CATALOGUE OF (1800-1863.) COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, VOL. I. LONDON: FEINTED BY GEORGE EDWARD EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. iFOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1867. V, PREFACE. THIS Catalogue is intended to serve as an Index to the Titles and Dates of Scientific Papers contained in the Transactions of Societies, Journals, and other Periodical Works which have been published from the beginning of the present century to the end of the year 1863. The need of some serviceable key to the vast body of scientific matter contained in Periodical Publications has been keenly felt by the cultivators of Science ; and the utility of various Catalogues, Indexes, and works of like purpose which have at different times been produced has been thankfully acknowledged. For the most part, however, these works differ in scope and plan from the present, or apply to a different epoch. The most notable is the Index Commentationmi of E/EUSS, which extends to sixteen quarto volumes, and took twenty years in publication. That great work is not limited, like the present Catalogue, to Scientific Papers ; but, on the other hand, it applies only to Transactions of Societies, and while it com- prehends the contents of those Transactions from their commencement, it reaches but a short way into the present century. Other Catalogues are devoted to special branches of knowledge ; such are the jBibliograpJiia Zoologies ct Geologice of AGASSIZ published by the Ray Society, and the admirable Bibliotheca Zoologica of CAIIUS and ENGELMANN. The present undertaking may be said to have originated in a communication from Dr. Joseph HENRY, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, to the Meeting of the British Association at Glasgow in 1855, suggesting the formation of a Catalogue of Philosophical Memoirs : this suggestion was favourably reported on by a Committee of the Association in the following year. The Committee recom- mended that the contemplated Catalogue should embrace the Mathematical and 13921. a 2 Physical Sciences, but should not include Natural History, Physiology, Geology, Mineralogy, or Chemistry, which, it was suggested, would properly form the subject- matter of one or more distinct Catalogues ; further, that the Catalogue should not be restricted to Memoirs in the Transactions of Societies, but should comprise also Papers in other Periodical Publications, and that it should begin with the year 1800. In March 1857, General SABINE, then Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society, brought the matter before the President and Council of that body, and requested, on the part of the British Association, the co-operation of the Royal Society in the project; whereupon a Committee* was appointed, "to take into " further consideration the formation of such a Catalogue, and to report to the " Council on the precise mode of preparing and dealing with the manuscript, and " on the probable cost of getting it ready for the Press." In June of the same year that Committee presented a preliminary Report, in which, besides entering into various particulars, they recommended that the main publication should be a " Serial Index," that is, a list of the Papers in each Series of Transactions, Journals, or other Periodical Works, put down in the order in which they occur in the several Volumes ; and that to this, other Indexes should be attached, an Index of Authors' names certainly, and a classified Index of Subjects, if it could be done. In regard to the matter to be included, the Report agreed substantially with that presented to the British Association. No further step was taken by the British Association, or by the Royal Society in co-operation with that body ; but the President and Council of the Royal Society, acting on the recommendations contained in a Report of lihe Library Committee, dated 7th January 1858, resolved that the preparation of a Catalogue of Scientific Memoirs should be undertaken by the Royal Society independently, and at the Society's own charge. It was then also determined not to limit the scope of the Catalogue to Physics and Mathematics, as had been contemplated, but to extend it to all the branches of Natural Knowledge for the promotion of which the Royal Society was instituted, excluding matter of a purely technical or professional character. * The Committee consisted of Mr. Cayley, Professor De Morgan, Mr. Graham, Mr. R. Grant, Professor W. II. Miller, and Professor Stokes. In resolving on this undertaking the Council did not propose to task the Society with more than the preparation of a Manuscript Catalogue for use in their own Library ; hut it was hoped that eventually the Catalogue might he printed for general use at the puhlic expense, or by means of funds contributed from other sources, The work was accordingly begun without delay, and has been carried on under the superintendence of the Library Committee. Pour copies were made of the titles of the Papers to be catalogued ; one set of these has been bound up to form a manuscript " Serial Index," now deposited in the Society's Library, others were reserved to be arranged for printing. A large proportion of the Periodical "Works containing Titles to be extracted was at hand in the Royal Society's Library, and to these very extensive additions have been made during the progress of the work. Another rich store of materials existed in the Library of the British Museum. Valuable contributions were also supplied by the Libraries of the Chemical, the Entomological, the Geological, the Linnean, the Pharmaceutical, the Royal Geographical, the Royal Medical and Chirurgical, and the Zoological Societies, the London Institution, the Office of Patents, the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal Institution, the School of Mines,, and the University of Cambridge ; and the President and Council gratefully acknow- ledge their obligations to the Governing Bodies and Librarians of these Institutions for the facilities thus afforded. With a further view to completeness, printed lists of the Periodical Publications already included were from time to time transmitted to Foreign Academies and Scientific Institutions, with a Circular letter from the Foreign Secretary requesting to be informed of deficiencies which might be supplied by the Libraries of the Institutions addressed. In response to this application a valuable contribution was obtained, through the obliging intervention of W. Ritter von HAIDINGEB, of nearly 2,000 Titles from the Library of the Imperial and Royal Geological Institute of Vienna, carefully extracted by the Librarian, M. SENONER. Valuable aid was also afforded from Prague through the good offices of Professor John CZERMAK. As the preparation of the manuscript approached completion, it became expedient to endeavour to make arrangements for the printing of the work. After due consideration it was decided that the publication should consist of, first, the Titles of Papers printed in full and arranged alphabetically according to the Authors' names ; and, secondly, an Alphabetical Index of the subjects of the Papers so far as they appear in the Titles. As the Royal Society had already expended a large sum in compiling the Cata- logue, and were prepared to undertake the further expense of arranging it for printing and of correcting the press, and as the publication of the work was calcu- lated to be of public advantage, it was resolved to propose to Her Majesty's Government that it should be printed at the cost of the nation ; and that, after the presentation of a certain number of copies to Scientific Institutions at home and abroad, the remainder should be offered for sale at the price of the paper and printing only, and the proceeds applied in reduction of the outlay on the part of the Government. A communication was accordingly made to Viscount PALMEHSTON, First Lord of the Treasury ; and the proposal of the President and Council, having been favour- ably received by his Lordship and by Mr. GLADSTONE the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was approved by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. The Minute of their Lordships, dated 28th November 1864, adopting the proposal, concludes in the following terms : " Having regard to the importance of the work, with reference to the promotion " of scientific knowledge generally, to the high authority of the source from which " it comes, and to the labour gratuitously given by Members of the Royal Society " to its production, my Lords consider themselves justified in having the work " printed at the cost of the public, with the understanding that, reserving such a " number of copies for presentation as my Lords, in communication with the " President of the Royal Society, may hereafter determine, the work shall be sold " at such a price as it may be calculated will repay the cost of printing. " Their Lordships, however, desire it to be understood that the work shall go " forth to the public under the authority of the Hoyal Society, by the exertions of " whose Members this important aid to the study of Science has been produced." I N T R D U T 1 N. a. Subject-matter of the Catalogue. THE following Catalogue is intended to contain the Title of every Scientific Memoir which appears in the various Transactions and Proceedings of Scientific Societies, and in the Scientific Journals published within the time which it comprehends ; with the Reference, the Date, the Author's name, and the number of pages in the Memoir. As the Transactions of many learned Societies contain both scientific and non- scientific matter, it was necessary to make a selection, and to exclude such Papers as were merely literary, technical, or professional ; and a similar course has been pur- sued with regard to Scientific Journals. It has not always, however, been possible, or even advisable, to adhere strictly to this rule, which has been construed so as to admit rather than exclude any matter as to which there might be a doubt. Thus many Medical and Surgical Papers have been included on account of their con- taining Anatomical or Physiological matter. In like manner accounts of voyages and travels occurring in Serial Works have been admitted when they contained matter touching upon Natural History, Geology, or Terrestrial Physics. Records of Meteorological Observations have been omitted, unless they contained scientific cal- culations, important generalizations, or new theories : but the Appendices to volumes of Astronomical Observations and to Astronomical Almanacs have been treated like Scientific Journals. Reports from Committees are included, but mere notices and extracts are omitted. Papers which were published only in the form of separate pamphlets are excluded ; but it has been thought advisable to relax the rule in some cases, especially with regard to certain Academical Programmes to which scientific dissertations are appended. A list of the "Works indexed, nearly fourteen hundred in number, arranged alpha- betically according to the contractions employed in the Catalogue, will be found at the end of this Introduction ; and in it those volumes which could not be pro- cured, and the absence of which breaks the continuity of a series, have been carefully marked as deficient. The Royal Society hope that the publication of these deficien- cies may lead to copies of the Titles contained in the missing volumes being forwarded to them for insertion as the Catalogue proceeds. When possible, both the Volume and the Year have been given, one reference acting as a check upon the other ; and this avoids the necessity of marking the various Series. In the case of Transactions of Societies, Ephemerides, and Astro- nomical Almanacs, the year to which the volume belongs, and not the year of publi- cation, has been given. Thus the Nautical Almanac for 1863 was published in 1860, but the former year is adopted in the Catalogue as that by which this particular volume is known. A date enclosed in brackets marks the time when a paper was read, which occasionally precedes by some years the date of the volume in which it is printed. b. Period of Time embraced. The Catalogue is intended to comprise Transactions and Journals published in the period between 1800 and 1863 inclusive. A few important series, beginning towards the end of the last century, which it seemed undesirable to break, are indexed from their commencement. The point at which any serial work was taken up may at once be seen by turning to the list at p. xiii. It has also been necessary to exceed the limit in the other direction, so as to include Memoirs which were read in 1863, though not printed until a year or more after. c. General Arrangement of the Catalogue. The Titles are arranged alphabetically according to Authors' names, the arrange- ment under the head of any one Author being chronological. Memoirs, which are the work of two or more Authors, are entered under the name of each ; Reports of Committees under the name of the Reporter. [ fc ] In arranging the alphabetical order of Authors' names, the practice of the respec- tive countries has been followed as far as possible, and hence the following rules have been adopted : 1. The prefixes, D\ Da, Dal, De, Del, Delia, Van, Von, are not considered as part of the name, thus De Cagnoli will be found under Cagnoli, Da Costa under Costa, Van Beneden under Beneden, etc. To avoid confusion the Flemish article De is treated in like manner. English names, such as De Morgan, De la Beche, Van Mildert, are to be excepted, the prefixes having no signification in our language. 2. Names preceded by Du, Des, Mac, and 0' will be found under the letters D, M, and O. 3. Names preceded by Le, La, or Les, will be found under the letter L. Where a rigorous adherence to these rules would have caused confusion, a cross reference directs the reader to the place where the Author's papers are to be found : thus the papers of D'Arcet, De Candolle, and De la K/ive, are placed under D, and cross references are given under A, C, and L. 4. In English and Dutch compound names, the last name is preferred ; in Prench, Spanish, and Portuguese, the first. No pains have been spared to assign the Memoirs to their respective Authors ; but it is possible there may be some confusion, when there are two persons of the same name, arising from the absence, in many cases, of Christian names, or even the initials of Christian names, or other distinctive marks, to guide the Compilers of the Catalogue.* 5. When writers have been known by more than one name, as in the case of persons who have changed their names, who have been ennobled, or who have been raised in the peerage, their Papers will be found all together under their last name or title, cross references alone being given after their earlier names or titles. 6. Pseudonyms will be found under their proper letter; but the Papers have been indexed under the Author's real name, when it could be discovered. * None but those who have been engaged in a task of this kind can form any idea of the difficulty occasioned by such omissions. It is hoped that this notice may have some effect in inducing contributors to Scientific Journals to give their names in full. 7. With respect to Papers signed with initials, there were two methods : to arrange them by the first or by the last letter. The latter course has been adopted, on the presumption that the last letter was the initial of the Author's family name, as the others were of his Christian names. By this means it has been found possible to identify the Authors in several cases. 8. The Titles of Anonymous Papers will be printed under a separate head at the end of the first part of the present work. 9. The chronological arrangement of the Papers written by any one Author is determined by the date of the volume in which each is printed, and not by that of the reading. When a Memoir is found in more than one Serial Work, the additional references are placed alphabetically. d. Abbreviation, Supply, or Translation of Titles in certain cases. In the few instances in which very long Titles have been curtailed, the first words of the Title are given at such length as to make identification easy, and the abbre- viated Title, if any, employed in the work itself has been adopted. When communications appear without a Title, or are merely described as a note or letter from the Author, a Title has been supplied by the Compiler. Such Titles are distinguished by being enclosed within brackets. In general, Titles are entered in the Catalogue in the languages in which they were written. An exception occurs in the case of Russian, Polish, and Hungarian Titles, the first few words of which are given (so as to identify the paper), followed by a translation into English enclosed within brackets. e. Mode of dealing with Reprints, Translations, Abstracts, and Reports. It was at first intended to index original Memoirs only, to the exclusion of Reprints and Translations, but it was soon perceived that the value of the Work would be greatly increased if the original reference were supplemented by references to other sources where Reprints and Translations might be found. It will sometimes happen that scientific students may have access to Journals containing reprints of Memoirs, and not to the work in which they originally appeared ; or they may be unacquainted with the language in which the Memoirs were written ; in either of which cases they will find the additional references very useful. The language of the Translation may generally be inferred from the nationality of the work in which it appears, unless otherwise specified. Whenever the Royal Society has not been able to procure the original Memoir, or a Reprint, the abbreviation [TransL] is placed after the Title. Abstracts of Memoirs have been indexed as well as the Memoirs themselves. As the first and last page are given in each reference, the reader will generally have little difficulty in distinguishing Abstracts from entire Memoirs. R/eports on Papers are usually omitted ; but as there are some which have an inde- pendent value, they have in certain cases been indexed under the name of the Reporter. In like manner many of the Eloges of scientific men read before the Institute of France have been given. In this work no Title has been inserted at second hand. With the exception of those from works indexed abroad in whole or in part (marked respectively by a star (*) or an obelus (f) in the List of Abbreviations), all the Titles have been extracted under the immediate superintendence of the Royal Society. b 2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Aarau, Archiv der Med. . . . Abbeville, Bull. Soc. Linn. Abbeville, Mem. Soc. Emul. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta. A. Archiv der Medizin, Chirurgie, und Pharmazie. Von einer Gesell- schaft Schweizerischer Aerzte. Aarau. 8vo. Vols. I-IV. 1816- 17. Compte Rendu et Bulletin de la Society Linneenne du Nord de la France. 8vo. Abbeville. Vol. I. 1840. Memoires de la Societe d'Emulation d' Abbeville. 8vo. Abbeville. 1836-60. Nova Acta physico-medica Academise Caes. Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. 4to. Erlangen, Bonn, Breslau. Vols. IX-XXXI. 1818-64. Acquoy, Tijdschrift Tijdschrift voor Wis-, Natuur-, en Wertuigkunde ; onder redactie van J. ACQUOY, H. W. BLOEN, &c. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1860. (StukL, pp. 1-114.) Actes de la Soc. Helvetique Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 8vo. Lausanne, 1829, 1830, 1843, 1861; Geneve, 1832, 1845; Neu- chatel, 1837; Fribourg, 1840; Sion, 1852; Porrentruy, 1853; Chaux de Fonds, 1855. Afhandl. Fysik Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi, och Mineralogi ; utgifne af "W. HISIN- GER, J. BERZELIUS, etc. 8vo. Stockholm. Vols. I- VI. 1806-18. African Assoc. Proc Proceedings of the African Association for promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1810. Agen, Soc. Agric. Recueil. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, et Arts d'Agen. 8vo. Agen. Vol. VIII. 1857. *Agram, Frogramm&ymnas. Programm des k.k. Akademischen Gymnasiums zu Agram. 1855. Agric. Soc. Journ Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXIV. 1840-63. Aix, Acad. Mem Recueil de Memoires de la Societe des Amis des Sciences, des Lettres, de 1'Agriculture, et des Arts a Aix. 8vo. Aix. Vols. ' I-III. 1819-27. Continued as the " Memoires de 1'Academie d'Aix." Vols. IV-VIII. 1840-61. Albany Inst. Trans Transactions of the Albany Institute. 8vo. Albany. Vol. II. 1833-52. Vol. IV. 1858-64. Allelod. Soc. Trans The Transactions of the Allelodidactic Society. 8vo. London. 1848. fAllg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Allgemeine Deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung. Im Auftrage der Zeitg. Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. 8vo. Dresden und Leipzig. Vols. I-II. 1846-47. 8vo. Hamburg und Dresden. Vols. I- III. 1855-57. Allgem. Berg. Zeitung Allgemeine berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung ; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Mineralogie und Geologic ; red. von Carl HARTMANN. 4to. Quedlinburg. Vols. I-IV. 1859-62. Allier, Bull. Soc. mul. , . . Alpina . Altenburg, Mittheil. Amer. Acad. Proc Amer. Assoc. Froc Amer. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Bull. . . . Amer. Geogr. Soc. Journ. . Amer. Geogr. Soc. Proc. . . Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. . . . Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. . Amer. Med. Phil. Beg Amer. Mineral. Journ Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Froc Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. . . . Amer. Folytechn. Journ. . . Amer. Q. Journ. Agric Bulletin de la Societe d'33mulation du departement de PAllier : Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres. 8vo. Moulins. Vols. I- VIII. 1850-63. Alpina, eine Schrift der genauen Kenntniss der Alpen gewidmet ; von Carl ULISSES von SALIS und J. R. STEINMUELLER. 8vo. Winterthur. Vols. I-IV. 1806-9. Mittheilungen aus dem Osterlande ; herausgegeben von der Natur- forschenden Gcsellschaft zu Altenburg. 8vo. Altenburg. Vols. n-XVI. 1838-64. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Boston and Cambridge. Vols. Ill- VI. 1852-63. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. Washington. 1848-60. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. 8vo. New York. 1845. Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-II. 1852-56. Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. 4to. New York. 1859. NOB. 1, 2, 3, and 10. Proceedings of the American Geographical and Statistical Society of New York. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-II. 1862-63. Reports of the Meetings of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, at Philadelphia in 1840 and 1841, and at Boston in 1842 ; embracing its Proceedings and Transactions. 8vo. Boston. 1843. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-XXVL, 1828-40 ; New Series, I-XLV., 1840-63. [ Vols. xiv. and xv. of Second Series wanting."] Transactions of the American Medical Association. 8vo. Phila- delphia. Vols. I-XIII. 1848-60. [Vol. iv., 1851, wanting. ,] The American Medical and Philosophical Register ; or Annals of Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts ; by D. HOSACK and J. W. FRANCIS. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-IV. 1810-13. The American Mineralogical Journal; conducted by A. BUNCE. 8vo. New York. Nos. 1-3 of Vol. I., 1810. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. VI-XII. 1857-63. [Vol. x., 1861, wanting^ Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo. Phila- delphia. Vols. I-IX. 1840-63.- Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Phila- delphia, for promoting useful knowledge. 4to. Philadelphia. Vols. I-VL, 1771-1809 ; New Series, Vols. I-XIL, 1818-63. The American Polytechnic Journal ; ed. by PAGE, GREENOUGH, and FLEISCHMANN. 8vo. Washington. Vols. I-IV. 1853-54. American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science ; con- ducted by EMMONvS and PRIME. 8vo. Albany. Vols. I-IV. 1845-46. [Vol. m., 1846, and 1st part of Vol. iv., wanting.'] American Journ. Fharm. . . American Med. Recorder . . Amici, Giorn. Toscano .... Amiens, Mem. Acad. Sci. . . Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. Ammon, Zeitschr. Opthalm. Amsterdam, Archief Wisk. Genoots. Amsterdam, Het Instituut . Amsterdam, Mengelwerk . Amsterdam, N. Verhand. . Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. ' Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Nat. Wetens. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Wis. en Nat. Wetens. Amsterdam, Verhand Amsterdam, Verhand. Ge- noots. Geneesk. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. Amsterdam, Verzam. Be- richt. Navig. Analyst Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. . , . Angers, Mem. Soc. Agric. . American Journal of Pharmacy ; published by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and edited by R. E. GRIFFITH. 8vo Philadelphia. Vols. I-XXXII. 1836-60. [ Vols. ix. to xiv. wanting.~\ American Medical Recorder. 8vo. Albany. Vols. XIII-XIV 1828. Giornale Toscano di Scienze medichi, fisiche, e natural! ; dal G. B. AMICI, BUFALINI, etc. 8vo. Pisa. 1843. Meraoires de I'Academie des Sciences, Agriculture, Commerce, Belles-lettres, et Arts du departement de la Somme. 8vo. Amiens Vols. I-X. 1835-58. Monatsschrift fur Medecin, Augenheilkunde, und Chirurgie ; von F. A. von AMMON. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-III. 1838-40. Zeitschrift fiir die Ophthalmologie ; von F. A. von AMMON. 8vo. Dresden. Vols. I-V. 1831-37. Archief uitgegeven door het Wiskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk ; " Een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven." 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IV. 1856-59. Het Instituut. fol. Amsterdam. 1842-43. Mengelwerk van uitgeleezene en andere Wis- en Natuurkundige Ver- handelingen ; door het Genootschap der Mathematische Weten- schappen. 8ec. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-II. 1816. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschapen, Letterkunde, en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. 4to. Amsterdam. Vols. I- XIII. 1827-48. [For other Series, see Amsterdam, Verhand.] Onderzoekingen gedaan in het Physiologisch Laboratorium van de Doorluchtige en Klinische Scholen te Amsterdam ; door A. HEYNSIUS. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IV. 1863. Tijdschrift voor Natuurkundige Wetenschappen en Kunsten; door C. G. G. REINWARDT. 8vo. Amsterdam. l e en 2 e Stuk. 1810-11. Tijdschrift voor de Wis- en Natuurkundige Wetenschappen, Letter- kunde, en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1848-52. Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk Neder- landsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde, en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. 4to. Amsterdam. Vols. I- VII. 1812-25. Third Series, Vols. I-V., 1849-52; Fourth Series, Vols. I IX., 185461. [Second Series, supra.] Verhandelingen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heilkunde te Amsterdam. 4to. Amsterdam. Vols. I-II. 1848-58. Verslagen en Mededeeh'ugen der Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen, Letterkunde, en Schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-XVI. 1853-64. Verzameling van Berichten over eenige onderwerpen des Navigatie, etc. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IV. 1803-25. The Analyst, a Monthly Periodical of Science, &c. 8vo. London, Worcester, and Birmingham. Vols. I-X. 1834-40. Annales de la Societe Linneenne du departement de Maine et Loire. 8vo. Angers. 1853-61. Memoires de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, et Arts. 8vo. Angers. Vols. I- VI., 1831-49 ; Vols. I-VIIL, 1850-57 ; Vols. I-VL, 1858-63. Ann. Ancienne Normandie Ann. diMed Ann. Gen. Sci. Fhys. Ann. Genie Civil Ann. Hygiene Publ. . . . Ann. Inst. d. Provinces Ann. Med. Surg. Ann. Met. de France . . Ann. Mines de Russie. Ann. Nat. Hist Ann. d'Oculist Ann. Sci. Iioxnb. Veneto . . Ann. Sci. Nat Annal. Telegraph Annal. de Chimie . Annal. des Mines Annal. Landwirth. Annuaire des cinq Departements de 1'Ancienne Normandie, par 1'Association Normande. 8vo. Caen et Paris. Vol. XXIII. 1857. Annali di Medicina. 8vo. Milano. Vols. I-II. 1802. Annales generates des Sciences Physiques ; par BORY do St. VIN- CENT, DRAPIEZ, et VAX MONS. 8vo. Bruxelles. Vols. I- VIII. 1819-21. Annales du Genie Civil ; Recueil de Memoires sur les Mathematiques pures et appliquees, 1'Astronomie, la Chimie, la Physique, &c. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1862-63. Annales d'Hygiene publique. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-L., 1 829-53 ; New Series, Vols. I.-XIX, 1854-63. Annuaire de 1'Institut des Provinces, des Societes Savantes, et des Congres Scientifiques. 8vo. Paris, Caen, &c. Vols. for 1851, 1853, and 1862. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, or Records of the occurring Im- provements and Discoveries in Medicine, Surgery, and their imme- diately connected Arts and Sciences. London. 8vo. Vols. I-II., 1817-18. Annuaire Meteorologiquo de la France. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1849-52. \_Secalso France.] Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. 8vo. Saint-Peters- bourg. Vols. I-IX. 1835-42. [-See also Russie.] Annals of Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology ; by Sir W. JARDINE, &c. 8vo. London. First Series, Vols. I-XX., 1838-47; Second Series, Vols. I-XX., 1848-57; Third Series, Vols. I-XIL, 1858-63. Annales d'Oculistique et de Gynecologic ; par CUNIER, etc. 4to. and 8vo. Charleroi ct Bruxelles. Vols. I-L. 1838-63. Annali delle Scienze del Regno Lombardo- Veneto. 4to. Padova e Venezia. Vols. I-XIV. 1831-45. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, comprenant la Physiologic ani- male et vegetale, 1'Anatoraie comparee des deux regnes, la Zoologic, la Botanique, la Mineralogie, et la Geologic. 8vo. Paris.' first Series, Vols. I-XXX., 1824-33; ZOOLOGIE, First Series, Vols. I-XX., 1834-43 ; Second Series, Vols. I-XX., 1844-53; Third Series, Vols. I-XX., 1854-63; BOTANIQUE, First Scries, Vols. I-XX., 1834-43; Second Scries, Vols. I- XX., 1844-53; Third Series, Vols. I-XX., 1854-63. Annales Telegraphiques, publiees sous le patronage du Directeur General des Lignes Telegraphiques. 8vo. Paris. Vols. T-II., 1855-56; Vols. I-VL, 1858-63. Annales de v Chimie, ou Recueil de Memoires concernant la Chimie et les Arts qui en dependent. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XCVL, 1789-1815; New Series, Vols. I-LXXV., 1816-40 ; New Series, Vols. I-LXIX., 1841-63. Annales des Mines, ou Recueil des Memoires sur 1'exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XIIL, 1817-26 ; Second Series, Vols. I-VIII., 1827-30; Third Series, Vols. I-XX., 1832-41 ; Fourth Series, Vols. I-XX., 1842-51 ; Fifth Series, Vois. I-XX., 1852-61 ; Sixth Scries, Vols. I-IV., 1862-63. [ Vol. in., 1818, wanting.~\ Annalen der Landwirthschaft in den K. Preuss. Staaten ; herausg. vorn Presidium des K. Landes Oecon. Collegiums ; und redigirt von Alex, von LEXGERKE und C. von SALVIATI. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XLII. 1843-63. [ xvii ] Annal. Med. Psychol, Annals of Botany . Annals of Pharm. . Anthropol. Review Antwerpen, Verhand. Ge- noots. Occ. qui non. Anvers, Ann. Soc. Med. . . . Anvers, Bull. Soc. Paleont. Archief Wisk. Genoots. . Archiv. Gen. de Med. Archiv. Wiss. Heilk. Archiv. Ophthalm Archives de 1'Electr Archives des Miss. Sci. . . . Archives of Med Arcueil, Mem. de Phys. . . . Arras, Mem. Soc. Roy Artus, Jahrb. okon. Chemie Ashmol. Soc. Froc Ashmol. Soc. Trans Asiat. Soc. Journ Asiatick Researches Assoc. Med. Journ. Astr. Nachr. . Annalesmedico-psychologiques ; Journal de 1'Anatomie, Physiologic, etc. du systeme nervcux ; par MM. BAILLARGKR, BRIKRRE de BOISMOXT, et CKRISE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XII., 1843-48 ; Second Series, Yols. 1-VL, 1849-54 ; Third Series, Vols. I- VIIL, 1855-62; Fourth Series, Vols. I-IL, 1863. Annals of Botany; by C. KONIG and J. SIMS. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IL 1805-6. Annals of Pharmacy ; by BASTICK and DIGKENSON. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1852-54. The Anthropological Review, published by the Anthropological Society. 8vo. London. 1863. Verhandelingen van het Genootschap : " Occidit qui non servat." 8vo. Antwerpen. Vols. I-III. (1798-1800 ?) Annales de la Societe de Medecine d' Anvers. 8vo. Anvers. 1841- 56. Bulletin de la Societe Paleontologique de Belgique, fondee a Anvers. 4to. Anvers. Vol. I. 1859. Archief uitgcgeven door het Wiskundig Genootschap, onder de Zinspreuk : " Een onvermoeide Arbeid komt alles te boven." 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IV. 1856-59. [See Amsterdam.] Archives generales de Medecine, publies par une Societe de Mede- cins. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XXX., 1823-32; Second Series, Vols. I-XII., 1833-36; Third Series, Vols. I-XV., 1837-42; Fourth Scries, Vols. I-XXX., 1843-52 ; Fifth Series, Vols. I-XX., 1853-62. Archiv des Vereins fur gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde ; herausg. von J. VOGEL, H. "!NASSE, und F. W. BENEKE. 8vo. Gottingen. 1854. Archiv fur Ophthalmologie ; von F. C. BONDERS, F. ARLT, und A. von GRAEFE. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-IX. 1854-63. Archives de 1'Electrieite ; par A. DE LA RIVE. 8vo. Geneve. (Suppl. to Bibl. de Geneve.) Vols. I-V. 1841-45. Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Litteraires. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-III. 1850-54. Archives of Medicine; by Lionel S. BEALE. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1857-63. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Societe d'Arcueil. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-III. 1807-17. Memoires de la Societe Royale d' Arras, pour 1'Encouragement des Sciences, etc. 8vo. Arras. 1824-35. Jahrbuch fur okonomische Chemie, etc. ; von Dr. W. ARTUS. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-III. 1847-49. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society. 8vo. Oxford. Vols. I-II. 1844-54. Vol. III. Nos. 31-35 (1853-57). Transactions of the Ashmolean Society. 8vo. Oxford. Vols. I- II. 1834-1852. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XX. 1834-63. Asiatick Researches ; or Transactions of the [Bengal] Society instituted for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 4to. Calcutta. Vols. I-XX. 1788-1836. See Med. Assoc. Journ. Astronomische Nachrichten, begriindet von H. C. SCHUMACHER. 4to. Altona, Vols. I-LIX. 1823-63. [ xviii ] Astron.'Soc. Mem Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. I-XXXI. 1822-63. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. Monthly Notices of the Astronomical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXIII. 1827-63. Ateneo Ital L'Ateneo Italiano ; dal S. de LUCA e D. MULLER. 8vo. Parigi. Vols. I-III. 1853-54. [ Vol. in., all after p. 64 wanting. ,] Atlantis The Atlantis, or Register of Literature and Science, conducted by members of the Catholic University of Ireland. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1858-63. Atti Accad. Ital Atti dell' Accademia Italiana di Scienze, etc. 4to. Livorno. 1810. (Parts 1 and 2, all published.) Atti Scienz. Ital Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani. Atti della prima Riunione(1839), 4to. Pisa, 1840 ; Secunda (1840), Torino, 1841 ; Terza (1841), Firenze, 1841 ; Quarta (1842), Padova, 1843 ; Quinta (1843), Lucca, 1844 ; Sesta (1844), Milano, 1845 ; Settima (1845), Napoli, 1846; Ottava (1846), Genova, 1847. Atti Soc. Elvet Atti della Societa Elvetica delle Scienze Naturali. (Sess. 18 e 44.) 8vo. Lugano. 1833 e 1860. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. . . Memoires de la Societe d' Agriculture, des Sciences, et des Lettres du departement de 1'Aube. 8vo. Troyes. Vols. I-XXII. 1823-53. "Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Bericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsburg. 4to. and 8vo. Ver. Augsburg. Vols. I-XVI. 1848-63. Australia, Med. Rec Medical Records of Australia ; by Dr. REEVES. 4to. Melbourne. 1862-63. Australian Med. Journ. . . Australian Medical Journal. 8vo. Melbourne. Vols. I- VI. 1856-S1. Autun, Mem. Soc. Eduenne Memoires de la Societe Eduenne. 8vo. Autun. 1844. Auvergne, Annal. Sclent.. Annales Scientifiques, Litteraires, et Industrielles de 1'Auvergne, publiees par 1'Academie des Sciences, Belle s-Lettres, et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand ; red. par H. LECOQ. 8vo. Clermont-Ferrand. Vols. I-XXXI. 1828-58. Badischen Aerzt. Verein. Mittheil. Baier. Bot. Gesell. Denk- schr. Ballenstedt, Archiv Ballot, Mag. Landbouw. . Baltimore Med. Fhys. Recorder. *Bamberg, Bericht Basel, Bericht . . Basel, Verhandl. Bassano, Program. Ginnas. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. B. Mittheilungen des Badischen arztlichen Vereins. 8vo. Karlsruhe. Vol.V., 1851. Denkschriften der Kb'niglich-Baierischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zu Regensburg. 4to. Regensburg. Vols. I-IV. 1815-61. Archiv fur die neuesten Entdeckungen aus der Urwelt ; von J. G. J. BALLENSTEDT. 8vo. QuedHnburg. Vols. I-V. 1819-23. Magazin voor Landbouw en Kruidkunde ; door J. C. BALLOT. 4to. Utrecht. 1857. 8vo. Vols. I-II. 1859-60. Baltimore Medical and Physical Recorder ; by Tobias W ATKINS. 8vo. Baltimore. 1809. Bericht des Naturforschenden Vereins zu Bamberg. 4to. Bamberg. Vols. I-V. 1852-61. Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. 8vo. Basel. Vols. I-X. 1835-52. Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft bei ihrer Versammlung zu Basel. 8vo. Basel. Vols. I-III. 1857-63. Programma del Comunale Ginnasio di Bassano. 1839. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap der Kunsten en Wetenschnppen. 8vo. and4to. Batavia. Vols. I-XXX. 1781-1863. Batavia, Nat. Tijdsch. . . Batavia, Natuur . Archief. . Batavia, Tijdschr. Batavia, Verhand. Nat. Ver. Bath Soc. Journ. . . Bath Soc. Agric. Letters Baumgartuer, Zeitschrift . Bayer. Landw. Ver. Erg. Bayeux, Bulletin Bayeux, Mem. Soc. Agric. Beitr. Mecklenb. Aerzte . Beitr. Russ. Reich. Belfast, Clin. Soc. Trans. . Bengal Govt. Records Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. . Bengal,Fhotogr.Soc.Journ. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. . . Berghaus, Zeits. f. Erdk. . . Naturkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch -Indie. Uitgegeven door de Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie. 8vo. Batavia. Vols. I-XXVI. 1850-63. [ Vols. ii. to xii., xxi., xxv., wanting.] Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor Nederlandsch-Indie ; door P. J. GODEFROY, M. J. E. MULLER, P. A. FnoMM, en P. BLEEKER. 8vo. Batavia. Vols. I-XII. 1844-46. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde. Uitgege- ven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Weten- schapen, onder Redactie der Heeren P. BLEEKER. 8vo. Batavia. Vols. I-X. 1853-63. Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch- Jndie. 4to. Batavia. Vols. I-VIH. 1856-60. Journal of the Bath and West of England Society for the Encour- agement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 8vo. Bath. Vols. I-XI. 1853-63. Letters and Papers of the Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 8vo. Bath. Vols. I-XIV. 1800-16. Zeitschrift fur Physik, Mathematik, und verwandte Wissenschaften ; von A. BAUMGARTNER und A. von ETTINGSHAUSEN. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-X., 1826-32 ; New Series (by BAUMGARTNER alone), Vols. I- VII., 1832-41. Ergebnisse landwirthschaftlicher und agrikultur-chemischer Ver- suche an der Station des General-Comite des Bayerischen Land- wirthschaftlichen Vereines in Miinchen. 8vo. Miinchen. Vols. I-IV. 1857-61. Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettre.s de Bayeux. 8vo. Bayeux et Paris. 1850-53. Memoires de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres de Bayeus. 8vo. Bayeux. Vols. I-IV. 1842-46. Beitrage Mecklenburgischer Aerzte zur Medicin und Chirurgie ; von W. HENNEMAN. 8vo. Rostock und Schwerin. Vols. I-II. 1830-31. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und der angriin- zenden Lander Asiens ; von K. E. von BAER und G. R. von HELMERSEN. 8vo. St. Petersburg. Vols. I-XXIII. 1839-61. [ Vol. xvi. wanting.'] Transactions of the Clinical and Pathological Society of Belfast. 12mo. Belfast. 1854. Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. 8vo. Calcutta, (no date.) Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta and London. Vols. I-XXXII. 1832-63. Journal of the Photographic Society of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta. 1863. Berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung ; mit besonderer Beriicksicht- igung der Mineralogie und Geologic; von Dr. C. HARTMANN. 4to. Nordhausen und Leipzig. Vols. I-XXII. 1842-63. (At Vol. XVIII., 1859, the editors were K. R. BORNEMANN and B. KERL.) Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Erdkunde ; von BERGHAUS. 8vo. Magdeburg. Vols. IX-X., 1848-49. [For earlier Vols., see Liidde.] c 2 Berlin, Abhandl Berlin. Astron. Jahrb. . Berlin, Bericht Berlin. Entom. Zeitschr. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Verhand. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. Berlin. Jahrb. Fharm. . Berlin, Mem. Acad Berlin, Mitt. Ges. Naturf.. Berlin, Monatsber Berlin, Monatsber. Ges. Erdk. Berlin, Neuc Zeits. Ge- burtsk. Berlin, Telegr. Vereins Zeitschr. Berlin, Verhand. Gesell. Geburts. Bern, Mittheil Berwick. Nat. Club. Hist. . *Besan9ER. 8vo. Paris et Liege. 1857-63. Jahresbericht iiber den Zustand des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums zu Czernowitz in dem Herzogthurae Bukowina. 1856. D. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psy- chiatric. Danzig, IT. Schrift Danzig, Schriften Darmstadt, Beitrage Geol. . Darmstadt, Notizblatt Delhi, Med. Journ. , Dental Review . . . Der Civilingenieur Der Ingenieur Der Naturforscher Deutsche Klinik . Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht. Dijon, Acad. Mem. Dijon, Journ. Agric. Dijon, Seances Acad. Zeitung fur Zoologie, Zootomie, tind Palaeozoologie; von Ed. D' ALTON und II. BURJIEISTER. 4to. Leipzig. Vol. I. 1848-49. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatric und psychisch-gerichtliche Medicin ; von DAMEROW, FLEMMING, etc. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I- XVIII. 1844-62. Neueste Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. 4to. and 8vo. Danzig. Vols. I-V. 1820-56. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. 8vo. Danzig. 1863. Beitrage zur Geologic des Grossherzogthums Hessen und der an- grenzenden Gegenden. Ergiinzungsbliitter zun> Notizblatt, etc. 8vo. Darmstadt. 1858. (Heft 1, pp. 43.) Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Darmstadt und des Mittelrheinischen Geologischen Vereins ; herausg. von L. EWALD. 8vo. Darmstadt. Vols. I-IIL, 1857- 61 ; Vols. I-IL, 1862-63. Quarterly Medical and Surgical Journal for the North- West Pro- vinces. 8vo. Delhi. Vol.1. 1844. The Dental Review. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1859-63. Der Civilingenieur ; von ZEUNER. 4to. Freiberg. Vols. I-IX. 1854-63. Der Ingenieur ; Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Ingenieurwesen ; von BORNEMANN, etc. 4to. Freiberg. Vols. I-II. 1848-50. Der Naturforscher. 8vo. Halle. Vol. XXIX. 1802. Deutsche Klinik; Zeitung fiir Beobachtungen aus Deutschen Kliniken und Krankenhausern ; von Alex. GOSCHEN. Folio. Berlin. Vols. I-XIV. 1849-62. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XIV. 1849-62. Bericht iiber die Versammlung der Deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte. 4to. 1822-52. [Vols. for 1847-51, wanting ; the Reports for 1828, 29, 30, 33, 34, and 38 have been indexed from OKEN'S Isis.'] Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles-Lettres de Dijon. 8vo. Dijon. 1830-49. New Series, Vols. I-XL, 1851-63. Journal d' Agriculture de la Cote d'Or ; public par la Societe Agricole. 8vo. Dijon. Vol.11. 1838. Seances publiques de 1* Academic des Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres de Dijon. 8vo. Dijon. 1816-29. [ xxix ] Dingier, Folytechn. Jcmrn. Bonders, Archiv Dorpat, Sitzungsber Dorpat, Archiv Dorpat, Biolog. Naturk. . . Dorpat, Nat.wiss. Abhandl. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. . . Dove, Repertorium Dresden, Ausz. Frotokol. . "Dresden, Denkschr. Na- turw. Ges. Isis. Dresden, Jahresb. Nat. Heilk. Dresden, Sitzungsber. Isis Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. . Dublin Hosp. Gaz Dublin Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. Dublin Med. Trans. . Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. Dublin, Fathol. Soc. Proc.. Dublin Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. . . Dublin Soc. Journ *t Dublin Soc. Trans J Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. Polytechnisches Journal ; von Johann Gottfried DINGLER und E. M. DINGLKR. 8vo. Stuttgart. Vols. XVI-CXLII. 1825-63. Archiv fur die Hollandischen Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde ; von F. C. BONDERS und W. BERLIN. 8vo. Utrecht. Vols. I-III. 1858-64. Sitzungsberichte der Dorpater Naturforscher Gesellschaft. 8vo. Dorpat. 1853-57. Archiv f iir die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth-, und Kurlands ; herausg. von der Dorpater Naturforscher Gesellschaft. I. Serie : Mine- ralogische Wissenschaften, nebst Chemie, Physik, und Erdbe- schreibung. 8vo. Dorpat. Vols. I-II. 1854-57. Biologische Naturkunde ; von der Dorpater Naturforscher Gesell- schaft. 8vo. Dorpat. Vols. I-IV. 1859-61. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen aus Dorpat. 8vo. Berlin. Vol. I. 1823. Memoires et Comptes Rendus de la Societe d'fimulation du departe- ment du Doubs. 8vo. Besancon. Vols. I-VII. 1841-55. Repertorium der Physik. Enthaltend eiue vollstiindige Zusam- raenstellung der neuorn Fortschritte dieser Wissenschaft. Herausg. von H. W. DOVE und L. MOSER. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I- VIII. 1837-49. Ausziige aus den Protokollen der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heil- kunde in Dresden. 8vo. Dresden. 1832-34. Denkschriften der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis zu Dresden. Festgabe zur Feier ihres fiinfundzwanzigjahrigen Bes- tehens ; redigirt von Dr. A. DRECHSLER. 8vo. Dresden. 1860. Jahresberichte fur 1858-60 v.d. Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heil- kunde in Dresden. 8vo. Dresden. 1861. Sitzungsberichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis zu Dresden ; red. von Dr. A. DRECHSLER. 8vo. Dresden. 1861-63. Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-X. 1838-64. Dublin Hospital Gazette. 8vo. London. Vols I-II. 1845 ; Vols. I-VIII. 1854-61. Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-XXVIII. 1832-45. Dublin Medical Transactions ; a series of Papers by Members of the Association of Fello\vs and Licentiates of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. Vol. L, pt. 1. 1830. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-IV. 1849-63. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-II. 1846-49. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-XXVIII. 1846-63. Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-IV. 1856-63. Transactions and Journal of the Dublin Society. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-VI. 1799-1810. Proceedings of the Dublin University Zoological and Botanical Association. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-II. 1859-60. Transactions of the Dudley and Midland Geological and Scientific Society. 8vo. Dudley. Vols. I-II. 1862-63. [ XXX ] *Dunkerque, Mem. Soc. En- cour. Dzondi, Aeskulap. Memoires de la Societe Dunkerquoise pour 1'Encouragement des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Arts. 8vo. Dunkerque. Vol. VIII. 1861. Aeskulap, eine Zeitschrift der Vervollkommnung der Heilkunde ; von K. H. DZONDI. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. for 1821-22 and 1832-34. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Froc Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. . . . Edinb. Journ. Med. Sci.. . . Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. Edinb. Journ. Sci. . Edinb. Med. Cbir. Soc. Trans. Edinb. Med. Journ. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. . Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. . . Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. . . Edinb. Phil. Journ. Edinb. Flin. Soc. Trans. . . Edinb. Froc. Fhys. Soc. . . . Edinb. Boy. Soc. Froc Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. . . Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts. *Eger, Program. Gymnas. . . Elberfeld, Jahresber E. Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh for the years 1855-56. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1856. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edin- burgh. Vols. I- VII. 1844-63. Edinburgh Journal of Medical Science. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-HI. 1826-27. The Edinburgh Journal of Natural and Geographical Science ; by W. AINSWORTH and H. A. CHEEK. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-III. 1 830-3 !(?). The Edinburgh Journal of Science, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, &c. ; cond. by David BREWSTEB. 8vo. Edin- burgh. Vols. I-X., 1824-29 ; New Series, Vols. I-VL, 1829-32. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-III. 1824-28. Edinburgh Medical Journal, combining the Monthly Journal of Medicine and the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-VIIL 1855-63. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-LXXXII. 1805-55. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. 8vo. Edin- burgh. Vols. I-VII. 1808-37 ; and Vol. VIII. (pt. 1), 1839. Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science; ed. by J. K. CORMACK. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-XX. 1841-55. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive Improvements, &c. in the Sciences, &c. ; by Robert JAMESON. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-LVIL, 1826-54 ; New Series, Vols. I-XIX., 1855-64. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the Pro- gress of Discovery in Natural Philosophy, &c. ; by David BREW- STER and Robert JAMESON. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-XIV. 1819-26. Transactions of the Plinian Society, Session 1828-29. Edinburgh. 8vo. 1829. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-II. 1858-63. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-V. 1845-63. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 4to. Edinburgh. Vols. I-XXIII. 1788-1864. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. 8vo. Edin- burgh. Vols. I-VL 1841-64. Programm der k. k. Obergymnasiums zu Eger in Bohmen. 1858. Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins von Elberfeld und Barmen, nebst wissenschaftlichen Beilagen ; von Carl FUHL- ROTT. 8vo. Elberfeld. Hefte I-IV. 1851-63. [ xxxi ] Electr. Soc. Trans. . Electrician Elliott Soc. Journ. Elliott Soc. Froc. . Eisner, Chem. Techn. Mit- theil. Engineers' Soc. Trans Enns, Geog. Mont. Ver. Ber. Entom. Annual . . Entom. Mag Entom. Soc. Trans. Epidem. Soc. Trans. Epxnal (Vosges) Annal. . . . Erdm. Journ. Frak. Chem. . Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. . Erdmann, Sveriges Geol. Undersdk. Erfurt, Abh.Akad.Wissens. Erfurt, Denkschr. . . Erfurt, Nova Acta . Erlangen, Abhandl. Erlangen, Mitt. Fhys. Med. Soc. *Erlau, Program. Gymnas. . Erlenmeyer, Corr. Blatt. Fsychiatrie. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr Erman, Archiv. Buss Essex Instit. Proc. . The Transactions and Proceedings of the London Electrical Society. 4to. London. Vol. L, 1837-40 (ends at p. 129). The Electrician, a Weekly Journal of Telegraphy, Electricity, and applied Chemistry. 4to. London. Vols. I-IV. 1862-63. Journal of the Elliott Society of Natural History. 4to. Charleston. 18.59. Proceedings of the Elliott Society of Natural History. 8vo. Charleston. 1859. Die chemisch-technische Mittheilungen ; von Dr. L. ELSNER. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XII. 1848-63. Transactions of the Society of Engineers. 8vo. London. Vols. I- IV. 1860-63. Bericht des geognostisch-montanistischen Vereines fur Inneroster- reich und das Land ob der Enns. 8vo. Gratz. 1847-51. The Entomologist's Annual ; ed. by H. T. STAINTON. 8vo. London. 1856-63. The Entomological Magazine. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1833-38. Transactions [and Proceedings] of the Entomological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V., 1836-49; New Series, Vols. I-V., 1850-61 ; Third Series, Vol. L, 1863. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London ; [in the Quarterly Journal of Public Health ;] ed. by B. W. RICHARD- SON. London. 4to. Vols. I-IV., 1855-58 ; Vol. L, 1863. Annales de la Societe d'Emulation du departement des Vosges. 8vo. Epinal. Vols. I-IV. 1831? Journal fur praktische Chemie ; von Otto Linne" ERDMANN. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XC. 1834-63. Journal fur technische und okonomische Chemie ; von Otto Linne ERDMANN. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XVHI. 1828-32. Sveriges geologiska Undersokning, pa offentlig bekostnad, utford under Ledning af A. ERDMANN. 8vo. Stockholm. Vols. I-V. 1862-63. Abhandlungen der Kurfiirstlich Mainzer Akademie niitzlicher Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. 4to. Erfurt. Vol. I. 1828 [or Vol. V. of the Nova Acta]. Denkschrift der Akademie gemeinmitziger Wissenschaften in Erfurt. 8vo. Erfurt. 1854. Nova Acta Academiae Electoralis Moguntinae Scientiarum utilium quje Erfurti est. 4to. Erfurti. Vols. I-IV. 1799-1809. Abhandlungen der Physikalisch-medicinischen Societat in Erlangen. 4to. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-H. 1810-12. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen der Physikalisch-medicinischen Societat zu Erlangen ; von Dr. E. von GORUP-BESANEZ, &c. 8vo. Erlangen. 1859. Az Egri Kath. Nagy-Gymnasium Programmja. VIII. 1858. Correspondenz-Blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Psychiatric, etc. ; von A. A. ERLENMEYER. 4to. Neuwied und Berlin. 1854-58. Zeitschrift fur Chemie und Pharmacie, etc.; von E. ERLENMEYER und G. LEWINSTEIN. 8vo. Erlangen und Heidelberg. Vols. IV- VI. 1861-63. [ Vol. vi. pp. 1-3, and 385-608, wanting.'} Archiv fur wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland ; von A. ERMAN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XIX. 1841-60. Proceedings of the Essex Institute. 8vo. Salem (Massachusetts). Vols. I-III. 1856-64. [ xxxii ] Essex Nat Hist. Soc. Journ. Ethnol. Journ Ethnol. Soc. Journ. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. Eure, Journ. d'Agric Eure, Recueil Trav. Eure, Soc. Agric. Bull. . . . Eure, Soc. Agric. Recueil Evkonyv. Eyr. Journal of the Essex County Natural History Society, containing various communications to the Society. 8vo. Salem (Massa- chusetts). 1852. The Ethnological Journal ; by Luke BURKE. 8vo. London. Nos. I-XI. 1848-49. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1848-56. Bulletin de 1' Academic Ebroicienne. 8vo. Louviers. 1833-37. Journal d'Agriculture, de Medicine et des Sciences accessoires. 8vo. Evreux. Yols. I-VI. 1824-29. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe Libre d'Agriculture, des Sciences, des Arts et des Belles-Lettres du departement de 1'Eure. 8vo. Evreux. Vols. I-VJII., 1841-50 ; New Series, Vols. I-V., 1850-58. Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, des Sciences, et des Arts du departement de 1'Eure. 8vo, Evreux. Vols. I-II. 1822-23. Eecueil de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, Arts, et Belles- Lettres du departement de 1'Eure. 8vo. Evreux. Vols. I-X. 1830-39. A' Magyar Tudos Tarsasag' Evkonyv ei. [Transactions of the Hungarian Society of Sciences.] 4to. Pesten. Vol. I., 1833. Budan. Vols. II-VIL, 1835-46. Continued as the A' Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia EVkonyvei. 4to. Budan. Vols. VIII-X. 1860-63. Eyr, et Medicinisk Tidsskrift. 8vo. Christiania. Vols. I-XI. 1826-37. Falaise, Mem. Soc. Acad. . Fechner, Centralblatt Fechner, Repertorium *Feldkirch, Program. Gym- nas. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. . F6russac, Bull. Sci. Nat. . . Finska Lak. Sallsk. Handl. Firenze, Ann. Mus. Imp. . . Firenze, Opusc. Scientif. . . Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. . . Flora F. Memoires de la Societe Academique des Sciences, &c., de Falaise. 8vo. Falaise. 1836. Centralblatt fiir Naturwissenschaften und Anthropologie ; von G. T. FECHNER. folio. Leipzig. Vols. I-II. 1853-54. Repertorium der Experimental-Physik ; von G. T. FECHNER. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-III. 1832. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums zu Feldkirch. 1853. Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques, Physiques, et Chimiques ; par le Baron de FERUSSAC. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I- XV. 1824-31. Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Geologic ; par le Baron de FERUSSAC. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XXVI. 1824-31. Finska Liikare Sallskapets Handlingar. Helsingfors. 8vo. Vols. I-IV. 1841-50. Annali del Museo Imperiale di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze. 4to. Firenze. Vols. I-II. 1808-10. Collezione d'Opuscoli scientific], etc. 8vo. Firenze. Vols. I- XXII. 1807-18. Journal de Conchyliologie, comprenant 1'etude des Animaux et des Coquilles, etc. ; par FISCHER et BERNAR-DI. 8vo. Paris; Second Scries, Vols. I-IV. (V-VIIL), 1856-60 ; Third Series, ed. by FISCHER, BERNARDI, and CROSSE, Vols. I-IH. (IX-XL), 1861- 63. Flora, oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung ; herausgegeben von der Konigl. Bayer. Botanischen Gesellchaft. 8vo. Regensburg. Vols. I-XLVI. 1818-63. [ xxxiii Flore des Jardins Flore des Serres . Florke, Z&epert. . . Forbes, Med. Rev. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. . . . France, Ann. Meteor France, Congres Scient. . . . France, Inst. Provinces Ann. France, Znst. Provinces Mem. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten Frankfurt, Jahresb. Phys. Ver. Frankfurt, Phys. Ver. Jahrb. Franklin Inst. Journ. Franzos. Annal. *Freiberg, Jahrb. Berg. u. Hiitt. Freiberg, Mag. Oryktogr. . Freiburg, Beitrage Freiburg, Berichte Fresenius, Zeitschr. Anal. Chemie. Fries, Botan. Notiser Froriep, Notizen. Tiinfkirchen, Program. Fogymn. Annales d'Horticulture et de Botanique, ou Flore des Jardins du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 8vo. Leide. 1858-62. Flore des Serres et des Jardios de 1'Europe. 8vo. Gand. Yols. I- XV. 1845-65. Repertorium des neuesten und \vissenswurdigsten ausder gesammten Naturkunde ; von H. G. FLORKE. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-V. 1811-13. The British and Foreign Medical Review, or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery ; ed. by J. FORBES and J. CONNOLLY. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXV., 1836-48. Allgemeine Bauzeitung fiir Architekten, Ingenieurs, etc. ; von Christ. Friedr.LudwigFdRSTER. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-XXVIII. 1836-63. Annuaire Meteorologique de la France. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1849-52. Sessions des Congres Scientifiques de France. 8vo. Sess. I- XXVIII. 1833-61. Annuaire de PInstitut des Provinces et des Congres Scientifiques de France. 8vo. Paris, Caen, etc. 1851-64. Memoires de 1'Institut des Provinces de France : Sciences physiques et naturelles. 4to. Paris, Caen, etc. 1859. Der Zoologische Garten. Organ der Zoologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt-am-Main; von D. F. WEINLAND. 8vo. Frankfurt- am-Main. 1860-63. Jahres-Bericht des Physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt-am-Main. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main. 1858-60. Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, ver- anstaltet vom Physikalischen Vereine zu Frankfurt. 8vo. Frank- furt. 1831. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-LXXA r I. 1828-63. Franzosische Annalen fiir die allgemeine Naturgeschichte, Physik, &c. ; von C. H. PFAFF und FRIEDLANDER. 8vo. Hamburg und Leipzig. Vols. I-XII. 1802-3. Jahrbuch fiir den Berg- und Hiittenmann. Herausg. von der Konigl. Berg-Akademie zu Freiberg. 1854-61. Magazin fiir die Oryktographie von Sachsen ; ein Beitrag zur mine- ralogischen Kenntniss dieses Landes und zur Geschichte seiner Mineralien ; herausg. von J. C. FREIESLEBEN. 8vo. Freiberg. Vols. I-XV. 1828-48. Extrahefte, I-IV. 1843-48. Beitrage zur Rheinischen Naturgeschichte, herausgeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Beforderung der Naturwissenschaften zu Frei- burg im Breisgau. 8vo. Freiburg. 1849-53. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg im Breisgau. Vols. I II. 1858-62. Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie; von C. R. FRESENIUS. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 1862. Botaniska Notiser, af Th. M. FRIES. 8vo. Lund. 1857-58. [See Lindblom.j Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde ; von L. von FRORIEP. 4to. Erfurt und Weimar. Vols. I-L., 1822-36; Second Series, Neue Notizen, von L. F. und Rob. FRORIEP. Vols. I-XL., 1837-46 ; Third Series, von M. J. SCHLEIDEN und Rob. FRORIEP. Vols. I-XL, 1847-49. A Pecsi Kath. Fogymnasium Programmja. 1859. [ xxxiv ] G. Gand, Ann. Soc. Agric. .... Annales de la Societe Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique. 8vo. Gand. Vols. I-IV. 1845-48. Gand, Ann. Soc. Med Annales de la Societe de Medecine de Gand. 8vo. Gand. Vols. I- XXIV. 1835-56. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. Bulletin de la Societe de Medecine de Gand. 8vo. Gand. Vols. I- XXVIL 1835-1860. [1st part of Vol. i., 1835, and Vol. xrv. wanting. ,] Gard, Apercu des Trav. . . . Notice ou Apercu analytique des Travaux de 1'Academie Royale du Gard. 8vo. Nimes. 1822. Gard, Mem. Acad Memoires de 1'Academie du Gard. 8vo. Nimes. 1832-53, 1858-59, 1862. Gard, Notice Trav. Acad. . Notice des Travaux de 1'Academie du Gard. 8vo. Nimes. 1807-13. Garnett, Ann. Phil Annals of Philosophy, Natural History, Chemistry, &c. ; by T. GARNETT. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1801-2. Garten-Flora . . . . Garten-Flora : allgemeine Monatschrift, etc., und Organ des Russ. Gartenbau-Vereins in St. Petersburg; von Eduard REGEL. 8vo. Erlangen. Vol. XIII. 1863. Garten-Zeitg Neue allgemeine Deutsche Garten- und Blumenzeitung ; von R. METTLER. 8vo. Hamburg. Vol. I. 1845-46. Gauss, Resultate Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins ; von E. F. GAUSS und W. WEBER. 8vo. Gottingen und Leipzig. 1837-42. Gehlen, Journ Journal f iir die Chemie und Physik ; von A. F. GEHLEN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-IX. 1806-10. Geudrin, Trans. Med Transactions Medicales : Journal de Medecine pratique. 8vo. Paris. 12 vols. 1830-33. (Vols. I. to IX. ed. by A. N. GEN- DRIN ; Vol. X. by FORGET and SANDRAS ; Vols. XI-XII. by FORGET.) Geneeskundig Mag Geneeskundig Magazijn ; door A. Van STIPRIAAN, &c. 8vo. Delft, Leyden. Vols. I-V. 1801-15. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Bull. . . . Bulletin de 1'Institut National Genevois. 8vo. Geneve. Vols. I-X. 1853-61. Geneve, Inst. Nat. Mem. . . Memoires de 1'Institut National Genevois. 4to. Geneve. Vols. I-IX. 1854-63. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Geogr. . Memoires et Bulletins de la Societe de Geographic. 8vo. Geneve. 1860-62. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. .. Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. 4to. Geneve. Vols. I-XVII. 1821-63. Geneve, B,ec. Trav. Soc. Recueil des Travaux de la Societe Medicale de Geneve. 8vo. Med. Geneve. 1853. Genova, Mem. Accad Memorie dell' Accademia Imperiale delle Scienze di Geneva. 4to. Geneva. Vols. II-III. 1809-14. Genova, Mem. 1st. Ligure. Memorie dell' Istituto Ligure. 4to. Genova. 1806. Genova, Mem. Soc. Med. Memorie della Societa Medica di Emulazione di Genova. 8vo. Emul. Genova. Vols. I-IV. 1802-4. Geogr. Soc. Journ. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXXIII. 1832-63. [ XXXV ] Geogr. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VII. 1857-63. Geol. Assoc. Proc Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. 8vo. London. 1859-60. Geol. Soc. Journ Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XIX. 1845-63. Geol. Soc. Proc.. . . Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1826-45. Geol. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Geological Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. I-V., 1811-21 ; New Series, Vols. I-VII., 1824-56. Geol. Survey Mem Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. 4to. London. 1846-63. Geologist The Geologist, a popular Monthly Magazine of Geology ; by S. J. MACKIE. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VII. 1858-63, \_Pt. 59, 1863, wanting.'] Gera, Naturw. Jahresber. . Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Gera, nebst Nachrichten iiber den Naturwissen- schaftlichen Verein in Schleiz. 8vo. Gera. Vols. I VI. 1858-63. Gera, Verhandl Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Gera. 8vo. Gera. Gergonne, Ann. Math Annales de Mathematiques, pures et appliquees ; par J. D. GER- GONNE. 4to. Nimes et Paris. Vols. I-XXI. 1811-31. Germar, Mag. Entom Magazin der Entomologie ; von Ernst F. GERMAK. 8vo. Halle. Vols. I-IV. 1813-21. Germar. Zeitschr. Entom. . Zeitschrift fiir die Entomologie ; von E. F. GERMAK. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-V. 1839-44. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Berichte der Oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde Her. in Giessen. 8vo. Giessen. Vols. V-IX. 1855-62. Gilbert. Aunalen Annalen der Physik; von L. W. GILBERT. Halle und Leipzig. Vols. I-LXXVI. 1799-1824. Gill, Techn. Microsc. Technical and Microscopical Repository ; by Thomas GILL. 8vo. Repos. London. Vols. VI-VII. 1830. Gill. Techn. Hep. . The Technical Repository ; by Thomas GILL. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XI. 1822-27. Giorn. Arcad Giornale Arcadico di Scienze, etc. 8vo. Roma. Vols. I-CXLV. 1819-56; New Series, Vols. I-XX., 1857-60. [Vol. LIII., 1831, wanting.'] Gironde. Journ. Med. Journal Medical de la Gironde. 8vo. Bordeaux. Vols. I- VI. 1824-26. Gistl, Faunus Fauuus ; Zeitschrift fiir Zoologie und vergleichenden Anatomic ; von Joh. GISTL. 8vo. Miinchen. Vols. I-IL, 1832-35, und Vol. L, 1837. Glasgow Geol. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Glasgow Geological Society. 8vo. Glasgow. Vol. I. 1860. Glasgow Med. Journ Glasgow Medical Journal. 8vo. Glasgow. Vols. I-V., 1828-32 ; Vols. I-XL, 1854-64. Glasgow Phil. Soc. Proc. . Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society. 8vo. Glasgow. Vols. I-V. 1841-64. Gleanings in Sci Gleanings in Science. 8vo. Calcutta. Vols. I-IL, 1829-30, and Vol. L, 1831. Goodfellow, Lond. Phys. London Physiological Joui-nal ; or Monthly Record of Observations Journ. on animal and vegetable Anatomy, &c. ; by S. J. GOODFELLOW and Ed^ J. QUEKETT. 8vo. London. Vol. I. 1843. e 2 [ xxxvi ] Goodsir, Ann. Anat. Fhys. Gorlitz, Abhandl *G6rz, Jaaresb. Gymnas. . . . *G6rz, Program. Gymnas. . . Gotheborg, Handl Gotheborg, Nya Handl. . . . Gottingen, Abhandl Gottingen, Comment. Gottingen, Nachrichten . . . Gottingen, Studien Vereins Gottinger Studien Gould, Astron. Jouru Grafe, Journ. Chir. Augen- heilk. *Gratz, Jahresb "Gratz, Program. Gymnas. . Gravenhage, Athenaeum . . . Gravenhage, Inst. Zngen. TTittrek. Gravenhage, Inst. Ingen. Verhand. Gravenhage, Tijdschr Graves, Naturalists' Journal. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. Grindel, Buss. Jahrb. Fharm. Groningen, Ann. Acad Gruithuisen, Neue Analekt. Grunert, Archiv Grunert, Meteor. Optik . . Annals of Anatomy and Physiology ; by John GOODSIR. 8vo. Edinburgh. Nos. J to 3. 1850-53. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz. 8vo. .Gorlitz. Vols. I-XI. 1827-62. Jahresbericht des k.k. Ober- und Unter- Gymnasiums in Gorz. 1850. Programm des k. k. Akademischen Gymnasiums in Gorz. 1 852 and 1854. Gotheborgs Kongl. Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhalles Hand- lingar. 8vo. "Gotheborg. Vols. I- VIII. 1850-63. Nya Handlingar af Kongl. Vettenskaps och Vitterhets Samhallet i Gotheborg. 8vo. Gotheborg. 1808. Vols. I-V. 1808-22. Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenchaften zu Gottingen. (Physik Klasse.) 4to. Gottingen. Vols. I-XI. 1838-63. Commentationes Societatis Regise Scientiarum Gottingensis. 4to. Gottingse. Vols. XV-XVI., 1800-4. Commentationes recentiores Societatis, etc. 4to. Gottingse. Vole. I- VIII. 1808-37. Nachrichten von der Georg-Augusts Universitat und der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenchaften zu Gottingen. 8vo. Gottingen. 1845-62. Studien des Gottingischen Vereins Bergmiinnischer Freunde ; von J. F. L. HAUSSMANN. 8vo. Gottingen. Vols. I-VII. 1824-56. Gottinger Studien ; von August Bernard KRISCHE. 8vo. Gottingen, 1847. The Astronomical Journal ; by Benj. Apthorpe GOULD. 4to. Cam- bridge, Mass. Vols. I-VI. 1851-61. Journal der Chirurgie und Augen-Heilkunde ; von C. F. GRAEFE u. P. WALTHER. 8vo. Berlin. 1820-50. Jahresbericht iiber die Steiermarkisch-standisclie Ober-Realsehule in Gratz. Vol. VIII. 1859. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums in Gratz. Athenceum : Tijdschrift voor Wetenschap en Kunst. 8vo. s' Graven- hage. 1836. Uittreksels uit Vreemde Tijdschriften voor de Leden van het Konink- lijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. fol. s'Gravenhage. 1851-63. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. 4to. s'Gravenhage. Vols. I-X. 1852-61. Tijdschrift ^oor Entomologie, door de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging; van J. Van der HOEVEN, &c. 8vo. s'Gravenhage. Vol. I. 1858. The Naturalists' Journal and Miscellany ; by G. GRAVES. 12mo. Edinburgh. No. 1, June 1832 (no more published). Bulletin de 1' Academic Delphinale, ou Societe des Sciences et Arts de Grenoble. 8vo. Grenoble. Vols. I-V., 1846-59; J\ 7 ew Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1861-64. Russisches Jahrbuch der Pharmacie ; von D. H. GRINDEL. 12mo. Riga, Vols. I-VI. 1803-8. Annales Academiae Groninganae. 4to. Groningce. 1815-37. Neue Analekten fiir Erd- und Himmels-kunde ; von Franz von Paula GRUITHUISEN. 8vo. Munchen. Vols. I-II. 1834-35. Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Bediirfnisse der Lehrer an hb'heren Unterrichtsaustalten ; von J. A. GRUNERT. 8vo. Griefswald. Vols. I-XL. 1841-63. Beitrage zur meteorologischen Optik, etc. ; von J. A. GRUNERT. 8vo. Leipzig. Vol. I. 1818. [ xxxvii ] Guillemin, Arch. Sot. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. G-iinsburg, Zeitschr. Klin. Med. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thier- heilk. Guy's Hosp. Hep Archives de Botanique, ou Recueil Mensuel de Memoires originaux, etc.; par A. J. GUILLEMIN. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1833. Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Erdkunde. Mit Unterstiitzung der Ge- sellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin; von T. E. GUMPRECHT. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-VI. 1853-56. Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medizin, mit dem Verein fiir physiologische Heilkunde in Breslau ; von Friedrich GUNSBURG. 8vo. Breslau. Vols. I-VII. 1850-56. Magazin fiir die gesammte Thier-Heilkunde ; von C. F. GURLT und C. H. HERTWIG. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XXIV. 1838-58. Guy's Hospital Reports. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VIL, 1836-42 ; New Series, Vols. I- VIII., 1843-53 ; Third Series, Vols. I-IX., 1855-63. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet. Haaxman, Tijdschrift Haeser, Archiv Med.. Hage Haidinger, Abhandl. Haidinger, Bericht. Hainaut, Mem. Soc. Sci. . . Hall, Bijdragen Halle, Abh. Nat. Gesell. . . . Halle, Abh. Nat. Ver Halle, Jahresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. Halle, N. Schr. Nat. Gesell. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. Halle, Zeitschr. Ges. Nat. Hamburg, Abhandl. Geb. Naturw. Hamburg, Mittheil. ....... H. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de [Bataafsche] Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. 8vo. Haarlem. Vols. I-XXIV., 1799-1844 ; 4to., Vols. I-XIX., 1841-62. Tijdschrift voor Wettenschappelijke Pharmacie, etc.; door P. J. HAAXMAN. 8vo. Voorburg. Vols. I-V. 1849-53. Archiv fiir die gesammte Medicin ; von H. HAESER. 8vo. Jena. Vols. I-X. 1841-49. See Gravenhage. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen ; herausg. von Wilhelm HAIDINGER. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-IV. 1847-51. Berichte iiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissen- schaften in Wien; von Wilhelm HAIDINGER. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-VIL 1847-51. Memoires et publications de la Societe des Sciences, etc. du Hainaut. 8vo. Mons. 1839-58. Bijdragen tot de Natuurkundige Wetenschappen ; verzameld door H. C. van HALL, W. VROLIK, en G. J. MULDER. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-VII. 1826-32. Abhandlungen [und Sitzungsberichte] der Naturforschenden Gesell- schaft zu Halle. 4to. Halle. Vols. I-VI. 1853-62. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen in Halle ; von C. GIEBEL und W. HEINTZ. 4to. Berlin. Vols. I-II. 1860-61. Jahresbericht des Naturwissenchaftlichen Vereins in Halle. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. III-V. 1850-51 (Hefte 1 und 2). Neue Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle. STO. Halle. Vols. I-III. 1811-17. Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Halle 4to. Halle. Vols. I-VI. 1853-62. Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften ; herausgegeben von dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine fiir Sachsen und Thiir- ingen in Halle ; von C. GIEBEL und W. HEINTZ. Svo. Berlin. Vols. I-XXII. 1853-63. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften ; herausg. von dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine in Hamburg. 4to. Hamburg. Vols. I-HI. 1846-56. Mittheilungen aus den Verhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Svo. Hamburg. 1830,1833,1845. [ xxxviii ] "Hannover, Jahresber. , Hannover, Zeits. Archit. Ver. Hannoverische Annalen . *Harz, Naturw. Ver. Ber. . . ""Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. . . . Heidelberg, Verhandl Heidelberg, Verhandl. Nat. Med. Ver. Heis, Wochenschrift Heller, Archiv. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. Helsingfors, Notiser Henfrey, Bot. Gazette . Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift. 1 Hermannstadt, Program. Gymnas. Hermbstadt, Bulletin Hermbstadt, Museum. Hertha Hessen, Nat. Hist. Ver- handl. Heusinger, Zeitschrift .... Highland Soc. Trans Himly, Bibl. Ophthalm. Hisiuger, Afhandl. J:ihrc.Acr:clit der Natur-historischen Gesellschaft zu Hannover, Vols. X-X1II. 1859-63. Zeitsclnift des Architecten uml Ingenieur-Vereins fiir das Konigreich Hannover, folio. Hannover. Vols. I- VII. 1855-61. Hannoverische Annalen fiir die gesammte Heilkunde ; von G. P. HOLSCIIER. 8vo. Hannover. Vols. I-V., 1836-40 ; New Series, Vols. 1-VI., 1841-46. Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Harzes zu Blank- enburg. 1840-62. [See also Blankenburg.] Jahrbiicher der Literatur. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch- niediciiiischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. 1857-62. Verhaudlungen der in Heidelberg versaminelten Augeniirzte. 8vo. Berlin. 1859. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorisch-medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. 8vo. Heidelberg. Vols. I-II. 1857-60. Wochenschrift fiir Astronomic, Meteorologie, und Geographic ; von Edw. HEIS. 8vo, Halle. Vol. I. 1858. Archiv fiir phyeiologische und pathologische Chemie und Mikro- skopie; von J.F. HELLER. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-IV. 1844-47. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennica?. 4to. Helsingfors. Vols. I- IV. 1840-56. Notiser ur Sallskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhandlingar. Bihang till " Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn." 4to. Helsingfors. Vols. I-III. 1848-57. The Botanical Gazette ; by A. HKNFREY. 8vo. London. Vols. I- III. 1849-51. Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin ; von J. HENLE und C. PFEUFER. 8vo. Zurich. Vols. I-X., 1844-51 ; New Series, Heidelberg, 1851-57 ; Third Series, Leipzig u. Heidelberg, Vols. I-XX., 1857-63. Programm des Gymnasiums A. C. zu Hermannstadt. 1854 and 1857. Bulletin des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der Naturwissen- schaft, etc. ; von S. F. HERMBSTADT. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XV. 1809-13. Museum des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaffc, der Kiinste, der Fabriken, der Manufakturen, der technischen Gewerbe, der Landwirthschaft, der Produkten- waaren und Handelskunde, und der burgerlichen Haushaltung, &c. ; von Sigismund Friedrich HERMBSTADT. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XV 1814-18. Hertha, Zeitschrift fiir Erd-, Volker-, und Staaten-Kunde ; von H : BERGHAUS und K. F. HOFFMANN. 8vo. Stuttgart und Tiibingen. Vols. I-XII. 1825-28. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins fur das Grossher- zogthum Hessen und Umgebung. 8vo. Darmstadt. (Heft 2, 1848, pp. 1-82.) Zeitschrift fiir die organische Physik ; von C. F. HEUSINGER. 8vo. Eisenach. Vols. I-III. 1827. Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. First Series, ed. by H. MACKENZIE. Vols. I-VL, 1799-1824; VII., 1829; VIII., 1843. Bibliothek fiir Ophthalmologie ; von K. HIMLY. 8vo. Hannover. 1816-19. Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi, och Mineralogie ; utgifne af W. HISIN- GER och J. BERZELIUS. 8-vo* Stockholm. Vols.-I-VI. 1806-18. [ xxxix ] Hoeven en Vriese, Tijd- schrift. Hoff, Magazin Hoffmann, Fhytogr. Blatt. Holland. Beitrage Holland. Mag Hooker, Botan. Miscell. . . Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. . Hooker, Lend. Journ. Bot. Hooker's Journ. Botany . Horse Soc. Ent. Bossicae . Horn, Archiv Med. . Hornschuch, Archiv . Horolog. Journ. . . . Hortic. Soc. Journ. Hortic. Soc. Froc Hortic. Soc. Trans Hufeland, Journ. Arzu. . . Tijdschrift voor Natuurlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologic ; door J. van der HOEVEN en W. H. de VRIESE. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-XII. 1834-45. Magazin fur die gesammte Mineralogie, Geognosie, etc. ; von K. E. A. von HOFF. 8vo. Leipzig. 1801. Phytographische Blatter ; von D. G. F. HOFFMANN. 8vo. Gottin- gen. 1803. Hollandische Beitriige zu den anatomischen und physiologischen Wissenschaften ; von F. C. BONDERS, J. Van DEEN, und J. MOLESCHOTT. 8vo. 1846. Hefte 1 und 2, Utrecht ; (Heft 3, Diisseldorff.) Holliindisches Magazin der Naturkunde ; von Johann August SCHMIDT. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main. 1802-3. The Botanical Miscellany ; by W. J. HOOKER. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1830-33." Companion to the Botanical Magazine ; by W. J. HOOKER. Vols. I-IL 1835-36. London Journal of Botany ; by W. J. HOOKER. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VII. 1842-48. Continued as the London Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany. Vols. I- IX. 1849-57. HOOKER'S Journal of Botany. 8vo. London. Vols. T.-IV. 183442. Horae Societatis Entomological Rossicae variis sermonibus Rossicae usitatis. 8vo. Petropoli. 1861. Archiv fur praktische Medizin und Klinik ; von Dr. E. HORN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-V. 1807-8. Archiv Skandinavischer Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte ; von C. F. HORNSCHUCH. 8vo. Greifswald. Vols. I-II. 1845-50. The Horological Journal. 4to. London. Vols. I-V. 1859-63. The Journal of the Horticultural Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IX. 1846-55. Proceedings of the Horticultural Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1861-63. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. I-VH., 1812-30 ; New Series, Vols. I-III., 1831-48, Journal der practischen Arzneykunde; von C. W. HUFELAND. Jena. 8vo. Vols. I-XXVIL, 1795-1808; New Series ed. by K. HIMLY, with the addition of the words " und Wundarzneykunst " to the title ; Vols. XXVIII-XXXIX., 1809-14; ed. by C. F. HARLES, etc., Vols. XL-LXXXI1L, 1836; after Hufeland's death, it was called "Hufeland's Journal," Vol. LXXXIV-XCVIIL, 1837-44. *Iglau, Program. Gymnas. *I1 Berico . II Cimento .... II Giamb. Vico II Folitecnico . I. Programm des k. k. Ober- Gymnasiums zu Iglau. 1861. II Berico : giornale di Agricoltura, Arti industriali, Letteratura e Varieta. Vicenza. 1858-59. Nos. 22-45. II Cimento, revista di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 8vo. Toi'ino. Vols. I-VI. 1852-55. [Continued in the Nuovo Cimento.] II Giambattista-Vico, giornale scientifico. 8vo. Napoli. Vols. I- IV. 1857. II Politecnico ; repertorio mensile di studj applicati alia prosperita e coltura sociale. 8vo. Milano. Vols. I-VII. 1839-44 ; VIII- XIX. 1860-63. II Frogresso , II Subalpino .... II Tempo Illiger, Magazin Illustration Hortic India, Agric. Soc. Journ.. India, Agric. Soc. Proc. . . . India, Agric. Soc. Trans. . . India, Mem. Geol. Survey. India, Govt. Records (Home Dept. ). India, Govt. Records (For. Dept.). Indian Journ. Med. Sci.. . . India Review . Indian Annals Inghirami, Opuscoli. Innsbruck, Beitr. Gesch. Tirol. *Innsbruck, Jahresber Innsbruck, Erl. Geog. Karte Tirols. *Innsbruck, Ber. Geogn. Mont. Verein. Innsbruck, Neue Zeitschr. * Innsbruck, Program. Gym- nas. Innsbruck, Zeitschr Institute. . II Progresso delle Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti ; di G. R. 8vo. Napoli. Vols. I-XXIV. undated ; New Series, Vols. I-VL, 1832-33. II Subalpino, Giornalc di Scienze, &c. 8vo. Torino. Vols. I-IV. 1836-38. II Tempo, Giornale I tali an o di Medicina, &c., da A. Cozzi, C. MINATI, &c. 8vo. Firenze. Vols. I-IV. 1858-60. Magazin fur Insektenkunde ; von Karl ILLIGER. 8vo. Braun- schweig. Vols. I-VL 1801-7. (A new edition of Vols. I-V. Avas published in 1822.) Illustration horticole ; journal special des Serres et des Jardins ; red. par C. H. LEMAIRE. 8vo. Gand. Vol. IX. 1862. Journal of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Svo. Calcutta. Vols. I-XII. 1842-63. Proceedings of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Svo. Calcutta. 1841-42. Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Svo. Serampore and Calcutta. Vols. I -VIII. 1838-40. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India. Svo. Calcutta. Vol. I. 1856. Selections from the Records of the Government of India. (Home Department). 8vo. Calcutta, (no date.) Selections from the Records of the Government of India. (Foreign Department). Svo. Calcutta, (no date.) Indian Journal of Medical Science ; by GRANT, PEARSON, and CORBTN. Svo. Calcutta. Vols. I-IL, 1834-35 ; Vols. I-IL, 1836-37. India Review and Journal of Foreign Science and the Arts ; ed. by Frederick CORBTN. 8vo. Calcutta. Vols. I-III. 1837-38. Indian Annals of Medical Science. 8vo. Calcutta, Vols. I- VI. 1854-59. [ Vol. v. wanting.~] Nuova Collezione di Opuscoli e Notizie di Scienze ; dal Fr. INGHIRAMI. Svo. Fiesole. Vols. I-IV. 1820-23. Beitriige zur Geschichte, Statistik, Naturkunde, etc. von Tirol und Vorarlberg. Svo. Innsbruck. Vols. I-VII. 1825-32. Jahresbericht der k. k. Ober-Realschule zu Innsbruck. 1863. Erlauterungen zur geognostischen Karte Tirols und Schluss- bericht der administrativen Direction des Geognostisch-monta- nistischen Vereins fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg. 4to. Innsbruck. 1853. Bericht iiber die Leistungen des Geognostisch-montanistischen Vereins fiir Tirol und Vorarlberg zu Innsbruck. Vols. I-IX. 1839-47. Neue Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol, &c. Svo. Inns- bruck. Vol. I. 1835. Programm des k. k. Staats-Gymasiums zu Innsbruck. 1864. Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fiir Tirol, &c. Svo. Innsbruck. Vol. I. 1853. The Institute; a Journal of Medical, Surgical, and Obstetrical Science. 4to. London. Vol. I. 1850. [ xli ] Intell. Observer. Ireland, Coll. Phys. Trans. Ireland, Inst. Civ. Eng. Trans. Irish Acad. Froc Irish Acad. Trans * Isenflamm, Beitr. Zerglied. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull The Intellectual Observer ; a Review of Natural History, Micro- scopic Research, and Recreative Science. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1862-63. Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-V. 1817-28. {For continuation see " Dublin Med. Trans.") The Transactions of the Institute of Civil Engineers of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. Vol. I. 1845. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 8vo. Dublin. Vols. I-VIII. 1841-64. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 4to. Dublin. Vols. I XXIII. 1787-1859. Beitrage f iir die Zergliederungskunst ; von H. F. ISENFLAMM und J. C. ROSENMULLER. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-II. 1800-3. Bulletin de la Societe de Statistique, des Sciences Naturelles, et des Arts Industrielles du departement de 1'Isere. 8vo. Grenoble. Vols. I-IV., 1838-46 ; Vols. I-VL, 1851-61. Jacobsen, Chexn. Techn. Rep. Jamaica Soc. Arts Trans. Jamain, Archives Oph- thalm. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. Jena, Ann. Soc. Mineral. . . Jenaischen Ann. Phys. Med. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. . * Jicin, Program. Grymnas. . . Journ. Chimie Med. . , Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. Journ. Agric. Prat. Journ. Botan.. J. Chemisch-technisches Repertorium; red. von JACOBSEN. 8vo. Berlin. 1862-63. Transactions of the Jamaica Society of Arts. 4to. Kingston. Vols. I-III. 1855-57. Archives d'Ophthalmologie ; par A. JAMAIN. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-VI. 1853-56. The Magazine of Zoology and Botany ; by Sir W. JARDINE, P. J. SELBY, and Dr. JOHNSTON. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-II. 1837-38. Annalen der Societal, f iir die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena ; von J. L. LINZ und J. F. H. SCHWABE. 8vo. Jena und Leipzig. Vols. I-II. 1802-4. Die Jenaischen Annalen fiir Physiologic und Medicin ; von O. DORNRICH, etc. 8vo. Jena. Vols. I-II. 1850-51. Jern-Kontoret's Annaler. En Tidskrift for Svenska Bergshand- teringen. 8vo. Stockholm. Vol. XXIX., 1845; New Series, Vols. I-XVIII., 1846-63. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums zu Jicin. 1856. Journal de Chimie Medicale, de Pharmacie, et de Toxicologie ; par CHEVALLIER, &c. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-X., 1825-34; Second Series, Vols. I-X., 1835-44 ; Third Series, Vols. I-X., 1845-54 ; Fourth Series, Vols. I-X., 1855-63. Journal der Chirurgie und Augenheilkunde ; von P. F. von WAL- THER und F. A. AMMON. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-IX. (Vols. XXXI-XXXIX. of Old Series.) 1843-50. Journal d' Agriculture pratique, etc. 8vo. Paris. Vol. VI., 1849 ; Vols. I-VIL, 1850-53 ; Vols. I-VIL, 1854-57 ; Vols. I-VL, 1858-63. Journal de Botanique ; par une Societe de Botanistes. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1808-14. Vol. III. bears the additional words: " Appliquee a 1' Agriculture, Pharmacie, Medecine et aux Arts ., red. par N. A. DESVAUX. f [ xlii J Journal de Chirurgie ; par M. MALGAIGNE. I-IV. 1843-46. 8vo. Paris. Vols. Journ. Chirurgie Journ. Conchyl Journal de Conchyliologie, comprenant 1'etude des Animaux et des Coquilles, etc. ; red. par PETIT DE LA SAUSSATE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV., 1850-53 ; Second Series, par FISCHER et BERNARDI, Vols. I-IV., 1856-60 ; Third Series, par CROSSE, FISCHER, et BERNARDI, Vols. I-IIL, 1861-63. Journ. de Pharm Journal de Pharmacie et des Sciences accessoires. 8vo. Paris. First Series, Vols. I-XXVII., 1815-41 ; Second Series, Vols. I- XLIV., 1842-63. Journ. de Phys Journal de Physique, de Chimie, et de 1'Histoire Naturelle ; par J. C. de LAM^THERIE et DUCROTAY de BLAINVILLE. 4to. Paris. Vols. L-XCVL, 1800-23. Journ. Med. Chir. Pharm. . Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, etc. ; par CORVISABT, LEROTJX, et BOYER. 8vo. Paris. First Series, Vols. I-XL., 1801-17. Continued as the Nouveau Journal de Medecine, etc. ; par B^CLARD, &c. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XV., 1818-22. Journ. des Mines Journal des Mines, ou Recueil de Memoires sur 1'exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences et les Arts qui s'y rapportent. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XXXVII. 1794-1815. Journ. des Savants Journal des Savants. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-XL VIII. 1816-63. Journ. Heb. de Med Journal Hebdomadaire de Medecine ; par ANDRAL, etc. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-VIIL, 1828-30 ; New Series, Vols. I-IV., 1831-34. Journ. Heb. Sci. Med. ..... Journal Hebdomadaire des Progres des Sciences et Institutions Medicales ; par BOUILLAUD, etc. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1835. Journ. Ind. Archipel Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia. 8vo. Singa- pore. Vols. I-IX. 1847-55, and Vol. I-IIL, 1856-58. Journ. Genie Civ Journal du Genie Civil des Sciences et des Arts. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-X., 1828-30; XI-XV., 1846-47. Journ. Microsc. Sci Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science ; ed. by Dr. LANKESTEE and G. BUSK. 8vo. London. First Series, Vols. I-VIIL, 1853- 60; Second Series, Vols. I-ILL, 1861-63. Journ. of Entomol Journal of Entomology, descriptive and geographical. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1862-64. Journ. Psychol. Med Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology ; by Forbes WINSLOW. 8vo. London. First Series, Vols. I-XIIL, 1848-60 ; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1861-63. Journ. Univ. de Med. Journal universel et hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie pra- tiques et des Institutions medicales ; par M. BEGIN, etc. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XIII. 1830-33. Journ. Univ. Sci. Me"d Journal Umversel des Sciences Medicales. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I- XXXII. 1816-23. Jura, Trav. Soc. d'Emul. . . Travaux de la Societe d'Emulation du Departement du Jura. 8vo. Lons-le-Saunier. 1828-42. Kampen, Magazin . . . *Karlstadt, Jahresber. K. Magazin voor Wetenschappen, Kunsten, &c. ; door N". G. van KAMPEN. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-II. 1822-23. Jahresbericht iiber das k. k. Unter-Gymnasium zu Karlstadt. 1857. [ xliii ] Karnten, Jahrb. Landes- mus. Karsten, Archiv Karsten, Archiv f. Berg- bau. Kastner, Archiv Chemie . . Kastner, Archiv Naturl. . . Keferstein, Zeitg. f. Geogn. Kekule, Krit. Zeitschr fKiel, Mittheil. Ver. Elbe . . Kiel) Schriften Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kiobenhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. Kiobenhavn, &eg. Soc. Med. Acta. Kiobenhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. Kiobenhavn, Vidensk. For- handl. Kiobenhavn, Oversigt Kiobenhavn, Vidensk. Sled- del. "Klagenfurt, Jahresb, 'Klagenfurt, Program. Gym- nas. Kliniek King, Jahrb. Insect Komolann, Program. Gym- nas. JKonigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Ges. Jahrbuch des Naturhistorischen Landesmuseums von Karnten ; von J. L. CANAVAL. 8vo. Klagenfurt. Vols. I-VI. 1852-63. Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau, und Hiittenkunde ; von C. J. B. KARSTEN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-X. 1829-37 ; Vols. XI-XXVI (von H. von DECHEN), 1838-55. Archiv fur Bergbau und Hiittenwesen j von C. J. B. KARSTEN, 8vo. Berlin, Breslau. Vols. I-XX. 1818-31. Archiv fur Chemie und Meteorologie ; von K. W. G. KASTNER. 8vo. Niirnberg. Vols. I-VII. 1830-33. (This forms a section of the next work.} Archiv fur die gesammte Naturlehre ; von K. W. G. KASTNER. 8vo. Niirnberg. Vols. I-XXVII. 1824-35. Zeitung fiir Geognosie, Geologie, und innere Naturgeschichte der Erde ; von Ch. KEFERSTEIN. 8vo. Weimar. Vols. I-XI. 1826-31. Kritische Zeitschrift fiir Chemie, Physik, und Mathematik ; von A. KEKULE, etc. 8vo. Erlangen. Vol. I. 1858. Mittheilungen des Vereins nordlich der Elbe zur Verbreitung natur- wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Kiel. 4to. and 8vo. Kiel. Vols. I-V. 1857-62. Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. 4to. Kiel. Vols. I-X. 1855-63. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs naturvidenskabelige og mathematiske Af handlinger. 4to. Kiobenhavn. Vol. I-XII. 1824-47. (Femte Rcekke.} Vol. I-V. 1849-61. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrivter. 4to. Kiobenhavn. Vols. I-VI. 1801-18. Acta Regime Societatis Medicae Havniensis. 8vo. Havniae. Vols. IV-VI. 1803-21. Skrivter af Naturhistorie-Selskabet. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. Vols. I- VI. 1790-1810. Videnskabelige Forhandlinger ved Sioelland Stifts Landemde. 8vo. Kiobenhavn. Vols. I-III. 1812-18. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider, &c. Kiobenhavn. 4to. 1832-41 ; 8vo. 1844-61. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn. Udgivne af Selskabets Bestyrelse. 8vo. Kib'ben- havoi. Vols. I-X. 1849-59. New Series, Vols. I-V., 1860-64. Jahresbericht der k. k. Ober-Realschule zu Klagenfurt. Vol. IV. 1834. Programm des k. k. Staatsgymnasiums zu Klagenfurt. Vol. IV. 1836. Kliniek : Tijdscrift voor Wetenschappelijke Geneeskunde ; door C. GOBIE. 8vo. Utrecht. Vols. I-IV. 1844-49. Jahrbiicher der Insectenkunde, etc. ; von Dr. F. KLUG. 8vo. Berlin. Vol. I. 1834. Programm des k. k. Ober- Gymnasiums zu Komolann. 1859. Schriften der Koniglichen Physikalisch-Oekonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. 4to. Kouigsberg. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. I 2 [ xliv ] Eonigsberger Archiv *Xrakow, Hoczn. Tow. Nauk. *Krems, Jahresber ......... ;, Program. Gymnas. *Kremsier, Program. Gym- nas. *Kremsmiinster, Program. Gymnas. *Eronstadt, Program. Gym- nas. Kroyer, Nat. Tidssk ...... Konigsberger Archiv fiir Naturwissenschaiften uud Mathematik ; von BESSELL, etc. 8vo. Konigsberg. 1812. Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego z Uniwersytetem Jagiellonskim Zlaczonego. Krakow. 1849-59. Progvamm und Jahresbericht des k. k. Gymnasiums in Krems. 1859. Programra des vereinigten k. k. Gymnasiums in Krems. 1831. Programm des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums zu Kremsier. 1855. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums zu Kremsmiinster. 1862. Programm des evangelischen Gymnasiums zu Kronstadt. 1860. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift ; stiftet af Henrik KR0YER ; udg. af J. C. SCHIODTE. 8vo. Kj0benhavu. First Series, Vols. I IV., 1837-42; Second Series, Vols. I-IL, 1844-49; Third Series, Vol. L, 1861-63. *Laibach, Jahresb. Gymnas. *Laibach, Jahresb. Beal- schule. *Laibach, Jahresheft *Laibach, Program. Gym- nas. Lament, Ann. Meteor Lament, Jahrb. Sternw. Miinchen. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. Laurent Annal. Anat. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Lausitz. Monatschr. . Leeds, Trans. Phil. Soc. . . Leicester, Lit. Phil. Soc. Selection. L. Jahresbericht des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums in Laibach. 1862. Jahresbericht der k. k. selbstandigen Unter-Realschule zu Laibach. Vols. V., 1857 ; VIII., 1860. Jahresheft des Vereins des Krainischen Landes Museums in Laibach ; red. von Carl DESCHMANN. Vols. I-III. 1856-62. Programm des k. k. Academischen Gymnasiums zu Laibach. 1852. Annalen fiir Meteorologie, Erdmagnetismus, und vei'wandte Gegen- stande; von J. LAMONT. 8vo. Miinchen. Vols. I-III. 1842-44. Jahrbuch der k. Sternwarte bei Miinchen ; herausg. von J. LAMONT. 8vo. Miinchen. Vols. I-II. 1838-40. Proceedings and Papers of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. 8vo. Liverpool. Vols. I- VI. 1849-54. Continued as the Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Society. 8vo. Liverpool. Vols, VII-XIL, 1855-60; New Series, Vols. I-III., 1861-63. Annales Frangaises et trangeres d' Anatomic et de Physiologic, appliquees a la Medecine et a 1'Histoire Naturelle ; par MM. LAURENT et BAZIX. 8vo. Paris. " Vols. I-III. 1837-39. Comptes Eendus Mensuels des Travaux Chimiques ; par MM. LAURENT et GERHARDT. 8vo. Paris. 1845-51. Bulletin des Seances de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles. 8vo. Lausanne. Vols. I- VII. 1842-63. Lausitzische [und neue Lausitzische] Monatschrift. Organ der Ober- lausitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Gorlitz. 1800-08. Transactions of the Philosophical and Literary Society of Leeds. 8vo. London. Vol. I. 1837. Selection of Papers, &c. of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Leicester. 8vo. Leicester and London. 1855. Leijden, Annal. Acad Leiden, Tijdschr. Entomol. *Leippa, Program. Gymnas. Leipzig, Abhandl. Jablon. Gesell. Leipzig, Abh. Math. Fhys. Leipzig, Berichte Leipzig, Jablon. Freisschr. Leipzig, Schr. Nat. Gesell. *Leitineritz, Jahresb *Leitmeritz, Program. Gym- nas. fLe Mans, Soc. Agric. Bull. *Le Mans, Soc. Roy. Trav. . *Lemberg, Jahresber Leo, Magazin *Leoben, Berg. u. Hiitt. Jahrb. Leonhard, Taschenbuch . . . Leonhard, Zeitschrift Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. Le Fuy, Soc* Agric. Ann.. Annales Academic Lugduno-Batavse. 4to. and 8vo. Leiiden. 1813-37. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie ; uitg. door de Nederlandsche Ento- mologische Vereeuiging ; door J. VAN DER HOEVEN, M. C. VER- LOREN, &c. 8vo. s'Gravenhage en Leiden. Vols. I- VI. 1858-63. Programm des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums zu Bohmisch Leippa. Vols. for 1851-54-58-62. Abhandlungen bei Begriindung der k. Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften am Tage der zweihundertjahrigen Geburtsfeier Leibnizens ; herausg. v.d. Jablonowski'schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. 1846. Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physischen Classe der Kb'niglich Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-VI. 1852-63. Berichte iiber die Verhandlungeu (Math. Phys. Classe) der Kb'nig- lich Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XV. 1846-63. Preisschriften gekrb'nt und herausgegeben von der Fiirstlich Jablo- nowski'schen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I XI. 1847-63. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. 4to. Leipzig. Vol. I. 1822. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Communal Ober-Realschule zu Leit- meritz. 1862. Programm des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums zu Leitmeritz in Bohmen. 1853. Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, etc., de la Sarthe. 8vo. Le Mans. Vol.HI-IV., 1840-43 ; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1850-54. Analyse des Travaux de la Societe [Royale] des Arts du Mans. 8vo. Le Mans. 1820-60. Jahresbericht des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums bei den Dominicanern in Lemberg. 1850-51. Magazin fur Heilkunde und Naturwissenschaft in Pohlen. In Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten ; herausg. von Leopold LEO. 8vo. Warschau. 1828. Berg- und Hiittenmannisches Jahrbuch der k. k. Montan. Lehran- stalten zu Leoben und Pfibram. Wien. Vols. V-XIL, 1856-63. Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie ; von Karl Casar LEON- HARD. 12mo. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-XVIH. 1807-24. Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie ; von K. C. von LEONHARD. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-V. 1825-29. Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic, und Petrefakten- kunde : von K. C. von LEONHARD und H. G. BRONN. 8vo. Heidelberg. Vols. I-IIL 1830-32. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie, und Petre- faktenkunde ; von K. C. von LEONHARD und H. G. BRONN. 8vo. Stuttgart. Vols. I-XXXI. 1833-63. Annales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, etc., du Puy. 8vo. Le Puy. Vols. I-XXIV. 1826-61. [ Vols. xvj., xvii., xix., xx., wanting.'] [ xlvi ] Les Mondes Les Mondes, Revue hebdoraadaire des Sciences et de leurs Appli- cations aux Arts et a 1'Industrie ; par 1'Abbe F. MOIGNO. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1863. Liebig, Annalen Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie ; von J. LIEBIG, WOHLEK, und KOPP. 8vo. Lemgo und Heidelberg. Vols. I-CXXVIII. 18,32-63. Liege, Ann. Acad Annales Academise Leodiensis. 4to. Liege. 1818-27. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci , Memoires de la Societe [Royale] des Sciences, de 1'Agriculture, et des Arts a Liege. 8vo. Liege. Vols. I-XVII. 1843-63. Liege, Soc. mul. Mem. Memoires de la Societe Libre d'Emulation de Liege. Proces- Verbaux et Pieces couronnees. 8vo. Liege. Vol. I. 1860. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci Memoires de la Societe [Royale] des Sciences, etc. a Lille. 8vo. Lille. 1827-53. Second Series, Vols. I-IL, 1854-55. Lille, Seances Fubl. Seances Publiques de la Societe des Amateurs. 8vo. Lille. Nos. 4 and 5, 1811-19. Lille, Travaux Recueil des Travaux de la Societe d' Amateurs des Sciences, de F Agriculture, et des Arts a Lille. 8vo. Lille. 1819-27. Lima, Mem. Ci. Nat Memorias de Ciencias Naturales y de Industria. 4to. Lima. Vol. I. 1827(?). Limb our g, Soc. Sci. Bull. . Bulletin de la Societe Scientifique et Litteraire du Limbourg. 8vo. Tongres. Tom. v. fasc. 1., 1861. Lindblom, Botan. Not Botaniska Notiser ; af A. E. LINDBLOM. 8vo. Lund. 1841-46. Lindenau, Zeitschr Zeitschrift fur Astronomie ; von B. LINDENAU und J. Gr. F. BOHNEN- BERGER. 8vo. Vola. I-VI. 1816-18. Linn. Soc. Journ Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. 8vo, London. Vols. I-VH. 1857-63. Linn. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1849-55. Linn. Soc. Trans. . . . Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. I-XXIV. ] 791-1 863. Linnsea Linnaea ; ein Journal fur die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange ; von D. F. L. von SCHLECHTENDAL. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I- XXXII. 1826-63. Linnaea Entomol Linnsea Entomologica ; Zeitschrift herausg. von d. Entom. Vereine in Stettin. 8vo. Berlin, Posen, und Bromberg. Vols. I-XV. 1846-63. Linneska Samf. Handl. . . . Linneska Samfundets Handlingar for Ar 1832. 8vo. Stockholm. 1832, L'Institut L'Institut ; Journal des Academies et Socie'te's Scientifiques de la France et de 1'Etranger. folio. Paris. Vols. I-XXXI. 1833-63. Linz, Bericht Bericht iiber das Museum Francisco-Carolinum in Linz. Vols. IV-XXIII. 1840-63. Liouville, Journ. Math. . . . Journal des Mathematiques pures et appliquees ; par Joseph LIOUVILLE. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-XX., 1836-55 ; New Series, Vols. I-VIIL, 1856-63. Lisboa, Acad. Sci. Mem. . Historia e Memorias da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 4to. Lisboa. Vols. I-XIL, 1797-1839 ; Second Series, Vols. I-m., 1843-51 ; Third Series, Vols. I-III., 1854-63 (pte. 1). Lisboa, Actas Actas das Sessoes da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 8vo. Lisboa. Vols. I-II. 1849-50. [ xlvii ] Lisboa, Ann. Marit. Lisboa, Annaes Litterar. Annal. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journ. London, Ann. Med. and Surg. London Electr. Soc. Froc. London Geol. Journ. London Journ. Med. London, Med. and Fhys. Journ. London, Med. Soc. Trans.. London, Obstet. Soc. Trans. London, Odont. Soc. Trans. London Physiol. Journ. . . London, Polyt. Mag London Folyt. Rev London, Froc. Sci. Soc. . . London, Trans. Soc. Imp. Med. *Lotos Louvaine, Ann. Acad Lucca, Atti Accad Ludde, Zeits. f. Erdk Lund, Fhys. Sallsk. Tidskr. Luneburg, Denkschriften . . Annaes maritimos e coloniaes ; red. da Assoc. Marit. e Colon. 8vo. Lisboa. 1840-45. Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras, publicados debaixo dos auspicios da Academia Real das Sciencias : Sciencias mathematicas, physicas, historico-naturaes, e medicas. 8vo. Lisboa. Vols. I-II. 1857-58. Litterarische Annalen der gesaramten Heilkunde ; von J. F. C. HECKER. 8vo. Berlin und Landsberg. Vols. I-III. 1825. Report of the Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool. 8vo. Liverpool. Nos. I-XVIII. 1844-63. Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. 8vo. Liverpool. Vols. I- III. 1857-59. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, or Records of the occurring Improvements, c. 8vo. London. Vols. l-II. 1816-18. Proceedings of the London Electrical Society; ed. by Chas. WALKER. 8vo. London. 1841-43. The London Geological Journal. 8vo. London. Vol. I. 1846. London Journal of Medicine : a Monthly [Review] Record of the Medical Sciences. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1849-52. The Medical and Physical Journal ; by BRADLEY, WILLICH, &c. 8vo. London. Vols. I-LXIX. 1799-1833. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1810-13. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. Transactions of the Odontological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1856-63. London Physiological Journal. 8vo. London. Pp. 160. (No date, probably 1843 or 1844.) Polytechnic Magazine and Journal of Science, Letters, and Fine Arts ; ed. by Thos. STONE, M.D. 8vo. London. Vol. I. 1844. The London Polytechnic Review and Magazine ; by G. E. SIGMOND. 8vo. London. Vol. II. 1845. Proceedings of the Scientific Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1839-40. Transactions of the Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1793- 1812. Lotos ; Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften ; herausg. von nat. hist. Verein " Lotos " in Prag. Vols. I-XHI. 1851-63. Annales Academias Lovaniensis. 4to. Bruxelles, Louvaine. Vols. I-IX. 1821-27. Atti della R. Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 8vo. Lucca. Vols. I-XVII. 1821-60. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Erdkunde ; von J. G. LUDDE. 8vo. Magdeburg. Vols. I-IX. 1842-49. Physiografiska Sallskapets Tidskrift. 8vo. Lund. 1837. (One part of vol. 1 .) Denkschriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur das Fiirsten- thum Luneburg. 8vo. Hannover. Vol. I. 1855. [ xlviii ] Liineburg, Jahresb. Na- turw. Ver. JLuxemb. Soc. Sci. Nat Lyon, Acad. Sci. Mem Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. . Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann Lyon, Soc. Linn. Compt. Bend. Lyon, Soc. Med. Compt. Bend. Lyon, Soc. Sci. Med. Mem. Jaliresbericht iiber die Thatigkeit des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Liineburg. 8vo. Liineburg. Vols. I-XII. 1852-63. Societe des Sciences Naturelles du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. 8vo. Luxembourg. Vols. I- VI. 1853-63. Memoires de 1' Academic des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts de Lyon. Classe des Sciences. 8vo. Lyon. Vols. I-IL, 1845-47 ; New Series, Vols. I-XIL, 1851-62. Annales des Sciences physiques et naturelles, d'Agriculture, et d'Industrie, publiees par la Societe d'Agriculture, etc. 4to. Lyon. Vols. I-XL, 1838-48 ; Second Series, Vols. I- VIII., 1849-56 ; Third Series, Vols. I-V., 1857-61. Annales de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 1836-52 ; New Series, Vols. I-IV., 1852-57. Comptes Rendus des Travaux de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. 1839-44. Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Medecine. 8vo. Lyon. 1824. Memoires et Comptes Rendus de la Societe des Sciences Medicales de Lyon. 8vo. Lyon. Vols. I-II. 1862-63. M. Maclurian Lyceum, Contr. Macon, Annal. Acad Macon, Soc. Agric. Compt. Bend. Madras Journ. , Madras Quart. Journ Madrid, An. de Minas Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. . . . Madrid, Anuario Madrid, Boletin Madrid, Ingen. Indust. An. Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the Arts and Sciences. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1 827. (2 Nos. only.) Annales de 1'Academie de Macon : Societe des Arts, Sciences, Belles- Lettres, et Agriculture ; red. par Leonce LE NORMAND. 8vo. Macon. Vols. I-V. 1853-62. Comptes Rendus des Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, et Belles-Lettres, &c., red. par Camille RAGUT. 8vo. Macon. Vols. I-IL 1841-51. Madras Journal of Literature and Science ; published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society ; ed. by J. C. MORRIS, &c. 8vo. Madras. First Series, Vols. I-XVIL, 1833-51 ; Second Series, Vol. I., 1857. Madras Quarterly Journal of Medical Science ; ed. by Mr. ROGERS. 8vo. Madras. Vols. III-V., 1811-43 ; New Series, ed. by MONTGOMERY and CORNISH, Vols. I-VIL, 1860-63. Anales de Minas. 8vo. Madrid. Vols. I-IV. 1838-46. Anales de Historia Natural. 8vo. Madrid. Vols. I- VII. 1799- 1804. Vols. I. and II., ed. by C. HINGEN, etc. Vols. III. to VII. are called Anales de Ciencias Nat. ; but No. 21, VoL VII., 1804, bears the original title. Anuario del Real Observatorio de Madrid. 8vo. Madrid. 1859-64. [1861 wanting, ,] Boletin Oficial del Ministerio de Comercio, &c. 8vo. Madrid. 1850. Anales de la Asociacion de Ingenieros Industriales. 8vo. Madrid. Vol. I. 1863. [ xlix ] Madrid, Mem. . . Madrid, Revista, Mag. de Zool.. . . Mag. f. Naturvid. Mag. Nat. Hist. Mag. Oryktog. Sachsen . . . Magendie, Journ. de Phys. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. . Malacol. and Conchol. Mag. Malakozool. Blatt. . , Malayan Miscell. Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. Manchester,Fhil.Soc.Mem. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. f Mannheim, Jahresber Marburg, Ges. Naturw. Schriften. *Marburg, Program. Gym- nas. Marne, Soc. Agric. Compte Ann. Memoriaa de la Real Academia de Ciencias. 4to. Madrid. Vols. I- VI. 1850-63. Revista de los Progresos de las Ciencias exactas, fisicas, y naturales. 8vo. Madrid. Vols. I-XII. 1850-62. Magasin de Zoologie. Premiere Partie : Classe V. Mollusques ; Seconde Partie : Classe IX. Insectes. Vol. I. 8vo. Paris. 1831. Continued as the Magasin de Zoologie ; Journal destine a etablir une correspondance entre les Zoologistes de tous les pays, et a leur faciliter les moyens de publier les especes nouvelles ou peu connues qu'ils possedent ; par F. E. GUERIN. Vols. II-VIII. 1832-38. New Series, Magazin de Zoologie, d' Anatomic comparee et de Palae- ontologie ; par F. E. GUKRIN-MENEVILLE. Vols. I- VII. 1839-49. Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne ; af G. F. LUNDH, C. HANSTEEN, og H. H. MASCHMANN. 8vo. Christiania. Vols. I-IX. 1823-28. Second Series (udg. af den Physiographiske Forening i Christiania) . Vols. I-II. 1832-36. The Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology. First Series, ed. by J. C. LOUDON. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IX. 1829-36. Second Series, ed. by E. CHARLESWORTH. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1837-40. Magazin fur die Oryktographie von Sachsen. Ein Beitrag zur mineralogischen Kenntniss dieses Landes und zur Geschichte seiner Mineralien; von J. C. FREIESLEBEN. 8vo. Freiberg. Vols. I-XV. 1828-48. Extrahefte, I-IV. 1843-48. Journal de Physiologic, experimentale et pathologique ; par F. MAGENME. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XI. 1821-31. Memoires de la Societe Academique de Maine et Loire. 8vo. Angers. Vols. I-XIV. 1857-63. Annali di Fisica, Chimica, etc. 8vo. Torino. Vols. I-II., 1850, da G. MAJOCCHI e F. SELMI; Vols. III-IV., 1850, da G. MAJOCCHI e P. A. BORSARELLI. The Malacological and Conchological Magazine ; by G. B. SOWERBT. 8vo. London. Pts. 1 and 2. 1838-39. Malakozoologische Blatter ; als Fortsetzung der Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie ; von K. P. MENKE und L. PFEIFFER. 8vo. Hannover. Vols. I-X. 1854-63. Malayan Miscellanies } published at the Sumatran Mission Press. 8vo. Bencoolen. 1820-22. Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society. 8vo. London. Vol. I. 1841. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 8vo. London. Vols. I- V., 1789-1802; Second Series, Vols. I- XV., 1805-60; Third Series, Vols. I-II., 1862-65. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. 8vo. Manchester. Vols. I-III. 1857-63. Jahresbericht des Mannheimer Vereins fur Naturkunde. Nebst naturhistorischer Beilage. 8vo. Mannheim. Vols. I-XXX. 1834-64. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaften zu Marburg. 8vo. Marburg. Vols. I- VIII. 1823-57. Programm des vollstandigen Staats-Gymnasiums in Marburg. 1853. Compte annuel et Sommaire des Travaux de la Societe Agricole, etc., du departement de la Marne. 8vo. Chalons. 1812-14. [ 1 ] Marne, Soc. Agric. Seance. Marseille, Ann. Sci Marseille, Mem. Acad. Massachusetts Med. Soc. Com. Mathem. Tidssk Mathematical Miscell Mathematician. . Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Proc. Verb. Seance publique do la Societe d' Agriculture, etc., du departement de la Marne. 8vo. Chalons. 1826. Annales des Sciences et de 1'Industrie du midi de la'France, publiees par la Societe de Statistique de Marseille. 8vo. Marseille. Vol. I. 1832. Memoires publics par 1'Academie de Marseille. 8vo. Marseille. Vols. I-XII., 1803-14; Second Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1826-43. Massachusetts Medical Society's Communications. 8vo. Boston. Vols. I-II. 1808-13. Mathematisk Tidsskrift. 8vo. Kj^benhavn. Vol. I., 1859, edited by H. C. F. C. SCHJELLERUP and Camillo TICHSEN ; Vols. II- V., 1860-63, by C. TYCHSEN. The Mathematical Miscellany ; by C. GILL. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-II. 1836-39. [Vol. 2 ends at p. 140.] The Mathematician ; by Thomas Stephens DA VIES, William RUTHER- FORD, and Stephen FENWICK. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IIL 1845-50. Proces-Verbaux de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de 1'He Maurice. 8vo. Maurice. 1842-46. Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Septieme Rapport Annuel sur les Travaux de la Societe d'Histoire Rapp. Ann. Naturelle de 1'Ile Maurice ; par J. DESJARDINS. 8vo. Port Louis, Maurice. 1836. Mauritius, Meteorol. Soc. Proceedings, &c. of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. Mau- Proc. ritius. 8vo. 1862. Mauritius, Meteorol. Soc. Transactions of the Meteorological Society of Mauritius. 8vo. Trans. Mauritius. Vols. I-VL 1853-64. [Vols. n. and TV., and part of 1862, wanting.'] Mauritius, Roy. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius. 8vo. Mauritius. Vols. I-II., 1846-48 ; Vol. L, 1860. Meckel, Archiv Archiv fur Anatomic und Physiologic ; von Johann Friedrich MECKEL. 8vo. Liepzig. Vols. I- VI. 1826-32. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv. Deutsches Archiv fur die Physiologic ; von J. F. MECKEL. 8vo. Halle. Vols. I-VIII. 1815-23. Med. Assoc. Journ Journal edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1853-56. Med. Bot. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Medico-Botanical Society of London. 8vo. London. 1828-37. Med. Chir. Review The Medico-Chirurgical Journal and Review ; by W. SHEARMAN, &c. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1816-17. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, published by the [Royal] Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I- XLVI. 1809-63. Med. Chir. Zeitg Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung ; herausg. von J. J. HARTENKEIL und J. N. -EHRHART. 8vo. Salzburg und Innsbruck. 1799-1827. Med. Phys. Journ The Medical and Physical Journal ; by T. BRADLEY and A. F. M. WILLICH. 8vo. London. Vols. I-LXIX. 1799-1833. Med. Trans Medical Transactions, published by the College of Physicians in London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VL 1785-1820. Medic. Jahrb.. Medicinische Jahrbiicher des k. k. Oesterreichischen Staates ; von J. N. von RAIMANN. 8vo. Wien. Vols. XLVI-LXVI. 1844-48. *Mediasch. Gymnas. Pro- Programm des Mediascher Gymnasiums. 1854. gram. Meisner, Annalen Annalen der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die ge- sammten Naturwissenschaften ; herausg. von Fr. MEISNEB. 8vo. Bern. Vols. I-II. 1824-25. Meklenburg, Archiv Archiv des Vereins der Freundeder Naturgeschichte in Meklenburg; von E. BOLL. 8vo. Neubrandenburg. Vols. I-XI. 1847-57. Mexnorie Valdarnesi Memorie Valdarnesi : Memorie dell' Accademia Valdarnese del Poggio. 4to. Pisa. Vols. I-IV. 1835-55. Mende, Beob Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen aus der Geburtshiilfe und gericht- lichen Medizin ; von L. MENDE. 8vo. Gottingen. Vols. I-IV. 1824-27. Mende, Soc. Agric. Bull. . J Bulletin de la Societe d'Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences, et Arts du departement de la Lozere. 8vo. Mende. Vol. I. 1850. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem.. Memoires et Analyses des Travaux de la Societe d'Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences, et Arts de la ville de Mende, departement de la Lozere. 8vo. Mende. 1827-50. *Meran, Program. Gymnas. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums in Meran. 1855. Messenger of Mathem The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. 8vo. Cambridge. Vols. I-II. 1862-64. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. . . Annali medico-chirurgici ; del Dott. Telemaco METAXA. 8vo. Roma. Vols. I-XIII. 1839-46. Meteorol. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Meteorological Society. 8vo. London. Vol.1. 1839. Metz, Mem. Acad Memoires de 1' Academic [Royale] des Sciences de Metz. 8vo. Metz. Vols. I-XLIV. 1827-63. Metz, Seance Gen Societe des Lettres, Sciences, Arts, et Agriculture de Metz. Seance generate du 25 Avril 1821, etc. 8vo. Metz. Mexico, Registro Trim. . . . Registro trimestre, 6 Coleccion de Memorias de Historia, Literatura, Ciencias, etc., por una Sociedad de Literates. 8vo. Mexico. Vol. I. 1832. Meyer, Falseont Palseontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt ; von W. DUNKEK und H. von METER. 4to. Cassel. Vols. I-IX. 1851-64. Microsc. Journ The Microscopical Journal and Structural Record ; by D. COOPER. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1841-42. Microsc. Journ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science ; ed. by E. LANKESTER and G. BUSK. Vols. I-VIIL, 1853-60 ; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1861-63. Microsc. Soc. Trans. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IIL, 1844-52; New Series, Vols. I-XIL, 1853-64. Midi. Med. Surg. Rep Midland Medical and Surgical Reporter. Vols. I-II. 1828-31. Midi. Quart. Journ. Med. -phe Midland Quarterly Journal of Medical Sciences. 8vo. Sci. Birmingham. Vols. I-II. 1857-58. Milano, Ann. Scienz Annali di Scienze e Lettere. Vols. I-IX. 8vo. Milano. 1810-12. Vol. X. 1812. Venezia. *Milano, Atti Ginnas Atti dell' I. R. Ginnasio Liceale Convitto Longone in Milano. 1858. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. . . . Atti dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 4to. Milano. Vols. I-IIL 1858-63. Milano, Atti Soc. Geol. . . . Atti della Societa Geologica residente in Milano. 8vo. Milano. Vol. I. 1859. [Continued in the Atti Soc. ltal.~\ Milano, Atti Soc. Ital Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. 8vo. Milano. Vols. II-V. 1860-63. (Vol. I. is entitled Atti della Societa Geologica.) s 2 [ m ] Milano, Ephem. Astr. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. . Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. . . Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto. "Milano, Program. Ginnas. Calchi. Milano, Program. Ginnas. St. Aless. Milano, Baccoglitore Mining Review Miquel, Bull. Mitau, Quatember Modena, Soc. Ital. Mem. . . Moigno, Ann. du Cosmos . . Moigno, Cosmos Moleschott, Untersuch. . . . Moll, Annalen . Moll, Jahrbxtch. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich Monatsschrift f. Geburtsk. Epheraerides Astronomic^, ad Meridianum Mediolanensein suppu- tatoe ab Angelo de CESAIUS. Accedit Appendix cum Observa- tionibus et Opusculis. 4to. Mediolani. 1800-3. Effemeridi Astronomiche di Milano. Con Appendice di Osser- vazioni e Memorie Astronoraiche. 4to. Milano. 1806-63. Giornale dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti, e Biblioteca Italiana ; cornpilata da varj dotti nazionali e stranieri. 4to. Milano. Vols. I-VIII., 1841-47 ; New Series, Vols. I-IX., 1847-56. Giornale dulla Societa d' Incorragiamento delle Scienze, etc. stabilita in Milano. 8vo. Milano. Vols. I-VIII. 1808-9. Memorie dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, etc. 4to. Milano. Vols. I-IX. 1843-63. Memorie dell' I. R. Istituto del regno Lombardo-Veneto. 4to. Milano. Vols. I-V. 1819-38. Programma del Ginnasio Liceale annesso al Colleggio Calchi-Taeggi in Milano. 1856. Programma dell' I. R. Ginnasio Liceale St. Alessandro in Milano. 1857. II Raccoglitore e Revista. 8vo. Milano. 1829-47. Mining Review, a Monthly Record of Geology, &c. 4to. London. Vols. IV-VII. 1838-40. Bulletin des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles en Neerlande ; par F. A. W. MIQUEL, G. J. MULDER, und W. WENCKEBACH. 4to. Leyden. 1838. 8vo. Rotterdam. 1839-40. Die Quatember ; Zeitschrift fur naturwissenschaftl. geschiclitl. phi- lolog. und gemischte Gegenstande ; im Vereine mit ESCHSCHOLTZ, J. N. H. LICHTENSTEIN, von RECKE, HUBNER, MERKEL, &c. ; herausg. von E. C. von TRAUTVETTER. 8vo. Mitau. Vols. I-II. 1829-30. Memorie di Matematica e di Fisica della Societa Italiana delle Scienze, residente in Modena. 4to. Modena. Vols. I-XXV. 1782-1855; Vol.1., 1862. Annuaire du Cosmos ; par 1'Abbe F. MOIGNO. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1861-62. Cosmos. Revue Encyclopedique Hebdomadaire des Progres des Sciences ; par 1'Abbe F. MOIGNO. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XXH. 1852-63. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere ; von Jac. MOLESCHOTT. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-IX. 1857-63. Annalen der Berg- und Hiittenkunde ; von Karl Erenbert (Freiherrn) von MOLL. 8vo. Salzburg. Vols. I-III. 1802-5. Jahrbiicher der Berg- und Hiittenkunde ; von Karl E. von MOLL. 8vo. Salzburg. Vols. I-V. 1797-1801. Neue Jahrbiicher der Berg- und Hiittenkunde ; von K. E. von MOLL. 8vo. Niirnberg. Vols. I-VI. 1809-26. Monatsschrift fur Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. In Verein mit der Gesellschaft ilir Geburtshulfe zu Berlin. Von CREDE, &c. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. XII-XX. 1859-62. Moniteur des Indes Month. Arch. Med. Sci. . . . Monthly Amer. Journ. Geol. Montpellier, Acad. Froc. Verb. Montpellier, Acad. Sci. Mem. Montpellier, Ann. Clin. . . . Montpellier, Rec. des Bull. *Monza, Program. Ginnas. Moscou, Comment. Soc. Fhys. Med. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. . . . Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. . . Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Moselle, Trav. Soc. Sci. Med. Moxon, Geologist Mulder, Archief. Mulder, Scheik. Verhand. . Mulhouse, Bull. Soc. In- dustr. Muller, Archiv Miinchen, Abhandl. Mimchen, Bull. Akad. . Miinchen, Benkschr. . . Le Moniteur des Indes Ovientales et Occidentales. Recueil de Memoires, etc. concernant les possessions Neerlandaises d'Asie et d'Amerique ; par P. F. SIEBOLD et P. MELVILL (de Carnbee). 4to. La Haye. Vols. I-III. 1846-49. Monthly Archives of the Medical Sciences' ; by Hunter LANE. Svo. London. Vol. I. 1834. The Monthly American Journal of Geology and Natural Science. Svo. Philadelphia. 1831. Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences et Lettres, etablie a Montpellier. Svo. Montpellier. 1850-51. Academic des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Memoires de ia Section des Sciences. 4to. Montpellier. Vols. I-IV. 1847-60." Annales cliniques de la Societe Medicale Pratique de Montpellier. Svo. Montpellier. Vols. I-VII. 1818-20. Recueil des Bulletins publics par la Societe Libre des Sciences, etc. de Montpellier. Svo. Montpellier. Vols. I- VI. 1803-14. Programma del Ginnasio Liceale annesso al Collegio Convitto di Monza, 1853. Commentationes Societatis Physico-Medicae apud Universitatem Mosquensem institutas. 4to. Mosquse. Vol. I. 1808. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Svo. Moscou. Vols. I-IX., 1829-36; New Series, Vols. I-XXXVL, 1837-63. Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 4to. Moscou. Vols. I-VI. 1811-23. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 4to. Moscou. Vols. I-X. 1829-55. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle du departement de la Moselle. Svo. Metz. Vols. I-IX. 1843-60. Expose des Travaux de la Societe des Sciences Medicales de la Moselle. Svo. Metz. 1857-59. The Geologist; being a Record of Investigations in Geology, &c., by Charles MOXON. Svo. London. Vols. I-II. 1842-43. Natuur- en Scheikundig Archief ; door G. J. MULDER en WENCKE- BACH. Svo. Rotterdam en Leijden. Vols. I-VI. 1833-38. Scheikundige Verhandelingen en Onderzoekingen. Svo. Rotter- dam. Vols. I-III. 1857-64. Bulletin de la Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse. Svo. Mulhouse. Vols. I-XXII. 1828-49. Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologic, und wissenschaftliche Medicin, &c.; von J. MULLER, &c. Svo. Berlin. Vols. I-XXV. 1834-58. Continued under REICHERT, Archiv. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der Konigl. Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 4to. Miinchen. Vols. I-IX. 1832-63. Bulletin der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 4to. Miinchen. 1843-53. Denkschriften der Konigl. Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. 4to. Miinchen u. Salzbach. 1809-24. [ liv ] Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. . . . Miinchen, Nat. Tech. Comm. Abh. Miinchen, Sitzungsber Miinster, Abhandl. Aerzt. Gesell. Mursinna, Journ Museum Senckenb Gelehrte Anzeigen ; herausgegeben von Mitgliedern der Konigl. Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 4to. Miinchen. Vols. I-L. 1835-60. Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Commission bei der Konigl. Baierischen Akademie. 8vo. Miinchen. Vols. I-II. 1857-58. Sitzungsberichte der Konigl. Baierischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Miinchen. 8vo. Miinchen. 1860-63. Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen der arztlichen Gesellschaffc zu Miinster. 8vo. Miinster. Vol. I. 1829. Journal fur die Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe ; von C. L. MURSINNA. 8vo. Berlin. 1801. Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte. Von Mitgliedern der Sencken- bergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt. 4to. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-III. 1834-45. IT. Amer. Med. Chir. Rev. . N. Bergmann. Journ. N. Braband, Handel, prov. Genoots. IT. Lausitz. Monatschr. . . . IT. Preuss. Provinz. Blatt. . Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanis- las. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci Nantes, Journ. de Med. . . . Napoli, Accad. Sci. Mem. . Napoli, Atti Accad. Pon- tan. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. . . . Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. . . N. The North- American Medico-Chirurgical Review ; by S. D. GROSS and T. G. RICHARDSON. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-V. 1857- 61. Neues bergmannisches Journal ; von KOHLEN und HOFFMANN. 8vo. Freiberg. Vols. I-IV. 1795-1804. Handelingen van het provinciaal Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord Braband. 8vo. 's Hertogenbosch. Vols. I-III. 1839-46. [The 3rd part of vol. '111. in 4to., and published at Breda, ] 844.] See Lausitz. Neue Preussische Provinzial-Blatter ; von A. HAGEN und Dr. MECKELBURG. 8vo. Konigsberg. Heft 5 of vol. III., 1847 ; and Heft 3 of vol. XII., 1857. Academie de Stanislas. Memoires de la Societe [Royale] des Sciences, etc., de Nancy. 8vo. Nancy. 1852-63. Memoires de la Societe [Royale] des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Nancy. 8vo. Nancy. 1833-51. Precis analytique des Travaux de la Societe [Royale] des Sciences, Arts, et Agriculture de Nancy. 8vo. Nancy. 1805-32. Journal de la Section de Medecine de la Societe Academique du departement de la Loire Inferieure. 8vo. Nantes. Vols. I- XXXVI. 1825-60. Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze, etc. 4to. Napoli. Vols. I-II. 1852-57. Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana. 4to. Napoli. Vols. I-III. 1832. [ Vols. u. and in. undated.'] Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze e Belle Lettere ; Sezione della Societa R. Borbonica. 4to. Napoli. Vols. I-VI. 1819-51; Vol.1., 1863.' Atti del Real Istituto d'Incorraggiamento alle Scienze Naturali di Napoli. 4to. Napoli. Vols. I-VIII. 1811-55. Napoli, Atti Soc. Pont an. Napoli, Bull. Geol. Napoli, (Horn, di Mat Napoli, Lucifero Napoli, Museo Napoli, Rendiconto Nassau, Jahrbucher Nassau, Nat. Hist. Mus. Gesch. Nat. Hist. Review ........ Nat. Hist. Review Nat. Inst. Bull Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nauche, Journ. du G-alvan. Naumaxmia .............. . Naut. Aim ................ Naval Architects, Trans. . . Nederl. Kruidk. Arch ..... Nederl. Indie, Bijdrag. . . . Nederl. Tijdsch. Dierkunde Atti della Societa Pontaniana di Napoli. 4to. Napoli Vols I- III., 1810-19; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1832. [ Vol. in. undated."] Bulletino geologico del Vesuvio e de' Cainpi Flegrei. 8vo. Napoli 1834. Giornale di Matematiche ad uso degli Student! delle Universita Italiane ; da BATTAGLINI, JANNI, e TRUDI. 4to. Napoli. Vol. I. 1863. II Lucifero. fol. Napoli. 1838. Museo di Letteratura e Filosofia ; da Stanislao G-ATTI. 8vo. Na- poli. Vols. I-IV., 1842 ; Second Series, Vols. I-XVL, 1843- 50; Third Series, Vols. I-VL, 1855-57; Fourth Series, Vols. I-XIL, 1857-62. Rendiconto delle adunanze e de' lavori della Eeale Accademia delle Scienze [Fis. e Mat.] di Napoli. 4to. Napoli. Vols. I-IX., 1842-50; Second Series, Vols. I-V., 1852-56; Third Series, Vols. I-IL, 1862-63. Jahrbucher des Vereins fur Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. 8vo. Wiesbaden. Vols. I-V. 1844-50. Geschichte des Vereins for das naturhistorische Museum zu Wies- baden ; von C. THOMA. 8vo. Wiesbaden. 1842. The Natural History Review and Quarterly Journal of Science ; by W. H. HARVEY, S. HAUGHTON, &c. 8vo. London and Dublin. Vols. I-VII. 1854-60. The Natural History Review ; a Quarterly Journal of Biological Science ; ed. by G. BUSK, W. B. CARPENTER, &c. 8vo. London. Vols. I-III. 1861-63. Bulletin of the Proceedings of the National Institution for the Pro- motion of Science. 8vo. Washington. Vols. I-II. 1841-42. Natuurkundige Tijdschrift, inhoudende Phijsica, Chemie, Pharmacie, Nat. Hist.; &c., uitg. van wege het Genootschap : " Tot nut en vergenoegen," te Arnhem. 8vo. Arnhem. Vol. L 1844. Journal du Galvanisme, de Vaccine, etc. j par M. NATJCHE. 8vo. Paris. Vol. XI. 1803. Naumannia ; Archiv fur die Ornithologie, vorzugsweise Europas. Organ des Deutschen Ornithologen Vereins, &c. Herausg. von E. BALDAMUS. 8vo. Kothen und Stuttgart. 1849-58. The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris. 8vo. London. 1801-63. Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects ; ed. by E. J. REED. 4to. London. Vol. I. 1860. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief ; onder redactie van W. H. DE VRIESE, &c. 8vo. Leij den, Amsterdam, und Leeuwarden. Vols. I-V. 1846-64. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie. Tijdschrift van het Koninklijke Instituut voor de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie. 8vo. s'Gra- venhage. Vols. I-IV. 1853-56. Amsterdam. Vols. I-VII. 1856-64. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde; van H. SCHLEGEL 8vo. Amsterdam. Vol. I. 1863. ITederl. Verhand. Geol. Eaart. Kederlandsch Lancet Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Ge- neesk. Neuchatel, Bull Neuchatel, Mem. . . . Neues Nord. Archiv. *Neuhaus. Program. Gym- nas. *Neusatz, Program. Real- schule. *Neusohl, Frogramm. Gym- nas. New England Journ. Med. . New Med. Phys. Journ. . . . New Orleans, Proc New S. Wales, Entom. Soc. Trans. New York, Acad. Med. Bull. New York, Acad. Med. Trans. New York, Agric. Soc. Trans. New York, Annal. Lyceum New York Journ. Med. . . . New York, Med. Repos. . . New York, Med. Soc. Trans. New York, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. Newman, Entomologist . . . Verhandelingen uitg. door de Commissie belast met liet vervaardigen eener Geologische Beschrijving en Kaart van Nederland. 4to. Haarlem. Vols. I-IL 1853-54. Nederlandsch Lancet. Tijdschrift aan de praktische Chirurgie, etc. 8vo. Utrecht. Vols. I-VIL, 1838-44; Third Series, Vols. I- VI., 1845-51 ; Fourth Series, Vols. I-V., 1852-56. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, tevens orgaan der Ne- derlandsche Maatschappij tot de Bevordering der Geneeskunst. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-IL 1857-58. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. 8vo. NeuchCitel. Vols. I-VI. 1844-63. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. 4to. Neuchatel. Vols. I-IV. 1835-59. Neues nordisches Archiv fiir Natur und Arzneikunde, verfasst von einer Gesellschaft nordischer Gelehrten; von PFAFF, SCHEEL, und RUDOLPHI. 8vo. Frankfurt an der Oder. Vol. I. 1807. Programm des k. k. Neuhauser Gymnasiums. 1852-53. Programm der offentlichen Unter-Realschule in der Konigl. Freistadt Neusatz. 1859. 1855- Programm des k. k. Kath. Staats-Gymnasiums zu Neusohl. 60. New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 8vo. Boston. Vols. I-XIII. 1812-24. New Medical and Physical Journal. 8vo. London. Vol. IV. 1812. Proceedings of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences. 8vo. New Orleans. (No. 1 of vol. I., pp. 72.) 1854. Transactions of the Entomological Society of New South Wales. 8vo. Sydney. Vols. I-IL 1863-64. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-IL 1862-64. Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. 8vo. Albany. Vol. I. 1857. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society. 8vo. Albany. XI-XIV., 1851-54. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-VHI. 1824-63. New York Journal of Medicine and the collateral Sciences; ed. by S. FORRY, &c. 8vo. New York. 1843-62. Medical Repository of New York ; by Dr. MITCHELL, &c. 8vo. New York. Vols. I-VI. 1804-09. [ Vol. in., 1804, is the Third Edition.'] Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1855-63. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. 4to. New York. Vol. I. 1815. The Entomologist; by Edward NEWMAN. 8vo. London. (Nos. 1-26.) 1840-42. Newman, Zoologist Nicholson, Journal Niederosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Verhandl. Niederrhein.Gesell.Naturk. Sitz. Ber. Niederrhein. Gesell. Organ. Niort, Mem. de 1'Athenee . Nord, Soc. Agric. Mem.. . . Nord, Soc. Agric. Seance Publ. Nordamerik. Monatsber. . . Nordisches Archiv Normandie, Soc. Linn. Bull. Normandie,Soc.Linn. Mem. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Seance Publ. Norsk Tidsk. Vid. Litt. . . . Norske Videnskab. Skrift. Northern Journ. Med. North England Inst. Min. Bng. Trans. Northumb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. Nouv. Ann. Math. Nova Scotia, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. The Zoologist ; a popular Miscellany of Natural History ; by Edward NEWMAN. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXL 1843-63. Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts ; by W. NICHOLSON. 4to. London. Vols. I-V. 1797-1802. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXXVI. 1802-13. Verhandlungen des Niederosterreichischen Gewerb-Vereins. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-XIII., 1840-47 ; New Series, with the addition of " und Mittheilungen," and edited by E. HORNIG-. Vols. I- VII. 1857-63. Sitzungsberichte der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. 8vo. Bonn. 1850-63. Organ fur die gesammte Heilkunde ; herausgegeben von der Nie- derrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. 8vo. Bonn. Vols. I-II. 1841-42. Memoires de 1'Athenee de Niort, Societe Libre des Sciences et des Arts du departement des Deux-Sevres. 8vo. Niort. 1808(?). Memoires de la Societe Centrale d'Agriculture, etc. du Nord, scant a Douai. 8vo. Douai. Vols. I-XIII. 1826-49. New Series, Vol. I., 1849-51. Seance Publique de la Societe d'Agriculture, Sciences, et Arts, etc., du departement du Nord. 8vo. Douai. 1813. Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fur Natur- und Heilkunde ; von KELLER und TIEDEMAXN. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-IV. 1850-52. Nordisches [u. Neues Nordisches] Archiv fur Naturkunde und Arzneiwissenschaft ; von PFAFF, SCHEEL, und RUDOLPHI. 8vo. Kopenhagen und Frankfurt an der Oder. Vols. I-II. 1799-1801. Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie. 8vo. Caen. Vols. I-VIII. 1856-64. [ Vol. ii., 1857, and Vol. iv., 1859, wanting. ,] Memoires de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XII. 1826-62. Seances Publiques de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie. 8vo. Caen. 1834-36. Norsk Tidskrift for Videnskab og Litteratur ; af Christian C. A. LANGE, &c. 8vo. Christiania. 1847-55. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabersselskabs Skrifter i det 19de Aarhundrede. 4to. Kj^benhavn og Trondhjem. Vols. I-IV. 1817-59. Northern Journal of Medicine ; by W. SELLER and Lindley KEMP. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vols. I-IV. 1844-46. Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining Engi- neers. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Vols. I-XII. 1852-63. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 4to. Newcastle. Vols. I-II. 1831-32. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques. Journal des Candidats aux Ecoles Polytechnique et Normale ; par MM. TERQUEM et GERONO. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XX., 1842-61 ; New Series, Vols. I-II., 1862-63. Transactions of the Literary and Scientific Society of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Halifax. 1859. h [ Iviii ] Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Nuovo Cimento Niirnberg, Abhandl. Nye Hygaea Nyt Mag. Naturvid. Nuovi Annali delle Scienze natural! ; publ. dai Sig. ALESSANDRINI, BERTOLONI, GHERARDI, e RANZANI. 8vo. Bologna. Vols. I-X., 1838-43 ; New Series, 'Vols. I-X., 1850-54. II Nuovo Cimento, Giornale di Fisica, di Chimica, e di Storia Na- turale. 8vo. Pisa. Vols. I-XIV. 1855-61. [Continuation of H Cimento.] Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. 8vo. Niirnberg. 1858. Nye Hygaea ; af OTTO. 8vo. Ki0benhavn. 1823. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. Udgives af den Physio- graphiske Forening i Christiania, ved Chr. LANGBERG. 8vo. Christiania. Vols. I-XIL 1838-63. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber.. *Oberschutzen, Program.. Schulanst. *Oedenburg, Program. Gymnas. Orsted, Tidsskrift Oesterr. Med. Jahrb Oesterr. Med. Wochenschr. 'Oesterr. Wochenschr. Oesterreich. Zeitschr. Bergw. 'Ofen, Jahresb. Gymnas. . . . Ofen, Jahresb. Realschule . fOffenbach, Ver. Naturk. Ber. Offenbach, Ver. Naturk. Saecul. Denkschr. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad Oken, Isis *Olmiitz, Jahresb. Gymnas. *Olmiitz, Jahresb. Beal- schule. Omodei, Ann. Univ Qphthalm. Bibliothek o. Berichte der Oberhessischen Gesellschaftffur Naturkunde und Heil- kunde in Giessen. 8vo. Giessen. Vols. V-IX., 1855-62. Programm der offentlichen Evangelischen Schulanstalten zu Ober- schiitzen. 1857-60. Programm des Benedictiner Ober-Gymnasiums zu Oedenburg. 1856. Tidsskrift for Naturvidenskaberne ; af H. C. ORSTED, etc. 8vo. Kjobenhavn. Vols. I-V. 1822-28. Medicinisches Jahrbuch des k. k. Oesterreiehischen Staates ; von J. N. von RAIMANN. '8vo. Wien. Vols. XLVI-LXVI. 1844-48. Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, als Erganzungsblatt der medicinischen Jahrbiicher ; herausg. von J. N. von EAIMANN und W. von WELL. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-V. 1844-48. Oesterreichische Wochenschrift fur Wissenschaft, Kunst, und offent- liches Leben. Beilage zur k. Wiener Zeitung. Wien. 1863. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg- und Hiittenwesen ; von Otto Freiherrn von HINGENAU. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-XL 1853-63. Jahresbericht des k. k. Kath. Gymnasiums zu Ofen. 1853. Jahresbericht der k. k. Ober-Eealschule der Konigl. freien Haupt- stadt Ofen. 1856-57. Bericht des Offenbacher Vereins fur Naturkunde iiber seine Thii- tigkeit. 8vo. Offenbach-am-Main. Jahrg. I-V. 1860-64. Der Dr. Joh. Christ. Senckenbergischen Stiftung widmet zu ihrer Saecularfeier am 18 August 1863 diese Denkschrift der Offen- bacher Verein fur Naturkunde. 4to. Offenbach. Memoires de la Societe Academique d'Archeologie, Sciences, et Arts du departement de 1'Oise. 8vo. Beauvais. Vols. I-V. 1847-62. Isis, oder Encyclopadische Zeitung ; von OKEN. 4to. Jena. Vols. I-XXXII. 1817-48. Jahresbericht iiber das k. k. Gymnasium zu Olmiitz. 1857-63. Jahresbericht iiber die k. k. Ober-Realschule zu Olmiitz. 1860-62. Annali Universali di Medicina ; da Ann. OMODEI, e continuati da C. A. CALDERINI. 8vo. Milano. Vols. I-CLXXXII. 1826-62. Ophthalmologische Bibliothek ; von K. HIMLY und J. A. SCHMIDT. 8vo. Braunschweig. Vols. I-III. 1802-5. Ophthalm. Hosp. Reports . Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital ; ed. by J. F. STEEATPEILD. 8vo. London. Vols. I-HI. 1857-60. Orleans. Annal Annales de la Societe Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres, et Arts d'Orleans. 8vo. Orleans. Vols. III-XII. 1821-32. Orleans. Bull Bulletin des Sciences Physiques, Medicales, et d' Agriculture d'Or- leans. 8vo. Orleans. Vols. I-VH. 1810-13. Ornis Ornis, oder das Neuste und Wichtigste der Vogelkunde, etc. ; von C. L. BREHM. 8vo. Jena. (Hefte 1-3). 1824. P. Padova, Mem. Accad Memorie dell' Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti di Padova. 4to. Padova. 1809. fPadova, Nuovi Saggi Nuovi Saggi dell' Accademia di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti di Padova. 4to. Padova. Vols. I-VII. 1817-63. fPadova, Hivista Period. . . . Rivista Periodica dei Lavori della I. R. Accademia di Scienze, Let- tere, ed Arti di Padova. 8vo. Padova. Vols. I-XII. 1851-63. Palermo, Atti Atti della Accademia di Scienze e Lettere di Palermo. 4to. Palermo. Vols. I-III. 1845-59. Palermo, Effemeridi Effemeridi scientifiche e letterarie per la Sicilia ; coi Lavori del R. Istituto d' Incorraggiamento per la Sicilia. 8vo. Palermo. Vols. I-VII. 1832-33. Palomba, Raccolta Raccolta di Lettere, etc. intorno alia Fisica ed alle Mathematiche ; dal C. PALOMBA. 8vo. Roma. Vols. I-IV. 1845-48. (Ends at p. 64.) Palyamunkak Palyamunkak. Termerzetlud, (Prize Essays of the Hungarian Academy). 8vo. Pesth. Vols. I-IH. 1837-44. Paris, Ann. Cere. Med Annales du Cercle Medicale. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1820. Paris, Ann. Med. Chir. des Annuaire medico-chirurgical des H6pitaux, etc. de Paris. 4to. H6p. Paris. 1817. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. . . . Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 8vo. Paris. First Series, Vols. I-XL, 1832-42 ; Second Series, Vols. I-X., 1843-52; Third Series, Vols. I-V., 1853-60; Fourth Series, Vols. I-HL, 1861-63. Paris, Ann. Soc. Met Annuaire de la Societe Meteorologique de France. 8vo. Paris. Vol. I. 1853. Paris, Anuaes das Scien- Annaes das Sciencias, etc. por huma Sociedade de Portuguezes resi- cias. dentes em Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XVI. 1818-22. New Series, entitled "Novas Annaes," Vol. I., 1827. (Only 4 parts published.) Paris, Annal. Ponts et Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Memoires et documents relatifs a Chauss. 1'Art des Constructions et au Service de 1'Ingenieur. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XX., 1831-40; Vols. 1-XX., 1841-50; Vols. I-XX., 1851-60; Vols. I-VL, 1861-63. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Memoires de la Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Mem. Vols. I-H. 1860-63. h. 2 [ Ix ] Paris, Bull. Fac. Med Paris, Bull. Soc. Aerost. . . Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. . . Paris, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. . Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. Paris, Comptes Rendus . . . Paris, Ecole Folytechn. Corresp. Paris, Ecole Folytechn. Journ. Paris, Ethnog. Soc. Comp- tes Bend. Paris, Journ. Botan Paris, Journ. de Chirurgie. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. . . Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. . . . Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. Paris, Mem. Soc. Ethnol. . . Paris, Mem. Soc. Fac. Med. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn Paris, Mem. Soc. Med Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. d'Observ. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav Bulletins de la Faculte de Medecine de Paris et de la Societe etablie dans son sein. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-VIT. 1804-21. Bulletin de la Societe Aerostatique et Meteorologique de France. 8vo. Paris. 1852. (Only 3 parts published.) Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I- X. 1854-63. Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour 1'Industrie Nationale. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-LXII. 1802-63. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Natufelles de France. 4to. Paris. 1835. Annuairo du Bureau des Longitudes. Paris. 1799-1863. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-LVIL, 1835-63 ; and 2 Suppl. Vols., 1856 and 1861. Correspondance sur 1'Ecole Poly technique, a 1'usage des Eleves de cette Ecole ; par M. HACHETTE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-III. 1808-16. Journal de 1'ficole Polytechnique. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-XXIII. 1795-1863. Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe d'Ethnographie Ameri- caine et Orientale. 8vo. Paris. 1860. Journal de Botanique, par une Societe de Botanistes. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1808-14. [Vol. III., 1814, bears the additional words : " Appliquee a 1'Agric., Pharm., Med. et Arts ; red. par N. A. DESVAUX."] Journal de Chirurgie. 8vo. Paris. Vols. II. and IV. 1844-46. Memoires de 1'Academie [RoyaleJ de Medecine. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-XXII. 1828-58. Memoires de 1'Academie des Sciences. 4to. Paris. Vols. I- XXXIII. 1816-61. Memoires de la Classe des Sciences mathematiques et physiques de 1'Institut. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-XV. 1798-1818. Memoires presentes a 1'Institut des Sciences, Lettres, et Arts par divers Savans, et lus dans ses Assemblies : Sciences Mathe- matiques et Physiques. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-IL, 1806-11. Memoires presentes par divers Savans a 1'Academie [Royale] des Sciences de 1'Institut de France ; ou Collection des Memoires des Savans Etrangers. Vols. I-XVIL, 1827-62. Memoires de la Societe Ethnologique. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I- II. 1841-45. Memoires de la Societe de la Faculte de Medecine. 8vo. Paris. 1809. Memoires de la Societe Linneenne de Paris. Paris. Vols. I-VI. 1822-27. [ Vol. IT. wanting.'] Memoires de la Societe de Medecine. 8vo. Paris. 1817. Memoires de la Societe Medicale d'Observation. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IL 1837-44. Memoires des Societes Savantes et Litteraires de la Republique Francaise. Recueillis et rediges par les Citoyens PHONY, etc. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-IL 1801. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. An- nal. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Ar- chiv. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. Paris, Bee. Trav. Soc. Med. All. Paris, Seances col. Norm. Paris, Soc. Acclim. Bull. . . Paris, Soc. Anatom. Bull. . . Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem Paris, Soc. China. Bull 8vo. Paris. Vols. I- 4to. Paris. Vols. I- 4to. Paris. Vols. I- Faris, Soc. Chir. Bull Paris, Soc. Chir. Mem Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. . . . Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. Paris, Soc. Med. Emul. Bull. Paris, Soc. Med. Emul. Mem. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. . . Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. Paris, Trav. Soc. Amat. . . . Parlatore, Giorn. Botan. . . Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. XX. 1802-13. Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. X. 1839-61. Memoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. XX. 1815-32. Nouvelles Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-IV. 1832-35. Recueil des Travaux lus a la Societe Medicale Allemande de Paris ; publ. par H. MEDING et A. MARTIN. 8vo. Paris. 1855. Seances des Ecoles Normales. 8vo. Paris, Vols. I-X. 1800-1. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique d'Acclimatation. 8vo. Paris. 1854-63. Bulletin de la Societe Anatomique de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I XXXVI. 1826-61. Comptes Rendus des Seances et Memoires de la Societe de Biologic. 8vo. Paris. Vois. I-V., 1849-53; Second Series, Vols. I-V., 1854-58 ; Third Series, Vols. I-V., 1859-63. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique, un Repertoire de Chimie. 8vo. Paris. 1858-60. Continued as the " Bulletin des Seances de la Soc. Chim." par Jules Boms et Charles FKIEDEL. 1861-63. Bulletin de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-X., 1851-60 ; Vols. I-IL, 1861-63. Memoires de la Societe de Chirurgie de Paris. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-V. 1847-63. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XX., 1822-33 ; Second Series, Vols. I-XX., 1834-43 ; Third Series, Vols. I-XIV., 1844-50 ; Fourth Series, Vols. I-XX., 1851-60 ; Fifth Series, Vols. I-VL, 1861-63. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XIV., 1830-42 ; New Series, Vols. I-XXL, 1843-64. Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-V., 1833-42; New Series, Vols. I-VL, 1844-56. Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1799. Vols. I-V. 1823-34. Memoires et Comptes Rendus des Travaux dela Societe des Inge- nieurs Civils. 8vo. Paris. 1848-63. Bulletins de la Societe Medicale d'^mulation ; red. par G. BRESCHET. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1816-17. Memoires de la Societe Medicale d'Emulation. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-IX. 1797-1826. Bulletin des Sciences de la Societe Philomathique de Paris. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-III. 1792-1805. Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences de la Societe Philomatique de Paris. 4to. Paris. 1807-25 ; New Series, 1832-33. Extraits des Proces-Verbaux des Seances de la Societe Philoma- tique. 8vo. Paris. 1836-52. Notice des Travaux de la Societe des Amateurs des Sciences phy- siques et naturelles de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1807-8. Giornale Botanico Italiano; da Fil. PARLATORE. 8vo. Firenze. Vols. I-II. 1844. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. *Passau, Jahresb. Nat. Ver. Fathol. Soc. Trans Pennsylv. Trans. Geol. Soc. *Pest, Program. Realschule, Fetermann, Mittheil Peters, Zeitschrift Pfaff, Mittheil. Fharm. Centr. Blatt. Fharmaceut. Journ. . Phil. Mag Phil. Trans., Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. Fhilad. Coll. Fharm. Journ. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. . Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Fhilad. Med. Mus. Giornale della Societa Medico-Chirurgica di Parma. 8vo. Parma. 1806. Jahresbericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins. 8vo. Passau. Vols. I-IV. 1857-60. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. 4to. and 8vo. London. Vols. I-XIV. 1846-63. Transactions of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1835. Programm der stadtischen Ober-Realschule in Pest. 1856-57. Mittheilungen aus Justus PERTHES' Geographischer Anstalt iiber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesarnmtgebiete der Geogra- phic ; von A. PETERMANN. 4to. Gotha. Vols. I-IX. 1855-63. Zeitschrift fur popullire Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Astro- nomic und verwandter Wissenschaften ; von C. A. F. PETERS. 8vo. Altona. Vols. I-II. 1860-61. Practische und kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medicin, Chirurgie, und Pharmacie ; in Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten und Pharmaceuten der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Hoi- stein ; von C. H. PFAFF. 8vo. Kiel. Vols. I-II. 1832-33; Altona. Vols. I-VII. 1835-41. Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. 1830-49. 8vo. Leipzig. Jahrg. I-XX. 8vo. Fhilad. Trans Fhilad. Med. Phys. Journ. Fhotogr. Archiv. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions ; by Jacob BELL. London. Vol. 1., 1842 ; Vols. I-V., 1860-64. The Philosophical Magazine, or Annals of Chemistry, Mathematics, Astronomy, Natural History, and General Science ; by R. TAYLOR and R. PHILLIPS. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XI. 1827-32. Con- tinued as the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vols. I-XVI. 8vo. London. 1832-40. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vols. XVII-XXXVIL, 1840-50 ; New Series, Vols. I-XXV., 1851-63. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. XC-CLIII. 1800-63. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1841-63. Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. 8vo. Phila- delphia. Vols. I- VI. 1830-35. [Continued as the American Journal of Pharmacy.] Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-II. 1863-64. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-VIIL, 1817-39 ; New Series, Vols. I-V., 1847-62. Philadelphia Medical Museum ; by J. R. COXE. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-III. 1805-7. See Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. The Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal ; by B. S. BARTON. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vols. I-III. 1805-8. Photographisches Archiv : Journal des allg. Deutschen Photographen Vereins ; von Paul E. LIESEGANG. 8vo. Elberfeld. Vols. I-III. 1860-62. Fhotogr. Monatshefte. . . . Photographische Braunschweig. Monatshefte 1862. von Fr. BOLLMANN. 8vo. [ Ixiii ] Photogr. Soc. Journ Journal of the Photographic Society of London. 8vo. London. Yols. I-VIH. 1854-63. Phytologist The Phytologist : a popular Botanical Miscellany ; by George LUXFORD and Edward NEWMAN. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1844-54. New Series by Alex. IRVINE. Vols. I-VJ. 1855-63. Pisa, Ann. Univ. Tosc. Sci. Annali della Universita Toscana. (Parte 2da). Scienze Cosmologiche. Cosm. Pisa. 8vo. and 4to. Vols. I-VTI. 1846-62. Pisa, Miscell. Med. G'hir. . . Miscellanea medico-chirurgico-farmaceutiche raccolte in Pisa. 8vo. Pisa. Vols. I-II. 1843-4-4. Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. .......' Nuovo Giornale de' Letterati. 8vo. Pisa. Vols. I-XII. 1822-26. *Pisek, Jahresb. Gymnas. . . Jahresbericht des k. k. Gymnasiums zu Pisek. 1857. Pistoja, Atti Accad Atti della E. Accademia Pistojese di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti : Memorie di Matematica e Fisica, per 1'anno 1816. 8vo. Pistoja. Foggend. Annal Annalen der Physik und Chemie ; von J. C. POGGENDORFF. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-CXVIII. 1824-63. Poligrafo II Poligrafo : Giornale di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti ; da G. ORTI. 8vo. Verona. Vols. I-XVL, 1830-33 ; Vols. I-VIIL, 1834-35 ; Vols. I-IV., 1836. Polli, Ann. di Chim Annali di Chimica ; dal Gio\. POLLI. 8vo. Milano. Vols. I- XXXVEI. 1845-63. Pollichia, Jahresb Jahresbericht der Pollichia, eines naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins der Baierischen Pfalz [der Eheinpfalz]. 8vo. Landau und Neu- stadt a. d. Haardt. Vols. I-XXI. 1843-63. (Jahresb. VII. and XL 1853. Speyer.) Polytechn. Mittheil Poly technische Mittheilungen, unter Mitwirkung von Professoren hoherer technischer Lehranstalten ; herausg. von W. L. VOLZ und Karl KARMARSCH. 4to. Tubingen. Vols. I-III. 1844-46. Pommer, Zeitschr Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde ; von C. F. von POMMER. 8vo. Zurich. Vols. I-VI. 1834-41. Portland, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History. 8vo. Proc. Portland (Maine). Vol. I. 1862. Porto, Ann. Soc. Lit. Annaes da Sociedade Lit. Portuense. 8vo. Porto. 1837. Nos. I-VIII. 1837-41. Frag, Abhandl Abhandlungen der k. Bb'hmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Prag. Vols. I-VII. 1804-22. New Series, Vols. I- XIII. 1837-64. [See also Bdhm.] Prag, Jahrb. des Bohm. Jahrbiicher des Bohmischen "Museums fiir Natur- und Lander kunde, Mus. etc. 8vo. Prag. Vols. I-II. 1830-31. Prag, Monatsch. Mus Monatsschrift der Gesellschaft des vaterliindischen Museums in Bohmen. 8vo. Prag. Vols. I-III. 1827-29. [See also Bohm.] *Prag, Jahresb. Realschule. Jahresbericht der k. k. Bohmischen Ober-Kealschule zu Prag. 1852-58. *Prag, Program. Gynmas. . . Programm des k. k. Kleinseitner Gymnasiums zu Prag. 1863-64. *Prag, Program. Realschule Programm der k. k. Deutschen Ober-Realschule in Prag. 1858. Prag, Sitzungsber Sitzungsberichte der kb'nigl. Bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften in Prag. 8vo. Prag. 1859-63. Prag, Verhandl Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft des vaterlandisches Museums in Bohmen. 8vo. Prag. 1833-38. [Vols. for 1836-37, wanting.'] Frag, Vierteljahrschr Vierteljahrschrift fur die praktische Heilkunde ; herausg. von der Medicinischen Facultat in Prag. 8vo. Prag. 1844-63. *Prager-Neustadt. Program. Programm des k. k. Prager-Neustadter Gymnasiums. 1863. Gymnas. [ Ixiv ] *Praze, Program. Gymnas. *Presburg, Verhandl *Pressburg, Corresp. Blatt. *Pressburg, Program. Gym- nas. *Pressburg, Program. Real- schtile. Presse Scientifique Pringsheim, Botanik Prov. Med. Assoc. Journ. . Prov. Med. Surg. Assoc. Trans. Psychol. Med. Journ Programm cis. Krai. Akadem. Gymnasium v. Praze. 1852. Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Naturkunde zu Presburg. 8vo. Presburg. Vols. I-V. 1856-60. Correspondeuzblatt des Vereins fiir Naturkunde zu Pressburg. 8vo. Pressburg. Vol. I. 1862. Programm des k. k. Katliol. Gymnasiums zu Pressburg. Vols. IV. and VI. 1854-56. Programm der offentlich. vollstandigen Realschule der kongl. Freistadt Pressburg. Vols. IV-X. 1854-60. Presse Scientifique des Deux Mondes. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-III. 1860-63. [Vol. II., 1862, wanting.'] Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftliche Botanik; von N. PRINGSHEIM. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-III. 1858-63. Journal of the Provincial Medical Association. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1853-56. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. 8vo. London and Worcester. Vols. I-XIX. 1833-53. Journal of Psychological Medicine ; by Forbes WINSLOW. 8vo. London. Vols. I-X. 1848-57. Q. Quart. Journ. Dental Sci. Quart. Journ. Math Quart. Journ. Meteorol. . Quart. Journ. Sci Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. Quarterly Journal of Dental Science. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1857-59. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ; by J. J. STL- VESTEK, &c. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VI. 1857-63. The Quartei'ly Journal of Meteorology and Physical Science. 8vo. London. 1842. The Journal of Science and the Arts ; edited at the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VI. 1816-19. Continued as the Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Arts. 8vo. London. Vols. VII-XXIL, 1819-27; New Series, Vols. I-VIL, 1827-30. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. 8vo. Quebec. Vols. I-III. 1829-37. Correspondance Mathematique et Physique ; publiee par MM. GARNIER et QUETELET. 8vo. Gand et Bruxelles. Vols. I-XI. 1825-39. R. *Rakonitz, Program. Real- Programm der Ober-Realschule zu Rakonitz. 1858-59. schule. Ranuzzi, Annuario Geo- graf. Recherche s Chronometr. . . Regensburg, Bot. Zeit. . . . Annuario geografico Italiano ; da A. RANUZZI. 12mo. Bologna. 1844, and 8vo., 1845. Recherches Chronometriques ; publiees sous la direction du Ministre de la Marine. 8vo. Paris. 1854, 1855, 1861, 1862. Botanische Zeitung ; herausg. von der k. Baier. Botanischen Gesell- schaft zu Regensburg. 8vo. Regensburg. Vols. I-II. 1802-3. [ to ] Begensburg, Denkschr. Bot. Gesell. Begensburg, Eorresp. Blatt. *Beichenberg, Jahresb. Realschule. Beichert, Archiv Heil, Archiv Bepert. Anat. Fhysiol. Bepert. der Phys. Bevista Brazil. . . Bevista Ligure . . Bevista Minera. . Bevue Botanique Bevue Med. Chir. Bevue Med. Prang, et Etr. Bev. et Mag. Zool. , Bevue Hortic Bevue Scientifique. Bevue Zool. , Bhea Bheinische Monatsschrift . Bheinl. u. Westphal. Cor- resp. Bheinl. u. Westphal. Sitz- ungsber. Bheinl. u. Westphal. Ver- hand. Denkschriften der k. Baierischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zu Regensburg. 4to. Regensburg. Vols. I-IV. 1815-61. Korrespondenz-Blatt des Zoologisch-mineralogisclien Yereins in Regensburg. 8vo. Regensburg. Vols. I-IX. 1847-55. Jahresbericht der Ober-Realschule zu Reichenberg. 1858. Archiv fur Anatomic. Physiologie, und wissenschaftliche Medicin ; von C. B. REICHEKT und Emil Du BOIS-REYMOND. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I- V. 1859-63. [Continuation of MULLER'S Archiv.] Archiv f iir die Physiologie ; von J. C. REIL und J. H. F. ATJTEN- RIETH. 8vo. Halle. Vols. I-XII. 1796-1815. Repertoire gerierale d'Anatomie et de Physiologie pathologiques et de Clinique chirurgicale ; red. par G. BKESCHET. 4to. Paris. Vols. I-VIII. 1826-29. Repertorium der Physik. Enthaltend eine vollstandige Zusammen- stellung der neuern Fortschritte dieser Wissenschaft. Von Hein- rich Wilhelm DOVE und Ludwig MOSEB. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I- VIII. 1837-49. Revista Brazileira, Jornal de Sciencias, Lettras, e Artes; por Candido Bapt. de OLIVEIRA. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro. Vols. I-III. 1857-60. [Nos. 2, 5, 9 of Vol. in. watiting.'] Revista Ligure, giornale di Lettere, Scienze, etc. 8vo. Geneva. Vols. I-II. 1843. (Ends at p. 330, fasc. 9.) Revista Minera, periodico cientifico e industrial ; red. por una Socie- dad de Ingenieros. 8vo. Madrid. Vols. I-XIV. 1850-63. Revue Botanique. Recueil mensuel ; par P. DTJCHARTRE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-II. 1845-47. Revue Medico-Chirurgicale de Paris. (Journal de Medecine et Journal de Chirurgie reunis); red. par M. MALGAIGNE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XVIII. 1847-55. Revue Medicale Francaise et Etrangere ; Journal des progres de la Medecine Hippocratique ; fonde par J. B. CAYOL. 8vo. Paris. Vol. III., 1821 ; Vols. I-IV., 1823-24; New Series, 1825-58 ; Vols. I-VIII., 1859-62. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, pure et appliquee ; Recueil mensuel destine a faciliter au Savants de tous les pays les moyens de publier leurs observations de Zoologie, etc. Par F. E. GUERIN- MENEVILLE et Ad. FOCILLON. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XV. 1849-63. Revue Horticole, journal d'Horticulture pratique ; par J. A. BAUJ>. 8vo. Paris. 1863. Revue scieutifique et industrielle ; par M. QUESNEVILLE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XV. 1844-47. Revue Zoologique, par la Societe Cuvierienne. Association univer- selle pour 1'avahcement de la Zoologie, de 1'Anatomie comparee, et de la Paleontologie. Red. par F. E. GUERIN-MENEVILLE. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XI. 1838-48. Rhea, Zeitschrift fur die gesammte Ornithologie ; von F. A. L. THIENEMANN. 8vo. Leipzig. Vol. I. 1846. Rheinische Monatsschrift fur praktische Aerzte; von NASSE, etc. 8vo. Koln. Vols. I- V. 1847-51. Correspondenzblatt des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. 8vo. Bonn. Vols. I-XX. 1844-63. Sitzungsbericht des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rhein- lande und Westphalens. 8vo. Bonn. Vols. XIII-XX. 1856-63. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. 8vo. Bonn. Vols. I-XX. 1844- 63. [See also Bonn.] [ Ixvi ] Riga, Arb. Natf. Ver. , *Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Natf. Ver. Rio, Archiv. Palestr fRio, Revista Bio, Soc. Veil. Trabal Riviere, Ann. Sci. Geol. . . . Rochester (U. S.) Trans. Eclectic Med. Assoc. Rohr, Notizen Roma, Atti Roma, Corrisp. Scient Romer, Archiv Botan Roser n. Wunderlich, Ar- chiv. Rotterdam, IT. Verhand. . . Rouen, Trav. Acad Roy. Engineers, Papers . Roy. Inst. Journ. Roy. Inst. Froc. . Roy. Soc. Froc.. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. Denkschr. Russie, Ann. des Mines. . . Russland, Fharm. Zeitschr. Rust, Magazin Arbeiten des Naturforschenden Vereins in Riga ; red. von Dr. MILLER und Dr. SODOFFSKY. 8vo. Rudolstadt. 1848. Correspondenz-Blatt des Naturforschenden Vereins in Riga. Vols. V-XIII. 1852-63. Archives da Palestra Scientifica do Rio de Janeiro. 4to. Rio de Janeiro. 1858. Revista trimensal de Historia e Geografia : Jornal do Institute Historico e Geographico Brasileiro. 8vo. Rio de Janeii'o. Vols. I-VIL, 1839-45; Vols.I-V., 1846-50; Vols. I-XXVL, 1851-63. \_Parts 3 and 4 of Vol. xxvr. wanting.^ Trabalhos da Sociedade Vellosiana (Bibliotheca Guanabarense). 4to. Rio di Janeiro. 1852 (?) Annales des Sciences geologiques, etc., par A. RIVIERE. 8vo. Paris. Vol. I., 1842 ; Vol. II., 1843 (Parts 1 and 3). Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association at its Third Meeting. 8vo. Rochester (U.S.). 1852. Notizen aus dem Gebiete der practischen Pharmacie ; von L. ROHR. 8vo. Crefeld. Vols. I-II. 1850-51. Atti dell' Accademia Pontificia dei Nuovi Lincei. 4to. Roma. Vols. I-XVI. 1847-63. [ Vols. H., in., vin., ix. wanting.'] Corrispondenza Scientifica in Roma per le avanzamento delle Scienze, etc. 4to. Roma. 1857. No. 8. Archiv f iir die Botanik ; von J. J. ROMER. Leipzig. 4to. Vols. I- HI. 1796-1805. Archiv fur physiologische Heilkunde ; von W. ROSER, C. A. WUN- DERLICH, und W. GRIESINGER. 8vo. Stuttgart. Vols. I-XV. 1842-56. New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1857-59. [Continued as the Archiv d. Heilk. I860.] Nieuwe Verhand elingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proe- fondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam. 4to. Rotterdam. Vols. I-XII. 1800-51. Precis analytique des Travaux de 1'Academie des Sciences, Belles- Lettres, et Arts de Rouen. 8vo. Rouen. 1804-62. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 4to. and 8vo. London. Vols. I-X. 1844-49 ; Vols. I-H. 1851-52. Journal of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IIL, 1802-3; Vols. I. and II., 1831. Notice of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Members of the Royal Institution, with Abstracts of the Discourses delivered at the Evening Meetings. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1851-63. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 to 1854 inclusive. 8vo. London. Vols. I- VI. 1832-54. Continued as the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. VII-XIII. 1854-64. Denkschriften der Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaffc zu St. Petersburg. 8vo. Weimar. 1849. Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. 8vo. St. Petersbourg. Vols. I-IX. 1835-42. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fur Russland ; von Dr. G. DRAGENDORFF. 8vo. St. Petersburg. 1862-63. Magazin fur die gesammte Heilkunde, etc. ; von J. N. RUST. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-LXVI. 1816-48. Sachs. Ingen. Vereins Mittheil. *Saalfeld, Bericht Schul. . . . *Saalfeld, Program. Beal- schule. *St. tienne, Bull. Soc. Industr. *St. Gallen, Ber. Nat. Ge- sell. St. Louis, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. St. Peter sb. Acad. Sci. Compte Rendu. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. St. Peter sb. Acad. Sci. Nova Acta. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Re- cueil. St. Petersb. Ann. Mines BMW. St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. St. Fetersb. Schrift. Mine- ral. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhand. St. Quentin, Annal. St. Quentin, Mem. Library Mittheilungen des Sachsischen Ingenieur- Vereins ; herausg. v. d. Verwajtungsrathe des Vereins. 8vo. Dresden. Heft. I-IEI. 1858-60. Bericht liber die Schulen zu Saalfeld. 1842. Einladungs-Programm zu der offentlichen Priifung der Realschule u. s. w. zu Saalfeld. 1846-53. Bulletin de la Societe de 1'Industrie minerale a St. lihienne. Vol. IV-VIII. 1858-63. Bericht iiber die Thatigkeit der St. Gallischen Naturwissenschaft- lichen Gesellschaft. 1860-63. The Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 8vo. St. Louis (Missouri). Vols. I-II. 1856-63. Bulletin scientifique publie par 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Folio. St. Petersbourg. Vols. I-VL, 1836-40. BuUetin de la Classe Physico-mathematique de 1'Academie etc. Vols. I-XVI., 1843-58 ; New Series, Vols. I-VL, 1860-63. Compte Rendu de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Peters- bourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 1852-57. Memoires de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. Vols. I-XL, 1803-30; Vols. I-X., 1831- 59; Vols. I-VL, 1859-63. Nova Acta Academise Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanas. 4to. Petropoli. Vols. XII-XV. 1801-6. Recueil des Actes des Seances Publiques de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 4to. St. Petersbourg. 1827-47. Annuaire du Journal des Mines de Russie. 8vo. St. Petersbourg. Vol. I-IX. 1835-42. Memoires presentes a 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg par divers Savans. 4to. St. Petersbonrg. Vols. I-IX. 1831-59. Schriften der in St. Petersburg gestifteten Kaiserlich-Russischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammte Mineralogie. 8vo. St. Peters- burg. 1842. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Russischen Mineralogischen Gesell- schaft zu St. Petersburg. 8vo. St. Petersburg. 1842-58. Vermischte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde von einer Gesellschaft pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersburg. 8vo. St. Petersburg. Vols. I- VIII. 1821-54. Additional title in 1835, Medizinisch-praktische Abhandlung von Deutschen in Russland lebenden Aerzten. 8vo. Hamburg, 1835. Continued as the Neue Abhandlung. St. Petersburg, 1847. Herausg. von LERCHE, SEIDLITZ, und WEISSE. Annales Agricoles du departement de 1'Aisne, publiees par la Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres, et Agriculture de St. Quentin. 1831-42. Annales Scientifiques, Agricoles, et Industrielles du departement de 1'Aisne (Societe Academique de Saint Quentin). 8vo. St. Quentin. 1844-47. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres, et Agri- culture de la ville de St. Quentin. 8vo. St. Quentin. 1831-42. i 2 [ Ixviii ] St. Quentin, Seances Publ. Societe des Sciences, Arts, Belles-Lettres, et Agriculture de la ville de St. Quentin : Seances publiques. 8vo. St. Quentin. 1826-31. Jahrcsbericht der k. k. vollstandigen Unter-Realschule in Salzburg. 1854-57. Programm des k. k. Akad. Gymnasiums in Salzburg. 1853-58. *Salzburg, Jahresb. Real schule. *Salzburg, Program. Gym' nas. *Sandecer, Gymnas. Pro- Programm des k. k. Sandecer Gymnasiums. 1857. gram. fSarthe, Bull. Soc. Agric. . Savoie, Mem. Acad. . "Schassburg, Program. Gymnas. Scherer, Journ. Chemie . . . Schlomilch, Zeitschr. . Schneider, Ann. Staats- arzneik. School of Mines, Records. Schrader, Journ. Botan. . . Schrader, Neues Journ. Botan. Schroder, Berig. Zeevaart Schroder, Verhand. Zee- vaart. Schumacher, Jahrb., Schwab. Gesell. Denkschr. . Schwezgger, Journ Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. . Bulletin de la Societe d' Agriculture, Sciences, etc. de la Sarthe. 8vo. Le Mans. Vols. III-VIIL, 1838-49 ; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1850-54. Memoires de la Societe Academique [Academic Royale] de Savoie. 8vo. Ghambery. Vols. I-XIL, 1825-46; New Series, Vols. I- III., 1851-59. [See also Chambery.] Programm des Evangel. Gymnasiums in Schassburg. 1858. Allgemeines Journal der Chemie ; herausg. von A. N. SCHERER. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-VIII. 1798-1802. [Vol. ii., Heft 2 of vol. in., Hefte 5 and 6 of vol. TI., Hefte 1 and 2 of vol. vn., and all after Heft 2 of vol. VIIT., wanting], Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik ; von O. SCHLOMILCH und B. WITZSCHEL. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-VIII. 1856-63. Annalen der gessammten Staatsarzneikunde ; von P. J. SCHNEIDER und J. H. SCHURMAYER. 8vo. Tubingen. Vols. I-XI. 1836-46. Records of the School of Mines. 8vo. London. 1852-53. Journal fur die Botanik ; von H. A. SCHRADER. 8vo. Gottingen. 1799-1803. Neues Journal f. d. Botanik ; von H. A. SCHRADER. 8vo. Gott- ingen. Vols. I-III. 1806-9. Berigten en Verhandelingen over eenige onderwerpen des Zeevaarts ; door J. F. L. SCHRODER. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vol. III. only. (1823?). Verhandelingen en Berigten over eenige onderwerpen der Zeevaart- Kunde ; door J. F. L. SCHRODER. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I- VI. 1837-46. (See also TINDAL a nd SWART.) Jahrbuch ; herausg. von H. C. SCHUMACHER, mit Beitragen von BERZELIUS, BESSEL, GAUSS, etc. 8vo. Stuttgart und Tubingen. 1836-38. Denkschriften der Schwabischen Gesellschaffc der Aerzte und Natur- forscher. 8vo. Tubingen. 1805. Journal fur Chemie und Physik ; von J. S. C. SCHWEIGGER. 8vo. Niirnberg. Vols. I-LXVIII. 1811-33. ( Vols. XXXI-LX., 1821-30, have a second title, "Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik ;" von Dr. SCHWEIGGER und Dr. MEINECKE. 8vo. Niirnberg. Vols. I-XXX. 1821-30. Continued as the "Neues Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik ;" von F. W. SCHWEIGGER-SEIDEL. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-VIII. 1831-33.) Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, 8vo. Aarau, 1823, 1835, 1850; Chur, 1826, 1844; Zurich, 1827, 1841 ; Aargau, 1827; St. 'Gallon, 1830, 1854 ; Luzern, 1834, 1862 ; Solothurn, 1836, 1848 ; Basel, 1838, 1856; Bern, 1839, 1858; Altdorf, 1842; Winterthur, 1846; Schaffhausen, 1847; Frauenfeld, 1849; Glarus, 1851; Trogen, 1857 ; Samaden, 1863. I See also Atti Soc. Elvet. and Soc. Helvet. Actes.] [ Ixix ] Schweizer. Folytechn. Zeitschr. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denk- schr. Schweizer. Zeitschr. Heilk. Scienz. Ital. Congr Sclater, Ibis Seeman, Journ. Bot Seine, Mem. Soc. Agric. . . . Seine-et-Oise, Mem Senckenberg. Naturf. Ge- sell. Abhandl. Shanghai, Journ. Lit. Soc. . Sicilia, Atti Soc. Acclim. . . Siebold -and Kolliker, Zeit- schr. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburts- hulfe. Siebold, Lucina Siena, Atti Accad Silbermann, Revue Entom. Silliman, Journ Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. . Skandia Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. Skofits, Botan. Zeitschr. . Schweizerische polytechnische Zeitschrift. Unter Mitwirkung des Schweizerischen Polytechnikums, etc. ; herausg. von Dr. P. BOLLEY und J. H. KRONAUER. 4to. Winterthur. Vols. I- VIII. 1856-63. Neue Denkschriftea der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften. 4to. Neuchatel, Zurich, etc. Vols. I-XIX. 1837-62. 8vo. Bern. Vols. I-IL Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde. 1862-63. Nuovo Congresso degli Scienziati Italiani in Venezia ; porzione geo- logica. 4to. Geneva. 1853. The Ibis, a Magazine of General Ornithology ; by P. L. SCLATER. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1859-63. The Journal of Botany, British and Foreign ; by Berthold SEEMAN. 8vo. London. 1863. Memoires d'Agriculture par la Societe Agricole de la Seine ; red. par M. LAUMONT. 8vo. Paris. Vol. IV. 1802. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Seine et Oise. 8vo. Versailles. 1835. Abhandlungen, herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-IV. 1854-63. Journal of the Literary and Scientific Society of Shanghai. 8vo. Shanghai. 1858. Atti della Societa di Acclimazione e di Agricoltura in Sicilia. 8vo. Palermo. Vols. I-IL 1861-62. [No. 5 of Vol. i., and all of Vol. n., except No. 1, wanting.^ Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie ; von C. J. von SIEBOLD und~A. KOLLIKEK. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XIII. 1849-63. Journal fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer, etc. ; von Elias von SIEBOLD. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main und Leipzig. Vols. I- XVII. 1813-38. Lucina ; eine Zeitschrift zur Vervollkommnung der Entbindungs- kunst ; von Elias von SIEBOLD. 8vo. Leipzig, Marburg. Vols I-VI. 1801-11. Atti dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Siena detta de' Fisio-critici. 4to. Siena. Vols. VIII-X. 1808-41. Revue Entomologique ; par Gust. SILBERMANN. 8vo. Strasbourg et Paris. Vols. I-V. 1833-37. The American Journal of Science and Arts ; by B. SILLIMAN, etc. 8vo. New Haven. First Series, Vols. I-XLIX., 1818-45 ; Second Series, Vols. I-XXXV., 1846-63. Fb'rhandlingar vid det af Skandinaviska Naturforskare och Lakare hallna Mote i Gotheborg. 8vo. Gotheborg, 1839 ; Ki^benhavn, 1840, 1847, 1861 ; Stockholm, 1842, 4851 ; Christiania, 1844, 1856. Skandia. Tidskrift for Vetenskap och Konst ; utgifven af Svenska Litteratur-Foreningen. 8vo. Upsala. Vols. I-IX. 1833-37. Oesterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt ; von Alex. SKOFITZ. 8vo. Wien. Jahrg. I-VII. 1851-57. Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift ; von Alex. SKOFITZ. 8vo. Wien. Jahrg. VIII-XIII. 1858-63. Smithson. Contrib Smithson. Miscell. Coll. . . . Smithsonian Reports Soc. Helvet. Actes Somerset. Archseol. Soc. Froc. South Wales, Hoy. lust. Hep. South Wales Inst. Civ. Eng. Froc. Spettatore del Vesuvio Spongia, Comm. Med Sprengel, Jahrb Steiermark. Geog. Mont. Ver. Ber. ^Steiermark. Mont. Lehr- anst. Jahrb. Stein, Annalen. Stettin, Entom. Zeit Stockholm, Akad. Handl. . Stockholm, Ofversigt, Stockholm, Svenska Lak. SaUsk. Handl. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Mem. *Stuhlweissenburg, Pro- gram. Gymnas. Sturgeon, Ann. Fhilos. .... Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4to. Washington. Vols. I-XIII. 1848-63. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 8vo. Washington. Vols. I-IV. 1862. Annual Keports of the Board of Eegents of the Smithsonian Institu- tion. 8vo. Washington. 1850-63. Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 8vo. Lau- sanne, 1829, 1830, 1843, 1861 ; Geneve, 1832, 1845 ; Neuchatel, 1837; Fribourg, 1840; Sion, 1852; Porrentruy, 1853; Chaux de Fonds, 1855. [See also Schweizer. Gesell.] Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archosological and Natural His- tory Society. 8vo. Taunton. Vols. I-X. 1849-60. The Annual Report of the Council of the Royal Institution of South Wales, with Appendix of Original Papers on Scientific Subjects. 8vo. Swansea. 1839. Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Civil Engineers. 8vo. Merthyr Tydfil. Vols. I-III. 1858-63. Lo Spettatore del Vesuvio e de' Campi Flegrei : giornale compilato dai Sigg. F. CASSOLA e L. PILL A. 8vo. Napoli. 1832-33. Commentarii di Medicina; de G. F. SPONGIA. 8vo. Padova. Vols. I-IV. 1836-37. Jahrbiicher der Gewachskunde ; von K. SPRENGEL und LINK. 8vo. Berlin. 1820. Bericht des Geognostisch-montanistischen Vereines fiir Steiermark. 8vo. Gratz. 1852-62. Die Steiermarkisch stiindische montanistische Lehranstalt zu Vor- dernberg. Ein Jahrbuch fur den Oesterreichischen Berg- und Hiittenmann. Vols. I-IV. 1841-46. Annalen der Geburtshiilfe iiberhaupt und der Entbindungsanstalt zu Marburg insbesondere ; von G. W. STEIN. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-V. 1808-18. Entomologische Zeitung ; herausg. v. d. Entomologischen Vereine zu Stettin. 8vo. Stettin. Vols. I-XXIV. 1840-63. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar. 8vo. and 4to. Stockholm. Vols. XXI-XXXH., 1800-12; New Series, 1813-56 ; New Series, 1858-61. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Forhandlingar. 8vo. Stockholm. Vols. I-XX. 1844-63. Handlingar ved Svenska Liikare-Sallskapet. Stockholm. Vols. I- VIII. 1813-54. Memoires de la Societe du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Stras- bourg. 4to. Paris et Strasbourg. Vols. I-V. 1830-62. Journal de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture, et Arts, du departe- ment du Bas-Rhin. 8vo. Strasbourg. Vols. I-V. 1824-28. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences. Agriculture, et Arts, de Stras- bourg. 8vo. Strasbourg. Vols.'l-II. 1811-23. Programm des Stuhlweissenburger Ober- Gymnasiums. 1857. Annals of Philosophical Discovery and Monthly Reporter of the Progress of Practical Science. 8vo. London. 1843. [ Ixxi ] Sturgeon, Ann. Electr *Suczkawa, Program. Gym- nas. Svea Svenska Lak. Sallsk. For- handl. fSveriges Geol. Under sok. . Swart, Verhandel Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry, and Guardian of Experimental Science; by William STURGEON. 8vo. London Vols. I-X. 1836-43. Programm des k. k. gr. u. univ. Ober-Gymnasium in Suczkawa. 1863. Svea. Tijdskrift for Vetenskap och Konst. 8vo. Upsala. Vols. I- XIV. 1818-31. (The second edition of vol. I. is dated 1824.) Forhandlingar ved Svenska Lakare-Sallskapets Sammankomster. 8vo. Stockholm. 1857-59. Sveriges geologiska Under sokning ; under ledning af A. ERDMANN. 8vo. Stockholm. 1862-64. Verhandelingen en Berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen en de Zeevaartkunde ; door Jacob SWART. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. XIV-XVII. 1854-57. Tarnow, Frogram.Gymnas. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. Taylor, Scientif. Mem. .... Telegraph. Vereins Zeit- schr. Temminck, Verhand Terquem, Nouv. Aim.Math. *Teschen, Program. Gym- nas. Teyler's Verhandel Thomson, Ann. Phil. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. . Thomson, Records Tiedemann, Zeitschr. Tijdschr. Genootsch. Vis Unita. T. Programm des vollstiindigen k. k. Gymnasiums zu Tarriow. 1855. The Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. 8vo. Tasmania. Vols. I-III. 1842-49. Scientific Memoirs, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies and Learned Societies and from Foreign Journals ; by E. TAYLOR, J. TYNDALL, and W. FRANCIS. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1837-52. Vol. I. (Natural Philosophy, ed. by TYNDALL and FRANCIS), 1853. Zeitschrift des Deutsch-osterreichischen Telegraphen-Vereins ; von P. W. BRIX. 4to. Berlin. Vols. II-X. 1855-63. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen, door de leden der Natuurkundige Com- missie in Oost-Indie en andere schrijvers. Leijden. folio. 1840. Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques, par MM. TERQUEM et GERONO. 8vo. Paris. First Series, Vols. I-XX., 1842-61 ; Second Series, Vols. I-IL, 1862-63. Programm des k. k. Kath. Gymnasiums zu Teschen. 1852. Geologische Verhandel af Antwoord af de in 1828 uitgeschrevene en in 1830 herhaalde Prysvraag : Wat men van Geologic, etc. Uitgeg. door TETLER'S Tweede Genootschap. 4to. Haarlem. 1832. Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, and the Arts ; by T. THOMSON. First Series, Vols. I- XVI., 8vo., London, 1813-20 ; Second Series, by E. PHILLIPS, Vols. I-X., 1821-26. Archives Entomologiques ; par James THOMSON. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-H. 1857-58. (Vol. U. is also entitled "Voyage au Gabon.") Eecords of General Science ; by E. D. THOMSON and Thos. THOM- SON. 8vo. London. Vols. I-IV. 1835-36. Zeitschrift fur Physiologie ; von Fr. TIEDEMANN und G. E. TRE- VIRANUS. 4to. Darmstadt, Heidelberg. Vols. I-IV. 1824-31. Tijdschrift voor Genees-, Heel-, Verlos-, en Scheikundige Weten- schappen, van Wege et Genootschap : " Vis Unita Fortior," te Hoorn. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. I-VI. 1823-47. Tijdstroom Tilesius, Jahrb. . . . Tilloch, PhU. Mag. Tindalj Verhand. Zeewezen Tirol, Bericht Ver. Durchf. Torino, Ann. Clin. . . Torino, Mem. Accad. Tortolini, Annali Toulouse, Mem. Acad. Trans. Med. ; Trentc, Program. Ginnas. . Treviso, Mem. Ateneo *Trient, Program. Gymnas. *Trier, Jahresber ^Trieste, Program. Civ. Scuola. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Fharm. *Troppau, Program. Gym- nas. Tubinger Blatter Turin, Mem. Acad Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. [ Ixxii ] De Tijdstroom ; Maandschrift gewijd van Wetenschap, &c. ; door J. J. CREMER. 8vo. Tiel. 1858. Jahrbuch der Naturgeschichte zur Anzeige und Pr lifting ; von W. G. TILESIUS. 8vo. Leipzig. 1802. The Philosophical Magazine, comprehending the various branches of Science, the Liberal and Fine Arts, Geology, Agriculture, Manu- factures, and Commerce. 8vo. London. Vols. I-LIX. 1798 1822, edited by ALEX. TILLOCH ; Vols. LX-LXV. by A. TILLOCH and R. TAYLOR ; Vols. LXVI-LXVIIL, 1825-26, by R. TAYLOR. Verhandelingen en Berigten betrekkelijk het Zeewezen en de Zeevaartkunde ; door G. A. TINDAL en Jacob SWART. 8vo. Amsterdam. Vols. II-IV., 1841-46. Bericht iiber die General-Versammlung des Vereins zur geogr. montan. Durchforschung des Landes Tirol, etc. 8vo. Innsbruck. 1842-47. Annali Clinici ; da Lorenzo MARTINI. 8vo. Torino. 1829-31. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 4to. Torino. Vols. XXII-XL., 1816-38 ; New Series, Vols. I-XXIL, 1839-65. [For earlier volumes, see Turin.] Annali di Scienze, Matematiche, e Fisiche ; da B. TORTOLINI. 4to. and 8vo. Roma. First Series, Vols. I- VIII., 1850-57 ; Second Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1858-60. Histoire et Memoires de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, Inscrip- tions, et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse. Second Series, Vols. I-VL, 1827-44 ; Third Series, Vols. I-VL, 1844- 50 ; Fourth Series, Vols. I-VL, 1851-56 ; Fifth Series, Vols. I- VI., 1857-62; Sixth Series, Vol. I., 1863. Transactions Medicales ; Journal de Medecine pratique, &c. ; redige par A. N. GENDRIN. 8vo. Paris. Vols. I-XII. 1830-33. (Vol. X. ed. by FORGET and SANDRAS, Vols. XI. and XII. by FORGET.) Programma dell' I. R. Ginnasio Liceale di Trento. 1856. Memorie Scientifiche e Litterarie dell' Ateneo di Treviso. 4to. Venezia, Treviso. Vols. II-IV. 1819-34. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums in Trient. Vols. V., 1854 ; VI., 1856 ; XL, 1861. Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft fur niitzliche Forschungen zu Trier. 1859-62. Programma della Civica Scuola Reale . autonoma in Trieste. 1863. Journal der Pharmacie fiir Aerzte und Apotheker ; von J. B. TROMMSDORFF. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XXV. 1794-1816. Neues Journal der Pharmacie fur Aerzte, Apotheker, und Chemiker ; von J. B. TROMMSDORFF. 8vo. Leipzig. Vols. I-XXVI. 1817-33. Programm des k. k. Obergymnasiums in Troppau. 1856. Tubinger Blatter fur Naturwissenschaften und Arzneikunde ; von J. H. F. AUTENRIETH und J. G. F. BOHNEXBERGER. 8vo. Tu- bingen. Vols. I-HI. 1815-16. Memoires de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences de Turin. 4to. Turin. Vols. I-XXI. 1784-1815. [For continuation see Torino.] Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalist's Field Club. 8vo. New- castle-upon-Tyne. Vols. I-VL 1848-63. Ixxiii ] *Udine, Program. Ginnas. . Udine, Relazioni Ungarn, Arb. Geol. Ges. . . . *Ungar. Nat. Wiss. Ver. Jahrb. United Service Journ. Upsaia, Arsskrift. . . . Upsala, Diss. Acad. . . Upsaia, Prey Tidsk Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsala, Vetensk. Soc. Arsskrift. Utrecht, Ann. Acad Utrecht, Aanteek. Prov. Genoots. Utrecht, Kliniek Utrecht, Nieuwe Verhandl. Utrecht, Scheik. Onder- zoek. Utrecht, Verhand. Prov. Genootsch. U. Programma dell' I. R. Ginnasio Liceale di Udine. 1855, 1857. Relazioui intorno agli Atti dell' Accademia di Udine. 8vo. Udine. 1842, 1844, 1852. Arbeiten der Geologischen Gesellschaft f iir Ungurn ; von Julius von KOVATS. 8vo. Pesth. 1856. (Only a single part.) Abhandlungen aus dem dritten Bande der Jahrbiicher des Ungar- ischen naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Pest, in Deutscher Uebersetzung Red. von J. SZABO. 8vo. Pest. 1858. The Journal of the United Service Institution. 8vo. London. Vols. I-VI. 1858-63. O Universitets Arsskrift utgifven af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Upsala. 8vo. Upsala. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. Dissertatiories Academics Upsaliaa habitae. 8vo. Gottingen. Vols. I-III. 1799-1801. Frey Tidskrift for Vetenskap och Konst, 8vo. ' Upsala. 1841-49. Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 4to. Upsalias. Vols. IV-XIV., 1799-1850; New Series, Vols. I-IV., 1851-63. Arsskrift utgifven af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Upsala. 8vo. Upsala. Vols. I-II. 1860-61. Annales Academic Rheno-Trajectinae. 8vo. Trajecti ad Rhenum. 1815-37. Aanteekeningen van het Verhandelde in de Sectie-Vergaderingeii van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 8vo. Utrecht. 1846-64. Kliniek : Tijdschrift voor Wetenschappelijke Geneeskunde ; door C. GOBIE. -8vo. Utrecht. Vols. I-IV. 1844-49. Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genoot- schap van Kunsten en Weleuschappen. 8vo. Utrecht. Vols. I-XVI. 1822-51. Scheikundige Onderzoekingen, gedaan in het Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool ; uitg. door G. J. MULDER. 8vo. Rot- terdam. Vols. I-V. 1841-51. Verhandelingen van het Provinciaal Utregtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 8vo. Utregt. 1817-21. Valencia, Act. Med Valenciennes, Mem. Soc. Agric. Valentin, Repert. Van Diemen's Land, Boy. Soc. Papers. V. Actas del Institute Medico Valenciano. 8vo. Valencia. 1860. Memoires de la Societe d'Agriculture, des Sciences, et des Arts, de 1'arrondissement de Valenciennes. 8vo. Valenciennes. Volb. I-V. 1833-45. Repertorium fiir Aiiatomie und Physiologie ; von G. VALENTIN. 8vo. Berlin, Bern, und St. Gallen. Vols. I-VIII. 1836-43. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemcn's Land. 8vo. Hobart-town. Vols. I-III. 1851-59 (?). [ Ixxiv ] Venezia, Atti Venezia, Ateneo Esercit. . . Venezia, Mem. 1st. Veneto * Venezia, Program. Ginnas. Verhand. Genoots. Occ. Qui Won. Verhand. Geol. Kaart. BTe- derl. Verona, Soc. Ital. Mem. . . . Vet. Med. Assoc. Trans. . . . Veterinarian Victoria, Pharm. Soc. Journ. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Soc. Victoria, Trans. Boy. Soc. *Vinkovce, Program. Gym- nas. Virchow, Archiv Viviani, Ann. Bot. Voget, Notizen . Voigt, Magazin, Atti delle Adunanze dell' I. R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 8vo. Venezia. Vols. I- VII., 1841-48. New Series, Vols. I-V, 1850-54 ; Third Series, Vols. I-IX., 1855-64. [ Vol. iv., 1845, pages 185 to 272 inclusive, wanting. ,] Esercitazioni Scientifiche e Letterarie dell' Ateneo di Venezia. 4to. Venezia. Vols. I-VL 1837-60. [Fasc. 1 of vol. v. wanting.^ Memorie dell' I. R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere, ed Arti. 4to. Venezia. Vols. I-XI. 1843-64. [ Vol. vi. wanting."] Programma dell' I. R. Ginnasio Liceale di Venezia. Vols. IV- VI. 1855-57. Verhand elingen van het Genootschap : " Occidit qui non servat." 8vo. Antwerpen. Vole. I-III. (1798-1800?) Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Commissie belast met het ver- vaardigen eener Geologische Beschrijving en Kaart van Neder- land. 4to. Haarlem. Vols. I-II. 1853-54. Memorie di Matematica e Fisica della Societa Italiana delle Scienze. 4to. Modena e Verona. Vols. I-XXV. 1782-1855. Transactions of the Veterinary Medical Association. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1841-43. The Veterinarian. 8vo. London. Vols. I-XXXVI. 1828-63. [Vols. I-XXVIL, ed. by Mr. PERCIVALL ; Vols. XXVIII- XXXV., by Proffs. MORTON and SIMONDS.] Quarterly Journal and Transactions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. Nos. 2, 3, and 4 of Vol. I., 1858, and No. 8 of Vol. II., 1860. Transactions of the Philosophical Institute (afterwards Royal Society) of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. Vols. I-V. 1856-60. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria. 8vo.' Melbourne. 1855. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. 8vo. Melbourne. Vols. I-VI. 1860-65. Programm des k. k. Kath. Staats Ober-Gymnasiums zu Vinkovce in der Kroatisch-Slavonischen Grenze. 1859. Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie, und fur klinische Medicin; von R. VIRCHOW und B. REINHARDT. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XXVIII. 1847-63. Annali di Botanica; comp. dal Dott. Domenico VIVIANI. 4to. Geneva. 1802. Continued in Latin under the title : "Annales Botanici." Vol. I., pars 2. Genuae. 1804. Notizen aus dem Gebiete der practischen Pharmacie ; von A. R. L. VOGET. 8vo. Crefeld. Vols. I-XIII. 1837-49. Magazin fur den neuesten Zustand der Naturkunden, mit Riicksicht auf die dazu gehorigen Hiilfswissenschaften ; von Johann Heinrich VOTGT. 8vo. Jena and Weimar. Vols. I-XII. 1797-1806. [ Ixxv ] Walker, Electr. Mag. Washington, Nat. Xnst. Bull. Weale, Quarterly Papers . . Weber, Archiv Weimar, Zeitschr. Geburts- kunde. West Yorks. Froc. Geol. Soc. Westphal. Frov. Blatt Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. . . Wetterau. Gesell. Fest- gabe. Wetterau. Gesell. Jahresb. Wetterau. Gesell. N. Annal. Wiedexnann, Archiv Wiedemann, Zool. Mag. . . . Wiegmann, Archiv Wien, Abhandl Wien, Almanach Wien, Denkschr Wien, Geol. Abh. Wien, Geol. Jahrb Wien, Geol. Verhandl Wien, Jahrb. Fol. Inst. . . . w. The Electrical Magazine ; by Charles V. WALKER. 8vo. London and Paris. Vols. I-II. 1845-46. Bulletin of the Proceedings of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. 8vo. Washington. Vols. I-II. 184142. Quarterly Papers on Engineering ; by John WEALE. 4to. London. Vols. I- VI. 1844-49. Archiv fiir die systematische Naturgeschichte ; von F. WEBER und D. M. H. MOHR. 8vo. Leipzig und Kiel. Vols. I-II. 1804-10. Gemeinsame Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde. 8vo. Weimar. Vols. I- VII. 1827-32. Proceedings of the Geological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire. 8vo. Leeds. Vols. I-IV. 1839-63. Westphiilische Provincial-Blatter. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft zur Befbrderung der vaterlandischen Cultur in Minden. Vols. II-III. 1831-43. Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Natur- kunde. 4to. Hanau und Frankfurt-am-Main. Vols. I-III. 1809-12. Naturhistorische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Wetterau. Eine Festgabe 50 jahrige Jubelfeier. 8vo. Hanau. 1858. Jahresbericht der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde. 8vo. Hanau. 1850-55. Neue Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammte Naturkunde. 4to. Hanau und Frankfurt-am-Main. 1819. Archiv fur Zoologie und Zootomie ; von C. R. W. WIEDEMANN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-V. 1800-6. Zoologisches Magazin; von C. R. W. WIEDEMANN. 8vo. Altona. Vols. I-II. 1817-23. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte ; von Ar. Fr. Aug. WIEGMANN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XXIX. 1835-63. Natunvissenschaftliche Abhandlungen ; herausg. von Wm. HATDIN- * GER. 4 to. Wien. Vols. I.-IV. 1847-51. Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Wien. 1854-63. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften : Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. fol. und 4to. Wien. Vols. I-XXIII. 1850-64. Abhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-H. 1852-55. Jahrbuch der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-XIII. 1850-63. Verhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-V. 1858-63. (Vols. IX. to XHI. of Jahrbuch.) Jahrbuch des k. k. Polytechnischen Instituts in Wien ; von J. J. PRECHTL. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-XX. 1819-39. k 2 [ Ixxvi ] *Wien, Jahresb. Akad. Gym- nas. *Wien, Jahresb. Coxnm. Schule. *Wien, Jahresb. Gymnas. . . *Wien, Jahresb. Realschule *Wien, Jahresb. Obergym- nas. Wien, Med. Chir. Acad. Abhaudl. Wien, Med. Chir. Acad. Beob. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Ge- sell. *Wien, Program. Normal- schule St. Anna. Wien, Sitz. Ber Wien,, Verhand. Gesell. d. Aerzte. Wien, Verhand. Gewerb- Vereins. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. d. Aerzte. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. Wiener Entom. Monatschr. Wiener Med. Wochenschr. . Wiener Mus. Annal Wiener Folytechn. Journ. . Wiener Zeitschr. Physik. . . *Wiener Zeitung Wilna, Collect. Med. Chir. . Wilts, Arch. Nat. Hist. Mag. Worcester, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. Wunderlich, Archiv. d. Heilk. Wiirttemb. Abhandl. Jahresbericht iiber das k. k. akademische Gymnasium in Wien. 1858. Jahresbericht iiber die Wiener Communal Ober-Eealschule in der Vorstadt Wieden. 1858. Jahresbericht iiber das Gymnasium der k. k. Theresiauischen Akademie in Wien. 1863. Jahresbericht der k. k. Ober-Realschule Schottenfeld in Wien. 1863. Jahresbericht des k. k. Ober-Gymnasiums zu den Schotten in Wien. 1856. Abhandlungen der k. k. medicinisch-chirurgischen Josephs-Aca- demie zu Wien. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-II. 1787-1801. Beobachtungen der k. k. medicinisch-chirurgischen Josephs-Aca- demie zu Wien. 4to. Wien. 1801. Mittheilungen der k. k. Geographischen Gesellschaft ; von F. FOETTERLE. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-VIIL 1857-64. Programm der k. k. Normalhaupt- und TJnter-Realschule St. Anna^iu Wien. 1858. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 8vo. Wien. 1848. Vols. I-XLVIII. 1848-63. Verhandlungen der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. 8vo. Wien. 1842. Verhandlungen des Niederosterreichischen Gewerb-Vereins. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-XIII. 1840-47. New Series: Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen &c. ; red. von E. HOKNIG. 1857-63. Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-XIII., 1844-57; New Series, Vols. I-IIL, 1858-60. Verhandlungen des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I-XIII. 1852-63. Wiener entomologische Monatschrift. 8vo. Wien. Vols. I VII. 1857-63. Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift ; von WITTELSHOFER. folio. Wien. Vols. IX-XIII. 1859-63. Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte ; herausg. von der Direction desselben. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-II. 1836-40. Allgemeines Wiener polytechnisches Journal. 4to. Wien. Vols. I-II. 1842-43. Zeitschrift fur Physik, Chemie, und Mineralogie ; red. von HOLGER. 1840. Wiener Zeitung. 1859, 1860, 1861. Collectanea rnedico-chirurgica Cassaresc Academise Medico-Chirur- gicae cura edita. 4to. Vilnae. 1838. Magazine of the Archaeological and Natural History Society of Wiltshire. SVQ. Devizes and London. Vols. I-VI. 1854-60. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Worcester. 8vo. Worcester, [n. d.] See Roser und Wunderlich. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, herausgegeben von einer Gesellschaft in Wiirttemberg. 8vo. Tubingen. Vols. I-II. 1826- 28. [ Ixxvii ] Wiirttemberg. Aerzt. Ver. Mitth. Wiirttemberg, Jahreshefte. Wiirzburg. Med. Zeltschr. . Wiirzburg. Natw. Zeitschr. Wiirzburg, Verhandl Mittheilongen des Wiirttembergischen Aerztlichen Vereins. 8vo Stuttgart. 1834. Jahreshefte des Vereins fur vaterliindische Naturkunde in Wiirttem- berg. 8vo. Stuttgart. Vols. I-XIV. 1845-58. Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift ; herausgegeben von der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft ; red. von H. BAMBERG- ER, etc. 8vo. Wiirzburg. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. Wiirzburger Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift ; herausgegeben von der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft ; red. von H. MUL- LER und A. SCHENK. 8vo. Wiirzburg. Vols. I-IV. 1860-63. Verhandlungen der Physikalisch-Medicinischen Gesellschaft in Wiirzbu.rg. 8vo. Erlangen und Wiirzburg. Vols. I-X. 1850-60. Tonne, Bulletin Yorksh. Froc. Phil. Soc. . . Y. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de 1'Yonne. 8vo. Auxerre. 1847-50. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. 8vo. London and York. 1855. Zach, Corresp. Zach, Monat. Corresp Zantedeschi, Ann. Fis Zara, Frogram. Ginnas. . . . Zeeuwsch Genoots. Nieuwe Verhandel. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde . . Zeitschr. Bauwesen Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. u. Salinw. Zeitschr. Malakozool Zeuner, Der Civilingeuieur *Ziva. . .... Z. Correspondance Astronomique, Geographique, Hydrographique, et Statistique ; par Franz von ZACH. 8vo. Genes. Vols. I-XIV. 1818-26. Monatliche Correspondenz zur Bef orderung der Erd- und Himmels- Kunde ; von Franz von ZACH. 8vo. Gotha. Vols. I-XXVIH. 1800-13. Annali di Fisica ; dell' Abbate ZANTEDESCHI. 8vo. Padova. 1849-50. Programma del I. R. Ginnasio complete di prima classe in Zara. Vols. III-VIII. 1853-58. Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Zeeuwsch Genootschap der We- tenschappen. 8vo. Middelburg. Vols. I-IV. 1807-27. Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde; von K. NEUMANN. 8vo. Berlin. Vols. I-XV. 1856-63. Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen ; herausg. unter Leitung der k. techn. Bau- Deputation und des Architekten Vereins zu Berlin ; red. von C. HOFMANN. 4to. Berlin. 1851. Zeitschrift fur das Berg -, Hutten - , und Salinenwesen in dem Preussischen Staate. Vols. VI-XI., 1858-63. (For Vols I. to V., see CARNALL, Zeitschrift.) Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie ; von K. T. MENKE und L. PFEIPFER. 8vo. Hannover. 1844-53. Der Civilingenieur, Zeitschrift fur das Ingenieurwesen ; red. von G. ZEUNER, etc. 4to. Freiberg. Vols. I-IX. 1854-63. V V V J Ziva : Casopis prirodnicky. Redaktorove Jan PURKTN a Jan KREJCI. Praze. Vols. I-IV. 1853-57. [ Ixxviii ] Znaim, Program. Gymnas. Programm des k. k. Gymnasiums in Znaim. 1862-63. Zool. Journ. The Zoological Journal ; by Thomas BELL, &c. 8vo. London. Vols. I-V. 1825-34. Zool. Soc. Proc Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. London. Vols. I-II. 1830-32. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. London. Parts I-XXX. 1833-63. Zool. Soc. Trans Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 4to. London. Vols. I-V. 1835-66. Zurich, Mittheil Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden GeselLschaft in Zurich. 8vo. Zurich. Vols. I-IV. 1847-56. Zurich, Monatsschr Monatsschrift des Wissenschaftlichen .Vereins in Zurich ; von F. HITZIG, etc. 8vo. Zurich. Vols. I-IV. 1856-59. Zurich, Verhandl Verhandlungen der Medicinisch-chirurgischen Gesellschaft des Kan- ton Zurich im Jahr 1826. 8vo. Zurich. 1827. Zurich, Vierteljahrsschr. . . Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich ; von K. WOLF. 8vo. Zurich. Vols. I-VIII. 1856-63. Zwolle, Vooruitgang De Vooruitgang ; Tijdschrift voor Wetenschap. etc. 8vo. Zwolle. Vols. I-n. 1851. Ixxix ] Certain volumes of the Series included in the foregoing list were procured only after the portion of the Catalogue contained in the present volume was printed ; so that titles obtained from them, which should in alphabetical order have come before, could not be inserted in their proper places. They will be supplied,Vith other additions, in an Appendix. In the meantime, with a view to facilitate reference, the volumes in question are here indicated, as follows : Amer. Acad. Proc Vols. I., 1848 ; II., 1852; IV., 1857 ; V., 1862. Angers, Mem. Soc. Agric Vols. V., 1846 ; VI., 1849 ; Vols. III-VIIL, 1852-57. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist Vol. VII., 1863. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev Vols. XXVIII-XXXIL, 1861-63. Christiania, Forhandlinger Vol. for 1863 (publ. 1864). Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans Vol. VII., 1860. Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts Vols. V., 1861 ; VI., 1864. Geologist Parts 55, 57, 58. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc Vols. IV., 1860 ; V., 1864. Haarlem, Nat. Verh. Maatsch. Wet Vol. XVIII., 1863. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift Vols. XII-XX., 1861-63. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc Nos. XIII-XV., 1859-61. Microsc. Soc. Trans Vols. IX-XIL, 1861-64. Moleschott, Untersuch Vol. IX. (Hefte \ u . 2), 1863. Mulder, Scheik. Verhand Vol. IH., 1864. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann Vols. for 1824, 1839. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem Vol. VI., 1863. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr Vols. XH-XIH., 1863. Skofitz, Zeitschr Vols. XI-XIH., 1861-63. Smithsonian Contrib Vol. XIII., 1863. Victoria, Trans. Roy. Soc Vol. VI., 1865. Virchow, Archiv Vols. XX-XXVIIL, 1861-63. Library CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS. A. -. Cera da China. Coimbra, Institute, II., A. 1854, pp. 201-202. A, (7. Poliautografia. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. III., 1808, pp. 410-411. A, D. Observations which indicate a spontaneous decomposition of Nitrous Acid and formation of Ammonia. Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 438-439. A, E. Remarks on the influence of the Wind on the Barometer. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 241-244. A, G. On the formation of Snow. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 73-76. A; H. J. Correction of an oversight in LAGRANGE'S formulae for determining the Motions of any system of bodies immediately about a state of Equilibrium. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, pp. 398-400. A, J. Z. Notice sur un abaissement rapide et extreme du Barometre observe a Geneve et dans d'autres lieux, le 2 Fevrier 1823. Bibl. Univers. XXIL, 1823, pp. 108-120. A, L. S. M. Memoria sobre os Adubos e sua applicacao as terras. Annaes das Sciencias, XIL, 1821, pp. 3-27 ; XIIL, 1821, pp. 26-60 ; XIV., 1821, pp. 3-38 ; XV., 1822, pp. 3-38. 2. Do modo de elevar a Temperatura por meio do vapor. Annaes das Sciencias, XII., 1821, pp. 52-62. 3. Memoria sobre a theoria da Electrici- dade. Annaes das Sciencias, XIV., 1821, pp. 69 -94. 4. Memoria sobre as Eegadias. Annaes das Sciencias, XIV., 1821, pp. 112-135. 5. Reflexoes sobre a prepara9.o do Sub- carbonate de Soda, por meio do sal marinho (chlorureto de sodium) em Portugal. Annaes das Sciencias, XV., 1822, pp. 85-98. 13921. A., L. S.M. 6. Applicacao da Theoria da Electri- cidade aos principaes phenomenas electricos, e as machinas e apparelhas proprios para fornecer a Electricidade. Annaes das Sciencias, XV.. 1822, pp. 119-144. 7. Memoria sobre os Afolhamentos, ou rotagao das culturas. Annaes das Sciencias, XVI., 1822, pp. 3-29. A, P. Analisi di una polvere bianca creduta in commercio Carbonate di Magnesia. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VIL, 1809, pp. 202-204. Aasheim, . Physica recentior ad Physiologiam humanam explicandam necessaria. Kiobh., Reg. Soc. Med. Acta, IV., 1803, pp. 395-405. < Abacheff, D. Recherches sur la Dissolubility mutuelle des Liquides. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XXX., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 271-284. Abarbanell, . Ueber einen Fall von Gravi- ditas extrauterina. Monatsschrift f. Geburtsk, XIV., 1859, pp. 188-191. Abat, . On the Catoptrical and Dioptrical instruments of the Ancients. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 176-190, 232-246, 344- 349 ; XX. 14-25. Abbadie, Antoine Thomson Journ. XXVII., 1857, pp. 149-184. Abbott, Charles Conrad. Descriptions of new species of American fresh-water Fishes. Phi- hid. Proc., 1860, pp. 325-328. 2. Description of a new species of Astro- scopus, Brev., in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philad. Proc., 1860, p. 365. 3. Description of a new species of Chas- toessus, Cuv., from New Jersey. Philad. Proc., 1860, pp. 365-366. 4. Descriptions of four new species of North American Cyprinidae. Philad. Proc., 1860, pp. 473-474. 5. Descriptions of new species of Apodal Fishes in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philad. Proc., 1860, pp. 475-480. 6. Descriptions of two new Species of Pimelodus, from Kansas. Philad. Proc., 1860, pp. 568-569. 7. The Penguins of the Falkland Islands. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 336-338. 8. Observations on Cottus Copei, Abbott. Philad. Proc., 1861, pp. 15-16. 9. Notes on the Habits of Aphredoderus Say anus. Philad. Proc., 1861, pp. 95-96. 10. On Cyprinus corporalis, Mitch., refer- ring it to the genus Semotilus, Rafinesque. Philad. Proc., 1861, pp. 154-156. 11. On Squalus Arnericanus, Mitchell, re- ferring it to the genus Odontaspis, Agassiz. Philad. Proc., 1861, pp. 399-401. 12. Notes on the Birds of the Falkland Islands. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 149-167. 13. Description of a collection of Jasper " Lance-heads " found near Trenton, New Jersey ; and Remarks on the locality, with refer- ence to Indian antiquities. Philad. Proc., 1863, pp. 278-279. Abbott, Francis. Observations of the Variable Star TJ Argus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXI. , 1861, pp. 230-231. Abbott, Francis. 2. On atmospheric Electricity : its effects on various kinds of matter, with especial reference to the condition of Auroras and Thunderstorms. [I860.] Tasmania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863, January, pp. 1-7. 3. On Spectrum Analysis. Tasmania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863, March, pp. 2-9. 4. Observed magnitudes, with notes on the variable star f\ Argus, H. 3,295, Lac. 968, R.A. lOh. 39m. 45s., N.P.D. 148 57' 56", epoch 1863. Tasmania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863, June, pp. 4-6. Abbott, James. An Account of a remarkable Aerolite which fell at the village of Mauicgaon, near Eidulabad in Kandeesh. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1844, pp. 880-886. 2. On Kunker formations, with specimens. - Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1845, pp. 442- 444. 3. Account of certain Agate splinters found in the clay stratum bordering the River Ner- budda. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1845, pp. 756-758. 4. Remarks upon the occurrence of Granite in the bed of the Nerbudda. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1845, pp. 821-822. 5. Account of the process employed for obtaining Gold from the sand of the river Beyass ; with a short account of the gold mines of Siberia. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1847, pp. 266-271. 6. Process of working the Damascus blade of Goojrat. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1847, pp. 417-492, 666-667. 7. On the Mirage of India. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXIII., 1854, pp. 163-169. Abbott, JR. On the variation of a Triple In- tegral. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, p. 42. Abbott, S. W. On the Alkaloid contained in Veratrum viride. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 139-140. Abdelrahmann-Muhamed. Ueber untheilbares Manganerz. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1843, pp. 126-127. Abeele, Francois van den. De la structure des Arteres et des Veines. Belg. Anna!. Univ., 1847-8, pp. 777-820. Abegg, A. Beobachtung einer Chorea St. Viti. Pommer, Zeitschr. VI., 1841, pp. 145-149. Abeille, . Recherches sur la composition du Sang. Rev. Med. Franc, et Etr. ILL, 1849, pp. 105-154. 2. Memoire sur les causes de la Fibrination et Defibrination du Sang dans les divers etats pathologiques. Premiere partie: Experiences sur le sang hors de la veine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 378-379. Abeken, H. Ueber seine Reise durch die Wiiste Agyllif. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. V., 1848, pp. 133-145. A2 ABE] [ABE Abeken, H. Bericht u'ber seine Reise durch die Nubische Wiiste von Korosko bis Abu-Hammed. Berlin, Monatsb.Ges.Erclk.X., 1853, pp. 167-173. Abel, Clarke. Temperature of the bottom of the Sea. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 314-315. 2. Some account of an Orang Outang of remarkable height found on the island of Sumatra, together with a description of cer- tain Remains of this animal. Asiatick Re- searches, XV., 1825, pp. 489-498 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 193-200 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 371-375 ; III., 81-84 ; Phil. Mag. I., 1827, pp. 213-219 ; Sil- liman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 161-164. 3. Sur le Chien sauvage de 1'Himala. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 213- 215. 4. Kostlicher Nephrit. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1826, col. 305-307. 5. On the Crocodiles of the Ganges. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VHL, 1828, pp. 339-342. Abel, Frederick Augustus. On some of the pro- ducts of oxidation of Cumol by Nitric Acid [1847]. Chem. Soc. Mem. III. 1845-8, pp. 441-446; Liebig, Aiinal. LXIII., 1847, pp. 308- 317 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 129- 130; Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 63-69; Roy. Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 189-195. 2. On some of the applications of Chemis- try to military purposes. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-8, pp. 283-288. 3. On the composition of some varieties of foreign Iron. Chem. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 202-209 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 213-217 ; Cuyper, Rev. Univ. I. 1857, p. 267 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLV., 1857, pp. 40-43. 4. Note on crystallized Binoxide of Tin. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 119-120. 5. Report on recent Patents connected with the reduction and purification of Iron and the manufacture of Steel. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 125-152. G. On Arsenic in Paper-hangings. Phar- maceut, Journ., XVII. 1858, pp. 556-557. 7. On recent applications of science in reference to the efficiency and welfare of Mili- tary Forces. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858-62, pp. 243-252 ; Cuyper, Rev. Univ. VHL, 1860, pp. 130-139. 8. On the composition of Water obtained from the Coal Strata, Bradford Moor, Yorkshire. Phil. Mag. XIX., I860, pp. 330-331. 9. On the chemical examination of Iron samples, and of the materials employed in their manufacture. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 123-U25, 133-135 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LXI., 1862, pp. 673-678. Abel, Frederick Augustus. 10. On the occur- rence of considerable deposits of crystallized Phosphate of Lime in Teak-wood. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV, 1862, pp. 91-93. 11. Account of recent researches on the application of Electricity, from different sources, to the Explosion of Gunpowder. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 165-199. 12. On the composition of the great Bhurt- poor Gun, stationed on the Royal Artillery Parade Ground, Woolwich, and of some other interesting Cannon. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 181-186. 13. On the composition of some varieties of Native Copper. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1863, pp. 89-91. 14. On a curious instance of Electrolytic action. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1863, pp. 235-239. Abel, Frederick Augustus, and C. L. Bloxam. Zur Kenntniss der Salpetersliure. (Transl.') Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 262-265. 2. Contributions to the history of Nitric Acid, with especial reference to the Valua- tion of Nitre. Chem. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 97-127. 3. On the valuation of Nitre. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 107-109. Abel, Frederick Augustus, and F. Field. Some results of the analysis of Commercial Coppers. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 290-303. Abel, Frederick Augustus, and E. Nicholson. Researches on Strychnine. Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 241-263; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1849, pp. 401-417; Liebig, Annal. LXXL, 1849, pp. 79-104 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 305-306. Abel, Frederick Augustus, and T. Rowney. Analysis of the water of the Artesian Wells, Tra- falgar Square. Chem. Soc. Journ. L, 1849, pp. 97 -103; Roy. Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 13-32. 2. On the mineral waters of Chel- tenham. Chem. Soc, Journ. I., 1849, pp. 193- 212 ; Roy. Chem. Coll. Reports, 1849, pp. 13- 32 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIX. 1849, pp. 246-255. Abel, John S., and R. T. Morley. On the action of Iodide of Ethyl on Toluidine. Chem. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855, pp. 68-76 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 352-354; Liebig, Annal. XCIIL, 1855, pp. 311-321 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 79-82. Abel, John S., and H. Richmond. On the Bichromate of Ammonia, and some of its Double Salts. Chem. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 199-205. Abel, Niels Henrik. Almindelig methode til at finde Funktioner af een Variabel Stb'rrclse, naar en Egenskab af disser Functioner er udtrykt ved en Ligning imellem to Variable. Mag. f. Naturvid. I., 1823. pp. 216-229. ABE] 5 [ABE Abel, Niels Henrik. 2. Oplosning af et par opgaver vedhjelp af bestemte Integraler. Mag. f. Naturvid. II., 1823, pp. 55-68; 205-216. 3. Om maanens indflydelse paa Pendelens Bevasgelse. Mag. f. Naturvid. III., 1824, pp. 219-229. 4. Det endelige Integral ^" x udtrykt ved et enkelt bestemt Integral. Mag. f. Natur- vid. VL, 1825, pp. 182-189. 5. Untersuchung der Functionen zweier unabhiingig veranderlichen Grossen x und y vf\Q/(x, y\ welche die Eigenschaft haben,.das f(z, f(x, y) ) eine symmetrische Function von z, x und z/ist. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 11-15. 6. Beweis der Unmoglichkeit algebraische Gleichungen von hoheren Graden als dem vierten allgemein aufzulosen. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 65-84. 7. Auflosung einer mechanischen Aufgabe. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 153-157. 8. Beweis eines Ausdruckes, von welchem die Binomial-Formel ein einzelner Fall ist. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 159-160. 9. Ueber die Integration der Differential- f>dx Formel ~7^> wenn R und p ganze Functionen sind. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 185-221, 1O. Untersuchungen iiber die Reihe. 1 +l* + '-^FS * 2+ ~ * 1-2" ~ x * -f- u. s. w. Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 311-339. 11. Recherche de la quantite qui satisfait a la fois a deux equations algebriques donnees. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVII., 1826-27, pp 204-213. 12. Ueber einige bestimmte Integrale. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 22-30. 13. Recherches sur les Fonctions ellipti- ques. Crelle, Journ. II 1827, pp. 101-181 : III., 160-190. 14. Ueber die Functionen welche der Gleichung $x + $y V[/ (ocfyyfx) genug- thun. Crelle, Journ. II., 1827, pp. 386-394. 15. Solution d'un probleme general con- cernant la transformation des Fonctions ellip- tiques. Astr. Nachr. VL, 1828, col. 365-388. 16. Note sur le Memoire de M.'L. OLIVIER, ayant pour titre " Remarques sur les series in- finies et leur convergence." Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 79-82. 17. Remarques sur quelques proprietes generales d'une .certaine sorte de Fonctions transcendantes. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 313-323. Abel 9 Niels Henrik. IS. Sur le nombre des transformations differentes qu'on peut faire subir a une Fonction elliptique par la substitu- tion d'une fonction donnee de premier degre. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, pp. 394-401. 19. Theoreme general sur la transforma- tion des Fonctions elliptiques dela seconde etde la troisieme espece. Crelle, Journ. III., 1828, p. 402. 20. Addition au Memoire sur les Fonctions elliptiques, insere supra, torn. VI. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 33-44. 21. Note sur quelques formules elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 85-93. 22. Memoire sur une classe particuliere d'equations resolubles algebriquement. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 131-156. 23. Theoremes sur les Fonctions elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. IV. 1829, pp. 194-199. 24. Demonstration d'une propriete gene- rale d'une certaine classe de Fonctions transcen- dentes. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 200-201. 25. Precis d'une theorie des Fonctions ellip- tiques. Crelle, Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 236-277, 307-348. 26. Mathematische Bruchstiicke. Crelle, Journ. V., 1829, pp. 336-343. 27. Fernere mathematische Bruchstiicke. Crelle, Journ. VI. 1830, pp. 73-80. 28. Memoire sur une propriete generale d'une classe tres-etendue de Fonctions transcen- dentes. [1826.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. VII., 1841, pp. 176-264. 29. Theoremes posthumes. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 536-540. Abel, J. JH., and A. L. Crelle, Bemerkungen iiber die Abhandl. Seite 37, supra. " Unter- suchung der Wirkung einer Kraft auf drei Puncte." Crelle, Journ. L, 1826, pp. 117- 137. Abel-R>exnusat. Vide Remusat. Abell, Truman. Optical illusions. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XXXIV., 1846, pp. 52-55. Abendroth, OM. Vervolkommnung des Brunner'- schen Aspirators. Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 617-619. Abendroth, : von. Das bayerische Chiemgau und der daran stossende Theil der bayerischen Hochlandes. Dresden, Isis Sitzungsber, 1861, pp. 116-119. Aberle, J. G. Die Messung der Arteriendurch- messer am leben den Menschen. Virchow, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 119-120. Abernethy, John. Einige Eigenheiten in der Zergliederung des Wallfisches. ( Transit) Reil, Archiv, II., 1797, pp. 232-239. . 2. Ueber die Foramina Thebesii ini Herzen. (Transl.} Reil, Archiv, V., 1802, pp. 128-136. ABE] 6 [ABI Abernethy, John. 3. On a diminution, in con- sequence of disease, of the area of the aperture by which the left Auricle of the Heart com- municates with the Ventricle of the same side. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. [1806], I. 1809, pp. 27-36. Abich, G. Procede analytique pour les Mineraux que leur agregation rend tres-difficiles a attaquer, et observations sur 1'Oxide de Fer magnetique dans quelques especes minerales. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 369-380 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. Vin., 1836, pp. 34-43 ; Liebig, Annal. XX., 1836, pp. 228-231. 2. Ueber die Aufschliessung thonerde- haltiger und anderer schwerzersetzbarer Fos- silien. Liebig, Annal. XX., 1836, pp. 207-210. Abich, Hermann. Chemische Untersuchung des Spinells und der Minerale von analoger Zusam- mensetzung. Poggend. Annal. XXIII., 1831, pp. 305-354 ; Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834, pp. 244- 253. 2. Formation de 1'Hydrochlorate d' Ammo - niaque a la suite des eruptions volcaniques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-6, pp. 98-102. 3. Ueber Erhebungs-Kratere und das Band eines innern Zusammenhanges. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1837, pp. 140-144. 4. Beschreibung zweier Apparate zur Bestimmung der Dampfe der Fumarolen und der in Mineralwassern enthaltenen Kohlensaure. Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 167-172 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1837, pp. 438-442 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 58-61. 5. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Feldspaths. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 125-148, 341-362, 519-534. 6. Ueber Erhebungskratere. Berlin, Mo- natsb. Ges. Erdk. II., 1841, pp. 119-123. 7. Ueber die allmalige Abnahme der Kie- selsubstanz und der Schwere der plutonischen Gebirgsarten. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1841, pp. 240-242. 8. Recherches sur les Roches d'origine vol- canique. Annal. des Mines, II., 1842, pp. 579- 612 ; Napoli,-Rendiconto, II., 1843, pp. 457- 477. 9. Mineralanalysen. 1. Albit vom Ural ; 2. Amazonenstein. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. I., 1842, col. 301-302. 10. Undersokning af nagra foreningar som innehalla Jernoxid-oxidul. Stockh., Acad. Handl., 1842, pp. 5-12. 11. Nouveaux sels et analyses nouvelles de mineraux et de roches. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb., 1843, pp. 62-68. 12. Geognostische Reise zum Ararat und Verschiittung des Thales von Arguri, 1840. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. IV., 1847, pp. 28- 62. .Abich, Hermann. 13. Geognostische \Vander- ungen (lurch den Kaukasus und zum Ararat, speciell die geologische Skizze der vulkanischen PlateaufHichen des unteren Kaukasus. Berlin, Mouatsb. Ges. Erdk. IV., 1847, pp. 143-164. 14. Ueber Natronseen auf der Araxes- Ebene, nebst einem Anhange iiber die dortigen Sodapflanzen. [1846.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V.. 1847, col. 116-125. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 1-14. 15. Geologische Skizzen aus Tnmskauka- sien : I. Die vulkanischen Plateauverhliltnisse des Unteren Kaukasus. [1846.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1847, col. 321-343 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. VI., 1848, pp. 139-152. 16. Einige Notizen iiber die Orographie von Daghestan. [1847.] St. Petersb, Bull. Sci. VI., 1848, col. 225-236. 17. Die Besteiguug des Ararat am 29 Juli 1845. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XIIL, 1849, pp. 41- 72. 18. Hohenbestimmungen in Daghestan und einigen transcaucasischen Provinzen. Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 149-158 ; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. I, 1851, pp. 66-73. 19. Ueber die Quellen des brennbaren Gases von Baku und die Niveauveranderungen des Kaspischeri Meeres. Erman, Archiv Russ. VIII., 1850, pp. 72-74. 20. Ueber die Thiitigkeit der meteorolo- gischen Stationen in Georgien. Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 520-548. 21. Ueber die Soda der Araxes-Ebene in Armenien. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VIII., 1850, col. 333-336. 22. Sur le Mont Ararat. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII. 1850-1, pp. 265-271. 23. Analyse der Stufen und Hiittenpro- ducte aus dem Bolniser Districte am Caucasus. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. X., 1851, col. 100-101. 24. Verzeichniss einer Sammlun von Versteinerungen von Daghestan mit Erluuter- ungen.!., 1851, pp. 15-40. 25. The Climatology of the Caucasus. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXI., 1851, pp. 1-12. 26. Notice explicative d'une vue du cone de T Ararat, Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. I., 1851, pp. 515-525. 27. Meteorologische Beobachtungen in Trauskaukasien. [1850.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IX., 1851, col. 1-48. 28. Erliiuteruugen zu einem Profile durch den nordlichen Abhang des Kaukasus vom El- burz bis zum Beschtau. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. L, 1853, pp. 247-254. 29. Notes geologiques sur di verses parties de la Russie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-5, pp. 115-117. ABI] [ABO Abich, Hermann. 30. Ueber einen in der Nilhe von Tula Statt gefundenen Erdfall. [1854.] St. Petersb. BuD. Sci. XIII., 1855, col. 337-356. 31. Etudes des terrains tertiaires du Cau- case et des pays Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 227-231. T 32. Surles derniers tremblements de terre dans la Perse Septentrionale et dans le Caucase, ainsi que sur des eaux et des gaz s'y trouvant en rapport avec ces phenomenes. [1855.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIV., 1856, col. 49-72. 33. Ueber ein Tufgestein in der Thalebene von Dyadin. [1855.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIV., 1856, col. 142-144. 34. Ueber Lichterscheinuna;en auf dem Kraterplateau des Vesuvs im Juli, 1857. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeits. IX., 1857, pp. 387-391. 35. Besuch des Kraterbodens von Strom- boli am 25 Juli 1857. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeits. IX., 1857, pp. 392-406. 36. Sur la Carte Geologique de 1'Europe par DTJMONT, en tant qu'elle regarde le Caucase. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XV. 1857-8, pp. 225- 229 ; Leonhard u. Bronn., N. Jahrb., 1857, pp. 768-774 ; St. Petersb., Bull. Sci. XVI., 1858, col. 235-240. 37. Ueber die Erscheinung brennenden Gases im Krater des Vesuv im Juli 1857, und die periodischen Veranderungen, welche derselbe erleidet. [1857.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XVI., 1858, col. 258-270. 38. Ueber Manganerze in Transkaukasien. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XVI., 1858, col. 305-320. 39. Geologisches aus dem Kaukasus. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeits. XI., 1859, pp. 480 -486. 40. On some points in the history and formation of Etna. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 117-128. 41. Ueber das Steinsalz und seine geolo- gische Stellung im russischen Armenien. [1856.] St. Petersb. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 61-150. 42. Vergleichende Grundziige der Geologie des Kaukasus wie der armenischen und nordper- sischen Gebirge. [1858.] St. Petersb. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 359-534. 43. Beitrage zur Palaontologie des asiati- schen Eusslands. St. Petersb. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 537-577. 44. Ueber einen bei Stawropol gefallenen Meteorstein. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1860, col. 404-422, 433-440. 45. Extrait d'une Lettre a M. FKITZSCHE sur son Voyage au Daghestan. [Geologie du Daghestan.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IL, 1860, col. 443-446. 46. Sur la structure et la geologie du Daghestan. St. Petersb. Mem. IV., 1862. Abich, Rudolph Adam. Beytrag zur Orkyto- graphie von Cornwallis. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1801, pp. 91-94. Abicot, . Notice sur la Zygene balearica, et description de sa chenille. [1847.] Besan^on, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1848, pp. 53-54 ; Paris, Annal. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. 175-176. Abilgaard, P. C. Om Indvolde-Orme. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. I., 1790, pp. 26-64. 2. Amniserkninger [om Meeldroier, Brand hos Kornet, &c.] Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. I., 1790 (hft. 2), pp. 52- 67. 3. Om Cavolina natans, Anomia tridentata Forskalaei. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. I., 1790 (hft. 2), pp. 171-175. 4. Om Drypsteensformige Calcedoner og om nogle nye ubeskrevne norske og grasnlandske Steenarter. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. IL, 1792, pp. 107-132. 5. Om Infusions-Dyrenes Oprindelse og Vandets Forraadnelse. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. HI., 1793, pp. 70-87, 88-90. 6. Beskrivelse over tvende nye Monoculi Z-zVm.,Caligi Mulleri. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1794 (hft. 2), pp. 46-54. 7. Beskrivelse af en nye Igle, Hirudo Stu- rionis. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1794 (hft. 2), pp. 55-56. 8. Beskrivelse afLernzea anomala. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1794 (hft. 2), pp. 57-58. 9. Beskrivelse af en nye Smylte-Orm (Axine Belones). Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1794 (hft. 2), pp. 59-60. 1O. Om Valvata cristata Mulleri. Kiobh., Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1794 (hft. 2), pp. 61-62. 11. Neue Versuche iiber das Athmen und den Nutzen desselben. Nordisches Archiv, L, 1799-1801, pp. 1-13, 205-211. 12. Einige neue Versuche, um die Menge des Kohlenstoffes im Blute zu bestimmen. Nor- disches Archiv,!., 1799-1801, pp. 493-505; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1800, pp. 91-93 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VIII., 1800, pp. 328-322. 13. Om norske TitanertSer og om en nye Stenart fra Gronland, som bestaaer af Fluss- patsyre og Alunjord. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. L, 1800, pp. 305-316. Abini, Jos. Ueber das Gift der Salamandra ma- culata. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. VIII., 1858 (Abh.\ pp. 247-250. [See Albini, Gius.'] Abl, Dr. Ueber den Safran. Lotos. V., 1855, pp. 56-58. Aboville, . Changement propose au thermo- metre de 1'Anglais Six, pour le rendre propre a connaitre la temperature des eaux a de grandes profondeurs. Journ. des Mines, IX., an VII. (1798-9), pp. 75-76. ABO] 8 [ACC Aboville, 2. Observations meteorolo- Abria, giques faites au Senegal. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1841, pp. 38-45. Abraham, . TJeber einige, durch die Wir- kung des Magnetismus erzeugte Erscheinungen. (Transl.) Poggend. Annul. I., 1824, pp. 357- 358. Abraham, J. H. New phenomena caused by the effect of Magnetic and Electric Influence, and suggestions for ascertaining the extent of the Terrestrial Magnetic Atmosphere. Phil. Mag. L, 1827, pp. 266-271. Abraham, Robert. Description of an Acepha- lous Foetus. Med. and Phys. Jourii. LVIL, 1827, pp. 135-136. Abreu, . Recherche des principaux Poisons metalliques. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 241-244. Abria, . Sur la diffraction de la Lumiere. Liouv. Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 248-260. 2. Memoire sur quelques phenomenes me- 12. Rapport sur divers perfec- caniques qui accompagnent les decharges elec- triques. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1840, pp. 186-199 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, p. 166 ; Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 589- 561. 3. Recherches sur 1'Aimantation par les courants. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1841, pp. 385- 439. 4. Recherches sur les lois de 1'induction des courants par les courants. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 5-65; VIL, pp. 462-488; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 890-891 ; XIIL, pp. 426-431 ; Archives de 1'Electr. L, 1841, pp. 266-267. 5. Sur quelques proprietes physiologiques des courants d'Inductiou. Bordeaux, Actes, 1842, pp. 139-150. 6. Note sur 1'emploi du Prisme bi-refrin- gent pour la mesure de 1'intensite de Peclairage au gaz. Bordeaux, Actes, 1843, pp. 353-356. 1 ' 7. Recherches galvanometriques sur les lois de 1'Induction des courants par les courants. Bordeaux, Actes, 1844, pp. 1-11. 8. Note sur la Chaleur degagee dans 1'hy- dratation de Facide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, XIL, 1844, pp. 167-176. 9. Sur 1'emploi des Combustibles pour les chauffages intermittents. Bordeaux, Actes, 1845, pp. 25-36. 1O. Note sur la Chaleur degagee dans la com- , binaison de 1'hydrogene et du phosphore par le chlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 372-373. 11. Sur la declinaison, 1'inclinaison et 1'in- tensite magnetiques a Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Actes, 1848, pp. 37-44. tionnements apportes aux Compteurs a Gaz. Bordeaux, Actes, 1850, pp. 509-520. 13. Recherches sur les lois du Magne- tisme de Rotation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 200-204 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 172-204. 14. Vitesse de la Lumiere dans les differents milieux. Moigno, Cosmos, XVII., 1860, pp. 261-262. 15. Sur 1'Induction electrique dans les plaques epaisses. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIIL, 1861, pp. 486-489 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1862, pp. 257-816. 16. Sur les lois de 1'Induction electrique dans les masses epaisses. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 964-966. 17. Demonstration de plusieurs formules de GAUSS relatives a 1'action mutuelle de deux Aimants. Bordeaux, Soc. Sci. Mem. II., 1861-3, pp. 58-72. Abric, . Note statistique sur le bassin houiller d'Alais et les concessions de la Com- pagnie de la Grand'Combe. Gard, Mem. Acad., 1833. pp. 123-153. Abrjuzkji, . Geognostische Bermerkungen auf einem Wege vom Schwarzen Meere durch die Zebelda zur Kaukasischen Linie. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIL, 1853, pp. 406-428 ; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XIL, 1853, col. 469-472, 489-498. 2. Ausbruch des Schlamm-Vulkans auf der Tamanschen Halbinsel im August 1853. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIV., 1855, pp. 68-71 ; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XIV., 1855, pp. 77-78. Abt, . Ueber die Anwendung der Stein- kohlen bei der Darstellung des Stabeisens. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, III., 1820, pp. 107-134. Acaua, . Vide Silva Acaua. Accarie, V. Examen chimique de la tige du Ble de Turquie (Zea-mays, Linn."). Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1806, pp. 61-66. 2. Sur I'Opium du commerce ; et surcelui extrait du Papaver somniferum de LINNAEUS. Anual. de Chimie, LXIV., 1807, pp. 237-251. - 1 3. Nouveau precede economique pour ob- tenir 1'Ether acetique. Bull, de Pharm. L, 1809, pp. 212-215. Accioli de Cerqueira e Silva, Ignacio. Dis- serta9ao historica, ethnographica, e politica sobre quaes eram as tribus aborigenes que habitavam a Provincia da Bahia, as tempo em que o Brazil foi conquistado. Rio de Janeiro, Revista, V., 1849, pp. 143-257. Accum, Frederick. On the light emitted by supersaturated Borate of Soda or common Borax. Nicholson, Journ. IL, 1799, p. 28. ACC] Accum, Frederick. 2. On the separation of argillaceous Earth from Magnesia. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 83-84. 3. On the antiquity of the art of Etching on Glass. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 1-4. 4. Account of the methods by which Soda is at present prepared for the English market, with other . observations. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 241-244. 5. Experiments and observations on the 9 compound of Sulphur and Phosphorus, and the dangerous explosions it makes when exposed to heat. Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 1-7. 6. Analysis of the Egyptian Heliotropium, a mineral lately imported from that country. Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 65-68. 7. Examination of the so-called Salt of Bitumen, the Bit-Nobin of the Hindoos. Ni- cholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 251-255. 8. Examination of a Stone containing Potash. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804 pp 127-131. 9. Process for separating Alumine from Alum. Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 260-261. 1O. Description of a chemical'Lamp, with double concentric wicks. Nicholson, Journ VIII., 1804, pp. 266-269. 11. Analysis of the lately discovered Mine- ral Waters at Cheltenham, and also of other medicinal springs in its neighbourhood. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1808, pp. 14-28, 81- 93, 208-213 ; XXXII., 57-62. 12. On the instantaneous production of Fire by the mere Compression of atmospheric Air. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1808, pp. 130-133. 13. Analysis of the Carbonated Chalybeate Well lately discovered at Middleton Hall, near Llanarthney in Carmarthenshire. Tilloch, Phil Mag. XXXV., 1810, pp. 179-180. 14. Description of a hydro-pneumatic *J *-** v J-'Ai^ W-tJJCAHjJH_, Table for collecting and transferring Gases, and for experimenting on permanently elastic Fluids Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1810, pp. 247-251. 15. Preparation of the lately discovered new substance called lode. Tilloch, Phil Mao- XLIIL, 1814, pp. 57-58. 16. Further observations concerning the production of the singular substance calledIode or Iodine. Tilloch, Phil. Mag, XLIH 1814 pp. 141-146, 210-211; Schweigger, Journ. XI.! 1814, pp. 237-248 ; Gilbert, Annal. XL VI. 1814, pp. 426-429. 17. On the method of illuminating the streets by Coal Gas. Thomson, Ann. Phil VL, 1815, pp. 16-19. [ACH Accum, Frederick. 18. Analysis of the Chaly- beate Spring at Thetford. Tilloch, Phil. Mao- LIIL, 1819, pp. 359-365. Accurti, Giuseppe. Cenno sulle alghe di Capo d' Istria. Capo d' Istria, Programma, I., 1858. Acerbi, Giuseppe. Sull' apparizione della Cometa d' ENKE e sui calcoli relativi agli elementi della sua orbita. Bibl. Ital. XXXVIIL, 1825, pp. 420-428. 2. Effetti prodotti clal fulmine nella torre della lanterna di Geneva. Bibl. Ital. XLV 1827, pp. 136-139. 3. Intorno ad una specie di Procellaria osservata nelP Ellesponto, nella Propoutide, e nel Bosforo Tracio. Bibl. Ital. XL VII., 1827 pp. 294-298. 4. Sulla Giraffa offerta in dono dal Vicere d' Egitto a S.M.I.A. Bibl. Ital. L., 1828 pp 273-280. 5. Notizia di alcuni doni fatti dal Vicere d' Egitto al Museo di Storia Naturale. Bibl Ital. LXIX., 1831, pp. 38-44. 6. Tentative di una educazione autunnale di Bachi da Seta con semente ordinaria conservata in ghiacciaja. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II 1842, pp. 30-43. Achard, F. C. Precede d'extraction du sucre de bette. Annal. de Chimie, XXXH., 1799, pp. 163- 168 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 291- 292 ; XXIIL, 14-15 ; Nicholson, Journ. ILL, 1800, pp. 237-243, 288-292; IV., 28-30; XIL, 259-261. 2. Sur la culture de la Bette destinee a la fabrication du sucre. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1799, pp. 67-73. Achard, J. Notice sur la Sangsue officinale, sa re- production aux Antilles, etc. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 296-304; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 182-188 (St. 2). Acharius, Erik. Usneas generis novre species. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. VII. (1795),' pp. 188-194. 2. Nya och mindre kanda Svanska Laf- arter. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXIL, 1801, pp. 157-168, 339-350 ; Weber, Archiv, L, 1804, pp. 81-110. = 3. Jungermannia violacea, eine neue Art aus Dusky Bay. Weber, Archiv, L, 1805 (St. 2), pp. 76-78. 4. Arthonia, novuru genus Lichenum. Schrader, Neues Journ. Bot. L, 1806 (hft. 3), pp. 1-23 ; II., 1807 (hft. 2), pp. 302-304. > 5. Fortekning pa de i Sverige vaxande arter af Lafvarnas familij. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 125-132, 228-237, 259-283 ; XXX., 97-100, 145-169 ; XXXL, 66-75, 137-159, 209-234, 288-309; XXXIL, 102-108. ACH] 10 [ACT Acharius, JErik. 6. Besynnerligt Meteor-phe- nomen. Stockh. Acacl. Handl. XXIX., 1808, pp. 215-218; Gilbert, Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 235-239, 342-343. 7. Ophioglossum microstichum, en ny Svensk waxt. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXX., 1809, pp. 59-66. 8. Beskrifning pa ett ofullkoraligt danadt foster. Stockh. Acad. Haiidl. XXX., 1809, pp. 222-227. 9. Parmelia pannosa und Parmelia aspra- tilis. Weber, Archiv, II., 1810, pp. 147-160. 1O. Echinella, novum Algae genus. Weber, Archiv, II., 1810, pp. 340-342. . 11. Anmarkningar vid lafslagtet Thelo- trema, aied nogare bestammande af dess arter. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXIIL, 1812, pp. 79- 95. 12. Rosa senticosa, ny Srensk tornbuske. Stockb. Acad. Handl. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 91- 96. 13. Monographic der Lichen-Gattung Py- renula ; mit Abbildungen allerbisher bekannten Arten. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 3-25. 14. Utkast till historien om Tradslinge- slagtet (Rhizomorpha), med beskrifning pa nya besynnerligen Svenska arter af det samma. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXV., 1814, pp. 201- 236. 15. Afhandling om de Cryptogamiske vexter som komma under namn af Calicioidea. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXVL, 1815, pp. 246- 271 ; XXXVII., 106-125, 260-291 ; XXXVIH., 220-244. 16. Trypethelium, genus Lichenum, mono- graphice descriptum, adjectis Iconibus omnium hactenus detectarum specierum. Moscou, Mem. Soc. Nat. V., 1817, pp. 162-173. 17. Species novas e Trypethelii genere. Moscou, Mem. Soc. Nat. V., 1817, pp. 174-178. . 18. Glyphis and Chiodecton, two new genera of the family of Lichenes, with de- pcriptions of the British species. [1815.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 35-47 ; Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 30-35. Achenbach, Ad. Geognostische Beschreibung der Hohenzollern-schen Lande. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeits. VEIL, 1856, pp. 331-482. Ackennann, . Einige Bemerkungen iiber Metastase. Pfaff, Mittheil. 1837, pp. 89-116. 2. Note sur le Coua (Famac-acora des Malgaches). Rev. Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 209-210. 3. Considerations anatomico-physiologiques sur le Coipo du Chili. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1236-1239. 4. Note sur le Berosus salmuriensis. An- gers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1853, pp. 197-198. Ackermann et Courtiller. Libellulidees obser- vees dans les environs de Saumur. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1853, p. 196. Ackermann, Th. Untersuchun gen iiber den Ein- fluss der Erstickung auf die Menge des Blutes im Gehirn und in den Lungen. Virchow, Archiv, XV., 1858, pp. 401-464. Ackner, M. J. Beitrag zur Geognosie und Petre- faktenkunde des siidb'stlichen Siebenbiirgens, vorziiglich der Schichten aus dem Bereich des Hermannstadter Bassins. I" 1851.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nov. Act. XXIV., 1854, pp. 897-936. Acland, H. W. Daily curves of atmospheric pressure and temperature. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. No. XXXHL, 1855, pp. 75-78. Acland, T. D. On a remarkable movement of the Sulden Glacier under the side of the Ortler Berg, in the years 1815-16, and also in 1845-46. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 60-61. Acoluth, . Verbesserte Bereitungsart des Kupfer - ammoniaks. Trommsdorff. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1799, (St. 2), pp. 75-77. Acosta, F. (T. Lettre sur le Tremblement de Terre de la Colombie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IX., 1828, pp. 200-203. 2. Observations udometriques recueillies sur divers points de la Nouvelle Grenade. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1849, pp. 279-284. 3. Ausbruch des Vulcans Zamba an der Miindung des Magdalenenstroms. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XI., 1849, col. 343-344. Acosta, Joaquin. Relation de 1'eruption boueuse sortie du volcan de Ruiz et de la catastrophe de Lagunilla, dans la republique de la Nouvelle- Grenade. Revue Scientifique, IX., 1846, p. 187. 2. Sur les montagnes du Ruiz et de Tolima (Nouvelle-Grenade), et les eruptions boueuses de la Magdalena. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. VIII., 1850-1, pp. 489-496. 3. Sur la geologie de la Sierra Tairona. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. IX., 1851-2, pp. 396- 399. Acqua, Ant. dall', e Fr. Cataneo. Intorno al fenomeno della visione. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXXIL, 1834, pp. 227-249. Acqua, Paolo delV. Se i raggi luminosi che attru- versanol'occhioriescano alia retina incrociati o no. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXIX., 1834, pp. 524-552. Acrel, J. G. Historia vermium larvarum nee non insectorum, variorum generum, per bien- nium intra corpus humanum hospitantium ; una cum variis experimentis ea expellendi. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. VI., 1799, pp. 98-116. Actis, FAbbe. Observations sur 1'echo ou porte- voix de 1'eglise de Girgenti. Turin, Mem. IV., 1788-9, pp. 43-52: Acton, J. An examination of a stone of the Calcareous Species called "Thunder Pick." Nicholson, Journ. XXL, 1808, pp. 300-305. ACT] Acton, J. 2. On respiration. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 130-146; XXV., 88-92. 3. On the germination of seeds. Nicholson, Journ. XXIII., 1809, pp. 214-231. 4. On vegetation in artificial media. Tilloch, 11 [ADA Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 121-122. Acton, /., and Capel Lofft. On the probability of Meteorolites being projected from the Moon, with Galvanic and Electric Experiments *by Mr. Acton. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 109-114. Acton, Wilhelm. Conchyliologische Untersuch- ungen. Malakozool. Blatt. III., 1856, pp. 194- 197. Acton, William. An account of a case of partial double Monstrosity (Ischiopage symelien of Geoffroy St. Hilaire), (Heteradelphia of Vrolik). Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIX., 1846, pp. 103- 106. Adam, . Von der Destillirgerathschaft. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXI., 1812, pp. 155-181. Adam, Notice sur la racine de Guimauve du Commerce. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 583-586. Adam, A. Mercer. Contributions to Teratology. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XVIII., 1854, pp. 241-248, 399-405 ; XIX., 515-524. Adam, J.,jun. Case illustrating the effects of a Vegetable Poison. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. XXXIL, 1814, pp. 364-370. Adam, John. On the Geology of the banks of the Ganges, from Calcutta to Cawnpore. [1819.1 Trans. Geol. Soc. V., 1821, pp. 346-352. 2. Geological notices and miscellaneous remarks relative to the district between the Jumna and Nerbuddah ; with an Appendix, containing an account of the rocks found in the Baitool Valley in Berar, and on the Hills of the Gundwana Range ; together with remarks made on a march from Hussingabad to Sangar, and from thence to the Ganges. [1822.] Edinb. Mem. Werner. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 24-57. 3. Notice of Oil found in Human Blood. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. I., 1825, pp. 74-76 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 373-377 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 310-311. 4. A description of the Ciconia Argala or Adjutant Bird of Bengal. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. I., 1825, pp. 240-248 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1826, p. 327 ; Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1826, col. 307 ; Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 685. 5. Some remarks on the Mantis tribe of Insects. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 284- 286 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1829, col. 183- - 184. . Adam, Jo/in. 6. Account of Barren Island, in the Bay of Bengal. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 128-130. 7. Memoranda on the Geology of Bundel- cund and Jubbulpore. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XL, 1842, pp. 392-410. Adam, John. Table of the Specific Gravities of some Crystallized Salts. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. L, 1841-44, pp. 199-200. Adam, Jo. Frid. Decades quinque novarum spe- cierum plantarum Caucasi et Iberiae, quas in itinere comitis Mussin Puschkin observavit. Weber, Archiv, I., 1805 (St. 2), pp. 41-75. Adam, Matthew. Description of an in verting Sex- tant Telescope, with nautical eye-tube for taking Altitudes at Sea when the horizon is invisible. Ediiib. Journ. Sci. IV ., 1826, pp. 95-99. 2. Description of a simple, accurate, and cheap Rain Gauge, calculated to show the depth of rain falling around it to the ten- thousandth part of an inch. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 53-o8 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 281-289. Adam, Walter. On some symmetrical relations of the Bones of the Megatherium. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 436-440. 2. Notice on the Osteology of the Hippo- potamus. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 361-363 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIIL, 1833, col. 340-342. 3. On the Osteological Symmetry of the Camel (Camelus Bactrianus of Aristotle, Linnasus, and Cuvier). [1830.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVL, 1833, pp. 525-587. 4. On the comparative Osteological Forms in the adult European Male and Female of the Human Species. Roy. Soc. Proc. LU., 1833, p. 207, 294. 5. On the Osteological Relations observable among a few species of the Bovine Family. [1854.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 237 -242. Adamowicz, A. F. Note pour servir a Phistoire de la botanique en Lithuanie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIIL, 1861, pp. 697-699. Adams, . On the digestion of the Stomach after death. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. XXHL, 1810, pp. 399-413. Adams, Andrew Leith. Notes on the habits, &c. of a few animals of various parts of Hindustan and the Western Himalayan Mountains. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIIL, 1858, pp. 253-263. 2. Notes on the habits, haunts, &c. of some of the Birds of India. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVI., 1858, pp. 466-512. B2 ADA] 12 [ADA Adams, Andrew Leith. 3. Remarks on the habits and haunts of some of the Mammalia found in various parts of India and the Western Himalayan Mountains. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVL, 1858, pp. 512-531. 4. On the Birds of Cashmere and Ladakh. Zool. Soc. XXVII., 1859, pp. 169-190. 5. Rambles of a Naturalist in India and the "Western Himalayan Mountains. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVI., 1862, pp. 87-108. 6. Observations on the fossiliferous caves of Malta. Roy. Dublin Soc. Journ. IV., 1863, pp. 11-19. 7. Notes on the mummied bodies of the Ibis and other birds found in Egypt. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1864, pp. 173-182. Adams, Arthur. On the variation of Colour in Wild Plants. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 325-329. Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1840, col. 164-168. 2. Notes on the habits of certain exotic Spiders. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 289- 297. 3. Notes on certain Molluscous animals. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XV., 1847, pp. 19-24. i, 4. Description of a new species of Fulgora. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XV., 1847, pp. 83-84. 5. Monograph of the recent species of Trigonia, including the description of a new species from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVII., 1849, pp. 159-160; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 148-149. 6. On the animal of Geomelania. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIL, 1849, p. 169. 7. Descriptions of new species of Shells from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVn., 1849, pp. 169-170. 8. Monograph of the species of Myo- chama, including the descriptions of two new species from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 22-23. 9. Description of new species of the genus Cumingia, with some additional generic characters. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 24-25. 1O. An Arrangement of Stomatellidas, in- cluding the characters of a new genus, and of several new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 29-40. 11. Monograph of the genus Anatellina. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 40-41. . 12. Monographs of Cyclostrema, Marryat, and Separatista, Gray ; two genera of Gastero- podous mollusks. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 41-45. 13. On the animal of Liotia, with descrip- tions of new species of Delphinula and Liotia, from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 50-52. Adams, Arthur. 14. Monograph of Sphaenia, a ffenus of lamelli branchiate Mollusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 86-89. 15. A monograph of Scarabus, a genus of air-breathing Gasteropodous Mollusca ; from specimens in the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 147-152. 16. A monograph of Phos, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 152-155. 17. A monograph of Macrochisma, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidae. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 202-203; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1851, pp. 350-351. 18. A monograph of Modulus, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca, of the family Littori- nidse. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 203-204. 19. A monograph of Cyllene, a. genus of Gapteropodous Mollusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 204-206. 20. A Catalogue of the species of Emar- ginula, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidaj, in the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 82-92. 21. Catalogue of the species of Nassa, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Buccinidae, in the Collection of Mr. Cuming, with the descriptions of the new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 94-114. 22. Descriptions of fifty-two new species of the genus Mitra, from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt, XIX., 1851, pp. 132-141. 23. Contributions towards a monograph of the Trochidas, a family of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Zool Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 150-192. 24. A monograph of Scutus, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidna. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 221-222. 25. A monograph of the genus Mono- ptygma of Lea. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 222-224. 26. Descriptions of new shells from the Collection of Mr. Cuming ; with a note of the genus Nematura. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 224-225. 27. A monograph of the recent species of Rimula, a genus of Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidae. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 226-227. 28. A monograph of Puncturella, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidaa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 227-228. ADA] 13 [ADA Adams, Arthur. 29. Descriptions of sixteen new species of Rissoina, a genus of marine Gasteropodous Mollusks from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 264-267. 3O. Descriptions of several new species of Murex, Rissoina, Planaxis, and Eulima, from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 267-272. 31. Descriptions of new species of Eulima, Triphoris, &c., from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 276-279. 32. Descriptions of new species of Semele, Rhizochilus, Plotia, and Tiara, in the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXI., 1851, pp. 94-99. 33. Descriptions of new species of the genus Conus, from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1851, pp. 116-119. 34. Description of a new species of Mac- gillivrayia. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, p. 242. 35. Descriptions of new Shells from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XX., 1852, pp. 90-92 ; XXI., 69-74, 173-176. 36. Descriptions of a new genus and of several new species of Mollusca, from the Col- lection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XX., 1852, pp. 92-95. 37. A monograph of Pyramidella, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Pyramidellidge. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXI., 1853, pp. 176-178. 38. Contributions towards a monograph of the genus Chemnitzia. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 178-182. 39. Descriptions of new genera and species of Gasteropodous Moilusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 182-186. 40. A Monograph of Fossar, a genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 186-187. 41. A monograph of Umbonium (Rotella), a genus of Trochidaa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 187-189. 42. A monograph of Isander, a new genus of Trochidoe, allied to Umbonium. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 189-190. 43. Further contributions towards the natural history of the Trochidas, with the de- scription of a new genus and of several new species from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXTL, 1854, pp. 37-41. 44. Description of a new genus and of several new species of Gasteropodous Mollusca, from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 41-42. Adams, Arthur. 45. Monographs of Action and Solidula, two genera of Gasteropodous Mol- lusca, with descriptions of several new species from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 58-62. 46. A monograph of Cerithidea, a genus of Mollusca, with descriptions of several new species from the Cumingian Collection ; to which are added Descriptions of tAvo new Species of Colina, and one of Donax. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 83-87. 47. Descriptions of some new species of Lophocercida? and Philinidze, from the Cum- ingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXII., 1854, pp. 94-95. 48. Descriptions of thirty -nine new species of Shells, from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 130-138. 49. Descriptions of twenty-seven new spe- cies of Shells, from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 311-317. 50. Descriptions of two new genera and of several new species of Mollusca, from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIIL, 1855, pp. 119-124. 51. Descriptions of twenty-five new species of Shells, from the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIIL, 1855, pp. 221-226. 52. Description of two new species of Shells discovered by R. MacAndrew on the coast of Norway. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIV., 1856, pp. 1-2. 53. Descriptions of thirty-four new species of Bivalve Mollusca (Leda, Nucula, and Pythina), from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIV., 1856, pp. 47-53. 54. Description of a new species of Tri- chotropis, from the Cumingian Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIV., 1856, p. 369. 55. On a new species of Macgillivrayia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 373-374. - 56. Descriptions of two new species of Heteropodous Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 461-463. 57. Notice of the animal of Turbo Sar- maticus and other Mollusca from the Cape. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 41-42. 58. Notice of two new species of Brownia, a genus of oceanic Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 28-29. 59. Notice of three new species of Sinusi- gera, a genus of Brachiocephalous Mollusks. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 125-126. 60. On the synonyms and habitats of Cavolina, Diacria, and Pleuropus. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 44-46. 61. Notes on the Scaly Ant Eater (Mania Javanica), taken during life and after death. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt, XXVII., 1859, pp. 133-135. ADA] [ADA Adams, Arthur. 62. Description of a new conchiferous Mollusc of the genus Pandora. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, p. 487^ 63. On some new genera and species of Mollusca from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 299-303, 331-337, 405-422. 64. Mollusca Japonica : new species of Chrysallida and Parthenia. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 477-479. 65. Mollusca Japonica : new species of Odostomia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 20-22. 66. Notes on the animals of certain genera of Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 109-113. 67. Mollusca Japonica : new species of Aclis, Ebala, Dunkeria, &c. Ann. Nat. Hist. VL, 1860, pp. 118-121. 68. On the animal of Umbonium ves- tiarium. Ann. Nat. Hist. VL, 1860, pp. 288-289. 69. Note on the Fox of Japan. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIII., 1860, p. 195. 7O. On some additional new species of Py- ramidellidaa from the islands of Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 41-47. 71. On some new species of Eulima, Leios- traca, and Cerithiopsis from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 125-131. 72. On the animal of Alycaeus and some other cyclophoroid genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 196-197. 73. On a new genus and some new species of Pyramidellid* from the north of China. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 295-299. 74. Notice of a new species of Damaster from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, p. 59. 75. On some new species of Mollusca from the north of China and Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 135-142, 239-246, 299- 309. 76. On a supposed new genus, and on some new species of pelagic Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1861, pp. 401-404. 77. On the Scalidae or " Wentletraps " of the Sea of Japan ; with descriptions of some new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1861, pp. 479-484. 78. Notes on certain Crustacea observed abroad. Newman, Zoologist, XIX., 1861, pp. 7319-7322. 79. On the habits of a Chinese Myriapod. Newman, Zoologist, XIX., 1861, pp. 7660-7662. 8O. On some new species of Cylichnidaa, Bullidae, and Philinidaa, from the seas of China and Japan. Ann. Nat, Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 150- 161. 81. On some new species of Acephalous Mollusca from the Sea of Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 223-230. Adams, Arthur. 82. On some new species of Mollusca from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 295-298. 83. Note on the Molluscan Fauna of Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 298-299. 84. On the animal and affinities of the genus Alaba, with a review of the known species, and descriptions of some new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 293-299. 85. On some new species of Scissurellidge from the seas of China and Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 346-348. 86. On the animal and float of lanthina. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 417-420. 87. On the animal and affinities of Scaliola, a genus of Mollusca from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 420-421. 88. Among the Ainos. Newman, Zoolo- gist, XX., 1862, pp. 8230-8233. 89. On the species of ObelisciniB found in Japan. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 231-238. 90. On the species of Muricinae found in Japan. Zool. Soc.Proc. 1862, pp. 370-376. 91. On the genera and species of recent Brachiopods found in the seas of Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 98-101. 92. On the Japanese species of Sipho- nalia, a proposed new genus of Gasteropodous Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 202- 206. 93. On some new genera and species of Umboniidae from the seas of Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 264-268. 94. On Microstelma and Onoba, two forms of Eissoid Gasteropods, with notices of new species of the latter from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 347-349. 95. On the structure of the valves of Pleurosigma and other Diatoms. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 350-351. 96. On a new genus of terrestrial Mollusks from Japan. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 424-425. 97. On the genera and species of Liotiinse found in Japan. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 71- 76. 98. On the genera and species of Fossaridse found in Japan. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 110- 113. 99. Description of a new genus and of twelve new species of Mollusca (Eutrochus). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 506-509. 10O. On the species of Pyramidellinas found in Japan. [1862.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VIL, 1864 (Zool.}, pp. 1-6. 301. On the Japanese species of Leio- straca. Linn. Soc. Journ. VIL, 1864 (Zool.), pp. 84-96. ADA] 15 [ADA Adams, Arthur. 102. On the species of Fusidae, which inhabit the seas of Japan. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1864 (Zool.\ pp. 105-108. Adams, Arthur, and Henry Adams. On two new genera of Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 63-64. 2. On a new genus of Chitonidas. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, p. 355. 3. On a new arrangement of British Rissole. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 358-359. 4. Monograph of Plecotrema, a new genus of Gasteropoclous Mollusks belonging to the family Auriculidce, from specimens in the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 120-122. 5. Description of a new genus of bivalve Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, p. 418. 6. Monographs of Ellobium and Melampus, two genera of Pulmoniferous Mol- lusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXII., 1854, pp. 7-13. 7. Contributions towards the natural history of the Auriculidge, a family of Pulmoni- ferous Mollusca, Avith descriptions of many new species from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXII., 1854, pp. 30-37. 8. Descriptions of Five new genera of Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 18-20. 9. Descriptions of new species of shells, chiefly from the Cumingian collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 428-435. Adams, Arthur, and George French Angas. Descriptions of new species of fresh-water shells collected during Stuart's Overland Journey from Adelaide to the north-west coast of Australia. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 414-418. 2. Descriptions of new species of shells from, the Australian Seas, in the collec- tion of George French Angas. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 418-428. Adams, Arthur, and Wm. B. Baikie. A sys- tematic list of Coleoptera found in the vicinity of Alverstoke, South Hants. Newman, Zoologist, XIV., 1856, pp. 5296-5302 ; XV., 5438-5447, 5546-5555, 5815-5823, 5843-5850 ; XVI., 5966-5972. Adams, Arthur, and Lovell Reeve. Description of a new genus of Acephalous Mollusca, of the family Pectinacea, collected by Capt. Sir E. Belcher during the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVI., 1848, pp. 133-134. Adams, Benjamin. Account of a great and ex- traordinary cave in Indiana. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 29-32. Adams, (7. B. Observations on some species of the marine Shells of Massachusetts, with de- scriptions of five new species. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1838-9, pp. 262-288. Adams, C. B. 2. Descriptions of eleven new species of New England shells. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840-1, pp. 318-331. 3. Descriptions of Tillina tenta, Say, and of Helix serpuloides, Montagu, with remarks on other marine shells of Massachusetts. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840-1, pp. 332-337. 4. Catalogue of the Mollusca of Mi ddlebury Vt. and vicinity, with observations. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 266-277. 5. Description of a new species of Thracia. Silliman, Journ. XLIH., 1842, p. 145. 6. Specierum novarum Conchyliorum, in Jamaica repertorum, synopsis. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-8, pp. 1-17. 7. Notice of a small Ornithichnite. Silli- man, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 215-216. 8. Notice of an example of apparent Drift Furrows dependent on Structure. Silliman, Journ. IH., 1847, pp. 433-434. 9. On the Taconic Rocks. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 108-110. 1O. Notice of a fractured and repaired Argonauta Argo. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848 pp. 137-138 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 217-218. 11. Description of a species of Haliotis, supposed to be new. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 138-139 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. H. 1848, p. 221. - 12. Remarks on the distribution of the testaceous Mollusca of Jamaica. Amer. Assoc. Proc., 1849, pp. 147-148. 13. On the nature and origin of the species of terrestrial Mollusca in the island of Jamaica. Amer. Assoc. Proc., 1850, pp. 29-32. 14. Suggestions on changes of level in North America during the Drift period. Amer. Assoc. Proc., 1850, pp. 60-64. 15. On the value of the shells of Mollusca for the purpose of distinguishing species and higher groups. Amer. Assoc. Proc., J850, pp. 180-188 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 259-267. 16. Contributions to Conchology, Nos. 1-4, and Monograph of Stoastoma, a new genus of new operculated land shells. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 133-137; Paris, Journ. Conchyl. I., 1850, pp. 179-181. 17. Descriptions of new species of Partula and Achatinella. [1850.] New York Lye. An- nal. V., 1852, pp. 41-44. 18. Descriptions of new species and varie- ties of shells which inhabit Jamaica. [1850.] New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 45-56. 19. Descriptions of new species and varie- ties of the Land Shells of Jamaica, with notes on some previously described species. [1851.] New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 77-98. ADA] 16 [ADA Adams, C. B. 20. Descriptions of new fresh- water Shells which inhabit Jamaica. [1851.] New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 98-99. 21. Catalogue of the Land Shells which inhabit Jamaica, [1851.] New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 103-111. 22. Catalogue of Shells collected at Pana- ma. New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 229- 548. Adams, C. B., and Edward Chitty. Remarks on the habitats of certain species of Land Shells. [1851.] New York Lye. Annal. V., 1852, pp. 100-101. Adams, C. B., and J. W. Mighels. Descrip- tions of twenty-five new species of New England shells. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-4, pp. 48-51. 2. Descriptions of twenty-four species of the Shells of New England. [1841.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV. (1843-4), pp. 37-53. Adams, C. G. A case of organic disease of the Uterus, and a case of imperforated Hymen. New England Journ. Med. XIII., 1824, pp. 49-51. Adams, Carl. Zur Theorie der Kegelschnitte. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 323-326. 2. Lemmes sur les cercles inscrits a un triangle, et solution algebrique du probleme de MALFATTI. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 62-63. Adams, E. Divisibility of matter. Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, pp. 163-165. Adams, Henry. Descriptions of a new genus of fresh-water bivalve Mollusca, belonging to the family Corbulidsc, from the collection of Hugh Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 203. 2. Description of a new genus and species of Mollusk. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 241-243. 3. On two new genera of Acephalous Mol- lusks. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIIL, 1860, p. 369 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII. 1861, p. 142. 4. Description of a new genus and species of Mollusk. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 450-451. 5. Descriptions of a new genus and some new species of Shells from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIX.. 1861, pp. 143-145. 6. Description of a new genus of Shells from the Collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIX., 1861, pp. 272-273. 7. Descriptions of some new genera and Adams, Henry, and Arthur Adams. 2. On a new genus of Chitonidce. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, p. 355. 3. On a new arrangement of British Rissote. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 358-35i>. 4. Monograph of Plecotrema, a new species of Shells from the Collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIX., 1861, pp. 383-385. Adams, Henry, and Arthur Adams. On two new genera of Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 63-64. genus of Gasteropodous Mollusks belonging to the family Auriculidoe, from specimens in the Collection of Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXL, 1853, pp. 120-122. 5. Description of a new genus of bivalve Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, p. 418. 6. Monographs of Ellobium and Melampus, two genera of Pulmoniferous Mol- lusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 7-13. 7. Contributions towards the natural history of the Auriculidre. a family of Pulmo- niferous Mollusca, with descriptions of many new species from the Collection of H. Cuming. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIL, 1854, pp. 30-37. 8. Descriptions of Five new genera of Mollusca. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 18-20. 9. Descriptions of new species of shells, chiefly from the Cumingian collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 428-435. Adams, Horatio. On the action of water on lead pipes, and the diseases proceeding from it. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. V., 1852, pp. 163- 236. Adams, Rev. J. Remarks on the theory of the construction of the Thermometer. Sillimau, Journ. VHL, 1824, pp. 121-131. 2. Phenomena of moving Rocks. Silli- man, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 136-144; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 360-362. Adams, James. Determination of the thickness of wall necessary to support a given arch. Thom- son, Aunal. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 448-450. 2. Table of differential equations. Thom- son, Annal. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 116-117. 3. Explanation of the characteristics d and . Thomson, Annal. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 336-340. 4. Demonstration of a mathematical theo- rem. Thomson, Annal. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 430- 432. 5. Lemmas and Propositions. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 36-38. 6. A solution of the equation A" (<$> #) = / x a Function of x, and e a number whose Naperian Logarithm is Unity. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XI., 1818, p. 275. 7. On LACROIX'S differential and integral Calculus. Thomson, Aniial. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 204-209. ADA] 17 [ADA Adams, James. 8. Mathematical Problems. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XIIL, 1819, pp. 188- 193. 9. Approximate values of the radii of curvature, &c, of the elliptic arcs of an oblate Spheroid. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 116-125. 1O. Demonstration of Dr.TAYLOR's theorem, with examples. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 99-107. 11. Demonstrations of theorems for finding the sums of Sines. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 335-338. 12. On the direct method of finite dif- ferences. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 281-288. 13. Mathematical Problem. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 418-421. 14. On a method of applying MACLAURIN'S theorem. Thomson, Annal. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 98-107. 15. On the expansion of the functions f (*)> f ( x > y\ f ( x > % z \ & c< Thomson, Annal. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 359-362. 16. On the finite values of circulating decimals. Thomson, Annal. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 16-18. 17. On the. perpetual renewal of Leases. Thomson, Annal. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 307-308. 18. Rules and examples for the perpetual renewal of leases. Thomson, Annal. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 12-15. 19. A demonstration of a proposition from SIMSON'S Euclid, p. 301. Thomson, Annal. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 105-106. 2O. On right-angled spherical triangles. Thomson, Annal. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 422-425. 21. On finding the sines of the sum and difference of two Arcs. Thomson, Annal. Phil. TV., 1822, pp. 21-23. 22. On logarithmic and circular Series. Thomson, Annal. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 261-263. 23. On compound interest. Thomson, Annal. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 450-456. Adams, James M. Cases of poisoning with Arsenic. Northern Journ. Med. III., 1845, pp. 262-268. Adams, John. The specific characters of some minute Shells discovered on the coast of Pem- brokeshire ; with an account of a new marine animal. [1795.] Linn. Soc. Trans. III., 1797, pp. 64-69. 2. Descriptions of Actinia crassicornis and some British Shells. [1796.] Linn. Soc. Trans. III., 1797, pp. 252-254. 3. Descriptions of some minute British SheUs. [1798.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 1-6. Adams, John. 4. Descriptions of some marine animals found on the coast of Wales. [1798.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V. 1800, pp. 7-13. Adams, John. Descriptive sketch of St. Paul's Island, at the entrance of the Gulf of St. Law- rence. [1831.] Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 242-250. Adams, John Couch. Elements of the comet of Faye. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45 pp. 20-21. 2. An explanation of the observed irregu- larities in the motion of Uranus, on the hypo- thesis of disturbance caused by a more distant planet ; with a determination of the mass, orbit, and position of the disturbing body. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47., pp. 149-152 ; Astron. Soc. Mem., vol. XVI., 1847, pp. 427- 460. 3. Corrected elements of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 244-245. 4. On an important error in BODVAKD'S tables of Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 251-252 ; Astron. Soc. Mem., vol. XVII., 1849, pp. 1-2. - 5f New elentents of Neptune. A stron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 268-269. 6. Some results of a new calculation of the perturbations of Uranus by the planet Nep- tune. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 7. 7. Note on the mass of Uranus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 159-160. 8. On the application of graphical me- thods to the solution of certain astronomical problems, and in particular to the determina- tion of the perturbations of Planets and Comets. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 1. 9. On the perturbations of Uranus. Naut. Aim., 1851, App. 265-293. 1O. On new tables of the moon's parallax, to be substituted for those of BURCKHARDT. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53. pp. 175-180 ; Naut. Aim. 1856, App. pp. 35-53. 11. On the corrections to be applied to BTJRCKHARDT'S and PLANA'S parallax of the moon, expressed in terms of the mean argu- ments. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852- 53, pp. 226-264. 12. On the secular variation of the Moon's mean motion. Phil. Trans., 1853, pp. 397- 406 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 59-62. 13. On Prof. CHALLIS'S new theorems re- lating to the Moon's orbit. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 27-36. 14. On the secular variation of the eccen- tricity and inclination of the Moon's orbit. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 206- 208. c ADA] 18 [ADD Adams, John Couch. 15. Reply to various ob- jections which have been brought against his Theory of the Secular Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 225-240. 16. Postscript to the Reply to various Objections which have been brought against his Theory of the Secular Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., I860, pp. 279-280. 17. Observations of Comet II., 1861. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 235-240. Adams, John Couch, and James Challis. Ephe- meris of Neptune, and meridian observations. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 241-244. Adams, Michael F. Some account of a journey to the Frozen Sea, and of the discovery of the remains of a Mammoth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1807, pp. 141-153. 2. Descriptio novae speeiei Azaleas. [1808.] St. Petersb. Mem. II., 1807-8, pp. 332-334. 3. Description detroisColeopteres inconnus de la Siberie orientale. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. in., 1812, pp. 165-172. 4. Descriptiones Plantarum minus cogni- tarum Sibiriae praesertim orientalis, quas in itinere Ann. 1805 et 1806 observavit. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. V., 1817, pp. 89-116 ; Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. HI., 1834, pp. 231-252. 5. Descriptio Insectorum novorum Imperil Russici, inprimis Caucasi et Sibirise. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. V., 1817, pp. 278-314. Adams, Rob. UeberafrikanischeThiere. (Transl.) Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 884-888. Adams, Sam. Observations and experiments on light. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 123- 130 ; Sturgeon, Annal. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 384-390. Adams, Thos. B. Experiments on the use of Gun Cotton for blasting : its value compared with that of blasting Powder. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 139-140. Adams, W. A. On Footmarks and other artifi- cial impressions on Rocks. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 200-202. Adams, W. G. The rectangular Hyperbola. Messenger of Mathem. I., 1862, pp. 38-40. Adams, William. On Egyptian Ophthalmia. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XLI, 1813, pp. 329-331. 2. On the Restoration of Vision, when injured or destroyed in consequence of the Cornea having assumed a conical form. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1817, pp. 403-415 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 110-120; Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 383-385 4 Bibl. Univ. VIH., 1818 pp. 40-56. Adams, W., and Thos. Hodgkin. Case of dis- tortion of the Spine, with observations on rota- tion of the Vertebra? as a complication of lateral curvature. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXVH., 1854, pp. 167-180. 2. On the reparative process in Human Tendons after subcutaneous division for the cure of deformities. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XLH., 1859., pp. 309-348. Adamson, J. Notice of marine deposits on the margin of Loch Lomond. [1822]. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 33~4-338 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLI., 1846, pp. 72-75. Adamson, J. C. Notes on certain modes of measuring minute intervals of Time. [1857] Philad. Trans. XL, 1860, pp. 109-116. Adamson, James. On a proposed test of the necessity of indirect proof in geometrical de- monstrations, with remarks on methods of de- monstration. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 297- 299, 332-338, 405-410. Adamson, W. A short account of horizontal Water-wheels. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 256-266; Quart. Journ. Sci. IV., 1818, pp. 46-57. Adan und Wolfers. Bestimmung der Polhohe von Swinemiinde. Astr. Nachr. XHL, 1836, col. 315-320. Adcock, R. J. On an interesting mechanical problem. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856., p. 94. 2. Demonstration of Prof. PEIRCE'S pro- positions on the distribution of Points on a Line. Cambridge (Mass.) Math. Monthly, L, 1859, pp. 82-84. Addams, R. On the Sap of the Rose tree. - Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 147-150. 2. On the elevation of water by the momentive force of that fluid in the suction pipe of a pump. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 332-334. Addams, R. An account of a new phenomenon of sonorous Interference. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834 (j)t. 2), pp. 557. 2. On the construction of apparatus for solidifying Carbonic Acid, and on the elastic force of Carbonic Acid Gas in contact with the liquid form of the Acid, at great temperatures. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 70-71. Addison, Thomas. Observations on the anatomy of the lungs. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1841, pp. 146-154. 2. On the Keloid of ALIBERT, and on true Keloid. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXVLL, 1854, pp. 27-48. Addison, William. Remarks on the influence of terrestrial radiation in determining the site of Malaria. Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 272-278, 326-331. ADD] Addison, William. 2. Observations on the topography of Malveru, having reference to its temperature and salubrity. Midi. Med. Surg. Rep. II., 1830-31, pp. 131-139. 3. On the appearance of the Aurora Borealis at Malvern. Midi. Med. Surg. Rep. II., 1830 -31, pp. 454-458. 4. An account of an extraordinary meteor seen at Malvern, 12 Nov. 1832. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1832., p. 159. 5. The height of the Worcestershire Bea- con above the Library, Great Malvern. Analyst, I., 1834, pp. 396-399. 6. A comparison between the Climates of 19 [ADI Great Malvern and London, with miscellaneous meteorological observations. Analyst, V., 1836, pp. 21-30. 7. On the ultimate distribution of the air-passages, and the formation of the air-cells of the Lungs. Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 157- 164. 8. On the Sacculi of the Polygastrica. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII.. 1843, pp. 101-102. 9. Experimental and practical researches on the structure and function of Blood cor- puscles ; on inflammation ; and on the origin and nature of tubercles in the lungs. Prov. Med. Surg. Assoc. Trans. XL, 1843, pp. 233- 306. 1O. The actual process of Nutrition in the living structure demonstrated by the microscope ; and the renewal of the tissues and the secretions from the blood thereby illustrated. Prov. Med. Surg. Assoc. Trans. XII., 1844, pp. 235-306. 11. On some peculiar modifications of the force of Cohesion, with reference to the forms and structure of clouds, films, and membranes. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1845, p. 560. 12. On the forces concurring in the phae- nomena of human Life. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 89-90. 13. On the effects produced in human Blood corpuscles by sherry wine, &c. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 186-189. - 14. On changes of form in the Red Cor- puscles of human blood. Quart. Journ. Mi" crosc. Sci. I., 1861, pp. 81-86. 15. On changes in the properties of the Red Corpuscles of the human blood in relation to Fever. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. L, 1861, pp. 166-175. Addle, . Remarks on Mr. DANIELL'S theory respecting the specific gravity of crystals. Thomson, Annal. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 125-134; Schweigger, Journ. XXIV., 1818, p. 399. Adelbert, . Ueber die Torfmoore bei Col- berg, Gnageland und Swinemiinde. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 3-26. ^ Adeler, . Memoire sur les equations. Bor- deaux, Acad. Seance Publ., 1834, pp. 50-51. 2. Traitc de resolution des equations nu- meriques. Bordeaux, Acad. Actes, 1844, pn 449-458. Adelmann, . Description of an improved Goniometer. Thomson, Annal. Phil VIII 1824, pp. 212-215. Adelmann, Ueber die Application des Aethers zur Verminderung der Sensibilitat auf anderen Wegen als durch die Einathmung. Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. VIII., 1848, pp. 249- ^ / u. Adelon, . Ueber die Empfindungs- und Bewegungs-Nerven der Zunge. Froriep, Noti- zen, XXIII., 1829, col. 321-326. Ader, F. E. Nouveau moyen d'extraire 1'huile Volatile de Copahu, et de saponifier la resine en m6me temps. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829 pp. 95-98. 2. Observations sur la Laitue cultivee et son eau distillee. Journ. de Pharm. XVI 1830, pp. 386-388. 3. Recherches aromametriques sur Feau distillee de fleurs d'oranger. Journ. de Pharm XVI., 1830, pp. 412-418. Aderholdt, A. Ueber die unorganischen Be- standtheile des Lycopodium chamzecyparissus und Lye. clavatum, und incbesondere deren Thonerdegehalt. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIL, 1853, pp. 111-119 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 135-136. Adet, . Sur le muriate fumant d'etain, ou liqueur fumante de LIBAVIUS. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1789, pp. 5-18. 2. Sur 1'analyse du sue acide de 1' Ananas. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 32-36. 3. Description des machines pneumatiques de PRINCE et KUTHBERTSOK. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 126-166. 4. Sur 1'acide acetique. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1798, pp. 299-320; Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1800, pp. 32-46. Adie, Alexander. Description of two new philo- sophical Instruments. [1819.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 483-494. 2. Description of an instrument for ascer- taining the Specific Gravity of bodies, without the use of weights or calculation. [1820. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 495-498. 3. Description of the new Hygrometer, made of the internal membrane of the Arundo Phragmites. Edinb. Phil. Journ. L, 1819, pp. 32-33. 4. Description of the patent Sympieso- meter or new Air Barometer. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 54-60. 02 ADI] 20 [ADI Adie, Alexander. 5. Account of some of the rarer Atmospherical Phenomena observed in 1824. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 49-59. 6. On the Mean Temperature of Bombay, deduced from observations made in 1827, &c. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 17-22. Adie, Alex. J. Notice of the Habits of a Mangouste, kept alive at Canaan Cottage. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 20-22 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXL, col. 211-213. 2. Account of experiments on the Ex- pansion of Stone by the application of Heat. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 569-571. 3. On the Expansion of different kinds of Stone from an increase of Temperature, with a description of the Pyrometer used in making the experiments. [1835.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1836, pp. 354-372. Adie, John. Comparative experiments on differ- ent Dew Point Instruments ; with a description of one on an improved form. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 60-65. 2. Account of a new cistern for Barome- ters. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 338-340. 3. Ein neues Schwefelather- Hygrometer. (Transit) Schweigger, Journ. I/VT. (ir Jahrb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 459-462. 4. On the advantages to be derived from the use of Metallic Reflectors for Sextants and other Reflecting Instruments ; and on methods of directly determining the errors in mirrors and sunshades used in Reflecting In- struments. [1845.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI, 1849, pp. 61-66. 5. Description of the Marine Telescope. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 117-122. 6. Experiments to discover the cause of the change which takes place in the Standard Point of Thermometers. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 122-126. 7. On the total Eclipse of the Sun, ob- served at Goteburg in Sweden, 28 July 1851. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 371- 337. Adie, John, and T. Henderson. Observations made at the Observatory, Calton Hill, Edin- burgh. 1. Of Moon-culminating Stars. 2. Of occultations of Stars by the Moon. Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 189-192. Adie, Richard. Description of a new Anemometer, by which the most minute changes in the force or velocity of the Wind or current of air may be measured. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 309-313. 2. An account of experiments with Ther- mo- and Hydro-Electrical Currents. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 346-353 ; XXXVI., 90-102. Adie, Richard. 3. An account of Electrical ex- periments. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVII., 1844, pp. 298-305 ; XXXVHL, 97-101 j XXXIX., 327-332. 4. An account of experiments with Gal- vanic Couples immersed in pure water and in oxygenated water. Chem. Soc. Mem. III. 1845-8, pp. 380-385 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 12-18 ; II., 97-99 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, I., 1846, pp. 163-169 ; Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 350-356. 5. Account of Thermo-Electrical experi- ments. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLL, 1846, pp. 252-255. 6. On Ground Ice. Edinb. New Phil. Joum. XLIL, 1847, pp. 243-248. 7. On the corrosion of Metals. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIIL, 1847, pp. 274-277. 8. On the causes which influence the changes of Isothermal Lines. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 236-239. 9. On the connection between the Colour and Magnetic Properties of bodies. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 44-48, 209- 217. 1O. On an improvement in SIKES' Self- Registering Thermometer. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 84-86. 11. On the temperature of conductors of electrical currents. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 46-49, 193-197. 12. On ground ice found in the beds of running streams. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 340- 345. 13. On the electrical currents induced in the metallic cross. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 46-50. 14. On the temperature of running streams during periods of frost. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVL, 1854, pp. 224-229. 15. On the generation of Electrical Cur- rents. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVIL, 1854, pp. 84-88. 16. On the influence of undulating or hilly ground in checking currents of Wind. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVIL, 1854, pp. 94- 98, 300-304. 17. On some of the Thermo-electric pro- perties of the metals Zinc and Silver. Chem. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855, pp. 309-310. 18. On the Thermo-Electrical currents generated in elements where Bismuth is used to form the joint. Chem. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1856, pp. 33-35. 19. On Thermo-Electric joints formed with the metals Antimony, Bismuth, and Palla- . Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1856, pp. 36-37. ADI] 21 [AFZ A die, Richard. 2O. On some thermo-electrical properties of the metals Bismuth and Antimony when used as single elements. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 77-78. 21. Description of an hermetically sealed Barometer. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1860, pp. 7-8. 22. On the ice found under the surface of the water in rivers, called Ground Ice. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 111-113. 23. On Ground Ice. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 88-90. 24. On the mean annual temperature of Western Europe, compared with other climes. Brit, Meteor. Soc. Proc. I., 1863, pp. 303-306. Adie, Ritchie. Observations on the extent and rate of change of Temperature of the Waters in the estuary of the Mersey at Liverpool. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL., 1846, pp. 307-310. 2. Observations on the extent and rate of Change of Temperature of the waters in the estuaries of the Mersey and Clyde. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIL, 1847, pp. 108-112. Admiralty. Eeport of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to examine the plans of Lightning Conductors of W. Snow HARRIS, Esq., F.R.S., and others. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 1-20. Admirault et Guyot. Sur le siege du gout chez 1'homme. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830. pp. 169-175 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 133-137. 2. Experiences sur le gout. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1830, pp. 426-431 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, p. 425. Adolph, G. C. Kreismicrometer-Beobachtungen, angestellt auf der Gottinger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIU., 1860, col. 7-12. 2. Elemente und Ephemeride der Mnemo- syne. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 107-110, 298-300. 3. Verbesserung der Ephemeride der Mne- mosyne in No. 1279. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 151-154. 4. Beobachtungen von Planetoiden am sechsfussigen Refractor der Gottinger Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 369-382. 5. Kreismicrometer - Beobachtungen der Melpomene @. Astr. Nachr. LVI., 1862, col. 57-58. Adrain, Robert. Investigation of the figure of the Earth. Philad. Trans. I., 1813, pp. 119-136. 2. Research concerning the mean diameter of the Earth. [1817.] Phi'lad. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 353-366. Adrian, . De 1'influence du climat et de la vegetation sur la quantite d'acide cyanhydrique contenu dans 1'eau distillee de laurier- cerise. Journ. de Pharm. XLIL, 1862, pp. 177-189. Adriani, A. Ueber Gutta-percha und Kautschuk, und uber den Milchsaft von Ficus elastica. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XXII., 1851, pp! 17-24. 2. Researches on the juices of the Ficus Elastica and the Isonandra Gutta (India Rubber and Gutta Percha). Chemical News, II., 1860. pp. 277-279. 289-291, 313-314. 3. On White Lead. Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 43-44. Adriani, M. J. Waarneming eener afwijking in de rigting der deelen eens Hyacinths. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschr. III., 1836, pp. 23-28. Adville, . Examen d'un cas singulier qui se presente dans la division abregee en usage. Nouv. Ann. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 100-103. Aeby, Ch. Ueber die Symphysis ossium pubis des Menschen, nebst Beitriigen zur Lehre vom hyal- inen Knorpel und seiner Verknocherung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IV., 1858, pp. 1-73. 2. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Wirbelano- malie. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VII., 1 859, pp. 122-127. 3. Ueber glatte Muskelfasern im Ovarium und Mesovarium von Wirbelthieren. Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 675-676. 4. Ueber die Fortpflanzungs-geschwindig- keit der Muskelzuckung. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 253-254. 5. Die Muskeln des Vorderarmes und der Hand bei Saugethieren und beim Menschen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 34-87. 6. Die glatten Muskelfasern in den Eier- stocken der Wirbelthiere. Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 625-646. 7. Bemerkungen uber die Bildung des Schadels und der Extremitaten im Menschen- geschlechte. Basel, Verhandl. III., 1863, pp. 535-540. Aejmelaeus, Christen. Dissertatio de Gladiolo. Upsal. Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 157-180. Aelsmann, H., und K. Kraut. Ueber das Ver- halten von Jod zu Anisol. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 490-491. Aelt, . Note sur quelques Courbes a double courbure. Nouv. Ann. Math. XLX., 1860, pp. 100-107. Afuhr, . Sur 1'affinage du fer au fourneau a reverbere, essaye en Suede. Annal. des Mines. XIIL, 1826, pp. 316-320. Afzelius, Adam. The botanical history of Trifo- lium alpestre, medium, and pratense. [1790.] Linn. Soc. Trans. I., 1791, pp. 202-248 ; Romer, Archiv, I., 1798, pp. 91-100. 2. De antilopis in geuere et speciatini Guineeusibus. Upsal. Soc. Sci. Nov. Act, VII., 1795, pp. 195-270. AFZ] [AGA Afzelius, Adam. 3. Observations on the genus Pausus, and description of a new species. [1798.] Linn. Soc. Trans. IV., 1798, pp. 243- 275. 4. Ardea atricapilla. en ny fogel'ifr&n Sierra Leone. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 264-268. 5. Observations on Swedish Roses. ( Transl.) Annals of Botany, II., 1806, pp. 209-218. Afzelius, Adam, et M. Wadsberg. De Vegeta- bilibus Suecanis observationes et experimenta. Romer, Archiv, HI., 1803-1805, pp. 83-107. Afzelius, Car. Johan. Dissertatio de Arctotide. Upsal. Diss. Aead. II., 1800, pp. 419-436. Agardh, CarlAdolph. Anmarkningar omslagtet Lemania, samt beskrifning om tvenne nya arter deraf. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXV., 1814, p. 33. 2. Beskrifning af en ny art Conferva. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXV., 1814, pp. 195- 200. 3. Anmarkningar om Fucus Thunbergii och beskrifning af en ny dermed narslagtad art. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXVI., 1815, pp. 102- 107. 4. Anmarkning om Fucus piluliferus. Turn., och beskrifning om tvanne dermed nar- slagtade arter. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXVI., 1815, pp. 241-245. 5. Beskrifning pa tvenne Svenska arter Tubularia. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXXVII., 1816, pp. 255-259. 6. De metamorphosi Algarum. Oken, Isis. 1820, col. 644-654 ; Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 17- 41 (2 te Beil.). 7. Beobachtung einer der Zauberkraft hoherer Thiere ahnelnden Erscheinung bei Infusorien. Acad. Cass. Leop.Nov. Act. X., 1821, pp. 127-138. ; Froriep, Notizen, L, 1822, col. 145-147. 8. Observations sur la germination des Preles. Paris, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. IX., 1822, pp. 283-292. 9. Anmarkningar vid Baron WRANGEL'S Afh. om Byssus Jolithus. Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 55-64. 1O. Narmare bestammande af nagra vext- aftryck fundne i Hoganas Stenkolsgrufvor. Stockh. Acad. Handl., 1823, pp. 107-111. 11. Arundo maritima, eine neue Pflanzen- species. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 561-592. 12. Observations sur le genre Chara. [1824.] Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 61-66. 13. Ueber die Eintheilung der Pflanzen nach den Kotyledonen, und besonders iiber den Samen der Monokotyledonen. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nov. Act. XIII., 1826, pp. 87-112. 14. Ueber die Anatomie und den Kreislauf Agardh, Carl Adolph. 15. Sur une nouvelle espece de groseillier. [1823.] Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 230-231. 16. Observations sur la G-entiana amarella. [ Transl.~\ Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 346-347. 17. Classes Plantarum 1825. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 580-593. 18. Aufzlihlung einiger in den ostreichis- chen Landern gefundenen neuen Gattungen und Arten von Algen, nebst ihrer Diagnostik und beigefugten Bemerkungen. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 625-640, 641-646. 19. Ueber die gegen meine Ansichten in der Physiologic der Algen gemachten Einwiirfe. Acad. Ca3s. Leop. Nov. Act. XIV., 1828, pp. 732 -768. 2O. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber den Hydrurus crystallophorus von Hrn. Prof. SCHUBLER, nebst Beobachtungen iiber krystal- linische Bildungen in Algen iiberhaupt. Flora, XI., 1828, pp. 577-587. 21. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Hrn. Dr. METEN'S kritische Beitrage zum Studium der Siisswasser-Algen. Flora, XII., 1829, pp. 193- 208, 209-219. 22. On Inscriptions in living Trees. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 98-113; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1830, col. 305-314 23. Bericht iiber eine botanische Reise nach Oesterreich und dem nordostlichen Italien im Jahre 1827. Flora, XIV., 1831, pp. 17-27, 39-46. 24. On the originary structure of the Flower, and the mutual dependency of its parts. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1833, pp. 433-436 ; Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 609-624. 25. Ueber die Bedeutung der Blumentheile der Reseda und ihre Stelle im natiirlichen Systeme. Flora, XVI. 1833, pp. 113-128. 26. Antwort auf zwei Bemerkungen des Hrn. Dr. PRESL iiber meine Ansichten YOU den Staubgefassen und der Frucht. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 577-584. 27. Revision derAlgengattungMacrocystis. der Charen. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nov. Act. XIII., 1826, pp. 113-162. [1835.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nov. Act. XIX., 1839, pp. 281-317. Agardh, Jacob Georg. Om hafs-algers germina- tion. Stockh. Acad. Handl., 1834, pp. 105-114 ; Limufia, X., 1836, pp. 449-459 ; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 269-270., 2. Observationer pa Sporidiernes rorelse hos de grb'na Algerne. Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1836, pp. 1-14 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 230; Flora, XXIIL, 1840, pp. 129-144. 3. Bidrag till en noggrannare kiinnedom af propagations-organerne hos Algerne. Stockh. Acad. Handl., 1836, pp. 15-51 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Sot.) 1836, pp. 189-212. AGA] Agardh, Jacob Georg. 4. Nova? species Alga- rum, quas in itinere ad oras Maris Eubri col- legit Eduardus RUPPELL ; cura observationibus nonnullis in species rariores antea cognitas. Museum Senckenb. II., 1837, pp. 169-174 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.) 1837, pp. 190- 192. 5. Om Laminariernas utvecklingssatt. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, pp. 316- 317. 6. Om Fucus natans. Skand. Naturf. 23 [AGA Forhandl. II., 1840, pp. 334-335. 7. In historiam Algarum symbols. Lin- na3a, XV., 1841, pp. 1-50, 443-457. 8. Anadema, ett nytt slagte bland Algerne. (Anadema, genus novum Confervearum familias.) Stockh. Akad. Handl., 1846, pp. 1-16. 9. Ofver den sanimanvuxna Calyx hos nagra Lonicera-arter, och Isika upptagen som eget slagte. Stockh. Akad. Handl., 1846, pp. 37-50. 1O. Ofver de Capska arterna af slagtet Iridaea. Stockh. Akad. Handl., 1847, pp. 81-98. 11. Nagra anmarkningar ofver Grasens Blomster. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847 pp. 397-406. 12. Om naturen och betydelsen af de organer som forekornma hos Algerne. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 407-450. 13. Nya alger fran Mexico. Stockh. Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 5-17. 14. Om vaxternas stipler. Stockh. Akad. Handl., 1849, pp. 37-98 ; Stockh. Ofversigt' VI., 1849, pp. 230-234. 15. Algologiska bidrag. Stockh. Ofver- sigt, VI., 1849, pp. 79-89. 16. Anmarkningar rorande Saxifraga con- troversa och dess narslagtingar. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI, 1851, pp. 170-173. 17. Om Salicinernes blomdelar. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI, 1851, pp. 174-180. 18. Rotknolar hos Potamogeton pectinatus. Stockh. Ofversigt. IX., 1852, pp. 29-31. 19. Om byggnaden och utvecklingen af Monocotyledonernas stam. Stockh. Ofversigt, XI, 1854, pp. 21-43. 2O. Nya algformer. Stockh. Ofversigt, XI, 1854, pp. 107-111. 21. Om aggets lage inom ovariet hos de phanerogama Vexterna. Stockh. Akad. Handl II, 1857-8. 22. Exempel pa bark fdrekommande i den inre vedmassan. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl VIII 1860, pp. 714-715. Agardh, John Mortimer. Af handling om de i hogre arithmetiken fdrekommande Indices, och om deras auvandning sasom supplement till vara vanliga Logarithm-tabeller. Stockh. Acad Handl. 1838, pp. 253-273. Agardh, John Mortimer. 2. Beobachtung der totalen Moudfinsterniss 1852, Janr. 6, auf der Sternwarte in lund. Astr. Nachr XXXIV 1852, col. 223-224. 3. Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinster- niss, 1851, Juli 28. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII 1852, col. 249-252. Agassiz, A lex. Notes on the described species of Holconoti, found on the western coast of North America. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc VIII 1861-2, pp. 122-134. 2. On the Acalephan Fauna of the southern coast of Massachusetts (Buzzard's Bay). Boston Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII, 1861-2, pp 224- 226. 3. On the embryology of Asteracanthion bervlinus, Ag., and a species allied to A. rubens, M. T., Asteracanthion pallidus, Ag. Amer. Acad Proc. VI, 1862-3, pp. 106-114. 4. On the mode of development of the mar- ginal tentacles of the free Medusa? of some Hydroids. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IX., 1863, pp. 88-102. 5. Synopsis of the Echinoids collected by Dr. W. STIMPSON in the Pacific Exploring Ex- pedition under Capts. RINGGOLD and RODGERS. Philad. Proc. 1863, pp. 352-361. Agassiz, Louis. Descriptio speciei novae e genere Cynocephalus, Briss. Oken, Isis, XXI, 1828, col. 861-863 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1829, pp. 345-346. 2. Beschreibung einer neiien. Species aus dem Genus Cyprinus, Linn. Oken, Isis, XXI 1828, col. 1046-1049. 3. Untersuchungen iiber die fossilien Siiss- wasser-Fische der tertiaren Formationen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1832, pp. 129-138, 139- 149. 4. Neue Entdeckungen iiber fossile Fische. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1833, pp. 675-677 ; Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. XXXVII, 1844, pp. 331-347. 5. Remarks on the different species of the genus Salmo which frequent the various rivers and lakes of Europe. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 617-623; L'Institut, III, 1835, pp. 72-73. 6. On the fossil Fishes of Scotland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 646-649. 7. Uber das Alter der Glarner Schiefer- Formation, nach ihren Fische-Resten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 301-306. 8. Abgerissene Bemerkungen iiber fossile Fische. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 379-390. 9. Ueber die Echinodermen. Oken, Isis } 1834, col. 254-257 ; Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp 369-373. AGA] [AGA Agassiz, Louis. 10. On a new Classification of Fishes, and on the Geographical Distribution of Fossil Fishes. Phil. Mag. V., 1834, pp. 459-461 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1838, pp. 99-102. 11. On the anatomy of the genus Lepis- osteus, with descriptions of two new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, pp. 119-120. 12. On the principles of Classification in the animal kingdom in general, and among the Mammalia in particular. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 67-68. 13. On a new Classification of Fishes, and on the Geological Distribution of Fossil Fishes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 175-178. 14. Ueber Belemniten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, p. 168. 15. Kritische Revision der in der Ittio- litologia Veronese abgebildeten fossilen Fische. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 290- 316. 16. Remarques sur des poissons fossiles. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. VIII., 1835, pp. 180-201. 17. Description de quelques especes de Cyprins du lac de Neuchatel, qui sont encore inconnues aux naturalistes. [1834.] Neuchatel, Mem. I., 1835, pp. 33-48; Wiegmann, Archiv, IV., 1838, pp. 73-82. 18. Notice sur les fossiles du terrain cretace du Jura Neuchatelois. Neuchatel, Mem. I., 1835, pp. 126-145. 19. Prodrome d'une monographie des Radi- aires ou Echinodermes. [1834.] Neuchatel, Mem. I., 1835, pp. 168-199. 2O. Views of the affinities and distribution of the Cyprinidae. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, pp. 149-151. 21. Prodrome d'un monographic des Radi- aires ou Echinodermes. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 257-296 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 30-43, 297-307, 440-449 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 305-311, 321-326. 22. Des glaciers, des moraines, et des blocs erratiques. Bibl. Univ. XII., 1837, pp. 369-394 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 364-383. 23. Sur les blocs erratiques du Jura. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 506-508; Bibl. Univ. XL, 1837, pp. 416-418 ; L'Institut, V., 1837, pp. 417-418. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 176-179; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1838, col. 117. 24. Sur les Glaciers. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-8, pp. 407-408, 443-450; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1839, pp. 383-391 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1839, col. 65- 70; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 435- 446 ; Soc. Helvetique, Actes, 1843, pp. 72-74 ; Liidde, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. IV., 1845, pp. 376-382. Agassiz, Louis. 25. [Kiiustliche Steinkerne von Konchylien ; Fische.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 49-51. 26. [Theorie der erratiachen Blocke in den Alpen.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 303-304. 27. Sur les Moules du Musee de Neuchatel. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. 1839, pp. 415-430. 28. Notice sur quelques points de 1'organi- sation des Euryales, accompagnee de la descrip- tion detaillee de 1'espece de la Mediterranee. Neuchatel, Mem. II., 1839. 29. Notice sur le Mya alba, espece nouvelle de Porto-Rico. Neuchatel, Mem. II., 1839. 3O. Memoire sur les Moules de Mollusques vivans et fossiles. Neuchatel, Mem. II., 1839. 31. Description des Echinodermes fossiles de la Suisse ; l' ere partie. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denks. III., 1839 ; IV., 1840. 32. Remarques sur la structure des Ecailles de Poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1840, pp. 59-61 ; XIV., 97-110 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 191-194 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 287-291, Froriep, Notizen, XVIIL, 1841, col. 33-41. 33. On Glaciers aud Boulders in Switzer- land. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 113- 114 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1840, col. 337- 344. 34. On animals found in Red Snow. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), p. 143. 35. [Gletscher-Studien mit STUDER ; far- bende Infusorien im rothen Schnee.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 92-93. 36. [Gegen WISSMANN'S Ansicht vom Ursprung erratischer Blocke.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 575-576. 37. Enumeration des Poissons Fossiles d'ltalie. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1840, pp. 244-252, 325-332. 38. Additions to Mr. WOOD'S catalogue of Crag Radiaria. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, p. 343. 39. On the Fossil Fishes found by Mr. GARDNER in the province of Ceara in the north of Brazil. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 82-84. 4O. [Genus Trigonia ; Charakter von Art iiberhaupt ; Gletscher.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 356-357. 41. [Alte Moraineu bei Baden-Baden.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 566- 567. 42. Observations on the progress recently made in the natural history of the Echinoder- mata. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 189-197, 296-302. AGA] 25 [AGA Agassiz, Louis. 43. La theorie des Glaces et ses progres les plus recents. Bibl. Univ. XLL, 1842, pp. 118-139; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 56-88; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1842, pp. 217-283 ; XXIV.. 364-383. 44. Eeport on the Fossil Fishes of the Devonian system or Old Red Sandstone. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1842, pp. 80-88 ; Bibl. Univ. XLIIL, 1843, pp. 353-369. 45. New views regarding the Distribution of Fossils in formations. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIL, 1842, pp. 9-10. 46. On the Succession and Development of organised beings on the surface of the terres- trial globe. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 388-399. 47. Ueber die Aufeinanderfolge und die stufenweise Entwickelung der organischen We- sen auf der Erdoberfliiche. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 193-201 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIL, 1842, pp. 97-99 ; XXXIIL, pp. 388-399. 48. On the polished and striated surfaces of the Rocks, which form the beds of the Gla- ciers of the Alps. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 321-322 ; Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1842, pp. 565-569 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 392- 393. 49. On Glaciers and the evidence of their having once existed in Scotland, Ireland, and England. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 327- 332; Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1842, pp. 569-570; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 396-397. 50. Observation sur le glacier de 1'Aar. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 284- 288 ; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, pp. 465-484 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIIL, 1842, pp. 399-402; Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1842, pp. 81-91. 51. [Reise-Projekt nach dem Aar-Glet- scher ; HUGI liber Gletscher ; Myaceen.] Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 313-317. 52. [Neue Beobachtungen auf den Glet- schern ; Myaceen. Struktur der Gletscher ; DESOB iiber fossile Nucleoliten ; Fossil- Arten der Molasse.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 84-86, 86-89. . 53. Synoptical table of British Fossil Fishes, arranged in the order of the Geological formations. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843, pp. 194- 207; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1844, pp. 251- 271; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIL, 1844, pp. 331-347. 54. A period in the history of our Planet. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 1- 29 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIL, 1843, col. 241- 248, 257-264, 273-280, 289-292. Agassiz, Louis. 55. Sur la determination exacte de la limite des Neiges eternelles en un point donne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 752-756 ; Poggend. Anna!. LIX., 1843, pp. 342-348. 56. Rapport sur les Poissons Fossiles de 1'argile de Londres. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 279-310 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.\ 1845, pp. 21-48 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 321-327. 57. On the Classification of Fishes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIL, 1844, pp. 132-143 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXL, 1844, col. 225-245. 58. Sur le mouvement du glacier de 1'Aar. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 1-4 ; Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, p. 620. 59. Influence de 1'inclinaison du sol sur le mouvement de la Glace. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846* pp. 4-5. 6O. Revue des differentes epoques geolo- giques. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 50-52. 61. Sur la Distribution Geographique des animaux. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 58-60, 63-66. 62. Recherches sur le genre de Mollusques auquel LAMARCK a donne le nom de Pyrula. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 69-70. 63. NouveUes etudes sur les pretendues identites que 1'on admet generalement entre les Especes Vivantes et les Fossiles de certains terrains. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 108-109. 64. Etude comparative du Cerveau des Poissons. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 147-148. 65. Sur les Metamorphoses que subissent les animaux des classes inferieures. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 156-158. 66. Considerations sur la Distribution Geo- graphique des animaux et de I'liomme. Neu- chatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 162-166. 67. Observations sur la Distribution Geo- graphique des etres organises. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 357-362. 68. Observations sur les rapports qui exis- tent entre les faits relatifs a 1'apparition suc- cessive des etres organises a la surface du globe et la Distribution Geographique des differens types actuels d'animaux. Neuchatel, Bull. L, 1844-1846, pp. 366-369 ; II., 347-350. 69. Sur des roches striees de Suisse. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-1845, pp. 274-277. 7O. Remarks on Prof. PICTET'S " Treatise on Palaeontology." Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 295-302 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVL, 1845, col. 209-213. D AGA] [AGA Agassiz, Louis. 71. Eemarques sur les obser- vations de M. DUROCHER relatives aux pheno- menes erratiques de la Scandinavie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, 1845 (t. 2\ pp. 1331-1333 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL., p. 237. 72. Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiaires reputees identiques avec les especes vivantes ou dans differens terrains de 1'epoque tertiaire, accompagnee de la description des especes nou- velles. Schweiz. Gesell. N. Denks. VII., 1845. 73. Nouvelles observations faites en etu- diant les Nageoires des poissons. Soc. Helve- tique, Actes, 1845, pp. 49-52. 74. Sur diverses families de 1'ordre des Crinoides. Soc. Helvetique, Actes, 1845, pp. 91-93. 75. Resume d'un travail d'ensemble sur 1'organisation, la classification, et le developpe- ment progressif des Echinodermes dans la serie des terrains. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 276-295. 76. On the ichthyological Fossil Fauna of the Old Red Sandstone. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLI., 1846, pp. 17-49. 77. Lettre sur quelques points de 1'organi- sation des animaux rayonnes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 677-682. 78. Observations sur le developpemenfc des Actinies. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 96-98. 79. On the fishes of Lake Superior. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 30-34. 8O. The terraces and ancient river bars, drift, boulders, and polished surfaces of Lake Superior. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 68-70. 81. The black -banded Cyprynidse. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, p. 70. . 82. Monograph of Garpikes. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, p. 70. 83. Water tubes in Fishes. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 431-432. 84. Structure of the Foot in embryo Birds. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 432-433. 85. Zoological Researches. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 316-319; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1848, col. 145-148; VII., 293- 294. 86. The Zoological character of young Mammalia. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 85- 89. 87. The vegetable character of Xanthi- dium. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 89-91. 88. On the fossil remains of an Elephant found in Vermont. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 100-101. 89. On the Circulation of the fluids in in- sects. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 140-143 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool), 1851, pp. 358- 362. Agassiz, Louis. 9O. On the Embryology of Ascidia, and the characteristics of new species from the shores of Massachusetts. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 157-159. 91. On the structure and homologies of Radiated Animals, with reference to the syste- matic position of the Hydroid Polypi. A.mer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 389-396. 92. On animal morphology. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 411-423. 93. On the differences between Progressive, Embryonic, and Prophetic Types in the succes- sion of organized beings through the whole range of geological times. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 432-438 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 160-165. 94. On the growth of the Egg, prior to the development of the Embryo. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 18-19. 95. On the principles of Classification. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 89-96 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 227-235 : Silli- man, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 127-128. 96. On the morphology of the Medusa;. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 119-122 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L ; , 1851, pp. 85-89. 97. On the structure of the Mouth in Crus- tacea. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 122-123. 98. On the relation between Coloration and Structure in the higher animals. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, p. 194. 99. On the structure of the Halcyonoid Polypi. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 207- 215. 10O. Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephse of North .America. Part I. On the Naked-eyed Medusae of the shores of Massa- chusetts in their perfect state of development. Part II. On the Beroid Medusae of the shores of Massachusetts in their perfect state of de- velopment. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IV. (Part 2), 1850, pp. 221-376. 101. Geographical distribution of Animals. Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XLIX., 1850, pp. 1- 23 ; Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verh. 1850, pp. 228-254. ' 1O2. De la classification des animaux dans ses rapports avec leur developpement embryon- naire et avec leur histoirs paleontologique. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XV., 1850, pp. 190-204. 1O3. Glacial theory of the Erratics and Drift of the New and Old Worlds. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 97-117. 1O4. The erratic phenomena about Lake Superior. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 83- 101; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVI., 1851, pp. 5-34. 1O5. New species of Fish from Lake Su- perior. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 125-127. AGA] 27 [AGU Agassiz, Louis. 106. The natural relations between Animals and the Elements in which they live. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 369- 394 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 153-179 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 193-227; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XIX., 1852, pp. 15-31. 107. Results of an exploration of the Coral reefs of Florida. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 81-85. 108. Remarks upon the unconformability of the Palaeozoic formations of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 254-256. 1O9. Ueber die Entwickelung eines See- sterns. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 122-124. 110. Observations on the Blind Fish of the Mammoth Cave. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, ' pp. 127-128 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 254-256. 111. The Classification of Insects from Em- bryological Data. [1850.] Smithson. Con- trib. II., 1851 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 101-110. 112. Classification of Polyps. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 187. 113. Classification in Zoology. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 221. 114. On the Glanis of Aristotle. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 325-334. 115. Infusoria, the earliest Larval State of Intestinal Worms. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIIL, 1852, pp. 314-315. 116. Zoological notes. Silliman, Journ. XIIL, 1852, pp. 425-426. 117. Ueber die Gattungen unter deri nord- amerikanischen Najaden. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVIIL, 1852, pp. 41-52. 118. Extraordinary Fishes from California, constituting a new Family [Holconoti]. Silli- man, Journ. XVI., 1853, pp. 380-390; XVII., 365-369 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVII.,1854, pp. 214-228; Wiegmann, Archiv, XX., 1854, pp. 149-162 ; XXL, 30-34. 119. Sur le developpement des etres. Paris, Soc. Geol. BulLXIL, 1854-5, pp. 353-355. 12O. Notice of a collection of Fishes from the southern bend of the Tennessee river, in the state of Alabama. Silliman, Journ. XVIL, 1854, pp. 297-308, 353-365. 121. The primitive diversity and number of animals in Geological times. Silliman, Journ. XVIL, 1854, pp. 309-324; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV, 1854, pp. 350-366; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVIL, 1854, pp. 271-292; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXX., 1855, pp. 27-50. Agassiz, Louis. 122. Synopsis of the Ichthyo- logical Fauna of the Pacific slope of North America, chiefly from the collections made by the U. S. Expl. Exped. under Capt. WILKES, with receut additions and comparisons with Eastern types. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 71-99, 215-231. 123. On some young Gar Pikes from Lake Ontario. Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, p. 284. 124. The animals of Millepora are Hydroid Acalephs and not Polyps. Silliman, Journ. XXVL, 1858, pp. 140-141. 125. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 142-155. 126. Homologiesof Radiata. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-2, pp. 226-232. 127. On the Homologies of Echinoderms. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIIL, 1861-2, pp. 235-238. Agassiz, Louis, and W. Buckland. On the fossil beaks of four extinct species of Fishes, referrible to the genus Chimera, that occur in the oolitic and cretaceous formations of Eng- land ; with note. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 4-7. Agassiz, Louis, et E. Den or. Catalogue raisonne des families, des genres, et des especes de la classe des Echinodermes ; precede d'une introduction sur 1'organisation, la classification, et le developpement progressif des types dans la serie des terrains. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.}, 1846, pp. 305-374; VIL, 129-168 ; VIIL, 5-35, 355-381. Agassiz, Louis, et C. Vogt. Anatomie des Salmones. Neuchatel, Mem. HI., 1845. Agostinelli, . Lombricoide vivo avvitic- chiato all' intorno di un calcolo rinvenuto nella sostanza del fegato. Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. V, 1814, pp. 168-170. Agostino, Francesco 3. [Ueber AIBERTI'S Monographic des Muschelkalks.J Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 406-ill. 4. [Schildkroten im Torf bei Durrheim.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 537- 538; 1835, p. 63. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen der Sandstein- spiegel in der Gegend von Marburg. Leonhard u. Bronn. N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 536-545. 6. [Poroser Kieselschiefer am Heidekopf in Kurhessen, etc.] Leonhard u. Bronn, N* Jahrb. 1840, pp. 83-86., 7. Mesotype vom Alpstein. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 275-276. 8. Ueber die Versteinerungen des Kup- ferschiefers von Richelsdorf in Kurhessen. Deuts. Naturf. Bericht, 1844 (hft. 2), pp. 46-48. Althaus, Julius. Ueber einige neue Pflanzen aus dem Kupferschiefer von Riechelsdorf. Meyer, Palseont. L, 1851, pp. 30-33. 2. On the temperature of Mineral waters. Edinb. Med. Journ. VII., 186 1-62, pp. 637-641. 3. On Carbonic Acid in Mineral waters. Dublin, Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXIII., 1862, pp. 75-81. ALT] 54 [ALT Altheer, J. J. Scheikundig onderzoek der delf- stof, welke sommige arbeiders in het steeukolen- otablissement Oranje-Nassau op Borneo eten. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp.379-388. 2. Scheikundig ouderzoek van het mineral- water uit de solf'atara van Tjitrap in Noord Banten. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 347-352. 3. lets over Arachis hypogaea. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VIII, 1855, pp. 127-136. 4. Scheikundig onderzoek van het afzetsel uit het water der vvarme bron Sigoriti, afdeeling Malang. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VIII, 1855, pp. 339-340. 5. Scheikundig onderzoek van het mineral- water Banjoewedan nabij de noord-west-kust van het eiland Bali. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 101-104. 6. Scheikundig onderzoek van einige mi- nerale wateren van Ngantang, afdeeling Malang. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 457, 490. 7. Eetbare aardsoorten en geophagie. Ba- tavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XIII, 1857, pp. 83-100. 8. Scheikundig onderzoek van den bast van Nauclea orientalis, Lam. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XVII, 1858-59, pp. 273-283. 9. Scheikundig onderzoek naar de giftige bestanddeelen van den wortel der Cicca disticha. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XVII, 1858-59, pp. 347-355. Altmann, J. Ueber die Mortalitaets-verhaelt- nisse Russlands. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. 1840, pp. 319-341, 454-472. 2. Moskaw in reingeographischer und sta- tischer Beziehung. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. 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Miiller, Ar- cldv, 1834, pp. 346-364, 432-450, 528-543. 5. Erklarung der Kupfertafel I das Ner- vensystem der Lamprete betrefFend. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 5-14. 6. Ueber die bis jetzt gegebenen bildlichen Darstellungen des menschlichen Gehirns. Okeu, Isis, 1840, col. 920. 7. Ueber das Entstehen von Doppehnissge- burten. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1847, pp. 168 175. 8. Ueber den Gebrauch des Mikroskops zur Anfertigung von Zeichnungen. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1847, pp. 176-183. 9. Beobachtungen iiber die verschiedenen Typen in den Hand- und Fussknocheu der Sauge- thiere. D' Alton u. Burm., Zeitg. Zool. I, 1848, pp. 25-29, 33-36. 1O. Beobachtungen iiber einige lliihner- embryonen die sich durch ungewohnliche Kriim- mungen auszeichneten. D'Alton u. Burm., Zeitg. Zool. I, 1848, pp. 117-119, 125-127. Alton, Ed. d', und Pander. Ueber das Megatherium. Oken, Isis, 1818, col, 1083-1086. Alton, Ed. d\ und - Schlemm. Ueber das Nervensystem der Petromyzon. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 262-273. Altum, (D r ")' lepidopterologisches aus dem Miinsterlande. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XX., 1859, pp. 383-387; XXII, 84-86. 2. Hermaphroditen von Sphinx convol- vuli. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XXI, 1860. pp. 91-93. Altum, Bernard. Eine neue Drossel [?]. Nauman- nia, 1852 (lift. 3), pp. 67-68. 2. Ueber den Bau der Federn als Grund ihrer Farbung. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. xix xxxv. 3. Ueber eine neue (?) kleine Schwauen- art. Naumanuia, 1854, pp. 145-149. 4. Ueber die Farben der Vogelfedern im Allgemeinen, iiber das Schillerriinsbesondere. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 293-304. 5. Planmassiges Sammeln der Vogel und planmassiges Ausstopfen und Stellen derselben. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 29-38. 6. Nachtrag zu den im II Quartale 1854 beschriebenen, und im III desselben Jahres ab- gebildeten deutschen Schwanen, Cygnus Be- wickii(?). Naumannia, 1855, pp. 101-103. 7. Cyanecula Suecica, orientnlis, dichro- sterna, und Wolfii. Naumaunia, 1855, pp. 166- 170. 8. 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Alvord, Benjamin. The Tangencies of Circles and Spheres. Smithson. Contrib. VIII., 1856. - 2. On the interpretation of Imaginary Roots in questions of Maxima and Minima. Cam- bridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, II., 1 860. pp. 237-240. Alyon, Sur la Yapana. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1805, pp. 222-223. Amadcr, R. d\ Memoire sur Faction des agens imperceptibles sur le corps vivant. France, Congres Scient. 1844, pp. 407-440. Amadio, Timoleone. Sopra una nuova forma di barometro a livello costante col braccio orizzon- tale. Nuovo Cimento, IX., 1859, p. 81. Amante, Fedele. Memoria sulle formole da usarsi ne' calcoli geodetici per la riduzione degli angoli all' orizzonte della stazione. [1834.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V. (pte. 1), 1843, pp. 157-178. - 2. Notizia intorno al Palmo Siciliano. Na- poli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 36-45. Amar de la Torre, Rafael de. Ojeada sobre los progresos y estado actual de la Mineralogia. Madrid, An. de Minas, I., 1838, pp. 270-321. -- 2. Noticias acerca de las impresiones de pisadas de animales en las rocas de varies paises. Madrid, An. de Minas, II., 1841, pp. 218-236. - 3. Minas de azufre de Hellin. Madrid, An. de Minas, II., 1841, pp. 263-279. Amary, -- [Sulla geologia del Teramano negli Abruzzi.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1845, pp. 1154-1155. Amato, Andr. Rissoa gioenia, n. sp. Catania, Atti Acad. Gioen. XIX. 1842, pp. 49-50. Amberger, - . Anwendung des Elektromag- netismus beim Eisenbahnbetrieb und beim Uebertragen der Bewegung. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CXXI, 1851, pp. 1-7. Amblard, Louis. Note sur une galle du Ta- marix brachystylis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. IV., 1856, pp. 169-172 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III. 1856, pp. 163-166. 2. Lettre sur des galles et sur quelques floraisons intempestives. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 734-736. Ambri, Giuseppe. Teoria, partizione, e caratteri de' temperamenti. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. III., 1807, pp. 93-110, 178-204. 2. Del senso del calore, e dell' organo, a cui si riferisce. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. V., 1808, pp. 13-24. Ambrogio-Soldani, D. Storia di quelle Bolidi, che hanno da se scagliato pietre alia terra. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 18C8, pp. 1-29. Ambrosi, Francesco. Elenco sistematico delle Pi ante Fanerogame del Tirolo Italiauo. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1853, pp. 433-461 ; IX., 240-253, 417-430; X., 420-447. 2. Flora von Siidtirol. Skofitz, Bo tan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 265-268, 273-276, 282-284, 289-292, 297-299, 306-309, 314-317, 323-325, 329-333, 338-341, 347-351, 353-356, 361-365, 370-374, 378-382, 385-389, 393-395, 401-405. ~ 3. Della caratteristica e definizione del vegetabile. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. V., 1863, pp. 193-201. Ambrosioni, Felice. L' olio volatile di senape. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. IV., 1835, pp. 353- 360. 2. Acido lattice e lattato ferroso. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XIV., 1840, pp. 257-262. Ambrust, Fr. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Bele- mitella mucronata, d'Orb. und B. quadrata, ffOrb. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 421-423. Amelnng, . Die Erzgange im Kreidemergel bei Blankenrode, unweit Stadtberge. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1853, pp. 217-219. 2. Chemische Untersuchungen verschie- dener Erze aus dem Bergmeister-Reviere West- ph alen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1853, pp. 219-228. 3. Chemische Untersuchung des Thon- schiefers und der Grauwacke in der Nahe der Erzlagerstatte zu Ramsbeck. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1853, pp. 228-229. 4. Chemische Untersuchung des zwischen Borlinghausen und Willebadessen aufgefundenen Spharosiderits. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1853, pp. 230-231, 240. Amelung, Franz. Ueber den Con sens des Ge- hirnes mit den Organen des Unterleibes in Bezug auf psychische Krankheiten. Deutsch. Naturfor. Bericht, 1842, pp. 276-281 ; Damerow, Allg. Zeits. Psychiatrie, L, 1844, pp. 165- 181. AME] 56 [AMI Am Ende, Von der Auflosbarkeit der ganzen rationalen Funktionen w-ten Grades in Faktoren. Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 442-452. 2. Summirun"; der unendlichen Reihe. Sx = p = oo x p "l p I a P Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 220-240. American Geologists and Naturalists' Asso- ciation. Report on Scientific Nomenclature. [1845.] Sillinian, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 423- 427. Amerling, Carl. Interessante Wanderung der Kohlraupe [Pieris brassicas] am Smichov bei Prag. Lotos, VI., 1856, pp. 196-197. 2. Ueber Cicada [Thyphiocyba] rosae. Lotos, VIII., 1858, p. 271. 3. Ueber Asynapta lugubris auf Pflau- menbiiumen. Lotos, IX., 1859, pp. 60-63. 4. Mermis albicans, Sieb. in Aepfeln. Lotos, IX., 1859, pp. 102-103. 5. Ueber den Naturhaushalt der Wiesen. Lotos, IX., 1859, pp. 183-189. 6. Bemerkungen iiber einige Melolonthen. Lotos, XIII., 1863, pp. 23-28, 53-55. 7. Ueber die Naturokonomie der Milben. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1861 (hft.2), pp. 54-56. 8. Ueber die ersten Stande und die Par- thenogenese des Tetranychus telarius, ferner iiber Demodex hominis. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1862, pp. 71-73. 9. Ueber den Kehricht der Bienenstocke. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1862 (hft. 2), pp. 7-10. 1O. Demonstration der parasitischen Thier- chen. Prag. Sitzungsber. 1862 (hft. 2), pp. 95 98. 11. Ueber seine neuerlichen naturokono- mischen Wahrnehmungen in der sog. goldenen Ruthe Bohmens (zlaty prut). Prag, Sitzungsber. 1863 (hft. 2), pp. 60-62. Amici, Giovanni Batista. Descrizione d' un nuovo microinetro. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIL, 1815, pp. 344-359. 2. De' microscopi catadiottrici memoria. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII., 1818, pp. 107-124 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVIL, 1821, pp. 412-434 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 135-138; Gilbert, Annal. LXVL, 1820, pp. 255-272. 3. Sulla circolazione del succhio nella Chara. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIIL, 1818, pp. 183-204; Annal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1819, pp. 384-409; Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 665-677; Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 172-177. 4. Sopra le Camere Lucide. Bologna, Amid, Giovanni Batista. 5. Memoria sopra un cannocchiale iconantidiptico. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 1821, pp. 113-120. 6. Memoria sulla construzione di un can- nocchiale acromatico senza lenti. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 182), pp. 121-137; Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. II., 1822, pp. 122-136; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 398-401 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 301-310. 7. Osservazioni microscopiche sopra varie piante. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 1823, pp. 234-286 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 41- 71,211-249; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1823, col. 337-344; VI., 155; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 388-393. 8. Lettre sur les micrometres prismatiques. Zach, Corresp. VIII., 1823, pp. 67-75. 9. Lettre sur la mesure des etoiles doubles. Zach, Corresp. VIII., 1823, pp. 216-218 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 3,34-341. 1O. Lettre sur un nouveau Micrometre in- Opusc. Scientif. III., 1819, pp. 25-35 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, pp. 137-156. termediaire. Zach, Corresp. IX., 1823, pp. 517- 534. 11. Lettre sur les limites de la visibilite des divisions sur les instrumens d'astronomie. Zach, Corresp. XII., 1825, pp. 334-347. 12. Lettre sur les Observations des satel- lites de Jupiter en plein jour. Zach, Corresp. XII., 1825, pp. 539-552; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 282-286 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci., IV., 1826, pp. 306-309. 13. Observations sur 1'accroissement des vegetaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXI., 1830, pp. 92- 101 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 422-424. 14. Note sur le mode d' action du pollen sur le stigmate. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXL, 1830, pp. 329-332; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 637- 638. 15. Lettre a M. MIRBEL sur la circulation des fluides dans les vegetaux. [1830.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1831, pp. 426-432. - 16. Beschriebung eines neuen Nivellir- Instruments. Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 108-115. 17. Ueber die Farbenzerstreuung in einem und demselben Mittel. Pcggend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 609-619. 18. Descrizione di alcuni instrument! da misurare gli angoli per riflessione. [1836.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXL, 1837, pp. 142- 174. 19. [Sulla circolazione chesiosserva negli internodi della Chara.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1839, pp. 129-132. - 2O. Nota sull' esistenza del budello nel pol- line. Bibl. Ital. C. 1840, pp. 273-275. 21. [Osservazioni sugli zoospermi della Chara.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 284-285. AMI] [AMM Amici, Giovanni Batista. 22. Nuove osserva- zioni sugli stomi del Cereus peruvianus. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 327-328. 23. Note sur un appareil de polarisation. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1844, pp. 114-117; Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 472-476. 24. Description d'un petit microscope achromatique. Annal. de Chimie, XII.. 1844, pp. 117-120; Poggend. Annal. LXIV./ 1845, pp. 476-478. 25. Sulla fecondazione delle orchidee. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 542-549 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, VII. (Bot.\ 1847, pp. 193-205 ; Revue Bo- tanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 389-400 ; Botan. Zei- tung, V., 1847, col. 364-370, 381-386; Flora. XXX., 1847, pp. 249-261. 26. Elementi parabolic! approssimati della Cometa. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 148- 149. 27. Meridiana iconantidiptica. Nuovo Ci- mento, I., 1855, pp. 44-50. 28. Di un nuovo Microscopic portatile. II Tempo, I., 1858, pp. 161-165. 29. Sulla libra muscolare. II Tempo, II., 1858, pp. 328-338 ; Nuovo Cimento, IX., 1859, pp. 5-16. 30. Sulla natura dei corpuscoli ovoidali dei semi e dei Bachi da Seta affetti d' atrofia. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXV., 1862, pp. 315-317. Amici, Vincenzo. Considerazioni relative al moto dell' acqua. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 250- 252; Tortolini, Annali, I., 1850, pp. 302-304. Amiot, Benjamin. Theorie des paralleles. Rouen, Acad. Travaux. 1839, pp. 144-146. 2. Memoire sur 1' approximation des calculs numeriques par les decimales. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1841. pp. 161-180. 3. Discussion des valeurs generales fournies par la resolution de trois equations du premier degre entre trois inconnues. Rouen, Acad. Tra- vaux, 1842, pp. 41-55. 4. Memoire sur une nouvelle methode de generation et de discussion des surfaces du deuxieme ordre. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII.. 1843, pp. 161-208. 5. Sur la determination d'une Courbe du 2 e Ordre donnee par son equation. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 272-277. 6. Memoire sur les Polygones reguliers. Nouv. Ann. Math. IIT., 1844, pp. 264-278 ; Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 46-57. 7. Memoires sur di verses proprietes surfaces du deuxieme ordre, deduites de la Theorie des Focales. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 109-136. 8. Sur les developpees elliptiques des courhes planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL. 1845, pp. 348-352. Amiot, Benjamin. 9. Sur les points singuliers des surfaces. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXI., 1846. 10. Sur quelques proprietes des Coniques Osculatrices a. une courbe plane. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 144-146. 11. Discussion des valeurs generales fournies par la resolution de trois equations du premier degre entre trois inconnues. [1842.] Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 407-421. 12. Note sur quelques points de la theorie analytique des surfaces. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 129-135. 13. Sur.Papproximation des calculs nume- riques par les decimales. Nouv. Ann. Math. X., 1851, pp. 238-257. Ammann, . [Ueber geographische Bestim- mungen.] [1796.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 113-119. Ammermiiller, Christopher Fried-rich. Ueber eine Gesetzmassigkeit in specifischen Gewichte, welche bei Verbindungen einfacher Korper unter einander nach multiplen Verhaltnissen stattfindet. Poggend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 341-355 ; L., 406-408 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1840, pp. 174-193. Ammermiiller, C. F., und //. G. Magnus. Ueber eine neue Verbindung des Jods mit Sauerstoff, die Ueberjodsiiure. Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 514-524; Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 92-105 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 26-27 ; Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 18-24 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, pp. 141-143. Ammon, Friedrich August von. Das Staphyloma pellucidum corneas congenitum. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 548-553. 2. Ueber eine Eigenthiimlichkeit der Choroidea im menschlichen Fotusauge. Oken, Isis, XXIL, 1829, col. 430-431. 3. Ueber eine zwischen den Processus ciliaris und dem Linsencapselrande bestehende Verbindung, und von der Wichtigkeit derselben fur die Pathologic des Auges, wie fur einzelne Operationen an demselbeu. Oken, Isis, XXIL, 1829, col. 432-433. 4. Der Orbiculus capsulo-ciliaris eine Ver- bindung welche im menschlichen Auge zwischen der hintern Flache der Ciliarfortsatze und der vordern Linsenkapselwand besteht. Ammon, Zeitschrift, L, 1831, pp. 1-9. 5. Anfrage wegen BURGMANN'S und BLU- MENBACH'S Prolapsus oculorum. Ammon, Zeit- schrift, L, 1831, pp. 411-412. 6. Beitrage zur Anatomic, Physiologic und Pathologie des Orbiculus ciliaris in Men- schen- und Thieraugen. Ammon, Zeitschrift, II., 1832, pp. 194-222. H 58 [AMP Ammon, Friedrich August von. 7. Die Bildung des Vogelauges in den ersten Tagen seiner Entstehung mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung von Dr. HUSCHKE'S Untersuchungen. Ammon, Zeitschrift, III., 1833, pp. 341-361. 8. Memoire sur la physiologic de la Tenotomie. Gand, Ann. Soc. Med. V., 1839, pp. 174-200. 9. Zur Heilung des Strabismus clurch die Myotomie. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. III., 1840, pp. 321-332. 1O. Die Brachychilia und das Mikrostoma, zwei wenig gekannte angeborne Fehler der Lippen und des Mundes. Jouru. Chir. Augen- heilk. III., 1844, pp. ?50-258. 11. Anatomisch - pathologischer Beweis iiber spontanes Entstehen abnonner Oeffnungen (Pupillen) im Irisgewebe im Verlaufe mancher Krankheiten. Jouru. Chir. Augenheilk. V., 1846, p. 336. 12. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des mensch- lichen Auges. Archiv f. Ophthalm. IV., 1858, pp. 1-226 ; Annal. d'Oculist. XLIL, 1859, pp. 5-32, 133-146, 179-197 ; XLIIL, 5-21, 61-74, 145-166, 205-224 ; XLIV., 5-26, 102- 114. 13. Memoire sur 1'anatomie normale et pathologique de 1'extremite intra-oculaire du nerf optique dans ses rapports avec 1'ophthalmo- scopie. Annal. d'Oculist, XLIV., pp. 157- 188 ; XLV., 5-42. 14. Zur Beantwortung der Frage : " Giebt es eine organische Verbindung zwischen der innern Flache der Corona ciliaris und dem Linsenkapselrand ? " Reichert, Archiv, 1 859, pp. 1-8. 15. Acyclia Irideremia und Hemiphakia congenita. Zur Lehre von den angebornen Krankheiten des menschlichen Auges. [1858.] Cses. Leop. Acad. Nova Acta, XXVIII, 1860, pp. 54-106. 16. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomic des intraocularen Sehnervenendes behufs der ophthalmoskopischen Diagnose von Krankhei- ten des Augensrrundes. Archiv f. Ophthalm. VI., 1860, pp. f-61. 17. Zur genaueren Kenntniss des Nervu* opticus namentlich dessen intraocularen Endes. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1860, pp. 140-167. Ammon, F. A., und Werneck. Beitrage zur Geweblehre des Krystallkb'rpers. Ammon, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 403-428. Amo, Mariano del. Memoria premiada sobre la distribucion geografica de las familias de las plantas cruciferas, leguminosas, rosaceas, salso- laccas, amentaceas, coniferas y gramineas de la Peninsula Iberica. Madrid, Mem. Acad. Ci. V., 1861, pp. 223-463. Amo, Mariano del, y Petro del Campo. Especies de plantas nuevas. Madrid, Revista, V., 1855. pp. 55-57. Amoretti, Carlo. Sur le trap du mont Simmolo. pres d'Intra sur le Lac Majeur. Torino, Mern. Acad. VI., 1792-1800, pp. 89-104. 2. Lettre au citoyen GIOBERT, pour servir de Supplement au Memoire du trap. Torino, Mem. Acad. VI., 1792-1800 (pte. 2), pp. 268- 274. 3. Delle torbiere esistenti nel departimento d' Olona, e limitrofi, e de' loro vantaggi ed usi. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Nax. Ital. I., 1806 (ptc. 2). pp. 309-366. 4. Su un dente e parte di mandibola d' uu Mastodonte trovati presso la Rocchetta nel dipartimento del Tanaro. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. 'Ital. II, 1808 (pte. 2), pp 421-430. 5. Osservazioni sulle Anguille. Modena. Mem. Soc. Ital. X., 1803, pp. 679-686. 6. Dell' azione di varie sostanze sopra altre sostenute pendenti su di esse. [1806.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIII, 1807, pp. 221- 255. 7. Delia Torba, e della Lignite combusti- bill che possono sostituirsi alle legne nel Regno d' Italia. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VIII, 1809, pp. 129-153, 257-266. 8. Osservazioni fatte presso Stabio, dis- tretto di Mendrisio, nel cantone Svizzero del Ticino. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., 1811, pp. 117-125. 9. Osservazioni elettrometriche e cerauniche. [1812.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVI, 1813, pp. 52-81, 212-230. 1O. Osservazioni di elettrometria anirnale. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVII, 1815, pp. 81- 100, 101-131, 132-150; Gilbert, Annal. LX., 1819, pp. 255-317. 11. Degli effetti de' turbini su-lle piante. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII, 1815, pp. 139-147; Gilbert, Annal. LVII, 1817, pp. 389-392. Amoretti, F. Sur la fraction continue Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 40-46. Amoreux, . Observations on Spiders and their supposed Poison. Tilloch, PhiL Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 74-80, 122-126. 2. Observations on Ants and on the Poison of these insects. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII, 1800, pp. 152-157. Ampere, Andre Marie. Demonstration de 1'ega- lite de volume des Polyedres symetriques. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I, 1804-08, pp. 184-187. AMP] 59 [AMP Ampere, Andre Marie. 2. Recherches surquel- ques points de la theorie des ibnctions derivees qui conduisent a une nouvelle demonstration dc la serie de TAYLOR, et a 1'expression linie des termes qu'on neglige lorsqu'on arrete cette serie a un terme quelconque. Paris, Ecole Polytechu. Journ. VI., 1806, pp. 148-181. 3. Demonstration generale du principe des Vitesses Virtuelles, degagee dc la consideration des infiniment petits. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. VI., 1806, pp. 247-269. 4. Recherches sur 1'application des for- mules generales du Calcul des Variations aux problemes de la Mecanique. [1803.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. I., 1806, pp. 493-523. 5. Sur les avantages qu'on peut retirer, dans la theorie des Courbes, de la consideration des Paraboles osculatrices, avec des reflexions sur les fonctions differectielles dont la valeur ne change pas lors de la transformation des axes. [1803.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. VII. 1808, pp. 159-181. 6. Sur la Balance hydrostatique de M. BARRE. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XII., 1813, pp. 77-78. 7. Demonstration d'un theoreme d'oii Ton peut deduire toutes les lois de la refraction ordinaire et extraordinaire. Paris, Mem. de 1'Institut, 1813-15, pp. 235-248. 8. Sur 1'integration des equations aux Differentielles Partielles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Pliilom. 1814, pp. 107-109. 9. Sur les equations aux Differences Par- tielles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philoia. 1814. pp. 163- 165. 10. Memoire sur la Refraction de la lumiere. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 238-242. 11. Demonstration de la relation decou- verte par MARIOTTE. [1814.] Annal. de Chimie. XCIV., 1815, pp. 145-160. 12. Sur la determination des proportions dans lesquelles les corps se combinent, d'apres le nombre et la disposition respective des molecules dont leurs particules integrantes sont composees. Journ. des Mines, XXXVII., 1815, pp. 5-40; Annal. de Chimie, XC. 1814, pp. 43- 86; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 41-43, 109-116, 189-193, 344-349. 13. Considerations generales sur les inte- gralesdes equations aux Differentielles Partielles. [1814.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. X., 1815, pp. 549-611; XL, 1820, pp. 1-188. 14. Essai d'une Classification naturelle pour les corps simples. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 295-308, 373-393 ; II., 5-31, 105-125 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV1L, 1816, pp. 438- 446; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharra. I., 1817 (2 St.), pp. 322-432. Ampere, Andre Marie, 15. Probleme des Quad- ratures. Rapport a 1'Academie Royale des Sci- ences, sur le memoire de M. BERARD. Gergonne, Ann. Math. V1IL, 1817-18, pp. 117-124. 16. Sur 1'action des Courans Voltaiques. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 59-76. 17. Note sur un Memoire lu a 1'Academie Royale des Sciences 4 Decembre 1820 [sur 1'action mutuelle de deux elemens de courans electriques.] Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 226-230. 18. Sur Faction mutuelle de deux tils con- jonctifs, et sur celle qui a lieu entre un fil con- jonctif et un aimant ou le globe de la terre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1820, pp. 138-140 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVJL, 1821, pp. 113-163, 225-228. 19. Lettre a M. ARAGO [sur 1'etat Mag- netique des corps qui transmettent un courant d'Electricite]. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 119-129; Bibl. Univ. XVIL, 1821, pp. 16- 20 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 176- 184; LXIX., 65-80 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 17-20. 20. Note sur un appareil a 1'aide duquel on peut verifier toutes les proprietes des conduc- teurs de 1'Electricite Voltaique. Annal. de Chimie, XV1IL, 1821, pp. 88-107, 313-332. 21. Notice sur des experiences Electro-mag- jietiques. Annal. d. Sci. Phys. VIIL, 1821, pp. 101-104. 22. Lettre a Mr. ERMAN, sur 1'action Elec- tro-magnetique. Bibl. Univ. XVIL, 1821, pp. 183-191 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 304-309 ; XCIIL, 1821, pp. 447-467 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 32-37, 136-157. 23. Memoire sur quelques nouvelles pro- prietes des Axes permanens de Rotation des corps et des plans directeurs de ces axes. Paris, Mem. de 1'Institut, V., 1821-22, pp. 86-152 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 415-416. 24. Experiences relatives a de nouveaux phenomenes Electro-dynamiques. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 60-74 ; Bibl. Univ. XX., 1822, pp. 173-185 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 257-276. 25. Memoire sur la determination de la formule qui represente 1'action mutuelle de deux portions infiniment petites de conducteurs vol- taiques. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 398-421. 26. Extrait d'une lettre sur des experiences Electro-magnetiques. Bibl. Univ. XX., 1822, pp. 185-192 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 441-442. 27. Lettre a M. FAEADAY. Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, pp. 389-401. H2 AMP] 60 [AMP Ampere, Andre Marie. 28. [Observations sur le Memoire de M. SAVARY (t. XXII., p. 259) relatif a la formule Electro-dynamique de M. AMPERE]. Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1823, pp. 109- 115. 29. Sur les phenomenes Electro-dynami- ques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philora. 1823, pp. 79- 85 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 134- 161, 246-258. 3O. Memoire sur la theorie mathematique des phenomenes Electro-dynarmques,uniquement deduite de Fexperience. [1820.] Paris, Mem. de I'Institut, VI., 1823, pp. 175-386; Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1822, pp. 145-147. 31. Description d'un appareil Electro-dyna- mique. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 390-411. 32. Analogic entre les Facultes numeriques et les Puissances ; Demonstration generale de la .formule duBinome de NEWTON; Developpement des fonctions exponentielles et circulaires. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XV., 1824-25, pp. 369- 387. 33. Lettre a M. GERHARDI sur divers phe- nomenes Electro-dynamiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 373-380 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 368-373. 34. Memoire sur une nouvelle experience Electro-dynamique, sur son application a la for- mule qui represente Faction mutuelle de deux elements de conducteurs Voltai'ques, et sur .de nouvelles consequences deduites de cette for- mule. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 381-404 ; XXX., 29-41 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 373-387 ; LXVIL, 37-45 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII, 1825, pp. 381- 382. 35. Note sur une nouvelle experience Elec- tro-dynamique et sur son application a la formule qui represente Faction mutuelle de deux elements de conducteurs Voltai'ques. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. I., 1825, pp. 276-280; Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1827, col. 225-226. 36. Exposition des principes du calcul des Variations. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVI., 1825- 26, pp. 133-167. 37. Essai sur un nouveau mode d'exposition des principes du calcul DifFerentiel, du calcul aux Differences, et de 1'interpolation des Suites, considerees comme derivant d'une source com- mune. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVI., 1825-26, pp. 329-349. 38. Note sur une nouvelle experience Elec- tro-dynamique, qui constate 1'action d'un disque metallique en mouvement sur une portion de conducteur Voltaique pliee en helice ou en spirale. Paris, N. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1826, p. 134 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 228- 229. Ampere, Andre Marie. 39. Memoire sur Faction exercee par un circuit Electro-dynamique, for- mant une courbe plane dont les dimensions sont considerees comme infiniment petites ; sur la maniere d'y ramener celle d'un circuit ferme, quelles qu'en soient la forme et la grandeur ; sur deux nouveaux instruments destines a des experiences propres a rendre plus directe et a verifier la determination de la valeur de Faction mutuelle de deux elemens de conducteurs ; sur Fidentite des forces produites par des circuits infiniment petits, et par des particules d'Aimant ; enfin, sur uu nouveau theoreme relatif a Faction de ces particules. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. II., 1826, 35-47. 4O. Nouvelle demonstration du principe des Vitesses Virtuelles. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. II., 1826, pp. 276-281. 41. Demonstration du theoreme de TAYLOR, pour Jes fonctions d'un nombre quelconque de Variables Independantes, avec la determination de Ferreur que 1'on commet lorsqu'on arrete la serie donnee par ce theoreme a Fun quelconque de ses termes. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVII., 1826-27, pp. 317-329. 42. Sur Faction mutuelle d'un conducteur Voltaique et d'un Aim ant. Bruxelles, Mem. Acad. IV., 1827 (t. 2), pp. 3-88 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 113-139. 43. Memoire sur la determination de la Surface courbe des Ondes Lumineuses dans un milieu dont Felasticite est differente suivant les trois directions principales, c. a. d., celles ou la force produite par Felasticite a lieu dans la direction meme du deplacement des molecules de ce milieu. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 113-144 ; Poggend. Annal. XXX., 1836, pp. 262-294. 44. Solution d'un probleme de Dynamique, suivie de considerations sur le probleme general des Forces Centrales. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XX., 1829-30, pp. 37-5a 45. Demonstration elementaire du principe de la Gravitation Universelle. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XX., 1829-30, pp. 89-96. 46. Note sur une experience de M. Hippo- lyte PIXII, relative au courant produit par la rotation d'un Aimant. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 76-79 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVII., 1833, pp. 398-399 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIV, 1833, pp. 144-145. 47. Versuche iiber die durch den Einfluss eines andern Stroms erzeugten elektrischen Strome. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (=Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 444-450. 48. Note sur la Chaleur et sur la Lumiere considerees comme resultant de mouvemens vibratoires. Annal. de Chimie, L VIII., 1835, pp. 432-444. AMP] 61 [AMY Ampere, Andre Marie. 49. Memoire sur les equations generates du Mouvement. [1826.] Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1836, pp. 211-228. 5O. Recherches mathematiques inedites. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 144-148. 51. Nouvelle discussion de 1'equation generale des courbes du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 90-103. 52. Theorie du Calcul elementaire. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 105-109, 161-164. 209-213, 278-285. Ampere, A. M., et Becqaerel. Note sur une experience relative a la nature du courant Electrique. Anna!, de Chimie, XXVII., 1824 t pp. 29-32. 2. Experiences sur les courants Electriques produits par 1'influence d'un autre courant. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIII., 1831, pp. 405-412 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 612-621. A K mpere, A. M., and Dulong. Abstract of the report on M. ROUSSEAU'S memoir respect- ing a new method of measuring the power of bodies to conduct electricity. ( Transl.) Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VIII. 1824, pp. 39-41. Amsler, C. Analyse des Schwefelwassers zu Weilbtfch. Liebig, Annal. LV., 1845, pp. 246 -248. Amsler, Jacob. Methode den Einfluss zu con- densiren, welchen die Eisenmassen eines Schiffes in Folge Vertheilung der magnetischen Fliissigkeiten durch den Erdmagnetismus auf die Compassnadel ausiiben. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1848, pp. 146-153. 2. Zur Theorie der Vertheilung des Mag- netismus im weichen Eisen. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denks. X., 1849. 3. Ueber die Anwendung von Schwing- ungs-beobachtungen zur Bestimrnung der spezi- fischen Warme fester Kb'rper bei constantem Volumen. Zurich, Mittheil. II., 1850-52, pp. 241-248. 4. Neue geometrische und mechanische Eigenschaft der Niveaufliichen. [1848.] Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1852, pp. 314-315 ; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIL, 1853, pp. 356-358, 5. Zur Theorie der Anziehung und der Warme. [1851.] Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1852, pp. 316-326. 6. Ueber die Gesetze der Warmeleitung im Innern fester Korper ; unter Beriicksichtigung der durch ungleichformige Erwarmung erzeugten Spannung. Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1852, pp. 327-347; Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denks. XIL, 1852. 7. Ueber das Polar-Planimeter. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXL., 1856, pp. 321-327. Amsler, Jacob. 8. Noch etwas zur Theorie des Polarplanimeters. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLL, 1856, pp. 326-329. 9. Ueber die mechanische Bestimmung des Flacheninhaltes, der statischen Momente und der Tragheitsmomente ebener Figuren, insbeson- dere iiber einen neuen Planimeter. Zurich, Vierteljahrs. I., 1856, pp. 41-70, 101-140. Amstein, - . Analyse de 1'eau minerale de Laifour, departement des Ardennes. Journ. de Pharm. L, 1815, pp. 272-275. Am Stein, J. G. Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der Myriapoden und Crustaceen Graubiindens. Chur, Jahrb. Natf. Gesell. II., 1855-56, pp. 112- 148. 2. Verzeichniss der Land und Wasser Mol- lusken Graubiindens. Chur, Jahrb. Natf. Gesell. III., 1856-57, pp. 68-98 ; VII., 127-134. 3. Amsteinia punctipennis, n. sp. Chur, Jahrb. Natf. Gesell. III., 1856-57, pp. 99-101. 4. Dipterologische Beitriige. Chur, Jahrb., Natf. Gesell. V., 1858-59, pp. 96-101. Am Stein (sen.), J. II. Verzeichniss der Biindner Dipteren. Chur, Jahrb. Natf, Gesell. n., 1855-56, pp. 89-111. Anmssat, J. Z. Remarques sur 1'uretre de 1'homme et de la femme. Archives Gen. de Med. IV., 1824, pp. 31-45, 547-561. 2. Quelques reflexions sur le mecanisme de 1'excretion de 1'urine, suivies d'observations sur la retention complete de ce liquide. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. VI., 1826, pp. 97-137. 3. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur les hemorrhagies traumatiques, suivies de quelques considerations sur 1'importance des vivisections pour former des chirurgiens opera- teurs. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. V., 1836, pp. 68-90. 4. Considerations sur le mecanisme du cours de la bile dans les canaux biliaires. Paris,, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 641-642. 5. Effet de Finhalation de Tether et dm chloroforme sur 1'apparence du sang arteriel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 967- 969. Amyot, . Note historique sur le telegraphe electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 80-83. Amyot, . Nouvelle methode de generation et de discussion des surfaces de second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 783- 828. Amyot, C. J. B. Moluris Pieretti, Serv. Mag. de Zool. 1835, cl. ix. pi. 129. 2. Histoire de la Cigale. Silbermann, Rev. Entom. IV., 1836, pp. 60-71. AMY] 62 [AND Amyot, C. J. B. 3. Entomologie Franqaise. Rhynchotes : Hemipteres, Homopteres, Phthi- ropteres, Pseudopteres, etc. Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent, III., 1844, pp. 369-416, 417-492; IV.. 73-192, 359-452 ; V., 143-238, 453-524. 4. [Lettre a M. WESTWOOD sur la methode mononymique.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. VI., 1848, pp. Ixxi.-lxxiv. 5. Sur la Tipule du froment (Tipula tritici, Kirby ; Cecidorayia tritici, Latr.) Paris, Anu. Soc. Ent. IX., 1851, pp. Ivi-lxii. 6. De la nomenclature entomologique. Ancker, Observations sur quelques ano- Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. VII., 1859, pp. 571-572. 7. De la production des tils des Araignees, de la fabrication de leurs toiles, et de 1'ascension de ces fils dans les airs. Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. II., 1862, pp. 163-172. Amyot, C. J. B., et Sichel. [Note sur la Cecidomyie du froment et son parasite.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. IV., 1856, pp. viii-x. Amyot, Thos. Ed. On Finders and Indicators. Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 151- 153. Anca, F. Note sur deux nouvelles grottes ossi- feres decouvertes en Sicile en 1859. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 680-695 ; Paris. Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 1139-1141. Ancelon, . Memoire sur les Spongiles de 1'etang de Lindre-Basse. Metz, Mem. Acad. XLIL, 1860-61, pp. 467-470. Ancelon, C. Note sur la cause la plus frequente et la moins connue des accidents determines par 1'inhalation du chloroforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 5-7. 2. jfitudes sur les causes du goitre et du cretinisme endemiques a Rosieres-aux-Salines. France, Congres Scientifique, XVII., 1850 (pie. 2), pp. 33-48. 3. Note sur le Delire des Aboyeurs, variete de la danse St. Guy. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 11-14. 4. Quelques mots sur la dixieme question du programme deMedecine : L'etendue de la vie moyenne a-t-elle augmente ou diminue en Li- mousin depuis un siecle ? France, Congres Scientifique, XXVI., 1859 (pte. 2), pp. 52-55. 5. Etendue de la vie moyenne. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIL, 1860, pp. 512- 519. AncMeta, Jose . 28. 2. Note on the state in which Fibrin exists in the blood. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. I., 1841- 44, pp. 200-206; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 245-248. 3. Contributions of facts to the weights of the Foetal Viscera. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. IV, 1844, pp. 100-103. Anderson, David. On the Mechanism of Vomit- ing. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. IV., 1844, pp. 1-12, 182-183, 268-270, 813-814, 994-995. Anderson, George. Description of a new British Rubus, with corrections of the descriptions of Rubus corylifolius and fruticosus ; and a List of some of the more rare British plants. Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 216-226. 2. A monograph of the genus Paeonia. [1817.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 248-290; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1021- 1030. Anderson, George. Account of the small dis- trict of primitive rocks, near Stromness, in the Orkney Islands. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 173-175. 2. Geognostical sketch of part of the Great Glen of Scotland. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 190-206. 3. On the quartz district in the neighbour- hood of Loch Ness. [1824.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 212-218; IV, 91-93. 4. Description of the bituminous rocks, which occur in Ross-shire and the neighbourhood of Inverness, &c. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV, 1826, pp. 93-95. Anderson, ff. J. On the Motion of Solids on Surfaces, in the two hypotheses of perfect sliding and perfect rolling, with a particular examination of their small oscillatory motions. Philad. Tranp. III., 1830, pp. 315-382. Anderson, J. Iron and Steel as Materials for Rifled Cannon. United Service Journ. VI., 1863, pp. 185-202. Anderson, James. A disquisition on wool- bearing animals. Philad. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 149-153. Anderson, James. Case of teeth and hairs found in the right Ovarium. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. II., 1806, pp. 180-182. Anderson, James. Some observations on the peculiarity of the tides between Fairleigh and the North Foreland ; with an explanation of the supposed meeting of the tides near Dungeness. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 217-233. Anderson, James. Account of the Strata at the Diamond Mines of Mallivully. Edinb. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 72-73. Anderson, James. On a case of elimination with an example. Mathematician, I., 1845, pp. 181- 187. 2. Development of POISSON'S method of finding the resultant of two equal forces. Mathe- matician, I., 1845, pp. 307-311. Anderson, John. Account of a new esculent vegetable called Tetragonia, or New Zealand Spinach. [1821.] Hort. Soc. Trans. IV, 1822, pp. 488-494. Anderson, John. Observations on the railways of Belgium. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 302-321 ; Scot. Soc. Arts, Trans. III., 1851, pp. 53-72. Anderson, Rev. John. Organic remains in the old red sandstone of Fife. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1837, pp. 137-146. 2. On the geology of Fifeshire. Highland Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 376-431. 3. On the fossil fishes and yellow sand- stone of Dura-Den. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 70. 4. On the fossil fishes and yellow sand- stone. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 74-75. 5. On Human remains in Superficial drift. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 95-97. 6. On Dura Den Sandstone. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 97. 7. On the tilestones of Forfarshire. Geolo- gist, 1859, pp. 149-153. 8. Report on the excavations in Dura Den. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, pp. 32-34. Anderson, Dr. John. On the genus Peltogaster (Rathke), an animal form parasitic on the abdo- men of crabs ; also, On the occurrence of the Galathea Andrewsii. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, pp. 412-415. 2. On the anatomy of Sacculina, with a de- scription of the species. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 306-314 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 12-19. 3. On an apparently new form of Holo- thuria. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 331-334 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. LX., 1862, pp. 189-191. AND] 64 [AND Anderson, Dr. John. 4. On Phryxus Paguri. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 374- 377. Anderson, Thomas. Analysis of new Mineral Species. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXII.. 1842, pp. 147-152. 2. Sur le poids atomique de 1'azote. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, p. 254. 3. Analysis of Caporcianite and Phako- lite, two new minerals of the Zeolite family. [1842.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 21-24 ; Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. XV., 1844, pp. 331-334; XVI., 123-136. 4. On the constitution and properties of Picoline, a new organic base from Coal Tar. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLI. 1846, pp. 146- 156, 291-300 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 395-398; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 124-125, 481-495; Liebig, Annal. LX.. 1846, pp. 86-103. 5. On certain products of Decomposition of the Fixed Oils in contact with Sulphur. [1847.] Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 161- 172 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 492 -503 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 369- 374; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLI'L, 1847, pp. 1-13; Liebig, Annal. LXI1L, 1847, pp. 370-384. Ediub. Trans. Roy. Soc. XVI., 1849, pp. 363-374. 6. Case of recovery from a poisonous dose of Strychnia ; with observations on the tests for the Organic Alkalies. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VIII., 1848, pp. 566-574; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 443-445 ; XIV., 49-52; Liebig, Annal. LX VI., 1848, pp. 55-61. 7. On the products of the Destructive Distillation of Animal Substances. Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1848, pp. 174-176; II., 1851, pp. 457-471 ; IX., 1855, pp. 145-150, 214 -225 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 372 -379 ; XVI., 306-310 ; XXL, 157-160 ; XXVIIL, 159-160 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 153-167 ; LIV., 36-45 ; LXIV., 449-453; LXV., 280-286; Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 32-38; LXXX., 44- 65 ; XCIV., 358-365 ; CV., 335-359. Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. XVI., 1849, pp. 463-474; XX., 247-260; XXL, 219-234, 571-596; Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 332-337; XLIV., 501-505 ; 8. On the natro-boro-calcite, or "Tiza" of Iquique. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 293-296. 9. Note on the constitution of the phos- Anderson, Thomas. 10. On the colouring matter of the Morinda citrifolia. [1848.] Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. XVL, 1849, pp. 435-444; Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. IX., 1849. pp. 306-308; Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1850, pp. 227-229 ; X VIII., 249-250 ; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CXIV., 1849, pp. 209-216; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 431-440 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXL, 1849, pp. 216-224. 11. On the action of Oxidizing Agents on certain Organic Bases. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 47-48. 12. On a Compound of Iodine and Codeine. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 48 ; EdinbNew Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 103-107 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 493-501 ; Laurent et Gerhardt, Corapt. Rend. 1850, pp. 321-353; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 465-470; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIL, 1851, pp. 341-382. 13. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur les alcalis organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 136-138; Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 80-83. 14. On the products of the action of Heat on Animal Substances. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), p. 43. 15. Description and analysis of Gurolite, a new mineral species. Phil. Mag. L, 1851, pp. 111-113 ; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc, III., 1857, pp. 1-2 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 382-384; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 96-100. 16. On the constitution of Codeine, and its products of decomposition. [1850.] Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. XX., 1853, pp. 57-86. 17. Researches on some of the Crystal- line Constituents of Opium. [1852.] Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. XX., 1853, pp. 347-376; XXL, 195-218 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 237-247; XL VI., 101-111; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 231-235 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 358-365 ; LXV., 233-238; LXX., 296-300; Liebig. Annal. LXXX VI., 1853, pp. 179-200; XCIV., 235-240 ; XCVIIL, 44-51. 18. On the Alkaloids produced during the Destructive Distillation of animal sub- stances. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 64. 19. On the constitution of Meconine and Papaverine, and their relations to the other constituents of Opium. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 64. 2O. Preliminary notice on the Decom- phates of the Organic Alkalies. Chem. Soc. Journ. L, 1849, pp. 55-60 ; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. II., 1851, pp. 148-149. position of the Platinum Salts of the Organic Alkalies. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 366-369 ; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. III., 1857, pp. 309-316. AND] 65 [AND Anderson, Thomas. 21. On the colouring matter of the Rottlera tinctoria. Edinb. New. Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp. 296-302 ; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. III., 1857, pp. 296-298. . . 22. Vorlaufige Notiz liber die Zersetzung der . Platindoppelsalze der organischen Basen. Liebig, Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 199-205. 23. On the composition of Paraffine from different sources. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 49-50. 24. Some additional Experiments on the Ethers and Amides of Meconic and Comenic Acids. Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. III., 1857, pp. 277-279. 25. On the Constitution of Paranaptha- line or Anthracene, and some of its Decomposi- tion products. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 76; Edinb. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1861, pp. 681- 690; Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 44 -51 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 294- 308. 26. On the chemistry of Opium. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 446-455. 27. Note on the use of Subacetate of Lead as a means of separating some of the vegetable Alkaloids. Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. IV., 1862, pp. 92-93. Anderson, Thomas, and C. G. Williams. On some of the Basic Constituents of Coal-Naphtha. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 74. Anderson, Thomas. On a new species of Manna from New South Wales. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VII., 1849, pp. 132-139; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. II., 1851, pp. 239-241 ; Van Diemen'sLand, Roy. Soc. Papers, I., 1851, pp. 241 -247 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 235- 240; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVII., 1849, pp. 449-455. 2. On the characters of the Natural Order Solanaceae. Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 993- 997. 3. On the introduction of the Cinchona Tree into India. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 62-69 ; Indian Annals, III., 1856, pp. 259- 269. 4. Notes on the Flora of Lucknow. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXVIH., 1859, pp. 89-120. 5. Florula Adenensis, a systematic account, with descriptions, of the flowering plants hitherto found at Aden. Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1860 (Bot\ Supp. 6. On Sphaerocoma, a new genus of Caryo- phyllese, from Aden in Arabia Felix. Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 15-25. 7. On the Flora of Behar and the mountain Parasnath, with a list of the species collected by Messrs. Hooker, Edgeworth. Thomson, and An- derson. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXX., 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 189-218. Anderson, Thomas. 8. An enumeration of the species of Acanthaceas from the continent of Africa and the adjacent islands. [1862.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 13-54. 9. On a presumed case of Parthenogenesis in a species of Aberia. [1862.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot), pp. 67-68. 10. On the identification of the Acanthacese of the Linnean Herbarium, in the possession of the Linnean Society of London. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 111-118. 11. Remarks on the yield of quinine in the leaves of Cinchona plants. Seemann, Journ. Bot. I., 1863, pp. 358-359. Anderson - - and Bubois. History of the Guinea Worm, and the method of cure employed by the Hindoos. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. II., 1806, pp. 300-307. Anderson, W. Occurrence of Mimulus luteus near Brechin. Phytologist III., 1848, p. 224. Anderson, W. Notes on the Geography of Western Afghanistan. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1849, pp. 553-587. Anderson, William. The Iron and Coal of Con- naught ; with a brief comparison between Creeve- lea and English Irons. Dublin Soc. Journ. I., 1856-57, pp. 325-327. Andersson, C. Das californische Gold und seine Gewinnungs-arten. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XIII., 1854, pp. 206-213. Andersson, Charles J. Explorations in S. Africa, with route from Walfisch Bay to Lake Ngami, and ascent of the Teoge River. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1855, pp. 79-107 ; Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 103-104. Andersson, Nic. Joh. De Svens kafjell-artema of slagtet Epilobium. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1844, pp. 154-160. 2. Anteckningar under en resa i Umea, Pitea och Lulea Lappmarker sommaren 1845. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1846, pp. 1-30. 3. Nagra ord om form-begreppet hos Pil- sliigtet, sardeles dess lappska arter. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1846, pp. 97-103. 4. Die Gefasspflanzen der Gegend von Quickjock in Lulea-Lappmark, um 67 nordl. Br. Flora, XXX., 1847, pp. 431-439, 447-454. 5. Samtidiga observationer pa djur, under ar 1847. Stockh. Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 210- 226. 6. Samtidiga observationer. Stockh. Of- versigt, VI., 1849, pp. 293-307. 7. On Carex ampullacea, Good, and Carex vesicaria, L. ; with Remarks on their Modifica- tions of Form. (Transl.) Henfrey, Bot. Ga- zette, II., 1850, pp. 252-262. 8. Conspectus vegetationis Lapponicse. Hornschuch, Archiv, II., 1850, pp. 394-444. i AND] 66 [AND Andersson, Nic. Joh. 9. Ost-Indiens hittills kiinda Pilarter. Stockli. Akad. HandL 1850, pp. 463-502 ; Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 72-76. 1O. Notes on the Eev. J. E. LEEFE'S " Sa- lictum Britannicum." Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 57-62. 11. Om Galapagos-oarnes vegetation. [Plantse in insulis Galapagensibus observaise.] Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1853, pp. 61-256. 12. Bref fran resande naturforskare. Stockh. Ofversig^ X., 1853, pp. 58-60, 177-191. 13. Om de med Saccharum beslagtade genera. Stockh. Ofversigt, XII., 1855, pp. 151- 167. 14. Om slagtet Apluda. Stockh. Ofversigt, XII., 1855, pp. 175-184. 15. Monographia andropogonearum. I. An- thistirieae. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. II., 1856, pp. 229-256. 16. Om de i Sverige forekommande arter af slagtet Eriophorum med ett ax. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1857, pp. 57-63, 78-85. 17. Slagtet Traehypogon. Stockh. Ofver- sigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 45-52. 18. Om tvenne pilarter. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1858, pp. 41-48. 19. Bidrag till kannedomen om de i Nord- Amerika forekommande pilarter (Salices). Stockh. Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 109-133. 20. On East Indian Salices. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.\ pp. 39-58. 21. Ueber die Vegetation der Galapagos- Inseln. Linnjea, XXXL, 1861-62, pp. 57 J- 632. Andler, . Ueber die Angulaten-Schichten in der Wiirttembergischen Jura-Formation. Leon- hard u. Bronn. N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 641-645. Andrada, . See Ribeiro de Andrada. Andrada, d\ Expose succinct des caracteres et des proprietes de plusieurs nouveaux mineraux de Suede et de Norwege, avec quelques observa- tions chimiques faites eurces substances. Journ. de Phys. LI., 1800, pp. 239-247 ; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802,'pp. 193-196, 211-2(3; Scherer, Journ. Chemie, IV., 1800, pp. 28-39. 2. Notice sur la structure mineralogique de la contree de Sala en Suede. Journ. des Mines, XV. (an XII.), 1803-4, pp. 249-259. Andrade Corvo, Joao de. Memorias sobre as ilhas da Madeira e Porto Santo. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. I., 1854 (pte. 2). Andrada e Silva, Jose Bonifacio de. Memoria sobre a nova Mina de ouro da outra banda do Tejo. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. V., 1817, pp. 140-152. Andrada e Silva, Jose Bonifacio de. 2. Me- moria sobre as pesquizas e larva dos veios de chumbo de Chacim, Souto, Ventozello, e Villar de Key na Provincia de Tras os Montes. Lis- boa, Mem. Acad. Sci. V., 1818 (pte. 2), pp. 77- 91. 3. Voyage mineralogique dans les provinces de Saint-Paul au Bresil, fait en 1820. (Transl.) Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 411- 415. Andrae, -. Om de protective Forvandlinger, ved hvilke Fladeindholdene bevares uforan- drede. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1853, pp. 7894. 2. Om Beregningen af Brede, Langde, og Azimuth paa Sphaeroiden. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1858, pp. 230-269 ; Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 161-168. 3. Fehlerbestimmung bei der Auflosung der Pothenot'schen Aufgabe mit dem Messtische. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 193-202. 4. Om Raekkeudviklingen rf de Formler, som tjene til Bestemmelsen af geodsetiske Posi- tioner paa den sphseroidiske Jordoverflade. Kjo- benhavn, Oversigt, 1859, pp. 27-69 ; Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 161-168; LILT., 369- 380. Andrae, Carl Justus. Calloxylon Hartigii, mihi, ein fossiles Cypressen-Holz aus der Gegend von Halle. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 633- 638. 2. Ein Beitrag zur Flora der Grauwacken- formation, insbesondere Magdeburgs. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 201-212. 3. Der Bergsturz bei Magyarokerek in Siebenbiirgen. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. II., 1851, pp. 60-63; Halle, Jahresb. Nat. Wiss. Ver. IV., 1851, pp. 193-196. 4. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Flora des siidlichen Banates, der banater Militargrenze nnd Siebenbiirgens. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 409-417, 435-443, 456-459, 471-474; XHL, 289-294, 305-313, 321-329, 701-705, 738-741, 806-809, 820-823, 861-863, 897-900, 913-915; XIV., 49-52, 65-69, 111-114, 202 -208, 243-252. 5. Bericht iiber eine im Jahre 1851 unter- nommene geognostische Reise durch die siidlich- sten Punkte des Banates, der Banater Militair- grenze und Siebenbiirgen. Halle, Abh. Naturf. Gesells. L, 1853 (Hft. 4), pp. 55-84. 6. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse geognostischer Beobachtungen im Gebiete der 9, 14, 18, 19, Sect, der Generalquartiermeisterstabs- Karte von Steiermark und Illirien. Steiermark, Ber. Geog. Mont. Ver. 1854, pp. 1-11, 33-41. 7. Ergebnisse geognostischer Forschungen in Steiermark und Illyrien. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. V., 1854, pp. 529-567. AND] 67 [AND Aiidrae, Carl Justus. 8. Osteologische Diffe- renzen des Dompfaffen, Griinlings uiid Kreuz- schnabels. Halle, Zeits. f. d. Ges. Nat. V., 1855. pp. 37-44. 9. Fosaile Pflanzen der Tertiarformation von Szakadat und Thalheim in Siebenbiirgen, und der Liasformation von Steierdorf im Banat. Halle, Zeits. f. d. Ges. Nat. V., 1855, pp. 201- 207. 10. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der fossilen Flora Siebenbiirgens und des Banates. Wien, Abh. Geol. II., 1855. 11. Bericht iiber die Ergebnisse geognos- tischer Forschungen in Steiermark. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. VI., 1855, pp. 265-304. 12. Ein Conglomerat aus Saalgeschieben bestehend. Halle, Sitzungsb. Nat. Gesell. 1857, pp. 8-9. 13. Vordrangungs-Pseudomorphose nach Steinsalz. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungs- ber, XVIIL, 1861, pp. 73-74. 14. Ueber einige in den preussischen Rheinlanden und an deren Granze aufgefundene theils neue, theils bereits bekannte seltene Farrn- arten aus dem Steinkohlen-Gebirge, unter Vorle- gung der betreffenden Exemplare. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Corresp. XIX., 1862, pp. 87-90. Andrae, C. J., und Oswald Heer. Beitriige zur n'ahern Kenntniss der Sachsischthuringischen Braunkohlenflora. Nebst einem Anhange iiber einige Siebenbiirgische Tertiarpflanzen. Halle, Abh. Nat. Ver. II., 1861, pp. 403-438. Andral, G. Sur quelques variety's de position des visceres abdominaux. Paris, Ann. Cere. Med. II., 1820, pp. 255-267. 2. Experiences sur les proprietes physiolo- giques de la Strychnine impure, de la Strych- nine pure, et de la Brucine pure. Paris, Ann. Cere. Med. II., 1820, pp. 535-540. 3. De 1'action que la Veratrine exerce sur 1'economie animale. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 291-292. 4. Experiences sur laVeratrine, ou principe actif de 1'Hellebore blanc, du Colchique com- mun, et de la Cevadille. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. I., 1821, pp. 65-74. 5. Note sur les nerfs qui se rendent aux moustaches du Phoque. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. I., 1821, pp. 74-78. 6. Note sur les liquides trouves apres la mort dans le systeme lymphatique. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. II., 1822, pp. 279-294. 7. Acephalocystes trouves dans les veines pulmonaires. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IH., 1823, pp. 69-71. 8. De 1'etat du cceur chez les monstres a deux tetes ou a deux corps. Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1830, pp. 11-13. Andral, G. 9. De 1'alteration du sang dans le Scor- but. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 1 24-126. 1O. Note sur la nature du liquide secrete par la membrane muqueuse des intestins dans le cholera. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 228-232. 11. Recherches sur 1'etat d'acidite ou d'al- calinite de quelques liquides du corps humain dans 1'etat de sante et de maladie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 649-657 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 116-127 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV, 1849, pp. 59-61 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 1-6. - ' 12. De quelques faits pathologiques propres a eclairer la question de la production du sucre dans 1'economie animale. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLL, 1855, pp. 109-114; Ann. Sci. Nat. in. (Zoo/.), 1855, pp. 346-351. Andral, G., et C. C. Beaufils. Notice histo- rique et critique sur la collection d' anatomies en cire, et la statue colossale en bois du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Florence. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. d'Emul. I., 1797, pp. 269-287. Andral, G., et Jules Gavarret. Recherches sur les modifications de proportion de quelques principes du sang dans les maladies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 155-161, 196- 202 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV, 1840, pp. 225- 322; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Zool\ 1840, pp. 361-383; XV., 129-156; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 582-584. 2. Recherches sur ledeveloppement du Penicillium glaucum, sous 1'influence de 1'acidi- fication, dans les liquides albumineux normaux et pathologiques. Annal. de Chimie, VIH., 1843,pp. 385-401 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 266-276 ; Journ. de Pharm. Ill, 1843, pp. 251-255 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVL, ^843, col. 81-87, 100-104. 3. Recherches sur la quantite d'acide carbonique exhale par le poumon dans 1'espece humaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 113-123; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 129-150; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.\ 1843, pp. 100-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 465-468; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 331-332; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 25-26. 4. Note sur les changemens de propor- tion de la fibrine du sang dans les maladies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1045-1052. Andral, G., Gavarret, et Delafond. Re- cherches sur la composition du sang de quelques animaux domestiques, dans 1'etat de sante et de maladie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 627-630; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1842, pp. 304-337; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVHI. (ZooL), 1842, pp. 213-225; Froriep, Notizen, XX1L, 1842, col. 290-292. i2 AND] 68 [AND Andre, Uebersicht der Gebirgsforma- tionen und besonders der Uebergangsformation in Mahren ; nebst einigen neuesten Nachrichten von den Mahrischen Kalkhohlen. Voigt, Ma- gazin, IX., 1805, pp. 243-268. Andre, . Deuxieme Rapport sur la maladie du froment qualifie Ble Vibrione. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXI., 1849-50, pp. 367-372. Andre, Ernest. Ueber den Anbau und die Ve- rarbeitung des Leinens. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XL., 1831, pp. 102-142. 2. Ueber das Wachsthum der Baume. Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 87-89. 3. Sur 1'habitat du Ptinus Aubei. Paris, Ann. Soc. Ent. V., 1857, pp. cxi-cxii. Andre, Henri d\ Demonstration du Theoreme 55 (t. I., p. 52 1), sur le bin6me de NEWTON. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 121-122. 2. Demonstration du Theoreme 83 (t. III., p. 83); lieu relatif a une parabole. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 122-127, 208. 3. Theoreme sur les diametres conjugues. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 209-210. 4. Quelques observations relatives a la figure du carre de 1'Hypotenuse. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 324-331. 5. Theoreme sur la Lemniscate. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 331-334. Andre, J. J. De 1'action du chlore sur la qui- nine. Annal. de Chimie, LXXI., 1839, pp. 195-201. 2. De 1'action de 1'acide chromique sur les alcalis vegetaux. Journ. de Pharm. XLL, 1862, pp. 341-354; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 176-177, 197-199. Andrea, R.,jun. (?) Ueber einen in der Steinkoh- lenformation bei Stradonetz in Bohmen entdeck- ten Insektenflugel. Dresden, Isis Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 181-183. Andreae, . Ueber die Hirnentziindung der Saufer. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LVIIL, 1824 (Hft. 5), pp. 77-102. Andree, Karl. Die Torresstrasse, Neu-Guinea, und der Louisiade-Archipelagus. Gumprecht, Zeits. Allg. Erdk. II., 1854, pp. 433-468. 2. Geschichtliche und geographische Noti- zen iiber Californien. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, I., 1856, pp. 139-155, 244-254. 3. Die argentinische Provinz Entre Rios. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, II., 1857, pp. 312-328. Andree, Richard. Zur Kenntniss der Jura- geschiebe von Stettin undJKb'nigsberg. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zeits. XII., 1860, pp. 573-592. Andree, A. Ofversigt af Gottlands Faglar. Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1841, pp. 207-213. 2. Om Gottlandska Saltsjofisket. Stockh. Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 112-118. Andreeff, E. d\ Recherches sur le poids spdci- fique et la dilatation par la chaleur de quelques gaz condenses. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 317-333. 2. Sur le poids specifique et dilatation des gaz liquefies. Paris, Soc. China. Bull. 1859, pp. 19-20; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 1-16. Andreis, Alessandro de. Singolari effetti pro- dotti in una giovenca da uno spillone inghiottito. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 526-528. Andrejevie, Johann. Ueber den feineren Bau der Leber. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 1), 1861, pp. 379-382 ; Moleschott, Unters. VIII., 1862, pp. 350-353. Andrejewskyi, E. Note sur les vegetaux qui croissent autour et dans les eaux thermales d'Abano. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 189-191 ; Liebig, Annal. I., 1832, pp. 304-317 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1835, pp. 261- 263. Andreossy, Antoine Francois. Memoire sur la Vallee des Lacs de Natron, et celle du Fleuve sans Eau. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 405- 420. Andreossy (le Comt.e). Essai sur le tir des pro- jectiles creux. [1825.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. VII., 1827, pp. 177-198. Andres, Theodor. Ueber die Bestimmung jener drei Gleichungen, welche dienen, aus gemach- ten Ablesungen am Limbus eines Winkelin- strumentes die Excentricitat desselben zu be- rechnen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIII., 1859, pp. 95-104. 2. Die Zahlenformel fur den mittleren Krummungshalbmesser des Erdspharoids. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 72-80. Andrew, James. A new method of clearing observed Lunar Distances of the effects of parallax and refraction, for the purpose of determining the Longitude at sea or land. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 43-47. 2. A new Solution of two Fluxions pro- posed by SIMPSON. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 383-385. Andrews, . Description of a new species of Hosackia, H. raacrophylla (Euhosackia), Kel- logg. Californ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, p. 123. Andrews, Arza. On the solution of Caoutchouc. [1837.] Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 236-237. Andrews, Charles L. Contributions to the Mycology of Massachusetts. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 321-323. Andrews, E. Report on the functions of the Cerebellum. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. XL, 1858, pp. 427-443. AND] 69 [AND Andrews, E. B. Relation of the river terraces of Southern Ohio to the drift and drift theories. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 319-321. 2. An account of the fall of meteoric stones at New Concord, Ohio, May 1st, 1860. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 103-111. 3. Rock oil, its geological relations and distribution. Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 85-93 ; Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1863, pp. 73-76. Andrews, J. On the detection of Baryta or Strontia when in union with Lime. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 404-406. Andrews, Joel W. Barometric observations made during a journey from Albany, N. Y., to the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 138-142. Andrews, Thomas. Chemical researches on the Blood of Cholera patients. Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 295-305; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 210-217. 2. On some caves in the Island of Rathlin, and the adjoining Coast of the county of Antrim. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, p. 660. 3. On the changes produced in the Com- position of the Blood by repeated bleedings. Thomson, Records, L, 1835, pp. 31-34. 4. On the conducting power of certain Flames and of heated Air for Electricity. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 176-185 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 310-327. 5. On the thermo-electric Currents de- veloped between Metals and fused Salts. Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 433-440; Bibl. Univ. XI., 1837, pp. 170-171; Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 34-35 ; Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 164-174 ; LIV., 1841, pp. 208-230. 6. On the influence of Voltaic Combination on chemical action. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 69-70. 7. On the properties of Voltaic Circles, in which concentrated sulphuric acid is the liquid conductor. Irish Acad. Trans. XVIII., 1838, pp. 149-156. 8. On the action of Nitric Acid upon Bis- muth and other metals. Phil. Mag. XII., 1838, pp. 305-311 ; Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 121-131. 9. On the properties of a new voltaic combination. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 157-158. 10. On the cooling power of the gases. Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 465-468. 11. On the heat of combination. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 {pt. 2), pp. 32-33 ; 1849, pp. 63-78; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 468-493. Andrews, Thomas. 12. On the Heat developed during the combination of Acids and Bases. [1841.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 228-248 ; Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 316-330. 13. On the Heat developed during the for- mation of the metallic compounds of Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine. [1842.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIX., 1843, pp. 393-408; Poggend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 428-446, 566-586 ; LXXV, 1848, pp. 335-336. 14. On heat developed during the forma- tion of certain chemical compounds. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, p. 404. 15. On the thermal changes accompanying Basic substitutions. [1843.] Phil. Trans. 1844, pp. 21-38 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1845, pp. 68-92, 92-96 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 31-52, 53-57. 16. On the heat disengaged during the combination of bodies with Oxygen and Chlorine. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 321-339, 426- 434 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 27-49, 244-255. 17. On the heat disengaged during me- tallic substitutions. Phil. Trans. 1848, pp. 91- 104 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXI., 1850, pp. 73- 90. 18. On the Latent Heat of Vapours. Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1849, pp. 27-41 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 501-516. 19. On the discovery of minute quantities of Soda by the action of Polarized Light. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1852 (pt. 2), p. 33; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 171-172. 2O. On the atomic weights of Platinum and Barium. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 33-34; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 255 -256. 21. On the microscopic structure of cer- tain Basaltic and Metamorphic Rocks, and the occurrence of metallic Iron in them. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 34-35 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 172-178; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 321- 325. 22. On a method of obtaining a perfect vacuum in the receiver of an air-pump. Phil. Mag. IH., 1852, pp. 104-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 440-442 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 309-314. 23. On a new Aspirator. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 330-333 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 263-268 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 585-590. 24. On a simple instrument for graduating glass tubes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), p. 37. AND] 70 [AND Andrews, Thomas. 25. On the polar Decom- position of Water by common and atmospheric electricity. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 46-47 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 124- 126; L'Institut, XXIV., 1856, p. 368; Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 493-496. 26. On the constitution and properties of Ozone. [1855.] Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 1-14 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVIt, 1856, pp. 181-193; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 111-114, 455-456; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 371-373 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVLTL, 1856, pp. 435-454. 27. On the effect of great pressures com- bined with Cold on the six Noncondensable Gases. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 76; Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 270-271. Andrews, Thomas, and Peter G. Tait. Note on the density of Ozone. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIL, 1856-57, pp. 498-500. 2. Second note on ozone. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 606-608 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 333-334; LVL, 333-336; Journ. de Pharm. 1860, pp. 151- 152 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, p. 128; CXIL, 185-189; Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 625-626. 3. On the volumetric relations of Ozone and the action of the electrical discharge on oxygen and other gases. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 427-428 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861. pp. 344-367 ; Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 113-131 ; Poggend. AnnaL CXIL, 1861, pp. 249-280. Andrews, William. On the genera of ferns, Tri- chomanes and Hymenophyllum. Irish Acad. Proc. IL, 1844, pp. 602-606. 2. Observations on the botany of Great Arran Island, Galway Bay, made during an ex- cursion thither in August and September 1845. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 569- 570. 3. Remarks on the Fungi of the South- West of Ireland. [1856.] Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 5-8 ; Nat. Hist. Re- view, in., 1856 (Proc.), pp. 45-47. 4. On the occurrence of Gonepteryx rhamni and Thecla betulas in Kerry. [1856.] Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 28-29. 5. On the occurrence of the Crane (Grus cinerea) in Ireland. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 71-73. 6. On an addition to the Ornithology of Great Britain. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 75-78. Andrews, William. 7. Notes of the birds of the south-west coast, and on the occurrence of the greater Shearwater (Puffinus major). Dub- lin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 80- 85 ; Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 91-97. 8. Observations on the Salmon, Parr, and Gravelling. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 111-116. 9. Observations on the Parr (Salmo salmulus). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 116-117. 1O. On the European Hemiramphus (He- miramphus europaeus), and lesser Forked-beard. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 117-119. 11. On the species of Cottus on the south- west coast. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 119-122. 12. On the species of Crenilabrus. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 125-126. 13. Remarks on the Serrani and Percidce, and on the addition of Polyprion cernium (Cuv.) to the Irish lists. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, pp. 126-128 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IL, 1855 (Proc.), pp. 36-38. 14. On varieties of the Pleuronectida?. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1849-55, pp. 134-135. 15. On the occurrence of Nereis tubicola. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. L, 1849-55, p. 158. 16. The spawning states of the Syngna- thidas, or Pipe-fish family. Nat. Hist. Review, L, 1854, pp. 230-235. 17. Notes on the Ornithology of the County of Kerry. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IL, 1856-59, pp. 51-55 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), pp. 162-165. 18. Record of the occurrence of the Ber- gylt and Greenland Bullhead on the Irish coast. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. H., 1856-59, pp. 61-62. 19. Notes on the fishes of the western coasts, and record of the occurrence of the Boar- fish (Capros aper) in the Irish seas. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IL, 1856-59, pp. 104-107; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 188- 191. 2O. On the distinctive habits of British Hymenophyllum. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IL, 1856-59, pp. 171-174, 174-183 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VL, 1859 (Proc.), pp. 433-437, 437- 445. 21. On the Syngnathidre, or Pipe-fish family. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III.. 1859-62, pp. 43-46; Nat. Hist. Rev. VIL, 1860 (Proc.), pp. 397-400 ; Newman, Zoologist, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 7052-7054. AND] 71 [ANG Andrews, William. 22. On the occurrence of Merlangus albus, new to Irish Ichthyology. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862-63, pp. 9-11. 23. Remarks on the Salmonidre. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862-63, pp. 53-57. Andrian, Ferdinand von. Geologische Arbeiten im Saroser Comitate. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. IX.. 1858, pp. 94-96. 2. Bericht liber die Uebersichts-Aufnah- men im Zipser und Gomorer comitate wahrend des Sommers 1858. Wien, Geol. Jahrb. .X., 1859, pp. 535-554. 3. Schiefergebirge der Zips. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 20-21. 4. Erzlagerstatten des Zipser und Gomorer Comitates. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 39-41. 5. West-Bukowina und Kolomeer Kreis in Galizien. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. X., 1859, pp. 129-130. 6. Gneissgebiete des Czaslauer und Chru- dimer Kreises. Wien, Geol. VerhandL XII., 1861-62, pp. 177-179. 7. Beitrage zur Geologic des Kaurimer und Taborer Kreises in Bohmen. [1861.] Wien, Geol. Jahrb. XIIL, 1863, pp. 155-182. 8. Geologische Studien aus dem Chrudimer und Czaslauer Kreise. [1861.] Wien, Geol. Jahrb. XIII., 1863, pp. 183-208. 9. Bericht iiber die im siidlichen Theile Bohmens wahrend des Sommers 1862 ausge- fiihrte A.ufnahme. Wien, GeoL Jahrb. XIIL, 1863, pp. 537-547. 1O. Karte des siidpstlichen Theiles von Bohmen, Umgegend von Deutschbrod. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XHL, 1863, pp. 26-28. Andries, Charles. Recherches sur une classe de surfaces deduites de celles du second ordre. Brux. Ann. Univ. Belg. 1845, pp. 247-314. 2. Note sur les rails saillants a eclisses boulonnees. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ. Belg. XII., 1853-54, pp. 107-122. 3. Notice sur un viaduc a travees en fer construit a Arquennes sur le chemin de fer de Manage a Wavre, suJvie d'une note con- cernant la determination des diverses parties des poutres en treillis adoptees pour cet ouvrage. Brux. Ann. Trav. Publ. Belg. XIV., 1855-56, pp. 61-81. Andries, Francois. Memoire sur les caracteres de convergence des series. Brux. Ann. Univ. Belg. 1846, pp. 99-216. Andriessen, A. Eine neue Einrichtung am Goldblattelelektroskop. Poggend. AnnaL LXII., 1804, pp. 493-498. 2. Eine Abandoning des Heronsbrunnen. Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 332-333. Andrieu, Considerations sur le Strabisme. Amiens, Mem. Acad. Sci. 1841, pp. 625-634. 2. Observation de Morve aigue transmise du cheval a 1'homme par contagion. Amiens, Mem. Acad. Sci. 1847, pp. 39-43. 3. Note sur 1'inhalation de Tether. Gancl, BulL Soc. Med. XIIL, 1847, pp. 65-76. 4. Remarques sur Tether et Tetherisation. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XIIL, 1847, pp. 216-223. Andry, Felix. Note sur la generation dite spon- tanee, etc. Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etr. II., 1854, pp. 385-400. Andrzejowski, Antoine. Sur quelques coquilles fossiles de Volhynie, Podolie, &c. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. II., 1830, pp. 90-104. 2. Remarques sur Touvrage de M. DU Bois : " Conchyliologie fossile." Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. IV., 1832, pp. 513-558. 3. Reptilia, imprimis Volhynias, Podolise, et Gubernii Chersonensis. Moscou, Nouv. Mem. H., 1832, pp. 319-346. 4, Coquilles fossiles de Volhynie et de PodoTe. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. VI., 1833, pp. 437-451. 5. Sur le terrain Plutoriique du sud-ouest de la Russie. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XXIII., 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 240-290. 6. Sur le systeme Tyraique. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XXV., 1852, pp. 194-241 ; XXVI., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 3-67. 7. Supplement aux remarques sur les ter- rains Plutoniques du sud-ouest de la Russie. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XXVI., 1853, pp. 289- 319. Anduze, VAbbe. Renseignments sur plusieurs points de TAmerique du Nord. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VIII., 1827, pp. 85-87. Anfrye, C. New Method of separating Tin and Copper from Bell-Metal. (Transl} Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 26-29. Anfrye et Darcet. Sur la decomposition da muriate et du nitrate de baryte par la potasse et par la soude. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1804, pp. 95-105. Angas, George French. Description of Trage- laphus Angasii, Gray, with some account of its habits. Zool. Soc. Proc. Pt. XVI., 1848, pp. 89-90. 2. Notes on the broad-fronted Wombat of South Australia (Phascolomys latifrons, Owen). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 268-271. 3. On the land-shells of South Australia. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 519-523. Angas, George French, and Arthur Adams. Descriptions of new species of fresh- water shells collected during STUART'S Overland Journey from Adelaide to the north-west coast of Aus- tralia. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 414-418. ANG] 72 [ANG Angas, George French, and Arthur Adams. 2. Descriptions of new species of shells from the Australian Seas, in the collection of George French Angas. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 418- 428. Angelbeek, C. van. Korte schets van het eiland Lingga en deszelfs bewoners. Batav. Genootsch. Yerh. XI., 1826, pp. 3-62. Angelelli, Massimiliano. De electro veterum deque auro albo Herodoti. Bologna, Nov. Comm. VIII., 1846, pp. 435-444. 2. An veteres Italite philosophi nullam de vi electrica ac de fulminum potissimum proprie- tatibus scientiam tenerent ? Bologna, Nov. Comm. IX., 1849, pp. 5-10. 3. Quod lentes vitreae etiam antiquitus adhiberentur ut corpora iis supposita majora apparerent. Bologna, Nov. Comm. X., 1849, pp. 349-358. 4. Delia probabilita del nascimento fra gli uomini di nuove generazioni di malattie, e dell' unione della medicina con la filosofia secondo 1' opinione di Plutarco. [1846.] Bologna, Mem. Acad. I., 1850, pp. 47-56. 5. Del Loto di Omero. [1848.] Bologna, Mem. Acad. II., 1850, pp. 3-12. Angeli, Luigi. Sale marino uscito dalla piaga di un piede, e reso per bocca da un Uomo di anni sessantasei per lo spazio di quattro mesi continui. Giorn. Arcad. III., 1819, pp. 389-402. Angelini, Bernardino. Del Marasso o Vipera Chersea rinvenuta nel territorio Veronese. Bibl. Ital. VII., 1817, pp. 451-459. 2. Degl' insetti nocivi all' ulivo nella pro- vincia di Verona. Bibl. Ital. XVII., 1820, pp. 380-392. 3. Storia particolare dell' Ape bicorne e dell' Ape muraria. Bibl. Ital. XXX., 1823, pp. 374-382. 4. Degl' insetti nocivi all' ulivo. Bibl. Ital. XXXIX., 1825, pp. 376-388. 5. Dei danni principalmente causati nel 1826 dalla Nottua gamma nella provincia Veronese. Bibl. Ital. XLV., 1827, pp. 57-61. 6. Ascalafi Italian! con nuova specie. Bibl. Ital. XL VII., 1827, pp. 466-468. 7. Del verme delle muraglie. Brescia, Ateneo Comm. 1830, p. 73. 8. Del Formentone e degli insetti ad esso nocivi. Poligrafo, II., 1830, pp. 215-225 ; IV., 205-226 ; VI., 225-242. Angelini, Lorenzo. Scoperta dell' iodio nelT acqua minerale di Sales, provincia di Voghera. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 324-325; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (=Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 319-320. 2. Nuove osservazioni e ricerche fisico- chimiche nelP acqua minerale di Salice. Bru- gnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 397-407. Angelini, Lorenzo. 3. Sulla solubilita del car- bonato di magnesia, apparentemente maggiore nell' acqua fredda, che nella calda. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII., 1825, pp. 41-45. 4. Saggi analitici eseguiti su di un calcolo orinario rinvenuto in un majale domestico. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII., 1825, pp. 138-144 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 110-118. 5. Dissertazione sull' Assa fetida. Bru- gnatelli, Giorn. IX, 1826, pp. 173-180. 6. Nota intorno al protossido di mercuric. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVII., 1833, pp. 301- 304. Angeloni, G. SuiF eclisse del 28 Luglio 1851. Tortolini, Annal. II., 1851, pp. 405-406. Angelot, V. F. Des consequences de I'attraction relativement a la temperature du globe terrestre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XI., 1839-40, pp. 136- 147. 2. Sur la theorie des glaces universelles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XII., 1840-41, pp. 94- 115. 3. Sur les causes des emanations gazeuses provenant de 1'interieur du globe. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIII., 1841-42, pp. 178-194, 398- 402. 4. Sur la solidification des liquides. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIIL, 1841-42, pp. 377-382. 5. Sur 1'intervention des eaux de la mer dans les phenomenes volcaniques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 43-48; I., 1843- 44, pp. 23-29. 6. De quelques consequences de la contrac- tion des roches plutoniennes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 49-55. 7. Sur 1'origine du haut degre de salure de divers lacs places dans le fond de graudes de- pressions du sol des continents. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 356-391. 8. Sur la composition des meteorites. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 589- 596. 9. Sur la depression au-dessous du niveau de la mer de certaines parties de 1'Afrique sep- tentrionale, et plus particulierement de 1'Oasis de Syouah ou d'Ammon. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. II., 1844-45, pp. 416-438. 10. Sur les depressions du sol de 1'Afrique septentrionale au-dessous du niveau de la mer. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol.V., 1847-48, pp. 151-157. Anger, Carl Th. Ueber eine Aufgabe der Geo- dasie. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 359-364. 2. Ueber die sicherste Bestimmung der geographischen Breite aus Beobachtungen mit einem Spiegelsextanten oder ahnlichen Instru- mente. Danzig, N. ScLrift. III., 1835, pp. 1-24. 3. [Ueber eine geometrische Aufgabe.] Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 171-172. ANG] 73 [ANG Anger, Carl Th. 4. Ueber die Transformation der Figuren in andere derselben Gattung. Gru- nert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 281-290. 5. Verschiedene mathematische Bemer- kungen. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 78- 81. 6. Beobaehtung der Mondfinsterniss am Slsten Mai 1844. Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, plagiographische Projection. col. 161-162. 7. Ueber Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 235-2,50. 8. Ueber eine geometrische Aui'gabe. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 178-198. 9. Ueber eine geometrische Aufgabc. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 35-36. 1O. [Ueber die Berechnung eines bestirnm- ten Integrals.] Astr. Nachr. XX VI I., 1848, col. 239-240. 11. Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsterniss 1847, Oct. 8. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 287-288. 12. Ueber zwei Abhandlungen von Nico- laus Fuss in den Gedenkschrif'ten der Kaiserl. Akad. zu St. Petersburg. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849, pp. 39-44. 13. Untersuchungen iiber die perspec- tivische Verzerrung. Danzig, N. Schriffc. IV., 1851 (heft 4). 14. Beobachtungen der totalen Sonnen- finsterniss 1851, Juli 28. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 31-32. 15. Theorie de la perspective-relief. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 289-296. 16. Ueber eine Euler'sche Methode zur Berechnung der planetarischen Storungeu. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 97-104. 17. Untersuchungen iiber die Function 1 A . mit Amvendungen auf das Keplersche Pro- blem. Danzig, N. Schritt. V., 1855 (heft 2). 18. Bemerktragen zu der Euler'schen Methode flir die Berechnung der planetarischen Storungen. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 195- 198. Angerstein, H. Beseitigung des Gerausches, womit die von Dampfmaschinen abgehenden Dainpfe austreten. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIII., 1860, p. 171. Angillis, L, J. De 1'action qu'exerce 1'Etain sur la couleur bleue des Violettes. Journ. dePharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 194-196. Anglada, Jh. Notice sur une nouvelle forme de vases vaporisateurs propres a la fabrication du Sirop de raisin, et sur quelques dispositions par- ticulieres des fourneaux. Bull, de Ph:irm. III., 1811, pp. 439-446. 2. Memoire sur le degagement du gaz azote du sein des eaux minerales sulfureuses. Annal. de Chimie, XVIII., 1821, pp. 113-133 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 409-410. Anglada, Jh. 3. Reponse aux observations de M. LOXCHAMP sur le Memoire de M. ANGLADA relatif au degagement du gaz azote du sein des eaux sulfureuses. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 246-266. Angos, d\ Sur la mcsure des hauteurs par le barometre. Journ. de Phys. LXX11I., 1811, pp. 146-152. Angstrom, Anders Jons. Nagra iakttagelser rorande Varmet och dess Theori. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III. 1842, pp. 433-438 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 165-171. 2. En blick pa Astronomiens oden och framtid. Upsal. Frey Tidsk., 1847, pp. 1-14, 198-210, 267-282 ; 1849, pp. 449-471. 3. Om de monoklir.oedriska kristallernas molekuliira konstanter. [1851.] Stockh. Akad. Handl. 1850, pp. 425-462 ; Annal. dc Chimie, XXXVIII. 1853, pp. 119-127 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVI. 1852, pp. 206-237. 4. Memoire sur la polarisation rectiligne et la double refraction des cristaux a trois axes obliques. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. XIV., 1850, pp. 289-360 ; Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 582-600. 5. Memoire sur la temperature de la terre a differentes profondeurs a Upsal. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. I., 1851, pp. 147-224. 6. Optiska under sokningar. [1853.] Stockh. Akad. Handl. 1852, pp. 229-332 ; Phil. Mag. IX.. 1855, pp. 327-342 ; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 141-165. 7. Notiz iiber die latente und specifische Warme des Eises. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 509-512. 8. Om polarisations planets betydelse inom optiken. Stockh. Ofversigt, X., 1853, pp. 125- 140. 9. Om etherns motstand och smaplanet- ernas attraktioner. Stockh. Ofversigt, XL, 1854, pp. 53-66; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 49-61. 10. Ueber die grune Farbe der Pflanzen. Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 475-480. 11. Om luft-temperaturen i Enontekis. Stockh. Ofversigt, XVII., 1860, pp. 141-154. 12. Ny method att bestamma kroppars lednings formaga for varme. Stockh. Ofver- sigt, XVIIL, 1861, pp. 3-17 ; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 130-142; Poggend. Annal. CX1V., 1861, pp. 512-530. 13. Om de Frauenhoferska linierna i Sol- spektrum. Stockh. Ofversigt, XVIII., 1861, pp. 365-370 ; Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 1- 11 ; Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 2SO- 302. 14. Eecherches sur la conductibilite des corps pour la chaleur. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. III., 1861, pp. 51-72. ANG] [ANS Angstrom, Anders Jons. 15. Om kopparns och jernets lednings formaga for viirme vul olika temperatur. Stockh. Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 21-28; Poggend. Annal. CXV1II., 1863, pp. 423-431. i_ 16. Ny bestiimning af Ijusets vaglangder, jemta en method att ptl cptisk vag bestamma solsystemets progressiva rorelse. Stockh. Of- versigt, XX., 1863, pp. 41-55. 17. Sur deux inegalites d'une grandeur remarquable dans les apparitions de la comete de HALLEY. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. IV.. 1863. Angstrom, Joh. Antekningar. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1839, pp. 89-97. 2. Symbolse ad Bryologiam Scandinavicam. Upsal. Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. X.IL, 1844, pp. 345-380. 3. Anmiirkningar om de skandintu iska arterna af slagtet Botrychiuni. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 181-189. Anisimow, //. Die Napbta von Taman. Erinan, Archiv Russ. VIU., 1850, pp. 67-71. Anjel 2, Vazquez. Memoria de recepcion : [Analisis de unos calculos vesicales]. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1853, pp. 247-260. Anjubault, P. A. Revue des especes de poissons qui vivent dans le departement de la Sarthe. Le Mans, Soc. Agric. Bull. 1855, pp. 258-287. 2. Nouvelles remarques sur quelques ani- maux vertebres de la Faune de la Sarthe. Le Mans, Bull. Soc. Agric. 1860, pp. 187-207. Ankarsvard, A. Ny sort kolugnar. Jern- Kontorets Annal. VIII., 1824, pp. 309-327. Ankarsvard, 0. Stj<;rn occultationer och sol- formorkelser. Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1825, pp. 117-119. Anker, . Notice sur les con trees volcaniques de la Styrie. Boue, Journ. de Geol. I., 1830, pp. 156-158. Anker, Ludwig. Beschreibung eines neuen Spanners [Cliondrosoma Fiduciaria, Anker] aus der ofner Gegend in Ungarn. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854, pp. 111-112. Ankermann, . Einiges iiber die Bewegung und Entwicklung der Samenfaden des Frosches. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VIIL, 1857, pp. 129-152. Ankum, C. H. van. De methode van gereg- telijk-scheikundig onderzoek eener Arsenik- yergiftiging van FKESENIUS en Von BA.BO, ge- Avijzigd en aanbevolen. Natuurkunde Tijdschr. V., 1848, pp. 271-283. 2. Over de bereiding van Digitalinum door middel van dierlijke kool. Natuurkunde Tijdschr. VI., 1850, pp. 323-330. 3. Over de aanwezigheid van Phosphas en Oxalas Calcis in de Nux Vomica. Natuur- kunde Tijdschr. VI. r 1850, pp. 330-333. , C. H. can. 4. Over de afsclieiding van Arscnicum als Arscnik-chloride uit organische stoffen. Natuurkunde Tijdschr. VIII., 1852, pp. 97-104. 5. Scheikundi cnderzoek van Neder- landsche wateren. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. Maatsch. Wet. VIIL, 1853. 6. Ueber das Vorkommen des Jods im Trinkwasser nnd in der Atmosphiire in den Niederlanden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIII., 1854, pp. 257-283. Anna, F. J. Beobachtung einer Verwachsung der Vorhaut des miinnlichen Gliedes bey einem neugeboren Kinde. Siebold, Lucina, III., 1806, pp. 129-134. Annan, Robert. Account of a skeleton of a large animal found near Hudson's River. [1785.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 160- 163. Anne, Leon. Note sur la resolution de deux equations du second degre a deux inconnues. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 195-205. 2. Theor ernes sur des tangentes a la Para- bole. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 464- 467. 3. Determination des n derniers chiffres de "J/ N par une simple division. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 561-564. 4. Note sur la methode d'approximation de NEWTOX. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 116-121. 5. Note sur la division d'un trapeze dans le rapport de m a n par une parallele aux bases. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 461-464 ; Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 311-315. Annenkow, JV. Observations sur la Floraison de quelques plantes cultivees, faites a Moscou pendant les annees 184448. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXII. (pte. 2), 1849, pp. 257-280. 2. Sur les plantes indigenes des environs de Moscou. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIV. (pte. 1), 1851, pp. 229-268; (pte. 2), pp. 519- 553 ; Erman, Arehiv Russ. X., 1852, pp. 167- 259. 3. Flora Mosquensis exsiccata. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIV., 18-51, pp. 347-355. Anosoff, . De la fabrication del'acierfondu. St. Petersb. Ann. des Mines, 1837, pp. 191-218. 2. Memoire sur 1'acier damasse. St. Petersb. Ann. des Mines, 1841, pp. 192-286; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCIIL, 1844, pp. 58-62. 3. Observations geognostiques sur les Monts Ourals situes dans le district de Zlatoons- tof. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., pp. 301- 307. Ansell, George F. On the qualitative separa- tion of Arsenic, Tin, and Antimony. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 210-212. ANS] 75 [ANT Anselmi, . Differenza fra gli effetti del vino e della birra. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XIX., 1854, pp. 137-139. 2. Proprieta, c preparazione della pepsina. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXI., 1855, pp. 65-72. 3. Sulla mummificazione uraana spontanea. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXIII., 1856, pp. 105-109. 4. SulF amileno, nuovo anestetico. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXIV., 1857, pp. 195-198. 5. Influenza della temperatura sulla respi- razione. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXVI., 1858, pp. 45-47. Anselmino, . Chemische Untersuchung des Tiedemann, Zeitschr. II., 1826, Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1827. Schweisses. pp. 321-333 pp. 232-236. Anserini, A. Dei Diluvj. II Politecnico, X., 1861, pp. 653-663. Anslijn, N. Lijst van Insekten in den omtrek van Haarlem gevonden, ter aanvulling der naamlijst van Nederlandsche Insekten, in het 14 de deel der Verhaudelingen geplaatst, nevens eene voorafgaande schets van het Insektenstelsel van LATREILLE, volgens hetwelk deze lijst ges- teld is. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. XV., 1826, pp. 257-320; XVI, 125-133, 293-300; XVII., 145-149 ; XIX., 401-407. Ansied, David Thomas. On a new genus of Fossil multilocular shells found in the slate rocks of Cornwall. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1838, pp. 415-422. 2. Observations on the animals inhabiting multilocular shells. Analyst, IX., 1839, pp. 33- 50, 274-284, 452-466. 3. On a portion of the Tertiary Formations of Switzerland. [1839.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 141-152. 4. On the zoological condition of Chalk Flints, and the probable causes of the deposit of Flinty strata alternating with the upper beds of ihe Cretaceous formation. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 241-249. 5. Description of remarkable Mineral Veins. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 144- 153; XIII., 240-254. 6. On the Geology of the Southern part of Andalusia, between Gibraltar and Almeria. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 130-133. 7. On the Geology of Malaga and the southern part of Andalusia. [1857.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 585-604 ; Revista Minera, XL, 1860, pp. 312-321, 350-357. 8. On Artificial Stones. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 196-197. Anstice, R. R. On the motion of a free pen- dulum. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 379-386. 2. On a problem in combinations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 279- 292; VIII., 149-154. Anstruther, P. Experiments made at Ceylon on Carolina Paddy. India, Journ. Agr. and Hort. Soc. II., 1843, pp. 87-89. Anstruther, P. The trajectory of balls. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 309-324. 2. Description of an Electro-Chronoscope. United Service Journ. V., 1862, pp. 322-325. Antelme, . Note sur la cephalometrie. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Mem. I., 1860-63, pp. 337-347. Antes, On the Hibernation of Swallows. [1802.] Philad. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 59-60. Anthem, E. Friedr. Ueber die Verbindungen der Wolframsaure mit den Alkalien. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 399-406. 2. Fabrication des Bittersalzes aus Mag- nesit. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 1-4. 3. Analyse eines Ilohofeubruchs. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 4-6. 4. Ueber Wolframsaurehydrat. Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 6-7. 5. Ueber eine blaue und eine gelbe Ma- le rfar be aus Wolfram. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 8-11. 6. Trennung der Bittererde von der Kalkerde und Thonerde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 11-12. 7. Analyse einer Kobaltspeise. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX.. 1836, pp. 12-15. 8. Ueber den Bau der Oefen und Kessel. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 41- 44. 9. Methode die Cochenille auf ihren Gehait an reinem FarbestofF zu priifen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 44-46. 10. Ueber einige wolframsaure Verbin- dungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 337-347. 11. Schwefelsaures Zinkoxyd mit 3^ M.G. Wasser. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 351-352. 12. Ueber die Anwendung der auf nassem Wege dargestellten Schwefelmetalle bei der chemischen Analyse. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 353-356 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 493-497. 13. Einfi.che Methode zur qualitativen und quantitativen Bestimmung des Ammon.-; bei der chemischen Analyse. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 356-358. 14. Ideen zur Vcrvollkcmmnung der Schnellessigfabrication. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 376-378; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. LXV., 1837, pp. 205-207. 15. Sur quelques couleurs produites par le Tungstene. Bibl. Univ. XIII., 1838, pp. 202-204. K 2 ANT] 76 [ANT Anthon, E. Friedr. 16. Comment peut-on re- connaitre une Potasse falsifiee par de la Soude, et determiner d'une maniere simple la proportion de cette derniere ? Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 169-187. . 17. Ueber eine neue Methode der Sal- petererzeugung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLIX., 1858, pp. 39-47. 18. Znr chemischen und technischeii Kenntniss des Traubenzuckers (Kartoffelzuck- ers = Glucose.} Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLI., 1859, pp. 213-223; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 398-399. 19. Kleine Beitriige zur Gahrungschemie, insbesondere zur Chemie und Technik des Weines. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIII., 1859, pp. 303-314, 385-389 ; CLIV., pp. 149- 153. 20. Ueber den Starkmehlgehalt der bei der Abscheidung der Starke aus Kartoffeln zuriick- bleibenden Faser. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIV., 1859, pp. 69-73. 21. Ueber den Einfluss der Weinsteinsaure und des Weinsteins auf die Vergiihrung des Traubensaftes und reiner Zuckerlosungen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIV., 1859, pp. 223-227. 22. Ueber die Loslichkeit des reinen Traubenzuckers in Weingeist. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CLV., i860, pp. 386-388. 23. Ueber die Loslichkeit des Starkegum- mis in Weingeist. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 458-460. 24. Ueber Uranoxyd und dessen fabrikmiis- sige Darstellung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVL, 1860, pp. 207-212. 25. Beitnige zur Giihrungschemie. Ding- ier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVL, 1860, pp. 218-222, 297-305 ; CLVIL, 1860, pp. 297-305. 26. Ueber die Zusammensetzunar des Kohlensauren Uranoxyd- Natrons. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVL, 1860, pp. 288-289. 27. Ueber die Darstellung des neutralen schwefligsauren Kalkes und dessen Anwendung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIX., 1861, pp. 137-142. 28. Ueber die Eigenschaft der Knochen- kohle. den Kalk aus dem Zuckerkalke nieder- zuschlagen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLX., 1861, pp. 304-311. 29. Ueber die Bildung von Ameisensiiurc und Blausaure in der Knochenkohle. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLX., 1861, pp. 312-313. 30. Ueber die Anwendunj; des Kicselerde- hydrates und des Alaunerdehydrates zum Enf.- kalken des gelauterten Riibensaftes, und die Mb'glichkeit der Fallung der Alkalien aus dem- selben. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLX., 1861, pp. 374-377. Anthon, E. Friedr. 31. Ueber die technische Priifung der Schwefelkiese. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CLXL, 1861, pp. 115-120. 32. Leichte Methode zur Bestimmung des Werthes eines mit Chlornatrium (Kochsalz) verunreiuigten oder damit verfalschten Chlor- kaliums (Digestivsalz). Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXL, 1861, pp. 286-288. Anthon, F. Vune vina [on the odour of wine]. Ziva, 1861, pp. 283-284. Anthony, John G. A new trilobite (Cerato- cephala ceralepta). Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 379-380. 2. Fossil Encrinite. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 359-360. 3. Description of a new fossil (Calymene Bucklandii). Silliman, Journ. XXXVL, 1839, pp. 106-107. 4. Descriptions of three new species of Shells. [1839.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840-41, pp 278-279. 5. Descriptions of two new species of Anculotus. [1839.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1840-41, pp. 394-395. 6. On an impression of the soft parts of an Orthoceras. Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 255-257. 7. Descriptions of new species of Ancylus and Anculosa, from the western states of North America. [1855.] N. York, Ann. Lyceum, VI., 1858. pp. 158-160. 8. Descriptions of new fluviatilc shells of the genus Melania, Lam., from the western states of North America. [1854.] N. York, Ann. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 80-130. 9. Descriptions of new species of American Fluviatile Gasteropods. Philad. Proc. 1860, pp. 55-72. Anthony, J. G., and J. A. Warder. Description of three new Trilobites. Silliman, Journ. XXX IV., 1838, pp. 377-381. Antinori, Gaetano. Cause fisiche e loro maniera d' agire sull' organismo. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1827, pp. 31-34, 93-97, 229-231, 337-342; VI., pp. 58-61, 98-105, 154-156, 214-220, 329- 330 ; VII., pp. 234-240, 295-301. 2. Memoria sulla sensibilita ed irritabilita ne' vegetabili. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1827, pp. 220-227. 3. Osservazioni su la fosforescenza del mare. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1827, pp. 334-336. 4. Risposta alle osservazioni del Sig. don Severino Fabriani intorno alia forza vitale con- siderata da esso, non come forza secondaria della mater ia. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VII., 1828, pp. 347-357. AKT] \ Antincri, Gactano. 5. Cause chimiche e loro maniera d' agire sull' organisrao. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VIII., 1828, pp. 50-53. 6. Cause meceaniche e loro maniera d' agire sulP organismo. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VJIL, 1828, pp. 186-191, 241-246. 7. Cause morali e loro maniera, d' agire sull' organismo. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VIII., 1828, pp. 313-318, 362-365. Antinori, Orazio. Ueber eine wahrscheinlich neue Cypselus-Art : Cypselus Galilejensis ? Antinori. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 307-311; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 286-287. 2. Ueber den Zug und das Nisten von Acridotheres roseus in der Umgegend von Smyrna, Naumannia, 1856, pp. 404-410 ; New- man, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5668-5672. 3. Pious cruentatus, Antinori, n. sp. Nau- mannia, 1856, pp. 411-414. 4. Einige Bemerkungcn liber das Nest von Sitta syriaca. Nnumannia, 1857, pp. 429-431. 5. Ueber einen wunderbar starken Schnep- fenzug, und ungefahre Schiitzung eines Staaren- flugs, im Jahre 1858 bei Smyrna beobachtet. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 483- 489. 6. Reise vom Bahr el Gazal zum Lande der Djur, Dezember 1860 und Januar 1861. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862 Erganz. pp. 79- 83. Antinori, V. Extrait d'une lettre sur la lumiere obtcnue par le Chev. NOBILI, en faisant passer 1'electricite d'une bouteille de Leyde dans un fil metalliquc reconvert de soie et dispose en spirale. Bibl. Univ. XXV.. 1824, pp. 281-282. 2. Proemio all' Archivio meteorologico centrale Italiano. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 390-406. Antinori, F., e L. Nobili. Sopra la forza elettromotrice del magnetismo. Padova, Ann. Sei. Lomb. Ven. II., 1832, pp. 96-105 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVIII., 1831, pp. 412-430 ; Bibl. Univ. XL1X., 1832, pp. 127-146; Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 473-488; Schweigger, Jouru. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 450- 466. 2. Nuove esperienze elettro-magne- tiche, e teoria fisica del magnetismo di rotazione. Padova, Ann. Sci. Lomb. Ven. II., 1832, pp. 166-169 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 280-304 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 621-632. 3. Delle nuove calamite elettriche, ed osservazioni sulle medesime. Padova, Ann. Sci. Lomb. Ven. II., 1832, pp. 169-171. Antinori, V., Gazzeri, e Ridolfi. Experiences electro-rnagnetiques faites a Florence. Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1821, pp. 101-118. ' [AOU Antinow, . Die Fabrication des Kapsel- oder Zundhiitchenblechs auf den Hiitten am Ural. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXIV., 1862, pp.' 94-101. Antipoff, A. Ueber die Steinkohle von Tkwi- bula. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XI., 1852, col. 497-503. 2. Die Kreide-formation des siidlichen Ural. St. Petersb. Verb. Min. Gesell. 1857-58, pp. 97-121. 3. Der Charakter der Erzflihrung des Ural, und der gegenwilrtige Zustand des Berg- bau's daselbst. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XXII, 1861, pp. 1-184. 4. Ueber die Entwickelung des Stein- kohlenbaues im Ural. Zeits. allg. Erdkunde, XL, 1861, pp. 476-479. Antisell, Thomas. On the application of light polarized circularly to the investigation of che- mical and physiological phenomena, [1844.] Pharmaceut. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 115-116. Antoine, . Observations sur les Alcools. Bull, de Pharm. II., 1810, pp. 355-358. Antoine, . Quelques observations agrono- botaniques. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1835, II., pp. 221-224 ; 1836, pp. 189-192 ; 1837, pp. 132-136. Antoine, . Sur un gasteropode fileur. Di- jon, Mem. Acad. 1836, pp. 253-255. Antoine, J. Resounance multiple et pheno- menes optiques produits par les corps vibrants : theorie de 1'archet. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1849, pp. 191-209 ; Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1850, pp. 27-40; Poggend. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 544-562. Antoine, Fr., et Th. Kotschy. Arceuthos, An- toine et Kotschi/. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 249-250. Anton, Ed. Diagnosen einiger neuen Conchy- lien- Arten. Wiegtnann, Archiv, III., 1837, pp. 281-286. 2. Anordnung der Gattung Tellina. Zeit- schr. Malakozool. IV, 1847, pp. 97-101. 3. Einige Bemerkungen zu Prof. KUSTER'S Ohrschnecken. Zeitschr. Malakozool. IV., 1847, pp. 165-174. Antonini, Giuseppe. Di un nuovo sistema di piani automotori, per valicare con ferrovie le alte montagne mediante 1'innalzamento dei con- vogli, applicable al passaggio clelle Alpi e degli Apennini ; e considerazioni pratiche sui sistemi funicolari. II Politecnico, XII., 1862, pp. 154- 198. Autunes Gurjao, Hilario Maximiano. Des- crip^ao da viagem feita desde a cidade da Barra do Rio Negro pelo rio do mesmo nome. Rio de Janeiro, Revista, XVIII., 1855, pp. 177-189. Aoust. Sec Virlet d'Aoust. AOU] 78 [APJ Aoust, Louis. Sur Ics trajectoires qui coupent. sous tin angle constant, Ics courbes mcridiennes des surfaces de revolution. Liouville, Journ. XL, 1846, pp. 184-192. 2. Des courbes sur lesquelles un point pe- sant, sans vitesse initiate, emploie pour descen- dre jusqu'au point le plus bas un temps donne par une function algebrique de la hauteur. Nouv. Ann. Math. VJI., 1848, pp. 137-143. 3. Sur les imparfaites- conju- guees de.s courbes planes. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 523-524. 4. Integration des equations aux diffe- rences partielles simultanees d'une ccrtaine classe. Crelle, Journ. XL VII., 1854, pp. 369- 375. 5. Des proprietes communes a un systemc de deux lignes de courbure d'une meme surface du second ordre et a un systeme de deux lignes droites situees dans un meme plan. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 729-732. 6. Sur les coordonnees curvilignes planes quelconques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 842-843. 7. Sur une propriete des lignes de cour- bure de 1'ellipsoide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 886-888. 8. Sur une forme de 1'equation de la ligne geodesique ellipsoidale, et de ses usages pour trouver les proprietes communes aux lignes cllipso'idalcs et a des courbes planes correspon- dantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 484-489. 9. Sur les lignes de courbure des surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LL, 1860, pp. 640-642. 1O. Des coordonnees curvilignes se coupant sous un angle quelconque. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 352-368. 11. Description des lignes de courbure des surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1150-1153. 12. Theorie geometrique des coordonnees curvilignes quelconques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 461-463. 13. Des surfaces du second ordre double- ment tangentes, en leurs ombilics, a deux spheres eg ales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 765-767. 14. Sur la courbure des surface?. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 217-219. 15. Des transformations doubles des figures. Transformation des figures par normals a la sphere reoiproques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 906-909. Apelt, . Conservation des bois en general ct des traverses de cliemin dc fer en particular. Moigno, Cosmos, III., 1853, pp. 141-145. Apelt und Schmidt. Ueber das Vorkommen und die Zusammensctzung der Oppelsdori'cr Schwefelkohle. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 453-463. Apetz, J. II. Beiti age zur Fauna des Osterlandes. Altenburg, Mittheil. IV., 1840, pp. 163-206. 2. Ueber die in Deutschland einheimisohen Leuchtkiifer. Altenburg, Mittheil. VII., 1844, pp. 223-224. 3. Ueber Lophosia fasciata, May. Alten- burg, Mittheil. X., 1848, pp. 168-172'. Apetz, Theod. Ueber die osterlandischen Ar- ten der Gattungen Eohinomyia, Dumeril, und Trixa, Mcigen. Altenburg, Mittheil. XII., 1855, pp. 57-73. Apjohnt, J. Ueber die mechanise! ie Leislung verschiedener Dampfe. (Transit) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXL, 1854, pp. 410-411. Apjohn, James. On Wollaston's Thermometer, and its application in measuring heights. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 292-296. 2. Remarks on the influence of moisture in modifying the specific gravity of gases. Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 385-387 ; IV., 195-197. 3. On Cadmium. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 77-78. 4. On a combination of bicyanide of Mer- cury and iodide of Potassium. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 401-403. 5. A formula by which a proper correction for vapour may be applied to the Specific Gra- vities obtained by experiments on Gases satu- rated with Moisture. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1831- 32, pp. 570-571. 6. On the specific heats of the permanently elastic Fluids. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 30-32. 7. Formula for inferring the Dew-point from the indications of the wet- bulb Hygrometer. Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, pp. 182-188. 8. On a formula for ascertaining the Dew- point by the wet-bulb Hygrometer. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 266-274, 470-473. 9. On certain statements relative to Dr. APJOHN'S Hygrometrical researches contained in Dr. HUDSON'S Papers. Phil. Mag. IX., -18,'J6, pp. 187-193. 1O. On a new chemical compound [consist- ing of Iodine, iodide of Potassium, and the essential oil of Cinnamon.] Brit. Asscc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 48-49 ; Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1838, pp. 113-121 ; Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 162-163 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 168-177. 11. On a new variety of Alum. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 49-50 ; Irish Acfcd. Trans. XV1IL, 1838, pp. 157-170; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIIL, 1838, pp. 255-256. APJ] [APP Apjohn, James. 12. On the theory of the moie-t- bulb Hygrometer. [1834.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVJL, 1837, pp. 275-282, 283-292. 13. Observations on a Trap district in the county of Limerick. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. I., 1838, pp. 24-33. 14. On the newly discovered cave situated between Cahir and Mitchelstown. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. I., 1838, pp. 103-111. 15. Analysis of some Iiish Dolomites. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. I., 1838, pp. 368- 381. 16. Analysis of a Meteoric Stone which fell near Adair, in the county of Limerick, on Sep- tember 10, 1813. [1836.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVIII., 1838, pp. 17-30. 17. Upon a new Method of investigating the Specific Heats of the Gases. [1837.] Irish Acad. Trans. XVIIL, 1838, pp. 1-17 ; Phil. Mag. XIII., 1838, pp. 261-273, 339-350. 18. On the Potato Spirit Oil of the French chem'sts. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 86-92. 19. On the specific heat? of the aeriform fluids. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 44-47. 20. On the specific heats of the gases. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 206-209. 21. On the analysis of the water of the Dead Sea. Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 287- 292. 22. On an essential oil obtained during the rectification of whiskey. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 407-412. 23. On a n'evv lead ore from Kilbricken mine, county of Clare. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 469-472. 24. On the correction to be applied for moisture to the Barometric formula. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 20-22. 25. On a new method of testing the Hygro- metric formula usually applied to observations made with a wet and dry Thermometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 36-37. 26. On the composition of pyrope. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 30-31. 27. On the force of aqueous vapour within the range of atmospheric temperature. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 104-114. 28. Oa the hygrornetric correction in baro- metric formulas for the measurement of heights. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 561-564. 29. On the constitution of Jade, and also of two ores of manganese, from the south of Cork. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 598- 601. 3O. On the composition and optical pro- perties of a variety of Hyalite from Mexico. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt.2), pp. 31-32. 31. Researches in thermo-chemistry. Irish Apjohn, James. 32. On the composition and optical properties of Hyalite. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 521-524. 33. On a new Zeolitic mineral. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. III., 1849, pp. 76-77. 34. On the composition of certain Zeolitic minerals. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. III., 1849, pp. 1-20-121. 35. On a variety of Hyalite from Mexico. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. III., 1849, pp. 240- 241. 36. Account of a new mineral species [Jellettite]. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. V., 1850-53, pp. 119-120. 37. Notice respecting a variety of Mag- netic Iron ore from Kynvile, near the Killeries, county of Galway. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. V., 1850-53, p. 205. 38. On the artificial production of Valeri- anic acid. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 40- 43. 39. On the quantity of caloric necessary to produce equal volumes of the vapours of diffe- rent liquids. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 272-274. 4O. On the chemical composition and optical characters of Pennine. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 307-308. 41. On the occurrence of electric Gala- mine at the silver mines, county of Tipperary. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. VIII., 1857-60, pp. 157-159 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 320-324. 42. On two associated minerals from Ross Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 435-440. Hill, near Maum, co. Galway. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. IX.; 1860-62, pp. 2-6. Apjohn, James, and William Gregory. Exa- mination of Eblanine. [1836.] Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 33-34 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XI1L, 1838, pp. 70-71. Apjohn, James, and Humphrey Lloyd. On the value of the numerical coefficient in the formula for the force of aqueous vapour in the atmo- sphere. Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 433-448, Apjohn, James, Thomas Bergin, and Humphrey Ziloyd. Notice of the Aurora of the 19th January 1839. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 254-260. Aplin, C. D'Oyly II . Freshwater Polyzoa in Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 454- 455. Apoiger und Wittstein. Entdeckung der Bor- saure im Pflanzenreiche. Liebig, Annal. CIII., 1857, pp. 362-364. Appelbaum, Carl. Ueber den Wolframstahl. Oesterreich. Zeits. Bergw. VIII., 1860, pp. 127- 128. APP] 80 [ARA Appia, L. De 1'ceil vu par lui-meme. Geneve, Rec. Trav. Soc. Med., 1853, pp. 248-263 ; Ja- main, Archives Ophthalm. I., 1853, pp. 49-65. Applegathj F. On the geology of a part of the Masulipatam district. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 32-35. Appolt, - . Mittel zur Bestimmung holier Teraperaturgrade fur technische Zwecke. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XV., 1856, pp. 165- 166. Appun, C. F. Beitriige zur Pflanzenphysiogno- mie Venezuela's. Bonplandia, IV., 1856, pp. 310-320. Appun, C. F., und L. Martin. Beobachtungen auf ihrer Reise nach Venezuela im December 1848 und Januar 1849. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 123-130. Aprilis, B. Sopra una nuova specie di Gelso coltivata nelT L R. Orto Agrario dell' Universita di Pavia, e sopra una varieta di Bachi dai quali possonsi ottenere piu annue raccolte. Brugna- telli, Giorn. IX., 1826, pp. 302-314. Aracena, Manoel. Noticia sobre la naturaleza i el beneficio de los minerales de plata de la veta de San Javier, situada en el departamento de Ovalle. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1850, pp. 189-190. Aracri, Gregorio. Altra relazione della pioggia di cenere avvenuta in Calabria ulteriore. Napoli, Atti Soc. Pontan.I., 1810, pp. 167-170. Aradas, Andrea. Prospetto della storia della Zoologia di Sicilia, del secolo XIX., movendo da quello del chiarissimo Sig r Bar. Andrea BIVONA. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. L, 1844, pp. 365-398 ; II., 163-199 ; V., 1848, pp. 55-90, 269-287 ; VI., 17-37 ; VII., 83-105. 2. Cenno di due generi Malacologici non riportati finora come Sicilian!, e descrizione di una nuova conchiglia fossile di Sicilia. Cata- nia, Atti Ace. Gioen. II., 1845, pp. 435-441. 3. Descrizione di varie specie nuove di conchiglie viventi e fossili della Sicilia. Cata- nia, Atti Ace. Gioen. III., 1846, pp. 157-184. 4. Continuazione della descrizione di varie specie nuove Malacologiche della Sicilia. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. III., 1846, pp. 233- 248. 5. Osservazioni ed aggiunte alia Fauna CJCJ dei Molluschi della Sicilia del chiarissimo Sig. Rodolfo Amando PHILIPPI : parte I. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. III., 1846, pp. 411-429. 6. Descrizione delle conchiglie fossili di Gravitelli presso Messina. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. IV., 1847, pp. 57-88. 7. Memoria III. che contiene la descri- zione di alcuni Molluschi nudi della Sicilia. Aradas, Andrea. 8. Monografia degli Echinidi viveuti e fossili di Sicilia. Parte l a , famiglia l a : Spntanghi. [1849.] Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. VI., 1850, pp. 53-96, 189-216 ; VIL, 229-247 ; VIII., pp. 149-178, 371-394 ; X., 215-227. 9. Monografia del genere Coronula e de- scrizione di alcune altre nuove specie di Con- chiglie Siciliane. [1853.] Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. IX., 1854, pp. 57-72. 1O. Prospetto di una nuova Fauna dei Mol- luschi, Cirropedi, Echinodermi ed altri Zoofiti vi- venti e fossili della Sicilia, con una nuova distri- buzione geografica di questi animali. Catania, Atti Ace. Gioen. XL, 1855, pp. 77-87. 11. Osservazioni di Zoologia Siciliana.- Memoria l a , che contiene la descrizione di alcune Conchiglie fossili di Pachino. [1858.] Cata- nia, Atti Ace. Gioen. XV., 1860, pp. 285-300. Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. Memoire sur une modification remarquable qu'eprouvent les rayons lumineux dans leur passage a travers cer- tains corps diaphanes d'optique. Paris, Mem. de Flnst. 1811 (pte. L), pp. 93-134 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 371-375, 387-389 ; Gilbert, Annal. XL., 1812, pp. 145-161. 2. Note sur un phenomene remarquable qui s'observe dans la diffraction de la lumiere. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1816, pp. 199-202. 3. Remarques sur 1'influence mutuelle de deux faisceaux lumineux qui se croisent sous un tres-petit angle. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1816, pp. 332-334. 4. Remarques sur les Cercles Repetiteurs. Conn, des Temps, 1816, pp. 345-358. 5. Sur la diffraction. Paris, Soc. Philom. ( atania, Atti Ace. Gioen. IV., 1847, pp. 107-122. 377-380. Bull. 1816, pp. 56-57. 6. Sur les couleurs dcs lames minces. Arcueil, Mem. de Phys. ILL, 18 17, pp. 323-370. 7. Sur la pretendue deterioration du climat de 1'Europe. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 292-303. 8. Nouveaux details sur les phenomenes que presentent maintenant les mers polaires. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 328-336. 9. Sur les variations diurnes de 1'aiguille aimantee. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 119- 123. 1O. Sur les neiges rouges. Anual. de Chi- mie, X1L, 1819, pp. 72-88. 11. Quelques nouveaux details sur le pas- sage de la comete decouverte dans le mois de Juillet 1819, devant, le disque du soleil. Annal. de Ciiimie, XIIL, 1820, pp. 104-110. 12. Sur la temperature de 1'interieur du globe. Annal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1820, pp. 183- 190; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. ARA1 81 [ARA Arago, Dominique Frangois Jean. 13. Experi- ences relatives a 1'aimantation du feret de 1'acier par 1'action du courant voltaique. Arinal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 93-103 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVL, 1820, pp. 311-324. 14. Sur les variations annuclles de 1'aiguille aimantee. Annal. de Chiraie, XVI., 1821, pp. 54-67. 15. Examen des i-emarques de M. BIOT [sur la couleur des lames minces], Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 258-273, 16. Sur une matierc gelatineuse tombee de 1'atmosphere. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 182], p. 67. 17. Sur le tremblement de terre du 19 Fevr. 1822. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 182], pp. 106-110. 18. Resultats des experiences faites, par ordre du Bureau des Longitudes, pour la deter- mination de la vitesse du son dans 1'atmosphere. Conn, des Temps, 1822, pp. 361-371 ; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 210-223 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, p. 433 ; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1823, col. 257-260. 19. Remarques relatives aux resultats quo M. DANIELL a publics sur le rayonnement de la chaleur dans 1'atmosphere. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 375-386 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 384-385. 20. An account of the volcanos at present in activity. ( Transit) Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIL, 1824, pp. 20 1-2 14. 21. L'action que les corps airnantes et ceux qui ne le sont pas exercent les uns sur les autres. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, p. 325 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 336-337. 22. Nouvelles remarques sur le rayonne- ment de la chaleur dans 1'atmosphere, en reponse a M. J. F. DANIELL. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 63-75. 23. Polarisation de la lumiere d'un halo. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, p. 377 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 167-168. 24. Influence des Aurores Boreales sur 1'aiguille aimantee. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 423-427; Mag. f. Naturvid. VIL, 1826, pp. 112-121. 25. Extrait du Rapport sur le Voyage de Decouvertes, execute sous le commandement de M. DUPERREY. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 206-221. 26. Sur la pluie. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1825, pp. 152-155. 27. Sur 1'etat thermometrique du globe. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1825, pp. 155-164; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1825, col. 225-233. 28. Temperature moyenne du pole nord. Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1825, pp. 186- Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 29. Sur la forme singuliere de la Comete de 1823. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1825, pp. 190-191. 3O. Sur la decouverte d'une nouvelle action magnetique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 5-6; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, p. 147; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 328-330; Fro- riep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 257-259 ; Mag. f, Naturvid. VL, 1825, pp. 239-243. 31. Note concernant les phenomenes mag- netiques auxquels le mouvement donne nais- sance. Annal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1826, pp. 213-223; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXIL, 1827, pp. 193-196, 405; Poggend. Annal. VIL, 1826, pp. 385-393. 32. Note sur de nouvelles actions magne- tiques dues au mouvement de rotation. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. .1826, pp. 85-86 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XIII, 1826, col. 145-146; XV., 113-115. 33. Sur les changements du zero dans les Thermometres. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1827, pp. 422-425 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I, 1827, pp. 475-476. 34. Sur les depressions de 1'horizon de la mer. Conn, des Temps, 1827, pp. 316-323. 35. Sur les operations geodesiques execu- tees in Italic par les Ingenieurs-geographes Fran9ais. Conn, des Temps, 1827, pp. 385- 391. 36. Sur les observations de pendule faites pendant le premier voyage du Capitaine PARRY. Conn, des Temps, 1827, pp. 392-394. 37. Sur la Lune Rousse. Eure, Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1827, pp. 139-142 ; Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann., 1827, pp. 162-165 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. II, 1827, p. 222 ; Belg. Soc. Centr. Agric. Journ. II, 1855, pp. 187-189. 38. De la rosee. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1827, pp. 165-198. 39. Sur le nouveau systeme d'eclairage des phares adopte en France. Examen d'une Re- clamation que le Dr. BREWSTER vient de faire a ce sujet. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII, 1828, pp. 392-409. 4O. Sur les influences magnetiques exercees Paris, 189. par les Aurores Boreales, et sur la pretendue de- couverte que M. BREWSTER anuonce avoir faite a ce sujet. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 369-390 ; Poggend. Annal. XII, 1828, pp. 320-327 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I, 1827, p. 229. 41. Sur des Arcs-en-ciel extraordinaires. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, p. 430; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 537-538. 42. Rapport fait a 1'Acad. des Sci. sur le voyage [de la Coquille] de decouvertes, execute dans les annees 1822-1825, sous le commande- ment de M. DUPERREY. Conn, des Temps, 1828, pp. 240-272. AEA] 82 [AKA Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 43. Sur les etoiles multiples. Conn, des Temps, 1828, pp. 297-310 ; Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1834, pp. 241-310 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVII., 1834, pp. 1-42. 44. Sur le rayonnement nocturne. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 145-152. 45. Sur les brouillards qui se forment apres le coucher du soleil, quand le terns est calme et serein, au bord des lacs et des rivieres. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 168-172. 46. Comment la neige empeche la gelee de descendre profondement dans la terre qu'elle re- couvre. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 172-174. 47. De la congelation des rivieres. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 174-176. 48. Sur la grele. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 180-197; Poggend. Annal. XIII., 1828, pp. 344-363. 49. Des paragreles. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1828, pp. 197-205. 50. Rapport sur les travaux relatifs aux Sciences Mathematiques qui ont ete executes pendanl le voyage de la Chevrette. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 212-220. 51. Sur les machines a rapeur. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1829, pp. 143-233 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXVIII., 1829, pp. 29-49, 73-79 ; Paris, Journ. Genie Civ. II., 1829, pp. 385-426 ; III., 1-17. 52. Supposed influence of the Spots of the Sun on temperature. ( Transl.) Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 66-67. 53. Sur les explosions des machines a vapeur. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1830, pp. 137-202; Paris, Journ. Genie Civ. VI., 1830, pp. 425-467 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 90-98; Frankfurt, Phys. Ver. Jahrb. 1831, pp. 121-173 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 287-314, 415-436. 54. Sur 1'anciennete relative des differcntes chaines des montagnes de 1'Europe. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1830, pp. 202-226. 55. Sur la polarisation de la lumiere. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1831, pp. 151-163 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1831, col. 305-311. 56. Sur les interferences. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1831, pp. 163-171 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1831, col. 321-325. 57. Sur les phares. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1831, pp. 172-184. 58. Des cometes eri general, et en particu- lier de la Comete qui doit reparaitre en 1832 et dont la revolution e.^t de 6| ans. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1832, pp. 156-288. Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 59. La lune exerce-t-elle sur notre atmosphere une influence appreciable ? Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1833, pp. 157-243. 60. Sur les gla^ons que les rivieres char- rient en hiver. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1833, pp. 244-268 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 123-137; Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 204-222. 61. Sur les soulevemens de terrains. Paris, Bureau de Long. Ann. 1833, pp. 268-273. 62. Eloge historique d' Alex. VOLTA. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XII., 1833 (Hist.), pp. 57- 104. 63. Sur 1'etat thermometrique du globe terrestre. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1834, pp. 171-240; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 165- 167 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1834, pp. 205-245 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 97-105, 113-121, 131-138 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1835, p. 564. 64. Notice historique sur la pile volta'ique. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1834, pp. 311-330. 65. Rapport sur un memoire de M. JUNCKEB, concernant les machines a colonne d'eau de la mine de Huelgoat. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 202-214. 66. Sur les puits fores, connus sous le nom de Puits Artesiens, de fontaines artesiennes, ou de fontaines jaillissantes. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1835, pp. 181-258 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIJL, 1835, pp. 205-246 ; London, Polytechn. Mag. I., 1844, pp. 272-283 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834, col. 37-38 ; XLIV., 65-73, 81-90,97-103, 115-121 ; XL VI., 291-292 ; L., 244-245. 67. Sur la comete qui doit passer au peri- helie en Novembre 1835. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1835, pp. 259-263. 68. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de BRINKLEY. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 212-225. 69. Sur la nature de la lumiere des Co- metes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 255-258 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1835, pp. 15-34 ; XX., 170-172. 70. Instructions conceruant la Physique du Globe, redigees pour le voyage de la Bonite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 380-383. 71. Recherches a eutreprendre pour decou- vrir la cause de la chaleur des sources thermales de Sextius, a Aix en Provence. Paris, Comptcs Rendus, L, 1835, pp. 445-449. 72. Eloge historique du Dr. Thos. YOUNG. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XIII., 1835 (Hist.), ])j>. 57-105 ; Edinb. New Phil. Jouru. XIX., 1835, pp. 39-48. ARA] 83 [ARA Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 73. Ueber dns Gesetz des Cosinusqtiadrats fiir die Inten- sitat des polarisirten Lichts, welches von dop- peit-brechenden Krystallen durchgelassen wird. Poggend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 444-456. 74. Sur les etoiles filantes. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 176-181. 75. Questions for Solution relating to Me- teorology, Hydrography, and the Art of Navi- gation. (Transit) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 393-401. 76. Meteorologische und hydrographische Fragen, deren Erledigung von Wichtigkeit ist. (Transl) Froriep, Notizen, XLVIII., 1836, col. 65-75, 81-90, 97-105, 113-122. 77. Nouvelles experiences sur les turbines. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 204-213 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 314-320. 78. Notice historique sur les machines a vapeur ; avecexamen des observations critiques dont la notice precedente a 1'ete 1'objet. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1837, pp. 221-337. 79. Sur des appareils de filtrage, prcsentes par Henri de FONVIELLE. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, V., 1837, pp. 195- 205. 80. Sur le tonnerre. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1838, pp. 221-618 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVI., 1839, pp. 81-144, 275- 291 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX. 1839, col. 19-24, 35-40, 51-57, 83-86, 149-152, 168-170, 196- 198, 212-216, 343-345 ; X., 37-38, 103-105, 198-200, 233-234. 277-279 ; XL, 70-72, 82 -90. 81. Instructions concernant la Meteorologie et la Physique du globe, pour la Commission chargeede 1'Exploration scientifique de 1'Algerie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 206- 230; Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 407-412, 412-414 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXV., 1838, pp. 330-335 ; Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 468-473. 82. Sur un systeme d'experiences a 1'aide duquel la theorie de 1'emission et celle des ondes seront soumises a des epreuves decisives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 954-965 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 49-65 ; = .Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 414-416 ; Poggend. Annal. XL VI., 1839, pp. 28-41. 83. Emploi de la gelatine comme aliment. Paris, Comptes Rendu?, VII., 1838, pp. 1117- 1119 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 207-210. 84. Eloge historique de Joseph FOURIER. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst., XIV., 1838 (Histy, pp. 69-138 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1838, pp. 337-408. Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 85. La Daguerreotype. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 250-267 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 313-339; Bibl. Univ. XXII., 1839, pp. 300-325 ; L'Institut, VII., 1839, pp. 257- 260; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIII., 1839, pp. 215-230 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXL, 1839, pp. 216-235. 86. Welche geographische Vertheilung der Gewitter findet heutzutage in Betreff ihrer Haufigkeit statt. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, X. 1839, cols. 211-215. 87. Rapport fait a I'Acade'mie sur les tra- vaux scientifiques executes pendant le voyage de la fregate la Venus, commandee par M. le capitaine de vaisseau AUBERT Du PETIT THOUARS. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1840, pp. 254-353; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 298-343. 88. Sur la scintillation des etoiles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 83-84 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 197-201. 89. Sur les interferences dela lumiere, con- siderees comme moyen de resoudre diverses questions tres-delicates de physique, et comme servant de base a la construction de nouveaux instruments de meteorologie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 813-818 ; Bibl. Univ. XXVIL, 1840, pp. 179-185 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 273-276 ; Poggend. Annal. LI. (Ergdnz.\ 1842, pp. 443-450. 90. Eloge historique de James WATT. Paris, Mem de 1'Inst. XVIL, J840 (Hist.\ pp. 61-188 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIL, 1839, pp. 221-316. 91. Analyse historique et critique de la vie et des travaux de Sir William HERSCHEL. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1842, pp. 249-608; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI1L, 1842, pp. 307-335 ;.- Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 257-265, 273-281, .294-296. 92. Sur 1' eclipse totale de soleil du 8 Juillet 1842 ; sur les phenomenes qui devront pluspar- ticulierement fixer 1'attention des astronomes. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1842, pp.609-642. 93. Notice sur les principals decouvertes astronomiques de LAPLACE. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1844, pp. 271-360. 94. Sur la grande comete de 1843. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1844, pp. 394-421. 95. Considerations relatives a 1'action chi- mique de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 402-406; Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 207-214 ; Bibl. Univ. XLIII., 1843, pp. 390-395 ; LIX., 396-397 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. III., 1843, pp. 558-563 ; Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 596-603. 96. Note sur la photometric. Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1845, pp. 396-397. L2 ARA] 84 [AEA Arago, Dominique Francois Jean. 97. Sur 1'eclipse totale de Soleil du 8 Juillet 1842. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1846, pp. 271-372. 98. Observations relatives a des pheno- menes qui n'avaient pas etc prevus dans les pro- grammes de 1'eclipse totale du 8 Juillet 1842. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1846, pp. 372-477. 99. Sur les chaux, les mortiers et les ciments hydrauliques : sur les pouzzolanes naturelles et artificielles. Paris, Bureau cl. Long. Ann. 1846, pp. 478-530. 1OO. Est-il possible, dans 1'etat actuel de nos connaissances, de predire le temps qu'il fera a une epoque et dans un lieu donne.s ? Peut-on esperer, en tout cas, quc ce probleme sera resolu un jour ? Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1846, pp. 574-608; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLL, 1846, pp. 1-16; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 286-288. . 1O1. Examen des remarques critiques et des questions de priorite que la decouverte de M. LE VERRIER a soulevees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII, 1846, pp. 741-754. 1O2. Sur un micrometre oculaire a double refraction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 400-402 ; Poggend. Annul. LXXI. 1847, pp. 405-408. 1O3. Biographic de CONDORCET. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XX., 1849 (Hist.}, pp. 1-113. 104. Memoires sur la photometric. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 305-309 ; 365-366, 425-426, 617-618 ; Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1845, pp. 396-397. 1O5. Note sur quelques experiences d'op- tique deja ancieunes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 149-151. 106. Note sur le systeme d'experiences, propose en 1838, pour prononcer definitivement entre la theorie des ondes et la theorie de remission. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 489-495. 1O7. Biographie de CARNOT. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXIL, 1850, pp. 1-117 (Hist.}. 108. Du Calendrier. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1851, pp. 309-491. 1O9. Sur 1'eclipse totale de Soleil observee le 8 Aoftt 1850 a Honolulu. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 577-585. 110. De la scintillation. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1852, pp. 363-504. 111. Notice sur les observations qui ont fait connaitre la constitution physique du soleil et celles de diverses etoiles. Examen des con- jectures des anciens philosophes et des donnees positives des astronomes modernes sur la place que doit prendre le soleil parmi lenombre prodi- gieux d'etoiles dont le firmament est parseme. Paris, Bureau d. Long. Ann. 1852, pp. 325-362 ; L'Institut, XX., 1852, pp. 8-14, 17-23 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 193-210. Dominique Franrois Jean. 112. Me- moire sur la vitesse de la lumiere. [1810.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 38- 49 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 180-196. 113. Surun moyen tres-simple de s'affran- chir des erreurs personelles dans les observations des passages des astres nu meridien. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 276-287; Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 348-353. 114. Note sur 1'intensite du magnetisme terrestre pendant les eclipses de soleil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 459-462. 115. Biographie de Jean Sylvain BAILLY. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XX1IL, 1853 (Hist.}, pp. 73-244. 116. Biographie de Gaspard MONGE. [1846.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXIV., 1854, pp. 1-157 (Hist.}. Arago, D. F. J., et Biot. Memoire sur les affinites des corps pour la lumiere, et parti- culierement sur les forces refringentes des differens gaz. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1806, pp. 301-385 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 151-158, 292-302; Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 564-598; Gilbert, Annal. XXV., 1807, pp. 345-392; XXVI., 162-193. Arago, D. F. J., et De Blainville. Rapport sur les resultats scientifiques du voyage autour du monde de la fregate La Venus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 298-300 ; Revue Zool. 1840, p. 253. Arago, D. F. J., et Dulong. Expose des recherches faites par ordre de 1' Academic pour determiner les forces elastiques de la vapeur d'eau a de hautes temperatures. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXIX., 1830, pp. 295-306 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 191-194 ; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 167-210. Arago, D. F. J., et Fresnel. Memoire sur 1'action que les rayons de lumiere polarises exercent les uns sur les autres. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 288-306; Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, p. 381. Arago, D. F. J., et Laugier. Phenomene atmo- spherique observe le 24 Juin. Bibl. Univ. LI., 1844, p. 371. Arago, D. F. J., et Petit. Sur les puissances refractives et dispersives de certains liquides et des vapeurs qu'ils formeut. [1815.] Annal. de Chimie, I., 1816, pp. 1-9 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VII., 1816, pp. 375-379. Arago, D. F. J., et Constant Prevost. Forma- tion de 1'ile Julia. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1837, pp. 112-115; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1837, pp. 204-206. Arago, Jacques. Les vents alizes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Aerost. I., 1852, pp. 73-76. ARA] 85 [ARC Araldi, Michcle. Considerazioni sopra 1' esten- sione e i confini della Icgge di continuita, tanto nella Meccanica generale quanto nell' animalo. [1801.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. X. 1803, pp. 75-107. 2. Della forza e dell' influsso del cuore sul circolo del sangue. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 342-382. 3. Tentative di una nuova rigorosa dimo- strazione del principio dell' equipollenza. [1804.] Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I., 1806, pp. 413 -426. 4. Esamc di uno fra i diversi dubbii messi dal celebre d' ALEMBERT ai principii dell' ottica ; con alcune Considerazioni sopra la teoria Psico- logica della Visione. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I. (pte. 2), 1806, pp. 451-486. 5. Del Son no, e della sua or din aria imme- diata cagione. Bologna, Mem. Soc. Med. I., 1807, pp. 241-292. 6. Esame di alcuni tentativi di soluzione di un famoso problema di Meccanica Statica. [1806.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIII., 1807, pp. 74-103. 7. Esamc di un articolo della teoria del suono ; con appendice. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. II., 1808, pp. 311-326, 431-446. 8. Considerazioni e dubbii sulla compres- sibilita ed elasticita de' liquidi ed in ispecie dell' acqua. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. II., 1808, pp. 327-361. 9. Della forza del cuore e del suo influsso nel circolo del sangue. [1810.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., 1811, pp. 166-195. 10. Delia legge di continuita, dove inci- dentemente trattasi dei corpi duri. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1812-13, pp. 217- 224. 11. Sull' inerzia e sulla forza centrifuga. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1812-13, pp. 237-244. 12. Sopra un nuovo uso meccanico del respiro. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1812-13, pp. 259-262. Aran, F. A. Memoire sur les hydatides ou vers vesiculaircs de 1'encephale. Arch. Gen. de Med. XII., 1841, pp. 76-120. 2. De 1'anesthesie provoquee et des agents anesthesiques consideres au point de vue de leur application a la chirurgie et aux di verses branches de Fart de guerir. Arch. Gen. de Med. XXIL, 1850, pp. 308-335 ; XXIV., 314- 335. 3. Note sur la medication anesthesique locale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 845-848. 4. Grossesse extra-uterine simulant un kyste sanguin du petit bassin. Paris, Soc. Chir. Bull. III., 1853, pp. 486-488. Aran, F. A. 5. Etudes anatomiques et ana- tomo-pathologiques sur la statique de 1'uterus. Arch. Gen. de Med. XL, 1858, pp. 139-149, 310-324. Araujo Travassos, Antonio dc. Memoria sobre a Distillagao. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. V., 1818 (pte. 2), pp. 1-27 ; VII., 1821, pp. 505-572 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXIX., 1831, pp. 96-101. Arcari, Giovanni. Saggio sulla teoria delle strade atmosferiche. Venezia, Atti, IV., 1845, pp. 72-91. 2. Teoria del pendulo di FOUCAULD. Vene- zia, Atti, VII., 1861-62, pp. 820-822. Areas. See Perez Areas (L.). Arcet, d\ See Darcet. Archambault. Considerations sur 1'hydroce- phalie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863, pp. 5-7, C. R. Archer, C. On the adaptation of the human eye to varying distances. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 331-332. Archer, John. An inflammation apparently of the Ovarium, ending in suppuration, and dis- charging a living worm and a well-shaped tooth. New York Med. Repos. VI., 1809, pp. 365- 366. Archer, Thomas C. Observations on the pheno- menon of odour. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1854-55, pp. 12-14. 2. On certain new or rare products of the vegetable kingdom. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1854-55, pp. 54-57. 3. On two fibres from Brazil, with a note by Sir W. HOOKER. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 84-87. 4. On the useful products of the Palmaceae. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. X., 1855-56, pp. 19-28. 5. On the useful products of the natural order Graminaceae. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. X., 1855-56, pp. 107-111. 6. On the natural products of the Legu- minosae. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XI., 1856-57, pp. 64-69. 7. On vegetable organisms found in coal. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. XL, 1856-57, pp. 143-145. 8. Report on the Animal and Vegetable Products imported into Liverpool from the year 1851-55 (inclusive). Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 255-307. 9. On a species of Ostrea taken from the copper sheathing on the bottom of a vessel in the Liverpool Graving Docks. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 404-405. 1O. Remarks on the rhizomes called Ze- rumbet and Cassumunar roots. Pharmaceut. Journal, L, I860, pp. 17-18. ARC] [ARC Archer, Thomas C. 11. Some account of Paul- linia sorbilis and its products. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 524-525. Archer, William. Description of two new species of Staurastrum. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 199-201 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 461-463 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 75-79. 2. Notice of some cases of abnormal growth in the Desmidiaceae. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 207-2 13 ; III., 37-38 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 469-476 ; VII., 391-392 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 85-93. 3. Supplementary catalogue of Desmi- diacese found in the neighbourhood of Dublin ; with description and figures of a proposed new genus and of four new species. Nat. Hist. Review, V, 1858 (Proc.), pp. 234-258 ; Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 94-124. . 4. Notice of the occurrence near Dublin of a unicellular Alga, believed to be allied to that alluded to by M. HOFMKISTEK (Ann. Nat. Hist., third series, vol. I., No. 1, January 1858), "On the propagation of the Desmidiao and Diatomeaa." Nat. Hist. Review, V, 1858 (Proc.), pp. 258-264 ; Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 124-130. 5. On a new genus and species in the Desmidiaceas; with some remarks on the arrange- ment of the genera and the species of Micras- terias and Euastrum. Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 464-469. 6. On the occurrence of Zoospores in the family Desmidiaceae. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 21-37 ; Journ. Microse. Sci. VIIL, 1860, pp. 215-235 ; Nat. Hist. Re- view, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 375-391. 7. Description of a new species of Cosma- rium, and of a new species of Xanthidium. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 49-52 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VJL, 1860 (Proc.), pp. 403-406. 8. Description of a new species of Micras- terias (Ag. et aliorum, non Ehr.), with remarks on the distinctions between Micrasterias rotata (Ralfs) and M. denticulata (Breb.). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 69-78 ; Microsc. Soc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 236-247. 9. Description of a new species of Cos- marium (Corda), of Staurastrum (Meyen), of two now species of Closterium (Ni(zsch), and of Spirotrcnia (Breb.). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. III., 1859-62, pp. 78-85 ; Microsc. Soo. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 247-254. Archer, William. 10. On a new (?) species of Ankistroclesmus (Corda), with remarks in con- nexion therewith as regards Closterium Griffithii (Perk.), and C. subtile (Breb.) Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1 859-62, pp. 85-90 ; Microsc. Soc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 255-261. 11. On Clopterium aciculare ( West). Mi- crosc. Soc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 31-35. 12. An endeavour to identify Palmoglaaa macrococca (Kiitz.), with description of the plant believed to be meant, and of a new species, both, however, referrible rather to the genus Mesotaeniuni (Nag.). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862-63, pp. 12-33. 13. Description of a new species of Cosma- rium ( Corda), and of Peiiium (Breb.). Dublin, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862-63, pp. 49-53. ~ 14. Description of a new species of Cos- marium (Corda), and of Arthrodesmus (Ehr.). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862-63, pp. 66-69. 15. Observations on Micrasterias Mahabu- leshwarensis (Hobson), and on Docidium Pris- tidas (Ilobson). Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862-63, pp. 78-84. 16. Description of a new species of Doci- dium (Breb.) from Hong-Kong. Dublin, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862-63, pp. 84-85. Archer, William. On the value of Hair?, as a character in determining the limits of subordi- nate groups of Species, considered in connexion with the genera Eurybia (Cass.) and Olearia (Monch) of Composite. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 17-25. Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe d'. Sur une partie des terrains tertiaires inferieurs du depar- tement de 1'Aisne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 240-247. 2. Memoire sur la formation cretacee du Sud-Ouest de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1835, pp. 157-192. 3. Sur la position du calcaire de Chateau Landou. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 30-35. 4. Sur les sables et gres moyens tertiaires. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38, pp. 54-73. 5. Observations sur le groupe moyen de la formation cretacee. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. III., 1838, pp. 261-312. 6. Sur la coordination des terrains tiaires du nord de la France, &c. Paris, ter- Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838-39, pp. 168-225; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 631-675. 7. Sur les caracteres petrographiques du calcaire silurien et du calcaire carbonifere. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1839-40, pp. 209- 212. ARC] Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe d\ 8. Sur la fossilisation des echinodermes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840-41, pp. 143-146. 9. Sur le genre Murchisonia. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840-41, pp. 154-160; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 278-282. 10. Sur quelques roches pyroxenes du Li- mousin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull." XII., 1840-41, pp. 187-198. 11. Reponse aux objections faites par M. MELLEVILLE [sur les terrains tertiaires de 1'Aisne]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840-41, pp. 221-241. 12. Sur la montagne de St. Pierre pres Macstricht. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1840- 41, pp. 258-261. 13. Description geologique du departement de 1'Aisne. [1840.] Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. V., 1842, pp. 129-420. 14. Sur 1'hydrographie de la formation cre- tacee du S.-O. de la France. Riviere, Ann. Sci. Geol. L, 1842, pp. 566-576. 15. Sur les formations dites pelagiques, et sur la profondeur a laquelle ont du se deposer les couches de sediment. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 517-525. 16. Etudes sur la formation cretacee des versants sud-ouest et nord-ouest du plateau cen- tral de la France. Riviere, Ann. Sci. Geol. II., 1843, pp. 169-191 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 142-153; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, pp. 38-41 ; 1845, pp. 15-21 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 307-316 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1846, pp. 1-150. 17. Sur la distribution des Mollusques et de leurs analogues vivants. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II, 1845, pp. 482-485. 18. Description des fossiles recueillis par M. TIIOKENT dans les couches a Nummulines des environs de Bayonne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1845-46, pp. 475-477 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1846, pp. 189-218. 19. Rapport sur les fossiles du Tourtia [poudingue nervien]. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1846, pp. 291-351. 2O. Sur les fossiles des couches a nummu- lites des environs de Bayonne et de Dax. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 1006-1014. 21. Sur un plissement du terrain tertiaire dans la vallee de la Droune, et sur les couches que traverse le chemin de fer entre Libourne et Angouleme. 'Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846- 47, pp. 1103-1109. 22. Sur le terrain quaternaire ou diluvien. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 202- 204 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 23-26. 87 [ARD Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe d 1 . 23. De- scription des fossiles du groupe nuramulitique recueillis par M. S.-P. PRATT et M. J. DELBOS aux environs de Bayonne et de Dax. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. III., 1848, pp. 397-456. 24. Examination of E. FORBES'S Views on the Geographical Distribution of British Plants. [1848.] Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XL VIII., 1850, pp. 23-34. 25. Coupe geologique des environs des Bains de Rennes (Aude), suivie de la description de quelques fossiles de cette localite. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, p. 185. 26. Sur la geologic des Corbieres. L'lnsti- tut, XXI1L, 1855, pp. 297-301, 309-311, 317- 319. 27. Etudes geologiques sur les departements de 1'Aude et des Pyrenees-Orientales. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 460-509. 28. Sur les fossiles recueillis par M. POUECH dans le terrain tertiaire du departement de I'Arriese. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVL, 1858- 59, pp. 783-814. 29. Sur le genre Otostoma. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVL, 1858-59, pp. 871-878. 30. Observations critiques sur la distribution stratigraphique et la synonymic de quelques Rhizopodes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 460-468. 31. Note sur quelques fossiles tertiaires et cretaces de 1'Asie Mineure. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 552-564. 32. Note sur 1'existence du second etage du lias pres d'Hirson (Aisne). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 567-572. 33. Note sur la faune tertiaire moyenne des environs de Beziers efc de Narbonne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 630- 638. 34. Note sur les fossiles recueillis par feu M. de BOISSY au plateau du Four (Loire-Infe- rieure). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860- 61, pp. 666-669. 35. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Albert GAUDRY, intitule : Geologic de PAttique et des contrees voisines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LLTL, 1861, pp. 816-830. Archiac, E. J. A. un< ^ 'J Aquilas.] Astr. Nachr. XIX./1842, col. 393-396. 39. Tafeln fur den Lichtwechsel von 8 Cephei. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 395- 400. 40. [Beobachtung des Laugier'schen Co- meten von 1842.] Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 161-164. 41. [Ueber den veranderlichen Stern Algol.] Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 271-272. 42. [Ueber einen Stern, beobachtet von GROOMBRIDGE.] Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 313-316. 43. [Beobachtungen des von MAUVAIS ent- deckten Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 35-36, 133-134, 225-226; XXIL, 257-260, 377-378. 44. Ueber die Anwendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate auf einen besondern Fall. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 163-168. 45. Beobachtungen des 3 ten Cometen von 1843 (im Orion). Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844. col. 321-326. 46. [Beobachtungen des grossen Cometen vom Juni 1845.] Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 233-238, 239-240, 245-246 ; XXIV, 111- 114, 293-296. 47. Beobachtung von LE VERRIER'S Plane- ten. Astr. Nachr. XXV, 1847, col. 83-84. 48. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 293-294. 49. Zonenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 305-308. 50. [Ueber die Durhamer Beobachtungen einiger Sterne, seiner Uranometrie, und eigene Beobachtungen der JR derselben.] Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 315-318. 51. Ueber veranderliche Sterne. Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 369-374. ARG] 91 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 52. Erste Elemente des Lichtwechsels von Gemi- norum. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 33- 44. 53. [Beobachtungen des Goujon'schen Come ten.] Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 359-360 ; XXIX., 105-106. 54. Hyadenbedeckung 1849 Marz 28 beobachtet zu Bonn. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 391-394. 55. Ueber den Hind'schen Verlinderlichen im Ophiuchus. Astr. Nachr. XXVHL, 1849, col. 393-394. 56. Cometenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 25-28. 57. Ueber die vermuthete Veriinderlichkeit einiger Sterne, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Grossenangaben verschiedener Cataloge. Astr. Nachr. 1849, col. 31-41 (Ergdnz.hft.) 58. Beobachtung der Bedeckung Aldeba- rans vom Monde 1848 Dec. 9. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 109-112. 59. [Beobachtungen des Cometen von BOND und der Victoria.] Astr. Nachr., XXXI., 1851, col. 277-280, 60. Verzeichniss von Sternen im Parallel der Irene. Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 329-334. 61. Beobachtungen des Cometen I. 1851, nebst Elemente desselben. Astr. Nachr. XXXHI., 1852, col. 1-6. 62. Beobachtunsren des d'Arrest'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 41-44 ; XXXIV., 43-46; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 28-29. 63. Beobachtungen auf der Bonner Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 17- 28. 64. Vorschlae: betreffend die kleinen Pla- neten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 53- 54. 65. Beobachtungen des Encke'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 65- 66. 66. Beobachtungen des 1852 Marz in Neapel entdeckten neuen Planeten auf der Bonner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 189-190. 67. Ring-micrometer-beobachtungen des Encke'schen Cometen 1852 auf der Bonner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 191-194. 68. Ueber veranderliche Sterne. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 221-222. 69. Beobachtungen auf der Bonner Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 285- 288. [ARG Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 7O. Beobachtungen des Cometen I. 1852 und der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 365 -368. 71. Ueber die veriinderlichen Sterne S. Cancri und Algol. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 69-72 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII., 1852-53, pp. 85-86. 72. Beobachtungen der Melpomene und Fortuna auf der Bonner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 111-114. 73. Beobachtungen der Themis auf der Bonner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 365-366. 74. Beobachtungen der Planeten Hebe, Victoria, Pallas und Ceres. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 385-388. 75. Beobachtungen des neuesten von Herrn LUTHER entdeckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 127-128. 76. Planeten - beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte in Bonn. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 177-178. 77. Elemente und Ephemeride des Come- ten II. 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 183-186. 78. Beobachtungen des Cometen II., 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 269-272. 79. Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte in Bonn. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 309 -310. 8O. Beobachtungen eines neuen Cometen auf der Sternwarte zu Bonn. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 327-328, 345-346; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 214-215. 81. Beobachtungen des von HIND am 8 Nov. entdeckten neuen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 403-404. 82. Beobachtungen des Cometen IH. 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 45- 46. 83. Ueber den veranderlichen Stern S. Cancri. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 289- 290; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 199. 84. Ueber Algol [$ Persei]. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 291-298; Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 57-59 ; Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 344-348. 85. Bonner Kreismicrometer-beobachturj- gen von Kometen und kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 297-302. 86. [Beobachtungen einiger Minima von S. Cancri.] Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 359- 360 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 185- 186. M 2 ARG] 92 [ARK Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August. 87. Ueber Periode von R. Virginis. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 361-368. 88. Ueber die Helligkeiten der kleinen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 337- 344 ; XLIL, 177-186 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 206-213. 89. Planeten -Oppositionen. Astr. Nachr. XLIII., 1856, col. 173-176; XLV., 85-88; XL VI., 5-8. 90. Bemerkungen iiber einige verander- liche Sterne. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 193-204. 91. Neue Tafeln fiir den Lichtwechsel von T] Aquilae. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 97- 104. 92. Algols-minima im Jahre 1857. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 103-108. 93. [Auffindung eines Sterns von starker Eigenbewegung. Lai. 21,185.] Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 273-274. 94. [Beobachtungen der Ariadne.] Astr. Nachr. XLVHL, 1858, col. 13-16. 95. Ueber den veranderlichen Stern S. Serpentis. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 379-382. 96. Minima von Algol und S. Cancri. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 49-50. 97. [Beobachtungen des S. Cancri.] Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 105-108. 98 mosyne, 204. 99 Cancri. Meridiankreis-Beobachtung der Mne- Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 203- Ephemeride fiir die Minima von S. Neue veranderliche Sterne. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 241-246. 1OO. Resultate der Bonner Beobachtungen der Jahre 1848 bis 1859 fiir die Menge des gefallenen Niederschlages. Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XVII., 1860, pp. 62-67. 1O1. Ueber einen verlorenen Nebelfleck. Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XIX., 1862, pp. 79-81. 102. Ueber den Stern Lacaille No. 2538 = 585 C. A. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 225-230. 103. Meridian-Beobachtungen desNeptun und der Flora. Astr. Nachr. LXL, 1863, col. 95-96. Argelander, Fr. W. A., und Boguslawski. [Beobachtungen des Halleyschen Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XIII., 1836, col. 67-76. Argelander, Fr. W. A., und Schonfeld. Beo- bachtungen auf der Bonner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 93-96, 165-168. Argelander, Fr. W. A., Forster, und Biimker. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. LI1L, 1860, col. 91-92. Argelauder, Fr. W. A., Gauss, und Biimker. Beobachtungen des neuen Planeten Astraea. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 411-412. Argenti, A. Francesco. Delle nuove membrane perineale. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LIX., 1831, pp. 19-39. 2. Memoria intorno a nuovi studii sulla causa immediata della mestruazione e modifi- cazione alia teoria della fecondazione. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 201-207 ; Omodei, Ann. Univ. CV., 1843, pp. 311-328. 3. Genesi, emigrazione, metamorfosi degli Elminti nelT organismo vivente. Padova, Re- vista Period. II., 1853-54, pp. 83-111. Argenziano, . Su di un calcolo biliare. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1845, pp. 221-222. Arguedas, Luis de, Borda, y J. Varela. Observaciones de las alturas del barometro, y de los grades del termometro hechas en el viage al Pico de Tenerife el 30 de Setiembre y 1 de Octubre de 1776. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. I., 1799, pp. 288-304. Argiielles, B. C. Descripcion mineralogica de la Blenda carbonosa [anthracite] del puerto de Pajares. Madrid, An. Sci. Nat. IV., 1802, pp. 19-22. Argyll, George John Douglas, Duke of. On a fossiliferous deposit underlying Basalt in the Island of Mull. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850, II., pp. 70-71. 2. On tertiary Leaf-Beds in the Isle of Mull. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp 89- 103. 3. On the granitic district of Inverary, Argyllshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1853, pp. 360-366. 4. On a Roche Moutonnee on the summit of the range of hills separating Loch Fyne and Loch Awe. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 459-462. 5. Flint Drift and Human Remains. Cana- dian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 190-199; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 145-147. Arici, C. Delle condizioni locali delle acque minerali di Collio e di Bovegno. Brescia, Com- ment. 1834, pp. 106-111. Axis, J. R. Ueber die parallele Bewegung an einer Dampfmaschine. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXV., 1830, pp. 262-264, 332-333. Arkell, John. On the indications of fertility or barrenness of Soils, whether of colour, con- sistence, or vegetation. Agric. Soc. Journ. V., 1845, pp. 429-442. Arkell, Thomas. On the Drainage of Land. Agric. Soc-. Juurn. IV., 1843, pp. 318-339. ARL] 93 Arlett, W. Survey of some of the Canary Islands, and of part of the Western Coast of Africa in 1835. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 285-310; Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VII., 1837, pp. 5-12. Arlidge, J. T. Observation of some of the phases of development of the Trichodina pedi- culus (?). Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 269- 274. 2. On the monstrosity of a Rose. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 290-292. 3. Observations on calcareous deposits in [ARM the brain, known as Brain Sand and Amyloid bodies. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XIV., 1854, pp. 470-482. Arlt, Ferdinand. Physiologisch- und pathologisch- anatomische Bemerkungen iiber die Bindehaut des Auges. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1846 (Hft. 4), pp. 70-79. 2. Ueber die Eintheilung und Benennung der Augenentzundungen. Prag. Vierteljahr- schrift, 1849 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-25. 3. Ueber den Thranenschlauch. Archiv f. Ophthalm. L, 1854 (2 Abth.\ pp. 135-160. 4. Zur Anatomic des Auges. Archiv f. Ophthalm. TIL, 1857 (2 Abth.\ pp. 87-120. 5. Ueber den Ringmuskel der Augenlider. Archiv f. Ophthalm. IX., 1863, pp. 64-98. Armand, . Aper9u sur les varietes de races humaines observees de 1842 a 1862, dans les diverses campagnes de 1'armee Fra^aise. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 553 -568 ; IV., pp. 625-647. Armand, , efc Baudouin. Notice sur les bitumes. Ann. Telegraph. L, 1856, pp. 95- 107. Armandy. See Buisson d'Armandy. Armeliini, Tito, Una nuova esperienza di po- larita elettro-statica. Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 174-176. Armengaud, aine. Allgemeines System der Schraubengewinde und den fiir Schrauben und Schraubenmuttern anzunehmenden Dimensio- nen. (Transl.) Der Civilingenieur, L, 1854, pp. 25-29. Armengaud, Charles. Praktische Bemerkungen iiber die Dimensionen der an den Dampfkes- seln angebrachten Sicherheitsventile. (Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIX., 1853, pp. 401-407. 2. Dimensionsverhaltnisse der Krumm- zapfen fur Dampfmaschinen. ( Transit) Der Civilingenieur, L, 1854, pp. 55-60. 3. Dimensionsverhaltnisse der Balanciers fur Dampfmaschiner,. (Transit) Der Civilin- genieur, L, 1854, pp. 197-203. 4. Dimensionsverhaltnisse der Zahnrader. Der Civilingenieur, II., 1856, pp. 16-26. Armengaud, Charles. 5. Dimensionsverhalt- nisse der Zahnrader, Zahnstrangen, Kettenvor- gelege und conischen Rader. Der Civilingenieur II., 1856, pp. 59-66. 6. der Riemen, Riemenscheiben und Conuse. (Transl.) Der Civilingenieur, II., 1856, pp. 186-196. 7. Die Dimensionen der Zapfenlager, Lagerbocke, Hangelager, etc. (Transl.) Der Civilingenieur, III., 1857, pp. 185-189, 246- 251. 8. Ueber die Construction der Schwung- rader. ( Transl.) Der Civilingenieur, VIII 1862, col. 55-78. Armet, Joseph. Essais sur le sel marin. Journ. des Mines, No. XL, 1795, pp. 75-79. Armi, Giovanni daW. Ristretto di fatti acustici. Giorn. Arcad. XII., 1821, pp. 164-182, 321- 328 ; XIII., 48-64, 221-236. 2. Sui paragrandini. Giorn. Arcad. XXXVII., 1828, pp. 152-159. Armieux, . Degenerescence fibro-osseuse de la rate. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1863, pp. 504-512. Armiger, T. J. Case of Dysphagia produced by aneurism of the aorta. [1810.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1811, pp. 242-248. Armour, James. Cases of extra-uterine preg- nancy, with remarks. Glasgow Med. Jour. III., 1830, pp. 153-169. Armstrong, Richard. Bemerkungen iiber die Markesische Gruppe der Malayisch-Polynesi- schen Volker. Ludde, Zeits. f; Erdk. VII., 1847, pp. 364-374-. Armstrong, . Sur 1'emploi de 1'air chaud dans les fourneaux qui servent a la fusion de la fonte. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1836, pp. 179- 195. Armstrong, W. Sur les causes de la deteriora- tion du fer forge* et sur les moyens de la pre- venir. Cuyper, Revue Univ., VIII., 1860, pp. 502-505. Armstrong, W., jun. Experiments to deter- mine the relative value of the Furnace and Steam jets as ventilating powers. N. of Engl. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. L, 1852-53, pp. 165- 183. 2. Of the constitution and action of the chalybeate mine waters of Northumberland and Durham. N. of Engl. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IV., 1855-56, pp. 271-281. 3. On ventilating furnaces and their elas- ticity of action. N. of Engl. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IX., 1860-61, pp. 75-82. Armstrong, William George. On the Elec- tricity of Effluent Steam. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 452-457 ; XVIIL, 50-57 ; XIX., 25- 27 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 452- 455; Poggend. Annal. LIL, 1841, pp. 328-339. ARM] 94 [AEN Armstrong, William George. 2. On the Elec- trical Phenomena attending the Efflux of con- densed Air and Steam. Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1841, pp. 328-337; Archives de 1'Electr. I., 1841, pp. 145-175, 478-491. 3. On the cause of the Electricity of Effluent Steam. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 5-8. 4. On the Efficacy of Steam as a means of producing Electricity, and on a curious action of a Jet of Steam upon a Ball. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 1-5 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 401-416; Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 348-356. 5. Account of a Hydro -electric Machine. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1843, pp. 194-202; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. X., 1843, pp. 199-201 ; Ar- chives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 613-622. 6. Description of a colossal Hydro-Electric Machine, with a notice of some phenomena attending the production of Electricity by Steam. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 30- 31. 7. On the Spheroidal Condition of Liquids. Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 257-261 ; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1845, pp. 174-177. 8. On the Electricity produced in the manufacture of Paper. Walker, Electr. Mag. L, 1845, pp. 459-465. 1 9. On the application of water-pressure to machinery. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854, pp. 417- 421. Arnal, De 1'action du seigle ergote, et de 1'emploi de son extrait dans les cas d'hemor- rhagies internes. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. XIV., 1849, pp. 408-500. Arnaud, . Second voyage a la recherche des sources du Fleuve Blanc. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIX., 1843, pp. 89-95. Arnaud, . Note sur la craie de la Dordogne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 465-500. Arnaud, Antonio de. Sobre el analisis de varios minerales, con algunas reflexiones sobre el estanado. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 163-177. 2. Indagaciones analiticas sobre una mina de plomo pardo de Pompean. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 353-361. Arnaud, J. A. M. Observations sur la prepara- tion du Sulfate de Quinine. Journ. de Pharm. VIH., 1822, pp. 513-514. 2. Memoire sur la mortalite parmi les habitaris du Puy, la duree moyenne de leur vie, et les maladies auxquelles ils sont sujets. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1826, pp. 103-109. Arnaud, J. A. M. 3. Memoire sur les eaux minerales de Margeaix, des Salles, des Estreix, et des Pandraux. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1827, pp. 112-122. 4. Supplement a la Flore du departement de la Haute-Loire, ou Indication des plantes a y ajouter, avec quelques corrections et observa- tions. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1828, pp. 89- 114. 5. Analyse de quelques eaux minerales de la Haute-Loire. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. II., 1829, pp. 231-232. Arnaudon, Giovanni. Sulle materie coloranti della rubbia (Rubia Tinctorum), e sopra un nuovo metodo di tintura delle stoffe a freddo. Nuovo Cimento, VI., 1857, pp. 125-127 ; Man- chester Soc. Proc. L, 1857-60, pp. 145-147. 2. Osservazioni per servire alia storia del seme d' Ovala (Opochala) e sull' olio in esse contenuto. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 139-145; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 404-410 ; Seemann, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 302-307. 3* Richerche sulla colorazione dei legni, e studio sui legni d'amaranto. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 251-260. 4. Apparecchio estrattore per il trattamento delle materie organiche con dissolvent! succes- sivi a diverse temperature. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 260-265. 5. Saggi sul legno d' andromeno o pali- nandro violetto del Madagascar. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 278-281. 6. Not a sulla colorazione della resina di Guaiaco. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 281-282. 7. Recherches sur un nouvel acide extrait du bois de taigu du Paraguay. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1152-1156 ; Nuovo Cimento, VII., 1858, pp. 37-47. 8. Recherches sur les bois d'amarante. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 32- 36. Arnaudon, Giovanni, e Ubaldini. Saggi per servire alia storia del Jatropha Curcas. Nuovo Cimento, VII., 1858, pp. 431-437. Arnault, . Sur des coquilles et des osse- mens fossiles, decouverts et observes dans les environs d'Anvers. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. II., 1819, pp. 124-128. Arndt, . Sur quelques corps fossiles re- cueillis aux environs de Sympheropol. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXHL, 1850, pp. 86-89. Arndt, C. Die Mollusken der Umgegend von Gnoien. Mecklenburg, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 119-129. Arndt, C. F. De potestatum periodis, radicibus primitivis, residuisque quadraticis. Grunert, Archiv, IL, 1842, pp. 1-41. AENJ 95 [AEN Arndt, C. F. 2. Geometrische Untersuchungen liber Potenzlinie, Potenzcentrum, und Potenz- kreis, Polaritiit, Aehnlichkeitspunkte, und Aehnlichkeitsaxen. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 113-151. Arndt, Friedrich. Beweis eines arithmetischen Lehrsatzes. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp, 210-213. 2. Novi alicujus theorematis arithmetic! commentatio analytica. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 256-258. 3. Entwickelung der hoheren Integrale von log. x, dx, nebst einer Anwendung auf die Summirung einer Reihe. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 436-440. 4. Entwickelung der Functionen cos "* sin nx und cos x n Reihen, die nach den Potenzen cos a;" von tang, x aufsteigen, mit Hiilfe des Maclaurin- schen Theorems. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 441-445. 5. Eine neue analytische Gleichung, und deren Anwendung auf die Bestimmung eines vielfachen Integrals und die Summirung einer Reihe. Grunert, Archiv, V., 1844, pp. 443- 447. 6. Allgemeines Kriterium fur die Falle, in welchen die Logarithmen rationale Briiche sind, nebst einer Methode, die letztern aufzu- finden. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 57- 62. 7. Allgemeiner Beweis der bekannten Ausdriicke fiir sin (a/3) und cos (+/3). Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 95-101. 8. Ueber bestimmte Integrale und Sum- mirung einiger Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 187-194. 9. Bemerkung zu einer Stelle im Archiv, Theil V. s. 220. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 333-334; VIIL, p. 111. 10. Disquisitiones de congruentiis omnium graduum et residuis ordinis cujuscunque. Gru- nert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 380-399. 11. Ueber bestimmte Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 434-439. 12. Ueber die Summirung der beiden Reiheu (a) 7 - etc - etc - in welchen die Grossen y willkuhrlich und die Coefficienten Binomialcoefficienten des ganzen Exponenten n sind, mittels hoherer Differenzen und Summen. Crelle, Journ. XXXI., 1846, pp. 235-246. 13. Nova solutio problematis determinandi multitudinem numerorum, qui ad numerum ali- quem sint primi eoque minores. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 246-248. Arndt, Friedrich. 14. Entwickelung der Summe der w-ten Potenzen der naturlichen Zahlen nach den Potenzen des Index mittelst des Taylorschen Lehrsatzes. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1 846, pp. 249-252. 15. Ueber die Bernouillische Methode summirbare Reihen zu finden. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 253-258. 16. Nova methodus determinandi multitu- dinem radicum congruentiae ^==1 (mod. M). aliaque ad hanc materiam spectantia. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 259-268. 17. Demonstratio duorum theorematum Gaussianis his generaliorum : 1. Productum ex omnibus radicibus primi- tivis moduli imparis p unitate sec. p congruum est, excepto casu in quo p=3. 2. Summa omnium radicum primitivarum moduli primi imparis p est ^ 0, quando p 1 per quadrature aliquod divisibilis est ; quando vero per nullum quadrature divisibilis, summa est ^s + 1, prout multitude factorum ipsius p 1 primorum est par aut impar. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 326-328. 18. Demonstratio nova theorematis Wil- soniani a summo GAUSS hoc modo generalius enunciati : "Productum omnium numerorum, ad numerum quemcunque M primorum eoque inferiorum unitati negatives aut positivae sec. M congruum est : et quidem negative sumenda est unitas, quando M potestas numeri primi imparis vel ejus duplum, vel denique 4, positive autem in omnibus casibus reliquis." Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 329-332. 19. Disquisitiones de residuis cujusvis ordinis. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 333- 342. 2O. Bemerkungen iiber die Verwandlung der irrationalen Quadratwurzel in einen Ketten- bruch. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 343- 358. 21. Analytische Behandlung einiger die Linien zweiten Grades betreffenden Gegen- stande. Grunert, Archiv, VHL, 1846, pp. 342 352. 22. Bemerkungen zu den im Archiv, Theil. VIIL, s. 213-214, von Herrn Dr. DIENGER aufgestellten Theoremen I. ... V. Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 383-386. 23. Ein neues Theorem von den Linien zweiten Grades : "Die Quadratsumme der reci- proken Werthe zweier auf einander senkrechten Durchir.esser bei einem Kegelschnitt (Ellipse und Hyperbel) ist constant, namlich bei der Ellipse der Quadratsumme, bei der Hyperbel der Quadratdifferenz der reciproken Werthe der Axen gleich." Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 395-399. ARN] 96 [AEN Arndt, Friedrich. 24. Bemerkungen zu einer gewissen Methode, die Gleichung eines durch vier Puncte gehenden Kegelschnitts auszu- driicken. Crelle, Journ. XXXV., 1847, pp. 83 -92. 25. Bemerkungen iiber die Kurve der Kriimmungsmittelpunkte. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 68-72. 26. Beweis eines Theorems von den Kegel- schnitten. Grunert, Archiv, TX., 1847, pp. 72-74. 27. Ueber einige bestimmte Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 225-232. 28. Ueber einige bestimmte Integrale, welche sich auf die beiden Integrale zuruc ], fiii iren las- / .j cos x sen. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 233-240. 29. Ueber eine gewisse Klasse bestimmter Integrale, bei welchen die Function unter dem Integralzeichen fur einen Werth der Verander- lichen zwischen den Integrationsgrenzen unend- lich wird. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 240- 246. und / ??_ T^- *J x / e - 6 * ; 3O. Ueber die Integrale / y o x " Gnmert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 247-250. 31. Ueber einen von GAUSS gefundenen Ausdruck der Gammafunction. Grunert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 250-253. 32. Zwei Entwickelung des bestimmten / J i / a--' nx-i \ J ^ (j - y^J te. Gru- nert, Archiv, X., 1847, pp. 253-259. 33. Entwickelung bestimmter Integrale. Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 70-88. 34. Untersuchungen iiber die Theoreme von COTES und MOIVRE. Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 181-196. 35. Ueber die numerische Bestimmung der Constants des Integrallogarithmus. Gru- nert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 315-328. 36. Untersuchungen iiber einige unbe- stimmte Gleichungen zweiten Grades, und iiber die Verwandlung der Quadratwurzel aus einem Bruche in einen Kettenbruch. Grunert, Archiv, XII., 1849, pp. 211-276. 37. Beitrag zur Theorie der quadratischen Formen. Grunert, Archiv, XIIL, 1849, pp. 105-412. 38. Demonstration des formules de M. GAUSS dans la Trigonometric spherique. Gru- nert, Archiv, XIIL, 1849, pp. 159-162. 39. Memoire sur la theorie des formes quadratiques. Grunert, Archiv, XIIL, 1849, pp. 410-418. Arndt, Friedrich. 4O. Beitriige zur Theorie der quadratischen Formen. Grunert, Archiv, XV., 1850, pp. 429-478. 41. Versuch einer Theorie der homogenen Funktionen des dritten Grades mit zwei Varia- beln. Gruuert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 1- 53. 42. Ein Satz iiber binare Formen von beliebigen Grade und Anwendung desselben auf biquadratische Formen. Grunert, Archiv. XVII., 1851, pp. 409-420. 43. Untersuchung der biquadratischen Formen. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 111-119. 44. Ueber eine Aufgabe in der Kreistheil- ung. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 461 -474. 45. Untersuchungen iiber die Anzahl der kubischen Klassen, welche zu einer determinir- enden quadratischen Klasse gehoren. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 408-418. 46. Bemerkungen zur Convergenz der unendlichen Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 43-58. 47. Neues Theorem iiber den Grenziiber- gang in unendlichen Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 461-465. 48. Ueber die Convergenz der unendlicben Produkte nebst einigen Theoremen iiber die Convergenz gewisser unendlicher Reihen. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 78-90. 49. Ueber Convergenz und Stetigkeit der Potenzreihen. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 211-218. 5O. Zur Theorie der biniiren kubischen Formen. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 309- 321. 51. Tabellarische Berechnung der reducir- ten binaren kubischen Formen und Klassifica- tion derselben fur , alle successiven negativen Determinanten ( D) von D = 3 bis D 2000. [1851.] Grunert, Archiv, XXXI, 1858, pp. 335-448. 52. Auflosung einer Aufgabe in der Com- position der quadratischen Formen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 64-71. 53. Ueber die Anzahl der Genera der quadratischen Formen. Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 72-78. 54. Bemerkung zu den Formeln von DIRICHLET durch welche die Klassenzahl bei positiver Determinante ausgedrvickt wird. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, p. 100. 55. Einfacher Beweis fur die Irreductibili- tat einer Gleichung in der Kreistheilung. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 178-181. Arndt, J. A. Ueber die Verwandlung eines gewohnlichen Bruches in einen Decimalbrucli. Gruuert, Archiv, I., 1841, p. 101. ARN] 97 [ARN Arndt, J. W. E. Afmetingen van schedels van inboorlingeii van Java, Celebes en Amboina. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 215- 222. Arndt) Rudolph. Ueber Triticum strictum, Deth. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 209-215. 2. Ueber Triticum acutum, DC. Flora, XLIIL, 1860, pp. 481-489. Arndts, A. W. S. Ueber die Kupferlasurerze bei Chessy in Frankreich. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 223-230. Arndt sen, Adam. Om en ny Planteform i Favus. Christiania, Norsk. Mag. V., 1851, pp. 316-328. 2. Om Orenspeil. Christiania, Norsk. Mag. VII., 1853, pp. 152-161. 3. Memoire sur la resistance electrique des metaux a diverses temperatures. Annal. de Chimie, LIV, 1858, pp. 440-443 ; Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 1-57 ; CV., pp. 148- 155. 4. Note sur la polarisation circulaire de la lumiere dans divers liquides. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 738-740 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 403-421 ; Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 312-317. 5. Magnetische Untersuchungen, anges- tellt mit dem Diamagnetometer des Hrn. Prof. WEBER. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 587- 611. 6. Experiences magnetiques. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 246-249. 7. Jagttagelser over den magnetiske Krafts Ketning og Styrke paa en Eeise langs Norges Kyster fra Christiansand til Varangerfjorden. Christiania, Forhandl. 1862, pp. 15-25. Arnell, David JR. A geological and topogra- phical history of Orange County, New York. New York Med. Kepos. VI., 1809, pp. SIS- SIS. 2. A description of the Cheechunk Spring, in the town of Goshen, Orange County (N.Y.). Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 152-153. Arnemann, Justus. Ein Paar Worte iiber die Wiedererzeugung der Nerven. Reil, Archiv, in., 1799, pp. 100-105. Arnim, Ludwig Achim von. Vorschlage zur Vervollkommnung der Areometer. Gilbert, Annalen, I., 1799, pp. 412-424. 2. Anweisung zum Gebrauche des Areo- meters von SAY ohne Barometerbeobachtungen ; allgemeiner Beweis des Mariottischen Gesetzes, und Bemerkungen iiber dieses Gesetz. Gilbert, Annalen, II., 1799, pp. 238-245. 3. Beschreibung neuer Barometer mit einigen Zusatzeu. Gilbert, Annalen, II., 1799, pp. 311-335. 4. Ideen zu einer Theorie des Magneten. Gilbert, Annalen, III., 1800, pp. 48-64. Arnim, Ludwig Achim von. 5. Nachtrag zu den vorhergehenden Abhandlungen des Herrn von HUMBOLDT'S : " Ueber einige bisher nicht beachtete Ursachen des Irrthums bei Versuchen mit dem Eudiometer." Gilbert, Annalen, III., 1800, pp. 91-95. 6. Beobachtungen iiber scheinbare Ver- doppelung der Gegenstande fur das Auge. Gilbert, Annalen, III., 1800, pp. 249-256. 7. Gesetze fur die Starke der Schallfort- pflanzung durch feste und fliissige Stoffe. Gil- bert, Annalen, IV., 1800, pp. 112-116. 8. Beitrag zur Berichtigung des Streits iiber die ersten Griinde der Hygrologie und Hygrornetrie. Gilbert, Annalen, IV., 1800, pp. 308-329. 9. Electrische Versuche. Gilbert, Anna- len, V., 1800, pp. 33-78. 1O. Uebersicht der magnetischen nicht- metallischen Stoffe. Gilbert, Annalen, V., 1800, pp. 384-395. 11. Anmerkungen zur Licht-Theorie. Gil- bert, Annalen, V., 1800, pp. 465-471. 12. Einige electrische Bemerkungen. Gil- bert, Annalen, VI., 1800, pp. 116-119. 13. Ueber einige bisher nicht beachtete Ursachen des Irrthums bei Versuchen mit dem Eudiometer. Gilbert, Annalen, VI., 1800, pp. 414-423. 14. Vermischte chemische Beobachtungen. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, IV., 1800, pp. 556- 568. 15. Ideen zu einer Theorie des Magneten. Ueber die Polaritat. Gilbert, Annalen, VIII., 1801, pp. 84-108. 16. Bemerkungen iiber VOLTA'S Saule. Gilbert, Annalen, VIII., 1801, pp. 163-196 ; 257-284. 17. Ueber die Benennung der Endpole der Voltaischen Saule. Gilbert, Annalen, IX., 1801, pp. 494-496. 18. Steinregeu. Gilbert, Annalen, XXIL, 1806, p. 331. Arnold, F. Ueber die Laubmoose des frankis- chen Jura. Flora, XXXIX., 1356, pp. 241- 250; XL., 113-116; XLL, 49-52; XLIL 113-115 ; XIII., 401-405. 2. Die Lichenen des frankischen Jura. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 81-95, 97-110, 305-324, 329-337, 473-486, 500-508, 531-542, 550-558, 691-702 ; XLIL, 145-156 ; XLIIL, 66-81 ; XLIV., 241-250, 257-268; XLV., 305-313, 380-384, 385-396 ; XLVL, 588-592, 601-604. , 3. Die Lichenen bei Huting in Schwaben. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XIV., 1861, pp. 56-64. N AEN] 98 [ARN Arnold, Friedrich. Beschreibung tics Kopf- theils des sympathischen Nerven beim Kalb, nebst einigen Beobachtungen iiber diesen Theil beim Menschen. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. II., 1826, pp. 125-147. 2. Memoire sur le ganglion otique. Repert. Anat. Physiol. VIII., 1829, pp. 1-31. 3. Einige neurologische Beobachtungen. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. IIL, 1829, pp. 147-150. 4. Einige Worte zu den Bemerkungen des Prof. SCHLEMM in Berlin iiber den angeblicheii Ohrknoten. Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1831, col. 198-200. 5. Quelques decouvertes sur differents points d'anatomie. Paris, Journ. Heb. de Med. V., 1831, pp. 41-47. 6. Ueber den Canalis tympanicus und mas- toideus. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. IV., 1831, pp. 283-287. 7. Recherches sur la Partie Cephalique du systeme nerveux vegetatif. Paris, Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1832, pp. 37-47. 8. Ueber die Membrana capsulo-pupillaris, eiue von JOHANNES MULLER entdeckte Haut im Fotus-Auge mancher Siiugethiere. Ammon, Zeitschr. III., 1833, pp. 37-41 ; IV., 28-39. 9. Bemerkungen iiber einige Entdeckungen und Ansichten in der Anatomic und Physiologie. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. V., 1835, pp. 175-189. 10. Observations et experiences sur les fonctions du Nerf Pneumo-gastrique et du nerf accessoire de WILLIS. Arch. Gen. de Med. VIII., 1840, pp. 445-462. Arnold, J. Facts and observations relating to the Theory of Heat, Light, and Combustion. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 161-178. Arnold, J. B. Letters on the naturalisation of Sea-fishes in a lake chiefly supplied with fresh- water. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. 1, 1831, p. 126. Arnold, John Roger, and Edward Dent. On the application of glass as a substitute for metal balance-springs in chronometers. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1836, pp. 391-392 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXII., 1837, pp. 330-338. Arnold, J. W. Versuche iiber die Wirkung des salzsauren Ammonium auf den thierischen Orga- nismus, nebst einigen daraus gezogenen Folge- rungen. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. III., 1829, pp. 127-146. Arnold, W. Detection of poisons by physiolo- gical tests. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 262- 263. Arnold!, Uterus biiidus. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1839, pp. 834-835. Arnold.!, F. Ueber das Grosser-Erscheinen des Mondes beim Aufgang. Rheinl. u. Westplial. Sitszungsber. XIX., 1862, pp. 168-172. Arnold!, Luigi. Metodo per rendere permanent! gli anelli colorati prodotti dal iodio. Giorn. Arcad. CL, 1844, pp. 3-10. 2. Dei telegrafi elettrici. Giorn. Arcad. CVIII., 1846, pp. 79-106. Arnot, David Gale. Case in which a piece of Iron was found in a Cyst within the Thorax, where it had remained fourteen years. [1826.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1827, pp. 281-282. Arnott, . On the influence of Atmospheric pressure on the Circulation of the Blood. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LVIIL, 1828, pp. 218-221. Arnott, G. A. Walker. Observations on the solutions of Exponential Equations. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 321-329. 2. Comparison between the Chords of Arcs employed by PTOLEMY and those now in use. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 454- 456. 3. Sur quelques mousses de Rio Janeiro. Paris, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. I., 1823, pp. 346- 352. 4. Notice of a journal of a voyage from Rio de Janeiro to the coast of Peru, by Mr. W. JAMESON. Edinb. Wern. Soc. Mem. V., 1823-24, pp. 187-205. 5. Nouvelle disposition methodique des especes de Mousses exactement connues. Paris, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. II., 1825, pp. 249-320. 6. A Tour to the south of France and the Pyrenees in the year 1825. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 66-78, 268-275 ; II. 241-255 1 ; IIL, 157-164, 350-356; IV., 130- 139, 355-362 ; V., 1828, pp. 319-325 ; VI., 250-262. 7. Notulae Botanicas. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 240-242, 339-340. 8. Remarks on the Genera Callitriche and Elatine. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 426-431. 9. Notes on Aspidium aculeatum and its allies. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, p. 243. r 10. On some new species of Loase*. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 273-275. 11. On some new species of Portulaceae. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 354-356. 12. Note sur la plante qui produit la Coque du Levant (Cocculus Indi). Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Sot.), 1834, pp. 65-69. 13. Observations sur quelques planter de"crites dans la Flore de Senegambie. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Sot.), 1834, pp. 235-236. 14. New Genera of Plants. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVII., 1834, pp. 260-268. ARN] 99 [ARN Arnott, G. A. Walker. 15. Remarques sur la Flore de Senegambie. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 245-251. 16. New species of Indian Balsaminese. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 320-325. 17. Pugillus plantarum Indite orientalis. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nov. Act. XVIII., 1836, pp. 319-357 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XL (Bot.), 1839, pp. 62-64. 18. NewCeyloneseMelastomaceag. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. H., 1836, pp. 307-310. 19. Synopsis of the East Indian species of Drosera and Parnassia. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. II., 1836, pp. 313-315. 2O. Professor! D. F. L. SCHLECHTENDAL haec pauca de Grabowskia scribit. Linnaea, XL, 1837, pp. 484-486. 21. Claris Analytica of the Convolvulacea? of the peninsula of India. Madras Journal, V., 1837, pp. 15-23. 22. On the Genus Torreya. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1838, pp. 126-132 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 58-64. 23. On the Rhizophoreaa. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1838, pp. 359-374. 24. Observations on some new or obscure species of plants. Jardine, Mag. Zool. Bot. ILj, 1838, pp. 419-427, 543-552. 25. Some account of the genus Langs- dorffia. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 36-39. 26. Descriptions of some new or rare Indian plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 20-23, 85-92, 150-155. 27. Exaci species ex peninsula Indica ac ex insula Ceylano. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 175-176. 28. Notes on some South African Plants. Hooker's Journ. Bot. in., 1841, pp. 147-156, 251-271. 29. On the Cucurbitaceae. Hooker's Journ. Bot. III., 1841, pp. 271-280. 30. On the. introduction of anomalous ge- nera into Natural Orders. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844-48, pp. 292-296. - 31. Correction of certain errors in Dr. BALFOTTR'S communication to the Botanical So- ciety of Glasgow. Phytologist, II., 1845, pp. 366-367. 32. Notice regarding the measurements of heights, by means of the boiling point of water. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 8- 19. 33. Account of a botanical excursion to the Rhinns of Galloway. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 51-61. 34. Notice of the species of Salvadora. Glasgow, PhiL Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 155-161. Arnott, G. A. Walker. 35. Note on Samara laeta, L. [1847.] Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 326-327 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 359-372. 36. Observations on some British Plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. VL, 1850, pp. 472-474. 37. Note on Platynema. Hooker's Journ. Bot. III., 1851, pp. 57-59. 38. Note on Campylodiscus Hodgsonii. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VL, 1858, pp. 85-87. 39. On Rhabdonema, and a new allied genus. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 87-93. 40. On Arachnoidiscus. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VL, 1858, pp. 159-165. 41. On the structure of Amphora, a genus of Diatomaceae, and the diagnosis of its species. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 184-186 ; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. IV., 1862, pp. 74-77. 42. Notes on Arachnoidiscus, Pleurosigma, Amphiprora, Eunotia, and Amphora. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VL, 1858, pp. 195-206. 43. Dr. WALKER- ARNOTT in reply to Dr. DONKIN. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIL, 1859, pp. 89-91. 44. What are marine Diatoms ? Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIL, 1859, pp. 170-178. 45. Note on Hypericum Anglicum. Ann. Nat. Hist. VL, 1860, pp. 362-366. 46. On Cyclotella. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIIL, 1860, pp. 244-248. Arnott, G. A. PP., and R. Greville. Tentamen methodi Muscorum ; or, A new arrangement of the genera of Mosses with characters, and obser- vations on their distribution, history, and struc- ture. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 109-150 ; V., 42-89, 442-474. Arnott, G. A. W., and W. J. Hooker. Contri- butions towards a Flora of S. America and the islands of the Pacific. Hooker, Botan. Miscell. III., 1833, pp. 129-211, 302-367; Hooker's Journ. Bot. L, 1834, pp. 276-296 ; III., 19-47, 310-348 ; Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. L, 1835, pp. 29-38, 102-111, 234-244; II., pp. 41-52, 250-254. Arnott, G. A. W., et Roper. Historia Balsa- minearum systematica, accessionibus nonnullis aucta. Linnsea, IX., 1834, pp. 112-124. Arnott, G. A. W., und Robert Wight. Neue oder wenig bekannte ostindische Pflanzen- Gattungen. Flora, XVHL, 1835, pp. 76-80. 2. Prodromus Floras peninsulas Indiaa orientalis. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 121-126. 3. Illustrations of Indian Botany. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. L, 1835, pp. 20-21, 38-39, 81-82, 117-119, 161, 218-219, 226-228, 304-305 ; II., pp. 52-53, 71-72, 182-183, 193, 249-250, 305-306; Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1838, p. 395; II., pp. 111-112. N2 ARN] 100 [ARP Arnott, Neil. On the construction of Fire-places. [1818.] Quart, Journ. Sci. VI., 1819, pp. 364- 367. 2. On Safety Lights for Mines. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), pp. 54-56. 3. On the Regulation of Combustion. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 47-48. Arnoux, . Note sur la geologie de la Cochin- chine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 188-190. Arnoux, Auguste. Du probleme general des centres de figure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 441-444. Arnsperger, Leopold. Bemerkungen liber das Wesen, die Ursache und die pathologisch-ana- tomische Natur der Lungenveranderung nach der Durchschneidung der beiden Lungenmagen- nerven am Halse. Virchow, Archiv, IX., 1856, pp. 197-220, 437-458. Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich. Zur Theorie der homogenen Functionen dritten Grades von drei Variabeln. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 140-159. 2. Bemerkung iiber die Auflosung der bi- quadratischen Gleichungen. Crelle, Journ. LIL, 1856, pp. 95-96. 3. Theorie der homogenen Functionen - dritten Grades von drei Veranderlichen. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 97-191. - 4. Remarque sur la resolution des equations biquadratiques. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVH., 1858, pp. 391-392. - 5. Algebraische Reduction des Integrals (x, y) dx, wo F (x, y) eine beliebige rationale Function von x, y bedeutet, und zwischen diesen Grossen eine Gleichung dritten Grades von der allgemeinsten Form besteht, auf die Grundform der elliptischen Transcendenten. Berlin, Mo- natsber. 1861, pp. 462-468. - 6. Ueber eine neue algebraische Behand- lungsweise der Integrate irrationaler Differen- tiale von der Form, FT (x, y) dx, in welcher II (x, y)eine beliebige rationale Function ist, und zwischen x und y eine allgemeine Gleichung zweiter Ordnung besteht. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXI., 1863, pp. 95-145. '- 7. Ueber eine fundamentale Begriindung der Invariantentheorie. Crelle, Journ. LXII., 1863, pp. 281-345. Arppe, Adolph Eduard. Bidrag till kannedom om Vismutens foreningar med Syre. Stockh. Acad. Handl. 1842, pp. 113-140; Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 237-250. - 2. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Veranderung des Morphins durch Schwefelsaure. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1845, pp. 108-112 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIL, 1846, pp. 55-58; Liebig, Annalen, LV., 1845, pp. 96-101. Arppe, Adolph Eduard. 3. Notiz iiber den Farbstoff der Cocchenille. Liebig, Annalen, LV., 1845, pp. 101-105; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, p. 468 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCVIIL, 1845, pp. 232-235. 4. Notiz iiber das Monardaol. Liebig, Annalen, LVIII., 1846, pp. 41-46 ; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 281-282. 5. Om Babingtonitens Kemiska samman- sattning. [1842.] Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 65-70. 6. Ueber die Brenzweinsiiure. Liebig, Annalen, LXVI., 1848, pp. 73-80. 7. Om Gutta percha. Stockh. Akad. Handl. 1849, pp. 121-144 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXI., 1851, pp. 442-444 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 171-174. 8. Om nagra vinsyrade alkaloider. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 198-202; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 331- 336. 9. Ueber das brenzweinsaure Ammoniak und dessen Veranderung beim Erhitzen. Lie- big, Annalen, LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 228-236 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 54-57; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 13-24. 10. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annalen, LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 237-238. 11. Sur le pyrotartrate d'ammoniaque et la bipyrotartramide. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 242-243; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 398-400. 12. Die Anilidverbindungen der Brenz- weinsaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 83-86; Liebig, Annalen, XC., 1854, pp. 138-150; Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 243-245 ; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV; 1856, pp. 65-90. 13. Ueber die Anilidverbindungen der Weinsaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 241-243; Liebig, Annalen, XCIIL, 1855, pp. 352-357 ; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 91-102. 14. Ueber das Nitranilin und Paranitra- nilin. Liebig, Annalen, XCIIL, 1855, pp. 357- 365 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 356- 359; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 238-241 ; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 103-120. - 15. Oxydation der Fettsaure durch Sal- petersaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVI., 1855, pp. 370-373 ; Liebig, Annalen, XCV, 1855, pp. 242-252; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 533-546. AEP] 101 [ARE Arppe, Adolph Eduard. 16. Ueber die Ani- lidverbindungen der Aepfelsaure. Liebig, An- nalen, XCVL, 1855, pp. 106-113; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 498-500 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVII., 1856, pp. 129- 131 ; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. TV., 1856, pp. 547-554. 17. Ueber die Einwirkung des Sctnvefel- ammoniums auf das Paranitranilin. Liebig, Annalen, XCVI., 1855, pp. 113-118; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVII, 1856, pp. 127- 129; Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 555-560. 18. Analyser af fin ska mineralier. [1855.] Helsingf. Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn. IV., 1856, pp. 561-578. 19. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber die Oxy- dationsproducte der Fette und der Fettsaure. Liebig, Annalen, CXV., 1860, pp. 143-156 ; CXX., 1861, pp. 288-295 ; CXXIV., 98-101 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 440-443. 2O. Ueber die Azela'insaure. Liebig, An- nalen, CXXIV., 1862, pp. 86-98. Arrault, . Sur la formation d'argile supe- rieure aux sables ferrugineux du departement de 1'Yonne. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. X., 1838-39, pp. 315-318. Arrest, Heinrich cF. [Elemeiite des grossen Cometen vom Juni 1845.] Astr. Nadir. XXIII., 1846, col. 231-234. 2. Fortsetzung der Vergleichungen der Cometen-beobachtungen mit meinen letzten Elementen. Astr. Naehr. XXIII., 1846, col. 275-278. 3. Ueber die Bahn des zweiten Colla'- schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1$46, col. 349-352. 4. Vergleichung der Beobachtungen mit Herrn Dr. GALLE'S Elementen der Astraea von Herrn d'AEREST berechnet. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 15-16. 5. Bestimmung der Elemente der Astraea mit Riicksicht auf die Storungen aus der gan- zen Reihe der Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 277-288, 349-358 ; XXV., 223-228, 321-324 ; XXVI., 41-44 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1847, pp. 381-382. 6. Ueber die Bahn des von Dr. PETERS entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 387-390. 7. Beobachtungen des Cometen von COLLA. Astr. Nachr. XX VI., 1848, col. 37- 42. 8. Elementen II. des von Herrn HENCKE entdeckten Planeteu. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 147-148. 9. Elemente des Cometen von BRORSEN. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 191-192. Arrest, Heinrich d 1 . 10. Neue Reduction der Messier'schen Beobachtungen des zweiten Co- meten von 1793. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 225-240. 11. Der neuste Comet von de Vico. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 249-250, 275-276. 12. Elemente und Ephemeride der Iris. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 249-254. 13. Beobachtungen des Graham'schen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 267-268. 14. Ueber die Bahn der Astraea nach den Beobachtungen von 1845-47. Astr. Nachr. XX VII., 1848, col. 17-32. 15. Observations of PETERSEN'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 137-144. 16. Cometen-Beobachtungen. Opposition der Hebe. Astr. Nachr. XX VIII., 1849, col. 159-160. 17. [Beobachtungen des Cometen I. 1849.] Astr. Nachr. XXVIH., 1849, col. 217- 222. 18. Beobachtungen des Planeten Hebe, Iris und Flora. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 313-316. 19. Beobachtungen des Cometen GOUJON und SCHWEIZER: Jupiters-Opposition, 1849: Sternbedeckungen und Jupiters-Trabanten-Ver- finsterungen : Beobachtung der Flora. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII. ; 1849, col. 361-364. 20. [Elemente des Cometen III. 1849 und Vergleichung derselben mit Beobachtun- gen.] Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 101- 104. 21. Mittheilungen iiber den zweiten Cometen von 1849 und den neuentdeckten Planeten Hygiea. Leipzig, Berichte, 1849, pp. 121-126. 22. Elemente der Hygiea. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 123-126. 23. [Geographische Lage der Sternwarte in Leipzig.] Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 279-280. 24. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 113-118. 25. Rectascensionen des Mondes und der Sterne im Parallel desselben. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 117-122. 26. Beobachtungen der Vesta. Elemente der Hygiea. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 317-320. 27. Elemente der Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 375-376. 28. Beobachtungen der Hebe. Astr. Nachr., XXX., 1850, col. 381-382. 29. Neue Verbesserung der Elemente der Hygiea-Bahn. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 1-9. ARR] 102 Arrest, Heinrick ff. 3O. Ueber den gegenwar- tigen Cometen. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 49-53. 31. Ueber den neunzehnten Hauptplane- ten Parthenope. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 53-56. 32. Ueber die totale in Syrien beobach- tete Sonnenfinsterniss im Jahre 812 nach Chr. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 63-70 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 103-106. 33. Bestimmung der Declination im mag- netischen Observatorium zu Leipzig. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 100-105. 34. Nachricht von der Entdeckung und den ersten Beobachtungen des Planeten Victoria, des Cometen von BOND, und des dreizehnten Hauptplaneten. Leipzig, Berichte, 1850, pp. 105-108. 35. Zweite Elemente des Cometen I., 1850. Astr. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 17-18. 36. Fiinfte Elemente der Astreea. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 163-166. 37. Vergleichung der Hygiea-Beobacht- ungen von 1850 mit den Elem. V. (Astr. Nachr. 716). Sechste Elemente der Hygiea. Elemente des Cometen von BOND. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 275-278. 38. [Elemente und Ephemeride des Co- meten I. 1851.] Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 341-342; XXXIII., 43-46. 39. Elemente des dritten Gaspari'schen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 65- 66. 4O. Elliptic elements of SCHWEIZER'S Co- met ; observations of Astraea, etc. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 37-38. 41. Bemerkungen liber das Asteroiden- system. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 127- 128. 42. Ueber den zweiten Cometen von 1793, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die periodischen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 219-224. 43. [Observations of Parthenope ; Ele- ments of PETERSEN'S Comet.] Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 93-94. 44. Ueber die Gruppirung der period- ischen Cometen. Leipzig, Berichte, 1851, pp. 31-38. 45. Bericht iiber die Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss zu Konigsberg in Preussen am 28 Juli 1851. Leipzig, Berichte, 1851, PP. 86-98. 46. Elemente des neuen periodischen Co- ' meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 125- 128. 47. Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfin- 1 sterniss 1851 Juli 28. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 205-208. Arrest, Heinrich d\ 48. Mondsfinsterniss beo- bachtet zu Leipzig, 1852 Januar 6. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 403-406. 49. Ueber den von PONS 1816 Januar 22 entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 377-378. 50. [Observations of DE GASPARIS'S new Planet, made at the Leipsic Observatory.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 130. 51. [Observations of Psyche and Thetis.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 142-143. 52. Spharische Satze. Leipzig, Berichte, 1852, pp. 34-41. 53. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Ephe- meride der Melpomene. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 21-22. 54. Notiz iiber eine Eigenschaft des paral- lactischen Winkels. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 25-30; XXXVIL, 409-412. 55. Opposition der Metis. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 59-60. 56. Ueber den Cometen I. 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 59-60. 57. Beobachtungen des Westphal'schen Cometen auf der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 195-196. 58. Zwei Formeln zur spharischen Trigo- nometric. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 281 -284. 59. Ueber erne spharische Curve, welche durch den Auf- und Untergang der Sterne bedingt ist. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 345-348. 6O. Einige neue Eigenschaften der loxo- dromischen Linie. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 351-358; Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 50-58; Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 396- 399. 61. Zur Theorie der spharischen Parabol. Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 58-62. 62. Ueber die ungleiche Wannevertheil- ung auf der Sonne. Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 79-100. 63. LTeber die Bahn des Bruhns'schen Cometen von 1853. Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 191-196. ; Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 235-236, 275-278; XXXVIIL, 187- 190. 64. Bahn des grossen Cometen von 1853, III. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 189- 192. 65. Beobachtungen der Flora, 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 151-152. 66. Bemerkung die Lemniscate betreffend. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 203-204. 67. Abweichung meiner ersten Elemente des Klinkerfues'schen Cometen von den Beobacht- ungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 231-236, 363-364. ARE] 103 [ABB, Arrest, Heinrich d. 68. Ueber die ungleiche Vertheilung der Warme auf der Sonnenober- flache. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 263- 268. 69. Ueber den zweiten Cometen von 1743. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 33-36. 7O. Beobachtungen der Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 35-36. 71. Ueber den Tycho'schen Cometen von 1852, und Wiederauffindung des Bruhns'schen Cometen von 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 35-38. 72. Ueber eine neue Erzeugungsweise der Cassini'schen Planetenbahnen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVHL, 1854, col. 199-202. 73. Beitrag zur Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Leipzig, Berichte, 1854, pp. 133- 136. 74. Ueber den Biela'schen Cometen im Jahre 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 321-332. 75. Beobachtungen des neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 363-364. , 76. Ueber die Linien gleicher Pracession in Geraderaufsteigung. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 97-102. 77. Beobachtungen der Euterpe auf der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 111-112. 78. Elliptische Elements des funften Co- meten von 1854. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855, col. 297-302. 79. Verzeichniss vonfunfzig Messier'schen und Herschel'schen Nebelflecken. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 193-200. 80. [Elemente des Bruhns'schen Come- ten III., 1855] Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 237-240, 359-360. 81. Opposition der Juno 1856. Astr. Nachr. XLIV., 1856, col. 303-304. 82. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 223-224. 83. Beobachtungen der Brorsen'schen-Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 365-368. 84. Elemente und Beobachtungen des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 7-8, 101-104, 237-240. 85. Elemente des Cometen I. 1857. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 69-74. 86. Ueber BURCKHAEDT'S Berechnung der grossen Storung, welche der Lexell'sche Comet im Jahre 1767 erlitten hat. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 97-102. 87. Genaherte Bestimmung der ehemaligen Bahn des Brorsen'schen Cometen vor der gros- sen Storung im Jahre 1842. Astr. Nachr. XL VI., 1857, col. 101-104. 88. Sur 1'ellipse de CASSTNI. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVL, 1857, pp. 105-107. Arrest, Heinrich d'. 89. Resultate aus Beo- bachtungen der Nebelflecken und Sternhaufen. [1856.] Leipzig, Abh. Math. Phys. III., 1857, pp. 293-378. 9O. Beobachtungen des Cometen III., 1857. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 17-20. 91. Beobachtungen des Cometen VI., 1857 (Donatis). Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 231-232 ; Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1858, pp. 206- 221 ; 1859, pp. 74-85. 92. Beobachtungen des Cometen von TUTTLE. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 221- 222. 93. Magnetiske iagttagelser paa Island og Spitsbergen. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1861, pp. 394-408. 94. Ueber ein merkwiirdiges Verhaltniss zwischen Bewegungen der vier inneren Saturns- trabanten. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 319-320. 95. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen, betreffend eine auf der Kopenhagener Sternwarte begon- nene Revision des Himmels auf die Nebelflecken. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 337-348. 96. Beobachtungen des Florentiner Come- ten (II. 1862) am Fadenmikrometer des Kopen- hagener Refraktors. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 111-112. 97. Ueber die periodische Wiederkehr der Jupiterssatelliten-Configurationen. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 129-132. 98. Auffindung eines zweiten variabeln Nebelflecks im Stier. Astr. Nachr. LVIII., 1862, col. 155-156. 99. Auffindung eines dritten variabeln Ne- belflecks. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 175- 176. 10O. Ueber den Nebel bei Merope und einen zweiten Nebel in den Plejaden ; sammt Beobachtungen eines neuentdeckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 13-16. 1O1. Vereinfachung eines vonBESSEL auf- gestellten Theorems, betreffend den Einfluss der Aberration auf einen um einen beliebigen Punkt des Himmels mit dem kleinen Halbmesser be- schriebenen Kreises. Astr. Nachr. LIX. 1863, col. 231-236. 1O2. Ueber einen angeblich von MASKELTNE beobachteten, gegenwartig unsichtbareri Nebel- fleck. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 377-380. 103. Cometenbeobachtungen am Kopen- hagener Refractor. Astr. Nachr. LXL, 1863, cof. 187-190. 104. Beobachtung der Merkurdurchganges (am 11 Nov. 1861). Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 327-328. Arrhenius, Carl Axel. Undersokning af en bruun granat ifran Finbo vid Fahlun. Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 217-222. ARE] 104 [ART Arrhenius, Johann Peter. Om de karakterer, som kunna tagas af Semina, vid bestammandet af Rubus-arterne. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1840, pp. 92-95. 2. Anteckningar 6'fver Fornverldens Flora. Upsala, Frey Tidsk. 1841, pp. 33-47. 3. Redogorelse for forhandlingarne inom -. Sur 1'ecou lenient des gaz en longue.s Botaniska Sektionem vid Skandinaviska Natur- forskarnes andra ordinarie sammankomst i Stock - holm 1842. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1842, pp. 129-144. 4. Jagttagelser om Vaexters Drivning om Vinteren med lis eller iisblandet Vand. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 190-192. Arria, . Researches on the laws of induction of Currents produced by Currents. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIIT., 1842. pp. 381-384. Arriens, T. Beklimming van den vulkaan Kloed, in September 1854. Batavia. Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 453-460; Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIH., 1855-56, pp. 560-567. Arrondeau, E. F. Etudes sur la Flore de Tou- louse : Monographic du genre Rosa. Bordeaux. Soc. Linn. Actes, XVI., 1849, pp. 286-303. 2. Monograph ie des especes du genre Ce- rastium qui font partie de la Flore de Toulouse. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Actes, XVIII., 1852, pp. 144-153. 3. Essai sur la topographie vegetale des environs de Toulouse. France, Congres Scien- tifique, XIX., 1852, pp. 217-234. 4. Observations sur 1'organisation du Zy- gnema orbiculare, HassaL France, Congres Scientifique, XIX., 1852, pp. 401-402. Arrosto, Francesco. Monografia degli Agrumi trattata relativamente alia Botanica, all' Agri- col tura, e all' Economia Commerciale. [1833.] Poligrafo, VIII., 1835, pp. 213-239 ; L, 1836, pp. 27-58. Arrott, Alexander R. On some new cases of Voltaic action, and on the construction of a battery without the use of oxidizable metals. Chem. Soc. Mem. I., 1841-43, pp. 142-148 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 427-434 ; Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 321-325. 2. On a class of double sulphates contain- ing Soda and a Magnesian oxide. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 49-50 ; Journ. dePharm. VI., 1844, pp. 297-298 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXHL, 1844, pp. 372-374. Arrowsmith, John. On the Use of Black Paint in averting the Effects of Lightning on Ships. Electr. Soc. Trans. 1837-40, pp. 103-106. Arrowsmith, John. Note for the purpose of correcting some inaccuracies in the Papers by the Messrs. GREGORY and HELPMAN. Geogi*. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1848, pp. 74-76. Arson, conduites. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1863, pp. 378-381. Artaud, J. B. L. Essai sur la Phosphorescence de 1'eau de la mer. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 130-131. 2. Notice pour servir u 1'histoire uaturelle du Goramy [Osphromenus olfax, Commerson.~\ Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 116-117. Arthaud, . Etude sur un cryptogame du genre Tuber, recueilli aux environs de Sey di Cazi, et Recherches sur la nature de la manne dont les Israelites furent nourris dans le desert. Bor- deaux, Acad. Sci. Actes, 1850, pp. 755-772. Arthaud, Alexis. Note sur la variation de la temperature des eaux minerales. Journ. Chirnie Med. IV., 1838, pp. 408-410. Arthur, Edward P. Remarks on the road to Shah Billawal. Bombay Geogr. Soc. Trans. XL, 1853, pp. 276-277. Artigues, cT. Sur la Devitrification du Verre et les phenomenes qui arrivent pendant sa cristallisation. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 325-343 ; Nicholson, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 58-64, 89-91. 2. Sur 1'art de fabriquer du Flint-Glass bon pour 1'optique. Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, pp. 179-206. Artur, J. F. Theorie et construction d'uii Vernier applicable a toute ligne droite ou courbe divisee en parties inegales. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. L., 1851, pp. 676-687. Artur, J. F. Sur les phenomenes qu'on a voulu expliquer au moyen d'un pretendu Etat Sphe- roidal des corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 371-372. 2. Memoire sur les retards de 1'Ebullition et de la Congelation des liquides, sur les for- mations de la grele et de la neige. Paris. Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 92-95. Artus, Wilibald. Ueber die Auffindung de> c Strychnins in Vergiftungsfallen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 317-321. 2. Bereitungsmethode des Baryumoxyd- hydrates. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835. pp. 172-176. 3. Darstellung des Schwefelcyankalium.- -m -\ und dessen Verhalten zu dem Strychnin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 252-256. 4. Action chimique de la Lumiere sur ITodure de Mercure (protoiodure), et produits de sa decomposition. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 607-609. 5. Darstellung des arsenikfreien Anti- monmetalls. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 127-128. AET] 105 [ASC Artus, Wilibald. 6. Ueber die Bereitung eines sehr wirksamen, an Kohlensiiure reichen Eisen- oder Stahl- Wassers. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVII., 1842, pp. 435-438. 7. Ueber das Verhalten des Lichtes zum salpetersauren Silberoxyde, Bereitung des Phos- phorsalzes, und Bildung der Ameisensaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 250- 252 ; Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1838, pp. 415-416. 8. Chemische Notizen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 123-125. 9. Ueber die Bereitung eines reinen Zinkvitriols und Zinkoxyds. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 508-510. 1O. Betrachtungen iiber eine zweckmas- sige Fiitterung wodurch fur den Landwirth eine bedeutende Ersparung hervorgehen, und in Bezug auf Mastung, sowie iiberhaupt fur Ar- beitsvieh das Beste erzielt werden mochte. Artus, Jahrb. Okon. Chemie, I., 1847, pp. 1-9. 11. Ueber den Gyps (schwefelsauren Kalk) und seine agronomische Bedeutung. Artus, Jahrb. Okon. Chemie, I., 1847, pp. 13-22. 12. Ueber das Kochsalz, dessen Bedeu- tung fur die Pflanzen- und Thierwelt, sowie fur das praktische Leben. Artus, Jahrb. Okon. Chemie, II., 1848, pp. 1-27. 13. Die Chemie der Landwirthschaft gegeniiber. Artus, Jahrb. Okon. Chemie, III., 1849, pp. 1-71. 14. Ueber die Anwendung des Kalkwas- sers zur Verbesserung des Erodes, namentlich wenn zur Bereitung desselben Mehl von ausge- wachsenem Getreide benutzt wird. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIV., 1859, pp. 391-393. 15. Del potere nutriente della birra. PolH, Ann. di Chim. XXX., 1860, pp. 287-288. Artzibascheff, Nicolai. Excursions et obser- vations ornithologiques sur les bords de la Sarpa en 1858. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XXXII. (pte. 2), 1859, pp. 1-108. Aruda da Camera, Manoel. Ein Versuch uber den Nutzen, Garten in den Hauptprovinzen Brasiliens. (Transit) Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1502-1512. 2. Centurias Pernambucanas. Rio, Soc. Veil. Trabal. [1852], Supp. Arvet, , et E. Gueymard. Notice sur les fers d'Allevard (Isere) produits avec les minerals de fer carbonate. Ann. des Mines, VII., 1845, pp. 399-411. Arvidson, Eric. Et ofullkomligen danadt Foster. Stockh. Acad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 201- 209. Arzbacher, G. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Stearins. Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 239-241 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 458-459. Arzbacher, G. 2. Ueber das Verhalten einiger fetten Oele zu saurem chromsaurem Kali und Schwefelsiiure. Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 199-205 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 479-480. Arzberger, Johann. Bemerkungen iiber die Theorie des Wasserstosses im Schussgerinne und irn isolirten Strahle. Gilbert, Annalen, XLIV., 1813, pp. 430-439. 2. Beschreibung neuer verbesserter Waage- balken, welche in der mechanischen Fabrikan- stalt zu Daubrawitz in Miihren verfertigt werden. Gilbert, Annalen, XL VI., 1814, pp. 294-306. 3. Theorie einer Sortirwage fur Baum- wollen-Manufacturen. Gilbert, Annalen, XL VI., 1814, pp. 392-401. 4. Darstellung des Gesetzes der Elastizitat der Wasserdampfe, und Beschreibung der iiber diesen Gegenstand im polytechnischen Institute angestellten Versuche. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. I., 1819, pp. 144-159. 5. Ueber das Klima von Coburg. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 289-325. 6. Ueber die Theorie des Krummzapfens. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. III., 1822, pp. 355-382. 7. Ueber die richtige Verzeichnung der Zahne fur den Ein griff verzahnten Raderwerkes, und die Berechnung der Reibung an demselben. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. V., 1824, pp. 166-189. 8. Vergleichung der Unterhaltungskosten der Pferde fur den Schiffzugmit den Kosten der Feuerung einer Dampfmaschine zum Forttreiben desselben SchifFes mittelst Ruderradern, und der in beiden Fallen erforderlichen Zeit zur Fahrt auf der Donau stromaufwarts von Ofen bis Wien. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. XI., 1827, pp. 36-56. 9. Ueber den Schiffzug stromaufwarts durch Wasserrader, welche auf dem Schiffe selbst angebracht sind. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. XIV., 1829, pp. 44-61. 10. Ueber ein mechanisches Mittel, ge- schlossene Raume zu erwarmen oder auf gleicher Temperatur zu erhalten. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. XVII., 1832, pp. 1-12. Asbjornsen, P. Chr. Bidrag til Christianiaf- jordens Litoralfauna. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VII., 1853, pp. 307-366. 2. Hafsfaunans regioner vid Norges Kust. Stockholm, Ofversigt, 1854, pp. 121-125. 3. Description of a new genus of Star-fish. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, p. 320. Aschan, Joh. Laur. Dissertatio de Acere. Upsala, Diss. Acad. II., 1800, pp. 338-351. Aschauer, Jos. V. Methode, die Dichte poroser Kb'rper durch Einhiillung in Wachs zu bestim- men. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, IV., 1837, pp. 176-182. o ASC] 106 LASH Ascherson, F. M. Ueber Warzen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1835, pp. 513-520. 2. Ueber die Fructificationsorgane der ho- heren Pilze. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836, p. 372. 3. Microscopische Untersuchung des Eiter- propfs. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1837, pp. 729- 732. 4. Ueber die relative Bewegung der Blut- und Lymph- kornchen in den Blutgefussen der Frosche. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 452-462. 5. Ueber die Oeltropfen, die in den Fort- pflanzungskorpern der Pilze enthalten sind. Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 639-641. 6. Neues Verfahren um Silberplatten auf eine sehr gleichformige Weise mit einer beliebig starken Jodschicht zu iiberziehen. Poggend. Annal. XLVIIL, 1839, pp. 509-512. 7. Ueber die Hautdriisen der Frosche. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 15-23 ; L'lnstitut, Vin., 1840, pp. 187-188. 8. Ueber den physiologischen Nutzen der Fettstoffe, und iiber eine neue auf deren Mitwirk- ung begriindete, und durch mehrere neue That- sachen unterstiitzte Theorie der Zellenbildung. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 44-68. 9. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die chemische Wirkung des Lichts. Poggend. AnnaL LV., 1842, pp. 467-472. Ascherson, Paul Fr. Aug. Studiorum de Mar- cilia Brandenburgensi specimen, continens Floras Marchicse cum adjacentibus comparatio- nem. Linnasa, XXVI., 1853, pp. 385-451. 2. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zur Flora von Magdeburg. Halle, Zeitschr. n., 1853, pp. 226-229. 3. Die verwilderten Pflanzen in der Mark Brandenburg. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Pflanzen. Halle, Zeitschr. III., 1854, pp. 432- 463. 4. Abermals eine in Norddeutschland ein- gewanderte Artemisia. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 789-791. 5. Beitrag zur Flora des nordostlichen Deutschlands, als Zusatz zu der Abhandlung : Studiorum phytographicorum de Marchia Bran- denburgensi specimen. Linnaea, XXVIII., 1856, pp. 577-597 ; XXIX., 1857-58, pp. 752-756. 6. Beobachtungen iiber die Flora des Furst- enthums Waldeck und der angrenzenden Theile der Provinz Westfalen. Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1858, pp. 193-202. 7. Bemerkungen iiber die An acyclus-Arteii, welche Bertram wurzel (Radix Pyrethri) liefern. Bonplandia, VI., 1858, pp. 118-123. 8. Ueber ein zweifelkaftes Cirsium der Ascherson, Paul Fr. Aug. 9. Zur Synonymie ciniger Caryophyllinen. Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 291-294 ; XVIII., p. 25. 1O. Die Salzstcllen der Mark Brandenburg, in ihrer Flora nachgewiesen. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XL, 18o9, pp. 90-100. 11. Noch einmal Artemisia austriaca, Jacq. Botan. Zeitung, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 73-74. 12. Nachtrag zur Flora von Labrador. Flora, XLIIL, 1860, pp. 369-370. 13. Beitrag zur Flora Westphalens. Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1860, pp. 197-198. 14. Welche Namen kommen nach dem Prioritatsgesetze der Funkia subcordata, Spr. und ovata (Spr. erw.) R. und Sch.f Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 52-53. Aschoff, . Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Sa- frans. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XIX., 1818, pp. 142-157. Aschoff, H. Ueber die Zusammensetzung und die Eigenschaften der Uebermangansiiure. Ber- lin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 474-485 : Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp.' 29-40; Pog- gend. AnnaL CXI., 1860, pp. 217-229; Chemical News, IV., 1861, p. 103. 2. Ueber die Ueber chromsaure, Beitrag zum Verhalten des Wasserstoffsuperoxyds gegen hohere Oxydationsstufen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 401-411 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 129-130. Aschoff, L. A. Ueber das fliichtige Oel des schwarzen Senfes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IV., 1835, pp. 314-323. Ascoli, fiir Anfanger. Voigt, Magazin, V., 1803, pp. 50-55. Austen, H. H. Godwin. On the lacustrine or karewah deposits of Kashmere. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 221-229. 2. Notes on the valley of Kashmir. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXL, 1861, pp. 30-37. Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne (afterwards God- win-Austen). Account of the raised beach near Hope's Nose, in Devonshire, and other recent disturbances in that neighbourhood. Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, pp. 63-64 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 102-103. 2. On the part of Devonshire between the Exe and Berry Head, and the coast and Dart- moor. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 495-496 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 414-415. 3. On the origin of the Limestones of De- vonshire. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1838, pp. 228-229; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 669-670. 4. Note on the Organic Remains of the Limestones and Slates of South Devon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), p. 69. 5. On the Bone-caves of Devonshire. Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1841, pp. 228-229 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 286-287. Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne. 6. On the geo- logy of the south-east of Devonshire. [1834- 40.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 433-490; Phil. Mag. XII., 183S, pp. 564-569. 7. On the geology of the south-east of Surrey. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 65-71 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, .pp. 167-173, 196- 198. 8. On the Coal beds of Lower Normandy Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 1-5. 9. On the position in the Cretaceous se- ries of beds containing Phosphate of Lime. Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 257-262. 1O. Notes on the geology of the Channel Islands. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 49- 11. On a series of morphological changes observed in Trifolium repens. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 68-70; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 57-58. 12. On recent Changes of Sea-level. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 71-72. 13. On the valley of the English Channel. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 69-97 ; Karsten, Archiv, XXIV., 1851, pp. 11-62. 14. On the age and position of the Fossili- ferous Sands and Gravels of Farringdon. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 454-478. 15. On the superficial accumulations of the coasts of the English Channel, and the changes they indicate. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 118-136. 16. On the Gravel Beds of the valley of the Wey. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 278-288. 17. On the conditions which determine the probability of Coal beneath the South- eastern parts of England. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854^58, pp. 511-515. 18. On Land-surfaces beneath the Drift- gravel. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 112- 119. 19. On the possible extension of the Coal- measures beneath the South-eastern part of Eng- land. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 533- 536 ; XII., 38-73 ; Cuyper, Revue Univ. III., 1858, p. 88 ; IV., 353-368, 568-586. 2O. On the newer Tertiary Deposits of the Sussex Coast. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 4-6 ; XIIL, 40-71. 21. Notice of the occurrence of a boulder of Granite in the white chalk of the South-east of England. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt.2\ pp. 62-63. 22. On a boulder of Granite found in the " White Chalk," near Croydon ; and on the ex- traneous rocks from that formation. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858,pp. 252-266. AUS] 123 [AUT Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne. 23. On the occurrence of a mass of Coal in the Chalk of Kent. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 326- 327. 24. On the glacier phenomena of the valley of the Upper Indus. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 67-68. Austen, R. A. C., and D. Sharpe. On the se- ries of upper Palaeozoic groups in the Boulon- nais; with note. Geol. Soc. Journ. IX., 1853, pp. 231-253. Austin, C. E. Geological notes on the locality in Siberia where Fossil Fish and Estherise have been found. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1863, pp. 71-73. Austin, C. F. Observations on the Sphagna of New Jersey, with description of a new species. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1863, pp. 252- 255. Austin, Gilbert, Description of a portable Baro- meter. [1790.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV. (1793?'), pp. 99-106. 2. A method of Cutting very fine Screws, and Screws of two or more Threads. [1791.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV. (1793 ?), pp. 145-150. 3. Description of an apparatus for Impreg- nating Water and other substances strongly with Carbonic Acid Gas. [1791.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 131-134. 4. Description of an apparatus for trans- ferring Gases over Water or Mercury. [1803.] Irish Acad. Trans. X., 1806, pp. 3-10. 5. On a new construction of a Condenser and Air-pump. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 138- 145. Austin, James. An easy Solution of a useful Problem in Arithmetic. [1815.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 181-186. Austin, Robert. Report of an Expedition to ex- plore the interior of Western Australia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVI., 1856, pp. 235-274. Austin, Thomas. Remarks on the habits of Birds which are natives of the British Islands. Ann. Nat. Hist, XIII., 1844, pp. 92-94. 2. Note on Mr. BOWERBANK'S Paper on the genus Dunstervillia (Bowcrbank}, with remarks on the Ischadites Konigii, the Tentaculites, and the Conularia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 406-407. 3. Observations on the Cystidea of Von Buch, and the Crinoidea generally. Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 291-294. 4. Observations on the Connexion between the Crinoideae and the Echinodermata generally. Ann. Nat, Hist. VIII. 1851, pp. 280-290. 5. On a new Echinoderm, and observations on the genus Palsechinus. Geologist. 1 860, pp. 446-448. Austin, Thomas, and T. Austin, jun. Pro- posed arrangement of the Echinodermata, par- ticularly as regards the Crinoidea and a Sub- division of the class Adelostella (Echinidse). Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 106-113. 2. Descriptions of several new ge- nera and species of Criuoidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843, pp. 195-207. Autenheimer, . Zur Theorie der Torsion cylindrischer Wellen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. I. 1856, pp. 212-216. 2. Ueber Drahtseiltransmissionen. Schweiz. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 137-138. Autenrieth, J. H. F. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Scholle (Pleuronectes platessa, Z.) ins- besondere, und den Bau der Fische, hauptsachlich ihres Scelets, im Allgemeinen. Wiedemann, Archiv, I. (St. 2), 1800, pp. 47-103. 2. Gedanken iiber die englischen Stachel- schweinmenschen. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 287-299. 3. Bemerkung iiber die psychologische Gleichheit des ganzen Thierreichs. Wiedemann, Archiv, II. (St. 2), 1802, pp. 225-229. 4. Bemerkungen iiber die verschiedenen Menschenracen und ihren gemeinschaftlichen Ursprung. Voigt, Magazin, V., 1803, pp. 4.20- 437. 5. Beobachtungen iiber einen Bauch- redner. Voigt, Magazin, VII., 1804, pp. 477- 502. 6. Kleine naturhistorische Bemerkungen aus dem Thierreiche. Voigt, Magazin, X., 1805, pp. 41-65. 7. Bemerkungen iiber die Verschiedenheit beyder Geschlechter und ihrer Zeugungsorgane, als Beytrag zu einer Theorie der Anatomie. Reil, Archiv, VH., 1807, pp. 1-139. 8. Untersuchung ausgearteter Eyerstocke in physiologischer Hinsicht. Reil, Archiv, VIL, 1807, pp. 255-293. 9. Ueber die eigentliche Lage der innern weiblichen Geschlechtstheile. Reil, Archiv, VIL, 1807, pp. 294-296. 1O. Ueber die beschnitten-gebohrnen Ju- denkinder. Reil, Archiv, VII., 1807, pp. 296- 298. 11. Ueber die Rindensubstanz der Leber. Reil, Archiv, VIL, 1807, pp. 299-300. 12. Zusatz zu der Abhandlung : De dys- phagia lusoria. Reil, Archiv, VIIL, 1807-8, pp. 264-268. 13. Bemerkung iiber einen Versuch von Galen den Geruchssinn betreflend. Reil, Archiv, IX., 1809, pp. 377-379. 14. Chemie thierischer Stoffe. Tiibinger Blatter, I., 1815, pp. 337-365. 15. Toxicologie. Tiibinger Blatter, III., 1816, pp. 83-112. Q 2 AUT] 124 [AUZ Autenrieth, J. H. F, 16. Ucber die Seuchestoffe der Atmosphare. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXXXIL, 1836 (Si. 4), pp. 42-61. Autenrieth, J. H. F., und Kerner. Beobach- tungen iiber die Function einzelner Theile des Gehors. Eeil, Archly, IX., 1809, pp. 313-376. Autenrieth, J. H. F., und Zeller. Ueber das Daseyn von Quecksilber, das ausserlich ange- wendet worden, in der Blutrnasse der Thiere. Reil, Archiv, VIII., 1807-8, pp. 213-263. Autenrieth, Otto, Araometervvaage zur Bestim- mung des specifischen Gewichts von Fliissig- keiten. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIX., 1861, pp. 109-111. Authenac, . Memoire sur les solutions de continuite de la cornee transparent^. Orleans, Bull. Soc. Sci. II., 1810, pp. 221-236. Auvergne, I' Abbe cT. Notice sur les carrieres de Silex pyromaque. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 556-564. 2. Sur la flore de Morestel (Isere). Paris, Soc. Botan. Bull. VII., 1860, pp. 599-602. Auwers, A. Plaueten-Beobachtuugen auf der Gb'ttinger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 67-72. 2. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen VIII., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 205-206. 3. Beobachtungeu der Iris, Proserpina, Laetitia, Urania, und des Cometen V., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 233-238. 4. Elemente und Ephemeride der Circe. Astr. Nachr, XLIX., 1859, col. 367-370. 5. Beobachtungen des Cometen IV., 1858. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 9-12. 6. Resultate aus Beobachtungen verander- licher Sterne im Jahre 1858. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 99-106 ; LIL, 209-230. 7. Bahnbestimmung des Cometen VI., 1857. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 115-122. 8. Elemente des Cometen L, 1859. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 287-288. 9. Neue Elemente der Psyche. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 375-380. 10. Bahn des Cometen IV., 1858. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 113-124. 11. Micrometer und Mcridianbeobacht- ungen von Planetoiden und Comet I., 1859. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 225-248. 12. Mondsterne und Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 341-346. 13. Elemente und Ephemeride der Mnemo- syne. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 347-348. 14. Beobachtungen der Pomona und Pan- dora. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 141-142. 15. Beobachtung der Pales. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 319-320. 16. Neue Elemente der Circe. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 97-104. Auwers, A. 17. Beobachtungen des Cometen II., 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 139- 140. 18. Beobachtungen von Planetoiden am Heliometer der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 273-286. 19. Elemente und Ephemeride des Come- ten III., 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 299-300. 20. Beobachtungen der Concordia und der Cometen II. und III., 1860, am Heliometer der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, I860, col. 353-356. 21. Beobachtungen von Planetoiden am Heliometer der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LIV., I860, col. 267-272. 22. [Vergleichung der Beobachtungen der Psyche mit der Ephemeride.] Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 333-334. 23. Ueber die Reduction der Oerter von Vergleichsternen zu Micrometer-Beobachtungen auf einen Fuuclamentalcatalog. Astr. Nachr. LV., 1861, col. 49-54. 24. Beobachtungen, Elemente und Ephem- eride der Niobe. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 93-96, 233-234. 25. Schreiben an den Herausgebcr : [Aus- zug aus eiiier Abhandlung iiber veranderliche Eigenbewegungen.] Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 33-36. 26. Ueber die Eigenbewegung des Procyon. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 35-70. 27. Beobachtungen am Heliometer der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 69-75. 28. Verzeiclmiss der Oerter von vierzig Nebelflecken, aus Beobachtungen am Konigs- berger Heliometer abgeleitet. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 369-378. 29. On the Irregularity of the proper mo- tion of Sirius, and on a missing Nebula. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 148-149. 3O. On the Orbit of Procyon, and on the positions of the Radclitfe Catalogue. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862. pp. 150-154. 31. Heliometermessungen von Doppcl- sternen. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 1-14. 32. Parallaxen-Bestimmungen mit dem Konigsberger Heliometer. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 289-384. Auzias-Turenne, . Theorie ou mecanisme de la migraine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 407-410. 2. Sur les analogies des membres supe- rieurs avec les inferieurs. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 1148-1150. 3. Sur 1'inoculation de la syphilis aux ani- maux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 719-720. AUZ] 125 [AVE Auzias-Turenne, . 4. Anomalie do 1'ar- tere femorale. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1854, pp. 71-72 (Comp. Rend.}. Avanzini, Francesco. Nuove ricerche dirette a rettificare la tcoria della resistenza cle' fluidi e le sue applicazioni. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I., 1806, pp. 199-332 ; II., 185-226. Avanzini) Giuseppe. Osservazioni e sperienze sopra la teoria della resistenza de' fluidi di GIORGIO JUAN. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. II, 1808, pp. 241-274 ; II. (pte. 3), 59-120, 321-344. 2. Sopra un paradosso a cui porta la teoria della resistenza de' fluidi dell' ALEMBERT. Pa- dova, Mem. Accad. 1809, pp. 289-293. 3. Sulla velocita dell' efflusso dell' acqua da piccolissima luce di un ampio vaso prisma- tico mantenuto costantemente pieno. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, III., 1816-17, pp. 203- 204. 4. Sopra la pressione dell' acqua corrente per lunghi tubi. Padova, Nuovi Saggi, 1817, pp. 230-249. 5. Sopra la forza con la quale 1' acqua di una gran vasca prismatica sgorgando da una piccola luce spinge innanzi la colonna acquea contenuta in una canna cilindrica, c orizzontale congiunta alia luce medesima. [1815.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII., 1818, pp. 19-30. Avdeeff, . De Tor cristallise. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 381-389; Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 153-160. 2. Resultats des travaux du laboratoire d'Ekaterinbourg : Essai completnentaire surl'or cristallin. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1839, pp. 399-400 ; 1840, pp. 238-249. Ave-Xiallemant, J. E. L. Animadversiones Botanieae indici seminum Hort. Bot. Imp. Petro- pol. annis 1839 et 1840 add. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.), 1840, pp. 365-381 ; XVI., 48-60. 2. Tulbaghiffi species, qua? hucusque inno- tuerunt, exposita?. [1844.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1845, col 201-208. Ave-Lallemant, Robert. Versuch einer Erklar- ung des sogenannten Tangmeeres (mer de varec). Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 262- 263. Aveline, William Talbot. The geology of parts of Northamptonshire and Warwickshire. Geol. Survey, Mem. (8o.) 1861. 2. The geology of the country around Not- tingham. Geol. Survey, Mem. (8vo.) 1861. 3. The geology of parts of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Geol. Survey, Mem. (8ro.) 1861. Aveline, W. T., and A. C. Ramsay. Sketch of the Structure of parts of North and South Wales. Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 294- 299. Aveline, W. T., and J. W. Salter. On the "Caradoc Sandstone" of Shropshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 62-75. Aveline, W. T., and //. H. Howel. The geo- logy of part of Leicestershire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1860. Aveline, W. T., Hull, and Ramsay. Geology of parts of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. Geol. Survey, Mem. 1858, pp. 1-46. Avellar Brotero, Felix de. Araujia, neue Pflanzensippe und eine neue Passiflora. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 149-156. Avenarius, . Die Thermoelektricitat, ihrem Ursprunge aach, als identisch mit der Contact- elektricitut betrachtet. Posgend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 406-421, 637-640. Avequin, J. B. Essais analytiques sur la graine de la Mangue ou Mango, fruit du Manguier ou Mangotier, ainsi nomine a Saint Domingue, (Mangifera domestica, Gcert. de Frucf.) Arbre de la famille des Terebinthacees et de la Pen- tandrie Monogynie, L. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 421-437 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1831, pp. 20-39 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 129-137. 2. Examen chimique de 1'Avocat et de sa graine. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1831, pp. 467-486. 3. Notice historique sur 1'introduction des varietes de la Canne a Sucre a la Louisiane, et analyses comparees. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1836, pp. 26-34. 4. Note sur les quantites de Fecule ami- lacee produites par divers vegetaux, Sucre et Amidon de Patates. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 548-556. 5. Sur la matiere cireuse de la Canne a Sucre. Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1840, pp. 218-222 ; Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1841, pp. 73-77 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 738-743; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 238-242; Liebig, Annal. XXXVII., 1841, pp. 170-173. 6. De la formation du Cal dans les chau- dieres pendant la fabrication du Sue brut (sue de canne). Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 15-20 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 131-134 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 168-173. 7. [Recherches faites sur la Cerosie.] Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Proc. Verb. 1842-45, pp. 24-26. 8. Du sucre d'Erable aux Etats-Unis. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 280-287. 9. Examen analytique de 1'eau du Missis- sippi, du vieux Mechasabe. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 288-295. . 1O. La Chica, le Flangouvin, le Pulque, etc. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 296-303. AVE] 126 [AVI Avequin, J. B. 11. Des ennemis de la Canne a Sucre, ou les insectes qui attaquent la Caune a Sucre dans les Antilles et en Louisiane. Journ. de Pharrn. XXXII., 1857, pp. 335- 337. 12. La Canne a Sucre a la Louisiane. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 337-345. 13. De la culture deja Vigne et de la fabrication du vin dans les Etats-Unis. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 345-362. 14. 1. Note sur 1'Oscillatoria gossypioides. 2. Essais analytiques sur le Tillandsia usnoides (Barbe Espagnole). 3. Analyse de 1'eau de Pensacola. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 95-97. Avezac, Marie Armand Pascal d'. Examen critique du voyage des freres LANDER sur le Niger. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVIII., 1832, pp. 5-27. . 2. Rapport verbal sur un memoire de M. OLTMANNS relatif aux observations astronomiques de Mungo Park. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XX., 1833, pp. 48-55. 3. Note sur la communication mutuelle de la Gambie et de la Cazamanze. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. I., 1834, pp. 46-48. 4. Examen et rectification des positions determinees astronomiquement en Afrique par Mungo PARK. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. I., 1834, pp. 73-104 ; Conn, des Terns, 1836, pp. 79-101. 5. Relation d'un voyage dans 1'interieur de 1'Afrique septentrionale, par Hhaggy Ebn-el- Dyn-el-Eghouathy. Notice sur le trace geogra- phique d'une partie de 1'Afrique septentrionale. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. II., 1834, pp. 81-115, 145-176. 6. Sur Pemploi de quelques nouveaux documens pour la rectification du canevas geode- sique d'une partie de 1'Afrique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. V., 1836, pp. 5-38. - . 7. Etudes de geographic critique sur line partie de 1'Afrique Septentrionale. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VL, 1836, pp. 385-386. 8. Aper$u des parties explorees du Niger, et de celles qui restent a explorer. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVI., 1841, pp. 73-100. 9. Essai sur la geographic du pays de Scoumal. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVIL, 1842, pp. 81-114. 1O. Notice sur le pays et le peuple des Yebous en Afrique. Paris, Mem. Soc. Ethnol. H. (pte. 2), 1845, pp. 1-105. 11. Note sur la premiere expedition de BKTHENCOURT aux Canaries. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. V., 1846, pp. 167-188. 12. Note sur la veritable situation du mouillage marque au sucl du cap de Bugeder dans toutes les cartes nautiques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VI., 1846, pp. 73-83. Avezac, Marie Armand Pascal d'. 13. Obser- vations sur la nomenclature et le classement des iles et archipels de la mer de Madagascar. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VIII., 1847, pp. 129- 141. 14. Fragments d'une notice sur un Atlas manuscript de la bibliotheque WALCKENAEE. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VIIL, 1847, pp. 142- 171. 15. Etudes de geographic critique sur 1'Afrique interieure occidentale. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XL, 1849, pp. 137-252. 16. Note sur un Atlas Hydrographique manuscrit execute a Venise dans le XV. siecle, et conserve aujourd'hui au Musee Britannique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIV., 1850, pp. 217- 245. 17. Considerations geographiques sur 1'histoire du Bresil. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIV., 1857, pp. 89-351. 18. Anciens temoignages historiques rela- tifs a la boussole. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XV., 1858, pp. 171-181. 19. Les voyages d'AsiERic VESPUCE au compte de 1'Espagne, et les mesures itineraires employees par les marins Espagnols et Portugais des XV e et XVI e siecles. Pour faire suite aux " Considerations geographiques sur 1'histoire du Bresil." Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVI., 1858, pp. 129-312. 2O. Aper9us historiques sur la boussole et ses applications a 1'etude des phenomenes du magnetisme terrestre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIX., 1860, pp. 346-361. 21. Renseignements topographiques et commerciaux sur quelques rivieres de la cote occidentale d'Afrique et en particulier sur la riviere Ketafine ou Cassini, exploree pour la pre- miere fois par M. Aristide VALLOK. Paris. Bull. Soc. Geogr. XIX., 1860, pp. 471-483. 22. Sur un globe terrestre trouve a Laon, anterieur a la decouverte de 1'Amerique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XX., 1860, pp. 398-424. 23. Note sur la mappemonde historiee de la Cathedrale de Hereford, determination de sa date et de ses sources. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. II., 1861, pp. 321-334. 24. Restitution de deux passages du texte grec de la Geographie de Ptolemee aux chapi- tres V. et VI. du septieme livre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. IV., 1862, pp. 293-320. 25. Coup d'reil historique sur la projection des cartes de Geographie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. V., 1863, pp. 257-361, 437-462. Avice, . Note sur la vegetation spontanee des environs de Corneto (Etats-Romains). Paris. Bull. Soc. Botan. X., 1863, p. 475. Des observations meteorolo- AVI] Avignon, giques considerees dans leur rapport avec 1'agri- culture. Nord, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. 1829- 30, pp. 93-108. Avit, . Description des globes servant de Cadrans Solaires. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1827, pp. 189-207. 2. Notice sur les courans d'air appliques 127 [AVO au tirage des cheminees. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1828, pp. 215-245. Avogadro, Amedco. Considerations sur Petat dans lequel doit se trouver une couche . d'un corps non-conducteur de I'electricite, lorsqu'elle est interposce entre deux surfaces douees d'elec- tricires de differente espece. Journ. de Phys. LXIIL, 1806, pp. 450-462 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXI., 1808, pp. 278-290 ; Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 53-83. 2. Second memoire sur 1'Electricite. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 130-145. 3. Idees sur 1'acidite et Falcalinite. Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 142-148; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 64-76. 4. Essai d'une maniere de determiner les masses relatives des molecules elementaires des corps, et les proportions selon lesquelles elles entrent dans ces combinaisons. Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 58-76. 5. Reflexions sur la theorie electro-chi- mique de M. BERZELIUS. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIL, 1813, pp. 286-292 ; Gilbert, Annal. XL VI., 1814, pp. 248-253. 6. Memoire sur les masses relatives des corps simples, ou densites presumees de leurs gaz, &c. Journ. de Phys. LXXVIII., 1814, pp. 131-156. 7. Memoria sul calore specifico de' gaz composti paragonato a quello de' loro gaz compo- nent!. Bibl. Ital. IV., 1816, pp. 478-491 ; V., 73-87. 8. Osservazioni sulla legge di dilatazione dell' acqua pel calore. Brugnatelli, Giorn. I., 1818, pp. 351-377. 9. Sopra la relazione che esiste tra i calori specific! e i poteri refringenti delle sostanze gazose. [1817.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII., 1818, pp. 154-173. 1O. Sulla determinazione delle quantita di calorico che si sviluppano nelle combinazioni per mezzo de' poteri refringenti. [1817.] Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. ItaL XVIII., 1818, pp. 174- 182. 11. Osservazioni sulla forza elastica del vapor acqueo a diverse temperature. Brugna- telli, Giorn. II., 1819, pp. 187-199. 12. Memoria sulle leggi della dilatazione de' diversi liquidi pel calore. Brugnatelli, Giorn. II., 1819, pp. 416-427. Avogadro, Amedeo. 13. Memoria sopra lo sta- bilimento d' una relazione tra le densita e dila- tabilita de' liquidi e la densita dei vapori che essi formano. Brugnatelli, Giorn. II., 1819, pp. 443-456. 14. Memoria sulla legge della dilatazione del mercuric dal calore. Brugnatelli, Giorn. III., 1820, pp. 24-38. IS. Nouvelles considerations sur la theorie des proportions determinees dans les combinai- sons, et sur la determination des masses des molecules des corps. Torino, Mem. Accad XXVL, 1821, pp. 1-162. 16. Sur la maniere de ramener les composes organiques aux lois ordinaires des proportions determinees. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVI 1821, pp. 440-506. 17. Nuove considerazioni sulle affinita de' corpi pel calorico, calcolate per mezzo de' loro calori specifici. [1822.] Modena, Mem. Soc. ital. XIX., 1823, pp. 83-137. 18. Sur la construction d'un voltimetre multiplicateur. [1822.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVII., 1823, pp. 43-82. - 19. Sur 1'affinite des corps pour le calo- rique, et sur les rapports d'affinite qui en resultent entre eux : l er Mem. [1823.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVIII., 1824, pp. 1-122 ; XXIX., 79-162; Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 427 -437; VIIL, 1-9, 108-117, 160-166, 313- 330. 2O. Osservazioni sopra un articolo del Bol- lettino delle Scienze del sig. B. di FERUSSAC relative alle Memorie sull* affinita dei corpi pel calorico, e sui rapporti d' affinita che ne risul- tano tra oro. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII., 1825, pp. 432-438. 21. Sur la densite des corps solides et liquides, comparee avec la grosseur de leurs molecules et avec leurs nombres affinitaires. [1824.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXX., 1826, pp. 80-154 ; XX XL, 1-94 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. VII., 1827, pp. 129-142; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 288-297 ; Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1826, pp. 16-24, 85-94, 274^280, 395-403. 22. Comparaison des observations de M. DULONG sur les pouvoirs refringens des corps gazeux, avec les formules de relation entre ces pouvoirs et les affinites pour le calorique. [1826.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXILL, 1829, pp. 49- 112; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XHL, 1830, pp. 211-217. 23. Sur la loi de la force elastique de 1'air par rapport a sa densite dans le cas de com- pression sans perte de calorique. [1828] To- rino, Mem. Accad. XXXHL, 1829, pp. 237- 274. AVO] 128 [AW Avogadro, Amcdeo. 24. Sur les pouvoirs neu- tralisants des differents corps simples, deduits de leurs proportions en poids dans les composes neutres qui en sont formes. Torino, Mem. Ac- cad. XXXIV., 1830, pp. 146-216. 25. Memoire sur les chaleurs specifiques des corps solides et liquides. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1833, pp. 80-111. 26. Sur la force elastique de la vapeur du mercure a differentes temperatures. [1831.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXVI., 1833, pp. 215- 286; Anual. de Chimie, XLIX., 1832, pp. 369- 392 ; SiUiman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 286- 297 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVII., 1833, pp. 60-79. 27. Nouvelles recherches sur la chaleur specifique des corps solides et liquides. Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1834, pp. 113-148. 28. Nouvelles recherches sur le pouvoir neutralisant de quelques corps simples. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 57-154 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 419-432. 29. Experiences sur quelques points dou- teux relatifs a 1'action capillaire. Torino, Mem. Accad. 1838, pp. 191-280; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 409-443. 30. Fisica de' corpi ponderabili, ossia trat- tato della costituzione generale de' corpi. Giorn. Arcad. LXXIX., 1839, pp. 104-107. 31. Diversi gradi della facolta elettro- negativa ed elettro-positiva del corpi semplice. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1840, pp. 64-65. 32. Note sur la chaleur specifique des differents corps, principalement a 1'etat ga- zeux. Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 142-152. 33. Note sur la nature de la charge elec- trique. Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1842, pp. 102- 110. 34. Saggio di teoria matematica della dis- tribuzione della elettricita sulla superficie dei corpi conduttori nell' ipotesi della azione in- duttiva esercitata dalla medesima sui corpi cir- costanti, per mezzo delle particelle dell' aria frapposta. [1842.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIII., 1844, pp. 156-184. 35. Proposizione di un nuovo sistema di nomenclatura chimica. [1843.] Modena, Mem. Soc. ItaJ. XXIII., 1844, pp. 260-304. 36. Sur les volumes atomiques, et sur leur relation avec le rang que les corps occupent dans la serie-electro chimique. [1843.] Torino, Mem. Accad. VIII., 1846, pp. 129-194; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1845, pp. 330-368 ; Bibl. Univ. LVIL, 1845, pp. 182-191 ; Sillimau, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 114-115. 37. Memoire sur les volumes atomiques des corps composes. [1845.] Torino, Mem. Accad. VIII., 1846, pp. 293-532 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, I., 1846, pp. 268-277 ; Annal. de Chim. XXIX., 1850, pp. 248-252. Avogadro, Amcdeo. 38. Note sur la necessity de distinguer les molecules integrantes des corps de leurs equivalents chimiques dans la determi- nation de leur.s volumes atomiques. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XL, 1849, pp. 285-298. 39. Sopra un sistema di nomenclatura chimica. [1847.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIV., 1850, pp. 166-211. 40. Troisieme Memoire sur les volumes atomiques. Determination des nombres affini- taircs dcs differents corps elementaires par la seul consideration de leur volume atomique et de celui de leurs composes. [1849.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XL, 1851, pp. 231-318 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XIII., 1850, pp. 17-28. 41. Quatrieme Memoire sur les volumes atomiques. Determination des volumes ato- miques des corps liquides a leur temperature d'ebullition. [1850.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XII., 1852, pp. 39-120; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1852, pp. 96-102. 42. Memoire sur les consequences qu'on pent deduire des experiences de M. REGXAULT sur la loi de compressibilite des gaz. [1851.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XIII., 1853, pp. 171-242; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 140-162. Avogadro, A., et Botto. Memoire sur les rap- ports entre le pouvoir conducteur des liquides pour les courans electriques et la decomposition chimique qu'ils en eprouvent. [1838.] Torino, Mem. Accad. L, 1839, pp. 179-218; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 5-20. Avrilly, C. d\ Memoire sur la propagation des arbres fruitiers et notamment des Pommiers par le moyen de la bouture. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1833, pp. 1-5. 2. Rapport sur la suspension do la seve, occasionnee par le passage de betes li hiine, au moment de la decortication du chene. Eure, Bull. Acad. fibroic. 1833, pp. 347-354. 3. Du Myzoxile, vulgairement connu sous le nom de Puceron lanigere. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1834 (torn. 2), pp. 1-35. 4. Notice sur la carie des bles. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1836, pp. 33-44. 5. Note sur la maladie vulgairement appelee "poumture" a, laquelleles animaux ruminans sont exposes. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1836, pp. 208-212. Awjedew, . Memoire sur le Glucinium ct ses combinaisons. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 233-261 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 155-173. 2. tTeber einige Verbindungen des Beryl- liums. Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 269- 270; Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 101-124. 3. Ueber verschiedene Versuche zur Gewin- nung des Goldes in den Jekatrinburger Werken. Erman, Archiv Russ. IX^ 1851, pp. 636-666. AWJ] 129 [AYR Awjedew, 4. Ueber die Sclimelzung und Scheidung des Goldes in dem Jekatrinburger Laboratorium. Erman, Archiv Russ. IX., 1851, pp. 667-695. Axford, Thomas. Notice regarding the Omi- thorhynchus. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 399-400 ; Oken, Isis, VIII., 1832, col. 806. Aycke, Joh. C/tr. Bemerkungen liber Grundeis. Poggend. Annal. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 122-128. 2. Bemerkungen iibev das Hochland von Hinter-Pommem und Pommevellen. Danzig, N. Schrift. IV., 1851, pp. 65-102. Ay 1 win, /. Ueber das wesentliche Oel der Pechtanne, und iiber die Bereitung eines Copal- firnisses mit demselben. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LVIL, 1835, pp. 119-122. Aymard, Auyuste. Sur le.s insectes, dans des marnes subordonnees a la formation gypseuse du Puy. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 235-236. 2. Essai monographique sur un nouveau gjnre de mammifere fossile trouve dans la Haute -Loire et nomine Entelodon. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XII., 1842-46, pp. 227-267 ; XIV., p. 112. 3. Sur une decouverte de fossiles humains dans un bloc de pieire provenant de la montagne volcanique de Denise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 107-110. 4. Sur les ossements humains fossiles des environs du Puy. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 412-415. 5. Des fossiles humains trouves sur la montagne volcanique de Denize pres le Puy, des ossements de mammiferes signales dans divers depots de la Haute-Loire, et de I'epoque probable de leur enfouissement. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 49-59. 6. Sur di verses espeees de Mastodontes du Velay. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 60-61. 7. Synchronisme de 1'homme et de mam- miferes perdus dans la Haute-Loire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 54-56. 8. [Sur les ossements fossiles trouves dans les calcaires du Pny.] Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XIV., 1849, pp. 74-86. 9. [Essai de classification des mammiferes fossiles trouves dans les calcaires miocenes du Puy.] Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XIV., 1849, pp. 104-114. 10. Du Cynodon, mammifere carnassier fossile trouve dans les calcaires marneux de Ronzon, pres Le Puy. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XV., 1850, pp. 92-118. 11. Des terrains fossiliferes du bassin superieur de la Loire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 673-677. Aymard, Augusts. 12. A quelles epoques geolo- giques peut-on assigner le soulevement et les mouvements successifs qui ont produit le relief du plateau central de la France ? France, Con- gres Scientifique, XXII., 1855, pp. 208-214. 13. Existe-t-il des vestiges de terrains secondaires sur le plateau central de la France, et dans le cas de I'ainmiative, a quelle cause faut-il attribuer leur rarete ? France, Congres Scien- tifique, XXII., 1855, pp. 219-226. 14. Sur les collections de M. PiCHOT-Du- MAZEL. France, Congres Scientifique, XXII., 1855, pp. 227-243. 15. Paleontologie de la Haute - Loire. France, Congres Scientifique, XXII., 1855, pp. 261-276. 16. Ossements fossiles trouves dans les breches volcaniques de Sainzelle. Le Puv, Ann. Soc. Agric. XVIII., 1858, pp. 51-56. 17. Note sur les roches a bassins dans la Haute-Loire. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XXII.. 1859, pp. 341-371. Ayme, . Sur les puits fores de 1'Egypte. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXXVII., 1838, pp. 394-395. Aynard, . Note sur le sinus de la moitie d'un arc. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 399-401. 2. Note sur la distance d'un point a une droite dans 1'espace ; axes rectangulaires. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 401-402. 3. Sur 1'enveloppe des perpendiculaires aux extremites des diametres des ellipses. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 540-547, 582-591. Ayraud, . Sur les recherches de som-ces jaillissantes et superficielles dans la province d'Oran et dans les environs d'Alger. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 222-234. Ayrer, . Ueber Blitze ohne Donner. Pog- gend. Annal. XLVIII., 1839, pp. 375-384. Ayres, Philip Burnard. On the Potato Disease, Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 631-639. 2. Case of congenital malformation of the oesophagus. Pathol. Soc. Trans. III., 1850-52, pp. 91-93. 3. Micro-chemical researches on the diges- tion of starch and amylaceous food. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 225-232. 4. Examination of an organic matter found in an ancient Egyptian bottle. Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 345-350. 5. On the geology of Flat and Gabriel Islands. Mauritius, Trans. Roy. Soc. I., 1860, pp. 220-232. 6. On charcoal as a disinfectant. Mau- ritius, Trans. Roy. Soc. I., 1860, pp. 300- 311. AYE] 130 [AYR Ayres, William O. Descriptions of four species of Fishes from Brookhaven, L. I. Boston, Proc. Nat, Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 67-68 ; II., 64-65. 2. Description of a new species of Leucis- cus (L. nasutus). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist, Soc. L, 1841-44, p. 130. 3. Enumeration of the Fishes of Brook- haven, Long Island, with remarks upon the species observed. [1842.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 255-264, 265-292, 293- 302. 4. An attempt to prove that Cottus cog- natus of Richardson, Cottus viscosus of Halde- man> and Uranidea quiescens of De Kay, are one species, and are identical with Cottus gobio of Limii-eus. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845 47, pp. 116-136. 5. On a muscular apparatus of the pharyn- geal bones of Leuciscus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, p. 46. 6. Description of a new fish from the (Polypterus Palmas) from West Africa. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 181- 182; Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 241-246. 12. Distinction between Cottus variabilis and C. Groenlandicus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, p. 312. 13. Observations on Leuciscus pulchellus. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 402-408. 14. Descriptions of new species of Holo- thuridae. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 6-7, 25-26, 35-37, 46-47, 52- 53, 69-70, 101-103, 147-148, 207-208, 243- 246. 15. Description of a new species of Synapta (S. tenuis). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 11-12. 16. Description of a new Holothurian, Psolus laivigatus, Ayres. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 25-26. Ayres, William O. 17. Description of Holo- thuria squamata. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 35-37. 18. Description of a new Holothurian, Stereoderma unisemita, St. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 46-47. 19. Description of a new Holothurian (Botryodactyla grandis). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 52-53. 20. On the distribution of the Ophiurae of the coasts of the U. S. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 54-55. 21. New Holothurian from George's Bank (Thyonidium elongatum). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 60-61. 22. New species of Psolus from George's Bank. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist, Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 63-64. 23. New Holothuridze from George's Bank Banks of Newfoundland (Malacosteus niger). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. ' 69-70; Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1848, pp. 53-64. 7. On the muscular pharyngeal apparatus of Catastomus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 87-88. 8. Description of Leuciscus pulchelloides. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, p. 157. 9. Description of Percopsis pellucida, a fish from the Winooski river. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, pp. 164-165. 1O. On the Esox Lucius of Richardson. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848-51, p. 173. 11. Description of a new species of fish (Thyonidium glabrum and T. musculosum). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 69-70. 24. Description of a new Starfish, Stephan- aster elegans, Ayres. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 118-121. 25. Account of the structure of the Ophiu- ridae, and description of a new species belonging to the genus Ophiolepis. [O. tenuis, Ayres ; O. robusta, Ayres; and Ophioderma olivaceum, Ayres.~\ Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 133-135. 26. New description of Chirodota arenata, Gould. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 143-145. 27. Description of a new species of Polyp from Long Island, allied to Tubularia, Globiceps tiarella, Ayres. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 193-195. 28. New species of Holothuria, Pentamera pulcherrima. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 207-208. 29. Description of a new species of Syn- apta (S. pellucida, Stimpson and Kurtz. Mss.) Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 214-215. 3O. Two new genera and three new species of Holothuria (Trochinus pallidus, T. rotiferus, and Duasmodactyla producta). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 243-246. 31. Descriptions of two new species of Ophiuridse (Ophiothrix hispida and Ophiolepis uncinata). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 248-250. 32. On the three known American Hydras. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1855, pp. 103- 104. 33. New species of Californian Fishes. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 94-101. AYR] 131 [AZZ Ayres, William O. 34. Description of a new genus of fishes, Halias, Ayres. Calif. Acacl. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 52-59. 35. Descriptions of new fishes, Trichodon lineatus and Osmerus thaleichthys, Ayres. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 60-64. 36. Description of two species of fish, Atherinopsis affinis and A. tennis, Ayrcs. Calif. Acad. Nat, Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 73-77. 37. Descriptions of two species of fishes, Johnius nobilis and Seriphus politus, Ayres. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 77-81. 38. Description of two species of fishes, Camarina nigricans and Poronotus simillimus, Ayres. Calif. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 81 -86. 39. Notes on the Sebastoid fishes occurring on the coast of California. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 390-402. Ayres da Silva, Vicente. Itinerario pelo Rio do Somno acima, desde a sna confluencia no Tocan- tins. Rio, Revista, XIV., 1851, pp. 438-443. Ayrton, -. On a remarkable appearance at sunset, Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851- 52, pp. 186-188. Ayrton, Frederick. Observations upon M. D'AB- BADIE'S Account of his discovery of the sources of the White Nile, and upon certain objections and statements in relation thereto by Dr. BEKE. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1848, pp. 48-73. Ayrton, John. A memoir on the Physiology of the Egg. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 1-7. Aytoun, A. Reports on the geological survey of the Belgaum Collectorate. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XL, 1853, pp. 1-15, 30-59. 2. Geology of the Southern Concan. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 67-84. Azais, H. Memoire sur 1'afiinite ou puissance de combinaison. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 226-233. Azain, . Note sur le sommeil nerveux ou hypnotisme. Arch. Gen. de Med. XV., 1860, pp. 5-24. Azambre, Auguste. Note sur les habitudes naturelles du Ptinus sexpunctatus. Paris, A.nn. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. lii-liii.; V., 1857, pp. xvii xviii. 2. Sur la maladie des feuilles du Tilleul. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. Ixii-lxiii. 3. Remarques physiologiques sur les che- nilles de la Catocala fraxini. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. cviii-cix. 4. Sur quelques Coleopteres recueillis en Italic. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. xii-xiii. Azambre, Auguste. 5. Sur la chrysalide de 1'Ophiusa illunaris, et sur I'lchneumon, parasite de sa chenille. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom, IV., 1856, pp. xxiv-xxv. 6. Note sur la geographic entomologique de quelques Lepidopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. xxxix-xli. 7. Note sur la rencontre qui a ete faite de la Musca domestica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. xlii-xliv. 8. Note sur la maniere de vivre de 1' Anaitis Magdalenaria. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xii-xiii. Azara, Felix de. Account of the Wild-Horses in Spanish America. ( Transit] Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1800, pp. 330-335. 2. Versuche iiber die Saugethiere von Paraguay. Wiedemann, Archiv, IV. (1 St.), 1804, pp. 190-248, (2 St., 1805) 237-250 ; V., 13-128. 3. Bemerkungen iiber Medicinalpflanzen. Trommsdorff, Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1810 (2 St.), pp. 14-28. Azema, E. Considerations generates sur les causes des vents. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XIL, 1842-46, pp. 189-208. 2. Sur les iroids observes dans le mois de Mai. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XIV., 1849, pp. 287-196. 3. Comparaison de la quantite d'eau plu- viale recueillie au Puy et a Yssingeaux, avec celle des autres stations udornetriques de la France. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XVIIL, 1853, pp. 357-368. Azzarelli, Mattia. Considerazioni geometriche e meccaniche sull' evolvente della catenaria omo- genea. Palomba, Raccolta, IV., 1848, pp. 9-15, 17-24, 35-41, 57-61. 2. [Sulla risoluzione dell' equazioni di terzo grado.] Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 467- 479. 3. Moto del doppio cono lungo due diret trici rettilinee poste in piani verticali tra loro convergenti. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 317-334. 4. Della superficie e del volume sferico compreso fra la intersecazione della sfera ed un cono la cui direttrice e la lemniscata Bernoul- liana. Tortolini, Annali, VIIL, 1857, pp. 372- 395. 5. Superficie dei coni e cilindri. Tortolini, ' Annali, VIIL, 1857, pp. 441-524. 6. Applicazione del discriminante nullo alia risoluzione di alcuni problemi. Tortolini, An- nali, ILL, 1860, pp. 15-29. n 2 B] 132 [B B. B., . Jets over dc waarneming eener Mola aquosa cum placenta, door den Chir. Maj. Dr. SCHMIL>TMULLER. Batavia, Natuur. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 624-630. B., . Description of the regulating Dam- Sluices of the Doab Canal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. I., 1832, pp. 454-455. B., . Esquisse mineralogique des environs de la Chaussee des Geans. Bibl. Univ. III., 1816, pp. 278-286. B., . Fragen iiber Fuhrwerkrader. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. XXIX., 1850, p. 282. B., . Sur les Alluvions et les sources mine- rales. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1830, pp. 94- 97. B., . Sur des substances pierreuses d'une nature particuliere, que Ton assure 6tre tombees sur la terre. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1802, pp. 139-140. E., A. On the alteration in the bulk of successive portions of Air introduced into a Torricellian Tube. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 378- 379 B., A. R. Observations on the Limestone district of Yealand, near Lancaster, and on the vegetable phenomena displayed by the growth of plants on one of its rocky hills. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 550-553. B ., C. Unusual structure of the first two Cervical Vertebrae of a large quadruped found in a bone- yard. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 513-516. B., C. Estratto di una Memoria manoscritta sul Petrolio, e sugli usi economici del medesimo. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. V., 1809, pp. 255- 290. B., D. On the scale of temperature ; with remarks on the graduation of LESLIE'S Differential Ther- mometer. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 23-25. B., E. Calcul des Machines a Vapeur base sur une nouvelle loi generale etablissant une relation entre la tension, la temperature et la densite de la vapeur d'eau. Cuyper, Revue Univ. III., 1858, pp. 498-518 ; IV., 98-106, 209-237. B., F. Abrege" des observations de HALLER et de Sir Everard HOME, sur la formation du foetus du poulet. Bibl. Univ. XLIV., 1830, pp. 386- 406. B., G. Analisi di alcuni esperimenti sull' azione dell' acqua coobata di lauro-ceraso e del tartaro emetico. Bibl. ltd. XX., 1820, pp. 369-386. B., G. Alcune formule per la preparazione del sol- fato di Chinina e Cinconina ; ed alcuni cenni sulle proprieta di questi sali. Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. IV., 1823, pp. 124-146. B., G. G. La stazione dei Molluschi marini, appli- cata alia Geologia. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1850, pp. 134-148. B., G. H. Bemerkungen iiber die Sterbezeit. Erlenmeyer, Corresp. Blatt Psychiatric, III., 1856, pp. 151-152. B., H. S. Barometrical Altitudes. Gleanings in Sci. I., 1831, pp. 316-319. B., J. On the probability that the eruptions of Lunar Volcanos may reach the earth. Nichol- son, Journal, III., 1802, pp. 255-256 ; V., 1803, pp. 201-203. : 2. Method of finding the quantity of He- fraction from the distance and altitude of two known stars ; and of solving by construction a problem in Spherical Trigonometry. Nicholson, Journal, XXI., 1808, pp. 201-202. 3. On the Beats of Mr. HAWKE'S Douzeave, or common system of twelve musical notes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 128- 129. B., J. Geological relations of Anemone pulsatilla and Astragalus hypoglottis. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 149-150. B., J. A. On Bleaching. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XI., 1801, pp. 55-58. B., M. O. See O'Brien (M.) B.) R. On the Maidstone Fossil Skeleton, in the Museum of Gideon MAXTELL, Brighton. Mas. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 99-102. B., R. Prognostics of the Weather, established by long-continued observation upon the conduct and appearances of birds, beasts, insects, plants, me- teors, the heavenly bodies, and minerals. Nichol- son, Journal, VII., 1804, pp. 148-157. 2. Description of an instrument for Drawing in true Perspective from nature, and of another of considerable simplicity and cheapness for de- lineating Ovals. Nicholson, Journal, IX., 1804, pp. 122-123. 3. Account of two sketches, viz., one for a Perpetual Motion, and the other of a jointed Parallel Rule, which has no side deviation. Nicholson, Journal, IX., 1804, pp. 212-213. 4. Letter respecting the cause why Men cannot Swim without previous education as well as Brutes. Nicholson, Journal, XIV., 1806, pp. 324-331. 5. Observations on such Luminous Pheno- mena in the atmosphere as appear to depend on Electricity. Nicholson, Journal, XX., 1808, pp. 81-88. B] 133 [BAB B., /?. 6. A new Compensation Pendulum, with- out joints or surfaces bearing against or moving upon each other. Nicholson, Journal, XXXIII , 1312, pp. 217-219. 7. On the Conducting Power of Bodies for Electricity, and the effects of Points. Nicholson, Journal, XXXV., 1813, pp. 134-139. B., T. C. Description of a simple Instrument for making correct Drawings from Nature. Nicholson, Journal, X., 1805, pp. 111-112. E., W. A. On the claim of certain Lepidopterous Insects taken in England to be considered as indigenous. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 149-156. B., W. H. See Benson. B., W. T. Facts towards the chemical history of Mercury. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 291-297. Br., J. J. Voorlezing over den Tabak. 's Hage, Athenseum, IV., 1837, pp. 197-228. B d, G. F. Nahere Untersuchung des Bruska- Salzes : als Beitrag zu Prags medicinischer Topographic, und zur Berichtigung der Urtheile iiber das einst als Arzneimittel so bei'iihmte Prager Luftwasser. Prag, Monatschr. Mus. 1827, Apr., pp. 66-74. Baader, Jakob Andr. Beitriige zur Orykto- graphie des Salzburger Kreises im Lande ob der Ems. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, V., 1837, pp. 385-402, 449-465. 2. Ueber den Korund ans dem K. O. M. B. in Oesterreich. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 101-103. Baader, Joseph von. Description et theorie des Soufflets cylindriques Anglais, avec quelques projets sur Famelioration de ces machines. Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 81-128, 161-214. 2. Sur la Resistance que 1'Air eprouve dans les longs tuyaux de conduite. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 112-116. 3. Notice sur une Machine Soufflantc hydraulique. Journ. des Mines, XXIX., 1811, pp. 51-54. 4. Ueber das Zerspringen der Dampfmas- chinen. Hermbstiidt, Museum, IX., 1816, pp. 206-213. 5. A method of communicating Rotatory Motion. ( Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 449-450. 6. Ueber ein neues System der fortschaf- fenden Mechanik. Hermbstiidt, Museum, XIII., 1818, pp. 9-50. 7. Description of a Hydroraetrograph, or a machine for measuring and recording the Quantity of Water or any other fluid, dis- charged within a given time from conduit pipes. (Transl.} Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, .pp. 271-274. Baader, Joseph von. 8. Ueber die schwebenden oder hangenden Eisenbahnen. Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. XXX., 1828, pp. 279-286. 9. Ueber die neuesten Versuche, mit Dampfwagen auf gewohnlichen Landstrassen zu fahren. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLVI., 1832, pp. 20-34. 1O. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Zustand und die kunftigen Aussichten der Dampfwagen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XL VIII., 1833, pp. 1-39, 168-182. Baader, P. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Chon- drilla iiberhaupt, und Chondrilla juncea ins- besondere. Flora, II., 1819, pp. 241-288. Baak, E. M. C. Berigten en Opmerkingen wegens de Kust van Guinea, ten gevolge de reis derwaarts Z. M. schooner de Lancier, in het jaar 1844. Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezen, V., 1845, pp. 132-163. Babault de Chaumont, . Memoire sur les aerolithes. France, Congres Scientifique, 1834, pp. 40-42. Babbage, Charles. An essay towards the Cal- culus of Functions. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 389- 423 ; 1816, pp. 179-256. 2. Demonstrations of some of Dr. Matthew STEWART'S general Theorems, to which is added an account of some new properties of the Circle. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 6-24. 3. Observations on the Analogy which subsists between the Calculus of Functions and other branches of Analysis. Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 197-216. 4. Solutions of some problems by means of the Calculus of Functions. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1817, pp. 371-379. 5. Note respecting Elimination. Quart. Journ. Sci. III., 1817, pp. 355-357. 6. Demonstration of a Theorem relating to Prime numbers. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 46-49. 7. On some new methods of investigating the sums of several classes of infinite series. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 249-282. 8. Des equations fonctionnellcs. Grer- gonne, Ann. Math. XII., 1821-22, pp. 73-103. 9. A note respecting the Application of Machinery to the Calculation of Astronomical Tables. Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 309- 314 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VII., 1822, pp. 274- 281. 1O. Observations on the Notation employed in the Calculus of Functions. [1820.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. I, 1822, pp. 63-76. 11. On the theoretical principles of the Machinery for Calculating Tables. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIH., 1823, pp. 122-128. BAB] 134 [BAB Babbage, Charles. 12. An Examination of some questions connected with Games of Chance. [1820.] Edinb. Eoy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 153-178. 13. On the application of Analysis to the discovery of local theorems and Porisms. [1820.] Edinb. Koy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 337-352. 14. Observations on the Measurement of Heights by the Barometer. Edinb. Journ. Sci. L, 1824, pp. 85-87. 15. On the Geognostical phenomena at the Temple of Serapis. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XI., 1824, pp. 91-99. 16. On a new Zenith Micrometer. [1825.] Astron. Soc. Mem. H., 1826, pp. 101-103. 17. On a method of expressing by signs the action of machinery. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 250-265. 18. On electrical and magnetic rotations. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 494-528 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1 827, pp. 412 -452. 19. On the determination of the general term of a new class of Infinite Series. [1824.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 218- 226; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVII., 1826, pp. 259-265. 2O. On the influence of Signs in Mathe- matical reasoning. [1821.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 325-378. 21. Notice respecting some errors common to many Tables of Logarithms. [1827.] Astron. Soc. Mem. III., 1829, p. 65 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. I., 1827-30, pp. 9-10. 22. A Letter to the Eight Hon. T. P. COTJKTENAY, on' the proportionate number of Births of the Two Sexes under different circum- stances. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 85-104. 23. Observations on the Temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, near Naples, with remarks on cer- tain causes which may produce Geological Cycles of great extent. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 72-76 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1835, pp. 408-411 ; Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 186-217. 24. On impressions in Sandstone resem- bling those of horses' hoofs. Geol. Soc. Prcc. II., 1838, p. 439. 25. Note respecting the pink projections from the Sun's disc observed during 1jie total solar Eclipse of 1851. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 209-210. 26. On the Action of Ocean-currents in the Formation of the Strata of the Earth. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 366-368. 27. Obsei-vations on the discovery in va- rious localities of the remains of human art mixed with the bones of extinct races of animals. Eoy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 59-72. Babbage, Charles, and J. F. W. Herschel. Barometrical Observations made at the Fall of Staubbach. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 224-227; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 308- 309. 2. Account of the repetition of M. ARAGO'S experiments on the magnetism manifested by various substances during the act of rotation. Phil. Trans. 1825, pp. 467-496. Eabbini, Giovanni. Memoria sul Calorico. Firenze, Ann. Mus. Imp. I., 1808. 2. Osservazioni sopra alcuni miglioramenti riguardanti il Terrnometro. Firenze, Ann. Mus. Imp. II., 1810 (pte. 2), pp. 1-12. 3. Descrizione di un antico Odometro. Firenze, Ann. Mus. Imp. II., 1810 (pte. 2), pp. 13-20. Babeau-Remtmd. Quelques observations sur 1'Oidium de la vigne. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. V., 1854, pp. 211-229. Babel, . Ueber die geographische Lage von Padua, Venedig, Verona und Mantua. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VII., 1803, pp. 441-454. Babinet, Jacques. Sur les rapports de la Phy- sique avec la Medecine. Arch. Gen. de Med. I., 1823, pp. 157-178. 2. Description of an improved Hair Hy- grometer. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 309- 311 ; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 77-82. 3. Sur un moyen de mesurer plusieurs ac- tions chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1828, pp. 183-185 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech..Chem. II., 1828, pp. 336-338 ; Quart. Joum. Sci. I., 1828, pp. 473-474. 4. Sur les couleurs des reseaux. [1827.] Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 166-177; Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 109-112 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 505-517. 5. Horizontal Force of a Magnetic Needle. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 395-396. 6. Memoires d'optique meteorologique. Paris, Comptes Kendus, IV., 1837, pp. 638-648 ; Poggend. Annal. XLI., 1837, pp. 128-144. 7. Sur les caracteres optiques des mineraux. Paris, Comptes Eendus, IV., 1837, pp. 758- 766 ; Poggend. Annal. XLI., 1837, pp. 115-127 8. Sur la double refraction circulaire. Paris, Comptes Eendus, IV., 1837, pp. 900- 905 ; Poggend. Annal. XLII., 1837, pp. 30-36. 9. Memoire sur les couleurs des doubles surfaces a distance. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VH., 1838, pp. 694-698 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVL, 1839, pp. 472-477, 478-480. 1O. Sur la chaleur dans 1'hypothese des vibrations. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VII., 1838, pp. 781-782. 11. Sur 1'absorption dans les milieux colores birefringents. Paris, Comptes Eendus, VII., 1838, pp. 832-833. BAB] 135 [BAB Babinet, Jacques. 12. Lettre a M. ARAGO sur le soleil bleu. Paris, Comptes Reudus, VIII. , 1839, pp. 306-307; Poggend. Annal. XLVI., 1839, pp. 617-620; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 166. 13. Sur la perte d'un demi-intervalle d'interference qui a lieu dans la reflexion a la seconde surface d'un milieu refringent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 708-710 ; Poggend. Annal. XL VIII., 1839, pp. 332-333. 14. Lettre sur quelques faits optiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, p. 762. 15. Formule barometrique relative a une atmosphere composee de deux gaz en repos. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 324-327. 16. Sur 1'aberration de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 774-775. 17. Sur un nouveau point neutre dans 1'atmospherc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 618-620; Poggend. Annal. LL, 1840, p. 562 ; LVL, 568-569. 18. Rapport sur les travaux de M. ESPY, relatifs aux Tornados. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 372-381 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIV., 1841, pp. 139-149. 19. Gouttes de pluie par un temps serein. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 765- 766. 20. Sur la variation de hauteur des deux points neutres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 43-44. < 21. Note sur la transmission de la lumiere par des canaux sinueux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XV., 1842, p. 802; Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 131-133. 22. Note sur la polarisation de la lumiere atmospherique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 801-804. 23. Note sur un nouveau pendule iso- chrone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 259-261, 337-347. 24. Note sur 1'estimation de la dispersion dans les substances transparentes dont on ne peut employer que de tres-petits echantillons tailles en prisme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 513-515 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 139-141. 25. Construction d'un aimant tres-fort par induction sans emploi de courants electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 191- 192 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 290- 292. 26. Memoire sur les nuages ignes du Soleil considered comme des masses planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 281- 286 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVIII., 1846, pp. 214-219. Babinet, Jacques. 27. Note sur 1'observation du point neutre de M. BREWSTER le 23 Juillet 1846 a, 5 heures du soir. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 233-235; Poggend. Annal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 462-465. 28. Theoreme sur la courbure des surfaces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 441-442. 29. Note sur 1'action statique de la force dans le parallelogramme articule de WATT. Nouv. Ann. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 256-259. 30. Note sur la correction barometrique relative a la variation de la pesanteur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 265-266. 31. Observations physiques pendant 1'eclipse totale de lune du 19 Mars 1848. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 345-346. 32. Note sur 1'etoile nouvelle de M. HIND. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL 1848, pp. 522 -523 33. Note sur les polyedres reguliers et semi-reguliers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 530-531. 34. Remarques sur la note de M. BUTILLON relative a la nebuleuse No. 92 de MESSIER. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 132-133. 35. Sur la position actuelle de la planete situee au dela de Neptune. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 202-208. 36. Mesure de 1'intensite des rafales de vent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VIIL, 1849, pp. 521-523. 37. Theorie des courants de la mer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VIIL, 1849, pp. 749-754 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VIIL, 1850, pp. 160-166. 38. Sur le sens des vibrations dans les rayons polarises. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 514-515 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, p. 580. 39. Modification de la formule barome- trique de LAPLACE pour eviter 1'emploi des logarithmes et des tables. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXX., 1850, p. 309. 40. Sur les rapports de la temperature avec le developpement des plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 521-524. 41. Calculs relatifs au scintillometre de M. ARAGO. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 589-595; Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 567-573. 42. Sur un cas de foudre globulaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 1-3. 43. On a New Photometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 2. 44. As me'zas gyrantes, consideradas nas suas relaQoes com a mecanica e com a physiologia, (TransL) Coimbra, Institute, II., 1854, pp. 262-264,277-278, 288-289; IIL, 1855, pp. 17- 19, 27-29. BAB] 136 [BAB Babinet, Jacques. 45. Determination de la lati- tude par les azimuts extremes de deux etoiles circompolaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII.. 1856, pp. 6-9 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 158-160. 46. Sur les sections circulaires des surfaces du second degre et specialement du paraboloide elliptique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 453-462. 47. Memoire sur la substitution des instru- ments azimutaux aux instruments meridiens dans les observations astronomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 119-124, 202-206. 48. Note sur la densite de la masse des cometes, oii il est etabli que la substance come- taire peut etre assimilee, tout au plus, a un milieu dont la densite serait plusieurs millions de milliards de fois moindre que celle de Fair ordinaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 357-360. 49. Sur le diametre apparent de la planete Venus, et sur de nouvelles presomptions centre 1'exactitude de la parallaxe du Soleil deduites des derniers passages de 1761 et de 1769. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 526-528. SO. Sur 1'absorption dc la lumiere au travers des cometes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 885-887. 51. Note sur le rayon moyen de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 121- 125. 52. Sur la figure de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 732-735. 53. Note sur Nemausa. Moigno, Cosmos, XII., 1858, pp. 306-308. 54. Sur les ombres bleues du 27 Mai 1 859. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 1007-1009. 55. Sur la courbure des surfaces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 418-424. 56. Influence du mouvement de rotation de la terre sur le cours des rivieres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 638-641. 57. Sur le deplacement vers le nord ou vers le sud d'un mobile qui se meut librement dans une direction perpendiculaire au meridien. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 686- 693. 58. Demonstration de la loi de M. For- CAULT sur la tendance transversale d'un point qui se deplace a la surface de la terre. Evaluation de la force qui produit dans les rivieres la ten- dance a 1'erosion des rives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 769-775. 59. Rapport siir un Memoire de M. LEROUX, relatif a la refraction des vapeurs produites a de hautes temperatures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 800-802. Babinet, Jacques. 60. Sur la formule barouu-- trique pour les petites hauteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII. 1861, pp. 221-223. 61. Sur les variations seculaires dans le degre de salure des mers, et sur les acclimatation.s de la nature. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 265-267. 62. Note sur un point de la Cosmogonie de LAPLACE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 481-484. 63. Sur la refraction terrestre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 394-395, 417 -425, 529-535. 64. Sur une nouvelle formnle barometrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 567- 570. 65. Formule complete de la refraction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 597- 598. 66. Sur la parallaxe du Soleil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 537-540 ; Pog- gend. Annal. CXVII1., 1863, pp. 487-492. 67. De Pinfluence du mouvement de la Teire dans les phenomenes optiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 561-564. 68. Appareil pour la mesure statique de la pesanteur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV!., 1863, pp. 244-248. 69. Sur un nouveau mode tie propagation i L. O de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI.. 1863, pp. 411-415; Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 343-348. Babington, Benjamin Guy. Remarks on the Geology of the country between Tellicherry and Madras. [1819.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 328-339. 2. On a peculiar Vegetable product pos- sessing the principal properties of Tallow. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 177-184. 3. An account of a Concrete Oil existing as a constituent principle of healthy Blood. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1830, pp. 46-57. 4. Some considerations with respect to the Blood, founded on one or two very simple ex- periments on that fluid. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1830, pp. 293-319. 5. On spontaneous evaporation. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 127-132. Babington, Charles Car dak. Additions to the List of British Insects. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 327-330. 2. On the distinctions between the Lin- najan Genera Potentilla and Tormentilla. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 248-252. 3. Catalogue of Insects found at Berwick- upon-Tweed, in August 1834. Berwick. Nat. Club, Hist., 1834, pp. 81-82. BAB] 137 [BAB Babington, Charles Cardale. 4. An account of some additions to the Flora of Berwickshire. Berwick. Nat. Club, Hist., 1834, pp. 176-178. 5. On the supposed generic distinction of Ranunculus ficaria of LINNE. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 375-378. 6. Malachius bipunctatus, Bab., is not M. ruficollis, Panzer. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, p. 378. 7. Observations on certain species of the genus Dromius. Eutom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, pp. 80-88. 8. Observations on Haliplus ferruginous of Authors, being an attempt at its subdivision into several species. Entom. Soc. Trans. I., 1836, pp. 175-178. 9. Observations made during a visit to Connamara and Joyce's Country, Ireland, in- August 1835. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX.. 1836, pp. 119-130. 1O. Localities of several species of British Plants observed during the Summer of 1835. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 243-246. 11. Note on Malachius ruficollis, Pz., and M. bipunctatus, Bab. Entomol. Mag. IV., 1837, p. 365. 12. Note on Macroplea zosterae. Eiitomol. Mag. IV., 1837, p. 438. 13. Botanical Notes. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. I., 1837, pp. 136-141. 14. On sevei-al new or imperfectly under- stood British and European Plants. [1835.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1837, pp. 451-464. 15. On a new English species of Urtica. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 195-198. 16. On Habenaria bifolia and chlorantha. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 274-376. 17. On the botany of Erris, County Mayo, and a notice of several additions to the Flora Hibernica. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 119-124. 18. On the British species of the genus Cerastium, being an attempt to elucidate their distinctive characters. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 196-204. 19. The British Cerastia : a Supplement to a former Essay. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 317-319. 2O. A notice, with the results, of a Botanical Expedition to Guernsey and Jersey, in July and August 1837. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 397-399. 21. On the British Species of Lotus. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 260-266. 22. On the Botany of the Channel Islands. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1839, pp. 348- 350. 23. On Ranunculus aquatilis of SMITH. Babington, Charles Cardale. 24. On the Arc- tium lappa and bardana of Sir J. E. SMITH. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 253-255. 25. On Allium porrum and A. ampelo- prasum. Ann. Nat. Hist, IV., 1839, pp. 289- 291. 26. On Ulex. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1840, pp. 300-304. 27. On the Teucrium regium of SCHREBKR. Ann. Nat. Hist, V, 1840, pp. 375-377. 28. On the Flax-Dodder. Agric. Soc. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 63-64. 29. On a new British species of Colym- betes. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 53-54. 30. On Lychnis diurna and vespertina of SIBTHORP. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 56-57. 31. On the recent additions to the Flora of Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 328- 329. 32. Notes on Saxifraga umbrosa. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 47-48. 33. On the Cuscuta europsea. [1838.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp. 213-216. 34. On Cuscuta epilinum and halophyta. [1839.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp, 563-566. 35. Dytiscidae Darwinians. Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1841-43, pp. 1-17. 36. On the Saxifrages of the Robertsonia or London-Pride group, which are found in Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1842, pp. 321- 323 37. On Valerianella olitoria and V. gib- bosa. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 104-106. 38. On a new British species of Alche- milla. Ann. Nat. Hist, X., 1842, pp. 24-25. 39. On the characters of the British Violets. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 100-105. 4O. On the varieties of Dryas octopetala. Ann. Nat. Hist, X., 1842, pp. 181-183. 41. Report of the Committee for the Pre- Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 225-230. servation of Animal and Vegetable Substances. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842, pp. 40-41. 42. Description of a new species of Carex found near Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire. Ann. Nat, Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 168-169 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 3-4. 43. On Fumaria micrantha, Lag., and F. calycina, Bab. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, p. 258 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 11- 12. 44. On some species of Cuscuta. Ann. Nat. Hist, XIII., 1844, p. 249; XVI., 1-4; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 95-100, 199-202. 45. On a monstrosity of the Pistil in Pri- mula vulgaris. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, p. 464 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, p. 101. s BAB] 138 [BAB Sabingtcm, Charles Cardale, 46. On the differences between the Robertsonian Saxifrages of Ireland and those of the Pyrenees. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 465-466 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 113-114. 47. On some British species of CEnanthe. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 96-100 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. H., 1846, pp. 109-112. 48. Monograph of the British Atripliceas. [1840.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 1-17. 49. On the British species of Fumaria. [1840.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 31-38. 50. An attempt to ascertain the true Hy- pericum quadrangulum of LINNAEUS. [1841.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 83-88. 51. On the authority upon which several plants have been introduced into the " Catalogue of British Plants," published by the Botanical Society at Edinburgh. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 309-311. 52. Note on a supposed new British Cus- cuta. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 466-467. 53. On Statice rariflora. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 594-596. 54. On the correct nomenclature of the Lastrasa spinosa and L. multiflora of NEWMAN. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 322-326; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 189- 192. 55. Description of a new genus of Linese. [1841.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 33- 36. 56. On the Neottia gemmipara of SMITH. [1844.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 261-264. 57. A synopsis of the British Rubi. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. II., 1846, pp. 245-276 ; III., 1-7, 51-61 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 165-175, 235-248, 314-322 ; XIX., 17-19, 83- 87 ; II., 1848, pp. 32-43. 58. List of Plants gathered during a short visit to Iceland in 1846. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., ] 847, pp. 30-34 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 15-19. 59. On the British species of Plumba- ginacese. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1849, pp. 433- 443 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 217-227. 6O. On some recently-discovered British Plants. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 3-6. 61. Discovery of Bromus tectorum in Britain. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I, 1849, pp. 36-37. 62. On the Fumaria agraria, Lag. Hen- frey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 61-64. Babington, Charles Cardale. 63. On the Rubus nitidus of authors and some other species. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 119-122. - 64. On Saina ciliata. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 174-177. 65. New and amended descriptions of British Plumbaginaceae. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 205-208. 66. Note on Fumaria Vaillantii. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, L, 1849, pp. 225-226. 67. Note on Dr. PLANCHON'S paper on Ulex Gallii. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 291-292. 68. On the Rumex palustris of SMITH. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, I., 1849, pp. 296-298. 69. Description of a new genus of Lineae. Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, p. 90. 7O. On Spiranthes gemmipara. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 189-190. 71. On the British species of Chara. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 81-91 ; Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 31-42. 72. Remarks resulting from a perusal of Mr. WATSON'S " Cybele Britannica." Heufrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 8-10. 73. On Viola cauina and its allies. Hen- frey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 141-145. 74. Note on Viola stagnina. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 178-179. 75. On Sagina apetala and S. ciliata. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 236-239. 76. On Triticum laxum, Fries. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 262-263. 77. A notice of Potamogeton trichoides of CHAMISSO, as a native of Britain. Henfrey, Bot, Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 285-288. 78. Note on Hypericum dubium and H. maculatum. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 311-312. 79. On Anacharis alsinastrum, a supposed new British Plant ; with a synopsis of the species of Anacharis and Apalanthe. [1847.] Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. HI., 1850, pp. 27-34 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 81-88 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.\ 1849, pp. 66-82. 8O. On the Cerastium pumilum of CURTIS. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 1-2. 81. On the Pyrus aria of England. Hen- frey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 34-35. 82. Notice of a new British Viola. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 12-15 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 133-135. 83. On a supposed new species of Eleo- charis. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 19-21 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 147- 149. 84. Descriptions of Rubi. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX.,, 1852, pp. 123-128; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 137-142. BAB] 139 Babington, Charles Cardalc. 85. Remarks upon British Plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 265-273, 360-368, 427-433; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 161-185. 86. On Potamogeton flabellatus, Bab. Phytologist, IV., 1853, pp. 1158-1160. 87. On Linaria sepium of ALLMAN. Ann Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 408-411; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 20-22. 88. On Hypericum anglicum. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 92-95 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 42-44. 89. Note on Linaria sepium, Allman. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVL, 1855, pp. 449-450; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, p. 64. 90. On the Batrachian Ranunculi of Bri- tain. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, p. 113; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 65-84; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVL, 1855, pp. 385-404. 91. On some species of Epilobium. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1856, pp. 9-10 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 85-103 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 236-247, 311-319. 92. On the British species of Arctium. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1856, p. 23; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 104-112 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 369-377. 93. On the Epilobium ligulatum of BAKER. Phytologist, IL, 1857-58, pp. 367-369, 463- 464. 94. On Arctium. Ann. Nat. Hist. IL, 1858, pp. 351-353. 95. On the Cerastium pumilum of CURTIS. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 20-23. 96. Note concerning Statice Dodartii and S. occidentalis. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 402-404. 97. On the Fumaria capreolata of Britain. [1859.J Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.\ pp. 157-167. 98. Discovery of Isoetes Hystrix in Guern- sey. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1861 (Bot.\ pp. 188-189. 99. On the discovery of Carex ericetorum, Poll., as a native of Britain. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot.\ pp. 30-31. 1OO. On some British Cyperaceas recently discussed by Dr. CARRINGTON. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1863, pp. 458-460. 1O1. On British species of Isoetes. See- man, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 1-5. 102. On Gladiolus Illyricus, as a British plant. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 97-98. 103. On the arrangement of the British Salices. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 167- 172. 104. On Chara alopecuroides, Del., as a native of Britain. Seeman, Journ. Bot, L, 1863, pp. 193-196. [BAB Babington, Charles Cardale. 105. On the botany of South Pembrokeshire. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 258-270. 1O6. Viola arenaria, De Cand., as a Bri- tish Plant. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp 325-326. Babington, C. C., and J. H. Balfonr. Account of a Botanical excursion to Skye and the Outer Hebrides, during the month of August 1841. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 133- 144. 2. A Catalogue of the Plants ga- thered in the islands of North Uist, Harris, and Lewis, during a Botanical excursion in the month of August 1841. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 145-154. Babington, Churchill. Remarks on British Li- chens and Fungi, principally on species or varie- ties new to our Flora. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, p. 32. 2. Lichenes Arctici ; collected in 1848, by Mr. SEEMAN, of the Expedition of Capt. KELLET, in H.M.S. " Herald," in search after Sir J. FRANKLIN. Hooker's Journ. Botany, III., 1851, pp. 248-250. 3. Lichenes Himalayenses ; being an enumeration of the Lichens collected in the Himalaya mountains by Capt. R. STRACHEY and J. E. WINTERBOTTOM, Esq., during the years 1847 and 1848. Hooker's Journ. Botany, IV., 1852, pp. 243-252. 4. Notice of the Lichens collected by Dr. SUTHERLAND, during the Arctic voyage of Capt. PENNY, in the "Lady Franklin " Hooker's Journ. Botany, IV., 1852, pp. 276-278. Babington, Stephen. On the Island of Salsette. [1816.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1821, pp. 1-3. Babington, William. A case of exposure to the vapour of burning Charcoal. [1807.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. I., 1809, pp. 83-98. Babo, von. Skizze der Geschichte der Obst- cultur nach Dr. SICKLER, mit eigenen Bemerkun- gen. Mannheim, Jahresb. Ver. Naturk. XIV., 1847. Babo, Clement Heinrich Lambert von. Ueber Zersetzungsprodukte des Cinchonin und seiner Salze durch die Bunsen'schen Kette. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1850, pp. 113-114. 2. Mittheilungen aus dem ' chemischeu Laboratorium zu Freiburg. Liebig, Annal. LXXXH., 1852, pp. 301-311. 3. Ueber die Darstellung des Furfurols. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp*. 100-102. ~ 4. Ueber die Absorption des Wasser- dampfes durch die Ackererde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 273-277 ; Frei- burg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 409-414. s2 BAB] 140 [BAG Babo, Clement Ilcinrich Lambert von. 5. Ueber einige Zersetzuugsprodukte des Cinchonins. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 73-88; Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 373- 391. 6. Ueber das Aldehydammoniak. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 88-100; Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 391-405. 7. Ueber die Spannkraft des iiber Salzlo- sungen befindlichen Wa-sserdampfes. [1853.] Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 18-20. 8. Photographische Versuche. [1855.] Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 499-507 ; Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 88-96. 9. Beschreibung eines Apparates zur Ent- wickelung einiger Gasarten, namentlich des Schwefehvasserstoffs. [1855.] Freiburg, Be- richte, I., 1858, pp. 106-110. 1O. Ueber Filtration unter Abschluss der Luft. [1855.] Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 110-112. 11. Klemtnhahn und Glaspincette. Ana- lyse eines Meteorsteins. Ueber Darstelluug von Sauerstoffgas. Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 254-258. 12. Ueber die Spannkraft des sich aus Salzlbsungen entwickelnden Wasserdampfes. [1857.] Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 277- 308. 13. Ueber die Anwendung des Gases bei der Elementaranalyse. [1857.] Freiburg, Be- richte, L, 1858, pp. 365-371. 14. Retorten- und Rb'hrenhalter. [1857.] Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 405-407. 15. Ueber das Verbal ten der Harnsaure zu der Fehlingschen Kupferlbsung. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, L, 1858, pp. 320-330. 16. Sur FIrisine et ses congeneres. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 77-78. 17. Ueber stereoskopische Darstellung mikroskopischer Gegenstiinde. [I860.] Frei- burg, Berichte, II., 1862, pp. 312-314. 18. Gasentbindungsapparat. [I860.] Freiburg, Berichte, IL, 1862, pp. 329-331. 19. Apparat zur Darstellung von Ozon. [I860.] Freiburg, Berichte, IL, 1862, pp. 331- 334. 2O. Versuch einer Charakteristik der in Deutschlands vorziiglicheren Flussgebieten erzo- genen Weine. Beitrag zur Geographic des Weinstocks. Petennann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 321-329. 21. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Ozons. Liebig, Annal. IL, Supp. 1863, pp. 266-296. Babo, C. H. L. von, und A. Glaus. Ueber das Volum des Ozons. Liebig, Annal. IL, Supp. 1863, pp. 297-305. Babo, C. H. L. con, und R. Fresenius. Ueber ein neues, unter alien Umstanden sicheres Ver- fahren zur Ausmittelung und quantitativen Bes- timmung des Arsons bei Vergiftungsf'itllen. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 287-313. Babo, C. H. L. von, und Hirschbrunn. Ueber das Sinapin. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 10-32 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 283-289; Journ. de Pharjn. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 394-397. Babo, C. H. L. von, und C. Keller. Ueber die Piperinsiiure, ein Zersetzungsprodukt des Piperins. [1856.] Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 53-72 ; Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 231-254. Babo, C. H. L. von, und J. Miiller. Die Fluo- rescenz erregende Eigenschaft der Flamme des Schwefelkohlenstoffs. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 508-510; Freiburg, Berichte, L, 1858, pp. 99-101. Babow, von. Zweifel, Fragen und verschie- dene Meinungen : iiber die Behandlung des Weins, welche nach chemischen Grundsiitzen zu berichtigen sind. Hermbstiidt, Museum, V., 1815, pp. 245-265. Babiichin, . Beitrage zur Entwickelungs- geschichte des Auges, besonders der Retina. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr. IV., 1863, pp. 71- 90. Bacaloglo, E. Ueber die Kriimmung der Fla- chen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 312-314. 2. Nachschrift die Analyse des Leucht- gases betreffend. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 69-71. 3. Ueber einige Salze der Oxaminsaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXL, 1860, pp. 379-382. 4. Eine Notiz iiber Wendelinien. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 40-41. 5. Ueber Fusspunktcurven und Fuss- punktfliichen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., I860, pp. 41-57. 6. Einiges iiber sphiirische Curven. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 57-69. 7. Ueber das bestimmte Integral (a dx. Grunert, Archiv, r., 1860, pp. 70-72. 8. Ueber die Maxima des gebeugten sin x Lichtes und Functionen der form - Pog- x ' gend. Annal. CX., 1860, pp. 477-494. 9. Ueber die Richtungsiinderung der Verticale. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 59-63. BAG] 141 Bacaloglo, E. 1O. Einige neue Siitze iiber Fusspunktnachen. Scblomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 67-69. - 11. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Mineral- siiuren auf die Loslichkeit der arsenigeu Siiure in Wasser. Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIII., 1861, pp. 111-117. - 12. Theoretische Erliiuterungen zu den homologen Keiben. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. LXXXIII., 1861, pp. 494-499. 13. Ueber reciproke Linien und Fliichen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVI., 1861, pp. 1-12. 14. Die Maxima der Function Grunert, Archiv, XXXVI., 1861, pp. 12-17. 15. Ueber die von Hrn. ZOLLNER beschrie- bene Pseudoskopie. Posrgend. Annal. CXI1L, 1861, pp. 333-336. 16. [Ueber den sphlirischen Excess.] Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862. pp. 237-241; Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 94-96. 17. Neue Bestimmungsweise des durch Kleine Oeffnungen gebeugten Lichtes. [1861.] Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 426-440. 18. La diffraction de la lumiere. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 273-292. 19. Note relative aux lignes et surfaces reciproques. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 293- 302, Eaccelli, Liberate. Nnove esperienze sullo strignimento e distendirnenlo de' Fluidi aeri- formi per virtu di aumentata, e diminuita pres- sione atmosferica. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1812, pp. .3-36. 2. Risultati dell' esperienze intorno all' azione dei Fili di metallo Elettrici sugli aghi calami tati e non calamitati. Bibl. Ital. XXIII., 1821, pp. 76-86. 3. Sopra una macchina di diffrazione. [1844.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIII., 1846, pp. 256-267. Bacchelli, Domenico. Delle due principal! ma- lattie del Riso, il Cardo ed il Secchereccio. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. IV., 1823, pp. 244- 250. Bacchetti, 0. Sulla scorza di Malambo. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XIV., 1852, pp. 179-182. 2. Effetti di alcuni alcaloidi artificial! sull' organismo animale. Nuovo Cimento, II. , 1855, pp. 76-79. 3. Effetti dell' essenza di Mirbane (nitro- benzina) e della Benzina sull' economia animale. Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 414-418. Bach, . Sur la pile hexagonale. Nouv. Ann. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 196-198. 2. Sur le Calcul des Sinus. Nouv. Ann. Bach, [BAG 3. Des passages de Mercure sur le Soleil, et en particulier du passage de 1861. Strasb. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. V., 1862. Bach et Stoffel. De 1'integrabilite des fonctions differentielles d'un ordre superieur au premier. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 49-61. Bach, Mauricio. Reise des Herrn Jose LEOX DE OLIDEN auf dem Flusse Paraguay bis zur Lestung Borbon (Olimpo), zur Auffindung der Miindung des Otuquis, und Untersuchnng der ostlichen Ufer des Paraguay, welche der Re- publik Bolivia zugehoren; August 1836-Feb- ruar 1837. Lttdde, Zeits. f. Erdk. III., 1844, pp. 97-115. Bach, Michael. Einige Notizen iiber Iberis divaricata, Tausch., und deren Standort bei Boppard am Rhein. Flora, XXII., 1839, pp. 417-427. 2. Bemerkungen iiber einige der selteneren Pflanzen des Mittelrheines. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 715-720, 731-736. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Trypeta sig- nata, Mcig. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. III., 1842, pp. 263-264. 4. Systematisches Verzeichniss der bis jctzt bei Boppard, Trier und einigen anderen Orten der preussischen Rheinlande aufgefun- denen Mollusken. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. I., 1844, pp. 13-16. 5. Helicophanta brevipes, Drap. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Vcrh. I., 1844, pp. 49-50. 6. Beobachtungen liber die verschiedenen Abanderungen der Helix nemoralis und Helix hortensis, L, Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. I., 1844,pp. 70-80. 7. Ueber die Flugperiode der Maikiifer und Beschreibung einer neuen Species, Melo- lontha rhenana, Bach. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. IL, 1845, pp. 17-19. 8. Entomolo^ische Kleinigkeiten. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. III., 1846, pp. 75-79 ; V., 1849, pp. 161-167; VIIL, 1851, pp. 43-51. 9. Die Arten der Gattung Harpalus, soweit sie in Nord- und Mittel- Deutschland vor- kommen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1848, pp. 49-57. 1O. Die Arten der Gattung Apion, welche Math. XII., 1853, pp. 108-111. in Nord- und Mittel- Deutschland vorkommen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1849, pp. 349- 380. 11. Bostrichus Kaltenbachii, eine neue Art. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. X., 1849, pp. 199-200 ; XL, 18-19. 12. Bemerkungen iiber Bostrichus bispi- nus, Dft., und Leemophlocus clematidis, Er. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. X., 1849, p. 200. 13. Conchyliologische Bemerkungen. Bonn Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1850, pp. 217-221. AC] 142 [BAG Bach, Michael. 14. Rhizotrogus foveolatus, eine ueue Art. Stettin, Entom. Zeitscbr. XI., 1850, pp. 16-18. 15. Entwickelungs-Geschichte vonCassida austriaca, Hbr. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. XII., 1851, pp. 158-159. 16. Ueber Ameisen und ihre Gaste. Stet- tin, Entom. Zeitschr. XII., 1851, pp. 303-304. 17. Erster Bericht iiber die wissenschaft- lichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Entomologie. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westpli. Verb. 1852. pp. 568- 572. 18. Bemerkungen iiber einige Riisselkii- fer. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. XV., 1854, pp. 321-322. 19. Beschreibung einer neuen Art, Rhyn- colus pilosus. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. XV., 1854, pp. 361-362. 20. Nachtriige und Verbesserungen zur Kaferfauna von Nord- und Mitteldeutschland. Stettin, Entom. Zeitschr. XVII., 1856, pp. 241- 247. 21. Ueber den Entwickelungsgang der Meloe-Larven. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Corresp. XX., 1863, pp. 111-113. Bach, M., und C. Wagoner. Systematisches Verzeichniss der Tagfalter, Schwarmer, und Spinner, welche in der Umgegend von Boppard vorkommen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Ver- handl. 1844, pp. 57-61. Bache, Alexander Dallas. On the Specific Heat of the atoms of bodies. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VI., 1829, pp. 141-144. 2. On the inflammation of Phosphorus in a partial Vacuum. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 372-374 ; Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1052- 1054 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXIII. ( = Jahrb. III.), 1831, pp. 487-488. 3. Safety apparatus for Steam-Boats, being a combination of the fusible metal disk, with the common safety valve. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 317-322. 4. An essay on chemical nomenclature, prefixed to the Treatise on Chemistry by J. J. BERZELIUS, with notes by A. D. B. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 248-276. 5. Note of the effect upon the Magnetic Needle of the Aurora Borealis. visible at Phila- delphia, on the 17th of May 1833. Franklin Inst. Journ. XII., 1833, pp. 5-9. 6. Experiments made on the navigation of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal by steam. Franklin Inst. Journ. XII., 1833, pp. 361-373. 7. Report of a Committee of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society on Astronomical Observations ; containing Observations made in different parts of the United States on the Solar Eclipse of February 12th, 1831. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1834, pp. 125-140. Bache, Alexander Dallas. 8. Observations on the disturbance in the direction of the Hori- zontal Needle. 1. During the Aurora Borealis, visible at Philadelphia on the 17th of May 1833 ; 2. During that of July 10, 1833. Silli- man, Journ. XXVII., 1835, pp. 113-126; Franklin Inst. Journ. XHL, 1834, pp. 1-9. 9. Experimental illustrations of the ra- diating and absorbing powers of surfaces of heat, of the effects of transparent screens, of the conducting power of solids, &c. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1835, pp. 303-309; Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 320-331. 1O. Experiments on the efficacy of PER- KINS'S Steam Boilers or Circulators. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1835, pp. 379-386. 11. Replies to a Circular in relation to the occurrence of an unusual meteoric display on the 13th Nov. 1834, with other facts relating to the same question. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1835,pp. 335-338 ; XXVIII., 305-309 ; Frank- lin Inst. Journ. XVI., 1835, pp. 149-153, 289- 301, 369-372. 12. On the variation of the magnetic needle. Silliman, Journ. XXVH., 1835, pp. 385- 386. 13. On the comparative corrosion of Iron, Copper, Zinc, &c., by a saturated solution of common salt. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVI., 1836, pp. 2-3. 14. Historical note on the discovery of the non-conducting power of Ice. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVII., 1836, pp. 182-184. 15. Proposed forms of diagrams for ex- hibiting to the eye the results of a register of the direction of the wind. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVIII., 1836, pp. 22-27. 16. Observations of the Solar Eclipse of May 15th, 1836. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVIH., 1836, p. 100. 17. Remarks on a method proposed by Dr. THOMSON for determining the proportions of Potassa and Soda in a mixture of the two Alkalies, with the application of a similar inves- tigation to a different method of analysis. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVII., 1836, pp. 305-309. 18. Observations upon the facts recently presented by Prof. OLMSTED, in relation to the meteors seen on the 13th of Nov. 1834. Silli- man, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 383-388 ; Frank- lin Inst. Journ. XVII., 1836, pp. 33-36. 19. Inquiry in relation to the alleged influence of Colour on the radiation of non- luminous Heat. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 16-28 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXI.,1836, pp. 249-263 ; Bibl. Univ. VII., 1837, pp. 168- 171 ; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 201-204 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, col. 241- 248, 261-266. BAG] 143 [BAC Bache, Alexander Dallas. 20. On the diurnal Variation of the horizontal Needle. [1832.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 1-22. 21. Observations to determine the mag- netic dip at Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, West Point, Providence, Spring Field, and Albany. [1834.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 209-216. 22. Collection of observations on the Solar Eclipse of November 30th, 1834, made at Philadelphia, Haverford, West Hills, Baltimore, the University of Virginia, Norfolk, Cincinnati, and Nashville. [1835.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 233-248. 23. Notes and diagrams, illustrative of the Directions of the Forces acting at and near the surface of the earth, in different parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19th, 1835. [1836] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 407- 420; Franklin Inst. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 270- 280. 24. On the relative horizontal intensities of Terrestrial Magnetism at several places in the United States, with the investigation of correc- tions for temperature, and comparisons of the Methods of Oscillation in full and rarefied air. [1836.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 427-457. 25. Note on the eifect of deflected currents of air on the quantity of Eain collected by a Rain-gauge. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 25-27 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 287- 288. 26. Observations of the Magnetic Inten- sity at twenty-one stations in Europe. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 75- 100. 27. On the relative magnetic intensity in Philadelphia, Dublin, and Edinburgh. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 71-72. 28. Results of two years' observations of the magnetic elements, and of the temperature, pressure, and moisture of the atmosphere, at the Magnetic Observatory at the Girard College. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 90-92. 29. Observations made at Philadelphia and Toronto during the magnetic disturbance of May 6, 1843. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 175-179. 3O. Comparison of the results obtained in Geodesy by the application of the theory of least squares. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1 849, pp. 102- 105. 31. On the progress of the survey of the coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 162-178. 32. Description of new telegraphic ope- rations for surveying purposes. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1839, col. 273-278. Bache, Alexander Dallas. 33. [Results of the telegraphic operations of the U.S. Coast Survey, made on the 23rd January last, between Wash- ington, Philadelphia, New York, and Cambridge, Mass., by Mr. S. C. WALKER.] Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 53-58; Silliman, Journ. VIIL, 1849, pp. 142-145. 34. On a new method of observing tran- sits. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 123-126. 35. Sur 1'application du telegraphe elec- trique a 1'astronomie. Bruxelles, Bull. Acad. Sci. XVI., 1849, pp. 313-316. 36. Notes on the results of observations of the direction and force of the wind at the coast survey stations, at Mobile Point, and at Cat Island, Gulf of Mexico. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 50-53. 37. Method used in the coast survey of showing the results of current observations. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 70-71. 38. Notes of a discussion of Tidal observa- tions made at Cat Island, in the Gulf of Mexico. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 281-293 ; 1851, pp. 94-109 ; Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 341-352; XIV., 346-358. 39. Notes on the tides at Sand Key, near Key West, Florida. Amer. Assoc, Proc. 1851, pp. 138-142. 4O. Notes on the use of the Zenith tele- scope in determining latitudes in the coast sur- vey, by TALCOTT'S method, and on the reduction of the observations. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 151-169 ; Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 191-204. 41. [Moon-culminations observed at Sand Key, Florida, in July and August 1849.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 62-64. 42. [Preliminary observations for latitude made at six localities on the Western Coast.] Gould, Astron. Joum. II., 1852, p. 180. 43. On the tides at Key West, Florida. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 32-42 ; Silliman, Journ. XVIIL, 1854, pp. 305-314. 44. On the tides on the western coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 42-51. 45. Preliminary determination of Co- Tidal Lines on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 107-116 ; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 14-28. 46. Comparison of the diurnal inequality of the tides at San Diego, San Francisco, and Astoria, on the Pacific coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 116-120; Silli- man, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 10-14. BAG] 144 [BAG Bache, Alexander Dallas. 47. On the distri- bution of temperature in and near the Gulf Stream, off the coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 134-143 ; Silliman. Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 29-37. 48. Approximate co-tidal lines of the Pa- cific coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 144-151 ; 1856,;^. 1, pp. 153- 156. 49. Discussion of observations for the Isodynamic, Isogonic, and Isoclinal Curves of Terrestrial Magnetism on and near the line of the Boundary Survey between the United States and Mexico, made in 1849, 1850, 1851, and 1852, under the order of W. H. EMORY, and combined with observations at San Francisco (California), and Dollar Point (East Base), and Jupiter (Texas). Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. V., 1855, pp. 372-378. 5O. Notes on the progress made in the coast survey, in prediction tables for the tides of the United States coast. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pt. 1, pp. 166-170 ; Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 70-72; Silliman, Journ. XXIII.. 1857, pp. 12-15. 51. On the general distribution of terres- trial magnetism in the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pt. 1, pp. 187-212. 52. The Annual Address ; being a Paper upon the Gulf Stream. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Bull. II., 1856, pp. 94-1 17. 53. On the Tides of the western coast of the United States. Tides of San Francisco Bay, California. Silliman. Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 1-10. 54. Notice of Earthquake Waves on the western coast of the United States, on the 23rd and 25th of December 1854. Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 37-43. 55. Notice of the Tidal observations made on the coast of the United States, on the Gulf of Mexico, with type curves at the several sta- tions, and their decomposition into the curves of diurnal and semi-diurnal tides. Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1856, p. 28. 56. Notes on the measurement of the base for the primary triangulation of the eastern sec- tion of the coast of the United States, on Epping plains, Maine. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857, pt. 1, pp. 160-166 ; Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 74-75 ; Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 58-62. 57. On a supposed personal equation in the use of the Zenith telescope for determining lati- tudes by TALCOTT'S method. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 14-17 ; Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 343-345. 58. Occultations of the Pleiades, 1857, March 1. Gould. Astron. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 91-92 ; VI., 1861, pp. 57-63. Bache, Alexander Dallas. 59. On the Tidal Currents of New York Bay near Sandy Hook. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 334-342. 60. Lecture on the Gulf Stream. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. xlix-lxxii. ; Silliman. Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 313-329. 61. General account of the results of the discussion of the declinometer observations made at Girard College, Philadelphia, between the years 1840 to 1845, with special reference to the eleven years period. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 248-257. 62. Gulf Stream explorations: 3rd Me- moir. Distribution of temperature in the water of the Florida Channel and Straits. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 257-264 ; Silliinan, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 199-205. 63. On the heights of the tides of the At- lantic coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857, /tf. 1, pp. 175-183 ; Canadian Journ, III., 1858, pp. 73-74 ; Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 47-52. 64. On the winds of the western coast of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857, pt. 1, pp. 183-190 ; Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 72-73; Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 52-57. 65. Approximate Co-tidal lines of diurnal and semi-diurnal Tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 1-12; Canadian Journ. II.. 1857, pp. 68-70. 66. Observations to determine the cause of the increase of Sandy Hook. Silliman, Joum. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 16-17; Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 67-68. 67. Notice of observations to determine the progress of the Tidal Wave of the Hudson River. Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, p. 17. 68. On the tidal currents of New York Bay, near Sandy Hook. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1858, pp. 80-92. 69. Discussion of the magnetic and me- teorological observations made at the Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841 . 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part I. Investi- gation of the eleven year period in the Ampli- tude of the Solar Diurnal Variation, and of tile- disturbances of the magnetic declination. Smith- sonian Contrib. XL, 1859. 70. General account of the results of Part . II. of the discussion of the Declinometer obser- vations made at the Girard College, Philadel- phia, between 1840 and 1845. Amer. Assoc. Proc., 1860, pp. 74-83 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIX., I860. pp. 36-43 ; XXXL, 197-205. BAG] 145 Bache, Alexander Dallas. 71. Abstract of a discussion of the influence of the Moon on the declination of the Magnetic Needle from the observations made at the Girard College, Phila- delphia, between the years 1840 and 1845. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 83-89; Silliman, Journ. XXXL, 1861, pp. 98-103. 72. Solar eclipse of 1860, July 18, ob- served at Gunstock Mountain. Gould, Astron. Journ. VL, 1861, pp. 151-152. 73. Abstract of a discussion of the hori- zontal component of the Magnetic Force from observations made at the Girard Observatory, in 1840-45. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 261-272. 74. Abstract of an investigation of the Solar Diurnal Variation, and of the annual inequality of the horizontal component of the Magnetic Force. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 373-380. 75. Abstract of results of a Magnetic Bachelier, Survey of Pennsylvania and parts of adjacent States in 1840 and 1841, with some additional results of 1843-1862. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1863, pp. 359-375. Bache, A. D., and B. A. Gould. On the velocity of the Galvanic Current in telegraph wires. Silliman, Journ. XI., 1851, pp. 67-82, 153- 164. Bache, A. D., and J. E. Hilgard. On the general distribution of Terrestrial Magnetism in the United States. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 1-20. Bache, A. D., and Charles A. Schott. Notice of the determination of the Longitude of Fer- nandina, Amelia Island, Florida, by means of chronometer exchanges from Savannah, Geor- gia. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1857. pt. \, pp. 166- 175 ; Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 71-73. Bache, Franklin. Note on the nomenclature of Salts. Amer. Journ. Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 213-216. 2. On some points of chemical theory, on the Ammonia and Ammonium bases, and on the National Pharmacopoeia. Amer. Journ. Pharm. XXXII., 1860, pp. 385-397. Bache, L. Kort Udsigt over Deskriptivgeo- metriens Historic. Mathem. Tidssk. II., 1860, pp. 88-93, 129-139. 2. Nogle Egenskaber ved de plane Kegles- nit, udledte ven ren Geometri. Mathem. Tidssk III., 1861, pp. 25-29. Bache, R. M. The physiology of Sea-sick- ness. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 17- 27. Bachelet, F. J., e C. Proussart. Causa della rabbia, e mezzo per preservare 1' umanitu. Giorn. Arcad. II., 1857, pp. 19-43. [BAG Sur le terrain des environs de St. Scolasse-sur-Sarthe (Orne). Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. VIL, 1849-50, pp. 749-753. 2. Surl'epoquedusoulevement des Terrains Jurassiques dans Test et dans 1'ouest de la France. France, Congres Scientific ue, XIX, 1852, pp. 326-327. Bachhoffher, G. H. On the Electro-magnetic Machine. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 207-213. 2. On the Fracture of Leyden Jars. Walker, Electr. Mag. L, 1845, pp. 281-283. Bachlechner, Gregor. Verzeichniss der phane- rogamen Pflanzen, welche in der Gegend von Brixen Avild wachsen, mit Angabe der Fundorte und der Bliithenzeit, um den Studierenden das Auffinden derselben zu erleichtern. Brixen, Programm, II., 1859. Bachman, John, Remarks in defence of the Author of the " Birds of America." [1834.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. I.. 1834-37, pp. 15- 31. 2. Some remarks on the genus Sorex, with a monograph of the North American species. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci.-VIL, 1834-37, pp. 362-402. 3. Observations on the different species of hares (genus Lepus) inhabiting the U. S. and Canada. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIL, 1834-37, pp. 282-361. 4. Description of a new species of hare found in South Carolina. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIL, 1834-37, pp. 194-199. 5. On the migration of the birds of North America. Silliman. Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 81-100 ; Bibl. Univ. VIL, 1837, pp. 204-208. 6. Monograph of the species of squirrels inhabiting North America. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. VL, 1838, pp. 85-130 ; Oken, Isis, 1845, col. 376-379. 7. Monograph of the Genus Sciurus, with Descriptions of new Species and their Varieties, as existing in North America. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 113-123, 154-162, 220-227, 330-337, 378-390 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 290-310. 8. Observations on the Changes of Colour in Birds and Quadrupeds. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VL, 1839, pp. 197-240. 9. Desci'iption of several new species of American quadrupeds. [1838.] Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 57-74. 1O. Additional remarks on the genus Lepus. with corrections of a former paper, and descriptions of other species of quadrupeds found in North America. Philad. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. VIIL, 1839-42, pp. 75-105. T BAC] 146 [BAC Bachman, John. 11. Observations of the genus Scalops with descriptions of the species found in North America. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 40-41 ; Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 26-34. 12. Notes on the generation of the Vir- ginian Opossum (Didelphis Virginiana). Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 40-42, 42-46 ; Wiegmann, Arcblv, XVIL, 1851, pp. 161-174. 13. An investigation of the cases of Hy- bridity in Animals on record, considered in reference to the unity of the Human species. Charleston Med. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 168-197. 14. A reply to the letter of Samuel George MORTON, M.D., on the question of Hybridity in Animals, considered in reference to the unity of the Human species. Charleston Med. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 466-508. 15. Second letter to Samuel G. MORTON on the question of Hybridity in Animals, considered in reference to the unity of the Human species. Charleston Med. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 621- 660. 16. Additional observations on Hybridity in Animals, and some collateral subjects. Charles- ton Med. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 383-396. . 17. Types of Mankind. An examination of a few of the statements of Prof. AGASSIZ, in his " Sketch of the natural provinces of the animal world, and their relation to the different types of men." Charleston Med. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 627-659, 790-806. 18. An examination of Prof. AGASSIZ'S Sketch of the natural provinces of the animal world, and their relation to the different types of man. Charleston Med. Journ. X., 1855, pp. 482-534. 19. An examination of the characteristics of genera and species as applicable to the doc- trine of the unity of the Human race. Charles- ton Med. Journ. X., 1855, pp. 201-222. Bachman, John, and John, James Audubon. Descriptions of new species of quadrupeds inha- biting North America. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. VIII., 1839-42, pp. 280-223; Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. I,, 1841-43, pp. 92-10. 2. Description of a New North American Fox, genus Vulpes, Cuv. [V. Utah.] Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 114-116. Bachmaxm, . Drei Falle von Arsenik-Ver- giftung. Erlangen, Abhandl. II., 1812, pp. 73- 120. Bachmann, . Einige Notizen iiber Zucker- bereitung aus Starkmehl. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 304-308. Bachmann, Carl Friedrich. Von der Ver- wandtschaft der Physik und der Psychologic. [1820.] Utrecht, Nieuwe Verhandl. L, 1822. Bachmann, Isidor. Ueber die Juraformation im Kanton Glarus. Bern, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 143-170. 2. Ueber petrefactenreiche exotische Jura- blocke im Flysch des Sihlthals und Toggen- burgs. Zurich, Vierteljahrs. VIII., 1863, pp. 1-34. Bachmann, Joseph. Ueber den unterphosphor- igsauren Kalk und dessen Zersetzung. Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. III., 1827, pp. 24-27. 2. Untersuchung des Mineralwassers im Waidritzer Thale bei Pressburg (sogenannten Eisenbrunnen). Baumgartner, Zeitschr. III., 1827, pp. 280-284. 3. Ueber das Mangan. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. VI., 1829, pp. 172-199; I., 1832, pp. 262-275. 4. Einige Versuche iiber Mangan und Man- ganoxyde. Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (Jahrb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 74-96. Bachmann, W. L. Darstellung der Versuche des Apothekers ROBIQUET iiber die Canthariden. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 198-211. Bachy, Ch. Sur la ceruse et le blanc de zinc. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1849, pp. 10-23. 2. Note retrospective sur la culture du Polygonum tinctorium et 1'extraction de son indigo. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1854, pp. 360- 365. Back, George. Account of the route to be pur- sued by the Arctic Land Expedition in search of Captain Ross. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 64-71. 2. An account of the route and appearances of the country through which the Arctic Land Expedition passed, from Great Slave Lake to the Polar Sea. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 1-10. 3. A brief narrative of the recent voyage of H.M.S. Terror. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 457-459. 4. On the north-eastern shore of Southamp- ton Island. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 460-466. Backer, Gerard. Commentatio ad qua3stionem physiologicam : " Succincte enarrentur praBcipua recentiorumexperimentaclar. BELL, MAGENDIE, ESCHRICHT, SCHOPS et BELLINGERI, de actione nervi olfactorii, trigemini, facialis, nee non de utriusque radicis nervorum spinalium officio, ut denique e disputatis concludatur, quamam pro- babiliter sit actio horum nervorum." Utrecht, Ann. Acad. 1828-29. Backhaus, . Recherches sur la Mannite. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., I860, pp. 313-314. Backhouse, Edward. Notice of the annual appearance on the Durham coast of some of the Lestris tribe. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), p. 108. BAG] 147 [BAD Backhouse, James, jun. Three Weeks' Ramble among the Clova and Braemar Mountains, in the Summer of 1850. Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 43-50. 2. Notes on a few species of Hieracium. Henfrey, Bot, Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 133-134. 3. Note on Aconitum Napellus. Phytolo- gist, L, 1855-56, pp. 424-426. 4. Scarce Alpine .Plants met with among the Breadalbane Mountains. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 303-305. 5. A monograph of the British Hieracia. Fries, Botan. Notiser, 1857, pp. 94-100. 6. Remarks on some species of British Hieracia. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 163- 165. Backhouse, W. Additions to Mr. HOGG'S Cata- logue of birds observed in south-eastern Durham aud north-western Cleveland, with some obser- vations thereon. Newman, Zoologist, IV., 1846, pp. 1261-1263. Separation de la Chaux d'avec la Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Backs, Magnesie. 311-312. Backs, //. Wassers der Nordsee. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 185-186. Bacmeister, . Beobachtungen liber die Wirkungen des thierischen Magnetismus. Han- noversche Annalen, IV., 1844, pp. 27-46. Bacmeister, H. Investigation of the proper profile of the top beam of a Crane with move- able carriage. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIX., 1850, pp. 344-347. Bacon, . Microscopic examination of Gun Cotton. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 444- 445. Bacon, Francis. Cape Palmas and the Mena, or Kroomen. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 196-206. Bacon, John. Observations on the oil con- tained in the Crustaceans found in the Cochi- tuate Water. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 178-181. 2. On Cocoa-nut pearl. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 290-293. 3. Note concerning the Cocoa-nut pearl. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VHL, 1861-62, pp. 173-174. 4. Siliceous urinary Calculi. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VIII., 1861-62, pp. 206- 208. Bacon, John, jun. Polythalamia in sand from the Sahara Desert. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 402-404. 2. Observations on the Dumb-Bell Urinary deposit. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXI., 1851, pp. 297-306. Bacon, John, jun. 3. Crystals of Hrcmatoidin in the bloody fluid from a Tumour. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIV., 1852, p. 380. Bacon, Louis. Notice d'une analyse du the de James (Ledum latifolium, L.). Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 558-560. 2. Dissertation sur 1'Hydro-Sulfate sulfure d'Ammoniaque. Caen, Mem. Acad. Sci. 1825, pp. 101-109. Bacounin, Alex. de. Memoire sur les Gordius d'eau douce des environs de Turin. Turin, Mem. Acad. IV., 1788-89, pp. 23-42. Bacstrom, S. Account of a Voyage to Spits- bergen in the year 1780. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 139-152. Badams, J. On a scarlet Sub-chromate of lead, and its application to printing and Calico Print- ing. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 303- 306 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 347- 348 ; Poggend. Annal. III., 1825, pp. 221-224. Badano, . Memoria sull' eliminazione. Geneva, Mem. Accad. IH., 1814, pp. 125-145. Badaro, G. B. Osservazioni intorno all' impor- tanza di alcune parti del fiore per il classificatore botanico. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 147-148. 2. Osservazioni sopra diverse piante della Liguria occidentale e della Sardegna. Brugna- telli, Giornale, VII., 1824, pp. 363-370. Baddeley, (Lieut.} Geology of a portion of the Labrador Coast. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 71-79. 2. On the geognosy of a part of the Saguenay country. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. L, 1829, pp. 79-166. 3. Additional notes on the geognosy of St. Paul's bay. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. II., 1831, pp. 76-94. 4. An essay on the localities of metallic minerals in the Canadas, with some notices of their geological associations and situation, &c. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. H., 1831, pp. 332-426. 5. On the Magdalen Islands. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. III., 1837, pp. 128-190. 6. Mineralogical examination of the sul- phate of strontian, from Kingston (U. C.) ; with miscellaneous notices of the geology of the vicinity. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 104-109. 7. On the red color of flame as produced by strontian and as characteristic of minerals of that genus. Silliman, Journ. XVIH., 1830, pp. 261-263. 8. A new instrument for taking specific gravities. Silliman, Journ. XVHL, 1830, pp. 263-266. Baddeley, F. H. A geological sketch of the most south-eastern portion of Lower Canada. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. IH., 1837, pp. 271-281. T 2 BAD] 148 [BAE Baddeiey, P. On the Dust Storms of India. Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 390-394. 2. On Dust Whirlwinds and Cyclones. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXI., 1852, pp. 140-147, 264-269, 333-336. 3. Account of a newly discovered Muscle in the Eye, and of the manner in which the canal of Petit is formed. India, Journ. Med. Sci. I, 1836, pp. 554-556. 4. An inquiry into the functions and con- nection of the external layer of the Retina, or Membrana Jacobi. India, Journ. Med. Sci. I., 1836, pp. 502-504. Baddeiey, W. ff. C. On some Diatomaceae that are found in Noctiluca miliaris, and the best means of obtaining them. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VI., 1858, pp. 79-80. Baddeiey, W. W. 1. On the conjectured buoy- ancy of boulders at great depths in the Ocean. 2. Discovery of gold in Lower Canada. 3. Water Lime made from the rock of Quebec. Sillimim, Jouvn. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 111-114. Badeigts-Laborde, . Sur les brais et gou- drons de France. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XIV, 1815, pp. 141-148. Badeley, . On the effect of Nitrate of Silver on the Complexion. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 234-239. Badger, . Method of observing at sea for the determination of the Latitude, Longitude, and Variation of the compass. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1854, pp. 76-83. Badollier, . Nouvelle maniere de preparer 1'acide acetique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1800, pp. 111-112. Badollier, . Procede pour extraire la quinine des quinquinas. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 273-275. Badon Ghijben, J. Oplossing van een stelkun- stig problema, betrekking hebbende tot het vinden van den grootsten last, die door eenige steunpunten kan gedragen worden. Amsterd. Verh. Akad. VIL, 1859. Baduel, . Lettre sur le precede de Mr. JESSOP pour faire sauter les mines. Bibl. Britannique, XXIX., 1805, pp. 271-274; Gil- bert, Annalen, XXII., 1806, pp. 230-232. Baecker, . Nature des sables des dunes. France, Ann. Inst. des Provinces, 1862, pp. 280- 289. Baedeker, F. W. Fuligula Homeyeri. Nauman- nia, 1852, pp. 12-15. 2. Ornithologisches von der Wolga. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 366-370. 3. Abbildungen seltener Vogeleier. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 32-34. 4. Ueber krystallisirten Kesselstein. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungsber. 1858, XV., pp. Ixvii-lxviii. Baehr, G. F. W. Uitkomsten van het wiskundig onderzoek van den Gyroscoop van FOUCAULT. Amsterd. Verslag. Akad. I., 1853, pp. 240-244. 2. Herleiding van eene bijzondere Klasse van Diflerential-vergelijkingen tot nieuwe ver- anderlijken. Amsterd. Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp. 233-245. 3. Sur le mouvement d'un corps solide autour de son centre de gravite, lorsqu'on sup- pose que ce point est fixe par rapport a la terre, et entraine avec elle dans son mouvement diurne. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 241-263. 4. [Ueber einige geometrische Satze.] Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 350-351. 5. Over de draaijende beweging van een Ligghaam om een vast punt, en de beweging der Aarde om Haar zwaartepunt. Amsterd. Verhand. Akad. IV., 1857. 6. Sur la transformation des fonctions elliptiques de la premiere cspece. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIII., 1859, pp. 354-368. 7. Note sur quelques formulas qui peuvent etre utiles dans la theorie des surfaces courbes. Grunert, Archiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 221-234. 8. Ontwikkeling van Sin. nx en Cos. nx naar de magten van Sin. x en Cos. x, voor geheele waarden van n. Amsterd. Verslag. Akad. X., 1860, pp. 86-92. 9. Formules betrekkelijk de vermenigvul- diging der Elliptische Functien van de eerste soort. Amsterd. Verslag. Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 368-391 ; Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 125-176. 1O. Moyenne des rayons vecteurs d'une ellipse. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 409-413. 11. Note sur une question de geometric de 1'espace. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1863, pp. 35-47. Baena, . See Monteiro Baena (Antonio Ladislao). Baensch, Zur Theorie der Briickeubalk- ensysteme. Zeitschr. f. Bauwesen, VII., 1857, col. 35-50, 289-308. Baentsch, Alexander. Ueber das mineralogische und chemische Verhalten des in der Lobej liner und Wettiner Steinkohlenformation vorkom- menden Arsenikkieses. Halle, Zeitschr. VIL, 1856, pp. 372-383. 2. Ueber die Melaphyre des siidlichen und ostlichen Harzes. Halle, Nat. Gesell. Abh. IV., 1858, pp. 87-144. Baer, . Lehmann und Funke uber die Kiys- tallisirbarkeit eines der Haupthestandtheile des Blutes. Halle, Zeitschr. I, 1853, pp. 280-284. 2. Vorkommen des Jods in der Natur. Halle, Zeitschr. II., 1853, pp. 36-38. 3. Ueber die Irrlichter. Halle, Zeitschr. II., 1853, pp. 110-114. BAE] Baer, 149 [BAE 4. Vermeintliche Verfalschungen der Biere. Halle, Zeitschr. II., 1853, pp. 386-389. Baer, F. Z., und C. G. Gmelin. Chemische Un- tersuchung der Seidelbastrinde. Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (-Jahrl. V.), 1822, pp. 1-28. Baer, J. De Mutillis nonuullis Rossicis. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXL, 1848, pp. 228-232. 2. Dasypodas Rossicae intdistrictu Romen gubernii Poltavici captae. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVI, 1853, pp. 69-73. Baer, Karl Ernst von. Ueber einen Kanal im Oberarmbein mehrerer Saugthiere. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, V., 1819, pp. 312-314. . 2. Botanische Wanderung an der Kiiste vou Samland. Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 397-412. 3. Beitrag zur Kenntniss vom Bau des dreizehigen Faulthiers. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 354-369. 4. Ueber Medusa aurita. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VIII., 1823, pp. 369-391. 5. Ornithologische Fragmente. Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 277-280 ; XL, 200-202. 6. Beitrlige zur Kenntniss der niedern Thiere. Acad. Crcs. Leop. Nova Acta, XIII., 1826, pp. 523-762, 881 ; Scientif. Mem. (Nat. Phil.), 1853, pp. 177-186. 7. Sur les Entozoaires, ou Vers iutesti- naux. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 123-126. 8. Bemerkungen iiber die Entwickelungs- geschichte der Muscheln, und iiber ein System von Wassergefassen in diesen Thieren. Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1826, col. 1-6. 9. Ueber das iiussere und innere Skelet. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 327-376. 1O. Ueber den Seitenkanal des Stb'rs. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 376-377, 11. Ueber eine Siisswasser-Miessmuschel. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 525-527. 12. Ueber den Braunfisch (Delphinus phocjena.) Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 807-811. 13. Die Nase der Cetaceen erlautert durch Untersuchung der Nase des Braunfisches (Del- phinus phocsena.) Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 811- 847. 14. Ueber den Bau von Medusa aurita in Bezug auf ROSENTIIAL'S Darstellung derselben. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 847-849. 15. Nachtragliche Bemerkung iiber die Riechnerven des Braunfisches. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 944. 16. Ueber die Kiemen und Kiemengefiisse in den Embryonen der Wirbelthiere. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 556-568. 17. Noch eine Bemerkung iiber die Zweifel, welche man gegen die Milchdriise des Ornitho- rhynchus erhoben hat, und Betrachtungen iiber das Eierlegen und Lebendiggebaren. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 568-576. Baer, Karl Ernst von. 18. Ueber einen Doppel- Embryo vom Huhne aus dem Anfange des dritten Tages der Bebriitung. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 576-586. 19. Schadel- und Kopf'maugel an Em- bryonen von Schweinen, aus der friihesten Zeit der Entwickelung beobachtet. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 826-838. 2O. Observations sur les Planaires, pour servir d' Addition aux Recherches sur les Pla- naires de M. DUGES. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 183-187. 21. Des Branchies et des Vaisseaux bran- chiaux dans les Embryons des animaux verte- bres. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 266-284 ; Repert. Anat. Physiol. VL, 1828, pp. 41-51. 22. Wassergefasse in die niedern Thieren. Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1828, col. 38. 23. Ueber das Furia infernalis. Heusin- ger, Zeitschr. II., 1828, p. 361 ; Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1828, col. 25-30. 24. Commentar zu der Schrift : De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. Epistola ad Academiam Scient. Petropolitanam. Heusinger, Zeitschr. II., 1828, pp. 125-193. 25. Noch ein Wort iiber den After der Distomen. Heusinger, Zeitschr. II., 1828, pp. 197-198. 26. Ueber die Kiemenspalten der Sauge- thier-Embryonen. Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 143-148. 27. Die Zurechtweisung einer noch iiicht bekannt gemachten Untersuchung wird zuriick- gewiesen. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 671-678. 28. Aufforderung ein Paar Riesenschlan- gen betreffend. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 923-924. 29. Noch ein Wort iiber das Blasen der Cetaceen. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 927-931. 30. Ueber LINNE'S im Wasser gefundene Band-warmer. Berlin, Verh. Gesell. Natf. Freunde, I., 1829, pp. 388-391. 31. Histoire du developpement des ani- maux. Repert. Anat. Physiol. VIIL, 1829, pp. 42-103, 175-246. 32. Lettre sur la formation de Foeuf dans 1'espece humaine et dans les mammiferes. Re- pert, Anat. Physiol. VII., 1829, pp. 155-218. 33. Ueber den Weg den die Eier unserer Susswassermuscheln nehrnen, um in die Kiemen zu gelangen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Muscheln. Meckel, Archiv, 1830, pp. 313-335. 34. Bemerkungen iiber die Erzeuguug der Perl en. Meckel, Archiv, 1830, pp. 352-357. 35. Beobachtungen iiber die Hiiutungen des Embryo und die Anwendung derselben auf die Erkenntniss der Insecten-Metamorphose. Froriep, Notizen, XXXL, 1831, col. 145-154. BAE] 150 [BAE Baer, Karl Ernst von. 36. Verwustung des Leines im Jahr 1828 in Ostpreussen durch die Raupe der Gamma-Eule (Ph. Noctua Gamma, L. Plusia Gamma, Ochs.} und die Grasraupe (Ph. Bombyx graminis, L. Episema graminis, Ochs.) verursacht. Oken, Isis, XXIV., 1831, col. 593-604. 37. Observations sur 1'exfoliation de 1'epi- derme de 1'embryon des mammiferes, appliquees a la connaissance des Metamorphoses des In- sectes ; avec notes par M. BRESCHET. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXXVIIL, 1833, pp. 5-31. 38. Ueber Entwickelungsweise der Schwimmblase der Fische. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834, col. 177-180. 39. Die Metamorphose des Eies der Ba- trachier vor der Erscheinung des Embryo. Miiller, Archiv, 1834, pp. 481-509. 4O. Ueber die sogenannte Erneuerung des Magens der Krebse und die Bedeutung der Krebssteine. Miiller, Archiv, 1834, pp. 510- 527. 41. Beitrag zu der Entwickelungsge- schichte der Schildkroten. Miiller, Archiv, 1834, pp. 544-550. 42. Ueber das Gefass- System des Braun- fisches. [1834.] Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 392-408 ; Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 37-39. 43. Ueber die Geflechte, in welche sich einige grossere Schlagadern der Siiugethiere friih auflosen. [1833.] St. Petersb. Mem. Sav. fitrang. II., 1835, pp. 199-212. 44. Selbstbefruchtung, an einer herma- phroditischen Schnecke. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, p. 224. 45. Beobachtungen aus der Entwickel- ungsgeschichte des Menschen. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, XIV., 1835, pp. 401-417. 46. Doppelter Muttermund des einfachen Fruchthalters vom Ameisenfresser. Miiller, Archiv, 1836, p. 384. 47. Entwickelungsgeschichte der unge- schwanzten Batrachier. [1835.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1836, pp. 4-6, 9-10. 48. Beobachtung iiber die Entstehungs- weise der Schwimmblasen ohne Ausfuhrungs- gang. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1836, pp. 15-16. 49. Delphini Phocaenae anatomes sectio prima. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1836, pp. 26- 28. 50. Sur le pretendu passage de 1'eau par les events des Cetaces. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. L, 1836, pp. 37-40. 51. Note sur une peau d'aurochs (Bos urus) envoy ee du Caucase. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. L, 1836, pp. 153-155. Baer, Karl Ernst von. 52. Seconde note sur le zoubre ou aurochs. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. L, 1836, pp. 155-156 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool), 1837, pp. 376-377. 53. Zwei Beispiele von fortgetragenen Felsblocken, an der Siidkiiste von Finnland beobachtet. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1837, col. 124-126. 54. Bericht ueber die neuesten Entdeck- ungen an der Kiiste von Nowaja-Semlja. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1837, col. 137-172. 55. Ueber das Klima von Nowaja-Semlja und die mittlere Temperatur insbesondere. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1837, col. 225-238; Poggend. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 336-360. 56. Ueber den jahrlichen Gang der Tem- peratur in Nowaja-Semlja. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1837, col. 242-254. 57. Ueber den tiiglichen Gang der Tem- peratur in Nowaja-Semlja. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1837, col. 289-300. 58. Physisches Gemiilde der besuchten Gegenden auf der Expedition nach Nowaja- Semlja und Lappland, im Jahr 1837. Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 49-57. 59. Thierisches Lebenauf Nowaja Semlja. Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 82-88 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 145-154 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, V., 1839, pp. 160-170; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVI1L, 1840, pp. 93-103. 6O. On the ground ice or Frozen Soil of Siberia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 210-212 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 210-212. 61. Recent intelligence upon the Frozen Ground in Siberia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 401-405. 62. On the recent Russian Expeditions to Novai'a Zemlia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VILE., 1838, pp. 411-415. 63. Ueber die Lapplandische Tundra. Poggend. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 188-190. 64. Ueber die Bodentemperatur von Ja- kutsk. Poggend. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 191 -192. . 65. Expedition a Novaia-Zemlia et en Laponie. [1837.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1838, col. 96-107, 132-144, 151-159, 171-192, 343-352. 66. Untersuchungen iiber die ehemalige Verbreitung und die giinzliche Vertilgung der von STELLEB beobachteten nordischen Seekuh (Rytina, III.). St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1838, col. 355-359 ; St. Petersb. Mem. Acad. V. (pte 2), 1840, pp. 53-80. BAE] 151 [BAE Baer, Karl Ernst von. 67. Ueber das Skelet der Nawaga, welches in einem grossen Theil seiner Liinge hohle, Luftsacke aufnehmende. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1838, pp. 359-360. 68. Nochmalige Untersuchung der Frage : Ob in Europa in historischer Zeit zwei Arten von wilden Stieren lebten ? St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IV., 1838, col. 113-128; Wiegmann, Ar- chiv, V., 1839, pp. 62-78. 69. Anatomische und zoologische Unter- suchungen liber das Wallross (Trichecus Ros- marus), und Vergleichung dieses Thiers mit andern See-Saugethieren. [1835.] St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. IV. (pt. 2), 1838, pp. 97-236. 7O. Ueber die Verbreitung des organischen Lebens. St. Petersb. Acad. Recueil, 1838, pp. 143-198. 71. Ueber die Haufigkeit der Ge witter in den Polar- Regionen. Poggend. Annal. XLVIIL, 1839, pp. 601-610. 72. Ueber das Klima von Sitcha und den Russischen Besitzungen an der Nordwestkiiste von Amerika iiberhaupt, nebst einer Unter- suchung der Frage, welche Gegenstande des Landbaues in diesen Gegenden gedeihen konnen. [1838.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1839, col. 129-141 ; Beitr. Russ. Reich. I., 1839, pp. 290- 320; Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. L, 1840, pp. 19-21 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1839, pp. 337-347; Poggend. Annal. LI., Erganz. 1842, pp. 129- 154. 73. Nachricht von der Wanderung eines sehr grossen Granitblockes iiber den Finnischen Meerbusen nach Hochland. [1838.] St.Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1839, col. 154-158. 74. Sur la frequence des orages dans les regions arctiques. [1839.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VI., 1840, col. 66-73 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 90-93. 75. Neueste Nachrichten iiber die nordlich- ste Gegend von Sibirien zwischen den Fliissen Pjassida uiid Chatanga. Beitr. Russ. Reich. IV., 1841, pp. 269-300. 76. Bericht iiber kleine Reisen im Finnis- chen Meerbusen in Bezug auf Diluvial-Schram- men und verwandte Erscheinungen. [1842.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. L, 1843, col. 108-112. 77. Neue Belege fur die Auswanderung von Eisfiichsen nach Siiden [Canis lagopus]. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1844, col. 47-48. 78. Os d'homme gigantesques. [1843.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1844, col. 266-268. 79. Neuer Fall von Zwillingen, die an den Stirnen verwachsen sind, mit ahnlichen Formen verglichen. [1844.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1845, col. 113-128. Baer, Karl Ernst von. 8O. Vergleichung eines von Hn. Obrist HOFMANN mitgebrachten Kara- gassen-Schadels mit dem von Hrn. Dr. RUPRECHT mitgebrachten Samojeden-Schadel. [1844.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III., 1845, col. 177-187. 81. Ueber das Klima des Taimyr-Landes. Nach den Beobachtungen der Middendorff- schen Expedition. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IV., 1845, col. 315-336. 82. Ueber doppelleibige Missgeburten oder organische Verdoppelungen in Wirbelthieren. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. VI. (pte. 2), 1845, pp. 79-178. 83. Kleine Nachlese von Missgeburten, die an und in Hiihner-Eiern beobachtet sind. St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. VI. (pte. 2), 1845, p. 179. 84. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der Thiere. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1846, col. 33-40. 85. Ueber Hrn. STEENSTRUP'S Unter- suchungen betreffend das Vorkommen des Her- maphroditismus in der Natur. Froriep, Notizen, L, 1847, col. 129-135. 86. Ueber mehrfache Formen von Sper- matozoen in demselben Thiere. [1845.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V, 1847, col. 230. 87. [Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der Thiere.] [1845.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1847, col. 231-240. 88. Ueber ethnographische Untersuchun- gen iiberhaupt und die ethnographische Unter- suchung des russischen Reichs insbesondere. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. Denks. I., 1849, pp. 66-92. 89. Ueber einen von Hrn. Dr. Wenzel GRUBER beschriebenen neuen Knochen im Ant- litze des Menschen. [1849.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VIII., 1850, col. 204-206. 9O. Ueber nothwendig scheinende Ergan- zungen der Beobachtungen iiber die Boden- Temperatur in Sibirien. [1849.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VIII., 1850, col. 209-224; Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 242-262. 91. Bericht iiber einige ichthyologische Nebenbeschaftigungen auf der Reise an den Peipus, vom Ende Aprils bis An fang Junis. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IX., 1851, col. 359-362. 92. Materialien zu einer Geschichte des Fischfanges in Russland und den angranzenden Meeren. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XI., 1853, col. 225-254, 257-288. 93. Ueber die Arbeiten und Leistungen der Kaspischen Expedition im Laufe des Jahres 1853. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIV., 1855, pp. 312-332. 94. Kaspische Studien : Ueber das Wasser des Kaspischen Meeres und sein Verhaltniss zur Mollusken-Fauna. [1854.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIIL, 1855, col. 193-210 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XIV., 1855, pp. 627-651. BAE] 152 [BAE Baer, Karl Ernst von. 95. Kaspische Studien : Das niveau des Knspischen Meeres 1st nicht allmalig gesunken, sondern rasch. Docuraente, die daf'ur zeugen. Die Bugors. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIIL, 1855, col. 305-332 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XV., 1856, pp. 387-455. 96. Kaspische Studien : Nimmt das Kas- pische Meer fortwahrend an Salzgehalt zu ? Salz-Lagunen und Salz-Seeu. [1855.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIV., 1856, col. 1-34 ; XV., col. 33-59, 65-80, 81-112, 113-120, 177- 202. 97. Notice sur tin monstre double, vivant, compose de deux enfants feminins. [1855.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XIV., 1856, col. 34-37. 98. Der Astrachanische Haring oder die Alse (franz Alose) des Kaspischen Meeres. [1857.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XVI., 1858, col. 327-332. - 99. Ueber das Vorkommen vou Kropf und Oetinismus im Russischen Reiche. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XVI., 1858, col. 357-366. 1OO. Ueber das Kei men der Samen. Riga, Corr. Blatt Natf. Ver. XL, 1859, pp. 56-60. 101. Crania selecta ex thesauris anthro- pologicis Academifc Irnperialis Petropolitanse. St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. X. (pte. 2), 1859, pp. 243-268. 1O2. Ueber Papuas und Alfuren : ein Com- mentar zu den beiden ersten Abschnitten der Abhandlung " Crania selecta ex thesauris an- throp. Acad. Imp. Petropolitanae." St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. X. (pte. 2), 1859, pp. 271-346. 1O3. Ueber ein allgemeines Gesetz in der Gestaltung der Flussbetten. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1860, col. 1-49, 218-250, 353-382. 1O4. Ergiinzende Nachrichten iiber Dattel- palmen am Kaspischen Meere und in Persien. [1859.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1860, col. 35-37. 1O5. Ueber den Schadelbau der Rhatischen Romanen. [1859.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1860, col. 37-60 ; Paris, AnthropoL Soc. Bull. I., 1860, pp. 80-82. 1O6. Bericht iiber die neuesten Acquisitio- nen der craniclogischen Sammlung. [1859.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1860, col. 339-346. 1O7. Sur la marche des recherches geo- logiques de M. ABICH en Transcaucasie. [1859.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. I., 1860, col. 449-452. 1O8. Die Makrokephalen im Boden der Krym und Oesterreichs, verglichen mit der Bildungs-Abweichung, welchc BLUMENBACEI Macrocephalus genannt hat. [1859,] St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. II., 1860. Baer, Karl Ernst von. 1O9. Welclie Auffassung der lebenden Natur ist die richtige ? und Wie iat diese Auffassung auf die Entomologie anzu- wenden ? Horae Soc. Eut. Rossicse, I., 1861, pp. 1-43. 11O. Ueber Beobachtungen der schad- lichen Insecten und iiber die Mittel gegen dieselben. [I860.] Hone Soc. Ent. Rossic*, L, 1861, pp. 139-158. - 111. Ueber das Aussterben der Thierarten in physidlogischer und nicht physiologischer Hinsicht iiberhaupt, und den Untergang von Arten, die mit dem Menschen zusammen geleht haben, insbesondere. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. III.. 1861, col. 369-396 ; VI., 1862, col. 513-576. 112. Ein Wort iiber das Projekt, den Manytsch zu kanalisiren, und die b'ffentlichen Streitigkeiten daruber. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 446-451. 113. Ueber ein ncues Project, Austern- B anke an der Russischen Ostsee-Kuste anzu- legen, und iiber den Salz-GehaltderOstseein ver- schiedenen G-egcnden. [1861.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IV., 1862, col. 17-47, 119-149; V., 61-67. 114. Ein Wort iiber einen blinden Fisch- als Bildungs-Hemmung. [1861.] St. Petersb. Bull Sci. IV., 1862, col 215-220. 115. Bericht iiber die Bereicheruugen der craniologischen Sammlung der Akademie in deu Jahren 1860 und 1861. [1861.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1863, col. 67-72. 116. Ueber das behauptete Seichter-wer- den des Asowschen Meeres. [1861.] ' St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. V., 1863, col. 72-105. 117. Bericht iiber eine neue von Prof. WAGNER in Kasan an Dipteren beobachtete abweichende Propagationsform. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VI., 1863, col. 239-241 118. Ueber einen alten Schiidel aus Meklenberg der als von einem dortigen Wenden oder Obotriten stammend betrachtet wird, und seine Aehnlichkeit mit Schadeln der nordischen Bronze-Periode. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. VI., 1863, col. 346-363. Eaer, W. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Phos- phorsaure. Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 152-173. 2. Ueber einige Verbindungeu der Phos- phorsiiure, namentlich der Pyrophosphorsiiure. Poggend. Annal. LXXV. 1848, pp. 173-176; Journ. de Pharm. XV. 1849, pp. 79-80. 3. Ueber den Pimelit. Halle, Jahresber. Naturw. Ver. IV., 1851, pp. 198-203 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 49-54. 4. Ueber Braunkohlen. Halle, Jahresber. Naturw. Ver. IV., 1851, pp. 259-263. 5. Der Electromagnetismus als bewegende Kraft. Halle, Jahresber. Naturw. Ver. IV... 1851, pp. 263-273. BAE] 153 [BAG Saer, W. 6. Chemische Analyse des Badesalzes von Wittekind. Halle, Jahresber. Naturw. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 140-144. 7. Ueber die Bereitung des Leuchtgases aus Holz, Torf und Braunkohlen. Halle, Zeitsclir. IV., 1854, pp. 113-119. 8. Die Chemie auf der Pariser Indus- trieausstellung. Halle, Zcitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 181-196. Baerensprung, Felix von. Excerpta Zoologica : Entozoa Acarus folliculorum. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 47-49. 2. Vegetation upon Living Animals. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 427-433. 3. Beobachtungen iiber einigeeinheimische Arten aus der Familie der Coccinen. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. L, 1848, pp. 165-170, 173- 176. 4. Ueber die Wirkungsweisc der grauen Quecksilbersalbe und der Quecksilberdiimpfe. Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 21-29. 5. Untersuchungen iiber die Temperatur- verhaltnisse des Foetus und des erwachsenen Menschen iru gesunden und kranken Zustande. Miiller, Arcliiv, 1851, pp. 125-175. 6. Untersuchungen tiber die Teinperatur- verhiiltuisse des Menschen im gesunden und kranken Zustande. Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 217-286. 7. Ueber die Folge undden Verlauf epide- mischer Krankheiten. Halle, Naturf. Gesells. Abh. I., 1853 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-64. 8. Myrmedobia und Lichenobia, zvvei neue einheimische Rhynchoten-Gattungen. Berlin, Entom. Zeitsclir. L, 1857, pp. 161-168. 9. Neue und seltene Rhynehoten der euro- paischen Fauna. Berlin, Entom. Zeitsclir. II., 1858, pp. 188-208 ; III., 329-338. Baerstler, G. W. Case of a Monstrous Birth. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXX., 1855, pp. 13- 21. Baeumler, Ueber das Vorkornmen von Nickelerzen im Mansfeldschen Kupferschiefer- gebirge. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zeitsclir. IX., 1857, pp. 25-50. Baeyer, Adolf. Ueber Methylcbloriir. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 334- 335 ; Liebig, Annal. CHI., 1857, pp. 181-184. 2. Notiz iiber idiochemische Induction. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, 1857, pp. 178-181. 3. Ueber die Arsen- Methyl Verbindungen. Heidelberg, Verb. Nat. -Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 110-113 ; Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 257 -293. 4. Ueber die organischen Arseuvei'bin- dungen. Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 265- 276 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 99- 102. Baeyer, Adolf. 5. Sur la nature de 1'acide allo- phanique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1859, pp. 567-574 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 472-476; Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 156-165. 6. Sur un nouveau derive de 1'acide picrique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1859, pp. 574-57S. 7. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber das Hydantoin. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 178-180. 8. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Harnsiiure- gruppe. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 126- 128 ; CXXVIL, 1-27, 169-235. 9. Notiz iiber die Hydurilsaure. Erlen- meyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 289-291. Baeyer, Adolf, et A. Schlieper. Recherches sur le groupe urique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1860, pp. 161-168. Baeyer, /. J. Determination barometrique de la hauteur d'une centaine de stations en Suisse, en Piemont et en Savoie. Bibl. Univ. XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 286-292. 2. Bestimmuncr der Hohe von Berlin. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 65-76. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die terrestrische Re- fraction. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 205-206. 4. Apei'9u general d'une theorie de la contraction des veines d' eau lancees par des orifices en minces parois planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 85-88. 5. Ueber die Anfertigung einiger Copien von der Bessel'schen Toise. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 273-28S. 6. Ueber die Strahlenbrechung in der Atmosphiire. Astr. Nachr. XLL, 1855. col. 305- 336 ; St.Petersb. Acad. Mem. III., 186 J. 7. Ueber eine neue Formel zum Hoheu- messen niit dein Barometer. Poggend. AnnaL XCVIII., 1856, pp. 371-396. 8. L T eber die Bahnlinien der Winde auf der spharoidischen Erdoberflache. Poggend, Annal. CIV.. 1858, pp. 377-404. 9. Ueber die Cyklonen oder die Wirbel- stiirme. Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 215- 243. 1O. Von einer Abweichung der Lothlinie in Koniffsberg. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 347-352T 11. Ueber einige Verbesserungen in meiner Schrif't : " Das Messen aaf der spha- roidischen Erdoberflache. Berlin 1862." Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 129-136. 12. Ueber die Auflosung grosser sphiiroi- discher Dreiecke. Astr. Nachr. LXL, 1863, No. 1455. Bagay, V. Errors in the Nautical Almanac for 1832 : and in the Planetary Ephemerides for 1832-33. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 207-214. u BAG] 154 [BAI Baget, . Appareil simple et commode pour la distillation du phosphore. Annal. de Chimie, LXXI1I., 1810, pp. 215-227. 2. Sur le moire metallique. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 173-176; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818. pp. 25-27 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1500-1502; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XI., 1818, pp. 389-390. -. Beobachtungen iiber die Lebens- weise des Psammosaurus griseus. Froriep, Notizen, III., 1847, col. 193-201. Bagge, J. S. Arsberattelse for Jernkontorets Mekaniska stat for ar 1860. Jern-Kontorets Annal. XVI., 1861, pp. 27-39. Baggs, J On the application of Voltaic Elec- tricity to Calico Printing. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 49-53. 2. On the disruptive Discharge of accumu- lated Electricity, and the proximate cause of Lightning. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1848, pp. 731- 732. Baglietto, Francesco. Enumerazione dei Li- cheni di Liguria. Torino, Mem. Accad. XVII., 1858, pp. 373-444. Sagnold, . Singular anecdote of the Spider, with observations on the Utility of Ants in destroying venomous insects. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 378-379. Bagot, J. T. Describing some recent important discoveries in Central Australia. Dublin, Soc. Journ. III., 1860-62, pp. 122-124. Bagration, Prince Pierre. Nouvelle pile a effet constant. Archives de I'E'lectr. IV., 1844, pp. 158-162; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 322-324. 2. Sur la propriete que possedent les cyanures potassique et ferrosopotassique de dis- soudre les rnetaux. [1842.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1844, col. 136-138 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 367-370. Bagriot, . Note sur une ponte de Bombyx du pin (Lasiocampapini) elevee en domesticite a Vaugirard, pres Paris, en 1849. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. 455-456. Babl, Martin. Om Slasgten Cinchona og dens Arter. Kiobenh. Skriv. Nat. Selsk. I., 1790, pp. 1-25. Bahr, J. F. Analyser af nagra svenska mine- ralier. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 240-247; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. X., 1851, col. 698-702 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIII., 1851, pp. 308-313. 2. Gediget jern funnet i en stuff af s. k. " petrificeradt trad." Stockholm, Ofversigt, VIII., 1851, pp. 100-110; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 194-202; Journ. de - Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 233-235. Bahr, J. F. 3. Atomvigten af Talkjord utur Pallasjernets Olivin. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VIII., 1851, pp. 303-305; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 310-311. 4. Om nagra salter med chromsyra. Stock- holm. Ofversigt, IX., 1852, pp. 155-161. 5. Nagot om den formodade metallen Ari- dium. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IX., 1852, pp. 161 173; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 27-32. 6. Nagra iakttagelser vid animaliska jimnens borjande forruttnelse. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 281-288. 7. Analyser af atmosferisk luft i Stock- holm. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. II., 1857-58. 8. On Brunnsvattnet i Stockholm. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 395-414. 9. Om en ny metalloxid. Stockholm, Of- versigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 415-423; Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 175-176, 185; Poegend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 572-582. Baidel, . Der im Banien-Thale durch einen Gletscher entstandene See, und verwiistender Abfluss desselben beim Bruch de.s Eisdammes am 16 Juni 1818. Gilbert, Annalen, LX., 1819, pp. 331-354. Baierlacher, EduarcL Physiologische Studien im Gebiete der elektrischen Muskelerregung vom Nerven aus. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1859, pp. 232-267. 2. Ueber Muskelbewegungen beim Men- schen. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VIII., 1860, pp. 263-266. Baikie, William Balfour. Catalogue of the Echinodermata of Orkney. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 3811-3814. 2. Catalogue of the fishes of Orkney and Zetland. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 3845-3847, 3950-3952, 4018-4020. 3. Summary of an exploring trip up the rivers Kwora and Chadda (or Shad da) in 1854. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1855, pp. 108-120. 4. Second exploring voyage up the Kwora (Niger). Hooker's Journ. Botany, IX., 1857, pp. 248-252, 257-264. 5. On the skull of a Manatus from Western Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXV., 1857, pp. 29-34. 6. On the species of Crocodilus inhabiting the rivers Kwora and Binue (Niger and Tsadda) in Central Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXV.. 1857, pp. 48-50. 7. On the skull of a species of Mecistops inhabiting the River Binue or Tsadda in Cen- tral Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXV., 1857, pp. 57-59. 8. Extracts of Reports from the Niger Expedition. Geogr. Soc. Proc. II., 1858, pp. 83-101. BAI] 155 [BAI Baikie, William Balfour. 9. Observations on Atmospherical Temperature, made on the West side of Tropical Africa. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVI., 1862, pp. 259-260. Baikie, R. Notes on the climate of Coorg. Madras Journal, IV., 1836, pp. 338-345; Bibl. Univ. XV., 1838, pp. 143-148. Bail, Th. Mykologische Berichte. Botan. Zei- tung, XIII., 1855, col. 629-635, 673-682. 2. Entscheidung der Frage : " Was ist Rhizomorpha ?" Botan. Zeituiig, XIV., 1856, col. 799-800 ; Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 639- 640. 3. Ueber Sclerotien und Rhizomorphen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1856, pp. 48-49. 4. Ueber Hefe. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1857, pp. 85-86 ; Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 417-430, 433-444. 5. Ueber seine im letzten Sommer unter- nommene Reise durch Tyrol und Ober-Italien. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1858, pp. 55-56. 6. Ueber die Myxogasteres, Fr. (Myxomy- cetes, Wallrotli). Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. IX., 1859, Abh., pp. 31-34. 7. Zusammenstellung der Hymenomyceten in Schlesien und der Niederlausitz. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 88-109. 8. Die wichtigsten Satze der neuern Myco- logie, nebste einer Abhandlung iiber Rhizomor- pha und Hypoxylon. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVIII, 1861. 9. Mykologische Studien besonders iiber die Entwicklung der Sphscria typhina, Pers. [1861.] Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIX., 1862. Bailey, Ebcnezer. On the use of soapstone to diminish the friction of machinery. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 192-193. Bailey, G. W. On the existence of siliceous (?) Spiculae in the exterior rays of Actinia; and Memoranda concerning the siliceous Animalcules of Boston. [1842.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 252-254 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 38-39. Bailey, //. W. Case of Reunion of the first Phalanx of the middle finger. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XL, 1815, pp. 317-318. 2. Meteorological Summary at Thetford, Norfolk, 1837. Meteorol. Soc. Trans. I., 1839, p. 118. 3. Atmospherical diseases at Thetford, Norfolk. Meteorol. Soc. Trans. L, 1839, pp. 119-123. 4. Synopsis of meteorological observations for the year 1841, accompanied with an account of the various diseases occurring at Thetford, Norfolk. Quart. Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 24-28, 85-90. Bailey, H. W. 5. Meteorological medical report for the first six months of the year 1842. Quart Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 278-281. Bailey, J. W. Notes on chemistry, &c. Silli- man, Journ. XXXI., 1837, pp. 292-294; XXXIL, 85-88; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 189-191 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 56-58 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 282-284. 2. Account of an excursion to Mount Katahdin, in Maine. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 20-34. 3. On the common blow-pipe. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1837, pp. 319-325. 4. Observations on the Vascular System of Ferns, and notice of a monstrous flower of Orchis spectabilis. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 113-117. 5. On fossil Infusoria discovered in peat- earth at West Point, N. Y., with some notices of American species of Diatomas. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 118-124. 6. A sketch of the Infusoria of the family Bacillaria, with some account of the most interesting species which have been found in a recent or fossil state in the United States. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 284-305 ; XLH., 88-105 ; XLIIL, 321-332 ; Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 112-164. 7. American Polythalmia from the Upper Mississippi, and also from the cretaceous forma- tion on the Upper Missouri. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 400-401. 8. Yellow showers of Pollen. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 195-197. 9. Notes on the Infusoria of the Missis- sippi river. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 33-35. 1O. Notice of some new localities of In- fusoria, fossil and recent. Silliman, Journ. XLVIIL, 1845, pp. 321-343. 11. On the Crystals which occur spon- taneously formed in the tissues of Plants. [1843.] Silliman, Journ. XLVIH., 1845, pp. 17-32 ; Bibl. Univ. LVL, 1845, pp. 388-392 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 65-69. 12. On the detection of spirally dotted or Scalariform Ducts, and other vegetable tissues in Anthracite Coal. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 407-410; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIIL, 1846, pp. 67-69. 13. Account of some new Infusorial forms discovered in the fossil Infusoria from Petersburg, Va., and Piscataway, Md. Silliman, Journ. XLVL, 1844, pp. 137-142. 14. On some new species of American Desmidiaceae, from the Catskill Mountains. Silliman, Journ. L, 1846, pp. 126-127. u 2 BAI] 156 [BAI Bailey, J. W. 15. Notes ou the Algae of the United States. Sillimau, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 80-86, 399-403 ; VI., 37-42. 16. On a process for detecting the remains of Infusoria, &c., in sedimentary deposits. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 409. 17. Some remarks on the Navicula Spen- cerii, and on a still more difficult test object. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1849, pp. 265-270. 18. Discovery of an Infusorial Stratum in Florida. Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, p. 282. 19. Reply to Mr. DE LA RUE'S remarks on the Navicula Spencerii contained in the Ameri- can Journal of Science, Vol. IX., p. 23 ; with a notice of two new test objects. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 82-84. 2O. Miscellaneous Notices. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 85-86, 349-352 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXL, 1852, pp. 180-181. 21. Microscopical observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. [1850.] Smithson. Contrib. II., 1851. 22. Microscopical Examination of Sound- ings made by the U. S. Coast Survey off the Atlantic Coast of the U. S. Smithson. Contrib. II., 1851 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 359-361; LIV., 1853, pp. 142-144; Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 132-133; XVIL, 176- 178; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 89-91. 23. List of Diatomaceae, collected by the United States Exploring Expedition under Capt. WILKES. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 431-434. 24. Observations on a newly discovered Animalcule. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 341-347 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I.. 1853, pp. 295-299. 25. On some new localities of Fossil Diato- maceae in California and Oregon. Silliman, Journ. XVIL, 1854, pp. 179-180; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 91-92. 26. On a mode of giving permanent flex- ibility to brittle specimens in Botany and Zoology. Silliman, Journ. XVIIL, 1854, pp. 100-102 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 373- 375. 27. Reply to some remarks by W. H. WENHAM, and notice of a new locality of a Microscopic Test-object. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 28-30. 28. On a Universal Indicator for Micro- scopes. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 58-65 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 5562. 29. Notes on new species and localities of Microscopical Organisms. [1853.] Smithson. Contrib. VII., 1855. Bailey, J. W. 3O. Remarks on Mr. WENHAM'S paper on Aperture of Object Glasses. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 105-106; Journ. Mi- crosc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 160-162. 31. New method of disintegrating masses of Fossil Diatomacefe. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 356-357. 32. On the non-existence of polarizing Silica in the organic kingdoms. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 357-358; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 78-79; Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 303-305. 33. On some specimens of deep sea bottom from the sea of Kamtschatka. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 284-285. 34. Notice of microscopic forms found in the soundings of the sea of Kamtschatka. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 1-6. 35. On the origin of Green Sand, and its formation in the Oceans of the present epoch. Silliman, Journ. XXIL, 1856, pp. 280-284 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 425-428 ; Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soo. V., 1854-56, pp. 364-368; Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857. pp. 83- 87. 36. Report upon the results of microscopic examinations of the Soundings made by Lieut. BEURYMAN, of the U. S. Navy, on his recent voyages to and from Ireland in the " Arctic." Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 153-157. Bailey, J. W., and W. H. Harvey. New species of Diatomaceae, collected by the United States Exploring Expedition, under the command of Capt. WILKES. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI.. 1852-53, pp. 430-431; Journ. Microsc. Sci. III.', 1855, pp. 93-94. Bailey, Lor ing W. New species of Microsco- pical Organisms, chiefly from the River Para. Boston, Proc. Nat, Hist. Soc. VIII. , 1861-62, pp. 162-169. 2. Notes on Diatomaceae from the St. John River. Canadian Naturalist, VIII., .1863, pp. 92-94. Bailey, Hob. T. Third Dentition : Vicarious Menstruation. Charleston, South. Journ. Med. II., 1847, p. 534. Baillarger, J. Recherches sur la structure de la couche corticale des circon volutions du cerveau. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. VIII., 1840, pp. 149- 183. 2. Fraginens pour servir a 1'histoire des hallucinations. Rev. Med. Fran. et Etr. I., 1842, pp. 5-20. 3. Memoire sur le mode de formation des centres nerveux. Ann. Med. Psychol. II., 1843, pp. 343-357. 4. Physiologic des hallucinations. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. XII., 1846, pp. 275-278. BAI] 157 [BAI Baillarger, J. 5. De 1'influence de 1'etat inter- mediaire a la veille et au sommeil sur la pro- duction et la marche des hallucinations. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. XII., 1846, pp. 476-516, 6. De 1'etendue de la surface du cerveau et de ses rapports avec le developpement de 1'intel- ligence. Ann. Med. Psychol. XVII., 1853, pp. 1-9; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 341- 342. 7. De la structure de la couche corticale des circonvolutions du cerveau. Ann. Med. Psychol. I., 1855, pp. 1-3. 8. Recherches statistiques, physiologiques et pathologiques surles enfants jumeaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 931-932; II Cimento, VI., 1855, pp. 977-978. 9. Note sur 1'ossification precoce du crane chez les microcephales. Ann. Med. Psychol. H., 1856, pp. 469-475. Bailiet, . Notice historique sur les machines a vapeur. Journ. des Mines, XXXHL, 1813, pp. 321-326. Baillet, . Sur un chariot a vapeur. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 19-20. Baillet, Note sur des couteaux ou lames de silex trouves pres de Douay, departement du Nord. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 9-10 ; Ann. des Mines, XII., 1826, pp. 230-232. Baillet, A. Description d'un nouvel instrument propre a verifier un sondage. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1800, pp. 117-118; Journ. des Mines, X., 1801, pp. 567-576; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 227-228. 2. Notice sur 1'enfoncement subit d'une grande etendue de terrain dans le departement de 1'Ourthe. ci-devant pays de Liege. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800, pp. 563-566. 3. Description de differentes methodes du tirage des mines sous 1'eau. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800, pp. 577-586 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIII., 1802, pp. 268-273. 4. Sur une pompe a deux pistons. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800, pp. 713-716. 5. Sur plusieurs machines propres a trans- porter les minerals dans lesgaleries souterraines, et a les clever au haut des puits. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800, pp. 829-842. 6. Notice sur le glissemeut en masse d'une montagne de gres dans le pays de Liege. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800, pp. 843-844. 7. Notice sur la carbonisation du bois et de la tourbe. Journ. des Mines, XI., 1801, pp. 253-256. 8. Observations sur plusieurs machines propres a clever 1'eau a une hauteur indefinie. Journ. des Mines, XL, 1801, pp. 489-516. 9. Observations sur les mines de plomb de Dourbe,*Vierfe et Treigne. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1801, pp.*15-18. Baillet, A. 10. Sur la consommation du com- bustible dans differens fours a chaux. Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802, pp. 220-221. 11. Remarques sur les pompes de Frey- berg, comparees a celles de quelques mines de France. Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802, pp. 222-228. 12. Description d'un nouvel appai-eil pour les essais au chalumeau. Journ. des Mines. XHI., 1802, pp. 270-272. 13. Extrait d'un memoire sur le commerce du pays de Berg. Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802, pp. 459-465. 14. Observations sur les regulateurs ou reservoirs d'air, adaptes aux maehines soufflantes. Journ. des Mines, XIV., "1803, pp. 188-189, 302-318. 15. Notice sur le produit et la consomma- tion des bois en France avant la Revolution. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 473-477. Baillet, C. Compte rendu d'experiences faites a Pecole veterinaire de Toulouse sur 1'organisation et la reproduction des Cesto'ides du genre Tasnia. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (ZooL\ 1858, pp. 190-232. 2. Experiences sur le tournis de la Chevre et du Boeuf. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL (ZooL), 1859, pp. 303-314. 3. Experiences sur le Cysticercus tenui- collis et sur le tenia qui resulte de sa trans- formation dans 1'intestin du chien. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 99-111. 4. Recherches sur un Cystique polycephale du lapin, et sur le ver qui resulte de sa trans- formation dans 1'intestin du chien. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1863, pp. 452-482. Baillet, C., et Filhol. Etude sur 1'ivraie enivrante (Lolium temulentum) et sur quelques autres especes du genre Lolium. Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 278-281. Baillet, C., et Timbal-Lagrave. Essai mono- graphique sur les especes du genre Galium des environs de Toulouse. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VL> 1862, pp. 217-251. Bailleul, . Untersuchungen iiber die blaue Milch. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 449-477. Bailleul, Gustave de. Theoreme sur 1'ellipse et 1'hyperbole, de memes axes principaux. Nouv. Ann. Math. V., 1846, pp. 368-369. Baillie, Matthew. On the want of a Pericardium in the human body. Med. Soc. Trans. I., 1793, pp. 91-101. 2. Of a remarkable deviation from the natural structure in the urinary Bladder and Organs of Generation of a male. Med. Soc. Trans. I., 1793, pp. 189-199. Baillon, . Observations sur le cygne de Bewick. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 1021-1022. t7 3 BAI] 158 [BAI qui composent Bull. Soc. Bot. Baillon, H. Note sur 1'Hordeurn trifurcatum, Jacq. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1854, pp. 187-189. 2. Sur le mode de fecondation du Cata- setum luridum, Lindley. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1854, pp. 285-287. 3. Sur la prefloraison des etamines. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 373-377. 4. Sur la veritable organisation du Buis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 285-287. 5. De quelques particularites que pre- sentent les organes de la fecondation. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 19-23. 6. De 1'hermaphroditisme accidentel chez les Euphorbiacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1857, pp. 692-696. 7. Exaraen des genres 1'ordre des Antidesmees. Pari IV., 1857, pp. 987-993. 8. Organogenic des graines charnues de 1'Hymenocallis speciosa. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 1020-1022. 9. Anthostemidearum sive Euphorbiacea- rum monandrarum descriptionera quas in herbario Mus. Parisiensis exstant tentat H.B. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.\ 1858, pp. 192-204. 1O. Sur 1'organogenie florale du Triphasia trifoliata. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot., V., 1858. pp. 152-153. 11. Sur 1'organogenie florale des Jussiaea, leurs stipules et leurs bractees ovariennes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 206-208. 12. Recherches sur les ovules des Evony- mus cultives a Paris. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 256-260, 314-317. 13. Recherches sur 1'organogenie du Calli- triche et sur ses rapports naturels. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 337-341. 14. Etude generate du groupe des Euphor- biacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVII.) 1858, pp. 147-149; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 312 -313. 15. Note sur vine production anormale chez les Podocarpus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 28-29. 16. Recherches organogeniques sur la fleur femelle des Coniferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus. L., 1860, pp. 808-810; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV'. (Bot.\ 1860, pp. 166-199 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 38-47; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 184-193. 17. Recherches sur le developpement du Bailly, Corps etranger trouve dans un fruit des Morees (Morus, Broussonetia, Dor- stenia). Paris, Comptes Rendus. LIT., 1861, pp. 19-22. 18. Memoire sur la symetrie et 1'organo- genie florale des Marantees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 381-383. oeuf. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 226- 228. Bailly, . Nouvelle maniere d'evaluer 1'aire d'uu triangle sur le terrain. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 50-51. Bailly, . Sur 1'influence des circonstances exterieures dans les conceptions et les naissances masculines et feminines. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 158-160; Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 47-50. Bailly, . Meteorologische uml hypsome- trische Beobachtungen aus Guatemala. Pog- gend. Aunal. LXIX., 1846, pp. 469-473. Bailly, C. Recherches sur la lumiere dans la theorie des vibrations, suivies de quelques idees de son action sur les etres organises, et particu- lierement dans la vegetation. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. III., 1825, pp. 262-284. Bailly, E. M. Description des filets pecheurs de la Baudroie. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 323 -332 ;' Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 177- 183. 2. Memoire sur 1'usage des Cornes dans quelques animaux, et particulierement dans le Buffle. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 369-386 : Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 193-200. 3. Recherches d'anatomie et de physiologic comparees du systeme nerveux dans les quatre classes d'animaux vertebres. Arch. Gen. de Med. IV., 1824, pp. 45-60 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1824, col. 133-134. Bailly, J. B. Observations sur les mreurs et les habitudes des oiseaux de la Savoie. Savoie. Mem. Acad. I., 1851, pp. 41-140. Baily, Francis. On the solar eclipse said to have been predicted by THAMES. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 220-241. 2. On the apparent Place of the Pole- Star. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LV., 1820, pp. 401-416. 3. On the Solar Eclipse which took place on 7 September, 1820. Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 135-143 ; Tilloch. Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 25-32. 4. On a method of fixing a Transit In- strument exactly in the Meridian. Astron. Soc. Mem. I.. 1822, pp. 59-67 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 281-287. 5. On a new method of determining the Latitude of a place by observations of the Pole- Star. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 445- 451 ; LX., 43-49. 6. On the Stars forming the Pleiades. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 189-192. 7. On some new Tables of Aberration. Nutation, and Precession. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 279-284; LXL, 217-218, 366- 368. BAI] 159 [BAI Baily, Francis. 8. On some new Tables for determining the time, by means of Altitudes taken near the Prime Vertical. Astron. Soc. Mem. L, 1822, pp. 315-324. 9. On the Mercurial Compensation Pen- dulum. Astron. Soc. Mem. L, 1822, pp. 381- 420. 1O. On the ensuing Opposition of Mars. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 50-52. 11. On the Circular Micrometer. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 177-181. 12. [Tables for computing the Moon's nutation, &c.] Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 93- 94. 13. On the use of Wood for Pendulum rods. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 41- 42. 14. On the method of determining the dif- ference of Meridians, by the culmination of the Moon. [1824.] Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 1-26 ; Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 49-52, 469-472 ; Hertha, IX., 1827, pp. 309-311. 15. On the construction and use of some new tables for determining the Apparent Places of nearly 3,000 principal fixed Stars. [1825.] Astron. Soc. Mem. App. II., 1826, pp. 1-223. 16. On Mr. BABBAGE'S new Machine for calculating and printing Mathematical and Astronomical Tables. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 355-367. 17. [Corrections in Star catalogue.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 301-302. 18. Remarks on the astronomical observa- tions of FLAMSTEED. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 29-30. 19. On the right ascension of 7 Cassiopeae. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 37-38. 20. Short account of two invariable Pen- dulums, the one of iron and the other of copper. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 78-80. 21. A catalogue of upwards of 500 Stare observed by FLAMSTEED, but not inserted in the British Catalogue : together with some remarks on FLAMSTEED'S observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 127-128 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 129-164. 22. On the elements of the four new planets Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 294-297. 23. On some new auxiliary tables for de- termining the apparent places of the Greenwich Stars. Phil. Mag. L, 1827, pp. 81-88. 24. [On Mr. BARLOW'S improvement in the construction of achromatic telescopes.] Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 141-146. 25. On the discordancies in the results of the methods for determining the length of the simple Pendulum. Phil. Mag. V., 1829, pp. 97 -104. Baily, Francis. 26. On Mr. POND'S recent cata- logue of the places of 720 principal Stars com- pared with the places of the same Stars in the catalogue of this Society; with remarks on the differences between the two Catalogues. Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 255-292 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. L, 1827-30, pp. 169-170. 27. MAYER'S Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged ; together with a comparison of the places of the greater part of them with those given by BRADLEY ; and a reference to every ob- servation of every Star. Astron. Soc. Mem. IV., 1831, pp. 391-448. 28. On the computation of the Moon's Motion in Right Ascension. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 241-245. 29. On the correction of a Pendulum for the reduction to a vacuum ; together with re- marks on some anomalies observed in Pendulum experiments. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 399-492. 3O. LA CAILLE'S Catalogue of 398 principal Stars ; together with a Comparison of the Places of such as are visible in this Latitude with those given by BRADLEY ; and a Reference to every Observation of every Star. Astron. Soy the retarding forces of friction and the resistance of the air: with a brief analysis of the Top." Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 67-75. 4. On the effects of initial gyratory ve- Barnes, Cutting of Steel by Soft Iron. locities and of retarding forces on the motions of the Gyroscope. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 417-422. 5. The dynamic theory of the Tides. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 3,49-358. 6. On the causes of deviation in elongated projectiles. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 190-199. Barneoud, Marius. Note sur deux Orchideea nouvelles pour la Flore Fran9aise. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Sot.), 1843, pp. 380-381. 2. Observations sur le groupe des Schizo- petalees, de la famille des Cruciferes. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Sot.), 1845, pp. 165-168; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 66-68. 3. Memoire sur le developpement de 1'ovule et de 1'embryon dans le Schizopetalou Walkeri. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.\ 1846, pp. 77-83. 4. Memoire sur le developpment de 1'ovule, de 1'embryon et des corolles anomales dans les Renonculacees et les Violariees. [1845.] Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.\ 1846, pp. 268-296. 5. L'organogenie et 1'anatomie du Trapa natans, Linn. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 818-820; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.\ 1848, pp. 223-244; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 129-138. 6. Note sur 1'organogenie des corolles irre- gulieres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 942-946 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 440-441; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 280- 281. 7. Second memoire sur 1'organogenie des corolles irregulieres. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.) t 1847, pp. 345-356. 8. Observations sur 1'organogenie de 1'ovaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 210-213 ; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 277-279. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, p. 155. Barnes, Daniel H. A geological section of the Canaan Mountain, with observations on the soil and productions of the neighbouring region. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 8-21. 2. On the genera Unio and Alasmodonta ; with introductory remarks. SilHman, Journ. VI., 1823, pp. 107-127, 258-280. 3. Notice of several species of shells. New York Lyceum, Annal. I., 1824, pp. 131-140, 383-386. 4. Description of five species of Chiton. Silliman, Jouru. VII., 1824, pp. 69-72. 5. An arrangement of the genera of Batra- chian animals, with a description of the more remarkable species ; including a monograph of the doubtful reptiles. [1825.] Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, pp. 268-297. 6. Note on the Murex corona of GMELIN, [1827.] New York Lyceum, Annal. II., 1828, pp. 291-292. 7. Note on the doubtful reptiles. Silliman, Journ. XIIL, 1828, pp. 66-70. 8. Reclamation of Unios. Silliman, Journ, XIIL, 1828, pp. 358-364. Barnes, Frederick K. An account of experi- ments performed on board of some of Her Majesty's ships in 1855, 1856, and 1857, for the purpose of ascertaining the heights of their cen- tres of gravity. Naval Architects Trans. I. r 1860, pp. 39-53. Barnes, J. B. On valerianic acid and its salts. Annals of Pharm. I., 1852, pp. 36-39. 2. Analysis of a chalybeate water in Ken- sington gardens. Pharmaceut. Journ. XVIII. r 1859, pp. 406-408. Barnes, James. The propagation of fruit and other trees from branches and cuttings. [1846/f Hortic. Soc. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 142-143. 2. On the effects of the winter in Devon- shire. Hortic. Soc. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 175- 177, 275-276. Barnes, Robert. A case of Osteo-malacia. Med, Chir. Soc. Trans. XLV., 1862, pp. 63-73. Barnes, Robert, and W. Odling. On the condi- tion of Thames Water, as affected by London Sewage. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p, 44. Barnes, Thomas. Account of a journey from Moco-Moco to Pengkalan Jambi through Korin- chi, in 1818. Malayan Miscell. II., 1822, No. 6. Barnes, Thomas. Remarks explanatory and tabular results of a Meteorological Journal, kept at Carlisle by the late Mr. William PITT during twenty-four years. [1830.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 418-433. A A BAR] 186 [BAR Barnet, Parasites and their relations to other animals. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 88-91. Barneville, Brisout de. See Brisout. Baraim, Adalbert von. Entwurf einer Karte dcr Kara, wan enstrasse zwischen Dabbeh und Khar- tum. Nebst einer Beschreibung der westlichen Bejudah-Steppe von Dr. Robert HARTMANN. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XII, 1862, pp. 174- 204. Barnston, George. Observations on the progress of the seasons as affecting animals and vegetables at Martin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bay. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 252- 256. 2. Remarks on the geographical distribu- tion of the Order Ranunculacese, throughout the British Possessions of North America. Canadian Naturalist, II., 1857, pp 12-20. 3. Remarks on the geographical distribu- tion of Plants in the British Possessions of North America. Canadian Naturalist, III., 1858, pp. 26-32. 4. Remarks on the geographical distribu- tion of the Cruciferae throughout the British Possessions in North America. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 1-12. 5. Geographical distribution of the genus Allium in British North America. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 116-121. 6. Recollections of the swans and geese of Hudson's Bay. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 253- 259; Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 337- 344; Newman, Zoologist, XX., 1862, pp. 7831- 7837. 7. Remarks on the genus Lutra, and on the species inhabiting North America. Canadian Naturalist, VEIL, 1863, pp. 147-159. Barnston, James. Catalogue of Canadian Plants in the HOLMES' Herbarium, in the Cabinet of the University of McGill College. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 101-116. Barnwell, C. F. On a restoration of a pro- position in PAPPUS. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 90-93. Barnwell, William. Observations on the power of habit in vegetables. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805, pp. 67-75. Baron, C. Recherches sur la nature de la matiere tuberculeuse. Arch. Gen. de Med. VI., 1839, pp. 189-226. Baroni, Paolo. Sopra un caso di assorbimento della Placenta. [1852.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. IV., 1853, pp. 97-108. Baronio, Giuseppe. Ricerche intorno alcune riproduzioni che si operano negli animali cosi detti a sangue caldo e nelF uomo. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. IV., 1788, pp. 480-518. Baronio, Giuseppe. 2. Ricerche intorno alcune riproduzioni che si operano negli animali cosi detti a sansue freddo. [1801.] Modena, Mem Soc. Ital. IX., pp. 385-421. 3. Osservazioni sopra i Pioppi considerate come i conduttori della elettricita. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. III., 1808, pp. 158-166. 4. Su alcuni fenomeni elettrici osservati dagli antichi. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. IV., 1808, pp. 160-168, 400-401. 5. Lettere sulle notizie degli antichi intorno all' elettricita. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. V., 1809, pp. 359-366. 6. Memoire sur les greffes animales. Bibl. Britannique, LIX., 1815, pp. 59-77. 3arra, Francois-wavier. Essai sur une nouvelle methode geodesique pour faire sur le terrain et representer sur le papier les projets des canaux. Paris, Journ. Genie Civ. IX., 1830, pp. 266- 295. Barra, R. T. Topographical and statistical de- tails of Ahmednuggur, with a geological notice of the surrounding country. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. II., 1839, pp. 160-169. Barral, . Memoire sur les objets a prendre en consideration dans la Corse. Journ. des Mines, XI., 1801-2, pp. 369-376. 2. Memoire sur les usines employees a la fabrication du fer dans le departement du Cher. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 241-300, 321-354. Barral, F. A. Noticia sobre o clima do Funchal, e sua influencia no tratamento da tisica pul- monar. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. I., 1854. Barral, Henri. Construction du pentagone regu- lier, d'apres M. STAUDT. Nouv. Ann. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 388-390. Barral, Jean Augustin. Notice sur la Nicotine ou alcali du tabac. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 224-226 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 151-155; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 49-53. 2. Premier memoire sur le Tabac. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1374-1376 ; Froriep, Notizen. XXXVIL, 1846, col. 277- 279; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 237- 238. 3. Memoire sur la precipitation de Tor a 1'etat metallique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 35-38 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1840, pp. 5-41 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 116-121. 4. Note sur la formule de la Nicotine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 818-819; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 345-353 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847,pp. 466 468 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 167- 159. BAB] 187 [BAR Barral, Jean Augustin. 5. Note sur les diffe- rences qui existent entre les dorures au mercure et les dorures electrochimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 354-357 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 4.11-413. 6. Recherches sur les electro-aimants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 757- 760 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 93-95. 7. Memoire sur la statique chimique du corps huuiain. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 361-362 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 129-171; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VIII., 1849, pp. 257-299; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 450-452. 8. Necessite de 1'emploi du sel dans 1'ali- mentation. Journ. d'Agric. VI., 1849, pp. 53 59, 201-212, 249-256, 502-504, 532-535. 9. Experiences sur la statique chimique du mouton. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 419-421. 1O. Du sel dans I'alimentation de la race bovine. Journ. d'Agric. I., 1850, pp. 258- 261. 11. Sur le froid periodique du mois de Mai. Journ. d'Agric. II., 1851, pp. 363-364. 12. Influence des eaux de pluie sur la vegetation. Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1852, pp. 490- 496. - 13. Deuxieme Memoire sur les eaux de pluie recueilligs a 1'Observatoire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 427-431 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 373- 375. 14. Analyse des eaux de pluie. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 29-30. 15. Note sur 1'analyse d'eaux de pluie re- cueillies et distillees dans du platine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 184- 187. 16. Memoire sur les eaux de pluie recueil- lies a 1'Observatoire de Paris. Paris, Alem. Sav. Etrang. XII., 1854, pp. 265-339. 17. Sur la question de 1'absorption de 1'azote par les plantes. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 365-371. 18. Sur la non-assimilation directe du gaz- azote par les plantes. L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 440-441. 19. Memoire sur la secheresse de 1'annee 1858 et sur les crues et diminutions de la Seine depuis 140 ans. Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1859, pp. 191-213. 2O. Memoire sur la presence des matieres phosphorees dans 1'atmosphere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 769-773 ; Joum. d'Agric. I., 1861, pp. 150-153. 21. Note sur le guano phospho-peruvien. Journ. d'Agric. I., 1862, pp. 609-614. Barral, Jean Augustin. 22. Note sur la croute de pain et le gluten. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1 863, pp. 1 1 1 8-1 1 1 9. 23. Note sur la statique chimique des etres organises. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 765-769 ; Chemical News, VII., 1863, p. 280 ; Presse Scientifique, I., 1863, pp. 680- 684. 24. La temperature du 9 Aout 1863 u Paris. Presse Scientifique, II., 1863, pp. 232- 233. Barral, Jean Augustin, et Bixio. Journal du voyage aeronautique fait le 27 Juillet par MM. Barral et Bixio. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 126-131 ; Ann. Met. de France, 1851, pp. 301-320. 2. Note sur les changements ther- mometriques et barometriques a la surface de 1'Europe. Ann. Met. de France, 1851, pp. 320- 356. Earrande, Joachim. Geologischeundpaliiontolo- gische Forschungen im mittlern Theile von Boh- men. Haidinger, Bericht, I., 1846, pp. 162- 164. 2. Ucber die Brachiopoden der silurischen Schichten von Bb'hmen. Haidinger, Bericht, II., 1846-47, pp. 453-455 ; Haidinger, Abhandl. I. 1847, pp. 357-475 ; II., 151-256. 3. Reihe von Cephalopoden aus den silurischen Schichten von Mittelbohmen. Hai- dinger, Bericht, III., 1847, pp. 264-271. 4. Ueber das Hypostoma und Epistoma, zwei analoge aber verschiedene Orgaue der Trilobiten. Leonhardu. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847, pp. 385-400. 5. Pugiunculus, ein fossiles Pteropoden- Geschlecht. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847? pp. 554-559. 6. Sao hirsuta, JBarr., ein Bruchstiick aus dem, " Systeme silurien du centre de la Boheme." Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 385-416. 7. Versnch einer Classification der Trilo- biten. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 304-324 (Abth.2); Leonhardu. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 769-787. 8. Sur le terrain silurien du centre de la Boheme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIIL, 1850- 51, pp. 150-156; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 107-121. 9. Sur les faunes siluriennes du pays de Galles et des collines de Malvern. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIIL, 1850-51, pp. 207-212. 1O. Sur les graptolithes, les trilobites de Suede, et le terrain silurien de Boheme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 301-302. 11. Ueber die Unterscheidung verschiedener Trilobiten Schopfungen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1852, pp. 257-266. A A 2 BAR] 188 [BAR Barrande, Joachim. 12. Bemerkungen liber die Abhandlung des Hrn. Ed. SDESS : " Ueber bohmische Graptolithen." Wien, Jalirb. Geol. III., 1852 (2 Heft}, pp. 139-155 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1852, pp. 399-419. 13. Sur le systeme silurien de la Boheme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 403- 423. 14. Sur les plantes fossiles de la Thu- ringe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 164-168. 15. Sur les rapports de la stratigraphie et de la paleontologie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 311-324. 16. Beobachtungen iiber die Kruster, Flos- senfiisser und Kopffiisser des Bohmischen Silur- Gebirges. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jalirb. 1854, pp. 1-14. 17. Sur les Ascoceras, prototype des Nau- tilides. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 157-177 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 257-284. 18. Sur le bassin silurien des environs de Christiania. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854- 55, pp. 356-363. 19. Remplissage organique du siphon dans certains Cephalopodes paleozoiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 441-488 ; Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 385-410. 2O. Sur les flores des bassins houillers de la Saxe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 678-684. 21. Caracteres distinctifs des Nautilides, Goniatides et Ammonides. Etablissement du genre Nothoceras. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 372-388 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1856, pp. 308-325. 22. Parallele entre les depots siluriennes de la Boheme et de la Scandinavie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIIL, 1855-56, pp. 461-465; Prag. Bohm. Gesell. Abhandl. IX., 1857. 23. Sur quelques nouveaux fossiles decou- verts aux environs de Rokitzan (Boheme). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIIL, 1855-56, pp. 532-537 ; Wien, Jahrb. Geol. VIL, 1856, pp. 355-360. 24. Note relative aux Cephalopodes fossiles du Canada. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 428-437. 25. Extension de la Faune Primordiale de la Boheme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856- 57, pp. 438-457. 26. Ueber die innere Struktur der Nauti- liden-Schaalen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 679-688. 27. Btat actuel des connaissances acquises sur la Faune Primordiale. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 516-547. Barrande, Joachim. 28. Depot organique dans les loires aeriennes des Orthoceres. Paris, Soc. GteoLBull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 828-856; Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 780-798. 29. [Sur 1'existence de la Faune Primor- diale dans la chaine Cantabriquc.J Paris. Soe. GeoL Bull. XVIL, 1859-60, pp. 542-554. ' 3O. Troncature normale ou periodique de la coquille dans certains Cephalopodes paleo- zoiques. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859-60. pp. 573-601 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1860, pp. 641-667. 31. Neue Beweise einer weiteren Ver- breitung der Primordial-Fauna in Nord- Amerika. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1860, pp. 769-783 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXL, 1861, pp. 212-215; Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 106-120. 32. Documents, anciens et nouveaux, sur la Faune Primordiale et le Systeme Taconique en Amerique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL. 1860-61, pp. 203-322. 33. Ueber die geologischen und pallionto- logischen Erscheinungen in Canada. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 286-293. 34. Assentiment du Professeur James HALL, et autres documents nouveaux, au sujet de la Faune Primordiale en Amerique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 721-746. 35. Existence de la faune seconde silu- rienne en Belgique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 754-761. ' 36. Defense des Colonies. I. Groupe pro- batoire. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. XII., 1861-62, pp. 207-222. 37. Faune Primordiale aux environs de Hof, en Baviere. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 478-483. 38. Representation des colonies de Boheme dans le bassin silurien du nord-ouest de la France et en Espagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 489-535. Barrandfe, Joachim, et Ed. de Verneuil. De- scription des fossiles trouves dans les terrains silurien et devonien d'Almaden, d'une partie de la Sierra Morena, et des montagnes de Tolede. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 964- 1024; Revista Minera, VIL, 1856, pp. 414- 421. Barratt, . Notes on the indigenous plants of Abbeville District, S.C. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. III., 1850, pp. 317-321. Barratt, James. Report of the survey of the mineral deposits in Kumaon. India, Govt. Records, No. XVIL (Home dept.), 1856 ; pp. 56-87. 2. On the carbonates of Alumina, se.-qui- oxyde of Chromium, and Iron. Chemical News, I., 1860, pp. 110-111. BAR] 189 [BAR Barratt, James. 3. Analysis of the water of Holy well, North Wales. Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 52-54. Bar re, . Memoire sur un nouveau chrono- metre propre a mesurer de tres-petites portions de secondes. Lille, Trav. Amat. Sci. 1819 22, pp. 1-30. 2. Extrait du memoire sur un nouveau Barre de Saint- Venant, 7. Integration moyen d'cstimer la force de la poudre a canon. Lille, Trav. Amat. Sci. 1819-22, pp. 37-47. 3. Note sur la trisection de 1'angle. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1833, pp. 44-50. Barre, . Surface, volume et poids du Globe terrestre, et excentricite et rayon moyen. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, pp. 406-407. Barre, . Notes sur la fabrication du Coke recueillies pendant un voyage en Belgique et en Prusse en 1861. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1863, pp. 1-56. Barre, J. A. Memoire sur les areometres. Journ. de Phys. LVIL, 1803, pp. 433-449. . 2. Reflexions sur 1'origine des Aerolithes ou picrres tombees de I'atmosphere. Orleans, Bull. IV., 1812, pp. 149-162. 3. Memoire sur une nouvelle balance hydro- statique. Orleans, Bull. IV., 1812, pp. 273- 288. Barre de Saint-Venant, . Memoire sur le calcul des effets des machines a vapeur, con- tenant des equations generates de 1'ecoulement permanent ou periodique des fluides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 45-47, 201- 205. 2. Memoire sur le calcul de la resistance et de la flexion des pieces solides a simple ou a double courbure, en prenant simultanement en consideration les divers efforts auxquels elles peuvent etre soumises daus tous les sens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 942-954, 1020-1031. 3. Memoire sur un mode d'interpolation applicable a des questions relatives au mouve- ment des eaux, ct suppleant a Fintegration souvent impossible des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1108-1115. 4. Memoire sur la torsion des prismes a base rectangle et a base losange, et sur une petite correction numerique a faire subir en general, aux moments de torsion. Paris, Comptcs Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1180-1190. 5. Note a joindre au memoire sur la dy- namique des fluides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1240-1243. 6. Sur la definition de la pression dans les corps fluides ou solides en repos ou en mouvement. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, pp, 134-138. d'une equation differentielle qui se presente dans la Theorie de la Flexion des verges elas- tiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 191-192. Note sur les relations entre les neuf cosinus des angles de deux systemes de trois droites rectangulaires. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 270-274, 310-312. 9. Note sur les flexions considerables des verges elastiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 275-284. 1O. Note sur 1'etat d'equilibre d'une verge elastique a double courbure lorsque les de- placements eprouves par ses points, par suite de 1' action des forces qui la sollicitent, ne sont pas tres-petits. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 36-44, 181-187. 11. Sur les lignes courbes non planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 547- 555 Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVIII., 1845, pp. 1-76. 12. Sur la question : " Si la matiere est continue ou discontinue." Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1844, pp. 3-16. 13. Sur les pressions qui se developpent a 1'interieur des corps solides, lorsque les deplace- ments de leurs points, sans alterer 1'elasticite, ne peuvent cependant pas etre consideres comme tres-petits. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1844, pp. 26-28. 14. Sur la Sologne, son amelioration et son assainissement. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1844, pp. 90-92. 15. Sur la pression dans 1'interieur des corps ou a leurs surfaces de separation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 24-26. 16. Sur les sommes et les differences geometriques, et sur leur usage pour simplifier la Mecanique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 620-625 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 110-113. 17. Sur le frottement de roulement, appele aussi de deuxieme espece. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 83-87. 18. Sur la theorie de 1'ecoulement de 1'air. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 101- 104. 19. Sur la derivation des eaux pluviales qui ravinent les sols en pente et qui entrainent leurs terres dans les vallees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 120-122, 124-127. 20. Sur la perte de force vive d'un fluide, aux endroits ou sa section d'ecoulement aug- meiite brusquement ou rapidement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 147-149. 21. Theoremes sur les moments cubiques d'aires quelconques par rapport a un point. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 1-3. BAR] 190 [BAR Earre de Saint-Venae*, d'un paradoxe propose par d'AiEMBEBT aux geometres. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 25-29. 23. Sur le frottement ou 1'action laterale des fluides qui se meuvent uniformement et rectilignement dans Ics can aux ou les tuyaux prismatiques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 49-52. 24. Recherches sur la resistance des 22. Solution Barr de Saint- Venant, 38. Conditions fluides. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 72-75, 120-121. 25. Fait relatif a la vision. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 99-100. 26. Theoremes sur les forces vives decom- posers. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 117-119. 27. Sur la derivation des eaux pluviales qui entrainent les terres des sols en pente et qui inondent les vallees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 124-125. 28. Sur la torsion des prismes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 485-488, 847-849 ; XXXVI., 1853, pp. 1028-1031. 29. Sur les mouvements relatifs a des sys- temes quelconques. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 326-340. 3O. Sur les vibrations tournantes des verges elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 69-72. 31. Une methode generate de reduction des demonstrations a leur forme la plus simple et la plus directe. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 45-47. 32. Calcul approche de la vitesse, etc., sur les chemins de fer a air comprime, speciale- ment sur le chemin du system e de M. ANDBAUD. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 79-82. 33. Memoire sur des formules nouvelles pour la solution des problemes relatifs aux eaux courantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 283-286, 581-583 ; Annal. des Mines, XX., 1851, pp. 183-358. 34. Sur les surfaces a plus grande pente con stan te, ainsi quo sur les lignes courbes paral- IMcs, sur celles qu'on peut appeler anti-paralleles, et sur les lignes de faite et de thalweg des sur- faces courbes en general. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 24-29. 35. De 1'interpretation geometrique des clefs algebriques et des determinants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 582-585. 36. Solution du probleme du choc trans- versal et de la resistance vive des barres elas- tiques appuyees aux extremites. L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 61-63. 37. Influence retardatrice des herbes, des broussailles, des arbres, etc., sur 1'ecoulement des eaux. L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 179-181. generales de resistance des solides a la rupture eloignee. L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 428-431. 39. Memoire sur la flexion des prismes elastiques, sur les glissernents qui 1'accompag- nent lorsqu'elle ne s'opcre pas uniformement ou en arc de circle, et sur la forme courbc affectee alors par leurs sections transversales primitive- rnent planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1027-1031 ; L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 220-221 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 89-189. 40. Divers resultats relatifs u la torsion d'un prisme a base de triangle equilateral, a, celle de deux prismes ou cylindres paralleles rendus soli- daires, etc. L'Institut, XXIII., 1855, pp. 248-250. 41. Sur 1'elasticite des corps, sur les actions entre leurs molecules, sur leurs mouvements vi- bratoires atomiques, et sur leur dilatation par la chaleur. L'Institut, XXIII., 1855, pp. 440-442. 42. Sur les consequences de la theorie de 1'elasticite en co qui regardc la theorie de la lumiere. L'Institut, XXIV., 1856, pp. 32-34. 43. Sur la vitesse du son. L'Institut, XXIV., 1856, pp. 212-216. 44. Sur la resistance des solides. L'In- stitut, XXIV., 1856, pp. 457-459. 45. Memoire sur la torsion des prismes, avec des considerations sur leur flexion, ainsi que sur I'equilibre interieur des solides elastiques en general. Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. XIV., 1856. pp. 233-560. 46. Memoire sur 1 'impulsion transversale et la resistance vive des barres elastiques ap- puyees aux extremites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 204-208. . 47. Sur la position des points dangereux ou les plus exposes, dans la torsion des prismes ou cylindres ayant des bases de forme variee. L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 178-179. 48. Resultats relatifs a la torsion d'un cy- lindre ou d'un prisme quelconque autour d'uu axe exterieur, parallele a ses aretes. L'lustitul, XXVI., 1858, p. 179. 49. Etablissement elementairc des formules de la torsion des prismes elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 34-38. 5O. Des conditions pour que six fonction? des coordonnees x, y, z, des points d'un corps elastique representent des composantes de pres- sion s'exer^ant sur trois plans rectangulaires a 1'interieur de ce corps. L'Institut, XXVHL, 1860, pp. 294-295. 51. Memoires sur les divers genres d'homo- geneite mecanique des corps solides elastiques, et principalement sur riiomogeneite semi-polaire ou cylindrique, et sur 1'homogeneite polaire ou spherique. Paris, Comptes Reudus, L., 1860. pp. 930-934. BAR] 191 [BAR Barre de Saint-Venant, 52. Sur le nombre des coefficients inegaux des formules dormant les composantes des pressions dans J'in- terieur des solides elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1107-1112. 53. Memoire sur 1'influence retardatrice de la courbure dans les courants d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 38-42. 54r. Methode pour la resolution, par ap- proximations successives, des problemes a deux inconnues, poses ou non poses en equation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 845-848. 55. Sur la determination de 1'etat d'equi- libre des tiges elastiques a double courbure. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 568-573. 56. Sur la distribution des elasticites au- tour de chaque point d'un solide ou d'un milieu de contexture quelconque, particulierement lorsqu'il est amorphe sans etre isotrope. Liou- ville. Journ. Math. VIII., 1863, pp. 257-295, 353-430; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 475-479. 57. Sur la theorie de la double refraction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 387- 391. 58. Sur les flexions ct torsions que peuvent eprouver les tiges courbes sans qu'il y ait aucun changement dans la premiere ni dans la seconde courbure de leur axe ou fibre moyenne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 1150-1154. Barr6 de St. Venant, , et Laurent Want- zel. Memoire et experiences sur 1'ecoulement de Pair, determine par des differences de pression considerables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 294-298 ; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVI., 1839, pp. 85-122. 2. Nouvelles experiences sur 1'ecoule- ment de 1'air determine par des differences de pression considerables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1140-1142. 3. Note sur 1'ecoulement de 1'air. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 366-369. Barreda, Dionisio. Observaciones barometricas e hipsometricas verificadas en varies puntos de la provincia de Salamanca en los dias 9, 10, 11, 12 y 13 de Julio de 1857. Madrid, Revista, VII., 1857, pp. 523-534. Barrell, Joseph. Account of rain, &c. that fell in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in ten years. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 104- 106. Barres du Molard (Vicomte de). Nouveau systeme de ponts a grandes portees. Paris, Journ. Genie Civ. I., 1828, pp. 90-124. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur. Analyse du carbonate de chaux a cinq equivalents d'eau. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 289-290; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 34-35. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur. 2. Action de Pacide nitrique sur les carbonates de chaux. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, p. 290; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 25-26. 3. Sur les proprietes colorantes de Pacide aloetique. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 450 451. 4. Sur un nouvel acide oxygene du chrome. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1085-1086; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 296-299 ; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 448-450; Liebig, Annal. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 227-228; Poggend. Annal. LIX. 1843, pp. 621-623. 5. Sur Paction oxydante du chlorate de potasse sur les substances neutres. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 105-107 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXL, 1844, pp. 481-482 ; Liebig, Annal. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 209-210. 6. Premier memoire sur la coloration des sels : Nouvel oxyde de fer. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 455-458. 7. Sur la constitution chimique des gal- lates et tannates de fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 738-742; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 379-383. 8. Note sur un compose nouveau de sulfate de cuivre et de sucre. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 29-30. 9. Faits pour servir a Phistoire de Pacide bo- rique. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 462-465. 1O. Sur la non-existence du sulfate d'oxyde azotique. L'Institut, XIIL, 1845, pp. 10-11. 11. Sur 1'insolubilite du sesquichlorure de chrome et du sulfate de sesquioxyde de fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1366 1368 ; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 431- 433 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVL, 1845, pp. 30-32. 12. Observations sur la decomposition de Peau par les metaux sous 1'influence de pro- portions tres-petites de diverses dissolutions metalliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 292-293 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIL, 1846, pp. 60-61. 13. Sur un nouveau mode de separation du cobalt d'avec le manganese. Annal. de Chimie, XVIL, 1846, pp. 53-54; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 189-190. 14. Sur la purification de Pacide azotique. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 190-191. 15. Sur les anomalies apparentes que pre- sente la distillation du mercure. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 256-258 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 55-58. 16. Sur Pexistence d'un nouvel oxacide de Pazote et sur la theorie de fabrication de Pacide sulfurique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII.^ 1846, pp. 609-611. BAR] 192 [BAR Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur. 17. Me- moire sur un nouveau compose oxygene du chrome. Aunal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 364-369; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 393-398. 18. Faits divers de chimie appliquee a la physiologic. Paris, Comptes Ilendus, XXVIII., 1849, p. 761 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 114125 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 134-143. 19. Resume de la methode d'impression des tissus de M. Ch. BROQUETTE. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 271-276 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 314-319. 2O. Note sur 1'industrie des sucres. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 351-355; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp. 269-272. 21. Explication proposce pour le phe- nomene de 1'endosmose. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, p. 126. 22. Sur la solubilite du carbonate de chaux dans le saccharate. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 469-470; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 62-63 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 330-331. 23. Sur la presence du sucre dans 1'urine. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 27-28. 24. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'iode. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 346- 349. 25. Sur la combustion du charbon. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 172-175 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 298- 300. 26. Note sur la maladie de la vigne. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 355- 366. 27. Note sur un moyen de reconnaitre la presence de la soie en melange avec la laine, et d'en determiner la proportion. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 123-125. 28. Sur quelques precedes d'analyse ap- plicables aux recherches mineralogiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 677-679 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 342- 344. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur, et Cl. Ber- nard. Recherches physiologiques sur les sub- stances alimentaires. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 425-428; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 58-61 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 428-430. 2. Sur les phenomenes chimiques de la digestion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1284-1289; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIL, 1844, col. 341-343; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 49-56. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur, et Cl. Ber- nard. 3. Sur les voies d'eliminatiou de 1'uree aprcs Pextirpation des reins. Arch. Gen. de Med. XIIL, 1847, pp. 449-465 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1847 (ZooL), pp. 302-306; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 119-122; Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 252-260; Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, pp. 124-125. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur, et Ch. Bou- Faits pour servir a 1'histoire de la force catalytique : Decomposition dequelque.s corps de la serie benzoique par effet de contact. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 265-268 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 360-361. Barreswil, Louis Charles Arthur, et Valle. Applications diverses du sulfate de plomb. Revue Scientifique, III., 1844, pp. 310-313. Barrett, Lucas. Notes on the Brachiopocla ob- served in a dredging tour with Mr. M' ANDREW on the coast of Norway, in the summer of the present year. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVL, 1855, pp. 257-259 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855, II., pp. 106- 107. 2. On two species of Echinodermata new to the Fauna of Great Britain. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 32-33. 3. Descriptions of four new species of Echinodermata. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 46-48. 4. On the atlas and axis of the Plesiosau- rus. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 361-364 ,- Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 78-80. 5. On some cretaceous rocks in the south- eastern portion of Jamaica. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVL, 1860, pp. 324-326. Barrett, Lucas, and R. M'Andrew. List of the Mollusca observed between Drontheim and the North Cape. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 378-386. 2. List of the Echinodermata dredged between Drontheim and the North Cape. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 43-46. 3. On the distribution of the Mol- lusca in depth on the coasts of Nordland and Finmark. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 267- 272. Barrett, Lucas, and S. P. Woodward. On the genus Synapta. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVL, 1858, pp. 360-367. Barrett, W. Portland. 221. Barrieri, . Dell' Ibisco, pianta palustre e comuue ne contorni della citta di Mantova, e precisamente dell' Hibiscus roseus, Thore. Bibl. Ital. XXX VII., 1825, pp. 196-200. Barries, . Ueber den thierischen Magne- tismus. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1096-1097. W. B. Botany of the Chesil Bank, L Phytologist, V., 1854, pp. 217- BAE] 193 [BAR Harrington, Ebenezer E. On the effects of lateral pressure in producing curvatures in Rock Strata. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848- 50, pp. 277-287. Barrels, Theodore, Essai sur diverses expres- sions approchees de la ctrconference du cercle. Gergonne, Ann. Math. IV., 1813-14, pp. 360- 364. 2. Theorie des bateaux aqua-moteurs, pro- pres a ramonter les fleuves et a les descendre plus rapidement, par la seule action de leur courant. Lille, Trav. Amat. Sci. 1825, pp. 154-223. 3. Theorie analytique de la machine pneu- matique. Lille, Trav. Amat. Sci. 1826-27, pp. 77-89. 4. Method e pour determiner la quantite d'eau qu'un puits peut fouruir, et le mouvement de son niveau pendant qu'on puise. Lille, Trav. Amat. Sci. 1826-27, pp. 90-99. 5. Nouvelle soupape de surete pour les chaudieres a vapeur. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1 827-28, pp. 92-95. 6. Rapport sur les dangers des appareils a vapeur. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1827-28, pp. 96- 113. 7. Description d'un frein oblique propre ;i mesurer la force des moteurs. Lilie, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1827-28, pp. 114-118. 8. Essai sur 1'application du calcul des pro- babilites aux assurances contre 1'inceudie. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1834, pp. 85-282. Barroso da Silva, Francisco Manoel. Memoi-ia sobre a verdadeira origem e natureza do Catto, ovi terra Japonica. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. (Corr.) III., 1814, pp. 9-20. Barrow, E. T. Description of Mus Castorides. Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, p. 169. Barrow, Sir John. Communications on a North- West Passage, and further survey of the northern coast of America. Geogr. Soc. Journ , VI., 1836, pp. 34-50. 2. Note on the paper of Admiral the Baron Von WEANGEL on the best means of reaching the Pole. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1848, pp. 24-25. Barruel, Ernest. Examen chimique d'une ma- tiere grasse trouvee dans les pucerons (Aphis rosae, A. sambuci). Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1831, pp. 486-490. 2. Ueber die Existenz einer fetten Materie in den Harnsteinen. ( Transl.) Liebig, Annal. II., 1832, pp. 105-107 ; Journ. de Chimie Med. VII., 1831, p. 114. 3. Note sur Faction de 1'acide sulfurique concentre et froid sur le cuivre. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 14-18. Barruel, Ernest, et Jean. De Faction perturba- trice qu'exercent sur les huiles siccatives cer- tains sels metalliques au contact de 1'air et de la lumiere, tendant a etablir par des faits 1'erema- causie des huiles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 577-580. Barruel, Etienne. Lecons de Physique generale. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. l er cah. 1794-95, pp. 120-122; 2 e cah. 128-144; 3 e cah. 337- 344 ; 4 e cah. 623-645. 2. Sur 1'elasticite. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV. (1801-2), pp. 295-307 (ll e cah.); Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1799, pp. 100- 109 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 51-56. 3. Description d'un nouvel appareil pour faire le gaz oxide de carbone. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1805, pp. 76-82; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1806, pp. 317-319. 4. Examen de la matiere sucree blanche que Fon trouve en grains solides dans les raisins sees d'Espagne et de Corinthe. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 184-185. 5. Des nombres figures. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 220-227. 6. Process for procuring pure Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, and Osmium, from the ores of Platinum. Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 246-262 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 171-179. 7. Lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC sur la presence de la strontiane dans le sulfate de baryte. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 219-220. Barruel, Germain. Note sur une nouvelle com- binaison naturelle de carbonates de chaux et de soude, autre que la Gay-Lussite. Annal. de Chi- mie, XLII., 1829, pp. 313-316 ; Poggend. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 554-556; Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. ( Jahrb. XXVIIL), 1830, pp. 361-363. 2. Memoire sur 1'existence d'un principe propre a caracteriser le sang de 1'homme et celui des diverses especes d'animaux. Paris, Ann. Hygiene Publ. I., 1829, pp. 267-277 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1829, col. 177-180; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 350-355 ; Journ. Heb. de Med. III., 1829, pp. 304-309; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 187-188, 3. Essay on milk. (Transl.) Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 378-381. 4. Analyse d'un phosphate double deplomb et de chaux. Annal. de Chimie, LXII., 1836, pp. 217-219 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 10-11. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen von Salpeter- saure in der kauflichen Schwefelsiiure, und ein Verfahren, sie davon zu befreien. ( Transit) Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 286-292 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXIV., 1837, pp. 55-58 ; Bibl. Univ. VII., 1837, p. 190; Journ. de Chimie Med. 1836. B B BAB] 194 [BAR Barruel, Germain 6. Sur la nature du residu que laisse le zinc du commerce, traite par 1'eau et 1'acide sulfurique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, p. 724 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 383-384. 7. Notes sur quelques resultats de 1'em- ploi des gaz des bauts fourneaux aux forges de Berg, &c. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 888-889 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCIX., 1846, pp. 135-137 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 48-50. 8. Note sur 1'action de 1'oxyde de carbone sur les Charanc.ons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXLX., 1849, pp. 89-90 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. > Chem. XLIX., 1850, p. 448. 9. Extraction du cuivre par 1'ammoniaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 18-19. Barry, . Lettre sur un poisson fossile trouve dans les carrieres de NanteiTe. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Ann. V., 1804, pp. 64-70. Barry, A. Constantine. On the ornithological Fauna of Wisconsin. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 1-13. Barry, Alexander. On the chemical action of atmospheric electricity. Phil. Trans. 1831, pp. 165-166 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 478-479. Barry, David. Memoire sur 1'absorption. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 315-334. 2. On the influence of the atmosphere on the circulation of the blood. (Transl.} [1825.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 184-186 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVII., 1827, col. 337-342. 3. Memoire sur 1'application du barometre a, 1'etude de la circulation du sang et de la respi- ration chez les animaux vertebres. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 415-423. 4. Recherches sur le passage du sang a tra- vers le cceur. Ann, Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 113- 136 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIII.,1 827, col.289-296. 5. Ueber die Placentofotalcirculation be- wirkenden Krafte. (Transl.) Froriep, Noti- zen, XVIL, 1827, col. 161-163. 6. Ueber die Ursachen des Fortriickens des Chylus in den Milchgefassen. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XVIL, 1827, col. 196-198. 7. Ueber das Gas in den Gedarmen. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XVIL, 1827, col. 209-212. Barry, Emile. Sur 1'application d'une nouvelle formule empirique aux tensions des vapeurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1574- 1579; Poggend, Annal. LXXH. (Erganzungs- bandj, 1848, pp. 177-182. Barry, J. T. On a new method of preparing pharmaceutical extracts. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 231-244 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXVIIL, 1820, pp. 250-254 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820, pp. 255-268. Barry, John Milner. On the origin of intestinal worms, particularly the Ascaris vermicularis. Dublin, Trans. Coll. Phys. H., 1818, pp. 383- 396. Barry, Martin. Memoire sur 1'application du barometre a 1'etude de la circulation du sang et de la respiration chez les auimaux vertebres. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 415-423. 2. Recherches sur le passage du sang a travers le coeur. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL, 1828, pp. 113-236; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 929. 3. Ascent to the summit of Mt. Blanc (September 1834). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIIL, 1835, pp. 106-120; Froriep, Notizen, XLIV., 1835, col. 1-7, 17-23. 4. On the unity of structure in the animal kingdom. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIL, 1837, pp. 116-141, 345-364. 5. Researches in Embryology : 1st Series. PhiL Trans. 1838, pp. 301-342. 6. Researches in Embryology: 2nd Series. Phil. Trans. 1839, pp. 307-380; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX VL, 1839, pp. 203-206; XXVIL, 137-141 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 145-149 ; XL, 116-120. 7. On the first changes consequent on fecundation in the mammiferous ovum ; with special reference to a communication " On the development of the fish in the Egg " by Prof. AGASSIZ. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 129-130. 8. Researches in Embryology : 3rd Series, being a contribution to the Physiology of Cells. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 529-594; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 84-89 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 305-310; Microscop. Journ. I., 1842, pp. 114-118. 9. On the corpuscles of the Blood. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 595-612; 1841, pp. 201-216, 217-268. 10. Supplementary note to a paper en- titled " Researches in Embryology : " 3rd series. A contribution to the Physiology of Cells. [1840.] Phil. Trans. 1841, pp. 193-194. 11. On the Chorda dorsalis. Phil. Trans. 1841, pp. 195-200. 12. Note regarding the Structure of Muscle. Phil. Mag. XXI., 1842, p. 351. 13. On Fibre. [1841.] Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 89-135 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIL, 1842, pp. 393-399 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIL, 1842, col. 81-88 ; XXILL, col. 2 291 ; Microscop. Journ. II., 1842, pp. 237- 241. 14. Additional observations " Ou Fibre." Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1842, pp. 384-386 ; Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 192- 194. BAR] 195 [BAR Barry, Martin. 15. Note in reply to Dr. GRIFFITH'S Remarks on the Pitted Tissue of Plants, on Muscle, &c. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 278-280. 16. On the cells in the ovum compared with corpuscles of the blood ; on the difference in size of the Blood- Corpuscles in different Animals. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 320-322 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVII, 1843, col. 17-19 ; Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1843, pp. 437-439. 17. Facts relating to the corpuscles of mammiferous blood. Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1843, pp. 368-370. 18. Spermatozoa observed within the mammiferous ovum. Phil. Trans. 1843, p. 33. 19. On fissiparous generation. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1843, pp. 441-442 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 205-221 ; Froriep, Notizen, XX VL, 1843, col. 289-291. 20. Remarks on a work by Prof. BISCHOFF, of Heidelberg, entitled " Entwickelungsge- schichte des Kaninchen-Eies " (History of the development of the ovum of the Rabbit). Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 42-49. 21. On the nucleus of the animal and vegetable " cell." Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIIL, 1847, pp. 201-229 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIL, 1848, col. 113-116. 22. Neue Untersuchungen liber die schrau- benformige Beschaffenheit der Elementarfasern der Muskeln, nebst Beobachtungen iiber die muskulose Natur der Flimmerharchen. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 529-596. 23. On a singular locality chosen for its nest by the Black Redstart (Sylvia Tethys). Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852, pp. 71-72. 24. On the spiral structure of muscle, with observations on the muscularity of Cilia. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 81-98, 177-185; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIIL, 1852, pp. 168-169. 25. A main cause of discordant views on the structure of the muscular fibril. Phil. Mag. VL, 1853, pp. 364-372. 26. On the muscularity of Cilia. Phil. Mag. VL, 1853, pp. 372-374. 27. On animal and vegetable fibre as originally composed of twin spiral filaments, in which every other structure has its origin ; a note showing the confirmation by AGARDH, in 1852, of observations recorded in the Philo- sophical Transactions for 1842. Roy. Soc. Proc. VL, 1853, pp. 293-295 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ., LV., 1853, pp. 317-325. 28. On the penetration of Spermatozoa into the interior of the ovum ; a note showing this to have been recorded as an established feet in the Philosophical Transactions for 1843. Roy. Soc. Proc. VL, 1853, p. 295. Barry, Martin. 29. Researches in Embryology ; a note supplementary to papers published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1838, 1839, and 1840, showing the confirmation of the principal facts there recorded, and pointing out a corre- spondence between certain structures connected with the mammiferous ovum and other ova. Roy. Soc. Proc. VL, 1853, pp. 335-336 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 327-332 ; LVL, 36-51. 3O. Remarks on QUEKETT'S " Histology ; " on KOLLIKER'S " Human Histology, vol. I. ; " and on the physiological importance of the Nucleus of the Cell. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XVHL, 1854, pp. 518-528 ; XIX., 10-24. 31. On vesicles in the abdominal cavity and uterus, containing a mulberry-like body rotating on its axis, and on the expulsion of the ovisac from the ovary. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVL, 1854, pp. 319-328. 32. An attempt to show the mode of origin of the cell-membrane, and the nature of the earliest pores. Phil. Mag. VLLL, 1854, pp. 282-287. 33. Some account of the discoveries of KEBER on the porosity of bodies. Phil. Mag. VEIL, 1854, pp. 287-293, 370-380. 34. Confirmation in two quarters of the discovery by KEBER, of the penetration of a remarkable body, believed by him to be a spermatozoon, into the ovum of the fresh-water Mussel. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. -XX., 1855, pp. 33-36. Barschy G. Briefliche Mittheilung iiber den Anbau von Sorbus aucuparia. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1857, pp. 169-172. Barse, Jules. De 1'existence du Plomb et du Cuivre contenus dans 1'economie de l'homme, en dehors des cas d'empoisonnement. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 571-581. 2. De 1' Arsenic contenu dans le terrain des cimetieres, de son origine, son etat, son importance en matiere d'empoisonnement. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1844, pp. 497-508. 3. Sur 1'application de 1'Alfa ou Sparte dans la fabrication du papier. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LXIL, 1863, pp. 289-299. Barsotti, Giovanni. Articolo di Trigonometria sferica e Geometria a tre coordinate. [1829.] Lucca, Atti Accad. XL, 1842, pp. 113-122. 2. Sul teorema del d'ALEMBERT relative alle quantita immaginarie. Lucca, Atti Accad. XL, 1842, pp. 393-415. 3. Sulla ricerca del centre di gravita o d' inerzia d' alcune linee piane. [1842.] Lucca, Atti Accad. XIL, 1843, pp. 309-344. . 4. Teoria elementare delle frazioni-coefia- cienti. Lucca, Atti Accad. XIL, 1843, pp. 411- 454. B B 2 BAR] 196 [BAR Barsotti, Gionumi. 5. Sulla priina parte della memoriu del Prof. A. SAN-MARTINO intitolata " Discussione sopra due teoremi rimarchevoli d' analisi." [1844.] Lucca, Atti Accad. XIII., 1845, pp. 275-295. 6. Determinazione del centre di gravita di alcune linee plane coll' uso delle funzioni iperboliche. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 489-496. 7. Dimostrazione aualitico-geometrica ele- mentare del parallelogrammo delle forze. Lucca, Atti Accad. XIV., 1853, pp. 53-68. 8. Sopra un problema di statica considerate dall' EULER, FONTANA, 6 SALADHU. LuCCR, Atti Accad. XIV., 1853, pp. 69-90. 9. Ragionamento storico-critico sulla teorica delle funzioni iperboliche. Lucca, Atti Accad. XV., 1855, pp. 441-471. 1O. Sulla equazione generale algebrica del MOIVRE od a radici di forma Cardanica colle sue applicazioni alia risoluzione delle equazioni generali de' gradi terzo e quarto e di quelle de' gradi quinto e superiori fra i coefficient! delle quali si verificano idonee condizioni. Pisa, Ann. Univ. Tosc. Sci. Cosm. V., 1858-61, pp. 99-132. 11. Sopra la formola del MOIVEE ed alcune delle sue principal! applicazioni, Lucca, Atti Accad. XVII., 1860, pp. 149-178. Bartalini, Biagio. Discorso sulla Centaurea salmantica. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 1808, pp. 187-191. 2. Memoria sulla Sida abutilon. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 1808, pp. 192-195. 3. Discorso sulla Urtica nivea. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 1808, pp. 196-200. 4. Memoria sul Sondrio Pistacia Lentiscus, Linn. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 1808, pp. 201- 212. 5. Ragguaglio di alcune produzione natu- rali delP Agro Sanese. Siena, Atti Accad. VIII., 1808, pp. 224-230. Bart els, . Apei^u abrege des formules fondamentales de la geometric a trois dimensions. [1825.] St. Petersb. Mem. Sav. Etr. I., 1831, pp. 77-96. B artels, C. A. Ueber das Schmelzen der Blei- erze im Flammofen. Karsten, Archiv, X., 1 837, pp. 91-130. 2. Ueber die in den Jahren 1835 und 1836 auf dem Oberharze ausgefiihrten Versuche, Bleierze in einem mit der Rost zugestellten Hohofen zu verschmelzen. Karsten, Archiv, X., 1837, pp. 131-148. 3. Beantwortung einiger amtlichen Fragen iiber Verzinnung des Kupfers mit Zinn und Blei. Voget, Notizen, II., 1837, pp. 3-5. 4. Ueber Fucus amylaceus. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XII., 1841, pp. 86-88. Bartels, C. A. 5. Beschreibung der Arsenik- Fabrikation zu St. Andreasberger Silberhiitte auf dem Oberharze. Polytecbn. Mittheil. II., 1845, pp. 77-84. Bartels, Carl Mor. Nicol. Ueber das Aufrecht- sehen bey umgekehrter Abspiegelung im Auge. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 585-587. 2. Ueber das Verbal ten der Strahlenricht- ung zur Gesichtsrichtung. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 698-699. Bartels, Edmund. De corporis humani meniscis. Kiel, Schriften, IV., 1858. Bartels, Ernest Daniel August. Ueber innere und aussere Bewegung im Pflanzenreiche und Thierreiche. Marburg, Schrift. Gesell. Naturw. II., 1831, pp. 19-40. 2. Nachricht von einigen Versuchen an Enthaupteten die Irritabilitats-Verhaltnisse be- treffend. Marburg, Schrift. Gesell. Naturw. I., 1832, pp. 110-117. Bartels, G. C. Der Lavastrom in der Boms- kaule am Katzenberge unterhalb Mayen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1846, pp. 23-26. 2. Notizen zur Fauna des Vereinsgebiets. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb.. 1846, pp. 27- 28. 3. Lahmung der Nektarien durch Elec- tricitat. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb, 1846, pp. 31-32. 4. Notizen zur vulkanischen Topographic der Niedereifel. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1846, pp. 49-50. 5. Gammarus pulex im Menschenmagen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westph. Verb. 1855, pp. 113- 116. Bartenbach et Allain. De 1'extraction de Tor que renferment les mines de cuivre de Chessy et de St. Bel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 592-594. Barter, Charles. Letter on the vegetation of ti-opical Western Africa. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.\ pp. 17-26. Barth, . Notice topographique et medicale sur la ville d'Hyeres. Arch. Gen. de Med. XII., 1841, pp. 161-195. Barth, . Om en saeregen Foryngelsesmaade af Birkeskoven. Christiania, Forhandl. 1861, pp. 113-116. Barth, Ad. Analyse eines jodhaltigen Mineral- wassersvon Krankenheil bei Tolz in Oberbaiern. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VII., 1849, pp. 404-410. 2. Notiz iiber das krankenheiler Sal/. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 313-317. Barth, Christ. Fried. Blaue Malerfarbe au.s Kupfer. Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 274-275. BAR] 197 [BAR Earth, Christ. Fried. 2. Zubereitung einer neuen griinen Malerfarbe, die der Gesundheit nicht nachtheilig 1st. Hermbstadt, Museum, III, 1814, pp. 364-366. Earth, G. B. Indberetning om en i Lofoten og Vesteraalen foretagen zoologisk Reise. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VII., 1853, pp. 398-416. 2. Fortegnelse over de i Lofoten og Vester- aalen forekommende Fuglearter. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VIIL, 1855, pp. 1-55. Earth, H. Ueber seine Reisen im nordlichen Afrika, in Syrien und in Klein-Asien. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 43-63. 2. Account of two expeditions in Central Africa by the Furanys. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIII., 1853, pp. 120-121. 3. Routes in Central Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIV, 1854, pp. 283-287. 4. Die Expedition nach Central-Afrika. Petermann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 3-14, 85-89, 93-98. 5. Die Imoscharli oder Tuareg, Volk und Land. Petermann, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 239- 260. 6. Die hauptsachlichsten Staatengruppen Central- Afrika's. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 442-465. 7. Versuch einer eingehenden Erklarung der Felssculpturen von Boghaskoei im alten Kappadocien. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 128-157.- 8. Reise von Assuan liber Berenike nach Kosser im October und November 1846. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, VII., 1859, pp. 1-31. 9. A general historical description of the state of Human Society in Northern Central Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 112-128. 1O. Reise von Trapezunt durch die nord- liche Halfte Klein-Asiens. Petermann, Mit- theil. 1860, Supp. 11. Ausziige aus Werner MUNZINGEK'S Tagebuch, angefangen den 13 Juli 1861 bei der Abreise von Mocullu (Om Kullu), vollendet den 15 October 1861 in Keren. Zeits. Allg. Erd- kunde, XII., 1862, pp. 162-174. 12. Ausziige aus Werner MUNZINGEK'S Tagebuch wahrend seines Aufenthalts im Bo- goslande in Gesellschaft der von Heuglin'schen Expedition. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XII., 1862, pp. 356-363. 13. Dr. August PETERMANN und die Schneeberge. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XIII., 1862, pp. 342-347. 14. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den gegen- wartigen Zustand der Neger-Republik Liberia. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XIII., 1862, pp. 393- 400. Earth, H. 15. Beschreibung einer Reise quer durch das Innere der Europiiischen Tiirkei von Rustchuk iiber Philippopel, &c. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XV, 1863, pp. 301-358, 457-538. Earth, H., and Richardson. Mission to Central Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXL, 1851, pp. 130-221. Earth, L. Notiz iiber die Campholsiiure. Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 249-250. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des Chlors auf den Amylalkohol. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 487-494 ; Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 216-226 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVL, 1862, pp. 167-176. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung des Broms auf Glycerin. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 341-352; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 276-283 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 362-369. 4. Ueber das Pikrotoxin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VIIL (Abth, 2), 1863, pp. 25-34. Earth, L., und H. Hlasiwetz. Ueber eine neue Saure aus dem Milchzucker. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 41-54; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 96-112; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 257 -272 ; Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 234- 247. Barth, Wilhelm. Versuch einer Erklarung der Verhaltnissmassig hoheren Temperatur an den Polen der Erde aus dem Verhaltnisse zwischen Sonne und Erde. Nach Angaben von Jakob BARTII. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. III., 1859 (Abh.\ pp. 44-57. Barthe, . Der Kinyps und seine Landschaft. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 89- 92. -. Theories de la decoloration des Barthe, sirops et de la revivification du noir ; precede de revivification et decoloration par 1'acetate de plomb. Marseilles, Ann. Sci. L, 1832, pp. 57- 75 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLIV., 1832, pp. 187-198 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 418-433 Earthe, E. Absorption de la lumiere par le verre. Pressc Scientifique, I., 1860, p. 95. 2. Sur les produits extraits du goudron de houille. Presse Scientifique,!., 1860, pp. 131- 138. 3. Le sous-sol des Etats-Unis. Presse Scientifique, II., 1861, pp. 55-62. 4. Mer interieure dans la Basse-Californie. Presse Scientifique, II., 1860, pp. 329-330. Barthelemy, A. Observations sur le genre Plo- chionus, Dcj. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 429-431. 2. Deux Cicindeles nouvelles. Paris, Ann Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 597-601. BAR] 198 [BAR Barthelemy, A. 3. Description du Ricin de 1'Houbara. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1836, pp. 689-690. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Procruste. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. 245-246. 5. Sur la Foulque caronculee. Revue Zool. 1841, p. 307. 6. Espece fossile du genre Carabus, trouve"e dans les gypses d'Aix. France, Con- gres Scientifique, 1846, p. 230. 7. Etudes anatomiques et physiologiques sur un Diptere tachinaire, parasite de la che- nille du Sphinx euphorbias, et sur ses metamor- phoses. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1857, pp. 111-124. 8. Etudes sur le developpement et les mi- grations d'un Nemato'ide parasite de 1'oeuf de la Limace grise. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zool.), 1858, pp. 41-48 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, p. 239 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 230-231. 9. Note sur le tissu cellulaire des petales des Geraniacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 215-217. 1O. Etudes et considerations generates sur la parthenogenese. Ann. Sci. Nat. XU. (Zool.), 1859, pp. 307-320. 11. Note sur la floraison intempestive d'un Cerisier. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 788-791. Barthelemy-Lapommeraye, . Sur plu- sieurs races de chevres remarquables par les quality's de leur pelage. Paris, Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. I., 1854, pp. 147-151. 2. Sur les Lamas et congeneres du Perou et du Chili. Paris, Bull. Soc. Acclim. V., 1858, pp. 521-527. 3. Ueber die Einfiihrung und Zahmung der Hoccos. Frankfurt, Zool. Garten. II., 1861, pp. 110-112. 4. Sur un Hybride de la tribu des Antilo- pins du sous-genre Gazelle. Paris, Bull. Soc. Acclim. IX., 1862, pp. 467-472. 5. Hybrides de Perdrix gambra et de Per- drix synaica. Paris, Bull. Soc. Acclim. X., 1863, pp. 485-491. Barthez, P. J. Eclaircissements sur quelques points de la mecanique des mouvements de 1'homme. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. V., 1803, pp. 259-280. Barthold, Charles. Analyse de la pierre de Tonnerrc. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 169- 176. Bartholdi, G. C. Sur les inflammations sponta- nees. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIII., 1803, pp. 249-272 j Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 216-220, 236-243 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1804, pp. 346-355. Bartholomai, F. Combinatorische Darstellung der Naherungswerthe eines Kettenbruchs. Gru- nert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 328-334. Bartholomew, . Private Journal kept on board H.M.S. "Leven," when surveying the Coast of Africa. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 220-228. Bartick, W. Dell' arnicina, nuova base organica dell' Arnica montana, con alcune osservazioni intorno ai metodi general! di isolare gli alcali. Polli, Ann. di Chhn. XIII., 1851, pp. 141-147. Bartlett, . On the post tertiary-formations of Cornwall and Devon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), p. 61. Bartlett, A. D. On a new British species of the genus Anser (A. phocnicopus). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. VII., 1839, pp. 2-4. 2. Description of a new species of Fuligula. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XV., 1847, pp. 48-50. 3. On the genus Apteryx. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XVIII., 1850, pp. 274-276. 4. On some bones of Didus. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XIX., 1851, pp. 280-284. 5. On the Lepidosiren in the Crystal Palace. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXIV., 1856, pp. 346-348. 6. Description of a Chinese sheep sent to H.R.H. Prince ALBERT by R. ALCOOK. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXV., 1857, pp. 104-107. 7. Description of a Rabbit said to be found on the Himalayan Mountains. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXV., 1857, pp. 159-160. 8. Remarks on the habits of i Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 467-468. 9. Indications of the existence of a second species of Emeu (Dromaeus). Ann. Nat. Hist. V., I860. pp. 333-334. 1O. Notes on some young Hybrid Bears bred in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 130- 131. 11. Notes on the reproduction of the Aus- tralian Wattlebird (Talegalla Lathami) in the Society's Gardens. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 426-427 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 222-223. 12. Remarks on the Japanese Masked Pig. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIH., 1861, pp. 501- 502. 13. Additional note on the Blackfooted Rabbit. Ann. Nat, Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 420- 421. 14. On the affinities of Balseniceps. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 131-134 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIH., 1861, pp. 185-188. 15. Remarks on the breeding of the larger Felidae in captivity. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 140-141. BAR] 199 [BAR Bartlett, A. D. 16. Observations of the habits of the Aye- Aye living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, Regent's Park, London. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 103-104. 17. Remarks upon the horned Tragopans (Ceriornis satyra). Intell. Observer, IV., 1863, pp. 70-94. 18. On the new British snake (Coronella lasvis), small crowned smooth Snake. Intell. Observer, III., 1863, pp. 149-151. 19. Description of a new species of Galago (G. Monteiri). Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, p. 231. Bartlett, Geo. Observations on the climates of California. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 291-293. Bartlett, J. Pemberton. Notes on the ornithology of Kent. Newman, Zoologist, II., 1844, pp. 617-628, 718-719. Bartlett, John Russell. Zur Thier-Geographie von Texas, Neu-Mexico, California. Petermann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 121-126. Bartlett, Josiah. A remarkable extra-uterine case. New England Journ. Med. IV., 1815, pp. 301-306 ; Brera, Nuovi Comment. I., 1818, pp. 607-608. Bartlett, W. P. G. Theory of the distribution of Points on a Line. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 84-87. 2. Theorem on Rectangular Coordinates. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 180-181. 3. The elements of Quaternions. Cam- bridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, II., 1860, pp. 29-31, 97-101, 128-133, 195-198. 4. On the empirical interpolation of obser- vations in Physics and Chemistry. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 27-33. 5. On certain forms of interpolation. Bos- ton, Mem. Amer. Acad. VIII., 1863, pp. 435-443. Bartlett, William H. C. Experiments on the expansion and contraction of building stones, by variations of temperature. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 136-140; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XL VII., 1833, pp. 383-389 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1832, pp. 304-309. 2. On the instruments of the Astronomical Observatory of the United States' Military Academy, West Point, and on the Observations made upon the Comet of February 1843. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 151-154 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IX., 1846, pp. 191-203. 3. On the solar eclipse of 1854, May 26. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 33-35. 4. The comas and tails of Comets. Silliman, Bartling, . Ueber einige siiddeutsche Pflan- zen. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 337-347. Bartling, . Descriptiones Diosmearuin Capensium novarum velnondum rite cognitarum. Linnsea, XVII., 1843, pp. 353-382. Bartling, . Ueber die Herkunft des Ana- cahnite-Holzes. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1862. pp. 375-376. Bartling, F. G. Ueber den Pollen der Dipsa- ceen. Linuasa, III., 1828, pp. 171-173. Bartling, Fr. Th. Plantse Ecklonianae : Lau- rineae, Myrtaceae, Celastrineae, Frankeniacese, Resedacea6, Lineaa, Violarieae, Capparidese, Fi- coideaa, Di'oseraceae, Menispermeae, Portulaceae, Alsineae, Silenese, Paronychieae, Scleranthese, Ericeaa. Linnjea, VII., 1832, pp. 538-541, 620- 652. 2. De Galphimiis Mexicanis annotationes. Linnaea, XIII., 1839, pp. 549-558. Bar toll, Lorenzo. Ulteriori osservazioni sul vero antrace. Giorn. Arcad. CXXXIII., 1853, pp. 320-326. Bartoliui, . Analisi delle neve e piogge colorite cadute negli ultimi scorsi anni in diverse parti d' Italia. Brugnatelli, Giorn. I., 1818, pp. 469-480. Bartolini, Antonio. Nigrizie con lesione del reni succenturiati. II Tempo, III., 1859, pp. 321-328. Bartolomeis, Gian Luigi de. Descrizione dell' isola di Capraia. Ranuzzi, Ann. Geograf. 1845, pp. 105-113. Barton, Alfred. Notes on the Yang-tsze-Kiang, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXII., 1862, pp. 26- 41. 2. On the Exploring Expedition to the western borders of China, and the upper waters of the Yang-tse-Kiang. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VI., 1862, pp. 85-95. Barton, Benj. Smith. An inquiry into the question, whether the Apis mellifica, or true Honey Bee, is a native of America. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 241-260. 2. A botanical description of the Podo- phyllum diphyllum of LINN.EUS. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 334-347. 3. A memoir concerning the Fascinating Journ. XXIX., 1860, pp. 62-65. 5. On the direction of molecular motions in plane Polarized Light. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1860, pp. 361-366. Faculty which has been ascribed to the Rattle- Snake and other American Serpents. [1794.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 74-113; Nicholson, Journ. VTL, 1804, pp. 270-285; Vni.,pp. 58-62, 100-115; XIII., pp. 300-305; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV.. 1803, pp. 193-202, 294-300. 4. Some account of an American species of Dipus or Jerboa. [1795.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 114-123; VI., 1809, pp. 143-144. BAR] 200 [BAR Barton, Bcrij. Smith. 5. Hints relative to the stimulant effects of Camphor. [1796.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 232-234 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1797, pp. 63-67; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1798 (Stk. 2), pp. 262-266. 6. On the utility of Birds in destroying Insects and other productions hurtful to man- kind. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IX., 1801, pp. 56-62. 7. Some account of the poisonous and injurious Honey of North America. [1794.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1802, pp. 51-70; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 159-175 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIL, 1802, pp. 121-135. 8. On Indian Dogs. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 1-9, 136-142. 9. Letter to Dr. RAMSAY, in consequence of his Observations on the Bite of a Snake cured by Volatile Alkali. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., '1803, pp. 128-131. 1O. Memorandums concerning the Earth- quakes of North America. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I, 1805, pp. 60-67. 11. Facts relative to the food of the Humming-Bird. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805, pp. 88-89. 12. Some account of the different species and varieties of native American or Indian Dogs. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805 (pt. 2), pp. 3^31. . 13. Observations and conjectures relative to the supposed Welch-Indians, in the western parts of North America. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805 (pt. 2), pp. 79-96. 14. Facts relative to the torpid state of the North American Alligator. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805 (pt. 2), pp. 106-109; Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 131-133; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1805, pp. 143-145. 15. Notice of the Sulphur Springs in the county of Ontario and state of New York. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805 (pt. 2), pp. 166-168. 16. Note on the natural history of the substance called Guano. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ. II., 1805, pp. 66-68. 17. Some account of the Taye, a species of sheep. Philad. Med. Phys. Journ.' II., 1805, pp. 106-113. 18. Letter to M. LACEPEDE, of Paris, on the Natural History of North America. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXII., 1805, pp. 97-103, 204- 211. 19. Memorandum of a new Vegetable Muscipula. [1803.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 79-81. 20. Some account of a new species of North American Lizard. [1803.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp'. 108-113. Barton, Benj. Smith. 21. Mineralogieal notice respecting Fluate of Lime from Virginia. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 79-80^ 22. On the Torpidity of Animals. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1810, pp. 241- 247. 23. Desultory observations concerning certain vegetable Muscicapre. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 107-116. 24. Some observations concerning the medical properties of the Pyrola umbellata. and the Arbutus Uva Ursi, of LIXX^EUS. [1815.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. VII., 1816, pp. 143-149. 25. Some account of the Tantalus Ephous- kyca, a rare American Bird. [1815.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIL, 1818, pp. 24-27. 26. Facts, observations, and conjectures relative to the generation of the Opossum of North America, Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 349-354; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1824, col. 129-144. Barton, D. W. Notice of the geology of the Catskills. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 249- 251. 2. On the Virginia Fluor Spar. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 277-278. Barton, John. On the Inflexion of light. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1831, pp. 72-73 ; Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 263-269 ; III., pp. 172-178. 2. On the Physical Causes of the principal Phcenomena of Heat. Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 342-347. Barton, John. A few observations on the cha- racter of the Snowdonian Flora. Phytologist, II., 1857-58. pp. 145-149. 2. Notes on the Flora of Braemar, Aber- deenshire. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 281- 284, 308-312, 341-346, 417-423. Barton, William. Description of the grotto at Swatara, [1783.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1786, pp. 177-178. 2. Observations on the probabilities of the duration of human life, and the progress of population, in the United States of America, [1791.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1793, pp. 25-61, 134-138. Barton, William P. C. An account of the 2 phus vulgaris, and Ziziphus lotus, or the large and little Jujubes. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. II., 1821, pp. 313-320. Bartram, John. Additional observations on tin- Cicada septendecim. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805, pp. 56-59. Bartram, William. Account of the species, hybrids, and other varieties of the Vine of North America. New York Med. Repos. I., 1804, pp. 19-24.' BAR] 201 [BAR Bart ram, William. 2. Anecdotes of an Ame- rican Crow. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. L, 1805, pp. 89-95; Nicholson, Jdurn. XII., 1805, pp. 194-198. 3. Description of an American species of Certhia, or Creeper. Philadelphia, Med. Phys. Journ. I., 1805 (pt. 2), pp. 103-106. Bartsch, . Beschreibung eines Menschen, welcher auf alien Vieren geht, nebst patho- logische-physikalischer Betrachtung seiner Locomotion. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. II., 1839, pp. 74-78. BarufE, . Sull' oppio. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 3-47. 2. Indiquer 1'horizon geologique du dilu.- vium dans lequel on a trouve des haches en pierre et autres objets fabriques ; peut-on en conclure que 1'homme existait en meme temps que les grands animaux dont les debris sont contenus dans les memes couches ? Ann. Inst. d. Provinces, 1862, pp. 290-295. Baruffi, G. F. Lettera agli Uranofili Torinesi. Poligrafo, III., 1836, pp. 3-29. Baruffi, Giuseppe. Nuove idee sulF origine del calorico nel corpo iimano e negli animali. Omo- dei, Ann. Univ. CIIL, 1842, pp. 70-111. Barveaux, G. Sur la reduction du silicium, du tungstene et du molybdene, par les procedes electro-chimiques de M. CHAUDRON - JUNOT. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem., 1855, pp. 46-60. Barwald, C. F., und C. Wittstock. Ueber Ar- senikgehalt des Phosphors. Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 256-263 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 94-97. Barwell, Richard. On granulation and the part it plays in diseases of the joints. Archives of Med. II., 1860-61, pp. 29-40. Barwmkel, . Die Fortpflanzung des medi- cinischen Blutegels im engern Gewahrsam. TrommsdoriF, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827, pp. 3-28. 2. Halbseitige Lahmung der N. trigemin., abducens, olfactoiius und petrosus, superficialis major. Anesthesia dolorosa. Roser u. Wunder- lich, Archiv, III., 1859, pp. 238-245. Bary, . Note sur la quadrature des sections coniques. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XIX., 1828- 29, pp. 245-249. 2. Exposition d'une methode elementaire propre a obtenir les equations des developpees orthogonales et obliques des courbes planes. Gergonne, Ann, Math. XXL, 1830-31, pp. 249- 262. 3. Sur 1'erreur qu'entraine 1'interpolation vulgaire dans 1'usage des tables de logarithmes. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XXL, 1830-31, pp. 281 -284. Bary, 4. Note sur la determination du volume du segment spherique a deux bases paralleles. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XXL, 1830- 31, pp. 326-328. Bary, Anton de. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Achlya prolifera, Nees. Botau. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 473-479, 489-496, 505-511. 2. Ueber die Entwickelung und den Zu- sammenhang von Aspergillus glaucus und Euro- tium. Botan. Zeitung, XIL, 1854, col. 425-434, 441-451, 465-471. 3. Ueber die Algengattungen Oedogonium und Bulbochoete. Senckenberg. Naturf. Gesell. Abh. 1854-55, pp. 29-105. 4. Sur la generation sexuelle des Algues. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.\ 1856, pp. 262-266. 5. Sur la germination des plantes. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.\ 1858, pp. 30-35. 6. Ueber die Myxomyceten. Botan. Zei- tung, XVI., 1858, pp. 357-358, 361-364, 365- 369. 7. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Al- genkunde in den Jahren, 1855, 1856, und 1857. Botan. Zeitung, XVL, 1858, Supp. pp. 55- 100. 8. Ueber den geschlechtlichen Zeugungs- prozess bei den Algen. [1856.] Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 215-230. 9. Ueber die Copulations-processe im Pflan- xenreich. [1856.] Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 325-344. 1O. Ueber die Keimung der Lycopodien. Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 467-472 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 189-192. 11. Ueber Orchis militaris, simia, fusca und ihre Bastarde. Freiburg, Berichte, I., 1858, pp. 477-482. 12. Zur Kenntniss einiger Agaricinen. Botan. Zeitung, XVIL, 1859, pp. 385-388, 393 -398, 401-404. 13. Sur la formation de zoospores chez quelques champignons. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.\ 1860, pp. 236-251. 14. Einige neue Saprolegnieen. Pring- sheim, Botanik, II., 1860, pp. 169-192. 15. Die Mycetozoen : ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der niedersten Thiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 88-176; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 233-243 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., I860, pp. 97-102. 16. Ueber die Geschlechtsorgane von Peronospora. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 89-91. 17. Die neueren Arbeiten iiber die Schleimpilze und ihre Stellung im System. Flora, XLV., 1862, pp. 264-272, 282-287, 301-304. c c BAR] 202 [BAS Bary, Anton de. 18. Die neuesten Arbeiten iiber Entstehung und Vegetation der niederen Pike ; insbesondere PASTEUR'S Untersuchungen. Flora, XLV., 1862, pp. 355-365 ; XL VI., 1863, pp. 9-12, 16-24, 43-47. 19. Ueber Schwarmsporen - Bildung bei einigen PiLzen. [I860.] Freiburg, Berichte, II., 1862, pp. 314-329. 20. sur le developpement de quelques Champignons parasites. Memoire pour servir de reponse a une question proposee par 1' Academic des Sciences en 1861, et pour servir de supplement aux travaux sur la question des Generations dites Spontanees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1863 (Bot.\ pp. 5-148. 21. Ueber einen neuen in der Mark und in Hannover beobachteten, der Kiefer verder- blichen Pilz, Caeoma pinitorquum. Berlin, Monatsber. 1863, pp. 624-640. 22. rntersuchungen iiber die Entwicke- lung einiger Scbmarotzerpilze. Flora, XL VI., 1863, pp. 161-169, 177-183. 23. Ueber die Entwickelung der Sphseria typhina, Pers., und BAIL'S " Mycologische Stu- " dien." Flora, XLVL, 1863, pp. 401-409 24. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nostoca- ceen, insbesondere der Rivularien. Flora, XLVI., 1863, pp. 553-560, 577-588. Bary, Emile. Lettre aux Redacteurs sur la me- sure des plus petites forces electriques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 37-43; Pog- gend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 380-386. 2. Lettre aux Redacteurs sur la determina- tion elementaire du minimum de deviation qu'un rayon de lumiere homogene puisse subir en tra- versant un prisme donne. Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1831, pp. 88-95; Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 170-175. 3. Procede pour accorder une guitare sans le secours de 1'oreille. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 167-168. 4. Nouveaux essais d'interpolation sur la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, HI., 1836, p. 378. 5. Statique appliquee au Magnetisme (Ecole Normale). Note sur la maniere de cor- riger le defaut de centrage des boussoles d'in- cliriaison. Nouv. Ann. Math. LTI., 1844, pp. 257-264. 6. Lettre sur 1'application d'une nouvelle formule empirique aux tensions des vapeurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1574- 1575 ; Grunert, Archiv, VIL, 1846, pp. 103- 104. Bary, Hermann de, et Antoine Hoffmann. Des Myxomycetes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.\ 1859, pp. 150-182. Barzano, Gactano. H granito di Baveno. Milano, Giorn.Ist. Lomb. IV., 1852, pp. 417-433. Barzelotti, Gaspare. Lettcra sopra un mostro humano. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XLV., 1828, pp. 574-582. Barzellotti, Giacomo. Priifung einiger neuern Theorien iiber die nachste Ursache der Muskel- zusammenziehung. (Transl.*) Reil, Archiv, VI., 1805, pp. 168-221. 2. Lettre aux Redacteurs sur la cause prochaine de la contraction musculaire. Bibl. Britannique, XXXIL, 1806, pp. 213-231. 3. Considerazioni anatornico-fisiologiche sopra due cuori e due fegati perfetti ritrovati in un Piccione domestico. Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. I., 1822, pp. 43-59. Basch, Samuel. Untersuchungen iiber das - chylopoetische und uropoetische System der Blatta orientalis. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXLTI., 1858, pp. 234-260 ; Moleschott, Untersuch. VI., 1860, pp. 350-379. Basedow, . Anus imperforatus mit Ery- sipelas neonatorum. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburts- hiilfe, VIL, 1828, pp. 511-513. 2. Hymen completum. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1835, pp. 487-488. 3. Hydrophobia spontanea. Casper, Wo- chenschrift, 1836, pp. 369-375. 4. Einfluss der Gravitation auf die Blut- circulation. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1838, pp. 689-694. 5. Fernere Beobachtungen iiber die gesundheitsnachtheiligen Ausdiinstungen der Zimmerfarben aus arseniksaurem Kupferoxyd. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1848, pp. 417-429, 436- 448, 453-462. Baseggio, G. Degli uccelli dei contorni di Bassano. Bibl. Ital. XX VH., 1822, pp. 203- 217. Basevi, E. Osservazioni sopra la conducibilita del vetro per 1'elettricita. Amici, Giorn. Toscano, I., 1840, pp. 273-277. Bashford, F. A few remarks on experiments with silk-worms, with a view to improve the present silk -yielding species of Bengal. Journ. Agric. Hort. Soc. India, IX., 1857, pp. 259- 274. Bashforth, Francis. A description of a machine for finding the numerical roots of equations, and tracing a variety of useful curves. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 3-4. 2. An attempt to explain some of the circumstances observed by Mr. PROVIS, at the Menai Bridge, during storms, with a proposed new method of constructing suspension bridges. Weale, Quarterly Papers, IV., 1845. 3. On capillary attraction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 2-3. Basilewsky, Stephanus. Ichthyographia Chinas borealis. [1852.] Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. X., 1855. pp. 215-264. BAS] 203 [BAS Basiner, Theodor Frid. Jul. Gedrangte Dar- stellung der Herbstvegetation am Aral- See und im Chanate Chiwa. [1843.] St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. II., 1844. col. 199-204. 2. Enumeratio monographica specierum generis Hedysari. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. IV., 1845, col. 305-315 ; St. Petersb. Mem. Sav. Etr. VI., 1851, pp. 45-98. 3. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise durch die Kirgisensteppe nach Chiwa. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XV., 1848, pp. 1-375. 4. Ueber die Biegsamkeit der Pflanzen gegen klimatische Einfliisse. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 490-535. 5. Ueber die Watte aus der Bastfaser der Seidenpflanze (Asclepias syriaca, L.). Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIL, 1859, pp. 251-257. 6. Schadlicher Einfluss des Schnees auf Baume und hohere Strauche. Ferner auch einige phyto-klimatologische Bemerkungen. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 481-490. Easier, Wilh. Einiges iiber das Verhalten der Milzgefasse. Wiirzburger Med. Zeitschr. IV., 1863, pp. 220-231. Basoches, B. Notophorus, nouveau genre d'hymenopteres. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. II., 1822, pp. 254-256. 2. Memoire sur un Mollusque fossile, ine*dit et remarquable, du terrain secondaire de 1'arron- dissement de Falaise. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1824, pp. 210-214. 3. Extrait d'une Lettre adressee aux Redacteurs, sur quelques fossiles du terrain in- termediaire des environs de Falaise. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 472-475; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, p. 390. Bass, . Sur un nouveau mammifere [Vom- batus] decouvert a la Nouvelle Hollande. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1803, pp. 185-186. Bassanelli, LuigL Lettera su di un feto privo dello sterno. Giorn. Aread. XV., 1822, pp. 11- 14 ; XVI., pp. 50-55. 2. Sopra il tremuto che ha sofferto la citta di Albano con le sue vicinanze dal giorno 21 di Maggio a tutto il di 6 di Dicembre 1829. Giorn. Arcad. XLIV., 1829, pp. 37-74. Basse, Frederic Henri. Observations chimiques sur 1'acide muriatique, &c. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. IL, 1801, pp. 429^35. 2. Galvanische Versuche und Beobach- tungen, die Leitung des Galvanischelectrischen Fluidums betreffend ; angestellt mit einer Vol- taischen Saule aus 70 zweizolligen Metallplat- ten-Paaren von Kupfer und Zink. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 26-37. Bassermann, F. Einiges iiber Folia Sennae, besonders liber Folia Sennae d' Aleppo. Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 313-317. Bassermann, F. 2. Ueber das sogenannte Tor- gummi. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 217-220. 3. Ueber Nanary oder ostindische Salsa- parille. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 348- 350. 4. Ueber Cortex radicis Ratanhise. Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 226-228. 5. Ueber eine neue Sorte Ingber aus China und die Ingbersorten iiberhaupt. Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 104-108. 6. Notiz iiber Semen Cina3. Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, p. 231. Basset, JV. Observations sur les ferments. Ann. Genie Civil, I., 1862, pp. 81-92. 2. De 1'industrie soudiere. Ann. Genie Civil, IL, 1863, pp. 54-57. 3. Preparation des ferments employes dans les arts et 1'industrie. Ann. Genie Civil, II. , 1863, pp. 161-168. Bassett, H. On some reactions of subformiate of Ethyl. Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 158- 159. Bassett, H. F. Descriptions of several supposed new species of Cynips, with remarks on the formation of certain galls. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, pp. 323-333. Bassett, William. Lizards in chalk. Silliman, Journ. XXX VII., 1839, p. 402. Bassi, Agostino. Recherches sur la Muscardine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 434-436. 2. Cenni relativi all* accopiamento dei bachi da seta. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 236-237. 3. [Osservazioni intorno allo sviluppo dei Sireci.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 246-248. 4. Sopra alcuni pesci d' acqua dolce della Lombardia. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 375- 377. 5. Prima nota sulla identita de due generi Tetrapterurus et Histioforus, e su qualche par- ti colarita anatomiche di essi. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 461-463. 6. Sopra una specie di Acanthias, Bonap., raro nel golfo Veneto, detta volgarmente " Azia negro." Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 463-464. 7. Nota sulP esistenza dell' organo del gusto in alcune specie di Cani Marini. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 464-465. Bassi, Carlo. Notice sur le genre Cardiomera, nouveau genre de Coleopteres de la famille des Carabiques. [1833.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. in., 1834, pp. 319-326. 2. Notice sur une monstruosite du Rhizo- trogus castaneus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 373-378. 3. Description de quelques nouvelles es- peces de coleopteres de 1'Italie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 463-472. c c 2 BAS] 204 [BAS Bassi, Carlo 4. [Studj sulle funzioni degli organ! genital! degl' lusetti.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 391-393. 5. Rapport adresse ii la Section de Zoo- logie, d' Anatomic Comparee et de Physiologie, du Congres de Venise, relatif au passage des substances introduites dans le systeme tracheen des Insectes. Ann. Sci.Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1851, pp. 362-371. 6. Note sur un ver a soie monstrueux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. viii-ix. Bassi, Paolo, SulT eifetto utile delle macchine animate da forze che agiscono e reagiscono con- temporaneamente nelle medesime. Milauo, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VII., 1846, pp. 36-73. Easslinger, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Schicht- ung des Darmcanals der Gans, iiber Gestalt und Lagerung seiner Peyer'schen Driisen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIIL, 1854, pp. 536-555. 2. Die Peyer'schen Tnseln (plaques) der Vogel. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 299-300. 3. Ueber die Chylusgefasse der Vogel. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 301-303. 4. Rhythmische Zusammenziehungen an- der Cardia des Kaninchenmagens (Cardiapuls). Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 568-574; Moleschott, Untersuch. VII., 1860, pp. 359-366. Bassolini, . Sulle ombre colorate. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. II., 1860, pp. 318-321, 343-345. Eassow, B. De anate tetrapode commentatio. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1840, pp. 204-209. 2. Voie artificielle dans 1'estomac des ani- maux. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVI., 1843, pp. 315-319; Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1844, col. 212-214. Bastard, . Observations sur les fecondations qui s'operent sous 1'eau. Orleans, Bull. TV., 1812, pp. 162-166. Bastard, T. Note sur quelques especes nou- velles a ajouter a la Flore de France. Paris, Journ. Botan. III., 1814, pp. 17-23. Bastarrica, Jose. Sobre el iuflujo de las mate- maticas en el desarrollo de las ciencias fisicas. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1852, pp. 41-45. Basterot, B. de. Sur le Websterite ou alumine sous-sulfatee. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 19-20. 2. Sur legisement des ossements fossiles des environs d'Argenton (departemen t del'Indre). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 188-189: Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 233-240. 3. Memoire geologique sur les environs de Bordeaux : Premiere Partie, comprenant les observations generates sur les Mollusques fos- siles, et lu description particuliere de ceux qu'on rencontre dans ce bassin. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 492-495. Basterot, B. de. 4. Description geologique du bassin tertiaire du sud-ouest de la France. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1825, pp. 1-100. 5. On the strata in the vicinity of Folk- stone. Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 334- 335; Phil. Mag. I., 1827, p. 69. Bastian, Adolf. Ueber die Fliisse Birma's. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 264-269. 2. Ueber die Volkstiimme Birraa's. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XV., 1863, pp. 212-224. Bastian, //. Charlton. The Flora of Falmouth and surrounding Parishes. Cornwall, Poly- tech. Soc. 1856, pp. 83-112. 2. On the structure and nature of the Dracunculus, or Giiineaworm. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1863, pp. 101-134. Bastick, William. On the action of volatile oils on the sulphates in an aqueous menstruum. Charleston Med. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 363- 364. 2. On the action of hypochlorite of lime on organic compounds. Pharmaceut. Journ. VII., 1848, pp. 467-470 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 20-24. 3. On the causes and preventives of mildew. Pharmaceut. Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 59-63. . 4. Formation of a new acid from a fossil resin by the action of nitric acid. Pharmaceut. Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 339-341. 5. On colocynthine. [1850.] Pharmaceut. Journ. X., 1851, pp. 239-240 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 346-348. 6. On Arnicina, a new organic base from Arnica montana, with some remarks on the general method of isolating alkaloids. Pharma- ceut. Journ. X., 1851, pp. 386-389 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 454-458; Haaxman. Tijdschr. III., 1851, pp. 129-131. 7. On a new crystalline body from Helle- borus niger. Annals of Pharm. I., 1852, pp. 359-361 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 205-208 ; XXIV. pp. 159-160. 8. On the constitution and use of some natural silicates employed as pigments. Annals of Pharm. II., 1853, pp. 41-42. 9. On some double salts of iron, and the relation of similar salts to the alums. Pharma- ceut. Journ. XIIL, 1854, pp. 639-641. Bastien, . Absence complete de 1 'uterus, des trompes, du vagin, et du rein droit. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859, C. R., pp. 96-99. Bastien et Chevallier. Essais sur les eaux minerales thermales de Bourbonne-les-Bain*. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1834, pp. 24-47. Bastien, J. B., et A. Vulpian. Memoire sur les effets de la compression des nerfs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1009-1012. Baston, . Memoire sur la couleur noire. Rouen, Aead. Travaux, 1806, pp. 44-46. BAT] 205 [BAT Batailiard, Charles. Physiologic de la Langue. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VII., 1856, pp. 279- 290. Batalha, Caetano Maria, e Francisco Maria Pereira da Silva. Memoria sobre o pinhal nacional de Leiria, suas madeiras e productos rezinosos. Lisboa, Ann. Marit. III., 1843, pp. 249-269, 321-340. 2. Memoria sobre observa9oes de Mares. Lisboa, Ann. Marit. V., 1845, pp. 225-246. Batchelder, Jacob. The causes of the various forms of the development of electricity. [1857.] Essex (U.S.) Instit. Proc. II., 1862, pp. 161- 172. Batchelder, John M. Observations upon the development of Electricity in bands of leather. Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 250-252. 2. Description of a Hygrometer for regulating the moisture of the air in closed apartments. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVIII., 1849, pp. 444-446. Batchelor, Thomas. Observations on a species of Muscae Volitantes apparently existing in the Aqueous Humour of the Eye. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 165-167. Bate, . Account of an improvement in the machine for producing engravings of medals, busts, &c., directly from the objects themselves, in which the distortions hitherto attending such representations are entirely obviated. Roy. Soc. Proc. Ill, 1832, pp. 139-140, Bate, C. Spence. On fossil remains recently dis- covered in Bacon Hole, Gower ; also other remains from beneath the bed of the River Tawey. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp, 62- 63. 2. Notes on some Tubicolns. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 72-73. 3. Notes on the boring of marine animals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 73-75. 4. Notes on Crustacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 109-111; VII., 1851, pp. 297- 300 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 1 lo- ll 7. 5. On a new genus and several new species of British Crustacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 318-321. 6. On the Terebella medusa. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1851, pp. 237-239. 7. On the development of the Cirripedia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1851, pp. 324-332. 8. On some Crustacea dredged by Mr. BARLEE in the Shetlands. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 356-357. 9. On the Homologies of the Carapace Bate, C. Spence. 10. On the British Edrioph- thalma. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855, pp. 18-62. 11. On the British Diastylidre. Ann. Nat. Hist, XVII., 1856, pp. 449-465. 12. On the peridental membrane in its relation to the dental tissues. Brit. Journ. Dental Sci. I., 1856, pp. 5-7. 13. On the natural history of Ivory. Brit. Journ. Dental Sci. L, 1856, pp. 69-73, 99- 105. 14. On a new Amphipod. Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. II., 1856-59, pp. 58-59. 15. On the development of Carcinus Mgenas. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856-57, pp. 544-546. 16. On the genus Cuma. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 106-107. 17. A synopsis of the British Edrioph- thalmous Crustacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 135-152. 18. On the British Edriophthalma. Ann. Nat, Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 524-525. 19. On a new Amphipod, Iphimedia Eblanae. Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.), and on the Structure and Function of the Antennae in Crustacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 36-46; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 376-379. pp. 229-230. 2O. On the nidification of Crustacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 161-169; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.\ 1858, pp. 255-264. 21. On some new genera and species of Crustacea amphipoda. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 361-362. 22. On Praniza and Anceus, and their affinity to each other. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 165-172. 23. Of a new British Hippolyte. Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.\ pp. 51-52. 24. On the genus Scorpionura. Nat. Hist. Rev. V., 1858, pp. 202-205. 25. On absorption. Odont. Soc. Trans. I., 1858, pp. 21-30. 26. On the development of decapod Crus- tacea. [1857.] Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 589- 606. 27. On the structure of the teeth. Brit. Journ. Dental Sci. II., 1858-59, pp. 35-40, 67- 73, 195-197, 227-230, 257-258, 285-286, 313- 314, 341-344, 369-371, 397-399, 425-427. 28. On a new genus and new species of Diastylidge. Dublin Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 101-104. 29. Description of two rare Crustaceans from the coast of Durham. Tyneside Nat. F. C. Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 15-16. 3O. On some British Diastylidrc. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 273-274. 31. Description of a new British Hippolyte (H. Gordoniana, n. s.). Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. L, 1859, pp. 48-50. BAT] 206 [BAT Bate, 1 C. Spencc. 32. Description of Pandalus Jeffreysii (Spencc Bate, " Fauna of Swansea," 1850). Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. L, 1859, pp. 151-153; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 100-101. 33. On the genus Niphargus, Schiodte. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 237-240. 34. On the fossil crustacean found in the magnesian limestone of Durham ; and on a new species of Amphipod. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 137-140; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 163-166. 35. On the importance of an examination of the structure of the integument of Crustacea in the determination of doubtful species. Appli- cation to the genus Galathea, with the descrip- tion of a new species of that genus. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Zool.), pp. 1-4. 36. The Crab and its allies. Newman, Zoologist, XVIL, 1859, pp. 6567-6578, 6622- 6630, 6676-6691 ; XIX., pp. 7548-7553, 7650- 7660. 37. On the morphology of some Amphi- poda of the division Hypernia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VHI., 1861., pp. 1-15. 38. Note on the supposed " Discovery of an extremely minute Vertebrate Lower Jaw in mud dredged at St. Helena, by Dr. WALLICH." Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 440-441. 39. On some new Australian species of Crustacea. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 498- 505. Bate, R. B. Ou the Camera Lucida. Nicholson, Journal, XXIV., 1809, pp. 146-150; Gilbert. Annal. XXXVL, 1810, pp. 74-88. Bateman, J. On Mr. PHILLIPS'S method of dis- covering Adulteration in Tobacco. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 29-30. Bateman, John Frederic. Observations on the relation which the fall of Rain bears to the Water flowing from the Ground. [1844.] Manchester Soc. Mem. VII., 1846, pp. 157- 190. 2. Report of the Committee for superin- tending the placing of Rain Gauges along the lines of the Rochdale, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Peak Forest Canals, with observations upon the returns and other particulars. [1845.] Man- chester Soc. Mem. VII., 1846, pp. 191-204. 3. Report of the Committee appointed for superintending the Measurement of Rain falling along the lines of the Rochdale, Ashton-under- Lyne, and Peak Forest Canals. [1848.] Man- chester Soc. Mem. IX., 1851, pp. 1-28. 4. Some account of the floods which oc- curred at the Manchester Waterworks in the month of February 1852. Manchester Soc. Mem. X., 1852. pp. 137-154. Bateman, John Frederic. 5. On the present state of our knowledge on the supply of water to towns. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855, pp. 62-78. Bateman, T. An account of the Larvae of two species of Insects discharged from the human body. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. VII., 1811, pp. 41-48. Bates, Henry Walter. Notes on the habits of Coleoptera. Newman, Zoologist, II., 1844, pp. 410-412. 2. Some account of the Douroucouli monkey (Aotes trivirgatus, Humb.). [1851.] Newman, Zoologist, X., 1852, pp. 3324-3326. 3. Some account of the country of the river Solimoens, or Upper Amazons. Newman. Zoologist, X., 1852, pp. 3590-3599. 4. On some particulars in the natural his- tory of the Termites. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1854, p. 333*. 5. Observations on the habits of two species of Mygale. Entom. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 99-100. 6. On the sexual distinctions in the South American coleopterous genus Agra. Entom. Soc. Proc. 1856, pp. 10-11. 7. Notes on an excursion from Ega to Tunantins and Fonte Boa, on the Upper Ama- zons. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5725 -5737. 8. Notes on South American Butterflies. [1857.] Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1858-61, pp. 1-11. 9. Contributions to an insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1858-61, pp. 223-228, 335-361 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VHI., 1861, pp. 40-52, 147-152, 212- 219, 471-479; IX., 1862, pp. 117-124, 396- 405, 446-458 ; XII., pp. 100-108, 275-288, 367-380 ; Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Zool.), pp. 73-77 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XXHI., 1862, pp. 495-566 ; Journ. of Entom. L, 1862, pp. 218 -245 ; II., 1864, pp. 175-213. 1O. On the Endomychidse of the Amazon Valley. Journ. of Entom. L, 1862, pp. 158- 172. 11. Description of a remarkable species of singing cricket (Locustariae) from the Amazons, supposed to be new to science. Journ. of En torn. L, 1862, pp. 474-477. 12. On a collection of Butterflies brought from Panama, Avith remarks on geographical distribution. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 239-249. 13. On some insects collected in Mada- gascar. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 472-480. Bates, Henry Walter, and Frederick Smith. Descriptions of some species of Brazilian Ants be- longing to the genera Pseudomyrma, Eciton, suit I Myrmica (with observations on their economy). Entom. Soc. Trans. III., 1854-56, pp. 156-169. BAT] [BAT Bates, Henry Walter, and J. O. Westwood. On the habits of the species of the coleopterous genus Megacephala, inhabiting the Amazonian Region of South America ; with a synopsis of the species. Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 185253, pp. 49-58. Batillat, Pierre. Note sur des calculs de choles- terine dits urinaires. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1836, pp. 593-600. 2. Observations sur les sediments uri- naires. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1841, pp. 342 -347. 3. Recherches relativement a une nouvelle espece d'huile volatile. Macon, Soc. Agric. Compt. Rend. 1841, pp. 171-174. 4. Analyse chimique des calculs urinaires. Macon, Soc. Agric. Compt. Rend. 1841, pp. 175- 176. 5. Ueber die Beniitzung der Destillations- riickstande des Weins als Diingmittel, oder zur Kalibereitung, &c. (Transit) Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CL, 1846, pp. 466-469. 6. Traite sur les vins de France. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 107-117. 7. Sur le nikel arsenical. Macon, Soc. Agric. Compt. Rend. 1851, pp. 215-216. Batka, J. B. Ueber die Chinarinden. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VII., 1823 (2 St.), pp. 3-39. 2. Artemisia glomerata, Sieber, die Mutter- pflanze des barbarischen Wurmsaamens (Sem. Cinae Barb.). Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XHL, 1826, pp. 824-828. 3. Description de la plante qui produit la Semencine de Barbaric et de 1'Orient. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 528-529. 4. Memoire sur divers objets de la nia- tiere medicale. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 292-298. 5. Du principe actif de la Salsepareille. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 43-44 ; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 622 ; Liebig, AnnaL XI., 1834, pp. 305-320. 6. Modification der Argand'schen und der gewohnlichen Weingeistlampe. Poggend. Annal. XLHL, 1838, pp. 183-186. 7. Ueber die Entstehung der Harze in der Natur. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1847, pp. 947-954. 8. On the plants from which Senna leaves are obtained. American Journ. Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 358-367 ; Pharmaceut. Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 25-31. 9. Ueber Senna. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 185-194; XII., 1854, col. 105-116. 1O. Notice of the Characters and Synonyms of thegenun Senna. Linn. Soc. Proc. LL, 1855, pp. 281-284. Batika, J. B.. 11. Ueber Quinio. Chem. Centr. Blatt. IV., 1859, pp. 912-913 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 148-149. 12. Senna Hookeriana, Batka. Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 263-264. Batka, PPenceslaus. Lauri Malabathri Lamarckii adumbratio. [1833.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIL, 1835, pp. 615-622. 2. Ueber den Ursprung des Purree. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 248-249. 3. Verbesserung an den chemischen Lam- pen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 565-567. Battaglia, Antonio Buscemi. Alcuni cenni sul tabacco fumato considerate qual causa potente che ha reso comuni gli emorroidi ai nostri tempi. [1854.] Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. XL, 1855, pp. 33-56. Battaglini, Giuseppe. Memoria sugli assi prin- cipali. Napoli, Rendiconto, IX., 1850, pp. 75- 83. 2. Iscrivere in una superficie di secondo grado un poligono in modo che i lati passino per punti dati. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 20- 38. 3. Soluzione di un problema di geometria a tre coordinate: descrivere una sferainmodo che intersechi quattro altre sfere ad angoli dati. Tortolini, Annali, IL, 1851, pp. 373-380. 4. Sul problema d' iscrivere in una curva di secondo grado un poligono in modo che i lati passino per punti dati. Tortolini, Annali, II. , 1851, pp. 380-382. 5. Di alcune proprieta delle superficie di secondo grado che passano per una stessa curva, o sono inviluppate da una stessa superficie svilup- pabile. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1853, pp. 127- 129. 6. Sulla conica di minima aia circoscritta ad un quadrigono. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854. pp. 193-200. 7. Sulla dipendenza scambievole delle figure. Napoli, Accad. Sci. Mem. II., 1855-57, pp. 175-196. 8. Sulla partizione de numeri. Napoli, Accad. Sci. Mem. IL, 1855-57, pp. 353-363. 9. Sulla omografia delle figure. Giamb. Vico, L, 1857, pp. 121-131 ; IL, 272-289. 1O. Sopra alcune proprieta delle linee di 2 do grado. Napoli, Rendiconto, L, 1862, pp. 24- 32. 11. Sulle superficie di 2 grado. Napoli, Rendiconto, L, 1862, pp. 79-88. 12. Nota sui determinant!. Napoli, Ren- diconto, I., 1862, pp. 101-112. 13. Nota sopra alcune question! di Geome- tria. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1862, pp. 168- 178. BAT] 208 [BAU Battaglini, Giuseppe. 14. Nota di Geometria. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1862, pp. 189-198. 15. Nota sulle forme geometriche. Napoli, Rendiconto, I.,. 1862, pp. 220-230. 16. Sulle involuzioni dei diversi ordini. Napoli, Accad. Sci. Atti, I., 1863, No. 12. 17. Teoria elenaentare delle forme geoine- triche. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 1- 6, 41-46, 97-109, 161-169, 227-239. 18. Nota sulle serie di curve d' indice qua- lunque. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 170- 174. 19. Intorno ai sistemi di 2 ordine e di 2 a classe. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 287- 290. 2O. Nota sulla dipendenza duplo-anarmo- nica. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 321- 328. 21. Nota sul parallelogrammo delle forze. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. 1., 1863, pp. 365-367. 22. Intorno alle condizioni di equilibrio di un sistema di forma invariable. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 367-368. 23. Nota sopra una questione di massimi e minimi. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 56- 63. 24. Nota sulla dipendenza equianarmonica. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 88-97. 25. Nota sulla dipendenza di primo ordine. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 122-129. 26. Sulle serie di curve d' indice qualun- que. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 149- 153. 27. Sulle involuzioni dei diversi ordini. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 158-161. 28. Sulla dipendenza duplo-anarmonica. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1863, pp. 240-249. Battaille, Ch. Nouvelles recherches sur la phonation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL. 1861, pp. 716-722. Batten, J. H. Note of a visit to the Niti Pass of the grand Himalayan chain. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VIL, 1838, pp. 310-316 ; Bibl. Univ. XXII., 1839, pp. 402-406. 2. Journal of a visit to Melum and the Oonta Dhoora Pass in Juwahir. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XL, 1842, pp. 1157-1181. 3. Snow on the Himalayas. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1844, pp. 537-539. 4. Reply to Capt. Hutton's remarks on the line of Perpetual Snow. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 383-387. Battey, Robert. On Gossypium herbaceum. Amer. Journ. Pharm. XXVIII., 1856. pp. 401- 410. 2. On Mavanta arundinacea. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. VIL, 1858, pp. 332-343. 3. On Sorghum saccharatum. Amer. Pharm. Assoo. Proc. VIIL, 1859, pp. 300-307. Battini, Domenico. Relazione intorno alle acque dell Fonti di Siena, ovi si tratta dei loro acqui- dotti, della loro natura ed usi, degli incon- venienti che ne derivano in pregiudizio della publica salute, e della maniera di ripararvi. Siena, Atti Accad. VIIL, 1808, pp. 109-201. 2. Istoria ragionata di una rara e singolare tardanza e difficolta agli sgravj intestinali, pro- dotta dalla quadruple lunghezza e triplice ri- piegatura dell' intestino retto, e dalF enorme dilatazione del retto e del colon. Siena Atti Accad. VIIL, 1808, pp. 237-287. Battye, Rich. F. An experimental inquiry into the existence of a sixth Sense, here called the Sense of Force. Edinb. Monthly Jouru. Med Sci. XX., 1855, pp. 124-140, 215-223, 288-297. Bauck, . Sur le Bromure de Chrome. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVL, 1859, p. 395. Baud, . Indication de la mine de Cogne en Piemont. Journ. des Mines, VI., 1796-97, pp. 943-944. Baud, J. C. Bijvoegsels tot de proeve eener geschiedenis van den handel en het verbruik van Opium in Ned. Indie. Neerl. Ind. II., 1854, pp. 189-211. Baudelocque et Dupuytren. Rapport sur un foetus monstrueux. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. L, 1804-5, pp. 201-207. Baudelot, Entile. Recherches sur 1'appareil generateur des mollusques gasteropodes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.\ 1863, pp. 135-222, 268-294. 2. Recherches experimen tales sur les fonctions de 1'encephale des poissons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 949-953. Baudement, Emile. Observations sur les ana- logies et les differences des arcs visceraux de 1'embryon dans les deux sous-embranchcments des vertebres. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIL (Zool.}. 1847, pp. 73-86. 2. Emploi du sel dans la culture des terres et dans 1'eleve du betail. Journ. d'Agric. VI., 1849, pp. 117-123. 3. Rapport sur la valeur comparee des viandes de boeuf et de vache. Belg. Soc. (Vntr. Agric. Journ. VL, 1859, pp. 98-103. 4. Observations sur les rapports qui exis- tent entre le developpement de la poitrine, la conformation et les aptitudes des races bovines. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.\ 1861 pp. 331-367. Baudet-Lafarge, Marie Jean. Catalogue d'in- sectes Coleopteres trouves dans le dept, du Puy- de-D6me. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. VIIL, 1853, pp. 711-771. 2. Essai sur PEntomologie du dept. du Puy-de-D6me. Monographie des Carabique*. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. IX., 1836, pp. 535- 570 ; X., 1837, pp. 160-192, 267-288,346-381. BAU] 209 [BAU Baudi di Selve, Flaminio. Coleoptera qua> dam e Staphylinorum farnilia nova vel minus cognita cum observationibus. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. I., 1857, pp. 97-115. 2. Malacodermatum qunedam novse species. Berlin. Entom. Zeitschr, III., 1859, pp. 295- 303. 3. Ueber Anillus, Bythinus, Cardiophorus n. sp. und Tetrops praeusta. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. III., 1859, pp. 341-342. Baudin, . Account of a remarkable fiery Meteor seen in Gascony on the 24th of July 1790; with some observations on Fire-Balis and Shooting-Stars. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 225-231 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIIL, 1803, pp. 346-349. Baudin, . Recherches minerallurgiques de 1'annee 1835-1836. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. IX., 1836, pp. 232-267. 2. Notice geologique sur le bassin houiller de Brassac. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. IX., 1836, pp. 309-331. 3. Resultats principaux des experiences faites dans le Laboratoire de Chimie de Cler- mont (1837-1841). Annal. des Mines, XIV., 1838, pp. 291-296; XVI., 1839, pp. 482-485 ; XVIIL, 1840, pp. 731-746; I., 1842, pp. 85-106. 4. Examen des houilles et cokes prove- nant de 1'exploitation de la Taupe (Bassin de Bassac). Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 133-135. 5. Communication relative a une dent de Mastodonte trouvee dans le Cantal. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XVI., 1843, pp. 519-523. 6. Notice sur le Bondage de Lempdes (Haute-Loire). Annal. des Mines, XIV., 1848. pp. 233-260. Baudin, Nicolas. Lettre sur la Nouvelle Hol- lande. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. II., 1803, pp. 415-422. Baudin, Nicolas, et Doulcet. Description de trois nouveaux thermometres a minima et maxima. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 102-104. Baudinot, . Note sur les gites d'anthracite du Briaii9onnais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 773-775. 2. Note sur la mine de 1'Argentiere. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIIL, 1860-61, pp. 791-798. Baudo, Firm. Anagalleidarum caule instructa- rum index. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.} 1843, pp. 344-351. Baudon, Auguste. Catalogue des Mollusques du departement de FOise. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. II., 1852-54, pp. 93-108. ' 2. Description des Mollusques du dept. de 1'Oise. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. II., 1852-54, pp. 109-144, 265-310, 476-504; III., 1856, pp. 148-181. Baudon, Auguste. 3. Tornatella Bevaletii et Turbo obtusalis. Petit, Journ. Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 214-215. 4. Observation sur la valeur du Pisidium sinuatum. Bourq. Petit, Journ. Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 277-279. 5. Description de coquilles fossiles de Saint-Felix (Oise), avec une notice sur les terrains de cette localite. Petit, Journ. Con- chyl. IV., 1853, pp. 321-333. 6. Notice sur la ponte de quelques Unio : comparaison entre 1'oviducte de ce genre et celui du geure Anodonta. Petit, Journ. Con- chyl. IV., 1853, pp. 353-357. 7. Reflexions sur les Pisidies, et en par- ticulier sur le Pis. pulchellum, Jen. , Petit, Journ. Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 392-397. 8. Essai monographique sur les Pisidies Fran9aises. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. III., 1856, pp. 315-367. 9. Description de coquilles fossiles nou- velles [gen. Planorbis, Scalaria et Triforis]. Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. I., 1856, pp. 92-96. 1O. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Fossarus. Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. II., 1857, pp. 347-350. 11. Cas d'albinisme et de monstruosite scalaire du Planorbe corne. Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 310-314. 12. Deuxieme observation sur les causes de 1'albinisme. Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. III., 1858, p. 315. 13. Nouveau catalogue des Mollusques du departement de 1'Oise. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. V., 1862, pp. 171-211. Baudouin et Digney. Nouveau telegraphe im- primant. Moigno, Cosmos, XII. 1858, pp. 360- 364. Baudrillart, . Signs of increase, maturity, and decay in trees. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 494-496. Baudrimont, A. Note sur les emulsions arti- ficielles. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 23-26. 2. Recherches sur la forme des atonies. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 198-205. 3. Note tendant a expliquer les circou- stances qui favorisent 1'extinction du mercure dans 1'axonge. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII. 1832, pp. 123-128. 4. Notes sur 1'origine de 1'ambre gris et du blanc de baleine. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 246-250. 5. Recherches sur la ductilite et la malleabilite de quelques metaux, et sur les variations que leurs densites eprouvent dans un grand nombi'e de substances. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 78-102 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 268-288. D D BAU] 210 [BAU Eaudrimont, A. 6. Explication du phenomene ([lie 1'on observe en versant de 1'eau sur des corps chauffes jusqu'au rouge. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 319-330 ; Paris, Comptes Ren- Jus, I., 1836, pp. 290-291. 7. Note sur le phenomene de la decrepita- tion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 494-496; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 336-339. 8. Sur 1'ex.traction de 1'indigo du Poly- gonum tinctorium. Paris, Comptes Rendus. VH., 1838, pp. 673-677; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 180-184. 9. Experiences sur la lumiere de 1'Aurore Boreale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 573-574. 1O. Nouvelle reclamation au sujet de la loi des substitutions et de la theorie des types de M. DUMAS. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 475-476. 11. Recherches sur 1'eau regale et sur un produit particulier auquel elle doit ses princi- pales proprietes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1171-1173 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 24-42; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 478-480 ; XXXVIII., pp. 400-407 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 49-51; X., pp. 138-142; Liebig, Annal. XLVIII., 1843, pp. 202-204 ; LIX., pp. 87-94. 12. Sur la Pectine, Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 24-27. 13. Observations sur la constitution la plus intime des animaux, consideree aux points de vue de 1'anatomie et de la physiologic gene- rales. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Actes, 1849, pp. 185-222; Revue Scientifique, V., 1849, pp. 337-361. 14. Experiences sur la tenacite des prin- cipaux metaux inalleables, faites aux tempera- tures 0, 100, 200. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 115-116 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 304-311 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 206-207; Poggend. Annal. LXXXII., 1851, pp. 156-158. 15. Recherches experimen tales sur 1'elas- ticite des corps a plusieurs axes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 886-887. 16. Recherches experimentales sur 1'elas- ticite des corps heterophones. Annal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1851, pp. 288-304. 17. Observations sur la penombre pro- duite par la lumiere solaire, faites pendant 1'eclipse du 28 Juillet, 1851. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 265-267. 18. Observation sur la production du son. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 428-429 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 519-520. Baudrimont, A. 19. Note sur FmflanimabiliU' de 1'hydrogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 177-178; Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855. pp. 351-352. 20. Observations sur les poids specifiques des fluides elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus XLIX., 1859, pp. 621-624. 21. Eclipse solaire du 18 Juillet I860: observations de physique et de meteorologie faites a Bordeaux pendant 1'eclipse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 145-147. 22. Experiences sur 1'action chimique de la lumiere solaire. France, Congres Scientifique XXVIIL, 1861, (pte. 2), pp. 614-634 ; Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, p. 758. 23. Etude de la structure la plus intime des corps, dans ses rapports avec la chimie et la cristallographie. France, Congres Scien- tifique, XXVIIL, 1861, pp. 505-510. 24. Theorie des mouvements vibratoires des parties const! tuantes des corps. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIIL, 1861, pp. 512- 515. 25. Premier memoire sur la structure des corps ; constitution des milieux transparents ; discussion de la theorie de Tether et des ondes lumineuses. Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1861-63, pp. 203-236. 26. Note sur les relations qui existent entre les differentes du cube et celles des solidcs qui en derivent cristallographiquement. Bor- deaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1861-63, pp. 237-241. 27. Refraction et dispersion de la lumiere : nouvelle formule et nouvelle loi pouvant les represented Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1861-63, pp. 243-246. 28. Experiences relatives aux modifica- tions que les phosphates eprouvent dans le sol arable. Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. IL, 1861-63, pp. 296-304. Baudrimont, A., et G. J. Martin-St.-Ange. Recherches sur les phenomenes physiologiques de 1'incubation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 1343-1346; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 125-127. 2. Recherches sur 1'evolution em- bryonnaire des animaux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1355-1360. 3. Recherches anatomiques et phy- siologiques sur le developpement du foetus, et particulierement sur 1'evolutiou embryonnaire des oiseaux et des batraciens. [1846.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. XL, 1851, pp. 469-692; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 195-295. Baudrimont, A., et J. Pelouze. Observations theoriques et pratiques sur la vitrification, Journ. Chirnie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 274-282 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIL, 1833, pp. 262-268. 211 [BAU Baudrimont, A. et E. A. R. Serres. Examen chimique d'une tumeur encephalo'ide. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829. pp. 346-352 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LVII. (Jahrb. XX VII.), 1829, pp. 473-480. Baudrimont, Ernest. Recherches sur la duree comparative de 1'ecoulement des gaz. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 266-270. 2. Recherches sur cette question : line eau minerale eprouve-t-elle dans sa composition des variations journalieres. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 337-343. 3. Observation nouvelle sur le soufre mou. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 434-436. 4. Sur la precipitation du protochlorure d'antimoine par 1'eau. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 436-438. 5. Analyses d'un engrais et d'un guano artificiels. Journ. Chimie Mod. III., 1857, pp. 129-132. 6. Des moyens a employer pour appre- cier la qualite d'un guano. Journ. Chimie Med. HI., 1857, pp. 513-517 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 277-280. 7. De 1'extinction des vibrations sonores par les liquides heterogenes. Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 363-365. 8. Note sur la sulfide carboneux ou sous- sulfure de carbone C S. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1000-1002 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 365-368. 9. Sur la richesse normale du vinaigre de vin. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1858, pp. 51-54. 1O. Recherches sur la composition chimique des cendres des cheveux. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 26-31. 11. Action de 1'hydrogene, de 1'oxygene, et du chlorate de potasse sur la perchlorure de phosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 823-825. 12. Explication des phenomenes que pre- sente 1'iodure bleu d'amidon dissous, lorsqu'il est chauffe, puis refroidi. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LI., 1860, pp. 825-827; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIX., 1861, pp. 45-49. 13. Note sur 1'eau du Petit- St. rSauveur a Cauterets. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIX., 1861, pp. 40-44. 14. Note sur la preparation du chloro- sulfure de phosphore, P Cl 3 S 2 . Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 468-471. 15. Note sur le bromosulfure de phosphore, P Br 3 S 2 . Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861. p. 517. 16. Action exercee par le perchlorure de phosphore sur plusieurs elements chimiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 637- 638. Baudrimont, Ernest. 17. Observation d'c-m- poisonnement par 1'inhalation de la vapeur du cyanure hydrique (acide hydrocyanique). Bor- deaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1861-63, pp. 308-312. 18. Analyse des cendres du Zostera marina. Journ. de Pharm. XLIL, 1862, pp. 388-389. 19. De 1'action du chlorure de phosphore sur quelques sulfures metalliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 277-278. 2O. Recherches sur les combinaisons du perchlorure de phosphore avec d'autres chlo- rures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 361-364. 21. Sur la preparation de quelques ethers sulfures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 616-618; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1862, pp. 14-16. Baudrimont, Ernest, et Duquenelle. Analyse chimique d'anciens collyres Remains. Journ. de Pharm. XLIIL, 1863, pp. 97-99. Baudry des Lozieres, . A memoir on Animal Cotton, or the Insect Fly-Carrier. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1802, pp. 150-159 ; Nichol- son, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 266-273; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 120-122. Bauer, . Die Silber-, Blei-, und Kupfer- gange von Holzappel an der Lahn, Welmich, und Werlau am Rhein. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 137-209. Bauer, Alexander. Ueber die kiinstliche Dar- stellung von Mineralien. Presburg, Verh. Nat. Ver. I., 1856 (Abh.) pp. 33-36. 2. Analyse eines Mineralwassers bei Ta- taros im Laksag nachst Grosswardein. Pres- burg, Verh. Nat. Ver. I., 1856 (Abh.), pp. 48-50. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des Bodens auf das Leben der Pflanzen. Presburg, Verh. Nat. Ver. I., 1856, pp. 103-104. 4. Analyse eines Kaolins von Zettlitz in Bohmen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII, 1856, pp. 693-696. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen der Eisenerze in Schweden. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. IX., 1858, pp. 157-158. 6. Beitrag zur naheren Kenntniss der Ursache des Erhartens der Mortel beim Altern. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 226-232. 7. Ueber die Bereitung des Einfach- Schwefelkaliums. Wien, Sitz, Ber. XXX., 1858, pp. 285-296. 8. Untersuchung der Asche des stern- fb'rmigen Ruhrkrautes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 200-201. 9. Ueber die Veranderung, welche der Luftmortel beim Altern erleidet. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 275-282; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLII., 1859, pp. 366-373. D D 2 BAU] 212 [BAU Bauer, Alexander. 10. Untersuchung der Mine- ral(iuelle des Erzherzog Stephan-Schwefelbades xu St. Georgen in Ungarn. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIV., 1859, pp. 446-454. 11. Chemische Untersuchung des Wassers raehrerer Brunnen in Atzgersdorf niichst Wien. Niederosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Verhandl. 1860, pp. 122-137. 12. Die neuesten Untersuchungen iiber chemische Zusammensetzung des Stahles. Nie- derosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Verhandl. 1860, pp. 311-315. 13. Sur 1'oxyde d'amylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 500-501 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 360- 369 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 89-92. 14. Sur un nouveau corps isomerique de 1'aldehyde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1 860, pp. 55-56; Liebig, Annal. CX VII., 1861, pp. 141-143. 15. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Erscheinung bei der Destination eines Geraeuges von Brom- iithylen und Brompropylen. Liebig, Annal. I., SuppL, 1861, pp. 250-253. 16. Sur le chlorure d'amyle trichlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 572-573. 17. Ueber einige Reactionen des Brom- amylens 5 H, Br. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 439-448 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 257-270; Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 167-176. 18. Ueber das Amylen und einige damit isomere Substanzen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 87-99 ; XLV. (Abth. 2), pp. 276-282 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp.- 257-270 ; LXXXVIL, pp. 57-64. 19. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber das Amylglycerin. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIV. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 100-102; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 282-285. 20. Kleine chemische Mittheilungen : 1. Reaction des Amylenoxydes auf Wasser uud auf Amylglykol. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung von Chlorzink auf wasserfreie Essigsiiure. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2) 1861, pp. 706-710; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 285-290. Bauer, Alexander, und Ad. Lieben. Ueber cine neue Reihe zur Gruppe der Aether gehori- ger Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 130-136; Paris, Soc. Chira. Bull. . 1862, pp. 50-51 ; Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 549-556. Bauer, Alexander, und P. Weselky. Analyse einer kiirzlich aufgefundenen Mineralquelle bei Gumpoldskirchen. Wien. Sitz. Ber. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 424-430. Bauer, Alexander, und P. Weselky. 2. Ana- lyse der Mineralquelle des Kb'nig Ferdinand Eisenbades im Weidritzthale bei Presburg. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 585-594. e Bauer, C. W. Application des determinants au contact des cercles et des spheres. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 440-448. Bauer, Francis. Microscopical observations on Red Snow. Quart. Journ. Sci. VII., 1819, pp. 222-229. 2. Some experiments on the Fungi which constitute the colouring matter of the Red Snow discovered in Baffin's Bay. Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 165-173. 3. Microscopical observations on the sus- pension of the muscular motions of the Vibrio Tritici. [1822.] Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 1- 16; Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 154-167; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 337-339. 4. On the Ergot of Rye. [1840.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp. 475-482. Bauer, G. Beweise einiger geometrischer Lehr- slitze. Crelle, Journ. XIX., 1839, pp. 205- 230. 2. Von den Coefficienten der Reihen von Kugelfunctionen einer Variabelu. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 101-121. 3. Von den Gammafunctionen und einer besonderen Art unendlicher Producte. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 256-272. 4. Von einigen Summen- und Differenzen- fbrmeln und den Bernouillischen Zahleri. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 292- 300. Bauer, G. N. Kalk im krystallisirten einfach kohlensauren Natron. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 367-370. Bauer, Georg. Ueber die Berechnung und Ab- steckung der Schienenwege in Bahnhofen. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XIX., 1854, pp. 353- 379. Bauer, P. M. Uebersicht der Leber- und Laub- Moose und Farm im Grossherzogthum Hessen. Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. VI., 1857, pp. 61-82. 2. Uebersicht der in dem Grossherzog- thum Hessen beobachteten Flechten nach GENTH'S " Flora," und BAYRHOFFER'S " Ueber- sicht der Cryptogamen Nassaus." Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1859, pp. 13-26. 3. Nachtrag zu der im sechsten Jahres- bericht enthaltenen " Uebersicht der in Hessen beobachteten Leber- und Laub- Moose und Farm." Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. 1859, pp. 48- 58. Bauer, Wilhelm. Das submarine Boot. Erman. Archiv Russ. XV1IL, 1859, pp. 218-224. Bauerman, Hilary. On the geology of the south-eastern part of Vancouver's Island. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 198-202. BAU] 213 [BAU Bauersachs, C. Ueber Kali carbonicum e Tar- taro. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 136-140. Bauersachs, C'., uud Du Meiiil. Chemisch-mi- neralogische Uutersuchungen iiber einige aus- gezeichnete Erze des Harzes. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (-Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 435-450. Bauhof, J. C. D. Ueber die Veranderung der Kleesiiure durch Behandlung mit Weingeistal- koliol, u nd iiber cine besondere raerkwiirdige dreifache Verbindung von Kleesiiure, Alkohol, und Ammoniak. Schweigger, Joui'n. XIX., 1817, pp. 308-312. Baumal, . Notice sur les chemins de fer. St. Quentin, Mem. 1834-36, pp. 41-52. 2. De la determination de la puissance des machines a vapeur. St. Quentin, Mem. 1834-36, pp. 53-60. jE-aumann, . Beschreibung eines Vollkreises. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VI., 1802, pp. 465-467. Baume, . Memoire sur la decomposition des sel marins calcaires par le moyen de la chaux, de 1'alcali fixe, et de 1'alcali volatile. [1798.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V. 1804, pp. 89-105. Baumeister, W. Ueber die Pferderagen. Wiirttemb. Jahreshft. I., 1845, pp. 114-127. Baumer, . Mineralogische Bemerkungen. St. Petersb. Schrift. Mineral, I., 1842, pp. 163-167. Baumert, Friedr. Moritz. Ueber die Zusam- mensetzung des Gentianins. Liebig, Annal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 106-128; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 458-461 ; Journ. de Pkarm. XIII., 1848, pp. 51-53. 2. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Alkohole mit den fetten Sauren. Breslau, Scales. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1 848, pp. 23-24. 3. Analyse des Platincyamuagnesiums. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, p. 250, note, 4. Notiz iiber ein Oxydationsproduct des Brucins. Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 337- 342. 5. Chemische Untersucliung der Knochen von Zeuglodon makrospondylus. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1850^ pp. 25-27 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 363-365. 6. Ueber das Vorkommen des Zuckers im thierischen Orgauismus. Breslau, Schles. Ge- sell. Uebersicht, 1850, pp. 22-25 ; Casper, Wochenschrift, 1851, pp. 641-648; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 357-363. 7. Ueber eine neue Oxydationsstufe des Wasserstoffes und deren Verhaltniss zum Ozon. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1853, pp. 24-26 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 477-487; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 350-354 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 381-383 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 51-63; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 38-55. Baumert, Friedr. Moritz. 8. Chemische Unter- suchungen iiber die Respiration des Schlamm- peizgers (Cobitis fossilis). Liebis, Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 1-18. 9. Ueber die Haut- und Kiemenrespira- tion des Schlammpeizgers und anderer Fische. ' Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 18-56. 10. Zur Ozonfrage. Poggend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 88-94. 11. Ueber das electrolytisch entwickelte Ozon. Liebig, Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 88-90. Baumert, Friedr. Moritz, und Landolt. Ueber die Eimvirkung des Kaliumamids auf einige or- ganische Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 1-11. Baumgarten, . Notice sur les rivieres de la Lombardie et principalement sur le P6. Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. XIII., 1847, pp. 129-199. 2. Notice sur le moulinet de WOLTMANN, destine li mesurer les vitesses de 1'eau ; sur son perfectionnement et sur les experiences faites avec cet instrument. Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. XIV., 1847, pp. 326-374. 3. Note sur la valeur du coefficient d'elas- ticite de la fonte. Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. IX., 1855, pp. 225-233. Baumgarten, . Harnsaures Natron, in durchsichtigen Kugeln erscheinend. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861. pp. 106-110. Baumgarten, Auyuste. Ueber den Mechanis- mus, durch welchen die venosen Herzklappen gpschlossen werden. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 463-470. Baumgartner, Andreas von. Ein neues Re- flexions- Goniometer. Gilbert. Annal. LXXI., 1822, pp. 1-6. 2. Araometer zur schnellen Bestimmung des specifischen Gewichtes fester Korper. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 5-11. 3. Ein sehr einfaches Instrument, um zu erkennen, ob ein Korper das Licht doppelt bricht oder nicht. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 33-37. 4. Neue Versuche iiber die Bewegung einer Magnetiiadel durch schuell rotirende Metalle. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 146-159. 5. Ein einfacher Apparat zur Darstellung derelectro-magnetischen Erscheinungen. Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 200-209. 6. Untersuchungen iiber Magnetisirung des Eisens durch das Licht, nebst neuen Ver- suchen iiber denselben Gegenstand. Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 263-281 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 333-335. . 7. Bericht iiber den merkwiirdigen Gang einer Pendeluhr. Bftamgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1S26, pp. 299-301. BAU] Baumgartner, Andreas ran. 8. Die circulare Polarisation des Lichtes nach FRESNEI/S Ar- beiten. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. II., 1827, pp. 1-20. 9. Neue Versuche iiber die Veranderung des Ausschlagwinkels oscillirender Magnetna- deln durch nahe Korper. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. H., 1827, pp. 419-435. 1O. CHRISTIE'S Versuche iiber den Einfluss des Sonnenlichtes auf Magnete, nebst Wieder- holung derselben. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. III., 1827, pp. 96-103. 11. Ueber die Schwingtmgen der Mag- netnadeln im Sonnenlichte und im Schatten. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. III., 1827, pp. 157- 174 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 202-204 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 125-126; Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1828, p. 171. 12. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Beugung des Lichtes. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. III., 1827, pp. 443-451. 13. Ueber Hygrometer, nach des Bitters von BiiRG Beobachtungen. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. V., 1829, pp. 293-315. 14. Merkwiirdige Bildung von Steinkohle. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. VI., 1829, pp. 291- 293. 15. Ueber den optischen Interferenzver- such. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. VII., 1830, pp. 399-405. 16. Ueber Absorption einiger Gase durch thierische Haute. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. VIII., 1830, pp. 9-24. 17. Hb'hen im Erzherzogthume Oester- reich. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 1-40. 18. Hohen im Herzogthume Steiermark. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 129-146. 19. Hohen in Tyrol. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 301-304. 2O. Hohen in Istrien und auf den Inseln des Golfo del Guarnero. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 305-314. * 21. Hohen im Herzogthume Karnthen. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 314-329. 22. Hohen im Herzogthume Krain, mit Einschluss des Gorzer und Triester Kreises. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. X., 1832, pp. 410-424. 23. Ueber neue magneto-electrisehe Ers- cheinungen. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1832, pp. 74-87. 24. Zusammenstellung mehrerer Apparate zur Erzeugung der neuestens von FARADAY entdeckten Phanomene. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1832, pp. 275-288. 25. Beitrag zur nahern Erorterung der Einwirkung des Lichtes auf die Netzhaut. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. II., 1833, pp. 236- 241. [BAU Baumgartner, Andreas von. 26. Neuere Erfah- rungen iiber artesische Brunnen. Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 362-364; Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. II., 1833, pp. 284-286. 27. Notiz das Gasteiner Mineralwasser betreffend. Poggend. Anual. XXXIII., 1834, pp. 348-351. 28. Ueber den Einfluss der Gleichformig- keit der Masse auf ihre Empfanglichkeit fiir Magnetismus. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. HI., 1835, pp. 66-73. 29. Ueber das Cyanometer. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. VI., 1840, pp. 201-206. 3O. Ueber Metallf allungen durch Elektri- citat im Allgemeinen und iiber Galvanoplastik insbesondere. Niederosterr. Gewerb-Ver. Ver- handl. II., 1840, pp. 122-131. -- 31. Ueber die Wirkungen der naturlichen Elektricitat auf elektro-magnetische Telegra- phen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 270-278; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 305-310; Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 135- 144. 32. Ueber den elektrischen Leitungswider- stand der Erde. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 28-30 (Abth. 2). 33. Ueber die Leitkraft der Erde fiir Elektricitat. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 295- 301 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 374- 382. 34. Ueber die Wichtigkeit des Natur- studiums. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1852, pp. 7-16, Suppl. IX. 35. Der Zufall in den Naturwissenschaften. Grunert, Archiv, XXV., 1855, pp. 57-72. 36. Von der Unwandlung der Wa'rme in Elektricitat. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 513-522 ; XXXII., 1858, pp. 157-162. 37. Die Macht der Arbeit. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIII., 1857, pp. 329-341. 38. Das mechanische Aequivalent der . -i ~*.^r , Warme und seine Bedeutung in den Natur- wissenschaften. Wien, Almanach, 1857, pp. 9-37 ; Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 261- 275. 39. Ueber Gewitter iiberhaupt, Hagel- wetter insbesondere. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 277-302. 4O. Von den allgemeinen Eigenschaften der Krafte in der unorganischen Natur und ihrer Bedeutung in der Naturlehre. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVII., 1857, pp. 191-202. 41. Die ecllen Metalle und ihre natiirliche Rangordnung als Geldstoffe. Wien, Alrtianach, 1858, pp. 9-39. 42. Ein Fall ungleichzei tiger Wiederltt des Sehvermogens fiir verschiedene Farbeu. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIX., 1858, pp. 257-258. BAU] 215 Baumgartner, Andreas von. 43. Ueber den Geist der Naturforschung unserer zeit und ihre Resultate. Wien, Almanach, 1859 pp. 7-41. 44. Ueber den Grund der scheinbaren Abweichung des mechanischen Warme-Aequiva- lentes bei verschiedenen Gasen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 379-389. 45. Ueber Grundgosetze der Naturwis- senschaft und ihre Geltung im praktischen Leben. Wien, Almanach, 1860, pp. 1-32. 46. Chemie und Geschichte der Himmels- korper nach der Spectral-Analyse. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 463-473. Baumgartner, Andreas von, und Kreil. An- wendung der galvanischen Telegraphie zur geographischen Liingenbestimmung. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1848, pp. 90-92. Baumgartner {Dr.). Ueber den Einfluss der Nerven auf die Blutbewegung. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 595-598. 2. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte. 1. Die securidaren Bildimgskugelu. 2. Eine Bemerkung iiber die in den Eiern der Batrachier bei dem Beginne der Bildung entstehenden Figuren. 3. Die erste Abgrenzung des Em- bryo in dem Froschei. Muller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 563-573. Baumhauer, E. H. von. Ontleding van eenen meteoorsteen, gevallen in Sommer Countys. Utrecht, Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. I., 1842, pp. 217-250. 2. Analyse der Samen des Phytelephas, Ruiz et Pavon, (Elephantusa, Willdenow\ und Abscheidung der Cellulose aus den Pflanzen- theilen. (Transl.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 204-209 ; Liebig, Annal. XL VIII., 1843, pp. 356-359; Chemical Ga- zette, V., 1847, pp. 413-414. 3. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Zusammensetzung der harten Schalen der Friichte, einiger Pflanzenhaute und des Flachses. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 210-219. 4. Ueber den muthmasslichen Ursprung der Meteorsteine, nebst einer Analyse des Meteorsteins welcher am 2 Juni 1843 in der Provinz Utrecht gefallen ist. Poggend. Annal. LXVI., 1845, pp. 465-502. 5. Voorloopig berigt over de zuurstof- bepaling in stikstofvrijeligchamen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. I., 1853, pp. 358-362 ; Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 228-231. 6. Beitrage zur practischen Chemie. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 15-21. 7. Gaslampen zum Gebrauch in chemis- Baumhauer, E. H. von. 8. Ueber ein neues Hygrometer. Poggend. Annal. XCIII., 1854, pp. 343-349. 9. Sur le dosage de 1'oxygene dans les analyses organiques. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 327-332. 1O. Over de Keuring der Koemelk, en over de melk in Nederland. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 145-188. 11. Ueber das Verhalten von Kali und Natron zu Salzsaure und Salpetersaure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIII., 1859, pp. 205- 222. 12. Ueber die Elementarzusammensetzung der Gutta-Percha. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIII., 1859, pp. 277-287 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 314-318. 13. Over de verhouding van der bases chen Laboratorien. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 21-36. soda en potassa tot zoutzuur en salpeterzuur. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. X., 1860, pp. 26-44. 14. Scheikundig onderzoek van het ijzer van het aan boord der " Pro Patria " gesprongeii kanon. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. X., 1860, pp. 167-180. 15. Sur la densite des melanges d'alcool et d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 591-592; Liebig, Annal. CXVI., 1860, pp. 253-254. 16. Verslag der chemische analysen van zeewater uit de straat van Gilbraltar. Amster- dam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 314-325. 17. Over het badzout en de moederloog verkregen uit het jodiurnhoudend water van de Dessa Molong op Java. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 326-330 ; Poggend. An- nal. CXVI. 1862, pp. 365-368. 18. Over alcoholometrie door middel van den Areometer. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XI., 1861, pp. 409-415. 19. Ueber die Methoden, welche vorge- schlagen sind, um die Verfalschung der Kuh- milch mit Wasser und die Abrahmung zu erkennen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 145-157. 2O. Methode zur Bestimmung der in der Milch vorkommenden festen Stoffe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 157- 166. 21. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der unverfalschten Milch. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 167-169. 22. Ueber das Normal- Ariiometer. Pog- gend. Annal. CXIII., 1861, pp. 639-647. 23. Over eene ten onregte voor een Meteoriet gehoudene steenmassa. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 59-61. 24. Scheikundig onderzoek van den meteoorsteen van Uden. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 1-8. BATH 210 [BATJ Baumhauer, E. II. von, und F. H. von Mocr- sel. Ueber die Trinkwasser von Amsterdam. Urdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 475-487. Baumhauer, E. H. von, und Fouillet. Ueber das specifische Gewicht der Mischungen aus Alkohol und Wasser. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 391-392. Baumhauer, E. H. von, und F. Seelheim. Ueber eine fiir einen Meteorstein gehaltene Gesteinsmasse. Poggend. Annal. CXVL, 1862, pp. 189-191. Baumhauer, E. J. W. von. Analysen des Bluts verschiedener Kinder. Liebig, Annal. XL VII., 1843, pp. 16-24. 2. Analyse einiger Sorten von Ochsenblut. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 289-296. 3. Ueber das losliche Eiweiss der Fische. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 120-122. 4. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Mus- kelgewebes der Fische. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 506-511. Baunach, - . Sur le Millepertuis [Hyperi- cum perforatum, St. John's Wort]. Annal. de Chimie, XLVI., 1803, pp. 143-147 ; Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 286-287 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI.. 1803, pp. 232-233. Baup, Samuel. Machine de compression sub- stituee au chalumeau de NEWMANN. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 59-61. 2. Nouvelles observations sur 1'acide acetique. Journ. de Pharni. III., 1817, pp. 61-63. 3. Note sur le sulfate de quinine. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 402-404. 4. Sur la preparation et sur quelques proprietes des hydriodates de potasse simple et iodure. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 3745 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIII., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 176-192. 5. Sur les sulfafces de Cinchonine et de Quinine. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 323-333; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 161-163; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. ( Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 471-481 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 130-144. 6. Lettre sur plusieurs nouvelles sub- stances [tirees du jus des plantes : 1'acide abietique, pinique, breine, elemine, solaniue, etc.]. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 108-109 ; Sillimau, Journ. XL, 1826, p. 391. ' 7. Sur 1'acide kinique et sur quelques-unes de ses combinaisous. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 56-72; Liebig, Anna]. VI., 1833, pp. 1-14; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 64- 69 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1832, pp. 371-384. Baup, Samuel. 8. Analyse de 1'eau thermale de Lavey. Aunal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1835, pp. 109-111 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, p. 671 ; Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 191- 193. 9. Sur un nouvel acide citrique-pyrogenc, et sur la nomenclature des pyrogenes en general. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 182-192 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 418- 424 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 313- 316 ; Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 29-38 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 206- 207. 10. Observations sur un article du memoire de M. LIEBIG, intitule : Constitution des acides organiques. Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 427 429 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 166- 170. 11. Sur la fixation du chiffre des equiva- lents chimiques. Bibl. Univ. XXXIX., 1842, pp. 347-379; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, p. 212. 12. Sur quelques produits de 1'actiou de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'acide citraconique. Lau- sanne. Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 74-77; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 192- 199 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV, 1852, pp. 34-40 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXL, 1852, pp. 96- 103. 13. Recherches chimiques sur la resine provenant des Philippines. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 81-83. 14. Determination barometrique de 1'alti- tude de plusieurs localites dans les cantons de Vaud, Fribourg, et Valais. Bibl. Univ. Archives. XIII., 1850, pp. 24-34. 15. Sur 1'acide de Tfiquisetum fluviatile, et sur quelques aconitates. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 312-324 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, p. 254 ; LIL, pp. 52- 56 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX.. 1851, pp. 207- 209, 473-475 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIL, 1851, pp. 293-305 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 387-388. 16. Sur les resines de I'Arbol-a-brea et de 1'Elemi. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 321- 332; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 83-92. 17. Sur la presence de 1'acide borique dans 1'eau mere des salines de Bex. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 43-45. 18. Note sur les causes de la progression des glaciers. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1 856, pp. 93-95. 19. Sur les cyanures argent ico-alcalins. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1857, pp. 2 247 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1858, pp. 462- 468. BAU] 217 [BAY Baur, Beschreibung des Schachtabteufcns im schwimmenden Grandgebirge auf der Zeche Ver. Sellerbeck im Muhlheimschen. Karsten, Archiv, VII., 1834, pp. 174-184. 2. Ueber die Lageruiig der Dachschiefer, iiber Wetzschiefer, und iiber die von der Schicht- ung abweichende Schieferurig der Thonschiefer im nordwestlichen Theile des Durener Berg- amts-Bezirks. Karsten, Archiv, XX., 1846, pp. 351-403. 3. Erliluterungen zu den Profilen des linksrheinischen Gebirges. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. I., 1849, p. 466. Baur, Albert. Zur Lehre von der Verknoch- erung des primordialen Knorpels. Miiller, Archiv, 1857, pp. 347-353 ; Journ, Microsc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 26-31. 2. Ueber die fibrilliire Beschaffenheit der Bindesnbstanzgebilde (Sehne, Cornea) und ihreBeziehung zur Bindegewebsfrage. Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 337-353. 3. Ueber den Bau der Chitinsehne am Kiefer der Flusskrebse und ihr Verhalten beim Schalenwechsel. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 113-144; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 264-268. 4. Ueber Synapta digitata, Mull, und ihren muthmasslichen Parasiten. Berlin, Mo- natsber. 1862, pp. 187-198; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 216-224. 5. Pathologisch-anatomische Skizzen aus der chirurgischen Klinik zu Tubingen. Rei- chert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 169-195. 6. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte der Sy- napta. Erste Abhandlung : zur Anatomie der Synapta digitata, Zweite Abhandlung : Meta- morphose und Entwickelung der Synapta digitata, [1863.1 Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXXI., 1864. Baur, C. J. Ueber den Bau der Zunge. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VII., 1822, pp. 350-358. Baur, C. W. Zwei Theilungsaufgaben zu geodiitischer Anwendung. Grunert, Archiv XXVIL, 1856, pp. 85-93. 2. Zur Combinationslehre. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 267-269. 3. Ueber Erdrundung und Luftspiegelung auf dem Bodensee. Wiirttemb. Jahreshft. XIIL, 1857, pp 79-86. 4. Zu der Lehre vom Viereck. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 236-242. 5. Zur der Quadratur der Epicycloide und der Hypocycloide. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 311-312. 6. Die Beziehung zwischen den Halbmes- sern von vier sich gegenseitig beriihrenden Kreisen, sowie von fiinf derartigen Kugeln. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 365-374. Baur, C. W. 7. Das Sehnenviereck in der Ebene und auf der Kugel als besonderer Fall des all- gemeinen Vierecks. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 221-234. Bauschinger, Joh. Von den Vertheilungs- coemcienten. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 58-85. 2. Theorie des Ausstromens vollkommener Gase aus einem Gefasse und ihres Einstromens in ein solches. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIII., 1863 ; pp. 81-110, 153-183. 3. Ueber das Ausstromen des Wasser- dampfes aus einem Gefasse und sein Einstrb'men in ein solches. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIII., 1863, pp. 429-443. Baussard, J. B. Beschreibung einiger Wasser- hosen und eines ahnlichen Phanomens im Atlantischen Meere. Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 73-80. Bauve, Adam de. Voyage dans 1'interieur de la Guyane centrale. Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. IV., 1835, pp. 21-40, 81-109 ; V., pp. 292-297. 2. Itineraire des excursions faites pour 1'exploration des Guyanes. Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. VII., 1837, pp. 129-157. Bauve, Adam de, et P. Ferre. Voyage dans 1'interieur de la Guyane. Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. XX., 1833, pp. 201-227, 264-283 ; I, 1834, pp. 105-117, 132-136, 165-178. Bauwens, Ch., fils. Note sur la presence de 1' Acetate de Zinc dans la Melasse ou Sirop com- mun. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XX., 1853, pp. 104-108. 2. Moyeii de preparer d'une maniere ex- peditiveet apeude frais le Sulfate de Cadmium. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XXIII., 1856, p. 207. Bauza, Felipe. Lettre : Observations faites a Madrid, etc. Zach. Corresp. III., 1819, pp. 30- 38. 2. Ueber den gegenwiirtigen Zustand der Geographic von Siid-Amerika. Miinchen, Denkschr. 1821-22, pp. 87-124. 3. Beitriige zur Hydrographie und Geo- graphie von Amerika. Hertha, XIJ., 1828, pp. 101-109. 4. Table of Heights of various points in Spain. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp. 269- 273. 5. Informe de la visita verificada al distrito minero de Barcelona. Revista Minera, XII., 1861, pp. 417-431, 467-474, 481-491, 513- 521. Bauza, Felipe, et J. Espinosa. Observations sur la vitesse du Son faites a Santiago du Chili. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. 93-99. Bavoux, V. Notes sur les Narcisses qui crois- sent a la Vrine pres de Pontarlier (Doubs). Besan9on, Mem. Soc. Emul. IV., 1853, pp. 113- 114. E E BAV] 218 Eavoux, /'. 2. Note sur quelques plantes du departement du Doubs. Besai^on, Mem. Soc. Emul. VI., 1854, pp. 51-58. Bax, Didericus. Responsio ad qusestionem mathe- maticam : '' Si singula corpora solida, tetraedrum, hexaedrum (velcubus), octaedrum, dodecaedrum, icosaedrum inscribantur sphaerae, cujus radius requalis sit unitati, quaeritur cubus, cujus capa- citas aequatur capacitati illorurn quinque corporum simul sumtorum." Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1817. 2. Responsio ad qusestionem astronomicam: " Si supra singula tetraedri, hexaedri, et dode- caedri plana stylus erigatur perpendiculariter, quaeritur formula, cujus ope determinari possint puncta vel Qurvae, quas umbra a styli vertice projecta describit, sole ab uno ad alterum signum transeunte." Latitudo loci 52 9' 26". Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1817-18. Baxendell, Joseph. On the variability of ^ Tauri. Astron. Soc. Month. Not IX., 1848-49, pp. 37- 38. 2. On the variability of 13 Lyrae. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, p. 201. 3. On the period and changes of a Her- culis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855- 56, pp. 201-204 4. On the variable star B. A. C. 3345 (R. Leonis). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, p. 235. 5. On the variability of 30 Herculis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 266-267. 6. On a new variable Star (R Sagittse). Manchester Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 197- 199. 7. Observations of the Zodiacal Light. Manchester Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 222- 225. 8. Remarks on the theory of Rain. Man- chester Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 236-243 ; Manchester Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 399-406. 9. Observations of the Oblique Belt on Jupiter. Manchester Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 253-255. 1O. On the Variable Star U G-eminorum. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 75- 79. 11. On a system of Periodic disturbances of Atmospheric pressure in Europe and North- ern Asia. Manchester Soc. Proc. II., 1860- 62, pp. 15-18; Manchester Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 257-264. 12. Observations of Comet I., 1861. Man- chester Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 114-117. 13. On the influence of the seasons on the rate of decrease of the temperature of the atmosphere Avith increase of height, in different latitudes of Europe and Asia. Manchester Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 156-159. Baxendell, Joseph. 14. On the relations be- tween the decrement of temperature on ascend- ing in the Atmosphere and other Meteorological elements. Manchester Soc. Proc. II., 1860- 62, pp. 223-224. 15. On the Three New Variable Stars, T Bootis, T Serpentis, and S Delphini. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XXI., 1861, pp. 68-70. 16. Note on Prof. WOLF'S latest Results on Solar Spots. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 141-143. 17. On the elements of the variable Star R SagittjE. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXII., 1862, pp. 44-46. 18. On the phenomena of Groups of Solar Spots. [1859.] Manchester Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 186-193. 19. On the rotation of Jupiter. [1859.] Manchester Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 194- 199. Baxter, H. F. An experimental inquiry under- taken with a view of ascertaining whether any, and what signs of current electricity are mani- fested during the organic process of secretion in living animals. Phil. Trans. 1848, pp. 243 -252 ; 1852, pp. 279-288 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, pp. 221-222, 230. 2. An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any signs of current electricity are manifested in plants during vegetation. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, p. 267 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 49-64. 3. An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any force is evolved during muscular contraction, analo- gous to the force evolved in the fish, Gymnotus and Torpedo. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854 -55, pp. 378-379; Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 189-199. 4. Inquiry into the signs of current Elec- tricity in Plants. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1856, pp. 40-41. 5. An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether the organic actions, Lacteal Absorption and Nutri- tion in the living animal, are accompanied with the manifestation of current force. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 37-47. 6. On the influence of Magnetism on Chemical Action. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 235-255 ; VI., 25-38. 7. On the origin of the Muscular and the V , -i i * n _ i Nerve Current in the living or recently killed animal : a polarized condition of the muscular and of the nervous tissue. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1858, pp. 63-74. BAX] 219 [BAY Baxter, IT. F. 8. On the polarized condition of the Muscular and of the Nervous Tissue in living or recently killed animals : Muscular Force and Nerve Force, Polar Forces. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII, 1858, pp. 211-222. 9. On Nerve-Force. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 22-39 ; XV., 1862, pp. 7-16; XVII., 235-251. 10. Does Magnetism possess any influence over Organic forces ? Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV, 1862, pp. 180-187; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 312-320. 11. On the connection between Organic force and Crystalline force. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV.," 1862, pp. 194-203. 12. On Nerve Force. Relation of Nerve Force to Electric Force. Origin of Nerve Force. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 11-19; Electrician, II., 1862, pp. 114-116. 13. On muscular power. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIIL, 1863, pp. 194-212. 14. On the relative effects of acid and alkaline solutions on muscular action through the nerve. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX.. 1864, pp. 29-40. Baxter, William. A brief notice of several species of Epiphyllous Fungi, which have been observed in the neighbourhood of Oxford, and have not been hitherto generally known to occur in Britain. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 24- 27. 2. Sixth Report of a Committee, appointed to continue their Experiments on the Vitality of Seeds. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1846, pp. 20-24. Bayard, Henri. Question de priorite relative a la formation d'Images Photographiques sur Papier, qui etant peu ou point visibles au sortir de la chambre obscure, le deviennent subsequem- ment. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII. 1841, pp. 305-306 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII, 1841, pp. 367-369. 2. De 1'examen des taches di verses qui peuvent etre 1'objet de recherches medico-legales dans les expertises judiciaires. Ann. Hygiene Publ. XXIX., 1843, pp. 162-185. 3. Appreciation medico-legale de 1'action de Tether et du chloroforme. Ann. Hygiene Publ. XLIL, 1849, pp. 201-214. 4. Note sur un precede nouveau de pho- tographic sur papier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 552-555. Bayer, J. [Sternbedeckungen.] Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVI., 18 12, pp. 603-604. Bayer, J. Versuch einer Theorie der Contraction der Bewegung des Wassers beim Ausfiuss aus Oeffnungen in diinnen ebenen Wiinden, bei un- veranderlichen Niveau im Behalter ; mit beson- derer Riicksicht auf practische Anwendungen. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. XXV., 1847, pp. 131-169. Bayer, Johann. Ueber die Flora voii Tscheitsch in Miihren. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 20-24. 2. Ueber einige Pflanzen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 81-95. 3. Ueber die Mannigfaltigkeit der Pflan- zenformen und deren Anordnung im Systeme. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860, Abh. pp. 599-607. 4. Monographia Tilirc generis. [1861.] Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862, Abh. pp. 3-62. Bayfield, //. W. Notes on the geology of the north coast of the St. Lawrence. [1833.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 89-102. 2. Outlines of the geology of Lake Supe- rior. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. I., 1829, pp. 1-43. 3. Remarks on coral animals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. II., 1831, pp. 1-7. 4. On the transportation of rocks by ice. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1836, p. 223 ; Phil. Mag. VEIL, 1836, pp. 558-559. 5. On the junction of the Transition and Primary Rocks of Canada and Labrador. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 450-459. Bayle, fcmile. Sur le gisement de TAmmonites tetricus. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-8, pp. 450-452. 2. Sur des ossements fossiles trouves pres de Constantine. Paris, Soc. Geol, Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp. 343-345. 3. Observations sur la structure des co- quilles des Hippurites, suivies de quelques remarques sur les Radiolites. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 772-807. 4. Sur le systeme dentaire de 1'Anthra- cotherium magnum, Cuvier. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 936-946. 5. Notice sur la structure des coquilles du genre Hippurites. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1855, pp. 177-190. 6. Notice sur quelques mammiferes de- couverts dans la molasse miocene de la Chaux- de-Fonds. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1855, pp. 190-20S. 7. Sur le Listriodon splendens et quelques autres mammiferes decouverts dans la molasse miocene de la Chaux-de-Fonds (Suisse). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 24-29. 8. Sur le Sphrerulites foliaceus, Lamarck. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 71- 84. 9. Sur le Radiolites Jouanneti, Des Moul. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geol. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 102- 114. 1O. Sur le Radiolites cornu-pastoris, Des Moul. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 139-145. E E 2 BAY] 220 [BAZ Bayle, Emilc. 11. Notice sur une nouvelle es- pece du genre Chama. Fischer, Journ. Conchyl. I., 1856, pp. 365-370. 12. Note sur les Radiolites augulosus, latine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 757-759 ; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 284-285. 3. Sur 1'atomicite de 1'acide et du chloride phosphoriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 58-60. Becher, (Lieut.) Description of a pendulum arti- ficial horizon, to be attached to a sextant or quadrant for the purpose of observing altitudes by day or night at sea. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 81-82. Becher, A. B. The voyages of Martin Fro- bisher. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XII., 1842, pp. 1- 20. 2. The landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America. Geogr. Soc. Joui'n. XXVI., 1856, pp. 189-203. Becher, B. Ueber New Barbadoes-Neck. Ber- lin, Ges. Nat. Freunde, N. Schrift. II., 1799, pp. 357-361. 2. Ueber das Neu-Jerseyer Kupferwerk. Berlin, Ges. Nat, Freunde, N. Schrift. II., 1799, pp. 361-362. Becher, E. Die Kohlensaurespannung im Blute, als proportionates Maass des Umsatzes der kohlenstoffhaltigen Korper- und Nahrungsbe- standtheile. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 248-287 ; Zurich, Mittheil. III., 1853- 55, pp. 513-560. Becher, E., und C. Ludwig. Mittheiluug eines Gesetzes, welcher die chemische Zusammenset- zung des Unterkiefer-Speichels beim Hunde bestimmt. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. I., 1851, pp. 278-284. Bechert, . Sur 1'hypochlorite de mag- nesie, comme antidote du phosphore. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 352-354. Bechi, Emilio. Esperienze relative all' azione del bromo sopra i vegetabili viventi. Parlatore. Giorn. Botan. II., 1844, pp. 378-381. 2. Nuovo metodo di estrarre 1'iodio dalle sue combinazioni. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XIII., 1851, pp. 129-141 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 5-14. 3. Ueber Bor-Verbindungen, die in den Soffionen Toscana's auftreten. Berg- u. Hitt- tenm. Zeitg. XIII., 1854, pp. 341-343 ; Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1855, pp. 834-835; Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 119-121. 4. Recherches sur Fair des Maremmes de la Toscane. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 852-857 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXIII., 1861, pp. 267-280. Bechstein, J. M. Ueber CUVIER'S Eintheilung der Vogel. Wiedemann, Archiv, V. 1806, pp. 274-304. Bechtold, Chr. von. Der artesische Brunneii in St. Louis. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, I., 1857-58. pp. 106-110, 114-116. Beck, - . Beitrag zur Messung der riium- lichen Verhaltnisse des weiblichen Beckens. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, IV., 1845, pp. 436-454. Beck und Schiibler. Untersuchungen iiber die mittlere Zeit der Bliithen- Entwickelung meh- rerer vorziiglich in der Flora von Deutschland einheimischer Pflanzen in der Gegend von Tiibingen. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 26-38. Beck, A. von. See Beek, A. von. Beck, B. Ueber Transposition der Aorta und Arteria pulmonalis in dem Herzen eines neuge- bornen Miidchens. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, V., 1846, pp. 288-295. 2. Ueber das Nabelschnurgeriiusch. Ro- ser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, VI., 1847, pp. 268- 273. 3. Eine pathologische Beobachtuug iiber die Verrichtungen des 3-ten, 4-ten, 5-ten und 6-ten Hirnnervenpaares. Virchow, Archiv, X.. 1856, pp. 449-473. Beck, Fr. Das Achsensystem des menschlichen Korpers, eine Parallele zum Pflanzenachsen-Sys- teme. Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1848, col. 49-55, 65-69. Beck, G. L. Rapport sur le gisement de quel- ques mineral's utiles dans le canton de Berne. Belg. Annal. Trav. Publ. XII., 1853-54, pp. 213-215. Beck, H. Notes on the geology of Denmark. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 217-220 ; Phil. Mag. VIII., 1838, pp. 553-556. Beck, John B. Observations on Salt Storms, and the influence of Salt and Saline Air upon animal and vegetable life. Silliman, Joui'n. L, 1818, pp. 388-397. Beck, Joseph. On producing the idea of Dis- tance in the Stereoscope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 61. Beck, Lewis C. Contributions towards the Botany of the states of Illinois and Missouri. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 257-264; XL, 167-182; XIV., 112-121. 2. General views of the formation of Phosphuretted Hydrogen. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 294-296. 3. On the nature of the bleaching and dis- infecting compounds, denominated Chlorides of Soda, Lime, &c. Silliman. Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 251-264. 4. A Synoptical table of the Ferns and Mosses of the United States. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 287-297. 5. Note on the presence of Iron in the salt springs of Salina, N. Y. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 187-188. EEC] 229 [EEC Beck, Lewis C. 6. On the Geographical Botany of the United States. [1828.] Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 10-21. 7. An examination of the question whether the climate of the Valley of the Mississippi, under similar parallels of Latitude, is warmer than that of the Atlantic Coast. [1823.] Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 34-54. 8. On the office of the Nitrogen of the air in the process of Respiration. New York Med. Phys. Journ. II., 1830, pp. 288-292 ; Sil- liman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 52-56. 9. Oxy-chlorine blowpipe. Silliman, Journ. XVII, 1830, p. 211. 1O. Researches on wines and other fer- mented liquors. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 42-55 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1835, pp. 145-158 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 228-245 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLV., 1835, col. 241-250, 257-263. 11. Researches on the commercial potash of the State of New York. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 260-273. 12. Notices of the native copper, ores of copper, and other minerals found in the vicinity of New Brunswick, New Jersey. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 107-114. 13. Note on the New Brunswick Tornado or Water-Spout of 1835. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 115-118. 14. On some Pseudomorphous minerals of the state of New York. Amer. Geol. and Nat. Assoc. Reports, 1843, pp. 241-253. 15. Ndtice of some Trappean Minerals found in New Jersey and New York. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 54-60. 16. Remarkable example of the Force of Expansion and Contraction, exerted by bodies when subjected to alternations of Temperature, with a reference to the question whether the freezing point of liquids is influenced by differ- ences in pressure. Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 49-52. 17. Views concerning Igneous Action, chiefly as deduced from the phenomena pre- sented by some of the minerals and rocks of the State of New York. Silliman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 333-343. Beck, Lewis C., and E. Emmons. Description of the Grevilleanum serratum, a new genus belonging to the order Musci. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, p. 183. Beck, Lewis C., and Jas. G. Tracy. Note respecting the Ranunculus lacustris. Albany Inst. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 148-149. Beck, Richard. Remarks on the " Universal Screw." Microscop. Soc. Trans. VII., 1859, pp. 92-97. Beck, Richard. 2. On the Universal screw. Journ. Microscop. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 103- 104. 3. On the metamorphoses of a Coccus found upon oranges. Newman, Zoologist, XIX., 1861, pp. 7724-7726. 4. On the scales of some species of Thy- sanoura, and more especially the value as test objects of those scales hitherto considered as belonging to Podura plumbea. Microscop. Soc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 122-125. 5. On a Coccus upon a rose-bush. Micro- scop. Soc. Trans. X., 1862, pp. 16-17. 6. On the viscid lines in a spider's web. Microscop. Soc. Trans. X.. 1862, pp. 17-18. 7. On the scales of Lepidocyrtus (?), A / \ / ' hitherto termed "Podura scales," and their value as tests for the microscope. Microscop. Soc. Trans. X., 1862. pp. 83-88. Beck, T. Romcyn. Notices of the history and properties of Sulphate of Potash. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1844, pp. 88-95. 2. Abstracts of Meteorological Observa- tions made at the city of Albany, and calcula- tions tending to establish its mean temperature. Albany Inst Trans. II., 1833-52, pp. 1-29. Beck, T. Romeyn, and Joseph Henry. On the Mean Temperature of twenty-seven different places in the State of New York for 1828. Edinb. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 249-260. Beck, T. Romeyn, and Hitchcock. Abstract of a Meteorological Journal kept at Deerfield (Mass.), beginning March 1817, and ending November 1818, to which is added a Meteoro- logical Table, kept at Albany. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 333-338. Beck, Thos. Snow. On the nerves of the Uterus. Phil. Trans. 1846, pp. 213-235. Beck, W. Chemische Analyse des Glinkits. St. Petersb. Verh. Min. Gesell. 1847, pp. 244- 249. Becken, . Des changements que subit le sucre pendant la nutrition. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 298-300. Beckensteiner, C. Observations sur 1'electri- cite animale. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1847, pp. 153-158. 2. Observations sur 1'electricite libre dans 1'acte de la generation. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1850, pp. 1-6. Becker, . Beytrag zur Naturgeschichte der gemeinen Klapperschlange (Crotalus horridus). Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1132-11 34. Becker, . Menstruation durch die Zunge. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXXVIIL. 1834 (Hft. 6), p. 120. Becker, A. Verzeichniss der in Jahren 1849-52 bei Sarepta beobachteten Vogel. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVI., 1853, pp. 239-241. , BEG] 230 [BEG Becker, A. 2. Kurzer Bericht iiber einige Na- turgegenstande, im Jahre 1853. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVII., 1854, pp. 453-469. 3. Einige naturhistorische Mittheilungen von dem Jahre 1854. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 460-474. 4. Verzeichniss der meisten in Sarepta's Umgegend vorkommenden Schmetterlinge. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 475-481. 5. Naturhistorischer Bericht aus der Um- gegend von Sarepta vom Jahre 1855, und einige Bemerkungen iiber das Todten und Fangen der Insekten. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 250-272. 6. Naturhistorische Mittheilungen von den Jahren 1856 und 1857 ; iiber die dem Entomologen wichtigsten Gewachse der Sarep- taer Umgegend, und noch einige Bemerkungen iiber das Fangen und Todten der Insekten. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXI., 1858 (pte. 2), pp. 159-187. 7. Ueber die Wirkungen einiger Pflanzen- safte die durch Verwundung in den Korper der Insekten gebracht wurden. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XIX., 1858, pp. 429-432. 8. Verzeichniss der um Sarepta vorkom- menden Kafer. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861, pp. 305-330. 9. Botanische und Entomologische Mit- theilungen. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXV., 1862 (pte. 2), pp. 332-355. Becker, C., und S. Stratingh. Ueber die elektro-magnetische Triebkraft und deren An- wendung auf einen elektro-magnetischen Wagen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXI., 1836, pp. 247- 254. Becker, Ernst. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des elec- trischen Leitungswiderstandes einiger Flussig- keiten von der Temper at ur. Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 1-25. 2. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des electrischen Leitungsvermogens der Schwefelsaure von der Temperatur und dem Concentrationsgrade der- selben. Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 94- 100. Becker, F. J. von. Ueber das Verhalten des Zuckers beim thierischen Stoffwechsel. Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 123-178. 2. Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Linse bei dem Menschen und den Wirbelthieren. Archiv f. Ophthalm. IX., 1863 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-42. Becker, Friedr. Die ErdolqueUen und deren Wasser bei dem Dorfe Edemissen, in geognos- tischer und chemischer Hinsicht. Hannoversche Annalen, I., 1841, pp. 670-672. Becker, G. Kiinstliche Darstellung der Mar- garinsaure. Liebig, Annal. CII., 1857, pp. 209- 219. Becker, G. 2. Notiz iiber einige Doppelather und zusammengesetzte Aether des Cetylalkohols. Liebig, Annal. CII., 1857, pp. 219-221 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI., 1857, pp. 496- 497. Becker, H. Over acetas aathylicus. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, V., 1853, pp. 294-300. Becker, J. Von den Atmosphareu der Weltkb'r- per. Nassau, Jahrbiicher, II., 1845, pp. 82- 84. 2. Ueber den Stern der Magier oder der morgenliindischen Weisen. Nassau, Jahrbii- cher, II., 1845, pp. 85-88. 3. Ueber die Bildung des Hagels. Nassau. Jahrbiicher, III., 1846, pp. 103-118. 4. Von der Erderschiitterung am 29 Juli 1846. Nassau, Jahrbiicher, III., 1846, pp. 181- 195. Becker, 1. 1. C. T. F. NonnuUa de casu nryocar- ditidis. Kiel, Schriften, III., 1857. Becker, Joh. Karl. Zur Theorie der Gleichun- gen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIV., I860, pp. 288- 289. 2. Einige geometrische Lehrsiitze und Auf- gaben. Grunert, Archiv, XXX VIII., 1862, pp. 342-344. 3* Zur Polyedrometrie. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 345-355 ; XL., 1863, pp. 12-21. Becker, L. Ueber Vogel-Eier im Paludinen- Kalke von Weissenau bei Mainz. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 69-72. Becker, Leon. Observations sur la chenille de 1'Hadena atriplicis. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 88-91. 2. Notice sur la transformation de 1'Adela Reaumurella. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 95-99. 3. Transformations de la Bucculatrix ul- mella. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. IV., 1860, pp 104-105. 4. Transformations de PCEcophora arietella. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 106-107. 5. Lepidopteres nouvellement decouverts en Belgique. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. 1860, p. 116. 6. Insectes observes en Campine pendant le mois d'Aout 1860. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. V., 1861, pp. 33-46. 7. Observations sur quelques chenilles de Tineides. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. V., 1861, pp. 52-57. Becker, Lothar. Ueber die Grotten von Ajenta, Dohltabad und Garli. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 23-24. 2. Eine Schilderung von .seiner Reise in die blauen Berge Neuhollands. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1854, pp. 25-26. EEC] 231 [BEC Becker, Ludwig. On the constant Increase of Elevation of the Beds of Rivers. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 72-73. 2. Remarks as to the earlier Existence of the Binnen or Inland Lake. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 73-74. 3. Meteorological Observations at Ben- digo. Victoria, Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1855, pp. 87-91. 4. On the Age of the Animal and Vege- table Kingdom of Australia relatively to that of the rest of the World ; and some Remarks on the Changes of this Land by Upheavals. Vic- toria, Phil. Inst. Trans. I., 1856, pp. 15-18. 5. The Nest, Egg, and Young of the Lyre- bird (Menura superba.) Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. I., 1856, pp. 153-154. 6. Tenacity of life in the Platypus (Orni- thorhynchus paradoxus.) Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. I., 1856, pp. 155-156. 7. Native Zinc embedded in Basalt. Vic- toria, Phil. Inst. Trans. I., 1856, pp. 156-158. 8. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Fortpflan- zungsgeschichte der Menura superba. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V, 1857, pp. 293-296 ; VI., pp. 390-394. 9. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das allmah- liche Aufsteigen der siidlichen Kiiste von Neu- hollancl. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 294-295. 1O. Ueber das Alter der lebenden Thier- und Pflanzen-Welt in Australien. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 535-538. 11. Some facts determining the rate of the upheaval of the South Coast of the Australian Continent. Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. III., 1858, pp. 7-9. 12. A few notes on two kinds of Australian Leeches. Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. III., 1858, pp. 36-38. 13. On an Australian Bat. Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. III., 1858, pp. 38-40. 14. Observations on Donati's Comet, made between Oct. 12th and Nov. 12th, 1858. Vic- toria, Phil. Inst. Trans. IV., 1859, pp. 9-13. 15. Notes on an Australian Bat. Victoria, Phil. Inst. Trans. IV., 1859, pp. 41-43. 16. Briefe aus dem siidlichen Australien. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, III., 1860-61, pp. 68-71, 78-80. 17. Notes on the young of Menura su- perba. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVHI., 1860, pp. 61-62. Becker, M. Ueber fliegende Briicken. Forster, Allg. Bauzeitg. XII., 1847, pp, 251-259. Becker, Otto. Ueber Flimmerepithelium und Flimmerbewegung im G-eschlechtsapparate der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Moleschott, Untersuch. II., 1857, pp. 71-99. Becker, Otto, und Alex. Rollett. Beitriige zur Lehre vom Sehen der dritten Dimension. Wien, Site. Ber. XLIII. (Abth. 2), 1861, pp. 667-706 ; Moleschott, Untersuch. VIII., 1862, pp. 435-477. Becker, V. Ueber eine bequeme Methode, den Salpetergehalt im Schiesspulver aufzufinden. Wien, Jahrb. Polyt. Inst. XVII., 1832, pp. 13- 20. Becker, W. Sur les bruits produits par les mouvemens du coeur. Joum. Heb. de Med. II., 1829, pp. 304-310. Beckett, Henry. On a fossil forest in the Parkfield Colliery near Wolverhampton. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 41-43. Beckhaus, . Beitrage zur Kryptogamen- Flora Westfalen's. Rheinl. u. Westph. Ver- handl. 1855, pp. 64-78 ; 1856, pp. 12-28, 153- 157 ; 1857, pp. 52-68 ; 1859, pp. 426-448. 2. Nachtrage und Bemerkungen zu KAKSCH Flora Westph. Rheinl. u. Westph. Verhandl. 1859, pp. 48-64. Becklemichew, A. Notice sur deux nouvelles especes d'oiseaux du Bresil. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. I., 1829, pp. 375-390. Beckles, S. H. On supposed casts of footprints in the Wealden. Geol. Soc. Journ. VTL, 1851, p. 117. 2. On the Ornithoidichnites of the Wealden. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1852, pp. 396-397; X., 1854, pp. 456-464. 3. On the Lowest Strata of the Cliffs at Hastings. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 288-292. 4. On some natural casts of Reptilian foot- prints in the Wealden Beds of the Isle of Wight and of Swanage. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 443-447. Becklin, Petrus Ericus. Dissertatio de Insectis Suecicis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. III., 1801, pp. 37-59. Beckmann, . Observations on Naples Yel- low, and the different methods of preparing it. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 278-284. 2. Observations on Pumice Stone, and the places where found. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 423-429. 3. Observations respecting Oysters, and the places where found. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 97-103, 233-240. Beckmann, F. Ueber die Hordeinsaure, ein neues Glied der Reihe der Fettsauren von der Formel (Co H,) n O 4 . Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVI., 1855," pp. 52-56 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 226-227. Beckmann, S. lets over Paarden met Men- schenhanden. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Nat. Wetens. 1810-11, pp. 112-120. BEG] 232 [BEG Beckmann, Ludwig. Thierfahrten und Zoolplas- tiche Tafeln. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, IV., 1863, pp. 56-59. Beckmann, Otto. Ueber ein neues Harnstoffsalz. Liebig, Annal. XCI., 1854, pp. 367^368 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 366-367. 2. Ueber cine Doppelmissbildung (Dice- phalus biatlanticus, Gurlt) am Kalb. Wiirz- burg, Verhandl. VI., 1856, pp. 145-151. 3. Zur Kenntniss cler Niere. Virchow, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 50-78, 121-132. Beckmann, S. J. St. -Ueber den Granatoid, ein noch unbeschriebenes griines Kiesel-Fossil aus dem Ziller-Thale in Tyrol. Leonhard, Zeitschr. 1829, pp. 827-829. 2. Mineralogische Beschreibung und che- mische Untersuchung eines griinen, ausserlicli dem Chrysopras ahnlichen Fossils aus dem Ziller- thal in Tyrol. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Phann. XX., 1830, pp. 31-37. Becks, . Ueber einige Wachsthums-Erschei- nungen baumartiger dikotyledonischer Pflanzen. Linnsea, XIII., 1839, pp. 544-548. Becks, F. Entdeckung von gediegenem Schwetel im Quarzsande der Braunkohlen-Formation. Schweigger, Journ. XLIX. (= Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 269-275. 2. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber einige Theile des Munsterlandes, mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf das Steinsalzlager, welches die west- phalischen Soolen erzeugt. Karsten, Archiv, VII., 1835, pp. 275-389. 3. Ueber das Vorkommen fossiler Knochen in dem aufgeschwemmten Boden des Munster- landes. Karsten, Archiv, VIII., 1835, pp. 390- 417. 4. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber ein neues Vor- kommen von Asphalt in Westfalen. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIL, 1839, pp. 397-400. 5. Ueber das Schwefelwasserstoffgas der artesischen Brunnen in Westfalen. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 546-552. 6. Ein neues Vorkommen von kohlen- saurem Strontian in Westphalen. Karsten, Ar- chiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 576-584. 7. Bemerkungen iiber eine neue Hb'hle in Westphalen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 143-161. 8. Bemerkungen iiber eine neue knochen- fiihrende Hohle in Westphalen. Karsten, Ar- chiv, XVL, 1842, pp. 167-186. 9. Kerne und Krystalle-Drusen in Kreide- Echiniden. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 168-171. 1O. Ueber fossile Fahrten, besonders jene am Ister-Berge. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 188-190. Becks, F. 11. Ueber tertiiire Ablagerungen in der Niederlaudischen Provinzen Gelderland und Ober-Yssel. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 257-263. Beckwith, John. The history and descriptions of four new Species of Phalaena. [1789.] Linn. Soc. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 1-6. Beckwith, (Dr.) John. A memoir on the Na- tural Walls, or solid dykes in the state of North Carolina. Silliman, Journal, V., 1822, pp. 1-7. Beclard, P. A. Rapport sur un cas de mon- struosite, communique par le Ministre de 1'In- terieur. Paris, Bull. Fac. Mcd. III., 1812, pp. 230-233 ; Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. IV., 1813, pp. 132-133. 2. Description anatomique d'un foetus ne avec une hernie tres-volumineuse du cerveau par suite d'hydrocephale, et conformation singuliere des os de la face. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. III., 1813, pp. 292-293. 3. Notice descriptive d'un foetus ne avec des vices tres-singuliers de conformation, et en particulier avec une adherence du coeur it la voute palatine. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. III., 1813, pp. 293-296. 4. Recherches qui semblent prouver que le foetus respire 1'eau contenue dans 1'amnios. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. III., 1813, pp. 436-439. 5. Description d'un individu dont le sexe a quelque chose d'equivoque ; accompagnee d'observations et de reflexions sur les vices de conformation des organes genitaux. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. IV., 1815, pp. 273-288. 6. Sur les Acephales. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. IV., 1815, pp. 446-467, 493-508 ; V., 488-517. 7. Note sur une transposition eenerale des visceres. Joum. de Med. XXXVIL, 1816, pp. 328-331; Paris, Bull. Soc. Med. d'Emul. L, 1816, pp. 570-572. 8. Note sur une naine de 1'age de sept ans ayant a-peu-pres les proportions d'un enfant naissant. Paris, Bull. Fac. Mcd. V., 1816, pp. 486-488. 9. Note supplementaire au Memoire sur 1'Osteose ou 1'Ossification. Journ. de Med. VIII., 1820, pp. 81-84; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 405-446. 1O. Observation d'une affection tubercu- leuse du cerveau avec destruction des m-rfs ethmoidaux. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. V., 1825, pp. 17-26. Beclard e Bonnie. Concezione estrauterina, e parto operate per 1'ano. Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. V., 1814, pp. 254-256. Beclard et Legallois. Experiences sur le-Vo- missement. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. III., 1813, pp. 480-482. BEG] [BEG Beclard, Jules. Lettre a M. Dumas [sur le role de la Rate et la composition du Sang]. Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 506-507; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIIL, 1848, pp. 183-185. 2. Recherches experimentales sur les fonc- tions de la rate et sur celles de la veine porte. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 122- 124 ; Archives Gen. de Med. XVI1L, 1843, pp. 129-149. 319-328, 432-443. 3. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'absorption et de la nutrition. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 1-2. 4. Influence de la lumiere sur les animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 441- 453. 5. De la chaleur produite pendant le travail de la contraction musculaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 471-472. 6. De la contraction musculaire dans ses rapports avec la temperature animate. Archives Gen. de Med. XVII., 1861, pp. 24-40, 157-180, 257-279. Beclard, P. A. Du tissu cellulaire. Journ. de Med. XXVIII., 1813, pp. 423-424. Beclard, Philippe. Embryologie, ou Essai anato- miqne sur le foetus humain. Journ. de Med. XL, 1821, pp. 73-107. Becceur et Touchaleaume. Analyse de 1'eau minerale de Pougues de Chateau Gontier, dept. de la Mayenne. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1826, pp. 178-185. Becqiierel, Alfred. Recherches ana torn ico-patho- logiques sur la Cirrhose du Foie. Archives Gen. de Med. VIL, 1840, pp. 397-417 ; VIII., 40-50. 2. Recherches sur le pouvoir moleculaire rotatoire de 1'albumine du sang et des liquides organiques. Description d'un albuminimetre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 625- 629. 3. Recherches physiologiques et patho- logiques sur 1'albumine du sang et des divers liquides organiques ; description d'un albumini- metre destine a douner immediatement et tres- exactement la quantite d'albumine qu'ils con- tiennent. Archives Gen. de Med. XXIL, 1850, pp. 52-70, 156-166. 4. De la non-existence de 1'albumine dans les urines normales, et de 1'infidelite de 1'action du chloroforme comme reactif de 1'albumine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 899-903. Becquerel, Alfred, et A. Kodier. Recherches re- latives a la composition du sang. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1083-1088. 2. Recherches sur la composition du sang dans 1'etat de sante et dans 1'etat de ma- ladie. Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1845, pp. 142- 146 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIL, 1844, col. 321- 324; Heller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 27-104 ; 1846, pp. 443-461. Becquerel, Alfred, et A. Rodier. 3. Nouvelles recherches d'hematologie. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 835-837. Becquerel, Alfred, et Max. Vernois. Sur la composition du lait. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 187-191 ; Annal. Hygiene Publ. XLIX., 1853, pp. 357-362 ; L., pp. 43- 147 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 418-421. 2. Analyse du lait des principaux types de vache, chevre, brebis, bufflesse. Annal. Hygiene Pub!. VIL, 1857, pp. 271-303. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar. Note sur une couche de Lignite renfermant du Succin et des cristaux d'une substance qui paroit analogue au Mellite, trouvee recemment a Auteuil. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 235-240. 2. Note sur les Cristaux trouves dans le Lignite d' Auteuil. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 308-310. 3. Note sur les varietes de forme de Chaux carbonatee, observees dans le calcaire de Cla- rnecy. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 462-467 ; Paris, Me"m. de 1'Inst. XIIL, 1835, pp. 31-37. 4. Sur le developpement de 1'electricite dans les corps par la prcssion et la dilatation. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 149-155. 5. Sur le developpement de 1'electricite par la pression. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1823, pp. 5-34; Quart, Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, p. 368 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 204- 211, 263-274. 6. Sur les fils tres-fins de platine et d'acier ; et sur la distribution du magnetisme libre dans ces derniers. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1823, pp. 113-137 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 374-379 ; Paris, Mem, de 1'Inst. XL, 1832, pp. 13-32. 7. De 1'argile plastique d' Auteuil. et des substances qui 1'accompagnent. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1823, pp. 348-358; Paris, Mem. del'Inst. XL, 1832, pp. 1-11. 8. Du developpement de 1'electricite par le contact de deux portions d'un meme metal, dans un etat suffisamment inegal de temperature ; des piles volta'iques construites aA r ec des fils d'un meme metal et meme avec un seul fil, et de quel- ques efFets electriques qui naissent dans les com- binaisons chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 135-155; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 448-472. 9. Des effets electriques qui se develop- pent pendant diverses actions chimiques. An- nal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1823, pp. 244-258; Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 387-407. 1O. Nouveaux resultats electro-chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1823, pp. 259-260. G G BEC] 234 [BEC Becquerel, Afttoinc Cesar. 11. De 1'etat de 1'clectricite developpee pendant les actions chi- miques, et de la mesure de ces dernieres au moyen des effets electriques qui en resultent. Anna!, de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 192-206. 12. D'un systeme de galvanometres pro- pres a rendre sensibles de tres-faibles quantites d'electricite ; et des courants electriques qui ont h'eu dans les actions capillaires et dans les disso- lutions. Anrial. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 337-355; Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 408-430. 13. Developpements relatifs aux effets elec- triques produites dans les actions chimiques, et de la distribution de 1'electricite dans la pile voltaique, en tenant compte des actions electro- motrices des liquides conducteurs sur les metaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 72-73. 14. Des actions magnetiques ou actions analogues, produites dans tous les corps par 1'in- fluence de courants electriques tres-energiques. Annul, de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 269-278; Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1824, pp. 22-23; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 372-373; Schweigger, Journ. XML (= Jahrb. XII.), 1824, pp. 439-449. 15. Des actions electro-motrices produites par le contact des metaux et des liquides, et d'un precede pour reconnaitre, ti 1'aide des effets electro-magnetiques, les changements qu'eprou- vent certaines dissolutions au contact de 1'air. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 405-415 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1824, pp. 37-39 ; Pog- gend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 169-179; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 373-375, 379-380; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 71-85 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 42-45. 16. Developpements relatifs aux effets electriques observes dans les actions chimiques : et de la distribution de I'electricite dans la pile de VOLTA, en tenant compte des actions electro- motrices des liquides sur les metaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 176-188 ; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 180-190; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVHI., 1825, pp. 171-172; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 153 -176. 17. Des actions electro-motrices de 1'eau et des liquides en general sur les metaux, et des effets electriques qui ont lieu, 1 dans le contact do certaines flammes et des metaux ; 2 do dans la combustion. Annal. de Chimie, XX VII., 1824, pp. 5-18 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1824, pp. 85-86 ; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 191-205 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 383-384 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 401-409. Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar. 18. Sur les effets electro-dynamiques produit* pendant la decompo- sition de 1'eau oxigenee par le contact de divers corps, et sur d'autres phenoinenes elcctro-chi- miqties. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 129 -133 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 19-36 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 135 -138; 1825. pp. 169-174, 382-383; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 236-263. 19. Du pouvoir conducteur des metaux pour I'electricite, et de 1'intensite de la force eleciro- dynamique en un point quelconque d'un fil metal- lique qui joint les deux extremites d'une pile. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 179-182; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1826, pp. 420-430; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXII., 1827, pp. 374-379. 20. Recherches sur les effets electriques de contact produits dans les changemeus de tempe- rature, et application qu'on peut en faire a la determination des hautes temperatures. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 371-392 ; Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. I., 1 826, pp. 430-450 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 305-316, 316-319; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1826, col. 33-36 ; Paris, N. Bull. Soc, Philom. 1826, pp. 37-39; Pog- gend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 345-359. 21. Des decompositions chimiques operees avec des forces electriques a tres-petite tension. [1826.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 152-163; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XL, 1832, pp. 33-43 ; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 457- 465. 22. De I'electricite degagee dans les actions chimiques, et de 1'ernploi de tres-faibles courants electriques pour provoquer la combinaison d'un grand nombre de corps. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 1 13-140 ; Brugnatelli, Giorn. X., 1827, pp. 345-353 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 462-464. 23. De quelques phenonienes electriques produits par la pression et le clivage des cristaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1827, pp. 265- 271 ; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 147-152; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1828, pp. 478-480. 24. Sur les actions magnetiques excitees dans tous les corps par 1'influence d'aimans tres- energiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1827, pp. 337-349 ; Paris, Mem. de ITnst. XL, 1832, pp. 45-57; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 622-624 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1828, pp. 218- 219. 25. Sur I'electricite acquise par let; fils de metal plonges dans les flainmes. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1827, pp. 328-331 ; Poggend. Anna! XI., 1827, pp. 437-441. 26. Magnetismus des Wisinuths und des Antimons. (Transl.) Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 292-294; Quart Journ. Sci. IL, 1827, p. 202. BEG] 235 [BEG Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar. 27. Sur les proprie- tes electriques de la Tourmnline. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1828, pp. 5-15; Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 50-56. 28. DCS effets de la chaleur dans les corps mauvais conducteurs de 1'electricite et dans la Tourmaline. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1828, pp. 355-369 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 201-202. 29. Du degagement de 1'electricite qui re- suite du frottement de deux metaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1828, pp. 113-122; Pog- gend. Annal. XIII., 1828, pp. 619-627. 3O. Memoire sur Felectro-chimie et Fem- ploi de 1'electricite pour operer des combinaisons. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 545 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 92-97 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. IX., 1830, pp. 551-590 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 143-151. 31. Du pouvoir thermo-electrique des me- taux. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 353- 373 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. X., 1831, pp. 237- 258 ; Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 306- 310; XVII.. pp. 535-553 ; Schweigger, Journ. ( = Jahrb. XXVIL), 1829, pp. 302-321. 32. Rapport sur un memoire de M. DONNE concernant Finflueiice que les phenomenes atmo- spheriques exercent sur la force des piles seches. Annal. de Chimie, XLII, 1829, pp. 71-76 ; Poggend. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 183-184. 33. Memoire sur les sulfures, iodures, bro- mures, etc. nietalliques. Annal. de Chimie, XLII., 1829, pp. 225-235 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. X., 1831, pp. 259-270 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 409 ; I., 1830, pp. 205-208 ; Schweisrger. Journ. LVIII. ( = Jahrb. XXVIII.), 1830, pp. 439-452. 34. Memoire sur le role que jouent les phenomenes electriques dans plusieurs combi- naisons chimiques. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 209-212 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1829, col. 276-278 ; XXVIIL, col. 278-282 ; Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 438-442. 35. Memoire sur de nouveaux effets elec- trp-chimiques propres a produire des combinai- sons, et sur leur application a la cristallisation du soufre et d'autres substances. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1830, pp. 131-146 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. X., 1831, pp. 271-285 ; Silli- man, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 382-384. 36. Sur un precede electro-chimique, pour retirer le manganese et le plomb des dissolutions dans lesquelles ils se trouvent. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1830, pp. 380-386; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. X., 1831, pp. 286-292. 37. Resume des observations faites sur I'Electro-chimie. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1830, pp. 393-422. Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar. 38. Notiz iiber die Natur der Ueberziige auf Antiken. (Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. (= Jahrb. XXVIIL), 1830, pp. 452-454. 39. Considerations generates sur les ehangemens qui s'operent dans Fetat electrique des corps, par Faction de la chaleur, du contact, du frottement et des diverges actions chimiques, et sur les modifications qui en resultent quelque- fois dans Farrangement de leur parties consti- tuantes. Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1831, pp. 265-294, 337-366 ; XL VII., pp. 113-147 ; XLIX., pp. 131-141 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XL, 1832, pp. 317-367 ; XIL, 1833, pp. 333- 366 ; XIIL, 1835, pp. 177-188 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, XLL, 1834, col. 65-67 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. IL, 1831, pp. 396-397. 4O. Du carbonate de chaux cristallise, et de Faction simultanee des matiei'es sucrees ou mucilagineuses sur quelques oxides metalliques, par Fintermediaire des alcalis et des terres. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1831, pp. 5-20. 41. Considerations generates sur les decom- positions electro-chimiques et la reduction de Foxide de fer, de la zircone, et de la magnesie, a Faide de forces electriques peu energiques. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1831, pp. 337- 353 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XIL, 1833, pp. 581-597. 42. Sur les courants electriques produits soit par d'autres courants, soit par des aimants. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1831, pp. 403-405. 43. De la cristallisation de quelques oxides metalliques. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 101-107 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. ( = N. Jahrb. VI.), 1832, pp. 401-406 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXVL, 1833 (St. 2), pp. 235-240. 44. Premier memoire sur 1'application des forces electro-chimiques a la physiologic vege- tale. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 240- 260; Guillemin, Archiv. Bot. L, 1833, pp. 385- 401 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 560- 561 ; Liebig, Annal. VIIL, 1833, pp. 92-109 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834. col. 113-119, 129-132. 45. Du sulfure de plomb cristallise. Annal. de Chimie, LIII., 1833, pp. 105-108; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 27-28 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp, 46-48. 46. Recherches sur les alterations qui ont lieu a la surface du sol ou dansl'interieur du globe. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 143-155. 47. Rapport fait a F Academic des Sciences sur un Memoire de M. FOURNET, qui a pour titre : " Des divers accidents et des formations successives qui ont produit Fetat actuel des filons des environs de Pont-Gibaud." Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 155-163. G G EEC] 236 [EEC Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar. 48. Experiences sur le developpement cle 1'electrieite par la pres- sion : lois de ce developpement. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XII., 1833, pp. 551-580. 49. Deuxieme memoire sur la decomposi- tion des roches, et les doubles decompositions clans les actions lentes. Annal. de Chimie, LVI., 1834, pp. 97-107; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. H., 1834, pp. 93-97. 50. Des effets electriques produits dans le contact de certaines substances minerales et de 1'eau ; de la formation du carbonate hydrate de cuivre cristallise au moyen des forces electriques. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 164-174. 51. Ues proprietes electriques particulieres que les substances minerales conductrices acqui- erent quand elles sont en contact avec 1'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 17-19; Bibl. Univ. I., 1836, pp. 155-160; L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 251-252. 52. Sur les moyens de produire a 1'aide de forces electriques tres-faibles de la Malachite semblable a celle que 1'on trouve dans la nature. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, p. 19 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem.L, 1837, pp. 414-442. 53. Apparcil electro-chimique destine a operer des decompositions, comme la pile de VOLTA. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 455-457; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1835, pp. 215-218 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL VI., 1835, col. 289-291 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 429-432 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. I., 1836-37, pp. 398-404. 54. Des varietes de forme de chaux car- bonatee, observees dans le calcairc de Clamecy. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XIII., 1835, pp. 31-37. 55. Notice sur les applications des forces electriques aux phenomenes geologiques et phy- siologiques naturels. Bibl. Univ. I., 1836, pp. 1-15, 197-210. - 56. Note sur un couraut electrique qui possede la faculte de produire des decompositions chimiques, et non celle d'echauffer les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 14-17 ; Bibl. Univ. LX., 1835, pp. 218-220. 57. Experiences sur la torpille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 135-136. 58. Precis de nos connaissances sur la phosphorescence. Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, pp. 134-155. 59. Des relations de la physique avec la chimie et les sciences naturelles. Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 145-159 ; Edinb. New. Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1837, pp. 315-326 ; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1837, col. 1-8. 6O. Des reactions chimiques produites dans le contact des metaux oxidables, de 1'eau distillee, et des composes insolubles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 824-834; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 30-38. Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar. 61. Description et usage de la balance electro-magnetique et de la pile a courants constants. Paris. Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 35-41 ; Annal. do Chimie, LXVI., 1837, pp. 84-93 ; Phil. Ma-. X., 1837, pp. 358-364 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 307-314. 62. Influence de 1'electricite snr la circula- tion du Chara. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 784-788. 63. Reflexions sur le traitement electro- chimique des minerals d'argent, de cuivre et de plomb. Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 143-152 ; Poggend. Annal. XLV., 1838, pp. 285-286. 64. Developpemens relatifs aux decompo- sitions chimiques operees avec les appareils hydvo- electriques simples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 125-129; Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1838, pp. 129-133; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 17- 21 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp.' 537-541. 65. Examen du conglomerat forme autour d'une ancre tromx'e dans la Seine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 213-217. 66. Nouvelles recherches sur le degagement de la chaleur dans le frottement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 363-368; Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1839, pp. 324-333 ; Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, pp. 367-374 ; XXIIL, 1839, pp. 392-406 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XVII., 1840, pp. 181-199 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838- 39, pp. 452-458. 67. Sur la propriete qu'a la lumiere de rendre des corps phosphorescents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, p. 183. 68. De quelques proprietes nouvelles rela- tives au pouvoir phosphorescent de la lumiere electriqiie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 216-223 ; Bibl. Univ. XIX.. 1839, pp. 415- 422; Poggend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 543-548. 69. Nouvelles recherches sur les effets elec- triques de contact. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 424-432. 7O. Observations sur les moyens a employer pour evaluer la temperature des. vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 939- 941; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IV., 1839-40, pp. 212-213. 71. De la force chimique du courant, con- sideree dans ses rapports avec les affinites, et de la mesure de ces dernieres. Parts, Comptes Ren- dus, X., 1840, pp. 671-675; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, pp. 411-415. 72. Considerations generates sur les applir:!- * tions des sciences physico-chimiques aux sciences naturelles, aux arts et a 1'industrie. Pan'-. Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 75-86 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 140, pp. 386-400 ; Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1840, col. 241-250; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 249-252. EEC] 237 [BEG Becquerel, Anfoine Cesar. 73. Observations suv la presence de, sables auriferes dans le jrise- raent de la galene de St. Santin Cantales, et sur le gisement des sables auriferes en gene- ral. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL. 1840, pp. 129-134; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 419- 424. 74. Memoire sur le rayonnement chimique qui accompagne la lumiere solaire et la lumiere electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 702-703. 75. Memoire sur le rayonnement chimique qui accompagne la lumiere, et sur les effets elec- triques qui en resultent. Paris, Coinptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 198-202 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, pp. 136-159. 76. Des proprieties electro-chimiques des corps simples et de Icur application aux arts. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 121- 147; Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1842, pp. 151- 186; London, Electr. Soc. Proc. 1843, pp. 424- 431. 77. Observations sur la pile voltaique pre- sentee par M. REISET. Annal. de Chimie, VII.. 1843, pp. 358-362 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 25-28. 78. Memoire sur 1'application electro- chimique des oxydes et des metaux sur des metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 1-16, 53-55 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 402-425 ; Archives de I'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 345-365, 366-368 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 65-79 ; Jouvn. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 338-351 ; Sturgeon, Annal. Electr. X., 1843, pp. 151-157 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 85-100. 79. Deuxieme memoire sur la coloration des metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 197-218 ; Archives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 74-102; Walker, Electr. Mag. L, 1845, pp. 251-272. SO. Memoire sur la precipitation des metaux par d'autres metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 449-472, 554-558; Ar- chives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 520-551, 552- 556. 81. Des courants electriques terrestres et de leur influence sur les phenomenes de decom- position et de recomposition dans les terrains qu'ils parcourent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1052-1069; Archives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 557-579. 82. Sur les applications de Pelectro-chimie a 1'etude des phenomenes de decomposition et recomposition terrestres. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XX., 1845, pp. 1509-1536; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 233-269. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar. 83. De la polarite produite par les decharges electriques, et de son emploi pour la determination de la quantite d'elec- tricite ordinaire associee aux parties constituantes des corps, dans les combinaisons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 381-404. 84. Nouvelles applications de 1'electro- chimie a la decomposition de substances minerales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 781- 788 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives} II., 1846, pp 32-42; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 449- 457. 85. De la decomposition des sels neutres, a base de potasse et de soude. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 1065-1068 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 309- 312. 86. Sur les circuits electro-chimiques sim- ples formes de liquides. Paris 5 Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 505-516. 87. De 1'action du sel sur la vegetation et de son emploi en agriculture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 513-517; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1848, col. 101-103. 88. Considerations generates sur la theorie electro-chimique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 658-663 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1849, pp. 5-41 ; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. XLVIIL, 1849, pp. 193-221. 89. Note relative au developpement de 1'electricite dans 1'acte de la contraction muscu- laire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 663-664 ; Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 53-54. 9O. Memoire sur 1' amelioration de la So- logne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 461-470. 91. Communication relative aux experi- ences de M. SCHONBEIN sur 1'ozone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 13-16. 92. Recherches sur les causes qui degagent de 1'electricite dans les vegetaux, et sur les courants vegeto-terrestres. [1850.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1851, pp. 40-67; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 212-215 ; Paris, Mem. de Tlnst. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 36-66; Silliman, Journ. XIL, 1851, pp. 83-97. 93. Memoire sur les effets electriques pro- duits dans les tubercules, les racines et les fruits, lors de 1'introduction d'aiguilles galvanometri- ques en platine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 657-663 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 301-337. 94. Memoire sur la reproduction de plu- sieurs composes mineraux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 29-33 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 367-377; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 330- 333 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 337-342. BEG] 238 [EEC Becquerel, Antoine Cesar, 95. Nouveaux deve- loppements relatifs aux effets chimiques produits au contact des solides et des liquides. Pari*, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 573-578 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXIII., 1853, pp. 379 -397 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LVL, 1852, pp. 471-477. . 96. Note sur des composes chimiques, pro- duits au contact dcs solides et des liquides, en vertu d'actions lentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 209-213 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 7-11. 97. Description de deux appareils depo- larisateurs destines a donner des courants eleo triques constants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 238-241. 98. Nouvelles recherches sur les prmcipes qui regissent le degagement de 1'electricite dans les actions chimiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 757-761; Annal. de Chimie, XLII., 1854, pp. 385-418. 99. Note sur la production des courants pyro-electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 905-910, 10O. Traitementelectro-chimiquedesmine- rais d'argent, de plomb, et de cuivre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 1095- 1101 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 369-376. 1O1. Memoire sur les effets electriques pro- duits au contact des terres et des eaux douces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 733- 735 ; Cantu, Cronaca, II., 1856, pp. 71-75. 102. Recherches sur I'electricite de I'air et de la terre, et sur les effets chimiques produits en vertu d'actions lentes avec ou sans le concours des forces electriques. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 1101-1108; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. XXVII., 1856, pp. 153-294. 1O3. Considerations generates sur le mode d'intervention des phenomenes meteorologiques dans 1'acclimatation des vegetaux et des ani- maux. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 361-375. 1O4. Memoire sur la mesure des tempera- tures au-dessous du sol et dans 1'air a diverses hauteurs, au moyen d'appareils thermo-elec- triques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1183-1186. 1O5. Emploi des courants electriques pour la mesure des temperatures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 173-175, 1O6. Du thermometre electrique et de son emploi pour la determination de la temperature de 1'air, de celle de la terre et des vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 717-721. 1O7. Troisieme memoire sur la temperature des vegetaux. Pans, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIT., 1859, pp. 764-768 ; L., i860, pp. 136-141. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar. 108. Quatrieme memoire sur la temperature des vegetaux dans les differentes saisons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 532-536. 109. Quatrieme memoire sur la physique des vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 331-335. 11O. De la temperature des vegetaux et du sol dans le nord de 1'Amerique septentrionale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 507- 510. 111. Observations sur 1'emploi des composes insolubles dans les piles volta'iques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 660-662. 112. Memoire sur la temperature de 1'air au nord pres du sol, a une certaine distance au- dessus et au sommet des arbres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 967-973. 113. Recherches sur la temperature de 1'air au-dessus des arbres et a une certaine distance. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 837- 843. 114. Memoire sur la temperature de 1'air, au nord, observee avec le thermometre ordinaire, et sur celle de 1'air libre, loin et pros des arbres, observee avec le thermometre electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendas, LIL, 1861, pp. 993-998. 115. Memoire sur la coloration 61ectro-chi- mique et le depot du peroxyde de fer sur les lames de fer et d'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1053-1056 j Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 5-6. 116. Sur les courants dits telluriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, p. 1093. 117. Psychrometrie electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1281-1283. 118. Memoire sur la production electrique de la silice et de 1'alumine hydratees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1196-1202. 119. Memoire sur la temperature moyenne d'un lieu. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV.. 1862, pp. 301-313. 12O. Second memoire sur la temperature moyenne de 1'air a diverses hauteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 993-995, 1239-1241. 121. Nouvelles recherches sur la tempera- ture de Fair et sur celle des couches superficielles de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 897-901. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar, et A. M. Ampere. Note sur une experience relative a la nature du courant electrique.. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 29-32. 2. Experiences sur les courants electriques produits par 1'influence d'un autre courant. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1831, pp. 405-412 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 612-621. BEG] 239 [BEG Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar, et Edmond Bec- querel. Reduction electro-chimique du cobalt, du nickel, de 1'or, de 1'argent et du platine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 18-20; Che- mical News, VI., 1862, pp. 126-127; Liebig, Annul. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 311-315. Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar, Edmond Becquerel, et Biot. Memoire sur la phosphorescence produite par la lumiere electrique. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archives, I., 1839, pp. 215-242. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar, et Biot. Sur la nature de la radiation emanee de 1'etincelle electrique, qni excite la phosphorescence a distance. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 223-229 ; Geneve, Bibl. Univ. XIX., 1839, pp. 422- 428 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 549- 556. Becquerel, Antoine Cesar, et Breschet. Premier memoire sur la chaleur animale. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 113-136 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1835, pp. 257-273 ; IV., pp. 243-246 : Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1835, pp. 235- 258 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL VII., 1836, col. 1-9, 22-24. 2. Seconde memoire sur la chaleur animale. Experiences sur differens cas patho- logiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 28-30. 3. Recherches experimentales phy- sico-physiologiques sur la temperature des tissus et des liquides animaux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, III., 1836, pp. 771-781; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool), 1837, pp. 94-101 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, I., 1837, col. 289-297^. 4:. Procede electro-chimique pour determiner la temperature de la terre et des lacs a diverses profondeurs. Bibl. Univ. VII., 1837, pp. 173-177. 5. Nouvelles observations sur la mesure de la temperature des tissus organi- ques du corps de 1'homme et des animaux au moyen des effets therrno-electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 429-437 ; Ann. ScL Nat. IX. (ZooL\ 1838, pp. 271-280; Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1838, pp. 356-366 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, VI., 1838, col. 305-312; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838., pp. 467-474. 6. Recherches sur la chaleur ani- male, au moyen des appareils thernio-electriques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archives, I., 1839, pp. 383-404. 7. Memoires : l mo Sur la determina- tion de la temperature des tissus organiques de plusieurs mammiferes ; 2 do Sur la temperature differente du sang arteriel et du sang veineux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 792- 797 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXL, 1842, eoL 193- 198. Becquerel, Antoinc Cesar, et Dutrochet. Ob- servation sur le Chara flexilis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 775-784, 784-788. 2. Influence de Pelectricite sur la cir- culation du Chara. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.\ 1838, pp. 80-86; Bibl. Univ. XIL, 1837, pp. 394-403. Becquerel, Edmond. Recherches sur le rayonne- ment calorifique de 1'etincelle electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 334-337. 2. Recherches sur la production de la phosphorescence et sur diverses proprietes de 1'etincelle electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 493-497 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 36-48 ; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XIL, 1839, pp. 305-310, 360-364 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, X., 1839, col. 100-102 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVHL, 1839, pp. 540-549. 3. Recherches sur les effets de la radia- tion chimique de la lumiere solaire au moyen des courants electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 145-149; Bibl. Univ. XXII., 1839, pp. 345-366 ; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 18-34. 4. Memoire sur les effets electriques pro- duits sous 1'influence des rayons solaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 561-567 ; Bibl. Univ. XXV., 1840, pp. 152-159 ; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 35-42. 5. Sur les effets electriques qui se produi- sent sous 1'influence solaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 711-713 ; Poggend. An- nal. XLIX., 1840, pp. 574-576. 6. Note sur un papier impressionable a la lumiere, destine a reproduire les dessins et les gravures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 469-471. 7. Recherches sur la decomposition electro-chimique de 1'eau. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1840, pp. 64-66; Archives de 1'Electr. I., 1841, pp. 381-396 [281-296]. 8. Notice sur les piles a courant constant. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 436-451. 9. Sur les rayonnements chimiques qui ac- compagnent la lumiere solaire et la lumiere elec-' trique. [1840.] Bibl. Univ. XXXIIL, 1841, pp. 400-412 ; Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. VHL, pp. 373-385; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 43-56. 10. Sur le rayonnement chimique qui ac- compagne la lumiere, et sur les effets electriques qui en resultent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1841, pp. 198-202 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841., pp. 136-159; Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 588-612. 11. Lettre en reponse a 1'article de M. DANIELL [sur les piles a courant constant]. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1842, pp. 412-416 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 329-333 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 534-548. BEG] 240 [EEC Becquerel, Edrnond, 12. Memoire sur la con- stitution du spectre. Bibl. Univ. XL., 1842, pp. 341-367 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. III., 1843, pp. 537-557. 13. Observations sur un rnemoire de M. MATTEDCCI [sur la decomposition electro-chi- mique.] Bibl. Univ. XLL, 1842, pp. 383- 384. 14. Des effets produits sur les corps par les rayons solaires. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 257-322 ; Bibl. Univ. XLVIIL, 1843, pp. 184-185; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 125-127 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 272-274. 15. Des lois du degagement de la chaleur pendant le passage des courants electriques a travers les corps solides et liquides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 724-728 ; Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 21-70 ; Ar- chives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 181-231. 16. Des lois qui president a la decompo- sition electro-chimique des corps. Annal. de Chimie, XI., 1844, pp. 162-182, 257-273 ; Ar- chives de 1' Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 156-158, 224- 259; Poggend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. 461- 469 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 320- 321. 17. Observations sur une lettre de M. MATTEUCCI [a 1'occasion d'un Memoire sur la de- composition electro-chimique des corps]. Annal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1845, pp. 216-226 ; Archives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 653-662. 18. Note sur les anueaux colores produits par le depot des oxides metalliques sur les metaux. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 342 -349. 19. De Faction du magnetisme sur tous les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1708-1711 ; Archives de 1'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 191-195 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1846, pp. 128-137 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 466-476. 20. Sur la conductibilite electrique des corps solides et liquides. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXII., 1846, pp. 416-419; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 242-290 ; XX., pp. 53-84 ; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 243- 254 ; Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 185-189, 333-336. 21. Observations sur 1'influence des gaz dans les effets electriques de contact. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 677-680 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 392-394. 22. Note sur Faction du magnetisme sur tous les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII.. 1846, pp. 952-961 ; XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 623- 627 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 437- 451 ; Walker, Electr. Mag. IL, 1846, pp. 106 -109. Becquerel, Edmond. 23. Observations sur les experiences de MM. FOUCAULT et FIZEAU rela- tives a Faction des rayons rouges sur les plaques daguerriennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 800-804. 24. Note sur la phosphorescence produite par 1'insolation. Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1848, pp. 244-255 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 69-81. 25. De 1'image photographique coloree du spectre solaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI,, 1848, pp. 181-183 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1848, pp. 451-459 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIV., 1848, pp. 358-365 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 82-89. 26. De 1'image photo-chromatique du spectre solaire, et des images colorees obtenues a la chambre obscure. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 447-474 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIIL, 1849, pp. 154-175 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVII., 1849, pp. 512-534. 27. De Faction du magnetisme sur tous les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 198-201 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL. 1850, pp. 283-350 ; XXXII., 1851, pp. 68- 112. 28. Note relative mix effets electro-chi- miques produits sous Fiufluence de la lumiere. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 176-194. 29. Observations relatives aux proprieties electro-chimiques de Fhydrogene. Paris, Comples Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 647-650 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 385-398; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 361-363 ; Moigno, Cosmos, I., 1852, pp. 664-668. 30. Recherches sur la conductibilite elec- trique des gaz a des temperatures elevees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 20-24 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 355- 402. 31. Nouvelles recherches sur les impres- sions colorees produites lors de Faction chimique de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 63-67 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 81-106. 32. Recherches relatives a, la puissance magnetique de Foxygene. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XL., 1855, pp. 910-913 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 209-226. 33. Recherches sur les effets electriques produits au contact des solides et des liquides en mouvement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1344-1348 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 401-453. 34. Recherches sur le degagement de Felec- tricite dans les piles volta'iques. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1856, pp. 200-286. EEC] 241 [BED Becquerel, Edmond. 35. Note relative au de- gagernent de 1'electricite par frottement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 46-48 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 509-512. 36. Reclierches sur divers effets lumineux qui resultent de 1'action de la lumiere sur les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 815-819; XL VI., 1858, pp. 969-975; XL VII., 1858, pp. 105-106 ; XLIX., 1859, pp. 27-31 ; LI., 1860, pp. 921-925 ; Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 5-119 ; LVL, pp. 99- 102; LVIL, pp. 40-124; LXII., pp. 5-100; Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1859, pp. 21-33 ; Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1859, pp. 524-532. 37. Phosphorescence des gaz par 1'action de 1'electricite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII.,1859, pp. 404-406. 38. On a Pile with Sulphate of Lead. Becquet, Degats occasionnes par la Geo- Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 59 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 685-687 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LIX., 1860, pp. 287-290. 39. Recherches sur la determination des hautes temperatures au moyen de 1'intensite de la lumiere emise par les corps incandescents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 826-829 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIII., 1863, pp. 49-143. 40. Note sur 1'irradiation des corps incan- descents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 681-682. 41. Recherches sur la determination des hautes temperatures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 855-859. 42. Observations sur la Note de MM. H. SAINTE-CLAIRE DEVILLE et TKOOST, relative a 1'evaluation des temperatures elevees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 925-936. 43. Memoire sur la decomposition electro- chimique des substances insolubles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 237-241 ; Chemical News, VIL, 1863, pp. 219-220; Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 298-304 % 44. Nouvelles recherches sur la tempera- ture de 1'air, les maxima et les minima. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 453-456. 45. De la determination des temperatures a des grandes profondeurs dans la terre avec le thermometre electrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1057-1062. Becquerel, Edmond, et Aug. Cahours. Re- cherches sur les pouvoirs refringents des liquides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 867-871 ; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. XXIIL, 1841, pp. 129 -133 ; Poggend. Annal. LL, 1840, pp. 427-432. Becquerel, Edmond, et E. Fremy. Recherches electro-chimiques sur les proprietes des corps electrises. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 399-402 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 62-105 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 325-329. metra pinaria. Silbermann, Rev. Entom. II. 1834, pp. 124-126. Becquet de Megille, . Precis des expe- riences de M. de NELLS, de Malines, tendant a, expliquer les phenomenes electriques, au moyen d'unseul fluide. Annal. Gen. Sci. Phys. VIII., 1821, pp. 111-202. Becquey, . Instruction pratique sur 1'emploi des lampes de surete dans les mines, et sur les moyens de penetrer sans danger dans les lieux mephitises. Annal. des Mines, X., 1825, pp. 3- 63. 2. Notice sur une carte geologique de la France. Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 381- 392. Becroft, J. Recent ascent of the Quorra. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 424-425. 2. On Benin and the upper course of the river Quorra or Niger. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XL, 1841, pp. 184-191. Becroft, J., and J. B. King. Details of Ex- plorations of the Old Calabar River in 1841 and 1842. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1844. pp. 280-282. Beddoe, John. On the physical characters of the ancient and modern Germans. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 118-120. 2. On the Physical Character of the natives of some parts of Italy and of the Austrian Do- minions. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. I., 1859, p. 111. 3. On the Physical Characteristics of the Jews. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. L, 1859, p. 222. 4. Sur la couleur des yeux et des cheveux des Irlandais. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 562-566. 5. On the supposed increasing prevalence of dark hair in England. Anthropol. Review, L, 1863, pp. 310-312. Beddoes, Thomas. Some observations on the Flints of Chalk Beds. [1793.] Manchester Soc. Mem. IV., 1796, pp. 303-309. 2. Respecting the discovery of Sulphate of Strontian. Nicholson, Journal, III., 1800, pp. 41-42. 3. On the experiments made at the Royal Institution with the Nitrous Oxide. Nicholson, Journal, IV., 1801, pp. 75-76. 4. Letter on prognostics of the Weather, the effects of the Nitrous Oxide, and other objects. Nicholson, Journal, L, 1802, pp. 98-100. 5. Facts and observations on the medical Respiration of gaseous Oxide of Azote. Nichol- son, Journal, XIII. 1806, pp. 11-16. 6. Letter on certain points of history rela- tive to the component parts of the Alkalis, with observations relating to the composition of the Bodies termed Simple. Nicholson, Journal, XXL, 1808, pp. 139-141. H H BED] 242 [BEE Beddome, R. H. Extract from report on the vegetable products of the Pulney Hills. Madras Journ. III., 1858, pp. 163-202. 2. Notes upon the Land and Freshwater Snakes of the Madras Presidency. Madras Quart. Journ. V., 1862, pp. 1-31. 3. Further notes upon the Snakes of the Madras Presidency, with descriptions of new species. Madras Quart. Journ. VI., 1863, pp. 41-48. 4. Descriptions of new species of the family Uropeltidae from Southern India, with notes on other little known species. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 225-229. Bede, Emile. De la vitesse communiquee a un mobile par quelques corps elastiques, tels que 1'air comprime dans un cylindre, 1'arc et la lame elastique. Ann. Univ. Belg. 1847-48, pp. 697- 775. 2. Memoire sur Pascensiou de 1'eau et la depression du mercure dans les tubes capillaires. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXV., 1851-53. 3. Recherches sur les chaleurs specifiques de quelques metaux a differentes temperatures. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXVII., 1855-56. 4. Ueber Brennmaterial-Ersparniss. Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 37-40, 105-112, 161-166, 228-232 ; V., pp. 240-243 ; VI., pp. 255-266. 5. Ueber die Anwendung des iiberhitzteu "VVasserdampfes. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 89-91. 6. Recherches sur la Capillarite. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXX., 1861. 7. Sur la theorie des machines a vapeur et particulierement des machines a enveloppe de vapeur. Guy per, Revue Univ. XII., 1862, pp. 187-197 ; XIII., pp. 94-108; XIV., pp. 225- 238; Der Civilingenieur, IX., 1863, col. 227- 242, 457-470. 8. Recherches sur la liaison entre les phe- nomenes de capillarite et d'endosmose. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXXI, 1863. Bedell, George. Note on the capture of Thera juniperata. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, pp. 94-95. 2. Notes on the capture of Lepidopterous Insects at Chaiiton sand-pit. Newman, Zool- ogist, II., 1844, pp. 735-736. 3. Capture of Lepidopterous Insects near London. Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 1007-1010. 4. Larva of Acronycta alni. Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, p. 1140. 5. Description of Microsetia quinquefla, a new species of Moth of the family Tineadae. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, p. 1986. Bedetti, Giulio. De piano tangente. Bologna, Nov. Comment. V., 1842, pp. 485-524. Bedetti, Giulio. 2. De superficierum curvarum quadratura dissertatio, in qua nonnulla de earum curvatura Archimedisque postulate traduntur. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 341-390. 3. De revolutionibus duorum corporum se mutuo trahentium. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VII., 1844, pp. 399-462. 4. De maximis atque minimis distantiis a dato puncto ad lineam datam. Bologna, Nov. Comment. IX., 1849, pp. 455-552. 5. Delle rette normal! alle superficie curve. [1844.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. X., 1849. pp. 523-570. Bedemar. See Vargas -Bedemar. Bedford, . Note sur 1'apparition d'un par- helie. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXII., 1840-41, pp. 237-238. Bedford, E. J. Notice of some Raised Beaches in Argyllshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 167-168. Bedford, E. S. P. On the origin of nervous force. [1862.] Tasmania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863, December, pp. 3-6. Bedford, G. A. Observations on the phenomena of terrestrial refraction. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIII., 1847, pp. 279-282. Bedford, J. On colorific Lichens. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 45. Bedford, J. R. On the Meteorology of Rampur Bauleah. [1851.] Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXL, 1852, pp. 593-605. 2. Contribution to the statistics of Bengal. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XXII., 1853, pp. 387-401. Bedford, Wm. An account of the Strata of Lincoln, from a recent survey, commencing north of the Cathedral, and descending to the bed of the river. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 553-556. Bedingfeld, Capt. Narrative of a journey from Lagos to Ode, the capital of the Ijebu country in the month of January 1862. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXIIL, 1863, pp. 214-217. Beech, J. H. Report on the Topography and Epidemic diseases of Michigan. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. XII., 1859, pp. 183-207. Beechey, Capt. F. W. Report of observations made upon the Tides in the Irish Sea, arid upon the great similarity of Tidal Phenomena of the Irish and English Channels, and the importance of extending the experiments round the Land's End and up the English Channel. Phil. Trans. 1848, pp. 105-116. 2. Report of further observations upon the Tidal Streams of the North Sea and English Channel, with remarks upon the Laws by which those streams appear to be governed. Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 703-718 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1851, pp. 68-70. BEE] 243 [BEE Beechey, Capt F. W., and Wm. Thompson. Results of deep Dredging off the Mull of Gallo- way. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 72-75 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. X. 1842, pp. 21-24. Beeck, Ed. Ueber den Stand der Luftelectricitat in Halle vom Juni bis December 1852. Halle, Zeitschr. I., 1853, pp. 272-277. 2. Einige Worte iiber Blitzableiter. Halle, Zeitschr. II., 1853, pp. 229-232. Beeck-Calkoen, J. F. van. Ueber Bestimmung des Erd-Ellipsoids. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XII., 1805, pp. 256-266. 2. Versuch die Schiefe der Ecliptik und die Abweichung eines Sterns durch Circumme- ridian-Hohen der Sonne und einiger Sterne zu finden. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVI., 1807, pp. 114-123. 3. Eine besondere Methode, aus der beo- bachteten fast gleichzeitigen Hohe zweier Fix- Sterne die Breite des Orts zu finden. [1809.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812, pp. 175-181. 4. Ueber die Theorie der Sonnen-Warme. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIX., 1809, pp. 254- 258. 5. Ueber eine Methode, die Zeit zu bestim- men durch Messung einer Distanz der Sonne von einem festen und bekannten Puncte im Horizont. [1810.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1814, pp. 99-103. 6. Verhandeling over het voordeeligste Gespan vooral bij Vrachtsleden. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. V., 1810, pp. 41-58. 7. Verhandeling over de verschillende Theorien, om den inhoud van Vaten te berek- enen, en den invloed, welke de gedaante der duigen op den inhoud heeffc. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. V., 1810, pp. 185-213. 8. Verhandeling over de terugkaatsing des Lichts, van parabolische of sphaerische Spiegels. Amsterdam, Verhand. I., 1812, pp. 1-12. 9. Over de Theorie der Gemiddelde Waar- dij. Amsterdam, Verhand. II., 1816, pp. 1-19. Eeek, Albert van. Experiences electro-magne- tiques. Bibl. Univ. XVII., 1821, pp. 21-24 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 303-306. 2. Considerations et experiences sur les phenomenes electro-magnetiques. Bibl. Univ. XVII., 1821, pp. 195-202 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIH., 1823, pp. 433-440. 3. Sur les precedes electriques par les- quels 1'acier regoit la vertu magnetique. Bibl. Univ. XVIII., 1821, pp. 184-194. 4. Versuche iiber das Magnetisiren des Stahls durch Maschinen-Electricitat. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 13-25. 5. [Experiences electriques faites avec un barreau d'antimoine.] Journ. de Phys. XCVL, 1822, pp. 53-58. Beek, Albert van. 6. Over het gebruik van BARLOW'S Correctieplaat en de zamenstelling der Kompassen. Hall, Vrolik en Mulder, Bij dragen, I., 1826, pp. 355-370. 7. Over Damp en Wolkenvorming. Hall, Vrolik en Mulder, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. A*~l /* 8. Over de Bliksem-Afleiders. Hall, Vrolik en Mulder, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp 153-167, 329-353. 9. Sur un phenomene extraordinaire con- cernant 1'influence continue qu'exerce le contact de metaux heterogenes sur leurs proprietes chi- miques, longtemps apres que ce contact a cesse. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 49-54 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXVH., 1828, pp. 169-174; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 274-278 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, p. 200 j Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 263-264. 10. Over de beveiliging van het koper der schepen voor Oxydatie in het Zeewater, door middel der Galvanische Electriciteit. Amster- dam, N. Verhand. IL, 1829, pp. 1-37. 11. Over een Kleurenmeter. Amsterdam, N. Verhand. II., 1829, pp. 217-233 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LXH. (= Jahrb. IL), 1831, pp. 246-253. 12. Over geboorde Putten. Hall, Vrolik en Mulder, Bijdragen, V., 1830, pp. 236-264. 13. Over de onderlinge beveiliging van Ijzer en Tin in zee water. Mulder, Ar chief, V., 1837, pp. 1-16. 14. Remarques sur un article de M. John DAVY, insere dans le "Edinb. New Philos. Journ. April- July, 1834," touchant la pre- tendue propriete de 1'etain de preserver le fer d'oxidation dans 1'eau de la mer. Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 225-237; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 46-54 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVI., 1838, pp. 100-104. 15. Memoire concernant la propriete des huiles de calmer les flots, et de rendre le surface de 1'eau parfaitement transparente. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 257-289; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXVH., 1843, pp. 107 -118; Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 140 -145; Poggend. Annal. LVIL, 1842, pp. 419- 452. 16. Over de aanwending der elektrische vonk, bij het doen van microscopische nasporin- gen, op snel bewogen ligchamen. [1847.] Am sterdam, Tijdschr. L, 1848, pp. 157-165 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, VH., 1848, col. 134-136. 17. Beschrijving van een chineeschen Zoniie en Maanwijzer met Kompas. Amster- dam, Tijdschr. IV., 1851, pp. 1-20. H H 2 BEE] 244 [BEE Seek, Albert van, et Bergsma. Experiences sur la temperature ties vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., p. 454; IX., 1839, pp. 328-330 ; X., pp. 36-38; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.\ 1839, pp. 90-91 ; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XIII., 1840, pp. 272-275 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 331-334. Seek, Albert van, en C. M. van Dijk. Onderzoe- kingen aangaande het zwart in de Melisbrooden. Amsterdam, N. Verhand. II., 1829, pp. 161-195 ; III., 271-296; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 134-149. Beek, Albert van, and Dr. G. Moll. An account of experiments on the velocity of sound, made in Holland. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 424-456 ; Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 351-366, 469- 500; Amsterdam, Verhand. VII., 1825, pp. 281- 346. Beek, W. G. On the Dead Sea and some positions in Syria. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, p. 456. Beekhuis, M. Aanteekeningen over een niemv geslacht der fossiele Koralen [Spirozoites Ras- pailii], behoorende tot de Polypiers d'une seule substance. Hall, Vrolik en Mulder, Bijdragen, VII., 1832, pp. 282-333. Beer, August. Ueber Singularitaten an Curven der vierten Ordnung. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 318-332. 2. Ueber die Durchshnitts-Curven zweier Flachen des zweiten Grades mit mehrfachen Punkten. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp: 104-119. 3. Ueber eine neue Art, die Gesetze der Fortpflanzung und Polarisation des Lichtes in optisch zweiaxigen Medien darzustellen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 223-229. 4. Ueber Asymptoten, Kriimmungs-Ver- haltnisse und Singularitaten bei Flachen des zweiten und dritten Grades. Grunert, Archiv, XVIL, 1851, pp. 329-354. 5. On the deduction of FRESNEL'S con- struction from the formulae of CAUCHY for the motion of light, Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 297- 303. 6. Beobachtungen an pleochromatischen Krystallen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 429-440. 7. Notiz iiber die innere konische Re- fraction. Poggend. Annal. LXXXJIL, 1851, pp. 194-197. 8. Versuch, die Absorptions-Verhaltnisse des Cordierits fur rothes Licht zu bestimmen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 37-44. 9. Ueber den Hof um Kerzenflammen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 518-519; LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 595-597. 10. Note sur la refraction conique inte- rieure. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 114-117. Beer, August. 11. Sur le calcul de la surface de 1'onde de FKESNEL. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 347-354. 12. Ableitung der Intensitats- und Polari- sations-Verhaltnisse des Lichtringes bei der inneren konischen Refraction. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 67-79. 13. Bestimmung der Absorption des rothen Lichts in farbigen Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 78-88. 14. Beobachtung eines ungewohnlicheu Regenbogens. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL. 1852, pp. 484-486. 15. Ueber das liberzahlige Roth im Far- benbogen der totalen Reflexion. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 113-115. 16. Ueber den optischen Versuch des Hrn. G. LIBRI. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVLL, 1852, pp. 115-120. 17. Drei geometrische Theoreme. Gru- nert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 202-206. 18. Sur la blancheur de la lune. Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 143-144. 19. Sur la transparence de 1'atmosphere. Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 233-236. 20. Vier photometrische Probleme. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 114- 121. 21. Beitrag zur Dioptrik optisch cinfacher Krystalle. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 252-259. 22. Zweiter Beitrag zur Katoptrik und Dioptrik krystallinischer Mittel mit einer optis- chen Axe. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 56-69. 23. Herleitung der Fresnel'schen Re- flexions-formeln. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 115-126. 24. Ueber die Herleitung der Formel fur die Totalreflexion nach FRESNEL und CAUCHY. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 268-278. 25. Ueber die Dispersion der Hauptschnitte zweiaxiger Krystallplatten, so wie iiber die Bestimmung der optischen Axen durch Beo- bachtung der Hauptschnitte. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 279-283. 26. Herleitung der Cauchy'schen Reflex- ionsformeln fur durchsichtige Mittel. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 467-481. 27. Ueber die Cauchy'schen Niiherungs- formeln fur Metallreflexion. Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 561-568. 28. Herleitung der allgemeinen Cauchy'- schen Reflexionsformeln fiir durchsichtige und undurchsichtige Korper. Tabelle der Brechung.s- indices und Absorptions-coefficienten ctes ver- schiedenfarbigen Lichtes in Metallen. Poggend. Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 402-419. BEE] 245 [BEE Beer, August. 29. Begriindung der Reflexions- theorie durch Herleitung der verschwindenden Strahlen aus den allgemeinen Difierentialgleich- nngen der Lichtbewegung. Poggend. Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 222-239. 30. Ueber Aberration des Lichtes. Pog- gend. Annal. XCIII., 1854, pp. 213-223. 31. Ueber das Verhaltniss des Laplace- . Biot'schen Gesetzes zu AMPERE'S " Theorie des Magnetismus " : Vergleich der von NEUMANN . und PLUECKER aufgestellten Theorien der mag- neto-elektrischen Induction. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 177-192. 32. Vertheilung der Elektricitat eines ellip- soidischen Conductors durch den Einfluss einer entfernten elektrischen Masse. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 192-193. 33. Ueber die Vorstellungen vom Verhal- ten des Aethers in bewegteii Mitteln. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 428-434. 34. Ueber die Oberflachen rotirender Fliissigkeiten im Allgemeinen, insbesondere iiber den Plateau'schen Rotationsversuch. Poggend. Annal. XCVI., 1855, pp. 1-18, 210-235. 35. Allgemeine Methode zur Bestimmuug der elektrischen und magnetischen Induction. Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 137-142. 36. Ueber die successiven Entladungen zweier spharischen Conductoren wahrend der Aunaherung. Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 242-245. 37. Ueber die Plateau'schen Versuche mit Fliissigkeiten, welche der Wirkung der Schwerkraft entzogen sind. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 459-462. 38. Ueber die Transformation des flussisren Cylinders. Poggend. Annal. CII., 1857, p. 320. Beer, August, und P. Kremers. Ueber die Bre- chungsindices einiger wasserigen Salzlosungen. Poggend. Annal. CI., 1857, pp. 133-138. Seer, August, und Fliicker. Ueber die magneti- schen Axen der Krystalle und ihre Beziehung zur Krystallform und zu den optischen Axen. Poggend. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 115-162 ; LXXXII., 1851, pp. 42-74 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 221-228 ; Phil. Mag. L, 1851, pp. 447-457. Beer, J. G, Ergebnisse in der Pflanzencultur und dem Pflanzenleben. Skofitz, Botan. Wo- chenbl. I., 1851, pp. 91-94, 261-262. 2. Beobachtungen antropischen Orchideen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. II., 1852, pp. 117-120. 3. Ueber Gruppirung der Orchideen nach ihren Bulbenformen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 53-54. 4. Neue Eintheilung der Orchideen. Wien, Beer, J. G. 5. Versuch einer Eintheilung der Familie der Bromeliaceen nach ihrem Bliithen- stande. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 346-349 ; Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 157- 160 ; Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854, Abh. pp. 185-188. 6. Ueber die Functionen der Luftwurzel bei den tropischen Orchideen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. IV., 1854, Abh. pp. 211- 212. 7. Einiges iiber Bromeliaceen. Bonplandia, IV., 1856, pp. 382-384. 8. Ueber das Vorkommen eines Schleuder- organes in den Friichten verschiedener Orchi- deen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 23- 28. 9. Pitcairnia carnea, Beer. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. VII I., 1858, pp. 182-183. Beer, Wilhelm. Beobachtungen zur Bestimmung der Jupiters-Rotation vor. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1835, pp. 34-39. Beer, Wilhelm, und J. H. Madler. Physische Beobachtungen des Mars bei seiner Opposition im September 1830. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 447-456. 2. Ueber die Grosse des Erdschat- tens bei Mondfinsternissen. Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 289-292, 302-304 ; XII., 1835, col. 367-368. 3. Sur les satellites de Saturne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 272-280. 4. Ueber die Rotation des Jupiters. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 257-266. 5. Doppelstern-Messungen. Astr. Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. III., 1853, pp. 95-98. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 265-270. 6. Ueber die Bahnen der beiden Herschelschen Saturns-Satelliten. Astr. Nachr. XIII., 1836, col. 73-80. 7. Bestimmung des Venus-Durch- messers nebst physischen Bemerkungen. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 197-204; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, .pp. 384-388. 8. Physische Beobachtungen des Mars in der Opposition von 1837. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 219-226. Beesley, Thomas. Analysis of an aluminous water. Pharmaceut. Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 452- 454. 2. Analyses of Astrop wells and Sutton bog mineral waters. [1850.] Pharmaceut. Journ. X., 1851, pp. 293-296. Beetz, W. On the Spontaneous Change of Fats. Chem. Soc. Mem. I.. 1841-43, pp. 230-233 ; Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1843, pp. 505-509. 2. Verwandlung von Talg in Stearin. Liebig, Annal. XLVII., 1843, pp. 225-233 ; Pog- gend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 111-120. BEE] 246 [BEE Beetz, W. 3. De la couleur bleue que prend le fer, et du rapport qu'il y a entre ce phenomene et 1'etat passif que preseute le meme metal. (Transl.) Archives de 1'filectr. IV., 1844, pp. 509-515. 4. Ueber einige Erscheinungen der Volta'- schen Zersetzung. Poggend. Annal. LXI., 1844, pp. 209-217; Archives de 1'Electr. IV., 1844, pp. 276-284. 5. Ueber die Oxyde des Kobalts und deren Verbindungen mit Kohlensaure. Berlin, Bericht, 1844, pp. 102-105 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 317-320 ; Poggend. Annal. LXI., 1844, pp. 472-506. 6. Ueber das Anlaufen des Eisens und dessen Zusammenhang mit der Passivitat. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIL, 1844, pp. 234-240. 7. Ueber die Volta'sche Polarisation des Eisens. Poggend. Annal. LXIII., 1844, pp. 415-424 ; Archives de 1'Electr. IV, 1844, pp. 600-609. 8. Ueber die Passivitat des Eisens. gend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 186-210. 9. Ueber die Veranderung der "elektro- motorischen Kraft des Eisens. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 365-372. 10. Ueber die Wirkung des freien Sauer- stoffs in der galvanischen Kette. Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 381-389. 11. Ueber die elektromotorische Kraft der Gase. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIL, 1849, pp. 493-511 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XII., 1849, pp. 285-302 ; Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1850, pp. 81- 96. i.. 12. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation von Platinelektroden durch Sauerstoff und Was- serstoff. Poggend. Annal. LXXVDI., 1849, pp. 35-42. 13. Die Fortschritte des Galvanismus in den Jahren 1837-1847. Eepert, d. Phys. VEIL, 1849, pp. 1-345. 14. Ueber die Wirkung des Erwarmens und Erschutterns der Elektroden auf die Stromstarke. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 98-112 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XIII., 1850, pp. 282-297. 15. Ueber die Starke der galvanischen Polarisation. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 42-65 ; Phil. Mag. VEIL, 1854, pp. 380-384. 16. Ueber die Leitungsfahigkeit fur Elek- tricitat, welche Isolatoren durch Temperatur- Erhohung annehmen. Poggend. Annal. XCII., 1854, pp. 452-466 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 247-249; Phil. Mag. VEIL, 1854, pp. 191-201. 17. Bemerkungen iiber Volta'sche Polarisa- tion, Zerzetzungskraft und Uebergangswider- stand. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 194- 205. Beetz, W. 18. Das Ohm'sche Gesetz mit Beis- pielen seiner Anwendung in der Telegraphie. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. II., 1855, pp. 49-58, 73-81. 19. Zur Theorie der Nobili'schen Farben- ringe. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 22- 30. 20. Ueber die elektromagnetische Wir- kung Volta'scher Strb'me verschiedener Quellen. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 113-128 ; Annal. Tele- graph. II., 1859, pp. 245-250; Bibl. Univ. Archives, I., 1858, pp. 339-344 ; Berlin, Tele- graph. Vereins Zeits. V., 1858, pp. 89-98 ; Pog- gend. Ann. OIL, 1857, pp. 557-571. 21. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das elektro- motorische Gesetz. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 305-309. 22. Ueber das Entstehen und Verschwin- den des Magnetismus in Elektromagneten. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 497-535 ; Berlin, Telegraph .'Vereins, Zeits. VI., 1859, pp. 175-185, 210-224'; Bibl. Univ. Archives, V., 1859, pp. 321-358. 23. Ueber die Farbe des Wassers. Pog- gend. Annal. CXV., 1862, pp. 137-147 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XIV, 1862, pp. 78-89; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 218-224. 24. Vorlesungsthermometer. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 122-125. 25. Ueber die inneren Vorgange, welche die Magnetisirung bedingen. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 107-121 ; Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 458-469. 26. Ueber die Elektricitatsleitung durch Kohle und durch Metalloxyde. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 619-621. 27. Ueber das elektrische Leitungsvermo- gen der Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 1-27. Beetz, fV., und E. Du Bois-Eeymond. Zur Theorie der Nobili'schen Farbenringe. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXL, 1847, pp. 71-91 ; Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1838, pp. 7-24. Beetz, W., und Wilhelm Ludewig. Chemische Analyse der Klatschrosen (Flor. Papav. rhcead., Z,.). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XTV, 1827 (St. 2), pp. 145-173. Beez, . Ueber Diffusion von Salzlosungen in Wasser. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 212-231. 2. Ueber den Dualismus in den metrischen Kelationen am vollstandigen Viereck und Vier- seit auf der Kugel und in der Ebene. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. VIL, 1862, pp. 129-143. 3. Ueber Hydrodiffusion. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIL, 1862, pp. 327-338. Beez, R. Beitrage zur Theorie des Integra I- logarithmus. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 419-441. BEG] 247 [BEH Begbie, Matthew. Journey into the interior of British Columbia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 237-248. Begbie, P. J. Observations on the natural his- tory of the Malayan Peninsula. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 395-410. Begimbeau, . Sur Femploi des eaux am- moiiiacales des usines a gaz, appliquees comme engrais a la culture des terres, etc. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XVIII., 1853, pp. 195-204. Begin, E. A. Memoire sur le mecanisme de la voix. Lille, Mem. 1827-28, pp. 497-510. 2. Observation medico-chirurgicale d'une tumeur qui a fourni neuf calculs de differentes grosseurs. Metz, Mem. Acad. XVIII., 1836-37, pp. 104-108. Beguyer de Chancourtois, . Memoire sur un classement naturel des corps simples ou radi- caux appele "vis tellurique." Paris, Comptes Eendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 757-761, 840-843, 967-971. Behier, . Diathese melanique observee a 1'hopital Saint-Louis. Archiv. Gen. de Med. HI., 1838, pp. 286-293. 2. Rapport sur une observation de fissure congenitale du sternum. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VI., 1855, pp. 385-402. 3. De la chromidrose ou coloration noire des paupieres. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XVTH., Behn, Ausdehnung des ungeschwiingerten 1861, pp. 187-209. Behm, - . Ovum in ovo. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1*838, pp. 733-734. Behm, E. Siid-Afrika im Jahre 1858; eine geogra- phische Skizze der neu erforschten Regionen des Innern. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 177-226. 2. Die geographische Verbreitung der wichtigsten Kultur-Produkte Indiens. Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 29-36. 3. Das Amerikanische Polynesien und die politischen Verhaltnisse in den iibrigen Theilen des Grossen Oceans im J. 1859. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 173-194. 4. Das Land und Volk der Tebu. Ver- such einer geographischen und ethnographischen Skizze der Ostlichen Sahara. Peteraaann, Mit- theil. 1862, Erganzb. pp. 31-67. Behm, Dr. H. [Tertiarschichten bei Stettin.] Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VI., 1854, pp. 270-274. 2 . DieTertiarformation von Stettin. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 323-354. 3. Beitrage zur flechten Flora der Allgau. Augsburg, Ber. Nat. Hist. Ver. XVI., 1863, pp. 83-128. 4. Nachtrag zu Hagenow'sche "iiber die jurastischen Bildungen im Cam miner Kreise." Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1863, pp. 86-89. 5. Ueber die Stettiner Tertiar-Formation. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1863, pp. 90-98. Uterus. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1090-1093. Behn, F. W. G. Ueber den Einfluss des Pulses auf die Bewegung unserer Korpertheile. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 516-525. 2. Entdeckung eines von den Bewegungen des Riickengefasses unabhangigen, und mit einem besondern Bewegungsorgane versehenen Kreis- laufes in den Beinen halbfliiglichter Insecten. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 554-562 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool.\ 1835, pp. 5-12 ; 1'Institut, III., 1835, p. 234 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1835, col. 248-250. 3. Sur le fluide nutritif dans les pattes de quelques hemipteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. Iv-lviii. 4. Sur une parti cularite de la jambe des Hydrocorises ou punaises d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 238-241. 5. Ueber den Bau der Blutgefasse. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), p. 113. 6. Ueber die Erhaltung der Leichen zu- nachst zu anatomischen Zwecken. Froriep, Notizen, XXXILL, 1845, col. 97-98. 7. Ueber die Miindungen der Keilbeins- hohlen und der hinteren Siebbeinszellen. Fro- riep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1845, col. 8-9. Behncke, G. A. Ueber die chemische Zusam- mensetzung einiger Abanderungen des Arsenik- kieses und Arsenikeisens. Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 184-189. Behr, >fils. Sur les volcans eteints de la Kyll Superieure. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 274-285. Behr, . Probleme concernant le jeu de Bil- lard. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV. 1828, pp. 77-87. 2. Memoire sur le zinc compare a d'autres materiaux sous le rapport de son emploi dans les constructions civiles, et sur plusieurs theoremes remarquables concernant la resistance des solides. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 308- 380. Behr, . Ueber die Mondblindheit. Ammon, Zeitschr. I., 1831, pp. 238-250, 277-306. 2. Helminthen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1837, pp. 633-637. 3. Ueber das Ausschliessungsvermogen der Lymphgefasse bei der Resorption. Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 116-120; Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. L, 1844, pp. 35-43. Behr, F. Bildung von Gyps-Krystallen in Tos- cana. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 483-485. Behr, G. Zur Lehre von den Schmarotzern der ausseren Haut. Gera, Jahresber. Naturw. 1858, p. 27. 2. Von den Witterungen und Gegenwit- terungen. Gera, Jahresber. Naturw* 1858, p. 29. BEH] 248 [BEI Behr, Hermann. Ueber die Verhiiltnisse der siid- australischen Flor im Allgemeinen. Linnaea, XX., 1847, pp. 545-558 ; Hooker, Journ. Bot. III., 1851, pp. 129-134. 2. Naturhistorische Bemerkungen iiber die Umgegend von Adelaide in Neuholland. Stettin, Entom. Zeits. VIIL, 1847, pp. 167- 176. 3. Ueber die Vegetation am Murray. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 873-876. Behrend, Fr. J. Ueber den Parasitismus der Lungentuberkeln, nebst einigen kurzen Bemer- kungen behufs der Ermittelung einer mehr rationellen Behandlung der Lungensucht. Hufe- land's Journal, XCV., 1843 (Hft. 2), pp. 37-83. Behrens, G. B. Das Merkwiirdige aus Versu- chen iiber Electricitat. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 1-27. 2. Zufallige Hypothese iiber das Nordlicht. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 28-32. 3. Beobachtung iiber die Bewegung der Wassertheilchen, welche von einer ini Kreise bewegten Ebene getroffen werden. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 232-235. Behrens, Theodor. Beobachtungen iiber den Wespenfalken, Pernis apivorus. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 335-344. Behrens, W. Nouveau precede pour la distinc- tion et la separation absolue de 1'Arsenic de 1'Antimoine. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 16-17. 2. Oxyde de Plomb cristallise. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, p. 18. Behrnauer, Carl Gottlieb. Der Vorubergang des Merkurs vor der Sonne, den 7 Mai 1799. Lausiz. Monatschr. 1799, pp. 534-541. 2. Geographische Orts- Bestimmungen in der Ober- Lausitz. Zach, Monat. Corresp. II., 1800, pp. 200-202. 3. Ueber Kreis-Eintheilungs-Methoden und Theilungs-Mascliinen, in Beziehung auf den Aufsatz des Hrn Director von REICHENBACH. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 417-421. 4. Beschreibung einer Vorrichtung zu Erleichterung des Gebrauchs des astronomis- chen Theodolits bei Hohen-Messungen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 92-97. Beigel, . Ueber die Eigenschaften reinen Kobalts. Gilbert, Annal. LXXL, 1822, pp. 109-111. Beigel, G. W. S. Bestimmung der Bayerischen Maasse und Gewichte. Zach, Monat. Corresp. I., 1800, pp. 610-617. 2. Ueber die tf jgonornetrische Vermessung in Bayern. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VII., 1803, pp. 353-366, 377-401, 516-527. 3. Ueber den Franzosischen Metre als inaterielles Mass betrachtet. Zach, Monat. Corresp. V1IL, 1803, pp. 101-115. Beigel, G. W. S. 4. Nachricht von einer Ara- bischen Himmelskugel mit Kufischer Schrift. Bode, Astrou. Jahrb. 1808, pp. 97-110. Beigel, Hermann. Untersuchungen iiber die Harn- und Harnstoffinengen, welche von Gesunden aus- geschieden werden bei gewb'hnlicher, knapper und reichlicher Diiit und beim Gebrauche einiger antiphlogisticher Arzneimittel. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXV., 1855, pp. 477- 528. 2. Ueber Auftreibung und Bersten der Haare, eine eigenthiimliche Erkrankung des Haarschaftes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIL, 1855, pp. 612-617. Beijerinck, J. A. Verhandeling over de indij- king en uitbreiding der stad Rotterdam. Rot- terdam, N. Verhandel. IX., 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 1-124. 2. Geschied en waterbouwkundige Bes- chrijving der droogmaking van den Zuidplas- polder in Schieland. S'Graven, Ingen.Verhandel. 1851-52, p. 6. Beijerinck, M. G. Onderzoek, in hoe verre eenige der tot hiertoe voorgedragene Theorien, omtrent de beweging des waters in Kanalen, op de vermogens der Rivieren, welke het Noorde- lijk gedeelte der Nederlanden doorstroomen, toepasselijk zijn. Amsterdam, N. Verhandel. II., 1829, pp. 113-15J. 2. Statistieke opgaven betreffende den waterstaat van het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland en van den Krimpenerwaard. Rottei'- dam, N. Verhandel. X., 1850, pp. 185-262. Beil, . Anwendung der gewohnlichen Sae- maschine zu Waldsamen. Deutsch. Naturf. Bertcht, 1842, pp. 322-323. Beilby, M. A. Catalogue of rare plants found in the neighbourhood of Birmingham. Analyst, VI., 1837, pp. 294-296. Beilby, J. Wood. On the " Lyre Bird " (Menura Superba). Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. II., 1857, pp. 12-14. Beilschmied, Carl Theodor. Jungermannia blasia, Hooker. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 641-665; XIII., 1830, pp. 79-80. 2. Ueber einige bey pflanzengeographi- schen Vergleichungen zu beriicksichtigende Puncte ; nachgeweisen mittelst der Flora Schlesiens. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 859-878. 3. Phytogeographische Bemerkungen. Flora, XXL, 1838, pp. 537-551, 553-562, 569- 581 ; XX1L, pp. 576-583. 4. Flora von Spitzbergen. Flora, XXV, 1842, pp. 481-493. 5. Kleinere Beitrage zur Kunde der schwe- dischen Flora. Flora, XXVIIL, 1845, pp. 344- 348, 357-368. BEI] 249 [BEI Beilschmied, Carl Theodor, und Watson. Ueber die Verbreitung der Fame Grossbritan- niens. Flora, XXVII., 1844, pp. 104-121. Beilstein, Fr. Ueber die Diffusion von Fliissig- keiten. Liebig, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 165- 197. 2. Ueber das Murexid. Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 176-191 ; Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 120-123. 3. Sur Faction de 1'ethylate de soudc sur les ethers composes. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 14-15. 4. Sur 1'action du perchlorure de phosphore sur 1'acetal. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 45-47. 5. Sur 1'isomerie des combinaisons or- ganiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 134-135 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 45-47. 6. Action des differents ethers sur 1'alcoo- late de soude et sur 1'acide cthylcarbonique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLVIII., 1 859, pp. 960- 963 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIII., 1859, pp. 344-347 ; Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 121-125. 7. Sur la transformation de 1'acetal en mit dem gechlorten Chlorbenzyl (Bichlortoluol). Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 336-356. 9. Notiz iiber die Einwirkung des Phos- phorsuperchlorides auf Cyanursaure. Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 357-358. 10. Ueber die Identitat des Aethyliden- chloriirs und des Chloriirs des gechlorten Aethyls. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 110-112. 11. Ueber die Jodpropionsiiure. Erlen- meyer, Zeitschr. IV., 1861, pp. 293-297. 12. Ueber die Einwirkung des Jodphos- phors auf Glycerinsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 226-236. 13. Notiz iiber das Dicyandiamid. Liebig, Annal. QXIIL, 1862, pp. 241-245. 14. Ueber die Umwandlung der Glycerin- siiure in Acrylsaure. Erleumeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 225-228; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 366-374. 15. Ueber einige Derivate der Glycerin- saure. Gottingen, Nachr. 1862, pp. 174-180 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1862, pp. 44-48. Beilstein, Fr., et P. Christofle. Note sur la coloration de la flamme de 1'hydrogene par le phosphore et ses composes. Spectre du phos- phore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 399-401 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIIL, 1S63, pp. 273-275; Chemical News, VII., 1863, p. 270. Beilstein, Fr., und A. Geuther. Ueber das Natriumamid. Liebig, Annal. CVIII., 1858, pp. 88-102. Beilstein, Fr., und W. Kellner. Ueber Trini- trocressol und Chrysanissiiure. Liebig, Anna!. CXX VIII., 1863, pp. 164-177. Beilstein, Fr., und A. Reinecke. Ueber die Reduction der salicyligen Saure zu Saligenin. Liebig, Annal. CXX VI II., 1863, pp. 179- 180. Beilstem, Fr., und R. Rieth. Ueber neue syn- thetische Bildungsweisen des Amylens und des Propylens. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1 862, pp. 513-516; Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 242-248. 2. Ueber ein einfaches Verfahren zur Darstellung des Zinkathyls. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 245-248. -- 3. Ueber die Zersetzung der Alde- hyde und Acetone durch Zinkathyl. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 241-247. 4. Ueber die Darstellung des Zink- athyls. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 248-250. aldehyde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 1121-1122; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bui!. 1859, pp. 17-19; Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 239-240. 8. Ueber die Identitat des Chlorbenzols 5. Notiz iiber die Darstellung des Jodathyls. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 250-251. 6. Untersuchungen iiber das Zink- athyl. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. VI., 1863, pp. 193-197 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 242- 246. Beilstein, Fr., und Seelheim. Ueber das Sali- genin. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 83 -91. Beilstein, Fr.. uud J. Wilbrand. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber Nitrodracylsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 255-256. 2. Ueber eine neue Reihe isomerer Verbindungen der Benzoegruppe. Nitrodracyl- saure und deren Derivate. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 257-273. Beinert, Carl Christian. Wodurch unterscheidet sich die Gattung Sedum von Sempervivum ? Flora, V., 1822, pp. 113-128. 2. Ueber den Meteorsteinfall am 14 Juli d. J. zu Braunau in Bohmen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 36-38 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 170-174. 3. Geognostisch-geologische Aphorismen iiber die Entstehung der kohlensaurehaltigen Mineralwasser, insbesondere der eisenhaltigen Sauerlinge von Charlottenbrunn. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 246- 251. 4. Ueber einen fossilen Saurierzahn im Sandstein. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 43-44. 5. [Polyptychodon aus Schlesien.] Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 529-531. I I BEI] 250 [BEK Beinert, Carl Christian. 6. Die verschobenen oder zertriimmerten Kieselgeschiebe im b'stlichen Reviere des Niederschlesisch - Waldenburger Steinkohlen-Gebirges. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Denkschr. 1853, pp. 221-229. 7. Ueber die verschobenen oder zertriim- merten Geschiebe in dem Conglomeratbiinken der Grauwacke- oder Uebergangsformation (un- teren Kohlenformation) im nordwestlichen und nordb'stlichen Reviere des niederschlesischen Bergamts bei Schweidnitz, Seifersdorf und Gablau. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahi-esb. 1860, pp. 30-32. Beinert, Carl Christian, und H. R. Goppert. Ueber Verbreitung der fossilen Gewachse in der Steinkohlenformation. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 731-754. 2. Abhandlung iiber die Beschaffen- heit und Verhaltnisse der fossilen Flora in den verschiedenen Steinkohlen Ablagerungen eines und desselben Reviers. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. V., 1849. Beins, //. Ueber ein Instrument zur Zerstorung der galvanischen Polarisation bei der Unter- suchung thierischer Gewebe. Bonders, Archiv, II., 1860, pp. 73-79. Beirich, E. Nahere Bestimmung des Phenakits nach einem neuen Vorkommen. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 519-524. Beise, . Versuche iiber die Widerstands- fahigkeit der bekanntesten und niitzlichsten Bausteine, welche das Rheinische Schieferge- birge und das daran grenzende Flotzgebirge an der Mosel und in den Ardennen liefern angestellt im Festungs-Bauliofe zu Coblenz. Crelle, Journ. Bauk. IX., 1836, pp. 89-100, 288-298, 321- 346; X., 11-26, 302-314 ; XL, 102-104, 351- 358. Beisley, Sidney. Oak-leaf fungus ; or properly, oak-leaf spangles. Phytologist, III., 185859, pp. 17-18. Beisseuhirtz, F. Valeraldin, eine schwefelhal- tige Base aus dem Valeralammoniak. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 109-112 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXII., 1854, pp. 285-287 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, p. 397. Beissenhirtz, F. W. Chemische Untersuchung einer Arsenikvergiftung. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1811, pp. 173-184. Beitler, G. T. F. Neue Berechnung der am 3 Apr. 1791 und 15 Jun. 1787 beobachteten Son- nenfinsternissen. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 144-146. 2. Observations astronomiques a Mitau. St. Petersb. Acad. Mem. II., 1807-8, pp. 248- 278. Beitz, (Dr.} Ueber das Studium der Entomologie. Krems, Programm, 1831. Beitzke, H. Die Alpen. Liidde, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. I., 1842, pp. 97-125, 193-213 ; II., 30- 76. Bejszner, v Pro/. L. Popis geologicky Tater a pasem prilehlych. [Geological description of the Tatra mountains and the adjacent country.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 7l-77 y , 124-131, 173-184. 2. Zprava o bobrichna panstvi Trebonskem. [Account of the Beavers in the Wittingau dis- trict.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 87-88. Beke, Charles Tilstone. On the geological evi- dence of the advance of the land at the head of the Persian Gulf. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 40-46. 2. Views in Ethnography. [1834.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 285-296 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLV., 1835, col. 33-41. 3. On the complexion of the ancient Egyp- tians. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 344-353. 4. On the alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldaea. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1839, pp. 426-432. 5. Routes in Abyssinia and the neighbour- ing countries, collected from the natives. Geogr. Soc. Journ. X., 1841, pp. 580-586; XIV., 1844, pp. 1-75. 6. Communications respecting the geo- graphy of Southern Abyssinia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIL, 1842, pp. 84-101. 7. Route from Ankober to Dima. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIL, 1842, pp. 245-258. 8. Map of the route from Tajurrah to Ankober. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 182-183. 9. On the countries south of Abyssinia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 254- 268. 1O. On the Nile and its tributaries. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1847, pp. 1-84; Berg- haus, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. VIII., 1848, pp. 1-42, 161-208, 321-370. 11. On the Korarima, or Cardamom of Abyssinia. Pharmaceut. Joum. VI., 1847, pp. 511-512. 12. On the sources of the Nile in the Mountains of the Moon. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 63-64 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLV., 1848, pp. 221-251 ; Berghaus, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. IX., 1849, pp. 191-218. 13. Memo ire justificatif en rehabilitation des Peres Pierre PAEZ et Jerome LOBO, missio- naires en Abyssinie, en ce qui concerne leurs vi- sites a la source de I'Abai (le Nil) et a la eata- racte d'Alata. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IX., 1848, pp. 144-186, 209-238. 14. On the sources of the Nile, being an attempt to assign the limits of the basin of that river. Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1849, pp. 98- 114. BEK] 251 [BEL Beke, Charles Tilstone. 15. Note on Mr. AYR- TON'S Paper in the eighteenth volume of the Journal [on M. d'ABBADiE's discovery of the White Nile]. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1850, pp. 289-292. .. 16. On the mountains forming the eastern side of the basin of the Nile, and the origin of the designation " Mountains of the Moon," as applied to them. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 184-185; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 240-254. 17. Notes on an excursion to Harran, in Padan-Aram, and thence over Mount Gilead and the Jordan, to Shechem. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXIL, 1862, pp. 76-100; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 141-143. Beker, F. Martha. Theorie des tremblements de terre et des volcans. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XV., 1857-58, pp. 463-482. Beke Callenfels, J. van der. Onderzoekingen over den invloed der vaatzenuwen op den bloed- somloop en den warmtegraad. Utrccht,Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. VII., 1854-55, pp. 182-247; Neder- landsch Lancet, IV., 1854-55, pp. 689-754 ; Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VII., 1855, pp. 157- 207. BeketofF, Andre. Sur la stabilite et la regularite des proportions relatives des parties foliaires. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXI., 1858, pp. 257- 300 ; Linnzea, XXIX., 1857-58, pp. 417-462. 2. Sur la germination. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIL, 1859, pp. 278-282. Beketoff, Nicolas. Sur les phenomenes du copu- lation et les formules qui les expriment. St. Petersb. Bull. Sci. XII., 1854, col. 369-378 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXH., 1854, pp. 422-434. 2. Note sur 1'action de 1'hydrogene a dif- ferentes pressions sur quelques dissolutions metalliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 442-444; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1859, pp. 193-196; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 13-14; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 315-318; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 312-316. 3. Sur un nouveau cas de formation du chlorure de benzoyle C 7 H 5 0,C1. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, p. 8 ; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, p. 256. 4. Sur quelques phenomenes de reduction. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 22-24 ; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 374-376. 5. Remarques sur la formation de 1'acide manganique. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 43-44. Belam, John. Letter on the great Comet of 1843. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 293-294. Belanger, J. B. Resume d'une theorie de 1'en- grenage hyperboloide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 126-130 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. En- cour. LX., 1861, pp. 157-164. 2. De 1'equivalent mecanique de la chaleur. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1862, pp. 509-523. ' 3. Etude sur la composition des fers et des aciers. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1863, pp. 56-64. Belcher, Sir Edward. Extracts from observations on various points of the west coast of Africa, surveyed by H.M.S. " ^tna," in 1830-32. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp. 278-304. 2. Remarks to illustrate some geological specimens from the west coast of Africa. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 188. 3. Tide observations at Otaheite (Tahiti). Phil. Trans. 1843, pp. 55-90. 4. On the graduation of the thermometers supplied from the Kew Observatory for the use of the Arctic Searching Expedition. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, pp. 183-188. 5. Notice of the discovery of Ichthyosaurus and other fossils in the late Arctic Searching Expedition, 1852-54. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 79-80. 6. Remarks on the trunk of a tree disco- vered erect as it grew, within the Arctic Circle, in 75 32' N., 92 W., or immediately to the northward of the narrow strait which opens into the Wellington Sound. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 101-102. 7. On the manufacture of Works of Art [stone implements] by the Esquimaux. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. I., 1861, p. 129. 8. Remarks on the Glacial Movements no- ticed in the vicinity of Mount St. Elias, on the north-west coast of America. Brit.Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 186-187. Belcher, Wm. H. Artesian well in St. Louis. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 460-465. Belcredi, G. Gobbi. [Osservazioni del pianeta Flora.] Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 45-46. Belfield-Lefevre, , et Leon Foucault. De la preparation de la couche sensible qui doit re- cevoir 1'image de la chambre noire. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 507-508 ; Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1843, pp. 377-379. 2. Note sur un precede qui permet de reproduire avec une egale perfection, dans une image daguerrienne, les tons brillants et les tons obscurs du modele. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 125-127. Belgrand, . Etudes hydrologiques dans les granites et les terrains jurassiques formant la zone superieure du bassin de la Seine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 328-370; Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. XII., 1846, pp. 129-183 ; Der Ingenieur, I., 1848, col. 292-329. II 2 BEL] 252 [BEL Belgrand, . 2. Sur la carte agronomique et geologique de 1'arrondissement d'Avallon (Yonne). Paris, Soc. Geql. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 15-24 3. Etudes hydrologiques dans le bassin de la Seine entre la limite des terrains jurassiques et Paris. [1851.] Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. III., 1852, pp. 1-228. 4. Etude des lois qui regissent les crues des cours d'eau. Paris, Ann. Soc. Meteorol. 1853, pp. 40-55. . 5. Des relations qui existent entre le mode d'ecoulement des eaux pluviales a la surface du sol, et la culture des prairies. Paris. Ann. Soc. Meteorol. 1853, pp. 88-101. 6. Influence des forets sur 1'ecoulement des eaux pluviales. Paris, Ann. Soc. Meteorol. 1853, pp 176-193; Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. VII., 1854, pp. 1-27. 7. Service hydrometrique du bassin de la Seine. Memoire. 1 Sur les observations faites du l er Mai 1854 au 30 Avril 1855. 2 Sur la qualite des eaux de sources du bassin. Paris, Ann. Ponts et Chauss. XIII., 1857, pp. 257- 307. Belhomme, Quels sont les rapports enti'c le fluide nerveux et la fluide electrique ? France, Conffres Scientifique, 1847 (ptc. 2), pp. 45 -53.~ Belhomme, . Sur les bourgeons aeriens du Colocasia antiquorum. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 202-204. 2. Note sur 1'Orobanche. Metz, Mem. Acad. XL., 1858-59, pp. 139-140. 3. Note sur les bourgeons reproducteurs du Ranunculus lingua. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, p*fi41. Belhommet, A. Ueber Seife aus Oelsaure. (Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXII., 1861, pp. 60-62. Belke, Gustavc. Sur Fapparition en Podolie d'une multitude de Campagnols, et quelques re- raarques sur 1'identite de 1'Arvicola arvalis et du A. subterraneus, Selys. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIV., 1851, pp. 549-557. 2. Sur une espece de Safran qui croit spon- tanement aux environs de Kamienietz-Podolski. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVI., 1853, pp. 158- 165. 3. Sur le climat et la faune de Kamieuietz- Podolski. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. X.XVL, 1853, pp. 410-437. 4. Notice sur les chats sauvages de Podolie, precedee de quelques remarques sur la place que nos chats domestiques et leurs varietes doivent occuper dans le systeme zoologique. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 458-469. Belke, Gustavc. 5. Esquisse de 1'histoire natu- relle de Kamienietz-Podolski, precedee d'un coup-d'oeil sur les travaux des Naturalistes des provinces occidentales de la Russie et du Roy- aume de Pologne au XIX. siecle. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXL, 1858, pp. 97-158 ; XXXIL, 1859, pp. 24-106. Bell, Andrew. On fringes of interference pro- duced by oblique reflexion at the surface of u small mirror. Cambridge, Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 241-248. 2. Researches in rotatory motion. Cam- bridge, Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 213-216. 3. On the equations of motion of rotation. Cambridge, Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 7-9. 4. Action of a force whose direction rotates in a plane. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. 1., 1846, pp. 282-285. 5. On the determination of the modulus of elasticity of a rod of any material by means of its musical note. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 63-67. Bell, Benjamin. Strictures on the Hypothesis of Mr. Joseph DUCOMMUN, on volcanos and earth- quakes. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 51 -53. Bell, Benjamin. Remarks suggested by Dr. HAR- LEY'S Additional experiments on the action of Atropine in dilating the Pupil. Edinb. Med. Journ. II., 1856-57, pp. 815-820. Bell, Charles. Account of the Muscles of the Ureters, and their effects in the irritable states of the Bladder. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. III., 1812, pp. 171-190. 2. On the Muscularity of the Uterus. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IV., 1813, pp. 335-357. 3. On the Nerves : giving an account of some experiments on their structure and func- tions, which lead to a new arrangement of the system. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 398-424 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 33-35 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. II., 1822, pp. 66-76. 4. Of the nerves which associate the muscles of the chest in the actions of breathing, speaking, and expression. Being a continuation of the paper on the structure and functions of the Nerves. Phil. Trans. 1 822, pp. 284- 312. 5. On the motions of the eye, in illustration of the uses of the muscles and nerves of the orbit. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 166-186 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 371-382 ; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1824, col. 337-340. 6. Second part of the paper on the Nerves of the Orbit. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 289-307. 7. On the nervous circle which connects the voluntary muscles with the brain. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 163-173 ; Froriep, Notizen, XV., 1826, col. 83-87. BEL] 253 [BEL Bell, Charles. 8. On the Nerves of the Face (Second Paper). Phil. Trans. 1829, pp. 317- 330; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. X., 1830, pp. 1-35, 189-196. 9. Of the organs of the Human Voice. Phil. Trans. 1832, pp. 299-320 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1833, col. 257-263. 1O. On the functions of some parts of the Brain, and on the relations between the Brain and the Nerves of Motion and Sensation. Phil. Trans. 1834, pp. 471-484. 11. Observations on the proper method of studying the Nervous System. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 667-670. 12. Continuation of the paper on the Re- lations between the Nerves of Motion and of Sensation, and the Brain ; more particularly on the structure of the Medulla oblongata and the Spinal Marrow. Phil. Trans. 1835, pp. 255- 262. 13. Of the third pair of Nerves, being the first of a series of papers in explanation of the difference in the origins of the Nerves of the Encephalon, as compared with those which arise from the Spinal Marrow. [1'838.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 224-228. 14. Of the origin and compound functions of the Facial Nerves, or Portio dura of the Seventh Nerve ; being the second paper in explanation of the difference between the Nerves of the Encephalon, as contrasted with the regu- lar series of Spinal Nerves. [1838.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 229-236. 15. Of the Fourth and Sixth Nerves of the Brain ; being the concluding paper on the distinctions of the Nerves of the Encephalon and Spinal Marrow. [1838.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1840, pp. 237-241. 16. On the Nervous System. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 245-254. 17. On the Circulation of the Blood, and the difference of the Laws of Fluids moving in Living and Dead Tubes. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 331-332. 18. On the necessity of the Sense of Mus- cular Action to the full exercise of the organs of the senses. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 361-363. Bell, Charles M. Geological notes on part of Ma- zunderan. [1838.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 577-582. Bell, Charles N. Remarks on the Mosquito Terri- tory, its climate, people, productions, &c. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXII., 1862, pp. 242-268. Bell, D. C. On the bite of one of the Lizard Tribe. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. H., 1842, pp. 258-260. Bell, H. Ham. Further particulars regarding the Berareea Cotton. India, Journ. Agr. and Hort, Soc. II., 1843, pp. 62-64. 2. Remarks on Hemp and Sunn cultiva- tion in the N. W. Provinces. India, Journ. Agr. and Hort. Soc. II., 1843, p. 84. 3. Memorandum descriptive of several kinds of Cotton introduced into the Agra Dis- trict. India, Journ. Agr. and Hort. Soc. VI., 1848, pp. 149-153. Bell, Isaac Lowthian. On the manufacture of iron in connexion with the Northumberland and Durham coal-field. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, pp. 730-764. 2. On Thallium. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, (pt. 2.), pp. 34-37. 3. Abstract of a paper on Aluminium. Chemical News, VIII., 1863, p. 189. Bell, Jacob. On Hemidesmus Indicus. (Syn. Periploca indica, Wild. ; Asclepias pseudosarsa, Eoxb.) Pharmaceut. Journ. III., 1844, pp. 239- 241. Bell, James. Remarks on the errors of the Orien- tal Tables, and the effects which these have pro- duced on modern geographers, in their maps of Oriental Regions. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 81-91. 2. Remarks on the Voyage and Periplus of Scylax. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 177-182. Bell, John G. On Periodicity in the actions of the animal oeconomy during health and disease. Philadelphia, Journ. I., 1820, pp. 328-348. 2. Observations on the Limosa scolopacea of Say. [1848.] New York Lyceum, Annal. V., 1852, pp. 1-3. 3. On the Pipilo oregonus, as distinguished from the Pipilo arcticus of Sivainson. [1848.] New York Lyceum, Annal. V., 1852, pp. 6-8. 4. Description of a new species of the genus Fuligula. New York Lyceum, Annal. V., 1852, pp. 219-220. 5. On the Haschich or Cannabis Indica. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1857, pp. 209 -216, 229-236. 6. On the effects of the Consanguinity of parents upon the mental constitution of the Offspring. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LX., 1859, pp. 473-484. Bell, John P. Observations on the character and measurements of degradation of the York- shire Coast. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853, pp. 81-84. Bell, Robert, jun. On the Natural History of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the distribution of the Mollusca of Eastern Canada. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 197-220, 248-251. 2. On the occurrence of Freshwater shells in some of our Post- Tertiary Deposits. Cana- dian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 42-51. BEL] 254 [BEL Bell, Robert, jun. 3. List of recent Land and Freshwater shells collected around Lakes Supe- rior and Huron in 1859-60. Canadian Natural- ist, VI., 1861, pp. 268-270. 4. Catalogue of Birds collected and ob- served around Lakes Superior and Huron. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 270-376. 5. List of Plants collected on the south and east shores of Lake Superior, and on the north shore of Lake Huron, in 1860. Canada, Bot. Soc. Annals, I., 1861-62, pp. 67-80 6. On the superficial Geology of Gaspe Peninsula. Canadian Naturalist, VIII,, 1863, pp. 175-183. Bell, Thomas. Description of a new species of Emarginula [E. rosea]. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 52-53. 2. Remarks on the animal nature of sponges. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 202- 204. 3. Note on the supposed identity of the genus Isodon of Say with Capromys. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 230-231. 4. On the habits of the house spider [Ara- nea domestica]. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 283- 284. 5. Description of a new species of Lizard [Uromastix acanthinurus]. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 457-460. 6. Observations on the structure of the throat in the genus Anolis. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 11-14; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 191-195. 7 On a new genus of Iguanidae [Am- blyrhynchus]. Zool. Journ. LT., 1826, pp. 204-208; Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 940- 941. 8. A monograph of the Tortoises having a moveable Sternum, with remarks on their arrangement and affinities. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 299-310. 9. On Leptophina, a group of Serpents comprising the genus Dryinus of Merrem, and a newly formed genus proposed to be named Leptophis. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 322- 329 ; Oken, Isis, 1830, pp. 1035-1038. 1O. Description of a new species of Terra- pene [T. bicolor] ; with further observations on T. Carolina and T. maculata. Zool. Journ. II.. 1826, pp. 484-486. 11. On two new genera of Land Tortoises [Pyxis and Kinixys]. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 392-401. 12. On the structure and use of the sub- maxillary odoriferous gland in the genus Croco- dilus. Phil. Trans. 1827, pp. 132-138 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 162-163 ; Heusinger, Zeitschr. III., 1833, pp. 140-143. Bell, Thomas. 13. Descriptions of a new species of Anolius [A. rhodolaamus], and a new species of Amphisbaena [A. punctata] ; collected by W. S. MACLEAY, in the island of Cuba. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 235-236. 14. Descriptions of three new species of Land Tortoises [T. actinodes, tentoria, and pardalis]. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 419- 421. 15. On Hydraspis, a new genus of fresh- water Tortoises, of the family Emydidae. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 511-513. 16. Characters of the order, families, and genera of the Testudinata. Zool. Journ. ILL, 1828, pp. 513-516. 17. Account of a pair of living Acouchies (Olive Cavy, Penn.. Dasyprocta Acuschy, Illig.) Zool. Soc. Proc. I., 1830-31, pp. 6-7. 18. Description of a new genus [Anops] of Reptilia of the family of Amphisbaenidas. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 391-393. 19. Description of a new genus [Lerista] of Reptilia of the family Scincidae. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 393-395. 2O. Description of a new species of Agama, brought from the Columbia River by Mr. DOUGLAS. [1828.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 105-108. 21. Description of a new species of Pha- langista [Ph. Gliriformis]. [1828.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 121-128. 22. Characters of two new genera of rep- tiles [Anops and Lerista]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 98-99 ; Oken, Isis, 1835, pp. 542- 543. 23. Observations on the neck of the Three- toed-Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus, Linn.). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 99-101 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool), 1834, p. 382 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 113-116. 24. Characters of a new genus of Fresh- water Tortoise (Cyclemys). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, p. 17. 25. Zoological observations on a new Fossil Species of Chelydra, from CEningen. [1832.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1835, pp. 379- 382. 26. Observations on the genus Cancer of Dr. LEACH (Platycarcinos, Latr.), with descrip- tions of three new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. ILL, 1835, pp. 86-88 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 335-342. 27. On Microrhynchus, a new genus of Triangular Crabs. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, p. 88. 28. Account of the Crustacea of the coasts of South America. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, pp. 169-173. BEL] 255 [BEL Bell, Thomas. 29. Observations on the genus Galictis, with a description of a new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. V., 1 837, pp. 45-48 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1842, pp. 201-206. 3O. Some account of the Crustacea of the coasts of South America, with descriptions of new genera and species ; founded principally on the collections obtained by Mr. COMING and Mr. MILLER. [1835.] Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1841, pp. 39-66. 31. On the Thalassina Emerii, a fossil Crustacean from New Holland. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 93-94. 32. On the Crustacea found by Prof. E. FORBES and Mr. MCANDREW in their Cruises round the coast. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 80-82. 33. Horse Carcinologicae, or Notices of Crustacea. 1. Monograph of the Leucosiadse, with observations on the relations, structure, habits, and distribution of the family ; a revision of the generic characters ; and descriptions of new genera and species. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 277-314 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 428-435. 34. Remarks on some habits of Argyroneta aquatica. [1855.] Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1857 (Zool), pp. 2-4. 35. Description of a new genus of Crusta- cea, of the family Pinnotheridse ; in which the fifth pair of legs are reduced to an almost imperceptible rudiment. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. in., 1860 (Zool), pp. 27-29. Bell, Thomas, and B. Gaspard. Abstract of a memoir on the Physiology of Helix Pomatia. Zool. Journ. L, 1825, pp. 93-100, 174-179. Bell, Rev. Thomas B. Notes from the neigh- bourhood of Stranraer on the Chough or Red- legged Crow (Fregilus graculus) ; on the migration of the Swift (Cypselus apus, Flem.) ; and on the effects of the severe gale on the 9th Sept. last. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. H., 1859- 60, pp. 143-145. Bell, Thomas L. On the geology of the neigh- bourhood of Kotah, Deccan. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1852, pp. 230-233. 2. Further account of the boring at Kotah, Deccan ; and a notice of an Ichthyolite from that place. GeoL Soc. Journ. IX., 1853, pp. 351-352. Bella, Joao Antonio dalla. Sobre a forga Magnetica. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. L, 1797, pp. 85-116, 116-199 ; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 83-87. Bellamy, J. C. Description of two green-streaked Wrasses (Labrus lineatus, Flem.) Annal. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, p. 77. Bellamy, P. F. Description of two Peruvian Mummies, presented to the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society by Capt. BLANCKLEY. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), p. 75 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 95-100. Bellani, Angelo. Riflessioni intorno alia spiega- zione d' un fenomeno idrostatico data dal Sig. ROBINET. Brugnatelli, Giorn. I., 1808, pp. 257-265. 2. Tentativi per determinare 1' aumento di volume che acquista 1' acqua prima e dopo la congelazione. Brugnatelli, Giorn. I., 1808, pp. 305-330, 410-430. 3. Appendice alle memorie d' Areometria. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. I., 1808, pp. 229-249 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1823, pp. 116-126, 176-186. 4. Notizie delle trombe di terra, che osser- varonsi al nord di Milano il giorno sei di Giugno 1808. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VL, 1808, pp. 277-284. 5. Esame dell' ebollizione dei liquidi diretto a verificarne alcuni errori invalsi ; con alcuni schiarimenti sulla teoria dei vapori. Brugnatelli, Giorn. II., 1809, pp. 413-441, 501-550. 6. Sopra 1' opalizzazione di alcuni vetri, e sopra altri argomenti di Fisica. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. V., 1809, pp. 127-136. 7. Appendice alia memoria sull' ebollizione dei liquidi. Brugnatelli, Giorn. III., 1810, pp. 26-31. 8. Dell' ascensione del mercurio nei tubi capillari. Brugnatelli, Giorn. III., 1810, pp. 291-306. 9. Memoria sopra un nuovo termometro- grafo ossia termometro per luoghi inaccessibili. Brugnatelli, Giorn. IV., 1811, pp. 89-111. 10. Estratto di una Memoria sulla delique- scenza dei corpi, del GAT-LUSSAC (con un aggiunta). Brugnatelli, Giorn. V., 1812, pp. 413-423. 11. Fine delle ricerche fisico-chimiche sul fosforo particolarmente considerate come mezzo eudiometrico. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VI., 1813, pp. 75-113, 203-244, 255-270; Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 489-505. 12. Riflessioni intoruo ad alcune recenti opinioni risguardanti il fosforo per servire di seguito alle Ricerche fisicho-chimiche sul me- desimo argomento. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1814, pp. 67-77, 127-137. 13. Esperienze dirette a determinare se la fosforescenza di alcune sostanze sia analoga alia lenta combustione del fosforo. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1814, pp. 267-298. 14. Riflessioni critiche intorno all' evapor- azione, colla descrizione di un nuovo Atmido- metro. Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1816, pp. 102- 114, 188-206, 250-262, 417-446 ; X., 348-383, 422-449. BEL] 256 [BEL Bellani, Angelo. 15. Nuova ipotesi sulla coda delle coinete. Brugnatelli, Giorn. III., 1820, pp. 46-50; Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 401-405. 16. Descrizione di un nuovo Atmidometro per servire di continuazione e fine alle Rifles- sioni critiche intorno all' evaporazione. Brug- natelli, Giorn. III., 1820, pp. 166-183. 17. Annotazioni di Meteorologia. Brug- natelli, Giorn. IV., 1821, pp. 339-344. 18. Lettre au Prof. PICTET sur le change- ment qu'eprouve le terme de la glace dans les thermometres a mercure. Bibl. Univ. XXI., 1822, pp. 252-255. 19. Storia della caduta di un antico aerolite non mai stato descritto ne' recent! cataloghi, preceduta da una digressione sull' origine di questi fenomeni. Brugnatelli, Giom. V., 1822, pp. 47-58 ; Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 152-157; Gilbert, Annal. LXXII., 1822, pp. 329-330. 2O. Considerazioni sull' origine e la natura delle stelle cadenti. Brugnatelli, Giorn. V.. 1822, pp. 186-198. 21. Dell' incertezza nel determinare il punto del ghiaccio sui termometri derivante da una nuova imperfezione scoperta ne' mede- simi. Brugnatelli, Giorn. V., 1822, pp. 268 -284 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 369- 372. 22. Sopra un fenomeno magnetico. Brug- natelli, Giorn. V,, 1822, pp. 395-399. 23. Sulle difficolta che s' incontrano nel determinare la dilatazione del mercurio e del vetro. Brescia, Comment. 1823, pp. 57-61. 24. Di alcune proprieta del mercurio e del vetro, e delle difficolta che si sono finora presen- tate nel determinare le loro diiatazioni. Parte seconda : per servire di seguito alia memoria dell' incertezza nel determinare il punto del ghiaccio sui termometri. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 20-28, 217-228, 274-293. 25. Nota sulla salsedene dell' acqua del mare. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 163- 166. 26. Conghietture sulla proprieta che pos- sedono alcune sostanze e specialmente il platino di facilitare la combinazione del gas idrogeno coll' ossigene. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 138-151. 27. Nuove sperienze ed osservazioni fisico- chemiche istituite cogli elettro-motori. Brug- natelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 294-300. 28. Saggio di fenomeni che presenta la tJO O. cristallizzazione e la congelazione di alcune sos- tanze. Brugnatelli, Giorn. X., 1827, pp. 190- 206, 253-266. 29. Nuovo Thermo-barometro. Brugna- telli, Giorn. X., 1827, pp. 455-466. Bellani, Angelo. 30. Dell' origine di alcune fonti, e correzioni proposte dei tubi che condu- cono le ptogge dai tetti. Brescia, Comment. 1831, pp. 41-50; Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, I, 1831, pp. 208-220, 220-223. 31. Sulle cause della rugiada. Giorn. Arcad. LV, 1832, pp. 298-305 ; Poligrafo, I., 1834, pp. 97--105. 32. Cenni su diversi argomenti fisico- chimici. Del terremoto, e del movimento delle fabbriche. Poligrafo, IX., 1832, pp. 3-7. 33. Del termometro. Poligrafo, IX., 1832, pp. 169-180. 34. Sui moto molecolare dei solidi, e sui limite dell' evaporazione. Poligrafo, X., 1832, pp. 161-170. 35. Sopra la luce, e il calore che si svoglie *. ' nella compressione dell' aria, e sulla infiamma- zione spontanea del Platino. Poligrafo, X., 1832, pp. 321-329. 36. Sopra la questione : se i Cloruri Metal- lic! decompongano 1' acqua. Poligrafo, X., 1832, pp. 330-332. 37. Sopra un fenomeno spettante alia Rugiada, Poligrafo, XI., 1832, pp. 337-352. 38. Come conservando il suo proprio li- vello possa il mare abbandonare un lido ; ossia come possa questo innalzarsi. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, III., 1833, pp. 190-193. 39. Dell' antichita dei pozzi detti mode- nesi o artesiani. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 41-45. 4O. DelP anteriorita di una scoperta attri- buita a DATY. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, p. 46. 41. Sopra la questione, se i cloruri metal- lic! decompongano 1'acqua, etc. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 124-126. 42. Sulla infiammazione spontanea del platino e di altre sostanze. Sulla combustione del fosforo, e sopra la fosforescenza delle lucciole e del mare. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 227-235, 250-256, 297-302. 43. Del collectore del calorico, nuovo stromento meteorologico ; del cambiamento de' climi ; delle fosforescenze delle acque del mare, e dello infiammarsi spontaneo di alcune sostanze. Brescia, Comment. 1834, pp. 67-85 ; Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VI., 1836, pp. 200-208. 44. Schiarimenti sopra diversi argoraenti fisico-chimici. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. II., 1834, pp. 356-361 ; III., 1835, pp. 40-51. 45. Nuove esperienze ed osservazioni sulla rottura dei vasi pieni d' acqua in cui spezzasi una lagrima batavica. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, V., 1835, pp. 298-301. 46. Salita al Vesuvio. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. IV., 1835, pp. 55-64, 115-124, 244- 254. BEL] 257 [BEL Bellaniy Angela. 47. Osservazioni sopra un articolo intitolato " Stelle cadenti." Bibl. Ital. LXXXII., 1836, pp. 470-475. 48. Degli aeroliti, delle pioggie o nevi rosse, e delle nebbie o esalazioni secche, e di altri fenomeni atmosferici. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. V., 1836, pp. 217-223, 282-287 ; VI., pp. 51-57, 116-124; X., 1838, pp. 115-122, 178-183, 242-248, 306-311, 357-365. 49. Sulla fcsforcscenza delle lucciole. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. VI., 1836, pp. 308-311. 50. Note all' articolo del Sig. TRIXCHI- NETTI sopra una funzione non ancora descritta nei vegetabili. Cattaueo, Bibl. di Farm. VI., 1836, pp. 312-316. 51. Su di una nnova forma del barometro. Bibl. Ital. XCIX., 1840, pp. 413-416. 52. Invito alia riunione scientifica di To- rino per la soluzionc di un problema fisico sulla formazione clella grandine. Bibl. Ital. XCIX., 1840, pp. 65-70. 53. Dell' arte di filare il vetro. Bibl. Ital. XCIX., 1840, pp. 398-402. 54. Dells difficolta che si oppongono allo stabilimento di Osservatorj Meteorologici. Mi- lano, Giorn. 1st, Lomb. I., 1841, pp. 373-418. 55. Sullo gpostarnento del Mercurio osser- vato al punto del ghiaccio nella scala dei ter- mometri. [1839.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXII., 1841, pp. 76-95. 56. Sopra una supposta causa princi- pale della utilita degli avvicendamenti agrarj. [1842.] Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1842, pp. 279-292. 57. Sullo funzioni delle radici nei vege- tabili. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IV., 1843, pp. 141-185, 233-302. 58. Delia maP aria, vicino ai fontanili di irrisazione. [1842.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIII., 1844, pp. 63-96. 59. Eiflessioni sulla nota postuma di Augusto TRINCHIXETTI intorno all' eterizzazione delle piante. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 253-261. 6O. Della causa clella mortalita dei gelsi, o * e del modo d' impedirla. Milano, Giorn. 1st, Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 357-367 ; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. III., 1852, pp. 135-146. 61. Esame critico delle ultimo esperienze annunziate da BOUTIGNY (d'Evreux) e da altri sulP azione innocua dei metalli roventi sopra il corpo umano. Polli, Ann. di China. IX., 1849, pp. 169-187, 222-232, 276-306. 62. Se con la sola leggc della tensione dei vapori e della diminuzione di temperatura pro- dotta dalla loro formazione, si possano spiegare i fenomeni stati ultimamente annunziati da BouTiGxr e da altri. Milano. Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1850, pp. 3-27. . Bellani, Angela. 63. Disinfezione delle materie fecali. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XIII., 1851, pp. 276-293, 344-362. Bellardi, Luigi. Appendix ad Floram Pede- montanam. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1790-91, pp. 209-286. 2. vSnr nne nouvelle espece d'agaric. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1792-1800, VI., pp. 136- 139 ; Homer, Archiv Botan. III., 1805, pp. 115-316. 3. Sur la revivification d'une petite fou- gere dessechee. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 33-36 ; Schroder, N. Journ. Bot. I., 1806, (lift. 2), pp. 56 -60. 4. Stirpes novae, vel minus nota? Pede- montii descriptie et iconibus illustrate. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 445-452. 5. Sur une espece de Cassia qu'on peut substituer au veritable Sene officinal. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1804-5, pp. 140-143. 6. Sur un houveau genre des plantes, nomme Suffreuia. Paris, Soc, Philom. Bull. III., 1805, p. 270. 7. Additamentum novi generis ad Floram Pedemontano-Gallicam. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809-10, pp. 403-407. Bellardi, Luigi. Decouverte de Parmophorus elongatus stir la montagne de Turin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1 838, p. 270. 2. Borsonia, nouveau genre de coquille fossile. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1839, pp. 30-31. 3. Description des Caucellaires fossiles des terrains tertiares du Piemont. Torino, Mem. Accad. III., 1841, pp. 225-264; Bibl. Univ. XXXVII., 1842, p. 208 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 343-344. 4. Monografia delle Pleurotome fossili del Piemonte. Torino, Mem. Accad. IX., 1 848, pp. 531-650. 5. Monografia delle Columbelle fossili del Piemonte. Torino, Mem. Accad. X., 1849, pp. 225-248. 6. Catalogue raisonnee des Fossiles Num- mulitiques du comtede Nice; avec la collaboration de M. le Prof. Eug. SISMONDA, pour les fichino- dermes; de M. d'ARCiiiAC, pour les Foramini- feres ; et de M. Jules HATME, pour les Polypiers. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 678- 683 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. IV., 1851, pp. 205 -300. 7. Monografia delle Mitre fossili del Piemonte. [1848.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XL, 1851, pp. 357-390. 8. Liste des fossiles Nummulitiques d'Egypte, de la collection du Mus. E. de Mine- ralogie de Turin. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1851, pp. 261-262. K K BEL] 258 [BEL Bellardi, Luigi. 9. Catalogo ragionato del fossili Nummulitici d' Egitto della raccolta del Eegio Museo Mineralogico di Torino. [1853.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XV., 1855, pp. 171-204. 10. Saggio di Ditterologia Messicana. Torino, Mem. Accad. XIX., 1861, pp. 201-278. Bellardi, Luigi, e Gioanni Michelotti. Saggio Orittografico sulla classe dei Gasteropodi fossili dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte. [1840.] Torino, Mem. Accad. 1841, pp. 93-174. Bellaud, L. Etudes experimentales sur les inon- dations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 1011-1015. Bellavitis, Giusto. Dell' uso delle quantita immaginarie. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1831, pp. 13-15; Poligrafo, V., 1831, pp. 15- 19 ; XII., 1832, pp. 211-220. 2. Tentativi sui fondamenti dell' Algebra, in seguito alia Memoria del sig. A. L. CAUGHT sui metodi analitici. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, I., 1831, pp. 271-277. 3. Sui Calcolo sublime e sulle sue appli- cazioni. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, I., 1831, pp. 347-360. 4. Sopra alcuni teoremi di Geometria. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, II., 1832, pp. 186-188, 241-249. 5. Memoria sulla Geometria derivata. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, II., 1832, pp. 250-253. 6. Sulla natura delle forze resistenti dei corpi, e quindi spiegazione della singolare rot- tura dei fili osservata dal Prof. ELICE, e di altri fenomeni analoghi. Poligrafo, XII., 1832, pp. 31-46. 7. Sopra alcune applicazioni di un nuovo metodo di Geometria analitica. Poligrafo, XHI., 1833, pp. 53-61. 8. Sopra alcune formule e serie infinite relative ai fattoriali ed agli integral! Euleriani. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 10-19. 9. Teoremi general! per determinare le aree dei poligoni ed i volumi dei poliedri col mezzo delle distanze dei loro vertici. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 256-264. 1O. Saggio di applicazioni di un nuovo metodo di Geometria analitica [Calcolo delle Equipollenze]. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, V., 1835, pp. 244-259. 11. Teoria delle figure inverse, e loro uso nella Geometria elementare. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VI., 1836, pp. 136-141. 12. Su alcuni principj fondamentali della teoria delle Probabilita. Poligrafo, IV., 1836, pp. 3-14. 13. Annotazione alia Memoria del Prof. MINICH [Soluzione diun problema di Geometria relative al metodo inverso delle tangenti]. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VII., 1837, pp. 165-170. Bellavitis, Giusto. 14. Metodo delle Equipol- lenze. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VII., 1837, pp. 243-261 ; VHL, 17-37, 85-121. 15. Saggio di Geometria derivata. Pa- do va, Nuovi Saggi, IV., 1838, pp. 243-288. 16. Considerazioni sulle formule per 1' equi- librio di una verga elastica che si leggono nella " Meccanica " del POISSON. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IX., 1839, pp. 202-207. 17. Soluzioni grafiche di alcuni problem! geometric! del primo e del secondo grado, tro- vate col metodo delle Equipollenze. [1842.] Venezia, Atti, II., 1843, pp. 46-48 ; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, L, 1843, pp. 225-267. 18. 'Nota intorno alia Memoria che ha per titolo : " Dei nodi termo-elettrici dell' apparato Voltiano," dal Prof. ZANTEDESCHI. Venezia, Atti, II., 1843, pp. 48-52. 19. Considerazioni sulla Memoria del Dott. BIZIO intitolata : " Ricerche intorno alle mole- cole dei corpi ed alle loro affinita dipendenti dalla forza espansiva alle medesime inerente." Venezia, Atti, II., 1843, pp. 112-130. 2O. Considerazioni sui movimento di un liquido che discende in modo perfettamente shn- metrico rispetto ad un asse verticale. Venezia, Atti, III., 1844, pp. 206-210 ; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, II., 1845, pp. 339-360. 21. Risposta alle Considerazioni del Prof. TUKAZZA intorno ad alcune obbiezioni mosse alle soluzioni di alcuni problemi d' Idraulica. Venezia, Atti, IV., 1845, pp. 14-37. 22. Sopra un Oligocronometro, ossia stru- mento per misurare il tempo con molta precisione. Venezia, Atti, V., 1846, pp. 282-289. 23. Observationes de quibusdam solutioni- bus analyticis problematum ad liquidorum mo- tum pertinentium. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VIII., 1846, pp. 445-480. 24. Saggio sulP algebra delle quantita im- maginarie. Venezia, Atti, VI., 1847, pp. 459- 461. 25. Considerazione sulle nomenclature chi- miche, sugli equivalent! chimici, e su alcune pro- prieta che con questi si collegano. [1846.] Venezia, Mem. Istituto, III., 1847, pp. 221- 267. 26. Dimostrazione col metodo delle Equipol- lenze di alcuni teoremi in parte considerati dai Sig. BELLATI e RIDOLFI. Venezia, Atti, VI., 1847, pp. 53-59. 27. Poche esperienze ed alcune Considera- zioni sulla coesione dell' acqua. Veuezia, Atti, VI., 1847, pp. 86-97. 28. Alcune Considerazioni sugli effetti dell' attrito, e sui modo di calcolarli. Venezia, Atti, VI., 1847, pp. 123-125 ; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, IV., 1852, pp. 213-241. BEL] 259 [BEL Eellavitis, Giusto. 29. Sul piu facile modo di trovare le radici reali delle equazioni algebriche, e sopra un nuovo metodo per la determinazione delle radici immaginai-ie. [1845.] Venezia, Mem. Istituto, III., 1847, pp. 109-219. 3O. Sopra un teorema del MOBIUS riguar- dante la specie della sezione conica che passa per cinque punti dati in un piano. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1850, pp. 249-250. 31. Discorso sulla dottrina del calorico rag- giante fatto nel 1840. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1850, pp. 362-368. 32. Sulla risoluzione numerica della equa- zione.r 3 + ?/ 2 = C. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1850, pp. 422-425. 33. SulJe proprieta generali de' corpi. Tortolini, Annali, L, 1850, pp. 454-468. 34. Dimostrazione intorno alia equazione, a cui conduce un problema risolto dal Prof. TURAZZA, riguardante il calcolo numerico degli integrali. Venezia, Atti, I., 1850, pp. 74-76. 35. Osservazioni intorno ai color! acciden- tali. Venezia, Atti, I., 1850, pp. 152-157. 36. Calcolo ed esposizione elementare delle due prime funzioni ellitiche. Padova, Rivista Period. I., 1851-53, pp. 149-152. 37. Sul modo di provare direttamente il moto rotatorio della Terra. Venezia, Atti, II., 1851, pp. 123-126. 38. Discorso sulle unita delle varie quan- tita fisiche, e sull' importanza ed uso delle teorie per raccogliere e coordinare i fenomeni fisici. Venezia, Atti, II., 1851, pp. 173-178; 1855-56, pp. 107-127, 221-252, 325-358. 39. Sulla derivazione delle curve. Torto- lini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 508-516. 4O. Nota sul pendolo del FOUCAULT. Ve- nezia, Atti, III., 1852, pp. 91-97. 41. [Sopra due Memorie dello SPITZER intorno alia determinazione numerica delle radici delle equazioni algebriche.] Venezia, Atti, III., 1852, pp. 120-135. 42. Saggio sull' Algebra degli Immagi- narie. [1847.] Venezia, Mem. Istituto, IV., 1852, pp. 243-344. 43. Sulle serie di numeri che comprendono i Bernoulliani. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 108-127. 44. Sopra alcune formule derivate col mezzo dell' inversione. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 198-208. 45. Sulla teoria degli strumenti ottici. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 260-269. 46. Soluzioni di alcune Question! proposte nel Giornale intitolato : " Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques par TERQTJEM et GERONO," e non ancora risolte. Venezia, Atti, IV., 1853, pp. 79-96 ; Padova, Rivista Period. I., 1852-53, pp. 279-284. Bellavitis, Giusto. 47. Sulla classificazione delle curve della terza classe. [1851.] Venezia, Atti, IV., 1853, pp. 234-255 ; Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV., 1855, pp. 1-50. 48. Soluzioni mediante la derivazione di alcune questioni geometriche. Tortolini, An- nali, V., 1854, pp. 31-34. 49. Principii della geometria di deriva- zione. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 241 256, 428-448, 473-490. 50. Nouvelle regie pour reconnaitre en plusieurs cas 1'absence de racines reelles d'une equation algebrique dans un intervalle donne. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 263-265. 51. Sposizione del metodo delle Equipol- lenze. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV., 1855, pp. 225-309. 52. Considerazioni su la teoria della Pro- babilitu. Venezia, Atti, 185657, pp. 299 321. 53. Esposizione elementare della teoria dei Determinant!. Venezia, Atti. 1856-57, pp. 607 -618 ; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, VII., 1857, pp. 67-143. 54. Nota sulle correnti elettriche simul- tanee ed opposte lungo uno stesso conduttore ; sopra una nuova maniera per trasmettere con- temporaneamente due dispacci in direzioni op- poste mediante un solo filo telegrafico, e sopra un facile modo di applicare 1' apparecchio tele- grafico alia notazione delle osservazioni astro- nomiche. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 113- 125. 55. Sperienze fatte per verificare se vi possano essere in un medesimo conduttore cor- renti elettriche simultannee ed opposte. Vene- zia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 147-154. 56. Del Calcolo dei Quaternion! di W. R. HAMILTON e delle sue relazioni col metodo delle Equipollenze. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 334- 342. 57. Un problema sul giroscopio. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 793-812 ; Nuovo Cimento, IX., 1859, pp. 179-181. 58. Studii sulle Memorie publicate dal Prof. MAINARDI negli Atti dell I. R. Istituto Lombardo (Vol. I., 1858, p. 90). Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 623-629 ; 1858-59, pp. 334- 336. 59. Sulla risoluzione algebrica delle equa- zioni. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 55-61. 6O. Cenni elementari sui discriminant!, invariant!, e covarianti. Venezia, Atti, 1858 59, pp. 65-81, 82-90. 61. Relazione sulle tavole d' integrali defi- niti compilate da D. Bierens de HAAN e pubbli- cate nel t'. IV. (1858) delle Memorie dell' Acca- demia d' Amsterdam. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 423-425. K K 2 BEL] 260 [BEL Bellavitis, Giusto. 62. Di alcunc memorie del LIOUVILLE intorno alle funzioni numeriche, e dal POINSOT sulla percossa massima. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 536-559. 63. Applicazione della cinematica alia cur- vatura di tuttc le trajettorie descriite dai punti di un sistema piano invariable. Veuezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 991-1004. 64. Sulla risoluzione numerica delle equa- zioni. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 1102-1108. 65. Rivista di alcuni articoli dei " Comptes Rendus " dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Francia. Interpolazione approssimata. Gene- razione spontanea. Corpi semplici. Spiriti pic- chiatori. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 1109- 1122. 66. Sulla partizione dei numeri e sul nu- mero degli invariant!. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 137-162. 67. Della materia e delle forze. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, VIII., 1859, pp. 101-134. 68. Relazioni di allineamento nei punti delle curve algebriche. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, VIIL, 1859, pp. 161-179. 69. Sposizione dei nuovi metodi di Geo- metria Analitica. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, VIII., 1859, pp. 241-390. 7O. Sul movimento istantaneo intorno ad un punto. Venezia, Atti, 1859-60, pp. 519-542. 71. Rivista di alcuni articoli dei ; ' Comptes Rendus " dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Fran- cia. Venezia, Atti, 1859-60, pp. 821-852. 72. Lettera al Prof. Barnaba TORTOLIXI. [SulP inversione delle figure.] Tortolini, An- nali, III., 1860, pp. 60-64. 73. Nota intorno ad alcune questioni di matematica pura elementare, parecchie delle quali sono proposte e non risolte nei "Nuovi Annali" del TERQUEM. Venezia, Atti, 1860, pp. 165-208. 74. Appendice alle memorie " Sulla risolu- zione numerica delle equazioni." Venezia, Mem. Istituto, IX., 1860, pp. 179-236. 75. Sunto dell' opera del SALMON, "Les- sons introductory to the modern Higher Alge- bra" (Dublin, 1859), ossia della teoria delle sos- tituzioni lineari. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, IX., 1860, pp. 237-305. 76. Calcolo dei Quarternioni di W. R. HAMILTON, e sua relazione col metodo delle equi- pollenze. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. I., 1862, pp. 126-186. Bellenghi, Albertino. Notizie sulla storia natu- rale dell' isola di Sardegna. Giorii. Arcad. LVn., 1832, pp. 60-109. Seller, P. C. Kritische Bestimmung der in REAUMUR'S " Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des Insectes" vorkommenden Lepidopteren. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 625-736. Bellermann, J. J. Bemerkungen iiber die Tulpe. namentlich ilber deren Geschichte, Vaterland, Namen und Bau, wie auch iiber die Aesthetik derselben bei den Osmanen. Berlin, Gesell. Nat, Freunde Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 57-70. 2. Versuch einer gleichformigen systema- tischen Aufstellung der Konchylien nach Klas- sen, Ordnungen und Gattungeu, mit beigefiigten deutschen Namen. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. VII., 1816, pp. 83-120 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Vermelirungsar- ten der Tulpe. [1824.] Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Verb. I., 1829, pp. 318-322. Believal, A. dc. Reflexions sur la transhumance des troupeaux en Provence. France, Congres Sclent. 1846, pp. 381-394. Bellevue, F, Bestimmung der Barometerhohe am Ufer des Meers. Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 359-361. Belli, Giuseppe. Osservazioni sulP attrazione molecolare. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1814, pp. 110-126, 169-202. 2. Sul ritorno de' vapor! allo state liquido- Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1816, pp. 206-214. 3. Sull contorno dell' ornbra dell' imo scapo della colonna. Brugnatelli, Giorn. X., 1817, pp. 287-291. 4. Di alcuni fenomeni prodotti nei moto de' liquidi dall' attrazione molecolare. Brugna- telli, Giorn. II., 1819, pp. 232-244. 5. Sul rapporto approssiinato della circon- ferenza al diametro. Brugnatelli, Giorn. III., 1820, pp. 4C9-414. 6. Sulle oscillazioni del pendolo semplice circolare. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 321-333. 7. Ricerche sul moto molecolare da' solidi, di D. PAOLI. Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1826, pp. 167-172, 322-334. 8. Di un nuovo miglioramento alle mac- chine pneumaiiche. Brugnatelli, Giorn. X., 1827, pp. 436-438. 9. [Sulle misure barometriche.] Brus- natelli, Giorn. X., 1827, pp. 467-479. 1O. Osservazioni intomo ad un particolare movimento prodotto dal calore ne' livelli a bolhi d' aria. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XX., 1829 y pp. 232-287. 11. Di una nuova maniera di macchina elettrica. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, I., 1831, pp. 111-128. 12. Riflessioni sulla legge dell' attrazione molecolare. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, II., 1832, pp. 289-297, 313-325. 13. Nuovo stromento per misurare la ten- sione del vapore. Brescia, Comment. 1833, pp. 55-59. BEL] 261 [BEL Belli, Giuseppe. 14. Sui dissiparsi piu facil- menle nell' aria commune 1' elettricita negativa che nou la positiva. Bibl. Ital. LXXXL, 1836, pp. 189-193; Bibl. Univ. V., 1836, pp. 152- 154; Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 73-74. - 15. SulF elettricita negativa delle cas- cate d' acqua. Bibl. Ital. LXXXIII., 1836, pp. 32-43; Bibl. Univ. VI., 1836, pp. 148- 155. - 16. Del dissiparsi dellc due elettricita. Brescia, Comment. 1836, pp. 62-66; 1837, pp. 132-136; Bibl. Ital. LXXXV., 1837, pp. 406- 417 ; LXXXVI., pp. 276-284 ; Bibl. Univ. XIII., 1838, pp. 196-199. - 17. Sui residui delle scariche delle bocce di Leida. Bibl. Ital. LXXXV.. 1837, pp. 417- 419. - - 18. Sopra la costituzione della scintilla elettrica. Ann. Sci. Lorab. Veneto, VIII. 1838, pp. 284-289. - 19. Di un nuovo apparecchio per le spe- rienze sull' origine dell' Elettricita Voltiana. Bibl. Ital. C., 1840, pp. 186-206 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, I., 1841, pp. 650-656. - 2O. Della distribnzione dell' elettrico ne' corpi conduttori. [1839.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXII., 1841, pp. 111-209. - 21. Intorno all' ecclisse solare dell' 8 Luglio 1842. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. II., 1842, pp. 225-233. 22. Tentative per deterrninare la quantita della luce dell' anello luminoso che si vide intoruo al disco lunare durante 1'oscurita totale dell' ecclisse dell' 8 Luglio 1 842. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. II., 1842, pp. 403-408. 23. Di alcune recent! sperienze del Signer BOUTIGNY sui fenomeni presented dai liquidi sopra i corpi solidi roventi. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. V., 1843, pp. 162-222. 24. Consideration! sui calore terrcstre. Venezia, Atti, II., 1843, pp. 276-278. 25. Intorno ai fenomeni presentati dai liquidi sopra i corpi solidi roventi. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. V., 1844, pp. 399-406. 26. Sur un nouvcl hygrometre a condensa- tion. Annal. cle Chimie, XV., 1845, pp. 506- 508. - 27. Sur les oscillations du niveau a bulle d'air. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 537-538. 28. Considerazioni sulle trombe di terra e di mare. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. VIII., 1847, pp. 204-210, 384-396. 29. Di una sperienza per imitare artificial- mente le trombe o vortici atmosferici. Milano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. VIII., 1847, pp. 571-579. 3O. Note sur les meteores aqueux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 696- 698. Belli, Giuseppe. 31. Pensieri sulla consistenza e sulla deusita della crosta solida terrestre, e su alcuni fenomeni che vi hauno relazione. Mi- lano, Istit. Lomb. Giorn. II., 1850, pp. 153-193, 289-304, 361-418 ; IX., 1856, pp. 1-78 ; Mi- lano, Istit. Lomb. Mem. III., 1852, pp. 161- 274 ; VII., 1859, pp. 3-78; Milano, Istit. Lomb. Atti, II., 1860, pp. 44-49. 32. Sulla possibilita di contrarie correnti elettriche simultanee in un medesimo filo con duttore. Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 401- 447 ; VI., 1857, pp. 81-123. 33. Proposta di un metodo per difendere i cronometri, impiegati nella navigazione, da alcune irregolarita in essi prodotte dai magne- tismo. Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 459-461. 34. Sulle induzioni elettrostatiche. Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 153-174 ; VII., 1858, pp. 97-1 12. Belli, Serqfino. Memoria sulla risoluzione dell' eqnazione trascendente a x = b. Siena, Atti Accad. IX., 1808, pp. 255-260. 2. Discorso sopra alcune dimcolta che occorrono nella triangolazione di un territorio dato a niisurarsi. Siena, Atti Accad. X., 1841, pp. 25-36. 3. Straordinaria malattia sviluppatasi per avere udito alcune armonie musicali. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. V., 1841, pp. 92-94. Belli, Tommaso. Lettera sulla scoperta dell' alabastro melleo. Giorn. Arcad. LVL, 1832, pp. 75-80. Bellieiii, -. Emploi de 1' aluminium et du bronze d'aluminium dans les instruments de precision. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 315-316. Bellier de la Chavignerie, . Note sur les chenilles de la Melitaaa maturna, de la Rho- docera rhamni et du Satyrus Dejanira. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. xii-xiii. 2. Melolontha vulgaris avec un corselet double. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, p. xviii. 3. Sur les cocons du Lucanus capreolus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. xxviii- 4. Quelques details sur la chenille de PAbrostola asclepiadis. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. IV., 1846, pp. Ixiv-lxv. 5. [Sur la chenille du Sphinx atropos.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, p. cxi. 6. Sur diverses especes d'Ichneumons. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. xxiii- xxvii. 7. Note sur la Luperina conspicillaris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. xxxiv-xxxv. 8. Rapport sur des feuilles d'olivier ron- gees par les chenilles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. li-liii. BEL] 262 [BEL Bellier de la Chavignerie, . 9. Sur la Muscardine. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. Ixv-lxx. 10. Sur les chenilles du Lycsena (Polyom- jnatus) baetica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., ] 847, pp. xciv, cv-cvi. 11. [Varietes regionales de Lepidopteres.] Observations sur un Memoire de M. PARIS. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 191- 198. 12. Observations sur un memoire de M. PARIS intitule : " De plusieurs especes de Lepidopteres devant etre considerees comme varietes de region." Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 307-312. 13. Nid de Pelopseus spirifex ou de 1'Abeille masonne (Chalicodoma muraria). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. xxxii- xxxiii, Ixxxii. 14. Sur la chenille du Sphynx tithymali. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. xlv- xlvi. 15. Rapport sur la necessite de 1'echenil- lage. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. Ixxiv-lxxvii. 16. Note sur une anomalie sexuelle obser- vee dans un Liparis dispar. [1847.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1849, pp. 173-174. 17. Anomalie curieuse [albinisme] obser- vee dans une femelle du Satyrus Janira. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. vii-viii. 18. Observations sur les Lepidopteres de 1'Auvergne. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XXIII., 1850, pp. 283-294 ; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. 73-81. 19. Sur la Numeria Donzelaria. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. xxvi- xxvii. 2O. Note sur 1'Heterogynis erotica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. Ixiv-lxv. 21. Note sur une variete du Bombyx cas- trensis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 101-102. 22. Observations sur les Lepidopteres de laLozere. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 681-695. 23. Habitat des chenilles de 1'Heliothis peltigera. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. Ixxvii-lxxviii. 24. Observations sur une Anthocharis car- damines hermaphrodite. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 325-329. 25. Note sur le Satyrus lyssa. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1853, pp. 319-321. 26. Observations sur les Lepidopteres des Basses-Alpes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. 29-49; IV., 1856, pp. 5-27; V., 1857, pp. 587-600. Bellier de la Chavignerie, . 27. Note sur les Vanessa Levana, Porima, et Prorsa. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. Ixxiv-lxxv. 28. Note sur le Satyrus Nurag. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. viii-ix. 29. Sur 1'Arge titea. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. xiii-xv. 30. Lepidopteres trouvees dans la foret de Vernon. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. xlvii-xlviii. 31. Remarque sur la faune entomologique des Basses Alpes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, p. Ixxxiii. 32. Sur 1'eclosion tardive chez les Lepidop- teres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. Ixviii-lxix. 33. Note sur les Diasemia litteralis et Ramburialis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, p. xc. 34. Observations sur quelques Lepidop- teres d'Islande. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. 5-12. 35. Description d'une noctuelle nouvelle du genre Cleophana (CI. Ferrieri). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. 13-14. 36. Note sur les caracteres specifiques de la Lithosia lacteola. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V, 1857, p. xxv. 37. Note sur des Cecidomyia fagi attaquant des hetres dans la commune de Villerzie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, p. cxvi. 38. Observations sur les Lepidopteres des Pyrenees-Orientales (Le Vernet). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 123-148. 39. Memoire sur les varietes accidentelles chez les Lepidopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 299-310. 40. Note sur FErebia arete, Fab. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 485-487. 41. Description de la chenille du Sphinx tithymali. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. 488. 42. Description de varietes de Lepidop- teres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 703-707. 43. Note sur un Lepidoptere male hybride. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. xxix. 44. Note sur une variete de Bombyx quer- cus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. Ixxxii. 45. Note sur une eclosion tardive de 1'Anthocaris simplonia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xc-xci. 46. [Note sur des chenilles de 1'Orgyia aurolimbata], Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xcvii-xcviii. 47. Description d'une Noctuelle nouvelle (Agrotis celsicola). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. ccliii. BEL] 263 [BEL Bellier de la Chavignerie, . 48. Note sur 1'Acidalia pallidata, Wien- Verz. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. 111-113. - 49. Observations sur les Lepidopteres des Basses-Alpes aux environs de Larche. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. 177-200. 50. Sur le resultat de ses cliasses entomo- logiques en Sicile. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. Ixxxv-lxxxviii, cxv-cxvii, cxxvi-cxxvii. 51. Note sur des cocons de Saturnia car- pini remarquables par 1'abondance de soie dont ils sont entoures. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, p. clxix. 52. Description de 1'Agrotis occidentalis, Var. de 1'Agr. molothina, Esp. Engr. ; Ericas, Boisd. ; Velum, Her. Schceff, Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, I860. pp. 665-666. 53. Observations sur la faune entomolo- gique de la Sicile. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. 667-741. 54. Sur le resultat de ses chasses entomo- logiques en Corse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. Ixx-lxxiii; L, 1861, pp. xxi- xxiii ; III., 1863, pp. xlix-1. 55. Sur quelques Coleopteres de 1'ile de Corse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. Ixxxii-lxxxiii. 56. Note sur plusieurs Ichneumons etran- Bellier de la Chavignerie, 66. Note gers a. la Faune parisienne. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, p. Ixxxix. 57. Hybride provenant de 1'accouplement des Saturnia pyri et S. spini. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, p. xciv. 58. Description de trois Lepidopteres nouveaux de 1'fle de Corse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 29-30. 59. Note sur un Lepidoptere hermaphro- dite (Chelonia Latreillei). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 31-32. 6O. Description de trois Lepidopteres nou- veaux d'Espagne. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 127-129. 61. Lepidopteres nouveaux et chenillo observes en Corse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 379-380. 62. Varietes nouvelles de Lepidopteres observes en Corse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 615-616. 63. Chasses entomologiques tant en Corse que dans File de Sardaigne. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. xxiii-xxvi. 64. Description de trois Lepidopterea Europeens nouveaux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 419-422. 65. Hybride provenant de 1'accouplement des Smerinthus ocellata et S. populi. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, p. v. sur des varietes noires de la Geometra betularia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, p. viii. 67. Trois varietes accidentelles de Lepi- dopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, p. lii. Bellinger!, Carlo Francesco. Esperienze ed osservazioni sul Galvanismo. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXHL, 1818, pp. 143-192. 2. Sull' elettricita del sangue nelle malat- tie. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 107-140 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, p. 189. 3. Sull' elettricita dei liquidi minerali. [1816.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 141-159. 4. Memoria sull' elettricita dell' oriua. [1819.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 459-478. 5. Sulla proprieta elettrica dei solid! animali. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXV., 1820, pp. 1-12. 6. De medulla spinali nervisque ex ea prodeuntibus. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVIIL, 1824, pp. 123-250; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 180-183. 7. Experimenta in nervorum antagonis- mum. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXX., 1826, pp. 35-44. 8. Experimenta physiologica in medullam spinalem. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXX., 1826, pp. 293-313. 9. In electricitatem sanguinis, urinae, et bilis animalium experimenta. [1826.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXI., 1827, pp. 295-318 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XIX., 1828, col. 177-183. 1O. Osservazioni e reclame sopra alcuni punti dell' esperienze fatte da C. G. SCHOEPF. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XL VIL, 1828, pp. 196-209. 11. In electricitatem salivas, muci, et puris simplicis et contagiosi experimenta. [1 827.] To- rino, Mem. Accad. XXXIIL, 1829, pp. 199-230. 12. Sull' antagonismo nei nervi dell' iride. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXX., 1834, pp. 582-589. 13. Sulla struttura e posizione degli organi dell' udito e della vista nei principal! generi dei Mammiferi. [1837.] Torino, Mem. Accad. L, 1839, pp. 103-122. 14. [Sulle funzioni della vescica aerea de' pesci.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1841, pp. 388-389. 15. Anatomia di tina Foca vitulina. [1846.] Torino, Mem. Accad. IX., 1848, pp. 651-664. 16. Del peso assoluto e relative dei visceri negli animali vertebrati, con deduzioni fisio- patologiche. [1844.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XI., 1851, pp. 21-182. 17. Delia fecondita e della proporzione dei sessi, etc. See Reports by CORNELIANI ( (?.) and FLOURENS (M. J. P.). BEL] 264 [BEL Bellingham, G'Bryen. On the frequency of the presence of the Trichocephalus dispar in the human intestines. Dublin Journ. Med. Chein. Sci. XII., 1838, pp. 341-347 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1839, col. 161-166, 180-184; Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., p. 10. 2. On the genus to which the Worms known by the name of Ascarides belong. Dub- lin Journ. Med. Chern. Sci. XIV., 1839, pp. 85-87. 3. Catalogue of the Errtozoa indigenous to Ireland, with observations. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 343-351; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 101-105, 167-174. 254-260, 335-340, 422-430; XIV., pp. 162-165, 251-256, 317- 323, 396-401, 471-479. 4. Description of a specimen of the Ortha- goriscus mola (Sun Fish), caught off the Irish Coast in June 1839. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 235-241. 5. Short description of a Bottle-nose Whale stranded upon the coast of the co. Louth in the autumn of 1840. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 414-415. Bellingham, W. On the periodic return of a tide of vapour. [1862.] Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. L, 1863, pp. 110-111. Bellini, Ranieri. Del meno dubbio carattere or- ganico della fibrina del sangue. Firenze, II Tempo, IV., 1860, pp. 1-17. Bellion, . Note sur la methode des isoperi- metres. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 27-28. 2. Theoremes sur les Normales dans les coniques. Nouv. Ann. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 231 -232. Bellmont, 0. Die neueren Verhandlungen iiber die Ovarialcysten. Schweizer. Monatschrift Prak. Med. II., 1857, pp. 119-126, 149-156 179-189. 2. Die hervorragenden Schwefelquellen des Cantons Bern und ihre Vergleichung. Schweizer. Monatschrift Prak. Med. II., 1 857, pp. 237-252. Belloni, . Do la formation de 1'acide muria- tique oxigene avec la pile de VOLTA. Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 48-52. Bellot, J. Expedition Arctique a la recherche de Sir John FRANKLIN. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. IV., 1852, pp. 315-323. 2. Expedition a la recherche de Sir J. FRANKLIN, commandee par W. KENNEDY. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. V., 1853, pp. 73-86. Bellynck, A. Catalogue des cryptogames obser- vees dans les environs de Namur. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIX., 1852, pp. 45-81. Below, v. Bericht iiber die gegliickte Boh- rung eines artesischcn Brunnens zu Hohendorf in Ostpreussen bei Elbing, zur Vermehrung der Betriebskraft einer Wassermiihle. Annal. Land- wirths. VI., 1845, pp. 54-59. Belozerow, L T eber die Affinirung des os- mium-iridiumhaltigen Goldes. Dingier, Poly- teclm. Journ. CXLVL, 1857, pp. 47-52. Belpaire, Sur les changemens que la cote d'Anvers a Boulogne a subis, tant a 1'intc-rieur qu'a 1'exterieur, depuis la conquete de Cesar jusqu'a nos jours. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. VL, 1827. Belpaire et Quetelet. Sur les observations des Marees faites en 1835, en differens points des cotes de Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Nouv. Mem. XL, 1838. Belpaire, Alphonsc. Eecherches expi'rimentales et donnees pratiques sur la resistance des ma- teriaux employes dans les constructions. Belg. Annal. Trav. Publ. VIL, 1848, pp. 399-458. Belt, Thomas. An inquiry into the origin of whirlwinds. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 47- 53. Beltheim, . Uebersicht von dem Umfange des Distrikts desNeidersachsisch-Thiiringiscaeu Ober-Berg-Amts, und Bernerkungen iiber die wichtigsten Gegenstitnde seiner Verwaltung. Karsten, Arcluv f. Bergbau, II., 1820, pp. 1-34. Beltrami, . Sur un lezard bicephale. Bibl. Univ. XLVIL, 1831, pp. 219-221. Beltrami, Cesare. Della genesi della fibrina e del suo aumento nelle malattie flogistiche. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXIV., 1845, pp. 56-75. 2. Considerazioni ematologiche. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXXIV., 1847, pp. 367-396. 3. Studii sulla cotenna del sangue. Omo- die, Ann. Univ. CXLIIL, 1852, pp. 5-72, 225- 321, 4. Dell' espressione sintomatica della co- tenna, Polli, Ann. di Chhu. XXL, 1855, pp. 301-312. Beltrami, Eiigenio. Intorno alle coniche di nove punti e ad alcune quistioni die ne dipen- dono. Bologna, Mem. Accad. II., 1862, pp. 361-395 ; Bologna, Kendiconto, 1862-63, pp. 82-85. 2. Soluzione d' un problema relative alle superficie di second' online. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. L, 1863, pp. 68-73. 3. Sulle coniche di nove punti. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. L, 1863, pp. 109-118. 4. Sulle equazioni algebriche. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. L, 1863, pp. 123-124. 5. Estenzione allo spazio di tre dimension! dei teoremi relativi alle coniche di nove punti. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I, 1863, pp. 208-217, 354-360. Belval, Tk. Note sur une variete de Seraiotus, etablissant la transition entre le Sem. sanguini- collis et le Sem. suturalis. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1861, pp. 95-97. BEL] 265 [BEN Belval, Th. 2. Note sur 1'I.xodes Poortmani, Lucas. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1861, pp. 97-101. 3. Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Echinide appartenant au genre Encope, Ag. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1863, pp. 419- 423. Bemiss, S. M. On the evil effects of marriages of consanguinity. N. Amer. Med. Chir. Rev. I., 1857, pp. 97-107. 2. On marriages of consanguinity. Psy- chol. Med. Journ. X., 1857, pp. 368-379. 3. Report on influence of marriages of *. consanguinity upon offspring. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. XI., 1858, pp. 319-425. Bemmelen, A. van. Reeherches sur la vraie cause de 1'inflammation du phospliore dans le vide de la machine pneumatique. Journ. de Phys. LVII., 1803, pp. 235-245 ; Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 268-278. Bemmelen, J. M. van. Ueber die Einwirkung der Bernsteinsaure und Citronensiiure auf Gly- cerin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 84-100. 2. Over de verhouding van Glycerine, Mannitane, en Glucose tegenover twee- en drie basische zuren. Mulder, Schiek. Verhand. II., 1859, pp. 1-29. Benati, G., e L. Gastaldon. Locomozione sui piani inclinati a galleggiante ; propulsore nuovo sistema idraulico. Nuovo Cimento, IV., 1856, pp. 35-41. Benard, . Angeborene Missbildung der Wirbelsaule zweier Fiillen. (Transl.) Heusin- ger, Zeitschr. I., 1827, pp. 244-246. Benard, . Boisson alcoolique extraite des tiges seches d'Helianthe tubereux (vulgairement Topinambour). Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 463-465. Benard, . Note sur une question de pro- babilites. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Journ. XV. (cah. 24), 1835, pp. 264-278. Benard, . Etudes sur une derivation des eaux du Rhone, destinee a arroser les plaines de la rive gauche et a subvenir a 1'approvisionne- ment et a 1'assainissement de Lyon et des villes suburbaines. Lyon, Agric. Soc. Annal. V., 1853, pp. 382-411. Benard, Capt. Rapport sur son voyage sur 1'Ocean Pacifique, tant au golfe de Californie qu'aux cotes du Perou et du Chili. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVI., 1831, pp. 36-39. Benczur, Tanos. [Meteorological fragments.] Bu- dan, Tudomanytar, VII., pp. 157-169, 236-238. Bender, W. Ueber die Steuerung der Locomo- tiven. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CL, 1846, pp. 170-179. Bendiscioli, Giuseppe. Alcuni cenni sull' Acri- dium, sulla sua straor din aria moltiplicazione, e sui danni che arreca alle campagne del comune di Poggio nella provincia di Mantova. Bibl. Ital. XXXIX., 1825, pp. 241-248. 2. Monografia dei Serpenti della provincia di Mantova. Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1826, pp. 413-438 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 133-134. 3. Osservazioni su la Sardella del Benaco. Brescia, Comment. 1828, pp. 116-118. 4. Sui carbone del frumento. Brescia, Comment. 1829, pp. 56-60. 5. Della Falena dispari. Brescia, Comment. 1829, pp. 87-94. 6. Dell' Agave Mexicana, Lam. Brescia, Comment. 1862, pp. 182-186. Bendiscioli, Giuseppe, e P. Lanfossi. Notizia sopra alcuni rari uccelli comparsi ultimamente nel lago intorno alia citta di Mantova. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII, 1825, pp. 214-218. Bendz, Henrik. Anatomisk Undersogelse af den Jacobsonske Anastomose og Ganglion Arnoldi. Kjobenhavn, Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Afh. VI., 1837, pp. 71-96, 129-144. 2. Ueber die Orbitalhaut bei den Haus- saugethieren. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 196 200. 3. Jagttagelse om Forplantelsen af en Cys- ticercus og af Coenurus. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1842, pp. 73-76 ; Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 813-815. 4. Bidrag til den sammenlignende Ana- tomie af Nervus glossopharyngeus, vagus, acces- sorius Willisii og hypoglossus hos Reptilierne. Kjobenhavn, Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Afh. X., 1843, pp. 113-152. 5. Bemaerkninger over Tasndernes Bygning hos Pattedyr. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1844, pp. 66-71. 6. Afhandling om Aaresystemets alminde- lige Anatomie. Kjobenhavn, Oversigt, 1845, pp. 74-76. Benecke, Friedr. Beschreibung des Glimmer- kupfers. Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 333-334. Beneden, P. J. van. Memoire sur le Dreissena, nouveau genre de la famille des Mytilacees, avee 1'anatomie et description de deux especes. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool,.\ 1835, pp. 193-213. 2. Sur la Dreissena polymorpha. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 25-26, 44-47. 3. Sur le siege du gout dans la Carpe. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 103- 107; L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 180-181. 4. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Dreis- sena [D. Africana], Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 166-174 ; L'lustitut, III., 1835, pp. 206-207. L L BEN] 260 [BEN Beneden, P. J. ran. 5. Memoire sur I'anutomie d>' Hlclix alsrira. Bruxelle.-. Acad. Sei. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 376-379 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, V. (Zoo/.), 1836, pp. 278-288. 6. Rcsultats d'un voyage fait sur le bord de la Mediterranee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, p. 230. 7. Sur un organe corne particulier, trouvc dans la bourse du pourpre d'une nouvelle esipece de Parmacella. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 92-95. 8. Sur nne particularite dans 1'appareil de la generation de 1'Helix aspersa. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 418-420. 9. Caracteres specifiques des grands tires de la conformation de 1'oreille osseuse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 400-401 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zoo/.), 1836, pp. 158-159. 1O. Description du double systeme nerveux dans le Limneus glutinosus. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zoo/.), 1837, pp. 112-115; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 15-19; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XI., 1838; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1838, col. 19-21 ; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 841-842. 11. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Dreissena [D. cyanea], et observa- tions sur le systeme nerveux de ces mollusques. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zoo/.), 1837, pp. 126-128 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 41-46. 12. Sur le Mytilua polymorphus. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 141-146 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, IV., 1838, p. 376. 13. Quelques points obscurs de 1'anatomie des Pneumodermes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 85-90; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zoo/.), 1838, pp. 191-192. 14. Sur une nouvelle espece de singe d'Afrique [Colobus verus]. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 344-348. 15. Memoire sur 1'Argonaute. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XL, 1838. 16. Recherches anatomiques sur le Pneu- modermon violaceum, If Orb. [1837.] Miiller, Arcbiv, 1838, pp. 296-304; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XL, 1838. 17. Exercices zootomiques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XII.. 1839 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VL, 1839, pp. 294-295. 18. Sur les Polypes d'eau douce. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839 (pte. 2), pp. 276-279; VIL, 1840 (pte. 2), pp. 163-164; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Zoo/.), 1840, pp. 222- 224 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIL, 1841, col. 214- 216. 19. Sur le developpemeut des Aplysies. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIL, 1840 (pte. 2), pp. 239-245 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zoo/.), 1841, pp. 123-128. Beneden, P. J. rrni. 2O. Suv la structure de 1'ceuf dans un nouveau genre de Polype (genn- Hydractinie). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1841, pp. 89-93. 21. Recherches sur I'embryogenie des Se- pioles. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XIV., 1841 ; Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 534-535. 22. Sur la Limacina arctica. Bruxelle?, Acad. Sci. Mem. XIV., 1841. 23. Sur les differents modes de reproduc- tion dans la famille des Tubulaires. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 110-126. 24. Memoire sur les Campanula] res de la cote d'Ostende, consideres sous le rapport physio- logique, embryogenique, et zoologique. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zoo/,.), 1843, pp. 350-370; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843, pp. 146- 149 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVIL, 1844 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXL, 1844, col. 17-25, 33- 42. 25. Sur I'embryogenie des Tubulaires, et 1'histoire naturelle des different^ genres de cette famille, qui habitent la cote d'Ostende. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1843 (pte. 2), pp. 414-416 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVIL, 1844. 26. Note sur 1'oreille externe de quelques oiseaux de proie nocturnes. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. I., 1843, pp. 121-124. 27. Sur les genres Eleutherie et Synhydre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 305-314 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV.. 1845, pp. 244-250; Revue Zool. 1844, pp. 429-431; 1845, pp. 172-174; L'Institut, XIIL, 1845, pp. 153-154. 28. Sur le sexe des Anodontes et la significa- tion des Spermatozoaires. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci . Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 377-385; Oken, Isis, 1848, pp. 1019-1020. 29. Histoire naturelle du Crinomorpha, nouveau genre de la classe des Bryozoaires, de la cote d'Ostende. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844 (pte. 2), pp. 385-386. 30. Sur la circulation dans les animaux inferieurs. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 109-115; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV.. 1845, col. 1-5; XXXVIL, 1846, col. 65-73 ;. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 517- 521; L'Institut, XIIL, 1845, pp. 271-272; XIV., 1846, pp. 4-8 ; Oken, Isis, 1848, col. 1022-1023. 31. Recherches sur la circulation dans quelques animaux inferieurs. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 496-514. 32. Recherches sur 1'anatomie, la physio- logie, et le developpement des Bryozaires qui habitent la cote d'Ostende. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. M&n. XVIIL, 1845 ; XIX., 1845. BEN] 267 [BEN Beneden, P. J. van. 33. Recherches sur 1' or- ganisation des Laguncula. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVIII., 1845. 34. Remarques a la lettre de M. de QUA- TEEFAGKS, sur les genres Eleutherie et Synhydre. L'Institut, XIIL, 1845, pp. 168-169. 35. Sur 1'embryogenie, I'anatomie, et la physiologic des Ascidies simples, etc. Bruxelles, Bull. Ac;:d. Sci. XIIL, 1846, pp. 76-86, 225 ; Bruxelles, Aead. Sci. Mem. XX., 1847 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII.. 1846, pp. 248-254 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1846, col. 224-232 ; L'In- stitut, XIV., 1846, pp. 265-267. 36. Sur deux Cetaces fossiles provenaut du bassin d'Anvers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1846, pp. 257-261. 37. Rapport sur le me moire du Docteur VEi;nAE<;iu; : "Recherches sur la cause de la phosphorescence de la mer dans les parages d'Ostende." Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL (pte. 2), 1846, pp. 3-16. 38. Un mot sur le mode de reproduction des aniiuaux inferieurs. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1847, pp. 448-462 ; Froriep, No- tizen, V., 1848, col. 193-198; Oken, Isis, 1848. col. 229-231 ; Silliman, Jourii. V., 1848, pp. 280-281. 33. Sur les polypes Bryozoaires de la Mer du Nord. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1848, pp. 67-82. 40. Recherches sur 1'organisation et le developpement des Linguatules (Pentastoma, Hud.), suivies de la description d'une espece nouvelle provenant d'un Mandrill. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 69-70 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.), 1848, pp. 89-90; XL, 1849, pp. 311-348 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV.. 1848, pp. 188-190 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXIIL, 1849 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIL, 1848, col. 71-72. 41. Sur le developpement et 1'organisation des Nicothoes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1848 (pte. 2), pp. 386-390 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 165-167 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXIV., 1850; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIIL (Zool.), 1850, pp. 354-377. 42. Sur les Bryozaires fluviatiles de Bel- gique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXL, 1848. 43. Note sur le developpement des Tetra- rhynques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL. 1849, pp. 156-157 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1849, pp. 44-51 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 13-18; Froriep, Notizeu, X., 1849, col. 113-117. 44. Sur un nouveau genre d'Helminthe cestoide [Echinobothriura]. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1849, pp. 182-193 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 42-46. Beneden, P. J. van. 45. Les Helcciuthes Ces- toides, consideres sous le rapport de leurs meta- morphoses, de leur composition anatomique, et de leur classification, et mention de quelques especes nouvelles de nos poissons Plagiostomes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 269-282 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col! 241-246. 46. Sur les Bryozoaires de la mer du Nord, et projet d'une classification des aniuiaux de ce groupe. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI. 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 644-658. 47. Les Vers Cesto'ides, consideres sous le rapport physiologique, embryogenique, et zoo- classique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVII., 1850, pp. 102-108 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXV., 1850 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 42-46 ; L'Institut, XIX., 1851, pp. 207- 208 ; Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1851, pp. 106-109. 48. Sur deux larves d'Echiuodermes de la cote d'Ostende. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIL, 1850, pp. 508-515; L'Institut, XVIIL, 1850, pp. 276-277. 49. Recherches sur 1'histoire naturelle et le developpement de 1'Atax ypsilophora (Hy- drachna concharum), acaride vivant en parasite sur les Anodontes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXIV., 1850. 5O Recherches sur quelques Crustaces in- ferieurs. Ann. Sci. Nat, XVI. (Zool.), 1851, pp. 71-131. 51. Lettre relative u 1'histoirc des Vers Cestoides. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1851, pp. 309-330. 52. Sur un nouveau Nemertien [Dino- philus] de la cote d'Ostende. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIIL, 1851, pp. 15-23; L'Insti- tut, XIX., 1851. pp. 211-213. 53. Sur un Crustace parasite nouveau, avec I'enumeration des especes de cette classe qu'on observe sur lee poissons du littoral de Belgique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVHL, 1851, pp. 286-290. 54. Rapport sur la "Description des or- ganes de la generation chez le Macropus Ben- netti," par C. POELMAKN. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVIIL, 1851, pp. 579-580. 55. Sur le Lernaaouema Musteli. L'In- stitut, XIX., 1851, pp. 28.5-286. 56. Un mot au sujet du developpement des Tetrarhynques. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 83-87. - 57. Sur quelques parasites d'uu poisson rare sur nos cotes (le Maigre d'Europe, Scisena aquila, Cuv.). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIX., 1852 (pte. 3), pp. 98-109. 58. Sur un nouveau genre de crustace parasite de la famille des Peltocephales. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIX., 1852 (pte. 3), pp. 462-467. L L 2 BEN] 268 [BEN Beueden, P. J. can. 59. Note suv 1'appareil circulatoire des Trematodes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zoo/.), 1852, pp. 23-33 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIX., 1852, pp. 573-588. 6O. Nouvelles observations sur le de- veloppement des vers Cesto'ides. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zoo/.), 1853, pp. 318-320; Paris, Comptes Rendus,- XXXVII., 1853, pp. 788-789; XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 692-693. 61. Rapport sur 1'Histoire Naturelle du Tubifex rivulorum de M. UDEKEM. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, pp. 6-10. 62. La generation alternante et la di- genese. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, pp. 10-22. 63. Sur un genre nouveau de la tribu des Caligiens (genre Kroyeria, Van Ben.). Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, pp. 23-30. 64. Sur un nouveau genre de crustace para- site, Eudactylina. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, pp. 235-239. 65. Sur un nouveau genre de crustace parasite (Pagodina). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX,, 1853, pp. 482-486. 66. Sur une dent de phoque fossile du crag d'Anvers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853, (pte. 2), pp. 255-257. 67. Sur un poisson rare de nos cotes (Scimnus glacialis) et ses parasites. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pfc.2), pp. 258-263 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 236-237. 68. Sur une apparition de vers [Mermis nigrescens] apres une pluie d'orage. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 317- 322; XXIII., 1856, pp. 3-4. 69. Espece nouvelle du genre Onchocotyle, vivant sur les branchies du Scimnus glacialis. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 59-68. 70. Sur une larve d'Annelide d'une forme tout particuliere, rapportee avec doute aux Serpules. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 69-72. 71. Sur la symetrie des poissons Pleuro- nectes, dans leur jeune age. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull, XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 205-210 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zoo/.), 1853, pp. 340-342. 72. Sur 1'eclosion du Tsenia dispar, et la maniere dont les embryons de Cesto'ides pene- trent a travers les tissus, se logent dans les organes creux, et peuvent meme passer de la mere au foetus. Bruxelles, Acad. .Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 3), pp. 287-297; L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 136-138. 73. Rapport sur deux memoires de Jules UDEKEM et N. LIEBERKUHN : 1. Developpe- ment du Lombrie terrestre ; et 2. Evolution des Gregarines. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX. (pte. 3), 1853, pp. 356-387. Beueden, P. J. van. 74. Sur 1'appareil sexuel des Cesto'ides. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXI., 1854, pp. 168-169. 75. Note sur des experiences relatives au developpement des Cysticerques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, p. 692; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zoo/.), 1854, p. 104. 76. Notice sur un nouveau genre de Si- phonostome (genre Congericole) habitant les branchies du Congre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXI. (pte. 2), 1854, pp. 583-589. 77. Sur le Ccenure cerebral du mouton. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXI., 1854, pp. 306- 308; (pte. 2), pp. 15-20; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 234-237. 78. Rapport sur des observations de M. KUCHENMEISTER relatives a la Linguatula ferox. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zoo/.), 1854, pp. 380-382. 79. Sur le developpement des Coenures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 46- 48 ; L'Institut, XXII., 1854, pp. 336, 346. 8O. Sur les organes sexuels des huitres. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXII., 1855, pp. 252-253 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 547-548. 81. Rapport sur les observations de M. KtiCHENMEisTER relatives a la Linguatula ferox. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXII., 1855, pp. 4-10 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zoo/.), 1855, pp. 380-382. 82. Rapport sur la nouvelle classification des Annelides, par M. d'UoEKEM. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXH., 1855, pp. 477-479. 83. Sur les vers parasites du poisson-lune (Orthagoriscus mola) et le Cecrops Latreillii, qui vit sur ses branchies. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXH., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 520-527. 84. Sur le Tcenia medio-canellata. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIII., 1856, pp. 258- 259. 85. Sur un Trematode nouveau du Maigre d'Europe [Epibdella sciasuae]. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIII., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 502-507. 86. Sur 1'Octobothrium du Merlan et sur 1'Axine de 1'Orphie. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIIL, 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 643-653. 87. Sur un Lernanthrope nouveau [Ler- nanthropus Petersi] du Serranus goliath. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1857, pp. 51-63. 88. Sur un nouveau Dinemoure [D. elon- gata] provenant du Scimnus glacialis. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1857, pp. 226-234. 89. Sur une baleine prise pres de 1'ile Vlie- land, et dont le squelette est monte au Jardin Royal de Zoologie d'Anvers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I,, 1857, pp. 390-403. BEN] 269 [BEN Beneden, P. J. can. 90. Sin- 1'oreillc interne des mammiferes. Sur la reproduction des Echinocoques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1857, pp. 497-498 ; II., 1857, p. 340 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 287-288. 91. Sur quelques Pentastomes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1857, pp. 29-32. 92. Un nouveau poisson du littoral de Belgique (Petromyzon Omalii). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1857, pp. 549-554. 93. Histoire naturelle du genre Capitella de Blainvillc ou du Lumbriconais d' Oersted, comprenant la structure anatomique, le deve- loppement, et les caracteres exterieurs. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1857, pp. 137-162; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, p. 287. 94. Un mot sur la penetration des sperm ato- zoides dans 1'oeuf pendant 1'acte de la feconda- tion. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1858, pp. 312-314; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1851, p. 858. 95. Sur unc nouvelle espece de Distome, le geant de sa famille, habitant le foie d'une baleine, nominee Distoma goliath, Van Ben. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 95-97. 96. Histoire naturelle d'un animal nou- veau, designe sous le nom d'Histriobdella. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 270-303. 97. Sur un Annelide cephalobranche sans soles, designe sous le nom de Crepina. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 450-465; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zool}, 1858, pp. 11-23. 98. De I'homme et de la perpetuation des especes dans les rangs inferieurs du regne animal. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 577-620 ; L'Institut, XXVII., 1859, pp. 125 -130, 133-136, 141-144, 148-152, 157-163. 99. Researches on Intestinal Worms. (Transl.) Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 343- 353. 100. Note sur la strobilation des Scyphi- stomes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1859, pp. 451-459 ; Ann. Nat. Hist, V.. 1860, p. 504 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool.}, 1859, pp. 154-159. 1O1. La Tortue franche (Chelonia midas) dans la mer du Nord, ses commensaux et ses parasites. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 71-86. 102. Sur la decouverte d'ossements fossiles, faite a Saint-Nicolas. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIIL, 1859, pp. 123-146. 1O3. Note sur un Cetace trouve mort en mer. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIIL, 1859, pp. 312-314. 104. Observations relatives a"la reproduc- tion de divers zoophytes et a la transformation du Trichina spiralis en Trichocephalus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 452-453 ; Ann. Nat. Hist, III., 1859, pp. 343-353. Beneden, P. J. van. 105. Un nouveau genre de Crustace lerneen. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1860, pp. 151-160. 1O6. Sur le developpement de la queue des poissons Plagiostomes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1861, pp. 293-298 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 124-128. 1O7. Un mammifere nouveau du crag d'Anvers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1861, pp. 22-28. 1O8. La cote d'Ostende et les fouilles d'An- vers. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1861, pp. 453-483. 1O9. Recherches sur la Faune littorale de Belgique : Cetaces. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIL, 1861. 110. Recherches sur la Faune littorale de Belgique : Turbellaries. [I860.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIL, 1861. Ill . Recherches sur les Crustaces du lit- toral de Belgique. [I860.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIIL, 1861. 112. Sur le Rhytina Stelleri. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1862, pp. 340-341. 113. Reflexions a propos de restes de Cetaces et d'autres animaux fossiles trouves sur la cote d'Ostende et pres d'Anvers. L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 185-191, 193-198. 114. Transformation des Entozoaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1157- 1160. 115. Migration des Entozoaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 132-133 ; Journ. Microsc. Soc. II., 1862, pp. 270-272. Beneden, P. J. van, et Bumortier. Histoire naturelle des Polypes composes d'eau douce. [1842.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVI., 1843. Beneden, P. J. van, et P. Gervais. Sur les Malacozoaires du genre Sepiole. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 421-430. 2. Sur le genre Sepiole. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839, pp. 38-41. Beneden, P. J. van, et C. E. Hesse. Recher- ches sur les Bdellodes (hirudinees) et les Trematodes marins. [1862.] Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIV, 1864. Beneden, P. J. van, et Morren. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. VERLOREN sur la circulation dans les Insectes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1844, pp, 294-301. Beneden, P. J. van, et Hobb. Note sur deux especes nouvelles d'Aplysies [A. Brugnatelli et Webbii]. Mag. de Zool. 1836 (cl. v. pi. 77) ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, 1835, p. 230. Beneden, P. J. van, et Webb. Notice sur les Mollusques du genre Parrnacella de Cuvier, et description d'une nouvelle espece de ce genre. Mag. de Zool. 1836 (cl. v. pi. 75, 76 J. BEN! 270 [BEN Benedea, P. J. ran, et C. Windischmann. Sur }.e developpement de la Limace grise (Limax agrestis, Linn.). Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 286-296 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zoo/.), 1838, pp. 366-370. 2. Rechcrches sur I'Embryogenie des Limaces. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 176- 195. Benedict, On the sections of a plane. with the solids formed by the revolution of the conic sections about axes situated in their planes. Silliman, Journ. XXXL, 1837, pp. 258-266. Benedict, A. On the vegetation of the Ottawa and some of its tributaries. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 349-352. Benedict, F. N. A method of determining the temperature of the mercury in a siphon barome- ter, from the observed upper and lower readings ; and of testing the accuracy of the instrument. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 250-265. Benedict, G. W. Notice of a brilliant Meteor seen at Burlington, Vt., on the evening of April 14. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, p. 120. Benedikt, Moriz. Ueber die Aenderungen des Magnetismus unter dem Einflusse elektrischer Vertheilunsr. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIII., 1857, pp. 148-154. 2. Ueber die Abhangigkeit des elektrisch- en Leitvmgswiderstandes von tier Grosse und Dauer des Stromes. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 589-599. Benedix, Angelus. Versuche die elastische Kraft des Quecksilber-dampfs bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zu messen. Poggend. Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 632-647. Benedix, E. Ueber ein selbstziindendes Phos- phorgemisch. Schweigger, Journ. LX. (= Jahrb. XXX.), 1830, pp. 129-133. Beneke, F. W. Ueber den phosphorsiiuren Kalk, in physiologischer und therapeutischer Beziehung. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, VII., 1848, pp. 415-440 ; Deutsch. Naturf. VersammL Ber. 1852, pp. 229-231 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXII., 1856, pp. 33-37. 2. Statistische Uebersicht der in den Hauptverpflegungsanstalten Londons vor- schriftsmassig eingehaltenen Diaten, mit einer Berechnung des Verhiiltnisses der genossenen stickstoffhaltigen und stickstofffreien Substan- zen. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XII., 1853. pp. 409-429. 3. Studien zur Urologie. Archiv Wiss. Beneke, F. W. 4. Delle indica/ioni ra/ionali della curu col siero di latte. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XVIIL, 1854, pp. 173-184, 305-313, 342-353 ; XIX., 1854, pp. 229-242, 291-304. 5. Bemerkungen zu vorstehendem Aufsatz : " Zur Wiirdigung der phosphorsiiuren Erden." Archiv Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 451-463. 6. Entgegnung auf den Aufsatz des Herrn Prof. RADICKE, "Ueber den Werth und die Bedeutung arithmetischer Mittel," c. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, II., 1858, pp. 550-570. 7. Ein letzter Wort an Heirn RADICKE in Bonn. Roser u. Wunderlicb, Archiv, III., 1859, pp. 566-568. 8. Ueber das Verhalten des Pulses und Heilk. I., 1854, pp. 391-478, 571-604; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XX., 1855, pp. 111-118, 180- 193. der Respiration beim Gebrauche des warmen Soolbades. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV., 1860. pp. 127-158. 9. Ueber die Nicht- Identitat von Knor- pel- Knochen- und Bindegewebe. Archiv Wiss. Heilk. IV, 1860, pp. 369-429. Beneke, G. M. A'. Cholesterin im Pflanzenreich aufgefunden. Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862. pp. 249-255. 2. Dimorphic und Lb'slichkeitsverhiiltnisse des Cholesterins. Liebig, Annal. CXXVII., 1863, pp. 105-107. Beneke, Wilhclm. On the physiology and pathology of phosphate mid oxalate of lime, and their relation to the formation of cells. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1850, pp. 979-980. Benekea, F. Bemerkungen zu Sagina und iiber einen neueu deutschen Bromus. Botan. Zeitung, III., 1845, col. 721-725 ; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette. I., 1849, pp. 85-91. Benemann, . Drei Analysen des Stasfurter Steinsalzes. Halle, Zeitschr. XL, 1858, pp. 345-347. Benet, . De 1'origine et des mceurs des Sicks. Paris, Soc. Ethnol. Mem. L, 1841, pp. 250-284. Bengieser, . Ueber die Darstelluug und das Verhalten der Ueber-jodsaure. Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 254-260 ; Journ. dc Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 554-558. Benicken, . Beitrage zur Naturgeschichtc einiger Wasservogel. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. III., 1812, pp. 137-146. Benicken, . Beitrage zur nordischen Orni- thologie. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 877-891. Benjamin, Ludwig. Neue Gattungen und Arten der Utricularieen, nebst einer neueu Eintheilung der Gattung Utricularia. Linnasa, XX., 1847, pp. 299-320. 2. Lentibulariefe. Linnaea, XX., 1847. pp. 485-498. 3. Zur Verbreitung des elastischen Gewe- bes. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 239-241. BEN] 271 [BEN Benjamin, Ludwiy. 4. Uober den Bau und die Physiologic der Utricularieen. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 1-5, 17-23,45-50, 57-61, 81-86. 5. Bemcrkungen liber das Genus Benjami- nia, Mart. (Quinquelobus, Benjamin Mss.} Botan. Zeitung-, VII., 1849, col. 147-149. 6. Morphologische Entwickelungsgesch- ichte des Blattes von Aesculus Hippocastanum. Botau. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 449-455, 465-469. 7. Zur Phyllogenese. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 871-876, 889-894. 8. Ueber intrapetiolare Knospenbildung. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 201-208, 217-227. Benkert, J. R. Bemei'kungen liber eine gesunde Luft und dereii vortheilhaften Einfluss auf den thierischen Organismus, nebst zweimaliger Beo- bachtung der Lungenseuche beim Eindvieh. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. II., 1831 (Hft. 4), pp. 55-72. Bennati, Francesco. Sur le mecanisme de la voix humaine pendant le chant. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. X., 1830, pp. 197-215 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIIL, 1831, pp. 32-58 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, XX VII., 1830, col. 241-243 ; XXXII., 1832, col. 33-40, 52-56 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, p. 185. Bezmer, . Etude de Pindigo vert de Chine. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1853-54, pp. 90-92. Bennet, Jan Arnold. Verhandeling over de nuttigheid van de beoeffening der Natuurlijke Historic voor de Jeugd. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. II., 1804 (2 de St.\ pp. 1-158. 2. Verhandeling over de Walvisschen. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. V., 1809. Bennet, Jan Arnold, und Gerrit van Olivier. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche viervoetige Dieren, Vogelen, en Amphibien. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. XL, 1822, pp. 77-440 2. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche Visschen. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. XIII., 1824. 3. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche In- secten Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. XIV., 1825, pp. 1-521. 4. Naamlijst van Wormen in Neder- land aanwezig. Haarlem, Natuurk. Verhand. XV, 1826, pp. 1-256. Bennet, Ossian. Note sur la Convergence et la Divergence des Series. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 73-109. Bennet, R. G. lets over die ontdekkingen der Nederlanders in de Noorder Ijszee, en hunne waarnemingen aldaar, etc. Kampen, Magazin, I., 1822, pp. 279-286. Bennett, Anne R. Meteorological Phenomena in connection with the Climate of Berlin. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV, 1853, pp. 155- 162, 214-229. Bennett, E. P. Case of absence of the Uterus. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. L, 1841, pp. 348-351. Bennett, Edward Turner. General observations on the anatomy of the Thorax in Insects, and on its functions during Flight. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 391-398. 2. Description of a hitherto unpublished species of Buccinum [B. Humphreysianum], recently discovered at Cork. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 398-399. 3. Notice on a peculiar property of a species of Echinus (E. saxatilis, Lam). F1825.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 74-77"; Fro- riep, Notizen, XVIII., 1827, col 150-152. 4. Observations on the Fishes contained in the Collection of the Zoological Society. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 371-378 ; IV., 1829, pp. 31-42; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 439-441. 5. Description of a new species of Julis, Cuv. [J. Argus.] Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 577-578. 6. On the Mus barbarus of Linnaeus. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 472-475. 7. Notes on Fishes from Jamaica. Zool. Journ. V., 1829, pp. 86-90. 8. Observations on the Hyacinthine Mac- caw [Psittaeus hyacinthinus]. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV, 1831, pp. 211-213. 9. Characters of a new species of Poly- borus [young of Vultur angolensis ?]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1831, p. 13. 10. Characters of a new species of Deer (Cervus humilis). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1831, p. 27. 11. Description of a young Nyi-ghau (Anti- lope picta). Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1831, p. 37. 12. Characters of a new species of Spider- Monkey (Ateles frontalis). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1831, p. 38. 13. Account of a collection of Fishes from the Mauritius. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1831, pp. 59-60, 61, 126-128, 165-169. 14. On the Vultur auricularis, Daud. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1831, pp. 66-67. 15. Characters of two species of Mamma- lia (one constituting a new genus, Perodicticus and Aulacodus) from Sierra Leone. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1831, pp. 109-112 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXVII., 1831, pp. 88-92; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 838-840. 16. Observations on a Collection of Fishes, formed during the voyage of H.M.S. " Chan- ticleer," with characters of two new species [Chromis tsenia and Monacanthus setifer], Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1831, p. 112. 17. Character of a new species of Pterois (Pt. Russelii). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1831., p. 128. BEN] 272 [BEN Bennett, Edward Turner. 18. Characters of new genera and species of Fishes from the Atlantic Coast of Northern Africa, presented by Capt. BELCHER, R.N, Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1831, pp. 145-148 19. Characters of a new species of Otter (Lutra Chilensis), and of a new species of Mouse (Mus lougicaudatus), collected in Chiji by Mr. CUMING. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 1-3. 20. Characters of some new species of Fishes, collected by Mr. CUMING. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 4-5 ; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 366-367. 21. Characters of a new genus of Lemu- ridae [Propithecus], presented by Mr. TELFAIR. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 20-22. 22. Characters of a new genus [Octodon] of Rodent Mammalia from Chili, presented by Mr. CUMING. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 46-48 ; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 374-375 ; 1838, col. 117-119. 23. Characters of two new species of the genus Mus, L., collected by Colonel SYKES in Dukhun. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 121-122. 24. On several skins of Mammalia from Algoa Bay. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 122-123. * 25. Characters of two new species of Hedgehog (Erinaceus spatangus et Grayi) from the Himalaya Mountains. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, pp. 123-124. 26. Characters of several new species of Fishes, from Ceylon, presented by Dr. SIBBALD. Zool. Soc. II., 1832, pp. 182-184; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 449-451. 27. Characters of two new species of Fishes [Atherina punctata and Julis strigiventer] from Mauritius. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, p. 184. 28. Characters of a new species of Hedge- hog (Erinaceus frontalis) from South Africa, col- lected by Mr. STEEDMANN. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1832, p. 193. 29. Notice of some recent publications on the Chinchillidae. Zool. Jburn. V., 1832-34, pp. 491-495. 3O. Characters of a new species of Ante- lope (Antilope Mhorr), presented by E. W. A. D. HAY, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 1-2 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 1-8; Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837 (xiii.), pp. 77-78 ; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 375-376. 31. Characters of a new species of Aphro- phora (A. Goudoti) from Madagascar. Zool. Soc. L, 1833, p. 12. Bennett, Edward Turner. 32. Characters of new species of Fishes from the Mauritius, pre- sented by C. TELFAIR, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1833, pp. 32-33; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 358-361. 33. Characters of new species of Mam- malia from California. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 39-43; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 524-525. 34. Notice of a mammiferous animal from Madagascar, constituting a new. form among the Viverridous Carnivora [Cryptoprocta ferox]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, p. 46 ; pt. II., 1834, p. 13; Zool. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 137-140 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zoo/.), 1835, pp. 50-51. 35. On the Chinchillidje, a family of her- bivorous Rodentia, and on a new genus refer- rible to it [Lagotis]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 57-60 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. L, 1835, pp. 35-64; Ann Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.}, 1834, pp. 375-377 ; Moscon, Soc. Nat. Bull. IX., pp. 249-302. 36. Characters of two new species of Monkeys [Semnopithecus Nestor and Cercopi- thecus pogonias] in the Society's Collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1 833, pp. 67-68. 37. Characters of a new species of Cat (Felis viverrinus) from the continent of India, presented by J. M. HEATH, Esq. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 68-69. 38. Characters of a new species of Lemur (Lemur rufifrons). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, p. 106. 39. Characters of a species of Monkey (the. Malbrouck of Buffbri), hitherto con- founded with the Simia Faunus, Auct. [Cerco- pithecus tephrops]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 109-110. 40. On two new species of Crowned Cranes [Anthropoides, Vieill.'] from Africa. Zool. Soc. I., 1833, pp. 118-119; Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 549-550. 41. Observations on a species of Para- do xurus (P. prehensilis ?). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, p. 33. 42. Characters of new species of Fishes from Western Africa. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, pp. 45-46. 43. On a specimen of the Manis Tem- minckii, Smuts, from South Africa, forming part of the Collection of Mr. STEEDMAN. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, pp. 81-82. 44. Some account of Macropus Parry i, a hitherto undescribed species of Kangaroo from New South Wales. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1 834, pp. 151-152 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. L, 1835, pp. 295-300; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1835, p. 379. BEN] 273 [BEN Bennett, Edward Turner. 45. Observations on. the Brush-tailed Kangaroo [Macropus penicilla- tus, Gray]. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, p. 1 ; IV., 1836, p. 41. 46. Remarks on some Mammalia from Travancore, including a new species of Her- pestes (Herp. vitticollis). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, pp. 66-67. 47. Additional remarks on the genus Lagotis, with some account of a second species [L. pallipes], referrible to it. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, pp. 67-68 ; Zool. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 331-334. 48. Observations on several Mammalia from Trebizond and Erzeroum, including a new species of Rat (Mus latipes), and of Marmot (Citillus xanthoprymna). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. Ill, 1835, pp. 89-91. 49. Characters of several previously unde- scribed Fishes from Trebizond. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, pp. 91-92; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 137-138. 50. Character of a species of Paradoxurus [P. Grayi.] Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, p. 118. 51. Description of Acanthurus Kingii. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, p. 119. 52. Character of a new species of Croco- dile (Crocodilus leptorhynchus). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. in., 1835, p. 128. 53. On a remarkable Pteropine Bat [Pt. epomophorus] from the Gambia. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. III., 1835, p. 149. 54. Notes on several Rodents collected by Capt. P. P. KING during a Survey of the Straits of Magalhaens. Zool. Soc. III., 1835, pp. 189-191. 55. Characters of several Fishes from the Isle of France. Zool. Soc. III., 1835, pp. 206-208. 56. Remarks upon a series of the Indian Antelope (A. cervicapra). Zool. Soc. IV., 1836, pp. 34-40 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, col. 52-56. 57. On a remarkable species of Pteropine Bat (Pt. White!) . Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1841, pp. 31-38. 58. On the genus Octodon, and on its re- lations with Ctenomys, Blainv., and Poepha- gomys, F. Cuv. ; including a description of a new species of Ctenomys. [1835.] Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1841, pp. 75-86. Bennett, Edward T. Analysis of the Thames Water at Greenwich. [1849.] Chem. Soc. - Journ. II., 1850, pp. 195-200. 2. On the determination of phosphoric acid. Amer. Polytechn. Journ. II., 1853, pp. 2-3. Bennett, Edward T. Restoration of Euphorbia Peplis to one of its old localities, with Observa- tions on a few other Cornish plants found in the early part of Oct. J 850. Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 1-5. 2. Three Days' Walk in the New Forest, together with a few additional Localities to Dr. BROMFIELD'S Hampshire Flora. Phytologist, IV., 1852, pp. 753-756. Bennett, Frederick Debell. On the Larynx of the Albatross (Diomedea exulans, Linn.}. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. I., 1833, pp. 78-79. 2. On the light emitted by a species of Pyrosoma. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. L, 1833, pp. 79- 80. 3. On the mammary secretion of the Orni- thorhynchus. Zool. Soc. Proc.j^. L, 1833, p. 82. 4. Notes on the anatomy of the Sper- maceti Whale (Physeter macrocephalus, Lac.} Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. IV., 1836, pp. 127-129; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1837, col. 273-275 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, V., 1837, p. 192. 5. Extracts from the Journal of a Voyage round the Globe in the years 1833-36. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 211-229. 6. Observations on marine Noctilucas. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. V., 1837, pp. 50, 51-52. Bennett, George. Ueber eine bituminose Sub- stanz, welche von den Neuseelandern Mimiha genannt, und von ihnen als eiu Kaumittel ge- braucht wird. (Transl.} Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1831, col. 260-261. 2. Eine botanische Excursion in der Um- gegend von Sydney in Neu - Siicl - Wales. (Transl.} Froriep, Notizen, XXXIL, 1832, of the Simia syndactyla or col. 293-295. 3 Account Ungka Ape of Sumatra ; the anatomy of its Larynx, &c. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832. pp. 131-142 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1832, col. 337-345. 4. An account of the Sandal Wood Tree (Santalum), with observations on some of the botanical productions of the Sandwich Islands. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 255-261 ; Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 113-115. 5. On the habits of Tragopan Temminckii. Zool. Soc. II., 1834, pp. 33-34. 6. On the habits of Aptenodytes Pata- chonica. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1 834, p. 34. 7. Notice of Pelecanus onocrotalus. Zool. Soc. II., 1834, p. 49. 8. On the natural history and habits of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, Blum. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. il., 1834, pp. 141-146; Zool. Soc. Trans. L, 1835, pp. 229-258 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLIV., 1835, col. 145-147. 9. On the nasal gland of the Diomedea exulans. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, p. 151. M M BEN] 274 [BEN Bennett, George. 1O. Ueber Faradisea apoda. Froriep, Notizen, XL1IL, 1835, col. 113-117. 11. Observations on a species of Glaucus, referred to G. hexapterygius of Cuvier. Zool. Soc. IV., 1836, pp. 113-119. 12. Observations on the Phosphorescence of the Ocean, made during a voyage from Eng- land to Sydney. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. V., 1837, pp. 1-3 ; Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1838, p. 220. 13. On Physalia pelagica. Zool. Soc. Proc. V., 1837, p. 43. 14. Notes on the habits of the Scythrops NOVJB Hollandiae. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVI., 1858, pp. 462-464 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. III.. 1859, pp. 514-515. 15. Notes on the Mooruk (Casuarius Ben- nettii). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII, 1859, pp. 32-34. 16. Notes on the habits of the Mycteria Australis or New Holland Jabiru (Gigantic Crane of the colonists). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, pp. 47-49; Newman, Zoologist, XVIII., 1860, pp. 6880-6883. 17. Notes on the Duck-bill (Ornitho- rhynchus anatinus). Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, pp. 213-218 ; Newman, Zoolo- gist, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 6915-6920. 18. On the long-tailed flying Opossum (Belideus flaviventris), in a state of nature and in captivity. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, pp. 218-221. 19. Notes on Sharks, more particularly on two enormous specimens of Carcharias Leucas, captured in Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, pp. 225-226. 2O. Notes on the range of some species of Nautilus, on the mode of capture, and the use made of them as an article of food. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1859, pp. 226-229. 21. Letter respecting a new Cassowary. Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 402-403. 22. Notes on the habits of the Brown Coati (Nasua fusca, Desm.\ Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVIII., 1860, pp. 323-324 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 391-392. 23. Note on the Egg of the Piping Crow or Magpie of New South Wales (Gymnorhina tibicen). Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, p. 263. 24. Notes on a living specimen of a sin- gular grallatorial bird from New Caledonia. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 136-137. 25. Notes on the Kagu, Rhinochetus jubatus. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 385-386. Bennett, George, and A. W. Scott. Description of a species of Perga or Saw-fly found feeding upon the Eucalyptus citriodora (of Hooker) or Wide Bay Lemon-scented Gum Tree. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. XXVII., 1856, pp. 209-212. Bennett, Hon. Henry Grey. Sketch of the geology of Madeira. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1811, pp. 391-398 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII., 1812, pp. 37-44 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 284-289. 2. Some account of the island of Teneriffe. Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1814, pp. 286-304. 3. On a Whin Dyke traversing Limestone in the county of Northumberland. [1812.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV, 1817, pp. 102-104. Bennett, J. Construction of the Anchor and Pallets in GRAHAM'S dead beat Escapement. Nicholson, Journ. XV., 1806, pp. 133-134. Bennett, John Hughes. On the Parasitic Vege- table Structures found growing in Living Animals. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 126^ 127 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 277-294. 2. Case of poisoning by Hemlock (Conium maculatum). Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. LXIV., 1845, pp. 169-175 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 123-124. 3. On anormal nutrition and diseases of the blood. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1847, pp. 326-333. 4. On Exudation. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1847, pp. 500-506, 583-592, 655-668, 898-902. 5. On the structural relation of Oil and Albumen in the animal economy, and on certain physical laws connected with the origin and development of Cells. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VIII., 1848, pp. 166-176 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. II., 1851, pp. 136-139. 6. De la leucocythemie ou du sang a globules blancs. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851, Compt. Rend., pp. 45-51. 7. On the function of the Spleen and other Lymphatic Glands as secretors of the blood. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XIV., 1852, pp. 200-213. 8. On the law of Molecular Elaboration in Organized Bodies. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 119-120. 9. An investigation into the structure of the Torbanehill mineral, and of various kinds of Coal. Journ. Microscop. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 185- 198 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXI., 1857, pp. 173-186. 1O. On the function of the Spleen and other Lymphatic Glands as originators of the Corpuscular Constituents of the Blood. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 107-108. 11. On the Molecular Theory of Organiza- tion. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV, 1862, pp. 436-446 ; Journ. Microscop. Sci. IL, 1862, pp. 43-53. BENJ 275 [BEN Bennett, John Joseph. Description of a new species of Plirjnium from Western Africa. Piiarmaceut. Journ. XIV.. 1855, p. 161. 2. Description of the Bungo, or frankin- cense tree of Sierra Leone. Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 251-253, 3. Description of the Kobo-tree, a new genus [Guibourtia] of Leguminosae, collected by Dr. DA.NIELL in Sierra Leone. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.\ pp. 149-151. 4. Statement of facts relating to the dis- covery of the composition of water by the Hon. H. CAVENDISH, lloy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59. pp. 642-644. 5. Note on the species of Croton described Benoiston de Chateauneuf, Note sur by LINNAEUS under the names of Clutia eleu- teria and Clutia cascarilla. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.\ pp. 26-30. Bennett, William. A word on the Wild Snow- drop (Galanthus nivalis). Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 106-107. 2. Acclimation and breeding of Emus in Surrey. Newman, Zoologist, XXL, 1863, pp. 8313-8324. Bennewitz, . Ueber Speichelsteinbildung. nebst Beobachtung mid Untersuchung ernes hierher gehorigen Falles. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1847, pp. 701-706. Bemngsen-Forder, Rud. von. Ueber die ge- setzmassige Vertheilung der Anzahl der Thal- bildungen in mehreren Gesteins-Formationea des zwischen der Seine und der nb'rdlichen und nordostlichen Landesgrenze gelegenen Theiles von Frankreich. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. L, 1840, pp. 163-165. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehung der Configurations- Phiinomene des Schwarzwald- Vosgesen- Systems, der Argonnen und der Hiigel an der luxemburgisch-franzosischen Grenze. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. III., 1842, pp. 102 -108. 3. Note sur les lois numeriques auxquelles semble etre soumise la distribution des vallees, des sources, des courants d'eau, des villages et des hameaux dans les formations sedimentaires. Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1846, pp. 17-25. 4. Beit-rage zur Niveaubestimmung der drei nordischen Diluvialmeere. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 456-463. 5. Ueber Untersuchung der Gebilde des Schwemmlandes, besonders des Diluviums. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 215-221. Benoist, A. Catalogue des oiseaux observes dans 1'arrondissement de Valognes. Cherbourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. II., 1854, pp. 231-240. Benoist, Paul. Sur les mines des environs de Bone et de Philippeville. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 180-201. les changemens qu'ont subis les lois de la mortalite en Europe depuis un demi-siecle. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 314-324 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1826, pp. 275-282. 2. Notice sur 1'intensite de la Feeondite en Europe au commencement du dix-neuvieme siecle. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 431-450 ; Paris, Mem. Sav. Etraug. III., 1832, pp. 608- 623. 3. Memoire sur 1'influence de certaiues professions sur le developpement de la phthisic pulmouaire, a 1'occasion d'une Industrie parti- culiere a la commune de Meusnes, dep. de Loir et Cher. [1830.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. V., 1838, pp. 220-256. 4. De la duree de la vie humaine dans plusieurs des principaux etats de 1'Europe, et du plus ou moins de la longevite de leurs habitans. Ann. Hygiene Publ. XXX VL, 1846, pp. 241- 276. Benoit, Note sur les machines a clever 1'eau par 1'effet de la force centrifuge. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. L.. 1851, pp. 694-696. Benoit, A. Description du gisement et de 1'ex- ploitation du minerai de plomb de Longwilly, canton de Bastogne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 272-274. Benoit, A., et Cauchy. Notice sur les gites me- talliferes de 1'Ardenne, etc. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 409-430. Benoit, JEmile. Essai sur les anciens glaciers du Jura. Soc. Helvetique Actes, 1853, pp. 231 -245. 2. Sur le terrain siderolithique des envi- rons de Montbeliard. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIL, 1854-55, pp. 1025-1028. 3. Esquisse de la carte geologique et agronomique de la Bresse et de la Dombes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XV., 1857-58, pp. 315- 344. 4. Sur la decouverte de la craie dans le departement de 1'Ain et sur quelques traits du phenomeue erratique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVL, 1858-59, pp. 114-118. 5. Sur la mollasse du departement de 1'Ain. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVL, 1858-59, pp. 369-380. . 6. Sur 1'identite de formation du terrain siderolithique dans la Bresse, le pourtour du plateau central et le Jura oriental. Paris. Soc, Geol. Bull. XVL, 1858-59, pp. 439- 444. 7. Note sur les terrains entre le Jura et les Alpes. Paris, Soc. GeoL Bull. XVII., 1859- 60, pp. 387-413. M M 2 BEN] 270 [BEN Benoit, Emffe. 8. Note sur les depots erra- tiques alpins dans 1'interieur, et sur le pourtour du Jura meridional. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, pp. 321-355. Benoit, H. Pourquoi les depots morainiques sont, dans les Vosges, uses et arrondis. Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull. XV., 1857-58, pp. 638--641. Benoit, L. Ueber ein Kalb mit fiinf Fussen. Schweizer. Gesell. Verb. 1825, pp. 49-51. Benoit, Leon. Exameu des proprietes d'un sys- teme de lignes courbes, situees a la surface de la terre, et exprimees par des droites sur la carte plate et sur celle de CASSINI, et par des circon- ferences de cercle sur les projections orthogo- nales. Paris, Soc. Pbilom. BuU. 1823, pp. 143- 144. Benoit, P. M. N. Ueber die Theorie, Einrichtung und Gebrauch des Pachometers, eines Instru- mentes zur Messung der Dicke belegter Spie- gelglaser. Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 90- 97. Benoit P. M. N. Note sur les turbino'ites. Paris, Soc. Encour. Bull. LI., 1852, pp. 110- 112. Benoit, T. Du Dragonneau ou Filaire de Medine, a 1'occasion d'une nouvelle observation de cet hebninthe chez 1'homme. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XXVI., 1859, pp. 310-315. Benout, - . New Hygroscope. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 195-196. Benquerel, . Voyage fait aux Orcades et aux Shetlands en 1858. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 190-194. 2. Voyage en Islande. Neuchatel, Bull. V., 1859-61, pp. 445-460. Bensbach, Aug. Ueber die Feuersteiue im Kreide-Gebirge. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847, pp. 769-777. Bensch, August. Notiz iiber basisch cbromsaure Sake. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 97-98. 2. Ueber einige Salze der Harnsaure. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 189-208 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 316-320. 3. Darstellung der Harnsaure aus Guano. Liebig, Annal. LVIIL, 1846, pp. 266-267. 4. Reinigung der Hippursaure. Liebig, Annal. LVIII., 1846, pp. 267-268. 5. Ueber die Darstellung der Milchsaure und Buttersaure. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 174-178 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 453-455. 6. Ueber die Gegenwart des Milchzuckers in der Milch der Fleischfresser. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 221-227; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 148-150. 7. Ueber die Liebig'sche Darstellungs- methode arsenfreien Antimons. Liebig, Annal. LXIII., 1847, pp. 273-277. Bensch, August. 8. Ueber den Schwefelgehalt der Gallen einiger Thiere. Liebig, Annul. LXV., 1848, pp. 194-202; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 255-256 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, p. 320. 9. Ueber das Verhalten des Basaltes unter Einwirkung des Wassers und der atmos- pharischen Luft. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 234-235. Bensch, August, und James Allan. Ueber die neutralen Salze der Harnsaure. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 181-194 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 163-165 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 452-454. Bensen, C. A. Overeene solfatara nabij Tjitrap in het noorden der residentie Banten. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 286-288. Benson, . On the theory of the Formation of White Lead. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), pp. 60-61 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXIV., 1839, pp. 223-225. Benson, Charles. Case of Pulsation in the Veins of the upper Extremities. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. VIII., 1836, pp. 324-332. Benson, Starling. On a Boulder of Cannel Coal found in a vein of common bituminous Coal. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 64-65. 2. On the relative position of the various qualities of Coal in the South Wales Coal- Measures. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 65-66. Benson, W. H. Description of the animal of Ampullaria, with a notice of two species in- habiting the Gangetic Provinces. Gleanings in Sci. I., 1829, pp. 52-54, 372-373. 2. Notice of shells found in the Gangetic Provinces. Gleanings in Sci. I., 1829, pp. 263- 265. 3. Observations on the occurrence of Freshwater Testacea in temporary pools formed by the rain. Gleanings in Sci. I., 1829, pp. 363-365. 4. Description of an animal of Melanin. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 21-23. 5. Description of Novaculina, a new genus of Freshwater Bivalves inhabiting the Ganges and its branches. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, . pp. 63-65 ; Malacol. Conchol. Mag. I., 1838, pp. 48-51. 6. Further remarks on the property of en- during drought, and the carnivorous propensi- ties of a species of Paludina. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 125-126. 7. Account of a new genus of Land Snails, allied to the genus Cyclostoma of Lamarck; with a description of a species [Pterocyclos ru- pestris] found on the outlying rocks of the Rajamahal range of hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 11-13. BEN] 277 [BEN Benson, W. H. 3. Conchological notices, chiefly relating to the Land and Freshwater Shells of the Doab and of the Gangetic Provinces of Hindostan. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 458- 466; Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 75-77. 9. Ueber eine schnellkriechende Schnecke [Nanina]. Froriep, Notizen, XLIII., 1834, col. 121-122. 1O. Observations on a collection of Land and Freshwater Shells formed in the G-angetic Provinces of India. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, pp. 89-91. 11. Note on a living Cerithium tele- scopium, Bruq. Zool. Soc. Proc. pt. II., 1834, pp. 91-92 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, p. 70; Froriep, Notizen, XLIV., 1835, col. 151-152. 12. Account of Oxygyrus, a new genus of Pelagian Shells allied to the genus Atlanta of Lenucur ; with a note on some other Pelagian Shells lately taken on board the Ship "Malcolm." Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 173-176. 13. Description of two new species of Carinaria, lately discovered in the Indian Ocean. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 215- 216. 14. Notes on the " Characters of three new species of Indian Freshwater Bivalves," by Isaac LEA. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 450-454. 15. Corrected character of the genus Cuvieria of Rang, and notice of a second species inhabiting the Tropical Indian Ocean. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, p. 698. 16. Descriptive catalogue of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Testacea, chiefly from the North- east Frontier of Bengal. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 350-357. 17. Descriptive catalogue of a collection of Land and Freshwater Shells, chiefly con- tained in the Museum .of the Asiatic Society. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 741-750. 18. Description of the Shell and Animal of Nematura, a new genus of Mollusca inhabit- ing situations subject to alternations of fresh and brackish water. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 781-783. 19. Notice on Balantium, a genus of the Pteropodous Mollusca ; with the characters of a new species inhabiting the Southern Indian Ocean. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1837, pp. 150-151. 20. Note on the genera Oxygyrus and Bellerophon. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1837, p. 316. 21. Note on the affinities of Galathea of Lamarck (Potamophila of Sowerby), a genus of fluviatile Testacea. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII., 1838, pp. 420-421. Benson, W. H. 22. Note on Irish Freshwater Shells. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 223-225. 23. Description of Camptoceras, a new genus of the Lymnaeada;, allied to Ancylus, and of Tricula, a new type of form allied to Melania. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. III., 1843, pp. 465- 468. 24. Description of four new species of the Coleopterous Family of the Paussidae. and notice of a fifth species forming the type of a new genus. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VI., 1846, pp. 458-470. 25. Notes on the capture of Paussi at the Cape of Good Hope. Entom. Soc. Trans. V., 1847, pp. 30-32. 26. Note on the Cyclostomatous genus Pterocyclos, Benson (Steganotoma, Troschel). Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 345-347. 27. Characters of seven new species of Helix, with amended descriptions of some species previously described, and notes on others re- quiring remark. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 158-164. 28. Descriptions of four new Asiatic species of the genus Pupa of Draparnaud. Ann, Nat. Hist. IV, 1849, pp. 125-128 ; Petit, Journ. Conchyl. I., 1850, pp. 183-187. 29. Characters of Diplommatina, a new genus of Terrestrial Mollusks belonging to the Family of Carychiadse, and of a second species contained in it ; also of a new species of Cary- chium inhabiting the Western Himalaya. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 193-195; Petit, Journ. Conchyl. L, 1850, pp. 187-190. 3O. Notes on the Rev. F. MASON'S paper " on the Shells of the Tenasserim Provinces." Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 164-166. 31. Characters of several new East Indian and South African Helices, with remarks on some other species of the genus occurring at the Cape of Good Hope. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 213-217. 32. Characters of nine new or imperfectly described species of Planorbis inhabiting India and China. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 348- 352. 33. Characters of new species of Helix from India, Mauritius, and the Cape of Good Hope ; also of a new Mauritian Tornatellina, with remarks on the habits of a Cape Succinea. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 251-256. 34. Descriptions of five new species of Helix from the Cape of Good Hope, with remarks on the known South-African species, and a notice of several Cape Limaces. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 103-107. BEN] 278 [BEN Benson, If. H. 35. Descriptions of new Land Shells from St. Helena, Ceylon, and China. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 262-266. 36. Characters of Tomichia, a new palus- trine testaceous Mollusk from Southern Africa. heretofore referred to the genus Truncatella. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 377-380. 37. Geographical notices and characters of fourteen new species of Cyclostoma from the East Indies. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1851. pp. 184-195. 38. Descriptive characters of two species of the genus Pterocyclos discovered by Dr. BLAND. Ann. Nat. Hist, VJH., 1851, pp. 195- 197. 39. Description of a new species of Ptero- cyclos, Benson, from Southern India. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1851, p. 450. 4O. Characters of new species of Helix from Southern India and Bengal. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 404-407. 41. Notes on the genus Cyclostoma ; and characters of some new species from India, Borneo, and Natal. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 268-272. 42. Notice of an Australian Diplomma- tina ; and characters of new East Indian Helicidae from Darjiling and Sincapore. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 348-351. 43. Characters of several Helices from West Australia and the Mauritius ; with notes on some species of Cyclostoma from Borneo. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 29-33. 44. Descriptions of species belonging to the genera Pterocyclos and Cyclostoma, from Ceylon and West Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 105-106. 45. Additional character of the Shell of the Cyclostomatous genus AlycaBus of Gray, with descriptions of its Animal inhabitant ; of a fourth species ; and of other new Indian Cy- clostomata ; also, Remarks on an unrecorded character in Diplominatina. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 283-287. 46. Further observations on the Animal of Diplommatina (including a note by Capt. T. BUTTON). Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 433- 435. 47. Characters of new Land Shells, col- lected by Edgar L. LAYARD, Esq., in Ceylon. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 18-53, pp. 90-97. 48. Characters of a new European Pupa. and of a new Australian Bulimus. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI1L, 1854, pp. 97-99. 49. Characters of four Indian species of Cyclophorus, Montfort, followed by notes on the Geographical Distribution of the genora of the Cyclostomacea in Hindostan. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 411-418. Benson, W. H. 50. Amended characters of the singular Lynineadous genus Camptoccras, and description of a new Ancylus, inhabitants of North-western India. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 9-13. 51. Characters of the genus Opisthoporus, an Eastern form of the Cyclostomacea, with remarks on its Affinities and notes on several Opercula. Ann. Nat, Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 13-17. 52. Notice on the question of the presence of an Operculum in the genus Diplommatina, Benson, and description of a new species. Ann. Nat, Hist. XV., 1855. pp. 329-331. 53. On the Chusan Shells, collected by Dr. T. CANTOR. Bengal, Asiat, Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1855, pp. 119-140. 54. Amended description of the genus Scaphula, Benson, a freshwater form of the Arcacea ; with characters of a new species from Tenasserim. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1 856, pp. 127-129. 55. Description of Tanystoma tubiferum, a Burmese form related to the Genus Anostoma of Lamarck. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 129-131. 56. Characters of seventeen new forms of the Cyclostomacea from the British Provinces of Burmah, collected by W. THEOBALD. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 225-233. 57. Kemarks on the genera Tanystoma, Nematura, and Anaulus. Ann.Nat, Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 342-343. 58. Descriptions of three new species of Paludomus from Burmah, and of some forms of Stenothyra (Nematura) from Penang, Mergui, &c. Ann. Nat. Hist, XVIL. 1856, pp. 494-501. 59. Occurrence of Clausilia Mortilleti, Dumont, in Kent. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVHL, 1856, pp. 74-75. 60. New Terrestrial Shells from Ceylon, with a General List of the species inhabiting that island. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVJH., 1856, pp. 94-99. 61. Descriptions of one Indian and nine new Burmese Helices ; and notes on two Bur- mese Cyclostomacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVHL. 1856, pp. 249-254. 62. New Land Shells collected by E. L. LAYARD, chiefly in Africa. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 433-439. 63. Chusan Shells. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 119-140. 64. Characters of Streptaulus, a new genus, I ' and of several species of the Cyclostomacea from Sikkim, the Khasia Hills, Ava, and Pegu. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 201-211. 65. New Species of Bulimus from India, Burmah, and the Mauritius. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 327-330. BEN] [BEN Benson, W. H. 66. Description of Camptonyx, a new Indian genus of Terrestrial Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 336-339. 67. Characters of Tanysiphon, a new genus of Fluviatile Shells, allied to the Myacidse. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1 , 1858, pp. 407-410. 68. Descriptions of several new Land Shells from the Mauritius. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 98-100. 69. A sectional distribution of the genus Alycasus, Gray, with characters of six new species, and of other Cyclostomidai, collected at Darjiling by W. T. BLANFORD. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 176-184. 7O. Descriptions of new species of Helix, Streptaxis, and Vitrina, collected by Mr. W. THEOBALD, jun., in Burmah, the Khasia Hills, and Hindustan. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 184-189. 71. Descriptions of new Helicidse contained in the Darjiling Collections of Messrs. W. T. and H. F. BLANFORD. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 265-273. 72. New Helicidae collected by W. THEO- BALD, Esq., jun., in Burmah, and the Khasia Plills. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 387-393. 73. Description of a new Bulimus [B. Benjamiiicus] from Jerusalem. Ann. Nat. Hist. IH., 1859, pp. 393-394. 74. Characters of a new Burmese Strep- taxis, and of two forms belonging to a peculiar section of Helix ; collected by Captain Richard H. SANKEY, Madras Engineers. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 471-474. 75. Observations on the Shell and Animal of Hybocystis, a new genus of Cyclostomidae, based on Megalomastoma gravidum and Otopoma Blennus, B. ; with Notes on other living Shells from India and Burmah. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 90-93. 76. Notes on the Animals of Rhaphaulus Chrysalis, Pupina artata, Otopoma clausum, Helix Achatina, and H. pylaica. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 93-96. 77. Note on the Opercula of several species of Megalomastoma. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 238-239. 78. On the genus Camptonyx. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, p. 318. 79. On the Burmese genus Sophina, Ann. Nat. Hist, V., 1860, pp. 26-27. 8O. On Clostophis and Rhiostoma, new Burmese genera of Land-Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 95-97. 81. Notes on Plectopylis, a group of Heli- cidse distinguished by several internal plicate epiphragms; with the characters of a new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 243- 247. Benson, W. H. 82. Characters of new Cin- galese Land-Shells collected by F. LAYARD, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service. Ann. Nat, Hist.V., 1860, pp. 381-385. 83. On new Land-Shells from Darjiling, with a series of new Indian species of Achatina. Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 460-466. - 84. Notes on the subgenus Gorilla, H. and A. Adams ; and on the group Plectopylis, Benson ; also on Pollicaria, Gould, and Hybo- cystis, Benson. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 98-100. 85. Characters of new Land- Shells from Burmah and the Andainans. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 190-195. 86. Descriptions of Freshwater Shells col- lected in Southern India. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 257-260. 87. Notes on lanthina, Bolten ; and indi- cation of a new species of the allied oceanic genus Recluzia, Petit. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 405-414. 88. Notes on the Pteropodous genus Hyalasa, and description of a new species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 21-27. 89. Description of a new Alyczeus from the Andaman Islands ; with notes on other Indian Cyclostomacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 28-29. 9O. Characters of a ffigantic Helix from Southern India, and of other species from Northern India, the Malayan Coast, and the Andaman Islands. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 81-85. 91. On the possible identity of Paussus lineatus, Thunberg, and P. Parrianus, West- icood ; with notes on the characters of specimens taken at the Cape of Good Hope. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 459-463. 92. Description of Indian and Burmese species of the genus Unio, Retz. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862,"pp. 184-195. 93. Description of a singular shell from Southern India, allied to Tanalia ; with remarks on a Travancore Batissa, and on the Himalayan form Tricula. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 414-416. 94. Characters of new Land-Shells of the genera Helix, Clausilia, and Spiraxis, from the Andamans, Moulmein, Northern India, and Ceylon. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 87-91. 95. Characters of new Land- Shells from the Andaman Islands, Burmah, and Ceylon, and of the animal of Sophina. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1863, pp. 318-323. 96. Characters of new operculate Land- Shells from the Andamans, and of Indian and Burmese species of Pupa. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 425-429. BEN] 280 [BEN Benson, ff. II., and T. Hutton. On the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the Western Hima- laya. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII., 1838, pp. 211-218. Benson, W. H., and Isaac Lea. Characters of three new species of Indian Fresh-water Bi- valves ; with notes. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 450-453. Bensted, W. H. On the Kentish Ragstone, as exhibited in the Iguanodon Quarry at Maid- stone. Geol. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859-63, pp. 57-63. Bensusan, . The Fiji Islands. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXII., 1863, pp. 42-50. Bent, . The Japanese Gulf Stream. Amer. Geogr. Soc. Bull. II., 1856, pp. 203-213. Bentall, Thomas. Rarer Plants observed at Halstead, Essex. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 400-403. 2. Remarks on Cuscuta approximata, Bab. Phytologist, II.. 1847, pp. 780-782. Bentham, George. De plantis in Expeditione speculatoria Romanzoffiana observatis : Labiatae. Linuaea, VI., 1831, pp. 76-82. 2. Report on some of the more remarkable hardy ornamental Plants raised in the Society's Garden from seeds received from Mr. D. DOUGLAS. Hortic. Soc. Trans. I., 1831-35, pp. 403-414,476-482; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.\ 1834, pp. 80-89. 3. Account of Indian Labiataj in the collection of J. F. ROYLE. Hooker, Botan. Miscell. III., 1833, pp. 370-384 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 80-89. 4. Synopsis of the Gerardieae, a tribe of Scrophulariaceae. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 198-212 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.\ 1836, pp. 225-242. 5. Synopsis of the Buchnereaa, a tribe of Scrophulariaceas. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. I., 1835, pp. 356-384. 6. Caracteres des tribus et des genres de la famille des Scrophularinees. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 178-188. 7. Note upon a newly-introduced half- hardy species of Sal via (S. patens). Hortic. Soc. Tran?. II., 1835-41, pp. 222-224. 8. Labiatoe Orientales herbarii Montbre- tiani, seu Labiatarum species novae vel minus cognitte quas in Syria et Asia minore college- runt Gust. COQUEBERT-DE-MONTBRET et Arj- CHER-ELOY. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 37-57. 9. Synopsis of the Hemimerideaa, a tribe of Scrophulariaceae. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag, II., 1836, pp. 13-23. 10. Observations on some little known genera and species of Scrophulariacese. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. II., 1836, pp. 53-60. Bentham, George. 11. Herbarii Wildenowiani Didynamia gymnospermia cum monographia Benthamiana comparata. Linnaea, XL, 1837, pp. 327-348. 12. Review of the order Hydrophyllea?. [1834.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIL, 1837, pp. 267-282. 13. Observations on the genus Hosackia and the American Loti. [1835.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIL, 1837, pp. 363-368. 14. On the Eriogoneae, a tribe of the order Polygonacese. [1835.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIL, 1837, pp. 401-420. 15. Enumeration of the Plants collected by Mr. SCHOMBURGK in British Guiana. Ann. Nat. Hist. II.. 1839, pp. 105-111, 441-451 ; III., pp. 427-438. 16. Contributions towards a Flora of South America. Enumeration of Plants collected by Mr. SCHOMRURGK in British Guiana. Hooker's Journ. Bot. II., 1840, pp. 38-103, 127-146, 210-223, 286-324 ; III., pp. 212-250 ; IV., pp. 99-130, 321-323; Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. I., 1842, pp. 193-203 ; II., 1843, pp. 359-378; IV., 1845, pp. 622-637 ; V., pp. 351-365. 17. De Leguminosarum generibus com- mentationes. Wien, Ann. Mus. II., 1840, pp. 61-142. 18. Observations on the distinctive cha- racters of the Papilionaceaa and Cassalpinieae, sub-orders of Leguminosas. Hooker's Journ. Bot. III., 1841, pp. 125-133. 19. On the Genus Harpalyce. Hooker's Journ. Bot. HI., 1841, pp. 208-211. 2O. On the structure and affinities of Arachis and Voandzeia. [1838.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp. 155-162. 21. Observations on some genera of plants connected with the Flora of Guiana. [1838.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 225-238. 22. On the Heliamphora nutans, a new Pitcher-plant from British Guiana. [1840.1 Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 429-434 1 Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, p. 53. 23. Account of two new genera allied to Olacinese. [1840.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 671-686; Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 85-89. 24. Notes on Mimoseae, with a short sy nopsis of species. Hooker's Journ. Bot. IV., 1842, pp. 323-418 ; Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 318-392, 494-528 ; III., 1844, pp. 82-112, 195-226; IV., 1845, pp. 577-622 ; V., 1846, pp. 75-108. 25. Enumeration of the plants collected in Hong-Kong by Mr. HINDS. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 482-494. BEN] 281 [BEN Bentham, George. 26. Enumeration of the plants collected by R. B. HINDS and Mr. BAR- CLAY in the Feejee Islands, Tanna, New Ireland, and New Guinea ; to which are added a few species gathered in Amboyna by Mr. BARCLAY. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 211- 240. 27. Enumeration of Leguminosse indi- genous to Southern Asia and Central and Southern Africa. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 423-483, 559-613 ; III., 1844, pp. 338-365 ; VII., 1848, pp. 580-657. 28. Description of a new species of Bo- livaria. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 190-191. 29. Contributions to the Flora of Guiana : Enumeration of plants collected in British, Dutch, and French Guiana, by Robert and Richard SCHOMBURGK, Dr. HOSTMANN, M. LE- PRIEUR, and others. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 116-137. 3O. Note on the genus Benjaminia, Mart., referred by Ludw. BENJAMIN to the family of Utriculariece. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 567-568. 31. Plantoe Regnellianae : Leguminosae, Scrophularineas, Labiatae. Linnaaa, XXII., 1849, pp. 511-531, 564-567. 32. Report on the dried plants collected by Mr. SPRUCE in the neighbourhood of Para [North Brazil], in the months of July, August, and September 1849. Hooker's Journ. Botany, II., 1850, pp. 209-212, 233-244; III., pp. 111- 120. 161-166, 191-200, 366-373 ; IV., pp. 8-18. 33. Plantse Regnelliana; : Rubiaceas. Lin- naea, XXIII., 1850, pp. 443-446. 34. Florula Honffkonerensis : an enumera- tion of the plants collected in the island of Hong-Kong by Major J. G. CHAMPION, 95th Regt. Hooker's Journ. Botany, III., 1851, pp. 255-264, 306-312, 326-334; IV., pp. 41-50, 73-81. 116-123, 164-172. 193-199, 232-237, 296-305, 327-335; V., pp. 52-58, 129-137, 193-200; VI., pp. 1-9,72-78, 112-117; VII., pp. 33-39. 35. Leguminosae inter plantas Nilgher- renses HOHENACKERI. Linnaea, XXIV., 1851, pp. 642-645. 36. Acanthaceae novae inter plantas Nil- gherrenses HOHENACKERI. Linnasa, XXIV., 1851, pp. 646-647. 37. Notes on the American species of Myristica. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 1-9. 38. Notes on Humiriaceae. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 97-104. 39. Note on the Leonia cymosa, Mart. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 215- 216. Bentham, George. 4O. On some new genera and species of Brazilian Rubiaceae. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 229-236. 41. Notes on two little-known genera con- nected with the South American Flora [Ta- pura and Lecostemon], Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 289-296. 42. On three new genera connected with the Indian Flora. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 304-309. 43. Plantas Muellerianae : Mimoseae, ad- ditis speciebus novis nonnullis Australasicis, Drummondianis, aliisque. Linnaea, XXVI., 1853, pp. 235-255. 44. Notes on North Brazilian Gentianeae, from the collections of Mr. SPRUCE and Sir Robert SCHOMBURGK. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 193-204. 45. On the tree supplying the Sabicu wood of Cuba. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 235-237. 46. On the North Brazilian Euphorbiaceae in the collections of Mr. SPRUCE. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 321-333, 363- 377. 47. On Henri quezia verticillata, Spruce, a new genus of Bignoniaceae from the Rio Negro, in North Brazil. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VI., 1854, pp. 337-339. 48. On the South American Triurideae and leafless Burmanniaceae from the collections of Mr. SPRUCE. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 8-17. 49. Additional note on Arachis hypogaaa. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 177- 179; Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 202-203. 50. Notes on the Roogee of Kurnaou, Megacarpaea polyandra. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VII., 1855, pp. 353-357. 51. Description of two American species of Gnetum. Hooker's Journ. Botany, VIII., 1856, pp. 357-359. 52. On Prof. NEES VON ESENBECK'S Ge- nera of Acanthaceae, in the eleventh volume of DE CANDOLLE'S " Prodromus." Hooker's Journ. Botany, IX., 1857, pp. 75-78. 53. Notes on Loganiacea3. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 52-114 ; Bon- plandia, IV., 1856, pp. 229-237, 266-275 ; V., pp. 355-359. 54. On Brachynema and Phoxanthus, two new genera of Brazilian Plants. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIL, 1857, pp. 125-128. 55. Memorandum on the principles of Generic Nomenclature in Botany. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Joum. II., 1858 (Bot.\ pp. 30-33. 56. Synopsis of the genus Clitoria. [1857.] Linn. Soc. Journ. II., 1858 (Bot:), pp. 33-44. N N BENj 282 [BEN Bentham, George. 57. Synopsis of Legnotideae, a tribe of Rhizophoraceas. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III.. 1859 (Bot.), pp. 65-80. 58. Notice of the re-discovery of the genus Asteranthos, Desf., by Mr. SPRUCE. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III., 1859 (Bot.), pp. 80-81. 59. On the genus Henriquezia of Spruce. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 295-298. 6O. Notes on Homalium. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., I860 (Bot.), pp. 31-38, 200. 61. Synopsis of Dalbergieae, a tribe of Leguminosa\ Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.), Suppl. 62. Notes on Ternstroemiaceas. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.\ pp. 53-65. 63. Notes on Anonaceae. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V, 1861 (Bat.), pp. 67-72. 64. Botanical Memoranda. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bat.), pp. 73-78. 65. On Fissicalyx, a new genus of Dal- bergieas. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Bot.), pp. 78-79. 66. Notes on Menispermaceae. Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1861 (Bot.), Suppl. II., pp. 45-52. 67. Notes on Bixacere and Samydaceaa. Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1861 (Bot.), Suppl. II., pp. 75-94. 68. On the species and genera of plants, considered with reference to their practical application to systematic Botany. [1858.] Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 133-151. 69. Notes on Caiyophylleae, Portulaceae, and some allied orders. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 55-77. 7O. Notes on Malvaceae and Sterculiacese. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (Bot), pp. 97-123. ' 71. On Inocarpus. Linn. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862 (50*.), pp. 146-150. 72. On Fissicalyx and Prioria, two recently published genera of Leguminosa?. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 389-391. 73. On African Anonaceae. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 463-480. Bentham, George, and J. D. Hooker. Note on the Embryo of Ancistrocladus. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), p. 111. Bentham, George, og A. Orsted. Centralame- rikas Rubiaceer. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1852, pp. 23-61. 2. Composite? Centroamerieauas. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1852, pp. 65-121. 3. Leguminosoe Centroamericanae. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1853, pp. 1-19. 4. Scrophularinea? Centroameri- canae. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1853, t>p. 20-31. Bentham, George, og A. Orsted. 5. Labiatre Centroamericanae. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1853, pp. 32-42. Bentley, Robert. On a species of Smilax, and a new commercial sort of Sarsaparilla, which is obtained from it. Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 470-476 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 45-56. 2. On a monstrosity of the Papaver brac- teatum. Pharmaceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 398-399. 3. On the distinctive characters of the roots of Aconitum napellus (Monkshood) and Cochlearia armoracia (Horse-radish). Phar- maceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 449-452 ; Bon- plandia, IV., 1856, pp. 199-201. 4. On the characters of Dandelion root (Leontodon taraxacum), and the means whereby it may be distinguished from other roots. [1856.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XVI., 1857, pp. 304-307. 5. On a monstrosity of Scabiosa succisa. Pharmaceut. Journ. XVII., 1858, p. 363. 6. Monstrosity in the flower of the Rose. Pharmaceut. Journ, XVII., 1858, p. 365. 7. Remarks on Taraxacum -root. Phar- maceut. Journ. I., 1860, pp. 402-403. 8. Note on the Roman Chamomile (Anthe- mis uobilis). Pharmaceut. Journ. I., 1860, pp. 447-450. 9. On Actsea, or Cimicifuga racemosa. Pharmaceut, Journ. II., 1861, pp. 460-468. 1O. New American remedies. I. Podophyl- lum peltatum. II. Hydrastis Camidensis, Linn., Yellow root, Orange root. III. Xantho- rhiza apiifolia, Willd., Yellow root, IV. Cau- lophyllum thalictroides. Michx., Blue cohosh. V. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pers., Twinleaf. VI. Sanguinaria canadensis, Linn., Blood root, Puccoon. VII. Sarracenia purpurea, Linn., Indian cup, Side-saddle flower. VIII. Di- centra (Corydalis) formosa, Borkh., Turkey corn. IX. Xanthoxylon fraxineum, Willd., Prickly ash, Toothache shrub. X. Ptelea tri- foliata, Linn., Shrub trefoil, Wafer ash. XL Geranium maculatum, Linn., Spotted Cranes- bill, Alum root. XII. Cerasus (Prunus) vir- giniana, Michaux, Wild cherry, Wild black cherry. XIII. Baptisia tinctoria, R. Brown, Wild Indigo. Pharmaceut, Journ. III., 1862, pp. 456-464, 540-546 ; IV., pp. 12-14, 52-56, 104-107, 263-269, 294-302, 353-357, 399-407, 494-497 ; V., pp. 20-25, 97-105, 211-216. Bentley, William. Entomological Tour in South Devon. Entom. Mag. I., 1833, pp. 180- 185. 2. Observations on Species and Varieties (Lepidoptera). Entomologist, 1842, pp. 254- 258, 316-318. BEN] 283 [BEN Bentley, William 3. Observations on the species and varieties of Lozotzenia. Newman, Zoologist. III., 1845, pp. 995-1002. Bentley, William, and R. H. Webb. Herts Flora. Additions to the above work, chiefly during the year 1857. Phytologist, II., 1857- 58, pp. 492-499. Eaavenisti, Moisc. Saggio di Notomia fisiolo- gica e patologica delle vene. Ornodei, Ann. Univ. XCV., 1840, pp. 386-419, 491-588. 2. Altre ricerche sul sistema delle- venc. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XCIX., 1841, pp. 20- 103. 3. Sul sangue considerate essenzialmente nelle sue relazioni collo stato patologico de' vasi. Venezia, Atti, V., 1846, pp. 587-600. 4. Memoria su le capsule soprarenali. Ve- nezia, Atti, 1856-57, pp. 273-295. 5. Sulla degenerazione zuccherina e ami- lacea nel corpo umano. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXVII., 1858, pp. 345-350. Benveimti, A. Atti verbali della Commissione incaricata di ripetere gli esperirnenti del Dottore POLLI "sul saugue." Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 87-90. Benwell, James Benjamin. Theorems for deter- mining the Amount of Annuities increasing in the constant ratio of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, n. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 119-121. 2. New Theorems applicable to the value of Annuities. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VII I., 1816, pp. 449-450. 3. New Theorems for determining the Rate of Interest, and the Value of increasing Annuities, fcc., &c. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 179-182. 4. Observations on Equation of Payments; tending to prove that the generally received Rule of MALCOLM is not correct. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 269-273. 5. Theorems for determining the Values of increasing Life Annuities. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 164-167. 6. Supplement of a Paper on the Value of increasing Life Annuities. [1817.] Tilloch. Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 6-9. 7. New analytic Formula and Table of an increasing Life Annuity; with remarks on the surrender of Life Assurance Policies at Pro- prietary Offices. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIL. 1821, pp. 161-164. 8. Theorems for the Summation of pro- gressional Series. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL. 1821, pp. 265-268. Benza, P. M. Geological sketch of the Neil- gherries (Nil-giri). Beagftl, Asiat. Soe. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 413-437; Bib!. Univ. VI., 1836, pp. 178-182. Benza, P. 31. 2. Notes on the Geology of the country between Madras and the Neilgherry Hills, via Bangalore and via Salem. Madras Journal, IV., 1836, pp. 1-27. 3. Memoirs on the Geology of the Neil- gherry and Koondah Mountains. Madras Journal IV., 1836, pp. 240-300. 4. Notes, chiefly geological, of a journey through the Northern Circars in the year 1855. Madras Journal, V., 1837, pp. 43-70. Benzenberg, J. F. Ueber die Verbesserung der Windfahnen, sammt cinigeu meteorologischen Bemerkungen liber die Winde. Gilbert, Annal VIIL, 1801, pp. 240-244. 2. Beobachtungen von Sternschnuppen. Gilbert, Aunal. IX., 1801, pp. 370-374. 3. Beschreibung eines einfachen Reise- barometers. Gilbert, Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 461- 466. 4. Etwas iiber den Sehungsbogen der Gestirue, und astronomische Nachrichten. [1802.1 Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1806, pp. 167-172. 5. Fortgesetzte Beobachtungen von Stern- schnuppen. Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 242- 245. 6. Bemerkungen iiber LESLIE'S Brief gegen HERSCHEL. Gilbert, Annal. X., 1802, pp. 356- 359. 7. Nachricht von Versuchen, welche im Hamburger St. Michaelisthurme iiber den Fall der Korper zum Beweise der Achsenumdrehung der Erde, im Grossen angestellt werden. Gilbert, Annal. XL, 1802, pp. 169-174. 8. Ueber die Verbesserung des Flintglases fiir Femrohre. Gilbert, Annal. XL. 1802, pp. 255-263. 9. Fortgesetzte Nachricht von Versuchen im Grossen iiber den Fall der Korper. Gilbert, Annal. XL, 1802, pp. 470-473. 1O. Ueber seine den Widerstand der Luft und die Axendrehung der Erde betreflfenden Versuche. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 692- 697. 11. Beschreibung einer neuen Art Com- pensations- Pendels. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 697-700. 12. Ueber Rostformige Pendelstangen, zusamniengesetzt aus Bley und Eisen. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 787-790; Nicholson, Journal, VII., 1804, p. 300. 13. Nachrichten iiber die hermetische Ge- sellschaft. Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 493 -496. 14. Ueber die Frage : Sind die Stern- schnuppen tellurischen oder cosmischen Ur- sprungs. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 46-54. 15. Eine neue Art Rostcompensation fur astronomische Uhren. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 315-319. N N 2 BEN] 284 [BEN Benzenberg, J. F. 16. Ueber das Entfern- ungsgesetz dor Planeten uud Monde von den Miltelpunkten ihrer Bahnen. Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 169-193. 17. Nachrichten von seltenen Menschen. Voigt, Magazin, VI., 1803, pp. 251-255. 18. Versuche iiber die Umdrehung der Erde. [1804.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1 807, pp. 106-112. 19. Ueber das Gesetz der Cohasion. Gil- bert, Annal. XVI., 1804, pp. 76-88. 20. Von den Braunkohlen- oder Umbraerde- Lagern bei Coin, und den so genannten Feuer- kugeln am 12ten November, 1799. Gilbert, Annal. XVI, 1804, pp. 376-383. 21. Ueber ein Centrifugal-Peudel ; einige Bergische Fabriken und die Elberfelder Suppen- anstalt, in welcher die Rumfordsche Suppe durch Dampfe gekocht wird. Gilbert, Annal. XVI., 1804, pp. 494-503. 22. Reisebemerkungen, physikalische Ge- genstande in Paris betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XVIIL, 1804, pp. 372-381. 23. Bemerkungen iiber die Versuche, welche mit Zenithwarts gerichteten Kanonen angestellt worden sind. Voigt, Magazin, IX., 1805, pp. 48-58. 24. Fernere Bemerkungen iiber Stern- schnuppen und Feuerkugeln. Voigt, Magazin, IX., 1805, pp. 421-430. 25. Ueber die Genauigkeit der Winkel- messungen mit Spiegelsextanten. [1806.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1809, pp. 223-232. 26. Briefwechsel iiber die fossilen Knochen in der Hohle von Sundwich bei Iserlohn. Voigt, Maguzin, XL, 1806, pp. 448-460. 27. Ueber verschiedene Gegenstande, besonders iiber die neuen Tertienuhren mit Cen- trifugalpendeln. Voigt, Magazin, XII., 1806, pp. 181-188. 28. Ueber Spiegel- Sextanten und Voll- kreise. [1808.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1811, pp. 177-186. 29. Beschreibung eines 12-zolligen Bau- mannschen Spiegelkreises, dessen Fernrohr 14 Linien Oeifhung hat. [1809.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812, pp. 234-248. 3O. Beschreibung und Abbildung des May- erschen Wiederholungskreises. [1810.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1813, pp. 147-158. - 31. Einige Nachrichten iiber achromatische Fernrohre. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 258-265. 32. Hohenmessungeu im Siebengebirge. Gilbert, Annal. XXXV., 1810, pp. 187-205. 33. Versuche iiber die Geschwindigkeit des Schalles ; angestellt in Diisseldorf den 5 Nov. und den 2 und 3 Dec. 1809. Gilbert, Anna!. XXXV., 1810, pp. 383-406. Benzenberg, J. F. 34. Von dem Hohenmessen mit dem Barometer. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 150-167. 35. Bemerkungen iiber das barometrische Nivellement des Harzes von Hrn. von VILLE- FOSSE. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI, 1810, pp. 333-344. 36. Sind die Barometer Individuen. Gil- bert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 345-352. 37. Noch einieres iiber Barometer-Messun- gen. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 353- 357. 38. Ueber das Hohenmessen vermittelst des Barometers. [1811.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1814, pp. 187-197. 39. Auszug aus einem Schreiben des D. BENZENBERG iiber seine und BIOT'S Schallver- suche. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 221-225. 4O. Ueber die Verfertigung der achroma- tischen Fernrohre und den Nutzen von Formeln und Berechnungen bei diesem Geschafte. Gil- bert, Annal. XXXVIII., 1811, pp. 442-464. 41. Verschiedene Bemerkungen, welche sich auf das Hohenmessen mit dem Barometer beziehn. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 451-468. 42. Wirkt der Schall auf das Barometer. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 129-135. 43. Tafel iiber die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls nach Theorie und Erfahrung, fur alle Warmegrade von 10 bis + 30 R. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 136-142. 44. Ueber den Einfluss der Daltonschen Theorie auf das Hohenmessen und auf die Strahl- enbrechung. [1812.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1815, pp. 236-242. 45. Versuche iiber die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls bei hohen Temperaturen. Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 1-11, 12-29, 30-36. 46. Ueber den Einfluss der Dalton'schen Theorie auf die Lehreu von der Geschwindigkeit des Schalls, vom Hohenmessen mit dem Baro- meter, von der Eudiometrie und von der Strahl- enbrechung. Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 155-196. 47. [Ueber die Barometer-Hohenmessun- gen.] Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 490-495. 48. Lettre sur la vitesse du Son et la theorie de DALTON. Bibl. Britannique, LIL, 1813, pp. 388-394. 49. Sur les rapports de la theorie de DALTON avec PEudiometrie et la Musique. Bibl. Britan- nique, LIIL, 1813, pp. 273-279. 5O. Ueber die Versuche der franzosischen Akademiker iiber die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls. Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 325-329. BEN] 285 [BER Benzenberg, J. F. 51. Wieder-Auffindung der Aachner Masse Gediegen-Eisen. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIIL, 1814, pp. 410-412; Thomson, Annal. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 53-55. 52. Von einer Vorlesung des Dr. OLBERS in Bremen liber die Geschwindigkeit des Schalls. Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 154-160. 53. Nachrichten iiber das Ge witter vom 11 ten Januar 1815. Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 341-355. 54. Barometer-beobachtungen. Lindenau, Zeitschr. III., 1817, pp. 111-117. 55. Ueber die Bestimmung des absoluten Nullpunkts der Warme. Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 363-372. 56. Ueber den mittleren Stand des Warme- messers in Diisseldorf. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 485-487. 57. Wie genau kannte man am Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts das Gewicht unserer Atmosphare. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 483-485. 58. DieSalzquellenbeiWimpfenamNeckar. Kastner, Archiv Chemie, IV., 1831, pp. 197-236. 59. Ueber die warmen Quellen in Aachen. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahi'b. 1831, pp. 1-16. 60. Die mittlere Warme an der Oberflache der Erdezu Diisseldorf. Kastuer, Archiv Chemie, V., 1832, pp. 108-122. 61. Ueber Sternschnuppen. Schweigger, Journ. LXV1I. (= Jahrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 134 -140. 62. Sur les etoiles filantes. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 381-391. 63. Sur le nombre des etoiles filantes visi- bles pendant une heure, aux differentes epoques de 1'annee. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 212-223. 64. Beobachtung der Sternschnuppen vom 20sten bis 26sten April 1838. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 325-328. 65. Resultats des observations des etoiles filantes pendant 1'annee, 1838. Quetelet, Cor- resp. Math. XI., 1839, pp. 450-455. Benzenberg, J. F., und Brandes. Versuch die EntFernung, die Geschwindigkeit und die Bahn der Sternschnuppen zu bestimmen. Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 224-234. Benzenberg, ./. /''., Schroter, und Bessel. Merkwlirdige Beobachtungen der Feuerkugel vom 23sten Oct. 1805. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 106-108. Benzon, Peder Eggert. Om den vestindiske Salop, dens Dyrkning, Tilberedelse og almin- delige Egenskaber. Orsted, Tidsskrift, II., 1823, pp. 158-172. Beral, P. J- Notes sur la Fermentation. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1815, pp. 358-362. Beral, P. J. 2. Ueber Collutoria (TupfsSifte und Mundwasser). Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 70-75. 3. Verschiedene weitere Arznei-Formulare. Liebig, Aunal. XVI., 1835, pp. 76-77. 4. Ueber Gurgelwiisser. Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 217-222. 5. Notice sur un appareil fumigatoire. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 541-543. 6. De 1'appareil fumigatoire de RASPAIL, pour fumigations autres que celles par combus- tion, et modifications dont il est susceptible. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 543-544. Beranger, - . Sur la reaction de 1'eau de laurier- cerise sur le calomel. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Sci. Vaud, L, 1842-45, pp. 146-148 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 39-40. Berard, . Application de la methode de maximis et minimis a la recherche des grandeur et direction des diametres principaux, dans les lignes et surfaces du second ordre qui ont un centre ; ces lignes et surfaces etant rapportees a des axes de directions quelconques, passant par ce centre. Gergonne, Ann. Math. III., 1812-13, pp. 105-113. 2. De 1'equilibre dans 1'echelle a incendie, et d'une nouvelle machine propre a mouvoir les fardeaux. Gergonne, Ann. Math. III., 1812-13, pp. 357-360. 3. De la generation des parabolo'ides ellip- tique et hyperbolique. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VI., 1815-16, pp. 122-125. 4. Construction geometrique des equations du deuxieme degre a deux et a trois variables. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VI., 1815-16, pp. 157- 169. 5. Recherche de la relation entre les six arcs de grands circles qui joignent, deux a deux, quatre points de la surface d'une sphere. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VI., 1815-16, pp. 253- 255. 6. Demonstration et application d'uu theo- reme relatif a 1'intersection des surfaces du second ordre. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VI., 1815-16, pp. 276-277. 7. Recherches sur les polygones, contenant la solution du Probleme propose a la page 256 du VI. volume de ce Recueil. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VII., 1816-17, pp. 61-67. 8. Methode nouvelle pour quarrer les courbes, et integrer entre des limites donnees toute fonction diiferentielle d'une seule variable. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VII., 1816-17, pp. 101- 116. 9. Sur le nombre des racines imaginaires des equations ; en reponse aux articles de MM. TED^NAT et SERVOIS, inseres aux pages 215 et 223 de ce volume. Gergonne, Ann. Math. IX., 1818-19, pp. 345-372. BER] 286 [BER Berard, 10. Developpement de la theorie sur laquelle il a etc demande des eclaivcissemens iv la page 291 du IX e volume de ce Recueil [ resolution des equations numeriques]. Ger- goniic, Ann. Math. X., 1819-20, pp. 61-72. Berard et Gergonne. Methode'propre a resoudre les questions ordinaires d'arithmetique, sans le secours de la theorie des proportions. Gergonne, Ann. Math. VIII., 1817-18, pp. 353-368. Berard, A., aine. Memoire sur un point d'ana- tomie et de physiologic du systeme veineux. Mecanisme de 1'entree accidentelle de 1'air dans les veines. Effets de 1'elasticite du poumon. Archiv. Gen. de Mod. XXIII., 1830, pp. 169 -184; Journ. Heb. de Med. VIII., 1830, pp. 544-556. 2. Observations sur la structure . et les maladies de testicule ; par Sir Astley COOPER. Extraits et Remarques. Begin, Journ. Heb. de Med. L, 1830, pp. 321-339. 3. Sur le rapport qui existe entre la direc- tion des conduits nourriciers des os longs et 1'ordre suivant lequel les epiphyses se soudent avec le corps de 1'os. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 371 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XL1I., 1834, col. 246-247. 4. Delia gelatina considerata come ali- mento. ( Transl.) .Polli, Ann. di Chim. X., 1850, pp. 156-168. 5. Sur la formation physiologique du Sucre. Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etr. I., 1857, pp. 655-666. Berard, A. Description nautique des cotes de 1'Algerie. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VTI., 1837, pp. 409-410. Berard, Aristidc. Sur la fabrication par voie ignee des blocs artificiels destines aux construc- tions hydrauliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 545-548. 2. fipuration de la houille. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1856, pp. 147-226. Berard, Jacques Etienne. Sur une terre magne- sienne, connue sous le nom de terre de Salinelle ou de Sommieres. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 65-73. 2. Sur le muriate d' etain. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1808, pp. 78-87; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 152-157; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1810, pp. 205-208. 3. Sur les elemens de quelques combi- naisons, et principalement des carbonates et souscarbonates alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1809, pp. 41-69 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1810 (St. 2), pp. 160-185. 4. Sur 1'eau contenue dans la soude fondue. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1809, pp. 96-101; Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 351-353. 5. Observation? sur les Oxalates et Sur- oxalates alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIIL. 1810, pp. 263-289 : Nicholson, Journ. XXXI. . 1812, pp. 20-33. Berard, Jacques Etienne. 6. Note sur un pas- sage de M. DAVY, relativement a 1'analyse de 1'ammoniaque. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIX., 1811, pp. 63-70. 7. Memoire sur Pextraction de 1'indigo de la feuille de pastel. Gard, Trav. Acad. 1811, pp. 22-52. 8. Memoire sur les proprietes physiques et chirniques des divers rayons qui component la lumiere solaire. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813. pp. 309-325; Quart. Journ. Sci. V., 1818. pp. 77-81. 9. Essai sur 1'analyse des substances ani- males. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 290- 298 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 439- 449 ; Thomson, Annal. Phil. XI., 1818, pp. 356- 357 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II.. 1808 (St. 2), pp. 192-203. 10. Memoire sur les proprietes des diflfe- rentes especes de rayons qu'on peut separer au moyen du prisme de la lumiere solaire. Arcueil, Mem. III.. 1817, pp. 1-47. 11. Memoire sur la maturation des fruits. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 152-183, 225-252 ; Bmgnatelli, Giorn. IV., 1821, pp. 226- 227,286-287; Giorn. Arcad. XL, 1821, pp. 158- 169; XIL, pp. 25-40; Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 395-397. 12. Lettre uM. GAY-LUSSAC sur les usines de gaz inflammable de la houille. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 113-128. 13. Ueber ein Mitt el, Metalle in Sauren aufzulosen ; und iiber die Fabrication einiger Metallsalze. (Transl.) Poggend, Annal. XIV.. 1828, pp. 285-293; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VIIL, 1828, pp. 193-203 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. IL, 1828, pp. 217-219. 14. Sur les moyen.s propre a arreter le developpement de la Muscardine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, p. 96. Berard, Jacques Etienne, et F. Delaroche. Memoire sur la determination de la chaleur specifique des differens gaz. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXV, 1813, pp. 72-110, 113-182; Joura. de Phys. LXXVL, 1813, pp. 155-176; Nicholson, Journ. XXXV, 1813, pp. 281-284 ; XXXVL, pp. 140-143, 184-197 ; Thomson, Annal. Phil. IL, 1813, pp. 134-138, 211-219, 289-292, 369- 377, 426-442. Berard, Paul, et Audouin. Etude sur les divers bees employes pour Feclairage au gaz, et recherches des conditions les meilleures pour sa combustion. Paris ; Soc. Encour. Bull. LXL, 1862, pp. 651-667 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1862, pp. 423-485. Berard, Paul, et A. Biche. lleeherches sur les toluides et leurs homologucs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 54-57. BEE] 287 [BER Beraud, I>. Grand sympathique des raies. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 31- 33. 2. Sur quelques alterations des cartilages d'encroutement. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 22-23. 3. Sur la bourse synoviale sous-trochan- terienne et sur les coi-ps etrangers qu'elle peut contenir. Paris, Mem Soc. Biol. III., 1851 {Compt. Rend.}, pp. 153-155. <- 4. Description d'un nouveau ligament ou ligament cubito-radial anterieur et superieur. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 132-134. 5. Note sur un cas de grossesse gemellaire. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 ( Compt. Rend.), pp. 149-151. 6. Du mode de terminaison des fibres longi- tudinales du rectum. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 163-166. 7. Note sur les glandes lacrymales. [1858.] Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. L, 1859, pp. 201-207. Beraud, T. C. Considerations theoriques et notions pratiques sur la pisciculture. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad^. III., 1858, pp. 4-16. 2. Sur les etudes mineralogiques a, Angers, et sur le bloc de quartz aciculaire radie donne recemment au Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de la ville d' Angers. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. IV., 1858, pp. 89-97. 3. Observations sur un cas d'hybridite vege- tale, et considerations physiologiques et philoso- phiques sur cet ordre de phenomenes. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VI., 1859, pp. 217- 228. 4. Reponses aux questions relatives a 1'his- toire naturelle des especes indigenes du genre Vipera (Lacep.}, proposees par la Societe Impe- riale d'Acclimatation de Paris. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VIII., 1860, pp. 38-62. 5. Nature et effets du venin du serpent a sonnettes (Crotalus horrid us, L.}. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VIII., 1860, pp. 62-65. 6. MisceUanees de zoologie Angevine. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VIII., 1860, pp. 169-177. . 7. Notice sur une plante Cryptogame nee dans les mines de houille de la Loire. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XVI., 1864, pp. 28 -36. Beraudi, Luigi. Sugli effetti della rnorfina e del suo acetato sul corpo umano. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XLVIIL. 1828, pp. 551-564. 2. Ulteriori esperimenti sugli animali vi- venti, comprovanti la facolta che compete al nervoso sistemo di svolgere in alcuni casi il galvanismo. Omodei, Ann. Univ. L., 1829, pp. 278-282 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1829, col. 150-152. Beraudi, Luigi. 3. Sperienze intorno agli effetti dei sali di chinina e di cinconina nell' uomo sano. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LIL, 1829, pp. 312-328. 4. Sugli effetti della noce vomica sul corpo umano. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LIIL, 1830, pp. 225-245. Berce, . Avortement d'une aile chez une Thais Cassandra. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. cxi-cxii. 2. Anomalie dans la forme de la coque de Saturnia Carpini (Bombyx petit-paon). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, p. cxii. 3. Note sur les galles produites par la Cecidomyia fagi. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. VI., 1858, pp. xci-xcii. 4. Note sur la chenille de la Zerenia pan- teria. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, p. cxvii. 5. Sur le Polyommatus Miegii. Paris, v Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. viii-ix. 6. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Lepidoptere. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, p. 386. Berchem, . Sur la chaux manganesiee. An- nal. de Chimie, XII., 1792. pp. 163-166. Berchem, J. P. See Berthout van Berchem. Berchon, E. Le tatouage aux iles Marquises. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. L, 1860, pp. 99- 117. 2. Influence de 1'heredite sur les anomalies du testicule, famille de Monorchides. [1861.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1862 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 256-261. 3. Recherches sur le tatouage. [1861.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III.. 1862, pp. 13-37. Bercht, . Verwandlung des Alkohols in Essigather mittelst iiberoxygenirter Salzsaure, nnd einio-e andere Versuche mit dieser Siiure. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 103-108. Berchtold (Graf von}. Das todte Meer, insbe- sondere die " Sodomsapfel." Lotos, 1851, pp. 17-20. Berdau, Felix. Geographisch-botanische Skizze des Tatra-Gebirges. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 297-299, 305-307, 313-317, 321- 323. 2. Przeglad Flory okolic Krakowa. Kra- kow, Roczn. Tow. Nauk. in., 1859, pp. 213- 638. Bereud, H. W. Ueber Melanosis ; nach frem- den und eigenen Beobachtungen. Casper, Wo- chenschrift, 1849, pp. 497-509. Berend, Max. Die Einwirkung von Brom auf die vollstandig geschwefelten Kohlensaureather. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 333-335. 2. Ueber das Formamid. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 335-338. BER] 288 [BER Berend, Nicolas. Ueber die Divergenz in den Ansichten der Physiologen und Chemiker der Gegenwart. Hannoversche Annalen, III., 1843. pp. 314-330. 2. Ueber eine neue Theorie zur Erklarung des Aufrechtsehens. Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. VII., 1847, pp. 242-255. 3. Kritische Randbemerkungen zu einer neuen Theorie iiber das Wosen des Chloroform- Todes. Roser u. Wunderlicb, Arcbiv, X., 1851, pp. 308-320. Berendt, G. C. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des Blattes antediluviennes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1836, pp. 539-545. Berendt, H. Mittheilungen iiber Mexiko. Pe- termann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 171-173, 215-218, 256-258. Berey, Sam. On Thunder Storms. Nicholson. Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 416-419. Berg, von. Insecten in Grodno. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. X., 1858, pp. 43-47. Berg, . Etude sur les Antilopes du Senegal. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. VII., 1860, pp. 80- 87. 2. Des insectes herbivores de 1'ile de Re- union. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. IX., 1862, pp. 939-947. Berg, Albert. Ueber die Temperatur der West- kiiste von Siidaraerika. Poggend. Annal. LL, 1840, pp. 301-320. 2. Ueber die Chimaera. Gumprecht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 307-314. Berg, Ernst von. Bemerkungen iiber Reproduc- tion und Propagation. Flora, XH., 1829, pp. 705-720. 2. Fernerweitiger Bericht iiber die durch Samenaussaat erhaltenen Irisarten. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 561-573. 3. Ueber eine ungewohnliche Verholzung von Pyre thrum Parthenium. Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 829-832. 4. Physiologische Betrachtungen iiber die Knollenbildung bei Corydalis cava und solida. Flora, XXIL, 1839, pp. 353-360, 369-378 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.\ 1840, pp. 58-63. 5. Verwandtschaft zwischen Thlaspi ar- vense und Sinapis alba. Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 225-240. Berg, F. J. van den. Oplossingen der als Prijs- vragen voorgestelde Vraagstukken. Vraagstuk A. De inhouden te berekenen van de beide deelen, waarin een gewone cirkelvormige cylin- der verdeeld wordt door een plat vlak, dat het bovenvlak volgens eene middellijn, en het grond- vlak volgens eene gegevene koorde snijdt. Vraagstuk B. Het gedeelte der aardoppervlakte te berekenen, dat begrepen is tusschen een me- ridiaan en twee verschillende loxodromische krommen. Vraagstuk B*. Door een gegeven Berg, F. J. van den. punt van het oppervlak der kegelvormige wig van Wallis wordt een rakend plat vlak gebragt. Men vrnagt, of dat rakende vlak het gebogen vlak al of niet snijdt ; en zoo ja, deze doorsnede en hare voornaamste eigenschappen te vinden. Amsterdam, Archief Wisk. Gen. II.; 1860-63, pp. 1-9, 10-22, 23-86. 2. Oplossingen der als Prijsvragen voorge- stelde Vraagstukken. Vraagstuk D. Teneinde daarvan eene toepassing op de theorie der ge- welven te maken, begeert men eenen vierhoek te vinden, die aan de volgende voorwaarden vol- doet ; 1. Twee over elkander staande zijden (t. w. de zij'den zelven, en niet hare verlengden), moeten eene gegevene kettinglijn in twee gege- vene punten van die kromme, regthoekig snij- den ; 2<>. De lijn, die de zwaartepunten van den vierhoek en van den daarbinnen vallenden boog der kettinglijn vereenigt, moet even wij dig met de as der kettinglijn loopen ; en 3. De vierhoek moet een gegeven inhoud hebben. Vraagstuk E. In eene verticaal staande dunne plaat is eene opening, de gedaante hebbende van een cirkel- segment, welks koorde horizontaal loopt. Die plaat keert eene watermassa, waarvan de stand- vastige waterspiegel te weinig boven de opening verheven is, om de drukhoogte boven het zwaar- tepunt der opening als eene gemiddelde in reke- ning te mogen brengen. Men vraagt de hoeveel- heid water te vinden, die in een bepaalden tijd door deze opening uitvloeit ? De oplossing van deze vraag verlangt men op een voorbeeld in getallen toegepast te zien. Vraagstuk F. De vergelijking en de voornaamste eigenschappen te vinden der kromme lijn, die de meetkunstige plaats is van de snijpunten der loodlignen, door de uiteinden van de elkander toegevoegde mid- dellijnen eener ellips, loodregt op die middellijnen getrokken. Amsterdam, Archief Wisk. Gen. II., 1860-63, pp. 129-151, 152-188, 189-216. Berg, F. T. Die Schwammchen in mikrosko- pisch-anatomischer Hinsicht. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIIL, 1845, col. 99-106. . Berg, Fredrik. Ueber die Anwendung von Blut zu Injectionen anatomisch-pathologischer Pra- parate. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 468-472. Berg, H. von. Abarten von Iris. Oken, Isis, 1 831, col. 1010-1011. Berg, Otto. Ueber den Knollstock von Helle- borus niger, L., und dessen Verwechselungen. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 313-317. 2. Ueber die officinellen Buckobliitter und deren Abstammung. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 905-914. 3. Revisio Myrtacearum Americas hue- usque cognitarum s. KLOT/SCHU "Flora American agquinoctialis " exhibens Myrtaceas. Linnzea, 'XXVII., 1854, pp. 1-472. BER] 289 [BER Berg, Otto. 4. Ueber die bis jetzt bekannten Bergasse, Arten der Gattung Krameria und die iin Han- del befindlichen Ratanhawurzeln. Botan. Zei- tung, XIV., 1856, col. 745-752, 761-767, 777- 782, 793-799. 5. Ueber eine neue deutsche Cardamine. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 873-875. 6. Ueber die Senegawurzel. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 49-53. 7. Bemerkungen, die chilenischen Myrta- ceen von PHILIPPI betrefFend. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 825-830, 841-847, 857-861. 8. Ueber einige chilenische Myrtaceen aus der Sammlung des Prof. PHILIPPI. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 250-251. 9. Mantissa II. ad Revisionem Myrta- cearum Americas. Linnsea, XXX., 1859-60, pp. 647-713. 1O. Beschreibung einiger neuen Droguen von Cap. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 190- 192. 11. Ueber die Knollen des Sturmhuts. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 352-355. ; 12. Mantissa III. ad Revisionem Myrta- cearum America?. Linnasa, XXXL, 186061, pp. 247-262. 13. Cortex Quillajce. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 140-141. 14. Mexicanische Sarsaparille aus Manza- nilla. Flora, XLIV., 1861, pp. 373-376. 15. Die Balsarnodendron- Arten der Ber- liner Herbarien. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 153-156, 161-164. Berg, Otto, og A. Orsted. Myrtaceae Centro- americanse. Kjobenhavn, Vidensk. Meddel. 1855, pp. 1-26. Berg, Pctr. Ulr. Dissertatio de novis generibus plantar um. Upsala, Diss. Acad. I., 1799, pp. 71 -82. Bergamaschi, Giuseppe. Memoria sulle Chiu- dende (o siepi). Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIII., 1815, pp. 409-423. 2. Osservazioni micologiche ed enumerazione storica di tutti i funghi della provincia Pavese, coi caratteri onde distinguere le buone dalle ree specie, e varieta loro. Bibl. Ital. XXVII., 1822, pp. 68-76, 228-247 ; XXX., pp. 92-98 ; XXXL, 63-74 ; XXXII., 70-77 ; XXXIV., 59-67, 206-221 ; XXXVII., pp. 352-374. 3. Gita Botanica agli Appennini Boglelio, e Lesime. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 69-75, 92-97. 4. Sopra la doppia fecondazione d' un Pesco. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 113 -116. 5. Sopra varie piante degli Appennini, colli Oltrepadani, e della Campagna Pavese da aggiugnersi alia Flora Ticinese. Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1824, pp. 211-222, 266-281. la gelee. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1841, pp. 149 -160. 2. Houillere de Littry, dans le Calvados. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1847, pp. 31-32. 3. Sur le calcul infinitesimal. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1849-50, pp. 111-122. 4. Sur 1'alimentation dans les pays chauds. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1850-51, pp. 159-175. 5. Note sur les bles de Russie. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1850-51, pp. 176-180. 6. Sur la fecondation artificielle du Sau- mon. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1852-53, pp. 217 -231. Berge, F. Versuch einer natiirlichen Klassifi- kation der Vogel. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 196- 212. Bergeat, Christoph. Verbesserung der Zinkkohl- enkette. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. III., 1856, pp. 257-260. 2. Ueber die Bestimmung der Factoren eines galvanischen Stromes und einen hierzu sehr bequemen Rheostaten. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. IV., 1857, pp. 265-275. 3. Ueber die Passauer Porzellanerde. Passau, Jahresb. Nat. Ver. III., 1859, p. 209. Bergeman, G. W. Blausaure in Baumrinden. Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, p. 346; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIIL, 1812, pp. 215-217. Bergemann, C. Chemische Untersuchung des Glaukolits vom Baikalsee. Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 267-274. 2. Chemische Untersuchung eines zu Liedberg (Kreis Gladbach, Regierungs-Bezirk Diisseldorf) gefundenen Mammuthzahnes. Schweigger, Journ. LII. (= Jahrb. XXII.), 1828, pp. 145-156. 3. Chemische Untersuchungen und mine- ralogische Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene phos- phorsaure Kupfer. Schweigger, Journ. LIV. (= Jahrb. XXIV.), 1828, pp. 305-324. 4. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen. Poggend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 554-559. 5. Ueber die chemische Zusammenset- zung einiger vulkanischen Gebirgsarten. Kar- sten, Archiv, XXL, 1847, pp. 3-48. 6. Ueber das Meteoreisen von Zacatecas. Poggend. Annal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 406- 413. 7. Untersuchung einiger Mineralien. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXX., 1850, pp. 393-403. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss eines neuea metallischen Kb'rpers. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 561-585. 9. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Mine- ralien. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 485-494. O O BER] 290 [BER Bergemann, C. 1O. Entdeckung ernes neuen Metalls, Donarium, in einem Mineral von Brevig. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 221-223 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 235-241 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIU., 1851, pp. 239-242; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 247-251; XXIL, pp. 71-75. 11. Ueber die Thorerde und die Donarerde. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 558-565. 12. Mineral - Analysen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 393-399. 13. Untersuchung von Meteoreisen. Pog- gend. AnnaL C., 1857, pp. 245-260. 14. Ueber die Resultate einiger analytis- Berger, -. Die Versteinerungen im Roth von chen Arbeiten. RheinL u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XIV., 1857, pp. xliii-xliv. 15. Kobalt - Manganspath. Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1857, pp. 111-112. 16. Ueber einige Nickelerze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 239- 244. 17. Ueber den Ehlit (Phosphor-und- Vana- din-saures Kupferoxyd). Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 191-195. 18. Bemerkungen iiber phosphorsaures Kupferoxyd. Poggend. AnnaL CIV., 1858, pp. 190-192. 19. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der phos- phorsauren und arsensauren Kupfererze im All- gemeinen. Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XV., 1858, pp. xxviii-xxx. . 2O. Ueber das feldspathartige G-estein des Zirkonsyenits. RheinL u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XV., 1858, pp. Ixxv-lxxvii ; Poggend. AnnaL CV., 1858, pp. 118-126. 21. Ueber ein neues fossiles Harz aus der Braunkohle (Krantzit). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 65-69. 22. Ueber Nickelerze. RheinL u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XVI., 1859, pp. 10-11. 23. Ueber die Haupt-Resultate seiner Untersuchung iiber ein neues fossiles Harz. Rheinl. u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XVI., 1859, pp. 11-12. 24. Zusammensetzung des Meteoreisens im Allgemeinen. RheinL u. Westph. Sitzungsber. XVI., 1859, pp. 89-90. 25. Bemerkungen iiber den Eisenstein von Horhausen. Rheinl. u. Westph. Verh. 1859, pp. 127-130. 26. Mineral- Analysen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 410-416. 27. Ueber eine Pseudomorphose des Leu- cits. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 418-421. Berger, . Discussion des courbes et des sur- faces du second degre. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. IV., 1858-60, pp. 31-36. Hildburghausen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 168-171. 2. Die Versteinerungen des Schaumkalks am Thiiringer-Wald. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1860, pp. 196-206. 3. Ueber Grundeis-Bildung. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 615-622. 4. Ueber Nebel. Poggend. Annal. CXVHI., 1863, pp. 456-471. 5. Ueber Spharo'idalzustand. Poggend. Annal. CX1X., 1863, pp. 594-637. Berger und Vullers. Der geognostische Bau des Wesergebirges von der Biickeburgischen Grenze bis zur Theilung des Gebirgszuges, bei Holzhausen, sowie die Eisensteinlagerstiitten des Weser Juras. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XV., 1856, pp. 185-187, 197-198. Berger, Ad. Die Bergvolker des Kaukasus, eine historisch-ethnographische Uebersicht. Petermann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 165-185. Berger, Ernst. Einige Bemerkungen und Nach- trage zu Prof. SCHEJNK'S Flora der Umgebung von Wiirzburg. Flora, XXXL, 1848, pp. 497- 503. 2. Craterellus zonatus, eine neue Pilzart. Flora, XXX VL, 1853, pp. 113-115. Berger, G. A. Geschichte einer durch Um- schlingung der Nabelschnur erschwerten Geburt, nebst Beschreibung der widernatiirlichen Bil- dung der Geschlechtstheile und einiger Einge- weide des Unterleibs, die an dem Kinde sich zeigten. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, IV., 1824, pp. 395-399. Berger, H. A. C. Die Keuper-Formation mit ihren Konchylien in der Gegend von Coburg beschrieben. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1854, pp. 408-414. Berger, Jean Francois. Observations sur la fleur de la tannee. Journ. de Phys. LV., 1802, pp. 119-128. 2. Notice sur le degre d'elasticite de diffe- rentes couches d'air, avec quelques experiences eudiometriques sur la constitution de 1'atmos- phere en differens lieux. Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, pp. 366-375. 3. Memoire sur les defauts de 1'eudiometre a gaz nitreux. Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, pp. 253-274 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 400- 411. 4. Recherches sur 1'absorption et 1'altera- tion de 1'air et de differens gaz par 1'eau. Journ. de Phys. LVII., 1803, pp. 5-25. 5. Note sur le mont Lezore dans le departe- ment de la Loire. Journ. de Phys. LVII., 1803, pp. 125-127. 6. Note sur les aiguilles rouges dans la vallee de Chamouni. Journ. de Phys. LVII., 1803, pp. 277-281. BER] 291 [BER Berger, Jean Francois. 7. Sur uu ver qui se trouve dans 1'interieur des pepins de la pomme d'api [Ichneumon nigricornis]. Paris, Soc. Phi'lom. Bull. III., 1803, p. 141. 8. Essai physiologique sur la cause de 1'Asphyxie par submersion. Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804, pp. 293-307, 438-456. 9. Resultate von eudiometrischen Ver- suchen, angestellt an verschiedenen Orten. Gil- bert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 412-416. 10. Untersuchungen iiber die Absorption der Gasarten durch Wasser. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 168-176. 11. Hauteurs de plusieurs lieux determinees par le barometre dans le cours de differens voyages faits en France, en Suisse, et en Italie. Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, pp. 220-243, 289-315 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIIL, 1807, pp. 210-217, 295-309 ; XIX., pp. 272-282. 12. Observations on the Physical Structure of Devonshire and Cornwall. Geol. Soc. Trans, I., 1811, pp. 93-184. 13. A sketch of the geology of some parts of Hampshire and Dorsetshire. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1811, pp. 249-268. 14. Mineralogical account of the Isle of Man. Geol. Soc. Trans. IL, 1814, pp. 29-65 ; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XIV., 1820, pp. 65-84. 15. On the Dykes of the North of Ireland. [1814.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 223- 235. 16. Sur les Gaz intestinaux de l'homme. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 189- 192. 17. Experiences et remarques sur quelques animaux qui s'engourdissent pendant la saison froide. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. X.VL, 1828, pp. 201-246 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXLL, 1828, col. 209-216, 225-230, 240. 18. Faits relatifs a la construction d'une echelle des degres de la chaleur animale. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VI, 1833, pp. 257-368 ; VIL, 1-76. Berger, Jean Frangois, and W. Conybeare. On the geological features of the North-eastern counties of Ireland, with an introduction and remarks. [1814.] GeoL Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 121-221. Berger, L. Calcul de la resistance des fermettes et des aiguilles des barrages mobiles. Belg. Annal. Trav. Publ. XVIIL, 1859-60, pp. 293- 315. Bergere, Rapport sur un appareil distilla- toire. Metz, Mem. Acad. XV., 1833-34, pp. 247-258. Bergeron, Georges. De la coloration des fleurs. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. L, 1829 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 206-207. Bergeron, Georges. 2. Note sur la phos- phorescence d'une variete de Lapis-Lazuli, dite variete californienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull XVII., 1859-60, pp. 432-433. 3. Sur 1'existence de trachees dans les fougeres. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 338-339. Bergeron, Georges, et E. Le Sourd-Dussiples. Note sur un cas de metamorphose ascendante. Transformation des etamines en feuilles carpel- laires. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIIL, 1861, pp. 348-350. Bergeron, Georges, etAug. Ollivier. Recherches experimentales sur 1'action physiologique de 1'aniline. Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 368-378. 2. Recherches experimentales sur 1'action physiologique de la nitrobenzine. Brown- Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 455- 459. 3. Action du sulfocyanure de potas- sium sur la fibre musculaire et sur le sang. Paris, Mem. Soc, Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Bend.), pp. 22-23. Berggren, J. Gewachse im Morgenland gesam- melt. Oken, Isis, L, 1828, col. 971-1006. Bergh, Jan. Gulielmus van den. Responsio ad qusestionem mathematicam : " Si sphaera, cujus radius aequat unitatem, dividatur in tres partes concentricas, in sphaeram igitur et duos annulos sphaericos, omnes partes ejusdem capacitatis ; quaeritur punctum, e quo tres harum sphaera- rum diametri, in linea horizontali positae, con- spiciuntur sub aequali magnitudine apparenti, et hinc methodus figuras ad speculi cylindrici atque conici usum delineandi." Lejden, Ann. Acad. 1818-19. 2. Responsio ad quaestionem astronomicam : "Ad diem 1 Novembris 1825, computentur an- guli horarii, altitudines, azimutha stellae 3 et a. Polaris, dum sint in eodem vertical!, uti et cum pervenerint ad aequales altitudines. Lati- tude Observatorii Leidensis=52 9 / 26".5. Lon- gitudo orientalis a Parisiorum meridiano = 2 9' = &. 8'.36." Lejden, Ann. Acad. 1819-20. Bergh, Rudolph. Bidrag til en Monographic af Marseniaderne. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift. HI., 1853, pp. 239-360. 2. Haandtegningen over flere Pleurophyl- lidiearter. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIL, 1856, pp. 206-208. 3. Bidrag til en anatomisk Unders0gelse af Marsenina prodita (Loven). Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1857, pp. 110-122. 4. Anatomisk Undersogelse af Fiona atlan- tica, Bgh. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1857, 273-337. o o 2 BER] 292 [BER Bergh, Rudolph. 5. Bidrag til Kundskab om Menneskets Fnatmidde (Sarcoptes hominis, Rasp.). Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1860, pp. 83-102. 6. Anatomisk Unders0gelse af Phyllodes- mium hyalinum, Ehrbg. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1860, pp. 103-116. 7. Om Forekomsten af Neldefiim hos Mol- lusker. Kjobenh. Vidensk. Meddel. 1860, pp. 309-331 ; Microsc. Soc. Journ. II., 1862, pp. 274-277. 8. Campaspe pusilla, en ny Slcegtsform af Berghaus, Hermann. 2. Die Colonie Natal und die Siid-Afrikanischen Freistaaten. Petermann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 272-291. 3. Bemerkungen zu der Karte von Central- Amerika. Petermann, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 270- 272. Dendronotidernes Familie. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. I., 1861-63, pp. 471-483. 9. Anatomisk Unders0gelse af Sancara quadrilateralis, en ny Slcegstyp af Pleurophylli- diernes Familie. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. I., 1861 -63, pp. 484-538. Berghaus, Heinrich. Versuch einer Bestim- mung der absoluten Hohe von Berlin ; aus barometrischen Beobachtungen hergeleitet. Her- tha, I., 1825, pp. 166-187. 2. Bestimmung der Hohe liber dem Meere von Munster, Minden und Arnsberg, den drei Regierungs-Hauptorten des preussischen West- falens. Hertha, I., 1825, pp. 241-256. 3. Nivellement von der Lippe bei Hamm iiber Munster, langs dem miinsterschen Kanale und dem Vechte-Fluss zur Ems bei Riihle ober- halb Meppen, und von Munster iiber Horstmar an die niederlandische Griinze bei Gronau und Enschede. Hertha, II., 1825, pp. 316-335. 4. Die bevorstehenden Untersuchungen in Morea. Hertha, XII., 1828, pp. 542-557. 5. Des epoques de vegetation. [1840.] Bibl. Univ. XXXni., 1841, pp. 428-432; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 182 -188. 6. Mancherlei Mittheilungen iiber Russ- land. Liidde, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. VI., 1847, pp. 51-68, 81-118. 7. Vermischtes und Allerlei zur physikal- ischen Erdbeschreibung. Liidde, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. VI., 1847, pp. 161-199. 8. Vergleichung der Grundlinien von See- berg, Golzow, Sargleben, Riksdorf und Konigs- berg. Berghaus, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. VIII., 1848, pp. 43-55. 9. Ueber das Klima der Aequatorial-Zone von Afrika, an der Guinea-Kiiste. Berghaus, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. VIII., 1848, pp. 59-61. 10. Ueber die mittlere Temperatur von Prag und die daselbst fallende Regenmenge. Berghaus, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. IX., 1849, pp. 257 -286. Berghaus, Hermann. Geographische Beschrei- bung des Pandschab oder Fiinfstromlandes. Petermann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 29-41. 4. Ueber H. JAMES' und J. BABINET'S Entwurfsarten fiir Planigloben. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 63-69. Barghes, Moritz de. Ueber Aconitum vulgare, Dec., und Aconit. Stoerkeanum, Reichb. Liebig, Annal. I., 1832, pp. 120-125. 2. Beschreibung der Umtriebsmaschinen und mechanischen Vorrichtungen bei dem Berg- und Hiittenwesen in den vereinigten Freistaaten von Mexico bis zu dem Jahre 1825. Karsten, Archiv, XXL, 1847, pp. 293-362. Bergholz, J. Ueber die Harnmenge bei Beweg- ung der unteren und oberen Extremitaten. Reichert, Archiv, 1861, pp. 131-133. 2. Ueber Vererbung der Farbung. Rei- chert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 777-780. Bergin, T. F. Observations on the probable source and extent of Infusoria in the mud of rivers, &c. Microscopical Journ. II., 1842, pp. 68-70. 2. On the illumination of objects in the compound microscope. Irish Acad. Proc. V., 1853, pp. 313-323. Bergin, Thomas, Apjohn, and Lloyd. Notice of the Aurora of the 19th January 1839. Irish Acad. Proc. L, 1841, pp. 254-260. Bergis, . Solution de la question : Discuter et construire le lieu represente par 1'equation yx* + bx + c = 0. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIL, 1858, pp. 118-123. Bergius, A. Th. Beobachtungen von Sternbe- deckungen. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 239- 242. 2. De orbitis cometarum ex observationi- bus determinandis commentatio. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 189-215. 3. Formules nouvelles de 1'analyse com- binatoire. Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. XIV., 1850, pp. 221-242, 361-384. Bergmann, . Analyse de quelques sub- stances minerales. Journ. des Mines, XVL, 1804, pp. 67-76. 2. Notes sur le fer spathique. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 241-244 ; Nicholson, Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 314-316. Bergmann, Carl. Ueber die Bewegungen von Radius und Ulna am Vogelfliigel. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 296-300. 2. Die Zerklliftung und Zellenbildung im Froschdotter. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 89- 102. BEE] 293 [BER Bergmann, Carl. 3. Untersuchungen iiber die Structur der Mark- und Rindensubstanz des grossen und kleinen Gehirns. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 126-175. 4. Zur Vergleichung des Unterschenkels mit dem Vorderarm. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 201-205. 5. Ueber die Sprache und ihren ur- spriinglichen Sitz im Gehirne. Haeser, Archiv Med. III., 1842, pp. 153-185. 6. Zur Verstandigung iiber die Dotter- zellenbildung. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 92- 101. 7. Ueber eine Funktion der Glottis. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 296-299. 8. Nichtchemischer Beitrag zur Kritik der Lehre vom Calor animalis. Miiller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 300-319. 9. Ueber die Verhaltnisse der Warme- okonomie der Thiere zu ihrer Grosse. Gottinger Studien, 1847, pp. 595-708. 10. Bemerkungen iiber die Dotterfurch- ung. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 33-38. 11. Physiologische Bemerkungen iiber einige bekannte Eigenthlimlichkeiten der Vogel. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 365-381. 12. Zur Kenntniss des gelben Flecks der Netzhaut. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, V., 1854, pp. 244-252. 13. Anthropotomische und zootomische Notizen. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 337-356. 14. Ueber die Gefassplexus des Gehirns, und ihren Einfluss auf dessen Fuuctionen. Er- lenmeyer, Corresp. Blatt Psychiatric, III., 1856, pp. 49-56. 15. Kleine Beitrage zur Neurologie. Er- lenmeyer, Corresp. Blatt Psychiatric, III., 1856, pp. 113-115. 16. Einige Falle von Kretinismus, mit anatomischen Erlauterungen. Erlenmeyer, Cor- resp. Blatt Psychiatrie, IV., 1857, pp. 105-115. 17. Zur Pathologie des motilen Factors. Erlenmeyer, Corresp. Blatt Psychiatrie, IV., 1857, pp. 153-157, 161-164. 18. Notiz iiber einige Structurverhaltnisse des Cerebellum und Riickenmarks. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VIII., 1857, pp. 360-363. 19. Anatomisches und Physiologisches iiber die Netzhaut des Auges. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. I., 1858, pp. 83-108. 2O. Ein Wort iiber die Zellenbildung in der Cicatricula des Vogeleies. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 496-497. . 21. Einiges iiber den Driisenmagen der Vogel. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 581-587. Bergmann, G. If. Ueber das Ursachliche der Taubstummheit und deren Verschiedenheit von Idiotismus und Imbecillitat, durch anatomische Untersuchungen erlautert. Hannover. Ann. Heilkunde, I., 1836, pp. 60-82. Bergmann, G. H. 2. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche porose Auflockerung der weissen Gehirnsubstanz. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, II., 1845, pp. 235-240. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die durch getauschte Liebe erzeugte Seelenstorung. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, III., 1846, pp. 33-55, 189-241. 4. Ein Fall von religioser Monomanie, die eine unei-horte Selbstverletzung veranlasste. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, III., 1846, pp. 365-380. 5. Nachtriigliche Reflexionen. Hanno- ver. Ann. Heilkunde, VI., 1846, pp. 666-683. 6. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber die Ver- riicktheit, nebst pathologisch-anatomischen Er- lauterungen gewisser dabei leidender Functionen des Gehirns. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psy- chiatrie, IV., 1847, pp. 361-384. 7. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Stb'rungen des Gedachtnisses und der Sprache, iiber Stummheit und Taubstummheit. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, VI., 1849, pp. 657-676. 8. Pathologische Darstellungen zur Cha- rakteristik der verschiedenen Hirnorgane und ihrer Functionen, nebst einer Einleitung anato- misch-physiologischen Inhalts. Damerow, Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatrie, VII., 1850, pp. 1-34, 173-217; VIIL, 1851, pp. 157-170, 560-580; IX., 1852, pp. 1-10. 9. Ueber das Gewicht das Gehirns von Geisteskranken. Fechner, Centralblatt, I., 1 853, col. 315-318. 1O. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie und Anatomic der Hallucinationen. Erlenmeyer, Corresp. Blatt Psychiatrie, I., 1854, pp. 65-71. Bergmann, Joseph. Die vorarlbergischen Graf- schaften und Landstande. Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. V., 1861 (Abh.\ pp. 190-199. Bergner, A. Ueber die Bildung der Oberflache auf beiden Seiten des Finngebirges in Thiir- ingen, in den sichtbaren Schopfungsperioden und Revolutionen in der Urwelt, aus Oertlich- keiten und Ueberlieferungen gefolgert. Ballen- stedt, Archiv, IV., 1822, pp. 77-140. 2. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Urwelt. Ballenstedt, Archiv, V., 1823, pp. 63-67. Bergon, L. De la pile telegraphique. Annal. Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 147-164. 2. Influence d'une Aurore Boreale sur les lignes telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 365-367. . 3. De la transmission automatique. Annal. Telegraph. IH., 1860, pp. 113-134. Bergonzi, Giuseppe. SulP azione della canfcra nell' uomo sano. Brer a, Giorn. Med. Prat. IX., 1816, pp. 139-143. BEE] 294 [BEE Bergonzi, Giuseppe. 2. Esperimenti compara- tivi sull' azione dell' acqua coobata di lauro- ceraso e del tartaro emetico, tentati in diverse specie di animali e nelT uomo sano. Bibl. Ital. VIH., 1817, pp. 106-120, 445-453; IX., pp. 56-63, 350-373. Bergot, -. Observation d'une excroissance cornee de la couleur, la forme et la consistance d'une come de chevre. Paris, Soc. Chir. Bull. V., 1855, pp. 231-235. Bergouhnioux, . Observation de sueur pa- rotidienne. Paris, Mem. Soc. BioL L, 1859, (Compt. Rend.\ pp. 3-5. Bergsma, Corn. Adr. Responsio ad quaastionem e chemia applicata ab ordine Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum in Academia Groningana, propositam anno 1819 : " Quse sint cespitum nostrorum bituminosorum (turfarum) principia, quam mutationem ilia sub combustione patiantur, qui sit cinerum et fuliginis usus in artibus et agricultura ? " Groningen, Ann. Acad. 1818-19. 2. Responsio ad quajstionem chemico-oecono- micam a facultate Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum propositam : " Instituatur lactis vaccini examen chemicum, ad hodiernam artis perfectionem accommodatum, in quo ratio etiam habeatur illius casei albuminosi (Zieger, Serai), qui post separatum caseum vulgarem per calorem et acida e sero lactis separatur, et doceatur, num principium a vulgari caseo diversum revera sit habendum. Indicetur praeterea ratio, in Belgio adhibita, ad diversa lactis vaccini principia a se invicem separanda et in usum oeconomicum con- vertenda," Utrecht, Ann. Acad. 1821-22. 3. Responsio ad quaastionem chemicam : " Quasritur an incrustationes indigenae sint che- micae, an vero alius originis ? " Lejden, Ann. Acad. 1822-23. 4. Eenige Aanmerkingen betrekkelijk het werk van Dr. Justus LIEBIG, getiteld " Die organische Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agri- cultur und Physiologie." Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VHL, 1841, pp. 49-65, B. Bergson, G. Recherches sur 1'asthme. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1854, pp. 303-365, 444- 477 ; VII., pp. 56-133. Bergsten, Nils Johan. Om kroklineers hyperbo- liska, paraboliska och elliptiska bojningar. Stockholm, Acad. Hanoi. XXX., 1809, pp. 11-35. 2. Om de vandeliga grenarne i vissa krok- lineer, hvilkas konstruktion beror af et gifvet forhallande emellan foranderliga vinklar. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. XXXI., 1810, pp. 17- 49. 3. En latt method, att upptacka hufvude- genskaperna af den kroklinien. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 22-38. Bergsten, Nils Johan. 4. En handelse som fore- kommer vid tilllampningen af TATLOR'S theorem. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXV., 1814, pp. 135-142. 5. Algebraiskt problem. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1820, pp. 1-25. 6. Anmarkningar vid ett problem, som ar infordt i 3*" qvartatet af K. Vet. Acad. Handl. for ar 1803. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1833, pp. 193-198. Bergstrand, C. E. Bidrag till kiinnedom af svenska hvetemjolets beskaffenhet, med serskildt festiidt afseende derpa, ntir hvetet fortkommit under betydligt skijlaktiga klimatologiska for- hallenden. Stockhohn, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 247-258. Bergstrand, C. E., och L. Svanberg. Om fur- furin. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XI., 1854, pp. 309-325 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLVL, 1856, pp. 372-373 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVI., 1855, pp. 229-234. Bergstrasser, . Die Salzseen des Gouverne- ments Astrachan und der Wolga-Miindungen. Petermann, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 93-105. 2. IWANOW'S und NASAROFF'S Aufuahmen in der Ponto-Caspischen Niederung, 1858, behufs einer Kanal-Verbindung des Caspischen mit dem Schwarzen-Meere. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 339-342. 3. Die Verbindung des Caspischen mit dem Schwarzen-Meere. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 411-428. 4. Einiges iiber die Wasserfahrt durch die pontokaspische Niederung. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIX., 1860, pp. 237-242. Bergstrasser, , und Kostenkoff. Unter- suchungen des Manytsch in der Ponto-Kaspischen Niederung. Petermann, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 338 -347, 372-380. Berigny, Ad. Recherches statistiques sur les conceptions et les naissances a Versailles, consi- derees dans leur rapport avec la population et les sexes, les annees, les mois, les heures et les saisons meteorologiques. Paris, Annal. Meteor. 1852, pp. 281-291. 2. Observations comparatives faites a Ver- sailles et en Crimee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 671-674. 3. Recherches et observations pratiques sur le papier ozonometrique. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1104-1109. 4. Quatrieme memoire sur 1'ozonometrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 237- 239. 5. Proportions de 1'ozone, avant, pendant et apres la periode de Tinfluence de 1'Aurore Bo- reale du 28 au 29 Aout. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 391-392. BER] 295 [BER Berigny, Ad. 6. Effets du coup de vent du 27 Fevrier dernier observes a Versailles et dans les environs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 614-616. 7. Sur des cas de palmidactylisme se repro- duisant dans une meme famille pendant plusieurs generations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 743-744. Beringer, Aug. Ueber die Darstellung des Se- lens aus Selenblei. Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 122-124. 2. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Ceriums. Liebig, Annal. XLIT., 1842, pp. 134-145. 3. Ueber Chlorbereitung und Zugutmach- ung der Chlorriickstande. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCIX., 1846, pp. 440-458. 4. Die griiiien Arsenikfarben und ihre Sur- rogate. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. C VIII. 1848, pp. 143-151. 5. Die fabrikmassige Darstellung der Es- sigsaure. Liebig, Annal. LXXTV., 1850, pp. 345-346. Berini, D. Sur quelques phenomenes naturels en Carniole, et considerations sur les animaux de 1'ancien monde. Bibl. Univ. XII., 1819, pp. 278-280. Berjot, . Formule d'un liquide propre a amalgamer par simple immersion les zincs des piles electriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 273-274. Berkeley, G. A description of the anatomical structure of Cyclostoma elegans. Zool. Journ. IV., 1820, pp. 278-284. 2. Notice on the Rev. L. GUILDING'S -de- scription of Ancylus. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 269-271. Berkeley, Miles Joseph. A short account of a new species of Modiola and of the animal inhabi- tants of two British Serpulas. Zool. Journ. HI., 1828, pp. 229-231. - 2. On the internal structure of Helico- limax (Vitrina) Lamarckii. Zool. Journ, V., 1832-34, pp. 305-313. 3. Observations upon the Dentalium sub- ulatum of Deshayes. ZooL Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 424-427. 4. Description of the animals of Voluta denticulata, Mont., and Assiminia Grayana, Leach. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 427-430. 5. Observations on some British Serpulae. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII, 1834, pp. 420-421. 6. Notice of the occurrence of Dreissena polymorpha, Van Beneden, in Northampton- shire. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 572-574. 7. Notices of British Fungi. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. L, 1837, pp. 42-49, 507-513 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 198-208, 257-264 ; VI., 1841, pp. 355-365, 430-439 ; XILL, 1844, pp. 340-360 ; V., 1850, pp. 365-380, 455-466. Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 8. On the fructifica- tion of the Pileate and Clavate Tribes of Hyme- nomycetous Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1838, pp. 81-101. 9. On the existence of a second membrane in the Asci of Fungi. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot. II., 1838, pp. 222-225. 1O. On a Confervoid State of Mucor clava- tus, Lk. Jardine, Mag. Zool. and Bot EL 1838, pp. 340-343. 11. On the Fructification of Lycoperdon, Phallus, and their allied Genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 155-159 ; Ann. Sci. Nat XII. (Bot.}, 1839, pp. 160-165. 12. Contributions towards a Flora of Van Diemen's Land. Ann. Nat. Hist. ILL, 1839, pp. 322-327. 13. Descriptions of Exotic Fungi in the collection of Sir W. J. HOOKER, from Memoirs and Notes of J. F. KLOTZSCH, with additions and corrections. Ann. Nat. Hist. ILL, 1839, pp. 375-401 ; VII., 1841, pp. 451-454. 14. Notice of some Fungi collected by C. DARWIN, Esq., during the Expedition of H. M. Ship " Beagle." Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 291-293. 15. Descriptions of two new Fungi in the collection of Sir W. J. HOOKER. Hooker's Journ. Bot. II., 1840, pp. 146-147. 16. On Gloionema paradoxum. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 449-451. 17. On two minute Fungi belonging to the division Hyphomycetes. Hooker's Journ. Bot. III., 1841, pp. 78-80. 18. On a Gall gathered in Cuba by W. S. MACLEAT upon the leaf of a plant belonging to the order Ochnacese. [1839.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 575-580. 19. Notice of some Fungi collected by C. DARWIN in South America and the islands of the Pacific. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 443-448. 20. Notices of Fungi in the Herbarium of the British Museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 369-385. 21. Enumeration of Fungi collected by Dr. HOSTMANN in Surinam. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. L, 1842, pp. 138-142. 22. Enumeration of Fungi collected by H. CUMING in the Philippine Islands. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. I., 1842, pp. 142-157. 23. Description of Fungi collected by R. B. HINDS principally in the islands of the Pacific. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. I., 1842, pp. 447-457. 24. On two Hymenomycetous Fungi be- longing to the Lycoperdaceous group. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 200-205. BER] 296 [BER Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 25. On some Ento- inogenous Sphseriae. Hooker, Loud. Joum. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 205-211. 26. Notices of some Brazilian Fungi. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 629- 643. 27. Observations on Fucus Labillardierii, Turner. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 57-61. 28. Description of a new Fungus from British Guiana. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, p. 327. 29. Decades of Fungi. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. HI., 1844, pp. 185-194 ; IV., pp. 42-73, 298-315 ; V., pp. 1-6 ; VI., pp. 312- 326, 479-514; VII., 1848, pp. 572-580; Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1849, pp. 97-104, 234-239 ; II., pp. 42-51, 76-88, 106-112 ; III., 1851, pp. 14-21, 39-49, 77-84, 167-172, 200- 206; IV., pp. 97-107, 130-142 ; VI., 1854, pp. 129-143, 161-174, 204-212, 225-235; VIIL, 1856, pp. 129-144, 169-177, 193-200, 233-241, 272-280. 3O. On the preservation of objects of Natural History for the Microscope. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 104-106. 31. Description of Podaxon pistillaris, Fries. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. IV., 1845, pp. 291-293. 32. On an edible Fungus from Tierra del Fuego, and an allied Chilian species. [1841. J Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 37-44 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 97-98. 33. Notices of British Hypogaeous Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1846, pp. 73-82. 34. Notice of three new Fungi collected by Mr. GARDNER in Ceylon. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 534-535. 35. Observations, botanical and physiolo- gical, on the Potato Murrain. Hortic. Soc. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 9-34. 36. Observations on the propagation of Bunt (Uredo Caries, D. C.), made with an especial reference to the Potato Disease. Hortic. Soc. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 107-114. 37. On three species of Mould detected by Dr. THOMAS in the Amber of East Prussia. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 380-383. 38. On a form of Scab in Potatoes. Hortic. Soc. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 37-40. 39. On a peculiar form of Mildew in Onions. Hortic. Soc. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 91- 98. 40. On the White Eust of Cabbages. Hor- tic. Soc. Journ. HI., 1848, pp. 265-270. 41. Description of a new British Peziza. Berwick Nat. Club, 1849, pp. 190-191. 42. Note on a diseased state of the leaves of Pteroma vimineum. Hooker's Journ. Botany, L, 1849, pp. 286-287. Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 43. On a fungoid Gall from Para. Hooker's Journ. Botany, I., 1849, pp. 291-292. 44. Notice of a Mould attacking the Coffee Plantations in Ceylon. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 7-8. 45. On some Moulds referred by authors to Fumago, and on certain allied or analogous Forms. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 243- 260. 46. On Agaricus crinitus, L., and some allied species. [1845.] Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 230-231 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. 1851, pp. 109-114. 47. GARTNER'S observations upon Muling among Plants. Hortic. Soc. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 156-172; V., 1-13 ; VL, 1851, pp. 1-13. 48. Additional observations on the White Rust of Cabbages. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VL, 1851, pp. 117-121. 49. Observations on the Vine-Mildew ; translated from the French of J. H. L^VEILL^, with Remarks. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VL, 1851, pp. 284-294. SO. Enumeration of some Fungi from St. Domingo. Ann. Nat, Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 192- 203. 51. Enumeration of a small collection of Fungi from Borneo. Hooker's Journ. Botany, IV., 1852, pp. 161-164. 52. Dr. SCHLEIDEN'S Theory of Agricul- ture. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 30-45, 146-161. 53. On the bleached wood of the Arctic voyagers, as a possible indication of the route of Capt. Sir John FRANKLIN. Hooker's Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 33-45. 54. Pear Mildew. Hortic. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1853, pp. 40-41. '- 55. Description of a new species of Clos- terium (.C. Griffithii). Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1854, p. 256. 56. Observations on a form of White Rust in Pear Trees. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IX., 1855, pp. 48-60. 57. Botanical notes on the Mildew of the Vine and Hop. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IX., 1855, pp. 61-70. 58. On two new genera of Fungi. [1852.] Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 197-200 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 149-154. 59. Note on a Fungus found imbedded in the Fens of Cambridgeshire. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. L, 1857 (Bot.), p. 52. 60. Note on the development of Fungi upon Patn a Opium. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 143-145. BER] 297 [BER Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 61. Note on the recent discoveries in relation to the Microgonidia of Freshwater Alga?. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 145-147. 62. Note on the use of the Rhizoma of Pteris aquilina as an article of food. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 156-157. 63. On some Entomogenous Sphaerise. [1856.] Linn. Soc. Journ. I., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 157-159. 64. On some new Fungi. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1857, pp. 129-132. 65. On some tuberiform vegetable produc- tions from China. [1858.] Linn. Soc. Journ. III.. 1859 (Bot.), pp. 102-107 ; Bonplandia. VI., 1858, pp. 372-380. 66. Hibernation of Fungi, the genus Sclerotium. Intell. Observer, I., 1862, pp. 288- 294. 67. On two tuberiform vegetable produc- tions from Travancore. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 91-92. 68. On the development and action of the roots of agricultural plants at various stages of their growth. Agric. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1863, pp. 419-435. 69. Moss Parasite?. Intell. Observer, II., 1863, pp. 8-11. 70. The Fungus Foot of India. Intell. Observer, II., 1863, pp. 248-258. 71. On the spiral markings of the Flocci in the genus Trichia. [1862.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Bot.), pp. 54-56. Berkeley, Miles Joseph, and C. E. Brooxne. Notices of British Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848. pp. 259-268 ; VII., 1851, pp. 95-102, 176 -189; IX., 1852, pp. 317-329, 377-387; XIII., 1854, pp. 396-407, 458-469 ; III., 1859, pp. 356-377 ; VII., 1861, pp. 373-382, 449-456. 2. On some facts tending to show the probability of the conversion of Asci into Spores in certain Fungi. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 70-71 ; Hooker's Journ. Botany, III., 1851, pp. 319-323. Berkeley, Miles Joseph, and M. A. Curtis. Contributions to the Mycology of North America. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 401-403 ; IX., pp. 171-175 ; X., pp. 185-188 ; XL, pp. 93-95. 2. Exotic Fungi from the Schwei- nitzian Herbarium principally from Surinam. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. II., 1850-54, pp. 277-294. 3. Centuries of North American Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 417- 435 ; IV., 1859, pp. 284-296. 4. A Commentary on the " Synopsis Berkeley, Miles Joseph, and G. H. Hoffman. Description of the anatomical structure of Ce- rithium telescopium, Brug. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 431-439. Berkeley, Miles Joseph, and Camille Montagne. Decades of Fungi. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. III., 1844, pp. 329-337. 2. On Thysanothecium, a new genus of Lichens. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 257-258. 3. Sixieme Centurie de plantes cel- lulaires nouvelles, tant indigenes qu'exotiques : Decade VII. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL (Bot.), 1849, pp. 235-248. Berkeley, Miles Joseph, and J. Half's. On a new genus of Diatomaceas. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 328-329. Berkewitsch, L. Bahn-Bestimmung der Niobe (71). Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 17-22. Berkhan, W. Ueber das Vorkommen einiger seltenen . Pflanzen im Heimburger Reviere " Horst." Harz, Nat. Verein. Ber. 1857-58, p. 15. Berkowsky, . Ueber das Fischgift. Erman, Archiv Russ. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 501-517. Berlandier, . On two species of Mexican Wolves (Canis Mexicanus et frustrorX Phila- delphia, Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1851, pp. 156-157. Berlandier, J. L. Sur la famille des Grossu- lariees. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phy. III., 1826 (pt. 2), pp. 34-60. Berle, Ferdinand. Sur les stibamyles. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 372-375 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 316-322. 2. Untersuchungen iiber die Stibamyle uud einige ihrer Verbindungen, nebst einer verglei- chenden Zusammenstellung der wichtigeren Eigenschaften der organischen Metallradikale. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV, 1855, pp. 385 -418. 3. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber die Verbindungen Fungorum in America Boreali media," by L. D. von SCHWEINITZ. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. III., 1855-58, pp. 205-224. des Phosphors mit AethyL Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 73-75 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 334-335. Berlin, G. Ueber die Messkette und deren Be- richtigung. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 68-71. 2. Ueber ein Spiegelinstrument zum Ein- richten gerader Linien auf dem Felde. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 126-128. Berlin, Nils Johan. Bidrag till en narmare kan- nedom om Ytterjord en och dess foreningar. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1835, pp. 209-221 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 105-116. 2. Undersokning afnagra for Sjoskum hit- tills ansedda Svenska mineralier. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1840, pp. 167-174. p P BER] 298 [BER Berlin, Nils Johan. 3. Om den sa kallade tugg- kadan och en deruti funnen ny organisk syra. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. JII., 1842, pp. 493-496; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 214-218 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 407- 410. 4. Om den oxalsyrade chromoxidens dub- belsalter. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1844, pp. 1-6. 5. Forsb'k till bestammande af chromens atomvigt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1845, pp. 65-74 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 144-152 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 369-370. 6. Hepatiskt mineralvatten fran Sande- fjord i Norrige. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 45-46. 7. Analyser of cer- och ytterjordshaltija mineralier. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 86-88. 8. Om nagra tartrylsyrade salters vat- tenhalt. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 227-230 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 379-380. 9. Om stillistearinsyra. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, V., 1848, pp. 106-110. 1O. Mineralogiska underrattelser. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, V., 1848, pp. 110-113; Pog- gend. Annal. LXXVHI., 1849, pp. 413-416. 11. Om molybden. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 89-93 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 444-447. 12. Analyser af Norrska mineralier. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 234-238. 13. liber die Thorerde (Donariumoxyd) aus dem Orangit. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 608-610. 14. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Zirkon- erde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 145-148. 15. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Mos- andrits. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 156-159. 16. Neue Mineralien aus Norwegen. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 160-163, 17. Om Fosforsyra i Pyrofyllit. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIL, 1856, pp. 135. 18. Ueber das Verhalten der Harnsaure zu der alkalischen Kupferoxydlosung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 184-185. 19. Om de kemiska forandringar, som tack- jernet undergar vid sin forvandling till stangjern. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. XIII., 1858, pp. 206- 210. 2O. Qvicksilfvercyanid-dubbelsalter. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, p. 281. 21. Chrysotil och Serpentin fran Sala. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 282- 283. Berlin, Nils Johan. 22. Om de i den blandade ytterjorden befintliga oxider. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIIL, 1860, pp. 448-454. 23. Kemisk undersokning a vattneti Torpa saltkalla, belagen vid Lilla Edet. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 221-232. Berlin, Nils Johan, und Damour. Ueber die Thorerde und die Donarerde. Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 554-557. Berlin, Nils Johan, und Ekelund. Splformor- kelsen den 28 Juli 1851. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IX., 1852, pp. 32-37. Berlin, W. Onderzoekingen betrekkeh'jk den bloedsomloop in de hersenholte. Nedeiiandsch Lancet, V., 1849-50, pp. 461-489. 2. Bijdrage tot de kennis van bet lamsvocht. Nederlandsch Lancet, I., 1851-52, pp. 253-271, 374-389. 3. Bijdrage tot de spijsvertering der vogels. Nederlandsch Lancet, II., 1852-53, pp. 57-68. 4. Ueber eineii Wurm aus der Gruppe der Anguillulae, Enoplus quadridentatus. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 431-441. 5. Notiz iiber die in der Leibeshohle der Synapta digitata vorkommenden Korper. Miiller, Archiv, 1853, pp. 442-444. 6. Over kristallisatie van het bloed. Neder- landsch Lancet, III., 1853-54, pp. 16-33. 7. Waarnerning van bloedkristallen van Python Schneider! en Felis Leo. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1855-56, pp. 734-751. 8. Ueber die Blutkristalle. Bonders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 75-99. 9. Notiz iiber die physiologische Fettleber. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 100-102. 1O. Leucinkristalle in der Galle von Sar- coramphus Papa. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 103-105. 11. Etwas iiber das Thymusdriise. Don- ders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 230-242. 12. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber die rudimen- taren Becken- und Extremitateknochen bei den Ophidiern. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 258 -262. 13. Harnsaure Metastase. Donders, Ar- chiv, I., 1858, pp. 263-264. 14. Ueber die blutkorperchenhaltigen Zellen. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 356-358. 15. Ueber die aus phorphorsaurem Eisen bestehenden Bildungen, welche FKIEDKEICH in den menschlichen Lungen gefunden und be- schrieben hat. Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 359-360. 16. Ueber die quergestreifte Muskelfaser. Donders, Archiv, L, 1858, pp. 417-470. 17. 1st der Magen von Moschus javanicus wesentlich von dem anderer Wiederkiiuer ver- schieden ? Donders, Archiv, I., 1858, pp. 471- 476. BER] 299 [BER Berlinger, Ignaz. Bemerkungen iiber Kompen- sations-Pendel, nebst der Beschreibung seiner eigenen Kompensations-Methode fur Pendel-Uh- ren. Wien, Jahrb. Pol. Inst.VL, 1825, pp. 14-52. Berlinghieri. See Vacca-Berlinghieri. Berlinski, 1 Ueber das Zahlenverhaltniss der Geburten zu den Tageszeiten. Froriep, No- tizen, XLV., 1835, col. 276-282. 2. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Todesfalle zu den Tageszeiten. Froriep, Notizen, XLV., 1835, col. 292-298. Berlioz, A. Machine Magneto-electrique des- tinee a la production de la lumiere. Annal. Tele- graph. V., 1862, pp. 505-520. Berlisky, Carl. Chemische Zerlegung des Se- benbaums (Juniperus sabina). Trommsdorff, Journ. der Pharm. VIII., 1800, pp. 94-104. Bermann, 0. Ueber Asymptotenchorden. Gru- nert, Archiv. XII., 1849, pp. 323-335. 2. Ueber die von Polaren und Asymptoten- chorden eingehiillten Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XIV., 1850, pp. 382-394. 3. Ueber die von Polaren und Asympto- tenchorden umhullten Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XVL, 1851, pp. 179-193. 4. Ueber die von Asymptotenchorden um- hiillten Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XVII., 1851, pp. 241-258. 5. Ueber die scheinbare Aenderung des Ortes und der Gestalt unter Wasser befind- licher Objecte. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIII., 1863, pp. 204-222. Bernady, Felix. Compte rendu d'une education hivernale du Bombyx Arrindia (ou ver a soie du ricin). Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1860, pp. 505-509. Bernaldez, Fernando. Estudios sobre las minas de carbon del centro de Francia. Revista Mi- nera, VII., 1856, pp. 180-201, 209-214. 2. Kesena sobre la historia, la administra- cion y la produccion de las minas de Almaden y Almadenejos. Revista Minera, XII., 1861, pp. 577-586, 609-620 ; XIII., pp. 2-13, 33-47, 76- 89, 161-170, 193-206, 289-300, 385-392, 417- 425, 481-495, 524-532, 568-583. Bernard, A. Sur tin vice d'organisation de 1'oreille externe. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 167-168. 2. Memoire sur les eaux minerales d'Uriage. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 339-375. 3. Second memoire sur les eaux minerales salines et sulfur euses d'Uriage. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1843, pp. 191-202. 4. Sur Panalyse chimique de 1'eau minerale thermale de Lamalou-le-Haut. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1844, pp. 654-675. ^ 5. Sur le calcaire appele molasse a Char- rix. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 54 -55. Bernard, A. Perche il succo gastrico non digerisca le pareti dello stomaco. Poili, Ann. di Chim XXIV., 1857, pp. 113-115. Bernard, A. Memoire sur 1'execution des ter- rassements de la ligne de Busigny a Somain. Annal. des Mines, II., 1862, pp. 275-308. Bernard, Auguste. Sur le Pinus uncinata et quelques especes de plantes trouvees a Peyre- deyre. Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. XIV., 1849, pp. 258-287. 2. Note sur le genre Pinguicula. Besancon, Mem. Soc. Emul. VII., 1855, pp. 91-92. Bernard, C. [Le Cyclone ne serait-il pas ellip- tique ?] Mauritius, Trans. Meteor. Soc. V., 1861 pp. 58-62. Bernard, Ch. Des climats dans leurs rapports avec Pagriculture. Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1852 pp. 247-250. 2. Des circonstances qui favorisent la ger- mination. Belg. Soc. Centr. d'Agric. Journ. I., 1854, pp. 52-55. Bernard, Claude, Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la corde du tympan, pour servir a 1'histoire de l'he"miplegie faciale. Paris, Ann. Medico-Psych. I., 1843, pp. 408-439 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIII., 1843, col. 215- 216. 2. Sur les usages du sue pancreatique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, pp. 34- 36. 3. Recherches experimentales sur les fonc- tions du nerf spinal, etudie specialement dans ses rapports avec le pneumogastrique. Archiv. Gen. de MeU IV., 1844, pp. 397-426 ; V., 51-96. 4. De 1'alteration du gout dans la paralysie du nerf facial. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VI., 1844, pp. 480-496. 5. Du sue gastrique et de son role dans la Nutrition. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 428-433 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXLX., 1844, col. 33-35 ; XXX., 1844, col. 7. 6. Ueber den Einfluss der Nerven des ach- ten Paares auf die chemischen Erscheinungen der Verdauung. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1845, col. 311-314. 7. Experiences sur la digestion stomacale, et recherches sur les influences qui peuvent modi- fier les phenomenes de cette fonction. Archiv. Gen. de Med. 1846 (vol. suppl.), pp. 1-9. 8. Remarques sur quelques reactions chi- miques qui s'effectuent dans 1'estomac. Archiv. Gen. de Med. 1846 (vol. suppl.), pp. 201-209. 9. Des differences que presentent la di- gestion et la nutrition chez les herbivores et les carnivores. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 363-365 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 44-48 ; Froriep. Notizen, XXX VIII., 1846, col. 129-133. p p 2 BER] 300 [BER Bernard, Claude. 1O. Memoire sur le role de la salive dans les phenomenes de la digestion. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XIII., 1847, pp. 1-29 ; Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 154-160. 11. Recherches sur les causes qui peuvent faire varier 1'intensite de la sensibilite recur- rente. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 104-106. 12. Mode d'action de la strychnine sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 71-73. 13. Sur la sensibilite recurrente et le mouvement reflexe. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 79-81. 14. Experiences snr les manifestations chimiques diverses des substances introduites dans 1'organisme. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XVI., 1848, pp. 62-85, 219-232. 15. De 1'origine du sucre dans 1'economie animale. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XVIII., 1848, pp. 303-319 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, X., 1849, pp. 70-73 : Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 121-133. 16. Constitution physiologique de 1'urine et de la bile. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 14-16. 17. Recherches sur les. usages du sue pan- creatique dans la digestion. Annal. de Chiiuie, XXV., 1849, pp. 474-484 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. XIX., 1849, pp. 60-81 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIIL, 1849, pp. 102-110; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1849, col. 55-56 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 336-346 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 99-115; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 249-253. 18. Influence de la section des pedoucules cerebelleux sur la composition de 1'urine. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), p. 14. 19. Sur 1'independance de 1'element moteur et de 1'element sensitif dans les phenomenes du systeme nerveux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), p. 15. 2O. Du sucre dans 1'oeuf. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, p. 64. 21. Proprietes du sue contenu dans 1'in- testin. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 101-102. 22. De 1'assimilation du sucre de canne. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 114-115. 23. Remarques d'anatomie comparee sur le pancreas. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849. pp. 117 -119. 24. Sur le toui-noiement qui suit la lesion des pedoncules cerebelleux moyens. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 21-23. 25. Influence du systeme nerveux sur la production du sucre dans 1'economie animale. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 49-51. Bernard, Claude. 26. Note sur une nouvelle espece d'anastomoses vasculaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 694-697. 27. Sur une nouvelle fonction du foie chez 1'homme et les animaux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 571-574. 28. Du role de 1'appareil chylifere dan> 1'absorption des substances alimentaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 798-802. 29. Sur les causes de 1'apparilion du sucre dans 1'urine. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 144-145. 3O. Influence du grand sympathique sur In sensibilite et sur la calorification. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 163-164. 31. Recherches experimentales sur les fonc- tions du nerf spinal, ou accessoire de WILLIS. [1844.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. XI., 1851, pp. 693-776. 32. Sur les phenomenes reflexes. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1852 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 149-151. 33. Memoire sur les Salives. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IT., 1852, pp. 349-385; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XVIII., 1854, pp. 54-59. 34. Recherches d'anatomie et de physi- ologic comparees sur les glandes salivaires chez 1'homme et les animaux vertcbres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV.. 1852, pp. 236-240. 35. De 1'influence du systeme nerveux grand sympathique sur la chaleur animale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 472-475. 36. Recherches sur une nouvelle fonction du foie considere comme organe producteur de matiere sucree chez 1'homme et les animaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.), 1853, pp. 282- 340. 37. Experiences sur 1'elimination elective de certaines substances par les secretions, et en paiticulier par la secretion salivaire. Archiv. Gen. de Med. I., 1853, pp. 5-14. 38. Note sur la multiplicite des phenomenes qui resultent de la destruction de la partie cervi- cale du nerf grand sympathique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 414-417. 39. Sur la destruction des glandes au moyen d'injections de matiere grasse. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1853 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 115-116. 40. Recherches experimentales sur le grand sympathique, et specialement sur 1'influence que la section de ce nerf exerce sur la chaleur animale. Paris, Me"m. Soc. Biol. V., 1853, pp. 77-107 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 176-199. 41. Sur le mecauisme de la formation du sucre dans le foie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 461-469; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1855, pp. 57-61 ; IV., pp. 109-119. BER] 301 [BER Bernard, Claude. 42. Sur le inecanisme phy- siologique de la formation du sucre dans le foie. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 212- 222 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 344- 355 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 578-586. 43. Recherches experimentales sur la tem- perature animale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 329-339, 561-569. 44. Analyse physiologique des proprietes des systemes musculaire et nerveux au moyen du Curare. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 824-829. 45. Influence de 1'alcool et de Tether sta- les secretions du tube digestif, du pancreas et du foie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 30-32. 46. De 1' elimination del'hydrogene sulfure par la surface pulmonaire. Archiv. Gen. de Med. IX., 1857, pp. 129-135. 47. Remarques sur la formation de la ma- tiere glycogene du foie. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1325-1331. 48. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur les phenomenes glycogeniques du foie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857, pp. 3-7. 49. Sur 1'influence qu'exercent differents nerfs sur la secretion de la salive. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 85- 86. 50. Note sur les quautites variables d'elec- tricite necessaires pour exciter les proprietes des differents tissus. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857, pp. 113-116. 51. Delle ossidazioni nel sangue. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXV., 1857, pp. 109-115. 52. Observations sur la question des gene- rations spontanees. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zool.), 1858, pp. 360-366. 53. Memoire sur une nouvelle fonction du Placenta. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zool.), 1858, pp. 111-136; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 31-40 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 77-86. 54. Sur les variations de couleur dans le sang veineux des organes glandulaires suivant leur etat de fonction ou de repos. Brown- Sequard, Journ. Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 233-241 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 159- 165 ; Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 673-675. 55. De 1'influence de deux ordres de nerfs qui determinent les variations de couleur du sang veineux dans les organes glandulaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 245- 253 ; Brown- Sequard, Journ. Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 649-665; Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 90- 97. Bernard, Claude. 56. Sur la quantite d'oxygene quo contient le sang veineux des organes glandu laires, a 1'etat de fonction et a 1'etat de repos ; et sur 1'emploi de 1'oxyde de carbone pour deter- miner les proportions d'oxygene du sang. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 393-400 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 658-665 ; Journ. de Pharra. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 309-314 ; Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 412- 418. 57. De la matiere glycogene considered comme condition de developpement de certains tissus, chez le foetus, avant 1'apparition de la fonction glycogenique du foie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 673-684; Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 326- 337. 58. Sur 1'action des nerfs sur la circulation et la secretion des glandes. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 49-51. 59. Sur la cause de la rnort chez les ani- maux soumis a une haute temperature. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 51-53. 6O. De la matiere glycogene chez les ani- maux depourvus de foie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859 (Compt. fiend,), pp. 53-55. 61. Recherches sur 1'origine de la glyco- genie dans la vie embryonnaire ; nouvelle fonc- tion du Placenta. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 102-107. 62. Sur le role des nerfs des glandes. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1860 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 23-25. 63. Recherches experimentales sur les nerfs vasculaires et calorifiques du grand sympathique. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Zool.), 1862, pp. 359- 382 ; XIX., 101-107 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. dePhysiol.V., 1862, pp. 383-418; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 222-236, 305-312. 64. Recherches experimentales sur les gang- lions du grand sympathique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 341-350. 65. Des phenomenes oculo-pupillaires pro- duits par la section du nerf sympathique cer- vical; ils sont independants des phenomenes vasculaires calorifiques de la tete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 381-388. Bernard, Claude, et Felouze. Recherches sur le Curare. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 533-537 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 36-42. Bernard, Felix. These sur 1'absorption de la lumiere par les milieux non cristallises. Annal. de Cbimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 385-438. 2. Note on Indices of the Refraction of transparent media included between two parallel faces, and on a Portable Refractometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 2-4. BER] 302 [BER Bernard, Felix. 3. Description of a Photo- meter. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 4-5. 4. Note on Polarimetry. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 5-7. 5. Memoire sur la determination des indices de refraction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 27-29; Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 141-144. 6. Memoire sur la polarisation de 1'atmos- phere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 775-779. 7. Deuxieme memoire sur la determination des indices de refraction au moyen du transport. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 580- 583 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 145- 148. 8. Note sur la description et la theorie d'un nouveaux Cyanometre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 982-985. Bernard, Felix, et Bourget. Memoire sur les vibrations des membranes elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 322-325. Bernard, P. On the Lodoicea of the Sechelles Islands. Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII., 1843, pp. 32- 41. Bernard!. See Bivona Bernardi. Bernard!, A. C. Description d'une Marginelle nouvelle [Odoricyi]. Journ. de Conchyl. ILL, 1852, pp. 59-60. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Peigne (Pecten Vanvincquii). Journ. de Con- chyl. III., 1852, p. 167. 3. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Sanguinolaria. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1852, p. 259. 4. Description d'un Bulime nouveau [B. Alcantaras]. Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 35-36. 5. Description de deux coquilles nouvelles [Mitra Rollandii et Marginella Vautieri]. Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 67-69. 6. Description de coquilles nouvelles (Conus Recluzeanus et Marginella Beyerleana). Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 148-150. 7. Description d'une nouvelle espece de genre Pyrula. Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 305-306. 8. Description d'une Marginelle nouvelle [M. Lefevrei]. Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, p. 360. 9. Description de Coquilles nouvelles [Tapes Caledonica et Melania Kochii]. Journ. de Conchyl. I., 1856, pp. 82-84. 10. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Marginelle [M. Loroisii], Journ. de Conchyl. L, 1856, pp. 291-292. 11. Description d'especes nouvelles [gen. Cardium, Triton et Conus]. Journ. de Conchyl. II., 1857, pp. 53-57. Bernardi, A. C. 12. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Helix [H. Rollandii]. Journ. de Con- chyl. IL, 1857, pp. 187-188. 13. Description d'especes nouvelles [gen. Conus, Fusus et Circe]. Journ. de Conchyl. IL, 1857, pp. 385-388. 14. Description d'especes nouvelles. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 90-94, 182-184, 301 -303, 386. 15. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles [gen. Conus et Fusus]. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 182-184. 16. Description d'especes nouvelles [gen. Murex, Margaritana et Ancillaria]. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 301-303. 17. Beschreibung neuer Arten, Pecten Balloti und Cyprasa Barthelemyi. (Transit) Journ. de Conchyl. IX., 1861, pp. 46-48. 18. Beschreibung zweier Arten von Conus. (Transl.) Journ. de Conchyl. IX., 1861, pp. 168-170. Bernardi, A. C., und Crosse. Beschreibung neuer Arten, Conus Lienadi und Turbinella, Rol- landii. (Transl.) Journ. de Conchyl. IX., 1861, pp. 49-51. Bernardi, A. C., et Fischer. Description d'un Pleurotomaire vivant [P. Quoyiana]. Journ. de Conchyl. L, 1856, pp. 160-166. 2. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Journ. de Conchyl. L, 1856, pp. 292-303, 382- 385; III., 1858, pp. 184-187. 3. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles [gen. Columbella Lafresnayi et Phos Beauii]. Journ. de Conchyl. L, 1856, pp. 357-358. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Helix [H. Cazenavettii]. Journ. de Conchyl. II., 1857, pp. 280-281. Bernardi, Antonio. Sulla declinazione dell' ago magnetizzato. Bibl. Ital. LXIV., 1831, pp. 255-258. 2. Intorno ag? intimi movimenti osservati nei muri dell' Osservatorio di Modena. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 341-346. > 3. Dimostrazione su due teoremi in Geo- metria. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 101- 105. Bernardi, B. Rapport sur des ossemens fossiles trouves re"cemment dans le voisinage de Palermo. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIL, 1830, pp. 31- 33. Bernardi, Giuseppe. Per qual ragione la for- mula Cardanica conduca ad espressioni immagi- narie, quando tutte e tre le radici sono reali. Padova, Nuovi Saggi, III., 1831, pp. 184-194. Bernardinus ab Ucria, E. Plantae ad Lin- naeanum opus addenda et secundum LIKN^EI Systema noviter descriptse. Romer, Archiv Botan. L, 1796, pp. 67-70. BER] 303 [BER Bernatowitz, . Sur la Chenille de 1'Alizier qui fait des ouates ou voiles. Bibl. Univ. XXVIII., 1825, pp. 138-145. Bernauggi, Isidoro. Dell' uso delle Frazioni decimali nella moltiplicazione de' numeri. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. VI., 1792, pp. 1-70. Bernays, . Sur une nouvelle substance cristallisable retiree du lilas (Syringa vulgaris), la syringine. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 243-245. Berndes, Per Bernhard. Forsok att anvanda branbar Alunskiffer sasom bransle i stiille for ved, till atskillige Hushallsbehof. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXIIL, 1802, pp. 91-137. 2. Berattelse om fb'rloppet af forsok, at med brannbar Alun-skiiFer anstalla tak-panne och mur-tegels branning, gjorde i Nerike och Askers sochnvid Kopstads by, ar 1802. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 179-196. 3. Upgift af forsok, att, i likhet med den i England mast allmant brukeliga tegelbranning, utan kostsam tillstallning tillvarka, ocli utan murad ugn branna godt murtegel formedelst bransle af ringare varde, an ved, hvarjamte bifogas strodde underrattelser om Engelska tegels tillvarkningssattet. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXVI., 1805, pp. 204-226. 4. Berattelse om fortsatte forsok att med AlunBrann-Schiffer branna tegel, jemte ritning pa dertill nyttjad ugn. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXVL, 1815, pp. 43-66, 185-228. Berndtson, Bernhard. Methode for Cubiska Equationers upplosning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXVH., 1806, pp. 269-280. 2. Tillaggning till den i 4de Quartelet af Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. for ar 1806 uppgifna methode att upplosa cubiska equa- tioner. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 72-77. 3. Methode att upplosa biquadratiska equationer. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 173-178. 4. Forandrade expressioner af CARDAN'S Formlerfor rotterna i cubiska equationer. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. XXXVL, 1815, pp. 183- 184. 5. Uppgift af rotternes expressioner till den af BEZOUT i " Cours de Mathematiques : " Algebre, p. 231 (Paris, 1800), meddelta formel for equationer af 5 te graden, afvensom af dessa expressioners determination vid sarskilda han- delser, m. m. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIX., 1818, pp. 1-12. 6. Om numertalens beteckning med Ziffror. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIX., 1818, pp. 212-223. 7. Note sur la resolution d'une classe par- ticuliere d'equations algebriques. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XI., 1820-21, pp. 373-375. Berndtson, Edw. Om stosshardar som drifvas med stanggang. [1814.] Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXVIII., 1817, pp. 203-205. Berndtson, Edw., Eggertz, og Wallman. Om constructionen och sammansattningen af coniska Linkorgar. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. VII., 1823. pp. 250-294. Bernede, . Insectes qui, sur le littoral de la Bretagne, endommagent les plantations d'ar- bres resineux. F'rance, Congres Scientifique, XVI, 1849, pp. 67-70. Bernelot-Moens, J. C. Scheikundig onderzoek van den bast van Nauclea orientalis. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XIX., 1859, pp. 423-433. 2. Scheikundig onderzoek van zes monsters zout. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XXVI., 1863, pp. 17-40. Bernhard, . Ueber die Theorie der Wasser- hebe-Maschine. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXV., 1830, pp. 13-23. Bernhard, Antonio. Apparato elevatore de' fluidi in sostituzione alle machine a Vapore. Bibl. Ital. LXIIL, 1831, pp. 238-245. Bernhardi, A. Wie kamen die aus dem Norden stammenden Felsbruchstiicke und Geschiebe, welche man in Norddeutschland und den benach- barten Landern findet, an ihre gegenwartigen Fundorte. Leouhard u. Bronn. Jahrb. 1832, pp. 257-267. Bernhardi, B. Thier-Fahrten auf Flachen des bunten Sandsteins bei Hildburghausen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 641-642. 2. Alter des Hildburghauser Sandsteins mit Fahrten, erratische Blocke durcli Polar-Eis und Gletscher bewegt. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 455-456. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac. Lichenum gelatinosorum illustratio. Schrader, Journ. Botan. I., 1799, pp. 1-27. 2. Tentamen novae generum filicum et specierum earum Germaniae indigenarum dis- positionis. Schrader, Journ. Botan. I., 1799, pp. 291-316. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die in der allg. Lit. Zeit. befindliche Recension meiner Abhandlung : " Illustratio Lichenum gelatinosorum," etc., im ersten Stuck dieses Journals. Schrader, Journ. Botan. IL, 1799, pp. 41-54. 4. Bemerkungen iiber einige Gattungen kryptogamischer Gewachse. Homer, Archiv Botan. IL, 1799-1801, pp. 5-14. 5. Beobachtung einer merkwiirdigen Un- gestaltheit der Herbstzeitlose (Colchicuni autum- nale). Homer, Archiv Botan. H., 1799-1801, pp. 233-234. 6. Tentamen alterutn Filices in genera redigendi. Schrader, Journ. Botan. II., 1800, pp. 121-136. BER] 304 [BER Bernhardi, Joh. Joe. 7. Beschreibung des siich- sischen Berylls, jetzt Agustit genannt. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. VIIL, 1800, pp. 153-157. 8. Wahrscheinliche Entdeckung der Be- fruchtungsart der Farrenkrauter. Schrader, Journ. Botan. I., 1801, pp. 1-24 ; Annals of Botany, I., 1805, pp. 107-120. 9. Ueber Asplenium und einige ihm ver- wandte G-attungen der Farrenkrauter. Erfurt, Nova Acta, II., 1802. 1O. Similitudines quredam inter regnum animate et vegetabile de generatione inter- cedentes. Romer, Archiv Botan. III., 1803- 1805, pp. 447-453. 11. Versuch einer Vertheidigung der alten Eintheilung der Functionen, und einer Classi- fication der organisirten Korper nach denselben. Erfurt, Nova Acta, III., 1804. 12. Ueber einige minder bekannte Ehren- preissarten (Veronica) des siidlicben Deutsch- lands. Erfurt, Nova Acta, III., 1806. 13. Aeussere cbaracteristik der Zoisits. Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 198-202. 14. Dritter Versuch einer Anordnung der Farrnkriiuter. Schrader, Neues Journ. Botan. I., 1806 (Hft. 2), pp. 1-50. 15. Ueber die Krystallisation des Arsenik- kieses. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 80-85. 16. Ueber die Mineralien, welche eine Verbindung der Flussspathsaure mit Kieselerde und Thonerde darstellen. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807. pp. 123-134. 17. Ueber die Krystallisation des kohlen- sauren Natrons. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 540-543. 18. Ueber die Krystallisation des Dato- liths. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 494-495. 19. Beobachtungen iiber die doppelte Strahlenbrechung einiger Korper, nebst einigen Gedanken iiber die allgemeine Theorie dersel- ben. Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 230-257. 2O. [Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Ve- ratrum.] Schrader, Neues Journ. Botan. II., 1807, pp. 341-358. 21. Darstellung einer neuen Methode, Krystalle zu beschreiben. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 157-198, 492-564, 625-654. 2 2. Beobachtungen iiber dieTextur des Kalk- spaths. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 140-147. 23. Beschreibung der Krystallisationen der kohlenstoffsauren Talkerde. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1808 (St. 2), pp. 119-124. 24. Ueber Veratrum album, L., und eine mit ihm haufig verwechselte Art. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1808 (St. 2), pp. 193-208. 25. Beweis, dass die Form des Arragonits aus der Grundform des Kalkspaths abgeleitet werden kb'nne. Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, pp. 152-162. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac. 26. Gedanken iiber Krystallogenie und Anordnung der Mineralien, nebst einigen Beilagen u'ber die Krystallisation verschiedener Substanzen. Gehlen, Journ. VHI., 1809, pp. 360-423. 27. In wiefern gibt es Individuen im Mineralreiche ? Leonhard, Taschenbuch, III., 1809, pp. 60-67. 28. Bestimmung der Krystallisation einiger mineralischen Substanzen. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, III., 1809, pp. 76-97. 29. Versuch einer Anordnuug der Mine- ralien nach ihren wesentlichen Bestandtheilen. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 1-103. 3O. Ueber die Krystallisation des Strahl- kieses und des Arsenikkieses. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 56-78. 31. Ueber die Krystallisation und die wesentlichen Bestandtheile des Turmalins und Chabasits. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, pp. 343-359. 32. Das Starkmehl aus den Wurzeln der Maranta indica ( Tussac), ein neues Nahrungs- und Arzneymittel. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1814, pp. 47-54 ; Journ. de Pharm. L, 1815, pp. 183-186. 33. Das allgemeine Krystallisationssystem der chemischen Elemente. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 1-24. 34. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ursa- chen der Scharfe des Ricinusols. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. L, 1817 (St. 2), pp. 433- 438. 35. Ueber Polaritat und doppelte Strahl- enbrechung der Krystalle. Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 99-110, 247-253. 36. Ueber die verschiedenen Pflanzen, welche man fur Rumex acutus, Linn, halt, und iiber die Kennzeichen der iichten Radix Lapathi acuti. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 37-63. 37. Ueber die verschiedenen Sorten Kino, und die Pflanzen, von welchen sie staminen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820 (St. 2), pp. 86-96. 38. Ueber die Krystallisation des Eises und iiber ein allgemeines Gesetz der Krystallisa- tion. Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 1-25. 39. Versuch einer Theorie der primitiven Krystallgestalten. Schweigger, Journ.XXXVII. (= Jahrb. VII.), 1823, pp. 387-430. 40. Ueber krystallographische Bezeich- nungsmethoden. Schweigger, Journ. XXXVIII. (= Jahrb. VIIL), 1823, pp. 289-460. 41. Ueber die Krystallisation der Wein- steinsaure und einiger weinsteinsauren Salze. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIL, 1 823 (St. 2), pp. 40-62. BEE] 305 [BER Bernhardi, Joh. Jac. 42. Ueber die specifische Identitat der Aira caryophyllea, L., und der Aira capillaris, Host. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 545-550. 43. Ueber die Krystallisation des Kalibi- carbonats. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 3-10. 44. Ueber die Krystallisation des arsenik- sauren und boronsauren Natrons, und iiber einige allgemeine Eigenschaften rhomboidal- oktaedrischer Grundformen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 10-24. 45. Soil Polygala amara oder P. vulgaris in den Officinen gefiihrt werden ? Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIII., 1826, pp. 3-25. 46. Ueber die wahre Natur des Dioptas. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827, pp. 71-80. 47. Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der rcgelmassige Krystallformen. Erfurt, Abhandl. Akad. 1828. 48. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Thonerde zu den iibrigen Bestandtheilen der Mineralien. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 1-118. 49. Noch einige Bemerkungen iiber die Schiirfe der Ricinussamen und des Ricinusols. Trommsdoff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830, pp. 1-30. 50. Ueber die merkwiirdigsten Verscbie- denheiten des entwickelten Pflanzenembryo und ihrem Werth fur Systematik. Linnjea, VII., 1832, pp. 561-613. 51. Ueber den Charakter und die Ver- wandtschaft der Papaveraceen und Fumariaceen. Linnsea, VIII., 1833, pp. 401-477 ; Ann. Sci., Nat. III. (Bot.\ 1835, pp. 357-369. 52. Ueber die Arteii der Gattung Datura. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXVI., 1833, pp. 118-158. 53. Ueber den Charakter und die Stellung der Gattung Gagea. Flora, XVIII., 1835, pp. 577-592, 593-598 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Sot.}, 1836, pp. 90-96, 54. Ueber den Bliithen- und Fruchtbau der Cruciferen. Flora, XXL, 1838, pp. 129-144. 55. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Cistaceen. Flora, XXL, 1838, pp. 665-671, 681-693. 56. Ueber die Gattung Laurophyllus, Thunb., oder Botryceras, Willdenow. Linnaja, XII., 1838, pp. 129-136. 57. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen iiber Pa- paveraceen und Fumariaceen. Linnsea, XII., 1838, pp. 650-668. 58. Ueber den Bliithenbau derBalsamineen. Linna?a, XII., 1838, pp. 669-680. 59. Sur la formation de graines sans 1'aide de fecondation. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 372-373. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac. 60. Ueber Saracha und Physalis. Linnsea, XIII., 1839, pp. 357-362. 61. Ueber die Charakteristik der Tulipa- ceen, der Asphodeleen und anderer verwandter Pflanzenfamilien. Flora, XXIIL, 1840, pp 385-398, 401-412, 417-426; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIIL (Bot.), 1842, pp. 290-308. 62. Ueber das Wesen der Fortpflanzung mit besonderem Bezug aufs Pflanzenreich. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 385-400, 401-416; Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1841, col. 257-264, 273- 281. 63. Ueber die Gattungen der Sesame*. Linnsea, XVI., 1842, pp. 29-42 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIIL (Bot), 1842, pp. 365-368. 64. Ueber die Metamorphose der Pflanzen. Flora, XXVL, 1843, pp. 37-51, 53-67 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 106-135 ; Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 65-70, 201- 210. 65. Wegen Pyrus Pollveria. Botan. Zei- tung, IV., 1846, col. 820-822, 893-894. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac., und Brandes. Mineralog- isch-chemische Untersuchung zwei neuer un- garischer Mineralien, des muschligen und des erdigen Chloropals. Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 29-44. 2. Mineralogisch-chemische Unter- suchung des Streifenspaths. Schweigger, Journ. XXXVII. (= Jahrb. VII.), 1823, pp. 199- 206. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac., und Hauy. Ueber den Arragonit. Gehleu, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 623-662. Bernhardi, Joh. Jac., und Trommsdorff. Ueber den Siderit oder Lazulit. Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 204-214; Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 20-23. 2. Untersuchung eines krystallini- scheii Kamphorids. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 46-56. Bernhardi, Reinhard. Verhandeling ter beant- woording der vrage : " Omtrent hetgeen men thans van Geologie waarlijk wel weet, en dit volledig, duidelijk en bondig voorgesteld, als ook beter en duidelijker, dan in eenig, aan het ge- nootschap bekend geworden, geschrift geschiedt, onderscheiden van stellingen, welke geenen genoegzamen grond hebben, met korte aanwijz- ing tevens van het zwakke of min bewezene van zoodanige geologische verklaringeii, waar- van nog verdedigers of aanhangers worden gevonden, of welke in lateren tijd eenigen op- gang gemaakt hebben." [In German.] Teyler's Tweede Genoots. Verhandel. XXL, 1832, pp. 1-356. Bernot, Ed. Analyse chimique des Calculs vesi- caux. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 136- 137. Q Q BER] 306 [BER Bernoulli, Uebcr die Verschiedenheit des Geschlechtsverhiiltnisses der ehelichen und unehelichen Geburten. (TransL) Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1838, col. 117-180. Bernoulli, Daniel. Ansicht iiber die Constitu- tion der Gase. Poggend. Anual. CVII., 1859, pp. 490-494. Bernoulli, F. A. Ueber "Wolfram [Tungsten] und einige seiner Verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 573-6;3 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, p. 116. Bernoulli, Gustav. Berechnung des dynami- schen Effectes des durch Expansion wirkenden Dampfes. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XLVII., 1833, pp. 401-410. Bernoulli, J. J. Ueber Ausartung von Men- schenrassen. Basel, Bericht, I., 1835, pp. 5-7. 2. Ueber Blutegel. Basel, Bericht, VIII. , 1849, pp. 42-43. Bernoulli, Jean. Muthmassung iiber den Ura- nus. Zach, Monat. Corresp. V., 1802, pp. 343- 344. 2. Memoire sur les divers usages .et la grande utilite du Mais, tant de la plante que du grain. [1799.] Berlin, Mem. 1803, pp. 3-36. . 3. Sur les varietes du Mai's, par rapport a la grandeur et a la configuration des grappes et des grains. [1799.] Berlin, Mem. 1804, pp. 43-61. 4. Sur les varietes du Ma'is, par rapport aux couleurs et a quelques proprietes qui parais- sent en dependre. [1801.] Berlin, Mem. 1804, pp. 62-72. Bernstein, A. Vorschlag zu einer selbstthatig wirkenden Einrichtung zum Ein- und Ausschal- ten von Schleifenlinien. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. IV., 1857, pp. 25-30. Bernstein, Agathon. Microstoma hiernale, eine neue Pilzgattung aus der Gruppe der Pezizoi- deen. Acad. Ca33. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIII., 1851, pp. 647-656. Bernstein, //. A. Beitriige zur naheren Kennt- niss der Gattung Collocalia, Gr. (Cyselus escu- lentus et Nidificus). [1856.] Acad. Cuss. Leop. Nova Acta. XXVL, 1857, pp. 13-86; Batavia, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857. 2. Jets over Coelops Frithi, Blyth. Bata- via, Nat. Tijdschr. XIV., 1857, pp. 97-100. 3. Over de zoogenoemde eetbare vogel- nesten en den nestbouw van eenige andere Ja- vasche Vogels. Batavia, Verhand. Nat. Ver. III., 1857-58. 4. Over eene merkwaardige anomalie in den vorsprong der arterire carotidis waargeno- men bij Pitta cyanura, Vieill. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. XIX., 1859, pp. 353-360. Bernstein, //. A. 5. Over lict Soortelyk vershil van Falco lymnaetus, Horsf., en Falco niveus, T. (Spizaetus cirrhatus, Bp.). Batavia, Verhand. Nat. Ver. VI., 1859. 6. Ueber die Nester der Salanganen. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 111-119. 7. Ueber Nester und Eier einigcr javas- cher Vogel. ( Transit) Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 180-199, 261-281 ; VIII., 1860, pp. 268-270, 417-432; IX., 1861, pp. 113-128, 177-192. 8. Ueber das Vorkommen eines einzigen Hodens bei Centropus medius, Mull., und C. affinis, Horsf. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 161- 168. Bernstein, Julius. Einiges zur Ursache der Herzbewegung. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 527-531. 2. Vorliiufige Mittheilung iiber einen neuen elektrischen Reizapparat fiir Nerv und Muskel. Reichert, Archiv, 1862, pp. 531-532. Beroaldi, Pictro. Sul magnetismo animale. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXXXIX., 1852, pp. 5-70. Beron, P. Les causes du magnetisme tcrrestre prouvees. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1 850, pp. 978- 979. Beronius, C. Om tillverkningcn af JerntrAd- linor vid de Tyska Bergverken. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. II., 1847, pp. 65-88. Beronius, J. Utdrag af tie vid Dannemora Grufvor befintliga Handlingar : Relationer och Rakenskaper, rorandc Arbeten, som tid efteran- nan blifvit verkstalde, till vattnets afhallande fran Grufvorna, cch om deras tommande efter den ar 1795 timade of versvammingen. Jern- Kontoret's Anna!. II., 1818, pp. 77-87. 2. Berattelse om Dannemora Grufvor. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. II., 1818, pp. 88-98. 3. Beskrifning ofver nya Konsthjulet och- dermed forenade nya Sttinggangen vid Danne- mora Grufvor. Jern-Kontoret's Annal. VI., 1823, pp. 163-175. Berr, Franz. Ueber die Producte der trockenen Destination des Holzes und der fossilen Brenn- stoffe. Briinn, Verhandl. 1 , 1862, pp. 31-33. Berra, D. Lettera sull' origine delle marcite. Bibl. Ital. XXXIV., 1824, pp. 271-290. Berres, . Zur Genesis, Physiologie und Pa- thologie des Foramen Centrale retinae humance. Ammon, Zeitschr. III., 1833, pp. 265-272. 2. Ueber die Netzhaut und das Sommer- ringische Loch im Auge. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 423-425. 3. Ueber die Vervielfaltigung der Da- guerre'schen Lichtbilder durch den Druck. Liebig, Annal. XXXVI., 1840, pp. 337-343. 4. Neue Aufschliisse iiber das Daguer- reotyp. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXI.. 1841, pp. 149-157. BER] 307 [BER Berres, Joseph. Microscopiscke Beobachtungen liber die innere Bauart der Nerven, und Central- theile des Nerven-systemes. Spongia, Comment. Med. I., 1836, pp. 212-231. Berretta-Giuffrida, Paolo. Esposizione di un caso di estraordinaria fecondita muliebre ovvero di ventidue gravidanze gemelle successive. Ca- tania, Atti. Accad. Gioen. XII., 1856, pp. 75-91. Berrey, Alexis. Note sur les tremblements de terre en 1856, avec supplements pour les annees anterieures. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. (8 VO ), VIIL, 1859. Berrini, . Augeblich dargestellter Jodine- Gehalt einer gegen Skropheln und Kropf ge- brauchliehen Salz-Quelle zu Sales in Piemont. Gilbert, Annal. LXXHI., 1823, pp. 333-335. Berry, Andrew. An account of the male plant which furnishes the medicine generally called Columbo, or Colomba Root. Asiatick Re- searches, X., 1808, pp. 386-388. 2. Description of two children united toge- ther, and now living in the village of Arasoor, in the district of Bhavany. Edinb. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1826, pp. 35-38. Berry, Elihu. List of the rarer Plants growing near Doncaster and Huddersfield. Phytologist, IIL, 1849, pp. 386-387. Berry, George R. On Collodion Negatives. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 64-65. Bersenew, Nikolai. Erinnerungen aus Osetien. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIII., 1854, pp. 47-50. Bert, Paul. Note sur les faisceaux ligneux des Fougeres. L'Institut, XXVII., 1859, p. 267. 2. Sur 1'origine des puits naturels. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 526-534. 3. CEufs complets inclus dans un autre ceufcomplet. L'Institut, XXX, 1862, pp. 42-43. 4. Greffe animale par approche. L'Insti- tut, XXX., 1862, p. 189. 5. Observations relatives a 1'anatomie du Phoque (Phoca vitulina, L.). L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 217-218. 6. Systeme nerveux de la Patelle. L'In- stitut, XXX., 1862, pp. 385-386. 7. Note sur les tribus qui habitent le Gabon. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. V., 1863, pp. 185-188. 8. Greffe atrimale. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compl. Rend.}, pp. 3-5, 20-22. 9. Sur quelques points de 1'anatomie du systeme vasculaire chez le phoque. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 18-20. 1O. Note sur deux poulets deradelphes. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 23-26. 11. Reproduction de 1'extremite caudale enlevee chez des poissons osseux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 100-101. Bert, Paul. 12. Note sur un monstre double autositaire de la f'amille des monosomiens (Is. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire). Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 132-137. 13. Greffe animale ; retablissement de la circulation de la sensibilite en sens inverse de leur cours normal. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 179-182. 14. Notes pour servir a Phistoire de 1'as- phyxie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 206-210. Bertagnini, Cesare. Ricerche sulla natura degli acidi contenuti nel Solanum lycopersicon e nel Cerasus caprouiana. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. IV., 1850, pp. 57-63. 2. Sovra un acido prodotto artificialmente sotto 1'influenza delle forze che agiscono nelP organismo vivente. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. IV., 1850, pp. 119-135 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. X., 1850, pp. 336-338; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 71-76; Liebig, Annal. LXXVHL, 1851, pp. 100-118. 3. Note sur la formation de 1'acide nitro- hippurique dans 1'economie animale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 490-491 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, p. 255 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1850, pp. 351- 352. 4. Memoire sur quelques nouveaux pro- duits derives de la serie benzo'ique par Faction de 1'acide nitrique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 465-483; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 210-212; Liebig, Annal. LXXLX., 185], pp. 259-280. 5. Recherches sur 1'hydrure de benzoile nitre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, p. 688 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIII., 1851, p. 510. 6. Recherches sur les combinaisons for- mees par quelques huiles essentielles avec les bisulfites alcalins. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 800-801 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVILL, 1853, pp. 370-373 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 317-318 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 222-224; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 156-158 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 179-196, 268-288 ; Pisa, Ann. Univ. Tosc. Sci. Cosm. III., 1854, pp. 31-54. 7. Ueber die Bildung von Amarin, Fur- furin, und einer neuen Base des Anisins. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp. 127- 129 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, p. 193. 8. Ueber das Phillyrin. Liebig, Annal. XCLL, 1854, pp. 109-113; Annal. de Chimie, XLILL, 1855, pp. 351-352; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 158-160, 375-376. Q Q 2 BER] 308 [BER Bertagnini, Ccsare. 9. Sulle altei-azioni che alcuni acidi subiscono nell' organismo animale. Nuovo Cimento, I., 1855, pp. 363-372 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 248-253. 1O. Sulla preparazione dell' acido malico. Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 306-310. 11. Sur 1'acide salicylurique. Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 178-180 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 109-11 1. 12. Produzione artificiale dell' acido cin- namico. Nuovo Cimento, IV., 1856, pp. 46 48 ; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 125-127. 13. Osservazioni sulla ossamide. Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 55-59; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 175-176. Bertagnini, Cesarc, et Cannizaro. Sur Palcool anisique. Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 285-288 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 238-240; Liebig, Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 188-192 ; Nuovo Cimento, I., 1855, pp. 99- 105. Bertagnini, Cesare, et Luca. Recherches sur la constitution chimique de la phillyrine. Paris, Comptes Rendus,LL, 1860, pp. 368-370; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 356-360; Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 124-128; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXI., 1860, pp. 195- 196. Bertani, Baldassare. Storia di calcoli pulmonali. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXX., 1846, pp. 31-55. Bertani, Pellegrino. Osservazioni intorno alia natura ed indole dei Funghi, e modo di distin- guere i mangerecci dai velenosi. Brescia, Ateneo Comment. 1822, p. 56. Bertazzi, Gallicano, Del biferrocianidrato di chinina. Polli, Ann. di Chim. IV., 1847, pp. 9-12. 2. Sulle reazioni colorative della resina di guajaco con altre sostanze. Polli, Ann. di Chim. V., 1847, pp. 261-264. 3. Sull' ossigeno nascente. Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 291-293; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXL, 1855, pp. 129-131. 4. Cenni storici e nuove ricerche sulla piu prorita estinzione del mercuric nel grasso. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 257- 279. 5. Dell'acquacrenato-ferruginosa diZogno. [1861.] Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 126-128. Bertelli, Francesco. Saggio di una teoria sull' equilibrio delle volte applicable con generalita alia pratica. Giorn. Arcacl. LXVIIL, 1836, pp. 30-34. 2. De inflexione later um in micrometris disquisitio. [1837.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. IV., 1840, pp. 381-402 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1838, pp. 260-262. Bertelli, Francesco. 3. Conjecturae de anomalia, cui ex opticis quibusdam experiuientis obnoxia esse videtur generalis lex refractionis. [1838.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 3-18. 4. De derivatione aliisque proprietatibus formularum quas mechanica coelestis usurpatur ad plauetarum motus exhibendos, et ad pertur- bationes definiendas quibus eorundem conver- siones ea de causa efficiuntur. [1840.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 123-140. 5. Evolutio functionis perturbatricis quam involvunt aequationes differentiales motus cujus- cunque planetae viribus tracti aliorum plane- tarum, solisque vi prevalent! ; necnon animad- versiones in qusedam pragcipua ejus evolutionis loca, quae aliquam postulant emendationem. [1841.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 239-278. 6. De rationibus qua? intercedunt inter pluvias, et alveorum aquas intumescentes ab ob- servationibus potius quam ab experimentis aut aliqua hypothesi deductis ; deque solutione inde petita cujusdam hydraulici problematis quod ad praxin maximi momenti. [1841.] Bologna, Nov. Comment, IX., 1849, pp. 233. 7. Ricerche sperimentali circa la pressione de' corpi solidi ne' casi in cui la misura di essa, secondo le analoghe teorie meccanichc si mani- festa indeterminata e intorno alia relazione fra le pressioni e la elasticita dei corpi medesimi. [1843.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. I., 1850, pp. 431-462. Bertels, C. Das Regen- und Schneewasser in Hinterpommern, chemisch untersucht. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX VI., 1842, pp. 89-96. 2. Chemische Untersuchung des Guano. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX VIII., 1843, pp. 5-16. Bertera, . Note sur la traversee des sables et argiles de la Sologne, dans le foncement des puits servant a 1'exploitation de la marne. Annal. des Mines, XHL, 1858, pp. 73-88. Bertero, . Notice sur 1'histoire naturelle de 1'ile Juan Fernandez. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXL, 1830, pp. 344-351; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIII., 1831, pp. 297-302 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXIII., 1830, pp. 107-111. 2. List of the plants of Chile. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 63-70, 299-311 ; XX., 248-261. Berthaud, , et //. Tombeck. Sur les ter- rains des environs de Macon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 269-275. 2. Note sur la composition ge'olo- gique des environs de Macon. Macon, Annal. Acad. II., 1853, pp. 161-172. Berthelen, (7. Remarques sur la propagation des Helminthes. L'Institut, XVI., 1848, pp. 102-103. 3ER] 309 [BER Berthelin, . Notice sur le Mais et sa cul- ture. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. V., 1826, pp. 181-188. Berthelot, Marcellin. Sur un precede simple et sans clanger pour demontrer la liquefaction des gaz et celle de 1'acide carbonique en particulier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 666- 667 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 237- 242. 2. Sur quelques phenoinenes de la dilata- tion forcee des liquides. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 819-821 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 232-237 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 330-336. 3. Action de la chaleur rouge sur 1'alcool et sur 1'acide acetique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 295-302 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 76-83 ; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 354-356; Liebig, Annal. LXXXL, 1852, pp. 108-117. 4. De 1'action exercee par les acides, par la chaleur et par les chlorures alcalins et terreux sur 1'essence de terebenthine et sur son hydrate, sur le sucre et sur 1'alcool. II. Production des alcalis ethyliques par le chlorhydrate d'ammo- niaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 799-803 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 38-76; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 463-468 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 31-37; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 104-109, 109- 112. 5. Sur le bichlorhydrate d'essence de tere- benthine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1 852, pp. 736-738 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 223-230; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 224-226. 6. Action de la chaleur ,sur 1'essence de terebenthine. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX, 1 853, pp. 5-22 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 428-429. 7. Action de 1'ammoniaque sur le sulf- amylate de chaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 403-404 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXVII., 1853, pp. 372-373. 8. Sur les precautions a prendre pour chauffer les corps en vases clos. Journ. de Pharm. XXI1L, 1853, pp. 351-361. 9. Sur les combinaisons de la glycerine avec les acides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 27-29; XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 398-405; XXXVIII, 1854, pp. 668-673 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 412-414 ; LXIL, 1854, pp. 133-140, 451-460; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 410-413 ; XXV., 1854, pp. 346-352. Berthelot, Marcellin. 10. Sur les diverses sortes d'essence de terebenthine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 425-429; Annal. de Chirnie, XL., 1854, pp. 5-41 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LIX., 1853, pp. 137-142 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 263-267. 11. Recherches sur les ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 855-858 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 432-445; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 156- 160. 12. Memoire sur les combinaisons de la glycerine avec les acides et sur la synthese des principes immediats des graisses des animaux. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 216-319 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 193- 202 ; Journ. de PhaTm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 259- 267 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1854, pp. 191- 193. 13. Decomposition de I'ether bromhydrique par la potasse et 1'alcool. Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 25-29 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 415-419. 14. Note sur la liquefaction de 1'hydrate et du chlorhydrate de methylene. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 348-350 ; Liebig, Annal. XCV., 1855, pp, 306-307. 15. Sur les alterations qu'eprouvent les corps gras neutres au contact de 1'atmosphere. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 96-99 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 309 -312. 16. Sur quelques precedes relatifs a 1'analyse des huiles essentielles. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 450-455. 17. Sur la reproduction de 1'alcool par le bicarbure d'hydrogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 102-106 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 385-405 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXV., 1855, pp. 274-279; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 329-343 ; Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, p. 78. 18. Sur quelques matieres sucrees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 392-396; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 66-89. 19. Sur les combinaisons neutres des ma- tieres sucrees avec les acides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 452-456; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1856, pp. 297-355; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.LXVIL, 1856, pp. 230-234, 235-239 ; LXIX., 450-454 ; Nuovo Cimento, IV., 1856, pp. 59-64 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 203-205. 2O. Transformation de 1'oxyde de carbone en acide formique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, p. 955; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 146-149; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, p. 125; L'Institut, XXIIL, 1855, pp. 404-405. BER] 310 [BER Berthelot, Marcellin. 21. Note sur la solubilite dc la chaux dans les dissolutions aqueuses de Bucre de canne, de mannite, et de glycerine. Annul, de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 173-180. 22. Note sur une combinaison de baryte et d'alcool. Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 180-182; Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 180-181. 23. Recherches sur les relations qui exis- tent entre 1'oxyde de carbone et 1'acide formique,, Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 477-491 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 321-333. 24. Sur les arachines. Annal. de Chimie, XLVII., 1856, pp. 355-359. 25. Remarques sur quelques physiques des corps conjugues. proprietes Annal. de Chimie, XLVHL, 1856, pp. 322-347. 26. Sur les hydrates d'essence de tereben- thine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 28-38. 27. Decomposition de 1'acide bromhydrique par le mercure. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 333-334. 28. Combinaison cristallisee d'oxyde de carbone et de protochlorure de cuivre. L'lnsti- tut, XXIV., 1856, pp. 101-102 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, p. 392. 29. Nouveau precede pour preparer 1'acide formique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 447-450 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 139-141. 3O. Sur la mannite. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1111-1114. 31. Synthese des carbures d'hydrogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 236- 238 ; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 122-125 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 269-270. 32. Recherches sur la fermentation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 238-239 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak.Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 454- 455 ; Journ. dePharm.XXX., 1856, pp. 269-271. 33. Note sur la difference entre les tem- peratures auxquelles s'enflamment Tether et le sulfure de carbone. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 486-487. 34. Note sur le soufre mou des hyposulfites. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 376-378. 35. Sur 1'analyse des gaz carbones. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 59-81 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 130-135. 36. Recherches sur le soufre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 318-322, 378-381 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 430-475; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXIV., 1857, pp. 314-317; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 193-202 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 161-169 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 20-22; Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 619-629. Berthelot, Marcellin. 37. Sur la formation du soufre insoluble sous 1'influence de la chaleur. Paris, Comptes 3endus, XLIV., 1 857, pp. 563- 567 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 476- 486 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 361-365 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 401-410 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 97-99; Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 629- 634. 38. Sur la fermentation alcoolique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 702-706 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 322-369; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI., 1857, pp. 321-325 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 244-264. 39. Transformation de la mannite et de la glycerine en un sucre propremeut dit. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1002-1006 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 369-376 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 507-511 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 432-438 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857. pp. 149-151; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857 (Compt. Bend.), pp. 61-65. 40. Substitutions inverses. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1246-1250, 1349- 1350; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 48-58 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 431-433; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 83-90 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 183- 185. 41. Combinaison directe des hydra cides avec les carbures alcooliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1350-1353 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 81-84 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 106-108 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 90-93 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 184-185 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 193-194. 42. Sur les alcools polyatomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 175-178; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 428-432 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 315-317 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 347-351 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, p. 266; Nuovo Cimento, VI., 1857, pp. 142-145. 43. Sur les combinaisons de 1'acide tar- trique avec les matieres sucrees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 268-272; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 74-87; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 157-161; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, pp. 95- 99. 44. Note sur la tribromhydrine et sur ses isomeres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 304-305 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 78-79. BER] 311 [BER Berthelot, Marccllin. 45. Synthese tie 1'esprit- de-bois. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 916-920 ; AnnaL de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 97-103 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 461-465 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 46-51 ; Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 241-245; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 406-407. 46. Recherches sur la transformation en sucre de divers principes immediats contenus dans les tissus des animaux invertebres. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 77-80 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 577-583 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 371-374 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV.. 1858, pp. 293-294; Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859,'pp. 383-384 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 227-230. 47. Sur di verses matieres sucrees. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1857 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 112-115 ; Liebig, Annal. CVIII, 1858, pp. 117-122. 48. Note relative a 1'action d'une dissolu- tion alcoolique de potasse sur divers composes chlores. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 87 -89; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 118-121 ; L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 53-54. 49. L'action du perchlorure de phosphore sur le chlorure de benzoile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 422-423, 664- ; Nuovo Cimento, VII., 1858, pp. 174-176. 50. Sur les relations qui existent entre les etats du soufre et la nature des combinaisons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 571- 576 ; Nuovo Cimento, VII., 1858, pp. 241-247. 51. Sur la synthese des carbures d'hydro- gene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1102-1105, 1161-1163 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1858, pp. 69-208; Brown-Sequard, Journ. Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 639-641 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 499-502; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 241-259, 321-344 ; Liebig, Annal. CVIII., 1858, pp. 188 -203; Nuovo Cimento, IX., 1859, pp. 319-345. 52. Sur le trehalose, nouvelle espece de sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1276-1279 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 491-494; Liebig, Anna!. CIX., 1859, pp. 34-35 ; L'Institut, XXVI., 1858, pp. 361-362. 53. Sur le melezitose, nouvelle espece de sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 224-227 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 292-293 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1858 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 121-122. 54. Sur plusieurs alcools nouveaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 262-266 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 1-5. Berthelot, Marcellin. 55. Sur la serie carn- phenique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 266-268 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 17-19 ; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 367-368 ; L'Institut, XXVL, 1858, pp. 52-53 ; Nuovo Cimento, VIL, 1858, pp. 161-166. 56. Nouvelles remarques sur le soufre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 910 -912 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIII., 1859, pp. 244-247; L'Institut, XXVL, 1858, pp. 128-131 ; Nuovo Cimento, VIL, 1858, pp. 419-431. 57. Note relative a Faction de la chaleur sur les diverses varietes de soufre insoluble. Annal. de Chimie, LV, 1859, pp. 211-216. 58. Nouvelles recherches sur les corps analogues au sucre de canne. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 269-295. 59. Sur plusieurs alcools nouveaux. Com- binaisons des acides avec la cholesterine, 1'ethal, le camphre de Borneo et la meconine. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 51-98; Liebig, An- nal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 356-368. 6O. Sur la transformation en sucre de la chitine et de la tunicine, principes immediats con- tenus dans les tissus des animaux invertebres. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 149-156. 61. Nouvel appareil pour les analyses or- ganiques. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 214-219. 62. Sur le protosulfure de carbone. L'In- stitut, XX VIL, 1859, pp. 353-355 ; Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859, pp. 364-368. 63. Action des alcalis hydrates sur les ethers nitriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 212-213 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 446-447; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 429-430 ; Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, p. 80. 64. Recherches synthetique sur la choles- terine, sur le blanc de baleine, et sur le camphre de Borneo. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. L, 1859 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 119-122 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 531-533. 65. Sur les proprietes oxydantes de 1'es- sence de terebenthkie. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. L, 1859 (Compt. Rend.),pp. 293-297 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 426-446; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 347-359 ; L'In- stitut, XXV1L, 1859, pp. 272-276. 66. Sur les combinaisons des sucres avec les acides ou saccharides. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1860, pp. 93-104. 67. Sur 1'oxydation que 1'alcool eprouve a la temperature ordinaire sous 1'influence de la baryte. L'Institut, XXVIII., 1860, p. 421 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 460-462 ; Liebig, Annal. I. (Suppl.), 1861, pp. 144-145. BER] 312 [BER Berthelot, MarccUin. 68. Sur la synthese de 1'ether iodhydrique au moyen du gaz olefiant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 612-613 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 456-457 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 114-116. 69. Note sur une nouvelle serie de com- poses organiques, le quadricarbure d'hydrogene et ses derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L.. 1860, pp. 805-808 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXI., 1860, pp. 65-71 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 425-429; Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 1 16-122; L'Institut, XXVIII., 1860, pp. 148-150; Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859, p. 383. 70. Sur la fermentation glucosique du sucre de canne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 980-984 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 33-38. 71. Formation de 1'acide oxalique pax- Foxy dation des cyanures. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 458-459 ; Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, p. 254. 72. Oxydation de 1'acide malique sous 1'influence de 1'essence de terebenthine. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, p. 462. 73. Sur le dibromhydrate de terpilene. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, p. 463 ; Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, p. 376. 74. Sur F absorption de 1'oxyde de carbone par les alcalis. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 463-467. 75. Sur quelques phenomenes relatifs a Felasticite instantanee des solides et des liquides. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 468-471. 76. Sur la manne du Sinai et sur la manne de Syrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 583-586 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVII., 1863, pp. 82-86; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1862 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 186-188. 77. Essai d'une theorie sur la formation des ethers. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1862, pp. 110-128. 78. Analyse du protobromure d'acetylene. L'Institut, XXX., 1862, p. 219 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 272-275. 79. Nouvelles recherches sur la formation des carbures d'hydrogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 515-519 ; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 115-116; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. -LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 51-54; Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 207-212 ; L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 78-79. 80. Remarques sur la formation des car- bures amyliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 568-570. Berthelot, MarccUin. 81. Synthese de Facety- lene par la combinaison directe du carbone avec 1'hydrogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 640-644; Chemical News, V., 1862. pp. 184-185; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 376-378 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 212-213. 82. Sur la synthese de Facctylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1042-1044; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVI, 1862, pp 500-501. 83. Nouvelles contributions ti Fhistoire de 1'acetylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1044-1046 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 47-49; Liebig Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 214-216. 84. Sur la presence et sur le role de Facetylene dans le gaz de Feclairage. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1070-1072 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVL, 1862. pp. 498-499 ; L'Institut, XXX., 1862, p. 174. 85. Nouvelles recherches sur les caniphenes et sur Fisomerie dans les series alcooliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 496-500, 544- 548 ; Liebig, Annal. II. (Suppl.}, 1863, pp. 226- 328. 86. Recherches sur Facetylene. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 52-77. 87. Sur la diagnose des alcools. Anual. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 360-362; Chemi- cal News, VIII., 1863, p. 75 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 67-69. 88. Sur quelques caracteres des alcools. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 364- 368 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIIL, 1863, pp. 482- 484. 89. Sur Fattaque du verre par Feau en presence des matieres organiques. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 368-370. 9O. [Lettera al socio S. di LUCA relativa al frumento trovato a Pompei.] Napoli, Rendi- conto, II., 1863, pp. 320-323. 91. Recherches sur les alcools amyliques: Action de la chaleur sur Faldehyde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 700-703 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, p. 368 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 244- 248 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 69- 75. 92. Methodes nouvelles pour apprecier la purete des alcools et des ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 871-873 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 362-364 ; Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 279-280; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 43-46 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 70-71. 93. Recherches sur les affinites : Action des acides sur Falcool etendu d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1131-1135. BEE] 313 [BER Berthelot, Marcellin. 94. Recherches sur les affinites : Reaction simultanee de plusieurs acides et de plusieurs alcools. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1168-1170. 95. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire des corps polymeres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1242-1246; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 311-316. 96. Sur la proportion des ethers contenus dans les vins, et sur quelques-uns des change- ments qui s'y produisent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 231-235, 287-290. 97. Sur la distillation des liquides melan- ges et sur la purete de 1'alcool amylique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 430-434; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 289-293 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIIL, 1863, pp. 321-327. 98. Action de 1'oxygene sur le vin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 795-797. 99. Sur 1'oxydation des alcools. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1 863, pp. 797-798 ; Chemical News, VIIL, 1863, p.293. 100. Remarques relatives a 1'action de 1'oxygene sur le vin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 983-985. 1O1. Sur la distillation des liquides melan- ges. Paris, Comptes Rendus. LVIL, 1863, pp. 985-986. 1O2. Recherches sur le bouquet des vins. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863, pp. 71-94. Berthelot, Marcellin, et Buignet. Recherches sur le camphre de succin. Paris 1 , Comptes Ren- dus, L., 1860, pp. 606-607 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 471-480; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 19-21 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 244-246. 2. Recherches sur la maturation des fruits. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LL, 1860, pp. 1094 -1097 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, p. 117; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. in., 1 862 ( Compt. Rend.), pp. 1 -3. Bertlielot, Marcellin, et Fleurieu. Decom- position des ethers par les alcalis anhydres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LL, 1860, pp. 1020- 1023; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 77- 81; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 255-258 : Liebig, Annal. I. (Suppl.}, 1861, pp. 271-274. 2. Sur le dosage de la creme de tar- tre, de 1'acide tartrique et de la potasse contenus dans les vins. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 394-398; Chemical News, VIIL, 1863, pp. 173-175; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 296-300. Berthelot, Marcellin, et Luca. Action de 1'iodure de phosphore sur la glycerine*. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 745-748; Ateneo Ital. III., 1854, pp. 47-50 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 193-198; Nuovo Cimento, VIL, 1858, pp. 276-298. Berthelot, Marcellin, et Luca. 2. Production artificielle de 1'essence de moutarde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 21-23 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 495-501 ; Journ. Chimie Med. L, 1855, pp. 504-506; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 123-126, 284-286 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 126-127; Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 74-76 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1855 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 91-92. 3. Action de 1'iodure de phosphore sur la glycerine : 3 e Memoire : Allyle et ethers allyliques. Annal. de Chimie, XL VIIL, 1856, pp. 286-304 ; Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 43-48 ; IV., pp. 396-400. 4. Recherches sur le propylene iode. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 233- 237 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 350- 352 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 493-497. 5. Action des chlorures et des bromures de phosphore sur la glycerine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 98-116; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 257-283 ; XL VIIL, pp. 304-321 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 360-364 ; Liebig, Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 67-77 ; Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 295-297 ; IV., pp. 42-46. 6. Sur les combinaisons formees entre la glycerine et les acides chlorhydrique, bromhydrique, et acetique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 178-180, 244-247; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 433-470 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 317-325; II Giamb. Vico, IV., 1857, pp. 127- 135 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 19- 50 ; L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 266-269 ; Nuovo Cimento, VI., 1857, pp. 132-142 ; VIL, pp. 437-448. 7. Recherches sur le sucre forme par la matiere glycogene hepatique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 213-214; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 448-449; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 290-291 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. L, 1859 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 139-143. Berthelot, Marcellin, et Fean de St. Gilles. Recherches sur les affinites : De la formation et de la decomposition des ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 474-478 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1862, pp. 385-422; LXVL, pp. 5-110; LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 225-259; Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 247-251. _ 2. Recherches sur les affinites : De la combinaison des acides avec les alcools envi- sagee d'une maniere generate ; influence de la temperature. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1263-1266. B R BER] 314 [BER Berthelot, Marcellin. et Pean de St. Gilles. 3. Recherches sur les affinites : Combinaisoii de divers acides avec un meme alcool et de divers alcools avec un meme acide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 39-43 ; L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 123-126. 4. Recherches sur les affinites : Influence de la pression sur la formation des ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 324-328; L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 257-260. 5. Recherches sur les affinites : Sur la limite de combinaison entre les acides et les alcools. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 393-397; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 199-212. 6. Recherches sur les affinites : Sur 1'equilibre dans divers systemes formes d'acide, d'alcool, et d'eau. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LVI., 1863, pp. 648-653. 7. Action de Pammoniaque sur le cuivre en presence de 1'air ; action du cyanogene sur 1'aldehyde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 1170-1 172 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIII. 1863, pp. 338-339. Berthelot, Sabin. Allgemeine Bemerkungen liber die canarischen Inseln, besonders natur- geschichtlichen Inhalts. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 961-975. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Viola. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 418-420. 3. Observations sur le Boehmeria arborea. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 943-952. 4. Observations sur le Dracaena draco. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 137-147 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1829, col. 1-8. 5. Excursion au pic de Teneriffe. Paris, Soc. Geogr. BuU. XVI., 1831, pp. 115-128. 6. Observations sur 1'accroissement et la longevite de plusieurs especes d'arbres des en- virons de Nice. Bibl. Univ, L., 1832, pp. 280- 313; LI., 365-390. 7. Notice sur 1'ouragan qui ravagea 1'ile de TenerifFe dans le mote de Novembre de 1'annee 1826. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1835, pp. 204-218. 8. Observations sur les forets Canariennes, leurs changemens et leurs alternances dans les differentes iles. Paris, Soc. Sci. Nat, Bull. 1835, pp. 70-72. 9. Coup d'ocil sur la chorographie des iles Fortunees. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IV., 1835, pp. 289-307. 1O. Description de 1'ile de Palma. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. VII., 1837, pp. 255-268. 11. Description de 1'ile de Fer (Hierro). Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull VII., 1837, pp. 305- 319. Berthelot, Sabin. 12. Notice sur les iles de Lancerotte et Fortaventure [Canaries], Paris. Soc. Geogr. Bull. VIII., 1837, pp. 321-332. 13. Considerations geographiques sur la grande peche. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. X., 1838, pp. 373-383. 14. Remarques sur la Cochenille du Nopal. Revue Zool. 1839, p. 216. 15. Fragments historiques sur les anciens habitants des Iles Fortunes. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XIII., 1840, pp. 202-228. 16. Memoire sur les Guanches. Paris. Mem. Soc. Ethnol. I., 1841, pp. 129-231 ; II., 77-151. 17. Sur les migrations des poissons. France, Congres Scientif. 1846, pp. 116-120. 18. Essai historique sur 1'ile de Cuba a 1'epoque de la decouverte. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. VI., 1846, pp. 5-45, 341-365. 19. De 1'acclimatation en Algerie des princi- pales essences forestieres des iles Canaries. Paris, Soc. Geogr. BuU. XVIII., 1859, pp. 329- 344. Berthelot, Sabin, et F. C. Mertens. Observa- tions sur le Dracaena Draco, Linn. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIII., 1 826, pp. 773-778. Berthelot, Sabin, et Barker Webb. Synopsis Molluscarum terrestrium et fluviatilium quae in itineribus per insulas Canarias observaverunt. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIX., 1833, pp. 307-326. 2. Notice sur la Cryptella Canarien- sis. Paris, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. 1835, pp. 38-39. 3. Vegetation de la Sierra-Nevada et des montagnes de Maroc : Le Cedre en Afrique. Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, pp. 439-440. Berthemot, J. B. Note sur une combinaison d'iodure de potassium et de plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 308-313 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828, pp. 176-182. 2. Note sur 1'iodure de plomb ; sa decom- position par le fer et le zinc, les oxides et les carbonates solubles ou insolubles de magnesie, de soude, de baryte, de chaux et de strontiane. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 412-417. 3. Observations sur la preparation tie 1'hydriodate de potasse par la decomposition de 1'hydriodate de chaux. Journ. de Pharm. XIV.. 1828, pp. 45-46. 4. Memoire sur Faction des oxides alcalins, de leurs carbonates et de plusieurs metaux sur les iodures. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 185-193 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIII., 1829 (St. 2), pp. 113-126. 5. Sur 1'iodure de cuivre ammoniacal. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 445-447. 6. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire des bromures. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 382-396; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 649-661. BEE] 315 Berthemot, ,7. B. 7. Note sur la preparation des iodures de mercure. Jouru. de Phann. XVII., 1831, pp. 456-459; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 403-404 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharra. XXV., 1832, pp. 260-266. 8. Observations sur les opiums qui se trouvent dans le commerce ; de 1'attentiou que 1'on doit apporter dans leur choix et dans celui de la morphine, et autres produits qui en derivent. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 440-454. 9. Observations sur le proto-sulfate de fer ; moyen de le pi-eparer pour qu'il se conserve to u jours au minimum d'oxydation. Note sur les carbonates de fer employes en medecine. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 206-218. 1O. Note sur 1'emploi de la brucine pour apprecier de tres-faibles quantites d'acide ni- trique dans les dissolutions. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 560-563. 11. Exainen chimique du produit blan- chatre qui recouvre les fruits (fleur des fruits.) Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 177-180. Berthemot, J. B., et Corriol. Procedes pour la preparation du cyanure de zinc et d'ammo- niaque. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 444-448. Berthemot, J, B., et Dechastelus. Nouvel ex- amen chimique du Guarana, de 1'existence de la cafeine dans ce produit. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1840, pp. 518-531 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVI., 1840, pp. 90-93 : Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1840, pp. 70-71. Berthereau-de-la-Giraudiere, A. L. Memoire sur la maniere de separer 1'ergot du siegle. Orleans, Annal. IV., 1822, pp. 122-133. 2. Details de quelques experiences sur 1'emploi du platre en agriculture, et sur sa maniere d'agir comme amendement et comme engrais. Orleans, Annal. VI., 1823, pp. 103- 120. 3. Memoire sur les semis et plantations d'arbres verts. Orleans. Annal. X., 1829, pp. 329-346. Berthet, -. Extrait du Catalogue Entomolo- gique de Morteau. France, Congres Scientifique, VIII., 1840, pp. 363-366. Berthet, . Moyen de doser les iodures de potassium du commerce. Revue Scientifique, VIIL, 1846, pp. 394-399. Berthier, P. Analyse d'une chaux carbonatee de Pesey. Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1806, pp. 87-91 ; Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 73- 76 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXI., 1808, pp. 150- 153. 2. Sur les sulfates de chaux, de baryte et de plomb. Journ. des Mines, XXI., 1807, pp. 303-314 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIIL, 1809, pp. 280-281. [BER Berthier, P. 3. Analyse d'un schiste des en- virons de Cherbourg, provenant des excavations faites dans le port Bonaparte. Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 315-319; Nicholson, Journ. XXIIL, 1809, pp. 304-307. 4. Analyses de 1'eau de Salins et des produits de la Saline de Moutiers (Mont-Blanc). Journ. des Mines, XXII., 1807, pp. 81-124, 165-234. 5. Sur les muriates de baryte et d'argent. Journ. des Mines, XXIL, 1807, pp. 323-324. 6. Sur les phosphates de chaux, de fer, de plomb et de manganese, et sur 1'acide phos- phorique. Journ. des Mines, XXIL, 1807, pp. 413-430. 7. Analyses de quelques produits de forges et de hauts fourneaux. Journ. des Mines, XXIIL, 1808, pp. 177-194. 8. Analyse de 1'eau minerale de Chaudes- aygues [Cantal]. Journ. des Mines, XXVIL, 1810, pp. 141-153. 9. Analyses des minerals de fer de la vallee des Arques [Lot], et des scories des forges qu'ils alimentent. Journ. des Mines, XXVII, 1810, pp. 193-212 ; Gilbert, AnnaL XXXVIII, 1811, pp. 70-94. 1O. Analyse d'un fer carbonate fibreux pseudomorphique. Journ. des Mines, XXVII 1810, pp. 477-479. 11. Analyse du zinc carbonate de Combe- cave et du calcaire qui 1'accompagne. Journ. des Mines, XXVIL, 1810, pp. 488-497. 12. Analyse d'un fer phosphate bleu. Journ. des Mines, XX VIIL, 1810, pp. 73-82. 13. Analyses des minerais de fer des envi- rons de Bruniquel et des produits du haut-four- neau qu'ils alimentent. Journ. des Mines XXVIII., 1810, pp. 101-153. 14. Analyses de plusieurs Calamines. Journ. des Mines, XXVIIL, 1810, pp. 350-351. 15. Sur plusieurs moyens imagines pour employer la flamme perdue des hauts fourneaux, des foyers de forges, etc. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 375-406. 16. Extrait d'un rapport au Conseil Gene- ral des Mines, sur les minerais de fer et des houilleres d'Anzin, et sur les essais en grand qui ont etc fait par MM. CLEKE et TOUKNELLE. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 353-358. 17. Essais et analyses d'un grand nombre de minerais de fer provenant des houilleres de France. Annal. des Mines, IV.. 1819, pp. 359-388. 18. Analyse du nickel arsenical et du nickel arseniate de I'Allemont (departement de 1'Isere.) Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 467- 482 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1820, pp. 52- 62 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXVIIL, 1820, pp. 148-154, 155-159; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 295-299 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 195-209. B E 2 BER] 316 [BER Berthier, P. 19. Analyse de deux mineraux zinciferes des H3tats-Unis de 1'Amerique. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 483-494 ; Giorn. Arcad. V., 1820, pp. 345-347 ; Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 319-326. 20. Analyse du phosphate de fer qu'on obtient dans la fabrication de vitriol de Wissant (departement du Pas-de-Calais), et des pyrites melees de phosphate de chaux qu'on traite dans cette fabrique. Annal. des Mines. IV. , 1819, pp. 623-632. 21. Sur un nouveau gisement de fer car- bonate. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 633- 634. 22. Examen du fer forge par les negres du Fonta-Diallon (Haut- Senegal). Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 129-134. 23. Analyse des nodules de chaux phos- phatee qui se trouve dans la craie du Cap La Heve (presde Havre). Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 197-204; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII., (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 469-470. 24. Analyse de 1'alun de plume. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 259-262 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 471-472. 25. Sur la coupellation et le traitement de la galene argentifere. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 333-362. 26. Sur la nature du mineral de fer mag- netique de Chamoison (Valais). Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 393-396. 27. Analyse du fer titane en couche, du Bresil, et de quelques autres mineraux du meme genre. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 479- 494 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. HI.), 1821, pp. 318-320. 28. Analyse de 1'eau de deux sources minerales de Chaudes-Aigues (Cantal). Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 499-506. 29. Examen comparatif de plusieurs mine- rais de manganese. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 291-310. 30. Analyse des eaux minerales de Neris (departement de FAllier). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 311-312. 31. Analyse de quelques pierres magne- siennes. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 451- 456. 32. Analyse de plusieurs mineraux que Ton rapporte ordinairement a 1'espece chlorite. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 459-464. 33. Analyse de 1'alumine hydratee des Beaux, departement des Bouches-du-Rhone. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 531-534. Berthier, P. 34. Analyse de deux varietes de fer chrome ; suivie d'une note sur les alliages du chrome avec le fer et avec 1'acier. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 573-584; Chimie, XVIL, 1821, pp. 55-64 ; Gilbert, An- nal. LXXII., 1822, pp. 247-253; Karsten, Ar- chiv f. Bergbau, V., 1822, pp. 172-179 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 173-174 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 419-427. 35. Analyse de deux varietes de manga- nese carbonate natif. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 593-595; Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 81-^82 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1821, pp. 573-584. 36. Nouveau moyen d'analyser les pierres alcalines. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1821, pp. 28-36; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 169- 171 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 460-468. 37. Analyse des eaux minerales et ther- males du mont Dore. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 25-32; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 417-418. 38. Notice sur les eaux minerales et ther- males de St. Nectaire. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 122-136 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, p. 396. 39. Analyse d'un sable chromifere de St. Domingue. Rouen, Travaux, 1821, pp. 4448. 4O. Sur les oxides de manganese. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 186-194; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 303 -310. 41. Sur le parti qu'on pourrait tirer du sulfate de plomb dans les arts. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 275-289 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 230-231 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp.287 -300. 42. Examen comparatif de plusieurs mine- rais de manganese. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 344-352. 43. Note sur le mineral de plomb argenti- fere de Cheronie (Charente) et Chenelette. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 149-154 ; An- nal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 104-107; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, VI., 1823, pp. 260- 310. 44. Notice sur la nature des scories des forges Catalanes et des foyers d'affineries. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 377-402. 45. Sur les sulfures qui proviennent de la reduction de quelques sulfates par le moyen du charbon. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 421- 444; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, pp. 225- 245; Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 147- 151 ; XVL, pp. 100-102 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824, pp. 66-98. BEE] 317 [BEE Berthier, P. 46. Analyses de differentes pierres a chaux. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 483-510; Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1823, pp. 62-90. 47. Analyse de la terre vegetale des envi- rons de Lille. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 89-91. 48. Analyse du Kaolin. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 107-112 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 28-41. 49. Analyse des eaux minerales de Vals. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 236-247. SO. Preparation de 1'acide hydro-sulfurique et des hydrosulfates alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 271-280 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 392-400 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIL, 1824, pp. 164-165. 51. Sur les depots ferrugineux que for- * ment les eaux minerales, et sur 1'ocre jaune. Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1823, pp. 356-370. - 52. Sur la composition de 1'oxide de nickel. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 94-98 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 401-406; Schweigger, Journ. XLII. (= Jahrb. XII.), 1824, pp. 89-94. 53. Sur 1'essai et le traitement du sulfure d'antimoine. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 379-395 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 39-55. 54. Sur les battitures de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 19-29; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, IX., 1825, pp. 508-517 ; XI1L, 1826, pp. 365-375 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 387-389; Schweigger, Jouni. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII. ), 1825, pp. 319-330; Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 130-135. 55. Analyses de quelques carbonates natifs, a bases de chaux, de magnesie, de fer et de manganese. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1823, pp. 886-897 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 286-294. 56. Examen de quelques produits des usines a cuivre de plomb. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 63-68. 57. Sur un produit alcalin du haut-four- neau de Cheneau, regence de Spire (Baviere). Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 249-251. 58. Sur les scories qui proviennent de 1'affinage de la fonte de fer par la methode Anglaise. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 795- 804. 59. Note sur le mineral de cuivre de Framont ( Vosges). Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 809-810. 6O. Sur les minerais de fer appeles Mines Douces. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1824, pp. 825- 826. 61. Examen de 1'argent natif de Curcy. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, p. 72. Berthier, P. 62. Sur le traitement metallur- gique des alliages de cuivre et d'argent. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 81-121 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIIL. 1826, pp. 448-467. 63. Essais sur le cuivre gris de S te . Marie-aux-Mines (departement du Haut-Rhin). Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 121-142. 64. Note sur la chaux phosphatee des mines de houille des Fins (Allier). Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 142-144; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 326-328 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 412-413. 65. Sur Faction qui alien entre le plomb et 1'oxide de cuivre, et entre le cuivre et 1'oxide de plomb. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1825, pp. 483-489. 66. Analyse des cendres de diverses especes de bois. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1826, pp. 240-265; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 419-440 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827, pp. 149-173. 67. Analyse de PHalloysite. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1826, pp. 332-335. 68. Sur la preparation du nickel. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 49-61 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXIL, 1827, pp. 395-397; Schweig- ger, Journ. XLVIII. (= Jahrb. XVIIL), 1826. pp. 262-275. 69. De 1'action des alcalis et des terres alcalines sur quelques sulfures metalliques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 154- 181 ; Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 25-50 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVL, 1827, pp. 161-189. 7O. Analyse de quelques produits metal- lurgiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 214-222 ; Annal. des Mines, XIIL, 1826. pp. 99-106. 71. Examen de quelques produits du traitement metallurgiques des minerais d'etain. Annal. des Mines, XIIL, 1826, pp. 463-482. 72. Sur la composition des minerais de fer en grain. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 247-260 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVIL, 1828, pp. 433-445. 73. Haidingerite [Berthierit], minerai O L. _!' d'antimoine d'Auvergne d'espece nouvelle. An- nal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 351-359 ; Poggend. Annal. XL, 1827, pp. 478-482. 74. Petrosilex rose de Sahlberg en Suede. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1827, pp. 19-22. 75. Nontronite, nouveau mineral. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1827, pp. 22-27 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 150-153. 76. Notice geologique sur les environs de Nemours, Puiseaux et Chateau-Landon. Annal. des Mines, L, 1827, pp. 287-296. 77. Analyse de la pouzzolane de Naples et du trass des bords du Rhin. Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 333-336. BER] 318 [BER Berthier, P. 78. Analyse du fer meteorique de Toluca au Mexique. Anna!, des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 337-338. 79. Analyses de quelques poteries. Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 469-476; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 478-480. SO. De 1'action de la litharge sur different;: sulfures raetalliques. Annal. des Mines, II., 1827, pp. 385-400 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 244-265 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIX., 1829, pp. 254-265 ; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp.' 278-293. 81. Sur quelques sels doubles et snr quel- ques autres composes obtenus par la voie seche. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 246- 258 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. III., 1828, pp. 223-232 ; Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 100-111 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 436-438; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 209-221. 82. Nouvelles analyses de carbonates a plusieurs bases. Annal. des Mines, III., 1828, pp. 25-34. 83. Analyse de la poterie de Gergovia. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. I., 1828, pp. 357- 358. 84. Analyse de quelques produits des usines a plomb d'Angleterre ; preparation de diverses combinaisons salines fusibles. Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1830, pp. 285-311 ; Annal. des Mines, VII., 1830, pp. 73-96 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chemie, VIII., 1830, pp. 149-172. 85. Analyse de differents produits d'art. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 113-129; Erdrn. Journ. Techn. Chem. IX., 1830, pp. 21-34. 86. Analyse de plusieurs verres de diffe- rentes sortes. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 433-442 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. X., 1831, pp. 304-311. 87. Sur le traitement metallurgique de la galene. Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1831, pp. 281-324 ; Annal. des Mines, II., 1832, pp. 97- 138; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. XIIL, 1832, pp. 196-234. 88. Sur un nouveau sulfate de cuivre natif. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 360- 362; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 310-311; Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 561-562; Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. (=N. Jahrb. VI. ), 1832, pp. 286-288. 89. Sur la preparation de la zircone et du titane. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 362- 375 ; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 246-258. 90. Analyse de quelques minerais de man- ganese d'especes variees. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 79-101 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. XVI., 1833, pp. 379-397. Berthier, P. 91. Analyse du tellure d'or sulfo- plombifere de Nagiag. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 150-158 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 401-406; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIL, (= N. Jahrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 202-210. 92. Analyse de trois varietes de silicate de cuivre [Chrysocalla]. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 395-404 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 411-417 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= N. Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 199-205. 93. Sur quelques alliages du zinc. Annal. des Mines, II., 1832, pp. 347-360. 94. Analyse de divers mineraux metal- liques. Annal. des Mines, IIL, 1833, pp. 39-62 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 458-461 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 375-376. 95. Recherche du carbone et du silicium dans differentes varietes de fonte et d'acier. Annal. des Mines, III., 1833, pp. 209-230. 96. Glasiger Feldspath vom Mont d'Or und *_^ i vom Drachenfels. ( Transl.) Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, p. 64. 97. Sur la fusibilite de quelques silicates de glucine, de lithine, et de zircone. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 187-195 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 106-112. 98. Examen de quelques combustibles. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 225-263 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 202- 231. 99. Sur 1'emploi des combustibles dans les hauts fourneaux. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 264-289 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, VI., 1835, pp. 231-252; Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 55-60. 1OO. Sur la mise en couleur des bijoux d'or. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 337- 347; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 214-222; Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 179-186. 1O1. Sur un essai de traitement du cuivre gris de Sainte Marie aux Mines par coupellation directe, execute en 1832 dans les usines Poul- laouen. Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1835, pp. 381- 402 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 516-528. 102. Action du plomb sur les arse'nio-sul- fures de fer, de cobalt, de nickel, et de cuivre. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 113-134 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 13-28. 1O3. Sur le kaolin et sur les argiles. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 225-242 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 28-41 1O4. Sur les fontes phosphorees, etc. Annal. des Mines, XIV., 1838, pp. 113-146. 1O5. Recherches sur la reduction des miue- rais de fer. Annal. des Mines, XIIL, 1838, pp. 715-728. BEE] 319 [BER Berthier, P. 1O6. Analyse du bitume de Seys- sel et de Bastennes. Bibl. Univ. XVIL. 1838, pp. 183-188. " 1O7. Sur deux alliages de zinc et de fer obtenus dans la fabrication du fer galvanise. Annal. des Mines, XVIL, 1840, pp. 652-655 ; Poggend. Annal. LIL, 1841, pp. 340-344. 1O8. Memoire sur 1'existence du bromure d'argent natif au Mexique, et au Huelgoetli [en France]. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1841, pp. 417-425 ; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 585-589. 1O9. Legirungen von Zink und Eisen. (Transl.*) Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 186- 189; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 43-45. 11O. Analyse du fer phosphate bleu. (Repr.} Le Puy, Ann. Soc. Agric. 1841-42, pp. 151-152. 111. Note sur les minerals de bromure d'argent du Mexique et du Chili. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1842, pp. 164-177. 112. Sur quelques separations operees au moyen de 1'acide sulfureux ou des sulfites alcalins. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 74- 87; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 68-79 ; Liebig, Annal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 182-195. 113. Moyen de doser la purete des lodures de Potassium du commerce. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 187-192. 114. Recherches des substances inorgani- ques dam les sarments de vignes, ainsi que dans les feuilles, dans le raisin et dans les pepins. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 249- 259; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 366-373; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 44-47 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIL, 1852, pp. 133-134. Berthier, P., et Puvis. Notice sur les eaux minerales et thermales de Vichy (departement de 1'Allier). Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 401 -420 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 439- 442. Berthold, Arnold Adolph. Ueber die Kopfkno- chen der Nagethiere. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 907-920, 983-1002. 2. Einige Notizen aus der Anatomic und Physiologic des Spechtes im Allgemeinen, des Grasspechtes (Picus viridis) aber insbesondere. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 555-558. 3. Ueber die Schilddriise des griinen Papa- geys. Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 120- 121. 4. Einleitung in die Zergliederung des Hasen und des Caninchens. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 220-230, 446-477, 601-613. 5. Anatomie des Hasen. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 601-613. Berthold, Arnold Adolph. 6. Ueber die Bedeu- tung der Bauchmuskeln. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 416-418. 7. Etwas zur Naturgeschichte des gemeinen Igels, und iiber dessen Urachus. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 168-171. 8. Ueber die Bedeutung und den Nutzen der Luftrohrenringe. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 761-766. 9. Ueber den Fabricischen Beutel der Vogel. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta XIV., 1828, pp. 903-918. 1O. Ueber die Bildung und den Nutzen der Hagel (Chalazas) im Vogeley. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 404-413. 11. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Schadel- knochen und deren Nathe. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 196-201. 12. Ueber die Formveranderung, welche der Schadel der gemeinen Fischotter (Lutra vulgaris) nach der Geburt erleidet. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 570-573. 13. Ueber die Bildung und Regeneration der Eyerschalenhaut. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 573-574. 14. Beitrage zur Anatomie des krebsar- tigen Kiefenfusses (Apus cancriformis, Latr.). Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 685-694. 15. Nachtrag zur Lehre vom Hirschge- weih. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 532-533. 16. Ueber das Nervenhalsband einiger Mollusken. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 378- 384. 17. Versuche iiber die Warmeleitungs- fahigkeit der Farben. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 564-565. 18. Ueber die grossere Intensitat des Schalles wahrend der Nacht. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 677-681. 19. Ueber die von DONNE und MATTEUCCI beobachteten electrischen Stromungen im leben- den Korper. Hannover. Ann. Heilkunde, II., 1837, pp. 126-131. 20. Einige Becbachtungen iiber den Win- terschlaf der Thiere. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 63-68 ; Bibl. Univ. XL, 1837, pp. 419-420. 21. Ueber ein linsenformiges Knochelchen im Musculus stapedius mehrerer Saugethiere. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 46-48. 22 . Einige Versuche iiber die Aufsaugungs- thatigkeit (Inhalation) der Haut. Miiller, Ar- chiv, 1838, pp. 177-181. 23. Ueber den Bau des Wasserkalbes (Grordius aquaticus). Gottingen, Abhandl. I., 1838-41, pp. 1-18. 24. Ueber verschiedene neue oder seltene Amphibienarten. Gottingen, Abhandl. L, 1838 -41, pp. 47-72. BER] 320 [BEE Berihoid, Arnold Adolph. 25. Der gespalteno Unterkiefer, eine Heminungsbildung, beobachtet an einem Kalbe. [1838.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1839, pp. 317-326. 26. Ueber die Verkalkung, als Heilbestre- ben der Natur zur Beseitigung der ausserhalb des Darrakanals im thierischen Organismus le- benden Entozoen. Ammon, Monatsschrift f. Med. I., 1840, pp. 183-187. 27. Ueber die Heidschnucke [Ovis] . Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 507-512. 28. Einfache Behandlungsweise des so- genannten Hexen- oder Drachenschusses. Han- nover. Ann. Heilk. I., 1841, pp. 557-561. 29. Ueber einen Schadel aus den Griibern der alien Palaste von Mitla, im Staate von Oajaca. [1841.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1842, pp. 441-454. 3O. Ueber die Lagalopex des Martials [Canis zerda, Zimm.~\. Oken, Isis, 1842, col. 902 -903. 31. Seitliche Zwitterbildung ( ditismus lateralis) beim Menschen beobachtet. Gottingen, Abhandl. II., 1842-44, pp. 97- 114. 32. Ueber das Gesetz der Schwanger- schaftsdauer. Gottingen, Abhandl. II., 1842-44, pp. 181-224. 33. Der Kautschuck (Gummi elasticum) als blutstillendes Mittel nach Anwendung von Blutegeln. Hannover. Ann. Heilk. III., 1843, pp. 30-35. 34. Sur la duree de la gestation chez la femme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 1003-1008. 35. Einige Bemerkungen und Beobacht- ungen iiber das Arsenik als Gift und Arznei- mittel. Hannover. Ann. Heilk. V., 1845, pp. 57-63. 36. Ueber verschiedene neue oder seltene Reptilien aus Neu -Granada und Crustaceen aus China. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1845, pp. 37-48 ; Gottingen, Abhandl. III., 1845-47, pp. 3-32. 37. Ueber den Heerwurm oder Wurnidra- chen, welcher aus den Maden der Trauer- miicke Sciara Thomae, Meig. besteht. Got- tingen, Nachrichten, 1845, pp. 65-78 ; 1854, pp. 1-5. 38. Ueber drei neue Scorpionenarten Neu- Granada's. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1846, pp. 56-62. 39. Ueber das Vorkommen von Tritonen (Tr. ophriticus) am Kaukasus. Gottingen, Nach- richten, 1846, pp. 188-190; L'Institut, 1847. pp. 118-119. 4O. Ueber die beiden vermeintlichen Nuci- fraga-Arten [N. macrorhynchus et brachyrhyn- cims]. Oken, Isis, 1846, col. 726-730. Berthold, Arnold Adolph. 41. Ueber Cinixis Homeana, Bell. [1845.] Acad. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1847, pp. 421-427. 42. Ueber einen fossilen Elennschiidel mit monstrosen Geweihen. [1845.] Acad. Csss. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1 847, pp. 428-438. 43. Ueber den Aufenthalt lebender Amphi- bieu im Menschen. Gottingen, Abhandl. IV., 1848 -50, pp. 149-196; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1849, pp. 153-163; Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 430-483. 44. Beobachtungen iiber das quantitative Verhaltniss der Nagel- und Haarbildung beim Menschen. Gottingen, Abhandl. IV., 1848-50, pp. 213-220; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1850, pp. 21-23 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 156-160. 45. Transplantation der Hoden. Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 42-46. 46. Ueber das Backenzahnsystem des Nar- wals. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 386-392 ; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1850, pp. 161-169. 47. Der Heerwurm gebildet aus Larven der Thomas-Trauermiicke (Sciara Thomas). [1853.] Gottingen, Abhandl. VI., 1853-55, pp. 39-88. 48. Die Gerbsaure nach ihrer Wirkung auf den Thierkorper und als Mittel bei Menschen die Frostbeulen nicht nur zu verhiiten, sondern auch binnen kurzer Zeit zu beseitigen. Gottin- gen, Nachrichten, 1854, pp. 233-243. 49. Ueber die Eintheilung der Saugethiere nach der Modalitat des Saugens. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1855, pp. 247-251. 50. Bemerkungen iiber den Beutellaub- frosch (Hyla marsupiata, Dum., Bibr.). Gottin- gen, Nachrichten, 1856, pp. 130-136. 51. Das Verhalten der wasserfreien Blau- siiure zu Salzsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 63-64. Berthold, Arnold Adolph, et Bunsen. Sur le mode de preparation et les formes les plus con- venables du sesquioxide de fer hydrate, en taut qu'il doit servir de contre-poison de 1'acide arsenieux. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 93-95 ; Miinchen, Gelehrte Anzeig. VI., 1838, col. 201-202. Eerthollet, A. B. Memoire sur la combinaison du soufre avec I'oxigene et 1'acide muriatique. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. I., 1807, pp. 161-179. 2. Recherches sur 1'action reciproque du soufre et du charbon. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. I., 1807, pp. 304-332. 3. Experiences sur les combinaisons du soufre et du charbon, et sur 1'hydrogene con- tenu dans ces substances. Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, pp. 273-278. 4. Observations sur la composition de 1'ammoniaque. [1808.] Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 150-152 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 218-220 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 374-375. BER] 321 [BER Berthollet, A. B. 5. Memoire sur 1'analyse de 1'ammoniaque. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. II., 1809, pp. 268-294. Berthollet, Claude Louis. Observations sur quelques combinaisons de 1'acide muriatique oxygene. Turin, Mem. Acad. III., 1786-87, pp. 385-396. 2. Sur 1'acide prussique. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 30-39. 3. Observations sur la combinaison des oxides metalliques avec les alkalis et la chaux. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 52-64. 4. Sur le phosphore. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 98-105. 5. Sur la combinaison des oxides metal- liques avec les parties astringentes et les parties colorantes des vegetaux. Annal. de Chimie, I., 1789, pp. 239-243. 6. Sur 1'acide sulfureux. Annal. de Chimie, IL, 1789, pp. 54-72. - 7. Sur les experiences de M. PRIESTLEY relatives a la composition de 1'eau. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1789, pp. 63-114. 8. Description du blanchiment des toiles et des fils par 1'acide muriatique oxigene, et de quelques autres proprietes de cette liqueur rela- tives aux Arts. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1789, pp. 151-190; VI., 1790, pp. 204-209. . 9. Sur la garance. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1790, pp. 102-103. 1O. Sur 1'action que 1'acide muriatique oxigene exerce sur les parties colorantes. An- nal. de Chimie, VI., 1790, pp. 210-239. 11. Sur quelques faits que 1'on a opposes a la doctrine antiphlogistique. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 3-25. 12. Elemens de 1'art de la teinture. An- nal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 138-156. 13. Sur 1'usage des prussiates d'alcali et de chaux en teinture. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1792, pp. 76-85. 14. Chimie, 2 de partie. Substances ani- males. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. (l er ca- hier), 1795, pp. 136-137. 15. Observations sur les proprietes eudio- metriques du phosphore. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 274-278 (3 e cah.). 16. A Memoir on the combinations of oils with earths, volatile alkali, and metallic sub- stances. (Transl.} Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 170-174. 17. Observations sur 1'hydrogene sulfure. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 233-271. 18. Sur 1'acide zoonique. Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1798, pp. 86-38; Nicholson, Jonrn. II., 1799, p. 367 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. I., 1798, pp. 68-69. Berthollet, Claude Louis. 19. Recherches sur les lois de I'affinite. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. III., 1799, pp. 1-96, 207-228, 229-245 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1800, pp. 302-3 17; XXX VII., 151-181, 221-252 ; XXXVIII., 3-29, 113-134; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 16-21, 58-69, 97-109, 149-159, 179-187 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IX., 1801, pp. 146-153, 342-352 ; X., 69-74, 129-142, 197-208, 321-330. 20. Observations eudiometriques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1800, pp. 73-85 ; Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 424-427 ; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 214-219. 21. Sur le memoire dans lequel M. GIR- TANNER examine si 1'azote est un corps simple ou compose. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1800, pp. 23-31 ; Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 81- 88 ; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 371-374 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII., 1800, pp. 221-225. 22. Bemerkungen iiber das Radical der Salzsaure. (Transl.) Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 427-430. 23. Observations sur le natron. Journ. de Phys. LL, 1800, pp. 1-9. 24. Chimie. Paris, Ecoles Normales, Seances, I., 1800, pp. 205-229, 323-333, 444- 460, (pte. 2) 152-165, 245-250 ; LL, 188-202, 369-388; III., 107-122, 356-377; IV., 99- 122, 320-338 ; V., 67-89, 244-268 ; VL, 136- 163. 25. Sur 1'action que le sulfate de fer exerce sur le gaz nitreux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1801, pp. 334-337 ; XXXIX., pp. 3-17 ; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 377- 379. 26. Notice sur le mercure fulminant de HOWARD. (Repr.) Bibl. Britannique, XVIIL, 1801, pp. 259-264; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IL, 1801 (an X.), pp. 57-58. 27. Sur le gaz oxide de carbone. Bibl. Britannique, XVIIL, 1801, pp. 265-272. , 28. Sur la nature de 1'acide muriatique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IL, 1801, pp. 126- 127. 29. Observations sur les dissolutions et les precipites de Mercure. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IL, 1801, pp. 134-135 ; Nicholson, Joum. IV., 1801, pp. 405-406. 3O. Note sur le Memoire des cit. CLEMENT et D^SORMES : " Experiences sur le charbon." Annal. de Chimie, XLII , 1802, pp. 282-288 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1802, pp. 276-279. 31. Observations sur la strontiane. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1802, pp. 315-318 ( 1 1 6 f*ft ft \ \ 1 J. ' f /t . ! 32. Notice sur une methode de donner au lin et au chanvre les appar'ences du coton. Paris, cole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1802, pp. 319-321 s s BER] 322 [BER Berthollet, Claude Louis. 33. Observations sur le charbon et les gaz hydrogenes carbones. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. IV., 1803, pp. 269-318, 319-324, 325-333. 34. Observations relatives a differens memoires de PROUST. Journ. de Phys. LIX. 1804, pp. 347-351, 352-395 ; Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 153-188. 35. Sur les fabriques de fer du pays de Galles, et sur le palladium. Annal. de Chimie, LIV,, 1805, pp. 196-199. 36. Note sur les moyens de conserver 1'eau dans les voyages de long cours, et leur applica- tion a la conservation des vins. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1806, pp. 96-102. 37. Troisieme suite des recherches sur les lois de 1'affinite. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1806, pp. 229-300 ; Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, pp. 168-187, 193-219; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 248-322. 38. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. THENARD sur Tether nitreux. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1807, pp. 282-290 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 18-24. 39. Sur Faction reciproque du soufre et du charbon. Annal. de Chimie, LXI., 1807, pp. 127-144. 4O. Description d'un manometre nouveau. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. I., 1807, pp. 282-303 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXVII., 1807, pp. 121-147 ; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 388-408 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 458-467. 41. Note sur Falteration que 1'air et 1'eau produisent dans la chair. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. L, 1807, pp. 333-336; Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 465-467 ; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 318- 320 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIII., 1809, pp. 302- 303 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 63-65. 42. Note sur les experiences de M. CHENEVIX et de M. DESCOSTILS sur le platine. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 86-89 ; Gehlen, Joum. VII., 1808, pp. 447-450 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 65-67. 43. Sur 1'oxidation du fer. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 309-319. 44. Observations sur les proportions des elements de quelques combinaisons. Arcueil, Me"m. Phys. II., 1809, pp. 42-67. 45. Nouvelles observations sur les gaz inflammables, designes par les noms d'hydrogene carbure et d'hydrogene oxicarbure. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. II., 1809, pp. 68-93; III., 1817, pp. 148-164; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 390-416. 46. Notes sur di vers objets. Arcueil, Mem. II., 1809, pp. 440-486. 47. Ueber die Salzsaure und die oxydirte Saksaure. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 495-497. Berthollet, Claude Louis. 48. Rapport sur des recherches physico-chimiques [de DAVY]. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1810 (ptc. 2), pp. 58-104. 49. Considerations sur 1' analyse vegetale et 1'analyse animale. [1809.] Paris, Mem. de I'lnst. 1810 (ptc. 2), pp. 121-141; Arcueil, Mem. Phys. III., 1817, pp. 64-76. > SO. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. CURAUDAU. Annal. de Chimie, LXXX., 1811, pp. 54-80, 121-139; Gilbert, Annal. XML, 1812, pp. 299-314. 51. Rapport sur un ouvrage de MM. GAY- LUSSAC et THINAR:D, ayant pour titre : " Recher- ches Physico-Chimiques, faites a 1'occasion de la grande batterie Volta'ique donnee par S. M. I. et R. a 1'Ecole Polytechnique." Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 5-56 ; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 409-423. 52. Rapport sur un Memoire sur les cuves d'Indigo. [1807.] Paris, Mem. Savans Etran- gers, II., 1811, pp. 634-639. 53. Note relative au Memoire de MM. COLIN et ROBIQUET. Annal. de Chimie, L, 1816, pp. 426-430. 54. Observations sur les precipites mercu- riels et sur ceux du sulfate d'alumine. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. III., 1817, pp. 77-93. 55. Experiences sur les proportions des elemens de 1'acide nitrique. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. III., 1817, pp. 165-170; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 350-355. 56. Observations sur la composition de 1'acide oximuriatique. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. III., 1817, pp. 171-179, 603-610. 57. Note sur la decomposition du sulfate de baryte et du sous-carbonate de chaux par la potasse. Arcueil, Mem. Phys. III., 1817, pp. 453-461 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820. pp. 480-486. 58. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. CHEV- REUL intitule : " Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras." Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 197-204. Berthollet, Claude Louis, et Carnot. Rapport sur une nouvelle machine inventee par MM. NIEPCE et nominee par eux : " Pyreolophore." Puri.. Mem. de I'lnst. 1807, pp. 146-153. Berthollet, Claude Louis, et Chaptal. Rapport sur un Memoire presente par MM. HUMBOLDT et GAY-LUSSAC [Experiences sur les moyens eudio- metriques, etc.]. Chimie, LIII., 1805, pp. 239-259 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 93-98. Berthollet, Claude Louis, et Vauquelin. Sur les efiets dela compression pour modifier 1'action de la chaleur. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1806. pp. 170-179. BER] 323 [BEE Berthollet, Claude Louis, Bercy, et Halle. Exposition des faits recueillis jusqu'a present concernant les effets de la vaccination, et examen des objections qu'on a faites en differens temps, et que quelques personnes font encore centre cette pratique. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1812, pte. II., pp. 227-288 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil, I., 1813, pp. 135-143, 271-293. Bertholon, . Sur la cause de la pluie. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, IV., 1771-80, pp. 207- 208. Berthon, . Sur les terrains tertiaires superieur et moyen des environs de Theziers pres Beaucaire. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 651-655. Berthon, E, L. Description of the hydrostatic log. Eoy. Soc. Proc. V., 1850, p. 919. Berthon, H. On the Potato Grub of Tasmania. Van Diemen's Land, Eoy. Soc. Papers, III.,. 1855-59, pp. 76-81. Berthot, . Moyens de determiner rigou- reusement certains centres de gravite. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. L, 1804-8, pp. 229- 237. Berthoud, S. Henri. Experiences sur les effets de la morsure des reptiles de 1'Algerie. Revue Zool. X., 1848, pp. 74-76. Berthout, . Description methodique d'une suite de fossiles du Mont-Blanc et des mon- tagnes avoisinantes. Journ. des Mines, VII., 1795, pp. 67-79 ; X., 12-14. Berthout, F., et H. Struve. Description methodique des differentes houilles. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 97-110. Berti, Antonio. Sperimenti e considerazioni sul fenomeno delle tavole semoventi. Venezia, Atti, IV., 1853, pp. 186-189 ; 2. Nuove osservazioni sul fenomeno della tavola semovente, e sopra alcune teorie imagi- nate a spiegarlo. Venezia, Ateneo Esercit. VI., 1855, pp. 5-19. 3. Osservazioni fisiche istituite in pa- recchi siti delle provincie Venete, durante 1'Eclisse Solare del 15 Marzo 1858. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 573-610. Nota sugli ultimi tremuoti di Venezia. Venezia, Atti, 1856-57, pp. 553-559. 5. Breve nota sulle manifestazioni ozono- metriche durante 1'ultima epidemia catarrale. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 636-645. 6. Sopra un fenomeno meteorologico. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 95-96. 7. Sul clima di Venezia. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 95-100, 169-235, 255-288, 439- 466. 8. Sopra un insetto perforatore del piombo. Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 152-158. Berti, Antonio. 9. Osservazioni fisiche istituite in parecchi siti delle provincie Venete, durante 1'Eclisse Solare del 18 Luglio 1860. Venezia, Atti, 1860, pp. 31-64, 101-121. 1O. Sul terremotodi Venezia del 19 Luglio 1860. Venezia, Atti, 1860, pp. 65-74. 11. Sulla constituzione atraosferica della citta di Venezia durante Pattuale epidemia mor- billosa. Venezia, Atti, VI.. 1860-61, pp. 543- 560. 12. Nota sulF Eclisse Solare del 31 De- cembre 1861. Venezia, Atti, VII., 1861-62, pp. 262-269. Berti, Battista. rale di Egra. Bertillon, Notizie intorno all' acqua mine- Poligrafo, X., 1832, pp. 360-375. Recherches sur 1'hybridite. Presse Scientifique, IT., I860, pp. 209-221. 2. De la methode dans 1'anthropologie, a propos de Pinfluence des milieux sur la coloration des teguments. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 223-242, 324-346. 3. De la methode anthropologique. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 324-348. Bertin, A f Sur la polarisation circulaire magne- tique. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1848, pp. 5-32 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 143 -145. 2. Sur la polarisation circulaire magnetique. Loi des variations de son intensite avec 1'epais- seur de la substance soumise a Faction du mag- netisme et sa distance aux poles de 1'electro- aimant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 216-217 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIH., 1848, pp. 5-32 ; Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 481- 501 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXV., 1848, pp. 420- 444. 3. Note sur la mesure des indices de refrac- tion des lames transparentes et des liquides a 1'aide du microscope ordinaire. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1849, pp. 288-296; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 447-448 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 611-612. 4. Note sur les phenomenes de polarisation magnetique observes dans les verres trempes et dans les parallelipipedes de FRESNEL. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIH., 1849, pp. 500-501. 5. Note sur les images multiples d'un objet place entre deux miroirs plans inclines 1'un sur 1'autre. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1850, pp. 257-262; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 288-294. 6. Sur la formation de Teau par des lames de platine qui ont servi a transmettre un courant electrique. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 450-458. 7. Polarisation des electrodes et formation de 1'eau dans le voltametre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 820-821 ; Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 635-637. s s 2 BEE] 324 [BER Bertin^A 8. Sur la rotation electro-magnetique des liquides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 307-309. 9. Resume des observations de M. HERREN- SCHNEIDER sur la meteorologie de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1858. 1O. Recherches sur la formation de 1'eau par des courants electriques. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1858. 11. Memoire sur les franges que presente, dans la pince a tourmalines, un spath perpen- diculaire place entre deux micas d'un quart d'onde. Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 257-290 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 458-459. 12. Sur la rotation electro-magnetique des liquides. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 304- 330. 13. Note sur la rotation electro-magnetique des liquides dans les aimants creux. Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 90-99. 14. Memoire sur la surface isochromatique : theorie generale des franges des lames cris- tallisees. Annal. de Chimie, LXIIL, 1861, pp. 57-92; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1213-1215. 15. Ueber den hydrostatischen Dichtig- keitsmesser. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 33-35. 16. Opuscules de physique. Strasbourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1862. 17. Opuscules de meteorologie. Stras- bourg, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. V. 1862. 18. Note sur le microscope polarisant de "Norremberg. Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1863, pp. 87-96. Bertini, Michele. Sulla livellazione barometrica. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. II., 1818, pp. 9-15. 2. Delle lineari e itinerarie misure antiche e moderne tavola generale. Lucca, Atti Accad. VI., 1830, pp. 265-336. 3. Sulla triangolazione dello stato Luc- chese. Lucca, Atti Accad. VIII., 1835, pp. 319- 392. 4. Di un nuovo metodo per assicurarsi delle condizioue di equilibrio degli archi e per diseg- nare le forme ed i tagli de' loro cunei. [1837.] Lucca, Atti Accad. X., 1840, pp. 1-18. 5. Di un nuovo tachimetro per le misure delle superficie. [1840.] Lucca, Atti Accad. XL, 1842, pp. 197-205. 6. Communication au sujet de la maladie du raisin qui a paru dans les Etats Sardes en 1851. France, Congres Scientifique, XIX., 1852, pp. 109-114. Bertirossi-Busata, Francesco. Memoria intorno alia rifrazione lunare. [1806.] Modena. Mem. Soc. Ital. XIII., 1807, pp. 67-74. Bertirossi-Busata, Francesco. 2. Calcolo d' occultazione di alcune stelle, e relative ricerche intorno alia posizione geografica in longitudine delF osservatorio di Padova rispetto al meridiano di Parigi. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVII., 1815, pp. 299-343. 3. Tavole general! di aberrazione e nuta- zione delle Fisse in ascensione retta, e in declina- zione. Padova, Nuovi Saggi, I., 1817, pp. 289- 316. - 4. Fondamenti delle tavole astronomiche della Luna e del Sole calcolate pel meridiano delF osservatorio di Padova. [1823.] Padova, Nuovi Saggi, II., 1825, pp. 145-201. Bertolacci, . Memoire sur les moyens d'ameliorer la race des chevaux Flamands. Nord, Mem. Soc. Cent. Agric. 1837-38, pp. 241 -253. Bertoldy, J. F. Dent de squale fossile trouvee en Tauride. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 24-29. Bertolini, Stefano di. Camptorhinus statua, Cryptocephalus Loreyi, Chrysomela fimbrialis : Notizen iiber ihr Vorkommen. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XXL, 1860, pp. 258-259. Bertolio, A. Di un grasso fossile di Rio Janeiro. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. II., 1859-60, pp. 140-141. Bertolio, A., e Romei. Studi analitici in- torno ai vini. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. III., 1861, pp. 455-458. Bertoloni, Antonio. Memoria sopra alcune Pianti che crescono nella Lunigiana. Genova, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. I., 1802, pp. 73-84. 2. Rariorum Ligurise plantarum Decas I. Genova, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. II., 1803, pp. 123-147. 3. Plantae Genuenses annis 1802-3 ob- servatte. Genova, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. III., 1804 (?), (2 a Quadr.), pp. 1-76. 4. Specimen zoophytorum Portus Lunse. Brugnatelli, Giorn. V., 1812, pp. 462-468 ; VI., pp. 434-449 ; VII., pp. 49-66. 5. Observations Botanicae. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. I., 1817, pp. 57-80, 145-160, 229-243. 6. Rariorum Italiae Plantarum descriptio. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. II., 1818, pp. 1-9. 7. Lettera al Sig. LAMOUROUX [intorno ad alcune alghe dei mari d' Italia]. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. II., 1818, pp. 286-292. 8. Sopra due specie nuove di piante Ita- liane. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. III., 1819, pp. 180-186. 9. Piante del Brasile. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. III., 1819, pp. 405-412. 1O. Excerpta de re herbaria. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. IV., 1823, pp. 220-232. BEE] 325 [BER Bertoloni, Antonio. 11. Lucubrationes de re herbai-ia. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. IV., 1823, pp. 303-337. 12. Piante dell' Orto Botanico di Bologna. Giorn. Arcad. XXI., 1824, pp. 189-193. 13. Sopra una nuova specie di Cara. Brugnatelli, "Gioni. IX., 1826, pp. 206-209. 14. Descrizione de' Zafferani Italiani. Giorn. Arcad. XXXI., 1826, pp. 276-280 ; Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 577-588. 15. Piante coltivate nell' Orto Botanico di Bologna. Giorn. Arcad. XXIX., 1826, pp. 341 -344. 16. Description d'une espece gigantesque et nouvelle de Charagne. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 325-327. 17. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Lino. Giorn. Arcad. XXXVII., 1828, pp. 58-60. 18. Memoria sopra tre specie di Senecio confuse assieme sotto il nome di Senecio rupes- tris, Kit. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIIL, 1831, pp. 163-167 ; Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 530-535. 19. Ueber Saxifraga imbricata, Bert. (S. squarrosa, Sieb.}. (Transl.) Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 609-612. 20. Mantissa plantarum Floras Alpium Apuanarum. Poligrafo, XII., 1832, pp. 63-66; Bologna, Nov. Comment. L, 1834, pp. 65-142. 21. Disquisitio de quibusdam plantis novis, aliisque minus cognitis. Bologna, Nov. Com- ment. I., 1834, pp. 231-240. 22. Memoria sopra alcune produzioni natu- rali nel golfo della Spezia. Poligrafo, III., 1834, pp. 211-215. 23. De quibusdam novis plantarum specie- bus, et de bysso antiquorum. Bologna, Nov. Comment. II., 1836, pp. 213-228. 24. Commentarius de Mandragoris. Bo- logna, Nov. Comment. II., 1836, pp. 382-392. 25. Descrizione di un nuovo genere e di una nuova specie di pianta gigliacea. [1834.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXL, 1837, pp. 1-4. 26. Sulla piantagione di una nuova siepe del Bolognese. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1838, pp. 246-253. 27. Continuatio historias Horti Botanici et Scholae Botanicae Archigymnasii Bononiensis, adjectis descriptionibus trium novarum planta- rum. Bologna, Nov. Comment. III., 1839, pp. 3-18. 28. Commentarius de itinere Neapolitano aestate anni 1834 suscepto. Bologna, Nov. Com- ment. III., 1839, pp. 155-176. 29. Plantaa novae vel minus cognitas Horti Botanici Bononiensis, Fasc. I. [1835.] Bo- logna, Nov. Comment. III., 1839, pp. 317-324. . 3O. Fasciculus secundus plantarum rario- rum, vel novarum Horti Botanici Bononiensis. Bologna, Nov. Comment. IV., 1840, pp. 11-22. Bertoloni, Antonio. 31. Florula Guatimalensis. Bologna, Nov. Comment. IV., 1840, pp. 403-444. 32. Miscellanea Botanica. Bologna, Nov. Comment. V., 1842, pp. 413-432; VI., 217-238. 419-438 ; VIL, 193-204 ; VIIL, 69-84, 363- 394 ; IX., 185-229, 573-604 : IL, 1850, pp. 265- 320, 587-607 ; III., 1851, pp. 145-192 ; IV., 61- 80, 411-428; V., 423-444; VI., 447-474; VIL, 341-362; VIIL, 225-246; IX.. 167-186; X., 27-40; XL, 189-204; XII., 223-238; L, 1862, pp. 215-232; IL, 1863, pp. 161-176; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1851-52, pp. 59-61 ; 1852 -53, pp. 5-10; 1853-54, pp. 35-37; 1854-55, pp. 63-64 ; 1855-56, pp. 50-51 ; 1856-57, pp. 49-55; 1857-58, pp. 19-22; 1858-59, pp. 12- 15; 1859-60, pp. 62-64 ; 1860-61, pp. 84-86; 1861-62, pp. 6-17; 1862-63, pp. 37-41. 33. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Sida. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIIL, 1844, pp. 305-311. 34. Manipolo primo di piante della Liguria. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIV., 1848, pp. 368-377. 35. Osservazioni intorno alia Phalaris Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. L, aquatica di LINNEO. 1850, pp. 463-466. 36. Manipolo Liguria. [1852.] secondo di piaute della Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV., 1855, pp. 121-127. Bertoloni, Giacomo. Sopra i pretesi movimenti animali di alcune molecole dei vegetabili. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 215-217. 2. Sopra la dottrina dei Signori SCHLEIDEN e WYDLER intorno all' origine dell' embrione nel seme delle piante. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IL, 1838, pp. 349-355. Sopra un legno fossile Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. L, Bertoloni, Giuseppe. delle nostre gessaie. 1838, pp. 76-93. 2. Della veccia vellutata. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1838, pp. 341-342. 3. Raccolta straordinaria di un gas entro il tronco di uno quercia. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1838, pp. 398-400. 4. Modo facile di distruggere 1'insetto di- voratore delle foglie dell' Olmo [Galler. Calma- riensis]. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II. , 1838, pp. 218-221; V., 1841, p. 212. 5. Descriptio novae specie: e Coleoptero- rum ordine [Nebria fulviventrisl. Bologna, Nov. Comment. III., 1839, pp. 83-86. 6. Dissertatio de insectis quae hyeme et vere annorum 1832-1833 sata tritici vastarunt in arvis Italiae [Zabr. gibbus, Calathus latus]. [1835.] Bologna, Nov. Comment. III., 1839, pp. 195-212. 7. Lettera intorno alcune piante credute di nocimento ai cavalli. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1840, pp. 269-273. BER] 326 [BER Bertoloni, Giuae ppe. 8. Sul trapiantamento degli alberi. Nnovt Jam. Sci. Nat. V., 1841, pp. 5-15. 9. Relazione fatta alia Societu Agraria di Bologna, intorno a 43 varieta di riso iiovella- mente venute dalla China o dalle Indie. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1841, pp. 253-261. 10. Commentarius de Bupreste Fabricii deque damnis ab eruca ejus illatis. Bologna, Nov. Comment. V., 1842, pp. 89-96. 11. Iter in Apenninum Bononiensem. Bologna, Nov. Comment. V., 1842, pp. 207-230. 12. Del danno che produce alia canepa in erba il bruco della Botys silacealis, Treist. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1840, pp. 443-448 ; IX., 1843, pp. 217-225. 13. De Botyde silaceali deque damno quo afficit Cannabim sativam, L. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 91-102. 14. De duobus insectis Ulmo campestri et Pyro malo infensis [Orchestes alni et Cossus jesculi]. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 458-468; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 217-218. 15. Historia Lepidopterorum agri Bono- niensis. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VII., 1844, pp. 205-260; VIII., 1846, pp. 105-164; IX., 1849, pp. 97-184. 16. Sermo de robigine tritici. Bologna, Nov. Comment. IX., 1849, pp. 229-232. 17. Illustratio rerum naturalium Mozam- bici : de Coleopteris. Bologna, Nov. Comment. X., 1849, pp. 381-434; Bologna, Mem. Accad. IV., 1853, pp. 343-364; VI., 419-446; VIII., 297-321 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1854-55, pp. 51 -53 ; 1856-57, pp. 80-82 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1845, pp. 4 16-423. .18. Illustrazione dei prodotti naturali del Mozambico : Insetti Lepidotteri diurai. [1849.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. II., 1850, pp. 165-188. 19. Illustrazione di Piante Mozambicesi. [1850.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. IL, 1850, pp. 561-586; III., pp. 249-268 ; IV., 535-554 ; V., 463-482 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1852-53, pp. 22-26 ; 1853-54, pp. 33-37. 2O. Notizie intorno alia Bombyx Paphia, Linn., ed al suo singolare follicello portato in Francia dalle Indie oriental]'. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1854, pp. 353-367. 21. Notizie intorno alle attuali coltivazioni de' bachi da seta nel Bolognese. Bologna, Mem. Accad. VII., 1856, pp. 85-103. 22. Delia atrofia coutagiosa, malattia del Filugello del Moro, la prima volto comparsa in alcune coltivazioni della provincia de Bologna nel Giugno del 1856. Bologna, Mem. Accad. VIII., 1857, pp. 141-159. 23. Delia Legnite quasi carbon fossile del monte di Paterno. Bologna, Reudiconto, 1857- 58, pp. 33-35. Bertoloni, Giuseppe. 24. Della legnite di Sar- zanello, detta carbon fossile del Monte Paterno nel territorio di Sarzana. Bologna, Mem. Accad. IX., 1858, pp. 215-228. 25. Delle malattie e dei danni cbe soffre P albero del Pero nella provincia Bolognese. Bologna, Mem. Accad. X., 1859, pp. 377-390. 26. Come si comporta il midollo delle pi ante Dicotiledonali, dopo il suo compiuto sviluppo. [I860.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. XL, 1861, pp. 175-188 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1859- 60, pp. 29-30. 27. Illustrazione dei prodotti naturali del Mozambico : Dissertazione intorno ad insetti Ditteri. [I860.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. XII., 1861, pp. 41-60; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1860- 61, pp. 28-29. 28. Descrizione di una nuova malattia della Canepa, nel Bolognese. Bologna, Mem. Accad. XII., 1861, pp. 289-303. 29. Notizie intorno a cose naturali osser- vate nei monti Italiani, e giudicate una parte utili per se stesse e le altre interessante agli studiosi della Geologia e della Botanica, Bologna, Med. Accad. III., 1863, pp. 201-244. Bertolus, . Experiences sur la transforma- tion de rEchinocoque de l'homme en Tsenia. Lyon, Soc. Sci. Med. Mem. IL, 1863, pp. 118- 126. 2. Sur le developpement du Bothriocephale de Phomme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 569-571. Bertolus, Chauveau, et Laroyenne. Vitesse de la circulation dans les arteres du cheval d'apres les indications d'un nouvel hemodro- mometre. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 695-716. Berton, . Le produit de quatre nombres entiers en progression arithmetique ne saurait etre le bicarre d'un nombre rationnel. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIIL, 1859, p. 191. 2. Arithmologie : Probleme sur la puis- sance des nombres. Nouv. Ann. Math. XVIII., 1859, pp. 209-213. Bertoncelli, . Guida per conoscere le basi salificabili. Poligrafo, L, 1830, pp. 68-74. Bertoni, Giovanni. Memoria sul lago di Quarto nella legazione di Forli. Giorn. Arcad. XCV., 1843, pp. 111-125. Bertot, . Note sur I'application de Pelec- tricite a la reproduction des medailles. Bayeux, Mem. 1842, L, pp. 281-286. Bertot, . Nouveaux moyens pour obtenir des images de Moser. Bibl. Univ. XLV., 1843, pp. 378-379. BEE] 327 [BER Bertot, Henri. Note sur les perimetres des poly- gones reguliers. Nouv. Ann. Math. II., 1843, p. 188. 2. Demonstration d'un theoreme sur les polygones reguliers. Nouv. Ann. Math. II. 1843, pp. 239-240. 3. Resultats de ses recherches pour les pdnts en arc. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1858, pp. 298-303. 4. Eecherches sur la forme theorique a donner aux tubes ascensionnels des eaux dans les puits artesiens. Paris, Ann. Genie Civil, I., 1862 (pte. 2), pp. 13-16 ; Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1862, pp. 36-41. Bertou, Jules de. Voyage de 1'extremite sud de la Mer Morte a la pointe nord du golfe Elanitique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. X., 1838, pp. 18-32. 2. Notes on a Journey from Jerusalem by Hebron, the Dead Sea, El Ghor, and Wadi 'Arabah to Akabah, and back by Petra, in April (1838). Geogr. Soc. Journ. IX., 1839, pp. 277-285. 3. Extract from a Notice on the site of Ancient Tyre. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IX., 1839, pp. 286-294 ; Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XI, 1839, pp. 150-169. 4. Itineraire de la Mer Morte a Akaba. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XL, 1839, pp. 274-331. < 5. Depression de la vallee du Jourdain et du lac Asphaltite. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1839, pp. 113-166. Bertozzi, L. V. Calcoli biliari contenenti rame. Polli, Auu. di Chim. I., 1845, pp. 32-41 ; Heller, Archiv, 1845, pp. 225-227. Bertram, C. Beitrag zur Flora der Gegend um Magdeburg. Halle, Jahresber. Nat. Wis. Ver. IV., 1851, pp. 167-179. Bertram, C. L. [Breiten und Azimuth-Bestim- mungen auf dem Schb'nberg in Mecklenburg]. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 181-184. Bertram, Friedrich. Die Lepidopteren-Fauna derPfalz. PoUichia, XVI. et XVII., 1859, pp. 299-322. Bertrand, . Analyse chimique du houhlon. Strasbourg, Soc. Sci. Journ. 1, 1824, pp. 328-333. Bertrand, (t'Abbe.) Essais faits sur les vers quer- ciens en 1839 et 1840. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 195-198. Bertrand, (le Docteur.) Experiences sur 1'emploi du charbon de bois dans I'empoisonnement par le muriate sur-oxigene de mercure et 1'acide arsenieux. Bull, de Pharm.VL, 1814, pp. 80-85. 2. Observation sur une operation cesarienne spontane"e, due a la gangrene. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. VI., 1819, pp. 321-331. 3. Temperature des eaux thermales, et plus Bertrand, A., et Jamiu. Sur la condensation des gaz a la surface des corps solides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 994-998. Bertrand, C. A. H. A. Notice sur les eaux mine- rales en general, et sur celles de Medague et de St. Allyre en particulier. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XV., 1842, pp. 33-66. ' Bertrand, Ernest. Le fluide magnetique en 1833. Aube, Me"m. Soc. Agric. XXV , 1846 pp. 189-201. Bertrand, Joseph. Note sur quelques points de la theorie de 1'Electricite. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 495-500. 2. Note sur la vraie valeur des fractions qui prennent la forme -. Liouville, Journ Math. VI., 1841, pp. 14-16. 3. Sur les conditions d'integrabilite des fonctions differentielles. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 28 e cahier, 1841, pp. 249-275. 4. Demonstration d'un theoreme de M. JACOBI. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 28 e cahier, 1841, pp. 276-283. 5. Regies sur la convergence des Series. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 35-54. 6. Note sur un point du calcul des Varia- tions. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 55-58. 7 . Note sur un passage de la " Mecanique Analytique." Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 165-168. 8. Note sur un theoreme de Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 2 12-2 14. 9. Demonstration d'un theoreme de Geo- metric. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 215-217. 1O. Determination de 1'integrale definie /! l(l+x) dx 1+a! 2 Liouville, Journ. Math. VUL, 1843, pp. 110-112. 11. Remarques sur la theorie des Maxima et Minima des fonctions a plusieurs variables. Liouville, Joum. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 155-160. 12. Demonstration d'un theoreme de Geo- particulierement sur celle des eaux du mont Dore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 972-977. metric. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 209-214. 13. Developpements sur quelques points de la theorie des surfaces isothermes orthogonales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 80- 82 ; Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. X., 1848, pp. 539-562. 14. Note sur la theorie des surfaces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1277- 1279. 15. Demonstration de quelques the"oremes sur les surfaces orthogonales. Paris, J3cole Polytechn. Journ. 29 e cahier, 1843, pp. 157-173. 16. Note sur la theorie des integrates de valeur algebrique. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, p. 126. BER] 328 [BER Bertrand, Joseph, 17. Memoire sur les surfaces isothermes orthogonales. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 117-132. 18. Memoire sur la theorie des Surfaces. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 133-154. 19. Sur le nombre de valeurs que peut prendre une fonction quand on y permute les lettres qu'elle renferme. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XX., 1845, pp. 778-780 ; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 30 C cahier, 1845, pp. 123- 140. 2O. Note sur la theorie des surfaces iso- thermes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 570-571. 21. Note relative au Memoire [de M. LIOUVILLE] " sur quelques cas particuliers ou les equations du mouvernent d'un point materiel peuvent s'integrer." Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 379-380. 22. Memoire sur la propagation du son dans un milieu heterogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 1136-1138. 23. Note sur le probleme de Tautochrones. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 121- 128. 24. Note sur la theorie des Normales u une meme surface. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847 ; pp. 343-347. 25. Memoire sur la theorie des mouve- ments relatifs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1073-1074. 26. Note sur la similitude en Mecanique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 163- 165 ; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 32 e cahier, 1848, pp. 189-197. 27. Demonstration geometrique de quel- ques theoremes relatifs a la theorie des Sur- faces. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 73-80. 28. Demonsti'ation d'un theoreme de M. GAUSS ; avec Note par M. DIGUET. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 80-86. 29. Memoire sur la theorie des Pheno- menes Capillaires. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 185-208. 3O. Sur un cas remarquable de Tautochro- nisme.- Liouville, Journ. Math. XIIL, 1848, pp. 231-232. 31. Sur la courbe dont les deux courbures sont constantes. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIIL, 1848, pp. 423-424. 32. Note sur la theorie des mouvements relatifs. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. 32 e cahier, 1848, pp. 149-154. 33. Memoire sur les simplifications que peuvent apporter les changements de coordon- nees dans les questions relatives au mouvement de la Chaleur. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 1-20. Bertrand, Joseph. 34. Nouvelle methode pour trouver les conditions d'integrabilite des fonc- tions differentielles, avec Note de M. SARRUS. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 123- 134. 35. Questions sur la Numeration. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 354-357. 36. Questions sur la Numeration et sur le plus Grand Commun Diviseur. Nouv. Ann. Math. VHL, 1849, pp. 358-362. 37. Memoire sur la theorie des Courbes a double courbure. Liouville, Journ. Math. XV. 1850, pp. 332-350 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 623-624. 38. Memoire sur le Determinant d'un sys- teme de Fpnctions. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVI., 1851, pp. 212-227; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 134-135. 39. Memoire sur les theoremes generaux en Mecanique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 709-710. 4O. Memoire sur les integrates communes a plusieurs problemes de Mecanique. [1851.] Liouville, Journ. Math., XVII., 1852, pp. 121- 174. 41. Note sur 1'integratiou des equations differentielles. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVII., 1852, pp. 175-176. 42. Memoire sur Integration des equa- tions differentielles de la Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVIL, 1852, pp. 393-436; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 636- 639. 43. Resolution analytique d'une question relative a la resistance des fluides. Journ. des Savants, 1852, pp. 401-402. 44. Sur un nouveau theoreme de Mecanique analytique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 698-699. 45. Sulle linee tautocrone. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 547-548 ; IV., 65-66. 46. Sur le dernier terme de 1'equation au carre des differences, et sur le veritable auteur d'un theoreme d'analyse sur les racines d'une equation. Nouv. Ann. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 30-32. 47. Methode de GAUSS pour la determina- tion de 1'orbite des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1082-1083. 48. Sur la methode des moindres carrees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1190- 1192. 49. Note sur le gyroscope de M. Fou- CAULT. Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1856, pp. 377-382; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1021-1024. SO. Lettre sur la rotation d'un corps solide. Nouv. Ann. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 187- 190. BER] 329 [BER Bertrand, Joseph. 51. Demonstration geome- trique de quelques theoremes de M. GAUSS. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XLII., 1856, pp. 1088- 1092. 52. Note sur les integrates communes a plusieurs problemes de Mecanique, et sur la theorie des Courbes a double courbure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 829-832. 53. Demonstration d'un theoreme de M. STURM. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 1108-1110. 54. Memoire sur quelques-unes des formes les plus simples que puissent presenter les inte- grales des equations differentieUes du mouvement d'un point materiel. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, pp. 113-140; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 29-31. 55. Note relative a un theoreme de M. CAUCHY. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 1-2. 56. Note sur la theorie des equations diffe- rentielles du premier ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 617-619. 57. Note sur la theorie des polyedres regu- liers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 79-82. 58. Note sur la surface des ondes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 817-819. 59. Note sur une formule d'ABEL. Tor- tolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 156-157. 60. Note sur les fonctions d'une variable imaginaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 427-429. 61. Note relative a 1'influeuce de la rotation de la terre sur la direction des cours d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 658-660. 62. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. ROUCHE, intitule : " Memoire sur la serie de LAGRANGE." Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1301-1304. 63. De 1'invention du calcul infinitesimal. Journ. des Savants, 1862, pp. 465-483. Bertrand, Joseph, et Serret. Rapport sur di- verses Notes de M. BRETON (de Champ) relatives a la question des Porismes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 699-714. Bertrand, Louis. [Sur les grosses masses de fer trouvees sur quelques montagnes de Siberie.] Bibl. Britannique, XVII., 1801, pp. 433-441. Bertrand, Philippe. Reflexions sur la theorie des filons, par WERNER. Journ. des Mines, VII., 1797-98, pp. 361-372. 2. Note geologique relative a celles qui ont ete inserees dans le Journal des Mines, N. 30, sur la colline de Champigny, pres Paris, considered lithologiquement. Journ. des Mines, VIII., 1797-98, pp. 789-803. 3. Extrait dune lettre sur le granit. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 371-376, 435-438. Bertrand, Philippe. 4. Reflexions geologiques sur les mines de terre d'ombre deerites par le C en . FAUJAS, N. 36 de ce Journal. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 237-245. 5. Lettre au C pn . MUTHUON sur ses obser- vations volcaniques, inserees au N. 47 de ce Journal, relativement a celles du C en . DOLO- MIEU. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 377- 384. 6. Observations sur 1'action des caux cou- rantes. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 88-94. 7. Sur la litho-mineralogie des pays grani- tiques. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 268-276. 8. Sur 1'origine du grauit. Journ. de Phys. LI., 1800, pp. 107-126. 9. Quelques reflexions sur la theorie de la terre. Journ. de Phys. LXL, 1804, pp. 119-129. 1O. Du briquetage. Aunal. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 282-287. 11. Lettre sur les explosions produites par la poudre non refoulee. Bibl. Britannique, XXIX., 1805, pp. 184-193. 12. Memoire sur la cause originelle des vallees, des montagnes, et de 1'emersion des continens. Journ. de Phys. LXIII., 1806, pp. 31-45. Bertrand de Doue, J. M. Memoire sur les ossemens fossiles de Saint-Privat, et sur le terrain basaltique ou ils ont ete decouverts. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1828, pp. 194-214 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IT., 1830, pp. 278-286. 2. De 1'amenagement et de 1'exploitation des bois de pin dans les environs du Puy. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1832-33, pp. 46-79. 3. Rapport sur la Carte geologique du bassin de Brioude. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1832-33, pp. 170-172. 4. De la frequence comparee des vents superieurs et inferieurs sous le climat du Puy en Velay et de leur distribution. Ann. Met. de France, 1851, pp. 357-391. 5. Notice sur une application de la loi d'interversion observee au Puy entre les fre- quences comparees des vents superieurs et infe- rieurs. Ann. Met. de France, 1852, pp. 191-195. 6. Memoire sur la grele. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. XXL, 1857-58, pp. 397-404. 7. Extrait d'un Memoire intitule : " De la frequence et de la capacite pluvieuse des vents superieurs et inferieurs sur la station du Puy." Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. XXL. 1857-58, pp. Ixxxix-cxiii. 8. Notice preliminaire relative a une seconde edition de la Description Geognostique des en- virons du Puy-en- Velay. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. XXIV., 1861, pp. 275-340. Bertrand de Lorn, . Extrait d'une lettre sur diverses substances minerales. Riviere, Ann. Sci. Geol. L, 1842, pp. 869-872. T T BER] 330 [BER Bertrand-Bocande. See Bocande. Bertrand-Geslin, C. Notice sur le gisement du Zircon Hyacinthe d'Expailly pres Le Puy-en- Velay. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 165-173. 2. Aper9U geognostique sur le bassin gyp- seux d'Aix. [1822.] Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 273-300 ; Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 304-307. 3. Note sur la caverne a ossements d'Adels- berg en Carniole. [1825.] Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 458-464; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 12-14; Paris, Soc.Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 57-58. 4. Note sur la caverne a ossements do Banwell (Somersetshire). Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull 1826, pp. 118-120; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 196-200. 5. Extrait d'un Memoire sur le terrain de transport a ossements du Val-d'Arno superieur en Toscane. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 363-367 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IL, 1831-32, pp. 429-430 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. I., 1833, pp. 161-173. 6. Notice geognostique sur 1'ile de Noir- moutier, dep*. de la Vendee. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. I., 1833, pp. 317-330; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 285-287. 7. Sur le gypse de Digne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 357-363. 8. Fossiles trouvees dans les tufas vol- caniques brechiformes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 8-9. Bertrand-Geslin, Trettenero, und Maras- chini. Ueber einige vulkanische Gesteine im Valle di Fiemme. Innsbruck, Beitr. z. Ges. v. Tirol, VIL, 1832, pp. 222-242. Bertrand-Lachenee, .- Explorations en- tomologiques dans 1'arrondissement de Cher- bourg. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 97-98 ; III., 1855, p. 296 ; IV., 1856, p. 207. 2. Sur la Chrysomela Banksii. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. VI., 1859, p. 383. Bertrand-Lachenee ct Besnou. Listes des plantes de la presqu'ile de la Manche. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIL, 1860 (pte. 1), pp. 212-227. 2. Catalogue raisonne des plantes vascu- laires de 1'arrondissement de Cherbourg. France, Congres Scientifique, XX VIL, 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 289-541. Bertnch, Carl. Nachricht von einigen neuen zoologischen Eutdeckungen. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 680-691. Berville, P. de. Sur une nouvelle espece de crustace fossile trouvee dans le calcaire grossier iuferieur de 1'Oise. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 108-116. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. Elektroskopiska forsok mod fargade papper. Hisinger, Af handl. Fysik, L, 1806, pp. 50-57. 2. Undersokning af Adolfsbergs Brunns- vatten. Hisinger, Af handl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 124-145 ; Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 1-18. 3. Undersokning af Porla Kallvatten. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 145- 155. 4. Fcrsok, at narmare bestamma orsaken til Benens fargning hos lefvande Djur, som fortara en nied Krapp blandad fb'da. Hisinger, Afhaiidl. Fysik, L, 1806, pp. 156-171. 5. Om Fettsyran. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 171-183 ; Gehleu, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 275-286. 6. Analys af Marg. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, L, 1806, pp. 183-195 ; Gehlen, Journ. IL, 1806, pp. 287-297. 7. Benens Analys. Hisinger, Afhandl. / Fysik, L, 1806, pp. 195-239 ; Gehlen, Journ. IIL, 1807, pp. 1-36. 8. Sur le fluate calcaire contenu dans les os et dans l'urine. Annal. de Chirnie, LXL, 1807, pp. 256-257, 9. Theorie der electrischen Saule. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 177-193. 10. Om Magnetnalens afvikelser. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 1-14. 11. Electriska Stapelns Teori. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807, pp. 14-34. 12. Forslag till en forbiittrad Hygrometer. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 35- 40; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXJIL, 1809, pp. 39-42. 13. Forsb'k med Salpetersyre-Nafta och produkterna af Salpetersyrans sb'nderdelning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 41-47. 14. Undersokning af den svafvelbundna viitgasens sammansattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 78-99. 15. Undersokning af Miinnisko-trackens sammansattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 103-137. 16. Undersokning af Scapolit (Paranthiue, Hauy) fran Sondermanland, Sjosa malmfalt och Fiihus-grufvau. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 199-202. 17. Undersokning af en rodaktig spatig Stenart fran Degero vid Helsingfors. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IL, 1807, pp. 206-208. 18. Analys af Brunns-vattnet i Egendo- men N. 58 och 59 vid Drottniug-galan i Stock- holm. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807, pp. 209-214. 19. Vermischte Notizen. Gehlen, Journ. VIL, 1808, pp. 580-585. 2O. Vermischte Notizeu. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 585-589. BER] [BEE Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 21. Einige priifende Versuche iiber die Theorie der Volta'schen Saule, und Nachricht von seinen Untersuchun- gen iiber die Metallisirung der Alkalien, und iiber die Zahlverhaltnisse, wonach Sauerstoff und Schwefel sich mit den Metallen verbinden. Gilbert, Annal. XXXV., 1810, pp. 269-277. 22. Ueberdie Streitigkeiten zwischen DAVY und den HH. GAT-LUSSAC und THE"NARD, die Metalle aus den Alkalien, das Ammoniak und den Stickstoff betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 198-203. 23. Forsok till en allmiin ofverblick af varmblodiga Djur-vatskors sammansattning jemte nagras serskilta analys. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 1-105. 24. Forsok att bestiimma qvantitativa for- hallandet emellan bestandsdelarna af artificiell kolsyrad kalk. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 112-117. 25. Forsok till Kiseljordens analys. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 117-128; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 89-102. 26. Forsok till Tackjernets analys. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 128-152 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL., 1812, pp. 245-258. 27. Forsok rorande de bestamda propor- tioner, hvari den oorganiska Natureus bestands- delar finnas forenade. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 162-276 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXIII., 1811, pp. 464-468. 28. Undersokning af det mucilaginb'sa amne, som forekommer i atskilliga Laf-arter. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 331- 347. 29. Fdrsok till en jemforelse-undersokning af Kina-bark och Tall-saf (Alburnum Pini). Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, III., 1810, pp. 347-379. 3O. Sur 1'analyse de differents sels. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIL, 1811, pp. 63-84 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 260-272. 31. Essai sur les proportions determinees dans lesquelles se trouvent reunis les elemens de la nature inorganique. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 5-37, 105-133, 217-242; LXXIX, 113-142, 233-264 ; LXXX., 5-37, 225-258 ; LXXXI., 5-36, 278-303 ; LXXXIL, 5-53, 113-126, 225-272 ; LXXXIII., 5-36, 117 -127, 128-132 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIL, 1811, pp. 249-334, 415-472; XXXVIII., 161-226; XL., 162-208, 235-330 ; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 297-326; Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXII., 1811, pp. 169-197; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLL, 1813, pp. 3-8, 81-90, 197- 205, 275-284, 334-340,401-415 ; XLIL, 40-44, 135-142, 171-182, 265-276, 371-386, 440-463 ; XLIIL, 42-54, 88-101, 161-175, 245-249 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1812, pp. 36-88. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 32. Essai sur la com- position de 1'acide nitrique. Annal. de Chimie, LXXX., 1811, pp. 171-187. 33. Schreiben an den Prof. GILBERT, iiber einige Gegenstande, welche zwischen DAVY und den HH. GAY-LrssAC und THENARD strei- tig sind, und iiber ein zweites neues Gesetz, welches er im Verfolge seiner Untersuchungen aufgefunden hat. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIL, 1811, pp. 208-220. 34. DAVY'S Chlorine und Euchlorine und seine neuesten Arbeiten, und HAUSMANN'S, STROMEYER'S, und DAESO'S Untersuchungen iiber das Eisen betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 227-232. 35. Essai sur la nomenclature chimique. Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 253-286; Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIII, 1812, pp. 28-74 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 142-146, 153-166, 240-246, 313-319; XXXV., 38-47, 118-131, 159-166; Schweigger, Jour u. VI., 1812, pp. 119-176, 284-322; VII., 43-78. 36. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Sauerstoff- mengen, etc., zu einander, welche die Korper auf verschiedenen Oxydationsstufen aufnahmen, etc. Schweigger, Journ. L, 1811, pp. 257-262. 37. Salpetersiiure Sake im Brunnenwasser : Analyse eines Brunnenwassers in Stockholm. Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 503-508. 38. Bilaga till Hr. HISINGER'S analys af Cerin. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIL, 1811, pp. 215-218. 39. Memoire sur 1'oxidation de differens metaux. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXHL, 1812, pp. 159-170. 4O. Versuch einer lateinischen Nomenclatur fur die Chemie, nach electrisch-chemischen Ansichten. Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, J812, pp. 37-89. 41. Zwei Schreiben an den Prof. GILBERT: Wahre Naturder Eisenoxyde und der salpetri- gen Saure ; Entdeckungen neuer Metall Oxyde und Schwefel-Metalle ; Kritik von DAVY'S Lehre von der Chlorine ; eine neue und merkwiirdige Erscheinung von Feuer. Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 276-298. 42. General views of the Composition of Animal Fluids. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. III., 1812, pp. 198-276. 43. Forsok till ett rattfardigande af de theoretisk chemiska asigter, pa hvilka den syste- matlska upstallningen i mitt forsok till en fo'rbat- tring af den chemiska nomeuclaturen grundar sig. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIIL, 1812, pp. 166-198, 223-246 ; XXXIV., 39-62, 175-215. 44. An attempt to determine the relative quantities of the constituent parts of artificial Carbonate of Lime. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL., 1812, pp. 117-119. T T 2 BEE] 332 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 45. De I'influence de 1'electricite sur les affinites. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVI., 1813, pp. 146-174, 225-262 ; LXXXVII., pp. 50-97, 113-152. 46. Memoire sur la composition de* fluides animaux. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIII., 1813, pp. 26-72, 113-141 ; LXXXIX., 20-45 ; Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 557-564 ; VI., 128-142; Schweigger, Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 375-398 ; X., 142-154, 484-506 : XI., 261- 280; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 19- 26, 195-208, 377-387, 415-425. 47. Das detonirende Oehl ; Schwefel- Kohlenstoff, und eine neue merkwiirdige Ver- bindung. Gilbert, Annal. XLIII., 1813, pp. 441-444. 48. Versuche iiber die Mischung des Islandischen Mooses und seine Anwendung als Nahrungsmittel. Schweigger, Journ. VIL, 1813, pp. 317-352; Annal. de Chimie, XC., 1814, pp. 277-321 ; Bull, de Pharm. VI., 1814, pp. 536- 550. 49. Undei'sokning af Pulsadrornas Tra- diga Hinna. Stockholm, Svenska Lak. Salisk. Handl. I., 1813, pp. 90-96. SO. On the nature of Muriatic Acid. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 254-259; Journ. de Phys. LXXXL, 1815, pp. 394-395 ; LXXXII., 306-313 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 103-111. 51. Experiments on the nature of Azote, of Hydrogen, and of Ammonia, and upon the degrees of oxidation of which Azote is sus- ceptible. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 276-284, 357-368. 52. Essay on the cause of chemical pro- portions, and on some circumstances relating to them ; together with a short and easy method of expressing them. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 443-454; III., 51-62, 93-106,244- 255, 353-364 ; Annal. de Chimie, XCII., 1814, pp. 141-160 ; Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 240-243 ; XIV., 66-78 ; XXI., 307-341 ; XXII., 51-78, 317-342; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. L, 1817, pp. 130-242. 53. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Natur des Stickstoffs, des Wasserstoffs, und des Ain- moniaks ; und einige Bemerkungen iiber die wahre Zusammeusetzung der salpetrigen Saure und der Salpetersaure. Gilbert, Annal. XL VI., 1814, pp. 131-175. 54. Aus einem Briefe iiber den Magnetkies und seinen Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Mineralogie. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIII., 1814, pp. 209-212. 55. Vermuthungeu iiber die Natur von DAVY'S Azotan und dem rauchenden Wesen der Nordhauser Schwefelsiiure. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIII., 1814, pp. 326-339. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 56. Disco urs sur les progres et 1'etat present de la chimie animalo. Journ. de Phys. LXXIX., 1814, pp. 343-377, 422-450 ; Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 289-341, 361-399. 57. Einige Nachrichten aus England, und Versuche iiber die Zusammensetzung organischer Stoffe. Schweigger, Journ. X., 1814, pp. 244-248. 58. Versuch durch Anwendung der elec- trischen-chemischen Theorie und der chemi- schen Proportion- Lehre, ein rein wissenschaft- liches System der Mineralogie zu begriinden. Schweigger, Journ. XL, 1814, pp. 193-233 ; XII., 17-62 ; XV., 277-300. 59. Resultat einiger Analysen vegetabili- scher Substanzen. Schweigger, Journ. XL, 1814, pp. 301-302. 6O. Ueber die Ursache der chemischen Proportionen, und einige darauf sich beziehen- den Gegenstlinde, nebst einer kurzen Art sie auszudriicken. Schweigger, Journ. XL, 1814, pp. 419-422 ; XIII., 240-246 ; XIV., 416-461. 61. Experiments to determine the definite proportions in which the Elements of Organic Nature are combined : 1. On the difference between the composition of Organic and In- organic Bodies ; 2. On the analysis of Organic Bodies. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV.. 1814, pp. 323-331,400-409; V., 93-101, 174-184,260- 275 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXIX., 1815, pp. 113- 129. 62. Experiences pour determiner les pro- portions definies, dans lesquelles les elements de la nature organique sont combines. Annal. de Chimie, XCIV., 1815, pp. 5-33, 170-190, 296- 324 ; XCV., 51-90. 63. Ueber Jodine, Chlorine und das sogen- annte detonirende Oehl. Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 385-390. 64. Versuch einer Vergleichung der alte- ren und der neueren Meinungen iiber die Natur der oxydirten Salzsaure, zur Beurtheilung des Vorzugs der einen vor der andern. Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 356-446; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1816, pp. 272-280, 429-441 ; VIII., 200-209, 256-264. 65. Fb'rsok till ett rent Kemiskt Mineral- svstem. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 1-148. 66. Undersokning af Gadolinitens sam- mansattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 217-236 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 404-422. 67. Undersokning af hittills kiinda Fluo- silicater eller af de till Topaz-slagtet raknade fossilierna. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 236-252; Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 423-437 ; Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 108-110. BER] 333 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 68. Undersokuing af hittills bekanta Tantalhaltiga fossiliers samman- sattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 262-293; Schweigger, Journ. XVL, 1816, pp. 447-475. 69. Undersokiiing af hittills bekanta Wolf- ramiaters sammansiittning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 293-307; Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 476-488. 70. Ny Analys af rod Mangankisel fran Langbanshyttan. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 18] 5, pp. 382-385; Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 254-257. 71. Undersokiiing af en ny Gadolinit-art fran Kararfvet i grannskapet af Fahlun. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 388- 396; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 5-20; Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 260-268. 72. Anmerkung ilber DAVY'S Theorie der oxydirten Salzsiiure. Schweigger, Journ. XIII., 1815, p. 98. 73. Ueber einige mineralogisch-chemische Gegenstande. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 31-34. 74. Versuch eines rein chemischen Mine- ralsystems. ( Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. XV., 1815, pp. 301-363, 419-451. 75. An address to those Chemists who wish to examine the laws of Chemical Pro- portions, and the theory of Chemistry in general. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1815, pp. 122-131. 76. Objections to Sir H. DAVY'S Theory of Chlorine. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 211-213. 77. Memoire sur la composition des acides phosphorique et phosphoreux, ainsi que sur leurs combinaisons avec des bases salines. An- nal. de Chimie, II., 1816, pp. 151-176, 217- 239, 329-338 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 211-215 ; Gilbert, Annal. LIIL, 1816, pp. 393-446; LIV., 31-55. 78. Note sur le principe colorant du sang des animaux. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 42-51 ; Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 24- 34; Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 430- 440 ; Trommsdorff, 1ST. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 178-191. 79. Lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC sur la com- binaison de 1'oxigene avec le fer, le manganese, et 1'etain. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 149- 165 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 359-374. 80. Nouvelles recherches sur les propor- tions chimiques. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 174-181 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 42-52. 81. Sur les oxides de manganese. Annal. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 82. Sur deux metaux uouveaux [Lithium et Selenium]. Annal. de Chimie, VIL, 1817, pp. 199-207; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 356-362 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 292-297; Oken, Isi.s. 1818, col. 451-453 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 44-48 ; XXIIL, 1818, pp. 309-344 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 291-293, 373-375, 447-449. 83. On the composition of the Topaz ; the separation of Silica and oxide of Tantalum ; and some further experiments on the composi- tion of Organic Bodies. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 105-108. 84. Recherches sur un nouveau corps mineral trouve dans le soufre fabrique a Fahlun. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 160-180, 225- 267, 337-364 ; Anna}, des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 301-316 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIIL, 1818, pp. 430-438 ; Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXIX., 1818, pp. 13-22 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIIL, 1819, pp. 401-412 ; XIV., 97-106, 257-265, 420-427 ; XV., 16-27. 85. Chemische Entdeckungen im Mine- ralreiche gemacht zu Fahlun in Schweden : Selenium, ein neuer metallartiger Korper ; Lithion, ein neues Alkali ; Thorina, eine neue Erde. Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 229-254. 86. Undersokning af Orthiternas samman- sattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 32-55. 87. Undersokning af de fossilier, fran Broddbo och Finbo, som halla fluss-spatssyraclt Cerium och fluss-spatssyrad Ytterjord. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 56-93. 88. Forsok rorande de bestiimda propor- . tioner, hvari den oorganiska Naturens bestands- delar finnas forenade. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fy- sik, V., 1818, pp. 94-128. 89. Forsok att bestamma Salpetersyraiis sammansattning, af den qvantitet basis som for- dras till dess mattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 128-131. 90. Forsok ofver vattnets forhallande till de Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 204-206. syror, saltbaser och salter ; ofver basiska och dubbla salters sammansiittning, samt ofver sal- petersyrliga salter. Hisinger, Afhaudl. Fysik,' V., 1818, pp. 132-189. 91. Allman ofversigt af hittills vunna re- sultat af undersokningarna oin bestiimda propor- tioner. Llisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 190-197. . 92. Undersokning af Qviifvets, Vatets och Ammoniakens natur ; jemtenagra amniirkningar om Salpetersyrans och Salpetersyrlighetens ratta sammansattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 198-238. BER] 334 [BEE Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 93. Fb'rsok till en jem- forelse emellan den iildre och nyare meningen om naturen at' Syrsatt Saltsyregas, for att genom denua jemforelse kunna bedomma den enas eller andras foretrade. Hisinger, Af handl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 279-378. 94. Forsok att narmare bestamma atskil- liga oorganiska kroppars sammansiittning, till vinnande af en narmare utveckling af laran om de kemiska proportionerna. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 379-520 ; Annal. de Chimie, XI., 1819, pp. 58-75, 113-180, 225-246 ; XVIL, 1821, pp. 5-28; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 136-156, 209-243, 276-290, 356-365; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 171-172, 307 -309, 321-323; XIII., 226 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIII., 1818, pp. 98-122, 129-202, 277-299 ; Thomson, Ann. PliiL XV., 1820, pp. 89-98, 276-283, 352-361. 95. Forsok ofver de bestiimda fdrhallanden, hvari elementen for den organiska naturen aro fb'renade. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 520-646. 96. Undersokning af Kopparoxidens sam- mansattning, for att deraf kunna med nagor- lunda sakerhet bestamma vigten af kopparens atom. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 1-5; Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 381 -384. 97. Undersokning af nagra foreningar, som bero af svagare frandskaper. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 5-41 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXI., 1821, pp. 258-288. 98. Undersokning af en ny Mineral -kropp [Selen], funnen i de orenare forterna af det vid Fahlun tillverkade svaflet. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 42-144. 99. Undersokning af Ichtyophtalmens sam- mansattning. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 181-189. 1OO. Undersokning af Chabasie fran Gus- tafsbergs Koppargrufva i Jemtland. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 190-198. 1O1. Undersokning af den Tantalit-art fran Kimito i Finland, som ger canelbrunt pulver. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 237- 246. 1O2. Undersokning af ett hittils obemarkt Fossil, som stundom foljer den Siberiska krom- syrade blyoxiden. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, VI., 1818, pp. 246-254 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 398-405. 1O3. Ueber Rubellite und Turmaline im Allgemeinen. Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 117-120. 1O4. Anmerkungzu der Abhandlung "Ver- such eines rein chemischen Mineralsystems." Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 274-302. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 105. Analyse eines fossilen Salzes, aus der sogenannten Insjo Sank- ning in der Kupfergrube von Fahlun. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXIII., 1818, pp. 44-53. 1O6. Note sur la composition de 1'acide phosphorique. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 278-283. 107. Analyse de quelques mineraux [Wa- vellite, Euclase, etc.]. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1819, pp. 12-37; Giorn. Arcad. IV., 1819, pp. 369-377. 1O8. Examination of some Compounds which depend on very weak affinities. Edinb. Phil. Journ. L, 1819, pp. 63-75, 243-253; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1820, pp. 363-396 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIL, 1818, pp. 462-464. 1O9. Undersokning af Wawellitens sam- mansattning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1819, pp. 128-135. 11O. Undersokning af Euclasens samman- sattning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1819, pp. 136-140 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1819, pp. 216- 219 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 74- 75 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. V., 1819, pp. 294-296. 111. Undersokning af Kristalliserad Gall- meya. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1819, pp. 144-143. 112. Undersokning af Jernhaltiga blasy- rade Sailers sammansattning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1819, pp. 242-293 ; Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 144-170, 228-264 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 411-413; Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 179-181 ; XL, 208-216 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 1-67 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 219-222, 301-308, 433-449 ; II., 7-15. 113. Sur la composition et les proprietes de 1'acide carbonico-sulfuroso-muriatique. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VII., 1820, pp. 350-353. 114. Om sammansattningen af svafvel- haltiga blasyrade salter, samt om Selenhaltigt blasyradt Kali. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1820, pp. 82-99 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 23-44. 115. Om det maguetiska tillstandet hos de kroppar, som urladda Electriska stapeln. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. 1820, pp. 193-203 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 167-175 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 94- 102. 116. Om sattet att undersoka Nickelmal- mer, jemte analysaf en hirtNickelmalm fran Loos. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1820, pp. 225-259; AnnaL de Chimie, XVIL, 1821, pp. 113-151; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 156-160 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 156-198; Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 206-216, 437-449. BER] 335 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 117. Lettre a M. THOLLET sur 1'etat magnetique des corps qui transmettent un courant d'electricite. Annal. de Chimie, XVL, 1821, pp. 113-119; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 300-310. 118. Note sur la composition des oxides du platine et de 1'or. Annal. de Chimie, XVIII., 1821, pp. 146-158; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 412-413 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII., (= Jahrb. Ill), 1821, pp. 422-425 ; XXXIV., 81-90. 119. Note sur la composition chimique de la pyrite blanche efflorescente. Annal. de Chirnie, XIX., 1821, pp. 440-443 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 208-209, 419-420 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jakrb.VI.), 1822, pp. 311- 313 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 65-66. 12O. Zusatz zu den Analysen der Hornblen- den. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 296-298. 121. Om de svafvelbundna alkaliernas sam- mansattning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1821, pp. 80-146 ; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 34-60, 113-141, 225-246; Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 388-389 ; XIV., 209-216 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. ( = Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 42-62; XXXIV., 1-80; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 284-288, 343-357. 122. On the Chemical Composition of some Minerals of the Zeolite Family ; with an Ac- count of two new substances, Mosole and Meso- line. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VII., 1822, pp. 1-11. 123. Phenomenes developpes dans le traite- ment des calculs urinaires par le Chalumeau. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 419-422. 124. Ueber Mineralsysteme. ( Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.,) 1822, pp. 414-422. 125. Undersokning af Mineral- vattnen i Carlsbad, Toplitz, och Konigswart i Bohmen. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1822, pp. 139-182, 195-232; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1822, pp. 246-250 ; XXVIIL, 225-263, 366-407 ; Brug- natelli, Giorn. VI., 1823, pp. 128-130; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 113-212,276-302; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 123-141. * 126. Nagra forsok med Uranoxid och dess forening. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 152-176 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 124-135 ; Poggend. Annal. 1., 1824, pp. 359-386 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 19-35; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 266-281. 127. Undersokning af tvenne i K.Vet. Aca- demiens Mineralsamling befintlige Mineralier. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 183-189; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 327-332 ; Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 226-230 ; Poggend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 271-278 ; III., 203-210. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 128. Undersokning af fluss-spatssyran och dess miirkvardigaste f6re- ningar. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 284-350; 1824, pp. 46-98, 278-328; Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1824, pp. 53-67, 167-177, 287-308, 337-359; XXIX., 1825, pp. 295-314, 337-372; Poggend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 1-48, 169-230; II., 113-150; IV., 1-22, 117-156; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, p. 156 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 450-457 ; IX., 124-131; X., 116-130. 129. Om Attiksyrans fdreningar med Kop- paroxid. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 244-264; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 233- 256; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 188- 203. 13O. Extrait d'une lettre a M. DULONG [contenant les moyens de preparer le silicium] . Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 39-44; Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIIL, 1825, pp. 123-130; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 121-123; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 254-267. 131. [ Analyse de 1'Uranite d'Autun.] Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 446-447. 132. Sur quelques decouvertes chimiques, et sur le Silicium en particulier. Bibl. Univ. XXVL, 1824, pp. 273-279; Bruguatelli, Giorn. VIL, 1824, pp. 282-284; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 115-122; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 156-157; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 392-393. 133. Om de forandringar i det chemiska mineralsystemet, som blifva en nodvandig foljd af isomorpha kroppars egenskap att ersatta hvarandra i obestamda forhallanden. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1824, pp. 112-142; Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1826, pp. 5-53 ; Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1826, pp. 252-282 ; Annal. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 235-265; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VI., 1825, pp. 1-46; Poggend. Annal. XIL, 1828, pp. 1-38; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 381-386, 422^34. 134. Undersokning af nagra mineralier. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1824, pp. 334-358; Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1826, pp. 400- 429 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIL, 1826, pp. 116- 119. 135. Observations sur di verses especes minerales, extraites d'une Lettre adressee a M. Alexaudre BRONGNIART. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 430-432; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 332-334, 136. Tillagg till Afhandlingen om Carls- bads- Vatten, i K. Vet. Acad. Handl. for ar 1822, jemte Undersokning af nagra mineral vatten fran Ellenbogenerkretsen i Bohmen. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1825, pp. 119-144 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 128-129; Poggend. Annal. IV., 1825, pp. 246-276. BER] [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 137. Bidrag till en niirmare kannedom af Molybden. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1825, pp. 145-179 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 133-136 ; Poggend. Annal. VI., 1826, pp. 331-350, 369-392 ; Schweiggcr, Journ. XLVII. (= Jdhrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 87-105; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1826, pp. 235-237. 138. [Additions to WACHTMEISTER'S analysis of Pyrope.] Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1825, pp. 224-226. 139. Om svafvelsalter. Stockholm, Acad. Hand!. 1825, pp. 232-323; 1826, pp. 53-78 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1826, pp. 60-91, 166-197, 265-286, 393-420 ; Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1826, pp. 297-299, 435-438 ; Poggend. Annal. VI., 1826, pp. 425-458; VII., 1-32, 137-158, 261-288; VIII., 267-282, 411-426. 14O. Ueber die Ausmittlung des Arseniks bei Vergiftungen. Poggend. Annal. VI., 1826, pp. 71-77 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 131-133 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 338-341. 141. Ueber die Trennung der Titansaure von der Zirkonerde. Poggend. Annal. VI., ] 826, pp. 231-232. 142. Ueber die Darstellung des FeS 3 und FeS 4 der beiden hoheren Schweflungstufen des Eisens. Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 393- 395. 143. Ueber die Bestimmung der relativen Anzahl von einfachen Atomen in chemischen Verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 397-416 ; VIII., pp. 1-24, 177-179, 191. 144. Recherches sur 1'indigo. Annal. de Chimie, XXX VI., 1827, pp. 310-328, 350- 366 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXV., 1827, pp. 482-533 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 105-135, 217-242. 145. Ueber den Siissholzzucker. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 243-246 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1828, pp. 186-189 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, p. 219. 146. Ueber Pflanzenleim und Pflanzenei- weiss. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 247- 251. 147. Einiges liber den Terpentin, den Copal, und das Gummilack. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 252-256. 148. Ueber den Gerbestoff der Galliipfel, der Eichenrinde, der Chinarinde, des Catechu's und des Kino's. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 257-264 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1828, pp. 385-392 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 220-221. 149. Tafel der Atomengewichte der ein- fachen Korper und deren Oxyde. Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 339-344 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 426-432. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. ISO. Undersokning af vuttnet i Ronneby Helsobrunn. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1827, pp. 29-39; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VIII., 1828, pp. 159-171, 275-285. 151. Nagra anmarkningar om Bemsten. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1827, pp. 40-50; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. II., 1828, pp. 384- 392 ; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 419-429. 152. Sur la gelatine et 1'albumine vegetales. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII, 1828, pp. 215- 219 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, p. 221. 153. Observations sur le succin. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 219-221 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 447-448. 154. Ueber die bleichende Verbindung des Chlors mit den Basen. Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 529-542; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1828, pp. 208-219; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. X., 1828, pp. 274-279; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. II., 1828, pp. 321-331 ; Jonrn. Chimie Med. IV., 1828, pp. 513-521. 155. Ueber die Reduction des Arseniks aus Schwefelarsenik bei gerichtlich-chemischen Untersuchungen. Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 626-627. 156. Fb'rsok ofver de me taller som atfdlja Platinan samt ofver s'attet att analysera Plati- nans nativalegeringar eller Malmer. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1828, pp. 25-116; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 51-83, 138-166, 257- 283, 337-351 ; Oken, Isis, XXIL, 1829, col. 279-285; Poggend. Annal. XIII., 1828, pp. 435-487, 527-565 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 184-185. 157. Forsok till bestammande af atomvig- ter af lod och Brom. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1828, pp. 117-125; Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 430-433; Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 558-565 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 174-175. 158. Undersokning af en meteorsten. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1828, pp. 156-163; Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVH., 1829, pp. 228- 236. 159. Extrait d'une lettre a M. DULONG- concernant la decouverte d'une nouvelle terre. Annal. de Chimie, XLI., 1829, pp. 422-423 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 217-228. 16O. Einige nachtragliche Beobachtungen iiber das Iridium und das Osmium. Poggend. Anna!. XV., 1829, pp. 208-215; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 185-194. 161. Ueber den Thorit. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 633-634; Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 207-209; II., 223-225; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 412-413 ; I., 1830, pp. 88-104, 417-419. 162. Der Aeschynit, ein neues Mineral. Poggend. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 483-484. BEE] 337 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 163. Undersokning af ett nytt mineral [Thorit], som innehaller en forut obekant jord [Thorerde]. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1829, pp. 1-30; Annal. deChimie, XLII., 1829, pp. 444-461 ; XLIIL, 5-38 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 385-414; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 296-302; I., 1830, pp. 88-104. 164. Forsok ofver sammansiittningen af guldchloridens foreningar med chlorkalium och chlornatrium. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1829, pp. 152-156 ; Annal. de Chimic, XLV., 1830, pp. 101-105 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 288- 290; Roy. Instit. Journ. L, 1831, pp. 409-410; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 597-600. 165. Die Alchemie. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VII., 1830, pp. 373-379. 166. Neue Darstellungsweise des Harnstoffs aus Ham. Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 84-86. 167. Zerlegung ciner Schlangengalle. Pog- gend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 87-96. 168. Apparate zum Auswaschen von Nie- derschlagen. Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 411-415. 169. Ueber die Milchsaure. Poggend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 26-34; Aunal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1831, pp. 420-429; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Pharm. I., 1834, pp. 291-303 ; II., 226 -231 ; Liebig, Annal. I., 1832, pp. 1-6. 170. Ueber Brom- und lod- Kalk. Pog- gend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 295-298. 171. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Weinsaure und Traubensaure. Poggend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 305-335. 172. Ueber den Mineralkermes. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 364-367. 173. Om sammansattningen af Vinsyra och Drufsyra (JOHN'S siiure aus den Voghesen), om blyoxidens atomvigt, samt allmanna anmiirk- ningar om sadana kroppar som hafva lika sam- mansattning, men skiljaktiga egenskaper. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. 1830, pp. 49-81 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1831, pp. 113-147 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1831, pp. 130-136; Roy. Instit. Journ. I., 1831, p. 395 ; II., 1831, pp. 191-193. 174. Om Vanadin och dess egenskaper. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1831, pp. 1-65; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1831, pp. 337-409; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. IX., 1831, pp. 391-392 ; Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 321-337; XL, 7-20 ; Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, pp. 1-67; Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (= N. Jahrb. II.) 1831, pp. 121-124, 323-374; LXIII., 26-54. 175. Ueber verschiedene chemische Opera- tionen und Gerathschaften. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIIL, 1832, pp. 320-366. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 176. Ueber Kasestoff, Zieger, Milchzucker, und Milchsaure. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 386-407. 177. Unterscheidung der Isomerie von iihnlichen Zustanden. Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 320-324. 178. Ueber Benzoyl und Benzoesiiure. Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 282-287 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 308-314. 179. Om Berlinerblatt och Cyanjernbly. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 95-105 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 357-371 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 241-242; Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 385-395 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXV. (= JV. Jahrb. V.) 1832, pp. 351-361. ISO. Undersokning af en vid Bohumilie i Bohmen funnen jernmassa. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 106-120; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1832, pp. 289-297; Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 118-132. 181. Undersokning af citronsyrans sam- mansatt och mattnings- kapacitet. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 120-146; Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 281-308. 182. Sur la composition de 1'eau de BINELLI. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 616-617. 183. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Citronensaure uud einige ihrer Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 129-134 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 424-429. 184. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der citro- nensauren Salze. Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 137-139; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 432-434. 185. Ueber die Constitution organischer Zusammensetzungen. Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 173-176; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 5-17; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 617-620. 186. Ueber zwei organische Sauren, welche in Mineral wassern vorkommen. Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 241-245 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 219-223; Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXIV., 1834, p. 179; Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 121-124. 187. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Atomen und Volumen. (Repr.) Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 388-391. 188. Ueber das Verhalten des Narkotins zu Sauren. Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 441-442. 189. Ueber das Sesqui-Oxyd des Zinns. (Bepr.) Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 443-448. 19O. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der organischen Atome. (Repr.} Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 617-629. u u BER] 338 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 191. Undersokning af vattnet i Porla kalla. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1833, pp. 18-92 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 1-36, 238-273; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (=N. Jahrb.VUI.), 1833, pp. 438-440. 192. Undersokning af Tellurens egenska- per. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1 833, pp. 227-307 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 582-587; Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 392-400. 193. Undersokning af Osmium-Iridium. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1833, pp. 313-319; Poggend. Annal. XXXII., 1834, pp. 232-237. 194. Om Borsyrans mattnings-kapacitet. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1834, pp. 75-83 ; Liebig, Annal. XYL, 1835, pp. 182-185 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XXXIII., 1834, pp. 98-99; XXXIV., 1835, pp. 561-569. 195. Om meteorstenar. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1834, pp. 115-183; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 1-7 ; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 293-294 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 56-72 ; Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 280-281; XVI., 1835, pp. 254-260; Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 429-441 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIII., 1834, pp. 1-33, 113-148 ; Sffliman, Journ. XXX VIL, 1839, pp. 93-99. 196. Untersuchung liber die Eigenschaften des Tellurs. Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 1-32, 577-627 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1835, pp. 113-150, 225-281 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 147-149; Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, pp. 137-140. 197. Observations sur un memoire de M. GUERIN. AnnaL de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 103-107. 198. Ueber eine neue, durch Distillation von Wein- und Traubensaure erhaltene Saure. Liebig, Annal. XILL, 1835, pp. 61-63. 199. Om distillationsprodukterna af Druf- syra (Acidum paratartaricum). Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1835, pp. 142-169 ; Bibl. Univ. III., 1836, pp. 398-402; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 242-245 ; XXIL, 138-142 ; XXVI., 1840, pp. 129-136; Poggend. Annal. XXX VI., 1835, pp. 1-28. 2OO. Quelques idees sur une nouvelle force agissant dans les combinaisons des corps orga- niques. Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 146- 151 ; Bibl. Univ. II., 1836, pp. 377-382 ; Catta- neo, Bibl. di Farm. VI., 1836, pp. 65-73 ; Edinb. New PhiL Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 223-228. 2O1. Ueber das von FARADAY angenom- mene Schwefelantimon und Antimonoxyd. (Repr.} Poggend. AnnaL XXXVIL, 1836, pp. 163-165; Bibl. Univ. ILL, 1836, pp. 168-171. 2O2. Einige ideen iiber eine bei Hervor- bringung organischer Verbindungen in der lebenden Natur bisher nicht beach tete, mitwirk- ende Kraft. Schumacher, Jahrb. 1836, pp. 88-97. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 2O3. Nagra undersok- ningar af den farg, atskilliga tradarters lof om hosten antaga, innan de afFalla. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1836, pp. 256-267; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 333-341; Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 257-267; Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 422-433. 204. Note sur 1'acide sulfonaphtalique. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1837, pp. 290-294 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIH., 1838, pp. 61- 64; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 480- 484 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIL, 1837, pp. 69-70 ; Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 449-453. 2O5. Ueber die Constitution des Aethers und seiner Verbindung im Gaszustand. Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 122-126. 2O6. Ueber PATON'S, MARSH'S, und SI- MON'S Methoden, Arsenik zu entdecken. Pog- gend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 159-162 ; Journ. de^harm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 179-182. 2O7. Verschiedene Folgerungen aus den specifischen Gewichte der Gase organischer Verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 434-444. 2O8. Undersokning af nagra syror, som bildas af organiska Jimnen med svafvelsyra. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1837, pp. 66-112 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 350- 370 ; XVIL, 177-182 ; XIX., 36-46 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVIH., 1838, pp. 1-48; Poggend. AnnaL XLIV., 1838, pp. 369-413. 209. Undersokning af bladgront (Chloro- phyll). Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1837, pp. 113- 135 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVIL, 1838, pp. 296-318. 21O. Lettre a M. PELOUZE [sur la theorie des substitutions et sur les oxides a radicaux composes], Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI. , 1838, pp. 629-648 ; VIIL, 352-356 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1838, pp. 303-326 ; LXX., 215-222; LXXL, 137-146. 211. Om nagra af dagens fragor i den organiska Kemien. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1838, pp. 77-111; L'Institut, VIL, 1839, pp. 361-363, 390-393, 413-414, 439-441 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXL, 1839, pp. 1-35 ; Poggend. AnnaL XL VIL, 1839, pp. 289-322. 212. Om kolets atomvigt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1838, pp. 112-120; Bibl. Univ. XXIII., 1839, pp. 418-422; Liebig, Annal. XXX., 1839, pp. 241-249 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 199-206. 213. Note additionelle sur les oxichlorides a radicaux composes. Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 340-344. 214. Notiz iiber das Lantan. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIL, 1839, pp. 159-160. 215. Ueber das citronsaure Natron, den Brechweinstein, deri Zucker und das Starkmehl. Liebig, AnnaL XXX., 1839, pp. 86-91. BER] 339 [BER Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 216. Ueber die Sub- stitutionstheorie. Liebig, Annal. XXXI., 1839, pp. 113-119. 217. Ueber die Verbindungen, welche durch die Einwirkung des Chlors auf Aethyl- oxydsalze gebildet werden. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 72-76. 218. Methodezur Untersuchungvon Stahl, Stab- und Gusseisen. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 241-244 ; Bibl. Univ. XXL, 1839, pp. 405-407 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 435-440; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 247-252; Pog- gend. Annal. XL VI., 1839, pp. 42-44. 219. Sur un nouveau metal decouvert dans la Cerite. St. Petersb. Bull. Acad. Sci. V., 1839, col. 201-202; Bibl. Univ. XXXVL, 1841, pp. 416-418; XXXVIL, 192-196; Poggend. Annal. XL VII., 1839, pp. 207-210. 22O. Undersokning af bestandsclelarne i Bittervattnet fran Saidschiitz i Bohmen. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. 1839, pp. 97-119 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 95-97 ; Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 138-159. 221. Remarks on Prof. KEILHAU'S Theory of Granite, &c. ( Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 371-379. 222. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Galle. Liebig, Annal. XXXIII., 1840, pp. 139- 179; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 73-109; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 397-409 ; III., 1843, pp. 177-188. 223. Ueber DUMAS'S Theorie der Substi- tutionen und der chemischen Typen. Liebig, Annal. XXXVL, 1840, pp. 225-243 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 597-614 ; Phil. Mag. XVL, 1840, pp. 1-10. 224. Om Isomeri. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. II., 1840, pp. 265-266. 225. Undersokning af en nickelhaltig magnetkis fran Klefva grufva i Smaland, jemte nagra iakttagelser om sattet att qvantitativt atskilja zink och nickel. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1840, pp. 69-84. 226. Nagra forsok ofver en vittrad flint- knif, jemford till sin kemiska sammansattning med vanlig flinta. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1840, pp. 85-93. 227. Ueber verschiedene Gegenstande der neueren Chemie. Erdm. JoUrn. Prak. Chem. XXIII., 1841, pp. 228-232. 228. Scheidung des Zinks vom Nickel oder Kobalt. Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 267-269. 229. Om satten, att atskilja oxgallans bestandsdelar och om dessas karakteriserande egenskaper. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1841, pp. 1-64 ; Liebig, Annal. XLHI., 1842, pp. 1- 67. Berzelius, Jons Jacob. 23O. Ueber die Indigo- verbindungen. Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 119-123. 231. Tal vid oppnandet af Skandinaviska Naturforskare-Sallskapets forsta allmanna sam- mankomst i Stockholm. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. III., 1842, pp. 20-25 ; Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XL, 1844, pp. 49-55, B. 232. Nagra ord om den Skandinaviska vallens hojning ofver ytan af omkringliggande haf och om afslipningen och refflingen af dess berg. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. LTL, 1842, pp. 45-67 ; Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XL, 1844, pp. 56-82, B. 233. Nagra forsok att bestamma skiljak tigheten i fluoborsyrans och borfluorvatesyrans kemiska natur. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1842, pp. 27-36 ; Liebig, Annal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 48-58; Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 503-513. 234. Om fosforens foreningar med svafvel. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1842, pp. 37-92 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 136-140; Liebig, Anna!. XLVL, 1843, pp. 129-154, 251- 281 ; Poggend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 76-93, 463-478, 593-615. 235. Om atomvigten af Calcium. Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. 1842, pp. 93-102 ; Bibl. Univ. XLVH., 1843, pp. 155-163 ; Liebig, An- nal. XLVL, 1843, pp. 241-250. 236. Tillagg till foregaende afhandling. [Additions to AKPPE'S paper on the Combina- tions of Bismuth and Oxygen.] Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1842, pp. 141-144. 237. On Prof. PFAFF'S Theory of Galva- nism. ( Transl.) Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 80-81. 238. Ueber die Stannate. (Repr.) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIII., 1843, pp. 230- 233. 239. Om Allotropi hos enkla kroppar, sasom en af orsakerna till isomeri hos deras foreningar. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1843, pp. 1-18 ; Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 247- 264 ; Poggend. Annal. LXL, 1844, pp. 1-17 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. IV., 1846, pp. 240- 252. 24O. Forsok till bestammande af svaflets och guldets atomvigt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1844, pp. 347-354 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 374-375; IX., 1846, pp. 389-390; Poggend. Annal. LXV., 1845, pp. 319-320. 241. Om knallsyrade salter. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 17-19 ; Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 426-431. 242. Om Jernets atomvigt. Stockholm, Ofversigt, L, 1844, pp. 29-31 ; Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 432-435. u u 2 BER] 340 [BER Berzelius, Jom Jacob. 243. Om basisk fos- forsyrad Kalkjord. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 136-138 ; Journ. de Pharin. VII., 1845, pp. 367-369; Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 286-288. 244. Bidrag till nagra salters historia. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 203-210. 245. On the hypothesis of Mr. PROUT with regard to Atomic Weights. [1844.] Silliman, Journ. XLVIIL, 1845, pp. 369-372. o 246. Asigter rorande den organiska sam- mansattningen. Stockholm. Acad. Handl. 1845, pp. 331-360; Posgend. Annal. LXVIII., 1846, pp. 161-187 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. IV., 1846, pp. 661-682. 247. Att skilja Indium fran Osmium och Rutenium. Stockholm, Ofversigt, II., 1845, pp. 145-149. 243. Ueber die Classification der Minera- lien. (Repr.} Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 297-311. 249. Om Talkjordshydrat, motgift for Ar- senik. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 231-233. 25O. Om Bomullskrutet. Stockholm, Of- versigt, III., 1846, pp. 283-291. 251. Ueber die Bildung eines wissen- schaftlichen Systems in der Mineralogie. (Transl.) Poggend. Annal. LXXI., 1847, pp. 465-476. 252. Om Allophansyrans rationella sam- mansattning. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. V., 1847, pp. 347-349. 253. Om knallsyror. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, IV., 1847, pp. 1-2. 254. Om oenanthsyra. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, IV., 1847, pp. 3-4. 255. KolsvaHad etyloxid, Xanthogensyra Zeise. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 49-51. 256. Organiska saltbaser af animaliskt ur- sprung. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 119-120. 257. Om Allophansyra. Stockholm, Of- versigt, IV., 1847, pp. 151-153. 258. Sur la decouverte de 1'acide lactique dans 1'economie animale. ( Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 477-480; Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1848, pp. 128-133. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, et Pierre Louis Dulong. Nouvelles determinations des proportions de 1'eau, et de la densite de quelques fluides elas- tiques. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 386- 395 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 83 -84 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821. pp. 48- 50; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIII., 1821, 'pp. 203- 208. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, och J. G. Gahn. Under- sokning af nagra i gramiskapet af Fahlun funna Fossilier. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 148-216 ; Annal. de Chimie, II., 1816, pp. 411-422; III., 26-39, 140-161 ; IV., 1817, pp. 243-245; Annal. des Mines, I., 1816, pp. 463- 484; Schweigger, Journ. XA"L, 1816, pp. 241- 305. 2. Analys af ett fossilt Salt, fran Fahlu grufva, och Insjo sankning. Hisinger. Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 307-317. 3. Tantalmetallens egenskaper, hal- ten af syre i dess oxid, dennes mattnings-capa- citet och kemiska egenskaper. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, IV., 1815, pp. 252-262 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVL, 1816, pp. 437-447. 4. Undersokning af nagra i trakten kring Fahlun funna Fossilier, och af deras La- gerstallen. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 1-27 ; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 391-409; Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 25-43; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 452-460. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, och L. Hedenberg. Misslyckade forsok att erhalla svafvelbunden qviifgas. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807. pp. 99-102; Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp 158-162. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, och Wilhelm Hisinger. Experiences galvaniques. ( Transit) Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1804, pp. 167-173. 2. Forsok med Elektriska Stapeln.s verkan pa Salter och pa nagra af deras baser. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 1-38; Gilbert, Annal. XXVII., 1807, pp. 269-324. 3. Undersokning af Cerium, en ny metall, funnen i Bastmis Tungsten. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 58-84 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 245-271 ; Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 290-300; X., 10-12; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XX., 1805, pp. 154-158. 4. Undersokning af Spinell fran o Akers Kalkstensbrott i Sodermanland. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 99-105. 5. Undersokning af rosenrod syrsatt Manganes fran Laugbanshyttan i Wermeland. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, I., 1806, pp. 105- 110. 6. Undersokning af Pyrophysalitli. et nytt Stenslag fran Finbo i Dalarna. Hisin- ger, Afhandl. Fysik, L, 1806, pp. 111-118; Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1806, pp. 113-121 ; Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 33-37. 7. Undersokning af en gronagtig Stenart, fran Glanshammar i JNerike. Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, II., 1807, pp. 203-205. 8. Undfersokning af Orsten (Lapis Suillus). Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik. III., 1810, pp. 379-388. BEE] [BES Berzelius, Jons Jacob, uud Xidwenheim. Al- phabetisches Verzeichniss der Gehalte sammt- licher bekannter chemischer Verbindungen. (Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. XXVII., 1819, pp. 113-184. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, and Alexander Marcet. Experiments on the Alcohol of Sulphur or Sul- phuret of Carbon. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 171- 199; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIX., 1814, pp. 67-87 ; Brugnatelli, Giorn. VII., 1814, pp. 78- 81 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVIIL, 1814, pp. 135- 167; Hisinger, Afhandl. Fysik, V., 1818, pp. 239-278; Schweigger, Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 284-300; Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1814, pp. 185-189. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, und Fontin. Elek- trisch-chemische Versuche liber die Zerlegung der Alkalien und der Erden. ( Transl.} Gil- bert, Annal. XXXVL, 1810, pp. 247-280. Berzelius, Jons Jacob, och P. Strom. Under- sokning af ett nytt fossil. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1821, pp. 160-166. Besauez. Sec Gorup von Besanez. Besanez, . The action of Ozone on some organic matters. ( Transit) Chemical News, I., 1860, p. 38. Besant, J. Description of a Water-wheel. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 49-50; Brugnatelli, Giorn. I., 1808, pp. 504-506. Besant, W. H. Note on the equilibrium of flexible surfaces. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 68-71. 2. The equilibrium of a bent lamina. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 12-18. 3. The equilibrium of a flexible but inex- tensible and inelastic surface. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 18-25. 4. On MEUNIEB'S theorem and on the cur- vature of curves in space. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 140-143. Besche, de. Noget om Bedomrnelsen af Recrutens Tjenstdygtighed. Norsk Mag. V., 1851, pp. 1-19. Bescherelle, Emilc. Note sur une variete bul- billifere du Pleuridium nitidum, Bridcl. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 448-449. 2. Bryologie Parisienne : Note sur les Mousses des environs de Rambouillet. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 20-24. Bescherelle, Emile, et Ernest Roze. Note sur quelques Mousses rares ou nouvelles reeemment trouvees aux environs de Paris. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 433-434. 2. Deuxieme note sur quelques Mousses rares ou nouvelles recemm*it trouvees aux en- virons de Paris. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 82-84. Bescherer, J. Apparat zur Schmelzung des Bernsteins, und Gewinnung der Saure und des Oels ohne Verlust der Gefasse. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 241-244; Liebig. Annal. XXI., 1837, pp. 111-112. 2. Ueber Veriinderungen, welche die Reac- tionen gewisser Korper in Verbindung mit andern erleiden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 316-319. 3. Neues Vorkommen des Kupfer - Urau- glimmers (Chalkoliths) im Schwarzburger Thale im Fiirstenthum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Erdm. Journ. Prak, Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 497-498 ; Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. IV., 1845, col. 284-286. Beschstein, W. Ausfiihrung einer grossen Zamboni'schen Saule. Gilbert, Annal. LVIII., 1818, pp. 342-344. 2. Versuche iiber die Einwirkung der gal- vanischen Electricitat auf die Magnetnadel, mit dem vom Herrn Prof. GILBERT angegebenen Apparate. Gilbert, Annal. LXVII., 1821, pp. 371-381. , V. A. Sur le Centre de Gravite d'un triangle spherique. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, p. 516. 2. Sur une equation differentielle a indices fractionnaires. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, p. 294. 3. Sur Fequation Au dx* Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, p. 336. 4. Note sur 1'equation - / "_ 9 . Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, p. 96. 5. Sur 1'equation . +/ (#) &in y + ax F (x) cosy + f (a?) =0. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, p. 445. y* no .'. . . f* r . dx. / 6. Sur 1'Integrale definie/ v/ Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 31-32. 7. Sur un Probleme de Geometric. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 247-248. 8. Sur une Transformation dTntegrales de- finies. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVIII., 1853, pp. 112-168. 9. Sur deux Integrales definies doubles. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, p. 324. 1O. Autre egalite dTntegrales multiples. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, p. 416. 11. Sur une equation differentielle. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, p. 72. 12. Sur les Integrales trinomes. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1859, p. 194. 13. Somme d'uue serie. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1860, pp. 367-368. BES] 342 [BES Besge, V. A. 14. Extrait d'une lettre a M. LIOUVILLE. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1861. pp. 239-240. 15. Theoreme sur les ellipso'ides associes analogue a celui de FAGNANO sur les arcs d'ellipse. Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1861- 63, pp. 247-252. 16. Extrait d'une lettre a M. LIOUVILLE. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, p. 256. Besio, Giuseppe. Sopra la vista naturale. Palomba, Raccolta, II., 1846, pp. 349-352, 359- 364 ; L'Institut, XIV., 1846, pp. 338-340. Besk, C. H. Lettre sur les mreurs de quelques Lepidopteres du Bresil. Silbermann, Rev. Entom. I., 1833, pp. 243-247. 2. Lettre sur les Lepidopteres du Bresil. Silbermann, Rev. Entom. IV., 1836, pp. 73- 136. Besnard, Anton. Analyse des Almandin (Thonei- sengranat), aus dem Bache von Albernreit bei Waldsassen im Konigreiche Bayern. Regens- burg, Korresp. Blatt, 1849, pp. 30-32. 2. Die vorziiglichsten Lehren und Ideeu iiber die der organischen und unorganischen Natur eigeiien Unterschiede. Regensburg, Kor- resp. Blatt, 1850, pp. 97-1 12. 3. Zweiter Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte und Entdeckungen in der Mineralogie im Jahre 1849. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1850, pp. 13-43. 4. Dritter Jahresbericht iiber die Fort- schritte und Entdeckungen in der Mineralogie im Jahre 1850. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1851, pp. 17-60. 5. Mineralogische kritische Literatur- Riickblicke auf das Jahr 1851. Regensburg, Korresp. Blatt, 1852, pp. 94-96. Besnard, Georges. Sur la loi d'accroissement et de decroissement de la population. Caen, Mem. Acad. 1856, pp. 203-220. Besnou, . Reaction des iodure, bromure, et chlorure potassiques, en presence de certains sels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 123-124 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 125-128; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 270-273. 2. De 1'etat de 1'iode dans 1'atmosphere, et de la possibilite de la formation de 1'iodure d'azote dans les orages. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. I., 1852, pp. 103-107. 3. De la sophistication des farines. Cher- bourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. I., 1852, pp. 108- 112. 4. Dosage du gluten des farines a 1'etat humide et sec. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. L, 1852, pp. 125-126. 5. Note sur les sulfocyanures alcalins et ferriques. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. L, 1852, pp. 127-128. Besnou, . 6. Considerations pharmaco- logiques sur le chloroforme. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. I., 1852, pp. 322-331. 7. Action de certains corps oxydants et desoxydants sur les sulfocyanures potassique, ferreux, et ferrique. Journ. de Pharm. XXII. 1852, pp. 161-171. 8. Notes additionelles sur les sulfocya- nures alcalins ferreux. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 201-202. 9. Examen d'un nouveau mineral de mer- cure (sublime corrosif natif). Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 41-43. 1O. Remarques sur 1'essai des quinquinas (Calisaya jaune) pour evaluer leur valeur en qui- nine. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 44-48. 11. Essai des vinaigres. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 188-193. > 12. De 1'action des pates phosphoriques sur 1'organisme, et recherches pour arriver a constater 1'intoxication. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 209-230. 13. Reflexions sur 1'analyse de 1'eau de pluie, et de la necessite de recourir a une me"thode unique. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 14-20. 14. Recherches chimiques sur I'Oidium aurantiacum, ou moisissure rouge qui se deve- loppe sur le pain. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1856, pp. 19-48. 15. Considerations sur le doublage des na- vires. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVII., 1860, pp. 318-332. 16. Quantite de pluie qui tombe annuelle- ment a Cherbourg. Suffit-elle pour donner a la terre son maximum de fertilite ? France, Con- gres Scientifique, XXVEL, 1860, pp. 356-359. 17. Considerations sur les di verses chaux hydrauliques, ciments, et calcaires fossilif eres du pays. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVII., 1860, pp. 480-485. 18. Analyses de quelques produits sous- marins, coralliformes, coquilles et sables utilises en Agriculture. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIL, 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 542-547. Besnou et Castel. Sur les sons ronflants qu'on observe dans les lignes telegraphiques. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVIL, 1860, pp. 359- 360. Bessard, H. F. Note sur les Erdburg du Vully. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1858, pp. 37- 38. 2. Note sur quelques particular} tes dans le choc de la foudre. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1859, pp. 132-134. 3. Note surwl'etendue du cercle de protec- tion des paratonnerres. Lausanne, BulJL Soc. Vaud. VI., 1860, pp. 503-504. BBS] 343 [BBS Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. Berechnung der Harriot'schen und Torporley'schen Beobach- tungen des Cometen von 1607. Zach, Monat. Corresp. X., 1804, pp. 425-440. 2. Berechnung der Bahn des Kometen von 1618. [1805.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1808, pp. 113-122. 3. Ueber die Berechnung der wahren Anomalie in einer von der Parabel nicht sehr verschiedenen Bahn. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XII., 1805, pp. 197-207. 4. Ueber den zweiten Kometen von 1748. [1806.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1809, pp. 96-99. - 5. Untersuchung der wahren elliptischen Bewegung des Kometen von 1769. [1806.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1810, pp. 88-124. 6. Berechnung der im Jahre 1807 bald nach dem Neumonde vorfallenden Sternbedeck- ungen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIV., 1806, pp. 481-484. 7. Cometenbeobachtungen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVI., 1807, pp. 176-182. 8. Ueber die Figur des Saturns, mit Riicksicht auf die Attraction seiner Ringe. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XV., 1807, pp. 239-260. 9. Cometen- und Stern- Beobachtungen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XV., 1807, pp. 373-376. 1O. Nachtrag zu der Untersuchung der wahren elliptischen Bewegung des Kometen von 1769. [1808.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1811, pp. 197-203. 11. Ausziige aus einigen Schreiben den <_> neuen Cometen betreffend. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XVII., 1808, pp. 80-87. 12. Ueber die Wirkung der Strahlenbre- chung bey Micrometer-Beobachtungen. Zach. Monat. Corresp. XVII., 1808, pp. 209-226. 13. Cometenbeobachtungen. Zach, Mo- nat. Corresp. XVIL, 1808, pp. 551-558. 14. Auszug aus einem Schreiben den vor- jahrigen Cometen betreffend. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIII., 1808, pp. 237-244. 15. Elemente des Pons'schen Cometen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIII., 1808, pp. 358- 359. 16. Vorschlage zur Erweiterung des Ge- brauch des Mauerquadranten. [1809.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812, pp. 148-155. 17. Untersuchung der Parallaxe einiger Fixsterne. Zach, Monat. Corresp, XIX., 1809, pp. 183-189. 18. Ueber den grossen Cometen (Septbr. 1808). Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIX., 1809, p. 521. 19. Auszug aus einigen Schreiben. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XX., 1809, pp. 80-88. 2O. Beobachtungen einer Sternbedeckung. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XX., 1809, pp. 493- 494. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 21. Auszug aus einem Schreiben [iiber Cometen- und Stern- bedeckungen.] Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXL, 1810, pp. 189-191. 22. Ueber die wahre und scheinbare Bahn des Cometen von 1807. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXII., 1810, pp. 205-212. 23 . Ueber das Integral / ; Zach, Mo- nat. Corresp. XXII., 1810, pp. 395-399. 24. Resultate einer Untersuchung iiber die Lage der Ebene des Saturnringes, die Theorie des 4ten Satelliten, die Massen des Planeten und des Ringes, und beobachtete Sternbedeck- ungen. [1811.1 Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1814, pp. 173-178. 25. Cometenbahn-Bedeckung von a Tauri. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, pp. 71-75. 26. Ueber die Theorie der Saturns- Satel- liten. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, pp. 197-210. 27. Ueber das Kreismikrometer. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV,, 1811, pp. 425-448; XXVI., 67-78. 28. Ueber die Bewegung des Doppels terns No. 61 (nach FLAMSTEED'S Catalog) im Schwan. [1812]. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1815, pp. 209-219. 29. Untersuchung der durch das Integral /dx -7 ausgedriickten transcendenten Function. Konigsberger Archiv, I., 1812, pp. 1-40, 239- 240. 3O. Untersuchungen iiber den Planeten Saturn, seinen Ring und seinen 4 ten Trabanten. Konigsberger Archiv, I., 1812, pp. 113-172. 31. Ueber die Theorie der Zahlenfacul- taten. Konigsberger Archiv, I., 1812, pp. 241 -270. 32. Einige Resultate aus BRADLET'S Beo- bachtungen. Konigsberger Archiv, I., 1812, pp. 369-405. 33. Beobachtungen des grossen Cometen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 283- 290. 34. Ueber den Doppel-Stern Nro. 61 Cygni. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVI., 1812, pp. 148- 163, 295-296. 35. [Attraction des Parallelopipedums.] Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVIL, 1813, pp. 80- 85. 36. Ueber eine Aufgabe der practischen Geometric. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVII., 1813, pp. 222-226. 37. Einige Resultate aus BRADLET'S Beo- bachtungen gezogen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVII., 1813, pp. 328-347. 38. Elemente fur Nro. 61 Cygni. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVII., 1813, pp. 383-385 BES] 344 [BES Bessel, Fricdrich Wilhelm. 39. Elemente des Come ten. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVIII., 1813, pp. 92-96. 40. Auszug aus einem Schreiben iiber die Pondschen Declinationen. Zach, Monat. Cor- resp. XXVIII., 1813, pp. 475-487. . 41. Ueber den Ort des Polarsterns. [1815.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1818, pp. 233- 241. 42. Ausziige aus Briefen : [Stern - Beo- bachtungen]. Lindenau, Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 161-173. 43. [Cometenbeobachtungen.] Lindenau. Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 342-350. 44. [Aberrations-Constanie.] Lindenau, Zeitschr. II., 1816, pp. 123-127. 45. [Solstitial-beobachtungen ; JR des Polaris ; Beobachtungen von 61 Cygni.] Lin- denau, Zeitschr. II., 1816, pp. 127-139. 46. Analytische Auflosung der Kepler- schen Aufgabe. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816-17, pp. 49-55. 47. Venusbeobachtungen. Lindenau, Zeitschr. III., 1817, pp. 88-97. 48. Beobachtungen der Venus wahrend ihres synodischen Umlaufs vom Anfang 1815 bis July 1816. Lindenau, Zeitschr. III., 1817, pp. 315-318. 49. Trigonometrische Bestimmung einiger Punkte in Konigsberg, und Priiiung einiger Winkel der Textorschen Vermessung von Preussen. Lindenau, Zeitschr. IV., 1817, pp. 286-296. SO. Vorausberechnung der Erscheinungen des 6ten Saturnstrabanten ftir 1818 und 1819. Lindenau, Zeitschr. IV., 1817, pp. 297-302. 51. Berechnung des Orts eines Gestirns aus beobachteten Alignements mit 4 Sternen. [1818.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1821, pp. 170- 171. 52. Ueber den Einfluss der Veriinderungen des Erdkorpers auf die Polhohen. Lindenau, Zeitschr. V., 1818, pp. 25-30. 53. Auszug aus einem Schreiben. Linde- nau, Zeitschr. V., 1818, pp. 367-375. 54. Formeln zur genauen Berechnung der Nutation und Aberration. Lindenau, Zeitschr. VI., 1818, pp. 216-231. 55. Lettre : Nouvelle determination de 36 etoiles de MASKELYNE. Zach, Corresp. II., 1819, pp. 264-272. 56. Ueber die Entwickelung der Funk- tionen zweier Winkel u and u' in Reihen, welche nach den Cosinussen und Sinussen der Viel- fachen von u und u' fortgehen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 55-60. 57. Ueber die Abweichungen der Fix- sterne. [1822.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1825, pp. 207-214. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 58. Lettre: Nou- veau catalogue des declinaisons de 36 etoiles. Zach, Corresp. VII., 1822, pp. 274-285. 59. Vorschlag einer schicklichen Reduc- tions-Art der "Histoire Celeste." Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 22-27, 273-276. 60. [Ueber die Art geodatische Vermes- sungen zu berechnen.] Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 33-36. 61. Tafeln zur Reduction der Oerter der Fixsterne. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 49-60. 62. Eine Methode geodatische Vermes- sungen zu berechnen. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 85-90. 63. Oppositionen in Konigsberg. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 241-248. 64. Nachricht von einer auf der Konigs- berger Sternwaite angefangeno-n allgemeinen Beobachtung des Himmels. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 257-272. 65. Cometenbeobachtungen und Elemente. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 425-432. 66. [Beobachtung von Sternbedeckungen.] Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 23-28. 67. [Ueber den Einfluss der Dichtigkeit der Luft auf den Gang der Uhren.] Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 49-52. 68. Anleitung und Tafeln die stiindliche Bewegung des Mondes zu finden. Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 137-144. 69. Hulfstafel zur Berechnung der allge- meinen jahrlichen Reductionstafeln fur die Fixsterne. Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 157- 162. 7O. Tafeln fur die scheinbare Schiefe der Elliptik und die Nutation der Lange. Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 163-166. 71. [Ueber seine Refraction.] Nachr. II,, 1824, col. 381-386. 72. Untersuchung des Theils der planetar- Astr. ischen Storungen, welcher aus der Bewegung der Sonne entsteht. Berlin, Abhandl. 1824, pp. 1-52. 73. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Geraden-Aufsteigungen der 36 Fundamental- sterne. Berlin, Abhandl. 1825, pp. 23-36. 74. Rechei'che d'une partie des pertur ba- tions planetaires. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 33-34. 75. Ueber die Bestimmung der Polhohen- unterschiede durch das Passageninstrument. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 9-14. 76. Berechnunsr verschiedener Sternbe- deckungen, von den Herren ROSENBERGER, STREHLKE und KT.TJPSZ. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 17-28. 77. Vertheidigung PASQUICH'S. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 71-78, 77-84. BBS] 345 [BBS Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 78. Sternbedeck- ungen auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte in Paris beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 89-94. 79. Beobachtungen der geraden Aufsteig- ungen des Mondes und benachbarter Sterne, * im Jahre 1823, auf der Konigsberger Stern- warte. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 177-180. 8O. Ueber eine Aufgabe der practischen Geometric. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 193- 196. 81. Eine neue Methode, die Biegung der Fernrohre astronomischer Instrumente zu be- stimraen. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 209-214. 82. Zusatz zu dem in N 60 der A. N. abgedruckten Aufsatze iiber eine Aufgabe der practischen Geometrie. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 221-224. 83. Mondssterne berechnet. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 223-224. 84. Ueber den Einfluss der Strahlenbrech- ung auf Mikrometerbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 377-388. 85. Untersuchungen iiber die Liinge des einfachen Sekundenpendels. Berlin. Abhandl. 1826, pp. 1-256 ; Poggend. Annal. XII., 1828, pp. 337-351. 86. Sur les changeinents introduits dans la determination de la precession des equinoxes par les catalogues fondamentaux de Koenigs- berg. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 33-36; Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 401-406; Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 434-440 ; Con- naiss. des Temps, 1829, pp. 310-316. 87. Methode die Thermometer zu bericli- tigen. Poggend. Annal. VI., 1826, pp. 287- 308. 88. Berechnung der Greenwicher Beo- bachtungen der Declinationen der Fundameii- talsterne vom Jahre 1822. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 1-10. 89. Rechnungsbeispiele zu dem Aufsatze iiber den Einfluss der Strahlenbrechung auf Mikrometerbeobachtungen, in N 69 der " Astr. Nachrichten." Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 27-30. 9O. Neuester Fundamentalcatalog. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 97-100. 91. Nutationstbrmel. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 185-186; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, p. 321. 92. [Ueber eine Kritik der Greenwicher Beobachtangen in -dem "Phil. Mag."] Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 209-214 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 108-112. 93. Ueber die Berechnung der geograph- ischen Langen und Breiten aus geodatischen Vermessungen. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 241-254; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 138-152. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 94. Verzeichniss von 257 auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte beo- bachteten Doppelsternen. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 301-310. 95. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Entwer- fung der vollstiindigen Himmelskarten (A.N. N 88), Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 437-444. 96. Ueber die Neigung der Ebene des Saturnsringes. [1826.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1829, pp. 175-185. 97. Beobachtungen der geraden Aufsteig- ungen des Mondes und benachbarter Sterne im Jahre 1825 auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 77-80. 98. [Ueber einen Aufsatz von IVORY im "Phil. Mag." betreffend beider Methoden zur Berechnung der geodatischen Vermessungen.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 177-180. 99. Verbesserung der Sonnenephemeride fur 1827. Astr. Nachr. V, 1827, col. 437-440. - 100. Ueber den allgemeinen Gebrauch des Passagen-Instruments. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 221-248. 1O1. Ueber den gegenwartigen Zustand unserer Kenntniss der Sonnenbewegung und die Mittel zu ihrer Verbesserung. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 261-275, 293-302. 1O2. Sonnentafeln. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 309-315. 103. Ueber die Bestimmung des Gesetzes einer periodischen Erscheinung. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 333-348. 1O4. Ueber die von Herrn F. R. HASSLEB, zur Vermessung der Kiiste der vereinigten Staa- ten ergriftenen Maassregeln. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 349-356 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 401 -409 ; Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 225-234. - 1O5. Ueber die Vorausberechnung der Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 1-3. 106, Beitrage zur Theorie der Finsternisse und den Berechnungs - Methoden derselben. Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 121-144 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 336-342, 410-416. 1O7. Bemerkungen iiber die Konigsberger Zonen-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. VIL, 1829, col. 369-378. 1O8. Versuche iiber die Kraft mit welcher die Erde Korper von verschiedener Beschaffen- heit anzieht. Berlin, Abhandl. 1830, pp. 41- 102 ; Poggend. Annal. XXV, 1832, pp. 401- 417; Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 97-108. 109. Beobachtungen des Ganges einer Kesselchen Pendeluhr und Bemerkungen dar- iiber. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 1-14. 11O. Beobachtungen der geraden Aufstei- gungen des Mondes und benachbarter Sterne im Jahre 1828 auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 55-58. x x BES] 346 [BES Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 111. Vergleichung der Konigsberger Sonnenbeobachtungen im Jahre 1828. Astr. Nachr. VHI., 1831, col. 69- 72. 112. Beobachtung eines hohen Barometerstandes in Konigsberg, und Bemerkung iiber die Barometer. Astr. Nachr. VIIL, 1831, coL 133-138 ; Poggend. Annal. XX VI., 1832, pp. 451-462. 113. Vorlaufige Nachricht von einem auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte befindlicben gros- sen Heliometer. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 397-426. 114. Improved method of deducing the Longitude from a lunar distance. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. H., 1831-33, pp. 167-170. 115. Bestimmung der Bahn des Hugenis- chen Saturns-Satelliten. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1832, col. 1-52. 116. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Kometen von 1830. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1832, eoL 165-174; Berlin, Abhandl. 1831, pp. 15-34. 117. Ueber den Einfluss eines wider- stehenden Mittels auf die Bewegung eines Pendels. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1832, col. 221-236. 118. Erste Fortsetzung der Untersuch- ungen iiber die Bewegung des Hugenischen Saturns-Satelliten. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1832, col. 381-388. 119. Beobachtungen mit einem tragbaren Passagen-Instrumente in Miinchen und Marien- bad. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1832, col. 413-436. 12O. Ueber die Vorausberechnung der Sternbedeckungen. Berlin, Astr. Jahrb. 1831, pp. 257-274. 121. Vergleichung der Sonnentafeln (A. N. N r 134) mit im Jahre 1830 beobachteten Rectascensionen. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 1-4. 122. Neue Berechnungsart fair die nautis- che Methode der Mondes-Distanzen. Astr. Nachr. X.. 1833, col. 17-62. -< 123. Durcbgang des Mercurs durch die Sonne. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 185-196. 124. Vergleichung der gegenseitigen Stel- lungen von 37 Doppelsternen, welche sowohl in Konigsberg als in Dorpat beobachtet sind. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 389-398 ; Berlin, Abhandl. 1833, pp. 41-58. 125. Zweite Fortsetzung der Untersuch- ungen iiber die Bewegung des Hugenischen Saturns-SateUiten. Astr. Nachr. XI., 1834, col. 17-24. 126. Letter to Mr. AIRY on his proposed Catalogues of Stars. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 181-186. 127. Ueber die Theorie des Steinheilschen Prismen-Kreises. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 229-244, 253-258. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 128. Betrachtungen iiber die Methode der Vervielfaltigung der Beo- bachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 269- 290. 129. Bemerkungen iiber eine angenom- mene Atmosphare des Mondes. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 411-420. 13O. Ueber die Aberration der Planeten und Kometen. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 121-128, 137-142. 131. Bestimmung der Lage und Grosse des Saturns-Ringes, und der Figur und Grosse des Saturns. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 153- 172 ; Bibl. Univ. LVIIL, 1835, pp. 305-309 ; Connais. des Temps, 1838, pp. 29-48. 132. Ueber die scheinbare Figur einer unvollstiindig erleuchteten Planetenscheibe. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 185-214, 217-236. 133. Ueber Hohenbestimmungen durch das Barometer. Astr. Nachr. XIL, 1835, col. 241-254; Poggend. Annal. XXXVL, 1835, pp. 187-203 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. II., 1841, pp. 517-550. 134. Vergleichung der Konigsberger Son- nenbeobachtungen in den Jahren 1831 und 1832. Astr. Nachiv XIL, 1835, col. 363-366. 135. Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secundenpendels filr Berlin. Berlin, Abhandl. 1835, pp. 161-262. 136. [Beobachtungen des Halleyschen Kometen.] Astr. Nachr. XILL, 1836, col. 3-6, 9-10, 65-68. 137. Beobachtungen des Bielaschen Ko- meten in seiner Erscheinung im Jahre 1832. Astr. Nachr. XIIL, 1836, col. 81-90. 138. Bestimmung der Bahn des Biela- schen Kometen. Astr. Nachr. XIIL, 1836, col. 241-248. 139. Bemerkungen iiber mogliche Unzu- langlichkeit der die Anziehung allein beriick- sichtigenden Theorie der Kometen. Astr. Nachr. XIIL, 1836, col. 345-350; Poggend. Annal. XXXVIIL, 1836, pp. 585-592. 140. Sur 1'Aurore Boreale du 18 Octobre 1836. Bibl. Univ. VI., 1836, pp. 371-374; Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, pp. 149-152. 141. Beobachtungen iiber die physischc Beschaffenheit des Halley'schen Kometeu. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXVIIL, 1836, pp. 498-530 ; Bibl. Univ. IL, 1836, pp. 357-365; Schumacher, Jahrb. 1836, pp. 48-73. 142. [On the parallax of 61 Cygni.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, pp. 152-160, 163-164. 143. Beitragzu den Methoden, die Storun- gen der Kometen zu berechnen. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 1-48. BES] 347 [BES Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 144. Beobachtun- gen der Sonnenfmsterniss am 15ten Mai 1836. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 113-126. 145. Ueber den Doppelstern p Ophiuchi. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1837, col. 105-120. 146. Eine Bemerkung iiber die Aufstel- lungsart beweglicber Instrumente. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1837, col. 121-126. 147. Ueber die Grundgleichung der Theorie der Finsternisse. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 129-138. 148. Ueber den Einfluss der Unregelmas- sigkeiten der Figur der Erde, auf geodatische Arbeiten, und ihre Vergleichung mit den astro- nomischen Bestimmungen. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 269-312. 149. Bestimmung der Axen des ellipti- schen Rotationsspharoids, welches den vorhan- denen Messungen von Meridianbogen der Erde am meisten entspricht. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 333-346 ; Bibl. Univ. X., 1837, pp. 170-172; Poggend. Annal. XLII., 1837, pp. 622-623 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. II., 1841, pp. 387-400. ISO. Neue Berechnung der Beobachtungen der Polhohen, auf welchen die zweite in Indien ausgefiihrte Gradmessung beruhet. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 349-368. 151. Ueber die Polhohen, welche derEn- glischen Gradmessungen zum Grunde liegen. Astr. Nachr. XIV., 1837, col. 381-390. 152. Von den Erscheinungen, welche der Halley'sche Komet gezeigt hat. Schumacher, Jahrb. 1837, pp. 142-175. 153. Bemerkungen iiber barometrisches Hohenmessen. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 329-360. 154. Untersuchungen iiber die Wahr- scheinlichkeit der Beobachtungsfehler. Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 369-404. 155. Die Parallaxe der Fixsterne. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 157-170. 156. Observations pour determiner la parallaxe annuelle de la 61 e etoile du Cygne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 785- 795; Bibl. Univ. XVIII., 1838, pp. 182- 186; Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 200- 201. 157. Giebt es Irrlichter ? Poggend. An- nal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 366-368. 158. Ueber die Summation der Progres- sionen. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 1-6. 159. Bestimmung der Entfernung des 61sten Sterns des Schwans. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 65-96. 16O. Einrichtung zur Erleichterung der Beobachtungen der Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 161-162. Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm. 161. Anfangs- puncte und Endpuncte der in der Nacht vom 13ten zum 14ten November auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte beobachteten Bahnen der Stern- schnuppen. Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 171 -172. 162. Ueber den Ausdruck einer Function . VII.), 1823, pp. 133-175. 13. Chemische Untersuchung der Nieder- schlage aus den sauren Metallauflosungen durch Schwefelwasserstoff. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 38-64. 14. Ueber die Phosphorescenz der unterir- dischen Rhizomorphen. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 259-305. 15. Chemische Untersuchung der Luft, welche sich in den Huhnereiern befindet. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 446-447. 16. Einige Beitrage zum Elektromagne- tismus. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. I., 1824, pp. 7-23. - 17. Chemische Untersuchung des auf ver- schiedenen Wegen dargestellten Wasserstoffgases ; nebst einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen in Beziehung auf pneumatische Chemie iiberhaupt. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. I., 1824, pp. 179-220. 18. Ueber Alkalitiit des Glases und die chemischen Wirkungen des Lichtes. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. I., 1824, pp. 442-447. 19. Ueber Elektrische Funken aus positiv und negativ elektrisirten Conductoren. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 207-208. BIS] 391 [BIS Bischof, Gustav. 20. Ueber die Bestimrnung der Kohlensaure in kohlensauren Verbindungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 444-147. 21. Eine auffallende Erscheinung, welclie gewisse Glassorten darbieten, wenn sie langere Zeit im luftverdunnten Raume der Luftpumpe stehen. Poggencl. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 397-402. 22. Ueber Analyse organischer Substanzen. Kastner, Arcliiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 117- 120 ; Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 25-60. 23. Beschreibung eines sehr bequemen Selbstfiltrirapparats und iiber das Austrocknen und Wiegen des Filtrirpapiers. Schweigger, Journ. XL. (Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 475-491. j 24. Ueber die Bestimmung des Spiessglanz- gekaltes eines Erzes aus dem Niederschlage der Spiessglanzauflosung durch Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (= Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 165- 169. 25. Eine vorlaufige Mittheilung aus einer ausfiihrlichen Untersuchung zur Begriindung einer wahren Theorie des Aether-Bildungs- Processes. Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (= Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 319-336. 26. Ueber die Mittel ein Gasvolumen mit der grb'ssten G-enauigkeit zu messen. Schweig- ger, Journ. XLI. (= Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 337 -375 ; Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 365-398. 27. Einiges iiber die Zersetzung des Am- moniaks. Schweigger, Journ. XLII. (= Jahrb. XII.), 1824, pp. 257-294. 28. Untersuchungen iiber die elektrome- trischenund chemischen Wirkungen von VOLTA'S Saule, und iiber die Abhiingigkeit derselben von Isolirung der Polo, von Temperatur atmosphari- scher Elektricitat und von Anzahl der Platten- paare. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 13-78. 29. Absolute und specifische Gewichte der Gasarten. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 129-145. 3O. Etwas iibcr die Irrlichter oder Irr- wische. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 178-180. 31. Ueber das elektrochemische Verhalten des arseniksauren Kali im Kreise der Volta- schen Saule. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VI., 1825, pp. 438-441. 32. Ueber eine auf nassem Wege entstan- dene, massive Kupfermasse yon betrachtlicher Grosse. Poggend, Annal. III., 1825, pp. 195- 202. 33. Ueber die Zersetzung des Ammoniak- gases durch oxydirtes Stickgas. Schweigger, Journ. XLIIL (= Jahrb. XIIL), 1825, pp. 257 -275. Bischof, Gustav. 34. Ueber die Verbindung des Schwefels mit Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. XLIIL (- Jahrb. XIIL), 1825, pp. 392-398. 35. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen. Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 204-224. 36. Ueber die Brohler Mineralquelle. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzu. LXV., 1827 (Supp.\ pp. 104-111. 37. Chemische Untersuchung verschiedener Bleiproben von Holzappel und vom Harz. Kar- sten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 131- 136. 38. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Lam- scheider Mineralwasser hinsichtlich auf geognos- tische Verhiiltnisse der Umgegend. Schweigger, Journ. LI. (= Jahrb. XXL), 1827, pp. 116-128. 39. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fallung des Bleioxyds durch Schwefelsaure und schwefel- saure Salze. Schweigger, Journ. LI. (= Jahrb. XXL), 1827, pp. 228-237. 40. Vorlaufige Mittheilung eines neuen Verfahrens, die elektrochemische Reihe der Metalle zu bestimmen. Schweigger, Journ. Lft. (=. Jahrb. XXIL), 1828, pp. 230-235. 41. Vermischte Bemerkungen iiber die natiirlichen Kohlens'auregas-Exhalationen in den Umgebungen des Laacher See's. Schweig- ger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 129-148. 42. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen. Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 123-126. 43. Ueber die Mittel, die Eisens aus den Mineral wassern zu Fallung des verhiiten. Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (- Jahrb. XXVII.), 1829, pp. 26-34. 44. Physikalisehe und chemische Unter- suchung der Mineralquelle zu Heilstein bei Wolleifen und Einruhr, im Regierungsbezirk Aachen, Burgermeisterei Dreiborn. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzn. LXX., 1830 (Hft. 3), pp. 56-74. 45. Geschichtlich-technologische Mittheil- ungen iiber das Kb'niglich Preussische, im Her- zogthum Sachsen gelegene, Salzwerk zu Diirren- berg. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XX., 1831, pp. 3-199. 46. Ueber Reinigung der Bleiglatte vom Kupferoxyd, iiber Darstellung des kohlensauren Ammoniaks auf nassem Wege, und iiber das Verhalten desselben zum Kupferoxyde. Schweig- ger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 65-76. 47. Ueber die Aufloslichkeit des Chlorbleis im Wasser, in Sauren, in einer Losung von Chlorcalcium und im Alkohol. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= .V. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 76- 80. BIS] 392 [BIS Bischof, Gustav. 48. Leichte Zerstorbarkeit von Platingefassen. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 123-125. 49. Die Bedeutung der Mineralquellen und der Gasexhalationen bei der Bildung und Veranderung der Erdoberflache, dargestellt nach geognostischen Beobachtungen und chemischen Untersuchungen. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 377-409; LXVI., 1832, pp. 125-158, 225-255 ; LXVIIL, pp. 420-438. 5O. Versuche iiber die Aufloslichkeit eini- ger in Wasser unloslicher phosphorsaurer Salze in Salpetersiiure bei verschiedenen Graden der Verdiinnung mit Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. LXVIL (= N. Jahrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 39-56. 51. Ueber die merkwiirdigen Quellen-Ver- haltnisse des westlichen Abhanges des Teuto- burger Waldes. Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= A: Jahrb. VIII. ), 1833, pp. 249-274. 52. Ueber die Quellen-Verhiiltnisse des ostlichen Abhanges des Teutoburger Waldes. Erdm. Jourii. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 321- 341. 53. Ein einfaches Mittel, die Fiillung des Eisens aus den Mineralwassern zu verhiiten. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 341- 344. 54. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Tyrol's Mineralquellen, nach Mittheilungen des Herrn Prof. ENNEMOSEK. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 65-72. 55. Ueber die Loslichkeit mehrerer, ge- wohnlich fiir unloslich gehaltener Oxyde und Salze in reinem Wasser. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 73-82. 56. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den unterir- dischen Lauf des Wassers, und uber die Absorp- tion von Gasarten durch dasselbe im Innern der Erde. Poggend. Annal. XXXII., 1834, pp. 241 -261 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 246-262. 57. Chemische Analyse des Phenakits. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 525-528. 58. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Tem- peratur der Kohlensaure, welche auf verschie- dene Weise entwickelt wird. Poggend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 161-164. 59. Ueber das Gesetz der Temperaturzu- nahme nach dem Innern der Erde. Poggend. Annal. XXXV., 1835, pp. 209-221. GO. On the cause of the Temperature of Hot and Thermal Springs ; and on the bearings of this subject as connected with the general question regarding the Internal Temperature of the Earth. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 329-376 ; XXI II., 330-399 ; XXIV., 132- 165, 252-300. Bischof, Gustav. 61. Ueber Zusammensetzung des auf verschiedenen Wegen dargestellten Blei- weisses, und iiber seine Deckkraft. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 172-181. 62. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fallun<>- der essigsauren Bleioxydlosung durch Kohlen- saure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 181-184; Liebig, Annal. XX., 1836, pp. 177-179. 63. Ueber einige physikalische und chemi- sche Beobachtungen in den Schweizer Alpen. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 259-272 ; Bibl. Univ. V., 1836, pp. 383-384. 64. Ueber die Wirkungen der Explosionen durch Knallgas, iiber Drahtnetze, Metallsiebe und Drahtbiindel, als schiitzende Mittel dage- gen, und uber Davy's Sicherheitslampe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 129-151. 65. Untersuchung der brennbaren Gruben- Gase in den Preussischen Steinkohlen-Grubeu. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 505- 517; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 183-193. 66. On the Natural History of Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVL, 1839, pp. 25-81, 347-386; Sillirnan, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 230-282 ; XXX VIL, 1839, pp. 41-77. 67. Physical and chemical examination of three Inflammable Gases which are evolved in Coal Mines. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 309-333; XXX., 127-153. 68. Memoire sur Paerajje des mines. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronnes (Svo.), 1840, pp. 205-386. 69. Versuche und Erfahrungen iiber das Verhalten der Sicherheitslampen in schlagenden Wettern auf Steinkohlengruben. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 268-331 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 378-386. 7O. Chemische Untersuchung der brenn- baren Grubengase aus den Steinkohlengruben. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 332-374. 71. Versuche, um den nach der Marsh - schen Methode erhaltenen Arsenik-Anflug von Antimon z\i untersuchen. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XL, 1840, pp. 419-421. 72. Further reasons against the chemical theory of Volcanoes. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 14-26. 73. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Therme zu Lippspringe, und iiber Gasexhalationen aus Mineralquellen. Niederrhein. Gesell. Organ. L, 1841, pp. 292-305. 74. Ueber die Natur der Miasmen, welche sich bei der Vermischung des Meerwassers mit siissem Wasser bilden. Niederrhein. Gesell. Organ. L, 1841, pp. 479-493. 75. On Tropical Miasmata. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIL. 1842, pp. 27-34. BIS] 393 [BIS Bischof, Gustav. 76. Einige Bemerkungen iiber meine Abhandlung : " Versuche und Erfahr- ungen iiber das Verhalten der Sicherheitslampen in schlagenden Wettern auf Steinkohlengruben." Karsten, Archiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 187-204. 77. Ueber den Ursprung des Kohlenstoffs im Pflanzen- und Thierreich. Niederrhein. Ge- sell. Organ. II., 1842, pp. 192-214. 78. Der Soolschacht und die Soolquelle bei der Konigl. Preuss. Saline zu Diirrenbcrg. St. Petersburg, Schrift.Mineral. I., 1842. pp. 169-191. 79. Leicht krystallisirbare schwefelsaure Thonerde. Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 385-387,812-813. 8O. Versuche die Kontraktion zu be- stimmen, welche geschmolzene Massen erleiden, wenn sie in den festeu Zustand itbergehen und krystallinische Gesteine bilden,nebst allgemeinen Betrachtungen iiber diese Gesteine. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 1-54. 81. Die Gletscher in ihren Beziehungen zur Hebung der Alpen, zur Kontraktion krys- tallinischer Formationen, und zu den erratischen Geschieben. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 505-536. 82. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bildung der Gangmassen. Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 285-296. 83. Beschreibung eines Maximum und Minimum Barometers. Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 357-373. 84. Die indirecte aber hochste Nutzung der rohen Brennmaterialien, oder Umwandlung der- selben in Gas und Nutzung dieses Gases zu Feuer- ungen jeder Art, namentlich zu metallurgischen Zwecken. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCIIL, 1844, pp. 417-429. - 85. On the Terrestrial Arrangements con- nected with the Appearance of Man on the Earth. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVII., 1844, pp. 44-62. 86. Ueber Sumpf- und Grubengas, Bildung der Stein- und Braunkohlen, iiber Kohlensaure- Exhalationen und Bildung der Sauerquellen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 321-360. 87. Ueber die Entstehung der Quarz- und Erz-Gange. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 257-288; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIII., 1845, pp. 344-354. 1 88. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ent- stehung der Mineral-Quellen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 419-426. 89. On the Foundation of a New Geology. (TransL) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIII., 1847, pp. 304-307. 9O. Bemerkungen iiber die Frage, ob das vegetabilische Leben friiher als das animalische auf der Erde erwacht sey. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anzeig. XXIV., 1847, col. 607-616. Bischof, Gustav. 91. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Ursprung der phosphorsauren Salze im organischen Reiche. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anzeig. XXIV., 1847, col. 909-932. 92. Ueber den Kohlenstoff in der Atmo- sphiire, auf und in der Erde, und iiber einen bis jetzt unbeachtet gebliebenen grossartigen Oxy- dationsprocess auf der Erde. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anzeig. XXV, 1847, col. 126-143. 93. Ueber Gehaltsformeln verschiedener Salzlosungen. Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850. pp. 619-660. 94. Einige Bemerkungen zu W. von der MARCK'S Aufsatze : " Analysen einiger zum westfalischen Uebergangs- Gebirge gehorenden Gebirgsarten." Bonn, Kheinl. u. Westphal. Verh. 1851, pp. 66-71. 95. Geology as illustrated by Chemistry and Physics. (Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIIL, 1852, pp. 38-55. 96. Ueber die Absatze des Rheins. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1852, pp. 384-398. 97. Magdesprunger Hohofenschlacken. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. V., 1853, pp 609-619. 98. Ueber die Zersetzung der alkalischen Silicate durch Eisenoxydhydrat. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verh. 1855, pp. 308-313. 99. Analysen dreier Glimmerarten, welche aus Feldspath hervorgegangen sind. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verh. 1855, pp. 313-318. 100. Bemerkungen zu Aug. STROMEYER'S Aufsatz : " Ausziehung des Kupfers aus Erzen, welche Malachit oder Kupferlasur und viel koh- lensauren Kalk enthalten." Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 421-426. Bischof, Gustav und Carl. Die neue Mineral- quelle zwischen Ahrweiler und Heppingen im Arthale : der Apollinaris - Brunnen. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verh. 1854, pp. 365-371. Bischof, Gustav, und Miinchow. Ueber die, durch Beriihrung ungleichartiger und gleicharti- ger Metalle, erregte Electricitat. Posgend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 279-290. Bischof, Gustav^ und J. Noggerath. Merk- wiirdige "Wirkung eines Blitzschlages. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 385-393. 2. Ueber die grosste europiiisch Gediegen-Eisenmasse meteorischen Ursprungs. Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 1-20; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 401-412. 3. Bestandige Mofetten in dem vul- o canischen Gebirge der Eifel. Schweigger, Journ. XLIII., (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 28-41. 4. Schwefelzink, als Sinterbildung in einem alten Bergwerke. Schweigger, Journ. LXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1832, pp. 245-258. 3 D BIS] 394 [BIS Bischof, Johann Andreas. Untersuchuugen zur niiliern Bestimmung der eigenthiimlichen Schwere, der Ausdelinung durch Wiirme, des Gehalts, der Verminderung der Riiume bei Ver- mischungen und des Gefrier- und Siedepunkts der Salz-Soolen. Gilbert, Annal. XXXV., 1810, pp. 311-382. 2. Tafeln, welche den Einfluss der Wiirme auf die Eigenschwere von Salzsoolen von gegeb- nem Gehalte darstelleu. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 397-435. 3. Die Verdunstungs-Fahigkeit der Soo- len bei verschiedenem Sakgehalt. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, VH., 1823, pp. 1-9. 4. Der Soolgehalt nach Graden, Procenten und Pfiindigkeiten, auch einige, die Soole be- treffende und bei dem Salinenwesen in Anwen- dung kommende Formeln. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 211-279. Bischof, L. Benutzung roher Brennmaterialien bei der Eisenfabrikation. Karsten, Archiv, XVII., 1843, pp. 801-803. Bischoff, - . Ueber fossile, halb-fossile und nicht fossile Knochen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 145-146. 2. Ueber Crusta petrosa. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 147-148. Bischoff, C. H. E. Darstellung der GalTschen Gehirn- und Schadel- Lehre. Hufelaud, Journ. Arzneyk. XXI., 1805 (Hft. 3), pp. 5-113. 2. Die pharmakologische Bezeichnung der Mineralwasser. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzneyk. LVHI., 1824 (Hft. 5), pp. 3-63. 3. Die Miner alquelle zu Roisdorf, als wichtigere Bereicherung unsers vaterlandischen Wasserschatzes zur niiheren Beachtung empfoh- len. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzneyk. LXL, 1825 (Suppl.), pp. 64-77. Bischoff, Carl. Anwendung der narkotischen Pflanzen im hochst wirksamsten Zustande und leichtesten Aufbewahrnng. Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 341-342. Bischoff, G. W. Die Schrift : "Von der Ent- wickelung der Pflanzensubstanz." . . . Beant- wortung und erster Versuch einer Selbst-Recen- sion. Oken, Isis, 1820, col. 731-746. 2. Botanische Alpenreise durch Salzburg und einen Theil von Karnthen und Tyrol im Juni und Juli 1822. Flora, VI., 1823, pp. 209- 224, 241-248, 256-268. 3. Beobachtungen iiber Sphaerocarpus ter- restris, Michel. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta. XIII., 1827, pp. 829-838. 4. Ueber Symphytum bulbosum, Schimper. Flora, IX., 1827, pp. 561-562. 5. Zur Naturgeschi elite der Salvinie (S. natans, Schreb.) Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta. XIV., 1828, pp. 45-70. Bischoff, G. W. 6. Ueber die Entwickelung der Equiseten, insbesondere des Equisetum pa- lustre, aus den Sporen. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1829, pp. 779-798. 7. Beobachtungen iiber den eigenthiim- lichen Gang des Keimens und der Entwickelung der Knollen bei Corydalis-Arten. Tiedemann, Zeitschr. IV., 1831, pp. 146-159 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1834 (Bot.\ pp. 117-122. 8. De Hepaticis, imprimis tribuum Mar- chantiearum et Ricciearum, commentatio. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.), 1835, pp. 309-313. 9. Bemerkungen iiber die Lebermoose, vorziiglich aus den Gruppen der Marchantieen und Riccieen, nebst Beschreibung mehrerer theils kritischer, theils neuer Arten. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 909-1088. 1O. Ueber die Lebermoose. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 739-742. 11. Ueber das Keimen einiger cry ptogamis- chen Gewachse. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 749- 750. 12. Ueber die morphologische Bildung der Moosfrucht. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 130-131. 13. Ueber Cassia Ehrenbergii, eine bisher verkannte Art, deren Blatter als Sennesblatter im Handel vorkommen. Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, col. 49-52. 14. Merkwiirdige Formen von Stiirke- mehlkbrnern in den Sassaparillwurzeln und im Wurzelstocke von Hedychium Gardnerianum, Wall. Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, col. 385- 389. 15. Adnotationes ad delectum seminum in Hort. Bot. Heidelbergensi collector um. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1849 (Bot.), pp. 358-360. 16. Ueber die Cassia- Art en, welche die verschiedenen Sorten der bei uns im Handel vorkommenden Sennesblatter liefern. Botan. Zeitung, VIIL, 1850, col. 833-842, 849-857, 865-871, 881-889, 897-905. 17. Delectus semiuum in Hort. Bot. Hei- delbergensi. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1853 (Bot.), pp. 356-358. 18. Bemerkungen zur Entwickelungsge- schichte der Equiseten und der Lebermoose. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 97-109, 113- 123; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1853 (Bot.), pp. 232-240 ; XX., pp. 57-64. Bischoff, G. W., und Nees von Esenbeck. Lunularia Alpina und Corsinia lamellosa, zwei neue europaische Lebermoose. Flora, XIII., 1830, pp. 393-404. Bischoff, G. W., Nees von Esenbeck, und Noggerath. Die unterirdischen Rhizomor- phen, ein leuchtender Lebensprocess. Acad. Ca3s. Leop. Nova Acta, XL, 1823, pp. 603- 712. BIS] 395 Bischoff, Gcorg J. Ueber das Eierlegen der Tagfalter, wenn sie aufgespiesst sind. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. IV., 1843, pp. 152-153. 2. Lebensweise uncl Verwandlung von Euprepia Flavia. Augsburg, Nat. Hist. Ver. Bericht, X., 1857, pp. 43-48. 3. Gastropacha arbusculae, Freyer. Augs- burg, Nat. Hist. Ver. Bericht, XII., 1859, pp. 87-90. 4. Entgegnung auf die Bemerkungen des Stiftungskassiers Herrn C. F. FREYER in Augs- burg (G-astropacha arbusculas). Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XXL, 1860, pp. 235-237. Bischoff, //. Ueber Kirschlorbeerwasser. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. XII., 1841, pp. 889-891. 2. Sur le soufre renferme dans le lignite, dont fait usage 1'usine destinee a eclairer au gaz la ville do Lausanne. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 318-319. 3. Analyse de quelques minerals de fer employes aux usines d'Ardon. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 333-336, 337-339. 4. Sur une nouvelle analyse chimique de 1'eau mere des salines de Bex. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 371-374. 5. Analyse d'un jayet provenant de la mol- lasse, pres d'Yverdon. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 317-318. 6. Notice sur 1'Hesperidine. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1857, pp. 273-275. 7. Reproduction photographique en bleu de * A t_j j. x prusse. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. V., 1857, pp. 403-404. 8. Note sur 1'acide hypermanganique. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1860, pp. 473- 474. Bischoff, H., et Delaharpe. Examen de la ma- tiere noire d'un poumon melanose. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 46-48, 165- 168. Bischoff, Joh. Nik. Einige Satze liber die Tan- genten algebraischer Curven. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 166-177. 2. Ueber die Wendungsberiihrebenen der Raumcurven. Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 179-180. . 3. Zur Lehre von den Raumcurven und Flachen. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 394- 396. 4. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 369-373. Bischoff, Theodor Ludw. Wilh. Ueber die Function des Nervus accessorius. Froriep, Noti- zen,XXXVIL, 1833, col. 134-138. 2. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Eihiillen. Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 291-297. 3. Ueber die erste Ernahrung des Fb'tus. Froriep, Notizen, XLL, 1834, col. 55-57, [BIS Bischoff, Theodor Ludw. Wilh. 4. Beitrage zur Lehre von dem Blute und der Transfusion desselben. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 347-372. 5. Ueber den Bau des Crocodil-Herzens, besonders von Crocodilus lucius. Miiller, Archiv, 1836, pp. 1-12. 6. Theorie der Warme. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 27-36. 7. Anatomisch-physiologische Bemerkun- gen. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 351-356. 8. Einige physiologisch-anatomische Beo- bachtungen an einem Enthaupteten. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 486-502. 9. Ueber den Bau der Magenschleimhaut. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 503-525. 10. Ueber die erste Entwickelurig des Hundseyes bis zum Auftreten des Embryo. Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 865-867. 11. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologie im Jahre 1838. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. cxxiii-clxxxvii. 12. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1839. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. xcv-clviii. 13. Description anatomique du Lepidosiren paradoxa. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1840 (Zoo/.), pp. 116-158 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1840, col. 141-148. 14. Ueber das Drehen des Dotters im Saugethiereie wahrend dessen Durchgang durch den Eileiter. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 14-19; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1841 (Zoo/.), pp. 298-302. 15. Ueber electrische Strome in den Ner- ven. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 20-24. 16. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1840. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 1-lxviii. 17. Beobachtungen abweichender Formen des unbefruchteten und befruchteten Saugethie- reies, so wie abweichender Verhaltnisse der Be- fruchtung. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 218-219. 18. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologie im Jahre 1841. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. Ixi-cxxxiii. 19. Ueber die erste Bildung des Central- nerven-systems bei Saugethiereu, mit Beriick- sichtigung der kritischen Beleuchtung meiner Beobachtungen durch Herrn. Dr. REICHERT. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 252-275. 20. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1842. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. Ixxxviii-clxxix. 21. Sur le detachement et la fecondation des osufs humains et des oeufs des mammiferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 121- 127 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1843 (Zoo/.), pp. 93- 101 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIIL, 1843, col. 129 -135. 3 D 2 BIS] 396 [BIS Bischoff, Theodor Ludw. With. 22. Memoire sur la maturation et la chute periodique de 1'oeuf de 1'homme et des mammiferes, independamment de la fecondation. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1844 (ZooL), pp. 104-162. 23. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1843. Miiller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 68-147. 24. Reply to Dr. Martin BARRY'S "Re- marks " on his " Entwickelungsgeschichte des Kaninchen-Eies." Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 281-285. 25. Histoire du developpement de 1'oeuf et du foetus du chien. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1845 (Zool.\ pp. 367-373. 26. Ueber die Resorption der narkotischen Gif'te durch die Lymphgefasse. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IV., 1846, pp. 62-70. 27. Noch ein Wort iiber die Aufnahme der narkotischen Gifte durch die Lymphgefasse. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1846, pp. 292- 306. 28. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1844. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 1-102. 29. Ueber die Glandulas utriculares des Uterus des Menschen, und ihren Antheil an der Bildung der Decidua. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 111-119. 30. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Phy- siologic im Jahre 1845. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 103-175. 31. Einige Beitrage zur Anatomic des Dugong. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 1-6. 32. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte derPhy- siologie im Jahre 1846. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 68-214. 33. Theorie der Befruchtung, und iiber die Rolle welche die Spermatozo'iden dabei spielen. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 422-442. 34. Ueber den Harnstoff als Maass des Stoffwechsels. Lieb^g, Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 101-108; Annal. de Chimie, XLI., 1854, pp. 194-196. 35. Einfluss des Kochsalzes auf die Harn- stofientleerung. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 109-112. 36. Experiences sur la production de 1'uree. Paris, Comptes Rendi\s, XXXVL, 1853,' pp. 875-878 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XIX., 1853 (Zool.), pp. 238-243. 37. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Menstrua- tion und Befruchtung. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IV., 1854, pp. 129-174 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. III., 1854, pp. 334-345, 552-554. 38. Ueber Ei- und Samenbildung und Be- fruchtung bei Ascaris mystax. Siebold u. Kolli- ker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 377-405. Bischoff, Theodor Ludw. Wilh. 39. Bestim- mung der Blutmenge bei einem Hiagerichteten, Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 331-338. 4O. Abermalige Bestimmung der Blutmenge bei einem Hingerichteten. Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschr. IX., 1858, pp. 65-72. 41. Ueber seine gemeinschaftlich mit dem Assistenten des physiologischen Instituts Dr. C. VOIT seit zwei Jahren ununterbrochen fortge- setzten Untersuchungen iiber die Erniihrung bei einem Fleischfresser (Hunde). Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anzeig. XLIX., 1859, col. 177-192. 42. De la nutrition chez 1'homme et les animaux. Archiv. Gen. deMed. XVI., 1860, pp. 129-147. 43. Ueber eine Arbeite von Dr. VOIT: " Die thierischen Kraftausserungen in ihrem Zusam- menhange mit dem Stoffwechsel." Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1860, pp. 139-143. 44. Ueber die Bildung des Siiugethier- Eies und seine Stellungin der Zellenlehre. Miin- chen, Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 242-264. 45. Ein Fall von Kuh-Zwillings-Zwitter- Bildung. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 470 -479. 46. Ueber eine Taube, welcher Ilerr Prof. VOIT im Juli 1861 die Hemispharen des grossen Gehirns abgctragen. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1863, pp. 479-483, 569-570. 47. Ueber die Ranzzeit des Fuchses und die erste Entwicklung seines Eies. Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 2), pp. 44-55. 48. Ueber die Praparations-Methode des hautigen Labyrinthes des Gehororganes durch Dr. VOLTOLINI in Breslau, unter Vorlegung von Priiparaten iiber dasselbe von Dr. RUDINGER. Munchen, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 2), pp. 55-59. 49. Bericht iiber die Schrift der Herren W. HENNEBERG und F. STOHMANN : " Beitrage zu Begriindung einer rationellen Fiitterung der Wiederkauer." Miinchen, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 2.), pp. 414-426. Biscoe, John. Recent discoveries in the Ant- arctic Ocean. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833. pp. 104-112. Bisdom, D. R. Chemische Analyse der Asche von Elodea Canadensis. Donders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 135-140. Siselx, Fr. J. Recherches physico-chimiques sur la neige rouge des environs du St. Bernard. Bibl. Univ. XII., 1819, pp. 254-258. 2. Notice sur 1'histoire naturelle du Mont St. Bernard. Bibl. Univ. XL, 1819, pp. 265- 272 ; XII., 43-52, 144-150. 3. Von dem Schnee, den Lawinen und den Gletschern in den Alpen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 183-208. BIS] 397 Bishop, George. Observation of the lunar occul- tation of Venus on 11 Sept. 1841. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, p. 121. 2. Ecliptic Charts from observations at the South Villa Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 35-36. 3. Beobachtungen des Encke'schen Come- ten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 405- 408. Bishop, George, and Hind. Observations of HIND'S second comet (1847, Feb. 6). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 247-248. 2. Observations of Astnea. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, p. 167. Bishop, John. Observations on the physiology of the nerves of sensation, illustrated by a case of paralysis of the fifth pair. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1833, pp. 205-206. 2. An experimental inquiry into the cause of the grave and acute tones of the human voice. Eoy. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 323-324. 3. Experimental researches into the physio- logy of the human voice. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1836, pp. 404-405; Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 201-209, 269-277, 342-348. ' 4. On the physiology of the human voice. Phil. Trans. 1846, pp. 551-572. 5. Observations made on the movements of the Larynx, when viewed by means of the Laryngoscope. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 143-146. Bishop, N. H. The Burrowing Owl of South America (Atene cunicularia, Molina). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 204- 206. 2. On the Zonda Wind. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VI., 1856-59, pp. 207-211. Bishop, W. On the Porcelain Clay and Buhr- stone of Halkin Mountain, Flintshire. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 404-413. Bissacani, Narciso. Osservazione sul tartaro vetriolato. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1 827, pp. 65-67. Bissel, Emery. Changement de couleur a la peau. Journ. de Med. III., 1818, pp. 360-361. Bisset, Adamo. Sulle corde telegrafiche sotto- marine. Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 88-96. Bisset, W. Narrative of the Route marched by the 18th Regt. M. N. I. from Pekang-yeh, on the Irrawadi River, to Aeng, in Aracan. Gleanings in Sci. II., 1830, pp. 83-89. Bitnicz, Lajos. [Quadrature of the Circle.] Evkonyvek, II., 1832, pp. 151-170. 2. Methodus minimorum quadratorum. Evkonyvek, III., pp. 42-46. Bittleston, William. On the dynamics of che- mistry. [1842.] Pharmaceut. Journal, II., 1843, pp. 77-86. [BIV -. Fortgesetzte Nachrichten iiber Bittner, den neuen Haupt-Planeten, Ceres. Zach,Monat. Corresp. VIII., 1803, pp. 533-536 ; XL, 1805, pp. 81-85. 2. Gegenschein des Jupiters, Uranus und Saturns im Jahr 1825. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1826-29, pp. 125-128. 3. Sterneintritte in dunkeln Mondrand zu Prag beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 311-312. 4. Beobachtungen der Vesta auf der Prager Stern warte zur Zeit ihres Gegenscheins 1827 Astr. Nachr. VII., 1829, col. 15-16. Bittner und David. Beobachtungen des Kome- ten von 1807. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1808-11, pp. 128-130. 2. Beobachtungen iiber Jupiterstra- banten-Verfinsterungen, &c. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812-15, pp. 175-190. 3. Cometen-Beobachtungen auf der Prager Sternwarte 1811. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 382-388. Biver, - . Sur les fossiles d' Ettelbruck. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIL, 1840, pp. 432- 434. Biver, P. E. Theorie analytique des moindres carres. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVIII., 1853, pp. 169-200. 2. Sur une nouvelle methode de conduire et de calculer les triangulations geodesiques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXIIL, 1856, pp. 99-148. Bivona, Andrea. SulT importanza de' boschi. Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. I., 1844, pp. 75- 117. Bivona-Bernardi, Ant. Caratteri di un nuovo genere di Conchiglie fossili (Tubolana). Palermo, Effem. Scient. I., 1832, pp. 55-57. 2. Descrizione d' una nuova specie di Jale fossile delle vicinanze di Palermo. Palermo, Effem. Scient. I., 1832, pp. 57-59. 3. Caratteri dei Vermeti desunti da cinque specie che abitano nel mare di Palermo. Palermo, Effem. Scient. I., 1832, pp. 59-62 ; II., 1832. pp. 3-8. 4. Caratteri d' un nuovo genere di Con- un cas particu- O ?? lier d'une equation plus generate. Grunert, Archiv, XXVIL, 1856, pp. 482-483. Bjorling, E. G. 22. En fraga ur 1-iran om maxima och minima. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIII., 1856, pp. 83-89. 23. Ett enkelt bevis for formeln pi ( p ) _ p . __( p helt tal ^ Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIIL, 1856, pp. 181-182. - 24. Om de bada summorna S (x + i/i)^. i = o ^=n \ S ( l)i (x + ihY for reela //.-valorer. Stock- i = o holm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 205-218 ; Stockholm, Akad. Handl. II., 1 857-58. 25. Om de Bernoulli'ska talen. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 107-108. Bjornstrom, Fredr. Studier i Elektrotherapi. Upsala, Arsskrift, 1863 (Med.}. Blachet et Lecanu. Note sur une substance cristalline, recueillie sur les murs ties bains de St. Germane, pres de Naples. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 419-420. Blachette, L. J. Dei gaz infiammabili. Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. II., 1825, pp. 169-174. Black, Cornelius. Hydatids from the left lung after typhoid fever. Pathol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1852-53, pp. 44-61. Black, James. On a fossil stem of a tree re- cently discovered near Bolton-le-Moor. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1838, p. 229 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1837-38, p. '670. 2. On some appearances inferred to have been connected with the antediluvian congela- tion of the interstitial water of rocks. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 38-50. 3. On some of the objects and uses of geo- logical researches. Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1841, pp. 1-34. 4. Observations on a slab of New Red Sandstone from the quarries at Weston, near Runcorn, Cheshire, containing the impressions of footsteps and other markings. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, pp. 65-68. Black, Joseph. An analysis of the waters of the Hot-springs in Iceland. [1791.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. III., 1794, pp. 95-126; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1793, pp. 40-62 ; XVII., pp. 114-139. 2. A letter describing a very sensible Balance. [1790.] Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 52-54. Black, W. T. Description of the tongue and habits of the Aardvark or Ant-Eater of the Cape (Orycteropus Capensis). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 168-175. 3 E BLA] 402 [BLA Black, W. T. 2. An account of the Fish River Bush, S. Africa ; with a description of the quad- rupeds that inhabit it. Edinh. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 72-82, 195-215. 3. On the Mammalia of the Fish River Bush, South Africa, with notices of their Habits. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 195- 215. Black, Wm. On a method of ascertaining the Strength of Spirits. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 61-62. 2. On the influence of Electricity on the process of Brewing. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), p. 58. Black, William. A sketch of the Climate of the Mediterranean, with remarks on its medical To- pography. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 243-268. Blackadder, Alexander. On the superficial Strata of the Forth district. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. 1823-24, pp. 424-439. Blackadder, Henry Home. On the formation of Dew. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp, 51-64. 2. On some phenomena of vertical and of lateral Mirage observed at King George's Bas- tion, Leith. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 13-15. 3. On unusual Atmospherical Refraction. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIIL, 1825, pp. 66-72. 4. On the action of certain Fluids on Hyd- rhophic Substances of an Animal and Vegetable Origin. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIIL, 1825, pp. 240-244. 5. On the construction of Meteorological Instruments so as to register their indications during the absence of the observer at any given instant or at successive intervals of time. Edinb. Journ. Sci. HI., 1825, pp. 251-256 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 337-348 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 238-242. 6. Observations on the changes which take place in Mercurial Thermometers. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 47-48. 7. Remarks on an optical phenomenon ob- served at sunrise from the summit of Mount ^tna. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 227- 231. 8. On certain circumstances connected with the condensation of atmospheric humidity on solid surfaces. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 81-91, 240-252 9. On the combustion of alcoholic fluids, oil, &c., in lamps, with observations on the Colour and Constitution of Flame. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1826, pp. 52-66 ; Gill, Techn. Repos. X., 1827, pp. 164-180. 1O. On the Constitution of Flame. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 224-236. Blackadder, Henry Home. 11. Description of a new Register Thermometer, without Index ; the principle being applicable to the most delicate Mercurial Thermometers. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 440-442 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 92-94. Blackader, D. Account of an Aurora Bo- realis observed at Edinburgh, 16th of January 1827. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. III., 1827, pp. 342-347. Blackburn, Hugh. On the variation of elements in the planetary theory. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Joum. L, 1846, pp. 37-45. Blackburn, John. Description of a sounding board in Atterclifle Church. Phil. Trans. 1828, pp. 361-364. Blackburne, Charles. A method of finding the Latitude at Sea by the altitudes of two fixed stars when on the same vertical. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 99-102. 2. A rule for clearing the Lunar Distance from the efiects of Parallax and Refraction. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 117-120. 3. Two rules for finding the Latitude at Sea by one altitude, and the interval between two observations of the azimuth. Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, pp. 156-166. 4. Investigation of a rule for clearing the Apparent Distance of the centres of the Sun and Moon from the effects of parallax and refraction. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 130- 131. 5. Analytical theorems relating to Geomet- rical Series. Phil. Mag. VI., 1835, pp. 196-201. 6. On some new properties of Geometric Series. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1837 (pt. 2), p. 2. Blackburne, G. On the determination of the true Heights of distant Mountains from their apparent elevations above the sea. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 187-188. Blackburne, TV. Communication respecting Caloric, Light, and Colours. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 334-335. Blackenridge, . An account of the Mine- rals of Louisiana. Amer. Med. Phil. Reg. II., 1811, pp. 33-40. Blacker (Major). Note sur 1'Himalaie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1829, pp. 49-54. Blacker, Stewart. On a compound rainbow. Irish Acad. Proc. IV., 1850, pp. 149-150. Blacker, Thomas. Ueber ein Merkurial-Pendul. [1806.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1810, pp. 221-223. Blackie, George S. On the Cornus florida of the United States. Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 1-5 ; Canada, Bot. Soc. Ann. L, 1861- 62, pp. 22-24. Blacklewar, Charles. On some properties of numbers in geometrical progression. Roy. Soc. Proc, III., 1832, p. 139. BLA] * Blackley, Travers R. On the cause of the Pulse being affected by the position of the body. Dublin, Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. V., 1834, pp. 332-344 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLL, 1834, col. 209-217. Blackman, Gco. C. On Hermaphroditism ; with an account of two remarkable cases. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXVI., 1853, pp. 63-68. Blackmore, Edward. Report of a singular case of malfonned Heart. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXXIII., 1830, pp. 268-273. Blackney, William. Ascent of the Yang-tze- Kiang. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXX. I860. pp. 93-100. Black-wall, J. E. On the production of Crystals of Silver. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1838 (pt. 2), p. 74. Blackwall, John. A series of observations on the Thermometer, made on June 15, 1821, at Crumpsall, in Lancashire, for the purpose of ascertaining the most convenient method of ob- taining the Mean Temperature of the Natural Day. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 297- 299 ; III., 1822, pp. 87-91. 2. Tables of the various species of Perio- dical Birds observed in the neighbourhood of Manchester ; with a few remarks tending to establish the opinion that the Periodical Birds migrate. [1822.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1824, pp. 125-150. 3. Observations on the Notes of Birds, in- cluding an inquiry whether or not they are in- stinctive. [1822.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1824, pp. 289-323; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 14-26 ; Froriep, Notizen, XI., 1825, col. 292-298. 4. Observations conducive towards a more 403 [BLA complete history of the Cuckoo. [1823.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. IV., 1824, pp. 441- 472; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1826, col. 197-200. 5. Observations and Experiments made with a view to ascertain the means by which the Spiders that produce Gossamer effect their aerial excursions. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 449-459 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1828, pp. 153-154. 6. Manners and economy of the Pied Fly- catcher. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1829, pp. 331-332. 7. Facts relating to the natural history of the Cuckoo. Zool. Journ. IV., 1829, pp. 294-300; Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1830, col. 116-120. 8. On a remarkable formation of the Bill observed in several species of Birds. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1830, pp. 402-403. 9. Extracts from a Zoological Journal, kept at Crumpsall Hall, near Manchester : 1. Nidi- fication of birds ; 2. The Roosting of Fieldfares ; 3. Falcon and Pigeon. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 10-14. Blackwall, John. 1O. On the manner in which the Geometric Spiders construct their Nets. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 181-188. 11. Observations on a newly described species of Swan (Cygnus Bewickii). Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 189-191. 12. Description of a new species of Lam- protornis [Vigorsii]. Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1831, pp. 332-334. 13. Notice of the recent capture of Chry- somela cerealis in North Wales. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 23-24. 14. An examination of M. VIREY'S Obser- vations on Aeronautic Spiders. Phil. Mag. X.. 1831, pp. 180-187. 15. On an undescribed Bird of the Family Falconidse [Gampsonyx Holmiil Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 264-265. 16. On a remarkable fact in the natural history of the Swallow Tribe. [1826.] Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 36-53. 17. Meteorological observations made in the township of Crumpsall, from 1821-1828, inclu- sive. [1826.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 54-85. 18. Account of a White Lunar Rainbow seen at Manchester on the 14th of January 1827. Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 140-142. 19. Remarks on the Twinkling of the Stars. [1827.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 143-147. 20. Account of Anthelia observed in as- cending Snowdon on the 17th May 1826. Man- chester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 135-139. 21. On the injury done to the Foliage of the Oaks in the neighbourhood of Manchester in the spring of 1827. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 155-164. 22. On the Instincts of Birds. [1829.] Manchester, Phil. Soc.. Mem. V., 1831, pp. 254 -290; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., "1833, pp. 241-261 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1833, col. 209-217, 225-231. 23. Description of two birds hitherto un- characterised, belonging to the genera Crex [C. pygmaea] and Rallus [R. bicolor]. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 77-79. 24. On the manners of the Grenadier Grosbeak (Loxia Oryx, Linn.) when in captivity. Phil. Mag. XL, 1832, pp. 97-100. 25. Remarks on the diving of Aquatic Birds. Phil. Mag. L, 1832, pp. 23-26. 26. Observations on the House Spider. Phil. Mag. L, 1832, pp. 95-98. 27. Description of a species of Arachnida, hitherto uncharacterised, belonging to the family Araneidae [Dysdera Latreillii], Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 190-191. 3 E 2 BLA] 404 [BLA BlackwE.ll, John. 28. Observations relative to the structure and functions of Spiders. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 444-446. 29. Notice of several recent discoveries in the structure and economy of Spiders. [1831.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 471-486. 30. Remarks on the Pulvilli of Insects. [1831.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 487- 492. 31. Characters of some undescribed Genera and Species of Araiieida?. Phil. Mag. III., 1833, pp. 104-112, 187-197, 344-352, 436-443; V., 1834, pp. 50-53; X., 1837, pp. 100-105. 32. Characters of a new genus (Deletrix) and some undescribed species of Araneida?. Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 100-105. 33. Descriptions of newly discovered Spi- ders. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1839, p. 41.' 34. On the number and structure of the Mammulas employed by Spiders in the process of spinning. [1838.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp. 219-224. 35. The difference in the number of eyes with which Spiders are provided proposed as the basis of their distribution into tribes ; with descriptions of newly discovered species, and the characters of a new family and three new genera of Spiders. [1839.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIII., 1841, pp. 601-670. 36. On the Palpi of Spiders. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 66-68. 37. Account of a species of Ichneumon whose larva is parasitic on Spiders. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), p. 68; Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 1-4; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 113-116. 38. Notice of several cases of defective and redundant organization observed among the Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 165-168 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 273-275. 39. Notes on the Salmon. Ann. Nat Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 409-414. 4O. Periodical Birds observed in the years 1842-1847 near Llanrwst, Denbighshire, North Wales. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), p. 69 ; 1844 (pt. 2), p. 61 ; 1845 (pt. 2), p. 63 ; 1847 (pt. 2), p. 75. 41. Descriptions of some newly discovered species of Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 179-188 ; XVIIL, 1846, pp. 297-303 ; X., 1852, pp. 93-100; XI., 1853, pp. 14-25; XIIL, 1854, pp. 173-180. 42. Report on some recent researches into the structure, functions, and economy of the Araneidea made in Great Bi-itain. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 62-79; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 221-241. Blackwall, John. 43. On the means by which various animals walk on the vertical surfaces of highly polished bodies. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 'l 845, pp. 115-119. 44. Ornithological notes. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 166-171 ; XIX., 1847, pp. 371- 379 ; IV., 1849, pp. 18-25. 45. A catalogue of Spiders either not pre- viously recorded or little known as indigenous to Great Britain, with remarks on their habits and economy. [1842.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 113-130 ; Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 131-133 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 407-408. 46. Notice of Spiders captured by Pro- fessor POTTER in Canada, with descriptions of such species as appear to be new to science. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1846, pp. 30-44, 76-81. 47. Periodical Birds observed in the years 1846 and 1847 near Llanrwst, Denbighshire, North Wales. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 75. 48. Researches having for their object the elucidation of certain phenomena in the Physio- logy of the Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1848, pp. 173-180. 49. Notes on the Salmon [S. salar] and Bull-trout [S. eriox]. Ann. Nat, Hist. V., 1850, pp. 241-246. 50. Descriptions of some newly discovered species and characters of a new genus of Ara- neidea [Schoenobates]. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 337-344. 51. A Catalogue of British Spiders, in- cluding remarks on their structure, functions, economy, and systematic arrangement ; with Supplement. Ann. Nat. Hist, VII., 1851, pp. 256-262, 396-402, 446-452 ; VIII., pp. 37-44, 95-102, 332-339, 442-450 ; IX., pp. 15-22, 268-275, 464-471 ; X., pp. 182-189, 248-253 ; XL, 1853, pp. 113-120; XIV., 1854, pp. 28- 33 ; XX., 1857, pp. 497-503. 52. Descriptions of two newly discovered species of Ai'aneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 120-122. 53. Experiments and observations on the Poison of Animals of the order Araneidea. [1848.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 31-38; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 13-15. 54. Descriptions of three newly discovered species of Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 233-236. 55. Descriptions of the male of Lycosa tarantuloides Maderiana, Walck., and of three newly discovered species of the genus Lycosa. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 282-287. 56. Descriptions of six newly discovered spe- cies and characters of a new genus [Pasithea] of Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 426-434. BLA] 405 [BLA Blackwall, John. 57. Characters of a new genus [Orithyia], and descriptions of three recently discovered species of Araneidea. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 331-335. 58. Descriptions of six recently discovered species and characters of a new genus of Ara- neidea [Veleda]. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 91-98. 59. Descriptions of newly discovered Spi- ders captured by James Yate JOHNSON, Esq., in the island of Madeira. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 255-267. 60. Descriptions of several recently dis- covered Spiders. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 441-446. 61. Descriptions of newly discovered Spi- ders from the island of Madeira. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 370-382. 62. Descriptions of newly discovered Spi- ders captured in Rio-Janeiro by John GRAY, Esq., and the Rev. Hamlet CLARK. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1862, pp. 348-360, 421-439 ; XL, pp. 29-45. 63. Notice of a Drassus and Linyphia new to science, and a Neriene hitherto unrecorded as British. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 264- 266. 64. A succinct review of recent attempts to explain several remarkable facts of the phy- siology of Spiders and Insects. Linn. Soc. Journ. VII., 1863 (Zool\ pp. 154-160. Slackwell, J. H. Report of the examination of the mineral districts of the Nerbudda Valley. Bombay, Govt. Records, No. XLIV., 1857. Blackwell, Kenyan. Ueber die verschiedenen Formen der Davy'schen Sicherheitslampen, und iiber ihren relativen Werth. ( Transl.) Dingier, Polyteclm. Journ. CXXIX., 1853, pp. 343- 349. Blackwell, Sam. H. Ueber die Benutzung der Hohofengase, und iiber das Aufgeben der Schmelzmaterialien in die Hohofen. ( Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXVIL, 1853, pp. 261-271. Blackwell, Thos. Evans. On the discharge of water over weirs and overfalls. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIII., 1852, pp. 149-160, 227-232. Blackwood, F. Astronomical observatory. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 176- 177. Bladh, Peter Johan. Berattelse om en ovanlig hog Host-flod under en stark storm i Botniska Viken den 19 Nov. 1795 ; ja'mte nagra anmark- ningar vid ratta Vattenhogdens bestammande uti Sjoar under blast och sjogang. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXIV., 1803, pp. 8-22. Bladh, Peter Johan. 2. Nagra anmarkningar om islaggnigen sistledne. Host 1805, och om andringar uti climatet i Wasa Lan. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVIIL, 1807, pp. 59-67. 3. Om Mareldar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXVIIL, 1807, pp. 79-108. 4. Forsb'k till att bestamma ratta meningen af Landgrund och Hafs-band, med nagra flera uti Kongl. Fiskeri-Forordningen af d. 14 Nov. 1766 torekommande ord. Stockholm. Akad. Handl. XXVIIL, 1807, pp. 163-172. Bladon, J. B. Remarks on the theory of Spon- taneous Generation. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 280-286, 339-341. Bladon, James. Singular mode of extrication of the Imago from the Pupa-case in a species of Crane-fly. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 101- 102. 2. Remarks on the Hieracium maculatum of Smith. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 685- 686. . 3. Observations on the descriptions of some of the Hieracia by Mr. BABINGTON in his " Manual to British Botany." Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 927-929. 4. Description of Hieracium heterophyl- lum, a species new to science. Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 961-963. 5. Additions and corrections to the Ab- stract of FBIES'S " Hieracia." Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 263-266. 6. On the British Species of Hieracium contained in the " Symbolae ad Historiam Hiera- ciorum" of FRIES. Phytologist, III., 1850, pp. 995-1000. Blagden, Sir Charles. Sur les parties consti- tuantes du tannin. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 84-86. 2. An appendix to Mr. WARE'S paper on Vision. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 110-113 ; Gil- bert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 280-284. Blagowich, Gabriel von. Praktische Methode, die Oberflache der nach Horizon tal-Schichten aufgenommenen Berge zu berechnen. Wien, Jahrb. Polytechn. Inst. XVII., 1832, pp. 21 -34. Blaikie, James. On the slate-quarries of Aber- deenshire. Highland Soc. Trans. IV., 1835, pp. 98-106. Blain, Fr. Observations ornithologiques. Re- marques sur plusieurs nouvelles localites d'oi- seaux rares. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1853, pp. 174-178. 2. Notice sur le Sterne moustac (Sterne leucopareia). Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1856, pp. 108-1 10. 3. Notice statistique sur la chasse et les animaux nuisibles en Maine et Loire. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1858, pp. 299-301. BLA] 406 [BLA Blain, Fr. 4. Rapport sur des graines de vege- taux cultives a Shang-Hai (Chine) et essais d'acclimatation en Anjou. Angers, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1861, pp. 11-17. Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. Sur 1'influence de la huitieme paire de nerfs dans la respiration. Paris, Soc. Philora. Bull. L, 1808, pp. 226-228 ; Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 532-536. 2. Note sur plusieurs especes de squale, confondues sous le nom de Squalus maximus de Linnee. Journ. de Phys. LXXL, 1810, pp. 248-259; Paris, Soc.Philom. Bull. II., 1810, pp. 169-171. 3. Sur le Squalus peregrinus. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 365-368; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 85- 135. 4. Sur la classification methodique des ani- maux mollusques, et etablissement d'une nou- velle consideration pour j parvenir. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 175-180 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1676-1681. 5. Note sur 1'Ours gris d'Amerique [Ursus ferox]. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 185-189 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1197-1200. 6. Sur 1' existence des nerfs olfactifs dans le Dauphin, et, par analogic, dans les autres Ce- tace*s. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 193- 195. 7. Sur 1' ordre des Mollusques Pterodi- branches. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 28-31 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1682-1685. 8. Sur plusieurs especes d'animaux Mam- miferes de 1'ordre des Ruminants. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 73-82; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1090-1098. 9. Sur les animaux mollusques, sur 1'ordre des Polybranches et Cyclobranches. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 51-53, 93-97; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1685-1691. 10. Prodrome d'une nouvelle distribution systematique du Regne Animal. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 105-124; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIII., 1816, pp. 244-267; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1366-1384. 11. Sur une femme de la race Hottentote. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 183-190. 12. Observations sur les Corps organises animaux trouves vivants dans 1'interieur de corps solides sans communication avec 1'air ex- terieur. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 307-315. 13. Memoire sur quelques mollusques pul- mobranches. Journ. de Phys. LXXXV.. 1817, pp. 437-444. 14. Resume des principaux travaux dans les diflerentes Sciences Physiques publics pen- dant 1'annee 1816. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 5-118. Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 15. Sur la Patelle allongee de CHEMNITZ. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 25-28. 16. Sur le Wapiti, espece de cei-f tie 1'Ame- rique septentrionale. Paris, Soc. Philom Bull. 1817, pp. 37-39; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1098- 1101. 17. Sur le paresseux a cinq doigts (Brady- pus ursinus, Shaiu}. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 74-76. 18. Sur 1'organe appele Ergot dans 1'Orni- thorhynque. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 82-84 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 318-320; Oken, Isis, L, 1817, col. 1283-1285; 1819, col. 264-266 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 112-114. 19. Sur 1'opercule des poissons. Paris Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 104-112; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1412-1419. 2O. Sur une nouvelle espece de quadrupede du nord de 1'Amerique ; Rupicapra Americana, Blainville ; Ovis montana, Ord. [Antilope lanigera, Ham. Sm.~\ Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 175-177; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1102 -1109. 21. Resume des principaux travaux dans les differentes Sciences Physiques publics pen- dant 1'annee 1817. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 4-100 ; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 8-46. 22. Sur la structure des branchies dans les foetus de Squales : Lettre de MACARTNEY. Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 157-158 ; Meek el, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 295- 296. 23. Sur le poulpe habitant de 1'Argonaute. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 366-377, 434-456 ; LXXXVIL, pp. 47-52. 24. Note sur le Stylephus Stylephorus chordatus, Shaw. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIL, 1818, pp. 68-71. 25. Ueber das Skelett. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 266-268. 26. Sur quelques points de 1'organisation des Mollusques Bivalves, par LEACH. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 14-15. 27. Sur les organes femelles de la genera- tion, et le foetus des animaux didelphes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 25-28; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 135-136. 28. Sur la classe des Setipodes, partie des vers a sang rouge de M. CUVIER, et des annelides de M. de LAMARCK. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 78-85 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 2061- 2067. 29. Sur un nouveau genre de mollusques, (Cryptostome, Cryptostomus). Paris, Soc. Phi- lom. Bull. 1818, pp. 120-122. 3O. Sur les organes de la ge'ne'ration. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 155-162. BLA] 407 [BLA Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 31. Resume des principaux travaux dans les differentes Sciences Physiques publies pendant 1'annee 1818. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIII., 1819, pp. 5-118 ; Oken, Isis (Lit. Anz.\ 1820, col. 209-231. 32. [Observations sur les organes respira- toires et circulatoires des coquillages bivalves, etc. : Memoire par BOJANUS.] Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 127-134. 33. Note sur les Animaux articules. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 467-472 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 116-121. 34. Sur 1'existence de veritables ougles a 1'aile de quelques especes d'oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, p. 41. 35. Sur un nouveau caractere osteologique servant a distinguer les animaux quadrupedes ongules en deux sections. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, p. 41. 36. Sur la Patella distorta. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 72-74. 37. Sur la degradation du coeur et des gros vaisseaux dans les Osteozoaires ou animaux vertebres. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 148-154 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 201-208. 38. Sur Fanimal de la Patella ombracula. Chemnitz. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 178-182. 39. Analyse des principaux travaux faits ou publies dans les Sciences Physiques dans le cours de 1'annee 1819. Jouru. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 5-105; Oken, Isis (Lit. Anz.\ 1821, col. 1-55. 4O. Observations sur un Memoire de M. JACOBSON, intitule : " Sur 1'existence des Reins dans les Mollusques." Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, p. 320. 41. Sur quelques cranes de Phoques. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 286-300. 42. Sur la concordance des anneaux du corps des Entomozoaires Hexapodes adultes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 33-37 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 121- 128. 43. Sur 1'organe appele Galette (Galea) dans les Orthopteres. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 85-88. 44. Description de 1'Ecureuil a bandes (Sciurus vittatus, Desm.). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 116-119. 45. Sur le systeme dentaire du Sorex aquaticus ou du genre Scalops. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 130-132. 46. Memoire sur 1'emploi de la forme du Sternum et de ses annexes pour 1'etablissement ou la confirmation des families naturelles parmi les Oiseaux. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1821, pp. 185-216. Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 47. Note sur 1'anhnal du genre Scarabaeus de M. Denys de MONTFORT (Helix scarabseus, Linn.). Journ. de Phys. XCIIL, 1821, pp. 304-310. 48. Analyse des principaux travaux dans les Sciences Physiques publies dans le cours de 1'annee 1820. Journ. de Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 5-117; Oken, Isis (Lit. Anz.), 1822, col. 281-340, 345-388. 49. Memoire sur le genre Hyale. Journ. de Phys. XCIIL, 1821, pp. 81-97. 5O. Sur le systeme nerveux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 39-58 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIIL, 1821, pp. 200-222, 304-510 ; Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. III., 1839, pp. 349-379. 51. Analyse des principaux travaux dans les Sciences Physiques publies dans 1'annee 1821. Journ. de Phys. XCIIL, 1821, pp. vi- Ixxvii. 52. Sur 1'espece de Rongeur a laquelle SHAW a donne* le nom de Mus bursarius [G-eomys, Raf.']. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 138-140. 53. Sur la patrie du Choquard ou Choucas des Alpes (Corvus pyrrhocorax). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, p. 140. 54. Sur 1'animal fossile d' (Eichstoedt. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 101-103. 55. Observations sur la difference de la coquille d'individus de sexes differens dans les Mollusques Cephales. Journ. de Phys. XCIV., 1822, pp. 92-94 ; Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VLL, 1822, pp. 571-573 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 359-361. 56. Tableau des tissus ou systemes et des Substances qui entrent dans la composition du corps des Animaux. Journ. de Phye. XCIV., 1822, pp. 151-153. 57. Memoire sur les caracteres distinctifs des especes de Cerfs. Journ. de Phys. XCIV., 1822, pp. 254-283. 58. Sur des cranes d'hommes trouves en Allemagne, et description d'une tete de Momie. Jouru. de Phys. XCIV., 1822, pp. 396-398. 59. Sur 1'analogue du peigne des Oiseaux dans I'o3il des Reptiles et des Poissons. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, p. 72. 6O. Memoire sur les Lernees. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 372-380, 437-447. 61. Note sur 1'organisation de 1'Ampul- laire. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 459-464. 62. Sur la structure et 1'analogue de la plaque dorso-cephalique des Remoras ou Eche- neis. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 119- 120 ; Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 132- 134. 63. Memoire sur les especes du genre Cal- mar (Loligo, Lamarck). Journ. de Phys. XCVL, 1823, pp. 116-133. BLA] 408 [BLA Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 64. Memoire sur Forganisation d'une espece de Mollusque nu de la famille cles Limacines [Onchidium ?]. Journ. de Phys. XCVI., 1823, pp. 175-187. 65. Sur un crocodile du Nil. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 24-26 ; Froriep, No- tizen, IV.. 1823, col. 324-326 ; Journ. de Phys. XCVI., 1823, pp. 263-265. 66. Observations sur plusieurs Serpens du genre Python vivants a Paris dans les mois de Janvier et Fevrier 1823. Journ. de Phys. XCVI., 1823, pp. 272-289 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 49-53 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1823, col. 33-38. 67. Analyse cles principaux travaux dans les Sciences Physiques publics dans le cours de 1'annee 1823. Journ. de Phys. XCVI., 1823, pp. vi-cxxviii. 68. Sur la place que doit occuper dans la serie des mollusques la Patella porcellana, Linn. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 161-166. ^ 69. Sur 1'emploi de 1'opercule dans 1'eta- blissement ou la confirmation des genres de co- quilles univalves. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 91-93, 108-109 ; Froriep, Notizen, XI., 1825. col. 164-166 ; XIL, 1826, col. 278- 279. 70. Sur 1'appareil sternal de 1'agami (Pso- phia agami, Linn.}. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 126-127; Froriep, Notizen, XIL, 1826, col. 17-18. 71. Note sur un Cetace echoue au Havre, et sur un ver trouve dans sa graisse. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1825, pp. 139-141 ; Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1826, col. 212-214 ; Ferus.sac,Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1827, pp. 139-141. 72. Sur 1'appareil de la generation dans les Moulettes et les Anodontes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 156-160 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1826, col. 6-10. 73. Sur la vipere galonnee (Coluber lem- niscatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, p. 210; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 427-428 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, pp. 428- 440 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XIII., 1826, col. 337-341. 74. Welcher Platz gebiihrt der Gattung Opaethus in der Klasse der Vogel. Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1826, col. 2 1-24. 75. Sur le Fou de Bassan (Sula alba, Meyer; Pelecanus Bassanus, Linn.; Gmel.}. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, p. 16. 76. Sur la place du Touraco [Corythaix] dans la classe des oiseaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 45-47. 77. Sur une nouvelle espece de Rongeur fouisseur du Bresil (Ctenomys brasiliensis). Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 62-64 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 97-104; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 897. Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 78. Note sur la generation de 1'Hydre verte. Paris, Soc Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 77-78. 79. Sur quelques petits animaux qui, apres avoir perdu le mouvement par la dessiccation, le reprennent comme auparavant quand on vieut a les mettre dans 1'eau. Paris. Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 90-93; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 104-110; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 425-427; Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 897-898. 8O. Note sur les doubles canaux de la ma- trice des Mammiferea parongules. decouverts par M. GARTNER. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 109-112. 81. Sur les mamelles de 1'Ornithorhynque femelle, et sur 1'ergot du male. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 138-140. 82. Quelques observations sur la distinction des especes en ornithologie. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 156-157. 83. Sur la difference des sexes dans une espece de Gelasimus (G. Marionis). Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XV. ; 1828, pp. 180-181 ; Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1828, col. 225-227. 84. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. JACOB- SON, ayant pour titre : " Observations sur le developpement pretendu des CEufs des Mou- lettes ou Unios et des Anodontes dans leurs branchies." Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV, 1828, pp. 22-62 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. VIIL, 1829, pp. 57-96; Heusinger, Zeitschr. III., 1833, pp. 94-105 ; Oken. Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 217-222. 85. Disposition methodique des especes recentes et fossiles des genres Pourpre, Ricinule, Licorne, et Concholepas de LAMARCK, et descrip- tion des especes nouvelles ou peu connues, fai- sant partie de la collection du Museum d'His- toire Naturelle de Paris. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. I., 1832, pp. 189-263. 86. Rapport sur les observations zoolo- giques, faites par M. GAY, dans son voyage au Chili en 1831. L'Institut, I., 1833, pp. 68-69. 87. Memoire sur la nature du produit fe- melle de la generation dans 1'Ornithorhynque. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. II., 1833, pp. 369-416; Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1833, pp. 47-48. 88. Sur les glandes mammaires de 1'Orni- thorhynque. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1833, pp. 69-70. 89. Anatomie des coquilles polythalames siphonees recents pour eclaircir la structure des especes fossiles. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. III., 1834, pp. 1-27. 9O. Rapport sur les resultats zoologiques du voyage de M. d'ORBiGNT dans 1'Amerique meridionale. L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 138- 139 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 296-311. BLA] 409 [BLA Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 91. Memoire sur le Dodo, autrement Dronte (Didus ineptus, Linn.}. [1830.] Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. IV., 1835, pp. 1-36 ; Bibl. Univ. I., 1836, pp. 393-394. 92. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. de QUATKEFAGES, intitule : " Sur la vie intrabran- chiale des petites Anodontes." Paris, Comptes Eendus, I., 1835, pp. 294-300 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1835 (Zool), pp. 283-290. 93. Instructions pour la Zoologie [voyage de la Bonite]. Paris, Comptes Eendus, I., 1835, pp. 373-377. 94. Memoire sur les ossements fossiles attri- bues au pretendu geant Teutobochus, roi des Cimbres. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. IV., 1835, pp. 37-73. 95. Rapport sur le ciron de la gale (Acarus scabiei). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. IV., 1835, pp. 213-232; Froriep, Notizen, XLII., 1834, pp. 161-166. 96. Description de quelques especes de Reptiles de la Californie, precedee de 1'analyse d'un systeme general d'Erpetologie et d'Amphi- biologie. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. IV., 1835, pp. 233-296. 97. Sur quelques especes de singes confon- dues sous le nom d'Orang-Outang. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 73-76; Froriep, 'Notizen, XL VIII., 1836, col. 241-244; IV., 1838, col. 97-100. 98. Sur la place que doit occuper dans le systeme ornithologique le genre Chionis, ou Bec-en-fourreau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 155-164 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1836 (Zool.), pp. 97-106. 99. Pretendues empreintes de pied d'un quadrupede dans le gres bigarre de Hildburg- hausen. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 454-455. 1OO. Belemnites : Rapport sur un Memoire de M. DESHAYES. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 690-695 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1836 (Zool.), pp. 364-368. 101. Sur une tete de Chameau fossile dans un gres des Sous-Himalaya. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, p. 528; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1836 (Zool.), pp. 317-319. 1O2. Rapport sur un memoire de M. RANG concernant le poulpe de 1'Argonaute. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 172-180; Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 393-403. 103. Note sur la forme des extremites arti- culaires du corps des vertebres. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 58-59; Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 138-142. 104. Lettre sur le poulpe de PArgonaute. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 188-220. Blainville, Henri Ducrotay de. 105. Lettre sur la cause organique de la ponte du Coucou dans un nid etranger. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 249-251. 1O6. Sur quelques anomalies du systeme dentaire dans les Mammiferes. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 285-314. 1O7. Note sur les Carnassiers insectivores. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 315- 316. 108. Quelques observations sur 1'animal de la Spirule, et sur 1'usage du siphon des coquilles polythalames. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837, pp. 369-382. 1O9. Sur le Chameau fossile, ct sur le Siva- theriumdes Sous-Himalayas meridionaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 71-76. - 110. Observations sur une note par M. GEOFFROT sur le Chameau et le Sivatherium fossiles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 166-168. -- 111. Note sur la tete de Dinotherium gigan- teum. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 421-430; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 49 -52. - 112. Sur les ossements fossiles attribues au pretendu geant Teutobochus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 633-634. - 113. Rapport sur la decouverte de plusieurs ossements fossiles de quadrumanes, dans le depot tertiare de Sansan, pres d'Auch. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 981-998 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1837 (Zool.), pp. 232-246. - 114. Rapport sur un nouvel envoi de fos- siles provenant du dep6t de Sansan. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 417-427. - 115. Rapport sur un memoire de M. Jo UK- DAN concernant deux nouvelles especes de mam- miferes de 1'Inde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 588-596 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1837 (Zool.), pp. 270-281. - 116. Ueber einen unlangst in Paris auge- kommenen Schimpanse (Simia troglodytes). Fro- riep, Notizen, IV., 1837, pp. 97-100. - 117. Instructions pour la Zoologie [voyage de 1' " Astrolabe "]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 691-716. - 118. Recherches sur 1'anciennete des Chei- ropteres ou des Animaux de la famille des Chauve-Souris a la surface de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 807-822 ; Ann'. Sci. Nat. IX. 1838 (Zool.), pp. 357-365; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXV., 1838, pp. 21-27. 119. Sur les Cachalots. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. II., 1838, pp. 335-337. 12O. Sur la distribution geographique des Mammiferes primates (Quadrumanes). Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. II., 1838, pp. 358-361. 3 F BLA] [BLA Blainville, Henri Ducrotay cle. 121. Resultats zoologiques du voyage de la "Bonite." Paris. Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 445-460 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, VII., 1838, col. 225-232. 243- 248. 122. Recherches sur I'anciennete des Mam- miferes insectivores a la surface de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 738- 744 ; Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. IL, 1838, pp. 186 -222. 123. Doutes sur le pretendu Didelphe fos- sile de Stonesfield. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 402-418 ; Mag. Nat. Hist. IL., 1838, pp. 639-654. 124. Nouveaux doutes sur le pretendu Di- delphLs de Stouesfield. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 727-736, 749-751 ; Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 49-57. 125. Sur I'llyaniodou leptorhynchus (de Laizer), nouveau genre de carnassiers fossiles d'Auvergne : Rapport. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VH., 1838, pp. 1004-1013 ; Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. III., 1839, pp. 17-31. 126. Remarques a Toccasion d'une lettre de M. BAILLON sur le Cygne de Bewick. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 1022-1026. 127. Sur Fanimal de la Spirule. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. HI., 1839, pp. 82-85. 128. Recherches sur I'anciennete des Eden- tes terrestres a la surface de la terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 65-69 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XL, 1839 (Zool.), pp. 1 13-122 ; Revue Zool. IL, 1839, pp. 2-5, 33^35. 129. Memoire sur les traces qu'ont laissees a la surface de la terre les Edentes terrestres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 139- 146. 13O. Sur la structure des poumons : Rapport sur un Memoire de M. BAZIN. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 234-241 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1839 (Zool.), pp. 148-156. 131. Notice historique sur la place assignee aux Cecilies dans la serie zoologique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1 839, pp. 663-675 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1839 (Zool.), pp. 360-374. 132. Note sur les vertebres cervicales de 1'A'i (Bradypus tridactylus, Linn.). Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 762-764 ; Laurent, Annal. d'Anat, III., 1839, pp. 257- 269. 133. Rapport fait a 1'Academie des Sciences sur un Memoire de M. DUFO, intitule : "Obser- vations sur les Mollusques marine, terrestres et fluviatiles des iles Sechelles et des Amirantes." Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 392-397 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1 840, pp. 198- Blainville, Henri Ducrotay dc. 134. Sur les collections zoologiques de M. DELESSEE.T, recueil- lies dans les Indes Orieutales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 385-388, 389-390. 135. Rapport sur la Renne fossile : Memoire de M. PUEL. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL. 1840, pp. 390-393. 136. Description iconographique comparee du squelette et du systeme dentaire des cinq classes d'animaux vertebres recents et fossiles, pour servir de base a la Zoologie et a la Geo- logic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 228-233. 137. Rapport sur le Metaxytherium : Me- moire de M. CHRISTOL. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XII., 1841, pp. 235-242. 138. [Considerations sur la famille des Sub- ursus, dans laquelle sont compris tous les genres de Carnassiers par lesquels on passe des Ursus aux Mustela.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841', pp. 164-180. 139. Rapport sur les resultats zoologiques du voyage de 1' Astrolabe. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 690-716. 14O. Osteographie et odontograpliie des Mustelas. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 210-219. 141 . Rapport relatif aux Memoires de M. LAURENT sur les Hydros. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XV., 1842, pp. 373-388 ; Froriep, Notizen. XXIV., 1842, col. 81-90, 100-106. Blair, (-Dr.) Remarks on men of gigantic stature, and particularly on the Irish Giant. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1804, pp. 355-357. 2. On some remarkable primitive monu- ments existing at or near Carnac in Brittany ; and on the discrimination of Races by their local and fixed monuments. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 82-83. Blair, Archibald. On the permanency of achro- matic Telescopes constructed with Fluid Object Glasses. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VH., 1827, pp. 336-342. 2. Observations on the superiority of achro- matic Telescopes with Fluid Object Glasses. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IV., 1826, pp. 282-285. Blair, David. Microscopic appearances of evacua- tions in Yellow Fever. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 274-282. Blair, George. Some results in electro-magnetism obtained with the balance galvanometer. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 311-318. Blair, Henry C. On Hypericum perforatum. American Journ. Pharm. IL, 1837, pp. 23-26. Blair, Robert. Experiments and observations on the unequal Refrangibility of Light. [1791.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. III., 1794, pp. 3-76 ; Gilbert, Annal. VL, 1800, pp. 129-149. BLA] 411 [BLA Blair, Robert. 2. The principles and application of a new method of constructing achromatic Telescopes. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 1-13. Blair, Thomas. A short notice of the habits of Testacellus scutulum. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 43-47. Blake, C. A. Description of a supposed new genus and species of Saturniidse from the Rocky Mountains (Chloradia, C. Pandora). Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, p. 279. Blake, C. U. An agricultural memoir of the Poornea district. India, Agric. Soc. Trans. I.. 1838, pp. 123-182. Blake, Charles Carter. On the discovery of Macrauchenia in Bolivia. Ann. Nat. Hist.VIL, 1861, pp. 441-443. 2. On the distribution of Mastodon in South America. Geologist, 1861, pp. 469-472. 3* On the syndaetylous condition of the Hand in Man and the Anthropoid Apes. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 98-99. 4. Note on Stone Celts from Chirique. Etlmol. Soc. Trans. II., 1863, pp. 166-169. 5. On the cranial characters of the Peru- vian Races of Men. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. II., 1863, pp. 216-232. Blake, Eli W. On the form of the teeth of Cog- Wheels. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 86-102. 2. Remarks on Mr. QTJINBY'S demonstration of " the Crank Problem ; " with a general view of the subject of the transmission of power by machinery. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 338-344. 3. On the manufacture of Steel. Silliman. Journ. XVII, 1830, pp. 111-116. 4. Remarks on the theory of the Resist- ance of Fluids. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 274-283. 5. On the Resistance of Fluids, in reply to Prof. KEELY ; with remarks on the measure of mechanical power. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 359-366. 6. Of the law which governs the flow of Elastic Fluids through Orifices. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 78-83. 7. A determination of the general law according to which Pulses differing in intensity are propagated in Elastic Media, with remarks on the received theory of the Velocity of Sound. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 373-377. 8. Influence of the known laws of motion on the Expansion of Elastic Fluids. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, pp. 334-343. 9. On the flow of Elastic Fluids through Orifices ; with a suggestion of a new method of determining the mutual relations of Elastic Force, Temperature, and Density in an expand- ing fluid. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 186-1 94. Blake, Ethelstone H. On the Primary Rocks of Donegal. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. IX., 1860- 62, pp. 294-300. Blake, James. On the Electrical Currents pro- duced during the process of Fermentation and Vegetation. Phil. Mag. XII. 1838, pp. 539- 541; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1838, col. 339-341. 2. Observations on the physiological effects of the various agents introduced into the Circulation as indicated by the Hsemady- namometer. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LI., 1839, pp. 330-345 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. VI., 1839, pp. 289-300; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1839, col. 241-249. 3. Recherches sur les phenomenes resul- tant de 1'introduction de certains sels dans les voies de la circulation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 875-876 ; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LIV., 1840, pp. 339-349; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 143-145. 4. Experimental researches on the mode of operation of Poisons. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1839, p. 155. 5. Observations and experiments on the mode in which various poisonous agents act on the Animal body. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LIII., 1840, pp. 35-49. 6. On the action of Poisons. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1841, pp. 412-423 ; Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XVIII., 1849, pp. 97-106. 7. On the action of certain Inorganic Com- pounds when introduced directly into the Blood. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1841, pp. 285-286 ; Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1841, pp. 104-124. 8. Report on the Physiological Action of Medicines. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843, pp. 115- 119 ; 1845, pp. 82-86; 1846, pp. 27-31. 9. On the connexion between the Isomor- phous relations of the Elements and their Phy- siological Action. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 40-41. Blake, (Prof.} James. On the diluvial or quarter- nary deposits in California. Silliman, Journ. XIIL, 1852, pp. 385-391. Blake, John If. Meteorological observations made at the mines of San Fernando, situated in the Partido de la Manicaraqua, island of Cuba, at an elevation 554 feet above the sea. Silli- man, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 292-298. 2. Coal Mines in Cuba. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 388-390. 3. Geological and miscellaneous notice of the province of Tarapaca [Peru]. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 1-12; Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1843, pp. 133-143. Blake, John H., and Jackson. On the frozen well at Brandon, Vt. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII. 1859-61, pp. 81-84. 3 P 2 BLA] 412 [BLA Blake, John H., Jackson, and Rogers. Ee- port of the Committee appointed to examine the frozen Well of Brandon, Vermont. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IX., 1863, pp. 72-81. Blake, William P. On the dimorphism of cop- per. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 151152. 2. Occurrence of crystallized Oxyd of Chromium in furnaces for manufacturing chro- mate of potash. Amer. Assoc. Proc, 1850, pp. 204-206 ; Silliman, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 352- 354 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 121- 123. 3. Description of a new instrument for measuring the angle contained between the Optic Axes of Crystals and for G oniometrical purposes ; accompanied by the angles contained between the Optic Axes of some American Micas. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 378- 381. 4. On a method for distinguishing between Biaxial and Uni axial Crystals when in thin plates ; and the results of examination of several supposed Uniaxial Micas. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 50-54; Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 6-9. 5. On a new locality of red Sapphire, with notices of the associate minerals. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, p. 247. 6. Optical and blowpipe examination of the supposed Chlorite of Chester County, Pa. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 238-241 ; Silli- man, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 339-341. 7. Mineralogical Notices. Silliman, Journ. XIH., 1852, pp. 116-117. 8. On the occurrence of Crystalline Zinc Oxyd as a furnace product in New Jersey. Silliman, Journ. XIII. 1852, pp. 417-418. 9. Mineralogical Notices : 1. Brown Tourmaline ; 2. Red Zinc oxyd ; 3. Molybdate of Lead ; 4. Apatite. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, p. 105. 1O. On the occurrence of crystallized Car- bonate of Lanthanum. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1853, pp. 228-230 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 374-375. 11. Quicksilver Mine of Almaden, Cali- fornia, Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 438- 440. 12. Notices of remarkable strata contain- ing the remains of Infusoria and Polythalamia in the tertiary formation of Monterey, Califor- nia. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854- 55, pp. 328-331. 13. On the grooving and polishing of hard rocks and minerals by dry sand. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 185o, pp. 216-220; Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 178-181. Blake, William P.' 14. Observations on the characters and probable geological age of the Sandstone formation of San Francisco. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 220-222. 15. Remarks upon the geology of Cali- fornia from observations in connexion with the United States Surveys and Explorations for a railroad route to the Pacific. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 222-225. 16. Note upon a peculiarity of the Red- wood (genus Sequoia). Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 230. 17. Notes upon the grove of Mammoth Trees in Calaveras county, California. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 231-232. 18. Observations on the extent of the Gold Region of California and Oregon, with notices of mineral localities in California, and of some remarkable specimens of crystalline gold. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 72 85. 19. Remains of the Mammoth and Masto- don in California. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, p. 133. 20. Observations on the Orography of the western portion of the United States. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 119-134. 21. Description of the Fossils and Shells collected in California. Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1856, pp. 268-275. 22. On the rate of Evaporation on the Tulare Lakes of California. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1856, pp. 365-368. 23. Note on the occurrence of Telluret of Silver in California. Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 270-271. 24. The Chalchihuitl of the ancient Mexi- cans : its locality and association, and its iden- tity with Turquoise. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 227-232. 25. Lanthanite and Allanite in Essex county, N.Y. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1858, pp. 245-246. 26. Observations on the mineral resources of the Rocky Mountains chain, near Santa Fe, and the probable extent southwards of the Rocky Mountains Gold-field. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. VII., 1859-61, pp. 64-70. 27. Observations on the geology of the Rocky Mountains chain in the vicinity of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1859, pp. 314-319. Blakely, T. A. A mathematical investigation of the proportion between the length required for an Electric Telegraph Cable and its specific gravity. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 11. 2. On improvements in Ordnance. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 179. BLA] 113 [BLA Blakeley, T. A. 3. A mode of constructing cannon, whereby the strain produced by tiring is distributed throughout the mass of metal. United Service Journ. II., 1859, pp. 304-337 ; in., I860, pp. 1-17. 4. On the practical application of a princi- ple [of building cannon] announced to the Royal Irish Academy by R. MALLET, Esq. ; and some remarks on rifled cannon. Nat. Hist. Review, VII., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 312-317. 5. Rifled Ordnance. United Service Journ IV., 1861, pp. 397-423. Blakiston, ( Cant.) Thomas. Birds of the Crimea. Newman, Zoologist, XV.. 1857, pp. 5348-5353, 5421-5425, 5502-5515, 5597-5604, 5672-5680. 2. Report on the exploration of two Passes (the Kootanie and Boundary Passes) of the Rocky Mountains in 1858. Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1859, pp. 320-341. 3. Scraps from the far West. Newman, Zoologist, XVII., 1859, pp. 6318-6325, 6373- 6376. 4. Account of a remarkable Ice shower. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, p. 468. 5. On birds collected and observed in the interior of British North America. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 314-320; IV., 1862, pp. 3-10 ; V., 1863, pp. 39-87, 121-155. 6. On the ornithology of Northern Japan. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 309-333 ; V., 1863, pp. 97-100. Blanc, . Bemerkungen iiber die Erregung der Tone. Schweigger, Journ. XXVIIL, 1820, pp. 88-90. Blanc, Alphonse. Considerations sur les vents du nord et du sud. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1831, pp. 421-424 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 207-208. Blanc-Dutrouilh, . Rapport sur Petat actuel du cours de la Garonne, et les moyens de 1'ameliorer. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances Publ. 1826, pp. 95-124. Blancard, . Appareil de MARSH regularise : influence du soufre sur 1'apparition des taches arsenicales. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 543-555. Blanchard, . Sur son ascension aero- statique, qui a eu lieu a Philadelphe le 9 Janvier 1793. Montpellier, Recueil des Bull. II., 1805, pp. 181-203. Blanchard, . Sur un insecte de la fa- mille des Longicornes, nuisible aux Palmiers. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc.Verb. 1814, pp. 129-130. Blanchard, . Des Harmonies individuelles. France, Congres Scientifique, XX., 1853, pp. 199-220. 2. Note sur la conformation particuliere de la tete observee dans le Limousin. France, Con- gres Scientifique, XXVI., 1859 (pte. 2), pp. 1-24. Blanchard, (Major). [Des degats produits sur une boite en ecaille fondue par des Anthrenus pimpinellae.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. xv-xvi. 2. Liste d'Insectes Coleopteres trouves a Fouras, Charente Inferieure. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. iii-iv. Blanchard, A. Note sur 1'Ascalaphus Italicus. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Bull. I., 1826, p. 162. 2. Extrait d'une lettre relative a la coquille de 1'Argonaute. Bordeaux, Soc. Linn. Bull. III., 1829, p. 195. Blanchard, Emile. Description de Mantis chlo- rophrea. Mag. de Zool. V., 1835 (cl. ix. pi. 135). 2. Description de Staphylinus olens, Linn., Fab. Mag. de Zool. VI., 1836 (cl. 165). 3. Notice sur les metamorphoses des Cole- opteres du genre Telephore. Mag. de Zool. VI., 1836. 4. Monographic du genre Ommexecha, de la famille des Acridiens. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1836, pp. 603-624. 5. Sur la larve de Helops lanipes, Fab. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837 (cl. ix. pi. 175). 6. Xiphicora Pierretii, n. sp. Mag. de Zool. VII., 1837 (cl. ix. pi. 185). 7. Monographic du genre Phoraspis, de la famille des Blattiens. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. 271-298. 8. Sur la distribution geographique des animaux articules. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, XII., 1841, pp. 1216-1218 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIV, 1841, pp. 194-196 ; Revue Zool. 1841, pp. 205- 206. 9. Prionus Favieri, n. sp. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1841, pp. 129-130. 1O. Notice sur un insecte de la famille des Longicornes (Purpuricenus Loreyi, Dup.). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XL, 1842, pp. 49-51. 11. Remarques sur les metamorphoses ob- servees chez les Buprestides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 221-229. 12. Recherches entomologiques faites en Sicile et en Calabre ; [nouvelles especes de Bru- chus.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, pp. Ixxix-lxxxvi. 13. Recherches faites pendant un voyage en Sicile : Observations sur le systeme nerveux des Mollusques acephales testaces ou lamelli- branches. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1845, pp. 321-340; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1845, col. 225-228 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 496-498. 14. [Observations sur quelques Eumol- pites, recueillis en Sicile ; sur les moeurs de Bruchus pandani, Blanchard ; et sur le Figulus striatus de 1'Ile de France]. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. iv-v. BLA] 114 [BLA Bianchard, Entile. 15. [Caracteres fournis par lalevre inferieure des Coleopteres.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, pp. xxxix-xl. 16. Sur 1'organisation d'un animal nouveau appartenant au sous-embrauchement des vers [Xenistum Valenciennfei]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1342-1345. . 17. Recherches anatomiques et geologiques sur 1'organisation des Insectes, et particuliere- ment sur leur systeme nerveux. Premiere partie : les Coleopteres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 752-754, 963-964. 18. Observations sur 1'organisation d'un type de la classe des Arachnides, le genre Galeode (Galeodes, Latr.). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1383-1387 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Zoo/.), 1847, pp. 227-238; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1846, col. 117-120. 19. Memoire sur 1'organisation d'un animal appartenant au sous-embranchement des An- neles, le genre Malacobdelle (Malacobdella) de Blainvtile. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zoo/.), 1845, pp. 364-380 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 81-84 ; XXXIX., 1846. col. 4-9, 20-26. 20. Sur les organes oculiformes des Peignes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 24- 25. 21. Recherches sur le systeme nerveux des Mollusques gasteropodes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1845, pp. 25-27. 22. Remarques sur 1'embryogenie des Dip- teres de la tribu des Omithomyiens (Pupipares de Latreille). Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 6-8; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII.. 1846, col. 276-277. 23. Recherches sur 1'organisation des Vers. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 62-65, 67-71 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1034-1039; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zoal\ 1847, pp. 87-128; VIII., 119-149, 271-341; X., 321-364 ; XI., 106-202 ; XII., 5-68. 24. Recherches anatomiques et zoologiques sur le systeme nerveux des animaux sans ver- tebres : sur les Coleopteres. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zoo/.), 1846, pp. 273-379. 25. De la circulation chez les insectes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 870- 872 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 112-114; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zoo/.), 1848, pp. 359- 398 ; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1847, col. 342- 343. 26. Note sur un genre d'insectes de la famille des Prionides (le genre Macrodontia). Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zoo/.), 1848, p. 210. 27. Note sur les Coleopteres du genre Eurhinus, de la famille des Curcolioniens. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1848 (Zoo/.), pp. 143-144. Bianchard, Emile. 28. Reeherches sur 1'or- ganisatiou des Mollusques gasteropodes de 1'ordre des Opisthobranches, M. Edw. (Nudibranches,, et Testibranches, Cuv.) Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VI., 1848, pp. 244-246 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Zoo/.), 1848, pp. 172-191 ; XL, 1849, pp. 74-90; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1848, col. 263-264. 29. De la propagation des vers qui habi- tent le corps de 1'homme [Helminthes]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 355-359; Froriep, Notizen. VII., 1848, col. 81-84 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 78-79. 3O. Du systeme nerveux chez les Inver- tebres (Mollusques et Anneles) dans ses rapports avec la classification de ces animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., ] 848, pp. 623-625. 31. Second Memoire sur 1'organisation des Malacobdelles (groupe de sous-embranchement des Vers). Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 267-275 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 630-632 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 147-148. 32. De 1'appareil circulatoire et des or- ganes de la respiration dans les Arachnides. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 317-351; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 200-202. 33. Note sur le sang des Arachnides. Ann. Sci. Nat, XII. (Zoo/.), 1849, pp. 351-352. 34. Reponse a diverges objections touchant la circulation dans les Insectes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 757-761 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 257-268. 35. Sur le systeme nerveux des Tenias. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 60-61. 36. De 1'acclimatation de divers Bombyx qui fournissent de la soie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 670-672. ' 37. De 1'appareil circulatoire et des or- ganes de la respiration dans les Arachnides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 60-64. 38. De 1'organisation et des rapports natu- rels des Linguatules. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 645-647. 39. De la composition de la bouche dans les Insectes de 1'ordre des Dipteres. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 424-427. 4O. De la circulation du sang et de la nutrition chez les Insectes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851. pp. 367-370 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Zoo/.), 1851, pp. 371-376; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 74-76. 41. Observations sur la circulation du sang chez les Arachnides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 402-404 ; Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, p. 279. 42. [Observations sur le Masaris vespi- formis.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1853, pp. vi-vii. BLA] 415 Blanchard, Emilc. 43. Sur les mouvements du fluide nourricier chez les Arachnides pulmonaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp 1079-1081 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 219 -221. 44. Des modifications du type dans la famille des Scorpionides. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXX VIII., 1854, pp. 965-969. 45. Des fonctions du foie chez les Arach- nides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp 1256-1258. 46. Des caracteres osteologiques chez les Oiseaux de la famille des Psittacides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 1097-1100. 47. Nouvelles observations sur les carac- teres osteologiques chez les Oiseaux de la famille des Psittacides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 518-521. 48. Observations relatives a la generation des Arachnides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 741-742; Ann. Nat. Hist, XIX., 1857, pp. 428-429. 49. De la determination de quelques oiseaux fossiles et des caracteres osteologiques des Gal- linaces (ou famille des Gallides, Gallidte). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 128-131 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.\ 1857, pp. 91-106. 50. Remarques sur 1'osteologie des Muso- phagides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 599-600. 51. Cantharis telephorus. Wiegmann, Archiv, III., 1857 (Bd. 2), p. 294. 52. Du grand sympathique chez les ani- maux articules. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zool.\ 1858, pp. 5-10; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 992-995. 53. Recherches sur les caracteres osteo- logiques des Oiseaux appliquees a la classifica- tion naturelle de ces animaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool\ 1859, pp. 10-145 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 47-50. 54. Observations sur le systeme dentaire chez les Oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 540-542. 55. De la fecondation et du liquide semi- nal chez les Arachnides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 727-729 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1860, pp. 505-506. 56. Recherches anatomiques et physiolo- giques sur le systeme tegumentaire des Reptiles (Sauriens et Ophidiens). Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LI., 1860, pp. 242-246 ; Ann. Nat, Hist. V., 1860, pp. 505-506. 57. Des modifications dans la conformation du cosur chez les Oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LI., 1860, pp. 712-715. Blanchard, F. De la recherche des mines au moyen de la baguette divinatoire. Presse Sci- entifique, II., 1861, pp. 173-175. Blanchard, //. Memorandum respecting an old Globe (supposed date about 1 520) in the Public Library of Frankfort-on-Maine ; brought there from a Monastery about sixty years ago. G-eogr. Soc. Journ. XVIIL, 1848, pp. 45-47. Blanchard, P. H. Des corps a 1'etat de cris- taux. Moigno, Cosmos, III., 1853, pp. 580- 587. Blanche, . Geologic de la vallee du Damour. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1847-48, pp. 12-17. Blanche, Em. Rectifications et additions a la Flore des environs de Rouen. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1850-51, pp. 112-158. Blanchemain, . Demonstration analytique d'une proposition connue sous le nom de paral- lelogramme des forces. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1808, pp. 25-27. Blanchet, .F. The theory of Explosions. [1799.1 Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VIL, 1800, pp. 71-76 ; New York Med. Repos. III. (2nd Edit.}, 1805, pp. 262-267. 2. On the vapour which rises from the sur- face of the river St. Lawrence during the severe cold of Winter. New York Med. Repos. III. (2 nd Edit.), 1805, pp. 154-155. Blanchet, P. H. Memoire sur la propagation et la polarisation du mouvement dans un milieu elastique indefini, crystallise d'une maniere quel- conque. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 1-30. 2. Extrait d'une lettre adressee a M. LIOUVILLE. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1841, pp. 65-68. 3. Demonstration geometrique de Pidentite de la limite exterieure de 1'onde, que M. CAUCHY vient de donner (C. R., p. 197) avec celle que j'ai donnee precedemment dans un Memoire du 5 Juillet. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 339-340. 4. Note sur les mouvements tres-petits qui subsistent entre les diflerentes nappes de 1'onde dans la propagation d'un ebranlement central. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 958- 960. 5. Memoire sur la delimitation le 1'onde dans la propagation des mouvements vibratoires. [1841.] Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 13-22. 6. Memoire sur une circonstance remar- quable de delimitation de 1'onde. [1841.] Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 23-34. 7. Memoire sur les ondes successives. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 73-97. Blanchet, Rodolphe. Sur la composition de la solanine. Annal. de Chimie, LILT., 1833, pp. 414-416; Liebig, Annal. VIL, 1833, pp. 152- 153. BLA] 416 [BLA Blancnet, Rodolphe. 2. Darstellung und Ana- lyse einiger iitherischen Oele. Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 154-167 ; L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 91-92 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIIL, 1834, pp. 53-60; Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1835, pp. 383-385. 3. Ueber die Zusammensetzung einiger organischer Substanzen. Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 259-313; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 224-240, 341-356 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 133-150. 4. Memoire sur que\ques insectes qui nui- sent a la vigne dans le canton de Vaud. Schwei- zer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. V., 1841. 5. Influence de 1'ammoniaque et des corn- bin aisons azotees sur la ^vegetation. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1842, pp. 101-102. 6. Sur le mecanisme des sensations. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 166- 179. 7. Memoire sur la taille de la vigne. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 231- 237. 8. Sur la distribution des depots erratiques dans le bassin du Leman. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 258-275. 9. Tableau de la classification des fruits. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 279 -281. 10. Wirkung des Schwefelwasserstoffs auf die Fische. Liebig, Annal. LIV, 1845, pp. 109 -112. 11. Essai sur la combustion dans les etres organises et inorganises. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1847, pp. 68-77. 12. Resultats d'une serie d'observations meteorologiques. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 142-161. 13. Memoire sur 1'orage qui a ravage le Canton de Vaud le 23 Aout 1850. Ann. Met. de France, 1852, pp. 74-112. 14. Communication sur la grele. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1853, pp. 151-169. 15. Du terrain tertiaire Vauclois. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 85- 92. 16. Notices sur les effets du gel au lac de Joux. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854- 55, pp. 224-225. 17. De la production de la lumiere chez les Lampyres. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 436-437. 18. Flore fossile du terrain anthracifere des Alpes. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., .1554-55, pp. 322-323. 19. Quelques idees sur les modifications du relief de la terre dans la vallee du Rhone et du Leman. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 157-161. Blanchet, Rodolphe. 2O. Goniobates Agassizi. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1860, pp. 472- 473. 21. Note sur 1'Helix aspersa, Mull. [1861.] Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VII., 1864, pp. 233 -235. Blanchet et Lefrou. Catalogue des plantes qui croissent spontanement dans le departement de Loir et Cher, et qui y ont ete recueillies jusqu'a ce jour. France, Congres Scientifique, 1836, pp. 23-63. Blanchon, . Sur 1'Isatis tinctoria. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Annal. XVIII., 1853, pp. 205- 206. Blanckley, . Account of the island and province of Chiloe. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 344-361. 2. Von zwei Peruvianischen Mumien. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XX., 1841, col. 6-8. Blanco, . Sur la Pistache de terre ou Ara- chis hypogaea. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVII., 1850, pp. 524-528. Bland, . List of Birds of Bermuda. Smith- sonian Inst. Ann. Rep. 1858, pp. 286-289. Bland, James H. B. Catalogue of the Longicorn Coleoptera taken in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 93- 101. 2. Descriptions of several supposed new species of Cerambycidas in the collection of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 267-276. 3. Descriptions of a few supposed new spe- cies of North American Coleoptera. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 353-356 ; II., 1863, pp. 319-323. Bland, Thomas. Facts and principles relating to the origin and the geographical distribution of Mollusca. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 389-404. 2. Notes sur les causes de 1'erosion de cer- taines coquilles fluviatiles. Petit, Journ. de Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 306-308. 3. Note on the geographical distribution of the terrestrial ruollusks which inhabit the island of St. Thomas, W. I. [1854.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 74-75. 4. On the absorption of parts of the in- ternal structure of their shells, by the animals of Stoastoma, Lucidella, Trochatella, Helicina, and Proserpina. [1854.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 75-77. 5. On Proserpina opalina, C. B. Ad., and Helix Proserpinula, Pfr. [1854.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 77-78. 6. Notes on certain terrestrial mollusk,- which inhabit the West Indies. [1855.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 147- 155. BLA] 417 [BLA Bland, Thomas. 7. Descriptions of two new species of North American Helicidae. New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 277-280. 8. Remarks on certain species of North American Helicidce. New York, Annal. Ly- ceum, VI., 1858, pp. 280-302, 336-362 ; VII.. 1862, pp. 26-39, 115-141, 420-448. 9. On the geographical distribution of the genera and species of land shells of the West India Islands, and a catalogue of the species of each island. New York. Annal. Lyceum, VII., 1862, pp. 335-361. 1O. Notice of land and fresh-water shells, collected by J. G. COOPER in the Rocky Moun- tains, &c., in 1860. New York, Annal. Lyceum, VII., 1862, pp. 362-367. 11. On the family Proserpinacea, with de- scription of a new species of the genus Proser- pina. New York, Annal. Lyceum^ VIII., 1863, pp. 13-17. 12. Remarks on classifications of North American Helices by European authors, and espe- cially by H. and A. ADAMS and ALBERS. New York, Annal. Lyceum, VIII., 1863, pp. 17-40. Bland, W. Bites of the venomous snakes of Australia. Australian Med. Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 1-6.^ Bland, W., jun. On the influence of season over the depth of water in wells. [1831.] G-eol. Soc. Proc. I., 1826-33, pp. 339-340; Phil. Mag. XL, p. 58. Bland, William. Notes on Delhi Point, Pulo- Tinghie, &c., and on some pelagic fossil re- mains found in the rocks of Pulo-Ledah. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V., 1836, pp. 575-578. 2. Note on the genus Pterocyclos, Benson, and Spiraculum, Pearson. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. V, 1836, p. 783. 3. Note on the Malay Woodpecker. Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, p. 952. Bland, William. Hints on the principles which should regulate the forms of Boats and Ships derived from original experiments. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIIL, 1852, pp. 112-117, 191- 194, 355-358 ; XXIV, pp. 47-49, 130-132, 177-182, 271-277, 309-316, 414-420; XXV, pp. 48-53. Blandet, . Von der Wiedererweckung der Stimme an inenschlichen Leichen. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 230-232. Blandin, Fred. Memoire sur la structure et les mouvements de la langue dans 1'homme. Archiv. Gen. de Med. I., 1823, pp. 457-470. 2. Description d'un Anencephale, suivie de quelques reflexions sur les causes de 1'anence- phalie. Journ. Heb. de Med. I., 1828, pp.107-1 14. 3. Note sur la distinction des Nerfs rachi- diens en nerfs sensitifs et nerfs moteurs. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL (Zool), 1839, pp. 311-313. Blandin, J. B. Passage de 1'urine des ureteres dans la vessie. Journ. Heb. de Med. VII., 1830, pp. 271-274. Blandlet, . De 1'empoisonnement externe produit par le vert de Schweinfurt (vert arseni- cal, acetate de cuivre et acide arsenieux). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 470-472. Blandowski, W. Personal observations made in an excursion towards the central parts of Victoria, including Mount Macedon, Mclvor, and Black Ranges. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Soc, L, 1855, pp. 50-74. 2. A description of Fossil Animalcule in primitive rocks from the Upper Yarra district. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Soc. I., 1855, pp. 221- 223. 3. On the primary upheaval of the land round Melbourne and the recent origin of the gypsum or sulphate of lime in the great swamp between Batman's and Emerald Hills, Fleming- ton, Williams town, and Melbourne, illustrated by a large number of specimens from that locality. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Soc. I., 1855, pp. 228-234. 4. Second Report of an excursion to Frankston, Balcomb's Creek, Mount Martha, Port Phillip Heads, and Cape Shank. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. I., 1856, pp. 24-37. 5. Third Report of an excursion from King's Station to Bass River, Phillip and French Islands. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. I., 1856, pp. 50-67. 6. Recent discoveries in natural history on the Lower Murray. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. II., 1857, pp. 124-137. 7. On extensive Infusoria Deposits in the Mallee Scrub, near Swan Hill, on the Lower Murray River, in Victoria ; and on the presence of Fucoidae in Silurian rocks, near Melbourne. Victoria, Trans. Phil. Inst. II., 1857, pp. 141- 146. 8. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Vogel und Siiugethiere Australiens. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 60-61. 9. Eine kurze L T ebersicht der wichtigsten zur Erforschung Australiens unternommenen Reisen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 61-62. Blandy, . Some contributions to a know- ledge of the constitution of the Copper Range of Lake Superior. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 112-120. Blane, . Ueber die Wirkuugen des Gal- vanismus auf die thierische Oeconomie. Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 129-131. 3 G BLA] 418 [BLA Blane, -Sir Gilbert, Facts and observations re- specting Intermittent Fevers, and the exhalations which occasion them ; with an appendix, con- taining remarks on the Comparative Health and Population of England and Wales at different periods. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. III., 1812, pp. 1-40. . 2. A statement of facts tending to establish an estimate of the true value and present state of Vaccination. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 315-338. Blane, Sir Gilbert, and Frederick Corbyn. Ac- count of the Epidemic Spasmodic Cholera which has lately prevailed in India and other adjacent countries and islands and at sea ; with remarks. [1820.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XL, 1821, pp. 110-164. Blanford, Henry F. Notice of the occurrence of crystalline limestone in the district of Coimba- tore. Madras, Journ. III., 1858, pp. 60-64. 2. On the specific identity of the described forms of Tanalia. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 603-610. 3. On Dr. GERARD'S collection of fossils from the Spiti valley, in the Asiatic Society's Museum. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXIL, 1863, pp. 124-138. i 4. On the relations of Tanalia, Philopota- mis, and Paludomus ; with a review of the Cingalese species of the latter genera. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1863, pp. 165-174. Blanford, Henry F. and W. T. Contributions to Indian Malacology. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIX., 1860, pp. 117-127 ; XXX., 1861, pp. 347-367. Blanford, W. T. On a section lately exposed in some excavations at the West India Docks. Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1854, pp. 433-435. 2. On the rocks of the Damuda group, and their associates in Eastern and Central India, as illustrated by the re-examination of the Rani- ganj field. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIX., 1860, pp. 352-358. 3. Note on a species of Plectopylis, Benson, occurring in Southern India. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 244-246. 4. Contributions to Indian Malacology : No. III. Descriptions of new operculated land- shells from Pegu, Arakan, and the Khasi hills. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXI., 1862, pp. 135-144. ^ 5. Account of a visit to Puppadoung, an extinct volcano in Upper Burmah. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXL, 1862, pp. 215-226 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 69-70. - 6. On Indian species of Land-Shells belong- ing to the Genera Helix, Linn., and Nanina, Gray. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 81-86. Blanford, W. T. 7. On the animals of Ra- phaulus, Spiraculum, and other tube-bearing Cyclostomacea. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1863, pp. 55-58. 8. Descriptions of Cremnobates Syhadren- sis and Lithotis rupicola, two new generic forms of Mollusca inhabiting cliffs in the Western Ghats of India. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 1863, pp. 184-187. 9. Contributions to Indian Malacology: No. IV. Descriptions of new land shells from Ava and other parts of Burmah. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXIL, 1863, pp. 320-327. Blanken, Ary. Verhandeling in Antwoord op Vraage 66, betreffende de verbetering van den Krimpenerwaard, door het inlaaten van troebel Rivierwater. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. IV., 1806, pp. 1-50. 2. Verslag van de aanleiding tot en het dadelijk bouwen van een Stoommachine ten dienste van de geoctroijeerde Verveening in den Krimpenerwaard, aan den Ysseldijk voor den Berkenwoudschen Boezem onder Ouclerkerk aan den Yssel in den Jaare 1803 en 1804 opgeregt, en van de proefneemingen met dezelve in 't werk gesteld. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. VL, 1810, pp. 1-40. 3. Korte opgaaf van een nieuw eenvoudig middel tot verbetering der uitwerking van de Watermolens, tot bemaling der Polderlanden. Amsterdam, Verhand. IV., 1818, pp. 151-161. Blanken, H. van. Eenige opmerkingen over de Logarithmen van NEPER en BRYGGS. Archief Wisk. Gen. I., 1856-59, pp. 66-69. Blanken, J. Memorie van korte aanteeknin- gen, wegens de geaardheid der grondlagen, benevens derzelver hoogten en diepten, voor zoo ver deze bij naauwkeurig onderzoek, in de strekking en de nabijheid van het groot Amsterdamsche Kanaal, door Noord-Holland, tusschen het Y en de reede van Texel, of die van de Helder en het Nieuwe-Diep, ge von den zijn. Amsterdam, Verhand. VL, 1823, pp. 101- 123. 2. Beschrijving, kort en zakelijk verk- larende de wijze, hoe eenvoudig en onkost- baar, door vermindering en wijziging in het zamenstel van de Raden of gaande Werken der thans bestaande Schepradmolens, te bewerken zij, dat iedere Molen zoogenaamd een hoog op- malende, met minder kracht van Wind meerder zal uitwerken dan hij tegenwoordig doet; als- mede, dat dezelfde Molen, zoogenaamd, twee hoog kan opmalen, en, des begeerende, bij stilte, door het Stoomvermogen met gelijken spoed en outlasting, bestendig werkend kan blijven. Rot- terdam, N. Verhand. VL, 1826 (2 d St.\ pp. 176 -220. BLA] 419 [BLA Blanquart-Evrard, Precede employe pour obtenir les epreuves de photographic sur papier. Anuah de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 100- 109; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XLI., 1847, pp. 193-200; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 70-74. 2. Recherches photographiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 215-217. 3. Photographic sur papier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 663-665, (ThTfV <79. 4. Note sur la photographic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 864-866. 5. Photographic sur papier : impression photographique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 555-556, 639-642. Blanquet, I). Lettre a M. PELOUZE sur la fabrication du sucre de betterave. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIII., 1831, pp. 100-106 ; Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. XIII., 1832, pp. 245- 272. Blanquet, Hippolyte. Champignons : notice sur les especes qui n'ont pas des qualites malfai- santes, et quelques considerations sur le traite- ment des accidents graves qui se manifestent chez les personnes qui ont le malheur de manger des champignons veneneux. Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1845-46, pp. 70-76. Blanquinque, E. Sur le lait. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1856, pp. 502-506. Blantyre, Lord. Experiments on various Ma- nures. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 93-94. Blaramberg, von. Die Vermessung des Parallelbogens von 52 Nordl. Breite durch ganz Europa und die Betheiligung Russlands an derselben. Petermann, Mittheil. 1861, pp. 209- 212. Blariau, . Observation de grossesse extra- uterine.. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. I., 1835, pp. 33-34. Bias, Thcodor. Veratrin-Narkose. [I860.] Frei- burg, Berichte, II, 1862, pp. 173-176. Blasberg, . Beobachtung eines grossen Horns am Kopfe eines alten Mannes, Casper, Wochenschriffc, 1846, p. 830. Blasche, B. Jf. Critik der vorzuglichsten, auf die Wiederherstellung und Fortbildung der Naturphilosophie einflussreichsten, seit 1801 erschienenen Werke. Oder, Welche Stufe der Entwickelung hat die Naturphilosophie in un- serer zeit erstiegen ? Ein Versuch zur Beant- wortung dieser Frage. Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1420-1488. 2. [Ueber STEFFENS' Anthropologie.j Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 898-925; 1824, col. 361- 399. . 3. Der Parallelismus zwischen Natur und Cultur. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 20-32. Biaschke, Eduard. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Reisen in Baidarken und iiber die Aleuten der Fuchsinsehi. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. II., 1845, pp. 94-105. Blaserna, Peter. Ueber den inducirten Strom der Nebenbatterie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 25-68 ; XXX VI., 1859, pp. 209-216. 2. Ueber elektrische Entladung und In- duction. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 477-524. Blasi, Antonino de. Memoria su di un mostro umano. [1831.] Palermo, Effemeridi, II., 1832, pp. 210-222. Blasius, . Merkwiirdiger Fall von Ueber- zahl der Zehen. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburts- hiilfe, XIII., 1834, pp. 131-136. Blasius, J. H. Zusammenhang der Flug- und Lebensweise der Fledermiiuse mit ihrer Kor- perorganisation. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1841, pp. 62-64. 2. Kritische Revision neuer und unge- niigend gekannter europaischer Saugethiere. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1841, pp. 86-89. 3. Allgemeine Notizen iiber geognostische Beobachtungen, die er im vergangenen Jalire auf einer Reise durch Russland gemacht. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1841, pp. 236-240. 4. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Arvicola und der deutschen Fledermause. Miin- chen, Bull. Akad. 1853, col. 257-259; Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXVII., 1853, col. 105-112. 5. Beschreibung zweier neuer deutscher Fledermiiusarten [Vesperugo maurus et Rhino- lophus Euiyale]. Miinchen, Bull. Akad. 1853, col. 259-263 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 35-37. 6. Bemerkungen iiber Hypudseus petro- philus und H. leucurus. Miinchen, Bull. Akad. 1853. col. 263-264. 7. Beschreibung einer neuen deutschen Fledermaus [Vespert. ciliatus]. Wiegmann, Archiv, XIX., 1853, pp. 286-293. 8. Ueber die " verdachtigen Arten" im Verzeichnisse der europaischen Vogel. Nau- mannia, 1855, pp. 480-489; 1856, pp. 136-160. ' 9. Ueber Sitta europaea, etc. Naumannia, 1856, pp. 433-440. 1O. Ueber Certhia familiaris, etc. mannia, 1856, pp. 440-459. 11. Die Arten der Gattung Anthus. Nau- mannia, 1856, pp. 459-465. 12. Bemerkungen iiber BREHM'S Falken. Naumannia, 1856, pp. 465-468. 13. Ueber die Parus-Arten. Naumannia, 1856, pp. 468-469. 14. Ornithologische Bemerkungen. manma, 1856, pp. 475-484. 3 G 2 Nau- BLA] 420 [BLA Blasius, J. H. 15. Bemerkungen liber neue europaische Saugethiere. Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIL, 1856, pp. 258-280. 16. Aphorismen iiber Falken. Naumannia, 1857, pp. 223-264. 17. Aphorismeu iiber den Bau tier Vogel- fliigels. Naumannia, 1857, pp. 266-305. . 18. Ueber die Weihen Europa's. Nau- mannia, 1857, pp. 307-324. 19. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Bestandig- keit und Schwanken der Speciescharaktere. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 243-251. 2O. Vermischte Bemerkungen iiber zwei- felhafte Arten der europaischen Vogelfauna. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 254-266. . 21. Briefliche Mittheilungen iiber Helgo- land. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 303-316. 22. Ein Wort iiber die Moven der Zoo- graphia Rossoasiatica von PALLAS. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 316-320. 23. On the diversity in the estimate of the European Ornis, and its causes. Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 292-302. 24. An ornithological letter on Heligoland. Sclater, Ibis, IV., 1862, pp. 58-72. Blasius, J. H., und A. Graf von Keyserling. Uebersicht der Gattungs- und Artcharaktere der europiiischen Fledermause. Wiegmann, Archiv, V. 1839, pp. 293-331. 2. Ueber ein Kenn- zeichen der Ordnung der Sperlingsartigen oder Singvogel. Wiegmann, Archiv, 1839, pp. 332- 334. 3. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zur Uebersicht der Gattungs- und Artcharaktere der europaischen Fledermause. Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 1-12. 4. Erwiederung auf BURMEISTER'S Aufsatz : Bemerkungen iiber die Bekleidung des Lauf's der Singvogel. Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 362-367. 5. Notiz uber Verbreitung von geognostischen Formationen 3m europaischen Russland. Mosc.Bull. Soc. Nat. 1841, pp. 870- 900. 6. Beschreibung einer neuen Feld- maus, Arvicola ratticeps. [1841.] St. Petersb. Sav. Etrang. IV, 1845, pp. 319-334. Blass, E. Zur Theorie der Kolbenliederungs- ringe. Hannover, Zeitschr. Archit. Ver. IV., 1858, col. 458-462. Blassiere, J. J. Rapport aan de Edele Mogende Heeren Gecommitteerden uit Haare Edele Groot Mogenden. De Heeren Staaten van Holland en Westvriesland tot de Zaaken van de Nieuwe Invention, \vegens eene Vuur-Machine te Rot- terdam opgericht. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. I., 1800, pp. 217-248. Blassiere, J. J. 2. Tweede Rapport over de nieuwe Rotterdamsche Stoom-Machine. Rot- terdam, N. Verhand. I., 1800,' pp. 249-271. Blatin, . Sur un appareil refrigerant pro- pose pour les cas d'affections cerebrates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 841-844. Blau, (Dr.) Notice sur les eaux minerales ferru- gineuses de Saint-Denis-les-Blois. Blois, Mem. Soc. Sci. V., 1856, pp. 95-108. Blau, Otto. Reisen im Orient. Zeits. All^r. Erdkunde, X., 1861, pp. 371-383, 401-409. 2. Notiz iiber die Karte der Herzegovina im Jahre 1861. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, XI., 1861, pp. 461-471. 3. Ueber Rechtschreibung und Deutung Tiirkischer Ortsnamen, naraentlich in Klein- Asien. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 45-51. 4. Vom Urumia-See nach dem Van-See. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 201-210. Blaud, . Sur les varietes de 1'espece hu- maine. Gard, Travaux de 1'Acad. 1809, pp. 163 -183. 2. Essai sur une nouvelle doctrine des diverses constitutions phvsiques de rhoinme. Gard, Travaux de l'Acad/1811, pp. 182-219. 3. Ueber den Einfiuss des Muskelsystems auf die Circulation. Froriep, Notizen, XII., 1826, col. 19-23. Blauel, . Lepidopterologische Mittheilun- gen. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. IX., 1848, pp. 187- 190. Blauel, J. C. A. Larktradet (Pinus Larix) den basta tradsorten for att af hjelpa skogsbrist, afven brist pa Ekvirke. Jern-Kontorets Aiiiial. XV., 1831, pp. 409-447. Blavette, . Sur la generation des surfaces. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. V., 1834, pp. 71-77. Blavier, . Note sur 1'emploi du sable de Montrouge dans la preparation des. atres des fourneaux a reverbere. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800-1, pp. 943-952. 2. Rapport sur la pesanteur specifique de la houille de plusieurs mines de la Republique/et sur la diiFerence d'accretion de volume qui resulte de leur humectation. Journ. des Mines, XI., 1801-2, pp. 407-412 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 258-261. 3. Statistique mineralogique du departe- ment de 1'Aveyron. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 25-66, 81-134, 169-204, 249-276 ; XX. ; 1806, pp. 119-136, 199-227, 271-291. 4. Observations sur 1'emploi du charbon de houille dans le traitement du minerai de fer, a, la forge a la Catalane. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 1 35-166. 5. Roches ferrugineuses remplacant 1'emeril. Journ. des Mines, XIX., 1806, pp. 201-204 ; Nicholson, Journal, XXIL, 1S09, pp. 74-76. 421 [BLE Blavier, . 6. Additions au precede du charbonnage de la tourbe. Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 373-378. 7. Memoire sur des experiences relatives a 1'economie deja etablie dans le tirage des coups de mine. Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 19-42; Gilbert, Annal. LVL, 1817, pp. 314-324. 8. Rapport sur la carbonisation de la tourbe, et sur 1'usage du charbon de tourbe et des autres produits resultant de la distillation. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 177-205. 9. Notice sur la constitution geologique du bassin houiller du departement des Bouches- du-Rhone, et sur les diverses qualites de houille qu'il renferme. Aix, Mem. 1823, pp. 127-152. Blavier, E. E. Etude sur 1'intensite des courants et la force magnetique dans la transmission simul- tanee de deux depeches en sens contraire par le ineme fil. Annal. Telegraph. I., 1855, pp. 183- 191. 2. Sur les derivations du courant le long des lignes electriques. Annal. Telegraph. I., 1858, pp. 220-238. 3. Note sur quelques experiences de lumiere electrique faites a Metz par M. VIG- NOTTI. Annal. Telegraph. I., 1858, pp. 287- 296. 4. Note sur le telegraphe sous-marin trans- atlantique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVII., 1858, pp. 668-673. 5. Des aurores boreales. Annal. Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 605-642. 6. Perturbations sur les lignes electriques du 29 Aout au 3 Septembre, 1859. Annal. Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 519-545. 7. Note sur la boussole des tangentes de M. GAUOAIN. Annal. Telegraph. III., 1860, pp. 256-270. 8. De la transmission simultanee de plu- sieurs depeches par un meme fil. Annal. Tele- graph. IV., 1861, pp. 145-165. 9. Des courants terrestres. Annal. Tele- graph. V, 1862, pp. 141-158. Blavier, E. E., et G-ounelle. Theorie de la propagation de 1'electricite. Annal. Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 218-244, 381-404 ; III., 1860, pp. 26-45, 135-156. Blavier, Edouard. Notice statistique et geolo- gique sur les mines et le terrain a anthracite du Maine. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834, pp. 49-72. 2. Essai d'une statistique mineralogique et geologique du department de la Mayenne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 415-416. 3. Compte-rendu de quelques experiences Blavier, Edouard. 4. Rapport concernant 1'eni- ploi du charbon maigre du bassin houiller de Valenciennes (anthracite) sur les grilles des machines a vapeur. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 497-506. 5. Rapport sur le precede suivi a Douchy pour traverser des nappes d'eau considerables au moyen de 1'air comprime. Nord, Mem. Soc. Cent. Ajrric. 1845-46, pp. 263-279; Annal. des Mines, IX., 1846, pp. 349-364. 6. Rapport sur la lampe de surete du Sienr DUBRULLE. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1847, pp. 105-116. 7. Note sur un nouveau compteur meca- nique specialement applicable aux machines d'extraction. Annal. des Mines, -VIII., 1855, pp. 369-372. 8. Etude geologique sur le departement de 1'Orne. Inst. Prov. France, Mem. L, 1859, pp. 280-328, 9. Etude geologique sur le departement de la Mayenne. Inst. Prov. France, Mem. I., 1859, pp. 329-368. Blavier, Edouard, et T. Lorieux. Note sur un gite d'etain nouvellement decouvert a, La Ville- der (Morbihan). Annal. des Mines, VI., 1834, pp. 381-388. Blavon-Duchesne et D'Aubuisson. Expe- riences faites sur les machines hydrauliques des mines de Poullaouen ; ayant pour objet de determiner, a 1'aide d'un dynamometre, la charge de ces machines, et de faire connaitre le rapport entre 1'effet produit et 1'eau motrice depensee. Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 161-241. Blazejarski, R. Solution elementaire d'une question de probability's. Nouv. Annal. Math. L, 1862, pp. 131-132. Blazek, Gabriel. Ueber Volumsbestimmungen mit Zuziehung der Schwerpunkts-Theorie. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 342-349. Blecher, Application du calcul aux res- relatives a la lampe de surete de M. MUESELER. .Nord, Mem. Soc. Cent. Agric. 1843-44, pp. 177-199. sorts. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1850, pp. 143-152. Bleckmann, G. M. Een Bezoek van de steen- kolemijn van Pangaron. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 319-340. Bleckmann, Th. De inrigting met hydraulische heftoestellen te Homberg en Ruhrort, voor den overgang van den rijn. S'Graven. Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1859-60, pp. 1-19. Blede, . Recherches geologiques sur la Bessarabie. Russie, Annuaire des Mines, 1839, pp. 3-20. 2. Coup d'oeil geologique sur une par tie du gouvernement de Kharkov. Russie, Annuaire des Mines, 1840, pp. 93-104. BLE] 422 [BLE Blede, . 3. Description geologique du gou- vcrnement de Kharkov. Russie, Annuaire des Mines, 1841, pp. 5-18. Sleek, . Unter den Kaffern. Petermann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 361-363. 2. Forschungen in Natal. Petermann, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 362-375. rieeker, Peter. Bijdragen tot de Geneeskundige Topographic van Batavia. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 1-80, 169-220, 523-562. i 2. Warme bronnen en bad-etablissement te Selocation (Plantoenang). Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 149-152. > 3. Mineraalwater van Gebangan. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 152-156. ) 4. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Genees- en Artsenijmengkunde onder de Chinezen in het algemeen en onder die te Batavia in het bijzon- der. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 257-284. > 5. Overzigt der nieuwe genera en species voorkomende in de Botanic der Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Neder- landsche Overzeesche Berzittingen. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, I., 1844, pp. 406-448. 6. Over eenige nieuwe plan ten enz. der Malaijo Moluksche flora. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, II., 1845, pp. 72-77. 7. Bijdragen tot de geneeskundige topo- graphic van Batavia. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, II., 1845, pp. 497-534 ; III., 195-256 ; Moni- teur des Indes, 1846-47, pp. 11-17, 103-111; 1847-48, pp. 97-110, 166-174, 205-216,289- 305. 8. Siluroideorum Bataviensium species nuperrime detectae. Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, in., 1846, pp. 284-293. 9. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Si- luroieden van Java. Batav. Genootsch. Ver- hand. XXI., 1846-47. 10. Siluroideorum Bataviensium conspec- tus diagnosticus. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXI., 1846-47; Batavia, Natuurk. Archief, III., 1846, pp. 135-184. < 11. Labroideorum ctenoideorum Batavien- sium diagnoses et adumbrationes. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. XXL, 1846-47. 12. A contribution to the knowledge of the Ichthyological Fauna of Sumbawa. Journ. Ind. Archipel. II., 1848, pp. 632-639. 13. Coup d'oeil sur les Labroides a ecailles lisses qui se presentent a Batavia; description de onze especes nouvelles. Moniteur des Indes, 1848-49, pp. 41-65, 97-112 ; Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXII., 1849. 14. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Percoiden van den Malaijo-Molukschen Archipel, mit be- M-hrijving van 22 nieuwe soorten. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXII., 1849. Sleeker, Peter. 15. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Scleroparei van den Soenda-Molukschen Ar- chipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXII., 1849. 16. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Blennioiden en Gobioiden van den Soenda-Molukschen Ar- chipel, mit beschrijving van 42 nieuwe soorten. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXII., 1849. 17. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthy- ologische Fauna van het eiland Bali, mit be- schrijving van einige nieuwe species. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIL, 1849. 18. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthy- ologische Fauna van het eiland Madura. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIL, 1849. 19. A contribution to the Ichthyology of Celebes. Journ. Ind. Archipel. III., 1849, pp. 65-74. 20. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthy- ologische Fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van 16 nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. I., 1850, pp. 1-16. 21. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Scle- roparei van den Indischen Archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 17-27. 22. Over twee nieuwe soorten van Callio- nyrnus van den Indischen Archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 28-32. 23. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Be- lone en Hemiramphus van Java. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 93-95. 24. Over drie nieuwe soorten van Tetrao- don van den Indischen Archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850. pp. 96-97. 25. Faunae Ichthyologica3 Java? insularum- que adjacentium genera et species novje. Ba- tavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 98-108. 26. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Blen- nioiden en Gobioiden van den Indischen Archi- pel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. I., 1850, pp. 236-247, 248-258. 27. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Borneo, met beschrij- ving van eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwater- visschen. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 259-275. 28. Oxybelus Brandesii, Blkr., eene nieuwe soort van Ophidini van Banda Neira. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 276-278. 29. Over eenige nieuwe geschlachten en soorten van Makreelachtige visschen van den Indischen Archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr. L, 1850, pp. 341-372. 3O. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Pleu- ronecteo'iden van den Indischen Archipel. Ba- tavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 401-416. 31. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Me- <_> galops, Dussumieria, Notopterus, en Astrones- thes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. L, 1850, pp. 417-424. BLE] 423 [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 32. Bijch-age tot de kermis der Sciasno'iden van den Soenda-Molukschen Ar- chipel. Batav. Genootsch.Verhand. XXIIL, 1850. 33. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Sparoiden van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIII., 1850. 34. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Mamoiden van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXTII., 1850. 35. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Visschen met Doolhofvormige kieuwen van den Soenda- Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Ver- hand. XXIIL, 1850. 36. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chsetodon- to'iden van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIIL, 1850. 37. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Teuthiden van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhaud. XXIIL, 1850. 38. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Notacan- thini van den Soenda-Molukschen ArchipeL Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIIL, 1850. 39. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- eische Fauna van Midden- en Oost- Java. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIIL, 1850. 4O. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Makreelach- tige visschen van den Soenda - Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. - 41. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Snoekach- tige visschen van den Soenda-Molukschen Archi- pel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. 42. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Chirocen- troidei, Lutodeiri, Butirini, Elopes, Notopteri, Salmones, Echeneoidei en Ophidini van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV, 1852. 43. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Haringach- tige Visschen van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. 44. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Pleuronec- teoiden van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. 45. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Blootkakige Visschen van den Soenda-Molukschen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV, 1852. 46. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Balistiui en Ostraciones van den Indischen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. 47. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Plagiosto- men van den Indischen Archipel. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. XXIV., 1852. 48. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Muraenoi den en Sijmbranchoiden van den Indischen Archipel. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXV., 1853. 49. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Troskieu- wige visschen van den Indischen Archipel. Ba- tav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXV., 1853. Sleeker, Peter. SO. Nalezingen op de Ichthyo- logie van Japan. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXV., 1853. 51. Nalezingen op de Ichthyologische Fauna van Bengalen en Hindostan. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXV., 1853. 52. Over eenige nieuwe Soorten van No- topterus van den Indischen Archipel. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIV., 1854, pp. 49- 62. 53. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van Japan. [1851.] Amsterdam, Verhand. L, 1854, pp. 3-16. 54. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van Halmaheira (Gilolo). Bata- via, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 49-62. 55. Derde Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van de Banda eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 89- 114. 56. Species Piscium Bataviensium novra vel minus cognitaa. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 191-202. 57. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Timor. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 203-214. 58. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van het eiland Floris. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VL 3 1854, pp. 311-314. 59. Faunas Ichthyologies? Japonicas species nova?. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 395-426. 6O. Vifde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Amboina. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 455-508. 61. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van de Kokos eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 37-48. 62. Overzigt der Ichthyologische Fauna van Sumatra, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854 r pp. 49-108. 63. Jets over Visschen levende in zeester- ren en over eene nieuwe soort van Oxybele?. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854, pp. 162 -163 64. Visschen van de Natoena-eilanden . Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854, pn. 163 -164. 65. Vjifde Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Celebes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854, pp. 225-260. 66. Ichthyologische waarnemingen gedaan op verschillende reizen in de residentie Banten. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854, pp. 309 -326. 67. Over eenige nieuwe Visschen van de Kokos eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIL, 1854, pp. 353-358. BLE] [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 68. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologisclie Fauna van Batjan. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 359-378. 69. Specierum Piscium Javanensium nova- rum vel minus cognitarum diagnoses adumbratae. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 415 -448. 7O. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Celebes. Batavia, Na- tuurk. Tijdsclir. VII., 1854, pp. 449-452. 71. Nog jets over Visschen levende in Echinodermen. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 495-496. 72. Bijdrage tot de keunis der Sphyraenoi- den van den Indischen Archipel. Batav. Ge- nootsch. Verhand. XXVI., 1854-57. 73. Nieuwe Nalezingen op Ichthyologie van Japan. Batav. Genootsch. Verhand. XXVI., 1854-57. 74. Index specierum Piscium in vol. 21- 26 Actoruni Soc. Art. et Sci. Batav. descrip- tarum. Batavia, Genootsch. Verhand. XXVI., 1854-57. 75. Over eenige Visschen van Van Die- mensland. Amsterdam, Verhand. II., 1855. 76. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Borneo : Zoetwater- visschen van Bandjermassin. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 151-168. 77. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van de Kokos eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 169-180, 445-460. 78. Antennarius Lindgreeni, eene nieuwe soort van Banka. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 192-194. 79. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Ternate. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 295-304. 8O. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyo- logische Fauna van de Batoe islanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 305-339. 81. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Amboina. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 391-434. 82. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis Ichthyo- logische Fauna van Celebes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 435-444. 83. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van de Batoe eilandeu. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 65- 72. 84. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Halmaheira (Gilolo). Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 105- 112. 85. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Sumbawa. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 113-115. Sleeker, Peter. 86. Tweede bijdrage tot de ^ kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Batjun. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 191- 202. 87. Nalezingen op de Vischfauna van Sumatra : Visschen van Lahat en Sibogha. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 257 -280. 88. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Celebes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 281-314. 89. Verslag van eenige verzamelingen van Visschen van Oost Java. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 391-414. 90. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Borneo : Zoetwa- tervisschen van Poutianak en Bandjermassin. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 415- 430. 91. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyo- logische Fauna van het eiland Groot Obij. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855. pp. 431- 438. 92. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Batjan. Batavia, Na- tuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 491-504. 93. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig bekende Vischsoorten van Amboina, verxameld op eene reis door den Molukschen Archipel gedaan in het gevolg van den Gouverneur Generaal DUYMAEK van TWIST, in September en Oktober, 1855. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. I., 1856. 94. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten van Manado en Makassar, grootendeels verzameld op eene reis naar den Molukschen Archipel in het gevolg van den Gouverneur Generaal DUYMAER van TWIST. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. L, 1856. 95. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Boero. Batavia, Na- tuurk. Tijdschr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 55-82. 96. Over eenige Vischsoorten nieuw voor de kennis der fauna van Biliton. Batavia, Na- tuurk. Tijdschr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 283-286. 97. Descriptiones specierum Piscium Java- nensium novarum vel minus cognitarum diagnos- tics. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 323-368. 98. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyolo- gische Fauna van Sangi- eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 369-380. 99. Verslag: van eene nienwe verzamelinff Visschen van Batjan. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 381-386. 1OO. Verslag omtrent eenige Vischsoorten van Timor-koepang en Timor-delhi. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd.schr. XIIL, 1857, pp. 387-390. BLE] 425 [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 101. Over eenige Vischverza- melingen van verschillende gedeelten van Java. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIII., 1857, p. 475. 1O2. Over eenige Reptilien van Celebes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIV., 1857, pp. 231-232. 1O3. Over eenige Reptilien van het eiland Banka. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIV. 1857, pp. 233-234. 1O4. Opsomming der soorten van Reptilien, tot dusverre van het eiland Java bekend gewor- den. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIV., 1857, pp. 235-243. 1O5. Over eenige Vischsoorten gevangen bij Prigi aan Java's zuidkust. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIV., 1857, pp. 244-248. 1O6. Recherches sur les Crustacea de 1'Inde Archipelagique : 1. Sur les Decapodes oxy- rhinques de 1'Archipel Indien ; 2. Sur les Isopodes cymothoadiens de 1'Archipel Indien. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. II., 1857. 1O7. Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Borneo : Visschen van de rivieren Barito, Kahajan en Kapoeas. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. II., 1857. 1O8. Conspectus specierum Piscium Moluc- censium hucusque cognitarum. Batavia, Ver- hand. Natuurk. Vereen. II., 1857. 109. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Amboina. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. II., 1857. 11O. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Sumatra : Visschen van Padang, Troessan, Priaraan, Sibogha en Palembang. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857 -58. 111. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Japan. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857-58. 112. Tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Celebes. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857-58. 113. Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Celebes : Visschen van Makassar. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857 -58. 114. Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ich- thyologische Fauna van Borneo : Visschen van Sinkawang. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857-58. 115. Negende en tiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Amboina. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. III., 1857-58. 116. Ueber das Vorkommen von Fischen in Echinodermen und iiber eine neue Species von Oxybeles [O. lumbricoides]. Donders, Ar- chiv, I., 1858, pp. 255-257. 117. Visschen van Java's zuidkust. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 159-162. Sleeker, Peter. 118. Holacanthus pseudannu- laris, eene nieuwe soort van Batavia. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 169-171. 119. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van den Goram archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 197-218. 120. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Biliton. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 219-240. 121. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Singapore. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 241-254. 122. Enumeratio specierum Piscium Ja- vanensium hucusque cognitarum. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 359-456. 123. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van de Kokos-eilanden. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XV., 1858, pp. 457 -468. 124. Ichthyologiae Archipelagi Indici pro- dromus : Visschen van den Indischen Archi- pel : Siluri. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. IV., 1858, pp. 1-370; III. 1859. 125. Vierde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Timor : Visschen van Atapoepoe. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XVII., 1858-59, pp. 129-140. 126. Derde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Bali. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XVII., 1858-59, pp. 141- 178. 127. Zevende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Sumatra : Visschen van Palembang. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. V., 1858-59. 128. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Borneo : Visschen van Sinka- wang. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. V., 1858-59. 129. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Celebes: Visschen van Ma- nado. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. V., 1858-59. 130. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Ichthyologische Fauna van Japan. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. V., 1858-59. 131. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Bawean. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XVIII., 1859, pp. 351-358. 132. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Banka. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XVIII., 1859, pp. 359-378. 133. Over eenige Vischsoorten van de zuid- kustwateren van Java. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIX., 1859, pp. 329-352. 134. Derde bijdragetot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Soembawa. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XIX., 1859, pp. 434-440. 3 H BLE] 426 [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 135. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Nieuw-Guinea. Batavia, Ver- hand. Natuurk. Vereen. VI., 1859. 136. Enumeratio specierum Piscium hucus- quein Archipelago Indico observatarura, adjectis habitationibus citationibusque, ubi descriptiones earum recentiores reperiuntur, nee non speciebus Musei Bleekeriani Bengalensibus, Japonicis, Capensibus Tasmanicisque. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VI., 1859. 137. Over eenige nieuwe soorten van Zee- veders of Pennatulina (Polypi natantes) van den Indischen Archipel. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XX., 1859-60, pp. 399-404. 138. Conspectus systematis Cyprinorum. Sleeker, Peter. 152. Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Borneo. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIII., 1860. 153. Ordo Cyprini, Karpers. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VII., 1860. 154. Mededeeling omtrent Vischsoorten, Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XX., 1859-60, pp. 421-441. 139. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Timor: Vischsoorten van Atapoepoe. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XX., 1859-60, pp. 442-445. 140. Derde bij drage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Singapoera. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XX., 1859-60, pp. 446-456. 141 . Zesde bij drage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Ceram. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XXn., 1860, pp. 228-238. 142 . Vierde bij drage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna nan Bali. Batavia, Natuurk, Tijdschr. XXII., 1860, pp. 239-242. 143. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Bawean. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XXII, 1860, pp. 243-246. 144. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Timor. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XXII., 1860, pp. 247-261. 145. Slangen van Sintang. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XXII.. 1860, p. 363. 146. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Japan. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIIL, 1860. 147. Achtste bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Sumatra : Visschen van Ben- koelen, Priaman, Tandjong, Palembang en Djambi. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIH., I860. 148. Negende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Sumatra. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VEIL, 1860. 149. Elfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Visch- fauna van Amboina. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIII., 1860. ISO. Twaalfde bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Amboina. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIII., 1860. 151. Dertiende bijdrage tot de kennis der Vischfauna van Celebes : Visschen van Bon- thain, Badjoa, Sindjai, Lagoesi en Pompenoea. Batavia, Verhand. Natuurk. Vereen. VIIL, 1860. nieuw voor de kennis der Fauna van Singa- poera. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 28-63. 155. Jets over de Vischfauna van het eiland Pinang. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 64-82. 156. Jets over de geslachten der Scaroideii en hunne Indisch-Archipelagische soorten. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XII., 1861, pp. 228- 244. 157. Notice sur le genre Trachinus (Artedi) et ses especes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zool.), 1861, pp. 375-382; Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 113-122. 158. Conspectus generum Labroideorum analyticus. Zool, Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 408-418; Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 94- 109. 159. Synonyma Labroideorum Indo-Archi- pelagicorum hucusque observatorum revisa, adjectis specierum novarum descriptionibus. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIIL, 1862, pp. 274-308. 160. Sur quelques genres de la Famille des Pleuronecteoides. Amsterdam, Verslag. .Akad. XIIL, 1862, pp. 422-429. 161. Neuvieme article sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de File de Ternate. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 95-98. 162. Sixieme memoire sur la Faune Ich- thyologique de 1'ile de Batjan. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 99-112. 163. Notices Ichthyologiques. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 123-141. 164. Descriptions de quelques especes nou- velles de Silures de Suriname. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 371-389. 165. Notice sur les genres Parasilurus, Eutropiichthys, Pseudeutropius et Pseudopan- gasius. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XIV, 1862, pp. 390-399. 166. Notice sur les genres Trachelyopter- ichthys, Hemicetopsis, et Pseudocetopsis. Am- sterdam,Verslag. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 400-403. 167. Sur quelques genres nouveaux du groupe des Doras. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dier- kunde, L, 1863, pp. 10-18. 168. Sur quelques nouveaux genres du groupe des Synodontes. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 52-55. 169. Treizieme memoire sur la Faune Ich- thyologique de l'ile d'Amboine. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 19-29. BLE] 427 [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 17O. Glyphidodou Wester- manni, une nouvelle espece de Java. Amster- dam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 30-31; Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 360-361. 1 7 1 . Sur les genres de la famille des Cobitio- ides. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 32-49. 172. Description detrois especes nouvelles de Siluroides de 1'Inde Archipelagique. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 70-76 ; Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 368-371. 173. Beschrijving en afbeelding van eene nieuwe soort van Brama (Abramis) uit de oms- treken van Leiden. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 235-239 ; Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 371-373. 174. Description de quelques especes nou- velles de Cyprinoides du Ceylan. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 239-253 ; Ne- derland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 373- 380. 175. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Nemacheilus. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 254-256. 176. Sur une nouvelle espece de Poisson du Japon, appartenant a un nouveau genre. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 257- 260 ; Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 382-383. 177. Notice sur les noms de quelques genres de la famille des Cyprinoides. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 261-264. 178. Dixieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de File de Ternate. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 265-267. 179. Notices sur une collection de Poissons de la Nouvelle Hollande faite a Port-Jackson. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 442-452. 18O. Sur deux nouvelles especes de Synap- tura du Cap de Bonne Esperance. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 456-460. 181. Sur deux nouvelles especes de Cithar- iehthys de Suriname et de Guatimale. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 452- 456. 182. Notice sur le genre Ichthyophis,Zew., et sur 1'Ichthyophis tigrinus et 1'Ichthyophis pantherinus de Lesson. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 460-465. 183. Over eenige Vischsoorten van het eiland Bangka. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 72-73. 184. Sy sterna Silurorum revisum. Neder- land. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 77- 122. Sleeker, Peter. 185. Description de quelques especes de poissons nouvelles ou peu connues de la Chine. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 135-150. 186. Septieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de 1'ile de Batjan. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 151-152. 187. Troisieme memoire sur la Faune Ich- thyologiqne de 1'ile de Halmahera. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 153-159. 188. Notice sur quelques Poissons de 1'ile de Morotai. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, p. 160. 189. Notice sur deux especes inedites du genre Aphthalmichthys, Kp. Nederland. Tijd- schr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 163-166. 190. Sur quelques especes nouvelles ou peu connues de Gymnothorax, Bl., de ITnde Archi- pelagique. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 167-171. 191. Description de quelques especes nou- velles ou peu connues d'Ophisuroides de ITnde Archipelagique. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dier- kunde, L, 1863, pp. 179-186. 192. Sy sterna Cyprinoideorum revisum. Ne- derland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 187- 218. 193. Onzieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de 1'ile de Ternate. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 228-238. 194. Deuxieme notice sur la Fauiie Ichthyo- logique de 1'ile d'Obi. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp. 239-246. 195. Sur une nouvelle espece d'Echidna de 1'ile de Rotti. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 246-247. 196. Deuxieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de 1'ile de Flores. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 248-252. 197. Septieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyo- logique de 1'ile de Ceram. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 253-261. 198. Septieme memoire sur la Faune Ich- thyologique de 1'ile de Timor. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 261-276. 199. Treizieme memoire sur la Faune Ich- thyologique de 1'ile d'Amboine. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, I., 1863, pp. 355-360. 200. Sur les Genres de la famille des Cobi- tio'ides. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dierkunde, L, 1863, pp.' 36 1-368. 201. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Nemacheilus. Nederland. Tijdschr. Dier- kunde, I, 1863, pp. 380-381. , 2O2. Notice sur la Faune Ichthyologique de Siam. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 352-359. 3 H 2 BLE] 428 [BLE Sleeker, Peter. 203. Deuxieme notice sur la Faune Ichthyologique de 1'ile de Saparona. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 359-362. 204. Notice sur quelques Poissons de 1'ile Grand-Key. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 362-364. 205. Notice sur quelques Poissons de 1'ile de Noussa-Laut. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 364-366. 2O6. Notice sur la Faune Ichthyologique des iles Arou. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XVI., 1864, pp. 366-^368. Bleekrode, S. Experiences thermo-electriques. ( Transit) Miquel, Mulder et Wenckebach, Bull. 1838, pp. 70-77. 2. Note sur la Getah-Lahoe, ou nouvelle cire vegetale de Sumatra, et sur les cires vege- tales en general. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.}, 1855, pp. 330-340. 3. Notice sur la Gutta-Percha de Surinam. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.\ 1857, pp. 221-228. 4. Silber im Meerwasser. Poggend. Annal. Bleibtreu, 3. Ueber Abdampfung der CIL, 1857, pp. 478-479. 5. Sur le Platine de Borneo. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 219-223 ; Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 189-191. 6. Eene beschouwing over de koolformatie van Borneo. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XVIIL, 1858-59, pp. 249-258. 7. Recherches historiques sur la fonte de fer. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 279- 282. 8. The Chinese green colour Lo-kao, and some other dyes. [Transl.~] [1859.] Phar- maceut. Journal, I., 1860, pp. 228-234. 9. The soap-bark of South America. \_Transl.~] Pharmaceut. Journal, I., 1860, pp. 471-473. 1O. Eenige woorden over de bruinkool van Borneo. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. XXIII., 1861, pp. 29-41. .. 11. On mineral oils and the Miujak Lantoeng of Java. (Transl.) Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 158-160. Blegborough, Ralph. On vaccination. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1808, pp. 309-311. Bleibtreu, . Eingeschlossenes Wasser in Nieren von thonigem Spharosiderit. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 60-62. 2. Researches upon Cumarine. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 205-218; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 120-121 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 449-451; XVII., 1850, pp. 467-470; Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 177-198; Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 480-494; Chem. Coll. Reports, 1845, pp. 85-99. Alaunrohlaugen mittelst Braunkohlengas, uiid Bemerkungen iiber Gasfeuerung uberhaupt. Karsten, Archiv, XXIII., 1850, pp. 411-429. Bleisch, . Ueber einige in den Jahren 1856 -62 in der Gegend von Strehlen gefundene Dia- tomeen. [1863.] Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1862, pp. 75-84. Bleiweis, . [Ueber ein angebliches Bas- tardkalb von Hirsch und Kuh.] Wien, Sitz- ungsber. XIII., 1854, pp. 141-143. Blengini, Domenico. Azione del bromo su di- versi alcaloidi, col rafFronto di quella dell' iodio. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. I., 1834, pp. 269-274. 2. Sur 1'influence du Brome, du Bromure et de 1'Iodure de Potassium dans la germina- tion. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 28-29. 3. Experiences sur la quantite de Potasse qu'on peut retirer du marc de raisin. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, p. 31. Blenkins, G. E. On an early human Ovum. [1857.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. VI., 1858, pp. 5-10. Blerzy, . Invariants. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 301-305 ; XVIII., 1859, pp. 420-432. Blerzy, H. Le telegraphe transatlantique du Nord. Annal. Telegraph. IV., 1861, pp. 302- 321, 377-394. 2. L'ame des cables sous-marins. Annal. Telegraph. IV., 1861, pp. 585-608. 3. La mer profonde. Annal. Telegraph. V., 1862, pp. 5-38. 4. Essais electriques des cables sous-marins. Annal. Telegraph. V., 1862, pp. 332-366. 5. Essai sur la theorie mecanique de 1'im- mersion des cables sous-marins. Annal. Tele- graph. V., 1862, pp. 521-538. Blessig, . Ueber die Variinderungen der Niere nach Unterbindung der Nierenarterie. Virchow, Archiv, XVI., 1859, pp. 120-136. Blessig, C. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Hetero- meren von Australia felix. Horse Soc. Entom. Rossicje, I., 1861, pp. 87-115. Blesson, L. Ueber das Wachsen und Reifen der Fossilien. Hermbstadt, Museum, IV., 1815, pp. 178-188. 2. Woraus besteht das Eisen ? Hermb- stadt, Museum, IV., 1815, pp. 236-252; V., 199- 245. 3. Ueber Polaritat und Magnetismus des Eisens. Hermbstadt, Museum, V., 1815, pp. 279- 286. 4. Ueber den Klang des Eisens. Hermb- stadt, Museum, V., 1815, pp. 286-287. 5. Ueber den Bruch des Eisens. Hermb- stadt, Museum, V., 1815, pp. 289-344. 6. Der Strom des Eisens. Hermbstadt, Museum, VI., 1815, pp. 3-4. BLE] 429 [BLE Blesson, L. 7. Das verschanzte Lager bei Wartha im Jahr 1813 : mineralogische Bemer- kungen. Gilbert, Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 241-273. 8. Auch nocli eine Idee iiber das Mobile perpetuum. Hermbstadt, Museum, VII., 1816, pp. 58-69. 9. Ueber das Steinsprengen mit Sandver- setzung und die Verstarkung der Kraft des Pul- vers durch Sagespahne. Gilbert, Anna!. LXIV., 1820, pp. 102-111. 1O. Versuche mit DAVY'S Sicberungs- Lampe, angestellt um zu erfahren, ob sie vor Pulver-Explosionem schiitze. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 225-235. 11. Bemerkungen iiber Sand und Diinen. Hertha, XL, 1828, pp. 177-196, 279-291, 416- 435. 12. Einige Beobachtungen und Bemerkun- gen iiber Aerolithen, leuchtende Meteore, Irr- lichter und Gewitter. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXIII. (= Archiv Chemie, V.), 1832, pp. 24- 43 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1833, pp. 90-94. 13. Versuche iiber die zweckmassigste Stubenheitzung mit Oefen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIIL, 1833, pp. 281-321. Bley, Heinrich. Ueber die Niederschlage, welche die kaustischen und die kohlensauren Alkalien in der Losung des Alauns und der schwefel- sauren Thonerde erzeugen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 1-23. 2. Stickstoffbleioxyd, eine neue Verbin- dung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 23-25. 3. Ueber Stickstoff bleioxyd. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 1850, pp.. 380-381. 4. Bemerkungen iiber LAGRANGE'S analy- tische Mechanik. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 275-407. Bley, L. F. Chemische Analyse der Pimpinell- wurzel (Radix Pimpinellae saxifragse, L.). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 59-96. 2. Chemische Untersuchung der schwarzen Pimpinellwurzel (Rad. Pimpinellse nigrae, L.). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 37-88. 3. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das fette und atherische Oel der Muscatniisse so wie iiber Myristicin. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827, pp. 50-59. 4. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das fette und atherische Oel der sogenannten Muscatenbluthen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827, pp. 59-61. 5. Chemische Untersuchung des mexikani- schen Traubenkrautes, Herba Chenopodii am- brosioidis, L. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 28-82. Bley, L. F. 6. Chemische Untersuchung des Moschuskrautes (Herba Mari veri). Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 83-133. 7. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Peter- siliensamenol und eine in demselben gefundene eigenthiimliche krystallinische Substanz. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 134-144. 8. Bemerkungen iiber Bodensatze im Spanisch-Hopfenol und Citronenol. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828, pp. 90 -92. 9. Chemische Untersuchung der Schaf- garbenwurzel (Radix Achilleae millefolii). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828, pp. 245-273. 1O. Chemische Untersuchung des Schaf- garbenkrautes (Herba Achilleae millefolii). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 94-120. 11. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung der Mineralquelle des Beringer-Bades. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 3-45. 12. Chemische Untersuchung der Schaf- garbenbliithen (Flores Achilleae millefolii, L.). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIL, 1828, pp. 46-68; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 195- 196. 13. Chemische Untei'suchung des Schaf- garbensamen (Semen Achilleae millefolii). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIL, 1828 (St. 2), pp. 58-80. 14. Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchung des Ernabrunnens an der Eisenhiitte unterm Magdesprunge. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIIL, 1829 (St. 2), pp. 69-113. 15. Chemische Untersuchung des romischen Kiimmelsamens (Sem. Cumini cymini, L.). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1829, pp. 1-24. 16. Chemische Untersuchung der Herba Ballota lanata, L. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1829 (St. 2), pp. 18-33. 17. Versuche iiber Darstellung des Hyos- cyamins. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830 (St. 2), pp. 157-172. 18. Chemische Zerlegung der smyrnaschen. Feigen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1830 (St. 2), pp. 174-182. 19. Chemische Untersuchung des Sand- steins aus dem Kirchbruche bei Bernburg. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1830 (St. 2), pp. 182-189. 2O. Chemische Untersuchung der Cortex Juremae brasiliensis. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXII., 1831 (St. 2), pp. 201-220. BLE] Bley, L. F. 21. Chemische Untersuchung der Radix Orelha d'Onca ans Brasilien. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXII., 1831 (St. 2), pp. 220-233. 22. Chemische Untersuchung der Cortex Sipopira. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1831, pp. 62-70. 23. Chemische Untersuchung derlevanti- schen Seifemvurzel (Radix Saponariaelevanticae). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832, pp. 95-120. 24. Vergleichende Priifung der alexandrin- ischen und ostindischen Sennesblatter (Fol. Sennae Alexand. et Ostind). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832, pp. 121-128. 25. Ueber kohlensaures Eisen. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832, pp. 129 -133. 26. Vermischte chemische Bemerkungen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 112-128. 27. Ueber das Daturin. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832, pp. 228-233 ; Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 135-138 ; Pharm. Centr. Blatt. III., 1832, pp. 888-890. 28. Chemische Untersuchung der Blatter des Buxbaumes (Buxus sempervirens). Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharra. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 54-68. 29. Chemische Untersuchung eines in den Wurzeln von Rumex acutus, L. (Rumex Nemolapathum, Ehrh."), sich findenden harzahn- lichen Kb'rpers. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 68-73. 3O. Vermischte chemische Versuche und Beobachtungen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 73-83. 31. Chemische Untersuchung des Lerchen- schwammes (Agaricus albus). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 119-149. 32. Chemische Untersuchung menschlicher Gallensteine. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 115-120; Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 233-234. 33. Ueber den eigenthiimlichen Kratzstoff, Saponin, der Rad. Saponarise levanticae. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L, 1834, pp. 156-158. 34. Ueber eine merkwurdige Reduction und Krystallisation des Antimonoxydes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 187-188. 35. Notiz iiber Braunkohlenol und ein bei der trocknen Destination von Braunkohlen erhal- tenes Harz. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 294 -295. 36. Einige Notizen iiber Bremer Griin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 270- 272. [BLI Bley, L. F. 37. Chemische Untersuchung einer Porcellanerde von dem Gute Gutenberg, unweit Halle an der Saale. Erdm. Journ. Prak Chem V., 1835, pp. 313-315. 38. Einige chemische Versuche mit dem Korper des Bandwurmes (Tsenia solium, L. ; T. cucurbitina). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem VI 1835, pp. 271-273. 39. Chemische Untersuchung der Aprikos- enfriichte. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI 1835, pp. 294-313. 40. Examen chimique des Framboises (Fructus Rubi idaei). Journ. de Pharm XXIV 1838, pp. 374-376. 41. Ueber Verwechselung der Herba Soli- daginis virgaureae mit Herba Senecionis nemo- rensis. Rohr, Notizen, II., 1851, pp. 55-56. Bley, L. F., und E. G. Hornung. Entomo- logisch-chemische Untersuchung des Carabus auratus, L. (Goldschmidt-kafers), und des Sca- rabasus nasicornis, L. (Nashornkafers). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 289-309. 2. Eutomologisch-chemische Unter- suchung des sogenannten Mistkiifers (Blaps ob- tusa, Fab.). Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem VI 1835, pp. 257-269. 3. Priifung ernes dunkelgriinen Kup- fersalzes, welches sich an den zum Durchbohren der Kafer gebrauchten Nadeln von Donacien abgesetzt hatte. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem VI., 1835, pp. 269-271. 4. Entomologisch-chemische Unter- suchung der Sonnenkiiferchen, Johanniswiirm chen, Coccinella septem-punctata, L. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 122-128. Bley, L. F., und F. Otto. Ueber Malzsyrup. Erdm. Journ. Prak.Chem. IV., 1835, pp. 282-287. Blickensderfer, 7. Observations on the Annu- lar Eclipse of September 1838. Franklin Inst Journ. XXIV., 1839, pp. 301-303. Blindow, Robert. Zum Fefmat'schen Lehrsatze. Grunert^ Archiv, XXXI., 1858, pp. 295-299. 2. Zwei Beweise des geometrischen Satzes, Theil XXX., S. 355, und des Fermat'schen geometrischen Lehrsatzes. Grunert, Archiv XXXIL, 1859, pp. 124-126.. Blissard, John. Theory of generic equations. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 279-288- V., 1862, pp. 58-75, 185-209. 2. On the generalization of certain trigono- metrical formulae. Messenger of Mathem. L, 1862, pp. 124-136. 3. On the discovery and properties of a peculiar class of algebraic formulas. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 325-335. 4. On the limits and different ranges of application belonging to the summation of in- finite trigonometrical serie?. Messenger of Mathem. II., 1863, pp. 50-63. BLI] 431 [BLO Blissard, John. 5. Examples of the use and application of representative notation. [1862.] Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 49-64. 6. On the generalization of certain formula investigated by Mr. WALTON. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 167-179. 7. Researches in analysis. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 242-257. Blisson, J. F. J. Essai sur une methode propre a faciliter la recherche et 1'etude des larves des Lepidopteres. France, Congres Scientif. I., 1839, pp. 127-149. 2. Memoire sur la preparation des JEshnes et des Libellules. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 413-419 ; II., 1844, pp. xlv-xlviii. 3. Memoire sur les moeurs des chenilles des Sesies. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. 207-221. 4. Description des larves du Steatoderus ferrugineus, Fabr., de 1'Agrypnus varius, Fabr., et du Silpha obscura, Fabr. [1845.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. 65-71. 5. Description de la larve et de la nymphe de la Nebria brevicollis, Fabr. [1847.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 73-83 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, XI., 1849, col. 104-105. 6. Note pour servir a completer 1'histoire des moeurs et des metamorphoses de la Cicindela campestris. [1847.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 155-165. 7. Description de la larve et de la nymphe du Silvanus sexdentatus, Fabr. [1847.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. 163-172. 8. Description de la larve et de la nymphe du Cryptopha^us liiTt\is,Gyllenhal. Paris, Ann. Soc, Entom. VII., 1849, pp. 315-325. 9. Sur les moaurs de la Sesia cynipsiformis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. xxxv- xxxvi. Blizard, Thomas. Description of an Extra- Uterine Fo3tus. [1800.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. V., 1805, pp. 189-192. Block, Mark Eliez. Sur le Gastrobranchus, nouveau genre de poisson. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 26. Block, N. Siphon a ecoulement intermittent. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1849, pp. 126-127. 2. Description du feculometre, appareil pour faire connaitre la proportion d'eau contenue dans les fecules vertes ou humides, employees par diverses industries. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 969-973 ; Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1855, pp. 67-72. . 3. Preparation du carbonate potassique pur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 364- 365. Blochmann, G. M. S. Versuche iiber die Bewe- gung des Leuchtgases in Rb'hren. Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, VII., 1861, col. 490-492. Block, A. C L. Nonnulla de quantitate acidi sul- phurici per urinam excreti apud hominem eo acido intoxicatum observata. Kiel, Schriften, IV., 1858. Block, M. Ueber die neuern Versuche zur kiinstlichen Erzeugung der Fische in Frankreich. Annal. Landwirths. XXI., 1853, pp. 274-287. 2. Ueber die Benutzung der Excremente des Menschen als Diinger. Annal. Landwirths. XXXVIII., 1861, pp. 192-212. Blockey, John S. On the mechanical effect pro- duced by the explosion of Gun-Cotton. Chemist, IV., 1857, pp. 641-642. 2. On the Commercial purification of Bitter Almond Oil. Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 386-387. Blode, Gottlob von. Versuch einer Theorie iiber die Bildung des Geyer'schen Stockwerkes. Leonharel, Taschenbuch, X., 1816, pp. 1-32. 2. Wiederbesetzung von WERHER'S Lehr- stelle ; MOHS' geognostische Bemerkungen aus Cornwall ; Englische Lampe ohne Flamme. Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 217-222. 3. Ueber einige Fossilien, die in der Gegend von Geyer vorkommen. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, XII., 1818, pp. 91-101. 4. Nachtrage zu meiner Schrift iiber die Uebergangs-Gebirgs-Formation im Kb'nigreich Polen, etc., mit Beriicksichtigung der Abhand- lungen der HH. SNEIDER und BEKER. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 129-171. 5. Ueber plutonischen (?) Kalkstein bei Zagdainsko in Polen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 34-35. 6. Beitrage zur Geologic des siidlichen Russlands. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 505-542. 7. Geognostische Beschreibung des Gou- vernements Charkow. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. 1841, pp. 34-122 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. II., 1842, pp. 573-575. 8. Geologische Schilderung des grossten Theiles vom Gubemium Poltawa. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 198-214. 9. Ergebnisse einer Reise von Charkow nach dem Donetz. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 253-260. 1O. Ueber die Methode bei Darstellung und Charakteristik von Gebirgsformationen. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XVI., 1843, pp. 62-69. 11. Ueber die geognosticheu Vorkoms- verhaltnisse des fossilen Lycopodiaceen-stammes aus derPetrowkaer-Steinkohlenpartie. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XVI., 1843, pp. 141-147. 12. Versuch einer Aufklarung der Ursache wesshalb Sandstein im Gegensatze von Kalk- stein und Thon so selten fossile Ueberreste namentlich von Thieren fiihrt. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XVI., 1843, pp. 546-553. BLO] 432 [BLO Blode, Gottlob von. 13. Nachtrage zu den geo- gnostichen Beobachtungen in den Donetzgegen- den des Gouvernements Charkow. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XVI., 1843, pp. 557-584. , 14. Versuch einer Darstellung Gebirgs- formations-Systeme im europaischen Russland. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XVI II., 1845, pp. 128- 228. 15. Die Format! onssysteme von Polen und dem angrenzenden Landerstrich, als Fortsetzung der versuchsweisen Darstellung der Formations- systeme vom europaischen Russland. St. Petersb. Verhand. Mineral. Gesell. 1845-46, pp. 1-75. 16. Tabelle iiber die in den b'ffentlichen Museen zu St. Petersburg befindlichen Aeroli- then und kurze Charakteristik derselben, so wie Angabe der hieriiber vorhandenen Nachrichten. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 1-16. Blodget, Lorin. On the distribution of precipi- tation of rain and snow on the North American Continent. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 101- 109. 2. On the south-east Monsoon of Texas, the Northers of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, and the abnormal atmospheric movements of the North American Continent generally. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 109-119. 3. Distribution of Heat in the North American climate. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 205-219. 4. The distribution of Rain in the tempe- rate latitudes of North America. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1857, pp. 93-103. Bloembergen, E., en J. J. Bruinsma. Geregte- lijk-scheikundig onderzoek eener arsenik-vergif- tiging. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, V., 1853, pp. 65- 121. Bloemen, , en P. L. Waanders. Aanteck- eningen omtrent Bali. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijd- schr. V., 1856, pp. 431-447. Blofield, John H. Sur Pile St. Helene. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 434-436. Blohm, . Ueber den Einfluss des aussereu Bodengestaltung der Quellengebiete auf die periodischen Anschwellungen der kleineren Fliisse und Bache. Hannover, Zeitschr. Archi- tect. Ver. IV., 1858, col. 23-34. Blom, Carl M. Om en oformligt uppdrifven, och till Svampeller Fettliknande massa fb'rvandlad, Mennisko-Mjalte. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXV., 1804, pp. 193-198. 2. Beskrifning pa en mycket Hvitspracklig och besynnerlig Urart af Tjader (Tetrao Uro- gallus, Linn.). Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXVIII., 1807. pp. 4-7. Blom, Carl M. 3. Masken Ascaris lumbricoides, Linn., lefvande uttagen utur en bulning i ho- gra Ljumskkorteln. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXXI., 18 10, pp. 115-119. Blom, Gustav Peter. Ueber das Rennthier der Lapplander. Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1843, col. 177-183 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 352-359. Blom, P. J. Verhandeling over het Kwaad- Hoofdzeer (Tinea capitis). Utrecht, Nieuwe Verhandl. XII., 1840. Blom, Robert. Description of a new self-acting Lever Sluice, and of a Waster Sluice. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 100-105. 2. Description of a new Double Valve Sluice. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 289- 293. Blomac, Holland de. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen des Kalks und der Kreide auf den Most und die Traubenweine ; liber die Ursa- chen des Umschlagens der Weine ; iiber die Mittel sie wiederherzustelleu ; Zweifel iiber das Vorhandensein der Aepfelsaure in den Trauben- weinen ; iiber die Frage, ob die siidlichen Weine mehr Weinstein, als die nordlichen enthalten ? (Transl.) Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XV., 1832, pp. 440-445. Blomstrand, C. W. Nagra bidrag till kiinne- dom om Tennets Brom- och Jodforeningar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1853, pp. 1-60. 2. Nagra bidrag till Sveriges mineral- geografi. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XL, 1854, pp. 296-302. 3. Beitrage zur Schweden's Mineralgeo- graphie. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 156-158. 4. Om nagra egendomliga Molybden- foreningar. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 393-403 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 449-471. 5. Om nagra organiskt sammansatta radi- kaler. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVL, 1859, pp. 271-280. 6. Bidrag till kannedomen af Wolframs haloidforeningar. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 488-498 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX1L, 1861, pp. 408-432. 7. Om Molybdens Oxider. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIIL, 1860, pp. 509-511. 8. Ueber die Bromverbindungen des Molyb- dans. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 433-439. 9. Derivater af Toluol. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, XVIIL, 1861, pp. 179-187. 1O. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber die Oxydation organischer Substanzen mittelst Brom und Wasser. Liebig, Aunal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 248-252. BLO] 433 [BLO Blomstrand, C. W. 11. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die Wolfram chloride. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIX., 1863, pp. 230-240. Blomstrand, Fr. Th. Beobachturig der Sonnen- finsterniss 28 Juli 1851, in Hestra. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 251-252. Blondat, -. Proprietes des centres de gra- vite. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 267-270. 2. Resultat d'etudes faites pour perfec- tionner les niveaux. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XX., 1840, pp. 141-148. Blondeau, . Examen chimique des feuilles du Pavot (Papaver somniferum, L.). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 210-215 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. .127-135. 2. Examen d'un fer oxidule titanifere trouve dans le departement de Maine-et-Loire. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 443-448. 3. Examen de 1'eau minerale, de Cambon, commune de Saint Cernin, departement du Cantal. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 674- 679. Blondeau, Ch. Des fermentations. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 244-261, 336-343. 2. Sources naturelles d'acide sulfurique: nouveau mode de preparation de 1'acide sul- furique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 405-108 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXV., 1850, pp. 210-212 ; Bohr, Notizen, I., 1850, pp. 78-81. 3. Memoire sur 1'alteration qu'eprouve 1'eau des puits. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 481-482. 4. Recherches sur les eaux minerales de Crausac. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 313-314. 5. Considerations generates sur les eaux thermales. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 265-281. 6. Des eaux incrustantes de Salles-la- Source et des eaux sulfureuses du Pont. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 147-149 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 244-246. 7. Action de 1'acide sulfurique sur 1'Alcool ; formation de 1'Ether. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 5-20, 99-107. 8. Memoire sur 1'Huile douce du Vin, et sur les produits secondaires qui prennent nais- sance a la suite de 1'Etherification. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 249-261, 344-351, 424-433. 9. Expose succinct de la Theorie clii- mique. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 8-18. Blondeau, Ch. 1O. Sur le fulminose et le ful- minam (Corps isomeres de la cellulose et de 1'ami- don). Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 462-472. 11. Sur la formation de 1'humus et du nitre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 414-417. 12. Sur la fermentation acetique et sur la combustion alcoolique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 953-955. Blondeau, Ch., et Guibourt. Examen chimique du Muse Tonquin. Journ. de Pharm. VL, 1820, pp. 105-127 ; Trommsdorf, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820 (St. 2), pp. 349-387. 2. Rapport sur une note de M. GILBERT, ayant pour titre: "Examen d'une nou- velle graine de moutarde." Journ, de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 139-142. Blondeau, Ch., et Henry. Analyse des eaux minerales de Pont-Gibaud. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 125-132. Blondeau, Ch., et Flisson. Note sur une sub- stance cristalline retiree de la grande consoude. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 635-637. Blondeau, Ch., et Soubeiran. Observations sur les essais d'huiles d'olive. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 65-83. Blondeau, Paul. Etudes sur les extraits de quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1849, pp. 173-184. Blondeau de Carolles, . Note sur la de- composition des huiles en vases clos. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 339-341. 2. Ueber die Holzfaser und einige ihrer Verbindungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 427-441 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 412-416. 3. Ueber das Amylon und einige seiner Verbindungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 439-453; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 416-417. 4. Connait-on quelques faits susceptibles d'etablir que certains animaux inferieurs, qui se developpent sur les matieres animales ou vegetales en decomposition, ne proviennent pas d'ceufs ou germes deposes par des individus semblables. France, Congres Scientif. 1847, pp. 355-361. Blondel, Hippolyte. Memoire sur une espece nouvelle de Brachelytre du genre Prognathe. [P. rufipennis.] Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 412-415. Blondel, J. Ueber die Wirksamkeit des Eisen- oxydhydrats als Gegengift fur die arsenige Siiure. Liebig, Annal. XVIL, 1836, pp. 222- 224. Blondlot, N. Proprietes dissolvantes du sue gastrique. Jourii. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 394-396. 3 I BLO] J&t [BLO Blondlot, JV r . 2. Nouveaux perfectionnements a hi methode de MARSH pour la recherche che- mico-legale de 1'arsenic. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 9-38 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 32-33. . 3. Sur 1'origine du sucre de lait. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 159-181. 4. Nouvelles recherches chirniques sur la nature et 1'origine du principe acide qui domine dans le sue gastrique. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 10-49; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV.. 1851, pp. 139-142; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 118-121. 5. Inutilite de la bile dans la digestion proprement dite. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 50-63 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 904-906. 6. Analyse de 1'eau salee de Rosieres. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1852, pp. 481- 486. 7. Recherches sur la digestion des ma- tieres amylacees. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1853, pp. 1-80 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1855, pp. 223-233 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 288-293. 8. Recherches sur la digestion des matieres grasses, suivies de considerations sur la nature et les agents du travail digestif. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1854, pp. 443-499; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (ZooL), 1854, pp. 285-320. 9. Analyse de 1'eau qui jaillit d'un puits fore a Jarville. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1854, pp. 499-529. 10. Note sur la propriete de 1'Amidon de se colorer en bleu par 1'Iode. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 45-46. 11. Sur la recherche toxicologique de 1' Arsenic. Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 117-119. 12. 'Sur la recherche de PArsenic par la methode de MARSH. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Sta- nislas, 1857, pp. 1-7. 13. Sur la maniere d'agir du sue gastrique. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1857, pp. 22-26 ; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1857, pp. 402-404. 14. Nouvelles recherches sur la digestion. Premiere partie : Sur le principe acide du sue gastrique. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 308-320. 15. Influence des coips gras sur la solu- bilite de 1'acide arsenieux consideree dans ses rapports avec la toxicologie. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1859, pp. 38-57. 16. Influence des corps gras sur la solu- bilite de 1'Acicle Arsenieux. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 169-170. 17. Note sur une particular! te relative a la trempe de 1'acier et de la fonte de fer. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, I860, pp. 265-268. Blondlot, JV. 18. Note sur une modification a la pipette graduee de MOHR. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1860, pp. 269-275. 19. Sur la recherche toxicologique du phosphore par la coloration de la flamme. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1860, pp. 285-323; Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 25-31 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1197-1200. 20. Influence des corps gras sur la solu- bilite de 1'acide arsenique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 165-166. 21. Sur la transformation de 1'arsenic en hydrure solide, sous Finfluence de 1'acide azo- tique. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 186-190. 22. Recherches toxicologiques sur la trans- formation de 1'arsenic en hydrure solide, par 1'hydrogene naissant, sous Finfluence des com- poses nitreux [ou de la pression]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 596-597 ; Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 486-490. Blood, W. B., and W. T. Doyne. An investi- gation of the strain upon the diagonals of Lattice Beams, with the resulting Formulae. Franklin Inst, Journ. XXV., 1853, pp. 224-228, 294-299. Bloodgood, John H. Reply to T. EWBANK'S " Thoughts on the Caloric Engine." Franklin Inst. Journ. XXVIII., 1854, pp. 349-352. Blosseville, Jules de. Observations sur les aegagropiles. Eure, Bull. Soc. Agric. II., 1823, pp. 324-328. 2. Memoire sur la Nouvelle Irlande. Eure, Journ. d' Agric. III., 1826, pp. 149-159. 3. Observations magnetiques dans le nord de 1'Europe. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1841, pp. 75-76. Blot, . Atrophie ou plutot etat rudimentaire d'un des ovaires, avec absence de la trompe du meme cote chez une femme d'une quarantaiiie d'annees ; nouvelle description des ligaments ronds. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 (Compt. Rend.\ pp. 176-179. Blot, F. Sur les proprietes des insectes des environs de Caen. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1824, pp. 84-115. 2. Memoire sur un nouveau genre et une nouvelle espece de Diptere [Myopites]. Nor- mandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1826-27. pp. 102-108. Bloxam, Andreiv. Land Birds met with at sea on a voyage from England to South America. Mag. Nat, Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 145-146. 2. An enumeration of the Land and Fresh- water Shell Snails met with in some rambles in Norfolk and Derbyshire ; with a passing men- tion of some other natural objects observed. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1833, pp. 324-327. 3. List of the rarer plants found in the neighbourhood of Twycross, Leicestershire. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 640-642. BLO] 435 [BLU Bloxam, Andrew. 4. List of British Rubi found in the neighbourhood of Twycross, Lei- cestershire. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 675- 676. 5. Note on the British Rubi. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 181-183. 6. British Rubi in Yorkshire. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 325-326. 7. Characters of new British Rubi. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 490-491. Bloxam, Charles L. On the detection and qualitative separation of Tin, Antimony, and Arsenic ; and on the relation existing between these metals and others which are precipitated from their acid solutions by Sulphuretted Hy- drogen. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 104- 126; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIII., 1852, pp. 180- 214. 2. On the juice of beef. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 153-161. 3. On the action of Boracic Acid upon the carbonates of the Alkalies and Alkaline Earths. Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 177-198. 4. On the application of Electrolysis to the detection of the poisonous metals in mixtures containing organic matters. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 12-22. 5. On the crystallised hydrates of Baryta and Strontia. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 48-50. 6. On the Electrolytic Test for Arsenic, and on the presence of that metal in certain reagents. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 338-343. 7. On a crystalline basic sulphate of Mag- nesia. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 313-314. 8. On the amount of water displaced from the Hydrates of Potash, Soda, and Baryta by Boracic and Silicic Acids. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1862, pp. 143-153. 9. On the source of the Arsenic in the Sul- phuric Acid of commerce, and the preparation of that acid free from arsenic. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 52-57. 1O. On the capacity of Arsenious Acid for bases, and on certain Arsenites. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV, 1862, pp. 281-299. Bloxam, Charles L., and F. A. Abel. Con- tributions to the history of Nitric Acid, with especial reference to the valuation of Nitre. Chem. Soc. Journ. IX., 1857, pp. 97-127; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 262-265. 2. On the valuation of Nitre. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 107-109. Bloxam, James M. On the mathematical theory and practical defects of Clock Escapements, with a description of a new Escapement ; and some observations connected with the same sub- jects on the construction of other parts of clocks for astronomical a*id scientific purposes. [1853.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XXII., 1854, pp. 103-150; XXVIL, 1859, pp. 61-68. Bloxam, John Charlton. On the correlation of the daily values for atmospheric pressure, as calculated respectively for Newport and for Greenwich. [1862.] Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. L, 1863, pp. 138-143. 2. On the reduction of an irregularly pro- gressing series of the regularly succeeding values of a specific term to constant average and regu- larly progressing values. [1862.] Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. L, 1863, pp. 143-149. 3. On the Winter which occurs in the Spring of the year ; and on the Summer which occurs in the fall of the year. Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. L, 1863, pp. 321-329. 4. On the theory of vapour pressure. Brit. Meteor. Soc. Proc. I., 1863, pp. 362- 365. Bloxam, Thomas. Analysis of Craigleith Sand- stone. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 391-392. 2. On the composition of the Building Sandstones of Craigleith, Binnie, Gifnock, and Partick Bridge. Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. IV., 1862, pp. 43-47 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1858, pp. 83-90. 3. On the composition of the glassy sur- face of some vitrified forts. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 338-342. Bloxam, William. On the structure of the human placenta, and its connexion with the uterus. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIH., 1840, pp. 224-236. Bliicher, Helmuth von. Zur geognostischen Kenntniss Mecklenburgs und Neu-Vorpom- merns. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 152-204. 2. Ueber das Vermogen verschiedener Salze Wasser aus der Atmosphare anzuziehen. Poggend L Annal. L., 1840, pp. 541-543. 3. Ueber eine Verbrennungserscheinung der fatten Oele. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 544 -545. 4. Ueber die Umwandlung des Rohrzuckers in Milchsiiure. Poggend. Annal. LXIII., 1844, pp. 425-430 ; Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 107- 108. Bluff, M. J. Ueber die Wirkungen der Blau- saure im Oele der bittern Mandeln, in Vergleich zur kiinstlich gewonnenen Blausaure. Schweig- ger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 304-308. 3 i 2 BLU] 436 [BLTJ Bluff, M. J. 2. Ueber das sogenannte Os meta- carpi pollicis. Meckel, Archiv, 1826, pp. 112- 116. 3. Merkwiirdiger Fall von Elephantiasis. [1833.] Acad. Ctes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 409-420. Bluhme, Jf. Analyse des Phosphorit vom Sie- bengebirge. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 354-355. 2. Vanadin und Titan im Spharosiderit bei Bonn. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 355-356. 3. Selen im Pseudomalachit von Rhein- breitenbach. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 356-357. 4. Krystallisirtes phospliorsaures Kobalt- oxydul. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 357- 358. 5 Krystallisirtes Zinkoxydhydrat. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, p. 358. Blum, Auguste. Note sur une construction me- canique destrois Coniques. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1843, pp. 60-63. Blum, H. C. Noch etwas in Beziehung auf die Theorie der Parallellinien. Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 222-224. Blum, Johann Reinhard. Pinit im Granite der Umgegend von Heidelberg aufgefunden. Leon- hard, Zeitschr. 1828, pp. 679-704. 2. Ueber einige Nord-Amerikanische Mi- neralien. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 49-59. 3. Ueber Marmolith im Dolerit. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 158-160. 4. Description des lavages de sables auri- feres, et comparaison des anciennes construc- tions avec celles maintenant en usage aux mines d'or de Miassk. St. Peter sb. Ann. des Mines de Russie, 1835, pp. 181-199. 5. Notice sur les mines d'or de Berezowka et de Miassk. Annal. des Mines, X., 1836, pp. 87-94. 6. Mineralogische Notizen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 34-37. 7. Ueber die Zersetzungsweise der wich- tigsten Felsmassen und deren Resultate. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1838, pp. 497-513. 8. Ueber einige geologische Erscheinungen in der Nagelflue. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 525-531. 9. Pseudomorphose. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 131-132; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIX., 1845, pp. 241-251. 10. Leonhardit, ein neues Mineral. Pog- gend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 336-339. 11. Fossile Schlangen-Eier im Paludinen- Kalke zu Breber bei Offenbach. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 672-675; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 165-167. Blum, Johann Reinhard. 12. Neue Krystall-Forrn des Baryt-Spathes. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, p. 845. 13. Mineralogische Beobachtungen. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1851, pp. 659-660. 14. Steinmark in Verdrangungs-Pseudo- morphosen nach Wolframit. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 154-157. 15. Ueber die Entstehung des Felsenmeers bei Reichenbach in Odenwald. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 152-156. 16. Ueber Gieseckit und Spreustein, zwei Umwandlungs Pseudomorphosen nach Nephelin. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 315- 320; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 162-166. 17. Die Einschllisse von Mineralien in krystallisirten Mineralien, deren chemische Zusammensetzung und die Art ihrer Entstehung. Haarlem, Natuurl. Verhand. Maatsch. Wet. IX., 1854. 18. Ueber die hohlen Geschiebe von Lau- retta im Leithagebirge. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 15-16; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1857, p. 255. 19. Ueber die Ursachen der Bildung ver- schiedener Krystall-Formen bei ein und dem- selben Minerale. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 78-80; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 24-26. 2O. Mineralogische Mittheilungen. Heidel- berg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, p. 338 ; Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 103-104; Leonhard u, Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 287- 293. 21. Ueber Pseudomorphosen. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 883-884. 22. Ueber Pseudomorphosen von Kalkspath nach Feldspath und Augit. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 918-919; Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat, Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 161-162. 23. Ueber eine Pseudomorphose von amor- phem Quarz nach Colestin. Poggend. Annal. CHI., 1858, pp. 628-636. 24. Natrolith, in Pseudomorphosen nnch Oligoklas und Nephelin. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 133-144. 25. Ueber Umbildung des Glaubersalzes zu Thenardit. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 11-12; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1860, pp. 171-172. 26. Ueber gediegenes Kupfer vom oberen See. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Verh. 1859-60, p. 26 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1860, pp. 186-187. 27. Ueber hohle Geschiebe. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1859, pp. 359-360. BLU] [BLU Blum, Johann Rcinhard. 28. Ueber die geognos- tischen Ergebnisse des Bohrversuches bei Neu- enheim. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1860, pp. 163- 164 ; Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Mecl. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 3^4. 29. Ueber cine besondere Art der Aus- fullung von Blasenrh'umen in Mandelsteinen. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1861, p. 176. 3O. Ueber Pseudomorphosen und Eiri- schliisse von Mineralien in Mineral! en. Heidel- berg, Jahrb. Lit. 1861, pp. 181-183. 31. Ueber eiuen Meteorstein von Darm- stadt. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1861, pp. 659- 660. 32. Foyait, ein neues Gestein aus Sud- Portugal. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 426-433. 33. Ueber einige kiinstliche und natiirliche Pseudomorphosen. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1862, pp. 176-178. 34. Ueber den Epidot in seinen Bezie- hungen zu einigen andern Mineralien. Heidel- berg, Jahrb. Lit. 1862, pp. 185-188. 35. Der Epidot in petrographischer und genetischer Beziehung. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 419-431. Bhime, Carel Lodewijk. Ueber die Vegetation des Berges Gedee auf der Insel Java. Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 289-295. 2. Beschrijving van eenige Gewassenwaar- genomen op eenen togt naar den Salak in den jaare 1822. Batavia, Genootsch. Verhand. IX., 1825, pp. 127-202. 3. Bijdrage tot de kennis onzer Javaan-- sche Eiken. Batavia, Genootsch. Verhand. IX., 1825, pp. 203-223. 4. Over de gesteldheid van het gebergte Gede. Batavia, Genootsch. Verhand. X., 1825, pp. 57-104. 5. Reise von Batavia nach Krawang in der Preanger Regentschaft. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 577-585. 6. Etwas iiber die Rhizantheje, eine neue Pflanzenfamilie, und die Gattung Rafflesia ins- besondere. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp; 609-624. 7. [Ueber Pflanzeu der Gegend von Ba- tavia.] Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 677-682. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Bantam, dem westlichsten Bezirk auf Java. Hertha, II., 1825, pp. 227-257. 9. Monographic der Oost-Indische Peper- soorten. Batavia, Genootsch. Verhand. XL, 1826, pp. 139-245 ; Ann. Sci.' Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 2 16-224. 1O. Bruchstiicke einer Reise auf der Insel Java. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 417-426, 433-441. 11. Over een nieuw plantengeslacht, de Blume, Carel Lodewijk. 12. Ueber einige Ost- indische, und besonders Javanische Melasto- maceen. Flora, XIV, 1831, pp. 465-479, 481- 496, 497-512, 513-528. 13. Be*chrijving van Calamus Draco, Willd., naar exemplaren van deze Plant, verza- meld en medegedeeld door den Heer PR.ETORIUS, resident te Palembaug, op het eiland Sumatra. Hall, Bijdragen, VIL, 1832, pp. 115-129. 14. Observations de genere Helicia, Lour. Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1834 (Bot.\ pp. 211-220. 15. De novis quibusdam plantarum fa- miliis expositio, et olirn jam expositarum enume- ratio. Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1834 (Bot.), pp. 89- 106; Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834, pp. 131-162. 16. Eenige waarnemingen omtrent den Culilawan-boom van RUMPHIUS, in het 1 l de Deel, Pag. 65-69 vanzijn "Herbarium Amboinense." Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834, pp. 46- 65 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, I., 1835, pp. 116-126 ; Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXV., 1835 (Hft. 2), pp. 9-29. 17. Eenige opmerkingen over de natuur- lijke rangschikking van Rohdea, Tupistra en Aspidistra, als mede de beschrijving eener nieuwe soort van dit laatste geslacht. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, I., 1834, pp. 67-84. 18. Neesia, genus plantarum Javanicum. [1833.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 73-84. 19. Miquelia, genus novuni plantarum Javanicarurn. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Eot.\ 1838, pp. 255-256; Miquel, Bull. Sci. 1838, pp. 93-95. 2O. Revue des Palmiers de 1'Archipel des Indes Orientales. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.\ 1838, pp. 369-377; Miquel, Bull. Sci. 1838, pp. 61-67. 21. Ueber das Lycopodium arboreum. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 85-89. 22. Ueber ein Surrogat des chinesischen Thees. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 90-92. 23. Bijdrage tot de kennis der Oost-In- dische Orchideen en het maaksel (de organi- satie) van hare bevruchtingswerktuigen. Am- sterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 100- 115. 24. Over eenige Oost-Indische houtsoorten, Bruo-mansia, uit de natuurlijke familie der Rhi- zanthece. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 419-423. in verband met de verwoestingen, door den Paahvorm of andere Schelpdieren hier te lande en elders aangerigt. Amsterdam, Versla- Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 25-49. Blume, Carel Lodewijk, et Nees von Esenbeck. Pugillus plantarum Javanicarum, e Cryptoga- micarum variis ordinibus selectus. Acad. Cae?. Leop. Nova Acta, XL, 1823, pp. 117-138. BLU] 438 [BLU Blum, Card Lodcwijk, et Wees von Esenbeck. Fungi Javanici. Acad. Goes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIII., 1826, pp. 9-22. Blume, Card Lodewijk, Nees von Esenbeck, et B.einwardt. Hepatica? Javanicce. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 181-238, 409-417. Blume, F. Ausflug auf dem Flusse Salween in Hinterindien, im Februar 1845. Berlin, Mo- natsb. Ges. Erdk. III., 1846, pp. 218-233. 2. Reise von Mergui nach Moulmain in Hinterindien. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 226-276. 3. Bemerkungen wahrend seines Aufent- halts zu Mergui in Hinter-Indien. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VII., 1850, pp. 211-222. 4. Fortsetzung seiner Reise auf dem Sal- ween oder Saluen, und der Beschreibung der Hohlen an dessen Ufern-Provinz Martabau in Hinter-Indien. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VH., 1850, pp. 226-239. 5. Ein Besuch auf den Inseln Santa Clara und Gorgona im Jahre 1842. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VIIL, 1851, pp. 64-69. 6. Ausflug nach der Insel Kings-Island im Mergui Archipel. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. VIIL, 1851, pp. 178-182. 7. Die Insel Pulo Pinang und die Provinz Tenasserim in Hinter-Indien. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. IX., 1852, pp. 100-119. 8. Die Vei'haltnisse von Venezuela und die dortige deutsche Colonie Tovar nach neueren handschriftlichen Mittheilungen und eigener Erfahrung. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. X., 1853, pp. 111-127. Blumenau, H. Chemische Erfahrungen und Bemerkungen. Liebig, Annal. LXVIL, 1848, pp. 115-128. Blumenbach, J. F. Eloge historique de J. F. B. par Flourens (q. v.). Paris, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXL, 1847, pp. 1-24 (Hi*.). Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. Ueber die Zauberkraft der Klapperschlangen. Voigt, Magazin, I., 1798, pp. 37-47; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IL, 1798, pp. 251-256. 2. Ueber den knochern aus schuppen- formigen Blattern zusammengesetzten Ring in der Sclerotica im Auge der Vogel. Voigt, Magazin, L, 1798, pp. 107-108. 3. Ueber die Fortpflanzungsweise des Kan- guruh. Voigt, Magazin, L, 1798, pp. 108-1 09 r 4. Ueber die Wirkung des mit Vitriolol gesiiuerten Erdreichs auf die Vegetation. Voigt, Magazin, L, 1798 (Bft. 3), pp. 126-130. 5. Observations on the bodily conformation and mental capacity of the Negroes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 141-147. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 6. De Or- nithorhynchi paradoxi fabrica observationes quaedam anatomicas. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. d'Emul. IV., 1800, pp. 320-321 ; Voigt, Magazin, IL, 1800, pp. 284-291 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 366-367. 7. Sur un nouveau genre de quadrupede edente, nomme Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IL, 1800, p. 113. 8. Specimen archaeologioe telluris, terrarum inprimis Hannoveranarum. Gottingen, Com- ment. Soc. Sci. XV., 1800-3, pp. 132-156. 9. Verbessertes System der Siiugethierc. Voigt, Magazin, III., 1802, pp. 678-683. 1O. Einige naturhistorische Seltenheiten und Bemerkungen vom Vorgebirge der guten Hoffnung. Voigt, Magazin, IV., 1802, pp. 671 -679. 11. Miscellanies in Natural History : viz., An improvement in the system of the Mamma- lia ; Observations on a living Opossum (Didel- phis marsupialis) ; and an account of the third Generation of the Porcupine Man. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVL, 1803, pp. 68-75; Voigt, Magazin, III., 1802, p. 683. 12. Specimen historise naturalis antiquse artis operibus illustratae eaque vicissim illus- trantis. [1803.] Gottingen, Comment. Soc. Sci. XVL, 1804-8, pp. 169-198. 13. Noch ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der vom Himmel gefallenen Aerolithen oder Meteor- steine. Voigt, Magazin, VIL, 1804, pp. 233- 253. 14. Decas quinta collections suas craniorum diversarum gentium illustrata. [1806.] Gottin- gen, Comment. Soc. Sci. XVL, 1804-8, pp. 199- 216. 15. Ueber den angeblichen Schwefelregen, am 25 Mai 1804. Voigt, Magazin, IX., 1805, pp. 193-199. 16. De anomalis et vitiosis quibusdam nisus formativi aberrationibus. [1812.] Got- tingen, Comment. Soc. Sci. IL, 1811-13. 17. Ueber die fossilen Gebeine von Ele- phanten und Mammutsthieren, und iiber andere pra-adamitische Thier- und Pflanzen- Reste, besonders aus den Hannoverscheu Landen. Gil- bert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp. 425-436. 18. Specimen archaeologiaa telluris terrarum- que inprimis Hannoveranarum alterum. [1813.] Gottingen, Comment. Soc. Sci. III., 1814-15, pp. 3-25. 19. Specimen historia3 naturalis ex auc- toribus classicis praasertim poetis illustrata; eosque vicissim illustrantis. [1815.] Gottingen, Comment. Soc. Sci. III., 1814-15, pp. 62-78. BLU] 439 [ELY Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 2O. Gebirgsart von der Cote du Mole an der Grande Terre von Guadeloupe, in welcher neuerlich die fos~ "silen Menschen-Gerippe entdeckt wurden. Leon- hard, Taschenbuch, X., 1816, pp. 237-239. 21. Decas sexta collectionis suae cranioruni diversarum gentium illustrata. [1816.] Gottin- gen, Comment. Soc. Sci. IV., 1816-18, pp. 159- 174. 22. De quorundam animantium coloniis A sive sponte migratis, sive casu aut studio ab hominibus aliorsum translatis. [1820.] Gottin- gen, Comment, Soc. Sci. V., 1819-22, pp. 101- 116. 23. On the prickle at the extremity of the tail of the Lion. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 266-268. 24. Nova pentas collectionis suns craniorum diversarum gentium. [1826.] Gottingen, Com- ment. Soc. Sci. VI., 1823-27, pp. 141-146. Blumenberg, Car. Fr. Dissertatio de novis generibus plantarum. Upsala, Diss. Acacl. I.. 1799, pp. 83-98. Blumenthal, . Fall von Hydrophobia spon- tanea. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1839, pp. 373-377. Blumhardt, . Beschreibung des Herzens eines neugeborenen Kindes mit seltener Abwei- chung in dem Ursprunge der grossen Gefiisse. Wlirttemb. Aertz. Ver. Mittheil. L, 1834, pp. 193-212. Blumhof, J. G. L. Uebersicht der Beobachtim- gen alterer und neuerer Naturforscher iiber das Leuchten des Meerwassers. Voigt, Magazin, L, 1799 (Hft. 4), pp. 1-20 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mug. VIII., 1800, pp. 97-107. 2. Nachricht von einen ungewohnlichen Zuge von Insekten in Schweden (Libellula can- cellata). \_Repr.] Voigt, Magazin, III., 1801, pp. 276-277. 3. Nachricht von einen merkwurdigen Hagelwetter in und um Hannover, den 6ten Sept. dieses Jahrs. Voigt, Magazin, III., 1801, pp. 363-370. 4. Zur Geschichte der Meteorsteine. Voigt, Magazin, VIII., 1804, pp. 133-139. 5. Nachtrage zu CHLADNI'S neuen chrono- logischen Verzeichnisse herabgefallener Stein- und Eisenmassen. [1815.] Gilbert, Annalen, LIIL, 1816, pp. 307-312. Blumhof, J. G. L., und J. G. Stiinkel. Beo- bachtungen auf einer Fussreise von der Rothen Hiitte ins Anhaltische nach Magclesprung, der Rosstrappe Thale, und den Blankeuburgischen Eisenhiitten, besonders in Riicksicht auf Eisen- hiittenwerke. N. Bergmann. Journ. III., 1802, pp. 209-269. Blumlein, . Die Wirkung des Kochsalzes auf Hausthiere. Casper, Vierteljahrsschrift, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 116-130. Blundell, James. Experiments on the Trans- fusion of Blood by the syringe. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 56-92. 2. Experiments on a few controverted points respecting the Physiology of Generation. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 245-272. 3. Some account of a case of obstinate Vomiting, in which an attempt was made to prolong life by the Injection of Blood into the veins. [1818.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 296-311 ; Meckel, Deuteches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 216-223. Blunt, James T. A description of the Cuttub Minar. Asiatick Researches, IV., 1795, pp. 313-316. 2. Narrative of a Route from Chunarghur to Yertnagoodum, in the Ellore Circar. Asia- tick Researches, VII., 1801, pp. 56-169. Blyth, Edward. New facts on the Migration of various Birds and Insects. Field Naturalists' Mag. L, 1833, pp. 466-472. 2. Considerations pertaining to Classifica- tion in relation to the Essay (pp. 385-390) of the Rev. L. JENYNS on this Subject. Mag. Nat. Hist. VI., 1 833, pp. 485-488. 3. Notes on the Arrival of the British Summer Birds of Passage in 1834, with inci- dental remarks on some of the species. Mag. Nat. Hist. VJL, 1834, pp. 338-348. 4. Remarks on the Clouded Yellow Butter- fly (Colias Edusa), and on other Lepidopterous Insects in the isle of Jersey. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 473-475. 5. A notice of the Songs of the Bramble Finch, the Mountain Linnet, and the Tree Sparrow, with remarks on each species. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 487-489. 6. An attempt to classify the " Varieties " of Animals, with observations on the marked seasonal and other Changes which naturally take place in various British Species, and which do not constitute Varieties. Mag. Nat. Hist. VHL, 1835, pp. 40-53. 7. A few Remarks on Hybrids, in reference to Mr. BERRY'S (Communication in vol. VII., p. 599. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 198- 201. 8. Observations on the Cuckoo. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., J835, pp. 325-340. 9. A notice of a very remarkable indi- vidual of the Common Shrike (Lanius Collurio, Linn.), with some observations on this species of Shrike. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 364-372. 10. On the natural history of the Nightin- gale. Analyst, IV., 1836, pp. 28-45, 212-224. BLY1 [ELY Blyth, Edward. 11. Observations on the various seasonal and other external Changes which regularly take place in Birds, more particularly in those which occur in Britain, with remarks on their great importance in indicating the true Affinities of Species, and upon the Natural System of Arrangement. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 393-409. 12. Further remarks on the Affinities of the feathered race, and upon the nature of Specific Distinctions. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 505-514. 13. On the species of Birds observed during the last four years in the vicinity of Tooting, Surrey, with a few remarks on their comparative numbers and distribution. Mag. Nat, Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 622-638. 14. On the Psychological Distinctions between Man and all other Animals, and the consequent diversity of human influence over the inferior ranks of creation from any mutual and reciprocal influence exercised among the latter. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 1-9, 77- 85, 131-141 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 176-184, 193-201, 213-215. 15. On the habits and peculiarities of the common Bottle tit, or Mufflin (Mecistura vagans, Leach, Parus caudatus, Linnaeus}. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. J 99-208. 16. On the reconciliation of certain appa- rent discrepancies observable in the mode in which the seasonal and progressive Changes of Colour are effected in the Fur of Mammalians and Feathers of Birds, with various observa- tions on Moulting. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 259-263, 300-311. 17. On Woodcocks, Fieldfares, and Red- wings building within the British Islands. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 439-441. 18. Some remarks on the Plumage of Birds. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 477- 481. 19. Notes on the Pern or Honey Buzzard. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, fp. 536-541. 20. On the Counterfeiting of Death, as a means to escape from danger, in the Fox and other animals. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 566-574 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838. col. 134- 135. 21. On the osteology of the Great Auk (Alca impennis). Zool. Soc. Proc. V., 1837, pp. 122-123. 22. Outlines of a new arrangement of In- sessorial Birds. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 256-268, 314-319. Blyth, Edward. 23. Analytic descriptions of the groups of Birds composing the order In- sessores Heterogenes. No. I. Rollers, Bee- Eaters, and Kingfishers ; Todies and JacamaVs. No. II. Systematic Analysis of the Series. Characters of the Motmots. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 351-361, 420-426. 24. Analytic; descriptions of the groups of Birds composing the order Strepitores. No. III. Buceroides, or the Hornbill and Hoopoe Tribes. No. IV. Zygodactyli Levirostres, or the Toucan family (Rhamphastidae), and the Touraco and Coly family (Musophagidas). Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 589-601; III., 76-84. 25. The doctrine of Spontaneous Organi- zation. Mag. Nat. Hist. IL, 1838, pp. 507- 509. 26. Observations on the structure of the feet of the Trogonidce. Zool. Soc. Proc. VI., 1838, p. 20. 27. Remarks on the plumage and progres- sive changes of the Crossbill and Linnet. Zool. Soc. Proc. VI., 1838, p. 115. 28. A natural history of the Cuckoo. [1838.] Analyst, IX., 1839, pp. 50-68. 29. Desultory sketches in natural history. No. 1. The Hyaena group. Analyst, X., 1840, pp. 43-74. - 30. Notice of some additional species of the genus Equus, to those currently admitted by zoologists. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 81- 87, 369-373. 31. Monograph of the species of the genus Ovis. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1840, pp. 12- 13, 62-79; Froriep, Notizen, XVIIL, 1841, col. 56-58; XIX., col. 273-280, 289-296, 305-314, 325-327; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1841, pp. 195-201, 248-260. 32. Exhibition of drawings of various Quadrupeds, chiefly collected by Mr. VIGNE in Little Tibet, and observations upon them. Zool. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1840, pp. 79-81. 33. A general review of the species of True Stag or Elaphoid form of Cervus, com- prising those more immediately related to the Red Deer of Europe. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 736-750. 34. Description of another new species of Pika (Lagomys Nipalensis) from the Himalaya. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 816- 818. 35. Reports of the Curator of the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 836-842, 917-929, 936-938 ; XL, 1842, pp. 95-1 15, 199-204, 444- 470, 585-604, 788-799, 865-873, 880-891, 969- 970, 1202-1203 ; XII., 1843, pp. 166-182,925- 1011 ; XIIL, 1844, pp. 361-395. ELY] [ELY Blyth, Edward. 36. A monograph of the species of Wild Sheep. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 858-887. 37. Descriptions of three Indian Species of Bat, of the genus Taphozous. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 971-976. 38. Der Himalaya- Steinbock [Himalaya Ibex]. Froriep, Notizen, XVIIL, 1841, col. 117-119. 39. Letter relating to various mammals. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 63-65. 40. Notes on various Indian and Malayan Birds, with descriptions of some presumed new species. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 160-195. 41. Notice of the predatory and sangui- vorous habits of the Bats of the genus Mega- derma, with some remarks on the blood-sucking propensities of other Vespertilionidae. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 255-262. 42. Descriptive notice of the Bat de- scribed as Taphozous longimanus by Gen. HARDWICKE. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 784-785. 43. A monograph of the species of Lynx. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 740- 760. 44. A monograph of the Indian and Ma- layan species of Cuculidae, or birds of the Cuckoo family. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XL, 1842, pp. 897-928, 1095-1111 ; XII., 1843, pp. 240-247. 45. Abstract of a letter relating to various species of birds which are found both in India and Europe. Zool. Soc. Proc. X., 1842, pp. 93-94. 46. On the affinities of Glareola torquata. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 74-76. 47. Lists of Birds obtained in the vicinity of Calcutta from September 1841 to March 1843, inclusive. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 90-101, 16,5-172, 229-231. 48. Further notice of the species of Birds occurring in the vicinity of Calcutta. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 113-117, 312-313. . 49. Descriptions of some new species of Birds found in the neighbourhood of Calcutta. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 175-179. 50. Further observations on the Ornitho- logy of the neighbourhood of Calcutta ; with Notes by H. E. STRICKLAND. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 34-48, 114-125. 51. Notes of various Mammalia, with de- scription of many new species. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XIIL, 1844, pp. 463-494; Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 449-475. Blyth, Edward. 52. Notices and descriptions of various new or little known species of Birds. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 173-212, 546-602; XV., 1846, pp. 1-54, 280- 314 ; XVL, 1847, pp. 117-156, 428-476. 53. Drafts for a Fauna Indica, comprising the animals of the Himalaya mountains, the valley of the Indus, Assam, Arracan, Ceylon, &c. No. 1. The Columbidse, or Pigeons and Doves. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 845-877 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 41-53, 98-108, 179-186. 54. Description of Caprolagus, a new genus of Leporine Mammalia. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 247-249 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1846, pp. 163-165 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIL, 1846, col. 257-259. 55. Notes on the Fauna of the Nicobar Islands. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XV., 1846, pp. 367-379. 56. Critical remarks upon Mr. J. E. GRAY'S published Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia and Birds presented by B. H. HODG- SON, Esq., to the British Museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 313-323 ; I., 1848, pp. 454-457. 57. A few critical remarks on M. Carl J. SUNDEVALL'S paper on the Birds of Calcutta, as republished by H. E. STRICKLAND. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, pp. 382-394. 58. Some further notices of the species of Wild Sheep. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVL, 1847, pp. 350-365. 59. Note on the Sciuri inhabiting Ceylon. and those of the Tenasserim provinces. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 600- 603. 60. A supplemental note to the Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the Asiatic Society. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 800-821. 61. On edible birds' nests. Pharmaceut. Journal, VIII., 1849, pp. 528-535; Sclater, Ibis, II., 1860, pp. 323-325. 62. Description of a new species of Mole (Talpa leucura). Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 215-217; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1851, pp. 346-348. 63. Remarks on the modes of variation of nearly affined species or races of Birds. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 221- 229. 64. Conspectus of the Ornithology of India, Burmah, &c. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 229-239, 319-342, 501-517. 65. Report on the Mammalia and more remarkable species of Birds inhabiting Ceylon. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XX., 1851, pp. 153- 185. 3 K ELY] 442 [ELY Blyth, Edward. 66. Notice of a collection of Mammalia, Birds, and Reptiles procured at or near the station of Cherra Punji in the Khasia Hill?, north of Sylhet. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XX., 1851, pp. 517-524. 67. Remarks on the different species of Orang-utan. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXII.. 1853, pp. 369-383 ; XXIV., 1855, pp. 518-528^ 68. Notices and descriptions of various Reptiles, new or little known. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXII., 1853, pp. 639-655 ; XXIII., 1854, pp. 287-302. 69. A monograph of the Indian species oi Phylloscopus and its immediate affines. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIIL, 1854, pp. 479-494 ; Ann. Nat. Hist, XV., 1855, pp. 161-175. 7O. A memoir on the Indian species of Shrews. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIV., 1855, pp. 24-38; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1856, pp. 11-28. 71. Report on the Zoological Collection from the Somali country. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIV.. 1855, pp. 291-3C6. 72. Description of a new Indian Pigeon, akin to the Stock Dove of Europe, with notices of some other Columbidrc. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVI., 1857, pp. 217-226; Ann. Nat. Hist, XX., 1857, pp. 506-514. 73. On the great Rorqual of the Indian Ocean, with notices of other cetals, and of the Syrenia or marine Pachyderms. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 481-498 ; New- man, Zoologist, XVIII., 1860, pp. 7117-7133. 74. On the different animals known as Wild Asses. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 229-253 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 233-254. 75. Description of a new species of Casso- wary (Casuarius uni-appendiculatus) living in the menagerie of the Babu Rajendra Mullick at Calcutta. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, p. 113. < 76. The cartilaginous fishes of Lower Bengal. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIX., 1860, pp. 35-45. 77. Report on some fishes received chiefly from the Sitang River and its tributary streams, Tenasserim Provinces. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIX., 1860, pp. 138-174. - 78. On the flat-horned taurine Cattle of S.E. Asia; with a note on the races of Rein Deer, and a note on domestic animals in general. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXIX., 1860, pp. 282-306. 79. Note on the Calcutta Adjutant (Lep- toptilus argala). Sclater, Ibis, III., 1861, pp. 268-270. 80. Notes on some birds collected by Dr. JERDON in Sikkim. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 199-202. Blyth, Edward. 81. A memoir on the living Asiatic species of Rhinoceros. Bengal, Joum. Asiat. Soc. XXXL, 1862, pp. 151-175; New- man, Zoologist, XXL, 1863, pp. 8506-8520. 82. A further note on Wild Asses and alleged Wild Horses. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXL, 1862, pp. 363-366. 83. A memoir on the Rats and Mice of India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXXIL, 1863, pp. 327-354. 84. Catalogue of the Birds of India, with remarks on their geographical distributions. Sclater, Ibis, V, 1863, pp. 1-31. 85. Note on the genus Pyrrhula. Sclater, Ibis, V., 1863, pp. 440-442. 86. Synoptical list of the species of Felis inhabiting the Indian region and the adjacent parts of middle Asia. Zocl. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 181-186. Blyth, Edward, and B. H. Hodgson. On the Leiotrichane Birds of the Sub-Himalayas, with some additions and annotations; a Synopsis of the Indian Pari, and of the Indian Fringillidae. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XIV., 1844, pp. 933- 963. Blyth, Edward, and T. Hutton. Rough notes on the Zoology of Candahar and the neighbour- ing districts, with notes. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 340-353. Blyth, John. On the composition of Narcotine, and some of its products of decomposition by the action of Bichloride of Platinum. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 163-178; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 363-378; Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 29-52. 2. On the composition and origin of Con- durrite. Chem. Soc. Journ. L, 1849, pp. 213- 228; Liebig, Annal. LXVL, 1848, pp. 362-377. 3. On the composition of Coniine, and its products of decomposition. Chem. Soc. Journ. L, 1849, pp. 345-363 ; Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 73-91. Blyth, John, and R. Harkness. On the Clea- vage of the Devonians in the South-West of Ireland. Edinb. New Phil. Joum. II., 1855, pp! 245-262; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 82. Blyth, John, and A. Hofmann. On Styrole, and some of the products of its decomposition, [1845.] Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 334-357 ; Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 97- 121 ; Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 289-329 ; Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1845, pp. 170-177. Blyth, Lindscy. On mineral manures. Annals of Pharm. L, 1852, pp. 327-331. 2. On iron alum. [1853.] Pharmaceut. Journal, XIII., 1854, pp. 306-307. 3. On ergotised grasses. Pharmaceut. Journal, XIII., 1854, pp. 308-309. ELY] 443 [BOB Blytt, M. N. Botaniske Optegnelser paa en Reise i Sommeren 1826. Mag. f. Naturvid. IX., 1828, pp. 241-283. 2. Om en Alge fun den paa Batrachosper- mum vagum. Mag. f. Naturvid. IX., 1828, pp. .328-330. 3. Inclberetning om en botanisk Reise i Sommeren 1833. Mag. f. Naturvid. II., 1836, pp. 1-75. 4. Botaniske Noticer. Kr0yer, Nat. Tidssk. I., 1837, pp. 353-357. 5. Botanisk Reise i Sommeren 1836. Nyt Mag. f. Naturvid. I., 1838, pp. 257-320, 321- 356. 6. Fortegnelse over Phanerogame Planter og Broegner, samlede ved Arendal 1838. Lind- blom, Botan. Not. 1840, pp. 1-8. 7. Fortegnelse over Phanerogame Planter og Broegner, bemo3rkede i Sommeren 1838 i Skiensfjordens omgivelse. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1840, pp. 25-32, 46-48. 8. Botanisk Reise i Sommeren 1837. Nyt Mag. f. Naturvid. II., 1840, pp. 241-276. 9. Botaniske Reisebemoerkninger i Som- meren 1839. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1845, pp. 1-13, 17-32, 33-46. Bo, Angela. Sulla dottrina dei contagi e delle malattie contagiose. Giorn. Arcad. I., 1857, pp. 15-51. Boachi, Aquasic. Onderzoek naar de kolen, gevonden langs bet strand der Meeuvvenbaai, residentie Bantam. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. IX., 1855, pp. 49-52. Eoag, W. On the poison of serpents. Asiatick Researches, VI., 1799, pp. 103-127. Boardman, George, A. Catalogue of the Birds found in the vicinity of Calais, Maine, and about the islands at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. IX., 1863, pp. 122-132. Boase, Henry 8. On the introduction of the steam engine into the Peruvian mines. Corn- wall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 212-223. 2. On Rain-Gauges. Thompson, Ann. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 177-179. 3. Observations on the submersion of part of Mount's Bay ; and on the inundation of marine sand on the north coast of Cornwall. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 129- 144. 4. On the tin-ore of Botallack and Levant. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 383- 403. 5. On the differences in the annual state- ments of the quantity of Rain falling in adjacent places. Thompson, Ann. Phil. IV, 1822, pp. 18-21. Boase, Henry S. 6. Some observations on the Alluvial Formations of the western part of Corn- wall. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 17-34. 7. On the sand banks of the northern shores of Mount's Bay. [1826]. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 166-191. 8. Contributions towards a knowledge of the geology of Cornwall. [1830.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV, 1832, pp. 166-474. 9. Note on Capros aper, Laci-p., Zeus aper, Linn., and a Tetrodon taken in Mount's Bay, Cornwall. Zool. Soc. Proc. I., 1833, pp. 114-115. 1O. An inquiry into the nature of the struc- ture of Rocks. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 376- 383, 445-454. 11. Remarks on Mr. HOPKINS' s " Researches in Physical Geology." Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 4-9. 12. On a new oxide similar to that of Donium. Thomson, Records, IV., 1836, pp. 20- 22 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 609- 612. 13. Additional remarks on Mr. HOPKINS'S " Researches in Physical Geology." Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 14-18. 14. On the composition and origin of Porcelain Earth. . Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 348- 353 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 146-151. 15. A sketch of M. FATE'S " Examen d'un Memoire de M. PLAJSTA sur la force repulsive et le milieu resistant," with a few remarks thereon. Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1861, pp. 458-470. Boaz, James. On the structure of the Earth, and the changes which are continually passing upon it by the constant operation of the laws of nature. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 200-203. 2. Proposal for a new method of determin- ing a Fixed Unit of Measure, by deducing the same from the curvature of the earth. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXL, 1823, pp. 266-269. Bober, Jean de. Quelques nouvelles especes de Papillons decouverts en Siberie. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. II., 1809, pp. 305-310 ; III., 20-21. 2. Observations sur la famille des Papillons connue sous le nom de Damiers ou Fritillaires. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 1-19. Bobert, Karl Friedrich. Erfahrungen liber den Hornhaspel. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XII., 1826, pp. 366-371. 2. Erfahrungsatze zur Anwendung beim Verdingen auf dem Gestein und bei der Fossi- liengewinnung. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIIL, 1826, pp. 49-59. BOB] [BOB Bobert, Karl Fricdrich. 3. Ueber die Lage- rungs-Verhiiltnisse des Griinsteins am ostlichen Vorharze ; nebst einigen Vermuthungen liber die Bildungsweise seiner Gange. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XV., 1827, pp. 352-331. 4. Wie man mit dem Gradbogen in ebenen Gegenden auf eine geschwindere und bequemere Art, als gewohnlich geschieht, nivelliren kann. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVI., 1827, pp. 61-74. 5. Aus einem Schreiben zu Modums Blati- farbenwerk in Norwegen vom 1 Mai 1829. [Ueber das Hervortreten des granen Ueber- gangs-Kalksteins zwischen den Alaun-Schiefer- Schichten.] Karsten, Archiv, IV., 1832, pp. 271-278; Leonhardu. Bronn, 1833, pp. 563-564. 6. Ueber die Analogic der Glanzkobalt- Lagen bei Skuterud auf Modum in Norwegen und bei Vena unweit Askersund in Schweden. Karsten, Archiv, IV., 1832, pp. 280-284 ; Leon- hard u. Bronn, 1833, pp. 213, 558. 7. Ansichten und Erfahrungen aus dem praktischen Bergmannsleben. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 220-296. 8. I ebersicht der Metallproduction in Schweden im Jahre 1834. Karsten, Archiv, IX., 1836, pp. 627-630. - 9. Uebersicht der Metallproduction in Schweden im Jahre 1835. Karsten, Archiv, XL, 1838, pp. 240-241. 1O. Uebersicht iiber den Zustand der Bergwerke in Norwegen im Jahre 1835. Kar- sten, Archiv, XL, 1838, pp. 241--245. 11. Ueber den Kongsberger Silberbergbau in Norwegen. Karsten, Archiv, XII. , 1839, pp. 267-346. 12. Bericht iiber eine vom Herrn P. STEENSTRUP zu Kongsberg construirte Wasser- saulen Maschine. Karsten, Archiv, XIL, 1839, pp. 347-361. 13. Ansichten und Erfahrungen aus dem praktischen Bergmannsleben. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 375-494. 14. Uebersicht des Bergwerksbetriebes und der Metallproduction in Schweden in Jahre 1836. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 606- 608. 15. Bergwerksbetrieb und Metallproduk- tion in Schweden im Jahre 1837. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 609-612. 16. Ueber das Modumer Blaufai'benwerk in Norwegen. Karsten, Archiv, XXL, 1847, pp. 207-292. 17. Forsog til en mineralogisk-geognostisk Beskrivelse over Modums Koboltgruber, samt nogle almindelige Betragtninger over Fabl- baand. Nyt Mag. f. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 1-32. Bobierre, Adolphe. Note sur la formation d'un bane de Goe'mon fossile dans le dep. du Finistere. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 376-380 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus. XXXI., 1850, pp. 51- 53 ; Erdrn. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 190-192. 2. Solubilite du phosphate de chaux dans le sucrate de chaux. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, p. 129. 3. De I'essai des pommades renfermant des combinaisons oxygenees de mercure. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 119-120. 4. Recherches sur 1'alteration des bronzes employes au doublage des navires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 688-691 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LI., 1852, pp. 706- 714, 730-734 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 482-485. 5. Du dosage du zinc contenu dans les laitons et les bronzes, et de la separation de 1'oxyde de zinc des oxydes de fer, de cuivre, de plomb et d'etain. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1853, pp. 209-212. 6. Des differences observees dans 1'emploi du noir animal en agriculture. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 484-487. 7. Ueber den sogenannten Guano phos- phatique. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 177-179. 8. Action des nodules de phosphate de chaux sur la vegetation dans les sols granitiques et schisteux. Journ. d'Agric. VIIL, 1857, pp. 504-505. 9. Etudes sur quelques faits relatifs au raffinage des sucres. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1857, pp. 705-711. 10. De Faction des cendres lessivees dans les defrichements. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 467-470: 11. De la solubilite des phosphates de chaux fossiles dans 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 167-168. 12. De 1'alteration des doublages en laiton a la mer. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XL VII., 1858, p. 357 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1858, pp. 577-585. 13. Note sur 1'association des phosphates de chaux et de fer dans les nodules exploites en France et en Angleterre. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 179-180. 14. De 1'etamage des vases destines aux usages alimentaires. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LX., 1861, pp. 617-621. 15. Note sur 1'extraction et le dosage des gaz dissous dans 1'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 313-314. BOB] 445 [BOC Bobierre, Adolphe, et Ed. Moride. Sur un nouveau precede propro a ameliorer le blanchi- ment au moyen des chlorures, en absorbant les dernieres traces de chlore que peuvent retenir les tissus ou les papiers blanchis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 592-593. 2. Note sur 1'acidification naturelle et artificielle des vins. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1850, pp. 193-197. 3. Note sur la composition de 1'eau ferrugineuse de Kirouars (dite de Prefailles), Loire Inferieure. Joui'n. Chimie Mod. VII., 1851, pp. 368-370; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 244-246. Bobillier, . Des proprietes des sections coniques, considerees dans le solide. Quetelet, Corresip. Math. III., 1827, pp. 270-274. 2. Sur les proprietes des foyers dans les surfaces du second ordre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. III., 1827, pp. 281-285. 3. Recherches sur les courbes a double courbure dont les developpantes sont spheriques. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 57-67. 4. Demonstration de quelques theoremes sur les lignes et surfaces algebriques de tous les ordres. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827 -28, pp. 89-98. 5. Recherches sur les lignes et surfaces algebriques de tous les ordres. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 157-166. 6. Demonstration de divers theoremes de geometric. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 185-202. 7. Recherche de quelques lieux geome- triques dans 1'espace. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 230-248. 8. Recherche sur les lois generales qui regissent les lignes et surfaces algebriques. Ger- gonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 253- 269. 9. Essai sur un nouveau mode de re- cherche des proprietes de 1'etendue. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIIL, 1827-28, pp. 320-339. 10. Demonstration nouvelle de quelques proprietes des lignes du second ordre. Ger- gonne, Annal. Math. XVIIL, 1827-28, pp. 359- 367. 11. Recherches sur les surfaces du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 27-37. 12. Sur les proprietes projectives dans les surfaces du second ordre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 152-155. 13. Sur les foyers dans les surfaces du second ordre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 157-160. Bobillier, . 14. Determination des axes principaux dans les lignes et les surfaces du second ordre rapportees a des axes obliques. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 216- 225. 15. Recherches sur les lois generales qui regissent les courbes algebriques. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 106-114. 16. Recherches sur les lois generales qui regissent les surfaces algebriques. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29. pp. 138-150. 17. Note sur deux theoremes de geometric demontres dans le XVIIL volume du present Recueil. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828- 29, pp. 249-251. 18. Theoremes sur les polaires successives. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 302-307. 19. Demonstration de deux theoremes sur les lignes "et surfaces du second ordre. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 317-333. 20. Memoire sur Fhyperbole equilatere. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 349-359. 21. Abreviation de 1'extraction des racines numeriques. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XX., 1829-30, pp. 125-127. 22. De 1'equilibre de la chainette sur une surface courbe. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XX., 1829-30, pp. 153-175. 23. Demonstration du principe des vitesses virtuelles dans les machines en equilibre. Ger- gonne, Annal. Math. XX., 1 829-30, pp. 285- 287. Boblaye, . See Le Puillon Boblaye. Boblin, Athanase. Experience d'optique per- mettant d'obtenir d'une seule epreuve photo- graph! que la sensation d'uii corps en relief. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 304- 306. Boblique, . Sur 1'emploie agricole des no- dules de phosphate de chaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 763-764. Bobrik, Edward. Psychologische Betrachtung des Wahnsinns und seiner Heilung. Pommer, Zeitschr. I., 1834, pp. 1-26, 249-302. Bocande, E. Bertrand. Description d'une nou- veau genre de Carabiques (Camaragnathus) de la Guinee Portugaise. Mag. de Zool. 1845 ; Revue et Mag. Zool. 1., 1849, pp. 460-463. 2. Notes sur la Guinee Portugaise ou Sene- gambie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XL, 1849, pp. 265-350; XII., p. 57. Bocci, Davide. Intorno la curva di equilibrio delle arcate del ponti. Giorn. Arcad. XV., 1859, pp. 209-240. Boccius, Wilhelm. Ueber den oberen Kehlkopf der Vogel. Miiller, Archiv, 1858, pp. 614- 649. BOG] 446 [BOG Boch-Buschmann, . Observations sur 1'ac- coupleraeut des Limaces. Luxcml). Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. L, 1853, pp. 91-93 ; II., 1854, pp. 86-88. 2. Conjectures au sujet clu mouvement des corps celestes. Luxemb. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1855-56, pp. 157-167. Bochdalek, . Beitrag zur path. Anatomie der Obliteration der Aorta in Folge fotaler In- volution des Ductus arteriosus Botalli. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1845 (Hft. 4), pp. 160-165. - 2. Schilderung der materiellen Producte der Einderpest, vom pathologisch-anatomischen Standpunkte, aus, nebst einigen Vorbemerkun- gen und Andeutungen iiber den Standpunkt der pathologischen Anatomie der Hausthiere im Vergleiche zu der des Menschen. Prag, Vier- teljahrschrift, 1846 (Hft. 3), pp. 100-111. 3. Neue Beobachtungen im Gebiete der physiologischen Anatomie. Prag, Vierteljahr- schrift, 1849 (Hft. 2), pp. 119-135. 4. Beitriige zur physiologischen Anatomie: iiber die N erven der Sclerotica. Prag, Vier- teljahrschrift, 1849 (Hft. 4), pp. 119-124. 5. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Auges. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1850, pp. 144-166. 6. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Harn- werkzeuge. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, IV., 1853, pp. 142-143. 7. Ergebnisse iiber einen bis jetzt iiber- sehenen Theil des Erections-apparates des Penis und der Clitoris ; als Beitrag zur Physiologic der Geschlechtstheile. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1854 (Hft. 3), pp. 115-123. Bochet, H. Du frottement de glissement des wagons sur les rails ; sa variation aveclavitesse; sa formule representative ; valeurs numeriques des coefficients de cette formule. Annal. des Mines, XIIL, 1858, pp. 271-320 ; Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 246-257. 2. Nouvelles recherches sur le frottement, dans le glissement de wagons-traineaux sur les rails de chemins de fer ; sa variation avec la vitesse, avec 1'etendue de la surface de contact, avec la nature materielle et 1'etat de cette surface; formule representative ; frottement au depart. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 974-978. 3. Recherches experimentales sur le frotte- ment de glissement. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. I., 1861, pp. 205-212. Bock, Gcorg. Die Mauser von Platypus niger. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854', pp. 309- 312. 2. Circus pallidus bei Danzig erlegt. Caba- nis, Journ. Ornithol. VII.. 1859, pp. 239-240. Bock, E. von. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber die Ornis der Provinz Valdivia, in der Reptiblik Chile. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 494-513. Bbckel, Godwin. Ueber zwei neue Prunus- Arten Deutschland's. Botan. Zeitung, XL, 1853, col. 826-828. 2. Ueber Varietaten des Lythrum Salicaria, L. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 405-406. 3. Ueber Formen der Utricularia vulgaris, L. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 117-118. 4. Ueber Formen der Myrica Gale, L. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. IV., 1854, pp. 332- 333, 342-343. 5. Ueber die Zucht der Liliputpflanzen. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. V., 1855, pp. 101- 102. Bockeler, . Bemerkungen iiber einige selt- nere Pflanzen, welche im Oldenburgischen an der Kiiste der Nordsee vorkommen. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 353-368. 2. Ueber Ruppia maritima, L., und Cheno- podium crassifolium, Schrdr. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 730-736. 3. Ueber einige im Oldenburgischen vor- kommende Gewiichse. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 210-224. 4. Ueber Symphytum coccineum. Bo tau. Zeitung, XII., 1854", col. 124-125. 5. Neue amerikanische Riedgraser. Flora, XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 593-597 ; XXXIX., 1856, pp. 225-231. 6. Kritische Bemerkungen iiber einige Seggen, die von Dr. STEUDEL in der " Synopsis pi. Cyperac." als neue Arten dargestellt worden sind. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 321-329. 7. Neue mexicanische Cyperaceen. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 33-38. 8. Ueber eine neue Cyperaceen-Gaitung. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 249-250. 9. Eine neue ausgezeichnete Cyperaceen- Gattung, Choricarpha. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 19-21. 10. Neue Cyperaceen. pp. 409-420, 595-605, 643-651. 11. Berichtigende Bemerkungen iiber eine Flora, XLL, 1858, Anzahl von Cyperaceen, die der verstorbene Dr. STEUDEL in seiner Monographic der Familie als Species novae beschrieben hat. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 65-71. 12. Ueber die Gattung Ascolepis und ihre Arten, \vie solche von STEUDEL in der " Synop- sis pi. Cyperac.'' dargestellt worden sind. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 99-101. 13. Eine neue Chaetospora, ein Nachtrag zu meiner Beschreibung neuer Cyperaceen. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 101-102. 14. Beschreibungen neuer Cyperaceen ; nebst bericbtigenden Bemerkungen iiber einige iiltere Cyperus-Arten. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 433-448, 495-496. BOG] 447 [BOC Bockeler, 15. Bemerkungen zur genau- eren systematischen Kenntniss einer Anzahl Cyperaceen. Flora, XLIIL, 1860, pp. 1-8, 33-40. 16. Eine neue Gattung cler Cyperaceen, O ti A gegriindet auf Fimbristylis abjiciens, Steud. Flora, XLIII., I860, pp. 113-114. 17. Berichtigungen ciniger Fimbristylis- und Isolepis-Arten ; ein Nachtrag zu den Bemer- kuncen iiber eine Anzahl Cyperaceen. Flora, XLIIL, 1860, pp. 177-180. 18. Beschreibungen einiger neuer Arten der Gattung Fimbristylis ; nebst angeschlos- sener Notiz iiber Dr. A. W. ROTH'S Herbarium. Flora, XLIII., 1860, pp. 241-245. 19. Ueber eiue zweite Species der Gattung Courtoisia, Nces, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung und die ihr nahestehenden Genera. Flora, XLIY., 1861, pp. 331-336. Booker, Fried. Wilh. Bemerkungen zu Prof. E. A. SCHAULING'S " Fortgesetzten Untersuch- ungen zur Bestimmung der Quantitat von Koh- lensiiure, welch e ein Mensch in 24 Stunden ausathmet." Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 404- 433. 2. Zur Lehre von der Schwangerschaft. Rheinische Monatssclirift, II., 1848, pp. 129 158, 209-239, 273-301. 3. Action du sucre, du cafe, de Palcool et du vin sur 1'economie animale au point de vue therapeutique et alimentaire. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 461-466. 4. Neue Versuche iiber Endosmose und Exosmose an lebenden Thieren. Rheinische Monatsschrift, III., 1849, pp. 754-759. 5. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkung des Goldschwefels. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, VIII., 1849, pp. 350-398. 6. Zur Pathologic der Gicht. Rheinische Monatsschrift, IV., 1850, pp. 73-104. 7. Beitriige zur Heilkunde, insbesondere zur Krankheits- Genussmittel- und Arzneiwirk- ungs-Lehre. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1851, pp. 120-128, 136-144. 8. Beitrag zur Toxikolosie. Rheinische Monatsschrift, V., 1851, pp. 339-354. 9. Ueber die verschiedenen Arten und die Bedeutung der gewolkten (farblosen) Blutkor- perchen. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, X., 1851, pp. 555-579. 1O. Ueber die Wirkung des Biers auf den Menschen. Archiv d. Wiss. Heilk. I., 1854, pp. 544-604 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXL, 1855, pp. 97-106, 135-147. 11. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirkungen des Wassers. [1853.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XXIV., 1854, pp. 307-408. 12. Versuche iiber die Wirkung des Thee's auf den Menschen. Archiv d. Wiss. Heilk. L, 1854, pp. 213-248. Booker, Fried. Wilh. 13. Ueber die physiolo- gische Einwirkung der Phosphorsiiure und des phosphorsauren Natrons. Prag, Vierteljahr- schrift, 1854 (lift. 4), pp. 117-175. 14. Ueber den Schlaf. Archiv d. Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 76-113. 15. Wirken Phosphorsiiure und phosphor- saures Natron, innerlich genommen, veraudernd auf den Puls und die Wurmebildung ein ? Archiv d. Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 165-181. 16. Ueber die Wirkung der Phosphor- saure und des phosphorsauren Natrons auf den menschlichen Organismus. Archiv d. Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 182-247. Bockh, . Ueber das Babylonische Langen- mass. Berlin, Akad. Bericht, 1854, pp. 76-110. Bockh, C. T. A. Ueber die Stacheln des Stachel- schweins. ( Transit) Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1834, col. 148-151. Bockh, G. Ueber die Naturgeschichte der Spin- nen. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857 (Sitzb.), pp. 5-6. 2. Ueber die Naturgeschichte und Lebens- weise der Scorpione. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857 (Sitzb.), pp. 29 (Hft. 2). 3. Ueber die naturliche Entwickelung der Pflanzenwelt. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857 (Sitzb.), pp. 50-51. 4. Ueber die Spinnen der Umgebung Pres- burgs. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857 (Abh.) t pp. 72-86 (Hft. 2). 5. Vorlaufisre Uebersicht der wiihrend der Reise der k. k. Fregatte Novara von den Herren Naturforschern gesammelten Spinnen. Wieu, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XL, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 387-390. 6. Ueber das periodische Erscheinen der Spinnen und das zweckmassigste Einsammeln derselben. Presburg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. L, 1862, pp. 1-9, 45-60. 7. Ueber Scorpione im Allgemeinen und iiber jene der Novara-Expedition im Besonderer. Presburg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. L, 1862, pp. 71-72. 8. Ueber die wiihrend der Weltumse- gelungs-Reise der k. k. Fregatter Novara, eingesammelten Spinneu. Presburg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. L, 1862. 9. [Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Verkriippe- lung des Karpfens (Cypr. Carpio). Presburg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. II., 1863, p. 107. 1O. [Ueber die Algen Dalmatiens.] Pres- burg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. II., 1863, p. 176. 11. [Mittheilungen iiber mehrere neue Griiser.] Presburg, Corresp. Naturk. Ver. II., 1863, pp. 232-233. Bockh, R. Die Sprachgrenze in Belgien. Gum- precht, Zeitschr. Allg. Erdk. III., 1854, pp. 81-97. BOC1 448 [BOG Bockholtz, . Ueber eiuige cryptogamische Gefassepflanzeu. Trier, Jahresber. 1859-60, pp. 58-60. Booking, Adolph. Monographic des Nandu oder siidamerikanischen Strausses (Rhea americana). Wiegmann, Archiv, XXIX., 1863, pp. 213-241. Booking, Max. Mineral-Analysen. (/?e/>r.) Liebig, Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 243-246. 2. Mineralanalysen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVII., 1856, pp. 207-208. Bockmann, A. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des blauen Ultramarins. Liebig, Annal. CXVIII., 1861, pp. 212-220. Bockmann, Carl Wilhelm. Beobaclitungen und Versuche iiber das Leuchten des faulenden Hol- zes in Gasarten und tropfbaren Flussigkeiten. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, V., 1800, pp. 3-35 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI., 1803, pp. 18-26, 146- 154. 2. Versuche iiber den besondern Einfluss des Lichtes auf den in Gasarten aufgeloseten Phosphors. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, V., 1800, pp. 243-267. 3. Einige Erfahrungen die vorgegebene Umwandlung des Wassers in StickstofFgas betreffend. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, VI., 1800, pp. 148-151. 4. Erfahrungen iiber die Verbindung der Erden nait Sauerstoff. Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 214-224. . 5. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Abschei- dung des Sauerstoffgas von der atmospharischen Luf't durch Schwefelkali und andere oxydirbare Korper. Gilbert, Annal. VIL, 1801, pp. 224- 231. 6. Versuche uud Beobachtungen iiber die Wirkungen der galvanischen Electricitat durch VOLTA'S Siiule. Gilbert, Annal. VIII., 1801, pp. 137-162. 7. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die warmende Kraft der Sonnenstrahlen und die Zusammen- setzung gefarbter Gliiser zu Perspectiven, um die Sonne zu betrachten. Gilbert, Aunal. X., 1802, pp. 359-363. 8. Einige vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber Herrn Prof. PARROT'S neue Theorie der Ver- diinstung und des Niederschlags des Wassers in der Atmosphare. Gilbert, Annal. XI., 1802, pp. 66-88. 9. Einige versuche niit VOLTA'S electri- scher Saule. Gilbert, Annal. XL, 1802, pp. 230-240. 1O. Experiments and observations on the putrefaction of Flesh in different kinds of Gas. London, Med. and Phys. Jouru. IX., 1803, pp. 219-231. 11. Gleichzeitige Beobachtungen der Hy- grometer von LESLIE, SAUSSURE und De Luc. Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 355-376. Bockmann, Carl IVilhelm. 12. Darstellung der Carlsruher meteorologischeu Beobachtungen vom Jahre 1802, und der daraus gezogenen Resul- tate ; nebst Vergleichungen niit andern Jahren. Stuttgart, Denkschr. Schwab. Gesells. I., 1805, pp. 430-471. 13. Allgemeine Resultate aus den zu Carls- ruhe angestellten Witteruugs-Beobachtungen vom dem Jahr 1810, und deren Vergleichung mit denen von andern Jahren. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 442-450. 14. Hauptresultate aus den zu Carlsruhe augestellten Witterungsbeobachtungen von dem Jahre 1811. Gilbert, Anual. XLL, 1812, pp. 78-87. 15. Auszug aus der physikalischen Be- schreibung der Gesundbrunnen und Bader Griesbach, Petersthal, und Autogast. Schweig- ger, Journ. VIII., 1813, pp. 413-415. 16. Einige Nachrichten iiber einem nicht aufgefundeuen Meteorstein, welcher am 20 Oct. 1813 im siidlichen Schwabeu scheint herabge- kommen zu seyn. Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 104-107. 17. Verhandeliug ter beantwoording der Vrage : " Welke rneer schadelijke veranderiug of vermenging lijdt de dampkringslucht door aanglimmende kolen dan door gloeijende kolen en aan welke oorzaken de spoediger verstikking of bezwijming door aanglimmende kolen moet worden toegeschreven ? " Haarlem, Verhandel. VIII., 1817, pp. 161-226. 18. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der Vrage : "Aan welke gebreken des afleiders is net toe te schrijveu, dat zij, in enkele gevallen, de gebouwen of schepen niet geheel beveiligd hebben ? " Haarlem, Verhandel. IX., 1819, pp. 267-344. 19. Observation de la grande eclipse du soleil du 7 Sep. faite a Karlsruhe. Bibl. Univ. XV., 1820, pp. 94-100. 20. Resultats generaux tires des observa- tions meteorologiques faites a Carlsruhe pendant 1'annee 1819. Bibl. Univ. XV., 1820, pp. 168- 173. 21. Essai sur la production, soit excitation, du magnetisme dans 1'acier par 1'electricite ordinaire des machines. Bibl. Univ. XVIL, 1821, pp. 125-133. 22. Resultate aus den zu Karlsruhe angestellten Witterungs-Beobachtungen vom Jahre 1819, und den 19 vorhergehenden Jah- ren. Gilbert, Annal. LXVII., 1821, pp. 204-212. 23. Kurzer Bericht von seinen Versuchen iiber die Wirkungen des geschlossenen Voltaisch- electrischen Kreises auf die Magnetnadel, und iiber die Erregung de? Magnetismus im Stahl durch die gewohnliche Electricitat. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIII., 1821, pp. 1-16. 449 [BOD Bockmann, Carl Wilhelm. 24. Antwoord op de Vraag : " Wclke is de reden, dat de Proeven, omtrent het geleidend Vermogen der Ligchamen voor de Warmtestoffe, zoo onzeker en zelfs met elkander strijdig zijn ? En welke is de zekerste en gemakkelijkste wijze, om de hoegrootheid van dit geleidend Vermogen, zoo in de vaste als vloei- bare Ligchamen, te kennen ? " Rotterdam, N. Verhand. VI., 1827, pp. 1-177. Bockmann, Carl Wilhelm, und Nicolai. Einige physikalische Beobachtungen angestellt bei der ringformigen Sonnenfinsterniss am 7 Sept. 1820. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1820, pp. 213- 225. Bockmann, Emit. Ueber einige Doppelver- bindungen von Cyanquecksilber mit Schwefel- cyan-Metallen. Liebisr, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 153-158. 2. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Nel- kensiiure. Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 155-157. Bockmann, Wilhelm. Atmospharischer Nieder- schlag Elberfelds. Elberfeld, Jahresber. II., 1853, pp. 51-53. Bocksch, . Die Geschiebe und Sand abla- gerungen zwischen Waldenburg und Freiburg. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 129-136. Bodart, Lies. Note sur la preparation du cal- cium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 23-24. Boddaert, . Insertion auomale du cordon ombilical dans le placenta. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. II., 1836, pp. 237-239. Boddaert, G. Cas de Catalepsie hysterique, accompagnee de phenomenes extraordinaires de somnambulisme lucide spontane. Gard, Bull. Soc. Med. XXVII., 1860, pp. 297-313. Boddaert, R. experimentales sur les lesions pulmonaires consecutives a la section des nerfs pneumogastriques. Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 442-484, 527- 561. Bodde, Bernard. Ueber den Nutzen und die Anwendung der eingeschlossenen Luft, als eines schlechten Wiirmeleiters. Hermbstadt, Bulletin, IX., 1811, pp. 161-167. 2. Ueber einen in Vorsclilag gebrachten Blitzableiter an dem Domthurme in Paderborn. Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 80-97. 3. Zweckmiissigere Einrichtung der Helme und der Meischwarmer in Branntwein-Bren- nereien. Gilbert, Annal. LXIV., 1820, pp. 128- 182. Bode, Beobachtuns;en iiber die Ankunft Bode, Ueber die warmen, gasreichen Salz- quellen bei Nauheim.Versaimnl. Deutsch. Naturf. Bericht, 1842, pp. 247-251. der Vogel. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 289-304 ; Erman, Archiv Russ. XIV., 1855, pp. 408-420. Bode, A. Notizen gesammelt auf einer Forstreise durch einem Theil des Europaischen Russlands. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XIX., 1854, pp. 1-399. 2. Verbreitungs-Griinzen der wichtigsten Holzgewachse des Europiiischen Russlauds. Mit einem Vorwort von K. E. v. BAER. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 1-79. Bode, Baron Cl. von. Ueber die Yamudd- und Goklan-Stamme in Turkomannien. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXL, 1844, col. 257-264, 273-280. 2. Aperg u geographique et statistique de la province d'Asterabad en 1841. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. Denkschr. I., 1849, pp. 375-399. 3. Les Yamouds et les Goklans. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. Denkschr. I., 1849, pp. 400- 430. 4. On the races of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. [1853.] Ethnol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 155-174. 5. Sketch of Hilly Daghestan, with the Lesghi tribes of the eastern chain of the Cau- casus. Geogr. Soc. Proc. IV., 1860, pp. 245- 250. Bode, J. E. Gedanken iiber die Austheilung der Nebelflecke und Sternhaufen im Weltraum. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. I., 1795, pp. 304-313. 2. Gedanken iiber vermuthete Veranderun- gen der Erdpole und Axe. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. II., 1799, pp. 303-323 ; Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 310-320. 3. Precis des observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Berlin en 1798- 1800. Berlin, Mem. 1799-1800, pp. 189-214. 4. Ueber vermuthete Verriickuno-en der Erdpole und Veranderungen der Neigung der Erdaxe. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1800, pp. 192- 208, 236-239. 5. Histoire de la decouverte faite en 1802 d'une etoile mobile, qu'avec beaucoup de pro- babilite on peut regarder comme la planete de~ notre systeme solaire, supposee depuis longtemps. entre Mars et Jupiter. Berlin, Mem. 1801, pp. 132-143. 6. Quelques observations astronomiques- faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Berlin durant 1'annee 1801. Berlin, Mem., 1801, pp. 144- 156. 7. Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal en 1802. Berlin, Mem., 1802, pp. 103-124. 8. Apercus, calculs, et observations sup- plementaires sur le vrai cours de Ceres et de Pallas. Berlin, Mem., 1802, pp. 125-130. 3 L BOD] 450 [BOD Bode, J. E. 9. Ueber die in den Jahren 1801 und 1802 gemachten neuen Entdeckungen im Planetensystem der Sonue. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schr. IV., 1803, pp. 147-160, 394- 395. 1O. Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal dans le cours de 1'annee 1803. Berlin, Mem. 1803, pp. 117-140. 11. On the Disappearance of Saturn's Ring in the year 1803. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 219-225. 12. Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal dans 1'annee 1804. Berlin, Mem. 1804, pp. 137-160. 13. Allgemeine Untersuchungen und Be- *.j merkungen iiber die Lage und Austheilung aller bisher bekannten Planeten und Kometenbahnen. [1806.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1804-11, pp. 147-160. 14. Ueber einen vom Joseph PIAZZI, am ersten Jan. 1801 im Stier entdeckten Kometen (beweglichen Stern), den man mit grosser Wahr- scheinlichkeit fiir den zwischen Mars und Jupiter llingst vermutheten Hauptplaneten unsers Sonnensystems halten kann. Bode, As- tron. Jahrb. 1804, pp. 249-259. 15. Bestatigung dass der von Hrn. Dr. PIAZZI am 1 Jan. 1801 entdeckte bewegliche Stern, ein zwischen Mars und Jupiter langst vermutheter Hauptplanet des Sonnensystems sey, und Beobachtungen desselben auf der Konigl. Sternwarte zu Berlin. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1805, pp. 89-98. 16. Ueber die in den Jahren 1804 und 1807 abermals gemachten neuen Eutdeckungen im Planeten-System der Sonne. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 243-251. 17. Ueber den wahren und scheinbaren Lauf der Ceres und Pallas und deren Verbiu- dung mit einander. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1807, pp. 216-221. 18. Einige Gedanken iiber den Witterungs- lauf. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 175-186. 19. Ueber den Mond. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 128-139. 2O. Bemerkungen iiber die Lage und Aus- theilung aller bisher bekannten Planeten und Kometenbahnen. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1809, pp. 113-123. 21. Ueber die Erleuchtung und Ersehei- nung des Ringes vom Saturn, aus diesem Plane- ten betrachtet. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 91-99. 22. Ueber die Verbindung der Erde mit der Sonne. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 275-286. 23. Ueber den merkwiirdigen Kometen des pp. Bode, J. E. 24. Ueber das Zusammentreffen der Erde und des Mondes an einem und dem nain- lichen Orte. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1815 195-198. 25. Etwas iiber die Erwartung neuer Ent- deckungen am Himmel durch Fernrohre. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1817, pp. 215-218. 26. Ueber den Kometen vom Jahr 1815. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. VIII., 1818, pp. 234-238. 27. Darstellung und Beurtheilung einer neuen Hypothese iiber den Ursprung der Stern- bilder. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1818, pp. 188- 197. 28. Ueber den veranderlichen Stern X. am Halse des Schwans. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1820, pp. 183-185. 29. Bemerkungen, bei grossen Sonnenfmsterniss Gelegenheit der am 19 Nov. 1816. Jahres 1811. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 120-128. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1820, pp. 189-193. 3O. Ueber die Genauigkeit astronomischer Beobachtungen und Berechnungen, besondeis in historischer Riicksicht. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1821, pp. 183-199. 31. Ueber die Beriihrung des Erdballs von den Sonnenstrahlen. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1825, pp. 185-191. Bode, Julius. Summation zweier unendlicher Reihen auf elementarem Wege. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XXXI V., 1860, pp. 397-400. Bodeker, C. Ueber das Idryl. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIII., 1844, pp. 249-252. 2. Ueber das Idryl und das Idrialin. Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 100-106. 3. Ueber das Vorkommen des Berberins in der Berberis- und Columbo-Wurzel. Gottin- gen, Nachrichten, 1848, pp. 85-89. 4. Chemisch-physiologische Untersuchung einiger Stoffe aus der Familien der Menisper- meen. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XLVIIL, 1849, pp. 29-31 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 232-235 ; Liebig, Annal. LX1X., 1849, pp. 37-62. 5. Ueber krystallisirte Phosphate von Kalk- erde und von Manganoxydul. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 206-209. 6. Chemisch-mineralogische Notizen zur Kenntniss niederrheinischer Mineralien. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1855, pp. 109- 112. 7. Kleine Beitriige zur chemischen Kennt- niss des Eiters. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 188-200. 8. Ueber die quantitative Bestimmung des Trauben- und Milchzuckers mittelst alkalischer Kupferoxydlosung. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 201-205. BOD] 451 [BOD Bodeker, C. 9. Ueber die verschiedene Zusam- mensetzung der Milch zu verschiedenen Tages- zeiten : ein Beitragzur Beantwortung der Frage, ob und wie sich der normale Stoffvvechsel im animalischen Organismus bei Nacht und bei Tage andert. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 206-210. 1O. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Kuh- milcli in verschiedenen Tagesperioden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 24-26. 11. Ueber die normale Aenderung; der Kuhmilch in ihrer Zusammensetzung in den verschiedenen Tagesperioden. Liebig, Aunal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 150-155. 12. Theorie der Bildung von Pectolactin- und Gallactinsaure bei der Oxydation des Milchzuckers in alkalischer Losung mittelst Kupferoxyd. Liebig, Annal.C., 1856, pp. 287-294. 13. Die gesetzmiissigen Beziehungen zwi- schen der Dichtigkeit, der specifischen Warme und der Zusammensetzung der Gase. Gb'ttin- gen, Nachrichten, 1857, pp. 165-180 ; Liebig, Amial. CIV., 1857, pp. 205-219. 14. Ueber die Producte des Zuckers bei dessen Oxydation in alkalischer Losung. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VIIL, 1857, pp. 198-218. 15. Die Tetrametrie der Ammonium- Haloide und der sich ihnen anschliessenden Verbindungen. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1858, pp. 226-232. 16. Das Verhaltniss zwischen Masse und Wirkung, insbesondere beim Contact ammo- niakhaltiger Losungen mit Ackererde und mit kohlensauren Kalk. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1858, pp. 265-280. 17. Ueber die Entstehung von Alkoholen, Siiuren, und Glyceriden aus Zucker. Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 172-184. 18. Ueber die Quantitiitsbestimmung des Albumins in dessen Losungen durch Wagung und Titrirung. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1859, pp. 320-330. 19. Mittheilungen aus dem chemischen Laboratorium des physiologischen Institutes zu Gottingen : 1. Harnsaures Natron in Form von Fetttropfen ; 2. Ueber das Alcapton ; ein neuer Beitrag zur Frage : welche Stoife des Harns konnen Kupferreduction bewirken ; 3. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Eiters ; 4. Ueber die verschiedene Zusammensetzung des Inhaltes zweier Ovarien-Cysten ; 5. Kiinst- liche Darstellung von Zucker aus stickstoffrei- chen Geweben des menschlichen Korpers ; 6. Zur Kenntniss der Bestandtheile der Milz. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VII., 1859, pp. 126-155. 2O. Das Aequivalent des Albumins und Syntonins und deren Titrirung. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 195-205 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 390-391. Bodeker, C. 21. Mittheilungen aus dem che- mischen Laboratorium des physiologischen In- stitutes zu Gottingen : 1. Ueber die kiinstliche Darstellung von Zucker aus dem Knorpel. und die Umsetzung des genossenen Chondrin's im menschlichen Korper ; 2. Nachweisung des Inosit ; 3. Die Zusammensetzung der Frauen- milch ; 4. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des StofF- wechsels im gesunden Korper ; 5. Zucker und Albumin im menschlichen Harn bei Hydropho- bie. Heule u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. X., 1860, pp. 153-172 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXVL, 1863, pp. 33-34. 22. Zur Kenntniss des Rhodanammoniums und seiner Analoga. Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1861, pp. 275-285. 23. Ueber den Sulfokohlensaure-Aethyl- glykolather (Aethylensulfocarbonat). Gottin- gen, Nachrichten, 1861, pp. 285-287. 24. Das Alkapton ; ein Beitrag zur Frage : welche Stoffe des Harns konnen aus einer alka- lischen Kupferoxydlosung Kupferoxydul redu- ciren. Liebig, Aniial. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 98- 106; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 442-444. 25. Ein neues Reagens fur schweflige Saure. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 193- 195. 26. Titrirung der Phosphorsaure und des Arsens. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 194 -200. 27. Die Kobalt-Ammoniumverbindunaren. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 56-61. 28. Darstellung der Wismuthsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 61-63. Bodeker, C., und Fischer. Kiinstliche Bildung von Zucker aus Knorpel (Chondrogen), und iiber die Umsetzung des genossenen Knorpels im menschlichen Korper. Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 111-118 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 18-20. Bodeker, C., et Struckmann. Gallactinsaure und Pectolactinsiiure, Producte des Milchzuckers bei dessen Oxydation in alkalischen Losungen. Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 264-287 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 481-482 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 414-421. Bodeker, J. Ueber die Sake der Ueberchlor- und Ueberjodsaure mit organischen Basen. Liebig, Annal. LXXI., 1849, pp. 59-64. . 2. Sur quelqucs nouveaux sels de Nico- tine. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1850, p. 80 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIIL, 1850, pp. 372-374. Bodel, J. Waarneming van eene zeer zonder- linge Overeenkomst van Tweelingen, Meisjes. Haarlem, Verhandel, III., 1806, pp. 339-344. 3 L 2 BOD] 452 [BOE Bodemann, Th. Etwas iiber die Zus.'immenset- zung der Oborharzcr Bleisteine. Poggend. An- nal. LIV., 1841, pp. 271-279. 2. Analysen von Roheisen. Poggend. An- nal. LV., 1842, pp. 485-48S. 3. Uebcr ein vanadinhaltendes Eisenstein- lager am nordwestlichen Harzrande. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 633-635. 4. Ueber die Beschaffenheit der Luft in einigen Gruben bei Claustbal. Berg- u. Hiit- tenm. Zeitg. III., 1844 (Ergdnz.), col. 114-124. Bodemer et Hioux. Theoremes sur les surfaces du second ordre. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1863, pp. 426-432, 488-494. Bodenbender und Zwenger. Ueber das Cuma- rin aus dem Steinklee (Melilotus officinalis). Liebig, Annal. CXXVI., 1863, pp. 256-266. Bodenstab, Louis. Ueber ein Oxysulphuretsalz von Molybdan mit Schwefelammonium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIII., 1859, pp. 186- 190. Bodichon, . Observations sur une espece du genre Canis, habitant le desert de Sahara et certaines vallees de 1'Atlas. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1836 (Zool.), p. 156; Paris, Coinptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 251-252. 2. Nouvelle espece de Renard. L'Institut, V., 1837, p. 141. Bo din, . Precis de la relation d'un voyage chez les Oyampis, a la source de la riviere Oya- pock. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IV., 1825, pp. 50-61. ' Bodin, Nicol. Gust. Dissertatio de novis gene- ribus plantarum. Upsala, Diss. Acad. I., 1799, pp. 117-127. Bodinus, . Einiges iiber Anas tadorna. Frankfurt, Der Zool. Garten, III., 1862, pp. 188 -192. Bodo, Samuel. In der gesammten Natur, fol- glich auch in der Mineralogie, ist schlechterdings nichts absolut todies, lebloses oder unthatiges, sondern alles thatig, vvirkend und productiv. Jena, Soc. Mineral. Ann. II., 1804, pp. 95- 110. Bods on de Noirfontaine, Alphonsc. Memoire sur les ponts de cordages construits a Metz en 1827. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. IV., 1832, pp. 363-404. Boeck, Axel. Beskrivelse over en ny Conferve, Conferva pelagica. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1859, pp. 150-152. 2. Beskrivelse over tvende nye parasitiske Krebsdyr, Artotrogus orbicularis og Asterocheres Liljeborgii. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1859, pp. 171-182. 3. Beraoerkninger angaaende de ved de norske Kyster forekommende Amphipoder Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 631- 677. Boeck, C. B. Et Kalvemisfoster paa Roraas. Eyr, XI., 1837, pp. 151-154. Boeck, Christ. lagttagelser af Phamomener, der synes at vise en egen Virksomhed hos nogle Vanddyr. Mag, f. Naturvid. II., 1823, pp. 289-303. 2. NaturvidenskabeligeObservationerm.m. Mag. f. Naturvid. VII., 1826, pp. 46-65. 3. Notitser tilLrerenom Trilobiterne. Mag. f. Naturvid. VIII., 1828, pp. 11-44; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 146-148; Mag. f. Naturvid. 1827, p. 11. 4. Hvilken Almeenlov yttrer sig i den or- ganiske Udvikling ? Mag. f. Naturvid. VIIL, 1828, pp. 1-10. 5. Bemocrkning angaaende Desmidium Swartzii-Agardh Syst. alg. Mag. f. Naturvid. I., 1832 (?), pp. 215-218. 6. Beskrivelse over en misbildet Kat. Mas f. Naturvid. L, 1832 (?), pp. 253-260. 7. Om et electrisk Pha?nomen, iagttaget paa Dovref. jeld. Mag. f. Naturvid. L, 1832 (?), pp. 272-275. 8. Bemocrkninger, oplyste ved Afbildnin- ger, angaaende Anvendelsen af polariseret Lys ved mikroskopiske Undersogelser af organiske Legemer. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. L, 1839, pp. 107-112. 9. Om 7 Artsformer af Lumbricus terres- tris, iagttagne i Norge. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. II., 1840, pp. 273-274. 10. Om Trilobiterne. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. II., 1840, pp. 289-290 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 724-728. 11. lagttagelser om Texturforholde anstil- lede ved polariseret Lys. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. II., 1840, pp. 303-304. 12. Notits angaaende Mineral vandet i Eids- voldbakken. Christiania, Norsk Mag. II., 1841, pp. 325-332. . 13. Underspgelse af Hydatiderne i en Blasremola. Christiania, Norsk Mag. III., 1842, pp. 223-230. 14. Bemcerkninger angaaende nogle orga- niske Legemers Bygning, med Hensyn til de af dem foretagne chemiske Elementaranalyser. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 143- 144. 15. Hensyn til v. DUBEN'S lagttagelse af den bestemte og constante Form, som Kalkdeposi- tionerne have hos de forskjellige Arten af Holo- thurier. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 247-250. 16. Nogle Forhold af Bygningen og Ud- viklingen af Polygastrica, Ehrenb. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. IV., 1844, pp. 270-272. 17. Om organisk utveckling utan fore- gaende cell-bildning. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 169-177. BOE] 453 [BOG Boeck, Christ. 18. Nogle Forsog til noermere Bestemmelse af Forholdene med Planternes Indsugning og Uddunstning af Vand. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XII., 1855,' pp. 289-303. 19. Bidrag til Kundskab om Muskelcon- tractionernes Form eller Forholdet af deres Storrelse og den Tid, hvori de foregaae. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XII., 1855, pp. 257-287. 2O. Hvorvidt er man istand til at bestemme den Tid der udfordres for at udfore visse aande- lige Functioner. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VII., 1856, pp. 27-34. 21. Fysiologiska iakttagelser. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 95-99. 22. Tubularie fraBelsurid paa Spitsbergen (Tubularia regalis). Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1859, pp. 114-117. 23. Bemoerkninger arigaaende Vexelgene- rationen, foranlediget ved og noermest bundet til det af Sars i sidste almindelige Mode holdte Foredrag over denne Gjenstand. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1860, pp. 64-67. 24. Bemcerkninger angaaende Medusernes Udvikling. Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1860, pp. 111-119. 25. [Bemoerkninger om Plantevoextens Tilstand under den afvigte usoedvanlig regnfulde Sommer.] Christiania, Forhandlinger, 1862, pp. 193-197. Boeck, W. Om en moerkelig Degeneration af Ovarium. Eyr, X., 1835, pp. 305-307. Ecehtlingk, W. Ein Blick auf die Diluvial- und Alluvialgebilde im siidlichen Finnland : eine vorlaufige Uebersicht zur nachfolgenden Local- beschreibung dieser Formationen. [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 273-294. Boejefsky, S. De bewoners van het districkt Koengoer (Perm). Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 30-31. Boelen, J. Uittreksel uit de Meteorologipche Waarnemingen, gedaan aan boord van Z. M. Korvet " Boreas," op eene reis naar Oost-Indie en terug in de jahren 1840 tot 1842. [1844.] Utrecht, Nieuwe Verhandl. XVI., 1851. Boeneck, - . Ueber eine eigenthumliche Entartung der weiblichen Brust. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1094-1096. Boenigk, Otto von. Bemerkungen iiber einige Vogel ; vorzugsweise iiber die Fortpflanzung der Turdus pilaris, Linn. Naumanuia, 1851, IV., pp. 29-37. Eoes-Lutjens, Dirk. Aanteekeningen gehouden op eene reis met het schip " Maria Jacoba Cor- nelia " van Batavia naar China, en van daar tot Batavia terug, in de jahren 1844 en 1845. Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezen, VL, 1846, pp. 41-68. Boewang, . Verslag omtrent het eiland Engano. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. II., 1854, pp. 378-393. Bogdanoff, Anatolc. Sur le pigment des plumes d'oiseaux. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIX., 1856, pp. 459-462 ; Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VL, 1858, pp. 311-315. 2. Note sur le pigment rouge des plumes du Calurus auriceps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 688-690. 3. Note sur le pigment des Touracos (Muso- phaga). Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 660-663. Bogenhard, C. Ueber eine eigenthumliche Form und Monstrositat der Pulsatilla vulgaris, Mill. Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 70-74. 2. Botanische Skizze zur Charakteristik des Nahethales von Oberstein bis Bingen. Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 145-154, 161-170. 3. Beitrage zur Characteristik der Flora des Nahethales. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 145- 153. 4. Ueber das Trocknen der Orchideen. Flora, XXIV., 1841, pp. 237-239. 5. Kri tische Bemerkungen iiber einige Pul- satilla- Arten ; nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Species. Dresden, Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1846, pp. 127-130. 6. Beitrage zur Flora von Sachsen. Dres- den, Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1846, pp. 130-132. 7. Notizen zur Flora Jenensis. Dresden, Allg. Deutsch. Nat. Hist. Zeitg. I., 1846, pp. 132-134. Bogg, Edward. A Sketch of the geology of the Lincolnshire Wolds. [1816.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1816, pp. 392-398. Bogle, . Polynemus Sele, or Isinglass Fish at Arracan. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1842, pp. 615-616. 2. Memorandum on Soils from the islands of Ramree and Akyab, and the province of Arracan. Journ. Agric. Soc. India, I., 1842, pp. 109-110. 3. Memorandum accompanying a piece of Teak from Arracan. Journ. As;ric. Soc. India, III., 1844, pp. 218-219. Bogorodsky, . Das Land Gijiga. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIV., 1855, pp. 333-368. Bogoslowskji II., . Ueber das Thai des Sarewschan und die umgebenden Berge. Er- man, Archiv Russ. II., 1842, pp. 685-698; St. Petei-sb. Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 153- 171. Bogros, J. A. Note sur des canaux decouverts dans les Nerfs. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 325-329 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1825, pp. 93-95 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 289- 291. 2. Memoire sur la structure des nerf's. Repert. Anat. Physiol. IV., 1827, pp. 63-73 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 5-21. BOG] 454 [BOG Boguslaw, . Ein Blick auf die Flora der Umgegend von Archangel. Erman, Archiv Russ. VI., 1848, pp. 49-70. Eoguslawski, Georg von. Einige Gedanken iiber die Oberfliiche des Mondes. Florke, Re- pert. IV., 1812, pp. 360-364. 2. Zufiillige Gedanken iiber die Oberflache des Mondes. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1815, pp. 243-245. 3. Observations of HALLEY'S comet, and of one discovered by himself. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. III., 1833-36, pp. 166-175. 4. Ueber den Halleyischen Cometen. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 588-591. 5. Ueber die Sacular-Aenderungen der Magnetnadel. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 623. 6. Wahrnehmungen beim Verschwinden und Wiedererscheinen des Saturnringes 1833. Astr. Nachr. XL, 1834, col. 209-212. 7. [Entdeckung eines telescopischen Come- ten 1835 im April.] Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 253-256, 411-416. 8. [Beobachtungen des Enckeschen Come- ten 1835 im Juli.] Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 407-408. 9. Ueber dieWiederauffindung des Halley- schen Cometen am 15 Januar. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1836, pp. 28-33. 1O. Ueber die Fortsetzung seiner hiesigen magnetischen Beobachtungen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1836, pp. 33-38. 11. Ueber den nun erscheinenden Halley- schen Cometen. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 684- 687. 12. Ueber die Sternschnuppen-Beobach- tungen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1837, pp. 28-34. 13. [Beobachtungen des Enckeschen Co- meten.] Astr. Nachr. XV., 1838, col. 367- 368. 14. Sternbedeckungen beobachtet 1839 in Astr. Nachr. XVI., 1839, col. 369- Breslau. 372. 15. Beobachtungen des Halleyschen Co- meten im Januar 1836. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 35-42. 16. Vortrag iiber die jahrliche Wiederkehr des grossen Sternschnuppenfalles am 10 August. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1839, pp. 45-51. 17. Sternschnuppen -Beobachtungen. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1840, pp. 44-49. 18. Beobachtungen von Sternschnuppen im August 1839 in Breslau. Astr. Nachr. XVII.. 1840, col. 41-46. 19. Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 101-106. 20. Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 49-54. Boguslawski, Georg von. 21. Sternbedeck- ungen beobachtet zu Breslau von 1840 Aug. 24 bis 1841 Juli 4. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 117-120. 22. Resultate der diesjahrigen Sternschnup- pen-Beobachtungen am 9 und 10 August. Bres- lau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1842, pp. 174- 177. 23. Beobachtungen des am 28 October auf der Pariser Sternwarte von C. LAUGIER entdeck- ten telescopischen Cometen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1842, pp. 181-184. 24. On the use of a new micrometer, and its application to the determination of the paral- lax of Mars at his ensuing opposition. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 219-221 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XV., 1846, pp. 193-198. 25. [Beobachtungen einer Sterubedeckung 1844 Marz 24.] Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 345-348. 26. Ueber die drei Cometen des Jahres 1843. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1844, pp. 179-189. 27. Bedeckungen kleinerer Sterne durch den Mond zur Zeit der Sichtbarkeit des dunkeln Mondrandes zwischen Neumond und erstem Viertel in den Monaten Februar und Marz 1844. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844. col. 255-256. 28. On the Comet of 1843. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845, pp. 86-90. 29. Description of a universal stand appli- cable to the use of Astronomical Telescopes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 6. 30. [Beobachtungen des von MAUVAIS (1844 Juli 7) entdeckten Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, col. 109-110, 199-202. 31. [Ueber den grossen Cometen von 1843.] Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 269- 272. 32. [Beobachtungen des 2tenBrorsen'schen Cometen.] Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 299-302. 33. Beobachtungen der in jiingster Zeit neuentdeckten Planeten, in unserer Provinz wahrend des Jahres 1847. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1847, pp. 214-218. 34. Mexicanische Zustande. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 136-143. 35. Beobachtungen zu geographischen Langenbestimmungen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1848, pp. 145-152. 36. Beobachtungen von Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 237-240. 37. Ueber die periodischen Sternschnup- pen-Phanomene des Jahres. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 17-22. 38. Ueber das Meteor vom 28 September 8 Vormittags. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1852, pp. 113-116. BOG] 455 [BOH Boguslawski, Gcorg von. 39. Die periodischen Sternschnuppen des August. Posgend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 339-342. 40. Die verschiedenen periodischen Stern- schnuppen-Phiinomene des Jahres. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 161-166. Boheman, Carl Hcnrik. En ny art af insect- slagtet Pimpla, hvars larf uppehaller sig i Spin- delbon. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1821, pp. 335-337. 2. Observation er rorande nagra insecters metamorphos. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1828, pp. 164-166. 3. Novae Coleopterorum species. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Nouv. Mem. I., 1829, pp. 101-134. 4. Forsok till beskrifning af de i Sverige funne arter, horande till insekt-slagtet Cera- phron. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1831, pp. 322 -339. 5. Skandinaviska Pteromaliner Stock- holm, Acad. Handl. 1833, pp. 329-380; 1835, pp. 222-259. 6. Calodromus : genus efamilia Curculioni- dum. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1837, pp. 218- 230. 7. Observationes in Derbe genus, una cum specieruru quinque novarum descriptionibus. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1837, pp. 223-230 ; Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 756. 8. De Tinea Linneella. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1837, pp. 231-234. 9. Resa i Lappland. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, I., 1844, pp. 95-105. 1O. Om grashoppstag i Ostergothland. Stockholm, Ofversigt, L, 1844, pp. 105-106. 11. Tvenne for Skandinaviens Fauna nya slagten och arter af Staphylinii. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, p. 155. 12. Om Insekter som lefva bland Myror. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 155-159. 13. Nya Svenska homoptera. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1845, pp. 21-64. 14. Tva nya svenska Gryllus-arter, jemte nagra anmarkningar rorande Orthoptera. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 80-83. 15. Om Pygmaena fuscaria. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 177-178. 16. Ny art af slagiet Chionea [Ch. cras- sipes]. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 178-179. 17. Om Phryganea phalsenoides och Phry- ganea pantherina. Stockholm, Ofversigt, III., 1846, pp. 215-218. 18. Nya Svenska Homoptera. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1847, pp. 23-68. 19. Om Strackgrashoppor. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 250-252. 20. Nya Svenska Fjaril-arter. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IV., 1847, pp. 299-300. Boheman, Carl. Henrik. 21. Upplysningar till tvenne Hemipterarters synonymic (Cimex um- brinus et Lygaeus hyalinatus). Stockholm, Of- versigt, V., 1848, pp. 45-46. 22. Bi som underga sin forvandling i snack - skal. Stockholm, Ofversigt, V., 1848, pp. 118- 120. 23. Forsok till systematisk uppstallning af de i Sverige fo'rekommande Nattfjarilar. Stock- holm, Akad. Handl. 1848, pp. 95-194, pt. 2. 24. Utvecklingen af Flugslagtet Leucopis. Stockholm, Ofversigt, V., 1848, pp. 193-197. 25. Dagfjiirilar i Dalarne. Stockholm, Ofversigt, V., 1848, pp. 197-198. 26. Bidrag till Gottlands Insekt-Fauna. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1849, pp. 193-268. 27. Myggor i Fahlu grufvor. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 155-156. 28. Om Bembex rostrata och Epitheca bimaculata. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 179-181. 29. lakttagelser rorande nagra Insekt-arters metamorfos. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 211-215. 3O. Scydmaenii, Pselaphii och Clavigeri funna i Sverige. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VII., 1850, pp. 265-279. 31. Om Utvecklingen af Tachina setipennis. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VIII., 1851, pp. 154- 155. 32. Entomologiska anteckningar under en resa i Sodra Sverige 1851. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1851, pp. 53-210. 33. Nya svenska Hemiptera. Stockholm, Ofversigt, IX., 1852, pp. 49-60, 65-80. 34. Utvecklingen af en Bi-art (Trachusa Serratulae). Stockholm, Ofversigt, IX., 1852, pp. 187-188. 35. Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter Stockholm, Ofversigt, af Famiijen Palpicornia. X., 1853, pp. 40-58. 36. Utvecklingen af Pipunculus fuscipes. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XL, 1854, pp. 302-305. - 37. Om parning emellan olika insekt-arter. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIII., 1856, p. 229. 38. Till Lapplands Entomologi. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 15-24. - 39. Skandinaviens Proctotruper beskrifna af C. G. THOMSON. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 411-422. - 4O. Bidrag till Lapplands Dipter-fauna. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 55-57. 41. Konskillnad hos Pteromaliner. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 58-59. 42. Sveriges Pimplariae. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 121-132. 43. Coleoptera samlade af J. A. WAHLBERG i Syd-Vestra Afrika. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVIL, 1860, pp. 3-22, 107-120. BOHJ 456 [BOH Eoheman, Carl Hcnrik. 44. Entomologiska an- teckningar under en resa i norra Skane och sodra Halland ar 1862. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 57-85. Bohemian, Carl Henrik, och Wahlberg. In- sekternas forhallande under cholera-epidemien. Stockholm, Ofversigt, 1854, pp. 12-13. Bohlen, L. Ueber Selbstentziindungen orga- nischer Substanzen. Dingier, Poly techn. Journ. CXXXIV., 1854, pp. 61-67. Bohler, John. Doncaster fungus, &c. (Merutius lachrymans). Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp. 198-201. Bohlig, E. Ueber das salpetrigsaure Ammoniak der Atrnosphare und dessen Entstehung. Lie- big, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 21-40. Eohlig, J. D. Sur Kenntniss der Meteorwasser und des gewohnlichen destillirten Wassers. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXVL, 1834, pp. 419-424. Bohm et Schrader. Analyse des Amandes ameres. (Transl.} Journ. de Med. I., 1818, pp. 100-101. Bohm, C. Ueber Gaslampen und Gasofen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIX., 1856, pp. 374-383. Bohm, Jos. Ant. Beitrage zur naheren Kennt- niss des Chlorophylls. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 479-512. 2. Physiologische Untersuchungen liber blaue Passiflorabeeren. [1856.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 19-38. 3. Ueber den Einfluss der Sonnenstrahlen auf die Chlorophyllbildung und das Wachs- thum der Pflanzen iiberhaupt. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXVII., 1859, pp. 453-476. 4. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Genesis und Function vonPflanzen-Farbstoffen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLV. (Abth. 2), 1862, pp. 399-413. 5. Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss des Pflanzengriins. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVII. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 349-354. 6. Ueber die Ursache des Saftsteigens in den Pflanzen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XLVIIL, 1863, pp. 10-24. Bohm, Joseph Georg. Beschreibung eines neuen Planetariums. Baumgartner, Zeitschrift, VI., 1840, pp. 373-384. 2. Beobachtungen von Sonnenflecken und Bestimmung der Kotations-Elemente der Sonne. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 150-153 (Abth. 2) ; Wien, Akad. Wiss. Denkschr. III., 1852, pp. 39-112. 3. Ueber die Seehohe von Prag. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXII., 1856, pp. 629-659. Bohm, Joseph Georg. 4. Methode geographische Breite und Aximut zugleich aus blossen Azimut- Beobachtungen der Circumpolar- Sterne, ohne Kenntniss und Hilfe der Zeit, auf das Ge- naueste zu finden. Bestimmung der geogra- phischen Breite von Innsbruck. [1855.1 Pra^, Bohm. Gesell. Abhandl. IX., 1857. 5. Ueber Pendel mit Quecksilber-Compen- sation. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXVL, 1857, pp. 345-370. 6. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss, 1858 Miirz 15. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 215-218, 317-318. 7. Untersuchungen iiber das atmospha- rische Ozon. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXXIX., 1858, pp. 409-440. 8. Beitrag zur Bereclmung der Stern- schnuppen. Gorlitz, Abhandl. IX., 1859, pp. 1-21. 9. Ueber die geographische Breite von Prag. Prag, Bohm. Gesell. Abhandl. X., 1859, pp. 1-29. 1O. Ballistische Versuche und Studicn mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die neuen weittragen- den Gewehre der kais. kongl. Armee und die franzdsische Minie-Biichse. Prag, Bohm. Ge- sell. Abhandl. XL, 1861, pp. 377-471. 11. Ueber einen neuen Universal-Gnomon. Prag, Sitzungsber. 1862, pp. 57-70. Bohm, Joseph Georg, und C. J. Littrow. Ueber den Mercur-Durchgang im Jahre 1832. Baum- gartner, Zeitschr. L, 1832, pp. 45-53. Bohm, M. J., und Tobias Eoy. Anmerkungeu iiber einige Insekten. Der Naturforscher, XXIX., 1802, pp. 103-108. Bohme, R. Analyse eines venetianischeu Rubin- glases. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 333-336. 2. Ueber die Bildung von Metacetonsiiure und Buttersiiure bei der Fiiulniss der Erbsen und Linsen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 278-281. Bohmert, Victor. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Zunftwesens. Leipzig, Jablon. Preisschr. N. IX., 1862. Bohn, C. Bemerkungen zu BUNSEN'S Photo- meter. Liebig, Annal. CXL, 1859, pp. 335-357. 2. Physikalische Untersuchungen des Gas- teiner Thermal Wassers. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VIII., 1860, pp. 231-258. 3. Ueber die optischen Eigenschaften der kiinstlich dargestellten Weinsiiure. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 19-20. 4. Zur Polarisation des Lichtes durch ein- fache Brechnung. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 117-181. Bohne, R., und H. Schwarz. Notiz iiber ein neues Verfahren in Kupfer und Stahl zu iitzen. Liebig, Annal. LXVL, 1848, pp. 61-63. BOH] 457 [BOH Bohnenberger, G. C. Beschreibung einfacher Zusammensetzungen des Bennetschen und des Nicholsonschen Electricitatsverdopplers, so wie des Cavalloschen Mulliplicators ; nebst einer Untersuchung, wie weit man sich auf diese Instruments verlassen kann. Gilbert, Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 158-187. 2. Trigonometrische Vermessung von Schwaben. Zaeh, Monat. Corresp. V., 1802, pp. 216-226 ; VI., 23-27. 3. Ueber den freyen Fall der Kb'rper, mit Riicksicht auf die Axendrehung der Erde. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VIIL, 1803, pp. 249- 256. 4. Versuche iiber Gewicht des Wassers. Tubinger Blatter, L, 1815, pp. 47-48, 49-66. 5. Ueber das gleichzeitige Sieden und Gefrieren des Wassers in sehr verdiinnter Luft, und iiber einige damit verbundene Erscheinun- gen. Tubinger Blatter, I, 1815, pp. 113-121. 6. Prtifung und Berichtigung der Ther- mometer. Tubinger Blatter, I., 1815, pp. 147- 153. 7. Ueber das Hohenmessen mit dem Baro- meter. Tubinger Blatter, I., 1815, pp. 217- 237. 8. Barometrisch und trigonometrisch gemes- sene Hohen in Schwaben. Tubinger Blatter, L, 1815, pp. 326-336. 9, Beschreibung; und Gebrauch eines sehr empfindlichen Elektrometers, welches zugleich die Art der Elektricitat anzeigt. Tubinger Blatter, L, 1815, pp. 380-384 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 91-97; Edinb. Phil. Journ.IV., 1821, pp. 324-327. 1O. Beschreibung eines neuen Instruments zur Messung der Winkel der Krystalle. Tu- binger Blatter, II., 1815, pp. 65-66. 11. Versuche mit elektrischen Saulen. Tubinger Blatter, II., 1815, pp. 67-87. 12. Ein einfaches Mittel, die Verstiirkungs- zahl eines gegebenen Condensators der Elektri- citat zu finden. Tubinger Blatter, II., 1815, pp. 124-126. 13. Versuche mit trockenen electrischen Saulen angestellt. Gilbert, Annal. LIIL, 1816, pp. 346-368. 14. Geometrischer Beweis des Gaussischen Theorems iiber die Grenzen der geocentrischen Oerter der Planeten. Lindenau, Zeitschr. L, 1816, pp. 178-181. 15. Ueber die Pracession der Fixsterne in gerader Aufsteigung und Abweichung. Lin- denau, Zeitschr. L, 1816, pp. 124-127, 270- 276. 16. Bemerkungen iiber die Berechnung achromatischer Objective. Lindenau, Zeitschr. L, 1816, pp. 277-282, 385-393. Bohnenberger, G. C. 17. Beschreibung einer Maschine, welche die Gesetze der Umdrehung der Erde um ihre Axe, und der Veriinderung der Lage der Erdaxe zu erlautern dient. Tu- binger Blatter, III., 1816, pp. 72-83 ; Gilbert, Annal. LX., 1819, pp. 60-71. 18. Ueber die Berichtigung der Mittags- fernrohre. Lindenau, Zeitschr. IV., 1817, pp. 355-462. 19. Ueber eine Aufgabe der praktischen Geometrie. Lindenau, Zeitschr. VI., 1818, pp. 121-127. 2O. Analytische Auflb'sung einer geome- trischen Aufgabe. Lindenau, Zeitschr. VI., 1818, pp. 270-281. 21. Neue Methode den Indexfehler eines Hohenkreises zu bestimmen, und die Horizon- talaxe einer Mittagsfernrohre zu berichtigen ohne Loth oder Libelle. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 327-336. 22. Ueber die Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secundenpendels. Wiirtemb. Ab- handl. L, 1826, pp. 1-34. 23. Notiz iiber die Einrichtung eines Nor- malbarometers. Wiirtemb. Abhancll. L, 1826, pp. 219-224 ; Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 378- 384. 24. Beschreibung eines Normalbarometers. Wiirtemb. Abhandl. L, 1826, pp. 389-410. 25. Ueber den Gebrauch des Polarsterns als Meridianzeichen. Astr. Nachr. VI., 1828, col. 317-328. 26. Beitrag zur Hygrometrie. Wiirtemb. Abhandl. II., 1828, pp. 163-184. 27. Beobachtungen in Bezug auf die Ca- pillaritiit beim Barometer. Poggend. Annal. XXVL, 1832, pp. 451-462. Bohr, G. Manformorkelsen d. 26 Dec. 1814. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XXXVII., 1816, pp. 19-20. 2. Bestammelse af Bergens geographiska Longitud. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. XL., 1819, pp. 1-8. 3. Andra och Tredje bidraget till geogra- phiska Longituds-bestammingar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1822, pp. 50-53, 54-57. 4. Geographiske Laengdebestemmelser. Mag. f. Naturvid. L, 1823, pp. 230-250. 5. Geographiske Lsengdebestemmelser. Mag. f. Naturvid. III. 1824, pp. 116-119. 6. Stjernen u $ Bedaskning af Maanen. Mag. f. Naturvid. IV., 1824, pp. 260-267. 7. Nijkopings og Moskwas Langde. Mag. f. Naturvid. V., 1825, pp. 179-181. 8. Tredje bidraget till geografiska Longi- tuds-bestamningar. Stockholm, Akad. Handl. 1825, pp. 201-203. 3 M BOH] 458 [BOI Bohr, G. 9. Account of a visit to the Glaciers of Justedal and to the mantle of Lodal. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 255-264. Bohtlingk, W. Notice of the principal traces left by the last great revolution which took place in the mountainous countries of Scandi- navia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 253-255. 2. On the Scratches and Furrows observed in the Rocks of Finland. Edinb. New Phil. Joum. XXXIL, 1842, pp. 103-106. 3. Notice sur quelques particularites offertes par les stries diluviennes des montagnes de la Scandinavie, et qui semblent contredire la theorie sur les glaciers de M. AGASSIZ. Riviere, Ann. Sci. Geol. I., 1842, pp. 240-244. Boichoz, . Extrait d'un memoire sur la cul- ture des plantes qui fournissent la potasse. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XIX., 1820, pp. 218-220. Boidi, Gioacchino. Usi della Geometria Elemen- tare estesi alle curve discontinue. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. HI., 1819, pp. 276-278. Boie, C. De hepatis dislocationibus. Kiel, Schriften, L, 1855. Boie, Friedrich. Bemerkungen iiber zu den Temminkschen Ordungen Cursores, Grallatores, Pinnatipedes, und Pahnipedes gehorige Vogel, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein. Wiedemann, Zool. Mag. L, 1819 (St. 3), pp. 92-156. 2. Ueber Classification, insonderheit der Europaischen Vogel. Oken, Isis, 1822, coL 545 -564. 3. Ornithologische Beytrage. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 768-781, 871-886. 4. Tagebuch, gehalten auf einer Reise durch Norwegen im Jahr 1817 ; Verzeichniss der in Norwegen vorkommenden Vogel. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 95-103. 5. Ornithologische Beytrage. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 664-666. 6. Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte der Saug- thiere. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 964-971. 7. Ornithologische Beytrage. Ornis, 1824, pp. 97-144; III., 54-77. 8. Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte euro- paischer 4-fussiger Thiere. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1199-1206. 9. Bemerkungen iiber MERREM'S Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien. Oke,n, Isis, 1826, col. 508-566. 1O. Naturhistorische Beytrage vermischten Inhaltes. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 726-730. 11. Generaliibersicht der ornithologischen Orduungen, Familien, und Gattungen. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 969-982. 12. Generaliibersicht der Familien und Gattungen der Ophidier. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 981-982. Boie, Friedrich. 13. Naturhistorische Beytrage vermischten Inhaltes : 1. Ueber das Leuchten einiger Batrachier ; 2. Ueber Actora aestuum ; 3. Ueber Mygale avicula; 4. Ueber die Reini- gung des Wassers durch Miickenlarven. Okeu, Isis, XX., 1827, col. 726-730. 14. Ornithologische Beytrage. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 300-306. 15. Bemerkungen iiber mehrere neue Vogelgattungen. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 312-329; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 286-292. 16. Ueber eine noch nicht beschriebene Art von Cordylus, Gronov.., Cordylus cata- phractus, Boie. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 137-142. 17. Bemerkungen iiber die Abtheilungen im naturlichen Systeme und deren Character- istik. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, coL 351-363. 18. Naturgeschichtliche Beytrage ver- mischten Inhalts (Leuconoe, eine neue Fleder- mausgattung). Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 256-258. 19. Bemerkungen iiber Species und einige Ornithologische Familien und Sippen. Oken, Isis, XXIV., 1831, col. 538-548. 20. Aufstellung und Bildung von Gesch- lechtern oder Sippen. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1011-1012. 21. Ueber die Verschiedenheit der Nah- rungsmittel bey Vogeln. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1097-1098. 22. Beytrage zur Geschichte der Insecteu. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 663-669. 23. Fernere Bemerkungen iiber Classifica- tion der Vogel. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 876- 884. 24. Critik " das Abandern. der Vogel durch Einfluss des Clima's von Dr. C. GLOGER." Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 386-396. 25. Ornithologische Beytrage. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 251-263. 26. Entomologische Beytrage. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 319-332. 27. Fortegnelse over danske, slesvig-hol- steenske, og lauenborgske Sommerfugle. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. L, 1837, pp. 506-519, 521- 549. 28. Rettelser og Tillasg til Fortegnelsen over danske, etc. Sommerfugle. Kroyer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. II., 1838-39, pp. 127-130. 29. Zur Verwandlungs-Geschichte inlan- discher Zweifliigler. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. H., 1838-39, pp. 234-248. 30. Auszug aus einem Briefe : [Papilio Circe, Semele, et Sylvanus ; Noctua airse, fibrosa, lithorhiza.J Germar, Zeitschr. Entomol. L, 1839, pp. 387-393. BOI] 459 [BOI Boie, Friedrich. 31. Bemerkungen zu dem Auf- satze der Herren v. KEYSERLING und BLASITJS iiber die europiiischen Fledermause. Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 262-263. - 32. Zur Geschichte inlandischer Amphi- bien. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. III., 1840-41, pp. 207-213. 33. Entomologische Beitrage. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. III., 1840-41, pp. 315-324. 34. Ueber eine Race langhaariger Katzen. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. III., 1840-41, pp. 325-328. 35. Verzeichniss danischer, schleswig-hol- steinischer, und lauenburgischer Schmetterlinge. Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 115-121, 331-348. 36. Zur Geschichte inlandischer Amphi- bien. Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 698-700. 37. Cynegitis globosa und Epilachna chiy- somelina. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, II., 1841, pp. 79-80. 38. Ueber das Aufstecken der Insecten. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, III., 1842, pp. 22-24. 39. Auszuge aus dem " System der Orni- thologie." Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 164-197. 4O. Ueber die Characteristik der Genera. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1846, pp. 139-144. 41. Entomologische Beitrage. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, VII., 1846, pp. 292-295. . 42. Vortrag in der 24sten Versammlung deutscher Naturf brscher : Systematik. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. II., 1846-49, pp. 311-318. 43. Ueber die Fliegengattung Cecidomyia. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 145-146. . 44. Ueber das eheliche Leben der Stb'rche. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1847, pp. 147-148. 45. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte meh- rerer Trypeta-Arten. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, VIII., 1847, pp. 326-331; IX., 1848, pp. 81-84. 46. Entomologisch-biologische Notizen. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, IX., 1848, pp. 338- 341. 47. Ueber zoologische Charactere. Kr0- yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. II., 1849, pp. 311-318. 48. Entomologische Beitrage. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, XI., 1850, pp. 29-32, 212-216, 359-360. 49. Bemerkungen iiber einige Lepidoptera. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, XTTL, 1852, pp. 382- 386. 50. Noctua airae, B. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, XIV., 1853, pp. 57-58. 51. Ueber die Rubrik der "Motto's." Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 214-229. 52. Ornithologische Bemerkungen. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 434- 438. Boie, Friedrich. 53. Beobachtungen und Be- merkungen. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, XVI., 1855, pp. 48-51, 89-94, 97-108. 54. Systematisches. Cabanis, Journ. Or- nithol. V., 1857, pp. 162-168. 55. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungeu. Stettin, Entom. Zeitung, XVIIL, 1857, pp. 192- 200. 56. Articuli metacarpo-phalangei pollicis anatomia et physiologia luxationum maxime habita ratione. Kiel, Schriften, III., 1 857. 57. Bemerkungen, Beobachtungen und Anfragen. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 359-366. Bole, Friedrich, und Chr. Drewsen. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Hymenopteren. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836, pp. 35-44 ; Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. I., 1837, pp. 305-312. Boie, Heinr. Ueber den hockerschnabeligten Eidervogel (Anas spectabilis, Linn.) von Otto FABRICICJS ; iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet. Wetterau, Gesell. Annal. IV., 1819, pp. 329-341. 2. Notice sur 1'Erpetologie de 1'ile de Java. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 233-240. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die von Hrl von SPIX abgebildeten brasilianischen Saurier. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 117-120. 4. Merkmale einiger japanische Lurche. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 203-216. 5. Kenteekenen van eenige Japansche Am- phibien. Hall, Vrolik, en Mulder, Bijdragen, IL, 1827, pp. 243-272. Boie, Heinr., en Macklot. Aanteekeningen en uittreksels uit brieven, door de Heeren BOIE en MACKLOT van Java, aan den Heer TEMMINCK, directeur van 's RIJKS Museum, gezonden. Hall, Vrolik, en Mulder, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 315-328. 2. Naturgeschichtliche Bemerkun- gen aus Java. Froriep, Notizen, XVIIL, 1827, col. 193-199; Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 1025- 1035. Boie, J. Eine neue Art (?) von Lycsena Och- senheimer. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 385-386. Boieldieu, . Monographic des Coleopteres de la tribu des Ptiniores. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IL, 1854, pp. Ixxvii-lxxxv. 2. Monographic des Ptiniores. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. 285-315, 487-504, 629-686. 3. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles de Co- leopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. 461-482. Boileau, A. H. E., and A. Sconce, Memoran- dum accompanying a few logs of oak from the Chittagong Hills, with a report on its quality. India, Journ. Agric. and Hort. Soc. IL, 1843, pp. 99-100. 3 M 2 BOI] 460 [BOI Boileau, J. T. Remarks on the construction of NEWMAN'S improved Portable Barometer, and on the mode of renewing the gauge point when lost. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 957-963. 2. Observations of Meteors on the night between the 12th and 13th November 1841 [Simla], Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. X., 1841, pp. 964-966. 3. Tables for determining the elastic force of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere and the tem- perature of the dew-point, by observations of a dry and wet bulb thermometer. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIII., 1844, pp. 135-170. 4. Mr. IVORY'S Tables of mean astro- nomical Refractions, revised and augmented. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIV., 1845, pp. 1-9. Boileau, P. Introduction a 1'etude de la meca- nique pratique. Metz, Mem. Acad. XIX., 1837- 38, pp. 166-297. 2. Application geometrique du mouvement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 594- 595. 3. Recherche des bases de 1'etablissement des sciences. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., pp. 1844, pp. 221-225. 4. Rapport sur 1'explosion d'une chaudiere a vapeur, le 13 Aout, dans les ateliers de M. REMERY. Annal. des Mines, XII., 1847, pp. 609-616. 5. Etudes experimentales sur les cours d'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 957-960. 6. Etudes sur les cours d'eau (3* me Me- moire) : Jaugeage par les orifices avec charge sur le sommet. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 97-98. 7. Sur le jaugeage des cours d'eau a faible j^. ou a moyenne section. Paris, Journ. Ecole Polytechn. XIX. (33 e cah.\ 1850, pp. 129-234. Bom, A. Dissertation sur la chaleur vitale, com- prenant un examen des theories qui ont paru jusqu'ici, et 1'exposition d'une explication dif- ferente. Journ. de Med. XV., 1808, pp. 458- 460. Boinet, . De 1'alimentation iodee. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 303-306. Boirot-Desserviers, P. Recherches histo- riques et observations raedicales sur les eaux thermales et minerales de Neris en Bourbon- nais, departement de 1'Allier. Journ. de Med. XIV., 1822, pp. 52-55. Bois, . Ueber reichhaltige Fundorte fossiler Knochen, die neulich von Herrn A. NORD- MANN im siidlichen Russland entdeckt wurden. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1847, pp. 28-31. Boisayme, . Notice sur le mont Braisier entre Serres et Laragne (Hautes-Alpes). Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1838, pp. 319-328. Bois-Duval, Jean Alphonse. Notice sur cinq especes nouvelles de Lepidopteres d'Europe. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. VI., 1827, pp. 109- 120. 2. Observations sur un Memoire de M. ZiNCKEN-SoMMER, " Beitrage zur Insecten- Fauua von Java." Paris, Aim. Soc. Entom. I., 1832, pp. 416-420. 3. Anomalie du genre Urania. [1832.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 248- 250. 4. Description de quatre nouvelles especes de Noctuelides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 373-378. 5. Description des Lepidopteres de Mada- gascar. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. II., 1833, pp. 149-270. 6. Description de deux Lepidopteres nou- veaux d'Espagne. Silbermann, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 120-123. 7. Notice sur un nouveau genre dans les Noctuelides. Silbermann, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 245-250. 8. Rapport sur une empreinte de Lepi- doptere trouvee dans les marnes des environs d'Aix en Provence. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 371-374. 9. [Observations sur la Pysche febretta.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, p. Ixv. 10. [Sur les Anthocharis belia et ausonia.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, p. Ixviii. 11. Note sur les Lepidopteres recueillis par M. KINDERMANN aux environs d'Odessa et au pied du Caucase. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. xxviii xxx. 12. Quelques mots de reponse a M. Alex. LEFEBVRE sur ses observations relatives a la Cyllo sepulta. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. Ixvi-lxviii. 13. [Psyche Graslinella, Millierella et Stomoxella.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, p. xxii. 14. Lepidopteres de la Californie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 275-324. 15. Quelques mots sur deux Bombyx de 1'Inde produisant de la soie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. 755-759. 16. [Note sur les chenilles du Sphinx galii rencontrees a Paris.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, p. Ixxxvii. 17. [Details sur les mceurs du Rhynchites conicus.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, p. xcv. 18. [Notes sur quelques insectes remarqua- bles de la Nouvelle Caledonie.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. cliv clvii. 19. [Notes sur quelques Lepidopteres nou- veaux de la republique Argentine.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. clvii-clviii. BOI] 461 [BOI Bois-Duval, Jean Alphonse, et Duhamel. Une herborisation a N6tre-Dame-de-la-Trappe (Orne) faite en Aout 1861. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 534-536. Boisgiraud, . De 1'action de la pile sur 1'aiguille aimantee. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 279-289 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 164-172 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVII., 1821, pp. 203-206, 257-258. 2. Meteors (on their nature). Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 447-448. 3. Quelques observations sur la grele. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1836, pp. 91-105; Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 566-569. 4. Sur la difference entre les quantites d'eau de pluie a diverses hauteurs. Mem. Acad. IV., 1837, pp. 96-99. 5. Observations sur la grele. Toulouse, Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1837, pp. 99-110. Boisgiraud, , et Joly. Nouvelles recherches sur les mouvements du camphre et de quelques autres corps places a la surface de 1'eau et de mercure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 690-691. Boisgiraud, , et A. Pinaud. Notice sur 1'eclipse totale de soleil du 8 Juillet 1842, observee a Narbonne. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1844, pp. 1-14. Boishebert, Memoire sur le moyen d'eviter 1'effet de 1'inertie des Colonnes d'eau dans les Pompes. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1817, pp. 72-83. Boisse, A. A. M. Memoire sur les explosions dans les mines de houille, et sur les moyens de les prevenir. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. (8wo.) I., 1840, pp. 35-140. 2. Notice sur un nouvel hydrometre propre a j auger Feau consommee par les chaudieres a vapeur. Annal. des Mines, XVIII., 1840, pp. 489-502. 3. Nouvelle ptfmpe alimentaire des chau- dieres a vapeur. Annal. des Mines, II., 1842, pp. 321-324. 4. Notes sur les depots gypseux des en- virons de Saint- Affrique (Aveyron). Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1845, pp. 3-32. 5. Recherches sur les gites metalliferes de 1'Aveyron, et sur leurs relations avec les divers produits plutoniques. Annal. des Mines, II., 1852, pp. 467-520. Boisseau, F. G. Examen critique des experi- ences magnetiques faites par la Commission de 1' Academic de Medecine. Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1832, pp. 439-466. Boissel, J. M. H, Essai analytique de la racine de Lobelie syphilitique (L. syphilitica, Linn.). Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 623-630; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 72-83. Boissel, ./. M. H., et Lassaigne. Analyse chimique d'un bois apporte de Calcutta (Bengale) et connu sous le nom de Chiretta. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 283-286. 2. Analyse chimique d'une liqueur contenue dans deux poches situees entre le peri- toiue et les intestins de la Tortue des Indes (Testudo Indica). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 381-384. 3. Examen chimique de la Synovie humaine. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 206-208. Boissenot, . Note sur une substance cris- talline recueillie dans une huile essentielle de Citron qui etait restee longtemps exposee au contact de 1'air. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 324-327 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830 (St. 2), pp. 214-219. 2. Sur un generateur a acide carbonique. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 136-138. 3. Observations sur la nature des eaux de condensation, provenant de 1'evaporation des jus de betterave dans le vide. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 93-99. 4. Appareil pour la desagregation de matieres organiques arseniferes. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 185-187. 5. Note relative au soudage de deux aciers d'especes differentes. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 430-432; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 39-41. Boissenot, , et Felix Boudet. Essai chimique sur la cire d' abeilles. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 38-47. Boissenot, , et Canat. Note sur la formation de 1'Ammoniaque dans 1'appareil de MABSH, lors- qu'on se sert de 1'acide nitrique. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 291-294. Boissenot, , et Fersoz. Formation d'une matiere solide particuliere dans 1'huile essentielle de terebenthine exposee au contact de 1'air. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 442-443; Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 214-218 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIII., 1826, pp. 223-228. Boissenot, ///.s. Observations pour faire suite au memoire de M. SOUBEIKAN, sur la fabrication des eaux acidules gazeuses. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 717-724. Boissier, Edtnond. Notice sur 1' Abies Pinsapo. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1838, pp. 167-172. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Sapin du midi de 1'Espagne. Bibl. Univ. XIIL, 1838, pp. 401-410. 3. Voyage botanique dans le midi de' 1'Espagne pendant 1'annee 1837. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIIL (Bot.), 1840, pp. 234-245 ; XV. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 372-379. BOI] 462 [BOJ Boissier, Edmond. 4. Plantae Aucherianae orientales enumerate; cum novarum specierum descriptione. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1841, pp. 347-376 ; XVII., 45-90, 150-205, 381- 390. 5. Novarum generum Cruciferarum diag- nosis, ex plantarum Aucherianarum enumeratione excerpta. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVL (Bot.\ 1841, pp. 378-382. 6. Plantae Aucherianae adjunctis nonnullis e regionibus Mediterraneis et Orientalibus aliis cum novarum specierum descriptione. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.\ 1844, pp. 120-151,297-349; II., 66-96. 7. Description de deux nouvelles especes Boisvillette, 2. Des nivellements prepa- de Cruciferes des Alpes. Geneve, Soc. Phys. Mem. XI., 1846, pp. 451-456. 8. Plantes nouvelles recueillies par M. P. de TCHIHATCHEFF en Asie Mineure. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.\ 1854, pp. 243-255. Boissier, Edmond, et G. Renter. Diagnoses plantarum novarum Hispanicarum praesertim in Castella Nova lectarum. Bibl. Univ. XXXVIII., 1842, pp. 195-220. Boissier, Henri. Extrait d'un memoire sur la decomposition de 1'eau par les substances metal- liques. Journ. de Phys. LIL, 1801, pp. 452- 458. 2. Lettre sur la decomposition des alkalis. Bibl. Britannique, XXXVII, 1808, pp. 65-67 ; Gehlen, Journ. V.. 1808, pp. 410-412. Boissiere, A., et L. Fossoz. Notice sur la fabrication des cyanures par 1'azote de 1'air. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 203- 205. Boissonneau, . Nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux- Mouches de Santa Fe de Bogota. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 354-356. 2. Oiseaux nouveaux ou peu connus de Santa Fe de Bogota. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 2-8. 3. Nouvelle espece du genre Pic. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 36-37. 4. Oiseaux nouveaux de Santa Fe" de Bogota. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 66-71 ; Mag. de Zool. 1840, pp. 12-16. 5. Descriptions of Passerina (spiza) Le- clancherii and Tanagra Vassorii. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 22, 23; Revue Zool. 1840, p. 260. Boissonneau, A. Recherches sur 1'histoire des yeux artificiels. Gand, Ann. Soc. Me"d. XII., 1843. pp. 125-149. Boissy. See Saint- Ange de Boissy. Boisvillette, . Note sur la resistance a Pecrasement des materiaux considered dans ses rapports avec Pentretien des routes en cailloutis. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. IX., 1835, pp. 373-380. ratoires ou de reconnaissance au moyen d'opera- tions geodesiques, et de la mesure des angles avec la verticale. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. IV., 1842, pp. 75-104. Boitard, Eugene. Note sur les diverses especes de temps. Paris, Annal. Genie Civil, II., 1863, pp. 103-108. Boith, von. Einige zoologische Beobach- tungen. Okeu, Isis, 1831, col. 633-635. Bojanus, Lud. Henr. De foetus canini velamen- tis, inprimis de ipsius membrana allantoide, observatio anatomica. [1813.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1812, pp. 302-320 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1616-1623. 2. Bemerkungen aus dem Gebiete der vergleichenden Anatomic. Crichton, Russ. Sarnm- lung, II., 1817, pp. 523-553. 3. Observations sur Popercule branchial des Poissons. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. V., 1817, pp. 264-269. 4. Description d'un ver de la famille des vers a suoirs (Trematoda) trouve dans les gros intestins du Castor (Castor fiber, Z.) Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. V., 1817, pp. 270-277. 5. Anatomie des Blutegels. Oken, Isis, I., 1817, col. 873-884. 6. Ueber die Darmblase des Schafsfotus, zum Beweiss, dass die Vesicula umbilicalis mit dem Darm unmittelbar zusammenhangt. Meckel, Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 34-46 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1623-1633. 7. Versuch einer Deutung der Knochen im Kopfe der Fische. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 498- 510, 2095-2096. 8. Kurze Nachricht iiber die Zerkarien und ihren Fundort. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 729- 730. 9. Bemerkungen aus dem Gebiete der ver- gleichenden Anatomie. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1425-1432. 1O. Ueber die Darmblase des Pferde- fotus. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1633-1636. 11. Was wissen wir denn nun eigentlich vom Bau des Blutegels ? Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 2089-2093. 12. Dottergang im Fetus des Coluber berus. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 2093-2094 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 65-67. 13. Observations nouvelles sur 1'organisa- tion de la Sangsue. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 468-472. 14. Memoire sur les Organes respiratoires et circulatoires des Coquillages bivalves en general, et specialement sur ceux de 1'Anodonte des Cygnes (Anodon cygneum). Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 108-134; Oken, Isis, 1819, pp. 81-100. BOJ] 463 [BOK Bojanus, Lud. Henr. 15. Weiterer Beitrag zur Deutung der Schadel-Knochen. Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 1360-1368. 16. Antwort auf Herrn BLAINVILLE'S ge- machte Einwendungen, in Betreff der Athem- werkzeuge der zweichaaligen Muscheln. Oken. Isis, 1820, col. 404-428. 17. Observatio anatomica de fetu canino 24 dierum ej usque velanientis. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 139-152. 18. Enthelminthica. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 162-190. 19. Ein Wort iiber das Verhaltniss der Membrana decidua und decidua reflexa zum Ei des menschlichen Embryo. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 268-270. 2O. Vasa chylifera Testudinis Europseae. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 270-271. 21. Nachtrag zu Distoma hepaticum. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 305-306. 22. Abermals ein Wort zur Deutung der Kopfknochen. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 1145- 1167. 23. Ueber die Nasenhohle und ihren Sack- Anhang in den Pricken. Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 1167-1174. 24. Ueber die Darmblase des Hasenfotus. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 1228-1230. 25. Zweifel iiber das Gefasssystem des Krebses. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 1230-1233. 26. Os malleoli externi. Oken, Isis, 1822, coL 1233-1234. 27. Ductus arteriosus im Vogel. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 1234-1235. 28. Vorschlag zu gleichformiger Benennung der Knochentheile der Unterkinnlade. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 1236-1237. 29. Anatome testudinis Europaaas. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 465-472. 3O. De Merycotherii Sibirici seu gigantei animalis ruminantis, antediluviano quodam, den- tibus incerto Sibiriae loco erutis, declarato ves- tigio. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIL, 1825, pp. 263-278; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 226-228. 31. Craniorum Argalidis, Ovis, et Caprae domesticae comparatio. Acad. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XIL, 1825, pp. 293-300. 32. Adversaria ad dentitionem equini generis et ovis domesticaa spectantia. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XIL, 1825, pp. 695-768. 33. De Uro nostrate ej usque sceleto com- mentatio, etiam de Bovis primigenii sceleto. Acad. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XIII., 1826, pp. 411-478 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 121-125. 34. Ueber das Schultergeriiste der Schild- krote und die daran sitzenden Muskeln. Oken, Isis, XX., 1827, col. 428-456. Bojanus, Lud. Henr. 35. Ueber des Hrn. G. R. TREVIRANUS abentheuerliche Meynung in Betreff der Zeugungsorgane der Teichmuschel. Oken, Isis, XX., 1827, col. 752-758. Boje, F. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatze der Her- ren v. KEYSERLING und BLASIUS iiber die euro- paischen Fledermause. Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 262-263. Bojer, Wenceslaus. On a new genus of the natural order Tiliacese, from the island of Madagascar. Hooker, Botan. Miscell. I., 1830, pp. 293-294. 2. Botanical description of the Tanghin, Tanghinia veneniflua. Hooker, Botan. MiscelL III., 1833, pp. 289-291. 3. [Letter on the habits, &c., of Crypto- procta ferox.] Zool. Soc. Proc. 1834, p. 13. 4. Descriptiones et icones plantarum rario- rum quas in insulis Africaa australis detexit anno 1824. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.\ 1835, pp. 262 -270. 5. Plantes de Maurice. Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Rapport Ann. 1836, pp. 30-38. 6. Description du genre Labourdonnaisia de la famille des Sapotacees. Geneve, Soc. Phys. Mem. IX., 1841, pp. 295-300. 7. Descriptions de diverses plantes nouvelles de Madagascar, des iles Comores, et de 1'ile Maurice. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.\ 1842, pp. 184-192. 8. Descriptiones novarum plantarum quas in insulis Africae Australis detexit. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot,), 1843, pp. 53-61, 95-106. 9. Descriptions de plusieurs especes de plantes nouvelles appartenant au genre Grewia, L. (DC. Prod.*), et provenant de Madagascar. Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 26-30. 10. Caracteres de Vincentia lancaefolia. Maurice, Soc. Hist. Nat. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. ^ 31-32. 11. Caracteres des deux genres de plantes : Rhopalocarpus et Boutonia. Maurice, Soc. Hist, Nat. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 149-153. Bojer, Wenceslaus, and Chas. Theo. Hilsenberg. A sketch of the province of Emerina, in the island of Madagascar, and of the Huwa, its inhabitants (with an appendix on the Tanghina poison). Hooker, Botan. MisceD. III., 1833, pp. 246-277. Bokelberg, E. Ueber Strassengefalle und deren Einfluss auf die Nutzleistung der Zugthiere. Hannover, Zeitschr. Archit. Ver. L, 1855, col. 60-87, 190-202. Boklen, A. Bemerkungen iiber die Ellipse. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. L, 1856, pp. 375-376. Boklen, Otto. Ueber drei geometrische Aufgaben und iiber eine Eigenschaft der Ellipse. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 434-440. BOK] 464 [BOL Boklen, Otto. 2. line propriete des normales dc 1'ellipse. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 356-358. 3. Ueber die Chasles-Transon'sche Me- thode zur Construction der Normalen und Kriim- mungsradien an gewissen ebenen Curven. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. III., 1858, pp. 252-258. 4. Ueber drei geometrische Transforma- tionen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXII., 1859, pp. 83-94. 5. Ueber einige Siitze der hoheren Geo- metrie. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIII., 1859, pp. 111-115. 6. Ueber krummlinige Coordinates Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXIV., 1860, pp. 26-32. 7. Ueber elliptische Coordinates Gru- nert, Archiv, XXXIV., 1860, pp. 308-316. 8. Ueber homofokale Paraboloide. Gru- Boland, Precede pour reconnaitre la pre- nert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 81-92. 9. Untersuchungen iiber einige Arten von Flachen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 93-101. 1O. Ueber die geodatischen Linien auf dem Ellipsoid. Grunert, Archiv, XXXV., 1860, pp. 101-103. 11. Theorem e sur les courbures des lignes. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIX., 1860, pp. 136-141. 12. Auflosung einiger Questions der Nou- velles Annales de MM. TERQUEM et GERONO. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 22-31. 13. Ueber die Rektifikation der Linien auf den Flachen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 186J, pp. 32-47. 14. Geometrische Untersuchungen iiber einige Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIL, 1861, pp. 105-118. 15. Ueber cyclische Curven. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIL, 1861, pp. 119-123. 16. Ueber die Dreiecke, welche den ein- und umbeschriebenen Kreis gemein haben. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIIL, 1862, pp. 141- 146. 17. Ueber die Kriimmungslinien des Ellip- soids. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 158-164. 18. Ueber die Bedeutung und Anwendung der in Theil XXXVIL N. 4, s. 124, ent- wickelten Relationen in der analytischen Geometric. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIIL, 1862, pp. 198-201. 19. Zur Theorie der geodatischen Linien. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 189-198. 2O. Untersuchungen iiber die Theorie der Linien auf den Flachen. Grunert, Archiv, XXXIX., 1862, pp. 204-225. 21. Ueber die Anwendung der Formeln der spharischen Trigonometric auf die ellipti- schen Functionen. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 27-32. sence et la quantite de Fecule de Pommes-de- Terre ajoutee a la Farine de Froment, et notes sur la panification. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 305-310; Liebig, Annal. XX., 1836, pp. 106-110. Bold, Thomas John. Notice of the capture of Anobium molle. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. I., 1846-50, pp. 29-30. 2. Notes on damage done to Avheat by Cucujus monilicornis and Calandra granaria. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. L, 1846-50, pp. 33-36. 3. A century of unrecorded local Coleop- tera, with a description of a new Colymbetes. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. L, 1846-50, pp. 277-285. 4. Description of a new British Colymbetes. Newman, Zoologist, VII., 1849, pp. xxiv- xxvi. 5. Notes on the effects of the extreme wet winter of 1852-53 on Insects. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. II., 1851-54, pp. 338-342. 6. Economy of Crabro cetratus. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 3778-3779. 7. Note on the impalement of Geotrupes stercorarius. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, p. 3919. 8. Capture of some of the rarer Hydropori in the north of England. Newman, Zoologist, XIL, 1854, pp. 4193-4194. 9. Description of Lathrobium carinatum, an apparently undescribed British coleopterous insect. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 46-47. 1O. Entomological notes for 1855, with a record of coleopterous insects new to the Fauna, &c. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 88-92. 11. Notice of Insects added to our Fauna in 1856. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 295-297. 12. Note on Tomicus bidens, with a descrip- tion of T. bispinus. Newman, Zoologist, XV., 1857, pp. 5411-5412. 13. Entomological notes, and a record of Insects added to our local Fauna in 1857 and 1858. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 54-57, 172-176. 14. Notes on the British species of Blaps. Newman, Zoologist, XVL, 1858, pp. 5974- 5976. 15. List of Coleopterous Insects added to our Fauna during 1859-61. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 52-57, 221- 223. 16. Curious instinct of Wasps. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 102- 103. BOL] 465 [BOL Bold, Thomas John. 17. Notes on some pecu- liarities of Insect life in 1861. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 219-221. 18. Coleopterous Insects added to the Fauna of Northumberland and Durham in 1862 -63. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. VI., 1863-64, pp. 60-63, 225-23 1. Bold, Thomas John, and Jas. Hardy. Catalogue of the Insects of Northumberland and Durham. Tyneside Nat. Field Club, Trans. I., 1846-50, pp. 37-94; II., 1851-54, pp. 21-97, 164-255, 256-286. Boldrini, Cesare. Moto oscillatorio di un ago magnetico. Cantu, Cronaca, I., 1855, pp. 1090 -1091. 2. Barometres a deux liquides. Moigno, Cosmos, VII., 1855, pp. 701-703. 3. Dei rapporti delle intensita magnetiche calcolate in diversi punti del globo. Cantu, Cronaca, II., 1856, pp. 75-77, 181-184, 405-408. Boldt, G. Considerations sur la recherche des integrates premieres des equations differentiates partielles du second orclre. [1861.] St. Peters- bourg, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 198-215. Bolken, J. H. Over de ligging van de Hermanos, de eilanden Blanca, en Orchilla, en over de vaart tusschen Groot- en Klein-Curacao. Am- sterdam, Verz. Ber. Navig. II., 1804-22, pp. 313-323. 2. Berigt aangaande de kompassen, aan Z. Ed. door het Ministerie voor de Marine ter beproeving medegegeven, op deszelfs kruistogt met de Brik de " Courier," in de Oostzee, in het jaar 1822. Schroder, Berig. Zeevaart, III., 1823, pp. 245-259. Boll, Ernst. Die Ostsee, eine naturgeschichtliche Schilderung. Meklenburg, Archiv, I., 1847, pp. 31-120 ; II., 99-104. 2. Die Saugethiere der deutschen Ostsee- lande Holstein, Meklenburg, Pommern uhd Riigen. Meklenburg, Archiv, II., 1848, pp. 10 -28. 3. Die Seestrands, und Salinenflora der deutschen Ostseelander. Meklenburg, Archiv, II., 1848, pp. 66-86. 4. Beitriige zur Geognosie der deutschen Ostseelander. Meklenburg, Archiv, II:, 1848, pp. 87-98. 5. Flora von Meklenburg- Strelitz, nebst Beitragen zur gesammten meklenburgischen Flora. Meklenburg, Archiv, III., 1849, pp. 4- 146 ; IV., pp. 151-158 ; V., 163-169. 6. Beitrage zur Geognosie von Meklen- burg. Meklenburg, Archiv, III., 1849, pp. 190 -224. 7. Uebersicht der meklenburgischen Le- pidopteren, nach den Mittheilungen der Herren HUTH, etc. Meklenburg, Archiv, IV., 1850, pp. 12-50. Boll, Ernst. 8. Die Trilobiten Meklenburgs ; Tertiares Thonlager bei Goldberg ; Asphalt, Graphit nnd Thallit in meklenburgischen Ge- rollen. Meklenburg, Archiv, IV., 1850, pp. 159-167. 9. Geognostische Skizze von Meklenburg, als Erlauterung zu der von der deutschen geolo- gischen Gesellschaft herauszugebenden geognos- tischen Uebersichtskarte von Deutschland. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 436-477. 1O. Albrecht v. MALTZANS naturhistorische Wirksamkeit geschildert. Meklenburg, Archiv, VI., 1851, pp. 20-41. 11. Die Land- und Siisswassermollusken Meklenburgs, nebst einigen allgemeinen, die geographische Verbreitung der Land- und Siiss- wassermollusken betreffenden Bemerkungen. Meklenburg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 37-112. 12. Zur Naturgeschichte des Rennthieres in Meklenburg, von Theodor FRIESE. Nach- schrift des Herausgebers. Meklenburg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 113-123. 13. Zweiter Nachtrag zur Flora Meklen- burgs. Meklenburg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 163- 168. 14. Cassidaria Buchii, n. sp., und Voluta Siemsenii, n. sp., aus dem Sternberger Kuchen. Meklenburg, Archiv, V., 1851, pp. 190-194. 15. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Trilobiten. Meyer, Palseontographica, I., 1851, pp. 126-127. 16. Geognostiche Skizze von Meklenburg. Meklenburg, Archiv, VI., 1852, pp. 49-100. 17. Das Gewitter am 16 Februar 1852. Meklenburg, Archiv, VI., 1852, pp. 112-117. 18. Hamster und Scharrmause in Meklen- burg. Meklenburg, Archiv, VI., 1852, p. 118. 19. Ueber die im meklenburgischen Dilu- vium vorkommenden Kreideversteinerungen und die in Meklenburg austehenden turonischen Lager. Meklenburg, Archiv, VII., 1853, pp. 58-91. 2O. Ueber die Entstehung der Inseln in den Landseen des Ostseegebietes. Meklenburg, Archiv, VII., 1853, pp. 92-100. 21. Nachschrift iiber die Petrefacten des Brunshauptener Lagers. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIII., 1854, pp. 72-76. 22. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber das ceno- manische Kreidelager bei Sielou ; nebst geognos- tischer Skizze der Umgegend von Malchin. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIIL, 1854, pp. 76-92. 23. Ueber die Lebenswiirme der Pflanzen. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIIL, 1854, pp. 98-118. 24. Steine im Darmkanal der Pferde. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIIL, 1854, pp. 132-134. 25. Curiosum. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIIL, 1854, pp. 134-135. BOL] 466 [BOL Boll, Ernst. 26. Eiii Seehund iin Schweriner See. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIII., 1854, pp. 135-136. 27. Zur Geschichte des Buchweizens. Meklenburg, Archiv, VIII., 1854, pp. 136-137. 28. Kleinere geognostische Mittheilungen. Meklenburg, Archiv, IX., 1855, pp. 94-106. . 29. Zweiter Nachtrag zum Verzeiclinisse der meklenburgischen Lepidopteren. Meklen- burg, Archiv, IX., 1855, pp. 158-161 ; X., 63- 65. 3O. Conchyliogische Notizen. Meklen- burg, Archiv, IX., 1855, pp. 162-179. 31. Ueber die Arten der Gattung Bey- richia in norddeutschen silurischen Gerollen. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VHL, 1856, pp. 321-324. 32. Die Brachiopoden der Kreideforma- tion in Meklenburg. Meklenburg, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 29-43. 33. [Biber und Baren in Meklenburg.] Meklenburg, Archiv, X., 1856, pp. 73-75. 34. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der silurischen Cephalopoden im nord-deutschen Diluvium und den anstehenden Lagern Schwedens. Meklen- burg, Archiv, XI., 1857, pp. 58-95. 35. Die Reptilien Meklenburgs. Meklen- burg, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 129-133. 36. Merkwiirdige Baume in Meklenburg. Meklenburg, Archiv, XL, 1857, pp. 135-143. 37. Heuschrecken. Meklenburg, Archiv, XL, 1857, p. 151. Bolla, Johann von. Beitrage zur Flora Presburg's. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. L, 1856 (Abh.\ pp. 6-18. 2. Die Pilze der Presburger Flora. Pres- burg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. II., 1857 (Abh.\ pp. 43-71. 3. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Koleopteren- Fauna Presburg's. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. IV., 1859 (Abh.\ pp. 23-24. 4. Die Flechten, Algen und Moose der Presburger Flora. Presburg, Verhand. Nat. Ver. V., 1860-61, pp. 25-39. Bollaert, Wm. Experiments on Oil of Mace. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 317-319. 2. Some account of the Chiritmanos of Peru, and of the medicines sold by them. Med. Bot. Soc. Trans. 1832-33, pp. 32-35 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 248-250. 3. Description of the insulated masses of silver found in the mines of Huantaxaya, in the province of Tarapaca, Peru. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1833-38, pp. 598-599 ; Phil. Mag. XIL, 1838, pp. 578-579. 4. Notes on the coast region of the Texan Territory. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1843, pp. 226-244. Bollaert, Wm. 5. Observations on the Indian tribes in Texas. Ethiiol. Soc. Journ. II., 1850 pp. 262-283. 6. Observations on the geography of Texas. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 113-135. 7. Geography of Southern Peru. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXL, 1851, pp. 99-129. 8. Natron- Salpeter in der Provinz Tara- paca, Siid-Peru. Karsten, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 667-671. 9. Observations on the history of the Incas of Peru, on the Indians of South Peru, and on some Indian remains in the province of Tarapaca. [1852.] Ethnol. Soc. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 132-164. 1O. Observations on the Coal formation in Chile. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1855, pp. 172-175. 11. Observations on the Botany of Texas. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 97-98. 12. Ethnological and antiquarian researches in New Granada, Quito, and Peru, with obser- vations on the Pre-Incareal, Incareal, and the monuments of neighbouring nations in Peru. Brit. Assoc. Rep. XXVIIL, 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 121-123. Bolle, . Sur le Stearopton de 1'huile de Persil. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 580- 582. Bolle, Carl. Notes on the botany of the Cape de Verd Islands. Hooker, Journ. Botany, IV., 1852, pp. 59-62. 2. Journey to Fuerteventura and Lance- rotte. Hooker, Journ. Botany, V., 1853, pp. 20-24. 3. Die Palmen auf den canarischen Inseln. Bonplandia, II., 1854, pp. 270-277. 4. Bemerkungen iiber die Vogel der cana- rischen Inseln. Cabanis, Journ. Oruithol. II., 1854, pp. 447-462; HI., 1855, pp. 171-181. 5. Novitise floras Caboverdicge, Canariaruni stirpium ratlone habita ; sive, Additamenta ad meridionalis Atlantidis accuratius cognoscendum, quibus et Europe et Africaa geographia botanica occidentern versus compleatur. Bonplandia, III., 1855, pp. 121-124. 6. Die Erstlinge moderner spanischer Omithologie. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 295-297. 7. Die Vogelwelt auf den Inseln des griinen Vorgebirges. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 17-31, 163-171, 318-324. 8. Der californische Condor, Sarcorham- phus californianus. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp. 50-54. 9. Mein zweiter Beitrag zur Vogelkunde der canarischen Inseln. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp. 258-292, 305-351. BOL] 467 [BOL Bolle, Carl. 10. Der wilcle Canarienvogel. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 125- 151. 11. Ueber einige Vogel der Tartarei. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 162- 166. 12. Nachtriigliches, in Betreff der Ornis der canarischen Inseln. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 225-228. 13. Merkwiirdige Wintermagazine zweier Spechte Nordwestamerikas. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 316-323. 14. Ein bisher ungenannter Fink West- Afrika's. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 355-359. 15. Bruchstticke einiger Briefe. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 450-467, 489- 490. 16. Namens-Verzeichniss der kleineren iiberseeischen Vogel, welche jetzt auf dem Wege des Haridels nach Deutschland gelangen. Nau- mannia, 1858, pp. 332-336. 17. Der Wiistentrompeter (Pyrrhula githa- ginea). Naumannia, 1858, pp. 369-393. 18. Der Adlerfarn uud das Helechobrod. Bonplandia, VII., 1859, pp. 78-80. 19. Asplenium Newmani und Cheilanthes guanchica, zwei neue Farnspecies. Bonplandia, VII., 1859, pp. 106-107. 20. Addenda ad Floram Atlantidis, prae- cipue insularum Canariensium Gorgadumque. Bonplandia, VII., 1859, pp. 238-246, 293-298 ; VIII., 1860, pp. 130-136, 279-287 ; IX., 1861, pp. 50-55. 21. Ueber die Fortpflanzung einiger Ama- dinen in der Gefangenschaft. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 37-45. 22. Seidenschwanze als Friihlingsgaste in der Mark Brandenburg. Cabanis, Journ. Orni- thol. VII., 1859, pp. 125-128, 237-238. 23. Beginnende Domestication des Un- dulatus-Papageien (Melopsittacus undulatus, Gould]. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VII., 1859, pp. 299-308. 24. Der Storch in Spanien. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIIL, 1860, pp. 53-58. 25. Andeutungen azorischer Ornithologie. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIIL, 1860, pp. 348- 357. 26. Note sur 1' Asplenium Seelosii, Ley- bold. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 72-80, 82-86. 27. Zur Vegetationsgeschichte des Asple- nium Seelosii. Bonplandia, IX., 1861, pp. 2-4, 18-23. 28. Die Scrophularien der canarischen Inseln, ein Beitrag zur Floren-Kenntniss dieses Archipels. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XI., 1861 (Abh.), pp. 193-208. Bolle, Carl. 29. Die canarischen Inseln. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, X., 1861, pp. 1-32, 161-214 ; XL, 1861, pp. 73-114; XII., 1862, pp. 225-278. 3O. Sur 1'Anthus des Canaries reconnu comme espece nouvelle et nomine Anthus Ber- thelotii. Sclater, Ibis, IV, 1862, pp. 343-348. 31. Die Grasvegetation Italiens. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIIL, 1862, pp. 283-304. 32. Die Standorte der Farm auf den cana- rischen Inseln pflanzen-topographisch geschildert. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XIV., 1863, pp. 289- 334. Bolle, Carl, und A. Haiismann. Abweichende, in der Mark Brandenburg iibliche Provinzialna- nien der dort vorkommendeu Vogel. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 317-321. Bolley, P. A. Ueber die feuerbestandigen Thon- Arten im Schweitzerischen Jura. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 515-524. 2. Zur Kenntniss des Lanthans. Liebig, Annal. XXXIIL, 1840, pp. 126-129; Bibl. Univ. XXVLL, 1840, pp. 202-203. 3. Ueber das Vorkommen von Bittersalz im ostlichen Jura der Schweitz. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 631-636. 4. Ueber den gelben Farbstoff der Querci- tronrinde. Liebig, Annal. XXX VII., 1841, pp. 101-111. 5. Eine kleine Notiz zur Construction einiger Volta'schen Apparate. Liebig, Annal. XXXVIL, 1841, pp. 206-210. 6. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Zinn- chlorids mit Chlormetallen. Liebig, Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 100-106. 7. Ueber die Darstellung des Goldpurpurs. Liebig, Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 244-247. 8. Eine neue Construction des Aspirators. Liebig, Annal. XLL, 1842, pp. 322-328. 9. Analyse des Bitterwassers von Birmen- storf im Canton Aargau. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 318-325 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 126-128. 1O. Ueber eine vortheilhafte Darstellung der Chromsaure, und ein eigenthumliches Ver- halten derselben gegen die Schwefelsaure. Lie- big, Annal. LVL, 1845, pp. 113-122 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 226-228. 11. Ueber PREISSER'S Methode der Rein- darstellung der organischen Pigmente, und seine Theorie von deren Constitution. Liebig, An- nal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 129-140. 12. Ueber den Farbstoff des Sandelholzes. Liebig, Aunal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 150-157; Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, p. 129 ; Pharma- ceut. Journ. VII., 1848, p. 288. 13. Ueber ein im Entlibuch in der Nahe von Schupfheim vorkommendes Mineralwassers. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1847, pp. 34-36. 3 N 2 BOL] 468 [BOL Bolley, P. A. 14. Ueber eine neue Verbindung von Borsiiure init Natron und die wahrschein- lichc Bildungsweise der natiirlichen Borsiiure. Licbig, Annal. LXVIIL, 1848, pp. 122-126; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVI, 1849, pp. 410-412. 15. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 239-246. 16. Ueber eine sehr schnell eintretende Zersetzung des Zinuobers. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1850, pp. 115-116. 17. Ueber das Trinkwasser in London. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1851, pp. 98-101. 18. Durchsicht der bisher gebrauchten Verfahrensarten den blaueu FarbstofF in . den Indigosorten zu bestimmen, und Beschreibung einer neuen zum genannten Zweck. Dingier, Polytehn. Journ. CXIX., 1851, pp. 114-126. 19. Ueber das Verfahren der englischen Chemiker die Harte siissen Wassers zu bestim- men. Dingier, Polyteclm. Journ. CXXIV., 1852, pp. 204-209. 20. Ueber den Ersatz der Seife beim Sei- deentschalungsprocess durch Borax. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIV., 1852, pp. 449-450. 21. Verfahren zur Werthbestimmung der Seife. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXV., 1852, pp. 385-391 ; Amer. Polytechn. Journ. II., 1853, pp. 3-6. 22. Leichtes und sicheres Mittel, den Feucbtigkeitsgehalt im kaufiichen Jod zu be- stimmen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXVI., 1852, pp. 39-41. 23. Ueber ein neues Mittel der chemische Zerlegung der Cyanverbindungen, und iiber die Herstellung einer Burette von grossern Raumin- halt. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1853, pp. 135-137. 24. Ueber die Wiedergewinnung des Goldes und Silbers aus den zur galvanischen Vergoldung und Versilberung dienenden Fliis- sigkeiten. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 301-302. 25. Die bekannten technisch gebrauchten Metalllegirungen in geordneter Zusammenstel- lung nach Qualitat und Quantitat der Bestand- theile. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIX., 1853, pp. 438-445. 26. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der in den Schwarnmen enthaltenen Siiuren. Liebig, An- nal. LXXXVL, 1853, pp. 44-51 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 236-237. 27. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber ein jodhaltiges Mineralwasser. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVL, 1853, pp. 51-52. 28. Ueber die Analyse der schwer zerleg- baren Cyanverbindungen. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 254-256. Bolley, P. A. 29. Ueber die Surrogate der Weinsteinsliure zu Aetzbeizen auf Krappboden. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIII., 1854, pp. 50-54. 30. Ueber das kieselsaure Natron als Be- festiguugsmittel der Thonerde- und Eisenbeizen auf Zeugen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIV., 1854, pp. 143-146. 31. Ueber das Quercitrin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 94-97. 32. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 113-117. 33. Ueber das Saponin und Senegin. Lie- big, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 211-218; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 93-94. 34. Nachschrift zu der Untersuchung des Saponins und Senegins. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 117-121. 35. Zur Kenntniss der Molekulareigen- schaften des Zinks. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 451-454 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 480-483 ; Liebig, Aanal. XCV., 1855, pp. 294-306. 36. Ueber die Anwendung und Darstel- lung des sogenannten Indigpurpura. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLVL, 1857, pp. 366-368. 37. Mittheilungen aus dempharmaceutisch- techniscben Laboratorium des Poly technicums in Zurich. Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 221- 238. 38. Ueber die Producte der Einwirkung von Chlor auf Paraffin. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. III., 1858, pp. 85-86. 39. Ueber die vermeintliche Rolle des soge- nannten basischen Chlorcalciums bei der Chlor- kalkfabrication und Aetzammoniakbereitung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIIL, 1859, pp. 202-205 ; Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 54-55. 40. Kritische und Experimented Beitrage zur Theorie der Farberei. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIIL, 1859, pp. 363-374, 431-451 ; Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1859, pp. 481-508 ; Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 109-118. 41. Ueber die Erzeugung von Kalisalpeter aus Natronsalpeter, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Baryt-Industrie. Dingier, Polytechn. Journal, CLV., 1860, pp. 418-421. 42. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zur Theo- rie der Farberei. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLV., 1860, pp. 435-445. 43. Das verhalten der Gallusgerbsiiure zu Aether. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVI., 1860, pp. 380-381 ; Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 54-55. 44. Untersuchungen aus dem technischen Laboratorium des schweizerischen Polytechni- cums. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 54-67. BOL] 469 [BOL Bolley, P. A. 45'. Ueber die Farbstoffe der Kreutzbeeren und gewisse allgemeinere Bezie- hungen unter den gelben vegetabilischen Farb- stofFen. Schweizer. Poly techn. Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 53-54. 46. Gutachten, gegriindet auf eigene Ver- suche und von dem Assistenten des technischen Laboratoriums des schweizerischen Polytechni- cums Hrn. Dr. SCHULZ ausgefiihrte Analysen, iiber die rothen Pigmente aus Anilin : das " Fuchsin " und das " Azalein." Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLX., 1861, pp. 57-71; Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 55-60. 47. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber den Farbstoff des Orlean. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXIL, 1861, pp. 139-143 ; Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 94-95. 48. On the Colouring Matters of Persian Berries, and on certain general relations of Yel- low Vegetable Dyes. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 327-329. 49. On a hitherto unobserved source of Paraffin. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 329-330. 50. On a Crystalline Form of Metallic Chromium. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 333-334. 51. Ueber den FarbstofF des Sanddornes Hippophae rhamnoides. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 93-94 ; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. CLXIL, 1861, pp. 143-145. 52. Analyse einer Suite von Kupfererzen vom Calanda. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, p. 95. 53. Analyse von Sodasalz, das in einer Glashiitte des Jura gebraucht wird. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, p. 95. 54. Analyse einer Schweissofenschlake von Albbruck. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, p. 96. 55. Versuche zur Ermittlung der Schiirfe der araometrischen Bestimmung des Natronsal- peters in Kalisalpeterlb'sungen. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 98-99. 56. Zur Geschichte des Farbstoffs des Wau. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 161-162. 57. On some physical properties of the Alloys of Tin and Lead. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 30-36. 58. New experiments on the dangers arising from the use of certain Waters for feeding Steam Boilers. Chem. Soc. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 32-36. 59. Chemisch-technische Untersuchungeii iiber das amerikanische Petroleum. Schweizer. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VIII., 1863, pp. 96-102. Bolley, P, A., und Schultz. Chemische Analyse des Mineralwassers im Moosbad zwischen Fliielen und Altorf im Canton Uri. Schweiz. Polytechn. Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 83-84. 2. Chemische Analyse des Mineral- wassers Schwendikaltbad im Canton Obwalden. Schweiz. Polytechn. Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 84 -85. 3. Zerlegung eines Posidonienschie- fers aus dem Canton Schaffhausen. Schweiz. Polytechu. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, p. 96. 4. Analyse von drei Mustern Mar- seiller Seife. Schweiz. Polytechn. Zeitschr. VI., 1861, p. 96. 5. Analyse von Kanonenmetall zwei neuer Geschiitzrohren aus dem Zeughause in Luzern. Schweiz. Polytechn. Zeitschi-. VI., 1861, p. 97. Bolley, P. A., und R. Wydler. Ueber den Farb- stofF der Anchusa tinctoria. Liebig, Annal. LXIL, 1847, pp. 141-149; Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 452-453; Pharmaceut. Journal, VII., 1848, pp. 535-538. Bollmann, A. N. R. Versuche und Bemerkun- gen iiber die Verhiitung der KartofFelkrankheit. Erman, Archiv Russ. XII., 1853, pp. 486-497. Bollmann, Fr. Die Bedeutung des doppelt chromsauren Kali. Photogr. Monatshefte, I., 1862, pp. 3-9. Bolotov, . Expose de la projection de M. GAUSS. [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1855, col. 1-13. Bolschwing, . Die Eisenquelle zu Don- dangen. Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. II., 1843, pp. 89-92. Bolsmann, //. Verzeichniss der im Miinster- lande vorkommenden Vogel. Naumannia, 1852 (Hft. 3), pp. 24-38. 2. Die miinsterlandischen Trivialnamen einiger Vogel, nebst einigen im Niederstift gebriiuchlichen ; letztere sind durch N. bezeich- net. Naumannia, 1855, pp. 313-317. Bolsmann, H., und B. Altum. Nachtrage und Notizen zu dem in der Naumannia II. Bd. 3 Heft, p. 24 sqq. enthaltenen Verzeichniss der im Miinsterlande vorkommenden Vogel. Nau- mannia, 1853, pp. 449-453. Bolten, J. Aanmerking over Schutsluizen of Waterkeeringen. Mengelw. Wisk. Verhand. I., 1816, pp. 13-21, 33-43. Bolton, Geo. Buckley. Statement of the princi- pal circumstances respecting the united Siamese Twins, now exhibiting in London. Phil. Trans. 1830, pp. 177-186. Bolton, James. Equalization of temperature and supply of air in rooms warmed by furnaces beneath. Silliman, Jouru. XXXIV., ] 838, pp. 84-86. BOL] 470 [BON Bolton, John. On a deposit with Insects, Leaves, &c.. near Ulverston. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 274-277. Bolton, Richard. On the physical Geography and Geology of the northern portion of the state of Mississippi. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 71-74. Bolzani, J. Mathematische Untersuchungen iiber die Verbreitung des elektrischen Stromes in Kb'rpern von gegebener Gestalt. Erman, Archiv Russ. XVI., 1857, pp. 45-110. Bolzano, Bernard. Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, die ein entgegengesetztes Resultat gewahren, wenigstens eine reelle Wurzel der Gleichung liege. Prag, Abhand. der Bohm. Ges. V., 1818. 2. Versuch einer objectiven Begriindung der Lehre von der Zusammensetzung der Krafte. Prag, Abhand. der Bohm. Ges. II., 1841-42, pp. 425-464. 3. Ein Paar Bemerkungen iiber die neue Theorie in Hrn. DOPPLER'S Schrift, " Ueber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderen Gestirne des Himmels." Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 83-88. 4. Chr. DOPPLER'S neueste Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der physikalischen Apparatenlehre, Akustik, Optik, und optischen Astronomie. Poggend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 530-555. Bolze, . Ueber die Anwendung des Per- cussions Schusses beim Schachtabteufen. Kars- ten, Archiv, VII., 1834, pp. 187-191. 2. Beschreibung der im Schafbreiter Revier bei Eisleben ausgefuhrten wasserdichten Zimmer- ungen und Verdiimmungen. Karsten, Archiv, XIV., 1840, pp. 3-38. Bolze, H. Ueber das verkehrte Bild beim Hohlspiegel. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 348-349. Bom, G. Observations anatomiques sur la grande Lamproie (Petromyzon marinus). Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII.. 1828, pp. 22-37. Bombach, C. Die Laute des Rindes in physio- logischer und pathologischer Bedeutung. Gurlt, Mag. Ges. Thierheilk. XII., 1846, pp. 132-139. Bombicci, L. Monagrafia delle forme cristal- line presentate dal feldspato ortose nel granito tormalinifero dell' isola d' Elba. Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 262-265. 2. Sul granato ottaedrico dell' isola d' Elba. Nuovo Cimento, XI., 1860, pp. 278-280. Bomby, . Experiences sur 1'ecoulement des gaz a travers un orifice determine. L'Institut, 111., 1835, p. 86. Bomme, B. Proeve eener Berekening der sto- ringen in de Loopbaan der Komeet van 1264- 1556, tot harcn waarschijnlijken terugkeer. Amsterdam, Akad.Verhand. III., 1850, pp. 3 1-54. Bommer, J. E. Sur le Gagea spathacea, plante nouvelle pour la Flore Beige. Bruxelles, Bull. Acacl. Sci. XXIII, 1856, pp. 756-757. 2. Note sur les poils des fougeres et sur les fonctions de ces organes. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. I., 1862, pp. 91-101. 3. Quelques remarques sur 1'absorption par les surfaces des plantes. Bruxelles, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. II., 1863, pp. 147-156. Bompar, . Memoire sur les insectes qui viyent aux depens de 1'olivier et sur leur destruction. France, Congres Scientif. 1846, pp. 265-268. Bompas, G. C. Abstract of a Paper " On the Horary Variation of Meteors." Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 147-148. Bompass, Charles Carpenter. On the com- ponent parts of Light, and the cause of Colour. Tilioch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 366-374. Bonaccorsi, Michelangelo. Osservazioni parti- colari sopra un caso di avvelenamento con oppio. Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. X., 1835, pp. 31-60. Bonafos, E. Observations sur les fumigations de gaz acide muriatique oxigene. Journ. de Med. XL, 1806, pp. 284-287; Annal. deChimie, LVIL, 1806, pp. 184-186 ; Tilioch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 71-72. Bonafous, Mathicu. Recherches sur les moyens de remplacer la feuille du Murier par une autre substance propre au ver a soie, et sur 1'emploi des residus des Cocons comme engrais. Paris, Mem. Soc. Centr. d'Agric. 1825, pp. 417-434. 2. Analyse de la feuille du Murier. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 115-117. 3. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Mais. Ann. Sci. Nat, XVII., 1829, pp. 156-158. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece de puceron (Aphis Zea?). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 657-658. 5. Des feuilles du Maclura aurantiaca, Nut- tall, comme succedanees de celles du Murier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L, 1835, pp. 26-27. 6. De la greffe du Murier blauc sur le Murier des Philippines (Morus cucullata, B.). Bibl. Univ. II., 1836, pp. 401-403 ; Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1836, pp. 38-40. 7. Histoire naturelle, agricole et econo- mique du Mais. Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 217-237. 8. Note sur un bouleversement de sol observe aux environs de Sassari. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, p. 424. 9. Sur des oeufs de vers-a-soie exposes a une basse temperature. Bibl. Univ. XVII., 1838, p. 200 ; Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. II., 1839, pp. 1-2. 1O. Avis aux cultivateurs sur une espece de ver a soie a trois re*coltes, nominee en Tos- cane Trevoltine. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. II., 1839, pp. 131-134. BON] 471 [BON Bonafous, Mathieu. 11. Note sur la coloration artificielle cles cocons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1841, pp. 123-124; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIIL, 1841, pp. 127-128. 12. Sur une nouvelle variete de Murier (Morus alba, var. microphylla). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1841, pp. 319-320. ' 13. Note sur un nouveau Mais. Bibl. Univ. XXXVIIL, 1842, p. 436. 14. Note sur le Ma'is a bee (Zea rostrata, seminibus mucronatis, Bonafous). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. V., 1842, pp. 197-198. 15. Note sur 1'acclimatation du Lama et autres animaux congeneres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 827-828. 16. Sur les avantages que pourrait offrir la culture du Rlcin dans le midi de 1'Europe. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVI., 1851, pp. 342-343. Bonamy, Eug. Effets pathologiques de 1'oxyure. Nantes, Journ. Sec. Med. XVII., 1841, pp. 70- 76. 2. Etudes sur les effets physiologiques et therapeutiques du Tartre stibie. Nantes, Journ. Sec. Med. XIX., 1843, pp. 60-88, 146-178, 181 -205, 230-257, 287-313 ; XX., 1844, pp. 156- 160. Bonanno, Alfio. Dell' uso del Pepe nero, e delle sue preparazioni nelle febbri periodiche. [1829.] Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. V., 1831, pp. 163- 198. Bonaparte, Charles Laden. An account of four species of Stormy Petrels (Procellaria pelagica, Leachii, oceanica, and Wilsonii). Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 227-233 ; Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 425-426. 2. Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson's Ornithology. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 340-371 ; IV., pp. 25-66, 163-189, 251-277; V., 1825, pp. 57- 107. 3. On a new species of Duck, described by WILSON as the same with the Anas fuligula of Europe. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 381-389. - 4. Description of a new species of South American Fringilla (F. xanthorea). Philadel- phia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 350- 351. 5. Descriptions of ten species of South American Birds. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 370-387. 6. Descriptions of two new species of Mexican Birds (Corvus, Linn., and Cassicus, Lacep.). Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1824, pp. 387-390; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. VI., 1825, p. 411. 7. Additions to the Ornithology of the United States. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825ypp. 28-31. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 8. Notes to the paper entitled "Descriptions of ten Species of South American Birds." Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 137-140. 9. On the distinction of two species of Icterus, hitherto confounded under the specific name of Icterocephalus. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. V., 1825, pp. 222-225. 10. Ueber den wilden Truthahn. Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1826, col. 165-170. 11. Catalogue of the birds of the United States systematically arranged in orders, fami- lies, genera, and subgenera. [1826.] Maclu- rian Lyceum, Contrib. L, 1827, pp. 8-34. 12. The genera of North American birds, and a synopsis of the species found within the territory of the United States ; systematically arranged in orders and families. [1826.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, II., 1828, pp. 1-128, 293- 451 ; Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 1135-1197. 13. Further additions to the Ornithology of the United States ; and observations on the nomenclature of certain species. [1826.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, IL, 1828, pp. 154-161. 14. Supplement to the genera of North American birds, and to the synopsis of the spe- cies found within the territory of the United States. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 49-53. 15. Supplement to "An account of four species of Stormy Petrel " (Thalassidroma, Vigors). Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 89-90. 16. Notice of a nondescript species of Grouse (Tetrao urophasianus) from North Ame- rica. Zool. Journ. III., 1828, pp. 212-213 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, p. 117. 17. General observations on the Birds of the genus Tetrao ; with a synopsis of the spe- cies hitherto known. Philadelphia, Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 383-395. 18. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli Animali Vertebrati. Giorn. Arcad. XLIX., 1831, pp. 3-77. 19. Versuch einer methodischen Einthei- lung der Wirbelthiere. Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 283-320; Giorn. Arcad. XLIX., 1831, pp. 1-77. 20. Saggio d' una distribuzione rnetodica degli Animali Vertebrati a sangue freddo. Giorn. Arcad. LIL, 1831, pp. 129-209; Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 1183-1229. 21. Nouvelle espece d'oiseau du genre Rhamphocele (Rh. icteronotus). Revue Zool. 1838, p. 8 ; Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 755. 22. Bemerkungen iiber die 2te Ausgabe von CUVIER'S Thierreich. (Transl.~) Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 1041-1099. 23. Zusiitze und Berichtigungen zu den Saugthieren nach der Classification der Fische. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 1218-1230. BON] 472 [BON Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 24. UeberTestudo (Emys) caspica, Gmel. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 1229-1230. 25. Tavola analitica dei Chelonii o Testug- gini. Giorn. Arcad. LXIX., 1836, pp. 54-64. 26. Cheloniorum tabula analytica. Jar- dine, Mag. Zool. Bot. II., 1838, pp. 58-63; Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 621-638 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, IV., 1838, pp. 137-142. 27. Description of newer interesting birds from South America and Mexico. Zool. Soc. Proc. V., 1837, pp. 108-122. 28. Iconografia della Fauna Italica. Bibl. Ital. XCIIL, 1838, pp. 41-50; XC V., pp. 50-62. 29. Remarks on the species of the genus Mustela. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 37-38. 3O. Observations on the Long-tailed Tro- gon. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 229-231. 31. Amphibiorum tabula analytica. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. I, 1838, pp. 391-397. 32. Saurorum tabula analytica. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1838, pp. 394-397. 33. Di un Uccello messicano fin ad ora non conosciuto (Agrilorhinus sittaceus). Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1838, pp. 407-408. 34. DelP Uccello messicano Quezalt (Ca- lurus paradiseus) e dei Trogonidi cui appartiene. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 5-12. 35. Synopsis Vertebratorum Systematis. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 105-133; Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. I., 1839, pp. 213-226, 268-279 ; Oken, Isis, 1839, col. 848-861. 36. Selachorum tabula analytica, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 195-214 ; Neucha- tel, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1839. 37. Catalogo di Uccelli Messicani e Peru- viani. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 340-348, 401-416. 38. Systema Vertebratorum. Paris,Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 656-658. 39. Nouvelle classification des animaux vertebres. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 208-217. 4O. Description d'une espece inedite de Lacertide Fra^ais, du genre Psammodrome (Ps. cinereus). Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zool.\ 1839. pp. 60-64; Giorn. Arcad. LXXIX., 1839, pp. 3-8; L'Institut, VII., 1839, pp. 275-276; Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. I., 1839, pp. 109- 113 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. II., 1838, pp. 261- 265. 41. Smisurato pesce del peso di 4000 libre [Squalus Carcharodon, Smith.~\. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. I., 1839, pp. 35-38. 42. Prodromus systematis Mastozoologise. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. II., 1839, pp. 221-227, 280-286 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1840, pp. 300-312; Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 589-597. 43. Systema Ichthyologicum. Neuchatel, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1839. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 44. Systema Amphibiorum. Neuchatel, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1839. 45. Prodromus systematis Ornitholoo-itE. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. III., 1840, pp. 19-43 ; Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 597-620. 46. Prodromus, systematis Herpetologia? . Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. III., 1840, pp. 153- 163; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1840, pp. 90-101. 47. Prodromus systematis Ichthyologirc. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. III., 1840, pp. 343- 363 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1840, pp. 181- 196, 272-277. 48. Systema Ornithologias. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat, III., 1840, pp. 440-455; IV., 1840, pp. 24-33, 90-101. 49. Amphibia Europaea ad systema nos- trum Vertebratorum ordinata. Torino, Mem. Accad. II., 1840, pp. 385-456. 50. A new systematic Arrangement of Vertebrated Animals. [1837.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 247-304. 51. Note sur deux Oiseaux nouveaux du Musee de Mai'seille. Revue Zool. IV., 1.841, pp. 145-147. 52. Die italienischen Spitzmause. ( Transl.} Wiegmann, Archiv. VII., 1841, pp. 297-300. 53. Piano proposto onde rendere la Nomen- clatura di Botanica e di Zoologia uniforme c durevole. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 305-314. 54. Descrizione di un nuovo Leuciscino veduto per la prima volta nella peschiera della Scoglietto del Durazzo in Genova. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1842, pp. 148-151. 55. Catalogo metodico degli Uccelli Euro- pei. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1842, pp. 56 -67, 134-149, 161-176,241-271,425-432 ; IX., 1843, pp. 106-115. 56. Specchio generale del Sisterna Masto- zoologico. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 323-356. 57. Specchio generale dei Sistemi Erpeto- logico ed Amfibiologico. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 376-378. 58. Specchio generale del Sistema Ittio- logico. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 386-400. 59. Rilievi sul volume XVII. dell " Istoria naturale dei Pesci " di VALENCIENNES, che con- tiene i Leuciscini. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 431-438. 60. [Modificazioni del suo Sistema Ornito- logico.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 441-445. 61. Catalogo metodico dei Pesci Europe!. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1845. Suppl. 62. Description of a new species of Bat. Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, p. 115. 63. On the Lorine genus of Parrots, Eclec- tus, with the description of a new species (E. Cornelia). Zool. Soc. Proc. XVII., 1849, pp. 142-146. BON] 473 TBON Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 64. Nouvelles especes ornithologiques. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXX., 1850, pp. 131-139, 291-295. 65. Note sur le;$ Trochilides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 379-383. 66. Sur plusieurs genres nouveaux de Passereaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 423-424. 67. Sur deux nouvelles especes de Paridse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 478- 479. 68. Note sur plusieurs families naturelles d'Oiseaux et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI, 1850, pp. 561- 564. 69. Sur le Notornis d' OWEN. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, p. 770. 7O. Revue generale de la classe des oiseaux. Revue et Mag. de Zoo!. II., 1850, pp. 474- 492. 71. On the Trichoglossine genus of Parrots, (Eos), with the descriptions of two new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, pp. 26-29. 72. On the Garruline birds or Jays ; with descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, pp. 79-86. 73. Descriptions of two new species of Oriole. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, p. 279. 74. Conspectus systematis Ornithologies. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1851, pp. 472-479 ; IV., 1851, pp. 196-206 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.), 1854, pp. 106-152. 75. Note sur les Tangaras (Tanagras?), leurs affinites, et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 76 -83 ; Revue et Mag. de Zool. III., 1851, pp. 129- 145, 168-180. 76. On the largest known species of Phale- ridine Bird (Sagmatorrhina Lathami, Bp.). Zool. Soc. Proc. XIX., 1851, pp. 201-203; Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1853, pp. 278-279. 77. Conspectus systematum Herpetologiaj et Amphibiologise. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1852, pp. 89-96, 477-480. 78. Classification ornithologique par series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 641-647. 79. Note sur les collections rapportees en 1853 par M. A. DELATTRE, de son voyage en Californie et Nicaragua. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 913-925 ; XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 1-11, 52-66, 258-266, 378-389, 533- 541, 570-572, 650-654. 80. Monographic dcs Laniens. Revue et Mag. de Zool. V., 1853, pp. 292-295, 433-441. 81. Notes sur les Larides. Naumannia, 1854, pp. 209-219 ; Revue et Mag. de Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 12-21. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 82. Tableau des Perroquets. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1854, pp. 176-189; Revue et Mag. de Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 145-158; Naumannia, 1856, pp. 352-356. 83. Coup d'oeil sur 1'ordre des Pigeons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 869-880 : XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1072-1078, 1102- 1112; XL., 1855, pp. 15-24, 96-102, 205- 221. 84. Tableau des Oiseaux-mouches. Revue et Mag. de Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 248-257. 85. Tableau des Oiseaux de Proie. Revue et Mag. de Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 530-544. 86. Tableaux synoptiques de 1'ordre des Herons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 718-725. 87. Notices ornithologiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 247-249. 88. [Principales especes nouvelles d'oiseaux qu'il vienfc d'observer dans son recent voyage en ficosse et en Angleterre.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 651-661. 89. Note sur les Salanganes et sur leurs nids. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 976-979. 90. Note sur les oiseaux des iles Mar- quises, et particulierement sur le genre nouveau Serresius (S. galeatus). Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLI., 1855, pp. 1109-1115. 91. [Rectifications ornithologiques.] Revue et Mag. de Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 73-79. 92. Betrachtungen tiber die Species. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 257-259. 93. Sur quatre especes inedites d'oiseaux de Palestine. L'Institut, XXIV.. 1856, p. 201. 94. Sur le Diardigallus prelatus, Bonap. L'Institut, XXIV., 1856, pp. 313-314. 95. Sur les Perdrix d'Europe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, p. 509. 96. Especes nouvelles d'oiseaux d'Asie et d'Amerique, et tableaux paralleliques des Pela- giens ou Gavise. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 764-770. 97. Observations sur la Zoologie geogra- phique de PAfrique, et description d'un nouveau genre et de nouvelles especes d'oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 819-822. 98. Tableaux paralleliques de 1'ordre des Gallinaces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 874-884. 99. Excursions dans les divers musees d'Allemague, de Hollande, et de Belgique, et Tableaux paralleliques de 1'ordre des Echassiers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 410- 421, 571-579, 593-601. 1OO. Tableaux paralleliques de 1'ordre des Palmipedes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 643-652. 3 o BON] 474 [BON Bonaparte, Charles Lticien. 101. Ornithologie fossile servant d'introduction au Tableau com- paratif des Ineptes et des Autruches. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIU., 1856, pp. 775-795. 102. Additions et corrections au coup d' ceil sur 1'ordre des Pigeons et a la partie correspon- dante du " Conspectus Avium." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 833-841, 942-949. 103. Additions et corrections aux Ta- bleaux paralleliques de 1'ordre des Herons et des Pelagiens ou Gavies. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XL1II., 1856, pp. 990-997. 104. Additions et corrections aux Ta- bleaux paralleliques de la deuxieme sous-classe des oiseaux Prsecoces ou Autophages. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1017-1027. 105. Note sur un nouveau genre d'oiseaux de 1'ordre des Pigeons. Revue et Mag. Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 401-403. 106. Note sur un nouveau genre d'oiseaux de 1'ordre des Pigeons. Revue et Mag. de Zool. VIIL, 1856, pp. 401-403. 107. Monographic du genre Turdien Oreo- cincla. Revue et Mag. de Zool. IX., 1857, pp. ,204-209. 108. Sur les caracteres osteologiques chez les oiseaux de la famille des Psittacides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 534-539. 1O9. Tableaux des genres de Perroquets disposes en series paralleles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 595-597. HO. Tableaux des genres des Gallinaces, disposes en series paralleles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 425-429. 111. Notes sur le genre Moquinus, nouvelle forme intermediate aux Turdides, aux Laniides, et aux Muscicapides ; sur le nouveau genre Myiagrien Schwaneria ; et sur le Catalogue des oiseaux d'Europe et d'Algerie. Revue et Mag. de Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 49-63. 112. Observations sur diverses especes d'Emberiziens, et repartition en genres de cette sous-famille de Passereaux chanteurs conirostres. Revue et Mag. de Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 160-166. 113. Diagnose einiger Arten des Genus Perdix, Bonap, Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 30-31. Bonaparte, Louis Charles [Napoleon III.]. Sur la theorie de la pile volta'ique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1180-1181 ; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XX., 1843, pp. 50-52. Bonaparte, Luigi Luciano. Presenza del Fluoro e del Potassio nell' acqua termale di Canino. Amici, Giorn. Toscano, I., 1840, pp. 140-143 ; Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. IV., 1840, pp. 99-102. 2. Sui valerianati di chinina, di zinco, etc., nuove ricerche. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. VIIL, 1842, pp. 151-157; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XX., 1843, pp. 30-37; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 313-320. Bonaparte, Luigi Luciano. 3. Osservazioni sopra i resinati alcalini del Prof. PERETTI con- siderati come il principio amaro contenuto in molti vegetabili non forniti di alcaloidi. Me- taxa, Ann. Med. Chir. VIIL, 1842, pp. 157- 158. 4. Separazione del cerio dal didimio, ed osservazioni sopra gli ossidi purificati di questi due metalli. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. VIIL, 1842, pp. 278-285. 5. Note sur 1'acide valerianique, les vale- rianates, le lactate de quinine et quelques autres nouveaux sels de cette base. Journ. Chimie Med. VIIL, 1842, pp. 676-686 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 302-312. 6. Ricerche chimiche sul veleno della vipera. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 175-177, 179-180. 7. Sur un moyen de separer le deutoxyde de cerium du deutoxyde de didymium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 1008-1009 ; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XX., 1843, pp. 88-89; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 268-270 ; Poggend. Annal. LIX., 1843, pp. 623- 624; Silliman, Journ. XL VI., 1844, pp. 206-207. 8. Acido valerico. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XXL, 1844, pp. 247-251. 9. Sur les acides valerianique et butyrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1076- 1077. Bonard, Sur la vaccine. Lille, Mem. Acad. 1827-28, pp. 558-564. Bonastre, J. F. Essai analytique de la Resine elemi, Amyris elemifera, Linn. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 388-392. 2. Recherches sur les Resines. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 571-577 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VHL, 1824 (St. 2), pp. 154-165. 3. De la volatilite des Sous-Resines. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 178-185 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIIL, 1824 (St. 2), pp. 166-175. 4. Sur la presence de la Fecule dans la Noix muscade. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 281-283 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIII., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 231-235. 5. Examen des Baies de Laurier et de leur matiere cristalline. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 30-42. 6. Considerations sur la Resine alouchi, et le rapport de son principe amer et de sa sous- resine avec les Alcalis dits organiques. [1822.] Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 1-10. 7. Repouse a M. PELLETIER au sujet des considerations sur la Resine alouchi et les Alca- lis organiques. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 116-120. BON] 475 [BON Bonastre, J, F. 8. De la Phosphorescence de plusieurs Sous-Resines. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 193-202. 9. Analyse du fruit du Hura crepitans, ou Sablier elastique, Moncecie Monadelphie, Linn. Euphorbiacees, Jussieu. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 479-483 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 157-162. 1O. Examen analytique de la Feve de Pechurim, Laurus Pichurim, Richard, Ocotea Pichurim, Humboldt. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 1-10. 11. Note sur 1'huile essentielle du Thuya occidentalis. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 156-157. 12. Analyse du Piment de la Jamaique, Myrtus pimenta. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 180-194; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 127-150. 13. Sur la coloration des huiles essentielles par 1'acide nitrique, et de son analogic avec celle des substances vegetales veneneuses. Journ. de Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 529-540; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 180-198. 14. Note sur 1'acide oxalique forme par Faction de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'huile essentielle de Girofle. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 65-68. 15. Examen du baume de Sucrier de mon- tagne, de 1'Hedwigia balsamifera, ou Gommier rouge des Antilles. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 485-495; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1827 (St. 2), pp. 198-208. 16. Memoire sur la matiere colorante du Salvia colorans. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 647-652. 17. Extrait d'un memoire sur la combinai- son de 1'huile volatile de Girofle avec les alcalis et autres bases salifiables. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 274-291 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 611-617. 18. Note sur une cristallisation particuliere formee dans la Teinture de Styrax liquide. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 149-152 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XV, 1827 (St. 2), pp. 77-80. 19. De la combinaison des Huiles volatiles de Girofle et de Piment de la Jamaique avec les Alcalis et autres bases salifiables. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 464-476, 513-521; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 149-176. 20. Memoire sur la forme cristalline de plusieurs Sous-resines. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 549-555. 21. Recherches sur le Cinnamomum des anciens. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 266-276. Bonastre, J. F. 22. Experiences sur le pro- duit resineux du palmier a Cire (Cera de Palma), et sur sa matiere cristalline. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 349-353. 23. Recherches chimiques sur quelques substances vegetales trouvees dans 1'interieur des cercueils des Momies Egyptiennes. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 430-436. 24. Ueber die blaue Farbung der Krystal- linse durch Salzsaure. Schweigger, Journ. LIV. (= Jahrb. XXIV.), 1828, pp. 110-118. 25. Examen chimique de 1'Ecorce de Mas- soy ou Mazoi. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 200-209 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830, pp. 295-304. 26. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Myrrhe, et analyse de cette substance. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 281-291. 27. Examen chimique d'une nouvelle resine appelee LanQon ou Landsome. Journ. de Pharm. XV, 1829, pp. 662-672. 28. Du Styrax ou Storax de Bogota. Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1830, pp. 88-91 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1830 (St. 2), pp. 242-246. 29. Note sur une matiere cristalline formee par la rectification de 1'huile volatile d'amandes ameres avec 1'eau de puits. Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1830, pp. 519-524 ; Trommsdorff; N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 184-191. 30. Notice sur quelques vegetaux repre- sentes sur les anciens monuments de 1'Egypte. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 642-648 ; Med. Bot. Soc. Trans. 1832-33, pp. 26-31 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 225-229. 31. Precede pour obtenir quelques huiles volatiles dans les analyses organiques. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 108-112. 32. Analyse du baume de Copalme d'Ame- rique, encore appele Ambre liquide du Liquid- ambar styraciflua, Linn. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 338-350 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 236- 250. 33. Note sur les fleurs du Mimosa odorata farnesiana, L., ou Acacie odorante. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 419-420. 34. Note sur la matiere concrete et cris- talline de 1'huile volatile de Basilic, Ocymum basilicum. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 646-649. 35. Examen analytique du baume de la Mecque a 1'etat recent, et observations sur le meme baume a 1'etat ancien. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 96-101 ; Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 147-157. 3 o 2 BON] 476 [BON Bonastre, J. F. 36. Observations sur du baumo do la Mecque antique decouvert en Egypte. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 333-340. 37. Examen des Dattes du Phoenix dacty- lifera, L., et du sucre cris-tallisable qu'elles contiennent. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 724-729 ; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 304- 307. 38. Examen des fruits du Myristica sebi- fera de Lamarck, et du Suif qu'on en retire. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 186-191 ; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 49-52. 39. Essai comparatif entre la Manne dite de Briancon et celle du Fraxinus excelsior. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 443-447 ; Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 237-239. 40. Experiences microscopiques sur la Manne de Brian 900. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 626-632. 41. Analyse de la graine d'Ambrette, Hi- biscus hab-el moschus. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 381-392; Liebig, Annal. XII., 1834, pp. 331-335. 42. Nouvelle matiere cristalline tiree du Girofle. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 565-567 ; Liebig, Annal. XIII, 1835, pp. 91- 93. 43. Ueber einen neuen Balsam von Tolu. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, p. 128. 44. Sur quelques vegetaux qui ont acquis en 1834 un volume extraordinaire. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 56-57. 45. De 1'huile volatile de Cedre de Vir- ginie, Juniperus Virginiana. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 177-183. Bonastre, J.F., Boudet, et Boutron-Charlard. Rapport sur plusieurs substances provenant d'une momie d'Egypte. Paris, Mem. Acad. de Med. III., 1833, pp. 46-62. Bonastre, J. F., Duponchel, et Moringlane. Memoire en reponse a la question suivante pro- posee par la commission des travaux : Eiablir une distinction precise entre les divers produits naturels des Terebinthaces et des Coniferes. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 329-348. Bonastre, J. F., et Henry, perc. Recherches ana- lytiques sur les Charan9ons du Ble. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1827, pp. 539-545 ; Trommsdorff, N. Jourr. d. Pharm. XVII., 1828, pp. 203-211. Bonati, Teodoro. Saggio di una nuova teoria del movimento delle acque per fiumi, e nuovo metodo per trovare colla sperienza la quantita dell' acqua corrente per un fiume. Verona, Mern. Soc. Ital. II., 1784, pp. 676-719. 2. Delia vclocita dell' acqua per un foro nel fondo di un vaso, &c. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. V., 1790, pp. 501-524. Bonati, Teodoro. 3. Delle aste ritrometriche, e di un nuovo pendolo per trovare la scala delle velocita di un' acqua corrente. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIII., 1799, pp. 435-444. 4. Natura delle radici delle equazione litterali di quinto e sesto grado. [1798.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIII., 1799, pp. 231-272. 5. Sperienze ed osservazioni potomolo- giche. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 680-682. 6. Alcune riflessioni critiche sui nuovi principi d' Idraulica di M. BERNARD pubblicati in Parigi nel 1787. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., 1811, pp. 226-253. 7. Sperienze con aste ritrometriche ese- guite sulle sezioni del Po, nei contorni di La- goscuro e di Fraucolino. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Venet. III., 1816-17, pp. 85-91. Bonato, . De' funghi mangereccj. Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. VIIL, 1815, pp. 5-33. Boncompagni, Balthasar. Recherches sur les integrates definies. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 74-96. 2. Intorno ad alcuni avnnzamenti della Fisica in Italia ne' secoli XVI. e XVII. Giorn. Arcad. CIX., 1846, pp. 3-48. 3. Giunte e correzioni allo scritto intito- lato : " Della vita e delle opere di Guido BONATTI." Gioru. Arcad. CXXIV., 1851, pp. 186-258. 4. Della vita e delle opere di Leonardo PISANO, matematico del secolo decimoterzo. Roma, Atti, V., 1851-52, pp. 5-91, 208-245. 5. Intorno alia risoluzione delle equazioni simultanee x 2 + h = y*, %" /i z 2 . Tortolini., Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 135-154. 6. Intorno ad una proprieta dei numeri. Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 371-374. 7. Intorno ad un trattato d' Aritmetica stampato nel 1478. Roma, Atti, XVI., 1862- 63, pp. 1-64, 101-228, 300-364, 389-452, 503- 630. Boncompagni, Pietro. Sulle variazioni orarie e mensili di gravita. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1841, pp. 297-305 ; VII., 1842, pp. 165-167. Bond, . Summary of the correspondence relative to the Moorgavie Plant, &c. India, Journ. Agr. and Hort. Soc. vol. III., 1844, pp. 23-26. Bond, George P. New Comet. Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 443-444. 2. An account of the Nebula in Andro- meda. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1848, pp. 75-86. 3. Some methods of computing the Ratio of Distances of a Comet from the Earth. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1848, pp. 97-128. 4. On some applications of the method of Mechanical Quadratures. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1849, pp. 189-208. BON] 477 [BON Bond, George P. 5. Observations of BOND'S Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 12-14, 63. 6. Description of the apparatus for ob- serving transits, by means of a Galvanic Current now used at the Observatory of Cambridge. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XI., 1850-51, pp. 163-165. 7. On the phenomena attending the dis- appearance of the Rings of Saturn. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 19-21. 8. On the Great Comet of 1844-45. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 97-103. 9. A method of finding the distance of a Comet from the Earth. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 115-116. 10. Discovery of a telescopic Comet. Gould, Astron. Journ. 1., 1851, p. 118. 11. On the Rings of Saturn. Silliman, Journ. XII, 1851, pp. 97-105. 12. On the Rings of Saturn. Gould, Astron. Journ. IT., 1851, pp. 5-8, 10. 13. Observations of the comet of CHACOR- NAC. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, p. 203. 14. Entdeckung und Beobachtungen des Cometen I., 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 333-334. 15. Solar Eclipse of July 28, 1851. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 49-53. 16. First Comet of 1852. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 131. 17. Appearance of the Ring of Saturn, 1851. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 112. 18. Observations on the Satellites of Saturn. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 132-135. 19. Observations for curves of terrestrial magnetism and on the Planet Saturn. Anier. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 186. 20. Disturbance of the horizontality of the axis of the Great Equatorial at Cambridge. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 194. 21. Effect of the Moon's attraction. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, p. 194. 22. Examination of the photographs of the star Mizar (" Ursa Majoris). Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 386-389. 23. On the Rings of Saturn. [1851.] Amer. Acad. Mem. V., 1855, pp. 113-121. 24. On the use of Equivalent Factors in the method of least Squares. [1856.] Amer. Acad. Mem. VI., 1857, pp. 179-212. 25. Stellar Photography. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 1-6; XLVIIL, 1858, col. 1-14 ; XLIX., 1859, col. 81-100. 26. Comet III., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XL VIII, 1858, col. 331-332. Bond, George P. 27. Observation of Polyhymnia. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 48. 28. Observations at Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 329-330. 29. Observations of Comets and Planets made at Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. LL, 1859, col. 273-280. 30. An account of the Comet of DONATI, 1858. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, L, 1859, pp. 61-67, 88-113; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. X., 1859, pp. 60-84. 31. Arcs of great and small Circles. Cam- bridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, L, 1859, pp. 342-345. 32. New Comet discovered. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 325-326. 33. Observations of Comet III., 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIV, I860, col. 251-254. 34. Memoir on the light of the Moon and of the planet Jupiter. Amer. Acad. Proc. V., 1860-62, pp. 66-68. 35. Memoir on the relative brightness of sunlight and moonlight. Amer. Acad. Proc. V., 1860-62, pp. 68-69. 36. [Observations and elements of @ Maia ; also of Comet L, 1861.] Astr. Nachr. LV., 1861, col. 299-300. 37. On the light of the Sun, Moon, Ju- piter, and Venus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 197-203. 38. On the spiral structure of the Great Nebula of Orion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 203-208. 39. First Comet of 1859. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI., 1861, p. 24. 4O. On the figure of the head of the comet of DONATI. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 299- 302. 41. Discovery and observations of a new Asteroid @. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 129-132. 42. On the companion to Sirius. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 131-134. 43. Observations of Comets and small Planets. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 353- 368. 44. On the figure of the head of the Comet. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 81-86. 45. Observations on Clytie @ &c. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 85-90. 46. On the new form of the Achromatic Object-Glass recently introduced by STEINHEIL. Amer. Acad. Proc. VI., 1862-63, pp. 169-175. 47. A List of new Nebulae seen at the Ob- servatory of Harvard College, 1847-63. Ainer. Acad. Proc. VI., 1862-63, pp. 177-182. 48. On the light of the Moon and of the Planet Jupiter. [I860.] Amer. Acad. Mem. VIII., 1863, pp. "22 1-286. BON] 478 [BON Bond, George P. 49. Comparison of the light of the Sun and Moon. Amer. Acad. Mem. VIII., 1863, pp. 286-298. 50. Observations of Comets and small Planets made at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 33-42. 51. On the rate of ascent of the envelopes of the Great Comet of 1858. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 49-60. 52. Observations of Comet III., 1862, and of Feronia,'made at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 77-78. 53. List of new Nebulas seen at the Obser- vatory of Harvard College. Astr. Nachr. LXI., 1863, col. 193-198. Bond, George P. and W. Cranch. Occupations and Eclipses observed at Dorchester and Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. [1846.] Amer. Acad. Mem. HI., 1848, pp. 67-74. 2. Observations on the belts and satellites of Jupiter, and on certain Nebulae. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 93-96. Bond, Henry. On the production of animal heat. Philadelphia Journ. I., 1820, pp. 307-328. Bond, J. W. Insensibility in Insects. Entomo- logical Mag. I., 1833, p. 211. 2. Ignis fatuus. Entomological Mag. L, 1833, pp. 216, 315. 3. Notes on various insects. Entomological Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 221-225. Bond, William. Description of a machine for breaking Hemp, with observations on the culture of Hemp in Canada. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXH., 1808, pp. 69-74 ; Nicholson, Joum. XXHI., 1809, pp. 18-29. 2. Observations on the breeding of Rabbits and other Animals in Canada. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1808, pp. 74-78. Bond, William Cranch. Occultations and Eclipses observed at Dorchester. Amer. Acad. Mem. I., 1833, pp. 79-83. 2. De Vice's fourth comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 91-94, 187. 3. Observations of the comet of May 19, 1846. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 187. 4. Observations of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 255-256. 5. Observations on the comets of February and March 1846, made at Cambridge Observa- tory, Massachusetts. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 91-92. 6. Stembedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 97-98. 7. Beobachtungen des Le-Verrier'schen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 231- 242. Bond, William Cranch. 8. Observations of Neptune made at Cambridge Observatory, U.S. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 301-302. 9. Observations on the comet of 4th March 1847. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 355-356. 10. Description of the Nebula about the Star $ Orionis. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1848, pp. 87-96. 11. Description of the Observatory at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1848, pp. 177-188. 12. Observations of MAUVAIS' comet. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 171-172. 13. Observations on the Comet of 1847. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 287-288. 14. Observations on LASSELL'S Satellite of Neptune made at Cambridge, U.S., Observatory. Astr. Nachr. XXVI, 1848, col. 289-290. 15. Residual differences between the theo- retical and observed longitudes of Uranus. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 201-204. 16. Discovery of a new Satellite of Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 1-2. 17. Observations of MAUVAIS' third comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 10. 18. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 10-11. 19. Observations of PETERSEN'S second comet, made at Cambridge, U.S. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 26. 20. Eighth Satellite of Saturn (Hyperion). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 104 -105. 21. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 106- 107. 22. Observations of PETERSEN'S second comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848- 49, pp. 107-109. 23. Observations of SCHWEIZER'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49,. pp. 162 -163. 24. Discovery of an eighth satellite of Saturn. Astr. Nachr. XXVIII., 1849, col. 25-26. 25. Appearance of Saturn's Ring, &c., in the equatoreal of Cambridge, United States. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 16-22. 26. Observations of Parthenope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 9. 27. Observations of PETERSEN'S third comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850- 51, pp. 15-16. 28. Observations of FAYE'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 63. 29. Observations on the satellite of Nep- tune on ENCKE'S comet on the eighth satellite of Saturn, and on PETERSEN'S second comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 35-42. BON] 479 [BON Bond, William Crunch. 30. Beobachtungen des von Herrn BOND entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 213-214. 31. Observations on PETERSEN'S comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 215-218. 32. Beobachtungen des Brorsen'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 221- 222. 33. Beobachtungen des Bond'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 337- 338. 34. Observations on the comet of 29th August 1850, made at the Observatory of Har- vard College, Cambridge, U. S. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 357-358. 35. Beobachtungen des Faye'schen Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 63-64. 36. Observations of PETERSEN'S comet made at the Cambridge Observatory. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 78-79. 37. Observations of the comet of 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 96. 38. Occultations of Aldebaran, Jupiter, and Regulus, observed at the Cambridge (U.S.) Observatory in 1848, 1849, and 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 112. 39. Observations of the comet of August 29, 1850, made at the Cambridge (U. S.) Obser- vatory. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 141-142. 40. Positions of the comet of August last since its perihelion passage. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 155. 41. Occultations of Stars observed at the Cambridge (U. S.) Observatory in the years 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 173-175. 42. Moon-Culminations observed at Har- vard Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 191. 43. On the new Ring of Saturn. Silliman, Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 133-134. 44. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. XII.. 1851-52, pp. 134- 140. 45. Divisions of the ring of Saturn. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 155- 156. 46. On the new ring of Saturn. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 5. 47. [Elements of BRORSEN'S Comet.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1851, p. 62. 48. Observations upon ENCKE'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 51-52, 225- 228. 49. [Observations of ENCKE'S Comet.] Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 91. Bond, William Crunch. SO. Observations of ENCKE'S Comet made at the Observatory of Harvard College. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 104. 51. Missing Star. Gould, Astron. Journ. II, 1852, p. 104. 52. Observations of the First Comet of 1852. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 174. 53. Observations on the Comet I. of 1852, made at Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 49-50. 54. Observations of Van ARSD ALE'S Comet, made at the Observatory of Harvard College. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 167; Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 159-160. 55. On the determination of the difference of longitude of the Royal Observatory, Green- wich, and the Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, U. S. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 215. 56. Observations on a new ring of Saturn. [1851.] Amer. Acad. Mem. V., 1855, pp. Ill- 112. 57. Observations of Isis and Polyhymnia. Astr. Nachr. XLVI., 1857, col. 11-12. 58. Observations of Isis Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 40. - - 59. Solar parallax deduced from right- ascension observations on Mars east and west of the Meridian, near the opposition of 1849-50. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 53. -- 60. First Comet of 1858. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 101. - 61. Places of the third Comet of 1858. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 134. - 62. Entdeckung eines Cometen, Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 141-142. . 63. Occultations of Pleiades observed at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S. Astr. Nachr. LII., ! 1860, col. 75-78. Bond, WilliamCranch,Gra.ham, andG.P. Bond. The Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory, in Massachusetts, determined from Transits of Stars over the Prime Vertical observed during the months of December 1844 and January 1845. Amer. Acad. Mem. II., 1846, pp. 183-204. Bond, William Crunch, and J. Levering. An account of the Magnetic Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard University, Cam- bridge. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIH., 1842, pp. 27-49, 89-112, 186-202; Amer. Acad. Mem. II., 1846, pp. 1-84. Bond, William Crunch, and Tuttle. Second Comet of 1854. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 189. Bondam, E. Bijvoegsel tot de Flora Campensis. Nederland. Kruidkund. Archief, I., 1846-47, pp. 159-162. BON] 480 [BON Bondet, A. Etude physiologique sur une variete de bourdonnements d'orcille places sous la depen- dance du courant sanguin dans la jugulaire. Brown- Sequard, Journ. d. Phjsiol. V., 1862, pp. 36-58. Eondioli, Pietro Antonio. Sopra le Aurore Boreali locali. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. IX., 1802, pp. 422-437. 2. Ricerche sopra le forme particolari delle malattie universal!. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XII., 1805, pp. 256-267. Bondt, Deiman, Lauwerenlmrg, Paats, et Van Troostwyk. Memoire sur trois especes differentes de gaz hydrogene carbone, retirees de Tether et de 1'alcool par differens precedes. [1796.] Paris, Mem. Savans fitrangers, L, 1806, pp. 101-124 ; Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 201-215, 220-222. Eonelli, Franc-Andre. Observations entomo- logiques. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809-10 (pte, 2), pp. 21-78. 2. Observations entomologiques : 2 e partie. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1811-12, pp. 433-484. 3. Memoire sur 1'Eurychile, nouveau genre d'insecte de la famille des Cicindeles. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIIL, 181 8, pp. 236-258. . 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece de poisson de la Mediterranee, appartenant au genre Trachyptere (T. cristatus). [1819.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 485- 494. 5. Sopra un Ippopotamo di recente acquisto del Museo di Torino. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIX., 1825, pp. 243-250. 6. Descrizione di sei nuove specie d' insetti dell' ordine dei Lepidotteri Diurni, raccolte in Sardegna dal Cav. Alb. della MARMORA. [1 824.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXX., 1826, pp. 171- 188. Boner, C. Essay on the Variation of the Mari- ner's Compass, its cause, and the periodical revolution of the Magnetic Pole. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 1-13. Boner, J. If. Die Regeneration der Sehnen. Virchow, Archiv, VII., 1854, pp. 162-164. Bonet, M. Remarques sur la decomposition spontanee du Cotonpoudre sous Pinfluence de la lumiere diffuse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 405-408. Bonet y Bonfill, Magin. Ueber die Entziind- lichkeit des Phosphorwasserstoffes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 247-248. 2. Decomposition facile de 1'ammoniaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 588-590. Bonet y Bonfill, Magin. 3. De la Fermenta- cion alcoholica del zumo de la uva, con indicacion de las circunstancias que mas influyen en la calidad y conservacion de los liquidos resultantes. Madrid, Mem. III., 1855, pp. 291-482. Bonetti, G. Vescichetta del GRAAF scoperta fuori dell' ovaja. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1841, pp. 133-135. Bonfico, P. Descrizione di un nuovo apparec- chio per ottenere le acque minerali ossiclule di ossicarbonico. Brugnatelli, Giorn. V., 1812, pp. 99-101. Bonfiglioli, Tommaso. Di quattro parti preter- naturali. Bologna, Opuscoli, VI., 1828, pp. 110 -116. Bonfils, . Sur plusieurs monstres humaina. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1824-28, pp. 70-73. Bonfils, E. A. Des lesions ct des phenomenes pathologiques determines par la presence des vers ascarides lombricoides dans les canaux biliaires. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XI., 1858, pp. 661-687. Bongard, //. G. Essai monographique sur les especes d'Eriocaulon du Bresil. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. I., 1831, pp. 601-656 ; II., 219- 238 ; III., 1835 (pte. 2), pp. 545-560 ; V., 1840, pte. 2 (BoL\ pp. 9-30. 2. Observations sur la vegetation de Pile de Sitcha. [1831.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. 119-178; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.\ 1835, pp. 236-238. 3. Esquisse historique des travaux sur la Botanique entrepris en Russie depuis PIERRE LE GRAND jusqu'a nos jours. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Recueil, 1834, pp. 83-108. 4. Generis Lacis revisio speciesque non- nullaj novae. Adnexa est Philocrena, genus e Podostemonearum ordine novum. [1832.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III. (pte. 2), 1835, pp. 69-84. 5. Observation sur le Sedum verticillatum, L. [1832.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II. (pte. 2), 1835, pp. 85-88. 6. Quatuor plantas Brasilienses novse iconi- bus illustrates. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 115-116; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1840, pte. 2 (Bot.\ pp. 1-8. 7. Memoire sur la vegetation des iles de Bonin-Sima. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 369-372. 8. Bauhinifc et Pauletias species Brasiliensos nova?. [1833.] St.Petersb.Acad.Sci.Mem.IV., pte. 2 (Bot.\ 1838, pp. 109-136. 9. Genera duo e Melastomacearum ordine nova. [1835.] St.Petersb.Acad.Sci.Mem.IV., pte. 2 (Bot.), 1838, pp. 137-142. BON] 481 [BON Bongard, //. G. 1O. Compos! tre Brasilienses novte. [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 97-100 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V.,pt. 2 (Bot.\ 1840, pp. 31-46. Bongard, //. G., und C. A. Meyer. Verzeich- niss der im Jahre 1838 am Saisang-Nor und am Irtysch gesammelten Pflanzen. Ein zweites Supplement zur Flora Altaica. [1840.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., pt.2 (Bot.), 1845, pp. 157-246. Bonhomme, . Sur la nature et le traitement du Rachitis. Annal. de Chimie, XVIII., 1793, pp. 113-136; Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 174-177, 200-205. Bonicelli, Vincenzo. Sopra un ghiaccio stra- ordinario. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VI., 1836, pp. 161-163. Bonigk, Otto von. Bruchstiicke aus einem orni- thologischen Tagebuche, gefiihrt im Grossher- zogthum Posen im Friihjahr 1848. Gorlitz, Abhandl. V. (Hft. 2), 1850, pp. 73-88. 2. Bemerkungen iiber den Friihlingszug der Vogel im Jahre 1850, nebst einer tabella- rischen Uebersicht. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 21-25. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige Vogel, vor- zugsweise iiber die Fortpflanzung des Turdus pilaris. Naumannia, 1851, p. 29. Bonijol, . Decomposition of Water by At- mospheric and by ordinary Electricity. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 376-377 ; Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, p. 368. Bernini, Angela. Storia di un feto mostruoso bicorporeo. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXXI., 1834, pp. 257-260. BoninOj Jean Jacques. Essai statistique sur la mortalit^ dans les anctennes troupes de Sar- daigne en temps de paix. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXV., 1831, pp. 233-306. Bonis, . Analyse d'un oxide naturel de Manganese. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 326-337. Bonissent, . Notes sur le gisement de quel- ques roches du departement de la Manche. Cher- bourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1856, pp. 281- 288. 2. Essai geologique sur le departement de la Manche. Cherbourg, Mern. Soc. Sci. Nat. VI., 1858, pp. 73-156 ; VIII., 1861, pp. 57-94 ; IX., 1863, pp. 1-68, 249-294. 3. Sur les differentes questions qui ont rapport a la geologic du Cotentin. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVII., 1860, pp. 180- 205. Bonjean, J. H. Travaux analytiques sur les deux sources thermales d'Aix-en-Savoie. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1838, pp. 116-126. Bonjean, J. II. 2. Acide sulfurique produitpar la condensation des vapeurs des eaux thermales sulfureuses d'Aix-en-Savoie. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 355-360; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 118-119. 3. Histoire chimique des eaux minerales d'Aix-cn-Savoie. Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 299-356. 4. Memoire sur le seigle ergote. France, Congres Scientif. II., 1841, pp. 1-32. 5. Memoire analytique sur la pulpe du fruit du Baobab. Torino, Mem. Accad. III., 1841, pp. Ixvii-lxxiv. 6. Essais de Toxicologie et de Chimie phar- maceutique sur la Digitale. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 21-26. 7. Notice sur 1'Ergotine. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 107-109. 8. Ergotisme gangreneux developpe chez deux eufants par 1'usage d'un pain qui contenait du seigle ergote. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XIX., 1844, pp. 1367-1369. 9. Action de 1'ergotine dans les hemor- ragies externes. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1845, pp. 262-269. 1O. Memoire sur la maladie des pommes de terre en 1845. France, Congres Scientif. I., 1846, pp. 336-347. 11. Traite theorique et pratique del'Ergot de Seigle. Savoie, Mem. Acad. XII., 1846, pp. 1-317. 12. Presence du souf're sur les corps metal- liques foudroyes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 153-155 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1846, col. 275-276. 13. De la Glairine des eaux minerales. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 321-332; Polli, Ann. di Chim. X., 1850, pp. 89-106; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 230-231. 14. Effets produits par un coup de Foudre tombee sur I'eglise de St.-Thibaud-de-Couz, pres Chambery le 14 Juin 1846. Savoie, Mem. Acad. L, 1851, pp. 317-325. 15. Des eaux thermales et principalement de celles d'Uriage, de la Motte d'Allevard en Dauphine, et d'Aix en Savoie. France, Congres Scientifique, XXIV., 1857, pp. 593-606. 16. Histoire chimique et action physiolo- gique des Benzoate et Silicate de Soude. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XXVIL, 1860, pp. 247-256; Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. V., 1860, pp. 215-226. Bonjean, J. H., et Genin. Note sur des saute- relles qui ont paru pres de Saint-Pierre d'Albigny en Savoie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 452-453. Bonjour, . Experiences sur la formation du principe colorant prussique. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Journ. 1795-96, pp. 436-439 (3 e cah.). 3 BON] 482 [BON Bonjour, . 2. Sur la decouverte cle la craie superieure a silex dans le departement du Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp. 42- 46. Bonmatin, Description des moyens et precedes employes a Paris pour extraire le sucre de Betterave. Journ. de Phys. LXXVII., 1813, pp. 47-58. Bonn, A. C. Bijdragen tot de Kennis en Genezing van het Rotkreupel der Schapen. Amsterdam, Verhand. V., 1820, pp. 125-150. 2. Verhandeling over de Mastodonte of Mammouth van den Ohio. Haarlem, Verhand. IV., 1809, pp. 289-343. Bonnafont, . Neue Darstellung der Bewe- gungen der Gehorknochelchenreihe unter dem Einflusse des Musculus Mallei internus und des Stapedius. Froriep, Notizen, XLII., 1834, col. 100-102. 2. Observation d'une hydrocele operee par une nouvelle methode, consistent dans 1'injection gazeuse d'ammoniaque liquide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 148-150. 3. Memoire sur la necessite d'operer un assainissement general des contrees marecageuses, et surtout de celles arrosees par le Delta du Gange, comme seul moyen prophylactique effi- cace a opposer aux ravages et aux diverses in- vasions de 1'epidemie cholerique. France, Con- gres Scientifique, XX., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 165- 175. 4. Memoire sur 1'anatomie et la physiologic des osselets de 1'Oreille et de la membrane du Tympan. Revue Med. Fran9. et Etr. I., 1859, pp. 652-666, 705-720. 5. Notice sur les trois chefs Touaregs qui sout venus a Paris. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 104-117. Bonnard, A. H. de. Note sur le gisement, 1'ex- ploitation, et le traitement de 1'Etain, dans le duche de Cornouailles. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 443-454. 2. Memoire sur les precedes employes en Angleterre pour le traitement du fer par le moyen de la houille. Journ. des Mines, XVII., 1804-5, pp. 245-296. 3. Note sur un precede particulier en usage dans FEiffel, pour Paffinage de la fonte. Journ. des Mines, XVIL, 1804-5, pp. 455-464. 4. Description of the Bavarian method of evaporating Saline Waters. Nicholson, Journ. XL, 1805, pp. 47-49. 5. Sur les mines de houille du pays de Sarrebriick. Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 373-4CO. 6. Notice sur les Tourbieres du departe- ment du Pas-de-Calais. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 121-155. Bonnard, A. H. de. 7. Notice sur diverses recher- ches de houille entreprises dans le departement du Pas-de-Calais, et specialement sur celles de Monchy-le-Preux, pres Arras ; precedee d'un aper^u sur les terrains houillers du Nord de la France. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 415-446, 8. Sur des pistons de pompes : 1. Sur une nouvelle espece de piston sans cuirs exterieurs ; 2. Pistons metalliques a litteaux. Journ. des Mines, XXVIII., 1810, pp. 89-94. 9. Essai geognostique sur 1'Erzgebirge. Journ. des Mines, XXXVIII., 1815, pp. 261- 318, 339-382, 415-452 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816, pp. 386-388 ; Leonhard, Tasch- enbuch, XVI., 1822, pp. 94-136, 508-538. 10. Notice geognostique sur la partie occi- dentale du Palatinat. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 505-526; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 129-133. 11. Notices geognostiques sur le Hartz. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 41-68 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, p. 10. 12. Notice sur une formation metallifere observee recemment dans 1'ouest do la France. Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1823, pp. 491-498. 13. Notice geognostique sur quelques par- ties de la Bourgogne. Annal. des Mines, X., 1825, pp. 193-246, 427-480 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 137-175. 14. Extrait d'une note sur une nouvelle Chaux phosphatee terreuse. Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 319-323. 15. Sur la Constance des faits geognos- tiques qui accompagnent le gisement du terrain d'Arkose, a Test du Plateau Central de la France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 298- 309; Annal. des Mines, IV., 1828, pp. 337-439. 16. Sur les gites de Manganese de Roma- neche. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 285- 299 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 185-186 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 562-563. 17. Ossements decouverts dans la grotte d'Arcy sur Cure (dept. de 1'Yonne). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1833, pp. 222-224 ; Leonhard u. Bronu, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 366-367. 18. Note sur la falsification de la Cire. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 779-780. 19. Note sur le Cambodje. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. IV., 1862, pp. 395-404. Bonneau und Malapert. Vergiftung des Erodes durch Agrostemma Githago, L. (Lychnis Gi- thago, Lam), (Saponin). Casper, Vierteljahrs- schrift, II., 1852, pp. 100-120. Bonnechose, - - de. Du Fou de Bassan, et de la variation de son plumage. Bayeux, Mem. II.. 1844, pp. 291-300. BON] 483 [BON Bonnechose, de. 2. Memoire sur un effet de Melanisme partiel, observe sur un Chardon- neret. Bayeux, Mem. III., 1845, pp. 367-378. Bonnefin, F. Recherches experimentales sur la possibilite du passage a travers le centre ner- veux de courants electro-magnetiques appliques a la peau, chez 1'homme. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 545-548. Bonnemaison, aine. Essai sur la Geogra- phic Botanique du departement du Finistere. Paris, Journ. Botan. III., 1814, pp. 118-131. Bonnemaison, Theophile. Notice geologique sur une partie du departement du Finistere. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 260-281. 2. Essai d'un classification des Hydrophytes loculees, ou Plantes marines articulees qui crois- sent en France. Journ. de Phys. XCIV., 1822, pp. 138-148, 174-202. 3. Essai sur les Hydrophytes loculees (ou articulees) de la famille des Epidermiees et des Ceramiees. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XVI., 1828, pp. 49-148. Bonnes, . Sur 1'acarus de la gale du cheval. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 613-615. Bonnet (Capitaine). Observations relatives a 1'origine des banes flottants de Fucus, qu'on trouve a 1'ouest des A9ores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 970-972. Bonnet, . Considerations sur la statistique des canaux et des chemins de fer. St. Quentin, Annal. III., 1845, pp. 309-326. 2. Application du compteur a gaz a la mesure de la respiration. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 825-827. 3. Note sur le foyer fumivore (systeme TENBKLNCK) modifie. Annal. des Mines, II., 1862, pp. 343-363. Bonnet, A. Des causes et de la nature des tubercules. Gironde, Journ. Med. III., 1825, pp. 5-30. - 2. Des virus. Gironde, Journ. Med. IV., 1825, pp. 5-30. - 3. Experiences sur la dissolution des cal- culs vesicaux. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 201- 202. - 4. Recherches sur les produits des secre- tions morbides qui ne s'organisent point. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 651-652. 5. [Sur 1'anatomie des aponevroses et des muscles de 1'oeil, considered relativement a 1'ope- ration du strabisme.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 260-261 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVII., 1841, col. 209-212. 6. Sur les globules du sang. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 361-364. 7. Lettre a M. DUMAS sur le sang. Annal. de Chimie, XXI., 1847, pp. 189-193; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 413-417. Bonnet, A, 8. Du redressement immediat, et de la cauterisation sous le bandage amidonne dans le traiteirient des tumeurs blanches des articulations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 281-285. Bonnet, G. Ueber einige reducirende Wirkun- gen der arsenigen Saure. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIL, 1836, pp. 300-303. Bonnet, G., Bottger, uncl Scharlau. Ueber die Priifung der Chinarinden auf ihren Gehalt an Alkaloiden. Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 12-44. Bonnet, Gustave, et Seeligmann. Essai chi- mique sur les eaux potables de la ville de Lyon. Lyon, Soc. Sci. Agric. Annal. III., 1859, pp. 371-426. Bonnet, H. Analyse des os. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 7-10 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 98-101 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 306- 308. 2. Action de Teau regale sur 1'alcool. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 386- 388 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 337-338. 3. Sur la formation physiologique du sucre dans 1'economie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 573-575. Bonnet, J. F. V. Reflexions sur la menstrua- tion et la fecondite des femmes qui ne sont point reglees. Montpellier, Annal. Clin. V., 1819, pp. 193-217. Bonnet, Maurice. Sur un caractere variable des especes du genre Iberis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, p. 158. Bonnet, Maurice, et Fournier. Sur une mon- struosite de Rubus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 36-37. Bonnet, Ossian. Note sur 1'Integrale rt GO %a-\ j: dx. Liouville, Journ. Math. VL, 1841, pp. 238-240. 2. Questions sur les Maxima et les Minima resolues. Nouv. Anna!. Math. II., 1843, pp. 417-425; III., 64-75. 3. Proprietes Geometriques et Mecaniques de quelques courbes remarquables. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 97-112. 4. Note sur un theoreme de Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 113-115. 5. Note sur une propriete de Lemniscate. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, p. 116. 6. Solutions de quelques problemes de Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 217-238. 7. Quadrature de la courbe representee par 1'equation y^ = a? a? 4 . Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 75-76. 3 P 2 BON] 484 [BON Bonnet, Ossian. 8. Demonstration simple du Theoreme de FOURIER. Nouv. Annal. Math. Ill, 1844, pp. 119-121. 9. Essai sur la determination approxima- tive des racines imaginaires d'une equation algebrique ou transcendante. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 164-173, 388-397. . 1O. Note sur les racines imaginaires des equations algebriques. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 236-237. . 11. Note sur la nature des racines d'une equation trinome quelconque. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 293-295 ; 12. Memoire sur la theorie des surfaces isothermes orthogonales. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVIII. (30 e cah.}, 1845, pp. 141-164. 13. Note sur les ombilics des surfaces. Paris, FJcole Polytechn. Journ. XVIII., 1845 (30 e cah.), pp. 165-170. 14. Memoire sur la theorie des corps elas- tiques. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVIII.. 1845 (30 e can.}, pp. 171-191. 15. Sur la theorie generale des Series. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXII., 1846-47. 16. Memoire sur la resolution de deux equa- tions a deux inconnues. Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 54-63, 135-150, 243-252, 375-376. 17. Note sur le nombre de racines reelles contenues entre des limites donnees a 1'aide du theoreme de DESCARTES (Question 174, p. 455). Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 464-469. 18. Note sur la force vive d'un corps solide, ou d'un systeme invariable, en mouvement. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. I., 1847-50, pp. 140- 147. 19. Theoreme de geometric analytique. Nouv. Annal. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 331-332. 20. Sur quelques cas particuliers de 1'equi- libre de temperature dans les corps dont la conductibilite varie avec la position et la direc- tion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 49-53. 21. Sur la theorie generale des surfaces. Paris, cole Polytechn. Journ. XIX. (32 e cah.}, 1848, pp. 1-146. 22. Demonstration du theoreme de MEU- NIER. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 59-60. 23. Remarques sur quelques integrates definies. LiouviUe, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 249-256. 24. Memoire sur la convergence des series ordonnees suivant les fonctions Y,,. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 349-350, 378-380. 25. Sur la theorie des surfaces orthogonales et ieothermes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 506-511 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 401-416. Bonnet, Ossian. 26. Note sur quelques points de la theorie des surfaces. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVI., 1851, pp. 191-192. 27. Note sur la theorie generale des sur- faces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 89-92 ; XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 529-532. 28. These de Mecanique : Sur le develop- pement des Fonctions eu series ordonnees suivant les fonctions X n et Y n . Liouville, Journ. Math. XVII., 1852, pp. 265-300. 29. These d'Astronomie : Sur la theorie mathematique des cartes geographiques. Lion- ville, Journ. Math. XVII., 1852, pp. 301- 340. 3O. Note sur quelques proprietes des courbes gaudies. Nouv. Annal. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 192-194. 31. Note sur la determination approxima- tive des racines imaginaires d'une equation algebrique ou transcendante. Nouv. Annal. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 243-256. 32. Sur une propriete de maximum relative a la sphere. Nouv. Annal. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 433-438. 33. Sur les surfaces dont toutes les lignes de courbure sont planes. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 81-84, 219-222. 34. Memoire sur les surfaces a lignes de courbure spheriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 291-297, 389-391. 35. Note sur les developpees des surfaces a lignes de premiere courbure planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 1046- 1056. 36. Sur les surfaces qui sont coupees a angle droit par une suite de spheres variables suivant une loi quelconque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 1133-1135. 37. Sur les surfaces dont les lignes de courbure sont planes ou spheriques. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XX. (35 e cah.}, 1853, pp. 117-306. 38. Sur la determination des fonctions arbitraires qui entrent dans 1'equation integralc des surfaces a aire minima. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1107-1110. 39. Sur quelques proprietes des lignes geodesiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1311-1313. 4O. Sur les lignes geodesiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 32-35. 41. Observations sur les surfaces minima. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp, 1057 1058. 42. Note sur les surfaces pour lesquelles la somme des deux rayons de courbure principaux est egalc au double de la normale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 110-112. BON] 485 [BON Bonnet, Ossian. 43. Note sur un genre parti- culier de surfaces reciproques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 485-487. 44. Nouvelles remarques sur les surfaces a aire minima. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 532-535. 45. Note sur les surfaces dont toutes les Paris, Comptes lignes de courbure sont planes. Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 1067-1070. 46. Note sur la courbure geodesique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 1137-1139. 47. Sur un theoreme de JACOBI relatif a Fintegration des equations aux differences par- tielles du premier ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 581-585. 48. Note sur la theorie des surfaces reglees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 906- 910. 49. Memoire sur la figure de la terre con- sideree comme peu differente d'une sphere. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 46-59, 113-131, 180-184. 50. Memoire sur 1'emploi d'un nouveau systeme de variables dans Fetude des proprietes des surfaces courbes. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1860, pp. 153-266. 51. Note sur la formule de STIRLING. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 862-866. 52. Note sur les droites normales a uno surface. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1081-1082. 53. Note sur 1'integration d'une certaine classe d'equations diiferentielles simultanees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 971- 974. 54. Memoire sur les surfaces orthogonales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 554- 559, 655-659. 55. Note sur la theorie de la deformation des surfaces gauches. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863. pp. 805-813. Bonnewyn, H. Note sur la presence du Man- ganese dans le Sang. Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 284-285. 2. Sur la Quinine trouvee dans 1'Urine des malades soumis au traitement par les sels de cet Alcalo'ide. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 387-388. . 3. Considerations sur le The et sur son acclimatement en Belgique. Gand, Ann. Soc. Med. XXXIV., 1856, pp. 29-110. Bonney, T. G. On some Flint Implements from Amiens. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 70. Bonninghausen, C. von. Tillsea muscosa, Z., der Westfiilischen Flora. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1855, pp. 293-297. Bonnycastle, Charles. On the distribution of the Magnetic Fluids in masses of Iron, and on the deviations which they produce in Compasses placed within their influence. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LV., 1820, pp. 446-456. 2. On the influence of masses of Iron on the Mariner's Compass. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 346-350. , Bonnycastle, Charles. On Radiating Electri- city. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 134-156 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVIII. (=JoAr&.XXVIIL), 1830, pp. 192-201. 2. Notes of Experiments made August 22nd to 25th, 1838, with the view of determining the depth of the sea by the echo. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1839. pp. 351-352 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 160-163; Bibl. Univ. XXIL, 1839, pp. 380-382 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1840, pp. 39-41. 3. On a new principle in regard to the power of Fluids in Motion to produce rupture of the vessels which contain them, and on the distinction between accumulative and instanta- neous pressure. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 113-124. 4. On the insufficiency of TAYLOR'S Theo- rem as commonly investigated ; with objections to the demonstrations of POISSON and CATJCHY, and the assumed generalization of Mr. PEACOCK ; to which are added a' new Investigation and remarks on the Development and Continuity of Functions. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 217-250. Bonnycastle, R. H. An account of some meteor- ological phenomena observed in Canada in 1826- 27. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. L, 1829, pp. 47- 52 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (= N. Jahrb. L), 1831, pp. 56-58. 2. Desultory observations on a few of the rocks and minerals of Upper Canada. Quebec, Trans. Lit. Soc. L, 1829, pp. 62-70. 3. On the transition rocks of the Cataraqui. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 85-104; XX., 1831, pp. 74-82; XXIV., 1833, pp. 97- 104; XXX., 1836, pp. 233-248. 4. Account of an Aurora Borealis, with a notice of a Solar phenomenon. Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 131-137. Bonomi, J. On the Figures of Birds observed on a Tomb at Memphis. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), p. 79 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1845, col. 113-115. Bonomi, & Ricerche intorno alia genesi della endemia cretinica. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CLXV., 1858, pp. 382-426. BON] 486 [BON Bonorden, H. F. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Blutbewegung. Meckel, Archiv, 1827, pp. 537- 556. 2. Beitrag zu einer wissenschaftlichen Begriindung der Pulslehre. Hufeland u. Osann, Journ. Arzneyk. LXXT., 1830 (Erganz.\ pp. 184-207. 3. Entwickelung und Bau der Spumaria alba. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 617-619. 4. Sur 1'organisation du Spumaria alba. Bibl. Univ. Archives, X., J 849, pp. 334-335. 5. Mykologische Beobachtungen. Botan. Zeitung, IX., 1851, col. 18-23. 6. [Beobachtungen zur Mykologie.] Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 521-527, 540-544. 7. Beitrage zur Mykologie. Botan. Zei- tung, XI., 1853, col. 281-294 ; XV., 1857, col. 209-212, 237-238; XIX., 1861, pp. 193-196, 201-205. 8. Bau der Alphitomorpha guttata (Phyl- lactinia guttata, Lev.) nebst Bemerkungen. Bo- tan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 193-199. 9. Die Gattungen Lycoperdon, Bo vista und ihr Bau. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 593-602, 609-616, 625-632. 1O. Beobachtungen iiber die Bildung der Spernxedia Clavus (Secale cornutum). Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 97-99. 11. Beobachtungen iiber den Bau der Agaricinen. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 201-205, 209-213. 12. Zur Kenntniss einiger der wichtigsten Gattungen der Coniomyceten und Cryptomy- ceten. Halle, Abb. Nat. Gesell. V., 1 860, pp. 167-229. Bonpland, Aime. Sur le Ceroxylon, nouveau genre de Palmiers. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1804, pp. 239-240. 2. Description du Claytonia cubentis. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. VII., 1806, pp. 82-84. 3. Hebeandra, nouveau genre de plantes. Berlin, Ges. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 40-47. 4. Description des plantes rares quo Ton cultive a Navarre et a Malmaison. Journ. de Phys. LXXVIII., 1814, pp. 234-236. 5. Lettre sur la botanique de 1'Uruguay. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 434-439. Bonpland, Aime, et A. Humboldt. Notes sur leurs voyages en Amerique. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. III., 1804, pp. 396-404. Bonsdorff, Evert Julius. Physiologiska Be- traktelser ofver feberns vasende. Finska Lak. Sallsk. Handl. I., 1841-43, pp. 351-386. 2. Anatomisk beskrifning af Cerebral -Ne- verne hos Faret (Ovis aries). [1843.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 145-284. Bonsdorff, Evert Julius. 3. Spcciel jemfonmdc beskrifning af hufvudskalsbenen hos Laken (Gadus Lota, Linn.). [1845.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 1177-1281. 4. Beskrifning af ett missbildadt Cranium hos en man, jemte nagra anmarkningar ofver uppkomsten och betydelsen af de sa kallade "ossicula vormiana." [1846.] Helsingf. Ac la Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, p. 1283. 5. Genmale a Doctor O. E. DAHLS nya Bi- drag till utredningen af nagra medico-juridiska fragor. Finska Lak. Sallsk. Handl. IV., 1849- 50, pp. 377-386. 6. Bidrag till blodkiirlsystemets jemforande anatomic. [1847.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. III., 1852, pp. 447-503, 571-509. 7. Symbolae ad anatomiam comparatam nervorum animalium vertebratorum : 1. Nervi cerebrales Corvi Cornicis, Linn. 2. Nervi cerebrales Gruis cinereas, Linn. [1849-50.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. III., 1852, pp. 505-569, 591-624. 8. Naturalhistoriska observationer, anstall- da under solformorkelsen den 28 Julii 1851. Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. III., 1852, pp. 799-806. 9. Jemfb'rande anatomisk Beskrifning af Cerebral Nerverna hos Raja clavat-i. [1853.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. V., 1858, pp. 185-227. 10. Undersokning huruvida anvandandet af Lakemedel, liktidigt med Vattenkuren, kan anses rationelt. [1855.] Helsingf. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. V., 1858, pp. 229-270. 11. Undersokning, om den af Prof. NILSSON antagna dubbla klofallningen hos Riporna i verkligheten forekommer. Upsala, Vetensk. Soc. Arsskrift, I., 1860, pp. 121-135. 12. Nagra ord om den observerade periodiska klofallningen hos Riporna och arter af slagtet Tetrao. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 77-86. Bonsdorff, P. A. von. Nova analysis Steinheiliti, sive Dichroitse Orijarviensis. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1819-20, pp. 376-381. 2. De spatho tabulari Pargasensi. [1821.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1824, pp. 382- 386; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 182], pp. 303- 307 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 300-302. 3. Memoire sur la teinture de Fernambouc employee* comme un react! f propre a reconnaitre plusieurs acides, et sur une nouvelle couleur jaune obtenue au moyen de cette substance. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 283-289; Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 210-211, 329-334; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 226-227 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 23-26. BON] 487 [BON Bonsdorff, P. A. von. 4. Forsok att bestamma sammansattningen af de mineralier, hvilka kris- tallisera i Amphibolens form. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1821, pp. 197-230; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 5-34; Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (=Jahrt>.V.\ 1822, pp. 123-162. 5. Ny undersokning af Rothgiildens che- miska sammansattning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1821, pp. 338-349 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 5-15 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 416-417; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIV., ( = Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 225-237 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 29-36. 6. Analysis of two Finnish minerals (Stein- heilit or Dichroite and Malacolit). (Transl.} Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1822, pp. 102-105. 7. Extrait d'une lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC [sur les chloro-hydrargyrates et chloro-plati- niates, etc.]. [1826.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 142-147; Schweigger, Journ. XLIX. ( =Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 321- 327. 8. Sopra un nuovo genere di sali. Brug- natelli, Giornale, X., 1827, pp. 207-209. 9. Analys af ett nytt mineral fran grans- kapet af Abo. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1827, pp. 156-163; Poggend. Annal. XVIIL, 1830, pp. 123-129. 1O. Bidrag till afgorande af fragan om Chlor, lod, m. fl. metalloider, i likhet med syre, tiro syra- och basbildande kroppar. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1828, pp. 174-221 ; 1830, pp. 117 -142 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 189 -206, 244-262; Poggend. Annal. XVII., 1829, pp. 115-136, 247-267; XIX., 1830, pp. 336-356. 11. Beschreibung eines Evaporationsappa- rates, um, ohne Anwendung der Warme oder der Luftpumpe Flussigkeiten zu verdiinsten, und besonders Salze aus ihren wassrigen Losungen zurKrystallisation zu bringen. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 604-612; Edinb. New Phil. Journ, VIII., 1830, pp. 278-280. 12. Analys af tvenne Brom-Salter (Bromo- Platinas natricus och Bromo-Auras kalicus). Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 88-94 ; L'In- stitut, III.. 1835, pp. 105-106; Poggend. Annal. XXXIIL/1834, pp. 61-66. ,. 13. Ueber eine eigene granitische Gebirgs- Art aus Finnland welche die Einwohner Rapakivi d. h. Trebernstein nennen. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 483-484. . 14. Bemerkungen iiber das Thonerdehy- drat. Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 275- 278. . 15. Bemerkungen iiber das Chloraluminium. Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 279-280. . 16. Analys af Figur-Labradorn ifran Ojamo i Finland. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1833, pp. 14-17. Bonsdorff, P. A. von. 17. Ueber Oxydation so wie uber Thau-Bildung. Kastner, Archiv, Naturl. XXVL, 1834, pp. 350-361. 18. Ueber die Scheidung von Quecksilber und Kupfer mittelst Ameisensiiure. Poggend. Annal. XXXI II, 1834, pp. 73-80 ; L'Tnstitut, III., 1835, p. 106. 19. Bemerkungen iiber schwefelsaures Eisenoxydul und Eisenchloriir. Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 81-92. 20. Analys af ett nytt, af 3 ne chlorider sammansatt, dubbelsalt. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1834, pp. 89-96 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIIL, 1834, pp. 81-89. 21. Recherches relativement a 1'influence que 1'air atmospherique et 1'eau exercent sur 1'oxidation des metaux. L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 99 ; Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 205-208. 22. Observations qui tendent a jeter quel- que lumiere sur la nature et les causes de la rosee. L'Institut, ILL, 1835, p. 99. 23. Ueber drey neue Verbindungen von schwefelsaurem Eisenoxydul mit Wasser. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 733-734. 24. Ueber die Loslichkeit des Bleioxyds in Wasser. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. VII., 1836, pp. 520-521. 25. Om atmosferiska luftens inverkan vid metallernas oxidation. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1836, pp. 268-300 ; Bibl. Univ. XVIIL, 1838, pp. 373-377 ; Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 293-313; XLIL, pp. 325-339; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. LXVIIL, 1838, pp. 37-49. 26. Ueber Staunate oder die Verbindungen des Zinnoxydes mit mehreren Basen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 121-122. 27. Ueber Bleioxydhydrat, als Priifungs- mittel auf sehr geringe Mengen von Kohlensaure. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, p. 123. 28. Verbindung des schwefelsauren Eisen- oxyduls mit Wasser. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 124-125. 29. Sur le carbonate de plomb hydrate. L'Institut, V., 1837, p. 344. 3O. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber die Be- standtheile des Meerwassers. Poggend. Annal XL., 1837, pp. 133-138. 31. Neue Verbindung von Bleioxyd mit Kohlensaure und Wasser. Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 207-208. Bont, M. J. de, Verslag over de inrigting voor Piscicultuur op de Diei-gaarde aanwezig. Neder- land. Tijdsch. Dierkunde, I. 1863, pp. xxv-xxix. 2. Resume analytique des faits produits a 1'appui de 1'influence des milieux. Paris, Anthro- pol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 388-460. Bontemps, G. Memoire sur la fabrication du flint-glass et du crown-glass. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 129-131. BON] 488 [BOO Bontemps, G. 2. Expose historique et pra- tique des moyens employes pour la fabrication des verres filigranes et du flint-glass et crown- glass. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XLIV., 1845, pp. 183-195, 236-245 ; Revue Scientifique, IX., 1846, pp. 130-152 ; Franklin Inst. Journ. XI., 1846, pp. 268-275. 3. Memoire indiquant par quelles causes certains tubes ou cylindres de verre eclatent lorsqu'on les n frottes meme legerement. Mul- house, Bulletin, XX., 1847, pp. 280-288. 4. Inquiries on some Modifications in the Colouring of Glass by Metallic Oxides. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 34 ; Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 439-446; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 175-181. 5. Examen des vitres de Pompe'i. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 980-983 ; Che- mical News, VI., 1862, pp. 87-88. 6. Sur les anciens vitraux colores des eglises, et sur les precautions a prendre pour les nettoyer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 742- 743. Bonucci, Francesco. Delia visione delle cose esterne. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CLXXXL, 1862, pp. 560-564. Bonvicini [Bonvoisin?], Giuseppe. Lettera al Prof. Michele GIKAKDI [dellc organi della vista nelle Lumache]. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. VII., 1794, pp. 291-299. Bonvoisin, B. Memoire sur la depuration de 1'acide phosphorique tire des os. Turin, Acad. Mem. I., 1784-85, pp. 321-328, 329-340. 2. Analyse d'un foetus petrifie. Turin, Acad. Mem. L, 1784-85, pp. 381-386. 3. De la pierre hydrophane du Piemont. [1785.] Turin, Acad. Mem. I., 1784-85, pp. 475-497. 4. Analyse des principales eaux de la Savoie. Turin, Acad. Mem. II., 1784-85, pp. 419-454. 5. Analyse chimique et comparee de la plu- part des sels marins qu'on distribue au public dans les etats Sardes. Turin, Acad. Mem. III., 1786-87, pp. 645-657. 6. Du vinaigre radical et glacial tire des cristaux de Venus ; de quelques phenomenes de sa cristallisation, et de son usage exterieur comme remede caustique. Turin, Acad. Mem. IV., 1788-89, pp. 373-381. 7. Dissertation sur 1'alkali phlogistique. Turin, Acad. Mem. IV., 1788-89, pp. 382- 392. 8. Sur quelques proprietes irregulieres de la teinture violette des fleurs de mauve, et de la lessive de Prusse considerees comme reagens chimiques. [1792.] Turin, Acad. Mem. V., 1790-91, pp. 391-394. Bonvoisin, B. 9. Essai d'experiences propres a decouvrir dans les vegetaux la nature de quel- ques sutistances qui ne sont pas encore assez connues. Turin, Acad. Mem. V., 1790-91. pp. 395-400. - 10. Remarques sur la veritable nature de la Turquoise. Turin, Acad. Mem. VI.. 1792-1800, pp. 305-317. 11. Vues economiques sur la culture des produits du regne mineral en Piemont. Journ. des Mines, XI. 1801-2, pp. 3-34 ; Turin, Acad. Mem. 1802-3, pp. 223-262; 1804-5, pp. 224- 262. 12. Sur les mines de Plorabaine des de- partements de la Sture et du Po. Turin, Acad. Mem. 1804-5, pp. 175-183 ; Journ. des Mines, XVIIL, 1804-5, pp. 147-156. 13. Essais eutrepris pour arriver a ame- liorer 1'huile de noix. Turin, Acad. Mem. 1804-5, pp. 184-196. 14. Description de plusieurs mineraux. Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806. pp. 282-283. 15. Description du Peridot idocras, et de quatre autres substances lithologiques d'espece nouvelle, nominees succinite, mussite, alalite et topazolite. Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 409-431 ; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 497- 505. 16. Sur le Titane oxide de la vallee d'Aoste. [1808.] Turin, Acad. Mem. 1809-10, pp. 86-91. Bonvouloir, H. de. Descriptions de plusieurs especes nouvelles de la famille des Throscides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIU., 1860, pp. 351- 367; L, 1861, pp. 349-360. 2. Description d'un genre nouveau et de deux especes nouvelles de Coleopteres de France. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861. pp. 567-571. Bonwick, J. On the extinct volcanoes of Aus- tralia. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 109- 110. Bony an, George B. On the Demerara Pink- root, or Spigelia Anthelmia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1844, pp. 461-463 ; Pharmaceut. Journal, V., 1846, pp. 354-355. 2. On the disease of the Plantain. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1846, pp. 212-215. . 3. Notes on the Raptorial Birds of British Guiana. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIX., 1851, pp. 53-61. Bonzel, Cambiamenti nella operazione della pupilla artificiale, e caso di guarigiorie spontanea di cateratta. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 393-397. Boogaard, J. A. Recherches microscopiques sur les Spermophores du Nautile. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Zool.), 1856, pp. 314-318; Wieg- mann, Archiv, XXIII., 1857, pp. 99-103. B001 489 [BOO Boole, George. Researches on the theory of Analy- tical Transformations, with a special application to the reduction of the general equation of the second order. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 64-73. 2. On certain theorems in the calculus of Variations. Camb. Math. Journ. II. 184], pp. 97-102. 3. On the integration of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Camb. Math. Journ. II. 1841, pp. 114-119. 4. Analytical geometry. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 179-188. 5. Exposition of a general theory of linear transformations. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 1-20, 106-119. 6. On the transformation of definite inte- grals. Camb. Math. Journ. III. 1843, pp. 216- 224. 7. Remarks on a theorem of M. CATALAN. Camb. Math. Journ. III. 1843, pp. 277-283. 8. On a general method in Analysis. Phil. Trans. 1844, pp. 225-282. 9. On the equation of LAPLACE'S Func- tions. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 2. 1O. On the transformation of multiple integrals. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 20-28. 11. On the inverse calculus of definite integrals. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 82-87. 12. Notes on linear transformations. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 167-171. 13. On the theory of Developments. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 214-223. 14. On the equation of LAPLACE'S func- tions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 10-22. 15. On the attraction of a solid of revo- lution on an external point. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 1-7. 16. On a certain symbolical equation. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 7-12. 17. On the Rev. B. BRONWIN'S method for differential equations. Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 6-8. 18. On a general transformation of any quantitative function. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 112-116. 19. The calculus of Logic. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 183-198. 20. On the Analysis of Discontinuous Functions. [1846.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXL, 1848, pp. 124-139. 21. On a certain Multiple Definite Integral. [1846.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXL, 1848, pp. 140-150. Boole, George. 22. Theoreme general concernant 1'integration definie. Lionville, Journ. Math. XI1L, 1848, pp. 111-112. 23. Remarks on the Rev. B. BRONWIN'S paper " On the solution of a particular differen- tial equation." Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1848, pp. 413-418. 24. On a general theorem of definite inte- gration. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 14-20. 25. On the theory of linear transforma- tions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 87-106. 26. On the reduction of the general equa- tion of the n ih degree : sequel to a memoir on the theory of linear transformations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 106-113. 27. Proposed question in the theory of Probabilities. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Joum.VL, 1851, p. 286. 28. On the theory of Probabilities, and in particular on MITCHELL'S problem of the distri- bution of the fixed stars. Phil. Mag. I., 1851, pp, 521-530. 29. On the theory of Probabilities. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 96-101. 30. On reciprocal methods in the differen- tial calculus. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 156-166; VIIL, pp. 1-24. 31. Application of the method of Quater- nions to the solution of the partial differential d 2 u d 2 u d z u equation ~dz? = * Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853-54, pp. 375-385. 32. Solution of a question in the theory of Probabilities. Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 29-32. 33. Reply to some observations by Mr. WILBRAHAM on the theory of chances. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 87-91. 34. On the conditions by which the solu- tions of questions in the theory of Probabilities are limited. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 91-98. 35. On a general method in the theory of Probabilities. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 431- 444. 36. On certain propositions in algebra con- nected with the theory of Probabilities. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 165-179. 37. On the application of the theory of Probabilities to the question of the Combination of Testimonies or Judgments. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1857, pp. 597-652. 38. On the comparison of Transcendents, with certain applications to the theory of Defi- nite Integrals. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 745-804. 39. On the theory of Probabilities. Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 225-252. 3 Q BOO] 490 [BOO Boole, George. 40. On simultaneous differential equations of the first order in which the number of the variables exceeds by more than one the number of the equations. Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 437-454. 41. Considerations sur la recherche des integrates premieres des equations differentiates partielles du second ordre. [1861.] St. Peters- bourg, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1862, col. 198-215. [Erroneously assigned in the Bulletin to G. Boldt] 42. On the integration of simultaneous differential equations. Koy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 13-16. 43. On the theory of Probabilities. Eoy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 179-184. 44. On the differential equations of dy- namics. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 420- 424; Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 485-501. 45. Ueber die partielleDifferentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung Rr+Ss+Tf+U (s^rf) =V. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 309-333. Boon, A. van der. Geschiedenis der ontdekkin- gen in der ontleedkunde van den Mensch, gedaan in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, tot aan het begin der negentiende eeuw. Utrecht, Nieuwe Verhandl. XVI., 1851. Boon, Adr. Jerem. Responsio ad quzEstionem mathematicam : " Orjgo integralium singula- rium explicetur eorumque usus in theoria cur- varum quibusdam exemplis illustretur." Leij- den, Ann. Acad. 1829-30. Boon Mesch, Ant. Henr. van der. Responsio ad quaestionem physicam : " Exponantur humi sive terrae fertilis natura, criteria, et usus." Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1824-25. 2. Over de Zamenstelling van den Cornish Stone. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 412-419. 3. Over het Kristallijn voorkomen van het zwavelzuurijzer in de natuur. Hall, Bij- dragen, II., 1827, pp. 505-508 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 197. 4. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der Vrage : " Wat leeren de latere proefnemingen aangaande den aard van den humus of het vruchtbaarmakend bestanddeel der gronden ? Moet dezelve, zoo als thans door velen wordt aangenomen, als een bijzonder zuur beschouwd worden ? Waarin verschilt dezelve van de ulmine (thans almede door sommigen bastezuur genaamd) en van de extractstoffe der gewassen in het algemeen ? Zijn de zoogenaamde humus- zure verbindingen, vooral die met kalk en potasch, werkelijk dienstig, om den groei der gewassen te bevorderen, en is het humus-zure ijzer daarentegen nadeelig voor denzelven ? En in hoeverre kan men thans uit de nadere kennis van den humus eenige landbouwkundige bewerkingen beter verklaren, of, ter verbetering van dezelve, nuttige voorschriften afleiden ? " Haarlem, Verhand. XVI., 1828, pp. 1-128. Boon Mesch, Ant. Henr. van der. 5. Die Feuerberge Javas und ihre Gesteine. Leon- hard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 21-30, 132-150, 337-363, 777-798, 836-858. 6. Commentatio ad quaestionem medicam : " Quid contulerint recentiorum labores ad ovi genesin illustrandam ? " Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1832-33. 7. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der Vrage : Naardien het verschil van onderschie- dene geestrijke vochten en dranken, uit granen, vruchten of andere plantdeelen gestookt, vooral derzelver meer of minder bedwelmend vermo- gen niet slechts aan de verschillende hoeveel- heid Alcohol, maar ook vooral aan eene vlugge, scherpe olie, de zoogenaamde Foeselolie, die in dezelve bestaat, schijnt te moeten worden toe- geschreven, zoo wordt gevraagd : " Welke gestrijke dranken bevatten de foeselolie in de grootsie hoeveelheid ? Op welke wijze kan deze olie daaruit worden afgescheiden en gezui- verd ? Bestaat er eenig verschil in dezelve, uit onderscheidene gewassen verkregen ? Welke zijn de eigenschappen en de uitwerking dezer olie op het menschelijk ligchaam ? In hoe verre worden door dezelve voor de gezondheid scha- delijke hoedanigheden aan de gedestilleerde w;ijngeest houdende vochten medegedeeld, en hoe kunnen deze daarvaan gezuiverd en min schadelijk gemaakt worden ? " Haarlem, Ver- hand. XXIII.', 1836, pp. 119-294. 8. Sur les constructions differentes des bat- teries Voltaiques, et les moyens d'en augmenter les effets. Miquel, Bull. 1839, pp. 420-443. 9. Over de oorzaken van de ondeugdzaam- heid en spoedige vergangelijkheid van het Papier, en de middelen om deze gebreken te ontdekken. Amsterdam, N. Verhand. X1IL, 1848, pp. 1-26. 10. Over de bepaling van het Alcoholgehalte in vloeistoffen, die, behalve Alcohol en water, nog andere stoffen bevatten, en over de waarde de verschillende Ebullioscopen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. V., 1857, pp. 300-320. Boon Mesch, A. II. van der, en J. C. K-ijk. Over de Oorzaken der Zellbntbranding van Stoffen in Schepen geladen. Amsterdam, Verhand. I., .1854. Boon Mesch, H. C. van der. Commentatio Che- mica de " Quid lux valeat ad creanda nonnulla saltern principia vegetabilium proxima ?" Leij- den, Ann. Acad. 1817-18. 2. Responsio ad quaestionem Botanicam : " Quaeritur de ratione quae est inter structuram et formam externam plantarum, illaque uno alterove specimine illustretur ?" Leijden, Ann. Acad. 1817-18. 3. Responsio ad quajstionem ab Ordine Chemico propositain : " Quum recentiorum Chemicorum plerique, duce eximio H. DAVY, BOO] 491 [BOO Boon Mesch, H. C. van der. acidum, quod hactenus muriaticum oxygenatum diei consueverat, simplex esse principium, Chlo- ricum nuncupandum, stafuant ; nonnulli tamen cum Cl. BERZELIO veterem theoriam Berth olle- tianam, hie etiamnum esse sequendam autument: qua?rit Facultas : Quaanam harum doctrinarum, si ipsa spectentur experimenta ; si ad integraa Theories Chemica? analogiam adtendatur ; si denique ratio adhibeatur baseos acidi Fluorici x (phthoricum principium nonnulli dicunt) et haud ita pridem detect! principii lodici ; prasroga- tivam mereatur ?" Utrecht, Ann. Acad. 1818 -19 ; Ibid. 1820. 4. Eene scheikundige ontleding . van den Jichtkalk. Hall, Bijdragen, I., 1826, pp. 127- 134. 5. Beschrijving en afbeelding van eenen nieuwen Eekhoren (Sciurus redimitus) en eenen nieuwen Pastor (P. corythaix). Amsterdam, N. Verhand. II., 1829, pp, 241-247. Boor, Dr. Kdroli. Az Arvai meteorvas vegy- bontasa. Pesten, A Kir. Mag. Term. Evkb'n. 1., 1841-45, pp. 55-64. Boos, Josef, und Karl Fritsch. Phanologische Notizen : iiber die Bliithezeit der Linden. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XII., 1862 (MM.), pp. 115-118. Booscher, C., en P. A. Mattlyssen. Schetsen van de ryken van tomboekoe en bang-gaat op de oostkust van Celebes. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijcl- schr. II., 1854, pp. 63-107. Booth, A. On Spontaneous Combustion. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 50-51. Booth, J. Baum- und Straucharten. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1009-1010. Booth, James. On the Focal properties of sur- faces of the Second Order. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1840, pp. 432-441. 2. On the development of the square roots of integral and fractional numbers by continued fractions. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 226-231. 3. On some general properties of the conic sections. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 53- 54. 4. On a new theorem in the calculus of finite differences. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 125-134. ' 5. On a statement in the "Traite de Me- canique " of POISSON. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 287-289. 6. On the Rotation of a rigid body round a fixed point. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 432- 441 ; Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 10-18. 7. On a theorem in Analytical Geometry. Phil. Mag. XXI., 1842, pp. 444-446. 8. On the volume of a Segment of a Sur- face of the Second Order, bounded by parallel Planes. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 472-477. Booth, James. 9. On the rectification and quad- rature of the spherical Ellipse. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1842, pp. 387-388 ; Nouv. Annal. Math. XIII, 1854, pp. 94-113. 10. On the motion of a sphere projected along a cylinder revolving uniformly in a ver- tical plane. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 42-46. 11. Solution of a problem in analytical Geometry. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 87-89. 12. On the Rectification and Quadrature of the Spherical Ellipse. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 18-38. 13. On the Duality of Geometrical Rela- tions. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Proc. I. (pt. 4), 1844-45, pp. 117-126. 14. On a new class of properties of Lines and Surfaces of the Second Order. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 538-546. 15. On the application of the theory of Elliptic Functions to the Rotation of a rigid body round a fixe| point. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1849, pp. 797-800. 16. On the logarithmic parabola. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 35- 40. 17. Researches qn the Geometrical proper- ties of elliptic integrals. Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 311-416 ; 1854, pp. 53-70. 18. On the trigonometry of the Parabola. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIII., 1853, pp. 65-79. 19. Some theorems on confocal surfaces of the second order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 115-129. 2O. On a particular case of Elliptic Inte- grals whose parameters are imaginary. Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 213-215. 21. On a property of numbers. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 42-43. 22. On the trigonometry of the Parabola, and the geometrical origin of Logarithms. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856, pp. 68-101. 23. On the application of Parabolic Trigo- nometry to the investigation of the properties of the common Catenary. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 443-447. . 24. On tangential Coordinates. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 175-188. 25. On the Logocyclic Curve, and the geo- metrical origin of Logarithms. Roy. Soc Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 256-265; Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 38-47, 127-142; Tortolini, An- nali, III., 1860, pp. 317-324. 26. On a general method of deriving the properties of umbilical surfaces of the second order, having three unequal axes, from the pro- perties of the sphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt.2), pp. 2-3. 3 Q 2 BOO] 492 [BOB Booth, James. 27. On the mutual relations of Inverse Curves and Inverse Curved Surfaces. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 3. u 28. On an improved Instrument for. de- scribing Spirals, invented by Henry JOHNSON. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 60-61. 29. On a Deep-Sea Pressure Gauge, in- vented by Henry JOHNSON, Esq. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 202-203. Booth, James C. Ueber das Arseniknickel von Riegelsdorf in Hessen. Poggend. Annal. XXXII., 1834, pp. 395-399; Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 241-243. 2. A mode of analysing German Silver. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 396-397. 3. Analysis of a Chromic Iron Ore first observed by R. C. TAYLOR, Esq., at Mahobal, near Gibara, Island of Cuba. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 311-312. 4. On Beet Sugar. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 388-390. 5. On Raisin Sugar. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 390-391. 6. Analysis of various ores of Lead, Silver, Copper, Zinc, Iron, &c., from King's mine, Davidson County, North Carolina. Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 348-352. 7. On Indigo. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIL, 1841, pp. 440-452. 8. On White Lead. Franklin Inst. Journ. III., 1842, pp. 30-44. 9. On the constitution of Glycerin and the Oily Acids. Franklin Inst. Journ. XV., 1848, pp. 365-371. 10. On Remingtonite, a new Cobalt mine- ral. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, p. 48. Booth, James C., and H. Boye. Analysis of Well-water in Philadelphia. Franklin Inst. Journ. III., 1842, pp. 249-250. 2. On the Extraction and Decolori- zation of Gelatine. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 47-48. 3. On the Preparation of Aluminous Mordants. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. . 48-49. . 4. On the Conversion of Benzoic Acid into Hippuric. [1843.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, p. 129; Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IX., 1846, pp. 185-190. 5. Analysis of three different species of felspar from the primary rocks in Delaware. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 53-56. Booth, James C., and Thos. H. Garrett. Ex- periments on Illumination with Mineral Oils. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLTIL, 1862, pp. 373- 380. 'Booth, James C., and C. Lea. Analysis of a chromic iron ore, first observed by R. C. TAYLOR, Esq., at Mahobal, near Gibara, Island of Cuba. Silliman, Journ. XXXVIII., 1840, pp. 243-245. Booth, James C., and Campbell Morfit. On the new Metal, Latanium. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXIV., 1839, pp. 363-364; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 34-36. 2. On the analysis of Cast Iron. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXV., 1853, pp. 193-202 ; 247-257,317-319; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXI., 1854, pp. 30-33, 101-104. 3. On recent improvements in the chemical arts. [1852.] Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862. Booth, Jesse. Ueber die amerikanische Cicade (Cicada septemdecim). Froriep, Notizen, XXII., 1828, col. 84-87. Booth, T. S. On the Cornea of the Eye. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 30-31. Booth, Wm. Seattle. Journal of Meteorological Observations made in the Horticultural Society's Garden during the year 1826. Hortic. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1830, pp. 102-129. 2. Journal of Meteorological Observations made in the Horticultural Society's Garden during the year 1827. Hortic. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1830, pp. 346-372. 3. History and description of the species of Camellia and Thea ; and of the varieties of the Camellia Japonica that have been imported from Chirfa. [1829.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1830, pp. 519-562. 4. Notice of the habits of Bulimus hasma- stomus. Zool. Journ. V., 1830, pp. 101-102. Booth, Wm. Beattie, and Robert Thompson. Journal of Meteorological Observations made in the Horticultural Society's Garden during the years 1828-33. Hortic. Soc. Trans. L, 1831-35, pp. 111-136, 171-196, 297-322, 343-368, 419- 444, 483-508. Boott, Francis. Note on the supposed identity of Carex fulva, Goodenough, with C. speirostachya, Wahlenberg. Phytologist, L, 1844, pp. 924-927. 2. On a species of Carex allied to C. saxa- tilis, Linn. [1843.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 215-220; Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 180-181. 3. Descriptions of Six North American Carices. [1842.] Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 112-115. 4. De Caricibus. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. V., 1846, pp. 67-74. 5. Caricis species novre vel minus cognitae. [1845.] Linn. Soc.Proc.L,1849,pp. 254-261, 284- 288; Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 115-148. Bopp, F. Einiges iiber Albumin, Casein, und Fibrin. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 16-37. Boquillon, . Ueber die gebohrten oder artesischen Brunnen. Crelle, Journ. Bank. III., 1830, pp. 88-103. Bor, . Essais sur le Polygonum persicaria, considere comme plante indigofere et tinctoriale. Amiens, Mem. Acad. 1841, pp. 347-354. BOB,] 493 [BOR Eor, . 2. Essais sur 1'Indigo indigene cxtrait du Polygouum tinctorium. Amiens, Mem. Acad. 1841, pp. 575-623. 3. De quelques composes lodes et de leur emploi dans les Arts. Amiens, Mem. Acad. 1843, pp. 49-60. 4. Notice sur 1'emploi d'une substance pro- pre a rem placer 1'Ichtliyocolle ou Colle de poisson dans la clarification de la Biere. Amiens, Mem. Acad. 1843, pp. 61-65. 5. Analyse d'une substance trouvee dans 1'interieur d'un Compteur a Gaz propre a 1'eclai- rage. Amiens, Mem. Acad. 1843, pp. 67-70. 6. Observations sur quelques cas d'Empoi- sonnement par 1' Arsenic. Amiens. Mem. Acad. 1854-58, pp. 105-111. Bor et Pauguy. Analyse chimique de deux con- cretions arthritiques. Journ. de Pharm. XXY., 1839, pp. 774-776. Borch, A. P. R. C. van der. Verhandeling ter beantwoording dcrVrage: "Is de Schotsche Spar (Pinus sylvestris) alleen de meest geschikte boom, om in dorre zandgronden van verschil- lende streken dezer Republick te worden geplant, en dezelve door het jaarlijks afvallen der blade- ren langzamerhand te verbeteren, en tot voor- deeliger beplanting of bebouwing bekwaam te maken : of zijii er ook andere boomen of struiken bekend, die op sommige dorre gronden beter aan dat oograerk zouden kunnen voldoen : welke voorbeelden heeft men reeds hier te lande of elders in diergelijke gronden van het goed gevolg der beplanting van onvrugthare gronden met Sparren gezien : en wat heeft de ondervinding geleerd, hoe men het met ver- schillende gronde moet aanleggen om daarin het best te slagen ? " Haarlem, Verhand. III., 1806 (St. 2), pp. 1-100. 2. Over de NederlandscheWoudboomen. Am- sterdam, Akad. Verhand. V., 1820, pp. 237-260. Borchard, . Zur Kenntniss der jiingsten Alluvialbildung auf den Inseln Usedom und Wollin. Deutsch. Naturfor. Versamml. Bericht, 1863, pp. 89-90. Borchard, Marc. Etude medico-legale sur la coagulation du sang et sur quelques autres faits relatifs aux blessures et ecchymoses. Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. V., 1860, pp. 460-472, 505-520. Borchardt, . [Ricerche sull' integrazione di alcuni sistemi d' equazioni differenziali non lineari.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 500-501. Borchardt, C. W. Developpements sur 1'equa- tion a 1'aide de laquelle on determine les inegalites seculaires du mouvement des planetes. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 50-67. Borchardt, Carl Wilh. Neue Eigenschaft der Gleicbung, mit deren Hiilfe man die secularen Storungen der Planeten bestimmt. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 38-45. Borchardt, Carl Wilh. 2. Sur le theoreme de M. STURM. Nouv. Annal. Math. XL, 1852. pp. 403-405. - 3. Theorie des fractions continues algebri- ques. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIII., 1854, p. 157. 4. Application des transcendantes Abeli- ennes a la theorie des fractions continues. Crelle, Journ. XLVIIL, 1854, pp. 69-104. 5. Sur la quadrature definie des surfaces courbes, avec Note de M. LIOUVILLE. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 369-400. 6. Ueber die Theorie der symmetrischen Functionen. Berlin, Bericht, 1855, pp. 165-171. 7. Deux theoremes sur les fonctions syme- triques des racines d'une equation algebrique et sur les rayons de courbure principaux des surfaces. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 26-27. 8. Eine Eigenschaft der Potenzsummen ungerader Ordnung. Berlin, Monatsber. 1857, pp. 301-311. 9. Bestimmung der symmetrischen Ver- bindungen vermittelst ihrer erzeugenden Func- tion. [1855.] Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 193-198. 10. Bemerkung liber die beiden vorste- henden Aufsatze: [" sur I'mvariabilite du nombre des carres, etc.," par C. HERMITE, et " iiber einen algebraischen Fundamentalsatz " von JACOBI]. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 281-283. 11. Ueber ein die Elimination betreffendes Problem. Berlin, Monatsber. 1859, pp. 376-388. 12. Ueber eine Interpolationsformel fur eine Art symmetrischer Functionen, und iiber deren Amvendung. Berlin, Abhandl. 1860 (Math.), pp. 1-20. 13. Ueber eine der Interpolation entsprech- ende Darstellung der Eliminations-Resultante. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 111-121. 14. Vergleichung zweier Formen der Eli- minations Resultante. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 183-186. 15. Ueber das arithmetisch-geometrische Mittel. [1858.] Crelle, Journ. L VIII., 1861, pp. 127-134. 16. Ueber Interpolation nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 270-272. Borchers, F. Zerlegung des Kupferglimmers. Poggend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 335-344. Borck, J. B. von. Om Wolframs atomvigt och haloidforeningar. Stockholm, Ofversigt, VIIL, 1851, pp. 147-154; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 254-260. 2. Ueber den chinesischen Talg und die darin enthaltene fette Saure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 395-403. Borckhausen, M. B. See Borkhausen. BOB] 494 [BOB, Bordas, De 1'influence des courbes sur la resistance au mouvement des vehicules dans les chemins de fer. Paris, Annal. Fonts et Chauss. XV., 1858, pp. 1-74. Bordeaux, . Note sur 1'incision annulaire. Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1834, pp. 183-196. Borden, John, On the solution of equations. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, I. 1859, pp. 373-383. .. 2. Note on the dependence of equations. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, III., 1860, pp. 7-9. " Borden, Simeon. Comparison of the Dimensions of the Earth, obtained from measurements made in the Survey of the States of Massachusetts, with accredited Mean Determinations. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1843, pp. 131-132. Borden, Simeon, and Robert T. Paine. Account of a Trigonometrical Survey of Massachusetts, with a Comparison of its Results with those obtained from Astronomical Observations.[1841.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IX., 1846, pp. 33-92. Bordes, C. de. Sulfas chinidini. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. I., 1856-57. 2. Waamemingen met den waren Sulfas chinidini. Amsterdam, Onderz. Phys. Lab. L, 1856-57. Bordier, . Sur les manganeses oxides. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1801, pp. 150-159. Bordier, Marcet. Notice sur 1'Areometre centi- grade ou Areometre de BAUME. Bull, de Pharm. IV., 1812, pp. 151-164. Bordin, Christoval. Description geologique des environs de Madrid. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1830, pp. 208-210. Bordoni, Antonio. Nuovo rapporto tra la teoria del Centro di Gravita, e quella della Compo- sizione delle Forze. [1810.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., 1811, pp. 301-319. 2. Sopra le linee e le superficie parallele. [1811.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVI., 1813, 72-123. 3. Metodo semplicissimo per determinare quanti punti si vogliano di quella linea, che rap- presenta 1'Estremo dell' Ombra nello Spaccato di una Volta emisferica fatto pel suo asse verti- cale ; nella ipotesi, che i raggi di luce abbiano la direzione, che fissano generalmente i Disegnatori. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 60-64. 4. Nuovi teoremi di Meccanica Elementare. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 85-1J5. 5. Dell' ombra del toro, dell' ovolo, e dell' abaco, qualunque sia la direzione dei raggi di luce. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 284-297. 6. Sul moto discreto di un corpo, ossia sopra i movimenti nei quali succedono di tempo in tempo delle variazioni finite. [1814.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVII., 1815, pp. 157-236. Bordoni, Antonio. 7. Sulla composizione delle forze. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 177- 192. 8. Sul principle della minore quantita d'azi- one. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 259-265. 9. Sopra di una relazione fra i success! vi mod istantanei che hanno luogo nel moto con- tinuato di un sistema libero qualunque, su cui non agiscono forze acceleratrici esteriori, e fra le forze finite che possono produrre i medesimi movimenti. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 266-267. 10. Sui sistemi di due forze equivalent! fra loro e ad un qualsivoglia. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV., 1821, pp. 114-132. 11. Sull' equilibrio delle curve a doppia, curvatura rigide, ec. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 1821, pp. 1-29. 12. Sull' equilibrio astratto delle volte. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 1821, pp. 155- 186 ; Milauo, Mem. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1863, pp. 126-142. 13. Sulla stereometria. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIX., 1821, pp. 527-566 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1827, pp. 20-22. 14. Sopra de' momeuti ordinary. Brug- natelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 73-107. 15. De' contorni delle penombre ordinarie. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 255-268, 341-355. 16. Della distanza delle linee e delle super- ficie che hanno le normal! comuni. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1823, pp. 1-9. 17. Sopra le linee uniformemente illumi- nate. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1823, pp. 196- 214, 259-247; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. IV., 1828, pp. 385-426. 18. Sul teorema Guldiniano. [1826.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XX., 1828, pp. 86-107. 19. Sulle intensita delle inflessioni delle curve piane. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1 842, pp. 314-323. 2O. Sugli esami, ossia sul merito di un esaminato. [1841.] Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. I., 1843, pp. 189-216. 21. SuUa stabilita e 1' equilibrio di un ter- rapieno. [1846.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIV., 1850, pp. 75-112. 22. Sulle probabilita. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IV., 1852, pp. 31-63; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1854, pp. 61-94. 23. Sul centro di piu forze. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IV., 1852, pp. 385-395 ; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1854, pp. 289-300. 24. Sui poligoni inscritti o circoscritti ad una ellisse. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 5-25. 25. Sulle superficie. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 70-92 ; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1854, pp. 333-356. BOR] 495 [BOR Bordoni, Antonio. 26. Nota di geometria ana- litica. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1854, pp. 287-301, 420-438 ; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. V., 1856, pp. 265-298. 27. Sul parallelismo. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 209-217. 28. Considerazioni sulle svolte delle strade. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1863, pp. 143- 154. Bordoni, Antonio, e Conti. Considerazioni sopra alcuni punti di calcolo differenziale. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, I., 1831, pp. 419-434. Bordoni, Antonio, Carlini, e Fiola. Kapporto della commissione incaricata di esaminare 1' operetta del Signer Luigi ANFOSSO di Torino, intitolata : " Saggio di tavole numeriche per la misura pratica delle volte a vela sferica di qua- lunque sesto su pianta quadrata." Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1841, pp. 276-281. Bore, . Fragment d'un voyage dans 1'Asie Mineure. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1839, pp. 382-393. Boreau, A lex. Observations sur les enveloppes florales des vegetaux monocotyledones. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. VI., 1827, pp. 139-170. 2. Note sur quelques especes de plantes rares ou nouvelles pour la Flore Fran^aise, recueillies dans le departement de la Nievre. GuiUemin, Archiv. Bot. II., 1833, pp. 398-403. 3. Description de 1'Euphrasia Jaubertiana, nouvelle espece du sous-genre Odontites. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 254-256. 4. Sur le Lythrum alternifolium. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1836, pp. 287-288. 5. Note sur les tiges fasciees. France, Congres Scientif. II., 1843, pp. 44-48. 6. Note sur deux especes d'Alsinees con- fondues sous le nom de Spergula pentandra. Revue Botanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 421-424. 7. Notice sur la Fontaine d'Avor (Maine et Loire). Angers, Mem. Soc. Agric. I., 1850, pp. 316-334. 8. Notice sur les plantes recueillies en Corse par M. E. REVELLIERE, avec des observa- tions sur les especes litigieuses ou nouvelles. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. I., 1857, pp. 83-92; IV,, 1858, pp. 115-124. 9. Catalogue raisonne des plantes phane- rogames qui croissent naturellement dans le dept. de Maine et Loire. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VI., 1859, pp. 5-216. 1O. Resume des principales herborisations faites en Maine et Loire en 1859. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VIII., 1860, pp. 13-21. 11. Observation d'un fait de teratologie vegetale. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. X., 1861, p. 40. Boreau, A lex. 12. Precis des principales herborisations faites en Maine et Loire en 1860. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. X., 1861, pp. 171-180. 13. Precis des principales herborisations faites en Maine et Loire en 1861. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XII., 1862, pp. 41-56. 14. Precis des principales herborisations faites en Maine et Loire en 1862, suivi de dis- sertations critiques sur plusieurs especes de plantes. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XIV., 1863, pp. 23-54. 15. Precis des principales herborisations faites en Maine et Loire en 1863. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XVI., 1864, pp. 1-9. 16. Histoire du Carex Ligerina (Bor.). Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XVI., 1864, pp. 10-17. Boree, Jules. Notice sur le Lac Superieur et ses mines de cuivre de la rive Americaine. St. Etienne, Bull. Soc. Industr. VI., 1860, pp. 233- 284 ; VII., 185-252; VIII., 271-272; Allgem. Berg. Zeitung, IV., 1862, pp. 448-450, 457- 460, 469-471. Boreham, W. W. Sweeping Ephemeris for the comet of 1556. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 249. 2. HIND'S second comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, p. 288. 3. Observations of MAUVAIS' and of BROR- SEN'S comet, and of Hebe. Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 141-144. 4. Observations of PETERSEN'S comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 47-48, 99-100. 5. Observations of DE GASPARIS' new planet, Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 363-368. 6. Beobachtungen der Irene. Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 325-328, 339-340. 7. Observations of BRORSEN'S fourth comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, pp. 18-19; Astr. Nachr. XXXI1L, 1852, col. 115- 116. 8. Observations of ENCKE'S comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 147-148. 9. Observations of Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 223-224. 10. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Lphe- meride der Melpomene. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 21-22. 11. Observations of Melpomene. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 89-90. 12. Observations of Fortuna. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 341-342. Borel, . Notice : Examen des rapports etablis et a etablir entre la fabrication du sucre de betteraves et 1'agriculture. St. Qaentin, Annal. 1833-34 (livr. 4), pp. 71-79. BOR] 496 [BOR Borel, 2. Memoire hygienique sur la dorure au feu des pieces de montres dans le canton de Neuchutel. Neuchatel, Bull. I., 1844- 46, pp. 287-350. Borelli, . [Sopra 1' importanza dell' epiglot- tide nella deglutizione.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1845, pp. 753-755. Borenius, Alex. Ferdin. Formularum pascha- lium Gaussianarum cum Delambreanis compa- ratio, earumque ex his deducendi periclitatio. [1846.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. II., 1847, pp. 1031-1039. Borenius, Henry Gust. Deductio tironum usui accommodata fovmularum commodissimarum ad computandos augulos trianguli rectilinei ex datis ejus lateribus. [1839. J Helsinarfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. I., 1840, pp. 159-162." 2. Determinatio superficiei, intersectione continua omnium generis dati linearum pro- deuntis. Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. I., 1840, pp. 381-385. 3. Ueber die Berechnung der mit dem unveranderlichen Pendel zur Bestimmung der Abplattung der Erde angestellten Beobachtun- gen. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 1-29. 4. Determinatio superficiei, omnes generis dati lineas dato sub angulo intersecantis. [1838.] St. Petersb. Mem. Sav. Etrang. IV., 1845, pp. 255-272. 5. Om de framsteg, som Kunskapen om Jordmagnetismen gjort, i synnerhet under de sednaste Decennierna. [1851.] Helsingfors, Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. III., 1852, pp. 625-651. Borggreve, B. Auch ein Wort iiber das Meck- ern der Bekassine. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 63-73. Borgnet, . Examen des Barycentrides. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1839, pp. 113-143. 2. De 1'equilibre des temperatures dans les corps solides homogenes, tcrmines par des sur- faces du second degre, depourvues de centre. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1840, pp. 136-168. 3. Essai de geometric analytique dc la sphere. France, Congres Scientifique, I., 1847, pp. 316-349. 4. Sur la geometric spherique analytique. Nouv. Annal. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 147-150, 174-177. Borgnis, G. A. DeHorchj idraulici da vino e da olio. Brugnatelli, Giornate, X., 1827, pp. 1-7. 2. Cenni sopra alcuni ponti di nuova inven- zione. Bibl. Ital. LXXIX., 1835, pp. 109-113 ; LXXXVIL, 1837, pp. 274-276. 3. Sopra un nuovo metodo di gettare le fondamenta degli edifizj in acqua. [1844.] Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. II., 1845, pp. 143- 152. Borgnis, G. A. 4. Sulla costruzione delle volte senza armatura di sostegno. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1850, pp. 107-110. 5. D' un nuovo sistema di armature mobili per le varie costruzione architettoniche, combi- nate con nuove macchine per trasporti e movi- menti d' ogni sorta di pesi. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 38-41. 6. Sulla convenienza di stabilire deposit! di quanto occorre per le armature e pei sistemi di macchine architettoniche, e sui modi da tenersi per conseguirne i maggiori utili. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 42-46. 7. Dell' opportunita di applicare il " sis- tema tubulate" ad ogni specie di costruzione architettonica. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VII., 1855, pp. 410-415 ; VIII., 1856, pp. 396-403. Borgstrom, F. L. Nagra bidrag till Vermlands Flora. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1842, pp. 81-89. Borgstroem, Johannes. Dissertatio de insectis Suecicis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. III., 1801, pp. 13-36. Borgstrom, Ludvig. Anteckningar ofver Tem- peraturen ocli Viirens ankomst till Carlstad 1840. Lindblom, Botan. Not. 1841, pp. 71-76. 2. Enkursion i Villands Hiirad sommaren 1844. Liudblom, Botan. Not. 1844, pp. 161- 173. Borie, . Notice sur les Mantras, tribu sau- vage de la peninsule Malaise. Batavia, Natuurk. Tijdschr. X., 1861, pp. 413-443. Borie, Julius. See Boree. Borie s, . Resultats d'une analyse de 1'eau minerale de Busignarques. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 295-296. Borissiak, : . Sur 1'aerolithe tombe pres de Verkhnetchirskaia Stanitsa. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 196-198. Borkenstein, F. Om nogle physikalsk-raathe- matiske Gjenstaride af Artillerievidenskaben. Mag. f. Naturvid. V., 1825, pp. 83-89, 213- 228 ; VI., 1825, pp. 56-60. 2. Betragtninger over de af Hr. Prof. HANSTEEN i Magazinets forrige Hefte gjorte Bemasrkninger, Artillerievidenskaben vedkom- mende. Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 74-87. 3. Bemrerkninger over de i Juni 1825 ved Frederikstad anstille de Forsog over Skudvid- derne af Kanoner, saavel med heelt cylindriske Lob, som med coniske Mundinger. Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 163-173. 4. Beskrivelse over en af General HELVIG opfunden Paataendnings-Indretning for Soeka- noner meddeelt. Mag. f. Naturvid. VI., 1825, pp. 216-225. 5. Om den sammentiykkede Lufts Expan- sionsevne, i Sammenliguing med Krudtgassets. Mag. f. Naturvid. V1IL, 1828, pp. 121-127. BOB,] 497 [BOR Borkenstein, F. 6. General v. HELVIG'S Me- thode, at lade Borehuller. Mag. f. Naturvid. I., 1833 (?), pp. 261-263. Borkhausen, Moritz Balthasar. Ueber LINNE'S Gattung Gentiana. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1796, pp. 23-30. 2. Botanische Beobachtungen und Berich- tigungen. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1796, pp. 45-50. 3. Ueber die Maasliebenbllithigen Dol- dengewiichse. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1796, pp. 55-59. 4. Ueber die linneische Gattung Vibur- num. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1797 (St. 2), pp. 18-20. 5. Ueber LINNE'S Prunus- und Amygdalus- Gattungen. Romer, Archiv Botan. I. 1797 (St. 2), pp. 36-39. 6. Ueber die Fumaria-Gattung des LIN- NAUS. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1797 (St. 2), pp. 43-47. 7. Monographic der in der oberen Graf- schaffc Katzenellenbogen und der benachbarten Gegend einheimischen, auch einiger anderer deutscher kryptogamischer Gewiichse aus LINNE'S erster Ordnung der 24ten Classe. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1798 (St. 3), pp. 1-36. 8. Ueber die linneischen Gattungen Cra- tsegus, Mespilus, Sorbus, Pyrus, und Cydonia. Romer, Archiv Botan. I., 1798 (St. 3), pp. 85-91. Borkowski, C. S. D. Observations generates sur les rapports des differentes structures de la terre, d'apres la theorie de WERNER. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 161-198; Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 216-240. 2. De la Botriolith et du Fettstein. Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 317-318; Nichol- son, Journ. XXVI., 1810, p. 384. 3. Memoire sur la Sodalite du Vesuve. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIIL, 1816, pp. 428- 434 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 192- 197; Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 382- 387. 4. Geognostische Beobachtungen in der Gegend von Rom. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, X., 1816, pp. 352-396. 5. Analyse de Mineraux. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIL, 1818, pp. 382-385. 6. Chemische Untersuchung des Egerans. Schweigger, Journ. XXIIL, 1818, pp. 387-393. Borland, J. N. Account of the feeding of a Boa Constrictor. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. V., 1854-56, pp. 210-211. 2. Genito-Urinary organs of the Boa Con- strictor. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. V., 1854- 56, pp. 309-311. 3. Habits of the Scaphiopus solitarius, Holbrook. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. V., 1854-56, pp. 381-383. Borlase, George S. Notice of some Records having reference to the commencement of Cop- per Mining in Cornwall and Devon. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 486-489. Borleben, . Schwangerschaft ohne Im- missio membri. Casper, Vierteljahrsschrift, VII., 1855, pp. 93-98. Borlinetto, L., e Zantedeschi. Serie di me- morie risguardanti la statica e la dinamica fisico- chimica molecolare. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XVIIL, 1855, pp. 365-368. 2. Delle differenze che intercedono fra gli efFetti prodotti dalla luce e dal calorico sopra i cloruri e joduri d' argento. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXL, 1856, pp. 243-258. 3. Delle irradiazioni chimiche, e della necessita del loro foco separate da quello delle irradiazioni calorifiche e luminose al con- seguimento della purezza e perfezione delle prove fotografiche negative ottenute coi ioduri d' argento. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXL, 1856, pp. 521-525. 4. Dei limiti di impressionabilita delle sostanze fotografiche ; dell' influenza delle superficie nei fenomeni fotogenici ; della loro chimica natura ; dei miglioramenti apportati all' arte eliografica. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIL, 1856, pp. 261-268. 5. SulP influenza del vuoto e di alcuni gaz no' feuomini chimici, che presentano i joduii d' argento esposti alia luce solare. [1856.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 7-18. Borlocci, Saverio. Sopra alcune esperienze elettriche. Giorn. Arcad. IX., 1821, pp. 350- 355. Bormans, . Note sur la forme a donner aux cavaliers de remblai des points de partage des canaux. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XII., 1836, pp. 221-232. Born, . Om Basalt-Bierge paa Faei'0erne. Ki0benhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. II., 1792, pp. 198-204. 2. Om de Fseroeske Basalt-Bierge. Kip- benhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. III., 1793, pp. 123- 144. 3. Om den Fser0iske Basalt. Ki0benhavn, Skriv. Nat. Selsk. IV., 1797, pp. 20-37. Born, G. Ueber den innern Bau der Lamprete (Petromyzon marinus). Heusinger, Zeitschrift, L, 1827, pp. 170-181 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 22-37. 2. Bemerkungen iiber den Zahnbau der Fische. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, L, 1827, pp. 182-206. Borne, Note sur quelques minerals con- tenus dans la formation diluvienne des environs de 1'Arbresle, St. Germain, Nuelles. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1840, pp. 355-356. 3 R BOR] 498 [BOR Borne, von dem, Ueber eine neue Flache des Feldspathes. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IV., 1852, pp. 180-182. 2. Ueber die Anwendbarkeit eines rait constanter Geschwindigkeit aufsteigenden Was- serstromes bei der Erzaufbereitung. Carnall, Zeitschr. IV., 1857, pp. 224-236. 3. Zur Geognosie der Provinz Pommern. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 473-510. Bornemann, . Die salinische Eisen-Quelle zu Goldberg. Mecklenburg, Beitr. Aerzte, II. 1831, pp. 156-167. Bornemann, J. G. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse des Ohm-Gebirges bei Worbis. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1 852, pp. 1-34. 2. Ueber gediegen Eisen aus der Keuper- formation bei Miihlhausen in Thiiringen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 86-92 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 145- 155, 325-328. 3. Ueber Semionotus im oberen Keuper- sandstein. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VI., 1854, pp. 612-620. 4. Die mikroskopische Fauna des Septa- rienthones von Hermsdorf bei Berlin. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VII., 1855, pp. 307-371. 5. Ueber die Diluvial- und Alluvialbildun- gen der Umgegend von Miihlhausen im Gebiete des oberen Unstrutthales. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VIII., 1856, pp. 89-116. 6. Flora Mulhusana : systematisches Ver- zeichniss der im Kreise Miihlhausen (der konigl. preussischen Provinz Sachsen, Regierungsbezirk Erfurt) wildwachsenden oder im Grossen culti- virten Pflanzen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. VIL, 1856, pp. 113-142, 233-241. 7. Lettres sur la Sardaigne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 635-643. 8. [Ueber Erscheinungen am Vesuv und Geognostisches aus den Alpen.] Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 21-24. 9. Bericht iiber eine Reise in Italien. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 464-472. 1O. Sur les phenomenes eruptifs de la Sardaigne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 831-834. 11. Bemerkungen iiber einige Foramini- feren aus den Tertiarbildungen der Umgegend von Magdeburg. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XIL, 1860, pp. 156-167. 12. Ueber Pflanzenreste in Quarzkrystal- len. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XIII., 1861, pp. 675-682. 13. Ansichten von Stromboli. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XIV., 1862, pp. 696- 701. Bornemann, K. R. Ueber J. W. LAHMEYER'S Erfahrungsresultate iiber die Bewegung des Wassers in Flussbetten und Canalen. Borne- mann, Der Ingenieur, I., 1848, col. 28-38. 2. Graphische Tabelle iiber den Ausfluss des Wassers durch Rohrenleitungen. Borne- mann, Der Ingenieur, I., 1848, col. 145-162. 3. Nachtragliche Bemerkungen in Betreff der " Erfahrungsresultate von J. W. LAHMEYER." Bornemann, Der Ingenieur, I., 1848, col. 329-336. 4. Neue Versuche des Herrn Prof. WEIS- BACH iiber den Ausfluss der Luft aus Miindun- gen. Bornemann, Der Ingenieur, I., 1848, col. 508-519. 5. Der Indicator, uiid seine Anwendung beim Maschinenbau. Bornemann, Der Ingenieur, II., 1850, col. 385-402. 6. Graphische Tabelle iiber die relative Festigkeit. Bornemann, Der Civilingenieur, I., 1854, pp. 18-25. 7. Festigkeitsversuche mit dreieckigen Stiiben. Bornemann., Der Civilingenieur, I., 1854, pp. 186-195. 8. Verorleichung der Formeln von WEISBACH und BOILEAU iiber den Ausfluss durch Ueberfalle und Miindungen iiber die ganze Wand. Borne- mann, Der Civilingenieur, II., 1856, pp. 72-79. 9. Notiz iiber John JONES' Versuche iiber den Kraftbedarf zum Lochen von Kesselblechen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXL., 1856, pp. 327 -332. 1O. Graphische Tabelle zur Bestimmung der wichtigsten Constructionselemente fur Dampf- maschinen. Bornemann. Der Civilingenieur, III., 1857, pp. 1-9. 11. Graphische Tabelle iiber die wichtigsten Constructionselemente der Turbinen. Borne- mann, Der Civilingenieur, IV, 1858, pp. 13-19, 42-48. 12. Diagramm zur Bestimmung der Wind- mengen. Bornemann, Der Civilingenieur, VIL, 1861, col. 115-122. 13. Grubenventilator durch ein Reactions- rad betrieben. Bornemann, Der Civilingenieur, VIL, 1861, col. 483-490. Bornet, Ed. Etudes sur 1'organisation des especes qui composent le genre Meliola. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1851, pp. 257-270. 2. Recherches sur la structure de 1'Ephebe pubescens, Fr. (Cornicularia pubescens, AC/I., Stigonema atrovirens, Ag.\ suivies dp quelques remarques sur la synonymic de cette plante. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Sot.}, 1852, pp. 155-171. 3. De la nature de 1'Ergot des Graminees. Cherbourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. I., 1852, pp. 337-342. 4. Instructions sur la recolte, 1'etude et la preparation des Algues. Cherbourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. IV., 1856, pp. 163-196. BOR] 499 [BOR Bornet, Ed. 5. Description de trois lichens nouveaux. Cherbourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. IV., 1856, pp. 225-234. 6. Observation sur le developpement d'in- fusoires dans le Valonia utricularis, Ag. Cher- bourg, Soc. Sci. Nat. Mem. VI., 1858, pp. 337- 344. 7. Description d'un nouveau genre de Floridees des cotes de la France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Sot.), 1859, pp. 88-92. 8. Note sur le Phycagrostis major, Cavol. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIIL, 1861, pp. 456-460. Bornovologoff, Tertius de. Sur la Dornanite ou schiste bitumineux de Vologda. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Mem. III., 1812, pp. 299-302. Borntrager, . Notiz iiber das Chamillenol. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 243-244; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 114-115. 2. Ueber den Buttersaureather. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 359-360. 3. Ueber die Rutinsaure. Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 385-389. 4. Ueber einige Bestandtheile des Fliegen- schwamms. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Verein. 1857-59, pp. 18-20. Borodin, A. Ueber die Wirkung des Jodathyls auf Benzoylanilid. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIL, 1859, pp. 19-22 ; Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 254-256. 2. Ueber die Constitution des Hydroben- zamids und des Amarins. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 78-85. 3. Ueber die Monobrombaldriansaure und Monobrombuttersaure. [I860.] Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. IV., 1861, pp. 5-7. 4. Ueber die Wirkung des Zinkiithyls auf zusammengesetzte Aether. Erlenmeyer, Zeit- schr. IV, 1861, pp. 8-12. 5. Ueber Bromvaleriansaure und Brom- buttersaure. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 121-123. . 6. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Benzils. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 580-581. 7. Ueber die Einwirkung von Zinkathyl auf Chlorjodoform. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 516-519 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 239-241. 8. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire des Fluo- rures et preparation du Fluorure de Benzoyle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 553- 556 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 58-62 ; Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 267-268. 9. Ueber die Einwirkung des Benzils auf Natrium-Amylat. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, p. 373. Borrel, Felix. Memoire sur les chaussees de routes en galets roules, non concasses. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1834-36, pp. 284-305. 2* Jauge des eaux de la Garonne. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1837, pp. 76-87. Borrel 9 Felix. 3. Observations recueillies pen- dant et apres le debordement de la Garonne du 3 Mai 1835. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. V., 1839, pp. 19-48. 4. Analyse d'une note descriptive et expli- cative des travaux executes a 1'embouchure du Canal du Midi pour la prise d'eau du canal late- ral. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1844, pp. 54-58. 5. Nouveau systeme de portes d'ecluse en barres de fer lamine. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1844, pp. 105-115. Borrer, William. Notes on Epimedium alpinum and Saxifraga rotundifolia. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 2-4. 2. Notices of North of England Plants. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 424-437. 3. Notes on Plants mentioned in the " Cybele Britannic a." Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 93-99. 4. Notes on the " Cybele Britannica." Phytologist, V., 1854, pp. 44-49. Borries, von. Experiences faites en 1856 avec deux canons a bombes de 25 11., modele Prussien, en fonte de fer. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. Belg. XV., 1856-57, pp. 427-456. Borring, Etienne. Sur la limite meridionale de la monarchie Danoise, et sur 1'etymologie des noms geographiques du Slesvig et de la Nor- mandie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. X., 1848, pp. 217-231. Borromeo, Vitalien de. Notice sur quelques faits geologiques curieux observes dans le Vi- centin. Bibl. Univ. IX, 1818, pp. 40-47. Borsarelli, Antoine Evase. Analyse de la plante Tagetes lucida, Cav. [1808.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809-10 (pte. 2), pp. 114-122. Borsarelli, Antoine Evase, e Michelotti. De- scrizione di un nuovo Gazometro. Livorno, Atti Accad. Ital. I., 1810, pp. 191-202. Borsarelli, Antoine Evase, Rossi, et Vassalli- Eandi. Experiences concernant les effets de divers poisons et d'autres substances sur les ani- maux. [1813.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1811-12, pp. 417-432. Borsarelli, P. A. Dell' esistenza dell' arsenico nelT acqua minerale ferruginosa di Pre-St- Didie presso Courmajeur, valle d' Aosta. Ma- jocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. III., 1850, pp. 146-156. 2. Delia quantita di fosforo che si trova nella materia del cervello e del ventricolo dell' uomo e di alcuui altri animali, ed in different! eta. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 354-357. Borsch, Otto. Widerlegung einer von Dr. J. HETJSSI vorgeschlagenen Verbesserung an Repe- titionstheodolithen und Nivellirinstrumenten. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 342-347. 2. Ueber die Genauigkeit der Winkel- und Linien- Messungen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VIIL, 1863, pp. 321-341. 3 R 2 BOR] 500 [BOR Borsenkow, J. Ueber den feineren Bau des Eicrstocks. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr. IV., 1863, pp. 56-61. Borsenkow, J., Bouiller, und Usow. Ueber die Fischziichtungs-Anstalt des Herrn WRASSKY. Erman, Archiv Kuss. XVIII., 1859, pp. 65-83. Borson, Stefano. Ad Oryctographiam Pede- montanani Auctarium. Turin, Mem. Acad. VI., 1792-1800 (pte. 2), pp. 151-198. 2. Descrizione di un Barometro portatile. Livorno, Atti Accad. Ital. I., 1810, pp. 171-189. 3. Memoire sur des rnachoires et des dents du Mastodonte, dit Mammoutb, trouvees fossiles en Piemont. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 160-176. 4. Saggio di Orittografia Piemontese. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXV., 1820, pp. 180- 229 ; XXVL, 1821, pp. 297-364 ; XXIX., 1825, pp. 251-318. 5. Sur des dents du grand Mastodonte et sur des dents fossiles trouvees en Piemont. [1822.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVII., 1823, pp. 31-42. . 6. Osservazioni intorno alle sostanze di cui sono formati i monumenti del Regie Museo Egizio, coll' enumerazione delie medesime. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXL, 1827, pp. 265-294. 7. Sur quelques ossements fossiles trouves en Piemont. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXVI., 1833, pp. 33-46. 8. Sur quelques fossiles de la Tarantaise en Savoie. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXIII., 1829, pp. 176-182. Borszczow, EL Mittheilungen iiber die Natur des Aralo-Caspiscben Flachlandes. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr. I., 1860, pp. 106-143, 254- 295. 2. Die Pharmaceutisch-wichtigen Ferula- ceen der Aralo-Caspischen Wttste, nebst allge- meinen Untersuchungen liber die Abstammung der im Handel vorkommenden Gummiharze : Asa foetida, Ammoniacum, und Galbanum. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. 3. Die Aralo - Caspischen Calligoneen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1861. 4. Nachweisung der Milchsaure als nor- malen Bestandtheiles der lebenden Muskelfaser, und Versuch einer Umwandlung des Sarkosin's in Milchsaure. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr. II., 1861, pp. 65-85. Borszczow, J., und N. Ssewerzow. Geolo- gische Beobachtungen angestellt im westlichen Thcile der Kirgisenstcppe, im Jahre 1857. [1858.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 195-207. ~ 2. Ueber eine zoologisch-botanische Expedition nach dem Aral. Erman, Archiv Euss. XIX., 1860, pp. 52-54. Borthwick, Michael. Memoir on the use of Cast Iron in Piling, particularly at Brunswick Wharf, Blackwall. Inst. Civil Eng. Trans. L, 1836, pp. 195-206. Bortier, P. Gisement de tangue dans le chenal de Nieuport. Belg. Soc. Centr. Agric. Journ. III., 1856, pp. 71-72. 2. Culture des Dunes. Belg. Soc. Centr. Agric. Journ. III., 1856, pp. 408-412. 3. Des coquilles anirnalisees et de leur emploi en agriculture. Belg. Soc. Centr. Agric. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 39-42. 4. Nitrification of the Soil. Journ. As;ric. Soc. XXIII., 1862, pp. 354-357. 5. Production de nitrates et leur applica- tion en Agriculture. Journ. d' Agric. I., 1863, pp. 601-605. Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. Memoire sur les forets souterraines de Wolfseck en haute Autriche. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. II., 1808, pp. 295-302. 2. Sur un genre nouveau de la crypto- gamie aquatique, nomme Thorea. Paris, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. XII., 1808, pp. 126-135 ; Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. II, 1808, pp. 226- 230. 3. Sur le genre Lemanea de la famille des Conferves. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XII., 1808, pp. 177-190 ; Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 274-281. 4. Sur le genre Batrachosperma de la famille des Conferves. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XII., 1808, pp. 310-332. 5. Sur le genre Draparnaldia de la famille des Conferves. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIL, 1808, pp. 399-409; Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1808, p. 319. 6. Sur la Mocanere, Visnea Mocanera, L. F. Sup. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. L, 1819, pp. 56-69 ; Oken, Isis (Lit. Anz.), 1820, col. 593- 601. 7. Sur 1'epanouissement artificiel des co- rolles de deux especes d'Oxalides, et sur celui de quelques plantes que determine, peut-etre, le developpement d'une chaleur particuliere dans les organes de la fructification. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 142-148. 8. Sur le plateau de St. Pierre, pres de Maestri cht. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 185-273. 9. Sur une espece nouvelle de Sene9on, Senecio seminudus. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 303-307. 10. Sur les Grenadilles ou Passionaires, et particulierement sur celles dont les feuilles sont bilobees, avec la description de deux especes nouvelles appartenant a cette famille : Passi- flora maximiliana et Passiflora cephaleima. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. II, 1819, pp. 129-156. BOB,] 501 [BOS Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. 11. Florule de la Sierra-Nevada, ou Catalogue des plantes observees dans une reconnaissance militaire faite de Grenade au sommet appele Velleta. Ann. Gen. Sci.Phys. III., 1820, pp. 3-16. 12. Sur une eruption du volcan de File de Mascareigne qui eut lieu en 1812. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 145-159. 13. Sur une plante non decrite qui doit constituer un genre nouveau, Sommea calci- trapa, Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VI., 1820, pp. 90-96. 14. Observations microscopiques sur la laite de la lamproie. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. II., 1822, pp. 231-233. 15. Sur FHydrophytologie, ou Botanique des eaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 110-113. 16. Sur 1'etablissement d'une nouvelle fa- mille dans la classe des infusoires sous le nom de Bacillariees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 8-9; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 305- 308. 17. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Couleuvre (C. Richardi). Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 408-410. 18. Sur un nouvel appareil propre a des- secher les vegetaux pour Fherbier. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 16-23. 19. Extrait d'une lettre sur la Coquette, nouvel appareil propre a la dessication des Vege- taux. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 504-506. 2O. Note sur une espece d'Ascavide qui vit sur le corps humain. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 305-306. 21. Notice sur les animalcules sperma- tiques. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 160-166 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1824, col. 117-120. 22. Sur un sous-genre a former parmi les Polypodes, sous le nom de Drynaire (Drynaria). Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1825, pp. 462-472. 23. Note sur la naturalisation de la Coche- nille en Espagne. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 105-108; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 326-328. 24. Ueber die Menschenarten. Froriep, Notizen, XIII., 1826, col. 305-314, 324-330, 341-346. 25. Sur un nouveau genre d'Ascaridiens sorti du corps d'une femme. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 125-131. 26. Ueber eine neue Haut-Milbe. Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 904-905. 27. Sur un cryptogame developpe dans une solution arsenicale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, p. 749. 28. Note sur Fhybridite chez les Fougeres. Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M. 29. Note sur I'lsoetes du midi de la France et sur le Mar- silea Fabri. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.\ 1838, pp. 378-379. 30. Sur 1'existence du Guaebaro (Steator- nis) a 1'ile de la Trinite. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, VII., 1838, pp. 474-478 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1838, col. 337-339. 31. Sur une fouille faite dans le terrain primitif de File do Santorin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838. pp. 585-593. 32. Remarques sur une note de M. Milne EDWARDS relative aux observations de M. NORD- MANN sur les Polypiers du genre Campanulaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 717-719. 33. Notice sur les premiers travaux de la Commission Scientifique de FAlgerie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 781-786. 34. Riflessioni sulle felci. Napoli, Rendi- conto, II., 1843, pp. 46-49. 35. Ueber die Erzeugung der Flammen in Vulkanen, sowie die daraus abzuleitenden Fol- gerungen. Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1844, col. 225-228. 36. Sur les Isoetes. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 1163-1168. 37. Sur une excursion aux extremites meridionales et occidentales de FAlgerie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 201-205; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1845, col. 225-228. 38. Sur Fanthropologie de FAfrique fran- caise. Mag. de Zool. 1845 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVL, 1845, col. 305-314. 39. Note concernant des Confervcs develop- pees sur de Farsenic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1055-1056. 40. Note relative aux observations de M. GUYON sur les hommes blancs des montagnes de FAures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, p. 1412. 41. Extrait d'une lettre sur trois plantes Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 125-128. interessantes dans les environs de la Teste. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIX., 1854, pp. 319- 320. Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M., et C. Mon- tagne. Sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Hepatiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 1112-1] 16 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1844, pp. 223-235. Bosanquet, J. W. Corrections of the Canon of Ptolemy, required in order to place it in harmony with the Solar Eclipses of Jan. llth, B.C. 689, and May 28th, B.C. 585. Asiatic Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1852, pp. 416-433. 2. Chronology of the Medes, from the reign of Deioces to the reign of Darius, the son of Hystaspes, or Darius the Mede. [1858.] Asiatic Soc. Journ. XVII., 1860, pp. 39-69. BOS] 502 [BOS Bosarelli, , e Angela Abbene. Del Gaz idrogeno antimoiiialo, antimoniuro d' idrogeno. [1841.] Torino, Mem. Accad. IV., 1842, pp. 317-328. Bosc, Louis. Descriptions of two new species of Phalama. [1790.] Linn. Soc. Trans. I., 1791, pp. 196-197. . . 2. Description d'un nouveau Bostriche (Bostricus furcatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791, p. 6. 3. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Opa- tre (Opatrum rufipes). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 8. 4. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'lule (lulus guttulatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 10. 5. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Riz (Oriza aristata). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 10. 6. Description d'un Phalangium (Phalan- gium spinosum) et d'un Cinips (Cynips aptera). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 18. 7. Description de deux nouvelles especes d'animaux (Corvus ccerulescens, Acarus mani- catus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 87. 8. Notice sur un emploi economique des baies du Vaccinium myrtillus. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1791, p. 86. 9. Description of Paspalum stoloniferum. [1791.] Linn. Soc. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 83-85. 10. Description des objets nouveaux d'his- toire naturelle, trouves dans une traversee de Bordeaux a Charles-Town. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1797, pp. 9-10. 11. Description du Villarsia. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1797, pp. 121-122. 12. Description de 1'Heritieria. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1797, pp. 145-146. 13. Description de trois especes de Lepi- dopteres de la Caroline. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1800, pp. 114-115. 14. Description d'urie espece de Conferve (Conferva incrassata). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1801, pp. 145-146. 15. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Puce (Pulex fasciatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1801, p. 156. 16. Observation et description d'une espece de Balanite qui se fixe dans les madrepores. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1801, p. 66. 17. Note sur 1'FvCureuil capistrate (Sciurus capistratus) de la Caroline. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. I., 1802, pp. 281-284 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1802, p. 145. 18. Sur deux nouvelles Alveolites. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1802, p. 99, Bosc, Louis. 19. Note sur un fossile remar- quable de la montagne de Saint-Gerard-le-Puy, entre Moulins et Roanne, departement de FAllier, appele ITndusie tubuleuse. Journ. des Mines, XVII., 1804-5, pp. 397-400. 20. Description du Reteporite ovoide. Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 433-436. 21. Exposition du plan de travail adopte pour etudier et classer les diverses varietes de Vignes. Journ. de Phys. LXVL, 1807, pp. 131-143. ' 22. Description de la Morene a eponge (Hydrocharis spongia). Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IX., 1807, pp. 396-398. 23. Memoire sur les differentes especes de Chenes qui croissent en France, et sur ceux etrangers a 1'Empire qui se cultivent dans les jardins et pepinieres des environs de Paris, ainsi que sur la culture generale et particuliere des uns et des autres. Paris, Mem. de ITnst. 1807, pp. 307-372. 24. Notice agronomique sur les diverses especes de Freries qui se cultivent en ce moment dans les jardins et pepinieres des environs de Paris. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1808, pp. 195-228 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. L, 1807, pp. 118- 121. 25. Note sur une espece de Manne ou de Sucre concret, produit par le Rhododendron Ponticum. Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1807, pp. 102-103 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIII., 1809, pp. 283-284. 26. Nouveau genre dans la classe des vers intestinaux (Tetragulus Cavia3). Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1810 (pte. 2), pp. 47-49 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 269-272. 27. Description du Dipodion, genre nou- veau dans la classe des vers intestinaux. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1810 (pte. 2), pp. 50-52 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III!; 1812, pp. 72-73. 28. Memoire sur quelques especes de Champignons des parties meridionales de 1'Amerique septentrionale. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. V., 1811, pp. 83-89. 29. Sur deux nouveaux genres de vers. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 384-385. 30. Recherches sur les mosurs des Fourmis indigenes. Journ. de Phys. LXXVI., 1813, pp. 353-366. 31. Notice sur la Pyrale et autres insectes qui nuisent aux vignobles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XII., 1813, pp. 95-100 ; Hermbstadt, Museum, II., 1814, pp. 326-334. 32. Memoire sur la Cecidomye du Patu- rin trivial (C. Poee, Linn.}. Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 161-163; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 133-134. 33. Gallen vou Zweyflliglern. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1559-1561. BOS] 503 [BOS Bosc, Louis, 34. Nouvelle espece de Tenthrede. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, p. 111. 35. Sur un nouveau genre de vers intesti- . naux (Thalazia Rhodesii). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, p. 8. 36. Sur les essais faits en 1820 pour greffer des herbes sur d'autres herbes, par le Baron de TSCHUDY. Eure, Journ. d'Agric. II. , 1825, pp. 395-396. Bosc d' Antic, . Sur les Mines. Besangon, Acad. 1835, pp. 85-101. Bosch, C. J. Aanteekeningen over de afdeeling Bondowoso (residentie Bezoeki). Batav. Genootsch. Tijdschr. VI., 1857, pp. 469-508. 2. Uitbarstingen der vulkanen Idjin en Raun (Banjoewangi). Batav. Genootsch. Tijdschr. VII., 1858, pp. 265-286. Bosch, D. van den. Verslag betreffende de uitkomsten der proefnemingen met gegolfd ge- galvaniseerd Plaatijzer. Swart, Verhandel. 1856, pp. 36-38. Bosch, E. B. van den. Extract uit het journaal gehouden aan boord van Z. M. brik de " Courier," gedurende den kruistogt in de Noorde- en Oost- zee, van Junij tot September 1821. Schroder, Berig. Zeevaart, III., 1823, pp. 153. Bosch, H. van den. Waarneming wegens eene buitengewone ontaarting der Ovai'ia eener Vrouw. Geneeskundig Mag. I., 1801, pp. 117- 127. Bosch, R. B. van den. Enumeratio plantarum Zeelandise Belgicae indigenarum. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, VIII., 1841, pp. 1-55. 2. Enumeratio plantarum Zeelandias Bel- gicae indigenarum altera. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, IX., 1842, pp. 225-265. 3. Enumeratio plantarum Zeelandias Bel- gicaa indigenarum tertia. Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrift, XII., 1845, pp. 1-22. 4. Enumeratio plantarum Zeelandise Bel- gicas indigenarum qjuarta. Nederlarid. Kruid- kund. Archief, 1846, pp. 84-116. 5. Bijdrage tot de Algologische Flora van Nederland. Nederland. Kruidkund. Archief, 1846, pp. 280-291. 6. Tweede bijdrage tot de Algologische Flora van Nederland. Nederland. Kruidkund. Archief, II., 1849, pp. 202-227. 7. Synopsis Hymenophyllacearum. Neder- land. Kruidkund. Archief, IV., 1859, pp. 341- 420. 8. Eerste bijdrage tot de kennis der Hy- menophyllaceas. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XI., 1861, pp. 300-330. 9. Hymenophyllaceas novas, cum ab Boscovich, Ruggero Giuseppe. Teoria del nuovo Astro osservato prima in Inghilterra. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. I., 1782, pp. 54-82. 2. Beobachtungen besonderer Strahlen- brechungen. Gilbert, Annal. III., 1800, pp. 302-308. Bose, ~ . Rhinosimus ruficeps, nov. spec. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XIX., 1859, p. 96. Bose, Moritz von. On the estimation of Urea, Chlorides, Sulphates, Phosphates, and Sugar in urine volumetrically. Archives of Med. I., 1857-59, pp. 34-42, 142-143. Bose, Moritz von, and A. Matthiessen. On the lead-zinc and bismuth-zinc alloys. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860-62, pp. 430-433 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 323-326. 2. On some gold-tin alloys. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 433-436 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 319- 322. 3. On the influence of Temperature aliis, turn a semetipso distinctas, seu Syuopseos supplementum, exposuit. Nederland. Kruidkund. Archief, V. 1864, pp. 135-185, 135-217, 307- 389. on the Electric conducting Power of Metals. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 516-518 ; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 1-28 ; Poggend. Annal. CXV., 1862, pp. 352-397 ; Annal. Telegraph. VI., 1863, pp. 385-389. Bosia, . Rapport sur les peuplades rive- raines du fleuve Gabon et du fleuve Ogo-Uwai. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 478-481. Bosis, Francesco de. I minerali utili delle Marche. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. III., 1861, pp. 327-333. 2. La grotta degli Schiavi. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. III., 1861, pp. 360-365. Bosisto, Jos. On the Hirudo Australis. Vic- toria, Trans. Phil. Inst. III., 1858, pp. 18-22. Bosquet, . An account of physical obser- vations of Comet II., 1853, made at the Mauri- tius. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 9-10. Bosquet, J. Description des Entomostraces fos- siles de la craie de Maestricht. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. IV., 1847, pp. 353-378. 2. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Hip- ponix, de la craie superieure de Maestricht. Bruxelles, Bull. Acad. Sci. XV., 1848, pp. 601- 604. 3. Description des Entomostraces fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XXIV., 1850-51. 4. Sur quelques mollusques Lamellibranches nouveaux trouves dans les couches tertiaires du Limbourg Beige. Bruxelles, Bull. Acad. Sci. XVIIL, 1851 (pte. 2), pp. 298-305. 5. Ueber drei neue fossile Arten der Gat- tung Emarginula. Meyer, Palaeontographica, L, 1851, pp. 326-328. BOS] 504 [BOS Bosquet, J. 6. Les crustaces fossiles du terrain cretace du Limbourg. Nederland. Geol. Kaart Verhand. II., 1854, pp. 11-137. 7. Nouveaux Brachiopodes du systeme Maestrichtien. Nederland. Geol. Kaart Verhand. II., 1854, pp. 195-204. 8. Notice sur quelques Cirripedes recem- ment decouverts dans le terrain cretace du Duche de Limbourg. Haarlem, Nat. Verhand. Maatsch. Wet. XIII., 1857, pp. 1-36. 9. Recherches paleontologiques sur le ter- rain tertiaire du Limbourg Neerlaudais. Am- sterdam, Verhand. VII., 1859. . 1O. Coup-d'oeil sur la repartition geolo- gique et geographique des especes d'animaux et de vegetaux citees dans le tableau des fossiles cretaces du Limbourg, insere dans la derniere livraison de 1'ouvrage du Dr. W. C. H. STARING sur le sol de la Neerlande. Amsterdam, Verslag. . Akad. XL, 1861, pp. 108-120. *: 11. Notice sur deux nouveaux Brachio- podes trouves dans le terrain tertiaire oligocene du Limbourg Neerlandais et du Limbourg Beige. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad.< XIV., 1862, pp. 345-350. Bosredon, . Sur un genre singulier de nevropathie, " le delire des aboyeurs." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1009-1010. Bossa, . Method of preparing Muriatic Ether with simple Acid. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1803, pp. 221-223. Bossard, F. A. Die Jodsalze : ihre Chemie und Anwendung in der Photographie. Photo- graph. Archiv, III., 1862, pp. 29-31, 52-56. Bosscha, H. C. Verslag van proeven, gcnomen te Deventer, ter bepaling van den beaten vorm van gegoten ijzeren Calken, met inachtneming van de grenzen der veerkracht. S'Graven. Inst. Ingen. Verhand. 1857-58, pp. 20-34. Eosscha, J. Ueber ein Mittel, die Schallgesch- windigkeit in einem eingeschlossenen Raume geradezu zu messen. Poggend. Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 485-494. 2. Ueber das Princip des Differentialgal- vanometers und seine Anwendung zur Verglei- chung der Drehungsmomente, welche Leiter von verschiedener Form und Grosse auf die Mag- netnadel ausiiben, wenn sie von gleich starken Stromen durchflossen werden. Poggend. Annal. XCIII., 1854, pp. 392-406. 3. Ueber eine Bestimmung der elektromo- torischen Krafte. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 172-175; Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. II., 1855, pp. 30-32. . 4. Proeve eener oplossing van een vraag- stuk, betreflfende de Electrische Telegrafie. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV., 1856, pp. 101- 118. Bosscha, J. 5. Bijvoegsel tot de oplossing van een vraagstuk betreffende de Electrische Tele- grafie. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IV., 1856, pp. 195-200. 6. Ueber ein Problem der elektrischen Telegraphic. Gleichzeitige Beforderung zweier Depeschen auf einem Drathe in derselben Rich- tung. Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. III., 1856, pp. 27-34, 51-54, 73-76. ' 7. Ueber die mechanische Theorie der Elektrolyse. Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 517-549 ; CIIL, 1858, pp. 486-521 ; CV., 1858, pp. 396-424. 8. Ueber einige Eigenschaften der linea- ren Verzweigung galvanischer Strome. Pog- gend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 460-472. 9. Over eene algemeene eigenschap der lineaire verdeeling van galvanische stroomen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 53-58. 10. Over de bepaling van het mechanisch aequivalent der warmte door galvanische rae- tingen. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. IX., 1859, pp. 59-68; Poggend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 162-171. 11. Ueber das Gesetz der galvanischen Wtirme-Entwicklung in Elektrolyten. Poggend. Annal. CVIIL, 1859, pp. 312-326. 12. Application de la methode des comci- dences par audition, qui peut servir a la deter- mination de la vitesse du son. Moigno, Cosmos, XXL, 1862, pp. 533-538. Bosscher, C. Statistieke aanteekeningen om- trent de Aroeeilanden. Batav. Genoots. Tijd- schr. II., 1854, pp. 337-378. 2. Statistieke Scheis der Zuidwester- Eilanden. Batav. Genoots. Tijdschr. II., 1854, pp. 419-458. 3. Bijdrage lot de kermis van de Key- eilanden. Batav. Genoots. Tijdschr. IV., 1855, pp. 23-33. Bosse, FAbbe. Resume des observations meteor- ologiques faites a Mende, pendant le 2 e semestre de 1854 et 1'annee 1855. Mende, Soc. Agric. Bull. VIL, 1856, pp. 115-120. Bosset, . Notice sur la Carinaire (Cari- naria Mediterranere). Neuchatel, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1839. 2. Notice sur la presence temporaire de 1'Ophidium imberbe (Fierafer ou Fierasfer) dans la cavite du corps d'une Holothurie orangee de la Faune Francaise. Neuchatel, Mem. Soc. Sci. II., 1839. Bossi, . Intorno al modo di rendere frutti- fere le brughiere del Milanese. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1842, pp. 136-192. Bossi, A. Intorno alle argille, agli altri minerali ed ai fossili di Maggiora, ed alle relative Indus- trie. Milano, Atti Soc. Geol. I., 1855-59, pp. 317-326. BOS] 505 [BOS Bossi, C. Louis. Observations sur 1'or natif en paillettes que Ton trouve dans les sables. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1804-5 (ptc. 2), pp. 270-285. Bossi, Giuseppe. Saggio di ricerche intorno all' armonia cromatica naturale ed artificiale. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Yen. II., 1814-15, pp. 275-316. Bossi, L. Estratto di alcune Memorie sugli In- setti nocivi ai vegetabili economici. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VII., 1809, pp. 129-159. 2. [Catalogue des pierres tornbees du ciel.] Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV., 1811, pp. 313-330. 3. Osservazioni sulla lettera del Sig. Conte Domenico PAOU, relativa alia Sandaraca. Bibl. Ital. II., 1816, pp. 174-179. 4. Ricerche sul nome e sul' antica condi- zione delle brughiere. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Ven. III., 1816-17, pp. 149-181. 5. Ricerche sui diamanti detti di natura. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 124-138 ; Oken, Isis, '1818, col. 1582-1583.' 6. Di alcune osservazioni fisiche, e special - mente meteorologiche, fatte nei primi anni del Secolo XVI. e riferite in una Storia di Milano inedita di quel tempo. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 103-117. 7. Ueber irdene Kochgeschirre, in Hin- sicht auf die Unschiidlichkeit ihres Gebrauches. Wien, Jahrb. Polyteclm. Inst. X., 1827, pp. 54- 76; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXV., 1827, pp. 303-320. 3. Bolide o aerolite caduto nel Lario la sera del 18 Marzo 1834. Bibl. Ital. LXXIIL, 1833, pp. 355-358. 9. Osservazioni da un Lombardo sulla Fauna Italica di C. L. BONAPARTE, e sull' arti- colo relative alia medesima del Sig. GEK. Bibl. Ital. LXXV., 1834, pp. 141-148. Bossin et Malpeyre. Compte-Rendu des ex- periences agricoles entreprises a Limours. St. Quentin, Annal. L, 1843, pp. 167-183. Bosson, . Sur le deboisement. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. V., 1826. 2. Examen chimique d'un calcul salivaire humain. Journ. Chimie Med. V.. 1829, pp. 591-596. Bossuet, Case of an extra-uterine foetus successfully extracted by the operation of Litho- tomy. New England Journ. Med. VI., 1817, pp. 134-135. Bossut, Charles. Nouveau theoreme de Geo- mtrie, on 1'ou assigne des portions de voute hemispherique dont lasolidite s'exprime par une formule algebrique. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1796, pp. 226-228. 2. On the Calculus of Variations. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. IX., 1817, pp. 445-448. Bostock, John. Outline of the History of Gal- vanism ; with a theory of the action of the galvanic apparatus. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 296-304; III., 1802, pp. 3-12; Gil- bert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 476-485. 2. On the Theory of Galvanism. Nichol- son, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 69-79. 3. On the unexpected production of Sul- phate of Magnesia. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 288-290. 4. Observations on the Urine. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. IX., 1803, pp. 349-355. 5. Comparative experiments and observa- tions on Myrtle Wax, Bees Wax, Spermaceti, Adipocire, and the crystalline matter of Biliary- Calculi. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 129- 139; Chimie, XL VI., 1803, pp. 76-96. 6. Further experiments and observations on the efflorescences of walls. Nicholson, Journ. VI., 1803, pp. 109-114. 7. Essay on the analysis of Animal Fluids, principally with the vieAv of ascertaining their definite characters. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. L, 1805, pp. 257-266 ; II., 1806, pp. 37- 45 ; Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 140- 150 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 546-558, 559-571 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 35-53, 54-71. 8. Experiments on the analysis of Gou- lard's Extract, or the Aqua lithargyri acetati. Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 75-79. 9. Chemische Untersuchung des Harns zweier Harnruhrkranken. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 195-209. 1O. On the saline efflorescences upon walls, salivary concretions, deflagration of mer- cury by galvanism, biliary calculi, and the freezing point of spermaceti. Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 373-377. 11. Experiments on Palm Oil. Nicholson, Journ. XVI., 1807, pp. 161-167. 12. On Vegetable Mucilages. Nicholson, Journ. XVIII., 1807, pp. 28-40; Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 573-588. .13. Remarks on Mr. ELLIS'S Theory of Respiration. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. IV., 1808, pp. 159-167. 14. Early account of an Albiness. Nichol- son, Jonrn. XXL, 1808, pp. 203-204. 15. Experiments showing that a Mineral Poison may produce sudden and violent death, and yet be incapable of detection in the con- tents of the Stomach. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. V., 1809, pp. 14-16. 16. Observations on the different methods recommended for detecting minute portions of Arsenic. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. V., 1809, pp. 166-174; Pharm. L, 1809, pp. 372-376. 3 s BOS] 506 [BOS Bostock, John. 17. On the Gelatine of the Blood. [1806.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. I., 1809, pp. 47-76. 18. On the union of tan and jelly. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 1-12. 19. On vegetable astringents. Nicholson. Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 204-222, 241-250. 2O. Remarks upon Meteorology ; with a specimen of a new Meteorological Table. Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 196-208: XXVL, 1810, pp. 1-9. 21. Analysis of the Cactus Coccinillifer. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. VII., 1811, pp. 274-277. 22. Experiments and observations on the Serum of the Blood. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. II., 1811, pp. 161-179. 23. Remarks on Mr. DALTON'S hypothesis of the manner in which bodies combine with' each other. Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 280-292. 24. Observations on Diabetes Insipidus. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. III., 1812, pp. 107-122. 25. Experiments on the bark of the Cocco- loba uvifera. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. III., 1812, pp. 146-154. 26. Analysis of the bones of the Spine in a case of Mollities Ossium. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IV., 1813, pp. 38-44 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 434-438. - 27. On the nature and analysis of Animal Fluids ; with a tabular synopsis of Albuminous Fluids. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans.. IV., 1813, pp. 53-88 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIII., 1818, pp. 394-419. 28. Remarks on the hypothesis of Gal- vanism, Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1814, pp. 32-42, 85-92. 29. Account of a chemical examination of the Urine and Serum of the Blood of a person who had taken large quantities of Soda. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. V., 1814, pp. 80-92.! 3O. A case of loss of power over the Voluntary Muscles. [1817.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 1-10. 31. Some observations on the imperfection of the Barometer. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XL, 1818, pp. 198-207. 32. An account of a substance obtained from a diseased Ovarium, with some remarks on diseased Secretions of an analogous nature. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. X., 1819, pp. 77-88 ; Meckel, Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 314-322. 33. Sur les modifications que la chaleur fait eprouver a 1'huile de poisson. Annal. Gen. Sci. Phys. VII., 1820, pp. 354-355. - 34. Some observations on Whale oil. Thomson, Ann. Phil. L, 1821, pp. 46-50. Bostock, John. 35. On the applicability of Sir H. DAVY'S discovery to copper vessels employed for culinnry purposes. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 176-180. 36. Experiments to ascertain how far the presence of Albumen and Muriatic acid interfere with the action of Bichloride of Mercury andPro- tomuriate of Tin upon each other. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXIII., 1825, pp. 65-69. 37. On Evaporation. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 312-317; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 84-85. 38. Facts respecting the boiling point of Ether. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 196-200; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 512-517 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 173-181. 39. Variation of Boiling Points Increased Production of Vapour. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, p. 148. 4O. Observations on the Saliva during the action of Mercury upon the System. [1824.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1827, pp. 73-87. 41. Of the Catarrhus asstivus, or Summer catarrh. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1828, pp. 437-446. 42. Observations on the Coagulation of the Blood. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXXL, 1829, pp. 114-115. 43. Analysis of a quantity of fluid drawn off from a Hydrocele of some years' standing. [1828.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XV., 1829, pp. 154-160. 44. On the spontaneous purification of Thames Water. Phil. Trans. 1829,. pp. 287-290; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXVIL, 1830, pp. 17-23. 45. History of a case of Stammering suc- cessfully treated by the long -continued use of Cathartics. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1830, pp. 72-77. 46. On the chemical constitution of Cal- careous Tumours of the Uterus and other parts. [1834.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1835, pp. 81-93. 47.. On the domestic habits of a minute species of Ant. [1836.] Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 65-67. 48. Observations on the constitution of the Urine. [1837.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1838, pp. 25-28. 49. Remarks on Typhus Fever. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXV., 1842, pp. 48-59. 5O. Analysis of the fluid found in the chambers of the Spondylus varius. Zool. Soc. Proc. V., 1837, p. 66. Bostock, John, and Richard Bright. Analysis of a specimen of cutaneous perspiration. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1828, pp. 424-436. BOS] 507 [EOT Bostock, John, and S. H. Christie. Report on Prof. FARADAY'S paper, entitled, " Experimental researches iu Electricity." Hoy. Soc. Proc. III., 1832, pp. 113-121. Bostock, John, and Thomas Dowier. On the product of Acute Inflammation. [1821.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XII., 1823, pp. 86-93. Bostock, John, and Marcet. A correspondence on the subject of the uncombined Alkali in the Animal fluids. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIII. , 1812, pp. 147-151. Bostock, John, and T. S. Traill. Experiments to prove whether Water be produced in the Com- bination of Muriatic Acid Gas and Ammoniacal Gas. Nicholson, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 18-21 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp. 138- 141. Bos wall, J. D. Observations on the Gulf Stream, in crossing it from Halifax to Bermuda, in H.M.S. " Jaseur " in 1821. Edinb. Journ. Sci. III., 1825, pp. 256-261. Boswell, H. Additions to the Flora Oxoniensis. Phytologist, IV., 1860, pp. 99-101. 2. Bryology of the neighbourhood of Ox- ford. Phytologist, IV., I860, pp. 343-347, 369 -373. 3. Additions to the list of Oxford Mosses. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 262-264. Boswell, J. W. A description of a new instru- ment called the Blast Ventilator. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 4-8 ; Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 363-369. 2. Improvements in the Hydraulic Engine at Schemnitz, and that of Mr. GOODWYN'S, with comparative remarks on the most useful applica- tions of each, and some facts relative to the invention of the pressure Engine. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 1-6. 3. Observations on the different degrees of facility with which masses of the same material admit of changes in their temperature ; with applications of the facts to the construction of Pendulums, and speculations upon various new forms of pendulous Regulators of Time. Nichol- son, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 70-82. 4. Construction of a line in a circle, nearly equal to the side of a square of the same super- ficies as that of the circle itself; with Remarks on Pendulums and other objects. Nicholson, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 151-156 ; XIIL, 1806, pp. 174-180. 5. Description of a new Parallel Rule exempt from lateral deviation. Nicholson, Journ. XIIL, 1806, pp. 196-200. 6. Ueber verbesserte Formen fur Flinten- Kugeln. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXIII., 1829, pp. 21-37. Boswell, R. S. Remarks on Actinophrys Sol. [1853.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1854. pp. 25-26. Botcher, N. Etwas iiber Kriegsschiffe. Gil- bert, Annal. VI, 1800, pp. 448-459. Boteler, Captain. Memoir descriptive of Prince's Island and Anna Bom, in the Bight of Biafra. Geogr. Soc. Journ. II., 1832, pp; 274-277. Botelho de Lacerda, Constantino. Memoria sobre a diversa temperatura que tern os liquidos e solidos mergulhados na atmosfera. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. V., 1818 (pte. 2), pp. 28-41. 2. Memoria sobre huma Balana de Ensaio. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. III., 1814 (pte. 2), pp. 179-185. Botella, Federico de. Descripcion de las minas, canteras, y fubricas de fundicion del distrito de Valencia, precedida de un bosquejo geologico del terreno. Re vista Minera, V., 1854, pp. 259- 278. 2. Ojeada sobre la geologia del reino de Valencia. Revista Minera, V., 1854, pp. 562- 573. Bothe, Ferdinand. Ueber das Peucedanin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 371-380; L., 1850, pp. 381-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1849, pp. 79-81. 2. Ueber das dreifach-chromsaure Kali. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 184-186. 3. Beitrage zur Kenntniss krystallisirter Schlacken. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1 859, pp. 222-226. 4. Ueber einen Apparat zur bequemen Combination constanter Elemente. Poggend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 383-384. 5. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Fla- cheuinhalt und Grenzlange der Lander. Peter- raann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 406-407. Bother, Fr. Ueber die Natur, Kennzeichen, und Heilung der Hufgelenklahmung. Busch, Teut- sche Zeitschr. L, 1830 (Hft. 4), pp. 73-78. 2. Ueber die Anwendung der Holzsiiure (Acidum pyrolignosum) bei einigen Thierkrank- heiten. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. II., 1831 (Hft. 2), pp. 30-34. Botkin, . Ueber die Wirkung der Salze auf die circulirenden rothen Blutkorperchen. Vir- chow, Archiv, XV., 1858, pp. 173-176. 2. Zur Frage von dem Stoffwechsel der Fette im thierischen Organismus. Virchow, Archiv, XV., 1858, pp. 380-382. Botkine, Serge. Des proprietes de 1'hematosine des globules du sang et de celles du pigment de la bile sous le rapport de la diffusion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 948-949. 3 s 2 EOT] 508 [EOT Observations sur le Liban et Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem, I., 1833, Bott, A. On the Strata exposed by the excava- tions for the Southern High Level Sewer Main Line. Geol. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859-63, pp. 327-334. Botta, Charles. Sur la nature des Tons et des Sons. [1801.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 191-214. Botta, P. E. 1'Anti-Liban. pp. 135-160. 2. Description du Saurothera Californiana. Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. IV., 1835, pp. 121-124. 3. Note sur un fait observe sur les chameaux. Laurent, Annal. d'Anat. I., 1837. pp. 141-142. 4. Relation d'une excursion au mout Saber dans 1'Arabie meridionale. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1839, pp. 369-382. 5. Notice sur un voyage dans 1'Arabie Heureuse. Paris. Mus. Hist. Nat. Archiv. II., 1841, pp. 63-88. ' Botta-Desmortiers, Th. Examen comparatif de Finfluence de chacun des deux nerfs de la face, sur la production de la sensibilite et des mouve- mens de cette partie, pour servir a I'histoire des paralysies locales. Journ. Heb. d. Sci. Med. TV., 1834, pp. 385-400. Bottcher, Arthur. Ueber Ernahrung und Zerfall der Muskelfasern. Virchow, Archiv, XIII., 1858, pp. 227-256, 392-410. 2. Weitere Beitrage zur Anatomie der Schnecke. Virchow, Archiv, XVII., 1859, p. 243. 3. Einiges zur Verstandigung in Betreff der Balgdriisen an der Zungenwurzel. Virchow, Archiv, XVILT., 1860, pp. 190-220. 4. Herr Doctor Otto DEITERS und die Lamina spiralis membranacea. Virchow, Archiv, XIX., 1860, pp. 224-225, 450-451. Bottex, - . Des causes de 1'insalubrite de la Dombes. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1840, pp. 255-302. Bottger, Rudolph. Ueber Ammonium-Amalgam, so wie iiber die Amalgame von Eisen, Baryum, und Strontium. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1824, pp. 302-308. 2. Ueber das Silphium oder Laser von Ky rene. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1 829, col. 3 1 7-33 1 . 3. Ueber Platinaschwarum und die, dessen Ziindkraft vollig aufhebende, Eigenschaft der, mit Ammoniakgas vermischten, atmospharischen Luft. Schweigger, Journ. LXIII. (= N.Jahrb. IH.), 1831, pp. 370-374. 4. Leichtes Verfahren, dem Phosphor eine schneeweisse Farbe zu geben und in das feinste . gtaubahnliche Pulver zu verwandeln, nebst Versuchen iiber seine Entziindbarkeit durch Elektricitat. Schweigger, Journ. LXVII. (= N.Jahrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 141-148. Bottger, Rudolph. 5. Neues, eigenthiimliches Verfahren, Phosphorsulphuride auf eine leichte und gefahrlose Weise fast wasserhell darzus- tellen, nebst Versuchen und Beobachtungen iiber einigeVerbindungen des Phosphors mit Schwefel- alkohol, Kampher, und Oelen. Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= N. Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 135- 145 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 357-369 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVIII., 1838, pp. 207-210. 6. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Bereitungs- undBehandlungsweise des Platinschwanimes zum Gebrauch in DOBEKEINER'S Apparat zur Ent- ziindung des Hydrogens. Schweigger, Journ LXVIII. (- N. Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 390- 397. 7. Neues Verfahren, aus den Chloriden des Platins und Iridiums, mittelst fliissigen Schwe- felkohleustofFs, Schwefelplatin, und Schwefel- iridium darzustelleu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 267-278. 8. Fernere Ergebnisse meiner Versuche iiber Bildung einiger Amalgame. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 278-285. 9. Darstellung von Schwefelplatin und Schwefeliridium mittelst fliissigen Schwefel- kohlenstoffs. Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 206-210. 10. Der Spitzenanker, ein zur Erzeugung magneto-elektrischer Funken iiberaus geeigneter Apparat. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 497-500. 11. Chemische Notizen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 475-484; X., 1837, pp. 60-64, 108-111. 12. Ein Beitrag zu den sogenannten Nobi- lischen Farben. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIII., 1836, pp. 476-477 ; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 427-428. 13. Ueber die Verschiedenheit der mittelst meines Aethersaure-Apparates aus Alkohol, Schwefelather, u.s.w., gewonnenen Flussigkei- ten. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 332-338. 14. Nickel-, Kobalt-, Mangan- und Iridiuin- amalgam. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 350-352. 15. Sur quelques Pyrophores d'une prepara- tion tres-facile. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 85-86. 16. Lampe construite avec des filaments d'Asbeste, difference des liqueurs obtenues a 1'aide de cet appareil avec 1'Alcool, 1'Ether sul- furique, etc. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 368-373. 17. Vermischte Notizen physikalisch-che- mischen Inhalts. Poggend. Annal. XLIII., 1838, pp. 655-664. EOT] 509 [EOT Bottger, Rudolph. 18. Experiments upon the ignition of pure Phosphorus hy f'rictional elec- tricity. (Transl.) Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, pp. 315-318. 19. Ein neues volkommen unschiidliches und ausserordentlich schnell wirkendes Haar- vertilgungsmittel,furGerber,Pergamentbereiter, Thierarzte, &c. anwendbar. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXIL, 1839, pp. 455-463. 2O. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 75-88 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 109-110. 21. Ueber einen bleihaltigen Arragonit von Tarnowitz in Oberschlesien. Poggend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 497-501. 22. Chemische Untersuchung des Auri- chalcits. Poggend. Annal. XLVIIL, 1839, pp. 495-500. 23. Ueber die Construction eines hochst einfachen sowohl zur Vergoldung des Silbers, Messings, und Stahls, wie zur Erzeugung von Relief-Kupferplatten sich eignenden Apparates. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 51-60; Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 216-230 ; Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1842, pp. 145-151. 24. Nouvelle preparation de 1'iodure d' Ami- don. (Trawl.) Bibl. Univ. XXVII., 1840, pp. 394-395. 25. Methode simple et nouvelle pour re- couvrir, par voie humide, le cuivre et le laiton d'une couche de zinc. (Transl.) Bibi. Univ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 415-416. 26. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. XXXIII., 1840, pp. 338-349 ; XXXIV., 1840, pp. 84-95. 27. Einige neue auf die Vergoldung und Verplatinirung der Metalle durch Galvanismus Bezug habende Erfahrungen. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 350-352. 28. Vermischtephysikalische Erfahrungen. Poggend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 35-60 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXV., 1840, pp. 326-327 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 176-177. 29. De la production de la chaleur dans les corps solides par un refroidissement subit. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. XXXIIL, 1841, p. 204. 30. De la reduction des solutions et des sels de platine au moyen du zinc. ( Transl.) Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, p. 405. 31. Moyen facile de se procurer de la poussiere de cuivre ou d' argent extremement fine, et particulierement propre a la confection d'empreintes de cuivre selon le precede d'OsANN. (Transl.) Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, pp. 405- 407. Bottger, Rudolph. 32. De 1'etamage et du zinc- age du cuivre et du laiton par la voie humide. (Transl) Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, pp. 407- 408. 33. Chemische Notizen. Liebig, Annal. XXXVII., 1841, pp. 113-119. 34. Notizen chemischen und physikalischen Inhalts. Liebig, Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 169-181. 35. Gralvano-plastische Nachbildung einer gestochenen Kupferplatte. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 300-304. 36. Chemische Notizen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 256-275 ; Liebig, Annal. XLVIL, 1843, pp. 329-351. 37. Notices chimiques 1. Sur un procede simple pour demontrer la presence des fils de coton dans les tissus de lin. 2 do . Preparation de 1'acide chromlque en grandes et belles aiguilles. (Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 106- 109. 38. Preparation de 1'oxyde de Chrome en forme de feuilles de the roulees. D'ou vient que 1'eponge de Platine refuse si souvent son service dans la lampe de DOBEREINER, et quel est le moyen de prevenir cet inconvenient ? Pheno- mene remarquable de cristaUisation dans la for- mation du Chlorure de Plomb. (Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 109-112. 39. Einfache Priifungsweise des Essigs auf einen Gehalt an freier Schwefelsiiure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIV., 1845, pp. 254- 255; Journ. de Pharm. VIII.. 1845, pp. 113- 114 ; Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 252-253. 4O. Ueber FARADAY'S neueste magnetisch- optische Entdeckung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 472-479 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 290-292; Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 253-256 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, L, 1846, pp. 287-290. 41. Einfaches Verfahren, Stahllamellen bis zum Maximum ihrer Tragkraft zu magnetisiren. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 112-115. 42. Ueber Amalgamation des Stabeisens, Stahls, und Gusseisens behufs der sogenannten Feuer vergoldung. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 115-117. 43. Ueber die Gewinnung reinen Eisens in coharenter Gestalt mittelst Galvanismus. Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1845, pp. 117-120. 44. Lebhafte Reduction der Chromsaure mittelst Ammoniakgas, Alkoholdunst, etc. Lie- big, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 134-138. 45. Neue einfache Bereitungsweise der Chlorsaure. Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 138-140. EOT] 510 [BOT Bottger, Rudolph. 46. Ueber die durch einen kriiftigen Elektromagnet bewirkte, in polarisir- ten Lichte sich kundgebendeMoleciilarverande- rung flussigerund fester Korper. Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 257-260; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, II., 1846, pp. 121-125; Poggend. Annal. LXVIL, 1846, pp. 350-354. . 47. Ueber die Einwirkung der Salzsaure auf chlorsaures Kali. Liebig, Annal. LVIL, 1846, pp. 381-386. 48. Bemerkungen zu Hrn. Dr. REINSCH'S in der physikalisch-chemischen Section der Ver- sammlung der Naturforscher in Niirnberg, pro- ducirten Gliihungserscheinungen unedler Metalle in Alkoholdunst. Liebig, Annal. LX., 1846, pp. 117-122. 49. Ueber das Verplatiniren glaserner und porzellanener Gefasse. Deutsch. Naturf. Ver- samml. Bericbt, 1847, p. 364. SO. Abgeanderte Art der chemischen Har- monika. Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 572-573. 51. Miscellen chemischen und physikalis- chen Inhalts. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIII., 1856, pp. 362-375 ; LXX., 1857, pp. 431-445 ; LXXIIL, 1858, pp. 484-499. 52. Ueber die Fluorescenz des Kalium- platincyaniirs und das Zerplatzen des galvanisch niedergeschlagenen Antimons. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 333-335. 53. Erzeugung elektriscber (sogenannter Lichtenberg'scher) Staubfiguren in grosster Vollkoramenheit und in verschiedenen Farben. Poggend. Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 170- 173. 54. Ueber eine lange Zeit hindurch wirk- sam bleibende, besonders fiir telegraphische Zwecke sich eignende Volta'sche Batterie. Pog- gend. Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 233-234. 55. Reinigung missfarbig gevvordener sil- berner Gegenstande. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 658-659. 56. Ueber eine neue volkommen gefahrlose Bereitungsweise von selbstentziindlichen Phos- pborwasserstoffgas. Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 453-459 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 158-159. 57. Ueber das bei der Elektrolyse des An- timonchlorids an der Kathode sich ausscheidende, mit auffallenden Eijjenschafteu begabte Metall. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 292-300; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 234- 235. 58. Chemische Mittheilungen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLI., 1859, pp. 428-432. Bottger, Rudolph. 59. Ueber die Einwirkung des Leuchtgases auf verschiedene Salzsolutionen, insbesondere auf eine ammoniakalische Kupfer- chloriirlosung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 224-233 ; Liebig, Annal. C1X., 1859, pp. 351-362. 60. Palladiumchloriir, ein ausgezeichnetes Reagens fiir verschiedene Gase. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 233-235; Pog- gend. Annal. CVL, 1859, pp. 495-496. 61. Ueber eine neue mit geringen Kosten auszufuhrende Bereitungsweise eines chemisch- reinen Bleisuperoxyds. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 235-237. 62. Miscellen chemischen Inbalts. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 237- 242. 63. Ueber die Anwendung der Schiess- wolle zum Filtriren starker Sauren, leicht zer- setzlicher Fliissigkeiten u. dgl. Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 111-112. 64. Chemische Mittheilungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XC., 1863, pp. 22-36, 145- 164. 65. Ueber die Gewinnung des Thalliums aus dem Bleikammerschlamme der Schwefel- saurefabrik in Oker bei Goslar, und iiber einige Verbindungen dieses Metalles. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 175-184. 66. Gewinnung des Thalliums aus einem Flugstaube, der sich bei Verarbeitung von Pyri- ten aus Theux, in einer Schwefelsaurefabrik unweit Stolberg bei Aachen, dicht hinter den Kiesofen in einem Kanale abgesetzt hatte. Lie- big, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 266-268. 67. Ueber das Vorkommen von Casium, Rubidium und Thallium in der Nauheimer Soole. Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 368-370. 68. Ueber das Vorkommen des Thalliums in salinischen Mineralwassern, insbesondere im Wasser des Nauheimer Sprudels. Liebig, An- nal. CXXVIH., 1863, pp. 240-247. 69. Ueber eine vereinfachte Methode der Gewinnung von Thallium aus dem Flugstaube der mit Schwefelkies arbeitenden Schwefel- saurefabriken, und einige neuentdeckte Eigen- schaften und Verbindungen dieses Metalls. Liebig, Annal. CXXVI1L, 1863, pp. 248- 253. Bottger, Rudolph, und G. Gore. Ueber electroly- tisch ausgeschiedenes Antimon. Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 245-250. Bottger, Rudolph, und C. F. Schoenbein. Ueber Schiesswolle, deren chemische Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften, verglichen mit denen Bra- connot'schen Xyloidins. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 320-326; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, IV., 1847, pp. 28-29. EOT] 511 [BOU Bottger, Rudalph, und H. Will. Ueber einc neue, der Pikrinsaure nahestehende Saure. Lie- big, Annal. LVJII., 1846, pp. 273-300 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 395-400. Bottiger, . Einiges aus dem Alterthume iiber die Blitzrohren. Gilbert, Annal. LXXII., 1822, pp. 317-322. Bottin, . De la guesde ou pastel (Isatis tinctoria). Lille, Seances Publ. IV., 1811, pp. 43-44. Bottin, Desylles. Notice sur la chenille de PUrapteryx sambucata, et sur la maniere dont elle construit sa coque. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. VI., 1837, pp. 401-405. Bottinger, Heinrich. Analysen der Aschen einiger Holzer. Liebig, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 406-412. 2. Ueber die von BERTHiERvorgeschlagene Anwendyng der schwefligen Siiure in der che- mischen Analyse. Liebig, Annal. LL, 1844, pp. 397-413. Bottini, G. S.aggio sul moto rotatorio del Medi- terraneo, dimostrato teoricamente, e comprovato colle corrosioni ed alluvioni delle spiagge. II Progresso, XL, 1835, pp. 219-221. Botto, Girolamo. Pensieri sulla commozione cerebrale. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. X., 1811, pp. 3-26. Botto, Giuseppe D. Notizia sull' azione chimica delle correnti magneto-elettriche. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVI., 1832, pp. 294-296 ; Bibl. Univ. LL, 1832, pp. 21-23; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 197-198. 2. Notizie intorno all' azione chimica delle correnti magneto-elettriche. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVIL, 1833, pp. 290-292. 3. Azione chimica delle correnti termo- elettriche. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVIL, 1833, pp. 335-337 ; Bibl. Univ. LL, 1832, pp. 337-340; Poggend. Annal. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 238-239. 4. Note sur Tap plication de 1'electro- magnetisme a la mecanique. Bibl. Uiiiv. LVL, 1834, pp. 312-316; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIIL, 1835, pp. 151-154 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. L, 1837, pp. 532-534. 5. Experiences sur 1'action chimique des courans electriques, produits par 1'influence du magnetisme terrestre et des airaans electro- dynamiques, etc. Bibl. Univ. LVIIL, 1835, pp. 200-205 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 369-371. 6. Note sur une machine locomotive mise en mouvement par Pelectro-magnetisme. To- rino, Mem. Accad. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 155- 160 ; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 417-420. Botto, Giuseppe D. 7. Observations microsco- piques sur les mouvements des globules vege- taux suspendues dans un menstrue. Torino, Mem. Accad. II., 1840, pp. 457-47 J. . -8. Experiences sur les rapports entre 1'in- duction electro-magnetique et 1'action electro- chimique, suivies de considerations sur les ma- chines electro-magnetiques. [1842.] Torino, Mem. Accad. V., 1843, pp. 239-262; Archives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 395-414. 9. Sur les lois de la chaleur degagee par le courant volta'ique et sur celles qui regissent le developpement de 1'electricite dans la pile. [1845.] Torino, Mem. Accad. VIII., 1846, pp. 275-292 ; Archives de 1'FJectr. V., 1845, pp. 353-370. 1O. Note sur un nouveau systeme de tele- graphic electrique. [1848.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XL, 1851, pp. 183-186; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XII., 1849, pp. 310-313 ; Zantedeschi, Ann. Fis. 1849-50, pp. 161-164. 11. Schema di un telegrafo elettro-mag- netico a segnali intelligibili soltanto alle stazioni che si corrispondono. Nuovo Cimento, L, 1855, pp. 443-445. Botzenhart, -. Beitrag zu der Lehre von den Farben. Grunert, Archiv, VIIL, 1846, pp. 318-319. 2. Grundgestalt der Krystallreihe des Eises. Haidinger, Bericht, L, 1846, pp. 97-98. 3. Ueber ein Mittel die durch eine Fliis- sigkeit bewirkte Drehung der Polarisationsebene zu vergrossern. Haidinger, Bericht, II., 1846- 47, pp. 173-174. 4. Ueber das von farbigen Korpern re- flectirte Licht. Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 291-292. 5. Sur une modification du phenomene des houppes colorees de HAIDINGER. Paris, Comptea Kendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 43-44; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 399-400. Boubee, Neree. Coupe geologique et topo- graphique du bassin de Toulouse, et la coupe du puits artesien commence dans cette ville. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. L, 1830, pp. 146-150. 2. Sur de nouveaux moyens propres a. faciliter la determination des fossiles. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. L, 1830, pp. 230-233. 3. Sur le parallelisme des terrains de transition. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1831- 32, pp. 425-427. 4. Nummulites mille-caput et papyracea. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1831-32, pp. 444- 445; Mag. de Zool. 1832. 5. Memoire geologique sur le bassin de Toulouse. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. V., 1832, pp. 172-176. BOU] 512 [BOU Boubee, Neree. 6. Physical and geological ob- servations on the Lake of Oo near Bagneres de la Chou, in the year 1831. Roy. Soc. Proc. in., 1832, p. 131. 7. Souvenirs d'un voyage aux Pyrenees. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp.- 237- 238. 8. Voyage dans le Calvados et la Bre- tagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832-33, pp. 350-354. > 9. Sur le creusement des vallees a plu- sieurs etages. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 376-380; France, Congres Scientif. 1834, pp. 33-35. 10. Structure minerale du globe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838-39, pp. 420-423. 11. Sur quelques faits geologiques. Schwei- zer. Gesell. Verhand. 1839, pp. 130-134. 12. Sur la question de?; glaciers. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1841-42, pp. 346-348. 13. Quelques objections contre le meta- morphisme a Foccasion des marbres italiens. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 453- 461. 14. Rapport entre la nature des terres et 1'anciennete relative des alluvions dans les val- lees a plusieurs etages. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 825-832. 15. Memoire de geologic agricole. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 353-366. 16. Sur les conditions geologiques du cholera, Paris. Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 540-546. 17. Sur la marche geologique du cholera. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, p. 773. 18. Note sur 1'emploi des calcaires durs pour 1'amendement des terres, et sur la pre- ference a donner au calcaire ou a la chaux selon la nature du sol. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 401-403. 19. Sur les terrasses cotieres et les val- lees a plusieurs etajjes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 121-123. 20. Sur les depots et les phenomenes diluviens, etudies au point de vue agricole et philosophique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp ; 517-525. 21. Determination des roches de sediment. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIL, 1854-55, pp. 1127- 1144. Boucard, A. Note sur la constitution geologique des provinces de Panama et de Veraguas. Paris, Comptes Rondus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 811- 814; Annal. des Mines, XVL, 1849, pp. 373- 378. Bouchacourt, A. Recherches sur 1'influence de la systole ventriculaire sur les courbures arte- rielles. Rev. Med. Fran9- ct Etr. III., 1841, pp. 69-78. Bouchacourt, A. 2. Ueber die subcutanen Nervengeschwiilste. Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 221-223. 3. Tumeur du rectum, renfermant les de- bris d'un foatus, extirpee chez une fille agee de six ans. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 264-267. Bouchard, . Ponte de PAncylus fluviatilis, Drap. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. V., 1832, pp. 310-314. Bouchard-Chantereaux, . Catalogue des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles observes jusqu'a ce jour a 1'etat vivant dans le departe- ment du Pas-de-Calais. Boulogne, Mem. Soc. Agric. L, 1837, pp. 139-230. 2. Observations sur les mceurs de divers Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles observes dans le departement du Pas-de-Calais. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Zool.\ 1839, pp. 295-307; Froriep, Notizen. XIL, 1839, col. 113-119, 131-135. 3. Note sur le genre Productus. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Zool.}, 1842, pp. 158-162. 4. Sur le genre Magas. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. V., 1847-48, pp. 139-146. 5. Memoire sur un genre de Brachiopodes formant le passage des formes articulees a celles qui ne le sontpas. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIL (Zool.), 1849, pp. 84-93. 6. Observations sur les Helices saxicaves du Boulonnais. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Zoo/.), 1861, pp. 197-218. Bouchardat, A. Sur les relations qui existent entre les actions electriques et les actions chi- miques. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 284-303; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 457-475. 2. Recherches sur les sucres, les melas- ses, et sur les transformations des principes immediate neutres ternaires. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 626-640 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VIL, 1836, pp. 73-85; Liebig, Annal. XVIL, 1836, pp. 276-283. 3. Recherches de Chimie pathologique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 36-51. 4. Analyse de Calculs : Sur uncalcul forme d'oxalate, de carbonate de chaux et de matiere animale ay ant de 1'analogie avec la matiere colo- rante du sang. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 53-55 ; Liebig, Annal. XVIII., 1836, pp. 72-74. 5. Recherches sur 1'Iodoforme, le Chloro- lodoforme (Proto-iodure de Carbone) le Bromo- iodoforme (Brornure de Carbone) et le Sulfoforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 4-95 ; Journ. do Pharm. XXI1L, 1837, pp. 1-15 ; Lie- big, Annal. XXIL, 1837, pp. 225-236. SOU] 513 [BOU Bouchardat, A. 6. Recherches sur les produits de la distillation du Caoutchouc. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 454-464; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 114-122; Liebig, Annal. XXVIL, 1838, pp. 30-42. 7. Nouvelles recherches sur la nature et le traitement de la maladie connue sous le nom de Diabete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 337-338. 8. Recherches sur les alcalis vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 475-476. - 9. Theorie des Boutures. Bibl. Univ. XXXIV., 1841, pp. 191-193. 1O. Nichtexistenz des geschmacklosen Zuc- kers. Liebig, Anrial.XXXIX.,1841, pp.125-127. 11. Nouvelles recherches sur le diabete sucre ou glucosurie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 942-952; Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 162-164. 12. Note sur un emplatre d'huile de Croton tiglium. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, p. 453. 13. Note sur une Urine bleue. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 539-541. 14. Sur la composition immediate de la fibrine ; sur le gluten, I'albumine, le caseum. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 962- 967; Froriep, Notizen, XXIV., 1842, col. 118- 119 ; Liebig, Annal. XLI1I., 1842, pp. 120-125. 15. Sur les proprietes optiques des alcalis vegetaux. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 213-246. 16. De Finfluence de la temperature sur la production de Plodoforme ; et de la cristal- lisation octaedrique de Plodure de Potassium. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 1.8-21. 17. De Faction des sels ammoniacaux sur la vegetation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 322-324 ; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 412-414. 18. De 1'action qu'exercent sur les vege- taux les produits organiques ou inorganiques qui sont des poisons pour les animaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 112-120; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIL. 1843, col. 132-136. 19. Sur les proprietes optiques de la Salicine, de la Phloridzine et du Cnisin. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 298-300; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 86-94. 2O. Memoire sur les ferments alcooliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 1120- 1125; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 26-31. 21. Sur les proprietes optiques de 1'amyg- daline, de 1'acide amygdalique, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1174-1178. 22. Sur la modification moleculaire de 1'essence de Terebenthine qui la rend propre a dissoudre plus laciiement le Caoutchouc. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 87-91 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 311-316. Bouchardat) A. 23. Sur la fermentation sac- charine ou glucosique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 107-112; Annal. de Chirnie, XIV., 1845, pp. 61-68; Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 80-87. 24. Nouveau memoire sur. la glucosurie. Paris,Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845,pp.l020-1026. 25. Sur le pouvoir moleculaire rotatoire de la salicine et de ses derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1635-1637. 26. Etudes sur les produits des principaux cepages de la basse Bourgogne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 145-147; Revue Scient. X., 1846, pp. 129-145. 27. Observations hygieniques sur les bois- * <-> A sons alcooliques et les principaux vins, suivies de considerations sur le commerce de vins dans la ville de Paris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 216-217 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 35-37 ; Revue Scientifique, X., 1846, pp. 146-165. - 28. De 1'inuline, de ses proprietes optiques et quelques autres de ses caracteres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 274-279. 29. Etudes sur les cepages de la Bourgogne et d'autres contrees viticoles. Revue Scientifique, XIV., 1847, pp. 50-61. 3O. De la degenerescence des cepages aban- donnes sans culture, et de ses limites. Revue Scientifique, XIV., 1847, pp. 62-67. 31. De 1'alimentation des habitants des campagnes au temps present, comparee a ce qu'elle etait il y a cent cinquante ans. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 17-20 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIIL, 1848, col. 53-56. 32. Sur la Vanille de 1'ile Bourbon. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 274-277. 33. Relations qui existent entre le Sucre et 1'acide tartrique. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 440-441. 34. Sur les principaux cepages du midi de la France : les Ribairens, les Mourvedes, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 141- 143. 35. Sur les proprietes optiques de 1'acide camphorique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 319-321 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VII., 1849, pp. 455-458. 36. De la degenerescence et du perfection- nement des cepages. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 355-358. 37. De la digestion chez le ver a soie ; Memoire suivi d'observations sur les maladies de cet insecte. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 379-381; Rev. et Mag. Zool. III. 1851, pp. 34-10. 38. Monographic des tresseaux ou verreaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 547- 549. 3 T BOU] 514 [BOU Bouchardat, A. 39. De la maladie de la vigne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 599-602. 40. Sur les maladies des vers a soie en general et sur la muscardine en particulier. Rev. et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 41-45. _ 41. Delia pimellorea. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XXXIIL, 1861, pp. 217-221. 42. Sur les vins de France. Joura. Chimie Med. VIII., 1862, pp. 471-473. Bouchardat, A., et Felix Boudet. Note sur les pouvoirs rotatoires de la Quinidine, de la Codeine, de la Narceine, de la Papaverine et de la Picrotoxine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 288-294. Bouchardat, A., et Boullay. Rapport sur un memoire de M. MARCHAND, intitule : Etude sur les alterations des alcalis organiques au contact et sous 1'influence de 1'Oxygene a 1'etat naissant. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1843, pp. 27-29. Bouchardat, A., et Guibourt. Note sur les pro- prietes optiques de quelques Terebenthines et de leurs essences. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1845, pp. 18-24. Bouchardat, A., und De Luynes. Ueber die Brodbereitung aus Kartoffelstarkemehl und aus Kartoffeln selbst. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LVIL, 1835, pp. 133-144. Bouchardat, A., et Sandras. Recherches sur la digestion. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIJI. (Zool.), 1842, pp. 225-241 ; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1842, pp. 478-492 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 427-428 ; XXVII., 6 1842, pp. 465-482. 2. Recherches sur la digestion et 1'assimilation des corps gras, suivies de quelques considerations sur le role de la bile et de 1'appareil chylifere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 296-300; Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Zool.), 1843, pp. 169-174. 3. De la digestion des matieres feculentes et sucres, et du role que ces matieres jouent dans la nutrition. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 232-234. 4. Des fonctions du pancreas et de son influence dans la digestion des feculents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1085- 1091. - 5. Influence remarquable de 1'Alcool Bur la Respiration. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 121-122. 1 6. De la digestion des boissons al- cooliques et de leur role dans la nutrition. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 98- 99 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 448- 457 ; Archiv. Gen. de Med. 1846 ( Vol. suppl.), pp. 233-244 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 53-54 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL1IL, 1848, pp. 175-182. Bouchardat, A., et Sandras. 7. Experiences sur les fonctions des nerfs pneumogastriques. Revue Med. Fran9. et Etr. I., 1847, pp. 159- 180. Bouchardat, A., et Stuart-Cooper. Experiences sur Faction physiologique ccmparee des chlorure, bromure, et iodure de potassium. Archiv. Gen. de Med. 1846 (Vol. suppl.), pp. 361-378. Boucharlat, Elements de mecanique. Rouen, Travaux de 1'Acad. 1819, pp. 16-17. 2. Elements de Calcul differentiel et inte- gral. Rouen, Travaux de 1'Acad. 1820, pp. 6-7. Bouche, A. Nouvelle thedrie des paralleles. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. IV., 1858, pp. 162-176. 2. Notice sur un nouveau systeme de tables de logarithmes a cinq decimales. [1858.] Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. V., 1859, pp. 23-46. 3. Recherches sur 1'attraction moleculaire. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VI.. 1859, pp. 229-333; VIIL, 1860, pp. 133-144. ' 4. Notice sur un nouveau systeme de tables trigonometriques. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. VIIL, 1860, pp. 145-167. 5. Second memoire sur 1'attraction molecu- laire. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. X., 1861, pp. 181-249. 6. Premier essai sur la theorie des radicaux continus et sur ses applications a 1'Algebre et au calcul infinitesimal. Maine et Loire, Mem. Soc. Acad. XII., 1862, pp. 81-151. Bouche, Carl. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Gattung Crocus. Linnaea, I., 1826, pp. 227- 234. 2. Einige Beobachtungen iiber Cerastium vulgatum, viscosum, semidecandrum, Lin., und Barbarea arcuata, Rchb. Linnaea, III., 1828, pp. 64-69. - 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Tradescantia zanonia, welche in unsern Garten kultivirt wird. Berlin, Verhand. Gesell. Nat. Freunde, I., 1829, pp. 392-393. 4. Auseinandersetzung der Celsia arctu- rus, Lin., und Celsia glandulosa, Mihi. Berlin, Verhand. Gesell. Nat. Freunde, L, 1829, pp. 394-395. 5. Mittheilung vieljahriger Beobachtungen iiber die Gattung Canna. Linnaea, VIII., 1833, pp. 141-168. 6. Beschreibung einer neuen Art Canna. Linnjsa, XL, 1837, p. 326; XII., 1838, pp. 143- 149. - 7. Beobachtungen iiber einige europaische Gladiolus- Arten. Linnaea, XII., 1838, pp. 477- 485. SOU] 515 [BOU Bouche, Carl. 8. Beschreibung eines neuen Pancratium und einer neuen Gilia. Linnasa, XIIL, 1839, pp. 79-84. 9. Synoptische Zusammenstellung der Canna-Arten, so wie zweier davon getrennten Gattungen. Linnsea, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 483-495. 10. Bemerkungen liber Taxodium distichum, Rich. Botau. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 263-264. 11. Ueber Gymnogramme- Arten. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 287-288. 12. Delphinium ornatum, eine in den Gar- ten bereits seit vielen Jahren bekannte, aber bis jetzt noch in keinein botanischen Werke beschriebene Art. Botan. Zeitung, I., 1843, col. 25-27. 13. Zur Unterscheidung des Phaseolus vul- garis, L., und Ph. multiflorus, Lam. Botan. Zeitung, X., 1852, col. 735-736. Bouche, C., et Braun. Index seminum in Hort. Bot. Berolinensi. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, p. 380. Bouche, C., Braun, et Klotzsch. Species novas et minus cognitae in Hort. Reg. Bot. Berolinensi cultae. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.), 1853, pp. 375-382. Bouche, r-a z ^=0 deduites des formules de CAKDAN, lorsque a = 0. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 184-5, pp. 382-384. 18. Nouvelle theorie des paralleles. [1845.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 81-85 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1850, pp. 207-232. 19. Sur une application curieuse de 1' Ana- lyse des Probabilites a la determination approxi- mative des li mites de la perte reelle en hommes qu'eprouve un corps d'armee pendant un com- bat. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 177-182 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI. LS50, pp. 233-258. 20. Notes sur quelques points de 1' Analyse indeterminee. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 196-208. 21. Considerations sur les demonstrations principales de la theorie des paralleles. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1850, pp. 87- 108. 22. Solution d'un probleme sur 1'analyse des combinaisons concernant la theorie des equa- tions simultanees. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1850, pp. 109-128. 23. Recherches sur differentes lois nou- velles relatives a la somme des diviseurs de nombres. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1850, pp. 259-296. 24. Note sur la theorie des paralleles, et sur d'autres points fondamentaux de la Geome- tric elementaire. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 49-59. BOU] 531 [BOU Bouniakowsky, Victor. 25. Note sur le maxi- mum du nombre des positions d'equilibre d'un prisme triangulaire homogene plonge dans un fluide. [1851.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 49-58. 26. Note sur 1'emploi des procedes elemen- taires du Calcul Integral dans les questions relatives a 1' Analyse de DIOPHANTE. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1853, col. 65- 74. 27. Nouvelle methode dans les recherches relatives aux formes quadratiques des nombres. [1849.J St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1853, pp. 303-322. 28. Note sur les maxima et les minima d'une fonction symetrique entiere de plusieurs variables. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 353-361. 29. Note sur un nouveau Planimetre. [1855.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 152-158. 3O. Sur une extension du theoreme de WILSON. [1856.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 202-205. i 31. Quelques remarques a 1'occasion d'une Note sous le titre : " Sur les sommes de divi- seurs des nombres," publiee par M. J. LIOUVILLE dans son " Journal de Matheinatiques." St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 267- 269. 32. Developpements analytiques pour ser- vir a completer la theorie des maxima et minima des fonctions a plusieurs variables indepen- dantes. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XV., 1857, col. 383-384 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1859, pp. 153-174. 33. Sur les diviseurs numeriques in vari- ables des fonctions rationelles entieres. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VIII., 1857, pp. 305-430. 34. Sur un probleme de position relatif a la Theorie des Nombres. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 67-78. 35. Transformation des modules dans les congruences du premier degre, caracteres de divisibilite des nombres. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 168-170. 36. Ueber ein Instrument zur Erleich- tcruug der numerischen Anwendung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate, und zur Controlirung der nach dieser Methode erhaltenen Resultate. Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 463-473. 37. Sur quelques inegalites concernant les integrates ordinaires et les integrates aux diffe- rences finies. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. L, 1859. 38. Note sur une certaine transformation des integrates. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 13&-142. Bouniakowsky, Victor. 39. Sur les Planimetres libres. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 567-573. 40. Recherches sur quelques fonctions numeriques. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1862. 41. Nouvelles considerations sur la theorie des paralleles. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 387-393. 42. Note sur 1'origine des logarithmes d'ad- dition et de soustraction dits de GAUSS ou de ZECH. [1862.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1863, col. 471-475. 43. Considerations geometriques sur la disposition la plus avantageuse des paraton- nerres. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1863, col. 485-489. Bouniceau, . Observations sur la longevite et la reproduction des Sangsues. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool), 1853, pp. 379-382. Bouniceau, . Note et experiences sur la torsion des bois. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. I., 1861, pp. 101-112 ; Bornemami, Der Civil- ingenieur, VII., 1861, col. 383-390. Bouquet, J. Protosels d'Etain. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 459-462. 2. Etude chimique des eaux minerales et thermales de Vichy, Gusset, Vaisse, Hauterive, et Saint- Yorre ; analyses des eaux minerales de Medague, Chateldon, Brugheas, et Seuillet. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 278-363; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1855, pp. 104-115, 198-205. 3. Observations sur une note de M. E. MAR- CHAND, intitulee : " Nouvelles recherches sur la presence de 1'Iode dans les eaux atmospheriques." Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 133- 134. Bouquet, /., et S. Cloez. Sur un nouveau genre de sels obtenus par 1'action de 1'hydrogene suifure sur les arseniates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX, 1844, pp. 1100-1105 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 44-59 ; Erdm. Journ. Prakt. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 1-12 ; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 23-28. Bouquet, J., et Bbelmen. Memoire sur de nou- velles combinaisons de 1'acide borique avec les ethers, et sur Tether sulfureux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 366-371 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 54-73; Erdm. Journ. Prakt. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 214-228 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 66-73. Bouquet, J., et Rivot. Note sur 1'analyse des alli- ages de cuivre et de zinc. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 24-33 ; Erdm. Journ. Prakt. Chem. LIV., 1851, pp. 203-210; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 433-435. 3x2 BOU] 532 [BOU Bouquet, ./., et Schaeuffele. Recherches et observations pour servir a 1'histoire de la quini- dine. Journ. Chimie Med. VIII., 1852, pp. 709- 719; IX., 23-33; Haaxman, Tijdschrift, V., 1853, pp. 48-54. Bouquet, J., Daguin, et Bivot. Extrait des travaux faits au Bureau d'Essais de 1'Ecole des Mines. Annal. des Mines,IL, 1852, pp. 520-552. Bouquet, J. Remarques sur les systemes de droites dans 1'espace. Liouville, Journ. Math. XI., 1846, pp. 125-128. 2. Note sur les surfaces orthogonales. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 446-450. 3. Memoire sur les proprietes d'un systeme de droites dont chacune correspond a un point determine de 1'espace. Lyon, Mem. Acad. II., 1847, pp. 385-399. Bouquet, J., et Briot. Recherches sur les pro- prietes des fonctions definies par des equa- tions differentielles. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 368-370. 2. Recherches sur les fonctions doublement periodiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 342-344. 3. Memoire sur 1'integration des equations differentielles au moyen des fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 1229- 1232. 4. Etudes des fonctions d'une variable ima- ginaire. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXL, 1856 (cah. 36), pp. 85-132, 133-198, 199-254. ' Bouquillon, . Remarques a 1 occasion d'une communication recente de M. de la RIVE [sur les conditions necessaires pour obtenir la de- composition de 1'eau au moyen de 1'electricite]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI,, 1843, pp. 1089- 1090; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 40-41. Bour, Edmond. Memoire sur 1'integration des equations differentielles de la Mecanique Analy- tique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 524-526. 2. Sur 1'integration des equations differen- tielles de la Mecanique Analytique, avec Note de M. LIOUVILLE. Liouville, Joum. Math. XX., 1855, pp. 185-202 ; Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang. XIV., 1856, pp. 792-812. 3. Memoire sur le probleme des trois corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1055 1058 ; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXL, (36 e cah.\ 1856, pp. 35-58. . 4. Sur 1'attraction qu'exercerait une ptanete, si 1'on supposait sa masse repartie sur chaque element de son orbite proportionellement au temps employe a le parcourir. Paris, cole Polytechn. Journ. XXI. (36 e cah.\ 1856, pp. 59-84. 5. Memoire sur les mouvemcnts relatifs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 383- 386. Bour, Edmond. 6. Resolution des equations nu- meriques du troisieme degre, au moyen de la regie au calcul. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 22-25. 7. Theorie de la deformation des surfaces. Paris, ficole Polytechn. Journ. XXII., 1862 (cah. 39), pp. 1-148. 8. Sur 1'integration des equations differen- CJ tielles partielles du premier et du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 439- 444, 549-554, 588-593, 645-655 ; Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXII., 1862 (cah. 39), pp. 149-191. 9. Memoire sur les mouvements relatifs. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIIL, 1863, pp. 1-51. Bourbouze, . Appareil pour 1'etude des lois de la chute des corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 52-53. Bourchacourt, Ch. Memoire sur 1'industrie metallurgique de la province de Murcie (Es- pagne). Revue Scientifique, VIIL, 1846, pp. 111-160. Bourchier, W. Narrative of a passage from Bombay to England. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 318-319. Bourcier, Jules. Rapport sur la filature d'un cocon de Phalrena paphia. Lyon, Agric. Soc. Annal. II., 1839, pp. 253-255. 2. Description d'une espece nouvelle d'Oiseau-mouche (Ornismya Labrador). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Aiinal. II., 1839, pp. 389-392. 3. Description de quelques especes nou- velles d'Oiseaux-mouches. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 294-295. 4. Description et figures de trois especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux-mouches. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1840, pp. 225-228. 5. Oiseau-mouche nouveau (Ornismya he- liodor). Revue Zool. 1840, p. 275. 6. Note sur le drap-feutre. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1841, pp. 574-577. 7. Description de 1'adulte de 1'Ornismya Bonapartei. Revue Zool. 1841, p. 177. 8. Descriptions et figures de nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux-mouches. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. V., 1842, pp. 307-309, 344-345 ; Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 373-374. 9. Description de nouvelles especes d'Oi- seaux-mouches de Colombia. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, p. 2. 10. Oiseaux-mouches nouveaux ou mal connus. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 70-73, 99-104. 11. Description de nouvelles especes de Trochilidees. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 312- 314. 12. Description de vingt especes d'Oiseaux- mouches. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 314- 316. BOU] 533 [BOU Bourcier, Jules. 13. [Ricerche fatte sopra i bachi da seta.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1847, pp. 509- 510. 14. Description de trois especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux-inouches. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 623-624. 15. Description de quinze especes de Tro- chilidees du cabinet de M. LODDIGES. Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, pp. 42-48. 16. Description de deux especes nouvelles de Trochilidees. Zool. Soc. Proc. XV., 1847, p. 48. 17. Note sur onze especes nouvelles de Trochilidees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 186-188. . 18. Nouvelle espece du genre Metallura. Revue et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 295-296. 19. Nouvelle espece du genre Hylocharis, Boie, Revue et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 457- 458. 20. Description d'une espece nouvelle- ment connue d'Oiseau-mouche du genre Pyg- mornis (Conspectus Trochilorura, Prince Ch. Bonaparte} famille des Trochilides, sous-fam. 175 PhaBtornines. Revue et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 552-553. Bourcier, J., et Ad. Delattre. Description de quinze especes nouvelles de Trochilidees, fai- sant partie des collections rapportees par M. Ad. DELATTRE, et provenant de 1'interieur du Perou, des republiques de 1'Equateur, de la Nouvelle Grenade, et de 1'isthme de Panama. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 304-312. Bourcier, J., et E. Mulsant. Descriptions et figures de plusieurs especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux- mouches. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. VI., 1843, pp. 36-49. 2. Description de vingt especes nouvelles d'Oiseaux-mouches. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IX., 1846, pp. 312-322. 3. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Oiseau-mouche. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, p. 136. 4. Description d'une espece nou- velle d'Oiseau-mouche (Trochilus pichincha). Lyon, Mem. Acad. II., 1847, pp. 427-428. 5. Description de quelques nou- velles especes d'Oiseaux-mouches. Revue Zool. XL, 1848, pp. 269-275 ; Lyon, Soc. Agric. Anna!. IV., 1852, pp. 139-144. 6. Description d'une espece nou- velle d'Oiseau-mouche. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1850-51, pp. 199-203. 7. Description de deux nouvelles especes d'Oiseaux-mouches. Lyon, Soc. Linn. Ann. III., 1856, pp. 187-189. 8. Description du Lophornis Ver- reauxii . Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. III., 1859, pp. 364-365. Bourdat, . Sur les decouvertes astrono- miques les plus recentes. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. I., 1846, pp. 496-518, 518-535. 2. Decouvertes astronomiques et physiques recentes, et en particulier de la decouverte de la planete Astree. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. II., 1847, pp. 48-63. 3. Theorie des eclipses ; eclipse annulaire du 9 Octobre 1847. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. II., 1847, pp. 198-212. 4. Dernieres decouvertes dans I'astronomie. Quelques considerations auxquelles elles donnent lieu. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. II., 1847, pp. 380-391. - 5. Sur I'astronomie considered au point de vue philosophique. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. II., 1847, pp. 609-639. 6. Considerations generates sur 1'objet sci- entifique. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. III., 1850, pp. 30-37. 7. Theorie des nombres. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. III., 1850, pp. 37-45. 8. Sur la vitesse de la lumiere. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. III., 1850, pp. 45-46. 9. Sur des methodes d'approximation des racines, des puissances, et des Icgarithmes des fractions. Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. III., 1850, pp. 447-463. 10. Deux notes relatives, 1'une aux expres- sions imaginaires et aux solutions etrangeres des equations, 1'autre aux considerations toutes re- centes de M. LEVERKIER sur les petites planetes. [1854.] Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. V., 1859, pp. 121-124. 11. Analyse du systeme de cosmogonie de LAPLACE. [1854.] Grenoble, Acad. Delph. Bull. V., 1859, pp. 124-128. Bourdet, . Electricity of the Atmosphere. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 431-432. Bourdet, P. F. M. Sur les Breches osseuses de 1'ile de Corse. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 143-145 ; Paris, Soc. Linn. Mem. IV., 1826, pp. 52-56. 2. Notice sur un gisement de Strontiane sulfatee dans la montagne du Wessenstein, pres de Soleure (Suisse). Journ. de Phys, XCVL, 1822, pp. 187-190. 3. Sur deux Tortues fossiles du genre Che- lonee et du genre Emyde. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1822, pp. 99-101. 4. Ueber vier neue Arten Schildkroten (Reptiles cheloniens) im Sandsteine der Schweiz. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1823, pp. 49-50. 5. Notice sur des fossiles inconnus qui semblent appartenir a des plaques maxillaires de poissons dont les analogues vivans sont perdus, etquej'ai nommes Ichthyosiagones. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 100-102. BOU] 534 [BOU Bourdet, P. F. M. 6. Memoire sur le gisement des ossemens fossiles du mont de la Moliere. Ferussac, BuU. Sci. Nat. VIL, 1826, pp. 297- 300. T Bourdois et Caventou. Lettre a M. GAY-LUS- SAC sur la coloration de quelques substances par les acides. Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1826, pp. 109-111. Bourdon, . Determination des axes prmci- paux dans les surfaces du second degre, et en particulier dans les surfaces de revolution du second degre. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 189-196, 250-252. Bourdon, Hip. Etudes cliniques et histologiques sur 1'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Archiv. Ge"n. de MeU XVIH., 1861, pp. 512-537; XIX., 395-406. Bourdon, Isidore. De 1'etherisme, ou de Tether et du chloroforme employes centre la douleur. Kevue Scientifique, IL, 1848, pp. 5-42. 2. Memoire sur la non-contagion du cho- lera. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 433-437. Bourdon, Jules. De 1'influence des climats sur les phenomenes de la vie. Annal. Univ. Belg. 1851-52, pp. 1325-1504. Bourdon, M. A. Account of a Shower of Stones. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVII., 1803, pp. 271-274. Boureuille, . Rapport sur les mesures de surete applicables aux chemins de fer. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1845, pp. 531-594. Bourgarel, Adolphe. Sur les cranes des Neo- Caledoniens et des Polynesiens. Paris, Anthro- pol. Soc. Bull. I, I860, pp. 441-452. 2. Sur les races de 1'Oceanie Fra^aise, et sur celles de la Nouvelle-Caledonie en particu- lier. Paris, Comptes Eendus, LI., 1860, pp. 1007-1010. 3. Des races de 1'Oceanie Fra^aise ; de celles de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Soc. Anthropol. Mem. I., 1860-63, pp. 250-292. Bourgeau, E. Observations on the Temperature of the Earth and of Forest-trees, made at Fort Carlton, on the Saskatchewan. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., 1860 (Bot.\ pp. 1-1 1, 13-16. Bourgeois, . Sur les resultats attnbues aux alliances consanguines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 177-181 ; Moigno, Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 619-624. Bourgeois, A., et Th. Damaskinos. bourgeons axillaires multiples dans les Dicotyle- dones. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 598- 610. Bourgeois, Ch. G. A. Sur un nouveau pheno- mene d'optique. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. IX., 1828, pp. 179-184. Bourgeois, L. Sur une breche osseuse trouvee a Valliefes les-Grandes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 795-797. Bourgeois, L. 2. Distribution des especes dans les terrains cretaces de Loir-et-Cher. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 652-675. 3. Note sur des silex travailles trouves dans une breche osseuse a Vallieres (Loir-et- Cher.) Paris, Soc. Geol. BuU. XX., 1862-63, pp. 206-208. 4. Note sur des silex tallies trouves a Pont- Levoy (Loir-et-Cher). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XX., 1862-63, p. 535. Bourgery, J. M. Recherches microscopiques sur la structure intime (et les fonctions) de la rate dans Fhomme et les mammiferes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zool.-), 1842, pp. 380-381 ; XIX. (ZooL), 1843, pp. 218-220; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 129-135. . 2. Recherches sur la structure intime des poumons dans I'homme et les mammiferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 63-65, 107-109. 3. Rapport de la structure anatomique avec la capacite fonctionnelle des poumons dans les deux sexes et a differents ages. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 590-592 ; XVI., 1843, pp. 182-186. 4. Sur les masses comparatives que pre- sentent dans I'homme et quelques animaux mammiferes, les differents organes qui com- posent le systeme nerveux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 603-607 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIII., 1845, col. 338-339. 5. Memoire sur 1'extremite cephalique du grand sympathique dans I'homme et les animaux mammiferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1014-1020 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1845, col. 337-344. . 6. Memoire sur les nerfs des membranes sereuses en general. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 566-570 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVI., 1845, col. 337-341. 7. Recherches sur la structure intime de la masse musculaire et de la membrane tegumen- taire de la langue. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 154-158. 8. Memoire sur le systeme capillaire cir- culatoire dit intermediaire des arteres aux veines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VIL, 1848, pp. 261-264 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 65-67. 9. Deuxieme memoire sur 1'appareil ca- pillaire circulatoire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 378-380 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 116-118. Bourget, J. Memoire sur le developpement des coordonnees d'une planete en fonction du temps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX VIII., 1854, pp. 807-810. BOU] 535 [BOU Bourget, J. 2. Notice sur 1'anneau de Saturne. Auvergne, Annal. Sclent. XXIX., 1856, pp. 113-137. 3. Memoire sur le developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 530-532. 4. Sur le developpement en serie d'une partie de la fonction perturbatrice. Paris, Comptes Kendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1059-1060. 5. Note sur 1'attraction des parabolo'ides elliptiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, Bourgot, Note sur le gisement des schistes pp. 81-90. 6. Notice sur le mouvement perpetuel. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XXXI., 1858, pp. 417-434. 7. Note a 1'occasion du Memoire de M. HIRST sur 1'attraction des parabolo'ides elliptiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, pp. 47-52. 8. Sur la theorie des machines caloriques en general. Moigno, Cosmos, XII., 1858, pp. 331-336. 9. Note sur les equations de condition qui definissent un systeme de points. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVII., 1858, pp. 449-457. 10. Theorie mathematique des effets dyna- miques de la chaleur donnee a un gaz permanent. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 257-282; Franklin Inst. Journ. XLL, 1861, pp. 173- 178. 11. Consequences des lois admises dans 1'action du calorique sur les gaz au point de vue du travail mecanique de la chaleur. Clermont, Mem. Acad. Sci. L, 1859, pp. 215-238. 12. Note sur le developpement en series des coordonnees d'une planete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 319-321. 13. Note sur 1'hypothese cosmogonique de LAPLACE. Clermont, Mem. Acad. Sci. III., 1861, pp. 42-51. 14. Memoires sur les nombres de CATTCHY et leur application a divers problemes de Mecani- que Celeste. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1861, pp. 33-54. 15. Considerations historiques sur les tra- vaux des physiciens relatifs a la theorie meca- nique de la chaleur. Presse Scientifique, III., 1861, pp. 758-759. Bourget, J., et Bernard. Memoire sur les vibrations des membranes elastiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 322-325. Bourget, J., et Burdin. Theorie mathematique des machines a air chaud. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLV., 1857, pp. 742-747, 1069-1075. 2. Machine a air chaud d'un nou- veau systeme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI. ; 1863, pp. 611-617. Bourgoin, L. Sur les fractions continues. Liouville, Journ, Math. XV., 1850, pp. 71-77. bitumineux a impressions de vegetaux de Menat ; sur la chaleur presumable d'un dyke basaltique, non venu au jour au point ou une partie massive de ces schistes a ete transformed en tripoli par la chaleur souterraine : considerations generates sur ce sujet. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1850-51, pp. 39-44. Bourguet, . Versuche mit sehr verstarkter galvanischer Electricitat beschrieben. Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 485-497. Bourguet, . Resultat de 1'obliteration de la glotte chez I'homme, au point de vue de 1'acte de la parole. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1855, pp. 137-140 (Compt. Rend.}. 2. Memoire sur les regenerations osseuses. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 208-209. Bourguet, . Lettre : Nouvelle methode pour determiner la latitude en mer, etc. Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 242-248. Bourguet, H. Melanges d'Histoire Naturelle pour servir a la Faune de la Gironde. Bor- deaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIII., 1844, pp. 300- 318; XIV., 1845, pp. 250-272; XV., 1847, pp. 270-280. Bourguignat, J. R. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Pisidium. Petit, Journ. Conchyl. III., 1852, pp. 47-51, 174-176. 2. Notice sur le genre Ancylus, suivie d'un catalogue synonymique des especes de ce genre. Petit, Journ. Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 55-66. 3. Description de quelques coquilles prove- nant de Syrie. Petit, Journ. Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 69-74. 4. Monographic de 1' Ancylus Janii (Ancy- lus capuloides, Porro). Revue et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 203-214. 5. Amenites Malacologiques. Revue et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 340-354 ; VI., 14-16, 75-107, 658-676 ; VII., 1855, pp. 23-34, 317- 334, 556-574; VIII., 1856, pp. 7-21, 66-80, 226-247, 268-277, 327-340, 378-393, 424-435, 499-516; IX., 1857, pp. 3-21, 209-232, 545- 565 ; X., 1858, pp. 527-545 ; XL, 16-26, 51-59, 512-524 ; XII., 1860, pp. 65-75, 154- 166. 6. Descriptions d'Ancyles nouveaux, de la collection de M. CUMING, precedee d'une courte notice- sur le genre Ancylus, et d'un catalogue complet des especes qui le composent. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXL, 1853, pp. 76-93. 7. Monographic des especes Fran9aises du genre Sphaerium, suivie d'un Catalogue synony- mique des Spherics constatees en France a Fetat fossile. Bordeaux, Mem. Soc. Sci. L, 1854, pp. 155-208. 8. [Remarques sur le " Valvata agglu- tinans " decrite par M. TASSINARI.] Revue et Mag. de Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 545-546. BOU] 536 [BOU Bourguignat, J. If. 9. Monographie du genre Choanomphalus. Revue et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. ,527-531. 1O. Catalogue des mollusques de la famille des Paludinees recueiliis, jusqu'a ce jour, en Siberie et sur le territoire de 1' Amour. Revue et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 531-537. 11. Note sur divers Limaciens nouveaux ou peu connus. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIII., 1861, pp. 251-263. 12. Des Limaces Algeriennes. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIIL, 1861, pp. 299-306. 13. Notice sur les especes vivantes et fos- siles du genre Testacella. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIIL, 1861, pp. 513-524. 14. Monographic du genre Pyrgula. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIIL, 1861, pp. 524-531. 15. Notices monographiques sur les genres Gundlachia, Poeyia, et Brondelia. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 13-23. 16. Notice monographique sur les Limnees d'Europe du groupe de la Limnaea stagnalis. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 54-63. 17. Descriptions des Paludinees de 1'Al- gerie, des Vivipara d'Europe, et de deux especes nouvelles de la famille des Paludinees. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 93-118. 18. Malacologie du lac des Quatre-Cantons et de ses environs. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 430-444, 464-476 ; XV., 1863, pp. 5-26. 19. Mollusques de San-Julia de Loria. Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 49-63 ; XV., 150-160. 20. Mollusques nouveaux, litigieux ou peu connus. Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 100-111, 179-187, 252-261. 21. Monographie du nouveau genre Fra^ais Moitessieria. Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 432-445. Bourguignon, //. Recherches entomologiques et pathologiques sur la Gale de I'homme. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 77-82, 90-93. 2. Sur 1'acarus male de la Gale de 1'homme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 423-424. 3. Sur la contagion et le traitement de la Gale de I'homme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 674-675. 4. Recherches sur la contagion de la Gale des animaux a 1'homme, et sur les moeurs de 1'Acarus de la Gale. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851, pp. 109-112 (Compt. Rend.). 5. Note sur la reproduction des sangsues et sur quelques insectes qui les detruisent. Pai'is, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1852, pp. 121-123 (Compt. Rend.}. 6. Traite entomologique et pathologique de la Gale de I'homrae. Paris, Sav. Etrang. Mem. XII., 1854, pp. 1-168. Bourguignon, H. 7. Observations sur la con- tagion de la Gale des animaux a I'homme. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.}, 1855, pp. 114-120. Bourguignon, H., et 0. Delafond. Recherches sur les animalcules de la Gale des animaux, et sur la transmission de la Gale des animaux a I'homme. Archiv. Gen. de Mod. XL, 1858, pp. 18-48. 2. Traite pratique d'entomologie et de pathologie comparees de la Psore ou Gale de Fhornme et des animaux domestiques. Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. XVI., 1862, pp. 277-922. Bourieres, Edouard. Essais sur une eau mine- rale sulfureuse decouverte a Paris, rue de Ven- dome. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1842, pp. 376- 379. Bouris, G. C. Sur la variabilite du mouvement propre de Sirius en ascension droite. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erg. lift.}, col. 119-134. 2. L'opposition de Neptune en 1848 d'apres des observations u Atheues, Hambourg, Konigsberg, Geneve, et Altona. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erg. Hft.\ col. 135-144. 3. Sur la longitude du Parthenon et de 1'Observatoire d'Athenes. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erg. Hft.\ col. 143-152. 4. Sur 1'ascension droite de la Lune en 1847 d'apres des observations faites a Ham- bourg et a Athenes. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erg. Hft.}, col. 151-160. 5. Nachrichten von der Sternwarte Athen's nebst Beobachtungen der Irene an derselben. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 193-200. 6. Sur 1'Observatoire d'Athenes et sur les extremes de temperature observes dans cette ville. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXIV., 1853, pp. 253-259. 7. Die Opposition des Mars im Jahre 1849- 50, nach Beobachtungen an der Sternwarte Athen's, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Durch- messer des Mars. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII. , 1854, col. 153-188. 8. Ueber die Sirius-Tage. Astr. Nachr. XXX VIL, 1854, col. 311-316. 9. Nachrichten von der Stermvarte Atheu's. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 49-56. Bourje, J. P. Algemeene en bijzondere omstan- dighedenvandeaanmerkelijkeZons-verduistering op Donderdag den 7 September 1820. Zeeuw. Genootsch. Nieuwe Verhandel. III., 1821 (5 de St.}. Bourjot, . [Sur les nerfs optiques de la Taupe.] Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1839, pp. 75-76. 2. Sur la circulation du sang dans la langue de la Grenouille verte. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1839, pp. 127-129. 3. Organisation de Trail des Hirudinees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1840, p. 28. BOUJ 537 [BOU Bourjot, A. Sur les environs de Forges-les-Eaux, arrondisseinent de Neufchatel (Seine-Inferieure). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 44-53. 2. Sur le terrain de transition des Pyrenees, et plus particulierement de la vallee d'Ossau. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 68-72. 3. Note sur 1'age differentiel des roches qui constituent le massif d'Alger. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIII., 1860-61, pp. 359-365. Bourjot St. Hilaire, A, Dissection d'un sujet humain ne et mort a terme, remarquable par une double anomalie d'organisation. Paris, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. 1835, p. 41. 2. Quelques generalites sur le genre Chien. Paris, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. 1835, pp. 46-47. 3. Rectification sur 1'hypothese presentee par lui relativement a la parturition des mammi- feres carnassiers amphibiens. Paris, Soc. Sci. Nat. Bull. 1835, pp. 88-89. ' 4. Extrait d'un " Memoire sur le meca- nisme de la respiration nasale chez les Cetaces souffleurs, en ce qui touche particulierement a la distribution dans 1'appareil de 1'event des branches du nerf facial." Paris, Sav. Etrang. Mem. V., 1838, pp. 507-512. 5. A quelle cause peut-ou rapporter les migrations accidentelles de certains oiseaux ? Ces migrations peuvent-elles devenirperiodiques? France, Congres Scient. I., 1839, pp. 50-57. Bourlet, Abbe. Memoire sur les Podures. Lille, Mem. 1839, pp. 377-418. 2. Memoire sur les Podurelles. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1841-42, pp. 89- 128. 3. Observations sur 1'usage du tube gas- trique et de la fourchette des Podurides, sur leurs mceurs, leur station, leur generation, etc. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1841-42, pp. 129-167. 4. Observations sur les Podurelles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XI., 1842, pp. 45-48. 5. Observations sur quelques especes du genre Primula. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1843-44, pp. 207-214. 6. Observations sur un mtimoire de M. NICOLET concernant les Podurelles. Douai. Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1845-46, pp. 209-220. 7. Observations de Podurelles, nouvelle espece de Podura. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1845-46, pp. 221-225. 8. Longevite extraordinaire chez un insecte. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1845-46, pp. 225-226. 9. Catalogue des plantes phanerogames qui croissent naturellement dans les fortifications de la ville de Douai. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1847, pp. 161-246. sur une pretendue pluie Bourlet, Abbe. 10. Note sur un Irybride du genre Cirsium. Douai, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. Nord, 1848, pp. 129-138. Bourlier, C/t. Sur la chevre d' Angora. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. IV., 1857, pp. 557-570. 2. Sur la recolte de 1'opium et sur 1'elevage des vers a soie en Asie Mineure. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LVL, 1857, pp. 651-656. 3. Sur la recolte de 1'opium dans la Bi- thynie. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 99-105. 4. Le Ghuidjir et le Tchinguel-Sakesey [substances analogues au caoutchouc]. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 184-189. Bourne, A. On the Prairies and Barrens of the West. Silliman, Journ. II., 1820, pp. 30-34. 2. On the resistance of liquids to solid bodies moving in them. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 231-236. 3. Manufacture of glass for optical instru- ments. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 207-211. Bourne, W. O. Notice of a locality of Zeolites, &c. at Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey. Silliman, Journ. XL., 1841, pp. 69-73. Bournique, . Considerations generates sur les ressorts employes dans les vehicules des chemins de fer. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1854, pp. 63-79. Bournon, Jacques Louis, Comte de. Description of the Arseniates of Copper and of Iron from Cornwall. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 169-192; Journ. des Mines, XL, 1801-2, pp. 35-62 ; Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 299-312. 2. Lettre a 1'egard des pierres tombees de I'atmosphere. Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, p. 294. 3. Observations on the Phosphorescence of the Tremolite, and of the calcareous Carbonate of slow solution, known by the name of Dolo- mie. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 290-296 ; Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802-3, pp. 1-10. 4. Description of the Corundum stone and its varieties, commonly known by the names of Oriental Ruby, Sapphire, &c., with observations on some other mineral substances. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 233-326. 5. Description des cristallines de la Sahlite. Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 108-112. 6. Description of the crystalline forms of the Anhydrous Sulphate of Lime, with some observations on this substance. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 190-195 ; Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 345-354. _ 7. Memoire sur les formes cristallines du Tungstate de chaux, avec quelques observations cristallographiques sur les pyrites martiales, et sur les substances qui prennent le cube et 1'octaedre regulier pour forme primitive. Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 161-174. 3 Y BOU] 538 [BOU Bournon, Jacques Louis, Contte de. 8. Note sur quelques faits nouveaux relatifs aux substances dites tombees de 1'atmosphere. Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 446-453. 9. Sur 1'identite specifique du Corindon et de la Telesie. Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 1-28, 81-105. 1O. Observations on a new species of hard carbonate of Lime ; also on a new species of oxide of iron. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 325-338 ; Journ. des Mines, XVIII., 1804-5, pp. 59-72, 113-118; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 520-537 ; 11. Reponse aux observations de M. 1'Abbe HAUT sur le Cuivre arseniate. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 1-22; Nicholson, Journ. VIII., 1804, pp. 247-259. 12. Description of a triple sulphuret of Lead, Antimony, and Copper from Cornwall ; with some observations upon the various modes of attraction which influence the formation of mineral substances, and upon the different kinds of Sulphuret of Copper. [1803.] Phil. Trans. 1804, pp. 30-62. 13. Memoir on the triple Sulphuret of Lead, Copper, and Antimony, or Endellion. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 225-237, 251-260, 321-336. 14. Traite de mineralogie. (Transl.) Journ. de Phys. LXXL, 1810, pp. 222-241. 15. Sur quelques points de cristallographie. Journ. de Phys. LXXL, 1810, pp. 364-366. 16. Memoir on the Laumonite. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1811, pp. 77-92. 17. Memoir on Bardiglione or Sulphate of Lime, containing a sketch of a Theory of the true nature of Plaster, as well as its properties, in order to determine the differences that exist between it and Bardiglione. Geol. Soc. Trans. L, 1811, pp. 355-388. 18. Description of an improved Gonio- meter of M. ADEOIANN. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VHL, 1824, pp. 212-215; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 83-97. 19. Description of certain Gangues of Spinelle brought from the island of Ceylon. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIIL, 1824, pp. 30-36. Bournon, Jacques Louis, Comte de, et Howard. Sur les substances minerales pretendues tombees du ciel. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1802, pp. 153-157. 2. Notice sur plusieurs substances pierreuses et metalliques, que 1'on dit etre tombees du ciel, et sur difFerentes especes de fer natif. Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 11-31,81-91. Bournouf, Emile, et Guillemin. Recherches sur la transmission de 1'electricite dans les fils telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 330-334. Bourns, Charles. On setting-out Railway Curves. [1848.] Inst. Civil Eng. Trans. III. 1842, pp. 295-304. Bouros, G. Sopra le acque minerali della Grecia. II Politecnico, II., 1839, pp. 289-301. 2. Ueber drei Fische der Alten. Oken, Isis, 1841, col. 645-648. Boursier, A. Etude chimique sur 1'eau rninerale de Bourbon l'Archambault. [1850.] Allier Bull. Soc. Emul. II., 1851, pp. 70-75. Bourson, Jules. Note sur 1'oxide d'antimoine. Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1839, pp. 109-111; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 239-240. Bousigues, F. Nouveaux renseignments sur le precede de photographic sur papier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 726-727. Bousquet, H. Extracts in reference to the gales of December 1851. Mauritius, Trans. Meteor. Soc. L, 1853, pp. 111-123. Boussingault, J. B. Note sur la combinaisou du silicium avec le platine, et sur sa presence dans 1'acier. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 5-15; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, V., 1822, pp. 158-171 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 185-190. 2. On the Alloys of Steel. Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 316-318. 3. Sur le Chica, matiere colorante que les Indiens du Rio Meta et cle 1'Orenoque em- ploient pour se peindre le corps en rouge. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 315-323; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1825, col. 288-292. 4. Sur les proprietes chimiques du Rocou. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 182 5, pp. 440-444. 5. Observations sur quelques carbonates. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 283-288 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1826, pp. 89-94. . 6. Note sur la Cera de Palma que Ton a recueillie dans les Andes de Quindiu. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 330-333. 7. Sur 1'existence de 1'iode dans 1'eau d'une saline de la province d'Antioquia. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 91-96 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XLVI. (Jahrl. XVI.), 1826, pp. 113-118. 8. Analyse de 1'alumine sulfatee, native du Rio Saldana. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 109-111. 9. Analyse d'un calcul urinaire, de nature ferrugineuse. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 153-156 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1827, p. 492. 10. Analyse d'une nouvelle substance mine- rale (la Gay-Lussite). [1825.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXL, 1826, pp. 270-276 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XL VII. (= Jahrb. XVIL), 1826, pp. 247-261 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXL, 1826, p. 406. BOIT] 539 [BOU Boussingault, J. B. 11. Sur le gisement du platine. Annal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1826, pp. 204-212 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXII., 1827, pp. 225-227. 12. Memoire sur une nouvelle methode pour 1'essai et le traitement de la pyrite auri- fere. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 253-268 ; Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 319- 332 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau. XVII., 1828, pp. 176-190. 13. Sur la composition de 1'or natif ar- gentifere. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 408419 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVIL, 1828, pp. 165-175 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 313-323 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, pp. 225-226; Schweigger, Journ. L. (= Jahrb. XX.), 1827, pp. 263-306. 14. Sur le gisement de platine en Ame- rique. Annal. des Mines, I., 1827, pp. 175-178. 15. Analyse de 1'arseniate de fer de Loaysa. Annal. de Chimie, XLI., 1829, pp. 75-78 ; Schweigger, Journ. LVI. (= Jahrb. XXVI.), 1829, pp. 430-433. 16. Analyse de la blende noire de Mar- mato. [1829.] Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1830, pp. 312-316 ; Poggend. Annal. XVIL. 1829, pp. 399-402. 17. Note sur la presence de l'ammoniaque dans 1'oxide de fer naturel. Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1830, pp. 334-335; Roy. Inst. Journ. L, 1831, pp. 174-175. 18. Analyse d'un nouveau mineral trouve dans le Paramo -Rico, pres Pamplona. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1830, pp. 325-329 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIL, 1832, pp. 142-145 ; Poggend. Annal. XXL, 1831, pp; 591-594. 19. Analyses de differentes varietes d'or natif. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1830, pp. 440-443. 20. Recherches sur la cause qui produit le goitre dansles Cordilieres dela Nouvelle Grenade. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1831, pp. 41-69. 21. Analisi dell' acqua minerale di Pa'ipa vicino a Tunja. (Transl.) Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIV., 1831, pp. 223-226. 22. Analyse de 1'eau du Rio Vinagre. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 107-110 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 308-309; Sffliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 149-150. 23. Recherches sur les phenomenes chi- miques qui se passent dans 1'amalgamation Ame- ricaine. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 337- 356 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIL, 1833, pp. 113-129 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 109-118. 24. Recherches chimiques sur la nature des fluides elastiques qui se degagent des volcans de 1'equateur. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 5- 23 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 148-159. Boussingault, J. B. 25. Considerations sur le eaux thermales des Cordilieres. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 181-190; Froriep, Noti- zen, XXXVL, 1833, col. 214-215 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1833, pp. 151-153; Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 262-269. 26. Observations sur le rayonnement noc- turne faites dans les Cordilieres de la Nouvelle Grenade. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 260-266; Poggend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp. 600-606. 27. Analyse de 1'alumine sulfatee du volcan de Pasto. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 348-351 ; Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, p. 162 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp. 146-147. 28. Examen chimique d'une substance minerale deposee par 1'eau chaude de Coconuco pros Popayan. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 396-399 ; Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 163- 164. = 29. Memoire sur la profondeur a laquelle se trouve la couche de temperature invariable entre les tropiques. Determination de la tem- perature moyenne de la zone torride au niveau de la mer. Observations sur le decroissement de la chaleur dans les Cordilieres. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 225-247. 30. Analyse de 1'Halloysite de Guatique. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 439-441. 31. Examen d'une substance considered comme un compose d'hydrogene et de platine. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 441-444 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp. 542-544. 32. Memoire sur les salines iodiferes des Andes. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 163- 178. i. 33. Memoire sur 1'action du gaz acide hy- drochlorique sur 1' argent a une haute tempera- ture ; observation sur le depart sec. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833. pp. 253-263 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 155-162; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 417-418 ; Liebig, Annal. XVL, 1835, pp. 211-213; Poggend. Annal. XXXIL, 1834, pp. 99-108. 34. Sur le sous-oxide de plomb. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1833, pp. 264-266 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 162-164; Poggend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp. 622-623. 35. Recherches sur la nature de 1'acide phosphorique qui constitue les phosphates natu- rels. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1833, pp. 185-192; Erdm. Joum. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 345- 350. 36. Sur la composition du vernis des Indiens de Pasto. Annal. de Chimie, LVI., 1834, pp. 216-221 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. Ill,, 1834, pp, 325-329. 3 Y 2 BOU] 540 [BOU Boussingault, J. B. 37. Rccherches sur la com- position de 1'atmosphere. l er Memoire : Sur la possibilite de constater 1'existence des imasmes. Sur la presence d'un principe hydrogene dans 1'air. Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1834, pp. 148- 182 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 151-161 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 302-304; L'Institut, II., 1834, pp. 278-280; III., 1835, pp. 283-284 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVL, 1835, pp 436-455, 456-458. . 38. Sur les tremblemens de terre des Andes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 52-57 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1835, pp. 81-88. 39. Sur la composition de 1'acide pyromu- cique. Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1835, pp. 106-109 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, p. 670; Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 184-187; Poggend. Annal. XXXVL, 1835, pp. 78-79. 4O. Ascension au Chimborazo executee le 16 Decembre 1831. Annal. de Chimie, LVIII., 1835, pp. 150-180 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIX., 1835, pp. 88-107; Froriep, Notizen, XLVIII., 1836, col. 161-169, 177-185; Pog- gend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 193-219. 41. Sur la composition de la cire de pal- mier. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 19- 24 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. V., 1835, pp. 357-361; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 677-678; L'Institut, III., 1835, p. 134; Liebig, Annal. XV.. 1835, pp. 263-266. 42. Examen comparatif des circonstances meteorologiques sous lesquelles vegetent cer- taines plantes alimentaires a 1'equateur et sous la zone temperee. Annal. de Chimie, LXIIL, 1836, pp. 337-358 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1837, col. 87 ; Bibl. Univ. VII., 1837, pp. 422-423. 43. Chemische Untersuchung des Pisangs und des Pisangsaftes. (Transl.) Liebig> An- nal. XIX., 1836, pp. 336-339. 44. Memoire sur Facide suberique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 77-78, 78-80 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 211- 213 ; Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836. pp. 307-311. 45. Observations relatives a la pluie des tropiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 109-111 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 167-171 ; Poggend. Annal. XXX VII., 1836, pp. 258-259. 46. Examen chimique de la banane et de la seve du bananier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 440-444. 47. Sur la composition des bitumes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 375-378; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 141-151 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIL, 1837, pp. 77-79; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX.. 1836, pp. 282- 285 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII.', 1836, pp. 632- 638 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 261-269. Boussingault, J. B. 48. Rccherches sur la quantite d'azote contenu dans les fourrages et sur leurs equivalents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 726-731 ; VI., 1838, pp. 383- 384 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIIL, 1836, pp. 225- 244 ; LXVIL, 1838, pp. 408-421 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXIV., 1837, pp. 224-227 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cbem. XL, 1837, pp. 1-16 ; XV., 1838, pp. 177-189 ; Bibl. Univ. VI., 1836, pp. 388-397, 398-407 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 72-78. 49. Memoire sur la quantite de gluten con- tenu dans les farines de plusieurs especes de froments cultives dans le meme sol. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1 837, pp. 301-320 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 88-103. 50. Memoire sur 1'influence des defriche- ments dans la diminution des cours d'eau. Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 113-141; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 85-106 ; Bibl. Univ. VIII., 1837, pp. 420-421. 51. Ueber den Cacao. (Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 198-201. 52. Des influences meteorologiques sur la culture de la vigne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 371-378; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837," pp. 174-185. 53. Recherches chimiques sur la vegeta- tion entreprises dans le but d'examiner si les plantes prennent de 1'azote de 1'atmosphere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 102-112; VII., 1838, pp. 889-891; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1838, pp. 5-54; LXIX., 1838, pp. 353-367 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot), 1838, pp. 257-268 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 193-205; XVL, 1839, pp. 385-388 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 161-165. 54. Memoire sur la composition du Sucre de gelatine et de 1'acide nitrosaccharique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 493-495 ; XL, 1840, pp. 917-920 ; Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 257-270 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XV., 1838, pp. 453-456 ; XXIL, 1841, pp. 220-223 ; XXIV., 1841, pp. 173-185 ; Journ. de Ph.arm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 35-39; Liebig, Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 304-312; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. III., 1838-39, pp. 460-462. 55. Recherches chimiques sur la vegeta- tion. 3 f ' me Memoire De la discussion de la valeur relative des assolements par 1'analyse elementaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 1149- 1155; Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 208- 246 ; Ann. Sci. Nat, XL (Bot.), 1839, pp. 31- 38 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVL, 1839, pp. 497-504. BOU] 541 [BOU Boussingault, J. B. 56. Analyses comparees des alimcns consommes et des produits rendus par une vache laitiere et d'un cheval ; recher- ches entreprises dans le but d'examiner si les animaux herbivores empruntent de 1'azote a 1'atmospherc. Annal. de Chimie, LXXI., 1839, pp. 113-127, 128-136; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1839, col. 101-102. .57. Analyse de quelques substances bitu- mineuses. Annal. de Chimie, LXXJII., 1840, pp. 442-445 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXI., 1840, pp. 398-399; Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 354-356, 58. Memoire sur les residus des recoltes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 918-921 ; Annal. de Chimie, II., 1841, pp. 308-321. 59. Recherches sur la composition de 1'air qui se trouve dans les pores de la neige. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 317-322; Annal. de Chimie, I., 1841, pp. 354-360; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 125-128; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIII., 1841, pp. 237-244 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 399-404. 60. Analyse d'une resine fossile des envi- rons de Bucaramanga (Amerique meridionale). Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, p. 507; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIIL, 1843, p. 380. 61. Recherches chimiques sur la vegeta- tion. [1839.] Paris, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVIII, 1842, pp. 345-385. 62. Recherches sur la culture du Madia sativa, faites a Bechelbronn, pendant les annees 1840 et 1841. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 349-361. 63. Sur le rayonnement de la neige. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 405-406; Poggend. Annal. LVL, 1842, pp. 604-605. 64. [Observations de quelques effets de la foudre.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 835-837. 65. Nouvelle analyse de la Gay-Lussite. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 488-489. 66. Remarques a Foccasion d'un passage du Memoire de M. KUHLMANN relatif a la fer- tilisation des terres par les sels ammoniacaux, par les nitrates et par d'autres composes azotes. Paris, Comp'tes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1153- 1155 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 22-24. 67. Recherches sur la quantite d'acide car- bonique contenue dans Fair de la ville de Paris. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 456-469. 68. Analyses comparees de 1'aliment con- somme et des excrements rendus par une tour- terelle, entreprises pour rechercher s'il y a exhalation d'azote pendant la respiration des granivores. Annal. de Chimie, XI., 1844, pp. 433-456 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX1IL, 1844, pp. 173-181 ; XXXV., 1845, pp. 402-41 8. Boussingault, J. B. 69. Experiences sur 1'ali- mentation des vaches avec des betteraves et des pommes de terre. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1844, pp. 153-167 ; Bibl. Univ. LIU., 1844, pp. 168- 174. 7O. Considerations sur 1'alimentation des animaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.\ 1844, pp. 229-244. 71. Recherches sur 1'exhalation de 1'azote pendant la respiration des granivores. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1844, pp. 211-221. 72. Sur la respiration des plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 945-948. 73. Recherches experimentales sur le developpement de la graisse pendant 1'alimenta- tion des animaux. Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1845, pp. 419-482 : Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 376-383. 74. Recherches sur la'constitution del'urine des animaux herbivores. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1845, pp. 97-114. 75. Experiences constatant 1'efficacite des lampes de DAVY dans des melanges d'air et de vapeurs inflammables emanant de liquides tres- volatils : Emploi de la lumiere produite par la pile dans une atmosphere detonante. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 515-518; Archives de I'Electr. V., 1845, pp. 541-545 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCVIIL, 1845, pp. 229-232; Walker, Electr. Mag. II., 1846, pp. 221-222. 76. Experiences sur Pemploi du phosphate ammoniaco-magnesien comme engrais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 722-724 , Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVL, 1845, pp. 293-295 ; Bibl. Univ. LIX., 1845, pp. 397- 399. -"* 77. Recherches sur le developpement de la substance minerale dans le systeme osseux du pore. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 486- 493 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 49-51 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, p. 143 ; Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 322- 330. 78. Recherches sur le developpement suc- cessif de la matiere vegetale dans la culture du froment. Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 162-171 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Sot.), 1846, pp. 5-14 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp, 233-235 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1846, col. 326-328. 79. Recherches experimentales sur la faculte nutritive des fourrages avant et apres le fanage. Annal. de Chimie, XVIL, 1846, pp. 291-296; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 288-293. 8O. Composition de 1'Urine des Herbivores. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 129-130; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIL, 1 846, pp. 25-37. BOU] 542 [BOU Boussingault, J. B. 81. Rapport sur des echantillons d'eau salee et de bitume envoyes de la Chine par M. BERTRAND. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXII., 1846, pp. 667-669 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIII., 1846, pp. 231-233. 82. Experiences statiques sur la digestion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, p. 569- 594 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVIII., 1846, pp. 444- 478 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 142-168 ; Froriep, Notizen,XL., 1846, col. 337- 346; I., 1847, col. 321-329, 337-344; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, p. 237. 83. Relation d'une experience entreprise pour determiner 1'influence que le sel, ajoute a la ration, exerce sur le developpement du betail. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 949- 953 ; XXIV., 1847, pp. 636-638 ; XXV., 1847, pp. 729-733 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 117-125; XX.; 1847, pp. 113-116 ; XXIL, 1848, pp. 117-122 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 168-173 ; XLIIL, 1848, pp. 383- 388 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1847, col. 166-168, 229-231. 84. De Pemploi des fourrages trempes dans 1'alimentation du betail. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 249-251. 85. Sur la preparation du phosphate am- moniaco-magnesien au moyen de 1'urine. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 117-118. 86. Observations sur une eau minerale acide du Paramo de Ruiz, dans la Nueva Granada. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 397- 400 ; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 109-113; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 438- 442. 87. Observations sur 1'influence que le sel, ajoutee a la ration des vaches, peut exercer sur la production du lait. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1848, pp. 503-505 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 127-128. 88. Recherches sur 1'influence que certains principes elementaires peuvent exercer sur la proportion de matieres grasses contenue dans le sang. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1848, pp. 460- 463. 89. Observations sur la congelation du vin et des melanges d'eau et d'alcool. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 363-365 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VII., 1849, pp. 181- 184; Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 308-311. 90. Remarques a, 1'occasion d'une communi- cation de M. MILLON [sur la composition du ble]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 421-422. 91. Recherches sur la quantite d'ammo- niaque contenue dans 1'urine. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1850, pp. 472-500 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 281-301 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 263-267. Boussingault, J. B. 92. Sur la quantite de potasse enlevce au sol par la culture de la vigne. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 369-371 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LII., 1851, pp. 37- 39; Journ. d'Agric. I., 1850, p. 692; Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1850, p. 425. 93. Sur 1'extraction du gaz oxygene de 1'air atmospherique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 261-267, 821-823 ; Ding- ier, Polytechn. Journ. CXX., 1851, pp. 416- 417 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 313-315; LIL, 1851, pp. 480-486 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 225-231. 94. Recherches sur le moyen d'extraire, pour les besoins des arts, le gaz oxygene con- tenu dans Pair atmospherique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 5-54; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 130-134. 95. Experiences ayant pour but de de- terminer la cause de la transformation du pain tendre en pain rassis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 588-591 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1852, pp. 490-494 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 234-238; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 127-128. 96. Sur une methode pour doser 1'am- moniaque contenu dans les eaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 814-821 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 257- 291 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 317-323 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1853, pp. 337-347 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 122-131 ; Moigno, Cosmos, II., 1853, pp. 598-600. 97. Sur la quantite d'ammoniaque con- tenue dans la pluie recueillie loin des villes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 798-806; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 113-122. 98. Memoire sur la quantite d'ammo- niaque contenue dans la pluie, la rosee et le brouillard recueillis loin des villes. Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1854, pp. 129-155. 99. Recherches sur la vegetation entre- prises dans le but d'examiner si les plantes fixent dans leur organisme 1'azote qui est a 1'etat gazeux dans I'atmosphere. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 5-60; XLIIL, 1855, pp. 149-223; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 241-291 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 127-131. 100. Recherches sur la vegetation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 580- 586, 607 ; XXXIX., 1854, pp. 601-612 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 5-41 ; Ann. Set. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 357-370 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 108-120, 181-183; LXIIL, 1854, pp. 418-425. BOU] 543 [BOU Boussingaiilt, J. B. 101. Sur la sensation de chaleur que produit le gaz acide carbonique dans son contact avec la peau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1006-1009 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 204-209. 1O2. De 1'action du salpetre sur la vege- tation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 845-857 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Sot.), 1855, pp. 32-46; Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1855, pp. 512- 517 ; V., 1856, pp. 64-65 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIII., 1856, pp. 508-517 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 271-274. 1O3. Sur 1'opportunite de faire intervenir, dans quelques circonstances, 1'arsenic dans le chaulage des grains. Annal. de Chirnie, XLVI., 1856, pp. 458-472 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 41-43. 104. Sur un gisement de platine signale dans un filon de la province d'Antioquia. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 917-922. 1O5. Recherches sur les variations que 1'eau de la Mer Morte semble subir dans sa composition. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1230-1258; Annal. de Chimie, XLVIIL, 1856, pp. 129-170, 106. Alimentation des Plantes. Recherches sur 1'influence exercee par 1'azote assimilable des engrais dans la production de la matiere vege- tale ; action du phosphate de chaux sur la vege- tation, avec ou sans le concours du salpetre. Jouru. d'Agric. VII., 1857, pp. 473-479. 1O7. Alimentation des Plantes. Influence du phosphate de chaux des engrais sur la pro- duction vegetale. Journ. d'Agric. VIII., 1857, pp. 441-449. 1O8. Sur la quantite d'ammoniaque con- tenue dans la rosee artificielle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV, 1857, pp. 1033-1036. 109. Recherches sur les quantites de ni- trates contenues dans le sol et dans les eaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 108- 119; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.\ 1857, pp. 21-34 ; Journ. d'Agric. VII., 1857, pp. 105- 110. 11O. Recherches sur 1'influence que 1'azote assimilable des engrais exerce sur la production de la matiere vegetale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 940-954 ; XLV., 1857, pp. 833-845 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.\ 1857, pp. 5-20. 111. De 1'emploi de la fumee pour pre- server les vignes de la gelee. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 485-495. - 112. Sur 1'action du salpetre employe comme engrais. Journ. d'Agric. II., 1858, pp. 446-449. 113. Statique des cultures industrielles de 1' Alsace : le Tabac. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1002-1019. Boussingault, J. B. 114. Recherches sur la quantite d'acide nitrique contenue dans la pluie, le brouillard et la rosee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 1123-1131, 1175- 1183. 115. Nouvelles observations sur le deve- loppement des Helianthus soumis a Faction du salpetre donne comme engrais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 807-813. 116. De la terre vegetale, consideree dans ses effets sur la vegetation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 303-318, 657-667 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.\ 1859, pp. 354- 372; Journ. d'Agric. I., 1859, pp. 241-248; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 271-272; Revista Brazil. II., 1859, pp. 369-383. 117. De la constitution du terreau com- paree a la constitution de la terre vegetale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 931-940. 118. Sur la presence des nitrates dans le Guano. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860. pp. 887-890 ; Chemical News, I., 1860, pp. 303- 304; Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1860, pp. 449- 453; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 432-436. 119. Sur la presence de 1'acide nitrique dans le bioxyde de manganese. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 890-892. 120. Observations relatives au developpe- ment des Mycodermes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 671-674; Annal. 'de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 363-367. 121. Fragment d'un Memoire sur les gise- ments du Guano dans les ilots et sur les cotes de I'Ocean Pacifique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 844-855 ; Journ. d'Agric. L, 1861, pp. 29-35. 122. Sur un precede pour constater la pre- sence de 1'azote dans 1'acier, la fonte et le fer. Paris, Comptes Readus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1008 1011. 123. Observations relatives au dosage de 1'azote dans le fer et dans 1'acier; presentees a 1'occasion des precedentes communications. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1249 1252; LIIL, 1861, pp. 5-10. 124. Sur la presence de 1'azote dans un fer meteorique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 77-79 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1861, pp. 336-343. 125. Sur la nature des gaz produits pendant la decomposition de 1'acide carbonique par les feuilles exposees a la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 862-884 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1862, pp. 5-27. BOU] 544 [BOU Boussingault, J. B. 126. Experiences entre- prises pour rechercher s'il y a emission de gaz azote pendant la decomposition de 1'acide car- bonique par les feuilles. Rapport existant entre le volume d'acide decompose et celui de 1'oxy- gene mis en liberte. Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1862, pp. 295-429. 127. Sur 1'apparition du gaz oxyde de car- bone pendant I'absorption^de 1'oxygene par cer- taines substances vegetales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 885-894. Boussingault, J. B., et Dumas. Recherches sur la veritable constitution de 1'air atmospheriquc-. Paris, Cornptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 1005- 1025 ; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 257- 305 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 64-91 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIIL, 1841, pp. 363- 388; Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 230-232; Poggend. Annal. LIIL, 1841, pp. 391-407. Boussingault, ./. />'., Dumas, et Fayen. Re- cherches sur 1'engraissenient des bestiaux et la formation du lait. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 345-362; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 63-114; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool), 1843, pp. 351-386 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 65-114. Boussingault, ./. B., et Le Bel. De 1 'influence de la nourriture des vaches sur la quantite et la constitution chimique du lait. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIL, 1838, pp. 1019-1020 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXL, 1839, pp. 65-79 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 388-390. Boussingault, J. B., et Lewy. Observations simultanees faites a Paris et a, Andilly pour rechercher la proportion d'acide carbonique con- tenue dans 1'air atmospherique. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 470-474. 2. Memoire sur la composition de rail- confine dans la terre vegetale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 764-775 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 5-50 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.\ 1853, pp. 5-16 ; Journ. de Phann. XXIII., 1853, pp. 128-130; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 341- 350. Boussingault, ./. />'.. et Fayen. Memoire sur les engrais et leurs valeurs comparees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp, 323-332; Annal. de Chimie, III., 1841, pp. 65-108 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 90-144. 2. Memoire sur les engrais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 657-669; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, pp. 449-465. 3. Remarques sur 1'analyse du guano de MM. GIEARDIN et BIDARD. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 237-238; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIL, 1844, pp. 115-116. Boussingault, J. B., et Mariano de River o. Memoire sur le lait de 1'arbre de la vache (Palo de vaca). Aiinal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 219-224; Ediub. Phil. Journ. XIL, 1825, pp. 97-103 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1 824, pp. 142- 143; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 329-334; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824, pp. 159-166. 2. Sur les eaux chaudes de la Cor- dillere de Venezuela. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 272-276. 3. Resultats des observations baro- metriques faites a la G/uayra. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 427-429 ; Poggend. Annal. I., 1824, pp. 241-244. 4. Memoire sur differentes masses de fer qui ont ete trouvees sur la Cordillere orientale des Andes. [1823.] -Bull. Sci. Nat. II., 1824, pp. 152-153 ; Aunal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 438-443; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XI., 1824, pp. 120-123; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, IX., 1825, pp. 539-543 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, pp. 394-395. 5. Memoire sur le lait veneneux de 1'Ura crepitans. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1825, pp. 430-435. . . 6. Memoire sur PUrao (carbonate de soude). Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 110-111 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 278-279. 7. Observations barometriques faites a Santa Fe de Bogota, entre les tropiques, par 4 35' 50" de latitude nord. Anual. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 203-214 ; Poggend. Annal. IX, 1827, pp. 148-154. Boussingault, ./. B., et Rculin. Examen chi- mique du Curare, poison des Indiens de 1'Ore- noque. Annal. de Chiinie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 24-37. . BoutakofF, Alexis. Ueber den untern Theil des Syr Dariah (Jaxartes) zwischen dem Fort Peroffsky und seiner Miindung. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, IV., 1858, pp. 172-189. Boutan, A. Recherches sur Pelectricite atmo- spherique. Rouen, Travaux Acad. 1847, pp. 81-101. 2. De la calefaction des corps liquides. Rouen, Travaux Acad. 1848, p. 32. 3. Rapport sur les appareils de M. P. PIMONT designes par lui sous les noms de caloridore alimentateur et caloridore progressif. Rouen, Travaux Acad. 1850-51, pp. 72-77. 4. Notice historique sur la photometric. Rouen, Travaux Acad. 1851-52, pp. 101-138. 5. Note sur 1'emploi des courants thermo- electriques pour la mesure des temperatures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIL, 1858, pp. 74- 76. BOU] 545 [BOU Eoutan, A., et F. Preisser. Recherches sur les proprietes physiques des huiles. Rouen, Travaux Acad. 1849, pp. 69-81. Bouteille, Hipp. Sur 1'ornithographie du de- partement de 1'Isere. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1838, pp. 343-345. 2. Note sur un oiseau du genre Petrel tue a Echirolles. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 121-122. 3. Notice sur les lions du Jardin des Plantes de Grenoble. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1854, pp. 147-157. 4. Sur les Sautcrelles du Bourg d'Oisans. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 410-413. 5. Observations sur des cartouches d'infan- terie attaquees par des Insectes hymenopteres. Isere, Soc. Stat.. Bull. VI., 1861, pp. 328-332. 6. Note sur 1'Orobanche-du-Lierre. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 340-341. Bouteille, J. A. M. Beobachtung einer chroni- schen, durch den Abgang zweier grossen, im linken Ohre enthaltenen, Wiirmer geheilten Cephalalgie. Hufeland u. Himly, Journ. Arz- neik. XXVIII., 1809 (Hft. 4), pp. 52-64. Bouteiller, E. de. Discussion de la courbe representee par 1'equation x 2 y 2 l 2 (y 2 + x z 2xy cos 0) = 0, 6 etant Tangle des axes. Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 263-268. Bouteiller et E>oze. Note sur une excursion bryologique aux environs de Provins en Mars 1863. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 193- 194. Boutelou, Claudio. Razon de las especies mas raras de urboles y de arbustos que se cultivan al ayre libre en los jardines de Aranjuez, y el metodo de propagarlas. Madrid, Ann. Ci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 263-284. 2. De una especie nueva de Jacinto. Madrid, Ann. Ci. Nat. V., 1802, pp. 134-135. BouteniefF, . Description des resultats ob- tenus, en Russie, dans 1'usine de Soumboul dans la fonte des minerals de fer avec le bois non- carbonise. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 151- 156. 2. Observations geognostiques faites dans une excursion de St. Petersbourg aux gouverne- ments d'Olonetz et d' Archangel. Russie, Annu- aire des Mines, 1837, pp. 153-188. 3. Observations sur la possibilite de de- couvrir des gites auriferes dans les montagnes situees au nord de la Russie. Russie, Annuaire des Mines, 1838, pp. 327-334. 4. Richesse minerale de la Boukharie. Russie, Annuaire des Mines, 1842, pp. 401- 411. Bouterweck, Friedrich. Ueber die Bestimmung der Gattungen und ihrer Charaktere in der Miner alogie. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, V., 1811, pp. 26-48. Boutet de Monvel, . Apercu theorique sur la chaleur latente. France, Congres Scientifique, XVIIL, 1851, pp. 293-301. Boutigny, P. H. Note sur la clarification des eaux de mares. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. II., 1831, pp. 156-159. 2. Recherches sur le mode d'action de 1'acide hydro-chlorique sur la formation du sulphure d'arsenic. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. III., 1832, pp. 123-131, 131-132; IV., 231-237. 3. D'un cent vingt-huitieme de grain d'Acide arsenieux. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. IV., 1833, pp. 51-58 ; V., 1834, pp. 157-161. 4. Nouveau precede pour demontrer la presence des plus petites quantites de cuivre dans un liquide. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. IV., 1833, pp. 155-158. 5. Analyse de calculs prepuciaux. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. IV., 1833, pp. 237-238. 6. Recherches propres a determiner 1'epoque a laquelle une arme a feu a etc* dechargee. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. IV., 1833, pp. 392-395. 7. De la presence du cuivre dans le ble et dans un grand nombre d'autres substances. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 147-160. 8. Action de 1'acide oxalique sur 1'alcoolate calcique. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1834, pp. 219-222. 9. Des empoisonnemens par 1'arsenic. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1834 (pte. 2), pp. 89-90. 1O. De Faction simultanee de 1'acide sulfu- rique et du calorique sur 1'essence de terebenthinc. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1834, pp. 385-391. 11. Observations on a new theory of the action of manures and of their employment ; by M. de la GIRAUDIEN. ( Transl.) Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1834, pp. 179-180. 12. Verfahren, um unwagbare Mengen von ScliAvefel nachzuweisen. (Transl.) Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 292-293. 13. Note sur 1'essai du dore par la voie humide. Annal. de Chimie, LXI., 1836, pp. 106-108 ; Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. VII, 1836, pp. 307-309. 14. De 1'influence du nombz-e des atomes sur les proprietes medicinales des medicamens chimiques. Eure, Bull. Acad. Ebroic., 1836 (pte. 2), pp. 93-96 ; Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 311-313. 15. Sur les proprietes nutritives des balles des cereales, ou menues pailles. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. VII., 1836, pp. 67-69. 16. L'eau qui coule sur les toitures en Zinc, est-elle potable ? En d'autres termes : les Eaux pluviales qui coulent sur les toitures en Zinc, peuvent-elles servir a alimenter les citernes, et Teau de ces citernes peut-elle etre em- ployee comme aliment ou comme boisson ? Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. VIII., 1837, pp. 255-267. 3 7. BOU] 546 [BOU Boutigny, P. H. 17. Note sur une circonstance a observer dans les analyses qui ont pour but de demontrer la presence du cuivre. Eure, Re- cueil Soc. Agric. IX., 1838, pp. 481-483. 18. Note sur la decomposition de Tether par la chaleur et sur le cri du zinc. Eure, Re- cueil Soc. Agric. IX., 1838, pp. 54-56. 19. Nouveau siphon d' aspiration. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. IX., 1838, pp. 57-58. 20. Sur quelques phenomenes de calefac- tion. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. X., 1839, pp. 362-373; Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 397-402 ; Poggend. Annal. LI., 1840, pp. 130-137. 21. Propositions physico-chimiques sur la calefaction et Tetat spheroidal des corps. Eure, Recueil Soc. Agric. I., 1841, pp. 167-174; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXXIIL, 1842, pp. 457-461. 22. Sur les phenomenes que presentent les corps projetes sur des surfaces chaudes. An- nal. de Chimie, IX., 1843, pp. 350-370 ; XI., 16-39 ; Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 389-393; Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 99- 102. 23. Sur la transformation de Tether en aldehyde a Tair libre, etc. Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etrang. I., 1843, pp. 501-506. . 24. Note sur Tapplication de Tetat sphe- roidal a Tanalyse des taches produites par Tappa- reil de MARSH. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1068-1070 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, p. 224. 25. Experiments on the spheroidal state of Bodies and its application to Steam Boilers, and on the freezing of water in red-hot vessels. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), 1845, pp. 27-28. 26. Note sur Tiodure et le bi-iodure de chlorure mercureux. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 121-126. 27. Sur Torigine de Tazote des vegetaux. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, pp. 321-324. 28. Quelques faits relatifs a Tetat spheroi- dal des corps. Epreuve du feu. Homme incom- bustible. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 593-597; Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1849, pp. 54-64. 29. Sur Tincombustibilite' des tissus orga- niques vivants et sur la constitution physique des corps a Tetat spheroidal. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 471-474 ; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1849, pp. 689-695 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 24-33, 424-429 ; Lie- big, Annal. LXXL, 1849, pp. 295-306 ; Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 60-63. Boutigny, P. H. 3O. Note sur Tincombustibilite momentanee des tissus organiques vivants, et sur la constitution physique des corps a Tetat spheroidal. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1850, pp. 158-163 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXV., 1850, pp. 45-50 ; Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 179-184; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIII., 1850, pp. 104-113. 31. Sur la force qui maintient les corps a Tetat spheroidal au-dela du rayon de leur sphere d'activite chimique et physique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 279-280. 32. Note surun nouveau generateur a vapeur. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. LI., 1852, pp. 722- 727 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 53-61. 33. Note sur Torigine de la Houille. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 365-374. 34. Sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps a Tetat spheroidal autour d'un point fixe. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 355-357. 35. Sur Tetat spheroidal de la matiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 675-676. 36. Sur la temperature de Teau a Tetat spheroidal. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIX., 1861, pp. 273-278 ; Presse Scientifique, I., 1861, pp. 353-357. 37. Sur Tintensite de la force repulsive des corps incandescents. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIII., 1861., pp. 1062-1063 ; Presse Scientifique, L, 1862, pp. 46-49. Boutigny, P. H., et Hutin. Quelques mots relatifs a la conservation des bois de construe tion, et particulierement des traverses de che- mins de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1848, pp. 381-383 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 353-355 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. XLV., 1848, pp. 383-384. Boutigny, . Note sur une espece nouvelle d'JEthioaema. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 777-778. Boutin, . Note sur la preparation de Tacide iodique. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 222-224. 2. Des produits obtenus par Taction de Tacide nitrique sur Taloes, et de leur applica- tion a la teinture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 452-457; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 185-193 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XX., 1840, pp. 56-61. Boutiot, Theophile. Essai geologique sur les sources de la Barse. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. L, 1847-48, pp. 395-423. 2. Observations sur le niveau aquifere de la limite occidentale du calcaire jurassique dans le departement de TAube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. II., 1849-50, pp. 49-63. 3. Notice sur la navigation de la Seine et de la Barse. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VII., 1856, pp. 73-119. BOU] 547 [BOU Boutlerow, Alexandre. Eecherches sur 1'iodure de methylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 595-597; Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1858, pp. 313-321. 2. Sur le dioxymethylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 137-138. 3. Memoire sur quelques derivees du me- thylene. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp 48- 55. 4. Formation synthetique d'une substance sucree. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 145-147. 5. Sur un nouveau mode de formation de 1'ethylene et de quelques-uns de ses congeneres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, p. 247 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chein. LXXXVL, 1862, pp. 421-422. 6. Sur 1'acide ethyl-lactique. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 9-12. 7. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire des deri- ves methyleniques. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 84-90. 8. Sur quelques composes organiques simples. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 582-594. 9. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire des com- poses organo-metalliques. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 594-597. Bouton, L. Note sur les caracteres de la vege- tation des iles Bourbon et Maurice. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, pp. 249-252 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIIL, 1832, col. 163-165. 2. Observations on the different varieties of Zizyphus jujuba, Lam., cultivated in the Mauritius. Hooker's Journ. Bot. L, 1834, pp. 219-322. Boutron-Charlard, A. F. Examen chimique de la racine de Turbith (Convolvulus tur- pethum de Linn.}. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 131-140. 2. Remarque sur la separation de la Stearine dans 1'huile de Ricin, par un abaisse- ment de temperature. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1822, pp. 392-395. . 3. Essai analytique d'un sel vendu dans le commerce pour du chromate de Potasse. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 184-187 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. VIIL, 1824, (St. 2), pp. 195-199. 4. Memoire sur la preparation du Tartrate de Potasse et de Fer. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 590-596. 5. Experiences pour servir a 1'analyse complete de la Civette. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 536-543 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLHI. (= Jahrb. XIIL), 1825, pp. 290-296 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 201-210. Boutron-Charlard, A. F. 6. Examen des Cal- culs urinaires. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 556-559. 7. Analyse d'une poudre vendue sous le nom de Jaune de Cologne, et destinee dans plusieurs cas a remplacer le Chromate de Plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 223-228. 8. Note sur Palcool retire des fulminates de mercure. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 764-767. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et Boudet. Re- cherches sur les Eaux potables. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 401-415; XXVL, pp. 16-24, 104-117. 2. De Phydrotimetrie ou nouvelle methode d'analyse des eaux de sources et de rivieres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 679-683. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., Boudet, ct Bon- astre. Rapport sur plusieurs substances prove- nant d'une momie d'Egypte. Paris, Mem. Acad. de Med. III., 1833, pp. 46-62. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et E. Fremy. Recher- ches sur les semences de Moutardes noire et blanche. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 817-818; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 230-231 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1840, pp. 48-50; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 230-232. 2. Sur la formation de 1'acide lac- tique. Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1840, pp. 477-478. 3. Recherches sur la fermentation lactique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 728-731 ; Annal. de Chimie, II., 1841, pp. 257-274 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 51-55, 364-379; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIL, 1841, pp. 325-343; Liebig. Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 181-198. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et Guillemette. Note sur 1'identite de la Grenadine et de la Mannite. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 169-172 ; Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 321- 324. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et 0. Henry. Re- cherches sur 1'existence du principe acre dans 1'embryon de Ricin, et sur les causes de 1'acrete de 1'huile de Ricin d'Amerique. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 466-475. 2. Exarnen chimique de 1'ecorce du Quillaia saponaria. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 247-252. 3. Recherches sur 1'alcalinite de la Conicine, principe actif de la Cigue. Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1836, pp. 337-351 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 277-291. 3 z 2 BOU] Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et O. Henry. 4. Memoire sur la Nicotine, principe actif du Tabac. Journ. de Pharm, XXIL, 1836, pp. 689-705 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 209-222. 5. Recherches sur le principe vene- neux du Manioc amer. Paris, Mem. Acad. Med. V., 1836, pp. 212-220 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1836, pp. 118-126; Liebig, Annul. XVIII., 1836, pp. 172-178. 6. Analyse chimique des eaux qui alimentent les fontaines publiques de Paris. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 161-179. 7. Analyse chimique de 1'eau de la Mer Morte et de 1'eau du Jourdain. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 161-172. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et Pelouze. Me- moire sur 1'Asparamide (Asparagine de ROBI- QUET) et sur 1'acide asparamique. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1833, pp. 90-105 ; Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. [1833], VI., 1835, pp. 353-368; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 257-270 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 208-220 ; Liebig, Annal. VI., 1833, pp. 75-88 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 184-194 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. LXVH. (= Jahrb. VII.), 1833, pp. 393-405. Boutron-Charlard, A. F., et Robiquet. Nou- velles experiences sur les Amandes ameres, et sur Fhuile volatile qu'elles fournissent. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 352-382 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 144-152 ; Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 494-514; Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (= N. Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 223-236, 291-310 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 198-216. 2. Nouvelles experiences sur la Semence de Moutarde. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 279-298. 3. Notice sur le Cafe. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 101-109; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIIL, 1838, pp. 257-264 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 93-95. 4. Notice historique sur les travaux 548 [BOU entrepris sur les Amandes ameres, suivie de quelques reflexions sur le memoire de MM. WOHLER et LIEBIG, publie dans les "Annales de Chimie et de Physique," tome LXIV. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 589-609 ; Liebig, Annal. XXV., 1838, pp. 175-190. Boutroux, . Demonstration d'un Theoreme de M. CHASLES. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, pp. 365-368. 2. Demonstration d'un Theoreme de M. CAUCHY. Nouv. Annal. Math. L, 1842, pp. 368-370. Bouvard, Alexis. Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire national de Paris, an 4 de la Republique (1795-96), pour determiner Top- position de Mars et de Jupiter. [1796.] Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang. L, 1806, pp. 76-82. 2. Memoire sur la construction des nouvelles tables de Jupiter et de Saturne calculees suivant la nouvelle division du jour et de la circonference du cercle. [1805.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1807 (pte. 2), pp. 1-38. 3. Sternbedeckungen in den Jahren 1808, 1809 und 1810 beobachtet. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIIL, 1811, pp. 483-487. 4. Einige nutzliche und genaue Formeln. Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1812, pp. 226-227. 5. Langen und Breiten des grossen Cometen von 1811, aus Beobachtungen auf der Kaiser 1. Stern warte in Paris hergeleitet. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 380-381. 6. Meteorologische Beobachtungen auf der Pariser Sternwarte. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 104-106. 7. Observations de la Lune faites a Paris. Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 69-78. 8. Observations de la Lune faites a Paris pour la determination de la difference des meridiens. Astr. Nachr. II., 1824, col. 443-448. 9. De 1'orbite de la seconde comete de 1805. Connaiss. des Temps, 1824, pp. 316-320. 10. [Decouverte d'une nouvelle comete par M. GAMBART. Observations de la Lune faites a Paris.] Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 257-260. 11. [Elements de la comete PONS et GAMBART.] Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 313- 314. 12. Note sur la determination de la diffe- rence des longitudes entre les meridiens de Paris et de Greenwich. [1822.] Connaiss. des Temps, 1825, pp. 344-360. 13. Suite des observations de la Lune faites a Paris, 1824-1826. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 353-358. 14. Memoire sur les observations meteoro- logiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Paris. Paris, Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1827, pp. 267-344. 15. Extrait d'un memoire sur les observa- tions meteorologiques faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. VII., 1827, pp. 280-283. 16. Berechnung der von dem Monde be- wirkten atmospharischen Fluth. Poggend. Annal. XIIL, 1828, pp. 137-149. 17. Sur les variations diurnes du barometre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 374-384 ; Bibl. Univ. XLL, 1829, pp. 273-293 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 72-78 ; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 129- 153 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, p. 184. BOU] 549 [BOU Bouvard, Alexis. 18. Tables nouvelles des depressions du Mercure dans le Barometre, dues a sa capillarite. Connaiss. des Temps, 1829, pp. 303-309. - 19. Marche du Cavalier des fichecs pour parcourir de 128 manieres differentes les 64 cases sans jamais passer deux fois par la meme case, et revenir a la case de depart. Dijon, Acad. Mem. 1830, pp. 23-26. 20. Ueber den Einfluss des Mondes auf den Bouverat, Theoreme relatif au Plus Grand Barometer. Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 4-11. 21. Observations faites a 1'Observatoire Royal de Paris. Astr. Nachr. VIII., 1831, col. 207-210. 22. Mean Meteorological Results. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 641-642. Bouvard, Alexis, et Nicollet. Sur la libration de la Lune. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 13-14. 2. [Observations de la Comete de- couverte en Decembre 1853, faites a Paris.] Quetelet, Corresp. Math. I., 1825, pp. 143-144. 3. Observations de la Lune faites a Paris. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 323-328. Bouvard, Eugene. Sur les elemens paraboliques de la Comete observes le 19 Juillet, 1832. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 349- 350. 2. Observations de la Comete. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, col. 305-308. 3. De 1'influence de la Lune sur 1'atmo- sphere terrestre, determinee par les observations meteorologiques. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIII., 1834, pp. 257-275 ; Spongia, Com. Med. II., 1836, pp. 495-511 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLII., 1834, col. 166-168. 4. Sur les elemens paraboliques de la Co- mete decouverte le 19 Juillet 1832 par M. GAMBART, directeur de 1'Observatoire de Mar- seilles. Connaiss. des Temps, 1835, pp. 30-36. 5. Observations des Etoiles filantes faites a Paris, d'Octobre 1840 a Octobre 1841. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 1029-1032 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 283- 286. Bouve, T. T. Pygorhynchus Gouldii, a new Echinus from the millstone grit of Georgia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, p. 142; Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, p. 437. 2. Report on some fossil shells from the Tertiary of Europe, with remarks on the preva- lence of different strata of this class in Great Britain. Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. I., 1841-44, pp. 156-157. 3. Descriptions of a new species of fossil Echinoderms from the Lower Tertiary rocks of Georgia. Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 2-5.' Commun Diviseur algebrique. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 329-336. Bouvier, . Analyse de la coralline, C. offi- cinalis, Linn. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1791, pp. 308-318. 2. Analyse de la coralline de Corse, Fucus helminthocorton. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 83-94. Bouvier, . Note sur 1'origine des sources. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. IX., 1855, pp. - 361-370. Bouvier et Chatin. Composition du sang dans un cas de scorbut et nouveau moyen de doser la fibrine du sang humain. Journ. Chimie Med. IV, 1848, pp. 141-146. Bouvier et Vauquelin. Distillation de 1'oxide noir de manganese avec 1'acide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1790, pp. 287-293. Bouvier, A. R. Note sur les machines a vapeur. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 177-191. 2. Description d'un projet de machine a vapeur principalement applicable a faire mouvoir les bateaux. Gergonne, Annal. Math. VII., 1816-17, pp. 129-139. Bouvier, L. C. Demonstration abregee du Bi- nome de NEWTON, pour le cas de 1'exposant entier et positif. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIV., 1823-24, pp. 205-206. 2. Dissertation sur la theorie des loga- rithmes. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIV., 1823- 24, pp. 275-279. 3. Loi du developpement de la tangente en fonction de Fare. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIV., 1823-24, pp. 347-349. 4. Demonstration elementaire de la valeur infinie de la somme des inverses des nombres naturels. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XV, 1824- 25, pp. 39-40. 5. Nouvelle methode pour 1'integration de 1'equation lineaire du premier ordre a deux variables. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XV., 1824- 25, pp. 41-44. 6. Discussion des formules qui donnent les sinus et cosinus de la moitie d'un angle en fonc- tion soit du cosinus soit du sinus de cet angle. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XV, 1824-25, pp. 56-62. 7. Demonstration elementaire de la pro- priete de minimum dont jouissent le perimetre du carre et la surface du cube, parmi les paral- lelogrammes rectangles de meme surface, et les parallelipipedes rectangles de meme volume. Gergonue, Annal. Math. XV., 1824-25, pp. 115-118. - 8. Essai sur les limites des racines des equations litterales. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVI., 1825-26, pp. 54-61. BOU] 550 [BOW Bouvier, L. C. 9. Developpement remarquable des racincs et des logaritbmes. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVI., 1825-26, pp. 294-295. 10. Essai de demonstration du Postulatum XI. des EJemens d'EuCLiDE. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVII., 1826-27, pp. 152-155. Bouvier, S. H. V. Sur le mode de reunion des racines anterieures et posterieures des nerfs spinaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull, 1823, pp. 128. Bouvier, S. P. Galvanisch-electrische Versuche mit Eis, und iiber die electrische Anziehung der Saule. (Transl.^ Gilbert, Annal. XIII., 1803, pp. 434-437 ; Nicholson, Journal, VII., 1804, pp. 303-305. Bouvy, Pablo. Resena geognostica de la isla de Mallorca, y descripcion de la situacion y esplota- cion de la ulla del terreno secundario de esta isla. Revista Minera, III., 1852, pp. 174-184, 204-210. 2. Sur le tremblement de terre du 15 Mai 1851 de 1'ile de Mayorque. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 359-364. 3. Sur les lignites des iles Baleares. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 770-773. 4. Descripcion del terreno numulitico de Mallorca comparado con los analogos del literal de la cuenca occidental del Mediterraneo. Revista Minera, XIV., 1863, pp. 301-305, 314- 317, 328-344, 357-366, 389-402. Bouvyer-Desmortiers, . Extrait d'un Memoire sur la construction et les effets du Briquet pneumatique. Journ. de Phys. LXVII., 1808, pp. 125-133. Bouyer, . Poulpe geant observe entre Madere et Teneriffe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, Lin., 1861, pp. 1263-1265. Bouysson, . Essais chimiques sur les vins. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 450-452. Bove, N. Relation abregee d'un voyage botanique en Egypte, dans les trois Arabics, en Palestine et en Syrie. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 72-87, 161-183, 230-239. 2. Voyage aux cotes de 1'Arabie Heureuse. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1835, pp. 145- 165. 3. Recit d'un voyage au mont Sina'i, a Gaza, Jerusalem, Damas et Beyrout. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. III., 1835, pp. 324-333. Bovell, J. Notes on some points in the anatomy of the Leech. [1855.] Canadian Journ. I., 1856, pp. 27-33. Bovell, J., and Goadby. Passing visits to the Rice Lake, Humber River, Grenadier's Pond and the Island. Canadian Journ. III., 1854-55, pp. 201-204. Bovis, E. de. Navigation du Detroit de Magel- lan. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1844, pp. 129- 176. Bow, F. Remarks on the latest form of the Development Theory. Amer. Acad. Mem. VIII., 1863, pp. 96-122. Bowdich, Mrs. E. On the Natural Order of Plants, Dicotyledoneae Anonaceae. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1829, pp. 438-441. Bowdich, T. Edward. On the Aggry Beads of Africa. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIIL, 1819, pp. 445-449. 2. Account of the climate, natural pro- ducts, arts and manufactures of the kingdom of Ashantee, and some of the territories adja- cent. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 26-34. 3. On the measurement of the progress of an Eclipse of the Moon with a Sextant or Reflecting Circle. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 329-335 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 57-63. 4. Sketch of the geognosy of Madeira and Porto Santo. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IX., 1823, pp. 315-322. 5. Descriptions, accompanied by figures, of several Helices. Zool. Journ. I., 1825, pp. 5658. Bowditch, . Trichina spiralis. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. XXVI., 1842, pp. 117-128. Bowditch, J. Ingersoll. Tables of the present Value of a Life-Annuity at any Age, according to Dr. WIGGLES WORTH'S Bill of Mortality. Amer. Acad. Mem. I., 1833, pp. 73-78. 2. Table showing the Present Value of the Right of Dower of a married woman in any real estate, provided she survives her husband. Amer. Acad. Mem. L, 1833, pp. 331-333. 3. Tables exhibiting the number of White Persons in the United States, at every age, deduced from the last Census. Amer. Acad. Mem. L, 1833, pp. 345-347. Bowditch, Nathaniel. Observations of the Comet of 1807. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1809, pp. 1-17. 2. Observations on the Total Eclipse of the sun, June 16, 1806, made at Salem. Amer. Acad. Mem. HI., 1809, pp. 18-32. 3. Application of NAPIER'S rule for solving the cases of right-angled spheric trigonometry. Amer. Acad. Mem. HI., 1809, pp. 33-37. 4. An estimate of the height, direction, velocity, and magnitude of the Meteor that exploded over Weston, in Connecticut, Decem- ber the 14th, 1 807, with methods of calculating Observations made on such bodies. Nicholson, Journal, XXVIII., 1811, pp. 89-98, 206- 219 ; Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 213-237; Annal. de Chimie, III., 181 6, pp. 206-212; Lindenau, Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 137- 144. BOW] 551 [BOW Bowditch, Nathaniel. 5. On the Eclipse of the Sun of Sept. 17, 1811, with the longitudes of several places in this country, deduced from all the observations of the Eclipses of the Sun and Transits of Mercury and Venus that have been published in the Transactions of the Royal So- cieties of London and Paris, the Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, and the Ame- rican Academy of Arts and Sciences. Amer. Acad. Mem. HI., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 255-304. 6. Elements of the Orbit of the Comet of 1811. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 313-325 ; Lindenau, Zeitschr. III., 1817, pp. 221-223. 7. An estimate of the height of the White Hills, in New Hampshire. Amer. Acad. Mem. Ill, 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 325-328. 8. On the variation of the magnetic needle. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 337-343. 9. On the motion of a Pendulum sus- .pended from two Points. Amer. Acad. Mem. III., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 413-436. 10. A demonstration of the rule for find- ing the place of a Meteor, in the second Problem, p. 218. Amer. Acad. Mem. HE., 1815 (pt. 2), pp. 437-439. 11. On a mistake which occurs in the Solar Tables of MAYER, LALANDE, and ZACH. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 28-29. 12. On the calculation of the Oblateness of the Earth by means of the observed lengths of a Pendulum in different latitudes, according to the Method given by LA PLACE in the second Volume of the " Mecanique Celeste," with Remarks on other parts of the same work relating to the Figure of the Earth. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 30-49. 13. Method of correcting the apparent distance of the Moon from the Sun, or a Star, for the effects of Parallax and Refraction. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 50-56. 14. On the method of computing the Dip of the Magnetic Needle in different latitudes, according to the Theory of Mr. BIOT. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 57-61. 15. Remarks on the methods of correct- ing the Elements of the Orbit of a Comet in NEWTON'S "Principia" and in LA PLACE'S " Mecanique Celeste." Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 62-73. 16. Remarks on the usual demonstration of the permanency of the solar system with respect to the Eccentricities and Inclinations of the orbits of the Planets. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 74-76. Bowditch, Nathaniel. 17. Remarks on Dr. STEWART'S Formula for computing the Motion of the Moon's Apsides, as given in the Sup- plement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 110-119. 18. On the Meteor which passed over Wilmington, in the state of Delaware, Nov. 21, 1819. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 295- 305. 19. Occultation of Spica by the Moon, observed at Salem. Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, p. 306. 20. On a mistake which exists in the calculation of M. POISSON relative to the Dis- tribution of the Electrical Matter upon the Surfaces of two Globes, in Vol. XII. of the " Mernoires de la Classe des Sciences mathe- matiques et physiques de ITnstitut Imperial de France." Amer. Acad. Mem. IV., 1818, pp. 307-308. 21. Elements of the Comet of 1819. Amer. Acad. Mem., IV., 1818, pp. 317-318. 22. Lettre sur la methode de M. ELFORD. Zach, Corresp. X., 1824, pp. 449-453. Bowditch, W. R. Prize Essay : On the Chemi- cal Changes in the Fermentation of Dung. Agric. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1855, pp. 323-345. 2. On the formation of Hail, as illustrated by Local Storms. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (j)t. 2), pp. 35-36. 3. On the removal of bisulphide of Car- bon from Coal Gas. Chemical News, II., 1860, pp. 77-78. 4. On Coal Gas. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1860-62, pp. 25-40 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 53-54, 68-69, 83-84, 98-99. 5. On the sulphur-compounds in purified coal gas, and on crystallized Hydro-sulphocar- bonate of Lime. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862- 63, pp. 185-190. Bowdoin, James. Observations upon an hypo- thesis for solving the Phenomena of Light : with incidental observations, tending to show the heterogeneousness of Light and of the Electric Fluid, by their intermixture or union with each other. Amer. Acad. Mem. 1785, pp. 187-194. 2. Observations on Light, and the waste of matter in the Sun and Fixt Stars, occa- sioned by the constant efflux of light from them : with a conjecture, proposed by way of query, and suggesting a means by which their several systems might be preserved from the disorder and final ruin to which they seem liable by that waste of matter, and by the law of Gravitation. Amer. Acad. Mem. I., 1785, pp. 195-207. BOW] 552 [BOW Bowdoin, James. 3. Observations tending to prove, by phenomena and scripture, the existence of an Orb which surrounds the whole visible ma- terial System ; and which may be necessary to preserve it from the ruin to which, without such a counterbalance, it seems liable by that uni- versal principle in matter, Gravitation. Amer. Acad. Mem. I., 1785, pp. 208-233. Bowdoin, James. Particulars respecting an irised Aurora Borealis. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 71-75 ; Froriep. Notizen, XXVIII., 1830, col. 129-132 ; Koy. 'inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 198-199. Bowen, Observations on the supposed hereditability of peculiar traits of bodily and mental organization, and especially of mental disease. Amer. Acad. Proc. V., 1860-62, pp. 102-111. Bowen, G. T. Analysis of the sulphate of Stronlian from Lake Erie, and of some sulphates of Barytes. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 324-327. 2. Analysis of the calcareous oxide of Tungsten from Huntington. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 118-121. . 3. Analysis of the Pyroxene Sahlite from the vicinity of New Haven, Conn. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 344-346. 4. Analysis of a variety of Nephrite from Smithfield. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 346-348. 5. Notice of magnetic effects produced by Dr. HARE'S Calorimotor. Silliman, Journ. V., 1822, pp. 357-360. 6. Analysis of an ore of Copper from New Jersey. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 295-297; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (-Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 314-316. 7. Description and analysis of the Silli- manite, a new mineral. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. III., 1823, pp. 375-381; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 309-313; Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 113-118. 8. Analysis of a siliceous Hydrate of Copper from New Jersey, with a notice of a dis- covery of two localities of Spodumene in the United States. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 118-121. Bowen, W. S. The parent tissue and the Blas- tema. North Amer. Med. Chir. Rev. I., 1857, pp. 719-730. Bowerbank, James Scott. Observations on the circulation of the blood in Insects. Entomo- logical Mag. I., 1833, pp. 239-244 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1834, col. 149-152. Bowerbank, James Scott. 2. Observations on the circulation of blood and [the distribution of the Tracheae in the wing of Chrysopa perla. Entomological Mag. IV., 1837, pp. 179-185. 3. On the structure of the scales on the wings of Lepidopterous insects. Entomological Mag. V., 1838, pp. 300-304. 4. An account of a deposit containing land shells at Gore Cliff, Isle of Wight. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 449; Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, p. 103. 5. On the London Clay formation at Brack - lesham Bay, Sussex. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 23-27. 6. On the siliceous bodies of the Chalk, Greensands, and Oolites. [1840.] Microscopical Journ. I., 1841, pp. 99-103, 113-115, 131-135; Trans. Geol. Soc. VI., 1842, pp. 181-194 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIIL, 1841, pp. 422-424. 7. Observations on a Keratose Sponge from Australia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 129-132 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 1-4. 8. On the Keratose or horny Sponges of commerce. Microscopical Journ. L, 1841, pp. 8-11 ; Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 32-39. 9. Descriptions of three species of Sponge containing some new forms of organization. Mi- croscopical Journ. L, 1841, pp. 161-162; Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 63-76. 10. On the spongeous origin of Moss Agates and other siliceous bodies. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 9-18, 84-91 ; Microscopical Journ. L, 1842, pp. 303-308. 11. On the London and Plastic Clay for- mations of the Isle of Wight. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 169-172. 12. On the organic tissues in the bony struc- ture of the CorallidEe. Phil. Trans. CXXXII., 1842, pp. 215-224. 13. On a new variety of vascular tissue found in a fossil wood from the London Clay. [1840.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 16-18. 14. On the structure of the Shells of Mol- luscous and Conchiferous Animals. [1843.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 123-154; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 275-277. 15. On a new species of Pterodactyl found in the Upper Chalk of Kent. Geol. Soc. Journ. L, 1845, pp. 7-8. 16. Description of a new genus of Calca- reous Sponge (Dunstervillea). Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 297-300. 17. On the structure of the cocoon of a Leech. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 301- 305; Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 1039- 1041. BOW] 553 [BOW Bowerbank, James Scott. 18. Observations on the Spongiadfe, with descriptions of some new genera. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 400- 410. 19. On the siliceous bodies of the Chalk and other Formations. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 249-262. > 20. Microscopical observations on the struc- ture of the Bones of Pterodactylus giganteus and other fossil animals. Geol. Soc. Journ. IV., 1848, pp. 2-10. 21. On a siliceous zoophyte, Alcyonites parasiticum. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 319- 328. 22. On the probable dimensions of the Great Shark (Carcharias Megalodon) of the Red Crag. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt.2\ pp. 54-55 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1852, pp. 120-123. 23. On the Pterodactyles of the Chalk Formation. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIX., 1851, pp. 14-20. 24. On Ciliary action in the Spongiadese. [1850.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1852, pp. 137-142. 25. On the remains of a gigantic Bird (Lithornis emuinus) from the London Clay of Sheppey. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 263- 264. 26. On the Origin of Siliceous Deposits in the Chalk Formation. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2.), p. 63. 27. On the Vital Powers of the Spongiadas. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856, pp. 438-451. 28. Further Report on the Vitality of the Spongiadee. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 121- 125 ; Microsc. Soc. Quart. Journ. VI., 1858, pp. 78-79. 29. On the anatomy and physiology of the Spongiada3. [1857.] Phil - Trans. 1858, pp. 279-332 ; Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 372-375 ; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 747-836, 1087-1135. 30. On the organization of Grantia ciliata. Microsc. Soc. Trans. VII., 1859, pp. 79-84. 31. A monograph of the Spongillidae. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1863, pp. 440-472. Bowers, Henri. Sur les Semences du Ricin (Ricinus communis). Journ. de Pharm. XXVII. , 1855, pp. 63-65. Bowler, B. Discovery of viviparous Fish in Louisiana. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1855, pp. 133-136. Bowler, W. S. Account of remarkable Palmyra trees. Madras Journal, I., 1834, pp. 13-15. Bowman, Ed. On the measurement of distances by the telescope. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1844, p. 510. Bowman, John Eddowes. On the Gossamer Spider. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 205- 206. 2. Remarks on the Luminosity of the Sea. Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 1-3. 3. On the parasitical connexion of La- thrrea squamaria, and the peculiar structure of its subterranean leaves. [1829.J Mag. Nat. Hist. V., 1832, pp. 45-48 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 399-420. 4. Account of a new plant of the Gastro- mycous order of Fungi. [1828.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 151-154. 5. On the Bone Cave in carboniferous limestone at Cefn in Denbighshire. Brit. As- soc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 88-90. 6. On the longevity of the Yew, as ascer- tained from actual sections of its trunk ; and on the origin of its frequent occurrence in churchyards. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 28- 35, 85-90. 7. On a White Fossil Powder found under a bog in Lincolnshire, composed of the siliceous fragments of microscopic parasitical Conferva!. Hooker, Journ. Bot. II., 1840, pp. 256-264; Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. L, 1841, pp. 141- 152. 8. On some objections to the theory of attributing the natural terraces on the Eildon Hills to the action of water. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 207-215. 9. On the natural terraces on the Eildon Hills being formed by the action of ancient glaciers. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1841, pp. 346- 351. 1O. On the origin of Coal ; and the geo- logical conditions under which it was produced. [1840.] Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. L, 1841, pp. 90-111. 11. Observations on the characters of the Fossil Trees lately discovered on the line of the Bolton Railway, near Manchester. Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. L, 1841, pp. 112-140; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 154-165 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 84-86 ; Bibl. Univ. XXXIII., 1841, pp. 424-428 ; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, pp. 326-331. 12. On the Upper Silurian Rocks of Den- bighshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 59-61. 13. Notice of Upper Silurian Rocks in the Vale of Llangollen, North Wales ; and of a con- tiguous eruption of Trap and Compact Felspar. Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1841, pp. 194- 211. 14. On the question. Whether there are any evidences of the former existence of Glaciers in North Wales. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 469-479. 4 A BOW] 554 [BOY Bowman, John Eddowes. 15. Notes on a small patch of Silurian Rocks to the West of Abergele, on the Northern Coast of Denbighshire, visited 18th and 19th July 1837. [1838.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 195-198. Bowman, John Edward. Remarkable properties of Water and other Fluids, and their connexion with Steam Boiler Explosions. Franklin Inst. Journ. X., 1845, pp. 182-188, 268-273. . 2. On Tribasic Boracic jEther. [1846.] Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 248-252 ; Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 546-550. Bowman, Robert. Statement of experiments made on the relative strength of Cast Iron, chilled and unchilled, at Crane Foundry, on July 21 and Aug. 23, 1847. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVL, 1848, pp. 272-275. Bowman, William. On the minute structure and movements of voluntary muscle. Phil. Trans. 1840, pp. 457-502 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIL, 1841, col. 212-214. 2. Additional note on the contraction of voluntary muscle in the living body. Phil. Trans. 1841, pp. 69-72. 3. Observations on the minute anatomy of fatty degeneration of the liver. Microscopical Journ. I., 1842, pp. 129-131. 4. On the structure and use of the Mal- pighian bodies of the Kidney, with observations on the circulation -through that gland. Phil. Trans. 1842, pp. 57-80 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Zool.\ 1843, pp. 108-145; Froriep, Notizen, XXIL, 1842, col. 321-324; XXV., 1843, col. 177-184, 199-200. 5. On some points in the Anatomy of the Eye, chiefly with reference to its Power of Adjustment. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 91-92. 6. Observations on the structure of the Vitreous humour. Dublin, Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. VI., 1848, pp. 102-118; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 273-282. Bowman, William, et Todd. Ueber Molecular- bewegung. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1843, col. 225-230. Bowring, John. On the Boracic Acid Lago on of Tuscany. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 85-90; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 767-773; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV, 1840, pp. 350-353; Silliman, Journ. XXXVII., 1839, pp. 268-274. Bowring, John Christian. On the Theory and Practice of Amalgamation of Silver Ores in Mexico and Peru. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 28-29. 2. Remarks on the amalgamation of silver ores in Mexico ; with an account of some new combinations of copper, oxygen, and chlorine. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1844, p. 509. Bowring, John Christian. 3. Proposal for a new method of determining the Longitude by an absolute altitude of the Moon. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1838, p. 52. Boxer, E. M. On the effect of the rotation of the Earth upon the flight of a projectile. Phil. Mag. IL, 1851, pp. 386-390. Boyd, Cadwallader. Chemical analyses of soils, &c. Bath Soc. Letters, XL, 1807, pp. 273- 306 ; XIL, 1810, pp. 379-389. Boyd, Edward F. On a part of the carboni- ferous or Mountain limestone series of North Northumberland. North of Engl. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. IX., 1860-61, pp. 1862-25. Boyd, Edward F., and Nicholas Wood. On " the Wash," a remarkable denudation through a portion of the coal-field of Durham. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 89-91. Boyd, H. S. On Cosmogony. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 375-378. Boyd, J. Case of Adder-bite. Edinb. Med. Journ. VIL, 1861-62, pp. 324-326. Boyd, Robert. Case of malposition of the kid- neys, absence of the vagina, uterus, and Fal- lopian tubes ; disease of left ovary. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1841, pp. 187-189. 2. Description of a malformation of the duodenum, with notices of analogous cases. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXVIIL, 1845, pp. 329- 336. 3. On Atrophy of the Brain, with cases in which there were remarkable inequalities of the Cerebral Hemispheres, attended with hemi- plegia and contraction of the limb on the side opposite the atrophied hemisphere. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXIX., 1856, pp. 59-70. 4. Tables of the weights of the human body and the internal organs in the Sane and Insane of both sexes at various ages. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 124-126; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 241-262 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 577-584. Boyd, Sprott. Essay on the structure of the mucous membrane of the Stomach. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XLVL, 1836, pp. 382- 404. Boyd, Thomas. Micro-Lepidoptera of the New Forest, Hampshire. Newman, Zoologist, XL, 1853, pp. 4131-4133. 2. On the tendency of species to form varieties. Newman, Zoologist, XVIL, 1859, pp. 6357-6359. Boyd, Thomas, and A. G. More. On the geo- graphical distribution of butterflies in Great Britain. Newman, Zoologist, XVL, 1858, pp. 6018-6027. BOY] 555 [BOY Boydanow, A. Etudes sur les causes de la coloration des oiseaux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1858, pp. 46-60. Boy den, Uriah A. On explosions produced by Nitre in burning buildings, &c. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLIV., 1862, pp. 32-38. Boye, . Essai de trois lignites et d'un lignite carbonise. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1844, pp. 557-564. 2. Rapport sur 1'explosion d'une chaudiere survenue dans 1'usine du Sieur DRUOT (Victor), a St. Renobert, commune de Luingey (Doubs), le 5 Aout 1846. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1847, pp. 235-245. Boye, Martin H. Acetate of Lime formed in coal pits. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 275-277. 2. Oxyde of Cobalt with the brown Hema- tite ore of Chester Ridge. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 281-282. 3. On the composition of the Schuylkill Water. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 123- 135. 4. Analysis of the Bittern of a Saline on the Kiskiminetas River, near Freeport, Arm- strong County, Pennsylvania. Silliman, Journ. VIL, 1849, pp. 74-76. 5. Analysis of Schuylkill Water. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1850, p. 123. 6. Analysis of a Magnetic Iron Pyrites containing Nickel, from Gap Mine, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 219-222. Boye, Martin H,, and C. Hare. On the Perchlo- rate of the Oxide of Ethule or Perchloric Ether. [1840.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1843, pp. 73-76 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVL, 1842, pp. 129-132 ; Bibl. Univ. XL., 1842, pp. 183-185; Silliman, Journ. XLII., 1842, pp. 63- 66; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 406-409. Boye, Martin H., and R. E. Rogers. On the analysis of Limestones, especially the Magnesian kind, and a method of completely separating Lime from Magnesia when both are present in large quantities. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXV., 1840, pp. 158-162; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 203-208. Boye, Martin H., and H. D. Rogers. Upon a new compound of the Deuto-chloride of Plati- num, Nitric Oxide, and Chloro-hydric Acid. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1841, pp. 59-66 ; Liebig, Annal. XL., 1841, pp. 289-290. Boye, Martin H., and Wetherill. Analysis of a concretion from a Horse's Stomach. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IV., 1847, pp. 230-232 ; Silli- man, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 274-275. Boye, N. De la geologie consideree dans ses applications a 1'industrie. Besanpon, Mem. Soc. Emul. III., 1842-43, pp. 3-17. Boye, N. 2. Notice sur la geologie des envi- rons de Lons le Saulnier. Besan9on, Mem. Soc. Emul. I., 1850, pp. 1-6. Boyer, . Observations sur la Plique. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 110-112. Boyer, . Recherches sur le strabisrae. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 398- 399. Boyer, L. Considerations sur 1'emploi comparatif de Tether et du chloroforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 903-904. Boyer de Fonscolombe, E. H. Memoire sur la destruction des bois et leur retablissement dans les departements qui composent la Provence. Marseille, Acad. Mem. I., 1803, pp. 167-262 ; Aix, Mem. 1819, pp. 1-87. Boyer de Fonscolombe, E. L. J. H. De- scription des insectes de la famille des Diplo- lepaires qui se trouvent aux environs d'Aix. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVL, 1832, pp. 184-198. 2. Monographia Chalciditum Gralloprovincise circa Aquas Sextias degentium. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVL (Zoo/.), 1832, pp. 273-307. 3. Description des Kermes qu'on trouve aux environs d'Aix. [1833.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 201-218. 4. Notice sur les genres d'Hymenopteres, Lithurgus et Phylloxera. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. in., 1834, pp. 219-223. 5. Description de la Psyche Febretta, nou- velle espece de Bombycites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 107-110. 6. Description du Ceramius Fonscolombii, Latr. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 421-427. 7. Monographic des Libellulines des envi- rons d'Aix. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. 129-150; VIL, 1838, pp. 75-106, 547- 575. 8. Notice sur deux teignes qui attaquent 1'olivier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. 179-188. 9. [Quelques observations sur PAntophora parietina.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1838, p. li. 1O. Des insectes nuisibles a 1'agriculture principalement dans les departements du Midi de la France. Aix, Acad. Mem. IV., 1840, pp. 5-214. 11. Addenda et errata ad monographiam Chalciditum Galloprovinciae circa Aquas Sextias degentium. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1840, pp. 186-192. 12. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Teigne. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, p. 61. 13. Description de la chenille de la Tor- trix compressana, Dup. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. IX., 1840, p. 62. 4 A 2 BOY] 556 [BRA Boyer de Fonscolombe, E. L. J. IT. 14. Se- cond memoire sur les insectes qui attaquent 1'olivier. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 101-116. 15. Description des Pucerons qui se trou- vent aux environs d'Aix. Paris, Ann. Soc. En- tom. X., 1841, pp. 157-198. 16. Calen drier de Faune et de Flore pour les environs d'Aix, ou premiere apparition des principaux insectes et premiere floraison des vegetaux qui s'y trouvent. Aix, Acad. Mem. V., 1844, pp. 359-635. 17. Quelques details de moeurs relatifs a deux especes de Bombycites : Dicranura vinula et Lasiocampa lineosa. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1844, pp. Ix-lxi. 18. Notes sur liuit especes nouvelles d'Hymenopteres et de Nevropteres trouvees aux environs d'Aix. [1845.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. 39-51. 19. Ichneumonblogie Provengale ou cata- logue des Ichneumonides qui se trouvent aux environs d'Aix, et description des especes in- edites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. 51-70, 397-420; V1L, 1849, pp. 211-239; VIII., 1850, pp. 361-390 ; IX., 1851, pp. 103- 119 ; X., 1852, pp. 29-50, 427-441 ; II., 1854, pp. 497-520. 20. Sur les CEcophora oleella et Elachista olivella. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. xvii-xix. Boyer de Fonscolombe, E. L. J. //., et 'West- wood. Decriptions of two Hymenoptera : Cerocephala cornigera, Westw., and Megachile sericans, Fonsc. Mag. de Zool. II., 1832. Boyes, W. J. E. On the genus Paussus. Ben- gal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XII., 1843, pp. 421-436. 2. Notes on the economy of the Paus- sidiB. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 88-91. Boykin, . Georgia meteor and aerolite. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 388-389. Boyle, J. On two species of Mammalia from Sierra Leone (Perodicticus Geoffroyi and Aulo- codus Swinderianus). Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1830 31, pp. 109-111 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIIL, 1832, col. 305-308. Boyman, J. 11. Observation geometrique au sujet du probleme traite p. 321 du V. vol. de ce journal ; [Losung einer interessanten geome- trischen Aufgabe, von HESSEL]. Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 351-352. 2. Entwickelung der Gleichungen der Loxodromen auf den Flachen der zweiten Ord- nung. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 337- 348. 3. Ueber Transversalen im Dreieck und den ihnen zugeordneten Punkt. Grunert, Ar- chiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 364-374. Boyman, J. R. 4. Entwickelung der Gleichung der Loxodrome auf dem durch Drehung der Parabel um ihre aussere Axe entstehenden Ro- tationsparaboloid. Grunert, Archiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 375-377. 5. Ueber parallele Transversalen im Dreieck, welche von den Dreieckseiten nach demselben VerhJiltniss geschnitten werden. Grunert, Archiv, XIII., 1849, pp. 378-385. 6. Discussion einer Curve der dritten Ord- nung und Dreitheilung des Winkels niit Hiilfe dieser Curve. Grunert, Archiv, XV., 1850, pp. 205-220. 7. Auflosung der geometrischen Aufgabe : Durch zwei gegebene Punkte einen Kreis zu beschreibeu, der einen gegebenen Kreis so schneidet, dass die beiden gemeinschaftlichen Sehnen einer gegebenen Geraden gleich werden. Grunert, Archiv, XVI., 1851, pp. 409-410. 8. Einfacher Beweis fiir die von MASCHE- RONI gegebene Auflosung der Aufgabe : die Lange einer an ihren beiden Endpunkten unzu- ganglichen geraden Linie zu messen. Grunert, Archiv, XVIII., 1852, pp. 452-454. Boys, Henry. Account of the Flustra arenosa, and some other marine productions. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 230-231. Boys, T. On the steam-wave. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1842, pp. 372. Boys de Louri, . Vagin double avec uterus a col bifide. Rev. Med. Fran?, et Etr. II., 1843, pp. 336-342. 2. Observation sur un cas d'aberration dans la sensation des couleurs. Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etr. III., 1843, pp. 335-344; Froriep, Notizen, XXX., 1844, col. 165-168. Bozetti, Costantino. Descrizione di una mostru- osita degli organi genito-urinarii. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XCIX., 1841, pp. 192-195. 2. Ragguaglio di alcune notabili mostru- osita umane. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CXI., 1844, pp. 5-30. 3raam, F. Th. Beschrijving van het Eiland Tercera. Amsterdam, Verzam. Bericht. Navig. I., 1803, pp. 98-108. Braamcamp et Siqueira-Oliva. Experiences chimiques sur le mercure. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1805, pp. 117-137; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1806, pp. 56-65. Brabaender, H. W. Die magnetischen Beo- bachtungen zu Ibbenbiiren, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber dergleichen Beobachtungen fiir die Zwecke des Bergbaues. Carnall, Zeitschr. III., 1856, pp. 303-320. Brabazon, A. Beaufort. Case of congenital Malformation of the Hand. Dublin Hosp. Gaz. I., 1854, pp. 375-376. BRA] 557 [BRA Brace, John P. Description of the Phalsena Devastator (the insect that produces the Cut- worm). Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 154-155. 2. Observations on the minerals connected with the Gneiss range of Litchfield county. Silliman, Journ. I., 1818, pp. 351-355. 3. List of Plants growing spontaneously in Litchfield and in its vicinity. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 69-86, 292-309. Brach, B. Kommen die Empfindungen in den Sinnorganen oder erst im Gehirne zum Bewusst- sein ? Rust, Magazin, XXXVIII., 1832, pp. 522-538. Brachet, J. L. Memoire en reponse a cette ques- tion : Existe-t-il un etat asthenique primitif ? s'il existe, en indiquer les caracteres, et 1'etudier dans les divers organes. Bordeaux, Journ. Med. Prat. L, 1829, pp. 65-83. 2. Observations et reflexions sur 1'accroisse- ment rapide qu'on observe quelquefois a la suite des maladies aigues. Gendrin, Trans. Med. V., 1831, pp. 295-303. 3. Observation sur une emission d'hy- datides avec les urines. Gendrin, Trans. Med. V., 1831, pp. 304-310. 4. Observation sur une imperforation de 1'anus accompagnee d'un anus extraordinaire. Gendrin, Trans. Med. V., 1831, pp. 311-315. 5. Sur les causes de la lassitude et de 1'anhelation dans les ascensions sur les montagnes les plus elevees. Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etr. III.. 1844, pp. 356-368. 6. Etudes physiologiques sur la theorie de 1'inflammation. Lyon, Mem. Acad. L, 1851, pp. 5-68. Brackenridge, B. M. Photographische Pro- cesse mit den Nitroprussiden des Natriums und des Kaliums. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIIL, 1860, pp. 121-124. Brackenridge, H. H. On the population and tumuli of the Aborigines of North America. [1813.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. L, 1818, pp. 151-160. Braconnot, Henri. Notice historique et analyse chimique d'une corne fossile. Journ. de Phys. LXIII., 1806, pp. 97-109 ; Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 49-58. 2. Sur la force assimilatrice dans les vege- taux. Annal. de Chimie, LXI., 1807, pp. 187- 246; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 130-156; Nicholson, Journ. XVIIL, 1807, pp. 15-28. 3. Sur le Phytolacca. Annal. de Chimie. LXIL, 1807, pp. 71-90 ; Nicholson, Journ! XVIIL, 1807, pp. 85-91. Braconnot, Henri. 4. Examen des acides vege- taux qui saturent la potasse et la chaux dans les plantes. Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1808, pp. 277-308; LXX., 1809, pp. 255-292 ; Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810 (St. 2), pp. 29-92; Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1808-9, pp. 15- 20. 5. Analyse comparee des goinmes-resines. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1808, pp. 18-77 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 361-370 ; XXVIIL, 228-236, 344-350; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIL, 1811, pp. 340-358. 6. Chimie des gommes-resines. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1808-9, pp. 9-15. 7. Examen chimique du Brou de noix. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1810, pp. 304-312; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 374-379; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVIIL, 1811, pp. 447- 451. - 8. Recherches sur les champignons. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1810, pp. 15-25 ; 1811- 12, pp. 22-26 ; 1813-15, pp. 19-25. 9. Analyse du Brou de noix et de la Noix vomique. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1810, pp. 25-29. 1O. Analysis of Aloes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1810, pp. 224-230. 11. Recherches analytiques sur la nature des Champignons. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIX., 1811, pp. 265-304; LXXX., 1811, pp. 272- 292. 12. Analyse de la Noix vomique. Pharm. III., 1811, pp. 315-321. 13. De la Fongine, ou analyse des Cham- pignons. Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 130-135. 14. Decouverte d'un nouvel acide [nan- ceique] dans les substances acescentes. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1811-12, pp. 18-20. 15. Analyse de di verses especes de Cham- pignons. Bull, de Pharm. IV., 1812, pp. 244- 254. 16. Observations chimiques sur 1' Agaric blanc officinal, Boletus laricis. Bull, de Pharm. IV., 1812, pp. 304-307. 17. Experiences sur un acide pavticulier qui se developpe dans les matieres acescentes. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVL, 1813, pp. 84-100. 18. Nouvelles recherches analytiques sur les Champignons. Chimie, LXXXVIL, 1813, pp. 237-270 ; Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 259-264. 19. Analyse de TAbsinthe, Artemisia absinthium. Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 549- 557. 20. Proprietes de 1'absinthe. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1813-15, pp. 25-28. 21. Experiences sur les corps gras. Nancy Trav. Soc. Sci. 1813-15, pp. 29-33. BRA] 558 [BRA Braconnot, Henri. 22. Kecherches pour deter- miner si 1'extractif doit etre compte au nombre des produits immediats des vegetaux. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1813-15, pp. 33^2. 23. Suite des recherches analytiques sur les Champignons. Bull, de Pharm. VI., 1814, pp. 153-165. 24. Memoire sur la nature des corps gras. Annal. de Chimie, XCIIL, 1815, pp. 225-277 ; Journ. de Pharm. I., 1815, pp. 385-401 ; Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XLVL, 1815, pp. 29-41, 130- 139. 25. Recherches chimiques sur le sang et sur quelques autres fluides animaux. Annal. de Chimie, XCIV., 1815, pp. 34-72. 26. Observations sur les avantages du Datisca cannabina dans 1'art de la teinture. Journ. de Phys. LXXXI1L, 1816, pp. 187-191; Brugnatelli, Giorn. IX., 1816, pp. 451-455 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. 1818 (St. 2), pp. 129-133. 27. Analyse du Riz. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 370-383 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 186-192 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 104-122. 28. Sur 1'acide sorbique et sur ses diverses combinaisons. Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 239-259 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 17- 23; Schweigger, Journ. XXIV., 1818, pp. 133-154 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 290-296; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. in., 1819, pp. 111-138. 29. Memoire sur le principe extractif et sur les extraits en general. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 267-296, 325-349. 30. Experiences sur la nature de 1'acide malique. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 149-158 ; Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 343- 349; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819, pp. 138-150. 31. Examen chimique des tubercules de la Gesse tubereuse (Lathyrus tuberosus). Annal. de Chimie, VIIL, 1818, pp. 241-250 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819, pp. 339- 351. 32. Observations sur la preparation et la purification de 1'acide gallique, et sur 1'existence d'un acide nouveau dans la Noix de Galle. An- nal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 181-189; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 393-405. ' 33. Analyse du foie de bo3uf. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 189-200 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 349- 363. 34. Notice sur une roche quartzeuse pene- tree de percarbure de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1819, pp. 43-48 ; Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci, J 8 19-23, pp. 83-84, Braconnot, Henri. 35. Memoire sur la con- version du corps ligneux, en gomme, en sucre, et en nn acide particulier. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1819, pp. 172-195; Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 363-364 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 347-371 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 416-431; Quart. Journ. Sci. VIIL, 1820, pp. 386-393 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXVII., 1819, pp. 328-348 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LV., 1820, pp. 53-56, 118-122. 36. Precede pour fixer sur la laine, la soie, le coton, le chanvre, etc., une tres-belle couleur jaune minerale. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1819, pp. 398-402; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LV., 1820, pp. 181-183. 37. Action de 1'acide sulfurique sur les matieres vegetales et animales. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1819-23, pp. 66-83 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 389-402 ; Giorn. Arcad. VI., 1820, pp. 277-287; Quart. Journ. Sci. IX., 1820, pp. 392-395. 38. Analyse comparee des excremens d'un rossignol et du coeur de boeuf dont il a ete nourru Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1819-23, pp. 87-90; Annal. de Chimie, XVIL, 1821, pp. 380- 393. 39. Memoire sur la conversion des matieres animales en nouvelles substances par le moyen de 1'acide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1820, pp. 113-126 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 431-441; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 343-356; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 131-137; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V.. 1821, pp. 156-174. 4O. Note sur la cristallisation du sucre, dans une circonstance particuliere. Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1821, pp. 427-429. 41. Examen d'un sediment des eaux de Luxeuil. Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1821, pp. 221-224. 42. Examen de plusieurs bezoards vomis par une fille. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 194-198. 43. Sur une tres-belle couleur verte. An- nal. de Chimie, XXL, 1822, pp. 53-56 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 309-310 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 314-316. 44. Analyse des Tubercules de 1'Helian- thus tuberosus, et observations sur la Dahline. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1824, pp. 358-373. 45. Recherches sur un nouvel acide uni- versellement repandu dans tous les vegetaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 173-178; Brugnatelli, Giorn. VIIL, 1825, pp. 171-174; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 350-352; Scbweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 141-146 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 56-64. BRA] 559 [BRA Braconnot, Henri. 46. De la presence de 1'oxalate de chaux dans le regne mineral ; exis- tence du meme sel en quantite enorme dans les plantes de la famille des Lichens, et moyen avantageux d'en extraire 1'acide oxalique. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 318-322 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 353-355 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 156-161 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1825, pp. 213-219. 47. Examen d'une matiere colorante bleue particuliere a certaines urines. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 252-260 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 409-411 ; Schweig- ger, Journ. XL VI. (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 340-364. 48. Note sur 1'irritabilite du stigmate des Mimulus. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 333-334. 49. Nouvelles observations sur 1'acide pectique. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 96-102. 5O. Analyse de la Suie. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 37-53. 51. Analyse du noir de fumee. [1825.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 53-58"; Silliman, Journ. XL, 1826, pp. 386-388. 52. Examen chimique d'un papier colle dans la cuve de fabrication. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1826, pp. 93-97. 53. Memoire sur un principe particulier aux graines de la famille des Legumineuses, et analyse des pois et des haricots. [1826.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 68-85 ; Quart. Jouru. Sci. I., 1827, pp. 485-486. 54. Sur une production de salpetre dans une circonstance particuliere. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 260-262 ; Poggend. Annal. X., 1827, pp. 506-507 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 200-202. 55. Sur une alteration du ble abandonne dans un reservoir souterrain. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1827, pp. 262-266; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1827, p. 492. 56. Recherches sur la fermentation du fromage et sur 1'oxide caseeux et 1'acide caseique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVL, 1827, pp. 159-175; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. I., 1828, pp. 155-165 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1828, p. 230; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVIII., 1829, pp. 270-289. 57. Recherches chimiques sur la nature des Preles. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 5-24; Edinb. New. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 100-101 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. IV., 1829, pp. 186-20Q % 58. Sur un encre indelebile. Annal. de Chimie, XL., 1829, pp. 219-222 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 220-223 ; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 529-532. Braconnot, Henri. 59. Recherches chimiques sur le pollen du Typha latifolia, Linn., famille des Typhacees. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 91-105 ; Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1829-32, 101-105. 6O. Recherches sur la bile. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1829, pp. 171-185; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 90- 105 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1830, pp. 266-284. 61. Memoire sur le Caseum et sur le Lait: nouvelles ressources qu'ils peuvent offrir a la societe. Annal. de Chimie, XLIIL, 1830, pp. 337-351 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VIII., 1830, pp. 293-305; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 181-184 ; Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1829-32, pp. 111-118; Poggend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 34-47. 62. Examen chimique de 1'ecorce de Tremble, etc. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 296-315; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIIL, 1831, pp. 203-209, 250-255 ; Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 47-62 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (=N. Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 197-208; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 260-285. 63. Experiences sur 1'acide gallique. An- nal. de Chimie, XLVL, 1831, pp. 206-212 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XV., 1832, pp. 41-46 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1831, pp. 193-194; Lie- big, Annal. I., 1832, pp. 26-29; Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (= N. Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 455- 460. 64. Examen chimique de la lie de vin. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIL, 1831, pp. 59-69; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XII., 1831, pp. 105-112 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832, pp. 288-310. 65. Memoire sur le principe gelatineux des fruits, precede de quelques experiences sur le jus de groseille. Annal. de Chimie, XLVIL, 1831, pp. 266-281 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIIL, 1832, pp. 28-63 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1832 (St. 2), pp. 167- 186. 66. Sur une modification isomerique de 1'acide tartrique. Annal. de Chimie, XL VIII., 1831, pp. 299-301 ; Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 322-325 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 338-340. 67. Observations sur la Salicine et sur sa conversion en un principe colorant d'une nature particuliere. Journ. Chimie Med. VIL, 1831, pp. 17-22 ; Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 621-624. 68. Examen de la boue noire provenant des egouts. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 213-215 ; Liebig, Annal. VIL, 1833, pp. 282- 284. BRA] 560 [BRA Braconnot, Henri. 69. Sur la jusee et 1'ecorce de Chene. Existence de la pectine dans 1'ecorce des arbres. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1832, pp. 376-385 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVI., 1833, pp. 75-82 ; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 275-283 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. (= N. Jnhrb. VI.), 1832, pp. 320-326. , 70. Experiences sur le Geranium zonale. Annal. de Chimie, LL, 1832, pp. 328-335. , 71. Die Gahrung mit der Contagion ver- glichen. ( Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXII., 1832, col. 177-182. . 72. Sur quelques proprietes de 1'acide nitrique. Annal. de Chimie, LII., 1833, pp. 286-289 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIII., 1833, pp. 66-74 ; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 242-245; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 173-175. > 73. De la transformation de plusieurs substances vegetales en un principe nouveau [xyloidine]. [1832.] Annal. de Chimie, LII., 1833, pp. 290-294 ; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 245-249; Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, pp. 176-179; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= N. Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 368-371 ; Silli- man, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, p. 131. 74. Sur la faculte que possedent les fleurs de Laurier Rose d'attraper les insectes. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1833, pp. 221-223. > 75. Experiences sur le Volvoce globuleux. Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1834, pp. 439-442. 76. Experiences chimiques sur le sue gastrique. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 348-358 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. VII., 1836, pp. 197-205 ; Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1836, pp. 34-36; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 91-93; Liebig, Annal. XVII., 1836, pp. 186-191 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1835, pp. 55-66 ; Silliman, Journ. XXX., 1836, pp. 378- 379. i 77. Sur les ecailles de nature inorgauique produites par les plantes de la famille des Plum- baginees. [1837.] Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1836, pp. 373-377 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836, pp. 99-103; Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 89-92. 78. Memoire sur un lait bleu. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836, pp. 94-98; Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1836, pp. 625-628. ' 79. Analyse des eaux de Bulgneville (Vosges). Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1836, pp. 104-105 ; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1837, pp. 376-378; Epinal, Annal. III., 1837, pp. 384- 393. 80. Sur la conservation des Legumes frais. Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1837, pp. 170-174 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XI., 1837, pp. 375-378 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 104-107. Braconnot, Henri. 81. Analyse comparatif du trapp de Raon-1'Btape. Epinal, Annal. III., 1837, pp. 394-400. 82. Indices de debris organiques dans les roches les plus anciennes du globe : moyen de distinguer les Trapps d'avec les Basaltes. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1837, pp. Ixii-lxxii ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV1I. 1838, pp. 104-108, 109- 111 ; Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVIII., 1839, pp. 233-235 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX XL, 1841, pp. 122-123 ; Epinal, * Annal. III., 1837, pp. 401-411; Liebig, Annal. XXVII., 1838, pp. 341-342. 83. Note sur les excrements d'une limace. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1837, pp. 73-74 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IIL, 1837, pp. 428-430. 84. Sur les produits qui resultent de Faction lente de la chaux sur le sucre. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIII., 1838, pp. 337-341 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVL, 1839, pp. 171-174; Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 333-336; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 140-144. 85. Examen chimique des sporules de 1'Agaricus atramentarius. Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1838, pp. 434-444; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 118-128. 86. Analyse comparative du trapp de Raon-1'Etape et de la roche dite Basalte de la cote d'Essey. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 79-85. 87. Analyse comparative des ouze sources minerales et thermales de Luxeuil. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 86-117; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 229-240. 88. Observations sur la Rivulaire tubu- leuse. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 129- 139 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1839, pp. 206- 215. 89. Sur une substance gelatiniforme obte- nue pendant la fabrication du sucre de bette- rave. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1838, pp. 145- 152 ; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 166- 168. 90. Recherches sur 1'influence des plantes sur le sol. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1839, pp. 27-40 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 87- 101 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 498-508. 91. Experiences sur la betterave a sucre. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1839, pp. 428-444 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 24-37; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1839, pp. 102- 121. 92. Sur la recherche chimico-legale de 1'arsenic. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1840, pp. 57-58. 93. Memoire sur 1'influence qu'exercent les contractions musculaires sur la coloration du sang veineux. France, Congres Scieutif. 1841, II., pp. 308-317. BRA] 561 [BRA Braconnot, Henri. 94. Analyse comparative de 1'eau des quatre principales sources qui aliraen- tent les fontairies de la ville de Naucy. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 33-47; Erdm. Journ. Pi-ak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 377-379; Journ. Chirnie Med. VIII., 1842, pp. 57-63. 95. Examen du mucilage de Psylium, sa comparaison avec celui du Lin. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 48-56. 96. Sur le nectar des fleurs. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1841, pp. 57-61 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX., 1843, pp. 363-366 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 3-6. 97. Sur une nouvelle substance vegetale (1'Apiine). Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1843, pp. 62-66 ; Annal. de Chimie, IX.. 1843, pp. 250- 252 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 60-63 ; Liebig, Annal. XL VIII., 1843, pp. 349-352. 98. Analyse de 1'eau d'urie source alcaline de Nancy. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 15-18; Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1844, pp. 483- 485. 99. Analyse du Fumier. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 19-27; Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1844, pp. 212-217. 100. De 1'influence du sel sur la vegetation. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 28-34; Annal. de Chimie, X1IL, 1845, pp. 115-120; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 71-72. 101. Sur les moyens de contraindre les nrbres a fructifier par des etfets morbides. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1844, pp. 44-48 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1845, pp. 114-117. 1O2. Examen d'une urine verte. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 74-77. 103. Analyse des limaces. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1845, pp. 78-92; Annal. de Chimie, XVI., 1846, pp. 313-324 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIL, 1846, pp. 496-499 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 395-396. 104. Examen des matieres produites par mi ulcere de 1'Orme, suivi d'observations sur les mucilages d'orme, de tilleul et de graine de lin. Annal. de Chimie, XV1L, 1846, pp. 347- 357; Evdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 283-288 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1846, pp. 45-59. 1O5. De 1'action deletere produite sur la vegetation par les acides tres-etendus, et 1'urine etendue de beaucoup d'eau. Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1846, pp. 157-168 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1846, pp. 109-124, 106. Analyse des urines de veau et de mouton. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 238-247 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 301-309 ; Heller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 345-346 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Scj. 1847, pp. 26-38. Braconnot, Henri. 107. Sur une variete de potiron nommee "1'ami des pauvres." Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1847, pp. 357-363 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLL, 1847, pp. 468-472 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 17-25. 108. Examen d'une matiere grasse et d'une meche trouvees dans une lampe antique. Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1847, pp. 484-488. 1O9. Enumeration des plantes alimentaires qui croissent spontanement dans les lieux in- cultes et qui peuvent servir a la nourriture de 1'homine. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1847, pp. 39-58; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 261- 264; Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 309- 322. 11O. Analyse des glands, suivie de con- siderations sur la presence du sucre de lait dans les graines des vegetaux. Aniial. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1849, pp. 392-401 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 232-240 ; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1849, pp. 347-354. 111. Sur 1'eau du lac de Gerardmer. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1849, pp. 344-346 ; Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1850, pp. 65-67. 112. Nouvelle analyse de la source ferrugi- neuse de Luxeuil. Examen de 1'ocre qui s'en separc. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1851, pp. 737-742; Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1856, pp. 1-9. 113. Recherches sur une matiere sucree particuliere trouvee dans le Gland du Chene. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 335-337. 114. Note sur les moyens de rendre aux anciens parquets leur couleur primitive. Nancy, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1851, pp. 448-449. 115. Sur la couleur bleue que prend quel- quefois le pus. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1852, pp. 477-480; Journ. Chimie Med. VIII., 1852, pp. 454-457. 116. Examen chimique de dejections diar- rheiques. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1854, pp. 530-532. Braconnot, Henri, et Vauquelin. Sur 1' Ana- lyse de plusieurs especes de Champignons. Paris, Journ. Botan. IV., 1814, pp. 97-108. Bradbury, //. On Nature-Printing. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 106-118. Braddell, T. Notes of a trip to the interior from Malacca. Jouru. Indian Archipel. VII., 1853, pp. 73-104. Braddick, John. On Grafting Vines. [1822.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. V., 1824, pp. 201-205. Braddock, J. A description of a set of Balances made for the purpose of delicate weighing. Madras Journal, II., 1835, pp. 86-92. 2. Analysis of the residuum of fired Gun- powder. Madras Journal, III., 1836, pp. 1-8. 3. On assaying silver. Madras Journal, III., 1836, pp. 72-84. 4 B BRA! 562 [BRA Braddock, J. 4. On the rate of a Clock with a Wooden Pendulum ; and on the longitudinal expansion and contraction of AVOOC!. Madras Journal, VIL, 1838, pp. 108-117. 5. On chemical tests. Madras Journal, X., 1839, pp. 270-359. Bradford, . The origin and history of the Red Race. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 155-159 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 145-148. Bradford, J. B. On the Atmospheric Pheno- mena of Light. Canadian Journal, I., 1852-53, pp. 6-8, 26-28. 2. First Comet of 1852. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 131. Bradford, J. B.. und Sonntag. Elemente des Cometen I., 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 347-348. Bradley, C. L. On the occurrence of Gyrodac- tylus elegans on Sticklebacks in the Hampstead Ponds, January 1860. Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (ZooL), pp. 209-212. 2. Note on the occurrence of Gyrodactylus anchoratus, Nordm. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Journ. V., 1861 (Zool\ p. 257. Bradley, F. H. Description of a new Trilobite from the Potsdam Sandstone. Canadian Na- turalist, V., 1860, pp. 420-425. Bradley, Francis. Observations of the second comet of 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 156. 2. Occultations of Stars observed at Yale College Observatory, New Haven. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1851, p. 22. . 3. Further observations on the shooting stars of 9-10 August 1860. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 136-137. Bradley, John. Some account of the Transit of Venus and Eclipse of the Sun, as observed at the Lizzard Point, June 3rd, 1769. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1771, pp. 114-116. Bradley, Richard. On the Kaleidoscope or Debusscope. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LI., 1818, pp. 376-381. Bradley, Thomas. Habits of the Electric Eel. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 668-670 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1839, col. 97-99. Bradley, W. H. Some account of the topo- graphy and climate of Chikuldah, situated on the table land of the Gawil Range. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1846, pp. 167-185. 2. Desultory observations on the probable origin of the Ghonds, with a vocabulary of the dialect spoken by the Ghond Tribes upon the Gawil Hills. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VII., 1846, pp. 209-224. 3. Notice of a native carbonate of soda found in the territory of the Nizam, India. Pharmaceut. Journ. XII., 1853, pp. 515-516. Bradshaw, W. Observations of comet III., 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 33-34. Brady, A. On the Elephant remains at Ilford. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 100-101. Brady, George S. A catalogue of the marine Algae of Northumberland and Durham. Tyne- side Nat. F. Club, Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 266- 318. 2. Algological notes, 1862. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 317-318. 3. Notes of Algos, &c. found in the Isle of Man, and on the coasts of Northumberland and Durham. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1861, pp. 69-71. 4. On Entomostraca (Water Fleas). Intell. Observer, I., 1862, pp. 446-456. 5. On the marine Cyclopoid Entomostraca (Calanidas), with notices of some species new to Britain. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863 (pt. 2), pp. 99-100. 6. On species of Ostracoda new to Britain. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. VL, 1863-64, pp. 104-110. 7. Report of Dredging Operations on the coasts of Northumberland and Durham in July and August 1863. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. VL, 1863-64, pp. 178-194. 8. Remarks on some of the Algas in Mr. WINCH'S Herbarium. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. VL, 1863-64, pp. 40-41. 9. On the zoology of Hylton Dene. Tyne- side Nat. F. Club, Trans. VL, 1863-64, pp. 95-99. 10. Tables relative to the flowering of plants, &c. for 1863. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. VL, 1863-64, pp. 250-253. Brady, Henry B. Contributions to the know- ledge of the Foraminifera. On the Rhizopodal Fauna of the Shetlands. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIV., 1864, pp. 463-475. Brahm, . Bemerkungen iiber die von der Gattung Coccinella bey Mainz einheimischen Arten. Der Naturforscher, XXIX., 1802, pp. 135-163. 2. Bemerkungen iiber die von der Gattung Cassida bey Mainz einheimischen Arten. Der Naturforscher, XXIX., 1802, pp, 164-176. 3. Nachricht von einem vorgeblichen Insec- tenregen. Der Naturforscher, XXIX., 1802, pp. 176-190. 4. Entwurf einer Fauna entomologica der Wetterau. Wetterau. Gesell. Annal. L, 1809, pp. 59-67, 229-239 ; II. , 1810, pp. 189-212. Brahts, . [Vb'gel die in den Lausitzen vor- kommen.] Gorlitz, Abhandl. L, 1827 (Heft 1), pp. 84-126 ; (Heft 2), 22-60. Brahts, F. P. Vogel-Fauna von Neuwied. Bonn, Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1853, pp. 61- 101 ; Naumannia, 1855, pp. 329-361. BRA] 563 [BRA Braid, James. Case of Reunion of a separated portion of the finger. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XII., 1816, pp. 428-429. Braid, James. Observations on the formation of the various Lead Spars. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-23, pp. 508-513. 2. The power of the Mind over the Body : an experimental inquiry into the nature and cause of the Phenomena attributed by Baron REICHENBACH and others to a " New Imponder- able." Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. LXVI., 1846, pp. 286-312. 3. Electro-Biological phenomena physio- logically and psychologically considered. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. XII., 1851, pp. 511- 530. 4. The Physiology of Fascination. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 120-121. Brainard, Daniel. Experiences sur les effets du Curare introduit dans 1'estomac. Brown- Se- quard, Journ. Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 677-678. Brainard, Daniel, et Greene. De 1'iode comme contrepoison du Curare. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 411-414. Brainerd, J. On quartz pebbles of the sand- stone Conglomerate, and reasons for rejecting the theory of " Water Detrition." Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, p. 222. 2. On some fossils of Northern Ohio. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 304-306. Bramah, Francis. A series of experiments on the strength of Cast Iron. Inst. Civ. Eng. Trans. II., 1838, pp. 113-136. Erambilla, Emilio. Intorno ad un locomotore ad aqua. II Politecnico, VII., 1844, pp. 448- 451. Brambilla, Enrico, e Paolo Frisian!. Osser- vazioni originali della terza Cometa dell' anno 1822 fatte al settore equatoriale della specola a Milano. Zach, Corresp. VII., 1822, pp. 352- 394. Brame, Ch. Etat utriculaire dans les mineraux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 950- 957. 2. Essais par la voie aeriforme. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 32-33. 3. Sur les differents etats de 1'acide arse- nieux et sur la forme vitreuse en general. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 47-49. 4. Forme et etat utriculaires dans les mine- raux et les substances organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 657-661. 5. Recherches sur le soufre. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 90-97. 6. Sur la vapeur du mercure a la tempera- Brame, Ch. 7. Sur la cristallisation du soufre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 538-540 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 106-110. 8. Sur la temperature de mercure. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 67-68, 9. Phosphore utriculaire. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 71-72, 72-73. 10. Sur les densites du soufre et direrses proprietes correlatives de ce corps. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 74-76. 11. Sur la structure des corps solides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 666-669. 12. Sur la forme utriculaire et la cristal- lisation du phosphore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 728-729. . 13. Recherches sur les densites du soufre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 748- 749. 14. Note sur quelques lois qui paraissent regir la disposition et les metamorphoses des utricules et autres particules. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 42-46. 15. Dispositions relatives des vesicules et des utricules, la formation des dendrites par la chaleur, celle des cyclides simples ou concen- triques, celle des anneaux, etc. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 51-54. 16. Sur le clivage par la voie humide. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 54-55. 17. Experiences concernant 1'action du sue pancreatique sur les huiles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 72-74. 18. Note sur les cyclides et les formations cyclidaires dans la nature. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 75-78. 19. Cristallisation du potassium et du so- dium. Paris, Soc, Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, p. 83. 20. Sur le soufre compacte transparent et sur 1'acide arsenieux vitreux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 217-223. 21. De la loi des proportions multiples de ture ordinaire. Paris, Soc. Philom, Proc, Verb. 1849, pp. 98-100, DALTON et des atmospheres particulaires. L'ln- stitut, XXI., 1853, pp. 237-240. 22. Sur le passage de la ligne courbe a la ligne droite dans la cristallogenie utriculaire (spheroidie et orthoidie). L'Institut, XXI., 1853, p. 254. 23. Sur les cristaux de la neige et sur la forme utriculaire de 1'eau. L'Institut, XXI., 1853, pp. 272-273. 24. Sur la sphero'idie mobile (etat sphe- roidal de M. BOUTIGNY). L'Instituc, XXI., 1853, p. 281. 25. Action de la lumiere sur le soufre- L'Institut, XXL, 1853, pp. 305-306. 4 B 2 BRA] 564 [BRA Brame, Ch. 26. Surleslitieresmarneuses. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 17-20. 27. Sur 1'amorphisme et le polymorphisme du soufre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 334-337 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 176-179. 28. Sur la limite de la vaporisation du mercure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1013-1016 ; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 468-472. . 29. Observations sur 1'ozone. L'lnstitut, XXIV., 1856, p. 282. Brami, . Ueber die Anwendung des Schopf- garnes. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1846, pp. Brand, 2. Metallurgist Bemerkungen 61-63. Brami, J. Eichen. pp. 1-16. Bramieri, Mittheilungen iiber die Insecten der Zurich, Mittheil. 1, 1847-48 (Heft. 2), GiuUo. Sulla coltivazione delle Viti. Milano, Atti Soc. Patr. III., 1793, pp. 84-157. Bramson, . Ueber Gallensteinbildung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, IV., 1846, pp. 193 -208 ; Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 562-568. 2. Rechtfertigung seiner Ansicht iiber Gal- lensteinbildung gegeu die Bemerkungen des Herrn Dr. PLATXEK. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeit- schrift, VI., 1847, pp. 117-122. Branch, Isaac. On the natural history and the- rapeutic effects of the Sanguinaria canadensis. Charleston Med. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 435-441. 2. Contributions to the indigenous Materia Medica of South Carolina. Charleston Med. Journ. V.., 1850, pp. 742-744. 3. Veratrum viride. Its natural history and therapeutic application. Charleston Med. Journ. VIII., 1853, pp. 166-169. Branchi, Giuseppe. Sulla purificazione del mercuric. Pistoja, Atti Accad. 1816, pp. 207- 216 ; Bibl. Univ. V., 1817, pp. 39-45 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 348-353. 2. On a volatile concrete Oil existing in the Nut-galls of the Oak. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 401-406. 3. [Sulla sostanza bituminosa Bran- chite]. Amici, Giorn. Toscano, L, 1840, pp. 30-36. 4. Memoria sul nitrato cristallizzato di mercurio e di argento ottenuto spontaueamente sotto diverse figure, trasparenza c colore, dal cosi detto " Albero di Diana," conservato per lo spa/io di alcuni auni nel proprio liquido. Bibl. Ital. XIX., 1820, pp. 334-342. Brand, . Notiz iiber cine gewissc Gesetz- massigkeitin dcr Bewegung der Sternschnupptn. Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 421-422. Brand, . Ueber die Anwendung des bei Gasen gereinigten Roheisens auf den Eisengies- si'i-uien. Karsten, Archiv, XXI., 1847, pp. 512- den Eisenhiittenbetrieb betreffend. Karsten, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 560-566. Brand, JViUiam. On systematic arrangement in the formation of Natural History collections. [1840.] Edinburgh, Bot, Soc. Trans. L, 1844, pp. 39-44. Brande, . Chemische Analyse der Eier der Coluber natrix. Meckel, Archiv, III., 1817, pp. 389-391. Brande, Ueber den Zuckergeholt der im Konigreiche Hannover gezogenen Runkelriiben. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 149- 158. 2. Anleitung zur Bearbeitung des Runkel- riibensaftes in Haushaltungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 115-124. Brande, Everard. On the effect of heat and cold on the Colours of natural bodies. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 299-300. Brande, William Thomas. Analytical experi- ments and observations on Benzoin. Nicholson, Journ. X., 1805, pp. 82-89. 2. Improved construction of WOULFE'S Apparatus. Nicholson, Journ. X.. 1805, p. 180. 3. A concise view of the theory of Respi- ration. Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 79-86. 4. Chemical experiments on Guaiacum. [1805.] Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 89-98; Annal. de Chimie, LXV1IL, 1808, pp. 140-151. 5. Experiments showing, contrary to the assertions of MORICHINI, that the Enamel of Teeth does not contain Fluoric Acid. Nicholson, Journ. XIII.. 1806, pp. 214-217. 6. A letter on the differences in the struc- ture of Calculi, which arise from their being formed in different parts of the urinary passages; and on the effects that are produced on tnem by the internal use of solvent medicines. Phil. Trans. 1808, pp. 223-243; Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 35-51. 7. A chemical analysis of the fluid con- tained in the intervertebral cavity of the Squalus maximus. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 184-187. 8. Observations on Albumen and some other animal fluids ; with remarks on their analysis by electro-chemical decomposition. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 373-384; Gilbert, Annal. LX1V., 1820, pp. 354-361. 9. Observations on the effects of Magnesia in preventing an increased formation of Uric Acid ; with some remarks on the composition of the urine. Phil. Trans. 1810, pp. 136-147 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVIIL, 1811, pp. 125- 132; Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 178-179; Hufeland u. Harless, Journ. Arzneik. XL., 1815 (Hft. 5), pp. 23-51 ; Meckel, Archiv, L, 1815, pp. 303-306. BRA] 565 [BRA Brande, William Thomas. 10. Chemical re- searches on the Blood and some other animal fluids. [1811.] Phil. Trans. 1812, pp. 90- 114; Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 1-15; Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 369- 396. 11. An account of a vegetable wax from Brazil. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 261-268; Gil- bert, Annal. XLIV., 1813, pp. 287-293. 12. Experiments to ascertain the state in which Spirit exists in fermented liquors ; with a Table exhibiting the relative proportion of pure alcohol contained in several kinds of wine and some other liquors. Phil. Trans. 1811, pp. 337-346; Gilbert, Annal. XLIIL, 1813, pp. 247-2-56; Schweigger, Journ. XIX., 1817, pp. 281-290. 13. Additional remai'ks on the state in which Alcohol exists in fermented liquors. [1812.] Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 82-87. 14. Additional observations on the effects of Magnesia in preventing an increased form- ation of Uric Acid ; with remarks on the in- fluence of acids on the composition of the urine. Phil. Trans. 1813, pp. 213-226; Annal. de Chimie, XCL, 18 J 4, pp. 285-303. 15. On some new electro-chemical phe- nomena. (Bakerian Lecture.) [1813.] Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 51-61 ; Gilbert", Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 372-384; Schweigger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 67-76. 16. Observations on the application of Coal Gas to the purposes of illumination. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 71-80; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIII., 1816, pp. 14-23. 17. Observations on an astringent vege- table substance from China. [1816.] Phil. Trans. 1817, pp. 39-44 ; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 424-425. 18. Table exhibiting the average quantity of Spirit in different kinds of wine. Quart. Journ. Sci. IV., 1818, pp. 289-291 ; V., 152- 154; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. 76- 79. 19. Observations on the medico-chemical treatment of Calculous disorders. Quart. Journ. Sci. VI., 1819, pp. 195-209 ; VIII., 1820, pp. 66-72, 205-218. 20. On the composition and analysis of the inflammable gaseous compounds resulting from the destructive distillation of coal and oil, with some remarks on their relative heating and illu- minating powers. [1819.] Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. 11-28; Annal. de Chimie, XVIIL, 1821, pp. 66-88; XIX., 1821, pp. 197-207 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 218-249. Brande, William Thomas. 21. On a substance produced during the distillation of Coal Tar. [1819.] Quart. Journ. Sci. VIII., 1820, pp. 287- 290. 22. Observations on the analysis of Mineral Waters. Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 217- 230. 23. An analysis of the root of the Rheum palmatum or Rhubarb. Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 288-292. 24. On the separation of the proximate principles of animal substances. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 287-289; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb.NI.}, 1822, pp. 190- 192. 25. Analysis of Tea. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 146-147. 26. Experiments on the oxides and salts of Uranium. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 86-91 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 1-7. 27. Observations on the ultimate analysis of certain Vegetable Salifiable Bases. Quart. Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 279-286. 28. A table of Equivalent Numbers. Thomson, Annal. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 185- 197. 29. Outlines of Geology. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 63-92, 184-197; XX., 1826, pp. 24-40, 235-259 ; XXL, 50-71 ; XXII., 51-67, 249-261 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVII., 1827, col. 225-232. 30. Analysis of two Mineral Waters from springs in Windsor Great Park. Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 264-266. 31. On the relation of the vegetable al- kalies to the common alkalies, and to certain proximate principles of vegetables. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1830-31, pp. 547-549. 32. On the electro-chemical decomposition of the Vegeto- Alkaline Salts. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 250-253; Poggend. Annal. XXII,, 1831, pp. 308-320; Schweigger, Journ. LXIL, (= Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 82-86. 33. On the properties and uses of Gun- cotton. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1848, pp. 107-112. 34. Analysis of the Well-Water at the Royal Mint, with some remarks on the waters of the London wells. Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 345-352. 35. Ueber Raffination des Rohzuckers, ins- besondere nach SCOFFERN'S Verfahren. ( Transl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXVIL, 1850, pp. 265-272. 36. On Peat and its products. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 4-6. 37. On Electro-Magnetic Clocks. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 109-111. Roy. BRA] 566 [BRA Brande, William Thomas, and Parkes. Ade- scriptive account of Mr. THOMPSON'S Laboratory at Cheltenham for the preparation of the Chel- tenham Salts, with a chemical Analysis of the Wat ors whence they are produced. Quart. Journ. Sci. HI, 1817, pp. 54-71. Brandely, A. Verfahren den Gyps zu galvano- plastischen Zwecken mit Phosphor- und Silber- Auflosung zu metallisiren. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CVIII., 1848, pp. 130-132. Brandenburg, Friedr. Einige Versuche iiber die Kamphererzeugung aus Terpentin und an- dern iitherischen Oelen, durch Einwirkung der gasformigen Salzsaure. Grindel, Euss. Jahrb. Pharm. III., 1805, pp. 63-75. 2. Etwas iiber die Darstellung eines reinen Eisessigs aus essigsauren Blei. Grindel, Euss. Jahrb. Pharm. IV., 1806, pp. 90-109. . 3. Etwas iiber den phosphorsauren Baryt durch Hiilfe derdoppelten Wahlverwandtschaft, seine quantitativen Bestandtheile und iiber den salzsauren Baryt als Eeagens auf Schwefelsaure. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1806, pp. 118-124. 4. Sur 1'extractif. (Transl.) Journ. de Phys. LXVIL, 1808, pp. 434-437. 5. Untersuchung der Vauquelin'schen Chromsaure ; ein Beitrag zur nahern Kenntniss der Chromoxyde und ihrer Verbindungen mit Sauren und salzfahigen Grundlagen. Schweig- ger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 274-314. 6. Ueber die Darstellung eines chemisch- reinen schwefelsauren Mangans aus dern natiir- lichen schwarzen Manganoxyde. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 336-351. 7. Sur les oxides de chrome et sur 1'acide chromique. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 85-91. 8. Methode nouvelle et economique de separer le cuivre d'avec 1'argent. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. L, 1819, pp. 182-184. Brandes, C. Die nordwestliche Durchfahrt und ihre Entdeckung. Zeits. Allg. Erdkunde, II., 1857, pp. 141-158, 216-234. Brandes, C. W. H. [Beobachtungen von Stern- schnuppen im August 1833, in Leipzig]. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 17-26. Brandes, H. W. Bemerkungen zu Herrn. Ho- frath VOIGT'S Hypothese iiber die Ursache der Eotation der Planeten. Gilbert, Annal. VII., 1801, pp. 232-238. 2. Ueber Nebensonnen und Einge um Sonne und Mond. Gilbert, Annal. XL, 1802, pp. 414-420. 3. [Ueber Sternschnuppen und terrestrische Strahleribrechung]. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 250-253. Brandes, H. W. 4. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Geschwindigkeit, mit welcher ein vom Monde gegen die Erde geworfener Korper auf der Erde ankommen kann, und iiber die Ge- schwindigkeit der Feuerkugeln. Voigt, Magazin, V., 1803, pp. 56-62. 5. Ueber Feuerkugeln und vcrwandte Ge- genstande. Voigt, Magaziu, V., 1803, pp. 153- 155. 6. Noch einige Bemerkungen iiber die vom Himmel gefallenen Steine und die Feuerkugeln. Voigt, Magazin, V., 1803, pp. 156-160. 7. Ueber Sternschnuppen und andere meteorologische Erscheinungen. Voigt, Magazin, VI., 1803, pp. 297-301. 8. Methode, den Ort, wo eine vollstlin- dig beobachtete Sternschnuppe entstand oder verschwand durch Construction zu bestimmen. Voigt, Magazin, VI., 1803, pp. 302-316. 9. Beobachtungen iiber die Strahlenbre- chung, angestellt zu Eckwarden an der Jahde. Gilbert, Annal. XVII., 1804, pp. 129-182. 1O. [Beobachtung einer merkwiirdigen honi- zontal fortziehenden Sternschnuppe]. Gilbert, Annal. XVIII., 1804, pp. 250-251, 432-433. 11. Einige kritische Bemerkungen iiber Hb'fe, Einge, Nebensonnen, Fata Morgana, u.s.w. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 363-371. 12. Ueber die farbigen Bogen, welche man zuweilen an der innern Seite des Eegenbogens bemerkt. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 464- 476. 13. Fortgesetzte Beobachtungen iiber die irdische Strablenbrechung. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 346-354. . 14. Ueber die Abweichung nach Westen, welche die Axendrehung der Erde bei steilrecht geschossenen Kugeln verursacht. Voigt, Maga- zin, IX., 1805, pp. 59-76. 15. Formeln zur Berechnung der Bahn der Meteoreii oder Lufterscheinungen (Sternschnup- pen, Feuerkugeln, u.s.w ). [1803.] Bode,Astron. Jahrb. 1806, pp. 211-215. 16. Einige kritische Bemerkungen zu den in den " Annalen " befindlichen Aufsatzen iiber die irdische Strahlenbrechuug, und Nachricht von der Vollendung seiner Eefractions-Beobacht- ungen. Gilbert, Annal. XXIIL, 1806, pp. 380- 393. 17. Beobachtung zweier Nordlichter. Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 363-365. 18. Ueber die Durchschnitte der Oberfla- chen des hyperbolischen Conoides und der Kugel. Voigt, Magazin, XL, 1806, pp. 422-432. 19. Theoretische Untersuchungen iiber die Oscillationen der Drehwaage bei CAVENDISH'S Versuchen iiber die Attraction kleiner Massen. Voigt, Magazin, XII., 1806, pp. 300-310. BRA] 567 [BRA Brandes, H. W, 20. Ueber die wahre Hohe eines von Hrn. Justizrath SCHROTER beobach- teten Mondgebirges. Gilbert, Annal. XXVL, 1807, pp. 355-359. 21. Einige Meteorologische Eemerkungen vom Ufer der Jahde im Oldenburgischen, in Bezieliung auf Beobachtungen in Norwegen. Gilbert, Annal. XXXI., 1809, pp. 435-438. 22. Theorie von der Wirkung der Haar- rohrchen. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIII., 1809, pp. 38-96. 23. Darstellung seiner Untersuchungen iiber die irdische Strahlenbrechung, und iiber die sogenannte Luftspiegelung. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 133-151. 24. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Hrn. Prof. GERSTNER'S Theorie der Wellen, iiber Beobach- tungen RAMOND'S das Barometer betreffend, und iiber die Wolken. Gilbert, Annal. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 343-351. 25. Ueber eine in der Weser beobachtete Erscheinung einer Wasserhose, und iiber astro- logische Meteorologie. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 404-407. 26. Beobachtung einer glanzenden Stern- schnuppe am 21 Januar 1811. Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 351-353. 27. Berechnung des in Frankreich am 15 Mai 1811 beobachteten leuchtenden Meteors. Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 215-216. 28. Beitrag zur Theorie der Cometen- Schweife. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVL, 1812, pp. 533-561. 29. Ueber BOCKMANN'S Untersuchungen der Warmeleitung, PARROT'S Theorie der Beu- gung des Lichtes und der farbigen Riuge, und von Sternschnuppen. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIL, 1814, pp. 209-218. 3O. Ueber die Schweife der Cometen. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIII., 1814, pp. 117-134. 31. VENTDRI'S Theorie des farbigen Bogens, welcher sich oft an der innern Seite des Regen- bogens zeigt, dargestellt mit einigen Anmer- kungen. Gilbert, Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 385- 397. 32. Inhalt des optischen Werks VENTURI'S, aus welchem der vorhergehende Aufsatz entlehnt ist. Gilbert, Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 398-415. 33. Ueber die Griinde, durch welche H. PARROT seine Theorien der Beugung des Lichts und der Farbenringe gegen ihn zu vertheidigen sucht. Gilbert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 317- 321. 34. Untersuchungen iiber die wahre Gestalt des Schweifes, welchen der grosse Comet im Jahre 1811 uns zeigte. Lindenau, Zeitschr. I., 1816, pp. 394-423. 35. Ausziige aus Briefen iiber Meteorologie. Lindenau, Zeitschr. II., 1816, pp. 440-447. Brandes, H. W. 36. Meteorologischen Inhalts. [1816.] Gilbert, Annal. LV., 1817, pp. 112-114. 37. Bericht von dem Erfolg gleichzeitig unternommener Sternschnuppen-Beobachtungen an einigen Orten in Schlesien. Gilbert, Annal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 303-327. 38. Einige Resultate aus der Witterungs- Geschichte des Jahres 1783, und Bitte umNach- richten aus jener Zeit. Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 421-426. 39. Einige Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Regenbogens. Gilbert, Annal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 113-124. 40. Ueber die Nebensonnen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 128-131. 41. Umstandliche Anleitung zur Beobaeht- ung von Sternschnuppen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 284-299. 42. Vorschlage zur Witterungsbeobacht- ungen. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 261-274. 43. Ausziige aus Briefen den electrischen Magnetismus und eine Feuerkugel betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 220-224. 44. Beitrag zur Beantwortung der Frage : wie die anziehenden und abstossenden electris- chen Krafte von den Entfernungen abhangen. Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. ( Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 45-65. 45. Results of observations on the extra- ordinary depression of the Barometer which took place on the 25th of Dec. 1821. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 263-266. 46. Nachricht von den Stunden, in welchen Beobachtungen der Sternschnuppen zu Quedlin- burg, Halle, Liegnitz und Breslau werden ange- stellt werden. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIIL, 1823, pp. 343-344. 47. Nachrichten iiber den neusten Fall (2 Febr. 1823) eines ausserordentlich schnellen und tiefen Sinkens des Barometers, erhalten aus Frankreich, Deutschland, der Schweiz, Italien und Polen und daraus gezogenes Resultat. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 65-76. 48. Barometerbeobachtungen [in Norwe- gen]. Astr. Nachr. I., 1823, col. 377-386. 49. Beobachtungen mit dem Frauenhofer- schen Heliometer. [1821.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1824, pp. 160-167. 50. Beobaehtung eines Nebenmondes der ganz nahe neben dem Monde stand. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 221-222. 51. Zur Meteorologie. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. II., 1824, pp. 394-412. 52. On Falling Stars. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 124-125. 53. Results of observations on Falling Stars. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, p. 222 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1826, pp. 413-414. BRA] 568 [BRA Brandes, H. W. 54. Ueber Hohenrauch und spate Abendrothe. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXII., 1831, pp. 387-392. , 55. Zur Kenntniss der Polarlichter ; nebst Bemerkungen iiber BRKWSTER'S Untersuchung dcr partiellen Polarisation des Lichtes. Kast- der, Archiv Naturl. XXIV., 1832, pp. 309- 312. 56. Ueber BREWSTEU'S Untersuchungen, welche das Gesetz der partiellen Polarisation des Lichtes durch Reflexion betreffen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXIV., 1832, pp. 312-319. 57. Auj--zug aus BREWSTER'S Abhandlung iiber die in einiger Doppelspathen stattfindende Vervielfaltignng der Bilder. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXIV.^" 1832, pp. 319-320. .. 58. Ueber den Fortgang der correspondi- renden Sternschnuppen Beobachtungen und die dazu festgesetzten Zeiten. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXV., 1833, pp. 133-135. Brandes, //. W., und J. F. Benzenberg. Ver- sucli die Entfernung, die Goschwindigkeit und die Bahn der Sternschnuppen zu bestimmen. Gilbert, Annal. VI., J800, pp. 224-232. Brandes, Rudolph. Ueber den Colestin von Passa in Tyrol. Schweigger, Journ. XXI., 1817, pp. 177-188; Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 218- 219. 2. Chemische Untersuchung des Sprb'd- glanzerzes von der Grube Neuer Morgcnstern bei Freiberor, und des Kupferglanzerzes aus Sibirien. Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 344-361. 3. Ueber dao Vcrhaltniss der Bestandtheile der Sauerkleesaure zu einander. TromuisdorfF, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IT., 1818, pp. 151-157. 4. Chemische Untersuchungen vegetabili- scher Substanzen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 55-103. 5. Untersuchung der Pflanzenaschen eini- ger narkotischen Krauter, vorziiglich in Hin- sicht eines Kupfergehalts. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XX., 1819, pp. 100-125. 6. Analyse de la Strontiane sulfatee de Fassa, et sur la substitution de la Strontiane sulfatee au Borax. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, p. 453 ; Journ. de Phys. XXXVIII., 1819, pp. 257-258. 7. Chemische Untersuchung zweier Tyroler Mineralien, des Andalusits von der Liesenzer Alpe und des Bucholzits, eines neuen (friiher init dem Faserquarz venvechselten) Minerals. Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 113-134. 8. Ueber das Delphinin, ein neues Prlanzen alkali. Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 369-378. 9. Chemische Analyse des Pelioms von Werner. Schweigger, Journ. XX VI., 1819, pp. 90-98 ; XXVII., 1819, pp. 396-398. Brandes, Rudolph. 10. Ueber das Daturium, ein neues Pflanzen-alkaloid. Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 98-102; Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 144-146; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 233-235. 11. Ueber die Mangan-Carbonato-Silicate des Unter-llarzes. Schweigger, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 103-107. 12. Chemische Untersuchung eines strahl- igen Spiessglanzerzes aus Oestreich. Beitrag zur Bestimmung der stochiometrischen Zahl des Spiessglanzmetalls, und angehangte Bemerkun- gen iiber die Bereitvrag des Chlorinantimons oder der sogenannten Spiessglanzbutter nach ROBI- QUET'S Methode. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819, pp. 252-268. 13. Chemische Untersuchungen der Man- ganerze. Schweiggei*, Journ. XXVI., 1819, pp. 121-155. 14. Ueber ein neues Doppelsalz, die sau- erkleesaure Ammoniak-Bittererde. Schweigger, Journ. XXVII., 1819, pp. 18-26. 15. Chemische Untersuchun&f der Samen- korner von Delphinium staphisagria und einer darin befindlichen neuen alkalischcn Pfianzcn- substanz. TromrasdortF, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 143-223. 16. Sur le Daturium, nouvel alcali vege- tal ; analyse de la pomme epineuse, Datura stramonium, Linn. Journ. de Med. VI1L, 1820, pp. 73-74 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 233-235. 17. Ueber das Atropium, ein neues Alkaloid in den Bliittern der Belladonna (Atropa Bella- donna. L.). Schweigger, Journ. XXVIIL, 1820, pp. 9-31 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 263-271 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Pbys. III., 1820, pp. 303-304 ; V., 1820, pp. 271-272. 18. Chemische Untersuchung des Molyb- diinkieses aus England. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 325-330. 19. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der molybdiin- sauren Salze. Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 331-342. 20. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber meh- rere Mineralien der Grafschaf't Mark. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 129-168. 21. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber den Blauspath oder den splittrigen Lazulith von Krieglach in Stcyermark. Schweigger, Journ. XXX., 1820, pp. 385-397. 22. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Mer- gelarten aus der Gegend um Salz-Ulfen. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820, pp. 103-113. 23. Chemische Untersuchung des Labra- dors. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820, pp. 114-124. BEA] 569 [BEA Brandes, Rudolph. 24. Untersuchung eines mit Kupfer verunreinigten Kase. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IV., 1820, pp. 203-206. 25. Ueber das crdige Eisonblau oder die sogenanntc Blaueisenerde von. Hillentrup im Lippcschcn. Schwci-zger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 76-80. 26. Chemische Untersuchung der Krystall- linse des Pfercles. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 194-202. 27. Chemische Untersuchung einer hydro- pischen Fliissigkeit. Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 462-473. 28. Ueber die Suberin- oder Korksiiure. Schweigger, Journ, XXXII. ( = Jahrb. II.), 1821, pp. 393-412 ; XXXI II. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 83-103 ; XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 263-269. 29. Chemische Untersuchung eines Con- crementes, welches sich in der Blase eines Schweines erzeugt hatte. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 334-339. 30. Chemische Untersuchung des Bilsen- samens. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 35-75. 31. Chemische Untersuchung der Knochen- iiberreste, welche sich in der Gegend von Brool am PJieine finden. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821 (St. 2), pp. 50-60. 32. Chemische Untersuchung des Tellur- bliittererzes von Nagyak in Siebenbiirgen. Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 409-413. 33. Untersuchung der Cephalopodien von Basomyces roseus. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXV., 1823, pp. 38-49. 34. Entdeckung einer hochst angreifenden Saure in dem Crotonol. Hufeland, Journ. Arzneik. LVIL, 1823, pp. 120-121. 35. Bemerkungen iiber die Zersetzbarkeit des sauern schwefelsauern Natrons. Marburg, Schrift. Gesell. Naturw. I., 1823, pp. 227-228. 36. Monographic der Kamphersiiure. Schweigger, Journ. XXX VIII. ( = Jahrb. VIII.), 1823, pp. 269-300. 37. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Berberitzen- wurzel. Schweigger, Journ. XLII. (= Jahrb. XII.), 1824, pp. 467-472. 38. Chemische Untersuchung der gemeinen Ziukblende von Brilon. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIII., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 103-106. 39. Ueber die Gegenwart des Bitumens in Mineralien. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 126-138. 40. Chemische Untersuchung einiger in der Gegend von Brool am Rhein gefundenen Alter- thiimer. Schweigger, Journ. XL. (= Jahrb. X.), 1824, pp. 304-311 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVL, 1825, pp. 121-124. Brandes, Rudolph. 41. Mittheilungen meteoro- logisch-chemikalischen Inhalts. Kastner, Ar- chiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 241-250. 42. Versuche iiber die Coexistenz von Salzen, welche unvertriiglich mit einander zu seyn scheinen. Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 152-159. 43. Ueber die narkotischen Pflanzenstoffe. Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 246-249. 44. Ueber den vulcanischen Salmiak der Insel Lanzerote. Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 225-231. 45. Ueber das Pyrmonter Mineralwasser. Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 368-370. 46. Ueber die Blitzrohren oder Fulgurite. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IX., 1826, pp. 295-315. 47. Kleiner Beitrag zur Chemie der Mine- ralwasser iiber die Coexistenz von Salzen in wiisseriger Losung die unvertriiglich scheinen. Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 403-412. 48. Chemische Untersuchung des Tafel- spaths von Cziklowa in Ungarn. Schweigger, Journ. XLVII. (= Jahrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 246-247. 49. Chemische Untersuchung des Albits aus dem Wildthale bei Freiburg im Breisgau. Schweigger, Journ. XLVII. (= Jahrb. XVII.), 1826, pp. 318-319. 5O. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Meteqr- wasser. Schweigger, Journ. XL VIII. (:= Jahrb. XVIII.), 1826, pp. 153-183. 51. Ueber das Stroh, als Electricitatsleiter, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Vorschlag LAPOSTOLLE'S dasselbe als Blitz- und Hagel- ableiter anzuwenden. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIII., 1826, pp. 50-74. 52. Untersuchung einer, auf einer feuchten Wiese gefundenen, gallertartigen Substanz ; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Stern- schnuppen. Schweigger, Journ. XLIX., (SB Jahrb. XIX.), 1827, pp. 389-402 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1828, pp. 271-277 ; Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 20-27. 53. Chemische Untersuchung der Tremella mesenterica, ein anderer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der sogenannten Sternschnuppen-Substanzen. Schweigger, Journ. L. (= Jahrb. XX.), 1827, pp. 436-445. 54. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Verhaltens des Wassers zu den Salzen. Schweigger, Journ. LI. (= Jahrb. XXL), 1827, pp. 420-443; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 441-442. 55. Chemische Untersuchung des Mergels, aus welchem die Unnaer Salzquellen zu Tage kommen. F1824.] Berlin, Verhand. Gesell. Nat. Freunde, L, 1829, pp. 311-315. 4 c BRA] 570 [BRA Brandes, Rudolph. 56. Erforschung der weissen staubartigen Substanz auf der Riickseite der Wedel von Hemionitis dealbata. [1824.] Ber- lin, Verhand. Gesell. Nat. Freunde, I., 1829, pp. 316-318. 57. Chemical analysis of Green Oranges. (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 193 -194; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XL, 1830, pp. 6-8. 58. Ueber das Dammarharz. Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 242- 244. 59. Bemerkungen iiber einige Pflanzen. Schweigger, Journ. LV. (= Jahrb. XXV.), 1829, pp. 469-472. 6O. Ueber BRACONNOT'S Aposepedine. Schweigger, Journ. LVL (= Jahrb. XXVL), 1829, pp. 247-248. 61. Notiz iiber das beim vulkanischen Aus- bruch auf Lancerote ausgeworfene Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. LVL (= Jahrb. XXVL), 1829, pp. 394-396. 62. On the chemical composition of Cheese. (Transl.) Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, p. 300. 63. Ueber den weissen Schmelz in eisernen Topfen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VIIL, 1830, pp. 1-4. 64. Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntniss der Cocosnuss. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 654- 659. 65. Kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntniss der organischen Substanz der Mineral wasser. Pog- gend. Annal. XIX., 1830, pp. 93-106. 66. Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Mangan- verbindungen. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 556-590 ; XXIL, 1831, pp. 255-272. 67. Probe fur Barytsalze. Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 118- 119. 68. Ueber die Aufloslichkeit des phosphor- sauren Natron-Lithions im Wasser. Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 358- 359. 69. Ueber das Verhalten des Nelkenols zur Schwefelsaure. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1830, pp. 37-44. 7O. Untersuchung eines Linnens welches verdachtig gehalten wurde, gekreidet zu sein. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. X., 1831, pp. 121- 132. 71. Bemerkung iiber Reinigung des Roh- zuckers. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 150-151. 7 2 . Bemerkungen iiber Erkennung von Jod- und Schwefelsilber, in Bezug auf Mineralwasser die gleichzeitig Jod- und Schwefelverbindungen enthalten. Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (= N. Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 250-256. Brandes, Rudolph. 73. Bemerkungen iiber die Mineralquellen zu Meinberg. Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (= N. Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 113-120. 74. Bemerkungen iiber einige Antimonver- bindungen. Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (=_ZV. Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp." 199-208. 75. Bemerkungen iiber einige Kermesarten. Schweigger, Journ. LXII. (= N. Jahrb. II.), 1831, pp. 209-213 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 416-418. 76. Ueber das Atropin. Liebig, Annal. I., 1832, pp. 68-87. 77. Ueber die giftige Substanz des Bilsen- krautes. Liebig, Annal. L, 1832, pp. 333-357. 78. Niihere Bestimmungen iiber einige Eigenschaften des Narkotins. Liebig, Annal. II., 1832, pp. 274-297. 79. Nachricht iiber eine warme Mineral- quelle bei Lippspringe, ohnweit des Teutoburger Waldos. Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 201- 207. 8O. Ueber den Wassergehalt der krystalli- sirten Phosphorsaure. Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 330-331. 81. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Sor- ten Schiesspulver. Liebig, Annal. III., 1832, pp. 345-349. 82. Ueber Atropin und Hyoscyamin. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 127-128. 83. Chemische Untersuchung der muria- tischen Quelle zu Schieder bei Meinberg im Lippe'schen. Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= N. Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 306-314. 84. Ueber das Regenwasser. Froriep, Notizen, XXXV., 1833, col. 211-212. 85. BericLtigung meiner im I ste Bande dieser Zeitschrift enthaltenen Versuche iiber Belladonna und Bilsen. Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, 1833, pp. 38-43. 86. Ueber den Ursprung der grauen Am- bra und des Wallraths. Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 221-226. 87. Einige Versuche iiber den Bicuhyba- Balsam. Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 52-59. 88. Einige Beitrage zur chemischen Kennt- niss der Raiz de Mil homens (Wurzel von Aris- tolochia grandiflora, Gomes). Liebig, Annal. VIL, 1833, pp. 285-296. 89. Salzfiihrender Hagel. Schweigger, Journ. LXVII. (= N. Jahrb.VIl.), 1833, pp. 262-263. 90. Ueber den Farbstoff der Rhabarber- wurzel. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 85-90. 91. Bemerkungen iiber Darstellung eini- ger narkotischen Alkaloide. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 122-129. 92. Ueber die zusammensetzung der Kork- saure. Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 295-302. BRA] 571 [BRA Brandes, Rudolph. 93. Chemische Unter- suchung einer Koncretion, die in einem Balg- geschwulst am Kinnbacken eines Pferdes sich gebildethatte. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 229- 231. 94. Ueber Cubawachs. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 239-242. 95. Ueber die Verbindung einiger Blei- haloide mit Bleioxyd. Liebig, Annal. X., 1834, pp. 266-276. 96. Versuche iiber die als Einreibung empfohlene mit atzendern Quecksilbersublimat vermischte Brechweinsteinauflosung. Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 88-95. 97. Chemische Untersuchung des Birken- saftes. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL, 1837, pp. 440-445. 98. Ueber die Yortheile der Deplacier- ungs-Methode. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 411- 412. 99. Ueber die Benutzung der in Meinberg aus der Erde ausstromenden Kohlensaure zu arztlichen Zwecken. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 545- 546. 1OO. Notice sur le Stearoptene de Tereben- thine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 129-132. 101. Analyse de la bourbe dont on se sert a Marienbad en Boheme pour Bains de Bourbe. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 570-572. 1O2. Sur la Cocine et 1'acide cocinique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 652-657. 1O3. Sur la reaction entre la Quinine et la solution aqueuse du chlore et celle d'ammo- niaque caustique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 572-574. 1O4. Zersetzungsprodukte des Chinins durch Einwirkung von Chlor und Ammoniak. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 270-275. 1O5. Ueber das atherische Oel aus den Laurineen. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 890. Brandes, Rudolph und Wilhelm. Chemische Untersuchung der Bergbutter aus dem Thii- ringer Walde. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 417-425. 2. Ueber den stiindlichen Gang des Barometers und Thermometers im Jahre 1828 zu Salzuflen im Fiirstenthum Lippe-Detmold. Liebig, Annal. II., 1832, pp. 129-217. 3. Der Thonkieselstein. Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 318-321. 4. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Meteor- Nacht. Schweigger, Journ. LXVI. {= N. Jahrb. VI.), 1832, pp. 326-328. 5. Beitrage zur mineralogischen Kenntniss des Teutoburger Waldes und des Wesergebirges. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 469-477; XX., 1840, pp. 118-122; XXIIL, 1841, pp. 479-491. Brandes, Rudolph, und Bucholz. Analyse des Bayreuther Specksteins (Spanische Kreide, Lapis steatites). Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 277-284. 2. Analyse zweier Scheelerze, des derben gelblichweissen blattrichen Scheelerzes von Schlackenwald, und des derben haar-braunen strahligen Scheelerzes von Zinnwald ; nebst damit verbundenen Versuchen zur Priif'ung der alteren Scheidungsmethode dieses Minerals und Festsetzung einer bessern und abgekiirzten. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 285-304. 3. Ueber ein neues Mineral von Hodrisch in Ungarn. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 371-381. 4. Analyse der lufttrocknen An- gelikwurzel (Angelica Archangelica). Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 138-188. 5. Analyse des weissgrauen fetten Thons (Argilla plastica) von Almerode in Hes- sen (weisser Bolus). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St, 2), pp. 189-204. 6. Analyse der Austerschalen (Os- trea edulis). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 204-214. i 7. Analyse eines merkwiirdigen Kupfererzes von Poinik in Ungarn. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXIL, 1818, pp. 27-42. 8. Neue Erfahrung iiber die Exis- tenz und Mischung eines schwefelwasserstoff- sauren Schwefelkalks mit Ueberschuss an Kalk. Schweigger, Journ. XXIL, 1818, pp. 43-50. 9. Sur la Cire jaune et sur ses elemens, le Cerin et le Nigricin. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. L, 1819, pp. 361-362. 1O. Sur 1'existence et la composition d'un sous-hydrosulflure de chaux cristallise. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. IL, 1819, pp. 261-265. Brandes, Rudolph, and Echterling. Fulgorites in Westphalia. ( Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, p. 202. Brandes, Rudolph, und Firnhaber. Chemische Untersuchung des Heliotrops. Schweigger, Journ. XXXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1822, pp. 405- 408. Brandes, Rudolph, and Giseke. On the active principle of Hemlock (Conium maculatum). (Transl.) Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1828, p. 227. Brandes, Rudolph, und T. Gruner. Chemische Untersuchung des Schwerspaths von Pyrmont. Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb. XVL), 1826, pp. 245-247. 2. Chemische Untersuchung eines Torfs von Pyrmont. Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb. XVL), 1826, pp. 475-481. 4 c 2 BRA] 572 [BRA Brandes, Rudolph, und T. Gruner. 3. Versuche zur Bestimmung cler Loslichkeits-Verhaltnisse krystallisirten schwefelsauren Kupferoxydes, oder des blauen Vitriols in Wasser. Trornms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 92- 100. Brandes, Rudolph, et Leber. Sur la compo- sition de 1'acide rhubarbarique. (Transl.) Journ. de'Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 264-267. Brandes, Rudolph, et Neddermann. Notice sur la preparation de 1'acide hypochloreux. (Transl.) Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 144-147. Brandes, Rudolph, und L. Reimann. Ueber die Farbenveriinderungen, welclie das mit salpeter- saurem Silberoxyd gemischte Wasser durch Bei- mischung organischer Stoffe erleidet. Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 100- 108. Brandes, Rudolph, und Volkhausen. Chemische Untersuchung des Bols von der Insel Lemnos. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, (St. 2), pp. 149-154. Brandes, Rudolph, et Wardenburg. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Brechweinsteins. Liebig, Annal. II, 1832, pp. 71-84 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 535-538. 2. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des sauren weinsteinsauren Kalis. Liebig, Annal. L, 1832, pp. 7-17. Brandes, Wilhelm. Bemerkungen liber die spiegelnden Flachen des Sandsteins. Liebig, Annal. L, 1832, pp. 90-94. Brandis, Dietr. Ueber die Eisencyaniire des Strychnins und Brucins. Liebig, Annal. LXVT., 1848, pp. 257-268; Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1848, pp. 89-92 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 369-372; XV., 1849, pp. 71-72. 2. Ueber eine Verbindung von salzsaurem Strychnin mit Cyanquecksilber. Liebig, An- nal. LXVI.,,1848, pp. 268-269. 3. Ueber einen zur Gattung Sclerotium gehorigen Pilz. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 283-286. 4. Ueber Culturgewiichse in Egypten. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 163-167. Brandli, H. Ueber arithmetisches, geometrisches und harmonisches Mittel. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 178-182. 2. Erzeugung der Cardioide aus zwei un- gleichen Kreisen. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 68-72. 3. Das Problem des PAPPUS " ad tres aut plures lineas " im Zusammenhang mit der Theorie der Kegelschnitte durch die Methode der Syn- thesis und der Coordinaten. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVIII., 1862, pp. 1-47. Brandreth, //. R. On the island of Ascension. Geogr. Soc. Journ. V., 1835, pp. 243-255. Brandsch, Carl. Beschreibung einiger grosserer Pilzarten aus der Umgebung von Mediasch. Mediasch, Gynmas. Programni, 1854. Brandt, E. Nonnulla de Parasitis quibusdam Phanerogamicis observata. Linnaea, XXII., 1849, pp. 81-128. Brandt, Johann Fricdrich. Bemerkungen liber die Storarten, welche Hausenblase liefern. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXII., 1831, pp. 48-59. 2. Nachtrligliche Bemerkungen iiber die Storarten, welche Huusenblase liefern. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXII., 1831, pp. 317-320. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Systeme der Eingeweidenerven der Insecten. Oken, Isis, 1831, col. 1103-1104. 4. Versuch einer kurzen Uebersicht der Fortschritte, welche die Kenntniss der thier- ischen Korper den Schriften der Kaiserlichcn Akad. der Wiss. zu Petersb. verdankt. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Recueil, 1831, pp. 41-84. 5. De nova generis Felis specie, Felis Ruppellii nomine designanda, hucusque vero cum Fele Chao confusa. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. IV., 1832, pp. 209-213. 6. Sur le pretendu nouveau cartilage du larynx de M. E. ROUSSEAU. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 165-170. 7. Conspectus monographic Crustaceorum Oniscodorum LATRKILLII. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 171-193. 8. Tentaminum quorundam monographico- rum insecta myriapoda Chilognatha LATREILLII spectantium Prodromus. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. VI., 1833, pp. 194-209. 9. Ueber den Zahnbau der Steller'schen Seekuh (Rytina Stelleri), nebst Bemerkungen zur Charakteristik der in zwcy Unterfamilicn zu zerfullenden Familie der Pflanzcnfressenden Cetaccen. [1832.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. 103-118. 1O. De Solenodonte, novo mammalium insectivorum genere. [1832.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. 459-478. 11. Versuch einer Anatomic und Physi- ologic des medizinischen Blutegels (Sanguisuga medicinalis). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. II., 1833, pp. vi-viii. 12. Bemerkungen iiber die im vollendeten letzten (zweiten) Bande der von BRANDT und RATZEBURG herausgegebenen medicinischen Zoo- logie enthaltenen neuen anatom. physiologischen Beobachtungen am medicinischen Blutegel. Liebig, Annal. XL, 1834, pp. 69-70. 13. Prodromus descriptionis animalium ab H. MERTENSIO observatorum. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Recueil, 1834, pp. 201-276. BRA] 573 [BRA Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 14. Bemerkungen iiber die Dift'erenzen im Schadel- und Zahnbau zwischen den Stachelschweinen der alten und neuen Welt. Miiller, Arcliiv, 1835, pp. 548- 553. 15. Naturhistorische Bemerkungen iiber Wurzelcochenille (Porphyrophora Hamelii) ina Vergleich zur Mexicanischen. [1833.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1835 (pte. 2), pp. 65-68. 16. Mammalium Ilodentium exoticorum uovorum vel minus rite cognitorum Mus. Acad. Zool. olescriptiones et icoues. [1834.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. Ill, 1835 (pte, 2), pp. 357-442. 17. Bemerkungen iiber die Mundmagen oder Eingeweidenerven (Nervus sympathicus seu Ncrvi reproductorii). [1834.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. III., 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 561- 612; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.}, 1836, pp. 81- 110, 138-154 ; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 206- 207. 18. Ueber den Bau der sogenannten Moschusdriisen (Afterdriisen) des Wuychuchol (Sorex moschatus, Pall., Desmana, Gtildenst., Myogale moscliata, Cuv.). Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIII., 1836, pp. 241-260. 19. Conspectus sectionum, generum, sub- generum et specierum novorum, quae in f'asciculo primo Prodromi description um animalium a MER- TENSIO in orbis terrarum circumnavigatione ob- servatorum reperiuntur. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.), 1836, pp. 180-188. 20. Note sur deux osselets nouveaux de- couverts dans les cranes de quelques oiseaux 8tganopodes. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 21-22. 21. Note sur 1'Anser canadensis et 1'Anser pictus de la " Zoographie " de PALLAS. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, p. 37. 22. Note sur la structure des glandes mos- chiferes du Wuychuchol (Myogale moscliata). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 41-42. 23. Note sur le Cricetus nigricans. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1836, p. 42. 24. Quelques remarques sur la plante qui fournit le cevadille de Mexique (Veratrum offi- cinale), comme type d'un nouveau sous-genre. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 173- 174. 25. Note sur la decouverte d'une glande cutanee particuliere, qui se trouve sur la face exterieure de la cuisse du Porte-muse (Moschus moschiferus). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 174-175. Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 26. Note sur un ordre nouveau de la classe des Myriapodes, et sur' I'etablissement des sections de cette classe d'animaux en general. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 178-179 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 376-378; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 501-502; Wiegmann, Archiv, III., 1837, pp. 238-239. 27. Remarques sur quelques modifications dans ['arrangement de Pordre des Acalephes dis- cophores ou ombrelliferes. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1836, pp. 185-191. 28. Bemerkunsren iiber den innern Bau des Wuychuchol (Myogale moschata), im Ver- gleich mit dem des Maulwurfs und der Spitz- maus (Sorex araneus). Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836, pp. 176-182. 29. Bcitrage zur Ivenntniss des innern Baues von Glomeris marginata. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 320-327. 3O. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der von MERTENS entdeckten Schirmquallen, begleitet von allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Schirm- quallen iiberhaupt und von einer iibersichtlichen Zusammenstellung der bekannten Arten. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 65-68; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1838 (pte. 2), pp. 237-412. 31. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ruderfus- sigen Schwimmvogel in Bezug auf Knochenbau und Verwandtschaft mit andern Vogelgruppen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 305- 311. 32. Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Catarhactes (chrysolophus) de Brisson. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 314-315. 33. Rapport sur une monographic de la famille des Alcadees. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 344-349. 34. Note sur les caracteres des especes du genre Phaethon. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 349-350. 35. Ueber die von MERTENS beobacbteten Leuchtquallen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 353-355. 36. [Erinaceus hypomelas.] Wiegmann, Archiv, III., 1837 (Bd. 2), p. 154. 37. Sur la phosphorescence de la mer. L'Institut, VI., 1838, pp. 146-147. 38. Observations sur plusieurs especes nouvelles du genre Carbo ou Phalacrocorax qui se trouvent dans le Museum de 1' Academic des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. [1837.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 53-57. 39. Note sur quatre nouvelles especes de serpents de la cote occidentale de la mer Cas- pienne et de la Perse septentrionale, decouvertes par M. KARELINE. [1837.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1838, col. 241-244. BRAJ 574 [BRA Brandt, Johann Fricdrich. 4O. Avium natan- tium, imprimis Steganopodum, novarum vel minus rite cognitarum descriptiones et icones. Tractatus 1. Tentamen monographic generis Phaethon. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 97-99. 41. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Baues der innern Weichtheile des Lama (Auchenia Lama). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1838, col. 193- 195 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1845 (pte. 2), pp. 1-78. 42. System der Quallen. Oken,Isis, 1839, col. 930-940. 43. Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Asterias (Asterias grandis), appartenant a la section des Solasteries de M. de BLAINVILLE. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1839, col. 186- 187. 44. Note relative a la classification des especes qui composent le genre Polydesmus, et suivie d'une character! stique de dix especes nou- velles, ainsi que de quelques remarques sur la dis- tribution geographique des especes en general. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull.V., 1839, col. 307-315. 45. Recherches sur 1'anatomie des Araig- nees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XHL(Zbo/.),1840, pp. 180- 186. 46. Asterias helianthoides. L'Institut, VIII., 1840, pp. 24-25. 47. Memoire sur le squelette du genre Rhynchops compare a celui des Larus, Lestris et Sterna. Revue Zool. 1840, p. 302. 48. Rapport sur les Oniscides et les Myria- podes de la regence d'Alger. Revue Zool. 1840, p. 304. 49. Sur 1'organisation de ce que Ton appelle les glandes musquees (G-landes anales) des Des- mans. Revue Zool. 1840, p. 361. 50. Notice sur une nouvelle espece du genre des Cormorans (Carbo nudigula). [1839.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 290-291. 51. Observations sur les especes du genre Scolopendra. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1840, pp. 147-159; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1840, col. 21-25 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1841, pp. 161-166, 392-395, 439- 443. 52. Einige Worte iiber den Bartgeier in Russland. [1839.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 295-297. 53. Rapport prealable relatif aux recherches ulterieures sur 1'histoire, 1'anatomie et la physio- logie des Glomerides. [1839.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, col. 377-380. 54. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Natur- geschichte der Vogel mit besonderer Bezieliung auf Skeletbau und vergleichende Zoologie. [1837.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1840 (pte. 2), pp. 81-238. Brandt, Johann Fricdrich. 55. Tentamen mono- graphias zoologicae generis Phaethon. [1838.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1840 (pte. 2), pp. 239-276. 56. Note sur une espece de chat (Felis servalina, Jardine), nouvelle pour la Faune de la Russie. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1841, col. 305-308 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1842, pp. 304-308. 57. Nota sopra tre nuove specie di Uccelli della Russia e della Persia boreale raccolte dal Signer KARELINE. ( Transit) Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VII., 1842, pp. 176-178. 58. On certain species of Siberian Birds described by LATHAM, but which have hitherto been insufficiently determined. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 113-115. 59. De Cetotherio, novo Balasnarum fami- lise genere in Rossia meridionali ante aliquot annos effosso. [1842.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 145-148. 60. Observations sur les Perdrix-geants du Caucase et de 1' Altai (Perdix caucasica et al- taica), comme types d'un sous-genre particulier du genre des Perdrix. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 278-284. 61. Note sur trois nouvelles especes d'oi- seaux chanteurs de Siberie. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 362-364. 62. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Sous- lik (Spermophilus bi'evicauda). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1843, col. 364. 63. Note sur une espece nouvelle de Per- drix (Perdix griseogularis). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1843, col. 365. 64. Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber die Ordnung der Myriapoden. ( Transit) Okcn, Isis, 1844, col. 121-123. 65. Generis luli specierum enumeratio. Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 124-125. 66. Beobachtungen iiber das Leben und Weben der Gattungen von Glomeris. Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 126-127. 67. Bemerkungen iiber Passer arctous, Pallas. Oken, Isis, 1844, col. 135-137. 68. Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Accentor, Bechstcin, decouverte dans 1' Altai. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1843, col. 365- 366. 69. Remarques sur la place que doit oc- cuper le Passer pusillus de PALLAS. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1843, col. 366-368. 70. Remarques sur trois especes nouvelles d'oiseaux chanteurs appartenant aux genres Saxicola et Accentor. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 139-140. BRA] 575 [BRA Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 71. Remarques sur la classification des Gerboises en egard sur- tout aux especes de Russie, avec un apercu de la disposition systematique des especes en gene- ral, leur affinite et leur distribution geographique. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 209-237. 72. Observations sur les differentes especes de Sousliks de Russie, suivies de remarques sur 1'arrangement et la distribution geographique du genre Spermophilus, ainsi que sur la classification de la famille des Ecureuils (Sciurina) en gene- ral. [1843.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1844, col. 357-382. 73. Notiz iiber die fossilen Knochen des Cetotheriums. St. Petersb. Verhand. Mineral. Gesell. 1844, pp. 239-244. 74. Bemerkungen iiber die bis jetzt be- kannten Wirbelthiere West-Sibiriens. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 17-19. 75. Ueber mehrere in der Nahe von St. Petersburg im Sommer des Jahres 1843 beo- bachtete Infusorienarten. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 26-28. 76. Observations sur les differentes especes de Faisans (Phasianus) de la Faune de Russie. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull, in., 1845, col. 49-52. 77. Sur une espece de Perdrix-geants, nouvelle pour la Faune de Russie. Note ser- vant de complement a mes observations sur les Perdrix-geants du Caucase et de F Altai. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 188-190. 78. Observations sur le Cervus pygargus de PALLAS. [1844.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 280-282. 79. Observationes ad structuram cranii Rhytinae Stelleri spectantes. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 135-138. 80. Observationes ad Cetaceas herbivoras seu Sirenia et praecipue ad Rhytinae historiam generalein et affinitates spectantes. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1845, col. 167-169. 81. [Nachrichten iiber den Adams'schen Mammuth und die Reste des Wilni'schen Nas- horns.] Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 222-227. 82. Nachtriigliche Bemerkungen iiber den mikroskopischen Bau der Kauplatte der Rhytina. [1845.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 92-94. 83. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen eines zweifachen Haarkleides beim Songarischen Hamster (Cricetus songarus, Pall.} [1845.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 125- 127. Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 84. Ueber den gleichzeitig mit der Ausrottung der Pflegernutter bewerkstelligten geschichtlich nachweisbaren Untergang einer kleinen parasitischen Krebsart (Cyamus ? oder richtiger vielleicht Sirenocya- mus ? Rhytinaa) und eines Eingeweidewurmes der Jetzwelt. [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1847, col. 189-192. 85. Versuch einer kurzen Naturgeschichte des Dodo, mit besonderer Beziehung auf seine Verwandtschaften und seine systematische Stel- lung. St. Petersb. Verhand. Mineral. Gesell. 1847, pp. 201-243. 86. Bericht iiber neuerdings von dem Praparanten des Zoologischen Museums ILIA WOSNESENSKI von der Behrings-Insel einge- sandte Skeletreste der Nordischen Seekuh (Rhytina borealis seu Stelleri). [1846.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1848, col. 46-48. 87. Untersuchungen iiber die' Verwandt- schaften die systematische Stellung, die geogra- phischeVerbreitung und die Vertilgung des Dodo, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die im Vaterlande des Dodo oder auf den Nachbarinseln desselben frtiher vorhandenen grossen Waldvogel. [1847.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 37-42. 88. Die Gattung Lithodes, Latreille, nebst vier neuen ihr verwandten von WOSNESENSKI entdeckten, als Typen einer besondern Unter- abtheilung(TribusLithodea) der Edwards'schen Anomuren. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 171-176. 89. Vorlaufige Bemerkungen iiber eine neue, eigenthumliche, der Fauna Russlands angehorige Gattung oder Untergattung der Krabben (Crustacea brachyura) aus der Ed- wards'schen Abtheilung der Corysten (Platy- corystes). [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 177-180. 90. Ueber Spuren von Schneidezahnen oder ihrer Alveolen bei Rhinoceros tichorhinus. [1848.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 305-310 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 182-184. 91. Symbolas Sirenologica3, quibus prae- cipue Rhytinas historia naturalis illustratur. [1845.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1849 (pte. 2), pp. 1-160. 92. De Rhinocerotis antiquitatis, seu ticho- rhini, seu Pallasii, structura externa et osteolo- gica Observationes, e reliquiis quae in Museis Petropolitanis servantur erutae. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. VII., 1849(^te.2),pp. 161-416. 93. Nachtraglicher Bericht iiber meine kiirzlich im Druck erschienene Arbeit : De Rhinocerotis antiquitatis seu tichorini structura externa et osteologica Observationes. [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col 230-233. BRA] 576 [BRA Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 94. Bcricht iiber die fur die Reisebeschreibung des Hrn. von MIDDEN- DOHFF bearbeiteten Krebsthiere aus den Abtheil- ungen der Brachyuren (Krabben), Auomuren und Makrouren (Krebse). [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col. 234-238. 95. Einige Worte iiber Aquila leucorypha, Pall. [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col. 238-240. 96. Vorliiufige Beraerkungeu iiber eine neue aus zwei noch unbeschriebenen Gattungen und Arten gebildete Unterabtheilung (Hapa- logastrica) der Tribus Lithodina, begleitet von einer Charakteristik der eben genannten Tribus der Anomuren. [1849.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1850, col. 266-269. 97. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amphi- poden (Crustacea amphipoda). [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 133-144. 98. Bericht iiber eine umstandlichere den aussern Bau so wie das Knochensystem und die Eingeweide beriicksichtigende Beschreibung des Wychucbol (Myogale moscovitica). [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 182-184. 99. Beobachtungen iiber die periodisch, vermuthlich in Folge climatischer Einfliisse, abweichende Bekleidung der Unterseite der Zehen und Fussohlen der nordischen wiesel- artigen Thiere. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 184-188. 100. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Varia- tion der Gaumenfalten mehrerer wieselartiger Thiere. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 188-190. 1O1. Einige Worte iiber die absondernden CJ Zellchen oder Bliischen der Moschusdriisen der Myogale moscovitica und die Moschusdriisen der Myogale pyrenaica. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 203-205. 102. Bemerkungen iiber neuerdings in den Russischen Handel gekommene, durch kiinst- liche Preparation veriinderte Felle der Moschus- ratte (Ondatra, Fiber zibethicus). [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 206. 1O3. Bericht iiber eine ausfiihrliche die Gruppen und Gattungen der Raubvbgel Russ- lands nach ihren aussern und osteologischen Characteren behandelnde Arbeit. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 246-253. 104. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Amphipo- den. [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 310-313. 1O5. Zoologischer Anhang. Die von LEH- MANX gesammelten oder auf seinen Reisen beo- bachteten Wirbelthiere des Orenburger Gou- vernements, ferner der Uralischen, Kaspischen, Kirgisischen und Uralischen Steppen, ebenso wie Buchara's und Samarkand's. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XVII., 1852, pp. 297-342. Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 106. Ueber Albinis- mus und eine abweichende Farbenspielart des Sterlad (Acipenser ruthenus). [1850.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 13-16. 1O7. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Wei- chen oder Leistendriisen der Gazellen. [185].] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 73-80. 108. Bemerkungen iiber die weniger be- kannten Kerbthierfresser (Mammalia Insecti- vora) des Russischen Reiches, nebst einer die Russischen und YVesteuropaischen Formen der Gattung Sorex erliiuternden Beschreibung. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 369-373. 109. Die Gruppen und Gattungen der Raubvogel Russlands in exomorphischer und craniologischer Beziehung. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. I., 1853, pp. 178-195, 225-240. 11O. Ueber eine ueue Art der Gattung Cryptolithodes (C. sitchensis). St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XL, 1853, col. 254. 111. Einige Worte iiber das Vorkommen der wilden Katze (Felis Catus ferus) in Russ- land. [1852.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XI., 1853, col. 334-336. 112. Einige Worte iiber Aquila leucorypha, Pall. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 355-356. 113. Blicke aufdie alhnuligen Fortschritte in der Gruppirung der Nager mit specieller Be- ziehung auf die Geschichte der Gattung Castor, besonders des altweltlichen (europiiisch-asia- tischen) Bibers. [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 197-200. 114. Einige Worte iiber die systematische Stellung der Gattung Cheiromys oder Chiromys. [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 273-281. 115. Considerations sur la Capra eegagrus - de PALLAS, souche de la chevre domestiquc. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. 11.^1855, pp. 565-581. 116. Untersuchungen iiber die craniolo- gischen Entwickelungsstufen, Verwandtschaften und Classificationen der Nager, mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Gattung Castor. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1855, col. 104-108. 117. Bericht iiber eine fur Hrn. TCHIHATS- CHEFF'S Asie Mineure bestimmte Arbeit iiber Capra regagrus und die Angoraziege. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIII., 1855, col. 363-366. 118. Beitrage zur niihern Kenntniss der Siiugethiere Russland's. [1851.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 2-336. 119. Bemerkungen iiber die Bezeichnung des altweltlichen Bibers und Castoreums bei ver- schiedenen Volksstammen. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 337-342. BRA] 577 [BRA Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 120. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Bibers bei den Arabern. St. Petersb. A cad. Sci. Mem. IX., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 343-356. 121. Mittheilungen iiber den Biber, wohl richtiger die Fisch- und Meerotter, aus chine- sischen Schriftstellern nach Stanislaus JULIEN. St. Petersb. Aead. Sci. Mem. IX., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 359-365. 122. Quelques remarques sur la place que doit occuper le genre " Anomalurus " dans 1'ordre des Rongeurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 139-143. 123. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattungen Gerbillus, Meriones, Rhombomys und Psammo- mys. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 76-80. 124. Einige Worte iiber die Unterschiede der Schlidel von Cricetus vulgaris und nigricaiis einerseits, so wie von Cricetus phaeus und son- garus andererseits, als zwei besondere Grund- formen des Hamsterschiidels. [1854.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XIV., 1856, col. 182- 184. 125. Bemerkungen iiber die Verwandt- schaften der biologischen Haupt-Typen der Kerbfresser (Mammalia Insectivora) und ihre Verbreitung, in besonderer Beziehung auf die Fauna des Russischen Reiches. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 17-29. 126. Extrait d'un memoire ayant pour titre : " De nova Polyporum classis familia Hyalochretidum nomine designanda." [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI,, 1858, col. 65-67. 127. Observationes quajdam ad generis Trionychum species duas novas spectantes. [1857.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XVI., 1858, col. 110-111. 128. Untersuchungen iiber die Verbrei- tung des Tigers (Felis tigris) und seine Bezie- huno-en zur Menschheit. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. X., 1859 (pte. 2), pp. 147-239. 129. Ueber den Tur oder die Capra cau- casic^Guldenstddt. Erman, ArchivRuss. XIX., 1860, pp. 225-226. . 13O. Note sur un memoire traitant de 1'anatomie d'une Girafe. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 314-315. 131. 1st der Nabus des PLINIUS identisch mit seiner Camelopardalis ? [1859.] St. Pe"tersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. I., 1860, col. 353- 357. 132. Vorliiufiger Bericht iiber bedeutendo Reste eines unweit Nikolajew entdeckten Ske- letes eines Mastodon. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 193-195. Brandt, Johann Friedrich. 133. Erster Bericht der siidrussischen zoologisch-paliiontologischen Expedition. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1860, col. 501-511. - 134. Ueber Verschiedenheit des Klanges (Klangfarbe). Poggend. Annal. CXII., 1861, pp. 326-336. - 135. Zweiter Bericht der siidrussischen zoologisch-palaontologischen Expedition. [I860.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1861, col. 74-88. - 136. Untersuchungen iiber die zoologische Bedeutun des 'OSovTo-rvawoi; und 2/c p. 5. 238. On a new form of Lenses, and their application to the construction of two telescopes or microscopes of exactly equal optical power. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 6. 239. Notice of experiments on Circular Crystals. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 6. Brewster, Sir David. 240. An account of a new Stereoscope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt.2\ pp. 6-7 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIIL, 1850, pp. 150-151. 241. On the existence of Crystals with different primitive forms and physical properties in the cavities of minerals ; with additional observations on the new fluids in which they occur. [1845.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 11-22. 242. On the Decomposition and Dispersion of Light within solid and fluid bodies. [1846.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVL, 1849, pp. 111- 122; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1848, pp. 118- 132 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 531- 548. 243. Notice on the Artificial Magnets made by M. LOGEMAN, by the process of M. ELIAS. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 4. 244. On a new membrane investing the Crystalline Lens of the Ox. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 4-5. 245. On the optical properties of the cyanurets of Platinum and Magnesia, and of Barytes and Platinum. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 5. 246. On the polarizing structure of the Eye. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 5-6. 247. On some new phenomena in the Polarisation of the Atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 6. 248. Sur quelques phenomenes de polari- sation qui ont rapport avec la diffraction operee par les surfaces rayees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 496-498. 249. Observations sur les points neutres de 1'atmosphere decouverts par MM. ARAGO et BABINET. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 532-536. 250. Observations sur le spectre solaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 578- 581; Poggend. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 471- 476. 251. Description of several new and simple Stereoscopes for exhibiting as Solids one or more representations of the solid on :i Plane. Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, III., 1851, pp. 247-258 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 16-26. 252. Account of a Binocular Camera, and of a method of obtaining drawings of full length and colossal statues, and of living bodies, which can be exhibited as solids by the Stereoscope. Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, III., 1851, pp. 259-264 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 26-31. 253. Notice of a tree struck by lightning in Clandeboye Park. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 2-3. BRE] 622 [BRE Brewster, .SV/- Dnritl. 254. Account of a case of Vision without Retina. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), p. 3. 255. On the form of images produced by lenses and mirrors of different sizes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852 (pt. 2), pp. 3-6. 256. Notice of a chromatic Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 31-32. 257. Explanation of an optical Illusion. Stereoscope. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 55-57. 258. On the developement and extinction of regular doubly refracting structures in the crys- talline lenses of animals after death. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 192-198. . 259. On the optical phenomena and crystal- zation of Tourmaline, Titanium, and Quartz, within Mica, Amethyst, and Topaz. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 547-554; Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1853-O/. 2), pp. 3-4 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 265-272. 26O. On the production of crystalline struc- ture in crystallized powders by compression and traction. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 555-560; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt* 2), p. 3 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 260-264. 261. On circular crystals. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XX., 1853, pp. 607-624. 262. On cavities in Amber containing gases and fluids. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 233-235 ; Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 605-607. 263. Account of a remarkable fluid cavity in Topaz. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 235-236 ; Poggend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 607-608. 264. Notice on Barometrical, Therniome- trical, and Hygrometrical Clocks. Phil. Mag. VIL, 1854, p. 358. 265. On the binocular vision of surfaces of different colours. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 9. 266. On the triple spectrum. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 7-9. 267. On the existence of Acari in Mica. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 9. 268. On the absorption of Matter by the surfaces of bodies. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 9. 269. On the Centering of the Lenses of the compound object glasses of Microscopes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), pp. 4-5. 27O. On the Duration of Luminous Impres- sions on certain points of the Retina. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 6-7. 271. On vision through the Foramen Cen- trale of the Retina. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 7. 272. On certain abnormal structures in the Crystalline Lenses of Animals, and in the human crystalline. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2). pp. 7-10. Brewster, V> David. 273. On the crystalline Lens of the Cuttle-fish. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 10-13. 274. On the use of Amethyst plates in experiments on the Polarization of Light. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 13. 275. On the Optics of Photography. Photogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1858, pp. 83-89. 276. Account of a new Photographic Pro- cess, by M. Duruis. Photogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1858, p. 88. 277. On a new species of Double Refraction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 10-11. 278. On the decomposed Glass found ut Nineveh and other places. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 11 ; 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 9-12. 279. On Sir Christopher WREN'S Cipher, containing three methods of finding the Longi- tude. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 34-35. 280. Note sur la polarisation de la lumiere des cometes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 384-385 ; Phil. Mag. XVIL, pp. 359- 360. 281. On the coloured houppes or sectors of HAIDINGER. Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1859, pp. 323- 326 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 614-618; Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 346-352. 282. On the lines of the Solar Spectrum. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 339-341. 283. On some optical illusions connected with the Inversion of Perspective. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 7-8. 284. On Microscopic Vision and a new form of Microscope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 8-9. 285. Observations sur un point d'histoire de 1'optique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 425-429, 467. 286. On the invention of the Stereoscope in the 16th century, and of Binocular Drawings, by Jacopo CHIMENTI DA EMPOLI. Photogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1860, pp. 232-233. 287. On Binocular Lustre. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 29-31. 288. On the action of uncrystallized Films upon common and polarized Light. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1861, pp. 607- 610 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 269-273. < 289. On the pressure cavities in Topaz, Beryl, and Diamond, and their bearing on p-eological theories. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 39-44; Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 174-180. 29O. On the existence of Acari between the laminae of Mica in optical contact. Edinb. Hoy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 95-96. BRE] 623 [BRI Brewster, Sir David. 291. On certain vege- table and mineral formations in Calcareous Spar. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 97- 98. 292. On the structure and optical pheno- mena of ancient decomposed Glass. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 193-204. 293. On the polarization of Light by rough and white surfaces. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 205-210 ; Phil. Mag. XXV.. 1863, pp. 344-350. 294. Observations on the polarization of the Atmosphere made at St. Andrews in 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 211-240. 295. On certain affections of the Retina. Phil. Mag. XXI., 1861, pp. 20-24. 296. Description of the Lithoscope, an instrument for distinguishing precious stones and other bodies. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1861, pp. 419-425. 297. On the action of various Coloured Bodies on the Spectrum. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 441-447. 298. On Photographic and Stereoscopic Portraiture. Photogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1862, p. 190. 299. On discoveries and inventions in Photography. Photogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1862, p. 183. Brewster, Sir David, and J. II. Gladstone. On the lines of the solar spectrum. Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 149-160. Brewster, Sir David, and Gordon. Experiments on the Structure and Refractive Power of the Coats and Humours of the Human Eye. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 42-45 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1812, pp. 330-332. Brewster, Sir David, and L. Homer. On an artificial substance resembling Shell ; with an account of an examination of the same. Phil. Trans. 1836, pp. 49-56; Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 201-210. Brewster, Sir David, et Seebeck. Sur le developpement des forces polarisantes par la pression. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 49-51. Brewster, Sir David, und Yelin. Eine neue in den Hohlungen von Mineralien entdeckte Fliissigkeit von sonderbaren physikalischen Eigenschaften. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIV., 1823, pp. 331333. Brewster, James. Account of the remarkable Case of Margaret LYALL, who continued in a state of Sleep nearly Six Weeks. [1816.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1818, pp. 249- 258. Brewster, Patrick. Description of a Fossil Tree found in a Quarry at Nites Hill. [1818.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 103-106. Breyer, Albert. Catalogue des Phalenidees. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. III., 1859, pp. 93-106. 2. Observations sur le developpement d'une chaleur propre et elevee chez le Sphinx convolvuli. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 92-94. , 3. Quelques mots sur le groupe ou famille des Psychides. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. V., 1861, pp. 1-11. 4. Quelques petits details sur la trans- formation et la maniere de vivre de differentes especes de Lepidopteres. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. V., 1861, pp. 62-67. 5. Orgya Ericse. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. VI., 1862, pp. 15-20. 6. Rossslerstammia assectella, mreurs de la chenille. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. VI., 1862, pp. 21-22. 7. Des especes monomorphes et de la parthenogenese chez les insectes. Bruxelles, Soc. Entom. Annal. VI., 1862, pp. 89-129. Breymann, K. Ueber die beiden neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 355-358. 2. Sternschnuppen im Aug. 1848 in Ham- burg beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erg. Heft), col. 86-92. 3. Die Orientirung des Messtisches nach zwei gegebenen Punkten. Grunert, Archiv, XXIV., 1855, pp. 361-369. Breze, Marquis de. Analyse des eaux medi- cinales de Casteletto Adorno et de S. Genis. Turin, Mem. Acad. III., 1786-87, pp. 7-96. 2. Analyse de I'eau sulfureuse de Lu en Montferrat. [1789.] Turin. Mem. Acad. IV., 1788-89, pp. 234-240. Brianchon, C. J. Des courbes du second degiv. Paris. Ecole Polytechn. Corresp, L, 1804-8, pp. 307-311. 2. Sur les ^surfaces courbes du second degre. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. VI., 1806 (13 e coAA pp. 297-311. 3. Geometrie de la regie. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. II., 1809-13, pp. 383-387. 4. Solution de plusieurs problemes de Geometrie. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV., 1810 (10 e cah.), pp. 1-15. 5. Des courbes de raccordement. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XIL, 1813 (19 e cah.), pp. 187-203. 6. [De 1'hexagone mystique de PASCAL.] [1813.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III.. 1814-16, pp. 1-4. 7. Recherches sur un jeu de combinaisons. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 387-392. BRI] 624 [BRI Brianchon, C. J. 8. Suv la poudre a tirer. Journ. tie Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 221-234. 9. Essai chimique sur les reactions fou- droyantes. Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, ]>]). "53-57 ; Annal. des Mines, X., 1825, pp. 491- 500 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 34S- 349. 10. Memoire sur les puissances des Poly- nomes. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1837 (25 e cah.\ pp. 158-175. 11. Theoremes nouveaux sur les Poly- edres. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1837 (25<- call.}, pp. 317-319. 12. Note sur le centre de Gravite du tronc de prisrae. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV.. 1839, pp. 345-347. Brianchon, C. J., et Poncelet. Recherches sur la determination d'une hyperbole equilatere, au moyen de quatre conditions donnees. Gergonne. Annal. Math. XL. 1820-21. pp. 205-220. Briaune, E. Experiences sur la production des Fumiers. Journ. d'Agric. V., 1 852, pp. 221-227. 2. Effets du melange du calcaire au Fumier. Journ. d'Agric. VI., 1853, pp. 290-293. Brichan, J. B. Notes on the genus Utricularia. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 259-261. 2. Description of Equisetum hyemale, Mac- kaii, ancl variegatum, as found on the banks and in the bed of the River Dee ; with additional observations. Phytologist, I., 1 844, pp. 369-377. 3. Note on the Sands of Barry, ancl on Equisetum variegatum. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 445-448. Briehe, Andre. Observations sur la fonte de? pieces de canon. Joura. des Mines, VI., 1796- 97, pp. 879-890. Bricheteau, . Grossesse extra - uterine. Journ. de Mod. IV., 1819, p. 172. Brickenden, Lambart. On the occurrence of the boulder clay in the Limestone Quarry. Linksfield, Elgin. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 289-292. 2. On the occurrence of glacial traces on the Rock of Dumbarton. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 27-30. Brickenden, Lambart, and Gideon A. Mantell. Notice of the discovei'y of Reptilian Foot-tracks and Remains in the Old Red or Devonian Strata of Moray. With a description of the Telerpeton Elginense, and observations on supposed Fossil Ova of Batrachians in the Lower Devonian Strata of Forfarshire. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1852, pp. 97-109. Bricquet, . Recherches experimentales sur les proprietes du Quinquina, et de ses composes administres a hautes doses, et etudes pratiques sur 1'emploi de ces substances dans la thera- peutique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX VII., 1848, pp. 549-553. Bridel-Brideri, Samuel Elisec. Animadver- siones in "Muscologire Recentiorum " tomum secundum, ab ipso auctore propositje. Schrader, Journ. Botan. L, 1800, pp. 268-299. Bridge, John. On the oblique aberration of lenses. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 342-354. 2. On the gyroscope. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 340-346. 3. On the diffraction of light. Phil. Ma-, XVI., 1858, pp. 321-328 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 112-116. Bridges, Robert. On chemical symbols. Ame- rican Journ. Pharm. IV., 1839, pp. 98-105. 2. Observations on the action of ether on galls. American Journ. Pharm. VIIL, 1843, pp. 40-45. Bridges, Thomas. Notes on various mammals and birds from Chile. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 93-95. 2. On the habits of some of the smaller species of Chilian Rodents. Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 129-132. 3. [On a collection of birds from Chile.] Zool. Soc. Proc. XL, 1843, pp. 108-121. 4, Notices of Bolivian Mammals and Birds. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1846, pp. 7-10. 5. Notes in addition to former papers on South American Ornithology. Zool. Soc. Proc. XA'., 1847, pp. 28-30. 6. Notes on Californian Bird=. Zool. Soc. Proc. XX VI., 1858, pp. 1-3. Bridges, Thomas, and G. R. Waterhouse. Letter relating to some Bolivian mammals and birds. Zool. Soc. Proc. XIV., 1846, pp. 7-10. Bridgman, J. H. Experiments made in the Ghoruckpore District on Cereal Grains obtained from Europe. Journ. Agric. and Hort. Soc. India, L, 1842, pp. 142-145. 2. Observations on the ravages of the Weevil on Wheat. Journ. Agric. and Hort. Soc. India, III. (pt. 2), 1844, pp. 88-89. Bridgman, W. Kencely. Land and fresh-water Mollusca in the neighbourhood of Norwich. Newman, Zoologist, IX., 1851, pp. 3302-3304. 2. An adjustable index point for the scale to be used as a marker. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V.. 1857, pp. 206-211. 3. On the influence of the Venation in the reproduction of Monstrosities among Ferns. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1861, pp. 490-492; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1862, pp. 365-368. 4. On the formation of Cementum in con- nexion with absorbing Dentine. Brit. Journ. Dental Sci. V., 1862, pp. 197-201. 5. On the absorption of Bone and Dentine. Lond. Odont. Soc. Trans. III., 1863, pp. 1S7- 224. BRI] 625 ;[BRI Bridigo, . Rechcrches sur la formation de la manne en Hongrie. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVL, 1813, pp. 73-83. Brieger, A. G. De thrombosi venae eavse in- ferioris, cuju* morbi casus adjicitur. Kiel, Schriften, III., 1857. Briegleb, Fi: Ueber die Affinitiiten des freien Stickstoifs und im Besonderen iiber Stickstoff- inagnesium. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp.' 476-477. Briegleb, Fr., und A. Geuther. : Ueber das Stickstoffmagnesium und die Affinitaten des Stickgases zu Metallen. Liebig, Annal. CXXIIL, 1862, pp. 228-241. Briegleb, //. Einwirkung des schwefelsauren Natrons auf Flussspath in der Gliihhitze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 307-310. 2. Ueber die Einwirkung des phosphor- sanren Natrons auf Flussspath in der Gliihhitze. Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 95-119. 3. Verbesserter Apparat zu Darstellung von chemisch reiner Fluorwasserstoffsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 380-382. Brierly, O. W. Brief geographical sketch of the Friendly Islands, with an account of a visit to the island of Tongatabu. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXII., 1852, pp. 97-117. Brierre de Boismont, A. De 1'influence de la civilisation sur la folie. Paris, Comptcs Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 519-520. 2. Sur 1'influence de Tether dans les reves. Revue Med. Fran?, et Etr. II., 1847, pp. 218-225. 3. Recherches sur 1'unite du genre humain au point de vue de 1'education et des croiseraents pour 1'amelioration des races. Annal. Hygiene Publ. XIV., 1860, pp. 5-45. Briffandon, . Notice sur un perfectionne- raent de 1'are'ome'tre de NICHOLSON. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1836. 2. Note sur les grenats des bords du Garon, commune de Chaponost, departernent du Rhone. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1836. Briganti, Francesco. Su due nuove specie di testacei spettanti al generePupa. [1832.] Na- poli, Attilst. Incorr. V., 1834, pp. 221-238. 2. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Schi- zonia. [1835.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VI., 1840, pp. 53-64. 3. Sulla sostanza gommosa die geme dai vecchi tronchi delle querce. [1839.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VI., 1840, pp. 275-290. 4. Relazione sopi-a alcuni funghetti trovati nella terra volcanica battuta di un viale del nostro Real Orto Botanico. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1842, pp. 71-72 (171-172). 5. Poche parole sopra un prodigiosa numero di acalefi, del genere Velella, comparsi nel golfo di Salerno verso la fine di Novembre 1842. Na- poli, Rendiconto, IT., 1843, pp. 15-17. Briganti, Francesco. 6. Osservazioni e pensieri su la porpora degli antichi. Napoli, Rendiconto, IV., 1845, pp. 54-56, 191-195. 7. Descrizione di uno nuovo fungo del genere delle Dedalee. [1842.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VII., 1847, pp. 97-104. 8. Ragguaglio degli esperimenti intorno alia macerazione del lino a secco. [1844.] Na- poli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VII., 1847, pp. 281- 290. 9. Su d' una situazione abnormale del frutto dell' Opunzia (Fico d' India). Napoli, Rendi- conto, II., 1853, pp. 35-37. 10. Classificazione di un grazioso fungo -> cj trovato nelle arene di Cuma. II Giamb. Vico, I., 1857, pp. 253-257. Briganti, Francesco et Vincenzio. Historia fun- gorum Regni Neapolitani. [1847.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. VI, 1851, pp. 1-140. Briganti, Luigi. Cenno sulla coltivazione dell' orzo Peruviano. [1854.] Napoli, Atti 1st. In- corr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 467-484. Briganti, Vincenzio. De nova Pimpinellaa specie cui nomen Anisoides dissertatio. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. I., 1819, pp. 1-18. 2. Descrizione delle Ligule che abbitano nell' addomine de' Ciprini del Lago di Palo in provincia di Principato Citra. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. I., 1819, pp. 209-234. 3. Descrizione della struttura, etc., della moscha che fora le ulive. [1818.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. III., 1822, pp. 97-138. 4. De novo vermium iritestinalium genere cui nomen Balanoforus. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 79-86. 5. Descrizione di due nuove specie di Elici. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 265- 276. 6. Sulla preparazione della Pania delle bacche del Loranto Europeo. [1826.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 245-296. 7. Istoria di una nuova specie di fungo della famiglia degli Agarici, con la giunta infine delle descrizione di due altre specie anche finora non conosciute. [1822.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. III., 1832, pp. 122-136. 8. Illustrazione del frutto di una pianta Americana chiamata da' Brasiliani " Zabucajo " o " Jacapucaya." [1828.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. V., 1834, pp. 57-78. . 9. Descrizioue di una nuova varieta del Cocos Chilensis. [1833.] Napoli, Atti 1st. In- corr. V., 1834, pp. 255-280. 1O. Memoiua su due piante venute da varii luoghi della Spagna sotto il nome di Carquexe. [1827.] Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. IV., 1839, pp. 1-40. 4 K BRI] 626 [BRI Briggs, Henry. On rendering available for agri- cultural purposes a variety of mineral substances and refuse from mines, hitherto considered of no value. W. Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. II,, 1842- 48, pp. 104-115. 2. On Lime and its uses in Agriculture. W. Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1 842-48, pp. 254- 270. Briggs, John. On the Aboriginal Tribes of India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850, pp. 169-176 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LI., 1851, pp. 331-344. - 2. On the Aboriginal race of India, as distinguished from the Sanskritic or Hindu Eace. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 275-309. Briggs, John Joseph. Notes on the capture and appearance of some of our British birds in the county of Derby. Newman, Zoologist, I., 1843, pp. 311-313 ; II., pp. 553-556, 644-646. t 2. Birds at Spurn Head. Newman, Zoolo- gist, III., 1845, pp. 820-823. 3. Partial migration ; being remarks upon the subject as applying to the parish of Mel- bourne, Derbyshire. Newman, Zoologist, IV., 1846, pp. 1470-1472. * 4. A Fauna of Melbourne. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 2278-2289. > 5. The birds of Melbourne. Newman, Zoologist, VII., 1849, pp. 2475-2493, 2559- 2565, 2603-2611 ; VIH., pp. 2793-2796, 2817- 2823, 2949-2951. 6. Notice sur la decouverte et 1'extension en Angleterre de PAnacharis alsinastrum. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 281- 283. Briggs, R. Method of uniting Sulphur and Phosphorus without danger to the operator, and an attempt to explain the change that then takes place. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 58-61. Briggs, Robert. Of the true seat of reserved power in rolling-mill machinery. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 228-231. . 2. On the application of mathematics to the Screw. Amer. PhiL Soc. Proc. IX., 1862-63, pp. 278-280. Briggs, Samuel. Account of operations to find water in the Desert between Cairo and Suez. Geogr. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 252-253. Briggs, T. R. Archer. Localities of some un- common Plants and of varieties of common species within twelve miles of Plymouth. Phy- tologist, V., 1861, pp. 368-371. Briggs, Thomas, jun. Description of the Cur- culio, its mode of destroying fruit, and the various means employed to check its progress. Canada, Bot. Soc. Ann. I., 1861-62, pp. 112-114. Brighenti, Maurizio. Considerazioni sulle gene- rali equazioni dell' idrodinamica e sulle applica- zioni che se ne sono fatte finora. [1848.] Bo- logna, Mem. Accad. I., 1850, pp. 547-562. . 2. Sulle piene di Reno relativamente alia capacitii dell' alveo. [1850.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. III., 1851, pp. 211-214. 3. Effemeridi del Reno di Bologna negli anni 1846-48, 1848-49. [1849.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. IV., 1853, pp. 33-42, 139-142. 4. Sul Reno Bolognese. Bologna, Mem. Accad. VII., 1856, pp. 227-252. 5. Sulla corrente litorale dell' Adriatico. Bologna, Mem. Accad. VIII., 1857, pp. 485- 511 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1857-58, pp. 14-16 ; Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859, pp. 20-44 ; Venezia, Atti, 1858-59, pp. 425-436. 6. SulP effetto del diboscamento e dissoda- mento dei monti, rispetto all' altezza delle piene maggiori dei fiumi arginati. Bologna, Mem. Accad. X., 1859, pp. 197-211 ; Nuovo Cimento, XL, 1860, pp. 163-175. 7. Progetti pel Porto di Rimini. Bologna, Rendiconto, 1859-60, pp. 66-69. 8. Sulla corrente littorale. [I860.] Bo- logna, Mem. Accad. XL, 1861, pp. 119-138 ; Nuovo Cimento, XIV., 1861, pp. 78-96. 9. Sul bonificamento delle Paludi. Bo- logna, Mem. Accad. II., 1862, pp. 437-452. 1O. Sulle piu recenti piene del fiume Arno, e specialmente su quella del 18 e 19 Gennajo intorno a Pisa del 1863. Bologna, Rendiconto, 1863-64, pp. 40-46. Bright, Sir Charles. Report of the Committee on Standards of Electrical Resistance. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, pp. 111-176. Bright, Sir Charles, and L. Clark. Measure- ment of Electrical Quantities and Resistance. Electrician, I., 1862, pp. 3-4. Bright, Edward B. On Magneto-Electricity and Underground Wires. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 8-9. Bright, Richard. On the strata in the neigh- bourhood of Bristol. [1811.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 18 17, pp. 193-204. 2. Account of the Gold and Silver Mines of Hungary. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 12-26. 3. Account of the process of Amalgamation used at Halsbriick, near Freyberg, in Saxony, for the extraction of Gold and Silver from other ores. Tilloch. Phil. Mag. LIL, 1818, pp. 26-30. 4. Remarks on the Hills of Badacson, Szigliget, &c., in Hungary. [1816.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 4-8. Bright, Richard, and J. Bostock. Analysis of a specimen of cutaneous perspiration. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1828, pp. 424-436. BEI] 627 [BRI Brightwell, Thos. On the food and habits of certain insects. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 396-399. 2. Description of the young of the common Lobster, with observations relative to the ques- tion of the occurrence and non-occurrence of Transformations in crustaceous animals. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 482-486. 3. On Hirudo geometra, Linn., and some other species of British Fresh-water Leeches. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 11-15; Froriep, Notizen, XXII., 1842, col. 65-70. 4. Observations on a specimen of the Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Delphinus tursio, Fabr., taken at Great Yarmouth, October 1845. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 21-22. 5. Some account of a dicecious Rotifer allied to the genus Notommata of Ehrenberg. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 153-158. 6. Notices of Acalephse found at Lowestoft, August 1850. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 304-306. 7. On the genus Triceratiurn, with descrip- tions and figures of the species. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, pp. 245-252 ; IV., 1856, pp. 272- 276. i 8. On the filamentous long-horned Diato- macece, with a description of two new species. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 105-109. 9. On self-division in Noctiluca. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 185-191. 1O. Remarks on the genus " Rhizosolenia " of Ehrenberg. Journ. Microsc. Sci. V.I., 1858, pp. 93-95. 11. Further observations on the genera Triceratium and Chaetoceros. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VI., 1858, pp. 153-155. 12. On some of the rarer or imdescribed species of Diatomaceae. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 179-181; VIII., 1860, pp. 93- 96, 139. Brignoli de Brunnhoff, F. Adnotationes ad indicem seminum Hort. Bot. Mutinensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1849, p. 365. Brignoli de Brunnhoff, Giovanni de\ Disser- tazione intorno alia Clorite o terra Verde di Verona. Bologna, Opusc. Scientif. II., 1818, pp. 233-262 ; Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 355-361, 423^42. 2. Ueber einige Italienische Pflanzen, die den altern Botanikern bereits bekannt waren und von den Neuern als neu beschrieben worden sind. Flora, III., 1820, pp. 17-32. 3. Note sur 1'excitabilite et le mouvement des feuilles chez les Oxalis. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839 (pte. 2), pp. 68-69 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 388-396. Brignoli de Brunnhoff, Giovanni de\ 4. Ueber einige Pflanzen seltene aus dem Friaul, Flora, XXIII., 1840, pp. 97-106, 113-128. 5. [Teorie circa 1' azione della luce sullave- getazione.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1841, pp. 447-451. 6. Descriptio novae speciei Portulaccre. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VII., 1844, pp. 309-310. 7. Manipolo di piante nuove o non ancora state descritte. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. I., 1862, pp. 52-78. Brhmneyr, J. P. Esquisse des environs de la ville d'Ecliternach. Luxemb. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 25-36. 2. Animaux sauvages indigenes consideres sousle point de vueeconomique. Luxemb. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1855-56, pp. 76-91. Brincken, de. Descriptive Memoir of the Imperial Forest of Bialowicza. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, pp. 287-295. Brincken, G. T. L. En fuldkomment imper- viabel enorm stor Hymen, og derved fleer aarig forhindret Udlob af Menstrua. Eyr, IX., 1834, pp. 97-99. 2. En Deviatio menstruation is, hvorved Bloder afsondredes igjennem de undertiden opbrydende Ar af et garamelt leprost Saar paa Ryggen. Eyr, IX., 1834, pp. 99-102; Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, XVII., 1838, pp. 622-624. Brine, Lindesay. Expedition up the Si-kiang River. Geogr. Soc. Proc. V., 1861, pp. 238-241. Bringier, L. Notices of the geology, mineralogy, topography, productions, and aboriginal inhabi- tants of the regions around the Mississippi and its confluent waters. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 15-46. Brinkley, John. General demonstrations of the theorems for the Sines and Cosines of Multiple Circular Arcs, and also of the theorems for expressing the powers of sines and cosines by the sines and cosines of Multiple Arcs ; to which is added a theorem by help whereof the same method may be applied to demonstrate the properties of Multiple Hyperbolic Areas. [1797.] Irish Acad. Trans. VII., 1800, pp. 27- 52. 2. A general demonstration of the property of the circle discovered by Mr. COTES, deduced from the circle only. [1797.] Irish Acad. Trans. VII., 1800, pp. 151-162. 3. A method of expressing, when possible, the value of one variable quantity in integral powers of another and constant quantities, having given Equations expressing the relation of these variable quantities; in which is contained the general doctrine of Reversion of Series, of approximating to the Roots of Equations, and of the solution of fluxional Equations by Series. [1798.] Irish Acad. Trans. V1L, 1800, pp. 321- 356. 4 K 2 BRI] 628 [BRI Brinkley, John. 4. On the orbits in which bodies revolve, being acted upon by a centripetal force varying as any Function of the Distance, when those orbits have two Apsides. [1801.] Irish Acad. Trans. V1IL, 1802, pp. 215-232. 5. An examination of various solutions of KEPLER'S Problem, and a short practical solu- tion of that problem pointed out. [1802.] Irish Acad. Trans. IX., 1803, pp. 83-132. 6. On determining innumerable portions of a Sphere, the Solidities and Spherical Superficies of which portions are at the same time assignable algebraically. [1801.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII., 1802, pp. 513-525. 7. A theorem for finding the Surface of an Oblique Cylinder, with its geometrical demon- stration ; also an Appendix containing some observations on the methods of finding the Circumference of a very excentric Ellipse ; including a geometrical demonstration of the property of Elliptic Areas discovered by Count FAGNAXI. [1802.] Irish Acad. Trans. IX., 1803, p. 145. 8. On Sir Isaac NEWTON'S first solution of the problem for finding the Relation between Resistance and Gravity, that a body may be made to describe a given curve ; and the source of error in that solution pointed out. [1807.] Irish. Acad. Trans. XL, 1810, pp. 45-60. 9. An investigation of the general term of an important Series in the inverse method of Finite Differences. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 114-132. 1O. Investigations relative to the problem for clearing the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun, or a Star, from the effects of Parallax and Refraction, and an easy and concise method pointed out. [1808.] Irish Acad. Trans. XI., 1810, pp. 69-86. 11. On the annual Parallax of a Lyroe. Phil. Trans. 1810, p. 204. 12. An account of observations made at the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin, with an asti'onomical circle eight feet in dia- meter, which appear to point out an annual Parallax in certain fixed stars. Also, a Cata- logue of North Polar distances of forty-seven principal fixed Stars, from recent observations and a comparison thereof Avith those of the same Stars, obtained by other instruments and by the same instrument at a former period. [1814.] Irish Acad. Trans. XII., 1815, pp. 33- 77, 119-124. 13. Analytical investigation respecting Astronomical Refractions, and the application thereof to the formation of convenient tables, together with the results of observations of Circumpolar Stars, tending to illustrate the theory of Refractions. [1814.] Irish Acad. Trans. XII., 1815, pp. 77-118. Brinkley, John. 14. Investigations in physical astronomy, principally relative to the Mean Motion of the Lunar Perigee. [1817.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIIL, 1818, pp. 25-52. 15. Observations relative to the form of the Arbitrary Constant Quantities that occur in the integration of certain Differential Equations, and also in the integration of a certain Equa- tion of Finite Differences. [1817.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIIL, 1818, pp. 53-62. 16. A method of computing Astronomical Refractions for objects near the horizon. [1820.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIIL, 1818, pp. 165-174. 17. A method of correcting the approxi- mate elements of the Orbit of a Comet, and the application of the same to observations made at the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin, on the comet of July, 1819. [1820.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIIL, 1818, pp. 189-198. 18. On the Parallax of certain fixed stars. Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 275-302. 19. The results of observations made at the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin, for determining the obliquity of the Ecliptic and the maximum of the Aberration of Light. Phil. Trans. 1819, pp. 241-248. 2O. Observations and elements of the orbit of the Great Comet of 1819. Quart. Journ. Sci. IX., 1820, pp. 164-167. 21. An account of observations made with the 8-feet astronomical circle at the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin, since the beginning of the year 1818, for investigating the effects of Parallax and Aberration on the places of certain fixed stars ; also, the comparison of these with former observations for determining the effects of Lunar Nutation. Phil. Trans. 1821, pp. 327- 360. 22. Extracts from two papers on Refrac- tion. [1814-20.] Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 364-370. 23. Observations on M. DELAMBRE'S re- marks relative to the problem of finding the Latitude from two Altitudes, and the Time between. Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 370- 372. 24. The results of computations relative to the parallax of a Lyra?, from observations made with the Greenwich Mural Circle. [1823.] Astron. Soc. Mem. I., 1822, pp. 329-340. 25. An easy method of computing the Aberration of the Stars. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIL. 1822, pp. 151-154. 26. Elements of Captain HALL'S Comet. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 50-63. 27. On the North Polar Distances of the principal fixed stars. [1823.] Phil. Trans.. 1824, pp. 50-84. BRI] 629 [BBJ Brinkiey, Joltn. 28. Remarks on the Parallax of Lyrse. Phil. Trans. 1824, pp. 471-498. 29. The quantity of Solar Nutation, as affecting the North Polar Distances of the fixed stars deduced from observation, and the appli- cation of this determination to confirm the con- clusions relative to the Pai'allaxes of certain fixed stars. [1822.] Irish Acad. Trans. XIV., 1825, pp. 5-38. 30. [Obsei-vations of the Stars to be com- pared with the Moon.] Astr. Nachr. III., 1825, col. 105-106. 31. The results of computations on Astro- nomical Observations made at Paramatta, in New South Wales, and the application thereof to investigate the exactness of observations made in the Northern Hemisphere. [1825.] Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 105-123. 32. Results of the application of Captain KATER'S floating Collimator to the Astronomical Circle at the Observatory of Trinity College, Dublin, and remarks relative to those results. Phil. Trans. 1826, pp. 307-323. 33. [On the quantity of Luni-solar Preces- sion, &c.] Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 101-104. 34. [Culminations observed at Dublin.] Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 131-138. 35. On the quantity of the Precession of the Equinoxes, as determined by certain stars that appear to have no proper motion. [1825. J Irish Acad. Trans. XV., 1828, pp. 39-52, 53-68. Brinton, John H. Description of a valve at the termination of the right Spermatic Vein in the Vena Cava, with remarks on its relations to Varicocele. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXII., 1856, pp. 111-118. Brinton, William. Contributions to the physi- ology of the Alimentary Canal. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1849, pp. 784-787 ; Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1849, col. 341-343. 2. On the dentate body of the Cerebellum. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1852, p. 225. 3. Experiences et remarques sur Inaction du sue pancreatique sur 1'albumine. (Transl.) Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 672676. 4. Experiments and observations on the structure and function of the Stomach in the Vertebrate Class. Roy. Soc. Proc. XI., 1860- 62, pp. 357-359. Brion, . Action du soufre sur un certain nombrc de substances organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 876-877. Brion, L. Une application du calcul des proba- bilites. Abbeville, Mem. Soc. Emul. 1838-40, pp. 251-256. 2. Observations pour servir a la Meteoro- logie d'Abbeville. Abbeville, Mem. Soc. Emul. 1841-43, pp. 211-325. Brioschi, Carlo. Delia variazione del moto dei pendoli dipendente da quell a della temperatura. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1812, pp. 114-123. 2. Opposizione di Saturno nell' anno 1811. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1813, pp. 122-136. 3. Sulla cometa apparsa nella costellazione di Ercole. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 87-90. 4. Notizia sulla cometa periodica di 1212 giorni. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 91-93. 5. Occultaxioni di alcune delle Plejadi e di Antares, osservate in Luglio del 1823 alia Specola R. di Napoli. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 295-298. 6. Notizia sulla cometa scoperta dal Sig. PONS a Firenze il 7 Nov. 1825. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 109-112. 7. Notizia sulla cometa scoperta a Mar- siglia dal Sig. GALMBART il 9 Marzo 1826, e sulla sua rivoluzione periodica Napoli. Atti Accad. Sci. V., 1843, pp. 113-118. Brioschi, Francesco. Sul moto del calore nel globo della terra. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 295-303. 2. Dei criterj per distinguere massimi dai minimi valori delle primitive. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1851, pp. 400-409. 3. Intorno la integrazione di una equazione alle derivate del second' ordine. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 497-502. 4. Sur des determinants des formes qua- dratiques. Nouv. Annal. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 307-311. 5. Sulle equazioni alle derivate ordinarie e linear!. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 269- 273. 6. Sopra il prodotto reciproco dei raggi di curvatura di una superficie. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 273-276. 7. Intorno ad alcuni punti della teorica delle superficie. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 293-321. 8. Sopra un teorema di JACOBI intorno ai criterj d' integrabilita per distinguere i massinii dai minimi valori delle primitive. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 322-326. 9. Sulle linee tautocrone. Tortolini, An- nali, III., 1852, pp. 362-370; IV., 1853, pp. 62- 65, 106-108. 10. Intorno le sviluppoidi e le sviluppate ricerche. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 50-61. 11. Sulle linee di curvatura delle stiperficie 1 . Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 129-133. 12. Sulla integrazione della equazione delle geodetiche. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, ppr, 133-135. BEI] Brioschi, Francesco. 13. Intorno ad alcune for- raole che si riscontrano nella teorica delle super- ficie. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 232- 235. 14. Sulla variazione delle costanti arbitrarie Bei problemi della dinamica. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 298-311. 15. Intorno ad un teorema di meccanica analitica. Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 395- 400. 16. Intorno ad alcuni teoremi digeometria. 630 [BRI Tortolini, Annali, IV., 1853, pp. 457-472. 17. Sur une propriete cl'un produit de fac- teurs lineaires. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 137-144. 18. Note sur un theoremerelatifaux deter- minants gauches. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 253-256. 19. Sur les fonctions de STURM. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIII., 1854, pp. 71-80. 2O. Sopra un teorema nella teorica delle forme quadratiche. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 201-206. 21. Sulla teorica degli invarianti. Torto- lini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 207-211. 22. Intorno ad alcune proprieta di una linea tracciata sopra una superficie. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 232-240. 23. Intorno ad una nota proprieta di alcune equazioni alle derivate parziali. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 268-270. 24. Intorno ad alcune question! d' algebra superiore. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. iiOl- 312. 25. Sulle funzioni simmetriche delle di una equazione. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 313-315, 422-428. 26. Intorno ad una proprieta degli invari- anti. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 409-415. 27. Intorno ad alcune formole per la riso- luzione delle equazioni algebriche. Tortolini, Annali, V., 1854, pp. 416-421. 28. Sur deux formules relatives a la theorie de la decomposition des fractions rationnelles. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 239-242, 318-321. 29. Intorno al movimento di un punto materiale sopra una superficie qualsivoglia. [1852.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV., 1855, pp. 155-167. 3O. Sui criterii di integrabilita delle fun- zioni, e sulle equazioni isoperimetriche. [1853.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV., 1855, pp. 205- 213. 31. Me tli ode pour determiner les racines communes a deux equations. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 81-83. - 32. Relations de distance entre des points. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 172-174. Brioschi 9 Francesco. 33. Intorno ad alcune quistioni della geometria di posiziono. Tortolini, Anuali. VI., 1855, pp. 209-217 ; Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 233-238. 34. Intorno ad alcune proprieta delle super- ficie del terzo orcline. Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 374-379. 35. Sulle costruzioni del Sig. CHASLES per le linee del terzo e quarto ordinQ. Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 380-382. 36. Intorno ad una proprieta delle equa- zioni alle derivate parziali del primo ordiue. Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 426-429. 37. Sopra una nuova proprieta degli inte- grali di un problema di Dinamica. Tortolini, Annali, VI., 1855, pp. 430-432. 38. Sur 1'analogie entre une classe de deter- minants d'ordre pair ; et sur les determinants binaires. Crelle, Journ. LIT., 1856, pp. 133141. 39. Sulla teorica dei Covarianti. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VIIL, 1856, pp. 329-333. 40. Sopra una estensione del teorema di ABEL. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VIIL, 1856, pp. 333-335. 41. Sugli integral! comuni a molti problemi di Dinamica. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VIIL, 1856, pp. 413-418. 42. Intorno ad un problema di Statica razionale. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1856, pp. 104-109. 43. Sugli integral! comuni a molti problemi di Dinamica. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1856, pp. 110-111. 44. Sulla linea di stringimento di un sis- tema di linee a doppia curvatura. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1856, pp. 400-404. 45. Sur les series qui donnent le nombre de racines reelles des equations algebriques a une ou a plusieurs inconnues. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 264-286 ; Schlomilch, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 209-222. 46. Theoreme sur un propriete des racines des equations algebriques. Nouv. Anna!. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 366-3G8. 47. Deux theoremes de geometric sur la droite et le cercle. Nouv. Aunal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 462-464. 48. Sul discriminante delle funzioni omo- genee a due indeterminate, e sull' equazione ai quadrati delle differeuze. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 5-15. 49. Sulle funzioni omogenee di terzo grado a due indeterminate. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 15-21. 50. Sopra una trasformazione delle equa- zioni caratteristiche per un discriminante. Tor- tolini. Annali, VIL, 1856, pp. 64-68. BRI] 631 [BEI Brioschi, Francesco. 51. Ricerche algebriche sulle forme omogenee a due indeterminate. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 69-76. 52. Sopra una formola di trasforraazione per le serie doppiamente infinite. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 214-221. 53. Ricerche algebriche sulle forme binarie. Tortolini, Aunali, VII., 1856, pp. 231-242. 54. Sul principio di reciprocita nella teoria delle forme. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 303-312. 55. Sur une nouvelle propriety du re- sultant de deux equations algebriques. Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 372-376. - 56. Sur une formule de M. CAYLEY. Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 377-378. 57. Sur I'licxagone inscriptible dans une conique. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 269-272. 58. Geometric algorithmique : Sur les polygones inscrits et circonscrits u des coniques. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 421-428. 59. Sulla partizione dei numeri. Torto- lini, Annali, VIII., 1857, pp. 5-12. 6O. Sulla trasformazione delle funzioni ellittiche. Tortolini, Annali, VIIL, 1857, pp. 70- 76, 125-128. 61. Sui poligoni inscritti alle couiche. Tortolini, Annali, VIIL, 1857, pp. 119-124. 62. Intorno ad alcune proprieta delle superficie a linee di curvatura piane o sferiche. Tortolini, Annali, VIII., 1857, pp. 297-308. 63. Sur une propriete d'un determinant fonctionnel. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 365-367. 64. Note sur deux theoremes de Geo- metric. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 368- 370. 65. Sur 1'integration dcs equations ultra- elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 56- 60. 66. Sulla trasformazione delle equazioni algebriche. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 231-233. 67. Sul metodo di KRONECKER per la riso- luzione delle equazioni di quinto grado. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 275-282. 68. Sur la theorie de la transformation des fonctions Abeliennes. Paris. Comptes Ren- dus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 310-313.' 69. Sur diverses equations analogues aux equations modulaires dans la theorie des fonc- tions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 337-341. 7O. Sullo sviluppo di un determinante. [1857.] Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 9-11. 71. Sulle funzioni Abeliane complete di prima e secouda specie. [1857.] Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 12-19. Brioschi, Francesco. 72. Sopra alcune pro- prieta delle funzioni Abeliane. [1857.] Tor- tolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 20-32. 73. Sullo sviluppo delle Funzioni Jaco- biane secondo le potenze ascendenti dell' argo- mento. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 41-42. 74. Intorno ad un teorema del Signor BORCHARDT. [1857.] Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 43-44. 75. Dimostrazione di una formola di JACOBI. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 117- 118. 76. Sui coTarianti delle forme a piu variabili. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 158- 163. 77. Sulle equazioni del moltiplicatore per la trasformazione delle funzioni ellittiche. Tor- tolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 175-177. 78. Appendice all' articolo " Sulla risolu- zione delle equazioni del quinto grado," p. 256. Tortolini, Anuali, I., 1858, pp. 326-328. 79. La teorica dei covarianti e degli in- var i an ti delle forme binarie, e le sue principali applicazioni. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 296-309, 549-561; II., pp. 82-85, 265-277; III., pp. 160-168. 8O. Sur quelques proprietes des surfaces du troisieme ordre. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIII., 1859, pp. 138-142. 81. Intorno ad una formola di interpola- zione. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 132-134. 82. Sulle linee di curvatura della super- ficie delle onde. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 135-136. 83. Osservazioni sulla superficie delle onde. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 285-287. 84. Premiers elemens approximatifs de la nouvelle comete. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 329-332. 85. Sopra una trasformazione dell' inte- grale elittico. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 216-220. 86. Developpements relatifs au 3 des Recherches de DIKICHLET sur un probleme d'Hydrodynamique, vol. 58, p. 181 et suivantes de ce Journal. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 63-73. 87. Sulla risolvente di MALFATTI per le equazioni del quinto grado. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1863, pp. 215-232. 88. Intorno ad una trasformazione delle forme quadratiche. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 26-27. 89. Sopra una proprieta delle forme ter- narie. Napoli, Giorn. di Mat. I., 1863, pp. 65-67. 9O. Sur une classe d'equations du quatrieme degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 106-108. BRI] 632 [BRI Brioschi, Francesco. 91. Sur la theorie des formes cubiques a trois indeterminees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 304-307. . 92. Extrait d'une Lettre a, M. HERMITE [Recherches d'analyse Mathematique]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 659-663. Briot, C/i. These sur le mouvement d'un corps solide autour d'un point fixe. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 70-8,3. 2. Theorie des points singuliers dans les courbes planes algebriques. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 368-378. 3. Note sur 1'Attraction. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 174-176. 4. Note sur un thermometre a indication continue. Lyou, Soc. Agric. IX., 1846, pp. 309- 311. 5. Note sur un perfectionnement dans la methode en geometric. Lyon, Mem. Acad. II., 1847, pp. 429-432. 6. Sur la theorie mathematique de la lumiere. Premiere partie : Propagation de la lumiere dans les milieux cristallises. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 888-892. 7. Sur la theorie mathematique de la lumiere. Deuxieme partie : Polarisation cir- culaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 141-145. 8. Note sur la theorie de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 393- 396. 9. Sur la dispersion de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 866-868. Briot, Ch., et Bouquet. Recherches suv les pro- prietes des fonctions definies par des equa- tions differentielles. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 368-370. 2. Recherches sur les fonctions doublement periodiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 342-344. 3. Memoire sur 1'iutegration des equations differentielles au moyen des fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1229- 1232. 4. Etudes des fonctions d'une variable ima- ginaire. Paris, ficole Polytechn. Jouru. XXL. 1856 (cah. 36), pp. 85-132, 133-198, 199-254. Briotey. . Sur les differents terrains du departement de la Vienne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1842-43, pp. 630-637. Briquet, - . Recherches physiologiques et therapeutiques sur les preparations de Quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 65-66. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal. A method of determining the time with accuracy, from a series of Altitudes of the Sun, taken on the same side of the Meridian. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1818, pp. 497-506. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal. 2. Table for determining accurately the time of High Water at any given port. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IV., 1821, pp. 54-56. . 3. Memoir on the Repeating Reflecting Circle. [1819.] Edinb. Roy. Soc! Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 97-102. 4. Method of determining the Latitude, by a sextant or circle, with simplicity and accuracy, from Circum-Meridian Observations, taken near noon, r ] 820.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX., 1823, pp. 227-234. 5. Observations made at Paramatta on the inferior contingency of Venus with the Sun in Oct. 1823. Edinb. Jouru. Sci. L, 1824, pp. 236- 239. 6. Observations on the temperature of the earth at Paramatta, New South Wales. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 219-222. 7. Astronomical Observations made at Paramaltfi in 5823. Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1S24, pp. 244-246. 8. Mean of twelve months' Meteorological Observations in the years 1822-23 made at Paramatta, New South Wales. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 119-120. 9. On the Meteorological Tables kept in 1822 at Macquarie Harbour and Hobart's Town, in Van Diemen's Land. Edinb. Journ. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 75-77. 1O. Observations of the Solstice in June 1823, made at Paramatta, New South Wales. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 63-64. 11. Observations made in the years 1823- 24 at Paramatta, New South Wales. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 65-83 ; Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 183-186. 12. Observations before and after the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun, with the Mural Circle at Paramatta, 1824. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 330-331. 13. Observations on the mean temperature of the earth at Sydney, made in the years 1824 and 1825. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827 ; pp. 226- 228. 14. Observations made at Port Macquarie, Van Diemen's Land, for the purpose of deter- mining the Decrease of Heat in ascending in the atmosphere. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 246-249. 15. On an apparent anomaly in the measure of Rain. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, p. 560. 16. Occultation of Mars by the Moon. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IV., 1836-39, p. 66. 17. On the difference of Longitude between London and Edinburgh. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), p. 20. BRI] 633 [BRI Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal. 18. Observa- tions in Magnetism and Meteorology, made at Makerstoun, Scotland. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 138-139. 19. Observations of Flora. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 125-127. 20. On the Balance Magnetometer and its temperature correction. [1845.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 67-78. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal, and Dunlop. Observed differences of the Right Ascensions of the Moon and Stars in her parallel, at Makers- toun, Kelso. Astron. Soc. Mem. V., 1833, pp. 349-351. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal, and Galbraith. Barometric measurement of the height of Che- viot. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1833, pp. 69-76. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal, Gordon, and limes. Observations on two Comets discovered at Paramatta in 1824 by Mr. RUMKER and Mr. DUNLOP ; to which are added the Elements of their Orbits. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 332-336. Brisbane, Thomas Macdougal, and Humker. Observations on the Winter Solstice of 1823, made at Paramatta. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 39-40. 2. Astronomical Observations made at Paramatta and Sydney. [1823.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 112-116. 3. Observations made at Paramatta, in New South Wales ; to which are annexed Observations made at Stargard, New South Wales, on the Comet, which appeared in July 1824. Astron. Soc. Mem. II., 1826, pp. 277- 284. Brischke, C. G. A. Nematus helicinus, Dahlb., n. sp. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XL, 1850, pp 409- 411. 2. Die Hymenopteren der Prpvinz Preus- sen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 1-37,97-118; IIL, 1862, pp. 1-14. 3. Beobachtungen iiber die Arten der Blatt- und Holzwespen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. III., 1862, pp. 204-278. Brischke, C. G. A., und Saddach. Beobacht- ungen iiber die Arten der Blatt- und Holzwespen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. IV., 1863, pp. 84-113. Brisout de Barneville, Charles. Diagnoses de plusieurs cspeces nouvelles du genre Homalota propres a la France. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. ccxvii ccxix. 2. Descriptions de quelques especes iiou- velles de Coleopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. ccxxxi-ccxxxv. Brisout de Barneville, Charles. 3. Descrip- tions de quelques Coleopteres nouveaux propres a la faune Frai^aise et specialement aux envi- rons de Paris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIII. , 1860, pp. 339-350. 4. Especes nouvelles de Coleopteres Fran- cais. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 597- 606. 5. Methode dichotomique appliquee aux Tychius de France, et description de quelques especes nouvelles des genres Tychius et Micco- trogus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 765-780. Brisout de Barneville, Henri. Descriptions de Coleopteres nouveaux, de Galice et d'Algerie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. ccxxxvii-ccxxxix. 2. Observations sur les Tychius qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, et description d'une nouvelle espece et d'un Sibynes. Revue et Mag. Zool. XII., I860, pp. 166-168. 3. Description d'une nouvelle espece do Ceuthorhynchus, suivie de plusieurs synonymes de ces especes. Revue et Mag. Zool. XII., 1860, pp. 537-539. 4. Monographic du genre Gymnetron. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 625- 668. 5. Description de trois Insectes coleop- teres nouveaux qui se trouvent en France. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 23-25. 6. Monographic des especes Europeennes et Algeriennes du genre Bagous. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 491-524. Brisout de Barneville, IFcnri, et Gougelet. Descriptions de nouvelles especes de Coleopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIII., 1860, pp. 335- 337. Brisout de Barneville, Louis. Note sur les Diodoniens. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 136- 143. 2. Note sur le groupe des Gobiesoces. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 143-146, 209-212. 3. Note sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Discoboles (Trachelochismus). Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 212-213. 4. Note sur les especes du genre Lepado- gaster de GOUAN. Revue Zool. IX., 1846, pp. 278-283. 5. Note relative a 1'Acridium smilaceum. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, p. Ixxxvi ; VI., 1848, pp. xxxviii-liv ; Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 285-286. 6. Note sur le genre Centropriste de CDVIER. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 130-134. 7. Note sur un nouveau genre d'Anguilli- formes. Revue Zool. X., 1847, pp. 219-220. 4 L BR1] 634 [BRI Brisout de Barneville, Louis. 8. Catalogue des Acridides qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 411-425. 9. Details sur les Blattes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. xix-xxi ; VII. 1849, pp. xxx xxxi. 1O. [Sur un Orthoptere aquatique, le Te- trix harpago, Serville.'] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. xxxiv-xxxv. 11. [Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Criquet, Acridium brevipenne.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. Ixxxiii-lxxxiv. 12. Sur les metamorphoses des Orthopteres sauteurs. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI L, 1849, pp. xliii-xlv. 13. Supplement a son Catalogue des Acri- dide"s. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. Ixxix-lxxx. 14. [Description d'une nouvelle espece de Sauterelle, Locusta lineata, L. Brisout.'] Paris, Ann. Soc. Enlom. VII. 1849, p. Ixxx. 15. Note sur la classification parallelique des Orthopteres. [1849.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. 59-63. 16. Trois Orthopteres nouveaux : Acri- dium Lucasii, Acinipe microptera, Tetrix acu- minata. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. Ixiii-lxiv. . 17. Deux especes nouvelles du genre Acri- dium (A. amoenum et A. laetum). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1850, pp. Ivi-lvii. 18. [Orthopteres nouveaux Algeriens.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, p. xlviii. 19. Description d'un Acridium nouveau (A. Gabonense). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, p. Ixviii. 2O. Second Supplement a son Catalogue des Acridides qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. Ixxxix-cxi. 21. Plusieurs Orthopteres qui habitent la France. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. xciii-xciv. 22. Deux Orthopteres nouveaux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. Ixvii-lxviii. . 23. Descriptions de deux Orthopteres nou- veaux, Eremiaphila barbara, Acridium sitifense. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. Ixx- Ixxiii. 24. Description de 1' Acridium syriacum. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, p. Ixxiii. 25. Reponse a une note de M. LUCAS sur une nouvelle espece de Mantide (Eremiaphila denticollis). Revue et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 442-448. Brisout de Barneville, Louis. 26. Orthop- teres rapportes des Pyrenees Orientales par M. BELLIER de la CHAVIGNEKIE. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 157-158. Brisseau-Mirbel. See Mirbel. Brisson, . Du courant de retour et d'un phenomene d'induction observe sur les lignes electriques. Annales Telegraph. II., 1859, pp. 414-419. Brisson, B. Rapport sur le projet d'un ther- mometre metallique presente par le citoyenREG- NIER. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1796 (Hist.), pp. 18-22. 2. Sur 1'integration des equations differen- tielles partielles. [1804.] Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Journ. VIL, 1818 (!4 e mA.),pp. 191-261. Brisson, B., et Dupuis-Torcy. Sur 1'art de projeter les canaux de navigation. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. VIL, 1808 (14 e cah.). pp. 262 ^288. Bristow, Henry Wm. Geology of the Isle of Wight. Mem. Geol. Survey, 8'. 1862. Bristow, Henry Wm., and W. Whitaker. The geology of parts of Berkshire and Hampshire. Mem. Geol. Survey, 8 V0 . 1862. Bristowe, J. S. Malformation of the Pericar- dium and left Pleura. Pathol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1854-55, pp. 109-112. Bristowe, J. S., and W. M. Ord. An inquiry into the existence of amylaceous compounds in the human body. Pathol. Soc. Trans. X., 1858- 59, pp. 299-304. Bristowe, J. S., and Rainey. On the Trichina spiralis. Pathol. Soc. Trans. V., 1853-54, pp. 274-298. Britt, Daniel, and G. Turner. Thermometrical Observations made at Fort Washington, com- mencing June 1790, and ending April 1791. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 329-347. Brittinger, Christian. Beschreibung einer Ex- cursion auf das Wascheneg bei Spital am Pyhre in Ober-Oesterreich. Flora, XVL, 1833, pp. 218-221. 2. Topographic einiger Gewachse des Traunkreises. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 433-436, 436-448. 3. Beschreibung einiger merkwiirdiger Abanderungen von Lepidopteren. Stettin, En- tom. Zeitg. VI., 1845, pp. 108-109. 4. Beschreibung einer neuen Libellula. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. VI., 1845, pp. 205-207. 5. Beobachtungen iiber einige Pflanzen der Flora Steyr's in Ober-Oesterreich. Flora, XXXIL, 1849, pp. 418-421. 6. Die Libelluliden des Kaiserreichs Oes- terreich. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850, pp. 328-336. 7. Die Schmetterlinge des Kronlandes Oesterreich ob der Ems. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851, pp. 468-470, 538. BRI] 635 [BRO Brittinger, Christian. 8. Beobachtungen iiber Sympecma fusca ( Van der L.) eincr Libellen-Art. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1851 (Abth. 2), pp. 167-169. 9. [Nachricht iiber die Einschleppung von Blatta germanica in Ober-Oesterreich.] Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1850 (Abth. 5), pp. 15-18. 1O. Flora von Ober-Oesterreich, oder syste- matische Uebersicht aller in diesem Kronlande wildwachsenden,oder im Freien gebauten Samen- pflanzen. Wien, Zool. Bot. Verein Verhandl. XII., 1862 (Abh.\ pp. 977-1140. Brix, - . Ueber die Beziehungen, welche zwischen den Procentgehalten verschiedener Zuckerlosungen den zugehb'rigen Dichtigkeiten und den Baurae'schen Araometergraden statt- finden. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXVI., 1855, pp. 214-221. Brix, A. F. W. Ueber die Cohesions- und Elas- tieitlitsverhaltnisse einigerbeira Bau der Hiingc- briicken in Anwendung kommenden Eisendriiht<\ Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXVI., 1837, p^j. 334-350. 2. Ueber die Bestimmung des Inhaltes und des Schwerpunctes einer gewissen Gattung von Korpern, die zwischen zwei parallelen Endflii- chen enthalten sind. Crelle, Journ. XXV., 1843, pp. 129-145. 3. Ueber die Berechnung des Elasticitats- Modulus aus directen Dehnungsversuchen. Grunert, Archiv, IV., 1844, pp. 239-243. 4. Ueber die Dehnung und das Zerreissen prismatischer Korper unter der Voraussetzung, dass die spannende Kraft ausserhalb der Schwer- punkts-Achse des Korpers wirkt. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 288-295. 5. Einfache Construction des Kriimmungs- halbmessers der Kegelschnitte. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. 316-317. 6. Schreiben an den Herausgeber [den Obelisken betreffend]. Grunert, Archiv, XI., 1848, pp. 339-340. Brix, J. De laparotomiae indicationibus agitur. Kiel, Schriften, II., 1856. Brix, Wilhelm. Ueber die latente Warme der Diimpfe verschiedener Fliissigkeiten bei deren Siede temperatur Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 162-169; Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 341-390. . 2. Das Telegraphiren auf demselben Drathe in entgegengesetzten Richtungen. Berlin, Tele- graph. Vereins Zeitschr. II., 1855, pp. 81-87 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXVII., 1855, pp. 172-179. 3. Einige altere Wahrnehmungen von Storungen der telegraphischen Correspondenz wahrend eines Nordlichtes durch die Herren HIGHTON, MATTEUCCI, BARLOW und W. SIEMENS. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. VI., 1859, pp. 247-274. Brix, Wilhelm. 4. Formel fur den Stromver- lust auf einer Telegraphenleitung, welche an alien Isolationspunkten Fehler von gleichem Widerstandswerthe hat. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. VII., 1860, pp. 151-155, 210- 222. 5. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Aufstel- lung der Blitzableiter. Berlin, Telegraph. Vereins Zeitschr. VIII., 1861, pp. 132-140. 6. Wahrnehmungen iiber Einwirkung des Nordlichtes am 14 Decbr. 1862. Berlin, Tele- graph. Vereins Zeitschr. IX., 1862, pp. 200-204. 7. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Rela- tionen, welche zwischen den an beiden Enden einer mangelhaft isolirten^Leitung ausfiihrbaren Widerstandsmessungen bestehen. Berlin, Tele- graph. Vereins Zeitschr. X., 1863, pp. 65-68. Broager, P. D. Forsog til en elementair Frem- stilling af de periodiske Kjaedebrokers Egens- kaber. Kj0benhavn, Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afhandl. VIII., 1841, pp. 145-170, Broca, Paul. Rapport sur les experiences de M. BROWN-SEQUARD relatives aux proprietes et aux fonctions de la moelle epiniere. [1855.] Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1856, pp. 23-50. 2. Memoire sur Phybridite en general, sur la distinction des especes animales et sur les metis obtenus par le croisement du lievre et du lapin. Brown-Sequard,. Journ. d. Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 432-471, 684-729 ; II., pp. 218-258, 345-396. 3. Des phenomenes d'hybridite dans le genre humain. Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Phy- siol. II., 1859, pp. 601-625 ; III., pp. 392-439. 4. Remarques sur la reproduction des os, a 1'occasion d'un cas de fracture du femur suivie de 1'ossification de la moelle. Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 697-704. 5. Note sur une nouvelle methode anes- thesique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 902-905. 6. Inegalite congenitale des deux moities du corps ; singulieres consequences physiolo- giques. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859, pp. 15- 19; Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 70-74. 7. Conclusions d'un rapport sur les animaux ressuscitants. Brown-Sequard, Journ. d. Phy- siol. III., 1860, pp. 604-607. 8. De 1'hypnotisme. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XXVII., 1860, pp. 50-52. 9. Etudes sur le cerveau d'un negre. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. I., 1860, pp. 53-55. 1O. Etudes sur les animaux ressuscitants. Presse Scientifique, I., 1860, pp. 211-222. 11. Rapport sur la question soumise a la Societe de Biologic, au sujet de la revivescence des animaux desseches. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1860, pp. 1-140. 4 L 2 BR01 636 [BEO Broca, Paul. 12. Memoire sur le craniographe et sur quelques unes de ses applications. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Mem. I., 1860-63, pp. 348-378. 13. Sur le volume et la forme du cerveau suivant les individus et suivant les races. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 139-207. . 14. Perte de la parole, ramollissement chronique et destruction partielle du lobe ante- rieur gauche du cerveau. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 235-238. 15. Sur des cranes provenant d'un cimetiere de la Cite, anterieur au treizieme siecle. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. II., 1861, pp. 501-513. 16. Communication sur la determination des points singuliers de la voute du crane qui limitent les angles auriculaires. Paris, Anthro- pol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 17-24. 17. Sur la capacite des cranes Parisiens des diverses epoques. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 102-116. 18. Sur les proportions relatives du bras, de 1'avant-bras et de la clavicule chez les negres et les Europeens. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 162-172. 19. La linguistique et 1'anthropologie. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. Ill, 1862, pp. 264- 319. 20. Sur les projections de la tete, et sur un nouveau precede de cephalometrie. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 514-544. 21. Sur les caracteres du crane des Bas- ques. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. III., 1862, pp. 579-591. 22. Experiences sur les oeufs a deuxjaunes. [1861.] Paris, Soc. Biol. III., 1862 (Compt. Rend.\ pp. 154-161 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zool\ 1862, pp. 78-87. 23. Sur les cranes Basques. Paris, An- thropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 38-72. 24. Sur les empreintes cerebrales. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 199-200. 25. Sur les caracteres physiques des Minco- pies ou habitants des iles Andaman. Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Bull. IV.. 1863, pp. 497-508. 26. Bchelle chromatique des yeux. Paris, Anthropol, Soc. Bull. IV., 1863, pp. 592-605. 27. Recherches sur 1'ethnologie de la France. [1859.] Paris, Anthropol. Soc. Mem. I., 1863, pp. 1-56. Brocard, E. Essai sur le catalogue des oiseaux du departement du Doubs. Besancon, Mem. Soc. Emul. IL, 1857, pp. 207-234. Brocchi, Giambattista. Analisi chimica di un acciajo di Valtellina. Brescia, Accad. Sci, Comment. 1808, pp. 127-134. 2. Sulla Lignite bruna di Valgandino. Milano, Giorn. Soc! Incprr. IL, 1808, pp, 33-91, Brocchi, Giambattista. 3. Sulla miniera di piombo argentifero di Viconago, dipart. del Lario. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incorr. VIII., 1809, pp. 1-60. 4. Sui carboni fossili del dipartimento del Mella. Brescia, Accad. Sci. Comment. 1811, p. 64. 5. Sopra una sostanza fossile contenuta nella lava di Capo di Bove presso Roma. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 386-396 ; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, IX., 1815, pp. 126- 134. 6. Memoire sur la vallee de Fassa, en Tyrol. Annal. des Mines, I., 1816, pp. 421- 434. 7. Cristallografia. Bibl. Ital. IL, 1816, pp. 82-85, 90-104, 249-253, 254-259. 8. Lettera sopra alcuni ammassi colonnari basaltini del territorio di Viterbo. Bibl. Ital. III., 1816, pp. 495-507. 9. Osservazioni natural! fatte sulle mon- tagne della Sila. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, III., 1816-17, pp. 183-201. 10. Sull' eruzione del Vesuvio del 1812. Bibl. Ital. VI., 1817, pp. 275-290. 11. Osservazioui sulle vernici usate dagli antichi sulle stoviglie di terra. Bibl. Ital. VI., 1817, pp. 452-471. 12. Osservazioni sulla corrente di lava di Capo di Bove presso Roma e su quella delle Frattocchie sotto Albano. Bibl. Ital. VII., 1817, pp. 102-118. 13. Viaggio al Capo Circeo, ed osservazioni naturali in que' contorni. Bibl. Ital. VII., 1817, pp. 257-275, 433-450. 14. Descrizione di una nuova conchiglia bivalve della costa del Brasile (Anomia carnea), con osservazioni intorno ad alcuni altri testacei. Bibl. Ital. VIIL, 1817, pp. 276-280. 15. Osservazioni intorno al Silex albus di PLINIO e di VITKUVIO, riconoscibile in una lava feltspatica di Bolsena. Bibl. Ital. VIIL. 1817, pp. 408-419. 16. Sulla Preuite rinvenuta in Toscana. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 43-48. 17. Osservazioni sulle montagnemetallifere deUa Tolfa. Bibl. Ital. IX., 1818, pp. 172-184. 18. Lettera inedita di Andrea CESALriNO, e notizie intorno al suo Erbario che si conserva in Firenze in casa Nencini, col ragguaglio di alcune Opere inedite del MICHIELI e del TARGIONI, e di un Codice miniato di Storia Naturale che e nella Galleria di Firenze. Bibl. Ital. X., 1818, pp. 203-216. 19. Osservazioni naturali fatte al promon- torio Argentaro ed all' isola del Giglio. Bibl. Ital. XL, 1818, pp. 76-93, 237-239, 356-369. *= 2O. Saggio di esperienze sull' aria cattiva de' contorni di Roma. Bibl. Ital. XII., 1818, pp, 209-230. BRO] 637 [BRO Brocchi, Giambattista. 21. Ragguaglio di al- cuni molluschi e zoofiti del mare Tirreno presso la costa Roraana. Bibl. Ital. XIII., 1819, pp.311- 327 ; XIV., pp. 45-63. 22. Notizia di alcune osservazioni fisiche fatte nel tempio di Serapide a Pozzuoli. Bibl. Ital. XIV., 1819, pp. 193-201. 23. Os.servazioni natural! fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini nell' Abruzzo ulteriore. Bibl. Ital. XIV., 1819, pp. 363-377. 24. Soprauna particolare varietadi lazialite trovata in una lava di monte Vulture in Basili- cata. Bibl. Ital. XVII., 1820, pp. 261-265. 25. Osservazioni fisiche fatte nella valle di Amsanto. Bibl. Ital. XVII., 1820, pp. 364-379. 26. Osservazioni geologiche fatte nel la terra d' Otranto. Bibl. Ital. XVIII., 1820, pp. 52-67. 27. Consideration! sopra un antico zodiaco della cattedrale di Otranto. Bibl. Ital. XVIII., 1820, pp. 338-353. 28. Osservazioni geologiche sui contorni Bibl. Ital. XIX., 1820, di Reggio in Calabria, pp. 69-82. 29. Osservazioni naturali fktte alle isole de' Ciclopi, e nella contigua spiaggia di Catania. Bibl. Ital. XX., 1820, pp. 217-228. 3O. Sulle diverse formazioni di rocce della Sicilia. Bibl. Ital. XXIII., 1821, pp. 357-373. 31. Descrizione del monte Soratte. Bibl. Ital. XXV,, 1822, pp. 74-80. 32. Osservazioni naturali sulle spelonche di Adelsberg in Carniola. Bibl. Ital. XXV., 1822, pp. 275-291. 33. De' colli Iblei in Sicilia. Bibl. Ital. XXVI., 1822, pp. 55-73. 34. DelP aspetto della vegetazione ne' con- torni di Reggio in Calabria. Bibl. Ital. XXVI., 1822, pp. 219-232. 35. Sulle geognostiche relazioni delle rocce calcarie e vulcaniche in Val-di-Noto nella Sicilia. Bibl. Ital. XXVIL, 1822, pp. 53-67. 36. Sopra alcuni massi di lava di cui era costrutto in Pavia 1' arco di Alboino. Bibl. Ital. XXVIL, 1822, pp. 344-349. 37. Continuazione delle Osservazioni na- turali fatte in alcune parti degli Apennini degli Abruzzi. Bibl. Ital. XXVIII., 1822, pp. 209- 224 ; XXIX., pp. 79-93. 38. Sur 1'arbre appele Zachun a Jericho, et sur la Pomme de Sodome. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VI., 1825, pp. 378-379. 39. Ueber das Climavon Sennaar. ( Transit) Froriep. Notizen, XXV., 1829, col. 275-277 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VII., 1829, pp. 96-99. Brocchi, Isp. Saggio di osservazioni sugli ani- maletti inf'usorj dell' acqua marina. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incorr. VIII., 1809, pp. 177-201, 271-285. Broch, O. J. Sur quelques proprietes d'une cer- taiue classe de fonctions transcendantes. Crelle, Journ. XX., 1840, pp. 178-188. 2. Om nogle transcendente Functioner. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. II., 1840, pp. 297-332. 3. Memoire sur les fonctions de la forme / x*-yp- ] F (x p ) (R (X^'P dx. Crelle, Journ. XXIII., 1842, pp. 145-195, 201-242. 4. Om Lovene for Lysets Forplantelse i isophane og eenaxig krystaliserede Media. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 283- 302. 5. Allgemeine Gesetze der Wellenbewe- gung. Repert. d. Phys. V., 1844, pp. 88-151. 6. Besondere Gesetze der Wellenbewegung. Repert. d. Phys. VIL, 1846, pp. 1-119. 7. Lovene for Lysets Forplantelse i iso- phane og eenaxig krystallwerede Legemer. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. V., 1848, pp. 49-88, 89-170, 215-252. 8. Auflosung einergeometrischen Aufgabe. Crelle, Journ. XL., 1850, pp. 233-234. 9. Om de Frauenhoferske Linier i Solspec- tret, saaledes som de vise sig for det ubevsebnede 0ie. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VI., 1851, pp. 50-55; Poggend. Annal. 1853 (Ergiinz.}, pp. 311-315. 10. Sammenligning mellem forskjellige Vei- linier med Hensyn til Transportpriserne. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. VI., 1851, pp. 42-49. 11. Determination du pouvoir rotatoire rnoleculaire du quartz par une methode appli- cable a tous les phenomenes chromatiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 119-121. 12. Om Glommens Vandforing. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIL, 1856, pp. 243-265. 13. Om Rcekkeudviklingen af de forskiel- lige Potenser af IT. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VIII., 1860, pp. 571-576. Broch, Th. lagttagelser til Hoidebestemmelser, med Barometer i Somrene 1826 (i Norge). Mag. Naturvid. II., 1836, pp. 188-199. 2. Om Begrebet Trasghed. Mathem. Tidssk. III., 1861, pp. 113-121. Brochant de Villiers, A. J. M. Remarques sur la theorie de la surface actuelle de la terre, de M. ANDRE. Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 431-444. 2. Observations geologiques sur des terrains de transition qui se rencontrent dans la Taren- taise et autres parties de la chaiue des Alpes. Journ. des Mines, XXIIL, 1808, pp. 321-380; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XL, 1817, pp. 59-112; Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. L, 1807, pp. 203-207. 3. Cuivre phosphate cristallise et Laumonite trouves en Hongrie. Journ. des Mines, XXXII., 1812, pp. 65-68. BRO] 638 [BRO Brochant de Villiers, A. J. M. 4. Sur les gypses de transition des Alpes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 61-63; Leonhard, Tas- chenbuch, 1817, pp. 220-222. 5. Observations sur les terrains de gypse ancien qui se rencontrent dans les Alpes, parti- culierement sur ceux qui sont regardes comme primitifs ; precedees de nouveaux faits relatifs aux terrains de transition de cette chaine. An- nal. des Mines, II., 1817, pp. 256-300 ; Leon- hard, Taschenbuch, 1819, pp. 572-594. 6. Considerations sur la place que doivent occuper les roches granito'ides du Mont-Blanc ritur : quid Botanici de variis plantarum gemmis atquc de gemmatione uni versa observarint, et quid complures eorum, rationibus teleologicis innixi, hac de re docnerint." Utrecht, Ann. Acad. 1832-33. Brogi, Tommaso. Sul Lago Fucino progetti per bonificarlo. [1816.] Napoli, Atti 1st. In- corr. III., 1822, pp. 1-38. Broglia, Girolamo. Analisi chimica dell' acqua minerale di San Bernardino, sua efficacia, uso, &c. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. III.. 1826, pp. 150-155; Bibl. Ital. XLIIL, 1826, pp. 437-441. Brojelmann, Wilhelm. Elemente des Cometen vom Sept. 1807. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIX., 1809, pp. 200-201. Bromeis, C. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Elaoliths. Poggend. Annal. XLVIIL, 1839, pp. 577-581. 2. Ueber die Constitution der Fettsiiuren. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 63-66. 3. Ueber die Einwirkung der Salpetersaure auf Stearinsiiure und Oelsaure and die hierdurch erzeugten Produkte. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 86-111 ; Annal. de Chinue, III., 1841, pp. 118-127. Bromeis, C. 4. Ueber die Cocostalgsiiure. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 277-281; Annal. de Chimie, II., 1841, pp. 522-525. 5. Ueber die Einwirkung von Salpetersaure auf die fetten Sauren. Liebig, Annal. XXXVII., 1841, pp. 292-304. 6. Ueber den Fichtelit, eine neue Art Bergtalg. Liebig, Annal. XXXVII., 1841, pp. 304-306. 7. On the formation of Cyanuret of Potas- sium in a Blast Furnace. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), p. 34. 8. On the compounds of Carbon and Iron. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 34-35. 9. Ueber die in der Butter enthaltenen Fette und fetten Sauren. Liebig, Annal. XLII., 1842, pp. 46-70 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1843, pp. 245-250; Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 133-137. 1O. Vorliiufige Notiz iiber das Verhalten der fetten Sauren beim Zusammenschmelzen rait braunern Bleisuperoxyd. Liebig, Annal. XLII., 1842, pp. 70-76. 11. Ueber den Kohlenstoffgehalt des Eisens und seine Bestimmung. Liebig, Aunal. XLIIL, 1842, pp. 241-251 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 520-523. 12. Untersuchung eines Fahlerzes von Durango in Mexico. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 117-118. 13. Ueber das Chinolin. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 201- 202 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 130-140. 14. Ueber den Osteolith (phosphorsauren Kalk) und dessen lagerhaftes Vorkommen im Dolerit der Wetterau. Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 1-10. 15. Aeussere und innere Verhaltnisse der gasreichen Thermen zu Nauheim. Liebig, Annal. LXXXL, 1852, pp. 129-163. 16. Das Geisirphiinomen imitirt durcheinen Apparat nach BUNSEN'S Geisirtheorie. Marburg, Gesell. Naturw. Schriften, VIII., 1857, pp. 121- 134. Bromeis, C., Gerhardt, et Hofmann. Compo- sition de la Quinoleine et son identite avec le Leucole. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 314- 317. Bromeis, C., und Zincken. Ueber die Bildung von Cyanverbindungen in den Producten des Magdesprunger Hohofens. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. I., 1842, col. 69-75, 85 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXV., 1842, pp. 246-253 ; Journ. de Pharm. I., 1842, pp. 430-432; Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 89-96. Bromeis, Th. Notiz iiber eine Schwefelwasser- stoff haltende Soolquelle. Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 115-117. 4 M 2 BRO] 644 [BRO Bromeis, Th. 2. Ueber die durcli Einwirkung des salpetersauren Bleioxyds auf Blei-entstehen- den Salze. Liebig, Annal. LXX1L, 1849, pp. 38-55. 3. Ueber die Bcleuchtung durch Wasser- stoffgas und carbonisirtes Wasserstoffgas, rnit Bezugnahme auf B. VEUVEU'S Untersuchungen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIV., 1859, pp. 33- 45. -. Beschreibung der Dampfmaschine, Bromel, welche auf der kongl. Preuss. Eisengiesserei bei Berlin das Cylinder -Geblase in der neuen Cupolo- Hutte betreibt. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 49-80. Bromfield, William Arnold. Facts and opinions in question of the distinctness, as species, of certain Plants reputed to be Species, which inhabit Britain. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1835, pp. 89-90. 2. A description of Spartina altcrniflora of LOISELEUR, a new British species ; with obser- vations upon that and Spartina stricta of English authors. Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. II., 1836, pp. 254-263. 3. A notice of the localities of habitats of some rare British species of Plants. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 85-88. 4. Notice of a new British Calamintha, discovered in the Isle of Wight. Phytologist, L, 1844, pp. 768-770. 5. Observations on and Description of Cala- mintha sylvatlca, a new British Plant. Phytolo- gist, II., 1845, pp. 49-52. 6. On a monstrosity of Cardamine praten- sis. Phytologist, II., 1845, p. 241. 7. Note on Vinca minor in the Isle of Wight. Phytologist, II., 1845, pp. 328-329. 8. Note on Atriplexhortensis. Phytologist, II., 1845, pp. 330-332. 9. Notes on the wild Currants of the Isle of Wight. Phytologist, II., 1846, pp. 517-521. 1O. Remarks on Polygala depressa of WENDEUOTH. Phytologist, II., 1847, pp. 966- 968. 11. Note on a Hampshire Flora. Phytolo- gist, II., 1847, pp. 998-1003. 12. Notes and observations on the botany, weather, &c., of the United States of America, made during a tour in that country in 1846 and 1847. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. VII., 1848, pp. 138-161, 205-213,370-384; L, 1849, pp. 16-20, 105-112, 265-274; II., pp. 289-298, 327- 333 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1848, col. 257- 261, 337-344. 13. Carex riparia and C. paludosa. Phy- tologist, III.. 1848, p. 146. Bromfield, William Arnold. 14. Notes and occasional Observations on some of the rarer British Plants growing wild in Hampshire. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 205-213,269-291, 332-343, 363-383, 401-439, 490-504, 519-536, 555-564, 571-580, 593-609, 617-635, 653-669, 685-703, 741-744, 745-768, 793-800, 817-854, 882-917, 951-987, 1002-1020, 1025-1041, 1061 -1084, 1089-1 119 ; IV., 1851, pp. 9-21. 15. Note on the flowering time of Mentha sylvestris. Phytologist, III., 1849, pp. 439-441. ~- 16. Notice of Leersia oryzoides in Hamp- shire. Phytologist, III., 1849, pp. 681-684. 17. Some remarks on the specific charac- ters of the Greater and Smaller Butterfly Orchises (Platanthera chlorantha and bifolia). Phytologist, III., 1850, pp. 991-994. Bromhead, Sir Edward Ffrench. On the fluents of irrational functions. Phil. Trans. 1816, pp. 335-354. 2. Remarks on the arranirement of the Natural Botanical Families. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XX., 1836, pp. 245-254 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLIX., 1836, col. 145-152, 161-165. 3. Remarks on the present state of Botani- cal Classification. Phil. Mag. XI., 1837, pp. 48-54. 4. Memoranda on the origin of the Botani- cal Alliances. Phil. Mag. XI., 1837, pp. 247- 253. 5. An attempt to ascertain characters of the Botanical Alliances. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 408-420; XXV., 1838, pp. 123-135. 6. Remarks on the affinities of Lythraceae and Vochyaceae. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 210-214. 7. Remarks on Zoological Classification. Mag. Nat, Hist. II., 1838, pp. 412-419, 484- 486. 8. Remarks on the Botanical System of Professor PEIU.EB. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 329-338. Bromilow, Samuel. Account of a male monster with two Heads. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. LV., 1841, pp. 435-436. Brondeau, Louis de. Notice sur deux nouvelles especes de Champignons. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. III., 1825, pp. 74-78. 2. Note sur le Conoplea cylindrica de PEKSOON. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 198-201. 3. Observations sur une variete remarquable du Merulius tremellosus de PERSOO.V. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. IV., 1826, pp. 276-279. 4. Observations sur 1'Agaricus pilosus, Hudson. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 413-417. BRO] 645 FBRO Brondeau, Louis de. 5. Description (Tune nou- vellc espece de Pezizc, appartenant a la sect. 2, Lachnea, trib. 6, Dasyscyphae, du Systema My- cologicuiu de Fries; Lachnea, Per soon ; Myco- logia Eui'opaea. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIII., 1844, pp. 273-274. 6. Note sur une variete de Chene. Bor- deaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XI II., 1844, p. 276. 7. Note sur le Merulius cucullatus, Brond., Cantharellus cucullatus, D-ub. Bor- deaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIV., 1845, pp. 121 123. 8. Examen microscopique de deux Cryp- togames de la France. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XVIL, 1851, pp. 293-296, 382. 9. Description de cinq especes nouvelles de Cryptogames. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XVIL, 1851, pp. 296-304. 1O. Note sur la Clavaire crepue des anciens auteurs. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XV1IL, 1852, pp. 154-155. 11. Description du genre Laterradsea, de la farnille des Pisocarpiacees de la methode my- cologique de CORDA. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XV1IL, 1852, pp. 262-266. 12. Note sur 1'Agaricus cepaestipes, Sow- erbij. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XVIII., 1852, pp. 459-461. 13. Observations sur une production fon- goide analogue aux Rhizomorphes des anciens auteurs. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1854, pp. 270- 271. 14. Remai'ques sur le Sporidesmium exiti- osum, Kiihn. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 587-540. 15. Note sur le Cliastomium char tar um, Ehrenb. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 999-1001. Brondgeest, P. Q. Ueber den Tonus der will- kiihrlichen Muskeln. Donders, Arcliiv, II., I860, pp. 329-357; Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 703-704. 2. Nieuwe methode om het aantal en den duur der Hartslagen te registreren. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. XV., 1863, pp. 267-320 ; Don- ders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 430-445. 3. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Arterien- pulses. Donders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 110- 120. Brongniart, Adolphc. Memoire sur le Limnadia, nouveau genre de Crustaces. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 83-92; Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 212-218. 2. Description d'un nouveau genre de fou- gere nommee Ceratopteris. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 184-187. Brongniart, Adolphe. 3. Sur la classification et la distribution des vegetaux fossiles en general, et sur ceux des terrains de sediment superieur en particulier. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 25-28; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VIIL, 1822, pp. 203-240, 297-348 ; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 289-292. 4. Pflanzenversteinerungen aus den jiing- sten Flotzgebirgen der Pariser Gegend. Ballen- stedt, Archiv, V., 1823, pp. 41-62. 5. Observations sur les Fucoides ct sur quelques autres plantcs marines fossiles. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 301-321. 6. Sur la structure des fleurs femelles du Zea Mais. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 26-27. 7. Observations sur les genres Cytinus et Nepenthes. Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1824, pp. 29-52; Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1296-1315. 8. Extrait du rapport sur le Memoire de M. Constant PREVOST, ayant pour titre, " Geologie des Falaises de la Normaudie." Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 293-308. 9. Observations sur les vegetaux fossiles renfermes dans les gres de Hoer en Scanie. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1824, pp. 166-168 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1H25, pp. 200-224. 1O. Observations sur quelques vegetaux fossiles du terrain houiller, et sur leurs rapports avec les vegetaux vivans. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 23-33 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L, 1826, pp. 282-289. 11. Note sur les vesetaux fossiles de 1'Oolite a Fougeres deMamers. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 417-423. 12. Memoire sur la famille des Brunia- cees. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 357-410. 13. Memoire sur la generation et le de- veloppement de l'embryon dans les vegetaux phanerogames. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 170-175 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 14-55, 145-172, 225-296 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVL, 1827, col. 340-344. 14. Memoire sur la famille des Rhamnees. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 320-386. 15. Note sur la presence du Pecopteris reticulata dans des couches de formation con- temporaine en Angleterre et en France. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 335-336. 16. Observations sur les Vegetaux fossiles des terrains d'Anthracite des Alpes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 127-136. 17. Notice sur les plantes d'Armissan, pres Narbonne. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 43-51, BRO] 646 [BRO Brongniart, AdoJphe. 18. Observations gene- rales sur la nature de la vegetation qui couvrait la surface de la Terre aux diverses epoques de formation de son ecorce. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 225-258 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 349-371 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIII., 1829, col. 97-104; Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 385-414. 19. Nouvelles recherches sur le Pollen et les Granules spermatiques des Vegetaux, Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 381-401. 20. Essai d'une Flore du gres bigarre. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 435-460. 21. Obsen ations on the arborizations in Dendritic Calcedony or Mocha Stone. ( Transit) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 268-272. 22. Recherches sur 1'organisation des tiges des Cycadees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 389-402. 23. Ueber den Zustaud der Atmosphiire wahrend der verschiedenen Zeitriiume der vor- weltlichen Sehopfung. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXIII., 1829, col. 183-185. 24. Observations sur le developpement du Charbon dans les Graminees, et sur les modi- fications qu'il determine dans les parties de ces plantes qu'il attaque. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 171-176 ; Roy: Inst. Journ. L, 1831, pp. 420-421. 25. Note sur la composition de 1'atmo- sphere a diverses epoques de la formation de la terre, et sur 1'opinion de M. le Professeur PARROT relative a ce sujet. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 427-441. 26. Recherches sur la structure et les fonctions des Feuilles. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXL, 1830, pp. 420-458 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 421-422, 636-637. 27. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Du- FRENOT, ay ant pour titre, " Des caracteres par- ticulieres que presente le terrain de Craie dans Je Sud de la France et sur les pentes des Pyrenees." Ann. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1831, pp. 436- 463. 28. Sur 1'insertion relative des diverses pieces de chaque verticille floral, et sur son influence sur la regularite et 1'irregularite des fleurs. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIII., 1831, pp. 225-244. 29. Observations sur le mode de feconda- tion des Orchidees et des Cistinees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, pp. 113-130. - 30. Quelques observations sur la maniere dont s'opere la fecondation dans les Ascle- piadees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIV., 1831, pp. 263- 280. 31. Description de deux nouveaux genres Becquerelia et Pleurostachys, de la famiUe des Cyperacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 419-428. Brongniart, Adolphe. 32. Note sur quelques Euphorbiacees de la Nouvelle-Hollande. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIX., 1833, pp. 382-388; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. L, 1834, pp. 97-102. 33. Note sur un nouveau genre de Legu- mineuses de la tribu des Swartziees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 108-113. 34. Notice sur une Conifere fossile du terrain d'eau douce de i'ile d'lliodroma. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 168-176; L'Institut, L, 1833, pp. 157-158. 35. Note sur quelques Coniferes de la tribu des Cupressinees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 176-191. 36. Note sur la structure du fruit des Lemna. Guillemin, Archives Bot. II., 1833, pp. 97-104. 37. Nouvelles recherches sur la structure de 1'Epiderme des vegetaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 65-71. 38. Note sur un cas de monstruosite dea fleurs du Primula sinensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 307-310. 39. Note sur le Colocasia odora, et sur 1'elevation de temperature de ses fleurs. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. III., 1834, pp. 145- 160. 4O. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Saxifrage des parties les plus elevees des Andes. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.\ 1835, pp. 48-50. 41. Ueber die Circulation in den Pflanzen. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XLIII., 1835, col. 225-229. 42. Note sur le genre Stephanotis de la famille des Asclepiadees. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.), 1337, pp. 28-31. 43. Rapport sur un memoire de M. LE- VEILLE, intitule : " Recherches sur 1'Hymenium. des Champignons." Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.), 1837, pp. 338-345. 44. Considerations sur la nature des vege- taux qui ont couvert la surface de la terre aux diverses epoques de sa formation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 403-415 ; Paris, Acad. Sci. Mem. XVI., 1838, pp. 397-423 ; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1838, col. 113-118, 129- 134; Mag. Nat. Hist, II., 1838, pp. 1-12; Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 315-329. 45. Sur la structure des tiges petrifiees designees sous les noms de Psarolithes, d'Aste- rolithes et d'Helmintholithes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1837, pp. 99-101. 46. Recherches sur les Lepidodendron et sur les affinites de ces arbres fossiles ; prece- dees d'un examen des principaux caracteres des Lycopodiacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 872-879. BRO] 647 [BRO Brongniart, Adolphe. 47. Rapport sur un memoire de M. J. DECAISNE, intitule : " Re- cherches sur Porganisation anatomique de la Betterave." Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 49-54. 48. Rapport sur un memoire de M. DECAISNE relatif a la famille des Lardizabalees, et precede de remarques sur 1'anatomie comparee de quelques tiges de vegetaux dicotyledones. [1838.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 92-99. 49. Note sur les poils collecteurs des Campanules et sur le mode de fecondation de ces plantes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.}, 1839, pp. 244-247 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1840, pp. 380-382; Microscopical Journ. I., 1842, pp. 41-43. 5O. Observations sur la structure interieure du Sigillaria elegans comparee a celle des Lepi- dodendrons et des Stigmaria et a celle des vegetaux vivants. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archives, I., 1839, pp. 405-460. 51. Rapport sur un memoire de M. PATEN, intitule: "Complement d'un memoire sur la composition cliimique du tissu propre des vegetaux et sur les differens etats d'agregation de ce tissu." Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 941-945; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.}, 1840, pp. 305-310 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIV., 1840, col. 321-323. 52. Description du Roulinia, nouveau genre de plantes du Mexique, appartenant a la famille des Liliacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.}, 1840, pp. 319-320. 53. Note sur un nouveau genre d'Orchi- dees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1841, pp. 36- 37. 54. Description de quelques Bromeliacees nouvelles qui ont fleuris dans les serres du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.}, 1841, pp. 369-372. 55. Description de deux genres d'Orchi- dees du Mexique. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Bot.), 1842, pp. 43-45. 56. Examen de quelques cas de mon- struosites vegetales propres a eclairer la struc- ture du pistil et 1'origine des ovules. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII, 1844, pp. 513-523 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, 494-498; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1844, pp. 20-32 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 49-54 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archives, IV., 1844, pp. 43-64. 57. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. DUCHARTRE, intitule : " Recherches anatomiques et organogeniques sur la Clandestine." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1268-1274. Brongniart, Adolphe. 58. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Eugene CHEVANDIER, inti- tule : " Recherches sur la composition elemen- taire des differents bois, et sur le rendement annuel d'un hectare de forets." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1267-1273. 59. Sur les relations du genre Noggerathia avec les plantes vivantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XXI., 1845, pp. 1392-1401; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 100-108; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 50-61. 60. Note sur un nouveau genre de Cyca- dees du Mexique (Ceratozamia). Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 5-9. 61. Rapport sur un memoire de M. BAR- NEOUD, ayant pour objet le developpement de 1'ovule et de 1'embryon dans les Renonculacees et les Violariees, et celui du calice et de la corolle dans ces families et dans plusieurs autres a corolle irreguliere. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 297-303. 62. On the great divisions of the vegetable kingdom occurring in the different Geological Formations. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL., 1846, pp. 285-287. 63. On the changes of the Vegetable Kingdom in the different Geological Epochs. (Transl.) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 97-101. 64. Recherches sur 1'origine des diverses dispositions spirales desfeuilles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 68-76 ; Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 97-104. 65. Exposition chronologique des periodes de vegetation et des Flores diverses qui se sont succede a la surface -de la terre. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1849, pp. 285-338; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 73-85, 192-203, 348-370; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIIL, 1850, pp. 320-330 ; XLIX., 72-97. 66. Note sur le genre Uropedium. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Bot.}, 1850, pp. 113-118. 67. On the different states in which Fossil Vegetables are found. ( Transit) Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVIIL, 1850, pp. 99-104. n 68. Rapport sur un memoire deMM. L. R. et Ch. TULASNE, intitule : " Histoire des Cham- pignons hypoges. suivi de leur monographic." [1850.] Ann. Sci. Nat, XV. (Bot.}. 1851, pp. 266-275; Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1851, pp. 19-25. 69. Description d'un nouveau genre de Graminees du Bresil (Anomochloa). Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.), 1851, pp. 368-372. 70. Note sur la formation des nouvelles couches ligneuses dans les tiges des arbres dico- tyledones. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 933-941 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.}, 1852, pp. 56-64. BRO] 648 [BRO Brongniart, Adolphc. 71. Des glandes nectari- feres dans diverses families dc plantes monocoty- ledones. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. I., 1854, pp. 75- 79; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 5-23. 72. Note sur 1'existence d'un arille dans quelques genres de Liliacees. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. I., 1854, pp. 128-129. 73. On the Fossil Plants which have been discovered in the rocks at the base of the Car- boniferous System in Ireland. Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855-57, pp. 287-293 ; Nat. Hist. Review, IV., 1857 (Proc.\ pp. 214-219. 74. Note sur la symetrie florale des Musa- cees. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. III., 1856, pp. 170- 173. 75. Rapport sur le grand prix des Sciences Physiques pour 1'annee 1856, relatif aux change- ments des etres organises aux diverses epoques geologiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 209-228. 76. Rapport sur un memoire de M. HETET, intitule : " Recherches experimentales d'organo- genie vegetale." Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1859, pp. 183-191. 77. De la determination des organes des plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 57-60. 78. Note sur le sommeil des feuilles dans une plante de la famille des gramine'es, le Stre- phium guianense. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VII., 1860, pp. 470-472. 79. Notice sur les resultats relatifs a la botanique obtenus par M. le Docteur Alfred COURBON pendant le cours d'une exploration de la Mer Rouge executee en 185060. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VII., 1860, pp. 898-903. 80. Sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Cyclanthees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1861, p. 360. 81. Note sur une collection de plantes fos- siles recueillies en Grece par M. GATJDRY. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1232-1239. 82. Observations sur un genre remarquable de Violacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie ( Agation). Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 77-80. 83. Sur quelques cas de transformation des etamines en carpelles. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 453-456. 84. Note sur les fonctions des vaisseaux des plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 5-6. Brongniart, Adolphc, et Arthur Gris. Obser- vations sur Povule et la graine du Posidonia caulini. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VII., 1860, pp. 472-474. 2. Note sur un genre nouveau d'Om- belliieres de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Myodocar- pus). Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 121-123. Brongniart, Adolphc, et Arthur Gris. 3. Description de quelques Eleocarpees de la Nou- velle-Caledonie. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 198-203. 4. Note sur le genre Joinvillea de GAUDICHAUD et sur la famille des Flagellariees. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIII., 1861, pp. 264-269. 5. Note sur un nouveau genre de Nyctaginees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Vieillar- dia). Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIIL, 1861, pp. 374-376. 6. Note sur le genre Crossostylis de FORSTER. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIIL, 1861, pp. 376-378. 7. Notice sur les Saxifragees-Cuno- niees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Bull, Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 67-78. 8. Note sur quelques Proteacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 226-229. 9. Note sur deux genres nouveaux de Myrtacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Trista- niopsis et Fremya). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 369-374. 1O. Description de quelques especes nouvelles d'Eleocarpees de la Nouvelle-Cale- douie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 475- 477. 11. Description de deux nouveaux genres de Myrtacees de la Nouvelle-Caledonie (Cloezia et Spermolepis). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 574-579. Brongniart, Adolphe, et Mirbel. Remarques sur la communication de M. WyDLER, sur la formation de 1'Embryon. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.), 1839, pp. 147-148. Brongniart, Alexandra. Art de 1'emailleur sur metaux. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1791, pp. 192- 214. 2. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Lamie (L. Diana). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, p. 34. 3. Precis des travaux faits jusqu'a ce jour sur 1'uniformite des poids et mesures. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 36-37. 4. Note lithologique surlacolline de Cham- pigny pres de Paris. Journ. des Mines, V., 1796-97, pp. 479-487. 5. Essai d'une classification naturelie des Reptiles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1800, pp. 81-82, 89-91 ; Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. L, 1806, pp. 587-637. 6. Sur un nouveau genre d'Insecte des environs de Paris (Dasycerus sulcatus). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1800, pp. 115-116. BRO] 649 [BRO Brongniart, Alexandre. 7. Essai sur les couleurs obtenues des oxydes metalliques, et fixees par la fusion sur les dirterens corps vitreux. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1801-2, pp. 58-80; Hermbstiidt, Museum, VI., 1815, pp. 184-192 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, p. 278 ; Nicholson, Journ. III., I 1802, pp. 101-110, 148-153; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIII., 1802, pp. 342-348 ; XIV., pp. 17-22. 8. Analyse de la terre d'ombre de Cologne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Annal. II., 1803, pp. 1 10- 119; Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 459-468. 9. Sur les principes constituans de 1'eau minerale et medicinale de Balarne. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. IV., 1804, pp. 173-183. 10. Sur une nouvelle substance minerale do la classe des sels, nominee Glauber! te. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. L, 1807, pp. 90-91 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 165-172; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 244-246 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIII., 1808, pp. 5-20; Journ. de Phys. LXVL, 1808, pp. 235-236 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 65-67. 11. Sur des terrains qui paraissent avoir ete formes sous 1'eau douce. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XV., 1810, pp. 357-405 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXIL, 1811, pp. 409-445. 12. Essai d'une classification mineralogique des roches melangees. Journ. des Mines, XXXIV., 1813, pp. 5-48 ; Leonhard, Taschen- buch, LX., 1815, pp. 378-384. 13. Notice pour servir a 1'histoire geognos- tique de cette partie du departement de la Manche qu'on nomme le Cotentin, suivie de quelques considerations sur la classification geologique des terrains. Journ. des Mines, XXXV., 1814, pp. 109-135. 14. Sur le gisement des ophiolites (roches a base de serpentine), des euphotides, etc., dans quelques parties des Apennins. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 174-176 ; Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 177-238 ; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1822, pp. 731-756. 15. Notice sur des vegetaux fossiles traver- sant les couches du terrain houiller. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 359-370 ; Oken, Isis, 1822 (Lit. Am.}, col. 145-148 ; Silliman, Journ. IV., 1822, pp. 266-274. 16. Sur les caracteres zoologiques des for- mations, avec 1'application de ces caracteres a la determination de quelques terrains de craie. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1821, pp. 537-572; Silliman, Journ. VIIL, 1824, pp. 213-218. 17. Essai sur la constitution physique et Brongniart, Alexandre. 18. Sur les terrains calcareo-trappeens du pied meridional des Alpes Lombardes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 87-92 ; Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 141-148. 19. Miscellaneous observations relating to Geology, Mineralogy, and some connected topics. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 216-227. 20. Notice sur la magnesite du bassin de Paris, et sur le gisement de cette roche dans divers lieux. Annal. des Mines, VIL, 1822, pp. 291-318. 21. Sur quelques terrains d'eau douce de la Suisse et de 1'Italie, propres a etablir la theorie de ces terrains. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 17-19 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIIL, 1823, pp. 92-102. 22. On Fossil Remains as a geognostic character. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIIL, 1823, pp. 226-280. 23. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. Constant geognostique du bassin a 1'ouverture duquel est situee la ville de Vienne en Autriche. Journ. de Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 428-434. PREVOST, ayant pour titre : " Geologie des Fa- laises de la Normandie." Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1824, pp. 293-308. 24. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. de BONNARD, intitule, " Notice geologique sur quel- ques parties de la Bourgogne." Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, pp. 456-473. 25. Sur la Bustamite, bisilicate de Man- ganese et de chaux du Mexique. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 411-418. 26. Note sur la presence de 1'anatase dans les mines de Diamant du Bresil. Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 223-224. 27. De 1'Arkose. Caracteres mineralo- giques et histoire geognostique de cette roche. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 87-89; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 113-163. 28. Notes sur les Coquilles fossiles qui se trouvent dans les terrains decrits par M. STUDER, sur les Epoques geognostiques qu'elles indiquent, et sur la montagne de Diablerets, au N. E. de Bex. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 266-280. 29. On the Fresh-water Formation of the environs of Rome. ( Transl.) Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 172-176. 3O. Note sur la presence de la Websterite dans 1'argile plastique d'Auteuil p res Paris. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIIL, 1828, pp. 225-232 ; Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 81-85. 31. Notice sur les bloca des roches des Terrains de Transport en Suede. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828. pp. 5-22; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 49-64. 32. Notice sur les Breches osseuses et les minerais de fer pisiforme de meme position geo- gnostique. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 410- 434. 4N BRO] 650 [BRO Brongniart, Alexandre. 33. Observations addi- tionnelles a la Notice sur les Minerals de Fer pisiforme de position analogue a celle des breches osseuses, &c. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 89-90. 34. Note sur les blocs de roches des ter- rains de transport en Suede. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 133-134. . .. 35. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. de BEAUMONT, coucernant 1'anciennete relative des differentes chaines de montagnes d'Europe. Annal. de Chimie, XL1L, 1829, pp. 284-302. -*.i 36. Rapport sur deux Memoires de M. VIRLET, relatifs a la Geologic de la Messenie, et notarament a celle des environs de Modon et de Navarin. [1829.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1830, pp. 259-269, . 37. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. DTJFR- KOT, ayant pour titre : " Des Caracteres particu- liers que presente le terrain de Craie dans le Sud de la France et sur les pentes des Pyrenees." Ann. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1831, pp. 436-463. - 38. Essai sur les Orbicules siliceux et sur les formes a surfaces courbes qu'affectent les Agates et les autres Silex. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIIL, 1831, pp. 166-206. 39. Rapport sur les travaux geologiques de M. GAT. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVIII., 1833, pp. 394-402. 40. Lettre sur 1'existence des Fossiles micro- scopiques dans des roches en apparence homo- genes. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1836 (Zool.), pp. 56-57. ' 41. Note sur la presence de quelques me- taux dans les gres superieurs du terrain de Paris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 221-225. 42. Note sur une couleur purpurine em- ployee dans la peinture par impression sur les faiences fines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 409-410; Liebig, Annal. XIX., 1836, pp. 217-218 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXVIII., 1836, pp. 210-212. 43. [Lettre sur 1'existence de depouilles fossiles tres-abondantes d'animaux Infusoires dans les Tripolis provenant de localites diffe- rentes.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, III., 1836, pp. 31-32. 44. Rapport sur un travail de M. FOTJRNET, intitule : " Memoire sur les filons metalliferes et le terrain des environs de 1'Arbresle (departe- ment du Rhone)." Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 51-60. 45. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. PROVANA DE COLLEGNO, intitule : " Sur les terrains ter- tiares du nord-ouest de PItalie." Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 232-238. Brongniart, Alexandre. 46. Memoire sur les Kaolins ou argiles a porcelaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 1085-1096; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archiv. L, 1839, pp. 243-302; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXI., 1841, pp. 123-125; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIL, 1839, pp. 118- 125. Brongniart, Alexandre, et Romain Coquebert. Sur la formation de la coquille du Strombus fis- surella, et sur deux especes analogues a celle-ci. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 55-56. Brongniart, Alexandre, et F. Cuvier. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. CHRISTOL ayant pour objet de ramener au genre Dugong les debris fossiles que M. G. CUVIER avait rapproches des Hippopotames. Ann. Sci. Nat. L, 1834 (Zool.}, pp. 282-290 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 369-371. Brongniart, Alexandre, et G. Cuvier. Essai sur la Geographic min^ralogique des environs de Paris. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. L, 1807, pp. 200-203 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XL, 1808, pp. 293-326; Gilbert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp., 229-290 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIIL, 1808, pp. 421-458; Paris, Mem. de I'Institut, 1810, pp. 1-274; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1810, pp. 36-58. Brongniart, Alexandre, et Malaguti. Second Memoire sur les kaolins ou argile a porcelaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 735- 754 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archives, II., 1841, pp. 217-256 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXL, 1844, pp. 129-160; Poggend. Annal. LX., 1843, pp. 89-129. Brongniart, Alexandre, et Jules Sessier. Sur un terrain renfermant de nombreux debris de mollusques et de reptiles a Brignon, pres d'An- duze. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 197-209. Bronn, Heinrich G. [Ueber die Versteinerungen und iiber verschiedene Felsarten in Piemont.] Leonhard, Zeitschrift, L, 1825, pp. 55-62. 2. Ueber zwei neue Trilobiten-Arten zum Calymene-Geschlechte gehorig. Leonhard, Zeit- schrift, 1825, pp. 317-321. 3. Ueber die fossilen Reste aus der Mus- chel-Familie, welche de LAMARCK Tubikoleen genannthat. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 1-6. 4. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffenheit der Apenninen Ober-Italiens. Leonhard, Zeit- schrift, 1828, pp. 214-252. 5. Posidonia Becheri, eine neue fossile Muschel der Uebergangs-Periode. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 262-270. 6. Ueber die fossilen Reste der Papier- kohle vom Geistinger Busch im Siebengebirge. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 374-384. 7. Ueber noch einige Petrefakten-Samm- lungen in Italien. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828. pp. 417-429. BRO] 651 [BRO Broun, Heinrich G. 8. Untersuchung der ver- steinerten Koruahren und anderer Pflanzentheile zu Cupressus Ullmanni gehorig aus den Frank- enberger Erz-F16zzen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 509-531. 9. Notiz iiber die Versteinerungen des lithographischen Kalksteines im Pappenhei- mischen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1828, pp. 608- 616. 1O. Ueber die Fisch-Abdriicke in Eisen- stein-Nieren des Mittel-Rheinischen Steinkohlen Gebirges und iiber Pakeoniscum macropterum n. sp. insbesondere., Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 483-494. 11. Nachtrag zu den Bemerkungen iiber die fossilen Reste aus der Familie der Tubi- koleen. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 321- 343. 12. Ueber zwei fossile Fischarten : Cypri- nus coiyphsenoides und Tetragonolepis semi- cinctus aus dem Gryphitenkalke bei Donau- Eschingen. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 14-30. 13. Ueber die Muschel- Versteinerungen des Siid-Deutschen Steinsalzgebirges, welche bisher unter dem Namen Pectinites salinarius zusammenbegi'iffen wurden. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1830, pp. 279-285. 14. Testudo antiqua, eine im Siisswasser- Gypse ' von Hohenhowen untergegangene Art. [1830.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XV., 1831, pp. 201-216. 15. Ueber die fossilen Zahne eines neuen Geschlechtes aus derDickhauter-Orduung, Coe- lodonta, Hohlenzahn. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1831, pp. 51-61. 16. Notizen iiber die Gebirgs-Bildungen am Grafenberg und um Bensberg. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1831, pp. 171-176. 17. Die Versteinerungen des Salza-Thales in Beziehung auf LILL VON LILIENBACH'S Beschreibung dortiger Gebirgs-Formationen. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1832, pp. 150-182. 18. Monstrosa Trifolii hybridi deformatio. Flora, XVI., 1833, pp. 497-500. 19. Uebersicht und Abbildungen der bis jetzt bekannten Nerinea-Arten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 544-566. 20. Ueber die Krinoideen-Reste im Muschelkalk. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 30-33. 21. Ueber das geologische Alter und die organischen Ueberreste der tertiaren Gesteine des Maynzer-Beckens. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 153-168. 22. Notizen iiber das Vorkommen der Tegel-Formation und ihrer Fossil-Reste in Si<:- benbiirgen und Galizien. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 653-664. Bronn, Heinrich G. 23. Note iiber die mit Homalonotus verwandten Trilobiten- Genera. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 445- 452. 24. Ctenocrinus, ein neues Krinoiden-Ge- schlecht der Grauwacke. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1840, pp. 542-548. 25. Ueber die fossilen Gaviale der Lias- Formation und der Oolithe. Wiegmann, Archiv, VIII., 1841, pp. 77-82. 26. On some geological and physical con- siderations connected with certain portions of the Glacier Theory of M. AGASSIZ. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIIL, 1842, pp. 36-50. 27. Ueber Ichthyosauren in den Schiefern der Gegend von Boll in Wiirtemberg. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 385-408. 28. Nachtriigliche Beobachtungen an Ich- thyosauren. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 676-679. 29. Sur les Mystriosaurus et Teleosaurus. L'Institut, XIII., 1845, p. 228. 30. Einige Betrachtungen iiber palaonto- logische Statik. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1849, pp. 129-137; Geol. Soc. Quart. Journ. V., 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 39-58. 31. Ueber Gampsonyx fimbriatus, Jordan, aus der Steinkohlen-Formation von Saarbriicken und vom Murg-Thal. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1850, pp. 574-583. 32. Ueber die verglichene Vollkommen- heits-Stufe der angiospermen Dikotyledonen mit getrennt-bliitterigen und mit verwachsen-blatteri- gen Blumen-Kronen, namlich der Gamopetalse und der Dialypetalae. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1852, pp. 420-432. 33. Ueber das geologische Entwickelungs- Gesetz der Muschelthiere. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1856, pp. 641-660. 34. Ueber die fossilen Eindriicke der Re- gen-Tropfen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 407-413. 35. Ueber die Grundformen der Natur- korper. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 2-3. 36. Ueber das Meteoreisen von Atacama. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 10-12 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1857, p. 250. 37. Ueber das Pflanzen- und Thiersystem nach ihren gestaltenden Faktoren. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 21-24 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1857, pp. 261-264. 38. Ueber ein versteinertes Dattelpal- menblatt. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 84-85 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 30-31. 4 N 2 BRO] 652 [BRO Bronn, Hcinrich G. 39. Beitrage zur trias- ischen Fauna und Flora der bituminosen Schiefer von Raibl in Karnthen. Leonbard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 1-32, 129-144; Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 108-1 10 ; Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1858, pp. 342-344. 4O. On the laws of evolution of the or- ganic world during the formation of the crust of the Earth. (Trans I.) Ann. Nat, Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 81-90, 175-184 ; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1859, pp. 217-241. . 41. Nachtrag u'ber die Trias Fauna von Raibl. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1859, pp. 39-45. 42. Zur naheren Kenntniss der Sippe Merista von Suess. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1861, pp. 772-776. 43. Bemerkungen iiber das zu dem alteren Halitherium-Schadel gehorige Skelett. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 416-418. 44. Ueber das Blatt einer Dattel-Palme aus Mollasse-Mergel und seine eigenthiimliche Versteinerungs-Weise. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1862, pp. 860-866. Bronn, M., en R. Courtois. Verslag van een Plant- en Landbouwkundig reisje, gedaan in Julij 1826, langs de oevers der Maas, van Luik riaar Dinant, in de Ardennes en et groothertogdom Luxemburg. Hall, Bijdragen, II., 1827, pp. 450- 479. Bronne, . Note sur les mines de sel et les salines de Saint-Nicolas Varangeville (Meurthe). Cuyper, Revue Univ. XL, 1862, pp. 28-38. Bronne, J. Comparaison entre les terrains pri- maires de la Bretagne et ceux de la Belgique. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ.Belg. X., 1851-52, pp. 265-312. Bronner, Paul. Untersuchung einiger Sorten Wiirttembergischer Weine aus den Jahren 1783, 1811, 1846, 1854, 1855, und 1856. Liebig, An- nal. CIV., 1857, pp. 55-63; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLVL, 1857, pp. 144-149. 2. Ueber Priifung des Essigs auf seine Stiirke. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLXIL, 1861, pp. 290-293. Bronwin, Brice. On the rectification of the El- lipse. Phil. Mag. II., 1827, pp. 378-381. 2. On certain integral transformations. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 263-267. 3. On the integration of equations of partial differentials. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 209-214. 4. On the integration of certain differential equations. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 29-42, 175-182 ; Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 154-160. 5. On elliptic functions. Cainb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 123-131. Bronwin, Bricc. 6. On the integration of cer- tain equations of Unite differences. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843. pp. 258-264. 7. On M. JACOBI'S Theory of Elliptic Functions. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 258- 262. . 8. On the Problem of Three Bodies. Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1843, pp. 8-14. 9. Reply to Mr. CAYLEY'S Remarks. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1843, pp. 89-91. 1O. Differential Equations of the Moon's motion. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 85-89. 11. On some Definite Integrals. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 491-498. 12. On the variable elements of a dis- turbed Planet, and the equations of its motion in the plane of the orbit. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 357-362. 13. On certain integral transformations. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 233-237. 14. Transformation of the differential equa- tions of a planet's motion. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 245-250. 15. On definite integrals. Mathematician, I., 1845, pp. 197-203. 16. On the reduction of certain integrals to more simple forms. Mathematician, I., 1845, pp. 303-307 ; II., pp. 75-79. 17. On JACOBI'S Elliptic Functions. Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1845, pp. 75-77. 18. Reduction of the four forms of o> in JACOBI'S general transformation of an Elliptic Function to one form only. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 42-46. 19. Equations for the determination of the motion of a disturbed planet by means of M. HANSEN'S altered time. Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1846, pp. 20-24. 2O. On certain definite multiple integrals. Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1846, pp. 373-379. 21. On the integration and transformation of certain differential equations. Phil. Mag. XXIX., 1846, pp. 494-500. 22. On the integration of certain equations in finite differences. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 42-47. 23. On certain symbolical representations of functions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 134-140. 24. On a new method of integrating linear differential equations. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 204-208. 25. On certain definite integrals expressible by means of elliptic functions. Mathematician, II., 1847, pp. 297-302. 26. On the inverse calculus of definite integrals. Phil. Mag. XXXL, 1847, pp. 12-19. 27. On the algebraic equation of the fifth degree. Phil. Mag. XXXL, 1847, pp. 341-346. BRO] 653 [BRO Bronwin, Brice. 28. On the integration of some equations in partial differentials. Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, p. 107. 29. On some theorems of use in the inte- gration of linear differential equations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 35-43. 3O. Application of certain symbolical repre- sentations of functions to integration. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 243- 251. pp. 31. On the solution of a particular diffe- rential equation. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 256*262. 32. On a particular transformation of the differential equations of motion in the theory of planetary perturbation. Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1848, pp. 95-97. 33. On the coefficients in any series of sines and cosines of multiples of a variable angle from particular values of that series. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 260-268. 34. On the theory of the tides. Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 187-192, 264-270, 338-345. 35. On the transformation of linear diffe- rential equations. Mathematician, III., 1850, pp. 9-12. 36. On a certain integral transformation. Mathematician, III., 1850, pp. 135-140. 37. A plain and simple determination of the variable elements of a disturbed planet. Mathematician, III., 1850, pp. 189-193. 38. On the theory of the tides. Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1850, pp. 190-197, 343-348. 39. On the solution of linear differential equations. [1850.] Phil. Trans. 1851, pp. 461- 482. 4O. On the integration of linear differential equations. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 477-483 ; HI., 1852, pp. 187-192. 41. On the theory of Planetary Disturb- ance. [1848.] Irish Acad. Trans. XXIL, 1855, pp. 25-60. Brooke, Charles. Solution of the partial-diffe- rential equation to the motion of sound in space. Crelle, Journ. XIIL, 1835, pp. 260-261. 2. On the construction of a Self-registering Barometer, Thermometer, and Psychrometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 17-18. 3. On the results obtained by automatic registration of the Declinometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 40. 4. On some phenomena of Photography. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 48. 5. On the automatic registration of Mag- netometers and other meteorological instruments by Photography. Phil. Trans. 1847, pp. 59- 78 ; 1850, pp. 83-92; 1852, pp. 19-24. Brooke, Charles. 6. On the remarkable Mag- netic Disturbance which continued from the 22nd to the 25th of October 1847. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 35-37. 7. On an improvement in the preparation of Photographic Paper, for the purposes of Auto- matic Registration, in which a long-continued action is necessary. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 34-35. 8. On a new mode of illuminating opake objects under the highest powers of the Micro- scope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), p. 7. 9. On a new arrangement for facilitating the dissection and drawing of objects placed under the Microscope. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), p. 7. 1O. On the automatic temperature-compen- sation of the force magnetometers. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1851, pp. 85-86. 11. On the construction of the Compound Achromatic Microscope. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 402-406. 12. On the structure of certain microscopic test-objects, and their action on the transmitted rays of light. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 139-143. Brooke, Henry James. Description of a new Blow-pipe. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1816, p. 367. 2. Observations on a memoir by the Abbe" HAUY on the measurements of the angles of Crystals, and on another by M. CORDIER on the Blue Carbonate of Copper. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIV., 1819, pp. 453-456. 3. Account of three new species of Lead- Ore found at Lead Hills. Edinb. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 117-120. 4. On Mesotype, Needlestone, and Thom- sonite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XVI., 1820, pp. 193-194. 5. On the Comptonite of Vesuvius, the Brewsterite of Scotland, the Stilbite, and the Heulandite. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI, 1822, pp. 112-115. 6. On the Arseniates of Copper. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 132-135. 7. On a new Lead ore. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 117-119; Schweigger, Jouru. XXXVL (Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 301-302. 8. On some undescribed Minerals. Quart. <*, Journ. Sci. XVI., 1823, pp. 274-277. 9. A description of the crystalline form of some new minerals. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1823, pp. 381-384. 1O. On the crystalline forms of artificial Salts. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1823, pp. 449- 452; VI., 1823, pp. 38-43, 117-121, 284-288, 374-375, 437-439; VII., 20-22 117-118, 161- 162, 287-288, 364-365. BRO] 654 [BRO Brooke, Henry James. 11. Remarks on a Paper by Mr. HAIDINGER on the Crystalline Form of the Sulphato-tri-Carbonate of Lead. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 157-160. 12. Remarks on the subjects connected with Dr. BREWSTER'S " Reply to Mr. BROOKE'S Observations on the Optical System of Mine- ralogy." Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 187-203. 13. On the Nuttallite, a new mineral from Bolton, in Massachusetts. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VH., 1824, pp. 366-367. 14. On Baryto-Calcite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, p. 114; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 220-221 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 247-250; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825, pp. 121-126. 15. On Crystallisation. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 1-14. 16. On some observations by Dr. BREWSTER concerning the Crystalline forms of Sulphate of Potash. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 330- 333. 17. Description of the Polar iscope, an in- strument for observing some of the most interest- ing phenomena of Polarized Light. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 369-373. 18. On Conchology, regarded as a distinct branch of science. Zool. Journ. V., 1 830, pp. 207- 213. 19. On Poonahlite, a new species of mineral ; on the identity of Zeagonite and Phillipsite. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 109-112 ; Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 489-494. 20. On Isomorphism. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 161-169. 21. On Mengite, a new species of mineral; on the characters of Aeschenite ; on Sarcolite, as distinct from Analcime and Gmelinite. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 187-191 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIII., 1831, pp. 360-367. 22. On Monticellite, a new species of mineral ; on the characters of Zoizite ; and on Cupreous Sulphate of Lead. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 265-268 ; Poggend. Annal. XXIIL, 1831, pp. 369-371. 23. Additional remarks on Isomorphism. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 424-425. 24. Remarks on a paper on Isomorphism, by Prof. WHEWELL. Phil. Mag. XL, 1832, pp. 21-22. 25. On symbolic notation, as applied to mineralogy. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 101- 103. 26. On the crystallographical identity of Phacolite and the Irish bipyramidal Levyue with Chabasie. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 12-13. Brooke, Henry James. 27. On Murio-carbonate and native Muriate of Lead. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, pp. 175-176; Poggend. Annal. XLIL, 1837, pp. 582-583. 28. On the crystalline form of Pyrosmalite, hitherto undescribed. Phil. Mag. XL, 1837, p. 261. 29. Notice of Greenockite, a new mineral species of the order Blende. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 391-392 ; Poggend. Annal. LL, 1840, pp. 274-275. 3O. On crystallized native Oxalate of Lime. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1840, pp. 449-450. 31. On Percy lite. Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1850, pp. 131-134. 32. On the geometrical isomorphism of Crystals. [1856.] Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 29-42. Brooke, Henry James, and T. T. Philipps. On the chemical composition of crystals of Borneo camphor. Hooker, Journ. Botany, IV., 1852, p. 285. Brooke, James. Sketch of the island and gulf of Symi, on the south-western coast of Anatolia, in February, 1837. Geogr. Soc. Joum. VIIL, 1838, pp. 129-134. 2. Letter relating to the habits and points of distinction in the Orangs of Borneo. Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, pp. 55-60; Froriep, Notizen, XXIL, 1842, col. 129-136. Brooke, John C. Particulars regarding the Salep Plant, procured at Kotrah and other places in the neighbourhood of Neemuch. Journ. Agric. and Hort. Soc. India, II., 1843, pp. 226-228. Brooke, R. Account of the Mahavillaganga. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 223-230. Brooke, W. C. Note on the Zinc Mines of Jawar. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XIX., 1850, pp. 212-215. Brookes, Joshua. On a new genus of the order Rodentia. [1828.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 95-104; Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 905-909. 2. On the remarkable formation of the Trachea in the Egyptian Tantalus. [1830.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 499-504. Brooks, Ch. Laws of reproduction considered with particular reference to the intermarriage of first-cousins. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1855, pp. 236- 246. Brooks, S. D. Tubular pregnancy ; with ob- servations by E. OLIVER. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LVL, 1857, p> 378-384. Brooks, Samuel. Notice relative to the Flower- ing of Lilium Japonicum. [1821.] Hoi'tic. Soc. Trans. IV., 1822, pp. 551-554. BRO] 655 [BRO Brooks, Thomas. Untersuchung von Doppelsal- zen aus Queksilberoxydul und Quecksilberoxyd. Berlin, Bericht, 1845, pp. 282-285; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 213- 216 ; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 130-133 ; Poggend. Annal. LXVL, 1845, pp. 63-78. Broome, C. E. Description of a new species of Melanogaster. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1845, pp. 41-42. Broome, C. E., and M. J. Berkeley. Notices of British Fungi. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 259-268 ; VIL, 1851, pp. 95-102, 176-189; IX., 1852, pp. 317-329, 377-387; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 396-407, 458-469; III., 1859, pp. 356-377; VIL, 1861, pp. 373-382, 449-456. 2. On some facts tending to show the probability of the conversion of Asci into Spores in certain Fungi. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 70-71 ; Hooker's Journ. Botany, III., 1851, pp. 319-323. Broqua, . Emploi du Sulfate du Quinine dans la Fievre typhoide. Nouveaux accidents determines par son ingestion a haute dose. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 159-164. Broquant, . Sur la territoire d'Edd, la baie d'Haycock et la cote voisine. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XIX., 1843, pp. 155-161. Broquette, Ch. Resume de la methode d'im- pression des Tissus. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 271-276. Brorsen, Theo. J. C. A. Beobachtungen des von Herrn SCHTVEIZER entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 189-192. 2. Nachrichten iiber den neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 39-48, 97-100. 3. Sternbedeckungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 97-98. 4. Fortgesetzte Nachrichten iiber den von Herrn Dr. PETERSEN entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 387-388. 5. BRORSEN'S fourth comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 220-222. 6. Second Comet of 1850. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 131-132. 7. Beobachtungen eines Sonnenflecken Juli 7, 1850. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 121-124. 8. Beobachtungen der Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 173-176. 9. Entdeckung eines Cometen, am oten Sept. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 189-192. 1O. Sternbedeckungen auf der Senften- berger Sternwarte beobachtet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 331-332. 11. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Nachr. XXXII., 1851, col. 105-110. Astr. Brorsen, Theo. J. C. A. 12. Elemente und Beobachtungen des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 117-120. 13. Ephemeride des Cometen II., 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 125-126. 14. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen II., 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 241- 242. 15. Beobachtungen und Elemente des von Herrn BRORSEN 1851 Oct. 22 entdeckten Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 243- 244. 16. Beobachtungen auf der Senftenberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, eol. 225-226. 17. Beobachtungen des Cometen II., 1851, auf der Freiherrlich Senftenberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 335-338. 18. Ueber die Vertheilung der grossen Axen der Cometenbahnen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 337-338. 19. Vergleichung der mir bekannten Beo- bachtungen des Cometen II., 1852, mit meinen elliptischen Elementen Nr. 782 der A. N. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 169-174. 20. Elemente der Fortuna. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 125-126. 21. Beobachtungen der Melpomene und des Cometen III., 1852, auf der Senftenberger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 253-254. 22. Beobachtungen auf der Senftenberger Sternwarte : Comet von Westphal und von KLINKERFTJES, Thalia, Calliope. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 267-268. 23. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIII., 1854, col. 141-142. 24. Phenomenon accompanying the Zodia- cal Light. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 46-47. 25. Beobachtungen iiber die Warmeaus- strahlungen von Schneefliichen. Heis, Wochen- schrift, I., 1858, pp. 174-175, 185-189. 26. Ueber das bei einigen Nordlichtern gehb'rte Gerausch. Heis, Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 172-173. 27. Ueber die ringformige Gestalt des Zodiacallichts. Astr. Nachr XLIX., 1859, col. 219-220. Brosius, . Ueber die Bevergernsche Erde. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1852, pp. 231-233. Brot, A. Bemerkungen iiber die von Sylvanus HANLEY in der " Conchological Miscellany " ab- gebildeten Melanien. Malakozool. Blatt. VIL, 1860, pp. 106-115. 2. Description de nouvelles especes de Melanies. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIL, I860, pp. 254-267. BRO] 656 [BRO Brot, A. 3. TJeber das Vorhandensein innerer Ziihne bei einigen Arten von Cerithium. (Transl.) Journ. de Conchyl. IX., 1861, pp. 152-154. Brotero, Felix Ave.llar. An account of the fructification of Lycopodium denticulatum. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 162- 168 ; Homer, Archiv, III., 1803-1805, pp. 107- 111. 2. Description of Callicocca Ipecacuanha [1801.] Linn. Soc. Trans. VI., 1802, pp. 137- 141 ; Homer, Archiv Botan. III., 1805, pp. 455- 456. 3. Descriptions of a new Genus of Plants named Araujia, and of a new species of Passi- flora. [1815.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII.. 1818, pp. 62-75. 4. Descriptions of two new species of Erythrina. [1823-24.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1826, pp. 342-352; Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1040-1055. Brough, Lionel. A sketch of the South Stafford- shire and East Worcestershire mineral basin. S. Wales, Proc. Inst. Eng.IL, 1861, pp. 9-20. Brougham and Vaux, Henry, Lord. Experi- ments and observations on the Inflection, Reflec- tion, and Colours of Light. Phil. Trans. 1796, pp. 227-277. 2. Further experiments and observations on the affections and properties of Light. Phil. Trans. 1797, pp. 352-385. 3. General theorems, chiefly Porisms, in the higher geometry. PhiL Trans. 1798, pp. 378-396. 4. Historical account of the discovery of the composition of Water. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1839, pp. 316-324. 5. Recherches experimen tales et analy- tiques sur la lumiere. [1853.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 43-47; XXXVI., 1853, pp. 691-694; Paris, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXVII. (pte. 2), pp. 123-152. 6. Experiments and observations upon the properties of Light. Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 235- 260. 7. Sur divers phenomenes de diffraction ou d'inflexion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 127-129. 8. Further experiments on Light. Roy. Soc. Proc. VL, 1852, pp. 172-174. 9. Further experiments and observations on the properties of Light. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1853, pp. 312-415. 1O. Sur certains paradoxes reels ou supposes principalement dans le calcul integral. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1134-1139, 1177-1184. 11. Recherches analytiques et experimentales sur les alveoles des abeilles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 1024-1029. Broughton, John. The number of Ammonia derivatives. Chemical News, VIIL, 1863, pp. 245-246. Broughton, S. D. Experiments and remarks illustrating the influence of the Eighth Pair of Nerves over the organs of Respiration and Di- gestion. Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 292- 314 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. I., 1821, pp. 120-131. 2. Reply to some further observations and experiments relative to the Eighth Pair of Nerves. Quart. Journ. Sci. XL, 1821, pp. 320- 327. 3. Experiments and observations upon the Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Pair of Nerves. London Med. and Phys. Journ. XLIX., 1823, pp. 463-467. 4. Cases pathologically illustrative of the distinct and separate Nervous functions subser- vient to voluntary Motion and Feeling. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LVII., 1827, pp. 413-417. 5. An experimental inquiry into the phy- siological effects of Oxygen and other Gases upon the Animal System. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 1-20. 6. Observations on the Experiments of Prof. PANIZZA. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XLV., 1 836, pp. 426-432. Broughton, S. D., and Marshall Hall. Report of progress made in an experimental inquiry regarding the sensibilities of the Cerebral Nerves. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 676-680. Broun, John Allan. Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology, made at Makerstoun, in Scot- land, in the Observatory of Sir Thomas M. BRISBANE, Bart., in 1841-43, 1844, 1845-46. Edinb. Trans. XVII., 1845; XVIIL. 1848; XIX., 1849. 2. On the results of the magnetic and me- teorological observations at General Sir Thomas M. BRISBANE'S Observatory, at Makerstoun, in the year 1842. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 15. 3. On some results of the Magnetic Obser- vations made at General Sir T. M. BRISBANE'S Observatory, Makerstoun. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 32-33. 4. Some account of Observations made at the expense of General Sir T. M. BRISBANE to determine the variations of the laws of Terres- trial Magnetism with respect to height in the Atmosphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 19-20. 5. On the Diurnal Motion of a Magnet freely suspended in the direction of magnetic dip. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 20. BRO] 657 [BRO Broun, John Allan. 6. Results of the Maker- stoun Observations. No. 1. On the relation of the Variations of the Horizontal Intensity of the Earth's Magnetism to the Solar and Lunar Periods. [1846.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVL, 1849, pp. 99-110. 7. Results of the Makerstoun Observations. No. 2. On the relation of the Variations of the Vertical Component of the Earth's Magnetic In- tensity to the Solar and Lunar Periods. [1846.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 137- 144. 8. General Results of the Observations in Magnetism and Meteorology made at Makers- toun, in Scotland, in the Observatory of Sir Thomas M. BRISBANE, Bart., with detailed Tables of Results for the Years 1845 and 1846. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1849. 9. On the effect of Height in the Atmo- sphere on the diurnal Variation of Magnetic Declination. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 7-9. 10. On the mechanical compensation of the Bifilar and Balance Magnets for Variations of the Magnetic Moment with temperature. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 9-10. 11. On the construction of silk suspension threads for the Declination Magnetometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 10-12. 12. On the combined motions of the Mag- netic Needle, and on the Aurora Borealis. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. II., 1851, pp. 334-350. 13. On the successful establishment of a Meteorological and Magnetical Observatory at Travancore, at 6,200 feet above the level of the sea ; with results of Magnetical Observations at Trevandrum. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), pp. 30-34. 14. On certain results of magnetical obser- vations. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 81-99. 15. On the semi-diurnal and annual varia- tions of the Barometer. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 42-47. 16. On the fall of Rain in Forfarshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 47-48. 17. On the lunar diurnal variation of mag- netic declination at the magnetic Equator. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 475-484. 18. On certain results of observations in the Observatory of His Highness the Rajah of Travancore. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 20-21. 19. On the diurnal Variations of the Mag- netic Declination at the Magnetic Equator, and the Decennial Period. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 21-22. 20. On a new Induction Dip-Circle. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 23-24. Broun, John Allan. 21. On Magnetic Rocks in South India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 24-27. 22. On a Magnetic Survey of the West Coast of India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 27-28. 23. On the velocity of Earthquake Shocks in the Laterite of India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), pp. 74-75. 24. On the Lunar Semi-diurnal Variation of the Barometer. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860- 62, pp. 297-298. 25. On the law of disturbance and the range of the diurnal variation of magnetic decli- nation near the Magnetic Equator, with refer- ence to the Moon's Hour-angle. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 298-302. 26. The Bifilar Magnetometer, its Errors and Corrections, including the Determination of the Temperature Coefficient for the Bifilar em- ployed in the Colonial Observatories. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIL, 1861, pp. 467-489. 27. Observations in magnetism and mete- orology made at Makerstoun, in Scotland. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIL, 1861. Suppl. 28. On the Horizontal Force of the Earth's Magnetism. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXIL, 1861, pp. 511-565. , 29. De la connexion cntre les phenomenes meteorologiques et les variations du magnetisme terrestre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 628-632. 30. On the supposed connexion between Meteorological Phenomena and the Variations of the Earth's Magnetic Force. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 49-52. 31. Notice of an instrument intended for the measurement of small variations of Gravity. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 411-412. 32. Sur la connexion entre les variations magnetiques et la direction du vent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1123-1126. 33. Sur la connexion entre les bourrasques et les variations magnetiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 540-544; Cosmos, XXIL, 1863, pp. 389-393. 34. Sur la question des rapports entre les variations meteorologiques et les perturbations magnetiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 342-344. Brounner, - . Analyse de la Houille de Boltigen, dans le Simmenthal. Ann. Sci. Nat. XL, 1827, pp. 280-282. Broussais, . Memoire sur la circulation capillaire, tendant a faire mieux connoitre les fonctions du foie, de la rate et des glandes lym- phatiques. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. d'.Emul. VII. 1811, pp. 1-29. 4 o BRO] 658 [BRO Broussais, Casimir. Experiences sur la colo- ration de divers tissus. Broussais, Annales, XVII., 1830, pp. 47-50. Broussais, F. J. V. Memoire sur les particula- rites de la circulation, aA r ant et apres la naissance, dans lequel on essaie de determiner les fonctions de plusieurs organes dont on n'avait pas encore assigne les usages. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. d'Emul. VIII., 1816, pp. 90-112; Journ. de Med. XXXIX., 1817, pp. 69-70. Brousseaud et Nicollet. Sur la mesure d'un arc du parallele moyen entre le pole et I'equa- teur. [1825.] Connaiss. des Temps, 1829, pp. 252-295; Hertha, IX., 1827, pp. 277-288 ; XL, 1828, pp. 448-456. Broussonet, . Memoire sur la maniere de preparer les maroccains a Fez et a Tetuan. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1804, pp. 81-88 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 14-16. Brouwer, P. Mededeeling over Matico. Haax- man, Tijdschrift, IV.,1852, pp. 225-226. Brouwer, Reinze Lieuwe. Derde Antwoord op de Vraag over de Verbetering der Oude Rotter- damsche Stoom-Machine. Rotterdam, N. Ver- hand. I., 1800, pp. 179-216. Brouwer, S. lets over de Hygrometers, bijzonder * over dien van DANIELL en den Psychrometer van Prof. AUGUST. Hall, Bijdragen, VI., 1831, pp. 272-299. 2. Aanmerkingen over den Differentiaal- Barometer en een voorslag van een' nieuwen Zee-Barometer. Hall, Bijdragen, VII., 1832, pp. 147-166. 3. Een paar Waarnemingen over het gloeijenderPlatina-Spons door Waterstof-Gas en de Electrische Vonk bij den Galvanischen toestel uit een Element bestaande. Hall, Bijdragen, VII., 1832, pp. 166-172. 4. Over eene verbetering, aangebragt aan den multiplicator van SCHWEIGGER, en het mag- netiseren door zwakke thermo-electrische stroo- men. Mulder, Archief, III., 1835, pp. 147-167. 5. Appareil et experiences thermo-elec- triques. (Transl.) Miquel, Bull. 1838, pp. 71- 72. Brouwer, Seerpius. Responsio ad quaestionem astronomicam, "Qua formula construitur solarium supra planum quodlibet datum ?" Leijden, Ann. Acad. Bat. 1817. Browell, E. J. J. Description and analysis of an undescribed mineral [Jarrowitel from J arrow Slake. TynesideNat.F. C. Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 103-104. Browell, E. J. J., and T. Richardson. On the analysis of Waters from the Turko-Persian Frontier. Geol. Soc. Journ. XI II., 1857, pp. 184-187. Brower, Robert F. Is there Native Iron in Africa? Franklin Inst. Journ. XXX, 1855, pp. 394-397. Brown, . Note sur une trombe observee en mer. Maurice, Proc. Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846 p. 31. Brown, . The iron ores of Northamptonshire. S. Wales Inst. Eng. Proc. II., 1861, pp. 191-204. Brown, (Col. A.) On the streams of sea water which flow into the land in Cephalonia. [1836.1 Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 393-394. Brown, A., and M. W. Dickeson. On the Cypress Timber of Mississippi and Louisiana. [1847.] Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 15-22. 2. Report on the sediment of the Mississippi river. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 42-55. Brown, A. D. Description of two new species of Helix. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1861, pp. 333-334. Brown, Alexander. Account of the extraor- dinary Flux and Reflux of the Sea, July 5, 1843, at Arbroath. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 18-19. 2. On the fall of Rain at Arbroath. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 30-31. Brown, Alexander Crum. Ueber Umwandlung der Schleimsiture in Adipinsiiure. Vorliiufige Notiz. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. VI., 1863, pp. 54- 55. Brown, D. R. On sweet spirit of nitre. Phar- maceut. Journ. XV., 1856, pp. 400-405. Brown, E. 0. On a new volumetric method for the determination of copper. Journ. Chem. Soc. X., 1858, pp. 65-73 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 369-371 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXII., 1857, pp. 365-367. Brown, Edwin. [A Specimen of Locusta migra- toria captured at Mickleover, near Derby.] Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 157-158. 2. On the plan upon which bees and wasps construct their cells. Newman, Zoologist, XX., 1862, pp. 8009-8012. Brown, Geo. Wm. Chemical examination of drift weed kelp from Orkney. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 208-219 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIIL, 1852, pp. 250-264 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 232-234. Brown, Henry. On the adulteration of Vermilion. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 150-151. Brown, J. Capture of some rare birds on the Cotswold Hills. Ann. Nat. Hist. VL, 1841, p. 395. Brown, J. S. Exposition of FOUCAULT'S Experi- ment. Franklin Inst. Journ. XXII., 1851, pp. 352-355, 426-427. BRO] 659 [BRO Brown, James F. On some Salts and products of decomposition of Pyromeconic Acid. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 117-119; An- nal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 115-118 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 230-232 ; Liebig, Anna!. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 32-44. 2. On a general method of substituting Iodine for Hydrogen in Organic Compounds, and on the properties of lodopyromeconic Acid. [1854.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXI., 1857, pp. 49-56 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 485-492 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 370-372 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1855, pp. 238-240; Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1854, pp. 201-209. Brown, John. A notice of some of the contents of the Fresh-water Formation at Copford, near Colchester, Essex. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 18o-i, pp. 436-438. i 2. A Synoptical Table of some of the mineral Substances and of the organic Remains found in the Gravel at Stanway, Essex, and the neighbouring localities within a radius of fifteen miles. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1835, pp. 349-353. i 3. A notice of a new locality of specified Fossil Bones of the Elephant and Deer, and of the geological conditions of this locality. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1835, pp. 353-354. 4. A description of the geological con- ditions of the Chalk and Argillaceous Beds at Ballingdon Hill, Essex, with inferences. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 42-46. . ,5. A notice of the geological conditions ascertained from two sections in the Brickfield, . Copford, Essex. Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 429-431. 6. Observations upon the boulders of Trap Rocks, &c., which occur in the diluvium of Essex. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 145-150. 7. Notice of a Fluvio-marine deposit con- taining Mammalian Remains, occurring in the parish of Little Clacton, on the Essex coast. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 197-201. 8. A list of the Fossil Shells found in a fluvio-marine deposit at Clacton, in Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1841, pp. 427-429. 9. Observations on the common Toad, and on its long abstinence from food. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 180-181. 10. Fossil remains in Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 325-326. 11. On certain conditions and appearances . of the Strata on the coast of Essex, near Walton. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 341-342. 12. On some Pleistocene Deposits near Brown, John. 13. On the analysis of the Nodules usually regarded as coprolitic in the Crag and London Clay. London, Geol. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 17-20. 14. On the Upper Tertiaries at Copford, Essex. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIIL, 1852, pp. 184- 193. 15. Note on the Artesian Well at Col- chester, and remarks on some of the Microscopic Fossils from the Colchester Chalk. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 1853, pp. 240-242. 16. On some fossil remains of Mammalia lately discovered in Essex, with remarks on the position of the beds of Drift in that county and in the county of Suffolk. Geol. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859-63, pp. 29-35. Brown, John. Analysis of a slag from a lime- kiln. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844-48, p. 163. 2. On the analysis of Molybdate of Lead. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. II., 1844-48, pp. 180- 184 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 432-435 ; Phil. Mag. XXXL, 1847, pp. 253- 259. 3. On the composition of the products of Copford, Essex. Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, pp. 164-165. the Soda Manufacture. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. II., 1844-48, pp. 262-282 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVL, 1849, pp. 257-278 ; Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 15-36. Brown, John, and J. Prestwich. On a Fossili- ferous Drift near Salisbury. Geol. Soc. Journ. XL, 1855, pp. 101-107. Brown, John, and G. B. Sowerby. On the occurrence of some tertiary fossils at Grove Ferry, near Canterbury, Kent ; with descriptions of some of the species. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 133-136. Brown, John Crombie, and George Wilson. Ac- count of a repetition of several of Dr. Samuel BROWN'S Processes for the Conversion of Carbon into Silicon. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 547-560. Brown, Joseph. An observation of a Solar Eclipse, October 27, 1780, at Providence. Amer. Acad. Mem. I., 1785, pp. 149-150. Brown, P. J. Information on the habitat of Carex heleonastes, Ehrhart, in Switzerland, and on the circumstances connected with the dis- covery and identification of this species; with like information on the Carex gaudiniana, Hoppe. Mag. Nat. Hist. VII., 1834, pp. 499- 501. . 2. A list of species of Diurnal Lepidop- tera known to occur in Switzerland, with notices of the localities in which they have been observed. Mag. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1835, pp. 205- 221. 4 o 2 BRO] 660 [BRO Brown, P. J. 3. A list of species of Crepus- cular Lepidopterous Insects and of some of the species of nocturnal ones, known to occur in Switzerland ; with notices of the localities in which they have been observed. Mag. Nat. Hist. VJIL, 1835, pp. 553-562. . 4. On the preservation of Botanical Speci- mens from the attacks of Insects. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 311-315. Brown, P. J., and J. Jones. The cause of Goitre. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 86-90. Brown, R. PP., and C. Hawkins. Cases of car- cinoma of the thyroid gland ; with an appendix. [1843.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXVII., 1844, pp. 25-40. Brown, Richard. On a correct practical method for cutting spherical brick niches ; on the spiral line ; and on spandrel groins. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIL, 1816, pp. 161-166. Brown, Richard. On the geology of Cape Breton. Geol. Soc, Jonrn. I., 1845, pp. 23-25, 207-213. 2. On a group of erect Fossil Trees in the Sydney Coal-Field of Cape Breton. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, pp. 393-396. 3. On the Gypsiferous Strata of Cape Geol. Dauphin, in the island of Cape Breton. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 257-260. 4. Description of erect Sigillariac with coni- cal tap roots, found in the roof of the Sydney Main Coal, in the island of Cape Breton. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 354-360. 5. Section of the Lower Coal-Measures of the Sydney Coal-Field, in the island of Cape Breton. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 115- 133. Brown, Robert. On the " Asclepiadeae,'' a natu- ral order of plants separated from the Apocineae ofJussiEU. [1809.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. I., 1808-10, pp. 12-78. 2. On the Proteaceae of JUSSIED. [1809.] Linn. Soc. Trans. X., 1811, pp. 15-226. 3. Some observations on the parts of Fructification in Mosses ; with characters and descriptions of two new genera of that order. [1809.] Linn. Soc. Trans. X., 1811, pp. 312- 324. 4. On Woodsia, a new genus of Ferns. [1812.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 170- 174. 5. Some observations on the natural family of plants called Compositse. [1816.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 76-142; Joum. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 317-339, 396-417 ; LXXXVIL, pp. 5-30, 95-115. | 6. On some remarkable deviations from the usual structure of Seeds and Fruits. [1816.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 143-151. Brown, Robert. 7. Systematische urid geogra- phische Bemerkungen liber C. H. SMITH'S Pflanzensammlung aus der Gegend des Congo- Flusses. (Transl.) Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1856- 1S76, 2041-2058. 8. Characters and desci'iption of Lyellia, a new genus of Mosses, with observations on the section of the order to which it belongs ; and some remarks on Leptastomum and Bux- bauinia. [1819.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., pp. 560-584. 9. Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van Diemen, exhibens characteres planta- rumquas annis 1802-5 per oras utriusque insuhe collegit et descripsit Robertus BUOWN ; insertis passim aliis speciebus auctori hucusque cognitis, seu evulgatis, seu ineditis, pra2sertim Bank- sianis, in primo itinere navarchi COOK detectis. Oken, Isis, 1819, col. 801-984. 10. An account of a new genus of plants, named Rafflesia. [1820.1 Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 201-234; Flora, IV., 1821, pp. 636-652 ; Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 1365-1384. 11. Flora der Melville-Insel. {Transl.) Flora, VII., 1824, pp. 65-135. 12. Observations sur les Resedacees. ( Transl.) Ann. Sci. Nat. IX., 1826, pp. 213-218. 13. Character and description of Kingia, a new genus of plants found on the south-west coast of New Holland : with observations on the structure of its unimpregnated Ovulum; and on the female flower of Cycadeaa and Conifene. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 352-361, 409-421 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1826, pp. 211-244; Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, cols. 175-180. 14. Observations sur la Famille des Legu- mineuses et sur quelques especes de 1'Afrique centrale. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 206-215. 15. A brief account of Microscopical Observations made in the months of June, July, and August, 1827, on the particles contained in the Pollen of Plants ; and on the general exist- ence of active molecules in organic and in inorganic bodies. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. V., 1828, pp. 358-371 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 341-362 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXII., 1828, col. 161-170; Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1006-1012 ; Phil. Mag. IV., 1828, pp. 161-173; Poggend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 294-313. 16. Additional Remarks on Active Mole- cules. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 314- 320; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1830, pp. 104-110; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 41- 46 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1829, col. 305-310 ; Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 161-166. 17. General view of the Botany of the vicinity of Swan River. [1830.] Geogr. Soc. Journ. L, 1832, pp. 17-20. BKO] Brown, Robert. 18. Remarks on the structure and affinities of Cephalotus. Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 314-317. 19. On the organs and mode of fecunda- tion in OrchidefB and Asclepiadete. [1831.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1833, pp. 685-746 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1832, pp. 174-183 ; Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 353-366,378-382, 673-676. 2O. Observations supplementaires sur la fecondation des Orchidees et des Asclepiadees. Guillemin, Archiv. Bot. II., 1833, pp. 324-329 Flora, XVII., 1834, pp. 17-24. 21. Note sur la fleur femelle et le fruit du Rafflesia, avec des observations sur ses affinites et la structure de 1'Hydnora. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 369-370 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XIX., 1845, pp. 221-248. 22. Sur les Cyrtandrees. [1839.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XI II. (Bot.), 1840. pp. 149-180; Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 193-206, 209-219. 23. On the relative position of the divisions of Stigma and Parietal Placentae in the com- pound ovarium of plants. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1843, pp. 35-42 ; Botan. Zeitung, L, 1843, col. 193-201. 24. Sur la pluralite et le developpement des embryons dans les graines des Coniferes. [1834.] Ann. Sci. Nat. XX. (Bot.), 1843, pp. 193-199 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIIL, 1844, pp. 368- 374. 25. Some account of an undescribed Fossil Fruit (Triplosporite). [1847.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XX., 1851, pp. 469-476; Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, pp. 344-345. 26. On the origin and mode of propaga- tion of the Gulf-weed. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 77-80. Brown, Robert. Note on Astrophyton scutatum. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc. II.. 1859-62, pp. 368- 371. 2. Notice of a foetal Narwhal (Monodon monoceros, Linn.). Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc. II., 1859-63, pp. 447-448. 3. Remarks on the Flora of Caithness. [I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 8-9. 4. Description of a new species of Clado- phora from the river Ouse, in Sussex; with addi- tions to the local distribution of British Marine Algaj. [1861.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, p. 111. Brown, Robert E. An account of an attempt to prepare the stannate of soda on the large scale by a new process. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 60-66. Brown, Robert Es Of the source of motions upon the Earth, and of the means by which they are sustained. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLV., 1848, pp. 148-155, 302-310. 661 [BRO Brown, Samuel. A description of a Cave on Crooked Creek, with remarks and observations on nitre and gunpowder. [1806.] Phil. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 235-246. 2. On a curious substance which accom- panies the native nitre of Kentucky and of Africa. Silliman, Journ. L, 1818, pp. 146-148. Brown, Samuel. Description of the Trinity Pier of Suspension at Newhaven, near Edinburgh. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 22-28. 2. On the proposed plan of erecting a Patent Wrought-Iron Bridge of Suspension over the Thames, near Iron Gate and Horslydown ; with observations on the strength of British Bolt and Iron Bar. Gill, Techn^ Rep. V., 1824, pp. 290-300. Brown, Samuel. On the artificial Crystallisation of certain Metallic Carburets, as extensive of the theory of Crystallisation. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), pp. 39-41 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1839, p. 391 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Cliem. XVII., 1839, pp. 492-493 ; St. Petersb. Bull. Acad. Sci. V., 1839, col. 303-304. 2. Some observations on Dr. BRETT and Mr. SMITH'S Experiments on the alleged con- version of Carbon into Silicon. Phil. Mao-. XIX., 1841, pp. 388-391. 3. On the preparation of Paracyanogen in large quantities, and on the isomerism of Cyano- gen and Paracyanogen. [1841.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 165-176. 4. Experimental researches on the pro- duction of Silicon from Paracyanogen. [1841.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 229-246; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1841, col. 65-67, 67-69 ; Silliman, Journ. XLL, 1841, pp. 208-209; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VII., 1841, pp. 164-165. 5. Zwei Verfahrungsweisen, Silicium zu bereiten. Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1844, col. 164-167. Brown, Samuel, jun. On the Mucilage of the Fuci, Avith remarks on its application to econo- mical ends. [1837.] Edinb. Trans. Scot. Soc. Arts, L, 1841, pp. 281-286 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVI., 1839, pp. 409-415. Brown, T. S. An account of some experiments made to ascertain the relative stiffness and strength of the following kinds of timber, viz. : White Pine (Pinus strobus), Spruce (Abies nigra), and Southern Pine (Pinus australis), also called Long-leaved Pine. Franklin Inst. Journ. VII., 1831, pp. 230-238; Roy. Inst. Journ. L, 1831, p. 599 ; II., 1831, p. 392 ; Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 228-235. 2. Experiments on the resistance of sand to motion through tubes, with especial reference to its use in the blasting of rocks. Franklin, Inst. Journ. XVIII., 1836, pp. 1-8, 73-81. BRO] G62 [BRO Brown, Thomas. Account of the Irish Testacea. [1815.] Edinb. Wern. Soc. Mem. II., 1811-16, pp. 501-536. 2. Description of five new British species of Shells. Edinb. Joura. Nat. and Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 11-12. 3. Observations on Mr. KENYON'S Paper on British land and fresh-water Shells. Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 65-66, 220-222. 4. An account of the Whidah Bird, or Paradise Bunting ; with three figures of the different stages of Plumage. Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 341-344, 425-426. 5. A monograph on the Pisidium, a new genus of British Fresh-water Testacea. Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sci., I., 1830, pp. 411- 413. 6. Description of a new species of British . Fish (Platessa carnaria). Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, p. 99. 7. Description of some new species of Fossil Shells found chiefly in the Vale of Tod- morden, Yorkshire. Manchester, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1841, pp. 212-232. 8. Description of some new species of the genus Pachyodon. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 390-396. Brown, Thomas. Remarks on the remains of a very large Oak Tree, dug from a Peat Moss near Lanfine, Ayrshire ; and on the ancient Cale- donian Forest in the west of Scotland. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVII., 1834, pp. 53-64. 2. On a section of a part of the Fifeshire Coast. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 59-62. 3. Notes on the Mountain Limestone and Lower Carboniferous Rocks of the Fifeshire Coast from Burntisland to St. Andrews. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1861, pp. 385-404. Brown, Thomas., and Alexander Kennedy. Ac- count of a Nondescript Worm (Ascaris pellu- cidus) found in the eyes of horses in India, with a description of the animal. [1816-18.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. IX, 1823, pp. 107-112. Brown, William. On the influence of Atmo- spheric Currents upon the Height of the Baro- meter. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 457-469. 2. On the differences of the Mean Pressure of the Atmosphere in different latitudes. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 469-472. 3. On the Storms of tropical latitudes. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1843, pp. 206-217, 276- 281. 4. On the Oscillations of the Barometer. Phil. Mag. XX VIII., 1846, pp. 241-287. 5. Notice of a Flood at Trastanz in the Voraiiberg. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VI., 1849, pp. 238-245. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. Notesurla duree de la vie des grenouilles en automue et en hiver, apres 1'extirpation de la rnoelle allongee et de quelques autres portions du centre nerveux cerebror-achidien. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 363-364. 2. Recherches critiques et experimentales sur les proprietes et les fonctions de la rnoelle epiniere et de la moelle allongee, et sur les rap- ports de ces proprietes et de ces fonctions avec celles des muscles et du systeme nerveux gan- glionnaire, accompagnees d'applications a la pathologic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX.IV., 1847, pp. 849-85 1. 3. Recherches anatomiques, physiologiques A ' If tj 1 et pathologiques sur la theorie du davier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 889- 893; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 17-19. 4. Note complementaire d'un memoire sur 1'action de la lumiere et d'un changement de temperature sur 1'iris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV, 1847, pp. 508-510; Froriep, Notizen, V., 1848, col. 22-23. 5. Irritabilite musculaire. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 74-76, 83-85. 6. Recherches sur le siege de la sensibilite et de la valeur des cris comme preuve de percep- tion de douleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 672-675. 7. Des rapports qui existent entre la lesion des raciues motrices et des racines sensitives. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Bend.}, pp. 15-17. 8. Experiences sur les plaies de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 17-18. 9. De la force nerveuse dans la moelle epi- niere. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 18-19. 10. Recherches sur la rigidite cadaverique et la putrefaction. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 ( Compt. Rend.}, pp. 39-40. 11. Action de la chaleur et du froid sur 1'iris. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 40-42. 12. Recherches sur une cause de mort qui existe dans un grand nombre d'empoisonne- ments. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 102-103. 13. Du sang veineux comme excitateur de certains mouvements. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 105-106. 14. Le resserrement et la dilatation de la pupille produits par la chaleur et le froid, soiit- ils des effets purement physiques, ou resultent- ils d'une veritable contraction musculaire? Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 115- 116. BRO] 663 [BRO Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 15. De la pretendue necessite d'une turgescence vasculaire de 1'iris pour produire le resserrement de la pupille. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 116-118. 16. Recherches sur le mode d'action de la strychnine. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), p. 119. 17. Contraction de la peau et mouvements vermiculaires du scrotum, sous 1'influence de I'electro-magnetisme. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 134-135 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 97-98. 18. Sur les alterations pathologiques qui suivent la section du nerf sciatique. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 136- 137. 19. Cas de regeneration complete du nerf sciatique. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 137-138. 20; Influence de 1'electro-magnetisme et de la foudre sur la duree de la rigidite cadave- rique. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 138-140. 21. Sur la moit par la foudre et par 1'elec- tro-magnetisme. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 154-156. 22. Recherches sur la physiologic de la moelle allongee. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), p. 158 : Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 117-120. 23. Mouvements rhythmiques des muscles respirateurs et locomoteurs apres la mort. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 158- 160. 24. Des differences d'energie de la faculte reflexe, suivant les especes et suivant les ages, dans les cinq classes d'animaux vertebres. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 171- 173. 25. Des rapports qui existent entre 1'irri- tabilite musculaire, la rigidite cadaverique et la putrefaction. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 173-175. r. 26. De la transmission des impressions sensitives par la moelle epiniere. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 192-194. 27. Sur la coagulabilite du sang des batra- ciens en hiver. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 194-195. 28. De 1'influence du systeme nerveux, du galvanisme, du repos et de 1'action sur la nutri- tion des muscles. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 195-197. 29. Recherches sur 1'atrophie et d'autres alterations pathologiques, qui ont lieu dans cer- taines paralysies. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1849, pp. 100-103. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 3O. Sur la conservation de la vie apres la destruction d'une portion de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 822-831. 31. Sur la transmission des impressions sensitives dans la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 700-701. 32. De 1'arret passif des battements du coeur par 1'excitation galvanique de la moelle allongee et par la destruction subite du centre cerebro-rachidien. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1850 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 26-28. 33. De la conservation de la vie sans trouble apparent des fonctions organiques, malgre la destruction d'une portion considerable de la moelle epiniere, chez des animaux a sang chaud. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., IZ5Q (Compt. Rend.), pp. 28-30. 34. Sur la persistance de la vie dans les membres atteints de la rigidite qu' on appelle cadaverique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 855-857. 35. Recherches sur le retablissement de I'irritabilite musculaire chez un supplicie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 897-902 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851, pp. 147-153. 36. De la survie des batraciens et des tortues apres 1'ablation de leur moelle allongee. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 73-75. 37. Nouvelle espece de tournoiement. Pa- ris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 25-27. 38. Sur la cause de 1'arret du cosur sous 1'influence d'une excitation de la moe'lte allongee. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1 853 ( Compt. fiend.\ pp. 40-41. 39. Sur un fait nouveau relatif a la phy- siologie de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1853 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 41-43 ; Bos- ton, Med. Surg. Journ. XL VII., 1853, pp. 334- 336. 4O. Sur le fusel-oil. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1853 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 160-161. 41. Experiences prouvant qu'un simple afflux de sang a la tete peut etre suivi d'effets semblables a ceux de la section du nerf grand sympathique au cou. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 117-119. 42. Sur les resultats de la section et de la galvanisation du nerf grand sympathique au cou. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 72-80. 43. Recherches experimentales sur la voie de transmission des impressions sensitives dans la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendue, XLL, 1855, pp. 118-122. BEO] 664 [BRO Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 44. Re- cherches sur Ja voie de transmission des im- pressions sensitives dans la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 347- 352, 477-481, 628-631 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1855, pp. 51-75. 45. Recherches experimentales sur la dis- tribution des fibres des racines posterieures dans la moelle epiniere et sur la voie de transmission des impressions sensitives dans cet organe. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1855, pp. 77-89. 46. Recherches experimentales sur les voies de transmission des impressions sensitives et sur des phenomenes singulieres qui succedent a la section des racines des nerfs spinaux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1855, pp. 331-364. 47. Recherches experimentales sur la pro- duction d'une affection convulsive, epileptiforme, a la suite de lesions de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 86-89, 542- 546 ; Archives Gen. de Med. VII., 1856, pp. 143- 149. 48. Recherches experimentales sur la phy- siologie et la pathologie des capsules surrenales. Paris,Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 422-425 . 49. Faits nouveaux relatifs a la coinci- dence de 1'inspiration avec une diminution dans la force et la vitesse des battements du coeur. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1856 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 79-81. . 5O. Researches on the action of certain parts of the solar spectrum upon the iris. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 233-234. 51. Experimental researches on the spinal cord as a leader for sensibility and voluntary movements. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856-57, pp. 591-594 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Phy- siol. I., 1858, pp. 809-810. 52. On the resemblance between the effects of the section of the sympathetic nerve in the neck and of a transverse section of a lateral half of the spinal cord. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856-57, pp. 594-596. 53. Experimental researches on the in- fluence of efforts of inspiration on the move- ments of the heart. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856-57, pp. 596-598. 54. On the influence of oxygen on the vital properties of the spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1856-57, pp. 598-600 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 617-618. 55. Experimental and Clinical Remarks, applied to Physiology and Pathology. Boston, Med. Surg. Journ. LV., 1857, pp. 337-342, 377- 380, 421-427, 457-461; LVL, pp. 54-58, 112- 115, 155-158, 174-176, 216-220, 271-278, 338-340, 433-437, 473-478 ; LVIL, pp. 12-17, 151-155, 212-216, 255-256. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 56. New facts and theories concerning the physiology of the nervous system. Charleston Med. Journ. XII., 1857, pp. 202-218. 57. Nouvelles recherches sur les capsules surrenales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 246-248. 58. Notes sur quelques points important* de la physiologic de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 146-149. 59. Recherches sur les lois de 1'irrita- bilite musculaire, de la rigidite cadaverique, et de la putrefaction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 460-464. 60. Recherches experimentales sur les proprietes physiologiques et les usages du Sang Rouge et du Sang Noir et de leurs principaux elements gazeux, 1'oxygene et 1'acide carbonique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 562- 566, 925-928 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Phy- siol. I., 1858, pp. 95-122. 353-368, 729-739. 61. Nouvelles recherches sur 1'importance des fonctions des capsules surrenales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 1036-1039; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 160-173. 62. Lois relatives aux phenomenes dyna- miques de 1'economie animale. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 1-10. 63. Note sur la temperature de quelques palmipedes longipennes. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, p. 42. 64. Nouvelles recherches sur la physio- logic de la moelle epiniere. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 139-144. 65. Note sur les modifications que subis- sent les globules circulaires du sang de mammi- fere injecte dans le systeme circulatoire des oiseaux, et sur les alterations des globules ovales du sang d'oiseau, injecte dans le systeme circulatoire des mammiferes. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 173-175. 66. Expose critique des idees de M. CHAUVEAU sur la physiologic de la moelle epiniere, et faits nouveaux a 1'appui des theories que j'ai proposees a 1'egard de la transmission des impressions sensitives. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 176-189. 67. Recherches sur les causes de mort apres 1'ablation de la partie de la moelle allongee qui a ete nommee " point vital." Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 217-233. 68. Note sur 1'influence qu'une moitie laterale de la moelle epiniere exerce, dans cer- tains cas, sur la moitie correspondante de 1'en- cephale et de la face. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 241-244. BRO] 665 [BEG Srcwn Sequard, Charles Edouard. 69. Limites tic la possibility du retour spontane de la rigidite cadaverique apres qu'on 1'a fait disparaitie par 1'elongation dos muscles. Brown-Scquard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 281-283. 7O. Sur dcs fails qui semi/lent montrer quo plnsieors kilogrammes de fibrinc se forment et se transfbrment, chaque jour, dans le corps de riiomme. Brown-Sequard, Journ. dc Physiol. I., 1858, pj). 298-308. 71. Sur la sensibilite tactile et sur un inoycn de la mesurer dans 1'anesthesie et 1'hy- peresthesie. Bi-own-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 344-346. 72. Note sur des faits ncmveaux concernant 1'epilepsie consecutive aux lesions dc la rnoelle epiniere. Brown-Sequard. Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 472-478. 73. Note sur 1'association des efforts in- spiratoires avec une diminution ou 1'arret des mouvements du creur. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858. pp. 512-518. 74. Recherches sur la physiologic et la pathologic de la protuberance unnulaire. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 523- 539, 735-763 : II., pp. 121-133. 75. Recherches sur la possibility de rap- pcler temporaircment a la vie des individus mourant de maladic. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 666-672. 76. Note sur 1'existencc de contractions rhythmiques dans les conduits excreteurs des principales glandes chez les oiseaux. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 775- 776. 77. Remarques sur la production des phe- nomenes consecutifs a la ligature de I'resophage. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 799-SOO. 78. Experiences nouvelles sur la trans- mission dcs impressions sensitives dans la moeile epiniere. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 65-70. 79. Recherches sur Firritabilite muscu- laire. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 75-82. 80. Recherches experimentales et cliiiiques sur quelques questions relatives a 1'asphyxie. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 93-103. 81. Remarques sur le mode d'influence du systeme nerveux sur la nutrition. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 112- 114. 82. Du rhythme dans le diaphragme et dans les muscles de la vie animale apres leur separation des centres nerveux. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 115-119, Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 83. Re- cherches experimentales sur 1'influence excita- trice de la lumiere, du froid et de la chaleur sur 1'Iris, dans les cinq classes d'ariimaux vertebres. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859 ; pp. 281-294, 451-460. 84. Recherches sur 1'influence des change- ments de climat sur la chaleur animale. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 549- 576. 85. Hereditary transmission of an epilepti- form affection accidentally produced. Roy. Soc/ Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 297-298. 86. Experimental researches on various questions concerning sensibility. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 510-513; Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 140- 142. 87. Sur un cas de greffe osseuse. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., I860, pp. 108- 109. 88. Recherches experimentales sur la phy- siologic de la moeile allongee. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 151-157. 89. Sur 1'independance des proprietes vitales des nerfs moteurs. Brown-Sequard^ Journ. ds Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 160-163. 9O. Sur line modification speciale de la nutrition dans une partie limitee du corps sous 1'influence d'irritations de 1'encephale ou de la moeile epiniere dans certains cas d'epilepsie. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 167-173. 91. Note sur les mouvements rotatoires, Brown-Sequai-d, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 720-722. 92. Croonian Lecture : On the relation^ between Muscular Irritability, Cadaveric Rigi- dity, and Putrefaction. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 204-214 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ, de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 266-278. 93. Remarques sur le travail de M. Du BOIS-REYJIOXD : "Del'hemicranie ou migraine.'' Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 137-140. 94. Remai'ques sur quelques points de la physiologic de la moeile epiniere et du cerveaif a propos des recherches de WAGNER et de DEAN. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 584-592. 95. Remarques sur 1'actiou du nerf vague sur le coeur. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 295-296. 96. Sur 1'entre-croisement de queJques- unes des branches des nerfs trijumeaux dans la protuberance annulaire. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, p. 307. BRO] 666 [BRU Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard. 97. lie- marques sur la physiologic du cervelet et du nerf auditif. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 484-492. 98. Premiere note sur 1'existence de sang rouge dans les veines et sur 1'influence du systeme nerveux sur la couleur du sang veineux. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 566-574. 99. Recherches sur la transmission des impressions de tact, de chatouillement, de douleur, de temperature et de contraction (sens musculaire) dans la moelle epiniere. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 124- 145, 232-248, 581-646. 1OO. Production d'ataxie musculaire par 1'irritation superficielle d'une petite portion de la moeile epiniere chez les oiseaux. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 701- 703. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard, et Martin- Magron. Du tournoiement et du roulement consecutifs a 1'arrachement du nerf facial. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 133- 134. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard, et F. G. Smith. Experiences sur la transformation de 1'amidon en glucose dans 1'estomac. Brown- Se"quard, Journ. de Physiol. L, 1858, pp. 158- 159. Browne, A. On Meteorites. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 80-82. Browne, D. J. Physical observations made on board the U.S. ship "Erie" during her passage from New York to Rio Janeiro, in 1834. Silli- man, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 237-240. Browne, Ed. An investigation of the powers of the simple supporters of combustion to destroy the virulence of morbid poisons, and of the poisonous gases, with a view to ascertain the possibility of controlling the extension of contagious or epi- demic diseases. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1832, p. 134. Browne, James. The Aborigines of Australia. Canadian Journ. I., 1856, pp. 251-271 ; Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 443-454. Browne, P. A. Description of an improved Piston for Steam Engines without hemp packing. [1816.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 313-316. Browne, Peter A. Some notice of the fossil Ce- phalopodes Belemnosepia, long known by the name of "Belemnite," and of the diphosphate of iron, called " Mullicite," found together at Mul- lica Hill. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1848, pp. 13-16. 2. A microscopic examination and descrip- tion of some of the piles of the head of Albinos. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 108-114. Browne, Peter A. 3. The discovei'y of the cause of the Felting power. Franklin List. Journ. XX., 1850, pp. 205-209. 4. Examination of the hair of the head of a Mummy unrolled in Philadelphia in Jan. 1851. Charleston Med. Journ. VL, 1851, pp. 371-372. 5. Microscopic examination and description of the hair of the head of a female child labouring under Favus or Tinea capitis. Charleston Med. Journ. VII, 1852, pp. 43-44. 6. On ovarian Hair. Charleston Med. Journ. VIIL, 1853, pp. 152-154. 7. Microscopical examination of a Whale foetus. Charleston Med. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 475-476. Browne, R. W. On HALLEY'S comet. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1835, pp. 1-4. Brownlow, C. Note on the occasional existence of Fresh Water on the surface of the ocean. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, p. 239. Brownrigg, W. Bookcy. Occurrence of Teredo Norvegica at Tankardstown, countv of Water- ford. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. II., 1860, pp. 79-80. 2. Geological description of the district extending fromDungarvan to Annestown, county of Waterford. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. IX., 1860-62, pp. 8-12. Broy, T. J. Notice sur une variete nouvelle d'escourgeon ou orge d'hiver. Nord, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. 1833-34, pp. 79-85. Bruand d'Uzelle, Theophile. Notices sur quel- ques Lepidopteres tres-rares ou nouveaux pour le dep. du Doubs. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. L, 1841, pp. 1-23 ; II., pp. 13-16. 2. Description de la chenille de 1'Eriopus pteridis. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XL, 1842, pp. 37-40. 3. Notices sur quelques chenilles inedites ou peu connues. Doubs, Mem. Soc. JDmul. III., 1843, pp. 23-31. 4. Description de la chenille de la Gnophos variegata. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1843, pp. 249-251. 5. Catalogue systematique et synonymique des Lepidopteres du Doubs. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. II., 1844, pp. 24-iii ; II., 1845, pp. 65-96 ; III.. 1846, pp. 97-124; III., 1847, pp. 79-108 ; II., 1848, pp. 75-102 ; III., 1849, pp. 23-68 ; II., 1851, pp. 139-140; III., 1852, pp. 139-150; VIL, 1855, pp. 167-168. 6. Notice sur diverges chenilles. Paris, Ann. Soc, Entom. II., 1844, pp. 187-198. 7. Monographic des Lepidopteres nuisibles a Tagriculture et a 1'economie domestique. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. II., 1846, pp. 157-176; III., 1848, pp. 33-74 ; III., 1849, pp. 1-14 ; L, 1850, pp. 7-22; II., 1851, pp. 91-101 ; VIL. 1855, pp. 51-60. BRU] 667 [BRU Bruand d'Uzelle, Theophile. 8. Description de Lepidopteres nouveaux, Zygcena Valentini, Z. cedri, ct Coremia pontissalaria. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1846, pp. 201-205. 9. Description de la Nephopteryx augus- tella, Zeller, Hub., Gucnee. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, pp. 289-292. 1O. Note sur le Deilephila Celerio et sur les Ichneumons qui vivent aux depens des che- nilles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1847, p. liv. 11. Notes sur divers Lepidopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1849, pp. 39-46. 12. Essai monographique sur la tribu des Psychides. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. II., 1850, pp. 23-38; III., 1852, pp. 17-120. 13. Deux mots de reponse a M. GUENEE, a, propos des Noctuelles Batis et Derasa. [1850.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 89- 100. 14. Note sur la Valeria jaspidea, De Villers. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1852, pp. 253-254. 15. Observations sur la classification adop- tee par M. HEiiRicn-SciLiEFFER, et suivie par M. DELAIIARPE dans son catalogue des Phalenes Suisses. [1851.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 51-59. 16. Notice sur une nouvelle espece de Pyschide. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. VI., 1854, pp. 48-50. 17. Observations entomologiques faites en 1854-55. Doubs, Mem. Soc. Emul. VI., 1854, pp. 62-65 ; VIL, pp. 108-111. 16. Note sur quelques Lepidopteres (Eu- bolia, Ypsolopha, Caleophora). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. xxv-xxvii. 19. Deux mots a propos de la notice sur Psyche helix, Sieb., publiee par M. NYLANDER. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. Ix-lxi. 2O. Note sur la vitalite que conservent les parties de la generation chez quelques Lepid- opteres, longtemps apres la mort de 1'insecte lui- meme. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. Ixi-lxii. 21. Sur deux Lepidopteres nouveaux, les Larentia millierata et Haemilis theophilella. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. lix-lx. 22. Classification des Tineides et examen des caracteres et de leur importance relative d'apres la methode naturelle. Paris, Arm. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. 807-826. 23. Note sur 1'Erastria venustula et Cidaria variata. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. xxi-xxiii. 24. Note concernant divers Lepidopteres rencontrees a la Chartreuse. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. cvi-cviii. 25. Note sur une Tineite constituant un genre nouveau (Patula asperipunctella). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 177-178. Bruand d'Uzelle, Theophile. 26. Observations sur divers Lepidopteres, descriptions d'especes nouvelles propres a la faune FranQaise, etc. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 459-484. 27. Classification des Tineides et examen des caracteres et de leur importance relative d'apres la methode naturelle. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 601-702. 28. Quelques rernarques relatives a divers Lepidopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xvii-xviii. 29. Quelques observations sur les Lepid- opteres recueillis par M. BELLIER en 1857 dans les Pyrenees. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. xcviii-c. 30. Communications relatives a divers Le- pidopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. cxv-cxvi. 31. Sur la Psyche (Melasina) Ciliarella. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. clxiii- clxv. 32. Essai monographique sur le genre Coleophora. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIL, 1859, pp. 375-415. 33. Remarques sur les Lepidopteres recue- illis aux environs d'Hyeres pendant le printemps de 1859. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom VIL, 1859, pp. Ixxxviii-xcii. 34. Note sur espece de Sericoris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. xlii-xliii. 35. Note sur quelques especes du genre Pterophobus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 33-38. Bruce, Archibald. Description and chemical examination of an Ore of Zinc from New Jer- sey. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 96- 100. 2. Mineralogical notice respecting American Fluates of Lime. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 32-33. 3. On native Magnesia from New Jersey. Amer. Mineral. Journ. I., 1810, pp. 26-30. Bruce, Arthur. A curious fact in the natural history of the common Mole, Talpa europasa, Linn. [1793.] Linn. Soc. Trans. III., 1797, pp. 5-6. Bruce, C. A. Report on the manufacture of Tea, and on the extent and produce of the Tea Plant- ations in Assam. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIIL, 1839, pp. 497-525 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVIIL, 1840, pp. 126-161 ; Madras, Journ. X., 1839, pp. 169-198. Bruce, J. G. On the Nurma Cotton of Bundel- cund. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. X., 1841, pp. 822-827. 2. Observations on the indigenous Cotton in India. India, Journ. Agric. Soc. VI., 1848, pp. 202-208. 4 p 2 BRU] 668 [BRU Bruce, John A. Note on the preparation of Car- bonate of Amyl. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 131-132. Bruce, Xinian. Remarks on the Dracunculus, or Guinea Worm, as it appears in the peninsula of India. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. II., 1806. pp. 145-150. Bruce, William. Extract of a Letter communi- cating the discovery of a Disease in Persia, con- n-acted by such as milk the Cattle and Sheep, which is a preventive of the Small Pox. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIIL, 1819, p. 133. Bruch, . Bemerkungen iiber Phascura alter- nifolium, Dicks. , Ph. subulatum, Sckreb., und Ph. globiferum, Bruch. Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 273-288. * 2. Ueber Sphagna, Flora, VIII., 1825, pp. 625-635. * 3. Bryologische Beobaehtungen. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 161-166. , 4. Ueber einige Laubmoose. Flora, X., 1827, pp. 177-182. 5. Beschreibung einiger neuen Laubmoose. Miinchen, Abhand. 1829-30, pp. 277-286. Bruch et Schimper. Fragrnens de Bryologie d'Europe : Buxbaumiacees et Phascacees. Strasbourg, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. II., 1835. . 2. Comparaison entre les Phaecum alternifolium, P. palustre, et P. subulatum. Strasbourg, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. II.. 1835. i 3. Corrections and Remarks upon DRUMMOND'S first (Arctic and Canadian) collec- tion of North American Mosses. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. II., 1843, pp. 663-670. Bruch, C. Ueber die Geburtshelferkrote (Alytes obstetricans). Offenbach, Ver. Naturk. Bericht, 1864, pp. 51-54. Bruch, Car I. Ueber die Farbe dcs Blutes. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. I., 1844, pp. 440-461. 2. Noch einmal die Blutfai'be. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. III., 1845, pp. 308-318. 3. Ueber Entziindungskugeln. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IV., 1846, pp. 21-54. 4. Erweiterte Blutgefasse in der Entziin- dung. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1846, pp. 69-73. i 5. Das Neueste zur Geschichte der Blut- farbe. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1846, pp. 440-456. > 6. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der patho- logischeu Cystenbildungen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VIII., 1849, pp. 91-145. 7. Ueber Magenkrebs und Hypertrophie der Magenhiiute in anatomischer und klinischer Hinsicht. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. VIII., 1849, pp. 250-460. 8. Ueber das Nervensystem des Blutegels. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. I., 1849. pp. 164- 174. Bruch, Carl. 9. Mikroskopische und mikro- chemische Aufzeichnungen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IX., 1850, pp. 156-215. 10. Die Faserstoffschollen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. IX., 1850, pp. 216-222. 11. Ehrenerklarunjar. Henle und Pfeufer, des X., Zeitschr. IX., 1850, pp. 329-331 12. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Grega- rinen. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 110-114. 13. Ueber Aneurysmata spuria an IJirnge- fiissen und die Contractilitiit menschlicher Blut- gefasse. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 270-271. 14. Ueber eine, der Glandula thyreoidea ahriliche accessorische Halsdriise. Basel, Bericht. X., 1852, pp. 183-189. 15. Ueber die Structur und Entwickelung Skeletts der Wirbelthiere. Basel. Bericht, 1852, pp. 190-194. 16. Ueber die thierischen Farben und Farbstoffe. Basel, Bericht, X., 1852. pp. 194- 204. 17. Ueber die Deutung der Schiidel- knochen. Basel, Bericht, X.. 1852. pp. 204-212. 18. Beitriige zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Knochen-Systems. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkscl.r. XII, 1852. 19. Beitriige zur Anatomic und Physiologic der Diinndarmschleimhaut. Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. IV.. 1853, pp. 282-298. 2O. Ueber die Entwickelung der Clavicula und die Farbe des Blutes. Siebold und Kol- liker, Zeitschr. IV., 1853, pp. 371-376. 21. Ueber die Regeneration durchschnit- tener Nerven. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 135-138; Archiv Wiss. Heilk. II., 1856, pp. 409-419; Basel, Verhantll. I., 1857, pp. 198-219. 22. Ueber Bindcgewebe. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VI., 1855, pp. 145-207. 23. richer die Miki-opyle der Fische. Sie- bold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 172- 175. 24. Ueber Blutkrystalle und organische Krystalle iibcrliaupt. [1852.1 Basel, Verhandl. I., 1857, pp. 173-185. 25. Ueber die Chjlosgefaase und die Re- sorption des Fettes. [1852.] Basel, Verhandl. I., 1857, pp. 186-197. 26. Ueber die Existenz einer thierischen Mikropyle. [1855. J Basel, Verhandl. I., 1 857, pp. 219-228. 27. Ueber den Farbenunterschied des arte- riellen und venosen Blutes. [1852.] Basel, Verhandl. II., 1857, pp. 163-173. 28. Ueber osteologische Gattungscharac- tere beim Karpfengeschlecht. Wiirzburg, Na- turw. Zeitschr. II.. 1861, pp. 86-91, BiiU] 669 [BRTT Brack, Carl. 29. Ueber die Entwicklung tier Wirbelsiiule und die systematische Stellung der Rana fusca (Pelobates fuscus, Waql.\ Wiirz- burg, Naturw. Zeitschr. IL, 1861, pp. 178-198. 30. Ueber peripherische Verknocherung bei Froschen, und iiber den Unterschied der primordialen und secundiiren Verknocherung. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. IL, 1861. pp. 212- 215. 31. Beitriige zur Naturgeschiclite und Classification der nackten Amphibien. Wiirz- burg, Naturw. Zeitschr. III., 1862, pp. 181-224. 32. Ueber die Verknocherung der Wirbel- siiule bei den Batrachiern. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. III., 1862, pp. 225-237. 33. Ueber den Schliessuugsprocess des Fo- ramen ovale bei Mcnschen mid Siiugethieren. Senckenberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhand. 1862-63, IV., pp. 46-62. 34. Vergleichung des Schiidels mit der Wirbelsiiule des Lachses, mit einer Aufziihlung sammtlicher Skelettheile desselben nach der Art ihrer ZusammensetzBng. Senckenberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhand. IV., 1862-63, pp. 72- 131. 35. Untersuchungen iiber dieEntwickeluug der thierischen Gewebe. Senckenberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhand. IV., 1862-63, pp. 261-465. 36. Neue Beobachtungen zur Naturge- schiclite der einheimischcn Batrachier uud Bericht iiber das Brutjahr, 1862-63. Wiirzburg, Naturw. Zeitschr. IV., 1863, pp. 91-151. Eruch, Carl Fricdr. Zoologische Bemerkungen. Oken, Ibis, 1824, col. 674-684. 2. Ornithologische Bemerkungen. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 577-580. 3. Ornithologische Beitriige. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 718-734. 4. Bemerkunjrcm iiber einige Artkenn- zeichen der Vogel. Oken, Isis, XXIL. 1829, col. 629-632. 5. Ein Beitvag zur Beschreibung des Geyeradlers, Gypaetos barbatus. Oken, Isis, XXIV., 18al, col. 404-406. 6. Otis Houbara, Linn. Der Kragen- trappe. Oken, Isis, XXIV., 1831, col. 406-409. 7. Ornithologische Mittheilungen. Oken, Isis, 1832, col. 1105-1111. 8. Ueber Subspecies. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 209-210. 9. Eini";e Bemerkungen iiber Aufbliiheri und Verwolken, Entstehen und Verschwinden in der Natur. Oken, Isis, 1843, col. 424-428. Bruchj Phil. Monographische Uebersicht der Gattung Lai'us, Linn. Cabanis, Journ. Orni- thol. L, 1853, pp. 96-108. 2. Vermischtes iiber Vogel in der Umge- gend von Mainz. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IL, 1854. pp. 276-278. Brack, Phil. 3. Revision der Gattung Icarus, Linn. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. III., 1855, pp. 273-293; V., 1857, pp. 23-25. Bruchhausen, . Die periodische Bewegung des Meeres von Pol zu Pol, und einige Folger- ungen, welche sich daraus crgeben. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 16-35. Briick, A. Th. Ueber die Wiederholung ge- schlechtlicher Emotionen in dem Kopfe. Okeu, Isis, 1828, col. 845-852. 2. ' A-VvpcoTTOg. Aphorismen zur Andeu- tung des Polaritats-Gesetzes, welches sich zu- hochst im aufrechten Stande des Menschen ausspricht. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 351- 367. 3. Psychische Bildungs-Rtickschritte in Verbindung mit Skeletabnormitiiten. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1834, pp. 49-56. 4. Ueber Muskelcontracturen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1839, pp. 513-519, 534-540. 5. Driburgs neueste Analysen. Fragment aus einem demnachst erscheinenden Werke iiber das Bad Driburg. Hannb'versche Annalen, IV., 1844, pp. 3-12. 6. Das psychologische Augenmerk bei Verordnung und Leitung der Badecuren. Cas- per, Wochenschrift, 1847, pp. 403-408. 7. Physio - psychologische Bemerkungen. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1850, pp. 353-363, 374- 382, 395-398. Briick, Em. vom, und W. Mink. Reisen durch das siidliche Frankreich und die Pyrenaen. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XX., 1859, pp. 288-305, 341-354. Briicke, Ernst. Leber die stereoskopischen Er- scheinungen und WIIEATSTONE'S Angriff auf die Lehre von den identischen Stellen der Netz- hiiute. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 459-476. 2. Vorkommen der Llarnsiiure im Rindcr- harn. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, p. 91. 3. Ueber die Ursache der Todtenstarre. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 178-188. 4. Ueber den inneren Bau des Glaskorpers. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 345-348; 1845, pp. 130-131. 5. Beitriige zur Lehre von der Diffusion tropfbar fliissiger Korper durch poro'se Scheide- Aviinde. Poggend. Annal. LVI1L, 1843, pp. 77-94. 6. Ueber die physiologische Bedeutung der stabformigen Korper und der Zwillingszapfen in den Augen der Wirbelthiere. Miiller, Ar- chiv, 1844, pp. 444-451. 7. Ueber das Bluten des Rebstockes. P pp. 285-290; Quart. Journ. Sci. XII., 1822, pp. 177-178 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIII., 1821, pp. 308-310. 5. Delia storia naturalc generate sublime. Bibl. Ital. XCIV., 1839, pp. 377-395. 6. Ueber den Ursprung und die Entwick- elung der Botrytis bassiana und eine andere schmarotzende Art von Schimmel. Linnoea, XIII, 1839, pp. 118-123. 7. Confronto di varie galle di Cecidomie, e del vario modo di uscirnc di questi ed altri insetti. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 182-190; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. III., 1852, pp. 125-134. 8. Sui metodi piu acconci onde conseguire la distruzione della Falena processionale. Mi- lano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 109-110. BEU] 673 [BE0 Brugnatelli, Gaspare. 9. Nota sul Gymnaetron campanulas, Schon. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1851, pp. 133-135 ; II., 1852, pp. 133- 1,35. Brugnatelli, Liiiyi Valentino. Observations sur ie phosphore. Annal. do Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 57-77. 2. Sur la nomenclature chimique. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 216-218 ; XXVI., 1798, pp. 335-336. 3. Sur la rnanie ro de produire des fulmi- nations par le rnoycn du phosphore. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII./1798, pp. 72-88. 4. Sur les fulmiuations. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1798, pp. 331-332. 5. Sur la nature du ralcul de la vessie. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1798, pp. 52-58. 6. Chemical experiments respecting diffe- rent methods of rendering Paper and the writing on it indestructible by Fire. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. I., 1798, pp. 89-92, 173-180. 7. Sur 1'ammoniure de cobalt et sur 1'acide de ce metal. Anna!, de Chimie, XXXIII., 1 799, pp. 113-124; Journ. dePhys. L., 1800, pp. 233- 235 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 227- 232; Nicholson, Journal, IV., 1801, pp. 36-40. 8. Ueber die verschiedenen Zustiinde, in \velchen der Lichtstoff vorkommt. Gilbert, Annalen, IV., 1800, pp. 438-442. 9. Chemische Bemerkungen iiber die clec- trische Sa'ure (F ossielettrico). Gilbert, An- nalen, VIII., 1801, pp. 284-299. 1O. Reflexion sur les differences qui se trouvent entre I'oxygene et le thermoxygene. Journ. de Phys. LIIL, 1801, pp. 353-360. 11. Sur un precede facile pour obtenir de 1'acide phosphorique et sur une combinaison de la potasse noire avec le gaz nitreux. Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 100-101 ; Gilbert, Annalen, XVI., 1804, pp. 110-114; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1801, pp. 274-275. 12. Phenomenes obtenus avec la pile de VOLTA. Nauche, Journ. du Galvan. II.. 1803, pp. 55-60 ; Gilbert, Annalen, XVI.,' 1804, pp. 89-94. 13. Nicht-Existenz der so genannten La- dungsaule HITTER'S. Gilbert, Annalen, XIX., 1805, pp. 490-491. 14. DescrizJone di un grande lambrio eco- nomico per distillare 1' acquavite. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I. (pte. 2), 1806, pp. 217-222. 15. Osservazioni sull' identita di alcuni nuovi caratteri del carbonecon quelli de' metalli. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I. (pte. 2), 1806, pp. 291-300. 16. Cheraisch-galvanische Beobachtungen. Gehlen, Journ. I., J806, pp. 54-88; Gilbert, Annalen, XXIII., 1806, pp. 177-219 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 57-66, 130-142. Brugnatelli, Luigi Valentino. 17. Beobacht- ungen iiber einige besondere Eigenschaften der Kohle. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 553-563. 18. Nota sopra un' obbiezione fatta alia teoria tennossigena e alcune vegetazioni metal- liche ottenute col galvanismo. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 28-30. 19. Osservazioni sopra alcuni fenomeni galvanici. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 139-145 ; Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 1 16-124. 2O. Singolare degenerazione del eartone col galvanismo. Brugnatelli, Giornale, 1., 1808, p. 146. 21. Not a sopra la decomposizione degli alcali ottenuta dal Sig. DAVV. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 164-166. 22. Analisi chimiche fatte sopra diverse specie di calcoli. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 66-74. 23. Note sopra alcune nuove denomina- zioni chimiche introdotte del Sig. THOMSON. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 205-208. 24. Trasunto di osservazioni sopra il diverso calo a cui van no soggette alcune sorta di saler comune (ossimuriato di soda) detto di gabella. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 324-328. 25. Esame diuna sostanza cristallina ritro- vata nell olio di Trementina. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, p. 561. 26. Nota sullo stato del mercurio nell' unguento mercuriale, nel cinabro, e in diverse altre prepurazioni mercuriali. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 309-312. 27. Osservazioni sopra il Mammoth. Brug- natelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 472-476. 28. Analyse d'une concretion trouvee dans- les racines de Rhubarbe. Bull, de Pharm. IV. r 1812, pp. 543-544. 29. Extraction de sucre de la fecule de pomme de terre et particulierement de la gomme arabique. Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 430-431. 30. Methode nouvelle et economique de preparer 1'oxide rouge de mercure. Journ. de" Phys. LXXIV., 1812, pp. 461-462; Schweig- ger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 288-290. 31. Neues Verfahren, urn eine Verbindung von Jodin mit Quecksilber von einer scharlach- rothen Farbe zu erhalten. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 57-58. 32. Osservazioni sulla maniera di produrre^ freddo artificiale per mezzo di liquori spiritosi e neve. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 122- 129. 33. Sul carattere dell' arsenico d' imbian- care co' suoi vapori le lastre di rame comune con altri corpi. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, p. 32 ; Schweisrger, Journ. XII., 1814, pp. 198- 199 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLI1L, 1814, pp. 445- 446. 4 Q BHUJ 674 [BRU Brugnatelli, Luigi Valentino. 34. Descrizione di un nuovo apparechio per ottenere cou facilita ed economia 1'ossimuriatieo (acido muriatico) li- quido puro. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 138-140 ; Til'loch, Phil. Mag. XLIV., 1814, pp. 21-22 ; Schweigger, Jouru. XV., 1815, pp. 456-460. 35. Nota sul fosforismo di varj corpi e segnatamente degli animali vivi. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 238-240. 36. Mcmoria sulla cliemica costituzione del gas oliofacente e de' gas flogogeni carburati cavati da sostanze vegetabili e minerale, e dalle acque paludose ; contenente un nuovo apparec- chio per esaminarli. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 249-257. 37. Osservazioni sopra 1'ossiurato d'am- moniaca scoperto nella materia escrementizia della falena del baco da seta, e analisi del calci- naccio del medesirno insetto. Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, VIII., .1815, pp. 42-45 ; Annal. de Chimie, XCVL, 1815, pp. 55-58. 38. Nota sopra una combinazione naturale di olio di pesco e ossiprussico (ac. prussico st. fr.). Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 137- 138; Annal. de Chimie, XCVL, 1815, pp. 96- 98. 39. Osservazioni sopra la materia colorante de semi di Caffe e sopra il supposto principle amaro in essi contenuto. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1815, pp. 152-156; Chimie, XCV., 1815, pp. 299-306; Schweigger, Journ. XVIL, 1816, pp. 355-360. 40. Facile criterio per iscoprire la piu pic- cola quantita d'arsenico. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1815, p. 224. 41. Nuovo colore giallo igrometrico. Brug- natelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1815, p. 299. 42. Sur les alliages metalliques obtenus au moyen du Galvanisme. Journ. de Pharm. ILL, 1817, pp. 425-426. 43. Kreistafel der chemischen Aequiva- lente. Oken, Isis, L, 1817, col. 1361-1373. Erugnatelli, Luigi Valentino, e Configliachi. Sopra i conduttori elettrici applicati alia Pila Voltiana detti galvanici. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 147-163, 337-353; Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, pp. 319-359. Brugnolo, Giu. C. Sopra la piu recente opinione, clie la rabbia canina dipenda dall' estro venereo violentemente eccitato e deluso. Metaxa, Ann. Med. Chir. XIL, 1845, pp. 191-211; XIIL, 1846, pp. 3-13. Brugnone, C. Giovanni. Recherclies physiques sur la nature et sur les causes d'une epizootic parmi leschevaux. Turin, Mem. Acad. L, 1784- 85, pp. 34-50. Brugnone, C. Giovanni. 2. De testium in foctu positu de eorum in scrotum descensu ; de tunica- ruin, quibus hi continentur, numero et origine, dissertatio. Turin, Mem. Acad. IL, 1784-85, pp. 13-52. 3. Observations anatomiques sur les vesi- cules seminales tendantes a en confirmer 1'usage. Turin, Mem. Acad. III., 1786-87, pp. 609- 645. 4. Observations et experiences sur la qualite veneneuse do la Renoncule des Champs. Turin, Mem. Acad. IV., 1788-89, pp. 108-117. 5. DC ovariis eorumquo corpore luteo. Turin, Mem. Acad. IV., 1788-89, pp. 393-408. 6. Description d'un monstre humain. Turin, Mem. Acad. VL, 1792-1800, pp. 275- 288. 7. Observations anatomiques sur 1'origine de la membrane du tympan, et de celle de la caisse. [1801.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 1-10. 8. Observations myologiques. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 157-190. 9. Observations anatomico-physiologiques sur le labyrinthe de 1'oreille. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1805-8, pp. 167-176. 1O. Essai anatomique et physiologique sur la digestion dans le.s oiseaux. Turin. Mem. Acad. 1805-8, pp. 306-317. 11. Des animaux ruminans et de la rumi- nation. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809-10, pp. 1-56, 309-346. 12. Des calculs biliaircs des bocufs. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVL, 1813, pp. 222-223. Bruguiere, . Description inedite d'une nou- velle espece de Sisyrinchium. [1812.] Mont- pellier, Recueil des Bull. V., 1813, pp. 84-86. Bruhl, . Nachweis gegen HYKTL und STAN- NIUS. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL, 1854, pp. 318- 322. 2. Ueber das Vorkommen einer Estheria (Isauria, Jolt/), und des Branchipus ' torvicornis in Pest. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. X., 1860 (Abh.\ pp. 115-120. Bruhns, . Geognostische Mittheilungen iiber Wagrien und Fehmarn. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1846, pp. 251-257. 2. Uebcr das Vorkommen von Kreide im Hobbersdorfer Holze. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. L, 1849, pp. 111-114. Bruhns, Carl. Discovery of a new comet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, p. 277. 2. Elemente der Fort.una und Melpomene. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 281-282, 323- 324. 3. Elemente und Ephemeride der Massalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 283-284. 4. Elemente und Ephemeride der Thalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 397-398. BEU] [BEIT Brahns, Carl. 5. Elemente und Ephemeride der Lutetia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 97-98. 6. Fernere Nachricbten liber den neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 211-213. 7. Refractorbeobachtun gen auf der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 245-250. 8. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Epheme- ride des Cometen II., 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 297-298. 9. Elemente und Ephemeride der Themis. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 359-360. 1O. Elemente und Ephemeride der Phocasa und des Cometen III., 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 375-376 ; XXXVII., 1854, col. 85-88. 11. Beobachtungen, Elemente, nnd Ephe- meride des von Herrn KLIXKERFUES entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 389-392 ; XXXVIII., 1854, col. 349-352. 12. Beobachtungen der Cometen L, 1853, und II., 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVL, 1853, col. 389-390. 13. Beobachtungen der Calliope, Thalia, und Psyche. Astr. Nachr. XXX VIL, 1854, col. 47-50. 14. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 187-188, 193-194. 15. Elemente und Ephemeride der Calliope fur die nilchste Erscheinung 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 201-204. 16. Elemente und Ephemeride der Thalia fur die nachste Erscheinung 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII... 1854, col. 205-208. 17. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Ephe- meride des Cometen IV., 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII, 1854, col. 217-220, 259-262; XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 27-32 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 118, 128. 18. Beobachtungen der Themis, Proserpina, Phocsea, Thetis, und des Cometen III., 1853. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 221-224. 19. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bestim- mung einer Planetenbahn aus 3-vollstandigen Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 381-388. 2O. Beobachtungen der Euterpe auf der Berliner Sternwarte, nebst Elementen und Ephe- meride derselben. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIL, 1854, col. 387-390. 21. Beobachtung des Cometen L, 1854, Elemente und Ephemeride desselben, und Beobachtungen tier Astrsea. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 15-16; Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 70-72. Bruhns, Carl. 22. Beobachtungen der Irene, Fortuna, Massalia und letzten Cometen. Atr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 31-32. 23. Beobachtungen, Verbesserung der Ele- mente, und Ephemeride der Melpomene. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 67-72. 24r. Beobachtung der Lutetia und des Co- meten L, 1854, nebst Fortsetscung der Epheme- ride dieses Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 73-74. 25. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Ephe- meride der Bellona und des von Llerrn MAKTII in London entdeckten Plancten. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 153-156. 26. Beobachtung des jetzt sichtbaren Co- meten. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 175- 176. 27. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Co- meten II., 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 203-204. 28. Beobachtungen der Amphitrite, nebst Elementen und Ephemeride derselben, und Beo- bachtung der Thalia. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 205-206. 29. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Ephe- meride der Bellona, und Beobachtungen des Co- meten II., 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 217-220. 30. Beobachtungen der Melpomene, For- tuna, Massalia, Lutetia, Calliope, Hygiea, Euno<- mia, und Euterpe, sowie des Cometen L. 1854, am Refractor der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 219-224, 267- 270. 31. Beobachtungen der Themis, Elemente und Ephemeride der Bellona. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 351-352. 32. Elements of comet II., 1855. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 231. 33. Elements of Pomona. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 71. 34. Beobachtungen des neuen von Herrn HIND am 22 Juli entdeckten Planeten, des Co- meten II. 1854, der Euterpe, Bellona, Ampin- trite, Hebe, Parthenope, und Thalia am Refractor der Berliner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX.,. 1855, col. 61-64, 73-78. 35. Entdeckung und Beobachtungen eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 95-96, 109-112, 143-144, 157-158. 36. Beobachtungen der Planeten Pomona @ und Polyhymnia fss). Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 175-176, 176-180, 207-208. 281-282. 37. Verbesserung der Elemente der Irene und Calliope. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 281-288. 38. Entdeckung eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 351-352, 361-364 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVL, 1855-56, p. 23. 4 Q 2 BRU] 676 [BRU Brohns, Carl. 39. Verbesserung der Elemente der Melpomene und Bellona, nebst Ephemeriden fiir die michsten Erscheinungen. Astr. Nachr. XL., 18,55, col. 201-216. 4O. Beobachtungen am Meridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte (Comet IIP., 18-54, und Urania). Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 215-216. , 41. Entdeckung eines neuen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 327-328. , 42. Beobachtungen, Elemente, und Ephe- meride der Leukothe.i. Astr. Nachr. XLI., 1855. col. 13-14. , 43. Fernere Beobachtungen des Cometen I., 1855. Astr. Nachr. XLI., 1855, col. 109-112. , 44. Elemente und Ephemeride des Come- ten II., 1855. Astr. Nachr. XLI., 1855, col. 119-120. 45. Entdeckung eines Planeten [Atalanta]. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 107-112 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, p. 45. . 46. Verbesserung der Elemente der Irene. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 141-144 ; XLV., 1857, col. 45-48. 47. Ileobachtung der Bellona. Astr. Nachr. XL IV., 1856, col. 235-240. i 48. Elements of comet IV., 1857. Astron. Soc. Monti). Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 265-266. 49. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 285-288. . 5O. Planeten-Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 313-318. 51. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Brorsen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 327-332. i 52. Verbesserte Elemente des periodischen Cometen II., 1857. Astr. Nachr. XLVI., 1857, col. 187-192. - 53. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 27-28, 43-46. 54. Beobachtungen der Planeten @) und @. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 145-148. 55. Entdeckung eines Planeten (so;. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 171-172, 189-190. < 56. Elemente und Ephemeride der Planeten und @. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 201- 204. < 57. Ephemeride fiir Agla'ia. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 317-318. > 58. Neue Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen I., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLVIL, 1858, col. 345-350,351-352 ; XLVIIL, 1858, col. 21- 24, 221-222. 59. Beobachtungen, Elemente und Ephe- meride der Europa (gj. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 57-58, 221-222. GO. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 239-240, 285-238. 61. Klemente des Cometen V., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 333-334. Bruhns, Carl. 62. Ephemeris of FAYE'S comet and investigations concerning the Comet I., 1858. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 169-174. 63. Com etc period ique de BRORSEN. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV11., 1858, pp. 29-30. 64. Lcttre touchant diverses co metes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL. 1858, pp. 64- 68. 65. Das Resultat der telegraphischen Llin- genbestiminungen zwischen Berlin und Konigs- berg und Berlin und Briissel, nebst einer histori- scher Notix liber geographische Liingenbestim- mungcn im Allgemeinen. Zeitschr. Allg. Erd- kunde, V., 1858, pp. 1-8 ; Heis, Wochenschrifr, I., 1858, pp. 409-413. 66. Vorlaufige Untersuchungen iiber den periodischen Cometen I., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 33-40. 67. Neue Elemente nnd Ephemeride des Cometen V., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 18,39, col. 59-60, 135-138. 68. Auffindung des Faye'schen Comcteu. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 107-112. 69. Beobachtungen des Planeten @ und des Cometen VIIL, 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 187-188. 7O. Entdeckung eines Cometen. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 221-224, 331-334. 71. Hiilfstafeln fiir die Berechnung der specielien Storungen. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 289-294. 72. Comcten-Bcobachtungen auf der Ber- liner Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 65-70. 73. Bemerkungen iiber die Erscheinung des Cometen V., 1858. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 69-74. 74. Elemente der Alexandra. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 361-362. 75. Beobachtungen von FATE'S Comet im Jahre 1858, uebst Untersuchungen iiber die Balm dieses Cometen. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 81- 92. 76. Elemente und Ephemeride der Con- cordia. Astr. Nachr. LIIL, 1860, col. 125- 128. 77. Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfin- stern iss in Spanien am 18 Juli 1860. Astr. Nachr. LIV., i860, col. 304-318 ; Leipzig, Berichte, XII., 1860, pp. 214-232. 78. Beobachtung des Merkurdurchganges [am 11 Nov. 1861]. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 345-346. 79. Beobachtuneen des neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 9-12, 29-32, 131- 132, 239-240. 80. Beobachtungen, Elemente und Ephe- meride der Cometen I., 1863 und III., 1862. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 59-60. BRU] 677 [BRU Bruins,, Carl. 81. Beobachtungen von Cometen imd Planeten auf der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. LX., 1863, col. 83-94. Brtihns, E. Mittheilungen iiber die Entstromung von Kohlensliure an verschiedenen Ort-en in der Umgebung von Eutin. Kiel, Mittheil. Ver. Elbe. I, 1857, pp. 16-22. 2. Zweiter Bericht iiber das Ausstriimen des Gases in der Holzkoppel des Hufners Schnaner zu Gothendorf. Kiel, Mittheil. Ver. Elbe, V., 1861 ^62, pp. 67-73. Bruinsma, J. J. Buitengewone afwijkingen, waargenomen bij de gedaanteverwisseling des Zijdeworms (Bombyx mori). Hoeven en Vriese, Tijdschrifr, VII., 1840, pp. 257-270. Bruinsma, J. /., en Bloembergen. Geregte- lijk-scheikundig onderzoek eerier arsenik-vergif- tiging. Haaxman, Tijdschrift, V., 1853, pp. 65- 121. Brukner, . Ein Beitrag zur Geschiclite der Pcrlenfischerei im Queisse bei Marklissa. N. Lausiz. Monatschr. 1800 (Hft. 2.), pp. 253-267. Brulatour, . . Sur des dragonneaux observes a Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Journ. Med. Prat. IV., 1830, pp. 59-64. Brull, A. Comparaison des proprietes resistantes du f'er et de 1'acier. Paris, Soe. Ing. Giv. Mem. 1863, pp. 70-90. 2. tude sur la fonte malleable. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1863, pp. 403-429. Brull ct Ermel. Analyse du memoire de M. CAIIVALLO sur 1'injecteur GIFFARD. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. I860, pp. 187-214. Brulle, Augustc. Coup d'oeil sur PEntomologie de la Moree. Ann. 8ci. Nat. XXIII, 1831, pp. 244-267. 2. Memoire sur un genre nouveau de Dip- teres de la famille des Tipulaires. Paris, Ann. Soc. Eutom. I., 1832, pp. 205-209. 3. Sur les transformations du Cladius difformis, hymeuoptere de la famille des Ten- thredines. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1832, pp. 308-311. 4. Resume des travaux de la Societe Ento- mologique de France pendant 1'annee 1832. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 321- 5. Observations sur la bouche des Libellu- lines. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 343-351. 6. Note sur le genre Xiphura forme aux depens de celui de Ctenopliora de MEIGEN. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 398-402. 7. Sur un insecte hymenoptere parasite et voisin du genre Alyson. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 403-410. 8. Observations critiques sur la synonymic des Carabiques. Silbermann, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 89-114; III.. 1835, pp. 271-303. Brulle, Augustc. 9. Examen des genres Brachi- nus et Ditomus, de la tribu des Carabiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 621- 629; V., 1836, pp. 691-703. 1O. Observations sur 1'absence des tarses dans quelques Iiisectes. Ann. Sci Nat. VIII. (Zool.), 1837, pp. 246-249; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1837. pp. 144-146 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, V., 1838, col. 326. Sur les tarses des Lamellicornes copro- Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1838, 11. phages. p. xix. 12. Idees nouvelles sur la classification des Insectes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, p. 1069. 13. Considerations sur la classification des animaux en series paralleles. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Zool.), 1842, pp. 257-268 ; XVIII., 1842, pp. 50-58, 298-309. 14. Recherches sur les transformations des appendices dans les Articules. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool.), 1844, pp. 271-374 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 655-658; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 309-312 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1844, pp. 484-486. 15. Recherches sur la coloration des os dans les animaux mis au regime de ia garauce. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 818-822 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXII., 1844, col. 293-297. 16. Recherches sur le mode de developpe- ment du cement, ou de la substance corticale des denies. Dijon, Acad. Mem. I., 1851, pp. 37-46. 17. Quelques observations concernant les Polypes d'eau douce. Dijon, Acad. Mem. I., 1851, pp. 47-56. 18. Note pour scrvir a 1'histoire de la decouverte de la circulation du sang. Dijon, Acad. Mem. III., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 79-83. 19. Etudes zoologiques sur la famille des Ichneumonides. Dijon, Acad. Mem. V., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 171-176, 259-266. 2O. Observations sur les Ligules. Dijon, Acad. Mem. IX., 1861 (pte. 2), pp. 1-14. 21. Le Gorille des naturalistes et le Gorille des archeologues. Dijon, Acad. Mem. IX., 1861 (pte. 2), pp. 21-32. Brulle, Auguste, et Audouin. Description des especes nouvelles ou pen connues de la famille des Cicindeletes. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Archiv. I., 1839, pp. 115-142. Brulle, Augustc, et Belaporte. Notice sur un nouveau genre de la famille des Charancons [Gasterocercus] de la division des Cryptoryn- chides. Paris, Mem. Soe. Hist. Nat. IV., 1828, pp. 197-203 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII, 1829, pp. 314-316. 2. Monographic du genre Diaperis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIII, 1831, pp. 325-410. BEU] 678 [BRU Brulle, Augusts, et Hugueny. Experiences sur le developpement dcs os dans les Mammiferes et les Oiscaux, faites au moyen de 1'alimentation de la Garance. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Zool.), 1845, pp. 283-358; Paris, Coraptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1061-1065 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1846, col. 55-58. Brulle, Auguste, et Le Peletier de Saint- Fargeau. Monographic du genre Crabro, de la famille des Hymenopteres fouissenrs. Paris. Ann. Soc. Entom. Ill, 1834, pp. 683-810. Brulley, . Memoire sur la culture du Cafe- yer, et la preparation de sa graine, nominee Cafe. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 77-85. 2. Extrait d'un memoire sur la culture de 1'Indigotier et la preparation de 1'Indigo. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 191-194. 3. Extrait d'un memoire sur le Cotonnier et la preparation du Coton. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. L, 1801, pp. 262-266. 4. Memoire historique sur la culture du Nopal et L'education de la Coclienille. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. II., 1801, pp. 34-48. Brumhard, . Zur Klimatologie des Vogels- bergs. Giessen, Oberhess. Gesell. Ber. V., 1855, pp. 1-11. Brumund, J. F. G. Fragment mijner Heize door de Molukko's. Batavia, Tijdschr. V., 1856, pp. 323-396. Bran, T. Formation soudaine d'une ile nouvelle sur les cotes de 1'Italie, a la suite d'eruptions volcaniques. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVI., 1831, pp. 87-95, 185-188. Brun-B.ollett, . Extrait de la relation d'une voyage au Nil Blanc. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. VIII., 1854, pp. 373-397. 2. Note sur 1'etat present du Sennar. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. IX., 1855, pp. 362- 371. Brun-Kollett et Negri. Excursion dans la region superieure du Nil. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. IV., 1852, pp. 397-421. Brunacci, Vinccnzio. Memoria sail' uso" della variazione delle costanti nell' integrazione delle equazioni a coefficient! variabili. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1804-5 (pte. 2), pp. 3-28. 2. Sopra i principj e le applicazioni del calcolo difterenziale ed integrate. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I., 1806 (pte. 2), pp. 79- 124. 3. Sopra i criterj che distinguono i mas- simi dai minimi delle formole integrali. [1805.] Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I., 1806 (pte. 2). pp. 191-202 ; II., 1810 (pte. 2), pp. 121-170. 4. Sopra un nuovo istrumento, il galleggi- ante composto, per misurare le velocitu delle acque correnti al di sotto superficie. [1805.] Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I., 1806 (pte. 2), pp. 285-290. Brunacci, Vinccnzio. 5. Discorsi accademici di Meccanica animale. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 73-97. 6. Sopra le soluzioni particolari delle equazioni alle differenze. [1808.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 175-196. 7. Esperienze Iclrauliche. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 157-164. 8. Tentativi fatti per un nuovo projetto di aumentare la portata dei mortaj da Bomba. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 271-274. 9. Sull' effetto delle ali nelle freccie. Brugnatelli. Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 423-433. 1O. Sopra 1' urto e la percossa dei fluidi. [1812.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVI., 1813, pp. 172-180. 11. Discorso Accademico snl retrocedi- mento che lo scappare dei fluidi produce nei vasi che gli contengono. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 89-99. 12. Sull' urto dei fluidi. [1814.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVII., 1815, pp. 79-103. 13. Sulla dottrina dell' attrazione capillarc del Sig. LAPLACE. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 7-20, 127-134, 163-173, 241-249, 343-351. 14. Eagionamento fisico-meccanico su i ballerini di corda mollc. Bruguatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 409-416. 15. Sul computo delle macchine idrau- liche. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Vcneto, III., 1816-17, pp. 285-334. 16. Sulla reazione o spinta indietro dell' acqua che esce dai fori dei vasi. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, III. 1816-17, pp. 257-284. 17. Nozioni sulla forza degli animali. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 206-211; Gilbert, Annalen, LXL, 1819, pp. 415-420. 18. Nuove sperienze sulla misura della percossa dell' acqua sull' acqua. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 339-347. 19. Sopra gli equilibri. Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, L, 1818, pp. 134-138. 20. Sulla comunicazione dei fluidi. Brug- natelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 275-278. Bruncrona, N. Anmiirkningar och uppgifter rorande Vattenminskningen vid Sveriges kuster. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1823, pp. 21-30; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. IL, 1824, pp. 133- 136 ; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 308-328, 443-446;' Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 74-77. Brune, . Grosstes Quadrat im Dreiecke. Crelle, Journ. XV., 1836, pp. 365-366. 2. Eine Eigenschaft des Vierecks. Crelle. Journ. XXII., 1841, p. 379. Brunei, Alfred. Economy of fuel for steam machinery. Canadian Journ. L. 1856, pp. 336- 344. 679 [BRU Brunei, M. J. Description of a new plan of Tunnelling, calculated for opening a, roadway under the Thames. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, pp. 139-142; Edinb. Phil. Journ. X., 1824, pp. 276-279; Rouen, Acacl. Travaux, 1830, pp. 5-10. Brunel-Barennes, de. Holometer, oder neues sehr genaues Instrument, um Zeich- nungen in der Geometric, so wie alle Zeich- nungen nach der Perspectiv-Kunst zu er- leichtern. (Trausl.) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXIV., 1829, pp. 325-339. Eruner, Karl. Communications respecting Scandinavia. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 297-307., . La decouverte d'os d'Elephant, d'reufs de Tortue, a Layrac pres d'Agen, et celle d'une composition analogue au bitume des peintres ; idees sur 1'origine de petrole, bitume, etc. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1838, p. 252. Erunfault, . Intorno all' estraziono dello zucchero delle barbabietole. Giorn. Arcad. XXX., 1826, pp. 136-146, 282-292. Bruni, Girolamo. Sulla potatura de' Gelsi. Milano, Atti Soc. Patr. II., 1789, pp. 13-43. Briining, Adolf. Formylacibijodid, ct nyt De- compositionsproduct af Jodofbrm med kali. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. VII., 1856, pp. 274- 275 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 187-191 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIIL, 1858, p. 398. 2. Om Indvirkningen af Qvailstofoxyd paa vandfri Svovlsyre. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. VIL, 1856, p. 275 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 377-383. 3. Ueber die Milchsiiure und einige ihrer Sake. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 191-198. 4. Notiz liber die Einwirkung von Alka- lien auf Schwefelcyamithyl. Liebig, Aunal. CIV., 1857, pp. 198-200. 5. Notiz iiber die Darstellung des Tetra- iithylharnstoffs. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 200-202. 6. Ueber die Nelkensaure und das Cam- phen des Nelkenols. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 202-205. Brunings, C. L. Ueber die Fehler in der Stell- ung eines Mittagsfernrohrs und Berichtigung der beobachteten Durchgange. [1798.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1801, pp. 201-209. 2. Proeve eener nieuwe Theorie nopens de Uitwesking der Staande Schepradmolens. Rotterdam, N." Verhand. II., 1801, pp. 1-68. 3. Verhandeling over de vierdeelige Mo- lenassen. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. II., 1801, pp. 69-82. 4. Over de zijdelingsche Drukking der aarde, en de hier naar te regelen afmetingen der Muuren. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. III., 1803, pp. 26-132. Briinings, C. L, 5. Bijvoegzel tot de proeve cener nieuwe theorie nopens de uitwerking der staande Schepradmolens. Rotterdam, N. Ver- hand. III., 1803, pp. 133-160. 6. Nopens den oppervlakkigen Stand der Rivieren in het algcmeen. Amsterdam, Ver- hand. L, 1812, pp. 97-122. ' 7. Over de verspreiding van den Vloed uit Zee opwaarts langs de onderscheiden Rivieren en Rivier-Takken. Amsterdam, Verhand. L, 1812, pp. 167-176. 8. Over de ondcrlinge gemeenschap der rivieren de Merwede en Lek. Amsterdam, Verhand. II., 1816, pp. 20-26. 9. Vertoog nopens de ijswording en het ontdooijen van het gevormde ijs, naarmate van de temperatuur, weelke door den thermometer aangewezen wordt. Amsterdam, Verhand. II., 1816, pp. 27-32, 33-37. 1O. lets over de verschillende mate van digtheid der ijstoppingen op de Rivieren. Am- sterdam, Verhand. II., 1816, pp. 189-196. 11. Onderscheidene Theorien omtrent het vermogen der Waterleidingen, getoetst aan de ondervinding. Amsterdam, Verhand. IV., 1818, pp. 39-64. 12. Onderzoek nopens zeker vraagstuk uifc de evenwi^tkunde. Utrecht, Verhand. Prov. Genoots. X., 1821. B runner, Nachricht von einer merkwiir- digen Missbildung der Urinwege eines Knaben. Voigt, Magazin, XI., 1 806, pp. 535-536. 2. Einig-e Worte iiber die Seekrankheit aus Selbsterfahrung. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 175-191. Brunner, Carl. Versuche iiber die Bereitung des Kaiium und Natrium. Schweigger, Journ. XXXVIII. (= Jahrb. VIII.), 1823, pp. 517- 523; Quart. Journ. Sci. XV., 1823, pp. 379- 380; Sillimau, Journ. VIII., 1824, pp. 372- 373. 2. Ueber das alte Rubinglas. Meisner, Annal. I., 1824, pp. 190-194. 3. Chemische Zerlegung des Wassers von Weissenburg. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 33-57. 4. Ueber das Geblase mit verdichtetem Knallgas. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 129- 151. 5. Neue Einrichtung des Volta'schen Eu- diometers. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 152- 154. 6. Sur 1'analyse des eaux thermales de Loesche en Valais. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1827, pp. 71-78. 7. Ueber einige Verbindungen des Kupfer- oxyds mit der Schwefelsiiure. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 476-479. BRU] 680 [BRU Brunner, Carl. 8. Ueber die Bereitung des Zinnobers aufnassem Wegc. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 593-604. 9. Ueber die Bereitung des Kohlenschwefels. Poggend. Annul. XVII., 1829. pp. 484-486. 10. Ueber die Bestimmung des Wasserge- halts der Attnosphiire. Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 274-281. 11. Besehreibung ciner Methode, die Menge der in der Atmosphare enthaltcnen Kohlensiiure zu bestimmen. Poggend. Annal. XXIV., 1832, pp. 569-575 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 350-354; Bibl. Univ. XLIX., 1832, pp. 271-284 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1833, pp. 380-387. 12. Beitrag zur chemischen Zerlegung der organischen Korper in ihre Grnndbestandtheile. Poggend. Annal. XXVI., 1832, pp. 497-516; Bibl. Univ. XV., 1838, pp. 356-368 ; XIX., 1839, pp. 405-410 ; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XL, 1839, pp. 203-239. 13. Beitrag zur Eudiometrie. Poggend. Annal. XXVIL, 1833, pp. 1-4; XXXI., 1834, pp. 1-16 ; Bibl. Univ. LI., 1832, pp. 348-350. 14. Bericht der balneographischen Com- mission an die Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellrfchaft liber die vom August 1832 bis Julius 1833 von ihr veranstalteten Untersuch- ungen und erhaltenen Mittheilungen. Atti Soc. Elvetic. 1833, pp. 69-79. 15. Ueber die Darstellung des Selens. Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 19-23. 16. Wiederholte Untersuehung einigcr Kupfersalze. Poggend. Annal. XXXII., 1834, pp. 221-224. 17. Besehreibung eines Barometers. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 30-40. 18. Versuche iiber Starkernehl und Stiirke- mehlzucker. Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 319-334 ; Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 303-321. 19. Notiz iiber einen Apparat zur Darstel- lung der PhosphorsJiure aus Phosphor. Liebig, Annal. XVII 1 , 1836, pp. 234-235 ; Bibl. Univ. II., 1836, pp. 177-178. 20. Besehreibung eines Apparats zur Hervorbringang eines Luftzugs. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIII., 1836, pp. 264-276 ; Liebig, Annal. XXL, 1837, pp. 298-311. 21. Ueber das iS'eapehjelb. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 196-201. 22. Beitriige zur chemischen Analyse. Poggend. Annal. XLIV., 1838, pp. 134-154. 23. Analyse d'une source salee trouvee a Wildegg, canton d'Argovie. Bibl. Univ. XXIII., 1839, pp. 178-182. 24. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Stiirke- zuckers. Liebig, Annal. XXXI., 1839, pp. 195- 196 ; Bibl. Univ. XX., 139, pp. 190-191. Brunner, Carl. 25. De calore animali. Pom- mer, Zeitschr. V., 1840, pp. 289-290. 26. Description dc quelques precedes pour 1'analyse de 1'atmosphere. Annal. de Clamie, III., 1841, pp. 305-318; Bibl. Univ. XXXV., 1841, pp. 176-188. 27. Darstellung von Silber-Blech auf gal- vanischen Wege. Bern, Mittheil. I., 1843, p. 7. 28. Ueber die Analyse von Schiesspulvcr und andern Schwefelverbiudungen. Bern, Mil- theil. 1843, pp. 50-52. 29. Ueber die kunstlichen Verbindungen des Kupferoxydes mit der Kohlensiiure. Bern, Mittheil. 1844, pp. 9-15: Bibl. Univ. L., 1844, pp. 180-185. 3O. Ueber das durch Schwefelwasserstoff gefallte Schwefelkupfer. Bern, Mittheil. 1844, pp. 15-16. 31. Ueber naturliches und kiinstliches Ultramarin. Schweizer. Geseli. N. Denkschr. VII., 1845 ; Bern, Mittheil. 1845, pp. 25-28 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVIIL, 1846, pp. 124-128 ; Poggend. Annal. LXV1L, 1846, pp. 541-561. 32. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Kohlensiiure in ihrcn Salzverbindungen. Bern, Mittheil. 1846, pp. 129-130; Poggend. Annal. LXVIIL, 1846, pp. 272-273. 33. Chemiriche Mittheilungen. Bern, Mit- theil. 1847, pp. 89-93. 34. Beitrag zur Eudiometrie. Bern, Mit- theil. 1847, pp. 120-123; 18,51, pp. 62-64; Poggend. Annal. (Erganzuncjsbaiuf), 1848, pp. 509-512. 35. Ueber das gediegene Gold von S. Fran- cisco in Californien. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 93-94. 36. Ueber quantitative Bestimmung des Goldes bei Analyse von Legierungen dieses Metalles. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 94-96. 37. Beitriige zur Analyse einiger Metall- legierungen. Bern, Mittheil. 1851, pp. 1-15; Poggend. Annal. 1853 (Ergdnz.), pp. 289-299. 38, Ueber die Hebungsverhiiltnisse der Schweizer Alpen. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeit- schr. III., 1851, pp. 554-562 ; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, XX1L, 1852, pp. 5-15. 39. Darstellung von reinem Silber aus Chlorsilber. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 1-2; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIV., 1852, pp. 292-293 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXV., 1852, pp. 462-464. 4O. Ueber Fiillung von metallischem Ivup- fer und Bereitung von Kupferoxyd. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 2-4. 41. Ueber Trennung von Kupfer und Zink bei Analysen. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. Ill- 115. BRU] 681 [BRU Brunner, Carl. 42. Ueber die Bestimmung von Gasmengen. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 224-242. 43. Ueber Reinigung des Leuchtgases. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, p. 242. 44. Untersuchung eines vulkanischen Pro- duktes. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 244-245. 45. Ueber die Analyse der atmosphari- schen Luft. Bern, Mittheil. 1853, pp. 249-262. 46. Ueber die Bereitung der rauchenden Salpetersiiure. Bern. Mittheil. 1853, pp. 242- 264. 47. Untersuchung des sogenannten Wiener- kalkes. Bern, Mittheil. 1853, pp. 264-266. 48. Ueber eine genaue Methode, Gasvo- lumina zu messen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 37-40; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXII., 1853, pp. 5-21. 49. Ueber ein Mittel, auf chemischem Wege einen luftleeren Raum zu erzeugen. Bern, Mittheil. 1854, pp. 1-9; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 523-530. SO. Ueber quantitative Bestimmung der Schwefelsaure. [1854.] Bern, Mittheil. 1855, pp. 17-24. 51. Ueber eine neue Bestimmungsmethode des Kohlenstoffes. Poggend. Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 379-396 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVII., 1856, pp. 11-14; Journ. de Fharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 60-62. 52. Ueber Darstellung des Aluminiums. Bern, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 49-56; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXL., 1856, pp. 357-361 ; Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 488-494 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 78-80. 53. Ueber Darstellung und Eigenschaften des Mangans. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 72-81 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXL1V., 1857, pp. 184-189; CXLVI., 1857, pp. 44-47; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 77-79 ; Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 264-271 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL1V., 1857, pp. 630-634. 54. Chemische Mittheilungen; Priifung der Milch. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 128-133 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CL., 1858, pp. 369- 379. 55. Verfahren die fetten Oele zu entfarben. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 134-135. 56.' Neuere Beobachtungen iiber die Dar- stellung des Mangans. Bern, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 135-138 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLVIL, 1858, pp. 122-124 ; Poggend. Annal. CIII., 1858, pp. 139-142. 57. Ueber reducirtes Mangan, Nickel, Kobalt, Chrom, u. a. Liebig, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 326-333. 58. Noch ein Wort iiber Milchpriifung. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 17-23. 59. Trennung von Zink und Nickel. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 73-76. Brunner, Carl. 60. Einwirkung von Arnmo- niakniissigkeit auf Schwefel. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 76-77. 61. Bereitung des molybdiinsauren Ammo- niaks. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 78-79. 62. Bestimmung der Niederschlage bei Analysen. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 79-82 ; Poggend. Annal. CVL, 1859, pp. 638-641. 63. Bereitung von kohlen.saurem Baryt. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 82-83. 64. Bereitung von Platinschwarz. Bern, Mittheil. 1858. pp. 83-85. 65. Bestimmung des Kohlengehaltes der Kalksteine. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 85-87. 66. Reinigen von Glasern und Schaalen und der Malerpinsel von eingetrockneten Oelfar- ben. Bern, Mittheil. 1858, pp. 87-88. 67. Leichte Bereitungsart von vollkommen reinem Platinmohr. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, p. 496 ; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, p. 253. 68. Chemische Beobachtungen. Bern, Mit- theil. 1860, pp. 163-168 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLIX., 1861, pp. 355-359. Brunner, Carl, et Fischer-Poster. Recherches sur la temperature du lac de Thoune. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XII., 1849, pp. 255-267; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XII., 1849, pp. 20-39: Ann. Meteor, de France, 1850, pp. 268-274. Brunner, Carl, und G. Valentin. Ueber das Verhiiltniss der bei dem Athmen des Menscheu nusgeschiedenen Kohlensiiure zu dem durch jenen Process aufgenommenen Sauerstoffe. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, II., 1843, pp. 373-417. Brunner von Wattenwyll, Carl. Dichtigkeit des Eises bei verschiedenen Temperaturen. Berlin, Bericht, 1845, pp. 28-30; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1845, pp. 369-378; Bibl. Univ. LVL, 1845, pp. 145-156 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 254-256 ; Poggend. Annal. LXIV., 1845, pp. 113-124; Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, p. 117. 2. Veranderung der Cohasion der Fliissig- keiten durch die Warme. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 181-185. 3. Ueber den Einfluss des Magneten auf thierische Korper. Bern, Mittheil. 1847, pp. 81- 83. 4. Bericht iiber neue Untersuchungen der Cohasion der Fliissi^keiten. Bern, Mittheil. 1847, pp. 145-160 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1847, pp. 121-147; Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 481-529; Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. X., 1849. 5. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der schweizer- ischen Nummuliten- und Flysch- Formation. Bern, Mittheil. 1848, pp. 9-22. 6. Diamagnetismus des Eises. Bern, Mittheil. 1848, pp. 45-46 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 173-174. 4 K BRU] 682 [BRU Brunner von Wattenwyll, Carl 7. Ueber die Wirkung, welche \ erschiedene Substanzen durch Beriibrung auf nervenkranke Personen ausiiben. Hern, Mittheil. 1848, pp. 56-93 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, X., 1849, pp. 5-30. 8. Sur une observation d'eclairs sans ton- nerre. Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1848, pp. 295- 297. 9. Bemerkungen zu den meteorologischen Beobachtungen des Herrn von ERLACH. Bern, MitTtheil. 1848, pp. 254-261. 10. Ueber den landwirthschaftlichen Werth von Mergeln, welche in der Nahe des grossen Mooses gefunden wurden. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 113-122. 11. Ueber den Einfluss des Magnetismus auf die Cohesion der Fliissigkeiten. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 106-109; Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 141-144. 12. Ueber ein Kalklager im Torf bei Kirchdorf im Kanton Bern. Bern, Mittheil. 1849, pp. 1 22-124. 13. Thatsachen zur Beurtheilung des ge- farbten Schnees, welcher im Februar 1850 in unseren Alpen sichtbar war. Bern, Mittheil. 1850, pp. 186-208. 14. Aphoristische Bemerkungen iiber die Productionskraft der Natur. Bern, Mittheil. III., 1850, pp. 207-208. 15. Ueber die wichtigste Arbeit, welche wir in der Geologic der Alpen besitzen. Bern, Mittheil. 1852, pp. 25-37. 16. Beitrag zur Elementaranalyse der organischen Substanzen. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. XII, 1852. 17. Apergu geologique des environs du lac de Lugano. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. XIL, 1852. 18. Note sur un nouveau parafoudre tele- graphique. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1853, pp. 124-128. 19. Ueber das Taschenbarometer. Pog- gend. Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 585-591. 20. Zvveijahrige Beobachtungen iiber die */ n t_J j Temperatur des Wassers von Ziehbrunnen. Bern, Mittheil. 1856, pp. 32-37. 21. Darstellung und Benutzung eines luft- verdiinnten Raumes. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIIL, 1860, pp. 321-326. 22. Orthopterologische Studien. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Verhandl. XL, 1861 (Abk.), pp. 221-228. 23. Disquisitiones orthopterologicae. Dis- sertatio II. Nonnulla orthoptera Europaea nova vel minus cognita. Wien, Zool. Bot. Ver. Ver- handl. XL, 1861 (Abh.), pp. 285-310. 24. Ueber die von der k. k. Fregatte " No- vara" mitgebrachten Orthopteren. Wien, Zool. Bot. Vor.Verhnndl.XIL, 1862(^4M.),pp. 87-96. Brunner, C/t. Sur les bourgeons et 1'inflorescence du Tilleul. Avec observations de M. Alph. DE- CANDOLLE. Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 319-326; VIII. (Bot.), 1847, pp. 356-369 ; Bibl. Univ Archives, I., 1846, pp., 181-187. Brunner, F. Gaea und Flora der Quellenbezirke der Douau und Wutach. Mit meteorologischen und klimatologischen Notizen iiber das Centrum dieser Gebiete von C. GEBHARD. Freiburg, Beitriige, I. (Heft 2), 1851, pp. 1-117. Brunner, G. Ueber die Spannung des ruhenden Blutes im lebenden Thier. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1854, pp. 336-352. Brunner, Josef. De un sistema nuevo de Mine- ralogia. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VIL, 1 804, pp. 220- 322. Bruuner, Samuel. Besteigung des Pilatus am 22 Julii 1824. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 108-118. 2. Ueber das Vorkommen des Dattelbaumes in Italien'. Meisner, Annal. II., 1824, pp. 192- 198. 3. Ausflug von Rom nach Ostia, im Jabr 1823. Flora, VIII. , 1825, pp. 465-476, 481- 492. 4. Die botanischen Garten Italiens. Flora, VIIL, 1825, pp. 677, 721-736 ; X., 1827, pp. 385-400, 577-592; XL, 1828, pp. 161-176. 5. Ueber die Vegetation des Festlandes von Italien. Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 625-638, 641-656. 6. Aus dem Tagebuche meiner Reise indie Provence. Flora, XV., 1832, pp. 257-270. 7. Ueber die Folliculi Pistacia?. Linnaea, X., 1836, p. 442. 8. Ganz anspruchsloser Versuch, das Links- und Rechtswinden der rankenden Pflanzen zu erklaren. Flora, XX., 1837, pp. 641-647. 9. Ausflug ins Zermatt-Thal im Julius 1836. Flora, XX., 1837, pp. 145-160, 161-172. 10. EinigesiibergeographischeVerbreitung der europiiischen Euphorbien. Flora, XXL, 1838, pp. 65-79, 81-94, 96-108, 113-124. 11. Botanische Ergebnisse eiuer Reise nach Senegambien und den Inseln des griinen Vorgebirges. Flora, XXIIL, 1840 (Beibl.), pp. 1-96. 12. Die Garten von Genua und Neapel im Jahre 1841. Flora, XXV., 1842, pp. 149-156. 13. Einiges iiber den Stein -Locherpilz (Polyborus tuberaster, Jacq. et Fries), und die Pietra fungaja der Italianer. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. VIL, 1845. Brunner, Thomas. Journal of an expedition to explore the interior of the Middle Island of New Zealand. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 344-378. Briinnow, F. Comet von BUORSEN, elliptische Elemente. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 65- 66. BRU] 683 [BRU Briinnow, F. 2. Comet von De Vico, 1844. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 165-180; Am- sterdam, Verhand. I., 1849, pp. 13-60. 3. Cometenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 321-322. 4. [Elemente und Ephemeride der Flora.] Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 75-78, 129- 138, 325-332 ; XXVIII., col. 349-352 ; XXIX,, 1849, col. 369-376 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. III.. 1854, p. 44. 5. Beobachfcungen, Elemente, und Epheme- ride des neuen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 217-218. 6. Beobachtungen des Planeten Metis und Flora. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 295- 300. 7. Cometen- Beobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 373-382. 8. Beobachtungen des von Herrn Dr. PETERSEN entdeckten Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 203-206. 9. Untersuchungen iiber die wahre Bahn des von BRORSEN im Jahre 1846 entdeckten Cometen von kurzer Umlaufszeit. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 321-334, 363-368, 377-382. 10. Beobachtungen des Goujon'schen Co- meten auf der Sternwarte zu Bilk. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 71-72 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 86. 11. Beobachtungen der Metis. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 123-124. 12. Beobachtung der totalen Sorinenfin- sterniss vom 28 Juli. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 611-613. 13. Bestimmung der Elemente der Victoria aus den Beobachtungen von 1850-1851 ; nebst einer Ephemeride fur die Wiederauffindung des Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII., 1852, col. 167-172. 14. Beobachtungen der Eunomia. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 207-208. 15. Beobachtungen der beiden 1852 Marz 17 und April 17 entdeckten neuen Planeten auf der Berliner Sternwarte, nebst Elementen und Ephemeride des letzteren. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 211-212. 16. Ueber die Berechnung der speciellen Storungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 249-266. 17. Beobachtungen der Thetis. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 279-282. 18. Mean elements of Flora with the per- turbational equations for Jupiter and Saturn. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, pp. 212-215. 19. Entdeckung und Beobachtungen eines neuen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1852, col. 43-46. Brunnow, F. 20. Beobachtungen des am 22sten August 1852 von Herrn HIND in London ent- deckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 91-94. 21. Sur les quatre systemes de coordonnees astronomiques. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 165-171. 22. Allgemeine Storungen der Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 321-326 ; XLVIIL, col. 231-232. 23. Observations of Clio. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p. 94. 24. Observations of TUTTLE'S comet. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 111-112. 25. Meridian observations of Asteroids. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, p, 145. Briinnow, F., und Encke. Entwickelung der allgemeinen Storungen der Flora durch Jupiter und Saturn. Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 301-313. 2. Ueber die Tafeln der Flora von BRUNNOW. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 345- 348. Briinnow, F., und Karsten. Ueber relative mittlere Atomabstande. Poggend. Annal. LVLT., 1842, pp. 255-262. Briinnow, F., and K/iimker. Observations of Melpomene. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 189-191. Bmnnquell, Richard. Zur Technik und Prii- fung verschiedener Cyanverbindungen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIX., 1853, pp. 361-368. 2. Ueber die fabrikmassige Darstellung der Cyanverbindungen. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXL., 1856, pp. 374-389, 452-460; CXLL, 1856, pp. 47-59. Bruno, F. F. de. Note sur la construction des metronomes. Moigno, Cosmos, VII., 1855, pp. 363-366. Bruno, Francesco. Ricerche geometriche sopra un difficil problema di sito. Napoli, Atti Accad. Sci. II., 1825, pp. 29-40. Bruno, Giovanni. Illustrazione di un nuovo cetaceo fossile. [1838.] Torino, Mem. Accad. I., 1839, pp. 143-160. Brans, Fr. Analyse von Oberharzer Blei- schlacken. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. VIII., 1856, pp. 495-499 ; Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XVL, 1857, pp. 264-266. Bruns, J. Dickson. Life : its relations, animal and mental. Charleston Med. Journ. XII., 1857, pp. 433-459, 577-607. Brunton, William. Description of an improved Pump for raising the water while shafts or pits are sinking. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 362-367 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 64-68. 2. On a Machine for Ventilating Coal Mines. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 111- 114. 4 R 2 BRU] 684 Brupacher, Giuseppe. Sulle difterenze di clima. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1842, pp. 234- 258. 2. Sul miglior uso delle carte geografiche. Rauuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1845, pp. 42-49. 3. Cenni topografici e geologic! intorno ai monti Euganei. Ranuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1845, pp. 50-54. Brus, Richard de. Spontaneous Combustion of both hands. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1830, pp. 433- 434. Bruschetti, Giuseppe. Sulla misura dei liquid! contenuti a diverse altezze nelle botti elittico- elittiche. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1 822, pp. 165-172. 2. Sopra un uuovo sistema di costruzione delle macchine a vapore. Brugnatelli, Gioi-nale, VIIL, 1825, pp. 131-137. 3. Sul movimento dell' acqua a due coordi- nate. Bibl. Ital. LXL, 1831, pp. 121-126. 4. Applicazione d' un mulino a vento al moto delle barche. Bibl. Ital. LXXVI., 1834, pp. 453-455. 5. Sul modo piu conveniente e facile per liberare Como e Lecco dalle inondazioni, e per asciugare le paludi di Gera, di Colico e di Brivio prodotte dalle escrescenze del lago di Como e dal suo principale influente ed unico emissario flume Adda, Bibl. Ital. XCL, 1838, pp. 178-208; XCIL, 1838, pp. 418-423. 6. Delle macchine locomotive e stazionarie ad uso di motore pei trasporti celeri sopra le vie di terra e di acqua in Lombardia. Bibl. Ital. XCVI., 1839, pp. 316-349. Brush, George J. On American Spodumene. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 148-150; Silli- man, Journ. X., 1850, pp. 370-371. 2. Note on the Fluor-spar locality of Gal- latin Co., 111. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, p. 112. 3. Ueber eine neue Probe fur Zirkonerde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 7-8; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL. 1854, p. 154. 4. On the chemical composition of Clin- tonite. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 407- 409; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIIL, 1854, pp. 462-466. 5. On Prosopite. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 273-275. 6. Mineralogical notices. Silliman, Journ. XXVL, 1858, pp. 64-70 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 453-456. 7. On Chalcodite. Silliman, Journ. XXV., 1858, pp. 198-201. 8. On Boltonite. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 395-398. 9. Eighth Supplement to DANA'S Mine- ralogy. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1 860, pp. 363- 383. Brush, George J. 1O. Ninth Supplement to DANA'S Mineralogy. Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1861, pp. 354-371. 11. On the crystalline form of the Hydrate of Magnesia from Texas in Pennsylvania. Silli- man, Journ. XXXII., 1861, pp. 94-95. 12. Tenth Supplement to DANA'S Mine- ralogy. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 202-223. 13. Contributions from the Sheffield La- boratory of Yale College. Silliman, Journ. - XXXIV., 1862, pp. 243-245. 14. On the occurrence of Triphyline at Norwich, in Massachusetts. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 402-403. Brush, George J., and Smith. Re-examination of American Minerals. Part 2. Chestorlite; Loxo- clase ; Danbury Feldspars ; Haddam Albite ; Greenwood Mica ; Biotite ; Mavgarodite ; Ches- terlite Talc ; Rhodophyllite ; Cummingtonite ; Hydrous Anthophyllite ; Monrolite ; Ozarkite ; Dysyntribite ; Gibbsite ; Emerald Nickel ; Dan- burite ; Carrollite ; Thalite; Hudsonite ; Jen- kinsite ; Lazulite ; Kyanite ; Elasolite ; Spodu- mene ; Petalite. Silliman, Journ. XVL, 1853, pp. 41-53, 365-373 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 161-167, 274-282 ; LXL, 1854, pp. 172-179. Brustlein, Frederic. Sur les proprietes absor- bantes de la terre arable. Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 157-190. Brutel de la Biviere, P. M. De Heliotrope. Swart, Verhandel. 1853, pp. 169-220 (Afd. 2). 2. De working van net Zeewater op het metaal der schepen. Amsterdam, K. Akad. XIV., 1862, pp. 305-317. Bruun, //. Einiees von Kegelschnitten. Crelle, Journ. XVL, 1837, pp. 215-218. 2. Beitrag zur analytischen Geometrie. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1837, col. 275- 282 ; VI., 1840, col. 305-315 ; Grunert, Archiv, XL, 1848, pp. 97-108, 133-140. 3. Ueber die Integrabilitiit der Functionen von mehrerenveninderlichenGrdssen. [1848] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII., 1849, col. 126-128. Bruun, Phil. Le littoral de la mer Noire entre le Dniepre et le Dniestre, d'apres les cartes hydrographiques du XlV e et du XV e siecle. [1859.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1860, col. 373-392. Bruun-Neergaard, T. C. Description de la manufacture de Porphyre d'Elfredaleu en Suede. Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 269-276. 2. Sur une nouvelle espece do pierre nom- mee Haiiyne. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. L, 1807, pp. 15-16; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 417-429 ; Journ. des Mines, XXL, 1807, pp. 365-380 ; Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 120-129. BRU] 685 [BRY Bruun-Neergaard, T. C. 3. Notice historique sur FAlumine fluatee alkaline de HAUY, appelee A-ulgairement Cryolithe. Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 383-389. 4. Histoire du cerium oxide silicifere et de la nouvelle espece du genre Cerium appelee Cerin. Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 239- 244. 5. Memoire sur les ossemens et coquilles fossiles des environs de Plaisance. Journ. de Phys. LXXVIL, 1813, pp. 88-108. 6. Memoir on the most proper means of ac- celerating the progress of mineralogy. (Transit) Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1814, pp. 122-129. Bruyn, A. W. de, en Sesseler. Verslag der Pro- even in het jaar 1839 genomen met de Gra- naatkanons a 30 Ib. tot de wapening van Kor- vetten. enz., dor eene Commissie. Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezen, II., 1841, pp. 428-462. Bruyn, S. J. On the retreat of Swallows and the torpid state of certain animals in winter. [1790.] Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. II., 1793, pp. 96-99. Bruyn-Kops, G. F. de. Bijdrage tot de kennis der noord- und oostkusten van Nieuw Guinea. Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. I., 1850, pp. 163-235. 2. Lijst van boomen en planteer gevoonden in de residentie Riouw op de oostkust van Su- matra en omliggende Landen. Batavia, Tijdschr. IL, 1854, pp. 271-317. 3. Fauna der residentie Riouw, met inbe- grip der oostkust van Sumatra en omliggende Landen. Batavia, Tijdschr. IL, 1854, pp. 480- 490. 4. Over eenige onderzoekingen in den oceaan. Batavia, Tijdschr. VI., 1854, pp. 427- 447. 5. Sketch of the Rhio-Lingga Archipelago. Journ. Ind. Archipel. VIIL, 1854, pp. 386-402. Bruzelius, Arvid. Uebersicht und kritische Bemerkungen iiber die Arten der Gattung Chara. Flora, IX.. 1826, pp. 481-496. Bruzelius, Ragnar M. Om en i Pennatula rubra lefvande parasit (Lamippe). Stockholm, Ofversigt, XV., 1858, pp. 181-185; Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 286-290. 2. Bidrag till kanuedomen om Skandina- viens Amphipoda Gammaridea. [1858.] Stock- holm, Akad. Handl. III., 1859-60 ; Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVI., 1859, pp. 1-18 ; Wiegmann, Archiv, XXV., 1859, pp. 291-311 ; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. XIX., 1862, pp. 68-71. Bruzzetti, C. Sugli apparati magnetici di GAUSS e WEBER. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1858, pp. 113- 128. Bry, Andr. Observation d'un Testicule surnu- meraire, et d'un hypospadias. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. IL. 1810, p. 43 Bry, Andr. 2. Observations sur 1'imperforation presque complete du prepuce, Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. III., 1812, pp. 169-172. 3. Osservazione di un parto di due gemelli uniti insieroe col petto. Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. VIIL, 1815, pp. 509-510. Bryan, John E. On the green fruit of Diospyros Virginiana, or Persimmon. American Journ. Pharm. XXXII., 1860, pp. 215-218. Bryant, Henry. [On a Parrot recently presented by Mr. TESCHEMACHEU.] Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1841-44, p. 60. 2. On the Sandhill Crane (Grus Canaden- sis). Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851- 54, pp. 303-307. 3. A list of birds observed at Grand Manan and at Yarmouth, N.S., from June 16 to July 8, 1856. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VI., 1856- 59, pp. 114-125. 4. On some of the birds in East Florida, south of St. Augustine. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VIL, 1859-61, pp. 5-21. 5. A list of birds seen at the Bahamas, from Jan. 20th to May 14th, 1859, with descrip- tions of new or little known species. Boston, Nat, Hist. Soc. Proc. VIL, 1859-61, pp. 102- 134; Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 48-60. 6. Remarks on some of the birds that breed in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1861-62, pp. 65-75; New- man, Zoologist, XIX., 1861, pp. 7742-7753 ; Canadian Naturalist, VI., 1861, pp. 255-267. 7. Remarks on the variations of plumage in Buteo borealis, Auct., and Buteo Harlani, Aud. ? Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1861-62, pp. 107-119. 8. Monograph of the genus Catarhacte*, Moehrinq. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. VIIL, 1861-62, pp. 134-144. Bryant, Henry, et Fappenheim. Premier essai d'une determination nouvelle de ce qu'on a nomme jusqu'a present corps strie chez les Oiseaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI. , 1848, pp. 276-278; Froriep, Notizen, VI., 1848, col. 246-247. Bryant, O. If. Discharge of lightning over a large surface. Sillirnan, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 193-194 ; Roy. Inst. Joum. IL, 1831, pp. 395-396 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXI. (= Jahrb. I.), 1831, pp. 48-50. Bryant, William. Account of an electrical Eel, or the Torpedo of Surinam. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IL, 1786, pp. 166-169. Bryce, James. Observations on the foetal Liver, &c. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XL, 1815. pp. 25-35. BRY] 686 [BUA Bryce, James. Notice of the discovery of the Plesiosaurus in Ireland. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 331-332. 2. On some Caverns containing Bones, near the Giant's Causeway. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 658-660. 3. On the geological structure of the N.E. part of Antrim. [1832.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 396-401 ; V., 1837, pp. 69-82. 4. On the evidences of diluvial action in the North of Ireland. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. I., 1838, pp. 34-44. 5. An account of the celebrated Portrush Rock. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. I., 1838. pp. 166-174. 6. On the Magnesian Limestone and asso- ciated beds which occur at Holywood, in the county of Down. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. L, 1838, pp. 175-179. 7. Notice of the discovery of some remains of the Ichthyosaurus in Ireland. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 83-84. 8. Notices of the Geology of the Island of Bute. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1844- 48, pp. 198-208. 9. Notice of a Tertiary Deposit near Bel- fast. Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1845, pp. 433-436. 1O. On the structure of Staffa and the Giant's Causeway. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 19-20. 11. Note on the altered Dolomites of the island of Bute. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 20-22 ; Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 81-92. 12. On the geological structure of the pen- insula of Roseneath and the adjoining parts of Renfrew and Argyle. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. HI., 1848-53, pp. 113-127. 13. On the parallel roads of Lochaber. Glasgow, Phil. Soc. Proc. III., 1848-53, pp. 99-109; Phil. Mag. XXXVIL, 1850, pp. 33-42. 14. On Striated and Polished Rocks and " Roches Moutonnees " in the Lake District of Westmoreland. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 76-77. 15. On Striated and Polished Rocks and " Roches Moutonnees " in the Lake District of Cumberland. Phil. Mag. XXXVIL, 1850, pp. 486-492. 16. On the Glacial Phenomena of the Lake District of England. Brit. Assoc. Rep 1855 (pt. 2), p. 80. Bryk, . Die Contactwirkungen des Chlors auf die Gewebe. Virchow, Archiv, XVIII., 1860, pp. 377-457. Bryson, Alexander. On a new method of ascer- taining the Refractive Powers of Minute Bodies, and its application to Mineralogy. Sturgeon, Annal. Electr. VI., 1841, pp. 62-63 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 87-88. 2. Description of new Polarizing Optical Instruments. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VIII., 1850, pp. 19-20. 3. Remarks on a Bone Cave near the mouth of the North Esk. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 253-255. 4. On an improved method of preparing Siliceous and other fossils for Microscopic In- vestigation ; with a description of a new Pneu- matic Chuck. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. Id., 1856, pp. 297-304. 5. Exposition of the Inventions of Dr. Robert HOOKE. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 12-27. 6. On the silicification of organic bodies. Edinb. Proc..Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 202- 206. 7. On the danger of hasty generalization in Geology ; with special reference to the so-called Raised Sea-Beach at Leith. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 430-438 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVI., 1862, pp. 260-268. 8. On the aqueous origin of Granite. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1862, pp. 456-457 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 110-112; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XV., 1862, pp. 52-63. Bryson, Alexander. Night-Bliridness in con- nexion with Scurvy. Ophthalm. Hosp. Reports, H., 1859-60, pp. 40-43. Bryson, Robert. On a new method of illumi- nating Church Clocks. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIIL, 1842, pp. 293-296. 2. Description of a new Self-Registering Barometer. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XV., 1844, pp. 503-510. 3. On a method of rendering BAILY'S Com- pensation Pendulum insensible to Hygrometric Influence. [1845.] Edinb. Scot. Soc. Arts Trans. III., 1851, pp. 9-14; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIII., 1845, pp. 220-226. Bryson, Wm. Strength of Cast Iron and Wrought Iron Pillars. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLL, 1861, pp. 304-310, 393-396. 2. Strength of Cast Iron and Timber Pil- lars. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLIL, 1861, pp. 325- 330, 398-405 ; XLIIL, pp. 37-43, 115-120, 183- 189, 265-273 ; XLIV., 1862, pp. 42-48, 121- 123, 337-346; XLV., pp. 180-186. Buache, N. Geographie. Paris, Seances des Ecoles Normales, I., 1800, pp. 65-76 (pte. 2), 382-398, 496-520; II., pp. 40-58; IV., pp. 180- 188. BUA] 687 [BUC Buache, N. 2. Recherches sur Tile Antillia et sur 1'epoque de la decouverte de 1'Amerique. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. VI., 1806, pp. 1-29. Buccellati, Fcderico. Studj teorici e pratici sulle orine. Omodei, Ann. Univ. CLXXIL, 1860, pp. 236-250. Bucchia, Gustavo. Sopra un apparato idroforo del METICKE. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 187- 191. 2. Ricerche sul moto dell' acqua nel turbine idroforo dello SCHLEGEL e sull' effetto di questa maccliina applicata al prosciugamento dei terreni palustri. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Veneto, VIII., 1859, pp. 135-157. 3. Alcune note sulla fermezza delle arma- dure dei Ponti all' Americana. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Veneto, X., 1861, pp. 125-176. 4. Del profile convenevole ai muri di rives- timento dei terrapieni piantati sulla spiaggia del mare. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Veneto, XI., 1862, pp. 307-318 ; Venezia, Atti, VIII., 1862-63. pp. 693-695. Buccio, D. C. Sull' influenza dell' elettricita nella vegetazione. Brescia, Comment. 1808, pp. 134- 137; 1809, pp. 40-45, 45-48. 2. Dei raggi frigoriferi. Brescia, Comment. 1816-17, pp. 55-58. 3. Memoria sul magnetismo. Brescia, Comment. 1820, pp. 89-107. 4. Sull' influenza della luce nella vegeta- zione. Brescia, Comment. 1822, pp. 29-34. 5. Apologia di alcune opinion! sull' elettri- cita e sul calorico divergent! dalle comuni. Brescia, Comment. 1824, pp. 70-72. Buccleugh, Duke of. Abstract of a Register of the Weather kept at Branxholm for Ten Years. [1785.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. L, 1788, pp. 203-208. Buch, . Travail dans la poulie mobile. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 344-346; XVIII., 1859, pp. 363-365. Buch, Friedrich. Analyse der Asche der gemei- nen Esparsette (Onobrychis sativa, Lam.). Lie- big, Annal. L., 1844, pp. 412-413. Buch, Leopold von. Von der Uebergangsforma- tiori mit einer Anwendung auf Schlesien. [1 797.] Moll, Jahrbiich. II., 1798, pp. 249-273. 2. [Ueber das siidlicbe Tirol, die Basalte von Fassa, u.s.w.] Moll, Jahrbiich. III., 1799, pp. 359-364. 3. Barometrische Reise iiber den Brenner von Salzburg nach Trento. Moll, Jahrbiich. IV., 1799, pp. 88-109. 4. Bemerkungen iiber den Gang des Baro- meters. Gilbert, Aunal. V., 1800, pp. 10-16. 5. Scipio BREISLAK'S physikalische Topo- graphie von Campanien. Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 396-407. Buch, Leopold von. 6. Ueber die Formation des Leucits. Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 53-66. 7. Ueber die geognostische Beschaffenheit der Gegend von Pergine. Berlin, Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. III., 1801, pp. 233-252. 8. Geognostische Uebersicht der Gegend von Rom. Berlin, Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. III., 1801, pp. 478-534, 535-536. 9. [Geologische Bemerkungen iiber die Schweiz.] Berlin, Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. III., 1801, pp. 586-587. 10. Sur les volcans. Bibl. Britannique, XVI., 1801, pp. 227-249. 11. Bocche nuove : Fragment aus einer Reihe von Briefen iiber den Vesuv. Moll, Jahrbiich. V., 1801, pp. 1-10. 12. Sur la temperature de quelques sources des environs de Neuchatel. Bibl. Britannique, XIX., 1802, pp. 261-269; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 50-58. 13. Sur quelques observations faites aux environs de Clermont. Bibl. Britannique, XX., 1802, pp. 306-316. 14. Observations sur les volcans d'Auvergne. Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802-3, pp. 249-256. 15. Ueber die Ursachen der Verbreitung grosser Alpengeschiebe. Berlin, Abhandl. 1804-11, pp. 161-186 ; Poggend. Annal. LX., 1827, pp. 575-588; Gilbert, Annal. LXV., 1820, pp. 128-168. 16. Lettre sur la derniere eruption du Vesuve et sur une experience galvanique nou- velle. Bibl. Britannique, XXX., 1805, pp. 247- 263. 17. Einige Bemerkungen gegen Folger- ungen, welche Hr. PERON aus seinen Versuchen iiber die Temperatur des Meerwassers zieht. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 341-345. 18. Ueber die Temperatur von Rom. Gil- bert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 236-241. 19. On the production of Muriatic Acid and Soda by the Galvanic Decomposition of Water. ( Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1806, pp. 244-245. 20. Geognostische und physikalische Beo- bachtungen iiber Norwegen. Gilbert, Annal. XXV., 1807, pp. 318-332. 21. Ueber die Steinkohlen von Entrevernes in Savoyen. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. I., 1807, pp. 23-26 ; Alpina, IV., 1809, pp. 63-68. 22. Ischia. Moll, Neue Jabrbiich. I., 1809, pp. 343-353. 23. Reise iiber die Gebirgsziige der Alpen zwischen Glaris und Chiavenna im August 1803. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 102-122. BUG] 688 [BUC Buch, Leopold von. 24. Ueber das Vorkommen des Tremoliths im Norden. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 172-175. 25. Einige Bemei'kungen iiber einc Samm- lung aus den Liparischen Inseln. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. III., 1809, pp. 299-303. 26. Etwas iiber locale und allgemeine Gebirgsformationen. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 69-74. 27. Ueber den Gabbro. [1809.] Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 128- 149; VII., 1816, pp. 234-237; Annal. des Mines, I., 1816, pp. 405-421. 28. Ueber die Eisenerzlager in Schweden. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. IV., 1810, pp. 46-50 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1821-1822. 29. Ueber seine im Jahre 1798 auf dem Brenner vorgenoramenen Hohenmessungen. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 358-362. 3O. Voyage dans les environs de Christiania en Norwege. Journ. de Phys. LXXIII., 1811, pp. 289-293.. 31. [Ueber die Uebergangsgebirgsarten.] Leonhard, Taschenbuch, VI., 1812, pp. 335-342. 32. Ueber die Griinzen des ewigen Schnee's im Norden. Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 1812, pp. 1-52; Annal. de Chimie, II. 1816, pp. 183- 194 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. III., 1814, pp. 210- 220, 338-351 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIIL, 1816. pp. 289-294. 33. Einige Bemerkungcn iiber die geognos- tische Constitution von Van Diemens Land. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Mag. VI., 1814, pp. 234-240. 34. Ueber den Hagel. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15, pp. 73-104. 35. Bemerkungen iiber das Bernina-Gebirge in Graubiindten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1814-15, pp. 105-122. 36. Ueber das Uebergangs-Gebirge bei Fangsbierg. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, X., 1816, pp. 471-473. 37. Bemerkungen iiber die Gebirgs-arteri in Guldbrandsdalen. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, Nachrichten iiber Taschenbuch, X., X., 1816, pp. 473-476. 38. [Minei'alogische Finnniarken.] Leonhard, 1816, pp. 485-502. 39. Allgemeine Uebcrsicht der Flora auf den Canarischen Inseln. Berlin, Abhandl. 1816- 17, pp. 337-384. 4O. Caractercs geologiques du Trapp- Porphyre. Annal. dc Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 360-377. 41. Sur les causes auxquelles on peut attri- buer le transport des blocs de roches des Alpes, qui sont epars sur le Jura. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. 17-32 ; X., 1819, pp. 241-264. Buch, Leopold von. 42. Ueber das Vorkommeu des Trernolits im Norden. Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 1820. 43. Der Trapp-Porphyr. Leouhard, Tasch- enbuch, XIII., 1819, pp. 200-234. 44. Ueber den Pic von Teneriffa. Berlin, Abhandl. 1820-21, pp. 93-104. 45. Bemerkungen iiber das Klima der Canarischen Inseln. Berlin, Abhaudl. 1820-21, pp. 105-120 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, pp. 281-301 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 92-104. 46. Sur les mouvemens du barometre a Berlin. Bibl. Univ. XVI., 1821, pp. 35-49; Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 294-319. 47. Ueber barometrische Wind-Rosen. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 437-444. 48. Ueber die Zusammensetzuug der basal- tischen Inseln und iiber Erhebungs-Kratere. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1821, pp. 391- 427. 49. Ueber einige Berge der Trapp-Forma- tion bei Griitz. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1821, pp. 457-472. 50. Ueber einen vulkanischen Ausbruch auf der Insel Lanzerote. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, XV., 1821, pp. 428-456. 51. Ueber Elektromagnetismus. [1820.] Schweigger, Journ. XXXI. (=Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 18-31. 52. Lettre sur le gisement des couches calcuires a empreintes de poissons et sur les Dolomies de la Franconie. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 258-267 ; Leonhard, Taschen- buch, IT., 1824, pp. 239-260. 53. Ueber das Bernina-Gebirge in Grau- biindten. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XVI., 1822, pp. 31-63. 54. Ueber Dolomit als Gebirgsart. Berlin, Abhandl. 1822-23, pp. 83-136. 55. Lettre a M. A. de HUMBOLDT renfer- mant le Tableau geologique de la partie meri- dionale du Tyrol. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1823, pp. 276-305. 56. Sur la Dolomic du Tyrol. Annal. de Chimie, XXIIL, 1823, pp. 396-407; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 272-287; Innsbruck, Beitr. Geschichte von Tirol, II., 1826, pp. 296-308. 57. Ueber die Lagerungs-Verhaltnisse der Kalkschichten mit Fisch-Abdriicken und iiber den Dolomit im Frankenlande. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 239-271. 58. Geognostisches Gemalde von Siid- Tyrol. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 288-331. BUG] 689 [BUG Bach, Leopold von. 59. Ueber das Vorkorameu des Dolomites in der Niihe der vulkanischen Ge- bilde der Eifel. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 331-334. 60. [Gcognostisclie Erscheinungen bei Canzocoli.] Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 341-342. 61. Ueber geognostische Erscheinungen im Fassatbale. Leonhard, Taschenbucb, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 343-396. 62. Ueber die Karniscben Alpen. Leon- hard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 396-437. 63. Ueber den Thiiringer Wald. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 437-471. 64. Ueber den Harz. Leonhard, Taschen- buch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 471-501. 65. Ueber die geognostischen Systeme von Deutschland. Leonhard, Taschenbuch, 1824 (Abth. 2), pp. 501-506. 66. Note sur 1'ile de Madere. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 14-21. 67. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Quellen- Temperatur. Berlin, Abhandl. 1825, pp. 93- 106 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 166-169 ; Poggend. Annul. XII., 1828, pp. 403- 418. 68. Hohenmessungen auf den Canarischen Inseln. Hertha, III., 1825, pp. 515-523. 69. Geographic der Vulkane. Hertha, III., 1825, pp. 633-667. 70. Ueber CHABKIER'S Abhandlung von der Siindfluth. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1825, I., pp. 482-489. 71. Observations made during a visit to Madeira, and a residence in the Canary Islands. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1826, pp. 380-385. II., 73-86. . 72. Ueber einige geognostische Erschein- ungen in der Umgebung des Luganer Sees. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1826, pp. 31-40 ; Berlin, Abhandl. 1827, pp. 193-203; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827, L, pp. 289-300; Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 195-206. 73. Ueber die Lagerung von Melaphir und Granit in den Alpen von Mailand. Berlin, Abhandl. 1827, pp. 205-216. 74. Ueber geognostische Erscheinungen im Fassathale. Innsbruck, Beitr. z. Geschichte v. Tirol, III., 1827, pp. 205-241. 75. Ueber die Natur der vulcanischen Erscheinungen auf den Canarischen Inseln und ihre Verbindung mit andern Vulcanen der Erd- oberflache. Poggend. Annal. IX., 1827, pp. 631- 633; X., pp. 1-45, 178-202, 345-362, 514-544. 76. Ueber die Silicification organischer Korper, nebst einigen anderen Bemerkungen iiber wenig bekannte Versteinerungen. Berlin, Abbandl. 1828, pp. 43-60; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1838, pp. 53-61. Buch, Leopold von. 77. Uebcr zwei neue Arten von Cassidarien iu den Tertiar-Schichten von Mecklenburg. [1830.] Berlin, Abhandl. 1828. pp. 61-72. 78. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Alpen iu Baiern. Berlin, Abhandl. 1828, pp. 73-84. 79. Ueber die Hippuriten. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 438-441. 80. Note sur les Ammonites. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 267-276. 81. Carte geologique du terrain entre le lac d'Orta et celui de Lugano. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 258-269. 82. Sur la distribution des Ammonites en families. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIIL, 1829, pp. 417- 433. 83. Ueber die subtropische Zone. Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 355-362 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1830, pp. 129-133. 84. Description de la nature physique des lies Canaries. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1830, pp. 3-32 ; I., 1832, pp. 229-260. 85. Sur les formes etles relations des Vol- cans. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1830, pp. 390-424. 86. Ueber die Ammoniten in den alteren Gebirgs-Schichten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1830, pp. 135-158. 87. Memoire sur la nature des phenomenes volcaniques des iles Canaries, et sur leurs rap- ports avec les autres volcans de la surface de la terre. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 9-10. 88. Ueber Goniatiten. Berlin, Abhandl. 1830, pp. 159-188 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIX.. 1833, pp. 43-88. 89. [Arbeiten iiber Ammoniten und Gonia- titen die Siiddeutsche Oolith-Formation, der Basaltgang im Jurakalk am Wartenberg, Basalt im rothen Sandstein bei Cassel, Species der Versteinerungen]. Leonhard u. Bronn, Jahrb. 1832, pp. 221-226, 281-284. 9O. Examen de la theorie des crateres de soulevement. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. III., 1832- 33, pp. 287-295, 302-308. 91. Sur les Ammonites et leur distribution en families ; sur les especes qui appartiennent aux terrains les plus anciens, et sur les Goniatites en particulier. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIX., 1833, pp. 5-42. 92. Ueber Terebratelu. Berlin, Abhandl. 1833, pp. 21-144. 93. Salzburger und andere Ammoniten. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 186-188. 94. Ueber die Klassifikation der Terebra- teln. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 257-266. 95. ZIETEN'S Versteinerungen Wtirtem- bergs. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1833, pp. 322-323. 4 3 BUG] 690 [BUC Bnch, Leopold von. 96. [Ueber jurassische Gesteinc bei Hohnstein, Sachsen, u.s.w.] Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 532-535. 97. Erscheinuugen bei Messen ; Deutsche Jura-Bildungen und deren Versteinerungen ; Nautilus und Aganis. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 532-535. 98. Note sur les Huitres, les Gryphees, et les Exogyres. Ann, Sci. Nat. III. (Zool.), 1835, pp. 296-299. 99. Extrait d'une lettre a M. ELIE DE BEAUMONT. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835- 36, pp. 155-157. 1OO. Ueber " Delthyris " oder "Spirifer" und " Orthis." Berlin, Abhandl. 1836, pp. 1-80. Berlin, Bericht, 1836, pp. 1-2. 1O1. Ueber die Schnecken des Steinbergs bei Steinheim in Wiirtemberg. Berlin, Bericht, 1836, pp. 5-6. 102. Ueber das Genus Delthyris. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 175-184. 103. Ueber Erhebungscratere und Vukane. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 169-190; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 189- 206 ; Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 339-344. 104. Ueber den Jura in Deutschland. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1837, pp. 49-136 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1837, pp. 45-48 ; Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 491-510 ; Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 638-640. 105. Ueber THURMANN'S " Soulevemensju- rassiques." Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1837, pp. 385-388. 1O6. Ueber Goniatiten und Clymenien in Schlesien. Berlin, Abhandl. 1838, pp. 149- 170; Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 31-35. 1O7. Ueber den zoologischen Character der Secundar-Formationen in Siid-Amerika. Berlin, Bericht, 1838, pp. 54-67. 1O8. Ueber die Muscheln im Granatenlager von Trziblitz. Karsten, Archiv, XL, 1838, pp. 315-318; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 100-101. 1O9. Essai d'une classification et d'une de- scription de Terebratules. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. II., 1838, pp. 107-238. 11O. Bemerkungen, etc., iiber die auf den Felsen Skanclinaviens Furchen, etc., von N. G. SEFSTROM. Poggend. Annal. XLIIL, 1838, pp. 567-569. 111. Ueber Terebratula hastata und T. Sacculus. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, p. 431. 112. Die Formationen bei St. Triphon; BUNSEN'S Beobachtung von Erdol-Quellen bei Peina und Celle. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 696-698. 113. Brachiopoden der Gegend von Peters- burg. Berlin, Bericht, 1840, pp. 61-62. Such, Leopold von. 114. Ueber Spha^roniten und einige andere Geschlechter, aus welchen Crinoideen entstehen. Berlin, Bericht. 1840, pp. 56-60; Ann. Nat. Hist, VI., 1841, pp. 12-15. 115. Essai d'une classification et d'une de- scription des Delthyris ou Spirifers et Orthis. Paris, Soc. Geol. Mem. IV., 1840, pp. 153-228. 116. Observations sur les volcans d'Au- vergne. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XIV., 1841, pp. 108-184, 321-359. 117. Ueber Productus oder Leptzena. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1841, pp. 1-40 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1841, pp. 289-297. 118. Beitrage zur Bestimmung derGebirgs- formationeu in Russland. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 3-128. 119. Ueber Granit und Gneiss vorziiglich in Hinsicht der iiusseren Form, mit welcher diese Gebirgsarten auf der Erdflache erscheinen. Ber- lin, Abhandl. 1842, pp. 57-78 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1842, pp. 327-331; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 316-320 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1843, col. 67-70; Karsten, Archiv, XVIL, 1843, pp. 776-780; Poggend. Annal. LVIIL, 1843, pp. 289-294. 12O. Beitrage zur Bestimmung der Gebirgs- formationen in Russland. Karsten, Archiv, XVI., 1842, pp. 521-540. 121. Ueber Produkten (s. spater) : Phillips, iiber Terebratula (T. nucella = T. spha^ria). Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 230- 232. 122. Metamorphismus und Gliittung der Gesteine Schwedeus. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1842, pp. 282-283. 123. Ueber Terebratula Mentzelii im Tar- nowitzer Muschelkalke. Leonhard u. Brcnn, N. Jahrb. 1843, pp. 253-256. 124. Sur les Caryocrinites des terrains silu- riens de la Russie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 209-213. 125. [Separazioneprecisa tra la formazione Cretacea e le Giurassiche.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 579-581. 126. Ueber Cystideen, eingeleitet durch die Entwickelung der Eigenthumlichkeiten von Carvocrinus oruatus, Say. Berlin, Abhandl. 1844, pp. 89-117; Berlin,'Bericht, 1844, pp. 120- 133. 127. Ueber einige neue Versteinerungen aus Moskau. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 536-/3S9. 128. Om Nytten af naturhistoriske Samlin- ger i Almindelighed, og om Fortraeffeligheden af de mineralogiske Samlinger ved Universitet i Christiania i Sasrdeleshed. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. IV., 1844, pp. 68-70. BUG] 691 [BUG Buch, Leopold von. 129. Sur 1'existence du Muschelkalk dans les Alpes de la Lorabardie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 348-369. 13O. Sur les caracteres distinctifs des couches Jurassiques supcrieures dans le midi de 1'Europe. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1844-45, pp. 359-361. 131. Sur les Ammonites de la formation crayeuse. Actes de la Soc. Helve tique, 1845, pp. 82-84. 132. Einige merkwiirdige Muschel-Reste des oberen Italiens. Berlin, Bericht, 1845. pp. 25-28. 133. [Die Baren-Insel nach B. M. KEILHAL geognostisch beschi-ieben.] Berlin, Akad. Ab- handl. 1846, pp. 66-74 ; Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 48-55. 134. Ueber dievulkanischenErscheinungen auf Neu-Seeland. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. II., 1845, pp. 273-286. 135. Ueber Spirifer Keilhavii, iiberdessen Fundort und Verhaltniss zu ahnlichen Formen. Berlin, Abhandl. 1846, pp. 74-80; Berlin, Be- richt, 1846, pp. 145-148 ; Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 55-59. 136. Note iiber Spirifer und Terebrateln. Berlin, Bericht, 1846, pp. 107-111. 137. Notice of a new family of crinoidal animals called Cystidea. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, pp. 11-12. 138. Lettrc sur le terrain jurassique de Russie. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XIX., 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 244-250. 139. Ueber Ceratiten. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 214-223 ; Berlin, Abhandl. 1848. (Phys.\ pp. 1-30; Karsten, Archiv, XXII., 1848, pp. 251-261, 644-646. 14O. Sur les limites de la craie et sur les fossiles cretaces du Caucase. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1848-49, pp. 564-567. 141. Ueber die Grenzen der Kreide-Bil- dungen. Berlin, Bericht, 1849, pp. 117-122; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VIII., 1850, pp. 140-145. 142. [Besuch und Entstehungweise des Monte Nuovo.] Berlin, Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. I., 1849, pp. 107-111. 143. Betrachtungen iiber die Verbreitung und die Grenzen der Kreide-Bildungen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhaudl. 1849, pp. 211-242. 144. Von Aptychus, und iiber die Anden von Venezuela. Berlin, Bericht, 1849, pp. 365- 376. 145. On the characteristic Fossils of the Chalk Formation. (Transl.) Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 381-387. 146. Die Anden in Venezuela. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 339-344. Buch, Leopold von. 147. Ueber einige Riesen- thiere der Vorwelt. Schweizer. Gesell. Ver- handl. 1850, pp. 35-43. 148. Ueber eine merkwiirdige Muschel- Umgebung der Nordsee. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 39-58. 149. Lagerung der Braunkohlen in Europa. Berlin, Bericht, 1851, pp. 683-701 ; Karsten, Archiv, XXV., 1853, pp. 143-173. 150. Zur wesentlichen Unterscheidung der Goniatiten von den Nautileen. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1851, pp. 568-569. 151. Ueber Blattnerven uiid die Gesetze ihrer Vertheiluug. Berlin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 42-49; Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1853, pp. 418-420. 152. Ueber die Juraformation auf der Erd- oberfliiche. Berg. u. Hiittenm. Zeitg. XII.. 1853, col. 321-325, 341-345, 358-362. 153. Brief an H. Prof. HEER iiber dessen Abhandlung : " Die Anthrazitpflanzen der Al- pen." Zurich, Vierteljahrs. I., 1856, pp. 233-241. Buch, Leopold von, und Fr. Du Bois. Geognos- tische Bemerkungen iiber einige Gegenden in der Ukraine. Karsten, Archiv, VI., 1833, pp. 290-298. Buch, Leopold von, et A. Humboldt. Sur le gissement du granite dans la vallee de Fiemme. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 261-267. Buchan and Franklin. Tables of Summer Temperatures observed in Spitzbergen. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 232-233. 2. Table of the Temperature of the Sea at various depths made during a voyage to Spitzbergen. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 233-234. Buchan, A. P. Account of an appearance of Brighton Cliff seen in the air by reflection. Nicholson, Journ. XIV., 1806, pp. 340-341 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXX., 1808, pp. 100-104. Buchan, Patrick. On the composition of the Iron Ores of the Connaught Coal-field. Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 1-27. Buchanan, Andrew. Description of an instru- ment for extracting and condensing air with- out the assistance of valves or stop-cocks. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 133-136. Buchanan, Andreio. On a method of separating, by filtration, the coagulable Lymph from liquid human Blood. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 75-76. 2. On the Fibrin contained in the animal fluids, the mode in which it coagulates, and the transformations which it undergoes. Glas- gow, Proc. Phil. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 131-140, 141-145. 3. On the white or opaque Serum of the Blood. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 226-236 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 340-344. 4 s 2 BUG] 692 [BUG Buchanan, Andrew. 4. On the Coagukiion of (he Blood and other Fibriniferous Liquids. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. II., 1844-48, pp. 16- 22. 5. Further observations on the state of the Blood after taking Food. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. II., 1 844-48, pp. 49-64 ; Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 87-89. 6. On the Wound of the Ferret, with ob- servations on the Instincts of Animals. Glas- gow, Proc. Phil. Soc. IL, 1844-48, pp. 104- 110; Ann. Nat. Hist, XVIIL, 1846, pp. 376- 383. 7. Physiological effects of the Inhalation of Ether. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. IL, 1844- 48,' pp. 153-161, 184-189. Buchanan, D. Notice of Fresh Water found in the Sea at a great distance from the Land. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. II., 1827, pp. 369- 370 ; Schweigger, Journ. LI. (= Jahrb. XXL), 1827, pp. 114-116. Buchanan, Francis [afterwards Hamilton]. Description of the Tree, called by the Burmas Launzan. Asiatick Researches, V., 1798, pp. 123-126. 2. An account of the Onchidium, a new genus of the class of Vermes found in Bengal. [1798.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 132- 134. 3. Description of the Vespertilio plieatus. [1799.] Linn. Soc. Trans. V., 1800, pp. 261- 263. 4. Account of the manufactures carried on at Bangalore, and the processes employed by the Natives in dyeing Silk and Cotton. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXX., 1808, pp. 259-272, 322-331. 5. Description of the Diamond Mine at Panna. Edinb. Phil. Journ. I., 1819, pp. 49-54. 6. Account of the Mine or Quarry of Corundum in Singraula. Edinb. Phil. Journ. II., 1820, pp. 305-307. 7. Account of a Map of the Iloute between Tartary and Amarapura. Edinb. Phil. Journ. III., 1820, pp. 32-42. 8. Account of a Map of the countries sub- ject to the King of Ava. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IL, 1820, pp. 89-95, 262-271. 9. Account of a Map of the country North from Ava. Edinb. Phil. Journ. IV., 1821, pp. 76-87. 10. Account of a Map, constructed by a native of Taunu, of the country South from Ava. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 75-84. 11. Account of an extraordinary appearance of the Sea observed 31st July 1785, in a voyage from Johanna to Bombay, long. 61 25' E., lat. 6 32' N. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V,, 1821, pp. 303- 304. Buchanan, Francis [afterwards Hamilton]. 12. Account of Water-spouts observed at sea on voyages to and from India. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V., 1821, pp. 275-279 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 70-72 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 104-109. 13. A commentary on the Hortus Mala- baricus, Part I. [1821.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 474-560 ; XIV., 1825, pp. 171- 312; XV., 1827, pp. 78-152; XVII., 1837, pp. 147-252; Oken, Isis, XXL, 1827, col. 180- 219. 14. Commentary on the Herbarium Amboi- nense. [1823.] Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 1823-24, pp. 307-383; VI., 1826-31, pp. 268- 338. 15. An account of the Janji, or Vallisneria alternifolia of Dr. ROXBURGH, the plant used in India in refining sugar. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 34-36. 16. An account of a genus including the Herba Toxicaria of the Himalayan Mountains, or the plant with which the natives poison their arrows. Edinb. Journ. Sci. I., 1824, pp. 249- 252. 17. Account of a plant allied to the genus Piper. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IL, 1825, pp. 9-11. 18. Some notices concerning the plants of various parts of India, and concerning the San- scrita names of those Regions. [1821.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. X., 1826, pp. 171-186 ; Flora, IX., 1826, pp. 689-704 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 97-106. 19. Description of a plant of the order Guttiferae, which Dr. ROXBURGH called Garcinia pedunculata. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827 pp. 45-47. 20. Notice respecting the Vanderon Mon- key, or the " Guenon a face ppurpre " of BUFFON. [1815.] Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp 60-61. 21. Description of a plant [Beta Bengalen- sis] used in Bengal as a common Green Vege- table (Olus), and of another nearly allied to it. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 244-246. 22. A uniformity of climate prevailed over the earth prior to the Deluge. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 366-368. 23. Observations on the structure of the fruit in the order Cucurbitacea?. [1828.] Edinb Roy. Soc. Trans. XL, 1831, pp. 229-234. 24. On the minerals of the Rajmahal cluster of hills. Gleanings in Sci. I., 1831 pp. 1-8. Buchanan, George. Report on the present state of the Wooden Bridge at Montrose and the practicability of erecting a Suspended Bridge of Iron in its stead. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 140-156, 261-287. BUG] 693 [BUG Buchanan, George. 2. Remarks on the Strength of Materials, with an account of several Expe- riments on the Transverse Strength of Wood and Iron. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII., 1825, pp. 154-163. 3. Description and uses of the Protracting Table. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 140-143. 4. On the use of the Marine Hydrometer. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIV., 1848, pp. 307- 309. 5. On the strength of materials as appli- cable to the construction of Cast or Wrought Iron Bridges : On the transverse or cross strain. Franklin Inst. Journ. XVI^ 1848, pp. 1-4, 152-158 ; XVIL, 1849, pp. 223-230. Buchanan, George. Malformation of the heart. Pathol. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 149- 150. Buchanan, Moses S. On the advantages of Clas- sification as a means of imparting information on the Anatomy of various parts of the human body. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. III., 1843, pp. 989-999. Buchanan, Robertson. Account of some im- provements on Water- Wheels. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 79-81. 2. Account of an improved Pump. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. X., 1801, pp. 193-197. 3. On the velocity of Water- Wheels. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. X., 1801, pp. 278-281. 4. On Canal Track-Boats. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 219-220. 5. On Steam-Boats. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLV., 1815, pp. 181-183; Gilbert, Annul. LIII., 1816, pp. 70-76. Buchanan, Thomas. Sketches of the compara- tive Anatomy of the organ of heai'ing founded chiefly on the ear of the Squalus. [1825.] Edinb. Wern. Soc. Mem. VI., 1826-31, pp. 144- 170. 2. Sketches of the comparative Anatomy of the organs of hearing and vision. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIV., 1826, pp. 71-76 ; Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 462-485. 3. Ueber den Einfluss, welchen die Gestalt und der Anheftungswinkel des iiusseren Ohres auf die Starke des Gehores hat. (Transl.) Meckel, Archiv, 1828, pp. 488-501. Buchanan, W. M. On the reaction of Water, and the theory of the reaction Water-Wheel. Glasgow, Proc. Phil. Soc. II., 1844-48, pp. 111- 130. Buchenau, Franz. Beitrage zur Entwickelungs- geschichte des Pistills. Linnjea, XXV., 1852, pp. 622-649. 2. Beitrage zur Morphologie von Reseda. Botan. Zeitung, XI., 1853, col. 361-372, 390. Buchenau, Franz. 3. Ueber die Bliithenent- wickelung einiger Dipsaceen, Valerianeen und Compositen. Senckenberg, Naturf. Gescll. Abhandl. 1854-55, pp. 106-132. 4. Bemerkung iiber Sorbus hybrida, L. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 1-4. 5. Monstrositat der Blttthe bei Dipsacus fullonum, Mill. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 389- 393. 6. Ueber die Bliithenentwickelung von Alisma und Butomus. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 241-254. 7. Einige Bliithenabnormitaten. Flora, XL., 1857, pp. 289-297. 8. Zur Naturgeschichte von Narthecium ossifragum, Huds. Botan. Zeitung, XVI 1., 1859, pp. 161-165, 169-172. 9. Zur Naturgeschichte der Littorellalacus- tris, L. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 80-87, 464. 705-707. 1O. Bemerkungen iiber Cornus suecica, L. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 87-95. 11. Morphologische Notiz iiber Limosella aquatica. Flora, XLIL, 1859, pp. 97-99. 12. Die Sprossverhaltm'sse von Ulex. Flora, XLI1L, 1860, pp. 449-456. 13. Tima, ein mexikanisches Mittel gegeu Lungenschwindsucht. Bonplandia, IX., 1861, pp. 175-177, 225-227. 14. Morphologische Bemerkungen iiber eiuige Acerineen. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 265-269, 273-278, 281-286. 15. Bemerkungen iiber die Wachsthums- weise der Corydalis claviculata, Pers. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 321-323. 16. Cotula coronopifolia, L. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der einheimischen Gewachse. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 17-19, 25-30. 17. Vorkommen gefullter Blumen bei einer wildwachsenden Pflanze. Botan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 127-128. 18. Der Bliithenstand von Empetrum. Bo- tan. Zeitung, XX., 1862, pp. 297-301. 19. Die Calabar-Bonne (Physostigma venc- nosum, Balf.). Botan. Zeitung, XXL, 1863, pp. 363-365. Bucherer, . Recherches des Nitrates daris les liqueurs tres-etendues. Journ. de Pharm. XXX VI., 1859, pp. 45-46. Buchet, J. P. A. Sur une caverne a ossemens fossiles decouverte a Test de St. Jean du Gard. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VI., 1833, pp. 369-382. Buchheim, . Beitrage zur Lehre von der Endosmose. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XII .. 1853, pp. 217-243. 2. Nachweisung des Alkohols bei gericht- lichen Untersuchungen. Chem. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, XXV., 1854, pp. 428-430. BUC] 694 [BUC Buchheim, 3. Ueber den Lebergang einiger organischen Siiuren in den Ilarn. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 122-146. 4. Ueber die Bildung von kohlensaurem Salze im Darmkanale. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 234-246. Buchinger, . Dei Aegilops- Frage im neuen Stadium. Bonplaudia, III., 1855, pp. 87-89. Buchner, Aug. Wilhclm. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der vrage : Hoedanig is de werking der dierlijke kool in het zuiveren en ontkleuren van vele vochten door dezelve ? In hoe verre verschilt deze wirking van die der plantenkool, en in welke gevallen verdient de eene boven de andere de voorkeur ? Hoe moet de dierlijke kool tot het onderscheiden gebruik bereid worden, en welke zijn de kenmerken, die eene goed bereide dierlijke kool doen kennen ? Haarlem, Verhand. XVII., 1829, pp. 65-164. 2. Verhandeling over db Looistoffe. Haar- lem, Verhand. XIX., 1831, pp. 1-236. 3. Zur Kenntniss der Gerbsiiure und ver- wandter Erzeugnisse. Kastner, Archiv. Chemie, VIL, 1833, pp. 190-192. 4. Ueber den Gerbstoff. Pharm. Centr. Blatt, IV., 1833, pp. 671-678. Buchner, Johann Andreas. Benierkungen iiber System und Kunstsprache der Chemie. Schweig- ger, Journ. XIII., 1815, pp. 193-223. 2. Ueber die Zersetzung der Kupfersalze durch Zucker. Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 224-246. 3. Ueber einen krystallisirten Hydrothion- schwefelkalk. Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 397-403. 4. Neuere Versuche mit dem Knallgas- geblase. Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 218-220. 5. Ueber die chemische Beschaffenheit der Chara hispida und Chara vulgaris. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, IX., 1818, pp. 349-376. 6. Ueber Lichterscheinungen bei der Krys- tallisation der Benzoesaure. Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (== Jahrb. XI.), 1824, pp. 222-232. 7. Ueber die sogenannte Sternschnuppen- Substanz. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. V., 1825, pp. 182-188. 8. Ueber das Mineralwasser von Miinchs- hb'fen und iiber einige andere Quellen des Isar- thals in Bayern. Schweigger, Journ. XLV. (= Jahrb. XV.), 1825, pp. 410-421. 9. Versuche iiber einige Verbindun^en des Goldes. Erdm. Journ. Techn. Chem. IVT, 1829, pp. 429-436; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 553-559. 1O. Memoire sur la preparation et les pro- l>rietes de la Salicine. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 242-248 : Journ. Roy. Inst. II., 1831, pp. 197-198. Buchner, Johann Andreas. 11. Nachricht au> dem pharmaceutisch-chemischen Institut in Mu'n- chen. Schweigger, Journ. LX. (= Jahrb. XXX.), 1830, pp. 253-256. 12. Examen de la Racine de Berberis. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 39-45. 13. Briefliche Notiz iiber SPATZIER'S Kar- toffel-Solanin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. II., 1834, pp. 272-274. 14. Note sur la Creosote. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 400-402. 15. Chemische Notiz iiber die Safte einiger Cacteen. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. II., 1836, col. 1050-1051. 16. Ueber das Cetrarin. [1836.] Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. IV., 1837, col. 171-175. 17. Notiz iiber Dr. CLAMOR MARQUART'S Versuche mit den Farben der Bliithen, und iiber das Vorkonimen des Indigo in der Familie der Orchideen. [1836.] Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. IV., 1837, col. 175-177. 18. Notice sur la solubilite de 1'acide arse- nieux dans Facide nitrique. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 421-422. 19. Ueber die Bitterstoffe im Allgemeinen und ins Besondere die der Cinchoneen. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XIV., 1842, col. 705-708. 20. Ueber iieue chemische Analysen der Salzsoole und deren Mutterlauge von der Saline Rosenheim. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIV., 1842, col. 1033-1034. 21. Ueber zwey neue Bereitungsmethodeu des milchsauren Eisenoxyduls. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anz. XIV., 1842, col. 1034. 22. Ueber das Linin, als arzneilich wirk- samen Hauptbestandtheil von Linum cathar- ticurn. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XIV., 1842, col. 1035. 23. Chemische Beobachtungen iiber die griine Wallnusschale. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVI., 1843, col. 861-863. 24. Ueber die von Dr. WINCKLER ent- deckte Identitiit des Bitterstoffs der Rinde von Esenbeckia febrifuga, Mart., mit dem Chinova- bitter. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVII., 1843, col. 196-198. 25. Ueber die Einwirkung der nasskiihlen Witterung des Sommers 1843 auf die Blausiiure- Entwickelung in den Kirschlorbeer-Blattern. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVIII., 1844, col. 45- 47, 49-52. 26. Bemerkungen iiber das Rohrenwasser aus dem Brunnhause von Brunnthal bei Miin- chen und das Pumpbrunnenwasser der Stadt. Mimchen, Gelehrte Anz. XVIII., 1844, col. 52- 56. 27. Ueber den Kupfergehalt der Galle. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXII., 1846, col. 305- 307. BUG] 695 [BUG Buchner, Johann Andreas. 28. Entdcckung des Milchzuckersin Hiihner-Eyern. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Ariz. XXII., 1846, col. 307-308. 29. Chemische Untersuchung des Bingel- krauts. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXII., 1 846, col. 308-311. 3O. Brief! icheNachricht uber einen Kohlen- stickstoff- und Schwefelgehalt gewisser Eisen- sorten. Liebig, Annal. LXXIII., 1850, pp. 215- 217. 31. Ueber das Eisenpulver der Apothekeri. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXX., 1850, col. 259- 261. 32. Notiz liber den chinesischen Gallus Wu-poeitse. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXX., 1850, col. 713-718. 33. Versuche zur Beantwortung der Frage, ob die unreifen oder die reifen Mohnkopfe zum Arzneigebrauche den Vorzug verdienen. Lie- big, Annal. LXXIX.. 1851, pp. 255-259. Buchner, Johann Andreas et Ludwig A. Me- moire sur la Berberine consideree sous les rap- ports chimique, medical et industriel. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 408-420. Buchner, Johann Andreas, e Herberger. La berberina. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIII., 1831, pp. 332-338. Buchner, Lndivig A. Examen chimique du Nectar de 1'Agave geminiflora. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 306-309. 2. Sur la Berberine, principe actif et colo- rant cristallise de la Racine de Berberis. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 309-310; Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 228-238. 3. Sur 1'amer kinovique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL. 1836, pp. 8-17; Liebig, Annal. XVII. 1836, pp. 161-164. 4. Sur 1'Arome de quelques fleurs. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 157-163 ; Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 413-414. 5. Wechselseitige Wirkung der Kohlen- siiure auf Schwefelmetalle und des Schwefel- wasserstoffs auf kohlensaure Salze. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 165-168. 6. Recherches sur 1'acide aconitique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 403-414; Liebig, Annal. XXVIIL, 1838, pp. 243-246. 7. Ueber die hauptsiichlichsten Bestand- theile der Berberis vulgaris. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 66-67. 8. Note sur le bimalate d'ammoniaque. Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1840, pp. 694-696. 9. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche fliichtige Saure aus der Angelika-Wurzel. Liebig, Annal. XLIL, 1842, pp. 226-233. Buchner, Ludwig A. 10. Ueber die Ergebnisse einer neuen chemischen Untersuchung der An- gelika-Wurzel (Angelica archangelica, L.}. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XIV., 1842, col. 716-717 ; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 124-127. 11. Ueber das Weinsteinsaure Antimon- oxyd-Ammoniak (Ammoniak-Brechweinstein). Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XV., 1842, col. 301- 302 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, XXVIIL, 1 843, pp. 485-486. 12. Chemische Beobachtungen uber die Jod- und Bromhaltige Adelheids-Quelle von Heilbrunn in Oberbayern mitgetheilt. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XVL, 1843, col. 912-916; Heller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 204-205. 13. Ueber die Natur einiger Pflanzenstoffe. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XX., 1845, col. 204- 212. 14. Ueber die Zersetzung des Jodantimons und Jodarseniks durch Wasser. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anz. XX., 1845, col. 846-851. 15. Chemische Untersuchung des Jodhal- tigen Mineralwassers von Wildegg in der Schweiz. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XX., 1845, col. 851-852. 16. Ueber die Menge des Broms in der Mutterlauge der Salzsoole zu Kreuznach. Miin- chen, Gelehrte Anz. XX. 1845, col. 852-853. 17. Ueber die Gallengahrung. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXL, 1845, col. 514-518. 18. Ueber das Vorkommen von Jod und Brom im Miinchner Wasser. Miinchen, Ge- lehrte Anz. XXL. 1845, col. 518-519. 19. Der Stickstoffgehalt des baierischen Biers. Miinchen, Gelehrte Auz. XX., 1845, col. 841-845; Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 373-375. 2O. Ueber einigc Stoffe, welche bei der weingeistigen Giihrung als Nebenproducte auf- treten. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. C., 1846. pp. 203-213. 21. Briefliche Mittheilung Wein und Bier betreffend. Liebig, Annal. LVIIL, 1846, pp. 107-116. 22. Ueber die Wirkuug des Zuckers auf die Zahne. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIL, 1846, col. 700-701. 23. Beytrag zur Kenntniss der Bierbestand- theile. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIL, 1846, col. 701-706. 24. Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die Galle. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIIL, 1846, col. 326-336. 25. Ueber den Arsenik, Kupfer- und Zinn- gehalt baierischer Mineralwiisser. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXIV., 1847, col. 601-607. BUG] 69G [BUG Buchner, Ludwig A. 26. Ueber die Menge von Arsenik, Kupfer und andern Metallen in den Mineralquellen zu Kissingen und Briickenau. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXV., 1847, col. 1025-1030 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL., 1847, pp. 442-447. 27. Chemische Untersuchung der Salzsoole " Edelquelle " von Reichenhall. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXVI., 1848, col. 756-662. 28. Neue Beobaclitungen iiber die frey- willige Zersetzung der Rindsgalle. Miinchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXVII., 1848, col. 817-822 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VI., 1849, pp. 147-151 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 401-406. 29. Darmstein bei einem Menschen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, X., 1850, pp. 191-193. 30. Ueber deu Worth der chinesischen Gallapfel. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXX., 1851, pp. 367-375. 31. Sur quelques phenomenes de fermen- tation. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 158- 160. 32. Ueber einige neue Giihrungs-und Ver- wesungs-Erscheinungen. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXIL, 1851, col. 154-163; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 473-480; Liebig, Annalen, LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 203-210. 33. Observations sur 1'etherification par le Chlorure de Zinc. Journ. dc Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 37-39. 34. Examen de la graine et des capsules de Digitalis. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 432-433. . 35. Ueber Darstellung von Molybdiinver- bindungen aus dem Gelbbleierz. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 320-321. 36. Recherches pharmacologiques sur le Tannate de Quinine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 158-160. 37. Ueber die Bildung der spirigen (sali- cyligen) Saure in den Bliithen der Spircea ul- maria. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXVI., 1853, col. 285-291 : Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 51-55; Haaxman, Tijdschrift, V., 1853, pp. 184-187; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 321-324 ; XXIV., 1853, pp. 73-75, 356-357. 38. Ueber einen neuen gelben Farbstoff in der Faulbaum-Wurzelrinde. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XXXVL, 1853, col. 409-412; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 343-345 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 50-53, 293-294: Liebig, Annal. LXXXVIL, 1853, pp. 218-221. 39. Ueber den Grad der Genauigkeit der hallymetrischen Methode zur Bieruntersuchung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXXIV., 1854, pp. 48-56. Buchner, Ludwig A. 40. Ueber eine leichte Methode, eine arsenhaltige Schwefelsaure von Arsenik zu befreien. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 241-242. 41. Ueber den Porst-Kampfer, Sedum pa- lustre. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XLIL, 1856, Bull. No. 7 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 318-319. 42. Ueber die Bereitung und Anwendung des Natron- Wasserglases. Munich, Nat. Tech. Comm. Abhand. I., 1857, pp. 165-172; Dinglei-, Polytechn. Journ. CXLIIL, 1857, pp. 45-49 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXI., 1857, pp. 234-235. 43. Ueber die Natur des Scammoniums und des Turpethharzes. Munchen, Gelehrte Anz. XL VI., 1858, col. 105-112 ; XLVII. 1858, col. 570-571. 44. Die Zelle. Bonplandia, VIII., 1860, pp. 308-310. 45. Preparation du Bromure de Potassium. Journ. de Pharm., XXX VII., 1860, p. 154. 46. Ueber das iitherische Oel von Pinus pumilio, Hacnkc. Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 323-329. 47. Ueber zwei Abhandlungen der II. H. Dr. F. MULLEII und Chr. FABIAN in Augsburg, die schadliche Wirkung arsenhaltiger Tapeten uud Anstriche in Wohnungen betreffend. Miin- chen, Sitzungsber. 1860, pp. 143-152. 48. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des brasilian- ischen Pfeilgiftes. Munchen. Sitzungsber. 1861, I., pp. 536-543. 49. Ueber die Anwendung der Dialyse zur gerichtlich-chemischen Ausmittelung der arsenigen Saure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 89-94 ; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ, CLXVL, 1862, pp. 143-147. 50. Ein bequemes Verfahren zur Darstel- lung des Asparagins. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, p. 117. Buchner, Ludwig A., et L. Oberlin. Essai d'une histoire chimique de la Tourbe, accompagm' d'une nouvelle analyse de la cendre de Tourbe. Joura. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 251-254. Buchner, Ludivig A., und G. Symon. Unter- suchungen iiber Haminkrystalle und ihre ge- richtlichmedicinische Bedeutung. Virchow, Ar- chiv, XV., 1858, pp. 50-69. Buchner, Max. Ueber Oxyphansiiure im Holz- essig. Liebig, Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 186- 193 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 377- 378; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 77- 78. . 2. Die angebliche Pyrogallussiiure im Holx- essig. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIL, 1856, pp. 164-167. BUG] 697 [BUC Buchner, Max. 3. Ueber den Kohlenstoff- und Siliciumgelialt de* Roheisens. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXV., 1857, pp. 231-235 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 364-369 ; Cuyper, Revue Univ. IV., 1858, pp. 91-95 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXLVII., 1858, pp. 288-291. Buchner, Otto. Ueber Feuermeteore und Meteor- iten. Oberhess. Gesell. Bericlit, 1860, pp. 82-85. 2. Meteorsteinfall zu Wedde, Prov. Gron- ingen Holland, am 8 Juli 1852. Poggend. An- nal. CXII., 1861, pp. 490-492. 3. Notiz iiber den Meteoritenfall zu Kille- ter in Irland. Poggend. Annal. CXIIL, 1861, pp. 507-509. 4. Zwei neuere Meteorsteinfalle. Poggend. Annal. CXIIL, 1861, pp. 510-511. 5. Geaster coliformis, Pcrs., bei Darmstadt. Oberhess. Gesell. Bericht, IX., 1862, p. 65. 6. Die Meteoriten in Wien und London. Poggend. Annal. CXVL, 1862, pp. 637-643. 7. Versuch eines Quellenverzeichnisses zur Literatur iiber Meteoriten. Senckenberg, Naturf. Gesell. Abhandl. 1859-61, pp. 455-482 ; IV., 1862-63, pp. 161-180. Buchner, W. S. Verhandeliug ter beantwoord- ing der vrage : " Welke zekere en uitvoerlijke middelen kunneii er uit de hedendaagsche Na- tuur- en Scheikunde worden afgeleid, ter voor- koming en beteugelingvanzoodanigeheerschende ziekten, als meesttijds, bij uitgestrekte droog- makingen, door de uitdampingen van de uit- droogende grondeu, onder de bewoners van aangrenzende of naburige streken ontstaan ? " Haarlem, Verhandl. XL, 1822, pp. 1-75. Biichner, (Dr.) Ueber ausgezeichnete Sehnen im Kreise, die durch einen bestimmten Punkt gehen. Grunert, Archiv, III., 1843, pp. 388-394. Biichner, George. Memoire sur le systeme ner- veux du Barbeau, Cyprinus barbus, L. [1836.] Strasbourg, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. II., 1835; Froriep, Notizen, L., 1836, col. 212-215. Buchner, Phil. Ueber die Constitution der Gal- lussaure und einiger ihrer Verbindungen, so wie iiber Zusammensetzung der maleinsauren Salze. Deutsch. Naturf. Versatnml. Bericht, 1843, p. 238. 2. Ueber Gummi-Gutt. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 71-94 ; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 300-304. 3. Ueber Maleinsaure, Darstellung, Eigen- schaften und Zusammensetzung ihrer wichtigsten Salze. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 57-91 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 456-459. 4. Ueber Gallussaure und Gerbsaure, Ver- halten dieser Sauren zu Basen, Darstellung, Eigenschaften und Constitution ihrer wichtigsten Salze. Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 175- 220, 349-377. Buchner, W. Ueber den Gehalt vou Schwefel- arsenik in Schellak. Liebig, Annal. LIX., 1846, pp. 96-104. Buchholtz, A., und Buhse. Uebersicht der naturhistorischen Literatur von Liv- Kur- und Ehstland. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Nat. Ver. VII., 1854, pp. 49-58, 81-89, 115-122, 129-140. Buchholz, A. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der natiir- lichen Soolen und Salzauflosungen. Carnall, Zeitschr. III., 1856, pp. 275-302. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich. Ueber die Kri.s- tallisation der essigsauren Schwererde. Tromms- dorff, Journ. de Pharm. L, 1794 (St. 2), pp 77-84. 2. Etwas iiber die riithselhafte Natur des sogenunnten Cremor tartari soluhilis. Tromms- dorff, Journ. de Pharm. II., 1795, pp. 64-75. 3. Etwas iiber HAHNEMANN'S Quecksilber- kalk. TrommsdorfF, Journ. de Pharm. IV. 1797, pp. 49-72. 4. Ueber eiue Eigenschaft des salzigtsauren Wissmuths. Trommsdorff, Journ. de Pharm. V 1798 (St. 2), pp. 81-84. 5. Ueber die Gallapfelsiiure. Trommsdorff, Journ. de Pharm. V., 1798 (St. 2), pp. 84-88. 6. Ueber die Weinsteinsaure. Trommsdorff, Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1800, pp. 21-68. 7. Versuche die Zerlegung des Opiums in seine niihere Bestandtheile betreffend. Tromms- dorff, Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1800, pp. 24-62. 8. Beantwortung der Frage : Wie wirkt die Kohle zur leichtern Entfernung der Kohlen- saure vom kohlensauren Baryt, dem sie in die- ser Absicht, nach PELLETIEK, zugesetzt wird und der sie sonst im heftigsten Weissgliihefeuer nicht ganzlich fahren liisst ? Nebst gemachter Entdeckung zweier Gasarten, wovon die eine kohligtsaures Gas bis jetzt unbekannt ist ; bey Gelegenheit der in obiger Absicht angestellten Versuche. Crell, Chem. Annal. II., 1801, pp. 369-388. 9. Versuche zur endlichen Berichtigung der Bereitung des Zinnobers auf dem uassen Wege. Erfurt, Nova Acta, II., 1801. 10. Beobachtungen und Versuche iiber die galvanische Electricitat und einige ihrer che- mischen Wirkungen. Gilbert, Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 434-460. 11. Einiges iiber den Brechweinstein iiber- haupt, und iiber eine kiirzere und bessere Be- reitungsart desselben insbesondere. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1801 (St. 2), pp. 25-52. 12. Nachtrag zur Berichtigung und Ergan- zung der Versuche zur endlichen Berichtigung der Bereitung des Zinnobers auf dem sogenann- ten nassen Wege. Crell, Chem. Annal. L, 1802, pp. 27-37. 4 T BUC 698 [BUC Bucholz, (kristian Fried rich. 13. Discovery of two new Gases. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 174-175. 14. Materials towards a more intimate knowledge of native Molybdena, containing a very advantageous method of extracting Mo- lybdic Acid from that Sulphuret. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVI., 1803, pp. 193-204. 15. Versuche iiber die Darstellung des leichten Salziithers nach BASSE'S Methode. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1803 (St. 2), pp. 3-20. 16. Versuche die nahere und genauere Bestimmung der Beschaffenheiten und Eigen- schaften der weinsteinsauren Talkerde beabsich- tigend. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XI.. 1803 (St. 2), pp. 21-37. 17. Einige Erfahrungen iiber die Vereinig- ung des sauren weinsteinsauren Kalis mit der Talkerde. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1803 (St. 2), pp. 37-40. 18. Ueber die Gewinnungsart des leichten Salzathers nach BASSE'S Vorschrift. Erfurt, Nova Acta, HI., 1804. 19. Abstract of a Memoir on the possi- bility of obtaining Prussiate of Potash free from iron ; the unalterability of the Prussic Acid at high temperatures ; and the true nature of the combinations of this Acid with different bases. (Transl.} Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 278-282 ; X., 32-33. 2O. Experiments made for the purpose of ascertaining whether there be a real Acid of Cobalt ; or, in other words, whether Cobalt actually unites with Oxygen to the degree necessary for acidification. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1804, pp. 97-106. 21. Der bisher unter dem Namen Agust- Erde aufgefiihrte Stoff ist nicht einfach sondern eine Verbindung der Phosphorsaure mit Kalk. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1804 (St. 2), pp. 31-44. 22. Priifung der Bertholletischen Methode das Kali durch Hulfe des Weinalkohols rein darzustellen. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1804 (St. 2), pp. 59-66. 23. Ueber die vortheilhafteste Abschei- dungsart der conzentrirten Essigsaure aus dem essigsaurem Blei (Bleizucker). Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1804 (St. 2), pp. 67-71. 24. Analyse d'un Carbonate de fer cris- tallise. Juurn. des Mines, XVIII., 1804-5, pp. 199-210. 25. Essais sur le Molybdene. Journ. des Mines, XV1IL, 1804-5. pp. 241-298 ; Nicholson, Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 121-138, 188-196, 253- 266. 26. Precede pour Manganese. ( Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, LVI., 1805, pp. 86-102. Bucholz, Christian Fricdrich. 27. Examen de differens precedes pour faire le depart du Nickel et du Cobalt. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 137-151; Nicholson, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 261-267 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1805, pp. 193-199. 28. Muriatic Solution of Tin in part de- composed into metallic ciystallized Tin. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1805, p. 112. 29. Beitrag zur niiheren Kenntniss der weinsteinsauren Eisenoxyde, einiger Eisen- tinkturen, und einiger andern pharmaceutisch- chemischen Priiparate. Trommsdorff', Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1805 (St. 2), pp. 139-207. 3O. Analyse des Zo'isits. Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 197-202. 31. Analyse des Hyaliths von Frankfurt am Main. Gehlen, Journ. I., 1806, pp. 202- 204. 32. Beobachtungen iiber eine Art von Schmelzung des kohlensauern Kalks. Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 271-275 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXII., 1807, pp. 50-53. 33. Analyse des gelblich-weissen dichten Kalksteins (vulgo Mehlbass), vom Ettersbergc bei Weimar. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806. pp. 18- 21. 34. Untersuchung eines unter dem Namen Trippel (terra tripolitana) in den Apotheken vorkommendeu Fossils. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 21-24. 35. Analyse des dichten Bitterkalks (Ha- berle), eines unter dem Namen : verhartete reine Talkerde, vorkornmenden Fossils. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 24-27. 36. Analyse des Polirschiefers (Silex schis- tus politorius, W.) vom Kritschelberge. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 28-31. 37. Analyse des Saugschiefers (Silex schis- tus suctorius) Haberle's, des miirben und des verharteten. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 31- 34. 38. Wiederholung der Analyse des Kleb- schiefers von Menilmontant. Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 34-38. 39. Neuer Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Bereitungsart der reinen Weinsteinsaure. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1806, pp. 104-117. 4O. Das n.'.ch SCUJGELEN'S Methode durch den Weg der Niederschlagung gewonnene, milde salzsaure Quecksilber ist bei gehoriger Befolgung der von mir dazu gegebenen Vor- schrift rein. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIV., 1806 (St. 2), pp. 107-122. BUC] 699 [BUC Bucholz, Christian Fricdrich. 41. Beitrage zur Erweiterung und Berichtigung unserer Kennt- nisse von den Oxydationszustanden des Eisens, und dem Verhalten der Oxyde unter verschie- denen Umstiinden und zu einigen Siiuren. Geh- len, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 696-727 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXV., 1808, pp. 202-210 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIL, 1807, pp. 361-368 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 353-357; Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 53-54. 42. Analyse des Eisenglimmers, des rothen Eisenrahms und des Magneteisensteins. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 104-110. 43. Analyse zweier Spatheisensteinc. Geh- len, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 114-123. 44. Zweiter Nachtrag zu BEKTIIOLLET'S Abhandlung, betreffend die Verhaltnissmengen der Bestandtheile im salzsauren Silber uud den salzsauren Neutralsalzen. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 328-335. 45. Beitrag zur Priifung des Winteii'schen Systems ; enthaltend eine Untersuchung des neuesten Verfahrens WINTERL'S dieAndronie zu gewinnen. Gehlen, Journ. III., 1807, pp. 336- 344; Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1807, pp. 49- 58. 46. Analyse des seltenen wiirnich krystalli- sirten dichten Rotheisensteins von Toschniss im Thiiringerwaldgebirge. Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 155-158 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIL, 1807, pp. 435-438 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXV., 1810, pp. 97-99. 47. Ueber das sogenannte Todtbrennen des Kalks. Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 128- 130 ; Journ. des Mines, XXII,, 1807, pp. 234- 236 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 381- 385. 48. Schmelzbarkeit des atzenden Strontians. Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 661-664. 49. Analyse de trois especes de pyrites (Ferrum mineralisatum pyrites, W.\ Annal. de Chimie, LXVI1L, 1808, pp. 134-139 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XXVII., 1810, pp. 356-357; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 621-624. SO. Versuche mit den Blattern der Colutea arborescens. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XIV., 1808, pp. 79-94. 51. Untersuchung des Larchenschwammes (Boletus pini laricis). Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XIV., 1808, pp. 111-121. 52. Ueber die chemische Wirksamkeit der einfachen galvanisch-electrischen Ketten aus Metallauflosungen, Wasser oder Saiiren, und Metallen ; besonders in Hinsicht auf die dadurch bewirkte Desoxydation der Metalloxyde. Geh- len, Journ. V.. 1808, pp. 127-142 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1808, pp. 266-289 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIV., 1808, pp. 5-22 ; Nicholson. Journ. XXV., 1800, pp. 39-50. Bucholz, Christian Fried-rich.. 53. Beitrag zur nahern Kenntniss der eigenthiimlichen Schwing- uiigen von Pendeln. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 575-598. 54. Ueber die Reduction des Kali, Natron und Baryts auf gewfrhnlich chemischen Wege. Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 690-699. 55. Analysen einiger Mineralien aus dem Kieselgeschlechte. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 147-156. 56. Fortgesetzte Beobachtungen iiber die Alkali-Metallo'ide. Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 188-194. 57. Versuche zur Priifung der Angabe THENAIID'S iiber ein vermeintliches weisses Eisenoxyd. Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 681- 689. 58. Beweis der Unzulanglichkeit des von VAUQUELIN vorgeschriebenen Verfahrens, das Messing oder andere Verbindungen des Kupfers mit Zink auf dem nassen Wege zu zerlegen ; hergeleitet aus der merkwiirdigen Erfahrung iiber die Vereinigung des Kupfers mit dem Zink auf nassern Wege, u.s.f. Miinchen, Denkschr. 1808, pp. 157-178. 59. Versuche zur Aufstellung eines Ver- fahrens, die kohlenstoffsaure Talkerde immer von einerlei Gehalt ihrer Bestandtheile und von gleichgrossen Volumen darzustellen. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVL, 1808, pp. 3-25. 6O. Neuer Beitrag zur Berichtigung der Methoden aus schwefelsaurem Kali mit Vortheil Schwefelmilch und Spiessglanzschwefel zu be- reiten. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1808, pp. 26-41. 61. Ueber die Darstellungsmethoden der krystallisirten kohlenstoffsauren Talkerde, nebst Untersuchung der dadurch erhaltenen Producte. TrommMorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVI., 1808 (St. 2), pp. 97-118. 62. Ueber das Ordnen des Baryts, Stron- tians, und Kalks in die Reihe der Alkalien, und iiber ihre Benennung. TrommsdorfF, Journ. d. Pharm. XVII., 1808, pp. 127-136. 63. Ueber ein zweckmiissigeres Priifungs- verfahren des Bleiweisses auf Beimischung von Kreide. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. X VII., 1808 (St. 2), pp. 3-7. 64. Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Schlei- migwerden der destillirten Wasser. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVII., 1808 (St. 2), pp. 12-26 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 379-381. 65. Es giebt ein salpetersaures Spiess- glanzoxyd. Erfurt, Nova Acta, IV., 1809, p. 1. 66. Analyse des rothen Schorl's von Roschna in Mahren. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 162-171. 4 T 2 BUG] 700 [BUC Bucholz, Christian Friedricfi. 67. Analyse des iichten Tripels (Kieseltripels nach HABEKLE) von Ronneburg. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809. pp. 171-176. 68. Xachtrag zu der Analyse des Hyalith's. Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, pp.*176-l79; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 328-330 : Nichol- son, Journ. XXXL, 1812, p. 158. 69. Ueber das Schwiirzen des Hornsilbers durch das Licht, und die Bildung des Messings auf nassem Wege. Gilbert, Annal. XXXL, 1809, pp. 208-212. 7O. Neue Untersuchung des grauen Am- bers (Ambra ambrosiaca) mit besonderer Rtick- sicht auf die schon vorhandenen ; zur Berichti- gung der einander widersprechenden Angaben verschiedener Scheidekiinstler iiber diese Sub- stanz. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XVIII., 1809, pp. 28-65 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 95-97 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXX.. 1812, pp. 381-382. 71. Sur les alcalis metalloides. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIII., 1810, pp. 78-86; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 188-193; Nicholson, Journ. XXIX., 1811, pp. 183-186. 72. Vcrsuche iiber THOMSON'S sehwefel- haltige Salzsaure (Verbindung von Schwefel, Sauerstoff und Salzsaure) ; zur niihern Kennt- niss dieser merkwiirdigen Verbindung. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 172-188. 73. Analyse der sogenannten strahligen Kobaltbliithe. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 308-315. - 74t. Die Kamphersaure wieder in ihre Rechte und auf ihren Platz als eine eigenthum- liche Siiure gesetzt. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1813. pp. 332-357. 75. Priifung der vom Dr. JOHNZU Berlin befolgten und in Vorschlag gebrachteWlNJcthode, Eisen und Mangan von einander zu trennen ; und iiber eine bei dieser Gelegenheit eutdeckte griine dreifache Verbindung aus rothem Eisen- oxyd Kali und Sauerkleesaure. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 673-682. 76. Ueber die Darstellung der Alkalime- talloide. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 767-768. 77. Beitrag zur endlichen Festsetzung eines moglichst bestimmten, einfachen zweck- massigen und vortheilhaften Verfahrens. das unter dem Namen HAHNEMANN'S auflosiiches Quecksilber (Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni) bekannte schwarze Quecksilberoxydul zu ge- winnen, und zur Kenntniss dessen wahrer Mischungsbeschaffenheit. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810, pp. 32-44. 78. Beschreibung eines bestimmteren Ver- fahrens das iiberoxydirte salzsaure Kali mog- lichst wohlfeil und rein zu gewinnen. Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810, pp. 45-54. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich. 79. Sur la ma- niere de separer 1'oxide de fer de 1'oxide de manganese. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIX., 1811, pp. 310-315; Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 301-304; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 287-289. 8O. Sur la fermentation du sucre de lait. Journ. de Phys. LXXIII., 1811, pp. 442-443. 81. Untersuchung des sogenannten Tibe- tanischen Caoutchoucs, oder der scharlachro- then elastischen Substanz der Morgenlander. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 54-58. 82. Beschreibung und Analyse eines bei Halle gefundenen eigenthiimlichen Erdharzes, welches hb'chstwahrscheinlich mit dem von HATCHETT untersuchten und Retinasphalt ge- nannten, einerlei 1st. Schweigger, Journ. L. 18 11, pp. 290-299. 83. Versuche zur Bestiitigung des von _> <_* mir angegebenen Bestandtheilverhaltnisses des Picnits oder Stangensteins von Altenberge. Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 385-390. 84. Versuche iiber die Fiihigkeit des reinen Milchzuckers zum Gahren. Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 359-364. 85. Analyse eines glasigen manganoxyd- haltigen Eisenoxyd.s (Fer oxyde manganesifere vitreux). Schweigger, Journ. II., 1811, pp. 475- 479. 86. Versuche iiber Wolfram- oder Scheel- metall [Tungsten] und seine Verbindungen mil Sauerstoff, Ammonium und andern Stoffen, zur Priifung alterer Erfahrungen und Erweiterung unserer Kenntnisse iiber diese Gegenstiindc. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 1-24; Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 198-209. 87. Beitrag zur genaueren Kenntniss der Mischungsbeschaffenheit der Arten aus der Gat- tung Schorl ; bestehend in einigen Analyse] i zweier Arten derselben. Schweigger, Journ. III., 1811, pp. 25-55. 88. Analyse des Benzoeharzes (Gummi Benzoes),Priifung der vorziiglichsten chemischen Eigenschaften des reinen Benzoeharzes; Ver- suche die Benzoesaure von anhangenden Harz- theilchen gereinigt darzustellen ; nebst einem daraus abgeleiteten neuen Verfahren die reine Benzoesaure darzustellen. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1811 (St. 2), pp. 73-90; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 319-323; Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 175-178. 89. Analyse d'un biturae particulier trouve en Saxe. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIII., 1812, pp. 323-328. 90. Sur 1'acide camphorique, considerc'- comme un acide particulier. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 301-315 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 151-153 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIIL, 1814, pp. 146-153. BUG] 701 [BUC Bucholz, Christian Friedrich. 91. Analyse du cobalt arseniate (H.). (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie. LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 324-331. 92. Analyse zweier Abanderungen des Sclrwimmsteins (Quarz nectique). Leonhard, Taschenbuch, VI., 1812, pp. 1-9. 93. Einige Erfahrungen liber die Dnr- stellung des Sauerstoffgases aus iiberoxygenirt salzsaui'em Kali. Schweigger, Journ. VI., 1812, pp. 219-224. 94. Vermisclite pharmaceutisch-chemische Bemerkungen und Versuche. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXL, 1812 (St. 2), pp. 105- 114. 95. Nuovo processo per ottenere 1' acido ossibenzoico. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 73-74. 96. Analyse des Aerolithen von Erxleben bei Magdeburg. Schweigger, Journ. VII., 1813, pp. 143-250. 97. Versuche zur endlichen Bestimmung und Featsetzung der wahren Aufloslichkeit der arsenigen Siiure (weissen Arsenikoxyds, weissen Arseniks) im Wasser, und zur Ausmittelung der Ursachen warum iiber diesen Gegenstand so viele Widerspriiche obwalten. Schweigger, Journ. VII., 1813, pp. 387-411. 98. Chemische Analyse des Rothels (Och- riger Thoueisen stein KARSTEXS). Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1815 (St. 2), pp. 71-86. . 99. Exam en de la methode pour separer la magnesie de la chaux au moyen du carbonate neutre de potasse. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 403-406 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVII., 1816, pp. 56-77. 100. De Faction du Borax sur le Miel. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 28-31. 1O1. Experiences sur la Gomme Adragante. Journ. de Pharm. II, 1816, pp. 86-89. 102. Untersuchung eines Pferdeblasen- steins. Schweigger, Journ. XVII., 1816, pp. 1-27. 103. Versuche, welche beweisen, dass die vorgebliche ganzliche Unaufloslichkeit des koh- lenstoffsauren Kalks im Wasser riichtig sei. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXV. 1816, pp. 44-59. 104. Chemische Untersuchung der Gal- gantwurzel (Alpinia Galanga, *Sw.). Tromms- dorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXV., 1816 (St. 2), pp. 3-43. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Bran des. Analyse des Bayreuther Specksteins (Spanische Kreide, Lapis steatites). Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 277-284. Bucholz, Christian Fricdrich, und Brandes. 2. Analyse zweier Scheelerze, des derben gelb- lichweissen blattrichen Scheelerzes von Schlack- cnwald und des derben haar-braunen strahligen Scheelerzes von Zinnwald ; nebst damit ver- bundenen Versuchen zur Prufung der iilteren Scheidungsmethode dieses Minerals und Festset- xung einer bessern und abgekiirzten. Schweig- ger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 285-304. 3. Ueber ein neues Mineral von Hodrisch in Ungarn. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 371-381. 4. Analyse der lufttrocknen Ange- lika-Wurzel (Angelica Archangelica). Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 138-188. 5. Analyse des weissgrauen fetten Thons (Argilla plastica) von Almerode in Hes- .seii (weisser Bolus). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 189-204. 6. Analyse der Austerschalen (Os- trea edulis). Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 204-214. 7. Analyse eines merkwiirdigen Kupfererzes von Poinik in Ungarn. Schweig- ger, Journ. XXIL, 1818, pp. 27-42. 8. Neue Erfahrung iiber die Exis- tenz und Mischung eines schwefelwasserstoff- sauren Schwefelkalks mit Ueberschuss an Kalk. Schweigger, Journ. XXIL, 1818, pp. 43-50. 9. Sur la Cire jaune et sur ses elemens, le Cerin et le Myricin. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 361-362. 1O. Sur 1'existenceet la composition d'un sous-hydrosulflure de chaux cristallise. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. II., 1819, pp. 261-265. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Gehlen. Bemerkungen iiber die Schmelzbarkeit des iitzenden Baryts. Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 258-268. 2. Versuche iiber den kiinstlichen Schwefelkies und den kiinstlichen Magnetkies (Schwefeleisen mit der grossten und kleinsten Verhaltnissmenge von Schwefel). Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 291-315. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Haberle. Mineralogische Untersuchungen iiber den Magne- sit (Natiirliche Talkerde, W.), nebst Analyse ver- schiedener Abanderungen desselben. Gehlen, Journ. VIII., 1809, pp. 662-678 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1810, pp. 65-83; Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 312-316 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXL, 1812, pp. 269-277. 2. Ueber den dichten Bitterkalk. Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 299-308. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Keferstein. Chemische Analyse des weissen Serpentins, nebst mineralogischen Bemerkungen dariiber. Schweigger, Journ. XXL, 1817, pp. 134-150. BUC] 702 [BUC Bucholz, Christian Friedrich. und Klaproth. Analyse de la zoysite. Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, p. 473. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Meissner. ITeber die Darstellung eines reinen Stickstoffgas nach BERTHOLLET'S Methode. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XXIV., 1815, pp. 59-70. . - 2. Experiences pour determiner la quantite de Strontiane contenue dans plusieurs especes d'Arragonite. Annal. de Chiraie, II., 1816, pp. 176-182; Schweigger, Journ. XIII.. 1815, pp. 1-71. Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, und Winterl. Zu- 3atz, einige von den Hrn. WINTERL und BUCHOLZ augestellte Versuehe mit dem Schwefelkies-Pen- del betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XXVI., 1807, pp. 424-428. Bucholz, Friedrich Carl. Die braune Chinarinde (Cortex chinne fuscae seu officinalis). Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 94-127. 2. Ueber die Reinigung des schwefelsauren Zinkoxyds von Eisen mittelst Chlor, und ein dabey erhaltenes Doppelsalz. Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824 (St. 2), pp. 26-43. 3. Ueber die Zusammenkiinfte der Physi- ker unserer Zeit. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 360-369. 4. Versuche iiber Kermes minerale. Berlin, Jahrb. Pharm. XXXIL, 1831, pp. 199-220. Bucholz, P. I. Chemische Analyse des mir iiber- sandten Feldgpats aus Baiern. Moll, Neue Jahrbiich. II., 1812, pp. 354-362. Buchholz, Reinhold. Beitrage zur Anatomic der Gattung Enchytrasus, nebst Angabe der um Konigsberg vorkommenden Formen derselben. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Oekon. Gesell. III., 1862, pp. 93-130. 2. Bemerkungen iiber den histologischen Bau des Centralnervensystems der Siisswasser- mollusken. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 234- 264, 265-309. 3. Ueber die Mikropyle von Osmerus eperlanus. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 71-81. 4. Nachtraglicbe Bemerkung iiber die Mikropyle von Osmerus eperlanus. Reichert, Archiv, 1863, pp. 367-372. Buchwalder, A. J. Sur la partie meridionale de la chaine du Jura. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 136-143. 2. Sur 1'affaissement des montagnes de Quito. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1837-38. pp. 424-426. Buchwaldt, F. Om de reelle Rodders approxi- mative Beregning i numeriske algebraiske Lig- uinger, uafhzengigt af R0ddernes Udskillelse. Mathem. Tidssk. II., 1860, pp. 73-78. Buchwaldt, F. 2. Om de imagincere Rudders Beregning i numeriske algebraiske Ligninger. Mathem. Tidssk. II., 1860, pp. 177-183. 3. Om de reelle R0dders Beregning i nume- riske transcendente eller algebraiske Ligninger. Mathem. Tidssk. III., 1861, pp. 185-191. 4. Auvendelse af en Integrationsfaktor ved . rogle Differentialligninger af f0rste og hpliere Orden. Mathem. Tidssk. V., 1863^ pp. 33-37. 5. Berigtigelse af og Tilfyielse til Afhand- lingen i Kr. 3, 4, 1863 : " Anvendelse af en Integrationsfaktor ved nogle Differentiallignin- ger af f^rste og h^iere Orden." Mathem. Tidssk. V., 1863, pp. 82-85. Buck, Gurdon. A new feature in the anatomical structure of the Genito-Urinary Organs not hitherto described. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. I., 1848, pp. 367-371. Buck, Th. Einige Zweifel gegen die anato- misch-physiologische Untersuchung des Herrn Achilles COMTE, betreffend das Vorherrschen des rechten Arms im Verhiiltniss zum linken. Weimar, Zeitschr. Geburtskunde, IV.. 1829, pp. 243-252. Buckeisen, F., und Wanklyn. Einwirkung von Natrium auf ein Gemisch von Methyljodiir und Aethylather. Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 329-335 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 140-145. Buckland, Frank. On the culture of fish. Roy. Inst. Proc. IV., 1863, pp. 75-86. Buckland, William. Description of an insulated group of rocks of Slate and Greenstone in Cumberland and Westmoreland, on the east side of Appleby, between Melmerby and Murton. [1815.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1817, pp. 105- 116. 2. Description of a series of specimens from the Plastic Clay near Reading, B.erks ; with observations on the formation to which those beds belong. [1816.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1817, pp. 277-304. 3. Description of the Paramoudra, a singu- lar fossil body that is found in the Chalk of the North of Ireland ; with some general observa- tions upon Flints in Chalk, tending to illustrate the history of their formation. [1816.] Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1817, pp. 413-423. 4. Notice on the geological structure of a part of the Island of Madagascar ; with obser- vations on some specimens from the interior of New South Wales, collected during Mr. OXLEY'S Expedition to the River Macquarie, 1818. Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 476-481 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIII., 1821, pp. 20-46. BUCJ 703 Buckland, William. 5. Description of the Quartz Rock of the Lickey Hill in Worcestershire, and of the strata immediately surrounding it ; with considerations on the evidence of a recent de- luge afforded by the Gravel Beds of Warwick- shire and Oxfordshire ; and the valley of the Thames from Oxford downwards to London ; and an Appendix containing analogous proofs of diluvial action. [1819.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. .506-544. 6. Instructions for conducting geological investigations and collecting specimens. Silli- man, Journ. III., 1821, pp. 249-251. 7. On the structure of the Alps and adjoin- ing parts of the Continent, and. their relation to the Secondary and Transition Rocks of England. Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 450-468. 8. Account of an assemblage of fossil teeth and bones of Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippo- potamus, Bear, Tiger, and Hyaena, and sixteen other animals, discovered in a cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire, in the year 1821 ; with a comparative view of five similar caverns in various parts of England, and others on the Continent. Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 171-236 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 133-145, 173-194; Journ. dePhys. XCVL, 1823, pp. 220-245, 308-330; Froriep, Notizen, II., 1822, col. 164-168 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 56-62 ; IX., 1823, pp. 221-228 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1823, 305-315 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIL, 1823, 112-114. 9. On the excavation of valleys by diluvial PP PP action, as illustrated by a succession of valleys which intersect the South Coast of Dorset and Devon. [1822.] Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1824, pp. 95-102. 10. Observations on the South-western Coal District of England. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1824, pp. 210-316. 11. Notice on the Megalosaurus or great Fossil Lizard of Stouesfield. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1824, pp. 390-396. 12. Reply to some observations in Dr. FLEMING'S Remarks on the distribution of British Animals. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XII, 1825, pp. 304-319. 13. On the discovery of the Anoplotherium commune in the Isle of Wight. Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 360-361. 14. Relation d'une decouverte recente d'os fossiles faite dans la partie orientale de la France, a la Grotte d'Orselles ou Quingey, sur les bords du Doubs. Ann. Sci. Nat. X., 1827, pp. 306-320 ; Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 203-204. 15. On the interior of the dens of living Hyaenas. Edinb. New Phil: Jonrn. II., J827, pp. 377-380. Buckland, William. 16. Observations on the bones of Hyaenas and other animals in the cavern of Lunel. [1826.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 3-6 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. VI., 1827, pp. 242-246 ; Froriep, Notizeu, XVI., 1827, col. 257-260. 17. Notes sur des traces de Tortues ob- servees dans le gres rouge. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII.. 1828, pp. 85-86. 18. On the formation of the valley of Kingsclere and other valleys by the elevation of the strata that inclose them ; and on the evi- dences of the original continuity of the Basins of London and Hampshire. [1825.] Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 119-130. 19. Geological account of a series of ani- mal and vegetable remains and of rocks col- lected by J. CRAWFORD, Esq., on a voyage up the Irawadi to Ava in 1826 and 1827. [f828.] Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 377-392 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1834, pp. 71-73 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 283-287. 2O. On the Cycadeoidea?, a family of Fossil Plants found in the Oolite Quarries of the Isle of Portland. [1828.] Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 395-402 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 80-81. 21. Supplementary remarks on the sup- posed power of the waters of the Irawadi to convert Wood to Stone. [1828.] Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 403-404; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VI., 1829, pp. 67-70. 22. Letter on the discovery of Coprolites in North America. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 321-323. 23. On the Fossil Remains of the Mega- therium recently imported into England from South America. Brit. Assoc. Rep. I., 1832. pp. 104-107 ; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1834, pp. 112-113. 24. Appendix to Mr. DE LA BECHE'S paper on the Geology of Nice. [1829.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, p. 94. 25. On the discovery of a new species of Pterodactyle ; and also of Fseces of the Ichthyo- saurus ; and of a black substance resembling Sepia in the Lias at Lyme Regis. [1829.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 96-98, 142-143 ; Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1835, pp. 217-222, 223- 236 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1830, pp. 21-26 ; Boue, Journ. de Geol. I., 1830, pp. 1- 19 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, coL 1-5, 17-22. 26. On the vitality of toads enclosed in stope and wood. Zool. Journ. V., 1832-34, pp. 314-320 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XIII., 1832, pp. 26-32 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1832, col. 321-326 ; Liebig, Annal. IV., 1832, pp. 109-115; Silliman, Journ. XXIII., 1833, pp. 372-377. BUG] 704 [BUC Suckland, William. 27. On the occurrence of Agates in Dolomitic Strata of the New Red Sandstone Formation iii the Mendip Hills. [1829.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 149-150 ; Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1835, pp. 421-424. 28. On the discovery of Fossil Bones of the Iguanodon in the Iron Sand of the Wealden Formation in the Isle of Wight, and in the Isle of Purbeck. [1829.] Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834. pp. 159-160; Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1835, pp. 425-432. 29. Observations on the Secondary Forma- tions between Nice and the Col di Tende. [1829.] Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1835, pp. 187- 190 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. L, 1834, p. 94. 30. Ueber den Ban und die mechanische Kraft des Unterkiefers des Dinotherium. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 516-518. 31. Notiz iiber die hydraulische Wirkung des Siphons bei den Nautilen, Ammoniten u. a. Polythalamien. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1835, pp. 631-635. 32. On the fossil beaks of four extinct species of Fishes, referrible to the genus Chi- msera, that occur in the Oolitic and Cretaceous formations of England ; with Note by L. AGASSIZ. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1836, pp. 4-7; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 205-206. 33. Bemerkungen iiber das Genus Belem- nosepia und iiber den fossilen Dinten-Sack in dem vorderen Kegel der Belemniten. Leon- hard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 36-41. 34. On the adaptation of the Sloths to their peculiar mode of life. Linn. Soc. Trans. XVII., 1837, pp. 17-28 ; L'Institut, L, 1833, p. 5. 35. Account of the Fossil Footsteps of the Cheirotherium, &c. in the stone quarries of Storeton Hill, near Liverpool. Brit. Assoc. Rep. VII., 1838 (pt. 2), p. 85. 36. Notice of a newly discovered gigantic reptile. [1835.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 190. 37. On the occurrence of silicified trunks of trees iu the New Red Sandstone at Allesley. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 439-440. 38. On the occurrence of the Keupcr Sandstone in the upper region of the New Red Sandstone. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 453- 454. 39. On the discovery of fossil fishes in the Bagshot, sands. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 687-688. 40. On the discovery of a fossil wing of a neuropterous insect in the Stonesfield slate. Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 688. 41. On the Fossil Fishes in the Bagshot sand at Goldworth Hill, four miles north of Guildford. Phil. Mag. XIII., 1838, pp. 387-388; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, p. 687. Buckland, William. 42. On the action of Acidulated Waters on the surface of the Chalk, near Gravesend. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839 (pt. 2), pp. 76-77. 43. On the agency of animalcules in the formation of limestone. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. XVII., 1840, pp. 35-39. 44. On modes of locomotion in fishes. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. II., 1843-52, pp. 21-22. 45. On recent and fossil semicircular Cavities caused by air-bubbles on the surface of Soft Clay, and resembling impressions of Rain Drops. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), pp. 57-58. 46. On the former existence of Glaciers in Scotland and in the north of England. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXX., 1841, pp. 194- 199, 202-206 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 332-337, 345-348. 47. On the agency of Land Snails in cor- roding and making deep excavations in compact Limestone rocks. Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 430-431 ; Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), pp. 48-49. 48. On the glacio-diluvial phenomena in Snowdonia and the adjacent parts of North Wales. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 579-588. 49. On Artesian Wells. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXVIL, 1844, pp. 318-331. SO. On the mechanical action of animals on hard and soft substances during the process of stratification. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 52. 51. On Ichthyopatolite* or petrified track- wings of ambulatory Fishes upon Sandstone of the Coal formation. [1843.] Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, p. 204. 52. On the occurrence of nodules (called Petrified Potatoes) found on the shores of Lough Neagh, Ireland. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, p. 103. 53. On the causes of the general presence of Phosphates in the strata of the earth, and in all fertile soils ; with observations on Pseudo- Coprolites, and on the possibility of converting the contents of Sewers and Cesspools into Manure. Agric. Soc. Journ. X., 1849, pp. 520- 525 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 67-68. Buckland, William, and Conybeare. Observa- tions on the south-west coal district of England. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1824, pp. 210-316. Buckland, William, and De la Beche. On the geology of Weymouth and the adjacent parts of the coast of Dorsetshire. [1830.] Geol. Soc. Proc. L. 1834, pp. 217-221 ; Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1855, pp. 1-46. BUG] 705 [BUG Buckland, William, and Milne. Report of the Committee appointed in 1842 for regis- tering the Shocks of Earthquakes, and making such Meteorological Observations as may to them appear desirable. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1843, pp. 120-128. Buckler, Charles, On the occurrence of the Red- breasted Tanager, near Cheltenham. Zoologist. p. 444. Buckler, R. On the corrosion of Lead by Gal- vanic action. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852. pp. 261-263. Buckley, S. B. Notice of the discovery of u nearly complete skeleton of the Zygodon (Zeug- lodon) of Owen (Basilosaurus> Harlaii) in Alabama. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 409-412 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV.. 1843, pp. 77-79; Froriep, Notizcn, XXVII., 1843, col. 305-308 : Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 125-131. 2. Description of some new species of Plants. Silliman, Journ. XLV., 1843, pp. 170- 177. 3. Notice of some large Trees in Western New York. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852. pp. 397-399. 4. Mountains of North Carolina and Ten- nessee. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1859, pp. 286- 294. 5. The Cutting Ant of Texas (CEcodorna Mexicana, Sm.} Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1860, pp. 233-236; Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 386-389. 6. Description of several new species of Plants. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1860, pp. 443- 445. 7. Myrmica (Atta) molefaciens, " Stinging" or " Mound-making Ant " of Texas. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1860, pp. 445-447. 8. Note on Ants in Texas. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1861, pp. 9-10. 9. Note on the Bartram Oak (Quercus heterophylla). Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1861. p. 361. 1O. Description of new Plants from Texas. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc., 1861, pp. 448-463; 1862, pp. 5-10. 11. The Tarantula (Mygale Hentzii, Gi- rard) and its destroyer (Pompilus formosus, Say). Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 138-139. 12. Description of two new species of Termites from Texas. Philad. Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 212-215. 13. Notes on some American Ash Trees Buckman, James. On depressions produced in. the surface of the ground by excavating beds of coal. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 147-149. 2. On the Lias beds near Cheltenham. Moxou, Geologist, 1842, pp. 14-20. 3. Sketch of the Oolite formation of the Cotteswold range of hills near Cheltenham. Moxon, Geologist, 1842, pp. 199-208. 4. List of the fossils found in the neigh- bourhood of Cheltenham, with remarks. Moxon, Geologist, 1843, pp. 104-111. 5. Nature and origin of the saline waters near Cheltenham. Moxon, Geologist, 1843. pp. 146-148. 6. On the occurrence of remains of Insects in the Upper Lias of Gloucestershire. [1843.J Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, pp. 211-212. 7. Notice of the discovery of a new spe- cies of Hypanthocrinite in the Upper Silurian Strata. Brit, Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 61- 62. 8. Notice of the discovery of some new Cystideans from the Wenlock Shale, near Wal- sall. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 61. 9. On the occurrence of Marine Plants in Worcestershire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 61-62. 10. On the discovery of some remains of the Fossil Sepia in the Lias of Gloucestershire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 66. 11. On the Plants of the "Insect Lime- stone " of the Lower Lias. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 66-67. 12. Remarks on some chemical facts con nected with the Tessellated Pavements disco- vered at Cirencester. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 48-49. 13. On some Fossil Plants from the Lower Lias. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1 850, pp. 4 1 3-4 1 8. 14. On a curious form of corolla in Lamium album. Henfrey, Bot, Gazette, III., 1851, pp. 2-3. 15. OntheCornbrashofthe neighbourhood of Cirencester. Ann. Nat. Hist, XII., 1853, pp. 324-329 ; Cotswold Club, Proc. L, 1853, pp. 262-267. 16. Remarks on Libellula Brodiei, Buck- (Fraxinus), with descriptions of new species. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1 862 pp. 2-5. 14. Note on Quercus heterophylla. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1862, pp. 100-102. ' man, a fossil insect from the Upper Lias of Dumbleton, Gloucestershire. Ann. Nat. Hist, XII., 1853, pp. 436-438; Cotswold Club, Proc. I. 1853, pp. 268-270. 17. On Finger-and-Toe in root crops. Agric. Soc. Journ. XV., 1855, pp. 125-134. 18. The natural history and agricultural economy of the British Grasses. Agric. Soc. Journ. XV., 1855, pp. 462-477. 19. Prize Essay on Agricultural Weeds. Agric. Soc. Journ. XVL, 1855, pp. 359-380. 4 i BUG] 706 [BUD Buckman, James. 2O. On the natural history of British Meadow and Pasture Grasses. Agric. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1856, pp. 162-171, 513- 542. 21. On the roots of the Wheat Plant. Agric. Soc. Journ. XVII, 1856, pp. 172-190. 22. On the Basement Beds of the Oolite. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 64-65. 23. On the discovery of Cnicus tuberosus at Avebury, Wilts. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 337-339. 24. Report on the Experimental Plots in the Botanical Garden of the Royal Agricultural College at Cirencester. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 200-215 ; I860, pp. 34-43. 25. On the Oolite Rocks of Gloucestershire and N. Wilts. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., ] 858, pp. 98-130. 26. The practical application of geology in Coal-seeking. Geologist, 1858, pp. 129-134, 184-189. 27. Report on the growth of Plants in the Garden of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859, pp. 22-30. 28. On some fossil Reptilian Eggs from the Great Oolite of Cirencester. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 107-110. Buckman, James, and Brodie. On the Stones- field Slate of the Cotteswold Hills. Geol. Soc. Journ. I., 1845, pp. 220-225. Buckminster, . Account of the fall of part of the Rosenberg Mountain in September 1806. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1807, pp. 209-315. Bucknall, T. S. D. On the criterions or due discriminations of Cyder Fruit. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 307-310. Buckton, George Bowdler. Observations upon the deportment of Diplatosamine with Cyano- gen. Chem. Soc. Journ. IV., 1852, pp. 26-33; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 174- 177 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 393- 394; Liebig, Annal. LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 328- 338. 2. Observations upon a new series of Double Chlorides containing Diplatosammonium. Chem. Soc. Journ. V., 1853, pp. 213-222 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVII., 1852, pp. 367- 369. 3. On the Platino-tersulphocyanides and the Platino-bisulphocyanides, two new series of salts and their decompositions. Chem. Soc. Journ. VII., 1855, pp. 22-43; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 65-76. 4. Notice of several species of Bats cap- tured in England during the present autumn. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 259-261. Buckton, George Bowdler. 5. On the isolation of the radical, Mercuric Methyl. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 91-92; Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 103-105 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, p. 146; Phil. Trans. 185S, pp. 163-169. 6. On some of the products of oxydation of Chinese wax. Chem. Soc. Journ. X., 1858, pp. 166-179. 7. On Pentethyl-stibene. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 66. 8. On the isolation of the organo-metals. Mercuric, Stannic, and Plumbic Ethyls ; and ob- servations on some of their derivatives. Second Memoir. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 417-435 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 497-501; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 362- 364; LXXIX., 1860, pp. 107-110; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 218-227 ; CXIL, 1859, pp. 220-227; Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 309-316. 9. On the Stibethyls and Stibmethyl*. Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII.," 1861, pp. 115-121. 10. On the formation of Organo-Metallic Radicals by substitution. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 36-37; Chem. Soc. Journ. I., 1863, pp. 17-25. Buckton, George Bowdler, and Hofmann. On the action of sulphuric acid on the Nitriles and on the Amides. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 544-547 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 366-369; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 43-45 ; LXX., 1857, pp. 470-475. 2. Researches on the action of sulphuric acid upon the amides and nitriles, together with remarks upon the conjugate sulpho-acids. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 453-480 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 497-504; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 129-170. Bucquoy. See Buquoy. Budd, James Palmer. On the advantageous use of the gaseous escape from the Blast Furnaces at the Ystalyfera Iron Works. Brit. Assoc. Ren. 1848, pp. 75-84. Budd, William. Contributions to the pathology of the spinal cord. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1839, pp. 153-190 ; Archiv. Gen. dt- Med. VIII., 1840, pp. 79-94. 2. On diseases which affect corresponding parts of the body in a symmetrical manner. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXV., 1842, pp. 100- 166. 3. Researches on Gout. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 233-246. Euddingh, P., und A. J. van den Burg. Mete- orologische Waarnemingen, gedaan aan boord van Zijner Majesteits Korvet "Nehalenuia." Amsterdam, Verhand. III., 1850. (Suppl.) BUD] 707 [BUD Buddie, John. On the practical application of the Wire-gauze Safety-lamp, with Observations by Sir H. DAVF. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1816, pp. 302-307. 2. Observations on the advantages arising from the use of the Wire-gauze Safety-lamp, commonly called the Davy. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 90-93. 3. Notice of a Whin Dyke lately discovered in the Fenham division of Benwell Colliery. [1830.] Nor thumb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. 1., 1831, pp. 9-16. 4. Account of the Explosion which took place in Jarrow Colliery on the 3rd August 1830. Nor thumb. Nat, Hist. Soc. Trans. I., 1831, pp. 184-205; Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 323-324. 5. Synopsis of the several seams of Coal in the Newcastle district. Northumb. Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. I., 1831, pp. 215-224, 225-240. 6. Observations on the Newcastle Coal Field. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), pp. 74-76. 7. On Subsidences produced by working Beds of Coal. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 165-168 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 147-149. 8. On the Great Fault, called the Horse, in the Forest of Dean Coal Field. [1840.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI.. 1842, pp. 215-220 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, pp. 287-289. Budge, Edward. On the Conglomerates and raised Beaches of the Lizard district. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 1-11. 2. On the tract of land called the Low- lands, in the parish of St. Keverne. [1842.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 59- 63. 3. On Diluvial action as exemplified in the Gravel-beds and Sienitic formation of Crousa- down, in the parish of St. Keverne. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 91-98. 4. On the Hornblende Slate and other associated Rocks of the Meneage district. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 173- 180. 5. On the Granitic and other associated Rocks of Cornwall and Devon. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 288-293. Budge, Julius. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Sym- pathien. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 389-404. 2. Ueber den Einfluss des Gehirns und Riickenmarks auf die Bewegung des thierischen Korpers. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1840, pp. 162-164. 3. Ueber Empfindung, Bewegung und Absonderung ira Darmkanale (im gesunden und kranken Zustande). Niederrhein. Gesell. Organ, I., 1841, pp. 122-141. Budge, Julius. 4. Ueber einige chemische Mittel, welche zur Unterscheidung zwischen der Muskelfaser und der mittleren Arterienhaut dienen. Miiller, Archiv, 1842, pp. 367-371. 5. Ueber die Ursache der willkiihrlichen und unwillkiihrlichen Bewegungen. Nieder- rhein. Gesell. Organ, II., 1842, pp. 311-332. 6. Ueber den Verlauf der Nervenfasern im Ruckenmarke des Frosches. Miiller, Archiv, 1844, pp. 160-189. 7. Ueber die Erkennung des Zuckers in thierischen Fliissigkeiten. Roser u. Wunder- lich, Archiv, III., 1844, pp. 385-394. 8. Ueber die Bildung und Riickbildung des Zuckers im Thierkb'rper. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, III., 1844, pp. 395-416. 9. Ueber den Einfluss des Centralnerven- systemes auf das Herz. Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1846, col. 136-138. 1O. Einfluss der Reizung gewisser Theile des Centralnervensystems auf Bewegung des Blinddarms. Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1846, col. 312-313. 11. Unsere heutigen Kenntnisse in der Nervenphysiologie. Hannoversche Annal. VL, 1846, pp. 279-340. 12. Briefliche Mittheilung iiber die Herz- bewegung. Miiller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 295- 297. 13. Bemerkungen iiber Branchipus palu- dosus. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhandl. 1846, pp. 86-95. 14. Die Abhangigkeit der Herzbewegung vom Ruckenmarke und Gehirne. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, V., 1846, pp. 319-348, 540-612. 15. Cysticercus pisiformis im kleinen Netze gleichzeitig mit Eiern von Tasnia in der Leber bei Kaninchen, wiederholt beobachtet. Casper, Wochenschrift, 1847, pp. 521-526. 16. Beschreibung eines fiinfwochentlichen menschlichen Embryos. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 7-13. 17. Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Ductus vitelli intestinalis bei Vogeln. Muller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 14-16. 18. Zucker im Hiihnereiweiss. Liebig, Annal. LXIV., 1848, pp. 127-128. 19. Ichthyologische Bemerkungen. Mul- ler, Archiv, 1848, pp. 383-387. 20. Clepsine bioculata, Savigny. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhandl. 1849, pp. 89-128, 131- 155 ; Froriep, Notizen, X., 1849, col. 273-280. 21. Samenkorner zwischen den Schalen eines Hiihnereies. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Ver- handl. 1849, p. 168, 22. Missbildung der Schneidezahne eines Hasen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1849, pp. 506-508. 4 u 2 BUD] 708 [BUD Budge, Julius. 23. Ueber den Einfluss einiger Gehinmrgane :iuf flic Speiserohre und den .Magon. 'Miiller, Archiv, 18.50, pp. 517-519. 24. Nachtrag iiber Clepsine bioculata. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1850, pp. 257- 257. 25. Ueber die Respirationsorgane von Tubifex rivulorum. Rheinl. n. Westphal. Ver- hand. 1850, pp. 258-259. 26. Ueber die Kiefer des medizinischen Blutegels. Rheinl. n. Westphal. Verhand. 1850, pp. 260-261. 27. Ueber die Geschlechtsorgane von Tubi- fex rivulorum. Wiegmann, Archiv, XVI., 1850, pp. 1-8. 28. Ueber die von E. WEBER aufgestellte Theorie, dass im Froschherzen zweierlei Nerven- Apparate vorhanden seien. Roser u. Wunder- lich, Archiv, X., 1851, pp. 354-356. 29. Neurologische Mittheilungen. Siebold u. Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 347-348. 30. De 1'influence du systeme nerveux sur les mouvements du coeur. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 395-399. 31. Experiences demontrant que 1'origine du nerf syinpathique est dans la moe'lle epiniere. Paris, Cornptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 255- 257. 32. De 1'influence directe de la Lumiere sur les mouvements de 1'Iris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 564-565. 33. Ueber die Verrichtung der Galle. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1852, pp. 608- 612. 34. Ueber den Einfluss des Nervensystems auf die Bewegung der Iris. Roser u. Wunder- lich, Archiv, XI., 1852, pp. 773-826. 35. Erwiederung an Herrn VOLKMANN. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, XII., 1853, pp. 393-400. 36. Ueber die Natur der Kxigelchen und sodann iiber die Verbreitung der Lymphgefasse. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIII., 1856, pp. xxvi-xxix. 37. Ueber die Wirkung der Musculi intei'- costales. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, I., 1857, pp. 63-88. 38. Sur un second centre spinal du nerf grand syinpathique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 586-587 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Zoo/.), 1858, p. 337. 39. Sur la croissance des muscles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 587-589. 40. Bemerkungen iiber Structur undWachs- thum der quergestreiften Muskelfasern. Roser u. Wunderlich, Archiv, II., 1858, pp. 71-79. 41. Ueber das Centrum genitospinale des "Nervus sympathies. Virchow, Archiv, XV., 1858, pp. 115-126. Budge, Julius. 42. Beschreibung eines neuen Muskels und mehrerer Muskel- und Knochen- varietaten. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, VII., 1859, pp. 273-278. 43. Einige Beobachtungen iiber elektrische Erscheinungen an ofFenen Inductionskreisen. Poggend. Annal. CVIL, 1859, pp. 482-489. 44. Ueber den Verlauf der Gallengiinge. Reichert, Archiv, 1859, pp. 642-657. 45. Ueber den Einfluss der Reizung des Nervus vagus auf das Athemholen. Virchow, Archiv, XVI., 1859, pp. 433-463. 46. Ueber die Genauigkeit meiner Me- thode der Muskelfaserzahlung. Virchow, Ar- chiv, XVII., 1859, pp. 196-200. 47. Anatomische und physiologische Un- tersuchungen liber die Functionen des Plexus coeliacus und mesentericus. Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta. XXVIL, 1860, pp. 257-284. 48. Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Muskeln. Moleschott, Untersuch. VI., 1860, pp. 40-50. 49. Ueber unipolare Reizung. Poggend. Annal. CIX., 1860, pp. 538-539. 50. Ueber den galvanischen Strom, wel- cher sich in der Haut des Frosches zu erkennen giebt. Poggend. Annal. CXL, 1860, pp. 537-552. 51. Ueber den Stillstand des Herzens durch Vagusreizung. Reichert, Archiv, 1860, pp. 257-261. 52. Ueber verschiedene Reizbarkeit eines und desselben Nerven, und iiber den Werth des Pfluger'schen Elektrotonus. Virchow, Archiv, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 457-475. 53. Memoire sur 1'action du bulbe rachi- dien, de la moe'lle epiniere et du nerf grand sympathique sur les mouvements de la vessie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 565- 569. Budge, Julitts, und Mayer. Ueber den Einfluss der Verletzungen der vierten Hirnhohle auf die Absonderung des Urins. Rheinische Monats- schrift, III., 1849, pp. 760-762. Budge, Julius, et Waller. Recherches sur le systeme nerveux. Premiere partie : Action de la partie conicale du nerf grand sympathique et d'une portion de la moe'lle epiniere sur la dilata- tion de la pupille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 370-374. 2. Observations sur la partie inter- cranienne du nerf sympathique et sur 1'influence qu'exercent la troisieme, quatrieme, ct sixieme paire sur les mouvements de 1'Iris. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 418-423. 3. Troisieme partie des recherches sur la pupille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 164-167. Budgen, H. Account of a Storm in Sussex in 1729. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818. pp. 49- 61. BUE] 709 [BUF Hue, G. C. del. Sur un acido particolare trovato nell' osmazoma, ed un carbonate di potassa. Cattaneo, Gioni. Farm. VIII., 1828, pp. 203- 214. 2. Nuovi lavori chimico-analitici sopra la massa cerebrale dell' uomo c degli animali. Giorn. Arcad. XXXVII., 1828, pp. 26-58. 3. Ricerche su la Digitale purj)urea e su la Graziola officinalis. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. IX., 1829, pp. 1-4. 4. Cenno storico del' origine e de' progressi della Teoria Atomistica. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XL, 1830, pp. 273-282. 5. Sopra la teoria elettro-chimica. Catta- neo, Giorn. Farm. XIII., 1831, pp. 227-235, 288- 296, 339-347. 6. Sopra 1' idroferrocianafo di chiniua del Sig. BERTAZZI. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVI., 1832, pp. 311-322. 7. Modo di ottenere la creosota. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXX., 1834, pp. 75-81. 8. Ueber Kermes minei'ale. Pharm. Centr. Blatt. VII., 1836, pp. 88-90. t'jljfn*f-- - Q^ *-***C J CVv. Buee, r~ Outlines of the Mineralogical Sys- tems of ROME DE LISLE and the Abbe HAUY ; with observations. Nicholson, Journ. IX., 1804, pp. 26-39, 78-88 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIX., 1804, pp. 159-172, 222-232. Buee, ." Memoire sur les Quantites imagi- naires. [1805.] Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 23-88. 2. Solution of a Problem of Col. Silas TITUS. Thomson, Ann. Phil. V., 1815, pp. 53-61. Buek, . Noch einige Worte iiber die Luf't- streifschiisse. Grlife, Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. IV., 1822, pp. 641-656. Buek, //. W. Echia Capensia. Liunasa, XL, 1837, pp. 129-149. 2. Einige Formen von Salix und nenc Arten und Varietaten aus der schlesischen Flora. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1850, pp. 96-98. 3. Eine Auzahl schwieriger und selteuerer Carex-Arten. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Ueber- sicht, 1850, pp. 98-100. Buek, J. N. Ueber Pimpinella nigra. Flora, XVL, 1833, pp. 529-531. . 2. Ueber Solanum nigrum and Phaseolus amltiflorus. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 113-114. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige deutsche Pfl ari- zen. Flora, XXL, 1838, pp. 761-763. Buel, J. On the excrementitious matter thrown off by plants. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1835, pp. 267-268. Bueno. See Ferreira de Oliveira Bueno. Bueren, R. Lammerts van. Onderzoekingen over de Melkbolletjes. Nederlandsch Lancet, IV, 1848-49, pp. 722-732. % Bueren, R. Latntnerts van. 2. Vergelijkende digeste-proeven van verschillende melksoorten. NederlaiKlsch Lancet, IV, 1848-49, pp. 733- 738. 3. De ontvvikkeling van de vormbestand- deelen der Melk onderzocht. Nederlandsch Lancet, V., 1849-50, pp. 1-38. Bufalini, Manrizio. [Delle acque mineral! della Morba.] Amici, Giorn. Toscano, L, 1840, pp. 229-246. 2. Suil' E/iologia della Glucosuria. [1850.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXV, 1852, pp. 179- 222; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XVII L, 1854, pp. 109- 114, 155-169. Buff, Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber das Vorkommen der Spiesglanzerze auf der Grube Caspar! bei Wintrop und auf der Grube tlnverhofft Gliick bei Nuttlar im ehemaligen Ilerzogthum Westphalen. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVL, 1827, pp. 54-60. 2. Bemerkungen iiber das Vorhandensein eines Steinsalzlagers in Westphalen. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVIL, 1828, pp. 97-102. 3. Ueber Gangbildungen welche eine lagerartige Entstehung zu haben scheinen. Kav- sten, Archiv, VL, 1833, pp. 439-443. Buff, Heinrich. Ueber Indigsiiure und Indighai 1 /. Schweigger, Journ. LI. ( r =/aAr&.XXL), 1827, pp. 38-59; JJV. (=Jahrb. XXIV.), 1828, pp. 163-181. 2. Memoire sur quelques produits do 1'action de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'Indigo. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1828, pp. 160-171 ; XLL, 1829, pp. 174-182 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. 1828, pp. 490-491. 3. Sur la resine d'Indigo et le Tannin artificiel. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 290-297 : Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 416-418. 4. Sur la composition des hydrogenes phos- phores. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 220- 223 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. X., 1829, pp. 279- 284 ; Poggend. Annal. XVL, 1829, pp. 363-366; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 176-178; Schweigger, Journ. LVII. (=Jahrb. XXVIL). 1829, pp. 449-454. 5. Einfluss der Adhiision auf das Kochen des Whssers. Liebig. Annal. II., 1832, pp. 220- 228; Erdui. Journ, Tech. Chem. XV., 1832, pp. 228-236. 6. Ueber den Leidenfrost'schen Versuch. Poggend. Annal. XXV., 1832, pp. 591-595, 7. Ueber Barometerbeobachtungen. Pog- gend. Annal. XXXL, 1834, pp. 266-269. 8. Abdampfung fliissiger Korper mittelet durchgeleiteter Luft. Liebig, Annal. XVIII., 1836, pp. 1-18. BUFj 710 [BUF Buff, Jlcinricli. 9. Bemerkungen iiber die Geblase rnit heisser Luft. Poggend. Annul. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 196-198. 1O. Ncue Bereclmung der Versuche von KOCH iiber das Austromen verdichteter Luft aus Oeffnungen von verse liiedener Gestalt. Poggend. Annal. XXXVII., 1836, pp. 277-286. 11. Versuche iiber den Widerstaud aus- stromender Luft bei Oeffnungen in diinnen Wiinden und kurzen cylindrischen Ansatzen. Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 14-26. 12. Anleilung zur richtigen Beurtheilung der Verhliltnisse der Schornsteine. Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 241-261. 13. Ueber das Phanomen der Contraction bei der Bewegung fliissiger Korper durch enge Oeffnungen der Gefasse. Poggend. Annal. XLVL, 1839, pp. 227-242. 14. Ueber Volta-Electrische Quantitat und Intensitat. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 1-6 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, I., 1841, pp. 273- 274; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 74-75. 15. Ueber den Einfluss der Zwischenplatt- eu in der electrischen Saule. Liebig, Aunal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 7-15; Archives de 1'Electr. I., 1841, pp. 271-272 ; III., 1843, pp. 552-562; Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 503-514; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VIII., 1842, pp. 57-58. 16. Der gegenwiirtige Zustand unserer Kenntnisse von der strahlenden Warme. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 129-191. 17. Ueber die trockne elektrische Saule. Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 1-23. 18. Ueber den Einfluss des Contakts und der Oxydation auf die Entwickelung und Fort- dauer der elektrischen Strome. Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 137-147. 19. Ueber die veriinderliche Stiirke gal- vanischelektrischer Erreguugen zwischen Metall- flachen und Fliissigkeiten. Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 241-260. 2O. Ueber galvanische Ketten, in welchen zwei Fliissigkeiten eine thatige Rolle spielen. Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 1-16. 21. Ursache des veranderlichen Einflusses der Capillaritat beim Barometer. Liebig, An- nal. XXXVI., 1840, pp. 113-117. - 22. Ueber die Ausstromungsgesetze atmos- pharischer Luft. [1836.] Gotting. Verein. Studien, IV., 1841, pp. 23-58. 23. Ueber den Widerstand der Luft aii den Wiinden der Leitungsrohren. Gotting. Verein. Studien, IV.. 1841, pp. 129-214. 24. Uebev den Nutzeffect der Geblase. Gotting. Verein. Studien, IV., 1841, pp. 393- Buff, Jleinrich. 25. Bemerkungen zu einem Aufsatz von HLNKICI " zur Galvanometrie." Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 408-412. 26. Ueber den Zusammenhang der neu- eren Electricitatslehre mit der Contact-Theorie. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842 pp. 60-65. 27. Zur Theorie des Electrophors und iiber eine Quelle von Fehlern beim Gebrauche des Condensators. Liebig, Annal. XLI., 1842, pp. 129-136; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, pp. 104-110. 28. Ueber die Stellung des Wasserstoffs in der electrischen Spannungsreihe. Liebig, AnnaL XLI., 1842, pp. 136-141 ; Archives de 1'Electr. II., 1842, pp. 222-226. 29. Ueber die an den Beriihrungspuncten zweier Korper verdichtete Electricitiit. Liebig, Annal. XLIL, 1842, pp. 1-5. 30. Ueber die electrische Action zwischen Metallen und Fliissigkeiten. Liebig, Aunal. XLII., 1842, pp. 5-14 ; Archives de 1'Etectr. III., 1843, pp. 566-572. 31. Ein bequemes Verfahren die Ablenk- ungen der Multiplikatornadel vergleichbar zu inachen. Liebig. Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 128- 134. 32. Der hydroelectrische Strom und die Ursachen seiner abnehmenden Stiirke. Liebig, Annal. XLV., 1843, pp. 137-147. 33. Ueber das Maass elektroniotorischer Krafte. Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 497-515. 34. Bemerkung iiber die von Du Bois- RKYMOND entdeckte electromotorische Kraft der Muskeln. Liebig, Annal. LXX., 1849, pp. 366- 368 ; LXXL, pp. 239-240. 35. Ueber die Theorie des Leideufrost'- schen Versuchs und die Versuche von BOUTIGNY. Liebig, Aniial. LXXVIL, 1851, pp. 1-17 ; An- nal. de Chimie, XL VIII., 1856, pp. 195-197 ; Phil. Mag. X., 1855, pp. 350-354. 36. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Erschein- ung der Auflosung des fliissigen Strahls in Tropfen. Liebig, Annal. LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 162-168. 37. Ueber das Wassertrommelgebliise. Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 249-255. 38. Ueber die elektrische Beschaffenheit ' der Flamme. Liebig, Annal. LXXX., 1851, pp. 1-16; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XVIII., 1851, pp. 265-284 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 145- 148 ; Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 88-91. 39. Over de werking en het doel der zwaarte. Zwolle, Vooruitgang, I., 1851, pp. 131- 141. 4O. Over de inwendige warmte der aarde. Zwolle, Vooruitgang, I., 1851, pp. 185-201. BUF] 711 [BUF Buff, Heinrich. 41. Over de heete bronnen en dampuitstroomingen. Zwolle, Vooruitgang, I., 1851, pp. 293-303. 42. Zur Beriihrungselectricitat. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 249-252. 43. Ueber das electrolytische Ge^etx. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 1-15; LXXXV1IL, pp. 117-124; Bibl. Univ. Ar- chives, XXIL, 1853, pp. 344-364 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. VI., 1854, pp. 47-52. 44. Tan^eiitenbussole mit lantern Multi- plicatordralite. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVI., 1853, pp. 1-34. 45. Ueber die Richtung des durch Entla- dung angehauften Reibungselectricitlit erregten Inductionsstroms. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVI., 1853, pp. 293-317 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 502-507. 46. Ueber die Electricitatserregung durch lebende Pflanzen. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 76-89 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 198-202 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 154-157; Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 122-126. 47. Ueber Electricitats-Entwiekelung bei der Verdatnpfung. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 203-214. 48. Ueber ein Galvanoscop von grosser Empfindlichkeit, und iiber das electriscne Lei- tungsvermogen der Flamme. Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 1-15. 49. Ueber die electrische Leitfahigkeit des erhitzten Glases. Liebig, Annal, XC., 1854, pp. 257-283; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 125-128 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXVI., 1854, pp. 324-334 ; Phil. Mag. VIII., 1854, pp. 12-19. 5O. Galvanische Kette, in welche Eisen- chlorid als Bestandtheil eingeht. Liebig, Annal. XCIL, 1854, pp. 117-124; Journ. de Pharm. XXV1L, 1855, pp. 154-155 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 139-143. 51. Galvanischer Wasser-Zersetzungsap- parat zum Gebrauche fur Chemiker. Liebig, Annal. XCIIL, 1855, pp. 256-262. 52. Ueber den Vorgang der electrisch- chemischen Zersetzung, und iiber die Electrolyse des Eisenchlorids. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 1-43; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXIX., 1855, pp. 118-143. 53. Ueber die Zersetzung des Wassers durch sehr schwache electrische Strome. insbesondere durch die Maschinen-Electricitiit. Liebig, An- nal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 257-286 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXI., 1856, p. 198. 54. Schreiben an Hrn. Prof. G. MAGNUS [iiber die Capillar-phiinomene]. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 168-172. 55. Ueber das Verhalten der Chromsiiure unter der Einwirkung des electrischen Stromes. Liebig, Anna]. CI., 1857. pp. 1-20. Buff, Heinrich. 56. Ueber das electrische Ver- halten des Aluminiums. Liebig, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 265-284 ; Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1857, pp. 505-508. 57. Electrolytische Studien. Liebig, AnnaJ. CV., 1858, pp. 144-176 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 117-120; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1860, pp. 107-133. 58. Ueber die Bewegung der Electricitat durch die Masse eines Electrolyten. Liebig, Annal. CVL, 1858, pp. 203-210; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1860, pp. 134-139. 59. Ueber die Electrolyse hoherer Ver- bindungsstufen. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 257-288 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1 860, pp. 120-123 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IX., 1860. pp. 296-324. 6O. On the law of electrolytic conduction. Phil. Mag, XVII., 1859, pp. 394-396. 61. Ueber die Gleichartigkeit der Quellen der Reibungs und Beriihrungselectricitat. Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 257-279. 62. Ueber spec. Wiirme der Gase unter gleichem Druck und bei gleichem Volume. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 301-313. 63. Bemerkungen zu der vorhergehenden Abhandlung von R. CLAUSIUS iiber die spec. Warme der Gase. Liebig, Annal. CXV1IL, 1861, pp. 120-122. 64. Ueber die Vertheilung der Electricitat in Nichtleitern. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 53-83. 65. Ueber die Beziehung zwischen Tem- peratur und Spannkraft der Dampfe. Liebig, Annal. II. (Suppl. Bd.) 1863, pp. 137-156 ; Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 226-232. Buff, Heinrich, tind Hofmann. Zerlegung gas- formiger Verbindungen durch electrisches Gliihen. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 129- 150 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. XII., I860, pp. 273-289. Buff, Heinrich, und C. Pfort. Ueber die An- wendung der heissen Luft in den Eisenhiitten. Liebig, Annal. XIII., 1835, pp. 129-134 ; Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1835, pp. 89-94; Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 173-182 ; Getting. Verein. Studien, IV., 1841, pp. 1-22. Buff, Heinrich, und F. Wohler. Ueber eine Ver- bindung von Silicium mit Wasserstoff. Liebig, Annal. CIIL, J857, pp. 218-229. 2. Ueber neue Verbindungen des Siliciums. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 94- 109; Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1858, pp. 257-285; Gottingen, Abhand. VII., 1856-57, pp. 329-350 ; Gottingen, Nachrichtcn, 1857, pp. 245-249; Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 313-316. Buff, Heinrich, und Zamminer. Ueber die Mag- netisirung von Eisenstaben durch den galvani- schen Strom. Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 83-94. BUP] 712 [BUH Buff, Her/inch L. Bernerkungen iiber das Stick- stoffciscn. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIT., 1852, pp. 375-376. 2. Analyse von Roheisen und Rasenerz. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, p. 376. 3. Ueber einige Verbindungen der Eisen- blausaure mit Aethyl. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 253-255. 4/Vorlaufigc Mittheilung iiber Schwefel- cyaniithylen. Liebig, Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 302-303. 5. Ueber die Constitution der Kohlenwas- serstoffe und die cheraische N'atur derselbeu. Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, pp. 219-242 ; Annal. de Chimie. L., 1857, pp. 180-181. 6. On some compounds of Ethylene. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 188-195 ; Silli- inan, Journ. XXIII., 1857, pp. 176-179. Buff, J. Wagungeu einiger Gase. Poggend. Annal. XXII., 1831, pp. 242-254. Buff, W, Erlauterungen zu einer Note von M. L. FRANKENIIEIM [iiber die Veranderung der Synaphie mit der Temperatur], Poggend. An- nal. LXXVIIL, 1849, pp. 578-579. Buffa, Franc. Caso di una cistitide con raccolta straordinaria di calcoli. Giorn. Arcad. XII., 1821, pp. 43-46. Buffet, J. Sur des epis monstrueux dc Typha. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 758-759. Bugatti, G. Intorno all' ossidabilita, alia fusionc e alia coppellazione dell' alluminio. Milano, Atti Soc. Geol. I., 1855-59, pp. 52-55. Bugge, Matthias. Bemasrkninger om de nyc Planeter Ceres, Pallas, Juno, og Vesta ; samt Observationer af Vesta, anstillede paa det Kon- gelige astronomiske Observatorium i Kjoben- havn. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. V., 1807-8. pp. 253-296 (haft 2). Bugge, Thomas. Forsog over uogle faste Legc- mers Sammenha^ng, eller Adhaesions-Kraft til flydende Legemer. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. II., 1801-2 (hfrftZ), pp. 57-74. 2. Astronomische und geographische Nach- richten. Zach, Monat. Corresp. VII., 1803. pp. 85-90. 3. Mercur's Gang forbie Solen den 9 Novem- ber 1802. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. III., 1803-4, pp. 1-18 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. II., 1803, p. 64. 4. Om Formorkelser i Almindelighed og Maaneformorkelsen den 26de Januar 1804 i Sserdeleshed. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv, III., 1803-4, pp. 199-208. 5. Betragtninger over Cometer i Alminde- lighed og Observationer paa Cometen i October, November og December 1807. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. V., 1807-8, pp. 145-222; Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIII., 1808, pp. 87-89. Bugge, Thomas. 6. Observationer paa Jupiter*. Mars's, Saturns og Urans Oppositioner med Solen i Aarene 1808 og 1809. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skriv. VI., 1809-12, pp. 9-16. 7. Astronomische Beobachtungen. Zach. Monat. Corresp. XXL, 1810, pp. 180-186. 8. Observations d'une comete faites a Copenhague. [1808.] St. Pt'tersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1811, pp. 302-309. Bugnion, Ch. Note sur le Satyre Styx, Escher. [1833.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1834, pp. 337-340. 2. Description de quatre nouvelles especes de lepidopteres de la Syrie et de 1'Egypte. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. 439-444. 3. Note sur le Sphinx cretica. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIII., 1839, pp. 113-116. 4. Memoire sur quelques insectes qui nui- sent a la vigne dans le canton de Vaud. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. V., 1841. Bugnot, . Sur le coup de tonnerre qui a frappe le dome de 1'Hotel des Invalides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 978-979. Buhl, . Communication der linken Herz- kammer mit dem rechten Vorhofe. Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschrift, V., 1854, pp. 1-8. 2. Ueber die zusammengesetzte Echinokok- kengeschwulst der Leber. Wurzburg, Verhandl. VI., 1855, pp. 428-429. 3. Angeborner Mangel beider Oberschen- kelknochen. Hcnle u. Pfeufer. Zeitschrift, X., 1860, pp. 128-152. 4. Ueber das FaserstofF-Exsudat. Mtin- chen, Sitzungsber. 1863 (Hft. 2), pp. 59-95. Biihlmann, Friedr. Ueber eir.e eigenthiimliche auf den Zahnen des Menschen vorkommende Substanz. Miiller, Archiv, 1840, pp. 442-445 ; Microscopical Journ. I., 1 842, pp. 66-68. Buhring, . Zwei Kopfe bei eiuem Neuge- bornen, Abbinden des Einen. Casper, Wochen- schrift, 1844, pp. 1-6. Buhse, F. A. Ueber den Fruchtkorper der Flech- ten (Lichenes). Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XIX., 1846 (pte. 2), pp. 319-358. 2. Vorliiufiger botanischer Bericht iiber meine Reise dnrch cinen Theil Armeniens in den Monaten April und Mai 1847. Flora, XXXI.. 1848, pp. 721-728; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1848. col. 198-202; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VII.. 1849, col. 101-108. 3. Zur Flora der Ostseeprovinzeu. [1846.] Riga, Arb. Nat. Ver. I., 1848, pp. 1-6. 4. Bergreise von Gilau nach Asterabad. Beitr. Russ. Reich. XIII., 1849, pp. 215-236. 5. Nachrichten iiber drei pharmacologisclu- wichtige Pflanzen und iiber diegrosse Salzwiistc in Persien. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIII., 1850 (ptc. 2). pp. 548-563 ; Krman. Archiv Russ. XL, 1852, pp. 1-12. BUH] 713 [BUI Buhse, F. A. 6. Ueber Bildungsabweichungen bei den Pflanzen und deren Bedeutung fur die Metamorphosen-Lehre. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Nat. Ver. V., 1852, pp. 100-102. 7. Eine Reise durch Trans-kaukasien und Persien in den Jahren 1847-49. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIII., 1855 (ptc. 2), pp. 86-128, 267-312. 8. Zur Flora Livlands. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Nat. Ver. IX., 1857, pp. 6-13. 9. Note sur la Temperature de FHiver 1859-60, a Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes). Cher- bourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. VIII., 1861, pp. 95- 96. 1O. Reisebemerkungen aus dem ostlichen Albursgebirge in Persien. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIV., 1861 (ptc. 2), pp. 361-383. Buhse, F. A., und A. Buchholtz. Uebersicht der naturhistorischen Literatur von Liv- Kur- und Ehstland. Riga, Corresp. Blatt. Nat. Ver. VIL, 1854, pp. 49-58, 81-89, 115-122, 129- 140. Buignet, II. Sur 1'acide nitroprussique et les nitroprussiates, nouvelle classe de sels decouverts par M. PLAYFAIR. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 360-367. 2. Note relative au memoire de M. GKAHAM Tsur FEtherification]. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1850, pp. 130-131. 3. Note sur le memoire de M. WILLIAMSON sur FEtherification. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 23-27. 4. Sur le Nitrate de Mercure neutre. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 121-122. 5. Nouveau precede de dosage de 1'acide carbonique dans les eaux minerales suivi de considerations sur la constitution des eaux de Vichy. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 321- 330. 6. Observations sur 1'acide arsenieux et sur la liqueur de FOWLER. Journ. de Pharm. XXX., 1856, pp. 438-443. 7. Observations et experiences sur la me- thode de deplacement, comme moyen de preparer les teintures alcooliques et les vins medicinaux. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIL, 1857, pp. 161-173. 8. Examen chimique d'un liquide laiteux obtenu par la ponction pratiquee sur une jeune fille de huit ans. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIV., 1858, pp. 406-412 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1858 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 162-167. 9. Memoire sur le Cyanure double de Potas- sium et de Cuivre suivi d'un procede nouveau pour doser 1'acide cyanhydrique dans les liquides qui le renferment. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. .168-182. 1O. Note coucernant 1'action du Permangan- ate de Potasse sur 1'acide sulfureux. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 122-125. Buignet,//. 11. De 1'emploi de 1'acide sulfureux et des sulfites alcalins, comme moyen de reduire les persels de fer. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 321-336; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL1X., 1859, pp. 587-588. 12. Examen chimique de la fraise et analyse comparee de ses diverges especes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 276-278 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 81-111, 170-198. 13. Note relative a Faction de la chaleur sur les persels de fer. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 107-109. 14. Recherches sur la matiere sucree con- tenue dans les fruits acides ; son origine, sa nature et ses transformations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 894-897; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 233-308; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVL, 1862, pp. 493-496; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIX., 1861, pp. 81-94 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 227-228. 15. Application de la physique a la solution de quelques problemes de chimie et de phar- macie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1082-1086 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL., 1861, pp. 5-13, 161-176, 252-276, 326-343. Buignet, //., et Berthelot. Recherches sur le camphre de succin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 606-607 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXL, 1861, pp. 471-480; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 19-21 ; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 244-246. 2. Recherches sur la maturation des fruits. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1 860, pp. 1094-1097; Chemical News, in., 1861, p. 117; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1862 {Compt. Rend.), pp. 1-3. Buignet, H., et Bussy. Analyse de Feau de la Dhuis. Journ. dePharm.XLL, 1862, pp. 269-272. 2. Observations de Chimie pratique. Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 177-186. 3. Note relative a la preparation de 1'acide cyanhydrique. Journ . de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 465-475. Buisson, . Sur le precipite pourpre de CAS- sius, et sur sa preparation. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 629-642; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. X., 1831, pp. 245-259; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 149- 167. Buisson, Charles. Quelques recherches sur la circulation. [1861.] Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1862 (Compt. fiend.), pp. 15-22. Buisson, Charles, et Martin-Magron. Action comparee de Fextrait de noix vomique et du curare sur Feconomie animale. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 473-490, 584- 592; III., pp. 117-133, 323-362, 522-533; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. I., 1859 (Compt. Rend.), pp. 147-149. 4 x BUI] 714 [BUI Buist, George. Outline of the Geology of the south-east district of Perthshire. Highland Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 17-49. 2. Observations on the Comet of 1843, made at the Astronomical Observatory, Bombay. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1844, pp. 252- 257. 3. Result of a comparison of the observa- tions of nine different Barometers read every half hour for 24 successive hours. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1844, pp. 287-292. 4. Eclipse of the Sun on the 21st December 1843, as seen from the Observatory, Colaba. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1844, pp. 347-354. 5. Meteorological phenomena observed in India from January to May 1849. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), pp. 15-16. 6. On the general vibration, or descent and upheaval, which seems, at a recent geological period, to have occurred all over the Northern Hemisphere. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1850, pp. 302-309 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 322-329. 7. On the encrustation of Steam Boilers and Pipes in India. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1850, pp. 419-420. 8. On the saltness of the Red Sea. Bom- bay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. IX., 1850, pp. 38-48. 9. A catalogue of the most remarkable Hailstorms which have occurred in India betwixt 1822 and 1850. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. IX., 1850, pp. 184-196. 10. Notices of the most remarkable Meteors in India. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. IX., 1850, pp. 197-230. 11. On shark fishing at Kurrachee. Zool. Soc. Proc. XVIII., 1850, pp. 100-102. 12. On the adaptation of the Aneroid for the purposes of surveying in India. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XX., 1851, pp. 320-348; Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXL, 1851, pp. 42-56. 13. Floods in India in 1849. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 52-58 ; Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XX., pp. 186-192. 14. Indications of upheavals and depressions of the land in India. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), pp. 55-58. 15. The Volcanoes of India. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. X., 1852, pp. 139-166. 16. Geology of Bombay. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. X., 1852, pp. 167-238. 17. Volcanoes in the Bay of Bengal, &c. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 339- 353 ; LIII, 1853, pp. 32-38. 18. On the Currents of the Indian Seas. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853 (pt. 2), pp. 12-14. 19. The physical geography of Hindostan. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LVL. 1854, pp. 328- 352 ; Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1859, pp. vi-xxi. Buist, George. 20. On the Physical Geography of the Red Sea. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1854, pp. 227-237 ; Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIV, 1859, pp. 1-12. 21. Remarkable Hailstorms in India from March 1851 to May 1855. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 31-38 ; Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XII., 1856, pp. 1-25. -i 22. On the principal Depressions on the surface of the Globe. [1854.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp. 253-264. 23. On the construction of the nest of a species of Mason- Wasp or Bee from the neigh- bourhood of Bombay. Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 333-335. 24. On the causes and phenomena of the repulsion of water from the feathers of water- fowl and the leaves of plants. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 520-522. 25. Notes on the Lotus or Sacred Bean of India. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1 857, pp. 1-10; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857 (pt. 2), p. 96. 26. Notes on a journey through part of Kattiawar and Goozerat in 1855. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1857, pp. 11-107. 27. Notes on certain discoloured appear- ances met with on the surface of the sea in warm latitudes. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1857, pp. 108-125. 28. A narrative of a visit to the ruins of Tahrie, the supposed site of the ancient city of Siraff, also an account of the ancient commerce of the Gulf of Persia, &c. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1857, pp. 125-140. 29. Globular Lightning. Fireballs of the slow discharge of Electricity contradistinguished from the Meteorolites or Fireballs usually com- posed of solid matter. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1857, pp. 148-155. 30. On the occurrence of crystallization in a stucco casting. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1857, pp. 11-13. 31. On the geology of the Rock of Gibraltar. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1859, pp. 46-50. 32. On the movement of the clouds in the upper and lower regions of the air. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1859, pp. ii-iii. 33. On the axial rotation of the Moon. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XIV., 1859, pp. xxvii-xxx. 34. Geology of Lower Egypt, especially of the portion betwixt Alexandria and Cairo, and Cairo and Suez. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XV., 1860, pp. 1-18. 35. Hurricanes in the Eastern Seas from 1854 to 1859. Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XV., 1860, pp. 19-80. 36. [Remarks on the Laterite of Cochin and Quilon.] Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. XV., 1860, pp. xxii-xxiv. BUI] 715 [BUN Buist, George. 37. The Curia-Muria Islands. Geogr. Soc. Proc. IV., 1860, pp. 50-57. Buist, Henry. Description of the Pupa of Ne- crodes littoralis. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 600-601. Bukeisen, Fried. Mineral- Analysen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XXIV., 1857, pp. 285-290. Bulard, C. Bolides et etoiles filantes partant d'un point particulier du ciel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 269-270. 2. clipse totale de Soleil du 18 Juillet 1860, observee a Lambessa, province de Con- stantine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 509-512. 3. Eclipse de Soleil du 31 Decembre 1861. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 162- 164 ; Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 121-128. 4. Observations de la Comete II. de 1862 faites a Alger. Etude physique de Mars. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 879-881. 5. Observations astronomiques et meteoro- logiques faites a Laghouat. Presse Scieutifique, I., 1862, pp. 374-377. Bulfinch, T. On two specimens of lanthina fragilis, the ocean snail. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 20-21. Bull, . Note concerning a vegetable found under ground. [1800.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1802, pp. 160-161. Bull, B. W. Results of the examination of several waters from Hartford, Conn. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 385-388. 2. Some observations upon Emulsine and its composition. Silliman, Journ. VIII., 1849, pp. 74-86 ; Liebig, Annal. LXIX., 1849, pp. 145-161. Bull, Henry. On the supposed identity of the Muscus corniculatus of GERARDE with Asple- nium septentrionale of Authors. Phytologist, III., 1848, pp. 52-53. Bull, Marcus. Experiments to determine the comparative quantities of Heat evolved in the combustion of the principal varieties of wood and coal used in the United States for fuel ; and also to determine the comparative quantities of Heat lost by the ordinary apparatus made use of for their combustion. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 1-65 ; Gill, Techn. Rep. X., 1829, pp. 342-346 ; XI., pp. 3-31, 68-94 ; Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXVI., 1827, pp. 133-135. Bull, W. De la Scammonee vierge, et de quelques remarques sur les caracteres de la resine de Scammonee. Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 446-450. Bullar, Joseph. On the identity of certain vital and electro-magnetic laws. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1846 (pt. 2), pp. 29-31; Froriep, Notizen, XL., 1846, col. 276-281. Bulling, Fr. Ant. Ueber das Ludwigsbad bei Wipfeld im Untermainkreise. Hufeland u. Osann, Joum. Arzneyk. LXXII., 1831 (Hft. 3), pp. 56-96. Bullmann, Joh. Carl. Meinungen iiber die Natur und Entstehung des fliegenden Sommers. Halle, N. Schrift. Naturf. Gesell. I., 1811. Bullock, Charles. Mercury its oxides and ace- tates. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. VII., 1858, pp. 301-313. 2. On sulphate of ammonia as a source of other ammoniacal salts. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. IX., 1860, pp. 153-154. Bullock, H. On Diatomaceae : Are they animals, or are they vegetables ? [1854.] Pharmaceut. Journ. XIV., 1855, pp. 53-54. Bullock, William. An account of four rare species of British Birds. [1812.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 175-178. 2. Ueber Colibris. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, IX., 1825, col. 100-104. Biilow, Edward von, Trigonometrische Vermess- ung des Oder-Stromes, Hertha, V., 1826, pp. 182-233 ; VII., 1826, pp. 80-124 ; VIII., 1826, pp. 5-34. 2. Ueber den Raubstaat Algier. Hertha, VIII., 1826, pp. 309-326. 3. Ueber die Cultur der Cochenille in Antigua, Guatemala und Amatitan in der Re- publik Guatemala (Central- Amerika). Berlin, Monatsb. Gesell. Erdk. VI., 1849, pp. 7-19. Bulwer, James. On the Isocardia Cor of the Irish Seas. Zool. Journ. II., 1826, pp. 357-361. Bunbury, C. J. F. Botanical excursions in South Africa. Hooker, Lond. Journ. Bot. I., 1842, pp. 549-570; II., 1843, pp. 15-41; III., 1844, pp. 242-263. 2. On some remarkable Fossil Ferns from Frostburg, Maryland. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, pp. 82-91 ; Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 427-428. 3. Notes on the Fossil Plants from Nova Scotia. Geol. Soc. Journ. II., 1846, pp. 136- 139. 4. On Fossil Plants from the Coal Forma- tion of Cape Breton. Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 423-437. 5. Descriptions of Fossil Plants from the coal field near Richmond, Virginia. Geol. Soc. Journ. III., 1847, pp. 281-288 ; Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 114-115. 6. On the occurrence in the Tarentaise of certain species of Fossil Plants of the Carboni- ferous period, associated in the same bed with Belemnites. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), p. 64. 7. On Fossil Plants from the Anthracite Formation of the Alps of Savoy. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 130-142. 4x2 BUN] 716 [BUN Bunbury, C. J. F. 8. Remarks on certain plants of Brazil, with descriptions of some Avhich appear to be new. Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 108- 110. 9. On the Fossil Plants from the Jurassic Strata of the Yorkshire coast. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 179-194. 10. Description of a peculiar Fossil Fern from the Sydney coal field, Cape Breton. Geol. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1852, pp. 31-35. 11. On the vegetation of Buenos Ayres and the neighbouring districts. [1853.] Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 220-231 ; Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 185-198. 12. Notice of some appearances observed on draining a mere near Wretham Hall, Nor- folk. Geol. Soc. Journ. XII., 1856, pp. 355- 356. 13. Remarks on the botany of Madeira and Teneriffe. [1855.] Linn. Soc. Journ. L, 1857 (Sot.), pp. 1-35. 14. On a remarkable specimen of Neurop- teris ; with remarks on the genus. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1858, pp. 243-249. 15. On some vegetable remains from Ma- deira. [1858.] Geol. Soc. Journ. XV., 1859, pp. 50-59. 16. Notes on a collection of Fossil Plants from Nagpur, Central India. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVII., 1861, pp. 325-346. Bunbury, C. J. F., and Lyell. Observations on the Fossil Plants of the coal field of Tusca- loosa, Alabama, with a description of some species. Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 228-233. Bunbury, Sir Henry. On the Strata observed in boring at Mildenhall, in Suffolk. [1822.] Geol. Soc. Trans. L, 1824, pp. 379-380. Bunce, Joh. B. Analyses relative to the econo- mical value of Anthracite coal ashes. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 213-215. 2. On the volatility of Phosphoric Acid in acid solutions when heated ; and on SCHMIDT'S Process for the determination of Nitrogen. Silliman, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 403-405. Bunel, H. Sur un carpolithe trouve dans les terrains secondaires du departement du Cal- vados. Paris, Geol. Soc. Bull. VI., 1834-35, pp. 175-176 ; Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. VI., 1838, pp. 302-304. 2. Observations sur les terrains interme- diaires du departement du Calvados. Nor- mandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1835, pp. 90-100. 3. Observations thermo - barometriques faites et calculees pour determiner les hauteurs des principaux points du departement du Cal- vados. Caen, Mem. 1836, pp. 399-530. 4. Note relative aux terrains mtermediaires du departement du Calvados. Normandie, Mem. >Soc. Linn. VI., 1838, pp. 298-299. Bunel, //. 5. Hauteurs des principaux points du departement du Calvados determinees au moyen des observations barometriques. Falaise, Mem. Soc. Acad. 1836, pp. 79-92 ; Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. VIL, 1838, pp. 24-36. Bunge, Alexander von. Conspectus generis Gentianae. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Hist. Nouv. Mem. L, 1829, pp. 197-256. 2. Enumeratio plantarum anno 1831 in China boreali collectarum. [1832.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans trang. II., 1835, pp. 75-148. 3. Florae Altaicce supplementum. [1835.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. II., 1835, pp. 523-608. 4. Plantarum Mongolico-Chinensium decas prima. [1835.] Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (.Bot.), 1836, pp. 57-64. 5. Ueber die Gattung Tetradiclis, Stev. Linnaea, XIV., 1840, pp. 161-178. 6. De genere Braya. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Bot.\ 1842, pp. 221-223. 7. Ueber zwei, bisher zur Familie der Cru- cifera? gezogene, zu anderen Familien gehorige Gattungen. Linnaea, XVI., 1842, pp. 98-112. 8. Revisio generis Chamasrrhodos spe- cierum. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX. (Bot.\ 1843, pp. 176-178. 9. Ueber eine neue Gattung aus der Fa- milie der Zygophyllaceae. Linnaea, XVIL, 1843, pp. 1-9. 10. Novum genus Chenopodearum. Lin- naa, XVIL, 1843, p. 120. 11. Ueber Pedicularis comosa, L., und die mit ihr verwandten Arten. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1843, col. 369-384; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.), 1845, pp. 312-321. 12. Chartoloma, eine neue Cruciferen-Gat- tung. Botan. Zeitung, II., 1844, col. 249-250. 13. Delectus specierum Novi Horti Bo- tanici Dorpatensis. [1845-] Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Bot.), 1846, pp. 367-370. 14. Observationes excerpts e delectu semi- nuin Horti Botanici Dorpatensis, 1846. Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Bot.\ 1847, pp. 190-191. 15. Ueber Pedicularis rostrata, L., und die mit ihr verwandten und verwechselten Arten Mitteleuropa's. Botan. Zeitung, V., 1847, col. 897-903, 913-918. 16. Hortorum Botanicorum plantas nova? et adnotationes in indicibus seminum a 1845 de- posits. Linnaea, XIX., 1847, pp. 380-410. 17. ALEXANDRI LEHMANNI Reliquiae Bota- nicaa sive Enumeratio plantarum in itinere per deserta Asiae mediae annis 1839-42 collectarum. Riga, Arbeiten Natf. Ver. L, 1848, pp. 115-253. 18. Adnotationes ad delectum seminum Horti Dorpatensis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1849, pp. 363-364. BUN] 717 [BUN Bunge, Alexander von. 19. Delectus seminum Horti Botanici Doipateiisis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.\ 1850, p. 350. * 2O. Beitrag zur Kenutniss der Flor Russ- lands und der Steppen Central-Asiens. [1850.] St. Petersb. Mem. Savans Etrang. VII., 1854, pp. 177-536. 21. Recensio Salsolearum nonnullarum in primis a Car. KOCH distinctarum Herbarii Regii Berolinensis. Linnaea, XXVIII., 1856, pp. 572- 576. 22. Plants? Abichianrc in itineribus per Caucasum regionesque Transcaucasicas collects. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IX., pt. 1, 1859, pp. 581-598. 23. Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber die Flora von Chorassan. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIX., 1860, pp. 630-604. 24. Die Russische Expedition nach Choras- san in den Jahren 1858 und 1859. Petermann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 205-227. 25. Anabasearum revisio. [1861.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Mem. IV., 1862 ; St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI, 1863, col. 390- 412 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Sot.), 1862, pp. 346- 365. Hunger, K. Ein Windofen, der wahrend er zu chemischen Arbeiten dient, nebenher siedendes Wasser liefert, vorziiglich fur Apotheker brauch- bar. Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 234-236. 2. Electricitiit der Chokolade. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, p. 230. Buniva, M. F. Observationes et experimenta instituta ad recognoscenda Bubulse speciei potis- simum in subalpina regione infesta animalia, horumque nocendi modum detegendum. Turin, Mem. Acad. VI. 1792-1800 (pte. 2), pp. 215-267. 2. Sur la physiologic et la pathologic des Poissons. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1802-3, pp. 78-121. 3. Sur 1'infection et disinfection. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1805-8, pp. 127-140. 4. Particular! tes les plus remarquables de deux cornecailleux Anglais, nommes Jean et Richard LAMBERT. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809- 10, pp. 364-402. Buniva, M. F., und Vauquelin. ^ Sur 1'eau de 1'amnios de femme et de vache. AnnaJ. de Chimie, XXXIIL, 1799. pp. 269-282; Journ. de Phys. LI., 1800, pp. 265-278 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. III., 1799, pp. 229-252. Bunk, . Ueber das Vorkommen einer alkalisch- en Substanz im Schmelzraume des Eisen- hochofens zu St. Leonhard in Karnthen. Wien, Sitz. Ber. 1849, pp. 211-214 (Abth. 2). Bunker, J. M. Vegetable origin of anthracite. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 172-173. Bunsen, G. von. Ein Schlangenadler (Circaetus gallicus) bei Bonn. Niederrhein. Gesell. Sitz. Ber. 1859, p. 27. Bunsen, fi. W. Le tritoxide de Fer, nouvel antidote de 1'acide arsenieux. Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 567-569. 2. Ueber ein neues Vorkommen des Allo- phans in der Formation des plastischen Thons. Poggend. Annal. XXXI., 1834, pp. 53-56. 3. Untersuchungen iiber die Doppelcya- niire. Poggend. Annal. XXXVI., 1835, pp. 404- 416. 4. Ueber einige eigenthiimliche Verbind- ungen der Doppelcyaniire mit Ammoniak. Lie- big, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 156-164; Poggend. Annal. XXXIV., 1835, pp. 131-149. 5. Alkarsin. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. X., 1837, pp. 473-477. 6. Untersuchung des Nauheimer Mineral- wassers. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XII., 1837, pp. 156-166. 7. Iridium, Schmelzbarkeit desselben. Lie- big, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 205-207 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XLL, 1837, pp. 207-209; Bibl. Univ. XII., 1837, pp. 422-423. 8. Arsenik, als Bestandtheil organischer Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 271-286. 9. Ueber eine neue Reihe organischer Verbindungen, welche Arsenik als Bestandtheil enthalten. Poggend. Annal. XL., 1837, pp. 219- 233; XLIL, pp. 145-158. 10. Vorliiufige Resultate einer Untersuch- ung der im Hohofenschacht sich bildenden Gase. Poggend. Annal. .XLV., 1838, pp. 339-340 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXI., 1839, pp. 321-322. 11. Ueber Erdb'lquellen in der Umgegend von Peine und fCelle. Cassel, Jahresb. III., 1839, pp. 12-13. 12. Ueber das Alkarsin und einige daraus entstehende Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. XXXL, 1839, pp. 175-180. 13. Ueber die gasformigen Produkte des Hohofens und ihre Benutzung als Brennmaterial. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 325-335 ; Annal. des Mines, XVI., 1839, pp. 201-249 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXIL, 1839, pp. 441-455; Poggend. Annal. XLVI., 1839, pp. 193-226. 14. Ueber die Spannkraft einiger conden- sirten Gase. Liebig, Annal. XXXII., 1839, pp. 198-201 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIIL, 1839, pp. 183- 185 ; Poggend. Annal. XLVI., 1839, pp. 97- 103. 15. Ueber Andalusit und Chiastolith. Pog- gend. Annal. XLVIL, 1839, pp. 186-190. 16. On a new mode of estimating Nitrogen in organic analysis. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), p. 77; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, p. 484. BUN] 718 [BUN Buns en, R.W. 17. On the compound or radical called Kakodyl. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 77-78. 18. Ueber die Gichtgase des Kupferschiefe- rofens zu Friedrichshiitte bei Rotenburg. Pog- gend. Annal. L., 1840, pp. 81-93, 637-651. 19. Ueber die Nauheimer Thermalquellen. Getting. Studien, IV., 1841, pp. 361-365. 20. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der Rie- ehelsdorfer Eisensauen. Getting. Studien, IV., 1841, pp. 377-379. 21. Untersuchungen iiber die Kakodyl- reihe. Liebig, Annal. XXXVIL, 1841, pp. 1- 57; XLIL, 1842, pp. 14-46; XLVI., 1843, pp. 1-48 ; Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1842, pp. 167- 219 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. III., 1843, pp. 281- 318. 22. Ueber die Gichtgase und deren Benut- zung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 389-405. 23. Ueber eine neue Construction der gal- vanischen Saule. Liebig, Annal. XXXVIII., 1841, pp. 311-313; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 215-217; Walker, Electr. Mag. I, 1845, pp. 22-25. 24. Ueber die Anwendung der Kohle zu Volta'schen Batterien. Poggend. Annal. LIV., 1841, pp. 417-430. 25. On the Radical of the Kakodyl Series of Compounds. Chem. Soc. Mem. L, 1841-43, pp. 49-60; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1841 (pt. 2), pp. 55-57 ; Journ. de Pharm. L, 1842, p. 245 ; Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 382-393. 26. On a new class of Kakodyl Compounds containing Platinum. Chem. Soc. Mem. I., 1841-43, pp. 63-70; Phil. ^Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 395-403. 27. On Kakodylic Acid and the Sulphurets of Kakodyl. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1842 (pt. 2), p. 35 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 356- 362 ; Phil. Mag. XXII, 1843, pp. 180-185. 28. Ueber die Bereitung einer das Platin in der Grove'schen Kette ersetzenden Kohle. Poggend. Annal. LV., 1842, pp. 265-276 ; Ar- chives de 1'Electr. III., 1843, pp. 103-111; Walker, Electr. Mag. I., 1845, pp. 16-22. 29. Ueber das steinkohlenfiihrende Terrain der Toscanischen Maremma. Liebig, Annal. XLIX., 1844, pp. 264-274; Karsten, Archiv, XVIII., 1844, pp. 542-543. 30. Ljuset af hydro-elektriska staplars urladdning. Stockholm, Ofversigt, I., 1844, pp. 144-146. 31. Ueber den Parisit, ein neues Cer fossil. Liebig, Annal. LIII., 1845, pp. 147-156. 32. Beitrag zur Kenntnissdes Islandischen Tuffgebirges. Liebig, Annal. LXL, 1847, pp. 265-279. Bunsen, R. W. 33. Ueber den innern Zusam- menhang der pseudovulkanischen Erscheinungen Islands. Liebig, Annal. LXII., 1847, pp. 1-59 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 385- 437. 34. Physikalische Beobachtungen iiber die hauptsachlichsten Geisir Islands. Poggend. Au- nal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 159-170. 35. Bemerkungen zu einigen Einwiirfen gegen mehrere Ansichten iiber die chemisch- geologischen Erscheinungen in Island. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 70-85: 36. Ueber quantitative Bestimmung des Harnstoffs. Liebig, Annal. LXV., 1848, pp. 375- 386 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 151- 155. 37. On the Colour of Water. [1848.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VII., 1849, pp. 95- 98 ; Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1849, col. 267-259, 257-259. 38. Ueber den Einfluss des Drucks auf die chemische Natur der plutonischen Gesteine. Poggend. Annal. LXXXI., 1850, pp. 562-567 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 342- 346. 39. Ueber die Processe der vulkanischen Gesteinsbildungen Islands. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 197-272 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1853, pp. 215-300; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. 1853, pp. 33-98. 40. De 1'influence de la pression sur la temperature de fusion. [1850.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 383-384. 41. Ueber vulkanische Exhalationen. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Uebersicht, 1852, pp. 29-30 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 53-55. 42. Darstellung des Magnesiums auf elec- trolytischem Wege. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIL, 1852, pp. 137-145 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVI., 1852, pp. 107-112 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 452-453. 43. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Jod- stickstoffs. Liebig, Annal. LXXXI V., 1852, pp. 1-9 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 74-82; Journ. de Pharm. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 393-394. 44. Untersuchungen iiber die chemische Verwandtschaft. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 137-155; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 344-362 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 150-154. 45. Ueber eine volurnetrische Methode von sehr allgemeiner Anwendbarkeit. Liebig, Annal. LXXXVL, 1853, pp. 265-291 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 339-353. 46. Ueber VON WALTERSHAUSEN'S Theorie der Gesteinbildung. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX. 1854, pp. 90-103. BUN] 719 [BUN Bunsen, R. W. 47. Ueber die Darstellung von metallischem Chrom auf galvanischem Wege. Poggend. Annal. XCI, 1854, pp. 619-625 ; An- nal. de Chimie, XLL, 1854, pp. 354-357 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 177-179 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 472-475. 48. Notiz iiber die elektrolytische Gewin- nung der Erd- und Alkalimetalle. Poggend. Annal. XCII., 1854, pp. 648-651 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, 1854, pp. 311-313. 49. Ueber das Gesetz der Gasabsorption. Liebig, Annal. XCITI., 1855, pp. 1-50 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1855, pp. 496-507 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 116-130, 181-201. 50. Ueber den sogenannten Jod- und Chlorstickstoff. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 83-86. 51. Darstellung des Lithiums. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 107-112; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 349-350. 52. Ueber das Vorkommen altdeutscher Aschenkriige im Kalktuff von Lenglern. Get- ting. Studien, ViL, 1856, pp. 97-102. 53. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Meteor-Eisens von Atacama, mit einer geschichtlichen Einleitung. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1857, pp. 257-265. 54. Mittheilungen aus dem Laboratorium ; 1 . Darstellung reiner Cerverbindungen ; 2. Ceroxyde. Liebig, Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 40- 50 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIT., 1858, pp. 498- 500. 55. Unterscheidung und Trennung des Arseniks von Antimon und Zinn. Liebig, An- nal. CVL, 1858, pp. 1-14 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 91-95. 56. Lothrohrversuche. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 257-276 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 491-496; Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1859, pp. 513-521. 57. Ueber Benutzung der Flammenspek- tren bei der chemischen Analyse. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 31-32. 58. Ueber ein neues, dem Kalium nahe- stehendes Me tall. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860. pp. 221-223 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 477-480. 59. Ueber die Entstehung des Granites. Heidelberg, Jahrb. Lit. 1860, p. 166. 60. Ueber ein funftes der Alkaligruppe angehorendes Element. Berlin, Monatsber. 1861, pp. 273-275 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 198-200 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, p. 357. 61. Ueber die Bildung des Granites. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. XIII., 1861, pp. 61-63. 62. Ueber Casium und Eubidium. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 107-114. Bunsen, R. W. 63. Gewinnung der Rubidium- Verbindungen. Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 347-354 ; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 46-51. 64. Note sur la preparation et sur les pro- prietes du Rubidium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 188-189 ; Chemical News, VIL, 1863, p. 145. 65. Zur Kenntniss des Casiums. Poggend. Annal. CXIX., 1863, pp. 1-11 ; Fresenius, Zeits. Analyt. Chemie, II., 1863, pp. 161-169. Bunsen, R. W., et Berthold. Sur le mode de preparation et les formes les plus convenables du sesquioxide de fer hydrate, en tant qu'il doit servir de contre poison de 1'acide arsenieux. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 93-95 ; Miinchen, Gelehrte Anzeig. VI., 1838, col. 201- 202. Bunsen, R. W., et Descloizeaux. Note sur la temperature des Geysers d'Islande. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 934-937. Bunsen, R. W., und J. F. L. fiausmann. Ueber das Vorkommen menschlicher Kunstpro- ducte in den Kalktufflagern der Gegend von Gottingen. Getting. Studien, VIL, 1856, pp. 96-110. Bunsen, R. W., und C. Himly. Notiz iiber eine den Cyaneisenammoniumsalmiak analog zusammengesetzte Verbindung. Poggend. An- nal. XXXVIII., 1836, pp. 208-210. Bunsen, R. PT., und G. Kirchhoff. Chemische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen. Poggend. Annal. CX., 1860, pp. 160-189 ; CXIIL, 1861, pp. 337-425; Annal. de Chimie. LXIV., 1862, pp. 257-311 ; Chemical News, II., 1860, p. 281 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 449-477 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIIL, 1860, pp. 225-227; Chem. Soc. Journ. XIII., 1861, pp. 270-288 ; Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 349-361 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 329-349, 498-510. 2. Decouverte de deux metaux alca- lins. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 70-71. 3. Die Spectren der Alkalien und alkalischen Erden. Fresenius, Zeits. Analyt. Chemie, L, 1862, pp. 1-2. 4. Kleiner Spectralapparat zum Gebrauch in Laboratorien. Fresenius, Zeits. Analyt. Chemie, L, 1862, pp. 139-140. Bunsen, R. W., et Matthiessen. Preparation du Lithium. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 155-157. Bunsen, R. W., undZ. Flayfair. Untersuchun- gen iiber den Process der englischen Roheisen- bereitung. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIL, 1847, pp. 145-188. BUN] 720 Bunsen, //. W., and L. Flayfair. 2. Report on the Gases evolved from iron furnaces, with refer- ence to the theory of the Smelting of Iron. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845, pp. 142-186 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 441-444. Bunsen, R. W., and H. E. Roscoe. Photo- chemical researches with reference to the laws of the chemical action . of Light. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 48-49; Poggend. Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 373-394. 2. Photo-chemical researches. Part 1, Measui'ement of the chemical action of Light. [1856.] Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 355-380 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856, pp. 62-68 ; Chem. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1856, pp. 193-210. . 3. Photo-chemical researches. Part 2, Phenomena of Photo - chemical induction. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 381-402; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 129-144; Pog- gend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 43-88, 481-516. 4. Photo-chemical researches. Part 3, Optical and Chemical Extinction of the Chemical Rays. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 601- 620; Bibl. Univ. Archives, L, 1858, pp. 145- 155 ; Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 235-263. 5. Photo-chemical researches. Part 4, Comparative and absolute measurement of the Chemical Rays, &c. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 879-926; Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1859, pp. 352-373 ; Poggend. Annal. CVIII., 1859, pp. 193-273. 6. Photo -chemical researches. Part 5, On the direct measurement of the chemical action of Sunlight. [1862.] Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 139-160 ; Poggend. Aunal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 528-562. Bunsen, R. W.< und L. Schischkoff. Chemische Theorie des Schiesspulvers. Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 321-353 ; Cuyper, Revue Univ. IX., 1861, pp. 49-78 ; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 489-512. Bunt, T. G. On pendulum experiments. Phil. Mag. I., 1851, pp. 552-554 ; II., 1851, pp. 37- 41 ; IV., 1852, pp. 272-275. 2. Description of a new Tide-Gauge erected on the eastern bank of the river Avon, in front of the Hotwell House, Bristol, 1837. Phil. Trans. 1838, pp. 249-252. 3. Report on the application of the sum assigned for Tide Calculations to Mr. WHEWELI,. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1839, pp. 13-18. Buntzen, Thomas. Verschiedene galvanische Versuche mit ausserordentlich machtigen Saulen. ( TrunsL) Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 340- 354. 2. Einige neue galvanische Versuche und einige Athmungsversuche. Gilbert. Annal. XXV., 1807, pp. 147-149. Buquet, Lucien. Description de deux insectes du genre Oodes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. Ill , 1834, pp. 473-475. 2. Description de onze especes nouvelles du genre Lebia. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. Ill 1834, pp. 673-681. 3. Oxycheila acutipennis. Mag. de Zool. 1835, pi. 130. 4. Description d'un coleoptere nouveau du genre Goliathus de LAMARCK. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 135-137. 5. Description de quelques coleopteres nou- veaux de la famille des Carabiques, appartenant aux genres Colliuris, Latr. ; Diaphorus, Dejean ; Agra, Fabr. ; Cymindis, Latr. ; Calleida, Dej. ; Lebia, Latr. ; Coptodera, Dej. ; Helluo et An- chomenus, Bonelli. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 603-619. 6. Description de quelques nouvelles especes de Lamellicornes appartenant aux genres Golia- thus, Delam. ; Macronota, Wied. ; Gnathocera et Macroma, Kirb. [1835.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1836, pp. 201-207. 7. [Sur le degat cause dans ]e biscuit u bord de fregate la " Dryade " par des insectes Xylophages.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1837, pp. lix-lxi. 8. Notice sur un nouveau genre de Longi- cornes de la tribu des Cerambycins. Revue Zool. L, 1838, pp. 253-254. 9. Notice sur deux Longicornes nouveaux de la tribu des Lamiaires. Mag. de Zool. 1839, pi. 3. 1O. [Notice sur Sph oe nognathusPrionoides.] Mag. de Zool. 1839. 11. [Note sur Mecosarthron Buphagus.] Mag. de Zool. 1840, pi. 52. 12. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Lucanide. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 375-377. 13. Notice sur le genre Anacolus, et de- scription de trois especes nouvelles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 379-384. 14. Notice sur un genre nouveau de Lon- gicornes, de la tribu des Cerambycins, et descrip- tion de plusieurs especes qui s'y rattachent. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 385- 391. 15. Description de plusieurs Coleopteres nouveaux appartenant aux genres Lebia, Va- tellus, Acmaeodera, Hammaticherus et Leptura ; avec Catalogue des Coleopteres d'Algerie qui se recontrent au midi de 1'Europe. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. 393-400. 16. [Notice sur un Buprestide monstrueux (3 pattes anter.) et description d'un Longicorne nouveau, Ergates, Huberti.~\ Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1840, pp. xxvii-xxviii. BUQ] 721 [BUQ Buquet, Lucien. 17. Scarabee Jupitei 1 , insecte nouveau. Revue Zool. 1840, pi. 42 ; Mag. de Zool. 1840. pi. 46. 13. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Trachyderide, appartenant au genre Ozodera. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 110-112. 19. Description de quelques Coleopteres longicornes appartenant aux genres Calocomus, . Stenaspis, et Galissus. Revue Zool. 1840, p. 142; Mag. de Zool. 1840, pi. 51. 20. Note sur sept especes algeriennes du genre Rhizotrogus. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 171-172. 21. Coleopteres nouveaux. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 172-173 ; Mag. de Zool. 1840, pi. 52. 22. Note sur le genre Trochoideus. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 173-175. 23. Note sur quelques Coleopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 240- 243. 24. Notice sur un genre nouveau de Lon- gicornes, de la tribu des Cerambycins. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 292-295. 25. Hexodon Montandonii. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 62. 26. Description d'un genre nouveau de Longicornes de la tribu des Prioniens. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 63. 27. Description de deux Longicornes nou- veaux, appartenant aux genres Stenaspis et Galissus. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 66. 28. Description de plusieurs Longicornes appartenant au genre Pteroplatus, tribu des Cerambycins. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1841, pp. 151-155. 29. Observations relatives a un Longicorne decrit et figure par M. DUPONCHEL. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1841, pp. 325-326. 3O. [Notes sur Pholidotus Dejeanii et Ac- maeodera pulchra.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1841, pp. xxi-xxii ; Revue Zool. 1841, pp. 206-207. 31. [Notes sur Oryctes silenus et Solenop- tera taslei.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., X., 1841, pp. xxxviii-xxxix. 32. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Buprestide du genre Anthaxia (?), Esch. Revue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 194-195. 33. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Prionien du genre Derobrachus (Dejcan, Ser- ville}. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XL, '184-2, pp. 203-204. . 34. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Lucauide, appartenant au genre Dorcus de MEGEKLE. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. XL, 1842, pp. 283-284. Buquet, Lucien. 35. Description de cinq especes nouvelles de Coleopteres du genre Lycus de FABKICIUS (Dictyoptera, Latr. ; Dictyopterus, Gucr.}. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pi. 6. 36. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Curculionite du genre Gymnajtron, Schcenhcrr. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 242-243. 37. [Note sur Heteropalpus pretiosus.] Mag. de Zool. 1843, pi. 118. 38. Notice sur une monstruosite observee dans 1'antenne droite d'un Buprestide (Jalodis Clouei). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 97-98. 39. Notice monographique sur le genre Ctenoscelis, de la tribu des Prioniens. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 231-240. 40. [Note sur Dorcus (?) Luxerii.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. li-lii. 41. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Buprestide du genre Jalodis, Esch. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, p. 23. 42. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne de la tribu des Prioniens, apparte- nant au genre Torneutes de M. REICH. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 299-300. 43. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne de la tribu des Prioniens, apparte- nant au genre Mallodon de SERVILLE. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 330-331. 44. Description de quatre especes nouvelles de Lamellicornes, appartenant au genre Hyboma. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 19-21. 45. [Note sur le genre Heteropalpus.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1845, p. xi. 46. Notice monographique sur le genre Cometes de la famille des Longicornes, tribu des Lepturites. Revue et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 188-192. 47. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne du genre Phacellus, de la tribu des Lamiaires. Revue et Mag. Zool. III., 1851, pp. 603-605. 48. Notice monographique sur le genre Trachysomus, de la tribu des Lamiaires, suivie de la description de cinq especes nouvelles de Criodion. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 349-358. 49. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne du genre Chlorida, Serville. Pari*, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 655-656. 50. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Prionien du genre Derobrachus, Dejean, Serville. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 657-658. 51. Note sur les insectes Coleopteres re- cueillis par M. LORQUIN en Californie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. xx-xxii. 52. Note sur le genre Eudesmus, de 1'ordrc des Coleopteres. Revue et M;ig. Zool. IV., 1852. pp. 343-345. 4 Y BUQ] 722 [BUQ Buquet, Lucien. 53. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne, de la tribu des Prioniens, appartenant au genre Ancistrotus, Serv. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. 41-42. 54. Description de deux especes nouvelles de Longicornes du genre Polyrhaphis, Serville. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1853, pp. 443-446. . 55. Notice monographique sur un nouveau genre de Coleopteres de la famille des Longi- cornes, tribu des Cerambycins. Revue et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 256-261. 56. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Buprestide, du genre Polybothris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. 75-76. 57. Description de deux especes nouvelles de Longicornes. Revue et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 343-345. 58. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Lamiaire du genre Sternotomis (Sternodonta, Dejean, Catal.). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. 77-78. 59. Note supplementaire sur le genre Eury- prosopus, de 1'ordre des Coleopteres. Revue et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 409-412. 60. Lettre sur le genre Ancylocera de la famille Cerambycides. Thomson, Archiv. En- tom. I., 1857, pp. 137-138. 61. Notice monographique sur le genre Hemicladus, de la famille des Longicornes. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. I., 1857, pp. 327-331. 62. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Longicorne, du genre Ancylocera. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. I., 1857, pp. 332-333. 63. Notice monographique sur deux genres de Longicornes. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. I., 1857, pp. 333-340. 64. Memoire sur deux genres nouveaux de Coleopteres de la famille des Longicornes (Ox- ilus et Sthelenus), suivi de la description de plusieurs especes appartenant aux genres Platy- arthron, Oeme (Sclerocerus, Dej.\ Clytus, Apri- ona, Cerosterna et Acanthoderus. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. 619-636. 65. Description de quelques Longicomes nouveaux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIII., 1860, pp. 617-628. Buquoy, Georg von. Eine neue Art von Baro- meter. Hermbstiidt, Bulletin, XL, 1812, pp. 1-11. 2. Versuche liber Compression des Glases, angestellt in der Georgenthaler Glasshiitte der Herrschaft Gratzen in Bohmen. Gilbert, Annal. XLIII., 1813, pp. 98-104. 3. Neue aus TEYLER'S Lehrsatz abgeleitete Formeln. Gilbert, Annal. XLIV., 1813, pp. 106- 108. 4. Ein Instrument zur Bestimmung der irdischen Strahlenbrechung in jedem Stand- punkte, vorgeschlagen. Gilbert, Annal. XL VI., 1814, pp. 307-314. Buquoy, Georg von. 5. Einige wichtige Bemer- kungen zur analytischen Mechanik. Gilbert, Annal. LV., 1817, pp. 364-367. 6. Eine Entdeckung in der Analysis betref- fend. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 202- 203. 7. Eine auifallende Beziehung zwischen den Erscheinungen des Magnetismus, Galvan- ismus und Phytoismus. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 325-330. 8. Eine Bemerkung zu Herrn AMPERE'S Abhandlung, den Magnetismus und Galvanismus betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 185-186. 9. Einige Resultate, welche sich bei An- wendung des Feldspaths in der Glasfabrikation ergaben. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 301- 306. 10. Betrachtungen zu einer richtigern Wiirdigung des Wesens am Krystallisirungs- und Auflosungs-Processe. Oken, Isis, 1822, col. 1197-1202. 11. Elemente zu einer chemischen Theorie nach rein dynamischer Ansicht, ohne Annahme urspriinglich verschiedener Stoffe, und zu einer mathematisch- analytisch- begriindeten Stochio- metrie. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 57-64. 12. Eine wichtige Erweiterung des hydrau- lischen Lehrsatzes des Daniel BERNOULLI. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 688-694. 13. Betrachtungen iiber das Wesen des natiirlichen Preises der Dinge, so wieiiber einige denselben wesentlich bedingende Momente. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 28-39. 14. Warnung vor einern bey Ansetzen des Differenzial Ausdruckes einer unbekannten Func- tion leicht zu begehenden Fehlers. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 93-95. 15. Versuch einer mathematischen Ent- wickelung der Fundamentalgesetze der Lichter- scheinungen, wobei diese bloss als Resultate gewisser Actionen betrachtet werden, und kein Lichtstoff vorausgesetzt wird. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 728-750. 16. Formel fur die Temperatur des Wasser- dampfs durch dessen Quantitas Caloris ausge- driickt, mit Hiilfe der Lehi-e DALTON'S. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 751-752. 17. Vorschlag zu einer Dampfmaschine ohne Brennstoff. Oken, Isis, 1824 ; col. 752-753. 18. Theorie des Stosses bey Massen, die von eigenen bewegenden Kriiften ergriffen sind. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 753-757. 19. Versuch einer mathematischen Ent- wickelung der Fundamentalgesetze der Warme- erscheinungen, wobei diese bloss als Resultate gewisser Actionen betrachtet werden, und kein Warmestoff vorausgesetzt wird. Okeu, Isis, 1824, col. 828-842. BUQ] 723 [BUQ Buquoy, Georg von. 20. Vorschlag zu einer mechanischen, statt statischen Wage. Die Vor- theile der erstern, gegen die der letztern analy- tisch entwickelt. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 938-947. 21. Ueber die intermittirenden Momente an demBeharrungs-Stande der Maschinen,welche getrieben werden durch Krafte von beschranktem Drucke und beschrankter Geschwindigkeit. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 947-954. 22. Versuch einer Auslegung der Crystal- lisations- und Capillarisations-Erscheinungen,und deren Bedeutung unter den Naturerscheinungen iiberhaupt festzusetzen. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 1068-1079. 23. Das Gesetz vom Tragheitsmomente. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 1137-1138. 24. Bewegungsgesetz fiir den Fall, &c. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 1208. 25. Derlsodynamismus, eine neue Betracht- ung aus der analytischen Dynamik. Oken, Isis, 1824, col. 1209-1213. 26. Die umgekehrte Ableitung der Func- tionen (derivation inverse) ; eine neue Methode fur den Infinitesimalcalcul. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 37-52. 27. Entwickelung neuer Fundamental- formeln der Integralrechnung. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 155-159. 28. Neue Warmetheorie dynamisch-mathe- matisch entwickelt, ohne Annahme eines War- mestoffs (einer bisher allgemeinen Hypothese). Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 159-186, 308-336, 400-417. 29. Grundlinien zu einer neu vorgeschla- genen Heilmethode, &c. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 614-616. 3O. Einige Betrachtungen iiber Naturleben iiberhaupt. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 650-655. 31. Ueber die Methoden in der Therapie. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1121-1133. 32. Einiges iiber die von mir erfundene Anwcndungsweise der Mathematik auf Betracht- ungen an den hohern Manifestationen des Natur- lebens, selbst auf physisches Erscheiiien, von rair benannt "Anwendung der Mathematik nach der parallelisierenden Methode." Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1266-1271. 33. Einige Folgerungen aus TAYLOR'S Formel ; und neue Methode unendliche Reihen zu entwickeln. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 244-246. 34. Ueber das Wesen und die Bedeutung der Muskelbewegung. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 419-421. 35. Rationale!* Ausdruck der Hypothenuse, mit ziemlicher Approximation. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 570-576, 662-666. 36. Betrachtungen iiber eine transcendente Function, aus deren specieller Anwendung TAYLOR'S Formel folgt. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 666-672. Buquoy, Georg von. 37. Ueber die Transforma- tion der Functionen. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 130- 131. 38. Einige Anwendungen aus TAYLOR'S Formel. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 801-808. 39. Centralkraft. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 807-809. 40. Ueber eine sehr allgemeine Methode zu Interpoliren. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 889-896. 41. Neue einfache Beweise des pythagor- ischen Lehrsatzes. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 1-4. 42. Ueber die intermittirenden Momente an dem Beharrungsstande der Maschinen. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 786-789. 43. Rationaler Ausdruck der grosseren Cathete durch die Hypothenuse und die kleinere Cathete. Oken, Tsis, XXI., 1828, col. 1087. 44. Neuer approximativer Ausdruck fur den Sinus und Cosinus durch den Bogen. Oken, Isis, XXI., 1828, col. 1088. 45. Zur Theorie des Kreispendels. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1089-1090. 46. Die riickgeleiteten Functionen, eine neue Ansicht im Gebiete der hohern Schrift. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1090-1093. 47. Neue approximative Ausdriicke fur den natiirlichen Logarithmus. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 1203-1211. 48. Aphorismen fur Meditation und Natur- Dichtung. Oken, Isis, XXIL, 1829, col. 470- 485, 1017-1019. 49. Einiges zur Geophysik, oder besser Geophysiologie oder Geobiologie. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 1193-1199. 50. Beitrag zu den bisherigen Bemii- hungen fiir sachgemasse Classification in der Zoologie. Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 756-763. 51. Betrachtungen iiber die Formation der Erdoberflache. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 761-778. 52. Ueber den Unterschied der Bewegung beim Gleiten und Rollen der Korper langs schiefen Ebenen. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 1135- 1138. 53. Eigenthiimliche Darstellung der Haupt- ziige der Physiologie. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 577-581, 673-678, 762-767, 841-845, 921-926, 1000-1004. 54. Zur Staatskunst im Lichte der Physio- logic. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 1-5, 81-86, 249- 252, 329-332, 401-408, 481-490. 55. Zwei vorziiglich hervorragende Cha- racterziige des Fatums am Werden und Dahin- scheiden der Gebilde des Litho-, Phyto-, Zoo-, Anthropo-, und Poli- Biotismus. Oken, Isis, 1837, col. 81-86. 56. NEWTON'S allgemeine Bestimmung der fortschreitenden Bewegung der Himmelskorper, u.s.w. Oken, Isis, 1840, col. 328-334. 4 Y 2 BUR] 724 [BUR Burat, Amedic. Sur lc gisement de 1'or dans la province Mem. IV., 1857, pp. 208-222. Burghardt, . Referat iiber : " Traite de Geome'trie superieure par M. CHASLES," &c. Grunert, Archiv,XX., 1853, pp. 431-458. 2. Beitrag fur den Unterricht in der Relief- Perspective. Grunert, Archiv, XXXVL, 1861, pp. 437-446. Burgoyne, J. Fox. Memoranda on blasting rocks. Roy. Engineers Papers, IV., 1840, pp. 27-91. Burgoyne, J. Fox, and C. S. Hutchinson. On quarrying rock for great works, as practised at Holyhead in the years 1850 and 1851. Roy. Engineers Papers, II., 1852, pp. 1-24. Burguet, . Quelques mots sur M. BROTTSSAIS, et sur la doctrine physiologique. Gironde, Journ. Med. I., 1824, pp. 209-222. Burguet, Henry. Notes sur 1'Helix cornea, var. A. (Ferussac), nouvelle pour le departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XII., 1841, p. 186. 2 . Melanges d'Histoire Naturelle, pour servir a la Faune du departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIII., 1843, pp. 303-318 ; XIV., 1845, pp. 250-264. 3. Memoire pour servir a la Faune de la Gironde. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XV., 1847, pp. 270-280. Burguieres, Note sur 1'etat d'aicalinite de quelques liquides du corps humain dans le cholera-morbus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 343-344. Burhenne, G. H. Beschreibung des Trochus triumphans, Phil., und Tr. chinensis, Phil., uud der Bebryce mollis, Phil. Cassel, Jahresb. V., 1841, pp. 8-10. - 2. Ueber Messung der Conchylien. Cassel, Jahresb. V., 1841, pp. 10-12. Burhenne, H. Zur Theorie und erweiterten Kunde der Zwillings-Stellungen, zunachst im regularen Krystallsystem. Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 83-99. - 2. Zur Crystallographie. Cassel, Jahresb. IV., 1840, pp. 10-11 ; V., 1841, pp. 12-13. - 3. Ueber eine neue crystallographische Betrachtungsweise. Cassel, Jahresb. III., 1859, pp. 13-14. - 4. Ueber das Gesetz der Primzahlen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 442-449. - 5. Losuug einer Aufgabe aus der Zahlen- theorie auf geometrischem Wege. Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 466-468. 6. Ueber krumme Flachen, welche der Gleichung x n + y n + z n = 1 entsprechen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 35-43. - 7. Erweiterung eines Satzes vom Schwer- punkte. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 13-15. - 8. Zur Theorie der imaginiiren Grossen. Grunert, Archiv, XXIL, 1854, pp. 43-47. du Buisson, - . De la preparation des~6xtraits pharmaceutiques. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1344, pp. 385-392. - 2. De la Manganese dans le Sang et de sa valeur e^ therapeutique. Journ. de Pharm. XXVL, >1854, pp. 420-433 ; Rev. Med. Fran9. et Etr. L, 1852, pp. 201-211, 275-294; II., pp. 144-1 op- - 3. Un , mot sur la coloration des sels de protoxyde dp Manganese. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIIL, 1&55, pp. 345-354. Burja, - . On the Solar and Lunar Period of six hundred year?. (Transl.) [1792.] Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L, 1798, ^p. 32-34. - 2. Sur la longueur du pendule a secondes a Berlin. Berlin, M,em. Acad. 1799-1800, pp. 3-17. - 3. Sur le devel/oppement des fonctions en series. Berlin, Men-*- Acad. 1801, pp. 3-28. - 4. Sur la certitude des sciences mathe- matiques. Berlin, >kem. Acad. 1802, pp. 3-30. 5. Sur les i, rapports qu'il y a entre la Musique et la Reclamation. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1803, pp. 13r 31 > 32-49. 6. Sur la resistance de Fair. Berlin, Mem. Acad. 1804, pp. 3-2 '4. BUR] 731 [BUR Burkard, . Wanderungen der Thiere. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1826, pp. 115- 116. Burkart, Hermann Joseph. Zusammen-Vor- kommen von Granit und Basalt in der Schnee- grube im Riesen-Gebirge. Leonhard, Miner. Taschenb. IV., 1823, pp. 831-838. 2. Geognostiche Beobachtungen auf Rei- sen in Mexiko gesaramelt. Leonhard, Zeit- schrift, 1826 (Bd.2\ pp. 1-35 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 67-92. 3. Geognostische Beobachtungen auf einer Reise nach dera Nevado, oder dem erloschenen Vulkan von Toluca in Mexiko. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XIV., 1827, pp. 93-112. 4. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse der Wakkengange zu den Erzgangen bei Anna- berg in Sachsen. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XV., 1827, pp. 70-79. 5. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse und die Bergwerke zu Angangeo in Mexiko. Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1827 (Bd. 2), pp. 401- 410. 6. Besteigung des Vulkans Popocatepetl in den vereinigten Staaten von Mexiko. Schweigger, Journ. L. (= Jahrb. XX.), 1827, pp. 385-395. 7. Esquisse geognostique des formations du cercle de Kreutznach et de quelques con- trees environnantes du Palatinat. (Transl.) Ferussac, Bull. Sci.Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 22-23. 8. Reise nach Bergwerksorten von Ramos, Catorze und Chareas in dem Staate von San Luis Potosi. Karsteu, Archiv, III., 1831, pp. 123- 177, pp. 540-548. 9. Geognostische Bemerkungen, gesamm- elt auf einer Reise von Tlalpujahua nach Huetamo, dem Jorullo, Patzcuaro und Valla- dolid, im Staate von Michoacan. Karsten, Archiv, V., 1832, pp. 159-207. 1O. Ueber die geognostischen Verhaltnisse und Betriebs-Resultate der Silberbergwerke von Veta-Grande in der Provinz Zacatecas in Mexiko. Karsten, Archiv, VI., 1833, pp. 319- 342. 11. Geognostische Bemerkungen iiber die Berge von Santiago b'stlich von Zacatecas, im Staate von San Luis Potosi. Karsten, Archiv, VI., 1833, pp. 413-421. 12. Beobachtungen auf einer Reise von Ramos nach Catorze, und Bemerkungen iiber die Grube Veta-Grande. Karsten, Archiv, VI., 1833, pp. 422-430. 13. Description du filon et des mines de Veta-Grande, pr&s de la ville de Zacatecas, dans 1'etat du meme nom, au Mexique. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1835, pp. 55-87. 14. Ueber die Ausbriiche des Tustla. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb., 1835, pp. 36-45. Burkart, Hermann Joseph. . 15. Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexiko. Geogr. Soc. Journ. X., 1841, pp. 544-551. 16. Ueber die Resultate des Bergwerks- Betriebes der englischen Bergswerks-Gesell- schaft von Bolanos in Mexiko. Karsten, Archiv, XV., 1841, pp. 766-776. 17. Die Diorite an der Nahe und der Alsenz. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1846, pp. 1-5. 18. Ueber die Fundorte der bis jetzt be- kannten Mexikanischen Meteor-Eisen-Massen, nebst einigen einleitenden allgemeinen Bemer- kungen iiber den Ursprung und die Zusammen- setzung der Aerolithe. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1856, pp. 257-307 ; Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIII., 1856, pp. xl-xlviii. 19. Gediegenes Gold und Zinnober aus Californien, so wie Manganblende und Fahlerz aus Mexiko. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIII., 1856, pp. xv-xix. 2O. Ueber Stiicke Fahlerz und Mangan- blende, welche Erze aus einem Gange am Fusse des hohen Piks von Orizaba in Mexiko kommen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XIII., 1856, pp. xix-xx. 21. Ueber den Basaltgang der Grube Jo- hannes-Segen. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungs- ber. XIII., 1856, pp. cii-cvii. 22. Ueber die Erscheinungen bei dem Ausbruche des mexikanischen Feuerberges Jo- rullo im Jahre 1759. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 274-297. 23. Ueber einen neuen Feuerausbruch in dem Gebirge von Real del Monte Mexiko. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. IX., 1857, pp. 729-737 ; Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XV., 1858, pp. xxii-xxv. 24. Untersuchungen eines Meteoreisens von Zacatecas in Mexiko. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVI., 1859, pp. 84-89. Burke, . Report on the Value of Life among the Officers and Men in Her Majesty's troops in India. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VIII., 1839, pp. 48-69. Burke, Edmund. Bericht iiber Dampfkessel- Explosionen. (Transl.} Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXV., 1850, pp. 81-99. Burke, Luke. An enquiry into the nature and causes of the physical differences of Mankind. Ethnol. Journ. I., 1848-49, pp. 39-46, 70-81. 2. On the true nature of Animal Me- chanism ; or a demonstration that differences of Race cannot by any possibility have arisen from the influence of Accidental Agencies. Ethnol. Journ. L, 1848-49, pp. 185-195. 3. Remarks on the theories of Spontaneous Generation and the progressive evolution of Species. Ethnol. Journ. I., 1848-49, pp. 470-477. 4 z 2 BUR] 732 [BUR Burke, Luke. 4. On the supposed effects of habit and exercise in modifying the developement of living organisms. Ethnol. Journ. I., 1848-49, pp. 496-529. Burkhardt, Verzeichniss der bisher in der Umgegend von Gera beobachteten Fische. Gera, Jahresber. Naturw. 1860, p. 62. Burkhardt, Fr. Prodromus Florae Lusatias. Gorlitz, Abhandl. I., 1827, pp. 41-83 (Hft. 2), 61-82 ; II., pp. 1-38. 2. Einige Bemerkungeii zu MERTENS und KOCH'S Deutschlands Flora, besonders die Pflanzen der Lausitz und der Umgegend be- treffend. Flora, XVIL, 1834, pp. 689-699. 3. Laubmoose betreffend. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 141-144. 4. Geranium bohemicum, fur Deutschland neu aufgefunden. Flora, XIX., 1836, pp. 615- 618. 5. Ueber einige Verhaltnisse des Pflanzen- Lebens. Gorlitz, Abhandl. III. (Hft. 2), 1842, pp. 25-28 ; V., 1848, pp. 69-72. 6. Ueber den Krupp (Croup) in den Kohl- gewachsen. Gorlitz, Abhandl. III. (Hft. 2), 1842, pp. 29-30. 7. Ueber Dammerde, Humus, Humus- saure und die Wirkungsart der Diingung. Gor- litz, Abhandl. III. (Hft. 2), 1842, pp. 37-41. 8. Ueber einige Unterschiede in der Fort- pflanzung der Gewachse und ihrer Vermehrung durch Samen. Gorlitz, Abhandl. IV.. 1844, pp. 36-41, 59-64. 9. Botanische Mittheilungen. Flora, XXXIII., 1850, pp. 561-562. 10. Ueber eingewanderte und einheimisch gewordene Pflanzen. Flora, XXXIV., 1851, pp. 161-168. 11. Ueber die Wirkungen verschiedener Substanzen auf den Lebensprozess der Pflanzen. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI., 1851, pp. 26-27. 12. Die Veriinderungen unserer Flora seit einer Reihe von Jahren durch eingewanderte und einheimisch gewordene Pflanzen betreffend. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI. (Hft. 2), 1853, pp. 55-59. 13. Vegetations-Bericht vom Jahre 1851. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI. (Hft. 2), 1853, pp. 59-61. 14. Vegetations-Bericht vom Jahre 1852. Gorlitz, Abhandl. VI. (Hft. 2), 1853, pp. 61-66. Biirkhofer, Alberik. Beitrag zur genauern Bestimmung des Verhaltnisses von Maass und Gewicht in Schwaben. Schwab. Gesell. Denk- schr., 1805, pp. 316-324. Burkitt, . Occurrence of rare Birds in Ire- land. Nat. Hist. Rev. III., 1856 (Proc.) y pp. 26-27. Burkitt, A. S. Description of an apparatus for Distilling in which the effects of absorption are prevented without admitting the external air. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 349-350. Burlamaque, F. L. C. O Minhocao; O sucu- ruhyu ; A Giboia. Rio, Trabal. Soc. Veil. [1852,] p. 17. 2. A grande Aguia da Guyana, Mauduit, ou grande Harpia da America, Cuvier, Falco destructor, Daudin. Revista Brazil. I., 1857- 58, pp. 317-350 ; Rio, Archiv. Palestr. I., 1858, pp. 37-50. 3. Noticia iicerca de alguns mineraes e rochas de varias provincias do Brazil. [1856.] Revista Brazil. II., 1859, pp. 73-104. Burman, Er. Tabell ofver Medel-temperaturen uti luften vid Neder-Calix uti Norrbottens Lan och Calix Fogderi. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 77-79. Burxneister, Hermann. Beitrage zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. Cole- optera und Lepidoptera, Rhyngota seu Hemi- ptera. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVI., 1832. Suppl. 2. Die Respirationsorgane von Julus und Lepisma. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 134-138. 3. Ueber die Gattung Achlysia,^4wrf. Oken, Isis, 1834, col. 138-142. 4. Des sons que produisent certains In- sectes. Silbermann, Revue Entom. I., 1833, pp. 161-174. 5. Des lueurs que repandent certains In- sectes. Silbermann, Revue Entom, I., 1833, pp. 210-226. . 6. Combophorarum species enumerata?. Silbermann, Revue Entom. I., 1833, pp. 227- 233. - 7. Memoire sur la division naturelle des Punaises terrestres (Geocores), considerees sur- tout relativement a la structure des antennes. Silbermann, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 5-26. .. 8. Beschreibung einiger neuen oder weni- ger bekannten Schmarotzerkrebse, nebst allge- meinen Betrachtungen iiber die Gruppe, welcher sie angehoren. [1833.] Acad. Goes. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIL, 1835, pp. 269-336. 9. Observations anatomiques sur les Chi lognathes et autres insectes. L'Institut, III., 1835, pp. 215-216. 1O. Ueber den Bau der Augen bei Bran- chiopus paludosus (Chirocephalus, Bery, Pre- vosi). Mviller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 529-534, 613- 614. 11. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Ento- mologie im Jahre 1834. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1835, pp. 7-74. 12. Distomum globiporum, Rud., ausfiihr- lich beschrieben. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1835, pp. 187-194. 13. Die Verwandlungsgeschichte von Chla- mys inonstrosa. Wiegmann, Archiv, L, 1835 (Bd. 2), pp. 245-348. BUR] 733 [BUR Burmeiscer, Hermann. 14. Anatomical obser- vations upon the larva of Calosoma sycoplianta. Entom. Soc. Trans. L, 1836, pp. 235-240. 15. Some account of the genus Myocoris, of the family Reduvini. [1836-] Entom. Soc. Trans. II., 1837-40, pp. 102-107. 16. Bemerkungen iiber die Ursache der Tone welche die Insekten wiihrend des Fliegens horen lassen. Poggend. Annal. XXXVIII., 1836, pp. 283-290 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. I., 1837, pp. 377-382. 17. Monographic du genre Darnis, Fabr. Silbermann, Revue Entom. IV., 1836, pp. 164- 191. 18. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der En- tomologie im Jahre 1835. Wiegmann, Archiv, II., 1836 (Bd. 2), pp. 293-328. 19. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Bek- leidung des Laufs der Singvb'gel, Passerinas, Nitzscli. Wiegmann, Archiv, VI., 1840, pp. 220-233. 2O. ATJDINET-SERVILLE'S " Histoire Natu- relle des Orthopteres," verglichen mit H. BUR- MEISTER'S " Handbuch der Entomologie " (vulgo Orthoptera). Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. II., 1840, pp. 1-82. 21. Observations sur les affinites naturelles de la famille des Pausidre. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 76. 22. Ueber die Mundbildung der Liiuse. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1844 (Abth. 2), pp. 129-130; Linnjsea Entomol. IL, 1847, pp. 569-583. 23. Ueber einige osteologische Anomalien des Orang-Utang. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. I., 1848, pp. 3-5. 24. Bemerkungen iiber Archegosaurus Decheni, Goldf. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. I., 1848, pp. 41-43. 25. Beobachtung iiber den feineren Bau des Fiihlerfachers der Lamellicornien, als eines muthmasslichen Geruchswerkzeuges. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. L, 1848, pp. 49-56, 57. 26. Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Organi- sation der Trilobiten. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. L, 1848, pp. 77-81. 27. Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ephemeren. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. L, 1848, pp. 109-112. 28. Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Gat- tung Deltochilum, Esch. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. L, 1848, pp. 133-136, 141-144. 29. Beschreibung eines neuen Coccus, C. pruni. D'Alton u. Burm. Zeitg. Zool. I., 1848, p. 177. 30. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte des Se- riema. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. I., 1853, pp. 11-52. Burmeister, Hermann. 31. Neue Beobacht- ungen iiber Archegosaurus. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. I.. 1853 (2 tes Ql.), pp. 78-83. 32. Bemerkungen iiber den allgemeinen Bau und die Geschlechtsunterschiede bei den Arten der Gattung Scolia, Fabr. Halle. Ab- hand. Nat. Gesell. L, 1853 (4 tes Ql.), pp. 'l-38. 33. Ueber die Aehnlichkeiten des Skelets von Dicholophus mit dem der Storche (Ciconia, Lath.}. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. L, 1853 (4 tes Ql.), pp. 90-95. ~ 34. Ueber die Eier und Nester einiger brasiliauischen Vogel. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. L, 1853, pp. 161-177. 35. Ueber siidamerikanische Murinen. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 3-9. 36. Ueber Acodon boliviense, Meyen. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (-Site. Ber.'), pp. 10-12. 37. Ueber einige Dasypus-Arten. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 12-14. 38. Ueber eine neue Ratte, Lasiomys hir- sutus, von Maracaibo. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 15-17. 39. Uebersicht der brasilianischen Mu- tillen. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 19-29. 40. Ueber Mustela brasiliensis. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 46-49. 41. Bericht iiber seinen Vortrag die "Me- tamorphoses Insectorum Surinamensium " von Mar. Sib. MERIAN betreffend. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 58-65. 42. Ueber Arten der Gattungen Cebus. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854, pp. 81- 124. 43. ["Ueber brasilianische Stachelratten.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. L, 1853 (4 tes QL). pp. 89-90. 44. Untersuchungen iiber die Fliigeltypen der Coleopteren. Halle. Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854, pp. 125-140. ' 45. Ueber Gampsonychus fimbriatus, Jord. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IL, 1854, pp. 191- 200. 46. [Ueber die Didelphys- Arten mit langen Grannenhaaren.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 5-6. 47. Kritische Beleuchtung einiger neueren Pterodactylus - Arten. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 12-17. 48. [Ueber brasilianische Spechte.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855 (Sitz. Ber.), pp. 31-32. BUR] 734 [BUR Burmeister, Hermann. 49. Ueber die siid- amerikanischen Arten der Gattung Canis. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855 (Site. Ber.\ pp. 42-44. 50. Systematische Uebersiclit der Sphin- gidte Brasiliens. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855 (Site. Ber.\ pp. 58-74. 51. Anatomic der Coracina scutata. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. III., 1855, pp. 162-211. 52. Ueber die Laubfrb'sche Brasiliens. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IV., 1858 (Site. Ber.\ pp. 8-9. 53. Ueber die zoologischen Unterschiede der Stb'rche. Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. IV., 1858 (Site. Ber.\ p. 10. 54. Reise in Uruguay, 1856. Petermann, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 407-410. 55. Noch einige Worte iiber die systema- tische Stellung der Raderthiere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VIIL, 1857, pp. 152-159. 56. Reise durch die Pampas. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, III., 1857, pp. 217-245, 295- 312. 57. Ueber die Tertiarformation von Pa- rana. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. X., 1858, pp. 423-432. 58. Zur Fauna von Sud-America. Ca- banis, Journ. Ornithol. VI., 1858, pp. 152-162. 59. Ueber das Klima von Mendoza. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, IV., 1858, pp. 1- 22. 60. Barometer-Beobachtungen in Mendoza. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, VI., 1859, pp. 207- 218. 61. Physikalische Beschreibung der Gegend von Parana. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, VI., 1859, pp. 429-445. 62. Reise durch die Cordilleren zwischen Catamarca und Copiapo im Marz 1860. Peter- mann, Mittheil. 1860, pp. 368-375. 63. Systematisches Verzeichniss der in den La Plata-Staaten beobachteten Vogelarten. Ca banis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 241- 268. 64. Reise durch einige nordliche Provin- zen der La Plata-Staaten. * Zeitschr. Allg. Erd- kunde, IX., 1860, pp. 57-109, 169-193, 257- 285, 337-388. 65. Die Ateuchiden ohne Fusskrallen. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. V., 1861, pp. 55-57. 66. Ueber das Klima der Argentinischen Republik. [1861.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. VI., 1862, pp. 1-110. 67. Beschreibung eines behaarten Giirtel- thicres, Praopus hirsutus, aus dem National- Museum zu Lima. [1861.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. VI., 1862, pp. 145-148. 68. Die Artesischen Brunnen bei Buenos Aires. Petermann, Mittheil. 1863, pp. 92-95. Burmeister, Hermann. 69. Excursionen an den Rio Salado. Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XV., 1863, pp. 225-241. Burmeister, Hermann, und Giebel. Die Ver- steinerungen von Juntas im Thai des Rio de Copiapo ; nach ihren Lagerungsverhaltnissen und physischen Eigenschaften geschildert. [1861.] Halle, Abhand. Nat. Gesell. VI., 1862, pp. 111-144. Burmeister, Hermann, und H. Schaum. Kri- tische Revision der Lamellicornia melitophila. Germar, Zeitschr. Entom. II., 1840, pp. 352- 402; 1841, pp. 226-282. Burn, A. On the Cotton, called " Nurma," in Guzerat. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. XL, 1842, pp. 290-291. 2. Memorandum of the result of an ex- periment in crossing the indigenous Cottons of India. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. IV. (pt. 2), 1845, pp. 219-220. 3. Report of the operations at Broach, under the Superintendent of Cotton Experiments, dui'ing 1844-45. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. V, 1846, pp. 37-78. 4. Report on the culture of Wheat at Broach in the season 1843. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. V., 1846, pp. 135-161. Burn, Alexander. On the habits of Blister flies (Cantharis). Ann. Nat. Hist. VIL, 1841, p. 147. Burnand, Huber. Ueber das Ausfliessen und den Druck des Sandes. Poggend. Annal. XVI., 1829, pp. 316-327 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 396-398. Burnat, Emil. Versuche mit Dampfkesseln, eine Fortsetzung der im Jahre 1859 dargestellten Versuche. Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, IX., 1863, pp. 471-512. Burnat, Emil., und Dubied. Bericht iiber die auf Veranlassung eines von der Societe Indus- trielle zu Miihlhausen ausgeschriebenen Preises veranstalteten Versuche mit Dampfkesseln. Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, VI., 1860, col. 475- 508. Burne, John. Case of Injury of the Head. Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXIX., 1812, pp. 117-118, 367-370. 2. On the structure and motions of the heart, and on the indications of the pulse. Mid- land Med. Surg. Rep. II., 1830-31, pp. 404-414. Burnell, Edward H. List of Lepidopterous Insects found in the neighbourhood of Witham, Essex. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 601-604. Burnell, Geo. R. On the influence of some external agents on the durability of building materials. Brit. Architect. Inst. Papers, 1853- 54, pp. 137-153. Burnens, . Lettre a Mr. HUBER, qui con- firme 1'instinct de prevoyance chez les Abeilles. Bibl. Britannique, XXVIL, 1804, pp. 361-363. BUR] 735 [BUR Comparison of the Indus Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. Burnes, Alexander, and Ganges Elvers. I., 1832, pp. 20-22. 2. Some account of the Salt Mines of the Punjaub. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. L, 1832, pp. 145-147. ^ 3. Journey from Peshawar to Bokhara. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1833, pp. 1-22, 143-148. 4. Description of Bokhara. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1833, pp. 224-238. 5. Description of the Salt Works at Panch- padder, Mewar. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1833, pp. 365-366. 6. Substance of a geographical memoir on the Indus. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 113-155. 7. On the construction of the Map of the Indus. Geogr. Soc. Journ. III., 1833, pp. 287- 289. 8. Papers descriptive of the countries on the North-west Frontier of India : The Thurr or Desert, Joodpoor, and Jaysulmeer. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 88-128. < 9. Travels into Bokhara, being the account of a journey from India to Cabool Tartary, and Persia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 278- 317. 1O. On the maritime communications of India, as carried on by the natives, particularly from Kutch, at the mouth of the Indus. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VI., 1836, pp. 23-28. 11. On Sind. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 11-19. 12. Series of the Geology and Fossil Con- chology of the Cheri range in Cutch. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI V 1837, p. 159. 13. On the Eeg-Ruwan, or moving sand, a singular phenomenon of sound near Cabul. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII., 1838, p. 324. 14. On the geology of the banks of the Indus, the Indian Caucasus, and the plains of Tartary to the shores of the Caspian. [1833.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 8-10. 15. The artificial Grasses of Cabool. India, Agric. Soc. Proc. 1841 (July), pp. 9-11 ; India, Agric. Soc. Journ. L, 1842, pp. 105-106. Burnett, C. J. On the effects of a solution of Bicarbonate of Ammonia in promoting Vegeta- tion. [1857.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 174-176. Burnett, F. C. A few remarks on the soil, cli- mate, and state of horticulture at Peshawur. India, Agric. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1 854, pp. 41-42. Burnett, Gilbert T. Illustrations of the Manu- peda, or Apes and their allies ; being the arrange- ment of the Quadrumana or anthropomorphous beasts indicated in outline. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 300-307. Burnett, Gilbert T. 2. Illustrations of the Alipeda (Alipeds), or Bats and their allies ; being the arrangement of the Cheiroptera, Voli- tantia, or wing-footed beasts, indicated in out- line. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1829, pp. 262- 269. 3. On the functions and structure of Plants ; with reference to the adumbrations of a stomach in vegetals. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 279-292. 4. Observations on the teeth of the Erina- ceus Europseus, Urchin, or common Hedgehog. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 332-335. 5. Illustrations of the Quadrupeda, or Quadrupeds ; being the arrangement of the true four-footed beasts indicated in outline. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, pp. 336-353. 6. On the decay of timber, especially of Oak; with an account of some rudimentary experiments projected as a test whereby to com- pute its probable duration. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1830, pp. 73-86. 7. Illustrations of the Cetetheraa, including the Loripeda, Semipeda, and Pinnipeda, or Lori- peds, Semipeds, and Pinnipeds : being the arrangement of the seals, dugongs, whales and their allies, indicated in outline. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1830, pp. 355-361. 8. Illustrations of the Herpornitherae ; or the arrangement of the Ornithorhynchus and Echidna, indicated in outline. Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 362-367. 9. Letter on the philosophy of system. Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1830, pp. 368-373. 10. On the development of the several organic systems of Vegetables, with reference to their functions ; and especially on the respiration of plants, as distinguished from their digestion. Eoy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 83-101 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIX., 1831, col. 273-281, 291-297. 11. On the functions of vegetable life. Silliman, Journ. XXI., 1832, pp. 153-155. Burnett, Waldo J. On the zoological natui-e of Infusoria, with a description of a parasitical animal from the intestinal canal of Ants. Bos- ton, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1841-44, pp. 331- 336. 2. On some new points in the Morphology of Cells, touching its analogy to that of the Ovum. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 261- 267. 3. Researches on the origin, developement, and nature of the spermatic particles through- out the Vertebrata. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 22-25 ; Boston, Amer. Acad. Mem. V., 1855, pp. 29-48. 4. On utricles as the primordial forms of all animal tissues. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 127-132. BUR] 736 [BUR Burnett, Waldo J. 5. On the relation of the distribution of lice (Pediculi) to the different Faunas. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 133- 138 ; Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. III., 1850, pp. 324-326. 6. The family of Vihrionia {Ehrcnbcrg} not animals, but plants. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1850, pp. 195-199. 7. Histological researches on the develope- ment, nature, and function of Epithelial struc- tures. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XX., 1850, pp. 70-82. 8. On the hibernation of Insects, and its relation to their Metamofphosis. Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist, Proc. III., 1850, pp. 68-69. 9. On the embryology of Articulata. Bos- ton, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. III., 1850, pp. 262- 264. 10. Facts observed in the generation of the Humble Bee (Bombus Americanus) and Aphides, as illustrating some obscure phenomena in the physiology of generation. Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. III., 1850, pp. 263-264. 11. On the luminous spots of the great Fire- fly of Cuba (Pyrophorus phosphorus). Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. III., 1850, pp. 290-291. 12. On some of the peculiarities of the economy of reproduction of some insects. Bos- ton, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 226-228. 13. Observations on the Seventeen-years Locust (Cicada septemdecim). Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 71-72. 14. Relations of embryology and sperma- tology to animal classification. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 312-318. 15. Relations of embryology and sperma- tology to some of the fundamental doctrines of physiological science. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 368-374 ; Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1852, pp. 281-285. 16. Tissue, and its retrograde metamor- phosis. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXIL, 1851, pp. 22-30. 17. On microscopes and microscopy. Silli- man. Journ. XII., 1851, pp. 56-63. 18. Points in the economy of the seventeen- year Locust (Cicada septemdecim), bearing upon the plural origin and special local creation of the species. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1851, pp. 307- 312. 19. Notes on the Fauna of the Pine Bar- rens of upper South Carolina. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 115-118. 2O. The organic relations of some of the Infusoria, including investigations concerning the^-structure and nature of the genus Bodo (Ehr.\ Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 124-125. Burnett, Waldo J. 21. On the crystalline lens and its formation. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 247-248. 22. On the coloration of Cephalopoda. [1852.] Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 252-253. 23. On the reproduction of lost parts in Reptiles, as illustrated in the case of the Glass Snake. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851- 54, pp. 309-314. 24. On the Cotton Worm of the Southern States. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851- 54, pp. 316-319. 25. On the Blood-corpuscle-holding Cells, and their relations to the function of the Spleen. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV, 1851-54, pp. 343-346 ; Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 224- 230 ; Silliman, Jourii. XVI., 1853, pp. 375- 380. 26. A remarkable case of bisexual Herm- aphroditism, with remarks on the embryological and anatomical relations of these abnormities. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 353-359. 27. On the nature and character of mus- cular tissue, as illustrated by its developement and minute structure. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 368-369. 28. On the developement of Mollusks in Holothuridfe. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 371-374. 29. On the male sexual organs of Spiders. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1852, p. 106. 30. On the Reptilia of Aiken, Ga. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1852, pp. 146-147. 31. On the brittlenesa of the tail of Ophi- saurus ventralis. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1852, pp. 223-224. 32. On the formation and function of the Allantois. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 12-16; Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 200- 203. 33. On Cartilaginous and Osseous Tissues. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 17-23. 34. On the signification of Cell-segmenta- tion, and the relations of this process to the phenomena of reproduction. Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 43-47 ; Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 232-234. 35. The miscroscopical and histological relations of Enchondroma. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXHL, 1852, pp. 397-406. 36. On the formation and mode of develope- ment of the renal organs in Vertebrata. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 184-199 ; Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 375-386. BUR] 737 [BUR Burnett, Waldo J. 37. On the development of the spermatic particles in Decapod Crustacea. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV.. 1853, pp. 258- 259. 38. Researches on the developement of the Viviparous Aphides. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 203-223 ; Amer. Acad. Proc. III., 1852-57, pp. 55-59 ; Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1851-54, pp. 380-386; Canadian Journ. II., 1853-54, pp. 137-138 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 81-98; Newman, Zoologist, XII., 1854, pp. 4487-4502 ; Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 62-78, 261-262. 39. On the reproduction of the Toad and Frog, without the intermediate stage of Tad- pole. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 230-232. 40. The Cell : its physiology, pathology, and philosophy ; as deduced from original inves- tigations, to which are added its history and criticism. Amer. Med. Assoc. Trans. VI., 1853, pp. 645-832. 41. The relations of cells to the physical and teleological views of organization. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 87-94. 42. On a new Muscle-element in the thoracic muscles of insects. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIII., 1854, pp. 76-77. 43. Notes on the Rattle Snake (Crotalus). Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1854, pp. 311- 315. 44. On the sedative action of the poison of Crotalus. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1854, pp. 323-324. 45. Some account of Rhinosia (Chastochi- lus) pometella, Harris, destructive of forest trees. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1854, pp. 347-351. 46. On Toads enclosed in stones. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. IV., 1854, p. 352. 47. Notes upon the Poison-apparatus of the Rattlesnake. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. V., 1854-56, pp. 31-34. 48. A paper on the Orange Insect. Boston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. V., 1854-56, pp. 108-110. 49. On the modus operand! of Fecundation. Charleston, Med. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 218-223. 5O. Physical features of Florida. Silli- man, Journ. XVII., 1854, pp. 407-412. 51. Reviews and records in Anatomy and Physiology : Psorospermia, Mermithes. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1854, pp. 104-114. 52. Researches upon the origin, mode of developement, and nature of the Spermatic Par- ticles among the four classes of Vertebrated Animals. [1850.] Mem. Amer. Acad. V., 1855, pp. 29-48. Burnett, Waldo J., and G. Meissner. On the genus Mermis. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 421-428. Burnett, Sir William. An account of the effect of mercurial vapours on the crew of H. M. S. ''Triumph " in the year 1810. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 402-408 ; Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 181-183. 2. On the effects produced by poisonous fish on the human frame. Roy. Soc. Proc. V., 1846, p. 609. Burney, H. Account of the Lizard of Siam. Edinb. Journ. Sci. IX., 1828, pp. 100-102. 2. Fossil bones from Ava. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1834, p. 365. Burney, James. Observations on the progress of bodies floating in a stream ; with an account of some experiments made in the River Thames with a view to discover a method for ascertaining the direction of currents. Nicholson, Journ. XXI V., 1809, pp. 49-56. 2. New method proposed for measuring a Ship's Rate of Sailing. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 57-58. 3. A memoir on the geography of the north- eastern part of Asia, and on the question whether Asia and America are contiguous or separated by the sea. [1817.] Phil. Trans. 1818, pp. 9-23. Burney, William. Parhelion and Parhelia, seen at G-osport, Aug. 26, 1818. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIL, 1818, p. 235. 2. Remarkable atmospheric phenomena and their effects. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIL, 1818, pp. 368-371. 3. On Parhelia. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII. , 1819, pp. 443-446. 4. Results of a meteorological journal, kept at the Observatory of the Academy, Gosport, in 1818. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIII., 1819, pp. 447-456. 5. Observations on the late Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and the Planet Venus. Thomson, Ann. Phil. XVL, 1820, pp. 412-418. 6. The new Comet. Thomson, Ann. Phil. I., 1821, pp. 298-300. 7. On the appearance of Meteors as pro- gnostics of wind and rain. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVIIL, 1821, pp. 127-130, 198-201. 8. On a Lunar Iris, or rainbow by moon- light. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX.,1822, pp. 317-318. 9. Thermometrical experiments in ascer- taining the strength of the Sun's rays in a keen frosty day, &c., &c. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXI., 1823, pp. 4-5. 1O. On comparative Barometric Observa- tions. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 208- 210. Burnier, [Procede pour obtenir le midi vrai sans instruments de precision.] Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 2-4. 5 A BUR] 738 [BUR Burnier, 2. Sur les limninietres du Lac Leman. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854- 55, pp. 149-154. 3. Observations mensuelles faites sur la temperature de quelques sources d'eau, faites en 1853 et 1854. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 226-228. 4. Nouvelle formule barometrique. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 302- 303. Burnier et Plantamour. Nivellement du grand Saint-Bernard. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXX., 1855, pp. 97-110. Bnrnouf, Em He, et Guillemin. Memoire sur la propagation des courants electriques. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, I, 1859, pp. 414-429. 2. Recherches sur la transmission de 1'electricite dans les fils telegraphiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 181-185. Burns, Allan. Observations on the digestion of the stomach after death. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. VI., 1810, pp. 129-138. Burns, James. A short method of finding the Latitude at Sea by double altitudes and the time between. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVI., 1825, pp. 211-213. 2. On finding the Latitude, &c., from three altitudes of the Sun, and the elapsed times. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 406-409. Burns, John. Observations on the formation and structure of the Human Ovum. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. II., 1806, pp. 1-4 ; Reil, Archiv, VIIL, 1807-8, pp. 380-382. Burns, Rob. The Kayans of the North-west of Borneo. Indian Archipel. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 140-152. Burow, A. Beitrag zur Gefasslehre des Fotus. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 44-45. 2. Ueber das Gefass-System der Robben. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 230-258. 3. Der gelbe Fleck im eigenen Auge sicht- bar. Miiller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 166-169. 4. Ueber Construction heterocentrischer Augenspiegel und deren Anwendung. Archiv fur Ophthalm. III., 1857 (Abth. 2), pp. 68-86. 5. Notiz betreflend die Beobachtung des eigenen Augenhintergrundes. Archiv fur Oph- thalm. IX., 1863, pp. 155-160. 6. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber die Construction eines neuen Optometers. Archiv fur Ophthalm. IX., 1863 (Abth. 2), pp. 228-231. Burr, E. F. Theory of transit corrections. Silli- man, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 258-264-. 2. Results of analytical researches in the Neptunian theory of Uranus. Silliman, Journ. VI., 1848, pp. 236-244. Burr, Frederick. Notes on the geology of the line of the proposed Birmingham and Gloucester Railway. [1817.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 593-595. 2. Descriptive notice of the Rock Salt district of Worcestershire, and of the process of obtaining salt. Mining Review, IV., 1838, pp. 1-5. 3. Notice of a singular deposit of Copper Ore lately discovered in the county of Glou- cester, New Brunswick. Mining Review, IV., 1838, p. 17. 4. Notice of certain products of artificial fusion, illustrative of the formation of Volcanic and Metamorphic rocks. Mining Review, V., 1839, pp. 65-66. 5. Remarks upon the auriferous deposits of India, considered with especial reference to their economical value. Madras Journal, XII., 1840, pp. 30-37. 6. Sketch of the geology of Aden, on the coast of Arabia. [1841.] Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1842, pp. 499-502. Burr, T. W. On the visibility of the dark ring of Saturn in a moderate telescope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 18-19. 2. Notes on the appearance of the Zodiacal Light in the spring of 1853. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 45-46. 3. Occultatiou of Mars observed at High- bury. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853- 54, pp. 198-199. 4. Observations of the Zodiacal Light in 1854. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 92-93. 5. Description of an apparatus for the mechanical imitation of Precession. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 164-168. 6. Occultations of Stars by the Moon observed at Highbury. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 29-30 ; XVII., 1856- 57, p. 53. 7. Occultation of Antares, 16th June 1856. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, pp. 199-200. 8. Observation of the occultation of Jupi- ter, 8th Nov. 1856. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856-57, pp. 2-3. 9. Occultation of Spica Virginis, 6th May 1857. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII., 1856- 57, p. 203. Burr, Thos. Account of Governor G. GREY'S Exploratory Journey along the South -Eastern sea-board of South Australia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XV., 1845, pp. 160-184. Burri, Romolo. Viaggio scientifico al porto Neroniano e Innocenziano in Anzio. Giorn. Arcad. CXIIL, 1847, pp. 76-113. BUR] 739 [BUR Burri, Romolo. 2. Ispezione scientifica e tecnica sulF acquidotto da costruirsi nella cittu di Sezze. Giorn. Arcad. CXLIII., 1856, pp. 310-337. Burritt, E. H. On the elements of the Solar System. Silliman, Journ. XXVI., 1834, pp. 129- 131. Burrow, E. J. An account of a new Goniome- ter. Nicholson, Journ. XXII., 1809, pp. 1-2. 2. Description of Mus castorides, a new species. [1812.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XL, 1815, pp. 167-169. Burrow, Reuben. Hints relative to friction in mechanics. Asiatick Researches, L, 1788, pp. 171-195. 2. A method of calculating the Moon's Parallaxes, in Latitude and Longitude. Asi- atick Researches, L, 1788, pp. 320-326. 3. Remarks on the artificial horizons. Asiatick Researches, L, 1788, pp. 327-329. 4. Demonstration of a theorem concerning the intersection of curves. Asiatick Researches, I., 1788, pp. 330-331. 5. Corrections of the Lunar Method of Asiatick Researches, L, finding the Longitude. 1788, pp. 433-435. 6. Observations of some of the eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites. Asiatick Researches, II., 1790, pp. 483-486. 7. A proof that the Hindoos had the Bino- mial Theorem. Asiatick Researches, II., 1790, pp. 487-497. 8. A demonstration of one of the Hindoo rules of Arithmetic. Asiatick Researches, III., 1792, pp. 145-147. 9. Tables of Latitudes and Longitudes of some principal places in India, determined from astronomical observations. Asiatick Researches, IV., 1795, pp. 325-329. Burrowes, George. Account of a fistulous open- ing in the Stomach. [1792.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV., pp. 177-182. 2. Case of an enlarged spleen. [1792.] Irish Acad. Trans. IV., pp. 183-187. Burt, Adam. On the dissection of the Pangolin. Asiatick Researches, II., 1790, pp. 353-357. Burt, T. S. Description of an instrument for trisecting angles. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 499-500. 2. Description of the mode of extracting salt from the damp sand-beds of the river Jumna, as practised by the inhabitants of Bun- delkhund. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1834, pp. 33-35. 3. Register of temperature of the air from the 6th of June to the 6th of July 1833, at Kurrim Khan, thirty-six miles above Kalpi on the river Jumna. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1836, pp. 391-394. Burton, (Dr.) On the evidence for the existence of the Unicorn. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. N. III., 1833-34, pp. 13-15. Burton, Edward. Observations on the natural history and anatomy of the Pelecanus aquilus, LinncBus. [1818.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1822, pp. 1-11. 2. Description of a Ratelus from India. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 113-116. 3. Description of a species of Agriopus, Cuv. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 116-118. 4. Characters of several Birds from the Himalayan Mountains. Zool. Soc. Proc. III., 1835, pp. 152-154. 5. Character and description of Tiliqua Fernandi. Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, p. 62. 6. Description of a new species of Pipra (P. squalida). Zool. Soc. Proc. IV., 1836, p. 1 13. 7. On a new Kingfisher (Ceyx microsoma) and a female specimen of Caprimulgus monti- colus. Zool. Soc. Proc. V., 1837, p. 89. Burton, H. Characters of a new species of the genus Monacanthus, Cuv. (M. hystrix). Zool. Soc. Proc. II., 1834, pp. 121-122. Burton, Henry. On a remarkable effect on the human gums, produced by the absorption of lead. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1840, pp. 63-79. Burton, Richard F. A journey from El- Medina to Mecca down the " Darb el Sharki " on the eastern road in September 1853. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1853, pp. 121-135. 2. Journey to Medina, with route from Yambu. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIV., 1854, pp. 208-224. 3. Narrative of a trip to Harar. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1855, pp. 136-150; Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. IX., 1855, pp. 337-362. 4. The Lake Regions of Central Equatorial Africa, with notices of the Lunar Mountains and the sources of the White Nile; being the results of an Expedition* undertaken in the years 1857-59. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIX., 1859, pp. 1-454. 5. Explorations in Eastern Africa. Geogr. Soc. Proc. IIL, 1859, pp. 348-358. 6. Account of the ascent of the Camaroons Mountain, in West Africa. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VI., 1862, pp. 239-248. 7. Exploration of the Elephant Mountain in the Batonga Country, West Africa. Geogr. Soc. Proc. VII., 1863, pp. 104-105 ; Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXIII., 1863, pp. 241-250. Burton, Richard F., and Speke. A coasting voyage from Mombasa to the Pangani River; and progress of the Expedition into the Interior. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVIII., 1858, pp. 188- 226. 5 A 2 BUR] Burtt, J. L. On fish destroyed by sulphuretted hydrogen in the Bay of Callao. Silliman, Journ. XIII 1852, pp. 433-434; Edinb. New Phil. Journ'. LIU., 1852, pp. 363-364. Bury, C. A. Notes on the birds of the Isle of WMit. Newman, Zoologist, II., 1844, pp. 516- 524 634-644; III., 1845, pp. 015-933, 970- 978. 2. Notes on the Mammalia of the Isle of Wight. Newman, Zoologist, II., 1844, pp. 776- 790. 3. Enquiry relative to the staining of the eggs of the Dubchick. Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 863-865. 4. Notes on the reptiles of the Isle of Wight. Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 1027- 1033. 5. Notes on some of the rarer British birds as observed in the south of Spain. Newman, Zoologist, VI., 1848, pp. 1958-1965. Bury, Edward. On the Locomotive Engines of the London and Birmingham Railway. [1840.] Inst. Civ. Engin. Trans. III., 1842, pp. 305-342. Busby, John. Description of an apparatus for boring or sinking Pits in Quicksands, &c. Highland Soc. Trans. VI., 1824, pp. 611-617. 2. Description of an instrument for ascer- taining the composition, thickness, &c., of strata at any particular depth. Highland Soc. Trans. VI., 1824, pp. 618-621. Busch, . Ueber die Zersetzung des essig- sauren Kupferoxydes und Kupferoxydhydrates durch gemeinen Honig und Zucker. Liebig, Annal. IV., 1832, pp. 57-65. Busch, . Verhalten der Nerven in Krebs- geschwiilsten. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XVIII., 1861, pp. 75-76. Busch, A. F. Meteorologische Nachrichten. N. Preuss. Provinz. Blatt. III., 1847, pp. 392- 405. Busch, A. L. Uutersuchung der Bradley 'schen in Kew und Wanstead angestellten Beobachtungen zur Bestimmung der Aberration und Nutation. Astr. Nachr. XIII., 1836, col. 329-338. 2. Vergleichung der neuen Konigsberger Bestimmung der Declinationen der Fundamen- talsterne und einiger Circumpolarsterne mit anderen Verzeichnissen. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 305-308. 3. Vergleichung der Konigsberger Son- nenbeobachtungen in den Jahren 1833 bis 1844, mit den Tafeln. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 101-108, 117-128. 4. Beobachtungen von Sternen in der Bahn der Flora. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 77-80. 5. [Beobachtungen des Neptun und der Iris.] Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 43-46. [BUS Busch, A. L. 6. Correction der Ephemeride der Venus fur 1833. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 109-110. 7. Einige im Jahre 1848 zur Zeit der Sicht- barkeit des Saturnringes gemachteBemerkungen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849,' col. 147-150. 8. Uebersicht der Unterschiede der beo- bachteten Sonnendeclinationen von den Ephe- meriden, wahrend einer 17-jahrigen auf der Konigsberger Sternwarte angesteilten Beobacht- ungsreihe. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 149-152. 9. Beobachtungen des Polarsterns mit dem auf der Konigsbergtr Sternwarte befindlichen Repsold'schen Meridiankreise. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 65-72. 1O. Beobachtungen einiger Vergleichsterne zu dem Cometen (IL, 1849). Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 159. 11. Beobachtung eines ausgezeichnet nied- rigen Barometerstandes in Kouigsberg. Astr. Nachr. 1849 (Erganz. Hft.), col. 85-88. 12. Observations of the occultations of a Tauri, 15 April, and of Jupiter, 19 May, 1850, by the Moon. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 139-140. 13. Beobachtungen der Sonnenfinsterniss am 28 sten Juli 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 229-234. 14. Vergleichung der am Repsold'schen Meridiankreise im Jahre 1848, auf der Konigs- berger Sternwarte beobachteten Declinationen der Sonne mit den, von den Herren HANSEN und OLUFSEN herausgegebenen, neuen Sonnentafeln und mit der im Berliner Jahrbuche gegebeneu Ephemeride. Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 355-360. Busch, E. Erfahrungen eines praktischen Arztes iiber Galvanocaustik. Gera, Jahresber. Naturw. I860. p. 78 ; 1861, p. 86. , Busch, G. Beschreibung einer merkwurdigen Entartung des Schienbeines. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhandl. Heilk. L, 1821, pp. 61-63. 2. Ueber den Mangel der linken Niere bei einem Schweine und iiber das Vorkommen einer Wasserblase an deren Stelle. Meckel, Archiv, 1829, pp. 264-270. Busch, G. von dem. Zwei neue Melanien, M^- lania mucronata u. pontificalis. Zeitschr. f. Malakozool. X., 1853, pp. 177-179. 2. Neue Melanien. Malakozool. Blatt. V., 1858, pp. 33-37. 3. On some new freshwater shells from Ecuador and New Grenada, in Mr. Ci MING'S collection. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 167-169. Busch, Johann David. Bemerkungen und Erfah- rungen iiber den Rotz und Wurm der Pferde. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. L, 1830, pp. 79-95. BUS] 741 [BUS Busch, Johann David. 2. Einige Worte iiber Fehler, die gewohnlich bei dem Kaslriren und Schweifkerben begangen werden. Busch, Teutsche Zeitschr. III., 1833 (Heft 2), pp. 121- 124. 3. Augenentziindung bei einem Pferde verursacht durch einen Wurm (Filaria lacry- nialis, G.} in der vordern Augenkammer. Gurlt, Mag. ,66s. Thierheilk. L, 1835, pp. 28-31. 4. Ein Beitrag zur Diagnose der Gebar- mutterpolypen. Berlin, N. Zeits. Geburtskunde, III., 1836, pp. 120-140. 5. Zwei Falle von Graviditas extrauterina. Berlin, N. Zeits. Geburtskunde, III., 1836, pp. 301-309. Busch, Wilhelm, Einiges iiber den Tomopteris onisciformis. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 180-186. 2. Ueber die Mesotrocha sexoculata. Miiller, Archiv, 1847, pp. 187-192. 3. Ueber die Larve der Comatula. Berlin, Bericht, 1849, pp. 331-333 ; Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 400-402. 4. Beobachtungen iiber einige niedere Thiere. Miiller, Archiv, 1849, pp. 439-442. 5. Ueber die Sexualorgane der Eudoxia. Miiller, Archiv, 1850, pp. 479-484. 6. Ueber das Inosteatoma, ein im Uterus gefundener Fettgeschwulst. Miiller, Archiv, 1851, pp. 358-367. 7. Einiges iiber die Wirkung des Musculus obliquus-superior oculi. Miiller, Archiv, 1852, pp. 450-460. 8. Observations on Noctiluca (miliaris ?). (Transit) Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 199-202. 9. Zur Anatomie der Trichodina. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 357-362. 10. Beitrag zur Histologie der Nieren. Miiller, Archiv, 1855, pp. 363-375. 11. Phanomene aus dem Leben der Pig- mentzellen. Miiller, Archiv, 1856, pp. 415- 424. 12. Beitrag zur Physiologie der Verdau- ungsorgane. Virchow, Archiv, XIV., 1858, pp. 140-186. 13. Zur Elasticitat des Knochengewebes. Virchow, Archiv. XIV., 1858, pp. 383-384. Buschmann, Ed. Die Stadt Puebla. Zeitschr. allg. Erdkunde, XV.. 1863, pp. 195-212. Bushnan, John S. Notice of a new Scottish locality for the Linnaea borealis. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VL, 1829, pp. 300-305. 2. Observations on the Roots which yield the Ipecacuanha of commerce. Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sci. II, 1830, pp. 17-23. Bushnell, Albert. On Equatorial Western Africa. Amer. Geogr. Stat. Soc. Proc. I., 1862-63, pp. 54-65. Bushnell) D. ^General principles and construc- tion of a submarine vessel. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. IV., 1799, pp. 303-312; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 229-235. Busk, George. Observations on the anatomy of the Trichocephalus dispar. Microscopical Jouru. L, 1841, pp. 33-36. 2. Observations on parasitical growths on living animals. Microscopical Journ. I., 1841, pp. 145-152. 3. On the structure of hairs and other cuticular appendages in various classes of animals. Microscopical Journ. I., 1842, pp. 33-35, 225- 226. 4. On the occurrence of a new Acarus from a pustule in a sailor's foot. Micro- scopical Journ. I., 1842, pp. 65-66. 5. Observations on some Infusoria con- tained in water procured in Africa. Micro- scopical Journ. I, 1842, pp. 99-103. 6. On the occurrence of Sarcina ventri- culi in the human stomach. Microscopical Journ. I., 1842, pp. 321-323. 7. Observations on the young of a species of Ixodes, from Brazil. [1842.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 88-91. 8. Account of a case of congenital de- ficiency of one kidney, with granular degenera- tion of the existing one. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXIX., 1846, pp. 269-276. 9. On the employment of Gutta Percha for modelling. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 8J-83. 1O. Some observations on the natural history of the Echinococcus. [1844.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 10-19. 11. Observations on the structure and nature of the Filaria medinensis or Guinea Worm. [1846.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 65-76. 12. Observations on the Shepherd's Purse Coralline of Ellis (Notamia bursaria, Fleming}. [1847.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 110-121. 13. Observations on the Anguinaria spa- tulata. [1848.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1849, pp. 123-126. 14. A list of Sertularian Zoophytes and Polyzoa from Port Natal, Algoa Bay, and Table Bay, in South Africa ; with remarks on their Geographical Distribution, and observations on the genera Plumularia and Catenicella. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 118-120. 15. Notices of three undescribed species of Polyzoa. Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1851, pp. 81-85. 16. On the priority of the term Polyzoa for the Ascidian Polypes. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 352-354. BUS] 712 [BUS Busk, George. 17. Observations on some part of the anatomy of two species of Naked-eyed Medusae. [1848.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1852, pp. 14-21. 18. Observations on certain points in the anatomy of a species of Thaumantias. [1849.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1852, pp. 22-31. . 19. On the occurrence of nucleolated Red Corpuscles in human Blood. Journ. Microsc. Sci. I., 1853, p. 145. 2O. Some observations on the structure and developement of Volvox globator, and its relations to other unicellular plants. [1852.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1853, pp. 31-45. 21. Some observations on the structure of the Starch-Granule. [1852.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. L, 1853, pp. 59-68. 22. Remarks on the structure and function of the Avicularian and Vibracular Organs of the Polyzoa ; and on their value as diagnostic characters in the classification of those creatures. [1853.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1854, pp. 26-34. 23. On a monstrous Oyster Shell. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 91-92. 24. Polyzoa collected by Mr. M 'ANDREW on the coast of Norway and Finmark in 1856. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIII., 1856, pp. 32-36. 25. An account of the structure and rela- tions of Sagitta bipunctata. Journ. Microsc. Sci. IV., 1856, pp. 14-27. 26. List of Marine Polyzoa, collected by Geo. BARLEE, Esq., in Shetland and the Orkneys, with descriptions of new species. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 144-147; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 123-126, 143-146, 213-214. 27. Note on the fossil Polyzoa collected by the Rev. J. E. WOODS near Mount Gambier, South Australia. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1860, pp. 260-261. 28. Catalogue of the Polyzoa collected by J. Y. JOHNSON, Esq., at Madeira, in the years 1859 and 1860, with descriptions of the new species. Journ. Microsc. Sci. VIII., 1860, pp. 280-285. 29. Observations on a systematic mode of Craniometry. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. I., 1861, pp. 341-348. 30. Description of new Polyzoa, collected by J. Y. JOHNSON, Esq., at Madeira, in the years 1859 and 1860. Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1861, pp. 77-80. 31. On a new Hydroid Polype belonging to the genus Cordylophora, Allm., discovered by Senator KIRCHENPAUER of Ritzebuttel. Microsc. Soc. Journ. I., 1861, pp. 283-284. 32. Observations on some Skulls from Ceylon, said to be those of Veddahs. Linn. Soc. Journ. VI. (Zool.), 1862, pp. 166-170. Busk, George. 33. Note on Dr. WAXLICH'S Microscopic " Jaw." Microsc. Soc. Journ. III., 1863, pp. 38-40. Busk, George, Carpenter, and Falconer. An account of the proceedings of the late Confer- ence held in France to inquire into the circum- stances attending the asserted discovery of a human jaw in the gravel at Moulin-Quignon, near Abbeville ; including the Proces Verbaux of the Sittings of the Conference, with Notes thereon. Nat. Hist. Review, 1863, pp. 423- 462. Busk, George, and D. Cooper. Remarks on the structure of fibre. Microscopical Journ. L, 1842, pp. 257-261. Busk, George, and Schaaffhausen. On the crania of the most ancient races of man ; with remarks, and original figures, taken from a cast of the Neanderthal Cranium. (Transl.) Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 155-176. Busse, F. G. von. Entbehrlichkeit des Ventu- rischen Principes. Gilbert, Annal. IV., 1800, pp. 116-126. 2. Beweis des Parallelogrammes der sta- tischen Krafte. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 328-335. 3. Einige Mittheilungen fur Mathematiker. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, pp. 336-343. 4. Hauptsachliche Erklarung eines pneu- - o matischen Paradoxon. Gilbert, Aunal. XX., 1805, pp. 404-416. 5. Untersuchungen iiber die Elasticitat des Wassers und iiber den Stossheber. Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 504-508. 6. Ein Paar Worte iiber die bisherige Theorie des Krummzapfens. Gilbert, Annal. XXII., 1806, pp. 138-147. 7. Eine Anzeige, den Beweis des statischen Hauptsatzes betreiFend, und eine Aufforderung an einige Mathematiker, ihr Plus und Minus zu bewahren. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 236-248 ; XXV., 1807, pp. 222-230 ; XXVI., 1807, pp. 231-237. 8. Einige Bemerkungen gegen des Hrn. PRECHTL Erklarung der grossen Sandreaction und des pneumatischen Paradoxons. Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 353-362. 9. Die merkwiirdige hyetometrische Er- fahrung, "Annalen," XXV., 327 (1807, St. 3), und einige andere Gegenstande betreffend. Gil- bert, Annal. XXVII., 1807, pp. 360-363. 1O. Einige Nachrichten von den drei neue- sten Steinregen, und von drei Meteor steinen aus Russland. Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 207-214. 11. Erinnerung gegen eine neue Formel fur die Kraft oberschlagiger Riider. Gilbert, Annal. XXX., 1808, pp. 415-420. BUS] 743 [BUS Busse, F. G. von. 12. Hydraulische Untersuch- ungen iiber die Friction des Wassers in cylin- drischen Rohren. Gilbert, Anna!. XXXIV., 1810, pp. 152-202. 13. Die Stossgesetze harter Korper. Gil- bert, Annal. XL., 1812, pp. 431-449. 14. Die neue Kurmethode zu Schonborn. Gilbert, Annal. LV., 1817, pp. 340-363. 15. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen. Gilbert, Annal. LVIII., 1818, pp. 327-341. 16. Neue Erorterung des paradoxen Wider- standes der Luft in langen Geblasrohren. Gil- bert, Annal. LVIII., 1818, pp. 377-393. 17. Das Schwungrad am Berghaspel be- treffend. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIL, 1821, pp. 193- 201. 18. Endliche Erlosung aus dem Tiefsten des tiefen Schachtes. Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 411-426. 19. Die algebraisch-geometrischen Kus- sungs-formeln betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. LXXI., 1822, pp. 91-94. 2O. Die bekannte und sehr niitzliche Formel e * 2 ^~~~^ = 1 4V ^1 tang, arc 4> 1 \S 1 tang, arc 4- 1 muss fiir jeden Bogen <$>, der grosser als ^ ge- worden ist, ungereimte Auspriiche geben. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 394-398, 528-529. 21. Des Herrn BOUVIER Beweise, dass Log. ( x) = Log. (+ x) sey, sind unrichtig. Oken, Isis, 1825, col. 1048-1052. 22. Zum biindigen Vortrage der hohern Meclianik 1st der Infinitesimalcalcul und das algebraisch-geometrische +unentbehrlich. Oken, Isis, XXL, 1828, col. 628-649. Busse, Fr. Ueber das Eindringen der aussern Luft in die Blutadern des Menschen und der Thiere, und liber die daraus entstehenden nach- theiligen Folgen. Rust, Magazin, LIL, 1838, pp. 3-85. 2. Angeborener Mangel des Gehorganges beider Ohren ohne bedeutende Verminderung des Gehors. Hufeland, Journ. LXXXVIIL, 1839, pp. 109-111. 3. Aconitum. Hufeland, Journ. XCIV., 1842 (Hft. 2), pp. 3-53. Bussenius und Eisenstuck. Ueber einige Deri- vate des Petrols, eines im Steinol vorkommenden Kohlenwasserstoffs. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860, pp. 151-169 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXX., 1860, pp. 337-343. Bussolin, Pietro. Memoria risguardante un nuovo metodo d'assaggiare 1'oro a 1,000 ossia puro. Bibl. Ital. XIV., 1819, pp. 378-383. Bussolin, Pietro. 2. Memoria esponente un cri- terio validissimo, e di semplice esecuzione per iscoprire una tenue quantitu di ferro, se, in lega al rame, allo stagno, all' oro, o all' argento. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1826, pp. 355-359. 3. Memoria concernente un processo assai semplice per iscoprire, ed implicitamente sepa- rare 1'antimonio dal piombo, dal rame, e da alcun altro metallo solubile nell' acido nitrico. BrugnateUi, Giornale, X., 1827, pp. 320-323 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXVI., 1827, pp. 159- 162. 4. Osservazioni ed esperimenti docimastici su d' una lega d' oro e palladio. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veueto, L, 1831, pp. 44-50. 5. Di due reagenti, 1' uno pel riconosci- mento del rame esistente in un liquido ; 1' altro per P acido idro-clorico inquinante il nitrico, quanto cioe ad alcune esilissime frazioni non manifestate, ne dall' ammoniaca, pel primo, ne dal nitrato d' argento, pel secondo. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1831, pp. 380-384. 6. Perfezionamento d' un vecchio processo chimico onde ricoaoscere per esso (per la via umida) colla piu constante precisione il vero titolo di qualunque moneta, o lega commune d' argento. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, II., 1832, pp. 329-334. Busson-Dumaurier et Rouen. Sur 1'eclairage par les huiles essentielles de houille, de schiste, etc. Bibl. Univ. XLV., 1843, pp. 186-188 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1164- 1165. Bussueil, . Sur 1'heteradelphe de Chine. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XV., 1827, pp. 407-408. Bussy, A. Du Charbon, considere comme sub- stance decolorante. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 257-277 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 406-416. 2. Sur 1'analyse des substances vegetales ou animales. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 580-590; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIIL, 1824 (St. 2), p. 200. 3. Note sur la liquefaction de Pacide sul- fureux. Annal. de Chimie, XX VI., 1824, pp. 63-66 ; Poggend. Annal. L, 1824, pp. 237-240; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVII., 1824, p. 391. 4. Nouvelles recherches sur Pacide sul- furique de Saxe. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 411-431 ; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 368-384 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 145-149 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 259-263 ; Trommsdorff, N; Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1834 (St. 2), pp. 65-91. 5. Sur Pacide sulfureux anhydre, et sur son application a la liquefaction de quelques autres fluides elastiques. Joui-n. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 202-206; Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (= Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 451-456. BUS] 744 [BUS Bussy, A. 6. Notice d'un rapport sur un Mastic hydrofus;e. fait par MM. THENARD et DARCET. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 137-141. 7. Ueber Glycium (Beryllium) und Mag- nium. (Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. LIV., (= Jahrb. XXIV.), 1828, pp. 241-243. 8. Sur les instruments meteorologiques de M. LESLIE. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 224-228. 9. Sur la culture du Cannellier (Laurus cinnamomum). Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1838, pp. 259-260. 10. Sur 1'essai des oxides de Manganese du commerce. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 519-525. 11. Note sur la combinaison de 1'acide sul- furique avec 1'acide nitreux, et sur la theorie de la formation de 1'acide sulfurique. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 491-499 ; Poggend. Annal. XX., 1830, pp. 174-177. 12. Memoire sur le radical metallique de la Magnesie. Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1831, pp. 434-437 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XIV., 1830, pp. 127-129; Poggend. Annal. XVIII., 1830, pp. 140-142; Schweigger, Journ. LIX. (= Jahrb. XXIX.), 1830, pp. 218-222. -" 13. Recherches chimiques sur une raciue connue dans le commerce sous le nom de sapo- naire d'Egypte. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1832, pp. 390-395; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 1-15; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 168- 178 ; Schweigger, Journ. LXVIII. (= Jahrb. VIII.), 1833, pp. 81-84 ; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 381-382. 14. Influence chimique de la lumiere et formation de la Humboldtite neutre par un moyen photometrique. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 117-123. 15. De quelques produits nouveaux obtenus par 1'action des alcalis sur les corps gras a une haute temperature. Annal. de Chimie, LIII., 1833, pp. 398-412 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. I., 1834, pp. 171-180; Journ. de Pharm. XIX, 1833, pp. 633-644 ; Liebig, Annal. IX., 1834, pp. 260-271. 16. Note sur la composition de 1'acide suberique. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 425-431 : Poggend. Annal. XXIX., 1833, 151-154. 17. Note sur la preparation de 1'Iode et Brome. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 17-20 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII.. 1838, pp. 251-254 ; Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 62-69. 18. Acide camphorique anhydre, acide camphovinique, ether camphorique. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 74-76. PP du Bussy, A. 19. Composition de quelques nou- veaux Oxalates doubles. Journ. de Pharm XXIV., 1838, pp. 609-620 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 395-404 ; Liebig, Annal. XXIX., 1839, pp. 312-314. 2O. Sur le lait des vaches affectees de la Cocote, suivie de considerations generates rela- tives a la recherche des matieres actives sur Feconomie animale qui peuvent se trouver dans les produits morbides, 1'atmosphere, et les eaux. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 307-318. 21. Sur 1'existence de 1'iode dans les pro- duits de la combustion des houilleres. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 719-721 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak, Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 495-498. 22. Note sur la formation de 1'huile essen- tielle de Moutarde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 815-817; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, XIX., 1840, pp. 228-229 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 39-48; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 223-230. 23. Rapport sur le Concours propose pour 1'extraction de PIndigo du Polygonum. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 274-289 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 196- 203. 24. Squelette pretendu fossile trouve dans une carriere a plutre de Pantin. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 433-437. 25. Memoire sur Paldehyde oenanthylique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 84-88 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX VII., 1846, pp. 92-102; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 321-339. 26. Ueber die verschiedenen Brotmehlsor- ten. (TransL} Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1846, col. 24-25. 27. Note sur 1'emploi de la Magnesie dans les cas d'empoisonnement par 1'acide arsenieux. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 81-86; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, p. 845. 28. Produits de decomposition de 1'huile de Ricin. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 145- 147. 29. Nouvelles observations sur les deux varietes d'acides arsenieux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 774-776 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 320-335. 30. Sur les succedane's du Quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 418-423. 31. Sur la vente de substances veneneuses. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 249-263. 32. Des moyens de constater la richesse alcoolique des vins, et en particulier du Thermo- metre alcoometrique de CONATY et du Dilato- metre de SILBERMANN. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 89-103. BUS] 745 TBUT Bussy, A. 33. Sur la combustion de 1'Hydro- gene par le chlorc, le brome, 1'iode et 1'oxygene. [1849.] Journ. tie Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 20-22 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L., 18.50, pp. 62-64. 34. Note sur 1'extraction de 1'iode des plantes et produits de la distillation de la houille. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 537-539 ; Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 431-432. 35. Rapport sur les travaux de M. CIIATIN, relatifs u la recherche de 1'iode dans les plantes d'eau douce, et sur differentes notes ou memoires presentes sur le memo sujet, par MM. MAR- CHAXD, NIEPCE, et MEYRAC. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 467-471 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1852, pp. 364-378 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 460-470. . 36. Recherches sur 1'essence de Thym. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 359-363. 37. L'influence des fabriques de produits chimiques sur la Vegetation et 1'Hygiene pub- lique. [1855.] Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 175-184. Bussy, A., et //. Buignet. Analyse de 1'eau de la Dhuis. Journ. de Pharm. XLI., 1862, pp. 269-272. 2. Observations de Chimie pratique. Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 177-186. 3. Note relative u la preparation de 1'acide cyanhydrique. Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 465-475. Bussy, A., et Guibourt. Observations relatives a la Quinidine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 401-415; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 225-232. Bussy, A., et L. R. Lecanu. De la distillation des corps gras. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 5-20 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 353- 365; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1827, p. 489; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XV., 1827, pp. 34-47. 2. Note sur 1'existence du persulfate de fer anhydre dans le residu de la concentration de 1'acide sulfurique du commerce, et sur la re- action de 1'acide sulfurique et des sulfates de fer. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 20-23 ; Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1826, pp. 120-122 ; Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 340-343. 3. Note en reponse aux nouvelles observations de M. DUPUY [sur la distillation des corps gras]. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1826, pp. 107-109. 4. Note sur la formation des acides oleique et margaritique dans le traitement des graisses par 1'acide nitrique. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 605-608. Bussy, A., et/.. R. Lecanu. 5. [Sur les acides ricinique, elaiodique et margaritique.] Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 183-186. . 6. Second memoire sur la distillation des corps gras. [1826.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 57-68 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 617-627 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. I. r 1827, pp. 489-490. 7. Essais chimiques sur 1'huile de Ricin. Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1827, pp. 57- 81 : Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XV. r 1827, pp. 48-79 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. L, 1827, pp. 488-489. Bussy, A., et Robiquet. Notice sur 1'huile volatile de moutarde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840. pp. 4-7 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1839, pp. 328-334 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 232-235; Journ. de Pharm, XXVI., 1840, pp. 116-120. Bussy, A., Foy, et Huraut. Rapport sur un memoire de M. LAKOCQUE ayant pour titre : "De la volatilite des sels fixes dans lavapeur d'eau et de quelques applications auxquelles cette pro- priete peut dohner lieu." Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 345-350. Bustamente, Jose Maria. Description and use of a New Gravimeter. Edinb. Journ. Sci. X., 1829, pp. 207-213. Bustamente, Miguel. Sobre el genero Corallo- phillum del Sr. KUNTH. Mexico, Registro Trim. L, 1832, pp. 131-134. Bustamente, S. M. de. Memoire sur de nouvelles varietes de chaux carbonatee et d'argent sul- fure de Mexique. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIIL, 1826, pp. 205-210. Bustillos, Vicente. Observaciones relativas a la Jeolojia, Meteorolojia e Historia Natural de Chile. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1850, .pp. 277-284. 2. Observaciones meteorolojicas de las lluvias i de algunos otros fenomenos anillogos, acaecidos desde el aiio de 1824 hasta el 1850 especificandose en muchos de ellos las horas de lluvia estando el Sol en el horizonte i bajo de el. Chile, Anal. Univ. 1850, pp. 285-300. Butakoff, Alexey. Survey of the Sea of Aral. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXIIL, 1853, pp. 93-100. Butenjew, . Bergmiinnische und metallur- gische Notizen tiber Buchai'a. Erman, Archiv Russ. II., 1842, pp. 698-708. Buteux, C. J. Sur la geologic d'une partie du departement de la Somme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 329-334. 2. Memoire sur la Geologie d'une partie du departement de la Somme. Amiens, Mem. 1835, pp. 1-28. 3. Ossements trouves dans les lignites d'Amy (Oise). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIIL, 1842, p. 321. 5 B BUT] 746 [BUT Bnteux, C. J. 4. Esquisse geologique du de- partement de la Somme. Amiens, Mem. 1843, pp. 187-322. 5. Notions generates sur la Geologic du departement de la Somme. Abbeville, Mem. Soc. Emul. 1852-57, pp. 561-574. 6. Sur les silex travailles trouves dans le diluvium ou terrain quaternaire, pres d' Abbeville et d'Amiens. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVIL, 1859-60, pp. 72-78. 7. Observations sur quelques opinions re- cemment emises au sujet des silex travailles du departement de la Somme. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1862-63, pp. 30-34. 8. Note sur les terrains con ten ant des silex travailles pres d'Amiens et d' Abbeville. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XXL, 1863, pp. 35-42. Butillon, . Elements de la comete de M. HIND. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, p. 691. 2. Note sur la comparaisou de la nouvelle etoile de M. HIND, avec une etoile perdue de FLAMSTEED. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 545-546. 3. Sur une nebuleuse d'Hercule et une etoile qui paraissent devoir fixer 1'attention des astronomes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 112-113, 188. Butler ow, Alexander. Ueber die oxydirende Wirkung der Osmiumsaure auf organische Kor- per. [1851.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 177-187 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 271-283. 2. Ueber das Oel des Pulegium micranthum, Claus. [1853.] St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1854, col. 241-246. 3. Ueber das Monoclilorhydrat des Terpen- tinols oder den kiinstlichen Kampher. Chem. Centr. Blatt, I., 1856, pp. 406-407. 4. Ueber die Einwirkung des lodphosphors auf Mann it. Chem. Centr. Blatt, II., 1857, pp. 393-395. 5. Ueber das Jodmethylen. Liebig, Annal. CVIL, 1858, pp. 110-112. 6. Bemerkungen liber A. S. COUPER'S neue chemische Theorie. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 51-66. 7. Ueber einige Derivate des Jodmethylens. Liebig, Annal. CXI., 1859, pp. 242-252. 8. Ueber einige Producte der Einwirkung des Alkoholnatriums auf Jodoform. Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 204-213. 9. Ueber ein neues Methylenderivat. Lie- big, Annal. CXV,, 1860, pp. 322-327. 1O. Ueber die Aethylmilchsaure. Liebig, Annal. C XVIII., 1861, pp. 325-330. 11. Bildung einer zuckerartigen Substanz durch Synthese. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 295-298. Butlerow, Alexander. 12. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise des Aethylens und seiner Homo- logen. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, p. 356. 13. Ueber die Verwandtschaft der mehr- affinen Atome. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862 pp. 297-304. 14. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die von GUTHRIE entdeckten Derivate der Kohlenwasser- stoffe CQ H2n. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 304-308. 15. Einiges iiber die Bildung der Harn- stoffe. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. V., 1862, pp. 482- 483. Butori, Pierantonio. Memoria Meteorologica. Lucca, Atti Accad. I., 1821, pp. 287-293. 2. Memoria Meteorologica degli anni 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820. Lucca, Atti Accad. III., 1827, pp. 107-134. Butt, J. S. Easy and correct Method of verifying the Position of a Transit Instrument. Nichol- son, Journ. XIII., 1806, pp. 53-56. Buttagnini, Cesare. Trausformazione dell' acido nitrobenzoico in acido nitrippurico nell' orga- nismo. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. II., 1850, pp. 149-150. Butte, W. Die Biotomie des Menschen. Froriep, Notizen, XXVI., 1830, col. 161-165, 181-184, 241-246, 262-265. 2. Ueber die zeitlichen Natur-Eintheilung- en des Menschenlebens. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 640-654. 3. Ueber den Zusammenhang der anthro- pologischen Biotomie mit dem nach ihr aufzu- stellenden neuen Systeme der climatologischen Geotomie. Oken, Isis, XXIIL, 1830, col. 663- 670. Buttel, Paul. Verschiedene Bemerkungen. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 342-345. 2. Integration einer linearen Differential- gleichung zweiter Ordnung zwischen zwei Variabeln. Grunert, Archiv, XXIIL, 1854, pp. 410-416. 3. Ueber die Reste der Potenzen der Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, XXVI., 1856, pp. 241-266. 4. Elektrische lodifiguren. Poggend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 302-316. Butter, . Ueber den Ursprung der Ae'roli- then. Froriep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 33-36. Butter, John. An account of the change of plu- mage exhibited by many species of Female Birds, at an advanced period of life ; intended as a supplement to Mr. J. HUNTER'S memoir upon that subject, in the Philosophical Transac- tions. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 183-206. 2. On the effects of Nitre. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XIV., 1818, pp. 34-39. BUT] 747 [BUY Butter, John. 3. Remarks on the insensibility of the Eye to certain Colours. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 135-141. Butti, . Foudre globulaire a Milan. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 193-194. Buttin, //. Sur la fertilite de la tourbe et sur son emploi comme engrais. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud, I., 1842-45, pp. 40-44, 101-104. Buttmann, P. Etwas iiber den Braunstein und iiber einige Metallnamen. Gehlen, Journ. VI., 1808, pp. 582-591. 2. Versnch die astrognostischen Namen einzelner Sterne zu befestigen. [1819.] Bode, Astron. Jahrb. 1822, pp. 91-114. 3. Ueber die Entstehung der Sternbilder auf der griechischen Sfiire. Berlin, Abhand. (Phil.) 1826, pp. 19-64. Biittner, . Molorchus abbreviatus, Fab. Germar, Mag. Entom. III.. 1818, p. 245. Biittner, G. F. Mittheilungen iiber das Vogel- leben in Kurland. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 273- 276. Biittner, Joh., und Hornschuch. Bruchstiicke zur Geschichte uud Erklarung der Feuerkugeln und Meteorsteine. Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 93-105. Biittner, Joh. G. Sur les restes du monde primitif trouves en Courlande. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. VII., 1826, p. 91. 2. Zoologische Bemerkungen. Oken, Isi.s, 1838, col. 360-371. 3. Gedankeii iiber einige naturwissenschaft- liche Gegenstiinde. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVI., 1853, pp. 357-404. 4. Geognostisch - geologische Ansichten, entnommen aus Kurlands Erdlagerungen. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIL, 1854, pp. 233-260. 5. Ueber den Einfluss der Elektricitat auf das organische Leben. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXVIII., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 38-85. 6. Das Wandern der Thiere. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXX., 1857, pp. 273-289. 7. Aphorismen iiber das Wandern der Thiere, insbesondere der Vogel. Naumannia, 1858, pp. 321-332. 8. Pflanzen-physiologische Beobachtungen. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXII., 1859, pp. 189- 203. Buttrick, S. B. List of plants found in Salem. [1857.J Essex (U. S.) Instit. Proc. II., 1862, pp. 233-242. Buvignier, A. Terrain houiller dans les Astu- ries. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1838-39, pp. 100-104. 2. Expose de la geologic de la Meuse et des Ardennes. France, Congres Scientifique, VIII., 1840, pp. 50-56. 3. Geologie du departement de la Meuse. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 394-400. Buvignier, A. 4. Sur le genre Ceromya, Agassiz. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1850-51, pp. 125- 127, 400-401. 5. Sur un genre nouveau de mollusque acephale fossile (Isodonta). Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIII., 1850-51, pp. 353-355. 6. Sur la carte geologique du departement de la Marne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VIIL, 1850-51, pp. 415-420. 7. Position des gres d'Hettange. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 77-81. 8. Sur le gres d'Hettange. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 285-288. 9. Sur les gres du Luxembourg et d'Het- tange. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 589-593. 1O. Rectification de quelques erreurs com- mises dans la description de fossiles nouveaux, dans le departement de la Meuse. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 841-842. 11. Sur les calcaires a Astartes et 1'etage jurassique moyen de la Meuse et de la Haute- Marne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIII., 1855-56, pp. 843-850. 12. Sur le terrain jurassique do la partie orientale du bassin de Paris. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIV., 1856-57, pp. 595-614. Buvry, L. Streifziige in Algerien. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. V., 1857, pp. 62-69, 120-141, 192-213. 2. Mittheilungeu aus Algerien. Zeits. Allg. Erdkuiide, II., 1857, pp. 289-312 ; III., 1857, pp. 33-50, 118-141 : IV., 1858, pp. 107- 131, 190-226; VIIL, 1860, pp. 31-54; IX., 1860, pp. 13-22. Buxton, David. On the marriage and intermar- riage of the deaf and dumb. Liverpool, Mecl. Chir. Journ. I., 1857, pp. 167-180. 2. An inquiry into the causes of deaf-dumb- ness, congenital and acquired. Liverpool, Med. Chir. Journ. III., 1859, pp. 16-34. Buxton, G. A. F. The migration of the ancient Mexicans, and their analogy to the existing Indian tribes of Northern Mexico. [1848.] Ethnol. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 90-104. Buys, ff., und P. F. Jansen. Verslag omtrent den Staat der Bosschen en de Houtsoorten in de Kolonie Suriname, en Beschrijving van de Gouvernements-Houtvelling aan de Rivier Coppename. Tindal, Verhand. Zeewezen, II., 1841, pp. 128-165. Buys, Johannes. Beschrijving en verklaring van de Echo te Muiderberg. Haarlem, Verhand. VI., 1812, pp. 123-158. Buys, Johannes. De Magnetimeter van SCOKESBY, vergeleken met het Werktuig,door Wytze Foppes, te Leeuwarden, uitgedacht om de helling der Magneetnaald te vindeu. Hall, Bijdragen, I., 1826, pp. 111-120. BUY] 748 [BUZ Buys-Ballot, C H.D. Overxyloidine. Utrecht, Sclieik. Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. I., 1842, pp. 274- 282 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp.- 209-214 ; Journ. de Pharm. III., 1843, pp. 298-500 ; Liebig, Annal. XLV.,1843,pp. 47-51. 2. Akustische Versuche auf der Nieder- landischen Eisenbahn, nebst gelegentlichen Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Hrn. Prof. DOPPLER. Poggend. Annal. LXVI., 1845, pp. 321-351. 3. Notiz iiber die Abhiingigkeit der Krys- tallform der Mineralkb'rper von den zusammen- setzenden Atomen. Poggend. Annal. LXVTI., 1846, pp. 433-435. 4. Ueber den Einfluss der Rotation der Sonne auf die Temperatur unserer Atmosphare. Poggend. Annal. LXVIII., 1846, pp. 205-213. 5. Einiges iiber das Dove'sche Drehungs- gesetz. Poggend. Annal. LXVIII.', 1846, pp. 417-438, 553-566. 6. Die Wirkung der ungleichen Erwiirmung auf die Richtung des Windes und die Warme- wirkung des Monde*. Poggend. Annal. LXX., 1847, pp. 154-165. Einfluss der Temperatur Annal. LXXI., Poggend. 7. Ueber den auf die Synaphie. 1847, pp. 177-193. 8. On the importance of Deviations from the mean state of the atmosphere for the science of meteorology. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 42-49. 9. Die Rotationszeit der Sonne. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 521-539. 10. Bemerkungen zu dem Ergebnisse aus den Hohenpeissenberger Beobachtungeu. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 541-552. 11. Erlauterung einer Graphischen Me- thode zur gleichzeitigen Darstellung der Witte- rungs-Erscheinungen an vielen Orten, und Aufforderung an die Beobachter. das Sammeln an vielen Orten zu erleichtern. Poggend. An- nal. IV., 1854, (Ergdnz. Bd.) pp. 559-576. 12. Over de strekking van eenige alge- meene beginselen in de Natuurkunde, voorna- melijk over dit : de atomen, zoowel de heterogene als de homogene, slingeren tegenover elkander om een evemvigtstoestand. Amsterdam, Ver- slag. Akad. V., 1857, pp. 77-92. 13. Bijdrage tot het onderkennen van de imaginaire wortels in eene hoogere magts ver- gelijking. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VII., 1858, pp. 316-334. 14. Uittreksel van de Verhandeling van den Heer SCIINEITHER, uitkomsten van meteoro- logische waarnemingen te Lahat op Sumatra. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. VIII., 1858, pp. 331-343. 15. Influence magnetique de la Lune. Moigno, Cosmos, XIII., 1858, pp. 619-620. Buys-Ballet, C. If. D. 16. Sur les rapports entre les phenomenes meteorologiques et la ro- tation solaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 1238-1240. 17. Ueber die Art von Bewegnng welche wir Wiirme und Elektricitiit nennen. Poggend. Annal. CIII., 1858, pp. 240-259. 18. lets over een Ring om de Zon. door de Astronomic vermoed en door de Meteorologie nader aaugewezcn. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. X., 1860, pp. 110-136. 19. lets over het vinden van de Deelers der getallen en der Vergelijkingen in betrekking tot elkander. Amsterdam. Verslag. Akad. XIII., 1862, pp. 430-449. 2O. Beitriige zur Vorhersage von Witter- ungs-Erscheinungen, namentlich von Windricht- ung und Windkraft. Donders, Archiv, III., 1863, pp. 85-109. 21. Sur la formation et la decomposition des equations exprimant le.s cotes et les diago- nales des polygones reguliers. Grunert, Archiv, XL., 1863, pp. 139-162. Buysing, D. J. Storm. Opmerkingen aangaande de Sluisfunderingen. Amsterdam, Tijdsclir. I., 1848, pp. 213-221. 2. Opmerkingen aangaande dc Sluisdeuren. Amsterdam, Tidjschr. III., 1850, pp. 51-64. 3. Opmerkingen over de rivieren in Neder- land, ten aanzien van afwatering in scheepvaart. Amsterdam, Verslag. Akad. III., 1855, pp. 372 383. Buyskes, A. A. Zeevaartkundige Waarnemingen, getrokken uit verscheidene Journalen. Amster- dam, Verz. Ber. Navig. II., 1804-22, pp. 57-91. Buzareingues. See Girou de Buzareingues. Buzengeiger, A". //. J. Uuendliche Reihen in Kettenbriiche zu verwandeln. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXII., 1810, pp. 513-515. 2. Ueber eine geometrische Aufgabe. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIII., 1811, pp. 503- 506. 3 . Ueber das Integral / x 3 f von x / e d x < I bis x oc Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, pp. 169- 175. 4. Ueber SOLDNER'S Schrift : " Theorie et Tables d'une nouvelle Fonction transcen- dante." Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXIV., 1811, pp. 583-584. 5. Berechnung der Liinge und Breite eines Orts aus gegebenem Perpendikel und Abstand vom Meridian eiues gegebenen Orts. Zach, Mouat. Corresp. XXV., 1812, pp. 478-483. 6. Bemerkungeu iiber die " Annales de Mathematiques pures et appliquees." Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVI., 1812, pp. 192-198. BUZ] 749 [BYW Buzengeiger, A'. //. ,/. 7. Bemerkungen zu " Theorie et Tables d'unc nouvelle Fonction traiiscendante, par J. SOLDNER." Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVI., 1812, pp. 285-294. 8. Untersuchung der dnrch das Integral Vfo j ausgcdriicktcn Function. ZacL, Monat. Corresp. XX VIII., 1813, pp. 373-377. 9. TJeber einige Vortheile beim Gebrauche mathematischer Tafeln. Lindenau, Zeitschr. II., 1816, pp. 23-32. 10. Eigonsehnft der Ellipse. Lindenau. Zeitschr. II., 1817, pp. 98-106. 11. Eigenschaften rechtwiuklicher spha- rischer Dreiecke, die denen der ebenen Dreiecke dieser Art analog sind. Lindenau, Zeitechr. III., 1817. pp. 198-202. 12. Methodc der griechischen Geometer um fiir Wurzeln solcher Zalilen die keine Quad- ratzahlen sind annahernde rationale Briiche zn finden. Lindenau, Zeitschr. V., 1818, pp. 85-91. 13. Vergleichung zweier sehr kleinen Dreiecke von gleichen Seiten, wovon das eine sphiirisch. das andere eben ist. Lindenau, Zeitschr. VI., 1818, pp. 264-270. 14. Einige. Siitze den Inhalt spharischer Dreiecke betreffend. Lindenau, Zeitschr. VI., 1818, pp. 314-332. Buzengeiger, Karl. Ueber die Farbungen, welche geivisse Stoflfe der Lothrohr-Flamme ertheilen" Wiirtemb. Abhandl. II., 1828, pp. 115-132; Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1829, pp. 205-209 : Edinb. New Phil. Jonrn. VII., 1829, pp. 341-344 ; Quart, Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 407-408. Buzorini, . Eisenoxydhydrat, das Gegengift des Arseniks. Liebie 1 , Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 339-350. Buzzoni, Pictro. Sui rapporti fra i caratteri esterni e i caratteri interni o raicroscopici delle nova dei bachi da seta, Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. V.. 1863, pp. 62-87. Byerley, Isaac. On the Trachinus draco, or Otter-pike, Sting Fish, or Weever. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. V.. 1849, pp. 156-168. 2. The Fauna of Liverpool. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. Mem. VIII., 1853-54. (App.) Byerley, Isaac, and Collingwood. Preliminary report on the Dredging Committee for the Mersey and Dee. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861, pp. 188-189. Byerley, John. An attempt to explain the prin- cipal phenomena of Geology and Physical Geo- graphy by the precession of the equinoxes and the Earth's figure as an oblate spheroid. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 308-316; V., pp. 172-174. Byerley, Joseph. On the geology, &c. of Sierra Leone. Geol. Soc. Trans.'!., 1824, p. 418. Byers, . Galvanisches Verfahren zum Pro- biren der Kupfererze. (TransL) Dingier, Poly - techn. Journ. LXXX., 1841, pp. 275-279. Byford, Wm. H. A remarkable case of Malpo- sition and deficiency of the Thoracic and Ab- dominal Viscera in a foetus. Arner. Journ. Med. Sci. XXVI., 1853, pp. 271-272. 2. On the Physiology of Exercise. Amer, Journ. Med. Sci. XXX., 1855, pp. 32-42. 3. On the Physiology of Repose or Sleep. Aroer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXI., 1856, pp. 357- 368. 4. Spina Bin" da. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXXII., 1856, pp. 387-388. Byland, . Over de Lengte van de Rheede van Texel. Amsterdam, Verz. Ber. Navig. I.. 1803, pp. 227-238. Byll, P. A. van der. Over Geoffroyine. Mulder. Archief, I., 1833, pp. 295-298; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 265-266. 2. Over Acidum succinicum. Mulder, Archief, II., 1834, pp. 421-424. Bylon, David. Karte aanteekening wegens eene algemeene Ziekte de Knokkel-koorst genaamd. Batav., 1 784, pp.345-354. Bylsmit, J. W. Over de lijkverstijving en hare oorzaken. Amsterdam, Onderzoek. Phys. Lab. II., I860, pp. 1-40. Byres, Robert JV. On the traces of the action of Glaciers at Porth-Treiddyn, in Carnarvonshire. [1844.1 Geol. Soc, Journ. I., 1845, pp. 153- 155 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, pp. 370-372, Byrne, Edward. On the separation of copper and iron by ammonia, and the analysis of some Irish copper ores. Dublin, Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 146-152. Byrne, Oliver. A new and simple method to find the perpendicular height of mountains, head- lands, &c. a.bove any given datum, from baro- metrical and thermometrical observations. Silli- man, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 12-21 ; Quart. Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 308-312. Bystrom, C. Om fiskodlingen i atskilliga frem- mande lander. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 305-342. Bystrom, O. Forsok att utroua hum det spe- cifika viirmet hos metallerna tillvexer med tem- peraturen. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVII., 1860, pp. 307-329. 2. Beskrifniug ofver en Hydropyrometer. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 159-161. Bywater, John. On the magnetism of tije brass- work of surveying instruments. Edinb. Phil. Journ. V1IL, 1823, pp. 81-83. 2. On Animalcules, particularly on the Polypes. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 283-288. 5i;3 750 c. C. De la conversion de 1'amidon en matiere sucree. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 151-155. C. On the Petromyzon marinus. Quart. Journ. Sci. H., 1827, pp. 72-76. C. Remarks on the method of estimating the distance at sea from objects of known height. Madras Journ. H., 1835, pp. 338-342 ; III., 57-59, 141-142. C. A method of obtaining any root of a number in the form of a continued fraction. Camb. Math. Journ. HI., 1843, pp. 120-122. C. See Cayley (A.) C, A. Analytical solutions of problems in plane astronomy. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 178-179. C, Ch. Comparison des poids de la Republique Batave avec les poids deduits de la grandeur de la terre. Paris, Soc.Philoin. Bull. III., 1803, p. 107. C, E. P. JE. Itineraire de San Juan de Nicaragua (mer des Antilles) a Acajutla (Ocean Pacifique) en traversant 1'Amerique du Centre. Paris, Geogr. Soc. Bull. XV., 1841, pp. 333-355. C, G. On the solution of certain partial differential equations. Camb. Math. Journ. I., 1839, pp. 162-164. Cj H. On the function of the human kidney, in relation to its principal secretions. Glasgow, Med. Journ. V., 1832, pp. 1-25. C, H. A list of plants growing wild in Belgium, and which are either rare or not indigenous in England. Phytologist, III., 1858-59, pp.161-164. 2. Additional notes on the Flora of Bel- gium. Phytologist, IV., 1860, pp. 33-34. 3. List of Plants collected about Dover, Walmer, Folkestone, and Sandgate, from the middle of May to the beginning of July of the past year, 1860. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 33-45. 4. Addition to the list of South Kent Plants, collected in the course of last summer. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. 70-72. 5. Botany of the Fond de Leffe, near Dinant, Belgium. Phytologist, V., 1861, pp. ' 353-356. C, H. H. Sec Cheek. C, H. T. On the preservation of meat by means of charcoal. Quart. Journ. Sci. IV., 1818, pp. 367-369. 2. Description of two Micrometers designed and used as Pyrometers. Quart. Journ. Sci. VI., 1819, pp. 230-236. C, H. T. 3. An hypothesis to account for the variable depth of the Ocean. Quart. Journ. Sci. VI., 1819, pp. 236-242. C, J. Description of the Gooseberry Caterpillar ; and practical means for preventing its ravages. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. MX., 1822, pp. 435-439. 2. Notice of an attempt to naturalize the Virginian Partridge in England. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 16-18. C, J. B. Note on the propositions of PYTHA- GORAS and PAPPUS. Canadian Journ. III., 1 858, pp. 15-17. C, P. On the number and character of the colours that enter into the composition of white light. Thomson, Records, II., 1835, pp. 27-34, 108-119, 172-186, 351-365. C, W. Smelting of Iron in the Kasya Hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. L, 1832, p. 150. C, W. B. The carboniferous formation of New South Wales. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci. III., 1849, pp. 459-465. Cabal, . Notice sur une variete de Trapp avec 1'analyse de la ineme substance. Journ. de Phys. LXIIL, 1806, pp. 65-73. Caballe, . Experiences sur une urine sin- guliere. Annal. de Chimie, LV., 1805, pp. 64-69. Cabanillas, Rafael. Memoria sobre las minas de Almaden. Madrid, An. de Minas, I., 1838, pp. 399-447. Cabanis, Jean. Ornithologische Notizen. Wieg- mann, Archiv, XIIL, 1847, pp. 186-256, 308- 352. 2. Zur Naturgeschichte des Pallas'schen Laubhahnchens, Phyllobasileus superciliosus. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. L, 1853, pp. 81-96. 3. Notiz iiber die afrikanischen Malurinen- Gattungen Oligocercus und Syncopta. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. L, 1853, pp. 109-110. 4. Einige Worte iiber die Identitat von Buteo ferox, rufinus und leucurus. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. II., 1854, pp. 260-262. 5. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Me- nura superba. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IV., 1856, pp. 132-134. 6. Eine neue Drossel-Gattung, Psophoci- chla. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 181-183. 7. Ucbersicht der im Berliner Museum Cabanis, befindlichen Vogel von Costa Rica. Journ. Ornithol. VIH., 1860, pp. 321-336, 401- 416; IX., pp. 1-11, 81-96, 241-256. CAB] 751 [CAB Cabaret, . Observation d'empoisonnement par les champignons. Nantes, Journ. Sec. Med. XV., 1839, pp. 248-258. Cabaret-Basse-Maison, . Imperforation du vagin. Broussais, Annal. XIII., 1828, pp. 520-522. Cabart, . Description de la caisse du calori- metre de M. DULONG. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VII., 1838, pp. 872-877; Annal. de Chimie, VIIL, 1843. pp. 183-189. 2. Note sur I'Heliostat. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 175-176. Cabiati, Gio. Batt. Sulla sostauza amara di THOMSON. Polli, Annali di Chim. VIIL, 1849, pp. 288-290. Cabini, Bartolomeo. Dei pviucipali sistemi di botanica e loro influenza. Crema, Programma, VIIL, 1858. Cabiran, - . Sur le phosphore. [1823.] Tou- louse, Mem. Acad. II., 1830, pp. 52-58. 2. Puits Artesiens. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. III., 1834, pp. 29-35. Cabot, . Theoric des Paralleles. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 230-231. Cabot, Edward C., and Desor. On the tertiary and more recent deposits in the Island of Nan- tucket. Geol. Soc. Journ. V., 1849, pp. 340- 343. Cabot, J. E. Bericht iiber die am Obersee gesammelten und beobachteten Vogel. Nau- mannia, 1852 (Hft. 3), pp. 64-66. Cabot, Samuel. Observations on the plumage of the Red and Mottled Owls (Strix Asio). Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. II., 1838-39, pp. 126- 128. 2. Description of three birds from Yuca- tan. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 155-156. 3. Descriptions of three new species of Woodpecker, from Yucatan, viz., Picus dubius, P. parvus, and P. Yucatanensis. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1841-44, pp. 164-165. 4. Observations on the characters and habits of the ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocel- lata, Cur,). ri842.~) Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843^44,"pp. 246-251. 5. On Phasianus motmot. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. L, 1844, pp. 76-77. 6. On Ortyx nigrogularis, Gould. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. I., 1844, p. 151. 7. Descriptions and habits of some of the Birds of Yucatan. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. IV., 1843-44, pp. 460-467; V., 1845-47, pp. 90-92. 8. Description of Pyranga roseo-gularis (Rose-throated Tanager). Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, p. 416 ; Silliman, Journ. III., 1847, pp. 436-437. Cabot, Samuel. 9. The Dodo (Didus ineptus), a rasorial and not a rapacious bird. Boston, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845-47, pp. 490-495. 1O. Observations concerning the supposed identity of Anas penelope and Anas americana, the European and American Widgeons. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 118-120. 11. A comparison between Sterna Cantiaca, Gm., of Europe, and Sterna acuflavida, Nobis, hitherto considered identical with S. Cantiaca. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 257-258; Annal. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 364-365 ; Sillimau, Journ. VL, 1848, pp. 136-137. 12. New species of Wren, Troglodytes al- binucha. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1845-48, pp. 258-259. 13. Trochilus Yucatanensis. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1846, pp. 74-75. 14. On the anatomy of Fuligula spectabilis. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1846, pp. 93-94. 15. Measurements of internal organs of Tetrao cupido. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. II., 1846, p. 120. 16. Comparison of Haematopus ostralegus and palliatus. Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. III., 1848, pp. 43-44. 17. Ibis guarauna in New England. Silli- man, Journ. XL, 1851, pp. 435-436. 18. Notes on the internal anatomy of a female Mina bird (Gracula religiosa). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc., IV., 1851-54, pp. 85-86. 19. Wild hybrid Duck propagated be- tween the Clangula Americana (Whistler or Golden-Eye) and the Mergus cucullatus (Hooded Merganser). Boston, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. V., 1854-56, pp. 118-120. Cabral Camello, Joao Antonio. Noticias pra- ticas das minas do Cuiaba na Capitania de- S. Paulo e Cuiaba. Rio, Revista, IV., 1842, pp. 487-500. Cacarrie, . Analyse microscopique et chi- mique des roches recueiilies dans le departement des Deux-Sevres. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 157165. 2. Note sur la fabrication et Pemploi des cables en fil de fer. Annal. des Mines, V., 1844, pp. 495-504. 3. Analyse de calcaires hydrauliques de Doue. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 686-688. Caccianino, Antonio. Esposizione dei principj da cui il Sig. Prof. Cav. RUFFINI deriva la sua dimostrazione sulF impossibility della soluzione algebraica delle equazioni superior! al 4 grado. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, L, 1812-13, pp. 3-16. 2. Compendio della teorica delle mine. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, IL, 1814-15, pp. 115-122. CAC] 752 [CAB- Cacciatore, Niccolo. Delia Cometa del 1811. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XXVII., 1813, pp. 356- 365. 2. lie vision du Catalogue des Etoiles du P.PIAZZI. Zach. Corresp. XII., 1825, pp. 363- 374. 3. Occultazione di Saturno. Zach, Corresp. XIIL, 1825, pp. 587-588. 4. Neuer Nebelfleck. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 281-282. . 5. [Osservazioni della cometa di 1831 ; altezza dell' Etna.] Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 281-284. 6. Sur une nouvelle petite planete dont 1'existence a etc soupconue par Mons. CACCI- ATORE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 154-155 ; III., p. 424 ; Astr. Nachr. XIIL, 1836, col. 337-338 ; Bibl. Univ. I., 1836, pp. 142-143. 7. Lettre relative a 1'astre mobile observe en 1835. Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 348-351. 8. Correspondirende Refractions-Beobacht- ungen. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 350-351. Cach, . Essai sur la theorie des quantites negatives. Gergonne, Annal. Math. IV., 1813- 14, pp. 1-6. Cachon, . Essai de la galene argentifere de Bluech et Pradal (Lozere). Annal. des Mines, IV., 1843, pp. 175-180. Cadbury, John W. On podophyllin. American Journ. Pharm. XXX., 1858, pp. 301-304. Cadell, Thomas. On the navigation of the river Murray, Australia. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXV., 1855, pp. 177-181. Cadell, W. A. Account of an Arithmetical Ma- chine lately discovered in the College Library of Edinburgh. Thomson, Annal. Phil. III., 1814, pp. 251-353. 2. On the lines which divide each semi- diurnal arc into six equal parts. [1816.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., VIII., 1818, pp. 61-82. 3. On the hour lines of the ancients. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1830, pp. 18-19. 4. Answer to Prof. P. S. DAVIES'S com- plaints respecting his paper on the -Hour lines of the Antique Sun-dials. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIIL, 1835, pp. 166-167. Cadenberg, Giuseppe Slop de. Opposizione del nuovo Pianeta osservata nel 1781. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital., II., 1784, pp. 853-860; III., 1786, pp. 258-267. Cadet, . Note sur la Trapeze. Nouv. Annal. Math. IL, 1843, pp. 189-191. Cadet de Gassicourt, C. L. Sur un nouvel elec- trometre. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1800, pp. 68-85 ; Nicholson Journ., V., 1802, pp. 31- 33. 2. [Phenomena observe dans la preparation de Tether sulfurique.l Journ. de Phys. LI. 1800, pp. 231-232. Cadet de Gassicourt, C. L. 3. Sur le gluten- Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1801. pp. 315-322 : Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, pp. 133-134 ; Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1802, pp. 9-12. 4. Sur 1'arbre cirier de la Louisiana ot de laPennsylvanie. Annal. de Chimie, XL1V., 1802. pp. 140-149; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 262-270 ; Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1803, pp. 187-196 ; Crell, C'hem. Annal. L, 1803, pp. 251-262, 305-312. 5. Sur la formation de la glace dans la caverne de la Grace-Dieu. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 160-165 ; Nicholson, Journ. A'lL, 1804, pp. 44-53. 6. Analyse des eaux ininerales de la Cha- pelle Godefroi. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 305-320. 7. Memoire sur le Quinquina. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. V., 1803, pp. 288-293. 8. Observation sur Panalyse chimique de quelques alimens. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. _V.,_1803, pp. 305-308. 9. Sur 1'analyse du sue de Papayer. An- nal. de Chimie, XL1X., 1804, pp. 250-254; L., 1804, pp. 319-324. 1O. Analyse d'un mineral nouvellement decouvert a ITle de France. Journ. de Phys. LVIIL, 1804, pp. 259-261. 11. Memoire sur les toiles d'Araiffnees.. Journ. de Phys. LVIIL, 1804, pp. 463-470; Nicholson, Journ. XL, 1805, pp. 290-294. 12. Analyse de Pail. Journ. de Phys. LIX., 1804, pp. 106-113 ; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 354-357. 13. Recherches sur la deliquescence, ou 1'efflorescence des sels. Journ. de Phys. LX., 1804. pp. 291-297 ; Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 240-245; Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 119-127. 14. Examen comparatif des differentes Colles-fortes qu'on emploie dans le commerce. Paris, Bull. Soe. Encour. III., 1804, pp. 112- 118. 15. Analyse de la poudre de Gyms [James's Powder ?]. Annal. de Chimie, LA'.. 1805, pp. 74-78 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXII. 1809, pp. 316-318. 16. Sur le cafe. Anual. de Chimie, L VII L, 1806, pp. 266-290 ; Tilloch, Phil. Masr. XX VI., 1806, pp. 17-29. 17. Baguettes d'artillerie, propres a rem- placer les cordes et lances a feu. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1806, pp. 314-328; Nicholson, Journ. XVII, 1807, pp. 31-38. 18. Sur une propriete de Peau camphree. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1807, pp. 132-134; Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 26-27: Til- loch, Phil. Mas. XXX., 1808, pp. 66-G7. CAD] 753 [CAD Cadet de Gassicourt, C. L. 19. Sur la fer- mentation aceteuse. Annal. de Chimie. LXII., 1807, pp. 248-283. 20. Le the est-il plus nuisible qu'utile ? Journ. de Phys. LXVL, J808, pp. 466-472. 21. De la Propolis, de son analyse et de ses usages. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 72- 75. 22. De qnelques Tabacs du commerce, et des Sternntatoires en general. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 263-270. 23. Notice sur la Cochenille polonaise. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 496-497. 24. De I'Osniftzone et de son emploi. Bull. de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 497-500. 25. Observations sur la propriete dis- solvante de 1'Albumine et d'autres liquides animaux. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 556- 558. 26. Sur Feau minerale yle et sur quelques iodures des radicaux organ iques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1252- 1255; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 337-341 ; Liebi pp. 720- 732. 2. Osservazioni sopra il ritorno delle Serie. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. V., 1790, pp. 88-106. 3. Riflessioni sopra 1'integrazione delle equazioni linear! a due variabili. [1798.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIIL, 1799, pp. 307- 318. 4. Letter a a Torquato VAKENO, sopra una maniera di cavare i numeri Bernoulliani. Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 173-180. 5. De' reciproci delle formole irrazionali. Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. I. (pte. 2), 1806, pp. 301-308. 6. Della risoluzione de' problem! di mas- simo o minimo, quando la quantita che vuolsi massima o minima e data. [1808.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 167-174. 7. Metodo d' indagare i divisori di qualsi- voglia dato numero. [1811.] Bologna, Mem. 1st. Naz. Ital. II. (pte. 2), 1810, pp. 445-476. 8. Soluzione di due problemi appartenenti alia teoria de' massimi e minimi. [1814.] Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVII., 1815, pp. 241- 260. CAN] 779 [CAN Canton, Edwin. An account of some Parasitic Ova found attached to the conjunctivas of the Turtle's eyes. Dublin, Quart. Journ. Med. Sci. .XXX., 1860, pp. 327-330; Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1861, pp. 40-43. 2. On a case of Ectopia vesicse. Pathol. Soc. Trans. XIIL, 1861-62, pp. 163-166. Cantoni, Gactano. La meteorologia vegetale. II Politechnico, XVIIL, 1863, pp. 231-241. Cantoni, Gio. Sulla costituzioue atmosferica dell' inverno ora scorso. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XXVL, 1858, pp. 147-150. 2. Ancora intorno ai nuovi principii di fisiologia vegetale applicati all' agricoltura. Venezia, Atti, 1860, pp. 145-157. 3. Relazioni tra alcune propriety, termiche ed altre proprieta fisiche dci corpi. Nuovo Cimento, XIV., 1861, pp. 270-288. 4. Le lenticelle nei nuovi principii di fisio- logia vegetale. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. IV., 1862, pp. 283-285. Cantor, Moritz. Einige Siitze zur Theorie der hyperbolischen Functionen. Grunert, Archiv, XIX., 1852, pp. 88-96. 2. Ueber Leitlinien. Grunert, Archiv. XX.. 1853, pp. 249-259; Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VII., 1862, pp. 50-52. 3. Theoreme sur les determinants Crame- riens. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 113-114. 4. Sur le thcoreme de M. WHEATS TONE [sur une progression arithmetique]. Nouv. An- nal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 229-230. 5. Ueber die Einfiihrung unserer gegen- wartigen Ziifern in Europa. Schlomilch, Zeit- schr. I., 1856, pp. 65-74. 6. Ueber die Porismen des EUCLID und deren Divinatoren. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 17-27. 7. Ueber eine combinatorische Aufgabe. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 103-107. 8. Ueber Normalstellen. Schlomilch. Zeitschr. II., 1857, pp. 410-412. 9. Ueber die Mathematik des PYTHAGORAS. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 164-165. 1O. Zur Geschichte der Zahlzeichen. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. III., 1858, pp. 325-341. 11. Das Pythagoriiische Dreieck. Schlo- milch, Zeitschr. IV., 1859, pp. 306-309. 12. Zur Theorie paralleler Curven. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. V., 1860, pp. 219-223. 13. Note historique sur 1'extraction abregee de la racine carree. Nouv. Annal. Math. XX., 1861, pp. 46-47. 14. Ueber arithmetische Progressionen von Primzahlen. Schlomilch, Zeitschr. VI., 1861, pp. 340-343. Cantor, Theodore Edw. Sketch of an unde'- scribed Hooded Serpent (Hamadryas Hannah). Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 87-94. 2. Sketches of two undescribed venomous Serpents, with Fangs behind the Maxillar Teeth ("a Crochets posterieurs "). Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VIII., 1836, pp. 137-142. 3. Description of a new species of Zygsena. Calcutta, Quart. Journ. I., 1837, pp. 315-320 ; Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VIII. (pt. 2), 1842 (App.\ pp. ccxi-ccxv. 4. Notice of a skull (fragment) of a gigantic fossil Batrachian. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. VI., 1837, pp. 538-541. 5. Notice of the Hamadryas (H. ophio- phagus), a genus of Hooded Serpents with poi- sonous fangs and maxillary teeth. Zool. Soc. Proc. VI., 1838, pp. 72-75. 6. Notes respecting some Indian Fishes. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1839, pp. 165-172. 7. On Indian Serpents. Zool. Soc. Proc. VII., 1839, pp. 31-34, 49-55. 8. On the production of Isinglass from certain Indian Fishes. Zool. Soc. Proc. VII., 1839, pp. 115-117 ; Annal. Nat. Hist. IV., 1839, pp. 399-401. 9. Spicilegium Serpentium Indicorum. Kr0yer, Nat. Hist. Tidsskr. III., 1840-41, pp. 100-101. 10. General features of Chusan, with re- marks on the Flora and Fauna of that island. Annal. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, pp. 265-278, 361- 371, 481-494 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 1-10. 11. Observations upon Pelagic Serpents. [1838.] Zool. Soc. Trans. II., 1842, pp. 303- 314. 12. Notice of the foetus of Zygtena laticeps, Cantor. Annal. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 372-374. 13. On a species of Semnopithecus from the peninsula of Malacca. Annal. Nat. Hist. XVII., 1846, pp. 335-340. 14. Catalogue of mammalia inhabiting the Malayan peninsula and islands. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XV., 1846, pp. 171-203, 241-279. 15. On Teredo Navalis and a natural fence against its ravages. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 487-489. 16. Catalogue of Reptiles inhabiting the Malayan peninsula and islands. Bengal, Journ. Asiat, Soc. XVI., 1847, pp. 607-656, 897-952, 1026-1078. 17. Latitudinal distribution of Reptiles in- habiting the Malayan peninsula and islands and other localities. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLI V., 1848, pp. 271-286. 18. Catalogue of Malayan Fishes. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVIIL, 1849, pp. 983-1422. 5 F 2 CAN] 780 [CAN Cantor, Theodore Edic. 19. Observations on two Malayan species of Semnopithecus (S. cris- tatus and halonifer). [1845.] Linn. Soc. Proc. I., 1849, pp. 23,3-236. 2O. Description of the wild Dog of the Malayan peninsula (Chrysaeus soccatus). [1845.] Linn. Soc. Proc. L, 1849, p. 236. Cantraine, F. Sur un poisson nouveau trouve dans le canal de Messine. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 107-109 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. X., 1837. 2. Sur le Serranus tinea. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 207-208 ; Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XL, 1838. 3. Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de Mollusques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 380-401. 4. Sur le genre Truncatella. Misso. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III.. 1836, pp. 87- 91 ; Froriep, Notizen, XLVIIL, 1836, col. 247- 249. 5. Sur les grands lin^ons d'lllyrie de VARRON et de PLINE. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 109-112. 6. Sur le systems nerveux des Myes des mers d'Europe et sur celui de la moule commune. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 242- 248. 7. Histoire naturelle et anatomic du sys- teme nerveux du genre Mytilina. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 107-120; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (ZooL), 1837, pp. 302-312. 8. Sur un genre nouveau de la famille des Ostraces. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 111-113; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (ZooL), 1838, pp. 377-378. 9. Observations sur Pappareil mammaire des Galeopitheques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1839 (pte. 2), pp. 65-67 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (ZooL), 1839, p. 126. 1O. Rapport sur le Memoire de MM. ZA.N- . TEDESCHI et FAVIO sur les courants electriques qui existent dans les animaux a sang chaud. Archives de I'Electr. L, 1841, pp. 474-477; Phil. Mag. XVIII., 1841, pp. 271-276 ; Froriep, Notizen, XVIIL, 1841, col. 129-133. 11. Malacologie mediterraneenne et lit- torale : Ouvrage servant de Faune malacolo- gique Italienne et de complement a la " Con- chiologia fossile subapennina," de BROCCHI. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XIII., 1841. 12. Sur le Colin Sonnini. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1841 (pte. 2), pp. 113-116. 13. Sur 1'embryogenie des Sepioles. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIIL, 1841, pp. 120-124. 14. Sur le Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, considere comme specifique contre les puces. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIIL, 1841 (pte. 2), p. 234. Cantraine, F. 15. Diagnoses de quelques especes nouvelles de coquilles soit natives soit fossiles appartenant au bassin mediterraneen. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1842 (pte. 2), pp. 340- 349. 16. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Thyroptera, Spix. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XII., 1845, pp. 489-495. Cantu, Giovanni Lorenzo. Sur la presence du Mercure dans les urines des Syphilitiques soumis a un traitement mereuriel. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 335-336; Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIX., 1825, pp. 228-234 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 296- 297. 2. Sull' esistenza dell' lodio nelle acque minerali solfuree e particolarmente in quelle di Castelnuovo d' Asti. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1825, pp. 45-48 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VL, 1825, pp. 508-510 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 221-222 ; Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIX., 1825, pp. 221-227 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, p. 344; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 33-35. 3. Effect of Iodine upon Germination. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1829, p. 426. 4. Sur une nouvelle mine de Manganese. [1827.] Torino, Mem. Accad. 1829, XXXIIL, pp. 169-175. 5. Saggio chimico-medico sulla presenza simultanea del Prussiato di Ferro, e di una materia zuccherina in una particolare varieta d'orina umana. [1831.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXX VL, 1833, pp. 295-301 ; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 192-198 ; Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 104-109. 6. Note sur 1'application de lacouleur jaune du Rhus toxicodendrou, du Rhus coriaria et du Morus cucullata a la laine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 185-187. 7. Instruzioni sulla fabbricazione dell' oricello del Cudbear e del Tornasole, principal- mente coll' uso dei licheni nostrali. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XL, 1839, pp. 322-326; XIL, 1839, pp. 58-63, 122-128,250-255. 8. De la presence du Brome et de 1'Iode dans des etres organiques qui vivent dans les eaux courantes et stagnantes et dans les terrains tres eloignes de la mer. Bibl. Univ. LVIL, 1845, pp. 373-374. 9. Sur la presence des bromures dans les composes uaturels qui contiennent des chlorures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 896 897. 1O. Sulla scomposizione degli ioduri metallic! per mezzo dell' azoto. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 386-387 ; Torino, Mem. Accad. IX., 1848, pp. 791-794. CAN] 781 [CAP Cantu, Giovanni Lorenzo. 11. Nota intorno all' influenza che esercita il Carbonic sul grado di stabilita degli locluri metallici, quando si tro- vano assoggettati alia siraultanea azione del ca- lorico e del gaz azoto. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 387-388; Torino, Mem. Accad. IX., 1848, pp. 787-790. 12. Tre memorie : 1. Nuovo metodo per la ricerca del bromo e dell' iodio ; 2. Delia mutua scomposizione d'alcuni sali aloidei ; 3. Intorno alia reazione dei corpi ossigenati sopra i cloruri, i bromuri, gli ioduri ed i cianuri. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 416-420. Cantzlaar, Jan. Verhandeling over de natuur- kennis der Winden. Haarlem, Verhand. IV., 1809, pp. 243-288. 2. Verhandeling over een nieuwen Conti-o- leur- of Lucht- Thermometer. Zeeuw. Genoots. N. Verhandel. II., 1818. Cantzler, . Zur Behandlung des Schreibe- krampfes. St. Petersb. Verm. Abhandl. Heilk. VII., 1847, pp. 117-124. Canzoneri, Francesco. Essai sur le Marronier dTnde, et decouverte d'une nouvelle substance dans son fruit. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 539-548. Cap, P. A. Memoire sur cette question : Deter- miner, si, dans 1'etat actuel de nos connaissances, on peut etablir une classification reguliere des medicaments, fondee sur leurs proprietes medi- cales. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 250- 252. 2. Sur 1'huile volatile de Vetiver. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 48-50; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 83-84. 3. Note sur le Cyphi des anciens. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 499-502. 4. De Finfluence de 1'eau dans 1'acte de la Germination. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1848, pp. 105-107 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 250-251 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, p. 635. 5. Des sources physiologiques du rhythme musical. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, p. 539. 6. Sur la culture de la Cochenille en Al- gerie. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1850, pp. 263- 268. 7. Memoire sur la Glycerine et ses appli- cations aux diverses branches de 1'art medical. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 81-89. 8. Nouvelle note sur la Glycerine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 209-214. Cap, P. A., et Garot. Deuxieme memoire sur la Glycerine et ses applications a 1'art medical. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1854, pp. 81-98. .Cap, P. A., et Henry. Analyse d'une Urine visqueuse. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 324-331. Cap, P. A., et Henry. 2. Note sur le bichlorure de Cuivre ammoniacal (deutochlorure de Cuivre ammoniacal, 1'hydrochlorate de deutoxide de Cuivre ammoniacal). Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 615-619 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 184-187. 3. Faits nouveaux pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'urine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, p. 336 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIV., 1838, pp. 500-502. 4. Recherches sur les Lactates, et sur 1'etat de 1'Urec dans 1'urine de 1'homine et de quelques animaux. [1838.] Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 133-147 ; XXVL, 1840, pp. 202-205; Liebig, Annal. XXX., 1839, pp. 106-116. 5. Experiences pour prouver 1'ex- istence du Lactate d'uree dans 1'urine normale de 1'homme. Journ. de Pharm. XXVII., 1841, pp. 355-359 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIV., 1841, pp. 227-232. Cap, P. A., et Salles. Note au sujet d'un protochlorure ammoniacal de Mercure. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 663-665. Capadoce, Abraham. Commentatio medica de ultima ratione unionis principiorum. partium organicarum ; an ex doctrina mechanica sive dyuamica sit explicanda. Leijden, Ann. Acad., 1817. Capanema, G. S. de. Beschreibung eines Mikro- toms zu botanisch-anatomischen Untersuchun- gen. Flora, XXXI., 1848, pp. 465-469. 2. Observacoes sobre a origem do Barro Vennelho na provincia do Rio de Janeiro. Rio, Soc. Veil. Trabal. 1852, p. 12. 3. Memoria quaes as tradi9oes, ou vestigios geologicos que nos levem a certeza de ter havido terremotos no Brasil. Rio, Revista, XXII., 1859, pp. 135-159. Capaun, C. F. Ueber die Darstellung des unter- schwenigsauren Natrons. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXL, 1840, pp. 310-313. 2. Ueber die Darstellung des Goidpurpurs. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1 841. pp. 152- 155. Capellen, R. Vander. Description de 1'eruption du mont Galoungoun, dans Pile de Java, en 1822. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XII., 1829, pp. 201-216. 2. Meteorologische Beobachtungen zuBui- tenzorg auf der Insel Java angestellt. Froriep, Notizen, VIII., 1848, col. 195-197. Capelli, Abate Giovanni. Osservazioni baro- metriche e termometriche eseguite negli anni 1835-38. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1844, pp. 99- 144. CAP] 782 [CAP Capelli, Abate Giovanni. 2. Osservazioni baro- metriche eseguite negli anui 1839-43. Milano. Etfcm. Astr. 1852, pp. 90-112. 3. Tavole psicrometriche. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 128-140. 4. Osservazioni barometriche e termorae- triche eseguite negli anni 1844-47. Milano. Effem. Astr. 1856, pp. 33-55. 5. Ascensioni rette e declinazioni di stelle comprese nella zona di 105 a 115di distanza polare. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1858, pp. 62-112; 1859, pp. 33-62 ; I860, pp. 54-85. 6. Sulla determinazione della latitudine dell' Osservatorio di Milano. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1863, pp. 59-69. Capelli, Pictro. Alcune riflessioni sul circolo- meridiano dell' Osservatorio di Torino. Torino, Mem. Accad., XXXVIL, 1834, pp. 223-266. Capellini, Giovanni. Catalogue des Oscabrions de la Mediterranee, suivi de la description de quelques especes nouvelles. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1858, pp. 320-328. 2. Note sur une nou velle espece d'Isisfossile. Paris, Soc. Geol.Bull. XVI., 1858-59, pp.45 1-453. 3. Notizie geologiche e paleontologiche sui gessi di Castellina Marittima in Toscana. Nuovo Cimento, XII., 1860, pp. 254-260. 4. Cenni geologici sul giacimento delle ligniti della Vassa, val di Magra. Torino, Mem. Accad. XIX., 1861, pp. 367-400. 5. Studi stratigrafici e paleontologici sull' Infralias nelle montagne del Golfo della Spezia. Bologna, Mem. Accad. I., 1862, pp. 247-318 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1861-62, pp. 54-59 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62, pp. 675-678. 6. Sui Delfini fossili del Bolognese. Bo- logna, Mem. Accad. III., 1863, pp. 245-272. Capellini, Giovanni, und Pagenstecher. Mi- kroskopische Untersuchungen iiber den innern Bau einiger fossilen Schwiimme. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. X., I860, pp. 364-372. Capezzuoli, Serafino. Ricerche sulle uova dei gallinacei sottoposte all' incubazione. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 206-210. 2. Considerazioni chimiclie sul diabete mellito. Omodei, Annal. Univ. CIX., 1844, pp. 509-529. 3. Nuove comparazioni della materia grassa nell' uovo incubato e nell' uovo gia svillupato. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 334-335. 4. Ricerche sperimentali chimico-fisiolo- giche sulle uova e sui pulcini, all' oggetto di determinare la quantity, e qualita delle materie che si consumano, e i cambiamenti che soffrono durante la evoluzione del nuovo organismo, come anche nei primi giorni di vita, sotto 1* in- fluenza pure di regime diverse. Polli, Annal. di Chim. HI., 1846, pp. 346-354 ; Heller, Ar- chiv, 1847, pp. 38-40. Capezzuoli, Serafino. 5. Dello zuccaro nell' economia animale. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XVI., 1853, pp. 345-353. 6. Sulla composizione della carne muscolare di diversi vegetali. Polli, Auual. di Chim. XVIII., 1854, pp. 334-342. 7. Sospetti e attentati di venificio per la pasta fosforata dei communi fiammeferi. II Pobtecnico, XV., 1862, pp. 269-289. Capitaine, H. De Faction de plusieurs corps simples sur les chlorures de mercure. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 549-571 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIIL, 1839, pp. 422-441. 2. Note sur 1'Antimoine. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 516-525 ; Erdm. Joura. Prak. Chem. XVIIL, 1839, pp. 449-457. 3. Poids atomique du fer. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1841, pp. 126-127. Capitaine, H., et E. Soubeiran. Note sur le Cubebin. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 355-358 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVII., 1839, pp. 480-481 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXI.. 1839, pp. 190-192. 2. Observations pour servir a 1'hi.stoire de 1'acide tartrique. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 737-745 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 435-442 ; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 204-210. 3. Recherehes sur quelques huiles essentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII.. 1839, pp. 764-765. 4. Resume d'experiences sur 1'es- sence de terebinthine et sur le camphre arti- ficiel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 654-655 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIX., 1840, pp. 312-313. 5. Sur un moyen d'obtenir par la voie humide le fer a 1'etat metallique. Paris. Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, p. 737. 6. Note sur 1'essence de Bergamote. Journ. de Pharm., XXVI., 1840, pp. 509-514; Liebig, Annal. XXXV., 1840, pp. 313-318. 7. Memoire sur les Camphenes. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 1-21,65-93; Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, pp. 311-331. Capitaine, //. [Sur quelques plantes de la Gua- deloupe.] Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 173-176. Capocci, Ernesto. Ueber die Sonnenflecken. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 313-324. 2. Indagini sulla resistenza dell' etere e sulla luce delle comete, fatte nel ritorno della cometa periodica di Biela nel 1832. II Pro- gresso, IV., 1833, pp. 5-14. 3. Nuove ricerche sul noto fenomeno delle colonne perforate dalle foladi nel tempio di Serapide in Pozzuoli. II Progresso, XL, 1835. pp. 66-76 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIIL. 1837, pp. 201-204. CAP] 783 [CAP Capocci, Ernesto. 4. Considerations sur la ma- niere dont se forma dans la Mediterranee, en Juillet 1831, 1'ile nouvelle qui a etc tour a tour appelee Ferdinandea, Hotham, Graham, Nerita et Julia. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 753-757. 5. Sur des changements tres rapides dans les taches solaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, p. 452. 6. On the comet of 1843. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 300-302. 7. Sur la periodicite des aerolithes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 357-360 ; Pog- gend. Annal. LI. (Erg'dnz. Bd.\ 1842, pp. 517- 520. 8. Sull' ecclisse totale del Sole degli 8 Luglio 1842. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1842, pp. 79-82, 179-182. 9. Sulla Scintillazione. Napoli, Rendiconto. I., 1842, pp. 126-129. 10. Sulla gran Cometa del 1843. Napoii, Rendiconto, T.I., 1843, pp. 170-172. 11. [Identification de la grande Comete de 1843 avec celle de 1688]. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 155-156. 12. Su di un nuovo fenomeno cromatico nella luce crepuscolare. Napoli, Rendiconto, JIL, 1844, pp. 260-264. 13. Nota sulla nuova Cometa scoperta in Parigi ai 7 Luglio 1844. Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, p. 280. 14. Sul ritorno delle meteore ne' 10 Agosto 1844. Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, p. 281. 15. Scoperta di una nuova Cometa. Na- poli, Rendiconto, IV., 1845, pp. 34-36. 16. Sul periodo delle meteore del 10 Agosto. Napoli, Rendiconto, IV., 1845, p. 305. 17. Nota intorno alia scoperta di un nuovo pianeta. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 4-5. 18. Su di un raro fenomeno vulcanico che il Vesuvio ha offerto nel mese scorso. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 6-7. 19. Su diun poco noto fenomeno vulcanico. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 14-18. 20. Su di una singolare apparenza presen- tata dalla cometa periodica del BIELA. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 23-25, 66-70. 21. Sulle due ultime comete scoperte in Roma. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 91-92. 22. Sul nuovo pianeta scoperto in Ger- mania. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, p. 93. 23. Intorno alia duplicita della cometa di BIELA. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, p. 94. 24. Scoperta di una nuova cometa. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 243-244, 263. 25. Sulla scoperta del nuovo pianeta di LE VERRIER. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 383- 384. Capocci, Ernesto. 26. Su di alcune recenti sco- perte astronomiche. Napoli, Rendiconto, VI., 1847, pp. 336-340. 27. Osservazione del ecclisse annulare di sole de 9 Ottobre 1847, fatte in Trieste al fanale del porto. Napoli, Rendiconto, VI., 1847, pp. 437- 441. 28. Sopra un nuovo processo dinamico delle stelle del nostro sistema sidereo, che sem- bra dedursi della combinazione de' moti propri delle stelle medesime, colle loro apparenti gran- dezze. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1852, pp. 196-198. 29. Sulle apparenze straordinarie offerte dal pianeta Saturno. Napoli, Rendiconto, IL, 1853, pp. 71-72. 3O. Memoria intorno alia cagione del feno- meno del tremolio dell' aria in taluni punti della superficie terrestre. Nuovo Cimento, IL, 1855, pp. 329-336. 31. Sulla sorgente intermittente di Triverno uelP Agro Venafrano. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 309-322. 32. Sulla determinazione della longitudine della Luna. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VIIL, 1855, pp. 421-432. 33. Osservazioni original! di Marte (1862). Napoli, Rendiconto, IL, 1863, pp. 64-65. Caporal, . Sur des ossements fossiles de- couverts dans l'ile de Crete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, p. 182. Cappelle, J. P. van. Verhandeling over de Schut- Sluizen, en aamerkingen over het doorlaaten van schepen door dezelve. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. IV., 1806, pp. 111-167. 2. Over den Unster van AKISTOTELES. Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Nat. Wetensk. 1810-11, pp. 305-316. 3. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der vrage : " Wat kun men met de meeste zekerheid aannemen omtrent dien Brandspiegel, met wel- ken, volgens vele Schrijvers, ARCHIMEDES eene vloot op zekeren afstand zou verbrand hebben ? " &c. Haarlem, Verhand. VIL, 1814 (pt. 2), pp. 70-114; Gilbert, Annal. LIIL, 1816, pp. 242-290. Cappelletto, Antonio. Nuove considerazioni sulla robustezza delle caldaje a vapore. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, VIL, 1857, pp. 145-160. 2. Modo di evitare alcuni diffetti nelle caldaje delle locomotive. Venezia, Mem. Istituto, IX., 1860, pp. l-ll. Cappello, Agostino. Saggio sulla topografia iisica del suolo di Tivoli. Giorn. Arcad. XXIII., 1824, pp. 137-158, 257-277. 2. Ossei'vazioni geologiche onde riparare agli avvallamenti del territorio di Accumoli in Abruzzo ultra e de' luoghi convicini, e memorie cli questa citta. Giorn. Arcad. XXVIIL, 1825, pp. 289-331. CAP] 784 [CAR Cappello, Agostino. 3. Sopra un nuovo feno- rneno o-eologico al gran sasso d'ltalia. Giorn. Arcad. XL, 1828, pp. 92-123. 4. Reflections geologiques sur les evenemens arrives recemment dans le cours de 1'Aniens. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 42-43. 5. Ulteriori schiarimenti intorno il flume Aniene presso Tivoli. Giorn. Arcad. LV., 1832, pp. 89-125, 257-282. 6. Coutinuazioue del ragionainento per la restaurazione de' bagni minerali presso Tivoli. Giorn. Arcad. LXXX., 1839, pp. 260-287 ; LXXXV., pp. 35-62. 7. Meinorie istoriche di Accumoli, acque minerali. Correzione ed aggiunte al catalogo delle piante che si contiene dopo le osservazioni geologiche che precedono la prima parte di queste memorie : ed altre piante ultimamente raccolte, e per la prima volta qui publicate. Giorn. Arcad. XCVIL, 1843. pp. 306-359, 359- 372. 8. Poche parole sulla rabbia canina. Giorn. Arcad. CVIII., 1846, pp. 106-116. 9. Istorico fisico ragionamento sulle colture umide, e sulle pretese bonificazioni da farsi per loro mezzo delle terre palustri dello Stato Ponti- ficio. Eoma, Atti, V., 1851-52, pp. 361-376 ; Giorn. Arcad. VII., 1858, pp. 69-95 ; IX., 117- 143 ; X1L, 75-103. 1O. Bagni minerali presso Tivoli. Giorn. Arcad. CXLIIL, 1856, pp. 186-190. Cappello, Ottavio. Telologia del sistema urini- fero vascolare scoperto da JACOBSON nei pesci e nei rettili. Giorn. Arcad. CII., 1845, pp. 42-47. Capper, James. General observations on the causes which infliience the Weather in England. Nicholson. Journ. L, 1802, pp. 275-281. Capper, John. A brief notice of the vegetable productions of Ceylon. Roy. Asiat. Soc. Journ. XVI., 1856, pp. 266-279. Cappes, . Lettre au sujet de 1'ozone atmo- spherique et de ses relations avec les fievres de 1'Algerie. Lyon, Annal. Soc. Agric. I., 1857, pp. 220-223. Cappie, James. On the immediate cause of Sleep. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. LXXXL, 1854, pp. 649-656. Capron, , et Feneulle. Analyse des Racines de 1'Ellebore noir. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 503-508 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 150-151; Trommsdorff; N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 51-60. Capsoni, Giovanni. Sull' olio di merluzzo e sulle sue mediche proprieta. Cattaueo, Giorn. Farm. XIV., 1831, pp. 9-19. 2. Su di un nuovo metodo di render dolce 1'ncqua de mare. Cattaueo, Bibl. di Farm. I., 1834, pp. 7-8. Capsoni, Giovanni. 3. Saggio di una niono- grafia dell' ambra gialla. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XII., 1839, pp. 118-121, 182-188, 245- 249, 213-218 (313-318), 366-369 ; XIIL, 1840, pp. 105-108, 162-165. Capucina, G. Account of Tortricides captured in the New Forest in September 1841. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1842, pp. 365-366. Capuron, . Memoire sur la situation du foetus pendant la grossesse. Journ. Heb. de Med. X. 1833, pp. 435-448. Caque, J. Note sur la Formule de M. TAYLOR. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 379-382 ; Grunert, Archiv, VIII., 1846, pp. 166-174. 2. Note sur le lieu de sommet d'un angle dont les cotes soiit respectivement tangents a deux coniques ayant un foyer commun, les rayons menes de ce foyer aux deux points de contact faisant un angle constant donne. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1862, pp. 402-405. Caraffa, Andrea. Brevi osservazioni in risguardo alia serie Lagrangiana, dedotta dalla maniera stessa, con cui si stabilisce comunemente la mede- sima serie. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 43-46. 2. Principio del moto relative : forze pro- porzionali alle semplici velocita. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 249-251. 3. Teoremi dinamici, stabiliti per mezzo del principio del moto relative, giti notissima per altre vie. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 342- 346. 4. Cenni sul movimento di un grave net mezzo resistente, qualunque sia del resto la funzioue, che assumesi, della velocita a rappre- sentare la resistenza di esso mezzo. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 369-372. 5. Principio delle velocita virtuali. Pa- lomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 385-390. Caraguel, . Travaux des araignees en rap- port avec 1'etat present ou prochain de 1'atmo- sphere. Paris r Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 457-458. Caraman, Adolphe de. Voyage de Horns a Pal- myre. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XIIL, 1840, pp. 321-345. 2. Apercus generaux sur la Syrie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XV., 1841, pp. 5-26. Carandino, Giovanni. Osservazioni sopra le radici immaginarie delle equazioni di grado supe- riore al quarto. Giorn. Arcad. XXXII., 1826, pp. 90-93. Carbonel, Fr. Sur un nouveau genre de peinture avec le serum ou 1'eau du sang. Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, pp. 228-233 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLV.. 1802, pp. 246-253 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XV., 1803, pp. 240-245. CAR] 785 [CAR Carbonnel, . Sur 1'huitre des cotes de France, 1'amelioration des pares ou Ton 1'eleve, et la cer- titude d'en etablir a voloute des banes artificiels. Mag. de Zool. 1845, pi. 11,5. 2. Sur certaines circonstances que presen- tent les huitres obtenues par reproduction arti- ficielle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 447-448. Carbonnelle, J. Exatnen des cas douteux dans les triangles spheriques. Bruxelles, Acarl. Sci. Bull. XIX., 1852 (pte. 3), pp. 71-81. 2. Theorie geometrique du parallelogramme de WATT. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XX., 1853 (pte. 2), pp. 1 1-39. 3. Integration d'uri systeme de cinq equa- tions aux derivees partielles, qui se presente dans la transformation de plusieurs problemes de geometric et de physique mathematique. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XXII., 1855 (pte. 2), pp. 652-668. Carburi, Marco. Nuove esperienze sopra 1'acido vitriolico glaciale. Padova, Mem. Accad. 1809, pp. 133-138. Carcei et Careau. Description of a lamp upon ARGAND'S Principle, with improvements, in which the oil is maintained at the same level by the constant action of a pump. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 108-114. Cardan, . Observations sur la vegetation du Noyer commun (Juglans regia). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVII., 1848, pp. 650-653. Cardinal) . Ueber Anwendung und Zeich- nung der Cycloide, Epicycloide und Hypocy- cloide. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XXXV., 1830, pp. 329-332. Cardinal!, . Del nuovo gelso delle isole Filippine. Giom. Arcad. LXIX., 1836, pp. 3-17. Cardinali, Francesco. SulP integrazione di un nuovo canone d' equazioni differenziali d' ordine alto. [1806.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIIL, 1807, pp. 381-389. Cardona, Filippo. Delle Pestilenze. Firenze, II Tempo, III., 1859, pp. 401-414; IV., pp. 18-35, 121-146. Car done, Giacomo. Inspirazione del protossido di azoto. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1825, pp. 144-145. 2. Inspirazione del gas in fiammabili. Brug- natelli, Giornale, VIII., 1825, pp. 295-296 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. II., 1825, pp. 360-361 ; Omodei. Annal. Univ. XXXV., 1825, pp. 313- 316. 3. Analisi chimica della china bicolorata, ed esatta notizia sulla pianta che produce tale eorteccia. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. III., 1826, pp. 203-209 ; Omodei, Annal. Univ. XXXVIIL, 1826, pp. 241-246. Cardone, Giacomo. 4. Osservazioni chimiche intorno ai principal! reageuti dell' arsenico. Cat- taneo, Bibl. di Farm. VI., 1836, pp. 153-162. 5. Analisi di un calcolo. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XL, 1839, pp. 213-215. Cardone, Luigi. Di Salso e delle sue saline. II Politecnico, XI., 1861, pp. 237-240. Cardone, Luigi, et A. Seveso. Analisi chimica dell' aqua madre delle saline di Salsomaggiore. Polli, Annal. di Chira. XXIV., 1857, pp. 357- 365 ; XXV., 1857, pp. 53-64. 2. Sull' estrazione dell' iodio. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XX VI., 1858, pp. 198-200. Carega, F. Sulla costituzione del burro. Nuovo Cimento, IV., 1856. pp. 108-111. Carena, Hyacinthc. Description d'un instrument propre a indiquer et a mesurer 1'inclinaison des vents Si 1'horizon. [1808.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1809-10 (pte. 2), pp. 92-97. 2. Description d'uu nouveau barometre pour les Aeronautes. [1812.] Turin, Mem. Acad. 1811-12, pp. 345-354. 3. Sur le givre figure dont se couvrent les vitres pendant les fortes gelees. Turin, Mem. Acad. 1813-14, pp. 56-79. 4. Lettre au Prof. PICTET sur une experi- ence relative a la transmission du ealorique. Bibl. Univ. II., 1816, pp. 238-240. 5. Monographic du genre Hirudo, ou de- scription des especes de Sangsues qui se trouvent, ou qui sont en usage en Piemont, avec des ob- servations sur la generation, et sur d'autres points de 1'histoire naturelle de quelques unes de ces especes. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXV., 1820, pp. 273-316; XXVIII., 1824, pp. 331- 337 ; Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837, pp. 94-97 ; Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. I., 1822, pp. 254-259. 6. rpiccoli Crostacei dei generi Apus, Daphnia, e Branchipus, veduti a Schoenbrunn misti coll' acque di pioggia.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVIII., 1824, pp. Ixxvi-lxxvii. Caresxne, . Sur 1'etude de la Meteorologie. Amiens, Mem. 1837, pp. 49-69. Carette, G. Das Mehfiri oder Dromedar. Fro- riep, Notizen, I., 1847, col. 144-149. Carey, Edward. On preventing the Dry Rot in ships. Gill, Techn. Microsc. Repos. VI., 1830, pp. 240-244. Carey, John. Description of three new Caricea, and a new species of Rhynchospora. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 22-25. 2. Notes on some Chenopodiaceas, growing spontaneously about the City of New York. Silliman, Journ. VIL, 1849, pp. 167-171. 3. Remarks on the distortion of the Ache- nium in certain species of Carex. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1853, pp. 22-24. 5 G CAR] 786 [CAR Carez, M. Expose succinct des^ connaissances positives actuelles sur Ics qualites, le choix et la convenance reciproque des materiaux propres a la fabrication des mortiers, suivi de considera- tions sur la recherche de calcaires a ciments et chaux hydrauliques. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. II., 1844, pp. 244-285. - 2. Recherches, dans la province de Liege, de substances calcaires propres a fournir des chaux hydrauliques ou des ciments. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. H., 1844, pp. 286-291. 3. Recherches, dans la province de Luxem- bourg, de substances calcaires propres a fournir des chaux hydrauliques, des ciments, ou des pouzzolanes. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. IV., 1846, pp. 295-320. 4. Notice statistique des chaux et ciments de Hainaut. Hainaut, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 289-258. 5. Recherches, dans la province de Hainaut, de substances calcaires propres a fournir des chaux hydrauliques ou des ciments. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. IX., 1850-51, pp. 229-274. 6. Recherches, dans la province de Namur. de substances calcaires propres a fournir des chaux hydrauliques ou des ciments. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. IX., 1850-51, pp. 275-314. Cargill, Thomas. On the construction of wrought iron lattice Girders. Franklin Inst. Journ. XLVL, 1863, pp. 1-11, 82-90, 155-163, 225- 235, 298-309, 375-383. Cari-Mantrand, . Sur la decomposition par 1'acide chlorhydrique du sulphate et du phosphate de chaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 864-868 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, LXIL, 1854, pp. 238-241. Carion, Carl Stellwag von. Beitrag zur Lehre von dem Accomodations-Vermogen des mensch- lichen Auges. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte. VI., 1850, pp. 125-138, 178-203. 2. Zur Lehre von den Glashiiuten im Allge- meinen. Wein. Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, VIII., 1852 (Hft. 2), pp. 385-397. . 3. jleber doppelte Brechung und davon abhangige Polarisation des Lichtes im mensch- lichen Auge. [1851.] Wien, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. V., 1853, pp. 1-72; Wien, Zeitschr. Ge- sell. Aerzte, IX., 1853 (Hft. 2), pp. 318-440. . 4. Beitrage zur Lehre von dem angebornen Mangel der Regenbogenhaut. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, IX., 1853, pp. 21-30. 5. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Hemmungs- bildungen des menschlichen Auges. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, X., 1854, pp. 16-57. 6. Theorie der Augenspiegel. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, X., 1854 (Hft. 2), pp. 198-255. Carion, Carl Stellwag von. 7. Zweiter Beitrag zur Lehre von den Hernmungsbildungen des menschlichen Auges. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, X., 1854, pp. 229-244. 8. Zur Lehre von dem Albinosauge und von dem Leuchten des Auges. Wien, Zeitschr. Gesell. Aerzte, XL, 1855, pp. 64-86. Carius, L. Ueber die Thonschiefermetamorphose bei Eichgriin in Sachsen. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 45-56. 2. Absorptiometrische Untersuchungen. Liebig, Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 129-166; An- nal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1856, pp. 418-419. 3. Zur Kenntniss der Manganoxydsalze. Liebig, Annal. XCVIIL, 1856, pp. 53-66. 4. Nachweisung des Absorptionsgesetzes fur Ammoniakgas. Liebig, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 129-164. 5. Ueber die Chloride des Schwefels. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 128-134 ; Liebig, Annal. CVI., 1858, pp. 291-336; Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1858, pp. 233-238 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 143-145. 6. Ueber die Chloride des Schwefels und deren Derivate. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 180-184 ; Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 209-226 ; CXI., 1859, pp. 93-113; Annal. de Cbimie, LVIL, 1859, pp. 344-349. 7. Ueber die Aether der schwefligen Saure. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 216-218 ; 1859-60, pp. 23-25 ; Liebig, An- nal. CXIV., 1860, pp. 140-147. 8. Ueber aquivalente Ersetzung von Sauer- stoff und Schwefel. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1857-59, pp. 225-229; Annal. de Chimie, LVIIL, 1860, pp. 108-111; Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 190-201. 9. Krystallographische Notiz des'Cers und Lanthans. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 352-356. 1O. Ueber eine neue mit Oelsiiure homologe Saure = C ]5 H^ O 2 . Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 25-26. 11. Ueber die Elementaranalyse organischer Verbindungen. Heidelberg, Verhand. Nat. Med. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 49-54 ; Chemical News, III.. 1861, pp. 67-68 ; Liebig, Annal. CXVL, 1860, pp. 1-30. 12. Ueber einen neuen Aether der schwefli- gen Saure. Liebig, Annal. CXIII., 1860, pp. 36- 38. 13. Ueber eine neue Saure der Reihc C n H 2n - 2 O 2 Liebig, Annal. CXIV., 1 860, pp. 147-156. 14. Ueber die Doppelsulfide der Alkohol- radicale. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 313- 318. CAR] 787 [CAB Carius, L. 15. Ueber die, den Phosphorsauren sich anscliliessenden Gruppen neuer organischer Kor- per. Liebig, Annal. CXIX., 1861, pp. 289-302. 16. Ueber die Sulfide der Alkoholradicale. Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 71-77. 17. Entstehung der Schwefelessigsaure und ihrer Analogen durch Oxydation von Sulfosauren derselben Basicitiit. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV. 1862, pp. 43-57. 18. Einwirkung von Selenphosphor auf Alkohol. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 57- 59. 19. Ueber die deni Glycerin entsprechenden Sulf hydrate. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 221-242. 2O. -Ueber Aethylenmonosulfhydrat und die Isathionsaure. Liebig, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 256-264. 21. Syn these mehrsauriger Alkohole. Lie- big, Annal. CXXIV., 1862, pp. 265-266. 22. Ueber eine neue Classe von Verbind- ungen des Bleies. Liebig, Annal. CXXV., 1863, pp. 87-95. 23. Ueber Additionen von Unterchlorig- saurehydrat und von Wasserstoffsuperoxyd. Liebig, Annal. CXXVL, 1863, pp. 195-217. 24. Remarques a 1'occasiou d'un Memoire de M. NICKL^'S, sur certains sels quadruples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, p. 595. Carius, L., und R. Blum. Ueber eine Pseudo- morphose von amorpliem Quarz nach Crelestiu. Poggend. Annal. CIIL, 1858, pp. 628-636. Carius, L., und E. Fries. Verhalten der Chlo- ride des Schwefels gegen Amylalkohol. Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 1-10 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.LXXVL, 1559, pp. 374-377 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 143-145. Carius, L., und Reimaim. Ueber Ferrocyan- wasserstoff. Liebig, Annal. CXIIL, 1860. pp. 39 -41. Carius, L., und Wanklyn. Ueber eine neue Wasserstoffverbindung des Eisens. Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 69-76. Carl, Fried. Untersuchung der warinen Quelle des Genieindebades in Wiesbaden. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXX., 1857, pp. 89-99. Carl, II. Ein Verfahren sich schnell leicht und sicher von der Beschaffenheit eines Biers, riick- sichtlich seines Gehalts an nahrenden und stark- enden Bestandtheilen iiberzeugen zu konnen, nebst Beschreibung des dazu nothigen Apparates. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIII.. 1833, pp. 107-120. Carl, Ph. Erscheinung der Sonnenflecken. Heis, Wochenschrift, II., 1859, pp. 157-158 (149-150). 2. Sonnenfleckenbeobachtungen angestellt im Jahre 1859 an der konigl. Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen bei Miinchen. Astr. Nachr. LIL, 1860, col. 195-198. Carl, Ph. 3. Sonnenfleckenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. LIV., 1860, col. 61-62. 4. Ueber die galvanische Polarisation bei unterirdisch eingegrabenen Metallplatten. Pog- gend. Annal. CXI., 1860, pp. 346-349; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 377-379; Berlin, Tele- graph. Vereins Zeitschr. VIII., 1861, pp. 7-9. 5. Ueber das Verhaltniss der Storungen der horizontalen und verticalen Intensitat des Erdmagnetismus. Astr. Nachr. LV., 1861, col. 241-246. 6. Ueber die Gewittererscheinungen in Miinchen und ihren Zusammenhane; mit der Teuiperatur. Poggend. Annal. CXIL, 1861, pp. 107-122. 7. Beobachtungen von Sonnenflecken. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 49-50. 8. Sonnenfleckenbeobachtungen. Astr. Nachr. LVIIL, 1862, col. 11-14. " Carle, . Ueber das Eierlegen und Aufwachsen der Jungen des Albatros (Diomedea exulans). Froriep, Notizen, XXXIV., 1832, col. 177-180. Carleer, Leon Henri Marie. Examen des princi- pales classifications adoptees par les zoologistes. Annal. Univ. Belg. L, 1858-59. Carless, T. G. Memoir to accompany the survey of the Delta of the Indus in 1837. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 328-366; Bombay, Govt. Records, N. XVII., 1855, pp. 459-500, 501-540. 2. Remarks on the course of the Hurricane which occurred on the Malabar Coast in April 1847. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 76-84; Bombay, Geogr. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 93-100. Carlet, Henri. Sur 1'acide sebacique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 128-130; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 181- 183; Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 176- 177. 2. Note sur les amides resultant de 1'action de 1'ammoniaque sur les matieres grasses. Pari?, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1859, pp. 73-77. 3. Recherches sur les produits d'oxydation de la dulcine par 1'acide azotique. Premiere partie : Production de 1'acide racemique arti- ficiel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 137-139 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIL, 1861, pp. 117-119; Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1860, pp. 521-524; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 161-164; Liebig, Annal. CXVIL, 1861, pp. 143-144. 4. Note sur la formation de 1'acide para- tartrique par la mannite et 1'acide azotique, et sur la derivation des acides tartrique et paratar- trique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, , pp. 343-345 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXVIL, 1862, pp. 238-240. 5 G 2 CAR] 788 [CAR Carlet, Henri, et J. Bouis. Formation de 1'alcool ccuanthylique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 140-141 ; Paris, Soc. Cliim. Bull. 1862, pp. 94-95 ; Licbig, Annal. CXXIV., 1 862, pp. 352-355. Carli, Andrea dc\ Sul vantaggio che puo cavarsi dal tiglio del gambo de' lupini facendone carta. Milano, Atti Soc. Patr. II., 1789, pp. 252-256. Carlier, . Anglearia antennata. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 659-660. Carlier, G. J. P. Beschrijving van de vogelnest- klippen te Karang-Bollong. Batavia, Tijdschr. Batav. Gcuoots. I., 1853, pp. 304-322. Carlile, Hugh. Abstract of Observations on the Motions and Sounds of the Heart. Brit.. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 454-460. 2. Experiments and observations on the Motions and Sounds of the Heart. Dublin Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. IV., 1834, pp. 84-107. 3. Report on the Motions and Sounds of the Heart. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835, pp. 243-250. - 4. Second Report of the Dublin Sub- Coniroittee on the Motions and Sounds of the Heart. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, pp. 275-283. Carlini, Francesco. Delia rifrazione astronoinica. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1807, pp. 35-58. 2. Opposizione di Cerere dell' anno 1806. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1808, pp. 26-28. 3. Osservazioni di Pallade presso Fopposi- zione fatte negli anni 1803, 1805, e 1807. Mi- lano, Ephem. Astr. 1808, pp. 29-44. 4. Osservazioni e tavole della rifrazione astronomica. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1808, pp. 45-60. 5. Ueber einige nicht unbedeutende Fehler in Herrn DELAMBKE'S neuesten Sonnentafeln. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIII., 1808, pp. 197- 200. 6. Ueber eine neue und leichte Art, die Aenderungen der um den Mittag herum beo- bachteten Scheitel - Abstande in allgemeine Tafeln zu bringen und daraus zu berechnen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIIL, 1808, pp. 294- 298. 7. Leichte Methode Stern - Bedeckungen vom Monde zu berechnen. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVIIL, 1808, pp. 528-536. 8. Tavole per calcolare la correzione delle distanze dal zenit osservate presso il meridiano per la latitudine di 45 28' 0". Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1809, pp. 50-64. 9. Metodo facile per calcolare le occulta- zioni delle stelle sotto la Luna. Milano, Ephem. Astr, 1809, pp. 89-96. 1O. Beobachtungen der Juno zur Zeit ihres Gegenscheins mit der Sonne; an dem Ramsden' schen achtfussigen Mauer-Quadranten angestellt. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XLX., 1809, pp. 99-101. Carlini, Franceseo. 11. Sul grado di conver- genza delle diverse serie che servono ad espri- mere le ineguaglianze della longitudine della Luna. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1812. pp. 102-113. 12. Sopra alcune funzioni esponenziali comprese nella formola X A . Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, I., 1812-13, pp. 167-178 : Brug- natelli, Giornale, IV., 1821, pp. 227-239. 13. Sulle formole della parallasse e della latitudine della Luna. Milano, Ephem. Astr. 1813, pp. 117-121. 14. Ricerche sulla eonvergenza della serie che serve alia soluzione del Problema di KEPLERO. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 458-460 ; Milano, Ephem. Astr. 181-8, pp. 3-48. 15. Opposition der Vesta 5m Jahre 1816 beobachtet am Mauer-Quadranten vom RAMSDEN zu Mailand. Lindenau, Zeitschr. III.. 1817, pp. 326-327. 16. Lettre : Azimuts observes u Modene, etc. Zach, Corresp. II., 1819, pp. 83-85. 17. Lettre : Observations de 1'etoile po- laire, etc. Zach, Corresp. IL. 1819, pp. 281- 283. 18. SulP ecclise del Sole del di 7 Sett. 1820. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1820, pp. 157-165. 19. Sulle ineguaglianze della longitudine della Luna usate nelle tavole del Sig. BURCHK- ARDT. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1820, pp. 47-52. 20. Notizie sulla cometa attualmente visi- bile. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV., 1821, pp. 59- 61. 21. Observations originales de la comete decouverte dans la constellation du Lynx en 1819, faites a Milan. Zach, Corresp. V., 1821, pp. 551-556. 22. Relazione delle operazioni intraprese al fine di determinare le differenze di longi- tudini fra diversi luoghi d' Italia col mezzo de' segnali a polvere dati sul monte Cimone. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1823, pp. 27-63. 23. Sur la reduction des observations de la Lune, faites a la lunette meridienne. Zach, Corresp. VIIL, 1823, pp. 479-482. 24. Osservazioni della lunghezza del pen- dolo semplice fatte all' altezza di millc tese sul livello del mare. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1824, pp. 28-40. 25. Costruzione d'un'orologio a pendolo che corregga le ineguaglianze provenienti dalla variazione della densita dell' aria. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1825, pp. 338-341 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXI., 1826, p. 376. 26. Considerazioni sulle iueguaglianze a lungo periodo che alterano le epoche della longitudine della Luna. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1825, pp. 13-80. CAE] 789 [CAR Carlini, Francesco. 27. nouv.elles comctes, etc. pp. 600-603. 28. Cometes de Fan 1825 et 1826. Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 389-412. 29. Valore del coefficiente numerico Lettre : Sur les deux Zach, Corresp. I., 1825, Zach, dsl termine principale della variazidne dedotto dalle ascension! rette della Luna, osservate negli anni 1820-23. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1827, pp. 35-78. 3O. Delle irregolarita che si osservano nei livelli a bolla d' aria. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1827, pp. 79-87. 31. Ueber die Logarithmen - Tafeln mit zehn Dezimalen. Wien, Jahrb. Pol. Inst. X., 1827, pp. 77-80. 32. Sulla legge dellc variazioni orarie del Barometro. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XX., 1828, pp. 198-242. 33. Esposizione delle osserA'azioni di segnali a polvere nuovamente accesi sul Monte Baldo e sul Cimorie noil' anno 1825 a fine di determinare le differenze di longitudine fra varj punti della Italia Superiore. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1828, pp. 33-120; 1829, pp. 25- 65. 34. Sulla piccola ineguaglianza del moto della Terra che ha per argomento la longitudine del Sole ineno il perigeo della Luna. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1830, pp." 57-108 ; 1831, pp. 76- 104; 1832, pp. 3-74 ; 1834, pp. 127-136. 35. Latitudine dell' Osservatorio meteoro- logico dell' I. R. Universita, di Pavia. Bibl. Ital. LXL, 1831, pp. 367-376. 36. Calcolo delle co-ordinate ottogonali del sole riferite all' eclittica ed all' equatore. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1834, pp. 46-60. 37. Solstizj osservati col circolo multipli- catore di REICHENBACH negli anni 1830-35. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1836. pp. 3-112; 1838, pp. 3-48. 38. Esposizione delle operazioni cseguite per assicurare coll' erezione di due piramidi di granito i termini della base trigonometrica della triangolazione in Lombardia. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1837, pp. 67-92. 39. Sulla distribuzione e sull' uso delle Osservazioni Meteorologiche. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1838, pp. 65-100. 4O. Algoritmo pel calcolo delle perturba- zioni lunari. Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. Veneto, V., 1838, pp. 237-282. 41. Observations and elements of the great comet of 1843. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 299-300. 42. Sulla luce zodiacale. Milano, Giorn. 1st, Lomb. I., 1841, pp. 24-25. 43. SulP ecclisse solare del giorno 8 Luglio del corrente anno. Milauo, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1842, pp. 147-171. Carlini, Francesco. 44. Osservazioni Astrono- miche istitute nelF I. R. Osservatorio di Milano ed in altri luoghi nelF occasione dell' Ecclisse dell' 8 Luglio. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1842, pp. 338-350. 45. Dell' ampiezza dell' arco di meridiano che attraversando la pianura di Lombardia e ter- minate dai paralleli di Zurigo e di Genova. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1843, pp. 1-68. 46. Notizia dei lavori intrapresi per la costruzione d' una nuova pianta della citta di Milano. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IV., 1843, pp. 359-370. 47. [Sulla de term inazi one delle costanti arbitrarie dell' orbita lunare.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1844, pp. 68-69. 48. Solstizj osservati negli anni 1837 1844. Milano,' Effem. Astr. 1844, pp. 3-98 ; 1846, pp. 3-96. 49. Sul decrescimento del calore in alcuni luoghi d' Italia e di Savoja. Ranuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1844, pp. 156-163. 50. Sulla ineguale distribuzione del calore nel globo solare. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb, VI., 1845, pp. 448-474. 51. Dell' orbita ellittica della cometa ulti- mamente osservata, e di alcune leggi che appa- riscono nella distribuzione de' corpi del sistema solare. [1844.] Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. II., 1845, pp. 153-184. 52. Metodo sernplicissimo per rimediare al difetto della tavola di BARKER senza 1' ajuto di altre tavole sussidiarie. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 57-61. 53. Sull' orbita parabolica descritta da una cometa projettata sul piano dell' ecclittica. Pa- lomba, Raccolta, II., 1846, pp. 121-124. 54. Alcune considerazioni sul calcolo delle orbite delle Comete. Palomba, Raccolta, III. T 1847, pp. 1-11. 55. Untersuchungen iiber die Convergent der Reihe durch welche das Kepler' sche Pro- blem gelost wird. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 197-254. 56. Nuova determinazione della rifrazionc astronomica pel clima di Milano. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1850, pp. 49-102 ; 1852, pp. 4-56. 57. Intorno le misure per la determinazione della differenza di altezza fra il Mar Nero ed il Caspio. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 30-37 ; Nuovo Cimento, VI., 1857, pp. 382- 392. 58. Descrizione d' una macchinetta che serve a risolvere il probleina di KEPLERO, ossia a trovare 1' anoinalia eccentrica data 1' anomalia media, qualunque sia F eccentricita. [1852.~i Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. V., 1853, pp. 438- 445; Milano, Mem. 1st. Lomb. V., 1856, pp. 93-100. CAR] 790 [CAR Carlini, Francesco. 59. Sulle proprieta delle funzioni algebriche conjugate. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XIIL, 1854, pp. 357-374. 60. Nuove considerazioni sulle ineguag- lianze a lungo periodo clie alterano le epoche della longitudine della Luna. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1855, pp. 57-77. 61. Presentazione di varii documenti rela- tivi alia costruzione del Barometro CAMPIONE. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb-VHI., 1856, pp. 36-56. 62. Descrizione di due barometri di nuova forma costruiti per uso dell' Osservatorio di Milano. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1856, pp. 3-16. 63. Avvertenze sulla formula che serve a determinare le altezze per mezzo del barometro. Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 425-435. 64. Delle comete del 1264 e del 1556. Nuovo Cimento, IV., 1856, pp. 203-207. 65. Sulle vicissitudini della quantita an- nuale della pioggia osservata nella specola di BRERA. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 132-135. 66. Sulla legge della distribuzione delle piogge nei diversi mesi. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 254-257. 67. Documenti relativi all' annuneio del ritorno nel prossimo anno 1858 della Cometa apparsa nel 1856. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1858, pp. 3-61. 68. Considerazioni sulle vicissitudini della quantita annuale delle piogge osservata nella specola astronomica di Milano. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1859, pp. 3-32. 69. Determinazione del tempo e della lati- tudine dei luoghi coll' uso d' un semplice can- nocchiale. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1860, pp. 3-35; Nuovo Cimeuto, XIIL, 1860, pp. 51-79. 7O. Ricordi degli studi topografici eseguiti in Lombardia. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1863, pp. 3-26. 71. Application de la chambre claire a la photographic. Presse Scientifique, L, 1863, pp. 350-353. Carlini, Francesco, Bordoni, e Fiola. Kap- porto della comniissioue incaricata di esaminare 1' operetta del Sign or Luigi ANFOSSO di Torino, intitolala : " Saggio di tavole iiumeriche per la misura pratica delle volte a vela sferica di qua- lunque sesto su pianta quadrata." Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. L, 1841, pp. 276-281. Carlini, Francesco, et Plana. Observations sur 1'ecrit de LAFLACE, lu le 29 Mars 1820 au Bureau des Longitudes intitule : " Sur le per- fectionnement de la theorie et des tables lu- naires." Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 3-31. 2. Note sur 1'equation lunaire ayant pour argument le double de la difference entre les longitudes du noeud et du perigee. Zach, Corresp. IV., 1820, pp. 421-438. Carlisle, Anthony. A case of unusual Formation in a part of the Brain. [1791.] Soc. Imp. Med. Trans. L, 1793, pp. 212-214. 2. Observations upon the structure and economy of those Intestinal Worms called Tsenige. [1792.] Linn. Soc. Trans. II., 1794, pp. 246- 262. 3. Account of a peculiarity in the distri- bution of the Arteries sent to the Limbs of slow-moving animals, together with some other similar facts. Phil. Trans. 1800, pp. 98-105 ; 1804, pp. 17-22. 4. Account of some important Experiments in Galvanic Electricity. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII., 1800, pp. 337-347. 5. Account of a monstrous Lamb. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 139-144. 6. On the discolouration of Silver by Bird's Eggs. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 178- 179. 7. Letter on the Temperature of the Sea. Nicholson, Journ. VIIL, 1804, pp. 131-133. 8. The Croonian Lecture on Muscular Motion. [1804.] Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 1-30; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1806, pp. 113-123, 217-227. 9. The Physiology of the Stapes, one of the bones of the organ of hearing; deduced from a comparative view of its structure and uses in different animals. Phil. Trans. 1805, pp. 198-210. 1O. The Croonian Lecture on the arrange- ment and mechanical action of the muscles of Fish. [1805.] Phil. Trans. 1806, pp. 1-12. 11. An account of a family having hands and feet with supernumerary fingers and toes. [1813.] Phil. Trans. 1814, pp. 94-101. 12. Facts and observations relating to the Connexion between vascular and extra-vascular substances in living organized Bodies. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VI., 1815, pp. 3-7; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1815, pp. 174-178. 13. An account of a Walnut Tree, which bore Fruit at an early Period from Seed. [1812.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1817, pp. 3-6. 14. On the connexion between the Leaves and Fruit of Vegetables, with other physio- logical observations. [1816.] Hortic. Soc. Trans. II., 1817, pp. 184-188; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LX., 1822, pp. 38-42. 15. On the breeding of eels. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIX., 1822, pp. 109-110. 16. A series of facts and observations respecting the natural causes of Arborescent or Dendritic Figures in the two divisions of animal and vegetable structures and in mineral forma- tions. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVI., 1839, pp. 344-347. CAB] 791 [CAR Carlisle, Anthony. 17. Some observations tend- ing to demonstrate the dependence of vascular organization upon physical causes. Guy's Hosp. Eeports, V., 1840, pp. 1-14. Carlo, Amoretti. Sul trappo del monte Simmolo presso Intra in Riva al Verbano, e sui vetri che se ne sono formati. Moclena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIII., 1799, pp. 416-434. Carlo, F., et Ottavio. Sopra una nuova combi- nazione di iodio. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 241-244. Carlson, Carl Axelius. Dissertatio de Flora Strengnesensis. Upsala, Diss. Acad. I., 1799, pp. 137-203. Carlson, H. J. Dubbelfoster af Kalf, anatomiskt beskrifvet. Skand. Naturf. Forhandl. III., 1842, pp. 712-717. Carlsson, C. P. Peplolith en pseudomorphos af Cordierit. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XIV., 1857, pp. 241-246. Carmichael, Andrew. An essay on Dreaming, including conjectures on the proximate cause of Sleep. Tilloch, Phil, Mag. LIV., 1819, pp. 252- 264, 324-330. 2. Examination of Mr. MACNISH'S objec- tions to his theory of Sleep. Dublin Journ. Mecl. Chem. Sci. VII., 1835, pp. 66-80. Carmichael, Charles. On water as a moving power for Machinery. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 346-349. Carmichael, Charles and James. Account of a new and commodious method of regulating the movements of Steam-Vessels. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 159-164. Carmichael, Dugald. Some account of the Island of Tristan da Cunha and of its Natural Productions. [1817.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XII., 1818, pp. 483-513. 2. [On the geological structure of part of the Cape of Good Hope.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1821, pp. 614-616. 3. [Notes on the animals of the Cape.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 113- 122. Carmichael, Hugh. On the position of the Placenta or afterbirth in the womb during preg- nancy, and on the manner the latter organ expands therein, as also of its subsequent con- tractions in the process of parturition. Dublin Journ. Med. Chem. Sci. XIV., 1839, pp. 445- 480. Carmichael, James. Account of the principal limestone quarries of Scotland. Highland Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 57-84. . 2. An account of the principal marble, slate, sandstone and gi-eenstone quarries in Scot- land. Highland Soc. Trans. V., 1837, pp. 398- 416. Carmichael, Robert. On the index symbol of homogeneous functions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 277-284 ; VIII., 1853, pp. 81-91 ; Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 129-140. 2. LAPLACE'S equation and its analogues. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VII., 1852, pp. 126-137. 3. Theorems in the calculus of operations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIIL, 1853, pp. 165-171. 4. On LAPLACE'S equation and calculus of quaternions. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1853, pp. 216-220 ; Quart. Joum. Math. I., 1857, pp. 226-230. 5. LAPLACE'S equation, its analogues, and the calculus of imaginaries. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 273-284. 6. The equations of surfaces considered as sums of homogeneous functions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 55-60. 7. Remarks on integration. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 227-233. - 8. Theorems on the quadrature of sur- faces and the rectification of curves. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 266- 271 ; Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 209-214. 9. Methods in the integral calculus. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 507-512. 1O. On the singular solutions of differential equations. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 123-124; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 522-538. - - 11. On certain methods in the calculus of finite differences. Nat. Hist. Review, VH., 1860 (Proc.), pp. 78-92, 170-183. 12. Illustrations of Symmetrical Integra- tion. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 348-351. Carminati, Bassiano. Sopra nuovi medici usi del Colchico autunnale. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Lomb. I., 1812-13, pp. 147-152. 2. Sulle virtu e sugli usi medicinali del Tasso baccato. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Lomb. I., 1812-13, pp. 185-194. 3. Sull' indurimento cellulare dei neonati. Venezia, Mem. 1st. Lomb. III., 1816-17, pp. 335- 344. Carmoy, Reflexions sur 1'hydrophobie. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 303-310. Carnall, R. von. Die vorziiglichsten Hohen- punkte Ober-Schlesiens gegen den Oderspiegel, beim Einfluss der Neisse, und iiber der Meeres- Flache. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XVIIL, 1829, pp. 283-322. 2. Geognostische Vergleichung zwischen den Nieder- und Oberschlesischen Gebirgs-For- mationen, und Ansichten iiber deren Bildung. Karsten, Archiv, IV., 1832, pp. 303-361. 3. Die Spriinge im Steinkohlengebirge. Karsten, Archiv, IX., 1836, pp. 3-216. CAE] 792 [CAR Carnall, A', von. 4. Der Strebebau auf der Bleierz-Grabe Friedrich bei Tarnowitz. Car- nall, Zeitschr. I., 1854, pp. 1-61. 5. Die geognostische Karte von Ober- schlesien. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahrb. 1858, pp. 21-37. 6. Ueber die Lageruug und Verbreitung der Steinkohlenflotze in Oberschlesien. Breslau, Schles. Gesell. Jahresb. 1860, pp. 28-30. Carnall, R. von, und Z obeli. Geognostische Beschreibung von einem Theile des Nieder- Schlesischen, Glat/ischen und Bohmischen Ge- birges. Karsten, Archiv, III., 1831, pp. 3-94, 277-360 ; IV., 1832, pp. 3-172. 2. Zusammenstellung gemessener Hohenpunkte im Riesengebirge, Eulengebirge und im Mahrisch-Schlesischen Gebirge. Kar- sten, Archiv, IV., 1832, pp. 434-466. Carne, Joseph. An account of the Relistian Tin Mine. Phil. Trans. 1807, pp. 293-295 ; Nichol- son, Journ. XX., 1808, pp. 24-25. 2. On Elvan Courses. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 98-106, 241. 3. On the discovery of Silver in the mines of Cornwall. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 118-126. 4. Notice relative to the formation of Swimming Stone. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 239-240, 5. On the relative age of the Veins of Cornwall. [1818.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 49-128. 6. On the mineral productions and the geology of the parish of St. Just. [1821.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1822, pp. 290- 358. 7. On the singular state of some ancient coins lately found in the sands of Hayle, and on the evidence deducible from them relative to the period of the earliest deposition of sand on the northern coast of Cornwall. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 136-149. 8. On the Granite of the western part of Cornwall. [1827.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. III., 1827, pp. 208-246. 9. An account of the discovery of some varieties of Tin Ore in a vein, which have been considered peculiar to streams, with remarks on Diluvial Tin in general. [1830.] Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. IV., 1832, pp. 95-112. 1O. On the pseudomorphous minerals found in Cornwall, illustrative of a replacement of one mineral substance by another. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 24-31. 11. Additional contributions to the mine- ralogy of the parish of St. Just. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 47-50. Came, Joseph. 12. Notice of the remains of a Submarine Forest in the north-eastern part of Mount's Bay. Cornwall, Geol. Soc. Trans. VI., 1846, pp. 230-235. Carnegie, . An account of the late earth- quake at the islands of Antigua and Guadeloupe on the 8th of February 1843. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1843 (pt. 2), p. 59. Camel, - . Notice sur le groupe du gres vert inferieur du bassin de la Seine. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 736-788. Carnevale-Arella, . Considerations sur les causes physiques de la Nostalgic. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. XII., 1846, pp. 107-115. Carney, Charles T. Report on New England isinglass. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. VI., 1857, pp. 105-110 ; American Journ. Pharm. XXIX., 1857, pp. 513-518. Carney, Jean Alex. Meraoire sur un Meridien universel et sur une ere universelle a laquelle il se lieroit. Montpellier, Recueil des Bull. I., 1803, pp. 19-24, 35-44. 2. De la Geographic Physique ou naturelle consideree comnxe devant frayer la voie, tant a la Geographic astronomique ou mathcmatique qu'a la Geographic politique ou civile. Mont- pellier, Recueil des Bull. I., 1803, pp. 225- 280. 3. Mcthode pour tracer, pendant la nuit, une Meridienne fausse, d'ou se deduise une Meridienne vraie et tres-exacte. Montpellier, Recueil des Bull. I., 1803, pp. 300-311. 4. De la correspondance entre les Couleurs et les Lettres ou les Chiffres, et de la double telegraphic qui en resulte. Montpellier, Recueil des Bull. II., 1805, pp. 289-344. Carnot, Hector. Influence de la vaccine sur la population. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 359-360. 2. Etude sur 1'accroissement successif de la population. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 288-289. Carnot, L. N. M. Reflections on the Theory of the Infinitesimal Calculus, illustrated with Notes. (Transl.} Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VIII., 1800, pp. 222-240, 335-352 ; IX., 39-56. 2. Bericht iiber mehrere neue hydraulische Maschinen, welche Hr. MANNOT;RY-DECTOT vor- gelegthat. (Transl) [1812.] Gilbert, Annal. XL1IL, 1813, pp. 153-166. Carnot, L. N, M., et C. L. Berthollet. Rapport sur une nouvelle machine inventee par MM. NIEPCE et nommee par eux : " Pyreolophore." Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1807, pp. 146-153. Carny, . Notice sur les salines du departe- ment de la Meurthe. Nancy, Trav. Soc. Sci. 1808-9, pp. 20-24. Caroiau, W. Description of the Bird Fly. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1816, pp. 366-367. CAR] 793 [CAR Carolaii, W. 2. On the astonishing power which spiders have of conveying their Threads from one point to another at a considerable dis- tance from it without any intermediate com- munication. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 34-37 ; IX., 1817, pp. 306-310; Annal. de Chirnie, IV., 1817, pp. 307-310. Caron, Charles, Considerations sur les machines a reaction : turbine Fontaine-Fromont. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. II., 1852-54, pp. 311-319. 2. Experiences et observations sur la pisci- culture. Oise, Mem. Soc. Acad. II., 1852-54, pp. 450-459. Caron, H. Verhalten des Bleichkalks im Son- nenlicht. Liebig, Annal. XXXIX., 1841, pp. 124-125. 2. Memoire sur la reduction des chlorures de barium, de strontium et de calcium par le sodium. Alliages de ces metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIIL, 1859, pp. 440-442 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 318-321 ; Liebig, Annal. CXL, 1859, pp. 114-117. 3. Sur un nouveau mode de preparation du calcium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 547-549; Chemical News, L, 1860, p. 195; Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 355-358. 4. Sur la cementation du fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 564-566 ; Annal. de Chimie, LX., 1860, pp. 210-213; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 344- 347. 5. Sur 1'analyse et la constitution chimique des fontes et des aciers. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LI., 1860, pp. 938-941 ; Chemical News, TIL, 1861, pp. 20-21. 6. Recherches sur la composition de la fonte et de 1'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 515-519. 7. Theorie nouvelle de la cementation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 635- 639, 677-681 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 373-375 ; Moigno, Cosmos, XVIII., 1861, pp. 390-392. 8. Action de 1'hydrogene sur 1'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 960-962. 9. De la constitution de 1'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., .1861, pp. 1063-1066. 10. Influence des impuretes du fer sur la cementation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1190-1192. 11. Cementation du fer par 1'hydrogene carbone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, pp. 1246-1248. 12. Ueber die Darstellung des krystallis- irten Siliciums. Liebig, Annal. CXXI., 1862, pp. 245-247. Caron, //. 13. Des effets produits par 1'intro- duction des metaux du wolfram, dans la fabri- cation du bronze, de la fonte et de 1'acier. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 143-160. 14. Etudes sur 1'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 43-46, 211-215, 828- 832, 1017-1018; Chemical News, VII., 1863, pp. 245-246. 15. Sur 1'elimination du phosphore dans les fontes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 167-168. 16. De 1'influence des flux sur la compo- sition des fontes manganesiferes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 786-789. Caron, H., et H. Ste. Claire Deville. Du mag- nesium, de sa preparation et de sa volatilisation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 394- 396; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 46-48 ; Liebig, Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 359- 363. 2. Memoire sur le silicium et les siliciures metalliques. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 163-167 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIL, 1857, pp. 205-208; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 232-236. 3. Sur un nouveau mode de pro- duction a 1'etat cristallise d'un certain nombre d'especes chimiques et mineralogiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 764-768; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. .157-161 ; Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 55- 58. u^- - 4. Memoire sur 1'apatite, la wagnerite et quelques especes artificielles de phosphates metalliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 985-988 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 443-465 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVL, 1859, pp. 412-415 ; Liebig, Annal. CIX., 1859, pp. 242-244 ; Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 128-131. 5. Du magnesium. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 340-349; Chemical News, VII., 1863, p. 285. 6. Du silicium et des siliciures me- talliques. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1863, pp. 435-443. Carpelan, W. M. Et Besb'g i Fjeldstuen, 1823. Mag. f. Naturvid. III., 1824, pp. 1-27. Carpenter, . Aplanatic Solar Microscope. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, pp. 194-195. Carpenter, C. C. Note on Mollusks and Radiata from Labrador. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 158-159. Carpenter, George W. Some experiments and remarks on several species and varieties of Cin- chona Bark. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 363-365. 5 H CAR] [CAR Carpenter, George W. 2. Observations and ex- periments on Opium. Sillirnan, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 17-32. 3. Remarks on the use of Piperine, with the formula for its manufacture, together with observations and experiments on the Piper nigrum and its preparations. Silliman, Journ. XIII., 1828, pp. 326-335. 4. On the mineralogy of Chester County, with an account of some of the minerals of Delaware, Maryland, and other localities. Silli- man, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 1-10. 5. Observations on the inefficiency of the Cathartic powers of Rhubarbarine, with some remarks on the different varieties of Rhubarb. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1828, pp. 33-37. 6. On the muriate of Soda, or Common Salt, with an account of the salt springs in the United States. Silliman, Journ. XV., 1829, pp. 1-6. 7. Observations and experiments on Peru- vian Bark. Silliman, Journ. XVI., 1829, pp. 28-40. 8. Observations on a new variety of Peru- vian Bark, with some remarks on the Alkaline Bases, Quinine and Cinchonine. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1830, pp. 401-404; Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 52-56. 9. Notice of the vesicating principle of Cantharides. Silliman, Journ. XXL, 1832, pp. 69-70. 1O. Notice of new medical preparations : 1, Precipitated extract of bark ; 2, Oleoresinous extract of Mustard or oil of Sinapine. Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1832, pp. 293-297. Carpenter, Philip P. Descriptions of supposed new species and varieties of shells, from the Californian and West Mexican coasts, princi- pally in the collection of Mr. CUMING. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIII., 1855, pp. 228-235. 2. Report on the present state of our know- ledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856, pp. 159-368. 3. Notes on the species of Hipponyx in- habiting the American coasts, with descriptions of new species. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 3-5. 4. Description of new species of shells, collected by Mr. T. BKIDGES in the Bay of Panama and its vicinity, in the Cumingian col- lection. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 159-166. 5. Description of new species and varie- ties of Calyptrandfe, Trochida?, and Pyramidel- lila-, principally in the collection of Hugh CUMINU. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 166-171. Carpenter, Philip P. 6. Monograph of the shells collected by Mr. NUTTALL, on the Cali- fornian coast, in the years 1834-35. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 209-229. 7. First steps towards a monograph of the recent species of Petaloconchus, a genus of Vermetidaa. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV., 1856, pp. 313-317. 8. First steps towards a monograph of the Csecidag, a family of Rostril'erous Mollusca. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXVI., 1858, pp. 413-444. 9. On the relative value of human life in different parts of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, IV., 1859, pp. 173-186. 1O. Notice of the shells collected by Mr. J. XANTUS, at Cape St. Lucas. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 331-332. 11. Check. Lists of the Shells of North America. [I860.] Smithson. Miscell. Coll. II., 1862. 12. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, pp. 517-686. Carpenter, Philip P., and A. A. Gould. De- scriptions of shells from the G-ulf of California and the Pacific coasts of Mexico and California. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXIV. (pt. 2), 1856, pp. 198- 208. Carpenter, Thomas. Sur 1'attachement que les insectes portent a, leur progeniture. Sur les facultes instinctives et raisonnantes dans les insectes. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 452-456. 2. On the Microscope. Gill, Techn. and Microsc. Rep. VI., 1830, pp. 129-142, 194-210, 321-333 ; VII., pp. 1-7. Carpenter, W. B., and J. D. Dana. Analogy between the mode of reproduction in plants and the " Alternation of Generations " observed in some Radiata. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. L., 1851, pp. 266-268. Carpenter, William B. On the voluntary and instinctive actions of living beings. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XL VIII., 1837, pp. 22-44. 2. On the unity of function in organised beings. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIII., 1837, pp. 92-116; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1837, col. 161-168, 177-186. 3. On the differences of the laws regu- lating vital and physical phenomena. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIV., 1838, pp. 327-353. 4. Outline of a philosophical history of the reproductive function in Plants and Animals. Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. L, 1841, pp. 655-657. CAR] 795 [CAR Carpenter, William B. 5. General results of microscopic inquiries into the minute structure of the skeletons of Mollusca, Crustacea, and Echinodermata. Ann. Nat. Hist. XII., 1843, pp. 377-390 ; London, Physiol. Journ. (1843- 44?), pp. 107-112, 129-140. 6. On the Microscopic Structure of Shells. Brit. Assoc. Rep, 1843 (j>t. 2), pp. 71-72. 7. Report on the Microscopic Structure of Shells. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844, pp. 1-24 ; 1847, pp. 93-134 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Zool.\ 1844, pp. 117-119 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXI., 1844, col. 54-55; Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 283-285. 8. Report on the results obtained by the use of the microscope in the study of anatomy and physiology: Part 2, On the origin and function of cells. Forbes, Med. Review, XV., 1843, pp. 259-281. 9. On the minute structure of the skeletons or hard parts of Invertebrata. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1843, pp. 435-436. 1O. On the structure of the animal basis of the common Egg-shell, and of the Membrane surrounding the Albumen. [1842.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 109-110. 11. On Photography applied to Micro- scopic Objects. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), p. 48. 12. On the Microscopic Structure of Num- mulina, Orbitolites, and Orbitoides. Geol. Soc. Journ. VI., 1850, pp. 21-39. 13. On the mutual relations of the vital and physical forces. Phil. Trans. 1850, pp. 727-758. 14. On the influence of suggestion in modifying and directing Muscular Movement, independently of volition. Roy. Inst. Proc. I., 1851-54, pp. 147-153. 15. On the developement of the embryo of Purpura lapillus. Brit Assoc. Rep, 1854 (pt. 2), p. 108 ; Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1855, pp. 17-32. 16. Structure des Foraminiferes. L'ln- stitut, XXII., 1854, pp. 153-154. 17. On a peculiar arrangement of the sanguiferous system in Terebratula and certain other Brachiopoda. Roy. Soc. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 32-37. 18. On the lowest (Rhizopod) type of animal life, considered in its relations -to Phy- siology, Zoology, and Geology. Roy. Inst. Proc. II., 1854-58, pp. 497-503. 19. On the minute structure of certain Brachiopod Shells ; and on vegetable Cell- Formation. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 502-506. Carpenter, William B. 2O. Researches on the Foraminifera. [1855.] Part 1, General Introduction. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 181-236. Part 2, Genera Alveolina, &c. Ibid. pp. 547- 570. Part 3, Genera Peneroplis, Operculina, and Arnphistegina. Ibid. 1859, pp. 1-41. Part 4, Genera Polystomella, Calcarina, Tinoporus, and Carpenteria, with concluding summary. Ibid. 1860, pp. 535-594. 21. On the structure of the shell of Rhyn- chonella Geinitziana. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, p. 214. 22. Remarks on MM. KOREN and DANIELS- SEN'S " Researches on the Developement of Pur- pura lapillus." Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 16-21. 23. On the developement of Purpura. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 127-128. . On the relation of the vital to the physical forces. Roy. Inst. Proc. III., 1858- 62, pp. 206-209. 25. On Tomopteris onisciformis, Esch- scholtz. Linn. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1859, pp. 353-362. 26. General results of the study of typical forms of Foraminifera, in their relation to the systematic arrangement of that group, and to the fundamental principles of Natural History classification. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 185-201. 27. On the systematic arrangement of the Rhizopoda. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, pp. 456- 472. 28. Further researches on Tomopteris onisciformis, Eschscholtz. [I860.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXIII., 1862, pp. 59-68. 29. On the fossil human jawbone recently discovered in the gravel near Abbeville. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII., 1862-63, pp. 524-529. Carpenter, William B., Busk, and Falconer. An account of the proceedings of the late Con- ference held in France to inquire into the cir- cumstance attending the asserted discovery of a human jaw in the gravel at Moulin-Quignoii, near Abbeville ; including the Proces Verbaux of the sittings of the Conference, with Notes thereon. Nat, Hist. Review, 1863, pp. 423- 462. Carpenter, William M. Interesting Fossils found in Louisiana. Silliman, Journ. XXXIV., 1838, pp. 201-203. 2. Miscellaneous [geological] notices in Opelousas, Attakapas, &c. Silliman, Journ. XXXV., 1839, pp. 344-346 ; Bibl. Univ. XXVIII., 1840, pp. 213-215. 3. Account of the bituminization of wood in the human era. Silliman, Journ. XXXVI., 1839, pp. 118-124 ; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 183-187. 5 H 2 CAR] 796 [CAR Carpenter, William M. 4. Remarks and obser- vations on the formation of Fogs. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 40-50; Bibl. Univ. XLVL, 1843, pp. 151-155. 5. Some remarks on the methods in common use of obtaining the mean temperature of places, and on the supposed difference between the temperature of the Air, and that of the Earth. Silliman, Journ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 50-53 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXV., 1843, pp. 53-57 ; Quart. Journ. Meteorol. I., 1842, pp. 323-325. 6. Remarks on some fossil bones recently brought to New Orleans from Tennessee and Texas. Silliman, Journ. I., 1846, pp. 244-250. 7. Description of a peculiar arrangement of muscles in the Glass Snake (Ophisaurus). Silliman, Journ. II., 1846, pp. 89-95. Carpi, Pietro. Sopraun' acqua minerale acidulo- ferruginosa scoperta nelle vicinanze della Tolfa. Giorn. Arcad. XXXIX., 1828, pp. 205-211. 2. Sopra un' antica corrente di lava sco- perta nelle vicinanze di Roma, e sopra un' acqua minerale che sorge presso la medesima. Giorn. Arcad. XLL, 1829, pp. 158-171 ; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1829, pp. 637-644. 3. Sull' influenza del Magnetismo nelle chimiche combinazioni. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XX., 1829, pp. 55-81. 4. Osservazioni naturali fatte all' isola dell' Elba. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XX., 1829, pp. 63-80. 5. Esame fisico-chimico delle acque pota- bili di Roma. Giorn. Arcad. L., 1831, pp. 105- 146. Carr, John. Observations suggested by the geo- logical Paper of Mr. John FARET in last Month's " Philosophical Magazine." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1809, pp. 385-389. 2. On the natural causes which operate in the formation of valleys. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1809, pp. 452-459 ; XXXIV., 1809, pp. 190-200. 3. An inquiry into the terrestrial Phe- nomena produced by the action of the ocean. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 19-26, 137-143. 4. On the generation and other obscure facts in the natural history of the Common Eel. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 272- 277. 5. On the ascent of Salmon over the eleva- tions in the course of rivers, called Salmon- Leaps. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 321-324 ; Amsterdam, Tijdschr. v. Nat. Wetens. 1810-11, pp. 105-111; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 233-237. 6. On Salmon-Fry. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1810, pp. 251-256. Carr, John B. The diary of a Naturalist ; or Memoranda of the weather, arrival of birds, flowering of plants, &c., for the spring of the year 1830. Monthly Amer. Journ. Geol. I., 1831, pp. 21-27. Carr, Ralph. On the habits of the Tawny Owl, Strix Stridula. Annal. Nat. Hist. II., 1848, pp. 220-221. 2. On the flight of the Peregrine Falcon in pursuit of prey. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. 1849, pp. 89-98. 3. On extensive fissui'es observed in the stems of two living and healthy trees of the Spruce Fir. (Repr.) Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 6-8. 4. On the effects of the severe winter of 1854-55 upon evergreen vegetation in the North of England. Tyneside Nat. F. Club Trans. III., 1854-58, pp. 58-63. 5. "What is the use of the Lark's lone: heel- claw. Berwick. Nat. Club Hist. IV., 1863, pp. 209-210. Carradori, Gioachino. Objections contre 1'opi- nion du Prof. SPALLANZANI, sur la cause du luisant des phosphores naturels, etc. Annal. do Chimie, XXIV, 1797, pp. 216-224; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, p. 132. 2. Experiences pour prouver que les oiseaux de proie nocturnes digerent les substances vege- tales. Paris, Soc. Med. d'Emul. Mem. L, 1797, pp. 467-473 % 3. Experiences et observations sur la phos- phorescence des Lucioles, Lampyris Italica. An- nal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 96-101 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 77-80 ; Gil- bert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 205-213. 4. Experiences et observations pour prouver que la neige ne contient pas de 1'oxigene, etc. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, III., 1799, pp. 517- 524 ; Nicholson, Journ. (4to. Ed.) III., 1800, pp. 119-122; Journ. de Phys. XLVIIL, 1799, pp. 226-232 ; Lin., 1801, pp. 98-106. 5. Sur les experiences du Cit. PREVOST de Geneve sur la force expansible des emanations odoriferantes. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVII., 1800, pp. 38-56 ; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 34-39; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV, 1806, pp. 147-157. 6. Sur la couleur donnee, par le moyen du feu, au papier sur lequel on a ecrit avec le sue de citron. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 279-294. 7. On the attractive power of bodies floating on water. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL, 1801, pp. 27-29. 8. Experiences et observations pour deter- miner 1'influence de 1'oxygene sur la germination. Journ. de Phys. LIII., 1801, pp. 253-258 : Nicholson, Journ. L, 1802, pp. 204-210. CAR] 797 [CAR Carradori, Gioachino. 9. Sur 1'evaporation des fl aides. Annul, de Chimie, XLIL, 1802, pp. 65- 71 ; Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 103-107. 10. Objections opposees a une proposition remarquable de LAVOISIER. Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 192-196. 11. Sur quelques observations contraires a la theorie de LAVOISIER, faites avec la pile de VOLTA. Journ. de Phys. LV., 1802, pp. 317- 380. 12. Observations sur 1'opinion du C. COU- LOMB, sur le magnetisme universel. Journ. de Phys. LV., 1802, pp. 456-457. 13. Reponse aux objections du Cit.PREVOST [sur les raouvements spontanes]. Annal. de Chimie, XL VIII., 1803, pp. 197-217 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 158-184. 14. Esperienze ed osservazioni sopra la direzione della plumula e della radicula nelle semenze che germogliano. [1801.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. X., 1803, pp. 138-145. 15. Esperienze ed osservazioni sopra le proprieta fisiche dei sughi lattiginosi delle piante nostrali. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 62-74. 16. Dell' adesione o attrazione di superficie. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 75-91; Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 108-113. 17. Esperienze ed osservazioni per dimo- strare che le piante assorbiscono il carbonio. [1803.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 313-330. 18. Sur les apparentes repulsions entre quelques fluides. Annal. de Chimie, LI., 1804, pp. 217-233 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXL, 1805, pp. 156-161; Gilbert, Annal. XXIV., 1806, pp. 134-144. 19. Experiences et observations pour de- montrer que la decomposition de 1'eau par le moyen de la pile de VOLTA n'est pas prouvee. Journ. de Phys. LIX., 1804, pp. 20-42. 2O. Sperienze ed osservazioni sopra 1' irri- tabilita della Lattuga, con delle riflessione ge- nerali sull' irritabilita dei vegetabili. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIL, 1805 (pte. ii.), pp. 30-38 ; Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 160-166; LXVIL, 1808, pp. 405-413; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIL, 1812, pp. 138-143; New Med. Phys. Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 13-18; Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 456-460. 21. Dell' attrazione di superficie. [1808.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIL, 1805 (pte. ii.), pp. 89-112 ; XV., 1811, pp. 126-138. 22. L'ebullition n'est pas suffisante pour developper de 1'eau 1'oxygene qu'elle contient en etat de solution ou d'agregation. Journ. de Phys. LXIL, 1806, pp. 472-476 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 149-150; Nicholson, Journ. XVI., 1807, pp. 75-78. Carradori, Gioachino. 23. Sur la pretendue attraction de surface entre Phuile et 1'eau. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1807, pp. 65-70. 24. Del principio dolce degli oli. [1805.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIIL, 1807, pp. 100- 118; Schweigger, Journ. XXIV., 1818, pp. 424-438. 25. Memoria sulla respirazione dei Girini e delle Rane-Girini. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 19-28. 26. Risposta alle obbiezioni del Prof. BRUGNATELLI rapporto ai movimenti della canfora sull' acqua. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 97-139. 27. Esperienze ed osservazioni sopra il fosforo delle Lucciole. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 269-280. 28. Osservazioni sopra il risorgimento d' alcune piante gia seccate ; e riflessioni su questo fatto. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp.389-395. 29. Riflessioni sopra il principio costi- tuente il Contagio. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 395-401. 3O. Nuove trasformazioni della Tremella Nostoc, con altre osservazioni particolari sull' istesso soggetto. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 461-466. 31. Osservazioni sulla forza di coesione, o aggregazione dell' acqua. Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 467-470. 32. Opposizioni al sistema di LAVOISIER. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IL, 1809, pp. 136-142. 33. Dell' azione di diversi fluidi gazosi sopra il fosforo delle Lucciole (Lampyris Italica) e Luccioloni (L. splendidula). Brugnatelli. Giornale, IL, 1809, pp. 247-264. 34. Osservazioni sopra 1' intorpidimento de' Girini per il freddo, come delle Rane, e riflessioni sopra la causa dell' intorpidimento naturale, ossia letargo. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IL, 1809, pp. 305-310. 35. Sopra la distruzione del color verde operata dalla luce in alcuni vegetabili viventi. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 3-7. 36. Dubbj che il veleno della Vipera non agisca sul sangue. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 7-9. 37. Osservazioni sull' attrazione di super- ficie del fosforo col mercuric. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 261-269; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813, pp. 208-218. 38. Lettera al Sig. Prof. BRUGNATELLI nella quale si prova che 1' attrazione di super- ficie non par, che si possa coinprendere coh" adesione de' tubi capillari. Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, III., 1810, pp. 373-379. 39. Risposta al Sig. BELLANI per provare, che 1' olio non bolle. Brugnatelli Giornale, III., 1810, pp. 380-382. CAB] 798 [CAR Carradori, Gioachino. 4O. Rilicvi sopra la Me- moria del Siguor PROUST intitolata *' Fatti per servirc allo studio della polvere da cannone." Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1812, pp. 53-58. ^41. Dell' evaporazione del ghiaccio e della neve. Bruguatelli, Giornale, V., 1812, pp. 203-208. 42. Tentutivi per invesfcigarc 1' azione delle sostanze medicamentose siuT economia del vegetabili. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1812, pp. 356375. 43. Dell' azione del fluido elettrico, o gal- vanismo, come medicamento. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. XIIL, 1813, pp. 33-37. 44. Esperienze ed osservazioui per dimo- strare la maravigliosa prontezza, con cui 1' acqua assorbisce il gas termossigene (ossigene) dall' atmosfera. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 333-341. 45. Esperienze ed osservazioni sopra la respirazione delle larve delle Libellule. Brug- natelli, Giornale, VI., 1813, pp. 450-460. 46. Parallelo della Gomma nostrale con la Gomina Arabica. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 161-168. 47. Osservazioni sulle Galle, o false Galle, dell' Azzeruolo salvatico o Spin bianco (Crataegus inonogynia) ; dalle quali si rileva, che son ca- gionate da una nuova specie di Ruggine. Brug- natelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 223-229. 48. Dell' eccitabilita del fosforo delle Lucciole. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 306-312. 49. Del sonno delle piante. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 329-^351. 50. La luce di alcuni fosfori naturali non e di combustione. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814. pp. 361-365. 51. Esperienze ed osservazioni sulla sen- sitiva (Mimosa pudica) per rilevare se le piante siano dotate di sensibilita. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 409-433. 52. L odore e egli costituito da una sos- tanza particolare ? Brngnatelli, Giomale, VIII., 1815, pp. 50-53. 53. L' attrazione di superficie si pud ella considerare una repulsione ? Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, VEIL, 1815, pp. 116-120. 54. Esperienze ed osservazioni per rilevare se i sali abbiano un' azione diretta ed immediata sulla vegetazione delle piante. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 212-220; Journ. de Phys. LXXXL, 1815, pp. 369-378. 55. Della ruggine del gran turco (Zea Mays). Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 237-241. 56. Dell' antichita del controstimolo. Bruguatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 360- 362. Carradori, Gioachino. 57, Osservazioni sopra alcuni fiori mostruosi. Bruguatelli, Giornale VIIL, 1815, pp. 379-381. 58. Esperienze ed osservazioni per dimo- strare coutro il parere del Sig. DAVY, che la magnesia e nociva sempre aila vegetazione, cioe tanto quando non e, che qnando e calcinata, ossia. combinata, o no all' acido carbonico (ossicar- bonico). [1815.] Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 79-83, 386-392. 59. Sul movimento spontaneo di alcuni corpi galleggianti sull' acqua. Bruguatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 124-126. 6O. Della respirazione delle Testuggini o Tartarughe. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 317-318; Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 94-95. 61. Esperienze ed osservazioni per investi- gare in che consiste 1' azione immediata degl' ingrassi sull' economia dei vegetabili. Brug- natelli, Giornale, IX., 1816, pp. 339-343. 62. Esperienze ed osservazioni sulla trapi- antazione. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 81-87. 63. Breve analisi del composto particolare o carburo, che forma la magnesia per un' affinita chimica con gl' ingrassi. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 203-205 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXII., 1818, pp. 313-314. 64. Altre note sui movimenti di alcuni corpi sull' acqua osservati dal Sig. LEHOT. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 274-275. 65. Della contrattilita dei vegetabili. [1817.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII.. 1818, pp. 1-8. 66. Esperienze ed osservazioni sull' im- biancamento dell' olio. [1817.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII., 1818, pp. 9-13. Carrara, M. Sulla fosforescenza della Lucciola comune (Lampyris italica). Bibl. Ital. LXXXIL, 1836, pp. 357-370; Bibl. Univ. V., 1836, pp. 385-386. Carrard de Breban, Observations pour servir a la flore du departement de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VIII., 1829, pp. 42- 48. 2. Liste de quelques plautes observees aux environs de Troyes. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VIII., 1829, pp. 49-87. 3. Deuxieme supplement a la liste des plantes observees dans le departement de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XV., 1836, pp. 1-27. Carrasco, Jose Matias. Kurze Beschreibung der Provinz Mojos in Siid-Amerika. Liidde, Zeitschr. f. Erdk. III., 1844, pp. 33-54. Carre, . Precede pour fabriquer de la glace au moyen de Tether, sans deperdition. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1859, pp. 5-7. CAR] 799 [CAR Carre, . 2. Note sur un appareil propre a produire du froid. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., I860, pp. 1023-1027. 3. Note sur un moyen de remedier a la cristallisation dans la cementation partielle du fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 799- 801. 4. Sur un appareil ay ant pour objet la pro- duction du froid artificial. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIV., 1862, pp. 827-839. Carre, V. Memoire sur une question de pyro- technic. Metz, Mem. Acad. XXXV., 1853-54, pp. 179-190. Carrel, George. Sur un meteore lumineux vu dans le duche d'Aoste. Bibl. Univ. XXX VI., 1841, p. 196. 2. Notice sur les observations meteorolo- giques faites a Aoste, en 1841 et 1842. Bibl. Univ. XLL, 1842, pp. 144-159 ? XLLX., 1844, pp. 332-344. Carreno, . Notice sur un insecte dont 1'ordre . est incertain. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1841, pp. 205-210. 2. Description d'un nouveau genre de 1'ordre des Hemipteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1841, pp. 275-277. Carrere, . Deux precedes au moyen des- quels on peut produire avec une grande intensite le phenomene des anueaux colores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1046-1047. 2. Production des lames diaphanes minces, au moyen des dissolutions resineuses, et sur un papier a couleurs changeantes obtenu par 1'ap- plication de ces lames. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 669-670. Carrere, G. B. Memoire pour servir a 1'histoire du Tournis chez 1'homme. Paris,. Mem. Soc. Linn. III., 1825, pp. 196-210. Carrick, Thomas. On some indications of law in the grouping of unexplained Cosmical phe- nomena. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1857- 60, pp. 105-107. 2. On the Sun's Orbit Plane. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. I., 1857-60, pp. 187-189. Carrier, . Observation sur la morsure d'un reptile qu'on presume etre une vipere. Orleans, Bull. III., 1811, pp. 8-11. 2. Observation sur une dysphagie, causee par une alteration de I'oesophage. Orleans, Annal. IV., 1822, pp. 145-153. Carriere, Ed. Resume des travaux faits sur le goitre et le cretinisme, et en particulier du me- moire de M. FERRUS sur la question. Annal. Med. Psychol. IV., 1852, pp. 199-225. Carriere, P. La Scheelite dans le gite metal- lifere de Framoiit. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-53, pp. 15-18. Carrigan, . On some structural peculia- rities in the Pipe-fishes. Newman, Zoologist, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 6813-6814. Carrington, Benjamin. On Mnium orthorhyn- chum, Brid. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 329-331. 2. On the Orthotricheae of Yorkshire. Phytologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 569-575. 3. Remarks on the genus Orthotrichum. [1858.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. 45-58. 4. Notes on the Cyperaceai, No. 1. Carex Grahami, Boott; Eleocharis palustris, and its allies. [1861.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 259-262. 5. Notes on Cyperaceas, No. 2. On Scir- pus Holoschoenus and S. australis. [1862.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 320- 323. 6. Gleanings among the Irish Cryptogams. [1862.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 370-373, 379-381. 7. Description of two new species of Lichens from Ireland. [1862.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 411-412. 8. Irish Hepaticae. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VTL, 1863, pp. 441-458. Carrington, K. C. Observations of Juno. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, p. 162. 2. Observations of Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, p. 162. 3. Observations of PETERSEN'S 3rd Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, X., 1849-50, p. 165., 4. Description of an instrument for obtain- ing the corrections to be applied to Transit observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 186-187. 5. Observations of Flora. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 9-10, 58-59 ; XII., 1851-52, p. 130. 6. Observations of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 10-11. 7. Observations of BOND'S Comet. Astron. Sac. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 13-14, 63. 8. Observations of Egeria, Irene, Metis, Hebe, Eunomia, Hygeia, and Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850, pp. 126-127, 151- 152, 154-155, 173-174, 179, 204, 214-215. 9. Observations of D' ARREST'S new Comet, and of BRORSEN'S fourth Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 218-219, 221-222. 1O. Observations of the new planet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 61-64. 11. Observations of PETERSEN'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 67-70. 12. Observations of PETERSEN'S 3rd Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 107- 110. CAR] 800 [CAR Carrington, R. C. 13. Observations of DE GASPAKIS' new planet. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 303-368. 14. Observation of BOND'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 319-322. 15. Observations of Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 321-324 ; XXXII., col. 245-256; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XI., 1850-51, pp. 6-7, 55-56; XII, 1851-52, pp. 21-22, 131-132. 16. Beobachtungen der Irene und der Metis. Astr. Nachr. XXXII, 1851, col. 321- 326, 379-380. 17. Observations of Parthenope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851-52, pp. 23-25. 18. Observations of Pallas. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851-52, p. 25. 19. Mean places for 1850 of stars com- pared with Eunomia and Irene. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851-52, p. 26. 20. On the longitude of the Observatory of Durham, as found by chronometric compa- risons in the year 1851. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851-52, pp. 34-35. 21. Observation of the Solar Eclipse of 28th July 1851, made at Lilla Edet on the Gota river. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851- 52, pp. 55-57. 22. Observations of Egeria and ENCKE'S Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII, 1851- 52, pp. 133-134, 136-137. , 23. Beobachtungen der Irene und Hebe. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII, 1852, col. 7-10. 24. Note on a feature in the Asteroid system. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII, 1852, col. 17-18. 25. Beobachtungen am Fraunhofer'schen Equatoreal der Durhamer Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXIII, 1852, col. 267-272 ; XXXIV., 1852, col. 5-10, 151-156, 185-188. 26. On the orbit of the first Comet of 1850. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIII, 1852- 53, pp. 218-219. 27. Notice respecting the Observatory at Eed Hill. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 13-15. 28. Observations of Euterpe. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 35. 29. Observations on presenting copies of nine Circumpolar Charts. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 40-41. 3O. Notice of Comet II, 1854. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 152, 174-175. 31. On a method of observing the positions of spots on the Sun, with an example of its application. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 153-158. 32. Final determination of the path of the Comet I, 1850. Astr. Nachr. XXXVII, 1854, col. 41-48. Carrington, E. C. 33. On the method of ob- serving the positions of spots on the Sun, and of deducing their Heliographical longitude and latitude adopted at Red Hill Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, pp. 174-178. 34. The positions of twenty Polar Stars, as determined at Red Hill. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XVI, 1855-56, pp. 2-5. 35. Notice of his Solar-spot observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII, 1856-57, pp. 53-55. 36. Description of a variable hexagonal Diaphragm. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XVII, 1856-57, pp. 83-84. 37. On the application of the formulae for Precession in the case of stars near to the pole ; with a correction of a trifling error in the table given by Mr. BAILY in the preface of the B. A. Catalogue. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVII, 1856-57, pp. 260-262. 38. Remarks on the total eclipse of the Sun observable in Sept. 1858 in S. America. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIII, 1857-58, pp. 213-216. 39. Additional note on the observation of a Solar Eclipse. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIII, 1857-58, pp. 312-313. 40. Positions of the Solar macula) and faculae on the day of the S. American eclipse. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVITI., 1857-58, pp. 317-318. 41. On the evidence which the observed motions of the solar spots offer for the existence of an atmosphere surrounding the Sun. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 444-452 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIII, 1857-58, pp. 169-177. 42. On the distribution of the Solar Spots in latitude since the beginning of the year 1854. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1858-59, pp. 1-4. 43. On certain phenomena in the motions of Solar Spots. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1858-59, pp. 81-84. 44. Description of a singular appearance seen in the Sun on September 1, 1859. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 14-16. 45. On Dr. SCEMMERRING'S Observations of the Solar Spots in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 70-77. 46. An eye-piece for the Solar eclipse, and a proposed new design for vertically placed divided Circles. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1859-60, pp. 189-191. 47. On some previous observations of sup- posed planetary bodies in transit over the Sun. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 191- 192. CAR] 801 [CAR Carrington, It. C. 48. On two cases of Solar Spots in high latitudes, and on the surface currents indicated by the observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 255-259. 49. Formula} for the reduction of PAS- TORF'S observations of the Solar Spots. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 191-192. SO. Description of a new Chronograph. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. XXI., 1860-61, pp. 213-215. 51. Elements of Position of the Solar Equator. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXII., 1861-62, pp. 300-301. 52. On the distribution of the perihelia of the parabolic and hyperbolic Comets in relation to the motion of the Solar System in space. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXI., 1860-61, pp. 355-367. 53. On the motion of the Solar System in space. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIII.. 1862-63, pp. 203-204. Carrington, R. C., et Wolf. Nouvelles recherches sur les taches du soleil. Bibl. Univ. Archives. V., 1859, pp. 289-303. Carriol, . Beobachtuugen liber die aus den Krahenaugen erhaltene Sliure. Liebig, Annal. VIIL, 1833, pp. 45-47. Carrion-Hisas, A. de, et Mavignier. De la classification chimique. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 271-284. Carro, J. de. A letter on Cow Pock and Vac- cine Inoculation. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 191-192 ; VIIL, 1800, pp. 303-308 ; XVII., 1803, p. 94; XIX., 1804, pp. 92-94. 2. Sur un thermolampe etabli pros de Vienne en Autriche, dans une fabrique d'in- diennes. Bibl. Britannique, XXVI., 1804, pp. 303-308; Gilbert, Annal. XXII., 1806, pp. 79-83. 3. Sur le Vcr de Guinee et sur la piqure des Scorpions de 1'Inde. Bibl. Britannique, XXX., 1805, pp. 166-185 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 97-104 ; Hufeland u. Himly, Journ. Arzneik. XXXVIL, 1813, pp. 112-136. 4. On the possibility of naturalizing the Cachemire Goat of India to the climate of Eu- rope. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1806, pp. 97-103. 5. Letter on the mineralogy of the island of Ceylon. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1806, pp. 169-171. 6. Sur la maladie eruptive produite par 1'attouchement du Rhus vernix (toxicodendron). Bibl. Britannique, XXX VI., 1807, pp. 289-292. 7. Lettre sur un Aerolithe tombe en Mo- ravie. Bibl. Britannique, XXXVIII., 1808, pp. 193-195. 8. Lettre sur la decomposition des Alkalis par le precede de Mr. DAVY. Bibl. Britannique, XXXVIL, 1808, pp. 241-244. Carro, J. dc. 9. Notice sur le froid de 1'hiver 1808 a 1809 observe a Moscou. Bibl. Britan- nique, XLIIL, 1810, pp. 86-88. 10. Sur 1'effet des fumigations sulfureuses. Bibl. Univ. VL, 1817, pp. 201 -206. 11. Noch einige Bemerkungen iiber den Gebrauch der Jodine als Heilmittel. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 309-315. Carro, J. de, und Perret. Ueber die giftigen Wirkungen der Jodine bei ihrem Gebrauch gegen den Kropf. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 372-376. Carrol, Isaac. Notes on new or scarce Irish Plants. Phytologist, V., 1854, pp. 76-78. 2. New or scarce Irish mosses found chiefly in the county of Cork. Phytologist, I., 1855-56, pp. 236-239. 3. Notice of scarce Irish Plants. Phy- tologist, II., 1857-58, pp. 76-77. 4. Contributions to Irish Lichenology. Dublin, Zool. Bot. Assoc. Proc. I., 1859, pp. 268-274, 276-280; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 525-531, 531-533. Carroll, Isaac, and Lloyd. On the motion of the Boomerang. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 145-146. Carroll, Thomas. Observations on the proxi- mate cause of the intermitting pulse, and on the forces producing the Venous and Absorbent cir- culations. N. Amer. Med. Chir. Rev. V., 1861, pp. 453-468. Carron du Villards, Ch. J. F. Quelques nou- veaux faits d'insectes et autres animaux vivants qui attaquent I'o3il et ses annexes. Annal. d'Ocu- list. XXXVL, 1856, pp. 109-112. Carruthers, William. Dumfriesshire Grapto- lites, with descriptions of three new species. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. L, 1854-58, pp. 466- 470 ; Aim. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 23-26. 2. The geology of Moffat. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. II., 1859-62, pp. 383-390 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVI., 1862, pp. 33-40. 3. On a section at Junction Road, Leith. Geol. Soc. Journ. XVIII., 1862, pp. 450-453. 4. On some species of Oaks from Northern China, collected by W. F. DANIELL. [1861.] Linn. Soc. Journ. VL, 1862 (Bot.), pp. 31-33. 5. On Tryblionella Victorias and Denticula subtilis, two species of British Diatomaceae. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 16-17. 6. Hypnum exannulatum, Br. and Sch., a new British moss. Seeman, Journ. Bot. I.. 1863, pp. 55-56. 7. Hypnum exannulatum, Br. and Sch., and H. aduncum, L. Seeman, Journ. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 228-231. 8. Fucus distichus, Linn., as an Irish plant. Seeman, J6urn. Bot. L, 1863, pp. 353-355. 5 i CAR] 802 [CAR Carson, Alan W. On currents in water. Silli- man, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 340-344. Carson, James. On the elasticity of the Lungs. [1819.] Phil. Trans. 1820, pp. '29-44. 2. On the causes of the vacuity of the arteries after death. [1819.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XL, 1821, pp. 165-181. 3. On the circulation of the Blood in the Head. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXL, 1824, pp. 252-268. 4. On the influence of atmospheric pres- sure on the circulation of the Blood : being a reply to the observations of Dr. AKNOTT on that subject. London, Med. and Phys. Journ. LVIIL, 1828, pp. 125-131. 5* An inquiry into the sources of animal heat. North England Med. Surg. Journ. L, 1830-31, pp. 38-56; Froriep, Notizen, XXVIIL, 1830, col. 211-214. . 6. On the powers generated at the extremi- ties of the Capillary vessels for maintaining and pi'omoting the circulation of the Blood. Monthly Archives Med. Sci. L, 1834, pp. 295- 302. 7. On the motion of the blood. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV,, 1839, pp. 140-141. 8. Vital Temperature. Liverpool, Lit. Phil. Soc. I. (pt. 3), 1844-45, pp. 41-56. Carson, James, jun. Observations on the mecha- nism of respiration. Monthly Archives Med. Sci. L, 1834, pp. 17-22. 2. Case of anomalous cutaneous disease. Thomson, Eecords, III., 1836, pp. 141-143. Carson, Joseph. On the Erythraea chilehsis. Philadelphia, Coll. Pharm. Journ. VI., 1835 pp. 276-279. 2. Notes on the species of Cassia which yield the Senna. American Journ. Pharm. II., 1837, pp. 177-187, 266-270. ' 3. Notice of a new species of Lytta. Ameri- can Journ. Pharm. II., 1837, pp. 265-266. 4. Observations on Zamia integrifolia, the plant which affords Florida arrowroot. Ameri- can Journ. Pharm. VIIL, 1843, pp. 22-26. 5. On Quassia excelsa. American Journ. Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 1-4. 6. Remarks on the Californian nutmeg. American Journ. Pharm. XX VI., 1855, pp. 499- 501. 7. Note upon the fecula of Alstroemeria. American Journ. Pharm. XXXIL, 1860, pp. 289-292. 8. On the source of Balsam of Peru. American Journ. Pharm. XXXIL, 1860, pp. 296-301. Carstanjenj , JE. Ueber eine neue Bildungsweise der Aldehyde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIX., 1863, pp. 486-491. Carstanjeu, ., und Wiukler. Analyse einer krystallisirteii Kobaltspeise vom Blaufarbeu- werk Modum in Norwegen. Berg. u. Huttenm. Zeitg. XVIL, 1858, p. 243. Carstens, P. De obturatione tubse Eustachii. Kiel, Schrif'ten, III., 1857. Carstensen, . Verzeichniss der in der Umgegend von Tanger und im nordlichen Fez vorkommenden Vogel. Naumannia, 1852, pp. 76-79. C'arswell, Robert. An inquiry on the chemical solution or digestion of the coats of the stomach after death, with some observations on softening, erosion, and perforation of the stomach in man and animals. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ. XXXIV., 1830, pp. 282-311 ; Journ. Heb. de Med. VIL, 1830, pp. 321-362, 505-543. Carswell, Robert, and Cullen. On Melanosis. Edinb. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. L, 1824, pp. 264- 284. Carta, Gio. Battista. Quadro descrittivo della Savoia. Ranuzzi, Annuario Geograf. 1844, pp. 193-217. Carte, Alexander. On the Balistes capriscus (European file-fish). Nat. Hist. Review, L, 1854, pp. 161-162. 2. Cricetus phoeus. Nat. Hist. Review, II., 1855 (Proc.), pp. 46-48. 3. Nidification of the Ivory Gull (Larus eburneus, Gmcl.) Dublin, Roy. Soc. Journ. L, 1856-57, pp. 57-60. 4. On a fossil elephant's tooth obtained from the excavation of the Doab canal in Upper India. Dublin, Journ. Geol. Soc. VIIL, 1 857- 60, pp. 66-68; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.), pp. 84-86. 5. Description of the Fossil Bones dis- covered by Mr. B REMAN at Shatidon, near Dungarvan. Dublin Soc. Journ. II., 1858-59, pp. 351-357 ; Nat. Hist. Review, VI., 1859 (Proc.), pp. 501-507. 6. On a new species of Plesiosaurus from the Lias, near Whitby, Yorkshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 68-69. 7. On the remains of the Reindeer which have been found fossil in Ireland. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 103-107. Carte, William. Observations during the cam- paign of 1854, 1855, and 1856, on the Crimea, its Climate and Zoology. Dublin Soc. Journ. L, 1856-57, pp. 250-280. Cartellieri, . Bericht iiber Eger-Franzens- bad im Jahre 1846. Prag, Vierteljahrschrift, 1847, pp. 61-72. Carter, H. J. Colours of the Tapetum, how de- rived. Medical Gazette, 1839, January. 2. Observations on the Sindh Musquito. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. L, 1844, pp. 430- 434. CAR] 803 [CAR Carter, H. J. 3. Note on the species, structure, and animality of the Freshwater Sponges in the tanks of Bombay (genus Spongilla). Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VIII.. 1845-46, pp. 101-107; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1848, pp. 303-311. 4. Geological observations on the compo- sition of the hills and alluvial soil from Hydrabad in Sindh, to the mouth of the river Indus. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1848, pp. 40-43. 5. A description of the Frankincense Tree of Arabia, with remarks on the misplacement of the " Libanophorous Region " in PTOLEMY'S Geography. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1848, pp. 388-390. 6. Report on Copper ore and Lithographic limestone from the S.E. coast of Arabia. Bom- bay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. II., 1848, p. 400. 7. A descriptive account of the Freshwater Sponges in the island of Bombay, with observa- tions on their structure and developement (genus Spongilla). Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 29-50; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 81-100. 8. On Foramiuifera, their organization, and their existence in a fossilized state in Arabia, Sindh, Kutch, and Khattyawar. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1849, pp. 158-173. 9. On the red colouring matter in the Salt and Salt-pans of Bombay. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 32-35. 10. Geological observations on the Igneous Rocks of Maskat and its neighbourhood, and on the Limestone Formation at their circumference. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 118- 129. 11. A geographical description of certain parts of the south-east coast of Arabia, to which is appended a short essay on the comparative geography of the whole of this coast. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1851, pp. 224-317. 12. On the form and structure of the shell of Operculina Arabica. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 161-176 ; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1853, pp. 436-445. 13. Note on Dracunculus in the island of Bombay. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. II., 1853-54, pp. 45-56, 250-253. 14. Description of Orbitolites Malabarica (H. J. C.), illustrative of the spiral and not concentric arrangement of chambers in D'OR- BIGNY'S order Cyclostegues. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 425-427 ; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 142-144. 15. Descriptions of some of the larger forms of fossilized Foraminifera in Scinde ; with ob- servations on their internal structure. Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1853, pp. 161-177 ; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V, 1857, pp. 124-141. Carter, //. /. 16. Memoir on the geology of the south-east coast of Arabia. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV, 1853, pp. 21-96. 17. Geology of the island of Bombay. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1853, pp. 161- 215. 18. Note on the Pliocene deposits of the shores of the Arabian Sea. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV, 1853, pp. 445-448. 19. On the true position of the Canaliferous structure in the shell of Fossil Alveolina, D'Or- bigm/. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV., 1854, pp. 99- 101. 2O. Zoosperms in Spongilla. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIV, 1854, pp. 335-336. 21. Observations on the developement of Gonidia (?) from the cell contents of the Cha- raceae, and on the circulation of the mucus substance of the cell. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 1-22 ; XVII, , 1856, pp. 101-127. 22. Note on a species of Nostoc from Sind. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1855, p. 689. 23. On the conjugation of Cocconeis, Cym- bella. and Amphora, together with some remarks on Amphiphora alata (?) Kutz. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIL, 1856, pp. 1-9. 24. Notes on the Freshwater Infusoria of the island of Bombay : No. 1, Organization. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVIIL, 1856, pp. 115-132, 221-249, 356-360 ; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V, 1857, pp. 429-466. 25. Further observations on Dracunculus in the island of Bombay. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. IV, 1857-58, pp. 215-220 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 410-414. 26. On the ultimate structure of Spongilla, and additional notes on freshwater Infusoria. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 21-41; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V, 1857, pp. 574-597. 27. On the developement of the root-cell and its nucleus in Chara verticillata, Roxb. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 13-32 ; Bom- bay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V, 1857, pp. 521-538. 28. Transformation of the vegetable Pro- toplasm into Actinophrys. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 259-263. 29. Summary of the geology of India, between the Ganges, the Indus, and Cape Comorin. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1857, pp. 179-334. 3O. On contributions to the geology of Central and Western India. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V, 1857, p. 614. 31. On the Spermatology of a new species of Nais (N. fusca). Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 20-33, 90-104. 32. Description of a lacustrine Bryozoon allied to Flustra. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 169-171. 5 i 2 CAR] [CAR Carter, H. J. 33. On specific character, fecun- dation, and abnormal developement in CEdogo- nium. Ana. Nat. Hist. L, 1858, pp. 29-39. 34. Note on the Red Colouring matter of the Sea round the shores of the island of Bom- bay. Ann. Nat. Hist. I., 1858, pp. 258-262. . " 35. On fecundation in Eudorina elegans and Cryptoglena. Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 237-253. 36. On the identity in structure and com- position of the so-called seed-like body of Spon- gilla with the winter-egg of the Bryozoa ; and the presence of starch-granules in each. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 331-343. 37. On Dracunculus and microscopic Fila- ridze in the island of Bombay. Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1859, pp. 28-44, 98-116. 38. On fecundation in the two Volvoces, and their specific differences; on Eudorina, Spongilla, Astasia, Euglena, and Cryptoglena. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 1-20. . 39. Report on geological specimens from the Persian Gulf, collected by Lieut. C. G-. CON- STABLE. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 41-48 ; XXIX., 1860, pp. 359-365. 40. Note on Leeches in Western India. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. 1859, p. 18. 41. On Ploesconia and Kerona. Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1859, pp. 241-258. 42. On a bisexual Nematoid Worm which infests the common House-Fly (Musca domes- tica) in Bombay. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. Ixii-lxvi; Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 29-33. 43. On the natural history of the Lac Insect (Coccus lacca). Ann. Nat. Hist. VII., 1861, pp. 1-10, 363-364. 44. On the structure of the larger Fora- minifera. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1861, pp. 246-251. 45. Notes and corrections on the organiza- tion of Infusoria, &c. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL. 1861, pp. 281-290. 46. Further observations on the structure of Foraminifera, and on the larger fossilized forms of Scinde, &c., including a new genus and species. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIIL, 1861, pp. 309-333, 366-382, 446-470 ; Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 31-96. 47. Notes on the possibility of the em- bryos of the Guinea- Worm and so-called "Fun- gus Disease" of India, respectively, entering the human body through the sudorific ducts. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 442-446. 48. On contributions to the geology of Western India. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, p. 61. Carter, //. J. 49. Notes on the geology of the islands around Bombay. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 167-178. 5O. Discovery of a portion of Pegmatite in a basaltic dyke in the island of Cariuja. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 178- 180. 51. Section of the Trap in the Western Ghauts. Bombay, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, pp. 181-182. 52. Notes on the fossil bones from Narra- yanpur. near Saugor, C.I. Bombay, Abiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1862, p. 204. 53. Note on the Colouring Matter of the Red Sea. Microsc. Soc. Journ. III., 1863, pp. 179-186; Ann. Nat. Hist. XL, 1863, pp. 182- 188. 54. On Amoeba princcps and its repro- ductive cells, compared with -ZEthalium, Py- thiuin, Mucor, and Achlya. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 1863, pp. 30-52. 55. On the value of the " Villi " on the surface of Amoeba as a specific distinction. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 1863, pp. 198-200. 56. On the presence of Chlorophyll-cells and Starch-granules as normal parts of the organism, and on the reproductive process in Difflugia pyriformis, Pcrty ; also on a fresh- water species of Echinocystidia. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIL, 1863, pp. 249-264. Carter, //. V. An account of the Calculi con- tained in the Museum of the Grant Medical College, Bombay. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. V., 1859, pp. 140-164. 2. On a new and striking form of Fun- gus disease, principally affecting the foot, and prevailing endemically in many parts of India. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. 105-142. 3. Note on Distoma hepaticum. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VII., 1861, pp. xxx- xxxii. 4. On Mycetoma, or the Fungus-disease of India, including notes of recent cases, and new observations on the structure, &c. of the entophytic growth. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1861, pp. 206-218. 5. On the connection between a local affection of the Lymphatic System and Chylous Urine, with remarks on the pathology of the disease. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XLV., 1862, pp. 190-207. Carter, Henry. On the climate, soil, and agri- cultural capabilities of the province of Benares. India, Journ. Agric. Soc. L, 1842, pp. 251-256. Carter, James. A few observations on some of the natural objects in the neighbourhood of Cheadle, Staffordshire. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 72-76. CAR] 805 [CAR Carter, James. 2. Notice of the jaws of an Ichthyosaurus from the chalk in the neighbour- hood of Cambridge. Brit. Assoc. Rep. XV., 1845 (pt. 2), p. 60. 3. On the occurrence of a Ichthyosaurus in the Chalk. new species of London, Geol. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 7-9. Carter, John E. On Colchicia. American Journ. Pharm. XXX., 1853, pp. 205-211. Carter, Landon. Observations concerning the Fly-Weevil, that destroys the Wheat, with some useful discoveries and conclusions con- cerning the propagation and progress of that pernicious insect and the methods to be used for preventing the destruction of the grain by it. [1768.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1771, pp. 205-223. Carter, Thos. Albert. On the extensive dif- fusion and frequency of Starch Corpuscles in the tissues of the human body. Edinb. Med. Journ. I., 1855-56, pp. 130-135. 2. Starch as a constituent of the animal organism. Edinb. Med. Journ. III., 1857-58, pp. 789-807 ; Annal. de Chimie, LVL, 1859, pp. 358-360. 3. On Indican in the Blood and Urine. Edinb. Med. Journ. V., 1859-60, pp. 119-129. Cartereau, . Troisieme supplement a la Flore du departement de FAube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVI., 1837, pp. 33-48. Carteron, . Rapport sur 1'envoi de Fossiles fait par M. GALISSOT. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XIV., 1835, pp. 38-41. 2. Excursions geologiques dans les envi- rons d'Alexandropol, dans le but de rechercher du combustible fossile. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 51-70. 3. Examen geologique d'une roche blanche d'alumine dans la province d'Akaltsikh. Russie, Ann. des Mines, 1842, pp. 130-141. 4. Note sur un mineral de plomb sulfure argentifere situe a Sanep, arrondissement de Valaguercki, district de Vladi-Kavkaz, dans le Caucase. Ann. des Mines, VII., 1845, pp. 496- 505. Cartier, jils. Essais sur la rnatiere colorante des petales de la Rose de Provins. Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1821, pp. 527-532. 2. Examen d'une matiere particuliere, provenant du Peuplier noir. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 405-409. Cartier, R. Der obere Jura zu Oberbuchstein ; eine geologische Skizze. [1861.] Basel, Ver- handl. III., 1863, pp. 48-64. Cartmeil, R. On a photo-chemical method of recognizing the non-volatile alkalies and alka- line earths. Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 328- 333; Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 353- 359. Cartmeil, R., und Geuther. Ueber das Verhalten der Aldehyde zu Sauren. Liebig, Annal. CXIL, 1859, pp. 1-24; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 73-76. Cartoni, Ranieri. Influenza della Stricnina su i movimenti della pupilla e dell' iride. Pisa, Me- morie Valdarnesi, III., 1842, pp. 62-73. Cartwright, Edmund. An experimental essay on Salt as a Manure, and as a condiment mixed with the Food of Animals. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1806, pp. 16-26. 2. On a new method of applying the power of Man to the moving of machinery, with at least six times the effect that can be produced by mere muscular exertion. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LUX, 1819, pp. 425-426. Cartwright, Samuel. On electro-type from engraved Copper-plates. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. V., 1840, pp. 236-238. Cartwright, Samuel A. A dissertation on the question " Whether the veins perform the func- tion of absorption ? " American Med. Recorder, XIIL, 1828, pp. 73-97. 2. The diseases and physical peculiarities of the Negro race. Charleston Med. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 643-652. 3. On the recent discovery that the chief motor power of the blood is in the Lungs, and not in the Heart. Boston Med. Surg. Journ. XLV., 1852, pp. 480-486. 4. Motive power of the blood : Experi- ments on an alligator at New Orleans. Boston Med. Surg. Journ. XL VI., 1852, pp. 53-57,229- 237, 392-398 ; XLVIIL, 79-82. 5. Motive power of blood, proved by experiments on four crocodiles, &c. Boston Med. Surg. Journ. XLVIIL, 1853, pp. 433-438, 474-479. r* Carty, John. Account of a new cyanide o Gold. [1844.] Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843- 45, pp. 80-81 ; Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1844, pp. 515-516 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 295- 297. 2. Examination of a specimen of diseased Wheat. [1844.] Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843- 45, pp. 199-200. Caruel, Zur Topographie von Toscana. [I860.] Zeitschr. Allg. Erdkunde, XL, 1861, pp. 291-297. Caruel, Teodoro. De la nature et du mode de formation des racines tubereuses des Orchidees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 162-165. 2. Observations sur la nature et 1'origine de la Pulpe qui entoure les graines dans certains fruits. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, pp. 72-77. CAR] 806 [CAR Camel, Tcodoro. 3. Observations our ITIetero- toma lobelioides, Zucc., de la famille des Lobe- liacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XI. (Bot.\ 1859, pp. 269-272. 4. On Combretum butyrosum, a new kind of Butter-tree from South-eastern Africa. [1859.] Linn. Soc. Journ. IV., I860 (Bot.\ pp. 167-169. 5. Sul fiore femrnineo degli Arum. Milano. Atti Soc. Ital. V., 1863, pp. 28-32; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1851, pp. 379-382. 6. Sopra due Crocifere Italiane. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. V., 1863, pp. 149-153. 7. Sur la signification morphologique des epines du Xanthium spinosum. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 584-586. Cams, C. G. Gedanken zur Beantwortung der Frage : in wiefern Wachsthum, Reproduction und Abnahme des thierischen Korpers begriin- det werde durch den Stand und die Verhalt- nisse seiner Organisation. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 161-195. 2. Beitriige zur Anatomie uud Physiologie der Seescheiden (Ascidiaa). Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 569-590. 3. Ueber einige Eigenthiimlichkeiten im Bau der Lamprete (Petromyzon marinus). Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1816, pp. 600- 614. 4. Ueber die verschiedenen Begriffsbe- stiniraungen des Lebens. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, II., 1818, pp. 47-60. 5. Ueber den Blutlauf, in wiefern er durch Druck- und Saugkraft des Herzens bedingt werde. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, IV., 1818, pp. 413-428. 6. Von den Naturreichen, ihren Leben und ihrer Verwandtschaft, Brosche, Zeitschrift, I., 1820, pp. 1-72 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. I., 1837, pp. 223-254. 7. Von der Bildung des Darmkanals aus dem Dottersacke indenLarven des Erdsalaman- ders. Brosche, Zeitschrift, I., 1820, pp. 138-152. 8. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des inneren Baues und der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascidien. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 423- 436. 9. Beitrag zur Geschichte der unterWasser an verschiedenen Thierkorpern sich erzeugenden Schimmel- oder Algengattungen. Acad. des. Leop. Nova Acta, XL, 1823, pp. 491-521. 10. Noch einige Bemerkungen iiber die Haare im Kuckuksmagen. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 666-668. 11. Ueberblick der Entwickelung des Thierreiches. Oken, Isis, 1823, col. 1254-1260. 12. Icones Sepiarum in littore Maris Mediterranei collectarum. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 313-323. Cams, C. G. 13. Neue Beobachtungen iiber das Drehen des Embryo im Ei der Schnecken. Acad. Cfes. Leop. Nova Acta. XIII., 1826, pp. 763-772. 14. Ueber die Skeletbildung im Allge- meinen und insbesondere A^on der nothwendigen Unterscheidung eines Hautskelets. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 185-199. 15. Noch einige Worte iiber die Verbind- ung des menschlichen Eies mit dem Uterus. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, L, 1827, pp. 98-102; Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, VII., 1828, pp. 1-11. :: 16. \ orliiufige Nachricht iiber die Ent- deckung eines deutlichen Blutlaufes bei Insecten. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 318. 17. CARDS gegen DESMOULINS : dass das Riickenmark der Lamprete allerdings Nerven babe. Oken, Isis, 1827, col. 1005-1007. 18. Ueber das Vernal tniss einzelner Theile des Auges im Fotus, im Vergleich zu den Ver- haltnisseu vollig ausgebildeter Augen. Weimar, Zeits. Geburtskunde, L, 1827, pp. 395-402; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1828, pp. 41- 43. 19. Von den knochernen Concretionen, welche sich nicht selten in der Substanz des Mutterkuchens vorfinden. Weimar, Zeits. Ge- burtskunde, L, 1827, pp. 615-620. 2O. Observations on the preparing and dissecting of the bodies of animals. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IV., 1828, pp. 378-379. 21. Nachtrsigliche Bemerkuugen iiber den Blut-Umlauf in den Kerfen, insbesondere den Blut-Umlauf in vollkommenen betreflend. Oken, Isis, 1828, col. 477. 22. Ueber einen Tapirschadel, als Beitrag zur Lehre von den Verkriiinmungen der Kopf- Wirbelsaule. Oken, Isis, XXII., 1829, col. 1045-1049. 23. Fernere Untersuchungen iiber Blutlauf in Kerfen. [1829.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XV. (2 te Abth.\ 1831, pp. 1-18. 24. Merkwiirdige Form eines Nabelbruchs. Siebold, Journ. f. Geburtshiilfe, X., 1831, pp. 81-85. 25. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelungsgeschichte unserer Flussmuschel. [1831.] Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XVI., 1832, pp. 1-88. 26. Ueber den Begriff des latenten Lebens. Miiller, Archiv, 1834, pp. 551-561. 27. Beobachtung iiber einen merkwiirdigen schb'ngefarbten Eingeweidewurm, Leucochlor- idium paradoxum, und dessen parasitische Er- zeugung in einer Landschnecke, Succinea am- phibia, Drap., Helix putris, Linn. [1833.] Acad. Cais. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 85-99. CAR] 807 [CAE Carus, C. G. 28. Beobachtung einer sehr eigen- thiimlichen Sohimmelvegetation (Pyronema ma- rianum) auf Kohlenboden. [1834.] Acad. Caas. Leop. Nova Acta, XVII., 1835, pp. 367-384. 29. Ueber ein merkwurdiges, jegliche or- ganische Entwickelung begleiteudes Phiinomen der Zerstorung. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 321- 334. 3O. Beitrage zur genauern Kenntniss der Geschlechtsorgane und Functionen einiger Gas- teropoden. Miiller, Archiv, 1835, pp. 487-499. 31. Ueber eine eigene unraittelbare Sin- neswahrnehmung fiir barometrische Hohen- messung, Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1836, pp. 61-65. 32. Auffindung des ersten Ei- oder Dotterbliischens in sehr friihen Lebensperioden des weiblichen Korpers, und daraus abgeleitete Darstellung der Nothwendigkeit, ausser den bekannten noch eine eigene bisher in der Phy- siologie giinzlich unbeachtet gebliebene Lebens- periode im Verlaufe menschlicher Entwickelung anzuerkennen. Miiller, Archiv, 1837, pp. 442- 451. 33. Sur la presence d'oeufs deja formes dans 1'ovaire des foetus femelles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 139-163 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.\ 1837, pp. 296-302. 34. Ueber die sonderbare Selbstversteiner- ung des Gehiiuses einer Schnecke des rothen Meeres (Magilus antiquus, Montf.). Museum Senckenb. 11., 1837, pp. 191-204; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (ZooL), 1837, pp. 186-190. 35. Von der Sphare des Bildungslebens im Menschen. Miiller, Archiv, 1838, pp. 536- 571. 36. Ueber Existenz von Keimen beim Fotus. Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1838, col. 165- 166. 37. Needhamia expulsoria Sepias ofRcinalis. [1837.] Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XVIII., 1839, pp. 1-18. 38. Wichtige Amvendung der Entdeck- ungen liber die organischen Elemente aller Gahrung auf hohere physiologische Vorgange. Ammon, Monatsschr. f. Med. II., 1839, pp. 51-56. 39. Die mikroskopischen Blaschen der Hefe, eine schon von LEEUWENHOEK gemachte Entdeckung. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 245- 247. 40. Einige Aphorismen aus der Physiologic des Nervenlebens. Miiller, Archiv, 1839, pp. 366-370. 41. Vom Wesen der Krankheit und ins- besondere von den Krankheiten des Menschen. Fragmente aus einem demnachst erscheinenden Systerae der Physiologic. Ammon, Monatsschr. f. Med. I., 1840, pp. 239-266. Carus, C. G. 42. Merkwiirdige Anhaufung mikroskopischer Kiystalle am Hinterkopfe von Schlangen-embryonen. Miiller, Archiv, 1841, pp. 216-220. 43. Entwickelung der Form eines Ange- sichts auf einem cyclopischen Auge. [1841.] Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIX., 1842 (St. 2), pp. 455-469. 44. Ueber wissenschaftliche Cranioscopie. Miiller, Archiv, 1843, pp. 149-173. 45. Ueber Tubo-uterin-Schwangerschaffc (Graviditas in substantia uteri) im Allgemeinen, und einige neuere besonders merkwiirdige Falle derselben insbesondere. Berlin, Neue Zeitschr. Geburtskunde, XV., 1844, pp. 161-188. 46. Das Kopfskelet des Zeuglodon Hydrar- chus. [1849.] Acad. Ca?s. Leop. Nova Acta, XXII., 1847, pp. 369-390. 47. Ueber einen seltenen und merkwiird- igen Fall einer krankhaften Verbildung mehr- erer Suturen des Schiidels. Leipzig, Berichte, II., 1848, pp. 116-122. 48. Sur les proportions humaines. Brux- elles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XVII., 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 379-384. 49. Ueber Schlossenbildung. Ein Beitrag zur Meteorologie. Leipzig, Berichte, 1853, pp. 133-142. 5O. Ueber die sogenannten Aztekenkinder. Leipzig, Berichte, VIII., 1856, pp. 11-19. 51. Ueber altgriechische Schadel aus Gra- bern der verschwundenen alten Stadt Cuma in Unter-Italien. [1856.] Acad. Cses. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVI., 1857, pp. 1-12. 52. Seltener Fall eines angebornen doppel- ten Wolfsrachens am Schadel eines erwach- senen Individuum. Leipzig, Berichte, IX., 1857, pp. 121-128. 53. Zur vergleichenden Symbolik zwischen Menscheu und Affen-Skelet. Acad. Ca3S. Leop. Nova Acta, XXVIII.. 1861. Carus, Julius Victor. Ueber die Malpighi'schen Korper der Niere. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 58-61. 2. Ueber die Entwickelung des Spinnen- eies. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. II., 1850, pp. 97-104 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., 1851 (Compt. Rend.\ pp. 131-133. 3. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Muskel- lehre. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 239-256. 4. Einige Worte iiber Metamorphose und Generationswechsel. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. III., 1851, pp. 359-370. 5. Jahresbericht iiber die in den Jahren 1849-1852 auf dem Gebiete der Zootomie erschienenen Arbeiten. Siebold und Kolliker, Zeitschr. VII., 1856, pp. 1-228 (Suppl.). CAR] 808 [CAS Cams, Julius Vic for. 6. On the Leptocepha- lido?. Brit. Assoc. Rep. II., 1860 (pt. 2), p. 125. 7. On the zoology of the Scilly isles. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. II., 1843-52, pp. 264-270. 8. On the value of " Developement " in systematic zoology and animal morphology. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860, (pt. 2). pp. 125-128. Caruso, Mario- Dist., e Faro. Sunto delle osser- vazioni meteorologiche fatte nell' Osservatorio di Catania nell' anno 1833. Catania, Atti Accad, Gioen. X., 1835, pp. 235-268. 2. Riassunto generalc delle osser- vazioni meteorologiche fatte uell Osservatorio di Catania. [1835.] Catania, Atti Accad. Gioen. XII., 1837, pp. 413-419. Carvalho, S. A. de. On the average quantity and density of Urine as observed in natives of India. Bombay, Med. Phys. Soc. Trans. II., 1853-34, pp. 285-289. Carvalho, Thomaz de. Memoria sobre algumas particularidades dos ossos do carpo e do meta- carpo. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. II., 1861, pte. 2. Carvalho e Souto, Jose Pinto Rcbello de. Ex- tracto da descripcao da Villa de Longraiva e suas Aguas mineraes. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. (Com), VII., 1821, pp. 1-12. Carvallo, Jules. Quadrature des courbes planes et cubature des solides de revolution. Nouv. Anna!. Math. I., 1842, pp. 370-379. 2. Sur les conditions de stabilite des ponts suspendus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 3-4 ; Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. IV., 1852, pp. 211-236. 3. Sur la stabilite des voutes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 64-65; XXXV., 1852, pp. 636-647; Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. V., 1853, pp. 1-77. 4. Essai sur la theorie de 1'injecteur GIFFABD. Paris, Coroptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 938-940. 5. Memoire sur la determination des formes et des dimensions, minimantes quant a la de- pense et maximantes quant a la stabilite, des terrassements de depots et d'emprunts, et gene- ralement de la plupart des constructions neces- saires a la vie humaine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 999-1002. 6. Recherches sur les lois experimentales du terrassement des remblais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 678-680. 7. Recherches experimentales sur les lois des transports ascendants a la brouette et a la voiture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 760-762 ; Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1860, pp. 313-330. Carvallo, Jules. 8. Memoire sur les lois mathe- matiques de Pecoulement et de, la detente de la vapeur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII. 1861 pp. 683-688, 801-804. 9. Note accompagnant 1'envoi de quelques objcts trouves de 1845 a 1849 dans les deblais du chemin de fer de Chateauroux a Limoges. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LII., 1861, p. 1256. Carver, S. D. Notice of a meteoric stone which fell at Nanjemoy, Maryland, 10 February, 1825. Silliman, Journ. IX., 1825, pp. 351-353 ; Thomson, Annal. Phil. X., 1825, pp. 186-188; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826. pp. 102- 104. Carville, . Coup de foudre sur une maisou munie d'un paratonnerre. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXII., 1846, pp. 177-178. Casa, Lorenzo della. Dell' Elettrometro del PELTIER, e del modo di renderlo atto a denotare le specie della elettricita. Bologna, Rendiconto, 1851-52, pp. 69-72. 2. Considerazioni sull' Elettricita atrnos- ferica a ciel sereno. Bologna, Rendiconto, 1 852- 53, pp. 69-72. 3. Sulla formazione della Grandine. Bo- logna, Rendiconto, 1853-54, pp. 71-74. 4. Osservazioni sull' Induzioue elettrosta- tica. [1854.] Bologna, Rendiconto, 1854-55, pp. 12-13; Bologna, Mem. Accad. X., 1859, pp. 461-475. 5. [Sulle correnti elettriche simultanee inverse.] Bologna, Rendiconto, 1854-55, pp 25-29. 6. Sulle correnti indotte nel circuit! metal- lici. Bologna, Mem. Accad. VII., 1856, pp 485-490. 7. Nuovo modo di rendere grafici gli stru- menti meteorologici. [1857.] Bologna, Rendi- conto, 1856-57, pp. 76-80; Bologna, Mem. Accad. IX., 1858, pp. 145-165. 8. Sulla pausa elettrica. Bologna, Rendi- conto, 1857-58, pp. 70-72; Bologna, Mem. Accad. IX., 1858, pp. 445-454. 9. Sulla rugiada. [I860.] Bologna, Rendi- conto. 1859-60, pp. 70-71; Bologna, Mem. Accad. XL, 1861, pp. 407-419. 1O. Nuove osservazioni sulla induzione elettrostatica. [1859.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. XL, 1861, pp. 139-156. 11. Sui cangiamenti di forma di apparente plasticita del ghiaccio. Bologna, Mem. Accad. XII., 1861, pp. 547-558. 12. Su P equivalente meccanico del calore. Bologna, Mem. Accad. L, 1862, pp. 479-492. Casa, Vittorio delta. Un facil metodo per asseg- nare le relazioni differenziali in termini finiti. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VIL, 1837, pp. 178- 184. CAS] 809 [CAS Casals, Menstruation tres precoce. Journ. de Med. XVI., 1808, pp. 37-39. Casamajor, P. A method of measuring the angles of crystals by reflection without the use of a Goniometer. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1857, pp. 251-253. Casanova, J. N. Description of a double Foetus. Calcutta, Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. VI., 1833, pp. 490-491. Casanti, Damiano. Modo di comportarsi della tintura ncquosa di Campecchio (Hjematoxylum campechianum) colle soluzioni di diversi com- posti salini. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 342- 343. 2. Sulla presenza dello zuccaro nell' uovo de gallinacei. Polli, Annal. di Chim. VIII., 1849, pp. 178-180; Majocchi, Annal Fis. Chim. IV., 1850, pp. 244-249. 3. Nota sull' acido borico della Maremma Toscana. Nuovo Cimento, III., 1856, pp. 111- 113. Sur les fonctions a periodes Paris, Comptes Reudus, LVIL, 1863, 1018-1022. Casarati, multiples, pp. Casares, Antonio. Observaciones hechas en Santiago el ano de 1849. Madrid, Revista, I., 1850, pp. 19-20. Casaretto, Giovanni. Di una varieta di olivo clie trovasi in Crimea. Bibl. Ital. LXXXV., 1837, pp. 290-292. Casari, Lorenzo. Sopra la grandine straordi- naria caduta in Padova nel giorno 26 Agosto di quest' anno. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, IV., 1834, pp. 337-344. 2. De Finfluence qu'exereent sur 1'intensite du courant voltaique, la distance, la grandeur, et . la nature des plaques metalliques, ainsi que la nature des divers liquicles qui servent a exciter 1'electricite. Bibl. Univ. III., 1836, pp. 162- 168 ; Baumgartner, Zeitschr. IV., 1837, pp. 185- 192, 273-288. 3. Sopra un particolare fenomeno delle lamine metalliche compresse, ed analogia di esso con gli accidenti prodotti dalla luce polarizzata che attraversa un cubo di vetro non ricotto. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, VIII., 1838, pp. 142- 144; Bibl. Univ. XVIL, 1838, pp. 385-387. Casas, L. Voyage sur les cotes de Caramanie. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. 1822, pp. 346-350. Casaseea, Jose Luis. Essai chimique sur la coque du Levant (Menispermum cocculus). Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1825, pp. 307-315; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math.V., 1826, pp. 210-216; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. IV., 1826, pp. 38-41; Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1826, pp. 81-84 ; Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 99-106; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XI:., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 123-133. Casaseca, Jose Luis. 2. Analyse d'uue Poudre qu'on vend a Paris aux Bijoutiers sous le nom de " couleur." Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826 pp. 325-329. 3. Analyse d'une nouvelle substance mine- rale (la Thenardite). Annal. de Chimie XXXII., 1826, pp. 308-316 ; Dingier, Poly- techn. Journ. XXI., 1826, pp. 535-539; Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 393-401; Schweigger, Journ. XL VII. (= Jahrb. XVIL), 1826, pp. 309-317. 4. De la reaction du Nitrate d' Argent et des substances vegetales. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1826, pp. 208-214; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1826, pp. 216-222. 5. Note sur Tlode. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 337-340 ; Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. X., 1829, pp. 159-162 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XX., 1830, pp. 210-214. 6. Note sur un nouveau produit organique, obtenu au moyen de la reaction du deuto-chlorure d'lode sur le liege. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1838, pp. 620-627 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVIL, 1839, pp. 151-157. 7. Memoire sur la composition chimique du vesou et de la canne a sucre creole de File de Cuba. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1844, pp. 39-48 ; Madrid, Revista, II., 1851, pp. 15-48, 436-460. 8. Reclamation de priorite concernant les precedes pour doser le cuivre par la voie huinide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 273-275. 9. Etudes sur la canne a Sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX, 1849, pp. 234-235 ; Madrid, Revista, II., 1851, pp. 6-15. 1O. Memoire sur le ligneux de la canne a sucre creole cultivee a la Havane. Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1849, pp. 321-332. 11. Nouvelles recherches experimentales sur 1'emploi de 1'acide nitrique pur, conjointe- ment avec 1'empois d'amidon, pour decouvrir la presence de 1'iode dans une eau minerale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 821-822. 12. Cas de foudre observe a la Havane. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 207-210. 13. Nouveau precede pour reduire 1'argent a 1'etat metallique, au moyen du sucre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 686-688; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LILT., 1851, pp. 318- 319. 14. Informe sobre las analisis de las aguas del Almendares y de Vento (Habana). Madrid, Revista, III., 1853, pp. 257-289. 15. Note sur la faible quantite d'iode dans 1'eau de la riviere Almandares (a la Havane), ainsi que dans les plantes terrestres et dans 1'atmosphere des tropiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX VII., 1853, pp. 348-350. 5 K CAS] 810 [CAS Casaseca, Jose Luis. 16. Note sur 1'hydrate de chlorure de magnesium fondu et en poudre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 350-351. 17. Ueber den Jodgehalt des Flusses Almendares in der Havannah, der Landpflanzen und der Atmosphare der tropischen Gegenden. Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 290- 291. 18. Ensayo del Arcanum del Dr. STOLLE en la elaboracion del azucar. Madrid, Revista, in., 1853, pp. 536-544. 19. Analisis calitativa y euantitativa de las aguas del manantial de los banos de Santa Rita en Guanabacoa. Madrid, Revista, V., 1855, pp. 404-412. 20. Recherches sur la quantite d'iode contenue dans des tabacs de diverses qualites, cultives a 1'ile de Cuba ; sur la perte en ma- tieres volatiles qu' eprouvent ces tabacs dans leur desiccation, ainsi que sur la quantite de cendres qu'ils fournissent ; suivies de quelques observations sur la methode de M. de LUCA pour le dosage de 1'iode. Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1855, pp. 477-485 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 122-123 ; Madrid, Revista, VI., 1856, pp. 144-161. 21. Observations pluviometriques faites a la Havane du 4 Sept. au 31 Decbre. 1853, et du l ei Janvier 1854 au l er Janvier 1855. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVHL, 1854, pp. 509- 510; XLIL, 1856, pp. 655-656; XL., 1855, pp. 362-364; Poggend. Annal. XCIV., 1855, pp. 642-643 ; Madrid, Revista, VI., 1856, pp. 220-227. Casaseca, Jose Luis, et Lecaxra. De 1'existence des acides oleique et margarique dans la Coque du Levant. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 55-59; Ferussac, Bull. Sci.Math. V., 1826, pp. 207-210 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826 (St. 2), pp. 134-138. Case, William. Description of two new species of Shells. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, p. 358 ; Silliman, Journ. HI., 1847, p. 101. Casella, Giuseppe. II Buco dell' Orso sul Lago di Como. Cantu, Cronaca, IV., 1858, pp. 49- 54. Casella, L. P. On a Micrometric Diaphragm. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 178- 180. Caselli, G. Etudes sur la telegraphic autogra- phique. BibL Univ. Archives, XXXV., 1857, pp. 89-98. Casey, John. On Dr. HAKT'S, Sir Wm. HAMIL- TON'S, and other properties of the " six points circle" of a plane triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 245-252. 2. On coaxial circles. [I860.] Quart. Casey, John. 3. On M'CULLAGH'S property of a self-conjugate triangle, and Sir W. HAMILTON'S law of force for a body describing a conic section. [1861.] Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 233-235. 4. Properties of the eight circles which are tangential to three given circles. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 318-322. Casey, W. R. Ueber die Adhasion der Rader der Locomotiven. (Transit) Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXXV., 1840, pp. 423-429. Casiano de Frado, . Sur les terrains de Sabero et de ses environs dans les montagnes de Leon. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 137-155. 2. Sur les blocs erratiques de la chaine Cantabrique. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851- 52, pp. 171-175. 3. Sur la terrain carbonifere d'Espagne. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 381- 384. 4. Sur la geologie de la province de Madrid. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. X., 1852-23, pp. 168-176. 5. Nota sobre la constitucion geologica de la provincia de Segovia. Revista Minera, V., 1854, pp. 602-610 ; IX., 1858, pp. 204-213, 225-236, 322-331, 403-412 ; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XI., 1853-54, pp. 330-339. 6. Sur la geologie d'Almaden, d'une partie de la Sierra-Morena et des montagnes de Tolede. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 182- 203. 7. Altura de los Picos de Europa situados en el confin de las provincias de Leon, Oviedo y Santandei*, sobre el nivel del mar. Revista Minera, IX., 1858, pp. 287-299. 8. Sur 1'existence de la Faune Primordiale dans la chaine Cantabrique, suivie de la de- scription des fossiles, par MM. de VERNEUIL et BARKANDE. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859-60, pp. 416-542. 9. Valdeon, Cain, la Canal de Trea. As- cension a los Picos de Europa en la Cordillera Cantabrica. Revista Minera, XL, 1860, pp. 62-72, 92-101. 1O. Aguas de Carratraca. Revista Minera, Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 43-53, 118-126. XIL, 1861, pp. 449-466. 11. Sobre la adopcion de voces nuevas en la Geologia. Revista Minera, XIV., 1863, pp. 3-9. Casilli, . Osservazioni anatomiche sull' ordine di situazione de forami acustici della coclea e del vestibolo, il quale ordine e causa di quello della distribuzione del filamenti del nervo acustico. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1845, pp. 804-806. Casinelli, Aloys (a. Luigt). Demonstratio quorun- dam theorematum ad polygona circulo inscripta vel circumscripta pertinentium. Bologna, Nov. Comment. II., 1836, pp. 241-272. 811 [CAS Casinelli, Aloys (s. Luigi). 2. Disquisitiones analyticae de numeris triangularibus. Bologna. Nov. Comment. IE., 1836, pp. 415-433. - 3. Observationes analytics in formulam y'* fly> /j - Bologna, Nov. Comment. III., 1839, pp. 97-1 14. 4. Disquisitio analytica in functionem log. (1 + x) m . Bologna, Nov. Comment. IV., 1840, pp. 147-162. 5. Nova methodus evehendi ad potentiam quamcunque quantitates polynomias. Bologna, Nov. Comment. IV., 1840, pp. 453-470. 6. De aaquationum algebraicarum resolutione observationes analyticae. Bologna, Nov. Com- ment. V., 1842, pp. 65-88. 7. De innumeris sequationibus algebraicis quse peculiari artificio resolvi possunt. Bologna, Nov. Comment. V., 1842, pp. 433-484. 8. Disquisitiones variae super resolutionem nonnullarum sequationum algebraicarum, prse- sertim quinti gradus. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VI., 1844, pp. 391-418. 9. De sequationibus algebraicis quarum radices constant quatuor elementis. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VII., 1844, pp. 509-528. 1O. De formis radicum aequationum alge- braicarum dissertatio. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VIII., 1846, pp. 317-332. Casinelli, Antonio. Disquisitiones analyticae super aequationibus trinomialibus forma x n + Ax + B = 0. Bologna, Nov. Comment. VII., 1844, pp. 331-344. Casinelli, Luigi. Dell' azione dei veleni con- tagiosi sul corpo umano. Bologna, Mem. Soc. Med. I., 1807, pp. 15-48. Casoni, Giovanni. Sopra uno contro-corrente marina che si osserva lungo una parte di lidi Veneti. [1842.] Venezia, Atti, I., 1841, pp. 213-216; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, L, 1843, pp. 137-151. Casoni, Giulio. Delle influenze lunari sull' at- mosfera. Bologna, Mem. Accad. XII., 1861, pp. 473-514 ; Bologna, Rendiconto, 1861-62, pp. 97-101. 2. Sullo irraggiamento solare. [1861.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. L, 1862, pp. 153-169. Casorati, Felice. Intorno la integrazione delle funzioni irrazionali. Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 223-230. 2. Sulla trasformazione delle funzioni ellit- tiche. Tortolini, Annali, VIII., 1857, pp. 209- 260. 3. Intorno ad alcuni punti della teoria dei minimi quadrati. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 329-343. 4. Ricerca fondamentale per lo studio di una certa classe di proprieta delle superficie curve. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 363-379. Casorati, Felice. 5. Sur les fonctions a periodes multiples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 1018-1020. Casoria, Filippo. Dell' azione della corrente acquea di fosforo su le soluzioni metalliche. Napoli, Rendiconto, L, 1842, pp. 82-85 (182- 185) ; IL, 1843, pp. 38-42. 2. Osservazioni Geologiche sui contorni di Palermo. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1843, pp. 273-279. 3. Sopra un minerale di rame dell' Isola di Lipari. Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 335-336. 4. Ricerche intorno all' Allume di Croma. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 314-318 ; Palomba, Raccolta, III., 1847, pp. 332-335, 342-343. 5. Sull' analisi di 34 calcoli uro-vesicali pertinenti al Museo Pathologico di Palermo. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 318-320. 6. Ricerche sopra un nuovo fosfuro di rame. Napoli, Rendiconto, VL, 1847, pp. 317-319. 7. Nuovo metodo per ottenere 1' ossido rosso di rame. Napoli, Rendiconto, VII., 1848, pp. 262-264. Caspari, . Physiologisch - pathologische Abhandlung iiber die Entstehung der Knochen- krankheiten. Grafe, Journ. Chir. Augenheilk. V., 1823, pp. 44-96. 2. Die Heilmethode der Cholera. Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 204-213. 3. On the probable Duration of Human Life. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXV., 1838, pp. 350-353. Caspary, Robert. Ueber Elatine alsinastrum und Trapa natans. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Ver- handl. 1847, pp. 111-112. I.. 2. Ueber die Nektarien der Stipula von Sambucus racemosa und nigra. Botan. Zeitung, VI., 1848, col. 681-687. 3. Gammarus puteanus, Koch. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1849, pp. 39-48. 4. Starke in den Nektarien. Botan. Zeitung, VII., 1849, col. 129-134 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 152-156. 5. Observations on Furcellaria fastigiata, ffuds., and Polyides rotundus, Gmel. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 87-98. 6. Description of a new British Alga be- longing to the genus Schizosiphon, Kiitz. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 266-268. 7. On the Hairs of marine Algae and their developement. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 465-472. 8. Vermehrungsweise von Pediastrum el- lipticum, Ehrb. Botan. Zeitung, VIII., 1850, col. 786-788. 5 K 2 CAS] 812 Caspary, Robert. 9. Ueber Streifung tier Zell- tvancl, verursacht durch Wellung. Botan. Zei- tung, XL, 1853, col. 801-809. . 1O. Auffallende Eisbildung auf Pflanzen. Botan. Zeitung, XII., 1854, col. 665-674, 681- 690, 697-706. 11. Ueber Samen, Keimung, Specien und Nahrpflanzen der Orobanchen. Flora, XXXVII., 1854, pp. 577-588, 593-603 ; XXXVIII., 1855, pp. 225-237. 12. Ueber einige Hyphomyceten mit zwei und dreierlei Friichten. Berlin, Bericht, 1855, pp. 308-333. 13. Ueber Frostspalten. Mit einem Bei- trage meteorologischer Beobacbtungen von Dr. C. F. SCHNEIDER. Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 449-462, 473-482, 489-500. 14. Les Nympheacees fossiles. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Sot.), 1856, pp. 199-222. 15. Ausscheidung von Nektar auf der Narbe abgefallener Bliithen bei Chamsedorea desmoncoides. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 881-882. 16. Bemerkungen iiber Rhizomorphen. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 897-899. 17. Ein neuer Standort der Udora occi- dentalis, Koch (Hydrilla verticillata, Casp.~). Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 899-901. 18. Ueber die tagliche Periode des Wachs- thums des Blattes der Victoria regia, Lindl., und des Pflanzenwachsthums iiberhaupt. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 113-126, 129-143, 145- 160, 161-171. 19. Ueber die verschiedenen Varietaten und Formen der Nymphsea alba. Flora, XXXIX., 1856, pp. 488-496. 2O. Systematische Uebersicht der Hydril- leen. Berlin, Bericht, 1857, pp. 39-51. 21. Bewirkt die Sonne Risse in Rinde und Holz der Ba'ume ? Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 153-156. 22. Neue Untersuchungen iiber Frostspal- ten. Botan. Zeitung, XV., 1857, col. 329-335, 345-350, 361-371. 23. On Udora occidentalis, Koch (Hy- drilla verticillata, Caspary), and Serpicula occi- dentalis, Pursh (Anacharis alsinastrum, Sab.). Hooker, Journ. Botany, IX., 1857, pp. 78-81. 24. Note sur la division de la famille des Hydrocharides, proposee par M. CHATIN. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 98-101. 25. Sur Povule du Vallisneria spiralis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 904-907. 26. Ueber den Ban der Wurzel. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Corresp. XIV., 1857, pp. 60-61. 27. Die Bliithe von Elodea canadensis, Rich. Botan. Zeitung, XVI., 1858, pp. 313-317. 28. Sur 1' Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858. pp. 716-724. Caspary, Robert. 29. Die Zoosporen von Chroolepus, Aa., und ihre Haut. Flora, XLL, 1858, pp. 579-590 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1858, pp. 307-322 j Microsc. Sci. Journ. VIII., 1860, pp. 159-163. 30. Ein neuer Fundort der Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Monti, und eine neue Varietat (var. Duriasi) derselben. Flora, XLI., 1858, pp. 754-756. 31. Die Hydrilleen (Anacharideen, Endl.). Pringsheim, Botanik, I., 1858, pp. 377-513 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IX. (Bot.), 1858, pp. 323-396. 32. Untersucbung einer sehr seltenen Was- serpflanze, der Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Monti. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Sitzungsber. XV., 1858, pp. cxviii-cxxii ; Botan. Zeitung, XVII., 1859, pp. 117-123, 125-132, 133-139, 141-150. 33. Einige Pelorien (Orchis iatifolia, L., Columnea schiedeana, Schlechtd., Digitalis pur- purea. L.). Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. L, I860, pp. 59-65. 34. Bulliarda aquatica, DC. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. I., 1860, pp. 66- 91. 35. Ueber Sonnenrisse. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. L, 1860, pp. 92-94. 36. De Abietinearum, Carr. floris feminei structura morphologica. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV. (Bot.), 1860, pp. 200-209; Nat. Hist. Review, 1862, pp. 19-26. 37. Flora des Kolner Doms. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1860, pp. 331-332. 38. Eine Kanadische Pappel vom Blitz getroffen. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 41-45. 39. Orobanche Cirsii oleracei. Konigs- berg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. H., 1861, pp. 46-48. 40. Nuphar luteum, L. yar. rubropetalum. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 49-50. 41. Vergrunungen der Bliithe des weissen C3 .. Klees. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. II., 1861, pp. 51-72. 42. Berichtigung einiger Irrthiimer des Hrn. Dr. NITSCHKE. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 182-184. 43. Aufforderung an Hrn. Dr. NITSCHKE, und noch einige Worte iiber dessen Arbeit iiber Drosera rotundifolia. Botan. Zeitung, XIX., 1861, pp. 278-280. 44. Ueber die Gefassbiindel der Pflanzen. Berlin, Monatsber. 1862, pp. 448-492. 45. Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Botan, Zeit- ung, XX., 1862, pp. 185-188, 193-197, 201-206. 46. Ueber 2 bis 4 Hiillblatter am Bliith- enschaft von Calla palustris, L. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. III., 1862, pp. 133-139. CAS] 813 [CAS Caspary, Robert. 47. Ein Bastard von Digitalis purpurea, L., und lutea, L. Konigsberg, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Gesell. III., 1862, pp. 139-146. Gasper, J. L. Schwiingerung ohne Defloration, und Vergiftung durch Bleiweiss. Casper, Wochenschr. 1835, pp. 457-462. 2. Auswurf hautiger Concremente ohne Croup. Casper, Wochenschr. 1836, pp. 1-4. 3. Bei Gelegenheit einer Sommerreise 1837. Die bohmischen Biider. Casper. Wo- chenschr. 1838, pp. 113-119, 129-136. 4. Bei Gelegenheit einer Sommer Reise 1837. Baden de Wien. Casper, Wochenschr. 1839, pp. 389-395. - 5. Zwei Falle von Doppelschwangerschaft bei Doppeluterus. Casper, Wochenschr. 1843, pp. 671-674. 6. Graue Haare bei einem Kinde. Cas- per, Wochenschr. 1844, pp. 786-787. 7. Ueber die Todtung durch Chloroform, nebst Mittheilung eines neuen Falles. Casper, Wochenschr. 1850, pp. 1-5, 17-25, 33-39, 49- 60, 273-281. 8. Ueber die wahrscheinliche Lebens- dauer der Aerzte. Casper, Wochenschr. 1851, pp. 33-43. 9. Die sechszehnjahrige Luise BBAUNE als Wunderdoctor, und die siebzehnjiihrige Philip- pine KRAUTZ, ein weiblicher Miinchhausen, auf der Anklagebank : Zwei psychologisch-gericht- liche Curiosa. Casper, Vierteljahrsschr. IV., 1853, pp. 26-52. 1O. Morder-Physiognomieen. Studie aus der practischen Psychologic nach eigenen Beo- bachtungcn. Casper, Vierteljahrsschr. VI., 1854, pp. 1-71. 11. Empoisonnement par le Colchique. Reactions de la Colchicine. Journ. de Pharra. XXIX., 1856, pp. 133-135. 12. Das chemische Criterium in zweifel- haften Vergiftungsf alien. Casper, Vierteljahrs- schr. XII., 1857, pp. 177-209 ; XVII., 1860, pp. 177-187. 13. Ein neues Gift [Nitrobenzin.] Cas- per, Vierteljahrsschr. XVI., 1859, pp. 1-7. Casper, J. L., und Mitscherlich. Zweifel- hafte Phosphor- Vergiftung ; neue Methode zur Entdeckung des Phosphors in der Leiche. Cas- per, Vierteljahrsschr. VIII., 1855, pp. 1-16. Cassal, . Application de 1'electromagnetisme dans la locomotion, et dans les transmissions de mouvement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 682-683 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXI., 1851, pp. 1-7. Cassan, A. L. Observation d'une duplicite de 1'uterus et du vagin, suivie de quelques re- marques sur ce vice de conformation et la super- fetation. Archiv. Gen. de Med. VI., 1824, pp. 192-203. Cassan, A. L. 2. Beobachtung von Ergraueii der Haare oder Albinismus (besser Leukose). Heusinger, Zeitschr. L, 1827, pp. 419-420. 3. Neue Beobachtungen liber die Farbung des neugebornen Negers. Heusinger, Zeitschr. I., 1827, p. 443. Cassan, J. Description of the volcano in the island of St. Lucia. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. III., 1799, pp. 1-5. 2. Sur le climat des Antilles et sur les maladies qui sont particulieres a la zone torride. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Bmul.V., 1803, pp. 25-180. Cassas, . Note sur le tremblement de terre des environs d' Alicante. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 105-107. Cassas de Mendoza, Nicolas. Memoria sobre el mecanismo de la generacion en los animales. Madrid, Mem. Acad. IV., 1856, pp. 157-210. Cassebeer, Johann H. Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss der wetterauischea Laubmoose. Wet- terau, Gesell. N. Annal. I., 1819, pp. 93-101. 2. Ueber die leichteste Methode, unmit- telbar aus der reifen Moosbiichse die Conferve darzustellen. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 289-293. 3. Ueber die nahern Bestandtheile des kauflichen Branntweins aus Kartoffeln bereitet. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 370-378. 4. Besichtigung der von BICKES durch Beihulfe des von ihm erfundenen Mittels gezo- genen Pflanzen. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 323-325. 5. Ueber kiinstlichen Diinger. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1842, pp. 336-337. Casseday, S. A. Beschreibung eines neuen Crinoideengeschlechts aus dem Kohlenkalkstein Nordamerikas. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VL, 1854, pp. 237-242. Casseday, S. A., and Lyon. Description of nine new species of Crinoidea from the subcar- boniferous rocks of Indiana and Kentucky. Silliman, Journ. XXVIIL, 1859, pp. 233-246 ; XXIX., 1860, pp. 68-79. 2. Description of two new genera and eight new species of fossil Crinoidea, from the rocks of Indiana and Kentucky. Amer. Acad. Proc. V., 1860-62, pp. 16-31. Cassel, F. P. Recherches sur Phermaphroditisme du rayon et du disque, dans la famille des Chicoracees. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VII., 1820, pp. 187-191. Casselberry, Isaac. Inquiry into the physiology of the Organic Nervous System. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXX., 1855, pp. 56-71. Cassella, Giuseppe. Occultazioni di stelle per la Luna osservate a Napoli. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIII., 1799, p. 758. 2. Metodo per trovare le radici numeriche d'ogni equazione. [1803.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 203-240. 3ASJ 814 [CAS Cassella, Giuseppe. 3. SulP ecclisse del di 11 Febbrajo 1804. Modena, Mem. Soc. lial. XI., 1804, pp. 620-622. 4. Su la formola di DOUWES per ritrovare in mare la latitudine con due altezze del Sole prese fuori del meridiano. [1807.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., 1811, pp. 254-275. Casselmann, Willielm Th. Analyse der Mineral - wasser von Tarasp und Fideris in Graubiinden. Liebig, Annal. LI., 1844, pp. 111-123. 2. Ueber einige im Kreise der Kohlenzink- Kette beobachteten Lichterscheinungen. Pog- gend. Annal. LXIH., 1844, pp. 576-592. . 3. Ueber den Einfluss der Ge witter auf die Driihte elektro-magnetischer Telegraphen. Poggend. Annal. LXXIIL, 1848, pp. 609-612. 4s. Ueber das Zweifach-Chlorzinn und Cassiani, [Osservazioni tendenti a rintrac- einige Yerbindungen desselben. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 257-275 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 187-189; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVUL, 1 853, pp. 104-107. 5. Chemische Untersuchung der Braun- kohlen des Westerwaldes. Liebig, Annal. LXXXDL, 1854, pp. 41-57, 181-203; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 475-481. 6. Ueber das Phosphoroxychlorid. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 241-244. 7. Chemische Untersuchung der in der Nahe von Regensburg vorkommenden Braun- kohlen. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIX., 1854, pp. 372-375. 8. Ueber die Anweudung des zweifach- chromsauren Kalis bei massanalytiachen Ver- suchen. Liebig, Annal. XCVL, 1855, pp. 129- 152 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem.LXVIL, 1856, pp. 179-181. 9. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Oxychloride. Liebig, Annal. XCVIII., 1856, pp. 213-236 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIX., 1856, pp. 19-24. 1O. Ueber das Frangulin. Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 77-93 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 79-80. .. 11. Ueber ein Graphitvorkommen in der Nahe von Montabaur. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 346-348. 12. Ueber die Zusammensetzung der in der Nahe von Dillenburg vorkommenden Nick- elerze. Liebig, Annal. CXV., 1860, pp. 338-345. 13. Chemische Untersuchung einiger Mine- ral-quellen zu Soden u. Neuenhain. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIIL, 1861, pp. 385- 415. Cassels, J. Lang. Notice of a Meteorite which fell in Hindostan in 1857. Silliman, Journ. XXXIL, 1861, pp. 401-403. Cassen, . Sur 1'application de la chimie a 1'Agriculture. Eure, Recueil de Trav. I., 1853, pp. 224-260. ciare le cause del moto oscillatorio dei sistemi astatici.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 468-469. 2. [Fatti osservati intorno all azione fisio- logica dell' elettricismo.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 488-489. Cassin, John. Description of a new Vulture (Cathartes Burrovianus) in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. II., 1844-45, pp. 19, 212-213. 2. Note on an instinct probably possessed by the herons (Ardea). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846, p. 135. 3. Description of a new rapacious Bird (Cymindis Wilsonii) in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 199-200 ; Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. I., 1847-50, pp. 21-23 ; Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 285-286 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1847, p. 356. 4. Description of a new Buceros, and a notice of the Buceros elatus, Temm., in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. III., 1846-47, pp. 330-331 ; Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. I., 1847-50, pp. 135-136. 5. Descriptions of three new species of the genus Icterus (Briss.), in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. I., 1847-50, pp. 137-138 ; Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., pp. 332-334. 6. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Vidua, Cuvier, Euplectes, Swainson, and Pyrenestes, Swainson, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. I., 1847-50, pp. 241-243 ; Silliman, Journ. VII., 1849, pp. 115-117. 7. Descriptions of new species of the genera Micrastur, G. R. Gray, Tanagra, Linn., and Sycobius, Vieill. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. I., 1847-50, pp. 295-297. 8. Descriptions of new species of the genus Cyanocorax, Boie, (Vidua albonotata et con- color). Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 26-27, 65-66. 9. Tanagra nigro-aurita, new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 85-86. 1O. Descriptions of new species of the genera Nyctale, Brehm, and Sycobius, Vieill. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 157-158 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. IV., 1849, pp. 75-76. 11. Notes of an examination of the family VulturidjE. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1848- 49, pp. 158-162. 12. Descriptions of Owls presumed to be undescribed in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV, 1848-49, pp. 121-125, 195 ; Ann. Nat. Hist, IV., 1849, pp. 225-229. CAS] 815 [CAS Cassin, John. 13. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the family Caprimulgidaa, in the Col- lection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1848-49, pp. 236-239 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. V., 1850, pp. 310-313. 14. Descriptions of a new species of Birds in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 56-59. 15. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Paradisea, Pastor, and Buceros, and a proposition to re-name others of the genera Alcyone and Hirundo. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 67-69. - 16. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Parus, Linn. ; Emberiza, Linn. ; CardueHs, Briss. ; Myiothera, III. ; and Leuco- nerpes, Sw. ; in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1850-51, pp. 103- 107. 17. Notice of an American species of Duck (O. velvetina) hitherto regarded as identical with the Oidemia fusca, Linn. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 126-129. 18. Sketch of the Birds composing * - , the genera Vireo, Vieillot, and Vireosylvia, Bona- parte, with a list of the previously known and descriptions of three new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 149-154. 19. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Galbula and Bucco, Briss., in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 154-155. 2O. Notes of an examination of the Birds composing the family Caprimulgidae, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 175-190. 21. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the family Laniadae. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 236, 244-246. 22. Note on Cicada Cassinii, and on the Cicada septemdecim, Linn. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 273-275. 23. Descriptions of Birds of the genera Laniarius, Dicrurus, Graucalus, Manacus, and Picus, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. V., 1850-51, pp. 347- 349. 24. Descriptions of Owls, presumed to be new species, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. II., 1850-54, pp. 51-54, 95-97. 25. Monograph of the Birds composing the genera Hydropsalis, Wagler, and Antrosto- mus, Nuttall. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. H., 1850-54, pp. 113-124. 26. Description of a new species of the genus Paradisea, Linn., in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. II., 1850-54, pp. 133-134. C'assin, John. 27. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Melanerpes, Swainson, and Lanius, Linn. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. II., 1850-54, pp. 257-258. 28. Descriptions of new species of Birds in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 107, 184- 188. 29. Description of a new Mole of the genus Scalops, from Oregon. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 299-300. 30. Descriptions of new species of Hirun- dinidse and Psittacidse, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 369-373. 31. Synopsis of the species of Falconidae which inhabit America, north of Mexico, with descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VI., 1852-53, pp. 450-453. 32. A list of Pigeons of the genus Carpo- phaga, Selby, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 203, 227-232, 265, 289. 33. Notes on North American Falconidae, with descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 277-284. 34. Descriptions of new species of Birds from Western Africa, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VII., 1854-55, pp. 324-328. 35. Notices of some new and little known Birds in the Collection of the U. S. Exploring Expedition in the " Vincennes " and " Peacock." Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIL, 1854-55, pp. 438-441. 36. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genus Spermestes, Swainson, in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. III., 1855-58, pp. 69-70. 37. Descriptions of new species of Psitta- cidae, in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. III., 1855-58, pp. 153- 156. 38. Notes on North American Birds in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIII., 1856, pp. 39-42. 39. Descriptions of new species of African Birds, collected by Mr. P. B. Du CHAILLU in Equatorial Africa. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 156-159. 40. Descriptions and Notes on Birds in the Collection of the Academy, and in the National Museum, Washington. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VIIL, 1856, pp. 253-256. 41. Catalogue of Birds collected at Cape Lopez, Western Africa, by Mr. P. B. Du CHAILLU in 1856, with notes and descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. VHL, 1856, pp. 316-322 ; 1857, pp. 32-40. CAS] 81G [CAS Cassin, John. 42. Notes on the North American species of Archibuteo and Lanius, and descrip- tion of a new species of Toucan, of the genus Selenidera, Gould. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1857, pp. 211-214. 43. Description of a new Tanager from the Isthmus of Darien, and note on Selenidera spectahilis, Cassin. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 177-178. 44. Catalogue of Birds collected by A. A. HENDERSON at Hakodadi, island of Jesso, Japan, with notes and descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1858, pp. 191- 196. 45. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Vidua, Briss. ; Euplictus, Sw. ; Pyrenestes, Sw. ; and Pitylus, Cuv. ; in the Col- lection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1858-59, pp. 65-68. 46. Description of a new Tanagra in the Collection of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1858-59, pp. 85-86. 47. Catalogue of Birds collected by Mr. WM. S. PEASE, during the march of the army of the United States from Vera Cruz to the city of Mexico. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. IV., 1858, pp. 87-91. - 48. Descriptions of new species of Birds of the genera Selenidera, Gould, and Numida, Linn., and of a new genus and species of Rasorial bird in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. 1858-60, IV., pp. 5-8. 49. Descriptions of new Birds of Western Africa in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. / Acad. Nat, Sci. Journ. IV., 1858-60, pp. 321- 325 50. Catalogue of Birds collected on the rivers Camma and Ogobai, Western Africa, by Mr. P. B. Du CHAILLTJ in 1858, with notes and descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. / Sci. Proc, 1859, pp. 30-55, 133-144, 172-176 ; Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. VIII., 1860, pp. 126- 145, 186-203. 51. Catalogue of Birds collected during a survey of a route for a Ship Canal across the isthmus of Darien, with notes and descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 130-144, 188-197. 52. Catalogue of Birds from the island of St. Thomas, West Indies, collected by Mr. Robert SWIFT, with notes. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1860, pp. 374-379. 53. Ueber den californischen Hausfinken, Carpodacus familiaris, M i tall. Cabanis, Journ. Ornithol. IX., 1861, pp. 141-147. Cassin, John. 54. Catalogue of Birds collected by the United States North Pacific Surveying and Exploring Expedition, in command of Capt, RODGERS, with notes and descriptions of new species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1862, pp. 312-320. 55. Descriptions of new Birds from Western Africa in the Museum of the Academy. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Journ. V., 1862, pp. 181-186. 56. Notes on the Picidre, with descriptions of new and little known species. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp, 194-204, 322-328. Cassin, John, and Wilson. On a third kingdom of organized beings. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1863, pp. 113-121. Cassini, Henri. Sur les Synantherees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. III., 1812, pp. 189-191 ; 1814, pp. 9-11; 1815, pp. 171-175 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXII., 1816, pp. 116-146. 2. Observations sur le style et le stigmate des Synantherees. Journ. de Phys. LXXVL, 1813, pp. 97-128, 181-201, 246-275, 3. Precis d'un second Memoire sur les Synantherees, contenant 1'analyse des etamines. Paris, Journ. Botan. IV., 1814, pp. 231-254 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXVIIL, 1814, pp. 272- 291. 4. Sur les feuilles du Cardamine pratensis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1816, pp. 71-72 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXII., 1816. pp. 408-410. 5. Aperu des genres nouveaux dans la famille des Synantherees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1816, pp. 198-200; 1817. pp. 10-13, 31-34, 66-70, 115-118, 137-140, 151-154. 6. De 1'influence que 1'avortement des Etamines paroit avoir sur les Perianthes. Journ. de Phys. LXXXII., 1816, pp. 335-342. 7. Doutes sur 1'origine et la nature du Nostoc. Paris, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1817, pp. 81- 82 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 395- 399 ; Oken, Isis, 1818, col. 707-708. 8. Observations sur le Tarchonanthus cam- phoratus. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 229-252. 9. Proposition d'une nouvelle famille de plantes. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 315-317. 1O. Sur la famille des Synantherees, con- tenant 1'analyse de 1'ovaire et de ses accessoires. Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 5-21; Pisa, Nuovo Giorn. V., 1823, pp. 108-123. 11. Analyse critique et raisonnee des nouveaux elemens de Botanique de M. MIRBEL. Journ. de Phys. LXXXV., 1817, pp. 216-228, 278-290. 12. Sur le Phallus impudicus. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, p. 100. CAS] 817 [CAS Cassini, Henri. 13. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Agathaea et de deux nouvelles especes d'Andromachia. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 183-184. 14. Description de 1'Enhydra caesulioides. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 196-197. 15. Sur la f'amille des Synantherees, con- tenant les fondemens de la Synantherographie. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVL, 1818, pp. 121-129, 173-189. 16. Apcrcu des genres nouveaux, formes dans la famille des Syiumtherees. Paris, Soc. Pliilom. Bull. 1818, pp. 30-34, 73-77, 139-142, 165-169. 17. Description de trois plantes servant de types aux nouveaux genres Paleolaria, Dicoma, et Triaclme. Paris, Soc. Pliilom. Bull. 1818, pp. 47-48. 18. Description de quatre plantes servant de types aux nouveaux genres Oliganthes, Piptocoma, Diraerostemma, et Ditrichum. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 57-60. 19. Sur une anomalie remarquable du mode de fecondation dans la Campanule a feuilles rondes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 106-107 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXII., 1818, pp. 283-287. 20. Sur la germination des graines de Eaphanus et d'autres Cruciferes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818. pp. 151-153; Journ. de Phys. LXXXII., 1818, pp. 292-296. 21. Description des especes servant de types a quatre genres de plantes recemment proposes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 183-185. 22. Sur la famille des Synantherees, con- tenant les caracteres des tribus. Journ. de Phys. LXXXVIIL, 1819, pp. 150-169, 190- 204. 23. Analyse critique et raisonnee du qua- trieme volume de 1'ouvrage de M. KUNTH, intitule, "Nova genera et species Plantarum." Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 5-33. 24. Description d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Enalcida). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 31-32, 47-48, 80, 93-95. 25. Sur 1'origine des etamines, dans les fleurs monopetales. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819. pp. 62-63. 26. Sur le Myosurus minimus. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, p. 111. 27. Sur laPamphalea Commersonii. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 111-112. 28. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Piqueria. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 127-128. 29. Examen analytique du genre Filago de LINNE. Paris. Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 141-144. Cassini, Henri. 3O. Description du Coleosan- thus tiliaefolius. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 157-158. 31. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Fimbrillaria, Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 158-159. 32. Description des nouveaux genres Garu- leum et Phagnalon. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 172-174. 33. Description d'une monstruosite offerte par uri individu de Cirsium tricephalodes, Decand., et considerations sur ce phenomene. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 183-186; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 401-415. 34. Sur la Graminologie, contenant d'ana- lyse de Fembryon des Graminees. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 321-346; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 26-32. 35. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Echenais. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 4-5. 36. Description d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Hirpicium), precedee d'observations sur 1'CEdera alienata, Thunberg, et sur 1'GEdera aliena, Jacquin. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 26-27. 37. Description d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Gnephosis). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 43-44. 38. Description d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Hirnellia). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 57-58. 39. Sur un mode de reproduction du Borrera tenella. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 74-77 ; Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 458- 462. 40. Description d'un nouveau genre (Er- penema) de 1'ordre des Hypoxylons. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 77-79. 41. Description d'un nouveau genre de pluntes (Neoceis), suivie d'observations sur le genre Crassocephalum, Mcench. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 90-92. 42. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Carlowizia. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 123-124. 43. Sur le genre Chryseis, et sur la Cen- taurea moschata. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 140-143. 44. Sur le genre Cuspidia de Gcertner, et sur la Gorteria echinata 6.' Alton, ou Gorteria spinosa, Linne,jfils. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 171-172. 45. Proposition d'un nouveau genre de plautes (Hamulium). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 173-174. 46. Sur les genres Kaulfussia, Charieis, Euxenia, Ogiera, Eleutheranthera. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 12-15. 5 L CAS] 818 [CAS Cassini, Henri. 47. Sur la Phytonomie, con- tenanfc des observations anatomiques sur la Bourrache (Borrago officinalis), et des conside- rations generates sur la structure des vegetaux. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 62-68 ; Journ. de Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 321-342. 48. Sur une monstruosite de Scabiosa columbaria. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 78-80. . 49. Sur les differents modes de la dissemi- nation chez les Synantherees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 92-100. SO. Description du nouveau genre Inty- bellia, et du genre Pterotheca. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 124-126. 51. Tableau methodique des genres de la tribu des Inulees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 126-128. 52. Proposition d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Jurinea). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 140-144. 53. Description de 1'Ixeris polycephala. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 173-175. 54. Description de deux nouvelles especes de Dimorphanthes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 175-176. 55. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Heliopsis. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 187-188. 56. Tableau methodique des genres de la tribu des Lactucees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 188-190. 57. Memoire sur les genres Melanthera, Chylodia, et Blainvillea. Journ. de Phys. XCVL, 1822, pp. 208-220. 58. Observations sur le Cirsium arvense et description d'une nouvelle espece de Cirsium. Journ. de Phys. XCV., 1822, pp. 448-454. 59. Proposition d'un nouveau genre de plantes (Leptinella). Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 127-129. 6O. Description d'une nouvelle espece d'Eupatorium. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 143-144. 61. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Buphthalmum. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, p. 144. 62. Observations sur des flours monstru- euses de Cirsium pyrenaicum. Paris, Soc. Philom. BulL 1822, pp. 156-157. 63. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Ad. BRONGNIAKT, intitule : " Nouvelles observations sur les Granules Spermatiques des Vegetaux." Ann. Sci. Nat. XI1L, 1828, pp. 146-153. 64. llapport sur un Memoire de M. Cassini, Henri. 65. Tableau synopiique des Synantherees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 387-422. 66. Descriptions de quelques Synantherees de 1'ile Maurice. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXIII.. 1831, pp. 84-93. Cassini, Henri, et Mirbel. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. TUKPIK, ay ant pour objet Tor- ganisation et la reproduction de la Truffe co- mestible. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 209- 215. Cassini, Jean Dominique. Recherches sur les plus grandes chaleurs qui ont eu lieu a Paris depuis 1682 jusqu'en 1794. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. IV., 1801-2, pp. 338-362. 2. Description d'une nouvelle boussole propre a determiner avec la plus grande precision la direction et la declinaison absolue de 1'aiguille aimantee. [1799.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1804, pp. 145-154. Cassola, Filippo. Abbozzo di osservazione sopra gli ossidi di stagno, e di alcuni sali che da essi risultano. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 378-381. 2. Su la costruzione di due apparecchi per le distillazioni gassose e per la saturazione de' principii aeriformi. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. III., 1822, pp. 39-48. 3. Su 1'estrazione dell' loide dalla Zostera oceanica, Linn. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. III., 1822, pp. 256-264. 4. Memoire sur un nouveau precede pour TURPIN, ayant pour objet la reproduction d'un vegetal phanerogame au moyen des bourgeons di' vuloppes a la surface des feuilles. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 44-48. obtenir en peu d'heures le Sulfate de Quinine sans y employer 1'alcool ; suivi d'autres moyens plus faciles pour se procurer ce sulfate. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 167-180. 5. Nuovi sperimenti sui raggi magnetic! della luce. Bibl. Ital. LIX., 1830, pp. 129- 131. 6. Esposizione di un nuovo processo per determinare sollecitamente ed esattamente la totalita di gas carbonico contenuto nelle acque mineral!. II Progresso, IV., 1833, pp. 196- 200. 7. Analyse des eaux minerales de Castel- lamare. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1835, pp. 240- 245. Casstroem, Sam. Nicol. Dissertatio sistens novas Insectorum species. Upsala, Diss. Acad. III., 1801, pp. 124-149. Castagne, Louis. 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XIX., 1805, pp. 344-350. Castel, . Sur le granite du Calvados. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1833-34, pp. 80-82. 2. Esquisse d'un tableau d'application de la Geologie aux Arts et a 1' Agriculture dans le Calvados. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VI., 1835, p. 132. 3. Notice geologique sur le canton de Livarot. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. VI., 1838, pp. 290-297. Castel, . Experiences sur 1'ecoulement de 1'eau par les deversoirs. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1834-36, pp. 238-283; Annal. des Mines, IX., 1836, pp. 221-244 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXVI., 1837, pp. 168-177. 2. Experiences faites au Chateau d'Eau de Toulouse sur 1'ecoulement de 1'eau par les deversoirs. Annal. de Chimie, LXH., 1836, pp. 31-55. 3. Experiences sur le produit des pompes. Annal. des Mines, XII., 1837, pp. 603-606. 4. Nouvelles experiences sur 1'ecoulement de 1'eau par des ajutages coniques convergents. Annal. des Mines, XIV., 1838, pp. 179-196. 5. Rapport sur 1'emploi de 1'electricite comme moyen de mettre le feu aux coups de mines. Annal. des Mines, II., 1852, pp. 199- 215. 6. Rapport sur une explosion d'hydrogene carbone dans les travaux d'une mine de fer. Annal. des Mines, VI., 1854, pp. 94-99. Castel, . Note sur les habitudes des cor- beaux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1827, pp. 362-363. Castel, . De 1'utilite de la culture fourra- gere, et de 1'importance de ses produits. Bayeux, Mem. II., 1844, pp. 149-168. Castel, . Sur la cause des phenomenes physiologiques que Ton trouve quand on s'eleve a une certaine hauteur dans les montagnes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, p. 1501. dans les lignes telegraphiques. France, Congres Scientifique, XXVII., 1860, pp. 359-360. Castel, Ch. Em. Theoreme sur le cercle prin- cipal de 1'Ellipse, 1'Hyperbole, et la Parabole. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 354-360. Castell, Henry. Description of a new Bell Machine used in pneumatic experiments. Stur- geon, Annal. Electr. HI., 1838-39, pp. 66-67. Castell, T. Ueber das Verhalten des Herzens in verschiedenen Gasarten. Miiller, Archiv, 1854, pp. 226-251. Castella, de. Notice sur 1'eau thermale de Bade en Suisse. Actes de la Soc. Helvetique, 1840, pp. 241-243. 2. Sur 1'origine et la cause des maladies miasmatiques. Neuchatel, Bull. Acad. III., 1853, pp. 104-116. Castellani, Considerations sur les obser- vations meteorologiques. Bibl. Univ. XI., 1819, pp. 168-173. 2. Einige meteorologische Bemerkungen. Gilbert, Annal. LXVH., 1821, pp. 212-214. 3. Estratto di lettera intorno un nuovo metodo di osservazioni idraulico-meteorologiche. Bibl. Ital. XXV., 1822, pp. 347-353. 4. Risposta dell' autore all' estratto anonimo dell' opera : " Dell' immediata influenza delle selve sul corso delle acque. " Bibl. Ital. XXXII., 1823, pp. 403-411. Castellani, SulP allevamento dei bachi da seta in China. Venezia, Atti, 1859-60, pp. 682-711. Castellani, F. P. Ricerche chimico-tecnologiche sul colorimento detto Giallone delle manifatture di oro con alcun cenno sulle dorature dei bronzi. Giorn. Arcad. XXXII., 1826, pp. 62-90. Castellet, de. Description d'un nouvel appareil volta'ique a cylindre. Aix, Mem. Acad. 1827, pp. 275-282. Castelli, . Tromba Napoleone : ossia nuova macchina idraulica destinata al vario solleva- mento dell' acqua. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incorr. IV., 1808, pp. 69-79. Castelli, J. F. Der Park des Herrn ABTES zu Lilienfeld. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. I., 1851, pp. 60-61, 68-70. 2. Kleine Leiden eines Gartenbesitzers. Skofitz, Botan. Wochenbl. III., 1853, pp. 49- 51. Castello de Faiva, Barao do. Descriptions of two Coleopterous Insects from Cambogia. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 360-362. 5 L 2 CAS] [CAS Castello de Paiva, Barao do, 2. Descriptions of two new species of Coleoptera from the Canary Islands. Ann. Nat. Hist. VIII., 1861, pp. 210-212. 3. Descriptions of two new species of Coleoptera from Angola. Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1862, pp. 19-21. Castelnau, jun. Extrait d'une lettre cou- cernant la decouverte d'os fossiles d'un Masto- donte. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. III., 1824, p. 75. Castelnau, Comte Francois de. Note sur la .source de la riviere de Wakulla dans la Floride. Paris. Bull. Soc. Geogr. XI., 1839, pp. 242- 247. ' 2. Essai sur les Seminoles de la Floride. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVII., 1842, pp. 392- 403. 3. Note sur deux itineraires de Charleston a Tallahassee. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. XVIII., 1842, pp. 241-259. 4. Sur la presence de pattes chez des Trilo- bites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 344-345. 5. Sur les moeurs de certains Ophidiens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 492- 495. 6. Sur les revolutions geologiques des parties centrales de 1'Amerique du Nord. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, p. 610-613; Froriep, Notizen, XXIIL, 1842, col. 99-101. 7. Note sur une seconde espece du genre Stenidia et sur un Ctenodactyla nouveau. Mag. de Zool. 1843. 8. Ueber einige Hausthiere Siidamerica's. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, XXXIX., 1846. col. 213-215. 9. Observations relatives a quelques ani- maux doraestiques de 1'Amerique meridiouale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 1002- 1004. 10. Note sur le Lama, 1'Alpaca, et la Vigogne, et sur 1'utilite de leur importation en France et en Algerie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV.. 1847, pp. 907-909. 11. Considerations sur la distribution des Reptiles et en particulier des Ophidiens, dans 1'Amerique du Sud. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 101-102. 12. Considerations generates sur 1'orni- thologie de 1'Amerique tropicale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 306-307. 13. Sur les Niam-Niams ou hommes a queue. Paris, Bull. Soc. Geogr. II., 1851, pp. 25-27. 14. Abondance des Tigres dans 1'ile de Singapore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 413-414. Castelnau, Comte Francois de. 15. Note sur les Poissons de 1'Afrique australe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 788-789. 16. Pluie de poissons ; tremblement de terre a Singapore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 880-882. 17. Note sur nn Scaritide gigantesque du Laos. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 305- 306. 15. Note sur le genre Manticora. Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 64-73. Castelnau, Ludovic de. Sur la Tsetse de 1'Afrique australe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 984-986. Castendyck, W. Geognostisch - bergmannisclie Notizen iiber die Eisensteiue der Lahn und ihre Lagerungsverhaltnisse, vorzugsweise im Gebiet von Wetzlar. Berg. u. hiittenm. Zeit. X., 1851, col. 161-168, 188-194. 2. Der Rochusberg oder Rochelsknapp bei Ibbenbiihren. Rheinl. u. Westphal. Verhand. 1853, pp. 140-151. 3. Geognostische Skizze aus dem novd- westlichen Deutschland. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1853, pp. 31-37. 4. Die Rotheisenstein-LagerC'tatte der Grube Briloner Eisenberg bei Olsberg. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr. VII.. 1855, pp. 253-260. 5. Die Gegend um Wildungen im Fiir- stenthum Waldeck. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1856, pp. 140-145. Casterman, Ludovicus. Commentatio in quassti- onem mathematicfim : Petitur, ut roquationes, quas vocant indeterminatas, primi tantum gradus in numeros integros resolvendi methodus practica generalis demonstretur, aptisque exemplis illus- tretur. Liege, Annal. Acad. 1819-20. Castex, . Ein Beispiel von Superfotation in einer Stute. Heusinger, Zeitschr. I., 1827, pp. 261-262. Casthelaz et Laurent. Nitro-benzine ou mir- bane, aniline et violet d'aniline. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1860, pp. 131-135. Castiaux, Ad. Notice historique sur Fintro- duction en France des premieres machines a vapeur. Valenciennes, Mem. Acad. II., 1836, pp. 218-223. 2. La vaccine preserve-t-elle indefiniment de la variole, ou n'a-t-elle qu'une vertu preser- vatrice temporaire ? faut-il revacciner, et a quelle epoque? Valenciennes,'Mem. Acad. III., 1841, pp. 375-394. Castiglioui, Alfonso. Sul uso del olio di ricino fatto in varii tempi e luosrhi. Milano, Atti Soc. Patr. II., 1789, p. 292. Castiglioni, Giovan. Delle acque minernle saponacee particoJarmente di quelle della Poretta. Bologna, Mem. Soc. Med. I., 1807, pp. 49-240. CAS] 821 [CAT Castille, . Description d'un petit appareil qu'on peut ajouter aux machines ordinaires servant a fendre les roues d'horlogerie, afin d'obtenir, au moyen des nombres qu'elles portent, tout autre nombre soit premier, soit divisible. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXIII., 1824, pp. 162-165. Castillo, . Observations sur le proto- et deuto-chlorures de Mercure. Journ. de Pharm. X1IL, 1827, pp. 158-159. Castillon, . Sur la culture des Betteraves a sucre en France. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1801, pp. 329-332. Castillon, . Nouvelles observations sur les tempetes. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 13-15. 2. Observations sur un meteore aqueux remarque au Port-Louis. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 53-54. 3. Sur les trombes marines. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 97-100. 4. Sur les moyens pour amener a la surface de 1'eau des corps submerges a une certaine pro- fondeur. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 103-105. 5. Observations relatives a 1'iuflueuce des vents alize's sur le tube du barometre. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 131- 133. 6. Note relative au mecanisme des tern- petes. Maurice, Proces Verb. Soc. Hist. Nat. 1846, pp. 162-166. 7. Disquisitions inetec*rologiques pour sou- tenir une nouvelle proposition touchant le meca- nisme des tempetes. Mauritius, Trans. Roy. Soc. II., 1848-49, pp. 51-96. , 8. Synthess de quelques meteores depen- dants du phenomene de 1'evaporation de 1'eau. Mauritius, Trans. Roy. Soc. II., 1848-49, pp. 97-118. Castle, A, C. Salivary calculus. Quart. Journ. Dent, Sci. II., 1858-59, pp. 417-424. Castle, R> Description of a species of Rose new to the British Flora. London, Proc. Sci. Soc. II., 1840, p. 36. Castoidi, Ezio. I fenomeni della generazione spontanea considerati nello stato presente della scienza. H Politecnico, XIII., 1862, pp. 287- 300. Castorani, . Memoire sur le strabisme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 241- 244. 2. Memoire sur la photophobie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIII., 1856, pp. 581-584. 3. Memoire sur le cercle senile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 632-635. 4. Memoire sur les causes de la cataracte lenticulaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 1332-1336. Castrea-Brunetti. Enrico. Cenni intorno alia putrefazione o cancrena secca delle patate. Giorn. Arcad. CXI., 1847, pp. 185-205. Castren, . Wissenschaftliche Reise in Sibi- rien. Erman, Archiv Russ. VII., 1849, pp. 513- 523. Castren, Sam., och Johan Julin. Observationer gorde i Utsjoki Lappmarks Prestgard under 69 53' Polhogd ar 1795 och 1 797. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXI., 1800, pp. 53-62. Castro, Manuel. Resolucion de las cuestiones de primero y segundo grado por medio de las reglns de falsa posicion. Mexico, Registro Trim. I., 1832, pp. 125-130. Castro, Manuel Fernandez de. Observations of the occultation of Venus. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 105-106. 2. Nota sobre la geologia de Santo Domin- go. Revista Minera, XIII., 1862, pp. 633-642, 692-699, 729-738; XIV., pp. 42-51, 65-73. Caswell, A. On Zinc, as a covering for buildings. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 118-122 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXI., 1837 ? pp. 248-252. 2. Meteorological observations made at Providence, R. I., extending over a period of 28 years and a half, from December 1831 to May 1860. Smithsonian Contrib. XL, 1860. Caswell, A., and Norton. Statement of the re- sults of a set of observations in repetition of the FOTJCATJLT experiment. Amer. Assoc, Proc. 1851, pp. 130-132. Catala, Victor. Sur 1'age relatif des gres verts du gouvernement de Moscou. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. XX., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 277-282. Catalan, Eugene Charles. Solution d'un pro- bleme de Probabilite, relatif au Jeu de Ren- contre. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 469-482. 2. Note sur un probleme de Combinaisons. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 111- 112. 3. Note sur une equation aux differences finies. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 508-516 ; IV, 1839, pp. 95-99. 4. Note sur la theorie des Nombres. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 7-8. 5. Solution nouvelle .de cette question : Un polygone etant donne, de combien de manieres peut-on le partager en triangles au moyen de diagonales. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 91-94. 6. Memoire sur la reduction d'une classe d'integrales multiples. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 323-344. 7. Sur la transformation des variables dans les integrates multiples. Paris, Soc. Philon>. Proc. Verb. 1839, pp. 123-124. CAT] 822 [CAT Catalan, Eugene Charles. 8. Note sur 1'integrale Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 110-114. 9. Probleme de Combinaisons. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, p. 264. 1O. Sur les transformations des variables dans les integrales multiples. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XIV., 1841. 11. Solution d'un probleme de Combinai- sons. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1841, p. 74. 12. Deux problemes de Probability's. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1841, pp. 75-80. 13. Theoreme sur la reduction d'une in- tegrale multiple. Liouville, Journ. Math. VI., 1841, pp. 81-84. 14. Problemes de calcul integral. Liou- vffle, Journ. Math. VI., 1841, pp. 340-344,419- 440. 15. Sur un cas particulier de la surface dont 1'aire est un minimum. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1841, pp. 59-61. 16. Note sur la semination de quelques series. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 1-12. 17.- Sur les surfaces reglees dout 1'aire est un minimum. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 203-211. 18. Note sur une formule de Combinaisons. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, pp. 511- 515. 19. Lettre sur la Parabole. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, pp. 148-151. 2O. Note sur le rapport de la Circonference au Diametre. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842. pp. 190-196. 21. Sur les fractions decimales periodiques. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, pp. 457-470. 22. Note sur une formule relative aux integrales multiples. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIIL, 1843, pp. 239-240. 23. Theoreme sur les surfaces develop- pables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 738-739. 24. Memoire sur les surfaces gauches a plan directeur. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVII. (29 e cahier), 1843, pp. 121-156. - 25. Sur quelques propriety's de 1'helicoide a plan directeur. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1843, pp. 113-115. 26. [Sur 1'equation # m y* = 1]. Crelle, Journ. XXVII., 1844, p. 192. 27. Note sur une formule d'EuLEB. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 161-174. 28. Note sur 1'analyse indeterminee du premier degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844. pp. 97-101. 29. Note sur la Toroide. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 553-555. Catalan, Eugene Charles. 3O. Lettre sur la sommation d'une Serie Trigonometrique. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 570-573. 31. Theoremes sur les fractions continues periodiques simples. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1844, pp. 79-80 ; Grunert, Archiv, VI., 1845, pp. 223-224; Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 126-130. 32. Probleme : .Couper un triangle par une droite, de maniere que les deux parties de ce triangle soient entre elles dans un rapport donne et qu'elles aient leurs centres de gravite sur une meme perpendiculaire a la secante. On resoudra ce probleme : 1 lorsque les deux cotes coupes du triangle sont egaux, et en particulier quand le triangle est equilateral ; 2 3 lorsque les trois cotes du triangle sont inegaux. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 214-224. > 33. Lettre sur les fractions continues. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 257-259, 405-409. 34. Sur les determinants. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. XIIL, 1846, pp. 534-555. 35. Note sur un probleme de Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 212-215. 36. Note sur le probleme de MALFATTI. Nouv. Annal. Math. V., 1846, pp. 60-64. 37. Communication relative a la theorie des solutions singulieres. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1846, pp. 19-20. 38. Sur les trajectoires orthogonales des sections circulaires d'un ellipsoide. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 483-490. 39. Note sur les spheres tangentes a quatre plans donnes. Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 253-260. 4O. Solution d'un cas particulier du theo- reme de M. SEBRET (p. 216). Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 268-269. 41. Theoreme de geometrie sur les pyra- mides. Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 353- 356. 42. Sur les foyers des courbes d'intersection de deux surfaces du second degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, pp. 421-424. 43. Additions au theoreme de M. Paul SEBRET (p. 359). Nouv. Annal. Math. VI., 1847, p. 425. 44. Demonstration d'un nouveau theoreme de Statique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, p. 1111. 45. Note sur la theorie des solutions singu- lieres. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVIII., (31 e cah.), 1847, pp. 271-276. 46. Theoreme de Statique. Nouv. Annal. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 34-36, 294-296. 47. Sur les normales aux coniques. Nouv. Aunal. Math. VII., 1848, pp. 332-337, 396- 397. CAT] 823 [CAT Catalan, Eugene Charles. 48. Theorie des sur- faces gaudies. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 67-69. 49. Theorie des fractions continues. Nouv. Annal. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 154-202, 294-298. 5O. Sur le probleme de la sphere tangente a quatrs plans donnes. Nouv. Annal. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 352-361. 51. Note sur la formule de SIMPSON, et sur une autre formule de quadratures. Nouv. Annal. Math. X., 1851, pp. 412-415. 52. Nouvelle formule pour les quadratures. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 16-17. 53. Trigonometric spherique. Theoreme de LEGENDRE. Nouv. Annal. Math. XL, 1852, pp. 406-408. 54. Note sur la projection stereographique. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 132- 138. 55. Note sur une surface dont les rayons de courbure en chaque point sont egaux et de signes contraires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 35-38. 56. Note sur deux surfaces qui ont, en chaque point, leurs rayons de courbure egaux et de signes contraires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 274-276, 1019-1023. 57. Note sur la theorie des roulettes. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 102-108. 58. Sur la sornme des puissances semblables des nombres naturels. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 230-235. 59. Note sur la sommation de certaines series. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 293-295. 6O. Sur le calcul de la latitude par la methode de M. BABINET. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIL, 1856, p. 287. 61. Note sur quelques points de la theorie des series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLLTL, 1856, pp. 626-630. 62. Sur la theorie des developpees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 135-139. 63. Sur un cas particulier de la formule du binome. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 641-644. 64. Propositions relatives a la theorie des series. L'Institut, XXVL, 1858, p. 121. 65. Extraction abregee de la racine carree. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIL, 1858, pp. 232-233. 66. Sur une application de la formule du binome aux integrates Euleriennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 545-549. 67. Note sur la theorie des Equations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 797- 800. 68. Note sur une fonction homogene en- tiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 1073-1074. Catalan, Eugene Charles. 69. Memoire sur les surfaces dont les rayons de courbure en chaque point sont egaux et de signes contraires. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XXL, 1858 (37 e cah~\ pp. 129-168. 7O. Note sur les series divergentes. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVII., 1859, pp. 195-198. 71. Sur les differences de l p , et sur le calcul des nombres de BERNOULLI. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 239-243. 72. Formule pour le calcul du partage a faire entre les enfants naturels et les enfants legitimes d'apres le Code Civil. L'Institut, XXX., 1862, pp. 139-140. 73. Note sur 1'equation du troisieme degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV,, 1862, pp. 659- 660. 74. Sur les nombres de BERNOULLI et sur quelques formules qui en dependent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1030-1033, 1059-1062. 75. Sur un probleme cl'algebre legale et sur une transformation de serie. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1863, pp. 107-111. 76. Sur 1'equation du quatrieme degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1863, pp. 341-343. Catalan!, Vincenzo. Nosologia filosofica dei vegetabili. Giorn. Arcad. CIX., 1846, pp. 210- 230. 2. Qual sia 1' azione che la Digitale porpo- rina (Digitalis purpurea, Linn.,) sviluppa nelle malattie del sistema cardiaco-vascolare. Giorn. Arcad. CXXIV., 1851, pp. 152-165. 3. Teoria del tetano. Giorn. Arcad. CXXXIV., 1854, pp. 143-152. 4. Elmintologia. Giorn. Arcad. CXL., 1855, pp. 135-150. 5. Unita della specie umana. Giorn. Arcad. CXLV., 1856, pp. 195-198. Cataneo, Fr. e Ant. dalV Acqua. Intorno al fenomeno della visione. Omodei, Ann. Univ. LXXIL, 1834, pp. 227-249. Cathala, . Cas de monstruosite. Gand, Bull. Soc. Med. IX., 1843, pp. 197-198. Catlin, Geo. Account of a journey to the C6teau des Prairies, with a description of the Red Pipe Stone quarry and granite boulders found there. Sillimafi, Journ. XXXVIIL, 1840, pp. 138- 146; Bibl. Univ. XXIX., 1840, pp. 193-195. Catlin, Marcus, A new demonstration of the Logarithmic Theorem, and of the Binomial Theorem for negative and fractional exponents. Mathem. Miscell. L, 1838, pp. 113-114. Cattanei, Ferdinando de. Esame di alcuni umori animali di morbosa secrezione onde avverarvi i composti inorganici aministrati per bocca. Polli, Ann. di Chim. VI., 1848, pp. 161-169 ; VIIL. 1849, pp. 234-250, 308-317. CAT] 824 [CAT Cattanei, Ferdinando de, e Ferretd. Sol- fato di zinco preso per bocca, e rinvcnuto nel san^ue e nei differenti organ! animali. Polli, Ann. di Chim. VI., 1848, pp. 273-286. Cattanei, L. F. dc, Intorno agli acidi considerati sotto il rapporto chimico-agrario. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. III., 1835, pp. 14-25. Cattanei di Momo, Ferdinando. Intorno alia naturale esistenza del rame e del piombo nelle viscere umane, scoperta dal Signer DAVERGIE. Omodei, Ann. Univ. XCIV., 1840, pp. 72-77. Cattaneo, Antonio, Acque mineral!. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. IIL, 1826, pp. 43-48, 329-337 ; V., 1827. pp. 135-138, 258-271 ; VI., 1827, pp. 35- 42, 63-79. 2. Equivalenti chimici. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1827, pp. 275-283. 3. Considerazioni chimiche sui vapori medicinal!. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VII., 1828, pp. 221-227. 4. Formazione del cianuro di potassio. Cattaueo, Giorn. Farm. VIIL, 1828, pp. 171- 178.. 5. Azoturo d' idrogeno (ammoniaca). Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. IX., 1829, pp. 113-124. 6. Riflessioni su la cristallizzazione. Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. X., 1829, pp. 267-274, 324- 331. 7. Processo di analisi institnita in Sondrio sulle acque acidule marziali di Santa Caterina in Val Furva, distretto di Bormio in Valtellina, 1' anno 1818, e ripetuti alcuui esperimenti alia sorgente nell' anno 1820. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XII., 1830, pp. 293-302. 8. Considerazioni chimiche su 1' acqua di Belters naturale raffrontata con quella che e pro- dotta dalF arte. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIV.. 1331, pp. 189-194. 9. Zucchero di manua (mannite). Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. XV., 1832, pp. 255-262. 1O. Spermatina. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVEIL, 1833, pp. 71-78. 11. Considerazioni general! sui mineral!. Cattaueo, Bibl. di Farm. VI., 1836, pp. 180- 182, 250-254, 316-318, 362-365 ; VII., 1837, pp. 103-107, 160-163, 219-224. 12. Modo di agire degli alcali e-delle terre alcaline sui latte e nella fabricazione de for- maggi. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XI., 1839, pp. 261-276. 13. Zenzero. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XII., 1839, pp. 289-297. 14. Ederina o ederea. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XIV., 1840, pp. 336-338. 15. Stiinatore delle farine, o apparato per cunoscere il loro valore. Cattaneo,, Bibl. di Farm. XVII., 1842, pn. 141-144. Cattaneo, Antonio. 16. Acido succinico gene- rate dall' ossidazione della cera delle api, della cera del giappone, e del bianco di balena col mezzo dell' acido nitrico. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XIX., 1843, pp. 197-200. Cattaneo, Francesco. Riflessioni intorno alle azioni iuducente e magnettizzante delle correnti elettriche prodotte dalla scarica delle bocce di Leida. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. II., 1842. pp. 212-224. 2. Sopra una Memoria de O. F. MOSSOTTI sotto il titolo : Nuova teoria degli stromenti ottici. Tortolini, Annali, I., 1858, pp. 4855, 120-124, 184-190. Cattaneo, Giovanni. Nuove ricerche intorno alia spinta orizzontale di una verga rigida pesante appoggiata ad un piano verticale. [1821.] Pa- dova, Nuovi Saggi, IL, 1825, pp. 213-223. 2. Sulla pressione delle acque correnti de fiumi. [1822.] Padova, Nuovi Saggi, IL, 1825, pp. 224-234. Catton, Alfred R. On the Synthesis of certain series of Organic compounds. Chemical News, VIIL, 1863, pp. 25-27. 2. On the Synthesis of Organic Acids con- taining four atoms of Oxygen (O = S). Chemi- cal News, VIIL, 1863, pp. 161-163. Catton, Thomas, and G. B. Airy. Reduction of the observations of eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites; occupations of stars by the Moon, and other astronomical phenomena, made by the Rev. Thomas Catton. [1853.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XXIL, 1854, pp. 1-32. Cattorall, Isaac. Memoir on the analysis of Black Vomit. [1800.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V, 1802, pp. 117-138. Catuilo, Tommaso Antonio. Lctteramineralogica sopra le rovine accadute nelle comune di Borca nel C adore. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1814, pp. 434-443. 2. Discorso sulla necessita di promo vere lo scavo delle miniere nel Dipartimento di Piave. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIIL, 1815, pp. 393-408. - 3. Lettera intorno alle Alpi del Cadore. Brugnatelli, Giornale, X., 1817, pp. 97-106. 4. Relazione sopra gii avanzi [di corpi] marini che si trovano dentro i monti della Provincia Veronese. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1818, pp. 457-469 ; IL, 45-58, 139-145, 215- 229. 5. Lettera sopra alcuni minerali osservati nella comune di Agordo e ne' paesi adjacent!. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IL, 1819, pp. 488-495 ; III., pp. 1-9. 6. Fine della dissertazione sopro la soda solfata di Agordo. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1820, pp. 1-7. CAT] 825 [CAT Catullo, Tommaso Antonio. 7. Appendice alia memoria orittografica sopra gli, avanzi marini che si trovano deutro i monti della Provincia Veronese. Brugnatelli, Giornale, III., 1820, pp. 279-291, 383-391 ; V., 379-387, 419- 430. 8. Due capitoli di metallurgia. Brugna- telli, Giornale, IV., 1821, pp. 75-89; V., pp. 113- 126, 172-179. 9. Sopra i giacinti di Leonedo. Brugna- telli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 182-183. 1O. Osservazioni relative alia pretesa de- composizione clei sali metallic! col mezzo della calamita. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 189-200. 11. Memoria orittognostica sulle montagne zoolitifere e sulle cause che le hanno prodotte. Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 289-309. 12. Memoria prima sui terreni zoolitiferi delle provincie Venete, posteriori alia formazione dei terreni interrnediarj. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1823, pp. 98-110, 175-186, 444-450. 13. Itiuerario di un' escursione nel Cado- rino e nella Carnia. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VI., 1823, pp. 505-508. 14. Delle rocce che si vedono incluse nel gres rosso e nel calcare alpino dell' alto Bellunese. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VII., 1824, pp. 81- 95. ^ 15. Memoria seconda sui terreni zoolitici delle province Venete che comprendono le rocce di scdimento medio. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1825, pp. 165-170, 374-385 ; IX., pp. 1-11, 214- 217 ; X., pp. 93-102 ; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1826, II., pp. 234-244. 16. Sui fossili della caverna di Selva di Progno. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1825, pp. 307-313. 17. Dei laghi Lapisini, Brugnatelli, Gior- nale, IX., 1826, pp. 135-140. 18. Zoologia del calcare jurese dell' Alpago. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX., 1826, pp. 286-296, '336, 438-445 ; X., pp. 93-102 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XII., 1827, pp. 313-315. 19. Intorno alia geognosia zoologica del monte Postale. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IX.. 1826, pp. 404-407. 20. Scoperta di una foresta fossile. Brug- natelli, Giornale, X., 1827, pp. 151-152. 21. Reflexions sur la note de M. Marcel de SERRES sur le calcaire moellon, ou calcaire marin tertiaire. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 12-15. 22. Fragment d'une lettre a M. BOUE sur la position geognostique de la Pierre verte (Sasso verdeV Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVIII., 1829, pp. 171-173. Catullo, Tommaso Antonio. 23. Sur quelques terrains equivalens a la formation de sediment iuferieur des provinces Venitiennes, et sur di- verses especes de fossiles du terrain de sediment moyen. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXII., 1830, pp. 204-205. 24. Lettre a M. DA Rio sur les fossiles des Monts Euganeens. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXV., 1831, pp. 15-16. 25. Memoria geognostico-zoologica sopra alcune conchiglie fossili del calcare Jurese che si eleva presso il Lago di Santa Croce nel terri- torio di Belluno. Poligrafo, III., 1834, pp. 115-118; Padova, Nuovi Saggi, IV., 1838, pp. 1-20. 26. Memoria geognostica sopra i calcari d* acqua dolce delle Provincie Venete. Bibl. Ital. LXXXIII., 1836, pp. 407-423 ; LXXXIV., pp. 79-91, 312-321. 27. Nota geognostica sopra le pudinghe alluvial! e sopra il terreno di trasporto delle Provincie Venete. Bibl. Ital. LXXXVIL, 1837, pp. 276-286, 417-426. 28. Nota geognostico-geologica intorno i sollevamenti delle Provincie Venete. Bibl. Ital. LXXXIX., 1838, pp. 354-370. 29. Sopra le acque termali del territorio Padovano. Padova, Nuovi Saggi, IV., 1838, pp. geognostico-zoologiche 161-181. 3O. Osservazioni sopra due scritti publicati nel Tomo III. delle Memorie della Societa Geologica di Parigi per 1'anno 1838. Padova, Nuovi Saggi, V., 1840, pp. 217-242. 31. Geognosia. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. TV., 1840, pp. 267-271. 32. Intorno gli aculei d' Echini fossili della Greta, e del terreno terziario delle Pro- vincie Venete. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1841, pp. 174- 179 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 176- 182. 33. Lettera al Conte SALINA di argomento geologico. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 167-175. 34. Sulle caverne di Costoza nel Vicentino. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1841, pp. 241-256. 35. Memoria sopra i denti di mammiferi trovati nelle torbe del territorio Padovano. Venezia, Atti, II., 1843, pp. 86-89. 36. Sur des terrains calcaires des Alpes Venitiennes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843- 44, pp. 525-527. 37. Sui calcare neocomio delle Provincie Venete. II Politecnico, VII., 1844, pp. 542- 550. 38. Considerazioni intorno ad una memo- ria del Sig. di COLLEGNO [sulle calcare ammo- nitico nella formazione del Giura.J Venezia, Atti, III., 1844, pp. 293-297. 5 ic CAT] 826 [CAU Catullo, Tommaso Antonio. 39. Sulle caverne delle provincie Venete. [1843.] Venezia, Mem. Istituto, II., 1845, pp. 19-84. 4O. Remarques extraites de 1'ouvrage in- e"dit sur la Geognosie Paleozoiique des Alpes Venitiennes. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. V., 1846, pp. 81-107. 41. Osservazioni sulle rocce levigate delle Alpi Venete. Venezia, Atti, V.. 1846, pp. 364- 372. 42. Cenni sul sistema cretaceo delle Alpi Venete. Venezia, Atti, V., 1846, pp. 463- 472. 43. Sopra uno scritto del nob. DE ZIGNO intorno alia non promiscuita de' fossili tra il biancone e la calcaria ammonitica delle Alpi Venete. [1846.] Venezia, Atti, VI., 1847, pp. 43-52 : Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1847. pp. 439-446. 44. Memoria geognostico-paleozoica sulle Alpi Venete. [1845.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIV., 1848, pp. 187-339 ; Paris, Comptes Kendus, XXII., p. 165. 45. Sulla non ammissibilita della Fauna fossile annunziata dal Sig. EWALD come carat- teristica della grande formazione uummulitica del terreno terziaro. Venezia, Atti, VII., 1848, pp. 35-38. 46. Sur quelques points de la geologic des Alpes Lombardo Venitiennes. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1849-50, pp. 664-667. 47. Sopra le nummuliti delle Alpi Venete. Zantedeschi, Ann. Fis. 1849-50, pp. 241-255. 48. Nuova classificazione delle calcarie rosse ammonitiche delle Alpi Venete. Venezia, Atti, I., 1850, pp. 115-118; Venezia, Mem. Istituto, V., 1855, pp. 187-241. 49. On the Epiolitic Rocks of the Venetian Alps. Geol. Soc. Journ. VII., 1851, pp. 66-76. SO. Lettera geologica al R. I. MURCHISON. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 1851, pp. 45-59. 51. Cenni sopra il terreno di sedimento superiore delle Provincie Venete, e descrizione di alcune specie di Polipai fossili ch' esso racchiude. [1847.] Venezia, Mem. 1st. IV., 1852, pp. 3-44. 52. Priorita delle osservazioni consegnate nella Zoologia Fossile delle Alpi Venete, circa il posto occupato dalla calcaria ammonitica rossa, nella serie geologica de' terreni di sedimento. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. VI., 1852, pp. 197-202 ; VII., 1853, pp. 17-35 ; Wien, Jahrb. Geol. III., 1852, pp. 126-130 ; IV., 1853, pp. 113-120. 53. Considerazioni intorno ad alcune recenti meraorie di Geognosia Paleozoica. Venezia, Atti, 1855-56, pp. 713-755. 54. Delle miniere delle Alpi Venete e principalmente di quelle del Bellunese. Venezia, Atti, 1860, pp. 5-29. Catullo, Tommaso Antonio. 55. Discorrimenti sopra alcunj important! fatti geognostico-paleo- zoici meritevoli di essere richiamati allamemoria de' naturalisti. Venezia, Atti, IX., 1863-64, pp. 461-480. Caturegli, Pietro. Ephemerides de la planete Jupiter. Zach, Corresp. II., 1819, pp. 477- 491, 587-599. 2. [Osservazioni, etc. della seconda cometa del 1822]. Astr. Nachr. IV., 1826, col. 447-450. Catz-Smallenburg, F. van. Proeve eener beant- Avoording der vraag ; wat zign zouten ? Of welke zelfstandigheden behooren thans onder de zouten te worden gerangschikt. Amsterd. Tijds. Genoots. Vis Unita, III., 1833, pp. 57-93. Cauchois, . Instruction sur les lunettes periscopiques. Journ. de Phys. LXXVIII., 1814, pp. 305-311. Cauchoix, . Ueber die Bergkrystall- Fern- rohre (lunettes vitro- cristallines.) Poggend. Annal. XV., 1829, pp. 244-256. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. Du cercle tangent a trois cercles donnes. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. I., 1804-8, pp. 193-195. 2. Sur les polyedres. Paris, Ecole Poly- techn. Corresp. IL, 1809-13, pp. 253-256. ' 3. Sur 1'egalite des polyedres composes des memes faces' semblablement disposees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1812, pp. 66-68 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXI., 1812, pp. 314-318. 4. Recherches sur les polyedres. [1811.] Paris, Eicole Polytechn. Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 68 -86 (16 cah.}. 5. Sur les polygones et les polyedres. [1812.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IX., 1813, pp. 87-98 (16 e cah.). 6. Recherches sur les nombres. Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IX., 1813, pp. Paris, 99-123 (16 e cah.}. 7. Demonstration du theoreme general de FERMAT sur les nombres polygones. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1813-15, pp. 177-220. 8. Sur la determination du nombre des racines reelles dans les equations algebriques. Paiis, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 95-100. 9. Sur les integrates definies. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1814, pp. 185-188. 10. Sur le nombre des valeurs qu'une fonc- ._ A tion peut acquerir, lorsqu'on y permute de toutes les manieres possibles les quantites qu'elle ren- ferme. Paris, ficole Polytechn. Journ. X., 1815, pp. 1-28 (17 e cA.). 11. Sur les fonctions qui ne peuvent obtenir que deux valeurs egales et de signes contraires par suite des transpositions operees entre les variables qu'elles renferment. [1812.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Jonrn. X., 1815, pp. 29-112 (I7 e cah.). CAU] 827 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 12. Sur la determi- nation du nombre des racines reelles dans les Equations algebriques. [1813.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. X., 1815, pp. 457-458 (17 e coA.). - 13. De la difference entre les attractions exercees par une couche infiuiment mince sur deux points tres-rapproches 1'un de 1'autre, situes 1'un a 1'interieur, 1'autre a 1'exfcerieur de cette menie couche. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 53-56. - 14. Demonstration generale du theoreme de FERMAT sur les nombres poly^ones. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 196-197; Journ. des Mines, XXXVIIL, 1815, pp. 395-398. - - 15. Demonstration d'un theoreme curieux sur les nombres. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1816, pp. 133-135. - 16. Sur les racines imaginaires des equa- tions. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 5-9, 161-164. - 17. Sur une loi de reciprocite qui existe entre certaines fonctions. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1817, pp. 121-124. 18. Report on a second memoir of M. HA- CHETTE, relative to the running of fluids through orifices with thin sides, through cylindrical or conical pipes, and through capillary tubes. (Transl) Thomson, Ann. Phil. X., 1817, pp. 214-221. - 19. Sur 1'integration d'une classe particu- liere d'equations differentielles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 17-19. - 20. Sur les fonctions reciproques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1818, pp. 178-181. - 21. Sur 1'integration. des equations aux differences partielles du premier ordre a un nom- bre quelconque de variables. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 11-91. - 22. Sur les racines imaginaires des equa- tions. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XL, 1820, pp. 411-416 (18 e caA.). - 23. Sur 1'integration des equations lineaires aux differences partielles, a coefficients constants et avec un dernier terme variable. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1821, pp. 101-112, 145-152 ; Paris, Bcole Polytechn. Journ. XII., 1823, pp. 510-592 (I9 e caA.). - 24. Sur le developpement des fonctions en series, et sur 1'integration des equations diffe- rentielles, ou aux differences partielles. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 49-54. - 25. Sur les integrales definies, ou Ton fixe le nombre et la nature des constantes arbi- traires et des fonctions arbitrages que peuvent comporter les valeurs de ces memes integrales quand elles deviennent indetermines. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 161-174. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 26. Sur une espece particuliere de mouvement des fluides. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XII., 1823, pp. 204- 214 (19 e caA.). 27. Memoire sur les developperaents des fonctions en series periodiques. [1826.] Paris, Mem. A cad. Sci. VI., 1823, pp. 603-612. 28. Recherches sur 1'equilibre et le mouve- ment interieur des corps solides, ou fluides elas- tiques ou non elastiques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 9-13. 29. Sur le systeme des valeurs qu'il faut attribuer a deux elements determines par un grand nombre d'observations pour que la plus grande de toutes les erreurs, abstraction faite du signe, devienne un minimum. Paris, Soc. Phi- lom. Bull. 1824, pp. 92-99. 3O. Sur les integrales definies prises entre des limites imaginaires. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. ILL, 1825, pp. 214-221. 31. Memoire sur les integrales definies, ou Ton donne une formule generale de laquelle se deduisent les valeurs de la plupart des integrales definies deja connueset celles d'un grand nombre d'autres. Gfirgonne, Ann. Math. XVI., 1825- 26, pp. 97-108. 32. Rapport sur un memoire relatif aux proprietes des centres de moyennes harmoniques, par M. PONCELET. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVL, 1825-26, pp. 349-360. 33. Note iiber cinen analytischen Lehrsatz. Baumgartner, Zeitschr. I., 1826, pp. 88-96. 34. Sur le calcul des conditions d'inegalite, annonce par M. FOURIER. Ferussac, Bull. Sci, Math. VI., 1826, pp. 1-8. 35. Memoire sur le choc des corps elas- tiques. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 180-182. 36. Recherche d'une formule generale qui fournit la valeur de la plupart des integrales definies connues et celle d'un grand nombre d'autres. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XVII., 1826- 27, pp. 84-127. 37. Sur les percussions entre deux corps durs, qui se choquenten plusieurs points. Ferus- sac, Bull. Sci. Math. VII., 1827, pp. 4-11, 85-90. 38. Extension du principe des vitesses vir- tuelles au cas ou les conditions de liaison du systeme sont exprimees par des inegalites, Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. VEIL, 1827, pp. 165- 170. 39. Second memoire sur 1'appli cation du calcul des residus aux questions de physique mathematique. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. VII. 1827,' pp. 463-472. 4O. Memoire sur la theorie de la propaga- tion des ondes a la surface d'un fluide pesant d'une profondeur indefinie. [1815.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. I., 1827, pp. 3-312. 5 M 2 CAU] 828 [CAU Cauchy, August in Louis. 41. Memoire sur les integrates definies. [1814.] Paris, Mem. Sav. trang. I., 1827, pp. 599-799. 42. Sur la theorie cles pressions. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. IX., 1828, pp. 10-22. 43. Observations sur les conditions d'equi- libre des fluides. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. IX., 1828, pp. 158-161. 44. Sur un nouveau principe de mecanique. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XII., 1829, pp. 116- 121. 45. Sur le principe des forces vives. Fe- russac, Bull. Sci. Math. XII., 1829, pp. 121-122. 46. Memoire sur la theorie des nombres. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XII., 1829, pp. 205- 221 ; XV., 1831, pp. 137-139. 47. Memoire sur divers points d'analyse. [1827.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. VIII., 1829, pp. 97-129. 48. Memoire sur le developpement de/" () suivant les puissances ascendantes de h, etant une racine de 1'equation z x h K (z) = 0. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. VIII., 1829, pp. 130-138. 49. Sui metodi analitici. Bibl. Ital. LX., 1830, pp. 202-219. SO. Sur les diverses niethodes a Paide des- quelles on peut etablir les equations qui repre- sentent les lois d'equilibre, ou le mouvement, interieur des corps solides ou fluides. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XIII., 1830, pp. 169-176. 51. Sur la refraction et la reflexion de la lumiere. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XIV. 1830, pp. 6-10. 52. Extrait du Memoire sur 1'integration des equations aux differences partielles. [1823.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 97-103 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XIII., 1830, pp. 273- 279. 53. Extrait du Memoire sur quelques series analogues a la serie de LAGRAKGE, sur les fonctions symetriques, et sur la formation directe des equations que produit 1'elimination des inconnues entre des equations algebriques donnees. [1824.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 104-110. 54; Memoire sur 1'equation qui a pour racines les moments d'inertie principaux d'un corps solide, et sur divers equations du meme* . genre. [1826.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 111-113. 1 55. Memoire sur le mouvement d'un sys- teme de molecules qui s'attirent ou se repoussent a de tres petites distances, et sur la theorie de la lumiere. [1829.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, pp. 114-116. 56. Demonstration analytique d'une loi decouverte par M. SAVART et relative a la vibration des corps solides ou fluides. [1829.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX., 1830, p. 117. Cauchy, Angustin Louis. 57. Memoire sur la torsion et les vibrations tournantes d'une verge rectangulaire. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. IX.. 1830, pp. 119-124. 58. Sul calcolo infinitesimale ed in partico- lare sul calcolo differenziale. Bibl. Ital. LXL, 1831, pp. 321-334. 59. Sul calcolo delle variazioui. Bibl. Ital. LXII., 1831, pp. 373-386. 60. Sur la Mecanique Celeste, et sur un nouveau calcul qui s'applique a un grand nombre de questions diverses. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XV., 1831, pp. 260-269. 61. Solution d'un probleme d'algebre legale. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XVI., 1831, pp. 3-7. 62. Sur les rapports qui existent entre le calcul des residus et le calcul des limites ; et sur les avantages que presentent ces deux nouveaux oalculs dans la resolution des equations algebri- ques ou transcendantes. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XVI., 1831, pp. 116-119. 63. Formules extraites d'un Memoire pre- sente, le 27 Novembre 1831, a 1' Academic des Sciences de Turin. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XVI., 1831, pp. 119-128. 64. Sur le systeme de valeurs qu'il faut attribuer a divers elemens, determines par un grand nombre d'observations, pour que la plus grande de toutes les erreurs, abstraction faite du signe, devienne un minimum. [1814.] Paris, Jficole Polytechn. Journ. XIII, 1831, pp. 175- 248 (20 e cah.}. 65. Sur I'inttVration d'une certaine classe d'e'quations aux differences partielles, et sur les phenomenes dont cette integration fait connaitre les lois dans les questions de physique mathema- tique. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XIIL. 1831, pp. 297-309 (20 e cah.}. 66. Memoire sur la theorie de la lumiere. [1830.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. X.. 1831, pp. 293-316; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Math. XIIL, 1830, pp. 41 5-427 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 207-208 ; Poggend. Annal. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 48-65 ; Taylor, Scientific Mem. 111., 1843, pp. 264-280. 67. Ein Theorem in Bezng auf die Isother- men. (Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832. pp. 42-43. 68. Allgemeine Siitze iiber die Ausdehnung und Zusammenziehung fester Korper. ( Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 44-49. 69. Memoria sullainterpolazione. [1835.] Modena, Mc-m. Soc. Ital. XXI., 1836, pp. 374- 389 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 193- 205 ; Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 459-468. 7O. Notes sur 1'optique. Paris, Rendus, II., 1836. pp. 341-349. CAU] 829 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 71. Lettre, sur 1'expli- cation de divers phenornenes de la lutniere dans le systeme des ondes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II, 1836, pp. 364-371 ; Poggend. Aniial. XXXIX., 1836, pp. 33-47. 72. Lettres sur la theorie mathematique de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 182-185, 207-209, 427-428, 455-458. 73. Note sur la variation des constantes arbitraires dans les problernes de Mecanique. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 406-413. 74. Calcul des indices des fonctions. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1837, pp. 176- 229 (25 e cah.\ 75. Extrait d'une lettre a M. CORIOOS [sur la convergence des series qui representeut les racines des equations algebriques, etc.]. Paris. Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 216-218. 76. Sur la resolution des equations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV.. 1837, pp. 362-365. 77. Racines des equations simultanees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 672-675. 78. Sur la determination complete de toutes les racines des equations de degre quelconque.. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 773-783. 79. Sur la resolution des equations de degre quelconque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 805-821 ; V., 1837, pp. 301-304. 80. Note sur un theoreme relatif aux racines des equations simultanees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 6-8. 81. Methode generale pour la determination des racines reelles des equations algebriques ou meme transcendantes. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, V., 1837, pp. 357-365. 82. Sur les vibrations de 1'ether dans un milieu ou dans le systeme de deux milieux, lors- que la propagation de la lumiere s'effectue de la meme maniere en tous sens autour de tout axe parallele a une droite donnee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIL, 1838, pp. 751-754. 83. Memoire sur la propagation du mouve- ment par ondes planes dans un systeme de mole- cules qui s'attirent ou se repoussent a de tres petites distances. Analogic de ces ondes avec celles dont la propagation donne naissance aux phenomenes de la polarisation de la lumiere et de la double refraction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIL, 1838, pp. 865-867. 84. Formules extraites des deux Memoires [sur la lumiere] presentes le 19 Novembre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIL, 1838, pp. 906-912. 85. Memoire sur la reflexion et la refrac- tion de la lumiere produites par la surface de separation de deux milieux doues de la refraction simple. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIL, 1838, pp. 953-954, 985-992, 1044-1050 ; VIIL, 1839, pp. 7-13, 39-46, 114-119, 146-155, 189-196, 272-284. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 86. Memoria sui rap- porti che esistono fra il calcolo del residui e il calcolo del limiti. [1837.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXII., 1839, pp. 91-183. 87. Calcolo degli indici delle funzioni. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIL, 1839, pp. 228- 246. 88. Note sur 1'egalite des refractions de deux rayons lumineux qui emanent de deux etoiles situees dans deux portions opposees de 1'ecliptique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 327-329. 89. Note sur les propositions [sur la re- flexion et la refraction de la lumiere] etablies dans le dernier Compte Rendu. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 229-231. 90. Methode generale propre a fournir les equations de condition relatives aux limites des corps dans les problemes de physique mathema- tique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 374-379, 432-445, 459-479. 91. Memoire sur les mouvements infiniment petits des systemes de molecules sollicitees par des forces d attraction ou de repulsion mutuelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus. VIIL, 1839, pp. 505- 522, 589-597, 659-673, 719-731, 767-778. 92. Note sur la quantite de lumiere re- flechie sous les diverses incidences par les sur- faces' des corps opaques et specialement des metaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 553-561. 93. Note sur la nature des ondes lumineuses et generalement de celles qui se propagent dans les systemes de molecules. Paris, Comptes Ren dus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 582-589. 94. Sur 1'intensite de la lumiere polarisee et reflechie par des surfaces metalliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL. 1839, pp. 658-659. 95. Memoire sur les mouvements infiniment petits de deux systemes de molecules qui se penetrent mutuellement. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 597-598, 779-783, 811-827. 96. Memoire sur 1'integration des equations lineaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 827-830, 845-865, 889-907, 931-937. 97. Memoire sur les mouvements infiniment petits dont les equations presentent une forme independante de la direction de trois axes coor- clonnes, supposes rectangulaires, ou seulement de deux de ces axes. Paris, Comptes Rendu?, VIIL, 1839, pp. 937-939. 98. Observations sur la lettre de M. MAC CULLAGH relativement a certaines formules pour cnlculer 1'intensite de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIIL, 1839, pp. 964-971. CAU] 830 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 99. Memoire sur la reflexion et la refraction d'un mouvement simple transmis d'un systeme de molecules a un autre, chacun de ces deux systeines etant suppose homogene et tellement constitue que la propa- gation des mouvements infiniment petits s'y effectue en tous sens suivant les memes lois. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 985- 1000 ; DL, 1839, pp. 1-9, 59-68, 91-103. ,. 10O. Memoire sur 1'integration des equa- tions differentielles des mouvements planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 184- 190. 1O1. Memoire ou Ton montre comment une scale et meme theorie peut fournir les lois de propagation de la lumiere et de la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 283-288. 102. Rapport sur le memoire de M. LAMJE relatif au dernier theorenie de FEBMAT. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 359-363 ; Liou- ville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 211-215. 1O3. Sur la theorie des nombres et en par- ticulier sur les formes quadratiques des puis- sances d'un nombre premier, ou du quadruple de ces puissances. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 473, 519-526. 1O4. Sur la theorie des nombres et en par- ticulier sur les formes quadratiques des nombres premiers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 473-474. 1O5. Memoire sur la constitution des mole- cules integrantes et sur les mouvements atomi- ques des corps cristallises. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 558-560. 1O6. Memoire sur la convergence des series. Application du theoreme fondamental aux de- veloppements des fonctions impli cites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1 839, pp. 587-588. 1O7. Memoire sur les pressions et tensions dans un double systeme de molecules sollicitees par des forces d'attraction ou de repulsion mutuelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 588-590. 1O8. Memoire sur 1'evaluation et la reduc- tion de la fonction principale dans les inte- grales d'un systeme d'equations lineaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 637-649. 1O9. Memoire sur la polarisation des rayons reflechis ou refractes par la surface de separa- tion de deux corps isophancs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 676-691. 110. Note sur les milieux dans lesquels un rayon simple peut etre completement polarisS par reflexion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 726-727. 111. Memoire sur la polarisation incomplete, produite a la surface de separation de certains milieux par la reflexion d'un rayon simple. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 727-730. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 112. Sur la reflexion des rayons lumineux produite par la seconde sur- face d'un corps isophane et transparent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 764-772. 113. Theoremes relatifs aux formes quadra- tiques des nombres premiers et de leurs puis- sances. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 51-61. 114. Observations nouvelles sur les formes quadratiques des nombres premiers et de leurs puissances. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840 pp. 85-100. 115. Sur les fonctions alternees et sur diverses formules d'analyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 178-181. 116. Suite des observations sur les formes quadratiques de certaines puissances des nombres premiers. Theoremes relatifs aux exposants de ces puissances. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 181-190. 117. Discussion des formes quadratiques sous lesquelles se presentent certaines puissances des nombres premiers. Reduction des exposants - de ces puissances. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 229-243. 118. Considerations nouvelles sur les con- ditions relatives aux limites des corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 266-273. 119. Considerations nouvelles relatives a la reflexion et a la refraction des mouvements simples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X.. 1840, pp. 347-360. 120. Theoremes divers sur les residus et les non-residus quadratiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 437-452. 121. Methode simple et nouvelle pour la determination complete des sommes alternees, formees avec les racines primitives des equations binomes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 560-572 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 154-168. 122. Sur la sommation de certaines puis- sances d'une racine primitive d'une equation binome, et en particulier des puissances qui offrent pour exposants ies residus cubiques in- ferieurs au module donne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 594-606 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 169-183. 123. Considerations nouvelles sur la theorie des suites et sur les lois de leur convergence. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 640-657. 124. Sur quelques series dignes de re- marque, qui se presentent dans la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 719-731. 125. Rapport sur un Memoire par M. DUHAMEL, relatif a 1'action de 1'archet sur les cordes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 855-861. CAU] [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 126. Sur les deux especes d'ondes planes qui peuvent se pro- pager dans un systeme isotrope de points mate- riels. Paris, Comptes Eendus, X., 1840, pp. 905-918. ... 127. Regies sur la convergence des series qui representent les integrates d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, X., 1840, pp. 939-941. 128. Sur 1'integration des systemes d'equa- tions differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, X., 1840, pp. 957-969. 129. Sur 1'integration des equations difFe- rentielles ou aux differences partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 1-12. - 13O. Methodes generates pour la determi- nation des mouvements des planetes et de leurs satellites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 179-184. 131. Sur les fonctions alternees qui se pre- sentent dans la theorie des mouvements plane- taires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 297-298, 377-385, 432-442. 132. Methode simple et generale pour la determination numerique des coefficients que renferme le developpement de la function per- turbatrice. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 453-475, 501-511. 133. Sur le mouvement de notre systeme planetaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 512-521, 533-543. 134. Memoire sur la variation des elements elliptiques dans le mouvement des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 579-598. 135. Memoire sur la convergence et la transformation des series. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XI., 1840, pp. 639-658. 136. Applications diverses des theoremes relatifs a la convergence et a, la transformation des series. Paris. Comptes Rendus, XI., 1840, pp. 667-677. 137. Sur la convergence des series qui representent les integrates generates d'un sys- teme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 730-746. 138. Sur ls fonctions interpolates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 775-789. 139. Sur les moyens d eviter les erreurs dans les calculs numeriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 789-798, 826. 14O. Sur la resolution numerique des equa- tions alg^briques et Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 829-847. 141. Sur les moyens de verifier ou de simplifier diverses operations de 1'arithmetique decimale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 847-858. - 142. Memoire sur divers points d'analyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 933-951. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 143. Rapport sur lee precedes de calcul imagines et mis en pratique par un jeune patre de la Touraine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 952-954. 144. Rapport sur une machine destinee a la resolution numerique des equations, inventee par M. LALANNE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 959-961. 145. Sur les integrales multiples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL, 1840, pp. 1000-1008, 1019. 146. Memoire sur la theorie des nombres. [1830.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XVII., 1840, pp. 249-768. 147. Methodes propres a simplifier le cal- cul des inegalites periodiques et seculaires des mouvements des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 84-101. 148. Sur les variations seculaires des elements elliptiques dans le mouvement dee planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 189-204. 149. Rapport sur une methode abregee de multiplication, par M. THOYEK. Paris, Comptee Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 242-246, 941-946. 150. Memoire sur diverses formules d'an- alyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 283-298. 151. Sur le developpement d'une fonction entiere du sinus et du cosinus d'un arc, en serie ordonnee suivant les sinus et cosinus des mul- tiples de cet arc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 323-330. 152. Note sur la formation des fonctions alternees qui servent a resoudre le probleme de 1'elimination. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 414-426. 153. Sur diverses formules relatives a 1'al- gebre et a la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 698-711, 813- 825. 154. Memoire sur des formules generates qui se deduisent du calcul des residus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 871-879. 155. Sur la determination et la reduction des integrales dont les derivees renferment une ou plusieurs fonctions implicites d'une meme variable. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 1029-1045. 156. Memoire sur la nature et les proprietes des racines d'une equation qui renferme un parametre variable. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 1133-1145. 157. Sur la determination et la transfor- mation d'un grand nombre d'integrales definies nouvelles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIL, 1841, pp. 1145-1158. CAU] 832 [CAU Canchy, AuyHxtiit Louis. 158. Memoire sur 1'integration des systcmes d'equations aux diffe- rentielles partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 1-15. 159. Sur 1'emploi de la transformation des coordonnees pour la determination et la reduc- tion des integrales definies multiples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 34-40. 160. Memoire sur diverses transformations remarquables de la fonction principale qui verifie une equation caracteristique homogene aux differences partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 40-46. 161. Memoire sur la reduction de la fonc- tion principale qui verifie une equation carac- teristique homogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XIIL, 1841, pp. 97-109. 162. Methode abregee pour 1'integration des systemes d'equations Hneaires a coefficients constants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 109-124. 163. Note sur la transformation des sommes d'integrales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 181-184. 164. Memoire sur la surface caracteristique correspondante a un systeme d'equations lineaires aux derivees partielles, et sur la surface des ondes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 184-188. 165. Memoire sur 1'emploi des fonctions principales representees par des integrales definies doubles, dans la recherche de la forme des ondes sonores, lumineuses. &c. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 188-197. 166. Rapport sur un memoire de M. OLTRA- MA.RE relatif au calcul des residus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 296-298. 167. Methode nouvelle pour le calcul des inegalites des mouvements planetaires, et en particulier des inegalites a longues periodcs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 317- 319. 168. Note sur la surface des ondes lumineuses dans les cristaux a deux axes opti- ques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 319-323. 169. Sur la reduction nouvelle de la fonc- tion principale qui verifie une equation carac- teristique homogene, et sur les consequences qu'entraine cette reduction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 397-412, 455-467, 487-497. 170. Sur 1'integration des equations homo- genes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841. pp. 564-579. 171. Note sur une transcendante que renferme le developpement de la fonction per- turbutrice relative au systeme planetaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 682-687. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 172. Sur le devel- oppement du reste qui complete la serie de TAYLOR en une serie nouvelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 842-849. 173. Note sur la substitution des anomalies excentriques aux anomalies moyennes dans le developpement de la fonction pcrturbatrice. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 850-854. 174. Note sur le developpement des fonc- tions en series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 909-914. 175. Note sur les fonctions alternees, et sur les sommes alternees. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 939-941. 176. Note sur divers theoremes relatifs a la rectification des courbes, et a la quadrature des surfaces. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 1060-1065. 177. Note sur quelques theoremes decalcul integral. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 1087-1095, 1130-1131. 178. Note sur la reduction de la fonction principale qui verifie une equation caracteris- tique homogene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIIL, 1841, pp. 1127-1130. 179. Sur diverses formules relatives a la theorie des integrales definies, et sur la conver- sion des differences finies des puissances en in- tegrales de cette espece. [1815.] Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XVIL, 1841, pp. 147-248 (28 e cah.). 180. Note sur la reflexion de la lumiere a la surface des rnetaux. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIL, 1842, pp. 338-344. 181. Note sur diverses transformations de la fonction principale qui verifie uue equation caracteristique homogene. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIV., 1842, pp. 1-13. 182. Rapport sur deux Memoires de M. BLANCHET, relatifs a la propagation du mouve- ment dans les milieux elastiques cristallises, et en particulier a la delimitation des ondes ; avec Notes par le Rapporteur. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIV., 1842, pp. 389-403. 183. Rapport sur une Note de M. PASSOT, relative a la determination de la variable inde- pendante dans 1'analyse des courbes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 508-511. 184. Note sur 1'integration des equations aux derivees partielles du premier ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 740-748, 769- 781, 881-895, 952-953, 1026-1028. 185. Memoire sur un theoreme fondamental dans le calcul integral. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 1020-1025. 186. Memoire sur 1'emploi du nouveau calcul des limites dans 1'integration d'uii systeme d'equations diflferentielles. Paris. Comptes Ren- dus XV., 1842, pp. 14-25. CAU] 833 [CAU Cauchy, Auyustin Louis. 187. Memoire sur 1'emploi du calcul des limites dans 1'integration des equations aux derivees partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 44-59, 85- 101. 188. Memoire sur les integrales des sys- temes d'equations differentielles ou aux derivees partielles, et sur les developpements de ces integrales en series ordonnees suivant les puissances ascendantes d'un parametre que ren- ferment les equations proposees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 101-102, 141-146. . 189. Memoire sur les systemes d'equations aux derivees partielles d'ordres quelconques, et sur leur reduction a des systemes d'equations lineaires du premier ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 131-138. 19O. Note sur divers theoremes relatifs au calcul des limites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 138-141. 191. Memoire sur les variations des ele- ments du mouvement elliptique des planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 186- 188. 192. Memoire sur le calcul des limites applique de diverses manieres a 1'integration des systemes d'equations difFerentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 188-200. 193. Note sur une loi de reciprocite qui existe entre deux systemes de valeurs de varia- bles assujetties a verifier des equations differen- tielles du premier ordre, et sur tin theoreme relatif a ces meines equations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 200-201. 194. Theorie nouvelle des mouvements planetaires, ou application dti calcul des residus a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 255-269. 195. Sur le nouveau developpement de la fonction perturbatrice, et sur diverses formules qui rendent plus facile 1'application du calcul des residus a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 301-303. 196. Determination rigoureuse des termes seculaires dans le nouveau developpement de la fonction perturbatrice. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 357-366. 197. Note sur une formule qui sert a de- velopper, suivant les puissances entieres d'un accroissement attribue au cosinus d'un arc, les accroissements correspondants que prennent les cosinus des multiples de cet arc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 411-418. 198. Note sur le calcul des phenomenes que presente la lumiere reflechie ou refractee par la surface d'un corps transparent ou opaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 418- 425. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 199. Decomposition de la fonction perturbatrice en produits de fac- teurs dont chacun se rapporte a une seule planete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 478-483. 200. Methode abregee pour la recherche des lois suivant lesquelles la lumiere se trouve reflechie ou refractee par la surface d'un corps transparent ou opaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV, 1842, pp. 542-554. 201. Note sur la diffraction de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XV., 1842, pp. 554- 556, 573-578. 2O2. Memoires sur les phenomenes des ombres et de la diffraction. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XV, 1842, pp. 605-614, 615-617, 670-678. 2O3. Memoire sur les rayons diffractes qui peuvent etre transmis ou reflechis par la surface de separation de deux milieux isophanes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 712-716. 204. Memoire sur de nouveaux pheno- menes, indiques par le calcul, qui paraissent devoir interesser les physiciens, et en particulier sur la diffraction du son. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XV., 1842, pp. 759-770. 205. Note sur les principales differences qui existent entre les ondes lumineuses et les ondes sonores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 813-816. 206. Memoires sur 1'application de 1'ana- lyse mathematique a la recherche des lois gene- rales des phenomenes observes par les physiciens, et, en particulier, sur les lois de la polarisation circulaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 910-916. 207. Rapport sur une note de M. PASSOT relative aux forces centrales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 917-919. 2O8. Memoire sur les lois de la dispersion plane et de la dispersion circulaire dans les milieux isophanes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 1076-1096. 209. Memoire sur la polarisation rectiligne et la double refraction. [1839.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XVIII., 1842, pp. 153-217. 21O. Sur les dilatations, les condensations, et les rotations produites par un changement de forme dans un systeme de points materiels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 12-22. 211. Note sur les pressions supportees, dans un corps solide ou fluide, par deux por- tions de surface tres-voisines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 151-155. 212. Memoire sur les pressions ou tensions interieures mesurees dans un ou plusieurs sys- temes de points materielsque sollicitent des forces d'attraction ou de repulsion mutuelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 299-308, 954-967, 1035-1039. 5 N CAU] 834 [CAU Cauchy, Augitstin Louis. 213. Sur 1'emploi des coordonnees curvilignes dans 1'evaluation des surfaces, des volumes, des masses, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 413-422. 214. Memoire sur la theorie des integrales definies singulieres, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 422-433. 215. Recherches sur les integrales des equa- tions lineaires aux derivees partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 469-484. 216. Note relative a 1'equilibre des tem- peratures dans un cylindre de forme quelconque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 517- 524. 217. Remarques sur les integrales des Equations aux derivees partielles, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 572-587. 218. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. AMYOT relatif aux surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 783- 788. 219. Memoire sur la synthese algebrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 867- 881, 967-976, 1039-1052. 220. Sur les courbes qui renferment les foyers et les poles correspondants d'une surface du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 885-886. 221. Sur un theorems d'analyse, et sur diverses consequences de ce theoreme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 886-890. 222. Sur 1'expression des distances d'un point mobile a un centre fixe et a un plan fixe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 798- 801. 223. Sur les plans tangents, Jes plans polaires, les plans diametraux, et les centres des surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVI., 1843, pp. 801-805. 224. Sur diverses proprietes des lignes et des surfaces du premier et du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 805- 809. 225. Sur les foyers et les poles des lignes et surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 809-818. 226. Sur les courbes tracees dans le plan d'une section conique par des foyers et des poles correspondants. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 818-828. 227. Note sur le developpement des fonc- tions en series ordonnees suivant les puissances entieres positives et negatives des variables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 193- 198. 228. Memoire sur 1'analyse infinitesimale, et le calcul des variations. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 275-280. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 229. Sur un emploi legitime des series divergentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 370-376. 23O. Recherches sur les integrales Eule- riennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 376-377. 231. Sur la formation d'une classe tres etendue d'equations reciproques, renfermant un nombre quelconque de variables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVL, 1843, pp. 1279-1280. 232. Note sur des theoremes nouveaux et de nouvelles formules qui se deduisent de quel- ques equations symboliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 377-379. 233. Memoire sur 1'emploi des equations symboliques dans le calcul infinitesimal et dans le calcul aux differences finies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp 449-458. 234. Memoire sur les fonctions dont plu- sieurs valeurs sont liees entre elles par une equation lineaire, et sur diverses transformations de produits composes d'un nombre indefini de facteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 523-531. 235. Second memoire sur les fonctions dont plusieurs valeurs sont liees entre elles par une equation lineaire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 567-570. 236. Memoire sur Tap plication du calcul des residus au developpement des produits com- poses d'un nombre infini de facteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 572-581. 237. Memoire sur une certaine classe de fonctions transcendantes liees entre elles par un systeme de formules qui fournissent, comme cas particuliers, les developpements des facteurs elliptiques en series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 640-651. 238. Memoire sur les factorielles geome- triques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 692-703. 239. Memoire sur les rapports entre les factorielles reciproques dont les bases varient proportionellement, et sur la transformation des logarithmes de ces rapports en integrales definies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 779-787. 24O. Sur la reduction des rapports de factorielles reciproques aux fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 825- 837. 241. Memoire sur les fractions rationelles que 1'on peut extraire d'une fonction transcen- dante, et specialement du rapport entre deux produits de factorielles reciproques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIL, 1843, pp. 921-925. CAU] 835 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 242. Note sur le de- veloppement des fonctions en series convergentes ordonnees suivant les puissances entieres des variables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 940-942. 243. Memoire sur 1'application du calcul des limites a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1157-1159. 244. Memoire sur les formules qui servent a decomposer en fractions rationelles le rapport entre deux produits de facfcorielles reciproques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1159- 1164. 245. Memoire sur la theorie analytique des maxima maximorum et des minima minimorum. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1215- 1220. 246. Memoire sur les modules des series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1220- 1222. 247. Sur les fonctions continues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 116-129. 248. Memoire sur les valeurs moyennes des fonctions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 558-564. 249. Nouveau memoire sur le calcul des inegalites des mouvements planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 625-630. 25O. Sur 1'equilibre et le mouvement d'un systeme de molecules dont les dimensions ne sont pas supposees nulles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 774-782. 251. Addition au memoire sur la Synthese algebrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 803-809. 252. Remarques a 1'occasion d'uu Memoire par M. LAURENT sur la rotation des plans de polarisation dans les mouvements infiniment petits d'un systeme de spheroides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 940-942. 253. Memoire sur la theorie de la polarisa- tion chromatique. ' Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 961-972. 254. Memoire sur la substitution des fonc- tions non periodiques aux fonctions periodiques dans les integrales definies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIII., 1844, pp. 1072-1186. - 255. Sur la methode logarithmique appli- quee au developpement des fonctions en series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 51-67. 256. Note sur les integrales Euleriennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 67-73. 257. Sur divers theoremes relatifs a la convergence des series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 141-144, 157. 258. Note sur 1'application de la methode logarithmique a la determination des inegalites periodiques des mouvements planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 159-162 Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 259. Note sur di- verses proprietes remarquables du developpe- ment d'une fonction en serie ordonnee suivant les puissances entieres d'une memo variable. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 205- 209. 26O. Memoire sur 1'application de la me- thode logarithmique a la determination des inegalites periodiques que presentent les mouve- ments des corps celestes. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 279-294. 261. Note sur 1'application de la methode logarithmique au developpement des fonctions en series, et sur les avantages que presente, dans cette application, la determination numerique des coefficients effectuee a 1'aide d'approxima- tions successives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 699-701. 262. Sur les developpements de la fonc- tion perturbatrice en series ordonnees suivant les puissances entieres des exponentielles trigono- m^triques, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 782-786. 263. Sur les proprietes de certaines facto- rielles, et sur la decomposition des fonctions en facteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1069-1073. 264. Sur un nouveau genre de developpe- ment des fonctions qui permettra d'abreger notablement les calculs astronomiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1122-1126. 265. Sur quelques formules relatives aux differences finies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1179-1183. 266. Memoire sur plusieurs nouvelles formules qui sont relatives au developpement des fonctions en series. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX,, 1844, pp. 1194-1205. 267. Sur 1'application de nouvelles for- mules a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1228-1239. 268. Memoire sur une extension remar- quable que Ton peut donner aux nouvelles for- mules etablies dans les Seances precedentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1331- 1334. 269. Sur quelques propositions fondamen- tales du calcul des residus, et sur la theorie des integrales singulieres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1337-1344. 270. Sur les ^series multiples et sur les series modulaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1375-1377. 271. Sur les fonctions complementaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1377- 1381. 272. Sur la convergence des series multi- ples. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1433-1436. 5 N 2 CAU] 836 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 273. Sur lesfonctions qui se reproduisent par substitution. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1436-1439. 274. Sur les progressions des divers orclres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 2-19. 275. Note sur diverses consequences du theoreme relatif aux valeurs moyennes des fonc- tions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 119-126. 276. Sur la convergence de la serie par- tielle qui a pour termes les divers coefficients d'une meme puissance d'une seule variable dans une serie multiple. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 126-138. 277. Memoire sur diverses consequences remarquables des principes etablis dans les Seances precedentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 212-228. 278. Sur 1'emploi des variables comple- mentaires dans le developpement des fonctions en series. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 280-293. 279. Sur des formules rigoureuses etdignes de remarque, auxquelles on se trouve conduit par la consideration de series multiples et diver- gentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 329-340. - 2 SO. Memoire sur diverses proprietes re- marquables et tres generales des fonctions con- tinues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 375-395. ~ 281* Memoire sur les series syntagma- tiques, et sur celles qu'on obtient quand on developpe des fonctions d'une seule variable suivant les puissances entieres de son argument. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 463- 480. 282. Sur les approximations des fonctions de tres grands nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 481-482, 552-554, 691-726. 283. Sur les modules principaux des fonc- tions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX.. 1845, pp. 546-552. 284. Sur les variations du moyen mouve- ment. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 769-774. 285. Sur la distance mutuelle de deux planetes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 774-781. 286. Suite des Notes relatives a la deter- mination des inegalites periodiques des mouve- ments planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 825-847. 287. Sur la determination approximative des fonctions representees par des integrates. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 288. Sur 1'application des nouvelles formules a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendns, XX., 1845, pp. 996-999. 289. Sur les series nouvelles que 1'on obtient, quand on applique les methodes exposees dans les precedentes Seances, au developpement de la fonction perturbatrice et a la determina- tion des inegalites periodiques des mouvements planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1166-1179. 29O. Sur des formules et des theoremes remarquables qui permettent de calculer tres facilement les perturbations planetaires dont 1'ordre est tres elevee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1612-1626. 291. Notes relatives a la Mecanique ratio- nelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1759-1766. 292. Observations sur la pression que sup- porte un element de surface plane dans un corps solide ou fluide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 125-133. 293. Memoire sur les secours que les sciences de calcul peuvent fournir aux sciences physiques ou meme aux sciences morales, et sur 1'accord des theories mathematiques et phy- siques avec la veritable philosophic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 134-143 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXV., 1845, col. 84-85. 294. Sur divers theoremes de geometrie analytique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 305-316. 295. Sur divers theoremes d'analyse alge- brique et de calcul integral. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 407-415. 296. Sur le nombre des valeurs egales ou inegales que peut acquerir une fonction de n variables independantes, quand on permute ces variables entre elles d'une maniere quelconque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 593- 607, 668-679, 727-742, 779-783. 297. Memoire sur diverses proprietes re- Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 927. 907- marquables des substitutions regulieres ou irregulieres, et des systemes de substitutions conjuguees. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXL, 1845, pp. 835-852, 895-902, 931-933, 972-987, 1025- 1041. 298. Memoire sur les premiers termes de la serie des quantites qui sont propres a repre- senter le nombre des valeurs distinctes a une fonction des n variables independantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1093-1101. 299. Sur la resolution des equations line"- aires symboliques, et sur les consequences re- marquables que cette resolution entraine apres elle dans la theorie des permutations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1123-1134. CAU] 837 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 300. Memoire sur les substitutions permutables entre elles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1188-1199. 301. Note sur la reduction des fonctions transitives aux fonctions intransitives, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1199- 1201. 302. Note sur les substitutions qui n'al- terent pas la valeur d'une fonction. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXI., 1845, pp. 1234-1238. 303. Sur diverges proprietes des systemes de substitutions et particulierement de ceux qui sont permutables entre eux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1238-1254. 304. Note sur les fonctions caracteristiques des substitutions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1254-1255. 305. Sur le nombre et la forme des substi- tutions qui n'alterent pas la valeur d'une fonction de plusieurs variables independantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1287-1300. 306. Applications diverses des principes etablis dans les precedents memoires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1356-1369. 3O7. Sur les fonctions de cinq ou six variables, et specialement sur celles qui sont doublement transitives. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1401-1409 ; XXIL, 1846, pp. 1-31. 308. Ueber die Aufiosung der Gleichung ax -f by + cz = 0, wo a, b, c ganze Zahlen be- zeichnen in ganzen Zahlen. Grunert, Archiv, VIL, 1846, pp. 305-308. 309. Note sur le developpement des fonc- tions en series ordonnees suivant les puissances ascendantes des variables. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 313-330. 31O. Sur un nouveau calcul qui permet de simplifier et d'etendre la theorie des Permutations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 53-63. 311. Applications diverses du nouveau cal- cul dont les principes ont ete etablis dans la Seance precedente. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 99-107. 312. Recherches sur un systeme d'equa- tions simultanees, dont les unes se deduisent des autres a 1'aide d'une ou de plusieurs substitutions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 159- 160, 193-196. 313. Sur la resolution des equations sym- boliques non lineaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 235-238. 314. Note sur un theoreme fondamental relatif a deux systemes de substitutions eon- juguees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, 630-632. 315. Sur les integrates qui s'etendent a tous les points d'une courbe fermee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 251-255. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 316. Sur les fonctions de variables imaginaires. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 271-275. 317. Sur' 1'application du calcul des re- sidus a la recherche des proprietes gene rales des integrales dont les derivees renferment des racines d'equations algebriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 321-333. 318. Memoire sur le changernent de vari- ables dans les transcendantes representees par des integrales definies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 382-394. 319. Sur la determination complete des variables propres a verifier un systeme d'equa- tions differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 485-487, 529-537. 32O. Sur les caracteres a 1'aide desquels on peut distinguer, entre les diverses racines d'une equation algebrique ou transcendaute, celle qui se developpe en serie convergente par le theoreme de LAGRANGE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 493-501. 321. Memoire sur les integrales dans les- quelles la fonction sous le signe brusquement de valeur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, p. 537. 322. Memoire sur les integrales imaginaires des equations differentielles, et sur les grands avantages que 1'on peut retirer de la considera- tion des ces integrales, soit pour etablir des formules nouvelles, soit pour eclaircir des diffi- cultes qui n'avaient pas etejusqu' ici complete- ment resolues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 563-569. 323. Note sur 1'integration d'un systeme d'equations differentielles, et sur 1'inversion de leurs integrales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 617-619. 324. Considerations nouvelles sur les in- . tegrales definies qui s'etendent a tous les points d'une courbe fermee, et sur celles qui sont prises entre des limites imaginaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 689-702. 325. Memoire sur la continuite des fonctions / change qui representent les integrales reelles ou imagi- naires d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 702- 704. 326. Sur les diverses especes d'integrales d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 729-740. 327. Sur les rapports et les differences qui existent entre les integrales rectilignes d'un systeme d'equations differentielles et les in- tegrales completes de ces memes equations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 779- 787. CAU] 838 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 328. Methodes nou- velles pour la determination des orbites des corps celestes, et en particulier des cometes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 887-892. 329. Sur 1'application de la nouvelle for- mule d'interpolation a la determination des orbites que decrivent les corps celestes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 956-959. 330. Notes sur les formules relatives a la determination des orbites que decrivent les corps celestes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 1002-1014. 331. Note sur quelques proprietes des facteurs complexes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 347-348. 332. Memoire sur les mouvements des systemes de molecules. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV, 1847, pp. 348-352. 333. Memoire sur les racines des equations algebriques a coefficients entiers, et sur les poly- nomes radicaux. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV, 1847, pp. 407-414. 334. Sur de nouvelles formules relatives a la the*orie des polyn6mes radicaux, et sur le dernier theoreme de FERMAT. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 469-481, 516-528, 578-584, 633-636, 661-666. 335. Memoire sur le degre d'exactitude ayec lequel on peut determiner les orbites des planetes et des cometes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 572-579. - 336. Memoire sur les maxima et minima conditionnels. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 757-763. 337. Sur les lieux analytiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 885-887. 338. Sur diverses propositions relatives a la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 996-999 ; XXV., 1847, pp. 177-182, 242-243. 339. Sur la decomposition d'un nombre entier en facteurs radicaux. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1022-1030. 34O. Sur les facteurs modulaires des fonc- tions entieres d'une ou de plusieurs variables. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1116- 1120. 341. Memoire sur une nouvelle theorie des imaginaires, et sur les racines symboliques des equations et des equivalences. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 1120- 1130. 342. Memoire sur les racines des equiva- lences correspondantes a des modules quelconques premiers ou non premiers, et sur les avantages que presente 1'emploi de ces racines dans la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 37-46. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 343. Memoire sur la disposition des nombres entiers en facteurs radi- caux. Paris, Comptes Eeudus, XXV., 1847, pp. 46-54. 344. Memoire sur les indices modulaires des polynomes radicaux que fournissent les puissances et produits des racines de la resol- vante d'une equation binome. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 93-99. 345. Memoire sur 1'application de la nouvelle theorie des imaginaires aux diverses branches des sciences mathematiques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 129-132. 346. Sur diverses propositions relatives a la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Een- dus, XXV., 1847, pp. 132-136, 177-182, 242- 243. 347. Sur Femploi des racines de 1'unite pour la resolution des divers systemes d'equa- tions lineaires. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 285-288. 348. Note sur la polarisation chromatique. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 331- 333. 349. Sur la determination des orbites des planetes et des cometes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV, 1847, pp. 401-413, 475-478. 350. Note sur 1'application des formules etablies dans les precedentes Seances. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 531-536. 351. Methode generale pour la resolution des systemes d'equations simultanees. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 536-538. 352. Sur le degre d'exactitude avec lequel on peut determiner les orbites des planetes et des cometes. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 572-579. 353. Application des formules que fournit la nouvelle methode d'interpolation a la resolu- tion d'un systerne d'equations lineaires approxi- matives, et, en particulier, a la correction des elements de 1'orbite d'un astre. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 650-656. 354. Memoire sur la determination et la correction des elements de 1'orbite d'un astre. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 700- 705. 355. Memoire sur la determination de 1'orbite d'une planete a 1'aide des formules qui ne renferment que les derivees du premier ordre des longitude et latitude geocentriques. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 775-781, 879-883. 356. Sur deux formules generates, dont chacune permet de calculer rapidement des valeurs tres approchees des elemens de 1'orbite d'une planete ou d'une comete. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 953-959. CAU] 839 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 357. Note sur 1'abais- sement que Ton peut faire subir au degre de 1'equation donnee par LAGRANGE dans la " Con- naissance des Temps " pourl'annee 1821. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 27-28. 358. Memoire sur quelques proprietes re- marquables des fonctions interpolaires, et sur le parti qu'on en peut tirer pour une determina- tion sure et facile des elements de 1'orbite d'un planete ou d'une comete. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 29-33. 359. Formules pour la determination des orbites des planetes et des cometes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 57-61, 133-136, 157-162, 236-240. 360. Note sur la lumiere reflechie par la surface d'un corps opaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 86-88 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXIV., 1849, pp. 543-545. 361. Note sur le recensement des votes dans les elections generates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 469-472. 362. Sur quelques theoremes de geometric analytique relatifs aux polygones et aux polyedres reguliers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 489-494. 363. Note sur quelques proprietes re- marquables des polyedres reguliers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 517-522. 364. Memoire sur les valeurs moyennes des fonctions et sur les fonctions isotropes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVL, 1848, pp. 549- 550, 624-627, 666-673; XXVIL, 1848, pp. 6-12. 365. Theoremes divers sur les fonctions differentielles et sur les valeurs moyennes des fonctions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 37-42. 366. Memoire sur le mouvement d'un systeme de molecules. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 93-99. 367. Memoire sur les trois especes de rayons lumineux qui correspondent aux mouve- ments simples du fluide ethere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIL, 1848, pp. 621-622. 368. Sur les polyedres etoiles. Nouv. Ann. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 304-312. 369. Mecanique moleculaire. Comptes Rendus, XXVTIL, 1849, pp. 2-6. 37O. Note sur les rayons lumineux simples Paris, et sur les rayons evanescents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVLTL, 1849, pp. 25-28 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 29-38. 371. Memoire sur la reflexion et la refraction de la lumiere, et sur de nouveaux rayons reflechis et refractes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 57-66. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 372. Memoire sur les fonctions discontinues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 277-282. 373. Memoire sur les rayons reflechis et refractes par des lames minces, et sur les anneaux colores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 333-340. 374. Recherches nouvelles sur les series et sur les approximations des fonctions de tres grands nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 42-48. 375. Memoire sur 1'integration d'un sys- teme quelconque d'equations differentielles et en particulier de celles qui representent les mouve- ments planetaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 65-67. 376. Suite des recherches sur 1'integration d'un systeme d'equations differentielles, et trans- formation remarquable de 1'integrale generate de 1'equation caracteristique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 103-106. 377. Rapport concernant un Memoire de M. JAMIN sur la reflexion de la lumiere a la surface des corps transparents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 121-126. 378. Sur les quantites geometriques et sur une methode nouvelle pour la resolution des equations algebriques de degre quelconque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX.. 1849, pp. 250-257. 379. Sur les valeurs moyennes des fonc- tions de trois variables independantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 341-349. 380. Memoire sur les integrates continues et les integrales discontinues des equations differentielles ou aux derivees partielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 548-557. 381. Applications des principes etablis dans la Seance precedente a la recherche des integrales qui representent les mouvements infinimentpetits des corps homogenes et speciale- ment les mouvements par ondes planes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 606-615. 382. Memoire sur les systemes d'equations lineaires differentielles ou aux derivees partielles, a coefficients periodiques, et sur les integrales elementaires de ces memes equations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 641-643; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 587- 597. 383. Memoire sur les vibrations infiniment petites des systemes de points materiels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 643-644. 384. Demonstration simple de cette pro- position que, dans un rayon de lumiere polarise rectilignement, les vibrations des molecules sont perpendiculaires au plan de polarisation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, p. 645. CAU] 840 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 385. Sur les vibra- tions d'un double systeme de molecules et de Tether contenu dans un corps cristallise. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 728-729 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXII., 1850, pp. 599- 614. 386. Sur les systemes isotropes de points materiels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 761-762. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 615-654. 387. Sur les perturbations produites dans les mouvements vibratoires d'un systeme de mole- cules par 1'influence d'un autre systeme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 17-24. 388. Memoire sur la propagation de la lumiere dans les milieux isophanes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 33-41. 389. Memoire sur les vibrations de Tether dans les milieux qui sont isophanes par rapport a une direction donnee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 93-97. 390. Note sur la difference de marche entre les deux rayons lumineux qui emergent d'une plaque doublement refringente a faces paralleles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 97-99. 391. Memoire sur la decomposition des fonctions en facteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 186-190. 392. Note sur 1'intensite de la lumiere dans les rayons reflechis par la surface d'un corps transparent ou opaque. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 465-467. 393. Rapport sur une Note relative aux anneaux colores de NEWTON. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 498-499. 394. Sur les rayons de lumiere reflechis et refractes par la surface d'un corps transparent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 160- 166, 225-232. 395. Memoire sur la reflexion et la refrac- tion des rayons lumineux a la surface exterieure ou interieui'e d'un cristal. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 257-262. 396. Determination ' des trois coefficients qui, dans la reflexion et la refraction operees par la surface exterieure d'un cristal dependent des rayons evanescents. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 297-306. 397. Memoire sur les equations differen- tieUes du mouvement de I'ether dans les cristaux a uii et a deux axes optiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 338-342. 398. Memoire sur un nouveau phenomene de reflexion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, pp. 532-533. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 399. Note relative aux rayons reflechis sous Pincidence principale, par la surface exterieure d'un cristal a une axe optique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 666-667. 4OO. Note sur la reflexion d'un rayon de lumiere polarised, a la surface exterieure d'un corps transparent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXI., 1850, p. 766. 4O1. Note sur les vibrations transversales de I'ether etsur la dispersion descouleurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 842-843. 402. Memoire sur la rectification des courbes et la quadrature des surfaces courbes. [1832.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 3-15. 403. Memoire sur les conditions relatives aux limites des corps, et en particulier sur celles qui conduisent aux lois de la reflexion et de la refraction de la lumiere. [1848.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 17-28. 404. Memoire sur le calcul integral. [1824.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIL, 1850, pp. 39-180. 4O5. Sur les fonctions irrationelles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 68-75, 162-164. - 406. Sur les fonctions de variables imagi- naires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 160-162. 4O7. Sur 1'application du calcul des resi- dus a plusieurs questions importantes d'analyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XXXIL, 1851, pp. 207- 215. 4O8. Memoire sur 1'application du calcul des residus a la decomposition des fonctions transcendantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 267-276, 354-357. 409. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. Pui- SEUX, intitule : " Recherches sur les fonctions algebriques." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 276-284. 41O. Note sur 1'equilibre et les mouve- ments vibratoires des corps solides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 323- 326. 411. Rapport sur divers memoires de M. WERTHEIM qui ont pour objet 1'equilibre des corps solides, etc. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 326-330. 412. Memoire sur la sommation des termes de rang tres-eleve dans une serie simple ou mul- tiple. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 389-397. 413. Rapport sur un memoire de M. HER- MITE relatif aux fonctions a double periode. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 442- 454. CAU] 841 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 414. Sur les fonctions monotypiques et monogenes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 484-487. 415. Methode d'interpolation. Connaiss. des Temps, 1852, pp. 129-142. 416. Sur le developpement des fonctions en series limitees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 8-9. 417. Sur le developpement des quantites en series limitees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 70-77. 121-124. 418. Sur les restes qui competent les series limitees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 156-159. 419. Sur le changement de variable inde- pendante dans les moyennes isotropiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 159-162. 420. Memoire sur 1'application du calcul infinitesimal a la determination des fonctions implicites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 265-273. 421. Sur la serie de LAGRANGE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 309-319. 422. Notes annexees au Rapport sur de nouvelles recherches relatives a la serie de LAGRANGE, et presentees a 1'Academie par M. F. CHIO. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 316-319, 345-349. 423. Sur les clefs algebriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 70-75, 129-132. 424. Sur la theorie des moments lineaires et sur les moments lineaires des divers ordres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 75- 81. 425. Sur les avantages que presente, dans un grand nombre de questions, 1'emploi des clefs algebriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 161-169. 426. Note sur les series convergentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX VI., 1853, pp. 454-459. 427. Memoire sur 1'evaluation d'inconnues determinees par un grand nombre d'equations approximatives du premier degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 1114- 1122. 428. Memoire sur les differentielles et les variations employees comme clefs algebriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 38-45, 57-64. 429. Sur 1'interpolation. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 64-68. 430. Sur la nouvelle methode d'inter- polation comparee a la methode des moindres carrees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 100-109. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 431. Sur les coeffi- cients limitateurs ou restricteurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL. 1853, pp. 150-162. 432. Sur les resultats moyens d'obser- vations de meme nature. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 198-206. 433. Sur la probabilite des erreurs qui affectent des resultats moyens d'observations de meme nature. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 264-272. 434. Sur la plus grande erreur a craindre dans un resultat moyen, et sur le systeme de facteurs qui rencle cette plus grande erreur un minimum. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 326-334. 435. Sur les resultats moyens d'un tres grand nombre d'observations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 381-385. 436. Sur les rayons vecteurs associes, et, sur les avantages que presente 1'emploi de ces rayons vecteurs dans la physique mathematique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 67-71. 437. Sur la torsion des prismes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 326- 332. 438. Sur la transformation des fonctions implicites en moyennes isotropiques, et sur leurs developpements en series trigonometriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 910-916. 439. Formules generates pour la trans- formation des fonctions implicites en fonctions explicites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 944-952. 44O. Sur la transformation des variables qui determinent les mouvements d'une planete. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 990-993. 441. Sur les services que la spirale loga- rithmique peut rendre a 1'Astronomie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 1033- 1035. 442. Sur la resolution des equations, et sur le developpement de leur racines en series con- vergentes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 1105-1108. 443. Sur une formule de M. ANGER et sur d'auti-es formules analogues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 129-135. 444. Sur 1'induction en analyse, et sur 1'emploi des formules symboliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 169-177. 445. Sur les integrates aux differences finies. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 214-218. 5 o CAU] 842 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 446. Sur un theoreme general qui fournit immediatement, dans un grand nombre de cas, des limites entre lesquels une serie simple ou multiple demeure conver- gente. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 162-167. 447. Sur les avantages que presents 1'in- troduction d'un parametre variable et des notations propres au calcul des variations dans quelques-unes des principales formules de 1'ana- lyse infinitesimal. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 261-267. 448. Note sur les conditions de convergence des series qui representent les integrales gene- rales d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 330- 335, 373-376. 449. Sur la nature des integrales d'un systeme d'equations differentielles du l er ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 376-381. 450. Sur la distinction et la representation des fonctions continues et discontinues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 382-386. > 451. Sur les rapports differentiels des quantites geometriques, et sur les integrales synectiques des equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 445-453. 452. Sur la recherche des integrales mono- dromes et monogenes d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 511-518. . 453. Rapport sur un memoire, par MM. BRIOT et BOUQUET, intitule : " Recherches sur les fonctions definies par les equations differen- tielles." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 557-567. 454. Memoire sur les variations integrales des fonctions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 651-658, 713-717, 804-812. . 455. Sur la transformation des fonctions implicites en fonctions monodromes et mono- genes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 878-881. 456. Sur les compteurs logarithm iques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1009- 1016. .. 457. Sur le denombrement des racines qui, dans une equation algebrique ou transcendante, satisfont a des conditions donnees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1329-1335. - 458. Considerations nouvelles sur les residus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855. pp. 41-43. 459. Sur une formule tres-simple et tres- generale qui resout immediatement un grand nombre de problemes d'analyse determinee et d'analyse indeterminee. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 366-374. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 46O. Note sur un theoreme de M. PUISEUX. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 663-672. 461. Sur les fonctions monodromes et mono- genes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 13-33. 462. Sur la theorie des fonctious. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 69-75. 463. Methode nouvelle pour 1'integration d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 127-128. 464. Sur les produits symboliques et les fonctions symboliques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 169-186. 465. Sur la transformation des fonctions symboliques en moyennes isotropiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 261-271. 466. Sur 1'integration definie d'un systeme d'equations differentielles. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 497-509. . 467. Observations sur uue note par M. CATALAN [sur quelques points de la theorie des series]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 637-639. 468. Note sur les variations brusques de vitesses dans un systeme de points materiels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1137- 1139. . 469. Recherches nouvelles sur la theorie des nombres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 77-80. 47O. Sur quelques propositions de me- canique rationelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 101-109. 471. Sur les coaipteurs logarithmiques appliques au denombrement et a la separation des racines des equations transcendantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 257-268. 472. Sur la resolution des equations alge- briques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 268-270. 473. Sur les fonctions quadratiques et homogenes de plusieurs variables. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 361-370, 416. 474. Note sur les resultants anastro- phiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 370. 475. Theorie nouvelle des residus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 406-416. 476. Sur 1'integration d'un systeme d'equa- tions differentielles, et specialement de ceux qui expriment les mouvements des astres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 805-807. 477. Sur les avantages que presente 1'em- ploi des regulateurs dans 1'analyse mathematique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 849- 851. CAU] 843 [CAU Cauchy, Augustin Louis. 478. Methode nou- velle pour la determination des mouvements des astres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 851-854. Cauchy, Augustin Louis, et Foncelet. Rapport sur un memoire relatif aux proprietes, projec- tives des sections coniques. Gergonne, Ann. Math. XI., 1820-21, pp. 69-83. Cauchy, P. F. Sur la constitution geologique de la province de Namur. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. V., 1826; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XIII., 1828, pp. 16-21. 2. Note sur la pierre calcaire fournissant une chaux hydraulique. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. 1827, IV., pp. 257-270. 3. Sur les gites metalliferes des Ardennes. Caumont, de. 6. Note sur une Asterie Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull, in., 1832-33, pp. 321- 324. 4. Sur une roche felspathique du Grand- Mauil. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1836, pp. 311-315. Cauchy, P. F., et Benoit. Notice sur les gites metalliferes de 1'Ardenne, etc. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1833, pp. 409-430. Cauchy, P. F., et D'Omalius. Rapport sur les Memoires qui ont concouru a la question rela- tive a la constitution geologique du grand-duche de Luxembourg. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. VIL, 1829. Cauchy, P. F., D'Omalius, et Sauveur. Extrait d'un rapport sur les Memoires presentes en reponse a la question relative a la constitution geologique de la province de Liege. Ann. Sci. Nat. XX., 1830, pp. 53-59. Cauderan, H. Virescence du Trifolium repens, L., observee a Libourne (Gironde). Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. III., 1860, pp. 67-69. Cauderay, If. Memoire descriptif d'un appareil telegraphique pouvant transmettre simultane- ment de 20 a 30 depeches autographes ou dessins. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud., VIL, 1864, pp. 361-366. Caudron, . Sur la culture de 1'hivernage. Cambrai, Mem., 1820, pp. 171-174. Caumont, de. Premiere course Geologique dans le departement de la Manche. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn., 1824, pp. 49-56. 2. Extrait d'un memoiro sur la Geologie de I'aiTondissement de Bayeux. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn., 1824, pp. 67-72, 179-209. 3. Memoire geologique sur quelques ter- rains de la Normandie occidentale. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1825, pp. 447-600. 4. Sur le kaolin du departement de la Manche. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn., 1826-27, pp. 248-253. 5. Essai sur la Topographic Geognostique du departement du Calvados. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn., 1828, pp. 58-242. fossile decouverte par M. le baron de VATJQUELIN D'AILLT. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1828, pp. 406-410. 7. Essai sur la distribution geographique des Roches dans le departement de la Manche. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. V., 1835, pp. 240- 281 ; VI., 1838, pp. 248-278. 8. Travail geologique sur le departement de 1'Orne. France, Congres Scient., 1836, pp. 19-22. 9. De la puissance fertilisante des eaux comparee a la nature des sols qu'elles ont par- courus. France, Congres Scient., 1846, pp. 377- 381. 1O. Lettre relative a Pepoque du frais des truites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, p. 532 ; XXXL, 1850, pp. 862-863. 11. Multiplication du poisson par la fecon- dation artificielle. France, Inst. Provinces Ann., 1851, pp. 249-255. 12. Sur I'importance et sur 1'historique des cartes agronomiques. France, Congres Scient. XIX., 1852, pp. 42-75. 13. Reflexions sur le terrain erratique des Pyrenees. France, Congres Scient. XIX., 1852, pp. 77-79. 14. Sur les depots liassiques du departe- ment de 1'Isere. Normandie, Soc. Linn. Bull. III., 1857-58, pp. 36-39. 15. Note sur les marnieres de Lathus. France, Congres Scient., XXVI., 1859, pp. 418- 425. 16. [Geologie du Nord-Ouest de la France.] Essai sur la distribution geographique des roches dans le dept. du Calvados. France, Inst. Prov. Mem. I., 1859, pp. 198-279. Caup, von. Beitrage zu Amphibiologie und Ichthyologie. Oken, Isis, 1826, col. 87- 91. Cautley, Sir Proby F. Notice of the occurrence of Coal and Lignite in the Himalaya. Asiatick Researches, XVI., 1828, pp. 387-396. 2. On the Gypsum of the Himalaya. Ben- gal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. I., 1832, pp. 289-296. 3. Note on the Fossil Crocodile of the Sivalik Hills and the Fossil Ghavial of the Sivalik Hills. Asiatick Researches, XVIII., 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 25-53. 4. Fossil Bone deposit in the Sewalik Hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. III., 1834, pp. 527- 529, 592-593 ; IV., 1835, pp. 585-587. 5. Note on the Gold Washing of the Gumti River. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV., 1835, pp. 279-281. 6. On a new species of Snake [Coluber mycterizans] discovered in the Doab. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. IV., 1835, p. 317. 5 o 2 CAU] 844 [CAV Cautley, .S'/y Proby F. 7. Note on the teeth of the Mastodon a dents etroites of the Sewalik Hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 294-295. 8. Note on Mastodons of the Sewaliks. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 768- 769. 9. On the remains of Mammalia found in the Sewalik mountains, at the southern foot of the Himalayas between the Sutlej and the Ganges. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 395-39V. 10. Note on a fossil Ruminant genus allied to Giraffida? in the Sewalik hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VII., 1838, pp. 658-659; Ann. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 167-169. 11. On the discovery of quadrumanous remains in the Sewalik Hills. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 544-545. 12. On the discovery of remains of a fossil Monkey in the Sewalik Hills. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 568-569. 13. On the Fossil Remains of Camelidre of the Sewaliks. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IX., 1840, pp. 620-623. 14. On the structure of the Sewalik Hills, and the organic Remains found in them. [1836.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 267-278; Madras Journ. XII., 1840, pp. 292-303. 15. A brief summary of a project for irri- gating the Doab from the Ganges. India, Jonrn. Agr. and Hort. Soc. V., 1845, pp. 119- 135. Cautley, SirProbyF.,and Hugh Falconer. Siva- therium Giganteum, a new fossil ruminant genus from the valley of the Markanda, in the Sivalik branch of the sub-Himalayan mountains. Asiatick Researches. XVIII., 1833 (pt. 2), pp. 1-24; Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1836, pp. 38-50 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. V. (Zool.\ 1836, pp. 348-370; Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 392-397 ; Froriep, NotSzen, II., 1S37, cols. 1-4. 2. Synopsis of fossil genera and species from the upper deposits of the tertiary strata of the Sivalik Hills. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. IV.. 1835, p. 706 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VII. (Zool.\ 1837, pp. 60-62. 3. Note on the fossil Carnel of the Sivalik Hills. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 115-142. 4. Note on the Felis cristata, a new fossil Tiger, from the Sivalik Hills. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 135-192. 5. Note on the Ursus Sivalensis, a new fossil species from the Sivalik Hills. Asiatick Researches, XIX., 1836, pp. 193- 201. Cautley, Sir Proby F., and Hugh Falconer. 6. Notice on the remains of a Fossil Monkey from the tertiary strata of the Sewalik Hills in the north of Hindostan. [1837.] Geol. Soc. Trans. V., 1840, pp. 499-504 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 568-569 ; Madras Journ. XII., 1840, pp. 304-309. 7. On additional fossil species of the order Quadrumana from the Sewalik Hills. Ben- gal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. VI., 1837, pp. 354-360; Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (ZooL), 1837, pp. 255- 256. 8. Communication on the Colos- sochelys Atlas. Zool. Soc. Proc. XII., 1844, pp. 54-55, 84-88. . 9. On some fossil remains of Anoplo- therium and Giraffe, from the Sewalik Hills, in the north of India. Calcutta, Journ. Nat. Hist. V., 1845, pp. 577-589; Geol. Soc. Proc. IV., 1846, pp. 235-249. Cauvet, D. tudes sur le role des racines dans 1'absorption et 1'excretion. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV. (Bot.), 1861, pp. 320-359. Cauvy, . Note sur quelques combinaisons du phosphore avec les corps halogenes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 1214-1216 ; . Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 157-158 ; Liebig, Annal. XLIV., 1842, pp. 231- 232. Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, Francisco de Paula. Documentos relatives ao tremor de terra havido em Pernambuco em 1811. Rio, Revista, XXIII., 1860, pp. 401-406. Cavalho, . See Freire de Cavalho (Fran- cisco). Cavalho. See Simoes de Cavalho (Jose). Cavaille-Coll, A. Etudes experimentales sur les tuyaux d'orgues, de la determination des dimen- sions des tuyaux en rapport avec Pintonation des memes tuyaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 176-180. 2. Sur une nouvelle soufflerie de precision, munie d'un nouveau systeme de regulateurs de la pression de 1'air et des gaz, et sur quelques applications de cet appareil a des experiences d'acoustique et a la regularisation de 1'emission du gaz d'eclairage. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 339-343; Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 231-236. Cavalier, . On discoloured chloride of silver. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, p. 393. 2. On chloride of silver. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 193-194. Cavalier, A., et Sechier. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Champignon. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. (Bot.}, 1835, pp. 251-254. CAV] 845 [CAV Cavalieri San-Bertolo, Nicola. Scioglimento di un dubbio mosso dal Sig. BUD AN, sopra la generate veridicita del risultamenti del metodo die Lagrangia, nella ricerca delle radici imma- ginarie delle equazioni nuraeriche per appros- simazione. Roma, Atti, IV., 1850-51, pp. 1-9. Cavalieri, Gio. Maria. Sopra un microscopic cattadiottrico. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VI., 1845, pp. 506-590. 2. Sulla intensit a delle diverse luci colorate esaminate al fotometro, Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. IX., 1856, pp. 83-88. Nuovo Cimento, V., 1857, pp. 398-405. 3. Sulla formazione del crateri della Luna. Cantu, Cronaca, IV., 1858, pp. 209-214. 4. Di un nuovo sisometro collocato nel collegio di Monza. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 34-44; Phil. Mag. XIX., 1866, pp. 102-116. 5. Di due elioscopj polarizzanti applicabili a qualunque cannocchiale. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. I., 1858, pp. 283-284. Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859, pp. 338-342. 6. Sulla cagione del vedere le stelle e i punti luminosi aft'etti da raggi. Nuovo Cimento, VIII., 1858, pp. 321-360. 7. Di alcuni fenomeui ottici che si manifes- tano nelle occultazioni delle stelle dietro il disco lunare. Nuovo Cimento, X., 1859, pp. 369- 378. 8. Snlla densitii delle varie parti costi- tuenti il globo terrestre, e sulla varia potenza e disposizione della crosta terrestre. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. II., 1859-60, pp. 116-130. 9. Sul punto cieco dell' occhio. Milano, Atti 1st. Lomb. II., 1860, pp. 89-91. 10. SulF Epyornis : osservazioni storiche e comparative. Milano, Atti Soc. Ital. III., 1861, pp. 300-326. Cavalli, F. Lavori per 1' illustrazione topografica, idraulica, fisica, statistica, agraria e medica delle proviucie Venete. Venezia, Atti, 1857-58, pp. 43-51,91-111, 233-272, 353-360; 1858-59, pp. 288-293. Cavalli, Giovanni. Cenno su una nuova arti- jjleria di campagna. [1849.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XL, 1851, pp. 319-324. 2. Esperienze sulla forza di tiramento dei cavalli, e sulla direzione delle tirelle. [1849.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XL, 1851, pp. 469- 474. 3. Delle grossezze di metallo delle bocche a fuoco d' artiglieria. [1851.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XII., 1852, pp. 161-174. Cavalli, Giovanni. 4. Memoria su varii perfe- zionamenti militari che comprende alcuni cenni sui cannoni caricantisi dalla culatta, e sui can- noni rigati per 1' artiglieria da fortezza, d' asse- dio, campale, e di mare ; e dissertazioni relative ai mczzi di accrescere la mobilita dell' artiglieria e di simplificare 1' amministrazione ed il carreg- gio tutto, e sui consequente aumento della po- tenza degli eserciti di terra e delle armate di mare. [1855.] Torino ; Mem. Accad. XVII., 1858, pp. 1-100. 5. Memoria sui delineamento equilibrate degli archi in muratura e in armatura. [1858.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XIX., 1861, pp. 143- 200. 6. Apercu sur les canons rayes se chargeant par la bouche et par la culasse, et sur les per- fectionnements a apporter a 1'art do la guerre. [1861.] Torino, Mem. Accad. Sci. XXII., 1865, pp. 95-155. 7. Memoirc sur la theorie do la resistance statique et dynamique des solides, surtout aux impulsions comme eellcs du tir des canons. [1861.] Torino. Mem. Accad. Sci. XXII., 1865, pp.J.57-233. Cavallo, . " On the Multiplier of Electricity. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1797, pp. 394-399. Cavallo, T. Extraordinary electricity of the atmosphere observed at Islington in October 1775. Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. X., 1843, pp. 158- 160. Cavanilles, Antonio Jose. Descripcion de cinco generos nuevos y de otras plantas. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. L, 1799, pp. 33-45. 1 2. Descripcion de los generos Brotera, Galphimia, Carmona, Condalia, Selliera, &c. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. L, 1799, pp. 89-115. 3. Historia natural de las palomas domes- ticas de Espaua y especialmente de Valencia. Madrid, An. Hist." Nat. L, 1799, pp. 146-176. 4. Observaciones sobre el suelo, naturales y plantas del Puerto Jackson j Bahia-Botanica. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. L, 1799, pp. 181-245. 5. Sur le Loureira. Paris, Soc. Philorn. Bull. 1799, p. 3. 6. Observations respecting the Earthquake which took place in Peru in the year 1797. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 318-321 ; Gilbert, Annal. VI., 1800, pp. 67-81 ; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 377-378. 7. Verzeichniss aller in CAVAXILLES " Obser- vaciones sobre el Reyno de Valencia erwahnten Pnanzen." Als Beitrag zur spanischen Flora. Rdmer, Archiv, IL, 1799-1801, pp. 216-233. 3. Nouveau genre de plante, Selliera. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. IL, 1800, p. 65. 9. Materiales para la historia de la Botanica. Madrid, An. Hist, Nat. IL, 1800, pp. 3-10. CAV] 846 [CAV Cavanilles, Antonio Jose. 1O. Del terremoto que se observe en el reyno de Quito en 1797. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II, 1800, pp. 91-104. 11. Descripcion de algunas plantas nuevas. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 104-128. 12. Descripcion del genero Bonplandia y de otras plantas. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 132-142. 13. Del Simfito petreo. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 271-278. 14. Descripcion del genero Buena. Madrid, An. Hist. Nat. II., 1800, pp. 278-800; IV., 1801, pp. 109-120. 15. De las plantas que el Ciudadano Au- gusto BROUSSONET colecto en las costas septen- trionales de la Africa y en las islas Canarias. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. III., 1801, pp. 5-78 ; JV., 1801, pp. 52-109. 16. Descripcion de los generos JEginetia, Rizoa y Castelia. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. III., 1801, pp. 129-135. 17. Descripcion de dos generos nuevos de plantas. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. III., 1801, pp. 230-234. 18. De la Juncia avellanada, 6 Chufas de Valencia. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. III., 1801, pp. 234-236. 19. De la utilidad del Cacahuete, 6 Arachis hypogjea de Linneo. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 206-234. 20. Del genero nuevo Francoa. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 236-243. 21. Del genero Ugena. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. IV., 1801, pp. 249-256. 22. De los generos Cephalophora y Tri- cycla. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. V., 1802, pp. 60- 65. 23. De la Cigiiena blanca. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. V., 1802, pp. 234-244. 24. Observaciones botanicas. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. V., 1802, pp. 245-263; Annals of Botany, I., 1805, pp. 409-422. 25. Descripcion de la cueva llamada de les Dones, que esta en el Reyno de Valencia y ter- mino de Millares. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 182-184; Gilbert, Annal. XXII., 1806, pp. 439-440. 26. Observaciones botanicas y descripcion de algunas plantas nuevas. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 323-340. 27. Del Macrocnemo y de alcunas plantas descubiertas por los Espanoles. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VII., 1804, pp. 55-70. 28. Del genero nuevo Viviania. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VII., 1804, pp. 211-212. 29. Natural history of the domestic Pigeons of Spain, particularly in the Province of Valentia. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 112-122. Cavarra, A. Du Tannin considere sous les rap- ports de sa preparation, de son action sur les tissus devenus inertes et sur les tissus vivants ou malades. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 88-91. Cavedoni, Celestino. Congetture su le Conchas et Umbilicos. Poligrafo, IV., 1834, pp. 254- 258. Cavelier de Cuverville, . De 1' etude des armes a feu portatives rayees. Annal. Genie Civil, H., 1863, pp. 1-7, 70-77, 149-160. Cavendish, Henry. An Account of experiments made by Mr. John McNAB, at Albany Fort, Hudson's Bay, relative to the freezing of nitrous and vitriolic acids. Phil. Trans. 1788, pp. 166-^ 181 ; Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1790, pp. 249-256. 2. Experiments to determine the Density of the Earth. Phil. Trans. 1798, pp. 469-526 ; Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 1-62. 3. On an improvement in the manner of dividing Astronomical Instruments. Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 221-231. Cayenne, . Rapport sur un memoire de M. ARTAUD : Notice pour servir a 1'histoire natu- relle du Goramy (CEsphronemus olfax, Lacep.}. Bordeaux, Bull. Soc. Linn. II., 1827, pp. 188- 191. Caventou, Eugene. Note sur la presence de 1'arsenic dans quelques eaux naturelles. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1848, pp. 33-^3. 2. Recherches chimiques sur 1'ecorce du Cail-cedra. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 355-362; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1849, pp. 673-679. 3. Sur les eaux du Fraysse, de la vallee de Cransac. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1850, pp. 307-319. 4. De 1'ecorce de Cail-cedra du Senegal. Journ. de Pharm. XXXIII., 1858, pp. 123- 128. 5. Du Carapa touloucouna. Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 189-197. 6. Sur les bromures d'ethyle bromes. Transformation de 1'alcool en glycol. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1330-1331; Liebig, Annal. CXX., 1861, pp. 322-324. 7. Sur un isomere du bromure de butylene bibrome, et sur les derives bromes du bromure de butylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 646-648; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 93-97. 8. Sur un nouvel hydrogene carbon e de la serie-Cn H 2n _ 2 et de ses combinaisons avec le brome. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 712-715 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVIL, 1863, pp. 347-351 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chun. XC... 1863, pp. 46-49. CAV] 847 [CAV Caventou, Eugene. 9. Sur le bromure de buty- lene bibrome et ses isomeres, et sur un nouvel hydrogene carbone. Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1863, pp. 162-172. Caventou, J. B. chimiques sur le Narcisse des Pros, Narcissus Pseudo- Narcissus, L. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 540-549. 2. Examen cbimique des fleurs du Cytise des Alpes (Cytisus Laburnum, Linn.}. Journ. de Pharm. ILL, 1817, pp. 306-309. 3. Observations chimiques faites dans 1'analyse d'un calcul cystique. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 369-373. 4. Note sur la sophistication des Pois d'Iris. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 73-75. * 5. Note sur la veritable origine et la nature de 1'huile de Croton tiglium. Journ. de Pharm/ XL, 1825, pp. 10-17. 6. Examen chimique de quelques pro- ductions animales morbides. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 462-465 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1826, pp. 95-99. 7. Recherches chimiques sur 1'amidon et les diverses substances feculantes du commerce. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 337-370 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIIL, 1826, pp. 283-293, 360-370; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XIIL, 1826 (St. 2), pp. 89-114 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XXIL, 1827, pp. 216-21 8 ; Silliman, Journ. XILL, 1828, pp. 393-394. 8. Memoire sur les fecules amilacees. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 74-75. 9. Relation de quelques nouvelles ex- periences faites par M. DESAULX, avec le venin de vipere. Archiv. Gen. de Med. XIIL, 1827, pp. 518-522. 10. Note sur un sang d'une nature toute particuliere. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1828, pp. 288-290. 11. Nouveau principe amer acide cristal- lise contenu dans 1'ecorce de la racine de Kabila. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1830, pp. 291-296 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XXIIL, 1831 (St. 2), pp. 201-219 ; Giorn. Arcad. LVIL, 1832, pp. 3-11. 12. Analyse d'un calcul mural. . Journ. de Pharm. XVL, 1830, pp. 750-751. 13. Note sur 1'iodure de plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1831, pp. 266-267. 14. Recherches chimiques sur quelques matieres animales saines et morbides. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1843, pp. 321-346. Caventou, J. B., et Bourdois. Lettre a M. GAY-LUSSAC sur la coloration de quelques sub- stances par les acides. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 109-111. Caventou, J. B., et Henry. Recherches sur le principe qui cause 1'amertume dans la racine de Gentiane (Gentiaiia lutea). [1820.] Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 173-183; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 79-94. Caventou, J. B., et Felletier. Recherches sur 1'action qu'exerce 1'acide nitrique sur la matiere nacree des calculs biliaires humains et sur le nouvel acide qui en resulte. Journ. de Pharm. IIL, 181 7, pp. 292-305 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IIL, 1819, pp. 164-170. 2. Notice sur la matiere verte des feuilles. Journ. de Pharm. IIL, 1817, pp. 486- 491; Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 194-196. 3. Examen chimique de la Cochenille et de sa matiere colorante. Journ. de Pharm. IV, 1818, pp. 193-223 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 250-286 ; Giorn. Arcad. L, 1819, pp. 241-256. 4. Essai analytique sur la graine du Medicinier cathartique (Jatropha curcas). Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 289-297. 5. Note sur un nouvel Alcali. Annal. de Chimie, VIIL, 1818, pp. 323-324 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXV., 1819, pp. 405-410. 6. Nouvel alcali analogue a la mor- phine. Journ. de Med. II., 1818, p. 271. 7. Experiences faites avec la noix vomique, la feve de Sain^-Ignace, et la van- queline. Journ. de Med. II., 1818, pp. 359- 360. 8. Memoire sur un nouvel alcali vegetal (la strychnine) trouve dans la noix vomique, etc. [1818.] Annal. de Chimie, X., 1819, pp. 142-177 ; Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 145-174 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 287-314 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. VIL, 1819, pp. 375-379; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IIL, 1819 (St. 2), pp. 224-272. 9. Memoire sur une nouvelle base salifiable organique trouvee dans la fausse An- gusture (Brucea anti-dysenterica). Annal. de Chimie, XIL, 1819, pp. 113-133 ; Journ. de Pharm. V, 1819, pp. 529-545 ; Brugnatelli, Giorn. II., 1819, pp. 496-498 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 322-338 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXVIIL, 1820, pp. 32-40; Quart. Journ. Sci. IX., 1820, pp. 186-189 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LV., 1820, pp. 289-291 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XV., 1820, pp. 311-314. 10. Note sur la nature de la substance adipocireuse de 1'Ambre gris et sur 1'origine de ce produit. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 49- 58. 11. Recherches chimiques sur les Quinquinas. Annal. de Chimie, XV., 1820, pp. 289-318, 337-364; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI. ? 1822, pp. 5-82. CAV] 848 [CAY Caventou, ./. B., et Pelletier. 12. Examen chimiquc do plusieurs vegetaux de la famille de Colchieees, et du principe actif qu'ils renferment. . [Cevadille (Veratrum sabadilln); Ellebore Wane (Veratrum album); Colchique commun (Colcbi- cum autumnaleX] Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 353-365 ; Annal. de Chimie, XIV., 1820, pp. 69-89 ; Journ. dc Mod. VIII., 1820, pp. 341- 344; Gilbert, Aimal. LXV., 1820, pp. 355-372 ; Giorn. Arcacl. VIII., 1820, pp. 37-44; Tffloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 392-394; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXI. (Jahrb. I.), 1821, pp. 172- 193 ; Trommsdorff, X. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821 (St. 2), pp. 92-111 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. X., 1821, pp. 171-173 ; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1822, col. 134-137. 13. Eecherches chimiques sur les Quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 49_96 ; Giorn. Arcad. IX., 1821, pp. 355- 363; X., pp. 181-197; Schweigger, Journ. XXXII. (= Jalirl. II.), 1821, pp. 413-434 ; XXXIII. (= Jahrb. III.), 1821, pp. 62-82. < 14. Examen chimique du Quinquina Carthagene (Portlandia hexandra). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 101-109; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, pp. 83-89. 15. Examen chimique de 1'ecorce connue sons le nom de Kina Nova, pour faire suite a 1'examen chimique des Quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1821, pp. 109-114; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. cl. Pharm. VI., 1822, pp. 90-97. 16. Essai chimique sur le Quinquina de Sainte-Lucie, Kina Piton, (Exostemma flori- bunda). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1 82 1 , pp. 1 1 4- 118; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, pp. 97-103. . 17. Examen raisonne des priiicipales preparations pharmaceutiques, ayant le Quin- quina pour base. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 118-123 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, pp. 104-112. - 18. Notes sur la composition chi- mique des ecorces de Saule et de Marronier d'Inde. Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1821, pp. 123- 128; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, pp. 113-121. 19. Notes pour faire suite aux me- moires sur les Quinquina. Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1821, pp. 302-306; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822 (St. 2), pp. 23-29 ; Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 390-391. 20. Nouvelles recherches sur la Strychnine, et sur les pi'ocedes employes pour son extraction. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 305-316 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIV., 1823, pp. 217-219; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIL, 1823, pp. 314-335. Caventou, J. B., ct Pelletier. 21. Examen chimique des Upas. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1824, pp. 44-63 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLII. (=JaJirb. XII.), 1824, pp. 65-86 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIII., 1825, pp. 176-177 ; Liebig, Annal. XXVIIL, 1838, pp. 304-311. Cavezzali, Girolamo. Precede pour extraire le sucre du mi el. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 110-112. j 2. Sur le kermes mineral. Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1802, pp. 77-87. 3. Sur 1'oxyde de fer noir. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1804, pp. 106-107. 4. Sulla natura de' sali alcalini soda e potassa : tentativi analitici e sintetici. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incorr. I., 1808, pp. 129-150. 5. Memoria sugl' idrosulfuri. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incorr. L, 1808, pp. 293-301. Cavillier, A. Eapport sur la mine de plomb d'Erlenbach. Journ. des Mines, 1795. pp. 9-13. 2. Memoire sur la fabrique de couperose de Gersdorf, departement du Bas-Ehin. Journ. des Mines, VI., 1796-97, pp. 945-951. 3. Memoire sur les Aluminieres du pays de Nassau- Saarbruck, aujourd'hui departement de la Saarre. Journ. des Mines, VEIL, 1797-98, pp. 763-788. Cavoleau, . Nachricht von dem bei Chan- tonnay in der Vendee, den 5 August 1812, herabgefallenen Meteorsteine. Gilbert, Annal. 1 LXIIL, 1819, pp. 228-230. Cavolini, Filippo. On the flowering of Zostera oceanica, Linn. ( Transl.) Annals of Botany, II., 1806, pp. 77-98. 2. Frammento inedito sotto titolo di : Ap- pendice sulla generazione de' Pesci cartilaginosi ossiano amfibii respiranti per mezzo delle branchie al modo de' Pesci spinosi. Napoli, Mem. Accad. Sci. I., 1819, pp. 291-341. 3. Sulla Fruttifieazione del Carrubo, Cera- tonia siliqua, Linn. Napoli, Ecndiconto, VIII., 1849, pp. 262-272. Cavcrar, Gustavo di. Relazione accademica sopra un saggio di Biologia, opera inedita del Sig. TOMMASINA. II Cimento, II., 1852, pp. 449-452. Cayley, Arthur. On a theorem in the geometry of position. Camb. Math. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 267-271. ~ 2. On the properties of a certain symbolical expression. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 62-71. - - 3. On certain definite integrals. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 138-144. 4. On certain expansions in series of multi- ple sines and cosines. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 162-167. 5. On the intersection of curves. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 211-213. CAY] 849 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 6. On the motion of rotation of a solid body. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 224-232. 7. On a class of differential equations, and on the lines of curvature of an ellipsoid. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 264-267. 8. On LAGRANGE'S theorem. Camb. Math. Journ. III., 1843, pp. 283-286. 9. Remarks on the Rev. B. BRONWIN'S paper on M. JACOBI'S Theory of Elliptic Func- tions. Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 358- 360. 10. Investigation of the transformation of certain elliptic functions. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1844, pp. 352-354. 11. Memoire sur les courbes du troisieme ordre. Liouville, Journ. Math. IX., 1844, pp. 285-293. 12. Demonstration of PASCAL'S theorem. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 18-20. 13. On the theory of algebraic curves. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 102-112. 14. Chapters in the analytical geometry of (n) dimensions. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 119-127. 15. On the theory of linear transformations. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 193-209. 16. On the inverse elliptic functions. Camb. Math. Journ. IV., 1845, pp. 257-277. 17. On certain results relating to Quater- nions. Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 141- 145. 18. On JACOBI'S Elliptic" Functions, in reply to the Rev. BRICE BRONWIN, and on Quaternions. Phil. Mag. XXVI., 1845, pp. 208-211. 19. On algebraical couples. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 38-40. 20. On the transformation of Elliptic Functions. Phil. Mag. XXVII., 1845, pp. 424- 427. 21. Note sur deux formules donnees par MM. EISENSTEIN et HESSE. Crelle, Journ. XXIX., 1845, pp. 54-57. 22. Nouvelles Remarques sur les courbes du troisieme ordre. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 102-108. 23. Sur quelques integrates multiples. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 158-168, 242-245. 24. Memoire sur les courbes a double courbure et les surfaces developpables. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 245-250. 25. Demonstration d'un theoreme de M. CHASLES. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 383-384. 26. Memoire sur les fonctions doublement periodiques. Liouville, Joura. Math. X., 1845, pp. 385-420. Cayley, Arthur. 27. On some analytical for- mulae, and their application to the theory of spherical co-ordinates. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 22-33. 28. On the reduction of -*% when U is a function of the fourth order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 70-73. . 29. Note on the maxima and minima of functions of three variables. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. I., 1846, pp. 74-75. 30. On homogeneous functions of the third order with three variables. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Jouru. L, 1846, pp. 97-104. 31. On linear transformations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 104-122. 32. On the geometrical representation of the motion of a solid body. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 164-167. 33. On the rotation of a solid body round a fixed point. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 167-173, 264-274. 34. Note on a geometrical theorem con- tained in a paper, " On the principal axes of a solid body," by W. THOMSON. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 207-208. 35. On the diametral planes of a surface of the second order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. L, 1846, pp. 274-278. 36. Memoire sur les hyperdeterminants. Crelle, Journ. XXX., 1846, pp. 1-37. 37. Sur quelques theoremes de la geome- trie de position. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 213-226 ; XXXIV., 1847, pp. 270-275. 38. Probleme de geometric analytique. Crelle, Journ. XXXL, 1846, pp. 227-230. 39. Sur quelques proprietes des deter- minants gauches. Crelle, Journ. XXXIL, 1846, pp. 119-123. 40. Sur la surface des ondes. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 291-296. 41. Note sur les fonctions de M. STURM. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 297-299. 42. On the theory of involution in Geo- metry. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 52-61. 43. On certain formulae for differentiation, with applications to the evaluation of definite integrals. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 122-128. 44. On the caustic by reflection at a circle. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 128-130. 45. On the differential equations which occur in dynamical problems. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 210-219. 46. On a multiple integral connected with - the theory of attractions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 219-223. 5'p CAY] 850 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 47. On the theory of elliptic functions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. II., 1847, pp. 256-266 ; III., pp. 50-51. 48. Sur quelques formulas du Calcul Integral. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 231-240. 49. Recherches sur 1'elimination et sur la theorie des courbes. Crelle, Journ. XXXIV., 1847, pp. 30-45. . SO. Note sur les hyperdeterminants. Crelle, Journ. XXXTV., 1847, pp. 148-152. 51. Demonstration of a geometrical theo- rem of JACOBI'S. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 48-49. 52. Notes on the Abelian integrals : JACOBI'S system of differential equations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IEL, 1848, pp. 51-54. 53. On the theory of Elimination. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 116- 120. 54. On the expansion of integral functions in a series of LAPLACE'S coefficients. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 120-121. 55. On Geometrical reciprocity. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. HI., 1848, pp. 173- 179. 56. On an integral transformation. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 286-287. 57. On the application of quaternions to the theory of rotation. Phil. Mag. XXXHI., 1848, pp. 196-200. 58. Note sur les fonctions elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. XXXVII, 1848, pp. 58-60. 59. Demonstration d'un theoreme de M. BOOLE concernant des integrates multiples. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 245- 248. 60. Sur la generalisation d'un theoreme de M. JELLETT, qui se rapporte aux attractions. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 264- 268. 61. Nouvelles recherches sur les fonctions de M. STURM. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIII., 1848, pp. 269-274. 62. Sur les fonctions de LAPLACE. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. XHL, 1848, pp. 275-280. 63. On the theory of Determinants. [1843.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIII., 1849, pp. 50-74. 64. Abstract of a memoir by Dr. HESSE on the construction of the surface of the second order which passes through nine given points. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 44-46. 65. On the simultaneous transformation of two homogeneous functions of the second order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 47-50. Cayley, Arthur. 66. On the attraction of an ellipsoid : 1, On LEGENDRE'S solution of the pro- blem of the attraction of an ellipsoid of an ex- ternal point. 2, On a formula for the transfor- mation of certain multiple integrals. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 50-65. 67. On the triple tangent planes of sur- faces of the third order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 118-132. i 68. On the order of certain systems of algebraical equations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 132-137. 69. Note on the motion of rotation of a solid of revolution. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 268-270. 7O. On a system of equations connected with MALFATTI'S problem, and on another algebraical system. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 270-275. 71. Sur les determinants gauches. Crelle, Journ. XXXVHL, 1849, pp. 93-96. 72. Sur quelques theorem es de la Geo- metrie de Position. Crelle, Journ. XXXVIII., 1849, pp.- 97-1 04. 73. Sur les fonctions du second ordre. Crelle, Journ. XXXVIII., 1849, pp. 105- 106. 74. Sur quelques transmutations des lignes courbes. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIV., 1849, pp. 40-46 ; XV., 1850, pp. 351-356. 75. Theoremes de la geometric de situa- tion. Nouv. Annal. Math. VIII., 1849, pp. 415-417. 76. On curves of double curvature and developable surfaces. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 18-22. 77. On the developable surfaces which arise from two surfaces of the second order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 46-57. 78. Note on a family of curves of the fourth order. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 148-159. 79. Notes on elliptic functions (from JACOBI). Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 201-204. 80. On the transformation of an elliptic integral. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 204-206. 81. On the attraction of ellipsoids ( JA- COBI'S method). Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 217-226. 82. On the triadic arrangements of seven and fifteen things. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 50-53. 83* Note sur quelques formules relatives aux coniques. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 1-3. 84. Sur le probleme des contacts. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 4-13. CAY] 851 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 85. ' certaines formules. 1850, pp. 14-15. 86. Note sur quelques Note sur un systeme do CreUe, Journ. XXXIX., formules qui se rapportent a la multiplication des fonctions ellip- tiques. Crelle, Journ. XXXIX., 1850, pp. 16- 22. 87. Notes on LAGRANGE'S theorem. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI, 1851, pp. 37-45. 88. On a doubly infinite series. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 45-47. 89. On certain definite integrals. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 136- 140. 90. Note on Mr. COCKLE'S Solution of a cubic equation. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VI., 1851, p. 186. 91. Note sur 1'addition des fonctions ellip- tiques. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 57-65. 92. Note sur quelques theoremes de la geometric de position. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 66-72. 93. Memoire sur les coniques inscrites dans une meme surface du second ordre. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 73-80. 94. Note sur la solution de 1'^quation a* 7 - 1=0. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 81-83. 95. Note relative a la sixieme section du e< Memoire sur quelques theoremes de la geome- trie de position." (Supra, t. 38, p. 98.) Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, p. 84. 96. Note sur quelques formules qui se rapportent a la multiplication des fonctions elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. XLL, 1851, pp. 85- 92. 97. On the theory of permutants. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIL, 1852, pp. 40-51, 97-98. 98. Note on a question in the Senate-House Papers for 1852. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIL, 1852, p. 104. 99. On the singularities of surfaces. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Joum. VIL, 1852, pp. 166-171. 100. On the theory of skew surfaces. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIL, 1852, pp. 171- 173. 101. On certain multiple integrals con- nected with the theory of attractions. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIL, 1852, pp. 174-178. 102. Analytical researches connected with STEINER'S extension of MALFATTI'S problem. Phil. Trans. 1852, pp. 253-278. 103. Demonstration of a theorem relating to the products of sums of squares. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 515-519. 104. Note sur la theorie des Hyperdeter- minants. [1851.] Crelle, Journ. XLIL, 1852, pp. 368-371. Cayley, Arthur. 105. On the rationalisation of certain algebraical equations. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. VIIL, 1853, pp. 97-10U ' 1O6. On the geometrical representation of the integral x-i-4/ (x + a) (x + b) (x -f c). Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 281-284. 107. On the porism of the in-and-circum- scribed polygon. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 99- 102 ; VIL, 1854, pp. 339-345. 1O8. On the integral / dx -f- V (m x) (x -f- a) (x + b) (x + c). Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 103-105. 1O9. On the harmonic relation of two lines or two points. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 105- 107. - 110. On a theorem for the developement of a factorial. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 182-185. 111. On a question in the theory of proba- bilities. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, p. 259. 112. On the homographic transformation of a surface of the second order into itself. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 326-333. 113. Correction of two theorems relating to the porism of the in-and-circumscribed polygon. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 376-377. 114. On the geometrical representation of an Abelian integral. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 414-418. 115. On a property of the caustic by refraction of the circle. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 427-432. 116. Note on the transformation of a trigonometrical expression. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 61-62. 117. On a theorem of M. LEJEUNE Di- RICHLET'S. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IX., 1854, pp. 163-165. 118. An introductory memoir upon Quan- tics. Phil. Trans. 1854, pp. 245-258. 119. On the theory of groups, as depend- ing on the symbolic equation $ n =l. Phil. Mag. VIL, 1854, pp. 40-47, 408; XVILL, 1859, pp. 34-37. 120. On the homographic transformation of a surface of the second order into itself. Phil. Mag. VIL, 1854, pp. 208-212. 121. Nouvelles recherches sur les Co- variants. [1852.] Crelle, Journ. XLVIL, 1854, pp. 109-124. 122. Deuxieme memoire sur les fonctions doublement periodiques. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 193-208. 123. On the porism of the in-and-circum- scribed Triangle. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 1-3; Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 513-518; XIIL, 1857, pp. 19-30. 5 P 2 CAY] 852 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 124. Sept different^ rnemoires d'analyse. Crelle, Journ. L., 1855, pp. 277- 317. 125. Note sur une formule pour la rever- sion des series. [1855.] Crelle, Journ. LIL, 1856, pp. 276-284. 126. On the theory of logarithms. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 275-280 ; XII., 1856, pp. 354-360. 127. Note upon a result of elimination. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. 378-379 ; Tortolini, Annali, VII., 1856, pp. 454-458. 128. On the theory of elliptic motion. Phil. Mag. XL, 1856, pp. '425-428. 129. On the cones which pass through a given curve of the third order in space. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 20-22. 130. A second memoir upon Quantics. [1855.] Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 101-126. 131. Researches on the partition of num- bers. [1855.] Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 127- 140. 132. A third memoir upon Quantics. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 627-648. 133. On a class of dynamical problems. Roy. Soc. Proc. VIII., 1856-57, pp. 506-511. 134. Note sur la methode d'elimination de BEZOUT (avec remarque par M. BORCHARDT). Crelle, Jourii. LIIL, 1857, pp. 366-367, 367- 368. 135. Note sur 1'equation a? D;/ + 4 D = 5(mod. 8). Crelle, Journ. LIIL, 1857, pp. 369-371. 136. Memoire sur la forme canonique des fonctions binaires. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 48-58. 137. Deuxieme note sur une formule pour la reversion des series. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 156-161. 138. Sur 1'integrale (1 /)_ * d t ( a + It ct z T Extrait d'une lettre. Liouville, Journ. II., 1857, pp. 49-51. 139. Note sur un probleme d'analyse inde- terminee. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVI., 1857, pp. 161-166. 140. On the theory of the analytical forms called trees. Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1857, pp. 172-176 ; XVI1L, 1859, pp. 374-378. 141. On a problem in the partition of numbers. Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1857, pp. 245- 248. 142. On the summation of a certain factorial expression. Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1857, Cayley, Arthur. 143. Analytical solution of the problem of tactions. Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1857, pp. 507-509. 144. On the equipotential curve tn fl +,=C. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 142- 146. 145. A demonstration of Sir W. R. HAMIL- TON'S theorem of the isochronism of the circular hectograph. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 427- 430. 146. Solution of a question in the theory of numbers. Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 539- 540. 147. Report on the recent progress of Theoretical Dynamics. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, pp. 1-42. 148. A memoir upon Caustics. [1856.] Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 273-312. 149. A memoir on curves of the third order. [1856.] Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 415-446. 150. A memoir on the symmetric func- tions of the roots of an equation. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 489-496; Tortolini, Annali, L, 1858, p. 323. 151. Memoir on the resultant of a system of two equations. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 703-716. 152. On the symmetric functions of the roots of certain systems of two equations. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 717-726. 153. A memoir on the conditions for the existence of given systems of equalities among the roots of an equation. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 727-732. 154. Tables of the Sturmian functions for equations of the second, third, fourth, and fifth degrees. Phil. Trans. 1857, pp. 733-736. 155. On some integral transformations. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 4-7. 156. On a theorem relating to reciprocal triangles. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 7-10. 157. On HANSEN'S lunar theory. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 112-125. 158. On GAUSS'S method for the attraction of ellipsoids. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 162-166. 159. On some iireometrical theorems re- lating to a triangle circumscribed about a conic. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 169-175. 16O. Note on thehomology of sets. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, p. 178. 161. Apropos of partitions. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 183-184. 162. EISENSTEIN'S geometrical proof of acora jp. 419 23. the fundamental theorem for quadratic residues, with an addition. Quart. Journ. Math. L, 1857, pp. 186-191. CAY] 853 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 163. On SCHELLBACH'S solu- tion of MALFATTI'S problem. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 222-226. 164. Note on Mr. SALMON'S equation of the orthotomic circle. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 242-244. 165. Note on the logic of characteristics. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 257-259. 166. On LAPLACE'S method for the attrac- tion of ellipsoids. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 285-300. 167. On the oval of DESCARTES. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 320-328. 168. On the porism of the in-and-circum- scribed triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 344-354. 169. Note on JACOBI'S canonical formula? for disturbed motion in an elliptic orbit. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 355-356. 17O. Solution of a mechanical problem. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 405-406. 171. Stir un theoreme d'Ap>EL. Tortolini, Annali, VIII., 1857, pp. 201-203. 172. On MACCULLAGH'S theorem of the polar plane. Irish Acad. Proc. VI., 1857, pp. 1-1 1. 173. On certain formulae for differentiation. Roy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 93-94. 174. On the surface which is the envelope of planes through the points of an ellipsoid at right angles to the radius vectors from the centre. lioy. Soc. Proc. IX., 1857-59, pp. 171-172. 175. On the notion of distance in analy- tical geometry. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1858 (pt. 2), p. 3. 176. Sur quelques formules pour la trans- formation des integrates elliptiques. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 15-24. 177. Note sur la composition du nombre 47 par rapport aux vingt-troisiemes racines de 1'unite. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, p. 192 ; LVL, 1859, pp. 186-187. 178. Theoreme sur les determinants gauches. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 277- 2 / O. 179. On the theory of reciprocal surfaces. Irish Acad. Proc. VII., 1 858, pp. 20-26 ; Nat. Hist. Review, V., 1858 (Proc.}, pp. 111-117. 180. On the cubic transformation of an elliptic function. Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 363-364. 181. On a theorem relating to hypergeo- metric series. Phil. Mag. XVI.. 1 858, pp. 356- 357. 182. A memoir on the theory of Matrices. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 17-38. Cayley, Arthur. 183. A memoir on the auto- morphic linear transformation of a bipartite quadric function. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 39- 46. 184. Supplementary researches on the partition of numbers. [1857.] Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 47-52. 185. A fourth Memoir upon Quantics. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 415-428. 186. A fifth Memoir upon Quantics. Phil. Trans. 18.58, pp. 429-460. 187. On the tangential of a cubic. Phil. Trans. 1858, pp. 461-464. 188. On the a posteriori demonstration of the porism of the in-and-circumscribed triangle. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 31-38. 189. On certain forms of the equation of a conic. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 44- 48. 190. Note on the reduction of an elliptic orbit to a fixed plane. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 49-54. 191. On Sir W. R. HAMILTON'S method for the problem of three or more bodies. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 66-73. 192. On LAGRANGE'S solution of the pro- blem of two fixed centres. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 76-83. 193. Note on certain systems of circles. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 83-88. 194. A theorem relating to surfaces of the second order. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 140-142. 195. Note on the " circular relation " of Prof. MOBIUS. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, p. 162. 196. On the determination of the value of a certain determinant. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 163-166. 197. On the sums of certain series arising from the equation x u -f- tfx. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 167-171. 198. On the simultaneous transformation of two homogeneous functions of the second order. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 192-195. 199. Note on a formula in finite differences. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 198-201. 2OO. On the system of conies which pass through the same four points. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 206-207. 201. Note on the expansion of the true anomaly. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 229-232. 202. Direct investigation of the question discussed in the foregoing paper [on the area of a comic section represented by the general tri- linear equation of the second degree, by N. M. FERRERS]. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 248-253. * CAY] 854 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 203. On RODRIGTTES' method for the attraction of ellipsoids. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 333-337. 204. Note on the theory of attraction. Quart. Journ. Math. II., 1858, pp. 338-339. 2O5. On the problem of disturbed elliptic motion. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXVII., 1859, pp. 1-30. 206. On the developement of the'disturbing function in the lunar theory. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXVII., 1859, pp. 69-96. 207. Demonstration of a theorem. Cam- bridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 130- 132. 208. Note sur les normales d'une conique. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 182-185. 2O9. Equations d'un cercle touchant des droites. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIII., 1859, pp. 222-223. 210. Methode d'elimination. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIII., 1859, pp. 397-399. 211. On POINSOT'S four new regular solids. Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1859, pp. 123-128, 209-210. 212. On an analytical theorem relating to the distribution of electricity upon spherical surfaces. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 119- 127, 193-202. 213. On contour and slope lines. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 264-268. 214. On a proof of the theorem that every algebraic equation has a root. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 436-439. 215. On cones of the third order. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 439-442. 216. On the double tangents of a plane curve. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 193-212. 217. On the conic of five-pointic contact at any point of a plane curve. Phil. Trans. 1859, pp. 371-400. 218. On the equation of differences for an equation of any order, and in particular for the equations of the orders two, three, four, and five. Koy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 428- 430; Phil. Trans. 1860, pp. 93-113. 219. On the theory of elliptic motion. Roy. Soc. Proc. X., 1859-60, pp. 430-432. 220. Sur la surface qui est 1'enveloppe des plans conduits par les points d'un ellipsoide perpendiculairement aux rayons mens par le centre. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 168- 179. 221. Sur quelques formules pour la differen- tiation. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1859, pp. 214- 231. 222. Note sur 1'equation des differences Cayley, Arthur. 223. Tables of the develope- ments of functions in the theory of elliptic mo- tion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XX., 1860, pp. 204-297. 224. The first part of a Memoir on the development of the disturbing function in the Lunar and Planetary Theories. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 187-216. 225. A supplementary Memoir on the problem of disturbed elliptic motion. [1859.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XXVIIL, 1860, pp. 217- 234. 226. Sur Tin variant le plus simple d'une fonction quadratique bi-ternaire, et sur le resul- tant de trois fonctions quadratiques ternaires. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 139-148. 227. Demonstration d'un the"oreme de JACOBI par rapport au probleme de PFAFF. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 273-280. 228. Note on a differential equation. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, p. 193. 229. On a problem of double partitions. Phil. Mag. XX., I860, pp. 337-341. 230. On a system of algebraic equations. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 341-342. 231. On the cubic centres of a line with respect to three lines and a line. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 418-423; XXLL, 1861, pp. 433-436. 232. On a relation between two ternary cubic forms. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 512- 514. 233. On an extension of ARBOGAST'S method of derivations. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, p. 43 ; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 37- 43. 234. On the equation for the product of the differences of all but one of the roots of a given equation. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 69-70 ; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 45-59. 235. On the porism of the in-and-circum- scribed Polygon. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860- 62, pp. 131-134 ; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 225- 239. 236. On a new auxiliary equation in the theory of equations of the Fifth Order. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 134-137; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 263-267. 237. A seventh memoir on Quantics. Roy. pour une equation donnee de degre quelconque. Tortolini, Annab', II., 1859, pp. 365-366. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 142-144 ; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 277-292. 238. On the double tangents of a curve of the Fourth Order. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860- 62, pp. 304-309; Phil. Trans. 1861, pp. 357- 362. 239. On TSCHIRNHAUSEN'S Transforma- tion. Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62, pp. 487- 489 ; Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 259-262, 263-269 ; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 566-578. CAY] 855 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 240. On the wave surface. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 16-22. 241. Note on the singular solutions of dif- ferential equations. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 36-37. 242. On a theorem relating to spherical conies. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, p. 53. 243. On the conies which touch four given lines. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 94- 96. Quart. 244. Note on the wave surface. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 142-144. 245. On a particular case of CASTILLON'S problem. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 157-164. 246. On a theorem relating to homographic figures. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 177-180. 247. On a new analytical representation of curves in space. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 225-236; V., 1862, pp. 81-86. 248. On the system of conies having double contact with each other. Quart. Journ. Math. in., 1860, pp. 246-250. 249. Note on the value of certain deter- minants, the terms of which are the squared distances of points in a plane or in space. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 275-277. 25O. Note on the equation for the squared differences of the roots of a cubic equation. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 307-309. 251. Note on the curvature of a plane curve at a double point, and on the curvature of surfaces. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 322-326. 252. On some numerical expansions. Quart. Journ. Math. III., 1860, pp. 366-369. 253. Sur la courbe parallele a 1'ellipse. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 311-316. 254. Sur la surface parallele a 1'ellipsoide. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 345-352. 255. Tables of the developments of func- tions in the theory of elliptic motion. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXIX., 1861, pp. 191-307. 256. A memoir on the problem of the rotation of a Solid Body. [I860.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XXIX., 1861, pp. 307-342. 257. On some formulas relating to the variation of the Plane of a Planet's Orbit. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1861, pp. 43-46. 258. Note sur la transformation de TSCHIRKHAUSEN. Crelle, Journ. LVIII., 1861, pp. 259-262. 259. Deuxieme note sur la transformation de TSCHIRNHAUSEN. Crelle, Journ. LVIII., 1861, pp. 263-269. 26O. Note relative aux droites en invo- Cayley, Arthur. 261. Sur les cones du second ordre qui passent par six points donnes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIT., 1861, pp. 1216-1218. - 262. On the curves situate on a surface of the second order. Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1861, pp. 35-38. 263. Note on the theory of determinants. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 180-184. 264. Note on Mr. JERRARD'S researches on the equation of the fifth order. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 210-214. 265. On a theorem of ABEL'S relating to equations of the fifth order. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 257-263. 266. On the partitions of a close. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 424-428. 267. On a surface of the fourth order. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 491-495. 268. A discussion of the Sturmian con- stants for cubic and quartic equations. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 7-12. 269. On the demonstration of a theorem relating to the moments of inertia of a solid body. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 25-27. 27O. A theorem in conies. Quart. Journ. lution de M. SYLVESTER. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1039-1043. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 131-133. 271. On a certain system of functional symbols. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 225-230. 272. Note on a theorem of JACOBI'S, in relation to the problem of three bodies. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 77-78. 273. A third memoir on the problem of disturbed elliptic motion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 78-80; Astron. Soc. Mem. XXXI., 1863, pp. 43-56. 274. On the secular acceleration of the Moon's mean motion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 171-230. 275. On LAMBERT'S theorem for Elliptic Motion. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIL, 1862, pp. 239-241. 276. On the representation of a curve in space by means of a cone and monoid surface. Brit. Assoc. Eep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 3. 277. Report on the progress of the solu- tion of certain special Problems of Dynamics. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862, pp. 184-252. 278. Tables des formes quadratiques bi- naires pour les determinants negatifs depuis D = 1 jusqu'a D = , 100, pour les deter- minants positifs non carres depuis D=2 jusqu'a D=99, et pour les treize determinants nega- tifs irreguliers qui se trouvent dans le premier millier. .[I860.] Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 357-359. 279. Note sur I'elimination. [1861.] Crelle, Journ, LX,, 1862, pp. 373-374. CAY] 856 [CAY Cayley, Arthur. 280. Note sur les fonctions al(a,-), etc. de M. WEIERSTRASS. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 137-142. 281. On the A-i'aced polyacrons, in re- ference to the problem of the enumeration of polyhedra. Manchester, Soc. Mem. I., 1862, pp. 248-256. 282. Considerations generales sur les courbes en espace. Courbes du quatrieme ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV.. 1862, pp. 55-60, 396-400. 283. Considerations generales sur les courbes dans 1'espace. Courbes du cinquieme ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 672-678. 284. Note on the solution of an equation of the fifth order. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 195-196. 285. Note on the transformation of a certain differential equation. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 266-267. 286. On a question in the theory of Pro- babilities. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 352- 365, 470-471. 287. On the Transcendent g d . u log. tan. (| v + | ui). % Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 19-21. - 288. Final Remarks on Mr. JERRARD'S theory of equations of the Fifth Order. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 290-291. 289. On the Skew Surface of the third order. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 514-519. 290. On the Analytical theory of the Conic. Phil. Trans., 1862, pp. 639-662; Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862. - 291. On the construction of the ninth point of intersection of the cubics which pass through eight given points. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 222-233. 292. On the conies which pass through the four foci of a given conic. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 275-280. 293. On some formula? relating to the distances of a point from the vertices of a triangle, and to the problem of tactions. Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 381-384. 294. Note on PLANA'S Lunar Theory. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. XXIIL, 1862-63, pp. 211-215. 295. On the conies which pass through three given points, and touch a given line. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 24-30. ~ 296. On the cusp of the second kind or nodecusp. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 74-75. 297. On certain developable surfaces. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 108-126, Cayley, Arthur. 298. On the inflexions of the cubical divergent parabolas. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 199-203. 299. Note sur la rcalite des racines d'une equation quadratique. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 367-368. 300. Note on BEZOUT'S method of Elimi- nation. Messenger of Mathein. II., 1863, pp. 88-90. 301. On a tactical theorem relating to the triads of 15 things. Phil. Mao-. XXV., 1863, pp. 59-61. 3O2. Note on a theorem relating to sur- faces. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 61-62. 303. Note on a theorem relating to a tri- angle, line, and conic. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 181-183. 304. Theorems relating to the canonic roots of a binary quantic of an odd order. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 206-208. 305. On the stereographic projection of the spherical conic. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 350-353. 306. On the delineation of a cubic scroll. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 528-530. 3O7. On Skew Surfaces, otherwise scrolls. Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 453-483. 3O8. Note on a differential equation. [1862.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. II., 1865, pp. 111-114. Cayley, Arthur, and Hermite. Correspondence between Mr. CAYLEY and M. HERMITE on cubic forms. Quart. Journ. Math. I., 1857, pp. 85- 91. Cayley, George. Description of an engine for affording mechanical power from Air expanded by Heat. Nicholson, Journ. XVIII., 1807, pp. 260-262. 2. On aerial Navigation. Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 164-174; XXV., 1810, pp. 81-87, 161-173 ; Tillocb, Phil. Mag. XL VII., 1816, pp. 81-86, 321-329, 394-395, 429-431; L., 1817, pp. 27-35 ; Paris, Soc. Aerost. Bull. L, 1852, pp. 96-104, 116-125. 3. Observations respecting the figure of a drowned man found in the ice of the pond in Halnaker Park, and upon the explanations which have been offered of that singular phe- nomenon, Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 167-170. 4. On the Natural Zero, according to FAHRENHEIT'S scale. Phil. Mag. V., 1829, pp. 88-91. Cayre, . Note sur le plus grand developpe- meut du nerf appele grand sympathique, ren- contre sur des cadavres de personnes mortes dans un etat d'idiotisme. Journ. de Med. VI., 1819, pp. 40-45. CAY] 857 [CED Cayrol, . Combustion humaine. Euro, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. 1834, II., pp. 85-88. Cazade, . Memoire sur 1'agriculture du canton de la Reole. Bordeaux, Mem. Acad. Sci. 1835, pp. 65-68. Cazalet, . Des telescopes dioptriques. Journ. de Phys. LXXIX., 1814, pp. 233-235. Cazalis, . Memoire conlenant la solution d'un probleme de mecanique. lloucn, Acad. Trav. 1823, pp. 39-55. Cazalis, Frederic. De 1'utilite des experiences comparatives sur la valeur productive des di- verses varietesde cereales. Mende, Soc. Agric. Bull. VII., 1856, pp. 435-440. Cazalis de Fondouce et Marcel de Serres. De quelques particularites des formations vol- caniques notarnment dans la vallee du Salagou, cntre Clermont-l'Herault et Lodeve. Mont- pellier, Mem. Acad. IV., 1858-60, pp. 239-250. 2. Des formations volcaniques de 1'Ardeche ct de 1'Herault particulierement des environs de Neffies, faisnnt suite aux observa- tions sur les terrains pyroides du Salagou. Montpellicr, 4 Mem. Acad. IV., 1858-60, pp. 341-350. Cazaux, . Memoire sur la grele. [1818.] Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1827, pp. 138-139. Cazeaux, P. Memoire sur la mort apparente des nouveau-nes. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. II., 1850, pp. 1-18. 2. Description d'un monstre peracephale. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1851, pp. 211-220. Cazenave, J. J. De 1'urethre, dc scs divisions anatomiques, de sa structure et de sa sensibilite. Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. III., 1858, pp. 385- 397. 2. Trois observations d'anemie essentielle, et quelques mots sur les constitutions anemiques hereditaires. Bordeaux, Journ. de Med. V., 1860, pp. 53-57. Cazenavette, B. Descriptions de deux nouvelles Coquilles. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIV., 1845, pp. 115-118. 2. Histoire d'une Ampullaire. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XVIIL, 1852, pp. 293-305. Cazeneuve, V. Observations de morve aigue chez 1'homme. Lille, Mem. Acad. 1847, pp. 247-263. . 2. Note sur une epidemic de meningite cerebro-spinale observee sur les militaires de la garnison. Lille, Mem. Acad. 1848, pp. 441-452. Cazes, . Observation de monstruosite. Nantes, Journ. de Med. XL, 1835, p. 238. Cazim, M. A description of Asam. Asiatick Researches, II., 1790, pp. 171-185. Cazin, Achille. Essai sur la detente et la com- pression des gaz sans variation de chaleur. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1862, pp. 206-295. 2. Note sur le rendement de la machine LEXOIR. Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 203-206. Cazin, Achille. 3. Application de la theorie mecanique de la chaleur a la machine a gaz de M. HCGOX. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 305- 318. 4. Application de la theorie mecnnique de la chaleur au compresscur hydrauliquo du tunnel des Alpes. Les Mondes, III., 1863, pp. 721-740. 5. Memoire sur 1'evaluation des actions elcctrodyn antiques en unites de poids. Paris, Comptes 1! end us, LVL, 1863, pp. 949-950. Cazin, E. Recherches et observations sur les maticres organiques et organisees des eaux minerales et thermales de Bagneres-de-Luchon ; contribution a 1'histoire des eaux sulfurees des Pyrenees. Journ. de Pharin. XX VIII. , 1855, pp. 175-192. Cecchi, Filippo. Sulle elettro-calamite. Nuovo Cimento, I., 1855, pp. 433-443. Ceccoai, F. Osservazione di tin bambino nato con alcune ossa rotte. Parma, Giorn. Soc. Med. Chir. II., 1807, pp. 14-17. 2. Einige Beobachtungen iiber die Aus- bildung des Gesichtssinnes. Froriep, Notizen, XL, 1825, col. 177-181. Cecil, W. On the application of Hydrogen Gas to produce a moving power in machinery, with a description of an Engine which is moved by the Pressure of the Atmosphere upon a Vacuum caused by the Explosion of Hydrogen Gas and Atmospheric Air. [1820.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. L, 1822, pp. 217-240. 2. On an apparatus for grinding Tele- scopic Mirrors and Object Lenses. [1822.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 85-104. Cederblom, J. E. Berattelse om experimenter med turbiner, verkstallda under ar 1861. Jern- Kontorets Annal. XVIIL, 1863, pp. 157-181. Cederschjold, P. G. Erfahrungen iiber den animalischen Magnetismus in Schweden. Hufe- Innd u. Harles, Journ. Arzn. XLL, 1815 (Hft. 3), pp. 86-122 ; (Hft. 4), pp. 1 19-136. 2. Berattelse om hal pa blas-halsen hos en Barnsangs-qvinna, befordrat till lakning ge- nom iakttagande af kroppens tjenliga stallning. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1820, pp. 54-58. 3. Om det obenamda Benet. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. 1832, pp. 77-79. 4. Det omsesidiga forhiillandet imellan qvinnans backen och fostrets hufvud, Rasom vilkor for forlossningen. Skand. Naturf. For- handl. L, 1839, pp. 155-165. Cederstrahle, E. C. J. Ny art af Carex. Stockholm, Ofversig't, XIV., 1857, pp. 199-200. Cederstrom, G. C. Om Linalen (Ammoccetes branchialis). Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVIII 1861, pp. 91-92. 5 Q CED] 858 [CEN Cedie, Sur 1'alteration de 1'Alcool par son si'jour dans des estagnons, et sur une falsifica- tion du Rocou. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 416-419. 2. Rccherches analytiques sur un calcul intestinal de cheval. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 224-225. Ceely, Robert. Observations on the Variolas Vaccinae, as they occasionally appear in the Vale of Aylesbury, with an account of some recent experiments in the Vaccination, Retro- Vaccination, and Variolation of Cows. Prov. Med. Surg. Assoc. Trans. VIII., 1840, pp. 287- 434 ; X., pp. 209-276. Celakovsky, L. Stromy jehnedokvete. [Amen- taceas.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 51-71. 2. Orostlinach lustinatych. [Leguminosae.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 131-147. 3. Soustavy os rostlinnych zvluste podzem- nich. [On the axis of plant?, especially sub- terranean plants.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 225-244. 4. Rovech. [On metals.] Ziva, 1857, pp. 260-268 ; 1858, pp. 14-18. 5. Reva vinna. [The grape-vine.] Ziva, 1858, pp. 10-14. 6. Ruze a jejl pribuzne. [The rose and its allies.] Ziva, 1858, pp. 163-183. 7. Hrabete Kazimira Wodzickeho zapisky o vlastovkach. [Notices by Count Casimir WODZICKI on Swallows.] Ziva, 1858, pp. 191- 206. 8. Ueber den zusammenhang den fort- schreitenden Stufen des Pflanzenreichs. Ko- molau, Programm. Gymnas. 1859. 9. Kterak se vyvinuje kvetni castky. [On the developement of the Flower.] Ziva, 1860, pp. 151-164, 218-227. 10. Die Sippe der Luzula campestris im Herbar des Prager Museums. Lotos, XI., 1861, pp. 138-143. V 11. Rad pryskyrnikovitych rostlin v okoli Prazskem. [The Ranunculacea3 of the environs of Prague.] Ziva, 1861, pp. 104-121. 12. Ocun. [Colchicum autumnale.] Ziva, 1861, pp. 289-298. 13. Mittheilungen zur Flora Bohmens. Lotos, XII., 1862, pp. 15-18. 14. Flora der Umgebung von Osseg. Lotos, XII., 1862, pp. 66-73. 15. Die Bohmischen Amaranthaceen. Lotos, XII., 1862, pp. 97-102. 16. Die Equiseten Bohmens. Lotos, XII., 1862, pp. 222-232; XIII., 1863, pp. 82-84. 17. Tvarozpytne pohledy po oboni bota- nickem. [Morphological reflections in the pro- vince of Botany.] Ziva, 1862, pp. 146-160. Celakovsky, L. 18. O pohybech rostlinnych. [Motions in the vegetable kingdom.] Ziva, 1863, pp. 162-179, 199-230. 19. L T eber Thesien (Pflanzengattung). Lotos, XIIL, 1863, pp. 120-127, 133-136. 20. Botanische Notizen. Lotos, XIIL, 1863, pp. 246-250. Cellaring, Die kiinstliche Weinfabrication der neuern Zeit vom arztlichen Standpunkt. Casper, Vierteljahrsschrift, IX., 1856, pp. 49-62. Cellerier, C. Note sur la diffraction de la lu- miere. Bibl. Univ. XXIV., 1839, pp. 368- 378. 2. Note sur la determination d'une fonction arbitraire. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIIL, 1843, pp. 245-254. 3. Note sur une classe particuliere d'inte- grales definies. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIIL, 1843, pp. 255-262. 4. De la loi generale des actions electro- dynamiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 693-694. Cellier-Blumenthal, . Notice sur un ap- pareil a distillation continue, operee par la vapeur, sans compression, et au moyen de 1'extreme divi- sion mecanique des Hquides fermentes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XVI., 1817, pp. 254-256. Cels, . Notice historique sur la plante nommee Robinia viscosa. [1798.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. V., 1804, pp. 110-113. 2. Rapport sur "Le projet d'un plan pour etablir des formes experimentales, propose par Sir John SINCLAIR." Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. L, 1806, pp. 17-32. Cenedella, Antonio. Analisi della corteccia e radici del Melogranato. Brescia, Comment. 1831, pp. 86-103. Cenedella, Attilio Jacopo. Alcune esperienze sull' etiope marziale. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. III., 1826, pp. 235-248. 2. Sopra morbosa concrezione. Brescia, Comment. 1827, pp. 92-93. 3. Osservazioni sul tartaro emetico, e sulla sua preparazione. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. V., 1827, pp. 7-14. 4. Cenni ed esperienze su di una morbosa concrezione. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VI., 1827, pp. 188-196. 5. Analisichimico-farmaceuticadellaradice di Cinoglossa. Brescia, Comment. 1828, pp. 101-103. 6. Esame analitico della radice di Cino- glossa. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. VIIL, 1828, pp. 65-80. 7. Analisi chimica della corteccia della radice di Melograno silvestre. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XIV., 1831, pp. 55-79. CEN] 859 [CER Cenedella, Attilio Jacopo. 8. Sulla depurazione del Miele col decotto di Noci di Galla. Poli- grafo, VII., 1831, pp. 230-235. 9. Del rame-cianuro di potassio e sue pro- prieta, e sui varj altri rami-cianuri metallici, e dell' acido-idro-rame-cianico. Brescia, Com- ment. 1833, pp. 43-55. 1O. Produzione di etere acetico nella tin- tura d' assenzio e formazione di acido benzoico nell' acqua di Cassia lignea. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. XVIII., 1833, pp. 65-71. 11. Sul rame-cianuro di potassio. Cat- taneo, Giorn. Farm. XVII., 1833, pp. 78-87, 116-131, 188-204. 12. Del cianuro di fosforo. Brescia, Comment. 1835, pp. 11-16; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. III., 1835, pp. 1-6. *13. Ricerche sui solfo-cloruri, e particolar- mente su quelli di antimonio di mercuric e di stagno. Brescia, Comment. 1836, pp. 37-44. 14. Sulla formazione spontanea del cianuro di mercurio basico mediante il diretto concorso dell' acido idrocianico e del mercurio metallico. Brescia, Comment. 1836, pp. 44-45. 15. Analisi dell' acqua marina della laguna di Venezia. Brescia, Comment. 1836, pp. 45-59. 16. Sopra un nuovo composto di rame- cianuro e ciauuro di mercurio. Brescia, Com- ment. 1836, pp. 59-62. 17. Sui solfo-cloruri. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. V., 1836, pp. 57-69. 18. Rlcerche sui ferro-cianuro di ossido di potassio e sui ferro-cianogene. Brescia, Com- ment. 1837, pp. 84-93; Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. VII., 1837, pp. 235-244, 304-312 j VIII., 1837, pp. 5-14, 61-69, 119-127. 19. Sul Cianogene e sulle sue diverse corn- bin azioni. Bibl. Ital. XCVIL, 1840, pp. 43- 49, 172-181. 20. Sulla Cistemela e sull' ossido xantico. Venezia, Eserc. dell' Ateneo, V., 1846, pp. 107- 116. 21. Sull' acido crepico. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XX., 1855, pp. 15-22, 81-87. 22. Pochi cenni intorno 1'analisi cliimica della nuova acqua minerale di Rabbi nel Bres- ciano. Memorie Valdarnesi, IV., 1855, pp. 112- 115. 23. Sopra una nuova base volatile ed un nuovo acido, e Bull' olio essenziale del Corian- drum sativum. Polli, Ann. di Chem. XXII., 1856, pp. 201-216. 24. Analisi chimica dell' acqua termale di Monfalcone e di quella del mare Adriatico. Brescia, Comment. 1862, pp. 108-122 ; Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXIV., 1862, pp. 370-376. Censore, S. G. Storia d' una strana malattia suscitata da calcoli biliari con alcune nuove con- getture intorno alia formazione delle concrezioni calcolose nel corpo umano ed alia maniera di curarle. Brescia, Comment. 1821, pp. 54-57. Center, William. On the value of ( 7"; ) & when Q is a positive proper fraction. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 163- 169. 2. On differentiation with fractional indices, and on general differentiation. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. III., 1848, pp. 274-285 ; IV., 1849, pp. 21-26. 3. On the symbolical value of the integral x l dx. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. IV., '1849, pp. 261-264. 4. On general differentiation. Camb. and Dubl. Math. Journ. V., 1850, pp. 206-217. Centofanti, Vine. Discorso sulla Segale cornuta. Pisa, Miscell. Med. Chir. 1844, pp. 12-72. Cerbied, . Relazione del Terremoto della citta di Van (in Armenia). Milano, Ann. Scienz. VIIL, 1811, pp. 137-142. Cerioli, Gaspare. Sperienze dirette a conoscere la natura del principio coagulante nel Presame. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VII., 1809, pp. 281- 293. 2 . Analisi d' una miniera di ferro magnetica. Milano, Giorn. Soc. Incor. VIIL, 1809, pp. 214- 217. 3. Nuove osservazioni sopra il presame o caglio. Brugnatelli, Giornale, IV., 1811, pp. 24- 31. 4. Composition artificielle de la sarcole. Journ. de Phys. LXXV., 1812, pp. 431-432. Cerise, . Extra-uterine Pregnancy (Ab- dominal). Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. VII., 1847, pp. 929-930. 2. De 1'animisme en physiologie et en psy- chologic. Paris, Ann. Medico-Psych. L, 1863, pp. 321-334. Ceroni, Girolamo. Nuovo calcolo delle Funzioni ascendenti e discendenti. Ann. Sci. Lomb. Veneto, XL, 1841, pp. 149-171, 197-211; XIL, 1842, pp. 123-134, 137-142. Cerqueira e Silva. See Accioli de Cerqueira e Silva (Igtnacio). Cerquero, Jose Sanchez. A Table to facilitate the calculation of the Equation to equal Alti- tudes. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 353- 366. 2. Discussion sur la longitude du Morne (Morro) de Porto Rico. Zach, Corresp. XIIL, 1825, pp. 114-125. 3. Position geographique de 1'observatoire de San Fernando. Zach, Corresp. XIV., 1826, pp. 240-247. 5 Q 2 CER] 860 [CES Cerquero, Jose Sltnche;. 4. Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu St. Fernando, von Sonnenfinsternissen, Mond-finsternissen, Sternbedeckungen, und Jupiterstrabantenverfin- sterungen. Astr. Nachr. IX., 1831, col. 373- 380, 387-396. . 5. On the eclipse of the Sun of July 27, 1832, as observed at the Royal Observatory of San Fernando. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. II., 1831-33, p. 141. 6. Observations of the transit of Mercury of 4 May 1832, made at the Royal Observatory of San Fernando. Astron. Soc. Mouth. Not. II., 1831-33, pp. 140-141. 7. On the Solar Eclipse of the loth May 1836. Astron. Soc. Mein.X., 1838, pp. 347-352. 8. Determination du coefficient differentiel de L.x. Quetelet, Corrcsp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 31-32. 9. Sur les reductions au meridien des etoiles circompolairee. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 194-202. 10. Sur une demonstration nouvelle du developpement du binome. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 202-205. 11. Sur le deyeloppement des fonctions exponentielles et logarithmiques. Quetelet, Corrcsp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 383-385. -* 12. Sur le placement des instrumens meri- diens. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 385-410. 13. Correccion de un error que existe en la teorica de las fracciones continuas, tal cual se halla espucsta en algunos tratados de autores celebres. Cadiz, Period. Mcus. Cien. L, 1848, pp. 1-15. 14. Obscrvaciones sobre el desarrollo de las funciones en serie, empleando la diferenciacion. Cadiz, Period. Mens. Cieu. L, 1848, pp. 35-53. 15. Obscrvaciones sobre una parte de la doctrina de secciones angulares. Cadiz, Period. Mens. Cien. I., 1848, pp. 76-115. 16. Continuacion de las investigaciones sobre el desarrollo de las funciones analiticas. Cadiz, Period. Mens. Cien. L, 1848, pp. 116- 142. 17. Adicion interesante acerca del valor de la scrmcircunferencia TT, (radio =1) hasta 208 decimalcs dado en la pagina 52. Cadiz, Period. Mens. Cien. L, 1848, pp. 143-146. 18. Aualisis del significado geometrico de la ecuacion general del segundo grado entre dos variables. Cadiz, Period. Mens. Cien. L, 1848, pp. 147-180. 19. Rectificacion de la circunferencia de circulo, 6 valor de TT. Madrid, Revista, I., 1850, pp. 7-13. 20. Elementos de Cronologia analitica. Madrid, Mem. II., 1853, pp. 107-232. Ceruti, Jacimto. Observacion de la total Emer- sion fin del Eclipse de Sol del dia 17 de Octobre de 1781, al observatorio de la Acadcmia Real de los Cavalleros Guardias Marinas de Cartagena. Lisboa, Mem. Acad. Sci. L, 1797, pp. 526-527. Cerutti, . Eine leichte Verfertigung des Schwefel- Eisens, und Zubereitung der Wasser- faden zum Gebrauch. Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 199-206. Cerutti, . Skizze einer Geschi elite des Tellurismus. [1818.] Leipzig, Schrift. Nat. Gesell. I., 1822, pp. 148-157. Cerutti, . Chemische Untersuchung dea Opium aus Papaver orientale. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIIL, 1833, pp. 121-128. Cerutti, Ludwig. Beschreibung einer seltenen Missgeburt, welche sich in der Sammlung des anatomisehen Theaters zu Leipzig befindet. Meckcl, Archiv, 1828, pp. 192-208. Cervantes, Vicente. De la Violeta estrellada e de BUS virtudes. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 185-199. 2. De genero Chirostemon. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. VI., 1803, pp. 303-314. Cesaris, Giovanni Angela de. Osservazionc della congiunzione inferiors di Vencre col Sole a di 20 Marzo 1782, con alcune riflessioni. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. II., 1784, pp. 313-324. 2. De una nuova specie di livelloafilapiombo per la verificazione de' quadranti astronomici. Milano, Effern. Astr. 1806, pp. 49-56. 3. Sulla parallasse delle stelle. Milano, EfFem. Astr. 1807, pp. 59-64. 4. Metodo per verificare la posizioue della macchina equatoriale. Milano, EtFem. Astr. 1809, pp. 65-75. 5. Ostervazioai anno 1791 all' anno Astr. 1809, pp. 75-88. 6. Lettera sopra meridiane del Sole dall' 1807. Milano, Effern. la Rifrazione Lunare. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 48-55. 7. Sul limite dcgli errori probabili nelle osservazioni astronomiche. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1811, pp. 102-111. 8. Sul movimento oscillatorio e periodico delle fabbriche. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1813, pp. 105-116 ; 1816, pp. 13-32. 9. Riflessioni sopra gli orologi astronomici. Milano, Effern. Astr. 1814, pp. 74-87. 10. Del clima della Lombardia osserva- zioni. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XVIII., 1818, pp. 57-99. 11. Riflessioni pratiehe sulla misura del diametro del Sole. Milano, Effern. Astr. 1819, pp. 3-11. 12. Sull' antichita delle storie Egiziane. Milano, Effem. Astr. 1834, pp. 111-126. CES] 861 [CHA Cesaremi, Giuseppe. Analisi quantitativa delle acque mineral! dell' Aspio. Polli, Ann. di Chira. X., 1850, pp. 254-256. 2. Composizione e proprieta terapeutiche dell' acqua di Fontemare. Polli, Ann. di Chim. XXXI., 1860, pp. 95-97. Cesati, Vincenzo. Sulle Ombrellate della Ger- mania e dell' Italia boreale ; coll' aggiunta di alcune nuove specie recate dalla Grecia. Bibl. Ital. LXXXIL, 1836, pp. 379-399. 2. Le teoriche piu recenti dei botanici del Nord in f'atto di fisica vegetabile. Bibl. Ital. LXXXIV., 1836, pp. 92-99; LXXXVL, 1837, pp. 71-85; LXXXVIL, 1837, pp. 378-391. 3. Ueber die Gattung Ambrosinia. Lin- naea, XL, 1837, pp. 281-300. 4. Beschreibung einigcr Pfianzen-Miss- bildungen. Linnaea, XL, 1837, pp. 301-305. 5. Syllabus pJantarum in ditione Nova- riensi lectarum ; ad Flo ram Aconiensem Appen- dix priraa. Linntea, XL, 1837, pp. 306-312. 6. Bcmerkungen iiber einige Umbelliferen. Linnjp.ii, XL, 1837, pp. 313-325. 7. Cenni intorno all' Elenco delle piante spontanee della provincia di Milano. Bibl. Ital. XC., 1838, pp. 225-236 ; XCL, pp. 330- 349. 8. Saggio sulla Geogran'a botanica e sulla Flora di Lombardia. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. I., 1847, pp. 488-518. 9. Gestaltung und Verhiiltnisse tier Pflan- zemvelt in der Lombardei. Linnaaa, XXI., 1848, pp. 1-64. 1O. Notice a servir d'appendix aux me- moires de MM. LKYEILLE, TULASNE et autre?, sur la veritable nature des Sclerotiums. [1854.] Botan. Zeitung, XIII., 1855, col. 73-80. 11. Ricotia Pestalotiana. Beitrag zur Kleinasiatischen Flora. Botan. Zeitung, XIV., 1856, col. 529-532. 12. Ein ernstes Wort iiber Dr. BONOB- DEN'S Vorschlage und Neuerungen in der sys- tematischen Behandlnng und Benennung der Conio- und Cryptornyceten. Botan. Zeitung. XIX., 1861, pp. 235-238. 13. Die Pflanzen\velt im Gebiete zwischen dem Tessin, dem Po, der Sesia und den Alpen. Ein Nachtnig zu meinen Aufsatze : " Gestalt- ung und Verbiiltnisse der Pfianzemvelt in der Lombardei." Linnaa, XXX1L, 1863, pp. 201- 262. Cesati, Vinccnzo, et F. de Notaris. Index seminurn Hort. Reg. Bot. Genueusis anno 1858. Isoeteos novse descripiio. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Bot.), 1859, p. S81 ; Linniea, XXX., 1859-60, pp. 740-759. Cessac, P. de. Esquisse geologique du departe- ment de la Creuee. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XIX., 1861-62 .pp. 640-652. Ch. J. F. Conditions analytiqucs pour que les surfaces engendrees par le mouvement d'une ligne droite soient tangentes tout lo long d'une generatrice commune. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1863, pp. 262-264. Chabert, . De quelques propositions sur les nombres. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 250-253. Chabert, Alfred. Note sur le Pedicularis Barre- lierii, llchb. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 193-195. 2. Etudes sur la geographique botanique de la Savoie. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 291-295. 3. Esquisse de la vegetation de la Savoie. Paris, Soc. Bot, Bull. VIL, 1860, pp. 565-579. Chaboisseau, VAbbe T. Observations sur douze especes de Rubus du dcpartcment de la Vienne. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VIL, 1860, pp. 265-273. 2. Notes sur plusieurs especes [de plantes] observecs vivantes ou soumises a la culture. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. X., 1863> pp. 289-301. Chabrand, . Notice sur les eaux minerales et sur 1'etablissement thermal du Monetier de Briancon (Hautes-Alpes). France, Congres Scientifique, XXIV., 1857, pp. 580-592. Chabrier, F. Bemerkung iiber die Fortpflan- zungsweise der Gattung Ixodcs, Fair. [1806.] Illiger, Magazin, VI., 1807, pp. 366-370. 2. Memoire sur la tarentule. Lille, Seances Publ. IV., 1811, pp. 32-35. i 3. Oenothera tetraptcra, eine Insekten fan- gende Pflanze. German Mag. Entom. IV., 1821, pp. 434-436. Chabrier, J. Sur quelques parties de la me- chaniquedes mouvements progreesifs de I'hommc et des animaux, suivies d'un essai sur le vol des insectes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1820, pp. 49-52 ; Journ. de Fliys. XC.,,1820, pp. 52-67, 321-343, 405-421 ; Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 148-197. 2. Essai sur le vol des Insectes. Paris Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VI., 1820, pp. 410-476 ; VIL, 1821, pp. 297-372; VI1L, 1822, pp. 47- 97, 349-403 ; Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 199-219, 255-277 ; XCI1L, 1821, pp. 271- 304 ; XCV., 1822, pp. 342-371. i 3. Sur le systeme solaire. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. VIIL, 1821, pp. 297-338. 4. Extrait d'un Memoire sur la locomotion. Magendie. Journ. de Physiol. VIIL, 1828, pp. 17-26; Heusinger, Zeitschrift, II., 1828, pp. 420-427. 5. Explication du Vol des Oiseaux et des Insectes. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 499- 508; Oken, Isis, 1833, col. 603-608. Chabrillac, Francois. Description de treize especes nouvelles de Cerarnbycides. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. I., 1857, pp. 194-200. CHA] 862 [CHA Chabrol, . Methode analytique pour le calcul des eclipses. Connaiss. des Temps, 1807, pp. 487-492. Chacornac, Jean. The comet of 1852,1. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XII., 1851-52, p. 166. 2. Discovery of a new planet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIIL, 1852-53, p. 184; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 193-194. 3. [Discovery of a new Planet (Phocaea), No. 25.] Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 78. 4. [Discovery of the 20th Asteroid, Mas- salia]. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 6-7. 5. Discovery of a new planet. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 173. 6. Sur plusieurs etoiles observees par lui et ulterieurement disparues. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 835-838 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XV., 1854-55, p. 199; Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 369-372. 7. Fernere Beobachtungen des am 6 April entdeckten Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 341-344. 8. Discovery of a new planet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1855-56, p. 49 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 159-160. 9. Discover v of a new planet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not* XVI., 1855-56, p. 118; Astr. Nachr. XL., 1855, col. 327-328. 1O. Entdeckung eines Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XLII., 1856, col. 315-318. 11. Sur les taches solaires. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 364-367 ; XL VII., 1858, pp. 1066-1069. 12. Note sur la comete de DONATI. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 594-597, 622. 13. [Intensite lumineuse du centre du Soleil comparee a celle des bords]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 806-810. 14. On the missing Nebula in Coma Bere- nices. Astrou. Soc. Month. Not. XXII., 1862, pp. 276-277. 15. Nebuleuse variable de % Taureau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 637- 639. Chaix, . Der Thon, als Praservativ gegen Kesselstein im Dampfkesseln. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 89-91. Chaix, Joseph. Observaciones astronomicas he- chas en la casa de D. Christiano HERKGEN, calle del Turco. Madrid, An. Ci. Nat. III., 1801, pp. 78-80, 163-170 ; IV., 1801, pp. 131- 146, 302-321. Chaix, Paul. Additions to Orography. Geogr. Soc. Journ. X., 1841, pp. 575-578. Chaix, Paul. 2. Revue des progres des travaux geographiques. Bibl. Univ. XLL, 1842, pp. 63- 95, 120-160, 319-342 ; XLII., 302-337. 3. Geographical and statistical notices, particularly on the Rhone and Geneva. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIV., 1844, pp. 322-332. 4. Sur les progres imprimes a la Geo- graphie ancienne par les travaux recents de quelques voyageurs. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. VII., 1847, pp. 5-26. 5. Memoire sur la pente et le niveau du Nil. [1848.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XII., 1849, pp. 1-20. 6. Geographical notes on the Nile. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XIX., 1849, pp. 143-151. 7. Observations sur le regime de PArve et du Rhone. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XIV., 1857, pp. 204-221 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXIV., 1857, pp. 38-59. 8. Hydrography of the valley of the Arve. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVII., 1857, pp. 224-230. 9. Notice sur les cartes de 1'Archipel Grec, levees par la marine Anglaise. Paris. Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVI., 1858, pp. 90-103. 10. Expose succinct des decouverts et des voyages faits en Australie depuis 1842 a 1858. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. XVII., 1859, pp. 355- 373. 11. Etude sur 1'ethnographie de I'Afrique. Geneve, Soc. Geogr. Mem. I., 1860, pp. 1-89. Chalaniat, E. de. Catalogue des oiseaux qui ont ete observes en Auvergne. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XIX., 1846, pp. 487-563 ; XX., 1847, pp. 17-67. Challe, . Observations sur les inondations des rivieres dans les plaines. France, Congres Scientifique, XXIV., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 63-67. Challis, H. W. On the reduction of a system of forces acting at different points of a rigid body. Messenger of Mathem. II., 1863, pp. 178-180. Challis, James. On the integration of the gene- ral equations of the motion of incompressible fluids. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 123-133. 2. On the determination of the forms of the arbitrary functions which occur in the Integrals of partial Differential Equations. Phil. Mag. VI., 1829, pp. 296-301. 3. On the extension of BODE'S empirical law of the distances of the planets from the Sun to the distances of the satellites from their respective primaries. [1828.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 171-184. 4. On the theory of the small vibratory motions of Elastic Fluids. [1829.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 269-320. 5. On the general equations of the motion of fluids, both incompressible and compressible, and on the pressure of fluids in motion. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. III., 1830, pp. 383-416. CHA] 863 [CHA Challis, James. 6. On the propagation of motion through Elastic Mediums. Phil. Mag. VII., 1830, pp. 325-330. 7. An attempt to explain theoretically the different refrangibility of the Rays of Light, according to the hypothesis of Undulations. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1830, pp. 169-174. 8. On the theoretical determination of the motion of Fluids. Phil. Mag. IX., 1831, pp. 7-11. 9. On the theory of the Compressibility of the Matter composing the nucleus of the Earth, as confirmed by what is known of the Ellipti- cities of the Planets. Phil. Mag. X., 1831, pp. 200-204. 10. Theory of the Transmission of Light through mediums, and of its Reflexion at their Surfaces, according to the hypothesis of Undu- lations. Phil. Mag. XL, 1832, pp. 161-166. 11. On the resistance to the motion of small Spherical Bodies in elastic mediums. Phil. Mag. I., 1832, pp. 40-45. 12. Report on the present State of the analytical Theory of Hydrostatics and Hydro- dynamics. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1833, pp. 131-151. 13. Remarks on LAGRANGE'S proof of the principle of Virtual Velocities. Phil. Mag. II., 1833, pp. 16-19. 14. Theory of the Correction to be applied to a Ball Pendulum for the reduction to a Vacuum. Phil. Mag. III., 1833, pp. 185-187. 15. Report on the theory of Capillary Attraction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 253- 294. 16. Theoretical explanation of some facts relating to the composition of the Colours of the Spectrum. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1834, pp. 544- 548 ; Poggend. Annal. XXX VIL, 1836, pp. 528- 533. 17. On the Brachystochronous course of a Ship. Phil. Mag. IV., 1834, pp. 33-36. 18. On the simultaneous vibrations of a cylindrical tube and the column of air contained in it. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1835 (pt. 2), pp. 12-13. 19. Researches in the theory of the motion of Fluids. [1834.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1835, pp. 173-204. 20. On the analytical determination of the laws of transmitted motion. Phil. Mag. VL, 1835, pp. 267-272. 21. Supplementary report on the Mathe- matical Theory of Fluids. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, pp. 225-252. 22. On capillary attraction and the mole- cular forces of fluids. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 89-96. 23. On the phenomena of drops of oil floating ^>n water. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 288-190. Challis, James. 24. On the decrement of atmo- spheric temperature depending on the height above the Earth's surface. [1837.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VL, 1838, pp. 443-456. 25. On the motion of a small sphere vibra- ting in a resisting medium. Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1840, pp. 462-467. 26. Reply to Mr. AIRY'S remarks on my investigation of the motion of a small sphere vibrating in a resisting medium. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 130-132. 27. On the principles of the application of analysis to the motion of Fluids. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1841, pp. 477-481. 28. Reply to Mr. AIRY'S additional remarks on Professor CHALLIS'S Investigation of the resistance of the air to an oscillating sphere. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 63-68. 29. A new method of investigating the resistance of the air to an oscillating sphere. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1841, pp. 229-235. 3O. On the motion of a small sphere acted on by the vibrations of an Elastic Medium. [1841.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1842,. pp. 333-354. 31. A general Investigation of the Differen- tial Equations applicable to the Motion of Fluids. Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VII., 1842, pp. 371-396. 32. On investigating generally the partial differential equations applicable to the motion of Fluids. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 84-90. 33. Discussion of a new equation in Hydro- dynamics. Phil. Mag. XX., 1842, pp. 281-288. 34. On the analytical condition of the Rectilinear Motion of Fluids. Phil. Mag. XX I.,. 1842, pp. 101-107. 35. On the analytical condition of Recti- linear Fluid Motion, in reply to Mr. STOKES. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1842, pp. 423-426. 36. On rectilinear Fluid Motion. Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1843, pp. 97-107. 37. On a particular case of the application of criteria of integrability. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 94-96. 38. On the necessity of three fundamental equations for the general analytical determi- nation of the Motion of Fluids. Phil. Mag. XX VL, 1845, pp. 425-431. 39. On the aberration of Light. Phil. Mag. XXVIL, 1845, pp. 321-327. 4O. Observations of BIELA'S (or GAMBART'S) comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIL, 1845- 47, pp. 21, 73-74, 76 ; Astr. Nachr. XXIIL, 1846, col. 41 1-412; XXIV., 1846, col. 19, 32, 67. 41. Account of observations at the Cam- bridge Observatory for detecting the Planet exterior to Uranus. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIL, 1845-47, pp. 145-149 ; Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 101-106. CHA] 864 [CHA Challis, James. 42. Observations of Neptune. Astruii. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 242-244, 284, 306 ; VIII., 1847-48, pp. 22-23, 142, 172, 201. 43. Observations and Elements of Iris. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 299,301. 44. Observations of Hebe. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VII., 1845-47, pp. 283-284; VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 20, 203; Astr. Naclir. XXVL, 1848, col. 142-144. 45. Observations of Astrrca. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIL, 1845-47, pp. 245, 271, 309- 310; Astr. Nachr. XXIII., 1846, col. 410; XXV., 1847, col. 231-232, 399-400 ; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, p. 205. 46. Observations of BKORSEN'S and DE Vice's Comets. Astr. Nachr. XXIV., 1846, col. 69-70. 47. On the Aberration of Light, in reply to Mr. STOKES. Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1846, pp. 90-93. 48. On the Aberration of Light, Phil. Mag. XXVIIL, 1846, pp. 176-177, 393-394. 49. Observations of LE VEUUIEK'S planet taken at the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 105-106, 229-232. 50. Second Report of Proceedings in the Cambridge Observatory relating to the new Planet (Neptune). Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 309-314. 51. An account of observations undertaken in search of the planet discovered at Berlin on 23 Sept. 1846. [1846.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XVI., 1847, pp. 415-426. 52. Report (12 Dec. 1846) of Proceedings in the Cambridge Observatory relative to the New Planet (Neptune). Phil. Mag. XXX., 1847, pp. 33-41. 53. Observations of MITCHELL'S and COLLA'S comets. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 25-26. 54. A method of calculating the orbit of a planet or coiaet from three observed places. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 49-50. 55. Observations of MAUVAIS' comet III. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 128, 144 ; Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 199-200. 56. Observations of Metis. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 176-177,206- 207 ; IX., 1848-49, p. 221. 57. Observations of ENCKE'S Comet. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 208- 209. 58. Method of correcting equatorial ob- servations for refraction. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 209-210. Challis, James. 59. Observations of Flora- Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 257-258; As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 1, 17, 141, 163, 197-198. 60. Observations of Iris. Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 173-174; Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIIL, 1847-48, pp. 21, 142, 204. 61. Observations of Hebe. Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 144. 62. Description of a new instrument for observing the apparent positions of Meteors. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1848 (pt. 2), pp. 13-14. 63. On the course of a ray of light from a celestial body to the earth's surface, according to the hypothesis of Undulations. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 168-170. 64. Theoretical determination of the ve- locity of sound. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 276-284. 65. On the velocity of sound, in reply to Prof. AIRY. Phil. Mag. XXXIL, 1848, pp. 494- 499. 66. Analytical considerations respecting thevelocity of sound. Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1848, pp. 98-101. 67. On the vibrations of an elastic fluid. Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1848, pp. 360-364. 68. On the nature of aerial vibrations. Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1848, pp. 462-466. 69. The method in use at the Cambridge Observatory of measuring differences of Right Ascension and North Polar Distance by an Equa- toreal provided with Clock-movement, and of correcting the observations for refraction. As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 14- 16. 70. Transit of Mercury 8-9 Nov. 1848. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 2. 71. Observations of PETERSEN'S second comet, made at Cambridge. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 25. 72. Lunar eclipse of 8 March 1849. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 184H-49, p. 140. : 73. Observations of Hygeia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX, 1848-49, p. 222 ; X., 1849-50, p. 148. 74. Observations of Gou JON'S Comet. *As- tron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, p. 226. 75. A method of calculating the orbit of a planet or comet from three observed Places. [1848.] Astron. Soc. Mem. XVIL, 1849, pp. 59-78. 76. On a new fundamental equation in Hydrodynamics. [1843.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 31-43. 77. A theory of luminous Rays on the hy- pothesis of Undulations. [1846.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 363-370. CHA] 865 [CHA Challis, James. 78. A theory of the Polarisa- tion of Light on the hypothesis of Undulations. [1846.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 371-378. 79. A theory of the transmission of Light through Transparent Media, and of Double Re- fraction on the hypothesis of Undulations. [1847.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 524-532. 80. A mathematical theory of Luminous Vibrations. [1848.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 584-594. 81. Observations of the Aurora Borealis of 17 November 1848, made at the Cambridge Observatory. [1848.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. VIIL, 1849, pp. 621-632. 82. On the mathematical theory of aerial vibrations. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 88- 98. 83. On the theoretical value of the velocity of sound, in reply to Mr. STOKES. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 284-286. 84. Determination of the velocity of sound on the principles of hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 353-366. 85. On Spherical waves in an elastic fluid, in reply to Mr. STOKES. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 449-450. 86. On some points relating to the theory of fluid motion. Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1849, pp. 512-520. 87. On the modification of sounds by distance of propagation. Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 241-244. 88. A method of correcting the errors due to the forms of the pivots of a Transit Instru- ment. [1849.] Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 39-40 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XIX., 1851, pp. 103-120. 89. Observations of PETERSEN'S comet III. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 149. 90. Description of an instrument for calcu- lating the corrections of a transit observation for collimation, level, and azimuth errors. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, pp. 182-186. 91. Results deduced from occultations of Stars by the Moon, 1844. Astr. Nachr. XXX., 1850, col. 255-256. 92. On a new equation in hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. XXXVL, 1850, pp. 295-302. 93. Observations of Victoria. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 28. 94. Observations of FATE'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 38-39, 158 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXIL, 1851, col. 391-392. 95. Observations of Parthenope. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, p. 209 ; Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, p. 128. Challis, James. 96. Observations of D'ARREST'S Comet, and BRORSEN'S Comet IV. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 218, 222. 97. Observations of Egeria, Metis, Irene, and Eunomia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XL, 1850-51, pp. 33, 37, 151, 203, 207-208. 98. Results deduced from occultations of stars by the Moon observed at Cambridge in 1845. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 285- 288. 99. Observations of Parthenope, Hygeia, and Victoria made at Cambridge. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 295-300. 100. Observations of the Comet discovered by M. MAUVAIS, 4 July 1847. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 299-300. 1O1. Observations of the Comet discovered by Mr. BOND, 29 Aug. 1850. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 299-300, 102. On the principles of hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. I., 1851, pp. 26-38, 231-241, 477- 478. 1O3. On the theory of the velocity of sound. Phil. Mag. I., 1851, pp. 405-408. 104. The supposed new planet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, p. 21.- 1O5. Observations of Psyche. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIL, 1851-52, p. 160. 106. Observations of Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 57-58. 1O7. Observations of Eunomia, Parthe- nope, Irene, and Comets I. and II., 1851. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 177-182. 108. Observations of Comets I. and III., 1851, and Victoria. Astr. Nachr. XXXIIL, 1852, col. 325-328. 109. Observations of Egeria, taken at Cam- bridge. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 47- 48. 110. Observations of Eunomia and Psyche made with the Northumberland Equatoreal at the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 197-200. 111. Observations of Thetis discovered by Mr. LUTHER 17 April 1852, made at Cambridge. Astr. Nachr. XXXIV., 1852, col. 283-284. 112. Observations of Melpomene, Thetis, Irene, and Eunomia. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 181-182; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 41-44. 113. On the cause of the aberration of Light. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 53-54. 114. A mathematical theory of M. Fou- CAULT'S pendulum experiment. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 331-334. 115. On the principles of Hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 438-450. 5 R CHA] 866 [CHA Challis, James. 116. Observations of BIELA'S comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XI [L, 1852- 53, pp. 24-25; Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 325-328. 117. Observations of Calliope, Lutetia, Thalia, and Parthenope. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 249-252. 118. Observations of Hygeia and Com- parison Stars of BIELA'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXVI., 1853, col. 335-336. 119. On the principles of hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. V., 1853, pp. 86-102. 120. On some theorems in hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 338-344. 121. On two new theorems in lunar Astro- nomy. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853- 54, p. 161. 122. Observations of Amphitrite and Bel- lona made at Cambridge. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 164-165. 123. Observations of comet II. 1854, made at Cambridge. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 174. 124. Errata in WEISSE'S Catalogue and in LALANDE. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 195. 125. On the final determination of the longitude of Cambridge from observations of galvanic signals. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 194 ; Cambridge, Phil. Soc. Trans. IX., 1856, pp. 487-514 ; Phil. Mag. VIII., 1854, pp. 235-236. 126. Mean places, as determined by Meridian observations at the Cambridge Observatory, of the Stars of comparison used by Mr. MACLEAK at the Cape of Good Hope in observations of comet II., 1853, (SCHWEIZER'S comet). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, p. 217; Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, p. 75. 127. Observations of the Southern portion of BIELA'S Comet, made at Cambridge, Eng- land. [1852.] Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 27. 128. Observations of BIELA'S Comet (made in England). [1845-1846.] Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 57-59, 79-80. 129. Two new theorems relating to the Moon's orbit. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 189-190 ; Phil. Mag. VII., 1854, pp. 278-283. 130. On the correction of a Longitude ^.j determined approximately by the observation of a lunar distance. Naut. Aim. 1854, Ann. 295- 317. 131. On certain questions relating to the Moon's orbit. Phil. Mag. VII.. 1854, pp. 429- 430; V1IL, 1854, pp. 98-110. 132. The theory of the Moon's motion. Phil. Mag. VIII., 1854, pp. 520-529 ; IX., 1855, pp. 201-205, 370-382. Challis, James. 133. On the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 130- 138. 134. On the aberration of light. Phil. Mag. IX., 1855, pp. 430-432. 135. Observations of Polyhymnia and Leda. Astr. Nachr. XLIL, 1856, col. 367- 368. 136. Observations of Bellona, Fides, and Atalanta. Gould, Astron. Journ. IV., 1856, pp. 133-134. 137. A theory of the composition of colours on the hypothesis of Undulations. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 329-338. 138. On the transmutation of rays of light. Phil. Mag. XII., 1856, pp. 521-526. 139. On the problem of Three Bodies. Phil. Trans. 1856, pp. 523-546. 140. The occupations of Jupiter and his Satellites 2 January 1857, as observed at the Cambridge Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIL, 1856-57, pp. 136-141. 141. Observations of Ariadne and Comet I., 1857, (D' ARREST'S). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIL, 1856-57, pp. 170-171. 142. Observations of Comet II., 1857 (BRUHNS'). Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIL, 1856-57, pp. 171-172. 143. Observations of Polyhymnia. Astr. Nachr. XLVL, 1857, col. 223-224. 144. Observations of the Solar Eclipse of 15 March 1858, made at the Cambridge Ob- servatory, and calculation of results from the observations. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVIIL, 1857-58, pp. 205-210, 240-245. Astron. Soc. Mem. XXVIL, 1859, pp. 39-60. 145. Observations of Planets and Comets. Astr. Nachr. XL VII., 1858, col. 65-74. 146. Rediscovery of Leucothea. Astr. Nachr., XL VII., 1858, col. 185-186. 147. Observations of Planets and Comets. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 297-304. 148. Observations of Calypso, Fides, and Comet IV., 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLVIIL, 1858, col. 353-356. 149. Observations of Planets and Comet L, 1858. Astr. Nachr. XLIX., 1859, col. 103- 108. ISO. Meridian and Equatorial Observations of Planets and Comets. Astr. Nachr. L., 1859, col. 241-248. 151. Results of Meridian-Observations of the minor Planets made at the Cambridge Observatory in the years 1852 and 1853. Astr. Nachr. LI., 1859, col. 1-8, 337-340. 152. Physical Phenomena of Comet V., 1858 (DON ATI'S). Astr. Soc. Month. Not. XIX, 1859, pp. 16-20. CHA] 867 [CHA Challis, James. 153. On the elimination of errors in the microscope readings of the Mural Circle of the Cambridge Observatory arising from flexure of the instrument. [1856.] Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1859, pp. 27-28. 154. Occultation of Saturn by the Moon on 8 May 1859, as observed at the Cambridge Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1858-59, pp. 265-268. 155. Questions in hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 21-27. 156. On the direction of the vibrations of a polarized ray. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1 859, pp. 102- 107. 157. A proof that every equation has as many roots as it has dimensions. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 112-114. 158. Method of finding the impossible roots of an equation. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 283-285. 159. A mathematical theory of heat. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 202-209. 160. On the theory of elliptically-polarized light. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 285-289. 161. On the resistance of the luminiferous medium to the motions of planets and comets. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 352-356. 162. Theoretical considerations respecting the relation of pressure to density. Phil. Mag. XVII., 1859, pp. 401-404. 163. On the " loss of half an undulation " in physical optics. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 57-61. 164. A mathematical theory of attractive forces. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 321- 334. 165. A theory of the force of Gravity. Phil. Mag. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 442-451. 166. Results of Meridian-Observations of the Minor Planets made at the Cambridge Ob- servatory in the year 1854. Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 231-240. 167. Observations of Comets, made at the Cambridge Observatory. Astr. Nachr. LIII., 1860, col. 341-342. 168. On the possibility of finding a root, real or imaginary, of every equation. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 46-48. 169. A theory of molecular forces. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 88-102. . 170. A theory of the force of Electricity. Phil. Mag. XX., I860, pp. 280-290. . 171. A theorv of Galvanic Force. Phil. Mag. XX., 1860, pp. 431-441. . 172. On a photograph of the Sun, taken with the Northumberland Telescope of . the Cambridge Observatory. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XXL, 1860-61, pp. 36-37. Challis, James. 173. Observations of Pandora, and of the eighth Comet of 1858, made at Cambridge. Gould, Astron. Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 25-26. 174. A theory of Magnetic Force. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 65-73, 92-107. 175. On theories of Magnetism and other forces, in reply to remarks by Professor MAX- WELL. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 250-254. 176. On Theoretical Physics. Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 504-507. 177. Solution of a problem in the Calculus of Variations. Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1861, pp. 108-111. 178. Results of Meridian-Observations of the Minor Planets made at Cambridge, 1855- 58. Astr. Nachr. LVL, 1862, col. 241-254. 179. On the augmentation of the appa- rent Diameter of a Celestial Body by its Atmo- spheric Refraction. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), p. 12. 180. On the Zodiacal Light, and on shoot- ing-stars. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 12-13. 181. On the extent of the Earth's Atmo- sphere. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 29-30. 182. Physics. 322. 183. On the general differential equations of Hydrodynamics. Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 436-445. 184. The mathematical theory of the Vi- brations of an Elastic Fluid. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 135-149, 291-302. 185. On the principle of discontinuity in On the principles of Theoretical Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 313- solutions of problems in the Calculus of Varia- tions. Phil. Mag. XXIV., ]862, pp. 196-201. 186. Explanations of phenomena of Light on the hypothesis of Undulations. Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 462-474. 187. A theory of the Zodiacal Light. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 117-125, 183-189. 188. On the source and maintenance of the sun's heat. Phil. Mag. XXV., 1863, pp. 460-467. 189. On NEWTON'S "Foundation of all Philosophy." Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1863, pp. 280-292. * 19O. A Theory of double Refraction. Phil. Mag. XXVL, 1863, pp. 466-483. Challis, James, and John Covch Adams. Obser- vations and Elements of Faye's Comet. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1844-45, pp. 20-21. 2. Observations and Elements of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, VII., 1845-47, pp. 268-270. 5 R 2 CHA] 868 [CHA Challis, James, and John Couch Adams. 3. Ephemcris of Neptune, and meridian obser- vations. Astr. Nadir. XXVI., 1848, col. 241-244. 4. Observations of Comet II., 1861. Astr. Nachr. LVIL, 1862, col. 235-240. Challis, James, and J. Breen. Observations of Circe, Leucothea, Themis, Comet III., 1855 (BRUHNS'), Proserpine, Amphitrite, Fides, and Leda. Astr. Nachr. XLIIL, 1856, col. 241-246. 2. Observations of Bellona and Themis. Astr. Nachr. XLV., 1857, col. 77-80. 3. Observations of Atalanta, Harmonia, and Lrctitia. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XVI., 1856, pp. 176-177. Challis, James, und C. Riimker. Observations of SCHWEIZER'S Comet, Metis, Hygeia, and GOUJON'S Comet. Astr. Nachr. XXXI., 1851, col. 17-20, 21-22. 2. Supposed New Planet of GASPARIS. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, p. 95. ChalloB, A. D. J. B. Rapport analytique sur Tutilite de la Culture de 1'Acacia. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 182-190. Chalmers, Peter. Mineralogical and geological report on the Dunfermline coal-field. Highland Soc. Trans. VII., 1841, pp. 298-343. Chalmers, Wm. Case of Bite of a young woman by a large Cobra de Capello. Glasgow, Med. Journ. I., 1854, pp. 102-104. Chaloner, A. I). An account of some Parhelia observed at Milford and Camden, Delaware, March 14th, 1841. Franklin Inst. Journ. II., 1841, pp. 37-40; Sturgeon, Ann. Philos. I., 1843, pp. 80-82. Chalvet, . Sur la coloration bleue et verte qu'on observe au voisinage des Plaies. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp. 377-378. Chamayou, J. A. De Affectionibus haereditariis. Eure, Journ. d'Agric. III., 1826, pp. 201-229. Chamberet, . Observation sur un Albinos de race Europeenne. Paris, Soc. Amat. Trav. I., 1807, pp. 83-87. Chamberlain, F. C. Observations on Naphtha- line, with an account of the process by which it is obtained, and of the mode of crystallizing it. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 135-137. Chambers, Charles. On the nature of the Sun's Magnetic Action upon the Earth. Phil. Trans. 1863, pp. 503-516. Chambers, George J. Notes on the late Comet. Astr. Nachr. LIX., 1863, col. 27-30. Chambers, Richard. Observations on the phe- nomenon termed Ignis Fatuus. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 353-357. 2. Observations on the Humming-Bird. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1837, pp. 592-596. 3. Catalogue of the rarer indigenous Plants growing in the neighbourhood of Tring. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 38-40. Chambers, Robert. On the existence of Raised Beaches in the neighbourhood of St. Andrews. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 298-306. 2. Sur la variation du niveau relatif de la terre et de la mer. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 432-434; Stockholm, Ofversigt, VI., 1849, pp. 312-318. 3. Ancient Sea Margins. Silliman, Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 323-325 ; VIII., 1849, pp. 33-35. 4. Geological notes on the Valleys of the Rhine and Rhone. [1848.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLVL, 1849, pp. 149-161. - 5. On the glacial phenomena of the neigh- bourhood of Edinburgh, with some remarks on the general subject. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 78-79. 6. Personal observations on terraces and other proofs of the change of the relative level of land and sea, in Scandinavia. [1849.1 Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XL VIII., 1850, pp. 68-92. 7. Memoranda regarding an ancient Boat- Hook found in the Carse of Gowrie. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XLIX., 1850, pp. 233-236. 8. On the eyeless animals of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LV., 1853, pp. 107-111. 9. On the glacial phenomena in Scotland and some parts of England. [1852.] Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 229-282; Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. III., 1857, pp. 148-153. 10. Farther observations on glacial phe- nomena in Scotland and the north of England. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), pp. 79-80; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp. 97-103. 11. On the great terrace of erosion in Scotland, and its relative date and connexion with glacial phenomena. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. I., 1855, pp. 103-106. 12. On the recently discovered glacial phe- nomena of Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 497-502. Chambert, Henri. Recherches sur les sels et la densite des urines chez I'homme sain. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1662-1665 ; Revue Scientifique, VII., 1845, pp. 89-103 $ Heller, Archiv, 1846, pp. 357-367. Chambon, . Recherches sur les vertus de la racine d'Eupatoire d'Avicenne. Bull, do Pharm.. I., 1809, pp. 400-403. Chambon, . Memoria sui principal! disastri di una tromba in un comune de' dintorni di Tolosa (Escalquens), nel 19 Settembre 1844. Napoli, Rendiconto, IV., 1 845, pp. 203-204 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, p. 851. Chambray, Marquis dc. Myzoxile. Euro, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. I., 1835, pp. 149-152. CHA] 869 [CHA Chambray, Marquis de. 2. Lettre sur le Pu- oeron. lanigere. Euro, Bull. Acad. Ebroic. II., 1836, pp. 81-86. Chambrelent, . Memoire sur les travaux de dessechement, d'irrigation et de mise en cul- ture des marais du littoral de 1'Ocean, situes entre Pembouchure de la Girondo et le bassin d'Arcachon. Paris, Comptes Rcndus, LVI., 1863, pp. 684-688. Chambrier d'Oleires, . Sur les insectes qui so nourrissent de la Guede froissee et pourrie. Torino, Mem. Accad. Sci. XXII., 1816, p. xxviii. Chambrier, Auguste de. Sur 1'asphalte du Val de Travers. Journ. de Phys. LVI., 1802, pp. 351-354; Gilbert, Annal. XVIII., 1804, pp. 423-424. 2. Sur la formation des vallees. Journ. de Phys. LXIIL, 1806, pp. 194-195. - 3. Recherches sur les montagnes d'allu- vions ou poudingues de la Suisse. Journ. de Phys. LXL, 1804, pp. 241-253. Chaxneroy, . Sur un nouveau systeme de chemins de fer atmospherique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 641-644. Chamisso, Adelbert von. De animalibus quibus- dam e classe Vermium Linneana : De Salpa. Oken, Isis (Lit. Am.), 1820, col. 273-276. 2. On the coral islands of the Pacific Ocean. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 37- 40. 3. Account of the Volcano de Taal, in Lucon, one of the Philippine Islands. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 119-122. 4. Ueber das Torfmoor zu Linum. Kar- sten, Archiv, V., 1822, pp. 253-277. 5. Beobachtungen iiber die Bildung der niedern Korallen-Inseln. Leonhard, Taschenb. I., 1823, p. 204. 6. Untersuchung eines Torfmoores bei Greifswald, und ein Blick auf die Insel Rugen. Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, VIIL, 1824, pp. 129-139. 7. Cetaceorum maris Kamtschatici imagi- nes, ab Aleutis e ligno factis. ^.cad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XII., 1825, pp. 249-262. 8. De Digital! purpurea heptaudra. Lin- ntea, I., 1826, pp. 571-575 ; IV., 1829, p. 77. 9. Species novae Conchyliorum terrestrium ex insulis " Sandwich " dictis. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, XIV., 1828, pp. 639-640. 10. Campanulaceaa Arcticas. Linnasa, IV., 1829, pp. 37-42. 11. Zwei botanisch - wissenschaftliche Berichte vom Dr. Heiurich MERTENS, geschrie- ben im Oct. 1827 in Kamtschatka, mit einigen Bemerkungen versehen von Dr. Adelbert v. CHAMISSO. Erster Bericht : iiber verschiedene Fucus- Arten. Linnaea, IV., 1829, pp. 43-58. Chamisso, Adelbert von. 12. Ueber eine Ex- cursion auf den Gipfel des Werstovoi bei Neu- Archangel im Norfolk-Sund. Linnaaa, IV., 1829, pp. 58-73. 13. Lessingia, novum genus e familia Compositarum. Linnaea, IV., 1829, pp. 203- 204. 14. Aquaticae quaadam diversaa affinitatis. Linnaea, IV., 1829, pp. 497-515. 15. Ein Zweifel und zwei Algen. [1821.] Berlin, Verhand. Ges. Nat. Freuiide, I., 1829, pp. 173-180. 16. Auricula owaihiensis et sinistrorsa. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XXL, 1830, pp. 164- 165. 17. De plantis in expeditione speculatoria Romanzoffiana observatis : Rutaceae. Linnaea, V., 1830, pp. 43-59. 18. Mantissa in genus ' Ceratophyllum. Linnsea, V., 1830, p. 336. 19. De plantis Arcticis in expeditione Ro- manzoffiana observatis : Arcticaa quje supersunt. Linnasa, VI., 1831, pp. 528-544, 545-592. 20. Plantae Ecklonianaa : Gentianeae, Juss. ; Rosaceaa, DC. ; Euclea, L. Linnasa, VI., 1831, pp. 171-260, 343-351. 21. De plantis in expeditione Roman- zoffiana et in Herbariis Regiis. Linnaea, VII., 1832; Verbenaceas, pp. 105-128, 213-272, 364- 379 ; Aristolochieoa, pp. 207-212; Bignoniaceaa, pp. 542-560, 653-723 ; Sesameaa, pp. 723-726 ; IX., 1834, Melastomaceas americanaa, pp. 368- 402, 428-460; X., 1836, pp. 32-50, 217-218. 22. Florum monstra quaedam. Linnaaa, VII., 1832, pp. 205-206. 23. Spicilegium plantarum e familiis jam prius recensitis, praasertim Brasiliensium serius a SELLOWIO, missarum. Linnaaa, VIIL, 1833, pp. 7-17, 113-140, 318-334, 491-512; IX., 1834, pp. 214-261. 24. Plantae Ecklonianoa Gentianearum et Rosacearum novarum descriptiones fusiores. Linnaea, VIIL, 1833, pp. 52-56. 25. Nova species Lycopodii, L. rubrum. Linnrca, VIIL, 1833, pp. 388-389. 26. Lacidis species nova Brasiliensis. Lin- naea, VIIL, 1833, pp. 653-654. 27. Spicilegium Alismacearum. Linnasa, X., 1836, pp. 219-220. 28. Novas Lacidis species iconibus illus- tratse. Linnaea, IX., 1834, pp. 503-505. Chamisso, Adelbert von, et Eysenhardt. De animalibus quibusdam e classe vermium Lin- neana in circumnavigatione terras duce Ottone de KOTZEBUE annis 1815-18 peracta observatis. Acad. Caes. Leop. Nova Acta, X., 1821, pp. 343- 373. CHA] 870 [CHA Chamisso, AdcUxrt ron, ct Schlechtendal. De Pl.'intis in rxpcditione specula! oria Roman- zoffiana obscrvatis. Linnrca, I., 1826, pp. 1- 64 165-226, 333-405, 511-520 ; II., pp. 1-37, 145-233, 345-379, 541-611 ; III., pp. 1-63, 115-141, 200-233, 309-366; VIII., 1833, pp. 169-228. 2. Plant arum Mexicanarum a eel. viris SCHIEDE et DKPPE collectarum recensio brevis. Linnsea, V., 1830, pp. 72-200, 206- 236, 554-625 ; VI., pp. 22-64, 352-384, 385-430. Chamousset, . Elevation de Chambery au- ilessus du nivcau de la Mer, pour servir de base a un nivellement barometrique de la Savoie. Chambery, Mem. Acad. Savoie, XI., 1843, pp. 25-99. 2. Observations faites sur la quantite de pluie tombee a Chambery depuis le commence- ment de 1839 jusqu'au mois d'Aout 1842. Chambery, Mem. Acad. Savoie, XI., 1843, pp. 101-112. 3. Sur les caracteres et 1'independance des terrains jurassiques et neocomiens de la Savoie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 787-797. 4. Observations sur les terrains des en- virons de Chambery. Actes de la Soc. Hel- vetique, 1845, pp. 99-100. Chamousset, . Sul valore numerico delle note musicali. Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 264-265. Champeaux, . Precis bistorique de la de- couverte de 1'urane oxide en France, et posi- tion de cette substance. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800-1, pp. 529-542. . 2. Note sur une nouvelle espece de mine de plomb, reconnue pour etre du Plomb arsenie natif. Journ. des Mines, X., 1800-1, pp. 543-546 3. Notice sur la decouverte de 1'emeraude dans le departement de Saone-et-Loire. Journ. des Mines, XVIIL, 1804-5, pp. 5-18. . 4. Note sur un gite de titane dans le departement de Saoue-et-Loire. Journ. des Mines, XVIIL, 1804-5, pp. 105-112. Champeaux, , et Cressac. Sur une nou- velle variete d'Epidote. Journ. des Mines, XII., 1801-2, pp. 9-13 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIV., 1802, pp. 45-48. Champion, George. Remarks on the Topo- graphy, Scenery, Geology, &c., of the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope. Silliman, Journ. XXIX., 1836, pp. 230-236. 2. Remarks on the state of Botany in Ceylon, with reference to the knowledge of it in April 1843, and an attempt at arranging its Flora, as known to MOON, and resident botanists, according to locality and elevation, commonly called Geographical Distribution of a Flora. India, Journ. Agric. Hort. Soc. II. (pt. 2), 1843, pp. 371-387. Champion, George. 3. On two new Ceylon plants related to Sciaphila, Blumc. Calcutta, Journ. Nat, Hist. VII., 1847, pp. 463-469. 4. Notice on the Coleoptera of Hong Kong. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848, pp. 206-209. .. 5. The Ternstrcemiaceous plants of Hong Kong. [1850.] Linn. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1855, pp. 111-116; Linn. Soc. Proc. II., 1855, pp. 98-101. Champion, George, et Labourdette. Sur 1'icono- graphie des Champignons. L'Institut, XXVIL, 1859, p. 272. Championniere et Colladon. Notes sur les machines a vapeur de SAVERY. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1835, pp. 24-28. Champollion-Figeac, . Account of a new species of Insect of the genus Coryrietes of FABUICIUS, observed in an Egyptian Mummy at Grenoble. (Transl.} Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIV., 1814, pp. 131-133. Champ ouilloa, Note les moyens d'ameliorer par la culture les vertus de quelqucs plantes medicinales. Paris, Comptes Ileudus, L., 1860, pp. 434-436. Champ vallins, - de. Memoire sur la Chaux carbonatee fetide trouvee dans les departemens du Loiret et d'Eure-et-Loire. Orleans, Bull. I., 1810, pp. 326-335. Chamseru, Roussille de. Memoire sur le Plica Polonica. [1807.] Paris, Mem. Sav. Etrang. II., 1811, pp. 132-185. - 2. Osservazione d'una excrescenza cornea insorta dietro la testa, e impiantata nella dura madre a traverso dell' osso occipitale. Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. VIIL, 1815, pp. 705-706. Chancel, Gustave. De 1'action de 1'ammoniaque sur Tether butyrique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 949-951. - 2. Memoire sur la butyrone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 1023-1028. 3. Recherches sur les produits de la distil- lation seche du butyrate de chaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1440-1447 ; XX., 1845, pp. 865-872; Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1844, pp. 146-153 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIIL, 1844, pp. 453-458 ; Liebig, Annal. LIL, 1844, pp. 295-301 ; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 113-122, 348-356. 4. Theorie de la formation et de la consti- tution des produits pyrogenes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1580-1587; Journ. de Pharm. XIIL, 1848, pp. 468-477. 5. Recherches sur 1'acide valerique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 905-911 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVL, 1845, pp. 447-453; Journ. dc Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 148-150. CHA] 871 [CHA Chancel, Gustave. 6. Recherchcs do chimic or- ganique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 498-501. 7. Note sur la formation artificielle d'alca- loides oxygenes. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. I., 1847-50, pp. 149-151. 8. Rechcrches sur les produits de la distil- lation sccho du benzoate de chaux. Mont- pellier, Mem. Acad. I., 1847-50, pp. 263-273 ; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1849, pp. 87-92 ; 1851, pp. 85-91 ; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 252-256. 9. Considerations sur les systemes crys- tallins. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. L, 1847-50, pp. 479-484. - 10. Recherches sur la serie benzoique et ses derives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 83-86; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLVIL, 1849, pp. 140-153. 11. Recherches sur les composes nitro- genes de la serie benzoique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 293-295. 12. Sur 1'acide carbanilique et les car- banilates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIIL, 1849, pp. 422-424 ; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 118-120. 13. Sur les ethers carbaniliques de 1'alcool et du methylene. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 751-753. 14. Sur I'etherincation et sur une nouvelle classe d'ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 521-523, 744-753; XXXIL, 1851, pp. 587-589 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 466-469 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 316-318; LIIL, 1851, pp. 111-114; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 200-202 ; Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1850, pp. 369-373, 403-408 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXIX., 1851, pp. 90-93; Montpellier, Acad. Proc. Verb. 1850-51, pp. 8-11. 15. Recherches sur de nouvelles combi- naisons organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 642-644; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIIL, 1851, pp. 176-178. 16. Recherches sur 1'alcool propionique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 410-412; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 205-207 ; Montpellier, Mem. Acad. III., 1855-57, pp. 225-227. ?> 17. Notice sur la sublimation du soufre et sur 1'essai des flours de soufre. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. III., 1855-57, pp. 483-492. 18. Sur quelques reactions nouvelles de 1'oxyde de chrome. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 927-928 ; Liebig, Annal. C., 1856, p. 376. Chancel, Gustnve. 19. De Pemploi des hypo- sulfites dans 1'analyse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 987-990 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 471-473; Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 237-239 ; Montpellier, Mem. Acad. IV., 1858-60, pp. 13-16. 20. Coup d'oeil historiquo sur 1'analyse chimique. Montpellier, Mem. Acad. IV., 1858- 60, pp. 233-236. 21. Sur la separation de la magnesie d'avec les alcalis. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 94-95. 22. Recherches sur la separation et le dosage del'acidephosphorique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 416-420; Chemical News, L, 1860, p. 230; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 261-266. 23. Sur la determination de 1'acide phos- phorique dans les substances naturelles complexes et particulierement dans ceiles qui contiennent du fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 882-884 ; Chemical News, III., 1861, pp. 3-4. 24. Separation et dosage de 1'acide phos- phorique en presence des bases. Journ. do Pharm. XXXVIL, 1860, pp. 116-117; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIX., 1860, pp. 222- 224. Chancel, Gustave, et Diacon. Sur les reactions et la generation des acides de la serie thionique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 710- 712; Chemical News, VIII., 1863, pp. 100-101; Presse Scientifique, L, 1863, p. 543. Chancel, Gustave, et Gerhardt. Sur la consti- tution des composes organiques. Laurent et Gerhardt, Compt. Rend. 1851, pp. 65-84. 2. Recherches sur les combinaisons de 1'acide sulfurique avec les matieres organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 690- 694. Chancel, Gustave, et Laurent, . Sur le metacetonitrates et sur un nouveau precede de preparation des nitryles. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXV., 1847, pp. 883-886. 2. Sur les metacetonitrates et sur un nouveau procede pour preparer les imides. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1847, pp. 104- 106. 3. Action de 1'acide nitrique sur la Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. butyrone. 462-464. 4. Production artificielle d'un alca- loide oxygene ; et sur un nouveau carbure d'hydrogene. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1848, pp. 27-28. Chancel, Gustave, et Moitessier. Note sur la composition chimique et minei'alogique de Paerolithe de Montrejeau, tombe le 9 Decembre 1858. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 267-269, 479-481. CHA] 872 [CHA Chancey, -. Account of the Goats of Angora. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1805, pp. 97-102. Chancourtois, Emile de. Exploration geolo- gique d'unc partie tres peu connue do la Tur- quie d'Asie. Paris, Comptes Rend us, XVIII., 1844, pp. 827-832. 2. Sur la nature des eaux du lac de Van et du natron que Ton en retire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1111-1114. . 3. Notice sur la fabrication du cuivre a Szaszka, dans le Ban at. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 555-576. . 4. Notice sur le traitement des minerals de cuivre et d'argent, et sur la separation, par amal- gamation, de 1'argent contenu dans le cuivre noir, a Tsiklova, dans le Banat. Annal. des Mines, X., 1846, pp. 577-594. . 5. Sur la distribution des minerals de fer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 414-417. 6. Essai sur la distribution des gltes mine- raux par alignements paralleles aux directions des systemes de montagnes, dans le tiers nord- est de la France. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 312-316. 7. Application de la vis tellurique dans la theorie de 1'acier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 253-255. 8. Suite du Memoire de la vis tellurique du 7 Avril 1860, adresse a propos du thallium. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 479- 482. 9. Application du reseau pentagonal a la coordination des sources de petrole et des depots bitumineux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV1I., 1863, pp. 369-373, 421-425, 731-735. Chandelon, J. T. P. Sur la Hatchettine de Baldaz-Lalore. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 673-678. 2. Analyse de la poudre a canon. Brux- elles, Annal. Trav. Publ. Belg. I., 1843, pp. 447-450. 3. Essais docimastiques, faites a 1'Bcole speciale des Mines et des Arts et Manufactures, a Liege. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. Belg. II., 1844, pp. 220-243; IV., 1846, pp. 321-' 346; VI., 1847 pp. 237-250. 4. Note sur la composition des eaux de la Meuse. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. Belg. IX., 1850-51, pp. 201-206. 5. Recherches sur la composition de la poudre a tirer. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIII., 1853, pp. 1-19. Chandelon, J. T. P., et Konninck. Examen comparatif des garances de Belgique et des garances etrangeres. Liege. Mem. Soc, Sci. I., 1843, pp. 49-74. Chandler, Charles F. Analyse des Zirkons aus Buncombe County, N. Carolina. Poggend. Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 444-449. 2. A new metal in the native platinum of Rogue River, Oregon. Chemical News, VI., 1862, p. 30; Pojrgend. Annal. CXVIL, 1862, pp. 190-191 ; Silliman, Journ. XXXIIL, 1862, pp. 351-352. Chandless, W. Notes on the Rivers Arinos, Juruena, and Tapajo. Geogr. Soe. Journ. XXXII., 1862, pp. 268-280. Charming, W. F. Observations on Photographic processes. Silliman, Journ. XLIII., 1842, pp. 73- 76. 2. On the reaction of solid carbonic acid with alkaline and other bases. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 184-187. Chanoine, . Note sur la prise de la Seine en amont de Paris pendant 1'hiver de 1853 a 1854. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. X., 1855, pp. 213-219. 2. Note sur les crues de 1'Yonne, de la Marne et de la Seine. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XVL, 1858, pp. 113-124. Chanoine, , et Lagrene. Memoire sur les barrages a hausses mobiles. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. II., 1861, pp. 209-352. - 2. Memoire sur la traction des bateaux. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. VI., 1863, pp. 229-322. Chanorier, . Memoire sur un drap bleu teint en laine et fabrique avec les toisons du troupeau de race pure d'Espagne, etabli a Croissy sur Seine, dep. de Seine et Oise, en 1786. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1799, pp. 484- 488. Chantelet, A. Catalogue des Plantes Phane- rogames et Cryptogames qui croissent spon- tanement aux environs de la Teste-de-Buch. Bordeaux, Actes Soc. Linn. XIII., 1843, pp. 191-272 ; XVIL, 1851, pp. 437-458. Chantran et Lacroix. Sur 1'analyse chimique des conferves. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1791, pp. 59-60. Chantrans, Girod. Observations geologiques sur les carrieres de pierres calcaires composees d'oolites et de debris de corps marins, faites dans le departement du Doubs. Journ. des Mines, XXVI., 1809, pp. 117-120. Chauykoff, J. von. Ueber das Becken des Aral- Sees und dessen Umgebungen. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. III., 1846, pp. 129-134. 2. Skizze des Zustandes der inneren Kirgi- sen-Horde im Jahre 1841. St. Petersb. Denkschr. Russ. Geogr. Gesell. L, 1849, pp. 189-225. Chauykoff, Nicolaus von. Ueber die Steppen der Kirghisen der Innern und Kleinen Orda. Berlin, Monatsb. Ges. Erdk. III., 1846, pp. 135- 162. CHA] 873 [CHA Chanykoff, Nicolaus von. 2. Die Besteigung des Vulkans Demavcnd durch den Osterreich- ischen Berg-Ingenieur CZAKNOTTA, iin Jahre 1852. (Transl.) Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 74-76. 3. Die topograpliischen Aufnahmen der wissenschaftlichen Expedition nach Chorassan. Zeitschr. allg. Erdkunde, VIII., 1860, pp. 273- 276. Chapel, . Vice de conformation de 1'ex- tremite inferieure du canal digestif chez un enfant nouveau-ne. Broussais, Annal. VIII., 1825, pp. 428-430. Chapelain, . Note sur des depots qui se trouvent clans les eaux minerales de Luxeuil. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1854, pp. 196-199. Chapelain, Joseph de. Notes hippiques. Mende, Soc. Agric. Bull. IV., 1853, pp. 66-74, 84-88, 107-110. Chapelas, . Etoiles filantes ; leurs relations avec 1'atmosphere ; oscillations barometriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVII., 1863, pp. 864- 866. Chapelier, . Sur les moeurs du Callicnemis Latreillei. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. xv-xvi. Chapin, A. B. Junction of trap and sandstone. Silliman, Journ. XXVII., 1835, pp. 104-112. Chapman, (Dr.) On the climate of Darjeling. Bengal, Asiat. Soc. Journ. V., 1837, pp. 308-315. Chapman, Edward J. An examination and analysis of the "Nadelerz" or needle ore of bismuth. Chemical Gazette, V., 1847, pp. 337- 340. 2. On a new method of distinguishing the protoxide of iron from the peroxide by the blowpipe. Phil. Mag. XXXII., 1848, pp. 309- 310. 3. On the detection of lead in the presence of bismuth in blowpipe experiments. Phil. Mag. XXXIII., 1848, pp. 319-320. 4. On the notation of crystals. Phil. Mag. XXXV., 1849, pp. 321-333. 5. Remarks on the isomorphous relations of Silica and Alumina. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), pp. 50-51. 6. Note on the Phosphocerite of Mr. WATTS. [1849.] Chem. Soc. Journ. II., 1850, pp. 154- 157. 7. On the identity of Breislakite and Augite. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 444-446. 8. On the employment of right rhomboidal prisms in crystallography. Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1850, pp. 446-447. 9. Ueber die Einwirkung von Baryt und Strontian auf Titanverbindungen vor dem Lothrohr. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem, LVII., 1852, pp. 269-271. Chapman, Edward J. 1O. On the classification of the silicates and their allied compounds. Phil. Mag. III., 1852, pp. 270-277. 11. On artesian wells near Silsoe, Bedford- shire. Phil. Mag. IV., 1852, pp. 102-105. 12. Mineralogical notes. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp. 115-121. 13. On the classification of minerals. Phil. Mag. VI., 1853, pp* 175-1 82. 14. Note on the object of the salt condi- tion of the sea. Canadian Journal, III., 1854- 55, pp. 186-188, 227-229. 15. HUNT'S Wilsonite a Scapolite. Silli- man, Journ. XX., 1855, pp. 269-270. 16. A review of the Trilobites : their cha- racters and classification. Canadian Journ. I., 1856, pp. 271-286. 17. On the occurrence of the genus Cryp- toceras in Silurian Rocks. Ann. Nat. Hist. XX., 1857, pp. 114-117; Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 264-268. 18. On atomic constitution and crystalline form as classification characters in mineralogy. Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 435-439. 19. Questions connected with the Saltnessof the Sea. Canadian Journ. II., 1857^ pp. 484-485. 20. Deposition of native metals in vein fissures by electro-chemical agency. Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 75-77. 21. On the essaying of coals by the blow- pipe. Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 208- 219 ; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 433-444. 22. On some new trilobites from Canadian rocks. Canadian Journ. III., 1858, pp. 230- 238 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. II., 1858, pp. 9-16. 23. On the hypostoma of Asaphus Cana- densis, and on a third new species of Asaphus, from Canadian Rocks. Canadian Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 1-4. 24. Note on the occurrence of Asaphua megistos in Canadian rocks, with additional remarks on Asaphus Hincksii. Canadian Journ. IV., 1859, pp. 140-142. 25. On a new species of Agelacrinites, and on the structural relations of that genus. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1860, pp. 157-162; Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 358-365. 26. A popular exposition of the minerals and geology of Canada. [1859.] Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 1-19; VI., 1861, pp. 149- 165,425-454; VIII., 1863, pp. 17-33, 111-126. 27. On the geology of Belleville and the surrounding district. [1859.] Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 41-48. 28. Agelacrinites Billingsii, a new species. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 204-205. 29. Notes on the geology of the Blue Moun- tain escarpment in Colling wood Township, Canada West. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 304-305. 5 a CHA] 874 TCHA Chapman, Edward J. 3O. Sketch of the geo- loy of Hastings County, Canada West. Cana- dian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 470-473. 31. Simple rules for calculating the thick- ness of inclined Strata. Canadian Journ. V., 1860, pp. 544-545. 32. Note on stelliform crystals, with special reference to the Crystallization of Snow. Cana- dian Journ. VI., 1861, pp* 1-6. 33. Notes on the drift deposits of W. Canada, and the ancient extension of the lake area of that region. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 221-246 ; Phil. Mag. XXL, 1861, pp. 428- 435. 34. On the Klaprothine or Lazulite of North Carolina. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 363-368 ; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1861, pp. 81- 85. 35. Additional note on the occurrence of Fresh-water Shells in the Upper Drift Deposits of Western Canada. Canadian Journ. VI., 1861, pp. 497-498. 36. On the position of Lievrite in the Mineral Series. Canadian Journ. VIL, 1862, pp. 42-47 ; Phil. Mag. XXIII., 1862, pp. 348- 352. 37. Pyrophosphate of Iron. Chemical News, VI., 1862, pp. 223-225. Chapman, Frcdric If. Ora ratta Formen pa Skepps-Ankrar. Stockholm, Vet. Acad. Handl. XVII., 1796, pp. 1-24. . 2. Theoretisk afhandling, grundad pa Fb'r- sok at gifva canoner den utvandiga form, at deras styrka pa alia stallen ar svarande mot krutets sprangande kraft. Stockholm, Acad. Handl. XXIII., 1802, pp. 1-56. Chapman, John. A singular case of expulsion of a blighted Fostus and Placenta at seven months, a living Child still remaining to the full period of Utero-gestation. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. IX., 1818, pp. 194-198. Chapman, JV. On the nourishment of the Foetus. Philadelphia Journ. I, 1820, pp. 1-17. 2. Thoughts on Animal Heat. Philadel- phia Journ. VIL, 1823, pp. 23-38. Chapman, Thomas. Necrophorus germanicus. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1831, pp. 187-188. Chapman, William. Tweede Antwoord op de Vraag over de Verbetering der Oude Rotter- damsche Stoom-Machine. Rotterdam, Nieuw. Verhand. I., 1800, pp. 154-178. Chapman, William. On the probable formation of mineral coal. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIL, 1816, p. 460; Oken, Isis, 1817, col. 849. Chaponnier, . Recherchcs physiologiques sur qudqucH reptiles. Rouen, Acad. Travaux, 1834, pp. 82-86. Chappe, . Decouverte d'un tissu transparent, compose uniquement de la matiere soyeuse du ver a soie. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 113-124. Chappelsmith, John. Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind. [1853.] Smithsonian Contrib. VIL, 1855. 2. On the characteristic action of the Ba- rometer during the passage of a Revolving Storm, such as a hurricane or tornado, being a small rise and not a great fall. Silliman, Journ. XXIIL, 1857, pp. 18-23 ; Wien, Mittheil. Geogr. Gesell. I., 1857, pp. 96-101, Abh. Chappon, . Note sur une propriete des courbes du second degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 298-299. Chap sal, (L'abbe). Sur une dent fossile trouvee a Truillas. L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 395. 2. Memoire sur un cas de foudre arrive a Ille (dep. Pyr. Or.) Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1845, pp. 269-317. Chaptal, Claude. Description d'un volcan eteint, decouvert a Sauveterre en Gevaudan. Mende, Soc. Agric? Mem. 1834-35, pp. 62-64. Chaptal, J. A. Sur les moyens de fabriquer de la bonne poterie a Montpellier, et sur un Vernis qu'on peut employer pour les enduire. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1789, pp. 73-85. 2. Sur quelques phenomenes que nous presente la combustion du soufre. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1789, pp. 86-91. 3. Sur les caves et le fromage de Roquefort. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1790, pp. 31-61. 4. Chimie : 2 e partie. Substances vegetales. Paris, Ecole Polyt. Journ. 1794-5 (l er cah.), pp. 133-135. 5. Observations sur les deux precedes em- ployes pour la fabrication du verdet, verd-de- gris, ou acetite de cuivre. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. I., 1796, pp. 89-92 ; II., 1798, pp. 489- 506; Annal. de Chimie, XXV., 1798, pp. 305- 326 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 71-79. 171-174 ; Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 229-232. 6. Observations sur le savon de laine et sur ses usages dans les arts. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. I., 1796, pp. 93-101 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1799, pp. 27-38 ; Nicholson, Journ. L, 1797, pp. 40-43. 7. Analyse comparee des quatre princi- pales sortes d'alun connues dans le commerce ; et observations sur leur nature et leur usage. Journ. des Mines, V., 1796-97, pp. 445-456; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1799 (St. 2), pp. 162-170. 8. Vues generales sur la formation du sal- petre. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1797, pp. 308- 355. CHA] 875 [CHA Chaptal, J. A. 9. Sur la production artificielle du froid. Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1797, pp. 280-296. 1O. Observations sur les sues de quelques vegetaux, et sur les moyens dont le carbone circule dans le vegetal et s'y depose pour servir a la nutrition. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. L, 1797- 98, pp. 288-300; 1796, pp. 288-300.; Annal. de Chimie, XXL, 1799, pp. 284-293 ; Reil, Archiv, III., 1799, pp. 411-423. 11. Sur les differences qui existent entre 1'acide aceteux et 1'acide acetique. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1798, pp. 113-122 ; Nichol- son, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 518-522. 12. Sur la necessite et les moyens de cul- tiver la barille en France. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 178-187. 13. Observations chimiques sur 1'epiderme. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 221-222 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L, 1798, p. 409. 14. Considerations chimiques sur 1'usage des oxides de fer dans la teinture du coton. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1798, pp. 266-277 ; Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. III., 1800, pp. 97-106 ; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 92-43, 129- 131 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 54-61. 15. Considerations chimiques sur 1'effet des mordans dans la teinture en rouge du coton. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1798, pp. 288-294; Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1798, pp. 251-258; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. I., 1798, pp. 274-278. 16. Process for whitening Prints, printed Books, and other articles of Paper. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 28-30. . 17. Observations chimiques sur la couleur jaune qu'on extrait des vegetaux. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. II., 1798, pp. 507-516. 18. Sur la maniere dont on fertilise les montagnes dans les Cevennes. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1799, pp. 41-47 ; Mende, Soc. Agric. Mem. 1833-34, pp. 150-155; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 295-297. 19. Sur les vins. Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1800, pp. 240-299 ; XXXVI., pp. 3-50, 113-142, 225-258 ; XXXVII., 1800, pp. 3-37. 2O. Memoire sur le vin. Journ. de Phys. LI., 1800, pp. 133-149 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IX., 1801, pp. 21-29, 122-134, 262-268, 326-342 ; X., pp. 9-19, 142-151, 208-222. 21. Essai sur le perfectionnement des Arts Chimiques en France. Journ. de Phys. L., 1800, pp. 217-233. 22. Notice sur une nouvelle methode de blanchir le coton. Journ. de Phys. LI., 1 800, pp. 305-309; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 351-353. . 23. Rapport des experiences sur le sucre contenu dans la betterave. Journ. de Phys. LI., 1800, pp. 371-389. Chaptal, J. A. 24. Notice sur un nouveau moyen de blanchir le linge dans nos menages. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIII., 1801, pp. 291- 296 ; Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 233-235. 25. Vues generates sur Faction des terres dans la vegetation. Seine, Agric. Soc. Mem. IV., 1802, pp. 5-14. 26. Observations chimiques sur 1'art du degraisseur ou detacheur d'etofles. [1799.] Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. VI., 1806, pp. 482-505 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, L, 1808, pp. 1-19. 27. Rapport sur deux Mernoires de M. Gratien LEPERE, relatifs aux pouzzolanes natu- relles et artificielles. Annal. de Chimie, LXIV., 1807, pp. 273-285; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 178-181. 28. Art de la teinture du coton en rouge. Journ. de Phys. LXIV., 1807, pp. 416-417. 29. Observations sur la distillation des vins. Paris, Mem. de Tlnst. 1808, pp. 170- 194; Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 59- 91 ; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 720-743 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXII., 1809, pp. 129-155. 30. Notice sur quelques couleurs trouve"es a Pompe'ia. Paris, Mem. de 1'Inst. 1808, pp. 229-235 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXX., 1809, pp. 22-31 ; Gehlen, Journ. IX., 1810, pp. 666- 672 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIL, 1809, pp. 316- 323 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXIV., 1809, pp. 302- 306; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 411-415. 31. Memoire sur le sucre de betterave. Annal. de Chimie, XCV., 1815, pp. 233-293; VII., 1817, pp. 191-193 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. L, 1816, pp. 347-388 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVII., 1816, pp. 80-112 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VII., 1816, pp. 331-339, 416-429. 32. Recherches sur la peinture encaustique des anciens. Annal. de Chimie, XCIIL, 1815, pp. 298-313; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XL VI., 1815, pp. 21-27. Chaptal, J. A., et Berthollet. Rapport sur un Memoire preseute par MM. HUMBOLDT et GAY-LUSSAC [Experiences sur les moyens eudiometriques, etc.]. Annal. de Chimie, LIIL, 1805, pp. 239-259 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 93-98. Chaptal, J. A., Berthollet, et Biot. Rap- port sur un Memoire de M. B^RARD relatif aux proprietes physiques et chimiques des divers rayons qui composent la lumiere solaire. An- nal. de Chimie, LXXXV., 1813, pp. 309-325 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 376-391 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXV., 1813, pp. 250-259 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1813, pp. 161-167. Chaptal, J. A., Bonjour, and Champy. In- structions for refining Saltpetre by a New Process. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 23- 28. 5 s 2 CHA] 876 [CHA Chaptal, J. A., et Guyton-Morveau. Rapport sur la question de savoir si les manufactures qui exhalent une odeur desagreable peuvent etre nuisibles a la sante. Annal. de Chiinie, LIV., 1805, pp. 86-103; Gilbert, Annal. XXIII., 1806, pp. 448-462 ; Nicholson, Journ. XLI., 1805, pp. 122-130. Chaptal, J. A., und Monge. 1st es vortheilhaft, Salzwasser statt des gewolmlichen Wassers zum Loschen zu gebrauchen. (Transl.) Gilbert, Annal. XXIIL, 1806. pp. 349-353; Tffloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1807, pp. 253-256. Chaptal, J. A., und Schubler. Ueber Gahrung. ( Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. XLI. (=Jahrb. XL), 1824, pp. 476-489. Chapuis, . Theoremes appliquees a la per- spective d'un cercle. Paris, Journ. Genie Civ. VIIL, 1830, pp. 131-134. Chapuis, F. Nouvelles recherches sur les fossiles des terrains secondaires de la province de Lux- embourg. [1858.1 Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. XXXIIL, 1861. " Chapuis, F., et Candeze. Catalogue des Larves des Coleopteres connues jusqu'a ce jour, avec la description de plusieurs especes nouvelles. Liege, Mem. Soc. Sci. VIIL, 1853, pp. 341-653. Chapuis, F., et G. Dewalque. Description des fossiles des terrains secondaires de Luxembourg. Bruxeiles, Mem. Couronn. XXV., 1851-53. Chapuis, P. Recherches sur la structure des poils et des follicules pileux. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIII. (Zool.), 1860, pp. 353-376. Chapuis, P., und J. Moleschott. Ueber einige Punkte, betreffend den Bau des Haarbalgs und der Haare der menschlichen Kopfhaut. Mole- schott, Untersuch, VII., 1860, pp. 325-352. Charault, L. R. Note sur quelques phenomenes de repulsions electriques. Annal. de Chimie, XXXII., 1851, pp. 216-219 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 288-289. 2. Recherches sur la deperdition de 1'elec- tricite statique par 1'air et les supports. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 108-111. Charault, L. R., et Desains. Perturbations magnetiques observers les 29 Aoiit et 2 Sep- tembre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 473-477, 477-478. Charbaut, . Memoire sur la geologic des environs de Lons-le-Saunier. [1818.] Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 579-622. 2. Meitioire sur les terrains de la chaine Jurassique. Annal. des Mines, XIII., 1826, pp. 177-212 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XV., 1827, pp. 417-451. Charbier, J. Sur le systeme solaire. Journ. dc Phys. XCIL, 1821, pp. 342-376. Charbonnier, . Memoire sur les moyens generalement employes pour regulariser les mouvements des machines a vapeur a manivelles. Mulhausen, BuU. Soc. Industr. XVIL, 1843, pp. 332-372; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCIV., 1844, pp. 410-412. Charbonnier, . Observations sur 1'Essan d'Adanson (Pecten orbicularis, Sow.). Journ. do Conchyl. IV., 1853, pp. 261-265. Charcot, . Sur 1'epizootie de Mi try. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III.. 1851, pp. 59-61 (Compt. Rend.). 2. Accidents produits sur 1'homme par 1'action de la lumiere electrique. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 627- 628. 3. Sur la claudication intermittente ob- servee dans un cas d'obliteration complete de 1'une des arteres iliaques primitives. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1858, pp. 226-238. 4:. Note sur quelques cas d'affection de la peau dependant d'une influence du systeme nerveux. Brown-Sequard, Journ. do Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 108-111. Charcot, , et le Gendre. Deux cas de mamelons surnumeraires observes chez la femme. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. L, 1859, pp. 164-165 {Compt. Rend.). Charcot, , et Robin. Observation de leuco- cythemie. Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. V., 1853, pp. 44-50 {Compt. Rend.). Chardar, . Sur Pevaporation des caux salees dans les salines de France et des pays etrangers. Journ. des Mines, XIIL, 1802-3, pp. 143-147. 2. Notice sur les puits qui cntretiennent la saline de Montmorot, pres Lons-le-Saunier. Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 111-117. Chardel, F. Observation d'un albinos, impro- prement appele negre-blanc, ne a Rennes, departement d'lile et Vilaine. Journ. de Med. XL, 1806, pp. 18-20. Chardel, F., et Delondre. Notice sur la mor- sure de la vipere. Paris, Ann. Cere. Med. L, 1820, pp. 40-44. Chardiny, L. C. Description d'une nouvello Zygene [Z. Mannerheimii.] Silbermann, Revue Entom.IV., 1836, pp. 194-195. Charey, C. R. On the determination of per- sonal equation by observations of the projected image of the Sun. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIX., 1859, pp. 338-339. Chariere, A., et Midre. Appareil propre a con- server indefiniment le vide sous les recipients des machines pneumatiques. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 181-183. CHA] 877 [CHA Charier e, A., et Midre. 2. Hygrometre a chc- veu de Saussurc donnant les maximum ct mini- mum d'humidite a 1'aide d'une scule observation. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 184-185. 3. Experiences de gazodynamique et d'hydrodynamique faites a Ahun (Creuse). Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. IV., 1860, pp. 186-192. Chark, //. J. Some remarks upon the use of the microscope, as recently improved, in the investiga- tion of the minute organization of living Bodies. Silliman, Journ. XXVIII., 1859, pp. 37-48. Charles, J. A. C. Rapport fait a 1'Institut sur les Memoires de M. HASSENFRATZ, sur la Colora- tion des corps. Journ. de Phys. LXVIL, 1808, pp. 59-68. Charles worth, Edward. On veins of crystal- lized carbonate of lime in fossil wood. Phil. Mag. VII., 1835, pp. 76-77. 2. On the Crag-formation and its Organic Eemains. Phil. Mag. VIL, 1835, pp. 81-94. 3. Reply to Mr. WOODWARD'S remarks on the Crag of Norfolk and Suffolk. Phil. Mag. VIL, 1835, pp. 464-470. 4. A notice of the remains of vertebrated animals found in the Tertiary Beds of Norfolk and Suffolk. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836 (pt. 2), pp. 84-86. 5. On the Crag of Suffolk. Phil. Mag. VIIL, 1836, pp. 529-538. 6. On some fallacies involved in the results relating to the comparative age of Tertiary Deposits, obtained from the application of the test recently introduced by Mr. LYELL and M. DESHATES. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXII., 1837, pp. 110-116; Mag. Nat. Hist. IX., 1836, pp. 537-542; Froriep, Notizen, I., 1837, col. 321-326. 7. Notice of the occurrence of Voluta Lamberti on the Suffolk coast ; with observa- tions upon its claim to rank with existing species. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 35-43. 8. Observations upon Voluta Lamberti, with a description of a gigantic species of Tere- bratula [T. variabilis] from the Coralline Crag. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837*, pp. 90-97. 9. Notice of a new fossil shell from the coast of Suffolk. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 218-220. 10. Notice of the teeth of Carcharias mega- lodon occurring in the Red Crag of Suffolk. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1837, pp. 225-227. 11. Illustrated zoological notices : 1. On the power which. the animal of the Argonaut has of repairing breaches in its shell ; 2. On the recent discovery of a fossil crocodile at Whitby ; 3. On a form of chambered cephalo- podous shells, connecting the genera Nautilus and Ammonites. Mag. Nat. Hist. I., 1 837, pp. 526-534. Charlesworth, Edward. 12. Observations on the Crag, and on the fallacies involved in the present system of classification of Tertiary De- posits. Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 1-9. 13. On the crag of part of Essex and Suffolk. [1835.] Geol. Soc. Proc. II., 1838, pp. 195-196. 14. A notice of the remains of Vertebrated Animals occurring in the tertiary beds of Nor- folk and Suffolk. Mag. Nat. Hist. II., 1838, pp. 40-43. 15. Illustrated zoological notices : On the Fossil Remains of a species of Hybodus from Lyme Regis. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 242-248. 16. Illustrated zoological notices : 1. On a specimen of the Lower Jaw of the Mammoth ; 2. On a Tooth of the genus Otodus, Agassiz, from the London clay ; 3. On a Fossil Zoophyte from the Kentish Chalk, inclosing a Cidaris. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 347-353. 17. Illustrated zoological notices : 1. On the discovery of a portion of an Opossum's Jaw in the London Clay, near Woodbridge, Suffolk ; 2. On some Fossil Teeth of the genus Lamna, from the same deposit. Mag. Nat. Hist. III., 1839, pp. 448-452. 18. [On a young shell of Nautilus pom- pilius.j Zool. Soc. Proc. VIL, 1839, p. 123. 19. On the siliceous casts of the Echinites from the chalk. Mag. Nat. Hist. IV., 1840, pp. 38-42. 2O. [On the Bassaris astuta and Ascomys Mexicanus.] Zool. Soc. Proc. IX., 1841, p. 60; Ann. Nat. Hist. IX., 1842, p. 59. 21. Notice of the discovery of a large specimen of Plesiosaurus found at Kettleness on the Yorkshire Coast. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), pp. 49-50. 22. On the discovery by Mr. Searles WOOD of an Alligator, in the Fresh-water Cliff at Hordwell, associated with extinct Mammalia. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1844 (pt. 2), p. 50. 23. On the Fossil bodies regarded by M. AGASSIZ as the teeth of a fish, and upon which he has founded his supposed genus Sphenonchus. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1845 (pt. 2), p. 56. 24. On the occurrence of the genus Phy- seter (or Sperm Whale) in the Red Crag of Felixstow. Geol. Soc. Journ. L, 1845, pp. 40- 41. 25. On the occurrence of a species of Mosasaurus in the chalk of England, and on the discovery of Flint within the pulp cavities of its teeth. London, Geol. Journ. L. 1846, pp. 23-32. CHA] 878 [CHA Charlesworth, Edward. 26. On the occur- rence, near Tadcaster, of a specimen of Larus Rossii (Ross's Rosy Gull), one of the riirest known birds, aud new to British Ornithology. Yorksh. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 33-37. 27. On the mineral condition and general affinities of the Zoophytes of the chalk at Flam- borough and Bridlington. Yorksh. Phil. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 73-77. Charleville, (Lord}. Analysis of turf ashes. [1799.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIIL, 1802, pp. 135-140. Charlier, P. Quelques considerations sur la cas- tration des vaches laitieres. France, Congres Scientifique, XX., 1853 (ptc. 2), pp. 38-49. Chariot, . Note sur la disinfection et la decoloration des graisses au moyen des chlorures d'oxide. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 357-359. 2. Notice sur les calculs biliaires du bceuf. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 159-166. Charlton, Edward. On Tetrao Rakkelhan, Tem- minck. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1838 (pt. 2), p. 107 ; Revue Zool. 1839, p. 154. 2. On the Great Auk (Alca impennis). Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. IV., 1858-60, pp. 111-117 ; Newman, Zoologist, XVIII., 1860, pp. 6883-6888. 3. Remarks on the ornithology of the North Tyne. Tyneside Nat. F. Club, Trans. V., 1860-62, pp. 99-102. Charlton, J. P. On the production of colours by mechanical division. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 182-183. 2. On the black enamel obtained from Platina. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 337-338. Channa, A. Du sommeil. Caen, Mem. Acad. 1851, pp. 375-478. 2. Une nourelle classification des sciences. Caen, Mem. Acad. 1860, pp. 273-302. Charnock, J. M. H. Destruction of the Wire- worm. Agric. Soc. Journ. XI., 1850, p. 183. Charpentier, . Analyse de 1'eau de Saint- Romain. Bull, de Pharm. I., 1809, pp. 492-495. 2. Examen chimique des fleurs scenes de Narcisse des pres, et observations sur leurs proprietes medicinales. Bull, de Pharm. III., 1811, pp. 128-134. Charpentier, . Observation de combustion spontanee dont deux femmes ont e"te atteintes dans le memo instant. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. VII., 1820, pp. 316-320. Charpentier, . De 1'irritation en general. Lille, Travaux, 1823-24, pp. 318-356. Charpentier, . Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Blutegel. (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, VIIL, 1838, col. 49-51. Charpentier, H. De la lemniscate hyperbolique. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 142-146. Charpentier, Jean G. F. de Sur la nature et le gisement du Pyroxene en roche, connu sous le nom de Lherzolite, et sur la Picotite, substance nouvelle qui 1'accompagne. Journ. des Mines, XXXIL, 1812, pp. 321-340 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVIL, 1814, pp. 201-208 ; Toulouse, Mem. Acad. I., 1827, pp. 192-195. 2. Memoire sur le terrain granitique des Pyrenees. Journ. des Mines, XXXIIL, 1813, pp. 101-156 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp. 437-439 ; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, IX., 1815, pp. 135-202. 3. Lettre au Prof. PICTET, sur un arbre fossile decouvert en Silesie. Bibl. Univ. IX., 1818, pp. 254-258. 4. Memoire sur la nature et le gisement du gypse de Bex et des terrains environnans. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 535-56] ; Leonhard, Taschenbuch, XV., 1821, pp. 336- 369. 5. Notice sur la position geognostique du terrain salifere des environs de Wimpfen sur le Neckar, sur les sondages qu'on y a executes depuis 1817, et sur les salines qu'on y a etablies. Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1823, pp. 267-292 ; Leonhard, Zeitschrift, 1825, pp. 43-52. 6. Essai sur la constitution geognostique des Pyrenees. Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 450- 457 ; Edinb. Phil. Journ. XL, 1824, pp. 351- 355 ; XII., 1825, pp. 320-321 ; Silliman, Journ. XVIL, 1830, pp. 183-184. 7. Sur une masse d'anhydrite salee decou- verte dans les salines de Bex (canton de Vaud). Bibl. Univ. XXX., 1825, pp. 131-133 ; Poggend. Annal. III., 1825, pp. 75-80; Schweigger, Journ. XL VI. (= Jahrb. XVI.), 1826, pp. 221-227. 8. Notice sur une nouvelle source d'eau thermale, decouverte dans le lit du Rhone pres de St.-Maurice. Bibl. Univ. L., 1832, pp. 408- 416; Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 201- 203. 9. Annonce d'un des principaux resultats des recherches de M. VENETZ, sur 1'etat actuel et passe des Glaciers du Vallais. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1834, pp. 23-24 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXL, 1836, pp. 210-220 ; Froriep, Notizen, L. 1836, col. 289-296. 10. Notice sur la cause probable du trans- port des blocs erratiques de In Suisse. Annal. des Mines, VIIL, 1835, pp. 219-236. 11. Quelques conjectures sur les grandes revolutions qui ont change la surface de la Suisse, et particulierement celle du canton de Vaud, pour 1'amener a son etat actuel. Bibl. Univ. IV., 1836, pp. 1-12 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXIL, 1837, pp. 27-36. CHA] 879 [CHA Charpentier, Jean G.F. de. 12. Catalogue des mollusques terrestres ct fluviatiles de la Suisse ; formant la seconde partie de la Faune Helve- tique. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. I., 1837. 13. Theorie des Glaciers. Schweizer. Naturf. Gesell. Verhandl. 1838, pp. 110-114; Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1839, pp. 479-480. 14. Sur 1'application de 1'hypothese de M. VENETZ aux phenomenes erratiqiies du Nord. Bibl. Univ. XXXIX., 1842, pp. 327- 346; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIV., 1843, pp. 55-74. 15. Essays on the glaciers and erratic formation of the basin of the Rhone. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXXIII., 1842, pp. 104-124. 16. Sur 1'hypothese qui attribue les phe- nomenes erratiques des Pyrenees a une fonte subite des glaciers. Bibl. Univ. LV., 1845, pp. 126-138'. 17. Examen de la question : Si les effets produits par les inondations prouvent en faveur de 1'hypothese qui attribue les phenomenes erra- tiques a des courants. Paris, Soc, Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 274-288 ; Atti Scienz. Ital. 1846, pp. 631-632. 18. Uebersicht der durch Edm. BOISSIER von einer Reise nach Paliistina mit zuriickge- bvachten Conchylien-Arten. Zeitschr. Malako- zool. IV., 1847, pp. 129-144. 19. Essai d'une classification naturelle des Clausilies. Journ. de Conchyl. III., 1852, pp. 357-408 ; IV., 1853, p. 86. Charpentier, Jean G. F. de, et lllie de Beau- mont. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire des mon- tagnes de 1'Oisans ; et sur les environs de Bex. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XII., 1854-55, pp. 534- 569. Charpentier, Toussaint von. Vermischte Be- rne rkungen iiber einige Kaferarten. Germar, Mag. Entom. III., 1818, pp. 228-260. 2. Ueber die Gletscher. Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 388-411. 3. Bemerkungen iiber einige Crustaceen des mittellandischen Meeres. [1821.] Berlin, Verhand. Gesell. Nat. Freunde, I., 1829, pp. 152-173. 4. Observations entomologiques. Silber- mann, Revue Entom. III., 1835, pp. 311-317. 5. Beitriige zur Synonymik einiger Orthop- teren und Neuropteren. Germar, Zeits. Entom. I., 1839, pp. 371-383. 6. Einige Bemerkungen die Orthopteren betreffend, besonders in Bezug auf BURMEI- STEK'S und SERVILLE'S Schriften iiber diese Insektenabtheilung. Germar, Zeits. Entom. III., 1840, pp. 283-321. 7. Beschreibung eines Libellulinits aus Kroatien. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1841, pp. 332-337. Charpentier, Toussaint von. 8. Ueber einige fossile Insecten aus Radoboj in Croatien. Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, XX., 1843, pp. 399-410. 9. Bemerkungen zu A. A. H. LICHTEN- STEIN'S Abhandlung iiber die Mantis- Arten, in den " Transactions of the Linnean Society," vol. V., Lond., 1802. Germar, Zeits. Entom. V., 1844, pp. 272-311. Charrey, de. Oviductus de poule imperfore. [1828.] Dijon, Acad. Seance, 1829, pp. 48-52. Charters, (Capt.} On a deposit of greenstone overlaying sandstone in Southern Africa. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, p. 102. Charters, S. On a section near Mont Blanc. Geol. Soc. Journ. XJL, 1856, pp. 385-386. Chartier, J. Regies de convergence des series et des integrates definies qui contiennent un facteur periodique. Liouville, Journ. Math. XVIII., 1853, pp. 201-212. Charvet, . Explication d'une monstruosite observee sur le Cyprin dore de la Chine. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 140- 141. 2. Observations sur deux especes du genre Dragonneau, qui habitent dans quelques eaux cour antes, aux environs de Grenoble. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Ann. III., 1834, pp. 37-46; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Zool), 1834, pp. 123-125 ; L'Institut, II., 1834, p. 272. 3. Ueber Fadenwiinner (Gordius). Fro- riep, Notizen, XLIIL, 1835, col. 37-38. 4. Recherches sur la monstruosite par in- clusion chez les animaux, a 1'occasion d'un cas de ce genre sur un foetus humain. Archiv. Gen. de Med. in., 1838, pp. 265-285. - 5. Note sur une Hydrachne parasite des mollusques d'eau douce. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1838, pp. 400-402. 6. Note sur un cas de melanisme partiel chez I'homme. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. II., 1841, pp. 376-380. 7. Sur la reproduction artificielle des sangsues. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. III., 1843, pp. 161-167. 8. Note sur un espece non decrite du genre Dragonneau. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1846, pp. 75-81. 9. Note sur une variete de la vipere com- mune. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1851, pp. 46-48. 10. D'une caverne a ossements a Laval en Royans (Drome). Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. I., 1851, pp. 225-234. 11. Sur les ossements fossiles de grands mammiferes trouves dans le Dauphine. France, Congres Scientifique, XXIV., 1857, pp. 291- 307. 12. De la Perdrix rochassiere consideree comme espece. France, Congres Scientifique, XXIV., 1857, pp. 442-446. CHA] 880 [CHA Charvet, . 13. Observations relatives au nu'lanisme chez le loup commun. France, Con- givs Scu-ntifiqiio, XXIV., 1857, pp. 446-455. 14. Observations sur des cas d'anomalies aiintoraiques multiples. France, Congres Scien- tifiquc, XXIV., 1857, pp. 606-618 ; Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 131-140. . 15. Memoire sur les grandes ossements fossiles du Dauphine. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. IV., 1860, pp. 95-109. Chase, . On some Bones of the Dinornis Nova; Zealandiae. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1849, pp. 267-271. Chase, . On the diurnal variations of the barometer. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proc. IX., 1862- 63, pp. 283-288. Chase, George. Notice of a Dolomite and de- scription of a soft green rock. Silliman, Journ. III., 1821, p. 246. Chase, P. E. Mathematical holocryptic cyphers. Cambridge (U.S.), Math. Monthly, I., 1859, pp. 194-196. 2. On the compressibility of liquids. Cam- bridge (U.S.), Math. Monthly, II., 1860, pp. 25-28. Chasles, Michel. Propositions relatives aux courbes et aux surfaces du second degre. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp, III., 1814-16, pp. 11-17. 2. Proprietes des diametres de 1'ellipso'ide. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 302-328. 3. Demonstration des theoremes sur les surfaces du second degre, enonces par M. MONGE. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Corresp. III., 1814-16, pp. 328-342. 4. Theoremes sur les sections coniques confocales. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 269-276. 5. Memoire sur les proprietes des sys- temes de sections coniques, situees dans un meme plan. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 277-301 ; XIX., 1828-29, pp. 26-32. 6. Memoire sur les projections stereo- graphiques, et sur les coniques homothetiques. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XVIII., 1827-28, pp. 305-320. 7. Sur les surfaces du second degre. Que- telet, Corresp. Math. IV., 1828, pp. 294-295 ; V., 1829, pp. 173-174. 8. Note sur une propriete generale des coniques, dont un cas particulier relatif a la parabole a etc dcmontre supra p. 155. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IV.. 1828, pp. 363-371. 9. Demonstration de quelques proprietes du triangle, de Tangle triedre, et du tetraedre, considered par rapport aux lignes et surfaces du second ordre. Gergonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 65-85. Chasles, Michel. 10. Recherches sur les projec- tions stereographiques, et sur diverses proprietes generales des surfaces du second ordre. Ger- gonne, Annal. Math. XIX., 1828-29, pp. 157- 175. 11. Recherches de geometric pure sur les lignes et les surfaces du second degre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. V., 1829. 12. Proprietes generales 'des coniques. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V. 1829, pp. 6-22. 13. Demonstration geometrique des pro- prietes de la courbe d'intersection d'une sphere et d'un cone de revolution dont le somrnet est en un point de la sphere. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V. 1829, pp. 44-47. 14. Sur les proprietes des centres des moyenncs distances des points d'application de plusieurs forces. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V., 1829, pp. 106-108. 15. Sur les lignes dirimantes a deux foyers conjugues. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V., 1829, pp. 116-120. 16. Memoire sur les propi'ietes des dia- metres conjugues des hyperboloi'des. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V., 1829, pp. 137-157. 17. Sur les lignes aplanetiques. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V./1829, pp. 188-190. 18. Sur les courbes du troisieme et du quatrieme degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V., 1829, pp. 231-233. 19. Premier Memoire sur la transformation des relations metriques des figures. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. V., 1829, pp. 281-324. 2O. Sur les proprietes generales des cones du second degre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1830. 21. Sur les proprietes generales des co- niques spheriques. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Mem. VI., 1830. 22. Sur la transformation parabolique des relations metriques des figures. Quetelet, Cor- resp. Math. VI, 1830, pp. 1-25. - 23. Lettre sur son nouveau systeme de coordonnes. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 8 1-87. 24. Memoire de geometrie pure, sur les systemes de forces, et les systemes d'aires planes; et sur les polygones, les polyedres, et les centres des moyennes distances. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 92-112, 113-120. 25. Sur la generation des focales. Quete- let, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 207-208. ' 26. Theoremes generaux sur les dianu'tros des surfaces du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 255-258. 27. Theoremes sur les surfaces du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VI.. 1830, pp. 272-273. CHA] 881 [CHA Chasles, Michel. 28. Sur les proprietes gene- rales ties cones du second dcgre. Quetelet, Cor- resp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 289-295. 29. Proprietes generales des surfaces du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VI., 1830, pp. 312-315. 30. Sur les proprietes des coniques qui ont des foyers communs. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VII., 1832, pp. 295-297. 31. Note sur les proprietes generales du systeme de deux corps semblables entr'eux, places d'une maniere quelconque dans 1'espace ; et sur le deplacement fini ou infiniment petit d'un corps solide libre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIL, 1832, pp. 352-357. 32. Memoire sur 1'attraction des ellipso'ides. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1833, (25 e cah.\ pp. 244-265 ; Bruxelles, Acacl. Sci. Bull. IV., 1837, pp. 388-389 ; Quetelet, Corresp. Math. IX., 1837, pp. 475-479 ; Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. IX., 1846, pp. 629-715. 33. Note sur une construction graphique nouvelle des tangentes et des rayons de courbure des courbes geometriques. [1833.] Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIII., 1834, pp. 58-61. 34. Sur 1'hyperbolo'ide a une nappe, et le paraboloide hyperbolique. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. VIIL, 1834, pp. 128-134. 35. Analogie de certaines courbes eon- siderees dans les surfaces du second degrnes. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. II., 1835, pp. 35-40. 36. Sur les surfaces du second degre qui n'ont pas de foyers. Liouville, Journ. Math. I., 1836, pp. 187-190. 37. Geometric. Analogie entre des pro- positions de Geometric plane et de Geometric a trois dimensions. Geometrie de la Sphere. Hyperboloide a une nappe. Liouville, Journ. Math. L, 1836, pp. 324-335. 38. Aperu historique sur 1'origine et le developpement des methodes en Geometrie. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XL, 1837. 39. Memoire de geometric sur deux principes generaux de la science : la dualite et 1'homo- graphie. Bruxelles, Mem. Couronn. XL, 1837. 4O. Note sur les equations indeterminees du second degre. Formule d'EuLER pour la resolu- tion de 1'equation . . . C# 2 + A = y 2 . Leur identite avec celles des algebristes Indiens et Arabes. Demonstration geometrique de ces formules. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 37-56. 41. Note sur un cas particulier de la con- struction des tangentes aux projections des courbes, pour lequel les methodes generales sont en defaut. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 293-298. Chasles, Michel. 42. Theoremes sur les con- tacts des lignes et des surfaces courbes. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 299-311. 43. Memoire sur les diverses manieres de generalise!' les proprietes des diametres conjugues dans les sections coniques. Nouveaux theoremes de Perspective, pour la transformation des rela- tions metriques des figures. Principes de Geome- trie plane analogues a ceux de la Perspective. Maniere de demontrer dans le cone oblique les proprietes des foyei's des sections coniques. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 388-405. 44. Sur quelques proprietes generales des surfaces gauches. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1837, pp. 413-417. 45. Memoire sur 1'attraction d'une couche ellipsoi'dale infiniment mince. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. XV., 1837, (25 e cahier), pp. 266-316. 46. Theoremes relatifs au systeme de deux surfaces du second degre. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 561-566. 47. Sur 1'equation de 1'hyperbolo'ide oscu- lateur a une surface gauche suivant une genera- trice, et sur les proprietes de la surface helico'ide en particulier. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. V., 1838, pp. 643-662. 48. Demonstration geometrique de la formule integrate -/) 2 ) dv . dp Tr- ie. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 10 49. Nouvelle maniere d'etudier les coniques, dans le cone oblique. Proprietes generales du cone et des coniques planes et spheriques. Liou- ville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 102-110. - 50. Memoire sur les lignes conjointes dans les coniques. Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1838, pp. 385-434. 51. De la connaissance qu'ont eue les an- ciens d'une numeration decimale ecrite qui fait usage de neuf chiffres, prenant des valeurs de position. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 678-680. 52. Solution synthetique du probleme de 1'attraction des ellipso'ides, dans le cas general d'un ellipsoide heterogene et d'un point exte- rieur. Pai'is, Comptes Rendus, VI., 1838, pp. 808-812. 53. Nouvelle solution du probleme de 1'attraction d'un ellipsoide heterogeue sur un point exterieur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VL, 1838, pp. 902-915. 54. Sur la doctrine des porismes d'Euclide. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 1-20. 55. Diverses proprietes des surfaces du second degre. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. X., 1838, pp. 164-166. 5 T CHA] 882 [CHA Chasles, Michel 56. Proprietes des ^surfaces du second degre analogues aux theoremes de PASCAL et de M. BRIANCHON. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VI, 1839, pp. 248-255. 57. Proprietes nouvelles de 1'hyperboloide a, une nappe. Liouville, Journ. Math. IV., 1839, pp. 348-350. . 58. Sur 1'origine de notre systeme de nume- ration. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 72-81. 59. Enonce de deux theoremes generaux sur 1'attraction des corps et la theorie de la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 209-211. . . 6O. [Discussion avec M. LIBRI relative a 1'existence aux dixieme et onzieme siecle d'un systeme de numeration ecrite, dans lequel les chifires auraient eu une valeur de position.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, IX., 1839, pp. 447-454, 463-472. 61. Sur les surfaces engendrees par une ligne droite. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. XI., 1839, pp. 49-113. 62. Theoremes sur le parabolo'ide hyperbo- lique et 1'hyperboloide a une nappe. Quetelet, Corresp. Math. XL, 1839, pp. 228-231. 63. Nouvelle solution du probleme de 1'attraction d'un ellipsoide heterogene sur un point exterieur. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1840, pp. 465-488. 64. Catalogue d'apparitions d'etoiles filantes pendant six siecles, de 538 a 1123. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1841, pp. 499-509, 527- 529, 587-591, 597-598. 65. Note sur la nature des operations alge- briques, dont la connaissance a ete attribute a tort a FIBONACCI. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XII., 1841, pp. 741-756. 66. Sur 1'epoque ou 1'Algebre a ete intro- duite en Europe. Sur les expressions res et census ; et sur le uom de la science, Algebra et Almuchabala. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 497-524, 601-628. 67. Sur une propriete de la projection stereographique. Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1842, p. 272. 68. Eclaircissements sur le Traite "De numero arenas " d'ARCHiMEDE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 547-559. 69. Theoremes sur les Surfaces du second degre. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1843, pp. 215-216. 70. Explication des Traites de 1'Abacus et particulierement du Traite de GERBERT. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 156- 174. 71. [Remarques a 1'occasion d'un Rapport fait par M. CAUCHY sur un Memoire de M. AMYOT relatif aux surfaces du second ordre.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI, 1843, pp. 828-833. Chasles, Michel. 72. Regies de 1'Abacus (tra- duction literale). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 218-246. 73. Analyse et explication du Traite de GERBERT. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 281-299. 74. [Remarques relatifs aux surfaces de second ordre.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 828-833, 1105-1112. 75. Reponse au sujet de deux Notes [sur le Memoire de M. AMYOT relatif aux surfaces du second ordre,] inserees dans les C. R. torn. XVI., pp. 938 et 947. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1105-1112. 76. Developpements et details historiques sur divers points du systeme de 1'Abacus. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1393-1420; XVII., 1843, pp. 143-144. 77. Recherche des traces du systeme de 1'Abacus, apres que cette methode a pris le nom d' "Algorisme." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 143-154. 78. Proprietes geometriques relatives au mouvement infiniment petit dans un corps solide libre dans 1'espace. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. H20-1432. 79. Proprietes generales des arcs d'une section conique, dont la difference est rectifiable. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII.,1 843, pp. 838-842. 8O. Construction geometrique des ampli- tudes dans les fonctions elliptiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1239-1263. 81. Theoremes generaux sur 1'attraction des corps. Connaiss. des Temps, 1845,.pp. 18-33. 822. Construction des rayons de courbures des courbes decrites dans le mouvement d'une figure plane qui glisse sur son plan. Liouville, Journ. Math. X., 1845, pp. 204-208. 83. Note sur les ouvrages de DESARGUES. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1 845, pp. 1550-1 554. 84. De quelques proprietes des arcs egaux de la lemniscate. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 199-201. 85. Note sur quelques proprietes des arcs egaux de la lemniscate. Grunert, Archiv, VII., 1846, pp. 217-218. 86. Sur les lignes geodesiques et les lignes de courbure des surfaces du second degre. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 5-20; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 63-72. 87. Nouvelles demonstrations des deux equations relatives aux tangentes communes a deux surfaces du second degre homofocales ; et proprietes des lignes geodesiques et des lignes de courbure de ces surfaces. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 105-119; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 313-318. 88. Notes sur quelques questions de pri- orite, au sujet d'un Memoire de M. M'CuLLOdi. Liouville, Journ. Math. XL, 1846, pp. 120-123. CHA] 883 [CHA Chasles, Michel. 89. Theoreme general sur la description des lignes de courbure des surfaces du second degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 107-111. 9O. Autre demonstration de 1'equation fJ- 2 sin 2 i' -f v 2 sin 2 i" a 2 et proprietes qui en derivent. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 517-521. 91. Generalisation de la theorie des foyers des sections coniques. Applications a des points quelconques, de toutes les proprietes auxquelles donnent lieu ces points particuliers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIL, 1846, pp. 894-900. 92. Sur le bolide du 9 Octobre 1846. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 814- 815. 93. sur 1' Astronomic Indienne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 845- 854. 94. Sur 1'enseignement de la Geometrie superieure. Liouville, Journ. Math. XII., 1847, pp. 1-40. 95. Theoremes geiier.aux sur les systemes de forces et leurs moments. Liouville, Journ. Math. XIL, 1847, pp. 213-224. 96. Extrait d'une Lettre a M. LIOUVILLE [sur une propriete des surfaces homofocales]. [1847.] Liouville, Journ. Math. XIIL, 1848, p. 16. 97. Diverses proprietes des rayons vecteurs et des diametres d'une section conique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 531-535. 98. Theoreme sur les coniques homofo- cales. Nouv. Annal. Math. VIIL, 1849, p. 214. 99. On three problems of APOLLONIUS. Mathematician, III., 1850, pp. 201-202. 10O. Lignes du troisieme ordre. Nouv. Annal. Math. IX., 1850, pp. 382-386. 101. [Note relative a trois ouvrages concer- nant 1'histoire des mathematiques au moyen age, donnes par M. BONCOMPAGNI.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 889-894. 1O2. Construction de la courbe du troi- sieme ordre determinee par neuf points. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 943-952 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XLX., 1854, pp. 366-367. 103. Sur les courbes du 4 e et du 3 e ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 272-277. 104. Proprietes des courbes du 4 e ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 372-385, 437-443. 1O5. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. F. WCEPEKE, intitule : " Essai d'une restitution des travaux perdus d' APOLLONIUS sur les .quantites irrationnelles, d'apres les indications tirees d'un manuscrit Arabe." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 553-568 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XIX., 1854, pp. 413-430. Chasles, Michel. 106. Rapport sur un ouvrage intitule : " Traite de Perspective-relief, avec les applications a la construction des bas-reliefs, aux decorations theatrales et a 1'architecture," par M. POUDRA. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 880-901 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. XX., 1855, pp. 305-328. 107. Construction des racines des equations da troisieme et du quatrieme degre. Liouville, Journ. Math. XX., 1855, pp. 329-336. 108. Construction geometrique d'une ligne plane du troisieme degre passant par neuf points donnes. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 233-235. 1O9. Analyse de quelques ouvrages Arabes [qui se rapportent a 1'histoire des sciences mathe- matiques]. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 782-784. 11O. Construction des equations du troi- sieme et du quatrieme degre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 677-685. - 111. Principe de correspondance entre deux objets variables qui peut etre d'un grand usage en Geometrie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1097-1107. 112. Note sur les courbes de troisieme ordre, concernant les points d'intersection de ces courbes entre elles. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1190-1197. 113. Proprietes des courbes a double cour- bure du troisieme ordre. Liouville, Journ. Math. II., 1857, pp. 397-407; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 189-197. 114. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. E. de JONQUIERES, intitule : " Essai sur la generation des courbes geometriques et en particulier sur celle de la courbe du quatrieme ordre." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 318-331. 115. Determination du nombre des points qu'on peut prendre arbitrairement pour former, sur une courbe donnee d'ordre m, la base d'un faisceau d'ordre n L. m. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLV., 1857, pp. 393-397. 116. Deux theoremes generaux sur les courbes et les surfaces geometriques de tous les ordres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 1061-1068. 117. Sur une surface engendree par des normales. Nouv. Annal. Math. XVIIL, 1859, pp. 192-193. 118. Les trois livres de Porismes d'Eu- CLIDE, retablis pour la premiere fois, d'apres la Notice et les Lemmes de PAPPUS, et conforme- ment au sentiment de R. SIMSON sur la forme des enonces de ces propositions. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIIL, 1859, pp. 1033-1041 ; L., 1860, pp. 940, 997, 1007-1008. 5x2 CHA] 884 [CHA Chasles, Michel. 119. Resume d'une theorie cles coniques spheriqucs hoiuofocales et des sur- faces du second ordre homofocales. Liouville, Journ. Math. V., 1860, pp. 425-454 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, L.. 1860, pp. 623-633 ; Tor- tolini, Annali, III.. 1860, pp. 241-244. 120. Proprietes relatives au deplacemcnt fini quelconque daus 1'espace, d'une figure de forme invariable. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 855-863, 905-914. 121. Sur les Porismes. Reponse aux re- clamations addressees par M. BRETON. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 1043-1061. 122. Resume d'une theorie des surfaces du second ordre homofocales. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, L., 1860, pp. 1055-1063. 123. Surfaces homofocales. Principales consequences de quatres theoremes generaux demontres dans la derniere seance. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 1110-1116. 124. Sur le displacement d'une figure de forme invariable dans 1'espace. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 77-91, 189-197, 487- 501. 125. Remarques a 1'occasion d'une com- munication de M. SYLVKSTER [sur 1'involution des lignes droites dans 1'espace considerees comme des axes de rotation.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 745-746. 126. Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Abel TRANSON, intitule : " Memoire sur les proprietes d'un ensemble de droites menees de tous les points de 1'espace suivant une loi quelconque." Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1013- 1018. 127. Sur les six droites qui peuvent etre les directions de six forces en equilibre. Proprietes de 1'hyperboloide a une nappe et d'une certaine surface du quatrieme ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1041-1042, 1094-1104. 128. Sur la surface, et sur la courbe a double courbure, lieux des sommets des cones du second ordre qui divisent harmoniquement six ou sept segments rectilignes pris sur autant de droites de 1'espace. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 1157-1162. 129. Description par points, d'une maniei^e uniforme, des deux courbes a double courbure du quatrieme ordre, de la courbe a, nocud, et de la courbe du troisieme ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 767-773. 130. Description des courbes a double cour- bure de tous les ordres sur les surfaces reglees du troisieme et du quatrieme ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 884-889. 131. Theorie analytique des courbes a double courbure de tous les ordres tracees sur I'hyperbolo'ide a une nappe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 985-996. Chasles, Michel. 132. Proprietes generates des courbes gaudies tracees sur 1'hyperboloide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1077- 1086. 133. Generation des courbes gaudies de tous les ordres sur 1'hyperboloide, au moyen de deux faisceaux de courbes d'ordre inierieur. Proprietes des faisceaux de courbes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1203-1210. 134. Proprietes des courbes a double cour- bure du quatrieme ordre provenant de 1'inter- section de deux surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 317-324,418- 425. 135. Proprietes des surfaces developpables circonscrites a deux surfaces du second ordre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 715- 722. 136. Sur la decouverte de la variation lu- naire. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1002-1012. Chasles, Michel, et Forestier. Mnemotechnie trigonometrico-spherique. Nouv. Annal. Math. XII., 1853, pp. 312-314. Chassaignac, E. Memoire sur 1'osteo-myelite. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 777-780. Chassaniol, . Sur 1'alteration du sang dans la fievre jaune. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 907-909. Chassay, . Faits et observations relatives aux pluies de Crapauds. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. VI., 1838, pp. 280-281. Chassinat, . Anomalies anatomiques nom- breuses de 1'appareil central de la circulation, n'ayant donne lieu pendant la vie a aucun symp- tome particulier. Paris, Comptes Rendus, I., 1835, pp. 509-513; Archiv. Gen. de Med. XL. 1836, pp. 80-91. Chasteignier, Alexis de. Supplement aux re- cherches sommaires sur 1'introcluction aux An- tilles tie quelques especes d'animaux destructeurs des serpents. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 185-189. Chateauneuf, B. de. Ueber die Fruchtbarkeit in Europa im An fang des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Froriep, Notizen, XVI., 1827, col. 177-180. Chatelain, . Observations sur la conserva- tion et la reproduction des sangsues. Broussais, Annal. IX., 1826, pp. 97-124 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. VIL, 1827, pp. 385-396 ; Eure, Journ. d'Agric. V., 1828, pp. 89-98; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1828, col. 129-134. 2. Nouvelles observations sur la conserva- tion et la reproduction des sangsues medicinales . et ofilcinales. Broussais, Anna!. XL, 1827, pp. 69-83; Eure, Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1827, pp. 171-184. CHA] 885 [CHA Chatfield, Notice of earthquakes at San Salvador in 1839. [1839.] Geol. Soc. Proc. III., 1842, p. 179. Chatin, Adolphe, Resultats d'empoisonnements par 1'acide arsenieux. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XVI., 1843, p. 191. 2. Sur les fonctions des vaisseaux chyli- feres et des veines. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 379-380. 3. Etudes de physiologie vegetale faites au moyen de 1'acide arsenieux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 21-29 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1848, pp. 105-110; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chera. XLV., 1848, pp. 122-126 ; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1845, pp. 282-291. 4. Etudes sur la maladie des pommes-de- terre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., 1846, pp. 217-220. 5. Avortement et retour des appendices floraux a la forme foliacee chez le Dictamnus fraxinella. Revue Botanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 546-547. 6. Sur la presence de 1'arsenic et du cuivre dans une source ferrugineuse du Pare de Ver- sailles, et sur le role chimique des matieres organiques contenues dans les eaux ferrugi- neuses des terrains de sediment [superieurs]. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 3-9; Annal. de Chimie, XXII., 1848, pp. 327-332. ,7. Etudes sur la symetrie generate des organes des vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 100-102. 8. Existence de 1'iode dans toutes les plantes d'eau douce : consequences de ce fait pour la geognosie, la physiologie vegetale, la therapeutique, et peut-etre pour 1'iridustrie. Journ. de Pharm. XVIL, 1850, pp. 418-430; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. L.. 1850, pp. 273- 285; LI., 1850, pp. 277-280; Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1850, pp. 241-244; Liebig, Annal. LXXV., 1850, pp. 61-66; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX., 1850, pp. 352-354; XXXI., 1850, pp. 280-283. 9. Nouvelle distribution de Cruciferes en sous-ordres et en tribus. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXX.. 1850, pp. 104-106. 1O. Presence de 1'iode dans 1'air et ab- sorption de ce corps dans 1'acte de la respiration animale. Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1851, pp. 421-425 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII., 1851, pp. 669-672; Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 297-298. 11. Recherche de 1'iode dans Pair, les eaux, le sol, et les produits alimentaires des Alpes de la France et du Piemont. Isere, Soc. Stat. Bull. L, 1851, pp. 410-412; Edirib. New Phil. Journ. LIL, 1852, pp. 284-289 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 463-470 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 529-531 ; XXXIV., 1852, pp. 14-18. 51-54. Chatin j Adolphe. 12. Recherches comparatives de 1'iode et de quelques autres matieres dans les eaux et les egouts qui alimentent Paris, Londres, et Turin. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 46-49, 127-130. 13. Presence de 1'iode dans les eaux plu- viales, les eaux courantes, et les plantes des An- tilles et des cotes de la Mediterranee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 723- 724, 958-959. 14. Etudes experimentales sur Faction des sels, etc., sur la vegetation. Paris, Comptes Rendu?, XXXV., 1852, pp. 786-789; XXXVII., 1854, pp. 269-272. 15. The de Java. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1853, pp. 432-438 ; Batavia, Nat. Tijdschr. VII., 1854, pp. 289-308. 16. Distribution de 1'iode dans 1'air et les eaux du Jura, du Valais, de PItalie, et de PAllemagne, et de ses rapports avec le nombre des goitreux. France, Congres Scientifique, XX., 1853, pp. 105-107. 17. Maladie de la vigne : Observations faites pendant les annees 1851 a 1853, en France, en Suisse, dans les Etats Sardes, en Lombardie, et en Allemagne. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. II., 1854, pp. 33-37. 18. Recherches de 1'iode. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 192-199. 19. Rapports sur la recherche de 1'iode dans Pair, les eaux, le sol, et les produits ali- mentaires des Alpes de la France et du Piemont. Paris, Archives des Miss. Sci. III., 1854, pp. 338-378 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 361-364. 2O. Recherche des rapports entre Pordre de naissance et Pordre de dehiscence des eta- mines. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. L. 1854, pp. 279-281. 21. Sur Panatomie du Vallisneria spiralis, L. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. L, 1854, pp. 361- 364. 22. Memoire sur les Limnanthees et les Coriariees : reunion de ces deux families en uiie seule, les Coriaracees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 772-774 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (BotC), 1856, pp. 247-273. 23. Memoire sur la famille des Tropeolees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 98- 103 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.\ 1856, pp. 283- 322. 24. Recherches d'anatomie comparee vege- tale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1044-1048. 25. Note sur les recherches de 1'iode de Pair par la rosee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 1083-10S4. 26. Etudes sur FAndrocee. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1 855, pp. 230-235. CHA] 886 LCHA Chatin, Adolphe. 27. Sur les fleurs males du Yallisneria spiralis, Linn. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. H., 1855, pp. 293-295. 28. Des cysties, organe nouveau observe sur les Callitriche (C. platycarpa, Kutz. ; C. verna, Kutz. ; C. stagnalis, Scop.). Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 295-299 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1855, pp. 149-150 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, p. 1291. 29. Organogenic florale et remarques sur la vegetation du Vallisneria spiralis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 377-380. 30. Sur les types obdiplostemoue et diplo- stemone direct, ou de 1'existence et des carac- teres de deux types symetriques distincts chez les fleurs diplostemones. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 615-622 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 13-16. 31. Recherche de 1'iode dans 1'air, les eaux, le sol, etc. du JURA, du VALAIS, etc. Paris, Coraptes Rendus, XXXVIII., 1854, pp. 83-85. 32. Note sur la presence de matiere verte dans 1'epiderme des feuilles de 1'Hippuris vul- garis, du Peplis portula, des Jussioea longifolia et J. lutea, de 1'Isnardia palustris et du Trapa natans. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 674-676. 33. Seconde note sur les Cysties. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 772-775. 34. Recherches des lois ou rapports entre 1'ordre de naissance et 1'ordre de dehiscence des androcees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1050-1053. 35. Recherches des lois ou rapports qui lient 1'avortement des etamines a leur naissance et a leur maturation : loi d'inversion. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 1288-1290. 36. Sur le Vallisneria spiralis, Linn., con- sidere dans son organographie, sa vegetation, son organogenic, son anatomic, sa teratologie et sa physiologie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 473-475. 37. Plantes aquatiques : les Hydrochari- dees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 578-580, 695-697. 38. Nouvelles observations sur les ovules des Hydrocharidees et indication d'un ordre nouveau, les Otteliacees, fonde sur la concord- ance entre les caracteres anatomiques et les caracteres morphologiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 819-822. . 39. Anatomie du Limosella, du Littorella, et du Neptunia. Existence dans ces plantes d'une organisation propre a la fois a la respira- tion dans 1'air et a la respiration dans 1'eau. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLI., 1855, pp. 882- 884. Chatin, Adolphe. 40. Essai sur la mesure du degre d'elevation ou de perfection organique des especes vegetales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 928-930. 41. Plantes aquatiques. Ordre des Alis- macees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1012-1015. 42. Plantes aquatiques. Ordre des Buto- mees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1078-1080. 43. Plantes aquatiques. Ordre des Jun- caginees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 1152-1155. 44. Anatomie des plantes aeriennes de 1'ordre des Orchidees. l er Memoire : Anatomie des racines. Cherbourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. IV., 1856, pp. 5-18. 45. Note sur le parasitisme des Rhinan- thacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 14-18. 46. Note sur 1'existence de cellules cristal- liferes traversees ou perforees par de gros et longs cristaux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 114-117. 47. Note sur 1'anatomie de 1'Ouvirandra fenestralis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 214-216. 48. Note sur Flgname de la Nouvelle- Zelande. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 226-227; Paris, Acclim. Soc. BuU. III., 1857, pp. 159-162. 49. Anatomie du Lathrsea squamaria com- paree a celle du Clandestina rectiflora. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 242-246. 50. Sur la graine et la germination du Vallisneria spiralis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 295-298. 51. Sur la respiration des Orobanches. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 660-662. 52. Sur les types obdiplostemone et diplo- stemone direct, ou de 1'existence et des caracteres de deux types symetriques distincts chez les plantes diplostemones. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 13-16. 53. Plantes aeriennes ou epidendres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 40-42. 54. Plantes parasites : Ordre des Cuscu- tacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 269-272. 55. Plantes parasites : Anatomie des Cas- sythacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 329-332. 56. Ordre des Orobanchees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 488-491, 792-794. 57. Recherches experimentales sur le pou- voir d'absorption, par rapport a 1'eau, des racines des plantes aeriennes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 841-845. CHAJ [CHA Chatin, Adolphe. 58. Formation et caracteres de 1'ordre des Epirhizanthacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 1005-1006. 59. Anatomie des plantes aeriennes de 1'ordre des Orchidees. 2 e Memoire : Anatomie du rhizome de la tige et de feuilles. Cher- bourg, Mem. Soc. Sci. V., 1857, pp. 33-69. 60. Sur les caracteres anatomiques des Rhizomes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 39-45; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 730-733. 61. Reponse aux observations presentees par M. R. CASPAKY sur la division de 1'ancienne famille des Hydrocharidees en Otteliacees et en Hydrocharidees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 156-162. 62. De 1'existence de rapports entre la nature de 1'epiderme et celle du parenchyme des feuilles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 290-292. 63. Sur les preparations d'ovules de Vallis- neria spiralis mises sous les yeux de la Societe. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 977-978. 64. Sur 1'anatomie des Santalacees ou Thesiacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 978-984. 65. De 1'anatomie des Rhinanthacees con- sideree dans ses rapports avec la classification de ces plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1 857, pp. 470-472 ; Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1857, pp. 331-333. . 66. De 1'anatomie des Monotropees dans ses rapports avec la classification de cea vege- taux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 713-716. 67. Note sur le cresson de Fontaine (Si- symbrium Nasturtium, Linn., Nasturtium offici- nale, R. Br.) et sur sa culture. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 158-167. 68. Faits d'anatomie et de physiologic pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'Aldrovanda vesicu- losa. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 580- 587 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 255-259. 69. Sur 1'eau minerale et la roche de Saxon en Valais. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XVII., 1859- 60>pp. 381-387. 70. Etudes anatomiques et physiologiques sur les vegetaux. De 1'existence, dans tous les tissus en voie de formation ou de vegetation active, d'un principe imraediat neutre, azote, non coagulable et d'abord incolore, mais se colorant en brun dans la plante morte ou affai- blie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 882- 888 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 810- 813. 71. Note sur un cas teratologique offer t par 1'Henophyton deserti. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII, 1860, pp. 10-11. Chatin, Adolphe. 72. Sur 1'iode de Patmosphere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 420-422; LI., 1860, pp. 496-498; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII., 1860, pp. 259-261. 73. Sur la mesure des degres divers d'ele- vation ou de perfection organique des especes vegetales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 638-640, 843-847. 74. Ordre des Thesiacees ou Santalacees : Rapports de leur structure anatomique avec leur classification. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 591-595. 75. Formation du genre Dufrenoya et retablissement d'un genre Sphcerocarya. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 657-659. 76. Des rapports de 1'anatomie des The- siacees ou Santalacees avec 1'anatomie generale et avec la physiologic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 719-722. 77. Sur la structure anatomique despetales comparee a celle des feuilles ; une consequence physiologique des faits observes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1861, pp. 22-23. 78. Excursion botanique dirigee en Savoie et en Suisse. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 127-142,210-226, 302-310, 333-345. 79. Sur un cas extraordinaire de struosite (?) offert par le Cytinus hypocistis. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 196-197. 8O. Sur les plantes des vieux chateaux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 359- 364. 81. Sur 1'androcee des Cruciferes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 370-374, 471- 475. 82. Faits generaux de 1'anatomie des Loranthacees et apercus de physiologic. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 289-292. 83. Recherches sur le developpement, la structure et les fonctions des tissus de Panthere. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 461-466; X., 1863, pp. 281-289 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 911-914; Paris, Mem. Soc.Biol. V., 1863, pp. 59-61, Compt. Rend. 84. Recherche du sucre dans la seve, et en general dans les divers sues des vegetaux. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863, pp. 197-202, Compt. Rend. 85. De 1'anatomie des Cytinees dans ses rapports avec 1'organographie et la teratologie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 210- 213. 86. Faits d'anatomie generale et de physi- ologie observes sur les Cytinees. Nutrition et respiration des plantes parasites. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 771-774. 87. Des caracteres et affinites anatomiques des Cytinees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1204-1207. CHA] 888 [CHA Chatin, Adolphe, et Buvier. Composition du s.ang dans un cas de scorbut et nouveau moyen de doser la fibrine du sang huraain. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1848, pp. 141-146. Chatin, Adolphe, et Filhol. Sur les principes immediats et les matieres colorantes des vegetaux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 316-319. 2. Sur les matieres colorantes des feuilles. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. V., 1863, pp. 73-74, Compt. Rend. ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 39-42. Chatin, Adolphe, et Sandras. Sur un sang blanc. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1849, pp. 305-311; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VII., 1849, pp. 427-431. Chatoney, , et Rivet. Considerations gene- rales sur les materiaux employes dans les con- structions a la mer. Annal. des Mines, IX.. 1856, pp. 505-628 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLII., 1856, pp. 1119-1122 ; XLIIL, pp. 373- 374. Chatterley, W. M. F. Report of some experi- ments with Saline Manures containing Nitrogen. Chem. Soc. Mem. I., 1841-43, pp. 152-158; Phil. Mag. XXIL, 1843, pp. 470-477. Chaubard, . Fragmens de botanique critique. Guillemin, Archiv. Bot. I., 1833, pp. 40-48 ; II., 1833, pp. 404-411. Chaubard, A. Sur des ossemens fossiles decou- verts dans le bassin du sud-ouest de la France. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 267- 272. 2. Sur les ossements fossiles de Sausan. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. IV., 1846-47, pp. 393- 398. Chaubard, L. A. Nouvelle Iheorie de la Vision. Rev. Med. Franc, et Etr. III., 1833, pp. 34-44 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIII., 1833, col. 177- 183. Chaubry, . De la force des modeles com- paree a celle des machines en grand. [1800.] Le Mans, Trav. Soc. des Arts, 1820, pp. 33-36. Chaudet, . Memoire sur quelques experi- ences tendantes a determiner, par la coupella- tion et le depart seulement, le titre exact d'un lingot contenant de Tor, du platine, de 1'argent, et du cuivre. Annal. de Chimie, II., 1816, pp. 264-287 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 66-85. 2. Note contenant quelques experiences relatives a Faction de 1'acide hydrochlorique sur les alliages d'etain et d'antimoine. Annal. de Chimie, III., 1816, pp. 376-386 ; Tillcch, Phil. Mag. XLIX., 1817, pp. 402-405; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818, pp. 167- 180. 3. Sur 1'essai d'or fin. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 356-361. Chaudet, 4. Note contenant quelques experiences relatives a Faction de 1'acide hydro- chlorique sur les alliages d'etain et de bismuth. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 142-149 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 349-359. 5. Observation sur le cuivre jaune. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 321-324. 6. Note sur la fabrication des medailles coulees. Annal. de Chimie, VI., 1817, pp. 46-56. 7. Note contenant quelques experiences relatives a 1'action de 1'acide hydrochlorique sur les alliages de cuivre et d'etain. Annal. de Chimie, VII., 1817, pp. 275-283 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau, XL, 1826, pp. 92-99. 8. Memoire contenant quelques experiences sur 1'emploi du bismuth dans la determination du titre des matieres d'or et d'argent. Anual. de Chimie, VIIL, 1818, pp. 113-133. 9. Sur la volatilite de bismuth. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 18 18, pp. 397-400. 10. Des phenomenes que presentent quel- ques metaux lorsqu'on les soumet a, la coupella- tion. Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1819, pp. 342- 354 ; Karsten, Archiv f. Bergbau. III., 1820, pp. 66-78 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LVL, 1820, pp. 72-74. Chaudoir, Maximilien, Baron de. Description de quelques genres et especes de Carabiques nouveaux. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1835, pp. 429-448. 2. Description de quelques genres nouveaux et de quelques especes nouvelles ou inedites de Carabiques. Moscou, Bull. Soc. Nat. 1837, III., pp. 3-20. 3. Tableau d'une nouvelle subdivision du genre Feronia, Dejean, suivi d'une caracteristique de trois nouveaux genres de Carabiques. Mos- cou, Soc. Nat. Bull. 1838, pp. 3-32. 4. Memoires sur quelques genres nouveaux de la famille des Carabiques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XV , 1842, pp. 833-857 ; XVI., 1843, pp. 383-427, 671-791. 5. Trois memoires sur la famille des Cara- biques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XV1L, 1844, pp. 415-479. 6. Notices entomologiques sur le gouverne- ment et la ville de Kiew. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XVIIL, 1845 (pte. 2), pp. 158-213. 7. Sur le groupe des Stomides. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XIX., 1846 (pte. 2), pp. 511- 542. 8. Sur le genre Agra. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XX., 1847 (pte. 2), pp. 87-113. CHA] 889 [CHA Chaudoir, Maximilien, Baron dc. 9. Memoire sur la faraille des Carabiques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXI., 1848, pp. 3-134; XXIII., 1850, pp. 3-85, 349-460 (pte. 2), pp. 62-206 ; XXV., 1852, pp. 3-104 ; XXVII., 1854, pp. 112-144, 279-352; XXVIIL, 1855, pp. 1-110; XXIX., 1856 (pte. 2), pp. 187-291 ; XXX., 1857 (pte. 2), pp. 1-64. 1O. Description d'une espece nouvelle do Cicindele trouvee en Russie (C. Normanni). Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXI., 1848 (pte. 2), pp. 442-454. 11. Supplement a la Faune des Carabiques de la Russie. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXIII., 1850 (pte. 2), pp. 62-206. 12. Einige Bemcrkungen zur " Natur- geschichte der Insecten Deutschlands " von SCHAUM. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XVIII., 1857, pp. 75-82 ; XIX., 1858, pp. 72-73. 13. Monographic du genre Colpodes, Mac Leaij. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. 287-364. 14. Beitragzur Kenntniss der EuropJiischen Feroniden. Stettin, Entom. Zeitg. XX., 1859, pp. 113-131. 15. Materiaux pour servir a 1'etude des Cicindeletes et des Carabiques. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXIII., 1860 (pte. 2), pp. 269-337 ; XXXIV., 1-13, 491-522; XXXV.. 1862 (pte. 2), pp. 275-320. 16. Description de nouvelles especes des genres Tricondyla et Therates. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, pp. 139-140. 17. Descriptions sommaires d'especes nou- velles de Cicindeletes et de Carabiques. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIV., 1862, pp. 484-490. 18. Enumeration des Cicindeletes et des Carabiques recueillis dans la Ilussie meridionale, dans la Finlande septentrionaleet dans la Siberie orientale, par MM. ALEXANDUIC et Arthur de NORDMANX. Moscou, Soc. Nat. Bull. XXXVI., 1863, pp. 201-262. 19. Description de quelques nouvelles es- peces de Cicindeletes et de Carabiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 447-450. 20. Description de Cicindeletes et de Cara- biques nouveaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. XV., 1863, pp. 111-120, 187-188, 223-225. Chaudoir, Stanislaus. On the geological struc- ture of the Crimea. [1832.] Gcol. Soc. Proc. I, 1834, pp. 342-343. Chaudron, J. Precede Kind : travaux executes en Belgique. Annal. des Mines, XVIIL, 1860, pp. 435-552. Chaudruc de Crazannes (le Baron). Extrait d'un memoire relatif a des depots d'huitres [non fossilesl dans le departement de la Cha- rente-Inferieurc. Ann. Sci. Nat. XXVII., 1832, pp. 332-336; XX VIII., pp. 280-291. Chaufepied, M. D. Ueber den Einfluss des Branntweins auf Gesundheit, Gliick und Mora- lital. Deutsch. Naturf. Versamml. Bericht, 1837, pp. 56-61. Chauffard, . Satyriasis consecutif a un coup reu sur la region occipitale. Trans. Med. XII., 1833, pp. 39-44. Cliaiinieton, Pierre Francois. Essai d'Ento- mologie medicale. Journ. de Phys. LIX., 1804, pp. 177-206; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXL, 1805, pp. 230-242, 344-351 ; XXII., pp. 49-54. 2. Histoire naturelle medicale de la [plante nominee] Calaguala. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 193-196. Chauxnette des Fosses, . Lettre a M. Roux [sur son voyage dans le nord de 1'Eu- rope]. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1824, pp. 121-123. Chaumier, A. Note sur 1'acide phospho-molyb- dique comme reactif des alcalis orgauiques et de certains composes metalliques. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1858, pp. 646-649. Chaussat, Charles. Memoire sur 1'influence du systeme nerveux sur la chaleur animale. Journ. de Phys. XCL, 1820, pp. 6-23, 92-110. Chaussat, J. B. Note sur une nouvelle espece de ver appartenant au genre Trichina, observe dans la Grenouille commune (Rana esculenta). Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 84-85 (Compt. Rend.). ' 2. Expose des principales observations sur les anomalies des Helminthes. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. II., 1850, pp. 18-20 (Compt. Rend.). 3. Sur le Strongle des bronches du pore (Sus scrofa). Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 85-86 ( Compt. Rend.). Chaussat, J. B., et Davaine. Recherches sur la generation de 1'huitre (Ostrea edulis). Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 98-100 (Compt. Rend.). 2. Observation sur un cas de cyclo- cephalie chez un foetus de cochon. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. 1849, pp. 198-202 (Compt. Rend.). Chaussenot, . Apparat zur Fabrication von gashaltigen Wassern, schaumenden Weinen und alien anderen mit kohlensauren Gase zu satti- genden Fliissigkeiten. Liebig, Annal. XXIII., 1837, pp. 343-352. Chaussenot (VAine). Description de 1'equerre a lignes paralleles. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XLIIL, 1844, pp. 4-16. Chaussier, . Chimie vegetale. Paris, Ecole Polytechu. Journ. l er cahier (1795), pp. 147- 148 ; 2 e cahier, pp. 187-192 ; 3 cahier, pp. 419 -429; 4 C cahier, pp. 671-690. 2. Note on a method of preserving animal substances from putrefaction. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1802, p. 227. 5 u CHA] 890 [CHA Chaussier, . 3. Sur les vaisseanx omphalo- ou ombilieo-mesenk'riques. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. III., 1802, pp. 148-150. 4. Sur uno grossesse uterine ct extra- uti'rine. Journ. de Med. XXIV., 1812, pp. 415- 422 ; Paris, Bull. Fac. Mod. IV., 1814, pp. 133- 140; Brera, Giorn. Med. Prat. VIII., 1815, pp. 149-150. 5. Note sur une hernie congeniale du coeur. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. IV., 1814, pp. 92-100. 6. Sur Tobliteration spontanee de plusieurs arteres considerables. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. VI., 1818, pp. 149-153. Chaussier, , et Dumeril. Rapport sur le Memoire de M. LEGALLOIS, ayant pour titre : " Recherches experimen tales sur le principe du mouvement et du sentiment, et sur son siege dans les mamrniferes et les reptiles." Paris, Bull. Fac. He'd. II., 1809, pp. 63-72. Chaussier, , et Magendie. Rapport sur une observation de M. le Dr. ROBERT relative a une femme qui a allaite plusieurs enfans avec une mamelle situee a la cuisse gauche. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. VII., 1827, pp. 175-180. Chaussier, . Memoire sur la temperature interieure de la terre. France, Congres Scien- tifique, 1837, pp. 608-611. Chautard, Jules. De 1'existence de 1'acide buty- rique libre dans la tannee. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1 84-5, pp. 454-457 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVI., 1845, pp. 43-45. 2. Etude de 1'action de 1'hypoclilorite de chaux sur 1'essence de terebenthine et quelques autres huiles essentielles. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 88-94. 3. Note sur la production du chloroforme a 1'aide du chlorure de chaux et de 1'essence de terebenthine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1852, pp. 671-672 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 117-118. 4. Note sur quelques produits obtenus a 1'aide de 1'essence de terebenthine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 485- 487 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVI., 1852, pp. 238-240. 5. Sur un nouveau mode de production de la Toluidine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIV., 1853, pp. 166-168 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 240-242. 6. Memoire sur 1'acide camphoriquc gauche et sur le camphre gauche. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 166-167; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 139-140 ; Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp, 622-623. 7. Nouvelles observations relatives a 1'ac- tion du chlorure et du bromure de chaux sur les substances organiques. Journ. de Pharrn. XXVII., 1855, pp. 179-183. Chautard, Jules. 8. Note sur deux nouvelles series d'acides organiques homologues et sur la constitution de 1'acide pyroterebique. Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII, 1855, pp. 192-196; Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1856, pp. 67-70. 9. Etude optique de differentes substances organiques. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1855, pp. 289-296. 1O. Nouvelles recherches sur les proprietes optiques des differentes especes de camphre et en particulier sur celles du camphre de Matri- caire. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1857, pp. 206-232. 11. Action de 1'acide sulfurique monohy- drate sur le camphre du Japou. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 66-68 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXI., 1857, pp. 310-312. 12. Note sur les phenomenes de diffraction obtenus par le passage de rayons tres-divergents a travers un ecran perce d'un certain norabre d'ouvertures et place devant 1'objectif d'une lunette. Nancy, Mem. Acad. Stanislas, 1861, pp. 346-349. 13. Nouvelles etudes sur le camphre gauche de Matricaire et sur les huiles essentielles, au point de vue de la production du camphre. Journ. de Pharm. XLIV., 1863, pp. 13-33. 14. Note relative aux acides camphoriques inactifs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVI., 1863, pp. 698-700 ; Liebig, Annal. CXXVII., 1863, pp. 121-125. Chautard, Jules, et V. Dessaignes. Note sur le principe amer de PAlkekenge. Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1852, pp. 24-26 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 323-325. 2. Observations de chimie organique. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 241-250; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLV., 1848, pp. 45- 56. Chautrau, Girod. Observations microscopiques sur les bysses, conferves, trenielles, etc. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1799, p. 17. Chauveau, A. Recherches experimentales sur la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 346-348. 2. Nouvelles rechei-ches sur la question glycogenique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 1008-1012. 3. De la moelle epiniere consideree comme voie de transmission des impressions sensitives. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 986- 989 997. 4. Lettre sur la glycogenie ou formation physiologique du sucre dans 1'economie animale. Rev. Med. Franc, ct JGtr. I., 1857, pp. 729-734. 5. Sur la theorie des pulsations du cceur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 371- 374. CHA] 891 [CHA Chauveau, A. 6. Mecanisme et theorie generate des murmures vasculaires ou bruits de souffle, d'apres 1'experimentation. Paris', Comptes Ren- dus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 839-841. 7. Theorie des effets physiologiques pro- duits par 1'electricite transmise, dans 1'organisme animale, a 1'etat de courant instantane et a 1'etat de courant conti nu. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. II., 1859, pp. 490-511, 553-576 ; III., pp. 52-71, 274-300, 458-472, 534-567. 8. Remarques sur le mecanisme des bruits de souffle vasculaires et sur le jeu des valvules auriculo-ventriculaires. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 163-166. 9. Anatomie et physiologie d'un anevrisme arterio-veineux forme par la dilatation des Vasa vasorum d'une veine variqueuse. Brown-Se- quard, Journ, de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 685 694. 1O. Vitesse de la circulation arterielle, d'apres les indications d'un nouvel hemodromometre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 948-950. 11. De 1'excitabilite de la moelle epiniere et partieulierement des convulsions et de la douleur produites par la mise en jeu de cetteexcitabilite. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 338-370. 12. Determination du mode d'action de la moelle epiniere dans la production des mouve- ments de 1'iris dus a 1'irritation de la region cilio>piim!e. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. IV., 1861, pp. 370-3S3. 13. Sur les convulsions des muscles de la vie animale et sur les signes de sensibilite pro- duils cbez le cheval par I'excitation mecanique localisee de la surface de la moelle epiniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 209- 212. 14. Recherches physiologiques sur 1'origine apparente et sur 1'origine reelle des nerfs moteurs craniens ; determination experimentale de cette derniere. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 272-282 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, pp. 1152-1153 ; Lyon, Mem. Soc. Sci. Med. II., 1863, pp. 42-54. 15. Sur la physiologie du coeur. Lyon, Mem. Soc. Sci. Med. L, 1862, p. 312. 16. Du nerf pneumogastrique considere comme agent excitateur et comme agent coordi- nateur des contractions cesophagiennes dans 1'acte de la deglutition. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIV., 1862, pp. 664-666 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. V., 1862, pp. 190-226, 323- 348 ; Paiis, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1862, pp. 23- 26 (Compt. Rend.}. 17. Effets produits par 1'isolement de la moelle epiniere sur un chien. Paris, Mem. Sec. Biol. IV., 1862, pp. 107-108 (Compt. Rend.}. Chauveau, A. 18. Remarques physiologiques a 1'occasion d'un monstre double parasitaire hete- radelphe. Circulation des monstres omphalo- sites. Developpement des nerfs et des muscles. Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. VI., 1863, pp. 345-368. 19. Sur la comparaison des affections or- ganiques de 1'encephale chez I'homme et chez les animaux. Lyon, Mem. Soc. Sci. Med. II., 1863 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 246-254. Chauveau, A., Bertolus, et Laroyenne. Vi- tesse de la circulation dans les arteres du cheval d'apres les indications d'un nouvel hemodro- mometre. Brown- Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. III., 1860, pp. 695-716. Chauveau, A., et J. Paivre. Nouvelles re- cherches experimentales sur les mouvements et les bruits normaux du cceur envisages au point de vue de la physiologie. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLL, 1855, pp. 423-426. Chauveau, A., et Marey. Determination gra- phique dea rapports du choc du co3ur avec les mouvements des oreillettes et des ventricules ; experience faite a 1'aide d'un appareil enregis- treur (sphvgmographe). Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LI1L," 1861, pp. 622-625 ; LIV., 1862, pp. 32-35 ; Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. III., ] 862, pp. 3-11. 2. De la force deploy ee par la con- traction des differentes cavites du cceur. Paris, Mem. Soc. Biol. IV., 1862, pp. 151-154 (Compt. Rend.}. Chauvenet, . Est-il possible de fixer, en histoire naturelle, la valeur du caractere gene- rique de maniere a eviter la trop grande multi- plication des genres? France, Congres Scient. 1835, pp. 77-82. Chauvenet, William. Solution to a case in Sailing. Silliman, Journ. XLVL, 1844, pp. 79-80. 2. On the method of determining the geo- graphical Longitude by altitudes of the Moon. Silliman, Journ. VIIL, 1849, pp. 226-230. i 3. On lunar distances. Amer. Asscc. Proc. 1850, pp. 223-226. 4. On unlimited Spherical Triangles and their solution. Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, pp. 39-40, 41-47. 5. On the employment of the theorem, " Small angles are proportional to their sines." Gould, Astron. Journ. I., 1851, pp. 84-86. 6. On a new method of correcting Lunar distances for parallax and refraction. Gould, Astron. Journ. II., 1852, pp. 24-30. 7. On the method of finding the error of a chronometer by equal altitudes of the sun. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1853, pp. 5-8. 5 tr 2 CHA] 892 [CHA Chauvenet, William. 8. Some new formulas of Spherical Trigonometry. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, pp. 50-51, 137. 9. Note on the solution of some Trigono- metric Equations by Series. Gould, Astron. Journ. III., 1854, p. 161. 1O. A simple method of correcting the common nautical method of "Double Altitudes " of the sun, moon, or a planet, for the change of declination between the observations. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pp. 101-103. 11. On a method of determining the lati- tude of a place from the observed times when two known stars arrive at the same altitude. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1856, pp. 103-107. 12. On the method of finding the longitude of a place by transits of the moon and a star over the same vertical circle. Gould, Astron. Journ. V., 1858, pp. 57-63. 13. Note on the equation of the projection of a great circle of the globe on a Mercator Chart. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, L, 1859, p. 135. 14. On the locus of perpendicular tangents to any conic section. Cambridge (Mass.), Math. Monthly, II., I860, pp. 419-421. * Chauvin, . Histoire d'un enfant sourd et aveugle. Revue Med. Fran9. et Etr. L, 1837. pp. 161-166. 2. Foetus, continuation de la vie intra- uterine. Nantes, Journ. de la Section Med. XV., 1839, pp. 232-235. Chauvin, Francois Joseph. Decouverte du Re- seda alba, L., en Normaudie, le 24 Aout 1853. Caen, Mem. Acad. 1855, pp. 250-257. Chauvin, J. Essai sur les fougeres du Calvados. Calvados, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1825, pp. 384-410. 2. Observations microscopiques sur la Con- ferva zonata. Normandie, Mem. Soc. Linn. 1826-27, pp. 275-287. 1 3. Observations microscopiques sur le mode de reproduction de la Conferva rivularis, L. France, Congres Scient. 1833, pp. 49-52. 4. Exarnen comparatif des Hydrophytes non articulces de la France et de 1'Angleterre. France, Congres Scient. 1833, pp. 53-55. Chavalie, . Memoire sur les moyens pro- pres a faire reconnaitre la fecule de pommes de terre et la farine de legumineuses dans la farine de froment. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XXX VII., 1838, pp. 19-31, 51-54. Chavannes, Augmtc. [Sur le cri du Sphinx (Acherontia) atropos]. Actes Soc. Helvet. Sci. Nat. 1832, pp. 93-94. 2. Memoire sur quelques especes de Satur- nies serigenes du Br6si). Lausanne, Bull. Soc Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 210-227. Chavannes, Auytistc. 3. Essais faits sur la cul- ture du ver-a-soie au Bresil. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 140-143. 4. Sur deux Coccus cerifercs du Bresil. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 209-216; Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1848, pp. 139-145. 5. Note relative aux degats produits par le Pissodes picea? (Curculionites) dans quelques- unes de nos forets du Jorat. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 361-364. 6. Note sur les especes composant le genre Galictis et specialement sur une nouvelle espuce, le G. ochroleuca, C/iav. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 378-381. 7. Sur le Baridius ou Baris chlorizans, coleoptere de la famille des charangons lequel attaque les choux. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 386-389. 8. Sur 1'applicaiion de 1'hydrogene sulfure a la destruction des insectes nuisibles aux col- lections, aux pelleteries, et aux etoflfes. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 27-30. 9. Observations sur le genre Terias (Swain. Bdv.\ Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 37-39. 10. Observations sur des larves de Dis- tomes trouvees sur le Corregonus fera. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 62-64. 11. Sur les premiers etats du Calliomnia Pluto. Lausanne, Bull, Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854- 55, pp: 243-245. 12. Notice sur les Saturnies sericigenes et sur leur introduction en Europe. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 325-333. 13. Rapport fait a la Societe Vaudoise des Sci. Nat. sur la premiere education faite en Suisse du Saturnia mylitta, F. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 416-419. 14. Note sur les differentes especes com- prises sous le nom de Saturnia Cynthia. Lau- sanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1858, pp. 124- 125. 15. Note sur 1'extension geographique de la Saturnia rnimosre et les usages de son cocon. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1859, pp. 136- 137. - 16. Conclusions les plus importantes d'un memoire sur les maladies regnantes du ver a soie. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VI., 1859. pp. 254-255 ; Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. V., 1861^ pp. 175-181. 17. Note sur les vers a soie sauvages de la Chine. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. II., 1855, pp. 133-136. CHA] 893 [CHE Chavannes, Daniel Alex. Notice sur un vegetal des contrees meridionales, trouve dans 1'etat fbssile, pres de Lausanne. Bibl. Univ. XIX., 1822, pp. 177-184. 2. Note iiber die grosse Scharbe (Carbo cormoranus). Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1823, pp. 43-46 ; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. 1824, p. 279. 3. Meraoiresurles paragreles. Bibl. Univ. XXVIII., 1825, pp. 34-46. 4. Note sur la decouverte d'une masse d'anhydrite salee, dans la montagne qui fournit les sources saliferes de Bex. Schweizer. Gesell. Verhand. 1825, pp. 25-26. 5. [Zusiitze zur Fauna der Schweiz]. Schweizer. Naturforsch. Gesell. Verhand. 1838, pp. 149-152. Chavannes, Ed. Snr 1'application des amorces fulminantes aux pieces d'artillerie. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 26-36. 2. Sur la culture du Fumaria cupreolata, L. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 66- 68. 3. Monographic du genre Nemesia, Vent. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 83- 85. 4. Sur la statistique botanique dans le canton de Vaud. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 204-208. 5. Sur la structure des tiges de monocoty- lees, et en particulier de celle des palmiers. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 245-251. 6. Monstruosite du Cheiranthus cheiri. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. I., 1842-45, pp. 320- 324. Chavannes, F. G. Rapport sur 1'etat de la baie de Clarens et sur les moyens de 1'ameliorer. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VII., 1864, pp. 64- 79. - 2. Du glissement du terrain au lieu dit la Frasse, sur la route d'Aigle au Sepey, et des etudes a faire pour determiner les travaux necessaires a la consolidation des couches en mouvement. [1863.] Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. VII., 1864, pp. 397-400. Chavannes, Felix. Note sur un phenomene psychophysiologique extraordinaire. Bibl. Univ. XXVII., 1824,' pp. 160-167; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, pp. 413-415. Chavannes, Fred. Demonstration d'un lemme frequemment employe. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 284-287. Chavannes, Sylvius. Etudes geologiques des environs de La Sarraz et plus specialement du Mauremont. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. III., 1849-53, pp. 197-203. Chavannes, Sylvius. 2. Essai sur la geologic d'une partie du pied du Jura comprise entre le Nozon et Yverdun. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 1854-55, pp. 14-24. 3. Note sur un ancien lit de la Morge. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. IV., 185455, p. 161. Chavasse, Pye H. Case of extra-uterine preg- .nancy. Assoc. Med. Journ. III., 1855, pp. 1071 1073. Chavaudon, De la nature et des qualites propres aux eauxd'irrigation. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. IV., 1853, pp. 569-573. Chaves, L. Elevation et distribution d'eau. Annal. Genie Civil, L, 1862, pp. 177-194, 337- 364 ; II., 1863, pp. 87-102, 125-130. 2. Note sur les machines a elever 1'eau. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1863, pp. 247-257. - 3. Note sur les machines a vapeur destinees a elever 1'eau dans les chemins de fer. Paris, Soc. Ing. Civ. Mem. 1863, pp. 297-328 ; Zeuner, Civilingenieur, IX., 1863, col. 173-202. Chazallon, B. Memoire sur les marees des cotes de France, et particulierement sur les lois du mouvement de la mer pendant qu'elle s'eleve ou qu'elle s'abaisse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 368-370. 2. Sur les marees du port de Toulon. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XV., 1842, pp. 562- 564. 3. Sur les observations de marees faites a Alger. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 438-440. 4. Sur 1'installation d'un mareographe a Toulon, et sur les marees d'Akaroa (Nouvelle Zelande). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1307-1312. 5. Discussion d'une nouvelle serie d'obser- vations de marees faites a Akaroa. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1780-1785. 6. Note sur la maree solaire de Brest. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 1149-1153. 7. Note sur 1'oscillation du niveau d'equi- libre des mers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 111-116. 8. Sur le mouvement des diverses ondes dont se compose la maree. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 966-967. Chazelles, Leon de. Note sur 1'impregnation des bois, par le precede de M. BOUCHEKIE. Auvergne, Annal. Scient. XIV., 1841, pp. 368- 373. Cheap, G. On geological specimens from Egypt. Bengal, Journ. Asiat. Soc. XVII., 1848, p. 342. CHE] 894 [CHE Cheek, lloiri/ II. On the natural history of the Dugong (Halicore Indicus, Desm.), the Mer- maid of early writers ; and particularly on the differences which occur in its dental characters. Edinb. Jouru. Nat. Geogr. Sci. L, 1830, pp. 161- 172. 2. Remarkable instances of the subser- viency of one animal to the formation of the habitation of another. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1830, pp. 49-51. 3. Suggestions on the relation between organized bodies and the conditions of their existence. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II-, 1830, p. 65. Cheek, Henry //., and William T. Ainsworth. Notes on the caverns in the north-eastern dis- trict of the High Peak of Derbyshire, with an account of a descent into Eldon Hole. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp. 168-173. Cheek, Henry H., and T. W. Jones. Notices of the anatomical structure of the Lion (Felis leo), as observed on dissection, in 'relation to the habits of the animal, as described by travel- lers. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 220-224, 276-281. Cheever, Charles A. A remarkable case of mal- formation of the heart of a boy, aged 13 years and 6 months. New England Journ. Med. X., 1821, pp. 217-221. Chegoin, Hervez dc, et Rene Prus. Imperfora- tion complete et congenitale de Puterus, avec absence totale du col. Journ. Heb. de Med. VI., 1830, pp. 49-55. Chelini, Domenico. Teorica della quantita pro- porzionali. Giorn. Arcad. LXXIII., 1837, pp. 166-190. - 2. Teorica de' valori delle proiezioni. Giorn. Arcad. LXXIV., 1838, pp. 47-73. 3. Saggio di geometria analitica trattata con nuovo metodo. Giorn. Arcad. LXXV., 1838, pp. 80-130, 279-308; LXXVI., 3-65, 257-286. 4. Formazione e dimostrazione della for- mula che da i valori delle incognite nelle equa- zioni di primo grado. Giorn. Arcad. LXXXV., 1840, pp. 3-12. 5. Nota sulle proprieta di alcune espres- sioni algebriche relative alia superficie di second' ordine, e sulla riduzione di alcuni integrali mul- tipli. Giorn. Arcad. XC1V., 1843, pp. 49-57. 6. Teorema di STEINER sul volume di un corpo terminate da basi parallele e circoscritto lateralmente da una superficie rigata. Gioru. Arcad. XCVI., 1843, pp. 3-16. 7. Equazioni differenziali del moto di un sistema di punti materiali. Giorn. Arcad. C., 1844, pp. 129-140. Chelini, Domenico. 8. Sulla curvatura delle linee e delle superficie. Palomba, Raccolta, I., 1845, pp. 105-109, 129-136, 140-148, 156-160. . 9. Dimostrazioni geometriche delle tras- formazioni degii integrali multipli, relativi alle superficie e ai volumi. Giorn. Arcad. CVI., 1846, pp. 127-161. 1O. Teoremi relativi alle linee di curvatura e geodesiche sopra i paraboloidi. Giorn. Arcad. CVI., 1846, pp. 161-164 ; Palomba, Raccolta, II., 1846, pp. 95-97. 11. Sopra uno dei tre principii che formano P annello di unione tra 1' Algebra e le diverse parti delle matematiche. Palomba, Raccolta, II., 1846, pp. 57-61, 73-77. 12. Determinazione geometrica in coordi- nate ellittiche, degli elementi ds t , ds t , ds 3 , delle tre linee d' intersezione s l , s 2 , s s , secondo cui si segano in un punto tre superficie ortogonali di secondo grado (?v), (^.), (v). Palomba, Raccolta, II., 1846, pp. 109-113, 126-131. 13. Principio delle velocita virtuali. Pa- lomba, Raccolta, III., 1847, pp. 145-152. 14. Di alcuni teoremi del Sig. F. GAUSS relativi alle superficie curve. Giorn. Arcad. CXV., 1848, pp. 257-284 ; CXVI., pp. 3-20. 15. Dimostrazione nuova del parallelo- grammo de' moti rotatori. Roma, Atti, IV., 1850-51, pp. 377-386. 16. Sulla spiegazionc dell' esperienza del Sig. FOUCAULT intorno al pendolo. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 243-246. 17. Sopra una mernoria del Sig. LIOUVILLE intorno alia teoria generale delle superficie. Tor- tolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 291-301. 18. Addizione alia nota sull' oscillazione del pendolo ; nuova dimostrazione geometrica del principio dinamico de' moti relativi. Tortolini, Annali, II., 1851, pp. 311-317. 19. Sulla risoluzione in numeri interi dell' equazione, a? + y* = N. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1852, pp. 126-129. 20. Sulle formolefondamentali risguardanti la curvatura delle superficie e delle linee. Tor- tolini, Annali, IV.. 1853, pp. 337-394. 21. Determinazione analitica della rota- zione de' corpi liberi, secondo i concetti del Signor POINSOT. Bologna, Mem. Accad. Sci. X., 1859, pp. 583-620. 22. Sulla rotazione de' corpi. Bologna, Rendiconto, 1859-60, pp. 15-16. 23. Della legge onde un Ellissoide etero- geneo propaga la sua attrazione da punto a punto. [1861.] Bologna, Mem. Accad. Sci. I., 1 862, pp. 3-52. 24. Dei moti geometric! e loro leggi nollo spostamento di una figura di forma invariable. Bologna, Mem. Accad. Sci. I., 1862. pp. 561- 430. CHE] 895 [CHE Chelini, Domcnico. 25. Sulla teoria de' sistemi semplici di coordinate, e sulla discussione dell' equazione generale di secondo grado in coordi- nate triangolari e tetraedriche. Bologna, Mem. Accad. Sci. III., 1863, pp. 3-82. Chelius, . Ueber Knochenbiilge. Rheinische Monatschrift, I., 1847, pp. 585-622. Chelius, C. Beitrage zur Vervollstiindigung der physikalischen Diagnostik. Prag, Vierteljahr- schrift, 1850 (Hft. 2), pp. 92-111. Chelius, F. Bemerkungen iiber Daumensteuerung mit specieller Bezugnahme auf eine neue Con- struction. Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, VI., 1860, col. 266-278. 2. Hahnsteuerung fur beliebige Expansions- grade mit giinzlicher Beseitigung des einseitigen Dampfdruckes. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CLVIIL, 1860, pp. 87-96. Chemisard, . Extrait du journal du navire le " La Rose," dans sa traversee de Batavia a Manllle, >& contremousson, par les detroits de 1'Est. Paris, Soc. Geogr. Bull. II., 1824, pp. 91-92. Chenevix, Richard. Analyse de quelques pierres magnesiennes. Annal. de Chimie, XXVIII., 1798, pp. 189-204. 2. Sur quelques experiences galvaniques. Annal. de Chimie, XLL, 1801, pp. 194-196. 3. Analysis of a new variety of Lead Ore. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 219-223. 4. Analysis of the arseniates of Copper and Iron, described in Count de BOURXON'S Paper (Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 169-192) ; likewise an analysis of the red octaedral Copper Ore of Corn- wall ; with remarks on some particular modes of analysis. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 193-240 ; Annal. de Chimie, XLV., 1802, pp. 44-61. 5. Observations and experiments upon Dr. JAMES'S powder, with the method of preparing, in the humid way, a similar substance. Phil. Trans. 1801, pp. 375-381. 6. Sur quelques decouvertes recentes en Chimie, et principalement sur le Columbium. Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 168-170. 7. Remarques sur la nomenclature chimique, etc. Journ. de Phys. LVL, 1802, pp. 238-241. 8. Analysis of Menachanite from Botany Bay. Nicholson, Journ. V., 1802, pp. 132-135. 9. Observations on the supposed magnetic property of Nickel. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1802, pp. 286-287 ; V., 1802, pp. 287-289; An- nal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1802, pp. 221-222; Gil- bert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 628-629. 10. On the Muriatic acid. Nicholson, Journ. I., 1 802, pp. 235-236. 11. Note upon a peculiar vegetable princi- ple contained in Coffee. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 114-116; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XII., ] 802, pp. 350-352. Chenevix, Richard. 12. Analysis of natural and artificial anhydrous Sulphate of Lime. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 196-197 ; Journ. des Mines, XIII., 1802-3, pp. 418-420. 13. Observations and experiments under- taken with a view to determine the quantity of Sulphur contained in Sulphuric Acid ; and of this latter contained in Sulphates in general, [1801.] Irish Acad. Trans. VIII.. 1802, pp. 233-244 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIIL, 1803, pp. 166- 173. 14. Observations and experiments upon oxygenised and hyperoxygenised Muriatic Acid, and upon some combinations of the Muriatic Acid in its three states. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 126-167 ; Gilbert, Annal. XII., 1803, pp. 416-449; Journ. de Ph/s. LV., 1802, pp. 84- 118. 15. Analysis of Corundum and of some of the substances which accompany it ; with obser- vations on the affinities which the earths have been supposed to have for each other in the humid way. Phil. Trans. 1802, pp. 327-347 ; Journ. de Phys. LV., 1802, pp. 409-426. 16. Observations on the chemical nature .of the humours of the Eye. [1802.] Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 195-199 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VIII., 1803, pp. 74-78 ; London, Med. and Phys. Journ. XL, 1804, pp. 163-167. 17. Enquiries concerning the nature of a new metallic substance lately sold in London, as a new metal, under the title of Palladium. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 290-320 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1803, pp. 151-202 ; Journ. des Mines, XIV., 1803, pp. 372-408; Journ. de Phys. LVII., 1803, pp. 127-139, 217-228. 18. Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule : " Materialien zu einer Chemie des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts,'' etc., par D. J. B. OERSTED. Annal. de Chimie, L., 1804, pp. 173-199; Gil- bert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 422-454. 19. Observations sur un Memoire du docteur C. S. WEISS traduite en Allemand par D. L. G. KARSTEN, avec quelques remarques sur cette traduction. Annal. de Chimie, LIL, 1804, pp. 307-339 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 455-484. 20. Von seinen chemischen Untersuch- ungen iiber die Verwandtschaft der Metalle. Gilbert, Annal. XVII., 1804, pp. 115-121. 21. Information respecting the new metal contained in crude Platina; Beet Sugar; the non-existence of Agustile as a peculiar earth ; and a description of a new furnace for chemical operations. Nicholson, Journ. VII., 1804, pp. 117-119. ' CHE] 896 [CHE Chenevix, Richard. 22. Sur Falumine pure native do Halle. Annal. dc Chimie, LIV., 1805, pp. 200-206 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 485-492. 23. Sur une opinion de M. KLAPKOTH, relativement a 1'acide fluorique. Annal. de Chimie, LIV., 1805, pp. 207-211 ; Gilbert, Annal. XX., 1805, pp. 493-496. 24. Sur quelques methodes mineralogiques. Annal. de Chimie. LXV., 1808, pp. 5-43, 113- 160, 225-277; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 286-303, 378-291, 413-423; XXXVII., pp. 39-51, 117-128. 25. Sur 1'acide acetique et quelques ace- tates. Annal. de Chimie, LXIX., 1809, pp. 5- 58; Gilbert, Annal. XXXII., 1809, pp. 156- 201 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVI., 1810, pp. 225- 237, 340-355. 26. Sur 1'action reciproque du platine et du mercure. Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1808, pp. 82-91. Chenot, . Sur une nouvelle theorie de la stabilite des routes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 716-718. 2. Nouvelle theorie de la poussee des terres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, p. 718. Chenot, Adrien. Sur la fabrication industrielle des m6taux dits terreux. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 685-688. 2. Note sur 1'oxyde de carbone pur, con- sidere comme poison. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 735-738, 830-832. 3. Pouvoir fulminant du silicium a 1'etat d'eponge metallique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 969-970. Chentm, J. C. Notice sur les paratonnerres et les paragreles. Nord, Mem. Soc. Centr. Agric. 1826, pp. 103-115. Chenu, Jean Charles. Lucanus Chevrolatii. Mag. de Zool. 1840, pi. 44. 2. Cicindela Douei. Mag. de Zool. 1840, pi. 45. Chereau, A. Note sur les antennes du Spilo- phora trimaculata. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1861, p. 200. Chereau, Achille. De I'efficacite de I'huile dans les empoisonnements par la potasse. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 355-359. 2. Observation relative a, I'huile de Ricin. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 582-583. 3. Notice sur une ancienne huile de Ricin, et observations subsequentes. Journ. Chimie Med. L, 1825, pp. 141-146. 4. Note sur 1'Esculine. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 47-48. 5. Examen des Roses officinales. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 436-452. Chereau, Achille. 6. Note pour faire suite a 1'examen des Roses officinales, tiree du Suppl. au nouveau " Dispensaire " d'Edimbourg. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1830, pp. 448-481. 7. Du terme Liparol et dc ses derives considered pharmaceutiquement. Journ. de Pharm. XVII., 1831, pp. 589-592. 8. Notice sur le Jardin des Apothicaires a Londres. Journ. de Pharm. XVIIL, 1832, pp. 641-649. 9. Du monstre de la Chatre : Rapport sur ce cas de diplogenesie. Rev. Med. Frau9. et Etr. III., 1845, pp. 184-195. Chereau, Achille, et L. Deschaleris. Essais sur les Cryptogames utiles. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 40-47, 540-552, 593-600. Chereau, Achille, et Guibourt. Note sur la Manne. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 491-493. Cheronnet, V. Experiences sur 1'appareil de ventilation d'ete construit par Monsieur DUVOIB LEBLANC pour la Salle des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 344-349. Cherriman, J. B. On IVIRKAVOOD'S analogy. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1852, pp. 9-10. 2. Mean Meteorological results at Toronto during 1854. Canadian Journ. III., 1851-55, pp. 161-164. 3. On the reduction of the general equa- tion of the second degree in plane co-ordinate geometry. Canadian Journ. L, 1856, pp. 286- 295. 4. Note on the composition of parallel rotations. Canadian Journ. II., 1857, pp. 92-96. 5. Note on GULDIN'S Properties. Cana- dian Journ. VIII., 1863, pp. 33-35. Cherriman, ./. B., and Irving. The Solar Eclipse of May 26th, 1854. Canadian Journ. III., 1854-55, pp. 177-186. Cheshire, W. On Anacharis Alsinastrum, Bab. Phytologist, I., 1855-56, pp. 361-364. 2. Are Viola odorata and V. hirta distinct species ? Phytologist, L, 1855-56, pp. 494-497. Chesnel, Quelques reflexions sur les ossemens humains fossiles. [1833.] Toulouse, Mem. Acad. III., 1834, pp. 63-72; Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1833, pp. 390-391. Chesnet, . Bemerkungen iiber den Kuh- baum. Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1823, col. 35-36. Chesney, F. R. On volcanic action in New Zealand. Tasmania, Roy. Soc. Papers, 1863 (November), pp. 4-6. Chesney, Francis Ilawdon. Reports on the navigation of the Euphrates. Geogr. Soc. Journ. IV., 1834, pp. 374-375. 2. A general statement of the labours and proceedings of the Expedition to the Euphrates. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VII., 1837, pp. 411-438. CHE] 897 [CHE Chesney, Francis Rawdon. 3. On the Bay of Antioch and the ruins of Seleucia Pieria. Geogr. Soc. Journ. VIII., 1838, pp. 228-234. 4. On the construction and general use of efficient Life-Boats. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854, pp. 327-336. Chesnon, . Des pai'atonnerres. Eure, Re- cueil de Trav. IV., 1844, pp. 143-148. Chester, Chas. T. On the Electric Telegraph of Prof. M.ORSE. Silliman, Journ. V., 1848, pp. 55-69. Chester, John. Treatise on the Pilchard. Corn- wall, Polytechn. Soc. Trans. 1835, pp. 102-107. Cheston, R. Browne. History of a child re- tained in the mother fifty- two years after the usual period of utero-gestation. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. V., 1814, pp. 104-128. Chetwoode, E. W. Description of a remarkable lunar halo and paraselene seen in the Queen's County. Irish Acad. Proc. III., 1847, pp. 103- 104. Cheuvreusse, fils. Analyse des poudres de Godernaux. Bull, de Pharni. III., 1811, pp. 62-67. Cheuvreusse, . Recherches physico-chi- miques sur le charbon. [1823.] Annal. de Chimie, XXIX., 1825, pp. 426-444; Tromms- dorif, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XII., 1826, pp. 116- 135. Cheuzburg, H. Ch. Bericht iiber einige in Karlsbad's Thermen neuentdeckte Bestandtheile. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. XXVII., 1835, pp. 221-228. Chevalier, A. Memoire sur 1'exploitation des chemins de fer Anglais. Annal. des Mines, XL, 1847, pp. 257-403. 2. A quel etage des terrains tertiaires faut-il ranger les calcaires d'eau douce qui se montrent sur plusieurs points d'lndre-et-Loire ? France, Congres Scient. 1847, pp. 271-275. . 3. Sur la distribution geologique des eaux de la Touraine. France, Congres Scient. 1847, pp. 361-371. Chevalier, C. Sur les terrains superficiels de la Touraine, et sur les haches en silex. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 427-430. Chevalier, Charles. A Letter to Dr. GORING, being an answer to his paper in the second volume of the N. S. Quarterly Journ. Sci. entitled "A Critique on the thick Aplanatic Object Glasses for divergent Rays of Vincent CHEVALIER." Edinb. Journ. Sci. V., 1831, pp. 223-233. 2. Note sur un Microscope simple perfec- tionne. Ann. Sci.- Nat. XXVIIL, 1833, pp. 327-330. 3. Description of a dioptric telescope, and of a mici'ometrical Lunette. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. V., 1839-43, pp. 111-112. Chevalier, Charles. 4. Prisme employe pour redresser les images dans la Chambre Obscur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 233- 234. Chevalier, Etienne. Fabrication du Vin. Paris, Mem. Soc. Sav. I., 1801, pp. 176-177. Chevalier, J. M. Observations pour servir a 1'histoire des monstruosites humaines. Journ. de Med. XVI., 1808, pp. 369-373. Chevalier, Michel. Notice sur la carbonisation de la tourbe a Crouy-sur-Ourcq. Annal. des Mines, V., 1829, pp. 223-254. 2. Observations sur les mines de Mons, et sur les autres mines de charbon qui appro- visionnent Paris. Annal. des Mines, II., 1832, pp. 203-232, 431-492. 3. Note sur 1'emploi du bois dans deux hauts-fourneaux des Etats-Unis. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1836, pp. 155-164. 4. Lettres sur 1'Amerique du Nord. Annal. des Mines, X., 1836, pp. 461-467. 5. Notice sur les communications necessaires aux mines de charbon et a 1'industrie du fer. Annal. des Mines, XV., 1839, pp. 471-480. 6. Note sur les richesses de la Boheme en combustibles fossiles, et sur le bassin houiller de Radnitz en particulier. Annal. des Mines, I., 1842, pp. 575-602. 7. Die Silber- und Goldminen der alten und neuen Welt in ihrem friiheren, jetzigen und kiinftigen Zustande. Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1847, col. 145-148. 8. Historical and geographical examination of the Isthmus of Panama. Franklin Inst. Journ. X1IL, 1847, pp. 304-310, 361-366. Chevalier, Thomas William. On the Ligaments of the human Ossicula Auditus. [1824.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1827, pp. 61-72; Fro- riep, Notizen, XXVII., 1830, col. 81-82. Chevallier, A. Analyse de 1'Arundo donax (Canne de Provence). Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 244-248. 2. Observation sur la bile humaine et sur la presence du picromel dans ce liquide. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 400-405; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 363-368. 3. Analyse du Chara. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 153-157. 4. Examen chimique d'humeurs provenant de Maladies veneriennes. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 176-181. 5. Examen d'un Miel qui, par son expo- sition a 1'air, a change de nature, et s'est reduit en matiere sucree, solide. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 253-255 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 120-124. 5 x CHE] 898 [CHE Chevallier, A. 6. Observations sur la maniere dont se comporte avec les acides et les alcalis 'la matiere colorante des Bales de Sureau (Sambucus nigra) appliquee sur le papier. Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 177-178. 7. Analyse chimique de la Serpentaire de Virginie (Aristolochia serpentaria). Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 565-570; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821 (St. 2), pp. 78-86. 8. Observation sur 1'Auriculaire bleue, (Telephora coerulea, Schrader, Byssus coorulea, Lamarck, deuxieme famille de la Flore.Fran- 9aise). Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 505- 508. 9. Examen chimique de 1'enveloppe des ceufs de Seche (Ssepia, Mollusques). Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 409-416. 10. Extrait d'un memoire sur 1'examen chimique de la Racine du Convolvulus arvensis, Liseron des champs. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 301-307 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VIII., 1834 (St. 2), pp. 257-267. 11. Note sur le degagement d'un gaz ammoniacal pendant la vegetation du Cheno- podium vulvaria. Ann. Sci. Nat. I., 1824, pp. 444-446 ; Froriep, Notizen, VII., 1824, col. 241-243; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. X., 1825 (St. 2), pp. 95-98. 12. Notice sur la propriete du charbon animal pour empecher une eau stagnante de se corrompre. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 73-74. 13. Observations sur le Tartrimetre de M. POUTET. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 98- 100. 14 . Experiences qui constatent la presence de 1'Alcali volatil libre, tout forme, dans le Chenopodium vulvaria. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 100-102. 15. Extrait de 1'analyse de la Racine de Convolvulus sepium, Liseron des haies, famille des Liserons de JUSSIEU, Pentandrie monogynie de LINNE. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 230- 235. 16. Notice sur des essais chimiques, faits pour etablir une difference entre le fer oxide par 1'eau, et le fer oxide par le sang. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 71-76. 17. Note sur la presence de 1'ammoniaque dans les oxides de fer naturels. [1826.] Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1827, pp. 109-111 ; Pog- gend. Annal. XIV., 1828, pp. 147-150; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1827, p. 481. 18. Sur la maniere de preparer et d'em- ployer un reactif tres-sensible pour faire recon- naitre la presence de 1'acide arsenique. Eure, Journ. d'Agric. IV., 1827, pp. 188-190. Chevallier, A. 19. On the thermal waters of Chaudes Aigues, in the Departement du Can- tal. Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 417-418. 2O. Ueber die Verfalschung der Akten und anderer Schriften und die Mittel sie zu erkennen. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XIV., 1832, pp. 225-236; Liebig, Annal. XIL, 1834, pp. 96-100. 21. Ueber das Rosten des Flachses und Hanfes und die Methoden welche zum Ersatz desselben vorgeschlagen worden sind. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XV., 1832, pp. 319-339. 22. Ueber das sogenannte Reis-Papier. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XV., 1832, pp. 340- 348. 23. Note sur les eaux minerales, thermales, et ferrugineuses de Saint-Mart (Puy-de-D6me). Journ. Chimie Med. VIII., 1832, pp. 678-683. 24. Note iiber eine Vergiftung mit dem Pulver der Zeitlosen-Zwiebel. Liebig, Annal. IV., 1832, pp. 117-118. 25. Note sur Tempi oi du chlore et des chlorures alcalins pour enlever la couleur noire formee par 1'action de 1'acide hydrosulfurique sur les tableaux-peinture. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 335-345 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XVIII., 1833, pp. 257-270; Silliman, Joum. XXIIL, 1833, pp. 129-134. 26. Ueber die Bereitung des fliichtigen Caoutchouc-Oels. Liebig, Annal. XIV., 1835, pp. 329-331. 27. Note sur quelques eaux minerales du dept. de FAUier. Journ. Chimie Mod. II., 1836, pp. 234-244. 28. Eaux minerales de Vichy. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1837, pp. 78-82. 29. Ueber die Fabrikation der knallsauren Salze, und die Mittel, sie moglichst unschadlich zu machen. Liebig, Annal. XXIIL, 1837, pp. 157-160. 3O. Sur la dissolution des calculs de la vessie. L'Institut, V., 1837, p. 172; Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 72-74. 31. De Faction des eaux minerales sur la gravelle et sur les calculs de la vessie. Eaux de Carlsbad, de Recoaro, de Vichy. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1838, pp. 449-460. 32. Mittel, um Chocolade, die mit Starke und Mehl verfiilscht ist, zu erkenneu. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XVI., 1839, pp. 254-256. 33. Recherches sur 1'hydrogene arsenic, et observations sur 1'appareil de MAJRSH et son emploi. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 353- 385. 34. Sur la falsification du sucre de canne par la glucose : moyens de reconnaitre cette falsification. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 317-322. 899 [CHE Chevallier, A. 35. De Faction du charbon sur les solutions metalliques. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1279-1284 ; Bibl. Univ. LIV., 1844, pp. 383-389 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 356-361. 36. Moyen de reconnaitre le lait rendu alcalin par le bicarbonate de soude. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, p. 137. 37. Essais sur les eaux minerales. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1845. pp. 440^-451. 38. Notice sur les eaux minerales de Bains (Vosges). Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1846, pp. 501-521. 39. Essais sur la question de savoir s'il existe constamment du cuivre et du plomb physiologiques dans les organes de 1'homme. Journ. Chimie Med. III., 1847, pp. 375-381. 40. Essais sur 1'absorption des sels par les plantes. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1848, pp. 602-604. 41. Essais sur quelques eaux minerales et notamment sur les eaux de 1'Allier. Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1849, pp. 337-349. 42. Du Cafe chicore, son historique, B& fabrication, ses falsifications, et des moyens de les reconnaitre. Journ. de Pharm. XVI., 1849, pp. 50-56. 43. Eecherches chimiques sur les eaux de Wattwiller (Haut-Rhin). Journ. Chimie Med. VIL, 1851, pp. 193-207. 44. Note sur la coloration artificielle des vins. Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1 856, pp. 296-303. 45. Notice sur 1'eau minerale de Chatel- Guyon (Puy-de-D6me). Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1859, pp. 257-270. 46. Sur les metaux qui peuvent exister dans le sang et les visceres. Joum. Chimie Med. VIIL, 1862, pp. 65-71. 47. Sur la presence du manganese dans les matieres organiques. Journ. Chimie Med. VIIL, 1862, pp. 129-130. 48. Sur le duvet du peuplier. Journ. Chimie Med. VIIL, 1862, pp. 248-252. 49. Sur la presence de 1'arsenic dans divers produits. Annal. Hygiene Publ. XIX., 1863, pp. 183-203. Chevallier, A., und If. Aubergier. Ueber die Saamenkorner der Euphorbia hyberna, und iiber das Oel, welches man daraus abscheiden kann. Liebig, Annal. V., 1838, pp. 303-304. Chevallier, A., et Bastien. Essais sur les eaux minerales thermales de Bourbonne-les-Bains. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1834, pp. 24-47. Chevallier, A., et A. Chevallier, fils. Re- cherches chronologiques sur les moyens ap- pliques a la conservation des substances ali- mentaires de nature animale et de nature vegetale. Annal. Hygiene Publ. VIIL, 1857, pp. 57-99, 290-324 ; IX., pp. 77-97. Chevallier, A., et E. Cottereau. Essais histo- riques sur les metaux que Ton rencontre quel- quefois dans les corps organises. Annal. Hygiene Publ. XLL, 1849, pp. 387-425; XLIL, 124-165. Chevallier, A., et Duchesne. Memoire sur 1'If et sur ses proprietes toxiques. Annal. Hygiene Publ. IV., 1855, pp. 94-132, 335-371. Chevallier, A., et Gobley. Essais sur la recherche de 1'iode et du brome dans les eaux minerales. Journ. Chimie Med. IV., 1848, pp. 73-76. 2. Recherches sur la presence de 1'arsenic dans les eaux minerales et dans les depots qu'elles fournissent. Journ. de Pharm. XIII., 1848, pp. 324-332. Chevallier, A., Gobley, et Jcrarneil. Essais sur les vinaigres. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 489-507. Chevallier, A., und Henry. Ueber die Ver- falschungen des kauflichen Kochsalzes. Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. XL, 1831, pp. 296-328. 2. Memoire sur le lait. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1839, pp. 332-348, 401-423 ; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1839, pp. 145-163, 193-223. 3. Examen d'une eau sulfureuse trouvee a Paris, rue de Vendome, au Marais. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1843, pp. 509-515. 4. Presence du cuivre et de 1'arsenic dans les minerals de fer, dans les depots des sources minerales, etc. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1847, pp. 246-247. Chevallier, A., et Langlvune. Memoires sur quelques ameliorations apportees a 1'art litho- graphique. Bordeaux, Acad. Sci. Seances, 1829, p. 36; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. VI., 1829, pp. 201-216; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 139-143. Chevallier, A., et J. L. Lassaigne. Analyse du Chenopodium vulvaria. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 412-417. 2. Analyse de la Chelidoine (Che- lidonium glaucum). Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 451-454. 3. Notice sur les graines de faux Ebenier (Cytisus laburnum). Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 340-343, 554-558. 4. Analyse du Chara commun. Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 460-463. 5. Analyse des baies de 1'If (Taxus baccata). Journ. de Pharm. IV., 1818, pp. 558-560. 6. Analyse de la bile de la Coaita fauve. Annal. de Chimie, XL, 1819, pp. 104-106. 7. Examen chimique des fleurs d'Arnica, Arnica montana, Syngenesie polyg. superflue, Linne. Journ. de Pharm. V., 1819, pp. 248-253. 5x2 CHE] 900 [CHE Chevallier, A., et J. L. Lassaigne. 8. Examen chimique de 1'acide particulier forme pendant la distillation de 1'acide urique et des calculs d'urate d'ammoniaque. Chimie, XIII., 1820, pp. 15,5-162 ; Jouru. de Pharm. VI., 1820, pp. 58-64 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 357-363 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 174-183. 9. Examen des excitements du Dauphin (Delphinus globiceps, Cuvier). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 279-283; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VI., 1822, (St. 2), pp. 336-342. 10. Analyse des eaux minerales de Pontivy (Morbihan). Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 418-422. 11. Analyse einer Legirung von Zinn uncl Antimon. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXI., 1844, pp. 372-373. 12. Observation chimique sur la nature d'une resine fossile trouvee aux en- virons de la ville d'Eu (Seine Inferieure). Journ. Chimie Med. II. 1846, pp. 440-442. 13. Observations chimiques sur une nouvelle substance organique composant la matiere des tubercules formes a la surface de la muqueuse digestive, sur le foie, le cceur, et dans le tissu meme de ces organes, chez le meme sujet. Journ. Chimie Med. VII., 1851, pp. 208-2 12. Chevallier, A., et Massonfour. Notice sur les sources d'eaux minerales du pare de Saint- Mard (Seine-et-Marne) ; essai analytique sur les eaux. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 18-22. Chevallier, A., et Ollivier. Note sur une substance animale particuliere qui se produit pendant la decomposition du cadavre. Journ. Chimie Med. IX., 1833, pp. 212-216 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVII., 1833, col. 199; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, p. 255. Chevallier, A., et A. Payen. Memoire sur le Houblon, sa culture en France et son analyse, etc. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 209- 228; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIII., 1822, pp. 402- 404; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. VII., 1823, pp. 169-200. 2. Note sur 1'emploi a 1'interieur du nitrate d'argent mele a un extrait vegetal. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 348-350. 3. Traite des reactifs, leurs prepa- rations, leurs usages speciaux, et leurs applica- tions a Panalyse. Journ. de Phann. VIII., 1822, pp. 421-424 bis. - 4. Experiences sur la fleur de la Mauve sauvage (Malva sylvestris), et particu- lierement sur la matiere colorante de ses -petales, employee comme reactif, soit en teinture, soit etendue sur le papier pour demontrer la presence des Alcalis. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 483-488. Chevallier, A., et A. Payen. 5. Note sur la matiere colorante des fruits du bois de Sainte- Lucie, Cerasus mahaleb. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1822, pp. 489-490. 6. Note sur les fecules. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 187-189. 7. Memoire sur la culture raisonnee de sept especes de Pomme-de-terre, les terrains qui leur conviennent, les especes les plus pro- ductives, la quantite d'eau et de matiere nutritive qu'elles contiennent ; suivi d'essais comparatifs de plusieurs modes de plantation. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1823, pp. 396-409. 8. Essais sur les moyens de recon- naitre la valeur reelle des soufres destines a la fabrication de 1'acide. Journ. de Pharm. X., 1824, pp. 500-503. 9. Note sur les quantitcs d'acide phosphorique libre facilement appreciable au moyen du Tournesol et de 1'eau de Chaux. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 116-118. 10. Note sur les baies du Solanum verbascifolium (Morelle a feuilles de molene) ; leur principe actif. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1825, pp. 577-581. Chevallier, A., et Gabriel Felletan. Note sur le Zanthoxylum des Cara'ibes, ou Clavalier des Antilles. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1856, pp. 314-321. Chevallier, A., et Heveil. Notice sur le iait, les falsifications qu'on lui fait subir ; instruction sur les moyens a employer pour les reconnaitre. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1856, pp. 342-364. Chevallier, A., et Schaueffele. Recherche de 1'arsenic dans les eaux et dans les depots de di- verses sources minerales du Haut et du Bas-Rhin. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 411- 412. Chevallier, A., fils. Notice hi storique et chrono- logique sur 1'emploi de la pomme de terre et de sa fecule dans la panification. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XL VIII., 1848, pp. 466-478. 2. Resume des travaux entrepris sur les fruits du marronnier d'Inde. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XL VII., 1848, pp. 684-697. 3. Note sur la presence du cuivre dans les cheveux d'un ouvrier travaillant ce metal. Journ. Chimie Med. VI., 1850, pp. 5-8. 4. Memoire sur les engrais. Journ. Chimie Med. X., 1854, pp. 307-318, 371-382. - 5. Note sur les tubercules de 1'asphodele et sur ses emplois. Journ. Chimie Med. I., 1855, pp. 353-362. 6. Essai sur les eaux minerales de Clermont (Puy-de-Dome), et en particulier sur les eaux de Royat. Journ. Chiraie Med. L, 1855, pp. 481-490, 545-558. CHE] 901 [CHE Chevallier, A., fils. 7. Notice historique sur la conservation, la disinfection et Futilisation des urines. Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1856, pp. 364- 384, 416-430. 8. Lettre sur les eaux minerales d'Enghien (departement de Seine-et-Oise). Journ. Chimie Med. II., 1856, pp. 679-690. Chevallier, A., fils, et 0. Henry, fils. Etudes chimiques et medico-legales sur le phosphore. Annal. Hygiene Publ. VII., 1857, pp. 414-435 ; VIII., pp. 208-226. Chevallier, F. Fulg. Observations nouvelles sur les Cigue's, avec leurs caracteres generiques et specifiques. Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 470-480; Journ. de Phys. XCIIL, 1821, pp. 381-390. Chevallier, Temple, Observations of the Solar Eclipse of July 18, 1841. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, V., 1839-43, p. 125. 2. On some phenomena observable in total and annular Solar Eclipses. Astron. Soc. Month. Not, V., 1839-43, pp. 186-187. 3. Observations of the Comet of PAYE made at the Observatory, Durham ; Lat. N. 54 46' 6" ; Long. W. 6 ra 18 s . Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VI., 1843-45, pp. 56-57. 4. On a graphical method of computing an occultation. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1847 (pt. 2), pp. 7-8. 5. On an easy method of approximating to the distance of a planet from the Sun by means of two observations only, made near the planet's opposition. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, pp. 159-161. 6. Observations of stars in ARGELANDER'S catalogue. Astr. Nachr. XXVI., 1848, col. 213- 224. 7. Observations of the planets Flora, Iris, and Neptune. Astr. Nachr. XXVII., 1848, col. 11-14, 153-156. 8. Time of Jupiter's diameter passing the meridian. Diameter of Saturn's ring. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 287-288. 9. Diameters of the Sun. Astr. Nachr. XXVIL, 1848, col. 283-286. 10. On a Rainbow seen after actual Sun- set. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1849 (pt. 2), p. 16. 11. On a method of finding the effect of the difference of Parallax at different places, upon the time of disappearance and reappear- ance of a star occulted by the Moon. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. X., 1849-50, p. 169 ; Astron. Soc. Mem. XIX., 1851, pp. 231-240. 12. Ephemeris of Hygiea near Opposition in 1852. Astr. Nachr. XXXV., 1853, col. 291- 292, 387-390. Chevallier, Temple. 13. Elements and Ephe- meris of Euterpe for O h , Greenwich time. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. XIV., 1853-54, pp. 13, 34- 35 ; Astr. Nachr. XXXVII., 1854, col. 347- 348 ; XXXVIII., 1854, col. 63-64. 14. Elemente und Ephemeride der Bellona. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 157-158. 15. On an analogy between Heat and Electricity. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 10. 16. On a Rainbow seen after Sunset. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 38. 17. On the tides of Nova Scotia. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 23-24. 18. Passage de Mercure sur le Soleil le 12 Novembre 1861. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIV., 1862, p. 164. Chevallier, Temple, and Biimker, Geo. Ephe- meris of Proserpine for her Opposition in 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 373-374. 2. Comparison of the observed and computed places of the Planet Proserpine from the time of her discovery to her disappearance in 1853, together with Elements deduced from the whole of the observations, and Ephemeris for the ensuing opposition in 1854. Astr. Nachr. XXXVIIL, 1854, col. 377-382. 3. Observations made with the Fraunhofer Equatorial of the Durham Obser- vatory from July 1853 to April 1854. [Great Comet of KLINKERFTJES, Thetis, Metis, Astrsea, Irene, Euterpe, Melpomene, Hygiea, Eunomia, Amphitrite, Bellona, and Great Comet of March 1854.] Astr. Nachr. XXXIX., 1855, col. 65- 74, 255-256. Chevallier, Temple, and Thompson. Observa- tions of Neptune. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. VIII., 1847-48, p. 128. 2. Observations of Hebe. Astron. Soc. Month. Not. IX., 1848-49, pp. 100- 101. Chevallier, Victorin. Considerations sur 1'influ- ence des pentes des chemins de fer. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XVIII., 1839, pp. 1-85. 2. Recherches experimentales sur la con- struction des portes d'ecluses. Paris, Annal. Ponts et Chauss. XIX., 1850, pp. 309-356 ; Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, III., 1857, pp. 219- 232. Chevallier- Appert, Cas singulier de foudre. Moigno, Cosmos, XVIII., 1861, p. 649. Chevandier, Eugene. Recherches sur 1'influence de 1'eau sur la vegetation des forets. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 167-170. CHE] 902 [CHE Chevandier, Eugene. 2. Recherches sur la com- position dlementaire des differents bois, et sur le rendement annuel d'un hectare de forete. Annal. de Chimie, X., 1844, pp. 129-162; Bibl. Univ. LIT., 1844, pp. 121-138 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. XCV., 1845, pp. 367-372; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem., XXXI., 1844, pp. 441-446 ; Fro- riep, Notizen, III., 1847, col. 19-21 ; Karsten, Arcbiv, XVIII, 1844, pp. 532-536; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVIIL, 1844, pp. 140-144 ; XX., 1845, pp. 138-143 ; XXII., 1846, pp. 920- 923; XXIV., 1847, pp. 269-276. 3. Recberche experimentale des proprietes mecaniques du bois. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 537-541. 4. Sur la croissance et la composition chi- mique de divers bois. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VIII., 1848, pp. 5-21. 5. Note sur les ravages produits en 1848 par 1'Orgye pudibonde dans les forets de hetre du versant occidental des Vosges, entre Phals- bourg et Cirey. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 647-649. 6. Recherches sur 1'emploi de divers araen- demens dans la culture des forets. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 633-638 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXXIII., 1852, pp. 461-466 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp'. 179-185. 7. Note sur une invasion de 1'Hylesine piniperde. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 38-42. Chevandier, Eugene, et Salvetat. Recherches sur les eaux employees dans les irrigations. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 273- 278 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 301- 320 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 109-121 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1852, pp. 348-349. Chevandier, E., et G. Wertheim. Note sur 1'elasticite et sur la cohesion des differentes especes de verre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XX., 1845, pp. 1637-1640; Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1847, pp. 129-138 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXII. (Erganzungsband), 1848, pp. 115-119. 2. Memoire sur les proprietes meca- niques du bois. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 663-674 ; Poggend. Annal. LXXII. (Erg'dnzungsband), 1848, pp. 481-496. Chevers, Norman. Account of the fibrous struc- ture of the sub-serous membrane of the aorta. Guy's Hosp. Rep. V., 1840, pp. 40-58. 2. Observations on the structure, functions, and diseases of the coronary arteries of the heart. Guy's Hosp. Rep. I, 1843, pp. 103- 1 1 . Chevet, F. Experiments on bichlorure of sulphur, and certain carbures of hydrogen made in the laboratory of Jeiferson College, Louisiana. Silliman, Journ. XLIL, 1842, pp. 71-74; Stur- geon, Ann. Electr. VIIL, 1842, pp. 493-495. Chevillard, A. J. Note sur le faisceau harmo- nique. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, pp. 312- 319. 2. Propriete de 1'hyperbole equilatere. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, p. 429. 3. Des points de concours des secantes qui coupent deux transversales en parties propor- tionnelles. Nouv. Annal. Math. I., 1842, pp. 449-456. 4. Note sur la variation des limites dans les equations algebriques. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1843, pp. 343-351. 5. Note sur 1'analyse indeterminee du premier degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. II., 1843, pp. 471-473. 6. Probleme de combinaison. Nouv. Annal. Math. III., 1844, pp. 537-548. 7. Resolution des equations dont les racines ne sont que des fonctions algebriques de radi- caux du second degre. Nouv. Annal. Math. IV., 1845, pp. 467-474. 8. Note sur la conservation du sens des distances aux lignes de terre dans les change- ments de plans de projection. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIII., 1854, pp. 91-94. 9. Note sur les ombres a lumiere parallele ou projections obliques des polyedres, sur leurs projections orthogonales, et sur les changements de plans de projections et rotations, comme methodes d'enseignement. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 197-206. 1O. Geometrie descriptive. Lettre sur le probleme : " Trouver une droite qui rencontre quatre droites donnees." Nouv. Anna!. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 306-312. Chevillier, Is. Sur un theoreme arithmologique d'EuLER. Nouv. Annal. Math. XIV., 1855, pp. 433-435 ; XV., 1856, pp. 260-261. 2. Sur le calcul de ?r au moyen des loga- rithmes. Nouv. Annal. Math. XV., 1856, pp. 261-262. Chevillot, . Sur 1'oxidation de 1'argent pendant sa fusion. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1819, pp. 299-303 ; Schweigger, Journ. LIII. (= Jahrb. XXIII.), 1828, pp. 190-198; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 188- 194. 2. Recherches sur les gaz de 1'estomac et des intestins de 1'homme a 1'etat de maladie. Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IX., 1829, pp. 287- 310; Journ. Chimie Med. V., 1829, pp. 596- 602. CHE] 903 [CHE Chevillot et Edwards. Sur le cameleon mineral. Annul, de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 287-298; Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 332-338; Trommsdortf, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818, pp. 199-212. 2. Deuxieme memoire sur le came- leon mineral. Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 337-358 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. III., 1819 (St. 2), pp. 113-142. Chevrel, , et Lallement. Empoisonnement par les Champignons; mort de cinq officiers. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVIII., 1860, pp.337-344. Chevremont, . Notice sur quelques per- fectionnements ajoutes a la Lampe de Surete de Sir Humphry DAVY. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. I., 1819, pp. 1-13 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 335-336, 353-366. 2. Observations nouvelles sur la Lampe de Surete. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. III., 1820, pp. 137-141. 3. Notice sur plusieurs perfection nements faits a la Lampe de Surete de Sir H. DAVY. Aunal. des Mines, VIII., 1823, pp. 209-228. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. Examen chimique des os fossiles trouves dans le departement d'Eure-et-Loir. Annal. de Chimie, LVII., 1806, pp. 45-50 ; Gehlen, Journ. II., 1806, pp. 192- 194. 2. De 1'action de 1'acide nitrique sur le liege. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1807, pp. 323- 333; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 379-387; Nicholson, Journ. XXIII., 1809, pp. 149-154. 3. Experiences chimiques sur 1'Indigo. Journ. de Phys. LXV., 1807, pp. 309-314 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1808, pp. 5-53; Gehlen, Journ. V., 1808, pp. 373-379. 4. Analyse de 1'Indigo de Guatimala, et examen des substances qui le composent. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. I., 1807, pp. 50-52. 5. Experiences chimiques sur les bois de Bresil et de Campeche. Annal. de Chimie, LXVI., 1808, pp. 225-265. 6. Sur les urines de chameau et de cheval, et sur 1'acide urique des excremens des oiseaux. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIL, 1808, pp. 294-308 ; Gehlen, Journ. VII., 1808, pp. 521-532. 7. Analyse chimique de 1'Isatis tinctoria et de I'lndigofera anil. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIII., 1808, pp. 284-299 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 315-327; Schweigger, Journ. V., 1812, pp. 291-321 ; Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XIX., 1810 (St. 2), pp. 93-118. 8. Analyse d'une Hornblende schisteuse des departemeHS de 1'ouest de la France. Journ. de Phys. LXVI., 1808, pp. 161-169. 9. Experiences chimiques sur le Pastel. Journ. de Phys. LXVI., 1808, pp. 369-376. 1O. Sur 1'Amer. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. I., 1808, pp. 381-383. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 11. Sur les sub- stances ameres formees par la reaction de 1'acide nitrique sur 1'indigo. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIL, 1809, pp. 113-142; Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 246-250; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 351-364. 12. Memoire sur des substances precipi- tant la Gelatine formee par la reaction de 1'acide uitrique sur plusieurs substances vege- tales. Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 251- 257 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIIL, 1810, pp. 18-35; Gilbert, Annal. XLIV., 1813, pp. 148- 176 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXXH., 1812, pp. 360-374. 13. Sur differens composes formes par la reaction de 1'acide sulfurique sur le camphre. Annal. de Chimie, LXXIIL, 1810, pp. 167- 196; Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 299- 304; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXXVII., 1811, pp. 425-436. 14. Memoire sur 1'influence de I'oxidatiou dans les combinaisons des oxides d'etain avec la couleur du Campeche. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVII., 1811, pp. 26-33. i 15. Recherches chimiques sur le bois de Campeche et sur la nature de son principe colo- rant : Premiere et seconde parties. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVII., 1811, pp. 280-309, 339-376; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXL, 1812, pp. 53-86, 126-147, 158-169; Bull, de Pharm. III., 1811, pp. 546-556 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIL, 1812, pp. 145154 ; Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 424-458; VIII., 1813, pp. 221-237, 272-301. 16. Experiences chimiques sur le cartilage du Squalus peregrinus. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 136-153. 17. Sur la liqueur contenue dans les cavites intervertebrales du Squalus peregrinus. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 154- 155. 18. Analyse du Mispikel. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 156-163 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 1812, pp. 332-335; Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 205-208. 19. Examen chimique des feuilles de Pastel et du principe extractif qu'elles contiennent. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 251-291 ; Bull, de Pharm. IV., 1812, pp. 257-269; Gilbert, Annal. XLL, 18 12, -pp. 345- 354; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIV., 1817, pp. 350-378. 20. Sur un phenomene que presentent la Baryte et la Strontiane, lorsqu'elles se combinent rapidement au gaz muriatique. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 407-408 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 285-288; Gilbert, Annal. XLIX., 1815, pp. 313-314; Schweigger, Journ. VII., 1813, pp. 124-126. CHE] 904 [CHE Chevreul, Michel Kugene. 21. Note surla pro- duction de Foxyde brun de plomb dans une cir- constance qui n'a point etc observee. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annul. XVIIL, 1811, pp. 409- 411 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 315-318 ; Gilbert, Annal. LI., 1815, pp. 115- 116; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLII.,1813, pp. 35-36. 22. Memoire sur le sulfite de cuivre. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIX., 1812, pp. 17-35 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIIL, 1812, pp. 181- 207 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1 814, pp. 185-186 ; Journ. des Mines, XXXIL, 1812, pp. 449-450. 23. Sur la preparation de Pindigo. Journ. de Phys. LXXIV., 1812, pp. 471-473. 24. Faits et observations pour servir a 1'histoire des combinaisons de 1'oxyde de plomb jaune avec les acides nitrique et nitreux. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIX., 1812, pp. 188- 214 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIIL, 1812, pp. 67-105; Bull, de Pharm. V., 1813, pp. 26-31 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLVL, 1814, pp. 176-184; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIIL, 1814, pp. 262-270, 341-344. . 25. Supplement au memoire sur les ni- trates et nitrites de plomb. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XIX., 1812, pp. 296-306; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXIV., 1812, pp. 5-19 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIIL, 1814, pp. 401-406. 26. Recherches chimiques sur plusieurs corps gras, et particulierement sur leurs combi- naisons avec les alcalis. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XX., 1813, pp. 313-336 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. L, 1815, pp. 34-54, 183-205 ; II., 1815, pp. 127-146, 175-194, 308-339; III., 1817, pp. 135-168; IV., 1818, pp. 262-312; Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIII., 1813, pp. 225- 261 ; XCIV., 1815, pp. 73-79, 80-107, 113-143, 225-280; XCV., pp. 5-50 ; II., 1816, pp. 339- 372; VII., 1817, pp. 155-182, 264-275, 367- 383; Journ. de Pharm. L, 1815, pp. 372-384; II., 1816, pp. 549-561; III., 1817, pp. 15-31 ; IV., 1818, pp. 263-279 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1815, pp. 78-84, 9 1-96; Schweigger, Journ. XIV., 1815, pp. 420-443 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1818, pp. 186-199, 257-290; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIV., 1814, pp. 193-206 ; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818 (St. 2), pp. 212-242; VI., 1822, pp. 252-261. 27. Note sur le tournesol. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Annal. XX., 1813, pp. 337-338. 28. Note sur les hydro-chlorates. Annal. de Chimie, XCV., 1815, pp. 307-310; Gilbert, Annal. LIL, 1816, pp. 228-231. 29. Memoire sur le moyen d'analyser plu- sieurs matieres vegetales, et le liege en parti- culier. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. L, 1815, pp. 375-384; Annal. de Chimie, XCVL. 1815, pp. 141-189 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVI. ' 1816, pp. 323-338. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 3O. Note sur le sucre de diabetes. Annal. de Chimie, XCV., 1815, pp. 319-320. 31. Sur la saponification. Journ. de Pharm. II., 1816, pp. 497-507. 32. Note sur la cause des changements de couleur que presente le cameleon mineral. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 42-49 ; Schweigger, Journ. XX., 1817, pp. 324-332 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. L., 1817, pp. 291-295 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. II., 1818, pp. 188-198. 33. Sur 1'acide ellagique de M. BUACONNOT. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 329-331. 34. On the acidity of tungsten and ura- nium when saturated with oxygen. (Transl.) Thomson, Ann. Phil. XIL, 1818, pp. 144-145. 35. Premier memoire sur la zircone. Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1820, pp. 245-249 ; Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 170-175 ; Oken, Isis, 1821, col. 524-526 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXIX., 1820, pp. 144-149; Tilloch, Phil. Mag.LV., 1820, pp. 377-379 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. V., 1821, pp. 214-221. 36. De Finfluence que 1'eau exerce sur plusieurs substances azotees solides. Annal. de Chimie, XIX., 1821, pp. 32-57; Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1822, pp. 181-182; Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 375-388; Journ. des Savants, 1821, pp. 526-534 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XIII., 1825, pp. 160-191; Quart. Journ. Sci. XIIL, 1822, pp. 418-419; Schweig- ger, Journ. XXXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 423-425. 37. Article sur la ." Chimie Agricole " de DAVY. Journ. des Savants, 1822, pp. 169-180, 293-304, 352-360. 38. Faits pour servir a 1'histoire du beurre de vache. Annal. de Chimie, XXIL, 1823, pp. 366-375; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVL, 1823, pp. 114-115. 39. Sur les causes des differences que Ton observe dans les savons, sous le rapport de leur degre de durete ou de mollesse, et sous celui de leur odeur; et sur un nouveau groupe d'acides organiques. Annal. de Chimie, XXIII., 1823, pp. 16-32 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVL, 1823, pp. 109-113; Schweigger, Journ. XXXIX. (= Jahrb. IX.), 1823, pp. 172-189 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VI., 1823, pp. 209-210; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. IX., 1824, pp. 214-236. 40. Des differentes manieres dont les corps agissent sur les organes du gout. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. 1823, pp. 439-442 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXVL, 1824, pp. 386-390 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 127-131 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIL, 1824, pp. 392-393. CHE] 905 [CHE Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 41. Recherches sur plusieurs points de Chimie Organique, et con- siderations sur la nature du sang. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. X., 1823, pp. 443-451 ; Ma- gendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 119- 127; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (Jahrb. XIIL), 1825, pp. 242-246. 42. Note sur la presence de cholesterine dans la bile de Phomme. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XL, 1824, pp. 239-240 ; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 257-260 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XVIIL, 1825, p. 403. 43. Influenza del calore secco nell' analisi organica immediata. Cattaneo, Giorn. Farm. II, 1825, pp. 10-16. 44. Remarques sur la lettre de M. CAVEN- TOU a M. BOULLAY, relativement a la priorite de la decouverte de 1'acidification des corps gras par 1'acide sulfurique. Journ. de Pharm. XL, 1825, pp. 19-22 ; Trommsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XL, 1825 (St. 2), pp. 153-161. 45. Considerations sur la mmeralogie : article sur le " Traite elementaire de minera- logie " par BEUDANT. Journ. des Savants, 1825, pp. 496-502, 533-542, 611-621. 46. Examen chimique de deux echantil- lons du sol de la caverne de Kuyloch. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XII., 1825, pp. 62-74 ; Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 285-297 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXV., 1825, pp. 305- 307. 47. De 1'action simultanee de Poxygene gazeux et des alcalis sur un grand nombre de substances organiques. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. XII., 1825, pp. 367-383 ; Poggend. An- nal. XVIL, 1829, pp. 176-178 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. XX., 1826, pp. 388-391. 48. Rapport sur un memoire de M. DONN^ ayant pour titre : "Del'emploi de Piode et du brome comme reactifs des alcalis vegetaux ; " et considerations sur Pusage des reactifs en gene- ral. Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1828, pp. 82-102. 49. On the fatty matter of Wool. (Transl.} Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1829, pp. 197-198. 5O. De 1'influenceoptique que deux objets colores peuvent avoir Pun sur 1'autre, quand on les voit simultanement, et de la necessite de prendre dans Part de la teinture cette influence en consideration pour juger des couleurs, ab- straction faite de leur solidite. [1828.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XL, 1832, pp. 447-520 ; Ferus- sac, Bull. Sci. Nat.XIIL, 1830, pp. 113-114; Quart. Journ. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 409-410. 51. Examen chimique d'un sable fertili- sant. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. L, 1832. pp. 131-134. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 52. Rapport sur le Bouillon de la Compagnie Hollandaise. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat, Nouv. Annal. L, 1832, pp. 283- 317 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXL, 1835, pp. 231- 242; Erdra. Journ. Prak. Chem. VI., 1835, pp. 120-130. 53. Neues eigenthiimliches stickstoffhal- tiges Princip, im Muskelfleisch aufgefunden. ( Transl.) Schweigger, Journ. LXV. (= Jahrb. V.), 1 832, pp. 455-456. 54. Sur une classe particuliere de mouve- mens musculaires. Archiv. Gen. de Med. II., 1833, pp. 130-137 ; Froriep, Notizen, XXXVIIL, 1833, col. 257-263. 55. Rapport sur un travail de M. GUE"RIN, ayant pour titre : " Memoire sur les diverses especes de gommes." Paris, Mus, Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. II., 1833, pp. 126-136. 56. Rapport sur un memoire de M. BUSSY, ayant pour titre : " Recherches chimiques sur tme racine connue dans le commerce sous le nom de Saponaire d'Egypte." Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. II., 1833, pp. 347-356. 57. Rapport sur un travail de M. PELOUZE, ayant pour titre : " Memoire sur le tannin et les acides gallique, pyrogallique, ellagique, et me"ta- gallique." Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. III., 1834, pp. 201-216. 58. Rapport sur plusieurs memoires pre- sentes a PAcademie, ayant pour objet la feculo amylacee ou PAmidon. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. III., 1834, pp. 239-306 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IL, 1834, pp. 382-396; Liebig, Annal. XVI., 1835, pp. 216-224. 59. Examen d'un caractere optique a Paide duquel on reconnait immediatement, suivant M. BIOT, les sues vegetaux qui peuvent donner du sucre analogue au sucre de Canne, et ceux qui ne peuvent donner que du sucre semblable au sucre de Raisin. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. III., 1834, pp. 307-320 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. L, 1837, pp. 591-600. 60. Recherches sur la teinture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, IL, 1836, pp. 20-22, 292- 296 ; IV., 1837, pp. 2-12 ; V., 1837, pp. 132, 167-177 ; X., 1840, pp. 121-124, 631- 640 ; XXIIL, 1846, pp. 954-956 ; XXXVL, 1853, pp. 981-987 ; LIT, 1861, pp. 327-332, 762-771 ; LIIL, 1861, pp. 981-984 ; LIV., 1862, pp. 887-890; LVH., 1863, pp. 133-141, 175-181 ; Annal. de Chimie, LXVL, 1837, pp. 67-84; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 186-192; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XV., 1838, pp. 383- 418 ; XVL, 1838, pp. 41-116, 181-228; XVIL, 1840, pp. 835-851 ; XIX., 1845, pp. 491-552 ; XXIIL, 1853, pp. 17-34; XXIV., 1854, pp. 407-548 ; Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Nouv. Annal. IV., 1835, pp. 409-424 ; Paris, Mus. Hist, Nat. 5 Y CHE] [CHE Chevreul, Michel Eugene. Arcliiv. I, 1839, pp. 39-114, 337-382 ; II., 1841, pp. 201-215; IV., 1844, pp. 345-428; Revue Scientifique, XII., 1847, pp. 305-356 ; XIV., 1847, pp. 5-13, 214-230, 416-469 ; XV., 1847, pp. 40-75; V., 1849, pp. 74-88, 112-124, 151-165, 193-204 ; Sturgeon, Annal. Electr. II., 1838, pp. 217-226. 61. Rapport sur un travail de M. COUERBE, intitule : " Premier memoire sur la chimie du sulfure de carbone." Paris, Comptes Rendus, II., 1836, pp. 523-528. 62. Quelques considerations generales et inductions relatives a la matiere des etres vivants. Journ. des Savants, 1837, pp. 663- 674 ? Journ. de Pharm. V., 1844, pp. 29-40 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIII., 1853, pp. 17- 34. 63. Rapport sur un travail ayant pour titre : "Me'moire sur la glycerine, par M. PJELOUZE." Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 366-367. 64. Rapport sur un travail de M. E. PELI- GOT, ayant pour titre : " Memoire sur un acide resultant de 1'action du brome sur le benzoate d'argent." Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 453-456. 65. Rapport sur un travail de M. LAS- SAIGNE, ayant pour titre : " Recherches sur la nature et les proprietes du compose que forme 1'albumine avec le bichlorure de mercure." Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 491- 495. 66. Rapport sur un memoire de M. Edmond FREMY, ayant pour titre : " De 1'action de 1'acide sulfurique sur les huiles." Paris, Comptes Rendus, IV., 1837, pp. 846-852. 67. De la nature et de la cause des taches qui se produisent sur des etoffes de laine pendant que Ton fixe, au moyen de la vapeur, les matieres colorantes qu'on y a imprimees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, V., 1837, pp. 881-892. 68. Rapport sur 1'epizootie qui a frappe les vaches de Paris pendant 1'hiver de 1838 a 1839. Paris, Comptes Rendus, VIII., 1839, pp. 357, 380-406 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1839, pp. 111-123. 69. Recherches chimiques sur la teinture. De la matiere grasse de la laine, et theorie du d&suintage. Journ. de Pharm. XXVI., 1840, pp. 423-426; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIL, 1842, pp. 57-59. 70. Quantity d'air necessaire a la respira- tion d'un cheval. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL 1840, pp. 223-226 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIII., 1841, pp. 244-247. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 71. Ueber die Zu- sammensetzung der Wolle, die Theorie ihrer Entfettung und einiger von ihrer nahern Zu- samtuensetzung abhangende Eigenschaften, welche auf die industrielle Benutzung derselben Einfluss haben. ( Transit) Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 227-237. 72. Revue des perfectionuements apportes a la metallurgie du fer depuis trente ans. Journ. des Savants, 1841, pp. 577-587, 720-737 ; 1842, pp. 273-288. 73. Sur 1'emploi du caoutchouc comme moyen de fermeture pour les vases destines a conserver le vide. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIII., 1841, pp. 797-798, 824; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVI., 1842, pp. 35-42. 74. Note sur les matieres grasses de la laine. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIV., 1842, pp. 783-785. 75. Rapport sur plusieurs memoires de M. EBELMEN, concernant la metallurgie du fer et 1'emploi des combustibles gazeux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 3-31. 76. Note sur la presence du plomb a 1'etat d'oxyde ou de sel dans divers produits artificiels. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 531- 536; Annal. de Chimie, XII., 1844, pp. 257- 263; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 187-191 ; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 320-326. 77. Extrait d'un ouvrage sur la theorie des effets optiques que presentent les etoffes de soie. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 1342-1356; Revue Scientifique, XIIL, 1847, pp. 263-278. 78. Considerations generales sur les varia- tions des individus qui composent les groupes appeles, en Histoire Naturelle, varietes, races, sous-especes et especes. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. (Bot.\ 1846, pp. 142-214; Henfrey, Bot. Gazette, II., 1850, pp. 63-70; Hortic. Soc. Journ. VI., 1851, pp. 61-109. 79. [Sur la degeneVescence et la persis- tance des varietes de nos plantes cultivees]. Journ. des Savants, 1846, pp. 27-36, 296-307, 340-359, 425-445. 8O. Memoire sur plusieurs reactions chi- miques qui s'interessent 1'hygiene publique des cites populeuses. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 885-887. 81. Note sur une classe particuliere de mouvements musculaires. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 1093-1095. 82. [Sur la poudre a canon]. Journ. des Savants, 1847, pp. 87-93. 83. [Rapports de 1'agriculture avec les autres connaissances humaines]. Journ. des Savants, 1847, pp. 577-591, 738-750; 1848, pp. 169-187. CHE] 907 [CHE Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 84. Rapport sur la theorie des effets optiques que presentent les etoffes de soie. Lyon, Soc. Agric. Annal. X., 1847, pp. 522-527. 85. Expose d'un moyen de definir et de nommer les couleurs, d'apres une methode ration- nelle et experimental, et application de ce moyen a la definition et a la denomination des couleurs d'un grand nombre de corps naturels et de produits artificiels. Revue Scientifique, XIII., 1847, pp. 382-393; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 693-696. 86. Rapport sur les recherches de M. NIEPCE DE SAINT- VICTOR. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXV., 1847, pp. 785-794. 87. Examen d'un Memoire sur une nou- velle methode pour obtenir des combinaisons cristallisees par la voie seche, et sur ses applica- tions a la reproduction des especes minerales : suivi de considerations historiques et critiques sur 1'espece mineralogique et 1'espece chimique. Journ. des Savants, 1848, pp. 83-104. 88. Examen comparatif d'une cochenille recoltee en 1845 a la pepiniere centrale d'Alger, et d'une cochenille dite " Zaccatilla " du com- merce. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVI., 1848, pp. 375-379. 89. Analyse de concretions trouvees dans les vaisseaux urinaires d'un rein de boeuf. Journ. de Phann. XVL, 1849, pp. 196-197. 90. Recherches chimiques sur plusieurs objets d'archeologie trouves dans le departement de la Vendee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXVIII., 1849, pp. 141-142 ; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXTL, 1850, pp. 181-207. 91. Note relative a Faction de la lumiere sur le bleu de Prusse. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIX., 1849, pp. 294-297 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XL VIII., 1849, pp. 187-190; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIII, 1853, pp. 3-9, 11-15. 92. Considerations sur la reproduction, par les precedes de M. NIEPCE DE ST. VICTOR, des images gravees, dessinees, ou imprimees. [1847.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XX., 1849, pp. 533- 578. 93. Recherches experimentales sur la pein- ture a 1'huile. Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXII., 1850, pp. 655-732 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VII., 1856, pp. 209-283; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 291-295. 94. Expose d'un moyen de definir et de nommer les couleurs d'apres une methode ra- tionnelle et experimentale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 693-696. 95. [Note sur les tangues des cotes de la Basse Normandie.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 109-110. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 96. Note sur une Cochenille indigene du midi de la France. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 701- 703. 97. Examen d'ecrits concernant la baguette divinatoire, le pendule dit explorateur, et les tables tournantes, avec 1'explication d'un grand nombre de faits exposes dans ces ecrits. Journ. des Savants, 1853, pp. 597-612, 669-683, 768- 780 ; 1854, pp. 36-47, 172-185, 216-228, 286- 297, 427-453. 98. Memoire sur plusieurs reactions chi- miques qui interessent 1'hygiene des cites popu- leuses. [1846.] Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. XXIV., 1854, pp. 213-263; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVL, 1853, pp. 553-556. 99. Considerations sur la photographic au point de vue abstrait. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 391-396. 10O. Esthetique des couleurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 239-242. 101. Rapport sur un travail deM. Georges VILLE, dont 1'objet est de prouver que le gaz azote de 1'air s'assimile aux vegetaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 757-778. 1O2. Note sur une production de fer sulfure [sous le pave des villes]. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 128-129. 1O3. Note sur la nature dusuintdemouton. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 130- 131. 104. Sur la composition chimique des sta- tuettes de bronze trouvees [au Serapeum] par M. MARIETTE. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 733-737, 989-990. 1O5. Rapport sur un memoire de M. MEGE- MOTTRIES, ayant pour titre : " Recherches chi- miques sur le froment, sa farine, et sa panifica- tion." Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 40-57, 449-458. 1O6. D'un compose de matiere organique coloree, d'alumine et de peroxyde de fer, re- connu dans le sol de Kuyloch en 1824 ; Quel- ques reflexions sur la matiere brune appelee ulmine ; difference qui distingue 1'analyse mine- rale de 1'analyse organique immediate. Resume d'experiences analytiques faites sur un liquide brun provenant du suint demouton ; Considera- tions sur le soufre au point de vue de la compo- sition des corps vivants. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLIV, 1857, pp. 887-896. 107. Explication de la zone brune des feuilles du Geranium zonale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 397-398. 108. Note sur quelques experiences de con- traste simultane des couleurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 196-198. 5 Y 2 CHE] 908 [CHE Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 109. Observations sur la couleur du sang dc chevre expose au contact des gaz atmospherique, oxygene, azote et acide carbonique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VII., 1858, pp. 253-254. 11O. Note relative a diverses circonstances de 1'action chimique de la lumiere sur les corps. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 1006- 1011. 111. Rapport sur les Allumettes chimiques, dites hygieniques et de surete, sur les Allumettes androgynes, et sur les Allumettes chimiques sans phosphore ni poison. Jouru. de Pharm. XXXVI., 1859, pp. 360-364. 112. Difference entre 1'analyse immediate des produits de I'organisation et 1'analyse mine- rale. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VIII., 1859, pp. 142-144. 113. Note sur quelques proprietes de 1'oxa- late de chaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 970-972; Journ. de Pharm. XXXVL, 1859, pp. 263-266. 114. Decomposition de 1'oxalate de chaux par 1'azotate d'argent et quelques considerations sur les dissolvants, eu egard aux sels principale- ment. Paris, Gomptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 713-715 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXIV., 1861, pp. 453-455 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXXV., 1859, pp. 334-336. 115. Considerations sur la neutralite des saveurs et des odeurs, et sur la neuti'alite chi- mique en general. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 147-156. 116. [Sur la chimie agricole.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 302-304. 117. Note sur les etoffes de soie teintes avec la fuchsine, et reflexions sur le commerce des etoffes de couleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 73-79. 118. Recherches experimen tales propres a etablir la theorie de la teinture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 327-332, 762-771. 119. Quelques remarques concernant la theorie de la teinture, &c. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 825-834, 885-890,937- 942. 12O. Expose d'un moyen de definir et de nommer les couleurs d'apres une mcthode pre- cise et experimentale, avec 1'application de ce moyen a la definition, &c. des couleurs. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 305-307. 121. Decouverte de 1'acide butyrique dans le fruit du Gingko biloba. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIIL, 1861, pp. 1225-1226. 122. Sur la methode experimentale en general, et en particulier sur un mode de distri- bution des especes zoologiques dite par etages. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 409- 412, 457-463. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 123. Note sur les vitraux peints et la vision des objets colores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 618- 620. 124. Memoire sur les vitraux peints. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 655-666. 125. Appendice au memoire sur les vitraux peints, et observations sur la diffusion de la matiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 682-685. 126. Nouvelles experiences sur le principe du contraste simultane des couleurs, et lur le principe de leur melange, en reponse a un Memoire de M. PLATEAU " sur un phenomene de couleurs juxtaposees." Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 713-720. Chevreul, Michel Eugene, et Lametherie. Notice sur une variete de trapp avec 1'analyse de la meme substance. Journ. de Phys. LX1IL, 1806, pp. 65-73. Chevreul, Michel Eugene, et Robiquet. Note sur la decomposition spontanee du sulfure hy- drogene de baryte. Annal. de Chimie, LXIL, 1807, pp. 180-182 ; Nicholson, Journ. XIX., 1808, pp. 25-26. Chevreul, Michel Eugene, and Serullas. On Asparagin. (Transl.) Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, p. 187. Chevreul, Michel Eugene, et Vauquelin. Ana- lyse de quatre varietes de trapps compactes. Annal. de Chimie, LXXXVIL, 1813, pp. 180- 189. Chevrolat, Auguste. Doryphora 21-punctata. Mag. de Zool. 1831 (pte. 2), pi. 13. 2. Dryophilus anobioides. Mag. de Zool. 1832, pi. 3. 3. Pericalus 1832, pi. 46. 4. Paussus cornutus. guttatus. Mag. de Zool. Mag. de Zool. 1832, pi. 49. 5. Monographic d'un genre nouveau dans la famille des Curculionites (Otiocephalus). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1832, pp. 98-108. 6. Monographic de deux genres nouveaux dans la famille des Curculionites (Oxycorynus et Lonchophorus). Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1832, pp. 210-219. 7. Description de deux genres nouveaux de Curculionites (Homalorhinus et Tretus), et d'un nouveau Prionien, de la deuxieme division du genre Macrodontia (M. flavipennis), de M. SERVILLE. [1832.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 60-66. 8. Meloe Olivierii. Mag. de Zool. 1833, pi. 57. 9. Buprestis analis. pi. 60. Mag. de Zool. 1833, CHE] 909 [CHE Chevrolat, Auguste. 10. Nouveau genre de Cui-culionites (Myrmacicelus), ordre des Ortho- ceres, division des Cylades. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 357-360. 11. Memoire sur quelques chasses entomo- logiques a Fontainebleau. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1833, pp. 466-473. 12. Memoire sur un nouveau genre de Coleopteres, de la famille des Melasomes (Lep- tonychus). Silbermann, Revue Entom. L, 1833, pp. 25-28. 13. Notice sur un genre nouveau de la famille des Diaperides (Opiestus). Silbermann, Revue Entom. I., 1 833, pp. 30-32. 14. Descriptions d'especes nouvelles : Lep- tonychus erodioides ; Copiestus ovalis ; Odon- tophus costatus, cyaneus ; Sphindus Gyllenhalii ; Monochamus tridentatus ; Ynca irrorata ; Da- doychus flavo - cinctus. Silbermann, Revue Entom. L, 1833 (pte. 2). 15. Quelques observations sur les Cara- biques. Silberman, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 114-115. 16. Description de Platynoptera lyciformis. Silbermann, Revue Entom. II., 1834 (pte. 2). 17. Olenecamptus serratus. Mag. de Zool. 1835, pi. 134. 18. Lebia quadrinotata. Mag. de Zool. femoratus. Mag. de 1835, pi. 136. 19. Graphipterus Zool. 1835, pi. 138. 2O. Description d'un Coleoptere tetramere de la famille des Xylophages (Myrmechixenus subterraneus), et observations sur plusieurs especes de cet ordre, rencontrees dans diverses fourmillieres. Silbermann, Revue Entom. III., 1835, pp. 263-269. 21. Description de Scarabasus Anubis. Mag. de Zool. 1836, pi. 139, 140. 22. Description d'un Carabus (C. basili- cus) de Porto Rico. Mag. de Zool. 1836, pi. 169. 23. Description d'un nouveau genre de Curculionites (Microxylobius). Entom. Soc. Trans. L, 1836, pp. 98-99. 24. Centurie de Buprestides. Silbermann, Revue Entom. V., 1837, pp. 41-110. 25. Descriptions de trois Buprestes et d'un superbe Cyphus nouveaux. Revue Zool. I, 1838, pp. 55-56. 26. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Catapiesis. Revue Zool. I., 1838, p. 286. 27. Description de deux Coleopteres nouveaux de Manille. Revue Zool. I., 1838, pp. 288-289. 28. Description d'une espece nouvelle de Chevrolat, Auguste. 29. Note sur les Bren- thides de Madagascar. Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 172-182. 30. Description d'une seconde espece du genre Ega (E. Sallei). Revue Zool. 1839, p. 308. 31. Description de quelques Coleopteres de la Galice et du Portugal. Revue Zool. III., 1840, pp. 8-18. 32. Coleopteres du Mexique : Pentameres Carabiques et Hydrocanthares. Mag. de Zool. 1841, pi. 55-59, 64-65. 33. Description de trente-quatre especes de Coleopteres de Manille et d'un Tricondyle de Ceylan. Revue Zool. IV., 1841, pp. 221-228. 34. Descriptions de quelques Terediles de PAfrique australe. Revue Zool. V., 1842, pp. 276-278. 35. Coleopteres du Mexique. Mag. de Zool. 1843, pi. 107-113. 36. Description de vingt-quatre nouvelles especes de Terediles, pour faire suite a la monographic des Clairones, de M. le docteur KLUG. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. I., 1843, pp. 31-42. 37. Description d'une nouvelle espece du genre Myrmedonia (M. nigriventris). Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 42-43. 38. Observations sur des especes du genre Erotylus, Fabr. et Olivier. Revue Zool. VI., 1843, pp. 79-80. 39. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Buprestide (Stigmodera gratiosa). Revue Zool. VI., 1843, p. 201. 40. Note rectificative de quelques especes Carabique du genre Eucamptognathus (E. La- fertii). Revue Zool. II., 1839, pp. 111-112. de la famille des Sternoxes (Buprestides), et description d'une nouvelle espece d'Anthonomus, decouverte aux environs de Paris. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 134-135. 41. Description de trois Longicornes, de la tribu des Lamiaires, faisant partie du genre Sternotomis, Guerin et Perclieron, Sterno- donta, Dejean. Revue Zool. VII., 1844, pp. 343-344. 42. Omocera azureipennis. Mag. de Zool. 1845, pi. 156. 43. Description de dix Coleopteres de la Chine. Revue Zool. VIII., 1845, pp. 95-99, 44. Note sur les Longicornes de la col- lection de BANKS, la plupart types de FABRICIUS, rapportes aux genres actuels. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IX., 1851, pp. 657-664. 45. Rappel des Coleopteres decrits par PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS aux genres actuellement adoptes, avec synonymic. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. X., 1852, pp. 629-651. 46. Description de Coleopteres nouveaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 414-422. CHE] 910 [CHE Chevrolat, August c. 47. Description de trois coleopteres. Revue et Mag. Zool. IV., 1852, pp. 578-579. 48. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Btiprestide (Chalcophana Laugeri). Revue et Mag. Zool. V., 1853, pp. 308-309. 49. Nouveau genre de Carabiques, de la tribu des Carabides ; Agrius, n. g. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1854, pp. 665-668. SO. Description do seize especes de Longi- cornes du Vieux Calabar. Revue et Mag. Zool. VII., 1854, pp. 282-290, 513-523. 51. Coleopteres de Syrie. Revue et Mag. Zool. VI., 1854, pp. 389-396, 432-437, 479-486. 52. Sur un coleoptere trouve dans une coquille d'Helix. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, pp. cx-cxi. 53. Sur une nouvelle espece de Callidium decouverte pres de Paris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1855, p. cxi. 54. Description de vingt et une especes nouvelles de coleopteres Longicornes. Revue et Mag. Zool. VII., 1855, pp. 178-187. 55. Sur la synonymic de quelques cole- opteres exotiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. IV., 1856, pp. cv-cvi. 56. Coleopteres nouveaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 84-89. 57. Description de Longicornes nouveaux du Vieux Calabar, cote occidentale d'Afrique. Revue et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 340-343, 436-438, 485-491, 531-535, 566-572; IX., 1857, pp. 74-83, 107-109, 166-171. 58. Diagnoses de six Carabiques decouverts par M. A. SALLE au Mexique. Revue et Mag. Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 351-352. 59. Description de quatre Longicornes Eu- ropeens* Revue et Mag.j Zool. VIII., 1856, pp. 435-436. 6O. [Note sur I'Erirhinus filirostris.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, p. xxx. 61. [Reponse a une note de Mr. THOMSON relative a la synonymic de la Cicinclela luteo- signata.] Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. V., 1857, pp. xlvii-xlviii. 62. Description de trois Longicornes nou- veaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. IX., 1857, pp. 103-107. 63. Description de six Longicornes exo- tiques nouveaux. Thomson, Archiv. Entom. I., 1857, pp. 41 4-4 1 9. 64. Description de nouvelles especes de coleopteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 315-329. 65. Description de la Leptura militaris. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VI., 1858, pp. 529-530. 66. Description de Longicornes nouveaux du Vieux Calabar. Revue et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 50-59, 306-317, 348-358. Chevrolat, Auguste. 67. Diagnoses de six Longicorues nouveaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. X., 1858, pp. 82-83. 68. Descriptions de coleopteres de la par- tie meridionale de File de Cuba. Revue et Mag. de Zool. X., 1858, pp. 209-212. 69. Description de deux Carabiques nou- veaux. Revue et Mag. Zool. X.,1858, pp. 484-485. 70. Notes synonymiques sur divers cole- opteres. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. v-vi. 71. Descriptions de deux nouvelles especes de Curculionites propres a la Faune Franchise. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. xviii-xx. 72. Note sur le genre Prinobius de M. MULSANT. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. ccxxvii-ccxxxi. 73. Note monographique sur le genre Pri- nobius de M. MULSANT. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VII., 1859, pp. cxxxiv cxxxvii. 74. Description de cinq especes nouvelles de coleopteres Longicornes. Revue et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 26-29. 75. Description d'especes nouvelles de Curculionites d'Algerie. Revue et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 298-305. 76. Description de dix coleopteres nou- veaux d'Algerie. Revue et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, pp. 380-390. 77. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Lamellicorne du genre Chrysine de KIRBY (C. Adolphi). Revue et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859. pp. 481-483. 78. Description d'une nouvelle espece de coleoptere Longicorne (Tetrops Starkii). Revue et Mag. Zool. XL, 1859, p. 541. 79. Description d'especes de Clytus propres au Mexique. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. 451-504. 8O. Description d'especes nouvelles de Cur- culionites d'Europe. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. VIIL, 1860, pp. 505-508. 81. Description de coleopteres nouveaux d'Algerie. Revue et Mag. Zool. XIL, 1860, pp. 75-82, 128-137, 208-212, 269-271, 302- 305, 409-410, 448-459, 509-511 ; XIIL, 1861, pp.118-126, 147-155,205-209,264-270,306-312. 82. Description d'un genre indit de DE- JEAN (Centrocerum), de la tribu des Ceram- bycides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 189-191. 83. Description de Clytides de 1'ancienne Colombie. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 377-388. 84. Observations et notes synonymiques. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. L, 1861, pp. 389-392. 85. Description d'especes de Dorcadion d'Espagne. Berlin, Entom. Zeitschr. VI., 1862, pp. 337-348. CHE] 911 [CHI Chevrolat, Auguste. 86. Reflexions et notes synonymiques sur le travail de M. James THOM- SON sur les Cerambycides, avec descriptions do quelques nouvelles especes. Entora. Joum. I., 1862, pp. 185-192, 245-254. 87. Description des Clytides du Bresil. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 49-67. 88. Coleopteres de 1'ile de Cuba. Notes, synonymies, et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Families des Cerambycides et des Parandrides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 245- 280. 89. Description de Clytides Americains. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 517- 536. 9O. Revision des genres Eriphus et Mal- losoma, Scrvillc, du groupe des Clytides, et description de trois nouveaux genres dont un doit etre rapporte au groupe des Callidiites. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. II., 1862, pp. 747- 763. 91. Coleopteres de File de Cuba. Notes, synonymies, et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Families des Cicindeletes, Carabiques, Dytis- cides, Gyrinides, et Palpicornes. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 183-210. 92. Coleopteres de 1'ile de Cuba. Notes, synonymies, et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Families des Histeriens, Phalacrides, Nitidulaires, Trogositaires, Colydiens, Rhyzodides, Cucujipes, Mycetophagides, Dermestins, Byrrhiens, et Che- lonariides. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 589-620. Chevrolat, Auguste, et Alb. Fauvel. Coleop- teres de 1'ile de Cuba. Notes, synonymies, et descriptions d'especes nouvelles. Famille des Staphyliniens. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 427-446. Chevrolat, Auguste, et Laporte. Descrip- tion de deux nouvelles Megacephales. Silber- mann, Revue Entom. II., 1834, pp. 83-84. Chew, Samuel. Case of absence of the Uterus in an adult female, with remarks. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XXVI., 1839, pp. 39-48. Cheyne, C. H. If. On the variations of the ele- ments in the planetary theory. Quart. Journ. Math. IV., 1861, pp. 220-224, 334-338. 2. On the equations of motion of a planet referred to moving axes. Messenger of Mathem. I., 1862, pp. 55-57. 3. On the variations of the node and in- clination in the planetary theory. [1861.] Quart. Journ. Math. V., 1862, pp. 76-78. Chezy, . On the Plumb Line and Spirit Level. (Transl.} Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 396-402. Chiaje, Stefano delle. Descrizione di un capretto mostruoso disomo. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. III., 1822, pp. 180-204. Chiaje, Stefano delle. 2. Rapporto fatto dalla Commissione incaricata per 1' esame della me- moria del Segretario, Signer STELLATI, su di una capra creduta ermafrodita. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. III., 1822, pp. 400-405. 3. Ein eigenes System von wasserfiihren- den Kana'len und Hohlen bei wirbellosen See- thieren. (Transl.} Froriep, Notizen, X., 1825, col. 246-247. 4. Sur la Tacnia solium. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XV., 1828, pp. 209-211. 5. Descrizione e notomia del Doridio apli- siforme. [1825.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 185-192; Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829. pp. 309-310. 6. Ueber die Pterotrachea. Heusinger, Zeitschrift, II., 1828, pp. 194-196. 7. Su la notomia e la classificazione del Sipunculo nudo. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 1-24. 8. Descrizione ed anatomia delle Aplisia. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 25-76. 9. Descrizione zoologica ed anatomica di alcune specie di Oloturie. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 77-116. 1O. Sul Doridio, su di una specie di Sipun- culo, e sulle Pleurofillidia. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 117-138. 11. Riflessione sulla Tenia umana armata. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 139-184. 12. De Pterotrachea observations posthu- ma3, auctore J. Xav. POLT, cum additamentis et anuotationibus. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 219-244. 13. Osservazioni su la struttura della Epi- dermide umana. [1827.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. IV., 1828, pp. 329-370. 14. Sur le Trichocephalus acetabularis. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVI., 1829, pp. 155- 156. 15. Quelques remarques sur les Actinies. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, pp. 470- 473. 16. Note sur la Velella. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XVII., 1829, p. 473. 17. Ueber Albione muricata, Savigny ; mit einigen nachtraglichen Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen, von R. WAGNER. Oken, Isis, 1834, pp. 129-130. 18. Ueber das Nerven-System der Zoo- phyten. ( Transl.} Froriep, Notizen, XLIII., 1835, col. 213-215. 19. Speciale forma di congenita sventra- zione. II Progresso, X., 1835, pp. 80-87. 2O. Scoperta del pancreas, dell' atraraeu- tario, con che nuove ricerche sulla, intima strut- tura degli apparati biliare, cromatogeno, e por- porifero de'MolluschiCefalopodi. IlProgresso,X., 1835, pp. 87-97; Oken, Isis, 1843, col. 49-50. CHI] 912 [CHI Chiaje, Stcfano dellc. 21. Ricerche intorno all' esistenza del Polistoma del sangue umano. II Progresso, XL, 1835, pp. 76-90; Froriep, Notizen, IV., 1838, col. 245-246. 22. Brevi cenni sui calcoli, sulle pietrose concrezioni, e su di un interstiziale osteoma dell' utero umano. II Progresso, XII., 1835, pp. 263-273. 23. Nuove ricerche sul sessuale femmineo apparato e sulla fecondazione del Kanguroo gigantesco. II Progresso, XIII., 1836, pp. 81- 92. 24. Annotazioni anatomico-patologiche ri- guardanti due singolari osteofiti umani. II Progresso, XV., 1836, pp. 99-106. 25. Sulla circolazione sanguigna de' Mol- luschi cefalopedi. II Progresso, XXII., 1839, pp. 118-123. 26. Lettera notomico-biologica intorno alle Medusarie del Cratere Napolitano. II Progresso, XXIIL, 1839, pp. 210-222. 27. Lettera anatomico-fisioloerica sulla esistenza delle glandule renali ne' Batraci e ne' Pesci, con riflessioni intorno al loro ufficio nel feto umano. II Progresso, XXIV., 1839, pp. 181-190. 28. Osservazioni anatomiche e fisiologiche su' molluschi del Cono rustico e della Ciprea pero. [1827.] Napoli, Atti Acad. Sci. IV., 1839, pp. 197-216. 29. Monografia sulla duplicita dell' utero umano. [1835.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorf. VI., 1840, pp. 65-104. 30. Sulla esistenza delle glandule renali ne' Batraci e ne' Pesci. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VI., 1840, pp. 207-222. 31. Ricerche anatomiche sul canale di PETIT dell' occhio umano. [1838.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VI., 1840, pp. 223-246. 32. Anatomiche disamine sulle Torpedini. Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VL, 1840, pp. 291-308. 33. Descrizione del sistema nervoso de' Molluschi cefalopodi. Napoli, Rendiconto, I., 1842, pp. 261-266. 34. De' Molluschi Pteropedi ed Eteropedi apparsi nel Cratere Napolitano. Napoli, Ren- diconto, II., 1843, pp. 25-26, 105-115. 35. Descrizione zoologico-notomica delle Attinie del golfo di Napoli. Napoli, Rendi- conto, II., 1843, pp. 178-179. 36. Lettera indiritta al Cav. M. TENOEK intorno alia Lanuta d'Imperato (Zoobotrion. Ehr.) Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1843, pp. 283- 285. 37. Oggetto della notomia comparata e suoi cultori in Italia, Oken, Isis, 1843, pp. 682-718. 38. Nota iconografica intorno alia Cari- naria mediterranea. Napoli, Rendiconto, III., 1844, pp. 45-46. Chiaje, Stefano delle. 39. Descrizione zoolo- gico-notomica dell' Onchidio Partenopeo. [1843.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIIL, 1844, pp. 211- 214. 40. Descrizione della Jantina e del suo Mollusco. [1843.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XXIIL, 1844, pp. 312-319. 41. Dissertazione elmintologica. Napoli, Rendiconto, V., 1846, pp. 399-410. 42. Notizia su due Gimnoti ellettrici dall' America recati vivi in Napoli. Nuov. Annal. Sci. Nat. II., 1847, pp. 268-273. 43. Descrizione e notomia de' piu interes- santi mostri umani, conservati nel Museo Ana- tomico-Patologico della R. Universita degli Studi. Napoli, Rendiconto, VL, 1847, pp. 7-14. 44. Breve notizie di supplimento alia dis- sertazione di M. A. SEVERING intorno alia Foca vitellina, Napoli, Rendiconto, VL, 1847, pp. 56-64. 45. Nota intorno alia Fisalia Aretusa ap- parsa nel Cratere Napolitano. Napoli, Rendi- conto, VL, 1847, pp. 168-173. 46. Sunto della Monografia sul sistema san- guigno degli animali rettili. Napoli, Rendi- conto, VL, 1847, pp. 174-176. 47. Continuazione della Monografia del sistema sanguigno degli animali rettili, e su qualche particolarita ravvista nelle Rane. Na- poli, Rendiconto, VII., 1848, pp. 151-171. 48. Discrizione, anatomia, e potere elettrico del Gymnoto della Real Casa. Napoli, Rendi- conto, VII., 1848, pp. 208-232. 49. Relazioni della Commissione incaricata dell' esame, e parere di un caso di ermafrodito vivente. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1853, pp. 9-11. 50. Notizia riguardante un ragazzo Napo- litano eteradelfo. Napoli, Rendiconto, II., 1853, pp. 137-140. 51. Cenno notomico- patologico sulle ossa umane scavate in Pompei. [1853.] Napoli, Atti 1st. Incorr. VIII., 1855, pp. 353-382. Chiappa, G. A. del. Discorso sulla communica- zione vitale che ha luogo per il contatto fra due individui. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VL, 1813, pp. 181-200. 2. Sulla cotenna del sangue. Omodei, Annal. Univ. LIV., 1830, pp. 279-323. Chiappelli, Francesco. Sull' Epidermide : con- siderazioni fisiologiche. Pisa, Miscell. Med. Chir. 1843, pp. 40-44. 2. Dei compensi impiegati dalla Natura per mantenere sulla linea mediana la direzione della risultante di gravita nel corpo umano. Pisa, Miscell. Med. Chir. 1843, pp. 140-144 ; IL, pp. 140-144. 3. Sull proprieta della spinal midolla. Pisa, Miscell. Med. Chir. 1844, pp. 193-197. 4. Brevi riflessioni sulla respirazione. Pisa, Miscell. Med. Chir. 1844, pp. 325-330. CHI] 913 [CHI Chiappelli, Francesco. 5. Genesi spontanea di un cianuro nell' organisrao vivente. Polli, Annal. di Chim. XXXII., 1861, pp. 291-293. Chiarenti, . Observations et experiences sur les proprietes medicinales de 1'opium. Paris, Mem. Soc. Med. Emul. III., 1799, pp. 278- 282. Ghiari, L. Mehrere Fiille von Schwangerschafc bei Uterus-Bildungs-Anomalien. Prag, Viertel- jahrschr. 1854 (Hft.2), pp. 93-98. Chichester, . Curious fact of the outlines of Trees, accurately sketched on the surface of the ice on the Bog Lakes of Ireland. Nichol- son, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 345-346. Chichester, John. Account of a monstrous pro- duction of the Sheep genus. Mag. Nat. Hist. L, 1829, pp. 325-327. Chichkoff, Leon. Sur la constitution rationelle de i'acide fulminique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 14-16. 2. Note sur le nitroforme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 144-146. 3. Note sur un nouveau anilide de I'acide salicyleux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 272-273. 4. Sur la constitution de I'acide fulminique et une nouvelle serie de corps derives de I'acide acetique. Annal. de Chimie, XLIX., 1857, pp. 310-338. 5. Sur la formule rationelle de I'acide fulminique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 99-102. Chichkoff, Leon, et Rosing. Quelques essais dans la serie nitro-acetique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 273-290. . 2. Note sur Faction du cyanhydrate d'ammoniaque sur Palloxane. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 104-108. 3. Note sur 1' action du perchlorure de phosphore sur le chlorure de benzoile. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVI., 1858, pp. 367-370. Chicoli, Nicola. Intossicamento o attassamento che si avvera negli animali ibridi equini in tutti gli anni infra i primi dieci giorni della vita- estrauterina in Sicilia. Sicilia, Atti Soc. Acclim. II., 1862, pp. 10-14. 2. Caso di ermafrodita femineo in una capra meticcia, ottenuta dall' accoppiamento di un capro Egiziano colla capra comune di Sicilia. Sicilia, Atti Soc. Acclim. II., 1862, pp. 32-45. Chierici, Note sur des Weissteins vario- leux ou variolites, observes dans le lit de 1'Inn. Annal. des Mines, V., 1820, pp. 397-400. Chierici, C., et Monteiro. Sur une nouvelle variete de forme determinable de cuivregris. Moll, Neue Jahrbuch, II., 1812, pp. 387-391. Children, John George. An account of some experiments performed with a view to ascertain the most advantageous method of constructing a Voltaic apparatus for the purposes of chemical research. [1808.] Phil. Trans. 1809, pp. 32-38 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 364-375 ; Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 374-381. 2. An account of some experiments with a large Voltaic battery. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 363-374 ; Annal. de Chimie, XCVL, 1815, pp. 120-140; Brugnatelli, Gioruale, IX., 1816, pp. 282-288 ; Gilbert, Annal. LIT., 1816, pp. 353- 371 ; Schweigger, Journ. XVI., 1816, pp. 355- 367. 3. On Sir H. DAVY'S Safety-lamp for Mines. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIII., 1816, pp. 189-196. 4. Answer to Mr. LONGMIRE'S objections to Sir H. DAVY'S lamp. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1816, pp. 265-268. 5. On M. STROMEYER'S new Metal. Cad- mium. Quart. Journ. Sci. VI. , 1819, pp. 226- 230. 6. On the nature of the pigment in the Hieroglyphics on the sarcophagus from the tomb of Psammis. Thomson, Ann. Phil. II., 1821, pp. 389-390. 7. On some alvine concretions found in the colon of a young man in Lancashire after death. [1821.] Phil. Trans. 1822, pp. 24-31. 8. On Diaspore. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IV., 1822, pp. 146-148. 9. Examination of Babingtonite by the Blow-pipe. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VII., 1824, pp. 277-278. 1O. On the characters of some mineral substances before the blowpipe. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 36-39. 11. On the nature of the free acid ejected from the human stomach in dyspepsia. Thom- son, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 68-69; Annal. de Chimie, XXVIL, 1824, pp. 41-43; Magendie, Journ. de Phys. IV., 1824, pp. 299-301. 12. Chemical examination of the Baryto- Calcite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 115-116. 13. Chemical examination of Roselite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIII., 1824, pp. 441-442. 14. Selenium in Anglesea pyrites. Quart. Journ. Sci. XIX., 1825, pp. 151-152. 15. Experiments on Selenium. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 52-53. 16. A summary view of the atomic theory- according to the hypothesis adopted by M. BERZELIUS. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 185-193, 336-358. 17. Observations on the analysis of Tor- relite. Thomson, Ann. Phil. IX., 1825, pp. 221-223. 5 z CHIJ 914 [CHI Children, John George. 18. Abstract of the characters of OCHSENHEIMER'S genera of the Lepidoptera of Europe. Phil. Ma?. IV., 1828, pp. 278-287, 343-354, 444-450 ; V., 1829, pp. 36-51, 119-126, 188-195, 287-296, 363-370; VI., 1829, pp. 9-16, 99-107, 188-199, 286-296, 325-335, 451-464 ; VIII, 1830, pp. 259-268. 19. On the Esquimaux dog. ZooL Journ. III., 1828, pp. 54-56. 2O. Phytotoma Bloxhami. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 365. 21. Notice respecting Dr. EHRENBERG'S Collection of dried Infusoria, and other micro- scopic objects. Phil. Mag. LX., 1836, pp. 90- 91. 22. Neue Spinnen-Gattungen. Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837, pp. 61-62. 23. Schmarotzerkerfe, welche von Hrn. KING auf der Expedition nach den Kiisten des Polarmeeres (Kapitain G. BACK) gesammelt - wurden. Gistl, Faunus, I., 1837, pp. 78-82. Children, John George, and Odier. Memoir on the chemical composition of the corneous parts of Insects, with some additional remarks and ex- periments. Zool. Journ. L, 1825, pp. 101-115. Childs, . On superheated Steam. London, Odont. Soc. Trans. 1L> 1861, pp. 181-206. Chilton, George. Observations on the Hair- Worm (Gordius aquaticus, Linn.?) New York, Med. Repos. IV., 1808 (2 nd Ed.\ pp. 147-148. 2. Chemical examination of heavy spar from New Jersey. Amer. Mineral Journ. I., 1810, pp. 16-19. 3. On the deoxidation of Potash. Amer. Mineral Journ. L, 1810, pp. 153-156. 4. Description of an improved Rain-Gauge. Silliman, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 326-332; Thomson, Ann. Phil. VIIL, 1824, pp. 109-114. 5. Results of the analysis of the principal Brine Springs of the State of New York. Silli- man, Journ. VII., 1824, pp. 344-347 ; Tilloch, PhiL Mag. LXIV., 1824, pp. 74-75. 6. Analysis of the Maryland aerolite. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, pp. 131-137 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVII., 1826, pp. 104-109. 7. Analysis of the Clinton mineral water, Cliff Street, city of New York. Silliman, Journ. XVIII, 1830, pp. 346-349. Chimenz, Baldassare. Delia malattia della tigna. Giorn. Arcad. XCIX., 1844, pp. 32-55. 2. Andrea CESALPINO di Arezzo scuopre il primo la circolazione del sangue nell' uomo 1' anno 1571 nell' Anfiteatro Anatomico di Pisa. Metaxa, Annal. Med. Chir. XI., 1845, pp. 197- 205 ; Giorn. Arcad. CXV., 1848, pp. 49-62. 3. Descrizione del Coccodrillo esistente nel Museo di Storia Naturale dell' Archiginnasio della Sapienza. Giorn. Arcad. CVIL, 1846, pp. 166-180. Chiminelli, Luigi. Sugli esperimenti eseguiti in Vicenza coi vapori dell' etere solforico nel Febbrajo, 1847. Omodei, Annal. Univ. CXXL, 1847, pp. 408-417. Chiminello, Vincenzo. Relazione di un arco luminoso osservato addi 5 Settembre 1788. Verona, Mem. Soc. Ital. VII., 1794, pp. 153- 156. 2. Nuovo metodo per istabilire i confini dei terreni. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VOX, 1794, pp. 473-476. 3. Osservazioni del passaggio di Mercurio per il disco del Sole le 6-7 Maggio, 1799. Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. VIII., 1799, pp. 755-757. 4. Osservazioni di Mercurio e di Venere. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. IX., 1802, pp. 99-103. 5. Lettera ad Antonio CAGNOLI. [Oppo- zione di Ceres, &c.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. IX., 1802, pp. 707-709. , . 6. Sopra una doppia iride a rovescio e in contatto. [1802.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. X., 1803, pp. 146-149. 7. Opposizione di Marte. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. X., 1803, pp. 150-151. 8. Obliquita dell' eclittica osservata nel solstizio 22 Giugno, 1803. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 181-182. 9. Calcolo del passaggio di Mercurio pel disco del Sole nel giorno 8-9 Nov. 1802. [1803.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 183- 192. 10. Congetture sulle cagioni delle diverse variazioni dell' ago magnetico dal nord. Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XL, 1804, pp. 193-202. 11. Opposizioni di Giove. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XII., 1805, pp. 72-77. 12. Saggio di Calendario Perpetuo delle umane nativita ricavato da piu registri di anni LX. con relative ricerche e riflessioni. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIL, 1805, pp. 194-212. 13. Osservazione dell' eclisse lunare degli 11 Luglio 1805. Modena, Mem. Soc. ItaL XIL, 1805, pp. 318-320. 14. Opposizioni d' Herschel. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIIL, 1807, pp. 32-37. 15. Nuova ipotesi per ispiegare la discesa del barometro in tempo piovoso. [1806.] Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIIL, 1807, pp. 140-152 ; Gehlen, Journ. VIIL, 1809, pp. 195-200. 16. Dell' annua parallasse di a della Capra. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 1-4. ^ 17. Sopra sei archi-baleni contemporanei e concentrici. [1807.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 4-7. 18. Dell' anomalo freddo dell' inverno passato e delle sue cause. [1808.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 79-86. 19. Opposizioni di Saturno. [1808.] Mo- dena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 197-198. CHI] 915 [CHI Chiminello, Vincenzo. 20. Occultazione di Giove. Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XIV., 1809, pp. 197-199. 21. Fenomeno de' barometri nel loro smo- timento o trasporto da luogo a luogo. [1809.] Modena, Mem. Soc. Ital. XV., ,1811, pp. 50-59; Gilbert, Annal. LIV., 1816, pp. 358-367. Chiminello, Vincenzo, et Toaldo. Selectas siderum observationes habitse in Specula Astro- nomica Patavina. Padova, Mem. Accad. 1809, pp. 263-288. Chimmo, W. Account of the search for the North Australian exploring expedition under Mr. A. C. GREGORY. Geogr. Soc. Proc. I., 1857, pp. 255-263. Chid, Felice. Sulla teoria dell' eliminazione. Palomba. Raccolta, III., 1847, pp. 193-198. 2. Kecherches sur la serie de LAGRANGE. [1846.1 Paris, Mem. Savants Etrang. XII., 1854, pp. 340-468. 3. Nota sopra due proposizioni di NAVIER intorno alia curvatura delle curve a doppia cur- vatura. Tortolini, Annali, III., 1860, pp. 353- 362. Chiolini, Carlo. Memoria sugli effetti e sull' efficacia della Centaurea minore. Brugnatelli, Giornale, I., 1808, pp. 445-458, 470-486. Chiolini, Giuseppe. Memoria fisiologica sulla diversita dei ventricoli del cuore nell' adulto. Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 39-48. 2. Osservazioni sulla utilita della coltura a risara de' fondi palustri per prevenire il miasmo paludoso. Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 273-284. Chiozza, Luigi. De 1'action du sulf hydrate d'am- moniaque sur 1'acide nitrocinnamique. Paris, Comptes Rendns, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 598-600; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chern. LVL, 1852, pp. 339- 341 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852, pp. 117- 120. 2. Sur la transformation de 1'acide sali- cylique en acide benzoique monochlore. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 850-851; Annal. de Chimie, XXX VI., 1852, pp. 102- 107; Erdm. Journ. Prak Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 28-30 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIIL, 1852. pp. 317-319. 3. Recherches sur les radicaux oxygenes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 225- 228 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIL, 1852, pp. 178-180; Liebig, Annal. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 102-105. i 4. Sur 1'acide valerianique anhydre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 568-570; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 196- 222 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIII., 1853, pp. 23-26. Chiozza, Luigi. 5. Sur une combinaison de 1'acide pelargouique avec le bioxyde d'azote. Paris, Coniptes Rendus. XXXV., 1852, pp. 797 -800 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 216-219; Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 225-228. ' 6. Sur les acides caprylique et pelargo- nique anhydres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXV., 1852, pp. 865-867 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVIIL, 1853, pp. 219-221; Lie- big, Annal. LXXXV., 1853, pp. 229-232. 7. Ueber wasserfreie organische Sauren. Liebig, Annal. LXXXIV., 1852, pp. 106-109; LXXXVL, 1853, pp. 259-264. 8. Sur les acides angelique et cinnamique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 435-440 ; Erdm. Jouru. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 231-235. 9. Sur les acides anhydres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 630-532. 1O. Sur quelques acides organiques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXX VL, 1853, pp. 701-703. 11. Ueber eine neueBildungsweise der Alde- hyde. Liebig, Annal. LXXXV., 1853,pp.232-233. 12. Vermischte chemische Mittheilungen. Liebig, Annal. XCL, 1854, pp. 102-113 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIV., 1855, pp. 32-36. 13. Notizen aus dem chemischen Labora- torium zu Mailand. Liebig, Annal. XCIX., 1856, pp. 240-244. 14. Sur la production artificielle de 1'es- sence de cannelle. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIL, 1856, pp. 222-223 ; Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. VIII., 1856, pp. 110-112 ; Liebig, Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 350-352. 15. Sull' essenza di Garofani. Nuovo Ci- mento, III., 1856, pp. 4 ] 9-422. Chiozza, Luigi, e Cornalia. Cenni geologic! sull' Istria. Milano, Giorn. 1st. Lomb. III., 1851, pp. 18-52. Chiozza, Luigi, e Frapolli. Sulla riduzione della nitrocumarina. Nuovo Cimento, I., 1855, pp. 414-416; Journ. de Pharm. XXVIII., 1855, pp. 318-319 ; Liebig, Annal. XCV., 1855, pp. 252-255. Chiozza, Luigi, et Gerhardt. Addition aux recherches sur les acides anhydres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVI., 1853, pp. 1050- 1069 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIX., 1853, pp. 449-453 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXX VII., 1853, pp. 290-296 ; XC., 1854, pp. 103-109. 2. Recherches sur les amides. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVII., 1853, pp. 86-90 ; XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 457-461; Polli, Annal. di Chim. XIX., 1854, pp. 51-64; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 129-172 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LX., 1853, pp. 144-148 ; LXIL, 1854, pp. 49-54 ; Liebig, Annal. LXXX VII., 1853, pp. 296-302. 5 z 2 CHI] 916 [CHL Chipman, Nathaniel. On moving stones in Lakes and Ponds. Silliman, Journ. XIV., 1828, pp. 303-305. Chirgwin, F '. Exuviation of the common Craw- fish (Palinurus vulgaris). Newman, Zoologist, III., 1845, pp. 834-836. Chirou, . Sur 1'endiguement de 1'Isere, en Savoie. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. I., 1843-44, pp. 762-764. Chisholm, C. On the poison of fish. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. IV., 1808, pp. 393-422 ; Milano, Gioru. Soc. Incorr. VIII., 1809, pp. 154-161. 2. An essay towards an inquiry how far the Effluvia from dead Animal Bodies, passing through the natural process of Putrefaction, are efficient in the production of Malignant Pestilen- tial Fevers ; and how far such Effluvia are capable of exciting a Putrefactive emotion in all other living Animal Substances exposed to their action. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. VI., 1810, pp. 389-420. 3. On the Malis dracunculus or Guinea- Worm. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XI., 1815, pp. 145-164. 4. Sur la chaleur animale cntre les tro- piques. Bibl. Univ. XV., 1820, pp. 188-196. 5. Remarques sur quelques poisons des iles occidentales de 1'Amerique^ et sur la production de certains remedes vegetaux produits dans les memes con trees. Bibl. Univ. XIV., 1820, pp. 115-124; Journ. de Pharm. VII., 1821, pp. 16-24 ; Gilbert, Annal. LXX., 1822, pp. 286- 293. Chitrow, . Der Uluss (Distrikt) Shigansk am nordlichen Eismeere. Petermann, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 117-122. Chittenden, L. E. The American Reindeer. Amer. Assoc. Proc. 1860, pp. 175-187. Chltty, E. On the Jamaican Cyclotus, and the description of twenty-one new species and eight new varieties of that sub-genus from Jamaica. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXV., 1857, pp. 142-157. 2. On Stoastomida3 as a family, and on seven proposed new genera, sixty-one new species, and two new varieties from Jamaica. Zool. Soc. Proc. XXV., 1857, pp. 162-201. 3. Descriptions of two new species of Cylindrella, from Jamaica, West Indies. [1854.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, VI., 1858, pp. 155- 156. Chitty, Edward, and C. E. Adams. Remarks on the habitats of certain species of Land Shells. [1851.] New York, Annal. Lyceum, V., 1852, pp. 100-101. Chladni, E. F. F. Beitrage zur Beforderung eines bessern Vortrages der Klanglehre. Ber- lin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. I., 1795, pp. 102-124. Chladni, E. F. F. 2. Beobachtungen iiber die durch Brennen der entziindbaren Luft in einer Rohre hervorzubringenden Tone. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. I., 1795, pp. 125-130. 3. Auszug aus der Schrift : Ueber Longi- tudinal-Schwingungen der Saiten und Stabe. Nebst beigefugten Bemerkungen iiber die Fort- leitung des Schalles durch feste Korper. Voigt, Mag. L, 1797, pp. 7-17 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 113-119. 4. Fortsetzung der Bemerkungen iiber Feuerkugeln und niedergefallene Massen. Voigt, Mag. L, 1797, pp. 17-30 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 337-345. 5. Bemerkungen iiber die Tone einer Pfeife in verschiedenen Gasarten. Voigt, Mag. L, 1798 (Hft. 3), pp. 65-79; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. IV., 1799, pp. 275-282. 6. Ueber entgegengesetzte Electricitaten einer Katze. Voigt, Mag. L, 1798 (Hft. 3), pp. 79-80. 7. Observations on a Mass of Iron found in Siberia by Professor PALLAS, and on other Masses of the like kind, with some conjectures respecting their connection with certain natural phenomena. (Transit) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 1-8 ; Journ. des Mines, XV., 1803-4, pp. 286-320, 446-485. 8. On the invention of the Euphon and other acoustic discoveries. (Transl.) Tilloch, Phil. Mag. II., 1798, pp. 391-398. 9. Ueber drehende Schwingungen eines Stabes. Berlin, Gesell. Nat. Freunde N. Schrift. II., 1799, pp. 274-278 ; Gilbert, Annal. II., 1799, pp. 87-90 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XII., 1802, pp. 259-260. 1O. Eine neue Art, die Geschwindigkeit der Schwingungen bei einem jeden Tone durch den Augenschein zu bestimmen, nebst einem Vorschlage zu einer festen Tonhohe. Gilbert, Annal. V., 1800, pp. 1-9. 11. Nachricht von dem Clavicylinder, einem neu erfunclenen musikalischen Instru- mente. Voigt, Mag. II., 1800, pp. 150-153. 12. Bemerkungen iiber die Schwingungen einer Rectangelscheibe. Voigt, Mag. III., 1801, pp. 520-529. 13. Hypothese den Ursprung der meteor- ischen Steine betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XIII., 1803, pp. 350-357. 14. Chronologisches Verzeichniss der mit einem Feuermeteor niedergefallenen Stein- und Eisemnassen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber deren Ursprung. Gilbert, Annal. XV., 1803, pp. 307-328 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 231-237; IV., 1811, pp. 153-172; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. L, 1808, pp. 320-324 ; Journ. des Mines, XXV., 1809, pp. 73-78 ; Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 1-19 (App.) ; XVII., 1816, pp. 113-134. CHL] 917 [CHL Chladni, E. F. F. 15. Der neueste Meteorstein. Gilbert, Annal. XVJ., 1804, pp. 72-74. 16. Berichtigung, einen angeblichen Me- teorstein betreffend. Gilbert, Annal. XIX., 1805, p. 243. 17. Einige kosmologische Ideen, die Ver- mehruug oder Verminderung der Masse eines Weltkorpers betrefFend. Gilbert, Annal. XIX.. 1805, pp. 258-281. 18. Beitrage zu den Nachrichten von Meteorsteinen. Gilbert, Annal. XXIX., 1808, pp. 375-384; Brugnatelli, Giornale, V., 1812, pp. 456-458 ; Journ. des Mines, XXVL, 1809, pp. 79-80; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1810, p. 78. 19. Sur la propagation du son par diffe- rentes matieres aeriformes. Journ. de Phys. LXIX., 1809, pp. 138-139. 20. Notice sur deux nouveaux instruments de musique et sur quelques autres decouvertes. Journ. de Phys. LXVIIL, 1809, pp. 246-253 ; Brugnatelli, Giornale, II., 1809, pp. 171-176. 21. Traite d'acoustique. Journ. de Phys. LXX.. 1810, pp. 301-308. 22. Ueber Gediegeneisen, und besonders iiber eine noch nicht bekannte, im Mailand- ischen gefundene Gediegeneisenmasse. Schweig- ger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 116-120; Miinchen, Denkschr. 1813, pp. 101-176. 23. Vergebliche Bemiihungen, verschie- dene iiltere Meteorsteine aufzufinden, nebst einigen ihii selbst betreffenden Nachrichten. Gilbert, Annal. XLVIL, 1814, pp. 96-104. 24. Neues Verzeichniss der herabgefalle- nen Stein- und Eisenmassen, in chronologischer Ordnung. Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 225- 256 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXXIL, 1818, pp. 273- 283 ; Schweigger, Journ. XXXVI. (= Jahrb. VI.), 1822, pp. 87-118. 25. Beraerkungen iiber Gediegen- Eisen- massen. Gilbert, Annal. L., 1815, pp. 257-276. 26. Erste Fortsetzung des Verzeichnisses der bisher bekannt gewordenen herabgefallenen Stein- und Eisenmassen ; nebst neuen Beitragen zur Geschichte der Meteorsteine, und einigen diesen Gegenstand betreffenden Bemerkungen. Gilbert, Annal. LIII., 1816, pp. 369-392 ; LIV., pp. 329-357, 393-394. 27. Bemerkungen iiber den grossen Ko- meten von 1811. Lindenau, Zeitsclir. II., 1816, pp. 345-347. 28. Ueber die sprungweise gehende Be- wegung mancher Feuerkugeln, nebst einigen Folgerungen. Gilbert, Annal. LV., 1817, pp. 91-101 ; Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 389- 397. 29. Ueber die Wirkung des Abloschens in kaltem Wasser, bei Kupfer und Glockenmetall. Gilbert, Annal. LVL, 1817, pp. 104-106. Chladni, E. F. F. 30. Ueber Unabhangigkeit der Meteors teinfalle und der Feuerkugeln von Jahres und Tageszeiten, von den Himmelsge- genden, von der geographischen Lage, vom Wetter und von bestinamten Perioden. Gilbert, Annal. LVIL, 1817, pp. 121-143. 31. Ueber einige vom Himmel gefallene Materieu, die von den gewohnlichen Meteor- steinen verschieden sind. Gilbert, Annal. LV., 1817, pp. 249-277. 32. Dritte Fortsetzung des Verzeichnisses und der Geschichte der vom Himmel gefallenen Massen. Gilbert, Annal. LVL, 1817, pp. 375- 386. 33. Ueber Dinge, die sich im Weltraume befinden, und von den bekannten Weltkorpern verschieden sind, uud iiber noch einige kosmo- logische Merkwiirdigkeiten. Lindenau, Zeitschr. IV., 1817, pp. 303-315 ; Gilbert, Aunal. LIX., 1818, pp. 87-94. 34. Ueber Sternschnuppen von dem Dr. BENZENBERG. Gilbert, Annal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 289-302. 35. Verschiedene physikalische Bemerk- ungen. Gilbert, Annal. LIX., 1818, pp. 1- 11. 36. Vierte Fortsetzung des Verzeichnisses der vom Himmel gefallenen Massen. Gilbert, Annal. LX., 1819, pp. 238-254. 37. Einige wissenchaftliche Nachrichten aus Miinchen. Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 98-103. 38. Ueber die Gluhlunipchen. Gilbert, Annal. LXL, 1819, pp. 344-349. 39. Einige Ideen iiber das Innere der Erde. Gilbert, Annal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 72-79. 4O. Ueber die Ursachen des nasskalten Sommers von 1816 und zum Theil auch 1817. Gilbert, Annal. LXIL, 1819, pp. 132-136. 41 . Fiinfte Fortsetzung des Verzeichnisses der vom Himmel gefallenen Massen. Gilbert, Annal. LXIIL, 1819, pp. 17-49. 42 . Ueber die Feuermeteore. Schweigger, Journ. XXVL, 1819, pp. 156-196. 43. Ueber die Widmanstadtschen Figuren. Schweigger, Journ. XXVL, 1819, pp. 196- 202. 44. Ueber seine neuern Bekanntmach- ungen akustischer Gegenstande und praktischer Anwendungen derselben. Gilbert, Annal. LXIX., 1821, pp. 51-64. 45. Eiiauterung und Berichtigung einiger Aeusserungen in dem vorstehenden Aufsatze des Herrn Dr. Felix SAVAKT [iiber die Mit- theiluugen der tonenden Erzitterungen fester Korper unter einander]. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 160-166; Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, pp. 74-78. CHL] 918 [CHO Chladni, E F. F. 46. Neue Beitrage zur Kcnntniss der Feuermeteore und der herabge- fallenen Massen. Gilbert, Annal. LXVIIL, 1821, pp. 329-370 ; LXXL, 1822, pp. 359- 386; LXXV., 1823, pp. 229-257; Poggend. Annal. II., 1824, pp. 151-168; VI., 1826, pp. 21-34, 161-182; VIIL, 1826, pp. 45-60. 47. Wahrscheinlichste Erklarungsart des vormals warmeren Klimas in Gegenden, die jetzt kalter sind, und der mehrmals veranderten Hohe des Wassers iiber der Erdoberfliiche. Schweigger, Journ. XXXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1822, pp. 93-105 ; Mag. f. Naturvid. IL, 1823, pp. 24-35. 48. Wirkung einer Wasserhose auf ein Schiff in der Ostsee. Gilbert, Annal. LXXIIL, 1823, pp. 107-108. 49. Ueber sein neues Euphon, und iiber die Gesetze, nach welchen sich die Schwing- ungen in demselben richten. Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 69-82. 5O. Ueber die Hervorbringung der mensch- lichen Sprachlaute. Gilbert, Annal. LXXVI., 1824, pp. 187-216. 51. Beschreibung seiner Sammlung vom Himmel herabgefallener Massen, nebst einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. IV., 1825, pp. 200-240. 52. Ueber eine verunstaltete Nachricht von der bekannten Wetterharfe zu Basel. Pog- gend. Annal. III., 1825, pp. 471-473. 53. Nachrichten von einem Meteorstein- falle, am 15 Januar 1824 im Bolognesischen. Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 122-124. 54. Bemerkungen iiber die Klangfiguren der Scheiben. Poggend. Annal. V., 1825, pp. 345-350. 55. Fortsetzung des neuen Verzeichnisses der bis jetzt bekannt gewordenen Niederfalle meteorischer Substanzen. Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (= Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 475-481. 56. Nouveau catalogue des chutes de pierres ou de fer, de poussieres ou de substances molles, seches ou humides, suivant 1'ordre chro- nologique. Annal. de Chimie, XXXI., 1826, pp. 253-270; Thomson, Ann. Phil. XII., 1826, pp. 83-96; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXVIL, 1826, pp. 3-21, 179-181. 57. Erkliirung der gleich starken Schall- verbreitung einer Stimmgabel, in der Richtung der Schwingungen und in der Quere, und der ausserst schwachen in einer dazwischen liegen- den Richtung. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VII., 1826, pp. 92-96. 58. Ueber eine merkwiirdige meteorische Erscheinung am 1 April 1826. Poggend. Annal. VII., 1826, pp. 373-377. Chladni, E. F. F. 59. Ueber Tone bloss durch schnell auf einander folgemle Sto'sse, ohne einen kliugenden Korper. Poggend. Annal. VIIL, 1826, pp. 453-460. 6O. Weitere Nachrichten von der grossen Bitburger Gediegeneisenmasse. Schweigger, Journ. XLVI. (= Jahrb.X.VL), 1826, pp. 385- 396, 402. 61. Anzeige einer neuen sehr lehrreichen Abhandlung des Herrn Dr. Wilhelm WEBER in Halle, iiber die Gesetzte der Zungenpfeifen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. X., 1827, pp. 443-460. Chladni, E. F. /"., und Daniell. Noch Einiges iiber das Gliihlampchen, iiber das flammenlose Verbrennen von Gasarten und Dampten, und iiber die sogenannte Lampensaure. Gilbert, Annal. LXXV., 1823, pp. 95-108. Chladni, E. F. F., und Sommerring. Weitere Bemerkungen iiber die gleich starke Schall- verbreitung in der Richtung der Schwingungen und in die Quere, und iiber die schwachere in dazwischen liegenden Richtungen. Kastner, Archiv Naturl. VIIL, 1826, pp. 91-103 ; Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1828, p. 424. Chobrzinski et Commines de Marsilly. De la substitution de la houille au coke dans les locomotives. Annal. des Mines, IX., 1856, pp. 55-80. 2. Deuxieme note sur 1'emploi de la houille dans les locomotives. Annal. des Mines, X., 1856, pp. 343-352. Chodnew, A. Untersuchungen eines schwarz- lichgriinen Glimmers vom Vesuv. Poggend. Annal. LXL, 1841, pp. 381-385. 2. Ueber den rothen Albit. Poggend. Aii- nal. LXL, 1841, pp. 390-391. 3. Thermochemische Untersuchungen. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIIL, 1843, pp. 11 6-1 24, 321-327. 4. Ueber die Einwirkung des Kalis auf das Kupferoxyd, das Kupferoxydul, das Eisenoxyd und das Silber. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXVIIL, 1843, pp. 217-222; Bibl. Univ. XLIV., 1843, pp. 393-396. 5. Ueber die neutrale phosphorsaure Bary- terde. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXIX., 1843, pp. 203-204. 6. Oligoklas aus Finnland. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1843, pp. 66-69. 7. Pectin, Pectinsaure, und Metapectin- saure. Lie big, Annal. LI., 1844, pp. 355-395. 8. Untersuchung der organischen Siiuren in unreifen Zwetschen (Prunus domestica) und Stachelbeeren. Liebig, Annal. LIIL, 1845, pp. 283-286. 9. Phosphorsaure Kalkerde in der Rus- sischen Krei de-formation, chemisch nachgewie- sen. St. Petersb. Verhnnd. Min. Gesell. 1845- 46, pp. 140-143. CHO] 919 [CHO Chodnew, A. 1O. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Alkoholate und der salpetersaureu Magnesia. Liebig, Annal. LXXI., 1849, pp. 241-265 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLIX., 1850, pp. 107-128 ; St. Petersb. Bull. Acad. Sci. VIII., 1850, col. 137-153. Chodnew, A., und Worth. Mineralogische und chemische Untersuchung des Chioliths aus Miask. St. Petersb. Verhand. Min. Gesell. 1845-46, pp. 208-220. Chodzko, . Resultate von Hohenbestimm- ungen im Kaukasus, in Transkaukasien, und in Persien. Erman, Archiv Russ. XIII., 1854, pp. 266-312. 2. Die neuesten Hohenmessungen im Kau- kasus. Petermann, Mittheil. 1859, pp. 303- 304. 3. Die Russischen Aufnahmen im Kauka- sus. Petermann, Mittheil. 1862, pp. 361-367. Choffel, . Note sur la maniere de calculer 1'effet dynamique des machines a vapeur avec detente. Mulhausen, Bull. Soc. Industr. IX., 1836, pp. 249-277 ; Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LXIL, 1836, pp. 345-357 ; LXV., 1837, pp. 401-403. Choiselat, Ch., et Rat el. Sur une nouvelle ma- niere d'envisager les phenoinenes du daguerreo- type. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1842, pp. 111-114; Bibl. Univ. XL VI., 1843, pp. 379-383; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 173-177. 2. Sur une maniere d'envisager les phenomenes du daguerreotype. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI., 1843, pp. 1436-1438. 3. De 1'action des substances acce- leratrices dans les operations du daguerreotype. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 173- 174. 4. Sur la note de MM. BELFIELD- LEFEVRE et FOUCAULT relative a la preparation de la couche sensible qui doit recevoir 1'image de la chambre. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVII., 1843, pp. 605-608. 5. Des qualites essentielles que doit avoir la couche sensible. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XVII., 1843, pp. 1070-1072. Choisy, J. Rapport de la commission chargee d'organiser en Suisse des observations hydro- graphiques. Atti Soc. Elvet. 1833, pp. 47-63. Choisy, J. D, Sur un nouveau genre de Gutti- feres et sur 1'arrangement methodique de cette famille. Paris, Soc. Hist. Nat. Mem. I., 1823, pp. 212-232. 2. Sur la famille des Selaginees. [1822.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. H., 1824 (pte. 2), pp. 71-114. 3. Note sur le genre Prevostea. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV., 1825, pp. 496-499. Choisy, J. D. 4. Convolvulaceae Orientales. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VI., 1833, pp. 385- 502 ; VIII. pp. 43-86 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1834, pp. 140-154. 5. Description des Hydroleacees. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. VI., 1833, pp. 95-122 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. XXX., 1833, pp. 225-250. 6. Note sur le genre Erycibe. Ann. Sci. Nat. I. (Bot,\ 1834, pp. 220-224. 7. De Convolvulaceis. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. IX., 1841, pp. 262-288. 8. Note sur les Convolvulacees du Bresil, et sur le Marcellia, genre nouveau de cette famille. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. X., 1843, pp. 439-444. 9. Considerations sur la famille des Nycta- ginees. [1848.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XII., 1849, pp. 161-168. 1O. Description des guttiferes de 1'Inde. [1850.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XII., 1849, pp. 381-440. 11. Sur les families des Ternstroemiacees et Camelliacees. [1854.] Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XIV., 1855, pp. 91-186 ; XIV., 1858, pp. 91-183. 12. Du genre Discostigma (Hassk.) ap- partenant a la famille des Clusiacees. Geneve, Mem. Soc. Phys. XV., 1860, pp. 455-459. Chomel, . Observation sur la coloration noire de la peau d'un homme naturellernent blanc. Paris, Bull. Fac. Med. IV., 1814, pp. 113-119. 2. Phenomene de la calefaction, oii la goutte liquide est projetee sur la surface d'un autre liquide convenablement chauffe. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 581-582. 3. Experiences ayant pour objet de rendre compte des couleurs du ciel avant le lever et api-es le coucher du soleil. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXV., 1847, pp. 395-396. Chompre, . Experience sur la formation de 1'acide muriatique oxigene par le moyen de la pile de VOLT A. Annal. de Chirnie, LXI., 1807, pp. 58-69 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXVIIL, 1807, pp. 59-65. Chompre, , et Riffault. Sur la decomposition des sels par la pile de VOLTA. Annal. de Chimie, LXIIL, 1807, pp. 77-87. Chomse, 0., und Schmidt. Untersuchungen iiber die physiologische Wirkung des Kakodyl- oxydes und der Kakodylsaure. Moleschott, Untersuch. VI., 1860, pp. 122-145. Chop, Karl. Ueber den Muschelkalk bei Sonders- hausen. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. IV., 1854, pp. 219-221 ; XVI., 1860, pp. 48-52. 2. Neue Mittheilungen iiber die Zahne und Fischreste aus dem Schlotheimer Keuper. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. IX., 1857, pp. 127- 132. CHO] 920 [CHO Chopard, S., et J. Pidancet. Note sur uu Saunen + ~, sin 2 d> 1 + y sin 3 + &c. Crelle, Journ. VHL, 1832, pp. 298-299. 44. Wahrscheinliche Identitat des Come- ten von 1743 Jan. und 1819 Nov. Astr. Nachr. X., 1833, coL 34,5-347. 45. Beitrag zur Theorie der krummen Linien dritter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. XI., 1834, pp. 402-405. 46. Bestimmungen der Lage der Bahnen der vier kleinen Planeten gegen die Jupitersbahn. Gruithuisen, Neue Analek. L, 1834, pp. 7- x . CLA] 943 [CLA Clausen, Thomas. 47. Ueber die Capillarattrac- tion. Gruithuisen, Neue Analek. I., 1834 (Hft. 2\ pp. 5-7. - 48. Ueber die Darstellung des Laufs der Planeten durcli Planetarien. Gruithuisen, Neue Analek. I., 1834 (Hft. 4), pp. 71-75. 49. [Ueber die 6 Constanteii der ellip- ' tischen Bewegung c, c', c", f, f, f".'\ Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 319-320. 50. Beweis dass die algebraischen Gleich- ungen Wurzeln von der Form + bi haben. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, col. 325-330. 51. Zusammenstellung der periodischen Gleichungen von BURGS, BURCKHARDTS und DAMOISEAU'S Mondstafeln. Astr. Nachr. XVII., 1840, pp. 337-346. 52. Vier neue mondformige Fllichen, deren Inhalt quadrirbar 1st. Crelle, Journ. XXL, 1840, pp. 375-376. 53. Beschreibung eines neuen Micrometers. Astr. Nachr. XVIII., 1841, col. 95-96. 54. Beweise der beiden ersten Haupt- theoreme der Dioptrik. Astr. Nachr. XVIIL, 1841, col. 135-140. 55. Beweis des von JACOBI gefundenen Lehrsatzes, dass ein fliissiges sich um die eine Axe drehendes Spharoid von drei verschiedenen Hauptaxeu in Gleichgewicht sein konne. Astr. Nachr. XVIIL, 1841, col. 145-150. 56. Geometrische Auflosung der Hansen- schen Aufgabe: "Aus der Lage zweier bekann- ten Punkte die Lage zweier unbekannten Punkte zu finden." Astr. Nachr. XVIIL, 1841, col. 367-368. 57. Bestimmung der Bahu des Cometen von 1770. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 121-168. 58. [Ueber ein Integral ydy f\ + in LEGENDRE'S " Traite des Fonctions ellip- tiques."] Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 177- 178 ; Grunert, Archiv, HI, 1843, pp. 335-336 ; Nouv. Annal. Math. X., 1851, pp. 362-363. - 59. Beitrag zur Theorie der elliptischen Transcendenten. Astr. Nachr. XEX., 1842, col. 181-184. 60. Fehler in BURCKHARDTS Mondstafeln. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 221-226. - 61. Entwickelung der Wurzel einer cubi- schen Gleichung des irreduciblen Falles in einen Kettenbruch. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 241-242. - 62. Die Construction des Siebenzehnecks der Lemniscata. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 243-246. - 63. Monds-Ephemeride fur die Zeit der Culmination in Altona fiir 1842. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 249-260. Clausen, Thomas. 64. Ueber die Bestimmung der geographischen Lange atis beobachteten Mondsazimuthen. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 259-260. 65. Geometrische Construction einer astro- nomischen Aufgabe. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 261-264. 66. Ueber die Langenbestimmungen durch beobachtete Mondshohe. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 263-264. 67. Mondculminationen in Altona 1842. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 287-292, 337- 342, 385-390. 68. Ueber eine Ausiiahme von einem allgemeinen von MOEBITJS aufgestellten Satz. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 375-376. 69. Beitrag zur Theorie der dreiseitigen Pyramide. Astr. Nachr. XIX., 1842, col. 389- 392. 7O. Ueber die Auflosung der Delischen Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, II., 1842, pp. 196- 197. 71. Aufzulosende geometrische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, II., 1842, pp. 197-198. . 72. Beweis eines geometrischen Satzes. Grunert, Archiv, II., 1842, pp. 262-266. 73. [Neue Auflosung des irreduciblen Falls bei den cubischen Gleichungen durch die Kettenbriiche.] Grunert, Archiv, II., 1842, pp. 446-452. 74. Berichtigung eines von JACOBI aufge- stellten Theorems. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 13-16. 75. Mondculminationen in Altona, 1842. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 27-32. 76. Neuer Beweis des von GAUSS gefun- denen Theorems in der Trigonometric auf be- liebigen krummen Oberflachen. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 33-40. 77. Ueber das Gesetz des Gleichgewichts frei schwimmender Korper. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 47-48. 78. Berichtigung des Fernrohrs am Sex- tanten. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 47-48. 79. Beweis des Lagrangeschen Theorems. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 65-70. 80. Auflosung einer geometrischen Auf- gabe. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 69-74. 81. Ueber JACOBI'S Auflosung des Pro- blems der drei Korper. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 97-100. 82. Neue Methode, die Sextantenspiegel zu berichtigen. Astr. Nachr. XX., 1843, col. 173-176. 83. Beobachtungen des Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 73-76. ' 84. Nachtrag zu seinen Bemerkungen iiber ein von JACOBI aufgestelltes Theorem. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 145-148. CLA] [GLA Clausen, Thomas. 85. De linearum tertii or- dinis proprietatibus. Astr. Nachr. XXI., 1844, col. 209-216. 86. Ucber die Bestiminung der Abplattung des Erdsphiiroids. Astr. Naclir. XXI., 1844, col. 333-336. 87. Beweis eines von GAUSS gefundenen Satzes in der Attractions-Theorie. Astr. Naclir. XXL; 1844, col. 349-350. 88. Theorem. Astr. Nachr. XXL, 1844, col. 367-368. 89. Ueber die Wiedererkennung der Co- iheten, deren Bahnen grosse Storungen in der Niihe eines Planeten erlitten haben, und iiber die des Cometen von 1770 mit zwei neueren Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXII., 1845, col. 139-144. 9O. Ueber die Bestimrnung der Lage der Hauptumdrehungsaxen der Korper. [1844.] St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 81- 91. 91. Ueber die Vervollkommuung der Pen- deluhren. [1844.] St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 145-147. 92. Bemerkung zu LAPLACE'S Mecanique Celeste, torn. L, p. 306. [1844.J St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. III., 1845, col. 373-376. 93. Determination des axes priucipaux do rotation d'un corps. Nouv. Annal. Math. V., 1846, pp. 81-83. 94. Determination de la fraction continue periodique a un terme, en fonction du nombro des fractions. Nouv. Annal. Math. V., 1846, pp. 203-204. 95. Probleme sur les angles diedres du tetraedre. Nouv. Annal. Math. V., 1846, pp. 374-375. 96. Ludolphische Zahl auf 250 Decimal- stellen. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 207- 210. 97. [Theoreme iiber Krummungs-Halb- messer der Flachen 2len Grades.j Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 209-212. 98. Beobachtungen des Le-Verrier'schen Planeten. Astr. Nachr. XXV., 1847, col. 231- 242. 99. Ueber einen Satz des Herrn Prof. J. STEIXER. Grunert, Archiv, IX., 1847, pp. - 259-262. 100. Beobachtungen und Elemente der Iris und Opposition der Vesta. Astr. Nachr. XXVI , 1848, col. 193-194. 1O1. Opposition der Juno 1847 beobachtet am Dorpater Meridiankreise. Astr. Nachr. XXVL, 1848, col. 291-292. 1O2. Beobachtungen des Planeten Flora am Dorpater Meridiankreise. Astr. Nachr. XX VII., 1848, col. 33-36. Clausen, Thomas. 1O3. Beobachtung des zwei- ten Petersen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVI1L, 1849, col. 249-250. 104. Cometenbeobachtungen auf der Dor- pater Sternwarte angestellt. Astr. Nachr. XXIX., 1849, col. 37-42. 1O5. Verbesserte parabolische Elemente des zwciten Petersen'schen Cometen. Astr. Nachr. XXVIIL, 1849, col. 315-316. 1O6. [Letter to the Editor on a contribution by Prof. SCHLOMILCII in Vol. XII., pp. 293- 297.] Grunert, Archiv XIIL, 1849, pp. 334- 336. 107. Theorie des lunules geometriquement carrables. Nouv. Annal. Math. VIIL, 1849, pp. 395-397. 108. Auflosung der vom Herausgeber des Archivs gestellten Aufgabe : Durch zwei gege- bene Punkte einen Kreis zu ssiehen, der einen anderen gegebenen Kreis in den Endpunkten desselben Durchmessers des letztern Kreises schneidet. Grunert, Archiv, XV., 1850, pp. 235-237. 1O9. Ueber Curven zweiter und dritter Ordnung. Grunert, Archiv, XV., 1850, pp. 345-350. 110. [Ephemeris of the new Comet.] Gould, Astron. Journ. L, 1851, p. 143. 111. Einfluss der Refraction auf geodiitische Hohenmessungen. Astr. Nachr. XXXL, 1851, col. 283-284. 112. Beobachtungen auf der Dorpater Sternwarte. Astr. Nachr. XXXL. 1851, col. 341-344. 113. Ueber den Werth des Kettenbruchs a +_b_ a+l+b+l a + 2 + b + 2 a + 3 -f- etc. wenn b grosser als a + 1 ist. St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 353-358. 114. Ueber den Einfluss der Umdrehung tmd der Gestalt der Erde auf die scheinbaren Bewegungen an der Oberfliiche derselben. [1851.] St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 17-32. 115. Ueber die Olbers'sche Methode Co- meten-bahnen zu berechnen. [1851.] St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. X., 1852, col. 175- 176. 116. Ueber die Form arcbitektonischer Siiulen. St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. IX., 1851, col. 369-380. 117. Directe Auflosung des Rosselsprungs. Grunert, Archiv. XXL, 1853, pp. 91-92. 118. Ueber eine combinatorische Aufgabe. Grunert, Archiv, XXL, 1853, pp. 93-96. CLA] 945 [CLA Clausen, Thomas. 119. Verschiedene mathe- matische Bemerkungen und Aufgaben. Gru- nert, Archiv, XXI., 1853, pp. 97-99. 120. Beweis des Lehmus'sehen Satzes : " Wenn die Geraden, die zwei Winkel eines Dreiecks halbiren und die gegeniiberliegenden Seiten scbneiden, bis zu diesen Durcbscbnitten gleioh sind und gleichartig liegcn, so sind die beiden balbirten Winkel sich gleich." Grunert, Archiv, XX., 1853, pp. 459-461. 121. Beweis des von SCHLOMILCH Archiv, Bd. XII. No. XXXV. aufgestellten Lehrsatzes : " iiber die Ableitung des Differentials von log. Tz ; und iiber eine allgemeine Aufgabe iiber die Functionem von AIJEL." Grunert, Archiv, XXX., 1858, pp. 166-170. 122. Ueber einen Fehler in den " Exer- cices de Mathematiques " par Mr. A. L. CAUCHY. Seconde annee 1827, p. 141. sqq. [1859.] St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. L, 1860, col. 145-147. 123. Neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Correctionem der Passagen wegen Unregelmass- igkeit der Zapfen. St. Petersb., Acad. Sci. Bull. XVL, 1858, col. 270-272. Clausen, Thomas, Gambart, und Inghirami. Neuer Comet. Astr. Nachr. V., 1827, col. 241- 244. Clausius, R. Lichtmengc welche die Erde durch Reflexion des Sonnenlichts in der Atrao- sphlire erhalt. Berlin, Bericht, 1847, pp. 200- 202. 2. Ueber die Lichtzerstreuung in der Atmosphiire, und iiber die Intensitat des durch die Atmosphiire reflectirten Sonnenlichts. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXIL, 1847, pp. 294-314 ; Crelle, Journ. XXXIV., 1847, pp. 122-147; XXXVI, 1848, pp. 185-215. 3. Uebersichtliche Darstellung der in das Gebiet der meteorologischen Optik gehorenden Erscheinungcn. Grunert, Meteor. Optik, I., 1848, pp. 367-462. . 4. Ueber die Veranderuugen welche in den bisher gebrJiuchlichen Formeln fur das Gleich- gewicht und die Bewegung elastischer fester Korper durch neuere Beobachtungen nothwen- dig geworden sind. Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 46-67. 5. Ueber die Natur derjenigen Bestand- theile der Erdatmosphare, durch welche die Lichtreflexion in derselben bewirkt wird. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 161-188; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. 1853, pp. 303-325. 6. Ueber die blaue Farbe des Hirnmels und die Morgen- und Abendrothe. Poggend. Annal. LXXVL, 1849, pp. 188-195 ; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. 1853, pp. 326-331. Clausius, R. 7. Notiz iiber den Einfluss des Drucks auf das Gefrieren der Fliissigkeiten. Poggend. Annal. LXXXL, 1850, pp. 168-172; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 503-505; Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 548-550. 8. Ueber die bewegende Kraft der Warme und die Gesetze welche sich daraus fur die Wiirmelehre selbst ableiten lassen. Poggend. Annal. LXXIX., 1850, pp. 368-397, 500-524 ; Annal. de Chimie, XXXV., 1852, pp. 482- 503 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXVL, 1857, pp. 194-206 ; Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 1-21, 102- 119. 9. Reply to a note from Mr. W. THOMSON on the effects of fluid friction, &c. Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp. 139-142. 1O. Ueber das Verhalten des Dampfes bei der Ausdehnung unter verschiedenen Umstand- en. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 263 -273; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIL, 1853, pp. 368-376; Phil. Mag. L, 1851, pp. 398- 405. 11. Ueber den theoretischen Zusammen- hang zweier empirisch aufgcstellten Gesetze iiber die Spannung und die latente Warme ver- schiedener Diimpfe. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIL, 1851, pp. 274-279; Phil. Mag. II., 1851, pp.' 483-487. 12. Erwiederung auf die im Miirzheft d. Annalen enthaltenen Bemerkungen des Hrn. C. HOLTZMANN [iiber die bewegende Kraft der Warme]. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIIL, 1851, pp. 118-125. 13. Bemerkungen iiber die Erkliirung der Morgen- und Abendrothe. Poggend. Annal. LXXXIV., 1851, pp. 449-453. 14. Ueber die Anordnung der Elektricitat auf einer einzelnen sehr diinnen Platte und auf den beiden Belegungen einer Franklin'schen Tafel. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 161-205 ; Berlin, Bericht. 1852, pp. 179-186. 15. Ueber das mechanische Aequivalent einer elektrischen Entladungund die dabei statt- findende Erwiirmung des Leitungsdrahtes. Pog- gend. Annal. LXXXVL, 1852, pp. 337-375; Annal. de Chimie, XXXVIIL, 1853, pp. 200- 213 ; Berlin, Bericht, 1852, pp. 278-285 ; Tay- lor, Scientif.. Mem. 1853, pp. 1-32. 16. Ueber die bei einem stationaren elek- trischen Strome in dem Leiter gethane Arbeit und erzeugte Warme. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 415-426; Annal. de Chimie, XLIL, 1854, pp. 122-125; Taylor, Scientif. Mem. 1853, pp. 200-209. 17. Ueber die von GROVE beobachtete Abhangigkeit des galvanischen Gliihens von der Natur des umgebenden Gases. Poggend. Annal. LXXXVIL, 1852, pp. 501-513; Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1853, pp. 498-502. 6 D CLA] 946 [CLA Clausius, If. 18. Ou the colours of a jet of steam and of the Atmosphere. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. LIV., 1853, pp. 166-168. 19. Ueber das Vorhandenseyn von Dampf- bliischen iu der Atmosphare, und iliren Einfluss auf die Lichtreflexion und die Farben derselben. Poggend. Anual. LXXXVIII., 1853, pp, 543- 557. . 2O. Ueber einige Stellen der Schrift von HELMHOLTZ " iiber die Erhaltung der Kraft." Poggend. Annal. LXXXIX., 1853, pp. 568-579; XCL, 1854, pp. 601-604. 21. Ueber die Anwendung der mecha- nischen Warmetheorie auf die thermo-elek- trischen Erscheinungen. Poggend. Annal. XC., 1853, pp. 513-544; Berlin, Bericht, 1853, pp. 700-713 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1858, pp. 289-300. 22. Ueber eine veranderte Form des zweiten Hauptsatzes der mechanisehen Warmetheorie. Poggend. Annal. XCIIL, 1854, pp. 481-506; Liouville, Journ. Math. XX., 1855, pp. 63-86 ; Phil. Mag. XIL, 1856, pp. 81-98. 23. Ueber die Anwendung der mechan- isehen Warmetheorie auf die Dampfmaschine. Poggend. Annal. XCVIL, 1856, pp. 441-476, 513-559 ; Dingier, Poly techn. Journ. CL., 1858, pp. 29-49; Phil. Mag. XIL, 1856, pp. 241-265, 338-354, 426-443 ; Silliman, Journ. XXII., 1856, pp. 180-203, 364-374; XXIIL, 1857, pp. 25-46. 24. Notiz iiber den Zusammenhansr zwi- schen dem Satze von der Aequivalenz von Warme und Arbeit und dem Verhalten der permanenten Gase. Poggend. Annal. XCVIII.. 1856, pp. 173-178. 25. Remarques sur la relation entre 1'ac- tion chimique qui a lieu dans une pile volta'ique et les effets produits par le courant. Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXVI., 1857, pp. 119- 122. 26. Ueber die Art der Bewegung, welche wir Warme nennen. Poggend. Annal. C., 1857, pp. 353-380 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 497-507; Bibl. Univ. Archives, XXXVL, 1857, pp. 293-309; Phil. Mag. XIV., 1857, pp. 108-127. 27. Ueber die Elektricitiitsleitung in Elek- trolyten. Poggend. Annal. CL, 1857, pp. 338- 360; Phil. Mag. XV., 1858, pp. 94-109; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1859, pp. 242-247. 28. Ueber das Wesen der Warme, ver- glichen mit Licht und Schall. Zurich, Mo- natsschr. II., 1857, pp. 73-99. 29. Sur la demonstration de 1'equation dX. , rfY , dZ dx + dy + dz - = ~ 47r ^' Liouville, Journ. Math. III., 1858, pp. 57-62. Clausius, R. 30. Ueber die Natur des Ozons. Poggend. Annal. CIIL, 1858, pp. 644-652; Bibl. Univ. Archives, II., 1858, pp. 150-157 ; Phil. Mag. XVI., 1858, pp. 45-51. 31. Ueber die Zunahme des elektrischen Leitungswiderstandes der eiufachen Metalle mit der Temperatur. Poggend. Annal. CIV., 1858, pp. 650-651. 32. Ueber die mittlere Liinge der Wege, welche bei der Molecularbewegung gasformiger Korper von den einzelnen Moleciilen zuriick- gelegt werden, nebst einigen anderen Bemer- kungen iiber die mechanische Warmetheorie. Poggend. Annal. CV., 1858, pp. 239-258 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, IV., 1859, pp. 341-347; Phil. Mag. XVIL, 1859, pp. 81-91. 33. Erwiederung auf einige Bemerkungen des Herrn. HITTORF [iiber die Wanderungen der lonen]. Poggend. Annal. CIIL, 1858, pp. 525-528. 34. On the dynamical theory of gases. Phil. Mag. XIX., 1860, pp. 434-436. 35. Ueber die specilische Warme der Gase. Liebig, Annal. CXVIIL, 1861, pp. 106-120. 36. Sur la densite de la vapeur saturee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIL, 1861, pp. 706- 709. 37. Ueber die Wiirmeleitung gasformiger Korper. Poggend. Annal. CXV., 1862, pp. 1-56 ; Phil. Mag. XXIIL, 1862, pp. 417-435, 512-524. 38. Sur la formule pour la vitesse de pro- pagation du son dans 1'air, donnee par M. Du- HAMEL. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 204-209. 39. Sur les pressions daus 1'air pendant la propagation du son. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 367-370. 40. Ueber die Anwendung des Satzes von der Aequivalenz der Verwandlungen auf die innere Arbeit. Zurich, Vierteljahrs. VII., 1862, pp. 48-95 ; Liouville, Journ. Math. VII., 1862, pp. 209-245; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1862, pp. 81- 97, 201-213; Poggend. Annal. CXVL, 1862, pp. 73-112. 41. Sur la condensation des vapeurs pen- dant la detente ou la compression. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 1115-1117. 42. Sur quelques equations qui derivent de la theorie mecanique de la chaleur. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 339-342. 43. Ueber einen Grundsatz der rnechan- ischeii Wiirnietheorie. Poggend. Annal. CXX., 1863, pp. 426-452 ; Cosmos, XXII., 1863, pp. 560-564. 44. Ueber die Molecularbewegungen in gasformigen Korpern. Wien, Sitz. Ber. XL VI. (Abth. 2), 1863, pp. 402-404. CLA] 947 [CLE Clausius, It. 45. Ueber den Unterschied zwis- chen activem und gewohnlichem SauerstofFe. Zurich, Vierteljahrs. VIII., 1863, pp. 345-367. Clauson, Th. Note sur 1'inflorescence de 1'Am- brosiana Bassii. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 54-55. 2. Observations sur la gaine et la verna- tion dans la famille des Graminees. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. VI., 1859, pp. 199-201, 482-485. Clauss, Carl. Die Galmei-Lagerstatten in der Muschelkalk-formation derllmgegend von Wies- loch im Grossherzogthum Baden. Mannheim, Jahresb. Ver. Naturk. XXVI., 1859, pp. 36-57. Claussen, . On the effect of Sulphate of Lime upon Vegetable Substances. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1853, (pt. 2), p. 38 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXL, 1854, pp. 155-156 ; Phyto- logist, IV., 1853, pp. 1105-1106. 2. On the preservation of the Potato Crops. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 54. 3. On the Hancornia speciosa, artificial Gutta Percha and India Rubber. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 103 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 130-131. 4. On the employment of Algse and other plants in the manufacture of Soaps. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), p. 103. 5. On Papyrus Bonapartea, and other plants which can furnish fibre for paper pulp. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1855 (pt. 2), pp. 104-105; Hooker, Journ. Botany, VIII., 1856, pp. 369- 371. Claussen, P. Notes geologiques sur la province de Minas Geraes au Brcsil. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. VIII., 1841, pp. 322-342. Claussnitz, Adam Aug* Bemerkungen iiber die narkotische Kraft der Coccinella septempunctata, Linn. Prag, Bohm. Gesell. Abhandl. I., 1804. Clavaud, Armand. Note sur les organes hypoges des Characees. Paris, Soc. Bot. Bull. X., 1863, pp. 137-148. Clavel, . De la part que prennent les mus- cles de Foeil aux phenomenes de la vision. Paris, Comptes Reiidus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 259-262. 2. Sur les fonctions des muscles obliques de 1'oeil. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIII., 1851, pp. 405-409. Clavelm, . Principes de la statique de 1'air et du feu. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIII., 1799, pp. 172-216 ; Gilbert, Annalen, VI., 1800, pp. 263-296. Clavering, Douglas Charles. Journal of a voy- age to Spitzbergen and the East Coast of Green- land, in H. M. S. Griper. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1830, pp. 1-30. Clay, J, T. Observations on the occurrence of boulders of granite and other crystalline rocks in the valley of the Calder, near Halifax. W. Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1839-42, pp. 201- 206. 2. Observations on the Yorkshire drift and gravel. W. Yorks. Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1839-42, pp. 338-351. Clay, Joseph. Observations on the figure of the Earth. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. V., 1802, pp. 312-319. 2. Demonstration of a geometrical theo- rem. [1804.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 201-202. Clayeux, . Sur les principes fondamentaux de la geometrie algebrique a co-ordonnees quel- conques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVL, 1863, pp. 788-793. Clayfield, W. An account of several veins of Sulphate of Strontites, found in the neighbour- hood of Bristol, with an analysis of the diffe- rent varieties. Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800, pp. 36-41. Clayton, Sir Richard. On the Cretins of the Vallais. [1787.] Manchester, Phil. Soc. Mem. III., 1790, pp. 261-273. Cleaveland, . On the motion of water- wheels. Silliman, Journ. X., 1826, p. 129. Cleaveland, Parker. Meteorological Observa- tions, made at Bowdoin College. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 119-121. 2. Account of fossil shells. [1808.] Bos- ton, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1809, pp. 155-158. 3. Observations of the eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 17, 1811, made at Bowdoin College, Bruns- wick. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. III., 1815, (pt. 2), pp. 247-248. 4. Description of several haloes and par- helia, observed at Brunswick, Maine. Boston, Mem. Amer. Acad. IV., 1818, pp. 120-128. Cleborne, Christopher James. Experiments to determine the effect on the system of the Ascle- pias Syriaca. Amer. Journ. Med. Sci. XLIL, 1861, pp. 46-50. Clebsch, A. Ueber die Bewegung eines Ellip- soides in einer tropfbaren Fliissigkeit. [1854.] Crelle, Journ. LIL, 1856, pp. 103-132; LIII., 1857, pp. 287-291. 2. Anwendung der elliptischen Funktionen auf ein Problem der Geometrie des Raumes. [1855.] Crelle, Journ. LIII., 1857, pp. 292- 308. 3. Ueber eine allgemeine Transformation der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen. Crelle, Journ. LIV., 1857, pp. 293-312. 4. Ueber die Reduction der zweiten Varia- tion auf ihre einfachste Form. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 254-273. 6 D 2 CLE] 948 [CLE Clebsch, A. 5. Uebcr Jiejenigen Probleme der Variationsreclmung welche nur eine anabhan- gige Variable enthalten. Crelle, Journ. LV., 1858, pp. 335-355. 6. Ueber die Integration der hydrodynami- schen Gleichungen. Crelle, Journ. LVL, 1859, pp. 1-10. 7. Ueber die zweite Variation vielfacher Integrate. Crelle, Journ. LVI., 1859, pp. 122- 148. 8. Ueber eine symbolische Darstellungs- weise algebraischer Formen, und iiber die davon zu machendo Anwendung auf Probleme der Eli- mination. Berlin, Monatsber. 1860, pp. 536- 540. 9. Zur Theorie der Tragheitsmomente und der Drehung um einen Punkt. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 73-77. 10. Ueber die Gleichgewichtsfigur eines biegsamen Fadens. Crelle, Journ. LVII., 1860, pp. 93-110. 11. Ueber das Gleichgewicht schwimmen- der Korper. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 149-169. 12. Theorie der circular polarisirenden Medien. Crelle, Journ. LVIL, 1860, pp. 319- 358. 13. Zur Theorie der algebraischen Flachen. Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 93-108. 14. Ueber eine Transformation der homo- genen Functionen dritter Ordnung mit vier Veranderlichen. Crelle, Journ. LVIII., 1861, pp. 109-126. 15. Ueber die Wendetangenten der Curven dritter Ordnung. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 229-239. 16. Ueber eine Classe von Elimiuations- Problemeu, und iiber einige Punkte der Theorie der Polaren. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LVIIL, 1861, pp. 273-291. 17. Ueber symbolische Darstellung alge- braischer Formen. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 1-62. 18. Ueber Curven vierter Ordnung. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 125- 145. 19. Ueber JACOJBI'S Methode die partiellen Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung zu in- tegriren und ihre Ausdehnung auf das Pfaffsche Problem. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 190- 192. 20. Ueber die Knotenpunkte der Hesse- schen Fliiche, insbesondere bei Oberflachen dritter Ordnung. Crelle, Journ. LIX., 1861, pp. 193-228. 21. Ueber das PfafTsche Problem. [I860.] Crelle, Journ. LX., 1862, pp. 193-251 ; LXL, 1863, pp. 146-179. Clebsch, A. 22. Ueber eine Eigenschaft der Kugelfunctionen. [1861.] Crelle, Jouru. LX,, 1862, pp. 343-350. 23. Bemerkung zu der vorstehenden Ab- handlung : [Das Potential eines homogenen rechtwinkligen Cylinders ; von Herrn. O. ROE- THIG.] [1861.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 187-194. 24. Ueber die Reflexion an einer Kugel- flache. [1861.] Crelle, Journ. LXL, 1863, pp. 195-262. 25. Ueber das Problem der Normalen bei Curven und Oberflachen der zweiten Ordnung. [1862.] Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 64- 109. 26. Ueber eine Classe von Gleichungen welche nur reelle Wurzeln besitzen. [1861.] Crelle, Journ. LXIL, 1863, pp. 232-245. 27. Sur la surface qui coupe la courbe d'intersection de deux surfaces algebriques don- nees dans les points de contact des plans oscula- teurs stationnaires. Liouville, Journ. Math. VIII., 1863, pp. 297-307. Cleft 9 . Sur les restes fossiles de deux especes nouvelles de Mastodonte et d'autres ani- maux vertebres trouves sur la rive gauche de 1'Irawadi. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIV., 1828, pp. 288-292. Clegg, Samuel. Description of a Rotative Steam Engine, the piston of which makes a com- plete revolution at a distance from the re- volving axis. Tffloch, Phil. Mag. XXXIV., 1809, pp. 401-405. 2. Description of an apparatus for making carburetted Hydrogen Gas from Pit-coal. Ni- cholson, Journ. XXIIL, ] 809, pp. 85-89 ; Til- loch, Phil. Mag. XXXIIL, 1809, pp. 217-220. 3. Further account of Mr. Samuel CLEGG'S improvements of the apparatus used in Gas Illumination. Quart. Journ. Sci. II., 1817, pp. 132-138. Cleghorn, Hugh F. C. On the Hedge Plants of India, and the conditions which adapt them for special purposes and particular localities. Ann. Nat. Hist. VI., 1850, pp. 233-250 ; Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt.2), p. 113; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. IV., 1853, pp. 83-100. 2. Report of the Committee appointed to consider the probable effects in an economical and physical point of view of the destruction of tropical forests. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851, pp. 78-102 ; Phytologist, IV., 1851, pp. 290- 292. 3. Remarks on Calysaccion longifolium, Wight. Pharmaccut. Journ. X., 1851, pp. 597- 598. 4. Note on the JEgle marmelos. Indian Annals, II., 1855, pp. 222-224. OLE] 949 [OLE Cleghorn, Hugh F. C. 5. Note on the sand- binding plants of the Madras beach. Hooker, Journ. Botany, VIII., 1856, pp. 52-54; India, Journ. Agric. Hort. Soc. IX., 1857, pp. 174- 177 ; Madras Journ. I., 1857, pp. 85-90. 6. Note on the varieties of " Chiretta " used in the hospitals of Southern India. Indian Annals, III., 1856, pp. 270-272. 7. On the Pauchontee, or Indian. Gutta Tree on the Western Coast, Madras Presidency. [1858.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VI., 1860, pp. 148-150. 8. Expedition to the higher ranges of the Anamalai Hills, Coimbatore, in -1858. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXII., 1861, pp. 579-588. 9. Notes upon the Coco-nut Tree and its uses. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XIV., 1861, pp. 173-183 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 155-165. 10. On the varieties of Mango Fruit (Mangifera Indica) in Southern India. [1861.] Edinb. Bot, Soc. Trans. VII., 1863, pp. 111-112. 11. Tea Culture in Southern India. [I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VII, 1863, pp. 30-32. 12. On the introduction of Cinchona Trees (Peruvian Bark) into Southern India. [I860.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. VIL, 1863, pp. 33-34. Cleghorn, James. History of an Ovarium, wherein were found teeth, hair, and bones. Irish Acad. Trans. I., 1787, pp. 73-89. Cleghorn, John. Observations on the Water of Wick. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXVIL, 1857, pp. 230-232. 2. On the Rock -Basins of Dartmoor. Geol. Soc. Journ. XIIL, 1857, pp. 231-233. 3. On the submerged Forests of Caithness. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 101-102. Cleland, John. On the skeleton, muscles, and viscera of Malapterurus Beninensis. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, pp. 381-396; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. VIII., 1858. pp. 177- 192. 2. On the spiral threads of the Helix aspersa. Edinb. Proc. Phys. Soc. I., 1854-58, pp. 433-435. 3. Some remarks on Vegetable Placenta- tion. Ann. Nat. Hist. XV., 1855, pp. 336-339 ; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 61-63. 4. On a peculiar ligament connecting the opposite ribs in certain Vertebrata. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV., 1858, pp. 101-102. 5. On the structure, actions, and morpho- logical relations of the Ligamentum conjugate costarum. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. IX., 1859, pp. 258-266. 6. On the Vomer in man and the mammalia, and on the sphenoidal spongy bones. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc. II., 1859-62, pp. 91-98 ; Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 242-249. Cleland, John. 7. On the serial homologies of the articular surfaces of the mammalian axis, atlas, and occipital bone. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc. II., 1859-62, pp. 221-226 ; Nat. Hist, Review, 1861, pp. 151-154. 8. Description of several fishes from Old Calabar. Edinb. Phys. Soc. Proc. II., 1859-62, pp. 359-361. 9. Notes of the dissection of a female Beaver. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1860, pp. 14-20 ; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. IV.. 1862, pp. 318-319. 10. On the relations of the Vomer, Ethmoid, and Intermaxillary Bones. [1861.] Roy. Soc. Proc. XL, 1860-62 ; Phil. Trans. 1862, pp. 289- 321. 11. On the anatomy of Orthagoriscus mola, the short Sunfish. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), p. 138 ; Nat. Hist. Review, 1862, pp. 170-185. 12. On a method of Craniometry, with observations on the varieties of Form of the Human Skull. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1861 (pt. 2), pp. 164-165. 13. On Ribs and Transverse Processes, with special relation to the theory of the Vertebrate Skeleton. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862 (pt. 2), pp. 105-106; Nat. Hist. Review, 1863. pp. 116- 132. Clemandot, G. Notice sur le raffinage du Camphre. Journ. de Pharm. III., 1817, pp. 353-365 ; Annal. de Chimie, VIII., 1818, pp. 75-80. 2. Considerations sur I'action qu'exercent les agens employes dans la defecation du jus de betteraves. Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1829, pp. 256-264 ; Erdm. Journ. Tech. Chem. V., 1829, pp. 223-230 ; VIII., 1830, pp. 27-47. 3. Ueber die thierische Kohle. ihre Fa- brikation, Anwendung und Wiederbelebung. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. LI., 1834, 'pp. 35- 57. Clemandot, G., et Fremy. Note sur la pro- duction de 1'Avanturiue artificielle. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 174-177; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXVII., 1846, pp. 456-458; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXII., p. 339. Clemencon, . Considerations abregees sur la geognosie du district des diamants du Bresil. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1836 ; Froriep, Noti- zen, IV., 1838, col. 305-308. 2. Note sur 1'extraction des diamants dans la Comarca do Cerro do Frio, province des Mines au Bresil. Lyon, Ann. Soc. Linn. 1836. Clemens, A. Ueber den Einfluss der Warme undKalte auf den menschlichen Korper. Frank- furt, Phys. Ver. Jahrb. 1831, pp. 66-90. OLE] 950 [CLE Clemens, Brackenridge. Synopsis of North American Sphingidte. Philadelphia, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. IV., 1858-60, pp. 97-189. 2. Contributions to American Lepidoptero- logy. Philadelphia, Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc. 1859, pp. 256-262, 317-328; 1860. pp. 4-15, 156-174, 203-221, 345-352, 522-547.' 3. Micro-Lepidopterous larvae ; notes on a few species, the imagos of which are probably undescribed. Philadelphia, Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 186 1-63, pp. 75-87. 4. New American Micro-Lepidoptera. Philadelphia, Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 131-137. 5. North American Micro-Lepidoptera. Philadelphia, Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 147-151. 6. Synopsis of families of Heterocera. Philadelphia, Entom. Soc. Proc. I., 1861-63, pp. 173-181. 7. American Micro-Lepidoptera. Phila- delphia, Entoro. Soc. Proc. II., 1863, pp. 4-14, 119-129. Clemens, F. W. Sur la preparation du Potas- sium. Journ. de Pharm. XII., 1847, pp. 224- 225 ; Bibl. Univ. Archives, V., 1847, pp. 58- 59. 2. L'etherisation des plantes. Lausanne, Bull. Soc. Vaud. II., 1846-48, pp. 289-295. 3. Maniere d'agir de Tether sur les ani- maux et les vegetaux. Schweizer. Gesell. VerhandL 1847, pp. 91-107. Clemens, James W. Notice of the Spoonbill Sturgeon, or Paddle Fish, of the Ohio (Polyodon feuille, Lacepede.} Silliman, Journ. XII., 1827, pp. 201-205. Clemens, Theodor. Ueber das Vorkommen von Samen im Harn, und uber unfreiwillige Samen- entleerungen im Allgemeinen. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. V., 1846, pp. 132-139. 2. Brunnenvergiftung durch Einwirkung schadlicher Gasarten auf atmospharisehes Was- ser. Dingier, Polytechn. Journ. CXI, 1849, pp. 192-196. 3. Ueber partiellen Nerventod durch trau- rnatische Momente hervorgebracht. Deutsche Klinik, II., 1850, pp. 552-553. 4. Zur Lehre von den Nervensympathien. Henle und Pfeufer, Zeitschr. X., 1850, pp. 31-40. 5. Physiologische Reflexionen und Unter- suchungen iiber Miasma und Contagium. Roser und Wunderlich, Archiv, XII., 1853, pp. 281- 308, 471-490 ; XIII., 1854, pp. 39-60. 6. Farbenblindheit wiihrend der Schwan- gerschaft, nebst einigen zeitgemassen Erorter- ungen iiber Farbenblindheit und deren Ursache im Allgemeinen. Roser und Wunderlich, Archiv, II., 1858, pp. 41-59. Clement, . Remarques sur 1'evaporation de 1'eau par 1'air chaud. Annal. de Chimie LXXIX., 1811, pp. 84-89. 2. Sur la quantite de matiere ligneuse dans les racines des plantes. Annal. de Chimie, I 1816, pp. 173-176 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLVIL, 1816, pp. 371-372 ; Tromrnsdorff, N.- Journ. d. Pharm. L, 1817, pp. 69-71. 3. Sur la fermentation alcoolique. Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 422-423. 4. Sur un procede pour decouvrir la magnesie. Annal. de Chimie, XX., 1822, p. 333. 5. Observations sur 1'eclairage par le gaz de 1'huile. Journ. de Phys. XC., 1820, pp. 150-159. 6. Compressibilite de 1'eau. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1823, pp. 28-29. 7. Sur la decouverte d'une pierre propre a la fabrication du ciment romain. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1823, pp. 104-106. 8. Note sur des lingots de cuivre obtenus par la voie humide. Annal. de Chimie, XXVII., 1824, pp. 440-442 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIV. (Jahrb. XIV.), 1825, pp. 86-88. Clement, , et Desormes. Sur la reduction de 1'oxide blanc de zinc par le charbon. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIX., 1801, pp. 26-64 ; Gilbert, Annal. IX., 1801, pp. 409-430. 2. Experiences sur le charbon. An- nal. de Chimie, XLII., 1802, pp. 121-152 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. L, 1802, pp. 181-184 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XIIL, 1802, pp. 67-73, 155-164. 3. Experiences sur 1'eau contenue dans les gaz, et sur quelques sels barytiques. Annal. de Chimie, XLIII., 1802, pp. 284-305 ; Gilbert, Annal. XIIL, 1803, pp. 241-265. 4. Precis d'experiences faites an Laboratoire du Cit. GUYTON, sur 1'oxide de carbone gazeux. Paris, Ecole Polytechn. Journ. IV. (cah. IP), 1802, pp. 322-326. 5. Notice sur la cristallisation du Lapis-lazuli (lazulite, Hauy). Journ. des Mines, XVIL, 1804, pp. 322-323. r 6. Memoire sur 1'outremer. Aunal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1806, pp. 317-326 ; Nicholson, Journ. XV., 1806, pp. 136-141 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XXV., 1806, pp. 359-364 ; Gehlen, Journ. L, 1806, pp. 214-221. 7. Sur 1'alun. Annal. de Chimie, LVIL, 1806, pp. 327-333. 8. Theorie de la fabrication de 1'acide sulfurique. Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1806, pp. 329-339; Journ. des Mines, XX., 1806, pp. 227-234 ; Nicholson, Journ. XVIL, 1807, pp. 41-46 ; Gehlen, Journ. IV., 1807, pp. 457-464; Gilbert, Annal. LVIIL, 1818, pp. 67-72. OLE] 951 [OLE Clement, et Desormes. 9. SUP le nou- veau precede de congelation de M. LESLIE. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVIII., 1811, pp. 183- 202 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIIL, 1813, pp. 378- 390; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 285-290. 10. Fabrication du blanc de plomb. Annal. de Chimie, LXXX., 1811, pp. 326-329. 11. Sur un evaporation a double effet. Journ. des Mines, XXX., 1811, pp. 151- 152 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLV., 1813, pp. 334-336. 12. Description d'un procede econo- mique pour 1'evaporation, imagine par feu Joseph MOXTGOLFIER. Annal. de Chimie, LXXVL, 1810, pp. 34-53 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVIL, 1811, pp. 117-130 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXVIII., 1811, pp. 373-379. 13. De 1'epuration des corps par la cristallisation. Annal. de Chimie, XCIL, 1814, pp. 248-253 ; Trornmsdorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. I., 1817 (St. 2), pp. 244-249; Brugnatelli, Giornale, VIII., 1815, pp. 56-59. 14. Determination experimental du zero absolu de la chaleur et du calorique specifique des gaz. Journ. de Phys. LXXXIX., 1819, pp. 428-455. 15. Memoire sur la theorie des machines a feu. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1819, pp. 115-118. Clement, Desormes, et Lehot. Experi- ences sur la resistance que le mouvement de 1'air eprouve dans les tuyaux d'un grande longueur. Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 36-40; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. II., 1811, pp. 295-298 ; Journ. des Mines, XXIX. 1811, pp. 301-307 ; Journ. de Phys. LXXIIL, 1811, pp. 36-40; Gilbert, Annal. XXXIX., 1811, pp. 142-149. Clement, , et L. de Freycinet. Memoire sur la distillation de 1'eau de mer. Annal. de Chimie, IV., 1817, pp. 225-240. Clement, . Recherches sur les modifications qu'eprouve le sang dans sa composition chimi- que, lorsque les homines ou les animaux, d'ail- leurs en sante, sont soumis momentanement a des souffrances vives et capables d'user rapide- ment 1'organisme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 59-60. 2. Recherches sur la composition du sang. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XXXL, 1850, pp. 289- 291. 3. Note pour servir aux recherches sur la respiration et la nutrition. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 543-546 ; XXXIV., 1852, pp. 977-978. Clement, Ch. Description geologique de la par- tie septentrionale de la province de Luxem- bourg. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. VIII., 1849-50, pp. 213-242. Clement, Ch. 2. Memoire sur les sources mine- rales de 1'Ardenne Beige. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. XIX.,1860-61, pp. 73-93. Clement, K. J. Die ringformige Bahn der Erdbeben. Petermann, Mittheil. 1857, pp. 139- 142. Clement-Desormes, Tableau relatif a la theorie generale de la puissance mecanique de la vapeur. Paris, Soc. Philom. N. Bull. 1826, pp. 50-53 ; Crelle, Journ. Bauk. VI., 1833, pp. 143-164. Clement-Mullet, J. J. Rapport de la commis- sion chargee de 1'examen des monumens de la ville d'Autun. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. VII., 1835-36, pp. 346-351. 2. Course geologique sur les rives de la Laigne, a partir des Riceys. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XV., 1836, pp. 69-79. 3. Sur les belemnites, les pierres de foudre et les aerolithes. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVIIL, 1839, pp. 231-255. [241-265]. 4. Rapports geologiques entre les terrains des environs de Boulogne-sur-Mer et ceux du departement del' Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XIX., 1840, p.p. 133-143. 5. Note geologique sur les environs de Villenauxe-la-Grande. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XXL, 1842, pp. 15-23. 6. Excursion geologique a Sommeval et au Valdreux. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XXL, 1842, pp. 23-28. 7. Rapport sur une notice de M. COTTET, sur les Eaux souterraines du departement de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. L, 1847-48, pp. 153-177. 8. Note sur un bruit extraordinaire entendu le 6 Juin 1850. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. II., 1849-50, pp. 543-548. 9. Sur une tete humaine trouvee a Nogent-les-Vierges. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. II., 1851-52, pp. 372-375. 1O. Note sur les phosphates calcaires et sur la probabilite de leurs gisements dans le departe- ment de 1'Aube. Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. VIIL, 1857, pp. 375-389. 11. Documents historiques et geologiques sur le lac d'Albano. Paris, Soc. Geol. Bull. XL, 1853-54, pp. 526-527. Clement-Mullet, J. ./., et Des tangs. Ob- servations geologiques faites a Montgueux et Laines-aux-Bois (Aube). Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. XVI., 1837, pp. 59-63. Clement-Mullet, J. J., et Leymerie. Note sur le gres vert de Montieramey (Aube). Aube, Mem. Soc. Agric. X., 1831, pp. 157-169. OLE] 952 [CLE dementi, Giuseppe. [Fccoudazioue artificiale della Vaniglia (V. planifolia, Andr.}~\ Atti Scienz. Ital. 1842, pp. 276-279. 2. [Sull' ascidio della Nepenthes phyllara- phora.] Atti Scienz. Ital. 1843, pp. 362-364; Pisa, Misceli. Med. Chir. 1843 (pte.2\ pp. 217- 220. 3. Della Vanillinaedell'olio essenziale della Vaniglia. Venezia, Atti, IV., 1845, pp. 329-341. 4. Anatomia della Vaniglia a foglie plane (Vanilla planifolia, Andrews). Venezia, Atti, V., 1846, pp. 376-408. 5. Sullijoduri diplatino. Nuovo Cimento, II., 1855, pp. 192-204. 6. Sertulum orientale, seu Recensio Planta- rum in Olympo Bithynico, in agro Byzantino et Hellenico, nonnullisque aliis orientis regioni- bus, annis 1849-50 collectarum. Torino, Mem. Accad. Sci. XVL, 1857, pp. 239-338. Clemm, A. Ueber Chinasaure. Liebig, Annal. CX., 1859, pp. 345-359. Clemm, Carl. Ueber Darstellung des Cyanka- liuras. Liebig, Annal. LXI., 1847, pp. 250- 252. 2. Ueber Darstellung des^ cyan sauren Kali's und HarnstofFs. Liebig, Annal. LXVI., 1848, pp. 382-384 ; Journ. de Pharm. XV., 1849, pp. 225-226. Clemm, G. Analyse des Nordsee-Wassers. Lie- big, Annal. XXXVIL, 1841, pp. 111-113. Clems on, Thomas G. Assay and analysis of an iron ore (fer titanne) from the environs of Baltimore. Silliman, Journ. XVII., 1830, pp. 42-43; Schweigger, Journ. LXIV. (= Jahrb. IV.), 1832, pp. 63-65. 2. Notice of piperin. Silliman, Journ. XVIII., 1830, pp. 352-356 ; Roy. Inst. Journ. I., 1831, pp. 395-396. 3. The Hartz. Its physical geography, &c. Silliman, Journ. XIX., 1831, pp. 105-130. 4. Notice of the method of manufacturing the smoking sulphuric acid, as practised at Nordhausen, Braunlage, and Tanne in Germany. Silliman, Journ. XX., 1831, pp. 347-350. 5. Description et analyse de la Seybertite, nouvelle espece minerale. Annal. des Mines, II., 1832, pp. 493-495. 6. Analysis of American spathic iron and bronzlte. Silliman, Journ. XXIV., 1833, pp. 170-171. 7. Analysis and observations on divers mineral substances. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIII., 1834, pp. 78-79. 8. Assay of an Iron Ore from Franklin county, New York. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIIL, 1834, pp. 79-80. 9. Analysis of two varieties of Hydraulic- Limestone from Virginia. Franklin Inst. Journ. XIII., 1834, p. 80. Clems on, Thomas G. 1O. Analysis of the Cop- per Ore of Hunterdon county, New Jersey. Pennsylv. G-eol. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, p. 167. 11. Examination and analysis of several Coals and Iron ores accompanying Mr. R. C. TAYLOR'S account of the Coal-field of Blossburg. Pennsylv. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1835. pp. 220- 223. 12. Analysis of the minerals accompanying Mr. E. MILLER'S donation. Penusylv. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 271-271. 13. Analysis of some of the Coal from the Richmond Mines. Pennsylv. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 295-297. 14. Notice of a geological examination of the country between Fredericksburg and Win- chester, in Virginia, including the Gold region. Pennsylv. Geolr Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 298- 313. 15. Notice of native Iron from Pen Yan, Yates county, New York. Pennsylv. Geol. Soc. Trans. I., 1835, pp. 358-359. Clems on, T. G., and Taylor. Notice of a vein of Bituminous Coal, recently explored in the vicinity of the Havana, in the island of Cuba. [1836.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1839, pp. 191-196 ; Phil. Mag. X., 1837, pp. 161-167. Clendinning, John. Facts and inferences rela- tive to the condition of the vital organs and viscera in general, as to their nutrition in cer- tain chronic diseases. [1837.] Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXL, 1838, pp. 33-68. 2. Report on the Motions and Sounds of the Heart. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1836, pp. 261- 274; 1840, pp. 163-208. 3. Observations on the medicinal properties of the Cannabis sativa of India. Med. Chir. Soc. Trans. XXVL, 1843, pp. 188-211. Clenison, , et Robiquet. Note sur le Cyanure rouge de Potassium et de Fer. Journ. de Pharm. XIV., 1828, pp. 356-358; Tromms- dorff, N. Journ. d. Pharm. XVII., 1828 (St. 2), pp. 155-164. Clercq, G. A. de. Recherches sur la valeur des coefficients numeriques propres a la tole qu'il convient d'introduire dans les formules de la flexion. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. XII., 1853-54, pp. 123-185. 2. Rapports sur la pisciculture. Brux- elles, Annal. Trav. Publ. XIIL, 1854-55, pp. 253-290. 3. Recherches sur la disposition la plus convenable des supports d'une piece a section constante, chargee uniformement. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. XIV., 1855-56, pp. 35-59. 4. Note sur les phenomenes de la flexion des poutres en treillis. Bruxelles, AnnaL Trav. Publ. XV., 1856-57, pp. 197-214; Zeuner, Der Civilingenieur, IV., 1858, pp. 102-105. CLE] [OLE Clercq, G. A. de. 5. Note sur le traite des pentes economiqucs de M. do FKEYCINET. Bruxelles, Annal. Trav. Publ. XX., 1861-62, pp. 265-302. Clercq, G. A. de, et Beaufort. Calculs relatifs a, la solution de quelques problemes de char- pente. Eruxelles, Annul. Trav. Publ. X., 1851- 52, pp. 403-439. Clere, J. F. Notice sur les gisemens de bois fossile, connu dans le commerce sous le nom de Terre d'Ombre, et qui s'exploite dans le departe- ment de la Roe'r. Orleans, Bull. Soc. Sci. VII., 1813, pp. 20-29. 2. Memoire sur la constitution geologique du bassin houiller d'Eschweiler, situe dans le pays de Juliers, et sur celle des terrains qui le renferment et 1'environnent. Journ. des Mines, XXXVI., 1814, pp. 81-152. 3. Notice geologique sur 1'espece et la nature du terrain des environs de Maastricht. Journ. des Mines, XXXVL, 1814, pp. 241-252. 4. Observations sur la masse de fer niete- oi'ique citee dans le N. 186 du Journal des Mines. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 501- 503. 5. Notice sur une disposition particuliere de la glace. Annal. des Mines, VII., 1822, pp. 15-20. 6. Notice geologique sur la formation ar- doisierc du departement des Ardennes. Annal. des Mines, VIII., 1830, pp. 423-439. 7. Notice sur uue roche dite " Roche brulee," situee a, Fumay, departement des Ar- dennes. Lille, Mem. Soc. Sci. 1834, pp. 420- 422. Clere, J. F., et Tournelle. Proces-verbal des essais faits sur les minerals de fer provenant des fosses a charbon de terre d'Anzin et Fresnes. Annal. des Mines, IV., 1819, pp. 345-352. Clerget, T. Sur 1'analyse des sucres au moyen de la polarisation de la lumiere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XVI, 1843, pp. 1000-1001. 2. Memoire sur 1'analyse des sucres et des substances sacchariferes, au moyen des pro- prietes optiques de leurs dissolutions. Paris, Bull. Soc. Encour. XLV., 1846, pp. 549-558 ; Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 257- 260. 3. Nouvelle note relative au moyen de simplifier 1'analyse des sucres et liqueurs sucrees, par Faction de ces substances sur la lumiere polarisee. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 1138-1139. 4. Note en reponse a des observations de M. DUBRUNFAUT sur 1'analyse optique des sucres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 100- 101. 5. Analyse des sucres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIIL, 1846, pp. 256-260. Clerget, T. 6. Precede devaluation du rende- ment des sucres bruts et substances sacchari- feres. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIII., 1846, pp. 513-515. 7. Analyse des substances sacchariferes au moyen des proprietes optiques de leurs dissolu- tions, et 1'evaluation de leur rendement indus- triel. Annal. de Chimie, XXVI., 1849, pp. 175- 207. 8. [Remarques a 1'occasion d'une note de M. DUBRUNFAUT concernant les precedes saccha- rimetriques.] Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXII,, 1851, pp. 305-306 ; XXXIIL, 1851, pp. 32-33. 9. Remarques a 1'occasion d'un Rapport sur un Memoire de M. PELIGOT concernant les precedes saccharimetriques. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 502-503, 546-547, 590, 622-623. 10. Sur 1'alcool d'asphodele. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 907-909 ; Journ. de Pharm. XXVII, 1855, pp. 193-194. Clerk, Claude. Notes in Persia, Khorassan, and Afghanistan. Geogr. Soc. Journ. XXXI, 1861, pp. 37-65. Clerk, H. On the change of form assumed by wrought iron and other metals when heated and then cooled by partial immersion in water. Roy. Soc. Proc. XII, 1862-63, pp. 453-472. Clerk, Henry. Meteorological Observations made on board H.M. (hired) Bark "Pagoda" from January 10 to June 20, 1845, between 20 and 68 South Latitude, and 120 East Longitude. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. 1846, pp. 433-440. Clermont (Lord). On the capture of Cygnus olor in Dundalk Bay. Nat. Hist. Rev. (Proc.} V., 1858, pp. 90-91. Clermont, Philippe de. Note sur la preparation de quelques ethers. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 338-341 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIII, 1854, pp. 72-75. 2. Memoire sur les ethers phosphoriques. Annal. de Chimie, XLIV., 1855, pp. 330-336. Clery, . Memoire sur 1'etat actuel du com- merce du charbon de terre dans le departement de la Seine-Inferieure, et des ameliorations qu'il reclame. Rouen, Acad. Trav. 1852-53, pp. 257-277. 2. Recherches de la houille dans le de- partement de la Seine-Inf^rieure. Coupe du puits artesien fait a Sotteville. Rouen, Acad. Trav. 1852-53, pp. 209-216. Clesius, J. J. Ver intestinal observe pour la premiere fois, expulse par 1'anus chez une femme encore vivante. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat. XI 1827, p. 170. 6 E OLE] 951 [CLI Cless, Bemerkungen liber die Sensibili- verschiedener Organe des men- srhlirlifii Korpers, und vorziiglich iiber das Sensibilitatsverhiiltniss des Magens. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv. V., 1819, pp. 67-86. Cless, G. Die Geburts- und Sterbliehkeitsver- hiiltnisse Stuttgarts im Jahre 1847. Wiirttemb. Jahresheft, IV., 1849, pp. 120-141. Clesse, . De 1'influence de la Lune sur les mouvements de I'atmosphere terrestre. France, Congres Scientifique, XVII., 18,50, pp. 413-440. Cleuet, . Description d'un flotteur alimen- taire automoteur. Annal. des Mines, II., 1862, pp. 415-426. Cleve, Pehr Tkeodor. Om nagra ammoniaka- liska Chromforeningar. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XVHL, 1861, pp. 163-178. 2. Analys af Cerin fran Bastmis. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XIX., 1862, pp. 425-428. 3. Bidrag till kannedom om Qvicksilfver- cyanidens foreningar med Rhodanmetaller. Up- sala, Arsskrift, 1862 (Math.}. . 4. Mineral - analytiska undersokningar. Upsala, Arsskrift, 1862 (Math.). 5. Om nagra nya fb'reningnr mellan Qvick- silfverrhodanid och Rhodan-metaller. Stock holm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 9-13. 6. Om nagra Rhodanguldforeningar. Stockholm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 233-245. 7. lakttagelser ofver den hvilande Oedo- gonium-sporens utveckling. Stockholm, Ofver- sigt, XX., 1863, pp. 247-250. 8. Bidrag till kannedomen om Sveriges sotvattensalger af familjen Desmidieae. Stock- holm, Ofversigt, XX., 1863, pp. 481-497. Clibborn, Edward. On the Ley den jar. Irish Acad. Proc. II., 1844, pp. 34-36. 2. On the partial combustion of fluid iron, described by MANDELSLO in 1639 ; and of solid iron, now publicly practised in Dublin by means of a cold blast of common air. [1862.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 164-171. 3. On the sparks produced by the iron in- duction coil used by the Rev. Dr. CALLAN of Maynooth. [1863.] Irish Acad. Proc. VIII., 1864, pp. 334-339. Cliet, Henri. Histoire d'une grossesse extra- uterine, join te a une grossesse naturelle suivie de quelques reflexions. Journ. de Med. III., 1818. pp. 287-301 ; Brera, Nuovi Comment. IV., 1819, pp. 44-46. Clifford, J. D., et E-afinesque. Prodrome d'une monographic des Turbinolites fossiles du Kentucky (dans 1'Amerique septentrionale). Annal. de Sci. Phys. V., 1820, pp. 231-235. Clifford, W. K. Analogues of PASCAL'S theorem. Quart. Journ. Math. VI., 1863, pp. 216-222. 2. On Jacobians and polar opposites. Messenger of Mathem. II., 1864, pp. 229-239. Clift, William. Experiments to ascertain the influence of the Spinal Marrow on the action of the Heart in fishes. Phil. Trans. 1815, pp. 91- 96. 2. A description of the fossil bones found in the caverns of Oreston. Phil. Trans. 1823, pp. 81-90. 3. On the Fossil Remains of the two new species of Mastodon and of other Vertebrated Animals found on the left bank of the Irawadi. [1828.] Geol. Soc. Trans. II., 1829, pp. 369- 376 ; Geol. Soc. Proc. I., 1834, pp. 69-71. 4. Some account of the remains of the Megatherium sent to England from Buenos Ayres by Woodbine PARISH. Geol. Soc. Trans. III.. 1835, pp. 437-450. Clifton, R. B. On the conical refraction of a straight line. Quart. Journ. Math. III., I860, pp. 360-363. Clifton, R. B., and Roscoe. On the effect of increased temperature upon the nature of the light emitted by the vapour of certain Metals or Metallic compounds. Manchester, Phil. Soc. Proc. II., 1860-62, pp. 227-230 ; Chemical News, V., 1862, pp. 233-234. Clifton, Waller. Contributions to a history of the relation between Climate and Vegetation in various parts : of the Globe. Climate of Australind, Western Australia. Hortic. Soc. Journ. IV., 1849, pp. 203-205. Clinton, De Witt. Note sur 1'ours gris d'Ame- rique. (Transl.) Journ. de Phys. LXXXL, 1815, pp. 416-419. 2. Some remarks on the Fishes of the Western Waters of the State of New York. New York, Trans. Lit. Phil. Soc. I., 1815, pp. 493-501. 3. Bemerkungen iiber die Wandertaube (Columba migratoria). (Transl.) Froriep, Notizen, V., 1823, pp. 263-264. 4. Description of a new species of Fish, from the Hudson River. New York, Ann. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 49-50. 5. On the Hirundo fulva, Viellot, with some general remarks on the birds of this genus. New York, Ann. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 156-163. 6. On certain phenomena of the Great Lakes of America. Edinb. Journ. Sci. VII., 1827, pp. 290-298 ; Froriep, Notizen, XIX., 1828, col. 196-202. Clinton, George W. Notice of the Graphite of Ticonderoga. [1827.] Albany List. Trans. I., 1830, pp. 233-235. Clissold, . Nachricht von einer neuen Besteigung des Mont-Blanc. Froriep, Notizen, III., 1823, col. 241-244. Clivio, Adolph. Calomelano e cloruro alcalini loro azione reciproca. Cattaneo, Bibl. di Farm. XX., 1843, pp. 330-333. CLO] 955 [CLO Cloetta, A. Ueber die Nerven des Herzens. Wlirzburg, Verhandl. III., 1852, pp. 64-66. 2. Hypertrophie der Herznerven bei Hyper- trophie der Herzsubstanz. Virchow, Archiv, V.. 1853, pp. 274-275. 3. Ueber einen neuen Extraktivstoff im Lungengewebe. Zurich, Mittheil. III., 1853- 55, pp. 402-404. 4. Harnsiiure im Lungengewebe. Vir- chow, Archiv, VII., 1854, pp. 168-169. 5. Ueber das Vorkommen von Inosit, Harnsiiure, Taurin und Leucin im Lungenge- vvebe. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVL, 1855, pp. 211-219 ; Annal. de Chimie, XL VI., 1856, pp. 369-372; Journ. de Pharm. XXIX., 1856, pp. 359-360 ; Brown-Sequard, Journ. de Physiol. I., 1858, pp. 801-802 ; Liebig, Annal. XCIX.. 1856, pp. 289-305 ; Zurich, Mittheil. IV., 1856, pp. 174-183 ; Zurich, Vierteljahrschr. I., 1856, pp. 205-222. Cloez, S. Sur Tether chloroformique de 1'alcool et sur les produits qui en derivent. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXL. 1845, pp. 69-72 ; Annal. de Chimie, XVII., 1846, pp. 297-316 ; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 298-300. 2. Action du chlore sur Tether acetique de* Talcool et sur Tacetate de methylene. Paris, Comptes Eendus, XXL, 1845, pp. 873-876 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX VII., 1846, pp. 343-347; Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 15-19. 3. Nouveaux faits pour servir a Thistoire do la Chloracetamide. Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 340-342 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXX VII., 1846, p. 313. 4. Action du chlore sur Tether acetique de Talcool et Tesprit de bois. Journ. de Pharm. IX., 1846, pp. 312-314. 5. Sur Tacide phosphovinique sulfure. Journ. de Pharm. XIL, 1847, pp. 77-78. 6. Recherches sur Tacide sulfoxiphospho- vinique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXIV., 1847, pp. 388-389. 7. Note sur le chlorosulfure d'antimoine. Annal. de Chimie, XXX., 1850, pp. 374-375 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LI., 1850, pp. 459- 461. 8. Note sur un nouvel acide extrait des eaux meres du fulminate de Mercure. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 364-366; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LV., 1852, pp. 483- 485. 9. [Lettre a M. CHEVREUL concernant les experiences de M. VILLE sur la question de Tassimilation de Tazote de 1'air par les vege- taux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 775-777. Cloez, .S'. 1O. Recherches experinientales sur la nitrification et sur la source de Tazote dans les plantes. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 935-938 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXVIIL, 1856, pp. 138-140; L'Institut, XXIIL, 1855, pp. 417-418. 11. Observations et experiences sur Tem- ploi de Tiodure de potassium comme reactif de Tozone. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIIL, 1856, pp. 38-41, 762-763 ; Annal. de Chimie, L., 1857, pp. 80-96. 12. Nouvelles series de bases artificielles oxygenees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIV., 1857, pp. 482-485 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXL, 1857, pp. 172-175 ; Liebig, Annal. CIL, 1857, pp. 354-356. 13. L'iode est-il present a Tetat libre dans 1'air atmospherique ? L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 192-193. 14. Nouveaux modes de production de Tether carbamique ou urethane. L'Institut, XXV., 1857, pp. 207-208 ; Liebig, Annal. CIV., 1857, pp. 323-324. 15. Nouveau mode du traitement du speiss et du kupfernickel. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 41-43. 16. Observations sur la composition de la formenamine, de Tacetenamine, et de plusieurs autres bases analogues. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLVL, 1858, pp. 344-348 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 84-88. 17. Faits relatifs aux divers etats du soufre separe de ses combinaisons. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XLVL, 1858, pp. 485-489 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXIV., 1858, pp. 205-209; Nuovo Cimento, VII., 1858, pp. 166- 172. 18. Nouveaux faits relatifs aux divers etats du soufre et a la combinaison directe de cet element avec Thydrogene naissant. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 819-821 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXVIIL, 1859, pp. 241-244. 19. Produits de Taction du brome et du chlore sur Tesprit-de-bois. Paris, Comptes Reudus, XL VIII. , 1859, pp. 642-644 ; Liebig, Annal. CXL, 1859, pp. 178-182. 20. Sur la composition chimique des valves de la Lingule. L'Institut, XXVIL, 1859, pp. 240-241. 21. Nouvelles observations sur les bases organiques derivees de la liqueur des Hol- landais. L'Institut, XXVIL, 1859, pp. 233-234. 22. Memoire sur la culture dune nouvelle plante oleagineuse dans les terrains incultes des bords de la mer. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 573-579 ; Annal. de Chimie, LIX., 1860, pp. 129-160. 6 E 2 CLO] 956 [CLO Cloez, S. 23. Note sur In, presence de 1'acide nitrique libre et des composes nitreux oxygenes dans 1'air atmospherique. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 527-529 ; Chemical News, IV., 1861, pp. 285^286 ; L'Institut, XXIX., 1861, pp. 106-107. 24. Produits de 1'action du chlore et du bi'ome sur 1'acide citrique, les citrates alcalins, l'esprit-de-bois et Tether acetomethylique. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LIII., 1861, pp. 1120-1123; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXXV., 1862, pp. 386-389; Liebig, Annal. CXXIL, 1862, pp. 119-122. 25. Note sur 1'acclimatation et la culture de la Glaucie rouge annuelle, comme plante oleifere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 364-366. 26. Observations sur la nature des gaz produits par les plantes submergees, sous 1'in- fluence de la lurniere. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 354-357. 27. Remarques sur la decomposition du gaz acide carbonique par les f'euilles diverse- ment colorees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 834-837 ; Annal. Sci. Nat. XX., 1863 (Bot.\ pp. 180-187. 28. Experiences sur la production de 1'oxyde de carbone par Faction de 1'oxygene sur le pyrogallate de potasse. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LVIL, 1863, pp. 875-877. 29. Nouveau mode de combustion de? sub- stances organ iques. Annal. de Chimie, LXVIIL, 1863, pp. 394-409. Cloez, S., et Bouquet. Sur un nouveau genre de sels obtenus par 1'action de 1'hydrogene sulfure sur les arseniates. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XIX., 1844, pp. 1100-1105; Annal. de Chimie, XIIL, 1845, pp. 44-59 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXV., 1845, pp. 1-12; Journ. de Pharm. VIL, 1845, pp. 23-28. Cloez, #., et Cahours. Recherches relatives a 1'action du chlorure de cyanogene sur les bases ammoniacales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXVIIL, 1854, pp. 354-358; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 44-49 ; Liebig, Annal. XC., 1854, pp. 91-97. Cloez, S., et Cannizzaro. Recherches sur les amides cyaniques. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 62-64; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 282-284 ; Liebig, AnnaL LXXVIIL, 1851, pp. 228-231. Cloez, S.. et Fremy. Note sur la composition chimique du Pollen. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 161-167; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 329-335. 2. Note sur les matieres colorantes des fleurs. Journ. de Pharm. XXV., 1854, pp. 249-255 ; Erdin. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXIL, 1854, pp. 269-275. Cloez, S., et Girard. Note sur la presence du chlore et du soufre dans le caoutchouc naturel ou manufacture. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 874-876; L'Institut, XXVIIL, I860, pp. 157-158. Cloez, S., et Gratiolet. Recherches experimen- tales sur la vegetation des plantes submergees. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 41-68; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1851, pp. 38-44; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LIL, 1851, pp. 275-277 ; LIIL, 1851, pp. 181-203 ; Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXL, 1850, p. 626. 2. Note sur les proprietes vene- neuses de 1'humeur lactescente que secretent les pustules cutanees de la Salamandre terrestre et du Crapaud commun. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XXXIL, 1851, pp. 592-595. 3. Nouvelles observations sur le venin contenu dans les pustules cutanees des Batraciens. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIV., 1852, pp. 729-731 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LVL, 1852, pp. 468-470; Journ. de Pharm. XXIL, 1852, pp. 37-40. Cloez, S., et Em. Guignet. De 1'emploi du permanganate de potasse comme agent d'oxyda- tion, pour le dosage du soufre, de la poudre, et en general des composes sulfures. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL VI., 1858, pp. 1110-1113 ; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. LXXV., 1858, pp. 175-177. 2. Transformation de 1'azote des matieres azotees en nitrate de potasse. Paris, Comptes Rendus. XLVIL, 1858, pp. 7 10-7 12; Liebig, Annal. CVIIL, 1858, pp. 378-380. 3. Nouvel acide obtenu par 1'oxyda- tion de la nitro-benzine. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, LIL, 1861, pp. 104-106 ; L'Institut, XXIX., 1861, pp. 28-29 ; Paris, Soc. Chim. Bull. 1861, pp. 3-5. Cloez, S., et A. Vulpian. Note sur 1'existence des acides hippurique et choleique dans les capsules surrenales des animaux herbivores. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLV., 1857, pp. 340- 343. 2. Note sur la coloration rouge qui se manifeste parfois sur les bords de 1'ocean n, la surface des terres basses envahies par la mer lors des hautes marees. [1861.] Paris, Soc. Biol. Mem. III., 1862 (Compt. Rend.}, pp. 210-213. Cloquet, Hippolyte. Memoire sur les ganglions nerveux des fosses nasales, sur leurs communi- cations et sur leurs usages. Journ. de Med. II., 1818, pp. 211-226. 2. Note additionnelle aux observations sur les effets de 1'attouchement de ceitaines che- nilles. Journ. de Med. IX., 1820, pp. 55-58. 3. Note sur une reptile de 1'ordre des Ophidiens. Journ. de Med. XL, 1821, pp. 353- 356. CLOJ 957 [CLO Cloquet, Hippolyte, 4. Note sur une nouvelle espece d'entozoaire (Ophiostoma Ponterii). Journ. de Med. XIII., 1822, pp. 97-99 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 16, 32. 5. Sur la conformation exterieure et sur 1'organisation interieure des ascarides lombri- coides. Journ. de Med. XV., 1822, pp. 346-364. 6. Note sur les effets physiologiques de la rarefaction de 1'air a de grandes hauteurs. Paris, Soc. Philom. Bull. 1822, pp. 120-122 ; Froriep, Notizen, III., 1823, col. 273-277. Cloquet, Jules. Dissertation sur les odeurs, sur le sens et les organes de 1'olfaction. Journ. de Pharm. I., 1815, pp. 279-284. 2. Memoire sur la membrane pupillaire, et sur la formation du petit cercle arteriel de 1'iris. Journ. de Med. II, 1818, pp. 301-319. 3. Memoire sur le muscle cremaster. Journ. de Med. II., 1818, pp. 98-107. 4. Ueber Extrauterinalschwangerschaft. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 391- 392. 5. Sur 1'existence et la disposition des voies lacrymales dans les serpens. Paris, Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. VII., 1821, pp. 62-84. Cloquet, Jules. Memoires sur les concretions intestinales. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 224-228. 2. Memoire sur une methode particuliere d'appiiquer la cauterisation a la reunion de eertaines divisions anomales, et specialement a celles du voile du palais. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XL., 1855, pp. 463-467. 3. Observation sur une affection calculeuse d'un jeune yak (taureau de la Chine). Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 184-189. 4. Rapport sur un Memoire intitule : " Re- cherches sur le developpement des dents et des machoires," par M. Natalis GUILLOT. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIL, 1858, pp. 895-903. 5. Sur un cas de concretion intestinale (enterolithe) trouvee dans le cadavre d'un cheval. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 76-77. 6. Note sur des calculs urinaires trouves dans la vessie d'un pore. Paris, Comptes Ren- dus, XLVIII., 1859, pp. 357-358. 7. Observations sur deux cas de calculs urinaires vesicaux. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLIX., 1859, pp. 693-696. 8. Observation sur 1'existence d'un calcul salivaire chez un enfant nouveau-ne. Paris, Comptes Rendus, L., 1860, pp. 893-894. Cloquet, Jules, et Moqum-Tandon. Obser- vations sur les perles de bivalves d'eau douce. Paris, Acclim. Soc. Bull. V., 1858, pp. 452-461. Clos, , Uuempfindlichkeit fiir Electricitat. Gilbert, Annal. XIV., 1803, pp. 423-424. Clos, D. Observations sur quelques genres de la famille des Verbenacees. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Bot.), 1848, pp. 378-381. 2. Sur deux genres, Calceolaria et Jovellana, Ruiz et Pavon. Ann. Sci. Nat. X. (Sot.), 1848, pp. 381-383. 3. Du collet dans les plantes et de la nature de quelques Tubercules. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIIL (Bot.), 1850, pp. 5-20. 4. Sur un cas de chloranthie observe chez le Raphanus sativus. Montpellier, Acad. Proc. Verb. 1850-51, pp. 35-37. . 5. Monstruosite de fleur de Papaver orien- tale. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1850, pp. 6-8. 6. De la signification, des caracteres, et des limites du collet dans les plantes, et de la nature de quelques tubercules. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1850, pp. 18-21. 7. Note sur la place que doit occuper le genre Begonia ou la famille de Begoniacees dans la methode naturelle. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1850, pp. 34-37. 8. Sur deux cas de teratologie vegetale. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1850, pp. 75- 77. 9. Recherches sur 1'involucre des Synan- therees. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Sot.), 1851, pp. 40-47. 10. Sur la nature du collet dans les plantes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 41-44. 11. Sur les deux modes de dedoublement observes chez les petites etamines des Cruciferes. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 59- 61. 12. Recherches sur la nature des bractees dans les Synantherees. Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1851, pp. 77-79. 13. tude organographique de la ficaire. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVII. (Sot.), 1852, pp. 128- 142 ; Paris, Soc. Philom. Proc. Verb. 1852, pp. 46-48. 14. Deuxieme memoire sur la Rhizotaxie. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Sot.), 1852, pp. 321-355. 15. De la necessite de faire disparaitre de la nomenclature botanique les mots Torus et Nectaire. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. (Bot.), 1854, pp. 23-28. 16. Monographic de la famille des Flacour- tianees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XXXIX., 1854, pp. 465-468 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. (Bot.), 1855, pp. 362-387. 17. De la necessite de distinguer deux sortes d'ovaires. les ovaires pleins et les ovaires creux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. L, 1854, pp. 213- 214. 18. Considerations sur la nature du pre- tendu calicule ou involucre des Malvacees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. L, 1854, pp. 298-303. CLO] 958 [CLO Clos, D. 19. Dissertation sur 1'influence qu'exerce dans k'S ])lantes la difference des sexes sur le reste de Porganisation, suivie de 1'examen de deux sortes de declinismes. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV., 1854, pp. 300-333. 20. Du stipulium chez les Geraniacees, les Cistees, les Legumineuses et les Rosacees. Paris. Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 4-6. 21. L'ombelle, inflorescence definie et in- definie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, IL, 1855, pp. 74-78. 22. Observations sur les fruit des Labiees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IL, 1855, pp. 169-172. 23. Generalite du phenomene de partition dans les plantes. Explication de 1'absence de brae tees chez les Cruci feres et autres vegetaux. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 499-503. 24. Examen de la pretendue prolification du Tetragonia expansa. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 672-674. 25. Remarques sur la prefloraison. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 724-726. 26. Sur les vrilles de Cucurbitacees. Paris, Comptes Rendus, XLL, 1855, pp. 839-840. 27. Documents pour 1'histoire de la Botani- que. Notice sur les ecrits de Franois BATLE. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. V., 1855, pp. 321-337. 28. Discussion d'un principe d'organogra- phie vegetale concernant les bourgeons. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 4-10. 29. Mode de propagation particulier au Potamogeton crispus, L. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IIL, 1856, pp. 350-352. 30. La vrille des Cucurbitacees, organe de dedoublemeut de la feuille. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 545-548. 31. Dedoublement et partition. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 608-612. 32. Le Buplevrum oppositifolium, Lap., simple anomalie du Buplevrum falcatum, L. Paris, Bull Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 642-644. 33. Importance de la gaine de la feuille dans Interpretation des bractees, des sepales, et des ecailles des bourgeons. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. III., 1856, pp. 679-684. 34. De la signification des epines et des receptacles des fleurs femelles chez les Xan- thium. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VI., 1856, pp. 66-75. 35. Revision des genres et des especes appartenant a la famille des Flacourtianees. Ann. Sci. Nat. VIII. (Bot.}, 1857, pp. 209-274. 36. Des graines de PAtriplex hortensis et de leur germination. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, IV., 1857, pp. 441-444. 37. Discussion de quelques points de gloss- ologie botanique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 738-744. Clos, D. 38. Simple objection a Li theorie de Di: PETIT-THOUARS sur 1'accroissement, et a, celles des phytons et des decurrences. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. LV\>&57, pp. 785-787. 39. Lenticelles et rhizogenes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, IV., 1857, pp. 907-909. 4O. De la colonne ou columelle des Gera- niaeees. des Malvacees, et des Euphorbes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 926-931. 41. Les vrilles des Smilax ni folioles ni stipules. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IV., 1857, pp. 984-987. 42. Remarques a 1'occasion d'une com- munication de M. le colonel SERRES, concernant quelques plantes de PHerbier de LA PEYROUSE. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot, IV., 1857, pp. 1017- 1020. 43." Revision comparative de 1'herbier et de sous-sepales. pp. 320-323. 46. De 1'histoire abn'gee des Pyrenees de LA PEYROUSE. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. L, 1857, pp. 221-307. 44. Des hemicarpelles des Borraginees et des Labiees. L'Institut, XXVL, 1858, p. 4. 45. Des fleurs reellement sessiles et des Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, la ramification des Eleagnees. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V., 1858, pp. 739-741. 47. Sur une particularite du tissu cellu- laire des petales. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. V.. 1858, pp. 741-742. 48. Du " Tractatus dePlantis " de Francois BATLE. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IL, 1858, pp. 159-165. 49. POURRET et son histoire des Cistes. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IL, 1858, pp. 244-265. SO. Ceratomanie d'Orchis. Bibl. Univ. Archives, VI., 1859, pp. 95-96. 51. Discussion de quelques points de gloss - ologie botanique. Paris. Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pi>. 187-193, 211-214; VIIL, 1861, pp. 615-619. 52. Sepales stipulaires. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VL, 1859, pp. 580-589. 53. Fascicule d'observations de teratologie vegetale. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. III., 1859, pp. 99-113. 54. Du coussinet et des noeuds vitaux dans les plantes, specialement dans les Cactees. Tou- louse, Mem. Acad. IV.. 1860, pp. 324-338. 55. Des pretendues bractees avortees des Cruciferes. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. IV V 1860, pp. 418-420. 56. Coup-d'ceil sur la vegetation de la partie septentrionale du departement de 1'Aude. France, Congres Scientifique, XX VIIL, 1861, pp. 565-568. 57. Nouvel apercu sur la theorie de Pin- florescence. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1861 pp. 11-18,36-41. CLO] 959 [CLO Clos, D. 58. Des caracteres pistillaires du genre Ruscus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 280-286. 59. Remarques sur la germination du Coco- tier et sur la Clandestine. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VIII., 1861, pp. 294-296. 6O. Cladodes et axes ailes. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. V., 1861, pp. 71-101. 61. Revision d'une des sections du genre Sideritis. Ann. Sci. Nat. XVI. (Bot.\ 1862, pp. 78-82. 62. Examen critique de quelques carac- teres d'especes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1 862, pp. 6-8. 63. Discussion de quelques points de gloss- ologie botanique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 355-360. 64. Distinction de 1'Agaric-protee et de l'Agaric-de-couche, d'apres des recherches de feu le docteur J. A. CLOS. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 440-444. 65. Discussion de quelques points de gloss- ologie botanique. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. IX., 1862, pp. 652-666. 66. Deuxieme fascicule d'observations tera- tologiques. Toulouse, Mem. Acad. VI., 1862, pp. 51-70. 67. Quelques recherches de synonymie. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 99-105. 68. Revue critique de la duree des plantes dans ses rapports avec la phytographie. Tou- louse, Mem. Acad. I., 1863, pp. 114-169. Clos, J, A. Observations sur les v.ents, faites vers la Montagne Noire en Languedoc. Journ. de Phys. LIV., 1802, pp. 259-267. Clos, Jean Ant. Du prcnostic en meteorologie, et theoremes de pronostic meteorologique dans le Pays Toulousain. France, Congres Scientifique, XIX., 1852 (pte.2\ pp. 11-21; France, Annal. Meteor. 1852, pp. 141-190. 2. De 1'influence de la lune sur la men- struation. Bruxelles, Acad. Sci. Bull. IV., 1858, pp. 108-160. Close, George C. On the comparative advan- tages of the leaves and seeds of Conium macula- turn. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. 1863, pp. 200-204. Close, Maxwell. On some striated surfaces in the granite near Dublin. [1863.] Dublin, Geol. Soc. Journ. X., 1864, pp. 96-103. Close, William. Description of an Engine for raising water by the lateral motion of a stream of water through a conical tube. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 293-298, 493-495. 2. New application of the Syphon to raise water above the surface of the reservoir. Nicholson, Journ. IV., 1801, pp. 547-550 ; V., 1802, pp. 22-23. Close, William. 3. Construction of an hydraulic apparatus, which by means of the Syphon raises water above its level, and performs its alter- nations without attendance. Nicholson, Journ. I, 1802, pp. 27-32. 4. Composition of Writing Ink, possessing the permanent colour, and other essential pro- perties, of the ink used for printing. Nicholson, Journ. IT., 1802, pp. 145-150. 5. Description and effects of an Apparatus for raising Water by means of air condensed in its descent through an inverted Syphon. Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 16-28. Clot-Bey, . Apercu sur le Ver Dragonneau observe en Egypte. Broussais, Annal. XXII., 1832, pp. 126-150. 2. Note sur 1'autopsie de la Giraffe. St. Petersb. Acad. Sci. Bull. VI., 1840, pp. 94-95. Clot-Bey, , et Destouches. De la mede- cine et de la pharmacie en Egypte. Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 684-688. Cloud, Joseph. An account of experiments made on Palladium, found combined with pure Gold. Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. VI., 1809, pp. 407-410; Annal. de Chimie, LXXIV., 1810, pp. 99-105 ; Gilbert, Annal. XXXVI., 1810, pp. 310-313 ; Schweigger, Journ. I., 1811, pp. 362-373 ; Nicholson, Journ. XXX., 1812, pp. 137-140. 2. An account of some experiments made on crude Platinum, and a new process for separating Palladium and Rhodium from that metal. [1809.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 161-166; Gilbert, Annal. LXXIL, 1822, pp. 253-256 ; Schweigger, Journ. XLIII. (= Jahrb. XIII.), 1825, pp. 316-318. 3. An attempt to ascertain the fusing temperature of metals. [1814.] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 167-169. 4. An inquiry into the causes why the metals in a solid state appear to be specifically lighter than they are in a state of fusion. [1814. ] Amer. Phil. Soc. Trans. I., 1818, pp. 170-174. Clouet, . Sur la composition de la matiere colorante duBleu de Prusse. Anual. de Chimie, XL, 1791, pp. 30-35. 2. Resultats d'experiences sur les differents etats du fer. Journ. des Mines, IX., 1798-99, pp. 3-12; Nicholson, Journ. III., 1800. pp. 131- 135. 3. Recherches sur la composition des emaux. Annal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1800, pp. 200-224 ; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VII., 1800, pp. 3-17. 4. Instruction sur la fabrication des lames figurees. Journ. des Mines, XV. 1802, pp. 421-435. CLO] 960 [CLU Clouston, Charles. Table of Mean Tmperature of Orkney. Ediub. New Phil. Journ. XXVII., 1839, p. 331. 2. Shower of Dust at Orkney. Ann. Nat. Hist. XVI., 1845, pp. 286-287. 3. On the formation of cylindrical masses of Snow in Orkney. Ann. Nat. Hist. XIX., 1847, pp. 285-287 ; Silliman. Journ. IV., 1847, pp. 292-294. 4. On the Sun Column as seen at Samlwick Manse, Orkney, in April 1852. Ann. Nat. Hist. X., 1852, pp. 78-79 ; XII., 1853, pp. 70-71. 5. Remarks on the Climate of Orkney. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), pp. 48-49. Clouston, T. S. The minute anatomy and phy- siology of the nervous system in the Lobster (Astacus marinus). Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIL, 1863, pp. 17-51. Clowes, Frederick. Lastrea remota. Phytolo- gist, IV., 1860, pp. 227-229. Clutterbuck, H. Objections to the Mitchillian theory of pestilential fluids. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. V., 1799, pp. 188-190. 2. On the cure of those affections which arise from the poison of Lead. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. VI., 1800, pp. 1 19-122. Clutterbuck, J. C. On the theory of Deep Draining. Agric. Soc. Journ. VI., 1845, pp. 489-492. 2. On the intermittent bourns of the chalk district. Ashmol. Soc. Proc. III., 1853, pp. 5-8. 3. On the course of the Thames from Lech- lade to Windsor, fas ruled by the geological for- mations over which it passes. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1860 (pt. 2), p. 75. Cliiver, E. Elemente des 2ten Cometen von 1826. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 281-284. 2. Geometrischer Lauf des Halleyschen Cometen vom 12ten Aug. bis 12ten Novbr. Astr. Nachr. XII., 1835, col. 287-288. 3. Beobachtung der Sonnenfinsterniss. Astr. Nachr. XIII., 1836, col. 381-384. Cluzel, . Sur le kermes. Annal. de Chimie, LXIII., 1807, pp. 122-171. 2. Nouvelles recherches sur la nature de la liqueur obtenue par 1'action reciproque du soufre et du charbon. [1811.] Aunal. de Chimie, XXXIV., 1812, pp. 73-112,113-172; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLIII., 1814, pp. 408-414 ; Gilbert, Annal. XLIII., 1813, pp. 421-438; Schweigger, Journ. IV., 1812, pp. 459-460. END OF VOL. I. LONDON : Primed by GEOKGE E. EYRE and WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. [6311. 1000. 11/67.] 9 4586 U C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES