£.Mr4.4^ r ^ DISCLAIMERS AT THE HEBALDS' VISITATIONS. A LIST OF PERSONS AVHO WEEE AS GENTLEMEN OF OOAT-AEMOUR BY THE AT THE VISITATIONS OF THE VABIOUS COUNTIES OF ENGLAND; WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHN PAUL HYLANDS, F.S.A. GUILDFOKD : PRINTED BY BILLING AND SONS. 1888. INTEODUCTION. So much lias already been written as to the method of conducting the Visitations of the Officers of Arms that it is unnecessary here to do more than draw attention to the practice of the Heralds, so far as they exercised their powers in disclaiming persons whose title to bear Arms or to be called Gentlemen was in question. In the first instance, Armorial Bearings were assumed at will, and were not infrequently granted, as of right, by the bearers of such arms to persons who, in some instances, were not blood relations. * The first check to the voluntary assumption of arms,' says Mr. H. Sydney Grazebrook, in the preface to his ' Heraldry of Worcester- shire ' (and I quote him because I think he has, in this and other works, written more clearly and to the point on this subject than any other writer in recent years), * seems to have been a proclama- tion of King Henry V., dated June 2nd, 1417, to the eff"ect that no man, of what estate, degree, or condition soever, should assume arms unless he held them by right of inheritance or by the donation of some person who had sufficient power to give them ; and that all persons should make it appear to officers, to be appointed by the said King for that purpose, by whose gift they enjoyed such arms as they respectively bore, excepting those who had borne arms with the King at the battle of Agincourt.' The College of Arms was established by King Richard III. in the year 1485. But neither the above-named royal proclamation nor the institution of the College appear to have effectually checked the wrongful assumption of arms. The Commission, under the Great Seal of England, issued to Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux King of Arms, for the first Heralds' Visitation empowered him to convene and call before him or his deputy, at such time and place as he should appoint, ' all persons 182 IV INTKODUCTION. that do pretend to bear arms, or are styled Esquires or Gentlemen^ and to require them to 'produce and show forth by what authority they do challenge and claim the same.' Full authority was given to the Heralds to pull down or deface all arms wrongfully usurped, and to * make infamous by proclamation ' at the Assizes, or general Sessions, or elsewhere, all those who used arms without any right, or assumed without authority the titles of Esquire or Gentleman. In pursuance of such Commission, the Officer of Arms issued a warrant directed to the High Constable of the Hundred, or to the Mayor or chief officer of the place where he intended to hold his Visitation, commanding him to warn the several knights, esquires, and gentlemen within his jurisdiction to appear before him at the house and on the day specified in the warrant, and to bring with them their escutcheons and pedigrees, with such evidences and writings as might justify the same, in order to their being registered. A warrant of this kind is printed in Mr. Grazebrook's ' Visitation of Staffordshire,' 1583, published by the William Salt Archaeological Society, with a long list of the persons summoned. The warrant is in the following form : To John Benuicke, haylifofthe Hundred of Cudleston in the county e of Sta foreleg his Deputie or Deputies. These are to require you and in the Queene's Majestie's name to charge and coramande you that forthwth upon the sight hereof you warne those Esq^'s and Gent" whose names are hereunder written p'sonally to appeare before mee Somer- sett, Marshall and Deputy to Norrey Kinge of Armes, at Stafford on beinge the .... daye of at nyne of the clocke before Noone the same day whereat I doe intende to sytte for the better registeringe of all the Gent, w'thin the payde Hundred ; and that they bringe wth them such Arnies and Creasts as they nowe use and beare w"* their Pedigrees or Descentes and such of theire evidence or matter of recorde and credite as may (if neede so require) justifie the same to the intent that I knowinge howe they use and chalenge the names of Esq"^ and Gentleman and beare their Armes may accordingly make entrance therof and recorde the same or else to proceede as the Vertue of my comissyon bindeth me in that behaulf. ALsne will such of them as have receaved either Armes Creasts or Pedigrees of one Will'm Dakins the late lewde usurper of the office of Norrey Kinge of Armes to bringe them in to be cancelled if they be untrue and beinge found e justi liable to receave the same at my handes •wth warrandize as I am espetyally comanded by her Ma^'^ and the Lordes of her Highnes most honorable Privie Councell. And these that may not comodiously bringe w^^ them siich theire evidences auncient writinges and monuments [muni- ments ?] as wiiuld serve to prove the antiquitie of their race and familye but shalbe desirous to have m«f home to theire houses upon the sig?iificatyon of such theire desires for the furtherance of Her Ma^'" service I will make my repaireunto them soe soone as conveniently I maye. Herof charge them not to fayle as they will avoyde the perill that may ensue of any theire contemptes herin. Gkvkn at Stafford under the Scale of the office of Norrey the .... day of July ailo 1.583 in the xxv«i' yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Soveraigne Ladye Queen Elizabeth. If the parties summoned neglected the summons, such neglect was INTRODUCTION. V deemed a contempt of the Commission, and they were cited to appear before the Earl Marshal in this form :* To Mr. A. B. of Esquier. Forasmuch as you hare refused to make your apearance before mee, Somersett, Marshall to Norroy Kinge of Armep, at Chedle, whereat I lately sate in comission for the registringe of the Gentlemen w'4n the Hundred of Totmonslowe accord- inge to such warninge as was given you by the Baylife of the same Hundred in that behaulf, I am of dutye to proceed wt'» you as my Comissyon byndeth mee in such cases of contempte. These are, tlierefore, to require you, and in the Queene's Ma''^^ name to charge and comaunde you to apeare personally before the Right Honorable George Earle of Shrewsbury, Earle Marshall of England, on the 12th day of October nexte ensuinge the date hereof, there to answere unto and yelde the reason of this youre disobedyence and contempte ; before whome (as by an espetyall clause an'dbraunche of my sayde Comissyon it is ordered) the same is to be hearde and determined. And herof fayle you not, as you will avoyde the further perill that may enseue. Gyvkn at under the seale of the office of Norrey the .... day of August An^ Dili 1583 in the 25th yeare of theraigne of our most gratious Soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth. The persons who had usurped titles or dignities or had used arms which did not belong to them were, for their presumption in having publicly used such titles or arms without any right, degraded by proclamation in the market town nearest to their usual place of abode. An example of this kind t of proclamation is appended, together with the names of the persons disclaimed at the Visitation of Shropshire in 1584-5 : The namesX of those whoe were disclaymed fm^ Gentlemen hy the Herald, 1585. Salop. Whereas it hath pleased the Queenes Ma'*' of her Royall and absolute power for a due to be kept and observed in all thinges touching and concerning the office and duties app'teyning to Armes and that every person and persons may bee the better knowne in his and theire estate degree and mistery without confusion or disorder , Her Ma^'^ hath therefore directed her highnes Comission vnder the greate seale of England bearing date at Westm^ the xxiiij''^ day of March in the x^'' yeere of her Ma^^^ Raigne vnto Robert Cooke Esq"" al's Clarencieidx Kinge at Armes of the East West and South p'tes of this Realme of England from the River of Trent south wardes to make a gen'all Survey and Visitacon throughout all the province p'tes and members thereof acording to such order of Survey as is pr'scribed and sett furth in the office chardge and oath taken by the said Claren- cieulx Kinge of Armes at his Creation and Coronation. And forasmuch as this Countie of Salop is within the province of the said Clarencieulx and I Richard Lee al's Portcullis his Marshall and Deputie for the whole viewe and Visitacon of the said Shire having fownde divers and sundry p'sons within the Towne and Lib'ties of Salop the Hundred of Oswestry the Towne and Lib'ties of Oswestry Chirbury Condover Pimhill Clunne ffoord and Bradford p'cell of the said Shire most p'sumptuously to vsurpe the name title and dignitie of Esquiers and gentle- men contrary to all right and the laudable usage of the Lawes of Armes and most contemptuouslie vpon Somons geven have denyed theire orderly app'aunce. Wherefore these are straightly to chardge and in the Queenes Ma'^s name to command all those p'sons whose names are herevnder written that they nor any of them doe from hencefurth by any wayes or meanes vse or take vpon him or * Taken from Mr. Grazebrook's ' Visitation of Staffordshire,' 1583. t From Harl. MS. 1396, fo. 335. X These names do not appear in this Index. VI INTRODUCTION. them the names of Esquier or Gentleman vnles they bee therevnto authorised according to such order as is p'scribed and sett furth by the Lawes of Armes. And furthermore the said Richard Lee al's Portcullis doth by the aucthoritie aforesaid strai^htlie chardge and in the Queenes Mat'" name comaund all Sherriffes Comissioners Archdeacons Officialls Scrivenors Clarices Writers or others whatsoeur [not] to call name or write in any Assize Session Court or other open place or places any one of these persons by the addition of Esquier or gentle- man whoe at this p'^sent by this proclamation are reproved controwled and made infamous of that name and dignitie as they or any of them will answer to the contrary at theire p'ills before the Right Ho^'^ George Earle of Shrewsbury Earle Marshall of England. Yeoven vnder my hand and seale of office the x.iY'^ of Septemb' in the xxvj*'' yeere of the Raigne of our Sou'^aigne Lady Eliza- beth by the Grace of God Queene of England ffraunce and Ireland Defender of the faith &c 1584. Richard Lee, Portcidlis, Marshall to Clarencieulx. Salop cum Lib'tatibz. Roger Luter. William Peers. William Tench. Richard Powell. Roger Harries. Thomas Lewis. William Lowe. David Lloyd. John Hosyer. Thomas Rock. John Perch. Thomas Stury. Osivestry James Eaton of Dudleston. Richard ap Jenn ap Howell. John Trevor of Daywell. Hughe Lloyd of St. Martins. Roger Lloyd of Stelton. Randle Hanmer of Bryn. John Edwardes. Roger ap Jenn. Thomas Getliin. John Davies of Midelton. Mortice ap Robert. William Prowd. Thomas Wollascot. Thomas Burnell. Richard Medlicot. John Cole. John Byston. Richard Mountgom'y. Richard Langley. Robert Hussey. John Dawes. Richaid Betton. cum LibHatibz. Richard Lloyd of Swinney. David Hanmer of Porkinton. Morris Keffin. John Lloyd of Reyton. William ap John ap LlewelUn. Robert Morris ap Tudor. Timothie Edwardes. Robert Stanney. Hughe ap David Howell. David Morris of Bryn. Tudor ap John Goughe. Villa de Oswestry. John Stanney. Richard Williams. Thomas Evans. David Edwards. John Wynne ap David- Richard John ap Meredith. Edmund Middleton. John Ridge. David Lloyd of Wooderton. Chirhury. Condover. Richard Jones. Pimhill. .John Vaughan. Richard Trevor. Edward Hanmer of Cockshut. John Edwards. Hughe Yale. Robert ap Rees. Roger Stanney. Richard Gittins. Hugh Middleton. Thomas Charleton. Richard Gwin. William Eton. Francis Meredith. INTRODUCTION, Vll John ap Mathew. Thomas Harris. Thomas Frees. John dd Gough. Richard Constantine. Thomas Woodcock. Robert Dycher. William Bentley. William WoUaston. George Wollaston. Rowland Cowper. John Lingen. John Goughe. Hughe Higgons. Clun. Bradford. foord. Owen ap Mathewe. Richard ap James. John ap Howell ap Rees, Christopher Joneson. William Chidlowe. William Hossall, William Sandbrooke. Thomas Crompton. Ricus Barnefield. Rob'tus Barnefield. Thomas Lingham. Hughe Porter. Thomas Lake. It will be seen from some observations made below that the practice of directing the High Constable of the Hundred to make out the list of persons to be summoned must have worked very harshly, and this, perhaps, lay at the root of much of the dislike to the Visitations which was often exhibited. His modus operandi, in some cases at all events, seems to have been to make a list of persons of substantial means in his Hundred, paying no regard to whether they used arms* or were styled gentlemen or not. Accordingly we find among those who were disclaimed persons following the various callings of mercer, draper, yeoman, attorney, notary public, captain, physician, farmer, schoolmaster, nonconformist minister, clerk, inn- keeper, chief constable, tailor, smith, rector, vicar, curate, goldsmith, tanner, upholder,! vintner, saddler, baker, carpenter, bricklayer, cordwainer, loriner, hosier, weaver, wharfinger, drysalter, fishmonger, cheesemonger, slapseller, turner, apothecary, pewterer, brewer, maltster, stationer, cook, clothworker, salesman, singing-master, printer, sugar-refiner, merchant, watchmaker, chandler, diamond- cutter, druggist, victualler, haberdasher, grocer, threadman, plumber, distiller, woollen-draper, linen-draper, skinner, corn factor, iron- monger, waterman, scrivener, embroiderer, leather-seller, glover, founder, factor, perfumer, girdler, clockmaker, etc., and a free- mason. The persons included in the High Constable's list were then sum- moned, and if they failed to prove their right to bear arms, or laid * In the disclaimers at the Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1682, Richard Tyler, of St. Briavels, says, ' I know of no Coat of Arms belonging to me ;' and * William Davies, Cler', de Abenhall,' declares, * I know of no Coat of Arms belonging to me at present.' t From this point most of the trades, etc., are taken from the London Visitation of 1687, and some of them may refer to members of companies. VUl . INTKODUCTTON. no claim to such right, they were held up to public ridicule at their nearest market town. The practice seems to have been for the visiting Herald to induce the persons summoned to disclaim under their hands if they would do so, and if they declined, or did not attend the Herald's summons, they were disclaimed at the Assizes or otherwise without further inquiry. Those who disclaimed under hand, even if they stated that they laid no claim to bear arms or to be accounted gentlemen, were, as a rule, treated with the same indignity,"* their voluntary renunciation thus bringing upon them a double disgrace. Can we wonder that the complaints against the Heralds were both loud and long? We find, both in the lists from which this volume is compiled and in numerous pedigrees entered at various Visitations, that persons laid claim to arms, but not being able at the time to substantiate such claim, obtained a respite from being disclaimed until a certain date in order to give them an opportunity of proving their arms. Sometimes these claims were not further urged by the claimants, and we have such notes as ' Respite given for proof of these arms, but no proof offered ;' in other cases the proof was not satisfactory to the Heralds. Thus : ^ John Philips, of Ledbury (Hereford, 1634), to be disclaimed at our next 'sizes because he was not disclaimed at our being in the country, being respyted then for proofe, but cannot make any proofe ;' or the claim was allowed, and the name of the claimant was either struck out of the list of disclaimed persons, the word ' proved ' written opposite to it, or some other note was made to show that the arms were recorded. Some of the entries made by the Heralds are both quaint and inter- esting, and among them we find memoranda whicli suggest the feelings and disposition of the Herald who made the Visitation, and of the persons whom he disclaimed. Thus we have, under Gloucester, 1623, 'Rich'i Warren of Stainton falcely usurped Arms which were defaced and he disclaymed,' and 'Edward Hill, Customer of Gloucester, neither Gent of Bloud, Auncestry, nor Arms.' Edward Hopkins, disclaimed at Boston, in Lincolnshire, 1634, is described as *an Usurper of Armes.' Walter Gary, of Wicomb, at the Visitation of Bucks, 1634, is said to be 'no gent, nor hath any [right] to bear arms which he usurpeth.' And at Derby, in the same * Among the disclaimers at the Visitation of Worcestershire, 1682, the following occurs : * I, Joseph Ruthorn of Evesham, doe promise to forbeare using any Coat of Anna untill I can make out what Coat doth belong to me.' INTEODUCTION. IX year, we have a persistent offender, *Rob^ Wilmott, Chadderton, [disclaimed] for usurping the Title of Gent, notwithstanding having been disclaimed in the Visitation made 1611.' Among the disclaimers for the city of Hereford, in 1634, James Lane, draper, who disclaimed for himself, ' saith that Jonathan Wellington is a dark sickly man and no Gentleman of Coat Armour.' The word * dark ' apparently means ' blind ;' it occurs elsewhere in the lists. In this Visitation we may judge that some leniency was exercised by the Herald from the following : — * Charles Whitney of Norton, to be spared for his name ;' ' The mark of spare him for his name ;' * . . . . Philips of Ashton, to be spared from disgrace ;' ' Jno. Abrahall, of Stoke Edith, to be spared from disclaiming for his name's sake.' At the Visitation of Worcester- shire, 1634, Thomas Widd was * to be spared from the Post;' 'Thomas Simonds, of White Lady Aston— I know none of right and further saith that his Father and Grand Father were yeomen & so writ themselves.' It is evident from this entry that Thomas Simonds ought not to have been summoned, being only a yeoman, and having no desire to claim a right to arms, unless we are to construe the words *of right' as meaning that he had usurped arms, well knowing that he had no title to them. In Pershore Hundred is this entry : * I have no interest in Armes — Edm^ Boothby.' He also, one would infer, ought not to have been summoned, but the Herald, it seems, was not satisfied that he was not entitled, for he adds, * To be spared from disclaiming in regard of his being a Souldier and of deserts.' Perhaps Boothby would not pay, and the Herald, seeing that no fee was forthcoming, reluctantly let him off ! Some of the persons disclaimed appear to have been entitled to style themselves gentlemen, and were probably included in the list because they could not prove their right to the armorial bearings displayed by them. Such were a number of persons styled 'Mr.' by the Heralds; a great number of rectors* and vicars (and here it may be noted that clergymen do not appear to have been disclaimed until the later Visitations) ; a physician ; several captains ; a ' Dr. ;' Ambrose Jolly, a person of considerable importance in Wigan, and several times Mayor of that town ; Theophilus Lynch (called Lincke), of Warrington, who married the heiress of the ancient gentle family of the Rixtons, of Rixton Hall, * At the Leicestershire Visitation of 1682-3 several rectors disclaimed ' any pretence to arms.' X INTRODUCTION. in Great Sankey, and was the father of Sir Thomas Lynch, Governor of Jamaica ; . . . . Tucker, of Abingdon, Esq. (no proof of his arms), and others. Sometimes the Heralds showed favour to their own friends : e.g.^ Worcestershire^ 1634, Wm. Field, of King's Norton, 'spare this Field for my sake, being allied to me ;' 'John Tier, Alchurch, to be spared for Mr. Liiey.' Henry Lilly, Rouge Croix, was the pursuivant who, in conjunction with George Owen, York Herald, made this Visitation, as deputy to St. George Clarenceux and Borough Norroy. Without doubt, at all events at the later Visitations, the summons of the Herald was too frequently set at defiance. During Sir William Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665-6, for example, nearly one-third of the whole number of gentry, whom he called upon to appear before him with proofs of their arms and pedigrees, treated his summons with neglect. But he did not permit the matter to rest. Two years after he had concluded this Visitation (24th November, 1668), he issued a precept to the High Sheriff of the County of York, to which is appended a list of those persons who, at his Visitation, had not attended to show by what right they used arms, or took upon themselves the title of Esquire or Gentle- man. This list, which appears to tally with the disclaimers in Sir Thomas Phillipps' collection, will be found in the preface to the Visitation, printed by the Surtees Society, in 1860. The list of disclaimers is headed, ' Disclaimers made at the last Assizes held at York A° 1668.' I therefore infer that two years' grace was given by Dugdale, before he proceeded to the extremity of disclaiming those who neglected his summons. This Index, with a few exceptions, is made from a folio volume of 76 pages, of which very few impressions were struck, entitled ' Heralds' Visitation Disclaimers. Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, Bar*'. Ex-Zincographia Appelana, 1854.' The handwriting is apparently Sir Thomas's own. He notes the press-mark of each MS. in the College of Arms, from which he copied the list of dis- claimers. Where a Visitation occurs in which no list of disclaimers appears he notes the fact thus: * C. 13. Yorkshire, 1612. None.' Where he found a difficulty in reading a name he has placed dots underneath — e.g., in the Vibitation of Berkshire, C. 12, ' Walter Whalowrh, Appleton.' What this name is intended for I can make no suggestion, not having seen the original, and, like some others, it is left as it stands. In preparing this Index the plan followed has been to confine the INTRODUCTION. XI list strictly to the names of persons disclaimed, and to place them in alphabetical order, adding their place of residence and calling, if any, and the county and date of the Visitation at which they were dis- claimed. J. P. K. Helvther Lea, Claughton, Cheshire. DISCLAIMERS AT THE HERALDS' VISITATIONS. Abbot, George. Hundell. Yorkshire, 1668. Abbot, John, Drysalter. London, 1687. Abbot, Luke. Hemington. Leicester, 1682. Abell, Thomas. Atherston. Warwick, 1682. Abnet, William. Pooles. Cheshire, 1664. AbrahalJ, John. Stoke. Hereford, 1634. Abraham, Richard. Bainton. Somerset, 1672. Aclam, Leonard. Skipsey. Yorkshire, 1668. A'Court, John. South Cadbury. Somerset, 1672. Acton, Edward. Astley. Salop, 1664. Adams, Henry. Essex, 1664. Adams, John. Hathcote. Derby, 1634. Adams, John. Bucks, 1634. Adams, John. Newport. Salop, 1664. Adams, Robert. Essex, 1664. Adams, William. Chatwall. Stafford, 1664. Adams, William. Gnosal. Stafford, 1664. Adams, William. Hethcote. Derby, 1664. Add am s, George. Somerton. Somerset, 1672. Addenbrooke, Nicholas. Stourbridge. Worcester, 1682. Addyes, Thomas. Powick. Worcester, 1634. Adis, John. Taynton. Gloucester, 1623. Adkins, Henry. Byfield. Northampton, 1681. Adsheard, Ralph. Wybunbury. Cheshire, 1664. Agars, John. Pakenham. Suffolk, 1664. Aglionby, John. Carlisle. Cumberland, 1666. Aickeis, Robert. Bewdley. Worcester, 1634. Albin, Henry. Batcombe. Somerset, 1672. Albin, John. Evercreech. Somerset, 1672. Albrighton, Edward, Tailor. London, 1687. Albyn, Mr. Leeds. Yorkshire, 1668. Alcock, Thomas. Prestcote. Lancaster, 1667. Alcock, William. Lewes. Sussex, 1662. Alcock, William. Pownall Fee. Cheshire, 1664. Aldred, John. Sprangton. Suffolk, 1664. Aldrich, Simon. Stoke Ash. Suffolk, 1664. Alford, John. Monkton Zeale. Devon, 1620. A Ham, Thomas. Moulton. Northampton, 1681. 1 ALL 2 ARC Allambridge, Christopher, Grocer. AUambridge. Allan, George. Allastrey, Mr. Alvaston. Allen, Is., Smith. Birmingham. Allen, John, Vicar of Great Peetling. Allen, John. Allen, John. Allen, John. Allen, John. Allen, Nicholas. Allen, Robert. Allen, Steven. Allen, Thomas. AUerton, see Searle. Allin, John. Allison, William. Allnut, Zacharie. Allot, John. Allot, John. Allot, Richard. Alnutt, Zachary. Alport, William. Alvenshaw, Antony. Alway, William. Alnewick, Christofer. Ambre, Edward. Ameys, William. Amson, John. Amy, Edward. Amy, George. Amy, Richard, Cheesemonger, Amys, John. Ashfield. Wing. Compton. East Chinnock. Frodley. Petersfield. Thurmaston. Holt. Wichingham. Basildon. Wem. Ipstone. Bentley. Emley. Clayton. Chesham. Bromley-Hunt. Alvenshaw. Chipping Sodbury. Aston Tirrold. Leverington. Leigh. Tiverton. Wanborou2:h. Anderson, John. Anderton, James. Andrew, John. Andrews, John. Andrews, Thomas. Annis, Thomas. Annison, William. Ansell, Edward. Anstis, Edmund. Anstis, Josias. Antell, William. Northgate St., Chester. Northgate St., Chester. Cubert. Collingbourn. St. Neots. Herringby. Gosberton. South Petherton. South Petherton. Cove. Anthony, Edward, Draper. Appleby, Francis. Lartington. Appleby, John. Appleton, — . Appley, John. Appleyard, John. Aram, Arnold. Archer, Alexander. Earl's Croome. Widnes. Westmersway. Swafiham Bulbeck. Gloucester. Welton. Somerset, 1672., Essex, 1664* Derby, 1611- Warwick, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. Berks, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Stafford, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Leicester, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. Bucks, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Bucks, 1634. Stafford. 1664. Derby, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Berks, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Salop, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Devon, 1620. Surrey, 1623. . London, 1687. Suffolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. Essex, 1634. Wilts, 1623. Huntingdon, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Somerset, 1672. Somerset, 1672. Suffolk, 1664. London, 1687. Yorkshire, 1668. AVorcester, 1682. Lancaster, 1667. Hereford, 1634. Cambridge, 1684. Gloucester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. ARC AYS Archer, John. Oxhenholme. Westmoreland, 1666. Archer, John. Eastham. Worcester, 1634. Archer, Nathaniel. Lincoln, 1634. Archer, Thomas. Sheldon. Warwick, 1682. Arden, Lancelot. Astley. Worcester, 1634. Arden, Richard. Martley. Worcester, 1634. Arrasted, Thomas. Abthorpe. Lincoln, 1634. Arnold, Mr. St. Helen's in Stonegate, York Yorkshire, 1668. Arnold, Mr., a Physician. Yorkshire, 1668. Arnold, Antony. Minsterworth. Gloucester, 1623. Arnold, Edward. Croydon. Surrey, 1623. Arnold, John. Reigate. . Surrey, 1623. Arnold, John. Rector of Pendock. Worcester, 1682. Aron, James. Drayton. Salop, 1664. Artis, Edmund. Beccles. Suffolk, 1664. Ashenden, Mr. Pontefract. Yorkshire, 1668. Ashley, Thomas. St. Neots. Huntingdon, 1684. Ashmore, Walter. Tamworth. Stafford, 1664. Askew, William. Buckminster. Leicester, 1682, Asted, Andrew. Wattlesfield. Suffolk, 1664. Astell, Roger. Thornby. Northampton, 1681. Astley, Mr. Edward. Golborne Bells. Cheshire, 1664. Astley, John. Coventry. Warwick, 1682. Astley, Walter. Tamhorne. Stafford, 1664. Atcherley, John. Stanwardine-in-the-Field. Salop, 1664. Atchley, Thomas. Bridgnorth. Salop, 1664. Atkinson, John. Yorkshire, 1668. Atkynson, Ralph. Wensley. Yorkshire, 1668. At wick, John. Chertsey. Surrey, 1623. At wood, John. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Aunger, John. Hurley. Berks, 1664. Austen, Giles. Uley. Gloucester, 1682. Austin, David. Framfield. Sussex, 1662. Austin, George. Edith Weston. Northampton, 1681. Austine, Robert. Chudleigh. Devon, 1620. Avent, Thomas. Brixton. Devon, 1620. Avery, Joseph. Markfield. Leicester, 1682. Avery, William. Down St. Mary. Devon, 1620. Axworthy, John. Brent Tor. Devon, 1620. Axworthy, Nicholas. Treneglos. Cornwall, 1620. Ayes, Richard. Benham. Berks, 1623. Aylway, John. Blaisdon. Gloucester, 1623. Ayleway, John. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Ayleway, Richard. Taynton. Gloucester, 1623. Ayleway, Robert. Much Marcle. Hereford, 1634. Aynesworth, Thomas. St. Andrew,, Pershore Worcester, 1634. Aynsworth, John. Kinarton (? Kemerton). Worcester, 1682. Aynsworth, Thomas. Whatton Longa. , Leicester, 1682. Ayray, Leonard. Kentmire. Westmoreland, 1666. Aystrop, Thomas. Kirton. Lincoln, 1634. 1—2 BAB BAR Baband, Daniel. Babb, Christopher. Babb, William. Babbington, Ralph. Bache, Simon. Bache, William. Backin, William. Backhouse, Robert. Bacon, John. Bad bard, William. Badcock, John, Vicar of Godmanchester. Northgate St., Chester. Teigngrace. Doddiscomb Leigh. Southwark. Suckley. Penn. Mende. Charlton Kings. Heminborough. Upper Stunto. Badger, John. Bad ham, Francis. Bagge, Robert. Bagnall, Robert. Bagnall, Thomas. Bagnall, William. Bagshaw, John. Bailey, Thomas. Bailey, William. Bailey, William, Vintner. Bailey, — . Baizley, John. Baker, George. Baker, Richard. Baker, William. Baker, — , Rector of Ristow. Bakewell, John. Bakewell, Thomas. Baldewyn, Edward. Baldwin, Richard. Baldwin, Richard. Baldwin, Thomas. Balgey, Mr. Ball, George. Ball, jNicholas. Ball, Philip. Ball, Robert. Ball, Thomas. Ballard, Francis. Ballard, John. Barnfield, John. Banaster, Richard. Bancroft, John. Bande, Thomas. Banister, George. Bant, John. Banyard, Robert. Banyer, Robert. Bar, John. Barber, Joseph. Hursley. Bishop's Froome. Dinder. Fenton Vivian. Cranage. Onecote-juxta- Alton. Narrow dale. Bigbury. Merden. Philips' Norton. Hemingford Abbots. Longslowe. Bis h ton. Berry. Upton. Normanton. Astley. Syresham. Ash ton. Redmarley D'Abitot. Aston. Appleby. Tunstall. Easton. Wilton. Walsall, Borough. Moreton. Suckley. Buckland Brewer. Cheltenham. Sutton. Hampton Bishop. Ad cot and Milford. Wartnaby. Sodford. Hinneth. St. James. Cheshire, 1664 Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Surrey, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Stafford, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Hereford, 1634. Huntingdon, 1684. Hampshire, 1684. Hereford, 1634. Somerset, 1672. Stafford, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Devon, 1620. Wilts, 1623. London, 1687. Somerset, 1623. Huntingdon, 1684. Salop, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Huntingdon, 1684. Huntingdon, 1684. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Salop, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Derby, 1611. Leicester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Somerset, 1672. Somerset, 1623. Stafford, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Gloucester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Salop, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Essex, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. BAR BAT Barbor, William. Leinthall. Hereford, 1634. Barbour, John. Redsham. Suffolk, 1664. Barfoot, Henry. Basingstoke. Hampshire, 1684. Barfoot, Walter. Hampshire, 1684. Bagster, George. Castle Hold. Hampshire, 1684. Baringhani, John. Wollaston. Northampton, 1681. Barker, George. Sutton. Salop, 1664. Barker, John. Brock ford. Suffolk, 1664. Barker, John. Braise worth. Suffolk, 1664. Barker, Thomas. East Hampstead. Berks, 1664. Barker, — . Dore. Derby, 1611. Barkly, Thomas. Bosbury. Hereford, 1634. Barnard, Jewell. East Bridgeford. Nottingham, 1614. Barnard, Richard. Banston (? Barnston) Essex, 1664. Barnard, William. West Heslerton. Yorkshire, 1668. Barnes, Antony. Bishops Wyre. Worcester, 1634. Barnes, James. Toft Monks. Norfolk, 1664. Barnes, John. Hereford. Hereford, 1683. Barnes, John. Horsle3\ Surrey, 1623. Barnes, John. Tichmersh. Northampton 168L Barnes, Mr. Lowe and Ditches. Salop, 1664. Barnes, Thomas. Queenhill. Worcester, 1682. Barnewood, Gregorye. Bucks, 1634. Barney, John. Markinton-cum-Wallowthwail ■j. Yorkshire, 1668. Barney, Tiiomas. Bishop Thornton. Yorkshire, 1668. Baron, Samuel. Blakeney. Norfolk, 1664. Baron, Thomas. Radwinter. Essex, 1664. Barret, Edward. Siddington. Cheshire, 1664. Barret, Thomas. Shorwell. Hampshire, 1684. Barron, George. Frocester. Gloucester, 1682. Barron, Nicholas. Leonards Stanley. Gloucester, 1682. Barrow, John. Norton. Norfolk, 1664. Barrow, William. CoUington. Hereford, 1634. Barston, Richard. Redmarley. Worcestei-, 1634. Bartlet, Thomas. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Barton, Hum fry. Silverton. Devon, 1620. Barton, Lewis. Portsmouth. Hampshire, 1684. Barton, Robert. Ormeside. Westmoreland, 1666. Barton, Thomas. Portsmouth. Hampshire, 1684. Barton, William. Oldbury. Gloucester, 1623. Bartter, Thomas. Great Thornton. Suffolk, 1664. Barwell, William. Osbaston. Leicester, 1682. Bar wick, Edmund. Sithington. Cheshire, 1664. Barwick, William. SS. Martin and Gregory, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Baskervile, Mr. Mansfield. Notts, 1664. Baskerville, William. Sound. Cheshire, 1664. Basset, Thomas. AVallingford. Berks, 1664. Basset, William. North Kilworth. Leicester, 1682. Bate, Daniel, Vintner. London, 1687. Bate, Mr. Little Chester. Derby, 1611. Bate, Mr. West Broughton. Derby, 1611. BAT 6 BEL Bate, Thomas. Wistow. Yorkshire, 1668. Bateman, Michael. Thrapston. Northampton, 1681. Bateman,Randle. Under Barrow & Bradley Field. Westmoreland, 1666. Bateman, Eobert. South Eepps. Bateman, Eoger. Old Hutton & Holme Scales. Bateman, Thomas. Bateman, William. Bates, William. Batt, Richard. Battely, Richard. Battison, Samuel. Baugh, Thomas. Bawyn, Edward. Baxter, Mr. Baxter, Richard. Baxter, Richard. Baxter, Robert. Bayes, William. Bayfield, William. Bayley, Mr. Bayley, Thomas. Bay lie, Edward. Baynes, Joseph. Baynes, Robert. Baynes, Roger. Bays, William. Bayton, Edward. Bazeley, Richard. Bazeley, Richard. Beal, Thomas. Beale, Richard. Beale, Thomas. Bear, Robert. Beardmore, Rev. John. Beare, John. Beart, Thomas. Beart, William. Beast, William. Beauchamp, Symon. Becket, Peter. Beckley, George. Beckwith, Christofer. Rat hby. South Repps. Trunch. East Chinnock. Bury St. Edmunds. Wellingborough. Sandhurst. Christleton. Up sail. Topcroft. Sebergham. South Clifton. Birdingbury. Hackford. Handsaker. Dursley. Frome. Shrewsbury. Edge Lee and Pomer. Sutton. Chaxwell. Shrewsbury. Houghton. Witton. Pendock. Temple Guiting. Geting. Twiford. Branston. Burton. Thellarthune (? Thelnetham). Wattlesfield. Hartlebury. Bridgnorth. Bristol. Fyfield in Bray. Ay ton. Prestbury. Monkland. Bedford, Rev. Edward. Bedford, John, Yeoman. Bedford, Thomas, Vicar of Canon Pyon. Bedford, William, Vicar of Munkland. Bee, Edward. Skefiing. Bee, Henry. Stapenhill. Beevan, John. Clifford. Beighton, Thomas. Wirksworth. BelJ, Angell. Wokingham. Norfolk, 1664. Westmoreland, 1666. Lincoln, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Suffolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Cumberland, 1666. Notts, 1664. Warwick, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Somerset, 1672. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Gloucester, 1623. Salop, 1664. Huntingdon, 1684. Huntingdon, 1684. Worcester, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Leicester, 168i'. Dorset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Salop, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Berks, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Gloucester, 1682. Hereford, 1634. Hereford, 1683. Hereford, 1683. Yorkshire, 1668. Derby, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Derby, 1664. Berks, 1664. BEL BIR Bell, Balthazar. Burslem. Bell, Humfry. Stoke. Bell, James. Yapton. Bell, John. Bell, Eichard. Nutfield. Bell, Eichard. Eaton. Bell, William. Yarmouth. Bellamie, Thomas. Kidderminster. Bellamy, AVilliam. Lickell Falley. Bellers, John, Belton, John. South Cave. Bel ward, Eichard. Broome. Benbowe, Eobert. Winslow. Benington, John, Draper Oakham. Bennet, Thomas. Tewkesbury. Bennett, John. Chadnor Court. Bennett, Thomas. The Haw. Bennett, William. Standish. Benskin, John. Brough. Benskin, John, Hartshorne. Benskin, Eichard, Eector of Willoughby. Benskyn, Edward, Sadler. Bensley, John. Carlton. Bent, John. Stony Stanton. Bentley, Thomas, Draper. Bere, William. Linkinhorne. Berke, Perse. Winwick. Bernard, Floris. Bernard, Henry. Pendock. Bernard, John. Easington. Bernard, Thomas. Southampton. Berrie, John. Kentisbeare. Berriman, James, Clerk. Nympsfield. Best, Henry. Best, John. Best, Thomas. Bestbeech, James. Bethel, Eobert. Beverege, Francis. Bick, Thomas. Bickerton, Arthur. Biddulph, John. Bilclift, Joseph. Biledge, Eichard. Billing, Thomas. Billing, Thomas. Binns, Abraham. Binstead, John. Birch, Thomas. Birch, Thomas. Birch, William, Eector of Kington. Emswell. Elmley Lovett. Northiam. Beverley. Arlingham. Wilkesley. May ford. Edmonton. Milton. Yelvertoft. Bingley. Hambleton. Eushall and Goscote. Harbourne and Smethwick Stafford, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Sussex, 1662. Norfolk, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Bucks, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Warwick, 1619. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Bucks, 1634. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1623. Hereford, 1683. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Lincoln, 1634. Derby, 1634. Leicester, 1682, London, 1687. Norfolk, 1664. Leicester, 1882. London, 1687. Cornwall, 1620. Huntingdon, 1684. Surrey, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Hampshire, 1684. Devon, 1620. Gloucester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Worcester, 1634. Sussex, 1662. Yorkshire, 1668. Derby, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Middlesex, 1663. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Hampshire, 1684. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Worcester, 1682. BIR BON Bircham, Robert. Congham. Norfolk, 1664. B ire he, Roger. Wolverhampton. Stafford, 1664. Birde, John. Barrow-on-Soar. Leicester, 1682. Birkbeck, Thomas. Cotflat. Westmoreland, 1666. Birket, William. Troutbeck. Westmoreland, 1666. Birkinshaw, Samuel. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Biron, John. Stokeham. Notts, 1064. Birstal, Richard. Leicester. Leicester, 1682. Bishop, Antony. Warwick, 1619. Bishop, Edward. Felton and Burway. Salop, 1664. Bishop, George. Moore and Downton. Salop, 1664. Bishop, Richard. Stoke Milborow and Moore. Salop, 1664. Bishop, Robert. Meere. Wilts, 1623. Bishop, Valentine. Kinton. Salop, 1664. Blache, Christopher. Thiwvaton. Norfolk, 1664. Black, William. North Kilworth. Leicester, 1682. Blackburn, Giles. Marrick. Yorkshire, 1668. Blackden, John. Loxbear. Devon, 1620. Blackwell, Francis. Amersham. Hampshire, 1684. Blagrave, Edward, Goldsmith. London, 1687. Blagrave, Giles. Bright Walton. Berks, 1664. Blagrave, Henry. Leckhampstead. Berks, 1664. Blake, John. Plympton St. Mary. Devon, 1620. Blake, Richard. Dudcote. Berks, 1664. Blake, Walter. Ilchester. Somerset, 1672. Blakeston, George. Stapleton. Yorkshire, 1668. Blandy, Adam. Letcombe Basset. Berks, 1664. Blandy, John. Inglewood. Berks, 1664. Blayte, Nathaniel. Coltishall. Norfolk, 1664. Blewett, Thomas. Elton. Huntingdon, 1684. Blithe, William. Aisenby. Yorkshire, 1668. Blodwell, John. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Blofield, Jerome. Alby. Norfolk, 1664. Blondel, Robert, Vicar of Morton. Worcester, 1682. Bloome, Vincent. Neatishead. Norfolk, 1G64. Blowfield, Israael, Attorney-at-Law. Warrington. Northampton, 1681. Bloxham, Thomas. Offenham. Worcester, 1634. Blunden, William, Sen. Basingstoke. Hampshire, 1684. Blunketts, Mr. Malpas. Cheshire, 1664. Blunstone, John. Great Raveley. Huntingdon, 1684. Blunt, Mr. Beverley. Yorkshire, 1668. Blyfer, Mathew. New Walsingham. Norfolk, 1664. Blyfer, Mathew. Old Walsingham. Norfolk, 1664. Blyke, Gabriel, Tanner. Hereford.^ Hereford, 1683. Body, Mathew. Tetbury. Gloucester, 1682. Bogeen, Thomas. Horningsey. Cambridge, 1684. Bokerell, John. Seavington St. Michael. Somerset, 1672. Bolding, William. Norbrook. Warwick, 1682. Bolt, John. Edlington. Lincoln, 1634. Bolton, Robert. Feckeuham. Worcester, 1634. Bond, Richard. Newland. Gloucester, 1623. BON 9 BOY Bond, William. Leintwardine. Bonner, John. Mickleton. Booker, John. Bickerton. Booky, Francis. Temple Brewer. Boord, John. Boos, Samuel. Finchingfield. Boote, William. Wistanton. Booth, Charles. Stow. Booth, Eicliard. Spurhall. Boothby, Edmund. Boothe, Antony. Ingleton. Booty, Nathaniel. Wattlesfield. Boraston, Eichard. Eibbesford. Bordall, David, Eector of Beoley. Boreniont, James. Hemyock. Borley. James. Brockley. Bostock, Ealph. Willaston. Boswell, Eobert. Eccleshall. Bothura, Mr. Mickleover. Bott, John. Dunstall. Bough, John. Huntington. Boult, Joshua, Druggist. Boulter, Henry. EatclifFe on the Wreak. Boulton, Hugh. Hankilow. Bourman, Edmund. Norwich. Bourn, Fulk. Elmbridge. Bourn, Gilbert. Elmbridge. Bourn, John. Elmbridge. Bourne, Henry. Bridgnorth. Bourne, William. Little Chell. Bouth, Antony. Maxfield. Bouth, John. Hankilow. Bound, Jeffry. Henipston. Bound, John. Ippleston. Bound, Peter. Tor Brian. Bovet, Philip. Wellington. Bow don, Mr. Bowdou. Bowdler, William. Wollaston. Bowen, Erasmus. Ciun. Bower, Antony. Gloucester. Bower, Antony. Micheldeane. Bower, Edward. The Lea. Bower, Eobert. West Somerton. Bower, Thomas. Micheldeane. Bower, William. Wickham. Bow ley, Thomas. Bromyard. Bown, Edward. Little Dean. Bowtell, Simon. Bowyer, George. Uttoxeter. Bowyer, William. Stanford. Boyer, Charles. Grendon. Hereford, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Salop, 1623. Essex, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Berks, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Suffolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Leicester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Salop 1664. Stafford, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Somerset, 1672. Derby, 1611. Salop, 1623. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Hereford, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Essex, 1634. Stafford, 1664. Notts, 1664. Hereford, 1634. BOY 10 BRI Boyes, Eichard. Boylston, Sares, Eector of Rock, Braban, Edward. Braban, John. Braboiirn, Edward. Brackan, Thomas. Brackstone, William. Bracton, Arthur, Vicar of Himbleton. Bradbery, Francis. Youlgreave. Bradford, Richard. Town send in Dilwyn. Salehurst. St. Briavels. Tiderington. Southampton. Bradley, John. Bradley, Jonathan. Bradley, Jonathan. Bradley, Richard. Sedgeley. Whitchurch. Worswell. Salop, 1623. Worcester, 1682. Sussex, 1662. Gloucester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Worcester, 1682. Derby, 1611. Hereford, 1683. Stafford, 1664. Salop, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Essex, 1634. Bradley, Roger. UnderBarrow&Bradley Field. Westmoreland, 1666. Pradock, Charles. Bradshaw, Mr. Brad stock, Rowland. Braine, John. Braman, John. Brampton, Francis. Brande, Thomas. Brandish, William. Bransby, Robert. Braxton, Robert. Brayne, Christofer. Brayne, John. Brayne, Nicholas. Bream e, Nicholas. Breese, Augustine. Breese, Robert. Sugnall. Duffield. Queenhill. Yeovil. Borden. Orleton. Mautby. Hepworth. Brackfield (1 Bradfield). Wixhall. Aston-juxta-Mondrum. Bodington. Brisly. Whitwell. Hackford. Brentnall, John, Vicar of Whitwick. Brerehurst, Thomas. Hanford. Brereton, Andrew. Brereton, Edward. Brereton, Edward. Brereton, John. Brereton, William. Brescie, Ralph. Brett, Michael. Brett, John. Brett, John. Brett, Richard. Bretton, William. Brewen, John. Brewer, Roger. Brewer, Thomas. Brewin, Robert. Bricknell, Robert. Mattishall. Hurdlow. Hartington. Postwick. Postwick. Willaston. Broughton Sulney. Watergate St., Chester. Larling. Eastgate St., Chester. Kelston. Tavistock. Biddlesden. Biddlesden. Stretton. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Somerset, 1672. Hampshire, 1684. Hereford, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Salop, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Stafford, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Derbv, 1634. Derby, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Notts, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Devon, 1620. Bucks, 1634. Bucks, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Surrey, 1623. Farnham. Bridge, Richard. Lower end of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664 Bridges, Samuel. Suffolk, 1664 BRI 11 BRO Briggs, Edward. Burrow. Bright, Henry. Eccleshall. Brindley, George. Kinver. Brindley, William. Brockton. Brisco, Eobert. Langrigg. BriscovA% Mr. Farewell. Bringloe, John. Wilby. Britles, John. Britles. Brittise, Philip. Hun worth. Broad bent, Mr. Worleston. Brock, Geoffry. Basford. Brock, Henry. Broxton. Brok, Eeynold. Brome, John. Northwich. Bromfield, Eichard. Artington. Bromhall, Mr. Newton. Bronihall, John. Baddiley. Bromhall, Thomas. Nantwich. Broome, Dr. St. John Delpike, York. Brompton, John. Stanton Lacy. Bromwich, Thomas. Brilley. Brook, Edward. Gravel ey. Brook, James. Upton. Brook, John. Alfington. Brook, Thomas, Vicar of Bishampton. Brooke, Mr. Garforth. Brooke, Eichard. Smallwood. Brooke, William. Bradley. Brooke, William. Dod worth. Brookes, Eichard. Boughton. Brouncker, Thomas. Portsmouth. Broun e, Eobert. Hembe. Brough, John. Wingates in Leeke Frith. Broughton, William, , D.D. Chaddesley Corbet. Brown, Mr. Dalston. Brown, Mr. Smitterton. Brown, Mr. Marston. Brown, Edward. Bungay. Brown, Harry. Lainton (l Linton). Brown, Eobert. South Walsham. Brown, Henry. Brown, Henry. Brown, John. Brown, John. Brown, John. Brown, Eichard. Brown, Eobert. Brown, Thomas. Brown, William. Brown, William. Brown, William. Lilburn. Withyford. Little Brampton. Leinthall. Bretherton. Shobdon. Claynober (? Claycoton). Thornham. Gainsborough. , Lancaster, Yorksliire, Stafford, Stafford, Cumberland, Stafford, Norfolk, Cheshire, Norfolk, Cheshire, Nottingham, Nottingham, Berks, Cheshire, Surrey, Salop, Cheshire, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Salop, Hereford, Cambridge, Worcester, Sussex, Worcester, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Worcester, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Hampshire, Norfolk, Stafford, Worcester, Cumberland, Derby, Derby, Suffolk, Hereford, Norfolk, Suffolk, Northampton, Salop, Suffolk, Hereford, Hereford, Lancaster, Hereford, Northampton, Norfolk, Lincoln, 1667. 1668. 1664. 1664. 1666. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1614. 1614. 1623. 1664. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1668. 1664. 1634. 1684. 1682. 1662. 1682. 1668. 1664. 1682. 1668. 1664. 1684. 1664. 1664. 1682. 1666. 16n. 1611. 1664. 1634. 1664. 1664. 1681. 1664. 1664. 1634. 1683. 1667. 1634. 1681. 1664. 1634. BRO 12 BUT Brown, William. Yardley Hastings. Northampton, 1681. Brown, William. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Browne, Mr. Lawle7. Salop, 1664. Browne, Mr. New Hall. Cheshire, 1664. Browne, Abraham. Beccles. Suffolk, 1664. Browne, Benjamin. Kirkby Malzeard. Yorkshire, 1668. Browne, Edmund. Holbeck Woodhouse. Notts, 1664. Browne, Edward. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Browne, George. Nether Broughton. Leicester, 1682. Browne, John. Holme-cum-Homgrave. Yorkshire, 1668. Browne, Ralph. Ince Makerfield. Lancaster, 1667. Browne, Richard. Colney. Norfolk, 1664. Browne, Richard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Browne, Richard. Edge Lee and Pomer, Salop, 1664. Browne, Richer. Fulmodeston. Norfolk, 1664. Browne, Robert. Almonsbury. Gloucester, 1682. Browne, Thomas. Fen ton Culvert. Stafford, 1664. Browne, Thomas. Boulton. Suffolk, 1664. Browne, William. Hill's Dale. Stafford, 1664. Browne, William. Lilburn. Northampton, 1681. Browning, John. Stinchcomb. Gloucester, 1682. Brownin^r, William. Martley. Worcester, 1682. Brucknnll, Mr. Spondon. Derby, 1611. Bruckshaw, Mr. Dalley. Derby, 1611. Brugh, William. Horncastle. Lincoln, 1634. Bryan, William. Cambridge, 1684. Brydon, John. Suffolk, 1664. Brydon, Roger. Bury St. Edmunds. Suffolk, 1G64. Buck, — . Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Buck, Edward, Great Wickham. Norfolk, 1664. Bucke, George. Oddingley. Worcester, 1682. Buckerfield Henry. Sulgrave. Northampton, 1681. Buckeridge, Thomas. Basildon. Berks, 1664. Buckingham, George. Great Wallin (? Waldingfield). Suffolk, 1664. Buckle, Walter, Sen. Gloucester, 1682. Buckle, Walter, Jnn, Gloucester, 1682. Bu gg, Robert. Lakenheath. Suffolk, 1664. Bull, Richard. Barton Underwood. Stafford, 1664. Bullen, Thomas. Nantwich. Cheshire, 1664. Bullien, George. Bale. Norfolk, 1664. Bullock, George. Alderton. Wilts, 1623. Bullock, Stephen. Lessingham. Norfolk, 1664. Bulman. William. Ormesby. Norfolk, 1664. Bulstrode, Henry. Warfield. Berks, 1664. Bunnington, Mr. Barrowcoat. Derby, 1611. Bunn, Charles. VV^eston. Norfolk, 1664. Bunclier, Edward. Paulers Pury. Northampton, 1681. Bustin, Robert. Brampton. Norfolk, 1664. Bus well, George. Derby. Derby, 1611. Butcher, Joseph. Tilbury. Essex, 1664. Butcher, Thomas. Salop, 1623. BUT 13 CAL Butcher, William. Sible Hedingham. Essex, 1664. Butcher, William. Somerset, 1672. Buthin, Francis. Hollowell. Northampton, 1681. Butler, Mr. Whitgift. Yorkshire, 1668. Butler, George. Uttoxeter. Stafford, 1664. Butler, John. Bankside. Surrey, 1623. Butler, Eoger. Arley. Warwick, 1682. Butler, Thomas. Bentley. AVarwick, 1682. Button, Mr. Worcester, 1634. Buttree, John. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Byatt, William. Bures Ales. Suffolk, 1664. Byet, Thomas. Lanham in Stoke by Clan }. Suffolk, 1664. Bywater, Charles, Salter. London, 1687. Byworth, Eobert. Farnham. Surrey, 1623. Burden, Richard, Clerk. Bramston. Northampton, 1681. Burdett, John. Egton. Yorkshire, 1668. Burditt, Richard. Gilmorton. Leicester, 1682. Burgoine, Michael. Tidburne. Devon, 1620. Burkhill, John. Garthorpe. Lincoln, 1634. Burland, John. Stockland. Somerset, 1623. Barlingham, Samuel, Girdler. London, 1687. Burle, William. Long Sutton. Hampshire, 1684. Burlle, George. Aldershot. Hampshire, 1684. Burmingham, Bartholomew. Bensted. Hampshire, 1684. Burneby, Rev. Hugh. Asfordby. Leicester, 1682. Burneby, Richard. Manton. Northampton, 1681. Burnesound, Richard. Bromssrrove. Worcester, 1634. Burnet, Mr. Cressy. . St. John Baptist, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Burr, Christofer. Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Burrell, Israel. Stow Market. Suffolk, 1664. Burrough, Miles. Ditchingham. Norfolk, 1664. Burroughs, Robert. Tilstock. Salop, 1664. Burrowes, Bennett. Bradfield. Suffolk, 1664. Burrows, Mr. Truslaw. Yorkshire, 1668. Burry, William. Stoke. Norfolk, 1664. Burt, Robert. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Burtuu, Hum fry. Kidderminster. Worcester, 1634. Burton, James. Essex, 1664. Burton, James. Foulsham. Norfolk, 1664. Burton, John. Scorton. Yorkshire, 1668. Burton, John. Ombersley. Worcester, 1682. Burton, Robert. Cley. Norfolk, 1664. Bury, Humfry. Mamble. Worcester, 1682. Bury, Thomas. Abberley. Worcester, 1634. Bury, Thomas. Mamble. Worcester, 1682. Caiger, John. . Weston. Hampshire, 1684. Calcote, Abraham. Plealey. Salop, 1664. Calcote, Antony. Pickering. Yorkshire, 1668. Caldcote, Thomas. Chorley. Cheshire, 1664. Calvert, Leonard. Wensley. . Yorkshire, 1668. CAL 14 CHA Callis, Simon. Brafield. Northampton, 1681. Callow, Thomas. Temple Tysoe. Warwick, 1682. Calvers, John. Ditchingham. Norfolk, 1664. Calvert, Peter. Rufforth. Yorkshire, 1668. Cam, John. Dymock. Gloucester, 1682. Cam, William. Snowdon. Hereford, 1634. Came, John. Dymock. Gloucester, 1623. Came, John. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. Camfield, Benjamin, '. Rector of Alexton. Leicester, 1682. Campes, Thomas. Chatteris. Cambridge, 1684. Camplesham, Willian I. Askham Bryan. Yorkshire, 1668. Candy, Edmund. St. Allen. Cornwall, 1620. Candler, Kobert. Alderton. Suffolk, 1664. Capell, Mr. Marton. Derby, 1611. Care, James. London, 1687. Carehad, Adam. March. Cambridge, 1684. Carington, John. Spondon. Derby, 1634. Carington, John. Bugsworth. Derby, 1634. Carpenter, Peter, Weaver. London, 1687. Carr, Nicholas. Ludlow. Salop, 1664. Carr, John. Worsted. Norfolk, 1664. Carre, John. Kintbury Eaton. Berks, 1664. Cart, William. Leire. Leicester, 1682. Carter, George. Brill. Backs, 1634. Carter, Samuel. Hemeneston (Hemingstone). Suffolk, 1664. Carwardine, John. Madelev. Hereford, 1683. Carwardine, John. Thingiil. Hereford, 1683. Carwardine, Richard. , Mercer. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Cary, John, Mercer. Yeovil. Somerset, 1672. Cary, Walter. Wycombe. Bucks. 1634. Cary, William. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Casborn, William. Fordham. Cambridge, 1684. Caseburne, John. Exning. Suffolk, 1664. Caster, John. Glandford. Norfolk, 1664. Castle, Thomas. East Hendred. Berks, 1623. Caswell, William. Bishop's Lydiard. Somerset, 1623. Catchpoole, John. Stonham Aspall. Suffolk, 1664. Carter, William. Ringmer. Sussex, 1662. Catford, Robert. North Petherton. Somerset, 1623. Catherall, John. Wetherby. Yorkshire, 1668. Cattell, Thomas. Uppingham. Northampton, 1681. Catterick, John. Carleton. Yorkshire, 1668. Catworthy, William. Hack worthy. Devon, 1620. Causy, Robert. Huntington. Suffolk, 1664. Cave, Jas., a Nonconformist Minister. Daventry. Northampton, 1681. Caylock, Antony. Minsterworth. Gloucester, 1623. Ceptene, William. Hintlesham. Suffolk, 1664. Chadwell, Thomas. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Chafey, William. Surrey, 1623. Challis, John. Bury. Suffolk, 1664. Chaloner, Thomas. Stone. Stafford, 1664. CHA 15 CHO Chamber, William. Chamberlain, Edward. Chamberlaine, John. Chamberlaine, John. Chamberlaine, Thomas. Chambers, Francis. Chambers, John. Chambers, Eichard. Chambers, William. Champion, Henry. Chandler, Ki chard. Northfield. Pinchbeck. West Hide. Ocle Pichard. Bolingbroke. Woodend. Tresson. Badreswell (? Bawdeswell). Collingham. North Collingham. Dullinghoe. Chandler, William, Fishmonger. Chante, Francis. Chumleigh. Chapman, Arthur. Buckland Brewer. Chapman, Charles. Thongland. Chapman, Edward. St. Cross. Chapman, Henry. Tetbury. Chapman, John. Wickham. Chapman, Eobert. Foulsham. Chapman, Roger.C.ofThurmaston&V. of Humberston. Leicester, 1682. Chapman, Seth. Foulsham. Norfolk, 1664. Moulton. Northampton, 1681. Blockley. Worcester, 1634. Stodey-with-Hunworth. Norfolk, 1664. Hackness. Langtree. Hill. Piddle. Castle Bromwich. Bromsgrove. St. John's Bedwardine. Hadzor. Worcester, 1634. Lincoln, 1634. Hereford, 1683. Hereford, 1683. Lincoln, 1634. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 162.3. Norfolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Notts, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. London, 1687. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Salop, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Chapman, Thomas. Chapman, Thomas. Chapman, Thomas. Chapman, William. Chappel, Robert. Charlett, Arthur. Charlett, John. Chattock, Thomas. Chaunce, John. Chaunce, John. Chaunce, Thomas. Cheese, William. Chenery, John. Chenery, Thomas. Chenery, William. Cheseldine, Richard, Captain. Chettle, Thomas, Sen. Cheyney, Thomas, Child, John. Childers, Mr. Chinn, William. Cholcke, Giles. Choldich, William. Chollacomb, Thomas. Chopton, (? Clop ton) Francis. Christian, William. Christmas, Henry. Christmas, John. Haughboy. Helmeston. Wetheringset. Oakham. Christmas, Richard. Christmas, William. Shalbourn. Chalson. Warmesworth. . Trepen Kennent. Chorestey. Paignton. Combe Martin. Hurlay. Carlisle. Bensted. Bentley. Sydling St. Nicholas. Oakhanger. Yorkshire, 1668. Devon, 1620. Worcester, 1682. Worcester, 1682. Warwick, 1682, Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Salop, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Worcester, 1634. Berks, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Hereford, 1683. Hereford, 1634. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Suffolk, 1664. Cumberland, 1666. Hampshire, 1684. Hampshire, 1684. Dorset, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. CHR 16 CLU Cliristofer, AVilliam, Factor. Church, John. Lingwood. Church, John. Church, Handle. Church, Thomas. Church, William. Churcher, Richard. Churtch, William. Clare, Robert. Clark, John. Stock and Bradley. Nantwich. Hereford. Brackfield (] Bradfield). Petersfield. Clark, John, Wharfinger. Staunton-on-Wye. Hampton. Loughborough. Spratton. Shrewsbury. Bishop's Lydiard. Wigston Parva. Sear by. Gloucester. Bottesford. Clark, John. Clark, Joseph. Clark, Robert. Clarke, Edmund. Clarke, John. Clarke, John. Clarke, John. Clarke, John. Clarke, John, Chief Constable Clarke, Mathew. Clarke, Robert. Welton. Clarke, Samuel. Saxestone. Clarke, Thomas. • Towcester. Clarke, William. Syderstrand. Clarke, William. Clay, John. Elian d-cum-Greetland. Clay, Jonathan, Rector of Cadeby (sic). Clayton, Thomas. Clayton. Cleaver, Thomas. Stone Magna. Cleeve, Edward. Wootton. Clement, John. Petersfield. Clement, William. Boswell. Clement, William. Amersham. Clerk, Mathew. Wacton. Clerke, John, Attorney-at-Law. Oundle. Clerke, Robert. Cleseby, James. Clever, Thomas. Cliffe, Robert. Clissold, John. Cliston, Nathan. Clifton, William. Clutterbuck, Edward. Clutterbuck, Thomas. Clutterbuck, Thomas. Clough, Edward. Clows, Richard. Coate, Robert. Cobb, Thomas, Chandler. Cock, Patrick. Lasonby. Sawbridge. Merton. Quedgeley. Byfield. Paulers Pury. Cirencester. King Stanley. Combes. Great Dawley. Upton. Brindsley. London, 1687. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Cheshire, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Suffolk, 1 664. Hampshire, 1684. Salop, 1623. Surrey, 1623. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Worcester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Warwick, 1619. Northampton, 1681. Suffolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Norfolk, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Warwick, 1682. Berks, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Yorkshire, 1668. Hampshire, 1684. Hereford, 1683. Northampton, 1681. Surrey, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Warwick, 1682. Devon, 1620. Gloucester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Salop, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. London, 1687. Notts, 1664. coc 17 coo Cockerell, Henry. Stokesley. Cockledge, Marten. Great Barton. Codd, George. Mende. Colclugh, Bartholomew. Delphurst. Coldham, James. Anmer. Coe, Charles. Mildenhall. Cogham, John. Haxey. Coke, John. Shrewsbury. Colbo, Walter. Cole, Christofer. Cole, Edward, Upholder, Cole, Henry. Cole, John. Cole, William. Colebrook, William. Coleford, John. Coleman, Francis. Coleman, John. Coles, Barn able. Coles, Lawrence, Goldsmith. Coles, Ralph. Tichmarsh. Coles, Samuel. Braybrook. Coles, William, Minister of Seal ford. Pulborough. Bromsgrove. Ashbury. Ely. Petersfield. Dudston (?Durston). Nedham. Canke. Duneton. Collens, Daniel. Colles, Andrew. Collett, Thomas. Colley, James. Colley, William. Collier, Mr. Collier, Henry. Collier, Henry. Colling, Ninian. Colling, Peter. CoUingwood, Mr. Collins, Edward. Collins, John. Collombell, Mr. Collyer, Henry. Collyn, William. Colman, Thomas. Colquite, John. ColshilL William. Whitbourne. Lulsley. Bourton on the Water. Clifford. Bromyard. Allestry. Canford. Basingstoke. Ravens worth cum Washton, Methley. Trusley. Winwick. Betterton. Matlock. Hanbury. Broxted. St. John's. St. Sampson's. ColshilL Combe, William, Vicar of South Parva. Comber, Richard. Complin, George. Complin, William. Complin, William. Cook, Abraham. Cook, Edmund. Cook, Edmund. Cook, Edward. Frome. Walsham. West Soake in Winchester. Walsham. Stodey with Hunworth. Norwich. Heywood. Yorkshire, 1668. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Stafford, 1583. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Salop, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Sussex, 1662. London, 1687. Worcester, 1634. Berks, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Hampshire, 1684. Somerset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Stafford, 1583. Wilts, 1623. London, 1687. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Leicester, 1682. Hereford, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Hereford, 1683. Derby, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Derby, 1611. Northampton, 1681. Berks, 1664. Derby, 1611. Worcester, 1634. Essex, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. Bucks, 1634. Hereford, 1683. Somerset, 1672. Suffolk, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Suffolk, 1664. Leicester, 1619. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. coo 18 COT Cook, Edward. Cannings. Wilts, Cook, Francis, Goldsmith . London, Cook, Henry. Wickhampton. Norfolk, Cook, Henry. Eidlington. Norfolk, Cook, John, Slopseller. London, Cook, Theophilus, Curate of Stony Stanton. Leicester, Cook, Thomas. Sustead. Norfolk, Cook, Thomas. Burwaston. Salop, Cook, William. Eldersfield. Worcester, Cook, William. Wallingford. Berks, Cook, William. . Salop, Cooke, John. Hurcott. Somerset, Cooke, John, Merchant. London, Cooke, John. Wolverton. Norfolk, Cookes, Henry. Handsworth. Stafford, Cookes, John. Baddiley. Stafford, Cookes, John. Bentley. Worcester, Cooknidge, Francis. Darlaston. Stafford Cooling, Thomas. Upton Magna. Salop, Coope, Eobert. Melton. Suffolk, Cooper, George. Monk Bretton. Yorkshire, Cooper, John. Loughborough. Leicester, Cooper, John, Goldsmith . London, Cooper, John. North Erpingham. Norfolk, Cooper, John. Northbrook. Hampshire, Cooper, John. Yarmouth. Norfolk, Cooper, John. Hingham. Norfolk, Cooper, Eichard. Marston Sicca. Gloucester, Cooper, Samuel. Exhall. Warwick, Cooper, Thomas, Goldsmith. London, Cooper, Thomas. Wood Burcot. Northampton, Cooper, William. Brightling. Sussex, Cooper, William. Hick ford. Dorset, Cooseman, Thomas. Eatlesden. Suffolk, Copley, Eobert. Gosforth. Cumberland, Copuldyke, Humfry. Frampton. Lincoln, Corbert, Thomas. Hanford. Stafford, Cordwyne, Thomas. Lincoln, Corrning, Thomas. Lincoln, Costnet, Eobert. Pershore. Worcester, Cotchet, Mr. Mickleover. Derby, Cotes, John. Kildwick, Yorkshire, Cotes, Eobert, Eector of Aston Flamville. Leicester, Cother, John. Eipley. Worcester, Cotterell, Mr. Hugell. Yorkshire, Cotterell, George, Junr. Bacons. Warwick, Cottingham, Mr. Little Neston. Cheshire, Cotton, George. Haston. Salop, Cotton, John. Gorbold. Suffolk, Cotton, Thomas. Coton. Warwick, Cotton, Thomas. Cotwalton. Stafford, COT 19 CRO Cotton, Thomas. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Coucher, Thomas Worcester. Worcester, 1634. Couldham, Thomas. Elfsmere (Egmere 1). Norfolk, 1664. Coulthurst, Millington. Marthall cum Wharton. Cheshire, 1664. Counsell, William. Wedmore. Somerset, 1672. Couzens, Henry. Wineston. Suffolk, 1664. Cove, Nicholas. Bishop's Tawton. Devon, 1620. Covey, Edward, "Rector of Stoke Charity. Hampshire, 1684. Cows, John. Eastojate St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Cowslade, George. Newbury. Berks, 1664. Cowslade, Thomas. Newbury. Berks, 1664. Cox, John. Stapenhill. Derby, 1634. Cox, John. Ardington. Berks, 1664. Cox, John. Broughton. Huntingdon, 1684. Cox, John, Draper. London, 1687. Cox, William. Southwark. Surrey, 1623. Coxe, Kichard. Montacute. Somerset, 1672. Coxedd, Francis. Newbury. Berks, 1664. Coydall, Richard. Lincoln, 1634. Crab, John. Crawley. Surrey, 1623. Crab, John. Bromsgrove. Worcester. 1634. Crakenthorpe, Christoph :er. Little Strickland. Westmoreland, 1666. Crampe, John. Heacham. Norfolk, 1664. Crane, Francis. Somerton. Somerset, 1672. Crane, Thomas, Brewer. London, 1687. Cranke, John. Eastley Walton. Leicester, 1682. Crask, John. Ixworth Thorp. Suffolk, 1664. Craske, John. Thurston. Suffolk, 1664. Credland, Thomas. Spaxton. Somerset, 1623. Crescet, Robert. Lower Condover. Salop, 1664. Creswell, John. Apley. Lincoln, 1634. Crew, Walter, Longbow -String-maker. London, 1687. Crichell, John. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Cripps, Nathaniel. Upton-by-Tetbury. Gloucester, 1682. Crips, Thomas. jVIarshfield. Gloucester, 1623. Crisp, Edward. Bury. Suffolk, 1664. Crispe, Parbold. Lancaster, 1667. Critoft, Peter. Brinton. Norfolk, 1664. Crocker, Abraham. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Crocker, Thomas. Whitchurch. Dorset, 1623. Crome, John. South Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Cromp, Abell. Kingston. Hereford, 1683. Crompton, William. Stone. Stafford, 1583. Cromwell, Edmund. Edingley. Notts, 1664. Crone, Richard, Singing Master. London, 1687. Crooke, John. Monk Bretton. Yorkshire, 1668. Croose, Thomas. King's Newne. Hereford, 1634. Crop, Leonard. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Cropley, Thomas. Cambridge, 1684. Cropley, William. Soham. Cambridge, 1684. Cross, Andrew. Spaxton. Somerset, 1623. 2—2 CRO 20 DAL Cross, Charles. Cross, Jonathan. Cross, William. Crosse, Latimer. Crosse, William. Crossfield, Oliver. Crossley, Thomas. Crost, Gabriel. Crost, Heir of Crouch e, Mr. Crowder, John. Crowley, Ambrose. Croxall, Thomas. Cruttenden, Anthony, Cubberley, John. Cubitt, Clement. Cubitt, John. Cubitt, Richard. Cudworth, William. Cugley, Henry. Cullham, Edmund. Cullham, Roger. Culley, Thomas. Cullick, Henry. Culmore, William. Cumberbache, Roger. Cureys, John. Curie, Hugh. Curie, John. Curlew, Mr. Currier, Robert. Curties, Richard. Curtis, Thomas. Curtis, William. Curtis, William. Curtis, William. Cuse, William. Cutlove, Francis. Cutlove, William. Cutter, John. Cutter, Stephen. Cutting, Nicholas. Cutting, William. Spaxton. Eastgate Street, Chester. Charlinch. Arnold. Norton Fitzwarren. Holline. Elland-cum-Greetland. Clayton. Alderman Crost. Middleton. Southwark. Stourbridge. Shustoke. Burwash. Pitstow (Peterstow.) Dilham. South Repps. Stoke Ferry. New Hall. Longford. Mettingham. Mettingham. St. Blazey. West Pennard. Nantwich. Foorth. Selby. Hemingford Abbots. Aylsham. Ford. Ashton. Stapleton. West Moulsey. Aide. Stubley. Beccles. Combes. St. Nicholas. Yarmouth. Neatishead Dafforne, Thomas, Clothworker. Dainames, Ralph. Besford. Daintre, Thomas. Mayford. Daintre, Tristram. Hutton. Daintry, Mr. Hatton. Daldy, William. Brockford. Dale, Edmund. St. Briavels. Somerset, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Notts, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Westmoreland, 1666. Yorkshire, 1668. Lancaster, 1667. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Surrey, 1623. Worcester, 1682. Warwick, 1682. Sussex, 1662. Hereford, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. Essex, 1634. Somerset, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Derby, 1611. Somerset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Huntingdon, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Derby, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Surrey, 1623. Devon, 1620. Derby, 1611. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. London, 1687. Worcester, 1634 Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1634. Derby, 1611 Suffolk, 1664 Gloucester, 1623 DAL 21 DA^ Dale, Thurstan. Derby, 1634. Dalling, John. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Dalton, James, Apothecary. London, 1687. Dand, John. Galby. Leicester, 1682. Dandy, Henry, Merchant, London, 1687. Dance, Francis. DabacH. Suffolk, 1664, Dancer, John. Syresham. Northampton, 1681. Danell, John. Brandon. Suffolk, 1664. Dangerfield, William. Stonehouse. Gloucester, 1623. Daniel, Thomas, Innholder. London, 1687. Daniel, Thomas. Bures. Suffolk, 1664. Daniell, John. Sutton. Lincoln, 1634. Daniell, Eobert. Barnsley. Yorkshire, 1668, Dann, Thomas. Haddenham. Cambridge, 1684 Danvers, William. Swithland. Leicester, 1682. Darbie, Nicholas. Shepton. Dorset, 1623. Dark, Richard. Alston. Gloucester, 1682. Darlaston, John. Wigington. Stafford, 1664. Dart, Henry. Gidley. Devon, 1620. Darth, John. Luxborough. Somerset, 1623. Dary, Stephen. Wymondham. Norfolk, 1664. Davenport, John. Bushby. Leicester, 1682. Davenport, Thomas. Stafford. Stafford, 1664, Davidge, John. St. James. Somerset, 1672. Davies, Evan. Salop, 1623. Davies, Jonathan. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664, Davies, Nathaniel. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Davies, Nicholas. Measbury. Salop, 1664. Davies, Philip. Salop, 1623. Davies, William, Clerk. Abenhall. Gloucester, 1682. Davies, William, Tailor. London, 1687. Davis, Charles. Bodenham. Hereford, 1683. Davis, Samuel. Hampton. Gloucester, 1682. Davis, Thomas. Horsley. Gloucester, 1682, Davis, William. Lingen. Hereford, 1634, Davison, Henry. Freshford. Somerset, 1623, Davy, Robert, Vintner. London, 1687, Davy, Richard. Wood Ditton. Cambridge, 1684. Davy, William. Swanton Morley. Norfolk, 1664. Davyes, John. Quinton. Gloucester, 1623. Dawson, Bryan. St. Michael, in Walmgate Ward, York, Yorks, 1668. Dawson, Christopher. Langdale. Westmoreland, 1666. Dawson, George. Temple Brewer. Lincoln, 1634. Dawson, James. Newsam. Yorkshire, 1668. Dawson, Thomas. Misterton. Notts, 1664. Dawson, William. Azerley. Yorkshire, 1668, Dawton, Henry. Morton Pinkney. Northampton, 1681. Dawtry, Mr. Selby. Yorkshire, 1668. Day, Charles, Brewer. Cambridge, 1684. Day, Francis. Upton. Yorkshire, 1668. Day, John, Saxestone. Suffolk 1664. DAY 22 DOB Day, Thomas. Columb Major. Day, William Day, William. Gunby. Deakins, John. Blechingley. Dean, William, Rector of Cuthorp. Dean, Mr. Deane, Deane, Eichard. Deane, Thomas. Deane, Thomas. Deane, William. Deight, Alexander. De la Hay, Thomas. Delamore, Thomas. Denean, John. Denegaine, Herhum. Denegaine, William. Denne, Samuel. Dennis, Giles. Denny, Edward. Dent, Henry. Denton, Alexander. Denton, George. Denton, William. Derisley, Thomas. Devell, John. Devell, Ralph. Deves, Mr. Dewhurst, William. Dewick, Anthony. Dewinge, Stephen. Dey, Francis. Dey, John. Dey, John. Dickens, Samuel, Drysalter Dickenson, George. Dickenson, Henry. Dickenson, Richard. Dickenson, Richard. Dickenson, Thomas. Dickenson, Thomas. Dickinson, Lewes. Dike, Henry. Diland, Thomas. Dix, Jonathan, Grocer Dix, Robert. Dixon, Mr. Dixon, Thomas. Dobbins, Henry. Dobbs, Robert. Dobins, Samuel, Beeley. Gloucester. Shurlac'h. Maxfield. Nether Pever. Mark. Minehead Bockleton. Chippenham. Blofield. Marthup. Ludham. Broome. Bentley. Great Hautbois. Blaston. Leighton. Carlisle. Bottisham, Hints. Aid ridge. Whitchurch. Dewhurst. Winterton. Great Wickham. Hilgay. Langham. Walsingham. The Lees. Peterborough. Bradley. Stockport. Kirkby Hall. Acton Trussell. Brislington. Little Wolverton. Little Walsingham. Darfield. Leeds. Tewkesbury. Longford. Tewkesbury. Cornwall, 1620. Lincoln, 1634. Lincoln, 1634. Surrey, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Derby, 1611. Gloucester, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 16 4. Somerset, 1623. Somerset, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Cambridge, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Cumberland, 1666. Lincoln, 1634. Cambridge, 1684. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Salop, 1664. Lancaster, 1667. Lincoln, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. London, 1687. Derby, 1634. Cambridge, 1684. Northampton, 1681. Stafford, 1583. Cheshire, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Stafford, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Worcester, 1634. London, 1687. Norfolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1682. DOB 23 DUL Dobson, Christopher. DobsoD, William. Doe, John. Dod, James. Dodd, William. Dodford, Francis. Dodford, John. Dodson, Mr. Dodson, Nicholas Doleman, Thomas. Dolman, Thomas. Domvile, Thomas. Donban, Richard. Donne, Arthur. Donne, Walter. Brampton. Kirk by-Stephen. East Lockinge. Dasset Parva. Fulham. Gritworth. Culworth. Kirkby. Beccles. TrysuU and Seisdon. Little Stanham. Cheddar. Shrewsbury. Hartlebury. Doogood, Henry, Pewterer. Dorrell, Hugh. Wes^ Wycombe. Dotting, Nicholas. Doughty, Ralph. Dovey, Francis. Dovill, Roger. Dowley, Robert. Downe, Anthony. Downes, John. Downes, John. Thurleston. Gillingham, All Saints. Acton Trussell. Weobley. Bradley. Wol fardis worthy. Loddon. Barton. Downes, Thomas, Fishmonger. Downes, Thomas. Shrewsbury. Downey, Edward. Downhill, Robert. Downing, William, Downton, John. Dowty, Thomas. Dowty, William. Drake, John. Drake, John. Drant, John. Draper, Mr. Draper, Richard. Drewell, Henry. Driffield, Francis. Drinke, John. Ducket, Richard. Uley. Barrow. Yardley Hastings. Alderton. Horsam. Horsam. Crostwick. Habrough. Mawthorpe. Culland. Boston. Bramham-cum-Oglethorpe. Easingwould. Watlington. Kirkby Kendal. Drinkwater, Robert, Haberdasher. Drinkwater, Thomas, Rector of Abberton. Drinkwater, William. High part of Bridge Street, Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Drinnick, George. South Petherwin. Cornwall, 1620, Dudson, James, Yeoman. Marden. Hereford, 1634, Duffield, John. Rockland. Norfolk, 1664, Dugard, Rev. Thomas. Barford. Warwick, 1682 Westmoreland, 1666. Westmoreland, 1666. Berks, 1664. . Warwick, 1682. Middlesex, 1663. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Suffolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Berks, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1634. London, 1687. Bucks, 1634. Devon, 1620. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Hereford, 1683. Worcester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. London, 1687. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Lincoln, 1634. Derby, 1611. Lincoln, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Sussex, 1662. Westmoreland, 1666. London, 1687. Worcester, 1682. Duld, Richard, Salop, 1623. DUN 24 ELD Duncombe, John. Hardwick. Bucks, 1634. Dunham, Francis. Ormesby. Norfolk, 1664. Duninge, William. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Dunning, William. Lydney. Gloucester, 1623. Dumbleton, John. Bourton-on-the-Hill. Gloucester, 1682. Durrant, Richard. Hessett. Suffolk, 1664. Durrant, Michael. North Walsham. Norfolk, 1664. Durrant, William. Framfield. Sussex, 1662. Durrud, Benjamin. Cosby. Leicester, 1682. Dusgate, Thomas. Anmere. Norfolk, 1664. Dyall, George. Brookswell. Warwick, 1682. Dyer, Thomas. Moreton-in-the-Marsh. Gloucester, 1682. Earl, Thomas. Langham. Norfolk, 1664. Earle, Thomas. Cirencester. Gloucester, 1682. East, Edward. Arthingworth. Northampton, 1681. East, Richard, Stationer. London, 1687. Eaton, Jonathan. Goostrel cum Barnshaw. Cheshire, 1664. Eaton, Mr. Samuel. Bredbury. Cheshire, 1664. Ebon, Richard. Allesley. Warwick, 1682. Eccles, John, Embroiderer. London, 1687. Echell, George, Slopseller. London, 1687. Eckley, George, Yeoman. Hereford, 1634. Edgar, John. Marston. Dorset, 1623. Edge, Mr. Ralph. Nottingham. Notts, 1664. Edgeley, George. Marbury. Cheshire, 1664. Edgocke, William. Purton. Worcester, 1634. Edlin, Abram, Lorriner. London, 1687. Edlinton, Joseph. Misterton. Notts, 1664. Edmonds, John. Inkpen. Berks, 1664. Edwardes, Nathaniel, Yitler. London, 1687. Edwards, Gabriel. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Edwards, James. Godnam. Hereford, 1634. Edwards, John. Stoke. Suffolk, 1664. Edwards, John. Ellesmere. Salop, 1664. Edwards, John. Ness Strange. Salop, 1664. Edwards, Marmaduke ). West Hatch, Somerset, 1672. Edwards, Peter. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Edwards, Richard. Gaddesby. Leicester, 1682. Edwards, Richard. Bridgnorth. Salop, 1664. Edwards, William. Wolston. Warwick, 1682. Edwin, Robert. Scraptoft. Leicester, 1682. Edwyn, Stephen. Baggrove. Leicester, 1682. Eggington, Richard. Tam worth. Stafford, 1664. Egginton, John. Eoberson. Stafford, 1583. Egginton, John. Robaston. Stafford, 1664. Eglesfeild, Henry. Crostannonby. Cumberland, 1666. Egiock, George. Crome DAbitot. Worcester, 1634. Elcock, Francis. Christ's Parisli, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Elden, Thomas. Syderstrand. Norfolk, 1664. Eldred, Thomas. Martin, Norfolk, 1664. ELD 25 EYR Eldridge, James. Linte. Wilts, 1623. Elf, William. Turnestone. Hereford, 1683. Elfred, George. Hoo. Sussex, 1662. Elic, Edward. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Elliotts, Humfry. Beobridge. Salop, 1664. Elliott, John. Sading (?Saddington). Leicester, 1682. Elliott, Richard. Sading (? Saddington). Leicester, 1682. Elliot, William. Chertsey. Surrey, 1623. Ellis, Edmund. Wymondham. Norfolk, 1664. Ellis, Hugh. Aisholt. Somerset, 1672. Ellis, John. Lound. Suffolk, 1664. Ellis, John. North Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Ellis, John. Cotton. Suffolk, 1664. Ellis, Philip. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Ellis, Thomas. Stennint'. Sussex, 1662. Ellis, Stephen. Hipperholm cum Brighouse. Yorkshire, 1668. Ellys, Edward. Willingham. Suffolk, 1664. Elsley, Charles. Aldfield. Yorkshire, 1668. Elsley, William. Melmorby. Yorkshire, 1668. Elston, John. St. Giles. Devon, 1620. Elwyn, Peter. Thurning. Norfolk, 1664. Ely, Athanasius. Newland. Gloucester, 1623. Emily, Timothy. Helmdon. Northampton, 1681. Empson, George. Goole. Yorkshire, 1668. Eneveis (?), Robert. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Enggall, Thomas. Tunstead. Norfolk, 1664. England, George. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Ensell, Hugh. Ullencotes. Hereford, 1634. Erberie, John. Alford. Wilts, 1623. Estoftes, Thomas. Derby, 1634. Eston, John. Bucks, 1634. Etherington, Josiah. Barkeswell. Warwick, 1681. Eustace, Stephen. St. Budeaux. Devon, 1620. Evans, Edward. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Evans, Henry. Skiborey. Salop, 1664. Evans, Richard. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Evans, Richard. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Evans, Stephen. Purslow. Salop, 1664. Evans, Thomas. Risbury. Hereford, 1634. Everard, James, Yeoman. Cambridge, 1684. Everard, John, Chief Constable. Gisleham. Suffolk, 1664. Everard, Robert. Rugeley. Stafford, 1664. Everard, Robert. Gillingham. Norfolk, 1664. Everard, Robert. Stockland. Somerset, 1623. Everard, Thomas. Hampshire, 1684. Everton, Richard. Warwick, 1619. Ewins, John. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1682. Eylle, John. Hardington. Northampton, 1681. Eyre, George. Ripley. Derby, 1664. Eyre, John. Kilsby. Northampton, 1681. Eyre, Thomas. Ravensthorpe. Northampton, 1681. EYE 26 FIN Eyres, John. Eyton, Anthony. Fabian, Thomas. Faceby, Mr. Fairechild, William. Fairfax, William. Fairmedows, John. Fanner, Kichard. Far, John. Farewell, Sherington. Farley, Samuel. Farmer, Edward. Farmer, John. Farmer, John. Farmer, Roger. Farmingham, William. Farr, Lawrence. Faulding, John. Faylor, John. Fearne, Mr. Fearne, Mr. Feary, John. Rinscomb. Mathfield. Langley Marsh. Stillington. Shepreth. Little Walsingham. Tich marsh. Newbury. Wells. Charlton Adam. Chesterton. Brome. RatclifFe Culey. Little Walsingham. Farringdon. Caistor. Hognaston. Alderwasley. Foxley. Feazen, John, Clerk, Vicar of Wendy. Felton, Richard. Fenn, Nicholas. Fenne, Thomas, Junr. Fenton, Thomas. Fermor, Edward. Feme, John. Fernihogh, John. Ferriman, John. Castle Ward. Houghton . Houghton. Fenton Culvert. Crakemarsh. Stanley. Barrow-on-Sore. Fetherston, Gerard. Crosterthwayte & Lythe. Westmoreland, 1666 Fewtrell, Thomas. Birmingham. Warwick, 1682 Dorset, 1623. Stafford, 1583. Bucks, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Cambridge, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Bucks, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Somerset, 1672. Cambridge, 1684. Salop, 1623. Salop, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Salop, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Berks, 1664. Lincoln, 1666. Essex, 1634. Derby, 1611. Derby, 1611. Northampton, 1681. Cambridge, 1684. Salop, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Salop, 1623. Stafford, 1583. Stafford, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Fewtrell, William. Field, Edward. Field, Henry. Field, John. Field, John. Field, Richard. Field, Thomas. Field, Thomas. Field, William. Filer, Richard. Fill, Robert. Fimlowe, Richard. Finch, James. Finch, William, Drysalter. Fincher, Thomas. Fincill, Richard. Find erne, Thomas. Evesham. Mawley. Worcester. King's Norton. Evesham. Meriden. King's Norton. King's Norton. Lidlinch. Hulme Walfield. St. Germans. Worcester. Wymondham. Salop, 1623. Worcester, 1682. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Warwick, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Warwick, 1619. Dorset, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. London, 1687. Worcester, 1682. Surrey, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. FIN 27 FOR Finmore, John and William. Abingdon. Berks, 1664. Finmore, William. Berks, 1623. Finn, Thomas, Attorney at Law. Thorney Abbey. Cambridge, 1684. Finney, Francis. Colpitsford. Stafford, 1664. Finney, John. Cauldon. Stafford, 1664. Finney, William. Finney Lane. Stafford, 1664. Finniman, Mr. Bennets End. Salop, 1664. Fisher, Clement. Wilnecote. Warwick, 1682. Fisher, Clement. Barton. Warwick, 1682. Fisher, Eev. Edward. Thrussington. Leicester, 1682. Fisher, Gee. Redgrave. Suffolk, 1664. Fisher, James. Stratton. Dorset, 1623. Fisher, John. Belgrave. Leicester, 1682. Fisher, John. Somerton. Somerset, 1672. Fisher, Jonathan, Apothecary. London, 1687. Fisher, Eichard. Upton Bishop. Hereford, 1634. Fisher, Robert. Redgrave. Suffolk, 1664. Fisher, William. Sherborne. Dorset, 1623. Fisher, William. Whitcomb. Somerset, 1623. Fiske, Thomas. Elmswell. Suffolk, 1664. Flackette, Henry. Cambridge. Stafford, 1583. Fletcher, John. Lynehill. Stafford, 1664. Fletcher, John. Kenchurch. Hereford, 1683. Fletcher, Laurence. Rope. Cheshire, 1664. Fletcher, Nicholas. Worcester, 1634. Fletcher, Paul. Walton. Derby, 1664. Fletcher, Richard. Paxford. Worcester, 1682. Fletcher, Thomas. Essex, 1664. Flight, Joseph, Woollendraper. London, 1687. Flint, Thomas. Matlock. Derby, 1611. Flo well, John, Weaver. London, 1687. Flower, Robert. Littleton. Wilts, 1623. Flude, William. Cold Ashby. Northampton, 1681. Flyar, Richard. Uttoxeter. Stafford, 1583. Flyght, John. Knapton. Norfolk, 1664. Flyght, Robert. Trunch. Norfolk, 1664. Flyght, Robert. South Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Foe, Daniel, Merchant. London, 1687. Foe, Daniel, Merchant Taylor. London, 1687. Fogg, Zachariah. Essex, 1664. Foley, Richard. Longton. Stafford, 1664. Foley, Richard. Stourbridge. Worcester, 1634. Foljambe, Mr. Brampton. Derby, 1664. Foote, William. St. Vivian. Cornwall, 1620. Forbrisher, Francis. Kexby. Yorkshire, 1668. Ford, Mr. Justice. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Ford, John. Pucklechurch. Gloucester, 1623. Ford, Simon, D.D. Stourbridge. Worcester, 1682. Ford, WiUiam. Essex, 1634. Forder, Robert. Prior's Barton. Hampshire, 1684. Forest, John, Innholder London, 1687. FOR 28 FEE Forster, Mr. Forster, John. Forster, Philip. Forwood, Foster, Richard. Foster, John. Foster, John. Foster, Richard. Foster, Robert, jun. Foster, Thomas. Foster, Wolston. Fotherby, George. Fowden, Hugh. Fowke, John. Fowler, George. Fowler, John. Fowler, Symon. Fowler, Thomas. Thorne. Walworth. Preston. Tewkesbury. Sherborne. Holbeck. Shrewsbury. Mere. Fulford. Couley. Stafford. Damby (] Darley). Stafford. Goadby. Fowler, Timothy, Dry Salter. Fowler, Thomas, Rector of Great Sheepey. Fowler, William. Witcham in Isle of Ely. Fox, Mr. St. Martin's-in-Coney-Street, York. Fox, Michael. Fox, William. Fox, William. Fox, Thomas. Foxall, William. Foxcroft, Anthony. Foxcroft, John. Foxworthy, Philip. Foy, John. Framingham, Robert. Franke, Thomas. Frankland, William. Franklin, Giles. Franklin, Gregory. Franklin, John. Franklin, Richard. Franklin, Thomas. Freeborne, Samuel. Freeland, Thomas. Freeman, Daniel, Apothecary. Wisbeach. Holesby. Shenton. Castle Donington Bilston. Halifax. Holme House. Churston. Melbury Bubb. Stiffkey. Queeniborough. Downham cum Maybron. Wroughton. Southwark. Marlinsborow. Woodborough. Tichmarsh. Ockham. Freeman, John. Freeman, John. Freeman, John. Freeman, Josiah. Freeman, Richard. Freeman, Richard. Barnwell St. Andrew. Thorn by. Great Barr and Aldridge, Wednesbury. Battsford. Norwich. Yorkshire, 1668. Surrey, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Gloucester, 1623. Dorset, 1623. Essex, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Essex, 1664. Salop, 1664 Essex, 1664. Wilts, 1623. Lincoln, 1634. Stafford, 1583. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1634. Stafford, 1664. Leicester, 1682, London, 1687. Leicester, 1682. Cambridge, 1684. Yorkshire, 1668. Cambridge, 1684. Suffolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Stafford, 1583. Yorkshire, 1668. Westmoreland, 1666. Devon, 1620. Dorset, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. AVilts, 1623. Surrey, 1623. Wilts, 1623. Wilts, 1623. Northampton, 1681. Essex, 1634. Surrey, 1623. London, 1687. Northampton. 1681. Northampton, 1681. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Freeman, Thomas, Woodhouses-by-Annington in Tam worth Parish, Warwick, 1682. Freeman, William. Norton. Norfolk, 1664. FBE 29 GAR Freeman, William. French, Abbot. French, Eichard. French, Thomas. Frith, Mr. Frithe, Thomas. Frizer, Thomas. Frogg, Mr. Frost, Ara. Frost, Edmund. Frost, Francis. Fruon, William. Fryer, William. Fulcher, Eichard. Fuliams, Thomas. Fuller, Edward. Fuller, Henry. Fuller, Thomas. Fuller, Thomas. Fuller, William. Fuller, William. Fulwood, Thomas. Furlong, Antony. Furlong, Christopher. Furse, John. Furthiug, William. Futter, Eichard. Fynmore, William. Fynny, William. Gael, John. Gale, Mr. Gale, Eobert. Galhampton, David. Galford, Eobert. Gamble, Eobert. Gammon, William. Gaman, Thomas. Ganham, Samuel, Junr. Gardenous, Giles. Gardner, John. Gardner, John, Senr Gardner, Eichard. Gardner, Thomas. Gardner, Thomas. Garford, William. Garforth, John. Garland, John. Garman, William. Garneham, William. Garnet, John. Suckley. Otterham. Salwarp. Gosbacke. Selby. Thornes. Hereford. Whitby. Bad well Ash Hunston. Ockham. Winterton. Craike. Yegdon. Angersleigh. Nettlestead. North Walsham. North Cove. Huntsfield. Comb. Caldecot. Pontefract. Antony. Feock. Nymet Eegis. Stonhall. Bury. Long Wittenham. Canke. Lavenham. Kirkby. Eufforth. Stockland. Hardwick. Petersfield. Hinduestou (?Hindolveston). Walsham. Bricklehampton. Shrewsbury. Wisbeach. Nortoft. Sandsaw. Hill Bishop. Steeton. Newhouse. St. Cuby. Catmere. Worcester, 1682. Cornwall, 1620. Worcester, 1634. Suffolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Stafford, 1583. Hereford, 1683. Cheshire, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Somerset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Huntingdon, 1684. Yorkshire, 1668. Cornwall, 1620. Cornwall, 1620. Devon, 1620, Somerset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Berks, 1623. Stafford, 1583. Suffolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Somerset, 1623. Warwick, 1619. Stafford, 1583. Hampshire, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Salop, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Cornwall, 1620. Berks, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Surrey, 1623. GAR 30 GIL Garnet, William. Crosterthwayte and Lythe. Westmoreland, Garnet, William. Barbon and Mansergh. Westmoreland, Garnham, Thomas. Cockfield. Suffolk, Garrard, Edmund. Gillingham. Norfolk, Garrett, Henry. * Worcester, Garrett, John. Bromsgrove. Worcester, Garrett, John. Creek. Northampton, Garric, D. London, Gartside, James. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, Garway, Thomas. Gascoigne, Edmund. Gase, Eichard. Gathorne, John. Gaunt, Thomas. Gay, George. Gay, John. Gay, John. Gay, Philip. Gay, Eichard. Gay, Eobert. Gaye, George. Gay wood, Nicholas. Gaywoode, John. Geast, John. Gee, Emmanuel. Gee, Marmion. Geering, Gregory. Gelleck, William. Geoche, John. George, Edward. George, Eobert. Gering, Isaac. Gery, John. Gervas, Mr. Gervis, John. Gibbens, John. Gibbons, George. Gibson, John. Gidley, George Gidley, Hanibal. Giffard, William. Gifford, Antony, Clerk. Gifford, Eowland. Gilbert, Isaac. Gilbert, Eobert. Gilbert, Samuel. Gilbert, Samuel. Gilbert, Thomas. Gilbert, Thomas. Gilbert, William. Gilby, Eichard. Mitcheldean. Stow Langtoft. Hasburgh. Pollington. Underwood. Wymondham. Matlask. Aveton Gifford. Banningham. Newton St. Loe. Matlask. Eidlington. Bishop's Offley. Pad more. Alvechurch. Aleston. Leicester. South Bench worth. Stogumber. New Buckenham. Shrewsbury. Badsey. Sherston. Tavistock. Westhope. Chatkill. Frome. Amblecote. North Euncton. St. Thomas. North Lew. Wellington. Hardington. Great Malvern. Chifgrave (?Chedgrave). Priors Lea. Haresfield. Tewkesbury. Uttoxeter. Goxhill. Gloucester, Suffolk, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Derby, Norfolk, Norfolk, Devon, Norfolk, Somerset, Norfolk, Norfolk, Stafford, Stafford, Worcester, Leicester, Leicester, Berks, Somerset, Norfolk, Salop, Worcester, Wilts, Devon, Salop, Stafford, Somerset, Stafford, Norfolk, Devon, Devon, Somerset, Northampton, Worcester, Essex, Norfolk, Salop, Suffolk, Gloucester, Gloucester, Stafford, Lincoln, 1666. 1666. 1664. 1664. 1634. 1634. 1681. 1687. 1664. 1682. 1664. 1664. 1668. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1620. 1664. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1583. 1583. 1634. 1682, 1682. 1664. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1682. 1623. 1620. 1664. 1583. 1672. 1664. 1664. 1620. 1620. 1623. 1681. 1634. 1634. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1623. 1623. 1664. 1634. GIL 31 GOO Gilder, Eichard. Eandwell. Giles, Anthony, Founder. Gill, Mr. Hotham. Gillingham, Thomas. Canford. Gilley, Eichard. Bilbery in Eichards Castle Gilly, John. Gilman, Eev. John. Gilmere, Ealph. Gilpin, Christopher. Gimingham, Eobert. Girle, John. Girling, Eobert. Girling, Eobert. Girling, Eobert. Gittings, Eichard. Givell, John. Gladwin, Mr. Glanvile, John. Glascock, Gregory. Glascock, Jeremiah. Glascock, Thomas. Glase, Gawen. Glassover, Thomas. Gleede, Eichard. Glenn, Eichard. Glest, Ealph. Glover, Eobert. Gobsell, George. Godard, George. Godard, Vincent. Godbold, Thomas. Goddard, John. Goddard, Thomas. Godfrey, Francis. Godfrey, John. Godfrey, Thomas. Godsall, James. Godsall, William. Gogell, John. Gotj;ill, Thomas. Gokin, Golding, Eichard. Golding, Eobert. Golding, Thomas. Golding, Thomas. Good, John. Haustead. Withington. Wyhoit. Kentraire. Longstreet. St. Peters. Beccles. Little Glemham. Middle. Dunster. Ashover. Heavitree. Sible Hedingham. Bocking.- Ugborough. Lea. Milton. Oakham. Southwark. East Hatton. Southwark. Brimpton. All Saints. Wickham Skeith. Clebrook. Bury. Lee. Maidenhead. Tarrington. Trunch. Gimingham. Gloucester. Bridport. South Creek. Norwich, St. Giles. Syresham. Bovenham. Goodall, Andrew, Curate of Shees. Goodden, Eobert. Henton. Goode, Thomas. Islip. Goodman, William. Melton Mowbray. Goodfellow, Thomas. Lowick. Suffolk, 1664. London, 1689. Yorkshire, 1668. Dorset, 1623. Hereford, 1683. Suffolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Westmoreland, 1666. Suffolk, 1664. Wilts, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Salop, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Derby, 1664. Devon, 1620. Essex, 1664. Essex, 1664. Essex, 1664. Devon, 1620. Cheshire, 1664. Northampton, 1681 Northampton, 1681. Surrey, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Surrey, 1623. Berks, 1623. Berks, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Hampshire, 1684. Berks, 1623. Hereford, 1634. Hereford, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 162.3. Dorset, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Somerset, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Somerset, 1672. Northampton, 1681. Leicester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. GOO ORE Goodwin, Mr. Goodwin, John. Goodwin, John. Goodwin, Nathaniel. Goodwin, Thomas. Goodwyn, George. Goold, John. Gords, James. Gore, Thomas. Gore, William. Gorle, John. Gorwin, William. Goslin, Thomas. Gosling, Nicholas. Gosse, John. Gough, John. Derby. Thorpe. Berington. Saintbury. Combe. Longnor. Curry Kivell. Willmesson. North Euncton. Demsey (?Kemsey). Lamford. Gloucester. Palgrave. Milverton. Gough, Eichard, Haberdasher. Hereford. Gough, Eichard. Topsham. Gough, Eoger. Marsh and Wigmore. Gould, Edward. Luntley. Gouldney, Henry, Glover. Goundy, James. Bury. Gover, Eichard. Cheriton Fitz-Payne. Gower, Eichard. Gower, Eichard. Grace, William. Gradon, William. Grafton, Eandle Grange, John, Plummer. Gratwick, John. Graves, William, Senr. Graves, William. Grayguse, John. Greatbache, Daniel. Green, Christofer, Cook. Green, Eobert. Green, Stephen. Greene, Armell. Greene, George. Suckley. Hereford. Stony Stanton. Taunton. Worleston. Henvile. Algarkirk. Stredon. Eccleston. Greene, Giles. Greene, Giles. Greene, Mark. Greene, Eichard, Merchant. Greene, Eichard. Greene, Eobert. Greene, Thomas. Greene, William. Greenhill, Henry. Green way, James. Greenway, John. Greenwood, John. Worcester. Bramdean. Upton Snodsbury. Wiston. Allington. Weymouth. Flinton and Etherwick. Aspull. Somerby. Pickwell. Farnham. Steeple Ashton. Fifield. Cirencester. Buxhall Derby, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1682. Stafford, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Hereford, 1634. Warwick, 1619. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Hereford, 1634. Devon, 1620. Salop, 1664. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Suffolk, 1664. Devon, 1620. Worcester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Leicester, 1682. Somerset, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. London, 1687. Sussex, 1662. Cambridge, 1684. Lincoln, 1634. Essex, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Worcester, 1682. Hampshire, 1684. Worcester, 1634. Hampshire, 1684. Dorset, 1623. Dorset, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. London, 1687. Lancaster, 1667. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Surrey, 1623. Wilts, 1623. Gloucester, 1682. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. GEE 33 HAD Gregg, Mr. Ilkeston. Derby Gregg, Edward. Appleton. Cheshire Gregg, Eobert. Lower end of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire Gregson, Mr. Grendon, Thomas. Grene, John. Grenley, Philip. Greve, William. Greves, Mr. Turnditch. Upleadon. Magdalen Laver. Upper Mouldley. Grasby. Beeley. Griffith, George. The Free School (Cambridge 1) Griffiths, John. Oswestry. Griffiths, Eichard, Sen. Shrewsbury. Griffiths, Richard, Jun. Shrewsbury. Griffiths, Eobert. Bromhall. Griffiths, Eoger. Shrewsbury. Grigg, John. Grimston, Samuel, Vicar of Stonesby. Grincolle, Thomas. Grinsell, Edward. Grinsell, Edward. Grix, George. Grocyne, John. Gronow, William, Mercer. Grove, Henry. Grove, James. Grove, Eobert. Grove, Thomas. Grove, William. Groves, Thomas. Gryme, John, Sen. Gryme, John, Jun. Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury. Sheringham. Walsham. Kington. Hands worth. Alveley. Bury. Grymes, John, Vicar of Longdon. Grove. Eowley. Trimingham. Trimingham. Gunthorpe, Mr. Guppey, John. Guppey, John. Gutch, Henry. Guy, William. Gwinne, William. Gyles, Edmond. Gyles, John. Gyles, Samuel. Gyll, Philip. Gymingham, Charles. Hacker, Mr. Hacket, William Hackluit, Samuel. Hackman, Thomas. Hackney, Thomas. Haddesley, Edward. Haddou, Vincent. Hickling. Chidington. Whitchurch. Glaston. Kirkby Kendall. White Ladies Aston. Astley. Astley. Lightwood. Salley. Upton-on-Severn. Bewdley. Oswestry. Rands. Much Canfield. Essen dine. Derby Gloucester Essex Hereford Lincoln Derby Cambridge Salop Salop Salop Cheshire; Salop Bucks, Leicester Salop Salop. Salop, Norfolk Suffolk Hereford Stafford Salop Suffolk Salop Berks Stafford Norfolk Norfolk Worcester, Notts! Dorset, Dorset, Somerset Westmoreland Bucks, Worcester, Worcester, Worcester, Derby, Norfolk' Derby Worcester. Worcester Salop Northampton, Essex, Northampton 3 1611. 1664. 1664. 1611. 1682. 1664. 1634. 1634. 16n. 1684. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1634. 1682. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1683. 1583. 1664. 1664. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1682. 1664. 1623. 1623. 1672. 1666. 1634. 1634. 1634. 1682. 161L 1664. 1611. 1634. 1682. 1664. 1681. 1664. 168L HAD 34 HAN Hadlersey, William. South Duffield. Yorkshire, 1668. Hadon, Henry. Rowley. Stafford, 1664. Hagtree, Robert. Walson (1 AValton). Suffolk, 1664. Haines, Eichard. Evenlode. Worcester, 1634. Hainsworth, Roger. Westland. Norfolk, 1664. Halden, James. Suffolk, 1664. Hale, John. Ledbury. Hereford, 1634. Halford, John. Armscote. Worcester, 1634. Halford, Thomas. Bowden. Northampton, 1681. Halfpeny, Richard. Birmingham. Warwick, 1682. Halfside, Edmund. Cambridge, 1684. Hall, G. Brook. Northampton, 1681. Hall, Henry. Thoroton. Notts, 1664. Hall, John. Arnesby. Leicester, 1682. Hall, John. Suckley. Worcester, 1634. Hall, Mathew. Wolferlow. Hereford, 1683. Hall, Peter. Manley. Cheshire, 1664. Hall, PhiUippe. Stafford, 1583. Hall, Richard. Leckhampstead. Berks, 1664. Hall, Robert. Aylsham. Norfolk, 1664. Hall, Robert. Mansfield. Notts, 1664. Hall, Samuel. Vicar of Eardisley. Hereford, 1683. Hall, Samuel. Barby. Northampton, 1681. Hall, Thomas. Balderton. Salop, 1664. Hall, Thomas. Brinston. Suffolk, 1664. Hall, Thomas. Hornby. Yorkshire, 1668, Hall, Thomas. Alderford. Norfolk, 1664. Hall, Thomas. Hinton. Northampton, 1681. Hall, William. Arlington in Bibury. Gloucester, 1682. Hall, William. Redmarley D'Abitot. Worcester, 1634. Hall, Rev. William. Avening. Gloucester, 1682. Hallet, Merefield. Misterton. Somerset, 1672. Halliwell, James. Hundresfield. Lancaster, 1667. Hall owes, Mr. Norton. Derby, 1664. Hallsey, William. Sawtrey. Huntingdon, 1684. Hallward, Thomas. Suckley. Worcester, 1682. Ha,m, Francis. Sudborough. Northampton, 1681. Ham, Richard. Bristol. Somerset, 1672. Hambleton, John. Heathcote. Derby, 1634. Hambury, Henry. Doderhill. Worcester, 1634. Hammersleye, William. Pipe. Stafford, 1664. Hammons, Timothy. Pontesbury. Salop, 1664. Hamond, John. Coston. Norfolk, 1664. Hamond, Joseph. Lawswell. Suffolk, 1664. Hancock, Thomas. Fifield. Wilts, 1623. Hancocks, Maurice. Thornbury. Gloucester, 1623. Hancocks, Thomas. St. Neots. Huntingdon, 1684. Hancorne, Richard. Whitney. Hereford, 1683. Hand, Thomas. Watergate Street, Chester Cheshire, 1664. Handcock, Aaron. Rotherhithe. Surrey, 1623. Hande, Jeremiah. Newbury. Berks, 1664. HAN 35 HAB Hangar, Edward. Dotre p'va. (? Sawtry) Hanker, William. Hanmer, Eandell. Horton. Harbert, Cornelius, Clockmaker. Harburn, Thomas. Eipple. Hardesty, William. New Hall in Clifton. Harding, John. Ashbury. Harding, John. Shrewsbury. Hardy, John, Leatherseller. Potter Newton. Bromyard. Mary stow. Fakenham. Boston. Great Blakenham. Osgathorp. Church-Downe. Trunch. South Tawton. Eardisley. Bristol. Hereford. Hardwick, Thomas. Hardwick, John. Harewood, Walter. Haridance, William. Harison, Alexander. Harlwin, John. Harley, Francis. Harman, John. Harmer, Richard. Harmer, Robert. Harnaman, William. Harper, Henry. Harper, Henry, Watchmaker. Harper, John. Harper, William, Draper. Harple, Henry. Harrinton, James. Sutton. Harris, Francis. Aston. Harris, Haddy. Alweston. Harris, John. Twywell. Harris, John. Elton. Harris, John, Vicar of Mansell Lacy. Harris, John. Westbury. Harris, Lazarus. St. Keyne. Harris, Rev. Richard. Kislingbury. Harris, Robert. Shrewsbury. Harris, Thomas. Cranford. Harris, Thomas. Evesham. Harris, Thomas. Harpoole. Harris, Thomas. Prescott. Harrison, Alexander. Boston. Harrison, Edward. Bridgnorth. Harrison, Humfry. Rookesby. Harrison, James. Harrison, John. Aldridge. Harrison, John. Warley. Harrison, Richard. White Fryer Lane, Chester, Harrison, Robert, Rector of Wyfordby. Harrison, Robert. Mareham. Harrison, William. Little Stonper. Harrower, Thomas. Wrenbury. Hart, John. Chilton. Huntingdon, 1684. Essex, 1634. Salop, 1664. London, 1687. Worcester, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. London, 1687. Yorkshire, 1668. Hereford, 1683. Cornwall, 1620. Norfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Suffolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Bucks, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Devon, 1620. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Somerset, 1672. Hereford, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Salop, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Northampton, 1681. Hereford, 1634. Hereford, 1683. Salop, 1623. Cornwall, 1620. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Worcester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Salop, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Cambridge, 1684. Stafford, 1664. Salop, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. Suffolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Bucks, 1634. 3—2 HAR 36 HAY Harvie, Antony. North Huish. Harvey, Hugh. Lower end of Bridge St., Chester. Harvey, William. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Harvey, William Harwicke, Richard. Harwood, Humfrey. Harwood, Richard. Harwyne, John. Hasil, George. Hasill, John. Hassall, Ralph. Hassall, Roberts. Hassard, William. Hassell, John. Hasseller, Samuel. Hassould, Thomas. Hasted, Nicholas. Hatch, Richard. Hatchet, Stephen. Hatfield, Gervase. Hathaway, Christofer. Hathford, Andrew. Hathorne, Nathaniel. Hatton, Henry. Haughton, Jeremiah. Havard, John. Havens, Robert. Ha vet, Abraham. Havey, William, Rector of Burlingham. Langton. Wiggenhall. St. Michael's Belfry, York Farnham Royal. Fakenham. Raveningham. Gosbeck. Warmingham. New Hall. Ratcliff-on-Sore. Bottisham. Crewkerne. Petersfield. Tewkesbury. Lee. Stanley. Micheldean. Belbroughton. Cookham. Tewkesbury. Fownhope. Stretford. Norwich. Haward, John Haward, William. Hawes, Jonathan. Hawes, Tobias. Hawford, John. Hawkes, John. Hawkie, Thomas. Hawkins, James. Hawkins, Isaac, Grocer. Hawkins, John. Hawkins, William. Hawksworth, John. Hawley, William. Hawlings, John. Hawton, Henry. Hay, John. East Bergholt. Bury St. Edmunds. Santon. Weston juxta Welland. Kegworth. Shelfield, Walsall Foreign. St. Winnow. Littledean. Stanwick. Winchcomb. Easton. Loughborough. Yarkhill. Morton Pinckney. Alvechurch. Hayes, Daniel, Rector of Papworth Agnes. Hayes, Edward. Woodend. Hayes, Henry. Burland. Hayes, Thomas. Shrewsbury. Haynes, John. Stepleton and Netley. Haynes, Peter. Gloucester. Devon, 1620. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Bucks, 1634. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Notts, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Somerset, 1672. Salop, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Gloucester, 1623. Salop, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Gloucester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Berks, 1623. Gloucester, 1682. Essex, 1634. Hereford, 1683. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Leicester, 1682. Stafford, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. Gloucester, 1623. London, 1687. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Leicester, 1682. Hereford, 1634. Northampton, 1681. Worcester, 1682. Huntingdon, 1684. Salop, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. HAY 37 HEW Hayes, Thomas. Haynes, Thomas, Carpenter. Sherston. Haynes, Thomas. Hayward, Giles. Hayward, Thomas. Hayward, Thomas. Hayward, William. Haywood, Raphael. Hazard, Robert. Heacock, Thomas. Head, John. Head, Thomas. Headach, Henry. Healey, Richard. Healye, William. Hearnes, Francis. Heart, William, Clerk. Heath, James. Heath, Richard. Heath, Richard. Heath, Richard. Heath, Thomas. Heath, William. Heathcote, George. Heaver, Robert. Hebden, John. Heblethwayt, Robert. Hedger, Nicholas. Heitor, John. Heman, Thomas. Hemborough, Philip. Hemsman, Henry. Hend, John. Hender, Christopher. Hender, Nicolas. Heneage, Edward. Henley, Richard. Henshaw, John. Henshawe, George. Henshawe, John. Hen worth, William. Herbert, John. Hering, Roger. Heritz, John. Heme, John. Hesketh, Cuthbert. Heslarton, Joseph. Hethcote, George. Inkberrow or Hanbury. Sandhurst. Tewkesbury. Palgrave Town. Sandhurst. Acton Beauchamp. Charmouth. Sulgrave. West Ilsley. Letcomb Bassett. Bury. Eastwell. Harborough. Keston. Uley. Madley. Southampton. Park Lane. Chester. Wells. Hammerwich. Cutthorpe. Bodington. Cayton. Killington. Portsmouth. Langford. Bawdeswell. Bagborough. Wellingborough. Hartley. Minster. Tintagel. Kens wick. Eckington. Congleton. Nantwich. Lockwood. C hartley. Tideuham. Corely. Bingham. Kenswick. Hul ton-upon- D er went . Brampton. Hewett, Mr. Richard. SS. Martin & Gregory, York. Yorkshire, 1668, Hewett, William. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664 Hewit, John. Walworth. Surrey, 1623 Wilts, 1623. London, 1687. Worcester, 1634. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623, Suflfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Worcester, 1634. Dorset, 1623. Northampton, 1681. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Berks, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Hampshire, 1684. Stafford, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Westmoreland, 1666. Hampshire, 1684. Wilts, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Somerset, 1672. Northampton, 1681. Worcester, 1634. Cornwall, 1620. Cornwall, 1620. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1583. Stafford, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Hereford, 1634. Salop, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Salop, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Derby, 1611. HEY 38 HIL Heynes, Thomas. Hey ward, John. Heyward, Lawrence. Heyward, Thomas. Heyward, Thomas. Heyward, William. Hey worth, Mr. Hibbins, Jeremy. Hickes, John. Hickes, Richard. Hickman, Captain Roger. Hickman, Edward. Hickman, Mr. Hicks, Adam. Hicks, Arthur. Hicks, Robert. Hicks, Thomas. Hide, Edward. Hide, Edward. Hide, Hercules. Hide, John. Hide, Richard. Hide, Robert. Hide, Robert, jun. Higgs, Mr. Higgs, Richard. Higgs, Thomas. Higgs, Thomas. Higgins, Edward. Higgins, Thomas. Higginson, Richard. Higginson, Thomas. Higginbotham, John. Higinbotham, Thomas. Higinbotham, Thomas. Hill, Antony. Hill, Dutton. Hill, Edward. Hill, Edward. Hill, Francis. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1682. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Oldbury. Gloucester, 1623. Forthhampton. Gloucester, 1623. Norfolk, 1664. Fleshmonger's Lane, Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Kellington. Clungunford. Wickwar. Westbury. Woken. Stourbridge. Treswell. Tansor. Charfield. Tansor. Cromwell. Lower Hill. East Lockinge. Hopton Wafer. - Brierley. Hopton Wafer. Harwell. East Hagbourne. Ludlow. Norton. Tewkesbury. Cheltenham. Tiderington. Bradfield. Wem. North Gate St., Chester. Rushton. Buglawton. Rushton. Hereford. High Offley. Gloucester. Gloucester. Withyford. Walsall Borough. Hill, George Hill, John, Freemason. Hill, John, Rector of Upton Warren. Hill, John. Blewits Court. Hill, John. Hill, Oliver. Hill, Richard. Hill, Richard. Hill, Mr. Robert, Clerk. Hill, Thomas. Hill, Walter. Normanby. Cranbourne. Wickwar. Little Ryburgh. Leire. Astley. Weston. Yorkshire, ] 668. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Somerset, 1672. Stafford, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Notts, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1682. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1623. Hereford, 1634. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Salop, 1664. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Hereford, 1683. Salop, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1583. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Stafford, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Salop, 1664. Stafford, 1664. London, 1687. Worcester, 1682. Gloucester, 1623. Yorkshire, 1668. Dorset, 1623. Gloucester, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Hereford, 1683. HIL 39 HOL Hill, William. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Hill, William. Winthorp. Lincoln, 1634. Hilliard, Clifton. Curry Eivell. Somerset, 1672. Hillard, Thomas. Compton Darville. Somerset, 1672. Hillary, Henry. Meerhay. Dorset, 1623. Hillier, John. Horsley. Gloucester, 1682. Hillier, Philip. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1682. Hinchley, Thomas. Marham. Norfolk, 1664. Hincolve, Eobert. Gisleham. Suffolk, 1664. Hinckes, Arthur. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Hinkes, John. Bintree. Norfolk, 1664. Hinde, Francis. Bagley. Salop, 1664. Hints, Thomas. Sutton. Salop, 1664. Hiperley, William, Attorney of the Common Pleas. Hereford, 1634. Hitchcock, Eichard. Eastgate St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Hitchcock, Thomas. Eector of Whitney. Hereford, 1683. Hittock, Thomas. Byfield. Northampton, 1681. Hoar, William. Greens Norton. Northampton, 1681. Hoare, John. Duloe. Cornwall, 1620. Hoare, John. Greens Norton. Northampton, 1681. Hobday, Thomas. Worcester, 1634. Hoblin, Thomas. St. Pinnock. Cornwall, 1620. Hobson, John. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Hobson, Thomas. Over Alderley. Cheshire, 1664. Hockin, John. St. Issey. Cornwall, 1620. Hockin, John. Adwyn. Cornwall, 1620. Hockis, John, Senr. Doddington. Salop, 1664. Hockis, John, Junr. Doddington. Salop, 1664. Hocknell, Mr. Shotwick. Cheshire, 1664. Hocton, Gabriel. New Hall. Cheshire, 1664. Hodder, John. Whitchurch. Dorset, 1623. Hodge, William. Slopton. Devon, 1620. Hodge, Thomas. Vicar of Cropthorne. Worcester, 1682. Hodges, Antony. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Hodges, Francis. Glapthorn. Northampton, 1681. Hodges, Eichard Midleton on the Hill. Hereford, 1683. Hodges, Thomas. Midleton. Hereford, 1634. Hodgis, Antony. Brad way. Gloucester, 1623. Hodgkis, Eichard. Lee Brockhurst. Salop, 1664. Hodgkin, Thomas. Leicester and Carlton Curlewe. Leicester, 1682. Hodgson, Gabriel. Minshul Vernon. Cheshire, 1664. Holborow, John. Wolverley. Worcester, 1634. Holborrow, John. Worcester, 1634. Holcote, Eobert. Sadington. Leicester, 1682. Holeford, William. Eldersfield. Worcester, 1634. Holgate, George. Brearley. Yorkshire, 1668. Hollacomb, John. Kirton. Devon, 1620. Holland, Edward. Caldwell. Derby, 1664. Holland, John. Tenbury. Worcester, 1634. Holland, Mathew. Colkirke. Norfolk, 1664. Holland, Thomas. Pakington. Leicester, 1682. HOL 40 HOW Holland, Thomas. Tenbury. Worcester, 1634. Holland, Thomas. Alfrick. Worcester, 1634. Holland, Thomas. Friskney. Lincoln, 1634. Holland, William, Senr. Barton under Wood. Stafford, 1664. Holland, William, Junr. Barton under Wood. Stafford, 1664. Hollingworth, Thomas. Spondon. Derby, 1634. Holloway, Eichard. Netherton. Salop, 1664. Hollyns, Hugh. Moseley. Stafford, 1583. Holman, Arthur. Poundstock. Cornwall, 1620. Holman, John. Sherford. Norfolk, 1664. Holme, George. Hollington. Derby, 1634. Holmes, John. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Holmersh, Edward. Hagglested. Leicester, 1682. Holte, Mr. Little Hallam. Derby, 1611. Holyock, William. Morton Bagot. Warwick, 1682. Homersley, Thomas. Shaw. Stafford, 1583. Honchin, John. Eickinghall. Suffolk, 1664. Honey, John. Dichling. Sussex, 1662. Hooper, Edward. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Hooper, George. Dunster. Somerset, 1623. Hooper, John. Stogursey. Somerset, 1623. Hooper, Eichard. Much Marcle. Hereford, 1683. Hooper, William. Hartland. Devon, 1620. Hooper, see Shepard. Hope, Captain. Chester. Derby, 1664. Hope, Mr. Burnaston. Derby, 1611. Hope, Eobert. Grangefield. Derby, 1634. Hope, Eowland. Math on. Hereford, 1634. Hopkins, Edward. Algarkirk. Lincoln, 1634. Hopkins, Thomas. Shrawley. Worcester, 1682. Hopton, William. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623 Hore, John. Landulph. Cornwall, 1620. Horn, John, Goldsmith. London, 1687. Horneby, Walter. Lubenham. Leicester, 1682. Horsman, Samuel. Campden. Gloucester, 1682. Horsman, Timothy. Kirkby Malzeard. Yorkshire, 1668. Horstaff, George. Eastwood. Nottingham, 1614. Horton, Edward. Northfield. Worcester, 1634. Hosier, Eichard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Hoskin, Kedgwin. Stow. Gloucester, 1682. Hotchkis, Eichard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Houbson, Francis. Over Alderley. Cheshire, 1664. Houlder, William. London, 1687 Houldesworth, Thomas. Middleton. Yorkshire, 1668. Houldesworth, William. Coverham. Yorkshire, 1668. Houlme, — . Maghull. Lancaster, 1667 House, Thomas. Somerset, 1623 How, John. Brockley. Suffolk, 1664 Howard, Eobert, Tailor. London, 1687. Howe, Eoger. HoUway. Somerset, 1672 Howe, William. Bradley. Stafford, 1583 HOW 41 ING Howel, Edward. Bucks, 1634. Howel, William, Maulster. Cambridge, 1684. Howell, Thomas. Bungay. Suffolk, 1664. Howell, Thomas. Shipton. Salop, 1664. Howes, Daniel. Ravensthorpp. Northampton, 1681. Howes, Mark. Raven sthorpe. Northampton, 1681, Howgate, Robert. Brigg. Lincoln, 1634. Howman, William. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Hows, Thomas. Paicot. Northampton, 1681. Hoyle, John. Cromhall. Gloucester, 1682. Hudson, James. Woolpit. Suffolk, 1664. Hudson, Thomas. Hen vile. Sussex, 1662. Hues, Henry. Leinthall Earls. Hereford, 1634. Hughes, John, Rector of Foston. Leicester, 1682. Hughes, William. Sweeny. Salop, 1664. Hulbert, Richard. Ember. Wilts, 1623. Hulford, Thomas. North wich. Cheshire, 1664. Hull, John. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Hull (? Hall), Joseph. Bardfield. Essex, 1664. Hull, Thomas. Earn ham. Surrey, 1623. Hulton, Mr. Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Humberston, James. Asfordby. Leicester, 1682. Humfrie, John. Essex, 1664. Hund, Thomas. Breedon. Worcester, 1634. Hundy, John. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Hunk, William. Salop, 1623. Hunt, Joseph, Hosier. London, 1687. Hunt, Raphael. Stock and Bradley. Worcester, 1634. Hunt, Rowland. Boratton. Salop, 1664. Hunt, Thomas. Alton. Suffolk, 1664. Hunt, Thomas, Rector of Kimcote. Leicester, 1682. Hunt, William. Harbourne and Smethwick. Stafford, 1664. Huntley, William. Hambleden. Bucks, 1634. Hurlbut, William. Mil wich. Stafford, 1664. Hurlock, Francis. Berks, 1623. Hurlock, — . Kennington. Berks, 1623. Hurman, James. Wells. Somerset, 1672. Hurst, John. Holwell. Leicester, 1682. Hurt, John. Westbury. Gloucester, 1623. Husband, Thomas. East Somerton. Norfolk, 1664. Hustler, William. Acklom. Yorkshire, 1668. Hutchinson, Michael. Leeds. Yorkshire, 1668. Huxhani, William. Harberton. Devon, 1620. Hyat, Thomas. Coin St. Aldwyu. Gloucester, 1682. Hyde, Robert, Fishmonger. London, 1687. Hyrne, Thomas. Stoke Ferry. Norfolk, 1664. Iles, John. Minchinhampton. Gloucester, 1682. Immens, William. Markfield. Leicester, 1682. Ince, Charles. Checkley. Cheshire, 1664. Inglebright, John. Boughton. Norfolk, 1664. ING 42 JEN Ingles, John. Gloucester, 1682. Ingles, Eichard. Staunton. Gloucester, 1682. Ingram, Samuel. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Ingram, William, Salter London, 1687. Inwood, Thomas. Walton on Thames. Surrey, 1623. Ireland, Walter. Westall. Gloucester, 1682. Ireland, William, Junr. Sutton Basset. Northampton, 1681. Irse, Eoger. Norfolk, 1664. Irton, John. Irton. Cumberland, 1666. Ithel, Eobert. High Offley. Stafford, 1664. Izacson, Philip, Senr. Burwell. Cambridge, 1684. Izacson, Philip, Junr. Burwell. Cambridge, 1684. Jackson, Benjamin. Countisthorpe. Leicester, 1682. Jackson, Edward. Southwark. Surrey, 1623. Jackson, Edward. Caistor. Lincoln, 1666. Jackson, Francis. Derby, 1634. Jackson, John, Vicar of Twyford. Hampshire, 1684. Jackson, John. Northwold. Norfolk, 1664. Jackson, John. Langworth. Lincoln, 1634. Jackson, John, Bicker. Lincoln, 1634. Jackson, Nicholas. Duddington. Northampton, 1681. Jackson, Nicholas, Victualler. London, 1687. Jackson, Philip. Stanshope. Stafford, 1664. Jackson, Thomas, Alderman. Pontefract. Yorkshire, 1668. Jackson, Thomas. Hurdefield. Cheshire, 1664. Jackson, Thomas. Knaton and Bowith. Yorkshire, 1668. James, Edmund. Little Houghton. Northampton, 1681. James, Eoger. Lincoln, 1634. James, Eoger. Glentham. Lincoln, 1634. James, Thomas. Brewood. Stafford, 1664. James, Thomas. Chetnole. Dorset, 1623. Jane, John. Brokewell. Gloucester, 1623. Jane, Thomas. Forthhampton. Gloucester, 1623. Jarvis, William. Briston. Norfolk, 1664. Jauney, Francis. Hereford, 1634. Jauney, James. Hereford, 1634. Jay, Thomas. Fittleton. Wilts, 162.3. Jeanes, William. Martock. Somerset, 1672. Jeb, Eichard. Wem. Salop, 1664. Jeb, Thomas. Wem. Salop, 1664. Jebb, Eobert. Harworth. Norfolk, 1664. Jefferson, John. Euswarpe. Yorkshire, 1668. Jeffries, William. Longdon. Worcester, 1634. Jekringall, Mr. Letherton-cum-Aberforth. Yorkshire, 1668. Jenckes, Thomas. Kingsland. Hereford, 1683. Jenkens, John. Dudley. Worcester, 1634. Jenkes, Eowland. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Jenkes, Thomas. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Jenkes, Mr. Walkerslowe. Salop, 1664. Jenkes, Mr. Eaton and Norton Salop, 1664. JEN 43 JON Jenkin, Thomas, Vicar of Thedding worth. Jenkinson, Eobert. Jennens, Anne. Jennes, Kichard. Jenney, James. Jennings, Charles. Jennings, Edward. Jennings, James. Jennings, Eobert. Jennings, Eoger. Jenings, William. Jenison, Eobert. Jenoway, William. Jermin, Francis. Jervis, Peter. Jesson, John Jesson, Thomas. Jessop, Mr. Jetherell, William. Jewell, Edmund. Jeyne, Thomas. Jobber, Eichard. Jodrell, Thomas. Johnson, Antony. Johnson, Christofer Johnson, Jacob. Warley Wigorn. Sheringham. Ipstones. Newton. Harwell. Long Wittenham. Dudcote. Dadleston. Tewkesbury. Holme Pierpoint. Eavensthorpe. Leicester. West Bromwich and Sand well. Northleigh. St. Neots. Triminghara. Tewkesbury. Leicester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Notts, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Cambridge, 1684. Essex, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1611. Huntingdon, 1684. Norfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Salop, 1623. Stafford, 1664. Hereford, 1683. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Leek. Whitney. Sporle. Bury. Johnson, James, Vicar of Stoke Prior and Shellsley Walsh. Worcester, 1682, Johnson, John. Belgrave. Johnson, Martin, Vicar of Dilwyn Johnson, Eichard. Johnson, Eobert. Johnson, Eobert. Johnson, Eobert. Johnson, Eobert. Johnson, Eobert. Johnson, Mr. Thomas. Johnson, Thomas. Johnson, William. Johnson, William. Johnston, Thomas, Taylor. Johnston, — . Joice, Mathew. Jolliffe, William, Senr. Jolley, Ambrose. Jolley, William. Jolly, John. Jones, Isaac. Jones, John. Jones, John. Jones, Philip. Gimingham. Lea. Saddington. Great Bowden. Beverley. Gainsborough. Alfrick. Nether Seal. Evercreech. Southampton. Standish Gate. Bungay. Langham. Chilton. Oswestry. Claycoton. Leicester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Lincoln, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1682. London, 1687. Leicester, 1682. Somerset, 1623. Hampshire, 1684. Lancaster, 1667. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1623. JON 44 KEY Jones, Eichard. Oswestry, Salop, 1664. Jones, Thomas. Wellington. Salop, 1664. Jones, Thomas. Dorstone, late of Snowdle. Hereford, 1634. Jones, William. Salop, 1623. Jones, William. Syresham. Northampton, 1681. Jones, William. Sandford. Salop, 1664. Jones, William. Middleton. Northampton, 1681. Jordan, Edward. Kinver. Stafford, 1664. Jordan, William, Vicar of Mamble. Worcester, 1682. Jordan, Thomas, Distiller. London, 1687. Jordan, Nathaniel. Pakenham. Suffolk, 1664. Joseph, Benjamin, Fishmonger. London, 1687. Joyce, Richard, Cheesemonger. London, 1687. Judd, William. Marston Culy in Bickenhill. Warwick, 1682. Juell, John. St. Lawrence. Suffolk, 1664. Juice, Samuel, Rector of Birts Morton. Worcester, 1682. Kankell, Henry and Peter. Botley. Berks, 1664. Keat, John. Locking. Berks, 1623. Keate, Hugh. Hagborne. Berks, 1623. Keate, William. Hildrop. Wilts, 1623. Keffin, John. Slakney. Leicester, 1682. Keld, Thomas. Throstonby (? Thormanby). Yorkshire, 1668. Kele, Richard. Dandeby (1 Ranby). Lincoln, 1634. Kelland, John. Chulmleigh. Devon, 1620. Kelly, Richard. PetwortTi. Sussex, 1662. Kelsal, Reginald. Cheadle. Cheshire, 1664. Kelsall, Humfry. Burleston. Stafford, 1664. Kelsall, Richard. Balterley. Stafford, 1664. Kelsall, Thomas. Audley. Stafford, 1664. Kelton, Richard. Withyford. Salop, 1664. Kempe, Roger, Skinner. London, 1687. Kempson, Thomas Great Sardon. Stafford, 1664. Kemsey, William. Martley. Worcester, 1682. Kendrick, Christian, Vicar of Eckington. Worcester, 1682. Kennet, John. Cain ham. Salop, 1664. Kent, Benjamin. Ryall. Yorkshire, 1668. Kent, George. Lincoln, 1634. Kent, George. Kirton. Lincoln, 1634. Kent, Gregory, Rector of Great Sheepy. Leicester, 1682. Kent, Hugh. Alsager. Cheshire, 1664. Kent, John. Rumsey. Hampshire, 1684. Kent, Thomas. Avington. Berks, 1664. Kerbye, Richard. Wallingford. Berks, 1664. Keswell, Thomas. St. Pinnock. Cornwall, 1620. Ket, Thomas. Wymondham. Norfolk, 1664. Kettle, Mr. Burwardsley. Cheshire, 1664. Kettell, John. Brantham. Suffolk, 1664. Kettlewell, John. Topcliffe. Yorkshire, 1668. Keyes, John. Surrey, 1623. Keys, Richard. Benham. Berks, 1623. KEY 45 LAM Keys, Thomas. Mansel Hope. Hereford, 1683. Keyse, John. Upton Bishop. Hereford, 1634. Kiffitt, John, Turner. London, 1687. Kilborne, Francis. Stanford. Nottingham, 1614. Kilford, Richard. Preston. Salop, 1623. Kinder, — . Brampton. Derby, 1611. Kinersley, William. Erdisland. Hereford, 1634. King, Abraham. Norfolk, 1664. King, Henry. Hereford, 1634. King, John. Laver. Essex, 1664. King, John. Atterton. Leicester, 1682. King, Ralph. Timworth. Suffolk, 1664. King, Ric lard, Senr. Limpsfield. Surrey, 1623. King, Robert. Caundle Weeks. Dorset, 1623. King, Thomas. Cumnor. Berks, 1664. King, Thomas. Lyng. Norfolk, 1664. King, William. Doddington. Cambridge, 1684. Kingscliffe, Mathew, Attorney at Law. Northampton, 1681. Kingston, Thomas. Shetlanger. Northampton, 1681. Kinnersley, John. Warwick, 1619. Kinsen, Robert. Tetton. Cheshire, 1664. Kirchiner, Hugh. Orston. Notts, 1614. Kirkbeck, Thomas. Orton. Westmoreland, 1666. Kirke, Thomas, Curate of Shawell. Leicester, 1682. Kirkeby, Mr. Basford. Notts, 1664. Kir wood, John, Mercer. Letton end in Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Kitchin, Thomas, Baker. London, 1687. Kitchinman, George. Raskelfe. Yorkshire, 1668. Knap, George. Chilton. Berks, 1664. Knapp, John. Swinford. Berks, 1664. Knight, John. Althorpe. Northampton, 1681. Knight, John. Eywood in Titley. Hereford, 1634. Knight, Richard, Mercer. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Knight, Robert. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Knight, Roger. Childrey. Berks, 1664. Knight, Thomas. Bewdley. Worcester, 1682. Knight, Thomas. Slapton. Northampton, 1681. Knight, Thomas. Hankilow*. Cheshire, 1664. Knight, William. Peters field. Hampshire, 1684. Knighton, John, Rector of Holywell cum Needingworth. Huntingdon, 1684. Knowles, John. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Lackington, John. Ashburtoa Devon, 1620. Lacy, Gilbert, Innholder. London, 1687. Ladbrook, Robert. Knightcote. Warwick, 1682. Lad ham, William. Hereford, 1634. Lady man, John, Stationer. London, 1687. Lamb, Robert. Newton-Brooms wold. Northampton, 1681. Lamb, William. Weston. Norfolk, 1664. Lambert, Thomas. Bishopston. Wilts, 1623. Lamplugh, George. All Sts. Pavement, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Lamport, Thomas. Alton. Hampshire, 1684. LAN 46 LEA Lane, Charles, Mercer. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Lane, Edward. Warwick, 1619. Lane, Gerard. Bristol. Somerset, 1672. Lane, James. East Eetford. Notts, 1664. Lane, James, Draper. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Lane, John. Appleton. Berks, 1664. Lane, Nicholas. . Hampton Bishop. Hereford, 1634. Lane, Nicholas. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1682. Lane, Thomas. Tedston Delamere. Hereford, 1683. Lane, Walter. Wednesfield. Stafford, 1664. Lane, William. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Lane, William. Cumnor. Berks, 1623. Tiangford, Thomas. West Shefford. Berks, 1664. Langhorne, Thomas. Penrith. Cumberland, 1666. Langley, John. Matford. Suffolk, 1664. Langley, John. Horbury. Yorkshire, 1668. Langley, Eichard. Hipperholme-cum-Brighouse. Yorkshire, 1668. Langley, Eobert. Bugdon. Huntingdon, 1684. Langley, Thomas. Nantwich. Cheshire, 1664. Langton, George. Cosby. Leicester, 1682. Lankeston, John. Liskeard. Cornwall, 1620. Lanseter, John. Bury. Suffolk, 1664. Lardge, Jenkin. Gloucester, 1623. Large, Thomas. Camberwell. Surrey, 1623. Large, Thomas. Chesterfield. Derby, 1664. Larkman, John. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Lass, John. Norton. Leicester, 1682. Lathom John. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Latus, William. Whiteham. Cumberland, 1666. Launder, James. Hard wick. Stafford, 1664. Launder, Thomas. Hard wick. Stafford, 1664. Launder, Thomas. Eugeley. Stafford, 1664. Lauze, Stephen, Merchant. London, 1687. Laverick, Mr. Dalston. Cumberland, 1666. Law, Francis. Lincoln, 1634. Law, Eichard. Eastrick. Yorkshire, 1668. Law, John. Warsfenham (? Wappenham). Northampton, 1681. Lawrence, Guy. Gibland. Gloucester, 1623. Lawrence, John. Eamplingham. Norfolk, 1664. Lawrence, John, sometime Mayor of Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Lawrence, Thomas. Whitchurch. Dorset, 1623. Lawrence, — . Ickford. Bucks, 1634. Lawrence, William. Eoxhall. Dorset, 1623. Lawson, Mr. Watnall Chaworth. Notts, 1664. Lawson, John. Pooles. Cheshire, 1664. Lawton, John. Alsager. Cheshire, 1664. Layprick, George. Holme House. Westmoreland, 1666. Lea, Nathaniel. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Lea, Eowland. Chorlton. Salop, 1664. Leadbetter, John. Cranage. Cheshire, 1664. Leak, Thomas. Cauldon. Stafford, 1664. Leake, John. Limehouse juxta Horton. Stafford, 1664. T.IEA 47 LIT Leaver, John. Bright well. Leaver, Thomas. Bright well. Leaver, William. Brightwell. Leaver, William. North Morton. Lee, Henry. Bagshot. Lee, Rev. Henry. Tichmarsh. '. Lee, John. Silkeston. Lee, John. Southampton. Lee, Thomas. East Farndon. Lee, William. Pinhoe. Lee, William. Samford. Leech, John. Leech, John. Wells. Leech, William. Bodington. Leeke, John. Edincrley. Lees, Edmund, Rector of Ibstock. Legate, Thomas. Rushmere. Legg, Nicholas. Chipping Sodbury. Legey, Edmund. West Horsted. Lego, Thomas. Leigh, Robert. Bradford. Leinton, Thomas. Aldwincle. Levrington, John. Norwich. Leward, Isaac. Lewes, Edward. Whittington. Lewes, Roger. Dodenham. Lewes, Richard. Hauton [Ivington 1] Lewis, John. Foxton. Lewis, John. Brilley. Lewis, Philip. Lewis, William. Hartley. Lewise, Abraham. Barford. Ley, Jasper. Atherington. Ley, Samuel, Rector of Flyford Flavell. Ley, Stephen. Buckland Brewer. Ley, Valentine. Little Torrington. Lide, Allen. Berry Pomeroy. Liggons, Thomas. Matlock. Lightfoot, Peter. Uttoxeter. Lilley, William. Willingham. Lillington, Roger, Linch, James. White Parish. Linch, Samuel. White Parish. Lincke, Theophilus. Rixton Hall. Lindley, Firmary. Haxey. Lingham, James. Upton-on- Severn. Linster, William. South Burlingham. Lisney, John. Croydon. Lissant, P. Taunton. Litherlane, William. Ridmarley Oliver. Litterland, Edward. Poulton cum Seacrum. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664 Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Hampshire, 1684. Northampton, 1681. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Hereford, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Notts, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Bucks, 1634. Somerset, 1672. Northampton, 1681. Norfolk, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Hereford, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Hereford, 1634. Hereford, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Suffolk, 1664, Devon, 1620. Worcester, 1682. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Devon, 1620. Norfolk, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. London, 1687. Wilts, 1623. Wilts, 1623. Lancaster, 1667, Lincoln, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Norfolk, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Somerset, 1672. Worcester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. LIT 48 LOW Litton, John. Runham. Norfolk, 1664. Lloyd, Edward. Osbaston. Salop, 1664. Lloyd, Henry. High part of Bridge Street, Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Lloyd, Hugh. Trebodyer. Salop, 1664. Lloyd, John. Lloyd, John. Lloyd, Marmaduke. Lloyd, Eichard. Lloyd, Richard. Lloyd, Richard. Lloyd, Samuel. Lloyd, Thomas. Lloyd, Thomas. Lock wood, Richard. Loder, John. Loder, John. Lodwick, Thomas, Linendraper. Loggin, Edward. Bretforton. New Marton. Kebon Kelouoged. Whittington. Whittington. Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury. Frankley. Oswestry. Gayton. Shillingford. Stanford. Loggin, Robert. Loker, Robert. Lomax, John. London, John. London, William. Longbotham, Edmund. Longdon, Robert. Longsdon, Stephen. Lord, John. Louch, William. Loupe, Thomas. Love, Henry. Hampton in Arden. Bardfield. Chesham. Kingston. Warsham. Butterwith. Gloucester. Longsdon. Wilsby. Marlston. Hewbury. Palgrave. Love, John, the Schoolmaster. Oakham. Lovel, Humfrey. Bowden Green. Yelvertoft. Shelton. Clayton. Newcastle-under-Lyme. Checkley. Shelton in Penkhull. Lovell, John. Lovet, John. Lovet, Nicholas. Lovet, Randle. Lovet, Richard. Lovet, William. Loving, Henry. Low, Roger. Lowbridge, Thomas. Lowdon, Thomas. Lowe, George. Lowe, John. Lowe, John, Fishmonger. Lowe, Richard. Lowe, Richard. Lowe, Robert. Lowe, Thomas. Lowe, Thomas, Cordwainer. Lowry, Isaac. Cambridge, Bromsgrove. Hartlebury. Brompton Patrick. Hartford. Horden. Ranow. Forton. Meer and Forton. Eaton. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Salop, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. London, 1687. Worcester, 1634. Warwick, 1682. Essex, 1664. Lancaster, 1667. Surrey, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Derby, 1611. Northampton, 1681. Berks, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Suffolk. 1664. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Essex, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. London, 1687. Stafford, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Salop, 1623. London, 1687. Cambridge, 1684. LUC 49 MAN Lucas, Henry. Lucas, John. Lucas, John. Lucas, John. Lucas, William. Lucas, Thomas. Ludwell, Robert, sen, Ludlow, William. Lugg, Lawrence. Lugg, Rev. Mathew. Lukins, Mr. Lukewarne, Robert. Lumley, Thomas. Lun, Thomas. Lyde, Benjamin, GoldsmitL Lyford, William, Weaver. Lynald, John. Lyncolne Lynn, Samuel. Lynn, William. Lyster, Richard. Wellingborough. St. Cleer. Guilsborough. Creaton. Nortoft. Thornby. Bruton. Tywardreath. Gloucester. Berkswell. Nassington. Runham. Roydon. Warsop. Hereford. Worcester. Oultou. Houldonston (?Hindolveston). Hindolveston. Rowton. Northampton, 1681» Cornwall, 1620- Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681- Northampton, 1681. Somerset, 1672. Cornwall, 1620. Gloucester, 1682. Warwick, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Notts, 1664. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Worcester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Salop, 1664. Mace, William, Innkeeper. Maddey, Thomas. St. Neot's. Maddock, Richard. Maddoxe, Rowland. Madeley, Thomas. Madock, John. Madox, Robert. Madox, Thomas. Maid well, John. Maihew, La Mairs, Thomas. Major, Richard. Makepeace, John, Clerk Maiden, John. Mallet, John. Mallet, John. Mallet, Thomas. South Brent. Denston. Chester. Eaton Constantine. Mildenhall. Ashby. A Wells. 'Bury St. Edmund's. Bishop's Caundle. Quedgeley. Great Welnetham. Tewkesbury. Bevington. London, 1687. Huntingdon, 1684. Devon, 1620. Salop, 1623. Stafford, 1583. Cheshire, 1664. Salop, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Dorset, 1623. Gloucester, 1682. Suffolk, 1664. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Rockington. Mallo wes, William, Rector of Dinedor and Little Birch . Hereford, 1683, Mallows, Stephen. Bankside. Surrey, 1623, Maltiward, Richard Man, Edmund. Man, Henry. Man, John. Man, Miles. Man,\Timothy. Manings, William. Manning, John. Mannings, John. Mansel, William. Langham. Dilwyn. Tewkesbury. Kirkby Lonsdale. Binham. Ellne. Walsham. Badwell Ash. Cradley. Suffolk, 1664. Bucks, 1634. Hereford, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Westmoreland, 1666. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. MAN 50 MAS Mansell, John. Barnett's Court. Gloucester, Mansfield, Eichard. Glen Parva. Leicester, March, John. London, Marke, John. St. Wenn. Cornwall, Markes, Eobert. Thorn. Somerset, Markes, Theodore. Pattishall. Northampton, Markes, William. Thorn. Somerset, Markhara, James. Creaton. Northampton, Markham, John. Creaton. Northampton, Markham, Mathew. Norwich. Norfolk, Markham, William. Eeading. Berks, Markinfield, William Markinton-cum-Wallowthwait. Yorkshire, Markwick, William. Jevington. Sussex, Marlow, Clement. Eeading. Berks, Marlowe, Clement. Kingsthorpe. Northampton, Marriott, John. Claycoton. Northampton, Marsden, Henry. Gisburne. Yorkshire, Marsden, John. Slaidburn. Yorkshire, Marshall, Ann. Cambridge. Cambridge, Marshall, Arthur, Haberdasher. London, JMarshall, Daniel. Essex, Marshal], Francis, Vicar of Grimley and Hallow. Worcester, Marshall, George. Leeds. Yorkshire, Marshall, Nathaniel. Essex, Marshall, Thomas. Maltby. Yorkshire, Marshall, Thomas. Caistor. Lincoln, Marshal], William. Tadcaster. Yorkshire, Marshe, AVilliam. Shywell(?Sizewell). Suffolk, Marsome, John. Charrye Longford. Salop, Marston, Thomas. Belton. Northampton, Marston, Thomas. Stoke Albany. Northampton, Marten, Sylvester. Thellarthune (? Thelnetham). Suffolk, Martin, John. Purbright. Surrey, Martin, John. Bagby. Yorkshire, Martin, John. Burgate. Suffolk, Martin, Nicholas. Suffolk, Martin, Eobert. Badsey. Worcester, Martin, Samuel. Littleport. Cambridge, Martin, Thomas. Wokingham. Berks, Martin, Thomas. Aynsty. Leicester, Martin, Thomas. Ely. Cambridge, Martin, William. Littlehampton. Worcester, Martin, William. Church Bicknell. Warwick, Martin, William. Eccleshall. Stafford, Marven, John. Bentley. Suffolk, Mase, James. Eyburgh. Norfolk, Mason, Humfry. Eeading. Berks, Mason, John, Eector of Salwarp. Worcester, Mason, Eichard. Crome DAbitot. AVorcester, Mason, Eichard. Burlingham. Worcester, MAS MEN Mason, Thomas. Bishop's Castle. Salop, 1664. Mason, William. Birlingham. Worcester, 1634. Mason, William. Trunch. Norfolk, 1664. Mason, William. Queeniborough. Leicester, 1682. Massey, Thomas. Little Brampton. Hereford, 1634. Masters, John. Martock. Somerset, 1672. Masters, Philip. Martock. Somerset, 1672. Mather, Rev. John. Castle Donington. Leicester, 1682. Mather, Thomas. Preston Gub balds. Salop, 1664. Mathew, John. West Monckton. Somerset, 1672. Mathew, Richard. Hampsted Norris. Berks, 1664. Mathew, Richard, Factor. London, 1687. Mathew, Toby. Great Minterne. Dorset, 1623. Mathew, William. Clopton. Suffolk, 1664. Mathews, Edward. Wotherton. Salop, 1664. Mathews, Hugh. Llanner Waterdine. Salop, 1664. Mathews, Samuel. Worcester. AYorcester, 1682. Matts, Edmund. Whitchurch. Bucks, 1634. Maubest, Nicolas, Diamond Cutter. Loudon, 1687. Mangertin, John. Chatcomb. Northampton, 1681. Maundrell, Richard. Compton Basset. Wilts, 1623. Maunsell, William. ♦ Dudley. Worcester, 1634. Mawde, Daniel. Stanley. Yorkshire, 1668. Mawde, Jonathan. Halifax. Yorkshire, 1668. Mawde, Joshua. Wakefield. Yorkshire, 1668. Mawde, Richard. 'Ardsley. Yorkshire, 1668. May, Robert. Lawswell. Suffolk, 1664. May, Thomas. Essex, 1634. Maylard, John, a gent entered in the last Visitation. AYorcester, 1682. Maynard, James. Reading. Berks, 1664. Maynard, Moses. Winhurst-in-Hurst . Berks, 1664. Mayne, Robert. Bucks, 1634. Maxey, John. Wellingborough. Northampton, 1681. Meade, John. Essex, 1664. Meade, William. Woolscote. Warwick, 1682. Meader, John. Littleport. Cambridge, 1 684. Meakin, Mathew. Crewe. Cheshire, 1664. Meakin, William. Nantwich. Cheshire, 1664. Meakins, Thomas, Attorn ey-at-Iaw. Oakham. Northampton, 1681. Medlicot, Edmund. Warminster. Wilts, 1623. Medowe, Daniel. Suffolk, 1664. Meek, Thomas. Wainfleet. Lincoln, 1634. Meeke, Thomas. Lincoln, 1634. Meere, William. Enborne. Berks, 1664. Melban, Abraham. Essex, 1664. Melles, Gregory. St. Andrews. Suffolk, 1664. Melling, Henry, Butcher. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Mellor, Mr. Idridgehay. Derby, 1664. Melricke, Richard. Reedham. Yorkshire, 1668. Mence, John. Hanbury. Worcester, 1682. 4—2 MEN 52 MIL Mence, John. Shall. Worcester, 1682. Menlove, Roger. Acton. Salop, 1623. Merchant, Thomas. Combes. Suffolk, 1664. Meredith, James, Mercer. Kington. Hereford, 1683. Merriman, John. Newbury. Berks, 1664. Merrit, Christofer. AVin'chcomb. Gloucester, 1623. Merry, Mr. Barton. Derby, 1611. Mese, Francis. Petworth. Sussex, 1662. Messenger, John. Fountains Abbey. Yorkshire, 1668. Messenger, Nathan, Draper. London, 1687. Metcalfe, Eichard. SS. Martin and Gregory, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Mett, Isaac. Thorpeland. Norfolk, 1664. Meyerish, William. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Miade, Huish. Wookey. Somerset, 1672. Michel, Barnard. Waymouth. Dorset, 1623. Michel, Henry. Waymouth. Dorset, 1623. Michel, James. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Michell, John. Codenham. Suffolk, 1664. Michell, John. Harsfield. Gloucester, 1623. Mickleburgh, Francis. Tholson (?Thurton). Norfolk, 1664. Middleton, Ftowland 1. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Miles, John. Glouston- in-Goodrich. Hereford, 1683. Miles, Richard, Attorney. Burbage. Leicester, 1682. Miles, Thomas. Hereford, 1683. Milhew, William. Upper Whitacre. Warwick, 1682. IVIill, John. Lansalloes. Cornwall, 1620. Mill, John. Laneast. Cornwall, 1620. Millard, John. W^ickwar. Gloucester, 1682. J\Iiller, John. Albrough. Norfolk, 1664. Miller, Paul. Draughton. Northampton, 1681. Miller, Robert. Barningham Town. Norfolk, 1664. Miller, Thomas. Wokingham. Berks, 1664. Miller, Thomas. Mdtlask. Norfolk, 1664. Miller, William. Draughton. Northampton, 1681. Miller, William. Weeting. Norfolk, 1664. Milles, Edward. Runhall. Norfolk, 1664. Milles, Richard. Betham, Stafford, 1583. Milles, Thomas. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1682. Mills, Henry. Petersfield. Hampshire, 1684. Mills, John. Epping. Essex, 1664. Mills, Michael. Gloucester, 1682. Mills, Thomas, Druggist. London, 168'7. Mills, Thomas. Portsmouth. Hampshire, 1684. Mills, William. Reading. Berks, 1664. Mill ward, Richard. Salop, 1623. Milner, Thomas. Evesham. AVorcester, 1682. Milner, Robert. Pudsey. Yorkshire, 1663. !Mihies, William. Tupton. Derby, 1664. Milton, William. Bampton. Devon, 1620. Milton, William. Bewdley. Worcester, 1634. Mil ward, Edward. Padmore. Worcester, 1634. MIL MOR Milward, Edward. Milvvard, Henry. Milward, Thomas. Mines, George. Minnes, John. Minors, John. Mintess, William. Mitchell, Eobert. Mogge, John. Moggridge, Tristrlim. Mollins, Robert. Momford, William. Monmouth, William. Monson, Hugh. Monyman, Nicholas, Moor, George. Moor, John. Moor, John. Moor, John. Moore, Charles. Moore, Charles. Moore, George. Moore, George. Moore, Samuel. Moore, Thomas. Moore, Thomas. Moorewood, Andrew, Moorley, John. Morden, Charles. Morden, Oliver. Morecomb, Thomas. The Ligh in Old Swinford. Calingwood. Harbourne and Smethwick. Holmefield. Methwold. Duloe. Stow. Sawtrey. Farington. Brampford Speke. Whitchurch. Bank. English Bicknor. Chester. Alaverton. Southwark. Claxton Longa. Kilmersdon. Rempston. Little Appleby. Little Appleby. Greenhill. Whitwick. Washfield. Whitwick. Stadon. Upton-on-Severn. Exning. Whitchurch. Wareley. Morkton (? Morton). Ash Magna. North Petherton. Hulme Walfield. Selby. Morey, Robert. Lower end of Bridge Street, Chester. Cheshire, Morgan, John. Linkenholt. Hampshire, Rowlstone. Roger. Walterstone. Moregateride, James. Moregateride, James. Morehall, John. Morele3^, William. Moreton, William. Morewode, Mr. Worcester, Stafford, Stafford, Derby, Norfolk, Cornwall, Gloucester, Huntingdon, Somerset, Devon, Dorset, Stafford, Gloucester, Cheshire, Norfolk, Surrey, Leicester, Somerset, Notts, Leicester, Salop, Leicester, Derby, Leicester, Devon, Leicester, Derby, Worcester, Cambridge, Suffolk, Dorset, Yorkshire, Yorksliire, Salop, Somerset, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Morgan, Hugh, Morgan Morgan, William. Howton. Morgan, William, Rector of Monington. Moring, Joseph. Basingstoke. Morrent, John. Tidenhara. Morris, Richard. Perry Ditch in Dilwyn. Mors, Nicholas. Micheldeane. Morse, Edward, Clothier. Gloucester. Morse, Edward. Great Dean. Morse, Francis. Wrantham. Morse, Nicholas, Clothier. Gloucester. Hereford, Hereford, Hereford, Hereford, Hampshire, Gloucester, Hereford, Gloucester, Gloucester, Gloucester, Suffolk, Gloucester, 1682. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1620. 1682 168 i. 1672. 1620. 1623. 1583. 1623. 1664. 1664. 1623. 1682. 1672. 1664. 1682. 1623. 1682. 1611. 1682. 1620. 1682. 1611. 1634. 1684. 1664. 1623. 1668. 1668. 1664. 1672. 1664. 1668. 1664. 1684. 1634. 1634. 1634. 1683. 1684. 1623. 1683. 1623. 1623. 1682. 1664. 1623. MOR 54 NEW Morse, Kobert. Postwick. Norfolk, 1664. Morse, Tanner. Flaxley. Gloucester, 1623. Morton, John. Wymondham. Norfolk, 1664. Morwent, John. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Morse, John. Sandbach. Cheshire, 1664. Mottershead, Eichard. Maxfield. Cheshire, 1664. Mould, Abraham, Rector of Appleby. Leicester, 1682. Mould, Thomas. Twycross. Leicester, 1682. Moulton, William. Pooles. Cheshire, 1664. Mounford, Ealph. Cheadle Eves. Stafford, 1664. Mountford, John. Weybourn. Norfolk, 1664. Mower, Mr. AVoodsetts. Derby, 1664. Mowtlow, John. Winchcombe. Gloucester, 1682. Moyer, Robert, Chief Constable. Warmington. Northampton, 1681. Muckleston, Richard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Muddyclift, Thomas. Buckenham. Norfolk, 1664. Mullis, Robert. Michaelstow. Cornwall, 1620. Munne, James. Terrell's Court in Dilwyn. Hereford, 1683. Murfield, John. Poundstock. Cornwall, 1620. Murrell, Mrs. Bagnall. Stafford, 1664. Musgrave, Edward. West Monckton. Somerset, 1672. Musson, Bartholomew. Wigston Parva. Leicester, 1682. Muxlow, Edward. Swepston. Leicester, 1682. Myles, Edmund. Suffolk, 1664. Mynshall, Hugh. Clyve. Cheshire, 1664. Nabs, John. Hindringham. Norfolk, 1664. Nash, Antony. Warwick, 1619. Nash, Gilbert. Bromsgrove. Worcester, 1634. Nash, Richard. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Nash, Samuel, Stationer, London, 1687. Nayler, George, Vicar of Hinkley. Leicester, 1682. Naylor, Isaac. Sowerby. Yorkshire, 1668. Neal, William. March. Cambridge, 1684. Neale, James. Tiffield. Northampton, 1681. Needier, Robert. St. Andrew's. Suffolk, 1664. Nelme, John. Much Marcle. Hereford, 1683. Nelme, John. Bradstone. Gloucester, 1682. Nelson, Thomas. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Nembrey, John. Dostill. Warwick, 1682. Nethway, William. Mansel Hope. Hereford, 1683. Nevill, John. Thorney. Notts, 1664. Nevison, Richard. Rockingham. Northampton, 1681. Newby, George. Lutterworth. Leicester, 1682. Newen, Henry. Whepstead. Suffolk, 1664. Newington, Thomas. Offenham. Worcester, 1634. Newman, James. Chaddesley Corbet. Worcester, 1682. Newman, John. Thurning. Huntingdon, 1684. Newman, John. Froyle. Hampshire, 1684. Newman, Robert. Thurning. Huntingdon, 1684. Newman, Thomas. Kesingland. Suffolk, 1664. NEW 55 OLB Newman, Thomas. Newnham, Thomas. Newson, Samuel. Nevvson, Samuel. Newstead, Harbert. Newton, Mr. Newton, Mr. Newton, George. Newton, John. Newton, Ralph. Newton, Robert. Newton, Roger. Newton, William^ Nichols, John. Nichols, Richard. Nichols, Samuel. Nichols, Thomas. Nicholson, Nathaniel Nicholson, Robert. Nickens, Michael. Nickin, John. Nickins, Michael. Nitingale, Edward. Noble, Ham.\ Noble, Henry, Cornfactor. Noble, George. Noble, Thomas. Norborne, John. Norgrave, Katharine Norgrove, Francis. Norman, John. Norman, Thomas. Norris, John. Norris, Thomas. Norrison, Robert. North, Rev. William. Norton, Edward. Norton, Henry. Norton, Peter. Norton, Robert. Norton, Thomas. Norwich, Timothy. Notley, John. Nott, Thomas. Nun, Robert. Nurse, Gilbert. Gates, William. Oberne, William. Ockley, Henry. Olbaldeston, Henry, Fishmonger. ^ Charlton. Wilts, 1623. Whitwell. Hampshire, 1684. Oakley. Suffolk, 1664. All Saints, Suflfolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Whitchurch. Salop, 1664. Sutton-in-Ashfield. Notts, 1664. Stockport. Cheshire, 1664. Westbury. Gloucester, 1682. Forning. Norfolk, 1664. Nedham. Suffolk, 1664. Melton Mowbray. Leicester, 1682. Fulshall. Cheshire, 1664. Beccles. Suffolk, 1664. Fenton Culvert. Stafford, 1664. Westbury. Gloucester, 1682. Billing Parva. Northampton, 1681. Kentmire. Westmoreland, 1666. Parkbrome. Cumberland, 1666. Bradnap. Stafford, 1664. Hatherton. Stafford, 1664. Great Sardon. Stafford, 1664. Tipton. Stafford, 1664. Derby, 1634. >r. London, 1687. Waltham. Leicester, 1682. Bathhampton. Somerset, 1623. Studley. Wilts, 1623. Ivington. Hereford, 1683. Neen Savage. Salop, 1664. Clayhanger. Devon, 1620. Burton Salmon. Yorkshire, 1668. Winterfield. Worcester, 1634. Paget's Bromley. Stafford, 1664. Hawsker. Yorkshire, 1668. Saltby. Leicester, 1682. Warwick. Warwick, 1682. Wymondham. Norfolk, 1664. Disforth. Yorkshire, 1668. Peterborough. Northampton, 1681. Wallingford. Berks, 1664. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Came. Dorset, 1623. Shrawley. Worcester, 1634. Great Welnetham. Suffolk, 1664. Ballingham. Hereford, 1683. Pontefract. Yorkshire, 1668. Wilts, 1623. Worplesdon. Surrey, 1623. imonger. London, 1687. OLD 56 PAR Oldfield, Mr. Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Oldich, John. Yetminster. Dorset, 1623. Oldman, Robert. Wallington. Norfolk, 1664. Oliver, Christofer. Longford. Gloucester, 1682. Oliver, John. Chellaston. Derby, 1634. Olley, Robert. Wineton. Norfolk, 1664. Olley, William. Seaming. Norfolk, 1664. Onians, Samuel, Curate of Grendon. Hereford, 1683. Onley, Thomas, Apothecary. London, 1687. Only, Thomas. Swinford. Leicester, 1682. Oram, Humphrie. Dundo. Somerset, 1623. Orcharde, John. Garsall. Stafford, 1583. Orme, Robert. Pelshall. ^ Stafford, 1664. Osborn, William. Wotton-under-Edge. Gloucester, 1682. Osborne, Richard. Ockbrooke. Derby, 1611. Osland, Edward, Rector of Puddleston. Hereford, 1683. Otterburne, Robert. Kirkby Moorside. Yorkshire, 1668. Oulton, Randle. Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Overend, George. Kirby. Westmoreland, 1666. Overton, William. Easington. Yorkshire, 1668. Owen, Thomas. Sheningtou. Gloucester, 1682. Owen, W. Cheltenham. Gloucester, 1682. Packe, Edward, Chief Constable. Matford. SufiFolk, 1664. Packford, Edward. Kesingland. Suffolk, 1664. Pacy, Samuel. Lowestoft. Suffolk, 1664. Paddon, John. Bishop's TawtoD. Devon, 1620. Padgett, Thomas. Ibstock. Leicester, 1682. Pad&on, William. Barrow-on-Sore. Leicester, 1682. Page, Francis. Fakenham. Norfolk, 1664. Page, John. Ixworth Thorp. Suffolk, 1664. Page, John. Berks, 1623 Page, John. Walsh am. Suffolk, 1664. Page, Philip. Gedding. Suffolk, 1664. Paget, John. Belbroughton. AVorcester, 1634. Paget, William. Birmingham. AYarwick, 1682. Paine, Robert, Grocer St. Scot's. Huntingdon, 1684. Pakeman, Richard. Gaddesby. Leicester, 1682. Palmer, George. Astley. Worcester, 1634. Palmer, Richard. Lincoln, 1634. Palmer, Thomas. Stafford. Stafford, 1661 Palmer, Thomas. Marston-juxta-Stafford. Stafford, 1664. Paly, Thomas. Rockland. Norfolk, 1664. Par Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. Parfer, Arthur. Cottesmore. Northampton, 1681. Park, Richard. Fleet. Lincoln, 1634. Park, Thomas. Leigh. Dorset, 1623. Park, Thomas. Bar ford. Norfolk, 1664. Parke, Lawrence. Whitbeck. Cumberland, 1666. Parker, Mr. Parwich. Derby, 1611. Parker, George. Old Malton. Yorkshire, 1668. PAR 57 PAU Parker, James. Haryate. Suffolk, 1664. Parker, John. Church Broughton. Derby, 1634. Parker, John. Abrington. Salop, 1664. Parker, Joseph. Derby. Derby, 1664. Parker, Lawrence. Peterborough. Northampton, 1681. Parker, Nicholas. Great Bloxwich. Stafford, 1664. Parker, Kobert. W^istanton. Cheshire, 1664. Parker, Thomas. Longdon. Worcester, 1634. Parker, Thomas. Harbourne and Smethwick. Stafford, 1664. Parker, Thomas. Cresswall. Staflford, 1583. Parkes, Thomas, Vicar of Upton Snodsbury, Worcester, 1682. Parkins, Thomas. Lisburne. Northampton, 1681. Parkington, John. Witton. Cheshire, 1664. Parlby, John. Buckminster. Leicester, 1682. Parmenter, Samuel Yeldham. Essex, 1664. Parnell, Nicholas. Gibland. Gloucester, 1623. Parnell, Richard. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Parnell, Thomas. Eastgate St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Parnell, Thomas. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Parran, Robert. Wick Risington. Gloucester, 1682. Parrat, William. Hough. Cheshire, 1664. Parrot, John. Crewe. Cheshire, 1664. Parrott, John. Kinver. Stafford, 1664. Parrot, Thomas, Li nen-draper. London, 1687. Parrott, William, 1 'ishmonger. London, 1687. Parry, Ferdinando. Eston Grev. Wilts, 1623. Parshouse, John. Walsall. Stafford, 1583. Parson, Thomas. Dossillingford. Suffolk, 1664. Parsons, Andrew. Chilthorne. Somerset, 1672. Parsons, Andrew. W^est Camel. Somerset, 1672. Parsons, Edmund. Sampford Arundell. Somerset, 1672. Parsons, Robert. Sampford Arundell. Somerset, 1672. Parsons, Thomas, Vicar of Swinford. Leicester, 1682. Parsons, William. Hanley Castle. Worcester, 1682. Partington, John. Little Walsingham. Norfolk, 1664. Partrich, John. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1623. Partrich, Richard. Capell. Suffolk, 1664. Partridge, John. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Partridge, John. Misterton. Somerset, 1672. Pasfield, Philip. W^ethersiield. Essex, 1664. Passinger, Thomas, Stationer. London, 1687. Pate, Mr. Stanton. Notts, 1664. Pates, Linnet. Charlton Kings. Gloucester, 1682. Pates, Richard. Charlton Regis. Gloucester, 1623. Paton, Walter. Warwick, 1619. Patrich, Simon. Gainsborough. Lincoln, 1634. Patrick. Edmund. Snettisham. Norfolk, 1664. Patten, George, Cheesemonsjer. London, 1687. Patten, Thomas. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Patton, John. Crewkerne. Somerset, 1672. Paul, Philip. Matlask. Norfolk, 1664. PAU 58 PER Pauling, Kichard. Norfolk, 1664. Paul], William. Worth Yearrok. Somerset, 1672. Payne, George. Southwark. Surrey, 1623. Payne, John. Oldmarton. Salop, 1664. Payne, John. Evershot. Dorset, 1623. Payne, Nicholas. Weston-juxta-Welland. Northampton, 1681. Payne, Eobert. Abingdon. Berks, 1664. Payne, Thomas. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Payne, Thomas. Pitfold. Surrey, 1623. Payne, William. North Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Paymer, Ambes. Hembe. Norfolk, 1664. Paxton, Edmund. Fyfield-in-Bray. Berks, 1664. Peach, Lawrence. Lydington. Northampton, 1681. Peachy, John. Mildenhall. Suffolk, 1664. Peachy, John. Highenge. Essex, 1664. Peacock, Richard. Marston Montgomery. Derby, 1664. Peale, Rev. Thomas. Great Dalby. Leicester, 1682. Pearce, John. Cressage. Salop, 1664. Pearce, Samuel. Plealey. Salop, 1664. Pearce, Thomas. Knighton. Berks, 1664. Pearce, William. Newbury. Berks, 1664. Pearle, Edmund. Felsham. Suffolk, 1664. Pearse, Joseph. South Hinksey. Berks, 1664. Peck, John. Abingdon. Berks, 1664. Peechie, John. Sussex, 1662. Peechie, William. Sussex, 1662. Peers, Edward. Salop, 1623. Fegg, Mr. Yeldersley Derby, 1611. Peglere, Henry. Uley. Gloucester, 1682. Peier, Robert. Warwick, 1619. Peirsall, Ralph. Alvechurch. Worcester, 1634. Peirse, Richard. Plympton St. Mary. Devon, 1620. Peirse, William. Stichcomb. Wilts, 1623. Peirse, Thomas. Dewstow. Cornwall, 1620. Peirse, Thomas. Midsomer Norton. Somerset, 1623. Peirse, Thomas. Bigbury. Devon, 1620. Peirse, Walter. St. Erne. Cornwall, 1620. l^ellamounter, John. Columb Minor. Cornwall, 1620. Pemberton, Edward. AVrockwardine. Salop, 1664. Pen, Francis. Belbroughton. Worcester, 1634. Penkridge, Robert. Toddenham. Gloucester, 1682. Penn, William. Hagley. W^orcester, 1634. Penn, William. Stony Stratford. Bucks, 1634. Penning, John. Stratton. Norfolk, 1664. Penton, Edward, Rector of Buntingthorp. Leicester, 1682. Penton, John. Redgrave. Suffolk, 1664. Penyfather, John. Barton-under-Wood. Stafford, 1664. Peper, Mr. South Cowton. Yorkshire, 1668. Perceval, Richard. Liverpool. Lancaster, 1667. Perkins, Drew. St. Wenn. Cornwall, 1620. Perkins, Thomas. Shoteshill. AVarwick, 1682. PER 59 PIN Perks, William. King's Norton. Worcester, 1682. Perier, John, Linen-' draper. London, 1087. Perrey, John. Bilston. Stafford, 1664. Perry, John. Fritton. Suffolk, 1664. Peryns, Simon. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Leicester, 1682. Pesse, Edmund. Norfolk, 1664. Pether, John, Cook. Loudon, 1687. Petre, George. Charlton-in-Henbury. Gloucester, 1682. Pettit, Thomas. Hextall. Stafford, 1583. Pettyt, Henry. Bromley Pagets. Stafford, 1583. Pettj^, Jonathan. Dibden. Hampshire, 1684. Pettye, Nicholas. Warwick, 1619. Peyton, Henry. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1682. Phelpes, Nicholas. Great Malvern. Worcester, 1634. Philipps, Owen. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Philips, Daniel. Stoke Ferry. Norfolk, 1664. Philips, Edward. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Philips, John. Ledbury. Hereford, 1634. Philips, John. Barrow. Cheshire, 1664. Philips, John. Shinfield. Berks, 1664. Philips, Richard. Kenswick Park. Salop, 1664. Philips, Robert. Cumnor. Berks, 1623. Philips, Robert. Penkridge. Stafford, 1664. Philips, Robert. Longdon. Salop, 1664. Philips, William. Wellington. Salop, 1664. Philips, William. Leominster. Hereford, 1683. Philips Ashton. Hereford, 1634. Philips Ickford. Bucks, 1634. Philipson, John. Melsonby. Yorkshire, 1668. Philipson, Robert. Berks, 1623. Phillingham, Mr. Normanton. Notts, 1664. Phillips, Andrew, Turner. London, 1687. Phillips, Christofer. Surrey, 1623. Phillips, Thomas. Littleton. Worcester, 1634. Philpot, Thomas. Marston. Hereford, 1683. Philpots, Richard, Mercer. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Picken, Robart. Mayre. Stafford, 1664. Pickering, John. Blakesley. Northampton, 1681. Picto, Frauncis. Church Eaton. Stafford, 1583. Piddock, William. Handsworth. Stafford, 1664. Pierce, Edmund. Wilcot. Salop, 1664. Pierrepont, John, Vintner. London, 1687. Piggin, Robert. Ockbrooke. Derby, 1611. Pigott, -William. Croydon. Surrey, 1623. Pike, John. Estrop. Wilts, 1623. Pilkington, Edward. Worcester, 1634. Pinchard, Richard. Ascot. Northampton, 1681. Pindar, John. Lincoln, 1634. Pinder, John. Gainsborough. Lincoln, 1634. Pinfold, Edward. Hampton, Gloucester, 1682. Pinfold, John. Stinchcomb. Gloucester, 1682. PIN 60 POIJ Pinner, Samuel. Pinson, William. Piper, Eeynold. Pissop, Thomas. Pitcher, George. Pitman, Michael. Pitt, John. Pitt Plaiers, Francis. Plampin, Robert. Plant, Edward. Plant, Mr. Playford, Henry. Plowman, Eichard. Plowman, William. Plungen, Hugh. Ply m ley, William. Poake, Nicholas. Pocock, John. Pocock, John. Pococke, John. Pococke, Richard. Pole, Samuel. Pond, John. Ponder, Thomas. Pooke, Stephen. Poole, Mr. Poole, Ralph. Poole, Thomas. Poole, William. Poole, William. Pooler, John. Pooler, Joseph. Pope, John. Pope, Thomas. Porte, John. Porter, Francis. Porter, Thomas. Porter, Robert. Porter, Robert. Lurkenhope. Wolverhampton. Hem. Ormesby. Pershore. Bristol. Stretton Grandison. Welmore. Bosmere. Roy don. Plumpton. Letherton-cum-Aberforth. North Repps. Blis worth. Blisworth. Shrewsbury. Norton-in-Hales. Nassington. Wooly. East Ilsley. Chieveleye. The Hute in Earl's Shilton. Rowell. Salehurst. Thrumpton. Odd Rode. Shrewsbury. Camberwell. Moorton. Hartlebury. Bewdley. Letton. Butterworth. Ham. Foxley. Foxley. Bingham . Sareley Green. Porter, Roger, Vicar of Orton-super-Montem. Porter, Thomas. Bunbury. Porter, William. Bromsgrove. Pott, Mr. Stancliff. Pott, John. Stancliff. Potter, Richard. Silverton. Potter, Thomas. Croston. Pottinger, Richard. Compton. Pottinger, Richard. Baitield. Pound, Antony. Carhampton. Poulton, Thomas. Badgington. Salop, 1664. Stafford, 1664. Salop, 1664. Norfolk, 1664, Worcester, 1682. Somerset, 1672., Hereford, 1634. Somerset, 1623. Suffolk, 1664. Suffolk, 1664, Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664, Northampton, 168L Northampton, 1681. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1664, Northampton, 1681. Berks, 166-1, Somerset, 1623. Berks, 1664, Berks, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Lincoln, 1634. Northampton, 1681. Sussex, 1662. Notts, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Salop, 1664. Surrey, 1623. Essex, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1682. Hereford, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Stafford, 1583. Norfolk, 1664. Norfolk 1664. Nottingham, 1614. Stafford, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Worcester, 1682. Derby, 1611. Derby, 1611. Devon, 1620. Yorkshire, 1668. Berks, 1664. Berks, 16'23. Somerset, 1672. Gloucester, 1682. POU 61 PYE Poultor, Thomas. Redmarley D'Abitot. Worcester, 1634. Povey, John. Woodend. Salop, 1664. Powel, Henry. Kebon Kelonoged. Salop, 1664. Powell, Francis. Thatcham. Berks, 1664. Powell, George. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Powell, Richard. Sutton Coldfield. AVarwick, 1682. Powell, Robert. Heigham-in-Norwich . Norfolk, 1664. Powell, Thomas. Thatcham. Berks, 1664. Powell, Thomas. V Hereford. Hereford, 1683. Powlson, Robert. Frimley. Surrey, 1623. Pownall, Israel. Bristol. Gloucester, 1623. Pownall, Richard. Gloucester, 1623. Powney, Richard. Hawthorn-in-Bray. Berks, 1664. Powning, Richard. Berks, 1623. Poyner, Edward. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Poynter, Nicholas. '1 Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Poynton, Alderman. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Pratte, Blase. Bartlow. Cambridge, 1684. Prestland, Richard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Pretty, William. Drayton Basset. Stafford, 1664. Price, Hugh. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Price, John. Skiborey. Salop, 1664. Price, Richard. Shrewsbury. SaloD, 1664. Price, William. Farnoufirh. Berks, 1664. Price, William, Mercer. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Prichard, Richard. Worleston. Cheshire, 1664. Pricke, John. Chevington. Suffolk, 1664. Priest, William. Ingham. - Norfolk, 1664. Prince, Edward. Wolley. Yorkshire, 1668. Prince, George. . Newnham. Hampshire, 1684. Prior, George; ^ Stringston. Somerset. 1672. Prober t, David Ho wel. Michaelchurch Eskley. Hereford', 1634. Procter, Thomas. Barlaston. Stafford, 1664. Procton, Robert. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Proud, Joseph. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Proude, Richard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664.. Puddie, John. Bishop's Lydiard. Somerset, 1623. Pugh, Evan, Sugar-refiner. London, 1687. PiiUen, Thomas. Winterton. Norfolk, 1664. Pulley, John. Wellingborough. Northampton, 1681. Palman, Arthur. Furst. Somerset, 1672. Puusonby, John. Egremond. Cumberland, 1666. Purcas, William. Suffolk, 1664. Purlewent, William. Sandhurst. Gloucester, 1623. Purlewent, William. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Purnell, Robert. North Nibley. Gloucester, 1682. Purser, Robert. Stretton-on-the-Fosse. AVarwick, 1682. Purshull, Edmund, Eimbridge. Worcester, 1634. Pycroft, Robert. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664 Pye (1 Rye), Edward. Trunch. Norfolk, 1664 Pye (? Rye), Edward. Swafield. Norfolk, 1664. PYE 62 REI> Pye, Robert. Cadney. Lincoln, 1634. Pyke, Benjamin, Skinner. London, 1687. Pym, Mr. Long Eaton. Derby, 1611.. Pym, Henry. Chilwell. Nottingham, 1614. Pynson, Thomas. Essex, 1634. Pyot, Thomas. Cheadle. Stafford, 1583. QuARRELL, John. Didley. Hereford, 1634. Quaterraayne, Thomas. Berks, 1623. Question, Augustine. Carhampton. Somerset, 1672. Eaby, William. South Raynham. Norfolk, 1664. Each, Thomas. Highworth. Wilts, 1623. Radford, Thomas. Wribbenhall. Worcester, 1682. Radge, Thomas. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Radley, William. Crosshall. Lancaster, 1667. Radont, Walter. Stoford. Somerset, 1672. Rainsford, Thomas. Bodenham, Hereford, 1683. Rainsforth, John. Ranton. Yorkshire, 1668. Raisner, Thomas. Wordwell. Suffolk, 1664, Ramsden, George. Bishophill, York Yorkshire, 1668. Ramsden, Thomas. Him s worth. Yorkshire, 1668. Ramsden, Mr. Elland-cum-Greetland. Yorkshire, 1668. Ramsden, Mr. North Dalton. Yorkshire, 1668. Randall, John. Suffolk, 1664, Randell, John. Chalford. Gloucester, 1682. Randoll, Richard. Petersfield. Hampshire, 1684. RatclifFe, George. Wakefield. Yorkshire, 1668. Ratcliffe, Ralph. Over. Cheshire, 1664. Raven, William. Sandbach. Cheshire, 1664. Rawden, Francis. Rawden. Yorkshire, 1668. Rawlingson, Daniel. Upton-on-Severn. Worcester, 1634. Rawlins, Ralph. Brook. Northampton, 1681. Rawlins, Samuel. Marston Sicca. Gloucester, 1682. Rawlins, William. Burleigh. Leicester, 1682. Rawton, Mr. Harbourne and Smethwick. Stafford, 1664. Ray, Edward. Weymouth. Dorset, 1623. Raymond, Samuel. Creech. Somerset, 1623. Rea, Richard. Stanwardine-in-the-Wood, Salop, 1664. Read, Jonathan. St. Ives. Huntingdon, 1684. Read, John, Draper. London, 1687. Read, John, Haberdasher and Needlemaker. London, 1687. Read, Richard. Chatteris. Cambridge, 1684. Read, William. Sutton-in-Broughton. Leicester, 1682. Reade, Christofer. Potter Heigh am. Norfolk, 1664. Reade, Thomas. Stapleton. Leicester, 1682. Reading, Thomas. Woburn Deincourt. Bucks, 1634. Reay, Rev. John. Claxton Longa. Leicester, 1682. Reclias, John. Homes. Norfolk, 1664. Reddall, Ralph. Whitley. Berks, 1664. Redshaw, George. Skegate, Ripon. Yorkshire, 1668. BED 63 ROB- Kedshaw, Henry. All Hallowsgate, Ripon. Yorkshire, 1668. Kedfihaw, Thomas. WhitclifFe-cum-Thorpe. Y'orkshire, 1668. Redward, James. Eardisley. Hereford, 1683. Eedwood, Roberfc. Bristol. Gloucester, 1623. Eeeve, James. Lowestoft. Suffolk, 1664. Reeve, John. Erstead. Norfolk, 1664. Reeve, John. Hepworth. Suffolk, 1664. Reeve, Richard. Essex, 1634. Reeve, Thomas. Claynober (? Claycoton), Northampton, 1681. Reeves, John. Petersfield. Hampshire, 1684. Regell, Charles. Diss. Norfolk, 1664. Renor, William. Duffield. Derby, 1634. Revel, Edward. Drayton. Salop, 1664. Reynald, Richard. Bur well. Lincoln, 1634. Reyner, Gervase. Duffield. Derby, 1664. Reynold, Richard. Lincoln, 1634. Reynold, William. Warwick, 1619. Reynolds, Anthony. Pinxworth. Norfolk, 1664. Reynolds, Edward. Bagley. Salop, 1664. Reynolds, Francis, Vicar of Crowle. Worcester, 1682. Reynolds, James. Stanton Gabriel. Dorset, 1623. Reynolds, Thomas. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Rhodes, Thomas. Tamworth. Stafford, 1664. Ridball, Symon. Halnerg. Norfolk, 1664. Ridge, John. Lower end of Bridge Street, Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Rice, William. Coshall. Nottingham, 1614. Rich, Nicholas. Modbury. Devon, 1620. Rich, Silvanus. Thurlston. Yorkshire, 1668. Richards, John. Uffculme. Devon, 1620. Ricards, Richard. Norton. Worcester, 1634. Richards, Robert. Essex, 1664. Richards, Thomas. Shinfield. Berks, 1664. Richardson, Mr. Cawood. Yorkshire, 1660. Richardson, Mr. St. Michael's Belfry, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Richardson, Edward. Cambridge, 1684. Richardson, John. Thirlston. Derby, 1611. Richardson, Philip. Cove. Suffolk, 1664. Richardson, Thomas. Broughton. Salop, 1664. Richardson, Thomas. Rushton. Cheshire, 1664. Richardson, William. South Kilworth. Leicester, 1682. Rickards, Charles, Clothworker. London, 1687. Ricord, Thomas. Enoder. Cornwall, 1620. Rigby, Christopher, ] Merchant Taylor in London. Cosgrave. Northampton, 1681. Rincill, Richard. Surrev, 1623. Ristling, William. Lowestoft. Suffolk, 1664. Rivett, John, Salesman. London, 1687. Road, Richard. Boresford. Hereford, 1634. Robbin, William. Salt. Stafford, 1664. Roberts, George, Draper. London, 1687. Roberts, John. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. ROB 64 ROW Roberts, Nicholas. Roberts, Thomas. Robins, Jeremiah. Robins, Richard. Robins, Thomas. AVotton. Linkinhorne. Hatton. Harsfield. Bratton Clovelly. Robins, Thomas, Waterman Robins, William. Osgathorp. Robinson, Alexander. Stockport. Robinson, Leonard. Norwich. Robinson, Mark. Scruton. Robinson, Thomas. North Gate Street, Chester. Robinson, Thomas, Vicar of Ingby. Robinson, Thomas. Northwich. Robinson, William, Rector of Long Whatton. Robinson, William. Norwich. Robinson, William. Wiggenhall. Bradshaw, near Horton. Letherton-cum -Aberf orth. Knaresborough. Gloucester. Wineston. Coventry. Kingston. New Crast. Godstone. Dallington. Petersfield. Petersfield. King's Norton. Friston. Tattingston. Bradfield. Rode, Mr. Rodes, George. Rodes, Richard. Rodway, Giles. Rodwell, Robert. Rogers, Henry. Rogers, Humfry. Rogers, John. Rogers, Roger. Rogers, Rolfe, James. Rolfe, Philip. Rookes, Edward. Rookes, William. Roper, John. Rose, Richard. Rose, Richard. Rose, William. Rose, William, Vicar of Sheepshead. Rose, William. Siston. Rose, William. Mickleton. Ross, Francis. Malvern. Ross, John. Leeds. Rosse, Edward. Suckley. Rosse, Thomas, Rector of Peterstow. Rossington, Joseph. RossingtoD, Mr. Scrapston. Rotton, Richard. King's Norton. Round, Edward, Ironmonger. Rous, Jeremiah, Scrivener. Routledge, John. Morland. Routledge, Thomas. Kirk Oswald. Row, William. jHartford. Rowden, William. Cawood. Gloucester, Cornw^all, Warwick, Gloucester, Devon, London, Leicester, Cheshire, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Leicester, Cheshire, Leicester, Norfolk, Norfolk, Stafford, Yorkshire, Yorkshire, Gloucester, Suffolk, Warwick, Warwick, Dorset, Lancaster, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Hampshire, Hampshire, Worcester, Suffolk, Suffolk, Suffolk, Leicester, Gloucester, Gloucester, Worcester, Yorkshire, Worcester, Hereford, Derby, Derby, Worcester, London, London, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Cheshire, Yorkshire, 1623. 1620. 1682. 1623. 1620. 1687. 1682. 1664. 1664. 1668. 1664. 1682. 1664. 1682. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1668. 1668. 1682. 1664. 1619. 1682. 1623. 1667. 1623. 1662. 1684. 1684. 1684. 1634. 1664. 1664. 1664. 1682. 1623. 1682. 1634. 1668. 1682. 1683. 1634. 1611. 1634. 1687. 1687. 1666. 1666. 1664. 1668. ROW 65 SAN Rowe, John. Norton Priory. Yorkshire, 1668. Rowlett, Theoplnlus. St. Ives. Huntingdon, 1684. Rowley, Thomas. Heykley. Stafford, 1583. Rowley, William. Rowley, alias Turnhurst. Stafford, 1664-. Rowney, Thomas. Birmingham. Warwick, 1682. Rowps, John. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Ruck, Thomas, Girdler. London, 1687. Rudducke, William. . East Coker. Somerset, 1672. Rudge, William. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Rudland, Andrew. Offton. Suffolk, 1664. Rusden, John. Wallingford. Berks, 1664. Rushbrook, AVilliam. Thurston. Suffolk, 1664. Rush worth, Thomas, Clerk. Guilsborough. Northampton, 1681. Russell, Edward. Hartley. Worcester, 1682. Russell, Isaiah. East Chinnock. Somerset, 1672. Russell, Richard. Rowley. Stafford, 1664. Russell, Thomas. Cubinerton. Warwick, 1682. Russell, William, Merchant. London, 1687. Rust, Jerome. Rattlesden. Suffolk, 1664. Rust, Walter. Battisford. - Suffolk, 1664. Ruthorn, Joseph. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Rutter, Richard. Kings ley. Cheshire, 1664. Rydgewell, Godfrey. Sparham. Norfolk, 1664. Ryley, John. Redmarley D'Abitot. Worcester, 1634. Rys, Richard. Berks, 1623. Sacheverell, Henry, Esq. Sutton Coldfield :. Warwick, 1619. Sadd, Robert. South Creeck. Norfolk, 1664. Sadler, East Everley. Wilts, 1623. Sadler, John. Overton. Wilts, 1623. Sadler, Richard. Over Whitacre. Warwick, 1682. Sadler, Thomas. Lammas. Norfolk, 1664. St. Leger, Henry. Cheltenham. Gloucester, 1682. Salmon, Cholmley. Audlem. Cheshire, 1664. Salmon, John. Holcombe. Somerset, 1672. Salter, Edward. Ippleston. Devon, 1620. Salter, George. Stamford. Lincoln, 1634. Salveyn, Cholmley. New Hall. Cheshire, 1664. Sam, Henry. Chalfont St. Giles. Bucks, 1634. Sam bridge, George. Hill Morton. Warwick, 1682. Sambrook, Francis. Sambrook. Salop, 1664. Sampson, Simon. Madford. Somerset, 1672. Sampson, William. Rampton. Notts, 1664. Sams, Thomas. Hereford, 1634. Sanager, John. Sanager. Gloucester, 1623. Sancey, William. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Sandcroft, William. Norfolk, 1664. Sanders, John. Bruton. Somerset, 1672. Sanders, John. Rashwood in Doderhill. Worcester, 1634. Sanderson, Lawrence ). Great Addington. Northampton, 1681. Sandes, Thomas. Kirkby Kendall. Westmoreland, 1666. 5 SAN 66 SEL Sandford, Thomas. Sandford, William. Sansom, Edward. Sansom, Thomas. Sare, Silvanus. Satteithwayt, Brian. Sauley, William. Saunders, George. Saunders, John. Saunders, Richard. Saunders, Robert. Saunders, Thomas. Saunders, Thomas. Savage, Godfrey. Savage, Thomas. Savage, Thomas. Savell, Thomas. Askham. Charlton. Hinkley. Bewdley. Goad by. Churchill. Sulhampstead Banister. Chaddleworth. Hamptworth. Sherborne. Hardwell. Hallow. Eckington. Barrow. Leniington. Shelley. Sawbridge, Thomas, Vicar of Hungarton. Sawbridge, Thomas, Seiir. Melton Mowbray. Sawner, alias Sesdio, Richard. Reading. Sawyer, Edward. Saxton, Anthony. Say, Robert. Sayer, Jonathan. Sayer, Robert. Scampton, John. Westmoreland, 1666. Essex, 1664. Gloucester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Worcester, 1634. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Wilts, 1623. Dorset, 1623. Berks, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Derby, 1611. Cheshire, 1664. Warwick, 1682. Essex, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Berks, 1623. Berks, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Berks, 1664. Berks, 1664. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. Essex, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Dudcote. Horsforth. Tinny {1 Tilney). East Hagbourne. Coscutt. Thurmaston. Scampton, Francis, Attorney. Hinkley. Scandrett, John, Vicar of Madeley. Scarle, William. Bardfield. Scott, John. Knaresborough. Scott, Joseph. St. Michael in Walmgate Ward, York. Yorkshire, 1668 Scriven, Andrew. Norton. Derby, 1664 Scrivener, William. Pottersbury. Scudamore, Richard. Goodrich. Seade, William. Seagood, Thomas, Tyler and Bricklayer. Seaman, Edward. Loddington. Seamond, William. Upper Scudamore. Searard, James. Fyfield in Bray. Searle, John, alias AUerton. Kings Tawton Walsingham. Gunthwaite. Welly. Leicester. Seaton, William. Sedascue, Mr. Segge, Edward. Segrave, Thomas. Seignoret, Stephen, Merchant. Selb, John. Seller, John. Bury. Selley, Richard. Sellman, Mr. Harrington. Selmar, Thomas. Selmay, Henry. Northampton, 1681. Hereford, 1683. Somerset, 1672. London, 1687. Leicester, 1682. Wilts, 1623. Berks, 1664. Devon, 1620. Norfolk, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Hereford, 1634. Leicester, 1682. London, 1687. Cambridge, 1684. Suffolk, 1664. Hereford, 1634. Salop, 1664. Salop, 1623. Salop, 1623. SEN 67 SHE Senior, Mr. Dod worth. Yorkshire, 1G68. Senior, Richard. Bridgtown. Derby, 161L Sepburn, George. Skeltmore. Westmoreland, 1666. Serjeant, James. Linton. Hereford, 1634. Serjeant, William. Linton. Hereford, 1634. Serle, Robert. Norfolk, 1664. Sesdio, see Sawner. Seser, Thomas, Senr. Langham. . Suffolk, 1664. Seston, Joseph. Bignor. Sussex, 1662. Seward, Ambrose. Yeovil. Somerset, 1672. Seward, Bartholemew. Brislington. Somerset, 162.3. Seward, James. Combe in Teignhead. Devon, 1620. Sewell, Henry. Kidlington. Northampton, 1681. Seynton, Richard. Gritworth. Northampton, 1681. Shackleton, Thomas. Lincoln, 1634. Shakleton, Thomas. Scandleby p ScamblesbyJ. Lincoln, 1634. Sharp, John. Essex, 1634. Sharp, William. Warwick, 1619. Sharpe, Henry. Reading. Berks, 1664. Sharpe, Luke. Langham. Northampton, 1681. Sharpe, Richard. Hoblench. Worcester, 1634. Sharpe, Thomas. Barnby. Notts, 1664. Sharpham, Thomas. Chivelston. Devon, 1620. Shart, William. Amersham. Bucks, 1634. Shaw, John. Methley. Yorkshire, 1668. Shaw, Richard. Burwell. Cambridge, 1684. Shaylerd, Henry. Canbery. Worcester, 1634. Sheate, Robert. Cheltenham. Gloucester, 1682. Sheen, George. Wallinton. Suffolk, 1664. Sheldon, Richard. Codsall. Stafford, 1664. Shelley, Thomas. Oulton. Stafford, 1664. Shelver, John. Bedingfield. Suffolk, 1664. Shenton, John. Burland. Cheshire, 1664. Shepard, John. Darlecot. Northampton, 1681. Shepard, Richard. Yatton. Hereford, 1634. Shepard, alias Hooper, Robert. Brauntor I. Devon, 1620. Shephard, Daniel, Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Shepheard, Richard. Broseley. Salop, 1664. Shepheard, Thomas. Walsall Borough. Stafford, 1664. Shepherd, John. Milney. Derby, 1664 Shepherd, Joseph, Salter. . London, 1687. Sheppard, Ambrose. Hemingby. Lincoln, 1634. Sheppard, John. Mickfield. Suffolk, 1664. Sheppard, Nicholas. Horsham. Sussex, 1662. Sheppard, William, Salesman. London, 1687. Sheriff, John. Birley. Hereford, 1683. Sheriff, John. Felton. Hereford, 1634. Sheringham, Christophi er. Tunstead. Norfolk, 1664. Sherley, John, Draper. London, 1687. Sherlock, Richard. Crewkerne. Somerset, 1672. Shervile, Richard. Cranborne. Dorset, 1623. 5^2 SHE 68 SKO Sherwin, Eichard. Bridgmeire. Cheshire, 1664. Sherwood, George. Bushby. Leicester, 1682. Shewell, Eichard. Stroud. Gloucester, 1682. Shewringe, Thomas. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Shield, Edward. Preston. Northampton, 1681. Shillito, George, Alderman. Pontefract. Yorkshire, 1668. Shipley, William. Stowerton. Cheshire, 1664. Shipmaii, Thomas. Scarrington. Nottingham, 1614. Shipp, Thomas. Eickinghall. Suffolk, 1664. Shircliff, Nicholas. AtterclifF. Yorkshire, 1668. Shittlewood, Eichard. Scalford. Leicester, 1682. Shore, Edmund. Maiden Capell. Wilts, 1623. Shorting, Thomas. Morston Parva. Norfolk, 1664. Showell, Eichard. Nether Lippiatt. Gloucester, 1623. Shrigley, Albion. Shakerston. Leicester, 1682. Shuret, John, Tailor. London, 1687. Shuring, Thomas. Nettleton. Wilts, 1623. Shury, Francis. Marcham. Berks, 1664. Shury, Thomas. Marc ham. Berks, 1623. Shute, John. Kilmersdon. Somerset, 1672. Shute, William. Ashreigney. Devon, 1620. Sibsey, Antony. Frieston. Lincoln, 1634. Sibsey, Eichard. Sutter by. Lincoln, 1634. Sidibotham, Eobert. Cheadle. Cheshire, 1664. Signell, William. Eydon. Northampton, 1681. Silke, John. Eaveley. Huntingdon, 1684. Sivarye, John. Hagley. Worcester, 1634. Silverwood, John. Eeading. Berks, 1664. Simonds, John. Cavenham. Suffolk, 1664. Simonds, John. Tim worth. Suffolk, 1664. Simonds, Philip, J.P. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Simonds, Eichard. Ledbury. Hereford, 1634. Simonds, Thomas. White Ladit^s Aston. Worcester, 1634. Sindercomb, Eichard. Bishop Lidiard. Somerset, 1672. Singleton, Francis, Goldsmith. London, 1687. Singleton, Thomas. High pait of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Sitterson, Eobert. Luxborough. Somerset, 1623. Skegnes, Thomas. Lincoln, 1634. Skelton, George. VV^edderhall. Cumberland, 1666. Skelton, John. Petterall Crookes. Cumberland, 1666. Skelton, William. Petterall Crookes. Cumberland, 1666. Skett, Edward. West Eudham. Norfolk, 1664. Skidmore, George. Whitoxmede. Somerset, 1623. Skinner, Mr. Hyll. Derby, 1611. Skinner, John. Loxbear. Devon, 1620. Skinner, John. St. John's. Cornwall, 1620. Skinner, John. Marham. Norfolk, 1664. Skinner, Eichard. Collumpton. Devon, 1620. Skinner, William, Public Notary. Hereford Hereford, 1634. Skinner, William. Halstead. Essex, 1664. Skoudeyn, Thomas, Rinchell. Suffolk, 1664. SKY 69 SMI Skynner, Eichard. Salop, 1623. Slade, Moses. Wallingford. Berks, 1664. Slape, John. St. James, Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Slater, Cliristofer. Barlborough. Derby, 1634. Slater, Richard. Haddenham. . Bucks, 1634. Slatour, Mr. Lower end of Bridge St , Chester . Cheshire, 1664, Sleeman, John. Milton Abbot. Devon, 1620 Sleigh, Lawrence. Biggen Grange. Derby, 1664 Sleigh, Samuel. Northead. Derby, 1664 Sligh, John. Biggin Grange. Derby, 1611. Slim an, John. Tickhill. Yorkshire, 1668. Sloper, — Philips Norton. Somerset, 1623. Slowley, Hugh. Aveton GifFord. Devon, 1620. Slynger, John. St. Saviour's, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Smaledge, John. Caistor. Norfolk, 1664. Smallbrooke, Eichard. Handswortli. Stafford, 1664. Smalley, Mr. Alvaston. . Derby, 1611. Smallman, Thomas. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Smallwood, William. Delves. Stafford, 1664. Smeare, William. Gislingham. Suffolk, 1664. Smedmore, John. East Lulworth. Dorset, 1623. Smethurst, Eichard. Birkle. Lancaster, 1667. Smith, Mr. Denby. . Derby, 1664. Smith, Angel. Stratton. Dorset, 1623. Smith, Christopher, Tailor. London, 1687. Smith, Clement. South Birlingham. Norfolk, 1664. Smith, Edward. Wratting. Suffolk, 1664. Smith, Gabriel. Audlem. Cheshire, 1664. Smith, George. AYorcester. AVorcester, 1682. Smith, Henry, Yeoman. Monkland. Hereford, 1634. Smith, James. Suffolk, 1664. Smith, James. Mi chop. Lancaster, 1667. Smith, Jarritt. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Smith, John, Yicar of Tilton. Leicester, 1682. Smith, John. AYarwick. Warwick, 1682. Smith, John. Holmer. Hereford, 1683. Smith, John, Minister of Wiuwick and Great Geddingr. Huntingdon, 1684. Smith, John. Checkley. Cheshire, 1664. Smith, John. Hereford. Hereford, 1683. Smith, John, Draper. London, 1687. Smith, John. Bishampton. Worcester, 1634. Smith, John. HolyHilh Worcester, 1634. Smith, John. Godway in Peterchurch. Hereford, 1683. Smith, John. All Saints South. Suffolk, 1664. Smith, John. Southam-pton. Hampshire, 1684. Smith, John. Walford. Hereford, 1634. Smith, John. Warm in gh am. Cheshire, 1664. Smith, John. Upton Bishop. Hereford, 1634. Smith, John. Hereford, 1634. Smith, Mathew. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. SMI 70 SPE Smith, Mathew. Wans well. Gloucester, Smith, Paifreene. Catfield. Norfolk, Smith, Peter, Draper. London, Smith, Kichard. Bridgnorth. Salop, Smith, Eichard. Godliman. Surrey, Smith, Eichard. West Kennett. Wilts, Smith, Thomas. Ludham. Norfolk, Smith, Thomas. Eanton. Norfolk, Smith, Thomas. Mettingham. Suffolk, Smith, Thomas. Egton. Yorkshire, Smith, Thomas, Mercer. Hereford . Hereford, Smith, Thomas. Much Marcle. Hereford, Smith, Thomas. Crewe. Cheshire, Smith, William. Walsall Borough. Stafford, ^mith, William. Suffolk, Smith, AVilliam. Newlyn. Cornwall, Smith, William. Dursley. Gloucester, Smith, William. Gilling West. Yorkshire, Smith, William. Cawood. Yorkshire, Smith, William. Datchett. Berks, Smith, William. Chillington. Stafford, Smith, William. Eowton. Cheshire, Smith, William. Maunby. Yorkshire, Smithe, John. Great Snoring. Norfolk, Smithsend, Nicholas. AValton Cardiff. Gloucester, Smithyer, Eobert, Goldsmith. London, Smithsend, Eichard. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, Soames, Eichard. Mulsho. Bucks, Sole, Leonard. White Ladies Aston. Worcester, Solers, Eichard. Coulsbnrn. Gloucester, Soley, Christopher. Peopleton. Worcester, Somerfield, George. Kirby Maccles. Leicester, Somershall, Eaphe. Mansfield. Nottingham, Sommer, Alexander. Frome St. Quintin. Dorset, Sorsevint, Samuel, Stationer. London, Sory, John. Kneeton. Notts, Sotherne, John. Teigngrace. Devon, Sotherthwayt, William. Langdale. Westmoreland, Southby, Eobert. Bourton. Berks, South all, Mr. Beamish Hall. Salop, Southill, John. Clayhanger. Devon, Southill, William. Penkridge. Stafford, Sowles, Edmund. Barrow. Norfolk, Sparham, John. Caister. Norfolk, Sparrow, Anthony, Eeed. Suffolk, Sparrow, John. Chevington. Suffolk, Sparrow, John. Andlem. Cheshire, Sparrow, Eobert. Foulsham Norfolk, Sparry, John. Stourbridge. Worcester, Spateman, Daniel. Uttoxeter. Stafford, Spealt, William. Ugborough. Devon, SPE 71 STE Spence, Mr. Bardin. Yorkshire, 1668. Spencer, — . Beckington. Wilts, 1623. Spencer, Thomas. Witton. Salop, 1664. Spendlow, John. Scottow. Norfolk, 1664. Spenser, Ambrose. SS. Martin and Gregory, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Spenser, William. Congleton. Cheshire, 1664. Spicer, Charles, Grocer . London, 1687. Spicer, Giles. Leckhampstead. Berks, 1664. Spicer, James, Haberdasher. London, 1687. Spilman, George, jun. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Spilman, John. North Repps. Norfolk, 1664. Spinke, Mr. Yorkshire, 1668. Spinke, William. Murton. Yorkshire, 1668. Sponer, John. Holkham. Norfolk, 1664. Spragge, John. Offenham. Worcester, 1634. Sprigg, John. Great Bowdon. Leicester, 1682. Springall, Richard. Norton. Norfolk, 1664. Springall, Richard. Billingford. Norfolk, 1664. Sprott, Edward. Ashmerebroke. Stafford, 1583. Spurrell, Thomas. Thurgarton. Norfolk. 1664. Spurway, William. Colbrook. Devon, 1620. Sneade, John. Longdon. Stafford, 1664. Snelling, Richard. Wrampling. Norfolk, 1664. Snellinge, Nicholas. Surrey, 1623. Snow, Robert. Burlescomb. Devon, 1620. Squier, Thomas. Thornhill. Yorkshire, 1668. Squire, John. Lewannick. Cornwall, 1620. Squire, Richard. Weston-upon-Trent. Stafford, 1664, Squire, Timothy. Christ's Parish, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Squire, William. Laneast. Cornwall, 1620. Stacy, Edward, Sutton in the Isle of Ely. Cambridge, 1684. Stacy, John. Meldreth. Cambridge, 1684. Stafford, John. Shawe. Derby, 1634. Stafford, Mr. Robert. Thweng. Yorkshire, 1668. Stainrod, Gervas. Dronfield. Derby, 1664. Staley, Steven. Red Seules (? Redsets). Derby, 1634. Stalman, Henry. Stenning. Sussex, 1662. Stanford, Joseph. Peterborough. Northampton, 1681. Stanforth, Henry. Salthouse. Norfolk, 1664. Stannard, John. Bury. Suffolk, 1664. Stannare, John. Lound. Suffolk, 1664. Stansbye, Richard. Risbury. Hereford, 1634. Starre, William. Bradford. Dorset, 1623. Staunton, Henry. Upper Rickinghall. Suffolk, 1664. Statham, John. Brereton. Cheshire, 1664. Staunton, Thomas. Brewood. Stafford, 1664. Staveley, Christopher. Redsets. Derby, 1664. Staveley, Richard. Besonby cum Easton. Yorkshire, 1668. Stead, John. Leominster. Hereford, 1683. Steele, Francis. Kirkby. Yorkshire, 1668. Steele, Rev. John. Frisby. Leicester, 1682. STE 72 STU Steele, Eobert. Stockport. Cheshire, 1664. Stephens, Peter. Appleton. Berks, 1664. Stevens, Edward. Pinchbeck. Lincoln, 1634. Stevens, Thomas. Essex, 1664. Stevens, Thomas. Steventon. Berks, 1623. Stevenson, Henry. Wotton Glanville. Dorset, 1623. Stevenson, John. Eowsley. Derby, 1664. Stevenson, Eichard. Overs Hatton. Derby, 1634. Stevenson, Eichard. Lincoln, 1634. Stevenson, Eichard. Croft. Lincoln, 1634. Stevenson, Eobert. Whitgift. Yorkshire, 1668. Steward, John. Laws well. Suffolk, 1664. Steward, Thomas. Brockley. Suffolk, 1664. Steward, Thomas. Whepstead. Suffolk, 1664. Steward, AVilliam. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Steward, Wolstan. Beeston. Norfolk, 1664. Stiles, Clement. South Morton. Berks, 1664. Stiles, Samuel. Ash by Parva. Leicester, 1682. Stoakes, Henry. Charlton. Gloucester, 1682. Stocke, Mathew, Eector of Ovington. Hampshire, 1684. Stockley, Edmund. Newhall. Cheshire, 1664. Stone, Mr. Kersington. Derby, 1611. Stone, Henry. Walsall Borough. Stafford, 1664. Stone, Joseph. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Stone, Thomas. Melbury Bubb. Dorset, 1623. Stone, William, Eector of Eastnor. Hereford, 1683. Stones, Nicholas. Norton. Derby, 1664. Stonhouse, Eobert. Wotton. Norfolk, 1664. Stonyer, John. Sandbach. Cheshire, 1664. Stonyer, John. Uppington. Salop, 1664. Stoope, William. Tanton. Yorkshire, 1668. Storey, John. Norton. Derby, 1664. Stover, Thomas. Melton Mowbray. Leicester, 1682. Stowe, Eoger. Whitley Parva. Worcester, 1634. Stowe, William. Snelland. Lincoln, 1634. Stratton, Thomas. Shrivenhara. Berks, 1664. Stray, Eichard. Cropwell. Notts, 1664. Streaser, Samuel, Salter London, 1687. Stretch, John. Astley. Worcester, 1682. StreUon, John. Pilton. Northampton, 1681. Strey, Nicholas. Beeston. Nottingham, 1614. Stringer, Peter. Helhoughton. Norfolk, 1664. Stroud, John. West Shifford. Berks, 1664. Stroude, William. Euscombe. Berks, 1664. Stronge, Thomas. Stockland. Somerset, 1623. Stubbing, Edmund. Bumpstead Helion. Essex, 1664. Stubbing, Eichard. Somershall. Derby, 1664. Stubbing, Eobert. Bardfield. Essex, 1664. Stubbing, Thomas. Marston Montgomery. Derby, 1664. Stubbs, Sampson. Butterton. Stafford, 1664. Stuckey, Mathew. Compton Darville. Somerset, 1672. STU 73 TAY Studdere, George. Enmore. Somerset, 1672. Studdier, George. Fitzhead. Somerset, 1623. Studley, Giles. Broad Windsor. Dorset, 1623. Studley, John. Marshwood. Dorset, 1623. Sturgis, Samuel. Sibbertoft. Northampton, 1681. Sturmy, George. Cheltenham. Gloucester, 1682. Sturmy, John. Swindon. Gloucester, 1682. Styhoyne, Thomas. Eeading. Berks, 1664. Suffield, Edmund. Horstead. Norfolk, 1664. Suffolk, Thomas. Barwell. Leicester, 1682. Summer, Thomas* Passons Mill. Wilts, 1623. Sumner, AVilliam. Bucks, 1634. Surman, John. Tredington. Gloucester, 1682. Surman, William. Swindon. Gloucester, 1682. Sussex, Giles, Static mer. London, 1687. Suter, Eobert. Eastcroft. Suffolk, 1664. Sutton, Thomas. Onecote juxta Alton. Stafford, 1664. Swallow, Thomas. Norfolk, 1664. Swan, John. Amerton (? Amington). Stafford, 1664. Swayn, Francis. St. Michael's Belfry, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Swayne, Eobert. Basingham. Norfolk, 1664. Sweet, Adrian. Modbury. Devon, 1620. Sweete, Walter. Lanlivery. Cornwall, 1620. Swift, John. Bradmell. Suffolk, 1664. Swinerton, Antipas, Woolman. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Swingler, Nicholas, Carpenter. London, 1687. Symonds, John. Longtown. Hereford, 1683. Symonds, Eichard. Atherstone. SVarwick, 1682. Symonds, William, Mercer. Atherstone. Warwick, 1682. Tabor, Bartholemew. Tinkleton. Dorset, 1623. Tailor, William Stanfield. Norfolk, 1664. Tainter, William. Essex, 1634. Talley, Henry. Okehampton. Devon, 1620. Tame, Alexander. Sparsholt. Berks, 1664. Tame, — . Datchett. - Berks, 1664. Tampin, Austin. Branston. N(jrthampton, 1681. Tapperell, John. , Alternon. Cornwall, 1620. Tasker, Geoffrey. Meriden. Warwick, 1619. Taster, Eobert. Stonham Aspall. Suffolk, 1664. Tatham, Eobert. Pontefract. Yorkshire, 1668. Tatlock, Thomas, Grocer. London, 1687. Tatnall, William. Merstham. Surrey, 1623. Tayer, Edward. Old bury. Gloucester, 1623. Tayler, Eobert. Yatton. Hereford, 1683. Tayler, Eowland. Worcester. Worcester, 16S2. Taylor, Mr. Cherington. Salop, 1664. Taylor, Andrew. SS. Martin and Gregory, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Taylor, John, Junr. Chilton. Somerset, 1672. Taylor, John. The Piiory. Wilts, 1623. Taylor, John, Senr. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. TAY 74 TIL Taylor, John. C) lirist's Parish, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Taylor, John, Senr. Chilton. Somerset, 1672. Taylor, Mathew. Lawton. Yorkshire, 1668. Taylor, Richard. Ouston. Hereford, 1634. Taylor, Richard. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Taylor, Richard. Salop, 1623. Taylor, Richard. Hurley. Berks, 1664. Taylor, Richard. Barnsley. Yorkshire, 1668. Taylor, Rev. Robert. Eaton Bishop. Hereford, 1683. Taylor, Robert Essex, 1664. Taylor, Silvester. Chadsey. Worcester, 1634. Taylor, Thomas. Chadsey. Worcester, 1634. Taylor, Thomas. Claycoton. Northampton, 1681. Teasdell, Christopher. Brampton and Thorn thwaite. Westmoreland, 1666. Teasdell, Robert. Kirkby-Thore. Westmoreland, 1666. Telley, Thomas. Ombersley. Worcester, 1634. Tennant, Henry. Scotton. Yorkshire, 1668. Terrell, Richard. Chaseley. Worcester, 1634. Terry, Moses. Bent ley. Hampshire, 1684. Terry, William. Earn ham. Surrey, 1623. Tetterson, Thomas. Mulbarton. Norfolk, 1664. Thaxter, Edmund. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Thickbrome, Humfrey. Thickbrome. Stafford, 1583. Thomars, Samuel. Surrey, 1623. Thomas, John. Llanveynoe. Hereford, 1634. Thompson, Mr. Leonard. St. John Baptist, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Thompson, Henry. Yorkshire, 1668. Thompson, James, Attorney. Loughborou^ ^h. Leicester, 1682. Thompson, John. Odeheyre. Suffolk, 1664. Thompson, Lawrence. Drayton. Salop, 1664. Thompson, Robert. Mautby. Norfolk, 1664. Thompson, Roger. Cambridge, 1684. Thompson, Robert. Farnham. Surrey, 1623. Thompson, Tliomas. All Haliowsgate, Ripon. Yorkshire, 1668. Thompson, William. Houghton. Leicester, 1682. Thorn, William. Clayden. Suffolk, 1664. Thornborough, Francis. Whitwell. Westmoreland, 1666. Thornbury, Thomas, Grocer. London, 1687. Thornbury, Edward. Thornbury. Stafford, 1583. Thornton, Abraham. Kirk Dei gh ton. Yorkshire, 1668. Thornton, George. Mount Surrell. Leicester, 1682. Thornton, Robert, Captain. Preston Capes. Northampton, 1681. Thorogood, William. Essex, 1664. Thorpe, Thomas. Southwark. Surrey, 1623. Thurlow, Robert. Ringstead. Norfolk, J 664. Thursby, — . Southwark. Surrey, 1623. Thurston, Edward. Oldbury. Gloucester, 1623. Thurston, — . Suffolk, 1664. Tier, John. Alchurch. Worcester, 1634. Tiler, William. St. Briavels. Gloucester, 1623. TIL TRI Tiley, Eichard. Hereford, 1634. Tilles, Michael. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Tilney, Hillary. St. Margarets. Suffolk, 1664. Timewell, Thomas. Eackenford. Devon, 1620. Timewell, William. Bradford. Somerset, 1623. Tindall, John. Nun Monckton. Yorkshire, 1668.. Tindall, William. Pickhall. Yorkshire, 1668. Tippott, Nicholas. Harberton. Devon, 1620. Tirrel, William. Pencomb. Hereford, 1634. Tither, Thomas. Bridgnorth. Salop, 1664. Toller, Richard. Billingborough. Lincoln, 1634. Tombes, Thomas. Marston Sicca. Gloucester, 1682. Tomes, Alexander. Wickwar. Gloucester, 1682. Tomkins, Henry. Brierley. Hereford, 1634. Tomkis, John. Bilston. Stafford, 1664. Tomlins, Eichard. Buckingham. Bucks, 1634. Tompson, William. Loughborough. Leicester, 1682. Tomson, Thomas. Glenfield. Leicester, 1682. Toogood, John. Loxbear. Devon, 1620. Tooke, William. Norwich. Norfolk, 1664. Tookey, Thomas. Little Sheepey. Leicester, 1682. Tooking, Thomas. Edlington. Lincoln, 1634. Topham, Mr. Christopher. Trinity Micklegati e, York. Yorkshire, 1668. Topp, Lingen. Witton. Salop, 1664. Torey, Arthur. Clipsham. Northampton, 1681. Torkesey, Eobert. Stowe. Lincoln, 1634. Torre, John. Llangarren. Hereford, 1634. Tothall, Thomas. Mickleton. Yorkshire, 1668. Tower, George. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Towers, Giles. Mich eld ean. Gloucester, 1682. Towers, John. Kirkby Kendall. Westmoreland, 1666. Towers, Eichard. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Townsend, William. OxhiU. Warwick, 1682. Townsend, Edward. Ludham. Norfolk, 1664. Trant, John. Lincoln, 1634. Trebell, William. Birlingham. Worcester, 1634. Treby, Henry. Treby. Devon, 1620. Tredway, Walter. Amersham. Bucks, 1634. Tregagall, John. St. Allen. Cornwall, 1620. Trendle, William. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Treswell, Eobert. Lowestoft. Suffolk, 1664. Trewbody, Walter. Tywardreath. Cornwall, 1620. Trigg, John. Newnham. Gloucester, 1623. Trimnell, Charles. Abbots Eipton. Huntingdon, 1684. Tringham, William, Vicar of Goodrich. Hereford, 1683. Trippet, Mr. Handsworth. Yorkshire, 1668. Trippet, Charles. Awre. Gloucester, 1623. Trippet, Charles. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Trippet, Eichard. Awre. Gloucester, 1623. Trippet, Eichard. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. TRI 76 UND Tripps, Thomas. Barton. Lincoln, 1634. Triseard, Richard. Bale. Noifolk, 1664. Tristram, John. Belbroughton. Worcester, 1682. Trobridge, Edmund. Kilmersdon. Somerset, 1672. Trollope, Robert. Stokesby. Norfolk, 1664. Trout, Anthony. Gainsborough. Lincoln, 1666. Trueman, William. Marderby. Yorkshire, 1668. Trueman, William. Felixkirk. Yorkshire, 1668. Trumplin, Thomas. Christian Malford. Wilts, 1623. Tubbing, Philip. Hindringham. Norfolk, 1664. Tucke, John. Iron Acton. Gloucester, 1682. Tucker, — , Esq. Abingdon. Berks, 1623. Tucker, John Baptist. Bideford. Devon, 1620. Tuckfield, Thomas. Tedburn. Devon, 1620. Tudor, Hugh. Bytton. Salop, 1623. Tunkys, John. Willenhall. Stafford, 1664. Turberville, Thomas. Hill Crome. Worcester, 1634. Turens, Francis, Merchant, London, 1687. Turland, John. Paulers Pury. Northampton, 1681. Turner, Christopher. Grendon. Stafford, 1664. Turner, Christopher. Aston. Hereford, 1634. Turner, Edward. Warwick, 1619. Turner, Henry. Canbery. Worcester, 1634. Turner, John. Caistor. Norfolk, 1664. Turner, John, Curate of Lanstone Capel. Hampshire, 1684. Turner, John. Norton Bavent. Wilts, 1623. Turner, Samuel, Threadman. London, 1687. Turner, Thomas. Berks, 1623. Turner, William. Caistor. Norfolk, 1664. Turner, William. Highway. Wilts, 1623. Turnor, Henry. Bradneld. Suffolk, 1664. Turnor, William. Bradfield. Suffolk, 1664. Turswell, Mathew. Wadingham. Lincoln, 1634. Turton, Thomas. Barlaston. Stafford, 1664. Turvey, Edward. Walcote. Worcester, 1634. Tushingham, George. Worswall. Cheshire, 1664. Tushinghara, Ralph. Worswall. Cheshire, 1664. Tutball, — . Chilsewell. Berks, 1623. Twed, John. Suffolk, 1664. Twigg, Henry. Kirkington. Derby, 1634. Tyes, Nathaniel. Bocking. Essex, 1664. Tyler, Isaac. Dyrham. Gloucester, 1682. Tyler, Richard. Tort worth. Gloucester, 1682. Tyler, Richard. St. Briavels. Gloucester, 1682. Tyme, Thomas. Akenham. Suffolk, 1664. Ty me well, Henry. Taunton. Somerset, 1672. Underhill, Walter. Eldersfield. Worcester, 1634. Underbill, William. Bromsgrove. Worcester, 1634. Underwood, Edward, Apothecary. London, 1687 Underwood, Henry. South wark. Surrey, 1623. UND 77 WAI Underwood, John. Irthlingborough. Northampton, 1681. Underwood, Eobert. Irthliugborough. Northampton, 1681. Underwood, William. Gumley. Leicester, 1682. Underwood, William. Legsby. Lincoln, 1634. Unwin, John. Shipton Moigne. Gloucester, 1623. Unwin, John. Hedingham Castle. Essex, 1664. Upton, Mr. Little Neston. Cheshire, 1664. Urry, David. Lake. Dorset, 1623. Ursgate, Thomas. Cholmston. Cheshire, 1664. Vacy, John. Silveston. Devon, 1620. Vannam, John. Stanton Prior. Somerset, 1672. Varnam, John. Loughborough. Leicester, 1682. Vasper, Thomas. Tamerton. Cornwall, 1620. Vaudrey, Henry. Baguley. Cheshire, 1664. Vaudrey, Mr. Samuel. Hale. Cheshire, 1664. Vaughan, Cadwallader, Rector of Osgathorp. Leicester, 1682. Vaiighan, Francis. Boston. Lincoln, 1634. Vaughan, John. Dudleston. Salop, 1664. Vaughan, John. Weston Rynn. Salop, 1664. Vaughan, Eobert Basam. Hereford, 1683. Vaughan, Thomas. Hereford, 1634. Vaux, Robert. Caldbeck. Cumberland, 1666. Venraan, Gawen. Bradninch. Devon, 1620. Verney, Edmund. Wokingham. Berks, 1664. Vernon, Ralph. Over. Cheshire, 1664. Vernon, Richard. Chilcot. Derby, 1634. Vertue, George. Dabach. Suffolk, 1664. Vicares, Robert. Astley. Worcester, 1634. Vicars, Henry. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. Vicars, Robert. Astley. Worcester, 1682. Vickars, Mr. Quarne. Derby, 1611. Vickeres, John. Tarrington. Hereford, 1634. Vickers, Robert. Bewdley. Worcester, 1682. Vincent Henry. Holme Hale. Norfolk, 1664. Vincent, John. Fring. Norfolk, 1664. Vincent, John. Povington. Dorset, 1623. Vincent, John. A^orthill. Cornwall, 1620. Vincent, Stephen. Walsham. Suffolk, 1664. Visardge, John. Bristol. Gloucester, 1623. Vivors, Andrew. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Wage, John. Occold. Suffolk, 1664. Wadap, John. Evenly. Northampton, 1681. Wade, Benjamin. Ipswich. Suffolk, 1664. Wade, Hugh. Church Minshull. Cheshire, 1664. Wade, James. Pensham. Worcester, 1682. Wade, John. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Wade, Thomas. Ellough. Suffolk, 1664. Wadsworth, John. Northampton, 1681. W^aie, Josias. Bardfield. Essex, 1664. WAI 78 WAR Waite, Roger. Wake ford, George. Wakeley, William. Waldron, John. Walford, Richard. Wale, Joseph. Wale, Phihp. Walker, Anthony. Wc'dker, Henry. Walker, Rev. Henry. Walker, John. Walker, John. Walker, Nicholas. Walker, Richard. Walker, Richard. Walker, Roger. Walker, Roger. Walker, Sampson. Walker, Thomas. Walker, William. Walkescroft, William Wall, — . Wall, John. Wall, Thomas. Waller, John. Wallet, Thomas. Walley, Hugh. Walley, Ralph. Walley, Richard. Walley, Thomas. Wallis, Philip. Walter, John. Walter, Richard. Walter, Thomas. Walter, Thomas. Walter, Thomas, Walter, Zachary. Walters, Peter. Walters, Thomas. Walthew, Robert. Walton, Mr. Walton, Richard. Walton, Robert. Melton Mowbray. Selborne. Chideock. Midleton-on-the-Hill. Ashby Parva. Ashby Parva. St. Michael's Belfry, York. Fovvch St. Martin. Newbald-ou-Avon. Congleton. Eperston. Stelrey. Sulgrave. Foxley. West Haddon. Fillongley. Weston. Petersfield. Clee Stanton. Gipping. Redmarley. Bristol. Ratlesden. Weston. Sandbach. Stanthorne. Biirland. Shipbrook. Sheviocke. West Pennard. Monington. Stapleton. Southwark. Elberton. St. Gerrans. Bewdley. Leckby. Pemberton. Eggington. Wellington. Bushby. Walter, Robert, Printer at the Roling Press. Walton, William. Waple, George. Waple, Thomas. Warburton, Richard. Warburton, Thomas. Warcup, John. Ward, Adrian. Eggington. Towcester. Eastcote. Warburton. Partington. Gatonby. West Haddon. Leicester, 1682. Hampshire, 1684. Dorset, 1623. Hereford, 1683. Salop, 1623. Leicester, 1682. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Suffolk, 1664. Warwick, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Notts, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Warwick, 1682. Stafford, 1583. Hampshire, 1684. Salop, 1664. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Hereford, 1634. Somerset, 1672. Suffolk, 1664. Lincoln, 1634. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cornwall, 1620. Somerset, 1672. Devon, 1620. Gloucester, 1623. Surrey, 1623. Gloucester, 1623. Cornwall, 1620. Worcester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Lancaster, 1667. Derby, 1611. Hereford, 1634. Leicester, 1682. London, 1687. Derby, 1G34. Northampton, 1681. Northampton, 1681. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Yorkshire, 1668. Northampton, 1681. WAR 79 WAT Ward, Arthur. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Ward, George. Great Livermere. Suffolk, 1664. Ward, George. Yarmouth. Norfolk, 1664. Ward, Henry. Lowestoft. Suffolk, 1664. Ward, Jacob. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Ward, John. Tenbury. Worcester, 1634. Ward, Joseph. Walcot. Norfolk, 1664. Ward, Mathew. Belbroughton. Worcester, 1634. Ward, Eichard. Sand Hutton. Yorkshire, 1668. Ward, Eichard. Thurston. Suffolk, 1664. Ward, Eichard. Marston. Warwick, 1682. Ward, Eichard. Holwill. Northampton, 1681. Ward, Eichard. Uppington. Salop, 1664. Ward, Thomas, Wood Newton. Northampton, 1681, Ward, William. Charlton juxta Newbottle. Northampton, 1681. Ward, William. Leicester. Leicester, 1682. Ward, William. Morton. Lincoln, 1634. Warde, Edward. South Scarle. Notts, 1664. Warde, Isaiah. Coniston Cold. Yorkshire, 1668. Warde, Thomas. Coniston. Yorkshire, 1668. Wardle, Eandle. Eaton. Cheshire, 1664. Warne, John. Sriowshill. Gloucester, 1623. Warne, John. Greet. Gloucester, 1623. Warne, John. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. Warne, Eichard. Stanton. Gloucester, 1623. Warne, Eichard. Yetlevan ('0- Hampshire, 1684. Warne, Thomas. Ashfield. Suffolk, 1664. Warner, William. Harsfield. Gloucester, 1623. Warren, Mathias. Suffolk, 1664. Warren, Eichard. Stanton. Gloucester, 1623. Warren er, Simon. Knaresborough. Yorkshire, 1668. Warville, George. Leigh. Worcester, 1634. Warwick, Eichard. Yaxley. Huntingdon, 1684. Warwick, Thomas. Little Farringdon. Berks, 1664. Wase}^, Joseph. North Walsham. Norfolk, 1664. Wasey, Eichard. Tunstead. Norfolk, 1664. Waterman, Henry. Tangley. Hampshire, 1684. Waterman, Hugh. Tangley. Hampshire, 1684. Waterman, Thomas ;. Tangley. Hampshire, 1684. Waters, Francis. S waff ham Prior. Cambridge, 1684. Waters, John. Oswestry. Salop, 1664. Waters, Eobert. Highworth. Wilts, 1623. Waters, William. Docking. Norfolk, 1664. Waters, John. Wood Spinney. Berks, 1664. Wates, William. Tunstead. Norfolk, 1664. AVathing, William, Haberdasher. London, 1687. AYatkins, John. Michaelchurch Eckley. Hereford, 1683. Watkins, Eoger. Kentchurch. Hereford, 1634. Watkins, Eoger. Kentchurch. Hereford, 1683. Watkinson, John. Brampton. Derby, 1611. Watson, Mr. Old Malton. Yorkshire, 1668. WAT 80 WES Watson, — Glentham. Lincoln, 1634. Watson, Allen. Belton. Suffolk, 1664. Watson, William. Maxfield. Cheshire, 1664. Wattes, Nicholas. Gateley. Norfolk, 1664. Watts, Antony. Sulgrave. Northampton, 1681. Watts, Benjamin. Barnshall. Yorkshire, 1668. Watts, Henry, Lorimer. London, 1687. Watts, John. Creek. Northampton, 1681. Watts, Thomas. Wootton. Northampton, 1681. Watts, William. Pisford. Northampton, 1681. Watyes, Thomas. Burwaston. Salop, 1664. Wayte, Thomas. Stillington. Yorkshire, 1668. Weal, Thomas. Sheepy. Leicester, 1682. Web, Adam. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Webb, Henry. Kintbury Amesbury. Berks, 1664. Webb, John. Rodborough, Gloucester, 1682. Webb, Nehemiah. Bristol. Somerset, 1672. Webb, Nicholas. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1682. Webb, Samuel. Chipping Sodbury. Gloucester, 1682. Webb, Thomas. Ridmarley Addame. Worcester, 1682. AVebber, John. Luxborough. Somerset, 1623. Webletts, Nicholas. Wells. Somerset, 1672. Webley, William. Suckley. AYorcester, 1634. Webster, Mr. Doncaster. Yorkshire, 1668. Webster, James. Tupton. Derby, 1664. AYebster, James. Thrimly. Westmoreland, 1666. Webster, Richard. Wigton Parva. Leicester, 1682. Webster, William. Norfolk, 1664. Wedall, Thomas. Hambleton. Yorkshire, 1668. Wedon, Daniel. Chesham. Bucks, 1634. Wedon, William. Chesham. Bucks, 1634. Weedall, John. Green Hamerton. Yorkshire, 1668. Welb}', George. Nassington. Northampton, 1681. Welch, Michael. Shellesley Kings. Worcester, 1634. Welch, William. Allerton. Somerset, 1623. Welch man, Thomas. Rector of Gilmorton, Leicester, 1682. Wellinton, George. Clehonger. Hereford, 1634. Wellington, Jonathan. Hereford. Hereford, 1634. Wells, Barnard. Derby, 1634. Wells, George. Bucks, 1634. Wells, John. Lye. Gloucester, 1623. Wells, John. Endington. Gloucester, 1623. Wells, John. Cantley. Norfolk, 1664. Wells, Thomas. Tetbury. Gloucester, 1682. Wells, William. Evington. Gloucester, 1682. Wells, William. Bawdeswell. Norfolk, 1664. Wells, William. Halvergate. Norfolk, 1664. Wenlund, George. Allensmore. Hereford, 1634. Wensley, Richard. Ruardean. Gloucester, 1682. Werry, John. Wellington. Somerset, 1672. West, Joseph. Tostock. Suffolk, 1664. WES 81 WHI West, Thomas. Ballsall. Warwick, 1682- West, William. Croydon. Surrey, 1623- Westall, Thomas. Beaconsfield. Bucks, 1634. Westcott, Ei chard. Columb Minor. Cornwall, 1620- Westlake, Nicholas. Ino;arsleio;h flnwardlei gh]. Devon, 1620- Westley, Samuel, Stationer. Cambridge, 1684- Weston, John. Worcester. Worcester, 1682- Weston, John. Hagger Grange. Leicester, 1682- Weston, Thomas. Hill House. Stafford, 1664- Westrop, Edward. Staynesby. Yorkshire, 1668- Westwood, John. Bromsgrove. Worcester, 1634- Wewn(?), John. Blakesley. Northampton, 1681. Whadcocke, Thomas. Corley. Warwick, 1682. Whaite, Thomas. Eunham. Norfolk, 1664. Whall, Robert. Tunstead. Norfolk, 1664. Whalworth, AValter. Apple ton. Berks, 1664. Wharton, William. King's Lynn. Norfolk, 1664. Wheeler, Edward. Great Malvern. Worcester, 1634. Wheeler, Gervase. Hartlebury. Worcester, 1682. Wheeler, Henry. Guildford. Surrey, 1623. Wheeler, Eobert. OfFenham. Worcester, 1634. Wheeler, Thomas. Aldershot. Hampshire, 1684. Whextley, William. Bishop Thornton. Yorkshire, 1668. Whistler, Laurence. Moulsford. Berks, 1664. Whistler, Ealph. Brisrhtwell. Berks, 1664. Whiston, Josiah. Eector of Norton by Twycross. Leicester, 1682. Whiston, Nicholas, Haberdasher. London, 1687. Whitaker, John. Welford. Northampton, 1681. Whitaker, Mr. Youlgreave. Derby, 1664. White, Mr. Dudleston. Salop, 1664. White, Francis. Langley. Wilts, 1623. White, George. Samford and Exeter. Devon, 1620. White, Henry. Langley Burrell. Wilts, 1623. White, Henry. Hinton Ampner. Hampshire, 1684. White, Hugh. Basingstoke. Hampshire, 1684. White, John. Bishops Sutton. Hampshire, 1684. White, John, Attorney -at-Law. :3ucks, 1634. White, Joseph. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. White, Joseph. Huntley. Gloucester, 1623, White, Ealph. Houghton. Leicester, 1682. White, Eichard. Hurst. Berks, 1623. White, Eichard. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. White, Eichard. Mende. Suffolk, 1664. White, Samuel. Paulshott Wilts, 1623. White, Thomas, Horsham. Sussex, 1662. White, Thomas. Castle Morton. Worcester, 1682. White, Thomas. Ashbury. Berks, 1664. White, Walter. Grittleton. Wilts, 1623. White, William. Shipston, Worcester, 1634. Whitefoot, Paul, Eector of Spetchley. Worcester, 1682. Whitehall, Mr. Yeldersley. Derby, 1611. 6 WHI 82 WIL Guildford. Whithurst. Madeley. Mephall in Isle of Ely. Mark. Walton. Beaconsfield. Hipperliolm-cum-Brighouse. Southampton. Norton. Whitehead, John. Whitehurst, John. Whitemore, Thomas Whitin, Thomas. Whiting, John. Whiting, Samuel. Whitfield, John. Whitley, Nathan. Whitman, William. Whitney, Charles. Whitney, Francis. Whittell, William. Whittle, Thomas, Clothworker. Whitton, Daniel. Helmedon. Whitwike, Humfry. Whitwike. Whitworth, William, Junr. Earls Barton. Vicar of Aymestry. Wickham, Henry. Wicksted, John. Wicksted, Thomas. Widcombe, John. Widd, Thomas. Widowson, Mr. Wig, Thomas, Senr. Chipping Sodbury. Nantwich. Worswall. Chaseley. Thrumpton. Wedmore. Wigfall, John, Eector of Peatling Parva. Wigganer, William. Wiggener, Giles. Wiggett, James. Wigglesworth, Mr. Wiggon, Thomas. Wigley, Mr. Wigley, Henry. Wigot, Edward. Wigson, Edward. Wilbraham, Ealph. Wilcocks, Thomas. Wilcock, Thomas. Wilcox, Thomas. Wilcoxon, Richard. Wild, Thomas. Wild, Thomas. Whitby Strand. Whitby. Whitwell. Carlton-in-Lindrick. Bacton. Warmingham, Knapton. Aidon (?Ayston). Marlton-cum-Lache. Chester. Huntington. Manley. Yarmouth. Astwood-in-Dodderhill. Surrey, 1623. Stafford, 1583. Stafford, 1583. Cambridge, 1684. Somerset, 1623. Derby, 1634. Bucks, 1634. Yorkshire, 1668. Hampshire, 1684. Hereford, 1634. Gloucester, 1682. Hereford, 1683. London, 1687. Northampton, 1681. Stafford, 1583. Northampton, 1681. Gloucester, 1682. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Worcester, 1634. Notts, 1664. Bucks, 1634. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Yorkshire, 1668. Norfolk, 1664. Notts, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Derby, 1611. Cheshire, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Northampton, 1681. Cheshire, 1664. Berks, 1623. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Cheshire, 1664. Norfolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Wildbore, Godfrey, Attorney. Peterborough. Northampton, 1681. Wilde, James. Wilde, Robert. Wilder, William. Wilford, Thomas. Wilkin, Thomas. Wilkins, John. Wilkinson, Francis. Wilkinson, George. Wilkinson, Mathew. Wilkinson, Stephen. Lowestoft. Upton Warren. Reading. Cosford. Soham. Leicester. Smeaton. Farthington. Huddersfield. Suffolk, 1664. Worcester, 1634. Berks, 1664. Salop, 1664. Cambridge, 1684. Leicester, 1682. Yorkshire, 1668. Northampton, 1681. Yorkshire, 1668. Derby, 1634. WIL 83 WI]* Wilks, Stephen. Fountains Park. Yorkshire, 1668. Will, John. Asfordby. Leicester, 1682. Willan, Nicholas. Norfolk, 1664. Willes, Peter. Warwick, 1619. Willet, Ealph. Cirencester. Gloucester, 1682. Willett, John. Kingston Seymour. Somerset, 1672. Williams, Humfry. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Williams, Jonathan, Sen. Hereford. Hereford, 168a. Williams, John. Binfield. Berks, 1623. Williams, Laurence. Vicar of Norton. Hereford, 1683. Williams, Thomas. Somerset, 1672. AVilliams, William, Elton. Hereford, 1634. Wilhamson, George. Bromsgrove. Worcester, 1682.. Williamson, Richard, a Procter. Chester. Cheshire, 1664, Willis, Josiah. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Willis, Samuel, Innholder. London, 1687, Willoughby, Edward, Warwick, 1619. Wills, John. Chiselboro'. Somerset, 1672. Willye, Robert. Newby Wiske. Yorkshire, 1668. Wilmot, Thomas, Perfumer. London, 1687. Wilmott, Robert. Chaddesden. Derby, 1634. Wilmott, Robert. Chaddesden. Derby, 161L Wilsford, Edmund. Oakham. Northampton, 1681. Wilson, Alan. Hundholme. Westmoreland, 1666. Wilson, Edward. Stafford. Stafford, 1664. Wilson, Rev. Grindall. Dimmock. Gloucester, 1682. Wilson, Henry. Gayton. Stafford, 1664. Wilson, John. Heald. Cheshire, 1664. Wilson, John. Humberston. Leicester, 1682. Wilson, John. Stafford. Stafford, 1664. Wilson, Richard. Barton and Richardscote Stafford, 1664.. Wilson, William. Abbey Court, Chester. Cheshire, 1664. Wilson, William. Aylsham. Norfolk, 1664. Wilton, George. Shabrooke. Devon, 1620, Wimond, John. Lanhydrock. Cornwall, 1620. Winch, James. Purley. Berks, 1623. Winchcombe, — . Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623, Winder, Samuel. Bray. Berks, 1664. Windsor, Edward. Worleston. Cheshire, 1664, Winey, Hugh, yeoman, Hereford, 1634. Winiate, John. Tewkesbury. Gloucester, 1623. Winiatt, Thomas. Hereford, 1634. Winkles, John, Plummer. London, 1687. Winnall, John. Evesham. Worcester, 1634. Winshurst, George. Stourbridge. Worcester, 1634. Winshurst, William. Stourbridge. AVorcester, 1682. Winston, Thomas, Sen. Wotton-under-Edge. Gloucester, 1682. Winter, John. Haton (? Eyton.) Hereford, 1683. Winterburne, John. Appletre Wick. Yorkshire, 1668. Wintell, Thomas. Micheldean. Gloucester, 1682. Win tie, John. Stoke. Hereford, 1634. WIS 84 woo Wistlear, Eoger, late Sheriff of Norwich. Catton. Norfolk, 1664. Witherby, Thomas. Stanton. Suffolk, 1664. Withers, Osmond. Taunton. Somerset, 1623. Witikars, John. Cotton. Salop, 1664. Witt, Kichard. Eudley. Gloucester, 1623. Wofe, William. Hankilow. Cheshire, 1664. Wolfe, Peter. Bugthorpe. Yorkshire, 1668. Wolgar, Arthur. Bucklebury. Berks, 1664. Wolriche, Eichard. Whitgreave. Stafford, 1664. Wolsey, John. Thwaite in South Erpingham. Norfolk, 1664. Wondham, — . Norfolk, 1664. Wood, Mr. Kirkby Wiske. Yorkshire, 1668. Wood, Francis. Addle-cum-Eccup. Yorkshire, 1668. Wood, Francis. EUaston. Stafford, 1664. Wood, Gabriel. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664, Wood, James. Beckford. Gloucester, 1623. Wood, James. Bettiscombe. Dorset, 1623. Wood, John. Cirencester. Gloucester, 1682. Wood, John. Wetherby. Yorkshire, 1668. Wood, Joseph. Sudbury. Suffolk, 1664. Wood, Kalph. Woolston. Gloucester, 1623. Wood, Eobert. Monk Bretton. Yorkshire, 1668. Wood, Eobert. Stisted. Essex, 1664. Wood, Eobert. Essex, 1664. Wood, Eoger. Naseby. Northampton, 1681. Wood, Eichard. Abbotsley. Huntingdon, 1684. Wood, Thomas. Croydon. Surrey, 1623. Wood, Thomas, Yeoman. Whitbourne. Hereford, 1634. Wood, Thomas. Derrington. Salop, 1664. Wood, William. Nedham. Suffolk, 1664. Woodcock, Thomas. Great Dawley. Salop, 1664. Woodford, John. Welford. Northampton, 1681. Woodgate, Henry. Bensted. Hampshire, 1684. Woodhouse, John. Salwarp. Worcester, 1634. Woodhouse, John. Shobden. Hereford, 1683. Woodhouse, John. Derby, 1634. Woodhouse, Nicholas. Frastrope. Yorkshire, 1668. Woodhouse, Eoger. Byton. Hereford, 1634. Woodriffe, Eichard. Basingstoke. Hampshire, 1684. Woodrove, Mr. Hope. Derby, 1611. Woodrove, John. Eanton C? Eunton.) Norfolk, 1664. Woodthorpe, Edward. Clayden. Suffolk, 1664. Woodward, Gilbert. Eector of Wanlip, Leicester, 1682. Woodward, Gregory. Eushall and Gasecote !. Stafford, 1664. Woodward, John. Burton Overy. Leicester, 1682. Woodward, John. Madresfield. Stafford, 1583. Woodward, John, Mer cer. Worcester. Worcester, 1634. Woodward, Ealph. Wick Eising. Gloucester, 1623. Woodyatt, John. Hatfield. Hereford, 1683. Woodyer, Nicholas. Cookham. Berks, 1623. Woolcott, Hugh. Halberton. Devon, 1620. woo S5 WYB Woolcott, John. Tolland. Somerset, 1672. Wooldridge, William. Petersfield. Hampshire, 1684. Woolriche, John. Oncott. Stafford, 1583. Woolsey, Dr., Clerk. Thornhoe. :N'orthampton, 1681. Woorley, Thomas. Rushall and Gosecote. Stafford, 1664. Wooton, John. Mai ton. Cambridge, 1684. Wordsworth, John. Worsborough. Yorkshire, 1668. Wordsworth, Josiah. Peniston. Yorkshire, 1668. Worgan, Thomas. Clowerwall. Gloucester, 1682. Workman, Kichard. Alderley. Gloucester, 1682. Workman, Thomas. Tresham. Gloucester, 1682. Worley, Christopher. Stoke Bishop. Gloucester, 1623. Worley, George. Moulton. Northampton, 1681. Worlidge, John. Hampshire, 1684. Worme, Robert. Frampton. Lincoln, 1634. Worme, Eobert. Algarkirk. Lincoln, 1634. Worrall, William. Wilmslow. Cheshire, 1664. Worth, Peter. Tiderington. Cheshire, 1664. Worth, Walter. Brixton. Devon, 1620. Worthington, Rev. John. Desford. Leicester, 1682. Wotton, — . Norfolk, 1664. Wragg, James. Wiggenhall. Norfolk, 1664. Wrayford, William, Merchant. London, 1687. Wright, Mr. Ripley. Derby, 1611. Wright, Booth, Clerk. Oakham. Northampton, 1681. Wright, Edward. Tostock. Suffolk, 1664. Wright, Francis. Stretton. Cheshire, 1664. Wright, James. Woodstone. Huntingdon, 1684. Wright, James. Essex, 1664. Wright, John. Shrewsbury. Salop, 1664. Wright, John. Bradfield. Suffolk, 1664. Wright, John. Chevington. Suffolk, 1664. Wright, John. Solihull. Warwick, 1682. Wright, Joseph, Merchant. London, 1687. Wright, Lawrence. Tostock. Suffolk, 1664. Wright, Matthew. Crevve. " Cheshire, 1664. Wright, Richard. Wistanton. Cheshire, 1664. Wright, Richard. High part of Bridge St., Chester. Cheshire' 1664. Wright, Thomas. Rector of Witley Magna. Worcester, 1682. Wright, Thomas. OfFerton. Cheshire, 1664. Wright, Thomas. Ashen. Suffolk, 1664. Wright, Thomas. Nutshalling. Hampshire, 1684. Wright, Thomas. Nantwich. Cheshire, 1664. Wright, Thomas. Woodstone. Huntingdon, 1684. AVright, William. Derby, 1634. Wrightson, Mr. Himsworth. Yorkshire, 1668. Wroth, George. Farnham. Surrey, 1623. Wyatt, Edmund. Worcester. Worcester, 1682. Wyatt, Richard. Hill Farren. Somerset, 1672. Wyatt, Richard. Essex, 1634. AVybergh, Thomas. St. Bees. Cumberland, 1666. WYC 86 YOU W'ycherle, James. Salop, 1623. Wycherley, Francis. Salop, 1623. Wyer, Edward. Salop, 1623. Wyke, Abram. Wacton. Hereford, 1683. Wyke, Peter. Stanton-upon- Arrow. Hereford, 1683. Wyniate, John. Old Grange. Gloucester, 1623. Wynne, Eichard. Whitbourne. Hereford, 1634. Wynniatt, John. Soler's Hope. Hereford, 1683, Wyrhall, William. Pownall Fee. Cheshire, 1664. Wythes, Francis. Himbleton. Worcester, 1634. Yapp, Thomas. Midletou. Hereford, 1634. Yardley, John. Canbery. Worcester, 1634. Yarnold, Thomas. Evesham. Worcester, 1682. Yarranton, Hugh. Belbroughton. Worcester, 1634. Yarranton, Lancelot. Astley. Worcester, 1682. Yate, John. Salop, 1623. Yate, Eichard. Salop, 1623. Yeamons, George. Croydon. Surrey, 1623. Yeate, James. Hemingford Abbots. Huntingdon, 1684. Yeobsly, Eobert. Blackawton. Devon, 1620. Yonge, John. Charnes. Stafford, 1583. Young, — . ^ Pimley. Salop, 1664. Young, Christofer. Lincoln, 1634. Young, Christofer. Eeadbye. Lincoln, 1634. Young, Edmund. Norwich Thorpe. Norfolk, 1664. Young, Edward. St. Ives. Huntingdon, 1684. Young, Henry. Eushton. Cheshire, 1664. Young, John. Horold (I Methold.) Norfolk, 1664. Young, Eichard. Ness Strange. Salop, 1664. Young, Eichard. Gloucester. Gloucester, 1623. Young, William. Southampton. Hampshire, 1684. Young, William. Guildford. Surrey, 1623. Younge, Eichard. Overley. Gloucester, 1623. Younge, William. Whatcomb. Berks, 1664. Youngman, Thomas. Blakeney. Norfolk, 1664. ADDENDA. The following names are omitted in their proper places . — Ashenhurst, John. Ashenhurst. Stafford, 1583. Astley, John. Woodeaton. Stafford, 1583. Badger, Eobert. W hatington. Stafford, 1583. Barbour, Edward. Flotesbrooke. Stafford, 1583. Barnesley, James. Trisley. Stafford, 1583. Basford, John. Hilsdale. Stafford, 1583. Bedle, John. Old Park. Stafford, 1583. Brocke, Henry. Hanley. Stafford, 1583. Broughton, John. Whatington. Stafford, 1583, Bucknall, Thomas. Ubbelley. Stafford, 1583, Gierke, Edward. Shredicotte. Stafford, 1583.