BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IN AND ABOUT SALT LAKE CITY. Oregon Short Line Railroad Yellowstone National Park, A tour of the Great West is not complete unless it includes a trip to the wonderful Yellowstone National Park. A most de- lightful excursion is one embracing SCENIC COLORADO. The Land ot The Mormons and Yellowstone Park, Plan your PARK excursion via the OREGON SHORT LINE and the MONIDA ROUTE. The equipment is new, and the service perfect Send four cents to D. E. Burley, Salt Lake City, for copy of elegant Yellowstone folder. MERGUR UTAH'S GREAT GOLD CAMP, Can be visited, and a return made to Salt Lake City, the same day. The ride over the little Salt Lake and Mercur Railway, as it creeps over the Oquirrh range will well repay you, and a visit to Mercur, the home of the largest cyanide mill in the United States, if not in the world, will give an insight into the unique method employed for the extraction of gold. Tintic and ALL THE GREAT MINING DISTRICTS are only or best reached via the OREGON SHORT LINE. SIXTEEN PASSENGER TRAINS arrive and and leave Salt Lake City daily over the OREGON SHORT LINE, affording the very best service between points in Utah. D. E. BURLEY, Q. P. & T, A, S, : J>, SPENCER, Q, P, & T, A, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The Salt Lake Business College Controls the ELLIS CABINET SYS- TEM of Bookkeeping and the GREGG SYSTEM of Shorthand in Utah. They are the Best. OUr STUDENTS ARE IN DEMAND, We furnish one hundred positions to our Students for every ten furnished to Soudents by all our competiters combined. INFORMATION FREE! ->s: SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGK. Terupleton, Salt Lake City. Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Co. + //. -St. //. -f/. //. V/. //. //. -I/, v/. 4- We pay 4 per cent, inter- est per annum, com- pounded semi-annually, on any amount from H to thousands. Save your money and when you get a dollar, open an account. + ^ //. //. //. //. v/. v/. //. //. -if. //. 4 *- OFFICERS & DIRECTORS: LORENZO SNOW, Pres. GKO. Q. CANNON, V-Pres. GEO. M. CANNON, Cashier. JOSKI-H F. SMITH, T. G. WEBBKK, JAMES JA< K, ANTHON H. LUND, JOHN T. CAINE, ANGUS M. CANNON, HEBEH J. GRANT, FRANC is M. LYMAN, GEORGE REYNOLDS, L. JOHN NUTTALL. A Zion's Savings Bank No, I, Haiti St., Salt Lake City, Utah. OLDEST and LARGEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE STATE, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. The University of Utah comprises thorough collegiate courses leading to degrees in General Science, Liberal Arts, and Mining and Electrical Engineering; besides which a State Normal School and a Preparatory School are conducted under the direction of the University Faculty. Excellent opportunities are offered to students who desire to pursue Electrical and Mining Engineering- Courses, and also Courses in Arts and General Science. The Laboratories are thoroughly equipped for work in Chemistry, Assaying, Electrical Measurements, General Physics, Minerallogy, and Biology. Shops are provided for work in wood and metal for students in Engineering and Science Courses. The Normal School offers a four years course leading to a certificate of graduation ; and Advanced Courses leading to a degree and a normal diploma. The certificate entitles the holder to teach in any of the common schools of the State for five vears without examination. The normal diploma is equivalent to a life certificate. The Training School and Kindergarten connected with the Normal School are equipped in accordance with the most modern ideas. Manual training and laboratory practice in elementary sciences are features of the normal training courses. The University now occupies the magnificent site of sixty acres, granted by Congress, and the new buildings overlook the city and the beautiful valley of the Great Salt Lake. The State Legislature of this year (1901) has established the State School of Mines in connection with the University. This will give a great impetus to the engineering work in the University. This School of Mines being situated near large electrical plants, gold, silver, lead and copper mines, and smelters, leaching works and mills employing the latest and best methods used in the reduction of metals from their ores, offers greater advantages than most other similar institutions, A small annual registration fee is required, but no tuition is charged. For further information address, D. R. ALLEN, Secretary. [SECOND ENGLISH EDITION.] UTAH AND HER PEOPLE. ILLUSTRATED. CONTAINING A SKETCH OF UTAH AND HORMONISM, THE ARTICLES OF FAITH OF THE MORMON CHURCH, THE RESOURCES AND ATTRACTIONS OF THE STATE, ETC., ETC. :oOo:- COHPILED AND PUBLISHED BY WM. A. MORTON. Alk. rT // :oOo:- 1901.- PRESS OF "THE DESERET EVENING NEWS.' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. I t O I .* .* ,* .* .* ,* Music has its full value as a ' 'concourse of sweet sounds' ' if played upon the pianos we take pardonable pride in offer- ing the public. They have attained a high standard of musical excellence, and are therefore fa.' more than hand- some furniture. The only fair way to judge them is to see them and hear them. You lire very welcome' here. Fergus Coalter Music Co. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Story and Clark, Hamilton and Ellington PIANOS. HOWARD and the Famous HAHILTON ORGANS. Sold on Easy Payments or Low for Cash, Everything Known in Music at FERGUS GOALTER MUSIC CO,, 39 S, Main St, 2 Doors South Z, C. , I, CATALOGUES FREE BANCROFT LIBRARY r- i- cr 8 o <. CD Q; LU THR TKMI'LK BLOCK. SALT LAKF, i'lTV. LORENZO SNOW. GEORGE Q. CANNON, MUST PUKsiDKNt V OF THE. CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Articles of Faith Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression. 3. We believe that, through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4. We believe that the first principles and ordi- nances of the Gospel are: First, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; Second, repentance; Third, baptism by immer- sion for the remission of sins; Fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by "prophecy and by the laying on of hands," by those who are in authority to preach the Gospel and adminis- ter in the ordinances thereof. 6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church, viz., Apostles, Prophets, Pas- tors, Teachers, Evangelists, etc. 7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healings, interpretation of tongues, etc. 8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the. word of God. 9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet re- veal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God. 10. We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes. That Zion will be built upon this continent. That Christ will reign personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisaic glory. 11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may. 12. We believe in being subject to kings, presi- dents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, | honoring and sustaining the law. 13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, be- nevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; in- deed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul, "We believe all things, we hope all things;" we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report or praisworthy, we seek after these things. Joseph Smith. SKETCH of UTAH and MORMONISM. By Orson F. Whitney. THK PKOPHET .lOSKI'H SMITH. T TTAH owes her existence to a religious movement simi- lar in some of its phases to thac which ]><'<>]i|.