RAU5f>f A=: = ^ A = — m m — - IE — - ZJZ 4 = ^■^ :> 7 s 2 ^ OS 4 3 s^,^ ■" LIBRARY OF CONGRESS :^'f , JST OF REFERENCES ON PRIMARY ELECTIONS PARTICULARLY DIRECT PRIMARIES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER *ir~*- ■.,' WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PKJNTLXC OFFICE 190 5 :-.,^ir /f>' 4 ^ ■-.s -^' ■X'-- ■■■■ SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, QALiK. oit/ssa. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON PRIMARY ELECTIONS PARTICULARLY DIRECT PRIMARIES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER 1 I ii H 4 H WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTIN(; OFFICE 1905 < I C I 7/ ^4 PREFATORY NOTE Meyer's '"Nominating systems: direct primaries versus conventions in the United States" gives a historical statement of the movomont for direct primaries in the United States and an exposition of the h^jrisla- tion in the various states down to 1902, with numerous references to authorities. It affords a convenient list of much of the material on the subject of prinuuy legislation and has been used here. In addition to discussions and expositions of primary sj'^stems, the present List includes references to statutes and session laws of the various states which have legislated in regard to direct primaries. The articles in periodicals have been briefly annotated. A. P. C (jrlilFFIX Chief B'lhl'cographer Hekbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. 6'., January 10^ 1905 3 LIST OF BOOKS ON PRIMARY ELECTIONS A-labama. General laws (and joint resolutions) of the General Assem- bly of Alabama, passed at the session of 1898-9. Jacksonville^ Fl a.: Yance printing co.,\1899\ 301 i)p. 8^. Primary election law, pp. 126-128. Arizona. By authority of the Legislative assembly. The revised statutes of Arizona territory. Columhia^ Missouri: Press of E. W. Step/tens^ 1901. lolJi,, {S)pp. 4^. Primary elections, pp. 652-653. Arkansas. A digest of the statutes of Arkansas, embraeino- all laws of a general nature . . . by L. P. Sandels and Joseph M. Hill. Columbia^ Mo. : Press of E. ^V. Stephens, 189Jf.. xvi, 1851, pp. 4-°' Nomination of candidates for office, pp. 702-703. Public and private acts and joint resolutions and memorials of the General Assembly of the state of Arkansas, passed at the session held at the capitol, in the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, conunencing the 1-ith day of January, 1895, and ending April 10, 1895. Little Pock, Ark.: Proven 2>rintin. Bryce, .lames. TIk; Aiiicricun loniinonwcult li. In l\v(» xohunes. London and Nein York: Jlacniillan and ro., 1893. 'J vols. Theparty HyBteiii, vol. 2, pp. 1-208. 6 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS California. Tlio political code of the state of California, as enacted in 1872, anil amended up to and including 1903. Edited by- James H. Dcering. San Fmndsco: Bancroft- Whitney co., 1903. 1397pp. W. Primary elections, pp. 278-296, 1068, 1074. Clark, Charles C. P. The "machine" abolished and the people restored to power by the organization of all the people on the lines of party organization. New York and London: G. I*. Putnan^^s S07is, 1900. (^), 196 j}j). 12'^. Clemens, G. C. The general election laws of Kansas, systematized for the convenience of electors and election officers. Rev. ed. Crane c& company, publishers, Tojjeka, Kansas., 190 J^. 7J(.pp. 8°. Colorado. Mills' annotated statutes of the state of Colorado, edited and annotated b}- J, Warner Mills. Chicago: E. B. Myers and company, 1891. 2 vols. 8°. Primary elections, vol. ] , pp. 1093-1095. Mills' annotated statutes of the state of Colorado (supplement). Vol. 3. By J. Warner Mills. Denver: The Mills publishing co7iij>an>j, 1897. iv, 1385 jyp. 8^. ' ' Corrupt practices act, ' ' applies to primary elections, p. 484. Text of corrupt practices act, pp. 479-484. Dallinger, F. W. Nominations for elective office in the United States. Nev^ York: Longmans, Green (& co., 1897. 290 p>P- ^°- {Harvay'd historical studies.) Dela-ware. Laws of the state of Delaware passed at a session of the General Assembly commenced and held at Dover, on Tues- day, January o, A. D. 1897. Dover: The Delawarean power print, 1897. (2), [313]-798, 73pp. 8^^. "An act to provide for the purity of primary elections in New Castle County," pp. 875-397. Revised statutes of the state of Delaware. Wllmi7igto7i, Del. : Printed hy the Mercantile pn'inting com,- pany, 1893. xv, (1), xlvlil, 1017, (1), 96pp. 8°. Primary elections, pp. 150-154. Eaton, Dorman B. Primaiy elections. {In Lalor's Cyclopit-dia of political science, political economy, and of the poHtical history of the United States, vol. 3, pp. 343-350. New York, 1899. 8°. ) LIST OF BOOKS ON PRIMARY KLECTIONS 7 Florida. Acts and resolutions adopted l)v the legislature of Florida at its sixth reg-ular session under the constitution of A. D. 1885. Tallahassee, Fla.: Floridian printing company, 1897. c^xv., (1), 332 2> p. 8-. Primary election, pp. 62-64. G-eorgia. Acts and resolutions of the General Assemhl}- of the state of Georgia, 1886-7. Vol. II. Atlanta, Gecn^gia: G. W. Harrison, 1887. 9]fi pp. 8^. " Penalty for furnishing liquor on election days extended to primary elections," p. 42. Acts and resolutions of the Gonoral AsscMuhly of the state of Georgia, l8U0-yi. Vol. I. Atlanta, Georgia: Geo. W. Harrison, 1891. 60^ pp. 8^. Protecting primary elections, pp. 210-211. G-odkin, E. L. Unforeseen tendencies of deniocrac\', ^ Boston: Houghton, 2liffli)i and company, 1898. vii,{l),265 pp. 8°. The nominating system, pp. 48-95. G•oodno^v, F. J. Politics and administration. ^Vt'tr York: JFacmilhin company, 1900. a'iii,{l), 270pp. 5°. Hempstead, Ernest A. The Crawford county or direct primary system. (In National municipal league. Seventh annual meeting. Proceed- ing.s, pp. 197-217. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°.) Illinois. The revised statutes of the state of Illinois, VMM. Compiled and edited by Harvey B. Hurd. Chicago: Chicago Legal nta's com])any, 1901. (2). xir. 2027 pp. 8'\ Primary elections, pp. 846-Sr)l; I'rimary elections of delegates to nominating conventions, etc., pp. 851-873. Indiana. l>urns' annotated Indiana statutes . . . all completely anno- tated liy Harrison Burns. Indianajtolis: The Ji(arcn-M< rrilt rompany. 19(^1. 3 vols. 8^. Primary eU'ctiniis, vol. M, pp. .S18-;^25. Tlic revised statutes of the stat(> <•!' Indiana. Ct)ni[)iietl by Frank A. Hornci-. Lav:ye7'>< co-(t/K'rat ire publishing company, ( 'liicago [etc.], 1901. 2 vols. 8\ I'rimary elections, vol. 2, hccx. 47•12a-4742^•. loTva. Acts and resolutions passed at the regular session of the twen- t3'-seventh (Jencral Assembly ol' tlif statr of Ioum. Begun January 10 and <'nded April 1, iMts. Des Moin. 5°. Michigan. The compiled laws of the state of Michigan, 1897, by Lewis M. Miller. Lansing^ Mich. : Rohert Srn ith printing co., 1899. 4 ^'"Is. JfP. Primary elections, vol. 1, pp. 1091-1096; vol. 3, pp. 3416-3418. Public acts of the legislature of the state of Michigan, passed at the regular session of 1895. Lansing: Rohei't Smith <& co., 1895. :elii, 836, (/) j>j>. 8°, Primaries, pp. 264-269. Pu))lic acts of the legislature of the state of Michigan, passed at the regular session of 1899. Zatising: Robert ISnUth printing (■<>., 1899. Hi, 047, (/) pp. 8-. Priiiian<-s. pp. :!1, 30H-:i09. Minnesota, (icncral laws of tlic state of Minnesota, passed during the tliirtv-second sessioji of the state legislature, commenc- ing .January eighth, one thousand nine hundred ami one. St. Raul: MrOill-Warnrrro., 190!. r, {J), 812 p/>. S . "An a<-t . . . providiiij; for flic Hflection of cniidiilatcH for election hy popular vote, and relating to cIcctionH," jtp. 297-.'{0r). 10 LIHKAKY OK (U)NGKESS Mississippi. Tlio annotated code of the general statute laws of the state of Mississippi, ])repared by R. H. Thompson, George G. Dillard, and K. H. (^unplxdf. ya.^hnlh,T<„».: M,ir.s/,<,II d- lintce, 1892. iv, 1253 pp. ^°. Primnrv meetings and elections, i)p. 740-744. Missouri. The revised statutes of the state of Missouri, 1899. Jcferson City., Ma. : Trihime prlntinq company., 1899. 2 vols. 8°. Primaries, vol. 2, pp. ](>63-1670. Montana. The complete codes and statutes of the state of Mon- tana in force July 1, 1895 . . . Edited by Wilbur Y. Sanders. Helena \eic.\ Montana., 1895. 2 vols. Ji°. Primary elections, vol. 1, pp. 108-109, 179. National municipal league. Proceedings of the . . . Confer- ence for good city government and . . the National municipal league. Philadeljjhia: National municipal league., 1895-1903. 9 vols. 8°. Primaries, 1894-95, pp. 48, 49, 52, 57, 61, 76; 1897, pp. 15, 19, 21; 1900, pp. 13, 14, 61, 64, 76, 77, 212-225; 1901, pp. 23-26, 75, 184- 19(j, 233; 1903, pp. 32, 122, 130-131, 234. Nebraska. The compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska, 1881. (10th ed.) With amendments 1882 to 1901 . . . Pub- lished under authority of the legislature by Guy A. Brown and Hiland H. Wheeler. Lincoln., Nehr.: State journal compant/, 1901. .r, 1612 PX>. 8 . Primary elections, pp. 602-607. Nevada. The compiled laws of Nevada in force from 1861 to 1900 (inclusive). Compiled and annotated by Henry C. Cutting, Carson City., Nevada: Andreiv Maute., superintendent of state printing, 1900. vi, (2), 1075 pp. ^^. Primary elections, pp. 386-389. New Jersey. General statutes of New Jersey. Jersey City, N. J.: F. I). Linn <& co., 1896. 3 vols. Jf°. Primary meetings, etc., vol. 2, pp. 1369-1372. Acts of the one hiuidred and twenty-seventh legislature of the state of New Jersey and fifty-ninth under the new constitution. Trenton, N. J.: Mac C relli-^h <& Qui ghy, 1903. 87 If. pp. 8°. Primary election law, further supplement to act to regulate elec- tions, pp. 60:3-629. LIST OF EOOKS ON PRIMARY ELECTIONS 11 New York. Code of election laws of the state of New York, embracing the general election law of 1890; the legislative and congressional apportionment laws of 1892, [etc.]. By William H. Silvernail. Beads c6 hrothers: JWir Yorl\ Albany, 1898. {3), 252 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. "Primaries, conventions and nominations," i>|) oo-o5. The election code of the state of New York, containing such election laws as are in force in 1898. Compiled under the direction of John Palmer, secretar}^ of state. Albany, 1898. xii, ^62 pp. 8°. "Primaries", conventions and nominations," pp. 56-85. Jewett's manual for election officers and voters in the state of New York, containing the general election law, town meeting law, provisions relating to school meetings and the primary law of 1899. Complete with amendments to date. 12th ed. By F. G. Jewett. Albany, jV. }'.: Jf. Bender, 1904-. ,/', 60/^ (/. e. 554) PP- III lustrations. 8 . Witli many extra numbered pages. Jewett's primary cU'ction law of the state of New York, com- plete with amendments to the end of the Legislature of 1904. Including the town enroUment act of 1902; with annotations, forms, and complete index. Alhany, N. Y.: M. Ilmder, 190^. (2), Ix-x, [66] pp. 8^. From Jewett's Manual for election otfirers and voters. The primar}' and general cli-ction laws as aiiiciKlcd to date. Political manual for Greater New Y^ork, including tables of election returns in presidential, state and city elections in all the boroughs for a .series of years, boundaries of ])olitie!il divisions, enrollment of political ])arties t'oi- l.Hi;', and tables of representation in coiiN'entions. political calendar and general inl'onnation. Broollyn-N,m York: Fjujle huUdlmj, \1904\. IJl pp. 8^. {Brooklyn /'M(jle library, vol. 18, nc II; serial no, Jf/f..) Nevr York state library. Coniparatixe >nnnnaiy and index of •state legislation, |S9(»-1908. Albany: University <,f the state of ^^V//' York, 1891-190:1. 8'^. {Ny John W. Simonton. ^'^eicark, X ././ Sonei/ dc S,((/c, 1902. u'r, {1), ISo pp. 8^. "Primary election offenses," pp. 147-170. The Pennsylvania voter. A practical ouidc for voters and election officers in all legal elections. With an appendix, containing acts regulating primary elections, nominating conventions, &c., and punishing fraud thereat, with other relevant matter. By 8. ]M. Raymond. Pittshurgh, Pa., 1885. (2), J8 pp. 8^. Ray, F. P. The Crawford county system. Origin of the present method of nominating candidates for political honors. (//( Centennial edition of the Daily Trihnne-Republioan of Saturday morning, May 12th, 1888, containing a history of the founding of the city of Meadville and settlement of Crawford county, pp. 105-106. Meadville, Pennsylvania, 1888. 4°. ) Remsen, Daniel S. Primary elections; a study of methods for improving the basis of party organization. G. P. Putnanrs som, A>t' York', 189 1^. 121 pp. 8^. ( Qiie.^- tions of the day., 77.) Rhode Island. January. 1898-September. 18i>9. Public laws of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Providence: E. L. Freeman dj sons, 1899. ;r.r, 313 pp. 8°. "An act relative to political committees and caucuses," pp. 199-212; Amendment, p. 310. January, 1900-November, 1S)01. Public laws of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Providence: K. L. Freeman cfc «04. Prmudrno, R. I.: A'. L. Freeman d- .^<»,s, 190 J^. 53 pp. 8^. Public laws passed :d the December .session. \W1. [Providence, 1902.] 52, ir j>j>. 8'^. "An act in relation to the Imldingof caucuseH in the cities of Provi- dence, Newi^^rt. and Pawtucket," |.p. :55-4r>. Simons, Charles C. Direct i)rimary elect i(Mis. (//( Micliigan i><)litiral Hience a.«ss(>ciati. March, 1!K>4, ]>\>. 1:54 -U4.) South Carolina. Code of laws of South Carolina, l!M)2. Columbia, S. C: The State company, state print, m, 1902. 2 voU. 8 . Primary electioHH, vol. 1, pp. li:V115. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS South Dakota. Statutes of the stiitc of South Dakota. (2d rev. ed.) C'ompilod and auuotated by Edwin L. Grantham. A/ban I/: 11. H. Parsons, 1901. 2 vols. S^. Convi'iitions or ]iriin:irii's, yec. 2039; Who may vote, sec. 2117. Spahr, Charles H. Direct priiuaiies. (/// National imiiiicipal league. Seventh annual meeting. Proceed- ings, pp. 1S4-UU1. Philadelphia, 1901. 8°.) Steiner, Bernard C. Citizenship and suHrage in Maryland. CushiiH/ ik company, Bali i more, 1895. 95 pp. 8^. Primary elections, pji. 4'i, nl, 79. Tennessee. Aets of the state of Tennessee pas.sed by the fifty -first General A.ssenibly, 1S99. Xashvllle^ Tenn.: MdishtilJ c(' Bruce co., 1899. 13If5, {2) pp. 8°. Primary elections legalized in certain counties, pp. 963-964. Texas. Clarke & Courts' revised and complete election laws of the state of Texas, including the laws of the twent3'-sixth legis- lature. Galveston, Clarke ds CourU, \1900\. 70, {2) pp. 1,9. Cover-title. Revised election laws of the state of Texas, embracing the Terrell law, city and town laws, incorporated school district laws, local option, county' seat, school election laws, stock laws, drainage, public weigher and prairie dog election laws and penalties. [By Floyd Shock.] ^Galveston, Texas: PnUishedhy Clarke iSa CoiirU, 1901,..^ 98 pp. Jf^. "Primary elections and conventions," pp. 20-25. Union league of Philadelphia. Essays on political organization. Selected from among those submitted in competition for the prizes otiered Ijy the Union League of Philadelphia. Philaddplua: Collins, 1868. 106 pp. 8^. Barber, W. S. A plan by which political parties in a republic may be legally empowered to select candidates for ofl&ce, pp. 5-15. Blodget, L. Practical defects of the existing forms of political action, pp. 89-lUO. Came, C. G. Legal nominations, pp. 17-26. Goepp, C. On the legal organization of the people to select candi- dates for office, pp. 27-88. Utah. Laws of the state of Utah, passed at the third regular session of the legislature of the state of Utah, held at Salt Lake City, the state capital, in January, Februar}" and March, 1899. Salt Lake City: Tribune joh printing comjmny, 1899. 193 pp. li-. Primary elections, pp. 118-119. LIST OF BOOKS ON PRIMARY ELECTIONS 15 Virginia. Code of Virginia jis amended to adjournment of General Assembh' 1904. Edited by J no. Garland Pollard. St. Paul^ Jlijin.: West puhlishing co.., 190 J^. 2 vols. ^P. Who may vote at primary elei-tion?, sec. 122o; Application of laws, gee. 122o; Regulations for purity of primary elections, sec. 145a. "Washington. Pierce's code; a compilation of all the laws in force in the state of Washington. Compiled by Frank Pierce. Seattle., Washington : Tribune ])rinting company., 1902. (^), 23-1689 pp. .^°. Primary elections, pp. 837-845. "West Virginia. The code of West Virginia. (4th ed.). Compiled pursuant to a joint resolution of the legislature by John A. Warth. Charleston: Mail-Ti'lhanc hook room., 1900. viii., 14^6, (1) JPP- ^^■ Conventions, primary elections, etc., pp. 69-73, 1123-1126. Whitridge, Frederick W. Caucus S3'stem. {In Lalor's Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, vol. 1, pp. 357-364. Chicago, 1899. 8°. ) "Wilder. Amos Parker. Primary election laws. (/« National municipal league. Sixth annual meeting. Proceed- ings, pp. 212-225. Philadelphia, 1900. 8°. ) "Wisconsin. Wisconsin statutes of 1898. Edited and annotated by- Arthur L. San))orn and John W. Herryman. Chicago: CaJlaglian and company., 1898. 2 vols. IfP. Of caucuses, vol. 1, pp. 16.5-170. The laws of Wisconsin, joint resolutions and memorials passed at the biennial session of the Legislature, 1903. 2IadUon, Wis.: Drinocrat pflnting company., 1903. {2)^ 99jIi. pp. 8-. "An act to provide for party nominations l»y direct vote," pp. 754-766. "Woodburn, James Albert. Political parties and party problems in the United States: a sketch of Aiiicrican party history and of the development and operations of party machinery, together with a consiflcration of ccitain ])ai'ty i)roblonis in their relations to political morality. G. J*. Piitnaiiis suns. Xew York and London., lllOl. /,/•, (i), 3U PP' 8^. I'rimary election reform, |>j>. 283-294. "Wyoming. I'rimaiv. registration and election laws of the state of Wyoming. In force from and after Kelji'uary 24, 1897. Published . . . by Charles W. Hurdick. \^RawllnK\: J'nss of liaivllns liepuhUcan., 1898. 92 }>p. 8^. 16 LIBRARY OB^ CONGRESS "Wyoming. Hovisod statutes of Wyoming. In force December 1, 1890. Revised, compiled, edited and pu))lished b}'^ J. A. Van Orsdel, attorney creneral. and Fenimore Chatterton, secretary of state. Laramie, Wyoming: Chaplin^ Spafford (& Mathison^ 1899. 1570 pp. Jf^. Nominations, pp. 1-14-149. PRIMARY ELECTIONS: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1869. Legalization of caucuses. A. G. Sedofwick. Nation, vol. 8 {Feb. ^, 1869): 86-87. Editorial critici:5m on a plan a'lvanced hy C. G. Came in an essay published l)y the Union league of Philadelphia, entitled: "Legal nominations." 1875. The trouble with the caucus. • Neio Englander, vol. Slf. {July, 1875): 473-487. Advocates smaller election precincts. 1878. The caucus and its consequences. Edward D. ,J. Wilson. Nineteenth century, vol. If. {Oct.., 1878): 695-712. Opposes the introduction of the caucus into English politics. 1881. Reform in primary elections. Edward Fenno Hotfman. Fe7in niontJdy. vol. 12 {Aug., 1881): 602-608. Argues for direct primaries. 1881. The regeneration of the primary. Nation, vol. 33 {Dt-c. 22, 1881): 4S6-487. Editorial on the report of the Young Men's Democratic Club favor- ing direct primaries. 1882. The primary in California. A. H. Nye. A^ation, vol 34. {Jan. 26, 1882): 7^-75. Letter describing what tin- writer tcrins the failure of the California system. 1882. "Government l»y the caucus," or, the oriiaiiization of igno- rance as a political power. K. S. Mollat. Time, vol. 7 {Sept., 1882): 707-718. Discussion of the caucus system after twn years' trial in England. 1883. Our nominating machines. George Walton (rreen. All a7itic monthly, ml. 52 {.fuly, 1S83): 323-329. An exposition of " the development of the machine sy.^tem of polit- ical nominations in the metropolis of .\merieii." Calls for a reform in primaries. 1883. Facts about the caucu- :iiiil I In- i)rimary. ( icorge Walton Green. North Anurican r»mew, vol. 137 {S,'j>t., 1883): 257-269. Dwells rm the cvIIh of tlie caucus system and rails for reform, but fornmlatcH no plan. 17 18 I.IHKAKV OF CONGRESS 1887. Substitutes for tho caucus. R. II. Dana. Forum, vol. 2 {Jan., 1S87): Jfi 1-501. "Tho real ronu'ily if to stop the supply of offices and money. This eaii be done only by Civil Service Reform, and by strict laws as to the expenditure of money in nominations and elections." 1892. The primary tho pivot of reform. David Dudley Field. Forum, vol. Ik- {Oct., 1892): 189-19S. "There is little new in what is here written. My aim is to reiter- ate, and by reiteration enforce, if I may be so fortunate, what has been written many times before. . . . The true reform club is tile primary." 1894. Municipal primaries in the South. S. S. P. Patterson. Sewanee review, vol. 2 {Aug. , 189Jf) : Ji.Jt.9. 1897. Machine candidates. Outlook, vol. 55 {Jan. 9, 1897): 155-156. Editorial on the need of direct primaries. 1897. The menace of the machine. Robert M. La Follette. Univer.^ity record, vol. 1 {Jlar. 5, 1897): 587-593. Advocates direct primaries. 1897. The nominating sj'stem. E. L. Godkin. Atlantic monthly, rd. 79 {Apr., 1897): J^50-J^67. An exposition of the evils of the existing nominating systems. Sug- gests no specific remedy. 1897. Lewis primarj^ election bill. Outlooh, voL55 {Apr. 10, 1897): 963. Editorial note on the Lewis primary election bill introduced in the Wisconsin legislature. 1897. How to reform the primary -election system. (With particular reference to reforms in operation or proposed.) Edward Insley. Arena,\^ol. 17 {June, 1897): 1013-1023. Names various plans of reform; outlines a "practical remedy," giving features eml)odied in the bill presented to the Illinois legis- lature in the spring of 1897, and notes "what legislatures are doing for the reform." 1897. Futility of primary reform. Nation, vol. 65 {Dec. 2, 1897): 1^31-1^32. Editorial declaring the ineffectiveness of the primary laws in force as demonstrated in the results of certain contested election cases, notably the Westchester county case, in New York. 1897. Substitutes for the primary. mttio7i, vol. 65 {Dec. 23, 1897): 1^90-1^91. Editorial describing Brooks's plan for the "institution of a nominat- ing ballot sy.stem." 1897. Primary elections. Outlook, vol. 57 {Dec. k-, 1897): 790. Editorial note on a proposed national conference on direct primaries. PRIMARY elections: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 19 1897. A necessaiy reform. Outlool', vol. 57 {Dec. 18, 1897): 943-94S. Editorial note on Mr. Brooks's plan. 1897. The nominatiiio- ballot. F. M. Brooks. Outlook, vol. 57 {Dec. 18, 1897): 950-952. Plea for a system to take the place of the "primary convention method." 1898. Reform of the party primaries. Independent^ vol. 50 {Jan. 27, 1898): 117. Editorial on the need of reform in system of making party nomi- nations. 1898. The nominating ballot. L. G. MoConaohie. Outlool; vol. 58 {Jan. 15, 1898): 176-177. Brief description of a plan supplementary to Brooks's scheme. 1898. Hill bill for primary reform. Outlook^ vol. 58 {Jan. 22, 1898): 210. Brief editorial discussion of the bill introduced by 11. \V. Hill for primary reform. 1898. An essential reform. Outlook, vol. 58 {Jan. 29, 1898): 261-262. Editorial on the primary election reform convention. 1898. Primary election reform. Fi-om a staff eoi'respomlent. Outlool', vol 58 {Jan. 29, 1898): 266-268. Synopsis of proceedingrs of the Primary elections reform convention hcM in. New York in 1S9S. 1898. Report of the Buffalo R(')iul)licaii Iciii^iic committee on pii- mary reform. PuM/c opinio?}, vol. 24, {Jan. IS, 1898): Jf.0-41. Editorial. 1898. Reform of the primaries. Carl Schurz. Haiper'xm.'dh,, ml. J,2 {F,h. 5, 1S98): 123-124. Di.scus.«ion of the effectiveness of propo.sed reform, with the conclu- sion that " the jirimary reformers who aim at lifting' our politics to a hipher plane, will finally have to admit that still more impurtant than an improvement of the mtchanisin of primary elections and caucuses will !»• the I'ollowint; three thinf.'s : the restriction of the i)atronane to the narrowest limits, an amendment to our election laws making independitorial note on the ' ' first Republican primaries held in this city (New York) under the new primary election law." 1898. Proposed reforms in Wisconsin. Outlook, vol. 59 {July 30, 1898): 759. Editorial notes on La FoUette's letter announcing his candidacy, in which he supports direct primary reforms. 1898. The dark side of direct primaries. Outlook, vol. 59 {July 30, 1898): 797. Letter showing the ill results of the direct primaries in Cleveland, Ohio. PRIMARY elections: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 21 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1900. 1900. The conflict in Wisconsin. Outlook^ vol. 59 {Aug. 27, 1898): 1001. Editorial note on La Follette's campaign. Direct primaries in South Carolina. Observer. Outlook, vol. 60 {Sept. 10, 1898): U6. Letter from Greenville, S. C, describing the primary laws and criticising their operation. Gains for direct legislation. Outlook, vol. 60 {Sejjt. 17, 1898): 156. Editorial note on the party platforms which advocate primary reforms. Direct primaries. F. M. Brooks. Outlook, vol. 60 {Sept. 2 J,., 1898): 251-252. Letter in regard to primaries in Cleveland, Ohio. Tendencies in primary legislation. Walter J. Branson. Anierican acadeimj of jjolitical and social scie^nce. Annals, vol. 13 {May, 1899): 31,6-357. Analyses of the legislative enactments regulating primaries, with a table of primary election laws giving essential features. The direct primary law in Minnesota. Outlook, vol. 62 {May 20, 1899): 150-151. Synopsis of the Minnesota law. Direct primaries in the South. Outlook, vol. 62 {June 3, 1899): 24.3. Editorial note. Concurrent primaries. Outlook, vol. 03 {Sept. 2, 1899): 8-9. Editorial note on the primary system put into practice in San Francisco. Direct primaries in Kansas and Missouri. Outlook, vol. 63 {Oct. 28, 1899): 475. Editorial note. When the people nominate. Bird S. Coler. Independent, vol. 51 {Nov. 30, 1S09): 3210-3212. Suggests the following plan: " Lt-t tlie Ucimblicau voters nominate tiicir caiididatfs for ollici' and li-t tin- Di'nnicralif voters nomiiiatf the candidates of tlnir party l>y tlic siniiilc iintli(Ml of ia.«ting a secret ballot, tlu- man receiving the largest number of votes in each ca.««' to be ntiuiinci'." Direct primaries and ward option in Ohio. Oullnnk, ml. 6.1, {Kh. 17, 1900): 378. Ivlitorial note. Direct primario make ln.'adway. Outlook, vol. 65 {Auci. 4, 1900): 761. Editorial note on the siicceiw of \a FoIlette'H candidacy. oo LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1900. Direct primaries in Wisconsin. Outhol', vol. 65 {Aug. IS, 1900): 897-898. Editorial on tin- Wisconsin Republican platform. 1900. The tj^rowth of muchine power. E. P. Clark. Nation, vol. 71 {Sept. 6, 1900): 183-18 J^. Editorial disoupsintr the primaries recently held in the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, showing the ineffectiveness of the new l)rimary law. 1900. Direct and indirect primaries. Outlool; vol. 66 {Sept. 8, 1900): 91-92. Editorial note on the effet-t of indirect primaries as showm in the nomination of Democratic candidate for governor, in contrast with the results of direct primaries in South Carolina. 1900. The dispensary in South Carolina. Outlook, vol.' 66 {Sept. ^^, 1900): 193. Editorial note on the direct primary in South Carolina. 1900. Minnesota's new primary election law. Samuel M. Davis. Indep>endmt, vol. 52 {Oct. 18, 1900): 2I^95-2Jf,97. Outlines the law of 1899, limited to Hennepin county, in w^hich Minneapolis is situated, and describes the first operation of the law, Sept. 18, 1900. 1900. Direct primaries in Minneapolis. Outlool; vol. 66 {Oct. 6, 1900): 288-289. Editorial note. 1900. New primary law. American academy of political and social science. Annals^ vol. 16 {Nov., 1900): .m. Brief note on election in Hennepin county under primary law. 1900. Direct primaries in Pennsylvania. Outlook, vol. 66 {Dec. 8, WOO): 861-862. Gives the result of the election in Scranton, Pa., under the Crawford county system. 1901. Minnesota law governing primaries. F. L. McVey. Yale review, vol. 9 {Feb., 1901): 1^50. Brief review of the results of the election in Hennepin county under the primary election law of 1899. 1901. Direct primaries demanded. Outlool; vol. 67 {Mar. 2, 1901): 1^.77-1^78. Editorial note on the movement in Wisconsin. 1901. Direct primaries. Outlook, vol. 67 {Mar. 23, 1901): 654.-655. Editorial note on the adoption of the system in Minnesota. 1901. Doom of the dictator. Gunton' 8 magazine, vol. 20 {Apr., 1901): 323-332. Reform of the primaries to do away with "bossism." PRIMARY elections: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 23 y 1901. Reforms advanced in Minnesota. Outiool', vol. 68 {2Iay J,, 1901): 3. Editorial on ^linnesota primary law. 1901. Municipal gains and losses. Outlook, vol. 68 {Mai/ 18, 1901): 139-1^0. Editorial note on the measures for reform of primaries. 1901. Direct primaries and imiform accounts. Outlook', vol. 68 {May 18, 1901): UO-Ul. Editorial on the "Crawford county system." 1901. Governor La Follette's ringing message. Outlook, vol. 68 {May ^25, 1901): 199-201. Editorial on the message of La Follette vetoing the direct j)rimary bill. 1901. The rights of man; a study in twentieth century problems. Lyman Abbott. , Outlook, vol. 68 {June 16, 1901): 396-J^Ol. Commends the direct primary. 1901. The Minnesota primary election law. Experience under it up to date. A. L. Mearkle. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 2Jf. {Oct., 1901): J^6If-Jf68. Discussion of the law of 1899 with note of some defects. 1902. Gains and losses for direct primaries. Outlook, vol. 70 {Mar. 29, 1902): 7^5. Editorial note on gains in New York ;uid drawbacks in Indiana. 1902. Direct nomination. J. T. Newcoml). Nation, rol. 76 {July 31. 1902): S6. Discusses the Minnesota law, i)receded l>y a statement regarding the movement for primary reform in New York and .Massachusetts. 1902. Direct primaries. Harpers toeekly. ml. '/: {A,„j. 9, 1902): 1070. Editorial cii tin- Minnesota law. 1902. MiiHiesota's experience with direct noininations. Outlook. >'ol.72(S,'j>f. 27, 1902): IS9. Ivlitorial note on the primary election of SeptcmlMi-, 1902. 1902. Test of tlic .MiuMoota primary election system. F. M. Ander- son. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20 {Nov., 1902): 616-626. A detailed exainination of the workings of the law ha.^eil n|ion olli- eiiil ele. J 17 Wolff, Solomon 8 Woodlturn, JanifH All»ert 15 Woodruff, C. R 24 25 o 12S SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, \LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 7164 :4U5T3r U.S. Library s i on ^ MBTI p - grarjV iy - List of Te^Wences on pri*" marv filB^tlQns. uu buumt m. AA 000 497 2( This booK is DUE on the last date stamped below 1968 ifc MAY 14 I PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD™ 5 3 — i,NMllBRARYQr CD < m University Research Library :z3 B B I—* 4:^ "IT C IP Tl mm ^ ^1