UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - >36 GIFT OF No. / 7 ^^ Received / f tf ^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIFT OF LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION BV HENRY CARR PEARSON, A.B., HARVARD HORACE MANN SCHOOL, TEACHERS COLLEGE, NEW YORK NEW YORK-:- CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY HENRY CARR PEARSON. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL, LONDON PEARSON. LATIN PROSE. W. P. I PREFACE THIS book has been prepared in response to the numer- ous requests I have received from those teachers who are using my Greek Prose Composition. It is an attempt (i) to combine a thorough and systematic study of the essentials of Latin syntax with abundant practice in trans- lating English into Latin ; and (2) to afford constant prac- tice in writing Latin at sight. Part I contains, in graded lessons, the principal points of Latin syntax, the unusual and non-essential being pur- posely omitted. These lessons are designed for use at the beginning of the second year's study of Latin, thereby serving as a partial review of the first year's work and as an introduction to the composition work in connection with the prose authors read subsequently. Part II contains short, simple English sentences based on Books I-IV of Caesar's Gallic War. In Books I and II short, model sentences and phrases are selected from the Latin text, so as to direct the student's attention more forcibly to the actual Latin usages. Part III presents disconnected English sentences based upon Cicero's Catiline, I, and connected English based upon Cicero's Catiline, II-IV, Pompey's Military Com- mand, Archias, Marcellus, and Ligarius. There are also carefully graded exercises for general review preparatory to college entrance examinations. 22*1781 4 PREFACE At intervals in Parts I and II review lessons are intro- duced, containing each a list of the important words and an enumeration of the principal constructions used in the preceding sections. The instructor is urged to form origi- nal sentences for his class to translate at sight into Latin based upon these words and constructions. While, strictly speaking, this is not sight work, yet it enables the student to make definite preparation for this kind of work, and gives him valuable practice in the offhand use of words and principles of grammar. The sentences at the beginning of Part III are com- paratively easy, so that Part II may be omitted, if the instructor has not time enough to complete the entire book. The best results, however, will be obtained from a completion of all the work here given. I take this occasion to thank Albert I. Oliver, Instructor in Latin, Kent's Hill Seminary, Maine, and W. S. Burrage, Ph.D., of Cambridge, Massachusetts, for reading the manu- script of Part I. I am especially indebted to Miss Emeline B. Bartlett, Instructor in Latin and Greek in this school, for the valuable criticism and assistance that she lias given me throughout the preparation of this book. HENRY CARR PEARSON. CONTENTS PART I LESSON PAGE 1. Agreement of Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs .... 7 2. The Accusative Case 10 3. The Genitive Case . . . . . . " . 12 4. The Dative Case 16 5. The Ablative Case ........ 19 6. Review and Sight Practice . 24 7. Pronouns : Demonstrative, Personal, Reflexive, Possessive . 25 8. Pronouns (contimted} : Relative, Indefinite, Correlatives . 30 9. Questions: Answers: Connectives 35 10. The Participle : Its Uses and Tenses . . 39 11. Gerund and Gerundive. The Periphrastic Conjugations. Supine .......... 44 12. Review and Sight Practice . . - 47 13. Tenses of Indicative, Subjunctive, and Infinitive. Delibera- tive Subjunctive. How to express "Ought," "Must" . 49 14. Commands, Exhortations, Prohibitions. How to express " May," " Can," " Might," etc 53 15. Conditions and Wishes 56 16. Sequence of Tenses. Indirect Questions. Construction after Verbs of Fearing and Doubting .... 60 17. Review and Sight Practice 64 18. Subjunctive of Purpose and Result. Object Clauses . , 65 19. Construction after Verbs of Hindering and Refusing. Tem- poral Clauses ........ 69 20. Indirect Discourse. Simple Sentences . ~ . . 73 21. Indirect Discourse. Complex Sentences .... 78 22. Concession. Proviso. Cause. Characteristic. Review of Relative Clauses ........ 82 23. Review and Sight Practice 86 5 CONTENTS PART II PAGE Exercises based on Caesar, Book I 87 Exercises based on Caesar, Book II 118 Exercises based on Caesar, Book III 146 Exercises based on Caesar, Book IV . . . . . .159 PART III First Oration against Catiline . . . . . . 175 Second Oration against Catiline 187 Third Oration against Catiline . . . . . . 195 Fourth Oration against Catiline . . . . . .201 Pompey's Military Command ....... 207 The Citizenship of Archias ........ 220 The Oration for Marcellus ........ 226 The Oration for Ligarius . . . . . . . ' . 229 Exercises for General Review ....... 232 ENGLISH-LATIN VOCABULARY 239 GRAMMATICAL INDEX 255 PART I LESSON i AGREEMENT OF NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS 1. Apposition. A noun in apposition with another noun agrees with it in case, and, when it is possible, in gender and number. Servius rex, Seruius the king. quattuor hie prlmum omen equos vidl, here I saw four horses, the first omen. 2. A noun in apposition with a possessive pronoun or adjective may be in the genitive, because the possessive implies a genitive. nomen meum absentis, my name in my absence (i.e. the name of me absent). 3. A noun in apposition is often expressed in English by a clause of time, cause, etc. : litteras Graecas senex didici, / learned Greek when an old man. 4. A predicate noun is one connected with the subject by some form of the verb sum or a similar verb (i.e. fio, become; videor, seem; maneo, remain; creor, be elected; appellor, be called;- habeor. be held, regarded)'. 7 8 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I Cicero orator fuit, Cicero was an orator. Numa creatus est rex, Numa was elected king. Orestem se esse dlxit, he said tJiat he was Orestes. AGREEMENT OF NOUNS, SECTIONS 1-4 [H. 393- i> 5> 6, 8 ; (362, 363) ; LM. 475 ; A. 184, 185 ; G. 320-325 ; B. 167-169.] 5. An attributive adjective belonging to two or more nouns regularly agrees with the nearest : pater tuus et mater, your father and mother. 6. A predicate adjective is generally plural when it modifies two or more singular subjects ; it is masculine if the subjects are living beings of different genders, and neuter if the subjects are things. If the subjects repre- sent both living beings and things, there is no fixed rule : pater sororque occisi sunt, father and sister ivere killed. labor voluptasque inter se sunt iuncta, labor and delight are bound together. 7. Sometimes an adjective or a participle does not agree with a noun according to strict grammatical form, but according to the sense or natural gender of the noun : hominum milia sex perterriti, six thousand men were 'badly frightened. AGREEMENT OF ADJECTIVES, SECTIONS 5-7 [H. 394, 395 ; (438, 439) ; LM. 476-481 ; A. 186, 187 ; G. 286, 290 ; B. 234, 235.] 8. When a verb has two or more singular subjects, the verb is either (a) plural, or (b) singular, in agreement with the nearest subject :, , AGREEMENT OF NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS 9 pater et avus mortui sunt, his father and grandfather are dead. senatus populusque Romanus voluit, the senate and people of Rome ordained. 9. A collective noun commonly takes a verb in the singular, but the plural is often used when individuals are thought of : senatus haec intellegit, the senate is aware of this. cum tanta multitude lapides conicerent, when such a crowd was throwing stones. 10. When the subjects differ in person, the verb agrees with the first person rather than the second, and with the second rather than the third : si tu et Tullia valetis, ego et Cicero valemus, if you and Tullia are well, Cicero and I are well. AGREEMENT OF VERBS, SECTIONS 8-10 [H. 389, 392; (461, 463); LM. 469-474; A. 205; G. 211, 287; B. 254, 255.] 11. Translate : 1. When a girl, she was considered wise. 2. You 1 and I will do this. 3. A part of the soldiers were put to flight. 4. Your sister and brother have come. 5. They gave it to Caesar, the consul. 6. The boy and his sister were very brave. 7. I heard of 2 your bravery when a youth. 8. Zeal and patience have been called virtues. 9. Two thousand men had been seen in the town. 10. A multitude of soldiers were on the wall. 1 See example under 10 for order of pronouns. 2 de with ablative. 10 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I LESSON 2 THE ACCUSATIVE CASE 12. The direct object of a transitive verb is put in the accusative : librum scrlpsit, he wrote a book. 13. The meaning of a verb, even of one ordinarily in- transitive, may be emphasized or more exactly defined by adding an accusative of kindred derivation. This is called the Cognate accusative, and is usually modified by an adjective : tutam vltam vivere, to lead a secure life. 14. Many verbs of making, choosing, calling, showing, and the like, may take two accusatives, one of the per- son or thing affected, the other a predicate accusative : urbem Romam vocavit, he called the city Rome. 15. Some verbs of asking, demanding, teaching, and concealing may take two accusatives one of the person, and one of the thing : pacem te poscimus, we demand peace of yon. i. Some of these verbs may take the ablative of the person with a preposition instead of the accusative. So, generally, peto (ab), seek (from)] postulo (ab), demand (of); quaere (ab, de, ex), ask (of): quaerit ex solo ea, he asks him in private about those things. pacem a vobis petimus, we implore peace from THE ACCUSATIVE CASE II 16. The accusative is used to express the duration of time or the extent of space : fossas quindecim pedes latas, trenches fifteen feet broad. quadraginta annos vixit, he lived forty years. i. Emphasis is sometimes given by using the preposition per, as : ludl per decem dies, games for ten days. 17. Proper names of towns and of small islands or pen- insulas are put in the accusative to denote the end or limit toward which the motion of the verb is directed : miss! legatl Athenas sunt, ambassadors were sent to Athens. 1. The accusatives domum and rus are used like proper names of towns : domum reductus est, he was conducted home. ego rus ibo, / sJiall go into the country. 2. Other designations of place than those mentioned above require a preposition (in or ad) to denote the limit of motion : in Italiam venit, he came into Italy. legiones ad urbem adducit, he is leading the legions to (or toward} the city. 3. When domum is modified in any way, except by a possessive pronoun or a genitive, the preposition in is com- monly used : in illam domum, into that house. domos suas, to their homes. 18. An exclamation, if limited by an adjective or a geni- tive, may be expressed by the accusative : 12 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I me miserum, ah, wretched me ! or dear, dear me ! 6 fallacem spem, oh, deceptive hope ! REFERENCES FOR ACCUSATIVE [H. 403-421; (370-381); LM. 495-524; A. 237-240, 258; G. 329- 343; B. 172-185.] 19. Translate : 1. Caesar asked them for grain. 2. They will choose him consul. 3. Dear me, I am going to Rome ! 4. We will demand of them fifty ships. 5. She remained in the city for ten days. 6. They made a wall fifteen feet high. 7. He set out for his home. 8. For many days he concealed the deed from his father. 9. The enemy marched into Italy. 10. The boy and his mother were free. LESSON 3 THE GENITIVE CASE 20. The genitive is ordinarily used to express the de- pendence of one noun upon another. This relation is often, but not always, expressed in English by of or 's or j' : Alexandrl equus, Alexander s horse, or the horse of Alexander. 21. If a noun of action or feeling is limited by another noun, the dependent genitive expresses either I. the subject of the action or feeling, and is called the subjective genitive : amor patris, the love of a father, or a father's love (i.e. the love felt by a father} ; or THE GENITIVE CASE 13 2. the object of the action or feeling, called the objective genitive : amor patris, love for father (i.e. the love toivard a father]. 22. The genitive is used to denote quality, but only when the limiting noun is modified by an adjective : vir summae virtutis, a man of the highest courage. i. If the noun expressing the quality is not modified, the idea of quality is expressed by an adjective rather than a genitive. For example, " a man of courage " is not to be rendered vir virtutis, but vir fortis. 23. Genitive of the Whole, or Partitive Genitive. The genitive is used to express the whole of which a part is taken : duo mllia peditum, tivo thousand foot soldiers. minus dubitationis, less hesitation. The following are a few of the common words followed by this construction : plus, more. plurimum, most. multum, much. minus, less. paulum, little. nihil, nothing. satis, enough. parum, not enough. quod, quid, which, what. aliquid, something. i. Numerals and quidam are generally followed by ex or de and the ablative, rather than a partitive genitive. Also occasionally other words : unus ex militibus, one of the soldiers. paucl de nostrls cadunt, a few of our men fall. 24. The genitive is used with many adjectives to limit tJic extent of their application. Such adjectives are those 14 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I signifying desire, knowledge, familiarity, memory, partici- pation, power, fullness, and their opposites : peritus belli, skilled in war. cupidus rerum novarum, eager for revolution. Some of the common adjectives of this class are : cupidus, eager, desirotis. conscius, conscious, aware. peritus, experienced, skillful. insuetus, unaccustomed, inex- perienced. plenus, /////. memor, mindful, remember- ing. expers, having . no part, free from. potens, ruling, controlling. particeps, sharing. 25. Verbs of remembering and forgetting meminl, re- miniscor, and obliviscor generally take 1 . the genitive when referring to persons : oblitus sum mel, / have forgotten myself. 2. sometimes the genitive, and sometimes the accusative, when referring to things. The object is jregularly accusative when it is a neuter pronoun : meministlne nomina, do you remember the names ? reminiscere veteris incommodi, remember the former disaster. haec meminl, / remember this. 26. Verbs of accusing, convicting, condemning, and ac- quitting, take the genitive to express the charge : accusatus est proditionis, he was charged with treason. 27. The impersonal verbs paenitet, repent ; miseret, pity ; taedet, be weary ; pudet, be ashamed ; piget, disgusts, take the accusative to express the person affected, and the THE GENITIVE CASE 15 genitive to express the person or thing toward ^v/iom the feeling is directed: tui me miseret, / pity you (literally, it pities me of you). eum taedet vltae, he is tired of life. i. misereor also governs the genitive : misereminl sociorum, pity the allies. 28. interest and refert, it interests or concerns take the genitive of the person concerned ; but in the case of the personal pronoun the ablative singular feminine of the possessive is generally used : patris interest, it concerns the father. magis rel publicae interest quam mea, // concerns the public welfare more than me. 29. A few neuter adjectives of quantity are put in the genitive with verbs of valuing to denote the amount of estimation. Such genitives are : magnl, pluris, pluriml ; parvl, minoris, minimi ; tanti, quanti. The common verbs with which these genitives are used are : aestimo, facio, puto, habeo, and sum : ea magnl aestimantur, those things are highly valued (liter- ally, those things are estimated of great (value)). est mini tanti, // is worth my while (literally, it is of so much to me). REFERENCES FOR GENITIVES [H. 437-4S 8 ; (393-4io) ? LM. 549~59 2 i A - 213-222 ; G. 360-382 ; B. 194-211.] 1 6 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 30. Translate : 1. They were very skillful in military affairs. 1 2. He forgot his name. 3. Love for his country made him brave. 4. They asked him his brother's name. 5. He was a man of great size, but not of courage. 6. She has enough money. 7. Five of the soldiers went to Athens. 8. She pities them. 9. How valuable is that book ? 10. This interests him very much. LESSON 4 THE DATIVE CASE 31. Indirect Object. The dative is used to express the object that is indirectly affected by the action of the verb : hanc pecuniam mihi dat, he gives me this money (pecuniam is the direct, and mihi the indirect object). i. With certain verbs that imply motion it is often difficult to distinguish between the dative of the indirect object and the accusative of the limit of motion (cf. 17). Generally the accusative (with or without a preposition) is used when the idea of motion prevails : litteras quas ad Pompeium scrips!, the letter which I have written (and sent) to Pompey. mihi litteras mittere, to send a letter to me. 32. Most verbs signifying to favor, help, please, trust, and their contraries ; also to believe, persuade, command, 1 res militaris. THE DATIVE CASE I/ obey, serve, resist, envy, threaten, pardon, and spare, take the dative. Some of the more common of these verbs are : persuadeo, persuade. pareo, obey. parco, spare. .impero, order. resisto, resist. fldo, confide, trust. licet, it is permitted. credo, believe, trust. faveo, favor. placeo, please. ignosco, pardon. invideo, envy. noceo, harm. studeo, be eager for. cur mini invides, why do yoti envy me ? huic imperat, he orders him. 1. Some verbs apparently of the same meaning govern the accusative ; such as iubeo, order; delecto, please; iuvo, adiuvo, help ; laedo, injure. 2. If these verbs are used in the passive, the dative is retained and the verbs are impersonal : nobls persuadetur, we are persuaded. 33. Most verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post, prae, pro, sub, super, and sometimes circum, govern the dative case. If transitive, such verbs may take an accusative besides : consilils obstare, to oppose plans. pecuniae pudorem anteponit, he puts honor before money. 34. Dative of Possession. The English verb have is often expressed in Latin by the dative and some form of sum. The possessor is expressed by the dative, and the object possessed is the subject of sum. LATIN PROSE COMI'. 2 1 8 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I The English sentence, " The master has a book," may be expressed in either of the following ways: 1. magistro est liber. 2. magister habet librum. 35. The dative is used with many adjectives of fitness, nearness, likeness, service, inclination, and their opposites. Some of the more common adjectives are : similis, like. dissimilis, unlike. adversus, opposite. inlquus, not equal to. proximus, next to. utilis, useful to. idoneus, suitable for. aptus, suitable for. par, equal to. aequus, equal to. amicus, friendly. cams, dear. familiaris, friendly to. alienus, unfavorable, for- eign. castris idoneum locum, a place suitable for a camp. filius patrl similis, a son like his father. i. Similis and a few others also sometimes govern the genitive (cf . 24). 36. Dative of Reference. The dative is used to denote the person to whom the thought of the sentence is of special interest. This dative is translated into English in a variety of ways : laudavit mini fratrem, he praised my brother, (mihi shows that it was out of regard for me, while meum would imply no such motive.) nobis divites esse volumus, we wish to be rich for ourselves. 37. Dative of Purpose or End. The dative is often used to denote the purpose, use, or result of a thing, often THE ABLATIVE CASE 19 with another dative of the person for whom. This con- struction is most common with the verb sum : magno usui nostris fuit, it was a great help to our men (literally, it was for a great help to our men). tertiam aciem nostris subsidio mlsit, he sent the third line as a relief to otir men. The datives most frequently used are : usul, subsidio, praesidio, auxilio, curae, munerl, odio, bono, impediments. REFERENCES FOR DATIVES [H. 422-436; (382-392); LM. 525-548; A. 224-236; 0.344-359; B. 186-193.] 38. Translate : 1. You and your sister gave him this. 2. The soldiers obey the general. 3. He wrote a letter to his mother. 4. Caesar was persuaded. 5. The wall will be a great hindrance to the enemy. 6. He put 1 an officer in charge of the legion. 7. The farmer had 2 fertile fields. 8. There was a hill opposite the town. 9. My 3 brother went to Corinth. 10. He took the lead of all his friends. LESSON 5 THE ABLATIVE CASE 39. Verbs indicating separation or privation take an ablative to denote the thing from which the separation takes place. A preposition, ab or ex, is often used with 1 Put in charge of praeficio. 2 Do not use the verb habeo. 8 Do not use meus; express the idea in another way. 20 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I these verbs, and regularly when the ablative denotes a person : magno me metu liberabis, you will free me from great fear. secernantur a nobls, let them be separated from us. auxilio eget, he needs help. de provincia decedere, to withdraw from one s province. 40. The ablative, with or without a preposition, de, ex, or ab, is used to denote the source from which a thing is derived, or the material of which it consists. Source amplissimo genere natus, born of an influential family. Material (ex is regularly used) pocula ex auro, cups of gold. An adjective could also be used, as pocula aurea. Also a genitive of material, pocula aurl. 41. The ablative with a or ab is used with passive verbs to denote \ho. personal agent ; ab his fit initium, a beginning is made by them. 42. An ablative may be used with a comparative instead of quam, than, and a nominative or accusative : patria mihi vita carior est, my country is dearer to me than life (quam vita could be used instead of vita). tui studiosior sum quam illlus, / am fonder of you than of him (here the ablative could not be used). 43. The ablative may denote the cause, means, or instru- ment : f ortuna amicl gaudeo, / rejoice at the good fortune of my friend (i.e. on account of, etc.). lacte atque pecore vlvunt, they live upon milk and flesh (i.e. by means of milk and flesh). THE ABLATIVE CASE 21 i. The ablative of the agent (which requires a or ab) must be carefully distinguished from the ablative of means or instrument, which uses no preposition. See 41. 44. The deponent verbs utor, use ; fruor, enjoy ; f ungor, perform ; potior, get possession of; vescor, eat ; and their compounds, govern the ablative : vita fruitur, he enjoys life. 45. The ablative, with or without cum, may be used to express the manner of an action. If the noun is modified by an adjective, cum is often omitted, otherwise cum is regularly used. Allobroges magna cum cur a suos finis tuentur, the Allobroges guard their own territory with great care. (Note the posi- tion of cum ; magna cura would also mean with great care.) cum celeritate venit, he came with speed (speedily). i. Some nouns that are unmodified express manner without cum : iure, rightly. iniuria, wrongly. vl, by force, forcibly. consilio, on purpose. casu, by chance. consuetudine, more, according to custom. 46. To denote accompaniment, the ablative is used with cum. But cum is often omitted in military expressions where an adjective is used : cum comitatibus profectus est, he set out with his attendants. 22 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 47. Ablative of Specification. The ablative is used with nouns, verbs, and adjectives to show that in respect to which the statement applies : reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, they excel the rest of the Gauls in courage. claudus pede, lame in his foot. 1. Note the phrases: minor natu, jj/ e ; G - 3* 5 B - 2 48-] 77. Translate : 1. I witnessed those deeds with my own eyes. 2. What road did he fortify ? 3. The boy, whose book I have, is not here to-day. 4. He blamed himself for his laziness. 5. The Rhine, which is a river in Europe, is one hun- dred feet wide. 6. All the houses I had were burned. 7. Some did one thing, others another. QUESTIONS. NEGATIVE CONNECTIVES 35 8. The perpetrators l of the crime have left the city. 9. That also belongs to me. 2 10. Each one fled to the very gates of the city. LESSON 9 QUESTIONS. NEGATIVE CONNECTIVES 78. Direct questions in Latin are not distinguished by the order of the words, as in English. They are introduced by the following special words : 1. -ne. This is an enclitic, and is added to the emphatic word, generally the first word. Such a question merely asks for information : mansitne Romae ? did he stay at Rome ? 2. nonne. This particle implies that the answer " yes " is expected : nonne mansit Romae ? didnt he stay at Rome, or he staid at Rome, didnt he? (answer "yes " expected). 3. num. This particle implies the answer "no." num mansit Romae ? did he stay at Rome ? or he didn't stay at Rome, did he ? (answer " no " expected). [H.378; (351, N. 1-3); LM. 697-701 ; A. 210; 0.454-456; B. 162,2.] 79. Direct questions that are introduced by the various interrogative pronouns and adverbs, such as quis, qui, ubi, qualis, quot, etc., are like the corresponding English ques- tions, and involve no difficulties. See 75. 1 What does this noun really mean ? 2 belongs to me is mine. 36 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 80. In double or alternative questions, utrum, -ne, whether, or occasionally no particle at all, is used in the first member; in the second, ah, or, is used. If the second member is negative, annon (less often necne), or not, is used. The following table summarizes the various forms : FIRST MEMBER SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT MEMBERS utrum, whether. an, or. -ne. an. an. EXAMPLES : utrum bonum an malum est ? "] bonumne an malum est ? > is it good or bad? bonum an malum est ? mansitne Romae annon ? did he stay at Rome or not f [H. 380 ; (353) ; LM. 705 ; A. 21 1 ; G. 458 ; B. 162, 4.] 81. Answers. Latin has no words meaning exclusively " yes " or " no." Answers are expressed as follows : 1. By repeating the verb : mansitne Romae ? did he stay at Rome ? mansit, yes (or non mansit, no). 2. By the following adverbs and phrases : For "yes," ita, so, true, etc. ita est, it is so, etc. etiam, even so, yes, etc. sane, surely, no doubt, etc. vero, in truth, true, no doubt, etc. certe, certainly, unquestionably, etc. ; and others. QUESTIONS. NEGATIVE CONNECTIVES 37 For "no," non, not (so). minime, not at all. nullo modo, by no means. non quidem, certainly not ; why, no ; etc. ; and others. [H. 379; (352) ; LM. 703, 704; A. 212; G. 471 ; B. 162, 5.] 82. Connectives. Note the following facts about the connection of coordinate words .and clauses : 1. et is the most common particle of connection, and unites likes and unlikes. 2. -que (enclitic) unites more closely than et. It com- bines things that belong closely to each other, and is appended to the first word of its clause (unless that word is a preposition of one syllable). perlculls insidilsque, dangers and plots. 3. atque (ac) generally emphasizes the second of the two things mentioned, as the English " and also," " and in fact," "and indeed." After words of likeness and difference, atque (ac) may have the force of as, than. Ac never stands before vowels or h. intra moenia atque in sinu urbis sunt hostes, within the walls, and, in fact, m the heart of the city are the enemies. ego idem sentio ac tu, / think the same as you. 4. etiam, even, still, emphasizes the word to which it belongs, and which it generally precedes. 5. quoque, also, immediately follows the word to which it belongs. 38 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 6. When three or more words are to be connected, either (i) connect all by et, or (2) omit all conjunctions, or (3) connect the last two by -que. uxores, et Hberl, et bona, 1 uxores, liber! , bona, > wives, children, and property. uxores, liberl, bonaque, J 7. Instead of et and the negative, neque (nee) and the positive is generally used in Latin. Such combinations give us the following phrases : and not, neque (nee), literally, nor, and no, neque ullus, nor any, and never, neque umquam, nor ever, and no one, neque quisquam, nor any one, and nothing, neque quidquam, nor anything. 8. Two adjectives belonging to one noun are connected by et, and generally follow the noun : vir clarus et f ortis, a famous brave man. [H. 314, 315; (310); LM. 755-761; A. 156; 0.475-480; 3.341.] 83. Translate : 1. He will go to Rome, will he not ? 2. They had many fields, buildings, and cattle. 3. Whose book is that on the table ? 4. He was a general, and no one obeyed him. 5. Do you remember? No. 6. Will he not use his sword ? 7. Did he fight or stay in camp ? 8. Will you free us from danger ? No, indeed. 9. A Roman is a brave, faithful soldier. 10. The Gauls plundered the houses, and, indeed, the very temples of Rome. THE PARTICIPLE ITS USES AND TENSES 39 LESSON 10 THE PARTICIPLE ITS USES AND TENSES 84. The participle is a verbal adjective. As a verb, it may govern a case ; as an adjective, it agrees with a sub- stantive. The tenses of the participle denote time, not absolutely, as in the indicative mood, but with reference to tfie time of the verb of the clause in which it stands. The participle has the following tenses : Present: representing an action as in progress at the time indicated by the tense of the verb : video eum id agentem, / see him as he DOES it (literally, him doing if). videbam eum id agentem, / saw him as he WAS DOING //. videbo eum id agentem, / shall see him as he WILL BE DOING it. Note that the participle in these examples expresses no absolute time. It describes an action that is going on at the time of the main verb. Perfect : representing an action as completed at the time indicated by the tense of the verb : cohortatus suos abiit, he ENCOURAGED his troops, and went away (literally, having encouraged his troops, he went away). cohortatus suos abit, he ENCOURAGES his troops, and goes away. cohortatus suos abibit, he WILL ENCOURAGE his troops, and then go away. Note again in these examples the various meanings of the perfect participle, yet they all express action that is completed before the action of the main verb begins. 40 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I Future : expressing subsequent action : videbam eum id acturum, I saw him when he was intending to do it. [H. 636, 640; (548,550); LM. 1009-1011 ; A. 289, 290; G. 282. 283; 8.336.] 85. The following outline shows how the tenses of the participle may be formed from the stems obtained from the principal parts : Present stem. Perf. act. stem. Perf. pass. stem. PRINCIPAL PARTS. ago, age re eg|l act|us TENSE ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE PRESENT pres. stem + ns wanting FUTURE perf . pass, stem + urus Gerundive. Pres. stem -+- ndus PERFECT wanting the last onex>f the prin- cipal parts 1. Deponent verbs have the participles of both voices. 2. The missing perfect active participle is supplied by the perfect passive participle of the deponent verbs; if there is no deponent verb with the necessary meaning, clauses with cum, postquam, etc., may be used : having done this, he went away, cum id fecisset, abiit. 3. The missing present passive participle is supplied by clauses with dum, cum, or quod. THE PARTICIPLE ITS USES AND TENSES 41 4. The perfect participles of some deponents are used practically like our present participle : usus, using. secutus, following. arbitratus, ratus, thinking. solitus, accustomed. ausus, daring. And some others. [H. 222, i, 640, i, 4, 5; (231, 550, N. 4 and 5) ; LM. 393-401 ; A. 135, a. 290 b. c. d. ; G. 128, 585 R. ; B. 112, a. 336, 5, 356, 2.] 86. Form all the participles (giving the English mean- ings) of the following verbs : do, dare, dedl, datus, give. video, videre, vldl, visus, see. facio, facere, feel, factus, make, do. sequor, sequl, secutus sum, follow. munio, munire, munlvl, munltus, fortify. 87. Participles are used in Latin more extensively than in English. They, may express time, condition, catise, manner, means, concession, circumstance. Study carefully the following examples which show the various relations that the participle expresses : 1 . Time. mllites cohortatus . . . proell committendl signum dedit, after he had encouraged his soldiers, he gave the signal to begin battle. 2. Condition. damnatum poenam sequl oportebat, if condemned, the punish- ment must follow. 42 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 3. Cause. horum auctoritate finitiml adductl retinent, since tlieir neighbors were influenced by their authority, they retained. 4. Manner. Romanl gratulantes Horatium accipiunt, the Romans receive Horatius witJi congratulations (congratulating). 5. Means. sol oriens diem conficit, the sun, by its rising, makes the day. 6. Concession. repulsus in oppidum, tamen . . . impetravit, although he had been driven back into tlie town, yet he gained, etc. It will be seen from these examples that clauses beginning with "if," "when," "after," "although," "since," "while," etc., and relative clauses may often be rendered in Latin by the participle. [H. 637-639; (549) ; LM. 1017; A. 292; G. 664-668; B. 337, 2.] 88. When a verb in English is coordinate (connected by "and") with another verb, it may often be rendered in Latin by a participle in agreement with the subject or object of that verb : copias eductas ex castrls instruxerunt, they led their troops out of camp and drew them up (literally, they drew up their troops HAVING BEEN LED out of camp}. 89. Ablative Absolute. A noun or pronoun in the ablative, with a participle agreeing with it, may be used to express any of the relations mentioned in 87. The word " absolute " means that this construction can be used only THE PARTICIPLE ITS USES AND TENSES 43 when the noun has no grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence : armls obsidibusque acceptls Crassus . . . profectus est, after arms and hostages had been received, Crassus set out, etc. The student will notice that it is possible to use the abla- tive absolute in the above example because armls . . . acceptls has nothing to do grammatically with the main clause, Crassus set out. 1. The ablative absolute is often used to supply the lack of a perfect active participle [85, 2]. If we wished to express Caesar having' done this, we must say quo facto Caesar (this having been done, Caesar). 2. The participle is sometimes omitted, and two sub- stantives, or a substantive and an adjective, are used in the ablative absolute construction : duce Bruto, ttnder the leadership of Brutiis. [H. 4 895 (430; LM. 638-642; A. 255 ; 0.409,4103 B. 227.] 90. Translate : 1. When they had performed these deeds, they set out for Rome. 2. Though he was wounded, he fought for many hours. 3. I heard her while she was speaking. 4. He took 1 the town and killed the inhabitants. 5. He received the gifts that had been sent. 6. When Cicero had been elected 2 consul, he drove Catiline from Rome. 7. When Cicero had been elected 2 consul, Catiline formed a conspiracy. 8. We become better citizens by doing 3 our duty. 9. If he is killed, we shall all mourn. 1 Use potior. 2 Use facio. 8 Use fungor. 44 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I LESSON n GERUND AND GERUNDIVE. THE PERIPHRASTIC CONJUGA- TIONS. SUPINE 91. The gerund is a verbal noun. It has only the oblique cases of the singular, i.e. genitive, dative, accusa- tive, and ablative. As a noun the gerund may itself be governed by other words ; as a verb it may take an object. Examples of its use in different cases : Genitive. ars Vivendi, art of living. agendl causa, for the sake of doing. cupidus videndl, desirous of seeing. Dative. aqua utilis est bibendo, water is usefiil for drinking. The dative is not often used. Accusative. This case is used only with ad (sometimes in) to denote purpose. nulla res tantum ad dicendum proficit, etc., nothing is as profitable for speaking, etc. Ablative. deterrere a scrlbendo, to deter from writing. mens disCendo alitur et cogitando, tJie mind groivs by learn- ing and reflection. NOTE. As a rule, the gerund takes a direct object only when used in the genitive or the ablative (without a preposition). [H. 624-631 ; (541-542) ; LM. 989, 990 ; A. 295-301 ; G. 425~433 ? B. 338-] GERUND AND GERUNDIVE 45 92. The gerundive is a verbal adjective and is passive in its literal meaning. See 85. Therefore, being an adjec- tive, it always agrees with a substantive : consilia urbis delendae, plans for destroying the city (literally, plans of the city to be destroyed). ad pacem petendam venerunt, they came to seek peace (literally, they came for peace to be asked). 93. Gerundive Construction used instead of the Gerund. - When the genitive or ablative of the gerund would have a direct object, the gerundive is generally used instead. See 91, note. GERUND CONSTRUCTION (preferable) cupidus pacem petendl, desir- ous of seeking peace. GERUNDIVE CONSTRUCTION cupidus pads petendae. scribendo epistulas, by writing letters scribendls epistulls. 1. The gerundive is always used to avoid using a direct object with the dative of the gerund, or with a case de- pendent upon a preposition. 91, note. aptum tegendls corporibus, suited to the defense of the body. ad pacem petendam venerunt, they came to seek peace. Brutus in llberanda patria est interfectus, B nit us was -slain in freeing his country. 2. When the genitives mei, tul, sul, nostrl, vestrl, are used in the gerundive construction, the gerundive regularly ends in dl, regardless of the gender and number of the pronoun : nostrl servandl causa, for the sake of saving ourselves. [H. 625-631; (543, 544); LM. 987-1003; A. 296-301; G. 427- 433 ; B. 339.] 46 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 94. Active Periphrastic Conjugation. This is formed by the future active participle and the auxiliary verb sum. It expresses the idea conveyed by the English phrases " I am about to," " I am going to," " I intend to " : amaturus est, he is about to love. [H. 236; (233); LM. 355; A. 129; G. 247; B. 115.] ]/ 95. Passive Periphrastic Conjugation. This is formed by the gerundive and the auxiliary verb sum. It expresses obligation or necessity,, and in its literal meaning is passive. The agent is expressed by the dative case. Note the following points : 1. Since the conjugation is passive, all active English sentences must be recast into the passive voice before they can be literally translated in Latin. Thus : " I must give the signal " (active) = "The signal must be given by me" (passive) = signum mini est dandum. 2. Intransitive verbs of this conjugation are always used impersonally in Latin. Thus : " We ought to come " = " It ought to be come by us " = nobls veniendum. [H. 237 ; (234) ; LM. 991, 992 ; A. 129 ; G. 251 ; B. 115.] 96. Supine. 1. The form ending in -urn is used chiefly to express purpose after verbs of motion : ad Caesarem gratulatum convenerunt, they came to Caesar to congratulate him. 2. The form in -u is used as an ablative of specification with various adjectives : REVIEW AND SIGHT PRACTICE 47 hoc est optimum factu, this is best to do (literally, this is best in respect to doing). mirabile dictu, wonderfjd to say. [H. 633, 635; (546, 547); LM. 1004-1008; A. 302, 303; G. 435, 436; B. 340.] 97. Translate : i. She was fitted to rule. > 2. You must remain here. > 3. Ambassadors came to seek peace. 1 > 4. Since Crassus is their leader, they ought to fight bravely. 5. They formed 2 the plan of renewing the war. 6. We will flee for the sake of saving ourselves. 7. No time was given the Romans to 3 arm themselves. * 8. That is easy to do. ^ 9. Caesar had to recall the soldiers. 10. By giving and aiding we enjoy life. LESSON 12 REVIEW AND SIGHT PRACTICE 98. Review the principles of syntax in 58-96. 99. Learn thoroughly the meanings of the following words : 1. hinc. 2. illlc. 3. hue. 4. culpo, / blame. 5. inimlcus, hostis. 6. pareo. 7. vendo.* 8. domus. 9. soleo. 10. quisque. 1 Express in two ways. 2 capio. 8 ad and ace. 4 8 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 11. quisquis. 1 2. quisquam. 13. quidam. 14. relinquo. 15. porta. 1 6. portus. 1 7. etiam. 1 8. vero. 19. ager. 20. ago. 21. cohortor.* 22. audeo.* 23. audio. 24. obses. 25. dives. 26. aptus. 27. trado. 28. salus. 29. adsum. 30. peto. 3 1 . aperio. 32. munio. 33. pigritia, ae, laziness. 34- PCS. 35. minima. 36. quidem, ne-quidem. 37. quoque. 38. aedificium. 39. castra. 40. perlculum. 41. fidelis. 42. conficio. 43. instruo. 44. interficio.* 45. consilium. 46. iuvo. 47. statuo. 48. constituo. 49. consisto. 100. Memorize the principal parts of the verbs given above, and write out all the participles of those that are starred. 1 01. Let the instructor form several original sentences in English from the words in 99, illustrating the gram- matical principles of 58-96. These sentences may be given for oral drill or a written exercise. TENSES OF INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE, INFINITIVE 49 LESSON 13 TENSES OF INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE, AND INFINITIVE. DELIBERATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE. HOW TO EXPRESS "OUGHT," MUST " 102. Present Indicative. Aside from its regular mean- ings, the following uses should be noted : I. It is used to describe past actions and events which the writer imagines to be now going on before his eyes. It is then called the Historical Present, and is generally translated by a past tense : Caesar Aeduls obsides imperat, Caesar demanded hostages of the Aeduans. \j 2. When dum, while, is used with the present tense, the verb is generally translated as if it were imperfect : dum haec geruntur, while these things WERE GOING ON. ^ 3. In combination with, iam, now : iam diu, now for a long time; iam pridem, now long since, and similar words, the present is used with the force of the English perfect. iam diu cupio te visere, / have for a long time wished to visit you (i.e. / now wish and have long wished). 103. Imperfect Indicative. This tense represents the action as taking place in past time. 1. It sometimes represents an action as customary or repeated: epulabatur more Persarum, he USED TO BANQUET in the Persian style. 2. With iam, iam diu, iam dudum, etc. [see 102, 2], the imperfect has the force of the English pluperfect : LATIN PROSE COM P. 4 5O LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I iam diu cupiebam te vlsere, / had for a long time wished to visit you. 104. Future Indicative. The Latin uses the future much more exactly than the English. We often use the present tense to refer to future time, the Latin very seldom. Thus : If he comes, I shall see him, si veniet (literally, will come), eum videbo. 105. Perfect Indicative. Note its two meanings (i) amavl, / have loved, called the present perfect or perfect definite ; (2) amavl, / loved, called the historical perfect or perfect indefinite. 106. Note these perfects that have a present meaning. Their pluperfect forms have the force of the imperfect : novl, I know. memini, I remember. odl, / hate. consuevl, / am accustomed. 107. Future-perfect Indicative. Note again (see 104) how exactly the Latin uses its tenses : When I reach Rome, I will write, Romam cum venero (literally, shall have reached), scrlbam. REFERENCES FOR USE OF TENSES OF INDICATIVE [H. 532-540 ; (466-473) ; LM. 73-748 ; A. 276-281 ; G. 227-244; B. 259-264.] 108. The tenses of the infinitive denote present, past, or future time not absolutely, but with reference to the time of the verb on which they depend. The significance of the TENSES OF INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE, INFINITIVE 51 tenses is the same as that of the tenses of the participle. Review 84, with the examples given, very carefully. [H. 617 ; (537) ; LM. 978 ; A. 288 ; G. 529, 530 ; B. 270.] 109. The following outline shows how the tenses of the infinitive may be formed. Review 85. INFINITIVES TENSE ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE PRESENT second one of the prin- cipal parts change final e of pres- ent active infinitive to 1, except in third conjugation, which changes ere to 1 FUTURE future active parti- ciple and esse supine and irl PERFECT perfect active stem + isse perfect passive parti- ciple and esse i. Deponent verbs substitute the future active _fpr the future jDassive infimtiye. A^UJ^^&W** ^^^^ J^S^" Form all the infinitives of the following verDsTj^A vinco, vincere, vlcl, victus, conquer. sentio, sentire, sensl, sensus, perceive. proficlscor, proficisci, profectus, set out. 1 10. Deliberative Subjunctive. The subjunctive is used in questions that are asked, not to receive information, but to indicate (i) doubt, indignation, or (2) an impossibility 52 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I of the thing's being done. The negative is non. They are most common in the first person. quid agam, iudices ? what am I to do, judges ? quid dlcerem ? what was I to say ? or what could I say f . [H. 559, 4 1 (484, V) ; LM. 723 ; A. 268 ; G. 265 ; B. 277.] in. English expressions that employ the auxiliary verbs ought or must, such as you ought to go, he must do this, are expressed in Latin in several ways : 1. The passive periphrastic conjugation. Review 95. 2. debeo and the infinitive. 3. oportet (an impersonal verb) with the infinitive, or the subjunctive (without ut) : te oportet virtus trahat, virtue ought to attract you (literally, it ought (to be) that virtiie attract you). legem brevem esse oportet, a law ought to be brief. EXAMPLES : id mini faciendum est, 1 T . , . . I ought to do this, debeo id facere, me oportet id facere, f T ... . I must do this. oportet id faciam, [H. 564, II, i ; (502, i); LM. 694, 782; A. 331, i; G. 535, R. 2; B. 295, 6, 8.] 112. Compare these two English sentences; " I ought to do this." " I ought to have done this." In changing to past time, the infinitive changes, and not the main verb "ought." This is because the verbs "ought" and "must" are defective in English. In the [ / ought to do this. j J COMMANDS, EXHORTATIONS, PROHIBITIONS 53 following Latin examples, note that the main verb changes to a past tense, and not the infinitive : debeo id facere, oportet me id facere debui id facere, \ .. > I ought to have done this. oportuit me id facere, J [H. 618, 2 ; (537, i) ; LM. 980 ; A. 288, a ; G. 254, R. I ; B. 270, 2.] 113. Translate: > i . We have been living in the city for many years. 2. Shall I tell him this ? 3. She ought to work more diligently. 4. While the city was being fortified, the enemy ar- rived. 5. He had been in command of 1 the army a long time. > 6. You ought not to have written that letter. 7. He hates them on account of their laziness. 8. Caesar had to fortify his camp. 9. What I to do ? 10. He never used to obey his parents. LESSON 14 COMMANDS, EXHORTATIONS, PROHIBITIONS; HOW TO EXPRESS "MAY," "CAN," "MIGHT," ETC. 114. The present imperative is used to express a direct positive command in the second person. The future tense is used chiefly in legal phrases : da mihi hoc, give me this. [H. 560 ; (487) ; LM. 725 ; A. 269 ; G. 266; ^B. 281.] 1 Be in command of = praesum. 54 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 115. The first and third persons, which are missing in the imperative, are supplied by the subjunctive (negative ne). The tense is usually present. The subjunctive then expresses an exhortation or an entreaty : amemus patriam, let us love our country. secernant se a bonls, let them separate themselves from the good. [H. 559, 1,560; (484.11); LM. 7 i 3 ; A. 266; G.26 3 , i, 3; B. 274, 275.] 116. A direct command in the second person, when negative, is called a prohibition. They are expressed in Latin as follows : 1. Noll (plural nolite), be unwilling, with the infinitive. This is the common expression : noli hoc facere, do not do , this (literally, be unwilling to do this). 2. Ne with the second person of the perfect subjunctive, or cave, cave ne, fac ne, take care not, see that not, with the second person of the present or perfect subjunctive. These expressions, however, are less common. CAUTION. Do not express prohibition by ne or non and the imperative. [H> ^ If 2; (488 _ 4 8 9) . m . ?28 , ?29; A. 269, a, b; G. 271, 2, 272, 2; B. 276.] SUMMARY PERSON POSITIVE NEGATIVE FIRST hoc faciamus, let us do this ne hoc faciamus, let us not do tJiis SECOND hoc fac, do this noli (nolite) hoc facere, do not do this THIRD hoc faciat, let him do this ne hoc faciat, let him not do this COMMANDS, EXHORTATIONS, PROHIBITIONS 55 117. The English auxiliaries, may, might, could, would, should, are not always used with the same force. When used with their full force of possibility, or power, they are expressed by corresponding Latin verbs. Thus, licet, it is permitted, gives the idea of may, might ; possum, / am able, the idea of could; volo, / am willing, the idea of would. When these English auxiliaries are less forceful, that is, are not used with their full literal meaning, they are represented in Latin by the subjunctive mood. 118. Potential Subjunctive. This expresses an action as possible or conditional, not as real. It often represents an action as dependent upon some implied condition. The negative is non. This subjunctive is generally represented in English by may, should, would: quispiam quaerat, some one may ask. velim, / should wish, or / should like (more polite than volo, / wish). dlceres, you would say, or would have said. [H. 552-556; (485, 486) ; LM. 717-720; A. 311, a, b; G. 257, 258; B. 280.] 119. When may or might emphasize the idea of permis- sion, use licet. It is used as follows : 1. Followed by subjunctive. 2. Followed by infinitive. EXAMPLES : licet eum (el) venire, } . ,. . JJ \ [ he may (i.e. is permitted to) come. licet veniat, J [H. 564, II, i, 615 ; (501, i, 536, 2, (3) ) ; LM. 693, 782 ; A. 331, i, N- 3 ; G. 535, 553, 4 1 B. 295, 6, 327, i .] 56 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 120. Translate: 1. Let them free us from danger. 2. He ought to have remained here. 3. Don't leave the city. 4. Let us all enjoy life. 5. What can that fellow do ? 6. Let us not be afraid of work. 7. I should like to do that. 8. You may 1 do it if you wish. 9. Some one may 1 ask you for that book. 10. Any one would have fought for 2 his country. LESSON 15 CONDITIONS AND WISHES 121. Conditional sentences are complex sentences con- sisting of two parts, the condition (or protasis) introduced by " if," "if not," " unless," and the conclusion (or apodosis). For convenience, they may be arranged in these classes : I. Conditions referring to present or past time. 1. Simple. 2. Contrary to Fact (Non-fact). II. Conditions referring to future time. 1. Vivid Future. 2. Less Vivid Future. 122. Simple. In this class the condition (or protasis) simply states a present or past supposition of fact, without 1 Does " may " mean " is permitted " ? 2 Do not use the dative. CONDITIONS AND WISHES 57 implying whether or not it is true. The present and past tenses of the indicative are used in both condition and conclusion : si hoc faciunt, bene est, if they do this, it is well. si hoc fecerunt, bene fuit, if they did this, it was well. [H. 574 ; (508) ; LM. 933 ; A. 306 ; G. 595 ; B. 302.] 123. Contrary-to-fact Conditions. When the condition states a present or past supposition, implying that the con- dition is not or was not fulfilled (i.e. is contrary to the actual facts of the case), the imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive are used in both condition and conclusion. The imperfect expresses present time, the pluperfect past time : si hoc facerent, bene esset, if they ^vere (now) doing this (implying that they are not), it would be well. si hoc fecissent, bene f uisset, if they had done this, it would have been well. i. Expressions of ability, obligation, or necessity (such as debeo, oportet, decet, possum, the periphrastic conjugation, etc.), when used in the conclusion, are often in the imper- fect, perfect, or pluperfect indicative, instead of the sub- junctive : si Romae privatus esset, tamen is erat deligendus, if he were a private citizen at Rome, yet he ought to be appointed. [H. 579, i, 583; (510, 511, 2) ; LM. 938, 940; A. 308, a, c; G. 597, 3, (a) ; B. 304, i, 3.] 124. Vivid Future Condition. When a supposed future case is stated distinctly and vividly (as in English, " if I shall go," or " if I go "), the future or future-perfect indica- tive is used in both condition and conclusion : LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I si hoc facient, bene erit, if they do (i.e. will do] this, it will be well. CAUTION. Remember that the present tense in English often refers to future time. See 104. [H. 574; (508) ; LM. 933 ; A. 307, a; G. 595 ; B. 302.] 125. Less Vivid Future Condition. When a supposed future case is stated in a less distinct or vivid form (as in English, " if I should go "), the present (less often the per- fect) subjunctive is used in both condition and conclusion : si hoc faciant, bene sit, if they should do this, it would be well. This form of condition may be recognized in English by the auxiliaries should 'or would, in both parts of the condition. [H. 576; (509) ; LM. 936; A. 307, b; G. 596; B. 303.] 126. Summary of conditions : I. Present or past time. 1. Simple. Present or past tenses of indicative in both parts. 2. Contrary to fact. (1) Present time imperfect subjunc- tive in both parts. (2) Past time pluperfect subjunc- tive in both parts. II. Future time. 1. Vivid future. Future or future per- fect indicative in both parts. 2. Less vivid future. Present or perfect subjunctive in both parts. CLASSES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. CONDITIONS AND WISHES 59 127. Condition omitted. The condition (or protasis) is sometimes contained in a participle, or implied from the sense of the sentence. llberatus Romam ibit, if he is set free (literally, having been liberated}, Jie ^vill go to Rome. See potential subjunc- tive, 1 1 8. 128. Wishes may be divided into two classes : 1. Those that refer to the future as, " may he do this," or " O that he may come." 2. Those that refer to present or past time, and that wish for something which (it is implied) is not or was not attained. They are sometimes called contrary-to-fact wishes. Thus, " O that this had happened " (implying that it did not happen), or "would that he were not here " (implying that he is here now). 129. The subjunctive, usually with utinam, is used to express a wish. The negative is ne. The force of the tenses is as follows : 1 . The present tense, often with utinam, refers to future time, and denotes the wish as possible. 2. The imperfect tense, regularly with utinam, expresses a wish that is contrary to fact in present time. 3. The pluperfect, regularly with utinam, represents a wish as contrary to fact in past time. EXAMPLES : 1 . utinam hoc f aciat, may he do this ! (possible). 2. utinam hoc faceret, would that he were doing this ! (contrary to fact in present time, implying that he isn't do- ing this). 60 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 3. utinam hoc ne fecisset, would that he had not done this ! (contrary to fact in past time). [H. 558, i, 2 ; (483); LM. 710-712; A. 267, b; G. 260, 261 ; B. 279.] 130. Translate : 1. I wish he would not come ! 2. If he should leave the city, we would all be glad. 3. Let us not surrender to the enemy. 4. Would you have remained, if I had come ? 5. O that the famous 1 Alexander were now alive ! 6. Even if he gives the signal, we will not advance. 7. Would that we had not persuaded him ! 8. You would not have done so. 2 9. If she is at home, I am glad. LESSON 16 SEQUENCE OF TENSES. INDIRECT QUESTIONS. CONSTRUC- TION AFTER VERBS OF FEARING AND VERBS OF DOUBT- ING 131. When the subjunctive is used in a dependent clause, the choice of the tense to be used depends upon the time of the principal or leading clause. All tenses are divided into two classes : primary ^prin- cipal) and secondary (historical). i. The primary or principal tenses include all forms that express present or future time. They are the present, future, and future-perfect indicative, the present and per- fect subjunctive, and the present and future imperative. 1 See 61. 2 Is a condition implied ? SEQUENCES OF TENSES 6 1 2. The secondary or historical tenses are those that express past time. They are the imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect indicative, the imperfect and pluperfect sub- junctive. (a) The historical present [102, i] is sometimes consid- ered a primary tense, although more often a secondary. 132. Rule for Sequence of Tenses. Whenever the sub- junctive is used in a subordinate or dependent clause, the tense that should be used is determined by the following rule: A primary tense in the main clause is followed by a primary tense in the dependent clause ; a secondary tense is followed by a secondary tense. 133. In applying this rule for the sequence of tenses, the student should notice (i) whether the verb of the main clause is primary or secondary ; (2) whether the depend- ent verb denotes (a) time that is present or future with reference to the time of the main verb (i.e. whether it denotes incomplete action), or (b) time that is past with reference to the main verb (i.e. completed action). 1. If the main verb is primary, the dependent subjunc- tive must be present tense if the action is incomplete, and perfect if it denotes complete action. 2. If the main verb is a secondary tense, the dependent subjunctive must be imperfect if it denotes incomplete action, and pluperfect if it denotes completed action. Examples of sequence of tenses : 1. Video quid faciat, 1 , ^ both these examples . the dependent clause ex- / see What he is doing. I presses incomplete action, 2. vidi quid f aceret, f because th doin * was ^ ing on at the same time as / saw ivhat he was doing. J the seeing. 62 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 3- Video quid fecerit, Here the dependent I see what he did (or has done). clauses denote com P leted 7 y action, because the doing 4. vldl quid fecisset, was finished before the an. / saw what he did (or had done). J seein s beg OUTLINE FOR USE OF SUBJUNCTIVE TENSES PRINCIPAL OR MAIN VERB TENSE USED IN SUBJUNCTIVE INCOMPLETE TIME COMPLETED TIME Present Future Future perfect Imperative Present Perfect Perfect Pluperfect Imperfect Imperfect Pluperfect REFERENCES FOR SEQUENCE OF TENSES [H. 543-545 ; (49^-495) 5 LM. 802-809; A. 285, 286; G. 509-511 ; B. 266, 267.] 134. Indirect Questions. When a question is not asked directly, but depends upon some introductory verb, the subjunctive is used : scio quis ille sit, / know who he is. (The direct question was, quis ille est? who is kef) Indirect questions may be recognized in English by the fact that some interrogative word follows the main or introductory verb. [H. 649, II; (529, I) ; LM. 810; A. 334; G. 467 5 B. 300.] SEQUENCES OF TENSES 63 135. A clause dependent upon a verb or expression of fearing may be expressed by ut or ne and the subjunctive. Ne is affirmative, and means that ; ut is negative, and means that not : t;imeo ne hoc faciat, I fear that he will do this (or I fear that he is doing this}. timebam ut hoc faceret, 1 feared that he would not do this. i. ne non, that . . . not, is occasionally used instead of ut, and regularly so when the verb of fearing is negative : non vereor ne hoc non fecerit, / am not afraid that he has not done this. [H. 567, i ; (498, HI) ; LM. 897 ; A. 331, f ; G. 550, 2 ; B. 296, 2.] 136. Verbs of doubting, when negative or in the form of a question that implies a negative answer, are followed by qum, that, but that, and the subjunctive : non erat dubium qum plurimum possent, there was no doubt that they had very great power. quis dubitat quln in virtute dlvitiae sint ? who doubts (im- plying that no one does) that there are riches in virtue? i. Dubito also means hesitate, and is regularly followed by the infinitive : non dubitem dlcere, etc., / should not hesitate to say, etc. [H. 595, I; (504, 505, I, 4); LM. 913, 914; A. 332, g, R. N. 2 ; G. 555, 2, R. 3 ; B. 298, b.] 137. Translate : 1. Do not tell me where you went. 2. May he not hesitate to fight bravely ! 3. I have not asked who she is. 6 4 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 4. I was afraid that they had not returned home. 5. Would any one doubt that he was a good soldier? 6. Let us not fear that the enemy will come. 7. What has that fellow l told you ? 8. Caesar ought not to have killed all the inhabitants. LESSON 17 REVIEW AND SIGHT PRACTICE 138. Review the principles of syntax in 102-136. 139. Learn thoroughly the meanings of the following words : 1. vinco. 2. vincio. 3. vivo.* 4. cognosce. (UlAl 5. oportet. 6. debeo.* 7. fmitimus. 8. parens. 9. epistula, littera., 10. secerno. 1 1 . quaero. 12. iter. 13. licet. 14. vereor. 15. timeo. 1 6. terreo. 17. queror.* Write all the infinitives of the starred verbs. 18. incola. 19. consuesco. 20. traho. 21. brevis. 22. lex. 23- laboro. 24. munus. 25. odi.~ k 26. gero.* 27. fides. 28. gaudeo.* 29. cupio. SO- gratia. SI- scio. 32. dubito. 33- nemo. 34- scelus. 1 See 60. SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE AND RESULT 65 140. Let the instructor form several original sentences in English from the words in 139, illustrating the gram- matical principles of 102-136. These sentences may be given for oral drill or a written exercise. LESSON 18 SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE AND RESULT. OBJECT CLAUSES 141. A purpose clause is one which expresses the end or purpose of the action of a verb. In English, purpose is indicated in a variety of ways. In the sentence, " He came to see me," the purpose clause " to see me " may be expressed " in order that he might see me," or "for the purpose of seeing me," or "in order to see me," etc. 142. In Latin, also, there are many ways of expressing purpose. In previous lessons these have been considered. 1. The genitive of the gerundive construction followed by causa. See 91, second example, and 93. 2. The genitive of the gerund followed by causa. See 91, second example. 3. ad and the accusative of the gerundive construction. See 93, i, second example. 4. ad and the accusative of the gerund. See 91, accusa- tive. This construction is not used with transitive verbs. See 93, i. 5. Supine in -um after verbs of motion. See 96, i. 143. A clause of purpose is most commonly expressed by ut, that, in order that, and ne, in order that not, lest, and the subjunctive : LATIN PROSE COMP. 5 66 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I veni ut meum amicum viderem, / came that I might see my friend (or to see my friend). portas clausit, ne quam oppidanl iniuriam acciperent, he closed the gates, lest the townsmen should receive any injury. 1. A relative pronoun is used with the subjunctive to express purpose. There must, of course, be an antecedent of the relative, expressed or understood, in the main clause : qul cognoscerent mlsit, he sent men to find out, etc. (literally he sent those who should find out). 2. quo (the ablative of the relative) is often used with the subjunctive to express purpose when the purpose clause contains a comparative : carlnae aliquanto planiores quam nostrarum navium, quo facilius vada excipere possent, the bottoms of the ships (were) considerably flatter than tJiose of our vessels, so that they might be able to stand the shoals more easily. [H. 568 ; (497) ; LM. 835, 899, 908 ; A. 317 ; G. 544, R. 2 ; B. 282.] CAUTION. Do not express purpose in Latin by the infinitive. This is used in English, but not in classical Latin. QUERY. In how many ways may purpose be expressed in Latin ? 144. The student should notice carefully the difference between a purpose and a result clause. A result clause expresses the result or outcome of the action of a verb. Observe the difference as shown in these two examples : "They shouted so that he might hear." (Purpose.) "They shouted so that he heard." (Result.) SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE AND RESULT 6/ Some word or phrase like so, such, in such a way, etc., is often used in the sentence before the result clause to lead up to it, and to show that such a clause is to follow. 145. A result clause is expressed in Latin by ut, that, so that, and ut non, so that not, and the subjunctive : tanta subito malacia exstitit ut se movere non possent, such a calm suddenly arose that they could not move. i. A relative and the subjunctive also often express result : nemo est tarn senex qui se annum non putet posse vlvere, nobody is so old as not to think that he can live a year. Note that a negative purpose clause is introduced by ne, a negative result clause by ut non. [H. 570; (500) ; LM. 905 ; A. 319; G. 552; B. 284.] 146. After many Latin verbs the object clause is ex- pressed by ut or ne and the subjunctive, whereas in English the corresponding construction employs the infinitive : (Latin.) huic persuadet uti ad hostis transeat (the object of persuadet is the clause uti . . . transeat). (English.) he persuaded him to go over to tJie enemy (the object of persuaded is the infinitive clause, to go over to the enemy). Because of this difference in idiom it is necessary to know what Latin verbs are followed by an object clause in the subjunctive. 147. The subjunctive introduced by ut or ne is used as the object of verbs signifying to ask, command, advise, resolve, urge, persuade, permit, strive, decree. 68 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I monet ut omnis susplciones vitet, he advises (or warns) him to avoid all suspicion. Helvetils persuasit ut exirent, he persuaded the Helvetians to march forth. suls imperavit ne quod omnino telum in hostis reicerent, he ordered his men not to throiv back at the enemy any weapon at all. te rogo ut eum iuves, / beg you to aid him. The following verbs are some of the most common that take this construction : persuadeo, persuade. impero, mando, order. rogo, ask. oro, beg. postulo, demand. moneo, advise. peto, quaero, reqtiest, entreat. cohortor, hortor, encourage, urge. concede, permitto, allow. censeo, propose, move. decerno, resolve, decree. operam do, take pains. negotium do, employ, charge. laboro, contendo, strive. [H. 565 ; (498, I, II) ; LM. 893-895 ; A. 331 ; G. 546, and N. i ; 3.295,1,2,4,5.] 148. There are many exceptions to the principle stated in 147, of which note the following : 1 . lubeo, order, and veto, forbid, are regularly followed by the infinitive : Helvetios oppida restituere iussit, he ordered the Helvetians to rebuild their towns. 2. Conor, try, strive, regularly takes the infinitive : si transire conarentur, if they should try to cross. VERBS OF HINDERING AND REFUSING 69 3. The following verbs are followed either by (i) the infinitive, or (2) ut and ne and the subjunctive. Yet the infinitive is more common. patior, sino, allow. constituo, determine. statuo, resolve upon. volo, wish, be willing'. nolo, be unwilling. malo, prefer. cupio, desire. studeo, be eager for. 149. Translate : 1. They sent a man to see her. (Express in six differ- ent ways in Latin.) 2. They were persuaded 1 to do this. 3. Caesar asked Labienus to occupy 2 the mountain and wait for his men. 4. I ordered him to be bound 2 and led to me. 5. We should like to go to Athens. 6. He was so lazy that he would not fight. 7. I am not the man to desert a friend. LESSON 19 CONSTRUCTION AFTER VERBS OF HINDERING AND REFUS- ING. TEMPORAL CLAUSES 150. Object clauses dependent upon verbs of hindering, preventing, and refusing are expressed as follows : (i) By ne or quominus and the subjunctive, if the main clause is affirmative. Caesar deterrere potest ne maior multitude Germanorum Rhenum traducatur, Caesar can prevent a greater multi- tude of Germans from being led across the Rhine. 1 were persuaded : see 32, 2. 2 Use a participle to express this verb. 70 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I i. Prohibeo regularly takes the infinitive. Germanos transire prohibebant, they kept the Germans from crossing. (2) By quin (less often quominus) and the subjunctive, if the main clause is negative. neque recusant quin armis contendant, and they do not refuse to contend in arms. retinerl non potuerant quin tela conicerent, they could not be restrained from hurling their weapons. [H. 566, 568, 8, 595, 2 ; (504, 4, 505. n) ; LM. 898 ; A. 331, e, 2, 33 2 > g; G. 548, 549, 554, 555 ; B. 295, 3, a.] 151. The time of the action of a verb may be defined by ( i ) a noun, or (2) a clause. As, " At six o'clock he went home." " When it was dark he went home." Review 51. 152. Temporal clauses introduced by the following particles take the indicative. The tense is generally per- fect_pr historical present. utj>rimum, cum primum, simul atque, \ as soon as. sTmuTac, simul, postquam (posteaquam), after. ubi, when. utT as. when. postquam Caesar pervenit, obsides poposcit, after Caesar arrived, Jie demanded hostages. Pompeius ut equitatum suum pulsum vidit, acie excessit, when Pompey saw his cavalry beaten, he left tJie army. [H. 602; (518); LM. 881; A. 324; G. 561; 6.287, i.] VERBS OF HINDERING AND REFUSING 71 153. Temporal clauses introduced by cum, when, while, after, take : 1. The indicative, if the tense is present, perfect, future, or future-perfect. 2. The subjunctive, if the tense is imperfect or pluperfect. The imperfect or pluperfect indicative is very rare in classical Latin. cum id nuntiatum esset, maturat, when this had been reported, he hastened. cum Caesar in Galliam venit, ^vhen Caesar came into Gaul. Review 87, I, 89. [H. 600, 60 1 ; (521) ; LM. 854-858 ; A. 325 ; G. 580, 585 ; B. 288, i.] 154. antequam and priusquam, before, until, are used as follows : (1) With the indicative to express an actual fact. The tense is generally perfect, future-perfect, or present. (2) With the subjunctive when the action is viewed as an- ticipated. The imperfect and pluperfect are generally used. nee prius respexl quam venimus, and I did not look back until we arrived. priusquam telum adicl posset, omnis acies terga vertit, be- fore a spear could be hurled, the whole army fled. 1 . Antequam and priusquam are often divided into their two elements, ante . . . quam, prius . . . quam, and the first part put in the main clause, the second in the temporal clause. See first example given above. 2. Antequam and priusquam mean until after a negative clause. See first example. [H. 605, 1, II ; (520) ; LM. 877-880 ; A. 327 ; G. 574-577 I B. 291, 292.] 72 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 155. Dum, quoad, or quam diu, as long as, so long as, take the indicative. For dum, while, see 102, 2. quoad potuit, restitit, lie resisted as long as he could. [H. 603, I; (519^); LM. 918; A. 328, 2; G. 569; B. 293, I, II.] 156. Dum and quoad, until, are used as follows : 1 . With the indicative to denote an actual event. This will be, in general, when the reference is to a past action. In this sense dum is used less often than quoad. nostrl non finem sequendl fecerunt, quoad equites praecipitls hostis egerunt, our men did not give up the pursuit until the cavalry drove the enemy headlong. 2. With the subjunctive to denote anticipation or expectancy. This will be, in general, when the " until " clause refers to future time with reference to the main verb : expectas dum dlcat, you are waiting until he speaks. dum naves convenlrent, in ancorls expectavit, he waited at anchor for the skip to assemble (literally, until the ships should assemble]. [H. 603, II, i, 2 ; (519, II) ; LM. 921, 922 ; A. 328 ; G. 571, 572 ; B. 293, III, i, 2.] 157. Translate : 1. I enjoyed my books as long as I remained there. 2. Just 1 as soon as they saw the enemy, they fled. 3. When he had been informed of this, they started for Rome. 4. You ought to have gone before they came. 5. While he was delaying near 2 the city, he met many of his friends. 1 This word merely emphasizes " as soon as." 2 ad and ace. INDIRECT DISCOURSE. SIMPLE SENTENCES 73 6. Caesar waited for the soldiers to gather. 7. We will prevent them from going away. 8. He did not leave the city until he had seen her. 9. They did not refuse to believe me. LESSON 20 INDIRECT DISCOURSE. SIMPLE SENTENCES 158. The words or thoughts of any person may be quoted either directly or indirectly. A direct quotation (i.e. direct discourse) is one which gives the exact words or thoughts of the original speaker or writer. An indirect quotation (i.e. indirect discourse) is one in which the origi- nal words or thoughts are stated in the words of another, and conform to the construction of the sentence in which they stand. The English sentence, / am present, when quoted di- rectly, is stated: he said, 11 1 am present." When quoted indirectly, it assumes this form : he said that he was present, or, after a present tense of the verb of saying, he says tJiat he is present. An indirect statement, then, is generally introduced in English by the word "that," although this may be omitted, as, he says (that) he is coming. CAUTION. The English word "that" should be care- fully examined. It may (i) introduce an object clause, a purpose or result clause, being rendered in Latin by ut, ne, quin, quominus ; (2) be the relative pronoun, as " the book that I saw," and be expressed by the proper form of qul; (3) be the demonstrative pronoun, as "that book is mine," and be expressed by ille ; (4) be used to introduce a clause in indirect discourse, as " I know that he is here." In this case there is no corresponding word in Latin. 74 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 159. Examine carefully these examples : DIRECT DISCOURSE / am coming, venio. INDIRECT DISCOURSE he says that lie is coming, dicit se venire. / came, venl. he said tJiat he had come, dixit se venisse. Note (i) that the English expresses the indirect state- ment by a clause introduced by "that"; (2) that the Latin changes the verb of the direct statement to the infinitive, with its subject in the accusative; (3) that there is no word in Latin to correspond to the "that" in English. Hence never write dico ut, etc., / say that, etc. 1 60. Rule for Main Verbs in Indirect Discourse. In changing from direct to indirect discourse, the main verb of a declaratory sentence becomes infinitive with its sub- ject in the accusative. Verbs and expressions of knowing, thinking, telling, and perceiving are used to introduce a sentence when it is quoted indirectly. Some of the more common verbs are : dico, say t tell, nuntio, announce. refero, report. certiorem facio, inform. polliceor, promise. nego, say that . . . not. narro, relate. respondeo, reply. scrlbo, write. memini, remember. scio, know. cognosce, learn, find out. sentio, perceive. audio, hear. video, see. comperio, find out. puto, think. iudico, judge. spero, hope. confldo, trust. [H. 642 ; (523, I) ; LM. 1020-1023 ; A. 336, 1,2; G. 527 ; B. 314, i,33i, I-] INDIRECT DISCOURSE. SIMPLE SENTENCES 75 161. Review carefully 108 and 109. The tenses of the infinitive do not follow the tense of the introductory verb. They only denote time relative to that of the main verb. The present infinitive describes an action, as going on at the time of the main verb ; the perfect as prior or com- pleted ; the future as subsequent. The student will be aided in deciding what tense of the infinitive to use in a given indirect statement, if he will imagine what tense was used in the direct statement. A present indicative in the direct statement becomes present infinitive in the indirect ; an imperfect, perfect, or pluper- fect indicative become perfect infinitive; a future tense becomes future infinitive, or fore (futurum esse) ut and the subjunctive. Study carefully these examples : TENSE DIRECT DISCOURSE INDIRECT DISCOURSE (Present) videt me venire, he sees that PRESENT venio, / am coming. I am coming. (Past) vldit me venire, he saw that I was coming. (Present) IMPERFECT veniebam, / was videt me venisse, he sees coming. that I came, or Jiavc PERFECT veni, / Jiave come, come. or / came. (Past) PLUPERF. veneram, I had come. vldit me venisse, he saw that I came, or had come. 7 6 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I TENSE DIRECT DISCOURSE INDIRECT DISCOURSE (Present) videt me venturum (esse), or videt fore ut veniam, FUTURE veniam, I shall come. Jie sees tJiat I will come. (Past) vldit me venturum (esse), or vldit fore ut venlrem, he saw that I vvould come. 1. If a verb has no perfect passive participle, its future infinitive must be represented by fore ut and subjunctive. 2. The subject of the infinitive should never be omitted in Latin. 162. When the main verb in the direct discourse is used in any one of the following constructions, it becomes sub- junctive in indirect discourse, and not infinitive. (1) A direct question, asked for an answer: (Direct.) cur in meas possessiones venis ? wJiy do you come into my domain ? (Indirect.) Ariovistus Caesari respondit, cur in suas pos- sessiones venlret? Ariovistus replied to Caesar, why did he come into his domain ? (2) Any imperative form : (Direct.) noli Aeduls bellum inferre, do not make war upon the Aeduans. (Indirect.) postulavit, ne Aeduls bellum Inferret, he de- manded that Jie should not make war upon the Aeduans. INDIRECT DISCOURSE. SIMPLE SENTENCES 77 (Direct.) cum legione veni, come with a legion. (Indirect.) scrlbit Labieno cum legione veniat, he writes to Labienus to come (literally, tJiat he should come} with a legion. (3) A subjunctive of exhortation (i 1 5), or wish (128, 129), or deliberation (no), remains subjunctive in indirect dis- course.' [H. 642, 3, 4 ; (523, II, i, HO I LM. 1023 ; A. 338-339 I G. 651, 652 ; B. 3i5 '> 3> 3i6.] 163. If the direct discourse is in the form of a rhetorical question (i.e. one that is asked for effect, and implies its own answer), the main verb becomes infinitive in indirect discourse : (Direct.) num recentium iniuriarum memoriam deponere possum ? can I lay aside the memory of recent wrongs ? (Indirect.) Caesar respondit, num recentium iniuriarum memoriam se deponere posse ? Caesar replied, could he lay aside tJie memory of recent wrongs ? i. It is often hard to distinguish between a real and rhetorical question. It often depends merely on the writer's point of view. [H.6 4 2, 2 ; (523,11,2); LM. 1024; A. 338 ; G. 651, R. i ; 8.315, 2.] 164. Translate : 1. I could not leave the city. 2. Quote sentence i indirectly after dlxit. 3. We told him not to wage war on them. 4. Give the direct discourse of sentence 3. 5. He thought that he was going home. LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 6. Caesar replied asking what did he intend l to do ? 7. I saw who was coming. 8. Caesar was informed that the enemy would not flee. 9. He trusted that I would not be able to come. LESSON 21 INDIRECT DISCOURSE. COMPLEX SENTENCES 165.. A complex sentence is one consisting of a principal clause and one or more dependent clauses ; as " if he comes, I shall go"; "we waited until we saw her"; "the man whom I saw is a German." The dependent verbs are italicized. 1 66. When a complex sentence is indirectly quoted, its principal or main verb follows the rules stated in 160, 162, 163. Its dependent verb follows this law : Each dependent verb becomes subjunctive. Its tense de- pends upon the tense of the introductory verb of saying, thinking, etc., in accordance with the principle of sequence of tenses (131). [H. 643; (524) ; LM. 1026; A. 336, 2, 336, B; G. 650, 654; B. 314, 1,318.] 167. Pronouns in Indirect Discourse. In changing from direct to indirect discourse, pronouns of the first and second persons are generally changed to pronouns of the third person. The* reflexive pronouns (65, i, 2, 66) refer either to the subject of the introductory verb, or to the subject of the verb of their own clause. 1 Intend '= volo, or in animo habeo. INDIRECT DISCOURSE. COMPLEX SENTENCES 79 vir quern vldi meus amlcus est, the man whom I saw is my friend. 168. The following examples illustrate the changes of a dependent clause : DIRECT DISCOURSE INDIRECT DISCOURSE (Present) dlcit virum quern vlderit suum amicum esse, he says that the man whom he saw is his friend. (Past) dixit virum quern vidisset suum amicum esse, he said that the man whom he saw (or had seen} was his friend. 169. When conditional sentences are quoted indirectly, the following facts should be noted : (1) The condition (or protasis), being a dependent clause, is always subjunctive. (2) The conclusion (or apodosis), being a main clause, becomes the infinitive, unless it is in the form that would change to the subjunctive (162). (3) The conclusion of a less vivid future condition becomes the ftitnre infinitive. Hence it is impossible to distinguish vivid and less vivid future conditions when quoted indirectly. (4) The condition of a contrary-to-fact condition never changes its tense. (5) The conclusion of a contrary-to-fact condition be- comes, 1. if active, the infinitive form obtained by combining the participle in -urus with fuisse. 2. if passive, or without a supine stem, the periphrase futurum fuisse ut and the imperfect subjunctive. 8o LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I EXAMPLES OF CONDITIONS IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE KIND OF CONDITION DIRECT DISCOURSE INDIRECT DISCOURSE (Present) dlcit, si hoc faciant, bene si hoc faciunt, bene esse, he says that, if they do this, it is well. SIMPLE est, if tJiey do this, it is well. (Past) dixit, si hoc facerent, bene esse, he said that, if they did this, it was zvell. ( Present) dicit, si hoc faciant, bene futurum, he says that, if si hoc facient, bene they do this, it ivill be VIVID erit, if they do well. FUTURE this, it will be (Past) - well. dixit, si hoc facerent, bene futurum, he said that, if they did this, it ^cvould be well. si hoc f aciant, bene LESS VIVID sit, if they should Latin same as that of vivid FUTURE do this, it would future condition. .be well. INDIRECT DISCOURSE. COMPLEX SENTENCES 8 1 EXAMPLES OF CONDITIONS IN INDIRECT DISCOURSE KIND OF CONDITION DIRECT DISCOURSE INDIRECT DISCOURSE CONTRARY TO FACT (Present time) si hoc f acerent, bene esset, if they were (now) doing this, it would be well. (Past time) si hoc f ecisset, bene fuisset, if they had done this, it would have been well. dlcit (or dlxit), si hoc face- rent, bene f uturum fuisse (rarely esse), he said (or says) that, if they were doing this, it would be well. (The tense of the verb of saying does not affect the condition.) dlcit (or dlxit), si hoc fecis- sent, futurum fuisse ut bene esset, he says (or said} that, if they had done this, it would have been well. [H. 646, 647; (527); LM. 1034-1040; A. 337; G. 656-659; B. 3I9-32L] 170. Translate : 1. He said he would do it, if I would help him. 2. Wait until the enemy arrive. 3. Quote sentence 2 indirectly after dixit. 4. I think that I know what you did. 5. If Caesar had been present, we would not have been defeated. 6. Quote sentence 5 indirectly after scio. 7. He hoped that we would refrain from injuring her. LATIN PROSE COM1'. 6 82 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 8. He replied that, if we needed help, we ought to have come to him. 9. They informed Caesar that they had been sent to learn about this very thing. LESSON 22 CONCESSION. PROVISO. CAUSE. CHARACTERISTIC. REVIEW OF RELATIVE CLAUSES 171. Clauses of concession, introduced in English by although, are generally expressed in Latin by 1. Quamquam, although, and the indicative,; 2. Quamvis, cum, although, and the subjunctive; 3. Etsl, etiamsl, tametsi, even if, with the same construc- tion as si. The indicative4s~Biare common. EXAMPLES : quamquam f estlnas, non est mora longa, although you are in haste, the delay is not long. quamvls sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum, altJiougJi you may be troublesome, I shall naver confess that you are an evil. cum primi ordines concidissent, tamen acerrime reliqui re- sistebant, although the first ranks had fallen, still the others resisted vigorously. [H. 585, 586, I, II; (515); LM. 872, 875; A. 313; G. 603-606; B. 309.] 172. Dum, modo, dummodo, if only, provided that, intro- ducing a proviso, take the subjunctive : oderint, dum metuant, let them hate, provided (if only) they fear. [H. 587; (513,!); LM. 920; A. 314; 0.573; B. 310.] CONCESSION. PROVISO. CAUSE. CHARACTERISTIC, ETC. 83 DIFFERENT USES OF DUM Review 102, 2, 156. ' = while, present indicative. ( ( i) Indicative to denote actual event. - until, \ (2) Subjunctive to express anticipa- dum -\ I tion or expectancy. f provided. 1 -\ -r i f subjunctive. \ifonly, j 173. A clause that denotes cause may be expressed as follows : 1. By quod, quia, quoniam, and the indicative, when the reason is that of tJie writer or speaker ; with the sub- junctive, when the reason is regarded as that of another. Aedui Caesar! gratias egerunt, quod se perlculo llberavisset, the Aedui thanked Caesar becazise he had delivered them from danger. (The subjunctive, llberavisset, shows that the reason is that of the Aedui, not the writer's reason.) quoniam supplicatio decreta est, celebratote illos dies, since a thanksgiving has been decreed, celebrate those days. (The reason is that of the writer.) 2. By cum and the subjunctive : quae cum ita sint, perge, since these things are so, proceed. 3. Sometimes by the participle. See 87, 3. 4. By a relative and the subjunctive. 6 fortunate adulescens, qui tuae virtutis Homerum praeco- nem inveneris, O fortunate youth, since you Jiave found a Homer as tJie herald of your valor. [H. 588, 598; (516,517); LM. 851, 863; A. 321,326; 0.538-541; B. 286.] 84 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I 174. Relative of Characteristic. The simplest use of a relative clause is to state a fact about the antecedent, as : puer, quern vldl, adest, the boy, whom I saw, is Jiere. The indicative mood is then used. When, however, the relative clause expresses an essential quality or characteristic of an indefinite antecedent, the subjunctive is used, as nemo est qul dicat, there is nobody who says, etc. The relative clause of characteristic is necessary to complete the meaning of the sentence ; therefore, to leave it out would destroy the sentence. A relative with the indicative, however, merely expresses an additional fact about the antecedent ; therefore, it may be omitted and a complete statement still remains. Compare the two examples just given. In the first, leave out "whom I saw," and a complete state- ment "the boy is here" remains. In the second, omit "who says," and the rest of the sentence "there is nobody" seems incomplete, as we naturally expect a clause to fill out the meaning. This test, then, will often help the student to determine whether a given relative clause expresses an essential characteristic : quae civitas est quae non everti possit ? what state is there which can- not be overthrown? The relative of characteristic is especially common after such expres- sions as : sunt qui, there are. some who. multi sunt qui, there are many who. nemo est qui, 1 ' . \ there is no one who. nullus est qui, J quis est qui, who is there who f s51us est qui, he is the only one who. And others. i. Dignus, worthy ; indignus,. unworthy ; aptus, fit ; idoneus, suit- able, are often followed by a relative and the subjunctive, idoneus qui impetret,y/ to obtain. [H. 591, i, 5, 6, 7 5 (503) 5 LM. 836-838 ; A. 320, a, b, f ; G. 631, i, 2; B. 283, i, 2; 282, 3.] 175. Relative clauses are more frequent in Latin than in English. Their various uses are mentioned below : CONCESSION. PROVISO. CAUSE. CHARACTERISTIC, ETC. 85 1 . With the indicative to state a descriptive fact about the antecedent. See 174. 2. With the subjunctive to express the essential charac- teristic. See 174. 3. With the subjunctive to denote purpose. See 143, i. 4. With the subjunctive to denote result. See 145, i. 5. With the subjunctive to express cause and conces- sion. See 173, 4. 6. A relative pronoun may be used instead of si, if, to form the protasis of any one of the four classes of con- ditional sentences. See 126. (Simple.) qulcumque hoc facit, errat, whoever does this makes a mistake, (qulcumque = si quis, if any one.) (Contrary to fact.) qulcumque hoc fecisset, errasset, whoever had done this would have made a mistake. Such sentences are called conditional relative sentences. 176. Translate: 1. I sent a messenger to inform him. 2. Since you think it is best, I will go. 3. He was put to death, because (they said) he had be- trayed his country. 4. Cicero was worthy * of being elected consul. 5. He went into the front ranks although he had no shield. 6. There are many soldiers who like to linger around the camp. 7. He came to help me in spite of the fact that 2 he was my enemy. 8. The Gauls with whom Caesar fought were very brave. 9. I will do it, provided you help me. iSee 174, i. 2 in spite of the fact that. What conjunction expresses this idea? 86 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART I LESSON 23 REVIEW AND SIGHT. PRACTICE 177. Review the grammatical principles of 141-175. 178. Learn thoroughly the words : 1. claudo. 2. facilis. 3. transeo. 4. rogo. 5. telum. 6. cohortor. 7. patior. 8. sino. 9. credo. 10. piger. 1 1 . desero. 12. posco. 13. resisto. 14. praeceps. 15. exspecto. 1 6. polliceor. 17. finis. 1 8. impetro. 19. iuvo. meanings of the following 20. mando. 21. iubeo. 22. porta. 23. port us. 24. vlto. 25. subito, repente. 26. moneo. 27. iacio. 28. conor. 29. constituo. 30. prohibeo. 3 1 . recuso. 32. frumentum. 33. morof. 34. morior. 35. spero. 36. fldo, confldo. 37. idoneus. 38. prodo. 179. Let the instructor form several original sentences in English from the words in 178, illustrating the gram- matical principles of 141-175. These sentences may be given for oral drill or a written exercise. PART II CAESAR, GALLIC WAR BOOK I NOTE. The student should not depend on the English-Latin vocabulary for the Latin words. The Latin text upon which each exercise is based should always be consulted for the proper words or phrases. 1 80 CHAPTER I a. hi lingua inter se differunt. b. proximl Germanls. c. minime . . . saepe. d. initium capit a. a. these differ from one another in language. b. nearest the Germans. c. very seldom. d. begins at. 1. There are three parts in Gaul as a whole. 2. All of us differed from one another in many ways. 1 3. The Belgae are nearest the Rhine. 4. The Gauls very seldom surpass the Germans in bravery. 5. It has been said that Gaul begins at the river Rhine. 181 CHAPTER II a. civitati persuasit ut exirent. b. his rebus fiebat. c. una ex parte. a. he persuaded the state to go forth. b. the result of this was. c. on one side. 1 wa^s = things. 87 88 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 1. Orgetorix persuaded the Helvetians to get possession of Gaul. 2. The Rhine bounds the Helvetians on one side. 3. It was very easy to form 1 a conspiracy. 4. The result of this was that Caesar waged war on the Helvetians. 182 CHAPTER III a. quam maximas. b. ad eas res conficiendas. c. non esse dubium quin plurimum Helvetii pos- sent. a. as great as possible. b. to accomplish these things, or, for the purpose of carrying out these plans. c. that there was no doubt that the Helvetians were the most powerful. 1. They got together as many carts as possible. 2. Orgetorix was chosen to undertake this embassy. 3. He persuaded them to exchange 2 an oath-bound pledge. 4. There is no doubt that the Helvetians are very powerful. 183 CHAPTER IV a. poenam sequi oportebat. b. ne causam diceret se eripuit. c. neque abest suspicio quin ipse sibi mortem con- sciverit. a. punishment must (had to) follow. b. he saved himself from pleading his case. c. and there is a suspicion that he suicide. committed 1 form = make. 2 Do not use the infinitive. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 89 1. Orgetorix ought not to be burned. 2. He gathered together all the friends that he had. 3. He will save himself from pleading his case. 4. The Helvetians think that he committed suicide. 184 CHAPTER V a. e flnibus suis exeunt. b. paratiores ad omnia peri- cula subeunda. a. they emigrate. b. more ready to undergo all dangers. 1. The Helvetii nevertheless attempted to emigrate. 2. Each man was more ready to take grain. 3. They persuaded their neighbors to adopt the same plan. 185 CHAPTER VI a. bono animo in populum Romanum. b. L. Plsone, A. Gabmio con- sulibus. a. friendly (or well) disposed toward the Roman- peo- pie. b. in the consulship of Lucius Piso and Aulus Gabinius. 1. The road is so 1 narrow that carts can hardly be hauled one by one. 2. The Helvetii thought that the Allobroges were not well disposed toward Caesar. 3. In our consulship they were compelled to go through their territories. 4. When the bridge had been built, 2 they got everything ready. 1 tarn. 2 facio. QO LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 186 CHAPTER VII a. Helve til certiores fact! sunt. b. legates mittunt qui dicerent. c. dum milites convenlrent. a. the Helvetii were informed (or learned). b. they sent ambassadors to say. c. until the soldiers should assemble. 1. Caesar set out from Geneva. 2. He will send an ambassador to inform them. 3. Men of unfriendly spirit will not refrain from wrong- doing. 4. He will deliberate until they return. 5. Caesar is informed of this. 187 CHAPTER VIII a. milia passimm decem. b. negat se posse. c. hoc conatu destiterunt. a. ten miles. b. he says he cannot. c. they gave up this attempt. 1. A wall was extended for sixteen miles. 2. Caesar says they cannot cross without his l consent. 3. After the redoubts had been fortified, 2 the ambassa- dors came back. 4. The soldiers will not give up the fortification of the camp. 188 CHAPTER IX a. SequanTs invitis, Ire non poterant. b. Orgetorigis filiam in ma- trimonium duxerat. a. if the Sequani were unwill- ing, they could not go. b. he had married the daugh- ter of Orgetorix. 1 To whom does this refer ? 2 Use the participle. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR . I. The Helvetii cannot emigrate, if Caesar is unwilling. 2. By the intercession of Dumnorix they could persuade them. 3. He wished to marry her. 4. They exchanged as many hostages as possible. 189 CHAPTER X Helvetiis esse in animo. magno cum periculo pro- vinciae futurum. munition! Labienum prae- ficit. a. that the Helvetii intend. b. that it would be very dangerous for the province. c. he puts Labienus in com- mand of the fortification. 1. The Helvetii intended to do this. 2. The Helvetii perceived that it would be very danger- ous for them to march J through the province. 3. He put a lieutenant in command of the legion. 4. In three days he arrived among the Allobroges. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS I-X 190. Review thoroughly the meanings of the following words, memorizing the declensions of nouns and adjectives, and the principal parts of verbs : finis. flnitimus. flumen. 4. copia, sing, and pi. 5. tempus. 6. iter. 7. animus, sing, and pi. 8. miles. 9. legio. 10. exercitus. u. pars, several meanings. 12. res frumentaria. 13. civitas. 14. proelium. 15. singuli. 1 6. omnis, sing, and pi. 1 Do not use infinitive; see text. LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 1 7. quisque. 1 8. reliquus. 19. alius. 20. alter. 21. unus. 22. magnus, compare. 23. multus, compare. 24. nullus. 25. nonnullus. 26. ullus. 27. superior. 28. contendo. 29. transeo. 30. gero. 31. prohibeo. 32. persuadeo. 33. consists . 34. constituo. 35. Instituo. 3$. proficlscor. 37- cogo. 38. sequor. 39. iubeo. 40. impero. 41. impetro. 42. conficio. 43. utor. 44. convenio. 45. exlstimo. 46. praesum. 47. antecedo 1 with the 48. praecedol a ^c. 49. praesto. 50. praeficio. 191. Review thoroughly the following principles of syntax : 1. Limit of motion, 17. 2. Extent of space and duration of time, 16. 3. Dative with compound verbs, 33. 4. Ablative with utor, etc., 44. 5. Indirect statements main clause, 160. 6. Construction with persuaded, 32, 147. 7. Construction after verbs of commanding, 147, 148. 192. The instructor should form original English sen- tences employing the words of 190 and the constructions of 191. These sentences may be given to the class for oral or written sight practice. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 93 193 CHAPTER XI a. oppida expugnari non debuerint. b. sibi nihil esse reliqul. c. Caesar non expectandum sibi statuit. a. their towns ought not to have been captured. b. that they had nothing left. c. Caesar decided that he ought not to wait. 1. Their fields ought l * not to be devastated. 2. We have nothing left except our fields. 3. The Aedui ought 1 to have been able to defend them- selves and their possessions. 4. We must not wait 194 CHAPTER XII a. ea prmceps poenas per- solvit. b. Plsonem eodem proelio quo Cassium interfe- cerant. a. that was the first to pay the penalty. b. they had killed Piso in the same battle with Cassius. 1. I could not judge by 2 looking at it in which direction the Saone flowed. 2. They were not informed that the legions had started from camp. 3. Caesar was the first to inflict a disaster on the Helvetii. 4. Cassius was killed in the same battle with Piso. 5. Caesar crossed the river so quickly 3 that the enemy fled. * These numbers in the foot-notes refer to sections of this book. 1 See in, 112. 8 celeriter. 2 " by looking at it," use a single word. 94 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 195 CHAPTER XIII a. pontem in Arari faciendum curat. b. ne committeret ut is locus nomen caperet. a. he has a bridge built over the Saone. b. let him not cause (or allow) this place to receive its name. 1. Caesar had his army led across in one day. 2. Divico said, " Remember 1 our valor." 3. " If you remember the destruction of your army, you will not persist in war." 4. He said that, if Caesar would remember 2 that old disaster, he would not persist in war. 196 CHAPTER XIV a. Caesar respondit sibi mi- nus dubitationis darl. b. commissum (esse) a se qua re timeret. c. secundiores res. a. Caesar replied that he had less hesitation. b. that he had done anything to make him afraid (to be afraid of). " c. prosperity. 1 . I have done nothing to be afraid of. 2. Caesar says that he will remember the injuries which they have inflicted. 3. Although the gods grant you prosperity, still they will punish you for your crimes. 4. Caesar replied, " I have less hesitation." 5. Caesar thought that they would not apologize to him for the wrongs which had been done. 1 See 25. 2 Review carefully 169. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 95 197 a. alieno loco. b. pauci de nostris. c. satis habebat. CHAPTER XV a. on unfavorable ground. b. a few of our men. c. he deemed it sufficient, was satisfied. 1. He sent ahead a few of : the cavalry to see in what direction they had marched. 2. The enemy followed so eagerly that they joined battle on unfavorable ground. 3. Caesar is satisfied to harass the enemy's rear. a. ne pabuli quidem. b. diem ex die. c. magna ex parte. CHAPTER XVI a. not even of fodder (the emphatic word is always placed between). b. from day to day. c. in great measure, chiefly, very largely. 1. Not even grain could be brought up the river in boats. 2. Caesar was put off by the Aedui from day to day. 3. The day is at hand when 2 grain ought to be bought. 4. Although 8 the war had been undertaken chiefly be- cause of the entreaties of Liscus, yet Caesar was deserted. 199 a. plurimum valere. CHAPTER XVII b. hos multitudinem deterrere ne frumentum conferant. i See 23, i. " although . a. to have very great influ- ence. b. that these prevent the multi- tude from bringing grain. 2 Do not use cum, see text, undertaken," see tam . . . hostibus in text. 96 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 1. Some people have more influence than the officers. 2. They said that, if the Romans were victorious, they would deprive the Aedui of their liberty. 3. I don't doubt that Lincus spoke under 1 compulsion. 4. Caesar perceived that they were frightened from doing this. 200 CHAPTER XVIII a. pluribus praesentibus. b. summam in spem venire. c. quern auxilio Caesari Aedui miserant. a. in the presence of many. b. that he had the greatest hopes. c. which the Aedui had sent to help Caesar. 1. Caesar did not discuss these matters in Dumnorix's presence. 2. Dumnorix was a man of great liberality. 2 3. When I bid, who will dare bid against me ? 4. I have learned that Dumnorix did not favor Caesar, 3 because he was a Roman. 5. I have very great hopes of buying up the revenues at a low price. 4 6. I have come to help you. 7. A few days ago the cavalry had fled. 201 CHAPTER XIX a. satis esse causae arbitraba- tur qua re in eum ani- madverteret. b. ne offenderet verebatur. c. hortatur ut de eo statuat. a. he thought he had suffi- cient reason for punish- ing him. b. he feared that he would offend. c. he urges him to punish him. 1 " under compulsion "=having been compelled. 2 See 49, 22. 8 See 32. 4 See 50. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 97 1. The Romans have sufficient reason for punishing Dumnorix. 2. I will have * him called before me. 3. We are afraid that Caesar will punish Dumnorix without the knowledge 2 of his brother. 4. I urged him to converse with you. 5. What did they say in my presence? 202 CHAPTER XX a. nee quemquam ex eo plus quam se doloris capere. b. qua ex re futurum (ut and subj.) c. tanti eius apud se gratiam esse ostendit. a. and that no one feels more pain in consequence of this than himself. b. that the result of this would be that, etc. c. he shows that his regard for him is so great. 1. No one felt more pain as a result of this than Diviciacus. 2. While I had very little power at home, he used all his resources to my destruction. 3. My regard for you is so great, that I urge you to avoid 3 all suspicion. 4. The result of it was that he pardoned the wrong for his brother's sake. 5. I did not know with whom he was talking. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS XI-XX 203. Review thoroughly the meanings of the following words, memorizing the principal parts of the verbs, and declensions of nouns. 1 See in text quod obsides . . . curasset. 2 Cf. inscientibus ipsis in text. 3 DO not use infinitive. LATIN PROSE COMP. 7 9 8 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 1. debeo. 2. exspecto. 3. statuo. 4. adgredior. 5. intern* cio. 6. committo, several mean- ings. 7. coepi. 8. consuesco. 9. discedo. 10. polliceor. 1 1 . cado. 1 2. praetermitto. 13. se conferre. 14. relinquo. 15. queror. 1 6. quaere. 1 7. impedio. 1 8. dubito. 19. cognosce (de, not ace.). 20. impedlmentum. 21. dubitatio. 22. calamitas. 23. meminl. . 24. reminlscor. 25. praesidium. 26. concede. Cf. no. 9. 27. alienus. 28. paucl. 29. agmen novissimum. 30. mille. 3 1 . cotldie. 32. publice. 33. frlgus. 34. prex. 35. concilium. 36. consilium. 37. nemo, nulllus. 38. pretium. 39. equester. 40. supplicium. 4 1 . lacrima. 42. ops, sing, and pi. 43. pernicies. 44. vulgus (note gender). 45. dolor. 46. custos. 47. quisquam. 48. quisque. 49. studium. 50. llberl. 204. Review thoroughly the following principles of syntax : 1. Genitive of the whole, 23. 2. Ablative of separation, 39. 3. Dative of purpose; dative of agent; 37, 95. 4. Constructions with oportet and debeo, ill, 112. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 99 5. Passive periphrastic conjunction ; gerundive with curd, 95- 1 6. Clauses of result, 144, 145. 205. The instructor should form original English sen- tences employing the words of 203 and the constructions of 204. These sentences may be given to the class for oral or written sight practice. 206 CHAPTER XXI a. qui cognoscerent misit. b. qui rei militaris peritissi- mus habebatur. a. he sent men to ascertain. b. who was considered very skillful in military affairs. 1. Scouts informed Caesar that the ascent was easy. 2. He will send men to find out where the enemy have gone. 3. He said that Considius was considered skillful in mili- tary matters. 4. Show me what your plan is. 207 CHAPTER XXII a. equo admisso. b. multo die. c. quo consueYat intervallo. a. at full speed. b. late in the day. c. at the usual interval. 1. He found out that the ' enemy were coming at full speed. 2. Late in the day, Caesar was informed that the enemy were not more than a mile from his camp. 1 When no direct references are given to Part I, the student should search the text and refer to his grammar for the desired construction. 100 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 3. Do not join battle unless they attack us. 4. He seized 1 the mountain and awaited the enemy. 5. They followed at their usual, speed. 208 CHAPTER XXIII a. biduum supererat cum fru- mentum metirl opor- teret. b. eo magis. a. two days remain, within which (before) grain ought to be measured out, etc. b. the more so, all the more. 1. The commander ought to look out for supplies. 2. The more so because only a day remains before we must begin battle. 3. I think they have changed their plan 2 and will cut us off from supplies. 209 CHAPTER XXIV a. in summo mgo. b. subprlmam nostram aciem successerunt. a. on top of the ridge. b. they advanced close to our first line. 1. He sends two legions to fill up the top of the hill. 2. Order your men to follow with the baggage. 3. They will form 3 a phalanx and advance close to our line. 210 CHAPTER XXV a. in eos impetum fecerunt. b. Gallis magno erat impedi- mento. c. conversa signa intulerunt. a. they attacked them. b. the Gauls were greatly hindered. c. they faced about and charged. 1 Do not use the indicative. 2 " changed their plan," use abl. absolute. 3 Do not use the indicative. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR IOI 1. Caesar removed all of the horses in order to equalize the danger. 2. We are greatly hindered in fighting, because we can- not throw away our shields. 3. When we attacked them, they withdrew to the mountain. 4. They guarded those who 1 had been conquered. 5. Face about and renew the fight. 211 CHAPTER XXVI a. diu atque acriter pugnatum est. b. ad multam noctem. c. se eodem loco quo Hel- vetios habiturum. a. long and fiercely they fought. b. till late at night. c. that he would consider them in the same light as the Helvetians. 1. As our men came up, the enemy fought with them long into the night. 2. If you help them in any way, I will consider you in the same light as I do 2 the enemy. 3. There will be a vigorous fight around the baggage. 4. Letters are sent to the Lingones not to help the Helvetians. 5. Our men delayed burying 3 their dead for many days. 212 CHAPTER XXVII a, dum ea conquiruntur. b. prima nocte. a. while they were hunting these up. b. at nightfall. 1 Do not use the relative. See 87. 2 " I do," omit. 8 use prep, and no-m. IO2 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 1. When he had demanded their arms, with tears they obeyed. 2. While they were being punished, they wept. 3. At the beginning of night, they did not surrender their arms. 4. I think they will leave camp. 213 CHAPTERS XXVIII AND XXIX a. Helvetios revertl iussit. b. Allobrogibus imperavit ut facerent. c. parem atque. a. he ordered the Helvetians to return. b. he ordered the Allobroges to furnish. c. same as. 1. I will order 1 them to hand over the fugitives. 2. The Aedui requested him to grant this. 3. I ordered 2 them to be received in surrender. 4. They have the same liberty as we have. 5. The sum total is many thousand. 214 CHAPTER XXX a. petierunt uti id facere li- ceret. b. iure iurando ne quis enun- tiaret inter se sanxerunt. a. they begged permission to do this. b. they ordained by an oath with one another that no one should disclose. 1. At the completion of the war, Caesar got possession of many states. 2. Although 3 I have inflicted punishment on you, still you congratulate me. 3. I beg permission to appoint a council. 1 Use impero. 2 UseJubep. 3 See 171. CAESAR, GALLIC WAR 103 4. Ordain under oath that no one make war on the Romans. REVIEW OF CHAPTERS XXI-XXX 215. Review thoroughly the meaning of the following words, memorizing the principal parts of the verbs, and the declensions of nouns and adjectives : 1. reverto. 2. licet. 3. habeo, in pass. 4. peto. 5. posco. 6. postulo. 7. consido. 8. confldo. 9. cohortor. 10. audeo. 1 1 . sustineo. 12. bellum infero, w. dat. or in and ace. 13. resisto. 14. intermitto. 15. permitto. 1 6. amitto. 17. redeo. 1 8. pareo. 1 9. moror. 20. morior. 21. aperio. 22. vereor. 23. dedo. 24. deditlcius. 25. deditio. 26. idem. 27. par. 28. similis. 29. slgnum. 30. rursus. 31. prope. 32. acies. 33. latus. 34. latus. 35. vulnus. 36. nuntius. 37. vesper. 38. ratio. 39. usus. 40. salus. 41. condicio. 42. atque, see 82. 43. perltus. imperitus, 44. communis. 45. opportunus. 46. medius. 47. quantus. 48. tantus. 49. acriter. 104 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION PART II 216. Review thoroughly the following principles of syntax : 1. Translations of the ablative absolute. 2. Ablative of degree of difference, 48. 3. Genitive with adjectives; dative with adjectives, 24, 35. 4. Impersonal verbs, 27. (Consult grammar.) 5. Double accusative with verbs of asking, etc., 15. 6. Construction with /m, is, m. enemy, hostis, is. m. and f., AN EN- EMY OF ONE'S COUNTRY, inimtcus, J, m., A PERSONAL ENEMY. engage. See fight. enjoy, fruor, fruT, fructus sum ; en- joy, use, iitor, iifi, iisus. See 44. enjoyment, fructtis, us, m. enough, satis. especially, praesertim, adv. establish, constitud, ere, ui, iitus. Europe, Europa, ae, f. even if, etiam si. ever, semper, ALWAYS ; uniquam (un- quani), AT ANY TIME. every, each, quisque ; everyone, quis- que, quaeque, quodqne (quicqiee, qtiictque). evidence, indicium, T, n. except, praeter, prep. w. ace. exchange, inter, and reflex, pronoun, do, dare, dedT, datus. execute, perform, adminislro, are, dm, dtus. exhort, cohortor, art, dtus sum. exile, exsilium, t, n. expect, hope for, spero, are, dvi, dtus. expose, bring to light, patefacio, ere, feel, factus ; expose (to danger), offero, offerre, obtrili, obldtus. eye, oculus, i, m. fact, res, rei, f. faithful, jft/i/if, e. fair, pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum.,gtorta, ae, f. family (i.e. stock), genus, eris, n.; gens, ntis, f. famous, cldrus, a, Tim. far, longe, adv. farmer, agricola, ae, m. father, paler, patris, m. fault, culpa, ae, {.. fear, timor, oris, m.; metus, us, m.; to fear, -vereor, erl, itus sum ; timed, ere, ui ; metud, ere, metui, metutus. feel thankful, gratiam habeo, ere, ui, itus. fellow = man, sometimes by ille. fellow-citizen, civis, is, m. fertile, oplmus, a, um ; fertilis, e. few, pauci, ae, a. field, ager, agrT, m.; in the field, mili- tiae (loc. case). fifteen, quindecim, indecl. fifty, quinquaginta, indecl. fight, pugno, are, avl, dtus, used im- personally in the passive ; e.g. pug- ndtum, it is fought, they fight. 244 ENGLISH-LATIN VOCABULARY find, invenio, ire, veni, ventus, COME UPON, DISCOVER; reperio, ire, reperl and repperi, repertus, MEET WITH, FIND OUT; cognosce, ere, cognovi, cog- nitus, BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH, LEARN, KNOW. finish, conficio, ficere, fed, fectus. first, primus, a, um. fit, fitted, aplus, a, um ; idoneus, a, um. five, quinque, indecl. flee , fugio, fugere, ffigi, fugitus ; terga verto, ere, verti, versus. fleet, classis, is, f. flight, fuga, ae, f.; put to flight, in fugam do, dare, dedi, datus ; fugo, are, dm, dtus. flow,y?