STATE OF ALABAMA Department of Archives and History THOMAS M. OWEN, Director BULLETIN NO. 3 CHECK LIST OF Newspaper and Periodical Files IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA COMPILED BY THE DIRECTOR MOVTGOMEBY, ALA.: THK BBOWN PRIKTING CO.. PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1904. SAN DfEGO STATE OF ALABAMA Department of Archives and History THOMAS M. OWEN, Director BULLETIN NO. 3 OF Newspaper and Periodical Files With the Compliments of the Departments of Archives and History. STATE OF ALABAMA COMPILED BY THE DIRECTOR MONTGOMERY, ALA.: THE BROWN PRINTING CO.. PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1904. STATE OP ALABAMA Department of Archives and History THOMAS M. OWEN, Director BULLETIN NO. 3 OF Newspaper and Periodical Files DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA COMPILED BY THE DIRECTOR MONTGOMERY, ALA.: THE BROWN PRINTING CO.. PRINTERS AND BINDEHS. 1904. PREFATORY NOTE. The extent and variety of its newspaper and periodical collec- tions is one of the most striking and satisfactory evidences ot the general activity of the Department of Archives and History. Their value to students of Southern and Alabama history has been demonstrated in many ways, and the files are constantly in demand by local students and visitors for consultation, compari- son and reference. They are being constantly drawn upon in the special work, researches and investigations of the Depart- ment. In order to make the collection more generally useful, and to indicate its strength this check list has been prepared. An ex- amination will reveal many interesting items. Particular atten- tion is directed to the very full files for the following Alabama towns : Birmingham, Brewton, Calera, Carrollton, Eufaula, Florence, Gainesville, Greensboro, Huntsville, Jacksonville, Mo- bile, Montgomery, Selma, Talladega, Tuscaloosa, and Tuskegee ; and also to the lists of Georgia, New York, and South Carolina files. The collection contains the following sets of important periodicals : The Southern Review, The Southern Quarterly Re- view, and the Southern Agriculturist, Charleston; American Antiquarian, Chicago; Virginia Magazine of History and Bio- graphy, Richmond; American Historical Magazine, Nashville, Tenn. ; Educational Review, New York ; Publications of the Southern History Association, Washington, D. C. ; Bulletin of the New York Public Library ; and the American Historical Re- view, New York. Through the courtesy of publishers, for which public ac- knowledgment is here made, the Department is receiving prac- tically all current issues of the Alabama newspaper and periodi- cal press. They have accumulated rapidly, and are carefully preserved. Except in a few cases, however, these have not as yet been bound, and are therefore not listed herein. The arrangement is alphabetical, first, by States, and second- ly, by towns or places of publication. In the case of the Ala- bama files, the name of the county follows the name of the town. The arrangement is also chronological under each town as near (193) 4 Department of Archives and History. as practicable. No effort has been made to observe biblio- graphical niceties, or to give a history of any of the papers rep- resented. In a general way the form for such work adopted by the Library of Congress in its Check List of American Neu's- papers (IQOT) has been followed. Elsewhere will be found a list of abbreviations. Montgomery, September 30, 1904. (194) CONTENTS. Title i Prefatory Note 3 Contents 5 Abbreviations 6 Alabama 7 District of Columbia 35 Florida 37 Georgia 37 Illinois 40 Indiana 40 Iowa 41 Kansas 41 Kentucky 42 L-uisiana 42 Maryland 43 Massachusetts 44 Mississippi 46 Missouri L, 47 New Hampshire 47 New York 48 North Carolina 52 Ohio 52 Pennsylvania 53 South Carolina 54 Tennessee 5o Texas 63 Virginia 65 West Virginia '-5 Wisconsin 65 Foreign 6'j (195) ABBREVIATIONS. d daily. w weekly. s. w semi- weekly. t. w tri-weekly. m monthly. b. m bi-monthly. s. m semi-monthly. o. s old series. n. s new series. n. d not dated. et seq et sequitur. vol volume. no number. book .... means a bound volume. (196) ALABAMA. Anniston, Calhoun County. The Kvening News. d. May 4, 23, 1892. The Daily Hot Blast, d. May 4, June 11, 1892. Ashville, St. Clair County. Democrat Farmer, w. Aug. 31, 1848. The Southern Aegis, w. Sept. 9, 16, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 1897. Auburn, Lee County. The Auburn Graphic, w. Oct. 10, 1891. vol. ii, No. 3. The wjermonizer. m July, 1893-Sept. 1902. vol. 1, No. 1-vol. viii, No. 9. 1 book Orange and Blue. Nov. 7, 1894-June 11, 1902. vol. i, No. 1-vol. viii. Students' publication, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Birmingham, Jefferson County. The Alabama True Issue, w. Oct. 16, 1880. vol. i, No. 18. The Sunday Morning Chronicle, w. July 8, Aug. 12, 1883. (197) Department of Archives and History. Birmingham Chronicle, d. Jan. 1-July 1, 1885. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1885. 1 book. Jan. 1-May 30, 1886. 1 book. May 1-Dec. 28, 1886. 1 book. Sept. 1-Dec. 30, 1886. 1 book. Birmingham Age-Herald, d. Nov. 1887-Dec. 1890. 1 book. Sundry numbers. Sept.-Dec. 1890. 1 book. Sundry numbers. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1891. 1 book. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1892. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1893. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1894. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1895. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1896. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1897. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1898. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1899. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1900. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1901. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1902. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1903. 3 books. Jan. 1-Aug. 31, 1904. 2 books. The Daily News. d. March 4, 1891-March 14, 1892. 1 book. March 14-July 14, 1892. 1 book. July 15-Nov. 14, 1892. 1 book. Nov. 15, 1892-March 30, 1893. 1 book. The Birmingham Ledger, w. Aug. 20, 1892-Dec. 23, 1893. 1 book. Alabama Presbyterian, m. August, 1896. Vol. iv, No. 8. Weekly Tribune, w. March 11, 1899-June 23, 1900. 1 book. (198) Newspaper and Periodical Files. The Spectator, m. April-September, 1901. Vol. i, Nos. 1-6. Oct. 1901-March, 1902. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-6. April-August, 1902. Vol. iii, Nos. 1-5. No more issued. The Bookworm, m. December, 1900-November, 1901. Vol. i, Nos. 1-9. December, 1901-1902. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-8. No more issued. Y. M. C. A. Monthly Magazine, m. November, 1886-October, 1887. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. Educational Exchange, m. 1890-91. Vol. iii, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 9. 1892. Vol. vii, Nos. 10-12. 1893. Vol. viii. 1894. Vol. ix. 1895. Vol. x. 1896. Vol. xi. 1897. Vol. xii. 1898. Vol. xiii. 1899. Vol. xiv, Nos. 1-12. 1900. Vol. xv. 1901. Vol. xvi. 1902. Vol. xvii. 1903. Vol. xviii. Sunday School Herald, m. June, 1899-March, 1900. Vol. iv, Nos. 1-9. June, 1901. Vol. vl, No. 8. April, 1902. Vol. Vol. vi et seq published at Montgomery. The Southern Farmer, m. 1904. Vol. xviii. Brewton, Escambia County. Escambia Banner, w. June 2, 1883-Dec. 31, 1885. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1886-Nov. 3, 1887. On July 1, 1886, became The Brewton Banner. (199) 10 Department of Archives and History. The Standard Gauge, w. Jan. 21. 1888-June 27, 1889. Vol. i, No. 30 et seq. 1 book. July 4, 1889-June 26, 1890. 1 book. July 3, 1890-Juue 25, 1891. 1 book. July 2, 1891-June 30, 1892. 1 book. July 7, 1892- July 6, 1893. 1 book. July 13, 1893-June 28, 1894. 1 book. July 5, 1894-June 27, 1895. 1 book. July 4, 1895-June 25, 1896. I book. July 2, 1896-June 24, 1897. 1 book. July 1, 1897-June 23, 1898. 1 book. July 7, 1898-June 29, 1899. 1 book. July 6, 1899-June 28, 1900. 1 book. July 5, 1900-June 27, 1901. 1 book. July 18, 1901-June 26, 1902. 1 book. The Brewton Leader, w. May 23, 1893- Jan. 23, 1894. Vol. ii, No. 1 et seq. The Pine Belt News. w. Feb. 27, 1894-Feb. 19, 1895. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. Feb. 26, 1895-Feb. 18, 1896. 1 book. Feb. 25, 1896-Feb. 18, 1897. 1 book. Feb. 25, 1897-Feb. 17, 1898. 1 book. Feb. 24, 1898-Feb. 16, 1899. 1 book. Feb. 23, 1899-Feb. 15, 1900. 1 book. Feb. 22, 1900-Feb. 14, 1901. 1 book. Feb. 21, 1901-Feb. 13, 1902. 1 book. The Laborers' Banner, w. March 3, 1900-Feb. 23, 1901. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. March 2, 1901-March 1, 1902. March 15-May 17, 1902. Discontinued after last date. Cahaba, Dallas County. The Dallas Gazette, w. Jan. 5-Dec. 26, 1854. 1 book. Jan. 12-Dec. 21, 1855. 1 book. Jan. 4-Dec. 23, 1856. 1 book. Jan. 2-Dec. 22, 1857. 1 book. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1858. 1 book. Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1859. 1 book. (200) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 11 The American Citizen, w. Aug. 11, 1855. Vol. i, No. 47. Calera, Shelby County. The Shelby Sentinel, w. Sept. 9, 1875-Sept 6, 1877. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. Sept. 18, 1877-Aug. 21, 1879. 1 book. Aug. 28, 1879-June 8, 1882. 1 book. Aug. 3, 1893-Dec. 31, 1896. 1 book. Jan. 7, 1897-Nov. 2, 1899. 1 book. Carrollton, Pickens County. The West Alabamian. w. Jan. 6, 1869-Dec. 27, 1871. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1872-Dec. 29, 1875. 1 book. Jan. 5, 1876-Dec. 31, 1879. 1 book. Nov. 11, 1885. Clmborne, Monroe County. Alabama Courier, w. March 29, 1822. Vol. iii, No. 33. Clayton, Bcarbour County. The Clayton Courier, w. July 26, 1879; March 2, 1899; Dec. 1, 1894. Collinsvtile, DeKalb County. The Wills' Valley Post. w. August 9, 1879. Columbiana, Shelby County. The Shelby Chronicle, w. March 30. 1892. Cottondale, Tuscaloosa County. Our Country and its Future, w. April 8-Nov 24, 1899. Vol. i. Nos. 1-34. No more issued. (201) 12 Department of Archives and History. Cullman, Cullman County. Alabama Tribune, w. Aug. 29, 1889. The Alabama Republican, w. Jan. 17-May 23, 1901. Vol. i, Nos. 1-19, n. s. Dadeville, Tallapoosa County. Dadeville Banner, w. March 2, 1853. Decatur, Morgan County. North Alabama Times, w. Aug. 6, 1859. Vol. i, No. 51. Demopolis, Marengo County. The Demopolis Express, w. Feb. 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 1895. Dothan, Houston County. Cackles and Scratches, m. June, 1902. Vol. i, No. 1. East Lake, Jefferson County. The Boys' Banner, m. May, 1901-March, 1902. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. April, 1902-Dec. 1903. Vol. ii. Jan. 1903-Oct. 1903. Vol. iii. Nov. 1903-1904. Vol. iv. Hdwardsville, Cleburne County. Edwardsville Standard, w. Oct. 9, 1894. The Standard News. w. March 17, May 5, 1892. (202) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 13 Eufaula, Barbour County. The Eufaula Democrat, w. July 8, 1846-June 27, 1848. Vol. ii, No. 1 et seg. 1 book. July 4, 1848-June 22, 1850. 1 book. July 2, 1850-June 24, 1851. 1 book. Spirit of the South, w. July 1, 1851-June 22. 1852. May 8, 1855-July 24, 1860. Aug. 27, Sept. 10, 1861. 1 book. The Bluff City Times, w. April 15, 1868-April 18, 1872. book. Name changed to Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 Eufaula Weekly Times, w. May 2, 1872-Aptil 24, 1873. 1 book. Eufaula Weekly News. w. March 26, 1874. Eufaula Times and News. w. Sept. 9, 1880-Dec. 30, 1884. Vol. xxvi, No. 37. 1 book. Jan. 6-Dec. 31, 1885. 1 book. Jan. 7-Dec, 30, 1886. 1 book. Jan. 6-Dec. 22, 1887. 1 book. Jan. 4-Dec. 20, 1888. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1889-Dec. 25, 1890. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1891-Dec. 29, 1892. 1 book. Jan. 5. 1893-Dec. 27, 1894. 1 book. Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1895. 1 book. Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1896. 1 book. Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1897. 1 book. Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1898. 1 book. The Eufaula Weekly Bulletin, w. March 5, 1881-March 8, 1882. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. book. The Eufaula Daily Times, d. April 27-Oct. 27, 1872. Vol i, No. 16 et seq. 1 book. Oct. 29, 1872-April 27, 1873. 1 book. (203) 14 Department of Archives and History. The Daily Times, d. Nov. 25, 1882-Dec. 30, 1883. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1885. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 29, 1886. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1887. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 25, 1887. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1888. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 30, 1888. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1889. 1 book. Aug. 7-Oct. 31, 1889 and May 1-31, 1890. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 29, 1890. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1890. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1891. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1891. 1 book. Jan.l-June 30, 1892. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1892. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1893. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1893. 1 book. Jan. 2-June 29, 1894. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1895. 1 book. July 2-Dec. 31, 1895. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1896. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1897. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1897. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 30, 1898. 1 book. Alabama Poultry and Pet Stock Journal, m. Aug. 1899-1900. Vol. i. 1900-1904. Vol. ii. 1904. Vol. iii. Eutaw, Greene County. The Independent Observer, w. May 17, 1861. The Alabama Whig. w. Jan. 19, 1854. Vol. xiv, No. 48. Whole No. 724. The Eutaw Whig and Observer, w. July 24, 31, 1879. (204) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 16 The Eutaw Mirror, w. May 27, Aug. 5, 19, Sept. 2, 9, 16, 30, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec. 2, 9, 1884. Florence, Lauderdale County. Florence Register and Public Advertiser, w. Sept. 9, 1826. Vol. ii, No. 23, Whole No. 75. Florence Enquirer, w. Aug. 22, 1840. Vol. i, No. 24. Florence Gazette, w. Oct. 1, 1858-Jan. 11, 1860. 1 book. Vol. xxxvi, No. 4. Jan. 18, 1860-July 10, 1861. 1 book. July 17, 1861-Jan. 31, 1863. 1 book. Daily Florence Gazette, d. Aug. 5, 1861. Vol. i, No. 1. Florence Journal, w. March 29, 1871. Vol. v, No. 16. Lauderdale Times, w. April 11, 1871-Nov. 19, 1872. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. The Times and Journal, w. Nov. 27, 1872-Feb. 19, 1873. Vol. ii, No. 34. And became (Feb. 26, 1873) Florence Times-Journal, w. Feb. 26, 1873-Sept. 9, 1874. Florence Republican, w. Jan. 20, 1874-Oct. 20, 1874. Vol. i, No. 2 et seq. North Alabama Farm and Home. w. April 6, 1875. Vol. i, No. 5. The Normal Gem. m. Jan. 1-June 1, 1889. Vol. i, Nos. 1-6. December, 1889. Vol. ii, No. 3. (205) Department of Archives and History. Parkland, Greene County. The Forkland Progress, w. May 31, 1890-Aug. 1, 1891. Vol. i, No. 1-Vol. ii, No. 10. 1 No more issued. Port Payne, DeKalb County. Fort Payne Journal, w. June 25, 1886. Gadsden, Etowah County. Gadsden Herald, w. Jan. 24, 1851. Gadsden Times, w. Jan. 4, 25, Feb. 8, 22, July 3, 1867. The Gadsden News. w. Sept. 6, 27, 1883. Gainesville, Sumter County. The Independent, w. Nov. 18, 1854-July 31, 1858. Vol. i, No. 16-Vol. iv, No. 52. 1 book. Oct. 2, 1858-Sept. 23, 1865. Vol. v, No. 8-Vol. xii, No. 6. 1 book. Greensboro, Hale County. Alabama Sentinel, w. April 9-Sept. 24, 1836. Vol. iii, Nos. 22-46. Alabama Beacon, w. May 13, 1843-Nov. 5, 1889. Vol. iv, No. 1, et seq. 13 books. July 26, 1879; April 17, May 1, 8, 15, 22, July 24, Oct. 2, 1880; March 31, April 14, 1882. Sundry numbers. The Southern Watchman, w. July 30, 1879. (206) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 17 Greenville, Butler County. Southern Messenger, w. March 16, 1859-Dec. 19, 1860. Vol. ii, No. 11-Vol. iii No. 51. Aug. 15, 1860-July 3, 1861. Sundry numbers. The South Alabamian. w. April 7, 1860-Dec. 22, 1860. Vol. xiii, No. 14 et seq. Bound with the first lot of the preceding, 1859-60, in 1 book. The Greenville Advocate, w. April 9, 1884. Grove Hill, Clarke County. The Macon Banner, w. April 18, Aug. 1. Oct. 1, 1846. Grove Hill was originally called Macon. Southern Recorder, w. April 7, July 14, 1847; Feb. 23, April 12, Aug. 18, Nov. 8. 1848; and Feb. 7, Sept. 19, 1849. The Grove Hill Herald, w. Aug. 7, Oct. 23, Nov. 13, 1850; Aug. 18, Nov. 3, 1852; and Oct. 11, 1854. Clarke County Democrat, w. Jan. 31, 1856-Feb. 4, 1858. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. Feb. 11, 1858-March 1, 1860. 1 book. May 8, 1860-Sept. 11, 1862. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1863-Aug. 31, 1865. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1866-Dec. 24, 1868. 1 book. Jan. 7, 1869-April 8, 1873. 1 book. May 6, 1873-Dec. 28, 1876. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1877-Dec. 28, 1881. 1 book. Jan. 5, 1882-Dec. 30, 1886. 1 book. Jan. 6, 1887-Dec. 25, 1890. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1891-Dec. 27, 1894. 1 book. Jan. 10, 1895-Dec. 30, 1897. 1 book. Established in 1856, as the Democrat, name changed to the Journal, Jan. 1, 1863, and on Nov. 22, 1866, the old name resumed. 2 (207) 18 Department of Archives and History. Guntersville, Marshall County. The Marshall Eagle, w. Jan. 5, 1852; Nov. 4, 11, 1853; June 9, 1854; Jan. 5, March 2, June 22, 1855. The Tennessee Valley, w. July 1, Oct. 14, 1856. The Marshall County News. w. April 23, 1858. Hayneville, Lowndes County. The Watchman, w . Oct. 12, 1855. Vol. v, No. 32. The Hayneville Examiner, w. Dec. 18, 1879. Highland Home, Crenshaw County. Two Mites, w. May 4, 1900-Jan. 3, 1902. Vol. i, No. 25-Vol iii, No. 4. With the issue of Sept. 6, 1901, the name became Apos- tles' Teachings. Huntsville, Madison County. Huntsville Republican, w. Aug. 5, 1817. Vol. i, No. 49. Name changed to the Alabama Republican, w. Sept. 15, 1820-Sept. 13, 1822. Vol. v, No. 1-Vol. vii, No. 1. book. Succeeded by the Southern Advocate and Huntsville Advertiser, w. May 6, 1825-April 27, 1827. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book May 11, 1827-April 23, 1830. 1 book. April 30, 1830-April 21, 1832. 1 book. May 12, 1832-Feb. 4, 1834. 1 book. Feb. 18, 1834-Jan. 17, 1837. 1 book. April 26, 1844-April 23, 1847. 1 book. May 21, 1847-March 26, 1851. 1 book. (208) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 19 Southern Advocate and Htmtsville Advertiser, w. Con. April 2, 1851-Dec. 27, 1854. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1855-Aug. 6, 1857. 1 book. Aug. 13, 1857- June 26, 1861. l book. Feb. 28, March 28, April 4, July 25, 1839; June 4. 1840; Oct. 4, 1844; June 17, 1848; July 9, 1851; and Aug. 29, 1860. The Democrat, w. Aug. 8, 1840; Oct 2, 1841; Feb. 5, 1842; June 12, Oct. 30, 1844; and Dec. 12. 1850. March 24, 1880-Dec. 17, 1884. Broken file. Nov. 8, 1867. Weekly Independent, w. Jan. 11. 1868. Alabama Teachers' Journal, m. Sept 1885-March, 1886. Vol. i, Nos, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Feb., April, May, 1886. Vol. ii, Nos. 8, 10, 11. March and June, 1888. Vol. ill, Nos. 6 and 9. Vol. iii published in Montgomery. The Tribune. (Monument Edition.) Nov. 29, 1900. Jacksonville, Calhoun County. Jacksonville Republican, w. Jan. 28, 1837-Dec. 27, 1838. 1 book. May 22, 1840-Dec. 16, 1851. 1 book. March 9, 1852-Dec. 17, 1857. 1 book. Jan. 14, 1858-Dec. 21, 1867. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1868-Dec. 27, 1873. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1874-Dec. 23, 1878. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1879-Dec. 29, 1883. 1 book. Jan. 5, 1884-Sept. 15, 1888. 1 book. Jan. 5, 1889-Dec. 30, 1893. 1 book. July 1, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, Oct 7, 1840; Sept 1, Oct 27, Dec. 1, 8, 1841; June 15, July 13, Sept 28, 1842; Nov. 1, 1843; Feb. 21, Sept. 11, 1844; June 20, 1848; Jan. 27, Feb. 17, July 20, 1852. Sundry numbers. (209) Department of Archives and History. Sunny South, w. May 27, Sept 16, 1851; May 4, Aug. 31, Nov. 16, 1852; June 21, Dec. 20, 1853; March 14, 1854; and June 28, 1856. The People's Journal, w. Jan. 12, 1899. Lafayette, Chambers County. The East Alabamian. w. Oct. 21, 1842; July 8, 29, Aug. 11, 19, Sept. 9, 23, Nov. 4, Dec. 2, 16, 1843. Linden, Marengo County. The Linden Jeffersonian. w. July 4, 1860. Vol. vlii, No. 33. The Marengo Recorder, w. Sept 5, 1866. Vol. i, No. 50. Livingston, Sumter County. Sumter County Whig. w. April 22, 1851-April 19, 1854. Vol. xi, No. 1, whole No. 521-Vol. xiii, No. 52. 1 book. April 20, 1852-April 19, 1854. 1 book. April 26, 1854-April 16, 1856. 1 book. Ceased publication with the issue of April 16, 1856, Vol. xv, No. 52, and succeeded by the Weekly Messenger. Marion, Perry County. The Marion Herald, w. Jan. 16, 1845. Alabama Baptist Advocate, w. Feb. 23, 1849-July 24, 1850. Old series, Vol. vii, No. 1, new series Vol. i, No. 1. With the issue of July 31, 1850, became the South Western Baptist, and Dec. 8, 1852, began publication at Montgomery, where it continued until Jan. 1, 1854. See Tuskegee. (210) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 21 The Marion Commonwealth, w. Dec. 10, 1858; July 12, 1866. The Baptist Correspondent, w. Dec. 5, 1860. Vol. 1, No. 48. Judson Echoes, m. Feb. 1, 1887. VoL vi, No. 3. Moulton, Lawrence County. The Christian Herald, w. July 28, 1865-Dec. 7, 1866. VoL I, No. 2-Vol. ii, No. 22. 1 book. The Moulton Advertiser, w. March 17, 1880-Dec. 27, 1883. Broken files. Mobile, Mobile County. Mobile Commercial Register, w. Oct. 9, 1830-May 30, 1831. 1 book. June 6, 1831-May 26, 1832. 1 book. June 2, 1832-May 31, 1833. 1 book. Dec. 21, 1833-Dec. 31, 1834. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1835-Dec. 30, 1835. 1 book. Jan. 6, 1836-Dec. 31, 1836. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1837-Dec. 30, 1837. 1 book. Commercial Reporter and Shipping List, of the Mobile Morning Chronicle. Dec. 13, 1837. Vol. ii, No. 5. The Herald and Tribune, d. May 1, 1845-Oct 31, 1845. Vol. ii, No. 52-Vol. iv No. 6 (sic), No. 216. 1 book. May 1, 1845-Oct. 31, 1846. Vol. v,.Nos. 53-249. 1 book. Dec. 1, 1847-May 31, 1848. VoL ri, No. 1829-VoL vii, No. 1979. 1 book. NOT. 1, 1849-April 30, 1850. VoL Tiii, No. 2315-Vol. ix, No. 2466. 1 book. Oct. 5, 1850-March 30, 1851. Vol. x, No. 2610-No. 3056. 1 book. (ill) Department of Archives and History. Mobile Daily Advertiser, d. Dec. 11, 1847. Mobile Register and Journal, d. Jan. 1-Oct. 31, 1849. 1 book. Mobile Advertiser, s-w. Dec. 15, 1851. Mobile Weekly Advertiser, w. July 31, 1852. Vol. i, No. 31. The Mobile Weekly Register and Advertiser, w. Feb. 10, 1862. Mobile Advertiser and Register, w. Jan. 6, 11, Feb. 15, March 4, Oct. 22, 1863. Advertiser and Register, d. Jan. 1-June 30, 1863. 1 book. July 16-Dec. 30, 1865. 1 book. Weekly Advertiser, w. Sept. 2, 1865-Dec. 29, 1866. 1 book. Mobile Daily Advertiser and Register, d. Jan. 1, 1867-Dec. 31, 1867. 2 books. Mobile Daily Tribune, d. Sept. 29, 1862. Mobile Daily Tribune, d. Feb. 6, 1875. Vol. i, No. 90. Mobile Evening News. d. April 10, 1862, July 18, 1863. The Army Argus and Crisis, vv. July 9, 1864. The Mobile Daily Tribune, d. Oct. 21, 1874-June 30, 1875. Vol. i, Nos. 1-213. 1 book. July 1, 1875-Dec. 31, 1875. Vol. i, No. 214-Vol. ii, No. 59. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1876-June 30, 1876. Vol. ii, Nos. 60-219. 1 book. July 1, 1876-Dec. 31, 1876. Vol. ii, No. 220-Vol. iii, No. 59. 1 book. (212) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 23 The Daily Register, d. July 23, 1879; March 28, 1884. Jan. 1, 1889-Dec. 31, 1900. 23 books. The Daily News. d. July 1, 1893-June 30, 1900. 14 books. The Daily Register, d. Dec. 7, 1889. (Contains full account of death of Jefferson Davis.) The Catholic Truth, w. Sept. 8, 1900-March 16, 1901. Vol. i, Nos. 18-37. Chat. w. Jan. 19, 1901-March 5, 1904. Vols. i-iv. Jewish Chronicle. See Montgomery. Monroeville, Monroe County. Southern Champion, w. April 6, 1860-April 26, 1861. 1 book. Montgomery, Montgomery County. Alabama Journal, w. Nov. 22, 1837. Vol. xii, No. 25. The American Cotton Planter, m. 1853. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. 1855-1861. Sundry numbers. Advertiser and State Gazette, t. w. June 20, 1850. Advertiser and Gazette, w. July 9, 1851. Montgomery Advertiser and State Gazette, w. May 31, 1854-April 9, 1856. 1 book. Sept. 14. 1859. (213) 24 Department of Archives and History. Montgomery Daily Advertiser, d. April 15, 17, 20, May 10, 1862; March 6-29, 1866; May 31, 1871. Nov. 25, Dec. 25, 1874; Dec. 9, 1876; Aug. 1, 1879; May 29 1885; April 29, May 5-15, 1886; May 20-June 22, 1887. Sundry numbers. April 25-Dec. 31, 1873. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1874. 1 book. July 1-Nov. 13, 1874. 1 book. Jan. 3- June 30, 1877. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 30, 1877. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1878. 1 book. July 2-Dec. 31, 1878. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 29, 1879. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1879. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 29, 1880. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1880. 1 book. Jan. 1-July 20 ,1881. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 30, 1882. 1 book. Jan. 3-June 30, 1883. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 30, 1883. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 29, 1884. 1 book. July 1-Dec. 31, 1884. 1 book. Jan. 1-May 30, 1885. 1 book. Nov. 1885- June, 1886. 1 book. July-Dec., 1886. 1 book. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1891. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1892. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1893. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1894. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1895. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1896. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1897. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1898. 3 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1899. 4 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1900. 4 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1901. 4 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1902. 4 books. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1903. 4 books. Jan. 1-June 30. 1904. 2 books. (214) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 25 The Montgomery Weekly Advertiser, w. Feb. 18, 1863. Jan. 6-Dec. 29, 1875. 1 book. April 7, 1875-July 12, 1876. 1 book. Jan. 6-June 2, 1885. 1 book. Montgomery Daily Post. d. April 4, 1860-Oct. 4, 1861. Vol. i, No. 2 et seq. 1 book. Weekly T.Tontgomery Confederation, w. June , 1860-Jan. 11, 1861. Vol. iii, Nos. 21-52. Sundry E :rabers. Montgomery Daily Mail. d. Feb. 12, June 24, and July 23, 1861; Sept. 6, Oct. 2, 1864. Montgomery Weekly Mail. w. Aug. 1, 1862-April 22, 1863. Vol. ix, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. March 21, 1867-April 29, 1868. 1 book. May 6, 1868-Nov. 10, 1869. 1 book. Nov. 24, 1869-Nov. 16, 1870. 1 book. Daily State Sentinel, d. Nov. 5, 8, 23, 29, Dec. 5, 1867. Daily Picayune, d. Oct. 5, Nov. 19, Nov. 20, 1868. Vol. i, Nos. 99.. 137 and 138 Alabama State Journal, w. (Republican.) Jan. 9, 1869-Feb. 24, 1871. Vol. i, No 1 et seq. 1 book. Jan. 13, 1871-Dec. 27, 1872. 1 book. Alabama State Journal, d. (Republican.) Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1871. 1 book. Jan. 3-Dec. 31, 1872. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 29, 1873. 1 book. Jan. 1-June 30, 1874. 1 book. July 1-Nov. 14, 1874. 1 book. State Fair Bulletin. Nov. 19, 1872. Vol. ii, No. 8. (215) 26 Department of Archives and History. The Southern Plantation, w. Jan. 14-Oct. 28, 1875. Vol. i, Nos. 11-52, pp. 1-744. 1 book Nov. 2, 1876-April 26, 1877. Vol. iii, Nos. 1-25. Southern Law Journal and Reporter, m. Dec., 1879-Nov., 1881. Vol. i, No. 1-Vol. ii, No. 12. 2 vols. Alabama Baptist, w. Jan. 6, 1881-Dec. 27, 1883. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1884-Dec. 23, 1886. 1 book. Jan. 6, 1887-Dec. 19, 1889. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1890-Dec. 24, 1891. 1 book. Jan. 7, 1892-Dec. 21, 1893. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1894-Dec. 19, 1895. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1896-April 6, 1899. 1 book. The Daily Dispatch, d. April 29, 1886. The Alliance Herald, w. July 16, Nov. 19, 1891; May 4, July 7, 1893; April 26, May 3, 10, 17, 1894. Woman's Work. m. Dec. 1898-Aug., 1899. Vol. i. Sept., 1899-June, 1900. Vol. ii. The University School Boy. m. Aug. 16, 1899-April 25, 1903. Vols. i-iii. The Church Record, m. 1899-1904. Vols. viii-xiii. Prior to 1902 published in Tuscaloosa. The Jewish Chronicle, w. Nov. 3, 1899-1904. 4 vols. Until Oct. 25, 1901, published in Mobile. The Josephite. m. June, 1901-1904. Vols. iii-v. Sundry numbers. In His Steps, w. 1900-1902. Sundry numbers. (216) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 27 The Alabama Knight, m. Oct., 1897-July, 1900. Vols. i-iii. The Alabama Odd Fellow, m. June, 1898-June, 1902. Vols. i-v. South Western Baptist. See Marion; see also Tuskegee. Alabama Teachers' Journal. See Huntsville. Sunday School Herald. , See Birmingham. Southern Agriculturist. See Nashville, Tenn. Prattville, Autauga County. Southern Statesman, w. Dec. 20, 1854. The Autauga Citizen, w. July 2, 1874. The Southern Signal, w. Aug. 12, 1881. Roanoke, Randolph County. The Randolph County News. w. July 24, 1879. Scottsboro, Jackson County. Jackson County Herald, w. Oct. 22, 1868. The Scottsboro Citizen, w. July 25, 1879. Selma, Dallas County. Tri- Weekly Reporter, t. w. Aug. 13, 1856. (217) 28 Department of Archives and History. Selma Morning Reporter, d. June 1, Aug. 12, 1860. April 4, 1861-Dec. 30, 1862. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1863-Dec. 8, 1864. 1 book. Daily State Journal, d. Feb. 16, 23, March 20, 1862. Selma Morning Dispatch, d. Aug. 23, Nov. 6, 12, 18, Dec. 21, 1863. July 27, 1864. Selma Evening Dispatch, d. Jan. 13, 1864. Vol. i, No. 2. The Sunday Mississippian. w. Jan. 24, Oct. 30, Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11, 1864. The Daily Mississippian. d. July 7, Nov. 1, 1864. The Morning Times, d. Dec. 2, 1865- July 3, 1866. Vol. i, Nos. 131-297. 1 book. Feb. 10-July 3, 1866. Vol. i, Nos. 178-297. 1 book. Sept. 6, 1868-March 4, 1869. 1 book. The Selma Weekly Messenger, w. Nov. 10, 1866-Nov. 23, 1867. Vol. i, Nos. 1-49. 1 book. The Selma Daily Messenger, d. Feb. 21, 1866-Jan. 23, 1867. Vol. i, No. 243 et seq. 1 book. Nov. 1, 1866-June 5, 1867. Vol. ii, Nos. 132-311. 1 book. June 6, 1867-Jan. 29, 1868. Vol. iii, Nos. 2-205. 1 book. The Selma Times and Messenger, d. Jan. 30-May 9, 1868. Vol. iii, Nos. 206-291. 1 book. May 10-Sept. 5, 1868. Vol. iii, No. 292-Vol. iv, No. 78. 1 book. The Selma Times and Messenger, w. April 4, 1868. (218) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 29 The Southern Argus, w. June 16, 1869-Dec. 29, 1871. Vol. i, No. 1-Vol. iii, No. 52. 1 book. Jan. 5-Dec. 27, 1872. 1 book. Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1873. 1 book. Jan. 2-Dec. 25, 1874. 1 book. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1875. 1 book. Jan. 7-Dec. 29, 1876. 1 book. Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1877. 1 book. Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1878. 1 book. Jan. 3-Dec. 26, 1879. 1 book. State Index, w. Nov. 22, Dec. 9, 1880; Jan. 1, Sept. 24, Oct. 8, 22, 29, Dec. 3, 10, 1881; Jan. 21, March 4, April 1, May 20, 27, Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 8, 1882; Jan. 12, 1883. The Morning Times, d. April 2, 1882. Progressive Democrat, w. Feb. 3, 10, 16, 1883. Six Mile, Bibb County. The Bibb Blade, w. June 3, 1880, Sept. 17, 1884. Suggsville, Clarke County. The Clarke County Post. w. May 9, 1836-Aug. 18, 1837. Vol. i, Nos. 3-42. 1 book. Talladega, Talladega County. The Patriot, w. May 6, July 1, Sept. 23, 1840. Dec. 1, 8, 1841. Vol. iii, Nos. 13 and 14. Southern Register, w. Aug. 11, 25, Sept. 1, 8, 1838. Vol. iv, No. 2 et seq. (219) 30 Department of Archives and History. Alabama Reporter, w. Nov. 7, 1844; Aug. 12, 1847; July 20, 1848; July 20, 1852: March 26, 1857. Democratic Watchtower. w. April 3, July 29, 1840; May 12, 1841; Aug. 16, 1843; July 12, 1848; Oct. 2, 1850; May 12, 1852; April 29, 1857. Sundry numbers. Jan. 5-Nov. 15, 1848. Jan. 30, 1861-Jan. 25, 1865. April 19, 1871-Nov. 27, 1872. Our Church Home. m. Nov. 1898-Aug. 1904. Vol. iii, No. 5-Vol. ix, No. 8. Troy, Pike County. Independent American, w. Aug. 8, 1855. Vol. i, No. 8. The Southern Advertiser, w. March 25, 1863. The Daily Messenger, d. 1892-1896. 2 vols. Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County. Alabama State Intelligencer, w. April 10, 1829-June 4, 1830. Vol. 1, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. State Rights Expositor and Spirit of the Press, w. Dec. 22, 1832. Flag of the Union, w. Dec. 18, 1833, Feb. 12, 19, 1834. July 11, 1835- July 23, 1836. 1 book. Independent Monitor, w. Aug. 11, Dec. 15, 29, 1841; April 27, 1842; Feb. 1, June 21, 1843; Feb. 14, 1844; Dec. 24, 1845; April 8, 1846; April 20, 1847; July 7, 20, 1848; Feb. 22, 1849; Sept. 2, 1852; July 15, 1853; Dec. 14, 1854; Nov. 22, 1855; May 15, 1867. Sundry numbers. (220) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 31 Independent Monitor, w. May 29, 1841-Jan. 18, 1843. Vol. v, No. 1-Vol. vi, No. 39. 1 book. April 13, 1847-April 6, 1848. Vol. xi, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. April 13, 1848-March 22, 1849. 1 book. April 9, 1857-April 1, 1858. Vol. xxi, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. April 8, 1858-April 9, 1859. 1 book. April 16, 1859-April 14, 1860. 1 book. Oct. 9, 1867-Nov. 3, 1868. Vol. xxviii, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. Nov. 10, 1868-Nov. 2, 1869. 1 book. Nov. 9, 1869-Nov. 1, 1870. 1 book. Nov. 8, 1870-Dec. 20, 1871. 1 book. Succeeded by the Tuscaloosa Blade, w. Sept. 5, 1872-Aug. 28, 1873. Vol. i, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. Sept. 4, 1873-Oct. 28, 1875. Vol. ii, No. 1-Vol. iv, No. 8. 1 book. The Old Zach. March 13, 1848. No. 1. Campaign weekly; published in support of Gen. Taylor for the presidency. The Crystal Fount. June 6, 1851-May 28, 1852. Vol. iii, No. 3-Vol. iv, No. 2. 1 book. Young America. Jan. 1, 1855. Vol. i, No. 1. The Tuscaloosa Times, w. Nov. 5, 1873-Sept. 14, 1887. Broken file. 1 book. The Southern Law Journal, m. Jan., 1878-Nov., 1879. Vol. i, No. 1-Vol. ii, No. 11. 2 vols. The Old Church Path. m. Dec., 1878-Nov., 1879. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. Dec., 1879-Nov. 1880. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-12. (221) 32 Department of Archives and History. Alabama Historical Reporter, m. Oct., 1879-July, 1880. Vol. i, Nos. 1-10. Dec., 1883-Nov., 1884. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-12. Jan.-July, 1885. Vol. iii, Nos. 1-7. No more issued. The Clarion, w. March 2, 1880-Dec. 5, 1882. Vol. i, No. 21-Vol. iv, No. 7. Broken file. 1 book. The Tuscaloosa Gazette, w. July 4, 1878-Nov. 24, 1887. Broken file, i book. The Daily Gazette, d. April 15, 1887-Oct. 25, 1891. Broken file. The University Daily, d. June 20, 1887. The Citizen Soldier, m. Sept. 1893-March, 1894. Vol. i. No more issued. The Tuscaloosa Journal, w. Oct. 10, 24, 1894, July 24, 1895, July 29, 1896. Good News. m. Feb. 15, 1902-July, 1903. Vols. i-ii. Sundry numbers. The Crimson- White. University, Ala. Oct. 5, 1900-May 18, 1901. Vol. viii, Nos. 1-20. 1901-1902. Vol. ix. 1902-1903. Vol. x. 1903-1904. Vol. xi. Cap and Gown. m. 1900-1903. Vols. ii-v. Sundry numbers. The Church Record. See Montgomery. Tuscumbia, Franklin County. Franklin Enquirer, w. March 13-June 9, 1824. Vol. i, Nos. 1-13. (222) Newspaper and Periodical Files. \ The Tuscumbian. w. Sept. 1, 1824-Jan. 17, 1827. Vol. i, No. 2-Vol. ill, No. 13. Bound with the preceding as one book. North Alabamian. w. Aug. 30, 1834; Sept. 4, 1873. Tuscumbia Enquirer, w. May 17, 1854. Vol. xiv, No. 20. The Valley Farmer, m. October, 1873. Vol. i, No. 1. Tuskegee, Macon County. Macon Republican, w. Nov. 8, 1849-Dec. 9, 1852. 1 book. Dec. 30, 1852-Oct. 9, 1856. 1 book. Dec. 4, 1856-Dec. 8, 1859. 1 book. Nov. 16, 1854. South Western Baptist, w. July 31, 1850-Feb. 26, 1851. March 5, 1851-Nov. 10, 1852. 1 book. Dec. 8, 1852-May 1, 1856. 1 book. May 8, 1856-April 28, 1859. 1 book. May 5, 1859-May 15, 1862. 1 book. May 22, 1862-April 13, 1865. 1 book. See Marion, and also Montgomery. Tuskegee News. w. March 27, 1873-June 24, 1875. 1 book. July 1, 1875-April 24, 1879. 1 book. May 1, 1879-April 13, 1882. 1 book. Union Springs, Bullock County. Union Springs Herald, w. Feb. 27, March 26, May 14, 1884, (223) 34 Department of Archives and History. Wedcnvee, Randolph County. American Eagle, w. Nov. 2, 8, 22, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 1855. Jan. 10-July 10, 1856. The Randolph County Democrat, w. Nov. 14, 1860. Wetumpka, Elmore County. Wetumpka Argus and Commercial Advertiser, w. May 15, 1839-March 18, 1840. Vol. iv, Nos. 8-52. March 25, 1840-March 24, 1841. March 31, 1841-March 23, 1842. March 30, 1842-March 22 1843. March 29, 1843-March 20, 1844. Vol. viii, Nos. 1-52. Nov. 20, 1839-May 26, 1841; June 10, 1845. Name changed to The Wetumpka Argus, Feb. 12, 1840. Wetumpka Courier, w. Feb. 28, 1840. The Alabama Times, w. Aug. 14, 1840-Jan. 1, 1841. Vol. i, No. 11 et seq. Feb. 19-July 30, 1841. The Southern Crisis, w. May 16-Nov. 7, 1840. Vol. i, Nos. 1-26. pp. 208. The Wetumpka Whig. w. Nov. 13, 1846, Jan. 15, 1847. Vol. iii, Nos. 20 and 29. Daily State Guard, d. Jan. 2-Dec. 31, 1849. 1 book. Semi- Weekly State Guard, s. w. Feb. 3, Feb. 6, April 24, 1851. Vol. ii, Nos. 10, 11, and 33. State Guard, w. Sept. 10, 1852. Vol. vi, No. 37. Dorsey's Dispatch, w. Sept. 22, Oct. 13, 1854. Vol. i, Nos. 38 and 41. Sept. 5, 1856-July 10, 1857, (224) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 35 Wetumpka Dispatch, w. July 17-Nov. 13, 1857. 1 book. Bound with the preceding. Wetumpka Spectator, w. Nov. 14, 1856-Oct. 6 1857. 1 book. Feb. 12, July 2, 1857; June 2, 1861. Vol. ii, No. 32, vol. ill. No. 1, Vol. vi. No. 30. The Central Alabamian. w. Jan. 6-Sept. 7, 1880. The Wetumpka Times, w. Jan. 5-Dec. 21, 1881. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington. National Journal. Nov. 10, 1829-Nov. 18 1831. Sundry numbers. National Intelligencer. Jan. 12 1830-Dec. 15, 1846. Sundry numbers. June 3, 1851-Sept. 15, 1853. Banner of the Constitution. April 10, 1830. Vol. i, No. 33. The Globe. Jan. 23, 1832-Feb. 11, 1833. May 4, 1840-Sept. 26, 1840. Dec. 10, 1835-Nov. 30, 1836. 1 book. Dec. 1, 1836-Nov. 30, 1837. 1 book. Feb. 4, 1852. The Dollar Globe. Oct 16, 1844. United States Telegraph. Feb. 9, 1836. (225) 36 Department of Archives and History. The Union, s. w. t. w. Jan. 14, 1846-Dec. 29, 1848. 1 vol. 1851-1853. Sundry numbers. April 24, 1856. The Campaign, w. May 31-Nov. 1, 1848. Vol. i, Nos. 1-25. pp. 400. The Daily Republic, d. Aug. 3, 1853. The Republic, t. w. Jan. 1851-Aug. 1852. Sundry numbers. The Republic, w. Sept. 30, 1852. The Southern Press, s. w. t. w. Aug. 9, 1851- July 24, 1852. Sundry numbers. National Watchman, w. Sept. 29, 1893; April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 1894. The National Geographic Magazine, m. 1896-1904. Vols. vii-xv. The Forester, m. 1898-1903. Vols. iv-ix. Catalogue of United States Public Documents, m. Jan. 1895-May, 1904. Nos. 1-113. The Conservative Review, qr. March, 1899-Sept., 1901. Vols. i-v. (226) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 37 FLORIDA. Jacksonville. Florida Magazine, m. Jan. 1901-Sept. 1903. Vols. ii-vii. Discontinued after Sept., 1903. Tallahassee. The Southern School and Home. m. April, 1902-May, 1903. Vol. i. April and May, 1903. Vol. ii, Nos. 1 and 2. GEORGIA. Atlanta. Masonic Signet and Journal, m. Feb., April and May, 1860. Vol. v, No. 5, and vol. vi, Nos. 1 and 2. The Weekly Atlanta Intelligencer, w. Dec. 3, 1862. The Atlanta Journal, d. Sept. 13-Dec. 19, 1895. 1 book. The Atlanta Constitution, d. Sept. 13-Dec. 19, 1895. 1 vol. The Alkahest, m. 1899-1902. Carnegie Library Bulletin, m. August, 1902-July, 1903. Vol. i. (227) 38 Department of Archives and History. Athens. Southern Banner, w. Aug. 14, 1851. Augusta. Georgia Courier, w. April 21, 1831. Vol. v, No. 100. Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser, w. Sept. 3, 1831. The Georgia Constitutionalist, w. Feb. 6, 1833. Vol. x, No. 67. The Southern Cultivator, m. Jan.-Dec., 1849. Vol. vii. Jan.-Dec., 1850. Vol. viii. Constitutionalist and Republic, w. Sept. 28, Nov. 5, 1851. Daily Chronicle and Sentinel, d. Dec. 25, 1851. July 8, Sept. 15, 1864. Tri-Weekly Chronicle and Sentinel, t. w. Aug. 31, 1851. The Southern Eclectic, m. February, 1854. Vol. ii, No. 12. Southern Field and Fireside, w. May 28, 1859-May 19, 1860. Vol. i, Nos. 1-52. Aug. 1, 8, 1863. Daily Constitutionalist, d. July 11, Sept. 17, 1864. Columbus. The Whig Rifle, w. August, 1844. (228) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 39 The Columbus Enquirer, w. Aug. 3, 1852. Columbus Daily Times, d. Jan. 19 and June 23, 1863. The Daily Sun. d. Feb. 23, and Nov. 1, 1864. Macon. Georgia Journal and Messenger, w. Oct. 15, 1851, June 9, 1852. The Macon Daily Confederate, d. Sept. 14, 1864. Southern Confederacy. Sept. 20, 1864. Marietta. The Helicon, w. March 6, 1844. Milledgeville. The Standard of Union, w. June 16, 1840. Federal Union, w. Aug. 4, 1840. Rome. The Rome Courier, w. Aug. 28, Oct 9, Dec. 25, 1855. Rome Tri- Weekly Courier, t. w. Sept. 29, 1860. Commercial Advertiser. Feb. 15, May 1, 1856. (229) 40 Department of Archives and History. The Georgian and New Era. March 3, 1901. Savannah. The Daily Georgian. May 25-Nov. 25, 1820. 1 book. May 26-Nor. 24, 1821. 1 book. The Georgian. March 19, 20, 1832, Aug. 20, 1840. The Savannah Daily Georgian, d. July 1-Dec. 31, 1854. 1 book. The Magnolia. See Charleston, S. C. ILLINOIS. Chicago. The Chicago Times. July 21, 1862, April 1, 1863, April 6, 1865. Young Folk's Rural, m. Sept., 1872. Our Fireside Friend, s. m. March 30, 1872-Oct. 19, 1872. The American Antiquarian, b. m. 1878-1904. Vols. i-xzvi. First published at Cleveland, O. Waterloo. The Archaeologist. See Columbus, 0. (230) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 41 IOWA. Iowa City. Iowa Historical Record, qr. 1885-1902. Vote. i-xviiL Annals of Iowa. New series, qr. 1882-1884. Vote. i-ilL The Iowa Journal of History and Politics, qr. 1903-1904. Vote. i-ii. Des Moines. Annals of Iowa. $d Series, qr. 1893-1904. Vote. i- Bulletin of the Iowa Library Commission, qr. 1902-1904. Vote, ii-iv. KANSAS, Atchison, Kansas. Atchison Daily Champion, d. Jan. 1, 1874. Doniphan, Kansas. Kansas Constitutionalist, w. May 14, 1856-Oct. 21, 1857. Vol. i, No. 1-VoL ii. No. 19. Topeka. The Daily Commonwealth, d. Jan. 16, 1884. Wyandott City. The Western Argus, w. June 17, 1858. (Ill) 42 Department of Archives and History. KENTUCKY. Frankfort. Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society, qr. May, 1903-May, 1904. 5 Nos. Lexington. Farmers' Home Journal, w. July 3, 1873. Louisville. The Louisville Weekly Journal, w. Nov. 15, 1854. The Southern Agriculturist, m. May, 1872; August, 1873. The Southern Bivouac, m. June, 1885-May, 1886. Vol. i. LOUISIANA. New Orleans. The Daily Crescent, d. June 9, 30, Aug. 6, Sept. 1, Nov. 1, 1851; Jan. 21, 1852. The Daily Picayune, d. Aug. 7, Sept. 5, 25, 28, 1851. The Daily Delta, d. Sept. 13, 30, Dec. 24, 1851; Jan. 8, 15, 1852. New Orleans Weekly Delta, w. Aug. 18, 1851. (232) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 43 The Daily True Delta, d. Nov. 10, 1854. The New Orleans Bee. Jan. 21, 1852. DeBow's Review, m. Jan.-Dec. 1857. Vols. iii and iv, in numbers. The Times-Democrat, d. June 19, Oct. 25, 1884. Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society. 1895-1904. Vol. i, paic 1-Vol. iii, part 2. The Gulf States, m. Jan. and Feb. 1870. Vol. i, Nos. 1 and 2. No more issued. The Southern Quarterly Review. See Charleston, S. C. MARYLAND. Baltimore. American Farmer, w. March 21, 1828-March 13, 1829. Vol. x. Mutual Rights and Methodist Protestant, w. Jan. 27, 1832-Nov. 23, 1832. Vol. ii, No. 4-47, whole No. 99. 1 book. Weekly Clipper. Sept. 20, 1851; Jan. 12, 1852. The Presbyterial Critic and Monthly Review, m. 1855. Vol. i. The Daily Baltimore Republican, d. June 21, 1860. (233) 44 Department of Archives and History. The Southern Magazine, m. 1871-1874. Vols. i-viii. Sundry numbers. The Day. d. Nov. 14, 1883. The Southern States, m. 1893-1897. Vols. i-iv. Sundry numbers. Johns Hopkins University Studies, m. 1899-1903. Series xvii-xxi. Manufacturers' Record, w. July, 1900-July, 1904. Vols. xxxviii-xlv. MASSACHUSETTS Andover. Journal of Humanity and Herald of the American Tem- perance Society. Feb. 10, 1831. Vol. ii, No. 38, whole No. 90. Boston. Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot. June 17, 1829; May 21, 1831; March, 1832. Hilliard, Gary & Go's. Literary Advertiser. Jan. 1834. Brownson's Quarterly Review. 1844. Vol. i, pp. 548. Boston Daily Advertiser. July 9, 1844. The Boston Daily Bee. d. Jan. 12, Sept 22, 1851. (234) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 46 Boston Semi- Weekly Journal, s. w. Sept. 19, Dec. 27, 1851. Boston Evening Transcript, d. Feb. 9, 1883. The Xew-England Historical and Genealogical Register. 1880-1885; 1900-1903. Vols. xxxiv-xxxlx, and liv-lvii. Monthly Bulletin of Books Added to the Public Library of the City of Bcsron. ffl. 1896-1903. Vols. i-vili. American Statistical Association, qr. 1898-1903. Vols. ri-viii. Literary World, m. 1899-1903. Vols. xxx-xxxiY. The Club Woman, m. Sept., 1900-July, 1903. Vol. yi, No. 6-Vol. x, No. 10. Our Dumb Animals, m. 1900-1903. Vols. xxx-xxxv. The Advocate of Peace, m. 1900-1902. Vols. Ixi-lxii. Current History, m. 1900-1903. Vols. x-xii. Education, m. 1881-1885; 1898-1901. Vols. ii-v, and xix-xxlL Norwood. American Journal of Archaeology. New series, qr. 1903. VoL TiL Salem. The Essex Institute Historical Collections, qr. 1899-1903. Vols. xxx-xxxix. (235) 46 Department of Archives and History. Williams College. The Adelphi. (College magazine.) Aug. 18, 1831-1832. Vol. i, Nos. 1-24, pp. 192. Worcester. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. 1899-1903. Vols. xiii-xv. New series. MISSISSIPPI. Aberdeen. The Weekly Independent, w. Sept. 20, 1851. Columbus. Southern Standard, w. Oct. 4, 1851. Vol. i, No. 36. Corinth. The Corinth Harbinger, w. Aug. 14, 1869. Vol. i, No. 12. Corinth News. w. July 20, Aug. 3, Sept 7, Oct. 21, 1871. The Dodger. March 9, 1873. Vol. i, No. 1. The Sub-Soiler. m. and w. April, 1873-Dec. 12, 1874. Vol. i, No. 1-Vol. ii, No. 32. Jackson. Flag of the Union, w. Oct. 10, 24, 1851; Jan. 9, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 1852; Aug. 19, 26, 1853. (236) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 47 The Daily Mississippian. d. Sept. 25, 27, 1862. Vol. i, Nos. 125, 127. Natchez. The Natchez Weekly Courier, w. Jan. 14, 1852. Raymond. The Hinds County Gazette, w. Sept. 25, 1851. Vol. vii, No. 15. Vicksburg. The Daily Citizen. July 2, 1863. On wall paper; evidently a fac-simile. MISSOUKL St. Louis. Illustrated Journal of Agriculture, m. June 1, 1872. World's Fair Bulletin, m. April, 1902-Dec., 1903. Vol. iii-iv. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord. Democratic Standard, w. May 12, 1860. (237) 48 Department of Archives and History. Hinsdale. The Star Spangled Banner, m. Nov., 1871; Jan., Feb., July, 1872; April, 1874. NEW YORK. Albion. The Museum, m. June 15, 1895. Vol. i, No. 8. Buffalo. The Cultivator, m. Jan., 1841-Dec. 1847. 6 vols. The Buffalo Daily Courier, d. January 9, 1884. Kingston. Ulster County Gazette. January 4, 1800. New York City. The Albion, w. Jan. 23, 1830-Dec. 22, 1832. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1833-Sept. 22, 1838. 1 book. Jan. 19, 1839-Dec. 25, 1841. 1 book. The U. S. Magazine and Democratic Review, m. July, 1841-June, 1852. Vols. ix-xxx. The Weekly Herald, w. March 14, 1840-March 18, 1843. 1 book. May 17, 21, 31, June 7, July 5, 1851; Sept. 23, Oct. 30, 1852; July 16, 23, 1853. (238) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 49 The New York Herald, d. Aug. 30, 1861; Nov. 16, 1873; and Nov. 28, 1889. The New York Standard. Sept. 21, 1840. The Evening Mirror. Oct. 25, 1845. Monthly Journal of Agriculture. July, 1845-June, 1847. Vols. i-ii. New York Evening Times. Sept. 20, 1851. New York Tribune, w. and s. w. March 29, 1856-Feb. 17, 1857. 1 book. April 4, 1857-March 27, 1858. 1 book. April 3, 1858-March 4, 1859. 1 book. April 2, 1859-Dec. 29, 1861. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1862-Dec. 31, 1864. 1 book. May 2, 1865-April 10, 1866. 1 book. April 13, 1866-Dec. 28, 1866. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1867-Dec. 31, 1867. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1868-Dec. 29, 1868. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1870-Dec. 30, 1870. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1871-Dec. 15, 1871. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1872-Dec. 31, 1872. 1 book. Jan. 3, 1873-Dec. 30, 1873. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1874-Dec. 29, 1874. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1875-Dec. 31, 1875. 1 book. Jan. 4, 1876-Dec. 29, 1876. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1877-Dec. 7, 1877. 1 book. Dec. 11, 1877-June 11, 1878. 1 book. Contains also weekly Dec. 26, 1877-1881, irregular. June 14, 1878-May 30, 1879. 1 book. June 3, 1879-May 28, 1880. 1 book. June 1, 1880-May 31, 1881. 1 book. The first five books weekly, the remainder semi- weekly. (239) 50 Department of Archives and History. The Trade Journal. Dec. 24, 1853. North British Review. American edition. Nov., 1852-Feb., 1854. Vols. xiii-xv. New York Tribune. July 18, 1861. The World. July 30, 1861; Oct. 28, 1868. Lloyd's American Railroad Weekly. July 27, 1861. The Aldine. m. 1872. Vol. v. Sundry numbers. 1873. Vol. vi. Total pp. 240. New York Day-Book. w. Sept. 30, 1876-Dec. 8, 1877. The New York Ledger, w. Aug. 27, 1870-Nov. 15, 1873. Pomeroy's Democrat, w. June 17, July 1, Aug. 12, 1871. Saturday Night, w. Jan. 20, 1872-Jan. 16, 1875. The Scientific Man. w. July 10, 1880. The Curio, m. Sept. 1887-Feb 1888. Vol. i. No more Issued. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, m. Dec. 1856-May, 1857. Vol. xlv. Popular Science Monthly, m. May, 1873-October, 1874. Vols. iil-v. (240) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 51 North American Review, m. 1874-1879. Vols. 118-129. The International Review, m. 1874-1880. Vols. i-vlit Educational Review, m. 1891-1904. Vols. i-xxvi. The American Historical Review, qr. October, 1895-Oct, 1904. Vote. i-lx. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, m. 1897-1903. Vols. i-vlL Political Science Quarterly, qr. 1899-1903. Vols. xiv-xriii. The Library Journal, m. Jan., 1899-Dec., 1903. Vols. xxiv-xxviii. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. 1899-1901. Vols. xxxi-xxxlii. The Nation, w. Dec. 27, 1877-May 2, 1878. Jan., 1884-June, 1904. Vols. xxxix-lxxvlll. The Bee-Keeper's Magazine, m. Jan.-December, 1874. Vol. 1L Jan.-December, 1876. Vol. Iv. The Literary Digest, w. Jan., 1900-June, 1904. Vols. xxi-xxviil. The Criterion. New series, m. 1900-1904. Vols. i-v. The New York Times Saturday Review. May 12, 1900. The World's Work. m. 1901-1903. Vols. ii-vi. The Literary News. New series, m. 1903. Vol. xxlv. (241) 62 Department of Archives and History. NORTH CAROLINA. Ashville. Ashville Spectator, w. June 22, 1853. Vol. i, No. 23. The Southland, qr. 1901-1902. Vols. i-ii. Edenton. The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register. Jan., 1900-April, 1903. Vols. i-iii. Greensborough. Greensborough Patriot, w. April 7, 1830. Vol. i, No. 46. Hmderson. North Carolina Baptist Historical Papers, qr. Oct., 1896-Jan., 1900. Vols. i-iii. Raleigh. Star, and North Carolina State Gazette. May 26, 1831. Vol. xxii, No. 22. The North Carolina Booklet, m. May, 1903-April, 1904. Vol. iii, Nos. l-'2. OHIO. Cincinnati. The Cincinnati Times-Star. July 31, 1833. (242) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 53 The Christian Baptist. 1848. 7 vols. In 1. Established in Augusta Co., Va., 1823. American Monthly Ledger. Oct. 1, 1852. Cincinnati Daily Commercial. Jan., 24, 1865. Cleveland. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers' Journal, m. 1902-1904. Vols. xxxvii-xxxviii. The American Antiquarian. See Chicago, 111. Columbus. The Archaeologist, m. January, 1893-Sept., 1895. Vols. i-iil. See also Waterloo, Ind. The Antiquarian, m. January-December, 1897. Vol. 1. Name changed to The American Archaeologist, m. January, 1898-January, 1899. Vols. ii-ill. Quarterly of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical So- ciety, qr. Vol. ii, 1888-89. (1899.) PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia. The Franklin Journal, m. 1826. Vols. i-ii. (243) 54 Department of Archives and History. The Journal of Health, s. m. 1830-1831. Vol. ii. Philadelphia Mail. Jan., 1832. The Saturday Courier. May 26, 1832. The Examiner, s. m. August, 1833-July, 1835. Vols. i-ii. The Plough, the Loom, and the Anvil, m. July, 1848-March, 1849. Vol. i. The Presbyterian. June 11, 1859-April 27, 1861. Sundry numbers. Dollar Weekly Pennsylvanian. w. March 24, 1860. The American, w. and m. Nov. 18, 1882; December, 1882. The Saturday Evening Post. w. Dec. 29, 1900-June 22, 1901. The American Historical Register, m. Nov., 1894; and June, 1895. SOUTH CAROLINA. Anderson. The Anderson Gazette, w. Dec. 27, 1844; Feb. 27, 1845. Vol. ii, Nos. 3 and 9. Camden. The Camden and Lancaster Beacon, w. June 7, 1831. New aeries, Vol. i, No. 18, (244) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 55 Cheraw. Farmers' Gazette, w. Sept. 24, 1844. Charleston. The Southern Agriculturist, and Register of Rural Af- fairs, m. January, 1828-Dec., 1832. Vols. i-v. The Southern Review, qr. Feb., 1828-Feb., 1832. Vols. i-viii. Carolina Gazette, w. Sept. 6, Nov. 23, 1831; May 30, 1832. Union and States Rights Gazette. Oct. 18, 1831. Vol. i, No. 2. The Irishman Extra, n. d. Contains only a "Letter" from Rt. Rev. Doctor England to the Catholic citizens of Charleston, S. C., dated Au- gust 24, 1831. The Courier, d. March 7, 8, June 1, 2, July 25, 26, Aug. 15, 16, 22, Sept. 20, 1831. Nov. 14, 1838-Dec. 31, 1840. Irregular. Bound with the Mercury, 1840. Jan. 1, 1841-Dec. 31, 1842. 1 book. Jan. 2, 1843-Dec. 31, 1844. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1845-Dec. 31, 1846. 1 book. Jan. 1, 1847-Dec. 29, 1848. 1 book. Sept 17, 1851-Sept. 17, 1853. Sundry numbers. The Charleston Mercury, d. July 13, 14, Aug. 3, 9, 1831. Oct. 3, 1840-Aug. 12, 1847. Irregular. Bound with the Courier, 1838. July 2, 1851-Nov. 1, 1852. Sundry numbers. Aug. 6, 1861. (245) 56 Department of Archives and History. The Southern Literary Journal, m. May, 1838. Vol. iii, No.5. New series. The Southern Cabinet of Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural and Domestic Economy, m. Jan.-Dec., 1840. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. The Southern Quarterly Review, qr. Jan., 1842-August, 1856. Vols. i-xxviii. Founded and first issued at New Orleans, La. The Magnolia ; or Southern Apalachian. m. January-June, 1842. Vol. iv. July, 1842- June, 1843. Vols. i-ii; new series. See Savannah, Ga. The Southern and Western Masonic Miscellany, m. February-April, 1850. Vol. i, Nos. 3-5. The Palmetto Flag. Oct. 22, 25, 1851. Vol. i, Nos. 16 and 17. The Southern Standard. July 28, Aug. 1, Sept. 29, Oct. 4, 21, 1851; Jan. 12, 28, July 15, 1852. The Evening News. d. July 31, Dec. 15, 1851; Jan. 24, March 1, 1852. Southern Christian Advocate, w. Aug. 12, 1853. The Keystone, m. June, 1899-May, 1904. Vols. i-v. The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Maga- zine, qr. January, 1900-Oct, 1903. Vols. i-iv. The Exposition, m. Dec., 1900-May, 1902. Vols. i-ii. No more issued after Vol. ii, No. 5. (246) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 67 Columbia. Columbia Telescope. May 20, 1831. Vol. xvii, No. 19. Jan. 3, 1833; extra. Southern Times and State Gazette, w. Jan. 11, 1833. Vol. iv, No. 2. South Carolina Temperance Advocate. Sept. 12, 1839, and Nov. 28, 1844. Vol. i, No. 10. Sept. 11, Oct. 2, 1851. The Southern Chronicle \v. July 16-Aug. 20, 1840. Vol. 1, Nos. 3-8. Dec. 18, 1844-Sept. 24, 1845. Jan. 1, 1844. Bound with the Courier, 1838. South Carolinian, w. Aug. 7, 1840-Aug. 11, 1848. Vol. ii, No. 49-Vol. x, No. 60. The Palmetto State Banner. Sept. 8, 1846. Vol. i, No. 1. Daily States-Rights Republican, d. May 26, July 5, Dec. 29, 1851; Jan. 3, 5, 27, 1852. The Southern Presbyterian Review, qr. July, 1851-April, 1852. Vol. v. July, 1866. Vol. xvii, No. 1. The Daily South Carolinian, d. Dec. 8, 1852. Army Letters of "Personne." 1861-1865. 1896. Vol. i, Nos. 1-2. Edgefield. The Carolinian, w. March 13, 1830. Vol. ii, No. 53. (247) 68 Department of Archives and History. Edgefield Advertiser, w. July 24, Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 1851. Greenville. The Greenville Republican, w. July 26, 1826-Aug. 11, 1827. Vol. i, No. 3 et seq. I book. The Mountaineer, w. Jan. 10, 1829-Nov. 14, 1835. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book. June 21, 1834-Dec. 19, 1835. 1 book. Jan. 9, 1836-April 19, 1844. 1 book. Jan. 19, 1844-Oct 29, 1847. 1 book. Dec. 13, 1844-Oct. 18, 1850. 1 book. Aug. 5, 19, 1852. Southern Sentinel, w. Aug. 4, 1832. Vol. i, No. 7. The Evening Star. 12x16 in. Feb. 14, 1848. Published by the Ladies' Fair, for the benefit of the Greenville Baptist Church. The Weekly Southern Patriot, w. Feb. 28, 1851-Feb. 19, 1852. Vol. I, Nos. 1-52. 1 book. Feb. 26, 1852-Feb. 17, 1853. 1 book. Feb. 24, 1853-Feb. 16, 1854. 1 book. Feb. 23, 1854-Feb. 15, 1855. 1 book. Feb. 22, 1855-Feb. 14, 1856. 1 book. Feb. 21, 1856-Feb. 12, 1857. 1 book. The Tri- Weekly Southern Patriot, t. w. April 22, 1851-Feb. 16, 1852. Vol. i, No. 1 et seq. 1 book, Hamburg. The Hamburg Journal, w. Aug. 13, 1845. Vol. vi, No. 11. The Republican, w. June 19, 1851. (248) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 59 Lancaster. The Lancaster Ledger, w. June 23, 30, 1852. Vol. i, No. 21. Laurensville. Laurensville Herald, w. Feb. 1, 1850; Aug. 20, 1852. Pendleton. Pendleton Messenger, w. March 30, April 6, June 22, 29, Aug. 31, i8?l. Vol. xxlii, No. 8 et seq. Dec. 5, 1850. Farmer and Planter, m. March-December, 1850. Vol. i. Spartanburg. The Spartan, w. Dec. 25, 1844. Vol. ii, No. 1. Winnsboro. The Fairfield Herald, w. Dec. 25, 1851; Jan. 1, 15, 1852. Yorkville. Yorkville Miscellany, w. July 5, 1851. The True Remedy, w. Jan. 15, 1852. Vol. i, No. 16. (249) 60 Department of Archives and History. TENNESSEE. Chattanooga. Chattanooga Gazette, w. Nov. 9, 1852. Chattanooga Daily Rebel, d. March 26, 1863. Vol. i, No. 198. The Chattanooga Daily Times, d. Sept. 25, 1883. Franklin. The Williamson Journal, w. Sept. 7, 1871. Knoxville. Knoxville Register and Weekly Times, w. Sept. 2 ,1840. Tennessee Farmer, m. Jan.-Dec., 1840. Vol. v, Nos. 1-12, pp. 96. Bound with Railroad Advocate, infra. University of Tennessee Record, b. m. June, 1898-Oct., 1900. Nos. 4-17. 6 vols. Jan., 1901-March, 1904. Vols. iv-vii. Southern Education. (Southern Educational Board.) March 12-Dec. 21, 1903. Vol. i, Nos. 1-20. Circulars of the Southern Education Board. April-Oct., 1902. Series i, Nos. 1-4. Southern Education Notes, b. m. (Southern Education Board). March 10, 1902-Feb. 10, 1903. Series i, Nos. 1-26. (250) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 61 Bulletins of the Southern Education Board, qr. May-Dec., 1902. Vol. i, Nos. 1-3. The University Scientific Magazine. October 1897. No. 3. Memphis. The Memphis Daily Appeal, d. Dec. 3, 1861-March 2, 1866. Sundry numbers. July 22, 1864. Southern Monthly, m. February-April, 1862. VoL i, NOB. 6-8. The Memphis Scimitar, d. May 9, 1901. The Commercial-Appeal, d. Dec. 7, 1902. NashvUU. The National Union, w. June 10, 1850. The Home Circle, m. August, 1856. Vol. 11, No. 8. Southern Agriculturist, s. m. May, 1872. .Vol. Ill, No. 1. August, 1873. Vol. IT, No. 4. 1896-1903. Broken file. The Weekly American, w. Jan. 24, 1884. The Nashville American, d. June 25, 1895. Confederate Veteran, m. 1893-1904. Vols. 1-xlL (251* 62 Department of Archives and History. The American Historical Magazine, qr. 1896-1904. Vols. i-ix. Magazine of Tennessee History and Biography, m. Jan. and Feb., 1895. Vol. i, Nos.1-2. No more published. The Cumberland Presbyterian Quarterly, qr. March-December, 1902. Vol. i, Nos. 1-4. No more published. Christian Advocate, w. Jan.-Dec., 1902. 1 book. Jan.-Dec., 1903. 1 book. The Methodist Quarterly Review, qr. Jan., 1903-April, 1904. 6 numbers. The Olympian, m. Jan.-Dec., 1903. Vols. i-ii. No more published. Pulaski. The Pulaski Citizen, w. May 13, 1897-Dec. 29, 1898. 1 book. Purdy. Purdy Weekly Gazette, w. May 24, May 31, June 14, 1873. Vol. i, No. 1. Rogersville. , Railroad Advocate, s.-m. Aug. 20, 1831-June 14, 1832. Vol. i, Nos. 4-26. pp. 208. Sewanee. The Sewanee Review, qr. Nov., 1892-Oct., 1902. Vols. I-x. (252) Newspaper and Periodical Files. 63 TEXAS / Austin. The South-Western American, t. w. Jan. 8, 1852. The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Associa- tion, qr. July, 1897-April, 1904. Vols. i-vii. Fort Worth. The Bohemian, qr. Nov., 1899-1904. Vols. i-iv. Houston. The Gulf Messenger. November, 1897. Vol. x, No. 10. VIRGINIA. Fredericksburg. The Christian Banner, w. June 14, 1862. The Virginia Herald, w. Feb. 19, 1842. Hampton. The Southern Workman, m. 1900-1902. Vols. xxix-xxxi. Partial file. (253) Department of Archives and History. Lynchburg. Lynchburg Daily News. d. May 18, 1886. Richmond. Richmond Enquirer. Oct. 51, 1829-Sept. 11, 1840. Sundry numbers. July 1, Aug. 1, 8, Sept. 26, 1851; Jan. 13, 30, June 11, Aug. 10, Sept. 7, 21, 1852. The Southern and Western Literary Messenger and Re- view, m. 1846-1858. Vols. xii-xxvi. Partial flies. The Independent Odd Fellow, m. March, 1846. Vol. v, No. 3. The Daily Richmond Enquirer, d. April 7, 1863. Daily Dispatch, d. July 26, 1861. Semi- Weekly Dispatch, s. w. July 23, 1861-June 13, 1862. Southern Illustrated News. July 4, 1863, March 5, 1864. The Age. m. January, 1864. Vol. i, No. 1. Southern Historical Society Papers, m. Jan.-Dec., 1876. Vols. i-ii. Staunton. The Virginias, m. Jan.-Dec., 1880. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. pp. 196. 1 book. Winchester. Things and Thoughts, b. m. March, 1901-April, 1903. Vols. i-iii. 13 Nos. (254) Newspaper and Periodical Files. (55 WEST VIRGINIA. Charleston. The West Virginia Historical Maga^ne. qr. January, 1901-October, 1903. Vols. i-iii. Morgantoivn. The Transallegheny Historical Magazine, qr. Vol. ii, No. 1. October, 1902. WISCONSIN. Madison. Wisconsin State Journal, w. May 29, 1885. FOREIGN. Liverpool, England. Wilmer & Smith's European Times, s. m. Jan. 4, 1846 et seq. London, England. The Morning Chronicle. Dec. 25, 1851. (255)