Fairleigh, Eccles Old Road, Pendleton, Salford. Johnston, Adeliza Norman (Owens'). Born December 3, 1876, at Parkgate, Rotherham. B.A., 1898. Teacher's Diploma, 1900. M.A., 1901. Assistant Lecturer in Education, Birmingham University, 1900-1901 ; University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1901-1906. Married, December 21, 1906, John Alfred Green, Professor of Education, Sheffield University. 389, Glossop Road, Sheffield. * Johnston, John Haslam (Owens). Born May 14, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. Chemist and Bacteriologist to Hampton Urban District Council. 8, Leopold Road, Wimbledon, London. i 9 9 *Johnstone, Edith (Owens). Born July 4, 1868, at Didsbury, Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1889. M.A., 1892. Student at the Cambridge Training College, 1889-1890. Assistant Mistress, St. George's High School, Edinburgh, 1890-1895. bj.J-1 Married, July 14, 1896, J. A. Purves, D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Civil Engineer. Portland Lodge, Pennsylvania Road, Exeter. *Johnstone, Hilda (Owens-}. Born January 4, 1882, at Stockport. B.A. (ist class History), 1903. University Scholarship in History, 1903. University and Jones Fellowships in History, 1904. History Mistress, Manchester High School for Girls, 1906. Assistant Lecturer in History, The University, Manchester, since 1906. Has contributed to the English Historical Review, etc. Joint Editor of State Trials of Edward I. (Royal Historical Society, 1905). 57, Kennerley Road, Stockport. *Johnstone, Mary (Owens). Born December 12, 1873, at Stockport. B.A. (ist class History), 1895. University Scholarship in History, 1895. Jones History Fellowship (Honorary), Owens College, 1896. M.A., 1898. Co-optative Governor of the Manchester High Schools for Girls, 1900. Representative Governor of the Hulme Grammar Schools, Oldham, 1903. Member of the Withington Education Committee, 1903-1904. Member of Court, 1904 ; re-elected, 1908. Has contributed to the Dictionary of National Biography, The Owens College Historical Essays (The Legend of St. Ursula), The Guardian, The Manchester Guardian, School, etc. Editor of School Editions of Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, 1908. Married, December 18, 1895, T - F - Tout, M.A., Professor of Mediaeval and Modern History in the University. 21, Mauldeth Road, Withington, Manchester. Jollie, Katherine. Born April, 1884, at Eccles, near Manchester. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, The Middle School, Exeter, since 1907. 8, Hills Court, Exeter; 82, Folly Lane, Swinton, Manchester ^ Jones, Leslie (Yorks.). Born July 16, 1879, at Cambiidge. B.Sc., 1900. Studied Electro-Chemistry at Leipzic University. Died May 31, 1905. Jones, Alfred (Owens). Born March 24, 1881, at Crewe. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. Royal Exhibition, 1902. Assistant Examiner, H.M. Patent Office, since 1903. 19, Babington Road, Streatham, London, S.W. Jones, Alice Maud. Born January 29, 1883, at Tynemouth. B.A., 1905. Married W. B. Allcock. Sunnyside Parsonage, Pretoria, .S. Africa. Jones, Annie Beatrice (Univ.). Born April 30, 1875, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. M.A., 1900. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Sandholme School, Oxton, since 1900. 29, Oxford Street, Liverpool. Jones, Arthur. Born January 10, 1883, at Moss Side, Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1905 and (ist class Celtic) 1907. M.A., 1906. Graduate Scholarship, 1905. Jones Fellowship in History, 1906. Havod, Clarendon Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. 200 Jones, Charles Owen (Univ.). Born August 16, 1878, at New Brighton. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Surgeon, Birkenhead Borough Hospital, 1904. In general practice. Norlands, Mount Road, New Brighton, Cheshire. Jones, Clement Royds (Univ.). Born October 22, 1855, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. House Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1893. Honorary Surgeon, Royal South London Dispensary, 1903-1906. In general practice, Bunbury, Cheshire, 1896-1903 ; Kennington Road, London, 1903-1906. 133, Hyde Road, Gorton, Manchester. Jones, Cyril Bethell (Owens). Born August 15, 1874, at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. B.A., 1896. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, deacon, 1898 ; priest, 1899. Curate of Urmston, 1898. Curate-in-charge, St. Mary's, Hollingworth, since 1906. The Parsonage, Hollingworth, Cheshire, Jones, David Trevor (Owens). Born May 31, 1880, at Llanidloes. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1900. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Private Assistant to Prof. Per kin, 1902-1903. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, Manchester University, 1903-1906. Little Mancott, Hawarden. Jones, Dorothy Hepburn (Owens). Born July 4, 1881, at Manchester. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Assistant Mistress at Ladybarn House School, Manchester, since 1903. Beaufort House, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Jones, Ernest .(Owens). Born March 15, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Stretford Road Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1902 ; Ducie Avenue Higher Grade Municipal School, 1903. Science Master, Aberystwyth Intermediate School, since 1904. Holmeside, Llanbadarn Road, Aberystwyth. Jones, Ernest Gabriel (Univ.). Born July 27, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1901 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Associate of Institute of Chemistry, 1904. Assistant to Public Analysts for County of Lancaster, City of Liverpool, etc., since 1902. 13, Rossett Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool. Jones, Evelyn Gwynne. B.Sc., 1907. 60, Stepney Street, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire. Jones, George Frederick (Owens). Born August 7, 1865, at Welshpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. In private practice. 38, Bank Street, Ponkey, Ruabon, Wales. Jones, Gertrude Hilda (Owens). Born October 10, 1880, at West Hartlepool. B.A., 1903. M.A., 1905. Teaching at Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1904. Woodhouse Hall, Leeds. 201 Jones, John Angell (Owens). Born February 5, 1868, at Brymbo. B.A., 1897. Congregational Minister at Garstang, 1897 ? formerly at Blackpool and Cadishead. Garstang, Lancashire. *Jones, John Arnold (Owens). Born May 7, 1879, at Moss Side, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1905. Assistant Resident Medical Officer to the Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904. House Surgeon, Birmingham and Midland Ear and Throat Hospital, 1904-1905. House Surgeon, Royal Ear Hospital, London, 1906. Honorary Assistant Aural Surgeon, Manchester Eye and Ear Hospital. 10, St. John Street, Manchester. *Jones, John Daniel (Owens). Born April 13, 1865, at Ruthin. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1886. M.A., 1889. B.D. (St. Andrews), 1889. Congregational Minister, 1889. Minister of Newland Church, Lincoln, ^1889. Lecturer in Church History, Congregational Institute, Nottingham, 1894-1898. Pastor of Richmond Hill Congregational Church, Bournemouth, since 1898. The Manse, St. Stephen's Road, Bournemouth. Jones, John Hervey. Born May 14, 1861, at Middleton, Lanes. B.Sc., 1906. London University : M.B. (ist class Honours, Medicine), 1884. M.D., 1885. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A., 1883. Late Surgeon for Manchester Schools for Deaf and Dumb, and Henshaw's Blind Asylum ; House Surgeon, Clinical Hospital for Women and Children, Manchester ; Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital ; and House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary. In general practice. The Willows, Stanford Dingley, near Reading. Jones, John William. Born August 14, 1884, at Pendleton, Salford. B.A., 1907. Certificated Assistant Teacher under Salford Council ; appointed to Trafford Road School, and to Higher Elementary School at Gardner Street, Pendleton, Salford, since 1907. 3, Nichols Street, Pendleton, Salford, Manchester. * Jones, Joseph (Owens). Born June 3, 1869, at Rochdale. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1906. Medical Practitioner. Lecturer at Leigh Technical School, 1896. In general practice (B. Jones & Nephew) at Leigh since 1895. Honorary Surgeon, Leigh Infirmary, 1906. Howarth Cross, Leigh, Lancashire. Johnson, Mrs. S. B. See Craze, Bessie. Jones, Kate. Born January 31, 1885, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Ashton-under-Lyne, High School, since 1907. 4, Stamford Street, Cockbrook, Ashton-under-Lyne. Jones. Kenneth Hurlstone (Owens). Born February 10, 1873, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. Surgeon in the Royal Navy, 1897'; Staff -Surgeon since 1905. Royal Naval Hospital, Hong Kong. 2O2 Jones, Raymond John (Univ.). Born September 5, 1876, at Llanrhaiadr, Oswestry. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Assistant Surgeon, Tylorstown Collieries, 1902-1904 ; Treherbert Collieries, 1905-1906. Also Assistant in general practice at Llanidloes, Tylorstown, Treherbert, Caerphilly, Pontypool, and Barry Dock, since 1901. Old Post Office, Llanrhaiadr, Oswestry. Jones, Robert Edwin. Born July 21, 1882, at Macclesfield. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Junior English Master, Stockport Technical School, 1906. Senior English Master since 1907. Christ Church Square, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Jones, Robert Henry (Owens). Born February 26, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Research Student in Chemistry, 1896-1898. Science Master at Wellington, Salop, 1898-1899 ; at County School, Bridgend, since 1899. Glen Albyn Villa, Bridgend, Glamorgan. Jones, Simon (Owens). Born February n, 1878, at Rhydyfene, Llandyssul, S. Wales. B.A., 1901. Student at Owens College, 1901-1902. Unitarian Home Missionary College, Manchester, 1902-1904. Minister of the Unitarian Church. Pontypridd, 1904-1907. Minister of the Unitarian Church, Swansea, and Secretary of the South East Wales Unitarian Society since 1907. Glenholm, Finsbury Terrace, Swansea. Jones, Thomas Gilbert (Owens). Born September 15, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. University Scholar in Engineering, 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Whitworth Scholarship, 1891. Assistant Lecturer in the Evening Classes, Manchester School Board, 1890-1895. Lecturer at the Technical School, Huddersfield, 1895- 1896. Head of the Engineering Department, Municipal Technical College, Swansea, since 1 896. Examiner for the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, 1902. Technical College, Swansea. Jones, Thomas Maitland (Owens). B.A. (2nd class Philosophy), 1897. M.A., 1901. B.Sc., 1901. Edinburgh University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Demonstrator of Physiology in the Owens College, 1901-1902. Assis- tant Lecturer in Physiology, University College of S. Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, 1903-1904. House Physician and House Surgeon, Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, 1907. Hdpital de la Salp^triere, Paris. Jones, William (Univ.). Born March 16, 1881, at Northwich. B.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Science Master at Victoria College, Congleton, 1902-1904. Now Theological Student at Didsbury College. Weston Point, Runcorn ; Wesleyan College, Didsbury, Manchester, Jordan, Mrs. Francis W. See Wihl, Gertrude. *f Jordan, Frederick William (Owens). Born May 14, 1849, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), and L.S.A., 1873. D.P.H., 1889. Durham University : M.D., 1897. 203 Medical Officer of Health for Heaton Norris, 1882. In general practice. Late Assistant House Surgeon, Sheffield General Infirmary. Astley House, Heaton Chapel, Manchester. "ffjprdan, Henry George. Born December 18, 1857, at Manchester. Whitworth Scholar, 1881. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Studied at the Royal College of Science, Dublin, 1879-1882. Draughts- man with Messrs. Henry Wren & Co., Manchester, 1882-1883. Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Manchester Technical School, 1883 ; and Professor of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Drawing and Design, 1902. Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in the University since 1905. 6, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Jordan, Henry Paul. Born October 30, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours in Mechanical Engineering), 1907. Schuster Research Scholar, 1907. 6, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Jordan, Rose Frances (Owens). Born June 6, 1876, at Hale, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1901. Science Mistress, Redland High School, Bristol, 1901-1902. Assistant Mistress, Manchester High School for Girls, and at Ladybarn House School for Boys and Girls, 1902-1903. London County Council Lecturer to Teachers in Nature Study, 1907. Student of Medicine in London. College Hall, Byng Place, London, W.C. Joseland, Walter Herbert (Owens'). Born June 12, 1870, at Worcester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Manager of Chemical Works, Talke, 1892-1896. Analytical and Con- sulting Chemist at Burslem. Deseased. Joseph, George Harold (Univ.). Born August 21, 1881, at Warrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1903-1904. In general practice since 1904. Honorary Assistant Surgeon to Warrington Infirmary and Dispensary since 1905. 21, Bold Street, Warrington. Jowett, Albert (Yorks.). Born November 15, 1875, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1897 and (ist class Geology) 1898. M.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Demonstrator at Yorkshire College, 1898-1899. Principal of Bury Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1899. Technical School, Bury, Lancashire. *Jucker, Hilda Anna. Born October 23, 1885, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Married, July 9, 1907, Ferruccio Z. Bonavia. 7, Gordon Place, Withington, Manchester. Judson, Mrs. J. A. See Lee, Rose E. Judson, Wilfrid Hyde. Born January 27, 1881, at Chadderton, near Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. In private practice in Old Trafford, Manchester, since 1907. Medical Examiner to the Manchester and Salford Branch of the Shipping Federation since 1907. 575, Chester Road, Trafford Bar, Manchester. 204 K Kahan, Zelda (Yorks.). Born March 22, 1882, in Russia. B.Sc., 1903. Research Student in Chemistry at University College, Gower Street, London, W.C. 6, Clapton Square, Clapton, London, N.E. Kain, Arthur (Owens). Born February i, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master at Ducie Avenue Higher Grade School, Manchester. 78, Derby Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Kaizer, Myer (Univ.). Born August 1 6, 1871, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1895 and (2nd class Mathematics) 1896. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1903. Head Master of South London Jewish Schools, Heygate Street, S.E., 1895-1899. Principal, Bell Lane Technical School, 1898 ; of Liverpool Hebrew School since 1902. Liverpool Jewish Schools, Hope Place, Liverpool ; 32, Kimberley Street, Liverpool. Kandel, Isaac Leon (Owens). Born January 22, 1881, in Roumania. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1902. University Scholarship, 1902. M.A., 1906. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Twenty-seventh Indian C. S. and Clerkship I. Examination, 1904. Classical Master, Royal Academical Institution, Belfast, since 1906. Royal Academical Institution, Belfast. *Karfoot, Alice Marion (Owens). Born March n, 1880, at Leigh. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. 37, The Avenue, Leigh, Lanes. *fKarfoot, William. Born April 18, 1848, at Chorley, Lancashire. B.A., 1904. Dublin University : B.A., 1884. LL.B., 1885. M.A., 1887. LL.D., 1887. Congregational Minister at Oswaldtwistle, 1874-1879 ; at Leigh, 1879- 1894. Private Tutor at Leigh since 1894. The Avenue, Leigh, Lancashire. ffKastner, Joseph Guillaume Victor. Born July 20, 1839, at Espalion, France. M.A., 1905. University of France : B. es L., 1858. Assistant Master in several French Public Schools, 1860-1870. Second Master in the Institution Henon-Ferte-Bonnefous, Paris, 1872- 1874. French Master at the Charterhouse, 1875. Professor of French Language and Literature in Queen's College, London, 1876-1885. Officierd' Academic, 1878. Honorary Fellow of Queen's College, 1885. Lecturer in French Language and Literature, Owens College, 1885-1895 ; Professor since 1895. 45, Parsonage Road, Withington, Manchester. *Kauffmann, Otto Jackson (Owens). Born November 23, 1862, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1886. London University : M.B., 1886. M.D., 1888. Consulting Physician. Professor of Pathology, Mason College, Bir- mingham, 1893-1899. Honorary Physician, Queen's Hospital, Birmingham, and Visiting Physician to the Infirmary. Consulting Physician, West Bromwich Hospital ; Birmingham General Dis- pensary. Formerly House Physician and Resident Medical Officer at Manchester Royal Infirmary ; House Physician at the Brompton Hospital and the Seamen's Hospital, Greenwich. 22, Broad Street, Birmingham. 205 Kauntze, William Henry. Born December 5, 1887, at Accrington. B.A., 1907. Entrance Scholar in Medicine, 1906. Student in the Faculty of Medicine in the University since 1906. jT Briars Hey, Broomfield Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. _; Kay,"Annie (Owens). Born January 21, 1867, at Blackley. " B.A., 1887. Assistant Mistress in Preston High School, 1889-1890 ; second Mistress, 1890-1898 ; at the Girls' Grammar School, Levenshulme, since 1899. - Girls' Grammar School, Windsor Road, Levenshulme, Manchester. Kay/Douglas John (Yorks.). Born December 31, 1881, at Berwick-on-Tweed. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Chemistry Master, Intermediate Day School, Bootle, Lancashire, since 1904. Fitzroy Mount, Barkerend Road, Bradford, Yorkshire. Kay, Francis William. Born August 21, 1883, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Beyer Fellowship, 1905. M.Sc., 1906. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1906. At present Research Student at the Berlin University. The Thorns, Prestwich Park, Manchester ; Motzstrasse 74, Berlin W. 30. Kaye, Edward Percy (Yorks.). Born September 18, 1877, at Harrogate. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1907. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Cambridge University : Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Master at Pembroke College, Harrogate, 1900-1901. Demonstrator in Physics at Leeds University, 1901-1902 ; Lecturer in Agricultural Department, 1902-1905. At Cambridge, studying for Teacher's Diploma, 1905-1906. Teaching, Bootham School, York, and after at Dalton Hall, Manchester, in 1907. Teacher at Leighton Park School, Reading, since 1907. Leighton Park School, Reading. *Keane, C. A. See Kohn, C. A. Keegan, John (Owens). Born August 27, 1877, at Leigh, Lancashire. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Municipal Technical School, Lincoln, 1900-1903. Assistant Modern Language Master, The Academy, Dumfries, 1903-1905. Assistant Teacher of English, in the Kgl. Gymnasium (Kieler Gelehrtenschule), and studied Germanic Philology at the University, Kiel, 1905-1907. Assistant Master in Chatham House School, Ramsgate, 1908 (Jan.). Now Senior Modern Language Master in the Central Foundation School, Cowper Street, City Road, London, E.C. 82, Leigh Road, Leigh, Lancashire. Keer, Roger Kininmonth. Born February 22, 1887, at Brixton, London. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours, Electrical Engineering), 1907. Assistant on the Technical Staff of the National Telephone Co., Ltd. (Manchester District), since 1907. 17, Grange Road, Southport, Lancashire. *Keighley, Thomas (Owens). Born October 15, 1869, at Stalybridge. Mus.B., 1898. Mus.D., 1901. Organist of Albion Congregational Church, Ashton, 1897. Teacher of Harmony, Royal Manchester College of Music, since 1898. Assistant Instructor in Singing in the University. 12, Blair Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. 2O6 Kellett, Ernest (Owens). Born January 31, 1872, at Farnworth, near Bolton. B.Sc., 1893. Teacher in the Higher Grade Board School, Salford, since 1896. 125, Worsley Road, Little Hulton, near Bolton. *Kellett, Mrs. See Laidler, Josephine. Kelly, Clara Julia (Owens). Born January 9, 1877, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Marlborough Road Council School, Higher Broughton, since 1899. 35, Smedley Road, Cheetham, Manchester. Kelly, Margaret Duncan (Univ.). Born June, 1880, at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. . Assistant Mistress, Liverpool Institute, 1904-1905. Married, December, 1906, G. E. S. Coxhead. " The Grammar School, Hinckley, Leicestershire. Kelly, Robert Ernest (Univ.). Born April 7, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1899. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. Liverpool University : Robert Gee Fellow in Anatomy, 1902-1903. Holt Fellow in Pathology, 1903-1904. Alexander Fellow in Path- ology, 1905. M.D., 1905. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1905. House Surgeon and House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1901-1902 ; Surgical Registrar, 1905-1907. 24, Rodney Street, Liverpool. *Kelsall, Ethel (Owens). Born March 29, 1877, a t Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A., 1900. Crawford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Kelsall, Robert (Owens). Born October 18, 1875. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1898. London University : Intermediate M.B. (ist class Physiology with Medal), 1895. Formerly House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1901. Captain I.M.S. *Kelynack, Theophilus Nicholas (Owens). Born June 26, 1866, at Wells, Somerset. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Anatomy, Pharmacology, and Thera- peutics, Morbid Anatomy, Medicine, Surgery, Medical Juris- prudence and Toxicology), 1889. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1893. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1895. Consulting Physician. Physician to the Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest ; and Honorary Physician in charge of its Country Branch at Northwood. Physician to the London Infants' Hospital, etc. Medical Officer, Sceptre Life Association. Late Pathologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1891-1899. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Pathology, The Owens College, 1891. Extension Lecturer of the Victoria University. Medical Registrar, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1899-1901. Assistant to the Professor of Medicine, Owens College. Honorary Medical Officer to Pendleton Branch, Salford Royal Hospital. Honorary Pathologist to the Manchester Ear Hospital. Honorary Secretary, The Society for the Study of Inebriety. Editor of The British Journal of Tuberculosis ; The British Journal of Inebriety ; The Drink Problem in its Medico-Sociological Aspects, 207 Author of Renal Growths : Their Pathology and Treatment (1898) ; The Pathologist' s Handbook (1899) ; Diseases of the Heart, Patho- logical Section, Encyclopedia Medica (1900) ; Selection of Con- sumptive Cases for Sanatorium Treatment (1902) ; Sanatorium Treat- ment of Consumption (1904); and numerous papers in Medical and Scientific Journals. 120, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Kemp, James (Owens). Born August 4, 1870, at Read, near Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.S.A., 1901. House Surgeon at Clayton Hospital, Wakefield, 1901-1902 ; at Hulme Dispensary, Manchester, 1902-1903. Formerly in private practice at Heysham ; at Willesden, 1908. Park House, Church End, Willesden, London, N.W. Kemp, Paul (Owens). Born January 10, 1871, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1899. Teacher at Princess Road Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1895- 1899; at Sunning Hill Board School, Bolton, 1899-1900; at Widnes School of Science, 1900 ; at Coventry Road Board School, Bulwell, since 1900. c/o F. Atkinson, 230, Highbury Road, Bulwell, Nottingham. Kemp* Philip. Born August 7, 1887, at Tranmere, near Birkenhead. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours in Electrical Engineering), 1907. Electrical Engineer at Mather & Platt, Ltd., Salford Iron Works. 144, Stockport Road, Ardwick, Manchester. *Kent, Ernest Alfred (Owens). Born May 6, 1864, at Beccles. B.A., 1883. Solicitor at Norwich and Lowestoft. Admitted on Rolls, 1888. Com- missioner for Oaths, 1894. St. Andrew's Hall Plain, Norwich. Kenyon, Alice. Born September 17, 1886, at Bollington. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, St. Margaret's Higher Elementary School, Whalley Range, Manchester. Ash Lea, Bollington, Macclesfield. Kenyon, George Henry. Born April 14, 1882, at Dukinfield, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1906. M.Sc., 1907. With The National Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne. Brookfield, Ashton-under-Lyne. Kenyon, Harold Leigh. Born July 27, 1884, at Eccles. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering),- 1907. Engineering Pupil to Messrs. Heenan & Froude, Engineers, Manchester, since 1907. Park House, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. Kenyon, Maxwell Slater (Owens). Born September 2, 1878, at Accrington. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Three years with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburg, Now with the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Trafford Park. Associate American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Hirstwood, Accrington, Lanes. Kenyon, Percy Smith (Owens). fBorn March 15,^1878, at Eccles B.Sc., 1898. In business with Mr. George Kenyon, Back Piccadilly (formerly 15, Rook Street), Manchester, since 1898. Park House, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. 208 Kenyon, Richard Ernest (Univ.). Born April 15, 1874, at Bolton. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Ashville College, Harrogate, 1894-1895 ; at King Edward VI. Grammar School, Southampton, 1895-1896 ; at the Liverpool Institute, 1896-1899 ; at Great Yarmouth Grammar School, 1899-1902 ; Camberwell Grammar School, 1902 ; Shebbear College, 1902 ; Sutton Coldfield Grammar School, 1905 ; Kendrick School, Reading, since 1906. Kendrick School, Reading. *Ker, Andrew Martin (Univ.). Born November 18, 1872, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. Civil Engineer. Articled to City Engineer, Hull, 1894-1896. En- gineering Assistant to City Engineer, Hull, 1896-1899 ; to City Engineer, Birmingham, 1899-1900 ; to City Engineer, Coventry, 1900. Now with Borough Surveyor, Warrington. c/o Borough Surveyor, Warrington. Kerr, Mrs. James. See Beckett, Elizabeth. *Kerr, William James (Owens). Born at Rochdale. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D. (highly commended), 1895. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. Honorary Surgeon, Rochdale Infirmary, 1896. Police Surgeon, County Borough of Rochdale, 1896. Late Senior and Junior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester ; and Assistant House Surgeon, Infirmary for Children, Liverpool. Vicar's Drive, Rochdale. Kershaw, Edith May. Born April 5, 1886, at Uppermill, near Oldham. B.Sc., 1907. Research Student in Botany in the University since 1907. Ash Meade, Uppermill, near Oldham. Kershaw, Ethel. Born September 20, 1886, at Todmorden. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Weirfield School, Taunton. 4, Henshaw Road, Walsden, Todmorden. Kershaw, Ethel Mary (Owens). Born July 22, 1881, at Belfast. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Fairfield Girls' School, Manchester, since 1903. Girls' School, Fairfield, Manchester. *Kershaw, Joseph Wood (Owens). Born August 25, 1870, in Philadelphia, U.S. A. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1893. M.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : B.Eng. Demonstrator in Engineering, University College, Sheffield, 1893. Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Sheffield, 1902, and now in Sheffield University. 6, Beaufort Road, Sheffield. *Kettlewell, John Gibson (Univ.). Born February 16, 1874, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1895. M.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Walton Lane Board School, 1895-1897. Chemistry Master, Higher Grade School, Hull, 1897-1900. Science Master at Rutherford College, Newcastle, 1900. Now Lecturer in Chemistry, Polytechnic, Woolwich. 132, Kinveachy Gardens, Charlton, Kent. 2OQ Keyte, Emily. Born August 22, 1878, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress in the Convent High School, Bury, Lanes., since 1907. 21, Bold Street, Moss Side, Manchester. *Keyte, John Charles (Owens}. Born April 16, 1875, at Manchester. B.A., 1903. M.A., 1906. Baptist Missionary *since 1904. English Baptist Mission, Sian fu, Shensi, China. Kidd, Arthur Stanley (Owens}. Born January 29, 1 869, at Didsbury , Manchester. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1890. M.A., 1895. St. John's College, Cambridge : Classical Tripos, Part I., 2nd class, Division I. Moral Science Tripos, Part II., 3rd class, 1893. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1900. Assistant Master, Carnarvon School, 1895-1896. Assistant Master, Rotherham Grammar School, and Classical Lecturer, University College, Sheffield, 1897-1899. Government Lecturer at St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown, since 1899. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Cape Colony. Kilroe, Laurence. Born October 27, 1881, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Junior Assistant House Surgeon, Sheffield Royal Infirmary, 1905-1906. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. 94, Castle Street, Bolton, Lancashire. *fKing, Alfred John. Born February 14, 1859, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Sc., 1878. Bleacher and Finisher. Originator and First Local Secretary of the First Course of Victoria University Local Centres, 1886. Repre- sentative Governor of Sandbach School, 1890-1897 ; of King's Schools, Macclesfield, 1895. Member of Court, 1896-1900. Chair- man of Bollington Urban District Council, 1896-1900. J.P. for County of Chester. M.P. for Knutsford Division of Cheshire, 1906. Rock Bank, Bollington, near Macclesfield ; 2, Whitehall Court, 7 a, London, S.W. King, Arthur (Yorks.}. Born December 27, 1877, at Scarborough. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1896. Science Teacher at Taunton Trade School, Southampton, 1896. Died October 15, 1899. King, Herbert (Yorks.). Born April 7, 1876, at Scarborough. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. A. I.C., 1895 ; F.I.C., 1900 (additional Diploma for Therapeutics, Pharmacology, and Microscopy, 1902). Assistant Master, St. Martin's Grammar School, Scarborough, and Lecturer in Chemistry to the Scarborough School Board, 1895-1897. Assistant Master, Dronfield Grammar School, Sheffield, 1897-1898 ; at Ashville College, Harrogate, 1898-1900 ; at Wolverhampton Grammar School, 1901. Head of the Chemistry Department, Scarborough Municipal School, since 1902. Hatfield Villa, Avenue Road, Scarborough. King, William (Owens}. Born March 24, 1879, at Lisbon. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1899. Assistant Master, The Academy, Greenock, 1899 ; Glasgow Academy, 1902 ; Technical School, Manchester, 1904 ; Manchester Grammar School since 1905. Greenhill, Flixton, Manchester. 210 Kininmonth, Colin Peter. Born November 9, 1886, in London. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. 66, Wharf Street, Sowerby Bridge. Kinton, Walter Gregory. Born June 19, 1872, at Leicester. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant, general practice, 1904. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Northwood Sanatorium, 1904-1905 ; Senior Resident Medical Officer, Mt. Vernon Hospital for Chest Diseases, Hampstead, 1905-1907. Mt. Vernon Sanatorium, Northwood, since 1907. The Mount Vernon Hospital Sanatorium, Northwood, Middlesex. *Kirby, Frederick Oscar (Yorks.). Born April 21, 1881, at Doncaster. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. A.M.I.C.E., 1907. Borough Surveyor and Water Engineer to the Doncaster Corporation since 1906 ; previously Assistant Surveyor, 1903-1906. Mansion House, Doncaster. Kirk, Frances May (Owens). Born December 31, 1879, at Salford. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Nelson, 1902-1904. Principal, Pupil Teachers' Centre and Preparatory Classes, Altrincham, Cheshire, since 1905. The Mount, Broughton Road, Pendleton, Manchester. *Kirkland, John (Owens). Born March 17, 1876, at Barton. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Civil Engineer. With Messrs. Ransomes & Rapier, London, 1900-1902. Now with Messrs. E. G. Hill & Sons, Manchester and London. Hawthorn Bank, Rocky Lane, Monton, Lanes. Kitchener, Ernest Edward (Yorks.). Born July 6, 1880, at Lisceard, Cornwall. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. M.A., 1907. F.R.Hist.S., 1906. Elementary Teaching from 1904-1905 under the West Riding County Council and Huddersfield Education Committee. Assistant Master at Leeds Modern School, 1905-1906 ; at Almondbury Grammar School, Huddersfield, since 1906. Providence House, Mirfield, Yorkshire. Kitchin, Albert. Born April 20, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemist at Messrs. George Wright and Sons, Ltd., Dyers and Cleaners, Stockport, since 1905. Hirstwood. Victoria Park, Manchester. Kitchin, Jonathan (Univ.}. Born May 16, 1876, at St. Bees, Cumberland. B.Sc., 1895. With Messrs. W. A. Bishop & Co., Borax Manufacturers, 1896-1897. With Nobel's Explosives Co., 1898-1906. Student in France, 1907- 1908. 8, Lonsdale Terrace, St. Bees, via Carnforth. *|fKnecht, Edmund. Born in 1861, at Liverpool. Lecturer in Tinctorial Chemistry in the University since 1905. Beech Mount, Marple, Cheshire. 211 Knight, George Herbert (Owens). Born February i, 1876, at Sheffield. Mus.B., 1897. Organist, etc., of Cross Street Chapel, Manchester, 1897-1898 ; of St. John's Church, Halifax, 1898 ; of Westborough Church, Scar- borough, 1902 ; of Holy Trinity Church, Scarborough, since 1906. 48, West Bank, Scarborough. Knight, John Arthur (Yorks.). Born June 15, 1878, at Slingsby, near Malton. B.Sc., 1898. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1904. Pupil and subsequently Contractors' Engineer on the Thackley Widening of the Midland Railway, 1898. Contractors' Engineer on the Neasden and Northolt length of the Great Central Railway, 1902- 1907 ; and on the Finchley Road to Welsh Harp Widening of the Midland Railway, 1902-1906. Opened Motor Works at Hammer- smith, 1907. The Motor Repair & Supply Co., 107, Bridge Road, Hammersmith, London, W. Knight, Samuel Ratcliffe (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1891. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (5th Wrangler), 1877. Medical practitioner. Author of Elementary Algebra, Higher Algebra (Hall & Knight's), &c. Died January 26, 1894. *Knoop, Douglas (Owens). Born September 16, 1883, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Economics), 1905. Graduate Scholar and Gartside Scholar, 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Investigator to the Labour Department of the Board of Trade since 1907. Has published American Business Enterprise (Gartside Report, 1907). Ashleigh, Marple, Cheshire. Knott, Cyril Wakefield. Born April 8, 1886, at Stalybridge. B.Sc., 1906 and (2nd class Engineering) 1907. M.Sc., 1907. Studying for Teacher's Diploma in the University, 1907-1908. Sunny Bank, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Knowles, Henry (Owens}. Born March u, 1867, at Blackburn. B.A., 1893. M.A., 1907. Congregational Minister, 1 896. Pastor of Ashton Road Church, Oldham, 1896-1904; of Russell Street Congregational Mission, Hulme, Manchester, since 1904. Studying in the University for B.D. 13, Darley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Knowles, Robert Edward (Univ.). Born May 15, 1880, at Birkenhead. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. M.D., 1906. House Physician and late Senior House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1905-1906. Cressington House, Devonshire Park, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Knowles, Wilfred (Univ.). Born October 14, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. With British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Trafford Park, Manchester, since 1905. Heatherdene, 29, St. Helens Road, Ormskirk. 212 *Kohn, Charles Alexander (Owens}. Born September 9, 1864, at Nottingham. B.Sc., 1883. M.Sc., 1900. Erlangen University : Ph.D. Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, &c., University College, Liverpool, 1885-1901. Representative Governor of Tarvin Grammar School, 1892. Principal of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute, London, E.G., 1901. The Sir John Cass Technical Institute, Jewry Street, Aldgate, London, B.C. *Kraus, Martin. Born January 15, 1884, in Roumania. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1905. M.A., 1906. Victoria Scholarship, 1906. St. John's College, Cambridge : Open Exhibition, 1906. Foundation Scholarship, 1907. St. John's College, Cambridge; 8. Vernon Street, Hightown, Manchester. Lacey, Frank Hamilton. Born May 2, 1879, at Dublin. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Surgeon to R.M.S. Cametense, 1906-1907. House Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1907-1908. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Worcester, 1908. Mayo Lodge, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester , General Infirmary, Worcester. Lacey, Walter Roland (Owens). Born May 3, 1870, at Bristol. B.A., 1889 and (2nd class Philosophy) 1890. M.A., 1895. Assistant Minister of the Church of Scotland, at Hamilton. Portland Park, Hamilton, Lanarkshire. *Lackland, Leonard (Univ.). Born July 18, 1875, at B.A., 1894. Eccleston Park, Prescot. Ladell, Robert George Macdonald (Yorks.). Born March 17, 1881, in North London. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. Honorary Medical Officer, London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst Jews (Leeds Branch). Shafton House, Holbeck, Leeds. Laidler, Josephine (Owens). Born July 31, 1879, at Stockton-on-Tees. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1900. University Scholarship, 1900. John Bright Fellowship, 1901. M.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Assistant Mistress, Pendleton High School, 1902. English Mistress, Victoria Pensionat, Karlsruhe, 1903. Lecturer in English at Goldsmith's College (University of London), 1905-1907. Married, 1907, E. E. Kellett, M.A. (Oxon). 4, Belvoir Terrace, Cambridge. *Laing, James Niven (Owens). Born April 10, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. Engineer in charge at the Stuart Street Generating Station of the Manchester Corporation. Berry's View, Queen's Park, Manchester. *Laithwaite, John (Owens). Born July n, 1876, at Upholland. B.Sc., 1895. Analytical and Consulting Chemist since 1897. The Lawns, Orrell, near Wigan. 2I 3 Lakin, Arthur Thomas (Owens). Born April 6, 1873, at Newton Heath, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1897-1898. In general practice at J Moston since 1898. Lightbowne Road, Dean Mount, Moston, Manchester. Lakin, Herbert (Owens}. Bbrn March 2, 1877, at Newton Heath, Manchester. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1898. M.A., 1901. Assistant Master, Manchester Municipal Secondary School. 6, Windsor Road, Clayton Bridge, Manchester. Lakin, Robert. Born February 17, 1884, at Withington, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1907. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. Dudley Lodge, Prestwich, Manchester. Lamb, Ernest Horace (Owens}. Born May 5, 1878, at Adelaide, S. Australia. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1899. University Scholarship in En- gineering, 1899. M.Sc., 1902. A.M.I.C.E., 1904. Engineer with Salford Iron Works, 1899; at Queen's Engineering Works, Bedford, since 1903. 21, Conduit Road, Bedford. *Lamb, John David (Univ.}. Born March 24, 1874, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Wesleyan Minister. 3, Oakdale Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. Lambert, John Reginald (Yorks.}. Born July 21, 1874, at Farsley, Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. In general practice at Farsley since 1897. Medical Officer of Health for Farsley. West Lodge, Farsley, near Leeds. Lancaster, Walter James (Owens}. Born September 18, 1860, at Canterbury. Mus.B., 1897. Organist of Parish Church, Dover, 1878-1883 ; Kingston-on-Thames, 1883-1886; at St. Michael's College, Tenbury, 1886-1889. Organist and Choirmaster of Parish Church, Bolton, since 1889. Honorary Conductor, Bolton Parish Church Choral Society. Honorary Local Examiner for Royal College of Music, London. 69, Castle Street, Bolton, Lanes. Lander. Cecil Howard. Born June 10, 1881, at Patricroft, near Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1905. Demonstrator in Engineering in the University since 1905. Wortley Villas, Lyme Street, Stockport. Landman, Abraham Judah (Yorks.}. Born November 10, 1881. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1906. House Surgeon, Victoria Memorial Hospital, Manchester, 1905-1906. House Physician, Leeds General Infirmary, 1906-1907. 1 1 , Brunswick Street, Leeds. Landman, Samuel (Yorks.}. Born September 10, 1884, at Podholien, Russia. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : M.A., 1907. n, Brunswick Street, Leeds 2I 4 Lane, Marie Edith (Univ.). Born June 4, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, The ' Stanley ' School, St. Pancras, London, N.W. 9, Halkyn Avenue, Sefton Park, Liverpool. *Lang, Edith (Owens}. Born February 28, 1867, a "t Manchester. B.A., 1887. Mathematical Mistress at the Cork High School, 1889-1890. In partner- ship with sisters opened Culcheth Hall as a Boarding and Day School, 1891. Culcheth Hall, near Bowdon, Cheshire. Langstaff, Bilton (Yorks.). Born April 25, 1879, at Hunslet, Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. B.A., 1907. Physics and Mathematical Master at Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School, York, since 1904. n, Brudenell View, Leeds. Lantsberry, Frederick Charles Alfred Hyatt. Born November i, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. Alloys Research Assistant, National Physical Laboratory. National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. *Lapage, Charles Paget (Owens). Born 1879, at Nantwich, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., 1905. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902. Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1903-1904 ; St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1906. Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Dispensary, Gartside Street, since 1906. Medical Tutor at Hulme Hall since 1906. Children's Dispensary, Gartside Street, Manchester. Laslett, Ernest Edward (Univ.). Born June 27, 1874, at Hull. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. M.D., 1901. London University : B.Sc., 1894. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. House Physician, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Demon- strator in Physiology, University College, Liverpool, 1898-1899. Late Assistant Medical Officer, South Eastern Hospital, New Cross, London, S.E. Now Visiting Surgeon, Hull and Sculcoates Dis- pensary. 545, Anlaby Road, Hull. Latham, Annie. Born December 13, 1883, at Brierfield, near Burnley. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Science Mistress, Girls' Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers T Centre, Salford, since 1904. 79, Osborne Road, Levenshulme, Manchester. Latham, Arthur William (Owens). Born November 26, 1874, at Ashton-in- Makerfield, near Wigan. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1902. M.D., 1904 (Gold Medal). University Fellow in Medicine, 1902-1903. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1904. In general practice. 78, Cropper's Hill, St. Helens, Lanes. La Trobe, Frederick Herbert (Owens). Born August 3, 1868, at Oldham. B.A., 1889. Assistant Master at Fulneck, 1889-1894. Minister in the Moravian Church, at Brockweir, 1896-1901. Ordained Deacon, 1901 ; 215 Priest, 1902. Curate of Sutton, St. Helens, 1901-1904. Curate in charge of Kelsall, Tarvin, 1904-1906 ; of Houghton Conquest, Beds., 1906. Rector of Luddington-in-the-Brook, and Vicar of Hemington, since 1907. Hemington Vicarage, Oundle, Northants. Law, Arthur (Univ.). Born May 20, 1877. B.Sc., 1899. With the Royal Engineers in South Africa, 1900. Law, Harold (Owens). Born May 10, 1876, at Castleton, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Master, County School, Gravesend. Brook Cottage, Castleton, Lancashire ; 6, Wrotham Road, Gravesend. *Law, John (Owens). Born May 13, 1872, at Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1898. H.M. Inspector of Factories and Workshops, Leeds, 1895-1900; Newcastle, 1900-1903 ; Leeds, 1903 ; and Halifax District since 1904. 265, Huddersfield Road, Halifax. Law, Marion. Born July 24, 1883, at Hindley, Wigan. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Johnston Secondary School, Durham, since 1907. i, East Atherton Street, Durham. Lawrence, Eric Harold (Owens). Born July 8, 1878, at Handsworth, Birming- ham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1900. M.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Assistant Master at Bury Grammar School, 1900-1904. Assistant and History Form Master at the Government College, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, since 1904. . The College, Maritzburg, Natal. Lawrence, Reginald (Owens). Born June 29, 1877, at Middlewich, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.D. (commended), 1902. D.P.H., 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1900-1901. Patho- logical Research, Owens College, 1901-1902. House Physician, Bedford County Hospital, 1902. Pathologist, Christie Hospital, 1902-1906. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, County Borough of Blackburn. Fever Hospital, Blackburn. Lawson, Alexander (Owens). Born May 28, 1871, at Ryton-on-Tyne, Co. Durham. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. 266, Gorton Road, Reddish, Stockport. Lawson, Garnet Gloag (Univ.). Born July 21, 1875, at Dublin. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Formerly House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, and Assistant Surgeon, North Dispensary, Liverpool. Now in general practice. 5, Crown Street, Hebden Bridge, Yorks. Lawson, John (Owens). Born May 29, 1859, at Tosside, near Settle. B.A., 1883. Congregational Minister. Minister of the Congregational Church, Dogley Lane, near Huddersfield, 1886-1895 ; of the Providence Congregational Church, Halifax, since 1895. Forest House, Ovenden, Halifax. Laycock, Benjamin. Born December 28, 1887, at Keighley, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1907. 134, Heywood Road, Castleton, Manchester. 216 *fLea, Arnold William Warrington. Born July 12, 1867. at Sandbach, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., B.S. (University Scholar and Gold Medallist in Obstetric Medicine and Forensic Medicine), 1890. M.D., 1892. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1892. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1889. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1891-1893 ; Queen Charlotte Hospital, London, 1894. Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, Manchester University. Surgeon, Northern Hospital for Women and Children, Manchester. Assistant Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. 246, Oxford Road, Manchester. *Lea, Charles Edgar. Born February 12, 1882, at Sandbach, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Surgeon-Captain, Natal Medical Corps, attached Royston's Horse, Zululand Opera- tions, 1906. Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospitals, Manchester. Chorlton Union Hospital, West Didsbury, Manchester ; 246, Oxford Road, Manchester. Lea, James Edward (Owens). Born August 13, 1868, at Sandbach, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1894. Late Assistant Consulting Mechanical Engineer, East Rand Proprietary Mines, Johannesburg. 46, Brown Street, Manchester. Leach, Elsie (Yorks.). Born August 16, 1877, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1898. Head Mistress of a Private School in Taunton in 1899. Married, April 29, 1904, Tom Guthrie, B.Sc. (Viet.), Ph.D. Coreen, Carrington Avenue, Strathfield, Sydney, N.S.W. Leach, Herbert. Born May 23, 1882, at Blackburn. . B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Birley Street Higher Elementary School, Manchester, since 1904. 89, Wellington Street, Bradford, Manchester. \Leaf, Walter. B.Sc., 1882. Heidelberg University : Ph . D . , 1856. M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Surgeon. Formerly Surgeon to the Marylebone General Dispensary. Died July 12, 1899. Leah, Annie. Born January 29, 1888, at Halifax. B.Sc. (3rd class Botany), 1907. Studying for Teacher's Diploma in the University, 1907-1908. Penn House, Bank Top, Todmorden. *fLedward, Archibald Prentice. Born March 12, 1856, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Sc., 1876. Governor of Owens College, 1887-1897. Chairman of Union, and of Associates. Formerly President of Manchester Tactical Society. Instituted Cadet Battalions, and commanded the first, formed in 1884, for many years. Honorary Colonel of Volunteers, V.D. 29, Langland Gardens, Hampstead, London, N.W. 217 Led ward, Marion Craig (Owens). Born October 20, 1866, at Manchester. B.A., 1888. Hon. Secretary, Ladies' Health Society, Manchester, 1899. Married, November 9, 1894, Herbert S. Ashburner. i, Hope Road, Prestwich, near Manchester. * Led ward, Mary Beatrice Ruthven (Owens). Born September 13, 1868, at Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1891. M.A., 1894. Assistant Mistress in the Bolton High School for Girls, 1882-1891 ; in the Nottingham High School for Girls, 1891-1892 ; in the Man- chester High School for Girls, 1892-1895 ; in the Swansea Inter- mediate and Technical School for Girls, 1895-1902. Head Mistress and Joint-Principal of St. Ronan's School for Girls, HadleyWood, 1903. St. Ronan's, Hadley Wood, Barnet. "Lee, Ada. Born June n, 1885, at Marple, near Stockport. B.Sc., 1907. 6, Rue Montgallet, Paris XII.; The Cliffs, New Mills, Stockport. Lee, Charles Howarth (Owens}. Born May 21, 1879, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Late Senior and Junior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children, Manchester. Lyndholm, Greenhill Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Lee, Harry Fox (Owens). Born September 3, 1877, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. In general practice. 272, Moston Lane, Moston, Manchester. Lee, Haydn (Yorks.). Born February i, 1882, at Wyke, near Bradford. B.Sc., 1903. Draughtsman with Graham, Morton and Co., Hunslet, Leeds, 1904- 1906 ; with Argyll Motors, Ltd., Alexandria, N.B., 1906-1908. 78, Cardigan Road, Leeds. Lee, Norman (Owens). Born November 21, 1877, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. 7, Westbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport. Lee, Rose Evelyn (Owens). Born October 16, 1874, at Bebside, Northumber- land. B.A., 1896. Assistant Teacher at the Roby Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1897-1899. Assistant Mistress at the Sydenham High School for Girls, 1900-1904. Married, April 13, 1904, John A. Judson. 234, Frederick Street, Oldham. Lee, Thorold Dracup (Owens). Born November 19, 1880, at Bolton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. Now working as Manufacturer of Woven Tapestries. Redcliffe, West Kirby, near Birkenhead. Leech, Jane (Univ.). B.Sc., 1903. Leeming, Ernest Leonard. Born July 5, 1889, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Assistant Civil Engineer to Mr. A. H. Mountain, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1 6, John Dalton Street, Manchester. 22, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. 218 Leeming, William Thomas (Owens). Born October 26, 1874, at Burnley, Lanes, B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1904. F.C.S., 1899. Science Master at Accrington Municipal Secondary School, 1895 ; at Nelson Municipal Secondary School, 1897 ; at Ystrad (Glam.) Secondary School, 1900 ; at Accrington Municipal Secondary School, 1902 ; at Simon Langton School, Canterbury, since 1904. The Hollins, Hanover Road, Canterbury. *Lees, Charles Herbert (Owens). Born July 28, 1864, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1885 and (ist class Mathematics) 1886. Derby Scholarship, 1886. M.Sc., 1888. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1888. Honorary Research Fellowship, 1890. D.Sc., 1895. F.R.S., 1906. Studied at Strassburg, 1887-1888. Senior Assistant Lecturer in Physics, Owens College, 1892. University Lecturer, 1895. Lecturer in Physics and Assistant Director of the Physical Laboratories in the Owens College and the University, 1900- 1906. Professor of Physics, East London College, since 1906. Honorary Secretary, Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, 1901-1906. Author of Papers in Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society, Philosophical Magazine, etc., and of contributions to Dictionary of National Biography. Joint Author with Professor Schuster of Text Books on Practical Physics. Greenacres, Mayfield Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. *Lees, David Bridge. Born May 10, 1845, a * Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Trinity College, Cambridge : Foundation Scholar, 1868. B.A. (22nd Wrangler and 2nd class Natural Science Tripos), 1869. Carus Greek Testament Prize, 1867. M.A., 1872. M.D., 1876. Durham University : M.D. (ad eundem), 1896. F.R.C.P., 1881. Physician and formerly Lecturer in Medicine to St. Mary's Hospital, and Consulting Physician to the Hospital for Sick Children, London, Formerly Examiner in Medicine to Durham University and to the College of Physicians. External Examiner in Medicine, Victoria University, 1900-1901. Examiner in Medicine, Cam- bridge University, 1900-1903. 22, Weymouth Street, Portland Place, London, W . Lees, Norman. Born November 15, 1882, at Stockport. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. Research in Chemistry in the University, 1906-1907. Partner in the Mitchell Mill Company, of 75, Piccadilly, Manchester, and the Mitchell Mill, Greenfield, near Oldham, Bleachers, Mercerisers, Dyers, Processers and Winders of Cotton Yarns and Artificial Silk, 1908. F airfield, Davenport, Stockport. Leicester, Elizabeth Emily. Born August 6, 1884, at Northwich, Cheshire. B.A., 1905. Oxford University : Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Mistress in the Girls' Grammar School, Skipton-in-Craven,. since 1906. The Hostel, Skipton-in-Craven. *Leigh, Adamson Lennox (Owens). Born May 30, 1878, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Chemist, North Lincolnshire Iron Company, Limited, Scun- thorpe, Doncaster, since 1900 ; now Manager. North Lincoln House, Frodingham, Doncaster. *Leigh, Arthur (Owens). Born August i, 1869, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. District Medical Officer, Blackburn Union, since 1896. Witton Bank, Blackburn, Lanes. Leigh, George Hamer (Owens). Born January i, 1876, at Stretford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1902. Assistant House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1902. Junior House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary, 1903-1906. House Surgeon, Manchester Northern Hospital, 1906-1907. Rhodes, Middleton, Lanes. *Leigh, Thomas Bowes (Owens). Born May 22, 1867, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1885. Called to the Bar (Middle Temple), 1901. Ashbourne House, Heaton Chapel, Stockport. Leighton, Arthur (Univ.). Born 1881, at Monte Video, South America. B.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1907. Civil Engineer. Assistant Engineer on the Staff of S. Pearson & Son, Ltd., Contractors, Victoria Street, Westminster, London. 72, Wellington Road, Charlton, Kent. Leighton, Thomas William Parkinson. Born November 18, 1877, at Ward End, Birmingham. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. In general practice. Dalton Lodge, Whittle-le-Woods, Charley, Lancashire. Le Mare, Arthur Stanway (Owens'). Born July 17, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1900. Congregational Minister, Nether Green, Leeds. 48, Delph Lane, Leeds. Le Mare, Ernest Bristow (Owens). Born November 17, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. University Fellowship, 1902 (resigned on election to Gartside Scholarship). Gartside Scholarship, 1902. Chemist with American Can Co., Paulsboro', N.J. cjo American Can Co., Paulsboro', New Jersey, U.S.A. Lemon, Alfred Heath (Owens). Born June 22, 1875, a t Abbot's Bromley. B.A., 1902. Minister of Congregational Church, Small Heath, Birmingham, since 1905. Charlesworth, Mansel Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Le Page, Florence Bertha Louise de Wilton (Owens). Born September 2, 1868, at Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. B.A., 1891. M.A., 1894. Assistant Mistress, Hammersmith High School for Girls, 1893-1896 ; in the Liverpool Institute Girls' School, 1896; Second Mistress since 1900. The Poplars, Cheadle, Manchester. Lempriere, Lancelot Raoul (Owens). Born August 30, 1872, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Worcester College, Oxford : B.A., 1894. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899-1900. Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1900. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Crumpsall Infirmary, Man- chester, 1901-1903. Ship's Surgeon, Holt Line, 1903. Medical Officer, Haileybury College, Hertford, since 1903. The Old Vicarage, Swinton, Manchester. 220 Lester, .'..dward Claude (Univ.). Born October 6, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (and class Chemistry), 1899. Science Master, Cranbrooke School, Kent, 1899-1902. Assistant Science Master, Eastbourne College, 1902-1904; Senior Science Master since 1904. Lieutenant, 2nd Battalion Cinque Ports Volunteers. 41, Willingdon Road, Eastbourne. *Lester, Joseph Henry (Owens). Born April 21, 1869, at Penrith. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. F.I.C., 1893. Assistant to Dr. Burghardt, Analyst, Manchester, 1891. Analyst, Burnley Corporation Gas Works, 1892. Consulting Practice in Manchester, 1892-1899. Manager of Chamber of Commerce Testing House and Laboratory since 1895. The Testing House, Royal Exchange, Manchester. *Lett, Hugh (Yorks.). Born April 17, 1876, at Redbourne, Lincolnshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1902. House Surgeon, &c., London Hospital. Assistant Surgeon, London Hospital and Belgrave Hospital for Children. 48, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Lever, Darcy. Born August 5, 1887, at Stretford, near Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. Student at Trinity College, Cambridge. Trinity College, Cambridge ; 12, Union Street, Stretford, Manchester. *Levinstein, Herbert (Owens). Born February 2, 1878, at Prestwich, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1902. Berne University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1900. Research Chemist, Levinstein Limited, Crumpsall Vale Chemical Works, since 1900. Hawkesmoor, Fallowfield, Manchester. Lewis, Charles Richard (Univ.). Born December 8, 1876, at Ditton. B.A., 1896 and (2nd class English Language and Literature) 1897. M.A., 1899. Member of Tutorial Staff, University Correspondence College, Bur- lington House, Cambridge, 1897-1898. Assistant Master, Liver- pool Institute, in 1898, and Cowley Schools, St. Helens, 1898-1901. Head Master, Farnworth Grammar School, Widnes, 1901-1906. Vice-Principal, Widnes Municipal Secondary School, Technical School, and Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. Author of The History of Farnworth Grammar School, 1507-1906 (Too thills, Brad- ford). Occasional University Extension Lecturer. Farnworth, Widnes, Lancashire. *Libbey, Ernest Jackson (Owens). Born August 19, 1868, at Dublin. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1889. M.A., 1893. Assistant Master at Fulneck School, 1889-1890 and 1894-1895 ; at Neuwied-on-Rhine, 1890-1892. Ordained Minister of trie Moravian Church, 1895. I n charge of the Moravian Church, Pertenhall, 1896-1900 ; at Queen's Park, Bedford, 1900. Fulneck School, near Leeds. Libbey, Hubert Cornelius (Owens). Born December 22, 1880, at Horsforth, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1900. Theological Student at Fairfield Moravian College. Assistant Master, Fulneck School, near Leeds, 1902-1906. Ordained Deacon,. 221 Moravian Church, 1906. Assistant Minister, Gracehill. Minister, Moravian Church, Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 1908. Moravian Church, Higher Openshaw, Manchester. *Libbey, John Norman (Owens). Born September 16, 1866, at Dublin. B.A., 1886. M.A., 1892. Assistant Master at Fnlneck School, 1886-1889 ; at Neuwied, 1889-1891, &c. Minister of the Moravian Church, 1893 ; at Fairneld, Man- chester, 1893-1894; at Kilkeel, Co. Down, 1894-1896; at Ayr, 1896-1904 ; at London, 1904-1906. Principal of Fairneld College, 1906. Lecturer in History of Doctrine in the University since 1906. Moravian College, Fairfteld, Manchester. *Lidbury, Frank Austin (Owens). Born March 14, 1879, at Middlewich, Cheshire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1898. Leblanc Medal, 1898. (1851) Exhibition Scholarship, 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Junior Demonstrator in Chemistry, Owens College, 1902. Chemist, Oldbury Electro-Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1903. Works Manager, Oldbury Chemical Co., since 1905. 33, Sugar Street, Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A. Ligertwood, Charles Edward (Yorks.). Born June 22, 1872. [M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1895. M.D., 1897. Late House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, and Resident Medical Officer, Ida Convalescent Hospital, Leeds. With Imperial Light Horse in South Africa, 1900. Medical Superintendent, Reitfontein * Lazarette, Johannesburg. Reitfontein Lazarette, Johannesburg, South Africa. *Lightbody, John Henry (Univ.). Born September 9, 1856, at Berne, Switzer- land. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. M.D., 1893. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1889. L.S.A., 1890. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1890. In general practice at Wybunbury, 1893-1898, and since 1899 at Bexhill-on- Sea. Appointed Factory Surgreon in 1900. St. Andrews, Sea Road. Bexhill-on-Sea. Lilley, Arthur William (Owens}. Born February 5, 1873, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Assistant Medical Officer, Northern Hospital. 724, Rochdale Road, Queen's Park, Manchester. Lindesay, Victor Edward Hugh (Owens}. Born May 24, 1869, at Loughry, Co. Tyrone. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. In general practice at Accrington, 1894-1895. Entered Indian Medical Service, 1895. Captain, 1899. Attached to the ist Battalion IV. Goorkhas ; with China Field Force, Shanghai, 1901. Second Resident Surgeon, Presidency General Hospital, Calcutta, 1903. Medical College Hospital, Calcutta, since 1907. Royal Humane Society Medal, Taku, N. China, 1902. c/o Thos. Cook 6- Son, Calcutta. Lindon, Ernest Kingston Lorraine (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1894. In general practice. Mount Sir Samuel, West Australia. 222 *tLindsey, Charles Richard. Born January 17, 1858, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Chemical Manufacturer. Clayton, Manchester ; 1 1 , Brantingham Road, Whalley Range, . Manchester. Linforth, Edith Mary Elizabeth (Yorks.). Born March 17, 1882, at Lichfield. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, College de Jeunes Filles, Limoges, 1904-1905 ; Cockburn High School, Leeds, 1905-1906 ; Girls' Secondary School, Portsmouth, since 1906. Cragg Cottage, Rawdon, near Leeds. *Linskill, William Arthur (Yorks.). Born August 10, 1879, at Scarborough. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1905. Assistant Engineer to Messrs. Baldry & Yerburgh, Railway Contractors, at Crigglestone, 1899. Engineer to Messrs. Baldry & Yerburgh, Railway Contractors at Liverpool, since 1907. Contractor's Office, 38, Church Road, Seaforth, Liverpool ; Nab View, Throxenby, Scarborough. Linton, Stanley Fox (Univ.). Born January 21, 1876, at Lancaster. B.Sc. (3rd class Physiology), 1898. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. University of Liverpool : B.Sc., 1904. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1900; House Physician, 1901. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1901-1902. Assistant Demonstrator, School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, 1903-1904. Assistant Medical Officer, County Asylum, Rainhill, 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, Manchester, since 1906. Contributed (jointly), Comparison of the Animal Reaction of the Trypanosomes of Uganda and Congo Free State Sleeping Sickness with those of Trypanosoma Gambiense (Dutton), Lancet, 1904, Reports Trypanosoma Expedition Congo, 1903-1904, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Memoir, XIII. Monsall Hospital, Newton Heath, Manchester. Lisbona, Nissim. Born April 16, 1882, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1904. M.A., 1906. Called to the Bar (Gray's Inn), 1908. 184, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Lisle, Minnie Ida. Born April 14, 1885, at East Ham, London. B.Sc., 1906. Science Mistress, Milham Ford School, Oxford. 25, Hibel Road, Maccles field. Lister, Helen. Born March 30, 1883, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Junior Classical Mistress, Wyggeston School, Leicester, since 1907. II, Athol Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Lister, Henry Haines (Owens). B.Sc., 1901. Lister, Herbert Shaw (Owens). Born March 24, 1876, at Eccles, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901. House Surgeon 223 and House Physician, Ancoats Hospital, 1902-1903. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, Crumpsall, 1904-1905 ; Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, since 1906. Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, Cheshire ; Netheroyd, Regent Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. Lister, Martha (Yorks.). Born November 9, 1877, at Bradford, Yorkshire. B.A., 1899. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Hanson Higher Grade School, Bradford, since 1899. 51, Whetley Lane, Manningham, Bradford. *fLittler, Robert Meredith. Born December 13, 1865, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. D.P.H., 1894. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1890. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1894. Late House Surgeon, Southern Hospital, Manchester ; General Infir- mary, Burton-on-Trent, and Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Honorary Medical Officer, Southport Infirmary. Certifying Factory Surgeon. Medical Referee, Workmen's Compensation Act. Surgeon, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, since 1904. 29, Hawkshead Street, Southport. Livesey, Charles Edwin Leonard (Yorks.). Born May n, 1880, at York. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Senior Science and Mathematical Master, St. Bede's Grammar School, Bradford, 1901-1905. Chemistry Lecturer, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. Stonyhurst, near Blackburn, Lancashire. *Livesey, Charles Harold Cort (Owens). Born August 17, 1866, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1885. M.Sc., 1888. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (CEgrotat, Mathematical Tripos), 1888. M.A., 1892. Assistant Master, Cheam School, 1888-1903. Called to the Bar at the Inner Temple, 1893. Science Master, Royal Naval College, Osborne, since 1903. Royal Naval College, Osborne, Isle of Wight. *fLivesey, John Cort. Born January 29, 1864, at Worthen, Salop. B.A., 1904. Worcester College, Oxford : B.A., 1887. M.A., 1890. Ordained Deacon, 1887 ; Priest, 1888. Licensed Preacher, Diocese of Oxford, since 1902. 13, Iffley Road, Oxford. *Livsey, George (Owens). Born December 27, 1871. LL.B., 1893. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1896. Assistant Clerk and Solici'.or to the Wallasey Urban District Council since 1900. Public Office, Egremont, Birkenhead. *Livsey, William Edward (Univ.). Born July 20, 1866, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D., 1903. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.G.P., (Lond.), 1889. L.S.A., 1888. Assistant Surgeon, Liverpool Eye and Ear Infirmary. Late Senior House Physician, Ophthalmic House Surgeon, Assistant Laryn- gologist and Aurist and External House Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary. Formerly Resident Medical Officer and Superintendent, Lock Hospital, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, and Assistant Demon- strator in Anatomy and Prosector, University College, Liverpool. 22 4 Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Liverpool Eye and Ear Infirmary, since 1903. 10, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Llewellyn, Benjamin. Born September 8, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc.,' 1907. Assistant Master, Hague Street Municipal School, Manchester. n, St. Silas Street, Ardwick, Manchester. Llewellyn, Gwladys. Born January 5, 1884, at Stroud. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1906. Graduate Scholar, 1906. Teacher's Diploma, Cambridge, 1907. Assistant Mistress, The High School, Pendleton, Manchester, since 1907. 14, Denstone Road, I rlams-o'-th* -Height, Manchester. *Lloyd, Edward (Owens}. Born August i, 1874, at Trefnant, Denbighshire. B.Sc., 1895. Analytical Chemist with the Brymbo Steel Co., 1895-1896. Manager, Bye-Product Coking Plant, Carlton Iron Works, Durham, 1896- 1905. Manager, Bye-Product Coking Plant, Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., Durham, 1905-1906. Chief Technical Chemist, Simon-Carves Bye-Product Coke Oven Construction and Working Company, Ltd., Manchester, since 1906. 38, Southgrove Road, Sheffield. Lloyd, George Moss ( Univ.}. Born December 28, 1874, at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. B.A., 1895. B.Sc., 1896. M.A., 1902. University of Liverpool : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Liverpool College, in 1895. Assistant Master under Liverpool School Board, 1897 '> a t Queen's Road Board School, Liverpool, since 1899. 15, Queen's Road, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. Lloyd, John Barrow (Univ.}. Born 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Old Hill, Staffordshire ; and afterwards at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Colchester, Essex. 203, Edge Lane, Liverpool. Lloyd, William Gibbs (Univ.}. Born May 24, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant Medical Officer, Walton Workhouse, West Derby Union, 1903-1904. Senior Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Walton Workhouse, West Derby Union, 1904-1906. In private practice since 1906. 53, Marlborough Road, Tue Brook, Liverpool. Lloyd-Davies, Samuel (Owens}. Born November 3, 1871, at Crugybar, Car- marthenshire. B.A., 1895. A.T.S., 1898. Congregational Minister at Rhyddings, Swansea, 1899-1903; at Charlton, London, since 1903. Nonconformist Instructor to Greenwich Union since 1906. 46, Wellington Road, Charlton, London, S.E. Lockett, William Thomas. Born November 16, 1886, at Longton, Staffs. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. Chemist, Manchester Corporation Sewage Works, since 1907. 344, Uttoxeter Road, Longton, Staffordshire. 225 Lodge, Harry Livingston (Yorks.). Born April 3, 1881, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Demonstrator in Physics at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1901-1903. Second Master at Almondbury Grammar School, Huddersfield, since 1903. Slate Pit, Meltham, Huddersfield. Lomas, Alfred (Owens).' Born May 21, 1874, at Fairfield, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Late House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Manchester Clinical Hospital. Castleton, near Manchester. Lomas, Ernest Courtney (Owens). Born December 24, 1864, at Didsbury, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1888. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1907. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1888-1889; Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan, 1889-1890. Medical Officer, Cheadle Convalescent Hospital, 1890-1891. Surgeon in the Royal Navy, 1891. Surgeon of H.M.S. Pigmy during Chino-Japanese War. Surgeon of H.M.S. Terrible, 1898-1900. Served with Naval Brigade in the Relief of Ladysmith. Present at Colenso, Vaal Krantz, and Pieter's Hill. Specially promoted to be Staff-Surgeon. Mentioned in Despatches. Medal with Two Clasps, Companion of Distinguished Service Order, 1900. Fleet Surgeon since 1904. c/o Admiralty, London. Lomas, Harold (Owens). Born September 14, 1875, at Fairfield, Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895. B Electrical Engineer to Messrs. Scott & Lawrence, of Norwich, 1895 ; to Messrs. Blackwell & Co., London and New York, 1898. Branch Manager for the Crocker -Wheeler Electrical Co., of New York, Denver, 1902 ; Washington, 1903 ; Baltimore since 1905. 104, Woodlawn Road, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. Lomax, Ernest Lawson (Owens). Born May 14, 1877, at Leyland, Lanes. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1903. Johnstone Chemical Scholarship, Durham University, 1903-1904. Research Chemist, Explosives Committee, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1904-1906. Chemist with Messrs. S. Pearson & Son, Ltd., Oil Fields Department, Minatitlan, Mexico. Apartado, 116, Minatitlan, Vera Cruz, Mexico. *fLong, Richard England. Born February 13, 1831, in London. B.A., 1882. Congregational Minister since 1858. Formerly Schoolmaster in Liverpool^ 5, Mill Lane, Liscard, Cheshire. Longbottom, Marion Rena. Born February 12, 1885, at Delph, Oldham. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress in Roundthorn (Oldham) Council School since 1907. Rush Hill, Uppermill, Oldham. Longdon, Alfred Eglesfteld (Owens). Born November 13, 1865. B.Sc., 1884. Was an Insurance Agent and Secretary of the Anti-Slavery and Anti- Vivisection Societies in Manchester. Died August 10, 1890. H I 226 Longley, Joseph Alan (Yorks.). Born June 4, 1879, at Hunslet, near Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1906. Commission in R.A.M.C. by Examination, 1903. Resident Ophthalmic Officer, Leeds General Infirmary, 1903-1904. Passed out of R.A.M.C. College, London, 1904. Passed out of R.A.M.C. Depot, 1905. Resigned Commission 1905. Post-graduate work in Leeds Medical School, 1905-1906. Strathearne, Saltburn-by-the-Sea. *Longridge, Charles John Nepean (Owens). Born December 24, 1876, at Old Trafford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1900. M.D., 1901. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1900. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1902. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1905. William Brown Exhibition, St. George's Hospital, London, 1901. Pathologist and Registrar, Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital. Ex- aminer, Central Midwives Board. Late House Surgeon and House Physician, St. George's Hospital, London. House Surgeon, Manchester Children's Hospital. House Physician, Hospital for Women, Soho. Resident Medical Officer, Queen Charlotte's Hos- pital, London. Author of The Puerperium (1906) ; Clinical Report, Queen Charlotte's Hospital, for 1905-1906 ; and numerous papers in Medical Press. 30, Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, London. Longworth, Joseph (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. 25, Queen's Park Road, Blackburn. Lonsdale, Thomas William. Born April 26, 1881, at Newchurch-in-Rossendale. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Park Green, Maccles field, Cheshire. Looker, George Henry (Owens). Born December 29, 1880, at Clay Cross, Derbyshire. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, Wesleyan School, Beverley, 1903-1904. Science Master, Higher Grade School, W. Bridgford, 1904-1905. Chemistry Master, Higher Elementary School, Pentre Rhondda, since 1905. 60, Bailey Street, Ton Rhondda, Glamorgan. Lord, Annie Estella. Born July 23, 1883, at Rawtenstall. B.A., 1904. Bank Street, Rawtenstall. *Lord, Frank. Born January 10, 1881, at Chadderton, Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assoc.M.Inst.M.E., 1906. Chief Instructor of Mathematics, Northampton Institute, Clerkenwell, London, E.C., 1904. Mechanical Master at the Warrington Secondary School and Technical Institute since 1905. 7, Wash Lane, Latch/ord, Warrington. *Lord, George Wilfred (Owens). Born July 12, 1875, at Pendleton, Salford. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1895. M.Sc., 1899. Architect. The Red House, Pendleton, Manchester. *Lord, James (Owens). Born October 24, 1878, at Chadderton. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Demonstrator in Physics, Owens College, 1900-1903. Assistant Engineer to Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Loughborough, 1903-1906. Lecturer in Electric Light and Power Distribution under Loughborough Education Committee, 1903-1906. A.M.Inst.E.E., 1905. 70, Heaton Road, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne. H 2 227 Lord, John (Owens). Born November 2, 1871, at Bury, Lancashire. B.A., 1895. Assistant Master, Loxton Street Board School, Birmingham, 1894- 1899 ; at George Dixon Higher Grade School, Birmingham, 1899- 1900. Chief Assistant, Bristol Street Board School, Birmingham, 1900-1901 ; at Alum Rock Council School, Birmingham, 1901- 1904. Head Master, Manley Park Council School, Manchester since 1904. 16, Alphonsus Street, Old Trafford, Manchester. Lord, John William (Owens). Born February i, 1873, a * Heywood, Lanes. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Waterloo Road Board School, 1897-1900 ; at Higher Grade School, Cheetham, Manchester, 1900-1901. Senior Assistant Master and Tutor, Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, since 1901. 19, Howe Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. *Lord, Lilias Annie. Born March 8, 1882, at Harpurhey, Manchester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Teacher, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bury, Lancashire, since 1904. Oakleigh, White field, near Manchester. Lord, Robert Ellis (Owens). Born January n, 1867, at Rochdale. M.B., Ch.B., 1889 (Distinction in Materia Medica and Anatomy). London University : Matriculation (8ist in Honours), 1883. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1885. M.B., 1890. M.D., 1891. Medical Practitioner. Formerly House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and House Surgeon, Royal Hospital, Salford. Now Surgeon, Colwyn Bay Cottage Hospital. Penlan, Wynnstay Road, Colwyn Bay, N. Wales. *tLord, Robert Harley. Born April 20, 1859, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1880. M.A., 1884. Assistant Master at Bishop's Stortford Grammar School, 1881-1882. Assistant on Staff of New English Dictionary, 1885-1887. Hon. School of Theology (Oxon), 1890. Pastor of the Congregational Church, Westhoughton, since 1891. 159, Church Street, Westhoughton, Lancashire. Lord, Walter Greaves (Univ.). Born September 21, 1878, at Douglas, Lanes. LL.B. (with Honours), 1899. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn, 1900. Arden Scholar, Gray's Inn, 1900, 5, Harrington Street, Liverpool ; 44, Cambridge Road, Southport. Lord, Zachary Mellor (Owens). LL.B., 1903. Love, Jessie. Born September 20, 1881, at Birkenhead, Cheshire. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Birley Street Higher Elementary School, Man- chester, since 1906. 8, Halliwell Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Lovegrove, Frederic Thomas Alexander (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1898. Surgeon, Millars Karri and Jarrah Forests, Ltd., Yarloop, W r est Aus- tralia, 1901-1902. Surgeon, Elder Dempster and White Star Co.'s, 1903. Acting Medical Officer, Kookynie, Western Australia, 1904. 228 Acting District Medical Officer, Marble Bar, Western Australia, 1904-1905. Surgeon, Millars Karri and Jarrah Co. (1902), Ltd., Yarloop, Western Australia, since 1906. Yarloop, South Western Railway, Western Australia. Lowe, Charles Edwin Maximilian (Owens). Born September 9, 1869, at Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Medical Practitioner. Late House Surgeon, Albert Edward Hospital, Wigan. Honorary Surgeon, Crewe Cottage Hospital. Brooklyn House, Nantwich Road, Crewe. *Lowe, Frank Harold (Owens). Born May 21, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1906. Research Studentship (Owens College), 1897. Demonstrator at Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1899. Lecturer and Demonstrator at South Western Polytechnic, Chelsea, London, S.W., 1900. Recognised as Teacher in Chemistry, London Uni- versity, 1904. n, Churchfield Mansions, Hurlingham, London, S.W. Lowe, Joseph Peter (Owens). Born December 3, 1867. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. Merton College, Oxford : 2nd class Classical Moderations, 1888. B.A. (3rd class Lit. Hum.), 1890. M.A., 1897. Late First Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital. Now in partnership with Dr. Fern, at Lawton Street, Congleton. c/o Dr. Fern, Lawton Street, Congleton. *Lowe, Sarah Hannah (Owens). Born August 23, 1875, at Salford. B.Sc., 1898. Lecturer at Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool, since 1899. 53, Gravel Lane, Salford. Lucan, Amy (Univ.). Born October 6, 1879, at Birkenhead, Cheshire. B.A., 1899. Liverpool University : M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, St. Margaret's Higher Grade School, Anfield, 1901. English Mistress, The Higher Tranmere College, Birkenhead, 1904-1906. Geography Mistress, Widnes Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1908. 14, Fairfield Terrace, Victoria Park, Widnes. *Ludlam, Ernest Bowman (Univ.). Born October 31, 1879, near Bakewell. B.Sc., 1899 and (ist class Chemistry) 1900. Leblanc Medal, 1900. M.Sc., 1902. University of Liverpool : M.Sc., 1903. Demonstrator at University College, Bristol, 1900. Fellow of Chemical Society of London, 1901. Science Master at The Friends' School, Ackworth, since 1907. Publications : Three Papers in Journal of Chemical Society (Liverpool), 1903. Friends' School, Ackworth, near Pontefract, Yorkshire. Lumb, Lizzie. Born August 5, 1885, at Barkisland, near Halifax. B.A., 1904. Teacher in Walsden Council School, Todmorden, 1904-1905 ; in Shade Council School, Todmorden, since 1906. The Mount, Todmorden. Lumby, Charles Frederic (Univ.). Born July 31, 1876, at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. B.A., 1900 and (ist class History) 1901. University Scholar, 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. 229 Assistant Master, North Corporation Council School, Liverpool, since 1903. 82, Sheil Road, Liverpool. *Lumby, John Henry (Univ.). Born June 23, 1873, at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. B.A., 1896. Assistant Master, Tranmere Higher Grade School, Birkenhead, 1895- 1899 ; at Longmoor Lane Council School, Liverpool, since 1899. 67, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. *Lundie, Charles Cowan (Univ.). Born November 22, 1868, at Liverpool. Thomasson Prize, 1888. B.A., 1891. Presbyterian Minister. Minister in Charge of Penruddock Presbyterian Church, 1894-1895. Assistant Minister of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Waterloo, 1895-1896. Minister of Trinity Presby- terian Church, Ramsey, 1896. Minister of Seacombe Presbyterian Church since 1904. Moderator of the Presbytery of Liverpool, 1905. 2, Seacombe Villas, New Street, Seacombe. Lunn, Henry Pontefract (Yorks. and Owens). Born February 25, 1876, at Netherton, Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1900. John Harling Scholar in Physics (Owens College), 1900. Assistant Master, Llandilo County School, 1896-1899. Science Master, Coleraine Academical Institution, Ireland, 1901-1903. Second Master, Barry County School, since 1904. Netherton, Huddersfield. *Lunn, Robert Howard (Owens). Born August 21, 1871, at Moscow. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1891. M.Sc., 1897. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, with the Balashinsky Manufacturing Co. since 1893. Balashinsky Manufactory, Moscow, Russia. Lunt, Joseph (Owens). Born July 6, 1866, at Egerton, Bolton. B.Sc., 1886. Demonstrator and Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics, Technical School, Manchester, 1886-1888. Private Assistant to Sir Henry Roscoe, 1888-1895. Chemist, Water Laboratory, British Institute of Preventive Medicine, 1895-1897. Astrophysical Assistant at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1897. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Lustgarten, Joseph (Owens). Born November 20, 1877, at Botosani, Roumania. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Hartley University College, Southampton, 1898-1901. Lecturer in Electrical En- gineering, The Municipal Technical School, Hull, 1901-1903. Lecturer and Demonstrator, The Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, since 1903. Publications: Joint Translator of Die Prufung von Gleichstrom-maschinen, von C. Kinzbrunner ; Joint Author with E. Classen of German Scientific and Technological Readers, Books I. and II. Electric Arc Lamps, by J. Zeidler, trans- lated and extended by J. Lustgarten. Harefield, 277, Great Clowes Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester, " Lyon, Julius Henry (Owens). Born February 14, 1875. B.Sc., 1894. Valparaiso, Chili. *Lyster, Philip Stanley (Owens). Born August 31, 1862. LL.B., 1891. Clare College, Cambridge : B.A., 1884. LL.M., 1888. 1 1 6, Palmer ston Road, Rathmines, Dublin. 2 3 Lythgoe, Thomas Stanley (Owens). Born March 10, 1864, in Manchester. Mus.B., 1894. Teacher of Music. Formerly Organist and Choirmaster, St. George's Church, Hulme. Assistant Organist, Manchester Cathedral, 1894. Choirmaster, St. Paul's Church, Hulme, 1897. Organist and Choirmaster, St. Margaret's Church, Whalley Range. 25, Stamford Street, Old Tr afford, Manchester. M Macalpine, George Lawson (Owens). Born March 28, 1880, at Accrington. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Mining Engineer with the Altham and Great Harwood Colliery Com- panies. Springfield, Accrington, Lanes. Macalpine, James Barlow. Born February n, 1882, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., (Lond.), 1907. Broad Oak, Accrington. *Maccall, William Tolme (Owens). Born September 19, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1899. University Scholarship in En- gineering, 1899. M.Sc., 1902. With Messrs. W. T. Glover & Co., Salford, 1900-1901. Demonstrator in Whit worth Engineering Laboratory, The Owens College, 1901- 1903. First Assistant in the Engineering Department, The Woolwich Polytechnic, Kent. St. Olave's, Hesketh Park, Southport. McCann, Hugh Cameron ( Univ.). Born August 24, 1883, at Egremont, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1905. Liverpool University : B.Eng. (Honours), 1904. With Messrs. Siemens Bros., Dynamo Works, since 1904. Siemens Bros. Dynamo Works, Ltd., Stafford. McCarthy, Eugene Charles (Owens). Born December 13, 1859, at South Shields. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1892. Medical Practitioner. Surgeon-Lieutenant, 4th V.B. Cheshire Regi- ment, 1897. J.P. for Stalybridge, 1894. Poor Law Guardian, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1897. Vaudrey House, Stalybridge. *McClelland, William (Univ.). Born June 17, 1867, at Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician and Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1892- 1893 and 1894-1895. Honorary Surgeon, Liverpool Hospitalf.for Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Ear, 1900. Surgeon -Captain, 4th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery. In general practice at Liver- pool since 1893. 171, Lodge Lane, Sefton Park, Liverpool. McClure, William Ewart (Univ.). Born December 29, 1874, at W T igan. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Science Lecturer to Ashton District Council, 1895-1898. Director of Science Classes, 1899. Head Master, Ashton-in-Makerfi eld Grammar School since 1897. Grammar School, A shton-in- Maker field, Newton-le-Willows, Lanes. 2 3 I McConnan, James (Univ.). Born October 30, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. iJena University: Ph.D., 1904. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Organic Chemistry, University of Liverpool, 1904-1907. Chemist to River Plate Fresh Meat Co., Ltd. since 1907. c/o River Plate Fresh Meat Co., Ltd., Campana, Argentine Republic. *McConnell, Ellen Kennedy (Univ.). Born 1868, at Liverpool. B.A., 1889. Thomasson Prize, 1890. M.A., 1892. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Teacher. 47, Hope Street, Liverpool. McConnell, John William (Yorks.). Born December 27, 1863, at Leeds. LL.B., 1906. Leeds University : LL.B., 1906. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1886. 57, Albion Street, Leeds. MacCormac, William Leonard (Yorks.). Born March 9, 1879, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. F.R.C.S., (Edin.), 1907. Dispensary Surgeon, Bradford Royal Infirmary. House Surgeon, Kidderminster Infirmary ; Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield. Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Leeds Union Infirmary ; Wands- worth Infirmary. The Infirmary, Wandsworth, London, S.W. McCrae, Mrs. John.- See Bruce, Mary Walbrand. McCraith, John Stuart. Born November 7, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1908. Chemist to Daimler Motor Co., Coventry. 99, Widdrington Road, Coventry. *McDonald, Annie Jane (Owens). Born January 13, 1872, at Glasgow. B.A., 1895. Resident Governess at St. Margaret's, Folkestone, 1895-1896. Filled Temporary Posts in Girls' Schools at Hull, Welshpool, Manchester, and Cheadle Hulme, 1896-1897. Mistress at Victoria College, Eccles, 1898-1900. Travelling Governess in Italy, 1901-1902 ; Daily Governess in Pendleton, 1902-1904. Studying for Teacher's Diploma at the University, 1904-1905. Assistant Teacher under the Salford Education Committee, 1905-1905. Acting Principal of Bootle Pupil Teachers' Centre, October, 1906, to January, 1907. Assistant Teacher under Manchester Education Committee since 1907. 3, Birch Grove, Rusholme, Manchester. McDonald, Catherine Davenport (Univ.). Born July 9, 1881, at Litherland, Lancashire. B.A., 1901. Teachers' Diploma (Cambridge), 1903. Assistant Mistress, Girls' County School, Brecon, 1902 ; Colston's Girls' School, Bristol, since 1904. 21, North Drive, New Brighton, Cheshire. Macdonald, Ella Dorothea. Born May 10, 1883, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.A. (3rd class English Literature), 1904. M.A., 1907. Cambridge Teachers' Certificate, 1905. Assistant Mistress, Edgbaston High School for Girls, Birmingham, since 1905. Alder Bank, Bowdon, Cheshire. 2 3 2 Macdonald, Louis Adam (Univ.). B.A.. 1902. *McDougall, Alan (Owens). Born January 3, 1869, at Ardwick, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. M.D., 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894, and Ancoats Hospital, 1894-1895. Assistant Medical Officer, Workhouse In- firmary, Crumpsall, 1895-1896. Senior House Surgeon, Ancoats 'Hospital, 1896-1897. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1897-1898 ; Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1899-1900. Surgeon, S.S. Idomeneus, 1901. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1901 to end of War. Anaesthetist and Casualty Officer, Ancoats Hospital, 1902. Director of the David Lewis Colony since its opening, 1904. Honorary Consulting Medical Officer, Ancoats Convalescent Hospital, Warford, since 1905. David Lewis Colony, Sandle Bridge, near Alderley Edge.. Cheshire. *fMcDougall, Arthur. Born November 30, 1845, at Longsight, Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (Honours in Chemistry), 1862. Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1863. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry, 3rd class Geology), 1864. Corn Merchant. Lyndhurst, The Park, Buxton. McDougall, James Edlington (Univ.}. Born September 3, 1863, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. L.R.C.P. (Edin.) and L.M. 1884. M.R.C.S., 1884. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1893. Formerly Medical Officer of Health, &c., Walton. Medical Practitioner. Throat Physician, Liverpool Chest Hospital. 86, Rodney Street, Liverpool. *McDougall, Percy (Owens'). Born November 1 3, 1869, at Middleton, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. London University : Matriculation (i2th in Honours), 1887. Inter. B.Sc. (3rd class Zoology), 1888. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1889. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, in 1895. In general practice at Fallowfield since 1900. Barcombe, Oak Drive, Fallowfield, Manchester. *McDougall, Robert (Owens}. Born November 25, 1871, at Chadderton, Lanes. B.Sc., 1891. In business as a Flour Miller since 1891. Kingscroft, Green Lane, Buxton, Derbyshire. McDougall, William (Owens}. Born June 22, 1871, at Chadderton, Lanes. B.Sc., 1889 and (ist class Geology), 1890. M.Sc., 1899. St. John's College, Cambridge : Natural Sciences Tripos, Part I., ist class, 1892 Part II., ist class, 1894. B.A., 1894. Walsingham Medal, 1896. M.A., M.B., B.C., 1897. Fellow, 1897. Oxford University : M.A., 1907. House Physician, St. Thomas' Hospital, S.E., in 1897. Reader in Experimental Psychology in University College, London, 1901. Wilde Reader in Mental Philosophy in the University of Oxford since 1903. Foxcombe Hill, Oxford. 233 r Me Fall, John Edward Whitley (Univ.). Born April 24, 1869, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. jln general practice since 1899. Lecturer in Biology and Zoology, Birkenhead Municipal School. Lecturer in Botany, Liverpool Municipal Technical School. House Surgeon, Hospital for Women, Liverpool in 1899. Casualty Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Demonstrator in Toxicology, University College, Liverpool, since 1900. The Brook, Tuebrook, Liverpool. f*f|McFarlane, John. Born in 1874, in Haddingtonshire, Scotland. M.Com., 1905. Edinburgh University : M.A., 1897. King's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1901. Lecturer in Economic and Political Geography in the University of Manchester since 1903 ; Lecturer in Geography, 1908. 30, Parsonage Road, Withington, Manchester. Macfie, James (Owens). Born January 30, 1869, at Manchester. LL.B., 1905. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1892. Commissioner for Taking Acknowledgments of Married Women. Commissioner for Manitoba, N. W. Territories of Canada, N. W. Provinces of India, and Tas- mania. Commissioner for Oaths. ii, Spring Gardens, Manchester. MacGill, James Taylor Rogers (Owens). Born September 30, 1879, at Little- borough. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. In general practice. Hollinbrook House, Littleborough, Lanes. *MacGowan, Elizabeth Anne (Owens). Born September 3, 1869, at Oldham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1891. M.A., 1894. Formerly Assistant Mistress, Whalley Range High School. Has con- tributed to Owens College Historical Essays. Married, December 28, 1899, Alfred Haworth, B.A. Woodend, Bradgate Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. *McGowan, James Sinclair (Owens). Born August 25, 1866, at Brookborough, Co. Fermanagh. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. London University : Matriculation (49th in Honours), 1883. B.Sc., 1885. Inter.M.B. (3rd class Anatomy, 2nd class Physiology), 1887. M.B. (ist class Obstetrics, ist class Forensic Medicine), 1890. B.S., 1809. M.D., 1892. Surgeon. Honorary Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary. Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. 13, King Street, Oldham. MacGregor, John Marshall (Univ.). Born March 8, 1879, at Wallasey. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1899. University Scholarship in Classics, 1899. Balliol College, Oxford : Senior Exhibitioner in Classics, 1899. Classical Moderations, ist class, 1901. Lit. Hum., ist class, 1903. Assistant Lecturer in Latin, 1903, and Assistant Lecturer in Classics, in the University of Liverpool since 1904. The University, Liverpool. McHowat, Annie (Owens). Born August 22, 1876, at Clayton, Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Queen Street Girls' School, 1902-1904. Form 234 Mistress, Municipal Secondary School, Whitworth Street, Man- chester. Married, October 3, 1906, William Henderson Frame. 139, North Road, Clayton, Manchester. *Mdlraith, James (Owens). Born December i, 1877, at Barrow-in-Furness. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D. (gold medal), 1906. Junior House Surgeon, Bury Infirmary, 1901. House Surgeon, Man- chester Royal Infirmary, 1902. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Pendlebury Children's Hospital, 1902-1903. Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Out Patients, 1903-1905. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children, Manchester, 1905. In general practice at Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Mclntyre, Charles Campbell. Born November 25, 1882, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at St. Stephen's Municipal School, City Road, Hulme, since 1905. 181, Worsley Road, Patricroft, Manchester. McKeand, Maggie Woodrow (Yorks.). Born March 6, 1883, at Kirkcudbright. B.A., 1903. Leeds University : M.A., 1906. Assistant, Victoria Council School, Leeds, 1904-1906 ; at Carlton Street Secondary Girls' School since 1906. 61, Tonbridge Street, Leeds. MacKennal, Henry (Owens). Born August 17, 1873. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Died July 2, 1897. Mackenzie, Hector (Owens). Born July 9, 1882, at Glossop. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Convalescent Hospital at Cheadle, 1904-1905. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. House Physician, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, 1906. Senior House Surgeon, General Hospital, Wolverhampton, 1906-1907. In general practice. Loch Maree House, Glossop, near Manchester. *fMcKerrow, James Muir. Born May 17, 1835, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1855. Presbyterian Minister, ordained in Aberdeen, 1859 ; of Camp Hill Presbyterian Church, 1867-1886 ; of Mosgiel Presbyterian Church, 1886. Retired September 30, 1906. 78, London Street, Dunedin, New Zealand. Mackey, Charles (Owens). Born October 18, 1874, at Warrington. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, County Asylum, Lancaster and Prestwich. Late Resident Surgeon and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and Eccles and Patricroft Hospital. Alpha House. School Brow, Warrington. Me Knight, Ethel Thomasine (Univ.). Born June 23, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1899. M.A., 1902. Cambridge University : Student of Newnham College, 1899-1902. Mental and Moral Science Tripos, Class II., Division I., 1902. 235 Awarded Pfeiffer Scholarship at Women's University Settlement, Southwark, London, S.E., 1902. In residence at Settlement, 1902- 1903. District Organising Secretary to Glasgow Charity Organisation Society, Glasgow, 1903-1906. Secretary of Bedford College (University of London) since 1906. 29, Arundel Avenue, Liverpool. *McLachlan, Herbert (Owens). Born August 22, 1876, at Bacup. B.A., 1902 and (ist class History) 1903. M.A., 1905. B.D., 1906. Hibbert Scholar, 1905-1906. Minister of Hunslet Unitarian Church and Assistant Minister of Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds, since 1906. 152, Tempest Road, Beeston Hill, Leeds. MacLaren, James Alexander (Owens). Born January 4, 1870, at Old Trafford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. M.D., 1900. Junior House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1896. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1896-1897. Resident Medical Assistant Officer, Crumpsall Workhouse Infirmary, Manchester, 1897-1898. In general practice at Altrincham, 1899. Surgeon to the Altrincham Hospital and Poor Dispensary since 1903. Regent Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. MacLeavy, George William Muller. Born November 27, 1884, at Ballinderry, Co. Antrim. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Student at the Moravian College, Fairfield, near Manchester, and the United Free Church College, Glasgow, 1904-1907. Assistant Minister at Riseley, Bedfordshire, 1907-1908. Assistant Minister at Fulneck, near Leeds, 1908. West End, Fulneck, near Leeds. McLellan, Harold Scott (Owens). Born March 20, 1877, at Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Holly Mount, St. Helens Road, Pennington, Leigh, Lancashire. McLellan, James (Univ.). Born April 15, 1883, in Kirkcudbrightshire, N.B. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Engineer to S. Pearson & Son, Ltd., Contractors, Westminster, (since 1905. 47, Westbourne Park Road, London, W. fMacMahon, Patrick Sarsfield. Born November 15, 1887, at Sydney, N.S.W. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. 12, Lang ford Road, West Didsbury. MacManus, Hugh Charles (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. 9, Orrell Road, Liscard, Cheshire. *McNabb, Harry Horsman (Owens). Born April 28, 1875, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.D., 1902. In general practice at Stockport, 1898-1899. Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, 1899-1900. House Surgeon, Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, 1900-1904. Assistant Honorary Surgeon, Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester. Sa, St. John Street, Manchester. 2 3 6 Macnab, Stuart. Born July 6, 1884, at Hyde, Cheshire. LL.B., 1905. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1907. 52, Cross Street, Manchester. McNair, Lawrence Crawford (Univ.). Born January 4, 1878, at Port Glasgow, N.B. B.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant to County Analyst for Lancashire, 1898-1900. Chemist and Assistant Manager, Dee Oil Co., Ltd., Saltney, near Chester, 1900. Inspector of Factories (Home Office), Blackburn District, since 1903. 13, Richmond Terrace, Blackburn. *McNicol, Mary. Born November 22, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Botany), 1905. Platt Biological Scholar, 1905. Beyer Fellow, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Visiting Mistress, Manchester High School and Broughton and Crumpsall High School, since 1907. Research Student in Botany in the University. 182, Upper Chorlton Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. MacPherson, Ethel Louisa (Univ.). Born February 28, 1869. B.A., 1890. Assistant Mistress, Liverpool Institute Girls' School, 1891-1895. Second Mistress, Daventry Grammar School for Girls, since 1896. 2, Sandiway Road, Wallasey, Birkenhead. Macpherson, John. Born February 28, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1904. 117, Middleton Street, Moss Side, Manchester. MacVean, Herbert James (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Surgeon, Bradford Royal Infirmary. Late House Surgeon, North Lonsdale Hospital, Barrow-in-Furness, and Resident Ophthalmic and Aural House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds. 5, Devonshire Terrace, Bradford, Yorkshire. Madgavkar, Vasantrao Dinanath. Born April 16, 1882, at Bombay. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. D.P.H., 1907. L. M. & S. (Bombay), 1903. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), L.F.P.S. (Glas.), 1904. 78, Edith Road, North Kensington, London, W. Maffin, Harry (Yorks.). Born March 16, 1881, at Huddersfield. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Late House Surgeon, Hospital for Women and Children, Leeds. Senior and Junior Resident Medical Officer, Public Dispensary, Leeds. Resident Medical Officer, Chelsea Hospital. Acting District Surgeon and Railway Medical Officer, Kimberley. Ashenhurst, Huddersfield. Magian, Anthony J. C. See Capamagian. Maguire, Harry. Born October 30, 1881, at Stratford, London, E. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Custom House Council School, West Ham, since 1906. 61, West Ham Lane, Stratford, London, E. 237 *fMaguire, Robert. Born January 24, 1857, at Salford. B.Sc., 1904. University of London : M.B. (University Scholarship and Gold Medal r Gold Medal Obstetric Medicine, and Gold Medal Forensic Medicine), 1881. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1882. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1883 ; F.R.C.P., 1889. Physician, Consumption Hospital, Brompton. Honorary Consulting Physician, Paddington Provident Dispensary and Benenden Sanatorium. Late Physician, Manchester Southern Hospital ; Pathologist, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; and Assistant Lecturer in Pathology, Owens College. 4, Seymour Street, Portman Square, London, W. Main, David William (Univ.). Born December 12, 1870, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Physician, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1896. Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Widnes, 1896-1897. Stipendiary Medical Officer, Hospital for Consumption, &c., Liverpool, in 1897. Medical Officer of Health, Bollington Urban District, and District Medical Officer, Macclesfield Guardians ; Surgeon Post Office and Police; Certifying Factory Surgeon. Brook House, Bollington, Macclesfield. Mainprice, Geoffrey Dennis. Born July 28, 1885, at Dunham Massey, Altrin- cham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1905. The Birches, Sutton, Macclesfield. Maitland, Thomas Gwynne. See Jones, Thomas Maitland. *Maltby, Samuel Edwin (Owens). Born June 2, 1881, at Derby. B.A., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. M.A., 1905. Master at Friends' School, Wigton, 1905-1907. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Education in the University since 1907. 20, Wilson Street, Derby. Mann, Ernest Edwin (Yorks.). Born November 25, 1880, at Birstall. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. 43, Caroline Street, Saltaire, Shipley. *Mann, Harold Hart (Yorks.). Born October 16, 1872, at York. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1892. Leblanc Medal, 1892. M.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : D.Sc., 1905. Agricultural Chemist. Exhibition Research Scholar, Yorkshire College, 1892. Chemical Assistant for Research, &c., to Royal Agricultural Society, 1895-1897. Resident Chemical Assistant, Research Laboratory, and Pot Culture Station of Royal Agricultural Society, Woburn, 1898-1900. Scientific Officer to Indian Tea Association, 1900-1907. Principal and Professor of Chemistry, Government of Bombay Agricultural College, Poona, since 1907. Author of Scientific papers. Agricultural College, Poona, India. Mann, John Carl (Univ.). Born July 9, 1878, at Rock Ferry. University Scholarship in Medicine, 1898. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1899. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. House Surgeon and Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1902. House Surgeon, Ladies' Charity and Lying-in Hospital, and Obstetric Assistant, University of Liverpool, 1903. Medical Tutor and Registrar, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1903-1905. In private practice at Crosby. c 18, College Road, Crosby, near Liverpool. Mann, William Edward Wormald (Yorks.). Born June 3, 1874, at Drighlington, near Bradford. B.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Leeds Boys' Modern School, 1905. ' Assistant Anglais,' Lycee Faidherbe, Lille, 1906. Modern Language Master, King's Hospital, Dublin, since 1906. King's Hospital, Dublin. Mannings, Richard Arnold (Univ.). Born October 20, 1880, at Rock Ferry. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1900. With Royal Insurance Company, Liverpool, since 1900. 21, Well Lane, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. Manock, Calliroy (Owens). Born November 16, 1881, at Heywood. B.A., 1903. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Secondary School, Ashton -under -Lyne, 1904-1905 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bolton, 1906-1907. 101, Bignor Street, Cheetham, Manchester. *Mark, Harry Thiselton (Owens). Born April 19, 1862, at Winchmore Hill, London, N. Teacher's Diploma, 1897. B.Sc., 1898. Gilchrist Travelling Student- ship, 1899. London University : Matriculation (37th in Honours), 1879. B.A., 1880. B.A. (Honours Philos.), 1904. M.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Bowdon College, 1880-1884. Private Tutor, 1884- 1885. Lecturer on Education, &c., Owens College, 1898, and subsequently in the University. Fordwich, Galley Road, Cheadle, Cheshire. *Marner-Smythe, Louis Henry. See Smythe, Louis Henry Marner. Marples, Percy Morris (Univ.). Born May i, 1877, at Birkenhead. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1897. Jesus College, Cambridge : B.A. (6th Wrangler), 1900. Mathematical Tripos, Part II., Class II., Division I., 1901. M.A., 1905. Financial Secretary, Mansfield House University Settlement, 1901-1903. Senior Mathematical Master, Louth Grammar School, 1903-1906. Assistant Master, King Edward High School, Birmingham, since 1906. 220, Mudstead Road, Gravelly Hill, Birmingham. Marquis, Frederick James. Born August 23, 1883, at Salford. B.Sc., 1906. Mathematical Master, Burnley Grammar School, since 1906. 50, Albion Street, Burnley. Marsden, Dora (Owens). Born March 5, 1882, at Marsden, Yorkshire. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Kepler Senior School, Leeds, 1903 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Colchester, 1904 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre and Preparatory Classes, Altrincham, since 1905. 141, Chorlton Road, Manchester. Marsden, Ernest Vane (Yorks.). Born June 6, 1876, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1897. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at Lilycroft Board School, Bradford, 1897-1898 ; at Belle Vue Secondary School, Bradford, since 1898. 1 6 1, The Mount, Rollings Road, Manningham, Bradford, Yorks. 239 Marsden, Fred (Owens). Born March 14, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1892. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, University College, Bangor, 1892-1899. In the employ of Count Guido Henckel Donnersmarck, Schwien- tochlowitz, Silesia, 1899-1904. With the Bradford Dyers' Associa- tion, 1904-1905. With Messrs. H. Ashwell & Co., Dyers, &c., New Basford," Nottingham, since 1905. 4, Swinton Grove, C.-on-M., Manchester. Marsden, Harold (Owens). Born November 21, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Since 1899 with Messrs. Henry Marsden & Co., Manchester. 4, Swinton Grove, C.-on M., Manchester. Marsden, Herbert. Born March 28, 1882, at Church, Lancashire. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1905. Awarded Research Scholarship at Nottingham University College, 1906. Engaged in Research under Professor Kipping till June, 1907. Since Chemist to Messrs. Packard and Co., Ltd., Chemical Manure Manufacturers, Ipswich. B ram ford, Ipswich. Marsden, Richard Walter (Owens). Born April i, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1887. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1892. M.D., 1896. D.P.H., 1898. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1892. Assistant Medical Officer, Union Hospital, Crumpsall, 1892-1893. Medical Superintendent, Monsall Hospital, 1894. Honorary Physician, Manchester Northern Hospital, 1901 . Honorary Assistant Physician, Manchester Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of Throat and Chest, 1903. Honorary Physician, Ancoats Hospital, 1903. Medical Officer to the Crumpsall Workhouse, 1906. Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases in the University. 3, St. Peter's Square, Manchester. Marsden, Thomas (Owens). Born October 13, 1870, at Darwen. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. In general practice at Darwen since 1896. Nor ford, Railway Road, Darwen, Lancashire. Marsden, Victor Emile (Owens). Born June 8, 1866, at Pendleton, Salford. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1887. M.A., 1895. Journalist. Correspondent of the Standard. Represented the Standard at the Coronation of the Czar, 1896. Author of Songs of an Exile (1892). Italianskaja 5, St. Petersburg, Russia. * Marsh, Cecil Walpole (Owens). Born December u, 1877, at Belfast. B.Sc., 1898. Formerly Estate Agent's Assistant. Now Tin Canister Manufacturer. Chichester Gardens, Antrim Road, Belfast. Marsh, Mabel Edith. Born February i, 1886, at Barrow-in-Furness. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Upholland Grammar School, Orrell, since 1907. n, Stanley Road, Barrow-in-Furness. Marsh, Robert Lawrence. Born May 28, 1884, at Ackworth, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1905. Articled Clerk to Chartered Accountant since 1905. Ingleside, Epping, Essex. 240 ^Marshall, Arthur Milnes. M.Sc., 1893. London University: D.Sc., Fellow, i87/. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1875. M.A. F.R.S. At the Cambridge Zoological Station at Naples in 1875. Studied Medicine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, 1875-1879. Professor of Zoology in the Owens College, Manchester, 1879-1903 ; Secretary, and later Chairman, of the General Board of Studies. Author of numerous works and contributions to Periodicals in Zoology, e.g., to The Quarterly Journal of Microscopal Science ; The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology ; The Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, etc., etc. Died December 31, 1903. Marshall, Charles Frederic (Owens'). Born February 13, 1864, at Birmingham. B.Sc., 1884. M.Sc., 1887. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. M.D., 1891. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1893. Surgeon. House Surgeon, N.E. Children's Hospital, 1890-1891. House Surgeon, &c., Metropolitan Hospital, 1891. Resident Medical Officer, General Hospital, Birmingham, 1892. House Surgeon, London Lock Hospital, 1897. Surgical Registrar to Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, 1893-1894. Assistant Surgeon, Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, Blackfriars, 1899. Author of Sy philology and Venereal Disease (1906), and several Scientific and Medical Papers. 27, New Cavendish Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. *Marshall, Charles Robertshaw (Owens). Born December 25, 1869, at Bradford. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1892. Honorary Research Fellowship, Owens College, 1892. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1899. Cambridge University : M.A. (honoris causa), 1897. Assistant to the Downing Professor of Medicine, Cambridge University, 1894-1899. Professor of Materia Medica, &c., University of St. Andrews, since 1899. External Examiner in the University, 1899. Fair mount, Blackness Avenue, Dundee. Marshall, Frank Edgar (Univ.). Born October 24, 1873, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. L.S.A. (London), 1896. House Physician, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. House Surgeon, Bootle Borough Hospital, 1898. Honorary Anaesthetist, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Surgical Tutor and Registrar, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1900-1901. Honorary Anaesthetist, Liverpool Dental Hospital, since 1899. Honorary Surgeon, St. George's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, Liverpool, since 1902. In general practice in Liverpool. 41, Greenbank Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool. *Marshall, Frederic William Dyson. Born August 7, 1885, at Radcliffe, Lanes. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Master, Fielden Demonstration School, 1906. Carisbrook, Queen's Road, Cheadle Hulme. Marshall, Hannah Ethel. Born April 17, 1882, at Bolton. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Taught in Leigh Pupil Teacher Centre, 1905-1907 ; on Staff of Leigh Grammar School since 1907. High Bank, Park Road, Bolton, Lanes. 241 Marshall, Herbert (Yorks.). Born October 29, 1878, at Shipley, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. University Fellow, 1905. Lecturer in Chemistry, Technical School, Bingley, 1902-1905. Senior Master, Ashville College, Harrogate, since 1905. 7, Spring Cliffe, Green Lane, Shipley, Yorkshire. Marshall, John Dodds. Born September 5, 1878, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1905. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1906. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905-1906. House Physician, Victoria Hospital for Children, London, S.W., 1906 ; Senior Resident Medical Officer since 1907. High Bank, Park Road, Bolton, Lancashire. *Marshall, John Willis (Owens). Born June 22, 1867, at Bishop Auckland. B.Sc., 1888 and (3rd class Chemistry) 1899. M.Sc., 1892. Marburg University : Ph.D., 1895. Head Science Master, Burnley Technical School, 1889-1892. Head Science Master, Dewsbury Technical School, and Demonstrator to the School Board, 1892-1894. Principal of Lancaster College, Morecambe, since 1895. Lancaster College, Morecambe ; 6, Winterdyne Terrace, Morecambe. [Marshall, Joseph (Yorks.). Born September 12, 1885, at Staveley, Yorkshire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. University Fellow, 1905. Honorary Demonstrator in Organic Chemistry in the University of Leeds, 1905. Studying in Munich, 1905-1907. Demonstrator in Organic Chemistry in the University of Leeds since 1907. Spring House, Pilmoor, York. ^Marshall, Joseph William (Owens). Born May 13, 1876, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1898. Formerly Master at Boulevard Higher Grade School, Hull. Now Tutor at Hull Training College. 13, De la Pole Avenue, Hull. Marshall, Lizzie Backhouse (Yorks.). Born March n, 1875, at Garforth, near Leeds. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. Principal of the East Riding Pupil Teachers' Centres at Hull and Driffield. Sycamore House, Crossgates, Leeds. Marshall, Mary Elizabeth (Owens). Born February 14, 1881, at Bolton. B.A., 1903. M.A., 1906. Scholarship for Training at the Maria Grey College. Formerly Assistant Mistress at Bolton Pupil Teachers' Centre. Ass : stant Mistress at Broughton and Crumpsall High School for Girls since 1907. High Bank, Park Road, Bolton, Lanes. Marshall, William Percy (Owens). Born December 30, 1883, at Manchester. B.A., 1903. Studying in the Faculty of Medicine. Baptist College, Rusholme, Manchester. *Marsland, Mary Kelsall (Owens). Born October 24, 1864, a t Mottram-in- Longdendale. B.A., 1895. Teacher's Diploma, 1896. Gilchrist Travelling Student- ship, 1897. M.A., 1904. Assistant Lecturer, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Tottenham, N., 1897 ; at Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool, 1898-1899. Mistress 242 of Method, Ripon Training College, 1899-1902. Mistress of Method in Sanieh Training College and Second Mistress in Sanieh Girls' School, Ministry of Public Instruction, Cairo, Egypt, 1902-1903. Chief Assistant Mistress, Stockport Technical School, since 1904. The Technical School, Stockport. Marston, Fanny (Univ.). Born December 3, 1876, at Ditton. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. 13, Denman Drive, Newsham Park, Liverpool. Martin, Arthur Edward Colston (Owens). Born November 13, 1878, at Bristol. B.Sc., 1904. First Assistant, Leighton Buzzard Boys' Council School, since 1904. 10, Clarence Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Martin, Arthur Francis (Owens and Yorks.). Born at Richmond, Surrey. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D., 1905. Assistant House Surgeon, General Hospital, Bristol, 1901 ; House Physician, 1901 ; House Surgeon and Senior Resident Medical Officer, 1902. Senior House Surgeon, North Staffordshire Infir- mary, Hartshill, Stoke-on -Trent, 1903. House Physician, 1904- 1906. In general practice. Prospect House, Park View Road, Manningham, Bradford. Martin, Ernest Jackson (Owens). Born January 31, 1875, a ^ Sedbergh. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. In general practice. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland. Martin, Ethel Mary (Yorks.). Born April 20, 1880, at Bingley, Yorks. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Roan School for Girls, Greenwich. Orange House, Clarendon Road, Lewisham, London, S.E. Martin, John Graham (Univ.). Born August 6, 1874, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Formerly House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; Honorary Anaesthetist, Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1901. Honorary Medical Referee in Liverpool for the Royal National Hospital for Con- sumption and Diseases of the Chest, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. i, Prince's Gate East, Liverpool. Martin, John Michael Harding (Univ.). Born May 6, 1847, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D., 1892. Brussels University : M.D., 1877. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. F.R.C.S., 1889. Medical Practitioner. Senior Honorary Surgeon (since 1883) of the Blackburn and East Lancashire Infirmary. Senior Medical Officer, ist V.B. East Lancashire Regiment. Captain, Army Medical Reserve. Author of Ambulance Lectures (4th edition, 1895) an< 3 many papers in Medical Journals. J.P. for County Borough cf Blackburn, 1887. Died March 20, 1906. Martin, Vincent Joseph (Univ.). Born February 24, 1878, at New Brighton. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1902. With Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 1900-1902. Engineering 243 Assistant to County Bridgemaster, Lanes. C.C., at Preston, 1902- 1904. Assistant* Superintendent of Works, Public Works Depart- ment, Straits Settlements, since 1904. Public Works Department, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Martin, William Young, junior. Born December 15, 1879, at Atherton. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. . Assistant House Surgeon, Taunton and Somerset Hospital, 1905. In general practice since 1906. Buckley House, Atherton, near Manchester. Mason, Arnold Telford. Born January 22, 1885, at Manchester. LL.B., 1905. n, Birch Lane, Longsight, Manchester. Mason, John Harold (Yorks.). Born October 5, 1875, at Lee > Kent. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. In practice at Bradford since 1897. Assistant Surgeon, Bradford Eye and Ear Hospital, 1900. Springcliffe House, Heaton Road, Bradford, Yorks. *fMason, Rupert. Born January 16, 1859, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (58th in Honours), 1876. Inter. B.A. (2nd class Latin), 1878. B.A. (3rd class Classics, 3rd class German), 1879. Cotton Spinner at the Oxford Mills, Ashton-under-Lyne. J.P. Audenshaw Hall, Audenshaw, Lanes. Mason, William (Owens}. Born August 5, 1872, at Heywood. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1896 and (ist class Physics) 1898. Uni- versity Scholarship in Engineering, 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Articled Pupil of Mr. James Diggle, C.E., Heywood, 1891-1893. Junior Demonstrator in Engineering, Owens College, 1897-1899. Engineer with Mr. C. J. Wills, 1899-1900. In Public Works Department, Indian Government, 1900-1902. Senior Demonstrator in En- gineering, King's College, London, 1902-1905. Lecturer in Engineering, Liverpool University, since 1905. 6, Wyndcote Road, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. *Massey, Harold Fletcher (Owens}. Born April 18, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1892. Engineer (Messrs. B. & S. Massey, Openshaw). 2, Desmesne Road, Wilbraham Road, Fallow-field. *fMass2y, Walter Cartwright. Born January 7, 1854, at Sale, Manchester. B.A., 1882. . London University : Inter. B.A. (2nd class English), 1872. B.A., 1878. Assistant Master, Honiton Grammar School, 1878-1881 ; Huddersfield College, 1882-1886; Bedford Grammar School, 1886-1906. Ordained by Bishop of Ripon, deacon, 1884; priest, 1885. Curate of Birchencliffe, Huddersfield, 1884-1886. Vicar of Tresmere since 1906. The Vicarage, Tresmere, Egloskerry R.S.O., Cornwall. *Mather, John de Ville (Owens). Born October 16, 1881, at Rawtenstall. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. M.D., 1906. Medical Practitioner. Assistant Demonstrator in Practical Morbid Histology, Owens College, 1902. Assistant Medical Officer, Con- valescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1903. House Physician, Manchester 244 Royal Infirmary, 1904 ; and Casualty House Surgeon, 1906. Junior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospitals, Manchester ; and Senior Resident Medical Officer and Radford Resident, 1905. Author of Pathology of Cancer of the Cervix Uteri (1906). 7, Granville Avenue, Broughton Park, Salford. Mather, Ernest. B.Sc., 1906. 10, Eden Terrace, Bolton. Mathwin, Frank Sirett (Owens). Born May 19, 1869, at Birkdale, Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Late House Surgeon, Southport Infirmary, and Honorary Consulting Surgeon, Mooroopna Hospital, Victoria. Surgeon to Orient and other steamship companies. In general practice, Nathalia, Victoria, Australia, 1899-1905; Lilydale, 1905-1906. Medical Officer of 1 Health, Snowtown. J.P., South Australia. Now in general practice at Snowtown. Snowtown, South Australia. Matthews, Craufurd Tait (Yorks.). Born January 8, 1879, at Wellington College. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician at General Infirmary, Leeds, 1903 ; Ophthalmic House Surgeon, 1904 ; Resident Ophthalmic Officer, 1904. Dunvegan, Greenfield Road, Colwyn Bay, North Wales. Matthias, Emily. Born July 7, 1883, at Hanley, Staffs. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Potteries Pupil Teachers' Centre, Hanley, since 1905. 22, Snow Hill, Hanley, Staffs. Maudsley, Frank (Owens). Born August 3, 1882, at Burnley. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant to Raymond Ross, Esq., F.I.C., F.C.S., Public Analyst for Burnley. Passed Final Examination for the Associateship of the Institute of Chemistry, 1907. IT, Woodgrove Road, Burnley, Lanes. Maudsley, Richard Thompson (Owens). Born September 4, 1875, at Burnley. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. Mercer Scholarship, 1896. Assistant Manager with Messrs. Brunner, Mond & Co., Lostock Alkali Works. Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam, near Northwich. Maule, Catherine Jane (Univ.). Born July 15, 1876, at Alnwick. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Bedford College, Liverpool, 1897. Private Teaching, 1901-1905. Assistant Mistress at Broomfield School, Didsbury, Manchester, 1905-1907 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, since 1907. 5, Selborne Street, Liverpool. Mawdsley, Henry Aloysius (Univ.). Born November 25, 1875, at Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Late Assistant Medical Officer, Haydock Lodge Asylum, 1898. 239, Westminster Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool. Mawdsley, Joseph Bentley (Univ.). Born October 14, 1867, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Medical Practitioner, 8, George Street, Oldham. 2 45 Maxim, James Leonard (Owens). Born January 16, 1877, at Lowerfold, Rochdale. B.Sc., 1903. i Lecturer in English and Assistant Lecturer on Practical Mathematics, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, 1904-1905. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Physics, Pupil Teachers' Centre and Municipal Technical School, Rochdale, since 1903. Lecturer on Geology, Municipal Technical School, Rochdale, since 1903. 404, West View, Whitworth Road* Rochdale. *Maxwell, Arnold Ashby (Owens). Born November 5, 1874, at Lahore, India. B.Sc., 1898. With Messrs. Reavell & Co., Ipswich, 1898-1900 ; with Charing Cross and Strand Electricity Supply Corporation, Ltd., since 1900. 29, Woolwich Common, Woolwich, Kent. Maxwell, Helen Brown Scott (Univ.). B.A., 1901. Maxwell, John (Owens). Born December 2, 1873. Gilchrist Scholarship, 1890. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1893. University Scholarship in Classics, 1893. Magdalen College, Oxford : Classical Moderations, ist class, 1895. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1897. Entered Indian Civil Service, Lower Provinces, 1897. Died April 27, 1901, at Patna. Maybury, Percy Tindell. Born June 14, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. Sunny Side, 48, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Meadowcroft, Lancelot Vernon. Born January 2, 1884, at Lancaster. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1904. Derby Scholar, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Cambridge University : First class Natural Science Tripos, 1906. Trinity College, Cambridge. *fMeek, John William. Born June 27, 1854, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (University Scholar and Gold Medal in Forensic Medicine, ist class Honours in Medicine, and Honours in Obstetric Medicine), 1880. M.D., 1881. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1877. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), and L.S.A., 1877. Late House Physician, House Surgeon, and Obstetric Resident, Guy's Hospital, London. General Medical Practitioner. The Chestnuts, 329, Norwood Road, Herne Hill, London, S.E. *Meeson, Joseph Arthur (Owens). Born August 2, 1858, at Wolverhampton. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1884. LL.B., 1886. M.A., 1887. University Extension Lecturer, 1899. Congregational Minister, 1886. Pastor of Congregational Church, Denton, 1886-1890 : of Congregational Church, Harrogate, 1890- 1897 ; of Congregational Church, Burnage, 1900-1904. Assistant Master Grammar School, Manchester, 1899-1900. Private Tutor since 1901. Venezia, Didsbury, Manchester. Mehta, Sumant Batukram (Owens). Born July I, 1877, at Surat, Gujrat. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Special Medical Officer, Dufferin Hospital, 1902 ; House Surgeon, 1904. Civil Surgeon, Naosari, Bombay Presidency, since 1906. Civil Hospital, Naosari, Bombay Presidency. 246 *Meischke-Smith, William (Owens). Born August 9, 1868, in London. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1887. M.Sc., 1890. Civil Engineer. Assistant Engineer on Burntisland and Inverkeithing Railway Contract, 1887-1890 ; on the Selangor Railways, Straits Settlements, 1890-1892 ; on Imperial Chinese Railway, 1893-1894. Engineer and Managing Director of the Gas Traction Co. since 1896. Author of Croquis Chinois, Kinderendey Zow, Den A ardbol Om. *Melhuish, Sarah (Univ.). Born April, 1861, at Oxton, Cheshire. B.A. (ist class History), 1890. Thomasson Prize, 1891. M.A., 1905. Charles Beard Research Scholarship, University College, 1890. Somerville College, Oxford : Final School of Modern History, 2nd class, 1892. Tutor in History, Somerville College, Oxford, 1892-1896. Head Mistress of a Private School in York, 1896-1900. Principal, College Hall of Residents for Women Students, Byng Place, Liverpool, 1900- 1905. Lecturer in Education in the University of Liverpool since 1907. The University, Liverpool. *Melland, Brian (Owens). Born February 27, 1864, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1883. M.Sc., 1886. London University : Preliminary Scientific (M.B.) (3rd class Zoology), 1881. Inter.M.B. (ist class Physiology), 1885. M.B. (2nd cjiass Forensic Medicine), 1888. Medical Practitioner. Formerly Surgeon, Las Palmas Seamen's Hos- pital. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Hospital for Sick Children. The Bower, Ashley Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. *fMelland, Charles Herbert. Born in 1872, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (ist class Honours in Forensic Medicine), 1897. M.D., 1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1894. M.R.C.P., 1902. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1899. Assistant Director and Director of the Clinical Laboratory, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1901-1905. Senior Honorary Physician, The Ancoats Hospital, Manchester. Assistant Physician, Manchester Northern Hospital for Children. 96, Mosley Street, Manchester ; f 344, Oxford Road, Manchester. *Melland, Godfrey (Owens). Born June 5, 1867, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1888. M.Sc., 1903. A.R.S.M., F.I.C. Demonstrator in Metallurgy, Owens College, in 1894. Lecturer 'on Chemistry, Horticultural College, Swanley, Kent, 1894-1895. Lecturer on Metallurgy and Demonstrator of Chemistry, University r College, Nottingham, 1895-1897. Lecturer on Metallurgy, Mason College (now the University), Birmingham, 1897-1902. Head of Metallurgical Department, Technical College, Swansea, 1902- ^1904. Head of Chemical and Metallurgical Departments, The Woolwich Polytechnic, since 1904. )The Polytechnic? Woolwich. Melling, William Thomas (Owens). Born September 30, 1875, at Coronel, South America. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Late House Surgeon, Eccles and Patricroft Hospital ; House Surgeon and Physician, Ancoats Hospital. Assistant Medical Officer, Salford Fever Hospital. c/o Rev. W. H. Ashton, Edenfield, Whalley Range, Manchester. 247 Mellor, Alfred Ayre (Owens). Born October 13, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Bowen Research Scholar, Mason College, Birmingham, 1898-1899. ; r Engineer to Contractors. Assistant Engineer on the new Woodford to Ilford Railway, 1899-1902 ; Brecon and Merthyr Extension to Barry Railway, 1902-1905 ; Brompton and Piccadilly Circus Railway, 1905. Birmingham and North Warwickshire Railway t since 1906. Meliden, Shirley Road, A cocks Green, Birmingham. Mellor, Mrs. A. A. See Dean, Gertrude Augusta. f Mellor, Edward Thomas. Born August 2, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1895. F.G.S., 1901. Assistant Demonstrator in Botany, Owens College, 1896. Professor of Biology and Geology, Hartley University College, Southampton, 1897-1901. Geologist, with Geological Survey of the Transvaal since 1902 ; Acting Director since 1906. Geological Survey, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa. *Mellor, Herbert Edward. Born March 20, 1887, at Withington, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1906. Graduate Scholar in Engineering, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Research Student in the University, 1906-1907. 19, Chatham Grove, Withington, Manchester. *Mellor, Harold Porter (Owens). Born March 7, 1873, at Manchester. B.A., 1892. LL.B., 1895. Solicitor at 6, Booth Street, Manchester. Admitted 1897. Arley House, Withington, Manchester. *fMeHor, Joseph William. B.Sc., 1904. New Zealand : D.Sc., 1902. West View, Longport, Staffs. Mellor, Theodora. Born July 19, 1887, at Rainow, near Macclesfield. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress at the Manchester High School for Girls since 1907. Highlands, Hillside Road, Colwyn Bay. Mellowes, Harry William (Owens). Born September 3, 1873, at Brockweir, near Chepstow. B.A., 1894. Master at Moravian School, Fulneck, 1895-1898. Minister of Moravian Church, Swindon, 1899-1904 ; of Moravian Church, Baltonsborough, Somerset, 1904 ; of Moravian Church, Bath, since 1904. n, Charlotte Street, Bath. Melville, Ellen Louisa (Yorks.). Born December 9, 1877, at Leeds. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1903. Leeds University : M.A., 1905. Principal at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Cleethorpes. Now Assistant Mistress of Method in the University of Leeds. The University, Leeds. Mercer, Charles Henry. Born March 29, 1886, at Clitheroe. B.A. (3rd class Economics and Political Science), 1906. Since engaged in Research at Charlottenburg. 82, Central Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. 2 4 8 Mercer, James (Univ.). B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1903. Derby Scholar, 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since 1907. Mercer, Richard Hubert. Born July 27, 1884, a t Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Surgeon, Beckett Hospital, Barnsley. 82, Preston New Road, Blackburn. Mercer, Thomas Unsworth (Univ.). Born January 31, 1870, at Hale. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. D.P.H., 1906. In general practice. Medical Officer of Health, Whiston Rural District. Ingleside, Hough Green, near Widnes. Merchant, Ernest Frederick (Univ.). B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1901. Deceased. *Merrall, Harry (Owens). Born September 8, 1864, at Bury, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1887. Medical Practitioner. Late Surgeon-Captain, 2nd Royal Guernsey Light Infantry, and Surgeon, Town Hospital, Guernsey. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, St. Annes-on-Sea. Fellow of the British Climatological and Balneological Society. Monterey, 7, North Drive, St. Annes-on-Sea, Lanes. Metcalfe, James Croxon (Owens). Born June 19, 1878, at Aberystwyth. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Supervisor, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1904-1905. Director, Da vies & Metcalfe, Ltd., Romiley, Manchester. Sheen Bank, Fallowfield, Manchester. Miall, Laurence (Yorks.). Born February 25, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1897. Died September 5, 1901. Miall, Winifred (Yorks.). Born June 16, 1871, at Bradford. B.A., 1892. Assistant Mistress at Girls' Endowed School, Skipton, 1892-1894. Married, August 7, 1894, Harold W. T. Wager, F.R.S., Inspector under the Board of Education, Secondary Branch. Hendre, West Park, Far Headingley, Leeds. Middleton, Basil Charles (Owens). Born January 3, 1876, at Adlington, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Died July 20, 1902, at Preston. *Middleton, Florence Jane (Owens). Born January 29, 1880, at Hollinwood, Oldham. B.A., 1902. Assistant Teacher at the 'Hugh Myddelton' Higher Grade School, London, 1902-1903. Assistant Mistress at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Stretford Road, Manchester, 1903-1904. Form Mistress at Stret- ford Road Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. 387, Manchester Road, Hollinwood, Oldham. Millar, Mrs. J. See Steele, Lily H. 249 *Millar, Marian (Owens). Born December 21, 1848, at Manchester. Mus.B., 1894. Professional Diploma with Honours (Pianoforte) Incorporated Society of Musicians, 1886. Professor of Harmony, 1884-1901 ; of the Pianoforte, Manchester High School for Girls, 1874-1901. Kenilworth, Portland Road, Bowdon. ' Miller, Edwin Swainson (Univ.}. Born February 7, 1869, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1894. Entered Royal Navy as Surgeon, 1895 ; Staff-Surgeon since 1903. Holloway House, Heybridge, Essex. Miller, James McPherson (Owens). Born September 14, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), .1897. M.Sc., 1900. Research Student, Owens College, Manchester, 1897-1898. Lecturer on Chemistry, Municipal Technical School, Birmingham, 1898. Research Student, University of Halle, Germany, 1899. Chemist with Grant & Co., Ltd., Silk Manufacturers, Dyers, &c., Great Yarmouth, 1901 ; with Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, Ludwig- shafen am Rhein, Germany, 1904. Manager, The Badische Co., Ltd., Bradford, since 1907. c/o The Badische Co., Ltd., 24, Nelson Street, Bradford, Yorks. *Miller, John Poynter (Owens). Born July 22, 1864, at Aberdeen. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1886. Aberdeen University : M.A., 1884. At Berlin University, 1886-1887.. Chemical Manufacturer. 10, Queen's Terrace, Aberdeen. Miller, John Watterson (Univ.}. Born June 10, 1876, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.D., 1903. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1901. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Assistant Surgeon, East Dispensary, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1900-1901. Medical Officer, Liverpool Hospital for Infectious Diseases, 1902. Plague Medical Officer, Punjab Government, and attached to Plague Research Laboratories, Bombay, 1902-1903. Assistant, Public Health Department, West Riding of Yorkshire County Council, 1903. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Blackburn, 1904-1906. In private practice in Blackburn. 125, Whalley New Road, Blackburn, Lanes. Miller, Thomas Henry (Owens). Born March 10, 1873, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. L.D.S. (Eng.). 1897. Dental Surgeon. Honorary Dental Surgeon, Preston Royal Infirmary. 95, Fisher gate, Preston, Lanes. Millett, John Thom-as (Owens). Born March 4, 1865, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Physiology), 1887. M.Sc., 1892. Second Master, Eccles Grammar School, 1875-1879 ; County School, Pengam, 1887 ; Lewis Endowed School, Gelligaer, near Cardiff, 1888-1901. Assistant Engineer, Board of Water Supply, New York City, U.S.A., since 1907. West Shahan, New York, U.S.A. 2 5 Milligan, John Lloyd (Univ.). Born August 9, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1903. Motor Draughtsman, Vauxhall Ironworks Co., Ltd., London, 1903. Now Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton. 44, Rothesay Road, Luton, Bedfordshire. Millington, Edward Turner (Owens'). Born October 30, 1881, at Higher Broughton, Manchester. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1903. Cadetship, Ceylon Civil Service, 1904. Police Magistrate and Com- missioner of Requests at Avisawella, Ceylon, 1906. First Office Assistant to Government Agent, Kurunegala (North-west Province), since 1906. Kurunegala, Ceylon. Millman, Oliver John (Owens'). Born February 20, 1879, at Wolverhampton. B.A., 1902. Appointed to Baptist Mission High School, affiliated to the Calcutta University, Serampore, Bengal, India, 1903. The College, Serampore, Bengal. fMills, John Saxon. Born at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A., 1908. St. John's College, Cambridge : M.A., 1885. Formerly Editor of Cape Times. Now chief leader-writer, Manchester Courier. Heather Lea, Birch Grove, Rusholme, Manchester. * Milne, James. Born May 4, 1883, at Dublin. B.Sc., 1904. Pupil Engineer, Great Western Railway, Swindon. Clondillure, Highfield Road, Dublin. Milne, John (Owens). Born July 14, 1874, at Shaw, near Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Houss Surgeon, &c., General Hospital, Nottingham, 1898. Surgeon in private practice. 68, Manchester Old Road, Middleton, near Manchester. *fMilner, Edmund Taylor (Owens). Born February 26, 1859, at Salford. B.Sc., 1904. Oxford University : B.A. (ist class Natural Science), 1881. M.A., 1886. M.B., 1886.' M.R.C.S., 1885. Late Resident Surgical Officer and House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital. 6, The Crescent, Salford. *Milner, Harold Wood (Yorks.). Born March 14, 1874, at Malton, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1893. M.Sc., 1896. A.M.I.C.E., 1900. With Messrs. Hulme & Lund, Engineers, Manchester, 1894-1896. With Messrs. Mather & Platt, Engineers, Manchester, 1897. With Messrs. Marks & Clerk, Consulting Engineers, London, 1897-1898. With North Eastern Railway Co. (Dock Engineer's Office), 1899-1902. Assistant Engineer, Department of Public Works, Government of India since 1903. The Mount, Malton, Yorkshire. Milner, John Edward (Yorks.). Born May 4, 1873, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1894. Assistant Teacher in the Leeds Southern Higher Grade School. 34, Green Mount Terrace, Beeston Hill, Leeds. Mines, Robert Allan (Owens). Born June 17, 1867, at Heckmondwike. B.A. (2nd class History), 1888. M.A., 1891. University of St. Andrews : B.D. Went out to China as a Missionary and returned home invalided. 27, Park field Road, Liverpool. 25 1 Minshall, Ernest Ditchfield (Univ.). Born July 16, 1870. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Died 1903. Mitchfell, Myra (Yorks.). Born June 29, 1882, at Sunderland. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress "in Council Schools under West Hartlepool and Guildford Education Committees, 1904-1906. Student Teacher, Merchants Taylors' Girls' School, Great Crosby, in 1907. Assistant Mistress at the Secondary School, Heanor, 1908. Etta Bank Road, Langley, Heanor, Derbyshire. Mitchell, Willy. Born June 30, 1883, at Sowerby. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master, Huntsmans' Gardens Council School, Sheffield, since 1907. 10, Denham Road, Sheffield. Moat, Mrs. C. W. See Handley, Christine. Moffet, William Percy. Born December 7, 1883, at Kendal. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, since 1907. Park Lea, Kendal. Moir, John Lowndes. Born December 20, 1882, in Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1908. Brereton Hall, Sandbach, Cheshire. Molyneux, Edward (Univ.). Born October 16, 1865, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. M.R.C.S. (Eng)., 1889. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1889. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1889. Formerly House Surgeon, Gynaecological Wards, Royal Infirmary. House Surgeon in General Surgical Wards, Royal Infirmary. Senior House Physician, Royal Infirmary. Medical Officer of School Board, 1902-1908. Medical Superintendent of Garston Accident Hospital, 1902-1908. Engelberg, 70, Scarisbrick New Road, Southport. *Monk, James Edmundson (Owens). Born March 6, 1874, at Padiham, Burnley. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1894. Civil Engineer. Acted as Contractor's Engineer to Messrs. Nuttall & Co., in the resewering of Cambridge, on the Barnstaple and Lynton Light Railway, and in the Construction of Warehouses on Salford Docks. Appointed Assistant Engineer, Assam and Bengal Railway, 1897. I n charge of a Sub-Division on Hill Section of Assam Bengal Railway Construction, 1897-1903. In charge of Patwas Sub-Division on Construction of Hill Section of Grand Chord East India Railway, 1903-1905. On Staff of Price, Wells & Reeves, Contractors for Alexandra Dock, Bombay, since 1905. c/o Grindlay, Groom 6- Co., Bombay. Monks, Ernest (Owens). Born February 6, 1871, at Ainsworth, Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Junior House Surgeon, Bury Infirmary, in 1896. Fair Lawn, Haulgh, Bolton. Montgomery, John Knowles (Univ.). Born May 23, 1873, at Chester. B.Sc. (and class Mathematics), 1892. Christ's College, Cambridge : B.A. (2nd class Historical Tripos), 1895. Journalist. Sub-Editor of Irish Homestead, Dublin, 1897. Editor, 1898-1900. Editor of Wicklow Standard since 1900. 12, Leitrim Place, Wicklow, Ireland. 252 Montmorency, Frederick Raymond de (Univ.). Born November 22, 1879, at Leamington. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor (Honours), admitted 1903. Assistant Secretary to the Education Committee of the County Council of the North Riding of Yorkshire, in 1905. Engaged in County Work. The County Hall, Lewes. Mooney, John (Owens). Born August n, 1871. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Late House Surgeon, Cardiff Infirmary. 236, Brunswick Street, Manchester. *Moorby, William Henry (Owens). Born April 13, 1872, at Sale. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1894. University Fellowship in Science, 1894. Honorary Research Fellowship, Owens College, 1895. (1851) Exhibition Research Scholarship, 1895. M.Sc., 1897. Civil Engineer. Demonstrator in Engineering, Owens College, 1896- 1897. Assistant Civil Engineer in H.M. Naval Establishments ; at Devonport Dockyard, 1897-1900 ; at Jamaica Yard, 1900. Civil Engineer at Devonport Dockyard, 1903 ; at Gibraltar Dock- yard since 1905. H.M. Naval Yard, Gibraltar. Moore, Constance Gertrude (Owens). Born June 24, 1867. B.A., 1888. Married, Foster. 154, Falkner Street, Liverpool. *Moore, Charles Watson. Born March 9, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Munich University : Ph.D., 1907. With Prof. A. Hantzsch, at Leipzig, 1904. With Prof. R. Willstatter, at Zurich, 1905-1907. With Messrs. Burroughs and Wellcome, Snow Hill, London. 38, Desmesne Road, Manchester, S. *Moore, Frederick Craven (Owens). Born May 19, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1891. University Scholarship in Anatomy, etc., 1893. M.Sc., 1894. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1895. M - D - (Gold Medal), 1898. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. Honorary Physician, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester. Lecturer on Medicine, University of Manchester. Lecturer on Hygiene, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Formerly Demon- strator and Assistant Lecturer in Pathology, Owens College. Medical Registrar, Pathological Registrar, and House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. The Priory, Ardwick Green, Manchester ; 96, Mosley Street, Manchester. Moore, Harold Ettrick. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. 6, Denmark Road, Whitworth Park, Manchester. Moore, James Herbert (Owens). Born October 28, 1875, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master, Stockport Technical School, since 1897. 53, Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley, Stockport. 253 *fMoore, Norman. Born January 8, 1847, a * Higher Broughton, Manchester. B.A., 1882. S*. Catharine's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1869. M.A., M.B., 1872. M.D., 1876. F.R.C.P., 1877. Physician. Bradshaw Lecturer, 1889. Harveian Orator, 1901. Fitz- patrick Lecturer,. 1905-1906 ; Censor, 1904-1905 (Royal College of Physicians). House Physician, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1872-1874 ; Medical Tutor, 1873-1879 ; Demonstrator of Morbid Anatomy, 1879-1887. Warden of the College, 1874-1891 ; Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy, 1874-1885. Lecturer on Pathology, 1887-1893. At present Physician and Lecturer on the Principles and Practice of Medicine. Representative of the Royal College of Physicians on the General Medical Council. 94, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, W. Moore, Samson Courtenay (Univ.). Born March 14, 1875, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Formerly House Surgeon and Gynaecological Resident, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; House Physician, David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool. District Medical Officer, Jarrahdale. Jarrahdale, West Australia. *Moore, Samson George (Univ.). Born July, 1865, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. M.D., 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Port Sanitary Authority, Liverpool. Late Resident Medical Officer, Union Infirmary, Leeds. Now Medical Officer of Health for Huddersfield. Public Health Department, Huddersfield. :Moorfield, Bertha Mima. Born June 28, 1886, at Platt Bridge, Wigan. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Oldham Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. The Lowlands, Platt Bridge, Wigan. Moorfield, Samuel Howarth (Owens). Born December 13, 1883, at Platt Bridge, Wigan. B.Sc., 1903. Apprentice, Wigan Corporation Electricity Works, 1903-1904; Head of Testing Department since 1904. The Lowlands, Platt Bridge, near Wigan. -*Moorhouse, Charles Herbert (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Anaesthetist (late House Physician and Resident Obstetric Officer), Leeds General Infirmary. Carlton Lodge, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Moorhouse, Edward Albert (Univ.). Born February 15, 1878, at Great Crosby. LL.B., 1899, Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor (2nd class Honours, Solicitors' Final). Timpson Martin Gold Medallist, 1901. Managing Clerk with the Dock Solicitor, Liverpool, since 1902. Dock Office, Liverpool ; St. Clevis, Sal ford Road, Ainsdale. Moran, Florence. Born April 23, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Cavendish Street Girls' School, All Saints, Man- chester, since 1906. 128, Greenheys Lane, C.-on-M., Manchester. Moran, Margaret Elizabeth. Born August 6, at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. B.Sc., 1906. Science Mistress, Higher Elementary Division School, Ducie Avenue, Manchester. The Haven, Springfield Road, Sale, Cheshire. Moran, Peter. Born October 22, 1881, at Everton, Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Junior Resident Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Hospital, Crumpsall, since 1907. Crumpsall Workhouse Hospital, Manchester ; 12, Lome Street, Wigan. Moreton, Joseph (Owens). Born January 31, 1875, a ^ Weaverham. B.Sc., 1895. University Scholarship in Anatomy, &c., 1896. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1899. M.D., 1903. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899-1900 ; Southern Hospital, Manchester, in 1900. Practised in South Africa, 1903- 1905. Commenced Practice in Middlewich, 1905. Medical Officer, Mid-Cheshire Hospital for Infectious Diseases, since 1905. Nantwich Road, Middlewich, Cheshire* Morgan, Aldwyth Kate. Born November 30, 1882, at Llandilo. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Merry\vood Higher Grade School, Bristol, 1905- 1906 ; at Neath Pupi'l Teachers' Centre, 1906 ; at Chippenham District and Technical School since 1907. 7, Bridge Street, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. Morgan, Annie. Born April 4, 1882, at Deri, near Cardiff. B.A., 1906. Mistress at the Girls' Secondary School, Portsmouth, since 1906. Gwernllwyna Farm, Deri, via Cardiff, Morgan, Edward. Born January 25, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1906. Student in Theological Faculty of the University, 1906-1908. Minister of Unity Church, Deane Road, Bolton, 1908. Unity Church, Deane Road, Bolton. Morgan, Frederick John (Univ.). Born October 24, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Sefton Park School, Liverpool, 1901-1902. Science Master, Church Pupil Teachers' College, Colquitt Street, Liverpool, since 1902. 27, Church Road, Hoy lake, Cheshire. Morice, Edith Lea (Univ.). Born May 2, 1879, at Huyton Quarry. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Slepe Hall, St. Ives, Hunts., 1900. Married, 1905, Frank Elias. Hilbre, Theydon Bois, Essex. Morley, Arthur (Owens). Born July 27, 1876, at Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. University Scholar- ship in Engineering, 1900. Demonstrator in Engineering, Yorkshire College, 1900. Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Nottingham, 1902. Pro- fessor of Mechanical Engineering, University College, Nottingham, since 1906. University College, Nottingham. 255 Morris, Alfred (Owens). Born March 21, 1879, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1901 and (ist class Chemistry) 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master at Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, 1902 ; at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bolton, 1904. Senior Science Master, Municipal Secondary School for Boys, Ipswich, since 1906. 114, HaUiwell Road, Bolton, Lanes. Morris, Florence Annie (Yorks.). Born February 18, 1879, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Form Mistress, Cockburn High School, Leeds, since 1902. 91, Elland Road, Leeds. Morris- Airey, Harold (Owens'). Born February 10, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1899. M.Sc., 1903. Durham University : M.Sc., 1906. Research Student in Physics, University of Bonn, 1899 ; Assistant, Physical Laboratory, University of Bonn, 1901. Demonstrator in Physics, Owens College, 1903. Lecturer in Physics, Armstrong College, University of Durham, since 1906. 21, Albany Gardens, Whitley Bay, Northumberland. Morris, Isabel Maud. Born October 21, 1885, at Liverpool. B.A., 1906. i, Catterick Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Morris, Thomas Glynn (Univ.). Born April 16, 1871, in Anglesea. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Late Assistant, Eye, Ear and Throat Out-Patients' Department, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Moss field House, Breckfield Road N., Liverpool. Morrish, Edith Rodenhurst (Univ.). Born April 6, 1877, a "t Liverpool. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, High School, Colchester, 1900. Private Tutor, 1901-1903. Head English Teacher, Rochelle, Cork, 1903-1906. Married, April 30, 1907, T. R. Holland. Riviera, Rushbrooke, Co. Cork. Morrison, Frederick Alexander (Owens). Born November 24, 1876, at Peel, Isle of Man. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Honorary Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary. Late Resident Assistant Medical Officer, Bradford Union Hospital. House Physician, &c., Salford Royal Hospital. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital. 117, Boston Street; 1 ' Hulme, Manchester. Morrison, William Harold (Yorks.). Born February 14, 1874, at Scarborough, M.B., Ch.B., 1900. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds. 1 6, Gowthorpe, Selby. *Morrow, John (Univ.). Born April 18, 1875, a ^ Liscard, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. Doctor of Engineering, 1906. Engineer with Messrs. D. Rollo & Sons, Liverpool, and Vulcan Works, Stettin, 1890-1893. Electrical Engineer with Messrs. Mather & Platt, Salford, 1897. Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Bristol, 1898-1906. Lecturer in Engineering, Armstrong College, in the University of Durham, since 1906. Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Mort, George Cecil. Born July 13, 1881, at Stroud, Glos. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906. Epworth House, Summerseat, Manchester. Morton, Armitage (Yorks.). Born January 18, 1877, at Halifax. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Assistant House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1900-1901. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1901-1902. In general practice at Leeds, 1902-1905 ; at Elland since 1905. Lowfield, Elland, Yorks. Morton, Dora (Yorks.). Born November 2, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Mistress at Knightsville College, Lewisham, S.E., 1904-1906 ;: at Girls' High School, Burton-on-Trent, since 1906. Sun-field, Doncaster. Mosley, Robert Vyvian Acton (Yorks.). Born April 14, 1874, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1900. Late Resident Obstetrical Officer at Leeds General Infirmary in 1900. Chief Surgeon to Shipley Division of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade. 8, Sunny Bank, Shipley, Yorks. Moss, Arthur James (Owens). Born October 13, 1862, at York. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Midwifery, &c.), 1889. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.S.A., 1888. Late Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy in the University. Medical Practitioner. 3, Chatham Road, Norbiton, Kingston-on-Thames. *Moss, Charles Edward (Yorks.). Born February 7, 1872, at Newton Moor, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1905. D.Sc., 1907. Leeds University: B.Sc., 1905. Co-Editor, Halifax Naturalist, 1898. Assistant Master, Sexey's Trade School, Bruton, 1901. Lecturer in Biology, Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, since 1903. 12, Harley Avenue, Victoria Park, Manchester. Motley, Parker (Yorks.). Born April 6, 1873, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Leeds Central Higher Grade School, 1895-1899. Junior Assistant Master, H.M. Dockyard School, Devonport, 1899- 1905 ; Senior since 1905. 8, Fortescue Place, Mannamead, Plymouth. de Mouilpied, Alfred Theophile (Owens). Born November 20, 1876, in Jersey. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. Leblanc Medal, 1897. Dalton Scholarship, 1898. M.Sc., 1900. London University : B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1899. Halle University : ' Ph.D., 1901. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, University College and in University of Liverpool, 1901-1906. Lecturer and Senior Demonstrator since 1906. 17, Percy Street, Liverpool. 257 Moxon, Paul Bourchier. Born January 10, 1885, at Alderley Edge. LL.B., 1906. Broad Ing, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Moys, Herbert (Yorks.). Born November 15, 1877, at Wakefield. < B.Sc., 1897. Formerly Assistant Manager, Ossett Gas Works. Now Assistant Engineer, The Gas Light and Coke Co., Beckton, London, E. 3, Crescent Terrace, Beckton, London, _ Muir, Dora Jeanne (Owens). Born January 4, 1870. B.A., 1890. Married, October 5, 1895, Alfred Ha worth, B.A. Died April 27, 1897. *Muir, John Ramsay Bryce (Univ.). Born September 30, 1872, at Otterburn, Northumberland. B.A., 1892 and (ist class History) 1893. University Scholarship in History, 1893. Balliol College, Oxford: B.A. (ist class Lit. Hum.), 1898; (ist class Modern History), 1899. Liverpool University*: M.A., 1904. Assistant Lecturer in History, Owens College, 1898-1899. Assistant Lecturer in History, University College, Liverpool, 1900-1903. Lecturer in Modern History, University of Liverpool, 1903-1906 ; Professor of Modern History since 1906. Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 1905-1907. Has published A History of Liverpool, &c. 17, Percy Street, Liverpool. Mulholland, Daniel Joseph (Univ.). Born in 1876, at Great Crosby, Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. London University : M.B., B.S., 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1903-1904 ; South Dispensary, Liverpool, 1904-1905. In general practice at Birkdale r Lancashire, since 1905. Glen May, 37, Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport. Mullock, Amy (Owens}. Born March 10, 1869, at Sale, Cheshire. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1889. M.Sc., 1905. Mathematical Mistress, Oxford High School, 1890-1902. Lecturer, Cambridge Training College, since 1903. The Training College, Cambridge. *|Mumford, Alfred Alexander (Owens). Born October 29, 1862, at Stoke Newington, London. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (Honours in Medicine), 1887. M.D., 1889. M.R.C.S., 1885. Honorary Physician, Greengate Dispensary, 1901. Vaccination Officer and District Medical Officer, Chorlton Union. Medical Officer, Great Callas Railway M.P. Society, 1894. Medical Officer to the Post Office, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, 1906. Gable Nook, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester 14, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. *Murgatroyd, Alfred (Owens). Born September 13, 1869, at Hollinwood. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Surgeon. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1893. Sunnyside, Hollinwood, Lancashire. II *|Murgatroyd, Joshua. Born November 18, 1851, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1873. Wesleyan Methodist Minister. Hazeldean, Farncombe Road, Worthing. Murphy, Harold Newton (Yorks.). Born October 21, 1882, at Shipley. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Chemist to the Vanguard Manufacturing Co., Leeds. 2, Springfield Mount, Leeds. *\ Murray, James Ross. Born October 22, 1859, at Peterborough. B.A., 1904. Congregational Minister. Minister of the Octagon Chapel, Stockport Road, Manchester, 1887-1907. Secretary of the Manchester and District Congregational Board, and Minister at Knott Mill since 1907. 26, Portland Crescent, Plymouth Grove, C.-on-M., Manchester. Murray, John Moore (Owens). Born May 6, 1869, at Levenshulme, Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1893. M.Sc., 1896. Public Analyst. Assistant Master, Portsmouth Municipal Technical Institute, 1894-1896. Public Analyst, Borough of Portsmouth, 1896. Secretary and Director of Education, County Borough of Warrington, since 1903. n, Winmarleigh Street, Warrington, Lanes. Murray, Stuart. Born March 14, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1904. Junior Resident Medical Officer at Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1904 ; at Workhouse Infirmary, Nottingham, 1905. Senior Resident Medical Officer, North Evington Infirmary, Leicester, 1906. Now in general practice. Carlton Road, Gedling, Nottingham. Muscott, Etheldreda. Born September 22, 1883, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, County Secondary School, Hyde, Cheshire. Woodlands, The Priory, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Myers, France (Yorks.). Born September 9, 1878, at Arthington, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master under Leeds School Board, 1901-1903. Mathematics Master at Nelson Secondary Day School and Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1903. 278, Manchester Road, Nelson, Lanes. Myers, John Ellis (Yorks.). Born January 15, 1872. B.Sc., 1891. M.Sc., 1897. Exhibition Scholarship, Yorkshire College, 1893. Strassburg University : Ph.D., 1895. Assistant Lecturer in Physics, Durham College of Science, 1896-1897. Died April 22, 1898. N Nanson, Musard Roper Curzon (Owens). B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1900. In Royal Artillery. 12 2 59 Napier, Arthur George Fritz (Owens). Born June 21, 1880, at Charlottenburg, Germany. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1905. 1 A.M.I.C.E., 1906. Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, India, 1903-1906. Assistant Examiner of Accounts, Public Works Department, India, since 1906. P.W.D. Secretariat, Bombay, India. \Napier, Frederick Parker. Born October 5, 1843, a "t Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter.B.A. (2nd class Latin), 1863. B.A., 1866. Formerly Wesleyan Minister ; for some time a Missionary in China, and afterwards Professor of Classics, Wesleyan College, Richmond, 1872-1883. Ordained by Bishop of Winchester, deacon, 1883, priest, 1884. Curate of Ryde, 1883-1886; of Streatham, 1886- 1888 ; of Forton, Hants, 1888-1889. Rector of Emsworth, 1889- 1892. Died August, 1904. Nathan, Elise Marion (Owens}. Born October 23, 1880, at Manchester. B.A., 1901. Married, 1903, Merton Francis Frankenburg. Clifton House, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Naylor, Alice (Owens). Born October 14, 1881, at Farnworth, near Bolton. B.Sc., 1903. Science Mistress at Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, 1903-1907. 73, Castle Street, Haulgh, Bolton. *Naylor, Ernest Brooks (Owens). Born December 2, 1876, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1897 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1898. M.Sc., 1900. Science Master, Burnley School of Science, 1 898. Lecturer in Chemistry, Technical School, Widnes, 1902. Head of the Chemistry Depart- ment, Mining and Technical College, Wigan, since 1905. 73, Castle Street, Haulgh, Bolton. Naylor, Geoffrey Somerville. Born March 20, 1886, at Everton. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Research, University of Manchester, 1905-1907. Springfield, Walmersley Road, Bury, Lanes. Naylor, Jonathan Harold. Born March 9, 1884, at Farnworth, near Bolton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Science Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Grantham. Saltby Cottage, Alexandra Road, Grantham. Naylor, Luther (Owens}. Born November n, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. Leblanc Medal, 1903. M.Sc., 1506. Junior Assistant, National Physical Laboratory, 1904-1905. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator, Hartley University College, South- ampton, since 1905. 22, French Street, Southampton. Naylor, Tom (Univ.}. Born July 19, 1880, at Adwalton, near Bradford. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant, Belle Vue Secondary School, Bradford. Moor End, Adwalton, near Bradford, Yorks. 260 *Needham, Christopher Thomas (Owens). Born August 30, 1866, at Salford. B.A., 1887. Iron Merchant (John Needham and Sons, Manchester). 4, Lancaster Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Needham, Edward Rushton (Owens). Born August 8, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. Leblanc Medal, 1901. Manufacturing Chemist. Enville House, Bowdon, Cheshire. *Needham, Elizabeth (Owens). Born July 4, 1879, at Salford. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1900. M.A., 1903. Gilchrist Travelling Studentship, 1904. Assistant Mistress, Lady- barn House School, Withington. 4, Lancaster Road, Didsbury, Manchester. *Needham, Richard Arthur (Owens). Born July 31, 1877, at Salford. B.Sc., 1897. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1902. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Owens College, 1901. Indian Medical Service, Lieuten- ant, 1903 ; Captain, 1906. 4, Lancaster Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Neil, Alexander Cockburn (Owens). Born October 16, 1875, at Port Glasgow. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. With Messrs. Forshaw and Forshaw, Solicitors, Warrington, since 1898. Hope House, 82, Eccles Old Road, Manchester. Neild, Ada. Born September 18, 1885, at Oldham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1907. Formerly Training as Teacher at the Mary Datchelor College, Camber- well, London, S.E. Now Assistant Mistress in the Central Founda- tion School, London, E.G. Edge Mount, Shaw Street, Oldham, Lanes. *tNeild, Alfred, Junior. Born September 2, 1865, at Bowdon, Ches'iire. B.A., 1904. Pembroke College, Cambridge : B.A. (2nd class Classics and Theology), 1887. Ordained deacon, 1888 ; priest, 1889. Warden of Selwyn College, Dunedin, 1900-1905. Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, Dunedin, since 1906. Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand. *Neild, Helen Thorp (Owens'). Born September 16, 1870, at Westbury-on-Trym. B.A., 1890. M.A., 1893. Girton College, Cambridge : Classical Tripos, Part I., 3rd class, Division 2, 1893. Classical Mistress, Mount School, York, 1893. Joint Head Mistress, St. George's Wood School for Girls, Haslemere, since 1905. The Vista, Leominster. *Neild, Newman (Owens). Born May 26, 1872, at Westbury-on-Trym. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1897. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1907. Clinical Assistant, Cancer Hospital, Manchester, 1896-1897. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1897. House Phy- sician, Brompton Hospital, S.W., 1897-1898. Late Medical Registrar, Royal Hospital for Women and Children, Bristol ; and Assistant to Professor of Physiology, University College, Bristol. Now Lecturer on Pharmacology and Therapeutics at University College, Bristol. 9, Richmond Hill, Clifton, Bristol. 26l Neill, John Clarke (Owens). Born August 18, 1873, at Haslingden. B.A., 1896. Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Harris Institute, Preston, 1897. Head Master, Warwickshire County School, Pupil Teachers' Centre and Preparatory School, Nuneaton, since 1904. Bradestone, Glebe Road, Nuneaton. Neill, Mary. Born January 12, 1883, at Haslingden, Lanes. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Secondary School, Blackpool, since 1907. 37, Cleveland Road, Lytham, Lanes. Nelson, George (Owens). Born January 9, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Chemist to Thos. Boyd and Co. 's Print Works (C.P.A.), 1902-1905; to Bradshaw, Hammond and Co.'s Print Works (C.P.A.), 1905- 1907. Hawarden, 248, Great Clowes Street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Nelson, Philip (Univ.). Born September 28, 1872, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. JVE.D., 1902. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Late Holt Fellow, University, College, Liverpool. Late Lecturer on Numismatics, Institute of Archaeology, Liverpool University. 14, Prince's Road, Liverpool. *Nesfield, Richard Webster (Owens). Born October 25, 1867, a * Old Trafford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. L.S.A., 1893. Late Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Cumberworth District, Huddersfield Union. Clifton House, Shelley, near Huddersfield. Newall, William Allwood (Owens). Born June I, 1868, at Northwich. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. M.D., 1900. D.P.H., 1904. Visiting Surgeon, General Infirmary, Chester, 1896-1897 ; House Surgeon, 1897-1899 ; District Visiting Surgeon, General Infirmary, Chester. Lecturer in Physiology, and Hygiene, School of Science, Chester. In general practice since 1899. Bolland's Court House, Whitefriars, Chester. Newborn, Albert Henry (Owens). Born May 21, 1869, at Haxey, Lincolnshire. B.A., 1888. Chartered Accountant (Final Examination, 1894). Drain House, The Levels, Thome, Doncaster. *Newett, Mary Margaret (Owens). Born July 28, 1861, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class History), 1898. University Scholarship in History, 1898. Jones Fellowship in History, 1899. Engaged in work in the Venetian Archives and in teaching at Venice since 1900. Has contributed to Owens College Historical Essays (1902); has edited and translated Casola's .Voyage to Jerusalem in 1494 (1907). 40, Range Road, Whalley Range, Manchester ; Palazzo Contin, Malcanton, Venice. Newman, Benjamin Hutchinson (Univ.). Born October 25, 1873, at Birken- head. B.A., 1894. Called to the Bar (Middle Temple), 1898, Northern Circuit. Stephenson Chambers, 25, Lord Street, Liverpool. 262 Newsum, Arthur Crookes (Owens). Born June 29, 1861, at Lincoln. B.A., 1883. St. Swithin's Lodge, Lincoln. Newton, Adelaide Anne (Owens). Born December 29, 1881, at Cathcart, near Glasgow. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Gravesend Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1903 ; at Glossop Secondary School since 1906. Phulchena, Sheffield Road, Glossop, Derbyshire. Newton, Eva Margaret. Born February 25, 1884, at Ashton-on-Mersey. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1906. M.A., 1907. Studying for Philosophy Honours in the University, 1907-1908. Wye Bank, Oakfteld, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. *|Nichol, John Crawhall. Born November 10, 1849, at Crook, County Durham. B.Sc., 1904. St. Andrews University : M.D., 1893. L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1880. L.R.C.P. (Ireland), 1879. Surgeon-Major, 4th Volunteer Battalion Manchester District, ist Division. District Medical Officer, Cheshire Lines Railway. In general practice. 345, Stret/ord Road, Hulme, Manchester. *Nichol, John Oswald (Owens). Born March 22, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1899. With the Great Central Railway Works, Gorton, 1899. With Burma Railway Co., Ltd., as Assistant Loco. Superintendent, Insein, until 1907. Chorlton Lodge, 345, Sir et ford Road, Manchester. *Nichol, Reginald Stuart (Owens). Born January 24, 1877, at Manchester. 1 M.B., Ch.B., 1900. House Surgeon, Manchester Southern and Maternity Hospital, in 1900. Senior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1901-1902. Surgeon, S.S. Mandalay, 1906. In general practice. Illustrated Dr. Eugene Yonge on Polypus of the Nose, 1906, and many Monographs. 345, Stretford Road, Manchester. Nicholls, Ernest James (Univ.). Born March 13, 1875, at Crewkerne. B.A., 1896. Assistant Master, Rathbone Board School, Liverpool, 1897. Deceased. Nicholls, John Macintyre (Univ.). Born June 21, 1875, at Liverpool. B.A.. 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Walton Lane Board School, 1897-1899 ; at Daisy Street Board School, Liverpool, since 1899. 23, Norma Road, Waterloo, Liverpool. Nicholls, Percy (Yorks.). Born June 4, 1870, in London. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1891. Whitworth Scholar, 1895. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Electrical Engineer with the Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111., U.S.A. Western Electric Co., Chicago, III., U.S.A. Nicholson, George Robert Henderson. Born November 18, 1885, at Wainfleet, Lincolnshire. B.A. (3rd class History), 1907. Form Master, Kingswood School, Bath, since 1907. Kingswood School, Bath. 26 3 Nicholson, John William (Owens). Born November i, 1881, at Darlington. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1902. University Scholarship, 1902. M.Sc., 1905- j Trinity College, Cambridge : Tenth Wrangler, Mathematical Tripos, 1904. B.A., 1905. Isaac Newton Studentship, 1906. Smith's Prizeman, 1907. London University : D.Sc., 1907. Coatham, Redcar, Yorks. |Nickerson, George Snyder (Owens). Born May 19, 1873, in Canada. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Clinical Assistant, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, 1895-1896. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1896-1897. Entered Royal Army Medical Corps, 1898. Captain, 1901. Seconded for Service with Egyptian Army, 1898. Nile Expedition, 1899. Operations Resulting in Final Defeat of Khalifa. Despatches, London Gazette. Egyptian Medal with Two Clasps. Employed since 1905 with Soudan Civil Service as Inspector in Sennar Province, Soudan. Awarded Imperial Ottoman Order of the Osmanieh, 4th class, 1907. c/o Rev. D. Nicker son, M.A., Chaplain to H.M. Forces (Retired) Harlington Vicarage, Dunstable, Beds. Nicker son, William Henry Snyder (Owens). Born March 27, 1875, m Canada. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. D.P.H., 1907. Joined the Army Medical Service, 1898. With the Army in South Africa, 1900-1902. Gained the Victoria Cross, 1901, for gallant conduct at Wakkerstroom, April 20, 1900. Captain, 1900. Junior Naval and Military Club, 96, Piccadilly, London, W. Nicoll, Frank (Owens). Born January 25, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1903. Engaged in Research at Manchester and Bury, and at Zurich Poly- technicum, 1898-1902. Head Chemist to F. Steiner and Co., Ltd., Church Works, Church, since 1902. Jesmond House, Accrington. ffNicolson, John Thomas. Born June 3, 1860, at Amble, Northumberland. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Edinburgh University : D.Sc., 1898. McGill University : D.Sc., 1899. Demonstrator in Mechanism, Cambridge University, 1889-1891. Prof, of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University, 1891-1899; at School of Technology since 1899 ; in the University of Man- chester since 1905. Nant y Glyn, Mar pie, Cheshire. Nightingale, Florence. Born May 28, 1881, at Oldham. B.A., 1907. Chief Assistant Mistress in the Millom (Cumberland) Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1907. The Manse, Bairstow Street, Preston, Lanes. Nightingale, Roland. Born May 19, 1883, at Moses Gate, near Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. In general practice. Nightingale, Thomas Marginson (Owens). Born March 9, 1872, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1896. Teacher in the Central Higher Grade Board School, Bolton. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Great Moor Street, Bolton, since 1894. 375, Bridgman Street, Bolton. 264 Nightingale, Wilfrid. Born July 9, 1885, at Farnworth, Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. In practice as Locum Tenens. The Manse, B air stow Street, Preston. Nixon, Herbert Thomlinson (Univ.}. Born December 17, 1869, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1893. M.D., 1896. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1898. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1893-1894 ; Surgical Tutor and Registrar, 1896-1898. 269, Walton Breck Road, Anfield, Liverpool. Nixon, John Pollock (Univ.). Born August 14, 1868, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1893. Holt Tutorial Scholar in Physiology and Pathology, 1893. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1894-1895. House Surgeon, Walsall and District Hospital, in 1895-1898. Surgical Registrar and Tutor, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1898-1900. In general practice. 5, Longmoor Lane, Aintree, Liverpool. Nixon, William Gibson Craig (Owens}. Born January 2, 1879, at Barrhill, Ayrshire. B.Sc., 1898. With Messrs. B. & S. Massey, Engineers, Openshaw, 1898-1902. With Messrs. S. Neumann & Co., Johannesburg, 1902-1903 ; Johannes- burg Consolidated Investment Co., Ltd., 1903-1906 ; Johannesburg Municipality, Tramways Department, since 1906. 28, Woodland Avenue, Gorton, Manchester. Noble, Gertrude Louise (Univ.}. Born December 17, 1870, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at the Peebles Burgh and County High School, 1894- 1895 ; at the Klosterschule of St. John, Hamburg, 1895-1899. Married, April 22, 1899, Charles E. Soley, Shipowner, Liverpool. 65, Canning Street, Liverpool. Norburn, Frederick William (Owens}. Born May 21, 1872, at Preston. B.A., 1898. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, deacon, 1900 ; priest, 1901. Curate of All Saints', Stand, 1900; of St. Peter's, Blackburn, since 1905. 136, Montague Street, Blackburn, Lanes. Nordling, Hugo. Born June 23, 1884, at Bjorneborg, Finland. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division, Applied Chemistry), 1906. Assistant Chemist and Paper Tester at Nokia Paper Mill, Finland. Nokia Paper Mill, Nokia, Finland. Normington, Arthur Edward (Owens}. Born January 17, 1872, at Keighley. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. Resident Medical Officer, Stoke Union Hospital, 1897-1898. In general practice at Nelson since 1899. Remony House, Nelson, Lancashire. "Norminton, Harold (Yorks.}. Born September i, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1900 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1902. M.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Senior Science Master at Royal Masonic School, Dublin, 1902-1904 ; at St. Andrew's College, Dublin, since 1904. Ashlea, St. Kevin's Park, Rathmines, Dublin. Norquoy, Frederick (Owens). Born October 22, 1880, in Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1901. Emmanuel College, Cambridge : Mathematical Tripos, 1903. B.A.. 1904. Teaching at Private School, 1904 ; at Kidderminster Grammar School, 1905 ; at Lincoln Grammar School since 1906. Orcadia, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. North, Fanny Caroline (Yorks.). Born August 9, 1877, at Leeds. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. M.A., 1907. i, Virginia Road, Leeds. * Northrop, Frank (Owens}. Born August 13, 1871, at Manchester. B.A., 1893. Assistant Master, Ducie Avenue Higher Grade Board School, Man- chester, 1893-1896. Assistant Lecturer in Education, University College of North Wales, 1896-1900. H.M. Sub-Inspector of Schools since 1900. 113, Masters Road, West Bridgford, Notts. Nuttall, Edwin James (Univ.). Born November 13, 1871, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1894. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Wooler Schools, 1894-1898. Science Master at Duke's School, Alnwick, 1898-1903 ; at Wesley College, Sheffield, 1903-1905 ; at Taunton Grammar School since 1905. Dunelm, The South Road, Taunton, Somerset. Nuttall, Frank Emmett (Owens). Born May 9, 1875, a "t Hulme, Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1900. M.A., 1904. Assistant Master, King James's Grammar School, Knaresborough, 1900. Modern Language Lecturer, Ham's Institute, Preston, 1901. Assistant Librarian, The John Rylands Library, Manchester, since 1903. 1 8, St. Paul's Road, Withington, Manchester. Nuttall, Henry. Born in 1882, at Stalybridge. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Master at Manchester, 1904 ; at Hyde, 1905 ; at Ashton Albion since 1907. 68, Stocks Lane, Stalybridge, Cheshire. Nuttall, John Stanley Wardleworth (Univ.). M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Late Senior House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, and Assistant Resident Medidal Officer, West Derby Union Infirmary, Walton. Belgrave Road, Darwen, Lancashire. Nuttall, William (Owens). Born October 29, 1862, at Pilsworth, near Bury, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. Medical Practitioner. Little Lever, near Bolton. Cakes, William John (Owens). LL.B., 1903. London University : B.A. Barrister-at-Law. 37, Orrell Lane, Walton, Liverpool. 266 Gates, Mrs. H. See Firth, Margaret A. Gates, James Holroyd (Yorks.). Born February 14, 1883, at Leeds. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1902. Assistant Demonstrator in Physics at Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1902- 1904. Assistant Examiner at H.M. Patent Office since 1904. 77, Maryland Road, Wood Green, London, N. Oberdorfer, Alice. Born February n, 1884, at Fuerth, Bavaria, Germany. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. 30, Atwood Road, Didsbury, near Manchester. O'Brien, Frederick (Univ.). Born April i, 1873, at Bolton, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. F.C.S. Analytical Chemist. In partnership with Mr. C. J. Waterfall, F.I.C., F.C.S., as Waterfall and O'Brien, Analytical, Technical, and Consulting Chemists, since 1907. The Laboratory, 4, Queen Square, Bristol. O'Brien, Henry Eoghan (Yorks.). Born August 24, 1876, at Dublin. B.Sc., 1898. Engineer for Electric Traction, Chief Mechanical Engineer's Depart- ment, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, since 1898. Formby, Liverpool, Lancashire. O'Callaghan, Charles James. See Callaghan, C. J Oddie, Eveline (Owens). Born November 13, 1885, at Brierfield, near Burnley. B.A., 1907. Assistant Teacher at Burnley Wood Council School, Burnley, 1907- 1908. Assistant Mistress, Nelson Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1908. Brentwood, Brierfield, near Burnley, Lanes. Oddy, Annie Maude (Yorks.). Born February 3, 1879, at Baildon, Yorks. B.Sc., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Mistress at Barnsley High School for Girls. North Cliffe Terrace, Shipley, Yorks. Oddy, James (Yorks.). Born April 14, 1877, at Shipley, Yorks. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. With Messrs. J. & H. MacLaren, Midland Engine Works, Leeds, since 1897. 68, Spring Hurst, Shipley, Yorks. *O'Hagan, John Joseph (Univ.). Born January 28, 1859, at Longford, Ireland. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. L.R.C.S.I., &c., 1882. F.R.C.S.I., 1904. Surgeon to the L. & N.W.R. and to the Police. Surgeon-Captain, 5th Volunteer Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment. In general practice at Garston since 1883. Surgeon to the Samaritan Hospital for Women, Liverpool. Woodbourne, Aigburth, Liverpool. *Okell, Joseph (Owens). Born February 21, 1871, at Tyldesley. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Chemist to Messrs. A. M. Peebles & Son, Rishton Paper Mills, Whiteash Paper Mills, Church, and Queen Victoria Street, London, since 1895. 161, Whalley Road, Accrington, Lanes. 2 6 7 *Oldfield, Sarah (Owens). Born July 18, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, High School for Girls, Heaton Chapel, 1901-1963. Afterwards studied in France. Studying for Teacher's Diploma at Cherwell Hall, 1907-1908. 2, School Lane, Heaton Chapel, Stockport, Cheshire. Oldham, Walter Frederick. Born August 29, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1906. Engaged in Railway Construction in Western Canada. 33, Desmesne Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Oldroyd, Arthur (Univ.). Born May 7, 1879, at Bradford, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Science Master at Belle Vue Secondary School, Bradford, 1903-1905 ; at Grange Secondary School, Bradford, 1905-1907. Assistant Master, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, since 1907. 32, Coniston Mount, Horton Bank, Bradford. Oliver, Cyril Arthur. Born August 20, 1880, at Bombay, India. LL.B., 1907. Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 1907. Practising in Bombay. Mount Eric, Matheran, Bombay, India. Oliver, Lottie (Yorks.). Born March 13, 1876, at Keighley. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Bury, 1899. Married, July 22, 1902, Rev. Harry Sunman. 15, Almeric Road, Batter sea Rise, London, S.W. *Ollerenshaw, Robert. Born September 4, 1882, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Assistant House Surgeon and Senior House Surgeon at Liverpool Children's Hospital, 1905-1906. Surgeon-Lieutenant, 4th Volunteer Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. High-field House, Glossop, Derbyshire. O'Neill, Charles Sefton (Owens). Born May 31, 1881, at Eccles, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. D.P.H., 1904. M.D., 1907. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1903-1904. Anaes- thetist and Casualty Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, 1904-1905. Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Man- chester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1905-1906. Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire. O'Neill, Mrs. C. S. See Holme, Dorothy. ^O'Neill, Mrs. H. C. See Speakman, Elizabeth. O'Neill, Thomas (Owens). Born October 12, 1871, in London. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. Junior House Surgeon, Southport Infirmary, in 1899. House Physician, &c., North Staffordshire Infirmary, 1899. Bank House, Blackburn Road, Bolton, Lancashire. Orford, Edwin Arthur (Owens). Born April 19, 1870, at Manchester. LL.B., 1891. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1894. Practising in Manchester. Formerly in Wrexham. Edensor, Well Green, Hale, Cheshire. 268 Ormerod, Ernest (Owens). Born March 30, 1881, at Castleton, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Basle University : Ph.D., 1905. Studied at the Polytechnich, Zurich. The Oaklands, Rochdale, Lancashire. Ormerod, Grace. Born February 20, 1883, at Waterfoot, Rossendale. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress at Princess Road School, Moss Side, Manchester, since T 907- Ivy Cottage, Smedley, Manchester. Ormerod, Thomas (Owens). Born December 4, 1868, at Burnley Lanes. B.Sc., 1900. Head Master, Carlton Road School, Burnley, 1894-1898. Congregational Minister, 1900. Assistant Minister, Eccles Congregational Church, 1900-1902. Minister, Weaste Congregational Church, since 1902. 124, Weaste Lane, Manchester. Ormrod, Harriet Nora. Born May 4, 1885, at Bolton. B.A., 1907. Assistant in the Department of Education in the University, and Form Mistress at the Primary Practising School since 1907. 66, Bury New Road, The Haulgh, Bolton, Lanes. Orr, Jessie Farquhar (Owens). Born January 30, 1877, at Heckmondwike. B.A., 1897. Teacher's Diploma, 1901. Assistant Mistress at Moravian School for Girls, Fairfield, near Man- chester, 1897-1905 ; at Montmirail, near Neuchatel, 1905-1906 ; at Bedford Moravian School for Girls since 1906. Locksley Cottage, Robin Hood's Bay, R.S.O., Yorkshire. Orr, Norman Farquhar (Owens). Born December 31, 1880, at Bristol. B.A., 1900. Theological Student. Master at Ockbrook School, Derby, 1902-1906, Assi stant Minister, Fulneck, 1906-1908. Minister, Moravian Church, Bath, 1908. Moravian Church, Bath. Orr, Thomas Edwin (Owens'). Born February i, 1875, at Heckmondwike. B.A., 1806. Assistant Master, Fulneck School since 1897. Boys' School, Fulneck, near Leeds. Orrell, Walter Walsh (Owens). Born August 7, 1872, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1895. Assistant Master, Leeds Central Higher Grade School, 1895-1898 Central Higher Grade School, Rochdale, since 1898. 40, Falinge Terrace, Rochdale, Lanes. Osbaldeston, William Gilbert (Owens). Born December 19, 1875, at Baguley, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1898. Teacher of Physics, Cheetham Higher Grade School, Manchester, since 1896. 26, Welbeck Grove, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Osborne, Harry (Owens). Born November 28, 1875, at Eston, Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. M.D., 1902. D.P.H., 1907. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1898-1899. House Surgeon, Manchester Southern and Maternity Hospital, 1899- 1900. Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Dispensary, 1900. 23, Princess Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Osborne, Mrs. W. A. See Goodson, Ethel E. 269 Owen, Eliza Margaret (Univ.). Born September 12, 1880, at Liverpool, B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Private Tutor. i Married, September 14, 1906, Rev. D. Ewart James, B.A. 7, Onslow Road, Elm Park, Liverpool. Owen, Florence (Yorks.). B.A., 1903. Leeds University : B.A., 1904. The Hollies, Old Park Road, Roundhay, Leeds. Owen, Gwilym (Univ.). Born July 19, 1880, at Denbigh. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1901. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1901. M.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Christ's College, Cambridge : Research B.A., 1904. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Physics at Liverpool University. 1 1 , Greenbank Road, Liverpool. Owen, Idris Larkby (Univ.). Born June 16, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Municipal Technical School, King's Lynn, 1900. Science Master, Waverley Secondary School,* Birmingham, since 1903. 101, Floyer Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Owens, Elizabeth Jane (Univ.). Born June 4, 1867, at Liverpool. B.A., 1888. M.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Milton Mount College, Gravesend, 1890-1894. Senior Mistress, County Intermediate School, Barmouth, 1894- 1901. Head Mistress of County School for Girls, Bala, since 1901. County School for Girls, Bala, North Wales. *Oxland, Charles Harold. Born January 7, 1883, at Callao, Venezuela. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. F.C.S., 1906. Research Work at the University, 1904-1905. Senior Science Master at Wellingborough Grammar School since 1905. 37, Waterloo Road, Bedford. Oyston, William Fletcher (Yorks.). Born October 26, 1873, at Stanhope-in- Weardale. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Formerly House Physician, Leeds General Infirmary. Now in general practice. Grey stones, Ackworth, Pontefract. P Paine, Maitland Francis Austen (Owens). Born June 7, 1876, at West Monkton, Somerset. B.Sc., 1897. Chemist at Lillyburn Print Works, Milton of Campsie, 1898-1901. Springfield, near Taunton. Painter, William Arthur. Born August 9, 1884, at Birmingham. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Studying for B.D. Degree in the University. Lancashire College, Whalley Range, Manchester. 270 *Palmer, Frank Herbert (Owens). Born January 29, 1883, at Fulham, Middlesex. B.Sc. (and class Chemistry), 1903. Assistant Chemist to Messrs. Guinness and Co., Brewery, Dublin, 1904- 1906 ; to the Wall Paper Manufacturers, Darwen, Lancashire, since 1906. New Meadow Cottage, Entwislle, Bolton. Palmer, Roberta Frances (Owens}. Born January 29, 1882, at Monmouth, B.A., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, Cambridge, 1903. Assistant Mistress, Newport Intermediate School for Girls, 1903-1906 ; Whalley Range High School since 1906. Park Hill, Park Street, Kersal, Manchester. Pankhurst, Christabel Harriett. Born September 22, 1880, at Manchester. LL.B. (with Honours), 1906. Organising Secretary, Women's Social and Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, Strand, London, W.C. Parakh, Framrose Ratanshaw. Born March 7, 1882, at Bombay, India. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Late House Surgeon, Southern Hospital, Manchester. House Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. c/o Messrs. Musgrave &- Co., 7, Great St. Helens, London, E.C. Par ef Henry Burton. Born April 10, 1883, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Surgeon, Huddersfield Infirmary, 1905-1906. House Physician and House Surgeon, Infirmary, Nottingham, 1907. Ship's Doctor, S.S. Laertes, 1907. Little Bolton Hall, Bolton, Lancashire. Park, Edward Charles. Born January 10, 1881, at Swansea, South Wales. B.Sc., 1906. School Teacher under the Manchester Education Committee. Ivy Cottage^ Blackwood, Newport, Monmouthshire. Parker, Agnes (Owens). Born in 1874, at Preston. B.A., 1903. Assistant in Elementary School, London, E., 1904-1906. Student in France since 1906. ii, Kenilworth Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Parker, Alfred Gordon. B.Sc., 1905. *t|Parker, Edward Harper. Born January 3, 1849, at Liverpool. M.A., 1905. Service at Tientsin, Taku, Hankow, Kulang, and Canton Consulates, 1871-1875. Service at Foochow, Pagoda Island, Chinkiang, and Canton Consulates, 1877-1880. Acted as Consul and Vice-Consul at Wenchow, Fu an, Chemulpo, Siul, Shanghai, Pagoda Island, and Hankow, 1883-1894. Adviser on Chinese Affairs in Burma, 1892-1893. Professor of Chinese in the University of Manchester. Reader in Chinese in University of Liverpool. Author of Com- parative Chinese Family Law, Up the Yangtsze, Burma, A Thousand Years of the Tartars, China, John Chinaman ; China, Past and Present ; China and Religion, etc. 1 8, Gambler Terrace, Liverpool. 271 *Parker, Elizabeth (Owens). Born in 1869, at Preston. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1901. Additional John Bright Fellowship, 1903. M.A., 1904. Lecturer in English Language and Literature at the Salford Training College since 1903. ii, Kenilworth Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Parker, George Henry (Owens). Born October 16, 1870, at West Broncwich. B.A., 1896. Warden of the Lancashire College Settlement, Manchester, 1898-1900. Principal of the Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, since 1900. Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, Travancore, South India. Parker, Irene (Owens). Born August 28, 1881, at Ravensthorpe. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Stalybridge, 1904 ; at Ashton-under-Lyne Secondary School, 1904-1905 ; at Glossop Secondary School since 1905. Littlemoor, Glossop, Derbyshire. Parker, William (Owens'). M.B., Ch.B., 1902. The Brooks, Bleasdale, Garstang. Parkin, Ernest (Yorks.). Born October 12, 1870, at Liversedge. B.Sc., 1891. Colliery Manager. With Messrs. Manning, Wardle & Co., Leeds, 1891- 1892. With Greasboro' Coal Co., 1892 ; Managing Partner, 1895. Sharpies, Rotherham, Yorkshire. Parkin, George Gray. Born July 3, 1876, at Wishaw, Lanark, N.B. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice (as Assistant and Locum Tenens), 1905-1906. Junior Assistant Medical Officer, Cheshire County Asylum, Parkside, Macclesfield, since 1906. Cheshire County Asylum, Parkside, Macclesfield. Parkin, Jessie (Yorks.). Born June 5, 1876, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant at Central Higher Grade School, Leeds, since 1899. 8, Queen Square, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Parkinson, Arthur Stanley (Yorks.). Born June 5, 1877, at Bradford. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. D.P.H., 1906. Leeds University : M.D., 1905. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1900. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Dundee, 1901. Medical Superin- tendent, Worcestershire Consumption Sanatorium, 1903. Resident Medical Officer, Leeds Consumption Sanatorium, 1905. 24, High Street, Wavertree, Liverpool. *t Parkinson, Charles Joseph. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1884. B.Sc., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.S.A., 1882. Late Medical Superintendent, Kennedy Hospital, Bowen, Queensland. Townsville, Queensland, Australia. "fParkinson, James (Owens). Born July 29, 1846, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. Journalist. Editor of Manchester Evening News almost since its foundation. Leckonby House, Withington, Manchester. 2 7 2 ""Parkinson, Thomas William Faraday (Owens). Born July 16, 1873, at Radcliffe. B.Sc., 1895. M.Sc., 1904. Form Master, Stretford Road, Manchester, 1896-1904. Senior Master, and Tutor, Teachers' College Manchester, since 1904. 80, Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe, Lanes. Parkyn, Joseph Atherton (Owens). Born December 27, 1863, at Lees, near Oldham. B.A., 1884. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1890. 8, John Street, Bedford Row, London, W.C. Parnaby, Harry (Yorks.). Born June 23, 1873, 'at Stockton-on-Tees. B.A., 1899. Minister of Augustine Congregational Church, Edinburgh. 34, Wilton Road, Edinburgh. Parnaby, Mrs. See Hudson, Margaret E. Parr, Agnes Winifred (Univ.). Born February 13, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A., 1900. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Teacher at Bedford College, Liverpool. Professor of Voice Production and Elocution since 1904. 5. Hilary, New Brighton ; Wyndhurst, Waterloo, Liverpool. t Parry, Henry Richard. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1859. Ordained by Bishop of Bangor, deacon, 1864; priest, 1865. Vicar of Llanfair-is-gaer, Carnarvonshire, 1868-1892. Died April 30, 1892. Parry, Hugh Lloyd (Univ.). Born April 27, 1865, at Pentraeth, Anglesey. LL.B., 1898. London University : Matriculation (Honours), 1882. B.A., 1887. B.Sc., 1892. Assistant Master, Alun School, Mold, 1884-1895. Solicitor, enrolled 1899. Assistant Solicitor to West Riding C.C., 1900-1905. Town Clerk, Exeter, since 1905. Town Hall, Exeter. Parry, Stephen (Univ.). Born June 14, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1901. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. ' Assistant Master at Roscommon Street Council School, Liverpool 1899-1904; at Tiber Street Council School, 1904-1907. Head Master, Northenden Council School, since 1907. 12, Lingard Road, Northenden, Cheshire. Parry, William Lawrence (Univ.). Born November 22, 1878, at Mold. B.Sc., 1898. First Class Clerk in the Chief Office of the Metropolitan Asylums Board since 1899. Oakdene, Great Queen Street, Dartford, Kent. *Parsons, Stanley (Owens). Born December 30, 1883, at Bath. LL.B., 1903. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1906. Assistant Town Clerk of Bodmin ; Assistant Clerk to the Urban District Council of Bodmin ; Assistant Clerk to the Rural District Council of Bodmin ; and Assistant Clerk to the Bodmin Board of Guardians since 1906. 145, Preston New Road, Blackburn, Lanes. 273 Partington, William (Owens). Born January 14, 1882, at Radcliffe, Lanes. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1902. Leblanc Medal, 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Chemist to Messrs. Jewsbury & Brown, Ardwick Green, Manchester, since 1903. 54, Water Street, Radcliffe, Lancashire. Partridge, Arthur John (Univ.}. Born April 29, 1870, at Southampton. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Medical Officer, Training Ship Exmouth. Hilldrop House, Grays, Essex. Paschali, Cleonike Calliope (Univ.}. Born October 17, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1900. M.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. 43, Loraine Mansions, Holloway, London, N. Patchett, Joseph Langton (Owens}. Born December 28, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master at Central Higher Grade School (Science Department), Manchester, 1901-1904 ; at Stanley Grove School, Manchester, since 1905. 53, Furness Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Patterson, Elizabeth Gertrude (Univ.). Born March 2, 1872, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Rochelle Seminary, 1895-1899 ; at Ladies' College, Wellington, Salop, since 1900. 6, Bebington Road, Dacre Hill, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. *Patterson, William Hamilton. Born April 23, 1882, in the Isle of Man. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemical Research at Manchester University, 1904-1905 ; atTechnische Hochschule, Karlsruhe, 1905-1906. Assistant in the Versuchs- anstalt- Karlsruhe, 1906-1907. ji.The Sycamores, Ballasalla, Isle of Man. Pattreiouex, Florence (Owens). Born April 16, 1877, at Manchester. B.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Cheetham Higher Elementary School, Manchester. 46, Limefteld Terrace, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Paull, Margaret Caroline. Born April 5, 1886, at Cheadle, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1907. Studying for Teacher's Diploma in the University, 1907-1908. Assis- tant Mistress, Manchester High School for Girls, 1908. Cleveland, Cheadle, Cheshire. Pauls, Charles Alfred (Owens}. Born September 24, 1865, at Middlesbrough. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1886. M.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Middlesbrough High School, &c., 1887-1889; at Rivington and Blackrod Grammar School, 1889-1893 ; at Devon County School, 1893-1895 ; at Rutlish Science School, Merton, Surrey, since 1895. 21, Prince 1 s Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W. Payton, William Henry (Owens}. Born February 7, 1873, at Brindleford, Staffordshire. Mus.B., 1898. Organist, &c., Wycliffe Congregational Church, Warrington, 1890. Music Master at People's College, Warrington, 1899. Honorary Organist, Warrington Musical Society. 12, Froghall Lane, Warrington. 274 *Peace, Thomas Arthur (Owens). Born March n, 1805, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1885. Bishop Berkeley Fellowship, Owens College, 1885. M.Sc., 1888. Civil Engineer. Formerly with the Manchester Ship Canal and the London County Council. Chief Assistant to Dock Engineer, Bristol, since 1898. Engineer's Office, Cumberland Basin, The Docks, Bristol. Peacock, Arthur (Yorks.). Born May 16, 1873, at Ossett. B.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Heckmondwike, 1899. Principal of the Brebner Schools and of the Bloemfontein Technical and Commercial School since 1906. The Brebner Schools, Bloemfontein, South Africa. *ffPeake, Arthur Samuel. Born November 24, 1865, at Leek, Staffordshire. B.D., 1905. St. John's College, Oxford : B.A. (ist in Theology), 1887. M.A., 1890. Fellow of Merton College, 1890-1897. Aberdeen University : D.D. (Hon.), 1907. Lecturer in Mansfield College, Oxford, 1890-1892. Tutor in Primitive Methodist College, Manchester, since 1892. Lecturer in Lancashire Independent College since 1895. Professor of Biblical Exegesis in the University since 1904. 1 6, Wellington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Pearce, Augusta Clarice (Univ.}. Born December 6, 1874, at Reading. B.A., 1895. . Assistant Mistress, Portway College, Reading, 1896-1897. 79, Hartington Road, Liverpool, S. *Pearce, William Felix (Owens}. Born May n, 1866, at Stratford, Essex. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1885. M.Sc., 1888. London University : Matriculation (37th in Honours), 1884. B.A., 1894, Army Tutor, Southsea. 9, Nightingale Road, Southsea, Hants. *Pearson, Herbert Pink (Owens'). Born November 18, 1877, at Manchester B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1902. Technical Research Chemist with Messrs. E. Ripley & Sons, Dyers and Finishers, Bradford, 1900. Consulting Chemist in Private Practice. Inventor of Improvements in the Manufacture of Straw Hats, 1906. Managing Director of a Company formed to acquire the Patents of above since 1907. 19, Wimborne Gardens, Eating, London, W. Pearson, Joseph (Univ.}. Born April 19, 1881, at Bootle, Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1902. University Scholarship in Zoology, 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1905. M.Sc., 1906. Naturalist to Ulster Fisheries and Biology Association, 1903-1904. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Zoology, University College, Cardiff, 7904-1905 ; University of Liverpool since 1905. 14, Wesley Street, Waterloo, Liverpool. Pearson, Robert John Addison (Yorks.). Born February 10, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. A.M.I.C.E., 1903. Manager, Shell Department, Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Barrow-in- Furness, since 1903. 72, Mount Pleasant, Barrow-tn-Furness. 275 Peatfield, Albert Edward (Yorks.). Born April 13, 1874, at Retford, Notts. B.Sc., 1894. Science Master at Southport Grammar School, 1894-1896 ; at Hunting- don Grammar School, 1896-1898 ; at Cranbrook School, Kent, 1898-1900 ; at Buxton College, 1900 ; at Merthyr County School, 1903. Senior Assistant Master at High School, Blackpool, since 1906. Played for All England XI. v. West Indians at Cricket, 1906. High School, Blackpool. Peck, Ernest Lawrence (Univ.). Born December 19, 1874, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Jena University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1898. Consulting Chemist with Messrs. Tyson, Richmond & Jones, Soap Manufacturers, Liverpool, since 1899. Claremont, Merrilocks Road, Blundellsands , Liverpool. Peddie, James (Owens'). Born August 3, 1858, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. Presbyterian Minister. Minister of Trinity Church, Middlesbrough, 1885-1895 ; of St. Andrew's Church, Birkenhead, 1895-1901 ; appointed to Finchley, 1901. Merlewood, Cyprus Road, Finchley, London, N. Peel, Mabel Dymond. Born July 25, 1879, a "t Eccles, Lancashire. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1906. M.A., 1907. Modern Languages Mistress, Howell's School, Denbigh, North Wales, since 1906. HowelVs School, Denbigh, North Wales. Peel, Nora (Univ.}. Born July 31, 1879, at Davyhulme. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Ducie Avenue Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1903. Science Lecturer, Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool, since 1904. 15, The Grove, Whitworth Park, Manchester. Peel,)Selina (Owens). Born July 27, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Mistress at Convent School at Blackburn ; at Whitworth Street Secondary School, 1903-1906. Now Teaching at a Mission School in Hsiao Chang, under the London Missionary Society. Hsiao Chang, Tientsin, North China. Pegler, George (Owens). Born May 9, 1860, near Stroud. B.A., 1893. Unitarian Minister. Minister of St. Mungo Street Unitarian Church, Glasgow, 1894-1897 ; of the Unitarian Old Meeting House, New- castle-under-Lyme, Staffs., since 1906. 31, North Street, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffs. Pell-Ilderton, Frederick George. Born May 28, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Derby, 1905. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1906. Assistant Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, Manchester, since 1907. Saxenholme, Higher Openshaw, Manchester. Penn, Amy Florence (Univ.). Born December 24, 1880, at Camberwell, London. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. 2 7 6 Assistant Mistress, Higher Grade Schools, London, 1903-1906. Lec- turer, Edge Hill Training College, Liverpool, since 7906. 57, Tierney Road, Streatham Hill, London, S.W. *Pennington, James Dixon (Owens). Born February i, 1857. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. London University : Matriculation (2nd in Honours), 1886. B.A., 1881. Private Tutor (Messrs. Pennington and Tempest). Member of Chorlton Board of Guardians, 1898 ; of the Manchester City Council, 1899. Member of University Court, 1904-1908. 254, Oxford Street, Manchester. Pennington, Thomas. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Grammar School, Hindley, Wigan, 1905. Pepper, Margaret Clayton (Owens). Born October 7, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Mistress at Ardwick Higher Grade School, 1900-1901 ; at Stretford Road Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1901-1904. Lecturer in Science and Mathematics, Home and Colonial Training College, Wood Green, London, N., 1904-1907. Appointed Lecturer in Education and Chemistry, National Society's Training College for Domestic Science Teachers, West Hampstead, N., 1908. 78, Hewitt Road, Harringay, London, N. *ffPerkin, William Henry. Born June 17, 1860, at Sudbury, Middlesex. M.Sc., 1906. Wurzburg University : Ph.D., 1882. F.R.S., 1890. Privatdocent, Munich, 1883-1886. Professor of Chemistry, Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh, 1887-1892. Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University since 1892. Corresponding Member of the Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen, 1906. Fairview, Wilbraham Road, Fallowfield, Manchester. Perkins, Henry (Owens). Born February 22, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1897. Teacher of Physics, Boulevard School, Hull, 1897-1898. Science Master, School of Science, Workington, 1898. Head Master, School of Science, Workington, since 1901. Crag House, Seaton, Workington. Perkins, Joseph John (Owens). Born September 24, 1863, at Duxford, Cam- bridgeshire. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1884. Emmanuel College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Natural Science Tripos, Part I.), 1888. M.B., B.C., 1891. M.A., 1892. F.R.C.P., 1902. Physician. Physician to Out-Patients, St. Thomas's Hospital, and Physician, Hospital for Consumption, Brompton. Formerly Assistant Physician, City of London Hospital for Chest Diseases. House Physician, &c., St. Thomas's Hospital and Brompton Hospital. 41, Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Perkins, William Hughes. Born June 21, 1885, at Lees Hill, Brampton, Cum- berland. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Demonstrator in Chemistry, Leeds University, since 1905. The University, Leeds. 277 Ferris, Harry Shaw (Owens). Born February i, 1870. B.A. (ist class History), 1891. M.A., 1894. Minister of the Old Meeting House, Mansfield, 1897-1899 ; of Little Portland Street Chapel, Regent Street, London, 1900-1904. Late Managing Secretary of the Tribune Rendezvous and Political Information Department, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London, 1906-1908. Shirley, 63, Holmdene Avenue, Herne Hill, London, S.E. *Perrot, Mrs. Frank. See Dale, Clara M. Petavel, Joseph Ernest. Born August 14, 1873, in London. M.Sc., 1905. Salomons Scholarship of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1895. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1896. John Harling Fellow, 1900- 1903. Honorary Research Fellow of the Manchester University, 1905. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1900. A.M.Inst.E.E., 1900. Scientific Work at the Royal Institution, London, 1896-1899. Scien- tific Manager of the Low Temperature Exhibit of the Royal Com- mission for the St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. Lecturer in Mechanics and Demonstrator in Physics in the University since 1906 ; Lecturer in Meteorology since 1907. Granville House, Victoria Park, Manchester. Peterkin, James Dysart (Owens). Born July 6, 1878, at Wigan. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Science Master in the Central Technical Schools for Cornwall, Truro, 1901-1902 ; in the Hipperholme Grammar School, Halifax, 1904- 1906; in Maidenhead College, Berkshire, since 1906. Beech Hill Villas, Beech Hill, Wigan. Phillips, Mrs. E. G. See Phillips, Hilda M. Phillips, Ethel Margaret (Owens). Born January n, 1876, in London. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1903. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Medical Missionary, S.P.G., Shantung Diocese, since 1905. St. Stephen's Ping Yin, Shantung, North China. Phillips, Hilda Mary (Univ.). Born December 7, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1900. Married, June i, 1907, Edgar Gilbert Phillips. 74, Alexandra Road, Crosby, near Liverpool. Phillips, Winifred (Univ.). Born in 1882, at New Ferry, Cheshire. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. 33, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Phillipson, Abram (Yorks.). Born February 20, 1884, at Leeds. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1905. Twenty-eighth at " Class I " and Indian Civil Service Competition. Appointed First Division Clerk, Estate Duty Office, Somerset House, 1906. . 6, St. Luke's Road, Westbourne Park, London, W. Phillipson, Coleman (Yorks.). Born April 25, 1878, at Leeds. B.A., 1901. M.A., 1905. Quain Prizeman in Comparative Law at University College, London, 1906. Head of the Language and Literary Department, Municipal Technical School, Lincoln, 1903-1905. Entered the Inner Temple, 2 7 8 1905. Called to the Bar. Author of Studies in International Law. Has contributed to Evening Standard and St. James' Gazette ; to the Westminster Review, and to the Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation. 22, Redgrave Road, Putney, London^S.W. Pickering, Arthur (Yorks.}. Born December 29, 1878, at Bradford, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master, Boys' School of Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol, since 1903. 13, Sherwood Place, Undercliffe, Bradford, Yorks. Pickering, Stanley (Owens}. Born January n, 1868, at Kearsley. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. In general practice at Farnworth-with-Kearsley. St. John's House, High Stile, Kearsley, Farnworth, Bolton ; 68, Higher Market Street, Kearsley. Pickersgill, Samuel Edwin (Yorks.). Born April 23, 1883, at Ossett. B.Sc., 1904. Teacher under Leeds Education Committee, 1905-1907 ; at Mottram Grammar School since 1907. Ravenswood, Rein Road, Morley, near Leeds. Pickford, Alfred Garside (Owens). Born May 24, 1869, at Stalybridge. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1887. M.Sc., 1890. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A., 1891 (loth Wrangler). M.A., 1903. Senior Mathematical Master at Denstone College, 1892-1894 ; at Wey- mouth College, 1894-1895 ; at Wolverhampton School, 1895-1901 ; at Newcastle-under-Lyme High School, 1901-1902, &c. Head Master of Oldham Grammar School (Hulme Trust) since 1903. Hulme Grammar School, Oldham. Pickford, Fred. Born October 13, 1881, at Dukinfield. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1904. Demonstrator, Engineering Laboratory, Manchester University, since 1904. Tutor in Engineering, Hulme Hall, since 1904. 43, Egerton Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. Pickford, George Hyde (Owens). Born December 14, 1872, at Stalybridge. B.A., 1894. John Bright Scholar, 1895. London University : B.A., 1893. Master at Waverley Road Technical School, Birmingham, 1894-1896 ; at Sawley Road Higher Grade School, Long Eaton, 1896-1900. Classical and English Master at Bradford Junior Teachers' Central Classes since 1900. 6, Granville Road, Frizinghall, Bradford, Yorks. *Pickles, Albert (Owens). Born October 17, 1869, at Small Lees, Ripponden, Halifax. B.A., 1896. M.A., 1902. Theological Student at Lancashire College. Minister of Westgate Congregational Church, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, since 1902. Sunnyside, Heckmondwike, Yorks. *Pickles, Samuel Shrewder (Owens). Born April 15, 1878, at Rochdale, Lanes. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Private Research Assistant to Prof. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S., 1903-1905- Schunck Research Assistant, Owens College, 1904-1905. Assistant Examiner in Chemistry to the Science and Art Department of the 279 Board of Education, 1904-1906. Research Chemist and Assistant in Scientific and Technical Department, Imperial Institute, South Kensington, since 1905. Imperial Institute, South Kensington, London, S.W. Pickworth, Philip Charles Newton. Born December 8, 1888, in London. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Apprentice with Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester, since 1907. 38, Lome Grove, Fallowfield, Manchester. "fPicton, James Allanson. Born August 8, 1832, at Liverpool. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A. (Honours in Classics), 1854. M.A., 1856. Formerly Congregational Minister. Cheetham Hill, 1856-1863 ; Leicester, 1863-1869; Hackney, 1869-1876. Retired from Ministry 1879. Member of London School Board, 1870-1879. M.P. for Leicester, 1884-1894. J.P. for London and Carnarvon. Author of New Theories and the Old Faith (1870), Mystery of Matter (1873), Life of Oliver Cromwell (1882), Conflict of Oligarchy and Democracy (1883), Life of Sir James A. Picton (1890), The Religion of the Universe (1904), Pantheism : Its Story and Significance (1905), Spinoza : A Handbook to the Ethics (1907). Caerlyr, Penmaenmawr R.S.O. *fPierce, Frederick Morrish. Born April 7, 1845, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1882. M.D. (Royal University of Ireland), 1868. M.R.C.S. (Eng.) and L.S.A., 1867. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1868. Factory Surgeon, Manchester, since 1871. Consulting Physician, Hulme Dispensary. Consulting Surgeon, Manchester Ear Hospital. Formerly Resident Medical Officer at Brixton Dispensary and House Surgeon, Victoria Hospital for Children, Chelsea. 174, Oxford Road, Manchester ; 50, Gordon Square, London, W.C. Pierpont, Arthur Edwin (Owens'). Born September 5, 1865, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1887. Assistant Master, Edgbaston Preparatory School, Birmingham, 1888- 1894. Mathematical Master, La Martiniere College, since 1894. Has examined for the Universities of Allahabad and 'Lahore. Author of The Elements of Geometry in Theory and Practice, and A Men- suration for Indian Schools and Colleges. La Martiniere College, Lucknow, India. Pilcher, Archibald McClelland (Owens}. Born December 17, 1873, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1897-1898. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1898-1899. In general practice. Colin Green House, Mosbro', Sheffield. Pill, Robert (Owens). Born July 2, 1869, in Cornwall. B.Sc., 1889. Associate of Royal School of Mines (London), 1891. Practising as Mining Engineer in Chile and Bolivia, South America, 1894-1896. Manager of following Mines in Transvaal: Meyer and Charlton G. M. Co., Ltd., Van Ryn G. M. Estate, Ltd., Aurora West United G. M. Co., Ltd., West Rand Consolidated Mines, Ltd., since 1898. West Rand Consolidated Mines, Ltd., P. O. Box 38, Krugersdorp, Transvaal. 280 Pilling, Arnold (Owens). Born January 22, 1875, a "t Whitworth, near Rochdale. B.A., 1895. London University : B.A., 1895. Assistant Master at University School, Southport, 1896-1897 ; at Atherstone Grammar School, Warwickshire, 1897-1899 ; at Waverley Road School of Science, Birmingham, 1900. Secretary to the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, since 1903. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. *Pinck, Annie (Owens). Born August 19, 1876, at New Mill, near Huddersfield. B.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress at High School, Northampton, 1899-1902 ; at Apsley House School, Torquay, since 1902. Hill Crest, Douglas, Isle of Man. Pinck, Frances Metcalfe (Owens). Born October 25, 1881, at Rochdale. B.A., 1902. Cambridge Teacher's Training Certificate, 1903. Governess. The Beacon, Fleet, Hants. *Pinniger, Mrs. J. W. See Buckley, Lucy. Pitre, Trimbak Janardan. Born August 10, 1875, a ^ Kothapur, India. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Div. Sanitary Engineering), i 906. Bombay University : L.C.E., 1898. Chief Officer, Sholapur Municipality, India. Sholapur, Bombay Presidency, India. Pitt-Taylor, Francis Stanhope (Univ.). Born February 25, 1875, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Assistant Medical Officer, Haydock Lodge Asylum, in 1898. House Surgeon, Birkenhead and Wirral Children's Hospital, 1898-1899. Assistant Medical Officer, Mill Road Infirmary, 1899-1900. In general practice. Travelling. The Lawn, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Pitts, Catherine Alice (Univ.). Born April 26, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899 and (2nd class Modern Languages) 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at East Liverpool High School, 1901 ; at Liverpool College for Girls since 1902. Bank Villa, Tue Brook, Liverpool. Pittway, Harold Bernard (Owens). Born January 17, 1869, at Bengeworth, Worcestershire. B.A., 1889. M.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Prince Henry's School, Evesham, 1890 ; at Belper Grammar School, 1890-1896; at King Edward VI. 's School, Five Ways, 1897. Assistant Master (now Second Master), Lewis' School, Pengam, since 1898. Gellideg House, Maesycwmmer, Mon. *Place, Ernest William (Owens). Born February 4, 1862, at Whitehaven. B.A., 1885. Ordained by Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, deacon, 1891; priest, 1892. Curate of St. Thomas, Eastville, 1891-1893. Diocesan Missioner in the Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, 1893-1895. Vicar of Cainscross, and Honorary Missioner, 1895-1900. Vicar of Middel- burg, Cape Colony, 1900. Vicar of St. Saviour's, East London, Cape Colony, 1902. The Grange, Woodchester, Glos. 28l . Platt, Edith May (Univ.). Born May 7, 1872, at Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1897. M.A., 1900. Newnham College, Cambridge : Historical Tripos, ist class, 1893. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Charles Beard Research Scholar at the University of Liverpool, 1903- 1905. Private Tutor. 5, Ivanhoe Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool. *fPlatt, John Edward. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.Sc., 1894. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1891. Assistant Lecturer in Systematic Surgery in the Owens College and subsequently in the University, 1900 ; Lecturer in Practical Surgery in the University, 1906. Honorary Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Hon. Consulting Surgeon, Manchester Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest and Throat. Member of Court of Governors since 1904. 191, High Street, Oxford Road, Manchester. Platt, Sydney Ernest. Born August 17, 1884, at Leek. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant to W. E. Beacham, Esq., Surveyor and Water Engineer, Leek, since 1905. 8, Edward Street, Leek, Staffs. Platt, Wilfred. Born September 10, 1884, at Rochdale, Lancashire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1905. Assistant Engineer, City Engineer's Department, City of Leeds, 1906- 1907. Assistant Engineer to Robt. H. B. Neal, Ltd., Public Works Contractors, Plymouth, since 1907. c/o R. H. B. Neal, Ltd., Bank Chambers, Princess Square, Plymouth ; Morredge, Rochdale, Lanes. Plaits, Sydney (Yorks.). Born December 18, 1879, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. House Surgeon, Leeds Infirmary, 1902-1903. Now in general practice. 26, Moorland Road, Leeds. Plugge, Arthur (Yorks.). Born February 17, 1877, at Hull. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Holgate's School, York, 1896-1900; at King's College, Auckland, since 1900. 24, Fountain Street, Hull ; King's College, Auckland, New Zealand. Pollard, Percival (Yorks.). Born May, 1876, at Wakefield. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. I 3^> Jack Lane, Hunslet, Leeds. Pollard, Percy Lund. Born February 22, 1882, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Third, Second, and First House Surgeon, Halifax Royal Infirmary. 65, Preston New Road, Blackburn ; Royal Infirmary, Halifax. *Pollitt, George Paton (Owens). Born August 23, 1878, at Blackburn. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1899. M.Sc., 1903. Basle University : Ph.D., 1902. Studied at Zurich Polytechnikum, 1899-1902. In Chemical Department of Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Research Chemist to Kynochs, Ltd., 282 and afterwards Manager of the Nitro-glycerine and High Explosives Department at their Thames Factory, in addition to the Research Work. Manager at Brunner, Mond and Co.'s, Winnington, North- wich, since 1904. Winnington, Northwich, Cheshire. Pollitt, Samuel (Owens). Born May 24, 1872. B.Sc., 1896. Fellow of the Chemical Society. Science Master in King's Lynn Technical School, 1894-1896; in the Brompton Organized Science School, S.W., 1896. Lecturer at Slough Technical School, 1897. Second Master Commercial Travellers' School, Pinner, 1898-1901. Second Master and Senior Science Master, Tottenham County Secondary School, and Lecturer in Tottenham Polytechnic since 1901. 18, Belsize Park, Hampstead, London, N.W. *Pomfret, Henry Waytes (Owens). Born March i, 1858, at Hollingworth. M.B., Ch.B., 1888. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1889. Bishop Berkeley Fellow- ship, Owens College, 1889. Member of University Court, 1893-1897. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1883. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1885. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1882 ; Surgical Registrar, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1891-1900. Medical Officer, No. 8 District, Ashton Union. Hollingworth, Cheshire ; 96, Mosley Street, Manchester. *Pope, Robert Martin (Owens}. Born January 4, 1865, in London. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1884. M.A., 1888. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Classical Tripos, Part I., 2nd class, Division i), 1887. M.A., 1896. Entered Wesleyan Ministry, 1888. Assistant Tutor, Handsworth College, 1888-1891. Author of Expository Notes on the Revised Version of the Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy and Titus ; Translator of The Letters of John Hus ; and Editor and co-Translator of the Cathemerinon of Prudentius (Temple Classics). 26, Staverton Road, Oxford. *ffPope, William Jackson. Born March 31, 1870, in London. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Professor of Applied Chemistry in the University since 1905. Previously Head of Chemistry Department, Goldsmith's Institute, London, 1903. Longstaff Medallist, Chemical Society. Discoverer of the Optical Activity due to Asymmetry of the Nitrogen, Sulphur, Selenium, and Tin Atoms. Author of many papers in the Trans- actions of the Chemical Society and the Proceedings of the Royal Society in Organic Chemistry and Crystallography. Cantor Lectures to the Society of Arts on the Bearings of Geometry on the Chemistry of Fermentation, 1900. Corchester, Bramhall, Cheshire. Popple, Lilian (Owens'). Born February 1,1885, at Heywood. B.A., 1905. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. Assistant Mistress, Bury Grammar School for Girls, since 1905. Woodlands Park, Altrincham, Cheshire. *Popplewell, Dorothea (Owens). Born March 16, 1877, at Pendleton. B.Sc., 1898. Formerly Co-Principal of Marple High School. Second Mistress, Doncaster Municipal High School for Girls since 1905. Chatto, Marple, near Stockport. 283 Popplewell, Frank (Owens). Born January 18, 1880, at Urmston, near Man- chester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. Gartside Scholar, 1902. Research Work in Chemistry at Leipzig, 1901. Travelling in U.S.A. and Germany, 1903-1904. Lecturer in Chemistry and Metallurgy, in the Municipal Technical School, The Gamble Institute, St. Helens, since 1904. Author of Some Modern Conditions and Recent Developments in Iron and Steel Production in America, 1906. Now in the Census of Production Office. West View, Marple, near Stockport. Popplewell, William Charles (Owens). Born August 28, 1865, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1897. Telford Premium, 1905. Assistant to the Professor of Engineering, Edinburgh University, 1890-1893. Senior Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1893-1900. Practised for about a year as Consulting Engineer. Now Lecturer on Materials, Structures and Hydraulics at School of Technology, Manchester. Author of Heat Engines, Testing of Materials of Engineering, Smoke Prevention, Compressed Air, and numerous Scientific Papers. Bowden Lane, Marple, Cheshire. Porritt, Florence Mary (Yorks.). Born September 24, 1876, at Wortley, near Leeds. B.A., 1899. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. English Mistress at Central High School, Leeds. i, Highfield Terrace, Kingston Road, Leeds. Porteous, Geraldine Alberta (Yorks.). Born November 9, 1879, at Presteigne, Radnorshire. B.A., 1902. English Mistress at Altrincham High School, 1904 ; at Sheffield Middle Class School, 1905 ; at Mount Syrie School, Southport, since 1907. 17, Rochester Terrace, Headingley, Leeds. Porter, Gerard Ford. Born December 9, 1883, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Accident Room Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906 ; House Physician, 1906-1907. Norwood, Prestwich, Manchester. Porter, Mary Alice. Born February 21, 1883, at Skegness. B.A., 1906. Form Mistress at Blackpool Secondary School since 1906. i, Tennyson Road, Blackpool. Porter, Ralph Classon (Univ.). Born August, 1871, at Heatley, near Warring- ton. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1892. University Scholarship in Engineer- ing, 1892. M.Sc., 1895. Formerly Under -Manager of Rolling Mills. Instructor in Engineering, Government Polytechnic School, Cairo, 1899-1908. Now Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in the University of Birmingham. The. University, Birmingham. Porter, Robert Nuttall. Born March 27, 1881, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Demonstrator in Anatomy in the Manchester University, 1904. House 284 Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, 1906. House Surgeon, Leicester Infirmary, 1907. Norwood, Prestwich, Manchester. Porter, Thomas (Owens). Born December 19, 1868, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. House Surgeon at Manchester Southern Hospital, 1891-1892 ; at Ancoats Hospital in 1891. Assistant Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1892-1895. In general practice since 1895. Glencaird, St. Anne's Road East, St. Anne's-on-the-Sea. Porteus, Thomas Cruddas. Born in 1876, at Netherton, Worcestershire. B.D., 1906. Royal University of Ireland : B.A., 1897. Minister of Methodist Church, Hawthorn Street, Wilmslow, 1906. Joined Church of England. Ordained Deacon by Bishop of Man- chester, 1908. Curate of Coppull, Wigan, 1908. Coppull, Wigan. Postance, Eva Cecilia (Univ.). Born November 30, 1876, at Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1899. Married, July 31, 1902, Edwin Glasgow. Ivy Cottage, The Forest, Snaresbrook, Essex. Postlethwaite, William Taylor (Owens). Born March 18, 1858, at Dalbeattie, N.B. LL.B., 1899. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1898. Clerk, Swinton and Pendlebury Urban and District Council, since 1900. Craignair, Swinton, Manchester. Potter, Charles Etty (Yorks.). Born January 5, 1880, at Melsonby. B.Sc., 1900. Late Ass'stant Master, County School, Abergele, North Wales. Now Assistant Master, Secondary School, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. Melsonby, Darlington. F Potter, John Marsden (Owens). Born November 28, 1872, at Liverpool. Mus.B., 1898. Organist, &c., Gateacre Parish Church, near Liverpool, 1897-1901 Neston Parish Church, Cheshire, 1901-1905 ; Canning Street Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, 1906. Teacher of Singing and Pianoforte at Melrose High School for Girls, Liverpool, 1900, and The Priory School, Neston, 1901. ii, Duddingston Avenue, Wavertree, Liverpool. *Potts, Charles (Owens). Born January 2, 1880, at Ardwick, Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1901. M.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Queen's College, Taunton, 1901-1904 ; at Man- chester Grammar School since 1904. Arts Tutor, Dalton Hall, Manchester, s : nce 1905. Dalton Hall, Victoria Park, Manchester ; 24, Park Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester. Potts, Matthew Bertram (Yorks.). Born August 15, 1877, at Pudsey, near Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1904. c/o Dr. Welch, Stanningley, Leeds. *Potts, Sarah (Owens). Born October n, 1876, at Oldham. B.A. (2nd class History), 1898. M.A., 1901. Quorndon, M onion Green, Eccles. 'Potts, Thirza (Owens}. Born August 10, 1871, at Oldham. B.A., 1892. M.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress, Trinity Hall School, Southport, 1893-1897. Second Mistress at Harrogate Ladies' College, 1901. Organising Secretary to the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Women's Liberal Associa- tions, 1902-1906. Member of the Eccles Education Committee. Quorndon, Monton Green, Eccles. Powell, Elizabeth Caroline. Born May 20, 1886, at Swansea. B.Sc., 1907. Studying for Honours in Botany at the University, 1907-1908. High Lane, near Stockport. Powell, Francis Palmer (Owens}. Born March 28, 1877. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1899. Assistant Master, Witney Grammar School, since 1899. Grammar School, Witney, Oxfordshire. Powell, Percival Herbert (Univ.]. Born July 13, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1901. University Scholar, 1901. Uni- versity Fellow, 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. David Rew Scholarship, 1901. Test Assistant, Messrs. Siemens Bros., Stafford, 1904. Lecturer on Electrical Engineering, Canterbury College, Christchurch, New Zealand, since 1905. Powicke, Agnes Eva. Born July 20, 1884, at Alnwick. B.A., 1906. Ass stant Mistress at Notre Dame School, Blackburn. Hatherlow, near Stockport. Powicke, Frederick Maurice (Owens}. Born June 16, 1879, at Alnwick. B.A. (ist class History), 1899. University Scholarship in History, 1899. M.A., 1902. Langton Fellow, 1902-1905. London University : B.A. (ist class History with Derby Prize), 1898. Balliol College, Oxford : Brakenbury Scholar, 1899. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1902 and (ist class History) 1903. Assistant Lecture: in History, Liverpool University, 1905-1906 ; Man- chester University s'nce 1906. Tutor to Civil Service Candidates, 1906. Has contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, English Historical Review, and Victoria County History of Lancashire. Dunwood House, Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester. tPoynting, Charles Thomas. Born December i, 1844, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1866. Hibbert Scholar (at Heidelberg and Zurich), 1868-1870. Protestant Dissenting Minister, Platt Chapel, Rusholme, since 1871. Clerk of Convocation, 1880-1891. Member of Court, 1885-1893. Member of Council, 1891-1893. Unitarian Minister. 22, Rathen Road, Withington, Manchester. f Poynting, John Henry. Born September 9, 1852, at Monton, near Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Hon. D.Sc., 1902. London University : Matriculation (2nd in Honours), 1869. Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics, 2nd class Physics), 1871. B.Sc., 1872. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (3rd Wrangler), 1876. Fellow, 1878. M.A., 1879. Sc.D., 1887. F.R.S., 1888. Adams Prize, 1893. Demonstrator in Physics, Owens College, 1876-1879. Professor of 286 Physics; Mason College, Birmingham (the University of Birmingham since 1900), since 1880 ; Dean of the Faculty of Science in the University of Birmingham. Has published papers in the Philo- sophical Transactions on Electrical Theory, on Gravitation, and on Radiation, and various other Physical Papers. 10, Ampton Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. *Pratt, Edith Mary (Owens). Born September 5, 1873, at Dukinfield, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1897. M.Sc., 1900. D.Sc., 1904. Author of Zoological Papers. Engaged in Scientific Research. The Woodlands, Silver dale, Lancashire. Precious, Julia Hopper (Yorks.). Born August 3, 1878, at York. B.A., 1900. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Southern Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1900. Mistress of the Preparatory Department of the South African College School, Cape Town, since 1902. Blenheim Mount, Leeds. Prescott, John (Owens). Born January 29, 1878, at Culcheth, Lancashire. B.A., 1901. M.A., 1905. Assistant Master at St. Bede's Grammar School, Bradford, Yorkshire, 1901-1902 ; at Lord Williams's Grammar School, Thame, 1902- 1903. Mathematical Lecturer, Manchester School of Technology since 1905. 8, Kenilworth Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. *fPreston, Charles Henry. Born February 18, 1867, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B., 1891. B.S., 1892. M.D., 1893. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1892. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. L.D.S. (Eng.), 1897. Bradley Scholarship, Royal Infirmary, 1890. Second Class Honours,. M.B. and B.S. (Lond.), in Anatomy, 1890 ; in Forensic Medicine, 1891 ; in Surgery, 1892. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1890-1891. Senior House Surgeon, Seamen's Hospital, Albert Docks, 1891-1892. House Surgeon, Victoria Dental Hospital, Manchester, 1897. Tutor, Manchester Dental School, 1898. Lecturer in Dental Anatomy, Owens College, and subsequently in the University, since 1901. Curator of Museum, Manchester Odontological Society, 1902-1907. Haddon Lodge, 23, Washway Road, Sale, Manchester. Prestwich, John (Owens). Born May 16, 1873. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Formerly House Physician, &c., General Hospital, Nottingham. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900. Died at Howick, Natal, August 28, 1900. Price, Ernest Jones. Born January 21, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Student in the Faculty of Theology in the University. 174, Clifton Street, Old Trafford, Manchester. Price, Ethel Norah. Born March 5, 1883, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Studying for Teacher's Diploma in the University, 1907-1908. 74, Demesne Road, Manchester, S.W* Price, Thomas (Owens). Born January 5, 1852, at Chester. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor. I. Princess Street, Albert Square, Manchester. 2 8 7 *Priestley, Adam (Owens). Born November 19, 1883, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant on Construction Canadian Pacific Railway, 1905, and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Canada, 1906. Student Inst. C.E. Eng., j 1905. Student Canadian Soc. C.E., 1905. In L. and N.-W. Railway Engineering Office since 1907. c/o John Priestley, The Green, Quatford, Bridgnorth. Priestley, Albert Weston (Yorks.). Born October 29, 1871, at Thornton, Bradford. B.A., 1897. B.Sc., 1897. Teacher's Diploma, 1897. M.A., 1900. Exeter College, Oxford : B.C.L. Assistant Master under London School Board, 1898-1899. Assistant Lecturer on Education, Yorkshire College, 1899-1900. Master of Method, Oxford University Day Training College, 1900-1904. Inspector for Education under East Riding County Council, 1904. Governor of Beverley Grammar School since 1904. | County Hall, Beverley. Priestley, Arthur Henry (Owens). Born March 28, 1873, at Barton-on-Humber. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.S.A., 1898. In general practice at Hunslet, Leeds, till 1904 ; at Much Wenlock, Salop, till 1907 ; at Norwich since 1907. o, Lady Lane, Norwich. fPriestley, Joseph. Born August 24, 1859, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (59th in Honours), 1876. Inter. B. A. (ist class Latin), 1877. B.A., 1879. Edinburgh University : M.D., 1886. M.B., C.M., 1883. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1883. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1890. Medical Officer of Health for the Borough of Lambeth. Formerly Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Camberwell and Medical Officer of Health for Leicester. Town Hall, Kennington Green, London, S.E. Priestman, Harold (Yorks.). Born October 6, 1877, at Bradford. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Student of Engineering in various Engineering Works in U.S.A., 1900- 1902. With Westinghouse Co. in Trafford Park as Electrical Engineer (Designer) since 1902. 143, High Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. Priestnall, John. Born May 24, 1880, at Newton Heath. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Rochdale Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904. Lecturer in Practical Mathematics, Rochdale Technical School. 117, Ramsay Street, Rochdale, Lanes. *Pring, John Norman. Born in 1884* at Sandbach. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. Gart side Scholar, 1905. M.Sc., 1906. John Harling Fellow, 1907. Assistant in Electrochemistry at Columbia University, New York, 1906. Demonstrator in Electrochemistry, Manchester University, 1908. Linden Bank, Sandbach, Cheshire. * Prior, Theodora (Owens). B.Sc., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Assistant Mistress at Llandrindod Wells County School, 1903 ; at 288 Wynthrop College, Ashton-on -Mersey, 1905. Mathematical Mis- tress in Bangor County School for Girls since 1907. West cliff e, Hawthorn Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire ; 5, Victoria Park, Bangor. Pritchard, Frank (Owens). Born July 12, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Late Medical Officer to H.M. Troops at Belfast. 2960, Upper Brook Street, Manchester. Procter, Harry. Born July 19, 1874, at Burnley. B.A., 1894. LL.B., 1894. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1897. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1907. 95, Ormerod Road, Burnley, Lanes. *Proudlove, Reginald (Owens). Born November 12, 1866, at Huncoat, Lanes. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1889. M.Sc., 1895. London University : B.Sc., 1906. Lecturer on Mathematics, Technical School, Hull, since 1894. 32, Hutt Street, Spring Bank, Hull. Pugh, Thomas Freer (Univ.). Born April 29, 1877, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. 219, Edge Lane, Liverpool. *Purves, Mrs. J. A. See Johnstone, Edith. *Pyman, Frank Lee (Owens). Born April 9, 1882, at Malvern. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. Mercer Scholarship, 1902. Leblanc Medal, 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Basle University : Ph.D., 1904. Temporary Assistant in Government Laboratory, London, 1905. Chemist in Experimental Department of Messrs. Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., at Dartford, since 1906. The Oaks, Hitchin, Herts. Q *Quaas, Alma Emma Hedwig (Owens). Born January 25, 1881, at Leipzig. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Waterloo Science School, Oldham, 1903-1904 ; at Stretford Road Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. Wellfield, Steven Street, Stretford, Manchester. *Quail, James Arnold. Born May 16, 1882, at Liverpool. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1905. Formerly reading in the Theological Faculty, at Manchester University and at Lancashire Independent College, Whalley Range, Manchester. Now Minister of the Congregational Church, Kingsland, London,. N.E. Congregational Church, Kingsland, London, N.E. *Quarmby, Alphonso Fitzalan (Owens). Born June 28, 1880, at Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Phys'cs), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Student in the Faculty of Medicine in the University since 1901. 60, Pitt Street, Oldham. 289 Quiggin, Arthur John (Univ.). Born October 20, 1879, at Liverpool. LL.B., 1900. Solicitor of the Supreme Court; admitted February, 1903. Tunstall, Blundellsands, Liverpool ; Bristowe Chambers, Harrington Street, Liverpool. Quine, Albert Edward. Born November 7, 1883, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, Manchester University, 1906 1908. Brookside Manse, Bradwell, via Sheffield. *Quinn, James Cardwell (Univ.). Born September 28, 1868, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1891. M.Sc., 1894. Chemist to the Gas and Water Committee, Carlisle, 1892 ; to the Patent Films Syndicate, 1892-1893 ; to the Lancaster Rubber Company, 1893-1894. Sub-Manager, Messrs. Bryne Bros., India- rubber Company, Birmingham, 1894-1896. Sub-Manager, Rubber Tyre Manufacturing Company, Aston, 1896. Manager of the Tyre Department, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited, 1898-1900. Qualified aa a Public Analyst, 1900. In practice as Consulting Chemist and Engineer. Hillesdon, Barnstaple. R *Raby, Percy (Owens). Born June 22, 1873, at Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1893. M.A., 1896. LL.B. (with Honours), 1896. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1897. Clerk of Convocation of the University since 1905. Representative of Convocation on the Court of Governors of the University, 1907. Member of the Advisory Committee on Legal Education, appointed by the Court as representing Convocation in 1907. The Gables, D-idsbury, Manchester. *Race, William (Owens). Born February 8, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1895. Assistant Master, Cheetham Higher Grade School, Manchester, since 1895. 25, Premier Street, Brooks' s Bar, Manchester. Radcliffe, Adolphus Harold (Yorks.). Born February 17, 1882, at South Milford, Yorkshire. M:B., Ch.B., 1903. D.P.H., 1905. House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, 1903. Medical Officer to Post Office. Medical Officer to Great Central Railway. South Milford, Yorkshire. *Radcliffe, Frank (Owens). Born March 31, 1872, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. M.D., 1897. Late House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Lecturer to Nurses at Oldham Union Infirmary. Assistant Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary. 94, Werneth Hall Road, Oldham, Lancashire. *Radcliffe, Frank (Owens). Born March 6, 1883, at Stalybridge. Mus.Bac., 1903. F.R.C.O., 1904. Organist and Choirmaster, St. Luke's, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, 1903 ; Eccles Parish Church since 1907. Lynwood, Stocks La.ne, Stalybridqe. J I 2QO tfRadcliffe, Joseph. Born August 23, 1856, at Halifax. M.Sc.Tech., 1906. Fellow Roy. San. Inst., 1907. Rochdale Technical Instruction Committee's Scholar (Owens College). Formerly with Messrs. John Parker and Son, Rochdale. In Waterworks Engineers' Department of Rochdale Corporation, 1883-1888; Resi- dent Engineer, 1888 ; General Manager, 1890-1899. Also in charge of Sanitary Engineering Department of the School of Technology since 1885. Has held many other Engineering Appointments, and has had considerable experience in Legal and Parliamentary Matters. Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester, 1903. Lecturer in Sanitary Engineering in the University since 1905. Consulting Engineer. Scaitcliffe, Manchester Road, Rochdale. Radcliffe, Norman Brooke (Yorks.). Born March 24, 1883, at Leeds. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. London University : B.Sc., 1903. L.C.P., 1907. Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Leeds Modern and Technical Schools, since 1904. Baldovan Villa, 36, Harehills Lane, Leeds. Radcliffe, Percy Alexander Hurst (Yorks.). Born January 15, 1879, at Birstal, Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. D.T.M., 1905. Formerly Assistant Medical Officer, Liverpool Dispensary, 1901-1902, and Leeds Union Infirmary, 1902-1903 ; Resident Surgical Officer, St. Peter's Genito-Urinary Hospital, Covent Garden, London, W. House Physician and Casualty Officer, Wakefield General Hospital Junior House Surgeon, Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital and Hospital of the London Tropical School, Royal Albert Dock Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Jewish Hospital, 1904-1905 in charge of the Trypanasome Research Laboratory and Farm of the Tropical School of Medicine, Liverpool, 1905 ; Ophthalmic House Surgeon, Leeds Infirmary, 1906. English Mission Hospital, Jerusalem. (London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews.) *fRailton, Thomas Carleton. Born July 16, 1843, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : M.B. (3rd class Obstetrics), 1873. M.D., 1882. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1888. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1872. Formerly Medical Officer of Health for Withington District of Man- chester. Consulting Physician to the Manchester Northern Hos- pital. Retired. 9, Moorfield Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Rainford, George. Born June n, 1883, at Chorley. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. 8, St. Thomas' Square, Chorley, Lancashire. JRalphs, Frank Gerald. Born November 28, 1881, at Tabley, Knutsford, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon, Ocean S.S. Company, 1905. Senior Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children, Manchester, 1906. Accident Room Houss Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1907. In general practice since 1907. Dukinfield, Cheshire. J 2 2gi *Ramsbottom, Albert (Owens). Born April 24, 1877, at Middleton, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. D.P.H., 1903. M.D., 1906. Late Resident Medical Officer and House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Late Resident Medical Officer and Clinical Assistant, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle. Late Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary. Now Medical Registrar and Ass stan t Director of Clinical Laboratory, Manchester Royal In- firmary. 2, St Peter's Square, 'Manchester. *Ramsbottom, Charles Henry Geoffrey (Owens). Born November 19, 1869, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. M.D., 1897. Medical Practitioner. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1893-1894. Honorary Surgeon, All Hallows Hospital, Ditchingham, since 1902. Certifying Factory Surgeon. Surgeon to Post Office ; to Great Eastern Railway ; to Board of Education. Waveney House, Bungay, Suffolk. Ramsbottom, John Edwin. Born October 24, 1883, at Lodge Mills, Shuttle- worth. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Research Student at Giessen University, Germany. Lodge Mills, Shuttleworth, near Manchester. Ramsbottom, Sarah Isabel. Born June 4, 1881, at Shuttleworth, near Manchester. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Leeds Council School, 1905-1906 ; at Oldham Secondary School, 1906-1907 ; at Poole Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1907. West End House, Poole, Dorset. Ramsden, Agnes (Owens). Born October 25, 1879, at West Vale, near Halifax. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress at Leeds Central Higher Grade School, 1902 ; at Folkestone Pupil Teachers' Centre (now County Secondary School for Girls) since 1903. 58, Cheriton Road, Folkestone. Ramsden, Annie. Born April 8, 1885, at Bury, Lancashire. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at the St. Angela's High School, Forest Gate, Essex, since 1907. The Ursuline Convent, Forest Gate, Essex. *Ramsden Henry Kay (Owens). Born May 28, 1867, at Saddleworth, Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. Acting House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, 1891. Surgeon, Town Hospital,. Guernsey, 1894-1896 ; Victoria Cottage Hospital, Guernsey, 1895- 1899. House Surgeon, Eye Hospital, Oxford, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon, South Africa, 1900-1901. House Surgeon, Central London Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, 1901-1902. Surgeon, General Hospital, Crillagoe, Queensland, Australia, 1903. Surgeon-Captain, 2nd London Rifles. 21, Elm Park Road, Chelsea, London, S.W. * Ramsden, Herbert (Owens). Born May 16, 1865, at Dobcross, Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. D.P.H., 1899. London University : M.B. (3rd class Medicine, 2nd class Obstetrics), 1892. M.D., 1894. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A., 1889. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1891. District Medical Officer for Saddleworth, 1892. Honorary Visiting Surgeon, Oldham 2Q2 Poor Children's Home, 1895. Medical Officer of Health for Saddle- worth Urban District, 1900. Medical Practitioner. Sunnyside, Dobcross, Oldham. Ramsden, John Eli (Owens). Born January 22, 1875, at West Vale, Halifax. B.A., 1902. Minister, Baptist Church, Goodshaw, 1903-1906 ; Baptist Church, Barnes, S.W., since 1906. 18, By field Gar dens, Barnes, London, S.W. Ramsden, William Bates (Owens'). Born November 20, 1876. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. \nalyst to Chorlton Board of Guardians. Lecturer in Sanitary Chemistry in Public Health Laboratory, Manchester University. Died June 29, 1906. Ramshaw, Walter (Yorks.). Born January 27, 1878, at Beverley. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master at Burley Lawn School, Leeds, 1899 ; at Shaftesbury Grammar School, Dorset, since 1903. 16, Albert Terrace, Beverley, Yorkshire. Randies, Joseph (Owens'). Born May 30, 1882, at Stockport. B.A., 1903. Assistant Master, Fairfield Secondary School, Bristol, since 1903. Dresden, Ashgrove Road, Ashley Down, Bristol. Raper, Henry Stanley (Yorks.). Born March 5, 1882, at Bradford. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1903. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1903. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1904-1907. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, London, S.W. Ratcliffe, John Laverack (Univ.). Born May 2, 1881, at Kirton Lindsay. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. 40, Church Street, Egremont, Cheshire. *Raundrup, Jens Henrik (Owens). Born March 20, 1868, at Didsbury, Manchester. B.Sc., 1889. M.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master at Appleby Grammar School, 1889-1891 ; at Merchant Venturers' School, Bristol, in 1892 ; at Liverpool Institute, 1892- 1896. Head Master of Moorlands School (private) since 1898. Moorlands School, Far Headingley, Leeds. Raven, Hilda Mary (Yorks.). Born December 2, 1882, at Goole, Yorkshire. B.A. (3rd class Modern Languages), 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Modern Language Mistress, Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1905. The Pines, Goathland, S.O., Yorkshire. Rawes, Charles Kinsman (Owens). Born April 18, 1866, at Bedminster. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1891. Medical Officer to Weston-super-Mare Provident Dispensary, 1892- 1893. I Q private practice since 1903. 4, Tubbs Road, Harlesden, London, N.W. 293 Rawsthorn, Reginald Bromley. Born May 31, 1884, at Bolton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Assistant Master, Blackpool Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre. Secondary School, Raikes Road, Blackpool. *Ray, John Howson (Owens). Born May 10, 1870, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. Ch.M., 1896. F.R.C.S., 1896. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894- 1895 ; Salford Royal Hospital, 1895-1896. Resident Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1896. Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1898-1906. Medical Officer to the Salford School Board, 1898-1903. Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1901. Surgeon, Manchester Children's Hos- pital, 1902. Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Manchester, Royal Infirmary, 1905. Honorary Surgeon to the Manchester Hospital for Consumption and for Diseases of the Throat and Chest, 1906. Assistant Lecturer in Operative Surgery, The University of Man- chester, since 1906. Summer field Lodge, Denison Road, Victoria Park ; n, St. John Street, Manchester. Raymond, Annie Walton (Univ.). Born May 2, 1876, at King William's Town, South Africa. B.A., 1897. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Private Tutor. Married W. H. Roberts. 2, Sugnall Street, Liverpool. Rayner, Arthur Ernest (Owens). Born December 12, 1877, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899-1900 ; Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield, 1900-1901. Honorary Medical and Surgical Electrician, Preston Royal Infirmary. Honorary Clinical Secretary, Preston Medical Society. Now in general practice. 58, Pole Street, Preston, Lancashire. *t Rayner, Edwin. Born February 13, 1884, at Stockport. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.A., 1863. Inter .M.B. (2nd class Anatomy), 1867. M.B. (2nd class Medicine, ist class Midwifery, ist class and Gold Medal Forensic Medicine), 1869. M.D., 1870. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1869. Physician and Surgeon. Member of Court, 1883-1899. J.P. for Stock- port. Late Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst, Stockport. 19, Tiviotdale, Stockport. Rayner, Henry Herbert (Owens). Born July 26, 1879, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1907. Assistant House Surgeon, 1901 ; Junior House Surgeon, 1902 ; Senior House Surgeon, 1903-1904, Preston Royal Infirmary. Resi- dent Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1904-1905. Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Out Patient Department, 1905-1906 ; Southwark Infirmary, East Dulwich, London, S.E., 1906. Resident Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, since 1907. Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire. 294 Rayner, Herbert Emmett (Yorks.). Born December 6, 1873, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1895. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Central Higher Grade (Organised Science) School, Leeds, 1895. Now on the Staff of the Pupil Teachers' Centre, York. Pupil Teachers' Centre, York. Rayner, Thomas Hudson (Owens). Born August 17, 1868, at Barton, York. B.Sc., 1893. Assistant Master, Bowesfield Lane Board School, Stockton, 1894-1895. Head Master, Skidby Church of England School, Hull, 1895-1897 ; North Frodingham Church of England School, Drimeld, 1897- 1901 ; Beefoid National School, Driffield, since 1901. Beeford, Driffield. Rea, Catherine. Born March 22, 1882, at Belfast. B.A., 1905. 39, Avon Road, Hale, Cheshire. Read, Frederick (Owens). Born July 25, 1884, at Burnley, Lancashire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. Appointed to Examining Staff, H.M. Patent Office, 1905. 106, Grove Lane, Camberwell, London, S.E. Read, Sidney (Owens). Born May 13, 1881, at Burnley, Lancashire. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. Chemical Assistant, The Custom House Laboratory, London, 1901- 1904. Assistant Examiner, The Patent Office, London, since 1904. 106, Grove Lane, Camberwell, London, S.E. Reckitt, Ernest (Owens). Born October 8, 1866, at Hull. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1887. Since 1891 in the Accountancy Business, and since 1907 Partner in Firm of Wilkinson, Reckitt, Williams & Co., Certified Public Accountants, of New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Examiner for the University of Illinois under the Certified Public Accountant Act. 802, Marqueth Building, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Redfearn, Elsie Mary. Born January 9, 1884, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1905. M.A... 1907. At the Ecole Normale, Chateauroux, Indre, France, 1906. History and French Mistress at the Grammar School, Fowey, Cornwall, since 1907. The Grammar School, Fowey, Cornwall. Redfern, Herbert Stanley (Yorks.). Born January 14, 1882, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Educational Missionary, Ningpo, China, 1903-1908. 12, St. Edmund's Terrace, Rochdale. Redfern, William Duckett. Born November n, 1886, at Heaton Mersey. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. With Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., of Trafford Park. Ashmont, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Redmond, Charles Henry Stennett. Born November 2, 1882, at Gateshead-on- Tyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital, West Didsbury. 13, Alexandra Road South, Manchester. 295 Reed, John Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 9, 1874, at Staindrop, Co. Durham. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1899-1900. In general practice at Barrow since 1900. 128, Rawlinson Street, Barrow-in Furness. Rees, John Lambert (Owens). Born November 8, 1862, at Llanbadarn Trefeglwys, Cardiganshire. B.Sc., 1888. Missionary to China, 1890. Lecturer in Theology at St. John's College, Shanghai, 1896. Rector of St. Peter's, Shanghai, 1899-1904. Deputation Secretary for the S.P.G. in England, 1904-1906. Rector of Llanddowror, Carmarthenshire, and Organising Secretary for the S.P.G. in the Diocese of St. David's, since 1906. Author in Chinese of the following : The Development of European Civilisation, 1895 ; Manual of Christian Doctrine (2 vols.), 1898 ; Manual of Private Devotion, 1899 ; History of the Ancient Nations of the West (10 vols.), 1900 ; History of England (5 vols.), 1902 ; History of France (5 vols.), 1902 ; History of Germany (5 vols.), 1904 ; History of Russia (5 vols.), 1904. Also joint Translator of the New Testament into the Shanghai Dialect. Llanddowror Rectory, St. Clears, South Wales. Reeve, Edward (Owens). Born July 3, 1875, at Uttoxeter. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1897. Assistant Master at St. Martin's School, York, 1897-1898 ; at Uni- versity School, Southport, 1898-1900 ; at Ashford Grammar School, Kent, 1900-1907 ; at the Royal Grammar School, Col- chester, since 1907. Gilberd House, Beverley Road, Colchester. *Regan, Margaret Mary (Owens). Born September 17, 1875, a ^ Cheltenham. B.A., 1896. Teacher's Diploma, 1897. Journalist. Formerly (1898) Head Mistress of the Deal Street Special Schools, London. Reid, Alexander (Owens). Born October 29, 1877, at Radcliffe, Manchester. B.Sc., 1900. Student at Owens College, 1900-1901. Science Master at Hindley Grammar School, 1902-1905. Student in the Faculty of Medicine in the University since 1905. 104, Victoria Street, Radcliffe, near Manchester. Reid, John Herbert (Univ.). Born July 3, 1881, at Birkenhead. B.Sc., 1902. Jena University : Ph.D., 1904. Manager of the British Nicotine Co., Ltd., Bootle, Liverpool, since 1905. n, Glover Street, Birkenhead. *Reid, Mary (Owens). Born April 7, 1880, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.A., 1901. Form Mistress, Stretford Road Secondary School, since 1904. 15, Union Street, Stretford, Lancashire. Renshaw, Bertha. Born July 29, 1876, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1907. Studying for M.Sc. in University. Drake Street, Rochdale, Lanes. 296 *Renshaw, Graham (Owens). Born January 2, 1873, at Sale. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. L.S.A., 1897. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. Sale Bridge House, Sale, Manchester. Renshaw, John Harold (Owens). Born October 10, 1871, at Stretford, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1896-1897. Formerly Surgeon to R. M. S.S. Anselm and Agamemnon. In general practice since 1897. The Lindens, A shton-on- Mersey, Cheshire. Renwick, Walter (Univ.). Born May 27, 1881, at Preston. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Longton High School, 1903-1905. Assistant Master, Nutgrove Wesleyan School, St. Helens, since 1905. 82, Nutgrove Road, St. Helens, Lancashire. Revell, Percy Harry. Born December 12, 1884, at Leigh, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master at the Harrogate Secondary Day and Technical School, 1904-1906. Assistant Examiner in H.M. Patent Office since 1906. H.M. Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W.C. *f Reynolds, Ernest Septimus. Born April 7, 1861, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1902, London University : M.D., 1885. F.R.C.P., 1896. Assistant Medical Officer at Cheadle Royal Asylum, 1883-1886. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1887-1891. Senior Physician, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester, 1898. Visiting Physician, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, 1890-1907. Assistant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1899-1906. Honorary Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary since 1906. Lecturer in Tropical Diseases in Owens College, 1900 ; in the University, 1903-1908. 2, St. Peter's Square, Manchester. Platt Cottage, Rusholme, Manchester. Reynolds, Frank Gordon. Born May TO, 1885, at Salford. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division, Applied Chemistry), 1907. Manager of Technical Research Department, Jos. Crosfield and Sons, Warrington, f^ince 1907. 5, Birch Road, Higher Crumpsatt, Manchester. Reynolds, Henry (Owens). Born May 29, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1894. Gottingen University : Ph.D., 1902. Chemistry Master, Swindon Technical School, 1896-1897 ; Technical High School, Darmstadt, 1897-1899. With Nernst in Gottingen, 1899-1902. Head of Chemical Department, L.C.C. Paddington Technical Institute., since 1903. The Cottage, Pinner Hill Road, Pinner, Middlesex. Reynolds, Mary (Owens). Born February 2, 1881, at Flowery Field, Hyde, Cheshire. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1903. Teachers' Diploma, 1905. M.A., 1906. Post-graduate work, 1903-1904. English Mistress at Accrington 297 Secondary School, 1905-1906 ; at St. Felix School, Southwold, Suffolk, since 1906. Somerville House, St. Felix School, Southwold, Suffolk. Reynolds, Stephen Sydney (Owens}. Born May 16, .1881, at Devizes, Wilts. B.Sc., 1902. Western Town, Sidmouth, Devon. Rhind, Alexander Low (Owens). Born November 24, 1872, at Cuttack, Orissa, Bengal. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Rawcliffe Hospital, Chorley, Lanes., 1898-1900 ; and Senior House Surgeon, Royal Surrey County Hospital, 1900-1901. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Bingham Union. Keyworth, Notts. Rhodes, Mrs. Arthur. See Firth, Annie. Rhodes, Edgar Swain (Owens'). Born March 29, 1879, at Accrington. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master, Burnley Wood Board School, 1901-1906. Head Master, Stonefield Boys' School, Bilston, Staffs., since 1906. Stonefield Boys' School, Bilston, Staffs. Rhodes, Edwin (Yorks.). Born July 18, 1882, at Selby. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1903. A.I.C., 1905. Assistant Chemist to Thomas Fairley, F.R.S.E., F.I.C., &c. (Public Analyst of Leeds and N. Riding of York), 1904-1905. Assistant Chemist to the Great Northern Railway, under W. Gathorne Young, F.I.C., &c. (Analyst, Analysts' Department, G.N. Railway, Doncaster), since 1905. 15, Church Lane, Selby, Yorkshire. *Rhodes, Ernest Wood (Owens). Born April 22, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class English Language), 1885. Langton Fellowship, 1886. M.A., 1888. Assistant Master, Royal Naval School (Eltham College), Kent, 1893 ; Modern Language Master, 1893 ; House Master since 1896. Editor of Liber Scintillarum (Early English Text Society). Eltham College (Royal Naval School), Kent. Rhodes, John Edgar (Owens). Born July 10, 1881, at Brooklands, near Manchester. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Private Tutor, 1904. Assistant Anglais Lycee of Alenon, 1905. Modern Languages Master, Sevenoaks School, Kent, 1905-1906. Studied at Greifswald and Rouen, 1906. Modern Languages Master, Bramcote Preparatory School, Scarborough, since 1907. '1 ';> SB Bramcote, Scarborough. *Rhodes, Walter Eustace (Owens). Born January 5, 1872, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1892. University Fellowship in Arts, 1892. Jones Fellowship, Owens College, 1893. M.A., 1895. Studied at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Librarian of Owens College, 1895-1903. Has contributed to English Historical Review, Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford Historical Atlas. Has written a School History of Lancashire, 1907. 51, Egerton Road, Withington, Manchester. 298 "Rhodes, William Gould (Owens). Born August 20, 1867, at Audenshaw, near Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1890. Derby Prizeman, 1890. M.Sc., 1893. D.Sc., 1902. M.Inst.E.E., 1900. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Physics, Owens College, 1892-1894. Senior Lecturer in Applied Physics, Central Technical College, London, 1894-1896. Chief Lecturer in Electrical Engineer- ing, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1896-1900, and since 1905. Consulting Engineer since 1900. Royal Technical Institute, Salford. "fRhodes, William Henry. Born March i, 1847, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1867. Prize at Further Scriptural Examina- tion, 1871. M.A., 1873. Assistant Master at Bishop's Stortford, 1874-1875. Principal, Merton House School, Brooklands, 1875-1889 ; Mertpn House School, Penmaenmawr, since 1889. Merton House School, Penmaenmawr, North Wales. Richards, Charles Sydney. Born February 5, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours division, Electrical Engineering), 1907. Apprentice, British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Com- pany, Ltd., 1906-1907; Assistant Engineer, Turbine division, since 1907. 38, Monton Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. Richards, John Slater (Owens). Born October 21, 1872, at Blackburn. B.A., 1895. Minister of Congregational Church, Rothwell, Northants, since 1898. The Manse, Rothwell, near Kettering. Richardson, Mrs. A. W. See Buck, Gertrude Barbara. Richardson, Charles Farnsworth (Owens). Born August n, 1871, at Fiana- rantsoa, Betsileo, Madagascar. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1891. M.A., 1895. Congregational Minister, 1896. Minister of the Hope Congregational Church, Wigan, since 1895. 5> Gidlow Avenue, Wigan. Richardson, Gladys Maude (Univ.). Born April 12, 1883, at Neston. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. At Cambridge Training College, 1904 ; at Ecole Normale, Auxerre, 1905 ; at Chantry Mount School, Bishop's Stortford, 1905 ; at the High School, Stamford, since 1906. Moorside Cottage, Neston, Cheshire. Richardson, Wilfrid Henry (Oivens). Born July 13, 1875. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. Assistant Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospital, 1899-1900. House Surgeon, Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, 1900. Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon, St. Joseph's Hospital, Preston, and St. Thomas's Home, Ashton-on-Ribble. 22, Ribblesdale Place, Winckley Square, Preston, Lancashire. 'Richmond, Arthur (Owens). Born September 27, 1878. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1902. Assistant House Surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 1903. House Physician and Resident Medical Officer, General Hospital, Birmingham, 1903-1905. i, Princes Gate West, Liverpool. 299 f Richmond, Charles Ernest. Born October 30, 1851, at Whalley Range, Man- chester. B.Sc., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1876. L.S.A., 1876. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1887. Ex-President, Manchester Pathological Society. Honorary Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary. Surgeon, Lancashire County and Man- chester Cricket Club, and Cambrian Railway. Late Honorary Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital. Senior House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital. 31, Bold Street, Warrington. *Rickards, Joseph (Owens). Born April 10, 1882, at Styal, Handforth, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1903. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. Fairmont, Hillside Terrace, Pentre, Glamorganshire. Ricketts, Charles Albert (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., 1903. Arequipa, Peru. Riddlesworth, William Henry (Univ.). Born June 24, 1870, at Wigan. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1901. University Scholar- ship in Engineering, 1897. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1907. Naval Architect with the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. since 1898. 63, Polworth Street, Glasgow. Rider, Maud Mary (Univ.). Born May 24, 1877, at Normanton. B.Sc., 1901. Science Mistress, Girls' Modern School, Leeds, since 1901. 201, Belle Vue Road, Leeds. Ridge, William Sheldon (Yorks.). Born January 10, 1875, at Selby. B.A., 1897. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Queen's Road. London, N.E., 1898-1900. Second Master, Kent College, Canterbury, 1900-1901. Assistant Master, Roan School, Greenwich, 1901. Second Master, East Anglian (Secondary) School, Bury St. Edmunds, 1901-1903. Head Master, Chinese Public School, Shanghai, China, since 1904. Haylands, Selby, Yorks. *Ridgway, Isaac Althorp. Born August 24, 1886, at Wildersmoor, Lymm, Cheshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Engineering Certificate, 1907. Engineering Pupil to Engineer-in-Chief, Mersey Dock and Harbour Board. Wildersmoor, Lymm, Cheshire. Rigby, Albert (Yorks.). Born May 15", 1880, at Preston. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master, Cockburn High School, Leeds, 1902-1903. Physics Master, Grammar School, Burton-on-Trent, 1903. Mathematics Master, School of Science, Burton-on-Trent, since 1903. 70, Belvedere Road, Burton-on-Trent. Rigby, Edward Hulme (Univ.). Born February 14, 1871, at Aintree, Liverpool. B.Sc., 1891. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1897. Civil Engineer. Now Resident Engineer, Imperial Railways of North 300 China. Telford Premium of Institution of Civil Engineers for Paper on Railway Construction in North China, Session 1904-1905. Imperial Railways of North China, Tientsin, China. Rigby, Harold (Univ.). Born August 16, 1876, at Alsager, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1897. Second Class Coal Mining Manager's Certificate at Manchester, 1903. First Class Certificate at Stafford, 1904. With the Salt Union, Ltd., at Winsford, 1897-1898 ; with Messrs. Wm. Rigby & Co., Audley Collieries, Staffordshire, 1899-1900 ; with Florence Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Longton, 1900-1906 ; with Salt Union, Ltd., Engineer and Manager of the Triple-Effect Vacuum Salt Plant, at Winsford, since 1906. Greville Lodge, Winsford, Cheshire. *Rigby, Joe (Owens). Born June 13, 1879, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Physics Master, Municipal Secondary School, Hanley, 1902-1906. Assistant Master, Central Secondary School, West Ham, since 1906. 47, Disraeli Road, Forest Gate, London. *Rigby, Walter Chaloner (Owens). Born September 6, 1869, at Blackrod, near jChorley. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. D.P.H., 1905. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Rivington. Certifying Factory Surgeon for Adlington District. Surgeon to Post Office and Medical Examiner of Teachers under the Education Act. In general practice. Victoria Terrace, Adlington, near Chorley, Lanes. *Rigby, William (Owens). Born October 8, 1876, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. L.S.A., 1899. 88, Fisher gate Hill, Preston. Rigby, William (Yorks.). Born August 19, 1875, at Preston. B.Sc., 1896. B.A., 1902. Assistant Lecturer in Physics, Central Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1896-1900. Now Principal, Secondary School, Redditch, Worcester- shire. Eathorpe House, Mount Pleasant, Redditch. Rigg, Fred (Yorks.). Born January 2, 1872, at Rawdon, Leeds. B.A., 1896. Assistant Master at Argyle Street, Ipswich, 1896-1897; at Sawley Road Higher Grade Board School, Long Eaton, 1897-1899. Manager for Josiah Brown, Cigar Importer and Cigarette Manufacturer, since 1899. High Street, Long Eaton. Riley, Clifford. Born September 29, 1885, at Burnley. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1907. Physics Master at Netherthorpe Grammar School, Staveley, Chester- field, since 1907. 270, Padiham Road, Burnley, Lanes. *Riley, Henry Lindon (Univ.). Born September 19, 1852, at St. Helens. LL.B., 1898. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. Solicitor, practising at St. Helens and Liverpool, 1874-1904. Barrister (Gray's Inn, and Northern Circuit) since 1904. 5, Harrington Street, Liverpool ; 4, Elm Court Temple, London, W.C. 3 oi Riley, Joseph (Owens). Born November 20, 1879, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. Assistant Master, Johnson Street Municipal School.. Manchester, 1901. Science Master, Ferndale Secondary School, since 1904. Ael-y-bryn,.- Ferndale, Glamorgan. Riley, Joseph Willie. Born January 23, 1884, at Elland. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Akroyd Place School, Halifax, since 1906. Elizabeth Street, Elland, Yorkshire. Riley, Mary. Born March 5, 1886, at Accrington. B.Sc., 1907. Studying for M.Sc. course in Botany in the University, 1907-1908 8, Queen's Terrace, Hudson Street, Accrington, Lanes. Riley, Thomas Nixon (Univ.). Born December 3, 1882, at Ulverston. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. Rathbone Medal, 1903. M.Sc., 1907. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Apprentice with British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., 1903-1905 ; on Testing Staff of same Company, 1905-1906. Lecturer in Engineering, Aston Manor Technical School, since 1906. 69, Albion Place, Ulverston, Lancashire. Rimmer, Edward Johnson (Univ.). Born March 28, 1883, at Scuthport. B.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Assistant Engineer to S. Pearson & Sons, Port Works, Salina Cruz, Mexico, since 1905. c/o S. Pearson & Sons, Obras del Ptterto, Salina Cruz, Mexico. Rimmer, John Faulkner (Owens}. Born October 27, 1867, at Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Assistant House Surgeon, Wolverhampton and Staffordshire General Hospital, 1898-1899 ; Stockport Infirmary, 1899 '> Resident Assistant Medical Officer, Workhouse Hospital, Birkenhead ; late Assistant Medical Officer, Leavesden Asylum, Watford. 43, Ash Street, Southport. K Rimmer, Travis (Owens'). Born September 27, 1881, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1903. University Scholar in Physics, 1903. (1851) Exhibition Scholarship, 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Research Assistant to Professor Arthur Schuster, 1903-1905. Research Work under Professor Pernter, Vienna, 1905-1906. Engaged in Research Work at the Kew Observatory and the Meteorological Office, London, 1907. Resident Observer in charge of the Howard Estate Meteorological Observatory of the University, 1908. 156, Halifax Road, Rochdale, Lancashire. Rimmer, William Bolton (Univ.}. Born November 9, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1905. Assistant Engineer, the Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Thornhill, Yorkshire, since 1904. Lower Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool. Ritchings, Walter. Born May 18, 1879, at Bacup. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Science Master, Fishguard Council School, Pembroke, 1904-1905. 3 02 Physics Master at Burnley Grammar School since 1905. Lecturer in Honours Chemistry, Burnley Technical School, since 1906. 420, Queen's Gate, Burnley, Lancashire. Rixon, Frederic William (Owens). Born February 7, 1880, at Ashby-de-la- Zouch. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1899. University Fellowship in Science, 1900. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1901. M.Sc., 1903. Giessen University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1903. Head Science Master, Newton Abbot Technical Schools. Newton Abbot, Devonshire. Roberts, Arthur Trevor (Univ. and Owens). Born December u, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1902. F.G.S., 1902. A.M.I. C.E., 1905. Mining Engineer at Knight's Deep Gold Mine, Germiston, Transvaal, since 1906. Germiston, Transvaal, South Africa. Roberts, Edmund Cleaton (Univ.). Born October 9, 1875, at Varnor Park, Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Late House Physician and House Surgeon and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Also Resident Surgeon to Lock Hospital, Liverpool, and Eye and Throat Departments, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1901-1903. Thelwall Thomas Surgical Fellow, University of Liverpool, 1904-1905. Travelling. c/o Lloyd's Bank, Bold Street, Liverpool. Roberts, Eleanor Maude (Owens). Born March 25, 1872, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1896. Teacher's Diploma, 1899. M.A., 1899. Assistant Mistress, Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1899. 7, Hovingham Terrace, Harehills Lane, Leeds. Roberts, Florence Edith (Univ.). Born May 17, 1873, at Liverpool. B.A., 1895. Liverpool University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Windsor High School, Liverpool, 1896-1897 ; at the County Girls' School, Caermarthen, 1897-1899. Second Mistress at the County Girls' School, Hawarden, 1899. Head English Mistress at St. Michael's Hall, Brighton, 1904. Private Tuition and Visiting Governess since 1905. The Pines, Cavendish Drive, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, Cheshire. *Roberts, Frederic Richard (Owens). Born May 29, 1860, at Warrington. B.A. (2nd class History), 1885. M.A., 1888. LL.B., 1894. Congregational Minister, 1887-1890. Solicitor. Admitted on Rolls, 1894. Member of Warrington Town Council, 1897. Egypt Street Chambers, Warrington. Roberts, Hugh Henry (Univ.). Born February 7, 1883, at Trefnant. North Wales. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Assistant Civil Engineer. Trefnant Isa, Trefnant, R.S.O., N. Wales ; 892, Granville Street, Vancouver, Canada. 33 Roberts, Hugh Pierce (Univ.). Born July 9, 1876, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Minister of Calvinistic Methodist Church, Coedpoeth, near Wrexham, 1905. Coedpoeth, near Wrexham, North Wales. Roberts, William. Born August 10, 1884, at Hartlepool. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Church Square Council School, West Hartlepool, since 1906. 12, Belmont Gardens, West Hartlepool. Roberts, William Henry (Univ.). Born January n, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1896. M.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. A.I.C., 1902. F.I.C., 1905. Analytical Chemist. Lynwood, Wellington Field, Wavertree, Liverpool. Roberts, Mrs. W. H. See Raymond, Annie W. Roberts, William John. Born in 1886, at Bury, Lancashire. B.A. (2nd class Architecture), 1907. Architect. c/o J. W. Beaumont & Son, 10, St. James's Square, Manchester. Robertson, Andrew. Born January 30, 1883, at Fleetwood. B.Sc., 1905. 69, Bold Street, Fleetwood. Robertson, David Thompson Strachan (Owens}. Born February 4, 1875, a "t Wigan. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master, St. Margaret's Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1896-1897. Science Master, Woodhouse Grove School, 1898 ; now at Potsdam School, Malvern, Jamaica. Potsdam School, Malvern, Jamaica. Robertson, Jane Cumming (Owens}. B.A., 1901. 14, Park Avenue, Longsight, Manchester. Robertson, Robert. Born December 31, 1885, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Assistant House Surgeon, Devonshire Hospital, Buxton, since 1907. Devonshire Hospital, Buxton ; 1 6, Mentor Street, Longsight, Manchester. "Robinson, Arthur James (Owens}. Born May 19, 1882, at Prestwich. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Master, Royal Belfast Academical Institution, 1902. Chief Science Master, Grammar School, Batley, Yorks., since 1905. Shrewsbury House, Prestwich, near Manchester. Robinson.. Arthur Leigh (Owens}. Born September 5, 1866, at Salford. B.A., 1897. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, deacon, 1898 ; priest, 1899. Curate of St. Thomas's, Bedford Leigh, 1898-1904 ; of St. Augustine's, Pendlebury, since 1904. 327, Bolton Road, Pendlebury,. Lancashire. Robinson, Mrs. Alfred. See Cowell, Rhoda Mary. 304 "fRobinson, Edward. Born February 4, 1845, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Sc., 1866. Formerly Wholesale Tea and Coffee Merchant (Messrs. E. Robinson & Son), Manchester. Shrewsbury House, Prestwich Park, Manchester. Robinson, Edith Annie (Owens). Born December 5, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Ashton-in -Makerfield Grammar School, since 1906. ii, Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Robinson, Elizabeth Clare (Yorks.). Born October 31, 1877, at Leeds. B.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress, Harehills Board School, Leeds, since 1900. 47, Crawford Street, Camp Road, Leeds. Robinson, Ethel (Owens). Born March 5, 1871, at Manchester. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1892. M.A., 1895. Assistant Mistress, Kensington House School, Birkenhead, 1894-1896. 288, Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester. Robinson, Ethel Frances (Owens). Born May 30, 1880, at Widnes. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Barnsley, 1902-1904 : Pupil Teachers' Centre, Leytonstone, Essex, since 1904. Grove House, Farnworth, Widnes. Robinson, Ethel Margaret (Yorks.). Born February 7, 1881, at Burley, near Leeds. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : M.A., 1905. Teacher's Diploma (Cambridge). At the Mary Datchelor Training College, 1902-1903. Assistant Mistress at Brockley Park High School, Herne Hill, 1903-1905 ; at the Heckmondwike Secondary School, 1905-1907. Died March 23, 1907. *Robinson, Frank (Owens). Born February 20, 1870, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. M.D., 1895. D.P.H. (Conjoint Board), 1901. W, In general practice, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1891-1892. Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, 1892-1893. Medical Superintendent, Bradford City Smallpox Hospital, 1893-1894. Resident Medical Officer, Liverpool City Hospitals, 1894-1902. Plague Medical Officer, Punjab Government, India, 1902-1903. Acting Assistant Medical Officer of Health, City of Westminster, 1904-1905. Assistant County Medical Officer, West Riding of Yorkshire, 1905-1908. Public Health Department, County Hall, Wakefield, Yorks. Robinson, Frank. Born October 31, 1881. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. L.S.A., 1903. Inglewood, Astley Bridge, Bolton. Robinson, Frederick Gardner (Owens). Born January n, 1859, at Pendleton. M.B., Ch.B., 1887. Surgeon (M.R.C.S., 1881, &c.). District Medical Officer, Salford Royal Hospital, and to the Broughton District. In practice at Lower Broughton since 1886. Died March 2, 1903. 305 Robinson, George (Owens). Born November 18, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. Mercer Scholarship, 1895. 288, Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester. *Robinson, Harry Armitage (Univ.). Born November 4, 1871, at Southport. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.D. (with commendation), 1902. Liverpool University : M.D., 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Chorley Hospital, 1893-1895. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1895-1896. Assistant Medical Officer, County Asylum, Rainhill, 1898-1902. Senior Assistant Medical Officer and Medical Superintendent, Metro- politan Asylum, Darenth, 1902-1904. Surgeon-Lieutenant, 2nd Lanes. R.G.A. (Vols.) 1906. 57, Canning Street, Liverpool. Robinson, Henry Fishwick (Owens). Born January i, 1874, at Newton Heath. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. Leblanc Medal, 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Chemist with Messrs. Claus & Ree, Droylsden, 1895-1897. Manufac- turing Chemist since 1897. 2, Richmond Street, Newton Heath, Manchester. Robinson, Joseph (Owens). Born June 15, 1879, at Stretford. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1899. Edinburgh University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Medical Missionary, Friends' Foreign Mission. Sehore, Bhopal State, Central India. "fRobinson, Percy. Born February 26, 1863, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University: B.A., 1881. Oxford University : B.A., 1886. Assistant Master, Cardiff College, 1889. Second Master, Coverwell, Australia, 1896. 288, Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester. *Robinson, Robert. Born September 13, 1886, at Rufford, Derbyshire. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1965. Leblanc Medal, 1905. Graduate Scholarship, 1905. Beyer Fellowship, 1906. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, 1907". M.Sc., 1907. Research in Organic Chemistry in University. Field House, Chesterfield. Robinson, Rona. Born June 26, 1884, a "t Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1905. Mercer Scholarship, 1905. Leblanc Medal, 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Science Mistress at the Altrincham Pupil Teachers' Centre and Pre- paratory Classes since 1905. Brinsley Villas, Brook Road, Fattowfield, Manchester. Robinson, Walter (Univ.). Born September 2, 1880, at Gainsborough. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Private Tutor, 1902-1903. Classical Master, Grammar School, Normanton, 1903-1904. Senior Master, 1904-1906. Classical Master, Grammar School, Ilkley, since 1906. The Grammar School, Ilkley, Yorkshire. Robson, Ernest Smith Awmack (Owens). Born May 12, 1873, at Sale, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Science Master, Rochdale Central Board School, 1895-1897. Assistant Lecturer in Physics and Electric Engineering, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1897. Head Master, Secondary School and Technical Institute, Warrington, since 1904. Author of Practical Exercises in Heat (Macmillan) ; Report on American Educational Institutions (Sherratt & Hughes). Lumb Brook, Warrington. *Robson, William Newby (Yorks.). Born December 31, 1883, at Stockton-on- Tees. LL.B., 1903. Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge : Law Tripos, ist class, Part I., 1905, and 2nd class, Part II., 1906. B.A., LL.B., 1906. Leeds University : LL.B., 1905. Articled to George Newby, Esq., M.A. (Camb.), of the firm of Newby, Robson and Robson. c/o Messrs. Newby, Robson 6- Robson, Solicitors, Stockton-on-Tees. Rock, Frederick Bould. Born March 21, 1883, at Hanley. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Master, Stoke-on-Trent Central Boys' School. Denholme, Queen's Road, Stoke-on-Trent. Rodger, Douglas. Born September 3, 1883, at Cheetham Hill, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Assistant Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, since 1907. Maynwood, Hale, Cheshire. *Rodgers, Frederick Millar (Owens]. Born June 2, 1876, at Clayton-le-Moors. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. D.P.H., 1903. Late Senior House Surgeon, Infirmary, Macclesfield. Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Lancashire County Asylum, Win wick. County Asylum, Winwick, Warrington. Rogers, Frank (Univ.}. Born February 17, 1882, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1901. University Scholar, 1901. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. Cambridge University : B.A. (Research), 1904. Carnegie Research Scholarship of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1904. Research at University College, Liverpool, 1901-1902. Research at Cambridge, 1902-1905. Metallurgist, Chemical Research Depart- ment, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, since 1905. On Staff of Science Abstracts since 1903. Member of Iron and Steel Institute. 13, Chestnut Road, Plumstead, London, S.E. Rogers, Harriet Chorlton. Born September 10, 1884, at Manchester. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress at Ardwick Higher Elementary School since 1907. 66, Burlington Street, Manchester. *Rogerson, Harold. Born July 22, 1883, at Preston. B.Sc., 1905. M.Sc., 1907. Research Chemist in the Wellcome Chemical Research Laboratories, London, E.C., since 1905. 6, King* Street, Snow Hill, London, E.C. { Illmer, Hatherley Road, Sidcup, Kent. "fRogerson, John Thomas. Born November 13, 1857, at Sale . Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. London University: M.B., B.S., 1883. M.D., 1884. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1881. In general piactice at Heaton Norris since 1886. 100, Wellington Road N., Heaton Norris, Stockport. 37 Rome, Ethel (Owens). Born December 4, 1866, at Liverpool. B.A., 1887. Assistant Mistress, The Laurels, Rugby, 1887-1893; at the Girls' Public School, Georgetown, South Africa, 1893-1897. Assistant (later, Vice-Principal) at Girls' High School, Kimberley, 1897-1905. Married, April, 1905, C. J. J. S. Hollway, of Simondium, Paarl, Cape Colony. P.O. Box 674, Johannesburg, South Africa. *Roper, Charles (Owens). Born September 13, 1855, at Norwich. B.A., 1886. Unitarian Minister at Maidstone, 1887-1888. Minister of Moss Side Unitarian Church, 1888 - 1895 f Kilburn Unitarian Church, 1905. Author of Whispers from Fairyland, Where the Birds Sing, &c. 16, Westbere Road, Cricklewood, London, S.W. *Roper, Esther Gertrude (Owens). Born August 4, 1868, at Wilmslow. B.A., 1891. Secretary to the North of England Society for Woman's Suffrage and Co-Secretary to the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Cringlebrook, Victoria Park, Manchester. *Roper, Reginald Edward (Owens). Born December 5, 1875. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1896. M.A., 1899. Assistant Master at Ascham College, Clacton -on-Sea, in 1897, and at Mostyn House School, Parkgate, 1898-1907 ; now at Eton College, Windsor. Cringlenook, Victoria Park, Manchester. Roscoe, Mrs. Frank. See Davies, Margaret E. Roscoe, Jessie (Owens). Born April 21, 1879, at Stockport. B.A., 1903. Cambridge Teacher's Certificate, 1906. Lecturer in English, Geography, History and French, at Bristol Diocesan Training College, 1904; Mistress of Method and Lecturer in French since 1906. Bristol Diocesan Training College, Fishponds, Bristol. *Roscoe, Robin (Univ.). Born July 24, 1874, in London. B.A., 1896. Junior Assistant Clerk to the Senate of London University, 1897 ' Secretary to the Registrar of the University Extension Board since 1905. 50, Tavistock Square, London, W.C. ; University of London, South Kensington, London, S. W. Rose, John Leonard (Owens). Born September 10, 1877, a "t Bedford. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. Chemist with Messrs. Levinstein, Limited, 1900-1903. Partner in the Firm of H. N. Morris & Co., Gorton Brook Chemical Works, Manchester, S.E., since 1903. 45, De Parys Avenue, Bedford. Rose, William Alexander (Owens). Born December 10, 1868, at Gorton. B.A., 1894. Assistant Master, Boys' Modern School, Leeds, in 1899. Head Master, Mall Board School, Brading, since 1899. Mall Villa, Brading, Isle of Wight. 3o8 Rosenbaum, Simon (Owens). Born April 28, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1899. Physics Demonstrator, Central Technical College, 1899. Editor's Assistant, Electrician, 1900. Lecturer in Physics, University Tutorial College, 1901. Statistician to Tariff Commission since 1903. 81, Wavendon Avenue, Duke's Avenue, Chiswick, London, W. Rosenheim, Ernest Albert (Univ.}. Born February 23, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1898. With Messrs. Crompton & Co., Limited, Arc Works, Chelmsford, 1899 ; with the General Electric Company, Ltd., Manchester, 1901. Chief Engineer to The Road Carrying Company, Ltd , Liverpool, 1902-1905. Sales Manager to The Lew Arrol- Johnston Car Company, Ltd., Underwood, Paisley, N.B. i, Croxteth Road, Liverpool. *fRoskill, John Henry. Born May 20, 1861, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Corpus Christi College, Oxford : Exhibitioner, 1880. B.A., 1883. M.A., 1886. Barrister-at-law, 1888. K.C., 1903. Recorder of Burnley, 1907. i, Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. ; 33#, Montague Square, London, W. ; Heather-field, Newtown Common, Newbury. Ross, Blanche Edith (Univ.). Born March 6, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, High School, Bedford Street, Liverpool, 1899-1903 ; at Seabank School, Seaforth, 1903-1905 ; at Liverpool College, Fairneld School, since 1905. 42, Tynwald Hill, Stoney croft, Liverpool. Ross, George Alexander (Univ.}. Born December 16, 1880, at Southport. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor, Admitted on the Rolls, 1903. Assistant Solicitor to Messrs. Watson, Burton and Corder, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, since 1904. 30, Harley Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ross, John Stuart (Owens}. Born March 29, 1874. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1902. Formerly Junior Demonstrator of Anatomy, Owens College. Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Rossendale, Clitheroe, Lanes. Ross, Oswald Bishop (Owens}. Born May 7, 1874, at Heaton Mersey, near Manchester. B.A., 1893. Passed into Civil Service, Eastern Cadetships, 1897. Dunedin, Edward Street, Dunoon, N.B. *Ross, Stephen John (Univ.). Born June 16, 1871, at Lancaster. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D., 1903. Formerly Resident House Surgeon, Bedford General Infirmary ; House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool ; and Resident Medical Officer, Liverpool Lock Hospital. In practice at Bedford. Hon. Assistant-Surgeon, Bedford County Hospital. Surgeon to the Bedford County School. Monkhams, Bedford. 39 Ross, Stewart Buckle Carne (Owens). Born January 18, 1876, at Roath, Cardiff. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1896. University Scholarship in English Language and Literature, 1896. Appointed to the service of the Federated Malay States, 1899 J trans- ferred to the Hong Kong service, 1901. Acting Secretary to Squatters' Board, 1902. Registrar, Land Court, New Territory, 1902. Acting Assistant Registrar General, 1903. Acting Assistant Postmaster General, 1903. Acting Postmaster General, 1903. Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Councils, 1904. Acting Assistant Superintendent of Police and Police Magistrate, New Territory, 1905. 19, Palatine Road, Withington, Manchester ; Hong Kong Club, Hong Kong. Ross, William Hodgson. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Meadowbank, Chatburn, near Clitheroe. Ross, William McGregor (Univ.}. Born July 2, 1876, at Southport.* B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Royal University of Ireland : B.E. (Honours and Exhibition), 1899. B.A., 1899. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1904. Assistant Engineer, Uganda Railway, 1900. Director of Public Works, East Africa Protectorate, since 1905. Nairobi, East Africa Protectorate. *Rossington, Herbert John (Owens). Born June 28, 1870, at Heeley, near Sheffield. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1898. M.A., 1902. B.D., 1907. At Berlin and Marburg Universities (Hibbert Scholar), 1900-1901. Minister of Longsight Free Christian Church, 1901-1907. Minister of First Presbyterian (non-subscribing) Church, Belfast, since 1907. Markinch, Cadogan Park, Belfast. Rostron, Harold (Owens). Born July 30, 1872, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1895. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Bolton, 1896-1905. Also Teacher in the Bolton Technical School and Farnworth. Technical School and at Edgworth, &c. Director of Education, Farnworth, since 1905. 699, Manchester Road, Bolton, Lanes. Rothwell, Eleanor Marion. Born November 24, 1884, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A. (3rd class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1906. M.A., 1907. Cambridge Certificate in Practical Teaching, 1907. Board of Education Teacher's Certificate, 1907. At Cherwell Hall Training College for Secondary Teachers, Oxford, 1906-1907. Assistant Mistress, West Leeds High School, Whingate, Leeds, since 1907. Lennox House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Rothwell, George Green (Owens). Born December 30, 1881, at Westhoughton. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Bolton Municipal Secondary School, since 1903. 140, St. George's Road, Bolton, Lanes. Rothwell, Joseph. Born October 22, 1886, at Walkden. B.Sc .Tech., 1906. Brentwood, Walkden, Manchester. *Rothwell, Thomas Andrew (Owens). Born December 6, 1873, at Walkden. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. M.D. (commended), 1899. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1896. Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer of Health, Hale, Cheshire. Clovelly, Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham. Rothwell, Wilfred Edwin (Owens). Born at Blackpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Third Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Clinical Assistant, Manchester Ear Hospital. Lieutenant R.A.M.C. (Vols.), Manchester Company. Late Resident House Surgeon and Accident House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester. Casualty Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester ; and Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, Crumpsall. The Wylde, Bury, Lancashire, Round, Frederick (Owens). Born February 14, 1871. B.A., 1894. Assistant Master, Ealing Grammar School. Baling Grammar School, London. Rowbotham, Florence. Born September 17, 1875, at Newton, Cheshire. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Hillbrook Grange, Bramhall, Cheshire. Rowe, Jane Adelaide (Univ.). Born March 12, 1873, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. Assistant Mistress at Surmnerfield, 30, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool, since 1895. 32, Oxford Street, Liverpool. Rowe, Lillie (Univ.). Born June 23, 1872, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. Mistress of the Southport High School for Girls, 1894. Married, October 31, 1903, John Sweenie. Port Florence, Victoria Nyanza, British East Africa. Rowland, William Martin. Born September n, 1888, at Lincoln. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Assistant Works Manager at B. R. Rowland & Co., Ltd., Reddish, Manchester, since 1907. Holly Bank, Barrington Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. * Rowling, Samuel Thompson (Yorks.). Born June 4, 1874, at Far Headingley, Leeds. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. In general practice since 1898 at Leeds. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1896-1897. Honorary Medical Officer, Medical Mission, London Jews' Society, Leeds Branch, since 1898. Hono- rary Medical Officer, Leeds Unmarried Women's Benevolent Institution, 1907. Anaesthetist to General Infirmary at Leeds since 1906. Invented Rowling's Drop Bottle Regulator and Anaes- thetist's Screen, 1908. 13, De Grey Terrace, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds. Roy, John Allan Chisholm (Owens). Born October 23, 1878, at Pitlochry, N.B. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmay, 1903 ; Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, 1904. Assistant Medical Officer, Royal Asylum, Cheadle. Cheadle Royal, Cheadle, Cheshire. 3 11 Royds, Robert (Owens). Born December 6, 1877, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Lecturer in Engineering, Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, since 1904. 12, Barrington Drive, Glasgow. Royds, Thomas. Born April u, 1884, at Oldham. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1906. Graduate Scholarship in Physics, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. National Scholarship, 1906. Research Student in the University since 1906. 34, Cranbrook Street, Oldham, Lanes. *Royle, Elsie Marsh. Born January i, 1885, at Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Pathologist and Clinical Assistant to Christie Cancer Hospital, Man- chester, since 1907. Lyndene, Swinley Road, Wigan. Rubinstein, Isaac Harry. Born May 5, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Chemist to Wilson Bros. Bobbin Co., Ltd., Garston, Liverpool. 164, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Rudolf, Norman Scott (Univ.). Born January 26, 1872, at Helensburgh, N.B. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1892. M.Sc., 1897. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. A.I.C., 1893. F.I.C., 1899. Investigated Indigo Industry in Bengal, 1892-1893. Practised as an Analytical and Consulting Chemist with a Government Appoint- ment in connection with the Chemical and Bacteriological Examina- tion of Waters for Various Classes of Public Bodies. General Agent in India and Ceylon for Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co., Manu- facturing Chemists, U.S.A., since 1898. 31-33, Hornby Road, Bombay ; c/o Messrs. Parke, Davis <& Co., in, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Rule, Alexander (Univ.}. Born August 15, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900 and (ist class Chemistry) 1902. M.Sc., 1904. Jena University : Ph.D., 1904. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator, University of Liverpool, since 1905. noa, Hampton Road, Southport. Rushton, Albert. Born July 8, 1886, at Lower Crumpsall, Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Chief Experimenter, Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood. Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Evening Classes, Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. 13, Oak Road, Crumpsall, Manchester. Rushton, Herbert George (Owens}. Born September 21, 1880, at Wigan. LL.B., 1903. Solicitor, in Wigan until 1905 ; since in Solicitor's Office, Great Northern Railway Co., King's Cross, London, N. i, The Abbey Garden, Great College Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Russell, Ada (Owens}. Born November 16, 1879, at Loftus, Yorkshire. B.A. (2nd class History), 1901. M.A., 1904. Literary Assistant to the Earl of Ellesmere, 1901. Topographer on Staff of Victoria County History Syndicate since 1904. 33, Holbein House, Lower Sloane Street, London, S.W. 3 I2 Russell, Mrs. A. W. See Campbell, Violet Smith. *Russell, Ephraim (Owens). Born May 18, 1878, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1901. B.A., 1902. Principal, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Darwen, Lancashire, 1902-1904. Principal, Verdin Technical (Day and Evening) Schools, Winsford, Cheshire, since 1904. Newlands, Swanlow, Winsford, Cheshire. Russell, George Herbert Heywood. Born in 1880, at Heywood, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Late Junior House Surgeon, The General Hospital, Coventry. The Vicarage, Todmorden, Lancashire. Russell, Harry William (Owens). Born March 31, 1877, at Heywood. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1905. Lieutenant, R.A.M.C., 1904. At Port Royal, Jamaica, 1907. The Vicarage, Todmorden, Lanes. Russell, John Marshall (Yorks.). Born July 14, 1877, at Hull. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, Hull Central Higher Grade School. Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics. Technical College, Sunderland. 5, Wilton Street, Holderness Road, Hull. * Russell, Thomas George (Owens). Born June i, 1877, at Manchester. LL.B., 1898. Solicitor. Admitted 1899. Lecturer in Probate, Divorce and Admiralty, Company and Bankruptcy Law, in the University, 1906-1908 ; in Bankruptcy and Company Law, 1908. 78, King Street, Manchester. Rutter, George. Born August 31, 1882, at West Hartlepool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Science Master, Southport Modern School, 1906-1907. Now studying privately for B.A. Degree. Pimlico Street, West Hartlepool. Rutter, William Pickering. Born December 14, 1877, at Tarporley, Cheshire. B.Com., 1907. Yew Tree Farm, Utkinton, Tarporley, Cheshire. Ryan, May (Univ.). Born May 9, 1869. B.A., 1890. *Ryan, Sydney Hamilton. Born January 10, 1881, at Stretford, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. L.S.A., 1903. Public Vaccinator, Wainui and Porangahau Districts, New Zealand, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Royal Albert Hospital and Eye Infirmary, Devonport, 1905. In general practice at Herbertsville since 1906. Herbertsville, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. ' Rydall, George Herbert (Yorks.). Born July 31, 1880, at Bramley, near Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1904. ' Chapel House, Oxford Row, Leeds. Rydall, Mrs. G. H. See Bradley, Florence Margaret. 3^3 *Saberton, Claude William Scott (Owens). Born August 8, 1876, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D. (commended), 1905. Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1901-1904. In general practice in Black- pool. Original Work, The Nerve Plexuses of Troglodytes Niger. 195, Warbreck Road, North Shore, Blackpool. Sabine, John William. Born January 14, 1874, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A., 1905. Assistant Master at Albion Higher Grade School, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1905-1906 ; at College Higher Grade School, Huddersfield, since 1906. ' Glen Garth, Birkby Crescent, Huddersfield. *ff Sadler, Michael Ernest. Born July 3, 1861, at Barnsley, Yorkshire. M.A., 1905. Trinity College, Oxford : M.A., 1887. Columbia University : Honorary LL.D. Secretary, Oxford University Extension, 1884-1895. Steward (1886- 1895) an Co., Army Agents, Bombay. 3 a8 Smallman, Arthur Briton (Owens). Born December i, 1873, at Bishops Itching- ton, Leamington. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. London University : M.B., 1903. Cambridge University : D.P.H. Junior Research Student, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, 1904. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, 1897-1898 ; at the Royal Hospital, Salford, 1898-1900. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1902. Lieutenant, R.A.M.C., 1902 ; captain since 1906. Member of Standing Committee on Enteric Fever in India since 1906. Attached to Royal Fusiliers, Trimalgherry, Deccan, India. Smith, Albert Joseph (Univ.). Born October 6, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, St. Mary's School, Edge Hill, Liverpool. 15, Loxdale Street, Liverpool. f Smith, Alfred John. Born May 5, 1856. B.Sc., 1882. London University ? Matriculation (2oth in Honours), 1873. Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1874. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1875- Analytical Chemist successively at the Woolwich Arsenal, the Elswick Ordnance Works, and the Sheffield Tube Works. Died May 30, 1895. *fSmith, Alfred Micaiah (Owens). B.Sc., 1882. London University : Inter. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1865. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1867. Professor of Chemistry, School of Mines, Ballarat. School of Mines, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. *fSmith, Arthur. Born April 28, 1864, at Ince-in-Makerfield, near Wigan. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1883. LL.B., 1890. Solicitor. Town Clerk of Wigan, 1890-1895. Clerk of the Peace of Wigan since 1899. Leader's Buildings, King Street. Wigan. Smith, Arthur Clifford (Yorks.). Born March 20, 1884, at Keighley. B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Engineer to Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., since 1905. 12, Croft Villas, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Smith, Arthur Richard. Born November 21, 1877, at Thoracliffe. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1907. 24, Hall Street, Cheadle, Cheshire. *Smith, Edward Archibald (Univ. & Yorks.). Born March 12, 1875, at Rother- ham. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1896. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1896. F.R.C.S., 1900. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, in 1896. Medical Registrar, &c., 1896-1898. In general practice at Southport, 1898-1906. Studied in Berlin, Heidelberg, and Vienna, k--}*^ 42, Gordon Square, London, W.C. Smith, Ellen (Univ.). Born March 14, 1881, at Eccleshill, Bradford. Teacher at Carlton Street Secondary Girls' School, Bradford, since 1904. 4, Park Road. Eccleshill, Bradford, Yorks. 3 2 9 *Smith, Ernest Woodhouse. Born February 13, 1884, at Gorton. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Research Student, 1906-1907. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1906-1907. Secretary to Students' Representative Council, 1906-1907. Chemist to International Gold Dredging Company, Ltd., Dredger's Isle, Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, Canada, since 1907. The Parsonage, Mottram-in-Longdendale. Prince Albert P.O., Sask, Canada. Smith, Florence (Owens}. Born December 14, 1874, at Stockport. B.A., 1897. Assistant Mistress at the Didsbury Collegiate High School, 1898-1899. English Mistress in a School at St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1899-1900. Rose Bank House, Whitefield, Heaton Norris, Stockport. Smith, Foster (Owens). Born November i, 1875, at Bradford. B.Sc., 1896. Assistant Master, County Intermediate School, Holywell, Flintshire, 1896-1904. Lecturer in Physics, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, since 1904. 10, Guildford Road, Pendleton ; Royal Technical Institute, Salford. Smith, Frank (Owens'). Born August 18, 1880, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, Bolton Municipal Secondary School, since 1903. 407, Church Road, Smithills, Bolton. Smith, Frank. Born September 28, 1882, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1906. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, West Bromwich, since 1907. 285, Buxton Road, Macclesfield ; Municipal Secondary School, West Bromwich. Smith, Frank James (Univ.). Born May i, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master, Park Hill Road Higher Grade School, Liverpool ; Assistant Master, Technical School, Chester, since 1902. 6, Upper Duke Street, Liverpool. Smith, Frank Wagstaff (Univ.). Born January 29, 1872, at Warrington. B.Sc. ( i st class Physics), 1894. University Scholar, 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master, Brae Street Organised Science School, Liverpool, 1894-1897. Head Master, Birchfield Road Board School, Liverpool, 1897-1902. Principal, Birchfield Road Council School, Liverpool, since 1902. 37, Newsham Drive, Newsham Park, Liverpool. Smith, George Frederic. B.Sc., 1904. Formerly Junior Science Master in Leeds Church Middle Class School. Ordained Deacon, 1906. Curate of St. Paul's Church, Tranmere, Chester, since 1906. St. Paul's Clergy House, Rock Ferry, Chester. *Smith, Harry Wood (Owens). Born April 15, 1866, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1888. Practised as Analytical and Consulting Chemist in Manchester, 1889- 1892. Chemist and Manager to Messrs. May and Baker, Manu- facturing Chemists, Battersea, 1892-1897. General Manager, 33 British Cyanides Co. Ltd., Oldbury, 1897-1903. Consulting Chem- ist, British Cyanides Co., Ltd., since 1903. The British Cyanides Company, Ltd., Oldbury, Birmingham. "fSmith, Henry Gibson. Born January 31, 1855, in London. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter. B.A. (ist class Latin), 1874. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1875. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (2nd class Classical Tripos), 1881. M.A., 1884. Ordained by Bishop of Liverpool, deacon, 1881 ; priest, 1882. Second Master, Warrington Grammar School, 1881-1891. Curate of St. Paul's, Warrington, 1881-1883 ; of Childwall, 1885-1891. Rector of Halewood, Liverpool, 1891. Secretary to Liverpool Council of Education, 1899. Vicar of Allerton, All Hallows, since 1902. Rural Dean of Childwall, 1906. Hon. Canon of Liverpool Cathedral, 1906. Allerton Vicarage, Liverpool. Smith, Henry Lambert (Yorks.). Born December 27, 1879, at Ripon. B.Sc., 1898. Science Demonstrator under Leeds School Board, 1898-1899 ; Scar- borough Central and Municipal Schools, 1899-1903. Instructor, Waterford Technical Instruction Committee, 1903-1906. Science Master, Ilminster Grammar School, since 1906. Hill View, Ilminster, Somersetshire. Smith, Henry Llewellyn. Born in 1875, at Thorncliffe, near Sheffield. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1906. A.I.C. Demonstrator in Chemistry at King's College, London. Manor House, Kettering. Smith, Herbert Sidney (Owens}. Born February 18, 1870, at Shahjebaupur, N.W. Provinces of India. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. In general practice at Levenshulme since 1896. Heversham, 357, Stockport Road, Levenshulme. Smith, James Eckersley (Univ.}. Born November 23, 1873, at Tyldesley. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. London University : M.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Lock Hospital, Liverpool, in 1897 ; at Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898 ; at Hulme Dispensary in 1899. In general practice since 1900. Honorary Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary, 1900. Died 1906. Smith, James Fletcher. Born July 15, 1882, at Farnworth. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Bradley Scholar in Clinical Surgery, 1904. Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester ; Casualty Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Ancoats Hospital, Manchester. Market Street, Farnworth, near Bolton. *Smith, James Henry (Owens). Born May 6, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1897. University Fellowship in Engineer- ing, 1897. Honorary Research Fellow of Owens College, 1897. l8 5 T Exhibition Scholar, 1898 and 1899. M.Sc., 1900 D.Sc., 1903. Head of Engineering Department, Technical College, Sunderland, 1901-1904. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Municipal Technical Institute, Belfast, since 1905. Holyrood, Malone Road, Belfast. 33 * Smith, James Henry (Owens). Born March 30, 1868, at Salford. B.A., 1893. Assistant Master at Trafford Road Board School, Salford ; at Ordsall Council School, Salford. 17, Croston Street, Brooks' s Bar, Manchester. "ft Smith, James Lorrain. Born August 21, 1862, at Halfmorton, Dumfriesshire. M.Sc., 1905. Edinburgh University : M.A. (Honours), 1884. M.B., C.M., 1889. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1893. Ferguson Scholarship in Philosophy, 1886. John Lucas Walker Student- ship in Pathology (Cantab.), 1893. Lecturer in Pathology, Queen's College, Belfast, 1894. Professor of Pathology, Queen's College, Belfast, 1901. Member of Royal Commission on University Education in Ireland, 1901. Professor of Pathology, University of Manchester, since 1904. 35, Palatine Road, Withington, Manchester. Smith, John Edgar (Yorks.). Born January 31, 1872, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. c/o Post Office, Cherry Gardens. S. Australia. Smith, Joseph Leopold (Owens}. Born November 26, 1881, at Birmingham. Mus.B., 1902. Musician. 27, Derby Road, Withington, Manchester. Smith, Joseph Tertius (Owens}. Born May 31, 1868, at Pattiswick Hall, near Braintree. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1887. Technical and Analytical Chemist since 1891. Manager of Jeyes, Ltd., at Plaistow, since 1898. Richmond House, Plaistow, Essex. *Smith, Lillie (Yorks.). Born September 3, 1876, at Bradford. B.A., 1898. Field House, Daisy Hill, Bradford, Yorkshire. Smith, Margaret Ann. Born October i, 1885, at Bolton. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Technical Institute, Norwich, since 1907. 5, Gloucester Street, Unthank Road, Norwich; 95, Beaconsfield Road, Bolton, Lanes. Smith, Mary (Univ.}. Born June 15, 1879, at Eccleshill, Bradford. B.Sc., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Carlton Street Higher Grade Girls' School, Bradford, 1902. Science Lecturer, Lincoln Training College, since 1904. 4, Park Road, Eccleshill, Bradford. Smith, May (Owens}. Born August 29, 1879, at Manchester. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma (London), 1905. Mistress in College House' School, Brunswick Street, Manchester, 1903-1905. English Mistress in Milham Ford School, Oxford, and on the Staff of Cherwell Hall Training College for Secondary Teachers, since 1905. 6, Hall Road, Rusholme, Manchester ; Cherwell Hall, Oxford. 332 *Smith, Norman (Owens). Born November 16, 1877, at Bury. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. Mercer Scholarship, 1898. University Fellowship in Science, 1899. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholar- ship, 1900. M.Sc., 1901. D.Sc., 1906. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, Owens College, 1901 ; in the Univer- sity since 1905. ,| 12, Curzon Avenue, Victoria Park, Manchester. Smith, Norman Septimus Joyner (Univ.}. Born January 5, 1879, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1901. Teacher in Merthyr Vale Council School, S. Wales, 1902-1903 ; in New Mills Council School, Derbyshire, 1904 ; in St. Mary's Elementary School, Bootle, since 1904. 34, Exeter Road, Bootle, Liverpool. *Smith, Richard Andrew (Owens). Born March 12, 1877, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1898. LL.B., 1899. Solicitors' Final, 1901. Solicitor to the Irlam Urban District Council, and in practice in Manchester. Broad Hurst, 127, Rocky Lane, Monton Green, near Manchester. Smith, Sydney Tideswell. Born January 16, 1888, at Patricroft, Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. 50, Mornington Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. Smith, William (Owens). Born November n, 1877, a t Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1899. B.A., 1900. Teacher's Diploma, 1900. Assistant Master at The Potteries Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1900. Died in South Africa. Smith, William James (Owens). Born February 4, 1872, atBambridge, Ireland. B.Sc., 1895. Gas Engineer and Manager, Carlisle. 8, Goschen Road, Carlisle. "tSmith, William Taylor. Born May 27, 1845. B.A., 1882. Formerly Private Tutor. Writer of Reviews and Articles in Magazines, &c. Uplands, St. George's Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. *Smithard, Walter Reginald Norman (Owens). Born 1879, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), 1903. Honorary Physician, Chorlton-on-Medlock Dispensary, since 1902. Dental Surgeon, Troops, Manchester Depot, 1904. Captain, Field Unit, Royal Territorial Medical Corps. Regent Chambers, 100, Deansgate, Manchester ; Gallaway House, Alexandra Road South, Whalley Range. "fSmithells, Arthur. Born May 24, 1860, at Bury, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1881. F.R.S., 1901. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, Owens College, 1883-1885. Professor of Chemistry, Yorkshire College and University of Leeds, since 1885. Vice -President, Chemical Society. Chairman of Convocation, Victoria University, 1896-1899. Pro- Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Leeds. President, Chemical Section British Association, 1^907. 124, Otley Road, Leeds. 333 Smyth, John Cecil (Owens). Born September 25, 1880, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Physician, 1903-1904 ; House Surgeon, 1906 ; and Accident House Surgeon, 1905, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy at the University, 1904. Medical Superintendent to the Deptford Medical Mission, 188, High- street, Deptford, S.E. 48, Shooters Hill Road, Blackheath, London, S.E. Smythe, John Seabury (Univ.). Born March 15, 1877, at Belfast. B.Sc., 1896 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1897. Wilrzburg University : Ph.D., 1899. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Analytical and Consulting Chemist with Messrs. W. Meadowcroft & Son, Limited, Blackburn. Rantallard, Lance Lane, Wavertree, Liverpool. Smythe, Louis Henry Marner (Univ.) Born December 4, 1879, at Belfast. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Ordained deacon, 1904; priest, 1905. Curate of St. Mary's Parish Church, Widnes, 1904-1906; of St. Mark's, Barrow-ia-Furness, since 1906. 2, Park Avenue, Barrow-in-Furness. Snape, Alfred Ernest (Owens}. Born April 25, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1905. M.R.San.L, 1905. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1906. In Borough Engineer's Department, Rochdale, 1900. Assistant Engineer, London County Council, Main Drainage, 1907. Lec- turer in Surveying and Levelling, City of London College, since 1907. Fowl Mere House, Bowdon, Cheshire. Snape, Harold (Owens}. Born August 16, 1875, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. House Surgeon, Southport Infirmary, 1899-1900. Late Deputy Medical Officer to Barnes Home Industrial Schools ; to Mauldeth Hospital for Incurables ; to Swinton Schools. Anaesthetist, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, since 1902. Now in general practice. 148, Bolton Road, Pendleton, Salford. Snape, Nellie. Born January 22, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Botany), 1907. Research in University, 1907-1908. 4, King Street, Harpurhey, Manchester. *Soley, Mrs. C. E. See Noble, Gertrude L. Somers, Alexander (Owens). LL.B., 1902. South, Arthur (Owens). Born November 2, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Late Ass stant Master, Ducie Avenue Board School, Manchester. Science Master, Stockport Grammar School. 35, Hyde Road, C.-on-M., Manchester. Southall, Arnold. Born July 25, 1886, at Leominster. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1906. Apprentice in Engineering Department of Seatcn Delaval Colliery, Northumberland, 1906. Junior Assistant to Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co. since 1907. 20, Etnam Street, Leominster. 334 "fSoutham, Frederick Armitage. Born May 17. 1850, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. Oxford University : B.A. (ist class in Natural Science), 1873. M.A. M.B., 1877. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1877. Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1880. Professor of Clinical Surgery and Examiner in Surgery in the University since 1900. Surgeon, Christie Hospital, Manchester, 1900. Consulting Surgeon, Northern Hospital, Manchester, since 1903 ; and Victoria Jewish Hospital, Manchester, since 1905. Oak Lawn, Rusholme, Manchester. *Southern, Frank (Owens}. Born May 15, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1891. Timber Merchant (J. W. Southern & Son, Manchester). Store Street Saw Mills, Manchester. Southerst, Dora. Born May 17, 1885, at Haslingden. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Hindley and Abram Grammar School, since 1907. 6, Princess Street, Haslingden, Lancashire. Southwell, Vincent. Born in 1883, at Todmorden. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. In general practice. Woodbine Cottage, Summerseat, near Manchester. Sowerbutts, Edith Utley (Yorks.). Born June 16, 1881, at Pontefract. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Lecturer, Birmingham University Training College, since 1902. c/o Rev. J. C. Sowerbutts, The Hollies, Hazel Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. *Speakman, Elizabeth (Owens}. Born December 15, 1877, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class History), 1900. University Scholarship in History, 1900. University Fellowship, 1901 ; Jones Fellowship, 1902. M.A., 1903. Assistant Lecturer in History in the University of Manchester, 1904- 1906. Has contributed to Owens College Historical Essays, etc. Married, October, 1906, Herbert C. O'Neill. The Bays, Rookley, Isle of Wight. Speechly, Mrs. H. M. See Barrett, Mary. Spencer, Charles Edward Galbraith (Owens}. Born in 1884, at Manchester. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Studied at Ordsall Hall Clergy School, Salford. Ordained December, 1907. Curate at St. Peter's, Swinton, Manchester. 42, Stanwell Road, Swinton, Manchester. Spencer, Mrs. C. E. G. See Woollam, Winifred D. Spencer, Edmund Stone (Univ.}. Born November 21, 1877, a * Taunton. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Formerly Chief .Assistant Engineer to Messrs. Brown & Humphreys, London. Resident Engineer on the Beeston and Tiverton Water- works, 1899-1900 ; in the Widening of the Chester and Birkenhead Railway since 1900. Town Engineer, Port Sudan, Sudan Govern- ment Public Works Department, 1905. 5, Elm Grove, Taunton. 335 *Spencer, Edwardi(Univ.}. Born August 26, 1868. M.B., Ch.B., 1893. Resident Medical Officer, Perth Hospital^ West Australia. Died September 4, 1899. Spencer, Henry Thomas (Owens). Born June n, 1869, at Colchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. London University : Matriculation (63rd in Honours), 1886. B.A., 1889. Mansfield College, Oxford : B.A. (3rd class Theology), 1894. M.A., 1897. Congregational Minister. Minister of Wavertree Congregational Church, 1894-1900 ; of Forest Gate Congregational Church, since 1900. 99, Osborne Road, Forest Gate, London, E. *fSpencer, Herbert. Born May 29, 1861, at Seedley, Manchester. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1881. Engaged in business in Manchester since 1884. Rhds Road, Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay, North Wales. Spencer, James Frederick (Univ.}. Born February 8, 1881, at Walton, Liver- pool. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1901. Leblanc Medallist, 1901. University Fellow in Science, 1902. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1903-1906. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Breslau University: Ph.D., 1905.' Lecturer in Chemistry at Bedford College, University of London, since 1906. 134, Rice Lane, Walton, Liverpool ; 126, Gower Street, Bedford Square, London, W.C. Spencer, Richard Decimus. Born May 4, 1885, at Belmont, Bolton. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1907. Spring Side, Belmont, Bolton. Spiegelhalter, Cecil (Yorks.). Born December 3, 1882, at Malton. B.Sc., 1903. Works Chemist, St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Warrington. 219, Wilder spool Road, Warrington. Spink, Walter Lee (Yorks.). Born December 25, 1870, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1895. Surgeon. Deputy Medical Officer of Health to Hemsworth District Council. Late Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, during Boer War. Medical Officer in Charge of Hospital for Prisoners of War, Jamestown, St. Helena, 1902. 395, Harehills Lane, Leeds. Spong, Ambrose (Yorks.). Born October 23, 1875, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1898. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, and Resident Medical Officer, Ida Hospital, Cookridge, 1898-1899. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900. Dunedin, New Zealand. Spurway, Harold. Born June 16, 1878, at Leicester. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Assistant House Surgeon to South Hants. Hospital, Southampton, since 1907. South Hants. Hospital, Southampton; 44, Highfield Street, Leicester. 336 *Stables, William Herbert (Yorks.). B.A. (2nd class History), 1891. M.A., 1894. ScnolcB Cancellarii, Lincoln : ist class Universities Theological Exami nation (with Hebrew), 1892-1893. Leeds University : M.A., 1906. Ordained by Bisho > of Chester, deacon, 1893 ; priest, 1894. Assistant Curate of Runcorn, 1893. Senior Curate of Runcorn, with Special Charge of St. John's, Weston-by- Runcorn, 1895. Vicar of Over, Cheshire, since 1902 ; Surrogate since 1902. The Vicarage, Over, Cheshire. Stafford, Ethel. Born January 28, 1885, at Macclesfield. B.A., 1906. Thorn Tree House, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Stahlknecht, Bernard (Univ.). Born July 2, 1872, at Rock Ferry. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1896-1897. In general practice since 1900. 172, St. Hubert's Road, Great^Harwood, Lancashire. Standing, Herbert Fox (Yorks.). Born July 5, 1857, at Crawley, Sussex. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : D.Sc., 1907. Director of Normal and Technical School of Friends' Mission, An- tananarivo, 1901-1906. c/o Friends' Foreign Mission Association, 15, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, ^ London, E.C. Standing, Margaret (Yorks.). Born February 16, 1884, at Tananarive, Mada- gascar. B.Sc., 1904. Outrake Farm, Coniston, R.S.O. ; c/o H. T. Silcock, Esq., B.A., College of the Friends' 'Mission, Chentu, W. China. Stanley, Henry Edmund Thomas (Univ.). Born September 30, 1864. B.A., 1892. Ordained by Bishop of Liverpool, deacon/ 1893 ; priest, 1894. Curate of St. Silas, Toxteth Park, 1894. 21, Kelvin Grove, Liverpool. Stansfield, Edgar (Owens). Born August 25, 1878, at Bradford. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Demonstrator, Royal Technical Institute, Salford, 1900-1901. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator, The Technical College, Sunderland, 1902-1906. Assistant Chemist, Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, Nova Scotia, 1906-1907. Chief Chemist to Committee Investigating Canadian Coals, 1907. Special Research Assistant in Mining Department of McGill University. Macdonald Chemistry & Mining Building, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. *Stansfield, Frederic Wilson (Owens). Born May 29, 1854, at Todmorden. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. M.D., 1900. D.P.H. (Cambridge), 1893. Surgeon. In practice at Derby, 1891-1892. Since 1892 at Reading. Public Vaccinator, Reading. 120, Oxford Road, Reading. 337 Stansfield, Harry (Yorks.). Born October 23, 1872, at Bradford, Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. f vT In general practice. House Physician at Leeds General Hospital, 1898. Medical Officer of Health to the Clayton Urban District Council, 1902. Medical Referee to the London & Lancashire Assurance Co., 1902 ; to the Commercial Union Assurance Co., 1902 ; to the Wesleyan & General Assurance Co., 1905. 2, Arkwright Street, Clayton, Bradford, Yorkshire. Stansfield, Samuel (Owens'). Born July 22, 1868, at Mytholmroyd. B.Sc., 1898. Assistant Master, &c., Central Schools, Hebden Bridge, 1898. Lecturer in the Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1898-1900. Head Master, Park Road School, Batley. Lecturer in Commercial Geography and Instructor in Practical Science, The Technical School, Batley. 2, Park Road, Batley. Stansfield, Samuel (Owens}. Born July 13, 1872, at Walsden. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1894. M.Sc., 1906. Associate of Royal College of Science, London (Physics, ist class), 1897. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1901. Engineer with Messrs. Clark & Stansfield, Westminster, 1897-1901 ; with Messrs. Heenan & Froude, Newton Heath, Manchester, 1901-1905. Engineering Lecturer in Middlesbrough, since 1905. 78, Ayresome Street, Middlesbrough. *Stanton, Thomas Ernest (Owens}. Born December 12, 1865, at Atherstone. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1891. M.Sc., 1894. D.Sc., 1898. Demonstrator in Engineering, Owens College, 1891-1896 ; Lecturer, 1897-1899. Assistant Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Liverpool. 1896-1899. Professor of Engineering, University College, Bristol, 1899. Superintendent of Engineering Department, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, since 1901. Bushy House, Teddington, Middlesex. Stapleton, Arthur Leonard (Yorks.}. Born January 21, 1884, in London. B.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Friends' School, Saffron Walden, 1904-1906 ; at Friends' School, Great Ayton, Yorkshire, since 1906. Friends' School, Great Ayton, R.S.O., Yorkshire. Starkie, James Kay ton (Owens}. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Stead, Arthur (Univ.}. Born August 5, 1878, at Necton, Swaffham. B.Sc., 1899. Appointed to Government School, Heidelberg, Transvaal, 1901. Analyst, Medical Department, Orange River Colony Government, Bloemfontein, since 1904. Government Buildings, Bloemfontein, Orange River Colony ; Necton, Swaffham. Stead, Frank Cawthron (Yorks.). Born June 2, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc.,t 1903- Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Form Master, Leeds Central High School, since 1903. 64, Royal Park Avenue. Hyde Park, Leeds. Steele, Frances Mary. Born August 7, 1883, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1905. Studying at Cherwell Hall, Oxford, 1905-1906. Lecturer in Science at the Training College for Women, Fishponds, Bristol, 1906. Assistant Mistress, High School for Girls, Bolton. High School for Girls, Bolton, Lanes. Steele, Lily Henly (Owens and Yorks.). Born January 27, 1878, at Hereford. B.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Leeds School Board, 1902-1903. Lecturer in History at Hereford Training College, 1904-1905. Married, March 28, 1906, John Millar. Forres, Hafod Road, Hereford. Steele, Percy Kingsley (Yorks.). Born April 18, 1881, at Bangor, Co. Down. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1903. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1906. House Surgeon, House Physician, and Resident Medical Officer at the General Infirmary, Leeds, 1903-1906. 10, Lord Street, Halifax, Yorkshire. *fSteinthal, Alfred Ernest. Born May 5, 1858, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (4th in Honours), 1876. Inter. B. A. (2nd class Mathematics), 1877. B.A. (ist class Mathematics), 1879. M.A. (Gold Medal), 1881. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (3rd Wrangler), 1881. Second Smith's Prize, 1881. Fellow, 1882. M.A., 1884. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1884. Assistant Registrar of the Lancaster Chancery Court, 1895. Clerk of Convocation, 1898. Chairman of Convocation, 1905-1908. Translated Redlich on The Procedure of the House of Commons (1908). 24, Clothorn Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Steinthal, Paul Telford (Yorks.). Born February 12, 1883, at Bradford, Yorks. B.Sc., 1903. St. John's, Ilkley, Yorkshire. *Steinthal, William Paul (Owens). Born September 30, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1892. M.Sc., 1897. A.M.Inst.E.E., 1901. Electrical Engineer. With Brush Electric Engineering Co., 1893-1896 ; with Messrs. G. A. Steinthal, 1896. Chairman, West Yorkshire Branch Electrical Contractors' Association, since 1906. 41, Piccadilly, Bradford, Yorks. Stelfox, Sydney Herbert (Yorks.). Born June 27, 1878, at Belfast. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1902. c/o Messrs. Humphreys and Glasgow, 38, Victoria Street, London, W. *Stennitt, Sydney Dockeray (Owens). Born July 4, 1880, at Summerseat, near Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. F.I.C., 1905. Assistant Scienc-^ Master, High School, Newcastle, Staffordshire, and Lecturer to Staffordshire County Council from 1902. Science Master, Grammar School, Whitchurch, Salop, from 1904. Lecturer to Salop County Council. Edgeley Road, Whitchurch, Salop. Stephens, John Harding (Owens). Born July 17, 1876, at Knutsford. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. In general practice. Har greaves Street, Burnley, Lanes. 339 Stephens, Mabel Winifred. Born October 5,' 1886, at Newport, Mon. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Lees Street Council School, Higher Openshaw, since 1907. 52, High Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. Stephens, Thomas Smithson. Born March 20, 1881, at Salford. LL.B., 1904. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1904. Fairhope, Eccles Old Road, Pendleton, Salford. Stephens, William Arthur. Born January 28, 1888, at Birmingham. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Studying for M.Sc.Tech. at Municipal School of Technology, Man- chester, 1907-1908. 91, Halston Street, Hulme, Manchester. Stephenson, Charles Harold Simpson (Univ.). Born August 22, 1882, at Birk- dale. LL.B., 1903. Liverpool University : LL.B., 1904. First Class Honours at Solicitors' Final Examination, 1906. Clabon Prize for Equity for 1906. New Inn Prize at Michaelmas Honours Examination, 1906. Timpson-Martin Gold Medal for 1906. Ad- mitted on the Rolls, 1907. c/o Messrs. Ince &> Co., Solicitors, Retford, Notts. Stephenson, Isabel (Yorks.). Born January 10, 1879, at Shipley. B.Sc., 1901. Science Mistress at Hartington House, Woodhall Spa, Lincoln, 1902- 1903 ; at Church High School for Girls, Leek, Staffordshire, since 1904. 5, Grove Terrace, Leek, Staffordshire. Stephenson, John (Owens). Born February 6, 1871, at Padiham. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1893. London University : Matriculation (9th in Honours), 1887. Inter. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry, 3rd class Zoology), 1888. B.Sc. (2nd class Zoology), 1890. Inter. M.B. (ist class with Exhibition and Medal in Anatomy, ist class with Medal in Physiology), 1891. M.B. (ist class Medicine), 1894. Surgeon-Lieutenant, Indian Medical Service, Bengal, 1895 ; Captain, 1898. After various appointments, Plague Duty and Field Service with Tirah Expeditionary Force, 1897-1898. Appointed Medical Officer, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, 1898. Major, Indian Medical Service, Bengal. Bengal, India. Stephenson, Robert Irwin (Owens). Born September 10, 1875, at Dublin. B.A., 1900. Assistant Master, Ducie Avenue Higher Elementary School, since 1896. 66, Greame Street, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Steuart, Douglas Stuart (Owens). Born April 20, 1872, at Stretford. B.Sc. (2nd class Geology), 1895. Geologist and Mining Engineer. Opened up Murchison Range Goldfields, Transvaal, 1898. Appointed Consulting Engineer to the Zout- pansberg Consolidated Mines, Limited, 1899. Engaged in acquiring the Territory of the King of Wassau, Gold Coast Colony, 1900. Consulting Engineer to the Wassaushanti Territories, Limited, 1901. 63, St. James's Street, London, S.W. ; P.O. Box 154, Pretoria, Transvaal ; Tarkwa, Gold Coast Colony, West Africa. 340 Steuart, Lita Agnes (Owens). Born October 2, 1870, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1898. M.A., 1901. Formerly with London Charity Organisation Society. Married, May, 1902, E. A. Tharp. Church Green, West Redditch, Warwickshire. Stevens, Blarney (Owens}. Born May 26, 1875, a * Plymouth. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Civil Engineer. Engineer to a Mining Company in Alaska in 1898. Assayer at Kitchikan, 1898. Manager and Director of Reynolds- Alaska Development Company since 1902. Member of American Institute of Mining Enigneers. Alaska Home Railway, Valdez, Alaska. Stevens, Robert Henry. Born July 18, 1883, at Burnley. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Burnley Woo r l Council School, Burnley, Lancashire, 1906; Science Master, Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. 40, Gannow Lane, Burnley, Lancashire. Stevenson, Alan. Born April 26, 1887, at Blackpool. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master at Inverness since 1907. The Manse, Ormskirk. "Stevenson, Elsie Caroline (Owens}. Born September 5, 1884, at Todmorden. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Mistress, The Secondary School, Todmorden, since 1903. The Manse, Foxton, Market Harborough. Stevenson, Ethel Mary (Yorks.). Born May 29, 1881, at Welshpool, Mont- gomeryshire. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1902. M.A., 1904. The Manse, Ormskirk. Stevenson, James. Born July 21, 1885, at Little Hulton, near Bolton. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. 133, Moss Lane, Plait Bridge, Wigan. Stevenson, Maud Worsley. Born July 28, 1884, at Stalybridge. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at the Bath City Secondary School since 1906. The Manse, Ormskirk, Lanes. Stevenson, Rose Evelyn. Born October i, 1885, at Todmorden. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Secondary School for Girls, Sower by Bridge, York- shire, since 1906. The Manse, Foxton, Market Harborough. Steward, John Vincent. Born Decembers, 1883, at Newton Heath, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1908. Mulberry House, Newton Heath, Manchester. Stewart, Charles (Univ.}. Born September 25, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1898. 198, Victoria Road, Charlton, Kent. Stewart, Charles Henry (Univ.). Born January 20, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. A.R.S.M. Assistant Instructor, Royal School of Mines, 1900. Partner in firm 34 1 of Alex. Hill & Stewart, Mining Engineers and Metallurgists, 4, Broad-street Place, London, E.G. Wahroonga, Hatch End, Middlesex. Stewart, Tom (Yorks.). Born February 13, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Verdin Technical Schools, Northwich. 10, Well Close Mount, Leeds. Stockings, William Ernest (Owens). Born March 27, 1871, at Stony Stratford. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Grammar School, and Lecturer in Chemistry, Science School, Cheltenham, since 1903. 4, Rosslyn Villas, Shurdington Road, Cheltenham. Stocks, Arthur (Yorks.). Born February 21, 1878, at Queensbury. B.Sc., 1900. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Akroyd Place Board School, Bradford, since 1900. 25, Chapel Street, Queensbury, near Bradford. Stocks, Marion. Born November 16, 1882, at Eccles. B.Sc., 1904. Studying Medicine in the University. 6, Albert Road, Eccles, Lanes. Stocks, Winifred Alice. Born November 6, 1884, at Eccles. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1906. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Pen Rhos College, Colwyn Bay, since 1907. 6, Albert Road, Eccles, Lanes. Stockton, Charles Edward (Owens). Born December 18, 1882, at Boothstown, Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. M.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Fielden School, Manchester. Assistant in Department of Education, Manchester, 1906. Modern Language Master at Mill Hill School since 1907. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Education in the University, 1908. Astley, Manchester. Stoddard, Arthur Askwith (Yorks.). Born January 16, 1883, at Tavoy, British Burma. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1902. Temporary Draughtsman, Chatham Dockyard, 1902-1903. Assistant Engineer, Permanent Imperial Service in Indian Public Works Department. Posted to Punjab Irrigation, 1903. Lahore, Punjab, India. Stoehr, Emil Moritz (Owens). Born January 27, 1864. B.Sc., 1884. Balliol College, Oxford : Went out to Texas in 1889. Merchant in New York, Messrs. Emil Stoehr & Co. Died in England in January, 1904. *Stone, Gertrude (Owens). Born January 18, 1879, at Chorley. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, St. George's Girls' School, Chorley, 1902. Teacher of English at the Chorley Technical School, 1905. Ar 'death, Ashfteld Road, Chorley, Lanes. 342 Stones, George Bertram (Owens). Born February 5, 1885, at Tyldesley, near Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1905. Chemistry Master at Bablake Secondary School, Coventry, 1906. Bablake School, Coventry. *Stoney, William Walter (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1893. M.D., 1895. Leeds University : M.D., 1905. Medical Practitioner. House Physician, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1893-1894. Resident Medical Officer at the Ida Convalescent Home, 1894-1895 ; at the Public Dispensary, Leeds, 1895-1896. Acting Medical Officer, Robben Island Leper and Lunatic Asylum, Caoe Colony, in 1897. Assistant Medical Officer, Rinderpest Experimental Station, Kimberley, in 1897. Medical Officer of Health, Kimberley, 1898-1901. Assistant Director, Plague Administration, Cape Colony, in 1901. District Surgeon, Kim- berley, since 1901. Kimberley, Cape Colony, South Africa. Storey, James Ashburner (Owens}. Born August 16, 1868. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1890. Went out to Ceylon, 1892. Manager of Igalkanda Tea Estate. Part Owner of Muwagala Cocoa Estate and Owilikanda Tea Estate, in the district of Matale. Died at Manchester, April 26, 1906. Storey, John Everard. Born February 20, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Lime Grove, Brooklands, Cheshire. Storr, Bertram Vincent (Yorks.). Born March 29, 1878, at Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire. B.Sc., 1897 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Priestley Research Scholar, Mason College, Birmingham, 1898-1899. Assistant Research Chemist, Britannia Works, Salford, 1899. 203, Grange Road, II ford, Essex. Storrs, Hubert Townsend (Yorks.). Born December 2, 1872. B.Sc., 1897. With Messrs. Stotherd & Pitts, Crane Makers, Bath, 1897-1899. With the North-Eastern Railway in 1900. Died May 19, 1900. Stott, Alice Elizabeth (Owens). Born August 14, 1875, at Manchester. B.A., 1896. Formerly Assistant Teacher, Central Higher Grade School, Manchester. 9, Bromwich Street, The Haulgh, Bolton. Stott, John Henry (Owens). Born July 31, 1875, at Newton Heath. B.Sc., 1897. 54, Bromwich Street, The Haulgh, Bolton. Stott, William Atkinson (Yorks.). Born August 31, 1862, at Armley, Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Practising Surgery in Leeds. Captain 2nd West Yorkshire Royal Engineers (Volunteers) ; Acting Adjutant, 1904-1906. Honorary Local Secretary, North of England Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, 1905-1907. Late Resident Obstetric Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds. Hillary Place, Leeds. 343 Stowell, Gruner (Owens). Born July 24, 1868, at Withington, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Medical Practitioner. 443, Didsbury Road, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Strange, Edward Halford (Owens). Born August 18, 1873, a "t Bristol. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Demonstrator, University College, Bristol, 1896-1897. Assistant Lecturer, St. Mary's Medical School, Paddington, 1897. Lecturer for the London Society for the Extension of University Teaching, 1899. 15, Maida Vale, London, W. Stringer, Albert Edward (Owens). Born January 18, 1878, at Ashton-under- Lyne. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant in the Trafalgar Square School, Ashton, 1900. Chemistry Master, Ashton-under-Lyne Secondary School, since 1904. Trafalgar Square, Ashton-under-Lyne. Stringer, William. Born February 14, 1883, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master, Melrose School, Guernsey, since 1906. Couture, Guernsey. Strong, Archibald Thomas (Univ.). Born December 30, 1876, at Yarra- Yarra, Victoria, Australia. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1896. M.A., 1900. Magdalen College, Oxford : Classical Moderations, 2nd class, 1897. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1900. Lecturer and Examiner in Melbourne University. The University, Melbourne, Australia. "Stuart, Wilson (Yorks.). Born March 3, 1873, at Leek. B.A., 1895. B.Sc., 1897. B.A. (ist class Philosophy), 1898. M.A., 1898. John Bright Scholarship, 1897. University Scholarship in Philosophy, 1898. University Fellowship in Arts, 1899-1900. St. John's College, Cambridge : Research Student. "Stubbs, John Robert (Univ.). Born August 22, 1880, at Winsford. B.Sc., 1900. M.Sc., 1903. A. I.C., 1904. With Messrs. Huson Brothers, Analytical Chemists, Liverpool. With Prof. J. Campbell Brown, D.Sc., F.I.C., and W. Collingwood Williams, Esq., B.Sc., F.I.C., Public Analysts. Belmont House, Winsford, Cheshire. Studley, Charles Wilcock (Yorks.). Born October 15, 1875, at Shipley. B.Sc., 1897. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Master, 1898-1907. Head of Physics Department, Cockburn High School, Leeds, 1907. 27, Birklands Road, Shipley, Yorks. Sturges, Arthur Manning (Owens). Born December 5, 1879, at Wellington. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1901. Chemist with Brunner, Mond & Co., Ltd., Winnington, since 1901. Marston Vicarage, Northwich ; c/o Brunner, Mond &> Co., Ltd., Northwich, Cheshire. 344 "fSujden, Edward Holdsworth (Owens). Born June 19, 1854, at Sheffield. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1873. B.Sc., 1876. Melbourne University : B.Sc., 1889. M.A., 1900. Formerly Assistant Tutor, Headingley College, Leeds. Methodist Minister. Master of Queen's College, University of Melbourne, since 1888. Member of Council of University of Melbourne since 1901. Trustee of Public Library and National Gallery, Melbourne, since 1903. Queen's College, University, Melbourne, Australia. Sugden, Frank (Yorks.). Born 1878, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Consulting Physician, Askern Bath Charity. Surgeon, Askern District Police. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Askern District, Doncaster Union, and No. 3 District, Hunsworth Union. In general practice. Hill Croft, Askern Spa, near Doncaster. Sugden, John Henry (Yorks.). Born May 20, 1877, at Keighley. B.Sc., 1895 and (ist class Chemistry) 1896. M.Sc., 1904. Assistant to City Analyst, Leeds, 1897-1900. Chemist in the Public Health Laboratory, Cardiff, since 1900. 9, Fitzalan Road, Cardiff. *Sugden, Vincent Henry (Owens). Born September 9, 1875, at Pendleton. B.Sc., 1898. M.Sc., 1901. With Messrs. Holden & Brook, Gorton, 1898-1900 ; with Lancashire Dynamo & Motor Co., 1900. Partner in Parmiter, Hope & Sugden, Electrical Engineers, Hulme, since 1901. 494, Stretford Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. *Suggit, Bertram (Yorks.). Born September 18, 1881, at Whitby. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice. Late Senior Resident Medical Officer, Leeds Public Dispensary, 1904-1905. Clinical Assistant, Leeds Hospital for Women and Children, 1906. Rosslyn, Whitby, Yorkshire. Summers, Herbert Henry (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1903. ^Summers, William. Born 1853. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter.B.A. (2nd class Latin), 1871. B.A. (3rd class Logic), 1872. M.A. (Gold Medal), 1878. University College, Oxford : 3rd class Classical Moderations, 1875. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1877. Member of Court of Victoria University, 1880-1892. M.P. for Staly- bridge, 1880-1885 ; for Huddersfield, 1886-1893. Died January i, 1893. Sumner, Ernest Jonathan (Owens). Born April 17, 1878, at Abram, near Wigan. B.Sc., 1900. Senior Science Master, Burnley Grammar School, since 1903. 17, Romford Street, Burnley, Lanes. 345 *Sumner, Joseph (Univ.). Born August 23, 1869, at Liverpool. B.A., 1892. Oriel College, Oxford : Classical Moderations, 2nd class, 1896. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1898. Assistant Master at Brighton College in 1899 ; at Epsom College, 1899- 1900. Codrington College, Barbados. Sumner, Leonard (Owens'). Born July 9, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1893. M.Sc., 1897. Manager and Director, Broughton Copper Co. Butt Hill, Prestwich, near Manchester. Sumner, William (Owens). Born December 21, 1860. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1882. M.Sc., 1885. With Messrs. Cunliffe & Croom, Broughton Iron Works, 1883-1884. Assistant Examiner, Patent Office, 1884. Deceased. Sunman, Mrs. H. See Oliver, Lottie. *fSurgey, Herbert Henry. Born February 13, 1857, at Nottingham. B.A., 1903. London University : B.A., 1881. Cambridge University : M.A., 1890. Second Master at Woodlands School, Fallowfield, 1886; at Dorset County School, Dorchester,. 1887-1890. Ordained deacon, 1888 ; priest, 1889. Curate of Cattistock, Dorset, 1890-1892 ; of Duffield, Derbyshire, 1892-1898 ; of West Bridgford, Notts, 1898-1902. Curate in sole charge of New Somerby, Grantham, 1902-1905. Rector of Muckton-with-Burwell and Walmsgate, Lines., since 1905. Muckton Rectory, Louth, Lines. Sutcliffe, Alfred (Owens). Born January 22, 1864, at Bradford. B.A., 1896. Unitarian Minister. Minister of George's Chapel, Colyton, 1896-1900 ; of Hermitage Street Unitarian Chapel, Crewkerne, since 1901. Hermitage Street Unitarian Chapel, Crewkerne. fSutcliffe, David. Born October 2, 1850, at Ashton-under-Lyne. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (4th in Honours), 1874. Inter. B.A. (2nd class Latin), 1875. B.A., 1876. M.A., 1877. Head Master of Zion British School, Lees, 1871-1873 ; of Wellington Street Board School, Hoxton, London, N., 1882-1893 ; of London Fields Board School, Hackney, since 1893. 291, Amhurst Road, London, N. Sutcliffe, Edgar (Owens). Born November 10, 1882, at Macclesfield. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Science Master, Catholic Day College, Preston, since 1902. 19, Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston ; 75, Delaunay's Road, Crump sail, Manchester. Sutcliffe, Harry Peveril. LL.B., 1905. Sutcliffe, Henry (Owens). Born April 23, 1879, at Mankinholes, near Todmorden. B.Sc., 1900. Coal Clough School, Burnley. Sutcliffe, Herbert (Owens). Born October 2, 1878, at Burnley.. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. Assistant in the Borough Surveyor's Office, Burnley. Lecturer in Mathematics and Building Construction, Burnley Technical School. 158, Todmorden Road, Burnley. Sutcliffe, Joseph. Born July 26, 1888, at Reddish, Lancashire. B.Sc. Tech., 1907. Student Demonstrator, Municipal School of Technology, since 1907. 3, Slade Grove, Slade Lane, Longsight, Manchester. Sutcliffe, Joseph Herbert (Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Late Senior Resident Medical Officer, Public Dispensary, Leeds, and Resident Medical Officer, Sanatorium, Gateforth. 32, Delph Lane, Leeds. Sutcliffe, Luke (Univ.]. Born July 22, 1878, at Todmorden. B.Sc., 1900. Master of Physics at Todmorden Secondary School since 1901. 38, Wellington Road, Todmorden. Sutherland, Robert (Univ.}. Born August 31, 1872, near Birkenhead. M.B.-, Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1897. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. In private practice in Liverpool, 1898-1899 ; in Moretonhampstead, Devon, since 1903. Moretonhampstead, Devon. *Sutton, Alice Maud Ellen (Owens}. Born October 30, 1865, at York. B.A., 1888. Modern Language Mistress at Darlington Training College in 1889 ; at Victoria College, Belfast, 1889-1899. Married, January 4, 1900, D. Christie Beggs, M.A., Solicitor, of Bally- clare, Co. Antrim. Ollar Lodge, Bally dare, Co. Antrim. Svensson, Gillis (Yorks.). Born July 2, 1880, at Redcar. B.Sc., 1900. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1906. Formerly at Elswick Works and at Canal Foundry, Preston. With Messrs. Wilson, Hartnell & Co., Leeds. Superior at the Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, since 1904. Vine Cottage, Waltham Cross, Herts. Swaine, George Arthur (Yorks.). Born December 25, 1876, at Barnsley, Yorks. B.A., 1901. Wesleyan Methodist Minister. In the Madras District, South India, 1902-1903. Since then at Evesham (Worcester), and Bude (Corn- wall). Lansdowne House, Bude, S.O., N. Cornwall. Swallow, John Albert (Owens). Born July n, 1861, at Manchester. B.A., 1883. M.A., 1886. Munich University : Ph.D., 1894. English Master at the Gymnase Cantonal, Neuchatel, 1895-1899; at the Ecole de Commerce, 1899. Translator of von Dollinger's Brief e und Erklarungen Uber die vaticanischen Decrete, 1869- 1887 (1890). Faubourg du Chateau, 9, Neuchatel, Switzerland. Swallow, Robert William (Owens). Born March i, 1878, at Ningpo, China. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master, Eccles Grammar School, 1900-1902. Professor of Science, Government University, Shansi, China, 1902-1908. Joined Messrs. Arnhold Karberg & Co., 1908. Tai Yuan Fu, Shansi, North China. 347 "tSwanwick, Frederick Tertius. Born May 28, 1851, at Didsbury. B.Sc., 1882. Lecturer, 1885. Representative Governor of Sandbach School, 1897-1899, and Witton Grammar School, Member of Court, 1899. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (i8th Wrangler), 1874. M.A., 1877. Tutor at Cavendish College, Cambridge, 1877-1883. Richardson Lecturer in Mathematics in Owens College, 1883. Fielden Lecturer since 1907. Annandale, Mobberley Road, Knutsford. Sweenie, Mrs. J. See Rowe, Lillie. Swindells, Raymond Herbert (Owens). Born November 26, 1880, at Fairneld. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Assistant Medical Officer, Out-Patients' Department, Manchester Children's Hospital. Honorary Surgeon, York County Hospital. Late House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; Assistant House Surgeon, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary ; and Assistant House Surgeon, Taunton and Somerset Hospital. Burnthorpe, Fair field, near Manchester. Swindells, Scott Wallis (Owens). Born August 31, 1877, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. In general practice. i, Albion Terrace, Cartergate, Great Grimsby. Swithenbank, Dora (Owens). Born July 6, 1880, at Whitefield. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress, Ardwick Higher Grade School, Manchester, 1903- 1905. Form Mistress, Salford Municipal Secondary School for Girls, since 1905. Pleaseley, Whitefield, Manchester. Sykes, Albert (Owens). Born April 28, 1881, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1904. Assistant Master at Municipal Secondary Day School, Bolton, since 1904. 29, Farrow Street, Shaw, Oldham. *Sykes, James (Yorks.). Born November n, 1865, at Birstall, near Leeds. LL.B., 1902. Leeds University : LL.B., 1905. Solicitor. Admitted 1889. In private practice at Huddersfield. Clerk to the Hanley Urban District Council. Dungarth, Honley, Huddersfield. *Taggart, Joseph Scott (Owens). Born April 24, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1895. Resident Medical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1895-1896. St. Mary's Hospital, 1896-1897. In practice since 1898. Birch Villa, 43, Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. *Tait, James (Owens). Born June 19, 1863, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1883. M.A., 1886. Balliol College, Oxford : B.A. (ist class Modern History), 1887. Fellow of Pembroke College, 1890. M.A., 1891. Assistant Lecturer in Histcry and English Literature, Owens College, 1887 ; Lecturer, 1889. Lecturer in Ancient History, 1896. Ex- aminer for Modern History School, Oxford, 1897-1899. Member of Court of Victoria University, 1897-1900 ; Member of Court and 343 Council, 1907. Warburton Lecturer, 1900. Representative Gover- nor of Broughton-in-Preston Grammar School, 1899-1900 ; of Lymm Grammar School, 1901 ; of Bury Grammar School, 1908. Professor of Ancient and Mediaeval History, Owens College, since 1902, and subsequently in the University. Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 1906-1907. Author of Mediceval Manchester and the Beginnings of Lancashire (1905). Has contributed to the Dictionary of National Biography, The English Historical Review, The Ox ford Historical Atlas, The Victoria County Histories, etc. 9, Beaconsfield, Derby Road, Withington, Manchester. "Talbot, Edward (Owens}. Born October 17, 1862, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1883. M.A., 1886. LL.B., 1886. Barrister-at-Law. 37, Brown Street, Manchester. *Talbot, Maud (Owens). Born October 28, 1876, at Manchester. B.A., 1897. Assistant Mistress, Grecian Street Higher Grade School, 1897-1900 ; at the Pupil Teachers' Centre, Salford, since 1900. 132, Lloyd Street, Greenheys, Manchester Talbot, Philip. Born January 29, 1880, at Rochdale. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1904. Professor Tom Jones Surgical Research Scholarship, 1905. * M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1905. House Surgeon at Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1904 ; at District Infirmary, Ashton-under-Lyne, 1905. Casualty Officer and Anaes- thetist, Ancoats Hospital, 1907. Columbia Road, Bolton, Lancashire. Tansley, George Edward (Yorks.). Born November 24, 1877, at Wakefield. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. A.M.I.C.E., 1905. Served Apprenticeship at the Hunslet Engineering Co., Leeds, 1897- 1900 ; and for 3 months in 1900 at Messrs. R. Middletcn's, Hy- draulic Engineers, Leeds. Assistant Manager at E. Green & Son's Economiser Works, Wakefield, since 1900. Woodlands Cottage, Sandal Magna, Wakefield. Tansley, Harold Glendower (Owens). Born September 2, 1876, at Accrington. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1901. University Scholarship in Medicine, 1899. Assistant and Senior House Surgeon, Huddersfield Infirmary, 1901- 1904. In general practice at Huddersfield since 1904. 23, Thornton Road, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Taplen, Mary Elizabeth. Born November 3, 1881, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Burnley Grammar School, 1905-1907. Classical Mistress, Manchester High School for Girls, for Summer term, 1908. Married, August 23, 1907, G. E. Ashforth, M.Sc. The Old Schoolhouse, Penwortham. Preston. *Tasker, William Henry (Owens). Born June 19, 1855, at Skipton. B.A., 1885. Ordained by Bishop of Hereford, deacon, 1879 ; priest, 1880. Curate of 349 Madley, Herefordshire, 1879-1881 ; of Stretton Sugwas, Hereford- shire, 1881-1883 ; of Buc knell, Salop, 1883-1885 ; of St. Margaret's, Prestwich, 1885-1888 ; of Streatham Parish Church, 1888-1906. Vicar of Aspall, Suffolk, since 1906. Aspall Vicarage, Stowmarket, Suffolk. Tattersall, George. M.Sc., 1906. In New Zealand. Tattersall, Walter Medley (Univ.). Born November 8, 1882, at Bootle, near Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Zoology), 1902. M.Sc., 1907. Assistant Naturalist to Department of Agriculture for Ireland since 1903. Ardfry, Oranmore, Co. Galway. "Tattersall, William Hartley (Owens). Born October 27, 1876, at Eccles. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. London University : M.B., 1902. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Hospital for Diseases of the Chest and Throat, 1899-1900. House Physician, Salford Royal Hospital, 1901. Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Gartside Street, 1902. Mayville, Timperley, Cheshire. Tayler, John Bernard (Univ.). Born October 20, 1878, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Chemist with the British Insulated Wire Co., Prescot, 1900. Vice- Principal and Science Master at the Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin, North China, since 1905. Elmswood Road, Egremont, Cheshire ; Anglo-Chinese College, Tientsin, North China. Taylor, Alice Jane. Born December 17, 1884, at Matlock. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1906. Cambridge Teacher's Certificate in Theory and Practice of Teaching, 1907. Junior Science Mistress, London County Council Secondary School, Fulham, since 1907. 164, Engadine Street, Southfields, London, S.W. *Taylor, Charles Barrie (Owens). Born October 18, 1865, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. L.R.C.S., &c., 1888. In general practice in Manchester, 1888-1895 ; in Stockport since 1895. The Thorns, Half Edge Lane, Eccles, Lanes. "Taylor, Emily Howson. Born August 3, 1879, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages), 1905. University Scholarship, 1905. M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Northwich High School, 1906-1908 ; at Pendleton High School, 1908. Author of Poems, published by Sherratt and Hughes, 1903. The Hollies, New Lane, Winton, Manchester. "Taylor, Ethel (Owens). Born July 21, 1877, at Bolton. B.Sc., 1901. 450, Stretford Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. 350 Taylor, Francis (Yorks.). Born November 20, 1881, at Hull. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Works Chemist, Reckitt & Sons, Ltd., Hull. St, Kilda, Westbourne Avenue, Hull. *Taylor, Frank Edward (Yorks.). Born January 27, 1872, at Leeds. B.A. (3rd class History), 1891. B.Sc., 1895. M.A., 1896. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. M.Sc., 1898. London University : M.B., B.S. (Honours in Pathology, Surgery, Midwifery, and Diseases of Women), 1904. M.D., 1906. Cambridge University : D.P.H., 1906. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1903. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1905. House Surgeon at Leeds General Infirmary, 1897-1898 ; at Hospital for Women and Children, Leeds, 1898-1899. Resident Medical Officer, Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, London, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force, 1900-1901. Clinical Assistant, Royal Eye Hospital, Southwark, 1903-1904. Resident Medical Officer, Chelsea Hospital for Women, 1901-1902 ; Regis- trar, 1902 ; Pathologist, 1902-1908. Obstetric Physician, St. Marylebone General Dispensary, 1907-1908. Physician for Diseases of Women, North-West London Hospital, 1907-1908. Examiner, Central Mid wives' Board, 1907-1908. Lecturer in Bacteriology and General Pathology, King's College, London, 1906-1908. n, Bentinck Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. *Taylor, George (Owens}. Born May 6, 1879, at Oldham. M.B., Ch,B., 1902. Late House Surgeon, Isle of Man General Hospital. Now in general practice. 620, Oldham Road, Failsworth, Manchester. Taylor, George Henry. Born June n, 1888, at Royton, near Oldham. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Research work at the Municipal School of Technology, 1907-1908. 10, Station Road, Higher Openshaw, Manchester. Taylor, George William (Owens}. Born November 15, 1876, at Macclesfield. B.Sc., 1897. Assistant Master under the Oldham School Board, 1898-1899. Since 1900 Accountant and Private Tutor. Hope Villas, Middleton, Lancashire. Taylor, Herbert George. Born November 20, 1882, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1906. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Engineering, University of Liverpool, 1906-1907. Demonstrator in Engineering in the University of Liverpool since 1907. 499, Caledonian Road, Holloway, London, N. *|Taylor, James. Born February 19, 1849, at Oldham. B.Sc., 1882. Associate of the Royal School of Mines, 1880. M tallurgist. Demonstrator in Metallurgy, Owens College, 1874-1878. Consulting Chemist to the Nitrate and Railway Company, Anto- fagasta, Chili, 1878-1879. Metallurgist to Messrs. Hollway Brothers, London and Servia, 1880-1884. Chief Chemist to Messrs. T. Firth & Sons, Sheffield, 1884-1892. Government Metallurgist, New South Wales, 1893-1899. Lecturer at Sydney University, 1898-1899. In private practice, Metallurgy and Mining, 1899-1905. Manager, Copper Mine and Smelting Works, Nymagee, N.S.W., 1905-1907. At present with Iron, Steel, and Metals Manufacturing Company, Melbourne. Adderton, Dundas, Sydney, New South Wales. Taylor, James Henry (Owens). Born January 2, 1857, at Salfoid. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1892. St. John's College, Cambridge : B.A. (3rd class Classical Tripos), 1880. M.A., 1883. In general practice. Holly House, 299, Eccles New Road, Salford. Taylor, John (Owens). Born September 6, 1872, at Accrington. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1899. Leblanc Medal, 1899. Mercer Scholarship, 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Assistant Master at Mirfield Grammar School, 1893-1896 ; at Rhyl County School in 1899 ; at Chester Municipal School of Science, 1900-1902. Head of Chemical Department and Lecturer in Physics, Crawford Technical Institute, Cork, 1902. Demonstrator in Mineralogy, 1906, and Demonstrator in Chemistry since 1907, Queen's College, Cork. Highfield Avenue, College Road, Cork. *Taylor, John Percy (Owens). Born June 20, 1868, at Bolton. B.A., 1888. Cotton Spinner. J.P., Bolton, 1904. Morelands, Heaton, Bolton. "Taylor, Lydia (Owens). Born October 18, 1874, at Macclesfield. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress at Ackworth School, near Pontefract, 1895-1897 ; at The Mount School, York, 1900-1906. Principal Mistress, Waterloo Secondary School, Oldham, since 1907. Hope Villas, Middleton, Lancashire. Taylor, Mary Hannah (Owens). Born January 13, 1879, at Nottingham. B.A., 1900. Assistant Mistress, Waterloo Organised Science School, Oldham, 1900. Married, December, 1902, Samuel Sinkinson, M.Sc. 217, Upper Dale Road, Derby. Taylor, Norman. Born August 2, 1885, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1907. About to study Dyeing at University of Zurich. Abbots ford, Chambres Road, Southport. Taylor, Robert Francis (Owens). Born June 7, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Chemist, St. Helens Cable Co., Ltd., Warrington, 1904-1905 ; Messrs. Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., Glass Works, St. Helens, since 1905. Pilkington Bros., Ltd., Sheet Glass Works, St. Helens, Lancashire. Taylor, Ruth (Owens). Born September 9, 1879, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1902. Assistant Mistress, Manchester High School, 1902-1903. Married, September, 1903, Harold Evans. 44, Athol Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. *Teare, John (Univ.). Born January 3, 1866, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Medical Practitioner. J.P. for New Zealand. House Physician, Liver- pool Royal Infirmary, 1890. Medical Superintendent, Lock 352 Department, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1891-1892. Govern- ment Surgeon (Prisons, Permanent Forces, and Police, Wellington, N.Z.), 1894-1903. Honorary Physician, Wellington Hospital, New Zealand, 1898-1900. Public Vaccinator, New Zealand, 1898-1903. Since 1904 practising in Isle of Man. Silverburn, Victoria Road, Castletown, Isle of Man. Teasdale, John Camidge (Yorks.). Born August 29, 1877, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1905. Surgeon, Retford Hospital and Dispensary. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, East Retford Union. Late Resident Medical Officer, Convalescent Hospital, Cookridge, and Resident Obstetric Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds. 65, Carolgate, Retford, Notts. Teggin, George Smith. Born June 9, 1885, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division Mechanical Engineering), 1907. Assistant Engineer, Bcothwood Paper Mills, near Halifax 7, Woodbine Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Telfer, James (Owens). B.Sc., 1901. *Tennant, Bernard Victor Ashlin. Born in 1884, at Sale, Cheshire. B.A., 1905. Assistant Librarian in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, since 1907. Kings field, Sale, Cheshire. *Tennant, Camila Dalcour (Owens). Born July 25, 1872, at Southport. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1897. Married, J. A. Green, B.A., Professor of Education at University College,. Bangor. Deceased. *Tennant, Norman Scholefield (Yorks.). Born October 2, 1881, at Newcastle- on-Tyne. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Engineer to Yorkshire Electric Power Co., Thornhill, Dewsbury, 1903-1906 ; to C. H. Mery, Esq., Consulting Engineer, Newcastle- on-Tyne, since 1906. c/o C. H. Mery, Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; 3, West End Avenue, Harrogate. "Terry, Herbert (Owens). Born September 17, 1875, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Honorary Surgeon, Victoria Infirmary, North wich. Late Assistant House Surgeon, Leicester Infirmary, and House Physician, Man- chester Royal Infirmary. Winnington Mount, Northwich, Cheshire. *Terry, Thomas Leonard (Owens). Born October 3, 1862, at Dewsbury. B.A., 1884. Tutor. 87, Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester. Thackray, Edgar (Owens). Born October 27, 1876, at Clayton, near Bradford. Yorks. B.A., 1902 and (2nd class Philosophy) 1904. M.A., 1905. Harvard University : Hibbert Scholar. Ph.D. Minister of Fitzwilliam Street Chapel, Huddersfield, 1906-1908. Fitzwilliam Street Chapel, Huddersfteld. 353 Tharp, Miss E. A. See Steuart, Lita A. Theobald, Bernard Gage (Owens). Born July 5, 1868, at Halifax. B.A., 1895. Pastor of the New Congregational Church, Chorley Old Road, Bolton, 1898-1902 ; of the Road Congregational Church, Bury, since 1902. Chesham Fields, Bury. *fThistlethwaite, John Barlow. Born May 24, 1866, at Birkenhead. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1887. Solicitor since 1891. 40, Brazennose Street, Manchester. Thomas, Arnold (Univ.). Born October 5, 1879, at Heaton Chapel. B.Sc., 1899 and (2nd class Engineering) 1900. M.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. With Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Engineers, Birmingham. Consulting Engineer since 1905. Everest, Wheeleys Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham ; 57-58, New Street, Birmingham. Thomas, Constance Kate (Univ.). Born June 2, 1882, at Liverpool. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Southport High School for Girls, 1905-1906. Assistant Mistress, Rhyl County School, since 1907. Rut her glen, West Derby, Liverpool. Thomas, Fred (Owens). Born October 10, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1904. Engineer on the widening of the Midland Railway at Sheffield, 1900 ; on construction of new line of railway for Gt. Eastern Rly. Co. from Woodford to Ilford, Essex, 1902 ; on construction of new line of railway for Great Western Rly. Co. from Castle Cary to Langport, Som. ; also the widening and deviation of the same company's line from Langport to Durston, 1903 ; on construction of new line of railway for Great Western Rly. Co. from Tyslley to Bearley, Warwickshire ; and the widening of the line from Bearley to Stratford-on-Avon, 1907. Ravenswood, Shirley Road, A cocks Green, near Birmingham. Thomas, Frederick. Born December 8, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1906. Research in the University, 1906-1907. Since 1907, Assistant Research Chemist for the Research Work on Natural Indigo carried out in the Dyeing Department, Leeds University, by order of the Govern- ment of India. Loisville, Fairhaven Road, St. Anne' s-on-the- Sea. Lanes. Thomas, Frederic Percival Selwyn (Owens). Born January 3, 1880, at Shaw, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1904. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1904-1905. House. Surgeon, Wolverhampton General Hospital, 1905-1906. Medical Officer, Brad well Isolation Hospital. Ranelagh, Chesterton, Staffs. Thomas, Hubert Robert (Owens'). Born May 2, 1873, at Penn, Staffordshire. B.Sc., 1895. A.M.I.C.E., 1899. i, Avenue Road, Wolverhampton. L I 354 Thomas, Hugh Spenser (Owens). Born October 18, 1874, at Wolverhampton. B.Sc., 1898. With Messrs. Edwin Richards & Sons, Portway Works, Wednesbury, Staffs. 141, Tettenhatt Road, Wolverhampton. Thomas, John William. Born September 14, 1887, at Manchester. B.Sc. Tech. (Honours Division Electrical Engineering), 1907. Electrical Engineering Apprentice since 1907. 15, Lotherton Street, Harpurhey, Manchester. Thomas, Joseph Henry (Owens). Born May 8, 1879, at Bruton, Somerset. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. Science Master at Sexeys Technical School, Blackford, 1898 ; at the Intermediate School for Boys, Cardiff, since 1901. 9, Piercefield Place, Newport Road, Cardiff. *Thomas, Percy (Owens). Born May 21, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1901. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1902. With Mr. C. J. Wills, Contractor. Assistant Engineer on Ealing and South Harrow Railway, 1897-1899. Engineer on Wbodford to Ilford Railway, 1899-1903. Engineer-in-charge of various Con- tracts for Railway Construction, 1903-1905. Engineer-in-charge of Survey Parties for Railway and Harbour Works in Nova Scotia, 1905-1906. Engineer to Messrs. C. J. Wills & Sons, 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., since 1906. 158, Castelnau, Barnes, London, S.W. Thomas, Percy Goronwy (Univ.). Born November 26, 1875, a ^ Birkenhead. B.A., 1896. Caius College, Cambridge : B.A. (ist class Mediaeval and Modern Lan- guage Tripos with Distinction in English), 1900. M.A., 1904. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Lecturer in English Language and Literature at Bedford College, University of London. 3, Hayman's Green, West Derby, Liverpool. Thomas, Robert William Hughes (Univ.). Born January 19, 1855, ; t St. Helens. LL.B., 1902. Solicitor. Admitted 1877. Clerk to Justices, W T idnes, 1902. Lieutenant- Colonel, 2nd Volunteer Battalion South Lancashire Regiment, 1902. V.D. Cowley Bank, St. Helens, Lanes. Thomas, Thomas Jones (Univ.). Born August 16, 1869, at Portmadoc. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. In private practice since 1899. Died December 18, 1903. Thomasson, Elizabeth Ann. Born July 24, 1881, at Highfield Terrace, Mossley. B.A., 1904. Form Mistress at the Grammar School, Mottram-in-Longdendale, since 1905. Ingle Nook, Mossley, near Manchester. Thomasson, James. Born August i, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), 1907. Meter Inspector, Instrument Department, British Westinghouse Company, Trafford Park, Manchester, since 1907. 28, Grafton Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. L 2 355 Thompson, Alfred Francis (Owens). Born in 1879, at Sale, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Late House Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Wester field, Victoria Park, Manchester ; 2, St. Peter's Square, Manchester. Thompson, Arthur Ralph (Yorks.). Born in 1876, at Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Ch.M., 1907. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1902. House Surgeon, Shadwell Children's Hospital, 1902. Assistant House Surgeon and House Surgeon, Guy's Hospital, 1903. Resident Medical Officer, Bright Ward, Guy's Hospital, 1903. Surgical Registrar, 1903 ; Resident Surgical Officer, 1904 ; and Demon- strator of Anatomy, Guy's Hospital, 1905. Anaesthetist, Guy's Hospital, 1906. 4, St. Thomas Street, London Bridge, London, S.E. Thompson, Ethel (Owens). Born July 6, 1882, at Luddendenfoot, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1903. Assistant Mistress, Convent School of Notre Dame, Everton Valley, Liverpool, 1903-1905. Teaching at a School in Belfast since 1906. 7, Mayfield Road, Whalley Range, Manchester; 4, Princess Gardens, Belfast. "Thompson, Fred. Born January 28, 1870, at Mossley. LL.B., 1907. Solicitor. Clerk to Mottram-in-Longdendale Urban District Council. Deputy Town Clerk of Staly bridge since 1907. Shaw Bank, Mottram Road, Stalybridge. Thompson, Hubert (Yorks.). Born November 20, 1879, at White Lee, Batley, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Lectured in Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry, 1903, at the College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire ; Vice- Principal since 1906. The College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Thompson, Hubert Gordon (Univ.). Born February 24, 1878, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.D., 1906. Holt Fellow in Physiology, 1903-1904 ; Gee Fellow in Anatomy, 1904- 1905, in the University of Liverpool. Assistant Lecturer in Ana- tomy in the University of Liverpool, 1905. House Surgeon, General Hospital, Birmingham, 1905. Surgeon, C.M.S. Hospital, Pakhoi, since 1906. C.M.S. Hospital, Pakhoi, S. China. Thompson, James David (Owens). Born March 15, 1873, at Bishop Auckland, Durham. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1892. Derby Scholarship, 1892. London University : Matriculation (i4th in Honours), 1889. Inter. B.Sc. (ist class with Exhibition in Mathematics, 3rd class Experi- mental Physics), 1891. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1^93. Cambridge University : Major Foundation Scholar of Trinity College. B.A. (i6th Wrangler), 1895. Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II., 2nd class, 1896. M.A., 1899. Lecturer in Physics, University College, Sheffield, 1896-1898. Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1898-1899. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, West Virginia University, 356 i899~ I 90i. Magnetic Survey of State of West Virginia, 1900, and Member of Eclipse Party, May 28, 1900, for U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. In charge, Science Section.Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1901-1907. Also Chief, Division of Documents, and in charge of Science Section, Library of Congress, 1905-1907. Also Editor of Handbook of Learned Societies for the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1908. Library of Congress, Washington D.C., U.S.A. ^Thompson, John Hilton (Owens}. Born February 10, 1865, at Melbourne, Victoria. M.B., Ch.B. (distinguished in Children's Diseases), 1886. M.D., 1888. Medical Practitioner. Formerly House Surgeon, &c., Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and Children's Hospital, Pendlebury. Hey sham House, Chorley Old Road, Bolton. Thompson, John Thomas (Yorks.}. Born April 13, 1879, at Aberford. B.Sc., 1901 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1902. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Manager and Chemist at Knostrop Sewage Works, 1902-1906. Superintendent of Sewage Disposal Works, Chemist and Bacteriolo- gist to Leeds Corporation Sewerage Committee since 1906. Knostrop Sewage Works, Leeds. *fThompson, John William. Born March i, 1856, at North wich. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A. (3rd class Logic), 1875. Solicitor (4th place Honours) and Notary. Admitted on the Rolls, 1879. 19, Castle Street, Liverpool. *fThompson, Joseph. Born December 28, 1859, at Wakefield. B.A., 1904. Lincoln College, Oxford : ist class Lit. Hum., 1882. B.A., 1883. M.A., 1888. Barrister-at-Law, Middle Temple, 1885. North-Eastern Circuit and Leeds, 1885-1890. Assistant Master in Plymouth College since 1893. 1 1 , Lisson Grove, Mutley, Plymouth. Thompson, Mary Christine. Born September 7, 1885, at Grantham, Lincoln- shire. B.A., 1905. Secondary Teacher's Diploma (Oxford), 1906. Teacher, Municipal Secondary School, Stockport, since 1906. 28, Park View, Wigan, Lancashire. Thompson, Muriel. Born July 14, 1884, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist cla^s Chemistry), 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Cambridge Secondary Teacher's Diploma (with Distinction), 1907. In Residence at Cherwell Hall, Oxford, 1906. Science Mistress at the Girls' High School, Wigan, since 1907. Willow Bank, Boar's Head, Wigan. Thompson, Peter (Owens}. Born February 18, 1871, at Earlestown, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1899. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1894-1895. Demon- strator of Anatomy, Owens College, 1895-1901. Lecturer, 1900- 1901. Lecturer in Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital, 1901-1905. Professor of Anatomy, King's College, London, since 1905. King's College, London. 357 Thompson, William (Owens). Born June 4, 1867, at Darlington. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. In general practice at Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire. Medical Officer of Health and Public Vaccinator for the Mytholmroyd Urban District Calder Grange, Mytholmroyd, S.O., Yot since 1905.^ Calder Grange, Mytholmroyd, S.O., Yorkshire. Thompson, WilliamTBenson (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1903. Thomson, Andrew (Univ.). Born March 3, 1873, at Silloth. B.A., 1894. Assistant Master at York Terrace Board School, Liverpool, 1894-1896 ; at Sefton Park Board School, Liverpool, 1896-1907. 19, Trafalgar Avenue, Egremont, Cheshire. Thomson, Mrs. C. E. See Frankland, Lilian W. Thomson, Charles Sheldon (Owens). Born October 26, 1868, at Altrincham. i B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1889. M.Sc., 1892. "t Electrical Engineer. With the Brush Co., 1891-1897 ; with Mr. Robert ,v^Hammond, 1897-1900. Superintending Engineer to the Brush o., 1900. With the British Westinghouse Co., London, since 1903. 9, Darlaston Road, Wimbledon. Thomson, Samuel Woodhouse (Owens). Born November 16, i869,|at Chorlton- cum-Hardy. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D., 1905. House Surgeon, etc., Stockport Infirmary, 1894-1897. Medical Officer, West African Frontier Force, 1 899-1 goo. 28, Moor field Road, West Didsbury, Manchester. Thorburn, Alexander Douglas (Univ.). Born July 27, 1882, in London. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1903. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Brunswick, Hay wards Heath, 1903-1905. French and Classical Master, Cathedral School, Llandaff, since 1906. Churchlands, Bebington, Cheshire. *Thorburn, James (Owens). Born November 24, 1860 B.A. (2nd class History), 1886. rA.C.A., 1893. [ ? I Chartered Accountant (Final Examination), 1890. "Thorburn, William. Born April 7, 1861, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : B.Sc., 1880. M.B., B.S., 1884. M.D., 1885. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1886. Jacksonian Prizeman (R.C.S.), 1890. Hunterian Professor (R.C.S.), 1894. Assistant Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1889. Surgeon, 1899. Assistant Lecturer on Surgery, Owens College; (later) Lecturer on Operative Surgery and on Surgical Pathology, &c., in the University. Member of Council and Court. 2, St. Peter's Square, Manchester ; Oxford Lodge, Victoria Park, Manchester. 358 Thornley, Frank. Born January n, 1885, at Bolton. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Boulevard Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, Hull. 3, Linnaeus Street, Hull. Thornton, Arthur Lambert (Owens). Born December 21, 1873, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1894. Assistant Master, Central Higher Grade School, Bolton. Junior Inspector, Board of Education. Broomlea, Navigation Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. fThornton, Joe Midgley. Born October 10, 1859, at Almondbury, Yorkshire. B.A., 1882. St. Catharine's College, Cambridge : B.A. (4th Wrangler), 1882. Mathe- matical Tripos, Part II., 3rd class, 1883. M.A., 1885. Assistant Master, Blundell's School, Tiverton, 1884-1893. House Master, 1893. Old House, Tiverton, Devon. *Thornton, William Mundell (Univ.). Born February 16, 1870, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1895 and (2nd class Engineering) 1896. M.Sc., 1898. D.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : D.Eng., 1906. Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Bristol, 1896-1898. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Durham College of Science, 1898-1906. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, since 1906. Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Thorp, -Harold (Owens). Born April 4, 1875, at Todmorden. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. D.P.H., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899. House Surgeon, Warrington Infirmary, 1899-1901. Vale Manse, Cornholme, Todmorden, Lancashire. Thorp, Harold Kendall Kelly (Owens). Born in 1880, at Middleton, Lancashire. B.A., 1902. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Oldham, since 1902. The Hollins, Hollin Lane, Middleton, Manchester. *Thorp, Henry (Owens). Born July 17, 1881, at Sale, Cheshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Zoology), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician (late Junior House Surgeon), North Staffordshire Infirmary and Eye Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent, 1906. Ingledene, Richmond Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Thorp, Leonard. Born April 29, 1879, at Sale, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Assistant Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Albert Hospital, Devonport, Devon, 1905-1906. Late Surgeon, R.M. S.S. Orita (P.S.N. Co.). Ingledene, Richmond Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Thorp, Samuel (Yorks.). Born January 17, 1881, at Leeds. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Teacher, Central High School, Leeds. 47, Bruce Street, Leeds. 359 ffThorpe, Jocelyn Field. Born December i, 1872, in London. M.Sc., 1905. Heidelberg University : Ph.D., 1895. F.R.S., 1908. Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Manchester. Yannaford, Heaton Mersey, Lancashire, *fThorpe, Thomas Edward. Born December 8, 1845, at Harpurhey, Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Honorary D.Sc., 1900. Heidelberg University : Ph.D. Dublin University : Honorary D.Sc. Leeds University : Honorary D.Sc. Glasgow University : LL.D. F.R.S. (Foreign Secretary and Vice-President), C.B., 1900. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Owens College, 1869-1870. Professor of Chemistry at Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1870-1874; at Yorkshire College, 1874-1885 ; at the Royal College of Science, South Kensington, 1885-1894. External Examiner, Owens College, 1885-1887. Chief Chemist and Director of the Government Laboratory since 1894. Has been Examiner in Durham, Oxford, Glasgow, London, and New Zealand Universities, and President of the Chemical Society and Society of Chemical Industry. Pub- lished numerous works on Chemistry. Government Laboratory, Clement's Inn Passage, Strand, London, W.C. Threlfall, Harold Spencer (Univ.). Born May 2, 1875, at Lytham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. A.M.I.C.E., 1901. Civil Engineer. With Messrs. Holme & King, widening the Railway between Bolton and Lostock Junction (L. & Y. R.), and on Pen- nington New Railway (L. & N.-W. R.), 1896-1900. With the Admiralty on Keyham Dockyard and Harbour Extension Works, and also Surveys, Marine Observations, and Estimates for Proposed Eastern Harbour, Gibraltar, 1900-1906. With Sir John Jackson, Ltd., sinking Admiralty Experimental Cylinder, Rosyth, since 1906. Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth ; Charlestown, Fife. Thresh, John Clough (Owens). Born December 14, 1850, at Wakefield. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. M.D. (Gold Medal), 1896. London University : B.Sc., 1880. D.Sc., 1882. D.P.H. (Camb.), 1892: Honorary D.P.H., Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ireland, Medical Officer of Health, Mid-Essex, 1889-1895 ; Essex County Council, 1895. Lecturer in Public Health, London Hospital, 1898. Formerly Editor of the Journal of State Medicine. Spergula, Chelmsfovd ; London Hospital Medical College, London, E. Thwaites, John Herbert (Univ.}. Born December 20, 1880, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1900 and (2nd class Chemistry) 1901. M.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Assistant to Chas. C. Moore, F.I.C., Chemical Engineer, 1901. Chemist to John Evison, Ltd., Ramsey, Hunts., Chemical Works, 1901- 1903. General Manager to John Evison, Ltd., 1903-1906. Since September, 1906, in private practice as Chemical Engineer in 3 6o Peterborough ; and in Partnership as J. H. Thwaites & Co., Metal Extractors and Miners, at various places in the United Kingdom. Market Chambers, Peterboro' ; Mount Stuart, Peterboro'. Tickle, Matthew James (Univ.). Born March 30, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool, since 1904. 6, Melling Road, Aintree, Liverpool. Tickle, Thomas (Univ.). Born July 14, 1871, at Pemberton, Wigan. B.A., 1901. Assistant Master at Church Square Board School, West Hartlepool, 1898-1904; at Water Street Council School, Hyde, Cheshire, since 1905. 242, Warrington Road, Abram, near Wigan. "Tierney, Thomas (Owens). Born May 29, 1869, a t Marple. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. M.D., 1905. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1901. In general practice at Marple. District Medical Officer, Marple. Towercro/t, Marple, Cheshire. Tiffany, Joseph Edgar (Yorks.). Born November 9, 1879, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Mine Surveyor for Messrs. W. K. Niver & Co., 1899. Elk Lick, Pa., U.S.A. Timmis, Arthur Carlyle. Born April 7, 1887, at Stourbridge. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1907. Apprentice at Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company, Trafford Park, Manchester. 50, Claremont Road, Alexandra Park, Manchester. *Timpany, Harold Munkman (Owens). Born January 2, 1876, at Bury. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Science Master, Birkenhead Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1900. Head Master, Shrewsbury Technical Schools, since 1902. St. Winifrede's Gardens, Shrewsbury. *Tindall, Samuel (Owens). Born July 22, 1870, at Sheffield. B.A., 1891. Hertford College, Oxford: B.A., 1901. M.A., 1904. Studied at Heidelberg and the Sorbonne. Assistant Master at Campbell College, Belfast, 1901-1904 ; at Bradford Grammar School, Yorkshire, since 1904. 1 6, Park View Terrace, Manningham, Bradford. Tinker, Ernest (Yorks.). Born August 20, 1876, at Holmfirth, near Huddersfield. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Locum Tenens, 1902-1903. Surgeon to Booth Steamship Co., 1903-1904. Locum Tenens, 1904-1905. Surgeon, Cunard S.S. Co., since 1905. Leymoor, Golcar, near Huddersfield. *Titherley, Arthur Walsh (Univ.). Born June 2, 1874, at Seacombe. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1892. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1892. M.Sc., 1896. D.Sc., 1901. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship, University College, 1893. Heidelberg University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1895. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry, University College, Liverpool, 1896. 3 6i Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University of Liverpool, 1905. Author of A Laboratory Course of Organic Chemistry and of various Papers on Chemical Subjects. Southcot, Manor Hill, Upton, near Bjrkenhead. Titterington, Emma Elizabeth. Born June 28, 1885, at Gracefield, County Londonderry. B.A. (2nd class History), 1906. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress at Stockport Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1906-1907. Moravian Parsonage, Dukinneld, Cheshire. Todd, John Henry (Owens}. Born August 21, 1877, at West Hartlepool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. Assistant Master at Brecon County School, 1899-1900 ; at the High School, Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1900. Died September 25, 1902. Todd, Reginald Austen (Yorks.). Born June 6, 1877, at Norwich. B.Sc., 1898. Assistant to the Director of the Marine Biological Association Laboratory, Plymouth, 1898-1902. Assistant Naturalist (Invertebrates), North Sea International Fishery Investigations, England, since 1902. The Laboratory, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Todd, Thomas Wingate. Born January 15, 1885, at Sheffield. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1907. Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Leith, 1907. Demonstrator in Anatomy in the University since 1907. 126, Bolton Road, Pendleton, Manchester. Toft, Louis. Born December 6, 1878, at Tyldesley. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chief teacher in Mathematics and Engineering at the Municipal College, Grimsby, 1904-1906. Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Engi- neering at the Royal Technical Institute, Salford, since 1906. 69, Kennedy Road, Weaste, Manchester. \Tomhins, Henry. Born Augustl27, 1850, at Great Berkhampstead. B.Sc., 1882. Royal University of Ireland : M.D., 1877. Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst of Leicester. Died March 27, 1892. Tomlin, Herbert, f Born September 13, 1881, at Barnsley,|Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1905. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, 1905. Senior House Surgeon, Lincoln County Hospital, 1906. District Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Mansfield Union, since 1907. Cliff House, Shirebrook, Mansfield, Derbyshire. Tomlinson, Alfred. Born February 15, 1884, at Clitheroe. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Civil Engineer. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Engineer's Office, Manchester. Wentworth Terrace, Seedley Park Road, Seedley, Manchester. Tomlinson, John (Owens'). Born January 6, 1874, at Preston. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Science Master, Kent College, 1900. Mathematical Master,* County School, Dover, since 1905. Diplome Superieur, Alliance Fran9aise, 1905. 4, Grabble Villas, Dover. 3 62 Tomlinson, Maurice. Born January 26, 1881, at Rawtenstall. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1907. Teacher under Manchester Education Committee since 1506. 125, Haslingden Old Road, Rawtenstall, Lancashire. Topham, Leonard West. Born April 20, 1884, at Blackley, Manchester. B.Sc., 1906. M.Sc., 1907. Spying Bank, Swinton, Manchester. "ffTout, Thomas Frederick. Born September 28, 1855, at London. M.A., 1905. Pembroke College, Oxford: M.A., 1882. Fellow, 1883-1890. Professor of History in Owens College, 1890. Chairman of Board of Studies of Victoria University, 1899-1900. Professor of Mediaeval and Modern History since 1902. Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 1904- 1905. Member of Court and Council of Owens College, 1900-1902. Member of Court and Council of University, 1896-1905. Repre- sentative Governor of Manchester High Schools, 1895 '> f Bury Grammar Schools, 1899-1907. Chairman of the University Extension Committee and of University Publications Committee, 1907. On Council of John Rylands Library. Publications : Edward I. (1893) ; Empire and Papacy (1898) ; History of England, 1216-1377 (1905). Joint Editor of Owens College Historical Essays (1902), and Select Trials of Judges, 1289-1292 (1905). Has also written several School Books and contributed to Dictionary of National Biography, English Historical Review, Oxford Historical Atlas, Cambridge Modern History, Owens College Historical Essays, &c. 21, Mauldeth Road, Withington, Manchester. "Tout, Mrs. T. F. See Johnstone, Mary. Townley, Alfred Ernest (Owens'). Born July 2, 1882, at Oswaldtwistle. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. In general practice. Medical Officer of Health, Oswaldtwistle Urban District Council. Anaesthetist, Accrington Cottage Hospital. Rhyddings Street, Oswaldtwistle, Lanes. Trantom, William (Univ.}. Born March 2, 1877, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1896. Jena University : Ph.D., 1898. Late Chemist for Joseph Rank, Ltd., Eagle Oil Mills, Hull. Trevor, Adelaide (Owens). Born March i, 1868, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class History), 1890. M.A., 1893. Assistant Mistress, West Cornwall College for Girls, Penzance, 1891 1892. Heath-field, Newton Heath, Manchester. Trietschel, John Albert Martin (Univ.}. Born November 12, 1875, at Liverpool. B.A., 1894. Durham University : L.Th., 1898. Ordained by Bishop of Wakefield, deacon, 1898; priest, 1899. Secretary, Church of England Scripture Readers' Association, 56, Haymarket, London, S.W., 1907. Formerly Curate of Golcar, Huddersfield, 1898-1901. Curate-in-charge of Purlwell, Batley, 1901-1906. Senior Curate, Christ Church, Chelsea, 1906-1907. Now Secretary to the Church of England Scripture Readers' Association. 30, Markham Square, Chelsea, London, S.W. 3 6 3 Trott, Herbert Alfred (Owens). Born October 29, 1870, at Greenwich. B.A., 1893. Assistant Teacher at North Ormsby Road School, Middlesbrough, 1896-1897 ; at Folds Road School, Bolton, 1897. Head Master, Welton Parochial School, near Lincoln, 1902-1905. Now Assistant Master, St. John's School, Altrincham. 14, Byrom Street, Altrincham, Cheshire. Trotter, Edward (Yorks.). Born January n, 1876, at Holmfirth. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1898. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1901. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. House Surgeon at Leeds General Infirmary, 1898-1899 ; at Hospital for Women and Children, Leeds, 1899-1900. Netherfield, Scholes, Thongsbridge, Huddersfteld. "Trotter, Robert Hale (Yorks.). Born January n, 1873, at Holmfirth. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. M.D., 1901. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1895. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1895- 1896. Medical Officer of Health for Holmfirth, &c., since 1896. Sunny Bank, Holmfirth, Huddersfteld. Trumper, Oscar Bagster (Yorks.). Born'December 5, 1872, at Burnham Abbey, Bucks. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1894. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1904. In general practice since 1895. Late Honorary Surgeon, Market Rasen Cottage Hospital, and Medical Officer of Health, Market Rasen, U.D.C., 1897. Honorary Surgeon to Montgomeryshire Infirmary. Deputy Coroner, Newtown District, Montgomeryshire. Honorary Surgeon, Cambrian Railway Ambulance Centre. Tawelan, Newtown, North Wales. Burner, Harold Pilkington (Owens'). Born January 6, 1868, at Rochdale. LL.B., 1893. B.A., 1894. M.A., 1907. Barrister-at-Law. Called to the Bar, 1895. Tutor in Law at Dalton Hall since 1901. Special Lecturer in Law relating to Railway Economics in the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Manchester since 1904. Assistant Secretary to the Council and Senate of the University since 1907. Nidis, Bramhall, Cheshire. Turner, Harry (Owens). Born in 1880, at Rochdale. B.Sc., 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant, Municipal Secondary School, Oldham. 1 80, Edmund Street West, Rochdale. Turner, John Edward (Univ.). Born June 24, 1870, at Norden, Rochdale. B.A., 1897. Assistant Master at Earle Road Board School, Liverpool, 1897-1899 ; at Organised Science School, Barrow, 1899. 7, Warwick Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Turner, Maurice Russell. Born September 16, 1887, at Bristol. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Research in the University, 1907-1908. Belmont, Park Grove, Barnsley, Yorkshire. 364 *Turner, Richard Timmis (Owens). Born December 6, 1870, at Blakenhall, Nantwich. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1892. M.D., 1895. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital, 1892-1893. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1893. Resident Medical Officer, Crumpsall Workhouse Infirmary, 1893-1895. House Surgeon, Chester General Infirmary, 1895-1896. Medical Officer of Health, Nantwich, R.D.C., 1896. Examiner in Sick Nursing, Cheshire C.C., 1897. Police Surgeon, 1900. Medical Officer, Nantwich Joint Isolation Hospital, since 1906. Manor House, Nantwich, Cheshire. Turton, Arthur Edward (Univ.). Born March 27, 1879, at Hough Green. B.A., 1900. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. The Lilacs, Hough Green, Widnes. Turton, Charlotte (Univ.). Born June 28, 1876, at Sherburn. B.A., 1898. Liverpool University: B.A., 1904. English Governess in a School at Gorlitz, Germany, 1898-1900 ; at Oosterbeek, 1900. Turton, Edward (Yorks.). Born March 6, 1876, at Howden, E. Yorks. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1898. B.Sc., 1903. M.D., 1903. Leeds University : M.D., 1905. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1904. House Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, 1898-1899. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1901. Late Surgeon-Captain, Cape Medical Staff Corps, 1901-1902. Now Honorary Physician to the Hull Royal Infirmary. i, Albion Street, Hull. Tweedy, Theodore Victor (Owens). Born February 20, 1879, at Northwich. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1901. M.A., 1906. Private Tutor, 1902-1905. Classical Master at Ashville College, Harro- gate, 1905-1906 ; at the Modern School, Maidenhead, since 1906. The Modern School, Maidenhead ; 27, Hawkshead Street, Southport. Twisse, Sarah. Born April 27, 1882, at Breightmet, near Bolton. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, Bolton Municipal Secondar}^ School, since 1905. 776, Bury New Road, Breightmet, Bolton. Twynam, Henry Joseph. Born April 24, 1887, at Stafford. B.A. (2nd class History), 1907. Reading for Civil Service, 1907-1908. Calderbank, Urmston, Manchester. *Tylecote, Frank Edward (Owens). Born May 23, 1879, at Cannock, Staffs, M.B., Ch.B., 1902. M.D., 1904. D.P.H., 1906. House Surgeon, Macclesfield Infirmary, 1902. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902-1903. Casualty Surgeon and Anaesthetist, Ancoats Hospital, 1903. Senior Resident Medical Officer (formerly Junior and Second), Manchester Workhouse Infirmary, 1903-1905. Assistant Medical Officer and Pathologist, Lancashire County Asylum, Winwick, 1905. Medical Registrar, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905-1906. Lecturer in Hygiene and 365. Physiology, Macclesfield Technical School, 1905-1906. Senior Assistant Medical Officer, Plaistow and Dagenham Hospitals for Infectious Diseases, 1906-1908. Now at Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle. Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, Cheshire. *Tylecote, John Howard Lee (Owens). Born May 10, 1869. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Fever Hospital, in 1894. Surgeon, Darien Gold Mining Co., Panama, 1896-1901. Late Chief and Assistant Medical Officer, Gold Coast Government Railway. Fairfield, Hall Street, Stockport. U j Udall, William (Owens). Born August 3, 1860, at Stoke-on-Trent. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1891. M.Sc., 1902. Assistant Demonstrator in Chemistry, Technical School, Manchester, 1890-1891. Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics, Technical School, Burnley, 1892. Teacher of Chemistry and Physics at the Higher Grade School, Burnley, 1897-1898 ; at St. Francis Xavier's College, Liverpool, since 1900. 46, Eastbourne Street, Liverpool. Unsworth, George (Owens'). Born November i, 1873, at Westhoughton. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice. 16, Deane Road, Bolton, Lanes. *Unsworth, James Wilcock (Owens). Born October 20, 1866, at Billinge, Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. In general practice at Blackrod since 1889. Medical Officer of Health for the district. Hilton House, Blackrod, Chorley, Lanes. Unwin, Ernest Ewart (Yorks.). Born in 1881, at Folkestone, Kent. B.Sc., 1901. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master, Ackworth School, near Pontefract, 1901-1904. Demonstrator in Biological Department, Leeds University, since 1904. 7, Woodsley Terrace, Clarendon Road, Leeds. *Unwin, Frederick (Owens). Born September 3, 1882, at Stockport. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Lecturer in Physics at the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, since 1903. 7, Adelaide Road, Stockport. Ure, James Matthew (Univ.). Born November 17, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master, Harrington Board Schools, Liverpool, 1899. Now Head Master, Higher Elementary School and Male Pupil Teacher Centre, Birkenhead. 14, Alexandra Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Uttley, James Arthur (Owens). Born February 5, 1883, at Urmston, Lanes. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Engineer to Messrs. G. H. Hill & Sons, Waterworks Engineers, Manchester. Sidcot, Ashley Heath, Bowdon, Cheshire. Uttley, Thomas William (Owens). Born February 16, 1881, at Rochdale. B.A., 1902. Gartside Scholar, 1902-1904. Assistant Librarian, Newcastle Public Library, since 1905. Has published Gartside Report on Cotton Spinning and Manufacturing in the United States of America (1905). Public Library, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 366 v Valentine, Abraham Henriques (Owens). Born November 24, 1869, m London. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1891. M.Sc., 1895. Teacher in Primary and Secondary Schools, 1892-1900. Chemical Assistant, Manchester Corporation Sewage Purification Works, 1900-1902. Chemist and Superintendent, Oldham Corporatio i Sewage Purification Works, Hollinwood, Oldham, since 1902.* Limefield, Middleton, Lancashire. *Varley, George Percy (Owens]. Born October 9, 1875, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1904. Honorary Research Fellowship, Owens College, 1896. Assistant at Central Higher Grade School and Technical School, Manchester, 1898. Assistant Master, Municipal Secondary School, Manchester. 18, Victoria Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Varley, John. Born December 6, 1886, at Nelson. LL.B., 1906. Articled to Town Clerk, Nelson. 66, Hibson Road, Nelson, Lancashire. Varley, William Crowther (Owens'). Born December 5, 1873, at Accrington, Lanes. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1894. 182, Lee Lane, Harwich, Bolton. *Varley, William Mansergh (Yorks.). Born April 25, 1879, at Netherton. B.Sc., 1898 and (ist class Physics) 1899. University Scholarship in Physics, 1899. 1851 Exhibition Research Scholarship, 1900. M.Sc., 1902. D.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : D.Sc., 1905. Strassburg University : Ph.D., 1901. Emmanuel College, Cambridge : B.A. (Research Degree), 1903. Assistant Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, since 1903. Examiner in practical Physics, Central Welsh Board, 1905. 27, St. Hilary Terrace, Devonport. Vaughan, Frank Heming (Owens}. Born December 17, 1875, at Bristol. B.A., 1899. At Manchester College, Oxford, 1899-1902. Minister of Park Street Church, 1902-1906 ; of Old Meeting House, Mansfield, since 1906. Old Meeting House, Mansfield. "Veale, Frederick John de Coverly (Univ.}. Born July 4, 1870, at Bristol. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. M.D., 1906. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1894- 1895. Assistant Medical Officer, County Asylum, Lancaster, 1895- 1896. Since 1896 in general practice. Glyn Eithin, Mumbles, Glam. van der Veen, Margrieta (Owens}. Born December 17, 1871, at Manchester. B.A. (ist class Philosophy), 1895. University Scholarship in Philosophy, 1895. M.A., 1901. Lecturer at Westfield College, London, in 1897. Assistant Investigator in Labour Department, Board of Trade, 1897-1899. Lecturer at St. Mary's College, London, 1899. Special Investigator in Labour Department, Board of Trade, 1906. Contributor to The Economic Journal, &c. Married, September 9, 1899, Edward Beer. 1 6, Shortlands Road, Shortlands, Kent. 367 Verity, John Arthur (Univ.). Born March 15, 1881, at Bradford. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1903. Physics Master, Hanson Secondary School, Bradford, 1904-1907. 65, Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford, Yorks. Viner, Mary. Born August I, 1886, at Plumstead. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Werneth Council School, Oldham, since 1907. 64, Wellington Road, Oldham, Lanes. "fVoisey, Clement Bernard. Born July 26, 1857, at Bridgwater, Somersetshire. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (Honours in Medicine), 1883. M.D., 1885. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1891. Late Assistant Surgeon, H.M. Convict Prison, Chatham, 1884-1892 ; since then in general medical practice in London. ii, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W. Vollmer, George Frederick (Owens}. Born April 16, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1896. M.Sc., 1900. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1902. Assoc.M.Inst.M.E., 1905. Civil Engineer with C. J. Lomax, 1895-1899, and 1900-1901. Junior Engineer on Cinderford extension (G.W. and Midland Joint Railway), 1899-1900. With G. H. Hill & Sons, 1901. In Wyoming, U.S.A., 1901-1903. At Wyoming University, studying Petroleum, 1902. With the Denver Union Water Co., Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 1903-1905. In private practice as Consulting Engineer since 1905. Dacre House, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. W Waddington, Dorothy. Born April 15, 1881, at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. B.A., 1904. Form Mistress, Municipal Secondary School, Manchester, since 1904. Morris Brook, Edge Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. * Waddington, John Heywood (Owens). Born May 23, 1866, at Leeds. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1889. M.A., 1892. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, deacon, 1890 ; priest, 1891. Curate of St. Mary's, Crumpsall, 1890-1893. Curate of St. Michael's, Hulme (in charge of Mission Church), 1894-1896. Curate of St. James's, Higher Broughton, 1896-1898. Vicar of Buckland Brewer, 1898- 1904. Vicar of Ford, Devonport, since 1904. Also Chaplain to the Devonport Workhouse. Ford Vicarage, Devonport. Waddington, William Heywood (Owens). Born September 20, 1864, a t Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. D.P.H., 1901. L.S.A. Medical Practitioner. Late Physician, Oldham Smallpox Hospital. Late Medical Officer of Health, Scarborough. 237, York Road, Leeds. *Wade, James Mervyn (Yorks.). Born February n, 1881, at Leeds. LL.B., 1903. Leeds University : LL.B., 1906. Solicitor. 22, Bondgate Without, Alnwick. 3 6S Wadsworth, Amy. Born December 13, 1882, at Salford. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Woodbine Street Higher Grade School, Salford, 1906 ; at Waterloo Secondary School, Oldham, since 1906. Ferncliffe, Gore Crescent, Seedley, Salford. Wadsworth, George Wade. Born January 20, 1888, at Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Electrical Engineering Apprentice. Higher Bank, Urmston Lane, Stretford, Manchester. * Wadsworth, Millicent. Born May 9, 1880, at Manchester. B.A., 1905. Private Teaching. 49, Richmond Grove, C.-on-M., Manchester. WaJsworth, Thomas (Owzns). Born January, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1903. M.Sc., 1906. A.M.Inst.E.E., 1908. Lecturer on Electrical Engineering, South - Western Polytechnic, London, 1904-1906. Electrical Instrument Maker since 1906. Ferncliffe, Gore Crescent, Seedley, Salford. Wager, Mrs. H. W. T. See Miall, Winifred. *Wagstaffe, Ernest Arthur (Owens). Born May 23, 1870, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1890. M.Sc., 1893. Munich University : Ph.D., 1893. F.I.C., 1903. Analytical and Consulting Chemist. Lecturer in Chemistry, Verdin Technical Schools, Northwich. 22, Blackfriars Street, Manchester. Waite, Joseph Harold (Yorks.). Born September 28, 1882, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Science Master at the Portsmouth Council Secondary School since 1904. 141, Chichester Road, Portsmouth. Walbank, Wilfrid Stephen (Yorks.). Born May 29, 1876, at Bingley. B.Sc , 1897. Leeds University: B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at Central School, Leeds, 1897 " at Technical School, Bingley, 1898-1902 ; at Central High School, Leeds, since 1902. 4, Roundhay Crescent, Harehills, Leeds. Walder, Heinrich (Owens). Born January 23, 1871, at Mizpah, Jamaica. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1889. Langton Fellowship, 1893. London University : Inter.B.A. (ist class with Exhibition in Latin), 1892. Christ's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Classical Tripos, Part I., 2nd class, Division i), 1892. Died January 5, 1898. Wale, Royden Cobden (Owens). Born May 14, 1879, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Physics), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. Demonstrator, Owens College, 1900. Assistant Examiner, H.M. Patent Office, London, since 1903. 7, Quintin Avenue, Merton Park, Surrey. Walker, Ada (Yorks.). Born May 15, 1877, at Crossflatts, Bingley. B.A., 1900. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Mistress-in -charge, Pupil Teachers' Centre and Girls' Secondary School, Lancaster. Canal Road, Crossflatts, Bingley, Yorks. Walker, Archibald Lewis (Owens). Born May 29, 1876, at Dowlais, Glam. B.A., 1901. Divinity Student at Lancashire Independent College and in the University, 1902-1906. Assistant Pastor of Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, since 1907. 36, Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Walker, Arthur George (Univ.). B.Sc., 1903. Walker, Augustus John (Yorks.). Born November 30, 1871, at Tunbridge, Kent. B.Sc., 1894. Assistant Master, Higher Grade School, Burton-on-Trent, 1894-1895. Science Master, Boulevard Higher Grade School, Hull, 1895-1900. Head of the Chemical Department, Technical Schools, Southend-on- Sea, since 1900. Technical Schools, Southend-on-Sea. Walker, Catherine Mary (Owens). Born January 20, 1874, at Manchester. Mus.B., 1899. 13, Northen Grove, West Didsbury, Manchester. Walker, Charles (Owens). Born October 25, 1879, at New Mills. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1899. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1899. M.Sc., 1905. Lecturer in Chemistry and Head of Chemical Section, Norwich Muni- cipal Technical Institute, since 1901. 56, Christ Church Road, Norwich. Walker, David. Born in 1875, at Preston. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Junior House Surgeon, Macclesfield, General Infirmary, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Beckett Hospital, Barnsley, 1906. Assistant to Drs. Thompson and Gibson, Launceston, Cornwall. Southgate, Launceston, Cornwall. Walker, Edward (Owens). Born August 6, 1865, at Ardwick, Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1886. M.Sc., 1889. Member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Associate Editor in London of The Engineering and Mining Journal of New York. 52, Queen's Road, St. John's Wood, London ; 6, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London. Walker, George Charles, Junior (Univ.). Born July 22, 1872, at Bootle, near Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B,, 1898. M.D., 1908. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905. Gee Fellowship in Anatomy, 1899-1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1898. D.P.H. (Lond.), 1899. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1898. Resident Medical Officer, Royal Mineral Water Hospital, Bath, 1898- 1899. House Physician, General Infirmary, Notts, 1899. Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Leyton, 1901-1902. Government 370 Medical Officer, Gold Coast Colony, and Acting District Com- missioner, 1902. Deputy Coroner and Deputy Sheriff since 1903. Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa ; 19, Preston Road, Southport, Lancashire. Walker, George Edward (Owens). Born January 5, 1875, at Ferry hill, Durham. LL.B., 1904. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1907. 22, Richmond Terrace, Blackburn, Lanes. Walker, George Francis Clegg (Univ.). Born March 9, 1881, at Bootle. M.B., Ch.B., 1902. Liverpool University : Diploma in Tropical Medicine, 1904. House Surgeon and House Physician, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, 1902-1903. Ship's Surgeon to China Mutual S.N. Co., 1904. In general practice, 1905-1907. Medical Officer of Health and Public Vaccinator, Haverfordwest Rural District, 1908. Heath field, Letter ston, R.S.O., Pembrokeshire. Walker, Joseph (Owens). Born November 10, 1864, at Shepley, near Hudders- field. B.A. (ist class Philosophy), 1888. M.A., 1891. London University : LL.B. (3rd class Honours), 1894. LL.D., 1895. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1890. Wooldale, Thongsbridge, near Huddersfield. Walker, Joshua (Yorks.). Born March i, 1881, at Idle, near Bradford. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Science Master at Colwyn Bay Higher Grade School ; at King James VI. 's Grammar School, Almondbury, Huddersfield, since 1906 Bourneville, Thackley, Bradford, Yorks. Walker, Julia Beatrice (Yorks.). Born October 29, i88o ; at Congleton. B.A., 1902. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Blenheim Council School, Leeds, 1902 ; at Senior Department, Central Schools, Acton, London, W., since 1905. 39, Graham Road, Acton Green, Chiswick, London, W. *Walker, Thomas Alfred (Owens). Born February 16, 1862, at Bowdon. B.A. (2nd class History), 1882. M.A., 1885. Litt.D., 1900. London University : Inter. LL.B. (3rd class Jurisprudence, &c.), 1883. Peterhouse, Cambridge : Foundation Scholarship, 1883. Lightfoot Scholarship, 1884. Whewell Scholarship, 1884. B.A. (ist class History Tripos), 1885. LL.B. (ist class Law Tripos), 1886. M.A., 1889. LL.M., 1889. LL.D., 1894. Fellow, 1886. Dean, 1887- 1900. Steward, 1889. Lecturer in History, 1891. Tutor, 1897. Librarian, 1904. Junior Bursar, 1905. Junior Proctor, 1892. Senior Proctor, 1901. Select Preacher, 1897. Examiner in Law Tripos, 1899-1901. Ordained by Bishop of Ely, deacon, 1896 ; priest, 1898. Curate-in- charge of Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, 1900-1901. Vicar of Cherry Hinton, 1908. Examiner for London University, 1893-1897 and 1900-1905. Matriculation Examiner in the University of Wales, 1902-1907. Author of The Science of International Law (1893), Manual of Public International Law (1895), A History of the Law of Nations (vol. i., 1900), Peter- house (College Histories), (1906). Contributor to the Cambridge Modern History, 1906. Peterhouse, Cambridge ; Ardencaple Lodge, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge. Walker, Thomas Warburton. Born July n, 1878, at Tetbury. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. La f e House Surgeon, Horton Infirmary, Banbury, 1904-1905. Tem- porary Assistant Medical Officer, Parkside Asylum, Macclesfield, 1905. Honorary Medical Officer, Tetbury Cottage Hospital, 1906. Medical Officer, Tetbury Union Workhouse, 1906. In general practice at Tetbury since 1905. York House, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. Walker, William (Owens). Born May 19, 1875, at Lennoxtown, N.B. B.A., 1896. London University : B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master at Albert Public School, Glasgow, 1896-1898 ; at Rhondda Intermediate School, Porth, Glamorgan, 1896-1903 ; First Assistant Master, 1903-1905. First Assistant Master at Secondary School, Accrington, since 1905. 14, Queen's Terrace, Hudson Street, Accrington, Lanes. Walker, William Eric. Born June 28, 1885, at Laurencetown, Co. Down. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1905, Workshop Student, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, since 1905. 69, Heathwood Gardens, Old Charlton, Kent. Wall, George (Owens'). Born March 20, 1874, at Oldham. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. Whitworth Scholar, 1899. M.Sc., 1900. A.R.C.S., 1900. Formerly Student at the City and Guilds Technical College. With Ferranti, Limited, Hollinwood, since 1901. 51, Union Street West, Oldham, Lanes. Wall, Thomas Frederick (Univ.). Born May 16, 1883, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. 1851 Exhibition Scholar, 1905. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Karlstr, 496, Karlsruhe, i. B., Germany. Waller, Thomas Edge (Univ.). Born December 25, 1879, at Bolton. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Bootle Municipal Technical School, 1903-1904. In business at Southport since 1904. 47, Norwood Avenue, Southport. Walley^Stephen Minshull. Born December 30, 1884, at Cotton Abbotts, near Chester. LL.B., 1905. Solicitor. Admitted, 1906. Honours, Law Society Final, 1906. Cotton Abbotts, near Chester. Westminster Buildings, Crewe. Wallhead, Elsie Adeline (Yorks.). Born March 30, 1881, at Huddersfield. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Beverley Street Council School, Leeds, 1903-1904; at Technical College, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Huddersfield, since 1904. The Woodlands, Gledholt, Huddersfield. 372 Wallis. John Peter Richard (Univ.). Born May 10, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master under Liverpool Education Committee. Grant for Research work in Literature at Liverpool University, 1907. 54, Kinglake Street, Liverpool. Walhvork, Arthur Vivian. B.Sc., 1906. Walmsley, Percy Dawson (Owens). Born June 16, 1881, at Tyldesley. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. Draughtsman, R. & T. Dempster, Ltd., Gas Apparatus and Con- structional Engineers, Newton Heath, 1903-1904. Assistant Engineer and Manager, The Nuneaton Gas Company, Nuneaton, since 1904. 12, Glebe Road, Nuneaton. *Walsh, Gertrude Maud. Born February 6, 1886, at Over, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1907. Studying for M.Sc. at the University, 1907-1908. The Hollies, Wins/ord, Cheshire. Walsh, James Thomas (Owens). Born August 29, 1870, at Blackburn. B.Sc., 1896. Science Demonstrator under Liverpool School Board, 1896-1897. Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, Brae Street Board School, 1897. First Master, Brae Street Council School (Upper Section), Liverpool, since 1905. 3, Azalea Road, Blackburn, Lanes. *Walthew, Florence Annie (Owens). Born September 8, 1869, at Heaton Norris. B.A., 1894. Married, June 16, 1897, George Byrne, M.R.C.S. s/o Messrs. Law and Ward, 5, Queen's Chambers, John Dalton Street, Manchester. *Walton, Ethel Constance (Univ.). Born June 23, 1875, a * Durban, Natal. B.A., 1898. Assistant Mistress at North Park College, Croydon, in 1899 ; at 6, Prince's Avenue, Liverpool, since 1899. 246, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool. Walton, Florence Helen (Univ.). Born April 26, 1880, at Liverpool. B.A., 1900. Mistress at St. Hildeburgha's, Hoylake, since 1900. 246, Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool. Walton, Frederick John. Born January 21, 1869, at York. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon, R.M.S. Ruapehu, 1904-1905. In general practice at Middleton since 1905. Spring Vale, Middleton, Lanes. Walton, Harry (Owens). Born March 31, 1882, at Burnley. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, India, 2nd Grade. Shwebo, Upper Burma, India. Warburton, Gilbert Bertram. Born December 10, 1884, at Atherton. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. Accident Room House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907. House Surgeon to Professor Southam, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1907-1908. 374, St. Helens Road, Bolton, Lanes. 373 Ward, Basil Vernon. Born April 18, 1881, at Whitfield, Glossop. M.B., Ch.B., 1908. 70, Richmond Grove, Manchester, S.E. *Ward, Edith (Owens). Born April 22, 1874, at Manchester. B.Sc. (2nd class Mathematics), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. Teacher at Worsley Technical Classes, 1897 ; at Pendleton High School, 1898. Alexander House, Irwell Park, Eccles, Manchester. Ward, Gritli (Owens). Born March 12, 1875, at Springfield, Jamaica. B.A., 1894. Teaching in Fairneld, near Manchester, 1894-1900 ; Gnadenberg, Schlesien, 1900-1901 ; Fulneck, near Leeds, 1901-1907. 9, Crescent Road, Bromley, Kent. Ward, Harry Bernard (Univ.). Born January 13, 1883, at Lee, Kent. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. For three years pupil, and now assistant, to Mr. John T. Wood, M.I.C.E., at 3, Cook Street, Liverpool. Elected Student of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1904. The Elms, West Kirby, Cheshire. Ward, Herbert Gibbons. Born May 28, 1884, at Blackley, Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Late House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital. Junior House Surgeon, Pendlebury Children's Hospital. 24, Store Street, London Road, Manchester. Ward, Henry Pilkington (Owens). Born May 23, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1900. M.Sc., 1903. A.M.I.C.E., 1906. Formerly with S. Z. de Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood ; now with Mather and Platt, Ltd., Salford. Ambleside, Withington Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. *Ward, Mrs. R. See Houghton, Elizabeth A. Wardleworth, Douglas. Born July 27, 1880, at Bury, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. In general practice at Sheringham, Norfolk. House Physician, Man- chester Royal Infirmary, 1905-1906. Junior House Surgeon, Salford Royal Hospital, 1906. Sheringham, Norfolk. Wardlow, Ethel. Born April 5, 1887, a * Droylsden. B.A., 1906. Teacher's Diploma, 1907. Assistant Mistress, Loughton High School for Girls, Essex, since 1907. Holly Cottage, Fairfield, near Manchester. Warham, Amy Elizabeth (Univ.). Born February n, 1864. B.Sc., 1890. Teacher at Pendleton High School in 1891. Science Mistress at St. Leonard's School, St. Andrews, 1891-1894. Trained Nurse, at Oriolet Hospital, Loughton, Essex, 1900. Married, Stewart Cameron. c/o Miss Warham, Gladstone Road, Scarborough. Warmington, Edith (Yorks.). Born March 17, 1877, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1903. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. In Leeds Council Schools since 1903. 42, Cliff Lane, Hyde Park, Leeds. 374 Warner, Claude Errington (Univ.). Born September 17, 1874, at Hull. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master at Heyworth Street Board School since 1899. 129, Moscow Drive, Stoney croft, Liverpool. *Warrington, Arthur Walley (Owens}. Born October 9, 1862, at Leek. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1884. M.Sc., 1887. Student at the Universities of Strassburg and Gottingen, 1884-1887. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1888-1898. Science Master at the Gamble Institute, St. Helens, 1898-1907. Bryn Amel, Nantglyn, Denbigh. Warrington, Ida Marguerite. Born December 5, 1883, at Altrincham. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Ardwick Higher Elementary School, Manchester, since 1906. Toynbee, West Gate, Hale, Cheshire. *Warrington, William Barnett (Univ.). Born May n, 1869, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. London University : M.B. (ist class Medicine, 2nd class Obstetrics), 1893. M.D., 1894. Physician, David Lewis Northern Hospital. Lecturer in Clinical Medicine and in Neuropathology, University of Liverpool. 69, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Washington, Rose Ann. Born March 17, 1881, at Marple, Cheshire. B.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Stalybridge Secondary School, since 1907. 100, Fitzroy Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. Waterhouse, Osborn (Yorks.). Born November 12, 1881, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1904. University Scholar, 1904. John Bright Fellow, 1906. M.A., 1906. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Fellow in Arts, 1905. English Master, Pudsey Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904-1905. Lektor fur Englische Sprache an d. Kgl Akademie, Posen, since 1906. 67, South View, Hustler Street, Bradford, Yorks. Waterhouse, William John (Univ.). Born December 29, 1870, at Southport. B.Sc., 1892. Christ Church, Oxford : B.A., 1895. B.C.L. (2nd class Honours), 1898. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1904. F.C.S., 1890. Second Master, Tregaron Intermediate School, 1898-1903. Member St. David's Diocesan Conference. Plas Waun Fawr, Tregaron, Cardiganshire. *Watkins, Bernard Vincent (Owens). Born April 7, 1872, at Newton-le-Willows. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1895. L.R.C.P. (Eng.), M.R.C.S. (Lond.), 1896. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1896. Hon. Surgeon, Whitchurch Cottage Hospital. Deputy Medical Officer and Deputy Public Vaccinator, Whitchurch Union. Bridgewater Street, Whitchurch, Salop. "Watson, Andrew Blair (Owens). Born February 23, 1865. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1888. 375 Medical Officer, British Central Africa, 1891. Magistrate, 1892. Col- lector of Revenues, Civil Commissioner, and Magistrate, Mweru, since 1893. Kalungwizi, Lake Mweru, North East Rhodesia. *fWatson, Arthur. Born January 25, 1863, at Lincoln. B.A., 1904. London University : B.A., 1885. Secretary to the Academic Registrar, University of London, since 1902. 24, Gordon Street, London, W.C. Watson, Arthur Alfred (Univ.]. Born September 5, 1872. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1893. Chemist at Vina del Mar. Sugar Refinery, Valparaiso, in 1894 ; at the Beneficiadora de Santa Rosa (Silver Works), Iquique, 1894-1895 ; at the Fairymead Sugar Mill and Plantation, Bundaberg, Queens- land, 1895-1896. Technical Manager and Consulting Chemist to Eton and Pleystowe Sugar Mills, Mackay, Queensland, in 1896. Chemist to the Wool Degreasing Company, Bradford, 1897. Deceased. *Watson, Charles Sydney (Owens). Born June n, 1872, at Darlaston, Stafford- shire. LL.B., 1893. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1893. Partner in Messrs. Watson & Son, Oldham, 1893-1898. Assistant Clerk and Solicitor to the Wallasey Urban District Council, 1898-1900. Clerk and Solicitor to the Pontypridd Urban District Council, 1900-1902. Clerk and Solicitor to the Walthamstow Urban District Council and Burial Board since 1902. Town Hall, Walthamstow. Watson, Constance Mary. Born June 15, 1888, at Salford. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1907. Graduate Scholarship in Classics, 1907. Student at Somerville College since 1907. c/o H. Seares, Esq., Rosscairn, Prestwich Park, Manchester ; Somerville College, Oxford. * Watson, David Meredith Seares. Born June 18, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist Honours in Geology), 1907. Graduate Scholar, 1907. Research in Manchester University, 1907-1908. 466, Moss Lane East, Manchester, S. Watson, Fred Sheasby (Owens). Born September 3, 1873, at Northenden. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1905. Teacher of Chemistry, High Pavement Higher Grade School, Nottingham, since 1898. Beech House, New Mills, vid Stockport. Watson, Harry. Born January 18, 1887, at Winewall, Colne. B.Sc. (ist class Mathematics), 1907. Graduate Scholar, 1907. Thorn-field Terrace, Winewall, Colne, Lancashire. * Watson, Herbert Wood (Yorks.). Born September 21, 1875, at Leeds. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1896. Formerly Analytical Chemist with Murphy and Lonsdale, Brewing Laboratory, Leeds ; now Analytical Chemist to Messrs. Joseph Hobson and Son, Dantzic Brewery, Leeds. c/o H. Hogarth, Esq., Denton Avenue, Gledhow, Leeds. 37 6 Watson, Hubert. Born January 19, 1887, at Darwen. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1907. Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry, 1907. Research in the University, 1907. 47, Greenway Street, Darwen, Lanes. de Watteville, Charles Frederic. Born June n, 1870, at Geneva. M.Sc., 1906. Licencie en Droit, 1893. University of Paris : D. es Sc. (Physiques), 1904. Now engaged in Scientific Research at Prof. Lippmann's Laboratoire des Recherches Physiques at the Sorbonne, Paris. 96, Avenue Henri Martin, Paris. Watton, Sydney Leonard. B.Sc., 1905. "fWatts, Thomas. Born July i, 1868, at Hyde, Cheshire. B.Sc., 1904. University of Durham : M.D., B.S., 1892. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1891. In general practice at Hyde. 34, Church Street, Hyde, Cheshire. *f Watts, William Marshall. Born March 9, 1844, at Boston. B.Sc. London University : Matriculation (Honours in Chemistry), 1860. Inter.B.Sc. (Honours in Chemistry and Natural Philosophy), 1861. B.Sc. (Honours in Chemistry and Biology), 1862. D.Sc., 1866. Assistant-Professor of Chemistry, Glasgow University, 1866-1868. Science Master at Manchester Grammar School, 1868-1872 ; at Giggleswick School, 1872-1904. Shirley, Venner Road, Sydenham, London, S.E. Waugh, William Templeton (Owens). Born March 18, 1884, at Fairfield, Manchester. B.A. (ist class History), 1903. University Scholar, 1903. University Fellow and Jones Fellow, 1904. M.A., 1906. B.D., 1906. Assistant Master at Fulneck School, near Leeds, since 1907. Has contributed articles on Sir John Oldcastle to English Historical Review. Fulneck School, near Leeds. Weatherhead, Irene (Univ.). Born May 10, 1881, at Seacombe, Cheshire. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Mathematics Lecturer, Norwich Diocesan Training College, 1904-1906. Assistant Mistress, Wallasey High School, in 1906. 43, Church Street, Egremont, Cheshire. *Webb, Charles Henry (Owens). Born July 22, 1877, at New York, U.S.A. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1897. M.Sc., 1901. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1904. With Messrs. Thomas Webb & Co., Printers' Engineers, &c., Stockport, 1897-1900. With Stockport Corporation Gas Department as Draughtsman and Assistant Gas Engineer, 1900-1906. Gas En- gineer and Manager, Stourbridge Urban District Council Gas Department, since 1906. t , Trevarrick, Worcester Street, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. 377 *Webb, Frederick James (Owens). Born June 4, 1857, at Dublin. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. In general practice at Gorton, Lancashire, since 1890. District Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator for Gorton since 1894. Edenagreena, Gorton, Manchester. "fWebb, Malcolm. Born April 26, 1858, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (ist class Honours in Medicine and Gold Medal in Forensic Medicine), 1882. M.D., 1884. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1882. Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1883-1884. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1884-1885. Surgeon, S.S. Riverina, to Australia. In practice at Cromwell, New Zealand, 1888-1889. In practice in Western Queensland, and Medical Officer, Adavale District Hospital. Adavale, Western Queensland, Australia. Webb, Walter Herbert (Yorks.). Born April 13, 1872, at Reading, Berks. B.A., 1895. Assistant Master, Science School, Bruce Grove, Tottenham, since 1895. 246, Mount Pleasant Road, Tottenham, London, N. Webster, Herbert Walter. Born October 27, 1864, at Manchester. LL.B., 1906. Solicitor. Ollerton, Timperley, Cheshire. Webster, John Sutton. Born May 8, 1884, at Norwood, London, S. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Late Junior and Senior Resident Medical Officer, Mount Vernon Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, Hampstead, London, N.W. 74, Russell Street, Moss Side, Manchester. 'Webster, Joseph Sidney (Owens). Born May 12, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1899. Assistant Master, Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, since 1899. Brookpeld, Crump sail Lane, Higher Crump sail, Manchester. Webster, Mary Elizabeth (Owens). Born September i, 1878, at Manchester. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress, Broughton Street Board School, Manchester. Married, December 21, 1903, William Flower. 140, Marlborough Road, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Weir, John Loudon (Univ.). Born July 19, 1881, at Bootle, Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Assistant Master under London County Council, 1903-1904. Assistant Master, Secondary School, Bootle, Liverpool, 1904-1906 ; Junior French Master since 1906. 53, Wadham Road, Bootle, Liverpool. *ft Weiss, Frederick Ernest. Born November 2, 1865, at Huddersfield. M.Sc., 1906. London University : B.Sc. (Honours in Botany and Zoology), University Scholar in Zoology, 1888. M.Sc. D.Sc., 1902. Educated at the Gymnasia of Heidelberg and Neuchatel, and at the London International College. Studied at University College, London, and at the University of Strasburg. Graduated at the University of London, 1888 (with Honours in Botany and Zoology), obtained University Scholarship in Zoology on graduation. Assistant Lecturer in Botany, University College, London, 1889 ; 378 Assistant Professor in Botany, 1892. Professor of Botany in the University since 1892. President of the Manchester Microscopical Society, 1894-1898. Elected Fellow of University College, London, 1895. President of the Manchester Field Club, 1904. Elected to Council of the Linnean Society of London, 1907. Published numerous papers on Structure "of Fossil Plants, Pollination of Flowers, etc. 30, Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester. *Weizmann, Charles. Born November 28, 1874, at Motol, Russia. D.Sc., 1907. Freiburg University : Ph.D., 1900. Privat Docent in Geneva, 1901-1904. Collaborator of Bayer & Co., Junior Demonstrator in Chemistry, Manchester University, 1905- 1907 ; Senior Lecturer and Demonstrator, 1908. Chemical Adviser of the Clayton Aniline Co. 57, Birchfields Road, Rusholme, Manchester. Welch, Oswald. Born December 29, 1887, at Heaton Moor. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. Apprentice Engineer. 1 1 , Lea Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. * Wells, Lionel Fortescue (Owens). Born October 20, 1877, at Northwich. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1898. A.M.Inst.C.E. Engineer. With Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. Resident Engineer to the Portmadoc Beddgelert and South Snowdon Light Railway and the North Wales Power and Traction Company, Ltd., 1904-1906. Now in the office of Mr. Lionel B. Wells, M.Inst.C.E., 1906. Captain 3rd Lancashire Royal Engineers (Volunteers). 75, Haworth's Buildings, 5, Cross Street, Manchester. Wells, Norman (Owens). Born November 19, 1881, at Sale. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Constructional Engineer on Staff of British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot. Hibbert Lane, Marple, Cheshire. West, Harry (Univ.). Born May 27, 1875, at Bolton. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. In general practice. 14, Shore Road, Ainsdale, near Southport. West, Robert Newberry (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Surgeon, Great Central Railway. Bamburgh House, High Lane, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. West, Stephen Harold (Owens). Born May 12, 1880, at Maidstone, Kent. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1907. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. House Surgeon, Cardiff Infirmary, 1905. Resident Medical Officer, Cardiff In- firmary, 1906-1907. Indian Medical Service, 1908. The Firs, Park Road, Southport. jWestmacott, Frederick Hibbert (Owens). Born June 19, 1867, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1890. F.R.C.S., 1894. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1890. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1890. Junior Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1891 ; 379 Senior Resident Medical Officer, 1891-1892. Civil Surgeon, Burma, Chiu Hills Expedition, 1893. Resident Medical Officer, Barnes Convalescent Hospital, Cheadle, 1894-1896. Anaesthetist, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1897. Honorary Anaesthetist, Victoria Dental Hospital, Manchester, 1898. Surgeon-Lieutenant, 2nd V.B. Manchester Regiment, 1898. Honorary Aural Sur- geon, Manchester Children's Hospital, 1899. Surgeon-Captain, 2nd V.B. Manchester Regiment, 1901. Honorary Associate, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1903. Captain Commanding University Company, 2nd V.B. Manchester Regiment, 1904-1906. Honorary Aural Surgeon, Manchester Eye and Ear Hospital, 1907. 8, St. John Street, Manchester ; 21, Ladybarn Road, Fallow-field, Manchester. Weston, Arthur Tom (Owens}. Born May 10, 1882, at Worcester. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. University Scholarship in En- gineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1905. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1908. Supervisor, Royal Gun and Carriage Factories, Royal Arsenal, Wool- wich, since 1906. 6, The Grove, Blackheath, London, S.E. Wetherall, Arthur (Yorks.). Born March 31, 1883, at Knottingley. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. With Messrs. C. A. Parsons & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1903-1904. Secretary to Wetherall Steamship Co., Ltd., Goole, since 1905. Clifton Gardens, Goole. Whale, Alice Gertrude. Born August 23, 1882, at Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany. B.A., 1905. M.A., 1906. Form Mistress at Birkenhead Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1905-1906 ; at Girls' Secondary School, Stretford Road, Manchester, since 1906. 141, Cecil Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. Whale, Lucy Ulrika. Born October 19, 1883, at Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany. B.A., 1906. M.A., 1907. Assistant Mistress, Hyde County School, 1906 ; Salford Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. 141, Cecil Street, Moss Lane East, Manchester. Whaley, Frank Walmsley. Born December 17, 1878, at Stockport. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1907. Graduate Scholarship in Physics, 1907. Research in Physics in the University, 1907-1908. Shaw Heath, Stockport. Whaley, James (Yorks.). Born January 15, 1874, at Great Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire. B.Sc., 1895. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at Leeds Central High School, 1895-1898 ; at Allerton Elementary and Belle Vue Schools, Bradford, 1898-1904. In Educa- tion Department, West Riding County Council, since 1904. 13, Peterson Road, Wake field, Yorks. Whalley, Harry. Born May 25, 1883, at Brierfield. B.Sc., 1906. Assistant Master in the Heasandford Council School, Burnley, since 1906. 15, Halifax Road, Brierfield, Burnley. Wharton, Alwyn (Owens). Born August 30, 1879, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice since 1904. 102, King Street, Oldham, Lanes* 380 Wharton, Edgar (Owens). Born April 15, 1881, at Oldharn. B.Sc., 1902. M.B., Ch.B., 1908. L.M.S., B.A. (Lond.), 1907. Hopwood House, Lees Road, Oldham, Lanes. Wharton, Harold (Owens). Born September n, 1882, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1902. Basle University : Ph.D., 1905. Chemist at Farbenfabriken vormals F. Bayer & Cie., Elberfeld, Germany, since 1905. Marienstrasse 102 II. , Elberfeld, Germany. Whatmough, William Henry (Owens). Born July 26, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1901. Student at Leipzig. Chemist, Lamson Paragon Paper Company. Belgrave Road, Southport. Wheatcroft, Kenneth Douglas (Owens). Born August 8, 1881, at Wirksworth, Derbyshire. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1904. At Trinity College, Cambridge, 1901-1902. Manufacturer. Waltham House, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. Wheeldon, William Albert. Born June 21, 1869, at Stockport. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. 121, Turncroft Lane, Stockport. *Wheeler, Richard Vernon (Owens'). Born January 8, 1883, at Portsmouth. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1903. Dalton Scholar, 1903-1905. Uni- versity Fellow, 1904-1905. M.Sc., 1906. Chemist to Messrs. Monks, Hall & Co., Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Warrington, since 1905. 72, Hood Lane, Sankey Bridges, Warrington. Whitaker, John Dent (Owens). Born May 30, 1868, at Burnley. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. In general practice since 1896. Bridge House, Manchester Road, Burnley. Whitaker, John Stanley (Yorks.). Born November 10, 1878, at Weston-super- Mare. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1898. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1905. Engineer with the Contractor for the Thackley Widening (Midland Railway), 1898-1901. Draughtsman in 1901, and Engineer- Assistant since 1905 to the North-Eastern Railway Co., Dock En- gineer's Department. North Eastern Railway Dock Office, Hull. White, Ernest Clark (Yorks.). Born September I, 1878, at Dewsbury. B.Sc., 1897. Engineer. With Messrs. Scriven & Co., Leeds, 1897. Ardlui, Crossgates, near Leeds. White, Ethel (Yorks.). Born October 10, 1881, at Bradford, Yorks. B.A., 1903. Leeds University : M.A., 1906. Teacher, Carlton Street Secondary Girls' School, Bradford. 171, Lumb Lane, Bradford, Yorks. 3 8i "White, Julia Crawford. Born April 15, 1873, at Glasgow. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. In general practice since 1906. 340, Oxford Road, Manchester. White, Robert George (Yorks.). Born April 30, 1885, near York. B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Post-Graduate Study in Leeds University, 1904-1905. National Diplomas in Agriculture and Dairying, 1905. Lecturer in Agri- culture, University College of North Wales, Bangor, since 1905. University College, Bangor, North Wales. White, William Henry (Yorks.). Born September 6, 1876, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1895. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Master at the Leeds Boys' Modern School, 1895-1897. Assis- tant Science Master at the Leeds Church Middle Class School, 1898-1901. Senior Science Master at the Leeds Church Middle Class School since 1901. 234, Tempest Road, Dewsbury Road, Leeds. t Whitehead, Arthur Algernon. Born May 5, 1859, at Rawtenstall. B.A., 1882. London University : B.A., 1879. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1886. Vaccination Officer for Haslingden Union, 1893. Clerk to Rawtenstall School Board, 1892-1904. Commissioner for Oaths since 1906. Holly Mount, Rawtenstall, Lanes. Whitehead, Arthur Hinton. Born October 8, 1884, at Bolton, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1906. Schoolmaster. 370, St. Helens Road, Over Hulton, Bolton. Whitehead, Henry. Born October 10, 1882, at Hollinwood. M.B., Ch.B., 1907. House Physician to Dr. Reynolds at Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1908. 3, Eaves Lane, Hollinwood, Lancashire. Whitehead, James Edward. Born December 9, 1887, at Royton. B.A., 1907. Studying for M.A. and teaching in Fielden Demonstration School. 27, Crossley Street, Oldham. Whitehead, Thomas. Born November 23, 1886, at Staly bridge. B.Sc. ( i st class Chemistry), 1906. Graduate Scholarship, 1906. M.Sc., 1907. 86, Grasscroft Street, Stalybridge. Whitehead, William Marquis (Owens). Born October 21, 1870, at New Mills. LL.B., 1891. Solicitor. Admitted 1895. Commissioner for Oaths. Practising at 65, King Street, Manchester. 3, Montrose Avenue, West Didsbury, Manchester. Whiteley, Charles Edward (Yorks.). Born January 29, 1880, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Leeds University : M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry, University of Leeds. 21, Brudenell View, Leeds. 3 82 Whiteley, Herbert William (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Late Resident Officer, Bradford Union Hospital, and Senior House Surgeon, Bootle Hospital. Victoria Villa, Allerton, Bradford, Yorkshire. Whiteside, John (Owens'). Born May 6, 1872, at Manchester. B.A., 1893. Formerly Assistant Master, Princess Road Higher Grade School, under the Moss Side School Board. Head Master, Central School, Bridlington, under the Bridlington (M.B.) Education Authority, East Yorkshire. Newlands, Cardigan Road, Bridlington. Whitfield, John Lawrence. Born April n, 1882, at Chorley, Lancashire. LL.B., 1907. Solicitor. Admitted November, 1906. 10, High Street, Chorley, Lanes. Whitlock, Percy Oddie (Yorks.). Born March 15, 1884, at Brackley. B.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Sibford School, Banbury, 1904-1906. Assistant Master at Ackworth School, 1906. Now studying for a Degree at St. John's College, Cambridge. St. John's College, Cambridge ; High Street, Brackley. Whitlow, John Penrose (Yorks.}. Born September 29, 1877, at Wakefield. B.A., 1903. Assistant Master at Newt own School, Waterford, 1903-1904 ; at Friends' School, Saffron Walden, since 1904. Friends' School, Saffron Walden, Essex ; 417, Walton Breck Road, Liverpool. *f Whitney, James Pounder. Born November 30, 1857, at Marsden, Huddersfield. B.A., 1882. Cambridge University : B.A. (ist class Mathematical Tripos, 1881, and ist class Historical Tripos, 1881). B.D., 1906. Lightfoot Scholar and Whewell Scholar, 1882. Bishop's College University , London : Honorary D.C.L. Trinity College, Toronto : Honorary D.C.L. Assistant Lecturer, Owens College, 1882-1887. Ordained deacon, 1883 ; priest, 1885, Diocese of Manchester. Assistant Priest of St. James', Birch-in-Rusholme, 1883-1887 ; of All Saints, Battersea Park, 1889; of St. Mary's, Scarborough, 1887-1891. Rector of Hemp- stead with Lessingham, 1891-1895 ; of Milton, Cambridge, 1895- 1900. Principal of the University of Bishop's College, Canada, 1900-1905. Canon of Quebec Cathedral, 1901-1905. Hulsean Lecturer, Cambridge, 1906-1907. Chaplain of St. Edward's, Cambridge, since 1906. Ellerburne, Adam's Road, Cambridge. Whittaker, Croyden Meredith (Yorks.). Born January u, 1878, at Scar- borough. B.Sc., 1899. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. Chemist with Read, Holliday & Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield, 1899-1900. At Berlin University, 1900-1901. Chemist with Read, Holliday & Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield, since 1901. 28, Albemarle Crescent, Scarborough. 383 Whittaker, Mrs. J. E. See Fletcher, Annie. C. Whittall, James Douglas. Born August 13, 1884, at Bowdon, Cheshire. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division, Mechanical Engineering), 1906. With Farrow & Co., Ltd., Poplar, London. 60, Blackheath Road, Greenwich, London. S.E. Whitton, Fred (Owens}. Born March 21, 1883, at Wakefield. B.Sc., 1903. Assistant Master, Melton Mowbray Grammar School, 1903-1905 ; Mathematical Master, Waterloo High School, Blundellsands, since 1905. Waterloo High School, Blundellsands, Liverpool. Whitton, Helen Grace (Univ.}. Born February 15, 1879, at Summitt. B.A., 1901. Assistant at Elland Girls' Secondary School. 8, Melrose Terrace, Elland, Yorks. Whitwam, Leonard Sykes (Univ.). Born April 26, 1874, at Golcar. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Surgeon in the Royal Navy, 1900. H.M.S. Waterwitch, China Station. c/o Mrs. D. D. Wyles, 128, Hollingbury Park Avenue, Brighton. Whitworth, Arthur William Thirkill. Born December 19, 1883, at Grimsby. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. House Surgeon, Stockport Infirmary, 1906-1907; St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1907. Senior House Surgeon, Guest Hospital, Dudley, 1908. The Vicarage, Shawforth, Rochdale ; Guest Hospital, Dudley. Whitton, William Alexander (Univ.}. Born September 9, 1877, at Leicester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1901. Liverpool University : M.Sc., 1904. Senior Assistant Master of Bridgend County School, 1901-1907. Now Science Master, London County Council Camden Secondary School. Orrell, Wigan, Lancashire. * Wiggles worth, Grace (Owens}. Born December 6, 1877, at Heaton Norris. B.Sc. (2nd class Botany), 1903. Honorary Research Fellowship, 1903- 1904. M.Sc., 1906. Assistant Mistress (Zoology), Manchester High School for Girls, 1904- 1907. Research Student at Manchester University. Lecturer in Botany, London County Council Clapham Day Training College, S.W., since 1907. Sparth Mount, Heaton Norris, Stockport. Wightwick, Alfred (Owens}. Born July 31, 1872, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Late House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, and House Surgeon, Chesterfield and Guildford Hospitals. Kirkby Hill Vicarage, Richmond, Yorkshire. Wignall, Thomas Henry (Owens}. Born August 17, 1867, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B,,. 1898. In general practice at Blackley and Crumpsall. 4, Delaunays Road, Crumpsall, Manchester. Wihl, Eric Theodore. Born January 15, 1883, at Manchester B Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Electrical Engineering Student at Charlottenburg Technical School, 384 Berlin, Germany, 1904-1906. With Crocker- Wheeler Co., f Ampere, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1906-1907. With General Electric Co. Testing Department, Pittsfield Works, since 1907. Woodlawn Inn, Pittsfield, Mass., U.S.A. Wihl, Gertrude. Born September 6, 1881, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Modern Languages), 1905. M.A., 1906. Married, July 12, 1906, Francis William Jordan. Grey Gables, Warwick Drive, Hale, Cheshire. Wild, John (Owens}. B.Sc., 1890. Studied at Tubingen, 1892-1893. Engaged in Chemical Research Work. Member of Cheshire C.C. (Bredbury), 1898. Bredbury House, Bredbury, Stockport. *Wild, Robert Briggs (Owens}. Born April 19, 1862, at Holcombe. B.Sc. (2nd class Physiology), 1883. M.Sc., 1894. London University : Inter. M.B. (2nd class Anatomy, ist class Materia Medica, ist class with Exhibition and Medal in Physiology), 1883. M.B. (2nd class Medicine, ist class Forensic Medicine), 1886. M.D., (qualified for Gold Medal), 1887. M.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. Physician. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1885 ; Pathologist, 1888. Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Skin Hospital, 1893 5 Honorary Physician, 1895. Lecturer at Owens College, 1889-1901. Member of Court, 1897. Member of Council, 1900. Professor of 'Materia Medica and Therapeutics, since 1901. Honorary Medical Superintendent, Cancer Hospital, 1892 ; Honorary Physician, 1900. Broome House, Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester?; 96, Mosley Street, Manchester. *Wild, William Ernest (Owens}. -Born July 6, 1867, at Weaste, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1891. Assistant Chemist with Messrs. Crace-Calvert & Thomson, 1891-1894. Analytical and Consulting Chemist with Messrs. Jas. Hardcastle & Co., Dyers, &c., Bradshaw, near Bolton, 1894-1900. Assistant Chemist with Messrs. Crace-Calvert & Thomson, 1901-1902. Chemist with Edmund Potter & Co., Dinting, since 1902. Alexandra Villas, Talbot Road, Glossop. Wildridge, Arthur Westley. Born March 3, 1883, at Wellingborough. B.Sc. (3rd class Physics), 1905. Assistant Master, Bournemouth School, f^ince 1906. The Crib, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth. Wilkins, Arthur Godfrey (Owens}. Born March 19, 1876, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1900. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1900. Senior Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, 1901 ; St. Mary's Hospital and Manchester Lying-in Hospital, 1902. Medical Officer to West Ward Guardians, Greenside Lead Mines ; Public Vaccinator, Certifying Factory Surgeon, 1903. Surgeon to R.M.S. Orissa, Pacific Steam Navigation Co., 1907. Now in private practice. Glenridding, near Lake Ullswater, Penrith. Wilkins, Eric Maurice. Born May 14, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1905. Leech Research Fellowship in Medicine, 1905. M.D., 1907. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1905. Accident House Surgeon, Junior and Senior House Surgeon, Man- chester Infirmary, 1905-1906. Fourth, Third, and Second Assistant Medical Officer, Manchester Fever Hospital, 1906-1907. Died December 30, 1907, at Manchester. Wilkins, Mrs. F. E. See Burn, Irene. Wilkins, William Douglas. Born April 17, 1880, at Calcutta. M.B., Ch.B., 1904. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond), 1905. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Resident Medical Officer, Mount Vernon H9spital, Northwood ; and at Hampstead. In general practice. Arlow House, Winchmore Hill, London, N. *fWilkinson, Arthur Thomas. Born May 24, 1853, at Whitstable. B.Sc., 1882 London University : Matriculation (43rd in Honours), 1870. B.A., 1872. Prel. Sci. M.B. (2nd- class Chemistry, 3rd class Zoology, 3rd class Botany), 1874. B.Sc., 1874. Inter. M.B. (2nd class Physiology), ist class Exhibition and Medal in Materia Medica), 1875. M.B. (3rd class Medicine, 2nd class Obstetrics), 1878. M.D., 1880. Physician. Formerly Resident House Physician, now Honorary Senior Assistant Physician, at Manchester Royal Infirmary. Lecturer in Diseases of the Kidney, Manchester University, 1904-1908. 22, St. John Street, Manchester ; Victoria Park, Manchester. Wilkinson, Dorothy Constance. Born at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress, County Secondary School, Hyde, Cheshire, since 1905. 96, Shrewsbury Street, Old Trafford, Manchester. Wilkinson, Frederick Randolph. Born June 30, 1886, at Pleasington, near Blackburn. B.Sc., 1906. Mechanical Training, John Musgrave & Sons, Bolton. Cambay Villas, Billinge End, Blackburn, Lanes. Wilkinson, George Robert. Born February 8, 1882, at Oldham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Engineering Master, Verdin Technical Schools, Northwich, since 1907. 360, Huddersfield Road, Oldham, Lanes. *tWilkinson, Henry Spenser. Born May i, 1853, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Inter.B.A. (2nd class German), 1870. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1872. M.A., 1877. Merton College, Oxford : 2nd class Classical Moderations, 1875. B.A. (2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1877. M.A., 1880. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1880. Author of Citizen Soldiers (1884) > The Brain of the Army (1890) ; Imperial Defence (with Sir Charles W. Dilke), 1892 ; The Great Alternative (1894) ; The Command of the Sea (1894) The Brain of the Navy (1895) ; The Volunteers and the National Defence (1896) ; The Nation's Awaken- ing, Essays towards a British Policy (1896) ; War and Policy (1900). M I 386 Editor of The Nation's News, 1903. On Staff of Morning Post. Special Lecturer on Military History in the University, 1908. 99, Oakley Street, London, S.W. * Wilkinson, Lionel St. George. Born March 29, 1876, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1907. Assistant in Borough Engineer's Office, Luton, Beds., since 1907. Sunny side, Werneth, Oldham, Lanes.; Town Hall, Luton, Beds. Wilkinson, Marion. Born September 19, 1885, at Whitworth, Rochdale. B.A., 1904. M.A., 1906. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Mistress, Bury Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, since 1907. 5, Rake Street, Bury, Lanes. Wilkinson, Sydney Carter (Yorks.). Born September 17, 1876, at Kippax, Yorkshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice at Leeds, 1904-1905 ; at Star beck, Harrogate, since 1905. Inglemere, The Avenue, Starbeck, Harrogate. Wilkinson, William Arthur Horsley (Owens). Born July 24, 1869, at Colne, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1892. Resident Physician, The Hydro, Matlock, 1892. Assistant Medical Officer, Cheadle Convalescent Hospital, 1893. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1894. Surgeon, Ocean Steamship Co., 1895. Medical Officer of Health, Gainsborough Urban District Council, 1897. I n practice at Gainsborough since 1896. Fern Villa, Ashcroft Road, Gainsborough. Willans, Charles Rudolph (Yorks.). Born August 7, 1869, at Hipperholme, near Halifax. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1905 Resident Obstetric Officer, General Infirmary, Leeds, 1900, and House Physician, Bradford Royal Infirmary, 1901. In practice at Halifax, 1902-1907. Residing at Bournemouth, 1908. Cintra, Richmond Wood Road, Bournemouth. * Willans, Thomas Bowden (Owens}. Born July 27, 1878, at Stockport. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1899. M.Sc., 1902. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 1904. With the Great Central Railway since 1899. Engineer's Office, Great Central Railway , Marylebone Station, London, N.W. *Willcocks, Roger Durant (Univ.). Born August 10, 1876, at Orford, near Warrington. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Diploma in Tropical Medicine (Liverpool), 1907. Entered Indian Medical Service, 1902. Captain, 1906. District Medical and Sanitary Officer, North Arcot, Madras. c/o Messrs. King, King & Co., Bombay, India. *Willett, James Hayward (Univ.). Born October 20, 1874, at Tarporley, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. House Surgeon and Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, 1897-1898. Obstetric Assistant, University College and Ladies' Charity Lying- in Hospital, Liverpool, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon, South African Field Force (Medal and 4 Clasps), 1900-1901. Now Demonstrator in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Liverpool, and Honorary Assistant Surgeon, Hospital for Women, Liverpool 25, Catherine Street, Liverpool. Willey, Robert Bayne (Owens}. Born May 21, 1868, at Gracefield, Co. Derry. B.A., 1889. Moravian Minister. Assistant Master at Fulneck School, 1890-1894. Minister at Kilkeel since 1896. Kilkeel, Co. Down, Ireland. Williams, Arthur Edward (Owens] Born March 9, 1867, at Southsea, Hants. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1886. Christ's College, Cambridge : B.A. (Senior Optime), 1889. M.A., 1895. 10, Gray's Inn Place, Gray's Inn, London, W.C. * Williams, Charles Thomas (Univ.). Born April 10, 1877, a "t Newtown, North Wales. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Head Master, Hooton Lawn School, 1898-1900. Principal of Bebington College since 1900. Bebington College, Cheshire. Williams, Christmas Price (Owens). Born December 25, 1881, at Brymbo, near Wrexham. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1903. M.Sc., 1906. Voluntar, Eisen und Stahlwerk Holsch Dortmund, Germany, 1904. Assistant Steel Works Manager, Brmybo Steel Works, since 1906. Penygarth, Brymbo, near Wrexham. *Williams, David Owen (Yorks.). Born March 14, 1871, at Llandovey. M.B., Ch.B., 1899. L.S.A. (Lond.), 1899. With the Army in South Africa, 1900-1901 (with General Plumer, General Baden Powell, etc.). In general practice. Cletwr Hall, Llandovey, R.S.O., Cardiganshire. Williams, Edith Sophia (Univ.). Born June 5, 1879, at Birmingham. B.A., 1901. Assistant Mistress at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Aston, near Birmingham, 1901-1905 ; at Widnes, Lancashire, 1905-1906. Senior Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Wellingborough, Northants., since 1906. 63, Broad Green, Wellingborough, Northants. *Williams, Esther. Born August 18, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at St. Margaret's School, Whalley Range, Manchester, 1904-1906 ; at Municipal Secondary School, Whitworth Street, Manchester, since 1906. Esk Lea, Whalley Avenue, Broad Road, Sale, Cheshire. * Williams, Eva Constance (Univ.). Born at Knotty Ash, Liverpool. B.A., 1898. M.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Ellerslie, Wallasey, Cheshire. Williams, Florence Lilian (Univ.). Born at B.A., 1902. M.A., 1905. High School, Bromyard, Worcester. 3 88 Williams, George. Born January 30, 1883, at Leigh. B.A., 1907. Assistant Master, Leigh Grammar School, since 1907. 5, Clifford Street, Leigh, Lancashire. Williams, Harold Edmund (Univ.]. Born May 3, 1874, at Liverpool. B.A., 1897. Theological Student, Westminster (Presbyterian) College, Cambridge. Penruddock, Penrith. Williams, Henrietta Gladys (Owens}. Born May 10, 1879, at Prestwich, Manchester. B.A., 1902. Teacher's Diploma (London), 1906. Assistant Mistress, Pupil Teachers' Centre, Norwich, 1902-1903. Assistant in Education in the University, 1903-1904. Head Mistress, Practising School in Connection with the Women's Day Training Department of the University, 1903-1905. Tutor, Cherwell Hall Training College, Oxford, since 1905. 17, Dawlich Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Williams, Irene Frances (Univ.). Born November 30, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1902. University Scholar, 1902. University Fellow, 1903. M.A., 1905. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Research Fellow, 1903. Lecturer to King's Students, Glasgow University, since 1906, and also Training College, Dundee, since 1907. 83, Grove Street, Liverpool. Williams. Isaac Rhystyd (Univ.). Born March 18, 1881, at Liverpool. B.A., 1903. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Assistant Master, Boaler Street School, Liverpool. 45, Rock field Road, An field, Liverpool. Williams, James Griffith (Univ.). Born December 15, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1906. Assistant Master, Anfield Road Council Schools, Liverpool. 45, Rockfield Road, Anfield, Liverpool. Williams, Jessie Gertrude (Owens). Born June 8, 1881, at Bagillt, N. Wales. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Assistant Mistress, Heckmondwike Secondary School, since 1904. 366, Chester Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Williams, John David Ellis (Univ.). Born November 30, 1879, at Ncwtown, North Wales. B.A. (ist class Modern Languages and Literatures), 1903. University Scholarship, 1902. Strassburg University : Ph.D. (magna cum laude), 1905. Liverpool University : M.A., 1906. Lecturer, Berlin University, 1902. Lecturer, Strassburg University, 1903. Senior Modern Language Master, Framlingham College, Suffolk, since 1905. Framlingham College, Suffolk ; Bebington College, Cheshire. 3 8g "fWilliams, John Price. Born February 14, 1864, at Alderley. B.Sc., 1904. London University : M.B. (Honours in Forensic Medicine), 1889. M.D., 1892. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1888. Public Vaccinator, Swinton and Clifton District, Barton-upon-Irwell Union. Medical Officer, Post Office. Late Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Monsall Hospital, Manchester. Broomfield, Swinton, Manchester. Williams, Kate (Univ.). B.Sc., 1902. Williams, Moses (Owens). Born March 7, 1866, at Mountain Ash, Glamorgan. B.A., 1894. Congregational Minister. Minister of the Congregational Church at Oakengates, 1897. Church Parade, Oakengates, Salop. Williams, Sarah Bland (Univ.). Born January i, 1865, at Liverpool. B.A. (2nd class History), 1890. M.A., 1893. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Somerville College, Oxford : 2nd class Modern History, 1894. Lady Principal of H.H. the Maharajah's High School for Girls, Trevan- drum, 1895 (raised to the status of a second-grade College and affiliated to Madras University, 1897). At Training School for Women Teachers, 1904. H.H. the Maharajah's College and High School for Girls, Trevandrum, Travancore, India. Williams, Thomas Buckley (Owens). Born November 25, .1878, at Ashton- under-Lyne. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. In private practice at Stalybridge. 60, Grosvenor Street, Stalybridge. Williams, William Batten (Univ.). Born August 12, 1871, at Pwllheli. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Medical Practitioner. Plds, Prestatyn, Flintshire, North Wales. *f Williams, William Carleton. Born August 17, 1850, at Salford. B.Sc., 1882. Demonstrator in Chemistry at Owens College, 1873-1883 ; Lecturer, 1881-1883. Professor of Chemistry at Firth College (now the University), Sheffield, 1883-1904. Joint- translator of Meyer's Modern Theories of Chemistry, &c. Broomgrove, Goring-on-Thames. Williamson, Henry Merrill (Owens). Born October 18, 1870, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Junior House Surgeon. 1901, and Assistant House and Visiting Surgeon, 1902, at Stockport Infirmary. Senior Resident Medical Officer, Chorlton Union Hospitals, Manchester, 1902. Since in Private practice. Delamere House, Northenden, Cheshire. Williamson, Joshua (Yorks.). Born April 18, 1874, at Rawdon, Leeds. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1898. Leeds University : M.B., Ch.B., 1906. M 2 390 House Physician, &c., General Infirmary, Leeds, 1898-1899. Honorary Surgeon, Grimsby and District Hospital. Rawdon House, New Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. Williamson, Lillian (Owens). Born July 4, 1879, at Manchester. B.A., 1901. Teacher at Central Higher Grade School, 1901-1902 ; at College House School, Brunswick Street, 1902. Lecturer in English Literature at Swansea Training College, 1902-1903 ; at Cheltenham Grammar School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1903-1904 ; at Cheltenham High School, 1905-1907 ; at Haslingden Municipal Secondary School, Lancashire, since 1907. 88, Manley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester ; 10, Priory Street, Cheltenham. Williamson, Norman Reginald. Born February 12, 1881, at Oldham., M.B., Ch.B., 1907. In general practice since 1907. 40, Smith Street, Oldham, Lancashire. Williamson, Percy Gordon (Owens). Born November 3, 1875, at Bradford. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. In general practice at Accrington, 1901-1902. Surgeon, Booth Steam- ship Co., Leyland and Alfred Holt's Steamship Co., 1902-1903. In general practice at Harrogate since 1004. Medical Officer to Harrogate Education Committee since 1907. 114, Walker Road, Harrogate. * Williamson, Richard Thomas. Born November 15, 1862, at Burnley, Lanes. B.Sc., 1903. London University : B.S., M.B., 1885. M.D., 1887. F.R.C.P., 1900. Physician. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1884. Demonstrator of Physiology, Mason College, Birmingham, 1886. House Physician, National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, London, 1887. Clinical Assistant, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, 1888. Medical Registrar, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1889-1899. Assistant to Professor of Medicine and Assistant Lecturer in Medicine, Owens College, 1892-1903. Physician, Ancoats Hospital, 1899-1902. Lecturer in Medicine in the Univer- sity, 1903-1908; and Lecturer in School Hygiene since 1903. Assistant Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, since 1902. 2, St. Peter's Square, Manchester. Willis, Fred (Yorks.). Born November n, 1878, at Leeds. B.Sc., 1901. Science Master, Johannesburg College, Johannesburg, since 1904. Johannesburg College, Barnato Park, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Willis, Janet Caroline Nicolson. Born May 8, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1906. Assistant Mistress, Sefton Park Council School, Liverpool, since 1905. 75, Heaton Moor Road, near Stockport. Willis, Margaret Gaye. Born November 29, 1883, at Urmston, near Man- chester. B.A., 1905. 75, Heaton Moor Road, near Stockport. *f Willis, Thomas Alfred. Born October 8, 1849, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1882. Moss Lea, Moss Lane East, Manchester. M 3 39 1 Willott, Frank. Born December 6, 1884, at Macclesfield. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1905. Assistant Science Master, Hertford Grammar School, since 1906. Bayley Hall, Hertford, Herts. *fWills, William Leonard. Born July 3, 1858, at Merridale, Staffordshire. B.Sc., 1882. London University : B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry, 2nd class Physics), 1877. Manufacturer. The Gables, Barnt Green, Worcestershire. Wilmore, Sarah Elizabeth (Owens). Born April 20, 1881, at Darwen. B.A., 1903. Assistant Mistress at Leigh Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1903-1905 ; at Darwen Secondary School since 1905. 323, Blackburn Road, Darwen, Lancashire. Wilshaw, Robert Heywood (Owens). Born February 15, 1873, at Leigh, Lanes. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. D.P.H., 1901. Surgeon. Late Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, Owens College. Now Medical Officer of Health for Worthing. Elmfield, Bulkington Avenue, Worthing. * Wilson, Alexander. Born October 6, 1876, at Rochdale. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1904. M.Sc., 1907. Chemist to Grout & Co., Ltd., Silk Crape Works, Great Yarmouth, since 1904. 29, Beaconsfield Road, Great Yarmouth. Wilson, Alfred Carruthers (Owens). Born November 14, 1872, at Gravesend. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1895. Assistant Engineer, National Boiler and General Insurance Co., Man- chester, since 1904. 62, Northen Grove, West Didsbury, Manchester. Wilson, Arthur Chandler (Univ.). Born November 14, 1867. M.B., Ch.B., 1891. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.), L.F.P.S. (Glas.), and L.M., 1889. Medical Practitioner. Formerly House Surgeon, &c., General Infirmary, Sheffield, and House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool, and Assistant House Surgeon, Infirmary for Children, Liverpool. Sissinghurst, Formby, Lancashire. Wilson, Basil Mayor (Owens). Born July 7, 1878. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. House Surgeon and Third Anaesthetist, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1902-1903. Senior House Surgeon, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, 1904. Government Medical Officer, Fiji, since 1904. Colonial Hospital, Suva, Fiji. Wilson, Charles Richard (Yorks.). Bora November i, at Driffield. B.Sc., 1900. 42, Market Place, Driffield. Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees (Owens). Born February 4, 1869, at Glencorse, Midlothian. B.Sc., 1887. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge : Natural Science Tripos, Part I., ist class, 1890. B.A. (Natural Science Tripos, Part II., ist class (Physics)), 1892. Clerk Maxwell Student, 1895., M.A., 1895.. Fellow 1900. 392 F.R.S., 1900. Assistant University Demonstrator in Physics in Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 1895 > University Demonstrator, 1900 ; University Lecturer in Physics since 1900. Author of several contributions to the Proceedings of the Royal Society, &c. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. *tfWilson, Edith Caroline. Born in 1857, at Nocton, near Lincoln. M.A., 1905. Tutor and Secretary in the Owens College Department for Women, 1883-1904. Tutor of the Women Students in University of Man- chester, 1904-1905. c/o Rev. Canon Wilson, D.D., The College, Worcester. Wilson, Florence (Yorks.). Born May 26, 1879, at Goole. B.A., 1901. Leeds University : M.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Central High School, Leeds, 1905 ; at Thoresby High School, Leeds, since 1907. 49, Reginald Terrace, Leeds. Wilson, Frances Annie (Yorks.). B.Sc., 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. 2, Norwood Terrace, Victoria Road, Leeds. Wilson, Frederick Perera (Univ.}. Born April 24, 1876, at Liverpool. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Liverpool University : M.D., 1906. Late Stopford Taylor Fellow in Dermatology and Pathology, University of Liverpool ; House Surgeon, House Physician, Eye Department, and Assistant in Throat Department, Liverpool Royal Infirmary, and House Surgeon, Liverpool Lock Hospital. la, Rodney Street, Liverpool. *Wilson, George (Owens). Born February 17, 1871, at Monsal Dale. B.Sc. (ist class Engineering), 1891. M.Sc., 1894. D.Sc., 1900. Draughtsman, Manchester Ship Canal Company, 1891-1893. Demon- strator in Engineering, Owens College, 1893-1895 ; Lecturer, 1898. Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Cardiff, 1895- 1896. Senior Demonstrator in Engineering, Owens College, and Resident Tutor, Hulme Hall, 1896. Deceased. Wilson, George Harper (Owens). Born March 29, 1867, a ^ Glencorse, Mid- lothian. B.Sc. (3rd class Physiology), 1888. M.Sc., 1891. Edinburgh University : M.B., C.M., 1898. L.R.C.P.E., etc., 1895. D.P.H., 1901. In general practice at Peebles. Medical Officer of Health for Burgh of Peebles since 1902. Glencorse House, Peebles, N.B Wilson, George William (Yorks.). Born April 9, 1876, at Low Ackworth, near Pontefract, Yorkshire. B.A., 1898. Leeds University : M.A., 1905. Assistant Master, Beeston Hill Board School, Leeds, 1899-1900 ; at Southern Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1900-1901 ; at Boulevard Higher Grade School of Science, Hull, 1901. Master of Literary Subjects, St. George's Secondary Day School, Bristol, since 1903. Lodore Road, Brentry Road, Fishponds, Bristol. 393 Wilson, Harold Albert (Yorks.). Born December i, 1874, at York. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1897. M.Sc., 1900. London University : Inter.B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1894. B.Sc. (ist class Physics, with Scholarship), 1896. D.Sc., 1900. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (Research Degree), 1899. Allen Scholarship, 1900. Clerk Maxwell Scholarship, 1901. Fellow, 1902. F.R.S., 1906. Professor of Physics, King's College, London, 1905. 4, Clement's Inn, Strand, London, W.C. Wilson, Harold James (Owens}. Born September 13, 1880, at Bradford. B.A., 1900. Assistant Master, Moravian School, Ockbrook, 1900-1902 ; at New College, Edinburgh, 1902-1904 ; at Moravian School, Fulneck, near Leeds, 1904-1906. Moravian Minister at Pertenhall and Riseley, Bedfordshire, since 1906. Pertenhall, Kimbolton, Hunts. Wilson, James Alexander (Univ.). Born October 6, 1872, at Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland. B.A., 1901. Liverpool University : M.A., 1904. Took Presbyterian Theological Curriculum at Westminster College, Cambridge, 1901-1904. In charge of Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, 1904-1905. Minister of Brunswick Square Presbyterian Church, Camberwell, London, S.E., since 1905. 91, Grove Park, Camberwell, London, S.E. Wilson, John (Owens). Born November 25, 1872, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1894. M.Sc., 1897. Assistant Lecturer in Chemistry Battersea Polytechnic, London, 1894; Head of Chemical Department, 1898. Recognised Teacher in Chemistry, London University. Member of the Board of Studies in Chemistry of London University. Member of the Faculty of Science, London University. 37, Park Mansions, Battersea, London, S.W. Wilson, Mary Gertrude (Yorks.). Born January 25, 1883, in London. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Bootle Pupil Teachers' Centre, 1904 ; at Boys' Intermediate School, 1906 ; at Salisbury Road Council School, Bootle, since 1906. 48, Oxford Road, Bootle, Lancashire. Wilson, Muriel. Born January 20, 1884, at Durnley, near Rochdale. B.A., 1907. Student at the Maria Grey Training College, London, 1907-1908. Winkworth Hall, Brondesbury, London, N.W. Wilson, Percy George (Univ.). Born November 5, 1876, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1896. Linguist. Sub-Director of the Berlitz School, Elberfeld. Modern Language Master, Owen's School, Islington, London. 75, Manor Road, Liscard, Birkenhead, Cheshire. Wilson, Robert Williams (Owens). Born August 19, 1866. B.A., 1894. Presbyterian Minister. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Dudley, in 1896. Died May 12, 1896. 394 Wilson, Selina Ethel (Yorks.). Born January 21, 1883, at Ossett, Yorkshire. B.A., 1904. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at the Grange Road Secondary School, Bradford, since 1905. Runtlings Terrace, Ossett, Yorkshire ; 190, Horton Grange Mount, Bradford. Wilson, Sidney Rawson (Owens). Born July 13, 1882, at Penistone, Yorks. B.Sc., 1903. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1905. M.Sc., 1906. London University : M.B., B.S. (with Honours and Distinction in Surgery), 1905. Demonstrator in Botany in the University, 1903 ; in Physiology and Histology, 1903 and 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906-1907. Medical Tutor, Dal ton Hall, 1906- 1907. Willow House, Penistone, near Sheffield ; 30, A comb Street, Whitworth Park, Manchester. 'Wilson, William. Born March 29, 1887, at Preston. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1907. Graduate Scholarship in Physics, 1907. 65, Ashfield Road, Rusholme, Manchester. Wilson, William. B.Sc., 1904. M.B., Ch.B., 1906. Formerly Junior Demonstrator of Physiology in the University. Barcroft, Broad Road, Sale, Cheshire. Wilson, Winifred. Born June 5, 1886, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1907. Assistant Mistress at Duke Street Municipal School, Manchester, since 1907. 4, Woodbine Street, Moss Side, Manchester. "Windle, Jabez Davenport (Owens). Born 'August 9, 1865, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1898. M.D., 1899. L.R.C.P.I., &c., 1887. M.R.C.S., (Eng.), 1891. Medical Officer of Health, Southall, Norwood. Medical Officer of Industrial Schools, Hayes (Middlesex). Medical Officer, Sanatorium, Southall. Coppenham Lodge, Southall, Middlesex. Windsor, Frank Needham (Owens). Born May 2, 1868, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1887. Emmanuel College, Cambridge : Natural Sciences Tripos, Part I., 2nd class, 1889. B.A. (Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II., 3rd class), 1890. M.B., B.C., 1892. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1892. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1892-1893. Senior House Surgeon, Oldham Infirmary, 1893-1894. Entered Indian Medical Service (2nd place), 1895 ; Major, 1907. Chemical Analyst and Bacteriologist to Government of Burma since 1905. c/o Bank of Rangoon, Rangoon, Burma. Winfield, Henrietta Sarah. Born April 22, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Birley Street Higher Elementary Girls' School, Beswick, Manchester, 1905. Science Mistress, Salford Municipal Secondary Girls' School, 1908. i, Bexton Road, Knutsford, Cheshire. "Winstanley, Edward William (Univ.). Born March 10, 1874, at Liverpool. B.A., 1893. Trinity College, Cambridge : B.A. (Theological Tripos, Part I., 2nd class), 1896. Theological Tripos, Part II., 2nd class, 1897. Jeremie 395 Prize, 1896. Crosse Scholarship, 1897. Mason (Hebrew) Prize, 1898. M.A., 1900. Liverpool University : B.A., 1904. Ordained by Archbishop of Canterbury, deacon, 1898 ; priest, 1899. Curate of St. Mary's, Ashford, 1898. Diocesan Inspector of Religious Education in the Diocese of Lichfield, and Licensed Preacher, since 1905. Roosendaal, Wolverhampton. Winstanley, Edwin Victor. Born May 26, 1887, at Moss Side, Manchester. B.Sc.Tech. (Honours Division, Mechanical Engineering), 1907. College Mechanical Apprentice at the British Westinghouse Company's Works, Trafford Park, since 1907. 36, Lincroft Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Winstanley, Ethel (Owens). Born October i, 1879, at Horwich, Lancashire. B.A. (3rd class English Language and Literature), 1904. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. M.A., 1906. English Mistress, Barry County School, 1905. English Mistress at the Intermediate School for Girls, Newport, since 1906. 22, Clyffard Crescent, Newport, Monmouthshire. *Winstanley, Lilian (Owens). Born November 18, 1875, a ^ Blackpool. B.A. (ist class English Language and Literature), 1897. University Scholarship in English Language and Literature, 1897. University Fellowship in Arts, 1898. John Bright Fellowship, 1901. M.A., 1901. Lecturer in English, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, since 1899. Publications : Spenser and Puritanism (Modern Language Quar- terly) ; Nature Study in Shelley (Englische Studien) ; Edition of Spenser's Fowre Hymnes (Cambridge Press) ; The Three Comrades (A translation of Gustav Frenssen's Die Drei Getreuen). Novels : A Flash of the Witt ; Stolen Banns ; The Winged Lion. Glenora, North Road, Aberystwyth. Winterbottom, Estella Jane (Univ.). Born April 4, 1879, at Mossley. B.Sc., 1902. Liverpool University : B.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Birchfield Road Council School, Liverpool, 1902- 1903. Science Mistress, Southlands Training College, Battersea, S.W., since 1903. Greenfield Mount, Cowley Hill Lane, St. Helens, Lanes. L Withers, Ethel Agnes (Owens). Born March 15, 1880, at Chesham Green, Bury. B.A., 1902. M.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Penzance High School, 1903-1906 ; at Llanidloes County School, 1906-1907 ; at Hanley Municipal Secondary School since 1907. Chesham Green, Bury. Lancashire. *t Withers, Oliver. Born in 1857, at Sheffield. B.Sc., 1904. Durham University : M.D., 1897. M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1880. L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1883. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1881. Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health. Medical Officer of Health for Sale. In general practice at Sale. Woodacre, Sale, Cheshire. 39 6 Wolfenden, Ralph. Born February 18, 1884, at Royton, Lancashire. B.Sc. (and class Engineering), 1905. Training at Works with Messrs. W. Gunther & Sons, Oldham. Demon- strator in Engineering in King's College, University of London, 1905. Recognised Teacher of London University in Civil En- gineering since 1906. King's College, Strand, London, W.C. ; 534, Higginshaw Lane, Hey side, Oldham. Wolff, Charles Ernest (Owens}. Born January 23, 1872. B.Sc., 1891. Engineer. 96, Midland Road, Bedford. Wolkenberg, Cyril (Univ.). Born March 23, 1875, in London. B.A., 1899. 8 > Glebe Place, Chelsea, London, S.W. Wolstenholme, Thomas Blakeway (Owens). Born April 9, 1880, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. In general practice. Knottingley, Stretford Road, Urmston, Manchester. *\Vood, Alfred Arthur (Univ.). Born October 30, 1873, at Coventry. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Assistant House Physician and Surgeon, Cardiff Infirmary, 1897-1898. Resident Medical Officer, Rochdale Infirmary, 1898-1899. In general practice since 1900. Honorary Surgeon, Nuneaton District Hospital and Medical Officer of Health to the Nuneaton Rural District. Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator of the Nuneaton District. 80, Abbey Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Wood, Alfred Lee. Born in 1886, at Clifton, Manchester. B.Sc.Tech., 1907. With Messrs. Bellis and Morcam, Mechanical Engineers, since 1907. Elm House, Clifton, Manchester. Wood, Edith Gladys. Born January 29, 1883, at Manchester. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress at Southall Street Municipal School. Loughrigg, Guest Road, Prestwich, Manchester. Wood, Frank Lomax (Owens). Born October 18, 1864, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1889. D.P.H. (Conjoint), 1901. Medical Practitioner. House Surgeon, Branch Seamen's Hospital, 1892-1893. Assistant Medical Officer, Hospital for Consumption, &c., Manchester, in 1894. West View, Cefn Road, Old Colwyn, N. Wales. Wood, George Arnold (Owens). Born June 7, 1865, at Salford. B.A. (2nd class History), 1885. Balliol College, Oxford : B.A. (ist class Modern History), 1888. Stan- hope Prize, 1889. M.A., 1892. Student at Mansfield College, 1888-1890. Professor of History at Sydney University since 1891. University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Wood, Harriet Helena. Born March 26, 1887, at Ashgrove, Clifton, Yorkshire. B.A., 1907. Head Assistant in Mixed Elementary School, Halifax, since 1907. 1 6, Chester Road, Halifax. 397 'Wood, Harry Edwin (Owens'). Born February 3, 1881, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Physics), 1902. M.Sc., 1905. Research Assistant to Professor Schuster, 1902-1903. Demonstrator in the Physical Laboratories of the University, 1903-1905. Chief Assistant in the Transvaal Government Meteorological Department, since 1906. Government Observatory, Johannesburg, South Africa. Wood, James (Owens). Born March 22, 1873, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B., 1896. Diploma in Public Health (R.C.P.S.L), 1904. Late House Surgeon, Hulme Dispensary, and Eccles and Patricroft Hospital. In practice at Oldham since 1899. Clitheroe Cottage, Waterhead, Oldham, Lanes. 'Wood, Jane Fearns (Owens). Born August 22, 1875, at Haughton Green, Denton. B.A., 1896. Assistant Mistress at Pupil Teachers' Centre, Manchester, 1896-1903 ; at Pupil Teachers' College, Manchester, 1903-1906 ; Senior Assis- tant since 1906. ii, Martin Street, Guide Bridge, near Manchester. Wood, Jessie Graham (Yorks.). Born April 22, 1880, at Huddersfield. B.A., 1903. Leeds University : B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress at Pupil Teachers' Centre, New Cross, London, 1903 ; at Barnstaple, North Devon, 1904 ; at Bolton since 1906. Park View, Somerset Road, Huddersfield. Wood, John Kerfoot (Owens). Born May 22, 1877, at Manchester. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1899. D.Sc., 1902. Science Teacher at Central Board School, Manchester, and Stalybridge Technical School, 1896-1897. Lecturer in Dyeing, &c., University College, Dundee, and Teacher of Practical Chemistry in the Tech- nical Institute, 1897. Head of Chemistry Department, Technical Institute, Dundee, since 1902. Author of Chemical Papers. i, Aberlemno Terrace, Perth Road, Dundee. "Wood, Joseph (Owens). Born April 9, 1868, at Rochdale. B.A., 1892. M.A., 1900. Ordained by Bishop of Manchester, deacon, 1893; priest, 1894. Curate of St. Paul's, Blackburn, 1893-1898. Rector of St. Catherine's, Manchester, since 1898. St. Catherine's Rectory, Heywood Street, Cheetham, Manchester. *Wood, Leonard Bowker (Owens). Born October 27, 1871, at Bowdon. B.A. (2nd class History), 1896. M.A., 1899. Fairholme, Winton Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. Wood, Leonard Sutton (Owens). Born November 17, 1882, at Huddersfield. B.Sc., 1901. A.R.I.B.A., 1906. Architect. Hillcrest, Alexandra Park Road, Wood Green, London, N. Wood, Martin Stanley (Owens). Born September 9, 1878, at Altrincham, Cheshire. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Late House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1903. Now Assis- tant Medical Officer, Cheadle Royal Asylum. Laurieston, Cheadle, Cheshire. Wood, Robert Lucius (Univ.). Born August 3, 1870, at Chatburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1894. In general practice since 1898. Surgeon to the Knowsley Estate. Brookfield, Huyton, near Liverpool. Woodall, Ambrose Edgar (Owens). Born April 24, 1885, at Eccles. B.Sc., 1905. Student in the Faculty of Medicine in the University. 63, Stockport Road, Marple, Cheshire. Woodall, Samuel James. Born August 28, 1883, at Eccles. B.A. (2nd class English Language and Literature), 1906. M.A., 1907. Teacher's Diploma, 1907. Assistant in Fielden Demonstration School, Lime Grove, Manchester. Westfield, Marple, Cheshire. ^Woodburne, George Burgess Lancaster. Born May 29, 1855. B.A., 1882. Queen's College, Oxford : B.A. (3rd class Law), 1878. M.A., 1881. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1880. Deceased. Woodcock, Ada Winifred (Owens). Born August 21, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1903. Teacher's Diploma, 1904. Assistant Mistress, Urmston Higher Grade School, 1904-1905. Studying for M.A. in the University, 1907-1908. 10, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Woodcock, Harold Brookfield (Owens). Born March 2, 1874, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1896. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 18961897. Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, 1898-1900. Now in general practice. District Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator, Chorlton Union. 474, Stretford Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. Woodcock, Oswald Hampson (Owens). Born July 6, 1877, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1899. House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1899-1900. Resident Medical Officer, Salford Union Infirmary, in 1900. At St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, 1900. Surgeon, Anchor Line S.S., 1901. Honorary Physician, Hulme Dispensary. 10, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester ; 215, Chester Road, Manchester. Woodhouse, Herbert Clement (Owens). Born June 27, 1873, at Blackburn. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, 1897-1898. Resident Medical Officer, Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1898-1899. In general practice at Dawley since 1900. The Terrace, Dawley, Shropshire. Woods, Frederick John (Univ.). Born March 5, 1867. M.B., Ch.B. (2nd class Honours), 1893. Medical Practitioner. Formerly House Physician, Royal Infirmary, Liverpool. Died February 17, 1895. Woods, Henry (Univ.). Born August 12, 1879. M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Liverpool University : M.B., Ch.B., 1904. 399 At South Dispensary, Liverpool, 1903. Joined Naval Medical Service, 1903. Present Commission, H.M.S. Minerva, Mediterranean, 1906. H.M.S. 'Minerva,' Mediterranean. Woodward, William (Owens). Born March 6, 1882, at Marlborough, Wilts. B.Sc. (2nd class Engineering), 1903. 96, Wolverhampton Road, Stafford. *Woodyatt, Grace May (Owens). Born May 18, 1872, at Macclesfield. B.Sc. (3rd class Mathematics), 1897. Private Teaching, 1897-1904. Assistant Mistress at the Old Grammar School, Macclesfield, since 1904. i, Broad Street, Pendleton, Manchester. Woodyatt, William Jeffrey (Owens). M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Whitechapel Infirmary. Late House Surgeon, West Herts. Infirmary, and Assistant House Surgeon, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford. Whitechapel Infirmary, Vallance Road, London, N.E. Woolham, Josiah Gilbert (Owens). Born February 12, 1879, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Resident Medical Officer, Manchester Workhouse Hospital, 1901-1903. In general practice at Eccles, 1903-1904 ; at Longsight, since 1904. Levens House, Slade Lane, Manchester, S.E. Wooll, Edward (Univ.). Born March 31, 1878, at Liverpool. B.A. (ist class Classics), 1897. Oxford University : B.A. (ist class Literature, Latin, and Greek, and 2nd class Lit. Hum.), 1901. Barrister-at-Law. Called at the Inner Temple, 1903. Northern Circuit. 25, Lord Street, and Conservative Club, Liverpool. Woollam, Winifred Davenport. Born November 27, 1886, at Manchester. B.A. (2nd class Classics), 1906. M.A., 1907. Married, June 17, 1908, Rev. C. E. G. Spencer. 42, Stanwell Road, Swinton, Manchester. *Woolley, Bertha Elizabeth (Owens). Born July I, 1880, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1901. M.Sc., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Wheler Street School, Manchester, 1902-1904. Science Mistress, Secondary School, Stretford Road, Manchester, since 1904. Clintoona, 60, Langdale Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Worgan, Alfred Edward (Univ.). Born January 26, 1877. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1896. 30, Harbord Street, Edge Hill, Liverpool ; c/o W. Morgan, Esq., Relief Office, Fountains Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool. *Worrall, Gladstone Walter (Univ.). Born March I, 1881, at Liverpool. B.Sc. (and class Engineering), 1901. M.Sc., 1904. Vulcan Fellow, 1907 and 1908. Liverpool University : M.Eng., 1904. David Rew Memorial Scholar, 1902. Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Electrotechnics, Liverpool University, since 1903. Has published Researches in Electrical Engineering. Hillcote, Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead, Cheshire. 400 *Worswick, Millicent Frederica (Owens). Born June 28, 1881, at Manchester, B.Sc., 1902. Teacher's Diploma, 1905. B.A., 1906. Assistant Mistress, Northwich High School for Girls, since 1906. Bellfield, Chorlton Road, Manchester. *Worthington, Arthur Henry. Born February 2, 1860, at Lancaster. B.A. London University : Matriculation (45th in Honours), 1876. Inter. LL.B. (3rd class Honours), 1879. B.A., 1879. Solicitor. Admitted on the Rolls, 1883. Clerk of Convocation, 1891 1898. Governor of Owens College, 1897 5 Member of Court, 1892 ; of Council, 1895. Governor of University. Chairman of Associates, i, St. James's Square, Manchester. 6, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury. Manchester. *fWorthington, Edgar. Born April 2, 1856, at Lancaster. B.Sc., 1882. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Mechanical Engineer. Entered London & North- Western Railway 1 : Crewe Works, 1875 ; Under-Manager, 1880-1881 and 1883-1885.$ Engineer to Messrs. Beyer, Peacock & Co., 1885-1897. Secretary! of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1897. 50, Clarendon Road, London, W.^ *f Worthington, Jeffery. Born August 25, 1834, at Higher Broughton, Man- < Chester. B.A., 1882. On the Staff of the Manchester Guardian, 1854-1861. Divinity Student at Manchester New College, London (now Manchester College, Oxford), 1861-1864. Unitarian Minister of Bank Street Chapel, Bolton-le-Moors, 1864-1873 ; of Effra Road Chapel, Brixton, London, 1874-1883 ; of Mary Street Chapel, Taunton, 1883-1900 ; of Pound Square Chapel, Cullompton, since 1901. Formerly Member of Somerset County Education Committee. Chudleigh Cottage, Cullompton, Devon. Worthington, Joseph. Born July 28, 1877, at Manchester. B.A., 1904. Minister, Unitarian Church, Belfast, since 1904. Elmers, Kirkliston Drive, Belfast. *Worthington, Robert Edward (Owens). Born October 18, 1878, at Colorado, U.S.A. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1899. Evening Lecturer at Verdin Technical School, Northwich, 1900. Assistant Engineer to Crossley Bros., Ltd., Manchester, 1899-1905. Engineer to the Societa Italiana Motori a Gas Crossley, since 1905. 39, Via deir Orivolo, Florence, Italy. *f Worthington, William Barton. Born July 8, 1854, at Lancaster. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (i2th in Honours), 1871. Inter, B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1872. B.Sc. (3rd class Geology), 1873. M.Inst.C.E., 1884. Resident Engineer on New Works, L. &N.-W.R., 1878-1883. District Engineer, L. & N.-W.R., at Manchester, 1883-1886. Divisional Engineer (Lancashire), L. & N.-W.R., 1886-1890. Assistant Engineer, L. & Y. R., 1890-1897. Chief Engineer of L. &Y. R. ( 1897. Engineer-in-Chief, Midland Railway, since 1905. Representative Governor of Manchester University (elected by Convocation). Member of the Court. Formerly Governor of Kirkham Grammar School and Manchester High School for Girls. Kirkstyles, Duffleld, Derby. *Wragg, Edmund Arthur Windridge (Owens). Born December 21, 1864, at Manchester. LL.B., 1900. Solicitor. Admitted 1892. Practising in Manchester, and in Maccles- field, Cheshire. 14, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. "ffWrapson, James Platt. Born February 3, 1865, at Manchester. M.Sc.Tech., 1905. Royal University of Ireland : B.A., 1891. Lecturer in Mathematics, Manchester Technical School, 1889. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Municipal School of Technology, Man- chester, since 1902 ; Assistant Principal, since 1904. Clareholme, Carrington, Cheshire. Wright, Andrew Rae. Born February 25, 1881, at Wigan, Lancashire. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. House Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1905. Senior Resident Medical Officer, Workhouse Infirmary, Crumpsall, 1906-1907. Medical Officer under the Metropolitan Asylum Board, Caterham Asylum, since 1907. c/o Frank Corner, Esq., M.R.C.S., Manor House, Poplar, London, E. f Wright, Charles Romley Alder. Born September 7, 1844, at Southend, Essex. B.Sc., 1882. London University : Matriculation (Prize in Chemistry), 1863. Inter. B.Sc. (ist class with Exhibition in Chemistry), 1864. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1865. D.Sc., 1870. F.R.S., 1881. Lecturer on Chemistry at St. Thomas's Hospital, Paddington. Trea- surer of the Institute of Chemistry, 1877-1885. Died July 25, 1894. Wright, Emily. Born October i, 1882, at Manchester. B.A., 1905. Assistant Mistress, Municipal Secondary School and Pupil Teachers' Centre, Ashton-under-Lyne, since 1905. 86, Brunswick Street, C.-on-M., Manchester. *fWright, John Kentish. Born February 29, 1848, at Manchester. B.A., 1882. London University : Matriculation (22nd in Honours), 1864. B.A., 1867. Admitted Solicitor, 1871. In practice as a Solicitor in Nottingham since 1874. Governor of Nottingham High School. J.P. for the City of Nottingham, 1897. Chairman, Nottingham School Board, 1900-1903. Member of Council, Nottingham University College. Newcastle Drive, Nottingham. Wright, Richard Bertram. Born February 4, 1880, at Orrell, Wigan. B.Sc., 1965. Science Master, Mirfield Grammar School, Yorkshire, since 1905. East field, Mirfield, Yorkshire. *f Wright, Richard Thomas. Born June 2, 1846, at York. B.Sc., 1882. Hon. LL.D., 1902. Christ's College, Cambridge : B.A. (5th Wrangler), 1869. M.A., 1872. 402 Sometime Fellow and Tutor. Formerly Lecturer in Law at . Christ's and St. John's Colleges. Examiner in the Mathematical Tripos, 1875-1876, and in the Law Tripos, 1891-1892. Called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1870. Goldieslie, Trumpington, Cambridge. Wright, William (Owens). Born February 24, 1874, at Wigan. M.B., Ch.B., 1897. Birmingham University : M.Sc., 1903. D.Sc., 1904. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1899. In general practice from 1897 to 1899. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Owens College, 1899-1900 ; in the University of Birmingham, 1900. Lecturer on Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital Medical School. Sub-Dean, Middlesex Hospital Medical School. Hunterian Pro- fessor, Royal College of Surgeons, England. Residential College, Middlesex Hospital, London, W. Wright, William David (Owens). Born April 4, 1867. B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1887. M.A., 1890. Presbyterian Minister. Minister of Presbyterian Church at Kingston till 1898. Died June n, 1898. *Wrigley, Marion. Born in 1884, at Bury. B.A., 1904. Assistant Mistress at Wood Street British Day School, Bury, 1905-1907 ; at Bacup and Rawtenstall Pupil Teachers' Centre since 1907. 112, Chesham Road, Bury, Lancashire. Wrigley, William Sugden (Owens). Born November 10, 1880, at Rawtenstall. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1902. Medical Practitioner. Deceased. Wylde, James Rawdon (Owens). Born August 29, 1880, at Hollingworth, Cheshire. B.Sc. (3rd class Engineering), 1900. A.M.Inst.C.E., 1906. Assistant Engineer, North-Eastern Railway Docks, 1900. Assistant Engineer on the Construction of the Hill Section, Assam-Bengal Railway, 1901-1905. Assistant Engineer, East Indian Railway, since 1905. Engaged in the Construction of the Hill Section of the Grand Chord Line of the East Indian Railway, 1905-1907. c/o Messrs. King, Hamilton 6- Co., Calcutta, India. Wylie, David Storer (Owens). Born September 21, 1876, at Oldham. M.B., Ch.B. (ist class Honours), 1898. F.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1903. House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, in 1898. Resident Medical Officer at Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, 1899-1900. Civil Surgeon with the Army in South Africa, 1900-1902. House Surgeon, St. Peter's Hospital, London, 1902-1903. Late Resident Medical Officer, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, and Assistant Demonstrator in Anatomy, Owens College. Devon Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand. * Wynne, Arnold (Yorks.). Born April 4, 1880, at Stafford. B.A., 1901. M.A., 1904. Assistant Master at Silcoates, Wakefield, 1902-1903 ; at Winscombe, Sidcot, 1903-1905 ; at Klerksdorp, Transvaal, 1906-1907 ; at Cockburn High School, Leeds, 1908. Cockburn High School, Leeds. 403 Yates, Annie (Owens). Born March 25, 1883, at Tonge, near Bolton. B.A , 1903. Cambridge Diploma for Secondary Teachers, 1904. Assistant Mistress at Municipal College, Grimsby, 1905-1907 ; since at Waterloo Secondary School, Oldham. Goodwin House, Harwood, Bolton, Lanes. Yates, Dora Esther (Univ.). Born November 26, 1879, at Liverpool. B.A., 1899. M.A., 1902. Assistant Mistress, Hermann House School, Rock Ferry, since 1901. 9, Belvedere Road, Prince's Park, Liverpool. Yates, Edward (Owens). Born November 19, 1871, at Manchester. B.Sc., 1903. Science Master, St. John's Road Higher Grade School, London. 35, Rusthall Avenue, Bedford Park, Chiswick, London. Yates, Ernest Cyril (Owens). B.A. (3rd class Classics), 1900. LL.B., 1904. M.A., 1904. No permanent address. Yates, George Wearden (Univ.). LL.B., 1903. Wing-field House, Lansdowne Road, Southport. Yates, John William (Owens). Born August 8, 1875, at Littleborough. B.Sc., 1896. M.Sc., 1903. Oxford University : Diploma in Education, 1899. Science Master at County School, Ystalyfera, Glamorgan, 1896-1900 ; at King Edward's School, Stourbridge, 1900-1902. Assistant Lecturer, Department of Education, Huddersfield Technical College, 1903-1904. Science Master, Cowley Schools, St. Helens, since 1904. 25, Lower Cross Street, Middleton, Manchester. Yates, William Herbert (Owens). Born May 17, 1875. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1895. M.Sc., 1898. Technical Chemist. 119, Hawkshead Street, Southport. "Yonge, John Arthur (Owens). Born June 29, 1865, at West Cowes. B.A., 1892. M.A., 1895. Head Master of the Northern Congregational School, Silcoates, since 1897. Silcoates School, Saltburn (returning to Wakefield in 1908). "Youatt, Leonard (Owens). Born March 31, 1868, at Heckmondwike. M.B., Ch.B., 1890. D.P.H., 1892. Medical Practitioner. Medical Officer, Post Office, Prescot District. Certifying Surgeon under the Factory Acts. Thornhill, Warrington Road, Prescot, Lanes. Young, Frederic William Baker (Univ. and Yorks.). M.B., Ch.B., 1904. L.S.A., 1902. Medical Officer, Pilot Service, Mersey Dock and Harbour Board. Late Resident House Surgeon, Hospital for W< men and Children, Leeds ; and Clinical Assistant and Anaesthetist, Hospital for Women, Liverpool. 54, Merton Road, Bootle, Liverpool. 44 Young, John Henry (Owens). Born April 12, 1877, at Stretford. B.Sc. (2nd class Chemistry), 1896. M.Sc., 1901. Assistant Chemist, Aluminium Co., Ltd., Oldbury, 1896-1900. Teacher of Chemistry, Wednesbury Technical School, 1897-1900. Chemist, Cassel Gold Extracting Co., Ltd., Maryhill, Glasgow, 1900-1906 ; Cassel Cyanide Co., Ltd., Glasgow, since 1906. 10, Garrioch Drive, Glasgow, W. Young, John Stevenson (Univ.). Born April 19, 1883, at Liverpool. B.Sc., 1903. Liverpool University : B.Eng., 1904. Student of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1904. Pupilage under John T. Wood, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., Liverpool, 1903-1906. Resident Engineer, Wicklow Harbour Works, 1906-1907. Engineer, James Barrow, Esq., M. Inst. C.E. i, Leitrim Place, Wicklow, Ireland ; Kirby Park, West Kirby, Cheshire. * Young, John Stirling. Born June 24, 1881, at Manchester. M.B., Ch.B., 1905. General practice and Ship's Surgeon, 1905-1906. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 1906. House Surgeon, St. Mary's Hospital for Diseases of Women and Children, 1907. Apsley Place, 5, Stockport Road, Manchester. Young, Maude Eveline (Univ.). Born July 19, 1877, at Snettisham. B.Sc., 1900. Assistant Mistress, Cheetham Higher Grade Board School, Manchester. 14, Wellington Street West, Higher Broughton, Manchester. Young, Norman Malcolm. Born April 26, 1884, at Edinburgh. B.A., 1907. Assistant Teacher, Hoxton House Boys' School, London County Council. 135, Culford Road, Kingsland, London, N. *t Young, Sydney. Born December 29, 1857, at Earn worth, Lancashire. B.Sc., 1904. London University : D.Sc., 1883. Scholarships in Chemistry, B.Sc. Dublin University : Honorary Sc.D., 1905. F.R.S., 1893. Lecturer on Chemistry, University College, Bristol, 1882-1887 ; Professor, 1887-1903. Professor of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin, since 1903. Member of Council of London Chemical Society, 1894-1897 ; of London Physical Society, 1894-1897 ; of the Institute of Chemistry, 1904-1907. President of Chemical Section of British Association, Cambridge, 1904. Member of the Royal Irish Academy, 1905. Member of Council of Royal Dublin Society, 1907. 12, Raglan Road, Dublin. Young, William Arthur Bruce (Owens). Born July 6, 1876, at Whitley, Northumberland. M.B., Ch.B., 1900. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 1906. Late House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary ; House Physician and House Surgeon, Ancoats Hospital ; Senior House Surgeon, Bolton Infirmary. In private practice at South Cove. South Cove, East Yorks. 45 Young, William John (Owens). Born January 26, 1878, at Manchester. B.Sc. (3rd class Chemistry), 1898. M.Sc., 1902. Assistant in the Manchester Museum, 1899-1901 ; at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine since 1901. Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, London, S.W. Yung, William Thomas (Univ.). Born July 23, 1881, at Peterborough. B.A., 1902. Liverpool University : M.A., 1905. Tutor and Honorary Research Fellow in English Literature, University of Liverpool, 1904. Assistant Lecturer in Liverpool, 1905. Lecturer in English Literature, University of London, Goldsmith's College, since 1906. 15, Bloomsbury Mansions, Hart Street, London, W.C. z Zagury, Leon (Univ.). Born March 29, 1873, at Lisbon. B.Sc., 1892. Following an artistic career. Scholarship at Royal College of Music (Singing), 1894. 12, Emanuel Avenue, Acton, London, W. Zortman, Israel Hyman (Yorks.). Born December 8, 1883, at Leeds. B.Sc. (ist class Chemistry), 1904. University Scholarship in Chemistry, 1904. Leeds University : B.Sc., 1905. 1851 Exhibition Scholarship in Chemistry, 1905. Analytical Chemist. 13, Skinner Lane, Leeds. 4 oy LIST OF HONORARY GRADUATES. (The names of deceased graduates are printed in italics.) 1882 James Holme Nicholson, late Registrar of the University .. .. M.A. 1892 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Spencer, Chancellor of the University LL.D. 1895 His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, President of the Owens College LL.D. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, President of University College . . LL.D. The Most Honourable the Marquess of Ripon, President of the Yorkshire College LL.D. The Rt. Hon. Lord Kelvin, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow D.Sc. Sir Andrew Fairbatrn, formerly Mayor of Leeds . . . . . . D.Sc. Daniel John Leech, Professor of Medicine in the Owens College, Chairman of Convocation D.Sc. Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, formerly Professor of Chemistry in the Owens College D.Sc. Arthur William Riicker, F.R.S., Professor of Physics in the Royal College of Science, London . . . . . . . . . . D.Sc. Thomas Ashton, Member of the Court of Governors of the Owens College LL.D. Richard Copley Christie, Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester LL.D. William Rathbone, M.P LL.D. A Ifred Waterhouse, R. A., Architect LL.D. Adolphus William Ward, Vice-Chancellor of the University and Principal of the Owens College Litt.D. Gerald Henry Rendall, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and Principal of University College Litt.D. Nathan Bodington, Chairman of the Board of Studies and Principal of Yorkshire College Litt.D. Alfred Thomas Bentley, Registrar of the University . . . . M.A. 1897 The Right Honourable James Bryce, M.P Litt.D. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart., F.R.S., Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge . . . . . . D.Sc. 1898 The Rt. Hon. Lord Lister, F.R.S D.Sc. 1899 Thomas Clifford Allbutt, F.R.S. , Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Rev. John Llewelyn Davies, D.D., Hon. Chaplain to the King, Vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale Litt.D. 408 Charles Harold Herford, Professor of English Language and Literature, University College of Wales, Aberystwytb .. Litt.D. Edward Schunck, F.R.S * D.Sc. Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick, Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge Litt.D. Frederick William Walker, High Master of St. Paul's School, London Litt.D. 1900 The Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. , Professor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Institution .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney, F.R.S., Principal Assistant Secretary, Board of Education, South Kensington .. .. D.Sc. James Dewar, F.R.S., Jacksonian Professor of Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge .. .. .. D.Sc. Andrew Russell Forsyth, F.R.S., Sadlerian Professor of Pure Mathematics in the University of Cambridge . . . . D.Sc. Richard Tetley Glazebrook, F.R.S., Director of the National Physical Laboratory .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Sir William Huggins, K.C.B., F.R.S., President of the Royal Society D.Sc. Sidney Lee, Editor of the Dictionary of National Biography . . Litt.D, Edward Charles Pickering, Director of the Astronomical Observa- tory of Harvard College .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Thomas Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., Director of Government Laboratories, London D.Sc. Joseph John Thomson, F.R.S., Cavendish Professor of Experi- mental Physics in the University of Cambridge . . . . D.Sc. Henry Wilde, D.C.L., F.R.S., Late President of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society . . . . . . . . D.Sc. 1901 Sir William Chandler Roberts-Austin, Chemist to the Mint .. .. D.Sc. 1902 Sir William Reynell Anson, Bart., Warden of All Souls' College. . LL.D. Sir John Tomlinson Hibbert, Chairman of the Lancashire County Council LL.D. Sir James Hoy, Lord Mayor of Manchester .. .. .. .. LL.D. Sir William Rann Kennedy, Judge of the King's Bench Division of High Court of Justice LL.D. Edward Craig Maclure, Dean of Manchester .. .. .. .. LL.D, Alfred Neild, formerly Treasurer of the University LL.D. Thomas Francis Roberts, Principal of the University College of Wales, Aberystwybh .. .. LL.D. Sir Albert Kaye Rollit, President of the Associated Chambers of Commerce .. .. .. .. .. .. .. LL.D. 49 The Rt. Hon. Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, High Commissioner for Canada .. .. .. .. .. LL.D. Richard T. Wright, Secretary of the Cambridge University Press LL.D. Auguste Angellier, Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Lille .. Litt.D. Andrew Cecil Bradley, Professor of Poetry in the University of Oxford Litt.D. Hermann Breymann, Professor of Modern Philology in the University of Munich .. .. .. .. .. .. Litt.D. Alfred Espinas, Professor of Economic History in the University of Paris Litt.D. William Paton Ker, Professor of English Literature in University College, London Litt.D. Rev. Alexander McLaren, Minister of Union Chapel, Manchester. Litt.D. Right Rev. James Moorhouse, Lord Bishop of Manchester . . Litt.D. Rev. William Walter Merry, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. . Litt.D. Arthur Sampson Napier, Merton Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Oxford Litt.D. Enriqueta Rylands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Litt.D. James Hamilton Wylie, H.M. Inspector of Schools. . . . . . Litt.D. Sir Thomas Barlow, Bart., Physician to H.M. Household. . . . D.Sc. Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, Bart., Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Sir William Selby Church, Bart., President of the Royal College of Physicians D.Sc. Sir Henry Greenway Howse, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England D.Sc. Alexander Russell Simpson, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Antoine Henri Becquerel, Member of the French Academy of Sciences .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Robert Chodat, Professor of Botany in the University of Geneva. D.Sc. George Carey Foster, F.R.S., Principal of University College, London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, F.R.S., President of the Royal Astronomical Society .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Ernest Howard Griffiths, F.R.S., Principal of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire .. .. .. D.Sc. William Mitchinson Hicks, F.R.S., Principal of University College, Sheffield D.Sc. Ernest William Hobson, F.R.S., President of the London Mathe- matical Society .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. 4 io George Bond Howes, Professor of Zoology in the Royal College of Science, London D.Sc. William Jack, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow D.Sc. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, F.R.S., Principal of the University of Birmingham D.Sc. Walther Nernst, Professor of Physics in the University of Gottingen D.Sc. John Henry Poynting, F.R.S., Professor of Physics in the University of Birmingham D.Sc. William Augustus Tilden, F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, Royal College of Science, London D.Sc. Waldemar Voigt, Professor of Theoretical Physics in the Uni- versity of Gottingen .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Harry Marshall Ward, F.R.S., Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Adolph Brodsky, Principal of the Manchester Royal College of Music.. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. Mus.D. Hans Richter, Conductor to the Halle Concerts Society . . . . Mus.D. Annie Adamson, Assistant Mistress in the Manchester High School for Girls M.A. Henry Guppy, Librarian of the Rylands Library . . . . . . M.A. Elijah Helm, Secretary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce M.A. Thomas Coglan Horsfall, President of the Manchester Art Museum and University Settlement, and of the Manchester and Salford Association for the Improvement of the Homes and Surroundings of the People .. .. .. .. M.A. George Milner, President of the Manchester Literary Club . . M.A. Charles Rowley, Chairman of the Manchester School of Arts Committee M.A. Charles William Sutton, Librarian of the Manchester Public Libraries M.A. Charles Henry Wyatt, Clerk of the Manchester School Board . . M.A. Charles Bailey, President of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society M.Sc. Francis Jones, Secretary of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society .. M.Sc. John Henry Reynolds, Director of the Manchester Municipal School of Technology .. M.Sc. James Scotson, Head Master of the Manchester Central Schools. . M.Sc. 1903 Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, Chief Chemist to United States Geological Survey .. D.Sc. Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Leyden .. .. .. .. .. .. D.Sc. 1904 Wilhelm Rein, Professor of Psedogogy in the University of Jena . . Litt.D. Joseph Thompson, Treasurer of the Owens College LL.D. Bohuslav Brauner, Professor of Chemistry in the Czech University of Prague D.Sc. Ludwig Mond, Ph.D., F.R.S. D.Sc. William Henry Perkin, F.R.S D.Sc. 1905 Albert Calmette, Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology in the University of Lille D.Sc. Edoardo Perroncito, Professor of Parasitology in the University of Turin .. .. D.Sc. Carl Salomonsen, Professor of General Pathology and Medical Bacteriology in the University of Copenhagen . . . . D.Sc. Robert Falcon Scott, Commander of the Discovery, National Antarctic Expedition D.Sc. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, New York Litt.D. 1906 Samuel Henry Butcher, formerly Professor of Greek in the Uni- versity of Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . . . Litt.D. Sir Richard Henn Collins, Master of the Rolls Litt.D. Sarah Fielden .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Litt.D. John Percival Postgate, Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge Litt.D. William Ridgeway, Professor of Archaeology in the University of Cambridge Litt.D. Theodore Neild, formerly Principal of Dalton Hall . . . . M.A. Julius Ffith, Engineer M.Sc. Ivan Levinstein, Vice-President of the Society of Chemical Industry M.Sc.Tech. Emil Fischer, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Berlin. . D.Sc. Leonard Gadow Hasse, Principal of the Moravian College, Fairfield B.D. 1907 George Ellery Hale, Director of the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington .. .. .. .. D.Sc. Baron Dairoku Kikuchi, formerly Minister of Education in Japan LL.D. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Of border-towns Todmorden is placed under Lancashire, and Stalybridge under Cheshire. f is prefixed to the names of old Owens College Associates. ff is prefixed to the names of all professors in the Universities of Manchester, Liverpool, and Leeds. BEDFORDSHIRE : Bedford : Clark, Fairer, Frankland, Lamb, E. H., Oxland, Rose, J. L., Ross, S. J., Wolff. Dunstdble : Nickerson, G. S. Luton : Milligan. Leighton Buzzard : Martin, E. C. BERKSHIRE : Maidenhead : Burn, M. Reading : Edminson, Jones, J. H., Kaye, Kenyon, R. E., Stansfleld, F. W. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE : Newport Pagnell : t Geden. Winslow : Aveyard. CAMBRIDGESHIRE : Capstick, Cooper, W. A., Hass6, Jonas, Laidler, Meadow- croft, Mercer, Mullock, Scott, Stuart, Thwaites, Wilson, C. T. R., t Wright, R. T. CHESHIRE : Alderley Edge : Holdsworth, t Hop- kinson, E., McDougall, A., Mcllraith, Moxon. Altrincham : Agate, Blease, Coventry, T., Edmondson, Fairbrother, P. T., Haworth, A., Hickey, W., MacGowan, E. A., MacLaren, Lister, H. S., Popple, Sheaves, Sowerbutts, Rothwell, T. A., Rowland, Thornton, Trott. Ashton-on- Mersey : Newton, E. M., Renshaw, J. H. Bebington : Thorburn, A. D., Williams C. T., Williams, J. D. E. Birch Vale : Bennett, B. M. Birkenhead : Aldridge, Band, Beck- nell, Bendall, Brown, W. Mel., Browne, E. G., Clubb, Coston, Davies, S. W., Evans, W. T., Farmer, E. L., Farmer, R. C., Fisher, F., Foster, E. K., Grierson, Hazlehurst, Harnden, Hebble- thwaite, Herschell, Hooper, Hope, Hurworth-Robinson, Knowles, Lee, T. D., Livsey, G., Lloyd, G. M., MacPherson, Mannings, Patterson, Reid, Roberts, Tither- ley, Ure, Wilson, P. G., Worrall. Bowdon : Cooper, P. R., Denniston, Hadfleld, D., t Hodgson, J., Jameson, W. H. M., Johnson, H., Lang, Macdonald, Melland, Millar, Needham, Snape, Thorp, H., Thorp, L., Uttley, J. A., Wood, L. B. Bramhall : Cousins, ft Pope, W. J., Rowbotham, Turner, H. P. Brooklands : Falkner, Storey. Carrington : ft Wrapson. Cheadle Hulme : Board, ft Hiibner, Kenyon, H. L., Kenyon, P. S., Howden, Mark, Marshall, F.W.D., Paull, Ray, Smith, A. R., Tyle- cote, F. E., Wood, M. S. Chester : f Clegg, Cole, t Fish, A. H., Hatch, H. A., Hale, Hindley, Jackson, A. R., Newall, Scouller, Smith, G. F. Chinley : Howard, A. Congleton : Kitchens, Lowe, J. P. Crewe : Buckley, Dishart, Dyke, Heptinstall, Lowe, C. E., Walley. Davenport : Hurst, T. O. Dukinfield: Edwards, W., Ralphs, Titterington. Egremont: Callan, Hall, R. J., Ratcliffe, Thomson, A., Weather- head. Gee Cross : Ains worth, J. C. Hale: Acton, Cooper, M., Haigh, F. A., Harrison, E., Harwood, H. F., Hewitt, A. P., Hiles, Holme, D., Hughes, E. E., O'Neill, C. S., Orford, Rea, Rodger, Warrington, I. M., Wihl, G. Hawarden : Jones, D. T. Heaton Chapel : Simcock. Heswall: Auld, C. G., Auld, H. P., Auld, L. E., t Gwyther. Holmes Chapel : Haworth, F. A. Hollingworth : Jones, C. B. Hoylake : Armstrong, M., Budden, Green, P. C., Morgan, F. G. Hyde : Brownson, A. L., Brownson, G. L., t Brownson, T., Craven, Hibbert, C., t Watts, T. Knutsford : Birley, Davies, T. C. B., Fennell, Hartley, F., t Swanwick, Winfield. Liscard .-* Brislee, Brown, T., Fry, S., Garratt, Hopper, Long, *Mac- Manus, Shannon. Lymm : Boag, Callender. Maccles field : Goodwin, Hewitt, C. G., Hulme, E. C., Kenyon, A., Jones, R. E., Lonsdale, Main, D. W., Mainprice, Parkin, G., Smith, F., Stafford. Marple : Budenberg, Edgar, E. C., tt Knecht, Knoop, ft Nicolson, Popplewell, D., Popplewell, F., Popplewell, W. C., Tierney, Wells, N., Woodall, A. E., Wood- all, S. J. 414 Meols : Barkla. Middlewich : Moreton. Mottram : Smith, E. W. Neston : Richardson, G. M. New Brighton : Ainslie, Beckett, Jones, C. O.. McDonald, G. D. Northenden : Gibson, A. H., Parry, S., Williamson, H. M. Northwich : Armitage, Bostock, Dibben, Gledhill, L., Maudsley, Pollitt, Sturges, Terry, H., Turner R. T. Over : Stables. Oxton : Bloor. Rock Ferry : Annett, Gorst, Pitt- Taylor. Romiley : Clayton, Hartt, Hodges. Runcorn : Haworth, E. Sale : Ashe, t Cort, Creeth, Desques- nes, tt Gee, W. W. H., Geiler, Godwin, Hindshaw, W., Moran, M. E., Tennant, B., Williams, E., Wilson, W., t Withers, O. Sandbach : Bygott, Moir, Pring, Slade. Seacombe : Cropper, Dobson, Inman, Lundie. Stalybridge : Bottomley, C., t Han- cock, Ingham, A., Ives, McCarthy, Nuttall, H., Radcliffe, F., Shaw, D. T., Thompson, F., Williams, T. B. Stockport: Baker, G. A., Bailey, Bamford, Barton, Brentnall, Brown, R. J., Cocks, Clarke, J. H., Cooke, Coxson, Crosland, Gamble, Goulden, Green, J. H., Hadfield, B., Hall, F., Halstead, Harding, P. T., Hardman, Har- greaves, E., Heathcott, Hibbert, H., Holt, H., Hoyle, F., Huxley, Jenkins, G. M., Johnstone, H., Kauntze, Lauder, Lawson, A., Lee, A., Lees, Leigh, T. B., Marsland, Moore, J. H., Oldfield, Powell, E. C., Powicke, A. E., t Rayner, E., t Rogerson, J. T., Schofield, F. W., Seaton, H., Smith, F., Taggart, Tylecote, .1. K. L., Unwin, F., Watson, F. S., Welch, Whaley, F. W., Wiggles- worth, Wild, J., Willis, J. C. N., Willis, M. G. Tarporley : Atkinson, Rutter, W. P., Tattersall, W. H. Timperley : Burman, Webster, H. W. Wallasey : Williams, E. C. West Kirby : Campbell, D., Duff, G. A., Duff, J. B., Haughton, E. A., Ward, H. B., Young, J. S. Wilmslow : Bride, J. W , Bride, T. M., Dalton, Finney, Knott, Prior. Winsford: Rigby, H., Russell, E., Stubbs, Walsh. CORNWALL : Atkinson, Jacobs, t Massey, W. C., Redfearn, Swaine. CUMBERLAND : Carlisle : Sarginson, Smith, W. J. Dearham : Bell, A. H. Penrith: Wilkins, A. G., Williams H E St. Bees : 'Boon, M., Kitchin, J. Whitehaven : Dawson, S., Hanna, N. Workington : Coulthard, Perkins, H. DERBYSHIRE : AsKbourne : Hall, J. T. B. Bakewell : Adams, Anderson, Bouls- over. Baslow : Jameson, A. H. Bolsover : Saville. Burton-on- Trent : Hooton, Rigby, A., Shaw, J. V. Buxton : Hartley, J., t McDougall, A., McDougall, R., Sawdon, F. R., tt Schwartz. Chesterfield : Anderson, J. G. L., Robinson, R., Simon, J. E. Clay Cross : Saunderson, Savage. Derby : t Brown, A. L. J., Cope, Denton, Forrest, Gateclifl, Hooper, O. O., Hunt, Maltby, Taylor, M., Sinkinson. Duffield : t Worthington, W. B. Glossop : Bowden, Ireland, Newton A., Parker, I., Wild, W. E. Hadfield: Eastham, T. Heanor : Mitchell, M. Long Eaton : Rigg. Mansfield : Tomlin, Vaughan. Mattock: Evans, E. Mickleover : Bickerton. New Mills : Boughey. Ripley : Hooper, M. Wirksworth : Hamer, E. F. DEVONSHIRE : Barnstaple : Quinn. Cullompton : t Worthington, J. Devonporl : Varley, W. M., Wadding - ton, J. H. Exeter : t Boyden, Hughes, W. A., Johnstone, E., Parry, H. L. Honiton, etc. : Ash, A. E., Fry, G. C., Sutherland, t Thornton, J. M., Rixon, Reynold, S. S. Plymouth : Motley, t Thompson, J., Threlfall. Torquay : Cheatle, t Gough, J. H. DORSET : Edmonds, Ramsbottom, S. 1. DURHAM : t Ashworth, Bailey, H., t Brookes, Fletcher, A. H. B., Hartley, H. A., Law, M., Potter, C. E., Roberts, W., Robson, W. N., Rutter, G., Smith, A. C. ESSEX : Auld, M. D., Anderson, J., Aspland, Baldwin, Embleton, Goldsmith, Hall, M. E., James, E. W. H., Lees, C. H., Marsh, R. L., Miller, E. S., Morice, Part- ridge, Postance, Ramsden, Smith, Storr, Watson. GLOUCESTERSHIRE : Bristol : Alexander, D. A., Beaver, Briggs, E., Cooling, Cooper, T. B., Francis, Greenall, Hall, I. W., Haynes, Neild, N., O'Brien, F., Place, Randies,' Roscoe, J., Wilson, G. W. Cheltenham : Coppock, Evans, S., Horsfall, C. E., Stockings. Elsewhere : Collett, Hainsworth, Herford, V., James, A. T. S., Place, Walker, T. W. HAMPSHIRE : Isle of Wight : Gaul, Gowan, E. M., Livesey, C. H. C., Speakman. Bournemouth : Beaver, H. A., Byiie, Jones, J. D., Wildridge, Willans, C. R. Portsmouth: Green, E. F. S., Green, P. H., Grime, J. W. Southampton : Baldwin, Baldwin- Wiseman, Naylor. Elsewhere : Cambell. Gordon. E., Holme, R. C., Pearce, W. F., Pinck, F. M., Rose, W. A. HEREFORDSHIRE : Hereford : Dickinson, H. B., Steele, L. H. Leominster : f Dyson, G., Nield, H.T., Southall. HERTFORDSHIRE : Burrows, N., Dockray, J. S., Green, C. J., Ledward, M., Pyman, Svensson, Willott. HUNTINGDONSHIRE : Wilson, H. J. ISLE OF MAN : Bailey, J. H., t Blore, Bolton, Callister, Cannell, Cowin, Gordon, R., Grundey, Hartley, H., Patterson, W. H., Pinck, A., Teare. KENT : Charlton : Brownsdon, A. W., Kettle- well, Leighton, A., Stewart, G., Walker, W. E. Cranbrook : Brownsdon, C., Dyson, T. Dover : Coopland, Tomlinson, J. Folkestone : Ewart, E. M., Ramsden, A. Sevenoaks : Bury, F. C., t Smith, W. T. Shooter's Hill : Andrew, H., Barber, G. A. Woolwich: Maxwell, Melland, G. Elsewhere : By water, G., Colclough, Edwards, G. F., Hirst, H., Howarth, W. J., Leeming, W. T., Parry, W. L., Rhodes, E. W., Rogerson, H., Sandford, Van der Veen, Ward, G. LANCASHIRE : Accrington : Brook, S. W., Dunk, Elce, Fox, H. E., Gerland, Gough, T., Greenhalgh,A.,Heys,Kenyon, M. S., Macalpine. G. L., Macal- pine, J. B., Nicoll, Okell, Riley, M., Walker, W. Ashton : Bleasdale, Boothroyd, A., Boothroyd, F., Bowman, G. F., Cheetham, D. H., Cheetham, F. T., Clarke, H., Crawshaw, S. Atherton : Greenhalgh, S. Bacup : Brown, J., Brown, J. P., Fal- coner, E. W. Barrow-in-Furness : Clarkson, J. D., Forbes, M. C. G., Hawcridge, M., Marsh, M. E., Pearson, R. J. A., Reed, Turner, J. E. Blackpool : Bagshaw, Billing, Carr, Catterall, Coutts, F. J. H., Daw- son, G. D., Dowler, Hamer, J. P., Johnson, F. A., Peatfleld, Porter, M.A., Rawsthorn, Saberton. Blackburn : Briggs, W., t Butterfleld, F., Chew, Coward, H. F , Coward, K. ' ., Dongal, Green- wood, A., Gregson, Lawrence, R., Leigh, A., Livesey, C. E. L., Longworth, McNair, Mercer, R. H., Miller, T. H., Mulholland, Norburn, Parsons, Pollard, Walsh, J. T., Wilkinson. Bolton : Adamson, A., Alderson, Altham, Bagshawe, Bamber, I Bancroft, Boardman, Bury, t Brazil, Bridge, Cooper, C., Crompton, A., Davidson, J. R., Fielding, Fletcher, D., Grindrod, Guest, Hall, W., Hamer, N. S., Hampson, A. F., Harbottle, Harris-Jones, Haslam, R., Hey- wood, Higson, Holden, C., Holt F., Hornby, T. B., Hoyle D., Ireland, Kellett, Kilroe, Lan- caster, Marshall, J. D., Marshall, H. E., Marshall, M. E., Mather, E., Monks, Morgan, E., Morris, A., Naylor, A., Naylor, E. B., Nightingale, T. M., Nuttall, W., O'Neill, T., Ormrod, H. N., Palmer, F., Pare, Pickering, S., Robinson, F., Roth well, G. G., Rostron, Shaw, W. B., Smith, F., Smith, J. F., Smith, M. A., Spencer, R. D., Steele, F. M. r Stott, A. E., Stott, J. H., Talbot, P., Taylor, J. P., Thompson, J. H. Twisse, Unsworth, G., Varley, W. C., Warburton, Wilson, G., Yates, A. Bootle : Burton, M. R. Burnley: Altham, J. L., Birtwistle, Dixon, H. S., Gardner, A., Har- greaves, L. J., Heap, F. A., Heap, H., Hitchin, Hudson, F., Marquis, Maudsley, Oddie, Proctor, Riley, C., Ritchings, Stephens, J. H., Stevens, R. H., Sumner, E. J., Sutcliffe, H., Whalley. Bury: Alcock, S. Bass, J. M., Brewis, Brindley, Douglas, W. R., Halstead, N. W., Hignett, Holmes F. B., Hewlett, A. U., Hewlett, C, G., Ingham, H., Jackson, S.E., Jowett, Naylor, G. S., Roth well, W. E., Shillito, G., Theobald, Wilkinson, M., Withers, E. A., Wrigley, M. Castleton : Davies, W. E., Law, H. Chorley : Armitage, T. C., Haworth, W. N., Hutchinson, J. R., Jackson, M., Leighton, T. W. P., Rainford, Rigby, W. C., Stone, Unsworth, J. W. Clitheroe : Barker, W. E., Ross, J. S., Ross, W. H. Colne : Davies, E. E. D., Hey, Jones, A. M., Watson, H. Darwen : Alcock, R., Bury, E. W. Marsden, T., Nuttall, J. S. W., Shorrock, Watson, H., Wilmore. Earby : Canter. Earlstown : Coogan. Eccles : Brentnall, J., ft Fox, T., t Gardner, J. H., Potts, S., Potts, T., Stocks, M., Stocks^ W. A., Taylor, C. B. Famworth : Bramwell. Fleetwood : Franklin, Robertson, A. Formby : Wilson, A. C. Garstang : Jones, J. A., Parker, W, Gateacre : Allen, A. Grange-over -Sands : Beam, J . G . Great Harwood : Stahlknecht. Haslingden : Southerst. Helsby : Hill, E. P. Heywood : Jeffery. Hindley : Ainscow, H., Bullough, A., Bullough, F., Bullough, L. Bullough, W. A. Hollinivood : Murgatroyd, A. Lancaster : Corson, George, Satter- thwaite. Leigh : Bowen, F., Horrocks, A., Jones, J., Karfoot, A. M., t Karfoot, W., Keegan, McLellan, H. S., Shaw, G. H., Williams, G. Lindal : Hayes, A. P. Littleboro: MacGill. Lowton : t Green, A. H. Lydiate : Blackledge. 416 Lytham : Barker, J. H., Cooper, E. R. Hodson, Neill, M. Middleton: Holt, J. J. H., Leigh, G. H., Taylor, G. W., Taylor, L., Valentine, Walton, P. J. Monton : Kirkland. Morecambe : Batten, F. J., Howson, Marshall, J. W. Nelson: Crabtree, W.. Fallowfleld, Flack, Halstead, G., Haworth, H. D., Myers, Normington, Varley, J. Newton-le-Willows : McClure. Oldham : Bailey, A., Baker, A. H., Blakeman, Broadbent, J., Chadderton, Cliff, Cottrell, Daw- son, M., Davidson, M., Ferguson, R. N., Fernley, Fletcher, A. C., Fort, H. M., Fullen, Garside, G. H., Hague, H., Hallsworth, Haslam, T., Hibbert,W., Howarth, E., Ingham, T. H., Kershaw, E. M., Lee, D. E., Longbottom, Mawdsley, McGowan, J. S., Middleton, Neild, A., Pickford, A. G., Quarmby, Radcliffe, F., Ramsden, H., Royds, T., Sykes, A., Viner, Wall, G., Wilkinson, G. R., Wilkinson, L. St. G., Williamson, N. R., Wharton, Wolfenden, Wood, J. Ormskirk : Bate, J. R., Knowles, W., tzj Stevenson, A., Stevenson, E. M., Stevenson, M. W. Oswaldtwistle : Dodd, J., Townley. Prescot : Lackland, Youatt. Preston : Ashforth, G. E., Bamber, A., Bott, Bywater, Clemesha, H. W., Dimmock, Gaut, Healey, J. E., Holt, C. L. J., Nightingale, F., Nightingale, W., Rayner, A. E., Rayner, H. H., Richardson, W. H., Rigby, W., Taplen, M. E. Radcliffe: Allen, J., Davenport, G., Parkinson, T. W. F., Partington, Scholes, G. E. Ramsbottom : Cain, H. P., Compston, Crawshaw, C. W., Crawshaw, K., Crawshaw, M., Lord, A. E., Heaton, Tomlinson, M. Rochdale : Ashworth, J. R., Bateman, W. H., t Baxter, Brentnall, Butter worth, S., Chadwick, R. B., Davies, E. W. D., Grant, W. P., Hartley, F. M., Hayle, Heap, Hill, Huns worth, Kerr, Maxim, Ormerod, E., Orrell, Platt, Priest- nail, tt Radcliffe, J., Redfern, H. S., Renshaw, B., Rimmer, T., Scholfleld, Turner, H.,Whitworth. Shaw : Davies, A. V. Silverdale : Pratt. Southport : Anderson, J. W., Ashby, Ashworth, P., Bradshaw, L., Birkhead, Corkhill, Darwin, Hodge, Honeyburne, Hooper, A., Hulme, E., Kerr, Lee, N., Littler, Lord, W. G., Maccall, Molyneux, Rimmer, J. F., Rule, Schofield, C. R., Taylor, N., Tweedy, Waller, West, H., West, S. H., Yates, Yates, W. H. St. Anne's : Anderton, J. W., Merrall, Porter, T., Thomas, F. St. Helen's: Cook, A. W., Latham, A. W., Renwick, Taylor, R. F., Thomas, R. W. H., Winterbottom. Tottinyton : Ainsworth, G. _ : Anderson, J. Ulverston : Anderson, L. P., Brier, Carter, J. B., Collins, A. W., Hindshaw, F. P., Riley, T. N. Urmston : Ardern, E. Walkden: Home. Warrington : Alberry, R. H., Ander- son, A., Binns, Brow, C. R., Fisher, P., Hodgkinsoii, Howard, J. H., Joseph, Ker, Lord, F., Mackey, Murray, J. M., Payton, t Richmond, C. E., Roberts, F. R., Robson, E. S. A., Rodgers, Spiegelhalter. Waver tree : Archer, A. B. Westhoughton : t Lord, R. H. Whalley : Davis, F. Widnes : Fraser, W. N., Mercer, T. U., Robinson, E. F., Shores, Turton, A. E. Wigan : t Brierley, H., Fairbr other, W. S., Folkard, Gee, R. H., Green, E., Laithwaite, Moorfleld, B. M., Moorfleld, S. H., Pennington, T., Peterkin, Porteus, Richardson, C. F., Royle, t Smith, A., Stevenson, J., Thompson, M., Thompson, M. C., Tickle.Whitton. LEICESTERSHIRE : Barr, D. D., t Bennett, F. W., Broadley, Burgess, W. H., Garfit, Kelly, M. D., Spurway, Stevenson, E. C., Stevenson, R.E. LINCOLNSHIRE : Agar, H. W., Balmforth, E. N., Birtwhistle, Green, J. J., Nay lor, J. H., Newsum, Priestley, A. W., Proudlove, t Surgey, Swindells, S. W., Wilkinson, W. A. H., Williamson, J. MIDDLESEX : Ashton, H. T., Buck, G. B., Harker, Kintqn, Lantsberry, Reynolds, H., Scotson, A., Staple- ton, Stewart, C. H., Windle. MONMOUTHSHIRE : Bartlett, Clemens, t Entwistle, Hindshaw, J., Hughes, M. M., Park, Pittway, Winstanley, E. NORFOLK : Branson, Brooks, Collinson, Hall, A., Hall, S., Kent, t Sims, T. H., Todd, W T ardleworth, Wilson, A. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE : Bason, Brew, tt Cameron, t Chadwick, W. E., Chater, Douglas, G. F., Fothergill, Gravely, Harger, Hird, La Trobe, Richards, J. S., Smith, H. L., Thomas, H. R., Thomas, H. S., Williams, E. S., Winstanley, E. W. NORTHUMBERLAND : Newcastle : t Bedson, Bird, R. T., Cooke, A. W., Crookes, Foster, T. T., Garrett, Gill, Goodall, Lord J., Morrow, Ross, G. A., Thornton, W. M., Uttley, T. W. Elsewhere : Eastwood, J. H., Firth, W. W., Morris-Airey, Wade. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE : Nottingham : Beddoes, Bromhall, Cater, H. M., Morley, Murray, S., Sanders, Sheldon, R. A., t Wright, J. K. Elsewhere : Ashworth, F. H. S., Evans, H. W., Garstang, Johnson, A. F., Kemp, P., Northrop, Rhind, Scholefleld, F., Stephenson, C. H. S., Teasdale. OXFORDSHIRE (Oxford, etc.) : Baynes, tt Dodd, C. I., Dodgi\ K., 4*7 Foster, D. C., Hargreaves, M. C., i McDougall, W., Pope, R. M., Powell, F. P. SHROPSHIRE : Bird, L. W., Brown, H. M., Dyson, W., Edwards, N. F., Giles, A. N., Helm, Holden, H., Howell, Isherwood, J. W., Jones, R. J., Priestley, A., Stennitt, Timpany, Watkins, Williams, M., Wood- house. SOMERSET : Aldridge, G. de Y., Bracher, Coates, R., Crowther, Dell, Eddington, Emmott, Fryer, A. F i Heald, S. L., Heathcote, H. C., Mellowes, Nicholson, G. R. H., Nuttall, E. J., Orr, N. F., Paine, Smith, H. L., Spencer, E. S., Sutcliffe, A. STAFFORDSHIRE : (See also Birmingham) : Leek : Best, R., Depree, Johnson, J. M., Platt, S. E., Stephenson, J. Potteries : Alcock, R., Baker, F., Barlow, G. E., Beecroft, Berry, Bibby, Bishop, Bower, Brown, G. H., Dakeyne, Davenport, Davidson, J. H., Hardaker, Hartley, H., Hifford, E. W., Hopwood, C. H., Jessop, Lockett, Matthias, t Mellor, J. W., Pegler, Rhodes, E. S., Rock, Thomas, F. P. S. Stafford : Howard, J. W., McCann. Woodward. Wolverhampton : Badger, W. S., Blackburn. SUFFOLK : Duckworth, Featherston, Marsden, H., Ramsbottom, C. H. G., Reynolds, M., Shane, Sharp, Tasker. SURREY : Ashton, D. A., Bates, M. A., Brightman, t Brown G., Colman, Crocker, Dendy, t Edgar, Fish, T. A., Foster, R. B., Moss, A. J., Sadler. SUSSEX : Clark, N., Foster, E. D., Gardner, H. D., Lester, E. C., Lightbody, Montmorency, t Murgatroyd, J., Whitwam, t Williams, W. C., Wilshaw. WARWICKSHIRE (See also Birmingham) : Day, M'Craith, Neill, X., Rigby, W., Stewart, L. A., Walrnsley, I Wood, A. A. WESTMORELAND : Bauerkeller, Burnett, T. R., Clegg, A. V., ft England, E. B., England, H. M., Gamble, Heathcote, G., t Holder, Martin, E. J., Moffett, W. P. W T ILTS : Briggs, C. L., Burrows, M. W., Heal, L. W., Simpson, J. H. WORCESTERSHIRE : Alcock, A. F., England, ! A., Humfrey, Webb, C. H., Williams, F. L., t Wills, tt Wilson, E. C. YORKSHIRE : Altofts and Aysgarth : Scholefleld, H., Hime, E. M. Barnsley : Gledhill, W., Hammerton, Turner, M. R. Bailey : Broadhead, Broughton, Hirst, H. R., Hobart, Stansfleld, S. JBawtrey : Johnson, F. W. Beverley : Apple ton, R., Ramshaw, Bingley : Burkhard. Boosbeck : Scarth. Bradford : t Barrett, E. R., Birkett, Briggs, E., t Evans, W. A., Firth, A., Firth, C. T., Gray, A. H. J. E., Hainsworth, J. W., Hardy, Heapy, Hill, M., Illingworth, D. H., Jackson, Kay, D. J., Lister M., MacVean, Marsden, E. V., Martin, A. F., Mason, J. H., Miller, J. McP., Naylor, T., Oldroyd, Pickering, A., Pickford, G. H., Sheard, Smith, E., Smith, L., Smith, M., Stansfleld, H., Steinthal, W. P., Stocks, A., Tindall, Verity, Waterhouse, O., Wilson, S. E. Bridlington : Elliott, E. M. L. Caperby : Bradley, W. T. Castleford : Finn, Gomersall, Hopkins, E., Blandford. Cleckheaton : Briggs, S. H. C. Dewsbury : Bishop, S. E., Deane, Hodgson, C., Johnson, J. W. H. Doncaster : Crab tree, W. R., Duffin, Kirby, Leigh, A. L., Morton, D., Newborn. Driffield: Wilson, C. R., Rayner, T. H. Easinawold : Allison, J. R. Elland : Halstead, Morton, Riley, Whitton, H. G. Halifax : Archdeacon, Brear, Brook, H., Firth, M. A., GUI, Gorst, Hack, Hogson, J. F., Howarth, Law, J., Lawson, J., Schroeder, Steele, P. K. Harror/ate: Chard, Hill, W. B., Tennant, N. S., Wilkinson, S. C., Williamson, P. G. Hebden Bridge : Hoult, James J. H., Lawson, G. G. Heckmondwike : Hepworth, Hulton, J. E., Pickles, A. Huddersfield : Appleyard, Banasec, Burtt, G. E., Hinchcliffe, Irving, Lodge, Lunn, Maffln, Moore, Nesfleld, Sabine, Stansfleld, Sykes, J., Tansley, Thackray, Tinker, Trotton, Wallhead, Wood, J. G., Trotton, R. H. Hull: Ashforth, T. B., Chadwick, P. D., Hunt, F. W., Laslett, Marshall, J. W., Russell, J. M., Sissons, Taylor, F., Thornley, F., Turton, E. Ilkley : Robinson, B., Steinthal, P. T. Keighley : Beeley, A., Barton, E. B., GUI, P. S., Scott, J. E. H. Middlesborough : Bell, J., Chisholm, E., Stanton. Mir field: Kitchener, Wright, R. B. Mytholmroyd : Helliwell, Thompson, Normanton : Brittain, C. E., Brown - son, T. F., Davis, W. H. Ponlefract : Hampson, W. R., Ludlam, Oyston. Redcar : Barkway, J. L., Nicholson, J. W. Rotherham: Cox, W. J., Parkin, E. Saltburn : Bone, A. H., Longley. Scarborough : Brayshaw, Coulson, Dennis, King, H., Knight, G. H., Linskill, Rhodes, J. E., Schloesser, Warhani. Sclby : Anson, E., Byrne, J. S., Drennan, Garside, Morrison, W. H., Ridgway, Rhodes, E. Sheffield: Allcott, A., Carter, G., 4i8 Brown, H., Flower, t Guttridge, ' Button, R. S., James, T. T., Johnston, A. N., Kershaw, J. W., Lloyd, E., Mitchell, W., Pilcher, Quine, Wilson, S. R. Shipley : Airey, M., Copley, Cryer, Dobson, C., Dodgson, S. A., Holmes, E., Mann, E. E., Marshall, H., Mosley, Oddy, A. M., Oddy, J., Shorter, Studley. Sowerby Bridge : Hoyle, Kininmonth. Todmorden: Barker, A., Barker, P. A., Kershaw, E., Leah, Lumb, Russell, G. H. H., Russell, H. W., Sutcliffe, L., Thorp, H. Wake field : Calvert, Chadwick, S., Grove, Hallam, Robinson, F., Skinner, M., Tansley, G. E., Whaley, Yonge. Whitby : Brownson, J. W., Suggit- York : t Allen, J. E., Chapman, H. P. Davies, S. H., Gray, C. J., Marshall, J., Rayner, H. E., Sugden, F. Elsewhere : Anderton, E. W., t Armi- tage, E., A.rnison, Ashworth, N., Atkinson, L. L., Auld J., Aveyard, E. A., Boyd, S., Bake, H. J. T., Briggs, M., Burtt, A. H., Cadman, H. C., Callum, Cleasby, Denby, Forster, Haley, Hepworth, M., Horsfall, A. E., Hutchinson, F., Leicester, Milner, H. W., Orr, J. P., Radcliffe, A. H., Raven, Sikes, Starkie, Wightwick, Young, W. A. B., Wetherall. WALES : Cardiganshire : Barnes, C. K., Jones, E., Waterhouse, W. J., Williams, D. O., Winstanley, L. Carmarthenshire : Jones, E. G., Rees. Carnarvonshire : Beard, M. L., Doman, Evans, D. E., Morgan, A. K., t Picton, f Rhodes, W. H. Denbighshire : Andrew, J. H., Bo wen, D. J., Brownsword, da Cunha, Dickin, Edwards, G., Edwards, S., Hall, M., Hewitt, W. E. H., Jenkins, R. H., Jones, G. F., Lord, R. E., Matthews, Mellor, T., Peel, M. D., Roberts, H. P., t Spencer, H., Warrington, A. W., Williams, C. P., Wood, F. L. Flintshire : Andrew, G. W., Williams, W. Glamorganshire : Angus, L. M., Bird, F., David, Davis, F. W. D., Edwards, E. J., Greenwood, C. H., Jones, S., Jones, T. G., Looker, Morgan, A., Rickards, Riley, J., Sugden, J. H., Thomas, J. H., Veale. Merioneth : Bengry, P. H., Hindley, J. C., Johnston, E. D., Owens. Montgomery : Trumper. Pembroke : Garnett, Jackson, H. P. LONDON : Alker, F., Barnett, L. D., Benas, B. B. B., Breeze, Carson, G. E. St. L., Johnston, J. H., Lomas, Longridge, Regan, t Skerrett, Thompson, P., Thom- son, C. S., Yates, E. London, E.C. : Booth, J. B., Boyd, H., Caspari, Chorlton, J. D., Griffiths, A., Hecht, Hewitt, F. W., Kohn, Parakh, Rudolf. Standing, H. F. London, W.C. : Barker, L. N., Brier- ley, W. E., Cox, S. G., Crossley Evans, W. H., Grant, F. E., Hicks, Jordan, R., Pankhurst, Parkyn, t Pierce, Revell, Riley, H. L., Shaw, W. A., Smith, E. A., Spencer, J. F., t Thorpe, T. E. t Watson, A., Williams, A. E., Wilson, H. A., Young, W. T. London, W. : Barlow, T., Bickerton, R. E., Bottomley, W. C., t Cadman, A. W., Chadwick, E. J., Clarke, J. McF., Cook, J. B., Cornish r Coward, M. S., Dehn, C. G., Forsyth, J. A. C., Frost, Giles, A. E., Golland, Gornall, Gruning, t Haigh, A. H., t Horrocks, P., Johnson, A. E., Kelynack, Knight, J. A., Lees, D. B., Lett, Madgavkar, t Maguire, R., Mar- shall. C. F., McLellan, J., fMoore, N., Nickerson, W. H. S., Pearson, H. P., Perkins, J. J., Phillipsson, A., Rosenbaurn, t Roskill, Stelfox, Strange, Taylor, F. E., t Worth- ington, E., Wright, W., t Voisey, Zagury. London, S.W. : Abell, C. T., Ayres, T., Bennett, G. E., Bishop/ G. H., Brown, C. H., Buckley, A., Burnley, Clarke, J. B., Curnock, Dewhurst, F., Elliott, R. L., Farrell, Fletcher, J., t Gibson, A., Gowan, A. M., Hardy, Hartley, H., Hartley, P., Hartog, P. J., Haworth, H. F., Hazlehurst, R. C., Hime, H. C. R., Holme, U., t Horrocks, W. A., Howard, T. G. C., Hulme, T. S., Innes, Jones A., t King, A. J., Lowe, F. H., McCormac, Olive., L., Pauls, Penn, Phillipson, C., Pickles, S. S., Ramsden, H. K., Ramsden, J. E., Raper, Roper, C., Roscoe, R., Rushton, H. G., Russell, A., Saxelby, F. M., Taylor, A. J., Thomas, P., Trietschel, t Wilkinson, H. S., Wilson, J., Wolkenberg, Vollmer, Young, W. J. London, S.E. : Carrier, Clement, t Crow, Dutton, F., Fitzgerald, t Meek, Handley, C., Howies, F., Lloyd-Davies, Martin, E. M., Perris, t Priestley, J., Read, F., Read, S., Rogers, F., Thompson, A. R., Smyth, t Watts, W. M., Weston, Whittall, Wilson, J. A. London, N. : Armitage, G. H., Bally, H. S., Charlesworth, J., Coates, H., Cowap, Dow. Hague, J. C., Hahn, P. J., Haughton, ' A., Heath, E. C., Hollingsworth, James, M. B., Johnson, J. A., Gates, Paschali, Peddie, Pepper, t Sutcliffe, D., Taylor, H. G., Webb, W. H., Wilkins, W. D., Wood, L. S., Young, N. M. London, E. : Davenport, J. A., Dean, T., Fisher, H., Hale, J., Hjirvry. T. E., Holdsworth, J., Jenkins, H. L., Maguire, H., Moys, Rigby. J., Round, Spencer, H. T., Thresh, Wright, A. R. London, N.W. : Armitage, S. H., Bamfor , G. H., Bell, W.. t Bunting, t Clay, Dickinson, C., Dukes, Epstein, Fornu-r. A. M., Griffith. W., Herford, H. J. R., Hinton, t Johnson, A. N., Kemp, J., t Ledward, A. P., Pollitt, S., Rawes, Shallcross, Shillito, E., WUlans, T. B., Wilson, M. London, N.E. : Birnage, Cain, J. C., Corbett, Kalian, Shipperbottom, Quail, Woodyatt, W. J. MANCHESTER : Addison, F., Alexander, S., Allen, T. P., Allpass, J. T., Alvarez, Anderton, N., Arnold, M. B., Ashcroft, Ashton, G., Ash- worth, J. H., Astbury, Atkinson, R. A. H., Atkinson, R. M.M., Badger, M., Bamford, J. E., Baxter, R., Baron, H., Baron, W. B., Batley, W. A., Battersby, J ., Batty, R. J ., Beard, J. R., Beam, E. G., Bell, G. H.,Bell, RJL.,Benington, Bennett, H., Benson, H. H., Bentley, W. H., Besso, Birch, Birchal, Birkby, Bithell, J., Black, Blackstock, Bleakley, Bles, C. M., t Boddy, Bold, E., Bollans, t Booth, T. C., Boraston, Borland, H. B., Boss, Bottomley, J., Bottomley, L., Bowtell, L. M., Bowtell, T. H., Boyle, D. H., Bradley, f. E., Brad- ley, W., Brash, Brierley, J., Brightmore, Broadbent, E. L., t Broadfleld, Brockbank, Brod- raeier, T. Brooke, Broome, Brown, C. M., Brown, M., Brown- sword, Broxap, E., Broxap, H., Broxap, W., Bryson, Buck, H., t Buckley, S., Bulcock, Bullough, F., Burgess, A. H., Burton, J. R., t Bury, J. S., Butterworth, H., Butterworth, J. J., Bythell, Cal- verley, Campbell, M., Capa- magian, Carroll, Carson, M., tt Carter, R. N., Cartwright, Chadwick, C., Chadwick, E. D., tt Chaffers, Chambers, Chapman, Chapman, J. F., Chapman, S., tt Chapman, S. J., Charnley, Chisholm, A. T., Chisholm, C., Chorlton, A. E. G., Clague, Clark, A. M., Clarke, A. C., Clarke, H. R., Clayton, R., Clayton, R. H., Clegg, J. G., Cochran, Cohen, H. M., Coleciough, Collins, C., Cooke, A., tt Copinger, Core, D. E., Core, W. H., Cotton, Cowell, Cox, E. H., Crabtree, J. F., Craig, C., Craig, E., Craig, J., Crawford, Creak, Crompton, H., Crompton, H. J., Cunliffe, E. N., Cunlifle, H. N., Cunlifle, J. G., Cunlifle, R. G., Cunning- ham, Dalai, Dale, C. M., Davies, A., Dawtrey, t Darling, Dawson, C. H., Dawson, J. F., Deakin, Dehn, F. B., Delahunty, tt Dele- pine, Derby, Dewhurst, C., Dew- hurst, J., Dickinson, R., tt Dixon, H. B., Dockray, K. T. S., Duffleld, W. G., Dunkerley, S., Dunworth, Dykes, Eastwood, D., t Eastwood, T. C., t Eaton, t Edge, A. M., Edge, R. B., Edwards, A., Elliott, M. A., Ellis, M. C., Entwistle, Evans, G., Evans, S., Evans, S. E., Fair- bourne, t Fairclough, Falconer, J. L., Faraday, E. R., Faraday, L. W., Faraday, W. B., Farrar, D., Farrar, H., t Faulkner, Fer- gusoi Fergi , C. H., t Ferguson, J., rguson. P., Ferguson, R. L., Fiddes, Findlay, M. G., Finkle- stone, Fish, E., Fleming, J. A., Fleming, W. C., Fletcher, F. S., Fletcher, J., Fletcher, R. B., Floyd, E. W., Floyd, J. E., Foley, Forshaw, Foster, F., Fowler, France, N. E., tt Fraser, D. D., French, t Fuller, Gabbott, Ghandi, Garlick, J. P., Garlick, W., tt Gamble, C. W., Garner, Gibson, E. A., Gillman, Gilmore, t Goldschmidt, H. J., Goldstraw, t Goodfellow, Graham, J. W., Greengrass, Greenwood, A., Greenwood, H. C., Greenwood, J., Greenwood, J. W., tt Grier, Grime, J., Grime, J. E., Grime, R. E., Hacking, Hadfield, E., Hamer, F., Hamer, H., Hamer, R., Hamilton, J. G., Hammett, Harding, N. C., Harding, V. J., Harriman, Harrison, F., Harrison, J. G., Hart, T., t Harwood, H., Harvey, H. C., Hawkes, J. H., Hayton, Hazlewood, t Headridge, Heald, J. F., Healey, J., Heath- cote, G., Heinke, t Herford, R. T., Hewlett. E. G. W.. Hewlett, H. B. Hewlett. E. L., Heyhurst, Hick- ling, Hill, E. F., t Hiller, Hilton, Hindley, J. P., Hobson, Holden, G. A., Holland, Rollings, Holmes, F. W., Holmes, M. G., Holmes, M. J., Holmes, W. S., Hooper, H. M., t Hopkinson, A., t Hop- kinson, H., t Hopkinson, C., Hopkinson, E., Hopwood, H. R., Hornby, G. G., Homer, Horsfall, F. R., Howard, G., Howarth, A., Howarth, W., Howe, Howes, Hoult, W., ttHoyle, W. E., Hudson, J. H., t Hughes, C., t Hughes, W., Hunter, H. L., Hutton, E. M., Hyde, E., Ingham, H. L., Ingham, S., Isaacs, Isher- wood, J. G., Isgrove, Jack, Jackson, A. W., t Jackson, E., Jackson, M. M., Jackson, W., Jackson, W. F., Jagger, Jalland, Jefferson, tt Johannson, John- son, W. C., Johnstone, M., Jollie, K., Jones, A., Jones, C. R., Jones, D. H., Jones, K., Jones, J. H., Jones, J. W., Jones, W., t Jordan, F. W., tt Jordan, H. G., Jordan, H. P., Jucker, Judson, Kain, tt Kastner, Kay, A., Kay, F. W., Keighley, Kelly, C. J., Kelsall, Kemp, P., Kenyon, G. H.. Kershaw, E. M., Keyte, E., King, W., Kirk, Kitchin, Knowles, H., Krans, Lacey, F. H., Laing, Lakin, H. T., Lakin, H., Lakin, R., Lapage, Lambert, Latham, A., Laycbck, t Lea, A. W. W., Lea, C. E., Lea, J. E., Leach, H., Lee, C. H., Lee, H. F., LedAvard, M. C., Leeming, E. L., Lempriere, Le Page, Lester, J. H., Lever, Levinstein, Libbey, H. C., Libbey, J. N., Lilley, t Lindsay, Linton, Lisbona, Lisle, Lister, H., Llewel- lyn, B., Llewellyn, G., Lomas, E., Lord, G. W., Lord, J., Lord, J.W., Lord, L. A., Lowe, S. H., Love, Lustgarten, Lythgoe, MacFie, 420 Mackenzie, MacMahon, Macnab, Macpherson, Manock, Marsden, D., Marsden, F., Marsden, H.. Marsden, R. W., Mather, J. de V., Marshall, W. P., Martin, W. Y., Mason, H. T., t Mason, R., Massey, H. F., May bury, Me Donald, MoDougall, tt McFar- lane, McNabb, McHowat, Mclii- tyre, McNicol, Meesoii, t Melland, C. H., Melling, Mellor, H. E., Mellor, H. P., Mercer, C. H., Metcalfe, t Mills, Milne, J., t Milner, J. T., Mooney, Moore, C. W., Moore, F. C., Moore, H. E., Moran, F., Moran, P., Morris, F. M., Morrison, F. A., Mort, Moss, C. E., t Mumford, t Murray, J. R., Muscott, Nathan, Needham, E., Needham, C. T., Needham, R. A., Neil, Nelson, G., Newett, t Nichol, J. C., Nichol, J. O., Nichol, R. S., Nixon, W. G. C., Norquoy, Nuttall, F. E., Ober- dorfer, Oldham, Ollerenshaw, Ormerod, G., Ormerod, T., Osbaldeston, Osborne, Painter, Palmer, R. F., Parker, A., Parker, E., t Parkinson, J., Patchett, Pattreionex, ft Peake, Peel, N., Pennington, J., Pell - Ilderton, tt Perkin, Petavel, Pickford, F., Pickworth, t Platt, J. E., Pomt'ret, Porter, G. F., Porter, R. N., Postlethwaite, Potts, C., Powicke, F. M., t Poynting, C. T., Prescott, t Preston, Price, E. J., Price, E. N., Price, T., Priestman, Pritchard, Quaas, Raby, Race, t Railton, Ramsbottom, A., Ramsbottom, J. E., Ray, Redfern, W. D., Redmond, Reid, A., Reid, M., t Reynolds, E. S., Reynolds, F. G., Rhodes, W. E., t Rhodes, W. G., Richards, C. S., Roberts, W. J., Robertson, J. C., Robertson, R., Robinson, A. J., Robinson, A. L., t Robinson, E., Robinson, E., Robinson, E. A., Robinson, G., Robinson, A. F., Robinson, P., Robinson, R., Rogers, H. C., Roper, E., Roper, R. E., Rothwell. E. M., Rothwell, J., Rubinstein, Rushton, A., Russell, T. G., Salomon, Sampson, Sankey, Sar- gent, Saunders, Saunsbury, Saxelby, C. H. Saxelby, E. M., tt Schuster, t Schneider, Scotson, F. C., t Scott, W. E. S., Seanor, Shaw, J. B., Shaw, T., Shaw, W. F., Shearman, Shephard, Shepherd, R. des F., Shorrocks, Short, Simms, Simon, A. G., Simpson, R., Sinnatt, Skerrow, Slinger, Smithard, W. R. N., Smith, F., Smith, H., Smith, J. H., Smith, J. L., Smith, J. L., Smith, M., Smith, N., Smith, R. A., Smith, S. T., South, t Southam, Southern, Southwell, Spencer, C. E. G., t Steinthal, A. E., Stephens, M. W., Stephens, T., Stephens, W. A., Stephenson, R., Steward, Stockton, C. E., Stowell, Stringer, Sugden, V. H., Sumner, L., Sutcliffe. E., Sutcliffe, J., Swindells, R. H., Switheu- bank, tt Tait, Talbot, E., Talbot- M., Taylor, E. H., Taylor, E., Taylor, G., Taylor, G. H., Taylor, J. H., Taylor, R., Teggin, Terry, T. L., t Thistlethwaite, Thomas, J. W., Thomasson, E. A., Thomasson, J., Thompson, H. F., Thompson. E., Thomson, S. W., t Thorburn, W., Thorp, H. K., tt Thorpe, J. F., Timmis, Todd . T. W., Toft, L., Tomlinson. A. , Topham, tt Tout, Trevor, Twy- narn, Varley, Waddington, D., Walthew, Ward, H. G., Ward, H. P., Wardlow, Washington, W'atson, C. M., Watson, D. M. S., Webster, J. C., Webster, J. S. r Webster, M. E., tt Weiss, Weiz- mann, Well, F. J., Wells, L. F., West, R. N., t Westmacott, Whale, A. G., Whale, L. W., Wignall, Wild, R. B., t Wilkinson, A. T., Wilkinson, C., Williams, H. G., Williams, J. G., t Williams, J. P., Williamson, L., Williamson, R. T., t Willis, T. G., Wilson, A. C., Wilson, W., Wilson, W., Winstanley,Wolstenholme,Wood, A. L., Wood, E. G., Wood, J., Wood, T. F., Woodcock, A. W., Woodcock, H. B., Woodcock, O. H., Woodyatt, G. M., Wool- ham, Woollam, Woolley, Wors- wick, Worthington, A. H., Wragg^ Wright, E., Yates, Young, J. S., Yount;, M. E. LIVERPOOL : Alexander, D. M., Anderson, E. L., Armstrong, F. E., Arm- strong, H. Auden, H. A., Baillie, T. B., Bark, T. T., Barkla, C. G., Bates, H., Bateson, T., Batho, C., Beard, W. K., Beaumont, F. ('., Bell, J. J., Benas, B., Bicknell, A., Blevin, Bligh, Bodel, Bramley- Moore, Brereton, N., Broad, Broadbent, E. B., Brown, W. H. T., Buchanan, Burman, S., Burn, H., Burn, J., Burroughs, Callaghan, C. J., Callaghan, F., Carey, A., Carey, E., Caj-ey, J., Carmichael, Christophers, Clea- ver, Collins, M. C., Connolly, Cook, G., Cooper, J. S., Craine, Craze, Crichton, E. S., Crowe, Cussans, Dale, 1. M., Dale, M. I., Davies, G. K., Davies. J. H., Donaghy, Duncansou, Elias, G.D., Elias, W. A., Elliott. W., Ellis, J. W., Emrys-Roberts, Eva, Evans, J. E., Ewart, R. J., Fairrie, Farrington, Fell, Ferris, D. J., Follows, Forber, Fortune, Foulkes, Frankland, L. W., Fraser, E., Gabbatt, Glasgow, Gleave, Glover, Gooch, Graham, J., Greaves, M. H., Gregory. Griffith, A. S., Griffith. 1\. Griffiths, W. H., Hague. .1. s.. Hall, A. A., Hall, J. P., Ham- mond, Handley, F., Hardwick, Harris, Harvey, E. J. W.. Hawkes, J. L., Hay, Hay\\.i: