I v j / \ yJn'^K HISTOKICAL MANUSCKIPTS COMMISSION. REPORT ON THE PALK MANUSCRIPTS \ ^ ... IN THE Possession of Mrs. Bannatyne, OF Haldon, Devon. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be pui'chased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. stationery OFFICE at the following addresses r Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W,C.2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, S.W.I. ; 37, Peter Street, Manchester ; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 110, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1922. Price 12s. 6d. Net. HISTORICAL :\IAXUSCRIPTS COMMISSION' REPORT ON THE PALK MANUSCRIPTS IN THE Possession of Mrs. Bannatyne, OF Haldon, Devon. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses ; Imperial House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2, and 28, Abinodox Street, London, S.W.I. ; 37, Peter Street, Manchester ; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff ; 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1922. Price I2s. 6d. Net. s> 541 ^ G^\ O' CONTENTS. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . iii List of Calendared Documents . . . . . . Ixviii Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 501510 This report has been prepared for the Commissioners, at the suggestion and with the co-operation of the India Office, by Colonel H. D. Love, R.E. (retired), who has also compiled the index. 3 c -■ - : - It is suggested that for reference purposes it be numbered 74. »I THE PALK MANU8CRIPTS IN THE POSSESSION OF MrS. BANNATYNPj OF Haldon, Devon. The Palk Manuscripts in the possession of Mrs. Bannatync consist mainly of letters addressed to Sir Robert Palk from the time when he relinquished the governorsliip of Madras in 1767 down to the end of 1786. They were wTitten by all sorts and conditions of people — governors, councillors, natixe princes, naval and military officers, civil servants, native officials and pri\ate persons. The majority of the communications were sent from Fort St, George, Madras, but some are from other parts of the Southern Presidency, some from Bengal, and a few from Bombay. Written as they were in stirring times, iiiost of them before the publication of Indian newspapers was begun, they are full of political and military intelHgenee, which is imparted free from the restrictions and reservations imposed on official correspondence with the Court of Directors. After his return to England Palk aided several of his relations and the sons of many friends to begin life in India by advancing money to them and furnishing tliem with recommendations. All these correspond with him, give their early impressions of the countrv, and keep him informed of local events. The Palk Papers thus supply many details of social life in India, regarding which official documents are naturally silent. The collection contains certain letters from Palk himself, most of which were addressed to his friend William Martin Goodlad, one of the Secretaries to the Government of Madras. On Goodlad's death these com- munications were returned to their author, and were preser\'ed by him. There are a few papers anterior to 1767, the most important of which is a letter of 1755 from Colonel Stringer Lawrence, embodying a narrative of his campaigns against the French. After the elimination of a number of business papers, such as Bills of Exchange and Respondentia Bonds, there remain 470 documents, the contents of which are described in sub- sequent pages of this report. From 1767 to 1776 the corres- pondence is copious. It diminishes in volume between 1777 and 1780, and from 1781 to 1783 there is seareeh^ an Indian letter. In 1784 the tide flows again, but at the end of 1786 the correspondence terminates abruptly. That letters were written and received during the period of scarcity is undoubted, though their ultimate fate is vmknown. Part of the original collection found its way in 1894 to the British Museum, where it is preserved in four volumes {Additional JISS. 31,685 — 88). IV The lirst of these volumes contains business documents of no importance ; the second comprises Indian letters to Palk of 1768 and 1769 with a few of later date down to 1774 ; the third consists of duplicates of despatches from the Court of Directors to the Government of Madras between 1762 and 1765 ; and the fourth of copies of official letters from Fort St. George to the Court from 1763 to 1767. The chief interest lies in the second volume. Sundry letters from Robert Palk are to be found in the Warren Hastings correspondence preserved in the British Museum {Addl. MSS. 29,132— 94). d' Some knowledge of Palk's singular career is indispensable for a thorough comprehension of the documents in Mrs. Bannatyne's collection. The following brief sketch embraces those members of his familv who are mentioned in the correspondence. Robert Palk came of yeoman stock established at Ashburton,. Devon. The family homestead was liOwer Headborough, the first farm out of Ashburton on the road to Buckland-in-the-Moor, and within half a mile of the town. In 1679 Walter Palk, of Ashburton, left the reversion of his lands to his nephew Walter {b. 1659), son of Thomas Palk.'^) This second Walter was succeeded by his eldest son W^alter (b. 1686), his other children being Jonathan, Thomas and Grace. The third Walter married Frances Abraham at Buckland-in-the-Moor, and had three children, Walter {b. 1714), Robert {b. 1717), the subject of this notice, and Grace. The fourth Walter married in succession Thomasine Widdicombe, of Priestaford, Ashburt(jn, her sister Mary Widdicombe, and Mary Mugford, by all of whom he had children. His brother Robert, afterwards Governor of Madras, married Anne Yansittart, to whom reference will be made later, and his sister Grace became the wife of Richard Welland. Two of the Welland boys, nephews of Robert Palk, served in India. Among the numerous offspring of the fourth Walter were Walter {b. 1742), afterwards M.P. for Ashburton ; Robert (6. 1744), who joined the Bengal civil service ; Thomas (/;. cir. (1) The Warren Hastings Correspondence contains 23 letters (excluding duplicates) from Robert Palk, viz : — Add. MSS. 29132 Letters dated 23 June, 1769 ; 23 Mar., 1770 ; 9 April, 1771. 7 Ap., 1772 ; 8 Feb. and 8 Ap., 1773. 22 Mar., 1771. 25 Dec, 1774. 4/21 Feb., 12 Ap., 19 Nov., 12 Dec. and 13 Dec, 1775. 21 Dec, 21 Dec. and 28 Dec, 177G. 1 Mav, 1778. 27 Mar., 1780. 20 Ap., 1780. 30 May, 1781. 26 June, 1782. 1 July, 1782. N.D. [cir. Nov., 1773]. are to Hastings, excepting that of the 2Gth June, 1782, which is addressed to Major Scott, Hastings's agent in England. The final volume (Add. MSS. 29,193) contains also an undated letter from Robert Palk, jun., to William Aldersev regarding the arrest of Nandkuiuar. (2) Devonshire IVills, C. Worthy, 1896. >t 29133 tt 29134 t> 29135 f J 29136 tt 29138 t> 29140 n 29144 it 29145 II 29149 n 29154 tt 29155 tP 29193 All the above letters 1750), who came to^Madras a cadet, but was later transferred to the civil service ; Grace, who married Nicholas Tripe oi' Ashburton ; and Jonathan, vicar of Ilsington. Mention is made also of two brothers, Lieut. Thomas Palk and Ensign John Palk of the Madras army, who appear to have been grandsons of one of Sir Kobert Palk's uncles. They died together while cam])aigning in the Northern Circars. Other Indian connections of Sir Robert were Thomas Abraham, a Bengal civil servant, who was a member of his mother's family, and several of the Vansittarts, his wife's relations. It is said that Robert Palk was born at Ambrooke, in the parish of Ipplepen, whicli was the property of the Neyle family, but the statement needs verification. Certain it is that he was baptized at the Old Mission House, Ashburton, on the 16th December, 1717. He received his early education at vVshburton Grammar Schocjl, a very ancient foundation, matriculated at Wadham College, Oxford, in 1736, and graduated three years later. After being ordained deacon the Rev. Robert Palk was appointed a naval chaplain, and in 1747 he accompanied Roscawen's expedition to the East Indies as chaplain to the Admiral. He arrived at Fort St. David in July, 174.8, and was present at the unsuccessful siege of Pondicherry. In November news reached India of the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, but though hostilities ceased, the fleet remained on the Coast. At the beginning of the following year an incident occurred which determined Palk's future career. The Rev. Francis Fordyce, the Company's chaplain at Fort St. David, a notoriously quarrelsome and ill-tempered man, publicly insulted Robert Clive, and blows were exchanged between them in the streets of Cuddalore. An enquiry was held by the Governor and Council with the result that Fordyce was suspended as being " a meddling mischievous person." Palk was invited to enter the Company's service as chaplain pending the approval of the Directors, and the Admiral consented to his transfer. This " very w^orthy and able Divine " assumed his new duties on the 1st April, 1749. Meanwhile the Directors sent out the Rev. George Swynfen as a second chaplain for the Coast, and though they approved of Palk's appointment, decided that their own nominee should be the senior. In October, 1750, the fleet sailed for Bombay en route for England, and Palk accompanied it with the intention of formally resigning His Majesty's service and obtaining a regular engagement from the Company. On reaching Bombay in March, 1751, he heard of Swynfen's death, and returned at once to P\)rt St. David, where he was reinstated. Fort St, George, which had been in the possession of the French from 1746,' was restored in 1749, and in .Ipril, 1752, the seat of Government was transferred from Fort St. David to Madras, Palk accompanying the President and Council thither. In December, 1751, the Directors, having heard of Palk's departure VI in the preceding year, but not of his return, nominated two chaplains for the Coast, the Rev. Samuel Staveley and the Rev. Thomas Colefax. The arrival of these gentlemen in June, 1752, left no vacancy for Palk. The Madras Government, however, quickly found another place for him. The Consul- tation Book for August contains the following : — " The account of the army in camp having been kept in an irregular manner, which creates confusion, 'tis agreed that the Rev. Robert Palk be appointed Paymaster and Commissary in the Field at the rate of 10s. a dav salary and Rs. 5 a dav batta." At this juncture Colefax died, and Palk continued to perform clerical duties intermittently in addition to his special work. That work brought liim into intimate relations with Major Stringer Lawrence, who commanded the army operating against the French in the southern districts. On two occasions, in April, 1753, and May, 1754, Palk was sent to the Court of Tanjore, where he successfully negotiated with the Raja for aid in troops and money ; and in January, 1751, he was dejjuted with Henry Vansittart to meet the French commissaries at Sadras and arrange a suspension of hostilities. No agreement was then effected, but at the end of the year Palk and Vansittart went to Pondicherry and returned with a provisional treaty of peace. The Government of Madras were so well satisfied with Palk's political work that they presented him with a diamond ring of the value of 1,000 pagodas. At this period Robert Orme, the future historian of the war with the French in India, was a member of the Fort St. George Council. The following extract from a confidential letter, dat^d 2Gth October, 1755, addressed by him to John Payne, one of the Directors, throws light on Palk's character and duties : — " Mr. Palk, a gentleman left in India by Mr. Boscawcn and made chaplain at St. David, was, at the time I left India, '^' in high favour with Mr. Saunders : <-' he was one of his familv. It is long since this gentleman had thrown aside the learning of ancient or Christian books to study the tempers of mankiiui, in which he is indeed a great proficient, and as great a one in adapting himself to them, I must say, with decency. His character as a clergyman admitted him to the conciliation of disputes, and where he did not succeed, his intentions were rewarded with the graceful name of a Peace Maker. I had perceiv'd ^'ari()lls instances of his address in the management of persons at variance with another, and sup])resscd what was my rising sentiment in fa^our of the general one. Mr. Palk was chose by Mr. Saunders to go to camp, under the name of a Commissary design'd to retrench expences, but with the real view of softning and managing Colonel Lawrence's warm and (1) Jii IT");?, when Oriiic visited I'limland in cDiiipany with ('live. (2) 'riioiii.is launders. Pi t-hiikiit and Cii>\crn<)i', first a( ]''nrt St. David and after- wards at- Fori. 8t. George, from Sept., IT.'SO, to Jan., 1755. vn sudden temper in tlie contests then subsisting between him and JMr. Saunders, How well he fulliird this eonunission I would Avilliugly thr()\v a veil o\ er, but the facts are known to all, and do not seem disavowed by himsell'. He receixed from ('ok)nel Lawrence most benelicial employs in the camp, and by his means in other ser\"iees, which have, in the time of my \oyage, set him inde})endant in the world, \\ith at least 10, 000/. from two he came with into India. And from a month after his arrival in camp, Mr. Saunders rcceiAcd no further tokens of his attention or respect. Colonel liawrencc became all in all xvith Mr. Palk. " The influence which I have above described Mr. Palk to have over the greatest part of the community of which he is the pastor shone forth eminently now in their notions of the Governor. Mr. Palk blamed him : all the world did so too. Mr. Palk gave witness to a more than heroick character in Colonel Lawrence : he became immediatelv a hero of the hrst order." (d Lawrence and Palk met Nawab Muhammad Ali at Areot in August, 1755. and attended him at his trimnphal entry into his capital. In the preceding February the Directors had nominated a Select Committee of eight members at Fort St. George to communicate with their own Secret Conmiittee on military and political topics, and they settled that the first vacancy should be filled by the Rev. Robert Palk. An opening occurred at once by the death of Colonel Caroline Scott, Engineer General, and Palk occupied it in September. In December, however, the Court Avith accustomed vacillation decreed that he shoidd confiiie himself to Church work and be posted to Fort St. David. On receipt of these instructions in 1756, Palk announced his intention ol' leaving for England, but asked for time to wind up his affairs. With the sanction of Mr. Pigot's Government he remained at Fort St. George until August, 1758, exercising his various functions as chaplain, paymaster of the forces and member of the Select Connnittee. In company with Orme, Palk sailed in the Grantham, India- man. The ship was cai)tLu-ed by the French, who landed the passengers at the Cape and released them on parole. Palk reached England in 1750, bearing letters from the Nawab of Arcot to the King and the Compan3\ His personality, ability and address produced such an effect on the Directors that they penned the following lines in their despatch of the 15th February, 1760 :— " We have fixed upon Mr. Robert Palk to succeed Mr. Pigot in the Government whenever it shall become vacant by the resignation or decease of that gentleman, being fully convinced his ability and experience will be of great service to the Company both before and after his succession to the Government, especially as affairs are at present circumstanced." (1) Orme MSS., vol. 28, preserved in the India Office. vni On the 14th November, 1760, arms were granted to " Robert Palk of Headborough in the County of Devon," (i* and in the following February he married Anne, daughter of Arthur Vansittart of Shottesbrook Park, Berks., and sister of his old friend and former colleague Henry Vansittart, who had mean- while become Governor of Bengal. Palk sailed in March, 1761, with Major-General Stringer I/awrence as a fellow-passenger, arri\-ed at Madras in October, and took his seat as Third of Council with the duties of Export Warehousekeeper. On the resignation of Governor Pigot on the 14th November, 1763, Palk assumed the office of President, occupying the Chair until the 25th January, 1767. His administration was popular and comparatively peaceful, the chief events being the suppres- sion in 1764 of Yusuf Khan's rebellion in Madura, and the occupation of the Circars, followed by the Treaty of Hyderabad, in 1766. Clive had obtained from the Mogul in 1765 a free gift to the Company of the five coast districts north of the Kistna which \vere known as the Northern Circars. They were ruled by Nizam Ali, Subahdar of the Deccan, who had granted one of them, the Gimtiir Circar, to his brother Basalat Jang. Brig.- General John Caillaud, Lawrence's successor, took possession of the districts without serious opposition in 1766. The Nizam was naturally aggrieved at his deprivation of territory, and prepared to invade the Carnatic. Palk, a man of peace, deemed it prudent to placate him, and Caillaud negotiated a settlement at Hyderabad. By the Treaty of the 12th November, 1766, tlie ?»Iadras Government agreed to pay an annual rent of eight lakhs of rupees for the Circars, to leave Basalat Jang in possession of (xuntur for the term of his life, and to afford aid to the Nizam in the settlement of his own affairs. This last vague condition led, after Palk's departure, to war with Haidar Ali. Palk resigned the Chair to Charles Bourchier in January, 1767, and sailed for P^ngland in the Lord Camden, accompanied by his wife and two children. Anne (Nancy) born in 1764, and Lawrence, so named after Palk's friend the (ieneral, boni early in 1766. The ex-Ciovernor reached England on the 13th July, 1767, and was well received l^y both the King and the Court of Directors*-' (No. 38). His long residence in Lulia had enabled him to acquire more than a com})etence. While placing the interests of his employers first. Palk had not entirely neglected his own. The fortune with which he retired was not all derived I'rom his official emoluments. As Paymaster of the Army and the holder of a bullock-contract granted him by Clive, he had had early op})ortunities of making money, and those oppor- tunities increased w ith his adxaneement in the ser\ice. He was interested in private trade, a practice which was recognized by the Company, The custom of the time permitted the surrep- (1) Polwholo's llinlonj of Devomhire. 1793 and 1797. (2) British Museum, Addl. MSS., 34,685, Robert. Palk to " Jimmy " [James Bourchier], dated — Nov.j 1767. IX titioiis receipt of presents by all public servants who could conunand them, I*alk admits in one of his letters that he accepted gifts ol" money from prospective ivntcrs of lands, but he takes credit to liimself for never having solicited a present. The Nawab had nnieh to gain from a Governor, and though Palk resisted pressure to attack Tanjorc, he rendered valuable aid at Madura, and Muhammad Ali probably attested his gratitude in the usual manner. The conclusion of treaties furnished other facilities. Aceordino- to John Andrews, a senior civil servant who was deputed in January, 17C0, to arrange terms with Haidar, Palk received from the Nizam a lakh of pagodas and (!aillaud Pags. 60,000 for negotiating the Treaty of Hyderabad of 1766. (^ After visiting his relations in Devonshire Palk took a house in Spring Gardens, and entered Parliament as meml)er for Ashburton. In 176!) he purchased the Haldon estate near Exeter. The house had been built by Sir George Chudleigh about 17*20. After his death in 1738 the jjroperty passed in succession to Sir John Chichester, Mrs. Basset, Mr. John Jones and Mr. William ^^'ebber.'-' A friend writing to Palk in Deccmlier, 1769, congratuiates him on the cheapness of his purchase, and mentions that Mr. Webber had given Mr. Jones 11,500/. for it.<'^) Palk made many improvements ; laid down floors of Indian redwood, planted trees in the park, and gradually acquired adjacent land. A daughter Catherine (Kitty) was born to the Palks on New Year's day, 1768, and another, named Emelia, in 1771. Both died during adolescence. Though he never joined the Company's Directorate, Robert Palk exercised influence on Indian affairs through Laurence Sulivan and other friends. Wlien not following the pursuits of a country gentleman at Ilaldon he resided in London, where he occupied a house in Park Place, St. James's, moving in 1775 to Bruton Street. He re-entered Parliament in 1774 and represented Ashburton until 1787. His friend Stringer Lawrence was his frequent, if not permanent, guest until the General died in London in 1775. Lawrence was buried in the ehiu'ch of Dunchideock by Ilaldon, which contains a monument to his jnemory. Palk conmiemorated him by erecting a turreted and battlemented tower, triangular in plan, on the summit of Haldon Hill, and within the park. It is known as the Belvidere. The principal room on the lowest of its three floors contains a marble statue of Lawrence, and mural tablets are inscribed with a recital in English, Latin and Persian of his military exploits. It was at Haldon House that a conference took place in September, 1776, between Robert Palk, George Vansittart, General Caillaud, Mr. Pechell and Colonel Macleane to discuss (1) Jiritish Museum, Addl. MSS.. 3i.686, Charles Bourcbier to Robert Palk, dated 10th March, 1769. (2) Puhvhele's Ilistori/ of Devonshire, whicli contaius a full-page engraving of the niaixsion. (") Briiish Museum, Addl. MSS., 31,680. the conditions to be obtained from Lord North as the price of resignation by Hastings of tlie office of Governor General. On the 19th June, 1782, Robert Palk was created a baronet. His only son Lawrence, after leaving Oxford, travelled on the Continent. Some of the son's letters written in the course of the tour have been preserved. During his absence from England in 1786 his eldest sister Anne became the wife of Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bt., and the youngest, Emelia, died. Lady Palk expired in 1788 at the age of 50. Her husband survived her ten years. Sir Robert was buried in Dunchideock church, 'i) but the remains were remo\'ed many years later to a vault outside the building. A simple tablet near the monument to Stringer Lawrence records the names of himself and eight members of his family. The docunicnts in ^Irs. Bannatyne's collection are calendared at the end of this report. The earliest (No. 1) is an autograph letter from Colonel Stringer Lawrence to Admiral Charles Watson, Conmiander-in-Chief of the East India squadron, dated I'ort St. Cieorge, 8th October, 1755, embodying Lawrence's " Narrative " of his campaigns of 1752-1751. The letter, ^^'hich is bound in book form, contains 221 quarto pages of manuscript. Admiral Watson, who had brought out Adlercron's Regiment, the 39th Foot, in 1754, was at IMadras on the date of the letter, and he sailed two days later for Bombay on a mission to suppress the pirates of the Malabar coast and destroy the stronghold at Gheriah or Viziadrug of their chief Angria. The narrative was perhaps handed to the Admiral by Lawrence to relieve the tedium of the voyage. Other MS. copies of the account exist, one in the King's Library of the British Museum, <-' and one in the Orme collection at the Lidia Oflice.*^' The narrative was edited and published by R. O. Cambridge in his Account of the War in India, and, as that work is accessible, it is unnecessary to do more than indicate the principal variations between Mrs. Baimatyne's MS. and the printed account {Tide No. 1 in the Calendar of jMSS.) Stringer Lawrence, the "' Father of the Indian Army," was born in 1G98, and became an Ensign in Clayton's Regiment, now the West Yorks. After twenty years' service, during which he was actively engaged in .Spain and Flanders and in the Highland rising of 1715, he retired as Caj^tain. joined the East India Com})any, and at the age of 19 embarked lor Madras in February, 1717, to be Major of the Fort St. (icorge garrison. Madras having beoi captured by the French in 1716, liawrence landed, after a voyage of ele\en months, at Fort St. David, (1) The cliin'ch coutaius a nuniuiucat to cue of Sir Ilolnn't I'alk's [H'odocos-socs in tlu! Govorniiu'ut of Madras, Aaron Baker, of Bowhay, \a-1u> died in 1683. Baker entered the Company's service as Factor in 1633, and after being President at Bantam in Java from KilO, was transferred with the seat of government in 1652 to Fort St. (Jeorge, where he ruled until 1055. His house at Bo\\hay, near Dunchideock, is still standinti. (-1 Bril. Ulutt. MS. 1!)5. atliiluite.l (n Captain Jnlm Caillaud. V'i) Orme MSS.. vol. 13. XI "where lie Avas gi^•en a scat in Council. lie reorganized and disciplined the seven independent European companies, framed a code of niiJitary law, and formed the body oi' native peons into companies of sepoys. On the arrival ol' Boseawen's expedition he commanded the Company's troops in the attack on Pondichcrry, when he was taken prisoner. Released at the suspension of hostilities, he was one of the Connnissaries appointed to receive Fort St. George from the French, and on the transfer of the Presidency to Madras he became Deputy Go\'ernor of Fort St. David. In 1750 Lawrence resigned and went to Eng- land, but the Directors induced him to return immediately as Commander-in-Chief of all the Company's forces in India. Landing at ^Madras in IMarch, 1752, Lawrence t8, Sq)t. 2;Jr(l ('land Jiusscll to Robert Palk. Ironi Calcutta. „ Oct. 22nd Alexander Wynch to Rol)ert Palk, i'rom Fort St. (ieorgc, Madras. ,, Nov. ttli C'liokappa Chetti to Robert Palk, from Fort St, (ieorge, Madras. „ Nov. 27th Anthony Goodlad to Robert Palk, from Fort William, Calcutta. 1769, Feb. 19th Charles Bourchier to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, iNIadras. „ Feb. 24th Alexander Wynch, to Robert Palk, from Fort St. (ieorge, iNIadras. William Wynch to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. Charles Bourchier to-Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. P^melia Vansittart, sen., to Robert Palk, from Bath. William Wynch to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. ,, „ Rajah Pant to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. ,, ,, Chokappa Chetti to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. ,, ,, John Call to Robert Palk, from Madras. ,, June 28th Shamier Sultan to Robert Palk, from Fort St. George, Madras. [1769] Oct. 16th Henry Vansittart, sen., to Robert Palk, from Madeira. Josias Du Pre, who had entered the civil service in 1752, was Secretary during Lally's siege of Fort St. George, of which he was the ofTicial diarist. He visited England in 1761, and returned to Madras in 1768 as Second of Council with succession to Bourchier. His governorship lasted for three uneasy years, during two of Avhich he had the advantage of the co-operation of AVarren Hastings. After a distinguished service of fourteen years in Bengal Hastings had, in 1764', accompanied Henry Vansittart to England, and although he desired re-employment, it was not imtil 1769 that he was appointed to Madras. He arrived at Fort St. George in September, and sat as Third of Council with the duties of Export Warehousekeeper. On Bourchier's departure he became Second Member. He recast the system of * Investment,' and took an active part in the proceedings of the Board of Police. In 1771 Hastings was nominated to succeed John Cartier as GoAcrnor of Bengal, and he sailed for Calcutta in February, 1772. Impressed by the magnitude of recent territorial acquisitions in India, and by the Company's assumption of sovereignty over them, the Ministrv in England determined on intervention in XX Indian affairs. The Directors, justly alarmed for their powers, resolved to anticipate reforms, and to this end appointed Henry Vansittart, Luke Scrafton and Colonel Francis Forde as Com- missioners ; a selection which commended itself to Hastings (No. 88), who expected that Vansittart would vdtimately be reappointed Governor of Bengal. The Commissioners sailed from Portsmouth in September, 1769, in the frigate Aurora, left the Cape about the 24'th December, and were never again heard of. The ship is believed to have been wrecked off the north coast of Madagascar. As time passed without news of her, the letters from India from April, 1770, onwards breathe anxiety, and when at last hope was given up, the loss of Vansittart was keenly felt by his father-in-law Nicholas Morse and brother-in-law Robert Palk (Nos. 103, 134). The first step taken by the Ministry in pursuance of their object was the despatch of Sir John Lindsay, a young Admiral of thirty-three, as Naval Commander-in-Chief in India and Plenipotentiary at the Court of Nawab Walajah, with power to treat with other native rulers. Sir John arrived at Madras in July, 1770, and presented his credentials to an astonished Council, who had received no intimation of his powers. He demanded inspection of the consultation books,, which was refused, attached himself to the Nawab, and assumed an authority which the Government declined to recognize (No. 117). Ciencral Eyre Coote came out in the same month as Commander-in-Chief in India. He claimed the right to issue orders to the Madras army without sul)mitting them to Government, and maintained that his position was superior to that of the Governor, who held the Company's commission as Commander-in-Chief at Fort St. George. The Council deciding against Coote, he refused to serve, and left for Europe via Basra (No. 118). Du Pre writes to Palk (No. 108), " The Company abuse us like pick-pockets, send over a military officer to quarrel with and tyrannise over us and throw us into confusion. The Government send Sir John Lindsay to threaten and awe us, to wrest all our actions into crimes, and to support the Nabob (perverse enough before) against all our measures ; and then, if misfortunes happen, we nuist bear the whole. I tell you, my friend, the Company's affairs never were in so dangerous a way. We are surrounded with enemys, and the most dangerous are neither Hyder, the Morattas, the Soubah or the French." Hastings remarks (No. Ill) that " General Coote is returning to England in disgust because we will not acknowledge his supremacy. Sir J. L. stays because (as I suppose) his Excellency [the Nawab] acknowledges his sup- remacy. Appeals will be made by both to their respective constituents, and all the powers of the Company and of the Crown called upon to punish us for disobedience, contumacy and rebellion." Goodlad considers the situation critical (No. 118) ; the Nawab thwarting the Council, " a Government spy })icking holes in their coat on every occasion, and the XXI Conimaiider of the army bellowing out \eiigcance because he cannot be supreme." In January, 1770, Haidar Ali was again attacked by the Peshwa IMadhu Kao. Hastings thinks (No. 88) that if a com- promise is effected between them, they may eoml)ine to invade the Carnatic. The Marathas demanded liritish aid, and Haidar claimed it under the treaty of 1769 (No. 91) ; but Du Pre, while amusing both parties with expectations, resolved to maintain neutrality (Nos. 94, 96). The Secretaries, Stone and Goodlad, doubtless reflecting the views of the Council, contend (Nos. 117, 118) that if the British arc compelled to intervene, they ought to help Haidar, as he constitutes a barrier against Maratha aggression in Southern India. In May, 1770, Madhu Rao returned to Poona sick, leaving Trimbak Rao in command of the army in Mysore. Haidar sustained a severe reverse near Seringapatam in the following March and narrowly escaped capture. Nawab ^Valajah, supported b}' the Plenipotentiary, lU'ged alliance with the Peshwa. Du Pre, however, remained firm in his neutrality (Nos. 155, 157). When the Marathas actually crossed the Carnatic border the Governor prepared for resistance ; but the Nawab inter^•ened, and by a small payment induced them to withdraw (No. 159). Stone says (No. 163) that Walajah and the Marathas were secretly acting in collusion, and that the latter had promised the Baramahal and Seringa- patam to the former if Haidar were overthrown with British help. In June, 1772, a treaty was concluded between Haidar and the Peshwa by which the Marathas received 60 lakhs of rupees*!' (No. 175), and obtained a cession of territory including Sira and Kolar. The Nawab's frontiers then became conter- minous with the Maratha dominions along the line of the passes into the Carnatic, Colonel John Wood was tried by court-martial towards the end of 1769 on various charges relating to misappropriation of stores captured in Coimbatore, and to his conduct in the field during the war with Haidar. The court acquitted him of all the charges, but the Government set aside the finding as being contrary to the evidence, and dismissed Wood from the service. Hastings, writing to Palk (No. 88), expresses the hope that the Directors will approve the action of Government, and that Laurence Sulivan, who is a relation of W^ood, will give personal attention to the \'oluminous proceedings in the case. Goodlad quotes reasons (No. 91) for the dismissal, and regrets that they were not made public. Ultimately the Directors upheld the finding of the court-martial, and Wood's acquittal was conftrmed (Nos. 140, 153). Laurence Sulivan, an intimate friend of Robert Palk, jjlayed for thirty years a prominent part in the affairs and management of the East India Company. Entering the Bombay civil service as Factor in 1741, he returned to England on account of (1) ^\■ilk-> (Hintory of Mysoor) says 35 lakhs. XXll ill-health in 1752. Three years later he was elected a Director, and between that time and his death in 1786 he repeatedly served as either Chairman or Deputy Chairman. Whenever the rules required his withdrawal from the Direction he knew no rest until he had secured re-election. The qualification for a vote was the possession of oOOl. of India stock. The proprietor of a larger amount could increase his voting power only bv splitting his holding into blocks of 500/. stock, and assigning them to friends on condition of their voting to his order. Such votes were termed " split votes." Sulivan, being out of the Direction in 1767, requested Palk, who had just returned to England, to ask his friends (No. 41) for votes in Sulivan's favour. The effort was unsuccessful, and in the following vear Sulivan combined with Henry Vansittart to purchase India stock (No. 97). Both were chosen for the Direction in 1769 ; but owing to a heavy fall in the value of the stock they found them- selves financially embarrassed. Vansittart hoped to restore his fortunes by proceeding once more to India as one of the three Commissioners. His death by the wreck of the Aurora revealed the extent of his losses (No. 103), but even before these were known, Sulivan had been compelled to ask for Palk's good offices with the creditors. In 1772 Sulivan discloses (Nos. 169, 170, 171) his ruined condition, states his liabilities to Vansittart's estate and to Palk, and resolves to return, if possible, to India. Expectations that he would be selected to succeed Du Pre at Fort St. George were disappointed. Sulivan, who had previously been M.P. for Taunton, sat for Ashburton from 1768 until 1774, when he withdrew (Nos. 242, 246) in favour of Palk. In 1774 he suggests that Palk should join with others in taking up a mortgage on Sir George Colebrooke's estates in Grenada (No. 243). Palk declines (No. 244), giving reasons wdiich reflect on Colebrooke's previous transactions with him. In the following year Sulivan is still canvassing for votes for the Direction (No. 248). Stephen Sulivan, the impecunious son of an impecunious father, applies to Palk (No. 189) about 1772 for a loan of 500/., but is too proud to give a reason for his request. The object may have been aid for his father, for the latter writes (No. 169) in the same year : — " We live now principally upon my son's income, the good youth hardly allowing himselC 100/. a year." In 1774, however, Stephen Sulivan asks Palk (Nos. 238, 239, 240) for 200/. or 300/. on the ground that his father is not able to supply him with what is necessar\' for his support. He fears that he may yet be compelled to seek l"ortune in India. Four vears later he entered the civil service as Secretarv at Madras (No. 339), whence he was transferred by Hastings to Bengal. To rctvu'n to the correspondence of 1770 : — In the Northern Presidency Governor Harry Verelst had given place to John Cartier (No. 84). Kfisim Ali Khan, the deposed Nawab of Bengal, assumed a threatening attitude early in 1770, and xxm SliLija-ud-daula, Nuwab Vizier ol Uudli, was expected to join him (No. 92). Revenue Councils were established at Murshid- abad and Patna Cor Bengal and Riliar respectively, George Vansittart and Robert Palk, jun., being appointed to the latter (Xo. 100). From Sej)tend>er the letters J'rom India make frequent illusion to the terrible j'ann'ne raging in those proxinces. Robert Palk, jun., says (No. H)l) that many hundreds oi' thousands had died of starvation, while (ioodlad eonununicates the intclligenee (No. 118) that the loss of life was estimated at upwards ol" two millions, and that in Calcutta itself " the dead Avere still lavinjr in heaps about the streets." In March, 1771, Kasim Ali was reported to be north of Delhi with a I'orce of Patans and Rohillas, prepared to join the Marathas, who imder Mahadaji Sindia had lately occupied the capital (No. 133). Six months later the Emperor Shah Alam abandoned the I^ritish for the Marathas, and received Delhi from the latter (No. l-l'2). Under their tute- lage he gained a victory ^over the Rohillas in February, 1772. The Vizier, who was hostile to the Marathas, was on the Rohilla frontier, and a British brigade from Patna was readv to support him (No. 168). A letter from Captain James Rennell, the Surveyor General (No. 145), describes that ohicer's progress on the survey of Bengal. Rennell entered the Navy in 1756 at the age of fourteen, and the Company's service in 1763, when he was employed in trans- })orting troops by sea from Madras to Tondi for the siege of Madura. On that occasion he surveyed Palk Strait, so named after the (Governor, and in the following year he was appointed Surveyor Cieneral and connnissioned in the Bengal FiUginecrs. He became Captain in 1767 and Major in 1775. His first map of Bengal was carried home by Clive in 1767. In November, 1771, Captain Rennell announces that the field work of his (Tcneral Survey of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa, including marine work on the coasts and islands of the Bay, is almost complete. He expects that his map, in about 50 folio sheets, will be ready early in 1773. The Bengal Atlas w^as actually published in 1779. A brief note of 1776 from Major Rennell (No. 266) relates to domestic events and conditions. Turning again to the Southern Presidency, we learn that early in 1771 the Raja of Tanjore, influenced by the Marathas, of whose race he was, attacked the Marawar of Ranmad and pene- trated to his capital. The Marawar owed allegiance to the Nawab, and both Walajah and Sir John Lindsay urged reprisals on Tanjore. Goodlad says (Nos. 133, 140) that, though by the treaty of 1762 with the Raja the Company was bound to support the NaM-ab, yet the moment was unsuitable for taking action. There was risk of a Maratha invasion of the Carnatic, and moreover Fazil Beg Khan, the Nizam's bakhshi, was threatening the Circars. The Nawab, the Plenipotentiary, the Raja, the the Marathas and Fazil Beg were all sources of uneasiness to the Madras Ciovermnent. '" Du Pre, though indefatigable, is almost XXIV harassed to death ; Hastings knows not which way to turn himself, and the Secretaries have not a moment that they dare call their own." Fortified, however, by the opinion of the Directors that the Raja ought to contribute to the cost of the late war, the Council eventually supported the Nawab in his demands, and provided an auxiliary force under General Joseph Smith, which was to act under Walajah's orders (No. 1 i2). The fort of Vallam was reduced in September, 1771, and siege was laid to Tanjorc. By the end of October a practicable breach had been made, but on the eve of assault Walajah accepted peace on payment by the Raja of an indemnity and arrears of tribute (Nos. 155, 157). The Nawab's motives for granting such moderate terms were obscure. Goodlad attributes them (No. 159) to fear of the Marathas and jealousy of the Company. The presence of the King's Plenipotentiary had the worst effect on the Nawab. Walajah neglected the Company, to whom he owed his position as ruler of the Carnatic, and relied solely on the Crown. Proud and ambitious, he hoped to attain independence (No. 118). Lindsay, after a year of strained relations with Du Pre, sailed in July, 1771, and was succeeded in September l>y Admiral Sir Robert Harland, who possessed the same powers as his predecessor (No. 142). Stone writes (No. 163) that Harland's instructions are to give effect to the Treaty of Paris of 1763, and to receive and transmit complaints from the Nawab. By a strained construction of Article 11 of the treaty the Nawab is deemed an ally of the Crown, and as such is entitled to the King's support and protection. Stone points out that Walajah's undoubted subordination to both the Mogul and his deputy the Nizam are thus ignored. When Du Pre refused to join the Marathas against Haidar Harland threatened to engage the Crown in an alliance with the Peshwa, and enquired whether the Company would in that case assist with troops. Being met with an uncompromising negati\'e, he altered his tone — the result, as was surmised, of orders from the Ministry (No. 165). Goodlad writes (No. 167) that no confidence sub- sists between the Nawab and the Council, and tliat conditions are hopeless as long as a Minister of the Crt)wn is retained. The Nawab, he says, has sent home many complaints. " Is it possible to live on terms with a man who is known to endeavour all in his power to thus stab in the dark ? " Harland sailed with the squadron for Bombay in October, 1772, omitting to take leave of the (Governor, and conse(juently receiving no salute (No. 183). He finally left India in July, 1774. The Nawab's indebtedness to both the Company and private creditors is a. frequent topic of the letters from Fort St. George. In 1767 the private debt, which appears to have amounted to about 23 lakhs of pagodas, was consolidated (No. 28). The majority of the Europeans in the Madras Presidency, from members of the (io\ernment downwards, were creditors, as well as many persons in Bengal ; but the senior officials XXV voluntarily renounced priority t)l' claim in favour of the Company. Governor Bourchier remarks in 1769 (No. 78) that Walajah then owed the Company Pags. 27 lakhs, more than half of which was for war expenditure ; but he had engaged to clear off 25 lakhs by the middle of 1771 (No. 85). The interests of the pri\'ate creditors were represented in England l)y a Conmiittce, of which (ieneral Richard Smith was the leading meml)er (No. 91). A striking instance of usurious interest is cited by Goodlad (No. 118), but the ordinary rate before consolidation appears to have been 20 per cent. (No. 22), which was afterwards reduced to 10 per cent. The Select Conmiittce decided that the Company's claims shoidd have priority, and in 1771 Goodlad states (No. 140) that the Nawab's public dues having ])een discharged, the private creditors may shortly expect a dividend. Walajah however was recklessly extravagant, and it was not long before he Avas again overwhelmed with debt. News from home is comnumicatcd by Robert Palk, who announces in December, 1770 (No. 119) that England is pre- paring for war with Spain, though there is hope that hostilities may yet be averted. He characterizes the idea of conquering Mysore as a " wild plan," and regrets that Bourchier lent himsell' to it. In the following year Falk writes (No. 134) that Hastings lias been proposed as (lovernor of Bengal, but Rumbold is a powerful rival. In 1772 he intimates (Nos. 153, 166) that, while the Ministry do not aim at displacing the Company, they desire to see affairs in India better managed, and will move Parliament to regulate them. Informations regarding alleged frauds have been laid by the brothers Johnstone against Clive and others. Clive spoke for two hours in the House of Commons in vindication of his conduct, and he was followed by Rumbold, Carnac and Coote, the last of whom animadverted on the exces- sive cost of the army in India. Palk considers that the Directors base their actions on motives of self-interest, and asserts that they are " all such ignoramus's that they understand little or nothing of the affairs abroad," He mentions that Laurence Sulivan is a candidate for the Governorship of Madras in succession to Du Pre. Warren Hastings sailed from Madras on the 2iid February, 1772, carrying with him John Stewart (or Stuart), who had just arrived from England as Secretary to the Bengal Government. Hastings succeeded Carticr on the 13th April. In September he writes (No. 174) to Laurence Sulivan from Cossimbazar, enumerating his first reforms ; the appointments made to the household of the minor Nawab of Bengal, and the reduction of that prince's stipend ; the employment of Nandkumar to break the power of Muhammad Raza Khan, who as Naib Diwan had virtually ruled Bengal for seven years ; the commencement of a revenue settlement ; the formation of a plan for the better administration of justice, and the adoption of Calcutta as the seat of the Diwani and the capital of the province. " The XXVI principles of all our measures have been to establish the new system which the Directors have adopted ; to break the influence of the former Administration ; to avail ourselves of the present minority^^' to establish the line of the Company's power, and habituate the people and the Nabob to their sove- reignty, and to make it acceptable to the former by an attention to their ease and by a mild and equal plan of Government." Hastings complains, however, that his constitutional powers as President are too circumscribed He hopes to avoid being drawn into war. The Nawab Mzicr of Oudh has sought British aid against the Marathas, but it will be afforded for his defence only, not for aggression. The Marathas have with- drawn from Rohilkhand, and are operating against the Jats. The Emperor Shah Alam is at Delhi " in union, that is, in subjection to the Marrattas." Two months later Hastings writes to Palk (No. 185), expressing regret that the Directors should pay any attention to the scur- rilous writings of William Bolts and Alexander Dow regarding Bengal administration, and that Parliament should contemplate making laws for India, seeing that the House is ignorant of the customs of the country. He mentions the arrest of Muhanuiiad Raza Khan, whose influence he hopes to eradicate. Muhanmiad Raza had been seized in August and taken to Calcutta. He and Shatilb Rai, Naib DiAvan of Bihar, were suspected of malver- sation of the revenue. Both were in due course honom-ably acquitted, but the Company having assumed the Diwani, their offices were abolished. Among the Palk papers is also a detailed memorandum (No. 190) of the reforms introduced by Hastings during 1772. Colonel (iilbcrt Ironside, Avho as a subaltern had commanded the escort on the occasion of Hastings's mission to Patna in 17C2, is another of Palk's Bengal correspondents. Descended I'roni two Bisliops of Bristol of the same name, and son of a banker, Ironside was a soldier of education and ability who obtained rapid promotion. Palk had asked him (No. 135) to procure a copy of the Code ajMiiInoiunadaii Laic, perha])s for the use of the home authorities, who })r()posed to frame a code for India. From the library of Nawab Muhammad Razfi Khan Ironside secured (No. KJS) the Dim- missioners. He suggests that Sir Robert should approach Mr. Pery, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons and a connection of Baylie's, who might curb the Surveyor's pestilent activities (Nos. 358, 361). Time was granted by the Com- missioners, and Sober Hall remarks (No. 363), " Thus far is Mr. Bailie disappointed, who flattered himself with the notion of accelerating matters so as to have the goods condemned and sold before there would be cither a claim or tryal." The Surveyor, howe\'er, " broke open every chest and package belonging to Mr. Palk, rummaged and tossed the whole of his effects " (No. 365). Dr. Burt in London made an affidavit before the Lord Mayor of the circumstances under which the goods were landed and delivered to Baylie (No. 366). The Surprise sailed for London early in November, carrying Palk's Indian servant. Not until the middle of January- Avere the effects released and sent to Dubhn in charge of the Euroj^can servant, William Young (No, 369). George Maunsell, the Collector of Limerick, writes to Sir Robert (No. 370) that he has settled Baylie's account for WL. accepting a bill drawn by Young on Thomas Maunsell of Dul)lin. The last luuiied will forward the goods to Londtni. Thomas Maunsell, who had been in 1757 an agent for the army in Bengal and was a friend of Sir Robert's, reports early in February that William Young was, during his journey from liimerick. " taken up on a suspicion of being a highway man and brought before a magistrate. Young stated in examination that he had drawn a bill for 10/. on Thomas Maunsell. The magistrate, Luke Flood, wrote for confirmation to Maunsell, who by good fortune was staying weatherbound in the vicinity. Young was in due course discharged, " but lost his pistols by Iv the \ illuiii y ol" the people." The weapons were eventually recovered. By the middle of February Maunsell obtained an order for the effects, which had been deposited in the Dublin Custom House, to be shipped for London in charge ol' William Voung. Indian letters to Sir Robert I'alk from the termination of the second Mysore war down to the end of 1780 have been preserved. The princi])al correspondents are, in the Southern l^residcncy, Tom Palk, l*eiling rnor and Anthony Sadleir. Sadleir challenged Macartney, and a duel with pistols ensued, in which Macartney was wounded, though not severely. Baker adds that Thomas Abraham, a connection of Sir Robert Palk, has arrived at Madras on his way to liengai. His ship " has been remarkably healthy, haveing not buryed a man since she left P^ngland." Ivii The same coiTespondent writes in January that a copy of Pitt's India Bill has been received. Lord Macartney waits to hear that the bill has been passed before deciding to depart or not. but he keeps a vessel ready. Baker mentions the sudden death at Pondielierry of tlie Marquis de Bussy, wbieh occurred on the 7th January. " A small American shij) (the first belonging to the United States) from Fhyladelphia arrived at Pondicherry on the 'i()th of last month. The Captain and supracargoe lunc been here, and are just gone back to tluit })lace." Orders were receixed from the Supreme (ioxcrmuent in January, 1785, for the mutual rendition, as between the British, French and|Dutch, of places taken- during the war, and Charles Floyer was appointed Englisli Commissary for the transfer, Pondicherry and Cuddalore were restored at once (No. 389). Pelling it de Fries'[report in June (No. 400) that Trincomalee has been dehvered to the Dutch, who, however, have not yet taken possession of their coast factories owing to their war with the Malays. The Dutch power is considered to be on the dechne. The French are limiting themselves to commerce, keep only a small garrison at Pondicherry and make no attempt to rccoiistruct the defences. The deplorable effects of the war are noticed by several correspondents. George Baker writes in October, 1784 (No. 383), that the Carnatic is desolated, depopulated, uncultivated and deprived of its manufactures, while its stock of cattle is exhausted. Tom Palk says in the following May (No. 390) that " from the Colleroon to Arcot the country is almost laid waste from the want of inhabitants to cultivate." The cost of the war fell heavily on all the Presidencies. In Madras the Govern- ment could not meet the salaries of their ci\il servants or the pay of the army. The troops were mutinous. Money was scarce and credit low. William Wvnch writes earlv in 1785 (No. 390), ■' It is now with the greatest difficulty even a trifling l(^an can be obtained from a black man." Arrears of salary are paid in bills, which are at 50 per cent, discount, yet Lord jNIacartney draws his full stipend in coin. " Nothing but the most disagreeable cireumstances have attended us lately, duels, dissensions in Covmcil, and mutiny among the King's troops." Pelling & de Fries report in June (No. 400) that the Company's debt in India is upwards of seven millions sterling, to clear which not less than fifteen years of peace are needed. The Compain's ])()nds stand in Madras at 40 per cent, discount, in Bengal at 25 per cent., and in Bombay, where no interest has been paid for four years, at 70 per cent. Tom Palk alludes (No. 401) to the distressed condition of the sepoys at Triehin- opoly : " Believe me, Sir, I have seen the native troops perishing in the streets, selling their children for a rupee, and it is not a month ago that thcv were begging about the canton- ments almost in the same condition." Iviii In Bengal salaries were ruthlessly cut down. Abraham Welland writes in December, 1785 (No. 407), that Richard Kennaway's monthly income is reduced from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 500, while his own modest stipend has been diminished by Rs. 400. Many civil servants have resigned ; some to reside at the foreign settlements of Serampore, Chinsurah and Chander- nagore, where living is cheap ; others to return to Europe. The commander of one Indiaman has received no less than a lakh and a half of rupees for passenger fares alone. Welland adds that a petition to the House of Commons is being drawn up at Calcutta protesting against certain clauses of the India Act of 1784. A year earlier the same correspondent was discoursing (No. 380) to his uncle Sir Roliert on the minimum number of indispensable servants. " How very much times are altered since you was in India, when a person was satisfied with one or two servants ! I can assure you a Writer in Bengal can not now exist under an establishment of less than thirtv. The goodness of jNIr. Hastings to the black people has lain us under this imposition." Henry Vansittart. jun., alludes in December, 1784 (No. 38G), to his marriage in the preceding year to Catherine Powney, and the birth of a son. Hastings, who returned from tour to find that he had " had the misfortune to lose his only friend in Council, Mr. Wheler," has announced his approaching departure from India. Vansittart & Kennaway ask (No. 387) for instruc- tions regarding the estate of Robert Palk, jun. The only property remaining in India is a house in Calcutta worth Rs. 50,000 and some Company's bonds. Palk's legacy of 2,000/. to his brother Tom is set off by the latter's debt of practically equal amount. Their relatives, however, subsequently consented to annul this debt, as well as one incurred by Abraham Welland to extricate his brother Richard from difficulties due to extrava- gance (Nos. 414, 452). Rawson Hart Boddam, Governor of Bombay, writes in March, 1785 (No. 394), about a debt to Sir Robert Palk from the estate of the late E. V. Lane. He deplores the departure of Hastings, and observes that the recent reductif)n of the Council to a Governor, two civilians and the Conunandcr-in-Chicf affects the prospects of the senior servants in Bombay, who would retire if they could. He adds that " the late rapid progress and success that has attended Mahadjee Sindia in now })cing possessed of the whole power at the Court of Dillv . . . forebodes no very favoural:)lc })r()spects from so able and enterprizing a genius." Major John Shortt writes to Sir Robert from Madras (No. 391) that his promotion has been stopped for some reason which he is unal)lc to elicit. " I camiot charge myself with any thing more than being too hospitable heretofore, which, as it has proved prejudicial to my interest, I will in future study to correct". Sitaram Pandit, revenue accountant of Vizagapatam, draws attention (No. 392) to the persistent oppression of the I lix landholders of the Chieacolc Circar by the powerful and truculent Zemindar Sitaram Raz, and encloses copies of petitions which had been submitted to Rumbold, Macartney and Hastings. Captain Francis Swain Ward, a well known Indian artist, furnishes Richard Kennaway (No. 396) with a recciiDt for subscription to the publication of his Views of Ilindon Temples, Buildings, etc. ; while a painter of greater distinction, Ozias Humphry, writes in May, 1785, from the Cape, on his way to India, bemoaning the retirement of Hastings, the death of Wlieler, and the departure of Sir John D'Oyly, to all of whom he carried letters, and entreating Sir Robert Palk to recommend him to the succeeding Governor General (No. 397). In May, 1785, orders were received from home directing the surrender of Walajah's assignment in consideration of an annual payment by him of Pags. 12 lakhs on account of his debt to the Company and private creditors and Pags. 4 lakhs towards current charges (No. 403). Pelling & de Fries give credit to Colonel John Call (No. 400) for his efforts on behalf of the creditors. Lord Macartney was so dissatisfied with the Court's orders that he sailed for Bengal on the 4th June, resigning from Vizagapatam on the 8th. Pending the arrival of his successor, the Chair was occupied by Alexander Davidson, who had Sir John Balling, Commander-in-Chief, and James Daniell as his Councillors. General Robert Sloper, Commander-in-Chief in India, also had a seat in Council during his stay in Madras. Pelling & de Fries say that Macartney's departure was accele- rated by his reluctance to associate with Amir-ul-Umara, who was managing the Nawab's affairs. A despatch nominating Lord Macartnev Governor General reached Madras on the 16th July and was forwarded at once to Calcutta, but he declined the appointment and sailed for England on the 10th August (No. 403). John Macpherson accordingly remained in control of the Supreme Government. Abraham Welland remarks of Macpherson (No. 409) that " his abilities are no ways suited to it, nor indeed are any of his coadjutors, particularly Mr. Stables, whose head is too thick ever to cut a conspicuous figure." The Madras Government, before surrendering the assignment, demanded security from the Nawab for the payment of the stipulated 16 lakhs of pagodas. This he was unable to furnish (No. 403), but by January, 1786, he was faithfully executing his contract (No. 412). Pelling & de Fries say that " the distresses of individuals from not having received any part of the Nabob's debt for so long a space of time are great, and affect the trade and welfare of the Settlement." The Government continued to be in financial difficulty ; arrears of army pay were still outstanding, Com])any's bonds stood at a heavy discount, and no funds were available for the Investment. The writers add that James Daniell, who is retiring, will be replaced in Council by Charles Floyer. Daniell was nominated by the Directors to succeed the next Governor, but he sailed the dav before the news reached Madras (No. 422), Ix Not long after the conclusion of the Treaty of Mangalore there were rumours of approaching trouble between Tipu on one side and the Marathas and Nizam on the other (No. 383). Tipu set up a claim to Bijapur in the Nizam's dominions, while the Marathas, who hoped for British aid (No. 403), pressed for arrears of tribute from Mysore. Felling & de Fries, writing in January, 1786 (No. 412), say that Madras has had no trading- intercourse with Mysore since the peace, the passes from the Carnatic being jealously guarded by Tipu. A report of the Sultan's death (Nos, 412, 430), sedulously spread by himself, was conmionly credited, and Macpherson even despatched an envoy to the supposed new ruler. Tom Falk says in March (No. 431), " The Nizam and Marattoes have actually taken the field with a view of attacking Tippoo, who is not dead as was the general belief for two months . , . From hence you may infer that we keep ourselves exceedingly ignorant of what passes beyond even the walls of Madras ... I cannot penetrate Tippoo's real design by feigning himself dead and keeping the gates of Scringapatam shut for so long a time, which we know beyond a doubt to have happened." Felling & de Fries write (No. 432), " Storms brewing around us. A formidable army of the Marattas . . . together with the Nizam's army have crossed the Kistna and invaded Tippoo's country . . . Tippoo has a very considerable force, but from his tyrannical disposition don't stand so well in the affection of his subjects as old Hyder did, whose political abilities were infinitely superior," The same correspondents mention in June (No. 441) that the Nizam had returned to Hyderabad, though his army remained to co-operate with the Marathas (No. 456). Instead of directly facing his enemies, Tipu made a diversion by devastating the district of Adoni, which had passed to the Nizam on the death of his brother Basalat Jang. Desperately defended by Muhabat Jang, son of Basalat, Adoni fort was relieved by the confederates at the end of June, but was inmiediatcly evacuated (No. 460). Operations were then transferred to the north of the Tunga- bhadra, and continued till the close of the year (Nos. 467, 469). Tipu was generally successful, but he nevertheless negotiated with Ilolkar for peace, and a treaty was concluded in January, 1787. Daxidson continued to f)ccupy the Madras Chair pending the appointment of a permanent successor to Macartney. Tom Falk writes (No. 422), " liord M. is certainly very culjjable in leaving the C'hair to so weak and indolent a man as fills it at present, that never was capal)le of conducting even his own domestick affairs." And (No. 431), " Fi\ery one is dissatisfied, and looking out with the most painlii! anxiety (lor] the speedy arrival of Governor Campbell." Felling & de Fries say (No. 432), " We want much an able (Governor : our present administration is but a feeble one." Major-Cieneral Sir Archi- bald Cam])l)ell, an olTieer of the Ro}'al Engineers, who had been Ixi Chief Engineer of Bengal, had served in North America and had been Governor of Janiaiea, arrived on the 6th April, 1786, and assumed eharge of the Madras (io\"ernmcnt. A few months later he Avas also appointed Connnander-in-Chief of the Coast army (No. 460), whereupon Sir John Bailing retm'ned to England. A change was also made in Bengal, where Macpherson's rule was no more acceptable to Thomas Abraham than was David- son's in Madras to Thomas Palk. Abraham writes (No. 425), " I see everything still goes by interest notwithstanding the late Act of Parliament. I can convince you of this no better than by telling you that the greatest part of the many appointments that have been given away lately have been given to Scotch- men." And (No, 434), " It is a Scotch Government, and very few but Scotchmen get any thing." I^ord Cornwallis arrived at Madras on the 22nd August, 1786, and a few days later sailed for Calcutta (Nos. 456, 460), where he relieved Macpherson on the 12th September (No. 461). Henry Vansittart, jun., and Richard Kennaway, as administra- tors of the Indian estate of Robert Palk, jun., bring to notice the case of Simeon Droz, a Bengal civil servant, who was indebted to the estate (No. 419). Droz gave Palk a bond for Rs. 9,000 for the purchase from him of " a Filature or building for winding silk, in the neighbourhood of Cossimbuzar," but he Failed to receive possession because " Mr. Palk, holding a contract for raw silk under another name with the Board of Trade, continued to employ the Filature in the provision of his silk." Before he sailed Palk sold the property to another person, but the administrators, having no power to cancel Droz's bond, which was found among the deceased's papers, refer the matter to Sir Robert. Droz went home at this time, and on arri\'al wrote to his friend General Caillaud (No. 453), asking him to represent his case. Vansittart aimounces in August (No. 455) that the estate is about to be wound up, and that he himself intends to return to England. Six weeks later he was dead, a victim to climate (No. 464). During 1786 the financial situation improved steadily. Bengal assisted the other Presidencies with money (No. 409), and under- took to pay the King's troops in Madras (No. 432). The arrears due to the Company's forces, however, continued unpaid, and credit remained low, Government securities being discounted at 35 to 40 per cent. Permission was then granted by the Directors for the liquidation of bonds to the extent of Rs. 6 crores, say, six millions sterling, by bills on England at rates of exchange to be settled by the Supreme Government (No. 425). The rate fixed for Madras was only 7,S'. per pagoda (No. 461), which Pelling S: de Fries consider will be unacceptable. The measure hel])ed, however, to restore credit (No. 441). A small bank established by Hastings in Calcutta in 1773 had been abolished by Clavering's party, but in 1786 proposals were made for a " General Bank of India " with a capital of Rs, 20 lakhs Ixii in 100 shares, of which 75 were to be allotted to Bengal, 15 to Madras and 10 to Bombay (No. 434). Felling & de Fries write frequently from Madras to report that Walajah is paying the kists or instalments of his annual subsidy of 16 lakhs of pagodas with surprising regularity, though the Government is less prompt in discharging the share due to the private creditors (No. 441, etc.). A settlement with the creditors was made in December, 1786, half in cash and half in bills on Masuhpatam (No. 469). Thomas Felling writes to Sir Robert Falk in 1786 (No. 433) on behalf of two of his grandsons, who, on the death of their father, Captain Thomas Gibson, were admitted by Hastings " Minor Cadets on the Bengal Establishment." When xery young they were sent to England, but were required to present themselves in India at the age of 14 or be struck off the list of cadets. The boys are now 16 and 15, and Felling represents that it would be ruinous to their education to bring them out before 1788, when he wishes them to enter the Bengal iVrmy. George Baker mentions (No. 430) the settlement of a dispute about the site of a new British cantonment at Sheveram, between Conjeveram and Chingleput, which encroached on the Nawab's territory. Davidson, Sir John Dalling, the Nawab and his son Amir-ul- Umara met at the spot, an exchange of land was effected, and the cantonment receixed the name of Walajabad. The barracks' were abandoned in 1860 as unhealthy. Chokappa records (No. 460) the formation by Sir Archibald Campbell of Boards of Re^'enue and Trade, each consisting of a president and three members. The Committee of Circuit continues to function. Tom Falk had sent his eldest son Tom home in February, 1784, but it was not until August, 1785 (No. 401), that he was able to acknowledge the receipt of news of the little boy's arrival at Haldon House, and of Sir Robert's intention of establishing him at the school of Ottery St. Mary. Thither young Tom duly went^ and among the papers in the collection is his first school bill (No. 405). His father, to whom another son was born in 1785 (No. 433), prospered at Trichinopoly, and remitted substantial sums to England (No. 442). In September, 1786, he writes (No. 457) that he has about 10,000/. at his credit, besides Company's paper for Fags, 60,000. He hopes to go home in January, 1788, but " fortunes are not to be made so rapidly as before the war. People in my situation have never made them by their em})loys, but by loans of money to the country at, as you know, an high interest ; but it is no longer safe to do it on any terms ; and the Nabob, since the restitution of the assignment, has not practised that good old custom." Considering " ni}' liaxing been 12 years without any employ, and finding myself much in debt on my coming here, you will not think I have been idle." Tom Falk proposed to send his children Catharine and Robert to England in January, 1787, under the care of his wife's sister Mrs. Lang. The family, Ixiii accompanied by Ensign William Preston, started for Madras in November (No. 465), but when within 80 miles of their destination were disappointed to learn that General Ross Lang had changed his mind and would not sail that season (No. 468). The children probably went home with their parents a year later. In 1788 Tom Palk acquired the estate of Butterford in the parish of North Huish, near Totnes.*^) With the year 1786 the Indian correspondence ceases abruptly. There remain a few letters written to Sir Robert by friends in England, and a number relating to a continental tour made by his son Lawrence Palk. These will be briefly noticed. The Rev. J. Bradford writes from Ideford (No. 443) on behalf of his^^eldest son, for whom he desires a clerkship in a public office or a bank. He had intended the boy to embark in trade, but finds that " the premiums they expect in any reputable shop are not less than four or five hundred pounds," a sum which is beyond his means. The Rev. Samuel Badcock, nonconformist minister of South Molton, who was a frequent contributor to literary magazines, corresponded with Sir Robert Palk about a proposed history of the County of Devon, which he undertook to prepare. He received from Sir Robert and catalogued a collection of MSS. bearing on the subject (No. 420), and consulted documents obtained from various sources, especially from the Coffin liibrary at Portledge near Bideford (No. 449). He resolved in 1786 to resign his office and enter the Established Church (No. 462), and he was duly ordained. The county history, which Sir Robert appears to have financed (No. 470), was uncompleted at the time of Badcock's death in 1788. Sir Robert Palk's children were four in number. The two elder, Anne and Lawrence, were born in India and brought home when very young by their parents. Catherine and Emelia were born in England in 1768 and 1774, and died at the ages of 14 and 12 respectively. Lawrence Palk appears, judging from allusions in the correspondence, to have been educated at Oxford. In 1785, when he was 19 years old, his father determined to send him abroad to " supply the want of study at home, and to teaclr him to be a good citizen " (No. 447). A Swiss gentleman named D'lvernois was chosen to accompany and advise the young man, and to regulate his expenditure. From an account|rendered in March, 1786 (No. 429), it appears that the tour began" in July, 1785, and that a Mr. Beeke (probabl}^ the Rev. Henry Beeke, Fellow of Oriel) travelled with Lawrence and D'lvernois to Switzerland, visiting Neuchatel St. Gall, Constance and Berne. Beeke then returned to England, while the other two established themselves for the winter at Neuchatel, whence l)oth corresponded frequently with Sir Robert Palk, D'lvernoisVriting always in French. The earliest letter preserved is of December, 1785 (No. 406), in which (1) History of Devonshire, Lysons, 1822. El Ixiv Lawrence expresses pleasure at his eldest sister's engagement to Sir Bourchier Wrey, reports his own progress in the French language, and alludes to indisposition following dental treat- ment. Six weeks later D'lvernois gives details (No. 415) of the singular operation performed on Lawrence by an itinerant dentist, by which, after two overcrowded teeth had been extracted, one of them was cut to shape and replaced. D'lvernois hints (No. 408) that his charge finds life at Neuchatel too comfortable, and that his association with a Mr. Spencer, who is staying in the same house as themselves, distracts his attention from his studies. Sir Robert is therefore urged to direct an early move to Germany, and to provide recommenda- tions for the Courts of Dresden, Berlin and Vienna. Spencer returned to England in February, 1786, his friend accompanying him as far as Besan9on (No. 417). liawrence showed unwilling- ness to leave Neuchatel, where he received much attention from the residents and made many friends. Early in March he writes to his father (No. 427), lamenting his sister Emelia's illness. Regarding himself he says, evidently in reply to an admonition, " I willingly promise that I never will propose to any lady to whom either you or my mother object ; and your goodness to me upon every occasion makes me flatter myself that you would not wish to oblige me to make choice of one that I do not approve. Your fortune is certainly of your own acquiring, and I would not wish to have the least share of it if you have the least reason to imagine I do not deserve it." After a farewell ball given by Ijawrence to Neuchatel society in acknowledgment of hospitality received, D'lvernois, whose sisters came over from Geneva to attend it, announces (No. 429) that a move to Vienna will be possible early in April. He considers that by the time Lawrence returns to England he will be able to speak French " if not like Mr. Spencer without accent, at any rate sufficiently well for an ambassador, the standard generally aimed at by young Englishmen." In April Lawrence Palk writes from Constance (No. 435), whence they are about to start for Munich en route to Vienna. He alludes to his sister's marriage to Sir Bourchier Wrey, which took place on the 14th March, and expresses regret at leaving Neuchatel, where he had met Colonel Abraham Bonjour, an old acquaintance of Sir Robert's, and had received kindness from the sister of the late Colonel Des Plans. Des Plans died at Madras in 1772, leaving his property to his widow and two daughters, with remainder to his sister. The daughters died, and the widow married again. On her dcatli in 1776, her second husband took possession, and his claim was confirmed by the Mayor's Court. The sister hopes that Sir Robert may be able to represent her case to the authorities in India, and Lawrence encloses a copy of Des Plans' will with an explanator}^ memorandum. He goes on to mention the existence of a Ixv colony of Genevans established at Constance, engaged in the industries of watchmaking and enamelling. " The tyraimy of the aristocrats ever since the late revolution, and the means they employ to oppress the natives have rendered Geneva disgusting to its inhabitants." The Emperor encourages the colonists, granting them not only religious freedom but actual autonomy. Not until the travellers reach Vienna does D'lvernois divulge the real cause of Lawrence Palk's reluctance to quit Neuchatel after his protracted stay of six months (No. 436). The youth had become enamoured of a young lady who was both esteemed and attractive. She returned his affection, and her parents offered encouragement. The final interviews were of a heart- rending character, but Lawrence resisted the temptation to make any promise. D'lvernois says that his own previous silence on the subject was due to fear of alarming Sir Robert unnecessarily ; but the father probably had some inkling of what was in progress, as he appears to have delivered to his son in February a homily on marriage. By the beginning of June Lawrence finds Vienna dull (Nos. 437, 438), the Emperor having gone to Luxembourg, and the nobles retired to their country properties. He frequently visits Prince Kaunitz, "the Oracle of Vienna," whom he admires and appreciates as a great politician, and he has been received by the Countess of Thun and by the Russian Ambassador. The travellers then make an excursion into Hungary, visiting the seat of Prince Esterhazy and appreciating the Belvidere in his gardens " as being entirely different from the German taste, who admires nothing but what is entirely covered with gilding and awkward ornaments." They went on to Prcsburg, " an ugly, ill-built town," whose castle was occupied by 600 young men preparing for the church. Here it was that the late Empress, Maria Theresa, presented her infant son, the present Emperor Joseph II., to the Hungarians, who swore to defend him. " Little did they think that the child would one day prove their greatest oppressor." After a few days' stay with the Countess de Friez at Feslau, near Vienna (No. 439), the travellers started for Berlin towards the end of June, halting at Leipzig to visit the seat of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau. At Berlin, where they had an introduction to the British Ambassador, Lord Dalrymple, afterwards Earl of Stair, they tind that the King of Prussia, Frederick the Great, is in poor health and unable to see strangers (No. 444). He remains at Potsdam with a chosen party of his generals (No. 446). Lawrence and his mentor were presented to the Queen and princes, and dined with the Crown Prince at Potsdam (No. 447). Towards the end of August the King was seriously ill and unable to move without assistance. His demise may give rise to trouble, for " the Emperour has his eyes continually fixed on Ixvi Silesia, keeps his troups in readiness, and waits only for that event to attempt the conquest of that province which has been so unjustly ravished from him." The Prussian forces are strong, but unless the new king increases their pay " it is feared that nearly half his army will desert upon the first breaking out of a war." Quitting Berlin, the travellers proceeded at the end of July to Brunswick and Hanover. At the former place they were received by the Duchess, sister of George III (No. 448), and at the latter dined with the Duke of York (No. 451). At Gottingen they were presented to the princes, with whom they supped. There they encountered some of Lawrence's Oxford friends, and met Sir Isaac Heard, Garter King of Arms, who brought news of Sir Robert Palk. On arriving at Wesel on the 20th August (No. 454) they heard of the death of Frederick the Great on the 17th and the accession of the Crown Prince as Frederick Wilham II. " Notwithstanding the trouble and confusion this event cannot fail of producing in every part of the Prussian territories, it seems here to be the general opinion that the Emperour, actually in Transylvania and far removed from the frontiers of Silesia, will not strike a blow in attempting to regain this part of the possessions anciently belonging to his family." At Wesel Lawrence received alarming accounts of the health of his mother and youngest sister. At his father's request, however, he determined to continue his tour through Holland and then return to England, relinquishing the original intention of making a prolonged stay in Paris. His final letter is written from the Hague on the 8th September, 1786 (No. 458), The British Minister, Sir James Harris, afterwards Earl of Malmesbury, to whom he has a letter of recommendation, is much occupied Avith " the Prince of Orange's affairs, which seem to grow every day worse and worse, insomuch that a civil war appears now to be almost inevitable." The States have this day resolved to deprive their ruler of the Stadtholdership. The Prince is supported only by Guelderland, being opposed by six provinces with forces five times larger than his own. His brother-in-law of Prussia has sent the Count de Goertz to endeavour to effect a reconciliation. Lawrence refers to news of a declaration of war by Russia on Turkey, and to a rumour that Gibraltar has been sold to the Empress for two millions sterling. This report he hopes is true, " as it has been sufficiently proved that this fortress is of no real use to us, but on the contrary puts us to a nmch greater expence than we can at present afford." He has been greatly struck by the prosperous condition of Holland as contrasted with the miserable deserts of Westphalia, and by the wonderful neatness and cleanliness of the Dutch homes. He and D'lvernois propose to move to Brussels in a few days by way of Rotterdam and Breda. He is glad to hear of his mother's improved health, but notes that no allusion is made to his sister in his father's Ixvii last letter. In point of fact Emelia passed away on the 1 ith August, and the intelligence was doubtless withheld purposely from her brother. The picture of Lawrence Palk presented by these letters from himself and D'lvernois is one of a shy and sensitive youth of transparently open character, who is amiable and considerate, a dutiful son, an affectionate brother and a general favourite. His mother died in 1788, and his father ten years later, when Lawrence Palk succeeded to the baronetcy and the Haldon estates. The editor cannot conclude this report on the Palk letters without acknowledging the liberality of their owner, Mrs. Bannatyne, in placing the documents at his disposal and affording the most ample facilities for their examination and study. He has received invaluable help in his work from Sir Murray Hammick, K.C.S.I., CLE., and ^Ir. William Foster, CLE. The former has kindly examined tliat part of the original collection which is now preser\ed in the Manuscripts Department of the British Museum, and has consulted many printed books ; while the latter has not only communicated a store of information from the records of the India Office and from his own wide knowledge of the subjects discussed, but has read and criticized the proof sheets of this work. The editor is indebted also to Mr. John S. Amery for particulars of the Palk family, to Mr. Demetrius C Boulger for notes on the iMarathas, to ^Ir. Stephen Wheeler for information concerning sundry Anglo-Indian notables, to Mr. Hugh R. Vibart for research in the British Museum, and to the Rev. Frank Pennv's History of the Church in Madras for details of the ecclesiastical portion of Sir Robert Palk's career. Henry Davison Love, Colonel, R.E., retired. Ixix LIST OF CALENDAKED DOCUMENTS. Date. From At Serial To No. 1755, Oct. 8 Col. Stringer Lawrence Fort St. George . . . Admiral Charles ... Watson 1 17: 17( 17( i8, Feb. )0, Nov. 53, Mar. 5 10 16 John Pye WilUani Fergusson Lord Egremont Bombay Ayr Court of St. James' . Robert Palk 3 Maj. Gen. Lawrence, &c. 2 3 4 17f 55, Sep. 27 Fra. Salvator a Sanctis San Thom^ . Robert Palk 5 17( 56, April 3 , Oct. 18 , Dec. i Nawab Walajah ... — Memorandum of Miles run by ship Pacific Robert James ... ... India House . Maj. Gen. Lawrence 6 7 8 171 57, Jan. , Feb. 18 25 25 15 Henry Moore ... Robert Falk Ensign J. Carpenter ... George Vansittart Ship Osterley Ship Lord Camden Trichiuopoly Madras . Robert Palk William M. Goodlad . Robert Palk 10 11 12 , 19 Robert Palk, jun. Fort St. George . . ,, 13 , Mar. 3 Chokappa Chetti j» ,, ... 14 1 tt 12 15 16 Mary Povvney ... Muperala Kistnaiya, &c. George Vansittart Calcutta . ,, ... . ,, ... ■ ,, ... 15 16 17 16 19 21 22 Rebecca Casamaijor .. Colonel John CaU »> • ■ * Charles Bom'chier Fort St. George . . Madras ti ... Fort St. George .. ,, • • . ,, ... II ' ' ' II ' ' ' 18 19 20 21 t tf 22 William M. Goodlad ... ,, • 22 , April 3 George Vansittart Chokapiaa Chetti Colonel John CaU Midnapur ... Fort St. George .. Madras . Anne Palk . Robert Palk 23 24 25 7 7 George Piu-nell... Robert Palk, jun. Fort St. George . . Fort William • II ' ' ' 26 27 ) } > 11 James Johnson Fort St. George . . . II • ' • 28 1 7> 15 John M. Stone ,, II • * • 29 f it i it 15 16 16 John Pybus Henry Brooke ... WiUiamM. Goodlad ... St. Thomas's Moun Fort St. George . . J ,, ... ' II ' ' ' II * * * 30 31 32 , Oct. , Nov 30 4 George Smith ... John Calland >> ... * ,, ... II • • ■ 33 34 » >> • 5 5 15 Muperala Kistnaiya, &c. Nawab Walajah Prince Amir-ul-Umara Robert Palk Spring Gardens, Londor II ' ' * . Maj. Gen. Lawrence ,, ... William M. Goodlad 1 35 36 37 38 N.D. — — . Editor Morning ... Chronicle 39 i9 Robert Palk Laurence Suhvan — . Mr. S. . Robert Palk 40 41 Ixx Date. From At S To erial No. 1768, Feb. 20 Capt. Thomas Madge . . . Khammamett Robert Palk 42 f> Mar. 1 Robert Palk — William M. Goodlad 43 „ „ 28 William Aldersey Port William Robert Palk 44 »» Apl. 25 John Calland Fort St. George . . . tt • * • 45 )f „ 28 T. Orton Vellore It • ' ' 46 ti May 2 James Bourcliier Madras It ' ' ' 47 it „ 7 George Smith Fort St. George . . . f) • • • 48 9» „ 7 Tom Palk Off Cape of Good Hope ,, 49 ,. 7 Rev. John Thomas Fort St. George . . . 1 i • * * 50 *) ,, 10 Ramakistna ,, 1 i ' ' ' 51 »> ,. 12 WUliam M. Goodlad ... ,, ... ... , , ... 52 J J „ 19 Laurence Sulivan Great Ormond St. I > ... 53 >} Sept. 6 George Vansittart Midnapur ... ,1 54 ft „ 30 Tom Palk Camp near Kolar ft • • • 55 tf Oct. 4 Kitoria Sloper ... Cuddalore it • • • 56 >> „ 9 Jane Morse . Fort St. George . . . n * • ■ 57 ^j „ 16 Capt. Thomas Madge . . . . Samulkota >} ... 58 a „ 24 Lieut. Thomas Palk . . , »j • • • tt • • • 59 ^, „ 27 Geoz'ge Piu'nell... . E'ort St. George . . . ,, ... 60 a a Nicholas Morse ,, a • • • 61 1768 , Nov. 1 Robert Palk . London WiUiam M. Goodlad 62 yi „ 22 ,, ,, ... ... ,, 63 }> Dec. 5 ,, ,, ... ... >> 64 1769. , Jan. 5 George Vansittart . On the road to Midnapiu' Robert Palk 65 }} Feb. 28 Nicholas Morse . Fort St. George . . . n ' • • 66 >» „ 28 Certificate of President and Council, Fort St . George 67 » t Mar. 9 Ramakistna . Fort St. George • • . Robert Palk 68 „ „ 11 William M. Goodlad . . ); . . . ,, ... 69 If ., 17 Robert Palk . London William M. Goodlad 70 ) » May 16 Capt. Thomas Madge . . . Ellore Robert Palk 71 i> June 1 Jane Morse . Fort St. George . . . »» ... 72 )9 „ 15 Josias Du Pr6 ft • • • „ 73 j^ „ 20 Nicholas Morse n • " • l» ■ • • 74 J 1 „ 27 John M. Stone • ,, ... 75 J J „ 28 Nicholas Morse a * * ■ It ■ • • 76 *» „ 28 Ramakistna * Si ■ * ■ »» ... 77 j; „ 29 Charles Bourchier 11 * ' • t> • • • 78 n „ 30 William M. Goodlad .. ti • • • it • • • 79 11 Nov. 3 Abraham de Paiba . London it ' • • 80 ,, „ 5 Robort Palk William M. Goodlad ' 81 »# „ 19 Sir Robert Barker . Calcutta ... Robert Palk 82 f > Dec. 3 George Vansittart ,, ... . . . it • • • S3 >> 22 Robert Palk, jun. , , . .« . . . f, ... 84 I ; N.D. Plstimate of Charges of Coast Army, &c. 85 1770 , Jan. 12 Lieut. Thomas Palk .. . Kondapalli Robert Palk 86 J, „ 23 Robert Palk . Spring Gardens ... His attorneys 87 it „ 29 Warren Hastings . Fort St. George . . . Robert Palk 88 it „ 31 Tom Palk it • ' ' tt • • • 89 ti Feb. 5 >> ... >} * * * • n • • • 90 a „ 6 William M. Goodlad .. • li • • • 91 t» ., 25 Hohcrt Palk, juii. . Ingcrlee (Ilijili) ... It • • • 92 If Mar. 15 Robert Palk . London WiUiam M. Goodlad 93 Ixxi Date. 1770, April 3 „ ,. 7 „ ., 8 N.D. 1771), June It) „ Aug. -J „ Sept. 5 „ « „ Ki „ 19 „ „ 30 ,, Oct. 1 „ 1 1 „ 4 „ 12 „ „ 12 „ 12 „ 12 „ 12 ,. 12 „ 12 „ 12 „ „ 12/13 ,, Dec. 7 „ 13 1771, Jan. 4 ., 21 „ 22 „ Feb. 2 ,. 8 .. ,> 8 ., 26 „ Mar. 14 .. 1. "^"^ „ „ 25 „ 26 „ April 2 „ 7 „ 10 „ 17 „ May 22 June 15 „ July 21 „ Oct. 3 ,. ,,4/14 ,, Nov. 2 5 „ „ 25 „ 29 .. Dec. 2 From Warren Hastings William M. Goodlad Laurence Sulivan Ri.hort Pa Ik ... C. Bazett George Vansittart Robert Palk, jun. Alexander VVynch Jane Morse Nicholas Morse William Jackson Lieut. Thomas Palk Chokappa Chetti Josias Du Pr^ ... Tom Palk Warren Hastings Reynolil Adams Nawab W'ala.iah Henry Brooke ... Nicholas Morse Robert D. Munro John M. Stone William M. Goodlad . . . Ro]>ert Palk 1 1 ' ' ' Robert Palk Reynold Adams Tom Palk Ensign John Palk Chokappa Chetti Wilham M. Goodlad . . . Tom Palk Lieut. Thomas Palk ... Robert Palk Chokappa Chetti Kasturi & Kesava William M. Goodlad . . . Robert Palk Colonel Gilbert Ironside At Fort St. George St. Helena Calcutta . . . Masulipatam Fort St. George Madras Kondapa Hi Fort St. George Madras Fort St. George Madras Fort St. George London Haldon House Fort St. George Samulkota Fort St. George Ship Vansittart Ragapatam London Fort St. George London Fort William To Robert Palk William M. Goodlad Robert Palk William M. Goodlad II • ' • Mrs. Goodlad Robert Palk John M. Stone, &c. Robert Palk Wilham M. Goodlad Robert Palk Paragraph of General Letter from Court of Directors Robert Palk Henry Vansittart, jun. Capt. Thomas Madge . . William M. Goodlad .. Henry Vansittart, jun. Wilham M. Goodlad . Madeira ... EUore Fort St. George . . . Cape of Good Hope Fort St. George . . . Nawab Walajah Robert Palk Maj. Thomas FitzGerald Angelville Capt. James Rennell ... Bengal Wilham Aldersey . . . Calcutta Henry Vansittart, jun. At Sea, Indian Ocean Lajtitia Ironside . . . Chilton Lodge, Berks. Serial No. . 91 . 95 . 96 . 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 101 105 106 107 lOS 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 lis 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Ixxii Date. From At To Serial No. 1771, Dec. 2 Robert Palk . Haldon House William M. Goodlad 119 ,. 17 1772, Jan. 25 Edmund V. Lane John Crichton ... Bombay ... Canton Robert Palk 150 151 „ 29 , Feb. 2 Henry Vansittart, jun. Robert Palk Bengal Park Place William M. Goodlad 152 153 „ 20 „ 25 ,. 27 . ■ .- 28 ,. 28 Anthony Goodlad Josias Du Pr6 Reynold Adams Chokappa Chetti Tom Palk Fort William Fort St. George . . . i» * ■ * ■ • * II ■ ■ • tt * * * Robert Palk II ' * • tt ' • • II • • • tl * • 154 155 156 157 158 ,. 28 WUIiam M. Goodlad . . II * * • 1 1 ' ' 159 „ 29 , Mar. 20 „ II 160 161 , April 2 4 Henry Vansittart, jun. John M. Stone ti ' • ' tt ' ' ' II »l * * ' 162 163 4 4 Reynold Adams William M. Goodlad . . Madras i» ' • • 164 165 7 Robert Palk . Park Place William 31. Goodlad 166 .. 13 WiUiam M. Goodlad .. Madras Robert Palk 167 „ 13 Colonel Gilbert Ironside i Fort William ji 168 , May 27 Laiu-ence Sulivan Queen Square ,, . . . 169 N.D. ft — II 170 N.D. 1772, Aug. 28 tt Henry Vansittart, jun. Queen Square Bengal It n 171 172 , Sept. 2 , ,,27/Oct Ensign J. Snelling Warren Hastings 2 WilUam M. Goodlad Jelmur, Ganjam ... Cossimbazar Madras Laurence Sulivan ... Robert Palk 173 174 175 , Sep. 30 , Oct. 2 . .. 3 John M. Stone Reynold Adams William M. Goodlad . . Fort St. George . . . II • • ' II ' • • II tt " ' 176 177 178 , „ 10 . ., 10 , „ 15 Chokappa Chetti II John M. Stone tt • ' • • • • If • • * It • • • tt Charles Bourchier ... Robert Palk 179 180 181 , ,- 15 Josias Du Pr6 ... ,, II • • • 182 , ,. 15 Edward Cotsford Madras tt ' • 183 , Nov. 10 Tom Palk Calcutta ... Robert Palk 184 . ., 11 , „ 11 Warren Hastings Colonel Gilbert Ironside Fort William II • • • tt * • • n • • • 185 186 , .. 11 Henry Griffiths Calcutta ... It • * ' 187 , Dec. 1 Tom Palk tt • ' • • ' • It • • ■ 188 N.D. N.D. Stephen Sulivan ^lemorandum of Reforn Essex Court, Temple as effected by W. Hastings 189 190 1773, Jan. 11 Tom Palk Calcutta ... II . . . 191 . N.D. , Jan. 28 Anthony Goodlad James Daniell ... Cuddalore „ 192 193 „ 28 , .. 31 Chokappa Chetti Venkatararaaiya, &c. Fort St. George . . . Madras n • • * 194 195 , ,. 31 William Petrie Fort St. George . . . 11 * ' * 196 , Feb. 1 . .. 1 . ., 5 Nawab Walajah George SmitJi ... Tom Palk Chopauk Fort St. George . . . Calcutta Maj. (tou. Lawrence Robert Palk 197 198 199 ., 10 , „ 30 [sic] , Mar. 1 .. 2 Roger Darvall Tom Palk Henry Vansittart, jun. .iVnthony Goodlad Fort Marlborough Calcutta ... Fort WilMam If * • • t$ * * * JI • • • 19 • • • 200 201 202 203 Ixxiii Serial Date. From At To No. 1773, Mar. 10 Chokappa Chetti Port St. George . . , Robert Palk .. 204 ., „ 13 George Smith ... »» ■ $» .. 205 „ ., 14 Muttukrishna Mudali t> • •• >» .. 20(5 ., 22 Tom Palk Calcutta ... tt .. 207 „ „ 28 Letter of Attorney from Robert Palk, jun. 208 „ AprU 1 Henry Vansittart, jun. Calcutta ... .. Robert Palk .. 209 „ 3 Warren Hastings Port WiUiam • • ft .. 210 „ May 14 Eleanor Adams Tavistock • • 11 .. 211 „ July 7/22 Reynold Adams Fort St. George . • • l> .. 212 „ Oct. 9 George Vansittart Calcutta ... .. His attorneys .. 213 „ „ 13 James Daniell ... Fort St. George . . . Robert Palk .. 214 „ „ 20 Anthony Goodlad Purnea ,> .. 215 „ .. 25 Reynold Adams Fort St. George . * • *i .. 216 „ „ 29 Edward Cotsford Madras ' • )» .. 217 „ ,. 29 John d' Pries Port St. George • * ft .. 218 „ „ 29 Chokappa Chetti ft )» .. 219 „ Nov. 3 Robert Palk, jun. Calcutta . . . • • »» .. 220 ,. „ 10 Henry Griffiths i> " • ' ' • t» .. 221 „ „ 11 Henry Vansittart, jun. »j • • * • • tt .. 222 „ „ 14 Warren Hastings Port William ti .. 223 N.D. Robert Palk — . . Tom Palk .. 224 1774, Jan. 1 George Vansittart Calcutta ... . . Robert Palk .. 225 ., 15 Colonel Gilbert Ironside The Grove, Fort * » .. 226 William „ „ 16 Robert Palk, jun. Patna ,, .. 227 „ „ 20 Frederick Griffiths Calcutta . . . .. 228 „ Feb. 2 Reynold Adams Port St. George . .. 229 „ „ 4 Chokappa Chetti t) ' .. 230 „ „ 6 John d'Fries 1) .. 231 „ „ 12 Muttukrishna Mudali 1} .. 232 „ „ 23 Robert Palk, jun. Patna .. 233 „ Mar. 11 ,, ... ,, ... .. 234 „ „ 15 Muttukrishna Mudali Fort St. George .. 235 „ ,. 18 Joseph Price ... Calcutta . . . .. 236 N.D. Robert Palk — . . Nawab Walajah .. 237 1774, AprU 3 Stephen Sulivan Paper Buildings, Robert Palk .. 238 Temple N.D. l> • ' i» .. 239 N.D. »» ' * Paper Buildings, i> ... 240 Temple 1774, Aug. 1 Statement of Account of Robert Palk with the Estate of Henrj- ' 241 Vansitta rt „ „ 23 Laurence Sulivan Queen Square . . Robert Palk .. 242 ,, Sep. 15 »i ' ' '» * • »» .. 243 „ ., 21 Robert Palk Haldon House .. Laurence Sulivan .. 244 „ „ 24 Nawab Walajah . Chepauk House . . . Robert Palk .. 245 „ „ 30 Lam-ence Sulivan Queen Square .. 246 „ Nov. 24 Thomas Short ... Calcutta . . . .. 247 1775, Feb. 12 Laurence Sulivan Queen Square .. 248 ... „ 24 Frederick Griffiths Camp .. 249 „ July 2 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. George .. 250 „ „ 4 James Hodges } » .. 251 „ ,. 4 John d'Fries ... Madras .. 252 „ .. 8 George Baker ... Fort St. George .. Tom Palk .. 253 ,, Aug. 12 Tom Palk MasuHpatam . . George Baker .. 254 „ Sep. 10 Colonel Robert Gordon Bombay . . . . . Robert Palk .. 255 ,, Oct. 7 John d'Fries ... Madras i» .. 256 „ „ 10 George Baker ... Fort St. George * ' »* .. 257 Ixxiv Serial Date. From At To No. 1775, Oct. 10 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. George ... RobertPalk .. 258 „ „ 12 Richard Welland Madras Roads H .. 259 „ 13 George Baker ... Fort St. George . . . if • .. 260 „ 14 Reynold Adams }f ' ' • ft .. 261 „ „ 14 Muttukrishna Mudali ,, ft .. 262 „ Dec. 14 George Baker ... i> • • * ft .. 263 ,, 14 Chokappa Chetti ,, ... >t .. 264 „ 14 John d'Fries Madras Jf .. 265 1776, Jan. 2 Major James Rennell Bengal ,, .. 266 4 Lieut. J. Snelling Sick Qrs. Vizaga- patam tt .. 267 ,, 14 Colonel Gilbert Ironside Calcutta ... )> ' .. 268 ,, 15 Sir Edward Hughes . . . Bombay ... a .. 269 ,, Feb. 2 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. Geoi'ge . . . J .. 270 ., „ 8 Tom Palk MasuUpatam t J .. 271 „ „ 10 George Baker ... Fort St. George . . . }J .. 272 „ „ 10 Mary Turing ... ,, ... ... > i .. 273 ., „ 12 John M. Stone ,1 ... i t .. 274 „ 12 Nawab Walajah Chepauk n .. 275 „ „ 12 John d'Fries ... Madras t» .. 276 ., „ 15 George Baker ... Fort St. George . . . , , .. 277 ,, 16 Muttukrishna Mudali , , ... >> .. 278 ,. ,. 17 A. Venkata Madras tl .. 279 ,. „ 21 John M. Stone Fort St. George . . . > > .. 280 ,, 23 George Baker ... ,, ... ... ft .. 281 „ Mar. 16 Richard Goodlad Dinajpur ... } » .. 282 ,. 21 Robert Palk, jun. Calcutta IJ .. 283 ,, 22 Sir Edward Hughes . . . Bombay ... >t .. 284 „ „ 30 Henry Vansittart, jun. Calcutta ... t> .. 285 Juno 11 Daniel Corneillo St. Helena yy .. 286 ,. 20 Nawab Walajah Chepauk ,, .. 287 „ ., 20 John d'Fries ... Madras >t .. 288 „ „ 27 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. George . . . } t ... 289 ., July 11 Edmund V. Lane Tannah ») ... 290 „ ,. 13 Lieut. J. Snelling Chicacole ... J J ... 291 „ Aug. 16 Lieut. John Yarde Berhampur tt .. 292 „ „ 30/Oct 8 George Baker. . . Fort St. George . . . tt ... 293 „ Sept. 6 Richard Welland Madras Roads tt .. 294 „ „ 15 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. George . . . it .. 295 „ „ 18 Henry Vansittart, jun. Calcutta ... tt .. 296 „ .. 20 George Smith ... Fort St. George . . . tt ... 297 „ ., 20 Chokappa Chetti >» • • • tt ...298 .. „ 21 John d'Fries Madras t» ... 299 „ „ 22 Muttukrishna Mudali — tt ... 300 ,. „ 25 Nawab Walajah Chepauk tt ... 301 „ ., 25 Charles Floyer Fort St. George . . . ft .. 302 „ ., 26 Sir Edward Hughes ... Madras tt .. 303 „ „ 26 John d'Fries ... »» ... ... tt .. 304 „ Oct. 1 Chokappa Chetti Fort St. George ... tt .. 305 „ ., 2 Henry Brooke ... II ' ' • t> .. 306 .. „ George Baker ... • 1 tt .. 307 „ .. 8 Nawab Walajah Chepauk tt .. 308 „ „ 9 Prince Amir-ul-Umara tt * * ' • • • tt ... 309 ., ., 10 John d'Fries Madras 1* ... 310 „ 14 George Baker ... Fort St. George . . . n .. 311 „ ,. 15 John d'Fries Madras tt .. 312 Ixxv Date. From At To Serial No. 1770 Dec. 17 Kdnmnd V. Lane .. Salsette ... ... Robert P alk .. 313 1777 Jan. 20 Chokappa Chetti . . Fort St. George ... .. 314 >> Feb. f) 6 „ Sir Edward Hughes George Baker Tom Palk .. Madras . . Port St. George .. Madras • . . ,, • . . ,, • < > ,, .. 315 .. 316 .. 317 Oct. 13 „ 20 George Baker ... Robert Palk, jun. . . Fort St. George ... ,, .. 318 .. 319 1778 Jan. 29 „ 30 George Baker ... Muttukrislma Mudali .. Fort St. George ... J, ... J, .. 320 .. 321 Mar. 5 George Baker . . . Muttukrislma Mudali n . * • ,, * * ■ J, .. 322 .. 323 »> „ 22 Colonel Gilbert Ironside Calcutta ... ... ,, .. .324 if 11 Apl. 24 Oct. 11 „ 15 „ 15 Henry Van.sittart, jun Thomas Felling Tom Palk Muttukrislma Mudali • J , ... .. Madras .. Fort St. George ... J f ... ,, ... ff ... ,, .. 325 .. 326 .. 327 .. 328 >* „ 17 Edward Cotsford .. Madras ... ,, .. 329 it a 1779 „ 19 „ 21 „ 31 Nov. 1 Mar. 22 Oct. 15 Chokappa Chetti Phihp Stowey Chokappa Chetti Felling & de Fries Jolm d 'Fries ... Tom Palk .. Fort St. George . . Madras ... Port St. George ... Madras ... Fort St. George 11 ... ,, ... J, • . * ,, ... ,, ... J J .. 330 .. 331 .. 332 .. 333 .. 334 .. 335 1780 Jan. 16 John d 'Fries ... ... Madras ... ,, .. 336 >' „ 30 Tom Palk . .. Fort St. George ... J ^ .. 337 ,, Feb. -1 John d' Fries . .. Madras ... ^, .. 338 1783 5 Stephen Sulivan 7 George Baker ... ,, 10 Felling f, .. 348 <3 .. 10 II • • • Major John McGowan London ■■■ .. 349 .. 350 „ 14 Dr. Adam Burt . . Limerick . . . ... J J .. 351 „ u „ 15 Sober Hall James Lyons ... II ' ' ' ... .. 352 .. 353 „ 16 .. 17 ,. 17 Certificate by Dr. Adam Burt II »» n David Asquith . . . Limerick . . . ... Sir Robert Palk . 354 355 .. 356 „ 31 Dr. Adam Burt . . London ... ,, .. .357 Nov. 2 Henry McMahon . . . Limerick . . . ... ,, .. 358 3 Sober Hall ... ,, .. 359 3 .. 7 8 William Douglas Henry McMahon William Douglas Sober Hall ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, ... ,, .. 360 .. 361 .. 362 .. 363 „ 9 „ 11 „ 15 William Young William Douglas Deposition by Dr. Ad am Burt before the ... ,, ... ,, Lord Mayor .. 364 .. 365 366 Ixxvi Date. From At To Serial No. 1783, Nov. 30 Dr. Adam Burt London Sir Robert Palk . . . 367 ,, Dec. 16 William Young Limerick ... ,, . 368 1784, Jan. 14 Sober Hall ,, ... . . . t> . 369 „ „ 15 George Maunsell ,, ... ... >> . 370 „ „ 21 David Asquith Ship Surprise, DO'RTIS t) . 371 „ Feb. 2 Tom Palk Fort St. George . . . >) . 372 l» ff ^ Henry Preston Camp, Trivatur ... M . 373 .. „ 4 David Asquitb Ship Surprise, Falmouth „ . 374 ). ) . 376 „ Sep. 10 George Baker ... Fort St. George ... }> . 377 ., 11 Chokappa Chetti Madras fy . 378 „ „ 15 Nawab Walajah Chepauk ... t f • • . 379 ., 18 Abraham Welland Calcutta ... »» . 380 „ Oct. 8 Catharine Palk Trichinopoly it . 381 „ 10 Tom Palk 1) ■ • ■ 17 • • . 382 „ „ 10 George Baker ... Fort St. George ... tt . 383 „ 12 Tom Palk Trichinopoly ij • • . 384 „ Nov. 20 1 1 ... ,, . . . J» . 385 „ Dec. 4 Henry Vansittart, jun. Calcutta tt . 386 28 Vansittart & Kennaway ,, ... J> . 387 1785, Jan. 25 George Baker ... Fort St. George ... ,, . 388 ,. Feb. 2 Chokappa Chetti Madras fJ . 389 3 William Wynch ,, ... ... ft . 390 5 Major J. Shortt ,, ... ... ft • • . 391 ., „ 7 Sitaram Pandit ,, >t . 392 „ 9 Lieut. Gen. Ross Lang Fort St. George ... t) • • 393 ,, Mar. 12 Rawson H. Boddam . . . Bombay ... >> . 394 „ „ 21 Aliraham Welland Calcutta f ) • • 395 „ Apl. 24 Capt. Francis S. Ward — Capt. J. Kennaway 396 ,, May 15 Ozias Humphry Cape of Good Hope Sir Robert Palk ., 397 .. „ 16 Ensign William Preston Madras >f 398 ,. ,. 20 Tom Palk Trichinopoly ti 399 ,, June 12 Felling & de Pries Fort St. George ... it 400 ,. July 12 Tom Palk TrichinoiJolj- i 1 • • 401 „ Aug. (i Thomas Abraham Calcutta ... »> 402 ., -Sep. 17 Chokappa Chetti Madras t> 403 ,, Oct. 10 George Baker ... Fort St. George ... ft 404 ,, Nov. 8 Futwood Smerdon Ottery St. Mary . . . Walter Palk, jun. .. 405 „ Dec. 3 Lawrence Palk Neuchatel Sir Robert Palk .. , 400 ,, 13 AV)raham ^\'elland G uttaul , , . . . 407 ., 24 F. D'lvernois ... Neuchatel t> 408 „ „ 25 Al)raham Welland Calcutta ... It 409 ,, 25 Tom Palk Trichinopoly ,, . . t 410 1786, Jjin. 5 Chokappa Chetti Madras ,, . . . 411 ,, 12 Felling & de Fries Fort St. George . . . ,, . . . 412 ,, 12 Tom Palk Trichinopoly ,, . . . 11. •} „ „ 16 Walter Palk, jun. Ashburton ,, . . . 414 „ l? F. D'lvernois Neuchatel ,, . • . 415 ,, 23 'fbomas Abraham Calcutta , , . . . 416 .. Fob. 4 Lawrence Palk Besancon ,, . . . 417 „ 6 F. D'lvernois ... Neuchatel ,, . . . 41 S .. „ 9 Henry Vansittart, jun. Calcutta Gen. .biiiu C.iill.uKl 11!! .,11 Hev. Samuel H.idoook South Moltnn Sir 1{,,I» It P.ilk ... 420 Ixxvii Date. 1786, Feb. 13 „ „ 1-' „ 17 „ „ 22 „ 25 From Lawrence Palk Tom Palk Avton, Brassev & Co... At Neucliatel Trichinopoly Lombard Street To Sir Robert. Palk Mar. 2 „ 5 „ 9 ,,12/16 „ 15 „ 18 „ 18 „ 24 Apl. 10 ., 22 May 21 .Tune 3 „ 10 „ 26 ,, 26 July 2 ., 1 6 8 ,. 10 „ 21 .. 30 1 2 ,,9/11 Vansittart & Kennaway Calcutta ... Thomas Abraham Aytou, Brassey & Co Lonibard Street Lawrence Palk... ... Neuchatel Aug 13 19 21 26 29 7 8 18 30 14 19 8 12 U 20 2 „ „ 1!» ,, 23 1787, Mar. 1 ,, Sept. f > >t 1 ) ) I J } > ) „ Oct. ','. Nov. J > I > t» If .. Dec. F. D'lvernois ... George Baker ... Tom Palk PeUing & de Fries Thomas Pellmg Thomas Abraham Lawrence Palk F. D'lvernois Lawrence Palk it ' ' F. D'lvernois Lawrence Palk Pelling &^ de Fries Tom Palk Rev. J. Bradford Lawrence Palk Tom Palk LawTence Palk 1 1 • • • • ' F. D'lvernois Rev. Samuel Badcock Thomas Pelling F. D'lvernois Vansittart & Kennaway Simeon Droz ... Law^rence Palk Henry Vansittart, jun. Pelling & de Fries Tom Palk Lawrence Palk Thomas Abraham Chokappa Chetti Pelling and de Fries . . . Rev. Samuel Badcock G. Browne Thomas Abraham Tom Palk Adrian de Fries Pelling & de Fries Ensign William Preston Pelling &: de Fries Rev. .Samuel Badcock Fort St. George Trichinopoly Fort St. George Madras Calcutta . . . Constance Vienna Feslau, near Vienna Dresden ... Fort St. George ... Trichinopoly Ideford Berlin Trichinopoly Berlin t > ' ' ' • * * Brunswick West Sandford I'yrmont and Gottingen Calcutta Arlington Street ... Wesel Calcutta Fort St. George ... Trichinopoly The Hague Calcutta ... Madras Fort St. George ... South Molton Calcutta ... . Trichinopoly . Fort St. George ... Trichinopoly Fort St. George ... South Molton Gen. .Tolin Caillaud Sir Robert Palk .. Serial No. . 421 . 422 . 423 . 424 . 425 . 426 . 427 . 428 . 429 .. 430 ,. 431 .. 432 .. 433 .. 434 .. 435 ,. 436 .. 437 .. 438 ,. 439 . 440 . 441 . 442 . 443 . 444 . 445 . 446 . 447 . 448 . 449 . 4.50 . 451 . 452 453 ,. 454 .. 455 .. 456 .. 457 .. 458 .. 459 .. 460 .. 401 .. 462 .. 463 .. 464 .. 465 .. 466 .. 407 .. 408 .. 469 .. 470 It CALENDAR OF THE PALK MANUSCRIPTS IN THE Possession of Mrs. Bannatyne, OF Haldon, Devon. [No. 1.] [Lieut. Colonel] S[tringer] Lawrence to Charles Watson, EsQR., Rear Admiral of the Red, and Commander in Chief of all His Majesty's Ships employed in the East Indies. 1755, October 8th. Fort St. George. — " Sir, I beg leave to present you with an account of my campaigns in India. The better to make the cause of the war understood I shall begin with a short account of the first rise of the troubles here ; the state of affairs when I left India at the end of the year '50 ; \\ hat happened during my absence and after my return in March '52, unto the end of the year '54, when a cessation of arms took place between the two nations, " My narrative. Sir, will, I am afraid, savour more of the soldier than the historian, but I submit my stile and actions with all my heart to your inspection. Your good nature, I know, will make large allowances, and your judgment in correcting, at the same time it improves, will be a mark of your esteem and regard, which I shall at all times think myself highly honoured with. " The Mogul Empire is divided into three Departments. I shall only treat of the one in which we have been concerned : it is to the southward and called the Deckan. The govern- ment of this third is appointed by the Mogul himself ; and by a power delegated from his Prince, he'^' names the Nabobs to govern the different Subahs'-* in his Principality. The Deckan has seven Subahships, which are named as in the margin.*^) The capital of the Province is Aurengebade : the three last Subahships are comprehended under the name of the Carnatick, in wliich we have endeavoured to support the Nabob Mahomed Allee Cawn. (O The ruler of the Deccan undci' the Mo<)ul. (■-) Provinces. (3) Marginal note Ijy Lawrence : — " Names of llie Snhaliships in (he Deckan ; Anrengel ade, Kandoes, Barraud, Hei'ainpoore, Ciolcondali, Ahaniad Nagar, M/.apoor : (lie (lu'ce last compi'chended under the naiue of (lie f'ai'Tiadek."' Wt. IIGI. A No. l.j 2 " The Carnatick is part on this side of the river Kitshna*^' to Cape Comoriii, and Golconda is on the other side of the river to Aurengebade : the whole goes under the name of the Deckan. [Then follows Lawrence's Narrative substantially as printed by R. O. Cambridge in his Account of the War in India, 1750 to 1760. London, 1761. The principal variations between the written and printed versions are noted below. Lawrence's letter terminates thus : — ] " The day after it [the suspension of arms, proclaimed 11th October, 1754] was declared I left the army and came down to the Settlements, not the same man in constitution as when I left them, after a campaign of two years and seven months, and never absent from the feild but six weeks in the whole time. " A truce for a year and a half, or till we could receive answers from Europe, succeeded the cessation. Since that time our troops have some times been employed in settling the country and assisting the Nabob to collect his revenues. " I have now gone through my narrative, in which my constant endeavour has been to give a true description of our military transactions for the amusement and perusal only of a few particular friends, who, I hope, will make allow- ances for the want of a proper stile and correctness. If the subject is clear and easily understood, the end proposed is fully answered. " I am, with the greatest esteem, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, " S. Lawrence." [Autograjjh, 2\0j)p-, ^to., and an Appendix of lljjp. des- criptive of the Island of Srirangam and its temples ; the zvhole bound in pajjer covers in hook forjn.] [Besides making verbal alterations, Cambridge omits several paragraphs and notes which occur in Lawrence's MS. narrative. The principal omissions are quoted below, and the positions of the lacunae in the printed version are indicated. Cambridge's Appendix to the narrative is not found in the MS. version.] MS. p. 4. Marginal note (Camb. p.2). " The Marattoes are Gentous, esteemed the best soldiers, except the Rashboot cast, in India. The Princes of the Indostan hire them, as European Powers do the Swiss. But now and then indeed they march without being desired, raise contributions and return to their own country. They are governed by a King, whom they stile the Nana or Shaw Rajah :<-> the capital of his kingdom is called Sattarah, about 800 miles north west from Madrass." (1) Footnote by Lawronco : — " Tlie rise and progress of this River may be seen in a map lately published, as well as the Country I am treating of." (-) Sahu Raja, (i1ul;ir I'uler of (lie Marathas, was a grandson of Sivaji. 3 [No. 1. MS. 2^- 5. Marginal note (Caiuh. p. 2). " Tlio Carnatick about three centuries ago was all under the (ientou govern- ment. The King resided at \^izepoor ;<^' the Kiver Cianges '^' di\ided their dominions from tlie Mogul's, lloyallow was the lirst Gentou king that quarrelled with the Moors, who crossed the river, and after several turns of fortune they got some footing in the Carnatick ; which still increased under different JNIoguls until tlie time of Aurengzeb, who made all the Carnatick tributary to the Mogul. It was his great grand father Huckenbar"' that began the conquest. Nabobs were then first sent to govern the country, but notwithstanding, the Gentou form of government still remained in several places, and does now. The Marattoes, being all Gentous, are a great ballance against the ineroaehing power of the Moors. Such was the state of Tritchinopoly when Chunda took and changed its form of government." j\IS. p. 64 {Camb. p. 28). " Thus Chunda made his exit and paid the just price of his rebellion. In private life he is said to have been a man of great benevolence, humanity and generosity. And with regard to his publick character ; in this mighty ill-ruled empire custom makes a rebell, or any man that sets up for himself only, considered as he succeeds ; according to his success he is a great man, the idea of good not being necessarily annexed. Their ambition is generally better pleased with the former. If he fails, he is only reckoned unlucky. The rule of right is almost here defaced ; an attempt may be deemed unlawfull, but possession justifies the act, and makes it good and valid. Chunda thought him- self born to rule, and as nature had given him parts, he was willing to make use of them." MS. p. 131 (Camb. p. 48). " On advice received from Mr. Palk we continued our march near the Capital*^' at the King's request and promise of a speedy junction ; so well had Mr. Palk managed for our interest. Indeed I could expect nothing less from his unwearied attention to remove all diilieulties, which before prevented the assistance we so much wanted ; and this is not the only good turn for which we are indebted to this gentleman." MS. p. 154 (Camb. p. 55). " The King t'^* was hesitating, and very little was wanting to turn the scale against us. As my advice was not always properly attended to, it was sometimes given in vain. I wrote to Mr. Palk, who was willing to come on the least request of the (ioNcrnour. Again I renewed my request, begging at last, if they would not spare him, to send me some body else of character and judgment, or the alliance (1) An error for Vijayanagar, the capital of the ancient Hindu kingdom of the same name. (2) The Godavaii (Vriddha-Ganga). (3) Akhar. W Tanjore. (5) The King of Tanjore, No. 1.] 4 of the King of Tan j ore was inevitably lost. After much delay they sent a gentleman, 'i' one of the St. David's Comicil, a good man, but as unfit a person for the business as they could pick out ; and had it not been for two lucky accidents in our favour, nothing would have prevented the King of Tan j ore from signing a neutrality. One of them was the French mis- carrying in their attempt on Trichenopoly ; the other the Marattos being obliged to retire from the Tan j ore country after having suffered considerably in their expedition, and leaving behind them 1,000 horse and many officers prisoners." MS. p.l59 {Camh. jj. 56). [The name of the gallant leader of the escalading party, omitted by Cambridge, was " Valgra."] MS. p. 178 {Camb. p. 62). [According to the MS., the disaster to the British detachment was due to the commanding officer " knowing but little of his business." Cambridge attributes it to " misconduct."] MS. p. 180 {Camb. p. 63). " I acquainted the Presidency with the misfortune : they could now find men quick enough to send a reinforcement when they were frightened. They sent therefore 180 men immediately to Deve Cotah, and Mr. Palk at last to Tan j ore to try once more his influence at that Court. His coming, indeed, would have been sooner, but on application to Mr. Duplex for a passport, he refused to grant any unless he gave his word that his journey should not be beyond St. David ; so that it took him 15 days to go by sea." 3IS. p. 190 {Camb. p. 66). " 111 as I was, I had myself carried out to the top of one of the gateways of the Fort ;<^* but too weak long to bear the anxiety and uneasiness I was in when I saw our ticklish situation. I knew indeed our men were brave, but such odds were too much." MS. AjJpendix p. 5 {Camb. p. 19). "We have had many ridiculous stories about the origin of these Pagodas,''^* but the account most to be depended on is that they were Ijuilt by an order of the great Gentou King called Kishtna Royallqu, to whom all the rest of the Princes of the Carnatick were tributary : you will see mention made of him in the beginning of these sheets. The Moors in his reign first began the con- quest of the Carnatick. By his orders was Seringam built at the expence of foau* tributary Princes (who each were to erect the side opposite to the countries they governed), the east by the King of Tanjour, the nortli by the King of Gingee, the west by the King of INIaisure, and the south by the King of Trichenopoly." (1) Thomas Cooko, jun., a civil servant of 171(1, who was npjuiintccl in 1717 a Councillor at llio I'l'o.sidcncy of Fort St. David. (2) Tlu' Fori of Trichinopoly. (•^' Till' Siiiaiigaiu tcmiilcs. [No. 2] John Pye <^' to [Kiidorsc'd in Talk's hand. J " Jionibay. Mr. Pyc. 5th Feb., 1758. Reed. 17th April." 1758, February 5th. Bombay. — " My dear Friend, I have the pleasure to aequaint you of our arrival here the 23rd of last month, all well, and that in a day or two we embark on board the SwaUuic for Gombaroon, (^* from whence we go in the Success to Bassorah ; but as I have very little time to spare now, will proceed to commune with you on business. " Your Respondentia Bond*"' on Capt. James I leave with Capt. Hough to be received the 13th instant, being then due. Your chest containing by your instructions ten thousand sonnauts,*^' but by ocular demonstration only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety five, I have sold by Capt. Hough's advice for nine thousand five hundred and ninety five Bombay rupees. I have settled your account with Hough & Spencer to the 31st January last, and inclose you a copy of it, by which you will see the ballanec due to you is thirteen thousand seven hundred sixty three rupees and fifty reas,'^' and that your Gheria'*^* prize money and Doidge's*"' Respondentia on the Livelcy is included in it. . . . The Governor and Council will give Hough bills for all the money we want, but not time enough for me to take one with me ; but I shall leave instructions with him to send two of your bills home by two of the European ships which depart in about a month. Your bills will be made payable to Charles Brett. (^^ As soon as I get home I will see Brett, and commune with him on your affairs. No account can be given of the 400 rupees paid to Smith, late supra cargoe of the Gramjnis. " The china of Japan and the third of a leager of arrack*^' given you in former days by Henry Doidge, Esq., are safely deposed in a godown'^^* in the Tank House under the charge of George England. Observe your jars are not separated from the rest ; either you or King of the Cumberland, Doidge says, must carry the whole home for him, and then yours are to be (1) John Pye was one of four Navy Agents in Julv, 1757. (Hill's Cat. Orme MSS. X.I (25) ). (2) Gombaroon, Gombroon or Bandar Abbas in the Persian Gulf, where the East Hidia Company had a factory. (3) Respondentia Bond, a bond on the security of a ship's cargo. (■*' Sonnauts, from Ar. sanwclt, pi. of nan, year; Rupees which had (k'leriorated in value after three years' currency. (5) Jieas, small money of account used in lioiul^ay ; tlic Ilupee contained 100 reas. In Bombay accounts were kept in rupees, quarters and reas. (6) Gheriah or Vijayadrug, the stronghold of the pirate Angria on the coast south of Bombay, was attacked and destroyed by Admiral Watson and Colonel Ciive in February, 175(i. (") Henry Doidge, one of the four Navy ^Vgents. (8) Charles Brett, a friend of Palk in England. (9) Arrack, a fermented liquor obtained from the palm. (10) Godotvn, a store, from Tel. yidanyi through Malay (jadotuj, a storeroom. No. 2] 6 rendered unto you. The cask of arrack has the noble name of Martin wrote upon the head with chalk. " I am sorry to tell you, in regard to your hoj^es of Doidge's drawing on you for forty thousand rupees, that Captain Hough having lain out for our and Mr. Steevens'<^> Squadron more money than was left liere, there is no such thing as any prize money to be got ; so nothing can be done in that affair. " For the six dozen of claret we had of you at Bengal, vide the following scheme — The 9995 Sonnauts brought here produced 9,595 Your half of James's bond, principal and premium . . . . . . . . . . 10,800 Hongh and Spencer's ballance . . . . 13,763 50 6 dozen of claret at 48 per dozen . . . . 288 Bombay Rupees 34,446 50 " Thirty four thousand four hundred and forty six rupees at two shillings and five pence the rupee I humbly apprehend amounts to pounds sterling 4,162 4 6, which you are morally certain of getting home this year ; so as it can't be better, Avhy you must e'en be content 'tis well as it is — Si fortuna vestra te tormento Let sperato tc contento. " Ives<-> and Doidge send their best wishes. Mr. Shannon deserted us at Cochin, and one Mackintosh is come in his room. Alms'-^' goes with us, as does young Pigot.<*> I wrote to you from Anjango. " By advices overland the present Lords of the Admiralty are Anson, Boscawen, West, Hay, Eliott, Hunter and Forbes. Lord Holdernesse and IMr. Pitt Secretarys of State. Lord Temple has the Privy Seal, and Counccllor Henley is knighted and made Lord Kee]5er of the Great Seal. Of 34 transports French bound to America we have taken 32, and of 23 Martinico and Domingo ships 17 have fallen into the hands of the English. The Duke<^' has been beat in Germany and the city of Hanover is taken. The Prince of Hesse has lost all his dominions. Mr. Osborne*^' has 16 sail of the line and Mr. Saunders'"' 14 in the Mcditteranean. Fourteen capital ships and 20,000 troops were on the point of sailing from England about July last (1' C'funiiiodorc Chai-les Steevens, R.X. (-) .Siirf^cnii Edward Ivos, wlu) travelled t'l'oiu Basra (o Alcpim in 17,j8-.")it. (3) Lieutenant Alms, H.>J., lately commander of the Uardtrirkr, Inw l{()l)crtson, of Killcurn, Ross-shire, one of the Execulors. ('i) Sir William Draper, I\.B., l*\>llow of Iving's College, Camhi'idge, envei'ed (he British Army in 174J, raised the 7i)lh Regiment and eominantied it al tlu^ siege of Fort 8t. George in 1758-5U. With ^Vdmiral Cornish lie led the Manila lOxpedition of 17(52. He served later as Lieut-governor of Minorca. (i^) Sir Eyre Coote, K.B., served in the llighlanil rising of 1715, eame to India in 1751, accompanied <_'live to Bengal, and as Ma.jor was jjresent at I'lassey. In 1759, during Lawrence's alisence, Ccdonel Coote commanded (he Madras army, defeating Lally a( Wandewash in January, 17li(), and reducing I'ondicherry a year later. In .lul> , 1770, he arrived at Madras from home as Commander-in-Cliicf in India, liul resigned almost imnnHlialely in consequence of a dispute with the local Governmenl. In 1778 he again came to India as Commander-in-Chief with the rank of Lieut. -General, and in 178(1 left Calcutta for Madras to engage llaidar All, whom Jie defeated at I'orto Novo in 1781. Coote died at Fort St. George in 1783. («) Louis XV. of France. (7) Charles III. of Spain. (8) Joseph I. of Portugal. 9 [No. 4 Majesty shall restore, on His Side, all that He may have con- quered from Great Britain, in the East Indies, during the present A\'ar ; .Vnd will ex])ressly eause Nattal and Tapanoully in the Island of Sumatra to be restored ; And Whereas it is stipulated in the Twenty Third Artiele ol" the same Treaty that all the Countries and Territories which may have been Conquered, in whate\er Part of the World, by the Arms of Us and of the jMost Faithful Kinjj, as well as bv those of the Most Christian and Catholiek Kings, which are not included in the ])resent Treaty either under the Title of Cessions or under the Title of Restitutions, shall be restored without Diiliculty and without requiring any Compensation ; And It being further stipulated in the Twenty Fourth Article of the said Definitive Treaty that the Factories in the East Indies shall be restored Six Months after the Exchange of the Ratifications of the present Treaty, or sooner if it can be done, Which Ratifications were exchanged on the 10th of this Instant March ; Our Will and Pleasure is that You do, pursuant to the Stipulations above recited, delixer or cause to be deli\ered to such Commissary or Commissaries as shall be named and authorized on the Part of our Said Good Brother The Most Christian King to receive the same, any of the Factories under Your Command which are to be restored to France in the Condition thev are now in, agreably to the Stipulations of the Eleventh and Twenty Fourth Articles of the Definitive Treaty abovementioned, and also that You do deliver or cause to be delivered to the Commis- sary or Commissaries duely authorized to receive the same any Countries or Territories wdiich may be to be restored to France or Spain in Consequence of the Twenty Third Article of the said Treaty ; And it is Our further Will and Pleasure that you should take the necessary Measures with the French Com- missaries that Nattal and Tapanoully in the Island of Sumatra, and all that France may have conquered from Great Britain in the East Indies during the present War, be restored agreably to the Stipulations of the said P^leventh Article of the Definitive Treaty, as well as with the French and Spanish Commissaries for the Restitution of any other Conquests which may have been made upon Our Establishments in the East Indies by the Arms of the Most Christian and Catholiek Kings, and w^hich are to be restored in Consequence of the Twenty Third Article of the said Definitive Treaty ; And that the same be restored at the same Time that Restitution is made of any Conquests which have been made by any of Our Forces under Your Command upon the French or Spanish Establishments. And for so doing this shall be Your Warrant. Given at Our Court at St. James's the Sixteenth Day of March, 1763, in the Third Year of our Reign. " By His Majesty's Command, " Egremont."'^^ [Autograph, 4| pp., flscp. Paper seal of George //.] (1^ Lord Egremont, a yecretary iu Bute's ministry of 1762. 10 [NoT 5.] Brother Salvatoe, a Sanctis D'fon[se]ca to Governor Palk, Madras. 1765, Sept. 27th. San Thome.*^' — Most illustrious and invincible Governor, Lord Palk, With the greatest respect I throw mj^self at your Lordship's feet and approach, in the only possible way by means of this letter, to kiss your hand and enquire after your health. If that be good, I have no doul3t that your Lordship will be crowned with yet higher honours due to the gifts and \'irtucs which you possess ; for, as I have always heard, all men acknowledge your piety, power and greatness. When I arrived on this coast, I went to your Lordship's residence on six occasions to deliver a letter of recommendation from Dom Loppo ; but being unable to obtain speech with you, I gave the letter to M. de Landreset, the senior officer of the Portuguese forces at Goa, that he might deliver it by other hands. For your Lordship's satisfaction I will now be brief. I was sent out as the head of the Missions of the Spiritual 'Province of Portugal in the kingdoms of Jamseylon,*-' Achem'-^^ and Queda.<^' I accordingly remained on your coast to supervise necessaries coming from Portugal and Goa, so that the mission- aries in the said kingdoms might carry on their appointed work. Being myself quite worn out by persistent sickness, and being at present without means of subsistence, I suffer much. Like a lonely sojourner in Jerusalem I find myself in this place, where the power and honour of my kinsmen in Portugal are of no avail by reason of distance and my vow of poverty — a vow I find difficulty in observing in this country. Hearken there- fore, my lord, to the counsel of Cln'ist and the Apostle St. Paul, who says. It is more blessed to give than to receive. In fine, by the love of Christ, and for the honour and salvation of your soul, I humbly beseech your Lordship to bestow alms on me according to the measure of your greatness and charity. And I will ever pray to the utmost of my power for your illustrious house, that God will guard you and deliver you from your enemies for many years to come, so that you may (1) San Thoiud was originally a Pt)rtuguese fortified settlomont dating from about 1522, and the seal of a lii.sliojjrif from n)()(). Captured liy the King of Oolconda in H)()2, it was taken by the Fi-eneh ten years later. In 1(171, after a protraeted siege by Golcouda aided by the Dutch, it eaiiitulated, and the lortilica- tions were demolished. In l(i87 the place was resettled by the Portuguese under the native Government, and in 171!) it liecame British territory by a grant from Xawal> Muhammad Ah. San Tliom6 is situatetl on the coast three nules soulli of Foi't St. George. It possesses a cathedral and se\eral clmrches. Tiie cat bedral contains the shi'ine of St. Thomas. (-' Jamseylon or .iunkscylon (Ujuug Salang), an island nlT the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. (3) Achem (Achin) in Sumatra. (•*) t^ueda (Kedah) in the Malay Peninsula, near Penang. 11 [No. 5 attain to immortal glory. Amen. God knows with what shame I expose my necessities to you. But forgive me, my Lord . Your most humble servant and true well-wisher with all my heart ; now and always, and at all times and in every place I will remember you as your petitioner, Frater Magister Salvator a Sanctis D'Fonca. San Thome, at the hospice of St. Ritta,'^' 2nli September, 1765. [Latin. Holograph, 'S pp.. flscp. The outer cover has a wax seal displaying a full length figure with aureole, and two acolytes below. The seal is inscribed sdarrard. The cover is addressed thus : — J " Illustrissimo Gobernatori de Madrasta Domino Palco, Dcus cum custodiat ad multos annos in Madrasta. " De Sancto Thoma." [No. 6.] [Nawab Walajah<-'] to the "Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr., Governor. • [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Nabob's Letters to the King and Company per Pacific, 3rd April, 1766." 1766, April 3rd. — " Enclosed I send you a letter to the Company enclosing one for his Majesty, which I desire may be translated into English, and the copies sent to me that they may accompany the original and be clearly understood. " I know you will highly approve of my doing this justice to General Lawrence, of whose glorious actions you ha^c so often been an eye witness. Be pleased also to repeat my attachment to the Company and my entire dependance, and above all I desire that what I have said concerning the General may be strongly recommended to the Company." [1 p., demy.] [Enclosure No. 1.] " To the Honble. The Chairman and Gentlemen of the Direction of the East India Company. " The many and great obligations I am under to General Lawrence induce me to request you will be pleased to present the inclosed letter to his Majesty, whom God preserve. I send a copy for your perusal. You are too well acquainted with General Lawrence's eminent services to need a particidar explanation. I have therefore only further to request that he may recei^•e from you annually on my account on the 1st of January Pagodas,''^' which shall be repaid here on that day to your Governor and Council ; and I desire you will (1' The Church of St. Rita, standing at the south end of the High Street of San Thome, was completed in 1710. (2) The title WaJajali was conferred by tlic Mogul in 1765 on Nawab Muhammad All of Arcot and the Carnatic. (3) The annuity granted was Pags. 3,75n, equivalent to about £1,50U. No. 6] 12 prevail on him to acccjjt this from me as a gratefull aeknow- ledgmeiit to my great benefactor. By his Majesty's favor, your powerfuh assistance and his signal successes, peace and plenty have been happily restored to my country. It is therefore equitable that he should reap a part of the fruits of his own labor. He is grown old with toil, but his glorious actions will never dve. " By means of Lord Clive the Mogul Patcha has conferred on me great honors and made my Government independent of the Deckan, chiefly out of regard to my attachment to the Company. Thus under your favor and protection my Government is firmly established, and I am free from all manner of api^rehension. May your prosperity and your fame ever increase. " What can I say more ? " [1 _p., demy.] [Enclosure No. 2.] To His Most Excellent Majesty George the 3rd, &c., &c. " I had the honor of addressing your Majesty by Admiral Cornish*^* and Colonel Monson,<-> and now the departure of General Lawrence, a servant of your Majesty as well as of the Company, induces me again to express my gratitude for the very great assistance I have on every occasion received from the unwearied vigilance and distinguished abilities of this excellent officer, whose sword has been often m}' only protector in the day of battle ; who for years together kept the field against a numerous ennemy, and by his courage and conduct surmounted every difficulty ; who comforted me continually in my distress, and with a spirit and perseverance peculiar to himself was almost the onlv man in Indostan that never dispaircd of my cause. No doubt Your Majesty is well acquainted with his important services, disinterested character and extraordinary merit, which are not to be described within the compass of a letter, but which I and my family abo\'e all others are bound to acknowledge. May your Majesty never want such an Officer to command your Armies. I have desired the Company to represent my firm reliance on your Majesty's protection, and to present this letter, intended to express my deep sense of your royal favor in giving mc such assistance as 1 have found in General Lawrence. May your Majesty's reign be long and happy. " What can I say more ? " [1 J)-') demy.\ (1) Admiral Samuel Cornish reiaforced Steevous at the siege of Pondicheri-y in 17(51, and in the following year, in conjunction with General Di-apcr, conchH-tcd the exjiedition against Manila. (-) Colonel the Hon. George Monson entered the army in 175(1, came to India \\itli Draper's l{cj^iiuent anil .served at Wanih-wasli and I'ondiclierry in 17(30, Manila in 1702 and Madura in 1703. Eleven years later he came again to India as a member of the Supreme Council of Bengal, and united with Clavering and Francis against Ilastings until his death in 1770. 13 [No. 7.] Memorondttm of miles run by the Shi]) Pacific (wisigned). 17G6, October 18tli. — " Tlic minil)cr of miles run })er luoutli by the Sliij) Pacifie,^^^ having sailed IVoni Madrass the 4th A])ril, 1700, and arrived at the Co^ e ot Cork the 18th day of October. From the 4th of April to the 30th . . Miles 1,183 In May .. .. .. .. .. ,, 2,107 In June . . . , . . . . . . ,, 2,830 In July . . . . . . , . . . ,, 2,205 In August . . . . . . . . . . ,, 2,058 In September . . . . . . . . ,, 2,308 In October to the 18th . . . . . . „ 1,248 Total 14,005 " [IP; 4/0.] [No. 8.] The Secretary to the Court of Directors to Major General Stringer Lawrence. 1700, December 4tli. East India House. — " It is with great pleasure I inform you that the Court of Directors yesterday came to an unanimous resolution that the annuity of five hundred pounds setled upon you for life, which ceased by your resignation thereof on returning to your station as Commander in Chief of the Company's forces in the East Indies in 1701, is to be continued from the time of yoiir leaving Fort Saint George for England, when your allowances for the abovementioned station ceased. Most sincerely wishing the Bath may have the desired effect, I remain, Sir, your most obedient humble servant, Robt. James, Secretary." [Autograph, 11 jj., -ito.] [No. 9.] Henry Moore to the Honorable Robert Palk, Esqr. 1700, December 18th, Ship Osterley, near Anjengo. — " As the Osterl[e^y is now standing into Anjengo road, I write you half a dozen lines from on board her to advise you of our arrival thus far. I hope they will salute you and Mrs. Palk in good health. Mr. Vansittart*-' was well in Burlington street the middle of March last. Should the Anson and Devonshire be arrived with you, you must have heard of him much later. When we were at Cadiz we heard of the arrival of the Admiral Steevens at Lisbon in ninety days from Bengal : she arrived there about^the'middle of April. We sailed from Cales [Cadiz] the 3rd of May, but the repairs wc; got there proving ineffectual, we were obliged to put in to Saint Salvador upon the coast of (1) The Pacific carried the Nawab's letters to the King and Company. Vide No. 6. (2) Henry Vansittart, late Governor of Bengal. Vide p. 30, note 3. No. 9] 14 Brazil, where we arrived under the 13th of June with a leak of five feet an hour. I need not to Mr, Palk paint our distresses. Heading down, and the giving our crazy ship a new bottom detained us. at that place untill the 20th of September. We have since continued quite tight, and are all very healthy, nor has any accident taken place during the remainder of the voyage except the carrying away topmasts and other trifes of that nature. Thanks to Providence, our voyage now draws near a conclusion. When I embarque on another outward bound one I hope it will use me worse than this has done. I beg my respects to Mrs. Palk. . . . " Henry Moore." [Holograph, 2|- pp., 4to.] [No. 10.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad.^^' [Endorsed] " Letter from Mr. Palk, 25tli January, 1767, dated on board the Lord Camden, Nathaniel Smith, in Madras Road on the day he embarked for Europe." 1767, January 25th. On board the Lord Camden, Madras Road — " Dear Goodlad, I am much obliged to Mr. Bourchier and vou for convcvino- the intelligence of Mr. Pownev's*^* safetv. At any rate he is likely to make a better voyage than I had reason to expect. " As I think I know the goodness of your heart full well, I could never doubt of the sincerity of its sentiments. I freely acknowledge that I have often felt a most particular satis- faction in your success and well known improvement, and those sentiments of honor and uprightness which I know will never fail to be your constant companions ; and you can have none that you ought to be fonder of. There is no good fortune that can possibly happen to its greatest favorites that I do not most heartily wish you, and it will at all times give me pleasure to hear from you, or to be instrumental in promoting it. " Mrs. Palk sends her most affectionate wishes, and I am, dear Goodlad, imalterably your sincere friend, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4/o.] [No. 11.] [Ensign] J. Carpenter to [Robert Palk]. [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Mr. Carpenter, 25th January, 1767." 1767, January 25th. Tritchinopoly. — " Give me leave to assure you that it is not in my power to express the sense d' William Mailin Goodlad, a Madras civil servant of ITlil, was Secretary in the Civil Di'parliuent. lEe was a protege oi Palk, who was a friend of the Goodlad family. (^) William I'owney had arrived iu the Sican at Tellicherry from Malacca. He was a younger son of Capt. io\\n PowTiey, a seafaring man of Madras, who died in 1740. 15 [No. 11 I have of the very kind letter you honoured me with, or how nuieh I am obhgcd lo you for the fa\()urs you have shewn nie. I most gratcfidly thank you, Sir, for your intentions to join my friends at home with your iiideaN ours to recover the rank my former commission gives me. Mr. Webber was the gentleman tliat gott me first appointed. Last year my friends solhcited and })rocured me the interest of Mr. Cruttendon and Mr. Harrison, both of which gentlemen expressed the greatest desire of serving me, and, I am pers waded, did every thing in their power then towards it. They likewise applied, Sir, to Mr. Barrington, Mr. Savage, Mr. Scrafton and Mr. Wheeler,*^' and engaged those gentlemen's interest in my behalf. As my present situation deprives me of the hopes of acquiring any thing farther than a maintenance suitable to the character we are in a great measure obligated to support at the expence of every thing valuable to us, and subjects me to such disagreeable inconveniences as to deprive me of serving me [sic] with that chcarfulness necessary to our duty, I ha^'e wrote my friends that my whole welfare depends on the success of their endeavours in the strongest manner I were able ; but as you, Sir, know the very great difference between my present situation and that of those gentlemen who were appointed Lieutenants at the same time, or even those gentle- men who were then made Ensigns, notwithstanding the}^ arrixed in the country but a few months before me, I flatter myself, Sir, that it will be in your power to get me restored to tlie rank I am conscious to myself of never having deserved to be de- prived of, and which I should be happ}^ to shew myself not unworthy of possessing. This is the only hope I have. Sir, of ever seeing again my friends with pleasure or persuing with satisfaction the service I am engaged in. Most sincerely wishing you and family health and every happiness, I am. Sir, your ever obliged and obedient humble servant, " J. Carpenter." [Holograph, If p., 4/o.] [No. 12.] George Vansittart'-* to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. Duplicate. 1767, February 15th. Madras.—" Dear Palk, Two or three days after your departure I received letters from Russelh^) and Campbell'^' congratulating me on my being (1) With the exception of Williaiu Weljber, who was a Director from 17(12 to 1765, the other patrons named, viz., Edward Holden Cruttendon, .)ohn Harrison, Fitzwilliam Barrington, Henry Savage, Luke Scrafton and Edward Wheler, were Directors between 1765 and 1767. (-) George Vansittart, Bengal civil service, younger brother of Henry Vansittart. (3> Claucl Russell, 6th Member of tlic Hengal Council. Russell entered the Madras civil service in 1752, and was transfei'red to Bengal in 1766. In 1775 lie returned to Madras as a member of Lord Pigot's Council, and mairied one of (he Governor's daughters. W Alexander Campbell, a Bengal civil servant of 1763, was 11th member oi Council at Calcutta in 1767. No. 12] 16 appointed Resident at Midnapoor, and Campbell informs me that for this step I am entirely indebted to Lord Clive, who himself proposed it to the Board without solicitation, or even my name being mentioned to him. This is a favour which I little expected from his Lordship ; my obligation to him is therefore the greater, and I think that I may now with much propriety make him the acknowledgement which you proposed by way of advance towards a reconciliation. You know I am sensible that in some respects I have acted wrong ; I have no objection therefore to the making of such an acknow- ledgement on a motive of gratitude for the favour he has conferred on me, although, as there have been causes of com- plaint on both sides, I could not prevail on myself to do it through fear of his power. Inclosed is a letter to him on the subject. Consult with Harry^^' concerning it, and if you and he approve it, let it be delivered. We shall set out in a day or two for Bengal. The John and James schooner is to have the honour of carrying us. " Yours very affectionately, George Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4^o.] [No. 13.] Rob[er]t Palk<-' [jmi.] to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, February 19th. Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I em- brace this opportunity of enquiring after your health and to thank you for your bountifull kindness to me. I hope that my future conduct will be such as to meet with your approbation, and that I shall have it in my power to make some return for the care you have taken of me from my infancy. I hope you will continue to favor me with your friendly advice, which hitherto has been of infinite service to me, and I do assure you it will always be gratefully received and acknowledged. " I most sincerely wish you and Mrs. Palk may have a pleasant passage, and a happy meeting of your friends in England. " Lord Clive (juitcd his Government the 26th ultin.o in the evening, and embarked on board the Brittannia very much out of order. Before he resigned the Government a great many promo- tions were made, and amongst the rest George''^' to the Chiefship of Midnapore. If nothing better offers for me after my arrival in Calcutta, I intend to ask to be appointed his Assistant, if he approNcs it. At j)rcsent George tells me I had better wait for something better, but I should be very well satisfyed with that and the prospect of succeeding him in that employ some years hence. As George is in a great hurry to get down, we (1) Henry Vansittai-t, Governor of Bengal, 1760 — 1765. (-) ]{(>l)crl. Palk, junr., a nengal civil servant of 17(i;5, was the second son of Walter I'alk (elder brother of Governor I'alk) by his second wife Mary Widdecombe. (3) George Vansittart. 17 [No. 13 have taken our passage on the John and James schooner, and are to set out from Trivatore the morning after to-morrow. " Mr. Pybus'i' has had a severe attaek of his old disorder since your departure, which made him resolve to follow you on the Anson, Captain Linox, who arrived here four days ago, but the people on board have the smallpox to such a violent degree tiiat numbers have died of it, and Mrs. Pybus insists on his not going on that ship, both on his own account and the child's, I believe he will be persuaded to wait till October. " Captain Richardson has come off with flying colours. It appeared in the course of the examination that cloth was on board, but the captain and officers knew nothing of it. In short, the blame was thrown on the doctor, who died before the ship arrived at Bengal, and the purser, who told the Com- mittee appointed for the enquiry that, since the blame was laid to him, he would not take up any of their time in contradicting it ; so it ended in Captain Richardson's being requested to dismiss him, which he did, and made the purser an acknow- ledgement for his great good nature.*-* Mr. Mackey's*^' account of their transactions at Tencriffe and Richardson's don't agree at all, notwithstanding Mr, McKey wrote him what he had said about it. The Pigot is expected here every day. " On our journey to Gingee, being the fourth person, [I] was under the necessity of playing at cards, and by bad manage- ment and ill luck was a considerable looser, which drove me to the necessity of applying to Mr. Morse'-'' for Pags. 100. " By a letter I have just received from my father I under- (1) John Pybus arrived in India as a Writer in 1743. After the capture of Madras by de Ir. Bourdonnais he went to Fort St. David, and in 1751 was one of the eight vohinteer officers who joined C'live in the attack and subsequent defence of Arcot. Pybus v.as Supervisor at Fort Marlborough, Bencoolen, in 1754, and four years later, when in cliarge of the Fort St. George Mint, was taken into Council. In 1702 he was sent on a political mission to the King of Kandy, and wrote ;in interest- ing journal of his proceedings. He was a Trustee for the Nawab's consolidated debt of 1767. Pybus married Martha Small in 1753. (-* George Richardson commanded the ship Pigot. Her surgeon was George Eethune, and i^urser Mark Carr. (3) George Mackay came out originally as a free merchant in 1738, and traded for many years at Madras. When in England in 1766 he was appointed Assay- master -at Fort St. George, and he joined his post in January, 1767. He was sliortly afterwards admitted to Council with the proviso that he was ah^ays to remain its junior member. Mackay took an active part in the subversion of Lord Pigot's government in 1776, and he was recalled to England in consequence. He married in 1756 Sarah, daughter of John Stratton. (■*' Nicholas Morse, Ijorn in 1700, entered the Madras civil service at the age f)f eighteen. In 1728 he joined the Council, and shortly afterwards became Deputy Governor of Fort MarII)orough in Sumatra, where he remained eighteen months. Returning to Madras in 1729 as a Councillor, he succeeded Richard Benyon as Governor in 1741. Two and a half years later Madras was attacked by the French under de la Bourdonnais, and capitulate and the General, '-^^ and am with great respect, dear Sir, Your most obliged and obedient humble servant, "RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4to.] [No. 14.] Chocapah'*' to the Honourable Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, March 3rd. Fort St. George.—" Honourable Sir, I shall be extreamly glad to hear of your Honour and family's safe arrival in England and enjoy [ment of] a perfect health in that delightfull country. " Since your Honour's departure Mr. Bourchier'^* carrys on his government in good order, and every thing going on at the same terms [as] when you was here. The Company's broad cloth on the 27th of last month [was] put up at publick outcry**" at the Sea Gate on the usual terms, and sold about 30 lotts, each lott consisting [of] 5 bales, [viz.] 3 bales of Auroras, one bale Popinju,'"' and one bale ordinary red, and in some lotts one bale ordinary yellow, at 585 to 591 Pagodas per lott, and some Purpatanues*^' at the usual prices, and the remainder they could not sell at that time. " Mupral Kistnayah, farmer of Beetle'"' and Tabacoa, having insulted with the Nabob and made demand [for] dutys for the trifling Beetle and Tabacoa bought for his Excellency's use, which the Nabob represented to the Governour and Council ; and then the Governour and Council examined this in con- sultation, and said to the said Mupral Kistnaya that he is not fit to be that farmer any longer, and took away the said Cowle*^*^' from him, and gave that farm to one Yidyanado (1) Tliomas Talk, son of W.iltcr I'.ilk l.> liis Ihiid \\ife Mary Mugford, was haU- brothor of Rolioi-t Palk, jim. (-' Mr. and Mrs. Ilcnry V'ansittart. (3) (Jciicral St linger Lawi-cnce. (•*) Cliokapjia Clic'tti was one of tlie " Conipany's Merchanls "" who were charged with " the Investment." Tlie Merchants made advances of the Company's money to the weavers, and were resjjonsiljh^ for the deUvery of the manufactured goods. (5) Charles Bourchier, st)n of llichard Bourciiier, Governor of Bombay, arrived at ^ladi'as in 1711 as a Wtid-r. Ten >ears later he was Secretary, and in 1751, when Military Storekeepei-, Rental Cienei'al and Scavenger, was taken into Co\incil. JIc succeed(>d I'alk as Governor in 17()7. His period of oflice was marked by the occurrence of the first Mysore war, and by the execution of a permanent rampart around the Black Town of Madr.ts. Bourchier I'csigned antl retired to I"]ngland early in 1770. (<5) Rul)lio auction. (7) Ani-aras and /'opiiijai/n were varieties of woollen cloth imjiorled from England. iS) PerpehuiHOcs, a woollen clotli made in l-]ngland, so called from its diu'ability. (0) Beetle, the betel leaf, used for clie\\ing witii aieca nut and lime. '10) Coivir, grant, pei'mit, licence. 19 [No. 14 Modcly, who was agent to Pushpuiiado Nainar sometime, and one Moodu Kistna Modely, the kite Arraek farmer, for four years and five months from 1st of this month, at twenty tliree tht>usand Pagodas for every year. " I shall be cxtreamly obliged to your Ilonom- if you will be pleased to remember your old and faithfull servant Chocapah, and reconuucnd him to your friends both here and coming up from thenee. . . . " We ha\"e not received any further news from Manilah, what they have done with our ship and cargo ; and if we are permitted to send our ships there to trade, it will be a very good thing for the merchants at this Settlement. " Since your Honour's dcpartm-e, here is nothing materials that I can write to your Honour, but the Governour and Council deferred the new contract for the Honble. Company's Invest- ment for the present year untill first April. . . . " Chocapah." [Atitograph, 1| p.. demy.] [No. 15.] Mrs. Mary Powney'i' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, March 12th. Fort St. George.—" Dear Sir, From the long acquaintance I have had the happiness to have with you flatters my hopes that you will pardon the intrusion of a few lines from an old friend to assure you of the greatfuU sense I shall always retain of the friendship and many civilities you have so kindly, dear Sir, shewn me, and that my prayers will be constant for your safe arrival in England and the continuance of all blessings to you and yours. I hope some time before this reaches, you will be enjoying yourself in your own country. Pray present my respects to General Lawrence and Calliaud,'-' and believe me to be with much affection, esteem and respect, dear Sir, your most obliged friend and humble servant, Mary Powney." " P.S. Sir, I have the pleasure to acquaint you of my son Wilh'^' being safe and well at Malacca. Since, I hear he was arrived at Tellecherry and was going to Bombay, and I am afraid it will be a ruiness Voyage." [Autograph, 2 pp.^ 4>to.] [No. 16.] Mooperala Kistnia'^' and Raiaia Kisna to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, March 15th. Fort St. George.— " Sir, I hope this will find you safely arrived in England, and that you and (1) Mary Powney, daugliter f)f Capt. Gf>oi'g(^ ITci'on, inastor mariner and tnarino surveyor, was tlie widow of ('apt. .lolin Powney, master mariner. Siie dit-d a centenarian in 1780. (-' General John Caillaud. Vide No. T.'J, p. Iii2, note 1. (3) Cf. No. 10. (■*' ^liipei'ala Kislnnivn licld the mon-iTKiIy fi.i' (lie snle of held and tohncco. He was tlie uncle of Uamakrlshna. No. 16] 20 your family have had the enjoyment of a perfect health . . . and that you will not forget your old faithfull servants who begin already to feel the want of your protection. " Two days after your departure the Nabob delivered a petition to the Governor and Council accusing me of want of respect to him, and other trumped up storeys that I demanded dutys from him on beetle and tobacco brought for his house- hold use. You may well remember, Sir, that I once informed you that on the Begum's arri\'al there was large quantitys of beetle demanded, of which the under servants made a job by selling at the market ; and you was pleased to order me to acquaint Nazeeb Cawn to take just so much only as was wanted for the use of the Nabob's family, and accordingly 45 bundles of beetle (instead of 60) was determined to be sufficient for every day's expence ; and at the same time I shewed him the account of the beetle supplied to that time, amounting to twelve thousand fanams,'^> which he said he would see about. No more past between the Nabob and me untill the day after your departure, when some tobacco being imported for the Nabob was, according to custom, brought to my godown. The third day after it was brought, and when my Peons'2' carried it to Nazeeb Cawn, they carried also a memorandum at his own request of the dutys thereon, which amounted to a pagoda and odd fanams, and of this the Nabob made a handle as if I had slighted and made little account of him ; and the Governor and Council was pleased to reprimand me very much for it, and determined that it was a sufficient cause to forfeit my cowl, and the farm was disposed of to Vaydanadum and Moodukisna conicopoly<^' on the 23rd ultimo for twenty three thousand pagodas per annum for the remainder time that I was to have enjoyed it. " I delivered your letter of recommendation to Mr. Bourchier before the determination of Council, but it produced no favour- able effect. I would not have given up the affair so easily had not Mr. Morse seemed very desirous that I should be rid of this business. Besides, I was very sensible that I could have got no redress here, and that the only way to have righted myself would have been to have pushed the matter further ; but to a person of my time of life it would be too troublesome and vexatious. . . " Upon desiring Mr. Bourchicr's advice Av[h]at was best to l)e done, whether we should put in an answer into the Council, he told me the Nabob was so irritated that there was no other method of pacifying him but to surrender up my riglit quietly : that the Nabob had thoughts even of taking away the grant of the village that was allowed for the support of Ramaniaka's (1) The number of silver fanams to the gold pagoda varied with the exch.ange. At this iieriod it was 42. (-' Peons, olTicc-attoudants, orderlies, fooL-soldirrs, froui Port. peao. (3) Conicopli/, an accountant, from Tarn, kanakka, writing, and piJlai, person. 21 [No. 16 cliaritv flioullr\0 at Cliecrecoad, and that it was with dillicultv he (Mr. Boiirchier) dis[s]uaded hini I'roin it. . . . '' Th(> dianioiul business is growing worse and worse every day, and if the Gentlemen in England don't stoj) |the] making of remittanees,'-' they wdll lose a great deal. The prices at Moonimadgoo is risen since the purchase for last ship, and the demand for diamonds increases daily. Goeuh'^' laughs when he is asked for the 5,000 pagodas oi' diamonds he promised you to give Mr. Morse lor this ship, nor can Mr. Morse have any remedy whilst he [isj supported by gentlemen in station. Diamonds are carried now to Bengal and Surat, as there are people now who purchase at those places for Europe. " We desire you w'ill recommend us to your friends in power here that we may always have their protection. We wish only to live a quiet life. Please to present our humble respects to Mrs. Palk. We are very gratefully, Sir, your most obliged and obedient humble servants, " MOOPERALA KjSTNIA." " Rama Kisna." {Holograph of Rama Kisna, 5| pp., Uo.] [No. 17.] George Vansittart to Rob[ert] Palk, Esqr. 17G7, March 16th. Calcutta. — " Dear Palk, Inclosed is a duplicate of my letter of the 15th of February. A strong north-east wind detained us at Madras from the 20th to the 27th. We arrived here the day before yesterday, and the day after to-morrow I set out for Midnapoor, where I shall be very w^ell contented to remain quiet and undisturbed for some years. I believe I may be saved the trouble of a trip to I^urope even if their honours in Leadenhall Street should take it into their heads to dismiss me in consequence of our last year's rebellion ; for I ha^'e been positively assured by people who I should think must know' that in such case the Conmiittee will recommend me to be reinstated, and in the mean while continue me in the service till their further pleasure can be received. I am at present on perfectly good terms with all our rulers, and intend to adopt some of your prudential maxims. " What with 30,000 rupees which we have lent to Russell, and the 20,000 which we are to pay to Robin, your balance will be but a trifle. We shall keep it in our own hands at 8 per cent, till we have a good opportunity of remitting it. " My love to Mrs. Palk and the little ones. Yours affection- ately, George Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 1 pp., Uo.] (1) Choultry, a shelter for travellers, from Tel. chavadi, a hall, shed. (2) A common mode of making private remittances from India was liy means of diamonds. (3) Gokal Tarvadi, diamond merchant, Cf No. 20. 22 [No. 18.J Mrs. Rebecca Casamaijor'^' to Robert Palk, Esqr. [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Mrs. Casamayor." 1767, March 16th. Fort St. George.—" My dear Sir, As no distance of place can ever decrease the respect, esteem and gratitude that is due from me, I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in troubling you with a few lines to assure you of my ardent wishes that it may salute you in your native land after a short and pleasant voyage in health and a continuance of all other blessings. I suppose by this time you have reached the Cape or pretty near it, and hope Mrs. Palk and the little ones will be much benefited by its fine air and all other refreshments. As you, dear Sir, have so great a number of friends to write you all occur[r]cnccs, I shall only mention, what 1 know will give you pleasure, that our new Governor*-* goes on very well under the weight of go^•crn- ment, in great spirits, and with much polit[e]ness and chear- fulness entertaining his friends and company. I hope he will continue in health and strength to acquit himself to the satis- faction of all his well wishers. Gi^•e me leave to present my son's<^' best respects, and that I am, with all acknowledgments and regard, dearest Sir, your affectionate and much obliged humble servant, " Rebecca Casamaijor." [Holograph, Ih p., 4^o.] [No. 19.] [Colonel] John Call*** to Robert Palk, Esqr. Duplicate. 1767, March, 19th. IMadras.— " My dear Friend, As I persuaded myself you will impatiently expect to hear of the progress of the Confederacy against Hydre Ally, so I take up the pen with the greater pleasure to give you the state of our military as well as civil transactions since you left us. (I' IJohecca Casaiiiaijoi-, daughtef t>f Caj)(. .loliu Powiioy, maslor marim-i', was the widow of Noah Casamaijor, a supercargo at Madras in 17:{2, who in 1711 was appointed to the office of Accountant, and, after rising to tlic tank of Factor, died in 17 1(). . ('^) Charles IJourehicr. (•5) James llc-nry Casamaijor, wlio ciilcied tlie Madras civil service in 17()2, ai's later was present at the siege of Madiu-a. In 17()S he was one of the I'McId i)ej)uties witii the army. He retired to England as Colonel in 177U, became a tuember of p;»rliament in 1781, was elected a Fellow of the Iloyal Society, and in 17U1 was created a baronet. 23 [No. 19 " ^'e^}• boon after Colonel Sniith'^' arrived at Eiderabad, "vvhieh was the 15th or 16th January, the Subah'^* pitehed his tents without the city, and in a few days proceeded towards the Kistnah, which he crossed the 18th ultimo, having spent some time in settling with the Polygars''^' on his route. The 19th Captain James Fitzgerald's battalion and Lieut. Povery's detachment joined Colonel Smith, who had been very uneasy at the delay of our troops ; but he will be obliged to wait nuich longer for those from the Circars, because it was found necessary to reduce the Zemindars*^' of Peddapore and Samil- cotah, which kept Major Thomas Fitzgerald's detachment till the loth February, and the 9th instant he was only advanced as iar as Sangaverum near Eiderabad, so that it will be the 25th instant or perhaps the end of the month before he can possibly join the Subah, who on the 26th ultimo was just entering the country of Adony. The troops from hence and Vellore were delayed in the beginning of February by exceeding heavy rain, which laid all the country under water and made it the 18tli February before they joined at Lalapett. From thence they were to cross into the Cadapah country at a pass called Mungalpettah, but having been disappointed of provisions from Arcott, it was the 11th instant before they crossed the hills, and they are now only near Cadapah, from whence you may judge it will be the end of the month before they can join the Su ball's army. " Mahadarow*^) with his Marattas was early in motion and made very rapid advances to the southward, so that his troops entered the country of Adony and begun to plunder it by the end of January. After some threats and a little burning and fighting, which we suppose was by the Subah's connivance, Bazalet Jing"^' settled with Mahadarow, and the Marattas proceeded towards Sera.**^) One of Hydre Ally's Generals met them with a considerable body of horse, but he was defeated, made prisoner, and all his guns and baggage taken. Another smaller body met the like fate, and the Marattas by the last accounts we had were besieging Sera or Sirpi with their main body, while the rest scampered all over the country. Hydra (1) General Joseph Smith, son of Mr. Joseph Smith, who was Gunner and Engineer of Fort St. George in 1744, entered the Madras service as Ensign in 1719. In 1757 he defended Trichinopoly against d'Auteuil, and was promoted JMajor in ITlJf). As Brigadier-General he commanded the Madras Army almost cimliiiuously from 1767 to 1775, conducting the campaigns against Ilaidar AH and the Raja of Tanjore, and the expedition of 1772 against tlie Maravars. lie retired to Kngland in 1775. (-) The Subah, the ruler of the Deccan, Nizam Ali Khan. The word signifies a province, but it was commonly used for subahdar, the ruler of a provuice. (3) Poh/i/ars, local cliiefs, the descendants of the old Xaiks. W Ze in in da IS, important landholders. (5) Miidhu Kao, fourth Peshwa, 1761 — 1772. (6) Basalat Jang, brother of the Nizam. Although the Northern C'ircai's had been granted to the Company by the Mogul in 1765, it was arranged in 1768 that Basalat Jang should hold Guntur for life. (7) Sira, formerly capital of a province of the same name, S.E. of Chitaldrug iu Mysore. It passed from Haidar to the Marathas, but was reduced by Tipu in 177 I. No. 19] 24 Ally during all this time is at Syringapatani, cither collecting his forces or endevoring to compromise matters for money. The latter, it is said, will take place, because it is not the inten- tion either of the Marattas or the Subah to remain on this side the Kistnah longer than the month of May. " Allarmed at the apprehension of this event, and that all our project will be frustrated, we are going to send James Bourchier'^^ to make representations both to the Subah and Mahadarow how impossible it is to effect the overthrow of Hydre Ally in any year if they only cross the River Kistnah in January and recross it in May. For Hydre Ally, aware of this, need only garrison the places in the Sera Country and those of his late conquest north of the ancient Mysore country, and keeping behind Syringapatam with his main body, will never have any thing to apprehend but the burning and ruining part of the open country. Whereas if we proceed hand in hand and continue our operations during the whole year, there is no doubt but the expedition may be accomplished. Mr. Bourchier is also to endevor to bring about a formal Treaty between the Subah and Mahadarow, for which I lateh^ drew out the enclosed reflections and articles.'-* This Treaty we esteem absolutely necessary, for we cannot discover that any agreement at present subsists, and it is said that the Marattas proceeds on in the manner they do that they may have the first plundering of the country and possession of what places they can take. This is a system that must bring on disputes, and will save Hydre Ally if not prevented. " The Marattas, it seems, are jealous of the large force we are sending to the Subah, and from the delay of our troops conclude we never meant heartily to enter into the operations against Hydre Ally. In a conversation yesterday with the Maratta Vakeel*'^' Mr. Bourchier endevored to remove that opinion, and assured him it was so much our intention to pro- ceed to the utmost extremitys against Hydre Ally that if Mahadarow would either continue himself on this side the Kist- nah during the year, or leave Gopali Harry'-^' with 10,000 horse, we would do all we could to persuade the Subah to ])crsist, and exert our utmost efforts to expell Hydre Ally from the Mysore country. The Vakeel seemed much pleased with the assurance, and declared his master wished for nothing so nnich as to continue the expedition with us, and he would immediately acquaint hijn of our resolutions. " Thus stand affairs at present, and the jjrospect of accom- plishing our views in the ruia of Hydre Ally is very unpromising. (1' Jiininf? Mdiiffliioi', brothor of Governor Charles Bournliicr, onlored (ho Madras civil servi(te in 1 751 . Ten years later he was a Prize Commissary after the cai)ture of Pondicherry, and in 17(58 was a member of Council. He left India with his brother in January, 1770. (2) Vide infra p. 31 et seq. (3) Vakeel, agent, envoy. (•*) Gopal Ilari Pant, the Peshwa* Conmiander-in-Chief. 25 [No. 19 The SubaJi alTcct.s to say that the reason so httle lias been done is owing to the dehiy of our troops, which he expeeted would have joined liini tlie beginning of February ; that therefore notliing can be done this year, and it will be better to take a sum of money for the present, and return again early next year on a better plan of operations. To this it may justly be answered that unless the troops employed against Hydre .Vliy continue their operations the whole year, it will be im- possible to remove him from the Mysore government, because he has nothing to do but put good garrisons in his frontier places and avoid a battle with his main body. Three or four months \sill then soon be spent, and there ends all his fears. AVhereas if Sera, Chinnabollarum, Eengalure and the other countries and places north of the Mysore country be first taken, and the united forces proceed in a body to Syringa- patam, Hydre Ally must either try his fortune in the field or lose the capital, and therewith all his power and influence. I shall only add that we shall use every argument we can suggest to induce the Subali and Mahadarow, either in person or by part of their troops, to continue the campaign during the whole year ; and if we find they are determined to return in May, we must take care not to let our expences exceed the money agreed to be paid the Subah, and we shall know better what dependance to place on such Allys hereafter. To say that the Nabob<^* hath contributed all in his power by sugges- tions and jealousys to break our connections with the Subah would be ad\'ancing what I have no proof of, but if one may judge from conversation and appearances, he certainly does all he can to disgust us with Nizam Ally, and to bring about a closer alliance with the Marattas, in hopes, I suppose, by their means to share in the conquests to be made on Hydre Ally. However, he will be mistaken, for except the country of Dinde- gull and other places on this side the hills, he never shall have possession of any other while I can help it. " The disturbances in the Tinnevelly count rys still continue. Major Flint, <^' after taking two heavy guns from Polamcotah and a quantity of stores proper for a siege, marched against the Etavaram Polygar, w^hich lays near Yeypar on the east of that province. He breached the Fort and assaulted it, but w^as again repulsed with loss. He then determined to blockade it, but the Polygars making a sally in the night and being roughly treated, they abandoned that place, Pannyallum Crutch and Veypur, and fled no one knows where ; at least we shall probably hear no more of them till our troops are recalled. On the west side of the province the rebell Polygars are still very numerous and in possession of many places, such as Shatore, Rajapollam, Collangoody and Nadcutch, so that while they remain there is no chance of peace. Considering (1) Nawab Walajah. (2) William- Flint, sen., held the rank of Colonel in 1775. No. 19] 26 therefore that keeping Major FKnt's party always in the field, and that party not being sufficient to crush the rebells or protect the country, ^^•ill not only incurr a considerable expence, but the Nabob will still suffer the loss of great part of his revenues, we have resolved to send 200 Europeans more to join Major Flint's party, some sepoys and guns, intending that the whole shall be 400 military with 6 guns and 2,000 sepoys of the Company's, besides the Nabob's troops and the Auxiliarys of Tanjore, Tondeman 'i' and the Maraw^ar. '^^ Donald Campbell, (-^^ as the next eldest officer to Colonel Smith, is to command, and part of his regiment is gone from Vellore. The Nabob has been very pressing for this party to be sent, and by some hints occasionally let fall he seems to have in view the quarrelling with the two Maraw^ars''*' and taking their country. However, to prevent such a measure he has been positively told that while he keeps Madurah it is necessary these people should be his friends, and Donald Campbell has instructions not to enter the Marawar country under any pretence, nor suffer any of their places to be attacked. His operations are to be confined to the rebell Polygars, and these he is directed to extirpate, to demolish every fort, to make severe examples of those he takes, and to establish a canton- ment in such jDart between Madurah and Polamcotah as will best answer the purpose of keeping the country in peace. Donald's knowledge of these parts and the honesty of his disposition will answer our purpose in sending him, and soon put an end to the troubles. " About the middle of last month the Nabob came to the Fort, and having desired to speak to Mr. Bourchier and me, confessed to us that he was quite tired with troubles raised and complaints made to him every day by his managers in the country s of Warriarpollam and Arielore. He therefore desired that we would again take those places under the Company's protection and raise another battalion of sepoys out of his troops at these places for the defence of them, but to be com- manded, disciplined and paid by the Company, though made good at the end of the year by him. He then said he w'ould withdraw or dismiss the rest of his troops, and leave the suppressing Polygars and establishing peace and security entirely to us, in which he said he hoped the King of Tanjore would give more effectual and ready assistance. As we hoped a tryal made of these plans of reconciling the Nabob's manage- ment of the revenues with our command of the forces might (1) Tondinian was the designation of the ruler of a small territory, now the Pudukottai State, lying immediately south of Trinchinopoly. (2) Marairar, the ruler of the Marava country. His territory lay on the coast south of TanjoiM' and cast of Madura, its cliief (own ln'ing llamniid. (^) Donald (,'aiu|il)cll, lirothor of Colonel Cliarlos Campbell, was present at the fii-st siege of Madura in 17(>:5. He conducted tlic campaign of 1767 against the rebel Poligars of Madura and Tinnevelly, and subsequently served in the first Mysore war. (*) The Great and Little Marawars, of Raninad and Kalaiyarkoil respectively. 27 [No. 19 induce liim to come more readily into the same measure for the Tinnevelly country, and by degrees dismiss all his sepoys, or at least turn over the best of them to the Company, we very willingl}- agreed to his proposal and have chosen C'aj)tain ]\Iathews*^> with two subaltern|s] of the best dispositions and characters to form this new battalion, to be called the 16th, and to settle the country. Captain Mathews has very l^articular instructions for his behavior, and is fully acquainted of our hopes and views, and we have such an opinion of his honor and good temper that we flatter ourselves we shall be able to convince the Nabob that good men under proper orders are capable of protecting instead of injuring his affairs. " After much trouble and some altercation with the creditors, we got the form of a general Assignment and new bonds agreed to, and having collected in all the outstanding bonds and calculated the interest to the 31st January, new bonds were made out for e\'en sums of money, and all the odd pagodas, fanams and cash*-' paid off, so that we find the Nabob's real debt to his private creditors the 1st January, 1767, amounts to 55,800 Porto Novo and 22,29,650 Star Pagodas. <-^» To discharge this the Nabob has engaged that his Naib<^' at Areott shall remit us from certain countrys during this year 8 Lacks '5' of pagodas, and that the King of Tanjore shall pay us his tribute, so that we are to have above 9 lacks of pagodas. All this is very well, but three months of the year are nearly elapsed and not one single pagoda is yet come to our hands, nor can I say when these will. The Gentlemen from Bengali who are creditors write in very strange terms, and tax the Council here with having been very arbitrary and gone much beyond the Company's orders, and add that they are allowed by the regulations there to take the usual interest till the 30th April, and after that 12 per cent., which they expect to have, or else demand immediate payment of their money. This is very fine in speculation : I may as well insist on it that I should have 8 per cent, for my money in England because I liv^e at [a] place where it is the common rate of interest. And as to demanding their money, why every body else would do so could they get it. It is necessity that has pointed out the present regulation to put every body on a footing, and not any orders of the Council, and I do firmly believe that all the (1) Richard Mathews served in the first Mysore war, and commanded al I lie attack of the hill fort of Mull)agal in 1768. In 1783, when Brigadier General in Malahar, he was besieged by Tipu at Bednore. The place surrendered after a protracted defence, and Mathews was taken to Seringapatani, wlierc lie died in confinement. (2) The Cash was a coin of account, 80 going to the silver fancini. 'riie Paijodu at this period contained 42 fanams. The smnjlest copper coin stitick appears to have had the value of 4 cash of account. (■^' The Star Paijoda, first struck in 1741, was a gold coin with tlie device of a star on the reverse. Its stoi-ling value was about 8s. The Porto Novo Pagoda was coined by the Xawal) and was of lower weight and value. (*) Naib, deputy. f5) Lack, lakh. 100,000. No. 19] 28 Avise heads in India could not have devised a more equitable or simple method than we have established. The Nabob now knows what he owes and to whom (which he never did before) and every body knows hoAv much he owes and the measures taken to pay off his debts fairly and equally to all as the money comes in. We keep an open diary of our proceedings and a regular sett of books open to the inspection of every creditor, so that the most obstinate may be convinced of the justice that is done them. " The Nabob has sent part of his baggage to the Mount*^' and proposes to leave us about the 23rd instant. It is high time he was gone, for he never will be easy himself nor let others be so while he stays here and listens to every tale that is brought him. Nazeabeaur Cawn<^' has been playing some tricks at court, and he has got the Subah to forbid the Nabob's Vakeel from going to the Durbar or from going near Colonel Smith. This same chap too affects to assume the management of all our affairs, and lets Colonel Smith know just what he pleases. The Nabob is much displeased at this, and begs we will get him removed, for he will otherwise spoil all his and our affairs. The fifth lack is not yet gone either in bills or money, nor do I hear when it is to go. " Lewin Smith'-^* hath recovered half the old ballances from Hussein Ally, and therewith supplyed the northern factorys with Madrass pagodas, (^> which we cannot get here at any rate. He is now at Setteavaram settling with Sittaramrauze,<°' but it seems that chap is very untractable, and does not seem inclineable to pay even two lacks of pagodas for the Chicacole Circars. The first point Lewin sticks on is bills for the 3rd Kist"'' of last year, and he says he hopes to get them in a day or two. Then he will proceed to the conditions of this year. Sittaramrauz wants assistance to reduce more Zemindars. This we are determined not to giyc, for the more powerful he is made by our means the more troublesome he will prove to us hereafter, and I think I see already that he must be reduced next year or the latter end of this. (1) St. Thomas's Mount, a hill 8 miles S.W. of Madras, capped by an ancient Portuguese cliapel, is the reputed original burial place of St. Thomas. The East India Company cstalilished a garden-house at the Mount in 1685, and the place became a sanatorium and holiday resort. From 1770 it was the headquarters of the Madras Artillery. (2) Najib Yar Khan. (3) John Lewin Smith entered the Madras civil service in 1752, and two yeare later was a momljcr of the Vizagapatam Council. He accompanied the expedition of Cornish and Draper to ilanila in 17G2asone of tlie Company's representatives. In 17()7 he was serving as Chief at Masulipatam. (4) The Old Madras Pagoda bore figures of Vishnu and his two wives on the obverse, and had a granulated reverse. It was replaced by the M.M. Pagoda in 1730, which gave way in its turn to the Star Pagoda. The Old Madras Pagoda liowever continued to be struck at Fort St. George for use in the Northern Settlements. (^) Sitaram Raz was a powerful Zemindar of Chicacole in the Northern Circars, who tyrannized over his weaker brethren. (6) Kist, Ar., instalment of revenue. 29 [No. 19 " We have made Bandarnialanka'^' an independant factory of Maziilipatani, and given Wliiteliill*-' leave to send one of the servant[s] to Madapolhmi in h()])e.s of getting more cloth. Sulivan'-^* is gone with liim as an assistant. Charles or James Bonrchier will tell yon a long story of the Vizagapatam Invest- ment. I fear that part of the CmnderVs cargoe is in the same condition ; if so, it may spoil the sale of all the other goods ; therefore it should he hinted to the Directors to examine the Vizagapatam bales. Tlie discovery has retarded the dispatch of the ship mnch, and given us abundance of trouble, for some of the Council attend every day to examine every bale and every piece. Nor is this all the inconvenience we have to apprehend, for many other bales from the nortlnvard not being arrived, w^e fear we shall not have tonnage enough for the Pigot. " We have yet received no further news of our Manilla ship, nor of the sepoys from Zoloo.^*' The Minerva from Pegu is just come into the road, but I cannot say what kind of voyage she is likely to make. The Szvan, after many perils and adven- tures, got safe to Malacca, and from thence sailed to the Malabar coast, where, we hear, she arrived the middle of January, and Will Powney<^' was then very well. The Devonshire'' s packet and recruits were landed at Anjengo and sent to Palamcotah, from whence we received our letters, and among them several for you, which Mr. Morse took in charge. This ship w^as at anchor in our road during part of the gale of wind, and suffered much in the masts and rigging, so that she was obliged to bear away for Galle after trying to reach Madrass again. " I have now written all the publick news I can recollect. As for private anecdotes I have none but such as you will have elsewhere, especially of George, <•'* who left us about three weeks ago. A sly chap he was never to drop an hint or let me dis- cover by any means what he was about. Though I knew it very soon, yet we never exchanged a syllable on the subject to the time of his embarking from [? for] Bengali. Poor James (1) Bandarnialanka. Vide No. 69, p. 94, note 2. (2) John Whitehill entered the -Madras civil service in 1752, and was one of the Prize Commissaries for Pondicherry in 1761. When Chief at Masulipatam in 1776 he visited England, and on his return in the following year found himself provisional Governor pending Thomas Kumbold's arrival. He again acted as Governor in 1780 until suspended l)y the Governor General for disobedience. (3> John Sulivan was one of three brothers who served in Madras. The eldest, Benjamin, arrived in India as a barrister in 1777, and was appointed successively Government Advocate, Attorney General, and a Judge of the High Court. The second brother, John, entered the civil service in 1765, successfully tendered in 1771 for the erection of the Madras Arsenal and new Hospital, and afterwards served at Masulipatam and Tanjore. From 1801 to 1805 he was Under Secretary .for War at home, and he survived until 1839. His younger brother, Richard Joseph, became a Writer in 1768, was afterwards Secretary in the Military Depart- nient at Fort St. George, and was created a baronet in 1804. (■*' Zoloo, Sulu, a group of islands in the Kastern Archipelago, whither Alexander Dalrymple had been sent in 1762, to open up trade with Madras. (5) Vide No. 10, p. 14, notei2. (6) George Vansittart and James Bonrchier both souglit the hand of Miss Sarah Stonhouse. The lady accepted Vansittart. No. 19] 30 was greatly hurt at first, and is still very dolorous, though he declares he will not think of any closer connection. " Government seems to set very easy on our Friend. He is very desirous of making every boddy happy, and of pleasing. I ease him as much as possible of all military plans and details, and indeed I am never happier than when I can be of use to him or the publick. I shall be perfectly easy till I hear from you or see Mr. Du Pre<^' arrive, and then I shall consider about returning to England, but I Avill do nothing rashly. My concerns in the Nabob's hands will keep me at least till the end of next year, let what will happen, for I must get home some more money. " Lord Clive writes me, just as he was preparing to embark, that he should endevor to send Dupre to Bengali if he was not appointed to this place before his Lordship got home. For my part I am as indifferent about it as ever I was about any event of my life, and I think I should rather rejoice than repine at a good reason for going home. " I hope you have found England every thing you expected or could wish it. Perhaps the introduction of Mr. Pitt — I should sa}' Lord Chatham — and Lord Shelbourne to the Ministry may have brought JMr. Sulivan'-> again into the direction, and consequently Mr, Van.'"^' I wish all my friends well and (1) Josias Du Pr^, son of the Company's Secretary of the same name, entered the Madras civil service as Factor in 1752 at the advanced age of 31. He served as Secretary and Solicitor to Government, and in 1761 was Tenth of Council and Import AVarehousekeeper. After a period spent in England, during which he married Rebecca, sister of James Alexander of the civil service, he returned to Madras in 1768 as second member of Council. He negotiated the jDeace of 1769 with Haidar Ali at St. Thomas's Mount, and in January, 1770, succeeded Mr. Bourchier in the chair. His period of office was marked by a great development of the fortifications and buildings of the Presidency town, by improvement in the pay and position of the Company's ser%'ants, and by difficult relations with the Xawal) resulting from the action of the Crown. Du Pre resigned in February, 177.'), and retui'ned to England to reside at Wilton Park, Bucks. (-) Laurence Sulivan was appointed a Factor in the Bombay civil service in 1741. Ten yeai'S later he entered Council, but returned to England in 1752 on account of ill-health. In 1755 he was elected a Director of the Company and served four years, l>ecoining Deputy Chairman in 1757 and Chairman in 1758. Thereafter he was repeatedly re-elected to tlie Directorate, and he held office as Deputy Chairman in 1763, 1772 and 1780, and as Chairman in 1760, 1761 and 1781. From 1760 h(» was in conflict with Clive's party, who opposed his great influence (111 Indian iiolicy. When invited by a resolution of the Court of Proprietors to I'd urn to India, Clive made his acceptance conditional on Sidivan's exclusion from the Chaii'inanshii) in 17til. From 1765 to 1768 Svdivan was out of the Direction, but his impecunious circumstances and love of power impelled him to bid for office again and again. He was on good terms with Hastings, and was an intimate friend of Robert Palk. Sulivan sat as M.P. for Taunton from 1762 to 1768, and for Ashburlon from 1768 to 1774. He died in February, 178(5. (■5) Henry X'ansitlart, son of Arthur Vansittart of Shollesbrook, Berks (whose daughter Anne married Robert Palk) was born in 1732. His mother was a daughter of Sir John Stonhouse, Bt. Apjjointed to the Madras civil service at the age of thii-teen, Vansittart ai'rived at Fort St. David in 1746, narrowly escaping captm-e ofl" Madi-as, which had lie(>n taken by the French. He studied Persian assiduously, and rai'ly in 1751, when Secretary and Translator at Fort St. George, he joined (he Rev. Roller) I'alk in a mission to Sadras to confer with the French regarding a siispension of iiostilif ies.' In the following December he accompanied Palk lo Pondicheri'y in connexion \vi( h 1 he Treaty of Peace with the French. In the same 31 [No. 19 happy, and I know of none wlio partake more sincerely of my best wishes than you and Mrs. Palk, to whom I desire my most respeetful comphments, hope all the little family is well, and desire you will believe me, my dear Sir, your most oblige[d] and affectionate " John Call." [Autograph, 21 f pp., 4to.] [Enclosure.] [Memorandum by Colonel John Call.] " We are now entering on a very interesting and expensive expedition, but the expence will be well laid out if the grand object can be accomplished. This object is the entire overthrow of Hydre Ally Cawn, who has usurped the government of the Maysore country, and being at the head of a large body of forces, in possession of a considerable treasure and revenues, and ambitious of extending his conquests, appears ready to take the first opportunity of invading the Carnatick and dis- turbing the tranquility of that part of the country which it is our principal care and interest to maintain and preserve in peace. " The Marattas, it is imagined, are equally desirous of reducing Hydre Ally's power, and fortunately for us Nizam Ally Cawn, Subah of the Decan, hath desired that the assistance of our troops, which we are bound by treaty to give him, shall immediately be employed for the same purpose. Nothing could tally more exactly with our own interest and inclination at this juncture ; and though we ought to be exceeding cautious how we contribute to aggrandize the power of the Marattas, yet as it is not possible for us to act against them in conjunction with the Presidency of Bengal, agreeable to Lord Clive's grand plan of reducing the Maratta power in general, till we have reduced Hydre Ally and secured peace to the Carnatick while we are employed elsewhere, so on this occasion we must tem- porise and seem to fall in with the views of the Marattas, who are the avowed and natural enemies of Hydre Ally. " The grand point we have to obtain at the first setting out is to bring about a formal Treaty between the Subah and ]\Iarattas, by which the pretensions of each party may be ascertained, and the disposition of the conquered countries fixed. For unless this is done it is hardly possible that two powers acting from different motives and independent year he had married EmeUa, daughter of Nicholas Morse, hite Governor of Madras. He was a member of Mr. Pigot's Council in 1758, and in the following year was nominated Governor of Bengal in succession to Clive. \'ansittart assumed office in July, 1760, and ruled Bengal until 1764, when he returned to England. He purchased a house at Greenwich and property in Berkshire. Entering Parliainent in 1768, ho was elected a Director of the K;ist India Company in 1769, and was appointed one of tliree Commissioners to effect reforms in India. Tlic Commissioners sailed in the Aurora in September, 1760, and the ship was never heard of after she left the Cape in December. No. 19] 32 of each other should persist in the prosecution of an enterprise where many events may be expected to embroil them with each other, or to divert one of thein from the undertaking. With us it is quite different : we only seek to procure tranquility for the possessions we have, and we think that point cannot be obtained while Hydre Ally Cawn continues to govern the Mysore country. No offers, no concessions, no opposition ought to divert us from our purpose if it can be effected : on the other hand we had better never engage in it unless we can make sure of our Allys and fix them steady in the same pursuit. " The Subah, it may be supposed, will be the most easily prevailed on to abandon the expedition, provided Hydre Ally makes large offers of inoney, because the Subah's treasury is quite empty, and there is a strong party at his court, w^ho, actuated by the same motive, will plead strongly in favor of Hydre Ally. Should we discover this to be the case, and the Marattas continue firm, we must endevor to form a closer connection with them, for it may be regarded as certain that with their assistance the object of the expedition may be accomplished though the Subah should not take any part therein. Nay, more, it is highly probable that the Subah, seeing us and the Marattas determined to persist, will rather fall in with our views than risque the loss of his importance by withdrawing from the Alliance. " But should the Marattas, either by the force of money or from a political motive founded on the apprehensions they may entertain of ours and the Subah's designs against them after the downfall of Hydre Ally is effected, be induced to accom- modate matters with Hydre Ally, and, while the Subah is engaged on the expedition, form designs on any part of the Decan or threaten the Carnatick with an invasion, it is beyond a doubt that we shall be obliged to relinquish the enterprise. This event then is to be guarded against by every precaution we can suggest, and in order to accomplish the establishing a Treaty, as well as to reconcile all jcalousys and apply in time proper argimicnts to prevail on both parties to adopt our sentiments, it appears highly necessary that some person of conse(jucnce sliould be scut to attend the Subah and Mahadarow while Colonel Smith is engaged in his military operations, who by his address and attention to e\"ery turn and event may manage both parties in such a manner as to keep them steady in prosecuting imanimouslv the expedition against Hvdre Ally. " One maxim must be laid down as positive and without deviation (viz.) That as httle territorial possession as possible be ceded to the Marattas, and in case the cession of some part cannot be avoided, then it should be in that part of Hydre Ally's possessions most remote from the Carnatick, that they mav not become our neiohbours. To obviate anv discontent on this head, a larger sum of ready money nmst be given by 33 [No. 19 the Siibali, and the future Choutc"' be engaged to be punetually paid. " On these principles it is to be wished that the following articles could be agreed to between the Subah and the JVIarattas under our guarantee. " 1st. The contracting Powers, assisted by the English forces, shall nuitually and vigorously act in conjunction against Hydre Ally Cawn till he falls in action, is made a prisoner, or quits the government of the Maysore country and all other countries he has usurped ; and neither party shall withdraw their forces or make a separate peace without the consent and approbation of the other party. " 2nd. Whatever forts or towns may be taken during the course of the expedition shall be garrisoned and kept by the Subah's troops till disposed of as hereafter stipulated ; and in case any treasure is found therein or otherwise taken, it should be equally divided between the contracting parties. " 3rd. When Syringajiatam is taken and the country of Mysore entirely reduced, the government of it shall be restored to the ancient family of the Rajah upon their agreeing to pay annually a tribute or peshcush'-' to the Subah of lacks of rupees. " 4th. The country dependant on Sera or Sirpi being an ancient domain of the Subah of the Decan, he shall be at liberty to appoint whom he pleases to the government thereof, and fix the peshcush at what sum he thinks proper. " 5th, The country lately conquered by Hydre Ally Cawn from the Queen of Biddanore shall be given up (if it cannot be avoided) to the Marattas, to be by them restored to the late family that governed, on such terms as the}' can agree on. " 6th. All the other countrys and districts on the Malabar coast conquered by Hydre Ally shall be restored to the late possessors on such conditions as the Subah shall think proper ; unless under this article the Subah, in return for the services we may have rendered him, shall so manage that the English Company may have certain grants and privileges near Calicut, Tillichery, Onor,'^' or at other places most convenient for their trade. " 7th. The country of Bangalure, that of Chinnaballabaram, and that formerly possessed by Mararow'^' near Cadapanattam'"'' shall be disposed of as the Subah shall think proper, and the peshcush to be paid for them shall be settled by him. " 8th. The country of Dindegul shall be restored and ceded (1) Choute, tribute levied by the Marathas of one-fourth of the revenue ; from Mar. chauth, a fourth part. (-' Peshcush, tril)ute ; from Pers. pesh-Kashlv, to place before (a person), to offer. (3) Onnr, Honavar, a port on the Malal);u' const. f-^' Mo-ari Rao, a Maratha freebooter, Cliicf of Gooty, served as a niei'conary in 1750-51, sometimes with, l)ut generally against the British. He declared himself independent, but was compelled to submit to the Peshwa. (•'*' Kadapanattam, (iO miles west of Volloi-e, C No. 19] 34 in perpetuity to the Nabob of the Carnatick as a dependance on Trichinapoly, and all the countrys on the east of the hills, such as Ahture, Chilnaick, Gegadevy, Yaniambady, &c., and all the passes near them, shall be put into the said Nabob's hands and ever hereafter be deemed a part of the Carnatick Payen Gatte,*^' in consideration of his having paid part of the seapoys with the English troops on this expedition. " 9th. That part of the country taken by Hydre Ally Cawn from the Cudapah Nabob shall be restored to him, and the peshcush of that country fixed on reasonable terms, provided he assists with all his troops on the expedition. " 10th. A provision of some country, either what he at present holds, or elsewhere to a larger amount, shall be made for jNIararow in consideration of his services, if he assists against Hydre Ally. " 11th. Bazalet Jing and the Nabob of Canoul shall acknow- ledge the Subah's sovereignty over the countrys they now hold, shall always be obedient to him, and pay annually such a sum for peshcush as the Subah shall agree to. " 12th. In consideration that Mahadarow faithfully agrees to all the above articles, and assists the Subah to establish his authority over the above countries, he shall be paid at the end of the expedition the sum of lacks of rupees, and shall receive annuallv from that time as a lawful choute one fourth part of all the peshcush the Subah receives from the countries south of the Kistnah." [10 pp., 4to.] [No. 20] [Colonel] John Call to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1767, March 21st, Madrass. " My dear Sir, By the Anson I have sent you, on your own account and risque, with some diamonds of my own and Gocull's*-' 2,000 Pags. worth, the produce of which will be paid you by Mr. Cotsford,'" and you will also receive herewith a bill at 8s. 9d. the pagoda for 1,800£, being an equivalent for Pags. 4, lit 9f. 05c. more, which you run the risque of home ; so that your whole risque on the Anson is Pags. 6,1 14 9f. 65c., and would have been about 8,000 Pags. but that I was obliged to spare some to Mr. Morse in retiuni for some he gavG you on the Camden. If any more diamonds come in before the Pigot sails, which I imagine will be in fifteen days at farthest, I shall endcvor to send some on your account, or to get bills. " The remains of your money advanced to Gocull for diamonds is Pags. 7,885 321'. 15c., which you may be assured I will get in diamonds or bills as soon as possible, or make him (1) Payen Galie, the territory l)olow the Eastern Ghauts ; from Pers. pa.in, ))elo\v, and Hind, ghat, a raiifj;e of liills. (2) Gokal Tai'vadi, diaiiinnd im^rcliant. (:J) Willian-i C.itsford. 35 [No. 20 pay the interest between the dispatch of the Pigot and the October ship. " The Marattas, it seems, have taken Sera, Meddighery, formerly belonging to Morarow, and Rani-beddalure, where the Queen of Biddanore was confined, and are now advancing to Syringapatani. I only wish they may continue their measures, and that we may not quarrell by and bye with them to take out of their hands what they thus lay hold of before we and the Subah join them. " Lewin Smith hath got Soucar'^* bills from Sittaramrauze for his third kist of last year amounting to 1§ lack of rupees, but he still writes that he is apprehensive he shall not prevail on the Rajah to pay two lacks of pagodas for the next year without assisting him with troops, which we are utterly against and hope to avoid. " Mr, Law'-' some time ago returned to Pondichery, and the moment he landed put Mr. Bayellan and all or most of the Council under an arrest for their very refractory conduct during his absence. He brought Nicolas and other Councillors back with him to occupy their places, and it is said he is deter- mined to send them all home on a ship now ready to be dis- patched from Pondichery. We hear they have at present no money to advance for an Investment. I can recollect nothing more to add but to repeat my assurances of being, my dear friend, your very obliged and affectionate " John Call." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4/o.] [Enclostire.^ GocuLL Tarwaddy to Messrs. John Call'^' and William CoTSFORD, General Post Office, London. " Exchange for £sl800 at 8*. 9rf. and 30 days. 1767, March 21st, Madrass, " Gentlemen, Thirty days after sight of this my second bill of exchange (my first and third of the same tenor and date not being paid) and upon the safe delivery to you of two bulses of diamonds sealed with my seal and marked No. 17 and 19, value as per invoice sent you Pags.l9,204< 23f. 50ca. please to pay to Robert Palk, Esq., or his order, at whose risque so mucli of the said bulses of diamonds is to be conveyed to you, the sum of eighteen hundred pounds sterling out of the produce of the said bulses of diamonds. But in case of the loss of the said bulses or any part thereof, you are then only to pay to the said Robert Palk, Esq., or his order, at the rate of 8s. 9d. for every pagoda's worth of diamonds of my concern delivered to you according to the price in the invoice, and you (1' Soucar, a native banker. (-' Jean Law, Chief of C'ossiiuliazar and brother of Jacques Law wlio surrendered at Srirangain, returned to France in 1702. He was subsequently appointed Governor of Pondicherry. (•■5) Father of Colonel John Call. Ng. 20] 36 will place the whole of this transaction to the account of, Gentlemen, your most obedient humble servant, " GocuLL Tarwaddy." [Autograph, \ p., demy.] [No. 21.] Ch[arle]s Bourchier to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Governor Bourchier." 1767, March 22nd, Fort St. George. " My dear Friend, I am almost too late to send you even a line b}' this ship, the Anson, though she has been detained much longer than I expected by a lucky discovery of some torn and darned cloth in some Vizagapatam bales overset in the surff, which led us to an examination of some others, and to our astonishment above a 6th part of their whole Investment has been found in that condition, which is above 130 l^ales. We thought it therefore most prudent to land near 800 bales that had been shipped on board, and they being in the same state with the rest, it is well we did so, or we might have incurred severe resentment from home. I think they will not disapprove this proceeding, though it has occasioned the ship's detention, as such a quantity of torn cloth must have prejudiced the sale of the rest, and the freight on it would have come to as much or more than the demorage incurred by the dela}^ " I have had scarce a leisure hour since you went, so much has the ceremonials on my coming to the Government, the correspondence with officers on conmiand, frequent visits to and from the Nabob, who is still here, and much other business engrossed my time and attention. You must forgive me there- fore if I do not give you a detail of our political affairs since your departure. This I am the less anxious about, as Call tells me he has wrote you fully on the subject. It is one I must own I am not fond of. but our engagements with the Soubah have led us into such a scene [? skein] that it will require more of my attention than any other part of the Administration. His Excellency'^' can't avoid still shewing his enmity to the Soubah, but as I have already foimd that being a little austere sometimes, and insisting on his compliance with what is right, has a proper effect in keeping him within bounds, I hope to prevent his being so ridiculous as to let his idle conduct be known so as to reach the Souba's ears. I have indeed, my dear friend, a heavy burthen to support for some time. I have, however, the pleasure to tell you my friend Call is kind enough to assist me very essentially, and I hope, if I enjoy my health as well as I do at present, I shall rubb through it tolerably well and see you at furthest in the year 1770. " At the Nabob's desire I have sent you a letter from him (') Nawab Walajah. 37 [No. 21 inclosed. He imagines Mr. Van Sittart can explain it, and therefore would not have it wrote in English. " 1 send you one also for Mrs. Palk from Miss Stonhouse.'^' I believe it is on a subject that you little imagine, and that it will therelbre surprize you both. I confess to you I wish she had never made her appearance in this Settlement, for she gave me much uneasiness before you went on account of my brother's*^' attachment, and this has been much increased by George Van Sittart's paying his addresses to her, which he did within a week after you was gone. After he had in a manner engaged her consent, which, however, I must say she told him she would not give without I approved it, he came to talk with me about it. I candidly made him acquainted with my objections, indeed as freely as I did my brother, and assured him, as I was persuaded it would give you and Mrs. Palk uneasiness, I never could concurr in it. He endeavored all he could to induce me to determine otherwise ; but as you and Mrs. Palk seemed averse to my brother's being so attached, I could not imagine otherwise than that you will be much more affected at George's desire to be so intimately connected with her.*^* I therefore persisted in assuring him I could not alter my resolution, which he took in very good part, as he said he perceived it proceeded from the affection I bore you and Mrs. Palk. In what manner he repre- sented it to the young lady I can't say, but she has never even hinted to me a word of what had passed between her and George. Since he left us I ha\ e heard that they are so farr engaged that, if he is not ordered home for his behavior to Lord Clive, which he suspects may happen, he is under a promise of marrying her. I have taken an opportunity of letting her know that I imagined such a step would not be looked upon by you and Mrs. Palk as a handsome return for vour kindness to her here. This has in some measure embarrassed her, but still I lind she thinks her honor is too farr engaged with George to retract with credit to herself ; that is, according to my idea of the matter, that she would not willingly have you and* Mrs. Palk displeased, but finds it too good a match to be relinquished ; and if you are so, she can't help it. I may be too severe in my sentiments of her possibly, and I shall be sorry if I am so, but I can't divest myself of the opinion I once told you I had of her, that she is mistress of too much art for so young a woman, and in many circumstances relating to her conduct I am con- firmed in it, as are many other people here. 1 shall leave no endeavors untried to prevent their coming together that I can decently pursue, persuading myself that you and Mrs. Palk will be pleased if 1 succeed. Poor Jim cannot divest himself (l> Miss Sarah Stonhovise, daughter of the Rev. Sir James Stonhouse, 7th Bart., a physician who afterwards took lioly orders, becauie the wife of Gieoi'gt> Vansittart. She and her husband were remote cousins, his mother iiaving been Martlia Ston- house, daughter of Sir Jolm Stonhouse, 3rd Bart. (-' James Bourchier. (3) Mrs. Palk was Vansittart's sister. No. 21.] 38 of the prejudices he had in her favor long before you went away, although he yielded to my persuasions and yours to decline all thoughts of her for a wife ; indeed he has been more affected since George became her admirer than before, arising both from his affection for you and Mrs. Palk, and his regard for the young lady, and what will be the end of it I don't know. I wish he may not run away with her from George, and yet he is so different from what he used to be that I had rather see him married to her than that he should continue under so great an anxiety of mind as he now does. At the same time I shall be extreamly sorry if she is ever married to George, for I much doubt from the short acquaintance they haAe had together if they have realy much affection for each other, and she seems to be ill calculated to make a discrete wife for so careless a chap as George is. In short, my dear friend, the whole affair has perplexed and vexed me to a very great degree, and I am not likely to be relieved from this situation for some time. I sincerely wish you and Mrs. Palk may suffer much less about her than I have done. I have desired Mrs, B. will send me no more female recommendations, and I must entreat the same favor of you and Mrs. Palk. " Of the two pipes of madeira you left here to be sent home, Capt. Lennox has taken one, as will Richardson the other. Lennox's receipt is inclosed, and as he is a very obliging, good kind of man, I cannot avoid, as it is [his] particular request, recommending him to your kind offices if it should at any time lay in your power to assist him in geting a good voyage. " As you was so kind to give me leave, I have desired Mrs. B. and Cotsford to consult you in the disposal of some money I remitted home by the Camden and now do by the An.son, and I shall be obliged to you to favor them with your advice on the occasion. There are great complaints of the bad quality of the diamonds now sent, which makes many people appre- hensive they will sell very ill. In this you are interested as well as myself. If they should do so, how are we to get home any more of our money at a better exchange than 7s. 8d. ? Pray favor me with your sentiments about this matter. " My being obliged to neglect Mrs. Palk by this conveyance concerns me much, but you are so powerful and [?an] advocate that I doubt not you will readily pre\ail on her to forgive me. Let me beg you will assure her that, although I make but an awkward figure in her place at the head of the table, a remem- brance of her civilities is too strongly imprinted in my mind for me ever to think otherwise tiian that I am under the greatest obligations to her, and my best wishes always attend her. Be assured, my dear friend, I have as deep a sense of gratitude for your innumerable favors conferred upon me, and can never cease to acknowledge myself your most sincerely obliged and affectionate ' " Chs- Bourciiier." [P.vS.] " The Pigut will sail in about ten days or a fortnight." [Holograph, 7| pp., Uo.\ 3!) [No. 22.] W|illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to | Robert] Palk, [Esq.] 1767, March 22n(l, Fort St. (ieorgc— " Dear Sir, I embrace the very first opportunity, my dear Mr. Paliv, of returning you my unfeigned tlianks for the favors you heaped on me during vour stav in India. There is not, I assure vou, a dav passes but they occur to me, nor do I ever reflect on them without earnestl}' wishing you will give me some opportunity of shewing the grateful sense I must ever retain of them. " Nothing material has occurred in the Company's affairs since your departure, and the operations going forward will be so nuich better related by your other correspondents that I shall avoid troubling you with anything on the subject. " I have received a bond from the Nabob for the thousand pagodas he promised to Withecombe's'^' father. It becomes due the 1st Febrviary, 1768, and bears interest at 10 per cent. As you left me no instructions concerning it, I know not whether you would chuse the whole to be remitted when it becomes due, or whether the bond is to be renewed and the interest only sent home annually. I beg you will write me on this subject. I shall remit the first year's interest without waiting your reply. " There is one circumstance, my dear Sir, on which I must beg your advice. I remember you once mentioned to me that the reduction of the Nabob's interest would be a considerable drawback to my mother's income. It struck me so much that I could not make an ingenuous reply, for you must know that I have never allowed her more than 8 per cent, and my reasons were these : — When my mother offered me this money, it was with a view of being of service to me as well as herself, and she repeatedly wrote me that she should be well satisfied with 8 per cent. When I put it into the Nabob's hands I concluded the risk to be mine, and therefore never wrote her that it was there. I declare solemnly that, had the Nabob failed, I should have thought myself accountable for the money (as indeed I do to this moment), and I so far concluded the interest to be mine that I remember to have once wrote her tliat I cleared 12 per cent, by the money. I beg, my dear my [?]\Ir.] Palk, you will favor me with your opinion on this matter. If you think the 20 per cent, should go to my mother, I will chearfully pay it, for I shall be then convinced that I have acted wrong, though without any intention of doing so. It will, I confess, be some disappointment to me, but I would pay fifty times the sum rather that it should be imagined I could enter- tain a thought of keeping to myself what is the right of another. " The dispatch, which we thought would be nothing, has (1) This Withecombe, who had probably been in the Nawab's service, may have been a connection of Robert Palk, whose brother Walter married into the family of Widdicombe (or Withecombe). Robert Palk, jun., left a legacy to one Tiiomas Withecombe. Cj. Xo. 414. No. 22] 40 proved very heavy, and fagged me confoundedly. It is in a good eause, and I shall probably continue writing in the same post these ten years. . . . " I flatter myself this will find you happy to the utmost of your wishes, rewarded with ease and tranquility after a scene of care and trouble. You know not, my dear Mr. Palk, how well I wish you. I beg you will present my respectful compliments to Mrs. Palk, and believe me with real esteem and regard ^'our infinitely obliged and obedient humble servant, " W. M. GOODLAD." [Holograph, 3| pp., Uo.] [No. 23.] George Yansittart to Mrs. [Anne] Palk. 17G7, April 3rd, Midnapore.— " My dear Mrs. Palk,— Here I am, safely moored for I hope four or five years, and perfectly well pleased with my new abode. I wrote to Palk the middle of last month by the Nottingham. If the Mercury, which is now just ready to sail, should chance to arrive first in England, pray acquaint him that I believe I should be saved the trouble of a trip home even if the Court of Directors, through their great impartiality and clemency, were to rout me out of the service by their answers to the Grenville. I have been assured by some members of the Select [Committee] that I should be maintained in my station till their further pleasure could be known. " My present place of residence is very different from the greatest part of Bengal. Instead of being a low, rich soil, it is a high spot, very hard and rocky, and looks as if nature had intended a hill but miscarried ; and at this season of the year land winds prevail similar to those which you used to be so fond of at Madras. " Three days ago I wrote to Harry,' i' but I forgot to inform him of a piece of news ; so I must employ you to communicate it to him — an office which, as you are so well versed in the revolu- tions of Hindostan, you will doubtless have pleasure in executing. The Abdallee'-' haxing thrashed the Sics<'' and obliged them to pay him a large sum of money, is advanced to within a few cose'''^' of Delly at the head of 100,000 horse. He has written to the chiefs of the empire to attend him with money and troops, and it is said to be his intention to seat himself on the throne of Hindostan. So our old friend Shah Aulum'-'' is like to lose his kingdom. Yours most affectionately, " George Yansittart." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4io.] (1) Henry Vansittai't. (2) Ahiuad Shall Alxlfili, otliorwiso called Ahmad Shah Duifmi, approached Delhi witli an arniv in -March, 1707, but retreated in tlio following month. (3) The Sikhs. (j) C'oKC, cons, a varial)lc' measure of distance, generally about two miles. (5) Shah Alant, the titular emperor. 41 [Nof 24] Chocapah to the Honourable Robert Palk, Es(jr. 1767, April 3rd, Fort St. George.—" Honourable Sir, I had tlie honour to write a few lines under the date of the 3rd of last month j)or sliip ^inson. . . Last Monday the Governour and Council was pleased to settle the present year's contract for the Honourable Conipan\''s Investment the same as last year, but only took the long cloth medlin'^' from Dessoo Rcddy and gave to Mootaniary Chitty. Dessoo Reddy and Moota Chitty have not behaved well in their duty of bringing their cloth agreeable to their contract. . . The Governour and Council was pleased to tell me in consultation that I have behaved very well, and they are willing to give me some more articles, but there is none at present, and therefore I must be contented with the Salempores*-' fine, the same as last year. " We have, not yet received any further news from Manilah, which we expect every day. The Nabob still remains in the Company's Garden, and it seems that he will go to Triclmaply in a day or two. . . . Chocapaii. [Autograph, 2 pp., 4 to.] [No. 25] [Colonel] John Call to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1767, April 6th, Madrass. — " My dear Sir, By this ship you will receive a duplicate of what I wrote you by the Anson. I believe I shall not be able to get any more diamonds to send you till next October. If any should come they will be sent partly on your account to Mr. Cotsford and my father as before. " All the detachments of our troops having been very near the Subah the 25th ultimo, Colonel Smith waited on the Duan<-^' and acquainted him that he was very uneasy at the Subah's dilatory manner of proceeding, and the reports which were spread of his intention to return very soon to the Decan and to make up matters with Hydre Ally. He therefore desired to be informed without evasion what were the Subah's real intentions, that he might judge how far it was consistent with his orders to conform thereto. After many excuses the Duan declared that the Marattas having deceived the Subah and already ])lundered all the country of what was to be got, and the season of the year being far advanced towards the period of repassing the Kistnah, the Subah for these reasons was resolved to accept Hydre Ally's offer of money if he would pay 50 lacks of rupees, and proposed to defer the prosecution of the expedition till next year, when he should set out much earlier. (1) Middling, of medium texture. (-' Salempores, a variety of cotton cloth, made chiefly in South Arcot. (3) Duan, diivdn, the Nizam's minister. No. 25] 42 " This was an event we most apprehended would ruin all our project, and you may imagine Colonel Jo was very much chagrined. He urged a thousand arguments to induce the Subah to persevere, and above all assured him that there never was a finer body of troops sent out of the Carnatick than we had sent out on this occasion, and that perhaps it might not be in our power to assist him so effectually another time. Both the Duan and Subah seemed deaf to all that could be urged, and only rcplyed that the Marrattus had always deceived them, and that in future they would entirely be guided by our advice, being persuaded of our real inclination to support the Subah's authoritv. Thus matters stand with Jo and the Subah ; but we do not yet give up the point, and James Bourchier with Stracey'-^ sets out to morrow to try whether he can be more successful in the persuasive strain, or else to insist on the Company's possessions and the Carnatick being included in any arrangement that may be made with Hydre Ally. " About the same time we received Jo's letter a Vakeel arrived from Mahadarow, acquainting us of his master's success in taking Sirpi and all the country north of Bengalure, asking Choute for the Carnatick, and expressing a surprise that we should have joined the Subah with such a powerful body of troops without acquainting his master. To the first part we rcplyed that we were Aery glad to hear of his master's success ; to the second, that we never should consent to pay any Choute for the Carnatick after the King'-^* and the Subah had confirmed it as an Ultumgan<^' or free gift to Serajah Doulah,'^) and after we had fought so much to maintain it in its present state : he would therefore do well to touch no more on that subject. To the third we obser\'ed that the Subah had assured us of a solid and firm agreement made between him and the Marattas to attack Hydre Ally, and that we had readih^ joined him in consequence, and even acquainted jMahadarow of our intentions, though he affected to be surprised at it. The Vakeel then complained of the Subah's dilatoriness, and said that his master, finding the Sul^ah was resolved to make up matters and return, had been necessitated to adopt the same jjlan, though much against his inclination. " We told the Vakeel that we had still hopes of engaging the Subah to persevere, and therefore desired he would Avrite his master to defer the intended acconnnodation and wait till our army came up. To this he observed that his master could not depend on the Subah, but was apprehensive that with our (1) Jo.scpli Smith. (2) lOdwai'il Stracoy, a Madras civil servant of 175S, was Persian Translatm- in ITiilt, wlion lio accompanied Du Pr6 to St. Thomas's Mount to settle tonus of peace willi Uaidar. (3) The Mogul. W Ultumxiaii, from Turk, and Hind. ullai)u/ah, red seal, i.e., a royal grunt under red seal. (5) Siraj-ud-daula, one of (he titles of Nawah Wal-i jah. Cf. No. 3(), p. 5S. 43 [No. 25 assistance \\v iwlvndvd to (juarrcll with the Marattas. IT we would engage to join Maluiciarow and act with him, lie would readily stay and prosecute the expedition to the utmost w^e could wish, without retaining any countries in his hands. After nuich other diseoiu'se it aj)peared clearly that Mahadarow was \ery suspicious ot" the Subah's designs, and would not wait till he came near him, but that he would be very glad to have our friendship, and act, as the Vakeel expressed it, under our orders. There is no saying what quantity of truth there is in all these declarations, but that we may lose no opportunity of coming at the designs of the iNIarattas, I am to set out privately to-morrow imder pretence of visiting and providing for the defence of the passes, and when arri\ed at Cadapanattum or Palameleru,*^' Mahadarow himself, as the \'akeel says, but I suppose some person deputed by him, is to come thither and connnunicate to me the Marattas' real intentions, and if anything can be effected to gain our point against Hydrc Ally, I hope to accomplish it without interfering wdth the grand plan laid down by Lord Clive. " If both the Marattas and Subah (with whom we are deter- mined not to break, and risque the tranquility of the Circars) are resolved to go back next month, we shall then so far change our project as to endevor to bring about a peace between the Subah and Hydre Ally exclusi\'e of the Marattas ; to confine him to the ancient Mysore dominions, settle the future Peiscash, and engage him to assist us against the Marattas if there should be occasion hereafter. " Mr. Bourchier seems a good deal affected with this disappointment of his hopes, and many of the members of the senate cry out, ' I said it would come to this, and a pretty figure we cut trulv.' For mv part I think verv diffcrentlv, and see nothing more in it than this : — The Subah by treaty is entitled to our assistance ; he asked it, and we gave it to him. He told us he should attack Hydre Ally, and we rejoiced because it coincided with our interest. We even went farther and sent a poW'Crful body of troops, hoping by that step to engage the Subah to root out Hydre Ally entirely ; but he ne\cr promised us any such thing, and perhaps never intended to do more than draw a sum. If then we are disappointed, we have nothing to blame but our own sanguine hopes, which flattered us that everything would go on as we would have it. Another time we must endevor to know what w^e are going about before we set out ; an.d at present comfort ourselves that we have faith- fully adhered to our engagements and have 7 lacks of the Subah's to make good the expence, besides 10 lacks of rupees left clear to the company out of the C'ircar revenue, Lewin'-' having at length let the Chicacole country to Sittaram and Ragorauze for 8 lacks of rupees clear of charges. (1) The Pass of Paluianer in the Eastern Ghauts is 10 miles N.E. of the Pass of Kadapauattam, wh.ich is itself 50 miles due W. of \'eIlore. (-) John Lewin Smith, Chief at Masulipatam. No. 25] 44 " We are Ibrniiiig a part}^ of observation at Vellore, and I propose to reconnoitre Gegadevy*^' and Vaireanibady,*-' so that if a good opportunity offers, I ha^■c lca\"e to attempt to gain possession of these plaees. " The Nabob goes away in three days to Arcott. His money begins to come in from the 1st instant to pay liis private creditors, and I hope he will not fail in his engagements. He is still as jealous as ever of Nizam Ally, and at variance with all his own family. " My respects to Mrs. Palk. I have not time to say more than that I am, my dear friend, your most obliged and affectionate " John Call." [P.S.] " Pray show this to General Caillaud ; I have not time to Avrite to him." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4^o.] [No. 26.] George Purnell'^) to Robert Palk, Esqr. 17G7, April 7th, Fort St. George.—" Sir, I take the liberty to trouble you with enclosed duplicate of my last respects to you of the 22nd of last month, and now beg leave to . . repeat my most earnest request that you will interest yourself and influence your friends on my behalf. I present my humble respects to Mrs. Palk. " George Purnell." " P.S. — Sir, Since writing the above I have transcribed sundry letters from Mr. Morse, dated the 2nd instant, to his correspondents in England, wherein he acquaints them of his design to withdraw from business after the dispatch of the ship in March, 1769. It is therefore most humbly submitted to you, Sir, whether, for divers reasons too obvious to need repeating, it be not the more necessary to make immediate application to your friends in my behalf, lest any delays might be prejudicial to my interest. I flatter my self. Sir, that you will be so good [as] to excuse this sollicitude in me. "G. Purnell.'* [Holograph, 1 p., demy.] [No. 27.] Rob[er]t Palk [jun.] to Robert Palk, Esqr., London. 1767, April 7th, Fort William. — " Dear Sir, T deferred writing to you by Captain Howe as I was in the hope of having something satisfactory to write you regarding myself. When 1 left Madras I thought I should not meet with any difficulty in getting (') Jegadevi Puss, thnnigh which flows the Palar River, is (id miles S.W. of Vellore. (2) Vaniambadi, on the Palar River, where there was a fort, is 35 miles W.S.W. of Vellore. l-^) George Purnell was a free merchant of Madras. 45 [No. 27 appointed Goorge's'^' assistant to Midnapore in case nothing better offered. On my arrival here I found that vacancy had been filled up by one three years younger in the service tlian myself. I was told on my arrival that gentleman should be removed if possible to make room for me, but now I am told it can't be done. I have been assured by persons to whom you have recommended me that I shall be provided for the first opportunity ; so that I can give you no better account of mysell" than that I am living in Calcutta at a great expence without anything coming in. " When I arrived here I foimd the money you lent me laying dead in your attorney's hands, notwithstanding the particular request of George that it should be employed to the best advantage. I am now employing it to the best advantage, but I fear I am rather too late to expect much from it this season. " Mr. Kelsall'-' is appointed Chief of Dacca in the room of Mr. Cartier,^'" who resides in the Presidency as Second [in Council.] " Two of our brigades are marched towards Illiabad on a report of the Abdallah's^^' coming down from Delly against us by the particular desire of Shuja Dowla,'-^^ as it is asserted, who in all probability will join them against us. " I will (for many reasons) defer writing any thing of the state of affairs here in this Settlement, &c. You will hear from other hands how matters go on. I hope you will not forget to send me Chambers's Gardenner's Dictionary. " Mrs. Plowman'6) has been delivered of a child, and is so ill that the doctors think she will not get over it. I desire my compliments to Mrs. Palk, and am with great respect, dear Sir, vour most obliged and obedient servant, " RoBT. Palk." • " P.S. — I wrote to you and Mrs. Palk, before I left Madras, by the Anson.'' " 12th April, Mrs. Plowman is no more." [Holograph, 2f pp.. 4-to. iVax seal bearing the Palk arms.] [No. 28.] Ja[me]s Johnson*"' to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1767, April 11th, Fort St. George. — " Sir, You kindly promised to use your influence in my behalf with the Court of Directors for my admission into their service, and though I have little U) George Vansittart. (-) Thomas Kelsall, a Madras civil servant of 1755, was transferred to Bengal in 176(5. In 1707 he was 9tli member of Council. (3) John Cartier succeeded Verelst as Governor of Bengal in 1769. (4) Ahmad Shah AbdaH. (5) Shuja-ud-daula, Xawab Vizier of Oudh. (6) Wife of Henry Plowman, George Vansittart's partner in private business. (") James Johnson, a free merchant from 1761, was associated with W. M. Goodlad, the Civil Department Secretary, in private business. He was afterwards employed by the Nawab. No. 28] 46 pretence to such an act of friendship from you, the encourage- ment you ever gave me induces me to solhcit your good offices. " The Nabob's debt is at last settled. The amount of the new bonds is Porto Novo Pags. 55,800 and Star 22,29,650. Payments of the revenues began the first instant, and 29,000 pags. and a bill for a lack and ten thousand rupees are already received. 'Tis imagined when the Tan jour tribute of 4. lacs of rupees are received there will be money sufficient to make a general dividend of 10 per cent. Mr. Ross,'^' who you know is busy in all affairs but his own, has endeavoured, contrary to the general voice of the creditors, to obstruct the proceedings of the trustees and alter their plans. His remonstrances were too unreasonable to merit even an answer. " Some bales of Vizac[apatam] cloth were in landing accidentally damaged. Being opened, it was discovered that a very considerable part was torn. All the bales being examined were found in the same condition. John Davidson, '2) the Warehousekeeper, we fear will bear the whole censure at home. His letter on the subject, far from vindicating him, acquaints the Council with more truth than prudence that inexperience makes him unfit for that employ. " I must not forget to thank you for your promise to Goodlad of recommending us to the Coral consigners. I think it a valuable branch of business if early entered into, and it cannot be very desirable to persons high in the service, as you have already experienced.'^' " I desire you will present my compliments to Mrs. Palk. . . " Jas. Johnson." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.] [No. 29.] J[ohn] M[axwell] Stone'*' to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1767, April 15th, Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I could not avoid by this conveyance enquiring after your's, Mrs. Palk's and your family's health, particularly as it gives me at the same time an opportunity of expressing the sense I have of the many obligations I am under to you ... " With regard to publick affairs, I make no doubt but you will have a full account of them from Mr, Bourchier and Mr. Call. I shall, however, do myself the pleasure of acquainting you with the most material occurrences since you left us. (1) Andrew Ross arrived as a free merchant in 1752. He took a prominent part in civic affaii-s, and uKiinatcly died at .Madias after a continuous residence of 45 years. (2) John Davidson, a civil sci-vaut of 175.'5. (■'' Coral was originally iiii|Kirtcd from ]vvn and district in the north-west part of Mysore. The last Raja dying in 1755, left an heir, Clien Busvaiya, under the guardianship of his widow. Tiie Rani compassed tlie deatli of tlie heir, and in 1763 Haidar attacked Bednur, ostensibly to avenge the nun-dei-. The Rani cai)itulated and was im- prisoned, and for some time Haidar contemplated making Bednur his capital under the name of Haidarnagar. (3) The Subah, Nizam Ali. (*' Charles Tod was, as Captain, Coiumandant of Sepoys during the siege of Madras of 1758-50, and subsequently Town ^Nlajor of Fort St. George. In 1707, as Lieut-Colonel, he was placed in control of the whole of the native infantry. He served in the first Mysore war. (5> Major Thomas FitzGerald. Vide No. 141. D No 30] . 50 " Donald Campbell'^' is gone with a detachment from the garrisons of Vellour and Tritchanopoly to settle the southern countries, and Major Bonjour'^) is out with a party to prevent if possible any incursions from the Morattoes through the passes. " Smith'^' has settled with Sittaramrauze for the Cicacole country at eight lacks, and soucar security has been given for the third kist of last year. Nothing more from the northward since you left us. " A sad discovery has been made of negligence in embaling the Vizagapatam Investment, and I fear that part which went by the Loi'd CambderjL was in no better condition. We have exculpated poor old Smith,'*' and Davidson <^) is ordered up. Humanity has saved him from dismission, which he well deserved. " Madge'^' wrote to me to endeavour to get home for him a chest of table china intended as a present for Colonel Monson,*^' which he said you would clear from the India House. Capt. Lennox of the Anson was so obliging as to carry it. The mark or any thing else relating to it I am ignorant of, but I suppose Madge has wrote to you about it. "George Vansittart, you will no doubt have heard from other hands, has made a bold stroke for a wife, but James Bourchier seems still to maintain his influence with the young lady, and 'tis yet a doubt who will be the happy man. I shall leave this subject to be treated on more at large by those who know more of the matter than I pretend to do. " You will by this time, I suppose, be about leaving the Cape, where I think it likely you would meet Lord Clive if he recovered his health. India affairs would afford you a large field to expatiate on. He, you and Van'^' must go hand in hand, and take upon you the whole management of the Company's con- cerns at home, and then some regular plan and system may be laid down for conducting them abroad, where they begin to require very able heads and honest hearts for supporting with honor and advantage the whole vast superstructure which has been so suddenly and successfully raised. The most rigid rules of abstinence are still observed in my family that no (U Vide So. li), p. ■2(\, nolo ."5. (-' Major A lira ham Umi Jour. In 1772, as Lioiil. -Colonel, he liold a coniniand under (Jenorai Jo.sopli Siiiil li in Ihe Marava expedition, when owin^ <<> a miscarriage of ordei'S great slaughter took place among the unresisting onomy at Kaliyarkoil, the capital of tlie 'lattle Marava.' Malignantly attacked in I'higland hy Sir Rohoi't fleicher, IJonJour was completely exonc'ralcd liy Ihc .Mathas ( Ion (Minucnt . He lelt India in 177;) and settled in S\\ if -/Airland. (•') John Lewin Smith, Chief at Masulipatani. '■^' .lohn Smith, Chief at Vizagaiiatani. (•'>> .lohn l>avidson, rirfe No. 28, /<.!(). W Captain Thomas Madge, into, lieutenanl in Il.M.'s !)(ith Ileginxent, entered the Con\pany's service in 17(!l. lie comm.imli'il a batl.'ilion of native infantry in the Norther'n Ciroars. (") Vide No. 0, p. 12, note 2. l'^' llenrv Vansittart. 51 [No. 30 impediments; may prevent the execution of our plan for leaving India in October next ; so that, let what will happen, you may be assured of seeing me in England about this time twelv^emonth. We are looking out hourly for a ship from Europe, and are told that Du Pre'^) may be expected as a successor to Mr. Bourchier. Such an appointment after a service of four and twenty years would iuu-t mc, I confess, because 'twould be disgracieux to go home imdcr so disagreeable a circumstance ; but so much is my heart set upon being with my young family that no consideration upon earth shall keep me another year in India if my boy is able to undertake the voyage, which I thank God we have at present great encouragement to hope will be the case, as he continues stout and jolly, and is almost weaned already. I shall hoj^e the pleasure of finding a letter from you either at the Cape or St. Helena in my way home, for I shall be anxious to know how poor Mrs. Palk passed the first two or three months of her voyage, which must, I think, have tried her patience, spirits and constitution unless that unhappy woman you carried with you was either soon relieved from her misery or recovered ; and I am most heartil}" vexed to think she should have had so little feeling or consideration for her mistress as not to have accepted the offer made her of being accommodated here. Mrs. Pybus desires most affectionately to be remembered to you, and joins with me in the same to Mrs. Palk. I hope your dear little ones got well over the voyage. Our kind compliments if you please to Harry Van and his family and General Caillaud " John Pybus." [Holograph, 6 jip., Uo.] [No. 31] Henry Brooke (2) to Robert Palk, Esq., at the East India House, London. 1767, Aprill 16th, Fort St. George, per the Pigot, Capt. Richardson. — " Dear Sir, I have the pleasure of acquainting you that a few days after your departure Mr. Bourchier and the rest of the Gentlemen did me the honour of calling me to a seat in Council. Sensible of this, mv utmost endeavours shall not be wanting to render myself worthy of it, and I flatter myself that, had you been present, your concurrence would not have been refused, especially after so strict a scrutiny into the Manila disputes had been made, in which I was unhappily concerned. I hope nothing has been determined in your opinion but Avhat will prove my attachment to the Company's interest throughout the whole of that expedition. Had I been (1^ Vide No. 19, p- 30, note 1. (-' Henry Brooke entered the Madras civil service in 1751, and eleven years later joined the expedition of Admiral CornLsli and General Draper against Manila. He was admitted to Council in 17(37, and in 1776 took an active part lq the de- position of Lord Pigot. In consequence he was recalled to England, prosecuted and fined. He married Marv Allhoarv in 17til. No. 31] 52 deficient in my duty or conscious of any failure in my integrity, I would not dare to entreat your good offices for me in the House when those affairs come before them. The great bulking of those papers will frighten the members from a reading of them : they will of course refer to you, who have had that trouble. Your opinion as chief judge here will undoubtedly carry the greatest weight with them ; and as you have allready exculpated me from any capital error, I hope for a continuance of your favour. I am the more induced to this as I am given to understand Mr. Bean is sent home on the Anson by Mr. Drake' ^' in the nature of a solicitor, who boasts not a little of his interest at home, the power of Sir George Pocock,'-' Sec, his relations. " Since your departure I have ad[d]ed a little daughter to mv familv, and I have the satisfaction to sav that Mrs. B. is perfectly recovered, who joins with me in wishes for yoiu" and Mrs. Palk's happiness. . . . Henry Brooke." [Holograph, 2| jjp., Uo.] [No. 32] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, April 16th, Fort St. George.—" I shall never be able to let a ship go, my dear Mr. Palk, without paying my respects to you, for I must ever be mindful of your favours. " The copies of letters'^' which I promised you have been brought up only to August, 1765. The remainder shall be sent by the October ship. Captain Richardson will deliver you what are done. " I am much hurried, and therefore unable to write long letters, but beg you will tell Mrs. Palk as a piece of news that the agreeable Mrs. Maitland'^* of Cuddalore is engaged to Doctor Buchanan. , . . (■^' "W. M. Goodlad." [Holograph, 1 p., 4/o.] (1) Dawsonne Drake, a Madras civil servant of 1712, was in Council in 1759, and. in 1762 was nominali'd iJi'Dspcct ive Govor'iinr of .Manila, lie eventualh' ln'caine a free meroliant. (-' Admiral George Pocock .servi-d undi'i' Admiral Walsun at the cai)!!!!'!' of Ghcriali in 17y() and of Calcutta in 17.")7, and on Watson's death succeeded to the command of the East liulia .S(|uadron. lie fought actions witii d'Aelie off Cuddalore in 1758 and off Ceylon in 17o!». He subsequently commanded in the West Indies and was present at the capture of Ha\'ana in 1702. '■'' Tliese copies are probably those now jireserved in the Hrilish Museum, (Add. MSS. .'51,688). (*' Jane de Morgan became in 1761 tlie wife of Lieut. Richard K. F. .M.iitland, who dii^d of wounds .it tin- siege of .^ladui-a in 176-1 (7./.s7 o/ 1 tiscrijitions, J. J. Cotton). ^■''' Dr. Duncan Huchanan married Mrs. Jane Maitland in 1767. 53 [No. 38.| George Smith <^^ to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, October 30th, Fort St. (ieorge. (Received per Hector, 22nd A})nl, 17()cS.) — " Sir, I did myself the pleasure of writing you by the Gluten, Capt. Dov^eton, whom I fell in with in the Straights of Banca last January, and informed you of my fortunate escape from Manila and the treatment I had met witli there. The Nabob writes the Company on this subject, and sends them a copy of my memorial and an estimate of the losses arising to him from the iniquitous measures of the Spanish Governor, which amovmts to Spanish dollars 144,650, which if paid we shall make a good voyage. I am not so sanguine in my expectations as to hope for this sum, though no more than we have a just claim for, yet I think the justice of the C[atholic] King will order us a restitution of the presents extorted from us and the ship's denun-rage during her illegal detention in his port. If the Company views this matter in its proper light, it will appear interesting to them, because they have not only a large duty on the goods provided and sent to Manila, but out of the specie, the produce of said goods, they are supplied with silver for China ; and if this is not imported from Manila or Europe all the rupees in the country will be drained for China, and in a short time none to be had, which would be attended with serious consequences unless they send silver to Canton from England, which they have not done for some years past. In this ^'iew I hope they will regard the matter, and apply to his Majesty for his good offices, through his minister at the Spanish Court, for redress of our losses, and that the trade be put on a more certain footing in future ; that is, to obtain permission for the Nabob to send his ships to Manila under the direction of such Europeans as he may appoint ; for if the C[atholic] K[ing] employs foreigners in his service, why may not the Nabob ? I hope you will use your influence to bring this about by the Company, as well as with his Majesty's ambassador at Madrid." Various circumstances have prevented me from making remittances to you either from China, Batavia or Madras, but " I have told Mr. Morse that I would pay him the sum T owed vou on demand, or continue it at interest untill I could remit it to you ... I hope you will pardon any disappointment which may arise to you from this money's not being paid in England when due, as it arose from a series of events which I could neither foresee nor prevent ... I have however the satis- faction to -inform you that the sum I owe you is as good as any in India, malgre Dom Joseph Raon,'^) whom if he had succeeded in his avaritious views would not have incapacitated me from paying my debts. I therefore account myself rich. (1' George Smith came to Madras as a free mierchant in 1754, and subsequently spent several years in China. (-) Governor of Manila. No. 33] 54 1 recei\'ed from the General of Batavia the greatest marks of pohteness and civihties, and obtained a valuable and well assorted cargo at that port to the amount of 70,000 rix dollars, and could the Sultanissa ha.xe carried goods for all the silver on board her, I could have had them, and no questions asked. But all the advantages I expected from this indulgence were frustrated by Capt, Scott's want of judgement and experience in steering an improper course for Ceyloan, which obliged us to bear away for Atcheen, finding it impracticable to fetch any part of this coast, not even Point Palmeiras. We were so far to the East of Ceyloan when in its latitude, and blowing hard, the south west monsoon having broke on us the 18th May, we were obliged to bear away for Atcheen, which we could not fetch, so were forced to go to Queda, which we reached in great distress. We arrived here only the 21st September, and unfortunate as our voyage has been, I hope we will still get our principal concern if the Sultanissa can get a freight to Bombay from Bengal, where she is now gone ; and I hope Mr. Russell will be able to obtain this for us. If the C[atholic] King is just and generous we will get the interest on our capital. " The money which you lent Messrs. Jourdan,*^' kc, I have delivered to Mr. Morse : this sum and that lent Capt. Scott " I was unable to remit during my voyage, and I could not think of leaving it " in the hands of any person at Batavia (where a man to day exists and to-morrow is no more) until October, when it would be received into the Company's cash. " I brought several curious pieces of Japan ware and china from Batavia, and made a tender of some of them to Mr. Morse for you, but he told me that you had been amply supplied before you departed from hence. " I am favored with a most friendly letter from Mr. Vansittart this season, wherein he very kindly desires me to communicate my views as to myself, should not m\' Manila voyage have answered my expectations ... I have taken the liberty of hinting to him that I should be greatly obliged to him for an introduction into Mr. Morse's house on his return to Europe or retiring from business ... as I intend residing here untill I can go home on the terms I have always proposed for myself. . . £20,000 realized in England is the extent of my present wishes, and but for Dom Kaon, I should now have been of this value. As matters have turned out ... I must labour some \ears more ... so have dropt my thoughts of seeing England so soon as I hoped ; and now I have my hands at the oar I must even pull away untill I have got my vessel) into port . . . " Mrs. Munro<2' desires her compliments to you and Mrs. (1^' F'rancis Jourdan joined as a Writer in 1759, and accompaniod the Manila expedition in 1702. In 1776 he entered Council and held tlie appointments of Land Customer, Rental General and Scavenger. lie sided with the majority against Loi'd I'igot, and was recalled to England in 1777. (-' Frances Mary Munro, widow of Dr. Andrew M\inr() and aunt of George Smith. She resided at Madras until her death in 1771. 55 [No. 3.3 Palk, and says she hopes you have assisted in getting Aurora'^* sent to her under eare of a proper person. I have reeeived Bob's'-' dividend ol" the Nabob's debt to him, and will eontinue • . . . to receive any more wliich may be made him, whieh I fear will be but small and slowly paid. His mother is very anxious about hers, and no wonder, as almost all her money is in those funds. It Avill, I hope, in time be paid off. " I was happy to hear of your and Mrs. Palk's safe arrival at St. Helena, and hope this will find you happily setled in Old England, where that you may live long in health and prosperity I most sincerely wish . . . " George Smith." " P.S. The money I had in the Nabob's hands was fortunately paid off in the currency of 1766 as my bonds became due." [Holograph, 7 jjp., 4/o.j '[No. 34.] John Calland'-^' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, November 3rd, Fort St. George. — " Sir, The many friendly offices I have received from you, added to the assurance you gave me on leaving India, induces me to take this oppor- tunity of writing you, as it will inform you of a circumstance the most interesting to me that has ever yet happened, since it not only effects [sic\ my character but future expectation, and has badly rewarded me for so many years' service . . . " You can be no stranger to the malicious disposition of the gentlemen that I had for my Counsel at Cuddalore, who by encouraging every thing that could oppose me and giving ear to every story that was told them without foundation or enquiry, I must greatly attribute what has happened, flattering themselves that if they could but get me removed, their frauds could not be detected . . . " Shortly after your leaving Madras, the old Investment being at an end, a new one was to commence, when I proposed, as the most effectual means of making the Merchants fulfill their future contracts, a penalty of 10 per cent, on failure. This the INIerchants consenting to, a few days after were called to execute them ; but instead of complying, not only refused doing of it, but denied having agreed to any such thing. As a letter had been wrote to the Presidency immediately on our engagement, I was under the necessity of representing this behaviour, when the Merchants were directly ordered up to (1' Margaret Aurora Munro, yoiinger daughter of Dr. Munro. She la irried her cousia George Smith in 1769. (2) Robert Duncan Munro, son of Dr. Munro, was a Madras civil servant of 17o5. He married Elizabeth Williamson in 1782. (3' John Galland, a civil servant of 1751, was Chief at Cuddalore in 17U7, whuu he was suspended. No. 34] 56 Madras. But previous to their setting out, Mr. Dowsett'^' sent for Irshapah Chitty, the leading man of the whole and asked him what he had done to me to occasion my being so inveterate as to occasion my writing to Mr. Bourchier in particular against him, to take away his Palankeen and turn him out of the contract. This had the effect which was expected and desired of enraging this man against me, and by that means the others from his influence o^'er them." Dowsett having obtained leave, hurried to Madras to repre- sent to Mr. Bourchier that Irsappa Chetti was the cause of the trouble. When the ^Merchants arrived " the GoAcrnor was of course extreamly angry with them, but in particular with this Irshapah Chitty, and laid the whole blame on liim fyr the trouble they had given. This confirmed him in what had been so falsely told him, and fearing the disgrace of having his Palankeen taken from him and turned out of the contract, and the others, not knowing what might happen to them, thought it advisable to fall on some method to appease the Governor's anger, and of course made their application to Narrain Pillah and Chocapah Chitty'-' ... as ha\ing the ear of Mr. Pybus . . . What ^vith preparations for the expedition to Golcondah and other matters, the Merchants continued for six weeks, if not longer, at Madras without anything further passing ; which gave them all tlie time they could wish in preparing and making good their story, and visiting Mr. Dowsett, who was all this time there with them, daily." Eventually the Merchants were received by the Governor and Mr. P\'bus, and directed to submit their complaints in writing. At the next Council meeting four of them handled in petitions, which were entered in the proceedings ; the remaining three said they had no cause of complaint. I was then ordered to Madras. " On my arrival I visited the Governor, who received me as he had always done and . . . with the same deceit, his tongue saying one thing and liis heart another. However, from the favourable reception I met with 1 freely told him every thing . . . expressing my astonishment that any com- plaint whatever should be made against me by these people, as I had never given them any cause that 1 knew of, or e\er heard tliey were dissatisfied. From the Go\ernor I went to Mr. Pybus to pay my compliments, who, instead of receiving me with even connnon politeness or ciAility due to a stranger, absolutely insulted and abused me, comparing me to Governor Macraey,'^) and telling me that if what the merchants alledged against me was true, and which he made not the le[a]st doubt of, I ought to be dismissed the ser\ice with infamy (for these were his very words and expressions). . . . (1) Robert Dowsett, who entered the Madras civil service in 1754, was 2nd in the Cudiljilorc Cnuiiril in 17(i7. (■^) Narayan I'illai and L'hokappa Clictti, Madras Merchants for tlu> Company. f3) James Macrae, (lovernor of Madras 1725-30, was, on his supersession, charged by cei'tain natives witli lyraimy and acc<'i)tance of brilics. {Madra.i Conttultation, 2nd June, 173U.) The charges appear to liave been unfounded. 57 [No. 34 " Some (laNs after my arrival the petitions were sent me by the Seeretary (another advocate for the cause by his connexion with UoAvsett and Cuming'^') to answer whicli I did accord- ingly ; but foreseeing . . . that I should ha\e tlie worst of it . . . I went frequently and breakfasted with Mr. Bourchier, and desired him to accommodate the matter, since it must hurt me at any rate if such a thing aj)pcarcd on record. But all was to no purpose. His answer was, that as it was now in c\cry one's mouth, the only way was to go through with it . . . '' It's unnecessary to repeat what arc in the proceedings, as I haxf s.iit them to Colonel Campbell with direction to get them drawn out in another manner, and to make the whole j)ublick, since 1 not only think myself extreamly injured, but tliere isn't a person in the Settlement acquainted with the service but thinks so too." Suffice it to say that I hope you will use vour influence with the Court of Directors on mv behalf. "Though I intend to proceed to Phigland, 'tis not by choice, but necessity that obliges me to if, and therefore shall perhaps be glad to return again if I can do it with credit . . ." " John Calland." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4^o.] [No. 35.] • MooPERALA Kistnia'-> and Rama Kisna to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1767, No^•enlber 4th, Fort St. George. (Received per Hector, 22nd April, 1768.) — " Sir, We had the pleasure of addressing you per Anson, and the duplicate of which went per Pigot, wherebv \'ou would have been fullv informed about the Beetle and Tobacco farm is end[ed] to us soon after your departure . . . '' Old Kistnia hinted to you several times that after your government this poor country and the inhabitants would not be so happay and quiet as during your. time. Just it has happened accordingly, every body wishing for your goodness and care that lived in peace with all the Powers of the country ; whereas latch' a small body of the enemj^'s horse rode up to the Governor's Garden House, (=^* burning and destroying all that came in their way.''*' Numl5er[s] of poor innocent people from St. Thome, the Mount, Conjevcram and other places were killed, wounded and carried into captivity without one soul going to their defence, which has occasioned such a general consternation in our Black Town that most of the inhabitants U) William Cuming, a civil servant of ITfiO, was at Cuddalnro in 17(i7. C^) Vide No. 16, p. l!l, nolo I. (•5) The Governof's (or ('oiii|iany's) Garden Imuse was situated one luile S.\\'. >>{ the Fort. It is now Government House, Madras. (■*' This raid on the suburbs was made on the 28tli and 2!)th September l)y about 8,000 of Haidar's cavalry. Madras lieing denuded of troops, the civil servants and other Europeans, as well as the Portuguese and Armenian residents, were armed for the defence of the Fort and To%vn (Madras Letters to England, 8th Oct., 1767). No. 35.] 58 have sent out their familys to places of security, which is a great hinderance to all trade and business. God send us peace and queetness, for otherwise the poor country will be entirely ruined. " It will give us great pleasure to hear of your safe arrival in England, and that you and Mrs. Palk and General Lawrence enjoy a good .health, to whom please to present our most humble respects ..." " MOOPERALA KjSTNIA " Rama Kisna." [Holograph of Rama Kisna, 3 pp., 4fo.] [No. 36.] Nawab Walajah to General [Stringer] Lawrence. " Nabob Waulau Jau, Ummeer Hind, Umdetul Molck, Seerajah Dowla, Anaverden Cawn Behauder, Munsoor Jung, Sepoy Sardar, to " Shum Sool Mulk, Hisamood dowla. General Lawrence, Behauder, Hous Bur Jung." 1767, November 5th, Fort St, George. — " Sir, The Company's ship Hector being now under disjiatch for England, I embrace with pleasure the opportunity of enquiring after your welfare, as well as to acquaint you of the receipt of your letter, with the tcllescope which you was so extreemly good as to get repaired for me. I return you many thanks for the great care vou have taken of it. " I am sorry to acquaint you that the house and furniture you was so kind [as] to leave me at the Mount was plundered by our enemy, and particularly the cot you used to sleep upon and the diamond cut globe were entirely destroyed. The loss of these two articles gives me great concern ; but as this is a subject of which you will hear of from some of your friends, excuse me from mentioning [it] any further. " Believe me I shall be ever ready of embracing ever}^ oppor- tunity that presents itself of serving you, as I shall be ever sensible of the many great obligations I lay under to you. Give me [leave] to conclude. Sir, by saying I am and ever shall be your sincere friend. What can I say more ? " [2^ pp., Uo.] [No. 37.] The Young Nawab'^' to General [Stringer] Lawrence. 1767, November 5th, Fort St. George. — " Sir, My father by this conveyance does himself the pleasure of writing to you. " I have received your letter, and am glad to hear of your safe arrival in England, and hope your native air agrees with [ you]- (1) Aiiiir-ul-Uiuara, Walajah's second and favourite son. 59 [No. 37 " Wishing- you every joy this life affords, I remain, Sir, your sincere friend ever to eonniiand. What can I say more ? [P.S.] " My two brothers*" present their respects to you." [1 ^;., 4/0.] [No. 38.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad. 1767, November 15th, Spring Gardens. (Received 8th May, 1768, per Watson.) — " Dear Goodlad, By the ships lately arrived I have recei^•ed two letters from you which ga\e me nmch satisfaction. I shall always expect and I shall always be glad to hear from you, as I take great part in your success and prosperity. " I saw Mrs. and Miss Goodlad yesterday, and was happy to find your mother's health so well reestablished. She men- tioned to me her intention of remitting j^ou one thousand pounds, and I promised to give a bill for that sum Avhenever it was convenient to her. " I am settled in a town house at least for three years, and whenever any thing offers to my likeing, I shall make a purchase in the country : for in this very expensive land it becomes necessary to get into a settled way of life as soon as possible. " Capt. Martin has left a fine family, and in good time I hope we shall be able to send you one of them. We are selling out the India stock ; by the present price the estate wall be benefited upwards of two thousand pounds. " I ha^•e been well recei\ed both by His Majesty and the Company. IMrs. Palk and the children are well, and I expect soon to have an addition to the family. " So many gentlemen returning to the Council will not be very acceptable at Madras. Mackay's bar'^) was also intended to be taken off, but that is dropt, for the present at least. Lord Clive has exerted himself for Mr. Call, but Mr. Dupre has carried it.'-^' Annual salaries are settled on the Governor and Council of Bengal, and perhaps at Madras. No European is to trade in salt, &c., and the Governor of Bengal is not to trade at all. Such regulations as these, however, cannot be lasting. " I have endeavoured to get you Coral consignments, but with no success I fear. Tell Mr. Johnson'*' that I am sorry to say that all my interest, with Lord Cliv'c's added to it, cannot get my nephew (•^' out a w'ritcr. I hope, however, we shall be more successful after the departure of the Watson. I am, dear Goodlad, your affectionate and sincere friend, "RoBT. Palk." " Mrs. Palk sends you her best wishes." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4/o.] (1) Umdat-ul-Umara, VValajah's eldest sou, and Saif-ul-Mulk. (2) George Mackay was barred by the conditions of his admission to Council from rising above the position of junior member. (3) The Directors determined that Du Pr6 should supersede Call in Council. W James Johnson, cide Xo. 2S, />. to, note 7. (5) Thomas Palk, son of Governor Palk's brother Walter. 60 [No. 39.] [To the Editor] " For the Morning Chronicle." N.D, [?1767] — " You are desired to assure the writer off a false and scandalous letter in your paper off yesterday, addrest too L. S. Esq.<^) and signed Pericles, that fame was never more mistaken than in what is alledged concerning 10,000 being given too procure a Govcrmnent for a gentleman formerly in the Church. The appointment at that time met the general appro- bation. He had been long in the service, and without ever applying by himself or freinds too any Director had been made a member off the Select Committee, and had been ordered the publick thanks off the Company and a present as a mark off their approbation near the same time that General Laurance and Lord Cli\e had been rewarded and distinguisht. " Mr. Palk almost at the commenceinent off the war on the coast of Caromandel had been deputed with General Laurance too consert measures for its success with the powers from whome assistance was expected, the Misoreans, Marattas, Tanjorins, Maravars, &c. He was in several campains with General Laurance, and in consert with him formed those military regu- lations which have effectually almost ever since kept down the great expence off the army on the coast of Caromandel. He kept the Rajah off Tan jour in freindship and alliance with the Nabob. He had the honoiu' of being appointed too meet the French deputies at the congress held at Sadrass in the time of Mr. Dupleix, when with the assistance of Mr. Vansittart a forgery was discovered in the Mogul's saned.*^' He was also deputed to conculde [sic] the truce with Mr. Godeheu, and his appointment to succeed Lord Pigot was never solicited on his part : it was freely and graciously offered, and given without fee or reward." [2 2^P', 4^0.] [Note. The foregoing eccentrically spelt letter is written by an unknown hand. It is endorsed in a different handwriting " Mr. Palk's services." The file of the Monii)ig Chronicle preserved in the British Museum is incomplete, and neither the letter signed Pericles nor this reply can be traced.] [No. 40.] Robert Palk to [(?)Thomas Saunders.] [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " War with Hyder Aly. Draft of a letter to Mr. S."(^) N.D. [cir. 1767.] — " Dear Sir, It having been said that the treaty '^* with Nizam Aly was the cause of the present war with (1) Laurence Sulivan, who was Chairman of the Court of Directors when Talk became Governor in November, 176^. (-' Saned, Ar. annad, a deed of grant. (•'" Mr. .S. was probably either Thomas Saunders or Laurence Sulivan. Saimders is the more Hkely, as he was Deputy Chairman of the Court of Directors in 17ti7, while Sulivan was not on the Directorate. l^) The Treaty of I7GG, negotiated l)y Caillaud. 61 [No. 40 Hyder Aly. wlu'cli it was intended to prevent, T sliall give you very brielly my sentiments on this sidjject, from memory and recollection only, as my papers are in town. " When I took possession of the Government in 1703 after an unsuccessful attack on Madura, I saw the necessity of keeping on good terms with Ilyder Aly, not only as he was grown very powerful, hut that he might not intermeddle in the troubles caused by Cawn Saib ; '^' and in this I succeeded so well that I doubtetl not of kee})ing the peace between the Nabob and him, till the surrender of Madura, when manV of his letters of encouragement and promises of assistance were found amongst the papers of Cawn Sahib ; on which I remonstrated to the A^aquil, who assured me his master would in future alter his conduct and by our means hope to live in peace with the Nabob, with whom however he did not correspond. At this time Hyder Aly was attacked by the Marattas, and after several obstinate engagements obliged them to retire from the Misore country. Inuuediately after this he reduced the province of Shirpi*-' and a part of Currapah, and the Nabob of the former with the principal men took refuge with Mahomet Aly.'-^> I endeavoured often to prevail on him to send them away, and he promised they should be carried to Mecca, though Hyder Aly had given like protection to Chunda Saib's son '^' and many others who had been rebels to his government ; and after that Mauphus Cawn, the elder brother of our Nabob, under the pretence of going over land to Bombay and proceeding from thence to Mecca, took shelter with the Misore Usurper. " In this manner things went on till the French arrived and Hyder Aly had sufTiciently alarmed the Gentlemen of Bombay, reduced the whole Malabar Coast from Sunda. east of Goa, to Travencore and enriched his treasury with the immense wealth of Bidnoor.'"'* He then came round in the rainy season to the neighbourhood of Caroor, west of Trichenopoly, and fmding that place too strong to be carried by a sudden attack, he desisted from that enterprize ; but he spread so much disaffection by sending Mauphus Cawn**"'' toward the Madura and (1) Muhammad Yusuf Khan, commonly known as " Cawn Saib," attracted notice in 1752 by his gallant behaviour under Captain Dalton at Utatur. In 175^1 he received a commission as Commandant of the Company's native troops, and he did good service Avith the field force during the siege of Madras in 1758-59. He subsequently became Renter in the Southern districts, and the power he wickled tempted him to aim at independence. Obtaining French assistance, he fortified himself in Madura, where he was besieged by Donald Campbell in 1703 and Ciiarles Campbell in 1701. The place ultimately capitulated after a protracted defence. Yusuf Khan was delivered up by M. Marcliand and was executed as a rebel. (-) Sira or Sirpi. Vide Xo. li), p. 2;5, note 7. '3) Muhammad Ali Khan, Nawah of Arcot and the Carnatic, who received the title Walajah in 1705. (*) Chanda Sahil> had been supported by the French in his claim to be ruler of the Carnatic in opposition to ISluhammad Ali, who was backed by the British. Chanda Sahib fell into the hands of tlic Tanjoi-c general in 1752 and was beheaded, but he left a son, Raza Sahib, who was natui'ally regarded with disfavour by the Nawab. (5) Bednur. Vide No. 30, /). 19, note 2. (6) Mahfuz Khan, elder brother of Nawab Muhammad Ali. No. 40] 62 Tinnavilly Polligars that those very large districts scarce paid the expence of the troops we were obUged to keep there. I should before have said that Caroor had been taken from the Misorians when they endeavoured to relieve Pondicher}', and though frequently demanded, nobody judged it ought to be ceded, especially as Dindagul, which formerly belonged to Trichenopoly, had been added to the Misore Government. " The French were now at Pondichery and the great number of prisoners from Trichenopoly and [Madras delivered up to them, unable to pay them or willing to create troubles and encourage their old allv Hvder Alv, thev suffered their officers and men to desert to him ; and when the Nabob remonstrated against so suspicious a conduct they said Pondichery was open, and therefore not in their power to prevent desertion. " In 1765, after Nizam Aly's disgraceful attempt on the Arcot Province, and demanding 17 years' tribute, great court was paid to him by Hydcr Aly, Mauphus Cawn sent to Hidrabad, and a saned obtained for the Carnateck. " It now became necessary to set on foot a negotiation with Hyder Aly, to which we were the more encouraged as we had all along to all appearance kept on very good terms with him. I therefore prevailed on the Vakil to make the proposal as from himself ; and it was determined that Mr. James Bourchier, one of our Council, should be deputed to him, and he accordingly set out with proper instructions and presents with the Vaquil, who was to meet his master on the other side of the hills and advise Mr. Bourchier at Velloor of the place of interview. But after waiting an unreasonable time he returned, and Hyder, having changed his mind, gave in excuse that troubles on the Malabar coast called for his immediate presence. The Vaquil confessed to me that his master and his Dirbar'^' were so intoxicated with their success that they seemed to think even the Europeans could not stop their career. " In this situation I prevailed on the Nabob to send a trusty person to Nizam Aly to insinuate to him the bad consequences which would attend the seat of the Dekkan Government from our neighbourhood in the Circars if he persisted in encouraging Hydcr Aly, and this messenger had instructions on the part of the Nabob and us to estabhsh harmony and a good under- standing ; but Nizam Aly was so much exasperated against the Nabob that he would not listen to any proposals. I was, however, at the same time acquainted that if I applyed for a gentleman of our own to come, he should be furnished with a passport. " Accordingly General Caillaud went and concluded the treaty'-) which gave us quiet possession of the Circars and, what we judged of equal consequence, an easy method of putting (1' Dirbar, durbar, ministers, Coiu-t, hall of audience, lev^e : ivom Pers. dar-bdr, within the court -yard. (-) The Treaty of Hyderabad of 12th November, 170C. 0.3 [No. 40 an end to the views of Hydcr Aly on tlic Carnatcck, witlioiit making ourselves ]:)rineipals, hy obliging him to pay his long arrears of tribute to Nizam Aly, to eonline himseli' within the bounds of the antient kingdom of Misore and to leave the Nabob in possession of the passes, wliieh it was our intention, as well as the Company's orders, to take possession of as soon as possible, but which would- never be done without coming to hostilities, most of them ha\ing been formerly surprized by Hyder Aly ; and without these it was in the power of every petty PoUigar to disturb the peace of the Nabob's country from Tinnavilly to Cadapa, a length of 700 miles. " Many unforeseen accidents happened to prevent the speedy success of this expedition, which was intended to be undertaken with all possible dispatch, and it was reasonably imagined that 20,000 horse of Nizam Aly's joined to [a] reasonable body of our Europeans and sepoys, with a good train of artillery, would in a few months happily finish the expedition ; but unfortunately Nizam Aly was so tedious and dilatory in joining that when [he] entered the hills which divide the Carnateck and the Misore country, it was almost time to return to save his passage over the Christna ; and the rains soon coming on, in which the army could not act effectually, the want of subsistence and pay for his troops induced him through necessity to change sides and accept the offers of Hyder x\ly ; though the army in the Circars. soon made him repent of that measure so contrary to treaty and his own true interest." [Holograph, 5 pp., Uo.'\ [Note. The al)ove draft letter is in Palk's handwriting, but is imsigned.] [No. 41.] [Mcmorandimi by Laurence Sultvan.] N.D. [17G7, July — December.] — " Governor Palk to apply to the following : — General Calliaud ; (^) Mr. Pechell and friends; T. and C. Brett, Esqs., and friends ; the Vaughans ; A. Chorley ; E. Mason ; R. Home, &c., formerly qualified ; Mr. Pybus, w^ien he comes ; (2) the Boscawen familly ; Mrs. Boscawen*-^) kindly qualified as well [as] Mrs. Judy Levy at her desire ; Colonel Charles Campbell(^) and friends ; R. Fairfield'^) and (1) General John Caillaud. Fiiie'No. 73, ;). 10:2, note 1. (2) John Pybus was expected to arrive about April 1768. (Cf. Xo. 30, p. 51). (3) Frances, widow of 7\dmiral tlie Hon. E. Boscawen. (■*' Colonel Cluirles Campbell, l)rother of Colonel Donald Caiuiibell, served as Captain with the Madras European Regiment in 1758. As Major he successfully conducted the second siege of Madura in 1764. In the two following years Colonel Campbell commanded the force acting against the Poligars north of Trichinopoly. He wrote a join-nal of his operations, which is preserved among the Oriue MSS. (5) Richard Fairfield entered the Madras civil service in 1716. In 1758 he was one of the signatories to the articles of capitulation of Fort St. David, and in the following year was a Councillor at Fort St. George. No. 41[ 64 friends ; Captain Kilpatrick and friends ; R. Starke , when he resij^ned the service. '-) Sir Henry Biidjieiiian, Bt., was created Baron Bradford. TTis brother (ieorgo died in December 17(57. The date of Laiwenco Sulivan's Memorandum must therefore lie between the 13th .luly, 17f>7, wlien Palk arrived in England, and the end of tlie year. (•" Henry Vnnsittart. (•*) .lolin Boyd, formerly a Director. (5) Lieut. Thonuis Palic, a kinsman of Goveiiior I'alk (probably grandson of an uncle of the latter), not to be confused with Thomas Palk, son of Walter Palk and nephew of Governor Palk. 65 [No. 42. box of cliina, wliich T had wrote to my Unkle to send me from China, as a present for my old friend Colonel Monson,(i> and Avliieh T assumed the Hherty to desire miglit be direeted to your care in Enirland . . . But he never vouchsafed to send me an answer till within a day or two of his leaving the country. This neglect of his prevented my sending you a letter with the box , . . " About a month after my retm-n from Madrass, on the troops designed for the Ilydrabad service leaving the Circars, I was sent up to the Chicacole province with a small detachment to assist the newly appointed Renter in plundering the country, for his method of collecting the revenues could be construed in no other light. As a particular favor I was allowed to take Mr. Palk with me, which I thought more for his interest than if he remained at Ellour, as the morals of most of the officers left in the Circars were such as would not have improved his by following their example. I did not find the Chief of Masuli- patam(2) was willing to do any thing for him, as he would not consent to his having the command at Condapillee, though it was garrisoned only by a part of my battalion, and the other lieutenant chose to be with me in the field. " The impropriety in the choice of the Chicacole Renter for the last year surprised every body, and gave the country powers no very favorable opinion of the abilities or penetration of the person who entrusted him with it, as after a great many frivolous excuses for the non-performance of his engagements, his intentions began to be suspected and Jague Pundat was sent up to settle accounts with him. He left me to settle some affairs in the Ichapour country, whither he said there was no necessity for my attending him ; and on Juggo Pundat's arrival at my camp he took care to amuse him with idle stories till he had collected the revenues of the Circar. Which when he had secured, vmder pretence of coming to settle his accounts with Jague Pundat, he pursued a different rout through the hills and threw himself into Vizianagaram, and put himself under the protection of Sitteramrauze,'-^) who had the insolence to insist on being arbitrator in the dispute between the Company and the Renter, which, I am almost ashamed to tell you, was tacitly consented to. " I left the Renter and Jague Pvmdat at Vizianagaram in December last in dispute before the Raja, on my way to join the army intended to act in the Deckan ; since when I have been informed that the Renter has compromised his affairs with the Company at the expence of some individuals from whom he has received large deductions, to make good which it is very probable he will be again entrusted with the management of the Circar ! (1) Vide No. 6, p. 12, note 2. (2) John Lewin Smith. (3) Sitaram Raz, Vide No. 19, p. 28, note 5. No. 42.] 66 " As you will undoubtedly receive a better account of the war with the Soubah and Hyder Ally in the Carnatic than I can pretend to give you, I shall decline the task, and confine myself to what has been doing in this part of the Deckan, which has brought the Soubah to a proper way of thinking for himself, as he pretends to be heartily tired of his alliance with Hyder Ally, from whom he has withdrawji himself, and is now negotiat- ing with the Council at 'Madrass for a new alliance, which, it is reported, is nearly finished. " At the commencement of the war in the Carnatic applica- tion was made to the Presidency of Calcutta for a body of troops to be sent to Masulipatam, who were to act against the Soubah in the Deckan, Accordingly three battalions of Bengal seapoys were landed at Vizagapatam in the month of October, and notwithstanding the urgent necessity that appeared for their immediate proceeding to Masulipatam, they could not be put in motion till the month of December for want of conveniences for transporting their stores and baggage, which I was obliged to furnish them with at last from Chicacole. " In December three companies of Bengal infantry arrived at Masulipatam, with whom, and two companies of the Coast infantry, some artillery, and my battalion of seapoys. Colonel Hart(^' was ordered to take the field. I had been ordered from Chicacole to go with the expedition as soon as it was concerted, unless I preferred the command I then enjoyed ; but by a private letter from the artfuU Chief of Masulipatam I could easily perceive he wished I would join the army, hinting as if Colonel Hart was not equal to the command of so important a service. Though the 'remaining at Chicacole was certainly more to my advantage, I never hesitated a moment about resigning it, and accordingly repaired to the army with Mr. Palk, who I was allowed to bring with me from Chicacole. On my arrival I found Mr. Smith had ordered Hart to appoint me his Aid de Camp and Secretary ; and to add to the affront I was actually put in orders without being consulted whether or no I approved of the ajipointment. " By representing to the Chief the impropriety of my acting in the capacity of a staff officer whilst I remained second in conmiand, together with my resolution of acting as a private officer, he accjuiesced in my declining it ; when Hart offered me to dispose of it to whom I pleased — a favor I had no right to expect. I however procured it for Mr. Palk, who was appointed accordingly. " We marched the 10th of December from Ellour towards Combammett, the Phousdahr (-' of which had bargained for the surrender of the Fort and Circar with the Chief of Masuli- U) Simon Hart, who entered the Madras Army as Ensign in 1754, and, as Captain acconipMiiicd Caillaud to Bengal in 1759. He was serving at Triohinopoly in I7(i2. (-) I'limt.sclur, ;i magistrate, native goveincir, I'idiu I'ers. jaujddr, a military commander. 67 [No. 12. patain some time before we took the field. Hut so indiscreet was the Chief's conduct on the occasion that, had the Soubali any trooj)s at Hydrabad, wc could not have taken it, as lie could ha\e thrown in a sufTieient force to have defended it against all the troops in the Circars long before we could have taken advantage of the disposition of the Phousdahr in our favor. However, circumstances proved more lucky than we had a right to expect, and we reached the place in time to secure it, though a body of the Soubah's rabble had been assembled, and on the march to dispossess the Phousdar of his charge. They halted within twenty coss of the place on hearing we had got possession of it, and as soon as we were joined by the Bengal seapoys from Vizagapatam we advanced upon them and came up with their main body, consisting of 4,000 horse and foot, which had taken post under the walls of a small fort. They made a few flourishes with their horse, but on our advanced guard's attempting to close with them, they walked off in such a hurry that we had not time to lire three shot from our field pieces till they were put of sight, nor did they ever stay within two days' march of us afterwards. A desperate sett of them had thrown themselves into the fort, which they resolutely defended for two hours, and did not surrender till I brought up my battalion to the gateway, which we had nearly burst open with our field pieces, wdien they threw down their arms. " The resolute behaviour of our troops at this place so intimidated the Zemindars, who were before assembling to stop our progress, that they all sent letters desiring our favor and protection to the commanding officer. And we took possession of the fort of Worrangele and the Circar which bears its name without seeing the face of an enemy. " The progress of our arms in the Deckan began to alarm the Soubah, w^ho never imagined we could bring an army into the field against them from the Circars, from the accounts he had received of our small force and the hopes of opposition to our Government he had reason to flatter himself with from the refractory Pollygars. But as soon as he found out his mistake, he applied to Madrass for an accommodation, which has been in some respects attended to, and we in consequence of it stopt in our career, with the prospect of the plunder of Hydrabad almost within grasp, without hopes of being allowed to make use of the opportunity. We arc now within 30 coss of the city, and notwithstanding the Soubah's son<^' has been exerting his utmost endeavours to persuade the Zemindars dependent on his family to join him, he has not been able to collect together above 5,000 bad horse and Sibbendy,*-' and these so badly paid and provided, and at the same time so frightened, that we might expect to find the place abandoned before we could come within a day's march of it. (1) Nawab Sikandar Jah, son and eventual successor of Nizam Ali. (2) Sibhendji, from Hind, slhandi, irregular soldiery iiuiintained for garrisons and guards. No. 42] 68 " Colonel Peach, '1) who joined the army the last month with the Grenadiers and colours of his regiment and assumed the command, seems greatly chagrined at our being ordered to halt, as he had promised himself great things by prosecuting the war with the Soubah. It is supposed, should peace be the conse- quence of the present negotiation, that he will either be ordered to join Colonel Smith in the Carnatic, or be immediately sent back to Bengal by land ; when he may on his way call the famous Narrain Dew*-' to account, who since I left his neighbourhood has withdrawn his allegiance from the Company in consequence, as he says, of the Soubah's positive orders, and has been for some time raising contributions and laying waste the country. " I am sincerely concerned to acquaint you with the death of Captain Cranch,*^) who died some time in August last of the gout at Trichanapoly, regretted by all who knew him. He left a will amongst his papers, in which he has nominated me one of his executors. The other two are officers of the late 79th Regiment, and both in England. On receiving information of his death I wrote to the officer commanding at Trichanopoly (Major Flint) desiring him to send the will to my attorney at Madrass that it might be proved in the Mayor's Court, and attested copies of it taken for the satisfaction of his family. I at the same time desired him to dispose of his effects, the amount of which and other particulars of his estate as soon as collected I will take the liberty to remit to you by the first opportunity, as there appear some circumstances in his private connexions as make me cautious of pay[ing] the legacies or disposing of his estate lest it should give umbrage to his family, with whom I am entirely unacquainted . . . " Long ere this I flatter myself you are happily settled in England, and experience in the society of your friends and the frequent opportunities of doing good an adequate recompense for the many years of business and fatigue you have known in this country. And that health, content and every other blessing requisite to perfect happiness may long attend you and Mrs. Palk will always be the unfeigned wishes of, Sir, your much obliged, faithful, humble servant, [Holograph, Q\ pp., Uo.] " T. Madge." , [No. 43.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad. [Endorsed] " Received 8th August, 17G8, by the hand of Mr. HelHng." (1) Joseph Peach entered tlie Bengal Infantry as Major in 17G4. Late in 1767 Colonel IVaoli condiictod a force sent from Calcutta against the Nizam. Joining Colonel llart'is detachment from the Circars, he took command and apiJroached Hyderabad. Nizam Ali sued for i)eace, anil l\>ach rctui'iicd to Bengal, where he died in 1770. (■-) Narayan Deo, insurgent zemindar of Kimedi, was attacked and dcfealed by Colonel Peach near the fort of Jelmur in Ganjam in May, 1768. (•^) Lieut. Peter Cranch joined the Company's service from II.M's 79th (Draper's) Hogt. 69 [Xo. 43. 1768, March 1st. — " Dear Goodlad, I thank you for your letters since my departure, and I beg I may always hear from \ou. Give, I desire you, my nephew Tom your advice and assistance. I intended him for a Writer, but was refused. " If you can help the bearer, jNIr. Helling, to the command of, or a birth in a country vessell, you will oblige a very capable deserving man, and also your sincere and faithful friend, [Holograph, 1 p., Mo.] " Robt. Palk," [No. 44.] W[illiam] Aldersey (1) to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, March 28th, Fort William.—" Dear Sir, I did myself the pleasure of writing to you by Mr. Campbell,'-' who embarked for England in the Europa, and cannot omit the last opportunity I shall have this season of repeating my sincere acknowledgments of your friendly offices in this part of the world. " Under the care of Captain Riddle I have sent a parcel directed to jMr. Phipps, in which is a piece of silver specked muslin, which I hope Mrs. Palk will do me the favor to accept of for her little daughter,*-^' whom I shall hope to salute in Old England one of these days, though the prospect yet appears at a distance. " Since our last dispatch the Gentlemen at Madras have con- cluded a treaty with Nizamally, and Hyderally has walked off to his own country, the particulars of which you will no doubt be fully informed of from that quarter. The situation of affairs here has not undergone the least alteration since our last advices. " My best respects attend JMrs. Palk, General LaAvrence and General Caillaud. I have already paid my compliments to Mr. Vansittart this season, but request you will take the first opportunity of repeating my acknowledgements for his many favors. I am . . " W. Aldersey." [Holograph, 2^ pp., Mo.] [No. 45.] John Calland to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, April 25th, Fort St. George. — " Sir, It being the advice and opinion of every one acquainted with the Cuddalore 3Ierchants' complaints against me, and the severe usage I have met with in consequence, that I renew by all means my applica- tion to you ... I beg leave to enclose you duplicate of my letter per Hector, copies of the four petitions given in against (1) William Aldersey, a Madras civil servant of 1754, served for several years as Secretary in the Political Department. In 1766 he was transferred to Bengal, and entered Council. (-' Alexander Campbell. Vide Xo. 12, p. 15, note i. (3) Anne Palk, born 1764. No. 45.] 70 me, my answer thereto and refutation of the whole, which are the material papers of the proceedings. The remaining part, containing little more than the examination of the witnesses . . . I have sent to Colonel Campbell,* i' who will shew them to you if you will please to take the trouble of asking for them. " As Mr. Saunders(-) will in all probability be Chairman when this affair comes under consideration, I cannot avoid looking upon it as the most propitious circumstance for me that could happen ; being in the first place a man of sense and who has a thorough knowledge of the service, and in the next that you are intimately acquainted with him ; from which I hope the complaints made against me will be so far mitigated that I shall be restored, by their being looked upon ... as malicious and ill-grounded, and merely in consequence of my imposing the penalty of 10 per cent, on failure of contract, and thwarting the ambition and evil practices of the most considerable Merchants, but Irshapah Chitty and Moodo Kistna in particular . . . " Had I robbed or defrauded the Company (as it seems those who were in Council with me are judged to have done), or had the service in the le[a]st suffered, I should have thought myself justly deserving the treatment I have received. But on the contrary, did I not bring the Cuddalore Investment to fifteen hundred bales, which was more by some hundreds than had been got for many years before ? . . Besides, is there a man in the service that can accuse me of ever wronging the Company the value of a fanam, or not doing my duty in every office I have been employed during the seventeen years of my servitude, which brought me the next to Council ? . . .1 flatter myself you will interest yourself so far in my behalf with Mr. Saunders as to get justice done me and every prejudice removed by my re-instate- ment . . . yet, should it happen otherwise, and the reward of so many years' diligent and faithful services be cancelled . . . I shall then think it incumbent on me to use those materials I am possessed of in taking a laudable satisfaction of those men who have so cruely injured me . . . The materials I have got I have neither spared money or trouble in procuring, and which are such as, without ostentation or deceit, must inevitably ruin Mr. Pybus, and give such an insight into things as will hurt the servants in general. " Mr. Bourchier, I hear, accuses me of using him ill and being ungrateful. But sure, not upon reflection ? Let any one read my letter to him of the 23rd March, and the Merchants' to me a month afterwards, and be told the repeated sollicitations I made him to compromise the affair, to no purpose ; and then judge of the reason he has for saying so, and if I have not had suflicient cause and provocation for every thing I have said and ten times as nmch more. Words are nothing. 'Tis the actions of a man that another is to judge by, either of his friendship or (1) Colonel Charh'S Canipljell, ride No. 41, p. 63, note 4. '-' Thomas .Saunders was Deputy Chairmau in 1767, but did not succeed to the Chaii' in the following year. 71 [No. 45. sincerity . . . T hope for my own sake, as well as the invidious Mr. Pybus's, and in short every other person connected with the service, that you will use your influence with Mr. Saunders and others so as to make further proceedings unnecessary. . . " John Calland." [Holograph, 7 pp., 4^o.] [No. 46.] T. Orton'I) to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1768, April 28th, Velloor. — " Sir ... A few months after your departnre I experienced my loss, and to speak with confidence to you, a very rash effort was made to ruin me. It may suffice to say I am sorry the country could afford such a glaring instance of credulity on one hand and malice on the other. It consisted of a letter from Colonel Smith at camp to the Board in the most aggravated terms of complaint ' that were an abominable shame and ought to be rectified,' which evidently appeared to have so little foundation that I acquired credit instead of the intended infamy. " Mrs. Orton came up here directly after you embarkt and has remained here ever since ... If any oppertunity offers, I beg leave to request your favorable mention of me to any gentleman coming out, where you may think it proper. . . "T. Orton." [Holograph, 2f pp., 4^o.] [No. 47.] James Bourchier to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1768, May 2nd, Madrass. — " Your favor, my dear Mr. Palk, from St. Hellena, contrary to your expectation, reached me in November before we could have any intelligence of your safe arrival in England, nor have we yet any further tidings of you ; but I will hope you are there, and happy to the extent of your wishes. Your friend poor Charles*-' has had a very troublesome government almost ever since you left him in it : this confounded war has kept his hands full and his spirits harrassed, yet fortunately he has enjoyed great health. As I presume Call, whose genious lies in political narrative, has given you every particular of what has happened and what is to be expected, I will not touch on the subject. He with Mackay<'^> are gone as Field Deputies to assist the Nabob and Colonel Smith with their counsel, and I hope by a vigorous and spirited effort we shall subdue the Hydra. " The Gentlemen of Bengal, notwithstanding their boasted promises of an exertion of their assistance, have failed in the 'D T. Oi-ton has not l)een traced. Captain Roderick Orton was tried l)y court martial in ITtii) and cashiered for yielding the fort of Erode to llaidar in the preceding December. (^' Charles Bourchier. J3> George Mackay, Cf. No. 13.. p. 17, note 3. No. 47.] 72 most essential point of mony, which will, I fear, force us to break in upon the China stock. However, nothing must now be spared to put an end to this war. If we succeed (as we have all the reason in the world to expect) in the down fall of Hyder Naigue, we shall secure stability to the Company's possessions on this and the Mulabar Coast, and root out a power, the only one indeed that could afford our neighbors (the French) any support in case of a rupture between our nations — an object in my opinion of the first importance. By the reports we have, and indeed they themselves confirm, they are collecting and disciplining a large body of troops at the Islands, <^) which, depend upon it, they will augment by every vessell they can steal out thither. It therefore behoves the Honourable Twenty four'-) to keep a ^^ery watchful eye on them, and to give us early intelligence of the first likelihood of trouble, as well as secure, by the Piscash they are to pay the Government, a formidable naval force to preserve to us the command of the seas. In that case they will put it in our power to divest the gentry of all they possess here ere they can be reinforced or even in a condition of defence. " Most probably I shall leave India ere there can be a war, yet I shall ever retain that attachment to the service, and Madrass in particular, as to wish the utmost success to their affairs. You will know our situation, my dear Mr. Palk, and the precautions that ought to be taken to preserve the well being of the Company abroad, and I make no doubt will give them every useful light that can tend to that desireable end. It's to be hoped the Company will earnestly endeavor to keep complete our military establishment. This has been a fatal season to many valuable young officers as well as the private men ; it's therefore the more necessary we should be amply supplyed with recruits. " Our society of males continues much the same as when you left us, except the loss of poor Griffiths,*^* who dyed after a long fit of illness the latter end of last month, much lamented by those who were intimately acquainted with him. Thomas* '' and Stone(^) are his executors, who will do the greatest justice to his estate. George Stratton*®) is married to a Miss Light*"* that came out on one of the latter ships of last year : — you may remember a brother'^) of hers that came out a Writer the season 'D The Isles of France and Bourbon (Mauritius and Reunion). (-' The twenly-four Directors of the East India Company. (3) Tlie Uev. C'liarles Griffiths arrived in India as eliaplain to the 79th Regiment, and entered the Company's service in 17tJ2. lie died 25th Ajuil, 17ti8, when chaplain at Fort St. George. (*) The Rev. John Thomas, chaplain. '5) John Miixwell Stone, ^'uh No. 20, />. J(i, note 4. (6) George Slr;it(on, a Madras civil servant of 1751, entered the Council in 17G1. In 1771) he suliverted tlie Government of Lord Pigot, and was recalled to England in the following year. (7) Hester Eleanora Light. (8) William Light, appointed to Madras as Writer in 1765. 73 [No. 47. before you went home. And Alexander Davidson, (^' when he quitted tlie sub accountantship, asked leave to go to Bengal to establish a correspondence and of course to commence merchant, is returned with a wife, a Miss Pigou, you may remember formerly under the patronage of Phebe Graham. How he succeeded in the first scheme I have not heard. Pasley,'^) Briggs'^' and the two secretaries*'^* are very jolly, and hold you in grateful remembrance. I have given Mrs. Palk an account of all the females, so I shall refer you to her for particulars. Adieu, my dear Mr. Palk. Believe me, with all the gratitude a heart susceptible of the nicest feelings can possess, your ever affectionate Jim." [Holograph, 3f pp., Uo.] [No. 48.] George Smith to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, May 7th, Fort St. George.—" Sir, I did myself the pleasure of addressing you by the Hector,''^^ informing you of the safe arrival of the Sultanissa Begam at this port the 20th of September, and of her being sent to Bengal," whence she proceeded to Bombay. The difficulty of remitting your money has been increased by the formation of an Association of diamond buyers, and " Gocull and Nellacuntaker, though they had promised me as far back as October last to take from me each the sum of 5,000 pagodas at Respondentia on diamonds security, have broke through their promise in consequence of the above combination. Thus circumstanced, and no other channel but the Company's cash at 7s. 4d. open, what can I do ? I must have recourse to your good nature and friendship for a further credit . . . " I have given Mr. Morse a statement of your moneys in China," which I hope to be able to remit shortly, as " the silver of this country begins to be pretty well drained, and moreover the call for money here will soon be so great that the Company's cash in Canton must again be opened .... " By this ship comes a copy of a letter from the Governor of Manila to the Nabob, by which it plainly appears that what (1' Alexander Davidson joined the Madras civil service in 1760, and became a member of Council in 1777. He was provisional Governor of Fort St. George from 1785 to 1786. (-' Dr. Gilbert Pasley came to India with Adlercron's Regiment in 1754, and subsequently joined tlie Company's medical service. In 1761 he was transferred from the army to cival duty at the Presidency, where he remained until his death twenty years later. He married Hannah Dashwood in 1778, and was appointed Surgeon General in 1780. According to an obituary notice in Hicky's Bengal Gazette, Pasley came out originally in the Artillery, " but soon exchanged the sword, spunge, worm and ramrod for the lancet, gold headed cane and snuff box." (3) Dr. Stephen Briggs was Surgeon General with the .Vrmy wlien he was sum- moned in 1763 to serve at Fort St. George. In 1770 he was senior Presidency Surgeon. (*) John Maxwell Stone and William Martin Goodlad. (5) Vide Xo. 33, p. 53. No. 48.] 74 was done to me proceeded from suspicions of English property being under my management, and that the hke treatment is menaced to any ship in the same circumstances with the Sulta- nissa : from which it is evident that the Company should fall on some mode of securing the Manila trade from insult and even confiscation, or they must soon export bullion from Europe, which they will not for some time, I imagine, find convenient. ' ' I refer you to your other friends here for a detail of the war, the peace with the Nizam, and the present operations against Hyder Ally : they will be better able to inform you of these series of events than I can possibly do. " Mrs. Munro(^) desires her compliments to you and Mrs. Palk, and she hopes you have been so kind as to send out her daughter*^' by the ships of this season. . . . " George Smith." [Holograph, 5 pp., Uo.] [No. 49.] T[homas] Palk'-^' to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1768, May 7th [at Sea.] — " My dear Sir, I now set down to write to all my particular friends. The man at the mast head . spys land, where he has been to look out for a ship. We are now steering round the Cape, without the wind alters its point, and if it does, we shall certainly put into the Cape. I shall first begin to write to you, as I imagine we shall meet with some ship or other, for I would not miss any opportunity whatever of writing my friends an account of my hea[l]th and welfare. We sailed from the Downs the 31st January, and after a trouble- some passage of about three weeks, we made Tenariffe, from whence I wrote to you by a Dutch man that was fi.rst going to Cadiz and from thence to England. . . I can only mention one or tvvo particulars. By the rolling I met with a terrible fall, that occasion[ed] me the head[ache] for several days afterwards, which I have felt since three weeks most severely. Several days together we were obliged to set on the deck to dine. You may easily judge. Sir, how great the motion was, but we have felt no such weather since, nor never do I desire to again. " At our landing at Teneriffe Mr. Wynch <*> went to his (1) Prances Mary, widow of Dr. Andrew Munro. (2) Margaret Aurora Munro. (3' Tlioinas Palk, son of Walter Palk and nephew of Governor Palk, arrived in the Diillon in 17(iS and entered the Madras Army, Imt was sul)se(|uently transferred to tlie civil service. lie must not be coniound(Ml with his remote cousin, Lieut. Thon^as Palk, who was serving in the Northern Circars. (4) Alexander Wynch was entertained locally in 1734 as an unpaid assistant at Miidras, and afterwards as a monthly writer, but was not brought on the civil list uidil 1710. In 1711 he was a Councillor at Fort St. David, and in 1758, when that fort yielded lo the French, lie was o(Tiri,itiiig as Dejuity Governor. Wyncli was made a iirisoner of war, and he subseiiuently resigueil the service ' and went 'to England. In 17(58 he was reappointed and nominated Chief at "Masulipatain. He was Governor of Port St. George from 1778 to 177o, and retired to Englantl after Lord Pigot's arrival. He married first Sophia Croke, and secondly in 1751 Plorentia Gradock. Tic diod in Tiondon in 1781. 75 [No. 49. friend's house and his family with him, and had there been room he would have introduced me to him, but I made him an apology. Alexander, another who goes as a free merchant'^) and me took a lodging at a French house during our stay. I at first often received invitations from my good friend Mrs. W. to walk out on their sharp flint stones, which she liked, and most generally on the terrass on the top of the house ; but afterwards when we [were] reconciled in respect to our intimacy, and found that my company was accepted of, I made free to introduce m}'self. On the day of our departure Mrs. W. intro- duced me to Mr. Dupree.*"-' During the little time I picked a little acquaintance with him, and [after] about an hour stay I took my leave of him in company with 3Irs. D. and Miss Monro,*-^) who are very well except Mr. D. He has carried the gout on board with him, but Mrs. D. is in great concern about her little [child] as the small pox is on board the Queen. " We sailed from Tenariffe the 7th of March, from which time we had surprizing good weather with constant fair winds. We are almost becalmed in the lattitude of 35 d[e]grees south, which is something surprizing. We are not likely to have such weather as what was suspected we should. My good Mrs. W. has been under a great deal of chagrin on account of the death of her little child, which expired about a month ago. She has often been taken in fits since, more so than before, and has seemed to recover her spirits ; but Miss Flora has been onfortunately taken ill of a fever, and is again at present restored to her former health I hope. We had her company to drink a cup of tea with us in our little cabbin this afternoon, which we have often had and hope to again. She is a good little girl. Mr. Wynch has shewn me several very friendly marks, which I must keep up at all events. " Francisco has long been our waiting man, but is at present obliged to turn cook, which at first he was often complaining to me of ill usage ; but that is now all o\'er, as the complaints have been presented to the Captain, who has been ill, but is now better again. I shall say nothing more particular at present till we get sight of a ship ; then I shall make a conclusion. —May the 4th. " We are now making up to a sail as fast as we can. What she is we can't yet tell, but imagine she is a homeward bound East India man. Mr. and Mrs. Wynch are all well at present, and desire their best respects to you and Mrs. Palk, &c. . . I remain, my dear sir, your most dutiful and ever respectful nephew, "T. Palk." " Sunday, May 7th, 1768." [Holograph, 4 jyj)., Uo.] (1) The writer perhaps means Alexander Wynch, jun., a cadet who accompanied his father, and Alexander Williams, the only free merchant on board the Duiton. (2) Josias Du Pre. Vide No. 19, p. 30, note 1. (3) Margaret Aurora Munro. 76 [No. 50.] [The Rev.] John Thomas f^' to Robert Palk, Esq. 1768, May 7th, Fort St. George. — " Sir, As you had poor Mr. Griffiths'*"' interest aiways at heart, I hope this letter relative to him will need no apology. " After a tedious and painful illness, which he bore with great resignation, he paid his last debt to nature the 25th of last month. His last sickness, which was a complication of diseases, the gout and palsy, with a disorder of the bowels, deprived him during the last fortnight of his life first of his memory and afterwards of his understanding. Happy for him in such circumstances that he was released out of his misery ! " He has left every thing he possessed in India for the education and emolument of his two sons, which after the sale of his books and furniture may probably amount to 7,000 pagodas, Mr. Stone and I, who are appointed his executors, intend employing this money here, except what may be expended on their education. For Mrs. Griffiths' support he has left a sum lent on Government security ; how much I cannot ascertain. The Revd. Mr. Richard Canning, senior, of Ipswich, is appointed guardian to his sons. " It was always Mr. Griffiths' desire that both his sons should come out to this presidency in the civil service. " You will pardon me. Sir, for embracing this opportunity of returning my most thankful acknowledgments for your favours to me at Madrass, a sense of which I hope ever to retain . . . " John Thomas." [Holograph, 2\ pp., Mo.] [No. 51.] Rama Kisna to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, May 10th, Fort St. George. — " Sir, I did myself the honor to pay you my respects by the Hector, '^^^ which sailed hence in November last. The Admiral Watson is arrived the 8th [instant], and I greatly rejoiced to hear of your safe arrival in England. " You will be informed by Mr. Morse of the Association entered into by all the European diamond merchants for buying on certain terms and conditions, as a means of reducing the Guzerat merchants to more reasonable terms ; but since it took place they have been standing out in their sales at Moonimadgoo. Perseverance on our part, we hope, will at last have some good effect, without which the trade must be entirely ruined. " Since my last I have had the misfortune to loose my good (1) Chaplain at Port St. George. (2) Vide No. 47, p. 72, note 3. (3) Vide No. 35, /». 57. 77 [No. 51. uncle Mooperala Kisnya, and my wife . . . which has been two very severe strokes to nie at once and the same time. The old man served me in the stead of a father, and 1 am much indebted to his care for the good situation of my house after the decease of my father Ramaniah. By the decease of my wife I am left without the hopes of having any issue for some considerable time, as you are sensible of our custom of marrying [a] ^•ery young wife before they are come to [the] age of puberty. " Peace has been made with the Nizam, and we are carrying on vigorously the war against Heyer[.52'c] Ally. We have taken Kisnagviry, and the army is marching into the Mysore country. The scarcity of money is very great and the condition of trade very indifferent. God send us better times . . . " Rama Kisna." [Holograph, 2f pjj., 4/o.] [No. 52.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to [Robert] Palk, Esqr. 1768, May 12th, Fort St. George.—" My dear Mr. Palk, The Admiral Watson brought me your very affectionate letter*^) of the 15th November, which afforded me a pleasure I cannot easily describe to you. Indeed, my dear Sir, I will ever remember your kindness to me with a grateful heart. " Your endeavours to procure me coral consignments were very obliging. jNIr. Bourchier's strong recommendations have brought us one chest, and a promise of employment from two or three other dealers. " Enclosed you will receive a bill for £200, being two years' interest on the money you so very obligingly lent me. ... I have no directions from you regarding the money given by the Nabob to poor Withecombe's father. . . I would fain have got from him both principal and interest, but my endea^'ours were fruitless ... I wrote you of poor Cranch's (-> death, and promised to administer to the estate and settle his affairs. This, howe^'er, I have Ijcen prevented from doing by his having made a will when at Batavia. Madge is the only surviving executor. The state of his affairs I know not, but imagine they will yield about 1,500 pagodas. " The next dispatches will, I fear, cut off all the creditors' resources from the Nabob for some time, as . . . we have a hint about pri\ate interest clashing with the payment of his debt to the Company. Should the Court direct his discontinuing the payments to his creditors, I know not what they will say on the subject, or how they will reconcile such an order. There are some turbulent spirits amongst them not quite so ready to (1) Vide No. 38, p. 59. (2) Vide No. 42, p. 68, note 3. No. 52.] 78 conform to commands as the President and Council are in general. Mr. Dupre, &c., returning to Council is, as you say, not very agreeable to the Gentlemen here. For my own part it matters not, Andrews'^' his appointment is the only thing that vexes me, for I profess a regard for the service, and I cannot but think him unworthy of it. Is there a probability even that a man will pay a proper attention to the Company's concerns who was totally lost to any care for his own ? And this is the man expressly sent out because it was necessary to strengthen the Council with sober and sedate people ! Fie on it ! " Poor Ardley<-' was with me just now, hopping about like a parcht pea. ' What vexes me is that Call should be put over my head, for 'tis disgracing me without answering any one end.' The little man is really much hurt. He wants to get out of the Settlement, and will probably turn or endeavour to turn Smith(^) from Vizagapatam. I think, however, he will not effect it . . . " With respect to politics, the Governor and Mr. Call, I suppose, write you fully. They will explain to you what is doing and what is intended, but can they tell you what has been done ? I most sincerely wish, for the sake of my worthy friend Mr. Bourchier, that a man of real capacity may arrive to take the command of the army. Smith, <^' with a most amiable heart, has not an head for his station. It has been evident from the commencement of the war — too evident to us here. But will it be equally apparent to the Gentlemen at home that such has been the chief cause of our expending immense sums almost to no purpose ? I love Mr. Bourchier in my heart's core, and I therefore feel the more for the many unlucky events that have fallen out since he came to the Chair. You know the Governor full well, and must have been sensible of the influence Mr. Call would have over him. The latter is unsteady. He is very snug behind the curtain. When any of our actions (to speak in the military style) redound to our credit, he has the power to engross a great share of it : when the contrary, he knows on whose shoulders they will naturally fall. I would not lay open my thoughts on such subjects to any man but you, whom I shall ever regard as a father. If I am culpable, chastise me as you would a son. '■ Poor Griffith died last month after a very lingering and painful illness. Captain McLean was killed some time ago. Stratton is married to Miss Light, and Miss Carter to Captain (1) John Andrews, who arrived in India in 1713, served in Ganjam as a political officer, and was afterwards Resident at Madapollam. He was a member of Pigot's Council in 175U, and ten years later was scut as envoy to Haidar Ali during the first Mysore war. He is mentioned as an inhabitant of Madras in 1790. (2) Samuel Ardley joined the Madras civil service in 1719. In 1754 he was ' Register of the Choultry ' and under the Laud Customer at Fort St. George, and five years later was in Council. (3) John Smith, n Madras civil servant of 1752, (4) Colonel Joseph Smith. 79 [No. 52. Gec.C Mrs. Tom Powncy''^' has been innoculatcd, and is well again witlioiit being- marked. Most oi' the ehiidren in the Settlement have undergone the same operation. Poor Donald Campbell lost two, the onl}^ [ones] that died. " I most sineerely hope the increase (•^' you expected in your family has proved to your satisfaction. I am particularly interested in the happiness of yourself and Mrs. Palk, and shall be ever, with the most grateful sentiments of esteem and regard, your ever affectionate and obliged servant, " W. M. GOODLAD." " P.S. I have delivered to Captain Mears the remainder of the letters'^' you desired of me. The former part was sent by Captain Richardson of the Pigot, and I hope have got safe to you. By the next ship you shall have the translate of the Spanish arguments respecting the reduction of Sooloo. Adieu once more, my dearest Sir. Stone tenders his best wishes to you and Mrs. Palk." [Holograph, 5| pp., fiscp.] [No. 53.] Lau[rence] Sulivan to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Mr. Sulivan, concerning what I have advanced." 1768, May 19th, Great Ormond Street.—" My dearest Friend, If I have hitherto taken no notice (except in casual discourse) of the money I ow'e you, it is because I have expected from week to week, by clearing my self of India embarrassments, to have been in a capacity to do it ; but since my own honour with the interest of my friends have determined me to go deeper than ever, and consequently it will be convenient to me to delay the payment some months longer, I think it right (though by you not desired) that \ou ha^e my obligation payable on demand, and which is now^ enclosed. The whole I make £4,108, viz., a bill on the Navy, 3,000 ; paid Mrs. Darvall, 1,000 ; paid Mrs. Wood; 108 ; [Total] £4,108. " What you liaAC lately at times disbursed at Ashburton, let me know the amount and I will give an order on my bankers for the payment. I am, with true and unalterable affection, my dear Sir, your most sincere friend and obedient servant, " Lau. Sulivan." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] '1' Captain Michael Gee married Marian Carter in 1768, and was killed shortly afterwards. (2) Catherine, daughter of Quintin de la Metrie, married in 1761 Thomas Powney, free merchant, one of the sons of Capt. John Powney, master mariner. (3> Catherine Palk, born 1st January, 1768, W Cf. No. 32, p. 52, note 3. 80 [No. 54.] George Yansittart to Robert Palk, Esqr. [Endorsed — Received] 2nd May [1769, per] Valentine. 1768, September 6th, Midnapore. — " Dear Palk, I have received your letters ... in favour of Mr. Darell,*^' and hope to see him when I go to Calcutta. I will also do what I can for Mr. Yarde,'-) but cannot at present learn where he is, " I li\'e much to my satisfaction at Midnapore, but the matter of profit is entirely changed by the Court of Directors' orders concerning salt, who choose rather that the benefit of that trade should be enjoyed by a parcel of Calcutta Banyans'-^' than by their own servants. Of three things I have now to determine which to prefer — spend more money than I can gain, improve my fortune by means which would be prejudicial to the Company, or trade in salt, &c., in spite of their orders at the risque of being dismissed from their service. " I am sorry to have a piece of very disagreeable news to communicate to you. Through the influence of bad example and bad advice your nephew**' has been led into a scrape, which I fear will be the means of his losing the Company's service. Upon his arrival at Cossimbazar he was appointed to the office of Buxey,(^) and in consequence had the care of providing materials for the cantonments which are building there. In the manage- ment of this business his predecessors had been used to charge the Company 30, 40, 50 per cent, above the bazar price. Your nephew was unfortunate enough to continue the practice. A month or two ago it was discovered, and it is now under strict examination. I have sent Harry*^' a copy of what he has been able to say in his defence : he will show it to you. " Mrs. G. Yan. desires to be remembered. She was brought to bed of a boy'"' the 19th of last month, and is now very well. My love to Mrs. Palk. I will write to her by the next ship. My congratulations to you both on the increase of your family. " Mr. Yerelst '^> talks of going home this season, and Mr. Cartier(^) will succeed to the Chair. We are at present in peace, but probably shall not be so long : however, I will not go about to entertain you with politicks or news. I write fully and freely to Harry, and that must suffice. I am ever, my dear Palk, your very sincerely affectionate " George Yansittart." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] (1) Lionel Darell, a Bengal civil servant of 1768, resigned in 1776. He became a Director of the Company in 1780, and was created a baronet in 1795. ('-) John Yarde, a lately arrived Cadet. He became Captain in 1777, and died in the same year at Dinapore. He appears to have belonged to Churston Ferrers. (3) Banyan, from Hind, banya, a native trader, especially from Guzerat. (4) Robert Palk, jun. (5) Buxcy, from Hind, bakhshi, paymaster. (6) Henry Vansittart. (7) George Henry Vansittart. (8) Harry Verelst became Governor on the retirement of Clive in February, 1767. (9) John Cartier succeeded Verelst in 1769. 81 [No. 55.] T[noMAs] Palk to R[obert] Palk, Esq. 1768, September 30th, Camp near Colar to the southward of Madras. (1) — " My dear Sir, We arrived here the 13th July after a passage of six months, which I thought very long. . . Mr. Wynch behaved exceedingly well to me : I wanted for nothing, I came ashore at Madras in the boat with him and Mrs. W., who was very kind to me, more so than I ever could expect ; not the least vanity appeared in her. I was to have had a room in his house, but Mr. Goodlad insisted that I should be with him wiiilst I remained at Madras, which was about a fortnight, I being very busy preparing myself for camp. Goodlad is vcrv much mv friend and adviser. . . . " Mr. Goodlad recommended me to his worthy friend Captain Hector Mackay, with whom I live in camp, who advises in everything : he is [a] worthy man. " Ever since I have been here we have been running about the country after our hero Hyder, who wants to take our great guns that we are getting up to go against Bangolure, a very strong fort, our army being divided ; our army being in the road to Bangulore, and the other division watching Hyder's motions. We want to bring him to an engagement, but he is so artful a warrier he won't let us . . . He has, I hear, made proposals of peace to us, which is at present a secret, it being an uncertainty. ... It may be well enough for those that have made their fortunes, but as for the subalterns I know not what they will do. This is a life. Sir, that I am contented with and that I like very much, was I not so low on the list, but that is I hope to your certainty of getting me in the Civil list. " I assure you I meet with a great many friends here. Colonel Campbell is very kind to me ; he wanted me to live with him. He wen£ to Colar sick on account of the ball he received in his body,'^' but I fear it will hinder him from taking the field again. . . I need not tell you how much he is beloved here, which I imagine you are no stranger to. Colonel Smith is an exelent man. I often dine with him, as I shall to day. He is a man, which no one is unless he is sensible of feeling. How much my father is mistaken [in] the objection he had against my being in the army, that I should be more exposed to bad company. Here is, [I] own, good and bad, and very good genteel young fellows : therefore if I keep tiie bad company it is my fault. " I wrote to my brother^'^) at Bengal, but whether it will go safe I know not, as he is not at Calcutta. . . I had a letter from Tom Palk^*' the night I got to camp, who is with Captain (1) Colar (Kolar) is 200 miles due west of Madras. (2) Donald Campbell received a wound at the siege of Madura in 17G3, wliich troubled him for years. (3) Robert Palk, jun. (4) Lieut. Thomas Palk. No. 55.] 82 Madge. ... I hope that Mrs. P. is well and my little cousins. . . I remain, my dear Sir, your sincere and affectionate nephew "T. Palk." [P.S.] " Since I wrote you the former. I told you how happy I was with Captain Mackay, but since [then] I have lost him, lost him ; he is no more. In attempting to escalade the Fort of Malwagle (i> on a high rock, that is an impossibility to perform ever. We took it by stratagem from Hyder, as did he again, but 'tis imagined by bribery ; but, however, Colonel Wood'-' marched there immediately and ordered a party to storm it if possible, and my dear Hector would go a volunteer, and was obstinate enough not to be advised to the contrary ; but he got on the wall twice and [was] knocked off, and making the retreat my friend, whom I could venture to call so, was killed. What his friend Goodlad suffers is unaccountable, whom he made his executor." [Holograph, 6 j)p., 4to.] [No. 56.] Mrs. Kitoria Sloper'^) to Robert Palk, Esqr, 1768, October 4th, Cuddalore. — Sir, I have received from your attorneys sums of £903 8s. 3d. and £454 19s. 5d. in pagodas at 7s. 8d. as interest on the children's legacies from January, 1767, to April, 1769, for which I and the other guardians have given bills in your favour on Messrs. Boehm & Sons, merchants, of Size Lane, in whose hands Major Brownrigg has deposited a declaration of trust. " You have greatly obliged me in your assistance and has restored peace and gladness to my heart . . . I am also greatly obliged to Major Brownrigg for so honourably discharging his trust . . . " Kitoria Sloper." [Autograph, 1 p., flscp.] (1) The hill fort of Mulbagal, 17 miles east of Kolar.'was taken by stratagem in June, 1768, by Captain Richard Mathews, disguised as a native officer. Haidar recovered the place three months later. He was attacked by Colonel Wood, who retook the lower defences on the 3rd October, but failed in an attempt to escalade the rock. A battle followed on the -1th, in which Wood narrowly escaped defeat. (2) John Wood was commissioned Ensign in the Company's Europeans in 1753, and held the rank of Captain five years later. He served as Major at the second siege of Madura in 1764 under Colonel Charles Campbell. In 1767 Lieut. Colonel Wood moved from Trichinopoly to join Colonel Joseph Smith against Haidar Ali, and was present at the battle of Trinomalai. In 1768 he conimanded an independent division in the Baramahal, where he met with remarkable success. On the summons to Madras of Colonel Smith, Wood assumed chief command, but displayed incapacity and sustained such serious reverses that he was recalled. He was tried by court- martial in 176!) on charges of misappropriation of stores and misconduct in the field, and though acquittcnl l)y the Court was dismissed the service by Government. The Directors subsequently upheld the acquittal. He married Elizabeth Owen in 1762, and died at Madras in 1774. (3j Widow of Robert Sloper, a civil servant of 1749, who was Sea and Land Customer at Cuddalore in 1754, 83 [No. 57.] Mrs. Jane Morse 'i' to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1768, October 9th, Fort St. George. — ^" Dear Sir, Yesterday arrived a pacquet from Bombay with letters from Europe dated the 27th of May, gi\'ing an account of the arrival of the Hector with a list of the new Directors ; that Mr. Saunders '-* had resigned in a pet, and Mr. Sulivan not being in, there is little hopes of seeing Mr. Van'"^' again in India. I imagin he will therefore forme a plan suitable to his fortune and incressing family. " The disagreeable disputes Mr. Majendia <*' and young Carmichael has had with Captain Jackson has given their friends concern and trouljle. However, the attention which Mr. Holland and Mr. Morse has had to both partys has prevented its being brought before the Board, and indeed I think it had been better let alone on all sides. Mr. Majendia came a shore very ill. He found great benefit from the Mount air. They staid here two months, and went to Bengal in a French ship. " The Directors has sent orders to all their Settlements that all those people that are come to India without their leave should be sent home by the first ship. Young Carmichael and Mr. Cuthbert's(^) brother are of the number, and how that affair may be settled at Bengal I do not know. " I have the pleasure to tell you, dear Sir, your nephew Mr. John Palk(^' is well at camp. He seems of a happy dis- position and ready to take any advice his friends may give him. . . The Nabob is expected from camp in a few days to live at Lawrence Baug,<"' and I hear Mr. Hydro*'^' does not intend we should go to the Mount. My compliments to dear ]Mrs. Palk, and I am, dear Sir, your affectionate and obliged humble servant, " Jane Morse." [Holograph, 3f pp., Uo.] (1) Jane Morse, nee Goddard, became in 1730, the wife of Nicholas Morse of the civil service, who was Governor of Madras when the town capitulated to the French in 1746. She was granted a permit Viy De la Bourdonnais to leave the Fort prior to its boml)ardment, but refusing to seek security she employed herself with other ladies in making cartridge cases for the heavy guns. After the surrender she was sent with her husband to Fondicherry. When Madras was threatened by Lally in 1758 Mrs. Morse and her daughter Mrs. Vansittart were despatched for safety to the Dutch settlement of Sadras, but that town having been occupied l)y the French a few days earlier, the two ladies fell into the hajids of the enemy. (-1 Thomas Saunders had been President and Governor at Fort St. David 1750-52, and at Fort St. George 1752-55. Vide al^o p. 70, note 2. {•^) Henry Vansittart, Mrs. Morse's son-in-law. (*' Andrew Majendie was a Madras civil servant of two years' standing. (5) Arthur Cuthl)ert came to India with Admiral Watson in 1754. From 17(i3 he traded at Madras as a free merchant, and in 1771 became Agent for the Squadron. He married Sarah Hopkins in 1765. (6) An error for Thomas Palk. John Palk, who was not a nephew of Governor Palk, arrived in India in June 1770. '") General Lawrence's garden-house at St. Thomas's Mount. (8) Sportive for Haidar All, 84 [No. 58.] Captain T[homas] Madge to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, October 16th, Samulcotah. — " Dear Sir, I had the pleasure to receive your favor by Mr. Welshford,*^' who forwarded it to me from Madrass, as he was ordered to proceed with some other cadets to join the army under Colonel Smith to the southward." I have recommended him to friends there, and when the campaign is over I shall apply for his transfer here, as well as that of young Palk unless you have previously secured the latter's admission to the civil service. " I wish I could say anything in favor of Mr. Smerdon, or could flatter myself with hopes of being able to do justice to your recommendation in his behalf. But as his behavior is so very inconsistent with the way of life he has engaged on. . . I fear he will never get a commission. He may thank his ill- judging father for his present imbecillity and infatuation. The latter has been the consequence of his morose behavior to and close confinement of the young man to the study of books at hours and times when he ought to have been taught to form his judgement of men, and have instructed himself in their manners ; for the neglect of which, notwithstanding his laborious education, his boasted skill in classical learning, he can be deemed no otherwise than a learned block head. The close attachment to study so much disgusted him that now he is left to his own discretion he indulges his inclinations to their utmost scope, some of which are very much to the prejudice of his character and principles. " The niggardly behavior of his father when he launched him into the world is scarcely credible ; for who would imagine a person in his circumstances would have sent his son on a voyage to India with no other allowance to furnish [him] with necessaries for the voyage but the £10 he received at the India House ? Plowever, with that sum, and that only, was he hurried aboard the Clive, Indiaman, at a very short notice, even after he had declared (as he tells me) his aversion to the way of life he was precipitated into, unprovided with proper cloaths for the country or even the voyage. This unnatural beha^•ior of the father subjected the young man to such mean distresses as quite suppressed the small share of spirit he derived from constitution, as he was driven to the necessity of living on the bare ship's allowance before he had been three months at sea, which excluded him from the mess and consequently the society of the other cadets . . . and so unprovided was he with cloaths that he was obliged to borrow of his conn-adcs what he was deficient in before he could come ashore at Madrass ! " He ought,' however, to have thought his distresses at an end on his arrival in India, as I allowed him whatever money he pretended to have occasion for, and had ordered my agent d' a fiulct. Cf. No. 71, p. 99, nole 1. 85 [No. 58. at Madrass to equip him for camp, whither he had been ordered to proceed with some other cadets. On being acquainted with these orders lie declared pul)hckly that he would on no account go to camp till he had seen me, and tliat he had been sent out by you to be under my care, otherwise he would never have come to India. His obstinately persisting in his resolution of not going to camp began to be taken notice of at Madras, which would soon have infallibly ruined him, had not a friend of mine then on the spot . . . advised me to get him to the northward." On this hint I wrote to Mr. Bourchier, who kindly arranged his transfer. " Since his arrival he has given another reason for refusing to join the army than that the military life is not agreeable to his inclination, and — what is only commendable in his whole conduct — frankly confesses his want of spirit. He is now at head quarters, where " he has already tried Colonel Tod's patience " by his dronish method of life and aversion to improve himself . . . You will at once perceive he will never make a soldier, nor be fit for any other way of life in so licentious, so dissipated a country as India. And if his father has the least share of affection remaining for his son, he ought immediately to send for him home and preserve him from unavoidable ruin and disgrace, which must otherwise be his fate ! " The adopting the cause of our almost friendless military establishment by you, General Lawrence and General Caillaud gives me some faint hopes that the injustice done us by the Directors will not be repeated the next season, as nothing can be more grievous or unmerited. They are themselves pleased to commend the behavior of their military servants on the Coast, whilst they disapprove of the licentiousness of those at Bengal, to check which his lordsliip was under the necessity of taking another trip to India. And the sending out field officers for that establishment might have been thought necessary by him in order to curb that spirit of dissension he had reason to apprehend was not entirely suppressed. But as our Corps has never been known to have proved refractory, it is really hard we should suffer for the faults of another." The Company's action in sending us two new majors from England is resented by the superseded captains, and the Madras Board has made no remonstrance. When peace is made with Haidar, Donald Campbell, Wood, Hart and another field officer are expected to retire, and I shall be senior captain for promotion. If I am superseded I must protest by resigning. Having saved about £4,000, I shall be able to clear off my father's debts, " when the allowance of my half pay will soften the pains and infirmities of declining age and render that generally comfortless portion of life at least tolerable," I will not attempt an account of political matters on the Coast, nor of the operations to the southward, but will only say that " the not pursuing the measures you had lain down at No. 58.] 86 your quitting the Government, and which seemed so well calculated for checking, if not effectually destroying, the hopes which our old enemies the French promise themselves in a future national war in India with the assistance of the Mysorean, appears very strange to an impartial observer. The French very visibly exult in our want of penetration, and amongst themselves promise the speedy accomplishment of that revenge they in their late despair comforted themselves with — the hopes of reducing us to the same degree of misery we had the good fortune to make their lot in the late war." I enclose probate of Captain Cranch's will. The amount hitherto collected of his estate, some Pags. 300, is required to pay off a trust for the relations of a deceased officer. Learning that Cranch's mother is in poor circumstances, I beg you to pay the legacies left to her and her son and daughter in advance of future collections and remittances. " The leaving the principal part of his fortune to a natural child . . . when he knew he had a mother and a lawfull wife who were in want of every thing he could leave them, is what I never expected from the honest disposition of my old friend. As he has made no provision in his will for his wife, she will, I presume, be entitled to a third of what he may have died worth . . . " I cannot finish this voluminous letter without congratulating you on your getting a seat in Parliament for Wareham,'^* nor be singular amongst the joyfull inhabitants of Ashburton in not testifying my acknowledgements for the share you have had in procuring them so valuable a representative as Mr. Sulivan, to whom I could wish to be gratefully remembered likewise. " The happy delivery of Mrs. Palk and the joy expressed by your wellwishers at Ashburton on your return to your native country gave me that becoming satisfaction I shall always feel on every occasion of your happiness. And that you and Mrs. Palk may long enjoy every blessing which health attended with affluence, and the disposition of making the proper use of it, will never cease to bring you, are the unfeigned wishes of, dear Sir, your truly devoted and gratefully obliged humble servant, "T. Madge." [Holograph, 8 pp., Uo.] \Enclosure.] Copy of Probate of Will of Lieut. Peter Cranch of the Com- pany's service, signed by Charles Smith, Mayor of Madras- patnam, on 12th April, 17G8, together witli copy of Will of Lieut. I'etcr Cranch, of H.M. 79th Regiment, executed at Batavia on 28th August, 1764. Executors, Capt. Francis Du Pont, Lieut. William Fleming and Lieut. Robert McNab, all of H.M. 79tii Regiment, and Lieut. Thomas Madge, of H.M. 96th Regiment. [5| pp. Jl-scp. IVa.r seal, defaced, of the Mayor's Court.] II) Asliliiiitnn \\;is rcproHonti'd liy Uol)ort I'alk, from 17U7 to 1708 aiul fioiu 1771 (o I7S7, aud l>y Laurence SuLivaii from 1768 to 1771. 87 [No. 59.] Lieut. Thomas Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1768, October 24th, Sainalcotah. — " Sir, I hope you have duly received my last letter dated from C'hicacole, in which I acquainted you of an expedition's being ordered to march against Hyderabad. We soon returned, as peace was made with the Nizam when we were within five days' march of his capital. Soon after our joyning Colonel Hart I was appointed his Aid du Camp, in which station I acted a very short time, as the command was taken from him by Colonel Peach, of the Bengali detachment. " Hyder Ally has been very troublesome ere since, although he has been worsted in every engagement. Colonel Wood has been excessive lucky in his conquests of late : he has taken several of Hyder's forts, in one of which he put about 6,000 people to the sword ; he indeed in general gives them little or no quarter. About the beginning of this month he attacked Hyder's whole army, which consisted of about thirty thousand horse and foot, with only 450 Europeans and three thousand sepoys. The action lasted five hours, when Hyder was obliged to retreat, leaving in the field about 2,000 (thousand) foot killed, 100 (hundred) horse, and several elephants and camels. On our side were killed Captains Villiers Fitzgerald*^' and Hector Mackay, 2 ensigns and 63 private killed and wounded, and about 250 sepoys killed and wounded. " About two months since, on an alarum in our Morattoe camp, Captain Gee, who was Aid de Camp to Colonel Smith, was ordered to see what was the matter ; but the Morattoes, imagining him to belong to Hyder Ally cut him to pieces.*-' He is greatly lamented . . . He married Miss Carter about 6 months before his death. " Cousin Thomas arrived some time since, but I have not as yet had the pleasure of seeing him . . as he is at present with Colonel Smith. He acquaints me by letter that he left all friends in Devonshire well . . . He seems to like a camp life very well, and says most of your friends behave excessive kind to him. Young Mr. Smerdon was with us at this place (for a few days) about 2 months since, but is at present at Ellore under Lieutenant Colonel Tod's command. I am sorry to acquaint you that his behaviour has been very indifferent since his arrival. I shall defer giving any account of him, as Captain Madge tells me he intends writing you a long letter concerning him, and another to Mr. Smerdon to advise him to send for his son home . . . (1' Captain Robert Villiers PitzGeralJ distiaguished himself at the attack on the hill-fort of Kistnagiri in 1767, and was killed at Mulbagal in Octoljer, 1768. (2) The Marathas here mentioned were a contingent of mercenaries under Morari Rao, Chief of Gooty, engaged by the British after the defection of the Pcshwa's army. Haidar's cavalry made a night assault on their camp on the 22nd August, and Morari Rao ordered his troopers to remain on foot and attack all mounted men. Captain Gee galloping up from the adjacent British camp to investigate, was mistaken for a Mysorean and cut down. No. 59.] 88 " I received a letter from cousin Robert about a month ago. He is still third in Council at Cossimbuzar. He acquaints me that Suraja Dowla (^' is on the point of breaking out with the Company again, and that he has an immense army now in the field. It is also thought that the Nizam will not keep to his treaty long, for which reason Councillor Why tie '-' is ordered on an embassy to Hyderabad to endeavour to prevent Hyder Ally's bringing him over, which it is conjectured would be the case unless Mr. Whytle settles matters . . . " There are three field officers and three captains arrived this season .: one of the majors is dead since his arrival. It is reported several of the field officers intend leaving the country as soon as the war with Hyder Ally is at an end. " By letters from my mother and uncle this season they inform me of their having seen you at Ashburton soon after your arrival, [and] of your kindness in promising to send my brother f-^' out as soon as of a proper age ... Be pleased to make my respects to Mrs. Palk, and to Mr. Palk(^) and his spouse at Ashburton. I remain, with due regard and esteem, Sir, your most obliged and devoted humble servant, "Thomas Palk." " P.S. This last engagement with Hyder Ally is said to have been the warmest contested action that has happened since General Lawrence appeared on the plains of Thichanopoly ; by which Colonel Wood has gained great honour." [Holograph, 4 jjp-i 4^o.] [No. 60.] George Purnell to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1768, October 27th, Fort St. George. — Sir, I could scarcely expect replies from you to my applications of February and April, 1767, but letters received from the correspondents of Mr. Morse's house show how greatly I am indebted to you. " I am likewise informed by Mr. Morse of the kind pains you was at, relating to my being fixed in it, which renders me so greatly obliged to you that I want words to express my most gratefull thanks. . . ." If I may make one more request it is that you will favour me with a recommendation to Mr. Du Pre .... " George Purnell." [Holograph, 1 p., 4fo.] [No. 61.] Nic[holas] Morse to Rohert Palk, Esqr. 1768, October—, Fort St. George.—" Dear Sir . . . My letter wrote you the 1st of August . . will let you know the situation of (1) Shiija-ud-daula, Nawab Vizier of Oiulh. (^) John \\ hiloliill, a member of the Madras Council. (3) Joliii Palk. (■1) Walter Palk, brother of Governor Palk. 89 [No. 61. affairs at that time, and I wish I could now say that Vengalore had been attacked, but yet the siege of tliat is not begun. The getting up the heavy cannon, ammunition and other matters have taken up all this time, and Hydro Naigue trying every thing to save his capital. Colonel Wood lately engaged him in battle for several hours, and 'tis said Rilled on his side eight of his principal officers, 400 horses and one thousand men. The English loss was 4 officers killed, 5 wounded, 20 Europeans and one hundred sepoys. Some days ago he sent an agent to the camp, perhaps only to amuse till his horse that he had sent for from Biddanore came to him, and who were in the action with Colonel Wood. I believe the Gentlemen would come into any honourable proposals for setling matters with Hydro, as the war is expensive, and attended with nmch trouble, and injurious to the revenues ; and his horse may make sad ravages in the country, which desperation may drive him to. It will be that only that will put him on sending for the Morattas to assist, for he is jealous of them, and would rather chuse to have none near him ; and we may wish that those locusts may not appear in the Carnatic. The Nabob has been much out of order of late, chiefly, I believe, owing to vexation of mind . . and he has had a large share of it since 1750. He remains yet in the camp, but [it is] uncertain if he will stay long there or come to Velloor. " I find that Lord Clive's friendship for Mr. V.(^) was but of a short continuance. He, it's said, is much recovered, and probably is with you at London before now to try at some thing or another, for he can never rest. His behaviour to Mr. V. has not been suitable to the professions he made, and it would have been more honourable to have not made them when he knew what he had underhand done to hurt him. " Letters overland from London of the — May bring advices of the election and a list of the Directors chosen ; Mr. Bolton,'^* Chairman, Sir George Colebrooke, Deputy, &c., and Mr. Saunders (^' quitted. This seems to have not been expected, nor is it said how it has happened. We must waite to know how these gentlemen stand affected to Mr. V., or if there is any likelihood of his coming abroad. It was mentioned in a letter that came by the Grenville that Mr. V. had desired a General Court to be called on the 8th of April, but we are strangers to what was done there on that day with regard to him. It is publickly talked in town that the Gentlemen at home do not approve of the war with Hydro, or the connection with the Subah of Golcondah. " Capts. Johnson and Paine have had my advice in regard to the disposal of their adventures .... So many ships, and all bringing the same articles, overstocked the market. How- (1' Henry Vansittart. (2) Henry Crabb Boulton, Chairman in 17G8. (3) Thomas Saunders, Deputy Chairman in 1767. No. 61.] 90 ever, considering all things, they have fared as well as could be expected . . . Mr. Helling delivered me the garden seeds, as Mr. Carmichael did the broad cloth . . . Mr. Helling is in a way to soon get the command of a vessel by the help of Mr. Johnson, and seems a very deserving person. I hope the accounts of the House will be ready to send you by the next opportunity. Mr. De Fries<^) has not kept up to his repeated promises to finish them . . . There was no ship to Manilla this year, not is there likely to be one the next, nor till it is known what treatment the ship is to meet with .... " Captain Mackay being killed in the storming a small fort on a hill, your nephew will be recommended to some other person. ^- " There are orders from Europe to endeavour to get in the Nabob's debt to the Company, which by the war is greatly inlarged. The creditors have agreed, on the Governor and Council's pressing instances, to lend them upwards of 200,000 pagodas ; but I imagine they can do no more, as the want of money is very great, and some have their all there, and perhaps others somewhat more. Persons are not a little uneasy on this occasion, and desirous of getting what they can ; and it would be ^^ery hard upon many to waite for years to get in their money, which is secured to them under the strongest obligations and when the Company's then debt was in a fair way of being cleared in that period . . . " The diamonds now sent are esteemed here to be about 4 to 5 per cent, better in quality than what went on the Egmont, and the Association has been of some service to the giving a check to the bringing in goods of an inferior quality. Nilcantaker has not been so forward as we could have wished in furnishing us for this ship. . . . " Nic. Morse." [Holograph, 6 pp., Mo.] [No. 62.] Robert Palk to [William Martin Goodlad.] 1768, November 1st, London. Received 18th May, 1769, per Lioness. — " Dear Billy, Your two last letters are of the 21st September and 6th November [1767], and we have since in some measure been relieved from our anxiety by some success against Hyder Aly, and the return of Nizam Aly to our alliance. This I hope will inable you sufficiently to lower Hyder Naig, and prevent his being troublesome in future. " Being but just returned from Devonshire, I have not lately seen Mrs. or Miss Goodlad, but I hear they are well. I have succeeded no better than last year in the consignment way. The trade is become so bad that they all talk of withdrawing (1) John d'Fries, who later succeeded to Morse's Ixisinoss and estal>lished the firm of Pelliug & De Fries. 91 [No. 62. their concerns ; therefore be careful liow you meddle with diamonds, for in general they will not now bring seven shillings. . . '' Your militia*!* no doubt was admirably appointed, well disciplined and well conmianded ; but with such light infantry as James Bourchier, Jos. Smith, yourself and Troutback t^) should have marched out to the enemy and given them a fright, of which they would have been very susceptible ; but I suppose you were taken by surprize, and they were too quick in their motions. " Mr. Sulivan '^' would not be dissuaded from trying his luck once more : the lists of Proprietors will be published in a few days, and then, if I mistake not, he will see clearly that, with all the split votes**) the Dutch could furnish, he has not the least chance ; and I shall be glad to see an end to all contest. " Nancy and Lawrence are well, and a little girl<^' [was] born the first of this year. My nephew Tom being appointed a Writer, I desire that you and Stone*^' will take him under your management and endeavor to qualify him for a good Company's servant. I forgot to say to his Honor the Governor that the General desires he will favor and protect Mr. Ballard, who went' out a Cadet in the same ship with Mr. Alexander. I am ever, dear Billy, your affectionate and sincere friend, [Holograph, 2f pp. Jlsc]}.] " Robt. Palk." [No. 63.] Robert Palk to' [William Martin] Goodlad. 1768, November 22nd, London. Received 31st May, 1769, per Mr. Cockrane.*'"* — " Dear Goodlad, The friends of the bearer, a son of Lord Dundonald, having desired a recommendation, what greater service can I render him than to desire you will take care that he is well instructed in his dut}- to the Company, which is the only method to contribute to his future success ? . . " Your sincere and affectionate friend, [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] " Robt. Palk." (1) Embodied iu September, 1768, vvhen Haidar's horse raided the suburbs of Madras. (2) Samuel Troutback, born in 1700, was Ijoatswain of the King George when that ship was wrecked near Sadras in 1721, after which lie Ijecame a free merchant at Fort St. George. He married Susanna Morgan in 1726, and died in 1785, leaving the bulk of his property to St. John's Charity School, Wapping, where he had been educated. Legal difficulties resulted in the bequest passing to the Crown. (3) Laurence Sulivan. (4) Each holder of £500 and upwards of India stock possessed one rote in the Court of Proprietors, which elected the twenty-four Directors. To increase their voting power it was the practice for large stockholders to spUt their holdings into blocks of £500 and transfer them nominally to friends, retaining a call on their votes, which were termed split-votes. (5) Catherine Palk. '6> John Maxwell Stone, Secretary in the Military and Political Department. (7) The Hon. Basil Cochrane, fifth son of the 8th Earl of Dundonald, entered the Madras civil service at the age of sixteen. He filled various minor appoint- ments and was engaged in private commercial undertakings. In 1800, when Military Paymaster, he completed a canal on the west side of Fort St. George, which bears his name. 92 [No. 64.] Robert Palk to W[illia]m Martin Goodlad. 1768, December 5th, London. Received 27th July, 1769, per Mr. Phipps. — " My dear Billy, The bearer is a son of Mrs. Phipps, who is a near relation of Mr. Aldersey's, and on that account I am sure you will be very happy to shew him your hospitality during his stay at Madras; and I desire you will introduce him to Mr. Bourchier and all my friends, that he may pass his time agreeably while he stays with you ... I am, dear Billy, most affectionately yours, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 65.] George Vansittart to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1769, January 5th. On my way from Calcutta to Midnapore. — You will have heard of Plowman's (^> unexpected death. I went to Calcutta to adjust our business, and made it over to Darrell*-' and Hollond,'^* with whom I have entered into partnership for commission business only. I did not before mention " that your nephew'^) had involved himself the deeper in his scrape by agreeing with the other Cossimbazar gentlemen to destroy his Bengal accounts at the time they were demanded from him by the Committee of Inquiry. This, however, was the case ; and this being considered, the Gentlemen of the Council have, I think, acted towards him with all the lenity which could be expected. Upon Ms deliver- ing to them a just account of his profits, and acknowledging the impropriety of his conduct, they have allowed him an emolument of 15 per cent, upon the prime cost of the materials in consideration of trouble, risks and charges, and they have continued him in the service with only the restriction that he shall not be employed out of Calcutta till the Company's pleasure be known. It must now be your care and his other friends' in Europe to get his pardon confirmed and compleated. Mr. Verelst promises that both in his publick and private letters he will write strongly in his favour.'^' The prime cost of the materials which he provided was about a lack of rupees ; his profits about 60,000. I look upon Alexander'^* to be the person to whom he is principally obliged for escaping so well ..." I am ordered on " deputation to Janoojee, the Moratta Chief (1) Henry Plowman, Vansittart's partner in private business. (2) Lionel DareU. Vide No. 54, p. 80, note 1. (3) William Hollo nd was a Bengal civil servant of 1767. (4) Ro])ert Palk, jun. (5) Cf. Letter from Verelst to Robert Palk, sen., 21 Sept., 1768. (B.M. Add. MSS. 31,686.) •(6) Jauies Alexander entered the Madras civil service in 175^;. He was admitted to Council in 1763, and went home in the following year. Returning to India in 1767 on transfer to Bengal, he served there until 1771. He sat as M.P. for Derry from 1772 to 1789, and in 17UU he was created Earl of Caledon. 93 [No. 65. at Nagpore," a trip of 400 or 500 cos. Shuja-iid-daula has agreed to a limitation of liis forces, and we are now good friends agani. George Van Sittart. [Holograph, 4 pp., Uo.] [No. 66.] Nic[holas] Morse to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1769, February 28th, Fort St. George.— " By the accident of the Chatham being blown out of the road our friends will have been disappointed of having the letters wrote for her so early as they may have been expected. The Dutton takes them now, on which ship take passage Mr. Carter, Mr. Calland and family, Mr. Sadleir, Mrs. Donald Camj^bell and children, Captains Adair and Drilling. " I have ballanced the books of our concerns, and I send you a copy of the journal. There are only two or three articles to be accounted for : one the Nabob's debt, which is paying off yearly. Part of what has been paid the last year has been lent the Company at the desire of the Governor and Council. . . " Mr. Plowman's death j^ou will hear [of] by the ships from Bengali. Mr. George has taken for partners Messrs. Darell and William Hollond. It's said he is going on an embassy to Jonadee,*^) Chief of the Morattoes. " There has been a great scarcity of money at Calcutta, which has been a great hindrance to business and to the making regular payments, whilst the French and Dutch abound. The difficulty of getting money home furnishes the former with such large sums that their Company is enabled to carry on their affairs with great advantage, and private persons also enjoy the benefit. They are erecting their fortifications at Pondichery by order from France, to which they give much attention. . . " Mr, Churchill, who brought letters of recommendation from you to Mr. George Vansittart and myself, delayed proceeding to Bengal, and asked for an advance of money. I ga^^e him £100, but declined a further application. Mr. Vansittart writes that he has directions to pay Mr. Churchill £100 only per annum. " I send you a box containing 40 of St. Ignatius's Beads,'"-* which I- have desired Mr. Carter to put in his chest. They have been lately found to be a very good remedy for the bite of a rat, both inwardly and outwardh' made use of. "Your nephew, Mr. Thomas has been appointed an ensign for some time, and is well esteemed in the armv . . . " You will by this ship have a very disagreeable account of the state of the war with Hydro Naigue. As I am only a (1) Janoji. (2) St. Ignatius's Beans, wliicli Morse calls " Beads," were the seeds of a plant of tlio Pliilippines reseniljling nux v^oiuica, and were used by the natives in cases of cliolera. In Xovenii)or, I7(i7, Palk had written to James Bourchier to ask for St. Ignatius's beans. {Brit. Mus. Add, MSS. 34,685.) No. 66.] 94 bystander I shall not take upon me to write on the subject, but leave it to Mr. Bourchier to write, and Mr. Carter to tell you how matters stand. They will no doubt occasion much uneasiness at home, as they do abroad, to find the country so terribly harrassed and distressed by the ravages of this man daily committed in one part or other of the country. I wish the advices by the Thames may be more agreeable . . . " Nic. Morse." [Holograph, 4| pjj., Uo.'\ [No. 67.] Certificate of the President and Council of Fort St. George. 1769, February 28th, Fort St. George. — That the sum of Pags. 272, 26 fa, 15 ca. has been received into the Company's cash from Mr. Reynold Adams'^) on account of the estate of Captain Peter Cranch, deceased. Signed by Chs. Bourchier, Jos. Du Pre, John Call, Ar. Wynch, John Andrews, Geo. Stratton, Geo. Daw^son, Jas. Bourchier, Richd. Brickenden, Geo. Mackay. [1 iJ. flscp.] [No. 68.] Rama Kisna to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, March 9th, Fort. St. George. — Diamonds to the value of Pags. 350,000 go by this ship, the Dutton. " This war of Hyder Ally has been very unfortunate to the English, and caused great troubles and anxiety to the inhabi- tants, [so] that if we don't soon have a peace to relieve us from our miserys, we shall be very miserable indeed. I pray for the continuance of your protection towards me and old Mooperala Kisnia's son Cassavaia . . . " Rama Kisna »>» [Holograph, 1 p., flscp.] [No. 69.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to [Robert Palk, Esq.] 1769, March 11th. Fort St. George. — I have received your letter by Mr. Helling. Johnson and I have procured for him the command of a fine ship now building at Bandermalanka.<-' I hear good reports of your nephew Thomas, who has now held a commission for some months. He will not readily resign military for civil duties, but will nevertheless follow your wishes. " I am almost affraid to say any thing on politics, but still I '1) Vide No. 112, p. 141, note 1. (2) A port on the Qodavari coast, where al)undant supplies of teak were available. 95 [No. 69. cannot entirely be silent. You will hear from all hands how truely unprofitable the war has proved to us, and that indeed we were nexer before so handled. Excepting Cuddalore, Trichenopoly, Madura and Pallanicotah, we have not a foot to the southward of Pondicherry that we can call our own : all the country to the southward entirely laid waste ; not an hutt or inhabitant to be seen for sixty miles together, so terrible have been, and still are, the devastations of the enemy's horse. The Coimbatoor country we once called our own, but alas, every fort surrendered again on the first summons, and we are in a much worse situation than ever we were. I dare not touch further on these matters or on our real situation at this time : you will in all probability be fully informed of it from other quarters, and my silence is therefore the more pardonable. " Our friend Mr. B.<^* will most probably retiu'n to England about this time next year, as heartily sick of his station as ever man was. He has indeed been truely unfortunate, for his government has been attended with nothing but the most untoward circumstances. I feel for him most sincerely, and tremble at the consequences which our ill success may bring on him. He would have been much happier if the same ship had carried you both to England, and for his sake I really wish he had then quitted us ; for I cannot believe that his circum- stances will have much benefitted, and I am sure his mind would have been much more at ease than it can be after the change which has happened in the Company's affairs under his adminis- tration .... I know no man who ought to hug himself more than you, for surely never was there a less ruffled Government than when the reins were in your hands. " I have very little to say to you on the score of news. Pinke*^* died a martyr to the bottle the beginning of January. George Smith is married to Aurora*^' ; James Taylor<^> to Miss Philips. " The war has been truelv fatal to our officers. The flowers of our army have been untimely cut off, those indeed who might justly be called so. Alas ! my dear friend, how can I tell you what I have suffered on this occasion ! My invaluable friend, poor Hector Mackay, is no more. It is impossible to express to you how much I valued him, or what I feel at this time at the loss of him ; which you also have reason to regret, as I had placed your nephew under his tuition, and he really took all the care of him that he could of his brother. Captain Gee (who married Miss Carter), and Captain Villiers Fitzgerald, with many others, have fallen in the same cause. " We all wish most heartily for peace. Trade is exceedingly dull : the Nabob's payments to his creditors at an end, and in short, in short, we are in a situation by no means pleasing . . . (1) Charles Bourchior. '2) Thomas Ahu-ed Pincke, a free merchant. (3) Margaret Aurora Muriro. (4' James Taylor, a civil servant of I7(il, married Ann Phillips. No. 69.] 96 "Carterd' Sadleir'^) Mrs. Campbell,'^) Callandf*) and family return to England by this ship : of the last you will hear more from Mr. Bourchier . . . "W. M. GOODLAD." [Holograph, 4| pp., Mo.] [No. 70.] Robert Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad. 1769, March 17th. London. Received 3rd September. — " My dear Goodlad, In future I promise you to be a much better correspondent, which hitherto has not been the case. Interruption and dissipation are so much in fashion that it has been difficult in this great town to keep an hour to oneself. I have many friends besides yourself to whom I ought to make a better apology. " I have now before me your letter of the 12th May,(^) which conveys to me the true state of affairs, that state which I always dreaded. To carry on such a war required the greatest abilities in the commanding officer, and the highest consideration in laying in provisions. Nizam was too long and too much distressed on his march to be of any service to the alliance ; and unless he could have been supplied with money, the consequence must be his getting it from Hyder Naig. I hope the ship which we daily expect will give us better advices. If we could have kept our ground at Onor, I should have concluded the war in a fair way of being finished. You have attributed our want of success to the right cause. Many here are of the same opinion, but those who have it only in their power to remedy that defect do not chuse to show the world that they could be mistaken." The Governor and Mr. Call have both incurred the displeasure of the Directors. When they leave for England, I request that Wynch, Morse and yourself may take their places as my attorneys. Withecombe's money you should remit to me as soon as you receive it. The Company would like to cut off the resources of the Nawab's creditors, but legal opinion is against them. They have appointed a secret Committee of Inquiry, which will be occupied two or three years, by which time I hope most of the Nawab's debts will be paid. " You may remember that I always shuddered at the Nabob's debt, and I shall be happy when I hear the creditors are out of danger. (1) Roger Carter, late Governor of Bencoolen, Sumatra. (2) Anthony Sadleir entered the Madras civil service in 17G0. As Resident of Ingeram he was suspended for oppressing the natives, but was reinstated. Admitted to Council in 1780, he d(>livered so trenchant a minute on the inaction of Whitchill's Government during Ilaidar All's invasion of the Carnatic tliat he was again sus- pended. In 1783 he was employed on missions to tlie French at Cuddalore and to Tipu at Mangalore. In the following year he quarrelled with Lord Macartney at the Council table, and fought a duel with him in whicli tlic Governor was wounded. Sadleir was ultimately transferred to Masulipatam, where he died in 1703. (3) Mrs. Donald Campbell. (4) John Calland. Vide No. 'Si, p. 55. note 3. (5) No. 52, p. 77. 97 [No. 70. " Inclosed is a letter to Moodu Kisna/^) who is desired with you to settle a certain affair. Royala Punt,'-' formerly Renter of St. Thome, Devecotah, &c.,says he was turned out soon after my departure, and wants some presents which he made for that reason to be returned. I never in my life asked any man for a present, and those he gave me were so large that indeed they astonished me, viz., one thousand pagodas when he rented Munnimunglum from the Nabob's manager, one thousand when I came to the Government, and, long after he had taken the above farms for five years, I think six or seven thousand more — Moodu Kisna knows which. Of the latter sum I am willing to return him so much back as was unexpired of his term, dividing the latter sum into five ; but this must be done in a judicious manner, and that nothing of it may ever transpire. In short, more or less I leave it to you and Moodu Kisna to settle on any terms confidentially, and to receive the amount from my attornies, to whom I have mentioned it but very slightly. I am sure during my whole government I never sought or intended to oppress any man. And yet I apprehend some European must have forced him to make this demand. " I recommend my nephew Tom to your care and protection. The Directors promised he should be the first on the list, and they made him the last. In this country all is party, and poor Tom is involved, though his unkle never meddles further than to give his single vote . . . All our little family, one boy and two girls, are very well. I am still unsettled both in town and country : indeed in this country it requires good management to live within bounds ... I am ever, my dear Billy, your sincere and affectionate friend, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., Uo.] [No. 71.] [Captain] Thomas Madge to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, May 16th. Ellore. — For the last six months anarchy and confusion have reigned in the Carnatic. " As the communica- tion betwixt our Settlements has been so often interrupted by Hyder's cavalry, together with the great care taken by the Gentlemen at Madrass to prevent any correspondence to be carried on concerning the situation of public affairs, most people chose not to write at all rather than run the risque of their letters being stopt and opened at Madrass, or even of being suspected (1) Muttukrishna Mudali succeeded ' Paupa Braminy,' jun., in 1749 as Company's Interpreter. In 1751 lie accompanied Palk and Vansittart to Sadras as Translator to their Mission, and detected a fraud in connexion with the grants wliich Dupleix alleged had been made to him by the Subahdar of tlie Deccan. Muttukrishna was Governor's Dubash to Mr. Pigot and his successors, and in 1766 founded and endowed the Town Temple of Madras which replaced ' the great Jentue Pagoda ' of 1646. In 1771 he drew up a rejiort on the historv of the Maravars from 1500 A.D. He died in 1792. (2) Elsewhere described as Rajah Pundit. G No. 71.] 98 the authors of any disagreeable though true reports of affairs that might transpire in the country." On this account I did not send you earher the enclosed letter of attorney regarding Cranch's affairs. The value of his estate is still uncertain, but the amount of the legacies has been remitted. My judgment of the conduct of young Smerdon has proved correct. " He had been ordered on detachment with Captain Bellingham <^) to attack a small fort in their neighbourhood, when he discovered such uncommon tokens of cowardice as I am ashamed to mention. The day after the fort was reduced (it having been abandoned by the enemy) a report prevailed that a field engagement was soon expected ; which so much terrified Smerdon that he immediatelv waited on Bellinoham and told him that he found the air did not agree with him, neither did he by any means approve of a military life ; which induced him to demand leave to quit the detachment immediately in order to repair to Ellore (head quarters in the Circars), as on his arrival there he was determined to quit the service ! In spite of every argument that could be made use of to dissuade him from so scandalous a step, he still persisted in it, and accordingly left the detachment. On his arrival at Ellore Colonel Tod ordered him to set out for Samul- cotah, where I at the time resided, where he advised him to consult with me before he resigned the service. It was with much difficulty he was prevailed upon to make his appearance, and loitered at a small village about 16 coss from Samulcotah five or six days under the most frivolous pretences, till I was under the necessity of threatening to bring him to Samulcotah with a file of men : this brought him immediately. Soon after his arrival he was appointed an ensign from Madrass, a pro- motion that filled him with the greatest concern, as he assured me he would never take the field again as he was sure he could not support his character as an officer. Accordingly, on my being ordered into the field, Smerdon writes a letter to either Colonel Tod or the Chief at IMasulipatam, in which he declares his want of capacity and resolution for the station he had been promoted to, and therefore begs leave to quit the service befoi:e he is put to any further trial ! On receipt of this letter he was ordered to proceed immediately to Madrass, which, sore against his inclinations, he was obliged to comply with. " At parting from me he expressed a desire of getting employed as a monthly Writer in the office at Madrass. But as his passion for dissipation, together with an unconquerable aversion to business of any kind, would not allow me to hope he would ever be able to support himself on 10 pags. per month when he could hardly make both ends meet with double the (1) Captain Belliiiicliani, who was an Ensign of the Company's European Infantry in 1758, accompanied Cailhuid's detachment to Bengal in the following year. In 1769 he commanded a battalion of native infantry in the Northern Circars, 99 [No. 71. sum, I advised him to think seriously of returning to his friends by the first opportunity. Since his leaving the northward, which was in the month of January last, I have never received a letter from him, notwithstanding he derives at present his sole support from my purse. All that I can learn of him is from the accoimts sometimes sent me by a friend at Madrass, who informs me he has been ordered by the Governor and Council to go to Europe by the present opportunity. I have, however, applied to Mr. Bourchier for leave for him to remain at Madrass till the arrival of my unkle's ship, when I shall ship him off immediately. To this the Governor has consented. I am sorry to assure you that he is not indued with one good or even neutral qualification, and what his unhappy father will do with him on his return to England I cannot divine . . ." Of affairs in the Carnatic you will hear from other sources. " Our reputation at present seems to be at a very low ebb, as we have experienced such a terrible reverse of fortune during the last ten months of the war as has put such an indelible blot on our arms and councils as will require many years' prudent administration, and as many well conducted successful campaigns, to wipe off before our affairs can be restored to that flourishing condition in which you left them. " Hyder has been permitted, it is said, to make good his bravado of granting us a peace close at the gates of Madrass. He was, according to report, very near it with a very incon- siderable body of horse, having by two very long retrograde marches given Colonel Smith the slip, and got betwixt him and jMadrass. He was suffered to remain very near it unmolested, though there were at the time upwards of 300 Europeans and two battalions of seapoys in garrison ready to push out upon him, whilst the army without, who was on the march after him, would soon have been so near (had it not been countermanded) as to have prevented his escape. Peace was however concluded with him notwithstanding his situation ; the particulars of which are most of them a profound secret, and by their being disapproved of by the Nabob are not supposed to be much in our favor. He has been gone off for some time to the Mysore country, and the Gentlemen of Madrass are now settling the distribution of the troops belonging to the Madrass establishment in such a manner as to be in utrumque paratus should Hyder take it into his head to renew the war and, as he threatened, overwhelm us with Marattas from all quarters." The troops in the Circars are to be increased to a brigade. To the south there will be two brigades. As more subalterns will be needed here, I have asked Mr. Call to get your nephew and Mr. Welsford*^* included in the number, especially the former, because his friend Mr. Wynch, who has been appointed Chief at Masulipatam, will be able to help him. (1) A lately arrived cadet. Cf. No. 58, p. 81. No. 71.] 100 Our military establishment is going to ruin owing to the assumption of all power by civilians. " Even the Commander in Chief will not very soon have as much authority, independent of the civil power, as a Writer in the office." Mr. Du Pre, who will succeed shortly as Governor, appears to be specially hostile. A recent order prohibits correspondence between military officers and natives unless copies of the letters are submitted to the Presidency. This I consider a hardship. As I have little to expect from ]Mr. Du Pre, and as my only friend in the Council, Mr. Call, is about to quit India, I think of applying for leave to England. If I should be unable to return with my present rank, I shall purchase a troop or company in the King's service at home. " T. Madge." [Holograph, 9| pp., 4to.] [Enclosure.] Letter of Attorney, dated Masulipatam, 11th April, 1769. Power of Attorney granted by Captain Thomas Madge, one of the executors of the will of Peter Cranch, formerly lieutenant in H.M.'s 79th regiment and afterwards lieutenant in the East India Company's service, authorizing " Robert Palk of Ashburton in the County of Devon, Esquire," to be his attorney in all matters respecting the executorship. (Signed) T. Madge. Witnessed by J[ohn] L[ewin] SmiTH, Chief of Masulipatam, and John Whitehill. [2 1 pp. demy. Wax seal with arms and crest] [No. 72.] Mrs. Jane Morse to [Robert Palk, Esq.] [Endorsed in Palk's hand.] " Mrs. Morse, 1st June 1769. Answered 16th March, 1770." 1769, June 1st. Fort St. George. — " I think with you, dear Sir, Mr. Van has done well in the purchas he has made at Black Heath. It is convenient for many reasons ; they have a growing family, and oeconomy is highly necessary ... I am glad to hear Mr. Hastings is coming to succeed Mr. Duprei^' for the good of the place, and we shall have a very agreeable friend . . . " The painter has not done Mr. Van justice : he has made him look stiff and grave, which I am sure he is not in his nature. There is a strong resemblance of Harrv's features, but I think the complexion too dark. Mr. Stonehouse'^' has wrote Mr. James Bourchier that he has a brother and sister'^' coming out in these ships for Bengal at the desire of Mr. George and his lady, and that he was at a loss how to provide for the young (1) As Second Memlior of Council when Du Prd became Governor. Hastings arrived in Seplotnl)er, 17(5!). ('-) Lieutenant Thomas Stonhousc of the Bengal establishment, brother of Mrs, George Vansittart. (3) Lucia Stonhousc. > I . 101 ■,''', ;.,.-r ".'^,'^[N-o.: 72. lady during her stay here ; on which Mr. James made appHcation to me, thinking Mr. George might have wrote to us about it. I told him our Midnapore friends had not, but that he might depend on our receiving the lady into our house and shewing her every civility in our power during her stay in Madrass . . . "Jane Morse." [Holograph, 3 jip., Uo.] [No. 73.] Jos[iAs] Du Pre to Robert Palk, Esq, 1769, June 15th. Fort St. George.—" Dear Sir, I will not attempt to give you an account of our unfortunate transactions in the course of the war ; you will have it at large, I dare say, from some of your other friends, and you will find that, far from depriving Hyder of the power of doing mischief, we have been brought to disgrace. Though our armies, with a good General at their head, may almost command victory over any country enemy who will risk a battle, there are other ways by which we may be overcome. We may be ruined by expence. That the peace we have made will be blamed there can be no doubt ; ill success can never share any other fate. I am clear, however, all our circumstances considered, that there was no alternative but that or worse. We must now bend all our endeavors to restore our finances, which are reduced to worse, much worse, than nothing. " What ! is there to be no end to wars and rumours of wars in Leadenhall Street ? For my part I have been endeavouring to lay in a small store of philosophy on that subject ever since I was appointed. If I am permitted to stay here a few years, 'tis well, I will do the best I can ; and if I should be invited home, why that too will be well, for it will save me an infinite deal of trouble, which I fear, as things are, will procure but little honor and little profit. " Your nephew, I understand, after having tried and very well endured a fatiguing campaign, seems to prefer the sword to the quill. He has not yet made a decisive choice. He shall have my support in either, for I hear he has merit. Mr. Morse will always find me ready to give all the assistance that I can with propriety in your affairs or his own. " I hope Mrs. l-*alk and your little ones enjoy good health. I wish I could send them a few rays of our sun. We could spare them, for I have never known so hot and dry a season. We are burnt to cynders. Mrs. D. sends her compliments ; she has lately presented me with another girl. " Mr. Ballard are bound in recognizances of £1,000 to appear at the Court of King's Bench on Michaelmas Term, 1771. " The advices by the Egmont occasioned the Gentlemen at home to put some treasure on each ship bound to China, which was well judged . . . The supracargoes have liberty to draw for £200,000 on England at 5s. per dollar, and will greatly help persons in their remittances home of their money. " Your nephew, I believe, has not yet determined about the civil or military : I shall therefore refer you to him for an explanation. He seemed apprehensive that his allowances in the civil might not be equal to the other ; on which I assured him that your attorneys would make up that to him, which might be about [Pags ] 12 more to his diet money, the Ensign's pay being, with the allowance, about 20 pagodas per month ; and that I did not doubt but you would hereafter order him some money to assist him in business. I have said much to him on the occasion, and endeavoured to persuade [him] not to miss the opportunity of being in the civil, as what you had obtained for him with some trouble, and as the best way of his getting forward in life. He is a very good lad, sedate and well disposed, and has given much satisfaction to his superior officers, and may do well in either way." I have arranged matters with all the correspondents of the House, and shall relinquish business as soon as the accounts are closed, so the next despatch will be from Mr. Hollond and his associates. I am quite tired out, " finding it impossible to satisfy every one. You are sensible of the trouble I have had, and the difficult times I have had to negotiate their affairs in, which others are not. I never kept back any money that could be remitted, and yet find some of them think we have . . ." " Nic. Morse." [Holograph, Q\ pp., Uo.] (1) Andrew Majendie. Vide No. 57, p. 83, note 4. <2) Paul Benfield. Vide No. 78, p. 109, note 1. (3) Thomas Marsden. Vide No. 78, p. 109. note 2. 104 [No. 75.] J[ohn] M[axwell] Stone to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, June 27th. Fort St. George. — " A peace was in April last concluded with the formidable Hyder : I wish I could say that we had compelled him to it. The particulars of all publick affairs you will no doubt have from Mr. Bourchier, whose situation for this long time past has been truly to be pitied. Vexations and disappointments seem to have been his constant attendants, though I am convinced no man could deserve them less if a truly good heart and an earnest desire to promote the Company's interest could keep him free from them. " Your nephew Tom has been in some doubt whether to continue in the military or accept of the civil service. Indeed I was not surprized at it, as he seems to have a turn for a soldier's life, and during the last campaign, which has been a very severe one, has acquired his share of honor and the esteem of every officer in the army. He has, however, at last determined on the civil, and this day signed his covenants, though not without some reluctance. "J. M. Stone." " P.S. — You will no doubt have heard of the death of our poor friend Griffiths. Mr. Thomas'^' and I have the management of his affairs, which, with your kind assistance to him, will I hope turn out a sufficient provision for his children . . . We expect one of them may arrive in India this season . . ." [Holograph, 3 jjp., flscp.] [No. 76.] Nic[holas] Morse to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, June 28th. Fort St. George. — Mr. Bourchier has decided to leave India next January, and I think it will be well if Mr. Call accompanies him. " The times at home and abroad are far from giving that satisfaction persons here have long wanted." Your nephew has signed covenants as a Writer. " Nic. Morse." [Holograph, 1 2^., 4to.] [No. 77.] Rama Kisna to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, June 28th. Fort St. George. — " I heard Mr. Hastings comes out this year for this place to succeed Mr. Dupre in the Government.*-) I beg you will recommend me to his protection if I have any business, which is very necessary on account of my village, which you was so kind as to obtain from the Nabob for the use of my Charity Choultry at Chccrecoad, to this time by Mr. Bourchicr's favor going on without any interruption . . . 'D The Rev. John Thomas, Chaplain at Fort St. George. (2) As Second Member of Council when Du Pr^ becomes Governor. 105 [No. 77. " Your old friend Mooperala Kistnaia's son begs leave to present his humble respects to you and your family." "Rama Kisna." [Holograph, 1^ p., flscp.] [No. 78.] Ch[arle]s Bourchier to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, June 29th. Fort St. George. " I am infinitely obliged to you, my dear friend, for many of your most acceptable favors, and for so warmly espousing my cause with the Court of Directors. They did me but justice in believing . . . that I was doing my best for them, as I can with truth say my sole view in continuing the warr was the interest and welfare of the Company ; and as the reducing the power of Hyder Alice was a measure strongly recommended by Lord Clive for the security of the Company's possessions in the Carnateck as well as the Nabob's dominions — a measure also repeatedly urged by the present Committee in Bengal, and which in my own judgment and of my colleagues here [was] of essential consequence to the Company's prosperity — I cannot help being vexed that they should think me and some others so culpable in adopting it when there was the greatest probability of carrying our point. I cannot however be surprized that they should be so much out of humor ; for accountable as they are now become to Parliament for all transactions, to avoid any reproach they may apprehend, they no doubt will load us with censure ; and should we escape it this year we shall inevitably be dismissed the next when they are acquainted how much the scene has changed since the Egmont left us, and with the distressful situation the Carnateck, the Nabob's and the Company's affairs have been reduced to by the continuance of the warr. I ha^^e therefore determined to leave India next January at all events, and hope to be happy amongst you and the rest of my friends in England towards the end of summer if the Directors will let me be at peace there ; but as I have reason to believe an ill starr presided at my birth, I have apprehensions that they will give me some trouble after I am got home. " We have at length happily put an end to the enormous expences occasioned by the warr by concluding a peace with Hyder, who, having led Colonel Smith a dance of near a month, had the address, after drawing him as farr as Villaporum, to slip by him, and making a march of no less than 45 miles the first day, got so much ahead of our army that he reached the Mount three days before they got the length of Vendaloor. On his arrival there he wrote to me that he was come so near to make peace with us himself. In the* extremities we were reduced to we gladly embraced the opportunity of opening the Conference again ; for the country being entirely at his mercy ; our army being incapable of protecting it or bringing him to a No. 78.] 106 decisive action, and daily diminishing by sickness and fatigue ; the promised succors of horse by the Nabob and Mora Row <^' not arrived, nor hkely to be for some months, and our distress for money great ; our whole dependance being on the Nabob, who though he promised largely we had doubts of his performing ; and it being also the Company's positive orders to make peace, we were under the necessity of doing it almost at all events. I will not trouble you with a detail of all that passed on the occasion, though I have been very particular therein to both Mr. Rous(2) and Mr. Sulivan, and probably you may know from the latter ... I hope therefore you will be satisfied by my telling you that after five days spent in the most tiresome and vexatious discussions with the Vackeels that were sent in after Mr. Du Pre had been with Hyder one whole day at the Mount, the articles were settled of. which you have a copy inclosed.*^' Besides which, the Nabob was obliged to submit to consent that all of the Novoyt cast <*' who were in the Carnateck should be permitted to leave it if such was their choice. As this article the Nabob thought affected his honor, it was agreed to be left out of the written treaty." We also agreed, after the treaty was signed, to give up to Hyder some stores at Colar, as we understood from Captain Kelly, <^> who commanded there, that the place could not hold out beyond the 10th April. As a fact, it held out until the treaty was signed, and we are therefore holding an inquiry into Captain Kelly's conduct. " As you are well acquainted with the Nabob's rooted antipathy to Hyder, and how ambitious he is, you will not be surprized that he should be so very averse to our making the peace as he has expressed himself on several occasions. It is, however, very extraordinary that these foibles should so much get the better of his reason as to blind him to his own interest in the highest degree. He saw our united efforts could not prevent the daily ravages of his enemy, and that every hour we delayed coming to an accommodation subjected him and his wretched subjects to the severest losses without the least glimpse of hope that we could find any other means of preventing it than by concluding a peace ; yet he wished it could have been avoided ; would not consent to have his name inserted (1> Morari Rao. Vide No. 19, p. 33, note 4, (-) Thomas Rous, a Director from 1745 to 1771, who had been several times Chairman. (3) Not found. (•i) Novoyt, Narai/nt, a new-comer, from Skt. nava, new, implies a Muhammadan of mixed descent. The descendants and adiierents of tlie former Carnatic dynasty, which ended with Nawab Safdar Ah in 1744, were commonly known as Navayats. Some of these adlierents, hke the family of Chanda Saliib, had been detained by Muhammad Ali, and llaidar, wliose mother was a Navayat, insisted on tlieir being granted permission to leave the Carnatic. (5' Robert Kelly entered the Madras Infantry in 1760, and became Captain in 1765. He acted as Chief Engineer at the siege of Mah(5 in 1779, and commanded a brigade under Fullarton in 1783. Colonel Kelly died at Arnee in 1790 when in command of the Centre Armv. 107 [No. 78. as a contracting Power ; and, though he promised to authorize us to act for him in making peace for the Carnateck by a letter, we have never yet been able to obtain such an authority from him. Pie has indeed been so very refractory lately that I have at times had inhnitc trouble with him, and I am very suspicious he has somebody he places a confidence in that puts false notions into his head, which induce him to act so very differently to what seemed to be his former disposition ; and who knows it may be the author of the curious pamphlet wherein you and I and Call are extolled for being such excellent cooks. " The apprehension that the Company will in time take his country into their hands (as has been done in Bengal) to clear off their debt, now no less than 12i lacks of pagodas, besides the expenses of the warr amounting to 1-lh lacs more (a sum you will be amazed at, and which I fear I shall be hanged for : however, so it is, and I must abide by the consequences) alarms him beyond measure and throws him into the utmost despair. He is nevertheless meditating at times the means to clear off his debt to the Company, and promises to effect it in three years if peace subsists so long. Indeed I suspect he must have a hoard somewhere, as the Company and individuals assisted largely soinetimes towards defraying his expenses, during which interval the revenues of the country were collected by him ; and this I am the readier induced to believe from his having at times talked of discharging his debt in even 18 months. Possibly if the Company propose any measures that may be dissatisfactory to him and that may increase the suspicions he has already entertained, he may exert himself and pay off what he owes them. With respect to the charges of the Avarr, notwithstanding he made an agreement with us, which is entered in Consultation, to bear them all, provided we left the manage- ment of the conquered countrys to him and the produce at the time they were so, with all the plunder taken, he now disputes the matter and says his agreement was conditional that we took Seringapatam ; than which nothing is more untrue. We have left this circumstance to the Company's determination ; and as they had an interest in the warr, which was begun in consequence of our possessing the Circars, they ought in reason [to] take to themselves some portion of the charge of it ; and I think that ought to be at least one third, as the value of their possessions bears about that proportion to the amount of the Nabob's . . . " Hastings's superceding Call is a mortifying circumstance. Call, however, will go home as soon as he possibly can settle his affairs, but I iDclieve he will not do so before me . . . " I wrote you in duplicate by the Dutton, which my friend Carter carried, to put one packet on board any ship he might meet with in the voyage. I therein gave you a full account of Calland's malevolent intentions. What you mention of the letter vou received from him and his declarations therein No.'^TS.] 108 confirm my suggestions. I hope, agreable to what I proposed to you, that you have found means to prevent his executing his vile purpose ; for in the humor the Directors seem to be at present a hint only from him will be sufficient to awaken all their suspicions, which may occasion such orders as will affect numbers both at home and abroad. Nothing has been done here yet relative to the enquiry ordered last year, as Ruccun ud Dowlah, the Souba's minister, who had the principal hand in concluding the Hydrobad Treaty,*^) has been absent ; but as he is soon to return there, he will be applied to on the subject. I shrewdly suspect from advices I have seen that further scrutinies will be ordered this year from home, and I wish I may not have trouble thereby. " Rajahpundit*-' is an infamous rascall, and so much involved in debt to the Nabob as well as others that he is now under confinement with the Nabob on that account. I have talked with Moodoo Kistnah and communicated what you desired of me to Goodlad : by the next dispatch I shall let you know what has been resolved on ; hitherto nothing, as there has been little opportunity for it. " It has been with some difficulty your nephew Tom has been prevailed on to lay down the sword. He has been an Ensign some time, and [the] being reduced from 17 pagodas to P. 8 23/. per month was a powerful argument against relinquishing it. He promised to make a good officer, being fond of his profession, but is convinced that his future prospects of advantage are more extensive in the civil than the militarv. He is a sedate, sensible youth, and much regarded in the corps he belonged to. Could he be assisted a few years with the addition of 10 pagodas per month to his writer's stipend, it would be very acceptable, and little enough to keep him out of debt, as you know . . . " By the way of China [I] shall find means to make remittances to you my attorneys of at least £30,000 on account of myself and Jim ; '■^' and by the end of next year shall have in England, I hope, with what is already in your hands, about £60,000, the mode of remittance being already secured. How much more we are possessed of I am yet uncertain, but I shall set tight to work as soon as the Thames is sailed to settle all my accounts and dispose of outstanding concerns . . . " I tha!ik you for the house you have purchased for me, which according to Mrs. B.'s description of it must be a very excellent one. I wish the price may be not too great for my fortune ; but if it should appear to be so, I imagine I can always have it in my power to dispose of it without much loss. " Besides the vexation our late troublesome situation gave me, we have had further cause for it from the refractory behavior of a Grand Jury, who treated us so contemptuously (1) The Treaty of 1768 relating to the Ch-cars. »2) Elsewhere called Royala Piint. Cf. No. 70, /-. !I7. li^) James Bourchier. 109 [No. 78. on the Bench that we were at lengtli put to the disagreable necessity of ordering three of thcni, 13enfield, recording the unhappy state of affairs on the Coast gives me the most sensible concern and uneasiness. We have gone on from victory to victory without reflecting how the whole was to be preserved and governed, and what fatal consequences a reverse must have involved us in. When Nizam Aly settled with Hvder, certainlv we should have done the same. We should then have given all India a strong impression of our power, and probably have secured the Carnateck from future invasions. As it is, I dread and am very anxious for the next accounts. " Your kindness to Mr. Helling as well as my nephew has been very great. The latter I should rather have continued in the military, but his mother, reflecting on the loss of so many of his countrymen, will not hear of it ; and so I suppose he brings up the rear of the Writers, a piece of revenge in Direction which I did not deserve, and owing to those perpetual struggles at the India House, where the parties have for some years been violent to the last degree. At Mr. Vansittart's departure'^) a Coalition had taken place, which lasted only a few days, but I still hope it may be renewed ; though I know little of the matter, being just arrived from a six weeks' tour into Devonshire. " On Bourchier and Call's coming away I have desired that Wynch and you may succeed them as my attorneys. I have another copy of the letter from Rajah Pundit, and hope that long ere now a proper gratuity has been made him, as I had rather be at any expence than that any man should say I had done him any injustice. " Great preparations I find are making to send you every assistance. I am sorry the loss of so many officers makes a reinforcement of them necessary . . . The General and Mrs. Palk remember vou must cordiallv. I am ever, mv dear friend, most affectionately yours, "RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 2 pp., Uo.] (1) No. 69, p. 94, (2) Henry Vansittart sailed for India in the Aurora in September, 1769. 112 [No. 82.] General Sir R[ober]t Barker'^' to R[obert] Palk, Esq. 1769, November 19th. Calcutta. — " Sir, I have had the pleasure to receive your letters of the 21st and 28th of February, 1768, which were delivered me by Messrs. Everet and Fitzgerald. Both these gentlemen are in the Artillery Corps, and are inuch esteemed by their commanding officers. I have as yet had no opportunity of doing them any service. " I hope you and Mrs. Palk have enjoyed a good state of health since your return from India. I beg my compliments may be acceptable to her, and am. Sir, with regard, your very obedient humble servant, " Rt. Barker." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 83.] George Vansittart to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, December 3rd. Calcutta.—" Dear Palk, The Grafton brought me a short letter from you without date, but written I imagine in March, and we have since received news overland of my brother's and Mr. Sulivan's success at the April election. On many accounts I rejoice much at this event, but particularly from the hope that his directorship will pave the way for his return to the government of Bengal . . ." My family has lately been increased by the birth of a second boy, who has been named Edward. We return to-day to Midnapore. I have your letter appointing your nephew'^' to be your attorney jointly with me. " The partnership which I have entered into with Darell and Hollond puts it out of my power to act separately from them. Vansittart, Darell & Hollond must therefore represent me as one of your attornies and your nephew as the other. (1) Robert Barker came to India about 1749. In August 1753, when a lieutenant of Madras Artillery, he was employed as an Engineer at the request of Colonel Caroline Scott, tlie Engineer-General. Barker's fine draughtsmanship is attested by a plan of Port St. George executed by him in October, 1753, which is preserved in the King's Library of the Britisli Museum. In 175(1 Captain Barker conunanded the Artillery with Clive's expedition to Bengal, and served at the battle of Plassey. As Major he accompanied Draper's force to Manila in the same capacity, and was knighted in England for his services. Returiiiug to India, Colonel Sir Robert Barker was posted to Bengal, where he commanded one of the three brigades of the army, and in 1770 he became })rovincial Commander-in-Chief. He had great influence with the Nawab Vizier of Oudh, and in his interest negotiated in 1772 the Treaty of Fyzabad with the Rohillas against the Marattas. Disapproving of Hastings's army reforms. General Barker resigned the service and went home in 1771. He entered Parliament, was created a baronet in 1781, and died in 1789, f2) Robert Palk, jun. 113 [Xo. 83. " General Smith '^' is going home npon this ship (the Hampshire). Mr. Verclst*-) will follow in a few days upon the Lioness. The General has picked np a very large fortune, and as he has abilities and application, and seems disposed to busy himself in India matters, will probably have a good deal of weight when he gets to England. Harry and he w'ere connected formerly : I hope they will be able to agree. " I am appointed Supervisor of Dinagepore, but I am not to go there till the end of February . . . My Residency of Midnapore is to remain in my possession ..." [Holograph, 3. pp., flscp.] " George Vansittart." [No. 84.] Robert Palk, jun,, to Robert Palk, Esq. 1769, December 22nd. Calcutta. — Dear Sir, I enclose bills drawn on Mr. Pybus for £540 on account of the estate of Captain John Adams, which please pay to Mrs. Eleanor Adams. <-^' I send two parcels of Soucey and Cossimbazar handkerchiefs, one for my father,'*' to be forwarded to Yolland Hill, and the other for Mr. Call. If you would like a pipe or two of wine, " I can purchase very good madeira, brought here in '66 by Captain Thomas Rous,'^) for 380 Arcot Rupees ... " I have nothing to mention regarding my own situation but that I am living in Calcutta at a great expence, unemployed and in great anxiety to hear the determination of the Court of Directors. I hope for success now that Mr. Van, Mr. Sulivan, &c., are in the Direction." Since I have been in Calcutta I have been treated with much kindness by Mr. Floyer.'^' I now stand 24tli on the list, and there are only four servants between George Vansittart and myself. " Robert Palk." " P.S. — 24th December. The Governor'"' comes to town to-day to resign his government to Mr. Cartier, although he is not certain that he will be able to go before the end of the month." [Holograph, 2| pp., flscp.] (1) Richard Smith was a lieutenant on the Madras Establishment from 1753. As captain in 1758 he commanded at Chingleput and in 1760 at Trichinopoly, whence he attacked and seized Karur. In 1761 he resigned and sailed for England, and three years later was appointed by the Directors to Bengal. In 1767 Colonel Smith assumed command of the Bengal Army. He retired at the end of 1769 as Brigadier General. He married at Madras in 1756 Amelia, daughter of Charles Hopkins, sometime Chief at Devikota. (2) Vide No. 54, p. SO, note 8. (3) Cf. No. 211. p. 220. W Walter Palk, of Yolland HiU, Ashburton. '») Thomas Bates Rous commanded the Britannia on her voyage to Bengal in 1766. He was a Director of the East India Company from 1773 to 1770. (6) Charles Floyer, jun., entered the Madras civil service in 1755, and in 1767 was transferred to Bengal as Tenth of Council. After a visit to England in 1772 he reverted to Madras. He took an active part in the sul)Vcrsion of Lord Pigot's government in 1776, and was recalled to England. In 1782 he was serving in Guntur. (7) H. Verelst. H 114 [No. 85.] 1769, N.D. " Estimate of the Expences of the Military Establishment on the Coast of Choromandel in 1769. 3 regiments of infantry 1 battalion of artillery, 5 companys 1 troop of cavalry ( Pags. 6,99,307 or 19 battalions of seapoys and 7 [ Rs. 24,47,921. independent companys Lascars in all the garrisons Of which the Nabob to be charged with 10 Carnatic battalions of seapoys 2 independent companies of seapoys , and a proportion of the lascars in the \ [Pags ] 2,50,000 several garrisons, all which will amount to about The Company's annual charge, about Pag^- 4,49,307. [On the reverse] " The Nabob's Agreement to pay in discharge of his debt, asfolloivs : In ready money by the 20th January, 1770 Pags 5,00,000 In money or f by ultimo June, 1770 do. 8,00,000 Soucars'(i) securitv ■< by ultimo April, 1771 do. 10,00,000 [by ultimo June, 1771 do. 2,00,000 Pags 25,00,000 [Unsigned, Ij i?., Mo.] [No. 86.] Lieutenant Thomas Palk to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, January 12th. Condapillee. — " Honoured Sir, ... I expected my brother*-' out the last season from what my mother acquainted me in her last letter, and the accounts I heard from cousin Thomas at Madrass. The latter informed me there was one of our name coming out on one of the ships. But I was agreeably disappointed, for I think he was then rather too young to set out in the world . . . But even though he had come out the last year in a military capacity, he would not have yet been an officer, for out of the 50 or 60 cadetts that arrived the last season there are not more than 6 or 8 have got com- missions ... I am still a lieutenant, and expect to continue so for some time, as there is now between me and a company sixteen . . . " Colonel Wood,'^' Captains Kelly'^' and Orton'^' were tryed (1) Vide No 20, p. 35, note 1. (2) John Palk. (3) Vide No. 55, p. 82, note 2. (4) Vide No. 78. p. 100, note 5. (») Captain liodorick Orton, when in command of the fort of Erode in December, 1708, was summoned hy Ilaidar to surrender. He went out under a safe conduct to arrange terms, and was constrained by Haidar to sign an order to the garrison to capitulate. He was tried by court martial in 1709 and cashiered. 115 [No. 86. lately at Madrass by a court martial for sonic misconduct tliey were guilty of during the late war with Hyder Ally. The former was, I hear, charged with eight crimes. The sentence of the court is not yet made publick in general orders . . . Most of the 3rd Regiment has been stationed at Ellore ever since peace was concluded, under the command of Lieut. Colonel Tod. He will not remain there long it's thought, as Colonel Hart is expected there very soon . . . " About 5 months since I was ordered from Ellore with 4 companies of Captain Madge's battalion to the command of this garrison . . . Captain Madge at the same time marched with the remaining six companies and relieved Captain Bellingham from the command of Samalcottah." The latter goes to command the Chicaeole Circar. I have not been able to ascertain what effects were left by Mr. Mould, who " was drowned from on board a vessell in Madrass roads." Mr. Bourchier resigns the chair to Mr. Du Pre about the end of this month. When my brother arrives I shall ask Mr. Call to get him appointed to the 3rd Regiment, now in the Circars. " Captain Madge . . . will inform you this season of young Mr. Smerdon's elopement from Madrass. He took a journey there about six months since on purpose to endeavour to get him home on some of the last ships, but he went off before his arrival there, and has not since been heard of I believe . . . " Cousins Robert and Thomas are both very well. I keep a constant correspondence with them, and heard from each of them very lately. The latter informs me he has an intention of paying his brother'^' a vissit this year with the two Mr. Stone- houses. . . . Be pleased to remember me most affectionately to Mrs. Palk, and to Mr. Palk's'-' family at Ashburton . , . " Thomas Palk." [Holograph, 3| pp., flscp.] [No. 87.] Robert Palk to [his Attorneys at Madras.] 1770, January 23rd. Spring Gardens. — " Gentlemen, The sudden departure of the bearer, Mr. Snelling,''^' only gives me time to say that I have received on his account £40, wdiich I desire may be paid to Mr. Goodlad, and that he will advance him from time to time as occasion may require ; and if any more should be wanted before he gets a commission, I desire he may be supplied moderately. I must request also that Mr. Goodlad will speak to Mr. Du Pre and Mr. Hastings to send him to one of the out-garrisons under a good officer who will have (1) Robert Palk, jun. (2) Walter Palk. (3) A cadot. No. 87.] 116 an eye to his conduct, and that my nephew Tom will take care of him during his stay at the Presidency . . . " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 1 p., Mo.] [No. 88.] Warren Hastings to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, January 29th. Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I have received your favor of the 23rd June by the Lapwing, and am much obliged to you for your good wishes. A part of these is happily accomplished. All wars are at an end, and if there is not the fairest prospect of the continuance of peace, there is a very hearty inclination to it and a determination to maintain it if possible on our side, which is the best security for it. Our people are yet sore of their late ill success, and are all more anxious to secure the Company's property than to extend their dominion or retrieve the reputation of their arms. There is certainly some defect, whether in our civil or military system I will not say, which ought to be removed before we engage in new wars, as I do not find that either Hyder Alice's abilities are of the first kjjid, or his horse equal to those of Shuja Dowla ; and I believe we have been successful against as powerful enemies, and with less than a fifth part of our present strength. " A reformation in this point I shall hope for from the abilities and experience of our friend* i' and his assistants. To explain the intimation in the beginning of my letter that we had not the fairest prospect of peace, I must add that we have been alarmed for some time past by formidable preparations made by all our neighbours, which have begun to shew their object by hostilities between Mahadebrow*^* and Hyder Alice. Negociations have been formed between them, and seem likely to take place by the payment of a sum to the former for the chout,<^' and a further aid, it is said, for an expedition against the Payengaut,'*' As the harvest, which has been very plentiful, is almost gathered, I hope we shall be provided both with grain and money to prevent the effects of their ravages if the Marattas . should make us a visit. " It gave me an unspeakable pleasure to hear of the new commission granted to Mr. Van, and to find such a man as Colonel Forde<^' joined with him. I cannot say I was so well pleased to see Scrafton's*^' name with theirs, but a further reflexion has reconciled me to it. All parties will be better pleased with the measures taken by the Connuissioners than if (1) Mr. Du Pr^. (2) Madhu Rao, the Peshwa. (3) Vide No. 19, /). 33, note 1. (4) Vide No. 19, /(. 34, nolo 1. (5) Colonel Francis Forde, who defeated the French in the Circars in 1758-59 and took Masulipatam. (CI Luke Scrafton had preceded Hastings as Resident at Murshidabad. 117 [No.fSS. Mr. Van alone, or joined only with his friends, had formed them ; and Scrafton is neither illnatured nor hard to manage when he has no troublesome people about him. Forde will, if I mistake not, have a great ascendant over him. He is a reasonable and steady man, and Mr. Van, from his superior abilities and knowledge of the methodical part of business, in which I believe the others are deficient, will certainly take the lead in every tjiing. I suppose the Commission will last during the period of Cartier's government, and our friend return to his former station. I know no other recompense the Company can make him for his trouble and the odium which the execution of such a trust will unavoidably draw on him. Bengal certainly requires such a ruler. The Company's affairs there have been declining very fast, and for their sake more than that of this Presidency, which stands in great need of such a reforming power also, I am most heartily glad the Company have adopted so wise a plan, the wisest they ever thought of. " Young Griffiths*^) has always behaved very well. He is goodnatured and willing, and his parts such as will mend. He lives with me, and I have put him under Goodlad in the Secretary's office. I hope you will have interest enough to obtain his appointment upon the covenanted list, as I fear there will be strong objections to a public recommendation of him from hence. I had Mr. Bolton's*^* promise, voluntarily given, for his appointment if he behaved well. He is now 15 years of age. " I have lived almost in the Council Chamber since my arrival. I cannot boast of having done much in it, as our attention has been mostly taken up in clearing away the dirt of the late war. It seems to be the fate of the age we live in that all public acts shall be personal ; and it has been my hard lot to arrive at a time when the whole Settlement was ready to take fire at every measure of the Government, partly from past discontents and partly from present interest. Among other disagreable things, the Board were under the necessity of bringing Colonel Wood to a court martial, of disapproving the sentence by which he was acquitted, and of dismissing him from the service. From the great opinion I have of Mr. Sulivan's integrity, I am sure he will applaud the conduct of the Board if he believes it to have been just, and be the first to confirm their proceedings. But as it is possible to be prejudiced when we think ourselves guided by motives of strict justice : as Colonel Wood is a relation of Mr. Sulivan and will take more pains to vindicate himself than others to convict him : and as the proceedings of the court martial are so voluminous as to frighten any man who sets a value on his time from an attempt to read them, I hope, if he has any doubts of the propriety of Colonel (1) Henry GrifiSths, son of the Rev. Charles Griffiths, deceased. (2) Henry Crabb Boulton, a Director from 1753 to 1773, and three times Chairman. No. 88.] 118 Wood's dismission, he will take the trouble to examine the facts on which it was founded, and that you Avill have so much influence with him as to persuade him to this. My regard for his friendship, and my desire to see the authority of this Govern- ment duely supported (and it much wants it) are my inducements for mentioning this, though I believe it unnecessary. " I beg you will present my compliments to Mrs. Palk and the General, who with yourself have my sincere and hearty wishes. I am, dear Sir, your obliged and affectionate humble servant, " Warren Hastings." [P.S.] — " It is necessary to advise you that I secured bills for the amount of my bond to Mr. Sumner, who is come down from Bengal to carry our present Governour, his brother and Mr. Call home, all of whom I shall feel much the loss of in many respects, particularly my good friend Mr. Call, who has treated me like a friend, which is rare in this country. I have lived with Mr. C. ever since I gave up the sword . . . " Since my taking up the pen I have through oeconomy been applying to Mr. Bourchier, &c., to get me to a subordinate [station], and not to stay in this luxurious place . . . but the Governor told me it was your express desire that I should be kept in the office for three years, which is a long while to slave for a scanty eight pagodas a month . . . " In consequence of Mr. B.'s departure they have made me an allowance of twenty pagodas per month ... It has been my whole study to live on the little I have, and likewise to be as frugal as possible. It may perhaps, Sir, be made appear to you that I have been extravagant, but my study has been the contrary I assure you." With diffidence I venture to ask you for a loan, on which I shall of course pay you the usual interest. " I have already began to merchandize. I do not know whether it is through Mr. Call's recommendation or not ; I believe not, as my brother wrote long since to me on the subject of sending me consignments. I have accordingly received one from him by the Britannia containing three bales of Radnagor raw silk, which he says is a little for a beginning, so I expect (1) William Brightwell Sumner, who had rf^tired from the Bengal civil service about 17(i7. 2) Vide No. 84, p. 11:5, note 5. 119 [No. 89. more soon, and I intend to apply myself very strickly to business. " The coming out of the C'onnnissioners in the Aurora frigate make[sj every body surprized it seems, as they will have it in their power to turn out and take in as they please. I hope not. If they do, it will be nuicli longer than I imagine before I eome to be of any rank who are [sic] the youngest servant on this Coast. Had you waited till the last election you might have got me at least at the head of the list. However, a certainty is better than an uncertainty. . . Your most dutiful and most obedient nephew, "Tho. Palk." [Holograph, ^pp., flscp.] u t'[No. 90.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Robert Palk. Esq.] 1770, February 5th. Fort St. George. — I send this by the hand of Mr. Call. " You desired me in your letter by the Duke of Grafton to give you some account of that wretch Smerdon. I am sorry he should have come here under your recommendation. He stayed here about a month after he arrived, and I believe behaved tolerably well. He then went recommended to Captain Madge and stayed with him about two months, which he spent in drinking , . . &c., &c., what is disagreeable for me to mention and much more so for you to peruse. Captain M. having tried every means and way to make something of him and took an immense deal of trouble, he was obliged to send him down here to Mr. , I forgot his name ; he came a free merchant recommended by you, who had promised to carry him to sea . .; but instead of waiting on that gentleman he has absconded, and no accounts have since been heard of him . . He squandered away a great deal of money, which he has left for poor Madge to pay, which I believe he will do on account of Mrs. Smerdon's desire, who wrote him on the subject of lending him a little money, and his coming very bare here ; but without ever signing her name to the letter, so that he is in doubt whether he will ever be paid ..." If you grant the loan asked for in my last letter, I would place the sum in the hands of my friend Mr. Morse, and be guided by his advice. " Mr. M. begins to be tired of the world : he is settling his affairs, and intends retiring into the country ; I imagine to the Mount, as he is building a house there . [Holograph, 3 jjp- flscp.] " Tho. Palk.' 55 [No. 91.] W[illiam] Martin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, February 6th. Fort St. George. — "We are still in peace, and I hope likely to continue so ; though as yet I think it altogether doubtful whether we shall or not. Hyder and No. 91.] 120 the Marattas are at present disputing the superiority. Some skirmishes only have hitherto happened, though a considerable part of his country has been laid waste by them. Should matters be compromised, I think it hardly to be doubted but the latter will pay us a visit ; but their exorbitant demands on Hyder give us some hopes that no accommodation will take place. He has sent to demand our assistance in consequence of the late treaty, and Vackeels from the other party are shortly expected to arrive. If there is a possibility of keeping the mid channel, we certainly shall ; at any rate every species of delay must be used without coming to any determination ; for it cannot be our interest to espouse the cause of either, especially in our present situation as to cash. It is a most difficult card to play. " I am exceedingly pleased with the appointment of the Commissioners on many accounts. Such extraordinary poMcrs were absolutely necessary to regulate affairs in Bengal, where by all accounts the expences, as well civil as military, but particularly the latter, have grown to a most enormous degree. The Commissioners, however, have undertaken one task which I most heartily wish they may accomplish with honour — I mean the regulation of our political system. It appears to me to be attended with so many difficulties, and those of such a nature that I much fear they will fail in the attempt. Can any plan be fallen upon for so regulating the system that the three Presidencies may co-operate ? I think not. " Private letters inform us that restoring the Circars is to be another object of the Commissioners' attention. This there can be no difficulty in executing ; but why restore them ? The argument, I suppose, is that by keeping them our force is too much divided, and that in case of a rupture with the French such division would expose the whole of our possessions. It has weight, and for that reason our first principle, I think, should be to abandon them in case of such a rupture : but why give up at once a very considerable revenue (they will probably produce this year more than 5 lacks of pagodas, besides Cicacole), and by relinquishing these countries give the French the fairest opportunity they can have of firmly establishing themselves ? . . I cannot persuade myself that the Commissioners will restore the Circars, even though they should have come out with that intention . . . " I have acquainted you of the transactions of the Select Committee and Nabob's creditors in my former letters. These matters still continue on a very unsettled footing . . . for the creditors will not rely on the Company for the recovery of what is due to them, and the pressing demands of the Select Committee to have the Company's debt discharged in preference has prevented the Nabob from making any payments in dis- charge of his debt to individuals. There are amongst these some turbulent spirits . . . They address the Court by this 121 [No. 91. ship, and liave appointed attorneys to act for them in England. General Richard Smith is at tlie head of them. Fairliehl/^' Calland,*-' AfHcek, Saunders, and, I tliink, nine others are in commission with liim, but what their instructions are I know not. . . The creditors have hopes that the Commissioners will liave it in their power to settle matters to the satisfaction of all })arties ; and I most heartily wish it may prove so, since it will relie\e the distresses of many, and restore harmonv to the Settlement, which we have long been strangers to. At present discontent prevails in every countenance. " I told you of the Court Martial on Colonel Wood, and expressed my apprehensions that the charge of having appro- priated to himself the provisions taken in the Coimbatoor country would appear too clearly for the Court to pass it over. I was, however, mistaken, for he was acquitted of every charge, though nine in number. But no sooner was the sentence known than the President and Council dismissed him from the service on a clear conviction that, though acquitted, the charges (or most of them) were proved beyond dispute by the evidence produced before the Court. The matter, as I take it, was thus : — the Court were convinced that several of the charges were proved, but they could not condemn Wood for many things which most of themselves had probably been guilty of, nor disapprove of his proceedings without acknowledging those perquisites to be illegal which they would fain establish as their right. The privileges of a Commander-in-Chief appeared therefore in great measure to depend on the issue of this affair ; and the President and Council found it necessary to assert their authority, and by dismissing W^ood convince the w'hole corps that they would not allow of those abuses, which began to be regarded as dues to the officers in command. I have been told that this step has given great dissatisfaction, and that the officers in general complain loudly of the injury done to the service bv the dismission of an officer on articles which he had been acquitted of by his judges ; but still I think the step was absolutely necessary ; and if the President and Council were at all culpable, it was in not publishing their reasonings on the proceedings of the Court . . ., because in my opinion conciliating the minds of the corps of officers and preventing as far as possible any discontent from getting possession of them is a point that should be materially attended to . . . " Verelst, I imagine, w^ill be in Elngland before this can reach you. His administration is greatly censured, and there are those who scruple not to say it was a compound of indolence and ignorance. " Mr. B., Call, James Bourchier, Debeck'^' and Frieschman'*^ (1) Richard Fairfield. Vide No 41, p, 63, note 5. (2) John CaUand. Vide No. 34 p. 55, note 3, (3) De Beck was in 1758 a Captain in the Madras European Regiment. (•11 Daniel Frieschman was an Ensign of Swiss Infantry in 1754. As Lieut.- Colonel he served in the first Mysore war. No. 91.] 122 all leave us on the Britannia. Du Pre became Governor the 31st ultimo agreeable to the Company's orders ; but he has hitherto remained quiet in his new station, and there will be no meeting till Mr. B. has left us. Then we shall see what we shall see, and you shall know how we go on. I have before expressed to you what my apprehensions are. Hastings's amiable disposition has, however, in great measure eased them, and I am willing to hope that his mildness will prove a palliati\e to the rigour of the other. " Mr. B. and myself have been on the most friendly footing during his whole government . . . His administration has been truely troublesome and unfortunate, and he now labours under the displeasure of the Court for faults which I cannot think were his own ... To me it is past a doubt that our want of success has been in great measure owing to Call ; and I will frankly declare to you that I have seen sufficient of him most heartily to wish that he may never have the administration of affairs lodged in his hands. I will go so far as to sav he has neither steadiness or abilities for such a post ; and after saying this you must not imagine you are reading the opinion of a prejudiced person, for Call and I have had no sort of dispute ; we have rather been on an intimate footing. I speak from conviction that he might make a good Counsellor, but that he would be a wretched Governor. " I have nothing to say to you on the subject of Madras news, except that Jack Hollond<^' has brought a young wife from Bengal, who is more admired for her good sense than beauty, though in the latter she surpasses most of our females. But this is mere hearsay, for I have been so tied to my desk that I have not paid a visit for many months .... " The matter which you wrote about to Moodu Kistnah and me still remains in the same situation. I wish I may not shortly have occasion to observe your instructions on that head. I have my fears however . . . " W. M. GOODLAD." [Holograph, 9| pp., Uo.] [No. 92.] Robert Palk, jun. to Robert Palk, Esq., Spring Gardens. 1770, February 25th. Ingerlee. — I am sending a parcel of " 20 neck cloths for my brother Walter," who is to divide them with my father if the latter needs them. I came here yesterday to see Mrs. Floyer on board the Anson, as the lady is going to visit Madras. " We have some appearance of troubles again up the country. Cossim Ally Cawn*^* is reported to have mustered up a strong (!• John Hollond, a Madras civil servant of 1701, entered Council in 1777, became Resident at Hyderabad in Kuniljold's administration, and in 1789 acted as Governor of Madras for a year. (2) Ka'iim All Khan (Mir Kasim), late Nawab of Bengal, who was responsible for tiie Patna massacre of 1703. 123 [No. 92. force, wliich in ;ili j)r()l)ability will be joined to thai of Slnija Dowla. A liircairah*'' has been taken in conveying letters from the one to the other. If the French do not tronblc us, we shall give a very good account of our northern i'riends . . Ceorge and his little family at Midnapore are all in good health . , . " Robert Palk." " P.S. — Young Mr. Sulivan*-' is with me. lie is just arrived from China, where he was obliged to go for the recovery of his health." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4 to. Wax seal ivith the Palk crest.] [No. 93.] I{ob[er]t Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad. 1770, March 15th. London.—" Dear Goodlad , . . The French are not likely, I think, soon to disturb you, for their situation in Europe is certainly more pitiful than ours. They have been obliged to make use of the sponge, finding it impossible to raise supplies sufficient to pay the annual interest of their debt. " Oceans of people are gone this year to India, and I am at a loss to guess how they can all be provided for. However, the num])er is much less for Sulivan's opposing it. To support a proprietary interest the Directors are in a manner obliged to overload India. It is very uncertain which party will be triumphant this year in Leadenhall Street ; both sides seem to be sure of success. Whoever carries it, I should think it will be the last great struggle, and wdiichever way it goes I think your little brother'^' will have a good chance of seeing you next year. " In m}^ last I told you we w^ere on our journey into Devon- shire, where I have at last, near Exeter, pitched my tent — in a good house and very pleasant country, close to the road when in good time you land at Plvmouth . . . "RoBT. Palk." [P.S.] — " Mrs. Mackay came home in good time to save the dismission of her husband." [No. 94.] Warren Hastings to [Robert Palk, Esq.] 1770, April 3rd. Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I wrote to you by the Britatniia, and at the same time acknowledged the receipt of your fa\ or of the 23rd of June last. By this packet I have sent bills to my attorneys to enable them to discharge my bond to Mr. Sumner,*^* and have directed them to apply to you to assist in settling that account, w^hich is the last trouble that I shall have occasion to give you in this business. For (1) Hircarrah, from Hind, harkdra, a messenger, spy. (2) John Sulivan. Vide No. 19, p. 29, note 3. (3) Richard Goodlad. (4) William Brightwoll Simmer. Vide No. 88, p. 118, note 1. No. 94.] 124 that which you have already had, and the risque you have undergone in it on my account, I repeat my thanks. " I hope I shall have your excuse for the trouble which I am going to give you in an affair of another kind, having taken the liberty to consign two bulses of diamonds to you, one marked No. 1, the property of Mr. Hancock,'^) the other marked No. 2, belonging to Lieut. Colonel Ironside.'^' It was the only way I had of complying with the pressing sollicitation of these gentle- men to remit money for the use of their families, as they had been disappointed of bills in Bengal. Having neglected to give proper directions to me concerning the consignments, their first application being for bills, they have made it necessary for me to request you to receive these commissions, as Mr. Hancock's attorneys can be but incompetent judges of the value of diamonds or the methods of disposing of them, and as Mrs. Ironside, like other ladies, is most probably acquainted with only one way of laying out jewels. " I do suppose that Mr. Hancock's attorneys will be glad to leave the disposal of his diamonds to your management. In that case I shall be obliged to you if you will dispose of them to the best advantage, and let them have the produce ; but if they should rather chuse to receive them unsold, be pleased to deliver them into their charge. I have only written to Mrs. Hancock upon the subject, by whose directions I request you will be guided. That lady, Francis Austen, Esq., and the Rev. Mr. George Austen are Mr. Hancock's attorneys. " The produce of Colonel Ironside's diamonds you will be pleased to pay to Mrs. Ironside, his lady. She is a relation of the General's, and of an amiable and deserving character. This will serve as an excuse for troubling you with her concern. I believe I shall have your ready permission for the other. " The late arrival of the Aurora gives us all much uneasiness. I never knew any object in which the wishes of all men seemed so heartily to concur as in the coming of the Commissioners, and this may be the reason why we are so alarmed at their long passage, which is what ought to be expected from the difficulty of the navigation round Ceyloan at this time of the year, and (1) Tyso Saul Hancock, a Madras surgeon, attended Clive at Tricliinopoly in 1752, was transferred to Bengal in 1750, and resigned the service two years later. He continued to reside at Calcutta, where he practised medicine in conjunction with commerce. Hancock acoompanied his intimate friend Warren Hastings to England in 1765 and returned to Madras with liiin in 1760. In 1770 lie was reappointed to the Bengal medical service. He married at Cnddalore in 1753 Philadelphia Austen, aunt of Jane Austen the novelist, and died at Calcutta in 1775, aged 64. (2) Gilbert Ironside, descended from two Bishops of Bristol of that name, was a son of Edward Ironside, hanker, of London, who died when Lord Mayor in 1753. Born in 1737, Gilbert was educated at Wincliester, and wcMit to India, in 175{) as lOnsign of an independent comijany. Returning to lOngland by way of China, he re-embarked in 1750 as I<'nsign in the Bengal Army, lie accompanied Hastings to Patna in 1762, was employed on the Staff by both Clive and V^ansittart, became Lieut. Colonel in 1768, and served as Hastings's Military Secretary in 1772. As Colonel he commanded a brigade in 1774, retired in I78(i, and died in l"'ngland in 1801. Ironside married in 1 7(!3 Let ilia, (laught(>i' of the Rev. Robert Roberts. He left unpublished works on logic, tactics and Persian grammar. 125 [No. 94. the inexperience of the men of the Navy in these seas. Would to God they were come ! We are just arrived at the crisis in which I fear we shall be compelled to declare ourselves the friends or foes of Hyder or INIahdebrow. Both have been hitherto kept in expectation of our alliance, and that expectation only has, I believe, prevented the ravages of the latter. Grilliths is well, and goes on well. Pray present my compliments to Mrs. Palk and the General, and believe me to be with the truest esteem and regard, dear P., your obliged humble servant, [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] " Warren Hastings." [No. 95.] Warren Hastings to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1770, April 7th. Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I must trouble you again to desire that you will not sell the diamonds by an advance on the invoice price, which I understand is the" usual method, because they are, I am assured, of a superior quality to most sent to England by this ship. You will be pleased therefore to open the bulses, and rate them by their quality when you dispose of them. " Shall I beg the favor of you to send the enclosed to Lieutenant Douglass of the York man of war ? I cannot recollect a more particular direction to him. I am, dear Sir, your most obedient servant, [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] " Warren Hastings." [No. 96.] W[illiam] ^I[artin] Goodlad to [Robert Palk, Esq.] 1770, April 8th. Fort St. George. Received 15th October. — " My dear Friend, . . . W^e have been long looking out for the Aurora, and persuade ourselves that she must make her appear- ance very shortly. The Stagg arrived at Anjengo the 19th February, and we learn by her that the Aurora left the Cape between the 20th and 30th of December. According to the common course of passages she should be here now, yet the uncertain season makes us very little apprehensive for her, particularly as the Duke of Kingston was at the Cape at the same time, and ought by the same rule to have been with us. " Peace still prevails, and in my opinion we have little to apprehend for the present year. The season is already very far advanced, and the Marattas too much engaged with Hyder to trouble us. No compromise seems likely to take place between them, and the apprehensions of our joining Hyder will prevent their commencing hostilities as long as their disputes subsist. Each party would rejoice at our assistance, and 'tis possible the Marattas may endeavour to frighten us in order to obtain it ; but I cannot believe they will go further, and unless the}' do, I regard it as certain that we shall remain neuter. Thev have plagued Hyder confoundedly. ^lay they continue to torment each other ! No. 96.] 126 " At present our prospect is very good. The Committee'^' had, previous to Mr. B's depa ture, settled very advantageous terms with his Excellency'-' for the disciiarge of his debts, and he has hitherto been very punctual in his payments. We shall be able to pay off our debt, assist China largely, and nevertheless provide an ample Investment. How different was our prospect twelve months ago ! " Colonel Wood did intend to have taken his passage on the Anson, but his unfortunate disputes with the Board have prevented it, for they would not give him leave unless he would give security to stand the issue of the suits commenced against him in the Mayor's Court . . . He talks loudly of the injustice done him in many respects .... " Matters have hitherto gone on very smoothly in the new government. Du Pre is very cleaver and calculated for business. We are punctual in every thing — registers closed, papers signed and dispatches delivered to an hour . . . and my poor pate and fingers have paid pretty severely for many days past . . . " A storm is said to be brewing in Bengal, and 'tis probable the name of Cossim*-^' will be once more familiar to us. The Gentlemen there, however, seem more alarmed with expectations of the French than from inland appearances ; with what reason I know not, but I am sure we are not equally apprehensive here. That great preparations have been making at the Islands '*> is certain, but in my opinion their views are more bent towards the entire conquest of Madagascar than this way .... " Calcutta itself is in a deplorable way, and the want of money felt to a degree scarcely to be conceived ; — -individuals daily becoming bankrupts, property sold by the Mayor's Court for not a third of its value, and, what is still worse, grain so exceedingly scarce that the distresses of the country people are beyond all conception. The Nabob Syfe ut Dowlah'^' thought to be past recovery in the small pox .... "W. M. GOODLAD." [P.S.] — " Pray, my respectful compliments to the General. The Nabob sent his annuity late last night ..." [Holograph, 3 j^P-, flscp.] [No. 97.] Lau[rence] Sulivan to [Robert Palk, Esq.] N.D. [1770, cir. May--September.]— " Dear Sir, That one of the best businesses in this life is to do good offices is your opinion, confirmed by practice. Indulge me then with a few words. " To carry the India election last year and to compleat it (1) The Select Committee. (2) Nawal) Wala.i;ili. (3) Kfisim A\i Klian. Vide No. 02, p. 122, mi(o 2. (*) Vide No. 47, p. 72, note 1. (•>) Nawal) Saif-ucl-daula, second son of Mir Jafar, succeeded liis brother Najm- ud-daula as Nawab of Bengal in 17GG, and died in March, 1770. 127 [No. 97. the next has involved the fortunes of ]\rr. Vaiisittart and mvself, though I have since found wc did not start ahkc. I had then a comfortable independance ; it was necessary that he should once more sec India ; his wishes (thank God) are accomphslied, but the fortunes of botli are still at stake, a return to his former affluence still depending, and much, upon my interest and industr^^ It will be the joy of my life to see him happ}% and in seeking the recovery of my own prosperity it nevcT has or ever shall clash or take preference. Something then is due to me, " We are pledged and engaged mutually for large sums to prevent our suffering severely in the sale of stock in these hours of panic. As it was a common cause, I never considered who advanced the money necessary so long as one of us had the money to advance, and accordingly when he left England, and many months before, I had paid in twelve thousand pounds, and he was indebted to this joint concern 3,000/. Upon the eve of his departure we had very serious discourse upon the subject of his leaving me behind in a dreadfull situation, having no other resources left that I could reach but my estate and 3,500L India stock. He stated that 20,000?. of the French bills, 2,000 India stock, his sallary from the Company and license to draw upon him for 10,000/. were the aids he would leave absolutely at my call under the direction of Mr. Motteux,'^' and if more was necessary he would leave a letter with that gentleman to be delivered to his attorney ; though this not to be done without the last necessity ; and at my earnest request promised that his attorney should have no negative in these aids, but directions absolute to comply. Supposing then (which I cannot doubt) that Van has not deceived me, how much must I be astonished at the behaviour of Mr. Boehm<-) towards Mr. Motteux and me ! He has demurred to grant what an enemy does not refuse me. You see by the enclosed what has been desired, which I will again explain to you : — Mr. Boyd'^> in last Direction lent us 9,000/. to make 18 votes,*'** and Messrs. Vansittart, Manship,*^' and Sulivan gave him an obligation to return him the stock by calling in these votes whenever demanded. Mr. Manship having quitted us — at least keeping himself to act as he shall please — demands that his name may be taken out of the obligation, but says, as he means always to act like a gentleman, will be content (if this is inconvenient) to have the 18 names with the receipts deposited with him. As I did not chuse to allarm Mr. Boyd or to trust Manship with votes that he would have the power to disqualifie, I asked Mr. Manship, instead of this, to take an obligation from me and Mr. Vansittart's attorney importing that his name to Boyd's (1) John Motteux, a Director in 1769. (2) Edmund Boehm, Attorney for Heniy Vansittart. f3) John Boyd, a Director from 1753 to 1764. (4> Vide No. 62, 7). 01, note 1. (5) John Manship, a Director from 1762 to 1809. No. 97.] 128 obligation was null and void. Manship very kindly acquiesces and does us a real favour. Ought Mr. Boehm then to hesitate a moment, as Van's attorney, to sign with me such a paper, which Van himself, if present, must have done ? Don't I offer Mr. Boehm (which he has no right to claim of me) the same security that an enemy (Manship) is willing to accept ? Is Vansittart to ruin himself and me by appointing a person that will not act for him ? " Mr. Motteux's treatment hurts me, and may injure us if I cannot calm him. He has been a usefull friend indeed, and we owe him much. Mr. Pleydell,'^' in deep distress, applys for part of money lent, and often promised, by Van. We could not pay him. He is drove to state his situation to a friend, and he, wishing Van well, gives him 1,000Z. and takes his order upon Motteux. This person was Mr. Gainor [?] ; depending the draft would be honoured, waits upon Mr. Motteux, who states it to Mr. Boehm, and being daily dunned he writes him a letter whose answer is such as might be given to his clerk ; and Motteux has paid the money (for the honour of Vansittart) out of his own cash. " Such being the history, I am, in behalf of Van and myself, to implore your good offices (and remember that I positively ask and desire no more) with a person who, however good and amiable he may be in other respects, is acting in these instances deeply to the injury [of] Mr. Vansittart. I want no favour of Mr. Boehm, but common justice, to do that in behalf of Mr. Vansittart which he must and would have done if present, and which Mr. Boehm is instructed to do, or I am cruelly deceived. If he has not those powers and will not contribute those aids, Mr. Vansittart must share with me the consequences. I (not he) shall be ruined, but still with a balm to all good minds, honest to the last. I trouble you on many accounts ; — your friendship to us both, but particularly Mr. Boehm's asserting he can take up no point without your opinion and approbation. If I have a negative respecting Manship, who is to have his answer by Tuesday, I will directly put him in possession of 18 votes. " I am ever, my dear Sir, yours most affectionately, " Sunday." " Lau. Sulivan." [P.S.] — " I understood you had lent lately to Mr. Boehm, for the purpose of serving Van in this business, 5,000Z. Mr. Motteux could with difficulty get 1,500. " The matter, as mentioned in Mr. Boehm's note relative to Messrs. Manship and Boyd, is that Manship would apply to Boyd demanding his name to be given up, to which Mr. Boehm has no objection." [Holograph, 3 pp., Mo.] (1) Charles Stafford Pleydell (or Playdell). Vide No. 256, p. 252, note 4. 129 [No. 98.] Rob[er]t Palk to I William Martin] Goodlad. 1770, June 16th, per Dolphin frigate. Received 20th February, 1771. — " My dear Goodlad, . . I join in all you say " in your letters of 16tli September and 19th November " coneerning poor Bourehier, and will only add the times have been very unfortunate. However, his reception will be more to his satisfaction than he expected. I only wish, instead of driving Calland to despair, he had moved him from St. David ... I desire you will still continue your application concerning Withecombe's money . . . " I hope in God you will continue in peace ; but as long as we are to protect the Carnateck troubles will sometimes arise, and it will require the most prudent management to keep clear of them. I have, however, great expectations from Mr. Du Pre and Mr. Hastings, if more cooks do not spoil the soop, and the Commissioners at least do no harm. The only good these gentlemen can do, I judge, at Madras will be to soften the severity of the Company's orders concerning the Nabob's creditors . . . The Company cannot set aside the rights of the creditors ; and the whole can only be meant to shew at a General Court that the Directors have exerted themselves, and there I suppose it will end. However, entre nous, it seems surprizing to me that the Governor and Council ever gave their sanction to such an Assignment, because the only induce- ment the Company could have in launching out their money to the Nabob seemed to be a just expectation that the Carnateck was bound for the security of repayment. I very sincerely pity the poor Nabob, and wish there was any prospect of an end to his troubles. I often advised him, when he was borrowing such large sums, of the consequences which might hereafter follow . . ." I recommend you to correspond with Mr. Purling* ^) on the Company's affairs, as he is strongly supported by Lord Clive, and the present directors are now firmly established. I am writing on my way to Devonshire for the summer. Hint to my nephew, whose letters show marks of carelessness, that more thought is called for. " Robt- Palk." [Holograph, 2| pp., Uo.'\ [No. 99.] C. Bazett(2) to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, August 9th. St. Helena. — I desire to secure a nomination as Writer for my son in England, and seek your kind recommendation and support. " C. Bazett." [Autograph, 2\ pp., Uo.] (1) John Purling was Deputy Chairman of Directors in 1770, and Chairman in 1771. (2) Several members of the Bazett family were domiciled at St. Helena. They appear to have been descendants of Captain Matthew Bazett, who was tefuporary Governor of the island in 1714, 130 [No. 100.] George Vansittart to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1770, September 5th. Calcutta. — " Dear Palk, ... I must now communicate to you a piece of intelligence on which I cannot reflect without tJhe deepest sorrow, and which will be equally afflicting to you. The Aurora left the Cape the latter end of December, and has no more been heard of. Faint hopes are entertained that she may still be safe ; but for'my part I must confess that I can flatter myself with none. A storm, a rock or fire have, I fear, deprived us for ever of our brother. I write by this ship (the Lapzving) to you and^my eldest brother*^' only, and to you two I leave the disagreeable task of informing my mother, Mrs. Harry Van, Mrs. Palk and the rest of our friends of this most unhappy event ... I shall in future write fully to you whatever may occur to me relative to the transactions in Bengal as I used to do to Harry . . . " Councils are established at Moorshedabad and Patna for the management of the Dewanny revenues. Messrs. Becher, Reid, Lawrell and Graham compose the former ; Alexander, Vansittart and Palk the latter. Palk and I shall travel off to Patna in a few days . . . You will hear from your nephew that he is now a married man . . . Our little George Henry'^' has been very dangerously ill, but by Mr. Hancock's'^' good management is now recovered ..." " George Vansittart." [P.S.] — " Colonel Ironside is apprehensive of being super- seded by Colonel Lesly,'^' and has desired me to request your interest in his behalf . . ." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4to.] [No. 101.] Robert Palk [jun.] to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, September 8th. Calcutta. — I gratefully acknowledge the trouble vou have taken to obtain mv reinstatement in the service. Councils are nominated for Moorshedabad and Patna for revenue collection, and I am appointed to the latter with Alexander(^) and Vansittart. " George has told you in his letter how faint our hopes are of ever hearing of the Aurora. She left the Cape the 23rd of December, and has no more been heard of. The captain talked of making a short cut ; said the Indiamen took too great a circle in general. Our fears are that fire, a rock or something of the kind has for ever deprived us of poor Mr. Van — a cruel fate indeed ! His loss will be severely felt in India as well as at home. '1! Rolxu't V;in^ittart. (2) Afterwards General G. H. Vansittart. '3) Dr. Tyso Svul Hancock. Vide No. 94, p. 124, note I. ('^'1 Colonel Matthew Leslie, a King's officer, had previously served in the West Indies. f5> James Alexander. Vide No. fiS, p. 02. note 0. 131 [No. 101. " The Stag has been on her embassy to Persia, but I can give no account of lier proceedings there. She is daily expected from Madras with General Coote on board. " We have had a most drcadfull scarcity in Bengal and Bahar this year. Many hundred thousand of poor creatures have died for absolute want. In many parts of the country there are not hands enough to cultivate the lands . . ." My acknowledgments are due to Mr. Vanrixtal's father. I shall do my best for his son : " indeed I have often endeavoured to bring him out of a strange unaccountable way of life, which has brought on him much misery and must in a few years end his existance. . . " I hope some of the ships of the season will bring me the books you promised to send, Millar's Dictionary and Hooker's History. You sent me a very handsome supply of books from Madras, and it is with infinite satisfaction I dedicate an hour or two every day to their study, which, to my shame I say it, is more than ever I did before . . ." I correspond with my brother at Madras, who is now " in joint house keeping with James Call,"*^' and have consigned goods to him. I have heard nothing of Mr. Yarde,*-* who was in bad health when he left Calcutta to join the army. Mr. Becher(3> has been seriously ill, and intends making a sea voyage " as his last resource." " I have not yet communicated the most material piece of news regarding myself, and what will, I believe, surprise you much. You may remember how alert I used to be at Madras when in the company of Miss Stonhouse,(^) the propensity I had to make myself a favorite ; but George's coming down cut off all my hopes. I have, however, allyed myself to the family by marrying the second sister.*^' I fear you will think that by this act I have defeated your good intention of rendering me usefull to my friends at home ; but I give you my word, Sir, it shall be no obstacle to that end. I have no desire to see any of my sisters in India, but if you think proper to send either of them out, I shall give them a most sincere reception and take every care of them in my power. If either of 'em should come out, as well as I can recollect my youngest sister (Grace) is the best calculated ..." " Robert Palk." " 11th [Sept.] — I have just received a letter from Mr. Morse giving hopes of the Aurora . . . R.P." [Holograph, 10\ pp., Uo.] (1! James Call entered the Madras civil service in 1765. He never left India, and died in 17!tit. (2) Lieut. John Yarde, Bengal Army. Vide No. 51, p. 80, note 2. (3) Richard Bocher, Bonjial civil service. (4) Sarah Stonhouse. (5) Lucia Stonhouse. 132 [No. 102.] A[lexande]r Wynch to Robert Palk, Esq. 1770, September 16th. Masulipatam. — " Dear Palk, Happy indeed should I be could I by this ship give you some account of our friend Van. Our expectations and, I was going to say our hopes, are almost over, for every part [?port] where she could be gone to in the Indian seas we have heard from. Pitty you all I do ; I feel myself for the man I loved . . . Du Pre would think it a very fortunate event if Providence was to send the Aurora to Fort St. George, as at once they would be able to determine between the Governor and General.'^* The latter by his commission thinks himself the first person. The Governor will not give it up, nor can he in my opinion, as the President of each Settlement must be the Supreme over all the Company's servants both civil and military . . . Coote acts not now on the Coast, and if the Gentlemen at Bengali do not choose to give him the rank he expects, he intends home by the first ship. I am surprized there was not more circum- spection in the orders that were sent out with him. ' This and the altercation there has been with Sir John Lendsey*-) has made it disagreeable to all concerned. . . The dignity of the Governor is greatly lessened, and Walaw Jaw seems to look upon it in that light. He already has asked the Governor and Council if they know who he is, &c. Repent what he is now doing he will, as sure as the sun will shine again. An extra- ordinary commission Sir John's is, if what it is reported to be is the truth, that he is [to] negociate independant of the Company with any country Powers he pleases, to examine into what he pleases, and make use of any measures he may please in doing it, even underhand and private ones . . . Du Pre has a bad time of it, Hastings is, I think, to be pittyed ..." I am anxious to leave India on account of my age, and because my girls need me at home, but I must first find means to remit the little money I possess. " At present we as Englishmen are free from war, but whether we may not be under the necessity of assisting Hyder, who is going to be attacked again by both Soubah and Morattas, or of joining them to overset him, is more than I can say ; but this I do, that if both can be avoided without detriment to ourselves, that will be the measure we would choose. At Bengali they are free from war, but famine rages to the greatest degree. All above Calcutta 2 and 3 seer of rice only for a rupee, and thousands dye dayly . . . " My son George'^) will be 16 in November, 1771, and be ready to offer his services to the Company as a Writer. If you can d' Majoi'-Goncral Eyro C'ooto, Conimnndcr-in-Chiof in India. '-' Admiral Sir John Lindsay, Naval Conunander-iu-C'hief and Minister Pleni- potentiary, arrived in India in July, 1770, at the age of thirty-three. In the following year he was invested by Nawab Walajah at Chepauk with the insignia of the Order "of the Bath. (3) George Wynch was appointed a Writer in 1773. 133 [No. 102. get him a god father he will, as well as myself, be obliged to you. Bengali or Madrass I would have him come to ; the first I would prefer, having 2 here already. . . . Billy' i' called here last month on his way to Bengali ; he is gone to see his aunt Watts. Alexander is just made a lieutenant, and ordered to Madge's battalion of sepoys. Madam lay in last month : another girl we have, so that when I come home I should want a whole Great Cabbin. I thank you for the attention you have paid to my son Bob. If a war should commence, I think he had better try his fortune this way, especially if he can be got into the Admiral's ship. His chance of promotion would be greater than at home, where I have but little interest with the gentlemen of the Navy. I dayly expect to receive orders from Madrass to go into the Circars again this year to settle the Zummabundy.*^) By what I did the last, the Zemindars begin to feel the good effects of our government, being free from all kind of oppressions, which under a rapacious Renter (and none I have known to be any other) they were not. . . . " I fear I shall never be able to enjoy the sweets of country life, for the education of my daughters will compel me to live where proper masters can be obtained. I have not heard this year from my daughter Sophy ". " Ar. Wynch." [Autograjyh, 8 pp., Mo.] [No. 103.] Mrs. Jane Morse to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1770, September 19th. Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir . . . The Aurora has not been heard of since she left the Cape the 24 of December. Providence has given ni}^ dear Mrs. Van a large portion of affliction, but I trust he will give her a proportional degree of fortitude to enable her in some degree to bear with patience this last most fatal trial . . . Mr. Morse is much afflicted : scenes of such interesting an nature are too much at his age to bear up against, especially to one whose life has been filled with care and anxiety. How shocked I was to hear the distracted state Mr. Van's affairs were in ! We thought his fortune much reduced to what it was, and therefore necessary for him to return again to India for the benefit of his family, but could have no idea that his fortune had suffered so largely. The losses our family has sustained in the stocks are much talked of here : there are no secrets in this place . . . Mr. Morse has not for some [time] past taken any of the allowance Mr. Van was pleased to give us, and by his care in letting the office and godowns the house has produced, clear of all charges and repairs, five per cent, for his money. Now I imagine it will be sold for (1) William WjTich entered the Madras civil service in 17(36. (2) Jamahandi, the annual settlement of fluctuating items of land revenue ; from Hind, jama, whole, and Pers. bandhi, settlement. No. 103.] . 134 the most it will fetch. We shall then hire a house in the Black Town, there lieing none in the White<^' to be got but what are at too high prizes for us." Mrs. Van will be guided in everything by you and Mr. Bourchier, and desires to retire into the country for the sake of economy. " Mr. Palk is married to Miss Stonehouse. She is a prudent girl, and I hope she will make a good wife . . ." " Jane Morse." [Holograph, 3| pp., MoJ] [No. 104.] Nic[holas] Morse to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1770, September 30th. Fort St. George.—" Dear Sir, This waites on you by the Lapwing . . . and by her [I] have an opportunity to acquaint you that, to our great concern, we have not yet seen our friend in the Aurora, but hear she left the Cape of Good Hope the 24 of December, and from the report of Lieutenant Johnson of the Stag, who was aboard in the harbour, that there was a gale of wind on the next evening after the day the Aurora sailed, which he imagined might have occasioned the loss of her mastes, and the wind being from the south east, which generally prevails at that season, carryed them to the Brazils to refit. If nothing is heard of them by the month of January, it may be concluded that some accident has befallen them, and in that case a heavy loss to the family ; and my poor Mrs. Van [will] stand in need of all your kind care and regard to support her under so great an affliction . . . " This country is at present quiet, but Hyder and the Morattas are still in arms against each other, and it will be scarce practicable for the English to satisfy both. The French are increasing their military force at Pondicherry, every ship bringing officers, men and ammunition, &c. They have some ships in India already of 60 guns, and are reported to have large numbers of men both at the islands of Mauritius and Madagascar. At this last they have erected a strong fort, and are training the natives to arms ; so that I should be glad to sec some of his Majesty's ships abroad to be ready for them, as it is very probable the rupture will begin in these parts . . . You will hear that the Governour and Council here have had some differences with General Coote in regard to the extent of his commission, as has occasioned the General to decline acting." George Vansittart and your nephew Robert have been appointed to the Committee for collecting the revenue of Bihar, and the former has resigned the Chief ships of " Midnapore and Dynagcpore " in consequence. . (1) The White Town lay within the walls of Fort St. George ; the Black Town was the native citv sitiiated north of the Fort. 135 [No. 104. " The famine in Bengal has been so great that in some parts rice was not to be bought for more than two seer for a rupee, which used to be at 30 and upwards ; and the number of dead bodies has occasioned a sickness, so that the country is in deep distress. Loaves of bread that were at 32 last year per rupee are reduced to 4 at Calcutta . . . " As Harry* ^^ is, I find, intended for India, the best way I think will be to send him in the civil service to Bengal to his uncle, who may have it in his power to serve him ; and that Settlement you are sensible has greatly the advantage of the others for persons to get forward in fortune . . . Pray let neither him nor any of his brothers be sent out cadets. " Mr. Carty, as one of Mr. Sloper's executors, applyed to me some months ago for money for bills for the portion of one of the daughters . . . but the match was broke off . . . Your nephew Mr. Thomas is well and under Mr. Goodlad in the office, and has his allowance of twenty pagodas per month. His brother at Bengal has made some consignments to him and Mr. James Call, and he has entered as a merchant ..." It is understood that Mr. Brooke is to go to the northward on the occurrence of a vacancy, although Messrs. Ardley, Stratton and Dawson are senior to him. The Nawab has paid in fourteen lakhs of pagodas to the Company, and about Pags. 90,000 for the creditors, but the latter have not yet been allowed to receive the amount. The despatch of military officers from England is very discouraging to those on the Coast establishment. " I wish you much happiness in your new purchass,*-' and that you and Mrs. Palk may find it answer your expectations, and that a retirement may prove agreeable after the bustle and noise of a town situation. My house at the Mount is near finished, and we purpose, with the leave of Mr. Hydro and Moderow, to live there about 8 months in the year, or the greatest part of that time. Whether those great gentlemen will chuse to indulge us time is to shew . . ." [Holograph, 6f ijp., Uo.] " Nic. Morse." [No. 105.] William Jackson*^^* to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1770, October 1st. Madrass. — " You were so kind [as] to give Mr. Dunning'** in December, 1769, two letters of recommendation for me, one of which was to Mr. Stone, who has paid the utmost regard to your recommendation." For this I return you grateful thanks. [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] " William Jackson." (1) Henry Vansittart, jun., son of Governor Henry Vansittart. (2) Haldon House. (3) William Jackson entered the Madras civil service in 1770. (4) John Dunning of Ashburton, barrister, became Solicitor General in 1768, and was created Baron Ashburton in 1782. 136 [No. 106.] Lieut. Thomas Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1770, October 1st. Condapillee. — " Honoured Sir, ... I have the pleasure to inform you that my brother'^) arrived at Madras the 30th of June last. He has been in that neighbour- hood ever since, so that I have not as yet had the satisfaction of seeing him. Just after his arrival he, with the rest of the cadets of this season, were ordered out to Poonamale in order to learn their exercise. Mr. Dupre then promised him he should be sent down to the Circars as soon as he had been there his time. . . All the cadets on this establishment were a few days ago appointed ensigns. »My brother has been very lucky in getting a commission so soon . . . ; but General Coote since his arrival has been the means of great alterations in the military corps." There are accounts of disputes between Mr. Dupre and General Coote, as well as between the Governor and the Commodore.*-' Much alarm is felt at the non-arrival of the Aurora. I am as far off promotion as I was a year ago owing to the number of captains sent out by the Conipany. It is reported that the Coast troops are to be brigaded as in Bengal. I have now commanded this garrison upwards of a year. Captain Madge, who is not hopeful of early promotion, is engaged with Poligars near Samulcotah. " I heard from cousin Thomas some days ago. He is well. He still remains at Madrass. Cousin Robert was married to Miss Stonehouse the 12th of June last, since which he writes me he has been appointed third to a Council of revenues for the Bahar Province, and that he and Mrs. Palk will shortly set out for Patna ..." " Thomas Palk." [Holograph, 4 jW-y ^io.] [No. 107.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1770, October 1st. Fort St. George. — The Government have appointed two sets of Merchants to provide the Company's Investment. The first set, consisting of " Chippermall Chitty, myself, Subrumania Chitty, Lingapa Chitty, Condepah Chitty and Audynarayenah Chitty " are to supply longcloth, salempores, moorees, ginghams, Conjeveram beteelas and muslin handkerchiefs to the value of Pags. 108,000. The other set, comprising " Mannar Chitty, and Arnachella Chitty," will provide longcloth, beteelas Oringal and beteelas Pulicate. " Madavaraw would on no account whatsoever make up matters with Hyder. He left 30,000 horses under the command of Gopalraw in Hyder's country, and is gone back to his country [in] June last. It is reported that Madaviraw himself will be (1) John Palk. ('-' Sir Juhn Lindsay. 137 [No. 107. ill Hydcr's countr>' [in] January next, and if we don't assist Hyder the Marattys will certainly ruin him, and we are uncertain what troubles the Marattys may give us afterwards." Bengal is much reduced by famine, the scarcity of rice being unprecedented. The Armenian and native merchants have commissioned a ship for" Manila this year. The French are receiving supplies of men and military stores. " The French Settlements in India are entirely delivered up to the French King, and Mr. Law will take care of him : he is a promising young man . . . The affair which you entrusted to Moodu Kistnah and me shall very shortly be adjusted ... I now enclose you a bill for £400, being the money given by the Nabob to Withecombe's friends ..." " W. M. GOODLAD. [Holograph, 10 pp., 4to.] (1) Charles Westcott, a free merchant of 1768, died in September, 1770. (2) Captain Robert Fraser died in May, 1770. (3) J. Snelling. Vide No. 87, p. 115. (4) Captain George Brown commanded a l)attalion of native infantry in the first Mysore war, and was present at the battles of Changama and Trinomalai. In 1780, as Lieut. Colonel, lie conducted a Madras force to Surat to join General Goddard's expedition to Guzerat ; and in the following year he commanded a brigade in the second battle of Polihir under Sir Eyre Coote. 148 [No. 119.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin Goodlad]. 1770, December 7th. Received 11th July, 1771, per Hursenden. — ^" My dear Billy, I have both your letters of the 6th February and 8th April. '^> I have been long a stranger to the politics in Leadenhall Street, but I could never have con- ceived the giving up of the Circars to be a part of them, and hope they are wiser than to entertain such a notion, since most of the force may be drawn from them upon occasion, and still Masulipatam, Ganjam, &c., be preserved. " I am disquieted beyond measure about the safety of the Aurora, and begin almost to despair of it . . . " You do well, my friend, to interest yourself so deeply in the Company's prosperity, and I doubt not in due time your thorough knowledge of their affairs will be amply rewarded. " The Nabob's creditors' agents have hitherto made little stir in their commission, most of them as individuals being inclined to do as you and others have done in India, and expect justice from the Company, who in the end will certainly give their assistance . . . " You reason very justly on the subject of Colonel Wood's dismission, and I wonder the Governor and Council did not, to silence all clamor, make known their reasons for disagreeing with the Court martial and dismissing the Colonel. I have long entertained the same opinion with you of Call : from the moment the conquest of Misore was projected I foresaw the impracticability of the wild plan and dreaded the event, and was heartily sorry our friend B. had so readily submitted his own judgment to such an extravagant idea. That sore is now in some measure healed, and if you could avoid taking part with Hyder or the Marattas, I think we shall soon arrive at our former prospect of prosperity. " Mr. Bourchier was very well received by the Court of Directors, and having no party to support or enemies to contend with, I think he will very happily enjoy the fruit of his labors among those he loves . . . His father,*^) after living to see his sons so happily returned, expired in their arms last week . . , . " We are preparing with all our might for war with Spain, whose Ambassador, however, having full powers to settle the dispute, wc have some reason to expect an accommodation, more especially as the French are not prepared for war, their finances being undoubtedly in a much worse state than ours, and their country laboring under a prodigious scarcity of grain and a bad vintage. " Little Dickf'^) is all ready for imbarking . . . No contest this year for Directors. Opposition has been crushed with a (1) Nos. 91 and 96. (2) Richard Bourchier, a " seafaring man " of Madras, was appointed Chief at Anjonf^o in 1713, and suliscquonlly became Governor of Bombay. ('i) Kicliard Uoodhid, brother of W. M. Goodlad. 149 [No. 119. vengeance, and they make Sulivan the a7?iende honorable by readmitting him to their society in April : indeed it seems necessary that there should be somebody there a little acquainted with India matters ... I am always, my dear Billy, your sincere, affectionate and obliged friend, " RoBT. Palk." [P.S.]— " Thank ye for the bill of lOOl. " 12th December, — Alas, my friend, it is but too true that you had no accounts of the Aurora the 14th June. Our only small hopes now are on Batavia, or that after attempting the Coast she is gone to the Maldivias or Bengal. " Two days since I was surprized^ with an intended appoint- ment of a Mr. Stewart(^) to be Secretary at Madras. I acquainted Mrs. Goodlad, and we are trying to prevail on our friends that you may at least have it in your option to remain your own time. They say they mean no ill to you, but the contrary, but that this same gentleman, whom I know not, must be provided for." [Holograph, J^^ pp., 4>to.] [No. 120.] Rob[er]t Palk to W[illia]m M[artin] Goodlad, Fort St. George. 1770, December 13th. London. Received June 1771, by Mr. Ley. — " Dear Billy, The bearer, Mr. Ley of the Ponsborne, being a particular friend, I request your notice of him and advising him of any thing that may be of benefit to him in his vovage. Yours most sincerely, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, \p.. Mo. Wax seal with crest, defaced.] [No. 121.J Rob[er]t Palk to Mrs. Goodlad. 1771, January 4th. Haldon House. — " Dear Madam, Finding Mr. Bourchier's letter in my possession, 'tis proper to return it to you, as you may think necessary to send it to Billy. " I have talked to several of the Directors on this subject, and most of them know nothing of the matter, and all seem well inclined to be well pleased and satisfyed with the present Secretary ; but as Mr. Bourehier thinks Billy wants to be relieved from the post, we must rest satisfyed that they will recommend at least his being taken care of. Mr. Bourehier, however, I think must be mistaken that the Governor and Council have requested a perpetual Secretary, for I think Mr. Du Pre and every Governor would chuse to keep the appoint- ment of so material an assistant to himself. However this be, '1' John Stewart (or Stuart). Vide No. 256, p. 252, note 3. No. 121.] 150 I have no doubt of Billy's deserving the attention of the Directors, and if wrong is done him in this instance they must make amends. " I am come here from Berkshire for a few days all alone. I wish you and all yours most heartily many, many happy new years ; and by the help of pressing, and bad weather, may yet return soon enough to see Mr. Richard before he imbarks. If I should not, pray give him my sincerest wishes. " I am always, dear Madam, your faithful and obliged humble servant, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograjjh, 1^ p., Mo.] [No. 122.] Reyno[ld] Adams to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, January 21st. Fort St. George. — Received 12th July. " Dear Sir, . . Mr. and Mrs. Morse are both well but much afflicted, as well as myself, at the non-arrival of the Aurora, which we are much affraid leaves very little hope of her safety, notwithstanding the supposition of her having gone to the Brazils . . . Mr. Tom Palk and his two cousins to the north- ward are well . . . One Mr. Taswell, who, I apprehend, you have heard of, is come out to succeed me in my employ,'^) and I hear is arrived at Bombay. This, I am informed, is in consequence of a report that I was about to come home, though I never dropped a hint of such a thing, nor can I entertain any thoughts of that sort for some years to come." I hope you will prevent my supersession. Captain Madge is anxious that the collections on account of Captain Cranch's estate should be remitted. Two methods offer ; Company's bills at 8,§. 5d. per pagoda payable in three years without interest, or private bills at 7s. 4fZ. from Pelling and de Fries payable in 90 days. The former method appears the more favourable, but as cash must be paid in dollars, which are hard to procure, I am remitting by private bill. " Reyno- Adams." [Holograph, 3| jjp., Uo.] [No. 123.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1771, January 22nd. Fort St. George. Received 12th July. — I have not time to write, as the ship Houghton sails to-day and I have much to do. " My brother Bob is married, of which I imagine he has acquainted you with. My love to Mrs. P. and family. Your most dutifull, &c., nephew, "Thomas Palk." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] (1) As Master Attendant, i.e., Harbour Master, at Madras. 151 [No. 124.] Ensign J|ohn] Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1771, February 2nd. Camp near Samulcotah. — " Sir, After the great kinesses and civilitys I received from you while in London it would be ingrateful in me should I omit any oppor- tunity of letting you hear from me. . . We sailed from Spithead the 11th of January with a fair wind that earried us elear of the Channel and to the Island Madeira in three weeks. We stopped there 10 days, during which time I found the place very agreable, the English merchants residing there being very hospitable people. " After having sailed from Madeira we had a pleasant passage untill doubling the Cape of Good Hope, where we meet with severe weather and were harassed about for some weeks, in which time we had the misfortune to loose several topmasts and to have our rigging damaged much, so that it was no small satisfaction to all on board to double that dangerous promontory. We had a very pleasant passage the remaining part of the time we stayed on board ship, and arrived at Johanna*^) the 25th of May. On our landing we found the island very pleasant and agreable. Having stopped there five days, we sailed for Madrass and landed safe on the 30th of June to the great joy of all the passengers. I was much surprised to find the Super- visors had not been seen on the Coast nor heard of, and am sorry to tell you that they are now given over for lost . . . " On my landing I meet with my cousin, who behaved very kind and genteel to me. . . The letter you was so kind as to give me to Mr. Dupre, after several applications got me changed from General Coote's regiment at Poonamallee that was formed of this year's recruits, where I was first appointed, into Captain Madge's battallion of seapoys at Samulcotah. I am very much pleased with the situation, and likewise with my commanding officer, who, I find, is worthy of the great character I have heard given him in England. " I have not seen my brother yet, but expect to see him in a few days, as he is coming down from Condapillee in order to join these six companies that are encamped near Samulcotah, waiting for orders to march against the Totapillee Rajah, who refuses to comply with the Company's demands in paying his tribute. It is thought we shall have a despirate service of it, as we shall be obliged to pursue them over the mountains, which are very unhealthy, and where Europeans never were before. " General Coote behaved very kind to me, and I believe would have done anything to serve me ; but his power here was very little on account of the Governor and Council, who took every step in their power to thwart his designs. A story prevails here that he is comming out again. I could wish it were true. (1) One of the Comoro Islands in the Mozambique Channel. No. 124.] 152 " At present every thing is quiet at the southward. There was a Morattoe war expected this season in the Carnatic, but I beheve at this time it is all hushed up, I am, Sir, with the greatest respect, your much obliged and most humble servant, "J. Palk." [Holograph, 2\ pp., Mo. Wax seal with Palk arms and crest.] [No. 125.] Chocapah to the Honourable Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, February 5th. Fort St. George. — The Merchants have delivered a great part of the goods for the Company's Investment. In Bengal there has been good rain and grain is fairly cheap, though trade is bad. The news from Manila is that our people have sold the " blue goods," but could not dispose of the " paintings'^) and chey goods. "(2) At Pondicherry affairs are stationary through want of money. " Madavarave with his large force came as far as the river Kistna. His intention was to distroy Hyder first, then to trouble us for money if we don't give him assistance ; but in the meantime he had some family disputes, which obliged him to return back to his country. . . Hyder is at Mysore, and unable to beat off the Marattys that are in his country. . . I can do nothing with Jangama Chitty. He is very poor, and remains in prison for money due to Mr. Lewen Smith ..." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 1^ p., flscp.] [No. 126.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to R[obert] Palk, Esqr. 1771, February 7th. Fort St. George. — " His Excellency [i.e. the Nawab] seems rather more reconciled to his old friends. This, however, is regarded as a mere temporising scheme till he can see what turn affairs will take at home. We are in peace, and I think have nothing to fear during 1771. The Nabob has promised to pay 10 lacks to his creditors during the year . . ." " W. M. Goodlad." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 127.] Tho[mas] Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1771, February 8th. Fort St. George. — " I continue still in Mr. Goodlad's office, the business of which I do with a great deal of ease to myself, and I hope with a deal of satisfaction to my Secretary. The Carnatic at present remains very quiet, but the Morattoes have lately demanded the assistance of our arms ; who have been refused . . . The Morattoes are now this (1) Paintings, i.e., chintz coloured by hand or stamped with wood blocks. (2) Chey, chay, from Tarn, saya, a plant whose root furnishes a fine red dye. 153 [No. 127. side the Kliistna and will very shortly move, 'tis feared, towards the Cariuitic. They have earried their conquests a great way into the Mysore country, having plundered and destroyed the country to the very gates of his capital, and Ilyder remains shut up in Seringapatam . . . " I make no doubt but ray brother has long since acquainted you with his change of life. I have received many very pressing invitations to visit them, which I intend to do, and go down in one of the September ships. All my country men in the military are well, and very fine young fellows. My friend Major Fitz-Gerald takes his passage on the Van-Sittart, who was always kind to me ..." "Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 128.] Tho[mas] Pai-k to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1771, February 8th. On board the Vansittart.^—luetter of introduction for Major Thomas FitzGerald.'^' [Holograph, 2 pp., 4fo.] [No. 129.] Lieut. Thomas Palk to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, February 26th. Camp at Ragapatam. — I was relieved at Condapilly in January, and on the 9th February I joined Captain Madge at Samulcotah. He took the field against some refractory poligars. " On the 20th we left Samalcottah with 6 companies of seapoys*and 2 guns against the Polygars who had occasioned the rupture, and are now advanced 50 miles into their country, which is the most romantic I ever saw, being covered with high mountains intercepted with pleasant valleys, where are fine villages abounding with plenty of grain. The Rajah of the country on hearing of our approach fled to his strong holds further in among the hills. We have meet with no opposition as yet from any of his people ; on the contrary, numbers have excepted [sic\ of the company's cowl,*^' and put themselves under our protection ... so that in all probability the country will be soon settled and the Rajah drove out of it . . . " By the last accounts from Bengali it is reported that iiostilities are commenced between Surajah Dowla'^' and the Company . . . General Coote left India last November very much dissatisfied with the reception he meet with from the President and Council at Madrass . . . " My brother was appointed to this battalion in November last and joyned Captain Madge at Samalcotah soon after, who has behaved excessive kind to him. He has made him a present (1) Vide No. 144. p. 156. (2' Coiol. Vide No. 14, p. 18, note 10. (3) Shuja-iid-daula, Nawab Vizier of Oudh. No. 129.] 154 of a horse and shewed him many other civiUties ... I have been honoured with but one letter from you since your return to England. I seldom miss an opportunity of writing you, and should think myself highly honoured were I to hear oftner in return ..." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.] " Thomas Palk.' »j [No. 130.] Robert Palk to Messrs. Stone and Goodlad, Secretaries at Fort St. George. 1771, March 14th. London. — " Gentlemen, I beg leave to recommend to you Mr. Willet, Secretary to Sir Robert Harland,(i' who being quite a stranger, your notice and assistance will be of much use to him. I cannot think or write much on other matters in this state of great uncertaintv of the Aurora's safety." " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 1 p., Mo. Wax seal, device defaced.] [No. 131.] Chocapah to the Honorable Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, March 23rd. Fort St. George. — There are reports from England via Basra that war is about to break out in Europe. Our Manila ship has arrived, bringing upwards of 200,000 dollars. Half as much again was sent to China on Madras account. " The Nabob made a grand wedding for his elder son,'^' and is going to make another wedding to his second son.*^' The wedding was very expencive and with, the greatest pomp and magnificence. We think we shall have no trouble at all with the Marrattys this year ; and there are now some disputes arrising between the Nabob and the Kingof Tonjore, but I hope this will be made up in an amicable manner." The Merchants have fulfilled the Investment contract. Most of the goods have been delivered into the Company's warehouse, and the balance is ready for sorting. [Autograph, 1 p., flscp.] " Chocapah." [No. 132.] Custoory and Casavah to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, March 25th. Fort St. George. — Our family has sus- tained a great loss by the death of " our poor Rama Kisna " <*' on the 9th February. Our chief anxiety is to preserve his Charity Choultry, and we beg you to write to Mr. Hastings about it. [1^ p., Uo.] " Custoory and Casavah. 55 (1) Admiral Sir Robert Harland, Bt., succeeded Sir John Lindsay, arriving at Madras in September, 1771. (2) Umdat-ul-Umara. (3) Amir-ul-Umara. (4) Cf. No. 77, p. 104. 155 [No. 133.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to I Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1771, March 2Gth. Fort St. George. — I have received your letter of the 16th June,<^> and rejoice that Mr. Boiirchier's reception was friendly. Your remarks about Calland are just : he will probably return here this year. " His Excellency has promised to pay ten lacks of his debt in the course of the year, and the whole in fourteen months should peace continue . . When you express your surprise that the Governor and Council ever gave their sanction to the Assignment, I know not what to make of you, for the Assignment was actually made during your government. It bears date the 1st January, 1767, and the letter from the Nabob promising such Assignment was received in the month preceding, so that you were consenting. This circumstance, I imagine, must have escaped your memory." I have written to Mr. Purling as you suggested, and hope he may get my brother Richard to Bengal this year. " Although your last letter is silent on the subject of the person*-) concerning whom you wrote to Moodu Kistnah and me . . , I have lately had an interview with him. The terms are settled agreeable to your recommendation, and by the next ship I shall write you the particulars. I have not yet drawn on Mr. Morse on this account. Every thing has been managed as you could wish, and nothing will transpire. " By great good management we still continue in peace, but we are surrounded with embarassments, and you cannot conceive a Government more harassed and perplexed. But for unanimity amongst ourselves every thing would be in the utmost confusion. In this respect we are happy, and have men of ability at the head of affairs. The Marattas and Hyder still continue hard at it, and though the latter has lately suffered a considerable defeat, he is not rendered incapable of prolonging the war and giving them infinite trouble. This may probably prevent their molesting us for some time, though we are not without our apprehensions, for the late conduct of Tanjour indicates a promise of support from some quarter, and we know not whence it can come but from them. He has lately marched a very large force against the Marawar,'^' and even laid siege to the capital (Ramanadaporum). A compromise then ensued, and he has returned to Tanjour. Though necessity obliged us to look on upon this occasion, we were by no means silent, and it is said that the Rajah's return was owing to our letters ; but this will never serene him. The Treaty of 1762 with Tanjour obliges us to support the cause of the Nabob. Marawar is his tributary, and an attack might as well have been made upon (1) Vide No. 98, p. 129. (2) Royala Punt or Rajah Pundit. Cf. No. 70, p. 97, and No. 78, />. 108. '^) The Marawar. Vide No. 19, ji. 26, note 2. No. 133.] 156 the Carnatic. Preparations have accordingly been made for calhng him to account. Joe Smith* i) is gone for Trichenopoly, and unless his Rajahship makes very humble submissions, blows must ensue. But this is a most critical business. Circumstances are not wanting to render it dangerous at any rate. If we commence hostilities, we lay open to the Marattas ; Fazul Beg Cawn'-) threatens the Circars, and advices from Bussera give us reason to expect a national war. If we continue quiet, the Nabob's Government is calmly suffered to be invaded ; we are wanting in attention to the Treaty of Paris, which ensures the jjeace of the Carnatic ; and the natural conclusion is that, were the Carnatic itself attacked, we should be equally passive. These are ministerial speeches from the mouth of our Minister Plenipotentiary. He has lately wrote a letter accusing us of this latter conduct. The answer is : — ' We account to our superiors for what we do ' ; and my gentleman is left just as wise as he was before. The N[abob]'s conduct has latterly born more the appearance of confidence in us than it has before since Sir John's arrival, but it is evident to me that he is merely temporising. Matters cannot much longer continue in this state. The orders from home must be decisive one way or the other. Our authority and influence must be restored, or we must be reduced as formerly to mere providers of long cloth ordinary. " In Bengal matters look threatening. A brigade is watching the Marattas : Cossim'^* has collected a rabble of Pitans and Rohillas with some disciplined seapoys under a soldier of fortune, and is now to the northward of Delli, prepared to join the Morattas should they invade the provinces. The generality of people suspect that war must shortly ensue. " From this sketch (run off in an hurry) you will be able to form some judgment of the present posture of affairs — Nabob, Plenipo, Tan jour, Marattas, Fazul Beg Cawn, Bengal — the letters from the Court totally unconfidential, and the Council left entirely without orders to guide them. Can you call to your recollection circumstances half so intricate ? Our friend Bourchier would have sunk under the weight of them. Du Pre, though indefatigable, is almost harassed to death ; Hastings knows not which way to turn himself, and the Secretaries (for I am employed in all departments) have not a moment that they dare call their own. Glorious times ! Happy circumstances ! . . ." "W. M. GOODLAD." " P.S. 12 at night. — I have with much concern received intelligence just now that Lieut. Thomas Palk died at Ellore the 20th instant ..." [Holograph, 7 ])p., 4>to.] (1) General Joseph Smith. (2) Fazil Beg Kliau, tlie Nizam's hakhshi. (3) Kasim Ali Khan. Vide Xo. 92, p. 122, note 2. 157 [No. 134.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin Goodlad]. 1771, April 2nd. London. — " My dear Billy, "I have received your letter of the 12th and 1.3tli Oetobcr.*^) " I suppose we shall hear more of the contents of thcni when Coote arrives : hitherto he has not been heard of. The Court of Directors judged they had given him the same powers with General Lawrence ; but as there is hardly amongst the Directors any who consider these matters attentively or endeavor to make themselves masters of the Company's affairs, such jarring orders and resolutions must always be the consequence. I was amazed when I heard they had appointed Coote to sit as one of the Commissioners. I took an opportunity to remonstrate against the measure, and I thought they had altered it . . . They are now, I hear, sending up a remonstrance to the King against his intermeddling, and I suppose the commanding officer will be told not to interfere, because the natural con- sequence must be the destruction of the Company's authority. They talk, I hear, of sending out more Commissioners, but I know not where they are to look for them." I told you of the intention to send out a Mr. Stewart as*^) Secretary. This I was able to prevent, and I said much in your favour. Hastings has been proposed for Bengal, and I supported him, but Mr. Rumbold's'-^* interest appears to prevail. " The loss of the Aurora , for I now give her entirely up, is a most severe stroke indeed to all this family. Henry VanSittart goes a Writer to Bengal in the Colehrooke. I hope you correspond fully with Mr. Purling, who, I find, is to be the next Chairman. For once there is to be no contest at the next election. Sulivan comes in singly with the consent of all parties. I should have thought, after all that is passed and in such times as these, he had better have relinquished so troublesome and, to him, so very unprofitable an employ. However, it is to him the summum bonum . . ." Robt- Palk. 55 [Holograph, 3| pp., Uo.] [No. 135.] Colonel Gilbert Ironside'^' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, April 7th. Fort William.—" Sir, I cannot let the earliest occasion escape of rendering my sincerest acknowledge- ments for your polite and friendly offers to Mrs. Ironside, whose happiness, of every thing on this side heaven, lies nearest my heart. (1) Vide No. 118, p. 145. (2) John Stewart. Vide No. 256, p. 252, note 3. '3) Thomas Rumbold, afterwards Governor of Madras. Fide No. 320^ p. 315, note 4. (4) Gilljert Ironside. Vide No. 94, p. 124, note 2. No. 135.1 158 " My request to Mr. Van Sittart to furnish her with money was made at a time when I had no opportunity to make the remittances I wished. I have since found means to get home a few thousand pounds ; but still, should any unexpected and pressing necessity require a sudden supply, your favouring her with it will confer an essential obligation on me. " That we shall ever see the Supervisors I now totally despond ; but that some tidings of their unhappy fate may still reach us is not, I think, altogether improbable. It has been long believed and currently reported that an outward bound French Indiaman descried the wreck of a vessel off Madagascar, which conjecture led to surmise might be of the Aurora : and on that presumption that some frigates were ordered from Bombay to cruise round that island for further discoverys . . . " About the 14th of Februar}^ arrived the Dolphin, a King's frigate, at Madras. Captain Dent brought with him, we hear, two red ribbands for General Coote and Sir John Lindsay, with powers and instructions to the Nawab of Arcot to invest them with the Order of the Bath. Also credentials to the Commodore to act as his Majesty's Plenipotentiary to all the European Powers in India. General Coote returned home the latter end of last year by way of Bussorah . . . " George, who is a sad idle fellow in every thing but down- right plodding business," asks me to obtain for you the second volume of the Code of IMuhammadan Law. It may be among some oriental manuscripts with Mrs. Ironside, who will submit them to you. Meanwhile I will try to procure the volume in India. " Both George and Palk are at Patna I believe. . . My latest letters from thence pronounce them all well, and the ladies, as all ladies should be, in a promising way. Permit me to request you will make my best wishes acceptable to IMrs. Palk and my old commander General Caillaud, whom I very affectionately remember ..." " Gilbert Ironside." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4io.] [No. 136.] [Copy of a] Par[agrap]h of a G[enera]l L[ette]r [Endorsed] "No. 4." 1771, April 10th. — " Observing that you have appointed Mr. Palk one of the Board of Revenue at Patna, we cannot but express our astonishment that you should have gi^-en a post of that consequence to a person who had behaved so unbecomingly in the affair of the overcharge and abuses committed at the cantonments of Burampore, and who, since his being pardoned for that offence, had not given you proof sufficient of his integrity to justify you in making such an appointment. We therefore 159 [No. 136. direct that he be recalled from that station upon receipt hereof, and employed in his proper rank in onr service at Calcutta." [1 p., 4 to. This cop}/ niai/ perhaps have formed an enclosure to No. 220.] [No. 137.] [Robert Palk] to his Excellency the Nawab Walajah. 1771, April 17th. — I have received your letter of the 12th October. (^> I grieve for the loss of Mr. Vansittart on your account as well as my own, for he contemplated the promotion of your interest together with that of the Company. " I have often repented not staying longer in India. On many accounts it was necessary, but you know that, seeing my services were not so well received here as I thought they deserved, I determined to make room for Mr. Bourchier, whom I wished to be more fortunate ; but surely no man could take more pains than myself, or was ever better inclined to labor day and night to do my duty both to the Companj^ and yourself. I watched over their expences and yours with the most scrupulous and unceasing attention, and how far I succeeded must be left to the Company and yourself to judge. " A squadron of good ships is now sent to India, commanded by Sir Robert Harland, a gentleman of great experience, and who, I hope, will be able to co-operate in the most effectual preservation of the peace in India. A regiment is also appointed here to raise the best soldiers to be sent out as recruits : all which will shew that neither his Majesty nor the Company are neglectful of proper measures. I only wish that harmony as well as great abilities may be established in the right use of them. " By the eldest son of Mr. Vansittart, who is obliged to seek his fortunes abroad, I send this letter, and also a new Persian grammar for your acceptance. A new dictionary by the same author is soon to be published, and shall also be sent to you. General Lawrence and Mrs. P[alk] add their good wishes to mine for the continuance of your health and the prosperity of the whole family." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4 to. Unsigfied draft in PaWs hand.] [No. 138.] Henry Vansittart, jun. to Robert Palk, Esqr., at Edmund Boehm's, Esqr., Size Lane, liondon. 1771, May 22nd. Madeira. — " Dear Sir, Deferring all other intelligence for a further opportunity, I send you the account only of my health and arrival here last Sundaj^ the 19th, by a King's packet, which goes by the way of the West Indies. As the other conveyance will most probably be the earliest, I (1) Vide No. 113, ;;. Ml. No. 138.] 160 shall by that forward a more enlarged account of what has happened. " Belive me your dutiful nephew, Henry Vansittart." " P.S. — The Packet sails in a few hours." [Holograph, 1 ii., Uo. Wax seal with the Vansittart arms.] [No. 139.] Captain T[homas] Madge to Robert Palk, Esqr. [Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Account of the Death of Thomas and John Palk." 1771, June 15th. Ellore.—" Dear Sir, My last letter con- cluded with some accounts of your two cousins, which did honor to their family as well as themselves. It was, however, the last opportunity allowed me to speak of them with satis- faction unalloyed with regret, for very shortly after the despatch of the letter dated from the unwholsome hills which terminate our possessions in the Circars, a pestilential disorder broke out amongst the detachment under my command, which in less than the space of three weeks destroyed two thirds of the Europeans that composed it, and has rendered the condition of those that have survived it little deserving the estimation of existence from the havoc it has made in our constitutions, many of which are irrecoverably ruined ! " The end of the expedition into those fatal hills having been accomplished by the successfull effort to surprise the Pollygar by Lieut. Palk, we retired from them the fourth day after his again joining the main bod}^ of the detachment, congratulating ourselves on having escaped the disorder so generally experienced in those hills by all strangers who reside any time amongst them. But we had not made one day's march into the open country till it began to shew it had got footing amongst us. Your two cousins and myself were the first officers it affected, and as they appeared to be more so than me, I sent them down to Rajamundry recommended to Mr. Wynch, w^ho at that time resided there on account of settling the revenues of the Circars, and had a surgeon to attend him. The business of the service would not admit of my availing myself of the assistance of a surgeon, and obliged me to remain so long in the field that when I got to Rajamundry my condition was pronounced too dangerous by the doctor to admit of my proceeding any further. Your two cousins had almost recovered their health under his management, and were at last thought so far out of danger as to run no risk from proceeding to Ellorc, whither they were in consequence sent with some other officers and soldiers under charge of a surgeon. They arrived at Ellore the 18th of March last in a very promising way for recovery ; but the day after their arrival the disorder took an unfavorable turn, and in spite of every possible assistance carried off the eldest almost suddenly : the youngest survived his brother but four days 161 [No. 139. only. Tlic disorder had gained so mnch gromid on me from neglcctino- it tliat it was thought impossible for me to survive it many days after my comiug- to this place, diu'ing which time the fate of my two young i'riends was kept a secret from me. They had, however, all the attendance possible from the surgeons, who ne\'er left them for a moment whilst they could be of service to them, but the disorder soon rose superior to medicine and ballled all their skill. After three relapses I have at last some hopes that I have entirely got the better of the disorder, but ImAC suffered so much from its malignant effects in my constitution that I fear I shall never again recover my former state of health. Out of twenty Europeans two only escaped the disorder, and eight only that were infected by it survived it ! " The concern this unfortunate event must give their mother and every individual of their family may be partly conceived from the universal regret it has occasioned amongst your cousins' slightest acquaintance in India. The gentle manners of the eldest had so much endeared him to me that I cannot refrain from tears whenever I reflect on his untimely fate. I shall endeavor to pay the most essential tribute to their memory and your friendship in my power on the occasion by taking care of their estate, which when collected together will, I hope, amount to nearly 2,000 pags., a sum few subalterns can boast of having honestly acquired in so short a time as the eldest was in the service, and I think does as much honor to his prudence as it will afford satisfaction to his friends . . . " I have desired your nephew at Madrass to administer to their estate, as there is no will ; to whom I shall remit the amount of it as I receive it. And I hope you will have no objection to the money's being paid to your attornies in India, nor to your remitting it to their mother in Cornwall as soon as they advise you of its having been received by them in India." I see no prospect of early promotion, owing partly to super- sessions from England and partly to our being saddled with the newly created corps of engineers, who will probably claim a share of " off-reckonings." My best respects to Mrs. Palk and General Lawrence. "T. Madge." [Holograph, 6 pp.. Mo.] [No. 140.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to [Robert Palk, Esq.]. 1771, July 21st, Fort St. George. "My dear Friend, . . . Your apprehensions for the Aurora . . . are but too justly founded, for it is beyond a doubt that she must have been lost. Circumstances give reason to think that she struck on a reef of rocks off the N.E. end of Madagascar, but we have no certain accounts . . , i4 No. 140.] 162 " All disputes with the Nabob's creditors have been for some months at an end. The President and Council discharged their duty amply. They insisted on the preference, and obtained the payment of all they were authorised to demand and insist on ; for false representations had so much weight with the Court that the Nabob had consented to the payment of | of the charges of the Mysore war. Their orders did not authorise demanding it. The Nabob, who has intelligence from home of all that passes, had learnt their sentiments, and refused to make good his agreement. He defrayed the current charges, and then stopped. The Council had no further demand on him, and upon his proposing to pay 10 lacks to his creditors they readily consented . . . " Private advices tell us that the sentence of Wood's court- martial is approved, and that he is restored. Had he been restored without approval of the sentence, we should all have acquiesced with pleasure ; but . . . reversing an Act of Govern- ment is a humiliation to that Government : it weakens its faculties and impairs its honor. . . . But perhaps it is intended that the faculties of Government should be weakened. In that case . . . where will be the authority over the military in future? ..." When I last wrote the Tan j ore situation was precarious, as the Rajah had palpably violated the treaty of 1762. " We were pressed on every side to call him to account, and urged to measures which must have involved us in endless difficulties. An immediate attack upon Tan j ore was repeatedly urged by the Nabob and the Ambassador ; but the consequences were too apparent for such a scheme to be rashly entered into, and it was evident that the plan from first to last was intended pur- posely to oblige us to assist the Marattas against Hyder — the favourite system of the Nabob and the adopted plan of his champion (the Ambassador). . . . The Council therefore refused compliance, but promised to call Tanjore to account when circumstances would admit. Everything necessary for such an expedition has accordingly been prepared at Tricheno- poly, and our readiness declared : but mark the end. The stimulators and advisers of the measure, seeing that we will not be forced into their plan, draw in their horns, and when the Nabob is told we are ready to undertake the expedition, his apprehensions of the Marattas are declared, and he cannot venture on such an enterprise at the risk of an invasion. . . . Thus we stand at present : we have avoided the junction with the Marattas, we have not assisted Hyder, and we continue in peace. But Tanjore must finally be called to account. . . . The two Marrawars and Tondeman^' have felt the effects of his arms, and unless he be checked, what may not be the consequence in the end ? " I am pleased at Sulivan's return to the Directorate and at (1) Vide No. 19, p. 26, notes 1, 2 and 4. 163 [No. 140. Boiirchier's good reception. I should be mortified if I were nio\cd from my post as Secretary, which I would not excliange for anything short of a seat in Council. I have offered to become a regular correspondent of Mr. Purling. The Ponshorne^s stay was so brief that Mr. Ley could not land, so I recommended him to my brother Anthony in Bengal. The death of Lieut. Palk and his brother is deeply regretted by me. Your nephew Tom has been on a trip with the General'^' to Trichinopoly. " You will see by your account current what has been done in the affair you recommended to me to settle. I can only say at present that nothing, not one syllable, has transpired, and I have acquitals of the most ample nature should anything of the matter be talked of hereafter, . . ." [Holograph, 12 pp., Uo.] " W. M. Goodlad." [No. 141.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to Robert Palk, Esq. 1771, October 3rd, Capeof Good Hope. "Dear Sir, — After our departure from Madeira the 5th of June we have chiefly met with either contrary winds or calms after the latitude of 8 South. We saw the Canary and Cape de Verd Islands, and crossed the Line the middle of July. About a month afterwards we saw the coast of Brazil at Rio des Ilhos, a little below the Bay de Todos Santos. We spoke with the Britannia the 1st of September, who left England the 23rd of June. We arrived in False Bay the 22nd of September, which is about 20 miles distant overland from the Cape Town. The old Governor died a few weeks ago, and a deputy is appointed till advices are received from Holland. The Lord Holland sailed from hence the 12th, and the Hampshire the 24th. The Britannia goes to-morrow, and the Colebrooke the next day if possible. A French ship bound to Mauritias came in the 25th and sailed yesterday. Sir Robert Fletcher^^) and Captain Parker'^) proceed from hence in the Britannia to (1' General Joseph Smith. (2) Robert Fletcher was engaged locally as a monthly Writer in Madras in May, 1757, but was shortly afterwards commissioned as Ensign. In 1700 he was dismissed for insubordination, but was reinstated at the instance of Eyre Coote. Captain Fletcher served as Brigade Major in the Manila expedition of 1702, and in the following year was transferred to Bengal as Major. In 1706 Lieut.-Colonel Sir Robert Fletcher, who was then commanding one of the three brigades of the Army, supported the junior officers who combined to protest against the withdrawal of Mir Jafar's special grant of batta. He was tried by court-martial and cashiered. Returning to England, he obtained reinstatement on the recommendation of Lawrence and Caillaud, and he was posted to Madras as Colonel. Succeeding General Joseph Smith in the conmiand of Army in 1772, he proved so obstructive in Council that he was ordered to Trichinopoly by Du Pre's Government. He claimed to resume his seat in Parliament and returned to England. In 1775 Sir Robert Fletcher again arrived in Madras as Brigadier General, took command of the Army, and supported the Majority of Council against Lord Pigot, in whose deposition he assisted. In 1776 he sailed for the Cape on sick leave, and died on the way at Mauritius. (3) Probably Captain J. N. Parker, who as Lieut.-Colonel won tlie battle of Bomorey in June, 1776. ' No. in.] 164 Aiijango, and Trom thence overland to Madrass for the sake of expedition. I lodge with Captain Morris at Mr. La Febre's, but proceed to-morrow to False Bay. I have been used very civilly by the captain and the rest of the passengers. iNIr. Johnson presents his compliments to you. Pray give my love fo ^Irs. P;ilk, and remember me to Nancy and Lawrence. I am your (lutiful nephew, " Henry Vansittart." \Ho}o!lraph, 1 p.. flscj).] [No. 142.] W[illiam] MfARTTN] GooDLAD to RoBERT Palk, Esqr. 1771, October 4th, Fort St. George. I have not heard from you for some time, and am impatient for a reply to my letter of the 13th October, 1770 a very particular friend of mine and a neighbour of yours. J. Rennell." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo. Endorsed in Palk's hand] " Capt. Rennell, 12 Nov., 1771. [Received] 26 July." (1) James Rennell, of Chudleigh, Devon, entered the Navy in 1756. After seven years' service, three of which were spent on the East India station, Rennell was transferred to the Company in 1763, and received command of a ship at the age of 21. WhUe engaged in transporting troops and stores for the siege of Madura he surveyed the coast down to Palk Strait. In 1764 he was appointed Surveyor General by Vansittart, and was commissioned in the Bengal Engineers, becoming Captain in 1767 and Major in 1775. His great work, the General Survey of Bengal, Bihar and Orwsa, begun in 1764, was completed within twelve years, and Rennell retired on a pension in 1777. His Bengal Atla.s was published two years later. Other geographical works followed. Rennell was elected P.R.S. in 1781 : he died in 1830, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. (2) Fitzwilliam Barrington was a Director from 1759 to 1767. 168 [No. 146.] W[illiam] Aldersey<^) to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1771, November 25th, Calcutta. I received your letter of the 17th December, 1770, by the hand of " Mr. Clevland," but he has been so unwell since his arrival that I have not yet seen him. " The adventurers to India of late have found them- selves woefully disappointed with barren prospects." I will do what I can, however, for any who may be recommended by you. " Poor Mr. Van ! What a loss to the publick, to his own family and to society in general ! " Please refer for news to my friends Russell'^' and Kelsall,''^' who go by this ship. Remember me to Mrs. Palk, General Lawrence, the Bourchier family and other Indian friends. " W. Aldersey." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4to.] [No. 147.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1771, November 29th. — " Honoured Sir, — Being by this day's observation in the latitude of 2d. 16m. South, our passage has been very favourable from the Cape, which we left the 11th of October. We now think we shall arrive at Bengal in the beginning of January, but in these seas conjectures are seldom found true. The Dutchman that is now in sight has desired us to give him our letters. He left Point de Gol 8 days ago, so that we shall now taste some Indian fruit. From Batavia, to which he is now bound, he will sail directly for Europe. I have time to write no more letters at present, but should be obliged if you would let Mama and the rest of my friends partake in this information. We are 122 Dutch leagues from Ceylon. " I am your dutiful nephew, " Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, ^ p., flscp.] [No. 148.] Mrs. LiETiTiA Ironside to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1771, December 2nd, Chilton Lodge, near Hungcrford, Berks. I enclose a letter to you from my husband, which reached me last night. I am now staying with General and Mrs. Smith, <*' and forward this to your seat in Devonshire. When I hear that you are in London I will send you my husband's Persian books. ") William Aldersey, V-ide No. 44, p. 09, note 1. C-i) Claud Kussell. Vide No. 12, p. 15, note 3. (3) Thomas Kclsall. Vide No. 27, p. 45, note 2. (•!' General Richard Smith. Vide No. 83, p. 113, note 1. 169 [No. 148. Soon al'ter I reached England I heard that a gentleman in India named Leslie^^' was trying to supersede Colonel Ironside. Being nnsnccessfnl there, he has eome home to renew his efforts. " The Directors say INIr. Leslie was recommended to them as a jewel worth their preserving. If those gentlemen will take the trouble to enquire Mr. Ironside['s] character of the General officers who he has served under, I make no doubt but they will find him equally qualified with Mr. Leslie to hold any post in their service." I hope you will use your influence in the matter. " L^TiTiA Ironside." [Holograph, 1| p., Mo.] [No. 149.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin Goodlad]. 1771, December 2nd, Haldon House. — " My dear Billy, . . . I am glad that you have found out a method of adjusting a most impudent and rascally demand. What the man gave he gave of his own free will. In my life [I never] asked him or any other person for a douceur, and I cannot yet bring myself to believe that this is a claim of his own setting up. I should think, my friend, some European has done me this injury. The sum I am vei'y indifferent about, though I suppose it is the first instance of the kind. To you, however, I am much obliged, and shall be well satisfy ed with any proper mode you judge least dishonorable. . . . " I know nothing of the present politics of the India House, where all seems confusion and a want of steadiness and reflection in the Company's affairs. God grant you a continuance of more wisdom than they seem to shew at home. My love to all friends, and INIrs. Palk's and the General's. " I am ever and most affectionately yours, " RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4fo.] [No. 150.] Edmund Veale Lane<-' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1771, December 17th, Bombay. — I have received your letter brought by Mr. Facey^^^ on the Dutton, and was glad to be able to show that gentleman hospitality and supply him with money. He duly received his commission and rank, and lives at present at no expense, so " it will be his own fault if he does not do well. I hope he will, as he seems to be a very prudent young man." I am very grateful for all your past kindness to me. " Edmund Veale Lane." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4/o.] (1) Colonel Matthew Leslie. Vide No. 100, p. 130, note 4. (2) Edmund Veale Lane was a Bombay civil servant of 1767. He died in 1780 at Bombay. (3) Ensign George Facey, Bombay Infantry. 170 [No. 151.] John Crighton to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, January 25th, Canton. — Having instructions from Mr. Nicholas Morse to remit to you the sum of Spanish dollars 6,159hV at 5s. 3d. per dollar, I send a bill of exchange for £1,616 18s. 3d. " Jno. Crighton." [Autograph, 1 p., Mo.\ [No. 152.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to Robert Palk, Esqr. at Edmund Boehm's, Esqr., Sice Lane, London. 1772, January 29th, Bengal. — " Dear Sir, I shall leave Kedgree in about | an hour, and hope to arrive at Calcutta in 3 days. The Asia and Speke sail too soon for me to write from town. My uncle and Mr. Palk are well at the Durbar. I shall be able to add nothing more till the dispatch of the Rochford. . . " Your dutiful nephew, Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, | p., Uo.] [No. 153.] Rob[er]t Palk to [William Martin] Goodlad. 1772, February 2nd, Park Place. — " Dear Goodlad, I thank you for your letter of the 21st July,*^' which, considering the busy life you lead, is much longer than I had a right to expect. It reached me at my house in Devonshire early in a morning, and I found afterwards that it was dropped by Colonel Campbell,(2> who passed within a mile of me, but was in too great a hurry to call upon me. " I rejoice that the Nabob's creditors are made easy, and hope they are now in a fair way of being paid off. As to the measures of the Directors, they are passed finding out, and every day they are more and more convincing the world that the direction of the Company's affairs by a sett of men who have views of their own cannot be managed to advantage. They throw the blame on their servants abroad, and accordingly the King in his speech has strongly recommended regulations to be made; and the situation of affairs at Bengal is soon to be laid before them. " No complaints are made of the management of affairs on the Coast, but the Directors have sent Lord Clive and most of the Bengal Counsellors a long list of informations against them, which have been collected abroad by a Mr. Petre and supported by the Johnstones,<^> proving or attempting to prove many (1) Vide No. 140, p. 161. (2) Prol)al)ly Colonel Charles Campbell. (3) John JohiLstoiie, a member of the Bengal Council at Clivc's arrival in 176.5, was suspended for accepting gifts. He resigned, and became a bitter opponent of the Governor in England. His brother George Johnstone, M.P., likewise attacked Clive both in the Court of Proprietors and in Parliament. 171 [No. 153. frauds in the salt duties and revenues to the amount of 5 or 600,000/. Having never seen these charges, I cannot be more particular, but Lord Clive and the gentlemen themselves make very light of them, and say the Directors will be found nmch more to blame than their servants. It happens, however, at an unlucky time, mankind in general being willing to suspect that so many great fortunes cannot be fairly acquired. Govern- ment, I believe, are far from wishing to take the management out of the Company's hands, but they wish to see their affairs in a better train. " It is now very certain that Choiseul<^' had made preparations for beginning a war in India, to which is owing the great force collected at the Islands, which Lord North gives us to under- stand is to be recalled ; but till that happens we are to have a superiority at least in men-of-war, and it is for this reason that two ships of force are soon to sail to join Sir Robert Harland, which, however, are to return when the marine force at the Islands returns. " The approval of the sentence of Wood's court martial was certainly a severe stroke to Government, and till your letter told me so I never conceived any sett of men could have been so wanton in their resentments. I seldom see any of them, and when I do they are too knowing themselves to want any advice, and too secret to be communicative. Nothing, I understand, is yet determined about a successor to Mr. Du Pre, and it is a misfortune to the service that nobody near him in Council is thought proper for the station. Macguire,*^' it seems, applyed, and was very properly refused. Mr. Sulivan wanted to be a Supervisor, and on that account, I hear, they resolve at present to send none for want of being able to find fit men. It is not alledged that the Coast wants supervision. " I am afraid the calling Tan jour to account, which is become so absolutely necessary, will be attended with risk and difficulty. I hope Sir Robert Harland will be a better adviser. " Having long been acquainted with the good heart of Captain Baker,''^' let me bespeak your kindness to him, and likewise to the two Kennaways*'^' during their short stay with tl) The Due de Choiseul, French Minister for Foreign Affairs. (2) William McGwire of the Bengal civil service, who was dismissed by the Directors in 1701, when he was Chief at Patna. l3) George Baker, of Tor Mohun (now called Torre, near Torquay) a seafaring man, made his first voyage to India in 1743. In 1747 he was with Boscawen at Pondicherry, and ten years later, as master of the Cuddalore, did good service during the siege of Fort St. George. In 17(52, wlien commanding the London, he was appointed first Master Attendant of the port of Madras. On resigning this post he went to England, and in 1771, when residing at Kenton near Haldon, made a contract with the Directors to deUver water to the Madras Fort and shipping from a source north of Black Town, himself receiving fees for 21 years. lie returned to India in 1772 and duly executed the work. Baker died at Madras on the 4th July, 1799. A monument to his memory was erected in Torre Church by his nephew William Baker. (^) John and Richard Kennaway, who were arriving to join the Bengal army and civil service respectively, were sons of William Kennaway, of Exeter, a friend of Robert Palk. No. 153.] 172 you. I am satisfyed that you have balanced the account, though I was much more in debt than I expected. May every blessing attend you ! " I am, my dear friend, most affectionately yours, " RoBT- Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 154.] ANT[noN]Y GooDLAD to RoBERT Palk, Esqr. 1772, February 20th, Fort William. — Expresses anxiety at not receiving any reply, excepting a brief note of 1768, to his many letters. Feels much gratitude for past favours. [Holograph, 2h pp., Mo.] [No. 155.] Jos[iAs] Du Pre to [Robert] Palk, Esqr. 1772, February 25th, Fort St. George.—" Dear Sir, Receive my acknowledgements for your favours of the 6th August and 2nd December, 1770. I have had as good a constitution as most men : it has been put to the tryal, and if it bears me through this year 'tis as nmch as it can. There is no end to embarass- ment. Our good friend Wallau Jau is daily carving out fresh matter. We have had a short war with Tan j ore, terminated by a peace, I know not why. After the Nabob had irritated the Rajah into unjustifiable acts 'twas necessary to call him to an account, and if we had the power of doing justice, it might have been done without firing a gun. As we had not, and consequent- ly the Rajah could not rely on us, 'twas necessary to put it out of his power to be dangerous, and, a war once begun, it seemed best to get as much power by it as we could : arrange- ments might afterwards have been made as should seem best. We were obliged — for a thousand reasons which a volume would not suffice to explain — to give the lead to the Nabob. Oh, what a falling off from the days of yore ! The Nabob blames the General, and the General the Nabob, A peace was made just when the breach was practicable. I will not take upon me to say whether 'tis better so, or worse than if the place had been taken, for that must depend on the ideas and measures at home. I know this, that either the Rajah must be so sup- ported in his government as that he may have a confidence in the Company, or he must be reduced. To leave him in continual fear of the Nabob will ensure his enmity whenever it may be dangerous to us and when we shall most need his friendship. " We have been under great apprehensions of a Maratta invasion — at least the Nabob made us believe we were in great danger, from which I believe that he will be able to relieve us, finding that all his arts and efforts could not drag us into an 173 [No. 155. offensive alliance with them, seconded by the threats of the mighty Plcnipos. I begin now to hope that we may enjoy peace at least for this year. " I have been hap])y in the assistance and support of Mr. Hastings. He has left us to take upon him the charge of affairs in Bengal. I am afraid he will find diHiculties enough if he attempts, as he intends, a reform. He has had a good seasoning here, and is enured to difliculty and contest. I heartily wish him success, for he is a good and a valuable man. '' Mrs. Dupre begs to offer her good wishes to you and Mrs. Palk. I don't know whether my pen or my eyes are failing, but T can hardly see what I write. 'Tis late at night, but never too late to assure you that I am, with every good wish to you and yours, dear Sir, your most obedient and most humble servant, " Jos. Du Pre." [P.S.] — " I have put the Nabob in mind of the General's annuity. Pie promised to send it. 'Tis not yet come. I shall give him another hint by and bv." [P.P.S.]— " 27th. The money is come." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4to.] [No. 156.] Reyno[ld] Adams to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, February 27th [Fort St. George].— I send you a bill of exchange for £1,000 from Captain Madge, and one of £800 on my own account. Please deal with the latter as you think best. By the Britannia I requested your acceptance of a pipe of old madeira, to be delivered to you by my relative Mr. Daniell. Mr. Taswell has arrived, but I hope there is no risk of his superseding me. " Reyno. Adams." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4to.] [No. 157.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, February 28th, Fort St. George. — " Honourable Sir, Since I had the honour to write to you under date of the 18th July last . . . the Company's order and appointment of Mr. Hastings [as] Governor of Bengal arrived here, and that gentleman embarked on a brigantine and sailed to that place the 2nd of this month." The ship Carnatic from Manila made an unsatisfactory voyage, selling only part of her cargo, and that at the rate of a dollar per pagoda, " which grieves the merchants' hearts very much." Trade all over India is bad. " The Governour and Council appointed Mr. Monkton*^) to go W Tlie Hon. Edward Monckton. Vide No. 118, p. UG, note 2. Xo. 157.J 174 to Quedda with a few soldiers and seapoys and all the necessary servants to settle a trade there for the Company, and also Mr. Desveaux'i' in the same manner to Acheen, Mr. Ardley*-' departed this life the 9th of this month, and Mr. Charles Smith'^' is admitted one of the members in Council .... " Our forces was very near of taking Tanjore, but in the mean time the King made up matters with the Nabob, paying all the expences of the expedition, and the tribute money due from him, and also the plunder and present that he had received from the Maravah of Ramanadapurum. Since my last the French received no ships, money nor any thing else from Europe, and they are as poor as rats at present, and if it was not owing to the capacity of Mr. Law, the Settlement of Pondichery would have fallen long before this. The Morattas tryed all they could to see if our Governour will give them assistance to beat Hyder, but our Governour by his great wisdom made the Nabob settle with the Morattas without sending them any force against Hyder. " A great accident happened at Trichinopoly on the 14th instant. The expence magazine, a large stone choultry, with about 1.30 barrels of powder and a very large quantity of musket and fixed ammunition, was blown up. Stones of several ton weight were thrown to a considerable distance. By that accident about 200 Eiiropeans and about two thousand black people perished, and several of the houses, stores, etc., damaged, which is a very great loss, and such accident was never heard of in these parts. " His Majesty's squadron was at Trincanamally all the winter, and they are now at Madras, which is a great awe to all the country Powers abroad. . . ." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 2 pp., flscp.] [No. 158.] Tho[mas] Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1772, February 28th, Fort St. George. — I received no letter from you during the whole of last year, and feel anxious as to the cause of your silence. By the Colebrooke, whose packet has just reached us, I heard from my father only. Mr. Hastings left in January to succeed Mr. Cartier in Bengal. He promised me, at the request of Mr. Morse, a transfer to Masulipatam under Mr. Brooke, who is to succeed Mr. VVynch as Chief. Of your many friends here none except Mr. Morse has taken the least notice of me. Mr. Morse, however, has been more like a parent than a friend. He has been seriously ill with gout, (1) Charles Desvceux, a civil servant of 1703, was employed under Call in 1764 as an Engineer on the Madras fortifications. In 1772 he was a Junior Merchant. (2) Vide No. 52, /). 78, note 2. (3) Vide No. 118, p. 146, note 1. 175 [No. 158. but is now better. Henry Vansittart, who went on to Bengal in tlic Britannia, is coming here on a visit to Mr. Morse. Mr. Call was expected to succeed Mr, Du Pre as Governor, but now it is said Mr. Cartier will do so. " By letters from my brother I am sorry to find that the Leaden Hall Street Gentlemen have not forgot the Cozimbazar afl'air. It is a most cruel thing to refresh his memory with what has already given him so much trouble. He is, he says, called down from Patna, which I should imagine might have been prevented, as Mr. Sulivan is in the Direction, and he consequently must have some friends. He has requested of the Gentlemen at Bengal to allow him 6 months' longer stay ... to settle his affairs. He seems to be very happy in his present matrimonial situation. His spouse brought him a son and heir 30th September last. " The country is now very quiet again. The Morattoes have been threatening an invasion in the Carnatic, but are obliged to return to their own country to restore peace to their own dominions ; so that Hyder laughs at them, and is in possession of his country again. The Tan j ore expedition I am almost ashamed to mention ; but let it suffice that after having lost a great many men, and a practicable breach made, our army retreated back to Trichinapoly, notwithstanding I saw under Mr. Dupre's own hand that he was resolved to reduce that Rajah ; though it is not surprising, nor unlike every thing else that is done. "The following is an extract from a letter I received from Trichinapoly, dated 16th January, 1772, [from] a gentleman in the family of General Smith : — ' I should have set down and given you some account of the calamity that happened here the 14th, but till now I have been employed attending the people at work, at first in endeavouring to save those who had any remains of life, and afterwards getting the dead bodies removed. On the 14th, about 4 in the afternoon, we were surprized with an explosion in the fort, which was so violent that, though we were upwards of a mile distant, the doors and windows of the house, though bolted, were forced open with the shock. On going into the Fort we found the expence magazine, a large stone choultry, with the artillery,*^' part of the infantry barracks and all the buildings adjoining, particularly upwards of 60 feet of a brick wall 4 feet thick and 40 in height, were blown up and laid level with the ground. You know the wall I mean : it is where the gentlemen sometimes play at fives (the Nabob's garden wall), and under which in the day there is a constant thorough-fare of people. About 40 Europeans were killed in the spot and a great number of natives, and had it happened at any other time of the day, God knows what would have been the consequences. The powder that took fire consisted of about 130 barrels, with a very large quantity of musket and W Note by T.P. " Not one gun remains serviceable scarce." No. 158.] 176 fixed ammunition. Stones of several tons weight were thrown at a great distance, many of them into the houses, and after making their way through all, buried themselves in the earth. Ensign McNeal was killed by one on the opposite side of the Rock, though it is of an enormous height. The cavalry that were picketed on the glacis were obliged to fly : part of a six pound fell on the terrace of Warriore Plospital*^' ; in short the poor inhabitants were under, for some time, a most tremendous shower of stones, shells and shot, and the shock so great that they were scarce able to stand. Many thousands fled to the fields, and a more melancholy scene [than] that they left behind cannot possibly be imagined. The unhappy sufferers buried in the ruins, the heads of some appearing above the rubbish, the arms and legs of others, and many torn to pieces. The unhappy mothers, who on the first alarm flew to save their children, lying dead with their infants clasped in their arms. Spare me from going farther with this scene ; it is too shocking to bear a recital. The General's house in the Fort is a perfect wreck. Mr. Hay's'^* and many others suffered much, and himself covered with rubbish. Major Braithwate,'^' passing the main guard, was thrown out of his palankeen : his peon, to save him, threw himself on his master, who had just then received a bruise on the side of his head by a six pound shot in its fall. His house is beat in, one of his servants killed and both his horses, which must also have been his own fate had it happened three minutes later and he had time to get home. To mention the particulars of this affecting scene would be endless. " ' It is not known how the accident happened. There were 13 artillery men and some lascars drying ammunition, who were all killed. It is, however, supposed that one shott falling on another communicated fire to the powder in the linnen bags, and by that means occasioned all that happened.' " The above is a very perfect account [of the] melancholy event." " Tho. Pai.k." P.S. — Please do me the favour of having two or three rings made for me in memory of my poor cousin Tom Palk. A newspaper or magazine of recent date will be acceptable. [Holograph, 13| pp., Uo.] (1) Note by T.P. " One mile distant or upwards." (2) James Hay. Vide No. 230, p. 235, note 2. (3) Major John Brathwaite reduced the Poligars of Madura and Tinnevelly in 1772 and, as Licut.-Colonel, took Mah(i from tlie Frencli in 177!). Wlion commanding in Tanjore in 1782 lie was badly defeated by Tipu, taken prisoner and carried to Seringapatam, whence he was released at the peace of 1784. General Brathwaite was Commander-in-Chief, Madras, for four years from 1792, and captured Pondicherry in 1793, 177 [No. 159.] W[illtam] ]M[arttn] Goodlad to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1772, February 28th, Fort St. George. Received 20th September. — " My dearest Friend ... To the best of my reeollcction you have had a clear account of matters to the saihng of the Stag in October last.<^* We were then in the height of expectation in respect to Tan jour .... Peace ensued without our accomphsliing the reduction of the capital. Various were the conjectures on this occasion, and the motives for such a step are not to this hour ascertained. Six hours more would have rendered the breach practicable, and in all human probability a storm would have ensured us the capture. But curbed by the Nabob ; acting as auxiliaries without a will of our own, and having our operations wholely subservient to Indostan politics, the object of the campaign was in great measure frustrated. Vellum, it is true, was taken and remains in our hands ; a sum of money was paid, and some countries were relinquished by the Rajah ; but our prospects promised more substantial benefits, and we lost the opportunity of compleatly humbling a dangerous rival situated in the very heart of the countries from whence we draw our support. The Nabob, unwilling to discover the real cause of the accommoda- tion, would willingly attribute it to the General, but all unprejudiced minds seem to hold him blameless. For my own part I am willing to believe him so ; and if I could venture to start an opinion of my own. I would declare the loss of Tanjour to be solely oAving to the Nabob's apprehensions of the Marattas. Did I say solely ? I meant it not. A jealousy of the Company, never to be eradicated, had its share in his determination. In short, Tanjour was within his grasp, but his apprehensions would not suffer him to seize it ; and thus ended our expedition. It has nevertheless certainly been attended with good- effects, for the Rajah^is evidently humbled, and the possession of Vellum must be a great check upon him ; but there is this to be said, that the Rajah will never regard an accommodation (to which we are not Guarantees) as binding on the Nabob. He will look for fresh troubles when the Nabob has it in his power, and he will consequently take the first opportunity of throwing off the yoke by affecting [sic] a junction which it was one object of our expedition to prevent. But we must rest satisfied. The Company are not what they were, and never will recover themselves whilst Ministry interposes ; and this accommodation may justly be regarded as one of the many bad effects of the ministerial plan. The Nabob would never have thought of laying aside the guarantee had he not depended on support from the Crown ; and, had the guarantee been regarded as subsisting, we had never quitted Tanjour till the Rajah, admitting an English garrison, had put it out of (1) Vide No. 142, p. 164. No. 159.] 178 his power to become troublesome in future. And thus ends my history . . . " I have been so particular before in describing to you the cause we had to apprehend a Maratta invasion — the warmth of the Nab()l)'s solicitations to join them in reducing Hyder ; our desire rather to assist Hyder if a part nnist be taken ; and the repeated entreaties of both that we would take part in their disputes — that a repetition here is unnecessary. Matters have lately become much more serious, but, greatly to the honor of Du Pre, we have hitherto surmounted all difficulties. A determined firmness has overcome every obstacle, and we continue in peace notwithstanding every threat and every solicitation. " The very pressing applications from both parties, and the apparent consequences of our acquiescing or refusing, rendered every art of procrastination necessary. The expectation of the Commissioners long afforded an excellent plea, and their non-arrival gave still further time. Orders from home in consequence of their loss were then represented as necessary for our determination. In short, every twig was grasped at to prevent us from sinking, but at length it became necessary to resolve. The Marattas were on our borders, and had even committed hostilities, though they denied the intention of so doing. The Nabob used every argument to bring us over to their party . . . The Minister backed his representations . . , but the Covmcil still continued firm, and when matters came [to] a cricis, declared openly that they would defend the Nabob's possessions to the utmost, but would join neither party. The Nabob and Minister both found they had struggled in vain ; and as the Marattas had been fed with hopes of our assistance, it became necessary to recompense them for their disappoint- ment. They are gone off, and we are promised peace for a time. The causes which have produced this may easily be guessed at, though they cannot with any certainty be declared. " You will see from the foregoing that our new Minister has not been idle. He long remained silent, and we had hopes that he would have given us little interruption ; but he at length assumed his character, and promised to be more active than his predecessor. Blustering was not wanting, but it is no match for calmness. After attempting to speak daggers, he sheathed his weapon, and (to the best of my judgement) we remain triumphant. It is suspected that during the height of our disputes he was checlced from home. From the most hauty stile he descended at once to (wliat I call) the lowest submission, and has since been perfectly calm . . . " I have frequently told you how much the Nabob's conduct was altered since the arrival of the Plenipos . . . You must have beared of the Agreement between the Company and the agents for the creditors in England. He refuses absolutely to acquiesce, hints that he will pay each seperately, but will 179 [No. 159. make no declaration that he will really discharge his debt to the Company . . . Many of the creditors have declared their resolution to abide by the Agreement, and have appointed a connnittee to transact their affairs, at the head of which I am. The Council promise us every assistance in their power . . . " Hastings left us the 2nd instant, much regretted, for he is a very valuable man both in his public and pri\^ate character. Unless my letters from Bengal tell me wrong, he will have much on his hands, for matters there are represented to be in a state which will require the exertion of all his abilities to reform them. Ardley died the 9th instant. Pyne'^' and Charles Smith are in Council. When shall I be there ? Alas ! the reflection gives me pain . . ." [Holograph, 8f pp., Mo.] " W. M. Goodlad." [No. 160.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. N.Y. [1772], February 29th, 2 a.m. [Fort St. George.]—" I have wrote you so particular a letter by the packet per Lord North that I request of you to use your utmost endeavours to procure it. Pray send word to my mother that I am in health and spirits. May every blessing attend you ! Adieu. "W. M. Goodlad." [Holograph, 1 p., 4io.] [No. 161.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, March 20th, Fort St. George. Received 20th Sept. — Since I wrote by the Ijord North last month,*-' nothing special has occurred. The Nawab totally disregards the Agreement made between his creditors and the Company, and is resolved to suit his own convenience in regard to payments. " Whatever the Minister may be about in private, he continues silent, and all correspondence is dropped ; but there is no cordiality subsisting between us, and indeed if I had time to describe to you in how many instances he descends beneath the dignity of his character, you would not be surprised at it. We are free from apprehensions as to the Marattas for the present . . . Hastings is arrived in Bengal, but we have yet no accounts of his having taken possession of the Government, or of the situation in which he has found affairs there . . . " I enclose you a bill on my mother for £200, interest to August, 1772, on the money I am so much obliged to you for. Accept it with my best thanks, my dearest friend, and be assured there does not exist a more grateful heart than in the U) George PjTie, a civil servant of 1753. l2) Vide No. 159, p. 177. No. IGl.j 180 the breast of your ever obliged and affectionate friend and servant, [Holograph, 4i pp., Uo.] " VV. M. Goodlad." [Enclosure] — First of Exchange for £200 at 90 days to Mrs. Goodlad, King's Road, Gray's Inn, London, in favour of Robert Palk, Esqr. [1 p., Uo.] [No. 162.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to Robert Palk, Esqr., at Edmund Boehm's, Esqr., Sice Lane, London. 1772, April 2nd, Fort St. George. — " Dear Sir, I landed in good health at Calcutta the 31st of January, and in consequence of several pressing letters I received from Mr. Morse, left it in order to proceed to Madras in the Lord Holland in the latter end of February. I had before my departure been introduced to Mr. Hastings, who has invited me to live with him when I return. After a passage of 25 days we arrived in Madras road, and I had a happy meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Morse the next day. The time of my stay here is not yet settled, but, however, I shall find employment in the study of the Persian language and in the instructions of my grand father. The Nabob, having heard from Mr. Du Pre of the letter you have sent by me, has already given me an invitation to come and see him, and when Mr. Morse thinks proper he will carry me there. I have received many civilities here, but I cannot say that I am so fond of this place as Bengal. Mr. Alexander*^' and Mr. Floyer,'^' who are going in the Lord Holland to Europe, have treated me in the most obliging manner during my stay in that ship, and to them I chiefly am indebted for my passage. " Remember me to Mr. Tripe,'^* and give my duty to Mrs. Palk, and love to Nancy and Lawrence. Your dutiful nephew, " Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 pp., Uo.] [No. 163.] J[ohn] M[axwell] Stone to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, April 4th, Fort St. George. — I have lately received your letter of the 2nd April, 1771, and now reply by the Lord Holland. Alexander and Floyer go in her, the former " to enjoy his fortune at ease," the latter to procure reinstatement on the Bengal establishment. " Our situation for these two or three years past has indeed been very distressing and perplexing, and my wonder can only be equalled by the satisfaction I feel to find that we have got (1' James Alexander. Vide No. 65, ]>. 92, note 6. (2) t'liarles Floyer. Vide No. 84, p. llo, notf ('.. (3) Nicholas Tripe, of iV3lil)urton, who married Giace I'alk, niece of Governor Palk, 181 [No. 163. thus far in safety. Great merit is certainly due to Mr. Du Pre, who, notwithstanding all the embarrassments and diffieulties with which he was surrounded, notwithstanding the disagreeable and vexatious altercations he has been obliged to maintain with the Nabob, His Majesty's Ministers and General Coote, could persevere with such steadiness and resolution in the line he first laid down." At the end of last December we learned with gratification that the conduct of the Governor and Council in regard to the Nawab, the Marattas, Hyder Ali and the King's Minister was approved at home, though nothing was said about Coote. " Sir John Lindsay did not cease plaguing us till the end of July last, when it may be supposed he had got as much as he could expect, and the news arrived of Sir Robert Harland's being appointed to succeed him with plenipotentiary powers. The Squadron arrived here the beginning of September, and Sir Robert Harland immediately upon his^ landing laid before the Board his plenipotentiary powers and instructions, the sum and substance of which were ; — to see that the Treaty of Paris of 1763 had not been infringed, and to receive from the Nabob any complaints he might have to make, and transmit them to the Ministry. These powers, which we understand were the same with Sir John Lindsay's, could not, you will say, authorize the steps taken by the Minister. However, by a very extra- ordinary construction put on the 11th article of the Treaty of Paris, they were used to that end. The Nabob, by the inter- pretation given to that article, is deemed an ally of the Crown of Great Britain, and as such has a right to the support and protection of the Crown. In virtue of which the Minister took upon him to urge the Government to such measures as the Nabob should dictate. You, I dare say, will be surprized at this forced construction put upon that article, and the arguments used in consequence, as you are well acquainted with the cause of that article being inserted, which was evidently with no other intent than to put it out of the power of the French to set up Chunda Saib's son<^' or any other pretender to the Phousdarv<2) of the Carnatic in opposition to the Nabob. If the interpretation now given to the article be admitted, the Nabob is equally an ally of the Crown of France as of Great Britain, as they are both equally bound by the Treaty to acknowledge him for Nabob ; and it is incumbent on England and France to support him against all the world, even against the Mogul and the Soubah, to whom, by the custom of the Empire and his own acknowledgment, he is subject. You will, I am certain, see the impropriety, I may say the absurdity, of this doctrine. But what will you say when I tell you that the Directors have adopted the like notions, which has been the cause of much embarrassment to us in our transactions with the Nabob ; (1) Raza Khan, commonly called Raja Sahib. (2) Phousdary, from Pers. faujddri, governorship. No. 163.] 182 which must in the end prove very detrimental to the Company's affairs ; and I may venture to pronounce, without pretending to the gift of prophecying, that it is impossible matters can long remain in the present situation. The Company must adopt some uniform plan and system in their connexions with the Nabob, or give him up entirely. The defence and protection of the Carnatic rests on them, while the resources are in the Nabob's hands, who refuses to furnish the means necessary for that purpose, and counteracts and opposes every measure of this Government. There was a time when the arguments which worked upon his hopes or fears had some weight, but he now hears everything with the utmost seeming indifference. He no longer looks up to the Company as his friends and supporters, but places his whole confidence in the aid of the Crown. His drift seems to be to play off one against the other, by which means he hopes to free himself from any dependance on the Company ; and when he has gained sufficient strength he flatters himself with the idea of entire independancy. These, my dear Sir, are my thoughts of the consequences of the present system, or rather want of system with the Nabob, which I communicate in confidence to you ; and I can assure you they frequently give me much uneasiness, as I have little pro[s]pect of being able to retire from a scene which promises nothing but perplexity and embarrassment ; and more especially when I see the Company, whose interest I shall ever make it my study to promote, threatened with such imminent danger. " From the open and candid manner with which Sir Robert Harland exposed to us his powers, we hoped we should not have been again subjected to the like vexatious correspondence we had been engaged in for a twelvemonth before. But we were only led to hope what we wished. A Minister from the Crown without employment must be without consequence. He must render himself usefull to the Nabob in one shape or other, or the end of his mission is not answered. Sir Robert Harland, rather than remain idle, renewed the same subjects which had been so fully discussed with his predecessor ; but he ventured further. He threatened, when he found we would not adopt the Nabob's system of joining the Morattas, to engage the Crown in an alliance with them, and desired to know whether the Company would in that case assist them with their troops. He was told plainly, but in respectful terms, that they would not. About this time the advices by the Lord Holland arrived, and which it is believed brought orders to Sir Robert Harland from the Ministry respecting the powers he was vested with, as he wrote a letter a few days after very different in style and sentiment from those we had before received from him, and which might be almost construed a disavowal of his former conduct. He, however, still preserves a very close intimacy with the Nabob, who is no doubt led to expect powerfull support from him. This is our situation with regard to the Nabob, and 183 [No. 163. which must, continue untill the extraordinary powers sent out are withdrawn, and the Nabob can be again brought to look for no other support from Enghmd but tlu-ough the means of the Company. But I nmcli fear such a change will not soon take place. It will be no easy matter to prevail on the Ministry to relinquish the footing they have gained in India, and the Nabob will give them all the encouragement in his power to persevere in the plan they have adopted untill his views are compleated. " The arrival of the Lord Holland gave the Governor and Coimcil an opportunity of acting as they had long wished to do with regard to the Morattas and Hydcr Ally, The latter had not ceased to solicit our assistance, and the Morattas had constantly demanded it with threats, in which they were supported by the Nabob and his Majesty's Minister. The Board were fully determined not to assist the Morattas, from the dangerous consequences to be apprehended from an increase of their power ; and the Nabob could never be prevailed on to take any measures in favor of Hyder Ally. Thus circum- stanced, the Governor and Council thought it expedient to return no decisive answer to either, and to inform both that we should be guided by the orders we might receive from England. Indeed we had so long made use of evasions that it was impossible they could ha\e availed us any longer ; and we must have been obliged to have declared openly in favor of the one or the other, or our resolution to remain neuter. The arrival of the orders by the Lord Holland put us out of suspence, and we no longer hesitated to declare plainly both to the Morattas and Hyder Ally that we were not empowered to afford assistance to either. When the Nabob found that neither his solicitations, the threats of the Minister, nor the fear of a Moratta invasion could induce the Governor and Council to adopt his favourite plan of joining the Morattas, he then, and not till then, set earnestly to work to prevent their ravaging the Province. They had already advanced to the borders, and some parties had actually entered the country and plundered some villages. The negotiation was begun and concluded in a few days, and the Morattas retired into the Balaghaut country and of the fort of Syringapatam in case he could prevail on us to assist in reducing Hyder Ally ; and although he could not be ignorant how little dependance was to be placed on such a promise from the Morattas, it had certainly great weight with him in his political system. Not- withstanding the Morattas had advanced to the very borders of the Province, and we received daily accounts of villages plundered by them, nothing we could urge could prevail on the Nabob to consent that the army, which was returned from before Tan jour to Trichinopoly, should move to some central position to protect the country. We could take no measures without his concurrence, because we had neither the means of paying or subsisting the troops in the field, and because, as the country is the Nabob's, we can attempt nothing for its security without his consent, as we should make ourselves responsible for all consequences, which, considering the present temper of the times, might be ha- zarding too much. " I have thus, my dear Sir, given you a faint, but I will venture to say a true, picture of our situation. I need not express my wish that this letter be only comnmnicated to my friend Mr. Bourchier, as it would be improper in me to offer my opinion unasked to others when my situation does not require it." I offer you my condolences on the loss of Mr. Vansittart in the Aurora. I had hopes that Harry Griffiths'^) would have been admitted to the service this year. He is a fine sensible boy, and works in my office without pay. I have urged Mr. Du Pre to exert his influence, but he does not care to ask for favours. Mr. Canning'^) is desirous of getting Harry Griffiths' brother William to India as a cadet. Your kindness to the Griffiths' father makes me hope for your aid. " Mrs. Stone having for several years labored under a very bad state of health, I have at last been under the necessity of consenting to her proceeding to England. She went the last season by the way of China, and I have had the satisfaction to learn from her that the voyage has given so favourable [a] turn to her constitution that she is perfectly recovered, and would have returned to me without going to England but on account of my dear little girl, whom it was necessary to send home. I need not say how very painfull this separation must be to me, but I have endeavoured to support myself under it with all the patience and resolution I am master of, and with U) The Maraiiiahal was the teiTilory situated S.l'L of the present province of Mysore between the lirst and second ranges of the Eastern Ghauts. It extended roughly from the Palar to the Cauvery, and took its name from the circumstance of its division into twelve districts. (2) Vide No. 88, p. 117, note 1. (3) The Rev. Richard Canning. Cf. No. 50, p. 76. 185 [No. 163. the reflexion of my having acted for her's and the child's good ..." [Holograph, 14 pp., Uo.] " J. M. Stone." [No. 164.] Reyno[ld] Adams to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, April 4th, Fort St. George. — I was glad to receive your letter of the 14th April, 1771, brought by Mr. Vansittart. " It gives me much pleasure to find that the wine (a poor token of my gratitude) proved agreeable, which will induce me to repeat it when a favorable opportunity offers, unless any thing else might appear more acceptable." I have remitted to you Pags. 2,000, which I beg you to lend on mortgage or otherwise invest for me. " Reyno. Adams." [Holograph, 2| pp., 4to.] [No. 165.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, April 4th, Madras. — I was glad to receive your letter of the 2nd April, 1771,(^) brought by Henry Vansittart. The Plenipotentiary remains quiet, having probably received instructions to that effect, but the Company cannot recover its influence until the powers of the Crown are withdrawn. We have no decision yet regarding the dispute with Coote. The question of my supersession by Mr. Stewart*-' has been settled in my favour, and I am grateful to you for your help in the matter. I shall do what I can to make Harry Vansittart's stay here agreeable, but I have been so overw^helmed with work that I have not yet been able to see him. I am writing to Mr. Sulivan, to whom I owe my first appointment to the Company's service. I would address Mr. Bourchier if I could find the time. "W. M. Goodlad." [Holograph, 6 pp. -ito.] [No. 166.] Robert Palk to [William Martin Goodlad]. 1772, April 7th, Park Place.—" My dear Billy . . The Directors were well pleased with the last accounts from Madras. The success against Tan jour will not raise the Stock, but if we fail it will have a confounded tumble. Sir Robert Harland possibly may have the same powers with Lindsay, but his instructions must be very different. Whatever they are, the House of Conniions will desire to see them, and next Tuesday is appointed for an enquiry into the state of India. On that motion Lord Clive spoke for two hours in vindication of his own (1) Vide No. 134, p. 157. (2) Cf. No. 119, p. 149. No. 166.] 186 conduct. He was followed by Rumbold, Carnac and Coote. The last said that three times the number of troops now employed in India might be paid with the same money, but that the contractors and the canaille spent all the money. All which every officer who ever commanded in India is ready flatly to contradict." I have done all in my power to bring your merit to notice in Leadenhall Street. Sir George Colebrooke,'^' to whom I showed your last letter, will be pleased to hear from you. I shall also speak to Purling'-* ; " but they are all such ignoramus's that they understand little or nothing of the affairs abroad. They are only anxious for appearances and carrying on their own jobbs. Suhvan still is a candidate for the succession at Madras, but there seem to me many difficulties in his way." "RoBT. Palk." [Holograph, 2f pp., Uo.] [No. 167.] W[illiam] M[artin] Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, April 13th, Madras. — I send this by way of Anjengo in hopes of catching the Bombay ships. The Lapwing arrived here yesterday, but the advices by her give us little information. " We shall never be restored to our formergfooting so long as a Minister from the Crown is continued in these parts. The little confidence which remained between His Excellency and the Board must be daily lessened as we find his character open more and more. It seems that the Lapwing was freighted with complaints to the Crown, and I suppose the subsequent dis- patches have been of the same nature. Is it possible to live on terms with the man who is known to endeavour all in his power to thus stab in the dark ? He makes no ceremony of telling the King that the Company's servants encrease his expences at pleasure. By Jove ! I — I am very angry, for I detest every thing so ungenerous." The Court of Directors are said to be displeased at the tone of recent letters from here. If any changes take place in consequence, Stone will probably become a member of the Board. In that case I shall try for the Military Secretaryship, and slave until I secure preferment. Purling seems to be my friend, and I hope to win over Sulivan. We continue at peace, but an expedition against the Marawars is talked of. On the whole the prospects on the Coast are promising. " W. M. Goodlad." [Holograph, 4 where he took an immense booty. Shujah Dowlah, against whom the Moratta[s], from former resentments, have long vowed vengeance, is at present with his forces on the Rohellah frontier, and one of our brigades at the Caram- nassah*^' in readiness to march to his assistance. But it is now the general opinion that they will not trouble him this season, for they entertain a very formidable idea of our force united to the Vizier's, and with reason. company. " I have been extreamly fortunate in every measure I have engaged in in that country, and have brought the Zemeindars into some kind of order, though not without a considerable share of trouble and some loss of men, having had killed and wounded in all at different times between 4 and 500 men. However, the Company have not lost a grain of military reputation, and their revenues there are increased. We have not yet began an Investment, the country not being in a state to undertake it without the risking the loss of the money, the weaving villages lying in the Zemeindaries for the most part. . . At present it yields an annual profit of 150,000 rupees, after paying the charges civil and military, and expence of fortification and buildings. The Fort is nearly finished with a revetement — I mean the body of the place — and is sufficiently large to contain all the buildings necessary for merchandize and military stores suitable to the degree of importance of the place. As you are the person to whom I am indebted for this post, I have been somewhat more particular than I should otherwise have been. It has answered my expectations in every respect, and I feel the greatest pleasure in informing you that my conduct has always been approved by the Board. " The Zemeindaries dependant on Vizagapatam are for the most part under the immediate management of Sitteram Rauze,<2' which is undoubtedly improper, as it prevents the Chief there from ever gaining such a knowledge of the country as is absolutely necessary to enable him to ascertain the real value of the country, and how far the revenues will bear increasing ; and in all other respects it prevents the authority of the Company from being felt and understood. When that country was first taken possession of, it was, I suppose, absolutely necessary to support Sitteram Rauze in all the power he could possess himself of; but according to my judgment the reasons for such a conduct do not now subsist. It appears to me that every Zemeindar should be independant of Sitteram Rauze (who himself is no more than a Zemeindar) and of each other, (1) Coffery. Vide No. 79, p. 110, note 2. (2) Vide No. 19, V- 28, note 5. 201 [No. 183. and transact all their affairs immediately with the Chief . . . The only reason which can be offered in favour of it [sic] is that he is more capable, throuoh his authority and knowledge of the country, of keeping in subjection those Zemeindars whose lands lie amongst the hills and in the interior part of the Circar. But this is by no means the case, as I know by experience that 100 of our seapoys will go where a thousand of his people dare not shew themselves. " Some months since Hussein Ally Khan died, and the Company, I believe, allow one lack of rupees per annum to his children in lieu of the Jaguire held by the father ; and the lands which formed the Jaguire have been returned to two of the Zemeindars, whose property they originally were, and their tribute in consequence proportionably increased. " Since the war with Hyder Ally the Nabob's affairs are, I believe, in a very flourishing state, as he has paid off a very considerable part of his debts both publick and private, besides maintaining a very respectable army. He has been very successful against the Rajah of Tanjour and the countries of the Great and Little Maravas. In some forts of the last mentioned places he found very considerable riches. An expedition is now talked of against the King of Travancore. Notwithstanding the good state of his affairs, I believe the Nabob was never less at ease than he is at present at any period of his life scarce. The interposition of the Crown in his affairs and the great attention paid to him by Sir John Lindsay caused him to assume an appearance of independance on the Governor and Council he had never before shewn. He has also by the same means acquired a very clear idea of the nature of our Constitution ; but I believe he is loaded with doubts and fears, which the knowledge he has gained seems only to increase. He has discernment enough to perceive that he is in a labyrinth. He knows by experience the power of the Company, and fears the greater power of the Government, " A few days since, Sir Robert Harland, with the squadron under his command, left this coast for Bombay. He did not take leave of the Governor, as he thought it inconsistent with his station to pay that compliment to any one acting under the authority of the Company. And the Governor resented it by not taking any notice of him at his departure, for he went on board without having any publick honours shewn him, and was not even saluted with cannon. Various opinions are given on Mr. du Pre's conduct, and I dare say this matter will make some noise in England. " Sir Robert Fletcher, who is now with me, desires his compliments to yourself and Mrs. Palk, with wishes for your health and happiness. Edward Cotsford." [P.S.] — " I am now here on a visit, and shall return again to Ganjam in a few days." [Holograph, 7f pp., 4ito.] 202 [No. 184.] Tho[ma]s Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1772, November 10th, Calcutta.—" I left Madras the beginning of September to come here ... I have at last paid my brother the long intended visit. I arrived here the 24th of October, when I found him very well. It is with much concern I tell you of the loss he has lately met with (which gave him much affliction for a long time) by the death of his wife. I cannot help expressing the greatest concern on my side for the loss of that amiable woman ... I am sorry to inform you of the death of Mr. Morse, my most valuable friend, for so he was to the strictest meaning of the word ; and the good old lady has been at death's door herself, but she is now perfectly well again. She has taken her passage with Captain Elphinston of the Triton . . . " I am still under Mr. Secretary Goodlad. Had I been appointed at the time an opportunity happened at Masulipatam, I might in this [have] been money in pocket. I should have been near Captain Madge, whose assistance I should not have found wanting. I had the pleasure of seeing him in my way here at that place, where he commands, who offered me then the loan of a sum of money, which I refused for several reasons. Mr. Bourchier not only talked of his friendship for me, but might have really proved himself a friend, so that I have nothing to thank him for, and very little more Mr. J. Call. His intentions might be good, but they have proved contrary. " I find from my brother [that] he wrote last year requesting Grace'^' might be sent out to him, and he as well as myself were a little surprized she did not arrive. I should be exceeding glad to see her, as I hear she is grown a fine girl. . . My brother, notwithstanding his misfortunes, is in a fair \yay of doing well for himself, though I don't see how he could otherwise, as he has had all the advantages he could wish for . . ." "Thos. Palk." " P.S. — Mr. H. Vansittart was at Madras some time with his grand father. He is now at Patna with his uncle, and no doubt will turn out a cliver man, as there is all the appearance at present of it." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4^o.] [No. 185.] Warren Hastings to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, November 11th, Fort William. Received 19th April, per Lapwing. — " Dear Sir, The last letter I addressed to you, if I am not mistaken, was dated September 7th. This is to acknowledge your favor of the 26th March, 1772. " It affords me no inconsiderable concern to observe the people of England, and even our Hon'ble Masters, who should (1) Grace P;ilk. Vide No. 162, y. 180, note 2. 203 [No. 185. form their opinions with more candour and exactness, thus easily induced to the credit of every cahmniy put forth by each paltry scribbler of the day. The productions of Bolts'^) and Dowe*-) are mcdiics replete, though not in an equal degree, with abominable untruths, base aspersions and absurdities. How cruel to judge the reputation of any one by such criterions ! " I have exerted my power to the utmost to destroy even the shadow of Mahomed Riza Cawn's influence. I have placed his enemies in his seat, and have him imder a secure confinement. When I shall be able to release him God knows. It is my intention to bring him to his trial ; and I flatter myself the issue will prove that if I am not his enemy (as in fact I by no means am) yet I am incapable of being prepossessed either by partiality or bribe to serve him : but I am overwhelmed with present business and cannot look back. " I am sorry the House of Commons should think of estab- lishing laws for this country, ignorant as they are of the laws in being, of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, or of the form of government. I hope the Act will not take place, for should it, every thing we have done will be destroyed, and my labour will prove like the toil of Sisyphus. " As before, I enclose my letter to Mr, Sulivan to you. You will read it and then deliver it to him, as I know not where he is and do not admire trusting my correspondence in strange hands. " Poor Grifflthsf^) is with me. What shall I do with him ? He is a good and a valuable young man, and will do credit to your patronage if you will employ it to get him into the service. " I am, with an unfeigned and most affectionate regard, dear Sir, your most obedient and faithful servant, " Warren Hastings." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.] [No. 186.] Colonel Gilbert Ironside to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1772, November 11th, Fort William. — " I have been favoured by your letter of the 19th March by Mr. Berdmore'*' ... I took him in my hand to Mr. Hastings, and shall remember to remind the Governour of your desire to have him placed at some advantageous station. He appears to be a good young man . . . " By the Lapwing, Captain Gardener, I do myself the pleasure to send you the Arabian MSS. mentioned in my letter of the 15th of last April . , Mr. Hastings has began well. Qualis (1) William Bolts, a Dutchman, was formerly in the Bengal civil service. He was deported in 1768, and subsequently published a work attacking the Bengal Government. (2) Alexander Dow, translator of Fcrinhta and author of a History uj Hindustan, 1770. (3) Henry Griffiths. Vide No. 88, v- 117, note 1. (4) Samuel Beardmuro, a cadet. Vide No. 226, p. 280, note 2. No. 186.] 204 ab incepto processerit, et sihi constet. He had three or four mean, dirty, factious oppositions to contend with on his outset, but by tlie force of abihty, assiduity, temper, steadiness and moderation has already almost surmounted them all . . . " Mr. Vansittart and Mr. Palk are extremely well. Mrs. Van is lately recovered from lying in. Poor Mrs. Palk died in June, much regretted for her gentle amiable disposition. Mrs. Van, Mr. Palk, with his brother and Lieut. Stonhouse, visitors from Madras, live together at the gardens about a mile from town. George, it is expected, will be called down to take his seat at the Board about February. . . The fortunes of civilians are at present created from the rank of Senior Merchants to Factors, while the Council as well as the Governour are starvinu." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] " Gilbert Ironside. 55 [No. 187.] Hen[ry] Griffiths(I) to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1772, November 12th, Calcutta. — Accept my grateful thanks for your efforts on my behalf. " Mr. Hastings, to whom you were so kind [as] to recommend me, has done every thing in his power to serve inc. I am at present at his house in expectation of being employed. It will be shortly, I hope, as a young man cannot live here on a trifle and without the emoluments of any employ . . . ." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4>to.] " Hen. Griffiths.' 55 [No. 188.] Tho[ma]s Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1772, December 1st, Calcutta. — " I some time ago was requested by your attornies to deliver to them an account of the estate of my two deceased cousins, which I should have done had I come at the least knowledge of [it], though I have not had anything to do regarding it. . . I am sorry to observe to you, though I believe I have done it in a former letter, of his having left a child unprovided for, which is a cruel circumstance. . . . Captain Madge and myself shall be careful that it never wants . . . Madge as well as myself are sorry that we were so hasty in giving Palk's mother an estimate of the estate, as we might have detained some part of it for its maintenance without her suffering by it, as the death of her two sons ought by no means to lay her under the expectations of an independency . . . " I request, Sir, that you will deliver the enclosed to my young sister Grace, who I as well as my brother are waiting with great impatience to see . . . "Thos. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4tto.] (I) Henry Griffiths. Vide No. 88, p. 117. note 1. 205 [No. 189.] Stephen Sulivan*^) to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] N.D. [?1772] Sunday. Essex Court, Temple.—" For God's sake, my dear Sir, let me entreat you by that love and regard that I hope you still have for one who will always be proud of yoiu" good opinion, let me entreat you to pay that attention that I wish to the subject of this letter, for in so doing you will confer a favor upon me greater than it is possible for you to conceive, unless you could put yourself into my particular situation. But, do what you will, I am afraid that you cannot relieve my mind from those uneasy reflections with which it has been agitated for some time past, though I have had fortitude enough to disguise it from the world. It is but too certain that I am distressed for monev : if therefore, without an inconvenience to yourself, you could give me an order for 500/., I pledge myself to you, as a young man who never yet deceived anybody, that at the expiration of six months I will repay you most chearfully ; and this (I speak positively) the remittances of my own income from Ireland will enable me to do. " I ought now. Sir, from a principle of justice to you as well as to myself, after having made known my request, to make you acquainted likewise with the reasons for this application ; otherwise at first sight it may seem to argue a something in my own conduct that might expose me to the just reproof of a parent, which I therefore mean to avoid, or else a distrust of that parent, as if he had refused to supply me in whatever was reasonable, and had therefore reduced me to the necessitv of solliciting in another quarter. From both these imputations I can aflirm with safety that I am free. There is no part of my conduct (though perhaps it has never been, nor is at present, nor ever will be, such as I wish it), there is no part of ni}- conduct that I would not submit tomorrow to my father's examination, because I know that as long as he continues to be a father to me, so long will he continue to be a friend; And I profess further that from my earliest infancy to this hour, from the moment that I have been capable of thinking, I have experienced such a continual series of kind offices and attentions as few other young men beside myself have experienced. What is it then that hinders me from taking that liberal and open method, to which my inclination leads me, of unbosoming myself to you without reserve, as I shall always look upon you, next to my own parent, the most worthy of my confidence and esteem ? I will answer you fairly. It is a nice sense of honor, a delicacy of sentiment and a firm regard to my word— considerations from which nothing can move me . . . " Adieu ! my dear Sir. Think more for me than I am able to express, for if you knew with what reluctance I have brought (1' Son of Laurence Sulivan. Xo. 189.] 206 myself to write to you. and the peculiarity of my situation at present, you would make considerable allowances. Indeed I am not used to such a trade as this. It hurts that commendable pride that has been the fruit of a generous education ; and yet necessity must overcome even motives stronger than these. I am, with perfect regard, your sincere friend and obedient servant, [Holograph, 3 pp., 4fo.] " Stephen Sulivan." [No. 190.] Memorandum of Reforms Effected by Hastings in 1772. N.D. [?1772]— " In the beginning of June Mr. Hastings left Calcutta with a deputation from the Council consisting of Messrs. Middleton, Dacrcs, Lawrell and Graham*^', and they continued at the city'^' till the middle of September executing the orders of the Court of Directors transmitted by the Lapwing packet. Mahomed Ryza Cawn and Shittabroy*-^' were removed from their offices. An o[e]conomical arrangement was made of the Nawab's household. Munny Begum, wife of Jaffier All Cawn, was constituted guardian to the Nawab. Rajah Goordass, son of Nund-Comar, was appointed Naib Dewan, and Rajah Juggut Chund his Peshkar or steward. A settlement was made of the revenue by leases at an increasing rent for five years. All the useless pensions were withdrawn, and none continued except to the old provincial families — a considerable saving and beneficial, as it rids the Nawab's court of a parcel of foreigners (chiefly Persians), infamous retainers to it. A thorough regulation was established in all the Courts and offices of the State, whether civil, criminal or of revenue. These Courts with their records were removed to the Presidency, and the Council of Durbar in consequence dissolved. Regulations were formed for a certain, easy and perspicuous method for the receipt of future collections. A reform took place in the silk manufactories. Mr. Middleton was continued Chief of Cassimbuzar, Resident at the city, and Collector of the districts dependant on Mursheedabad. The three youngest members of the Committee proceeded to Dacca to make the settlement of the Eastern provinces. " Since the return of the Governour to the Presidency his time has been occupied (exclusive of the current business) in adjusting a regular method of conducting the management of the revenue at Calcutta. Various plans were presented and considered. By some it was proposed that every Counsellor should have his distinct department of some Court, or Collector General of some province, with an appeal to lie to the Governour in the last resort ; but this was rejected on account of the many (1) Samuel Middleton, Philip M. Dacrcs, James Lawrell and John Graham. (2) Mui-shidabad. (") Muhammad Raza Klian and Shatfib Kai were Naibs or Deputies of the Nawab for the provinces of Bengal and Bihar respectively, and virtual rulers of (;hose territories. 207 [No. 190. difficulties it was fraught with, and abuses it appeared liable to. The system actually adopted is : — One of the Counsellors to preside, in weekly rotation, over all the revenue business, the papers and accounts of wlii(;h are dehvered to him by the Counsellor next in rank, who previously audits them after they have been examined by the Mutsuddees'^' and Company's servants in the several offices, A daily report is made of every thing to the Governour by the Royryan'-* and the superiour native officers, and a periodical one to the Board by the weekly presidents and auditors. The employment of auditor is an introduction of the Governour's, and is found to answer so well that he designs to fix such an officer in every department." [2 1 pp., flscp. Unsigned.] [No. 191.] Tiio[ma]s Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1773, January 11th, Calcutta. — " I am still here with my brother, who contributes every thing in his power to my pleasure, as this happens to be the season for all sorts of diver- sions, of which we have little or none on the Coast." When I hear from Mr. Wynch, who by this time must have succeeded Mr. Du Pre, I shall decide about returning to Madras. " My beloved friend General Smith" goes home "on the Triton, in consequence of which the command of the troops has devolved on Sir Robert Fletcher, who is universally despised, the court martial business'^) having laid a stain on his principles that will never be forgot or washed out. Consequently I have not the least intimacy with him." There is a report here, which I do not credit, that Mr. Barwell,'*' of the Bengal Council, is to be Governor of Madras. Should it prove true, I shall take care to ingratiate myself with him. " ]Mr. George Vansittart is coming down from his Chief ship at Patna to take his seat at the Board. Mrs. V., my brother and myself are going up as far as Cossimbazar to meet him in a week more, a thiiig not common in this count?\y for a wife to go any small distance to meet her husband. " The army here is in motion. They are marched up to the frontiers of Suja ul Dowlah's country to be a check on the Morattoes. They have paid the King of Delhi a visit, and were very ruffly received by him. The King and them have had an engagement, in which the former was worsted, with great loss on both sides .... " Mr. Secretary Goodlad, since I have left Madras, has been in a very dangerous way. He has had a violent attack in his liver, for which he has been cut, and is recovering verv fast . . ." "Thos. Palk." (1) Muisuddee, mutasaddi, writer, clerk. (2) lioyrijan, rairaicni, cliief revenue officer under the Diwan. (3) Lieiit-Colonel Sir R()l)ert Fletcher was casiiiered in 1766 for supporting the combination of Bengal oflScers. Cf. No. 141, p. 163, note 2. (4' Richard Barwell, afterwards a member of the Supreme Council. No. 191. J 208 " P.S. — I beg leave to hint to you that it will be doing me in [sic] a great service to prefer me as a tenant to the one'^' in it, as the present one rather makes more use of it as godowns*^) than a dwelling house. Your attorney must also have your directions regarding it. It will be easy to get him out without giving offence by your specifying that you chuse to serve me preferable to one who has less right to expect it. Be so good, Sir, as to take notice of this by the first ship." [Holograph, 6 pp., Uo.] [No. 192.] Ant[hon]y Goodlad to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1773, [cir. January 11th], Calcutta. — I received your letter of the 7th February by Mr. Kennaway*^'. to whom I will show every attention. For the last two months he has been my assistant in the Translator's oflfice, where he is working well. From the correspondence of ]\Ir. Hastings with Mr. Sulivan you doubtless know of the various changes made by the Governor. " I shall be happy if they meet with the approbation of the Gentlemen at home, but they are of late so very difficult to please that I must confess in many instances I doubt of success. Mr. Cartier returns to Europe upon this ship after having experienced, I must say, the severest treatment from his employers for his 23 years' services. If a disinterested conduct in a public capacity is meritorious in these days, they will never meet with such another Governor of Bengal. " A violent attack of the liver, which my brother INIartin has labored under for some time past, and for which he has under- gone the operation of having his side opened, gives me too much reason to apprehend that a trip to Europe is absolutely necessary for the re-establishment of his health. I am very sorry for the occasion, as it cannot, I am afraid, prove otherwise than highly prejudicial to his interest . . . Pie is the head and support of the family, and on his success depends the enjoyment and happiness of the whole . . ." "A. W. Goodlad." [TI olograph, 5|- pp., Uo.] [No. 193.] Ja[me]s Dantell'*' to Roi?ERT Palk, Esqr. 1773, Januarv 28th, Cuddalorc. — I venture to write to vou on behalf of our conunon friend Sir Robert Fletcher, who " has not only felt the effects of Mr. Du Pre's measures since the resignation of General Smith, but has some reason to apprehend (1* Reynold Adams, tenant of Palk's house in Fort St. Geoi^e. (2) Godoun. Vide No. 2, p. 5. note 10. (3> Richanl Konnaway. Vide No. 153, p. 171, note 4. (•*) James DauioU, a Madias civil servant of 1701, entered Council in 1777, He was Chief at Masulipatam in 1782, and retired in 1785. 209 [No. 193. his representation of them at lionio. Sir Robert is of conrse obh'fTccI to oxert all his inflncncc to prevent sueh an intention ; uiui as you have been often pleased to serve him at the tribunal of lieaden liall, he hopes you will not forsake him on the present occasion . . . ." I chanced to see the papers relating to recent disputes in Council, which are now transmitted to Europe. They are voluminous, but I can give you an idea of the origin of the trouble in a few words. " It began by an application from the Nabob, introduced by the Governor, to be addressed from the Board under the title of Arzdashf^^ ; and the impropriety of doing so will appear to you by reading the different dissents. The Governor has, however, succeeded, and though this mode of address is only used throughout Indostan from an inferior to a superior, the Governor and Council have adopted the practise. When a difference of opinion has once appeared between men in power, it seldom ceases on a sudden, but serves only as a prelude to other discords. So it is in the present instance, and as the authority of command is a theme on which Mr. Du Pre has often exercised his abilities, it has been again renewed with all its force. Sir Robert, in consequence, has been voted from the Council and ordered within 2 days to proceed to the command of the fort and garrison of Tritchenopoly, Thus is he placed beyond the reach of opposition and deprived of his seat at the Board, to which the Court of Directors have been pleased to appoint him. On a perusal of the papers you will be able to form a judgment of the propriety of Sir Robert's proceedings, and determine if any part is the effect of private pique, or contrary to the intention of his employers. If not, I presume that you will not only assist his cause, but exert your influence wdth the Directors to assist the rights of justice and prevent the attempts of a misrepresentation. " Sir Robert would have wrote to you on this subject if his time had permitted him to do so. He passed here yesterday on his way to Tritchenopoly, and desired me to communicate the substance of his cause, and hopes you will admit his apology for not addressing you himself. " You may much better conceive that [?than] I can express my feelings by closing this letter with the account of poor Goodlad's death. He had been lately cut for an inflammation in his liver, and a relapse carried him off. He is universally lamented, and the Company have reason to regret the loss of his abilities." " Jas.|Daniell." [Holograph, 5 pp., Uo.] (1) Arzdasht, Pers., a humble (written) petition. It is not a title, aa stated by Daniell, but a respectful form of address. 210 [No. 194.] Chocapaii to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, .January 28th, Fort St. George. — " Governour Du Pre takes his passage home on the Nassau . . . and leaves the Government in the hands of Alexander Wynch, Esqr., who is a gentleman that has been a long time in India'^', and well acquainted with the affairs of this country ; and besides he is civil, good natured, and will undoubtedly make a good Governour. I wish he may keep the Chair for some time, but it is strongly reported here that Mr. Sullivan is coming out for President of this place .... " The Morattas will, I hope, give us no trouble this year on account of Madavarave, their Chief, departing this life about two months ago, and his l^rother Narranrave being appointed Chief in his room, and his uncle Rakobah is appointed General of the Army ; which will take up some time more to settle their family affairs. . . . " The^Export^Warehousekeeper carrys on the Company's Investment by employing Gomastas'^) in the weaving towns, and the goods he provides now is very good and in proper order. . . . Mr. Samuel Johnson*^) married Miss Law, a lady that came with Mr. Charles Smith from Pondichery lately ..." " Chocapah." [P.S.] — " Poor Mr. Goodlad departed this life the 24th instant." [Autograph, 1 p., de?ny.] [No. 195.] GooNTOOR Vencata Ramia and Vencata Royloo to the Hon'ble Rop.[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1773, January 31st, Madrass. — Your old servant, Braminy Goontoor Vencatachelum, is dead, and we his brothers, being in poor circumstances, beg you to help us to obtain employment under the Company. *' Goontoor Vencata Ramia Vencata Royloo." [1 p., flscp.] [No. 196.] W[illia]m Petrie to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, January 31st, 3 a.m., Fort St. George. Received 5th November. — " My much esteemed and invaluable friend Mr. Goodlad, after a long and severe illness, which he supported with the most manly fortitude, bid adieu to this world the 24th instant. So long ago as . . . October last he had adopted a (1) First employed in 173d. <2) Gnmatita, fi'oin Pers. gotnashta, an agent. Tlie substitution of perambulating gomastas i'oi' th(^ Company's Merchants was a reform introduced by Hastings in 1771. (3) Samuel Johnson, a Madras civil servant of 1754, entered Coimcil twenty years later. After serving as Chief at Vizagapatam he retired in 1781. 211 [No. 196. scheme of going to Europe, not so much on the score of health as to promote a favourite plan which he had before communi- cated to you in his letters. From his masterly abilities and the strongest testimony in his favour from the Board, his friends had conceived the most flattering hopes of his success. Soon after the despatch of the A^ottinghatn he was attacked with a vi(jlcnt obstruction and inflammation in his liver, which from the beginning foreboded the most fatal consequences. However, the disease appeared at one time to take a favourable turn, and the operation of opening the side was performed about the beginning of last month with such favourable effects upon his disorder that the surgeons entertained the most flattering hopes. By the advice of Mr. Pasley(^) he determined on a voyage to Europe, and took his passage on the Nassau along with Mr. Du Pre. The Board gave him the strongest testimony of their high opinion of his merit and voted him a minute of publick thanks, besides recommending him in the strongest manner to the Court of Directors. But, alas, in the midst of our hopes a general suppuration took place in his liver, attended with a fever and ague, which put a period to his life on the 24th. The service, the Settlement, in short the community, mourn his loss as a servant to the Company, a valuable citizen and an useful member of society . . . " Had not our friend been involved in joint concerns his affairs would have been distinct and his fortune something considerable, but unfortunately for him and unfortunately for his friends, his affairs are so blended and involved with Mr. James Johnson's'-' that I am much afraid heavy losses may be expected." For years past he has been vainly urging Mr. Johnson to settle accounts. During our friend's last illness I took every step in my power, and even threatened Mr. Johnson with a Bill of Discovery in the Mayor's Court, but Goodlad thought that legal action would only defeat his object. The executors, Messrs. Macpherson,'^' De Souza'^' and myself will not therefore proceed to extremities. " Mr. Johnson is in the capacity of English accountant with the Nabob, and the world supposes him in a fair way of making money, so that there may still be a possibility of receiving at least a considerable part of the debt . . . You may collect enough from what I have said to perceive that a large part of our friend's fortune is in very indifferent hands. " The will is unfinished. He leaves his fortune, after the pavment of his debts and certain legacies, to his sister. Here the will breaks off without relating the legacies." The amount due from Mr. Johnson is believed to be between Pags. 15,000 and Pags. 20,000. " To sum up what I have said in a few (11 Gilbert Pasley. Vide No. 47, p. 73, note 2. (2> Vide Xo. 28. p. 45, note 7. (3) John Macpherson, Vide No. 270, p. 2fi:-i, note 2. (4) Antonio de Souza, free mercliant. No. 196.] 212 words : — if we recover from Mr. Johnson the money he owes the estate of Mr. Goodlad, a considerable balance, I think, will remain in favour of the estate ; but on the other hand, if we cannot recover this debt, I am afraid his estate will fall considerably short." Shortly before Goodlad 's death I handed to Mr. Wynch the papers relating to your affairs and those of General Lawrence, together with Pags. 2,800 in cash. The balance due to you is about Pags. 5,800, and to the General about Pags. 3,800. As suggested by Goodlad, I shall be pleased to manage your affairs in India under a power of attorney. " Upon the resignation of our friend, a young gentleman of the name of Oakely'^' succeeded to the Civil department. He had been in the office of Deputy Secretary for two years, and had recommended himself much by his assiduity and promising abilities. Mr. Stone, who had held his office of Secretary for several months after he had been taken into Council, had continued in it during Mr. Goodlad's illness, as Goodlad intended removing to the Military department ; upon his resignation Mr. Stone quitted his office, and I was appointed Secretary and Judge Advocate General. " The feuds and animosities which have distracted our Council for some months past seemed to collect and unite all their force to overwhelm the President on his departure for Europe. Minutes, dissents and debates of a more violent nature than ever appeared on the records have been entered in the course of this month. The majority of the Board removed Sir Robert Fletcher from his seat by appointing him to the command of Trichinopoly. He pleaded privilege of parliament, and demanded a passage on the first ship for Europe. The Board insisted on obedience to their order : he complied, and proceeded as far as Cuddalore. The Board having inforced their authority, they not only admitted his plea, and exonerated him from all obligation to serve the Company, but also removed him from the command of the Army, and requested General Smith to resume the command and his seat in Council, which he accordingly did . . . The Board met to take leave of the President and sign the dispatches. But it was decreed that Mr. Du Pre should not depart in peace. An extraordinary circumstance happened : the conclusion was the suspension of Mr. Mackay(-) from the service. The President has been thanked by the Board for his services to the Company, and embarks to-morrow morning with his family on the Nassau, and leaves the Government to Mr. Wynch .... " These unfortunate animosities have come unseasonably on a young secretary. The business in the Political and Military department has of late years been so extensive from our connections with the country Powers, the frequent wars we have (1) Afterwards Sir Charles Oakeloy, Bt., Governor of Madras, 1792-1794. 'i^' Goorge Mackay. Vide No. I'd, j>. 17, note :<• 213 [No. 196. waged as principals and as auxiliaries, and the violent attacks on the Company's rights by the King's Minister, that some months entirely devoted to studying the records would not have been too much to qualify me for the office of Secretary. But I have all at once been hurried into the midst of intricacies and difficulties .... " The Carnatick is in profound peace with all her neighbours. The King of Tan j ore, completely humbled by the late siege, makes daily professions of duty and attachment. General Smith, before he resigned the command to Sir Robert Fletcher, subdued the countries of the Great and Little Marawar. Hyder, yet smarting from his recent losses in the war with the Morattoes, seems to have adopted a defensive plan, but a mere defensive plan is not long to be expected from one of his active genius. The Maharattoes since the death of Mahadevarow seem un- determined as to any plan of action, and are more engaged in the contests of parties at home than in designs against the repose of their neighbours. The squadron is still at Bombay, and is not expected here till March or April ..." "Wm. Petrie." [Holograph, 11 pp., 4>to.'\ [No. 197.] Nawab Walajah to General [Stringer] Lawrence. 1773, February 1st, Chepauk, [Madras].—" The Nabob Waulaujah Bahauder, «Src., presents his salams to his friend General Lawrence, and sends him the inclosed with his wishes for long life and happiness." [Autograph cipher, \ p., 4^o.] [No. 198.] George Smith to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, February 1st, Fort St. George. — " Having declined (not refused) the execution of the new and extraordinary covenants sent out by the Company for me as a free merchant to execute, because I judge it very unsafe to trust my liberty and property into other hands than my own, lest of their being abused," I am asking my friends in London to apply to the Court of Directors for permission for me to remain here long enough to settle my affairs, that is, for about eighteen months. I beg your influence in support of my request. The Council here are friendly, but have resolved " that I am to be laid under an interdict of trade, the Company's protection to be with- drawn from me, and to be ordered home in twelve months, which last is too short a space to wind up my very extensive concerns, which when I have done, on their present footing will afford me a genteel and comfortalile independency in my own country north of the Tweed. No. 198.J 214 " General Smith's resignation of the command of the army, and his resumption thereof two days ago will surprise you, as will Mr. Mackay's suspension from the service, which took place on the same day. Sir Robert Fletcher is left at liberty to attend his duty in parliament according to his plea . , . Mr. Du Pre's conduct in Sir Robert's affairs does him credit, for he has outwited the Chevalier . . . " Mrs. Smith, on the first December last, made me the happy father of a fine little girl." " George Smith." [Holograph, 5 j^P-, 4^o.] [No. 199.] Tho[ma]s Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1773, February 5th, Calcutta. — " We set out to-morrow with Mrs. Van (meaning my brother and me) for Cossimbazar to meet Mr. Van, who is coming down in order to be sworn into Council . . . ." "Thos. Palk." [P.S.] — " Mr. Goodlad takes his passage on the Nassau for England for the recovery of his health . . ." [Holograph, 2 J pp., ito.] [No. 200.] Roger Darvall(i> to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1773, February 10th, Fort Marlborough [Bencoolen]. — In consideration of the friendship between you and my late parent, I beg for your kind notice, as " I am now. Sir, in a situation that requires the greatest assistance . . . ." " Roger Darvall." [Holograph, 1 p>.. Mo. Wax seal, defaced.] [No. 201.] Tho[ma]s Palk to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1773, February 30th [sic], Calcutta. — " I have never but once ask[cd] for anything in the service, and that was refused me by your most then intimate friend ; and if those professed friends shew themselves backward in serving me, what am I to expect from those who are clear of any such tie ? I am not so presuming as to ask any thing : but from Mr. Wynch's readiness in endeavouring to get me appointed to his Chiefship, I did, three months ago, write him a letter requesting he would do something for me, to which I have never yet seen the least reply, which not a little astonishes me. That gentleman is now in the Government, Mr. Du Pre being gone home on the Nassau.^' General Smith resigned the army command to Sir Robert Fletcher in August last, but owing to a difference between Mr. '1' Roger Darvall entered the Mailras civil service in 1772. He becanne Collector of the Northern Di\ isiou of the Jaghirc in 171(1, anil was a member of the Board of Trade from 1798. 215 [No. 201. Dii Pre and Sir Robert, he has consented on public grounds to resume it. " I learn that General Coote and Mr. Sulivan left England in August, which, was it true, I think we might have seen them on the Coast by this time. I shall be happy if those accounts prove true. I think I may safely depend that he will do something for me — I mean Mr. S. "It is with much concern I inform you of the death of Mr. Goodlad. . . He had been very severely attacked by the liver, and had been cut for it and got pretty well, when he had resolved on going to England for a season or two of cold weather. I have never heard from what cause that he died. I feel for his poor mother. The young brother Dick has also been on the point of death. I saw him last night, and he is recovering fast. I do not imagine Mr. G. died worth much money, as he was a great lover of claret and every thing that was good. " I am about thinking of returning to the Coast. 1 have, 'tis true, little to do there, and less here. My brother might, if he pleases, assist me greatly, but has not yet shewed any inclination. He might however, I think, make a better use of his money. I suppose he spends not less than 4 or £5,000 a year. He is a lucky fellow." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4 ashore, who is to be with Mrs. Hopkins. <^) . . ." " Reyno. Adams." [No. 213.] Extract from a Letter from George Vansittart to his Attorneys in England. 1773, October 9th, Calcutta. — " I have a plan of remittance, which it is necessary should be insured. I will give you as particular an account of it as I can, and leave you to manage (1) John Adams entered the Bengal Engineers in 1761, and became Capt.- Lieut. two years later. (2) Emelia, siatcr of Henry Vansittart, jun. (3) Phyllis n()f)kins, widow of (diaries Ilopkins who was Chief at Devil«>ta in 1754. A seafaring man from 17.S0 or eariior, ITopkiiis was .Kliuitlcd to the Madras civil service in 175(K TTo married Phyllis Britrht in 17;Ul and died at Madras in 1757. Mrs. Hopkins sailed for England in 1775. 221 [No. 213. the insurance so as to afford no room for quibbles liereafter. Mr. Law, Mr. Falk and myself have purehased for 30,000 rupees a ship formerly ealled the Madras Mcrcluntl, but now named the Sarah. She is to sail from Calcutta about tlie 1st of December laden with 4 or 500 chests of ophium, of which it is intended that part should be sold at the dilTcrent islands to the eastward where the Captain may judge it advisable to touch, and the rest at China. She is to be commanded by Captain Shaw, who has already twice performed the same voyage with safety." Remittances will be made to you from Bencoolen or Batavia and from China as the cargo is disposed of. The value of ship and cargo is estimated at £24,000 from Calcutta to China and £10,000 from China to Calcutta, and these are the sums to be insured. The Captain expects to reach China by August, 1774, and to be back in Calcutta by August, 1775. The insurance should extend to every place within the Company's limits. " Here, where insuring is in general much dearer than in England, we could procure an insurance for 12 per cent, to China, but this would not answer our purpose of securing, at all events, a remittance to England . . . The proportions of the concern are : — on my account, one half ; on Mr. Robert Palk's, one fourth ; on Mr. Ewan Law's, one fourth. Do you be kind enough to insure the whole ..." [4 pp., 4/0.] [No. 214.] Ja[me]s Daniell to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 13th, Fort St. George. — In my letter of the ISth January'^) I mentioned Sir Robert Fletcher's contest with the Board. " Little did I then imagine I should so soon have occasion to tell you that I likewise have most materially suffered from the exertion of my duty. Mr. Turing'-* and myself have been called from our stations at Cuddalore from a desire of forwarding the Company's Investment at that Factory. From a perusal of the accompanying minutes you will find the truth of my assertion, and though the Governor and Council have been pleased to adopt another pretence for removing us, it cannot alter facts so demonstratively pointed that there remains not a single doubt to oppose them." We are sending copies of the papers to our friends, so that the Court of Directors may not be prejudiced in their opinion, and I hope for your support against any injurious orders from the Court. " Jas. Daniell." [Holograph, 5 pp., ito.] <1) An error for 28th January. Vide No. 193, p. 208. <2) John Turing, a civnl servant of 1762. He married in 1773 Mary, daughter of Dr. Rohert Turing. 222 [No. 215.] A[nthon]y Goodlad to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 20th, Purnea in Bengal. — Your letters of the 9th and 1 Ith April addressed to poor Martin have been delivered to me. I realize your friendship for my family, and trust that yon will extend the same favour to his survi\'ino- brothers which you always showed to Martin. The disputes between the Government and the Company in England cause disquietude in India. Some definite plan of reform is urgently needed. " Mr. Hastings has been indefatigable in his assiduity and attention to the dutys of his station, but he must have friends to support his measures at home to make them meet with the approbation of the publick ; and the unfortunate event of Mr. Sulli^•an and his friends being thrown out of the Direction gives me too much reason to apprehend that his plans may meet with disapprobation. I, however, hope for the best, for as I have enjoyed the honor of his confidence, and experienced instances of his friendship, I cannot be otherwise than interested in his success, and ardent in my wishes for his benefit. He has lately been up the country, and settled a new treaty with Soujah Dowlah, but as I cannot acquaint you with the particulars of it so fully and explicitly as Mr. Van*^', who was on the spot, I shall leave him to relate the matter to you . . ." After six years of arduous work in the Persian Translator's office I was transferred last year at my own request to the comparative retirement of the Purnea collectorship, where my brother Dick is my assistant. My prospects, however, are not too favourable. " I thank God I am honoured with the friend- ship and good opinion of the Governor and Mr. Van, and am sensible that they will assist me whilst they continue in the country ; but, as I look upon Mr. Hastings's situation as precarious, and that there is little dependance to be placed in these times upon a man's holding a station which is so much the envy of half the world, I shall be obliged to you by confirming mv connection with Mr. Van (which is alreadv on a proper footing) by urging every thing on your part which you may deem me worthy of . . . " Mr. Petrie at Madras has succeeded beyond my expectations in the settlement of my brother's affairs. I think there will be enough to pay everybody, though I have little hope that Johnson will meet his debt. [Holoi^mph, 4| pp., flscp.] " Ay. W. Goodlad." [No. 216.] Reyno[ld] Adams to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 25th, Fort St. George.—" My last went by Mr. Ley by the way of China, since which nothing material has (1) George Vansittarfc. 223 [No. 216. happened here but the takitijOf of Tanjoiir, which lately fell into our hands and is ffarrisoncd by the Xaboli. Tlie captive King is sent to Trichenopoly. " It is with great concern I acquaint you that this last expedition will, I fear, prove fataFto poor Major Madge. He has long been much out of order while he stayed to the northward, and not recovered when lie Avcnt to the siege of Tanjour, where, contrary to the advice of his friends, he ventured in the trenches before his health was established. This brought on a relapse and a dangerous illness, so that he was advised to go to Cuddalore. About ten days ago he arrived at my house'^*, where he stayed three or four days, as he allways lives with me when at Madras. But as a cooler apartment was recom- mended for him, the Governor has given him a room at the Admiralt}^'-'. Mr. Paissley*-^' attends him, but he seems loth as yet to give his opinion about him. It's said, however, that he is not worse than when he first arrived. He is very low- spirited, and thinks himself that he cannot live many days . . ." " Reyno. Adams." [Holograph, 4 pj)., 4/o.] [No. 217.] Edward Cotsford'*' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 29th, Madrass. — About a year ago I gave you some account of my work, in which I believe you are interested, as it was you who conferred on me the management of the Ganjam territory. " In all probability it w^ill become a Settle- ment of importance, it being an establishment in the heart of a country which, from the quantity of grain exported from thence to the Presidency, may be considered as its granary ; and indeed the amazing opulence of Madrass within these three years makes such an one almost absolutely necessary. The money received from Ganjam annually amounts to upwards of 150,000 rupees over and above maintaining near two battalions of seapoys for the protection of the country (now ind[e]ed quiet), and also, if necessary, to keep peace in the southern provinces of the Cicacole Circar. " You doubtless will learn from other hands of the success of his Highness the Nabob against Tanjore. The reduction of that province may, I suppose, in general be considered in a considerable degree as advantageous to our nation. The Nabob is so connected with the English that, if the Government here be prudently administered, it will be very difficult for him to effect any considerable change ; but nevertheless the extra- (1) Adams rented a house in the Port from Palk. (2) Admiralty House in Charles Street, Port St. George, was so called as early as 17o8. It liad been acquired l)y the Company a few years before, and it ultimately became the town residence of the Governor. The house, which is now the office of the Accountant-General, was rented by CUvc in 1752-53. (3) Surgeon Gilbert Pasley. Vide No. 47, p. 73, note 2. <4> Vide No. 183, p. 199, note 1. No. 217.] 224 ordinary strides he has lately made towards a formidable independency cnight to be considered by ns as most certainly tending in the end to that degree of subordination we were necessarily obliged to submit to under the government of the Mohammedans in former times. The last siege of Tan jour has been attended with a circumstance which may by and bye be attended with serious consequences. The deposed Rajah, finding himself in a desperate situation, made over to the Dutch a grant of Nagore (a seaport) and some other districts on the sea coast for a valuable consideration in money. The lands are in value, I think, about four lacks of pagodas. The Nabob considered this act in the King of Tanjore (according [to] the feudal system of the government) as unwarrantable, and accordingly demanded the assistance of the Company to assist his troops in the recovery of the alienated lands. The Governor and Council .... determined on assisting him against the Dutch, in which opinion they were strengthened by the concurrence of Sir Robert Harland, the King's Minister. The Dutch are accordingly driven out of their new acquisition, and have made a protest in form to General Smith, which is signed by their whole Council. The recovery of the lands for the Nabob is but a trifle I think, as the Dutch have not withdrawn their claim, and are strengthening their fortress, which, if perfect, would doubtless be held as a strong fortification even in Europe ; and they are collecting all the troops they can draw from Ceylon, and doubtless will have a reinforcement from Rata via as early as the season will permit. I think it is probable the Dutch government at Ratavia have taken into consideration the practicability of such measures as might lead to their procuring some territorial possessions on the coast of Chormandell ever since the first siege of Tanjore. If so, there is no saying at present what revolutions may be brought about by their interfering with the Marattas or any other Powers. I think it is remarked of the Dutch that they are wise in their delibera- tions and persevering in their conduct." As the attack of Tanjore may have serious consequences, I am surprised that the Governor and Council do not garrison the place with Company's troops. The interference of the King's Minister ought not to force the Roard to any policy detrimental to the Company. " There is still another measure which I shall take leave to say may in the end be of great detriment to the Company — I mean the bargaining with individuals beforehand (a committee of officers) for the services to be rendered by them to take the Fort for a certain sum of money to be payed them in lieu of plunder : 2,000 pagodas to each captain, and so in proportion to the rest of the army. Officers and men doing their duty under such a condition never consider themselves any other way than as conferring a favour on the Nabob who employs them ; and indeed the impropriety has already appeared, it 225 [No. 217 having been reported here that the officers might probably- refuse to act against the Dutch, as that did not appear to come within their agreement with the Nabob. It opens a road for the Nabob to have great influence over our troops, and has many other disadvantages . . . " I arrived here from Ganjam in the beginning of this month in order to proceed to England, but by the loss of the Lord Mansfield I have been disappointed. However, I hope to make my acknowledgments to you in person about the middle of the next summer . . ." " Edward Cotsford." [P.S.] — " As I have not time to make a copy, I hope you will excuse all errors and blots." [Holograph, 4 pp., demy.] [No. 218.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 29th, Fort St. George.— The Nawab has given an order on the Tinnevelly Renter for Pags. 36,960|, payable by instalments between November and April next, on account of the estate of the late Mr. Vansittart. The order has been sent to Captain Cooke'^' at Palamcotta so that he rnay receive the sums as they fall due. I have settled your own account with Mr. Morse in the Nawab's bond, and handed a statement to Mr. Stone. [Holograph, 1| pp., Uo.] " John d'Fries." [No. 219.] Chocapah to the Honble Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, October 29th, Fort St. George. — The French received this year three King's ships and eight merchantmen, bringing goods, specie and 100 soldiers. M. Law is governor general and commander-in-chief, and a M. Fochon'-' has been sent out as superintendent to settle affairs. The latter has discharged all the Company's civil servants, including those in council. M. Law and he rule Pondicherry for the King, and it is said that there will be no Company in future. " Our army under the command of General Smith, together with the Nabob's forces under command of the Nabob's second son Maddor Ulmoolk,'^' laid siege to Tan j ore in August last. After seven weeks they conquired that place on the 17th September. The King was taken prisoner, and remains there to this day. It is said the Nabob promised to treat him with all the respect imaginable and maintain his cxpences." [Autograph, 1^ p., deimj.] " Chocapah." '1) Apparently Captain William Cooke, -who had cerred in the first Mysore wnr. (2' Or Foucault. Cf. No. 230, p. 2:?o. (8) Aniir-ul-Umara. P 226 [No. 220.] Robert Palk, jun., to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1773, November 3rd,' Calcutta. — Thanks to yoiir influence, the order which removed me from Patna last year has been revoked by the Company, and I am now about to return thither. " Mr. Hastings has been very kind to me on all occasions, and on the present has shown himself particularly so by his readiness to send me back to Patna. Mr. Aldersey has given me many proofs lately of his inclination to promote my interest." There has been lack of rain, and the price of rice has advanced from 40 to 25 seers'^) per rupee. The export of grain is con- sequently prohibited. The Renters have lost heavily on their farms. Politically the country is quiet. " You will hear of Miss Van from George and others . . The early introduction she had into company in England has nearly disqualified her for India. At present we Indians in her eyes are but contemptible beings. However, she is upon the whole a very worthy good young woman, and I hope will be much esteemed and very happy in this country. Harry Van and the Kennaways are well." I enclose two interest bonds from Dr. James Ellis, payable in 1775 ; one on your account for £2,880, being the balance of your money in my hands ; the other for £3,896 on my own account, which sum is to be invested at j^our discretion. George considers interest bonds a safer mode of remittance than bills. " Robert Palk, jun." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4/o.] j Enclosure] (1) Company's order of revocation, 7th April, 1773. (2) Robert Palk's letter to the Governor and Comicil of Bengal, 21st Oct., 1773. (3) Governor and Council's order of restoration, 21st October, 1773. [Copies, 1 p., 4/0.] [No. 221.] Hen[ry] Griffiths to [Robert Palk, Esqr.J. 1773, November 10th, Calcutta. — In my last letter I mentioned the kind proposal of Mr. Hastings that I should accompany him to Bengal. By Mr. Stone's advice I did not inniiediately accept ; but Mr. Hastings has used his interest in England and now leads me to expect that I shall shortly obtain a nomination to the Bengal establishment. My brother William has arrived with Captain Mcars, and is about to join his corps. He and I are both grateful to you for your kind exertions on his behalf. [Holograph, 2^ pp., Uo.] " Hen. Griffiths. (1' Seer, aliout 'i H'. wriLclit. J5 227 [No. 222.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1773, November 11th, Calcutta. — " I have received your letter of the 10th February, and have heard the news from Emelia, Uncle George and Mr. Palk. I think Emelia much taller than when I left England, and I may add improved, if I do not offend against delicacy by speaking in praise of her. She was much disappointed at the news she heard at Madras, but I hope she is now very well reconciled to her situation at Bengal. " My uncle's interest has procured me the post of Persian Translator to the Calcutta Revenue Committee, which is the beginning of my rise, and will give me practise in Persian. " Your nephew set off for Patna 3 or 4 days ago, very happy at his appointment ... I shall be obliged to you if you will direct the inclosed letter to Mr. Tripe,<^' as I value my school acquaintance. I beg you will give my duty to Mrs. Palk, and my love to Nancy, Lawrence and Kitty. I have heard the history of them from my sister." " Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 pp., Mo.] [No. 223.] Warren Hastings to R[ober.t] Palk, Esqr. 1773, November 14th, Fort William.—" Dear Sir, Our friend George has kindly taken out of my hands every subject which I could write to you upon, and as I consider our correspondence as resting on a principle superior to the forms of compliment, I hope you will allow his letters to pass as mine. You will find nothing, I believe, in his sentiments differing from my own. I have a pleasure in acknowledging to you the benefits and satisfaction which I derive from his friendship. " I beg leave to repeat my request that Mr. Sulivan and Mr. Du Pre may see the papers which you will receive from George containing the particulars of the late treaty*-' at Benaris. The General*^' has had the last word, but I still think his arguments stand as they did, and (if I may be the judge) plainly refuted. " The first payment of the treaty money has been some time paid to Mr. Lambert'*', whom I left with the Vizier to receive it, and is by this time on the way down. I beg your attention to a remark which you will find somewhere in the papers which are now going to you, that the addition of so much ready money to the exhausted currency of the country is a profit scarce less (1) Nicholas Tripe, son of Dr. Tripe of Ashburton. Cf. No. 162., p. ISO, noto 3. (2) The Treaty negotiated at Benares in 1773 between Hastings and Shuja-ud- daiila, by wJiich the districts of Kora and Allahabad were ceded to the NawaV> Vizier for 50 lakhs, the British engaging to aid him in the conquest of Kohilkhand on pajTnent of expenses. i:^' Sir Knt.ort Barker. (•*) William Lambert, a member of the Bengal Council, No. 223] 228 than the addition of so much to the weak Treasury of the Company. " I have referred General Caillaud to you for the particulars of Bengal intelligence, and beg that he too may see these papers. There are indeed some anti-military passages which may not suit his ideas, but in truth our connection with the Vizier till now rested wholly with the mihtary commander. In all other points I have endeavoured to conduct myself with such equality between the civil and military corps that I believe I can safely say that I have not even a biass to either ; and in my conferences with the Vizier I took pains to give a consequence to the General, although I took care to let the Vizier know that his dependence was on the Governor alone. In this I surely acted with propriety. The Governor only is charged with a separate responsibility, and ought to guide the measures for which he is responsible. " Enclosed I send you a paper, which has been drawn up by a young gentleman of my family, containing an abstract of the arrangements which have taken place in the Revenue department. It may give a competent idea of what has been done, but over rates, perhaps, the advantages which are likely to be derived from it. " I beg to be kindly remembered to Mrs. Palk, the General, and all friends. " I am, with the sincerest regard and esteem, dear Sir, your obedient and faithful servant, " Warren Hastings." [Holograph, 4i pp., Mo.] [No. 224.] [Robert Palk to Thomas Palk]. N.D. [cir. 1773.] — " Dear Tom, I have this year received from you many letters, and none of them have given me pleasure. I have provided, or endeavoured to provide, for many young men, and you are among those who seem to me least of all to deserve it ; for if I can guess from your correspondence, inconsiderate and vacant as it is, you have not only neglected your own improvement and the duty, attention, industry and diligence you owe the Company and your own character, but have given yourself most entirely to idleness, extravagance and folly very unbecoming your situation and circumstances, who have nothing to depend on but your own merit and the qualifying yourself for those offices wliich hereafter may fall to your share if your unworthiness docs not prevent it. I pass over your hesitating between military and civil, though a young man who, having had some pains taken with his education, might at least have learnt patiently and chearfully to submit to what his parents so much wished and had thought best for him. " Jn short, 1 cannot observe in your letters or your conduct one generous sentiment which can give me a prospect of your 229 [No. 224 future success and well doing. Character and a virtuous ciiiulatiou after reputation and a good name seem to make no part of your pursuit, and provided you can support your illjudged extravagance, no matter from whence it comes. You are descended, if not from very opulent, at least very honest and worthy ancestors. Your father,'^' though distressed beyond measure in his younger years, preferred an honest and \irtuous reputation. Your grandfather*^) lives in the friendship and esteem of all that knew him, and the same have I heard of his father*^) ; and yet they had not those advantages in their youth which (happily we hoped) have fallen to your share. But the dawn of your reason seems not to have been exercised in preserving yourself from ignorance, or accustoming yourself to good habits, or reconciling to yourself the good will and kindness of those with whom you must have an intercourse. You unfortunately have judged that attention and provision is due to you, merit out of the question. It is painful to me to write such a letter, and it ought to be more so [to] you for having made it necessary. I shall mention no particulars of your idle and unthinking conduct : your own memory will serve sufficiently to recollect them. Only imagine to yourself that I am well acquainted with what you would most wish to conceal, and try to retrieve all this by adopting a little more morality into your conduct. Forget not your Creator in the days of your youth, and learn to live on your own allowances without pitifully running in debt with every man you meet or have the least connection with. The allowance I gave you was amply sufficient had you lived in the Fort as you ought to ha^e done, and looked on yourself only as a servant to the Company, from whom only you were to expect the encourage- ment that was due to diligence and merit." [Unsigned draft.] [Holograph, 2 pp., Mo.] [No. 225.] George Vansittart to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1774, January 1st, Calcutta. — " Dear Palk, This will be delivered to you by Captain Duff,<^' who, I believe, was formerly recommended by you to my brother. The state of his health obliges him to go home, but he means to return to Bengal, and hopes to recover the rank of which he was deprived in '66 in consequence of false representations made against him. He will himself acquaint you with the particulars, and I am sure <1) Walter Palk, elder brother of Governor Palk, b. 1714, d. 1801. (2) Walter Palk, father of Governor Palk, b. 1686. (3) Walter Palk, grandfather of Governor Palk, b. 1659, d. 1706. ^*' Captain Patrick Duff, Bengal Engineers, had been involved in the combination of oflScers of 1766, but his supersession by two other captains was unconnected with his action at that time. It was the result of promotions which had lieen made locally without regard to the seniority determined by the Company's original appointments. (Bengal Pub. Proceedirujs, 14th Jime, 1773.) No. 225.] 280 he will do so without the smallest partiality. We have recom- mended him very strongly to the Court of Directors in our general letter, and I shall be really obliged to you if you will give him all the support in your power. He has every right to the Company's favour which can be derived from long and distinguished services, from being wounded in their service, and from an universal good character both in his military and private capacity. Yours affectionately, [Holograph, 1| p., Mo.] " George Vansittart." [No. 226.] Colonel Gilbert Ironside to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1774, January 15th, The Grove, near Fort William. — " Some time in October last, soon after her arrival, Mrs. Ironside did herself the pleasure to acquaint Mrs. H. Vansittart of the health and safety of her daughter*^' after a short and not altogether an unpleasant passage. Mrs. Ironside brought with her a greater share of health than she possessed for some years before, and bids fair, thank heaven ! to preserve it. " About two months ago Mr. Palk was restored to his seat at the Board of Revenue at Patna, which is looked upon to be a certain and considerable fortune in the space of a few years . . . " From Mr. Hastings I never entertained any very ardent expectations of assistance, and it is probable I shall see his entrance and exit with little benefit either to my fortune or preferment. " Dulcis inexpertifi (says our friend Horace) cultura potentis amici, " Expertus metuit ; and as I am of this veteran class, I am not likely to succeed at Court. The unlucky line I am in is a material obstacle besides to my independance, exclusive of the mean talents I have in repetundis, and in the dexterities of political commerce." For a sketch of our transactions here, please refer to General Caillaud, to whom I have described them. I have paid to Mr. Samuel Beardmore*-' the £100 for which you gave him an order on me in 1772, as he is likely to be long a cadet, and is in need of money. In return he has handed me a bill on you, which will be presented by my attorney, Major Grant. [Holography 3 j)p., Uo.] " Gilbert Ironside. » J [No. 227.] Robert Palk, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esqr.j. 1774, January IGth, Patna. " I left Calcutta the 9th November, and arrived at this Factory the 20th ; distance about 400 miles . . , P^nclosed I send you a draft on Mr. <1) Emelia Vansittart, jun. '2) Samuel Beardiuore, a Bengal cadet of 1772, did not obtain his eniigncy until 177H. lie died three years later. 231 [No. 227. Keiinaway'^- for a further sum advanced his sons . . . Captain Skottowe undertook the care of a box for you, which I expect you will say contains a monument of my folly. If it should not pro\'e acceptable at Haldon House, I daresay it will be very much so at Yolland Hill.*'-' Mrs. Van*'^' undertook to forward two or three small parcels for me, directed to you, but containing pieces of muslin, shawls, &c., for my friends at Ashburton ; but by whom she has sent them I know not . . . In additit)n to the silk stockings I requested you would cause to be sent out annually, I shall be obliged to you if you will add the following : — 2 black and 1 white hat, 6| in. diameter, 1 pair boots and 6 pairs shoes ... I shall also be glad of a large alarm watch or small clock of that kind, and a small light royal hunting saddle, red leather and quilted seat, with light furniture for the hind part only . . . " We have no appearance of any disturbance in the country. Shuja Dowla has paid twenty lacks of the sum he was to give the Company for Corah and Illiabad<'*> by the Governor's treaty. J\[r. Hastings goes on with great spirit reducing the Company's expences, civil and military, but I do not think it possible for the re\'enues to be increased. The attempt of it has been the error of our Government ever since Lord Clive obtained the Dewanny for the Company. . . The whole of the provinces ha\'e suffered greatly this last season by a heavy fall of water in the month of September, which overflowed the whole country, destroyed not even [?only] the grain, but carried away many villages and destroyed the cattle . . . Since that time we have had a remarkable drought, so much so as to alarm the natives with the fear of another famine. A stop was put to the exportation of grain . . ." The Collectors are recalled throughout the provinces, and Revenue or Provincial Councils take their place. I enclose the regulations on the subject, from which you will see that the Company's servants generally are much restricted as to trade. " This Factory is most materially hurt, for in order to grant an allowance of 3,000 Rs. per month to the Member of adminis- tration without taking it immediately from the Company, they have claimed in the Company's name all the opium produced in this province, hitherto the particular advantage of the gentlemen at this Factory, which will be about equal to the above allowance. This is a severe loss to all us Patna folks, for there is no one article of trade left us but salt and Europe articles, which barely bring us the full interest of our money. This misfortune make[s] me feel the ill luck I was in by my (1) William Kennaway, of Exeter. (2) Yolland HiU, by Ashburton, the lionio of Walter I'alk. (3) Mrs. George Vansittart. (4' The pro\-inces of Kora and Allahabad, which had been assigned to the titular Emperor Shah Alam for his maintenance, were taken from liim when he placed hiiii- Belf in the hands of the Marathas. By the Treaty of Benares they were ceded to the Nawab Vizier. No. 227] 232 removal in 1772, for had I staid here to this time, I should in all probability have it in my power to take leave of India, and avoided some misfortunes I have experienced. However, as I am not ambitious, a small matter will satisfy me. I therefore hope it will not be long before I see old England — some time between this and 1780. We hear Lord Pigot is coming out on the Eagle with his new plan of government. Also that Lord Clive has been killed by a young nobleman whose name is not mentioned, nor the cause of their disagreement. " I am concerned to mention the loss of my worthy friend Madge. He died at Madras the 8th November last. He estimated his fortune in his will to be about seven thousand pounds, Mr. Baker writes me, which for the most part he has left to his family. " My brother is at Masulipatam, and much pains T have taken to correct his errors and advise him to the best of my judgement ; but wdiether it will be of service to him or not I can't determine. I have said and done all in my power, and added 4,000 Rs. within these few days to 12,000 which he has alread}^ had and, I fear, spent. I have little expectation of seeing my money again. It will, however, be some satisfaction to me if it saves him from ruin. I do not wish you to say any thing to him on this subject. I have already said so much as to make him express himself very unguardedly in his replies to my letters of advice. He is yet young enough to reform. " Mr. Petre(^) has been tried for the murder of Mr. Rochford*-) and acquitted, and is already by his countrymen's influence promoted to a good employ, whilst his seniors in the service are out of employ and in want. He renewed his application to George for permission to marry Emelia. George declared he never would agree to it. He then proposed that George should admit of their waiting till such time as he (Petrc) could write to Mrs. H. Van on the subject. To this George did not object, and Petre accordingly addressed Emelia on the subject. She mustered up a little resolution, seeing how disagreeable it was to her uncle, and gave her lover a positive refusal ; so I hope that connexion will never be renewed. " The young Kennaways are very well. Dick is with George, and makes himself usefull. Jack was left behind at this place when the brigade marched down to the Presidency, very sick ; for some time dangerously so. I have made a stout man of him again by good nursing, and have just sent him down to join his brigade . . . " General Sir Robert Barker is gone home, and the command of the army has in consequence devolved on Colonel Chapman,*^' who is grown old and very unequal to the task. The old gentleman has been remarkably attached to gaming till within (1) Pr(>l>;il)ly John Pctrie of the civil service, who was a Writer in 1773. >2) Gcorfje liochford, appf)inted Writer in April, 1773, was buried at Calcutta on the 7th Septcnihcf of the same year. (■^) Colonel Charles Chapman hold tlie command from December, 1773, to January, 1771. 233 [No. 227 these two years, and thereby sunk his estate considerably. His'only wish of kite has been to accomphsh the amount of his loss. It is said a compromise has lately taken place, that the sum of near 80,000 Rs. has been made up to him, that he is to return to Europe with Captain Meers of the Egmont, and Colonel Champion to command the army, a very active officer, and in every respect equal to the station ..." " Robert Palk." " P.S. — I have received your letter of the 15th March, 1773, by Mr. Ives, and will give him every assistance in my power. I've not yet seen him. [Holograph, 8 pp., Uo,] " R.P." [Enclosure. Revenue Regulations of] 23rd November, 1773 A Duan*'' will be appointed to each of the provincial councils, and the Roy Royan<-) will serve as Duan to the committee at Calcutta. The provincial councils and the Calcutta committee will take orders from the revenue council, as the Collectors do at present. The parwanas'-^) of the revenue council to the Duans, and all sanads*^' granted by the council, will be signed by the Governor. Collections in districts which are not the seat of provincial councils are to be managed by Naibs.<^) The Naibs under each provincial council are to hold courts of Diwani Adalat,'^) appeals being allowed to the provincial Sadr Adalat.'") They are to decide all cases not exceeding Rs. 1,000 revenue for Malguzari*^' lands, and Rs. 100 for alienated or free lands. For larger sums appeal lies to the Sadr Diwani Adalat.'^^ Complaints against head farmers, district naibs, zemindars, &c., are to be decided by the provincial councils, appeals being carried to the revenue council at Calcutta. Military officers are forbidden to detach parties of sepoys save on military service, or to confine any person not under their orders, or to lend or borrow money, or to have any concern in farms, taluks<^°' or securities, or to sell any article, or to have dealings with any landholder or revenue officer. Officers of the Faujdari Adalats'^^' are forbidden to hold farms or other offices in the mofussil.*^^) Any complaints against them will be made to the Governor, to be referred by him to the Sadr Nizamat Adalat'^^) for decision. (1) Dtian {dlwdn), chief revenue officer. (2) Boy Royan (rairaiyan), deputy chief revenue officer. (3^ Paricana {parwdna), written order, permit. (4) Sanad, deed of grant. <5) Naib, deputy. <8J Diwani Addlat, civil coui't. (7) Sadr Addlat, chief court. (8) Malyuzari, assessed for revenue. (^' Sadr Diwani Addlat, chief civil court. (10) Taluk, from Ar. alaka, signifies (in Bengal) a tract of proprietary land. (H) Faujdari Addlat, police or criminal court. (12) Mofussil (mufassal) , outlying districts. (13) Sadr Nizamat Addlat, chief criminal court. No. 227.] 234 Members of the superior councils either in Calcutta or the divisions are prohibited from every kind of trade, except in diamonds for remittances, or goods bought in Calcutta for export to foreign markets, or goods brought from foreign markets. In compensation for their lost privileges an allowance of Rs. 3,000 per month will be granted. The export warehouse- keepers at Calcutta and in the divisions are forbidden to trade in articles of the Company's Investment. No covenanted servant shall make advances for the purchase of grain or other article of prime necessity for natives, such as ghee, fish, oil, jute, straw, betel or tobacco, all which must be purchased for ready money at market prices. [8 pp., 4/0.] [No. 228.] Frederick Griffiths'^) to [Robert Palk, Esqr.] 1774, January 20th, Calcutta. — My brother has informed you of my arrival here after a not unpleasant passage, thanks to the gentlemen to whom you kindly recommended me. " I am happily situated in the family of Mr. Hastings, whom I am already under obligations to. When my brother'-' presented me to him, he generously desired me to consider myself in his family while I remained in Calcutta. Shortly after, I was ordered to join the corps of cadets, a great distance up the country. My brother, with the advice of some military gentlemen, his acquaintance, mentioned to Mr. Hastings his wish that I should have leave to remain some time longer at Calcutta . . . He agreed, and would employ me to assist him, ashehadseensomeof my writing. This he has since done . . ." " Frederick Griffiths." [Holograph, \\ p., flscp.] [No. 229.] Reyno[ld] Adams to Robert Palk, Esqr., Park Place, St. James's. 1774, February 2nd, Fort St. George— I am sending you a pipe of old madeira, which I ask you to accept. " As I have no thoughts at present of leaving this country, and as my employ will be ruined if Mr. Baker should have the watering of tiic ships, I have thought of a thing which is very advan- tag[cJous if it can be obtained, and which I think may be done if you will be pleased to favor me with your assistance. It is to make a tender to the Court of Directors for the Bettle and Tobacco farm and Bang''^> leaves (as they always go together) (1) Frederick Griffiths, one of the two sons (No, 60, p. 76) of the Rev. Charles Grifliths, ai)pcars to be identical with William Griffilhs (No. 163, p. 184, and No. 221, />. 226). His name was probably Fredorick William. (2) Henry Griffiths. *■'' Bang, bluing, from Sansk. bhangu, hoiiip : the leaves of Cannabis indica, from which a narcotic is derived. 235 [No. 229. as soon as the present cowl expires, which will be about two years hence. It was granted to the present renter fur Pags. 28,000 per annum, and I mean that my tender for the next term shall be Pags. 30,000, and to give Soncar or other security to the Governor and Council . . and I will supply the publick in such beatle, tobacco and bang leaves as other renters has done before me . . " It has not been customary, it is true, to let the farm to a European, but this is probably because no European has hitherto tendered. I look to you for your kind assistance, and I have written to Mr. Boehm for his. " Reyno. Adams." [Holograph, -If pp., Uo.] [Duplicate, 2 pp., flscp. Wax seal with arms and initials [No. 230.] Chocapah to the Honble Robert Palk, Esqr. 1774, February 4th, Fort St. George. — Since December last the French at Pondichcrry have been employing 2,000 coolies on the fortifications on the west side of the town, under the direction of their engineer, M. Beausset. Since M. Foucault's arrival in October the Council has not met, but in December a council of justice was formed, consisting of M. Law, M. Foucault and four others. The military force now comprises about 1,000 Europeans, 600 sepoys, lascars and coffrees, and about 150 peons. It is reported from Muscat that the Company's charter is renewed to 1787, and that Bengal is to become a King's settle- ment, but nothing is said about the Coast. We shall soon receive definite advices. Mr. Cotsford'^' and Mr. Hay*^) are leaving for England. " Rackobah, the Chief of the Morattas, with about 70 or eighty thousand horses, came near Hydrabad and settled matters with Nizam Ally Cawn, and is arrived at Seerpoor'^' with the said force to concert measures with Hyder Ally : and as soon as this is done 'tis reported that he intends marching with his whole force towards the Carnatick. It is reported that his demand of the Nabob is chiefly to put the King of Tanjore in possession of his territorys, and the delivering up of the Marawars' country back to them, Arrany*'** countr}-, and the tribute for several years past due to them ; and threatens otherwise to remain a long time in these parts and to destroy and ruin the country. The Nabob, we are appre- (1) Edward Cotsford. Vide No. 183, p. 199, note 1. (2) James Hay, Paymaster at Tricliinopoly. a civil servant of 175<5. (3) Seerpoor. Chokappa prohalilv means Sirpi, otherwise called Sira, in Mysore. Cf. No. 232, p. 237. W Arrany (Ami). The Marathas had ruled this territory for about thirty years in the seventeenth century, and still laid claim to it. No. 280] 236 hensive, will not incline to deliver up any of those comitrys, but endeavors to make up matters with money . . . " Mr. Benfield'^' is banker and soukar to his Highness the Nabob : all drafts and bills for the payment of the kists*-' to the Company are sent to him, and he discharges it , . ." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 2 pj)., demy.'] [No. 231.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 177J., February 6th, Fort St. George. (Duplicate). " The Tenively business don't go on well. The Renter at first said he had no Star pagodas. When we agreed to take Porto Novos he would not pay, he said, on Captain Cooke's receipt, but must have mine, as the Tanaka''^' run[s] in my name. I sent Captain Cooke my receipts for the first three payments. When he presented them to the Renter, he said he had no pagodas, but offered to pay in chacram*^' or fanams. These fanams anywhere out of that country is not worth three quarters of the monc}'^, and to exchange them there in Porto Novo pagodas or Bombay rupees would take up a very long time. I applied to Buckunjee's House, '^) and offered them to discount five per cent, if they would give me bills. They said they had thirty thousand of those fanams lying there to be exchanged. I considered, however, if I refused taking the fanams it might furnish the Nabob with a pretext to say that I refused, for the sake of a trifle, taking the money when offered ; and the Nabob sending to tell me he would make good the difference, I wrote away to Captain Cooke to receive even the fanams ... I assure you. Sir, I do every thing in my power, but you are too sensible that it is an affair that requires influence, and I am but a private person . . ." " John d'Fries." [Autograph, 2 pp., Uo.] [No. 232.] MuDOO KiSTNA to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1774, February 12th, Fort St. George. — " The Nabob resides at Chepauck as usual ; and as he had long design upon Ton j ore, marched his troops jointly with the English forces against it in the beginning of August, and took that Fort and the country on the 19th of September last. The Rajah and his ministers were made prisoners and their effects seized, and they still (1) Paul Benfield. Vide No. 78, v- 109, note 1. (2) Kif and is now before the fort of Agra, and so is Nudjuff Cawn'*' with the King's troops, but they cannot take it. Shuja has applied for one of our brigades to assist him, (1) Narayan Rao, fifth Peshwa, was murdered in 1773 at the instigation of his uncle Ragliunath Rao, commonly known as Raghoha. (2) The Bfilaghat. Vide No. 163, p. 183, note 1. (3) The Jats, who occupied territory to the westward of the Rohillas, had taken Agra in 1773. (■*' Najaf Khan, the Emperor's general. No. 233.] 238 and it is now near Banaras marching up. Whether the Governor and Council will permit our troops to march beyond Shuja Dowla's dominions I can't say, but I fancy it's his wish that they shall be employed to reduce all that country. " I believe 1 have not mentioned some views of Patna and Dinapore cantonments taken by a black man, which I left in Calcutta to be sent you. They are pretty well done. Miss Van was to send them to you by Captain Skottowe ..." " Robert Palk." " P.S. — I've just heard that Agra was to be given up to Nudjuff Cawn for the King about the 28th of this month. R.P." [Holograph, 5^ pp., 4to. Wax seal inscribed " Robert Palk " in Persian characters.^ [No. 234.] Robert Palk, jun., to R[obert] Palk, Esqr. 1774, March 11th, Patna. — I enclose for your information copies of correspondence between George Vansittart and myself about the scheme of remittance by way of China. I consider that Mr. Price has not behaved well in the matter. " George writes me the Council are going to pay off all the Company's bonds granted before 1769, and that in future no more than 5 per cent, interest will be allowed on borrowed money. Every charge in the Civil department is decreased to the utmost : they are now beginning with the Military. A saving of some lacks is talked of only in the article of lascars stationed with the artillery and at subordinate Factories. A post is to be established all over the country the first of next month, that is to say, from that time all persons are to pay at the rate of 2 annas per himdrcd miles for a single letter.'^' Hitherto the Dawks'-' have been an annual charge of above 2 lacks of rupees to the Company. It is now expected that the Company will gain by them. At this rate I imagine in 2 or 3 years the whole of the Company's debt in Bengal may be cleared from the savings made during Mr. Hastings's govern- ment. " I hear the Marattas have given some alarm at Madras, although they have not entered the Carnatic, nor perhaps intend to. Notliiiig has been done above since the taking of Agra. Our troops are marching on towards Shuja's frontiers, and it's imagined will be quartered there till the rains. The settlement Mr. H. has made with Shuja Doula for paying the Company's troops when in his country doth not meet with the approl)ation of })e()ple in general. It is called hiring the troo])s to the country J\)wers." [Holograph, 4 pp., Uo.] " Robert Palk." (1' a ' single ' letter wus one nut oxceedinfj; 2i tulas in weight. (2) Duirk (ddk), post, transport by relays of ineu or hoiiiios. 239 [No. 234. [Enclosures. Copies of five letters which had passed between Robert Palk, jun., and George Vansittart relative to their China scheme of remittance.] [No. 235.] MuDoo KisTNA to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1774, March 15th, Fort St. George.—" It pleased God to put an end to the alarm ol" the Maratas, for Narainraw's relations at Poona, having joined together, raised an army by concurrence of Narainraw's mother and widow, and are upon a scheme to attack Ragonadaraw and to put an end to his authority. Which news coming to Ragonadaraw while he was upon his march to the Balagat country, he thought it dangerous to stay there any longer, and so he returned on a sudden to his own country, by which means the country in these parts is cleared from the apprehensions of the Marata troubles at present. " As to the Nabob, he keeps his Court at Chepauck, and every thing goes very well with him according to his satisfaction. He seems to be firmly settled in his new acquired province of Tonjore. The Raja of the said place, with his family, is still kept prisoner in the Fort of Tonjore, and whose hopes are entirely vanquished at present by reason of the return of the Marata army as aforesaid . . ." " MiTDOO KiSTNA." [Autograph, 1 p., flscp.] [No. 236.] J. Price to Messrs. Fitz Owen Jones and James Potter, Jerusalem Coffee House, *^' London. 1774, March 18th, Calcutta.— In my letter of the 6th instant I stated that I had settled with Mr. Vansittart and Mr. John Call as I did with Dacre & Harris, except that the insurance premium paid by Mr. Call on his ventiu'c of Arcot Rs. 25,000 on the Albion to China is to be repaid by you on my account. I have since arranged with Mr. Palk as with Mr. ^^ansittart. Of the Arcot Rs. 50,000 lent by the former. Current Rs. 27,000 belonged to his uncle Goxernor Palk, and Current Rs. 7,135 to the estate of Captain Adams the Engineer.'-' I have engaged to meet the insurance premium on both these sums, and I request you to pay it to the agent of either Mr. Palk or Mr. Vansittart. "J. Price." [Autograph, 2 pp., flscp.] [Endorsed in the hand of Governor Palk] " Captain Price to- Fitz Owen Jones and James Potter, Esqrs. to repay the insurance made by R. Palk on the Albion to Canton on his (1) The Jerusalem Coffee House is mentioned in An Essay on Friendship published in 1725. (2) Vide No. 211, p. 220, notejl. No. 236] 240 account and Capt. Adams', vizt. Robert Palk, Esqr,, Current Rs. 27,000 ; Adams, C. Rs. 7134 15a. Insured April, 1773, at 5 guineas per lOOZ." [No. 237.] [Robert] Palk to H.H. the Nawab of the Carnatic. N.D. [1774, cir. March.] " To his Highness the Nabob of the Carnateck Mr. Palk always most fervently wishes an increase of glory and happiness. " The gentlemen who are to join Mr. Hastings at Bengal and compose the new Government there now proceed on their voyage, and propose to pay their compliments to your Hig[h]ness on their way. They come with the best intentions to give their best assistance for preserving peace and prosperity over all India, and from them you will learn the state of affairs in Europe and who is most likely to receive the Government from Mr. Wynch. I hope and believe it will be an appointment to your satisfaction. Colonel Charles CampbelF^^ is endeavouring to return to the command of the troops, and as I find he will be very agreeable to you, he shall have all the assistance in my power. General Lawrence in joins me to make you his most grateful acknowlegments and, though his memory in other matters begins to fail him, he shall never forget your singular kindness to him. I still endeavor to keep up his spirits and make his life comfortable as formerly, and we often recount the many happy days we have passed with your Highness in the field, in garrison and at the Mount." [Holograph draft, unsigned, 1| p., Mo.'] [No. 238.] Stephen Sulivan to Robert Palk, Esqr., Park Place, St. James's. 1774, April 3rd, 11, Paper Buildings, Temple. — " Dear Sir, Ever since I last troubled you for money my father's circum- stances (no secret I dare say to you) barely enable him to supply me with what is necessary. I am sure that I as a son cannot feel more than you as a friend. You have uniformly contiiuied your regard to him, and as for me, you have laid me under the greatest of all obligations. I protest to you, Mr. Palk, that I have no other resource but in your generosity, and therefore I venture to request two or three himdred pounds if you can possibly spare it. The tide is against my poor father in every thing. I see not even a glimmering of chance at the election, and my own prospects here are so gloomy that the East must be my lot, let me go ovit how I will. I only wish for an oppor- tunity to convince you of my honor and gratitude ; but till that opportunity offers, accept, I entreat, the sincerest sentiments (1) Vide No, 41. p. 63, note 4. 241 [No. 238. of affection and esteem from, dear Sir, your most faithful and obliged servant, " Stephen Sulivan." [P.S.] " I earnestly beg an answer from you to-morrow morning." [Holograph, 1 p., 4-to.] [No. 239.] Stephen Sulivan to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr., Park Place. N.D. [1774, April.]—" My dear Sir, After my last letter it looks importunate to write any more ; but as I have only one guinea, if you could possibly procure me the money and send it me some time this day, you will essentially oblige your ever affectionate " Stephen Sulivan." [P.S.] " If my servant should happen to be out, your servant can drop the letter, and it will be very safe." [Holograph, | p., Uo. Wax seal, device a deer.] [No. 240.] Stephen Sulivan to Robert Palk, Esqr., Park Place. N.D. [1774, April.] Wednesday evening. Paper Buildings, Temple. — " Dear Sir, I am infinitely obliged to you for your kind letter, and though I can with truth say I would not have troubled you if a real necessity had not constrained me, I must and ought to wait till it perfectly suits you. When it does, I have not a doubt but you will obligingly keep me in your remembrance. I am happy always to wait on you, and I think myself fortunate in your friendship, which I shall endeavour through life to retain : but to-morroAV I am forced to be out very early to do all that is in my power by solliciting at the door of every Proprietor. The very first leisure moment I can find I will dedicate to you, to thank you for those constant and steady proofs of regard with which you have always dis- tinguished, dear Sir, your most affectionate friend and servant, " Stephen Sulivan." [Holograph, Ip., 410. Wax seal, device a deer.] [No. 241.] 1774, August 1st, Fort St. George. — Statement of Account of Robert Palk with the Estate of Henry Vansittart. Signed by J. M. Stone, George Purnell, Moses de Castro, and Pelling &: de Fries. [2 pp.. Mo.] [No. 242.] Lau[rence] Sulivan to [Robert Palk]. 1774, August 23rd, Queen Square. — " My dear Sir, As I wished to communicate your letter to my son, who returned but No. 242.] 242 yesterday from the country, it has not been in my power to give an earlier answer. " The people of Ashburton are undoubtedly bound to you by the powerfull tyes of gratitude and affection as well as of interest, and therefore their disposition to so generous a benefactor could hardly be called in question. And the inference I must draw is that in pressing Mr. Palk to be their INIember they make an absolute rejection of Mr. Sulivan, because it seems to be an agreed point that they can carry but one Member. The preference is natural. At the same time I have the pleasure to believe that, with two exceptions only (yourself and Mr. Dunning)'!' the freeholders of Ashburton would continue heartily attached to me. " When I ventured to encourage Stee'-' with hopes of succeeding me, it was from a riveted (but mistaken) opinion I had imbibed that Ashburton was the last borough that you or Mr. Dunning would meddle with ; but the moment I found that you inclined to stand for this place, I did then, as I do now, resign the whole to your determination, desiring that you will direct me in the steps most proper to be taken to do you honour with the freeholders on my resignation. " From public motives alone I sought Parliament, but so little satisfaction have I experienced within those walls that, had I noiv my then independance, no temptation upon earth should have carried me thither again. But the melancholly change makes it (if possible) necessary to the future prospects of my familly that either I or my son should be in the Senate. If he happily succeeds any where, and I should in some degree recover my India line, every wished for purpose will be answered ; but if the whole ends (not unusual to me) in building castles, I shall still trust ' that whatever is, is best.' " It was more my misfortune than fault that I did not meet IMr. Dunning. I went out to Putney with a full intention to lay open to him every circumstance, and determined to adopt such advice as such an inestimable friend should give ; but wlien I found those were to dine with us whose smiles had always attended mv better davs, I wanted that fortitude whicli has seldom failed me, and therefore only said to our friend at parting that I should call upon him in Town to mention some material matters. I did so three times. My son also called, but we could not meet. " I have the pleasure to tell you that Mr. Maclean*^' goes on well, and will certainly wind up honourably. He has already made a begiiming, and sends me by the Resolution money to buy in Mr. Dunning's India Stock, which will so far take off a load from \'an's estate and me. If I can return to the Direction and keep him upon his legs, a very large debt will be secured. (1) .Tolin DiiTinint;. Vide No. 105, q). 135, note 4. (2) Ktc|ih('ii Sulivan. (3' Coli.iicl [,an.] 2U it was transferred into one name and sold off, he, who was in the secret, knowing when to sell for his own advantage what did not belong to him ; and to make amends he gives me an Allum security of £3,000 for what he disposed of for his ozvn advantage at about 4,400. This is the true state of the case. I never asked Sir George but one favor, my nephew's reinstatement, and you know how mvich I was hurt upon that occasion. " I hope, however, the Allum security is ample and sufficient. Mr. Smith'i' told me it was worth doulDle the sum it stood for, and if Mr. Purling's and Boyd's assignments are discharged from it, I suppose it is still better. Sir George indeed wrote me at that time that this security was given us out of kindness, because our demands would certainly be liquidated in a 12 month ; and I still hope that we shall have a good prospect of receiving our ballances. " I am ever, my dear Sir, yours most affectionatelv, "ROBT.^ALK." [Holograph, If ^., Mo. Wax seal ivith the Palk artns.] [No. 245.] Nawab Walajah to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1774; September 24th, Chepauck House, near Madras. — " His Highness Nawab Waulaujah, Ummeer ul Hind, Omdaht ul Mulk, Ausuph ud Dowla, Anwar ul dee[n] Cawn Bahauder, Munsoor Jung, Sepoy Salaar, Subadar of Arcot and the Carnatick, to Robert Palk, Esqr. " I have already written to you many friendly letters, and have been much rejoiced to hear you are happy, as you are my old friend. I have heretofore made some representations to the Gentlemen in England, but as I have not hitherto learnt that anything has been done to give me satisfaction, I have sent Colonel Macleane'-' and Mr. James Johnson'^' to England. From them all matters may be fully understood. Your friend- ship for me is of long standing, and I am always thankful for it. I hope the favor of your assistance will not be wanting to settle my affairs, and my obligations will be encreased. " What can I say more ? " [Autograph cipher, 1| p., Uo.] [No. 246.] Lau[rence] Sulivan to Robert Palk, Esqr., Haldon House. 1774, September 30th, Queen Square. — " My dear Friend, By the time this reaches you we arc no longer INIembers of Parliament, for I am this moment assured, indeed I know it, that a proclamation for its dissolution comes out to morrow, and orders are issued to the Post Ollicc to stop franking on Monday. (1) Probably Nathaniel Smith. Cf. No. L>18. p. 245. note 6. '-' Vidr No. Kii), /». 18!t, note 2. '3) Vide No, :i8, ^, 45, note 7. 245 [No. 246. " H()wc\'cr com ("iiicnt it iiia>- be lo nic to lia\c a scat in the next Parliaiiient, I cannot bear the thought of keeping you from Ashburton, and therefore beg that you will instantly secure yourself there. And pray assure our friends the freeholders that I shall e\ er retain a grateful remembrance of their generous attachment, and that if ever I have power again to oblige individuals, I shall consider my self as much belonging to them as if [I] was still their JMendjcr, and I request Mr. Dunning, scnr.,., -Uo. Wax seal with arms.] [No. 247.] Tho[ma]s Short to R[obert] Palk, Esqr. 1774, November 24th, Calcutta. — Having arrived here, I beg to thank you for your kind recommendations to Mr. Vansittart and Mr. Palk. The former has rendered me nmch assistance ; the latter is away at Dacca. "T. Short." [P.S.] " I was sorry to hear of the death of Major Madge at Madras, to whom you had favored me with a letter." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 248.] L[aurence] Sulivan to Robert Palk, Esqr., Park Place. 1775, February 12th, Queen Square. — " My dear Sir, 1 hope you have seen Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Van, and have pressed them to obtain Mr. Boddam's**' solemn promise that he will vote for me to be upon the House list, as no time is to be lost. Yesterday a friend informed me that the Boehms have great influence with Boddam. Pray speak to them. You have supported Captain Halh^' and Nath. Smith. '^^ I wish you would ask them the same favour. They have been applied to by several, and they will not chuse to disoblige many Proprietors. (!• John Dunning, sen., whose son of the same name was created Lord Aslilnirton. Tlie family homestead was a small farm about a mile south f)f Ashbuvton on the road to Pridhamsleigh. <^' Robert Abraham, of Gui-rington, Ashbmton, a fii'st cousin of Kol)ert Talk. (•J) Dr. Tripe, of Ashburton, whose son Nicholas married Grace Palk, niece of Robert Palk, sen. (4) Charles Boddam, then a Director and formerly a Madras civil servant, married in 1754 Frances Morse, sister of Mrs. Henry Vansittart. (•^) Richard Hall, who commanded the Indiaman Worcffter for ten yearn from 1761, was a Du-ector from 1773 to 1789. '*" Nathaniel Smith was a Director fron; 1774 to 1795. He formerly com- manded the Lord Camden. Cf. No. 10, p. 14. No. 248.] 246 "I have spoke to Mr. Manship^" and others, and still hold the same clear opinion that our friend will be foiled. " I am, my dear Sir, ever yours, "L. SULIVAN." [Holograph, Ip., Uo.] [No. 249.] Frederick Griffiths to Robert Palk, Esqr., Park Place, St. James's. 1775, February 24th. Camp, Mydagaut.— I set out on the 21st October last to join my Cadet corps, and reached camp on the 8th February. " My pay and batta, with a little oeconomy, will allow me to keep a small table and to save fifty rupees a month." My brother Harry has doubtless written to you ere this. " Frederick Griffiths." [Holograph, lip., 4 Archdale Palmer joined as a Writer in 1755. He entered Council twenty years later, and sided with the Majority against Lord Pigot. (6) Francis Jonrdan. Vide No. 33, /). 54, note 1. (7) Geoi-ge Mackay. Vide No. 13, p. 17, note 3. (8) Umdat-ud-Umara. W John Maxwell Stone. Vide No. 29, p. 46, note 4. (1(J) Saiuuvl .lolinson. Vide No. 194, p. 210, note 3. 247 [No. 250. " We have had two Coast and China ships and two Coast and Bay ships arrived from England the 22nd of last month : on one of these ships Sir Robert Fletcher and his wife arrived here, and no news of the appointment of any gentleman at home for the Government of Madras, but the people imagine that Lord Pigot will, however, come out to this place . . . " The Morattas are very troublesome at Bombay, and lately I hear that our Government there met with great loss of a detachment of 170 Europeans and 700 seapoys being cut off ; and also by a hard gale of wind at Surat nine large ships and about 40 boats were destroyed with goods and merchandizes . . " Mr. Mackay has sold his great house in the P'ort to his Highness the Nabob for 25,000 pagodas, and Messrs. Felling'^' & de Fries sold Mr. Vansittart's house, that Mr. Morse lived in, to his Highness also for thirty thousand pagodas . . . " The Governour and Council affixed an advertizement at the gates that the Parliament's direction to all the gentlemen either civil or military in this place and at the Subordinates [is], from the 1st August, 1774, not to receive any presents, money or any thing else, either by themselves or by their servants or people for their benefit, from the Indian princes, powers, ministers, agents, or from the renters and farmers ; and if any gentleman receive any such thing and the same be dis- covered, that they will be obliged to pay double the same they received, one half of which to be for the Company's benefit, and the other half to the informer ; and that those gentlemen shall be sent home immediately unless they give a sufficient security to embark within twelve months. And if this is the case, the Madrass gentlemen in the Company's service will find great difficulty in getting a fortune after they disburse their own pri\^ate expences, unless the Company makes them a handsome gratuity . . . " The Morattas' Admiral ship was blown up on the Malabar coast in an engagement with some of our fighting ships, and since which their fleet did not appear on that coast ; but we don't know what trouble they may give us hereafter, since the loss of so many of our ships in the storm at Surat ..." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 3f ^9., demy. Duplicate.] (1) Thomas Pelling was born in India in 1723, and is believed to liave boon the son of Thomas Pellinj^, sen., Coiirt Sergeant at Madras, who died in 1735. The younger Tliomas was in correspondence witli Orme from 1761 to 17U.3, but his name does not appear in the list of free merchants until 1775, when ho is described as ' native,' i.e., country-bom. He joined John d'Fries in the firm of Pelling &, de Fries, afterwards De Castro, Polling & de Fries. Pelling had several daughters, of whom Elizabeth married in 1766 Captain Thomas Gibson ; Ann married 1st Captain Thomas Oat« and 2nd Colonel Ross Lang ; Mary inarried in 1772 Cotton Bowerbank Dent, M.C.S. , Catharine married in 1777 Thomas Palk, M.CS., and Sophia married in 1783 Dr. Job Bulman. ^48 [No. 251.] James Hodges'^' to Robert Palk, Esqr., St. James's Place, London. 1775, July 4th, Fort St. George.— Since I last wrote to you in 1772, I have been obliged through illness to make a second voyage to China. I returned cured, and my health for the last eighteen months has been better than at any time during the past five years. The interest of my bond shall be duly discharged, but I am not yet able to refund the principal. I have lately been nominated to a seat in the Council at Masulipatam, where I hope to be able to repay to your nephew some of the many kindnesses I have received from you. " James Hodges." [Holograph, 1^ p., Uo. Wax seal, defaced.] [No. 252.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, July 4th, Madras. — " We have now only the amount of the ruby ring and the house to receive from the Nabob, which I make no doubt, if the country continues peaceable, we shall be able to do in the limited time, having obtained Tuncaws^-' for the whole of the amount on the Wongole'-^' country, which from its nearness is a convenient assignment "... We shall remit through Mr. George Vansittart. The amount due by Mr. George Smith to the estate of Mr. Vansittart is about £400. " Mrs. Vansittart's character is vastly raised by her sufferings. Her misfortune has rendered her mind great. I hope she will hereafter enjoy the satisfaction of seeing her children imitating their virtuous parents. Harry is very promising. Mrs. Parry''^' is happy in her marriage . . . " Bengal is over run with informers' accusations against each other. Joe Fowke'^' stands foremost in this honorable list. Nuncomar was to be tried for perjury and forgery. The sessions at Calcutta begun the 3rd of last month. Our last advices from there is of the 12th. They continued setting still and were upon Nuncomar's cause. A treaty was concluded (1) James Hodges, a civil servant of 1764, was Mayor of Madras in 1775. Most of his subsequent terna o. service was spent at Masulipatam. (2) Tuncaw, from Pers. lunkhicdh, a draft for money : an as!-ignnicnt of future revenue. (•^) Ongole, a town and taluq in the Guntur District. (4) Emelia, daughter of Henry Vansittart, married on the 21st March, 1774, I'^dwiird I'arry, a Bengal civil serv.int of 171)7. He became a Director of the Company in 1800. (5) Joseph Fowke, son of Randall Fowke of the Madras civil service, was himself a Writer at Fort St. George as early as 17;}6. He was present at the capture of Madras in 174(5, and in common with otlier civil servants was allowed to go to Fort St. David. There he remained unemployed luitil 17u(t, when he was appointed a member oi Sauiidefs' Council. It is uncertain wlieii he left tlie service, but in 1775 he was a free mei'ciinnt in Bengal witli his son Francis. He associated with Nand- kumar, and was bitterly hostile to Hastings. The latter and Harwell prosecuted both father jnd son for conspiring with Xandkmnar to prociu-e false accusations «i?ainsl them. In 1778 Joseph Fowke was entertained as a Senior Merchant in consideratiou of his " long and faithful services." 249 [No. 252. ^vith Siijah Dowlat's son, who has ceded to the Company Buhvansing's''* country, reckoned worth 35 lacks of rupees per annum. " The Gentlemen of Bombay entered in a war with the Morattas for the concjuest of Salsett. They are joined by Ragopah, and ha\c to contend with the ^linisterial Party, who, by having the treasure and the army for them, have all the power, and our army has met with a considerable loss in an engagement with the enemy in Cambay. " Here, a sreat division in Council. The majoritv in l)ad terms with the Nabob. It was a great oversight the sulTcring the Nabob to garrison Tanjore, and may be productive of disagreeable altercations. Already, I am told, there have been many warm and many illiberal minutes entered on record. The minority is General Smith, Messrs. Johnson and Stone . . " [Autograph, 4- pj)., Uo.] " John d'Fries." [No. 253.] George Baker to Thomas Palk. 1775, July 8th, Fort St. George. — I learn from your uncle, Robert Palk, Esqr., that Major Madge's children have arrived in England. Your uncle writes that the deceased Major had in his hands the effects of Lieut. Thomas Palk and Ensign John Palk. The Ensign's estate is Arcot Rs. 449 la. Ip., while the balance due on that of the Lieutenant is Pags. 1,718 14/. 72c., and Mr. Palk asks me to recover the latter amount. I replied that I would refer the matter to you as surviving administrator. The case appears to me to stand thus : — To the two estates there is due from Major Madge's estate Pags. 1,361 26/. 72c., and from you Pags. 356 24/. Oc, total. Star pagodas 1,718 14/ 72c. According to a letter from the Major to your uncle this sum is due to Lieut. Thomas Palk's estate alone, while A.Rs. 449 la. Ip. in addition belongs to that of Ensign John Palk. But in his statement of account Major Madge represents the former sum as the total due to both estates, and he makes no mention of the smaller figure. I shall be glad if you can explain the discrepancy. Please send me the money you hold belonging to your kinsmen's estates, so that I may remit it to your uncle. " George Baker." [Autograph, 5 pp., flscp. Endorsed in Robert Palk's hand.] " Cornish Palks, 8th July, 1775, Capt. Baker to Tom Palk." [This certified copy probably formed an enclosure of No. 257.] [No. 254.] Thomas Palk to George Baker. 1775, August 12th, Maz[ulipata]m. — Although only nominally one of Lieut. Thomas Palk's executors, I feel bound to give you (1) Tributary Raja of Benares. No. 254.] 250 all the information I can. My own debt to the estate, S. Pags. 315 16/". Oc, arose in this way : — In 1772, at ]\Iajor Madge's request, I visited JMasulipatam on my way to Bengal and discussed with him the affairs of my deceased cousin. Lieut. Palk left no will, but it was his expressed intention to give everything to his child. On Palk's death in March, 1771, the Major wrote home to my cousin's friends, but, receiving no reply, decided after two years that some provision must be made for the infant, and arranged with me that the sum of Pags. 315, then in my hands, should be set apart for that purpose. I accordingly gave a bond for the amount. " It is not fit that I should here expatiate on the astonishing conduct of Lieut. Palk's friends ; but how an orphan infant, so nearly in affinity of blood to the mother of the child's father, could have escaped notice is unaccountable." As to the estate of Ensign John Palk I know nothing, but surmise that it consisted only of clothing and equipment. I suppose that Major Madge brought both estates under one head in order to save trouble. The item A. Rs. 449 la. Ip. must be part of the total sum of Pags. 1718 14/. 2c. "Thos. Palk." [Holograph, 5 pj}., Uo. This letter formed an enclosure of No. 257.] [No. 255.] Colonel Robert Gordon'^) to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1775, September 10th, Bombay. — It gave me much pleasure to receive a letter, dated 7th March, from so valued a friend as yourself. " Mr. Edmund Veale Lane,'-* whom you mention, is a young gentleman that I greatly esteem. He served lately with me as Judge Advocat at the siege and reduction of Tannah in Salsett, on which event that island, contiguous to Bombay, was annexed to the Company's revenues, and may be supposed in peaceable times to produce about five lacks of rupees. Mr. Lane is now of the Council at Tannah. By [his] being in the civil department it does not lie in my way to be of much service to him, as you well know ; but if ever it should, I shall be happy . . to do him every good office in my power. " I am happy to hear my old friends Charles Brett and Mac are alive and well. Pray remember me to them and to Colonel John Campbell, whose acquaintance I seem to have entirely lossed, though I do not know how or from what cause, as I do believe our mutual regard and friendship was for many years sincere, and on my side ever has continued the same. Mr. Facey,'^* now a Lieutennant, is at present on duty at Tellicherry, (1) Colonel Robert Gordon commiinded au expedition to Surat and Broach in 1771, and in 1775 one against the Island of Salsettc, which he seized and occupied. (2) Vide No. 150, y. 169, note 2. (3) George Facey. Vide No. 150, p. 169, note 3. 251 [No. 255. which Settlement, it's said, will soon be reduced from a Chier.sliip to that ol' a Residency . . ." " ROUEKT CiORDON." [P.S.] — " Our Board have lately, and 1 think contrar[y] to every rule of military service, employed Lieut. Colonel Keating, Chief Engineer and Commanding Officer of Artillery, to command an army as auxiliaries to the side they have taken, vizt. that of Kagaboy, who murdered his nephew,'^' in the present internal disputes among the Maharrattas. This Ragaboy was in possession of the government for sometime after the murder, but it so happened that his nephew's widow was brought to bed of a posthumous son, whose interest the ministry support, and are possessed of all the country and the revenues. After being four months in the field and nothing done of the smallest importance to the general cause, the ministry very artfully applyed to the Supreme Council and obtained their express orders for a cessation of arms ; and they have sent Lieut. Colonel Upton from Bengali to Poonah as their Ambassador with full powers to accommodat[e] all differences. " From a difference with our Board regarding the meaning of the last instructions of 29th March, 1774, and alluding to a Lieut. Colonel left in the command of Tannah Fort, his not receiving the parole from a Resident, and a very extraordinary letter I received from the Board in consequence, I had then resigned the service when a convenient oppertunity offered for England or by the way of China. Soon after which time the Board took a part in the Maharratta war, and therefor nominat[ed] Lieut. Colonel Keating, which I repeatedly opposed, and afterwards offered my service ; but they chose to adhere to their nomination, which I do believe they have since repented, our President and Council having signified their wishes that I should continue in the command till the cause of our differences should be determined by the Court of Directors, to whom they are referred ; which proposal, as an approbation of my passed services, I reddily accepted of." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4to.] [No. 256.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, October 7th, Madras. — I shall be ready to take charge of your affairs from Mr. Stone when desired. I recommend the sale of the house. Although out of repair, it will fetch a good price owing to its situation. " I look upon houses to be now at their meridian in Madras." General Smith sails in the Colebrooke on the 16th. Mr. Wynch remains till Lord Pigot arrives. " The disagreement between the majority in (1' Narayan Rao, the Peshwa. No. 256.] 252 Council and the Nabob continues still. Mr. Stratton has quitted Vizagapatam. Sam Johnson is appointed to succeed him. " The Governor General and Supreme Council having wrote to Basala Jung'^' to dismiss all the Europeans in his service, (it is reported he has five hundred men, French and others, in his pay) a considerable party is set out to be the bearers of the letter. I hope it will have no serious consequence. " The animosities in the Supreme Council at Bengal rage very high. Nothing is done but from the spirit of party, and the majority seem determined to carry their point in everything and spare none of those that they think to be of a different interest. Joe Fowke is rewarded with the Residency of Banares'-' ; his son Collector of that province ; Mr. Stewart'^' put out of the Secretaryship ; Playdwell'"^* dismissed from Master of the Police — a post of profRt. He joined in an address to the Judges. In short, it is a melancholy prospect. " The Supreme [Council] having disapproved of the measures pursued by the Bombayers in the war with the Morattas, a cessation of arms has taken place. After the risques we had run in a rupture with those powerful people it will be to be lamented if we give up the advantages we have gained in the acquisition of the island of Salsett, which is the grainery of Bombay. The conjuncture is favorable for dividing and thereby lessening the Moratta power ; although it must be allowed the Government of Bombay did not concert their measures properly, which exposed us to real danger." Hyder Ali preserved neutrality in the Maratha disputes. He has reorganized his army, and is expected to take possession of the districts east of Goa which Ragoba made over to him. Some suspect that he is aiming at Travancore. " The exportation of the specie continues with us to a greater degree than ever. It is reckoned that in the course of this present year six lacks of pagodas have been exported to China and Europe — a melancholy and very alarming circumstance, for it must drain the country, and that very soon if continued . ." " John d'Fries." [Holograph, 3f pp., Uo.} W Basalat Jang. Vide No. 19, p. 23, note 6. (-' This was a false rumour : Joseph Fowke was peuinitteil to reside at Benares, but he was not appointed Resident. (•5) John Stewart, apixnnted l)y the Directors Secretary to the Bengal Govern- iiictit, arrived at Madras in 1772 ami accompanied llastinss tlience to Calcutta. Dismissed liy the majority of Council in 1775 against tiie wish of the Governor General, he returned to England. His restoration was demanded as one of the conditions of the delivery of Hastings's provisional resignation. (■») Cliarles Stafford Playdell (or IMeydell) arrived in India in 1714. He resigned tlie civil service about 1705 and returned to Kngland, liut went out again in 1771. Jn 1771 Hastings appointed him Superintendent of Police, a post from which he was dismissed by the Clavering faction in the following year. Ue was subsequently reinstated by order of tlie Directoi-s. He mai'ricd l"-li/abeth, daughter of Governor Holwell in 1759. and died at Calcutta in 1779. 253 [No. 257.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, October lOth, Fort St. George. — I regret that the pagodas sent home on account of Major Madge's estate reahzcd an indifferent price, but I cannot follow your recommendation to send gold in ingots because I have nothing left to remit. The balance of the estate comes in bonds at Is. (kl. per pagoda, payable one year after sight. The statements of account which you send of the estates of your kinsmen Thomas and John Palk agree with those found among Major Madge's papers ; but I can trace nothing regarding the item Rs. 449 la. Ip., and I assume that both estates were included in the statement sent to you in October, 1772. I wrote to your nephew Thomas Palk on the subject, and I now enclose his reply to my letter. I also send a final statement of the account at the time of the Major's death. The balance due, Pags. 1,361 26/. 72c., I have paid to your attorneys here. " George Baker." [Autograph, 3 pp., fiscjj.] [Enclosure. — Statement of Account of the Estates of Thomas and John Palk. Other enclosures were Nos. 253 and 254.] [No. 258.] Chocapah to the Honble Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, October 10th, Fort St. George. — Since I addressed you by the Swallozv, man-of-war, on the 2nd July, I have learned with satisfaction " that Lord Pigot is coming out on the Greeynmlle for the Government of Madrass, which gives all the inhabitants, merchants and people in these parts much pleasure and joy, as they lived very happy in his Lordship's Government formerly by his defending Madrass and distressing the French at Pondichery. " We hear that our Government at Bombay and the Marattys are in cessation of arms, and the Gentlemen of [the] Supreme Council at Bengali sent an English gentleman'^* as Ambasidor to Ponnah to settle the matters with the Marattys, and to settle the difference of their family disputes ; and if that affair is once settled by our Ambasidor, the Marattys will always be our friends, and we shall have none of their troubles in these parts any more." Four merchant ships have arrived at Pondicherry from France, bringing goods consigned to MM. Law and Moragin and some warlike stores. AVork on the fortifications there goes on. " Mr. Dowsett*-' was obliged to go away from this place to Pondichery about two years ago on account of his creditors, and from thence (1) Colonel John Upton, Bengal Infantry. Vide Xo. 260, /). 255, note 6. (2) Robert Dowsett. Vide No. 34, p. 56, note 1. No. 258.] 254 went to France. Now he came back upon one of these ships arrived lately at Pondichery . . ." Mr. Monckton's ship has returned from Manila with dollars for the owners and "for the Arminion and Black ^Merchants of this place," but the goods did not sell well. " Mr. Hastings and the Gentlemen of [the] Supreme Council, they say, do not agree with one another, and they say both of them are waiting for answers from England about their disputes." General Smith and Governor Wynch are preparing for their homeward passage. " Mr. Wynch has been very kind and civil to every one in the place. [He] made a good Governour to all the inhabitants and people of these parts . . Chocapaii. [Autograjjh, 2 pp., demy.] [No. 25©.] Richard Welland'^^ to Robert Palk, Esqr., M.P., Halldon House, near Exeter. 1775, October 12th, Madrass Road. — " Honoured Uncle . . We are just come from Masulipatam, where I was on shore and saw Mr. Thomas Palk, and he behaved very kind to me and gave me some books. Mr. Baker asks me on shore very often, likewise Mr. Adams . . We sail for Bombay on Sunday next. We expect Lord Pigot here every day, and Governor Winch goes home this year. I think hats is very dear in India . . . " Believe me to remain, with the sincerest love for you and my aunt and cousins, &c., &c., dear Uncle, affectionately your ever dutiful nephew, " Richard Welland." \Holnffraph, \ p. fJscp. Wax seal with profile head.] [No. 2C0.] George Baker to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1775, October 13th, Fort St. George. — In a separate letter I have dealt with the affairs of your deceased kinsmen Thomas and John Palk. Those of Major Madge, I learn, j'^ou have committed to his father and family. I congratulate you on the increase to your own family. " I should be glad to give 3'ou some account of publick affairs here, but my knowledge in this respect is very confined, though on the whole I think I may say that the Board do not draw well together. The late disputes about the Nabob's sending his second son as Fousdar*'-' to Tan j ore gave birth to party and resentnuMit, perhaps to rancour, which has not yet subsided, nor is it like to in the present reign. The expectation of Lord if/oH, in which he passed a further period of two years among the islands, estal)lighing a settlement at Balanil)angan, off the coast of Borneo, and constructing a series of charts. In 1765 he returned to England and pul)lished works on geo- graphy and hydrography. In 1775 Dalrymple sailed for Madras with Lord Pigot, as a memlier of Council. He sided witli the Governor during the revolution, and was suspended by the Majority. Recalled to England in 1777, he was appointed Hydrographer to tlie Company in 177!t and to the Admiralty in 1795. "(•^' Quintin Crauford. FWe No. 20^, p. 216, note 1. No. 263.] ' 258 " The late and present Governor, together with the Council, &c., now retired to the Admiralty, where the keys were delivered to Lord Pigot and all the formallityes of his introduction to the Go^'ernment compleated, and the late and present Go^-ernor and Council all dined together both that [day] and the next, which was a Military Council day and the first of the present Govern- ment, But Mr. Wynch never assisted on any publick service after Lord Pigot's landing, though orders have been given to show him the usual publick marks of respect. He lives at the (iardens, where Lord Pigot has hitherto generally breakfasted, though he sleeps in the Fort Square and the young ladyes*^' and the rest of the family live at the Admiralty, The day after his Lordship landed he returned the Nabob's visit and passed about an hour and [a] half with him. No extraordinary news of what may be intended to do with respect to the Tanjore business has yet transpired here, though people seem inclined to think that something new may happen. " I have paid my respects to Lord Pigot and Messrs. Russel and Dalrymple. They received me very civilly, but I have not yet had an opportunity to speak to either of them about my business ..." I will make further enquiries about poor Goodlad's affairs, but full accounts were sent to England last June. This letter goes by the Salisbury, Indiaman, Captain Bromfield, which called here yesterday on her way from Bengal. We hear Sir Edward Hughes arrived at Anjengo on the 18th November. " By letters of the 1st November from Bombay Colonel Lupton,<2) the Envoy from Bengali, was arrived in the neigh- bourhood of Poonah. Our army was, it is said, advancing from the north nearer to the Maharatah capital, and the Government of Bombay had directed the Chief of Anjengo to advise the trade from Bengali, China, &c,. to proceed so high as Tellicherry without fear, but not to run the risk of proceeding further till they sent them convoy. This looks as though all apprehensions of danger from the Maratahs was not yet o\'cr . . . " Oiu* Nabob haveing desired and obtained the permission of the General Council at Bengali to send Mr. Chambers'^' (a gentleman who has made a great progress in the Persian and other languages) to Poonah as his Eml^assador, he is to set out on that service in a few days, " Bazzallyzung'^' haveing got together a number of French and other Europeans, induced our Cientlemen to send Ca})tain Edmonds with about a hundred Europeans to Ongole to be ready to joyn the troops at Ellore if occation should require it, but they have hitherto remained (juiet. This chief haveing lately laid siege to the capital of some neighbouring little (1' Sopliia and (/(^onnra Pigot, (2) Oolnn.-l TTpton. <"^' AVilliaiu ( 'liainlicis, of I lie Xawali'a service, '*> Ma.salal .i;iiig, \i(li' .\o. lit, i>. 2:<, note (J. I 250 [No. 203. state, the besieged applyed to Hydcrally for assistance. He immediately, and as privately as possible, sent his son Tippa Saib witli a large party of horse to the relief of the place, and came upon the besiegers so very unexpectedly and attacked them so vigorously as to cut off a great number of them, and among the rest a great part of Bazzallyzung's Europeans, which has for the present abated our apprehentions of his designs . . . " About ten days since we received certain (though neither publick nor particular) accounts that Ballambangan had been taken by the people of Solo. It was a private letter from a Mr. Coles'^' of Council there. He exclaims much against the conduct of Mr, Herbert,*-' both as to his management before and at the attack of the place, for I cannot call it defence. It seems they neither made or endeavored to make any. Loose- ing gamesters always complain, and Mr. Herbert in his turn may perhaps have as much to say against his colleague in Council. But be this as it may, the Company, it seems, loose two himdred thousand pounds sterling in goods, &c., &c., by it. As they took to their vessels as soon as they could, I don't find that many, or perhaps any, lives were lost on the occation. They are now at a place on the N.W. part of the Island of Borneo which they call Borneo proper, and from whence we expect publick advices from them every day." Messrs. Stratton, Dawson and Brooke all talk of leaving for England shortly. Mr. Thomas Palk at Masulipatam was well when I last heard from him. " The good old General''^' ! My heart warms as the idea of him comes to my recollection, but I cannot say I lament him. He lived to a fulness of days and glory, and what could vanity itself wish more ? . . ." " George Baker." " P.S. — Lord Pigot is just returned from a visit to the Nabob in a rich palankin, which he has presented to him." [Holograph, 11 pp., flscp.] [No. 264.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, December 14th, Fort St. George. — " Ship Grenvelle arrived here the 9th of this month, with Lord Pigot, Mr. Russell, Mr. Dalrymple and Mr. Crawford, who landed themselves the next morning, and his Lordship's commission was read, and the Chair was delivered up to him immediately, and all the inhabitants, merchants and people paid our visit to his Lordship, and are all in these parts extremely glad to see his Lordship again in ]\ladras . . . Moodu Kistna is acting at present all (1* Edward Coles, second of Council at Balambangan. '-' John Hprl>ert, Chief at Balambangan. (3) General Stringer Lawrence, who died 10th January, 1775. No. 264.] 260 his Lordship's affairs . . . Mr. Wynch has resigned up the Government, and Hves at the Admiralty House ..." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 1 p., demy.] [No. 265.] John dTries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1775, December 14th, Madras.— You will learn from iNIr. Petrie,'^* when he reaches England, of the state of Goodlad's affairs. " We have received the amount of the ruby ring from the Nabob, which shall be remitted by Company's bills in January, and make no doubt of as easily receiving payment for the house at the end of the term : by which means the concerns of Mr. Vansittart in Madras will, I hope, turn out much beyond expectation ... I am happy to find Mrs. Morse Ijctter reconciled to England than at her first going. I think if Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Van could hve together, it might greatly add to the satisfaction and contentment of both. I hope their pecuniary circumstances will turn out better than either of the ladys apprehended . . . " Lord Pigot arrived the 9th, and I hope will pass the remainder of his days with us. A person of his reputation and intimate knowledge of the Company's and India affairs must l)e of great service to us in case of need. There was much alarm at Chepauk House, which is not over yet, but I wish and hope every thing will be settled and adjusted in a reasonable and friendly way. The machine certainly wanted winding up, and a tight hand is very necessary on such occasions. " The dissentions at Bengal continue as violent as ever. Nothing will put an end to it but the removal of one party or the other. The war with the Morattas on the other coas[t] continues in suspense. The miserable settlement of Balam- bangan, I am told, will cost the Company four himdred thousand £, and the lives of many people ..." " John d'Fries." [Holograph, 2 J pp., Uo.] [No. 266.] Major J[ames] Rennell'-> to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr., at Halden House. 1776, .January 2nd, Bengali.- — ^Forgive my failure to reply earlier to your letter of March last. " I am aware of the iiiconveniencies and folly of returning to England without a c()nipet(;ncy. I thank (iod Mrs. RenncU*-" and mysoU" look no I'arthcr than for the mere conveniencics of life ; so that what (1) William Petrie. Vide Nd. 178, p. 196, note 1. (2) Vide No. 145, p. 167, note 1. In the course of 1776 Rennoll was attacked by a l>a(ul of Hanvitisis and danKcroiisly wounded. (3) HeniicU luai'iied al OalcuUa in 1772 .Jane Thackeray, great-aunt of the novelist. 261 [No. 266. would be a trifling pittance to many will be adlucnec to us. Mrs. Rennell joins me in best Avishes to yourself and Mrs. Palk. We have had the misfortune to lose our little girl, our only child ; but I hope God Almighty will in good time give us another."'i> " J. Rennell." [Ilolograjjh, 1 p., Ito. Wax seal with arms.] [No. 267.] Lieut. J. Snelling to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr., Halldown House. 1776, January 4th, Sick Quarters, Vizagapatam. — " My ever honoured and esteemed Patron, Sick as I am at present, gratitude for the numberles[s] favors I have received obhges me to let you hear how 1 go on and where I am stationed." I wrote last from Aska, whence I was transferred to Captain INIathews's battalion at Chicacole. This was for me a fortunate event, for " Captain Mathews,'-' whome I have the pleasure of informing you is my very generous and sincere friend, is esteemed by every body to be the most warlike genius in India, and the most enterprizing man that ever drew sword in this part of the country." Since he took command of the Chicacole battalion " he has not only conquered countries before un- conquerable, but even with one battalion executed greater undertakings than his predecessors durst attempt even w^ith thrice his number of men and some companies of Europeans besides . . . What a pleasure and satisfaction it is for a young fellow like myself to be under a man so renowned for every particular of the military art ! . . . Not long ago I was on detachment amongst those hills so famous for their fatality to European constitutions. I got a most severe fever and ague, which had very near ended my life ; and though I have been for six weeks under the doctor's hands, am not as yet perfectly recovered. My friends perswade me to leave northern climes and try those more healthy ones to the southward, but what signifies my going to a place where, with the strictest o[e]conomy I should find it difficult to live on my pay, and probably, from the number of pleasures to be met with there, such as plays, horseracing, cockfighting, in short almost all those expensive amusements you have in England, might be drawn on to live at greater expence than my income can afford ? I can live here very genteelly on my means, and as I shall probabl}^ never more visit England, will make every thing as agreable to myself as possible. Nothing but an extraordinary gust of fortime can ever procure a soldier one in these iron days, and to be dependant at home will not agree with my constitution ; consequently I shall never leave India . ." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.] ' " J. Snelling." *1) Two sons and a daughter were born later. '-) Captain Richard Mathews, commanding in the Circars, took Jeypur in 1775. Vide also No. 19, p. 27, note 1. 2C^ [No. 268.] Colonel Gilbert Ironside to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1776, January 14th, Calcutta. — I enclose some papers for your perusal, and venture to offer the following observations on them : — " What could induce the man to so envenomed an attack without any provocation on my part, and to the branding himself with the obloquy of an informer, except it were to ingratiate himself, as many have lately attempted, with a prevailing party, no one can devise ; for the trifling difference we had about a command was merely a pretence, and could never be the cause of so virulent a proceeding. Thus however was it represented to the General,'^' and by him to the Board. To every member of the Council the charges appeared, as they really are, frivolous and insignificant ; and the Gentlemen individually declared to me how willingly disposed they all were to take a favourable part in it on my account. Unfortunately at that juncture the contentions at the Board on the dismission of their late Secretary Mr. Stuart*^' had produced great personal animosities, and a debate ensued on the manner and form in which my business was to be taken up. The Governour insisted, as the matter was introduced by the General, on his making the proposition ; and the General asserted that it ought to proceed oflicially from the Governour. " During the controversy Mr. Hastings sent me frequently to assure the General of his acquiescence in any terms tending to my justification, and General Clavering returned me as often with the like assurances to Mr. Hastings : both of them at the same time affirmed that they could repose no confidence in each other, and that their only repugnance to make the first advances proceeded from the diffidence each entertained that some advantage might be taken to the prejudice of the proposer ; — ^on one part because I had formerly acted as Secretary to the Governour, and on the other because the General since his arrival had particularly distinguished me, and had taken Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Ironside's brother, as his Persian Translator. The other Gentlemen, well inclined to serve me, attended their deternunation. But with every suffrage in my behalf, their nuitual jealousies and disagreements absolutely prevented the effect of those favourable resolutions all of them wished might be adopted, and produced tiie general orders which arc annexed to my letters. The ultimate decision of the matter itself is referred to the Court of Directors with a favourable representation of it from the Council in their public capacity, and, if I can believe themselves, a recommendation of it in their private characters. Yet I confess I cannot but deem myself, by the publication of these orders, very hardly dealt with, not only from their exposing me to the reflexions U) General Sii* John Clavoi'lnp. (2) John Stewart, Secretary to the Govcrmueut of Bengal. 203 [No. 268. of the world, but as it must of course contribute to impair my authority in the army. " Sliould you regard it's consequence in the same point of view, you will grant mc, I hope, your Icind assistance, whenever the matter comes in agitation before the Court of Directors, to obtain an alleviation, if not a reversal, of those orders and of the censure they convey . . ." " Gilbert Ironside," [Holograph, 3| pp., Uo.] [No. 269.] Sir Edw[ar]d Hughes to Robert Palk, Esqr., at his house in St. James's Place. 1776, January 15th, Bombay. — " I came here to dock and rclitt, [as] well as assist, if I can, in the treaty making at Poonali. This onh' serves to acknowledge the receipt of your favour per Grenville, arrived the 10th of last month at Madras, and to assure you of the welfare of your nephew, 'i' who grows a very smart young man. He is perfectly well, and shall want no one thing in my power. I will do myself the pleasure to write you by the Dolphin more fully. You will have received many letters from me in the course of last year, and which you shall continue to do while [I am] abroad." "Edwd Hughes." [P.S.] — " My best respects wait on Mrs. Palk." [Holograph, 1| j}-, 'ito. Wax seal with arms, defaced.] [No. 270.] Chocapah to the Honble, Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, February 2nd, Fort St. George.—" I hear that the Government of England and the East India Company has gi\en positive orders to Lord Pigot to take Tonjore and the countrys belonging thereunto from the Nabob, and to put the same in the King of Tonjore's possession, where the Company's troops are to be placed, and the King to disburse the charges of the troops. The Nabob at first seemed unwilling, and told the Governour and Council to do herein as they think proper ; but at last his Lordship and the Gentlemen in Council, I hear, are determined . . . , and orders is sent to Trichinopolly for the regiment there to be in readiness to march . . . " Mr. Macpherson,*^' who came here as purser to Captain Poioi' Porring, Alexander Davidson and John IIolloiul wim'c Madras civil sci'vanls of 175!), 1700 and 1701 respectively. (*) KiJadflr, (he commander of a fortress ; from Pers. Icila, a fort, (5) Triimpln-ey Harix-r, as Captain, comtnanded a sepoy battalion in 1770. He was a Li'iil. Cnldncl in 1775, and in 1779 led a force into Uuntur in aid of Basalat Jang against Uaidar Ali. 265 [No. 270. ■will soon set out from hence for Tonjorc, and restore to tlic King- tlie eoinitrys belonginfr to liim in the name of the Enghsh Company. Tlie restoration of the eountrys to tlie King of Tonjore will be a lasting monument to the Enghsli nation, to the Company and to his Lordship all over these parts, and the ^larattys will rejoice greatly in the English nation's generosity, and [it will] he a lasting fame to the nation. ■• The 10th February, 1776." [^lutugraph, 2\ pp., denitj.] [No. 271.] , Tiio[maJs Palk to Rob[er]t Palk, Es(|r. 1776, February 8th, Maz[ulipata]m. — Not ha\ing received a single letter from you during the past two years, I fear that you must be displeased with me. Were j'our silence due to the reports of malicious persons, you would doubtless have given me an opportunity of replying to their charges ; so that I know not to what cause to attribute your displeasure. I owe nnicli to vou, and I assure \'ou that mv conduct has alwavs been such as you would approve. I ha^•e been at this station nearly three years, but my position does not yet enable me to dispense with the allowance you are pleased to make me. I refer you to Mr. Whitehill'^', who has resigned the Chiefship and is now going home, for information regarding me. From him I have received many civilities. " The Naboli is dispossessed of his newly acquired territory, and our troops are marching to take possession — a severe stroke on the Nabob, and he seems to be sensibly affected. India at present is '\\\ a state of tranquility, and likely to continue so if the French do not take it into their heads to disturb us . . ." "Thos. Palk." [Holograph, 3 pp., flscp.] [No. 272.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, BVbruary 10th, Fort St. George. — " The new Governor seems to have been particularly attentive in showing his predecessor every civility in his power during the two months he has continued here since his supercession. Lord Pigot has indeed taken the Fort House to himself, but the .Vdmiralty and Garden House are occupyed in conmion by him and Mr. Wynch together with both their l"amil\'s. The late Governor continues to recei\ e all the honours usually paid to him in that capacity equally with the present. He has the head of the table, does and receives all the honours of it, and each ask their own friends as they please. In fine, it appears to me that Lord Pigot is willing to send home Mr. Wynch in as good humour as his (1) John Whitehill. Vide No. lii, p. 2'J, note 2. No. 272.] 266 adopting contrary measures in respect of publick affairs will admit of, well knowing, I should suppose, that a man of two plumbs in England will be a more desireable friend or formidable enemy in proportion as that sum exceeds a mere competency. " The negotiation of the surrender of Tanjore to the Company's troops has been carryed on between the Nabob and Lord Pigot (on the part of the Board) with such secrecy that I am utterly unable to say on what conditions or under what restrictions, either in respect of the Rajah, the Nabob or the Company, the new arrangements are to take place. Report has it that the Nabob's garrison was to march out, and a garrison of the Company's to march in, as yesterday the 9th February . . " The Ankenvyke, which is now ready to sail, carries Mr. Wynch 'and also Mr. Stuart'^', late Secretary, Bengal. Mr. and Mrs. Vansittart arrived here yesterday in the Hillsborough on their way to England. Mr. Thomas Palk has asked me to repay to Mr. Wynch what the latter advanced to him in respect of your allowance since receipt of your instructions to withhold the allowance. I was obliged to reply that your orders must be obeyed. This attitude was painful to me owing to my friendship for Mr. Palk. When I met him in Madras in 1772 he seemed to be financially embarrassed, and on the occasion of his visit to Bengal I ad^"ised him to confide in his brother. Whether he did so or not I cannot say, but I venture to suggest that one more effort of benevolence on your part might set him on his feet again. After the death of Mr. Goodlad it was found that his bond debts were about Pags. 25,000 and book debts Pags. 15,000. Of the former, half has been paid, and the assets suffice to meet the remaining half. James Johnson, now insolvent in Elngland, owes Pags. 8,000, but the Nawab gave such engagement for that sum as permitted Johnson to leave Madras. On the recovery of the amount the book creditors will receive about half their dues. " liy the last accounts from Bombay we are gi^•en to under- stand that Colonel Lupton'-' was arrived there, and that there was then a prospect of a peace being concluded between the English and the Maratahs on faAorable terms for the former. Sir Edward Hughes with his Squadron is there, and will not return hither till May next ..." " George Baker." " P.S. — That you might nt)t be too much puzled in making out my scrawl I have made my amamiensis (who does not imderstand a word of what is said) transcribe it." [Autograph, Of pp., flscjJ.] (1) John Stewart. Vide No. 266, p. 252, uoto 3. f2) Colonel Upton. 267 [No. 273.] Mrs. Mary Turing'^' to Robert Palk, K.s(|[r. 1776, February 10th, Fort St. George. Received 17th Feb., 1777. — I have askctl my son to wait on you with this letter. Tliouph I ha\c' not received anv direct conmuuiieation from Mrs. Palk. I ha\ e had news of her and your family from my IViend Mrs. Casamaijor'-'. " My tw^o daughters' '* arrived here in June. 1773, and in August following were both hap})ily married, the eldest to Mr. John Turing, and the youngest to Mr. Saunders. They both made nie a grandmother . . . My eldest son, Taylor, is an officer in the Company's service, so Bob'*' is now my only care. My wish is to get him appointed a Writer in the ser\iec at Madras, for which I nuist solicit and rely upon the interest of my friends. You have upon all occasions shewn a regard for me and my family, which emboldens me to re(jucst your assistance towards my son . . ." " Mary Turing." [Holograph, 2|- pj:>., Mo.] [No. 274.] J[oiin] M[axwell] Stone to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1776, February 12th, Fort St. George. — " You have already been advised that Mr. De Fries had taken upon him the joint management of vour affairs . . . " The orders received by the GrenviUc regarding the Nabob are exceedingly mortifying to him. They direct that the country of Tanjore shall be restored to the Rajah, and have severely censured this Government for having dispossessed him. It might easily be shew'n where the blame ought to lie ; but as a refutation of the arguments used by the Directors can answer no good end either to [the] service or myself, I shall not attempt it. I have frequently, my dear Sir, in my letters to you shewed the dangers to be expected from the support the Nabob received from home in opposition to this Government. The eyes of people seem to be now open ; but they now proceed from one extreme to the other, and have, I think, unhappily missed that proper medium which alone could unite the Company's and the Nabob's interest on a solid and permanent footing. " The Court of Directors have appointed a Connnittee of Circuit, who are to make the tour of the Circars and Jaguecr'"'', and report their present state and capacity for improvement. The members of the Connnittee were appointed by the Directors, (1) This lady, daughter of Captain John Dc Morgan, married first Tlioiuas Taylor and secondly Surgeon Robert Turing. (-) Rebecca Casamaijor. Vide No. 18, p. 22, note 1. (3) Mary and Helen Turing married, respectively, John Turing and Edward Saunders, both civil servants of 17()2. (*> Robert Turing, jun., entered the Madras Army in 177S, rose to the rank of Major, and died in 1801. t5) The Company's Jaghire. Vide No. 118, p. 140, note 3. No. 274.] 268 and consist of Messrs. Dawson, Russell, Dalryniplc, Johnson and Mackay. I am, I can assure you, exceedingly happy at being left out of this disagreeable conniiission, for sueh 1 am convinced it must prove if it be executed in the manner intended ..." " J. M. Stone." [Holograph, 3 pp., 4^o.] [No. 275.] H.H. the Nawab Walajah to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, February 12th, Chepauk. — " The Gentlemen of the Company have been induced by groundless reports, which have never had any foundation from me or my family, and the representation of people who attend only to their own interest, to send orders by Lord Pigot in regard to the Tanjore affairs, as you may have publickly heard. His Lordship has, since his arrival, been an eye witness of the state of affairs, and is con- vinced that the reports which prevailed in England were false. He has therefore solemnly promised that he will make a just representation to England. I have, however, agreed to take a Company's garrison into Tanjore on the same terms as in Trichinopoly and other forts to convince the Company of my invariable friendship and dcpendance on them, which have imiformly subsisted from the beginning. I am always obliged to them. You'll be thoroughly informed of all matters by the copies of my letters to the Gentlemen of the Company and to the Governor and Council of Madrass, which I have sent to Colonel Macleane. I expect candor and justice from the Gentlemen of the Company in regard to the Tanjore country, which is entirely my right. You are my old friend ; therefore I hope you'll give me your assistance in protecting my rights that I may always remain under obligations to you. " What can I say more ? " \1\ p.,/Z*q9. Wax seal on outer cover with Persian inscri}jtio}i.] [No. 276.] John D'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, February 12th, Madras.—" Mr. (Jeorge Yansittart is here in his way to Old England on the Hillsborough. To him I shall beg leave to refer you for all partieidars of India news, con lining myself entirely to the subject of our Nabob, who, poor man, has been greatly affected with the Company's orders regarding Tanjore. Lord Pigot has belui\ed with a great deal of management and indulgence towards the Nabob in the execution of the orders, and he is himself perswaded of his Lordship's favorable disposition towards him. The English troops were to enter Tanjore the 9th instant : it is said a part of the Nabob's people are to continue in the Fort. The Nabob agrees to everything — an English garrison, the release of the 269 [No. 27G. Rajah, a proper maintenance to him, a handsome Jaghire for the Company ; I daresay he will give up all the seaports, Nagore, Trimelivashel ; — in short, he will do every thing to save appearances, that the countrey be not wrested out of his hands, which undoubtedly nuist make him look \'ery little in the eyes of his own people as well as the other countrey powers. His best friends have advised him to submit chearfully to the Company's orders, and then remonstrate to Europe. It has cost him a great deal to bring himself to this way of thinking, which his good sense has at last determined him to. It has certainly been a bitter cup to him, and he has found it out when late that his new friends have been the principal cause of the mortification which he now suffers. He has great confidence in your friendship and of Mr. Vansittart's family, and tells me he has wrote to you and sent copys of some papers which will inform you of what past in this business. His request is so reasonable now that I dare say you and his other friends will afford him assistance in having him redressed. As it is not sound policy that he should be lifted up too much, I don't think it prudent neither that he should be too much lowered, as it certainly is the case in this business. The Nabol) declares that this business of the conquest of Tan j ore has cost him in the two expeditions three millions of sterling, near three crores of rupees ; and although he has had the revenues of the country for two years, he has been obliged to maintain so considerable a military force that it has, I think, taken off above one third of it ; so that if the country is taken away from him entirely, he must be a great looser by his bargain. " The unlucky turn that the American business lias taken has filled us with much serious reflection. We anxiously wait to hear from England. God send that matters may have been made up." " John d'Fries." [Holograph, 3 pjj., -ito.] [Xo. 277.] Geo[rge] Baker to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1776, February loth, Fort St. George. — " My last address to you was under date the 10th instant per Anlienvike, on which ship Governor Wynch imbarkcd this morning about eight o'clocke. News having been received from Colonel Harper that he with his detachment took possession of Tanjore the 9th instant, that ship carryes advices thereof. She lyes with her topsails atrip ready to get under way the moment the wind admits of it . . . " The Committee of Circuit will soon set out on their business. Mr. Whitehill,*^^ who was chief of Masulipatam, resigned soon (1) John'Whitehill. Vide No, 19, p. 29, note 2, No. 277. J 270 after Lord Pisjot's arrival. The busy world sav he chose not to stay till the new Committee eame their rounds." He and Mr. John Sulivan'^' sail in a French ship, the ^Ija.r. from Pondieherry. Crauford.'-' as senior, takes eharge temporarily at Masulipatani. Stratton. Broi)ke, Dawson and Russell are all said to be candidates for that Chiefship, but the last named will probably be appointed. " In Lin\l Pilot's intercourse with the Nabob he has somehow procured IVom him a memorial from a Mr. Macjiherson'^' (wlio is about six years' standing in the Company's civil service) to the Nabob, representing his essential services and claiming a consideration for them. This gentleman has been in great conhdenee with his Highness, and report has it that his council [sic] to him has been to disregard the Company and cultivate a good understanding with [the] Ministry, which he (Macpherson) made the N'abob believe he could greatly promote by his connections in England. But the affair of Tanjore seems to have opened his eyes. Macpherson's memorial was produced to the Board by Lord Pigot, and he in consequence was immediately dismissed the service and ordered to Europe. It is said he has made twenty thousand pounds ..." " Geo. Baker." [Holograph, 4 pp„ flscp.] [No. 27S.] MuDoo KisTXA to Robert Palk, Esqr. 177G, February lOth, Fort St. George. — " After long expecta- tion Lord Pigot arrived on the 9th December last, came ashore on the 10th. and succeeded to the Government ; which being attended with the seasonable rains in the country this year, proved very agreeable to the people. At present the Carnatick enjoys a perfect peace and traiupiility. Ilyder Ally Cawn in the Balagaut waged a war against Basalut Jung and other country powers, and after he obliged them to pay him certain sums of money, marched against Moraryraw and beseiged his capital (iutty.^' It is thought that the matters will be accDinodatcil between them. " His Lonlsliip got our garrison placed in the Tanjore Fort, and it is said that the King is set at lil)erty, and that the country will be soon restored to him . . ." " MUDOO KiSTNA." [Autograph. 2 /)/)., Uo.] n> Jolin Sulivan. Vide Xo. 10, />. i!i). noto 3. (2> Quintin Craufoitl. Vide No. 204. ;>. 2U5, note 1. l3) .Tohn Maophofson. Vide Xo. "JTO, u. 2l)3, note 2. t*> Gooty (Guti), a to\vn iu the Anautapiu* District. 271 [No. 279.] A. Venkata to Roh[er]t Pat,k, Esqr. 177C, February 17th, Madrass.— The grant ol' ^' tlie villaoe of Aniurampadoo de{)eii(laiit on |the) '' Seven Magauniinis," "> Avliieli yon were jileased to make to nic, has been recognized by yoiu' sneeessors, and the Charity eonneeted with the t(Mnj)le is maintained. Mr. Stone has helped nie to overeome a dillienlty witii the Durbar by set thug the rents ol" the village, and I hope you will ask him and Mr. Strattoii to support me in the event ol' any interference by th(T servants of the Nawab. " Amerambadoo Venkaty," " Dubash to Mrs. Palk." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4to.] [No. 280.] J[onN] M[axwell] Stone to Robert Palk, Esqr. 177C, February 21st, Fort St. George. — I advise the despatch of a First of exchange by Mr. Arthur Owen,*-' who sails from Pondicherry in the Aquilon. The Second will be conveyed by Mr. John Sulivan'^' in the Ajax. "J. M. Stone." [Autograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 281.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esqr. 177G, February 23rd, Fort St. George.—" The Hillshoroug[h], with Mr. and Mrs. Vansittart on board, was dispatched hence for Europe the IGth instant, but on account of light or un- favorable winds she did not get out of sight till the 20th . . . This letter comes by Captain Pegou, late of the Huniingdon. He with Mr. Whitehill and John Sulivan go passengers in the old Ajax, now a French Indiaman. A Mrs. Draper'^' of Bombay (who is a niece of Mr. Whitehill's) accompanyes them. They all set out for Pondicherry to-morrow . . . " We have now a garrison in Tanjour. The King is said to (1) The " Seven Magans " Culone] Lauflilun Mailcatie Vide No. 1()9, //. ISil, m.te 2. 275 [No. 287. I put it into his Lordship's hands without any difficulty, and gave no opposition to my friends the Company, but submitted to them the state of affairs here. Every gentleman here evidently perceives that it is his Lordship's intention to distress and disgrace me, and he has seized every opportunity of injuring my affairs and of hurting my honor and authority ; and though I am the firmest ally to his Majesty, the Company and the nation that they have in this country, his Lordship has reduced me to a situation not to be described. The Gentlemen here as well as at Bengal have much disapproved of his Lordship's conduct. I place great dependance upon your assistance, as you are my old friend, and were you here now you would protect my honor from his Lordship's insults ; and I now hope that you will explain these matters to your friends, and take measures for giving me redress. As the ship in which this goes sails immediately, I can not now write at length, but I have desired that Colonel Macleane will acquaint you fully with Lord Pigot's behaviour. Mr. Salmon, who will (leliver this letter, has been an eye witness to his Lordship's proceedings. Sir Edward Hughes has acquainted me with what you wrote to him about mv affairs, and I am much obhoed to vou for it. " What can I say more ? " " P.S, — The reason of his Lordship's great displeasure towards me is this : — The order which he brought here in regard to Tanjore, to answer private views of his own, was prejudicial to the Company and the publick business ; and though I made no opposition to it, and wanted only to explain the true state of my affairs and my rights, and the prejudice that would attend my business, his Lordship endeavoured to shut up my mouth, as he thought that my representations would prevent him from pursueing his private interest ; but I have laid a true state of affairs before his Lordship, and before the Company also. What he now constantly does is with a view of destroying my honor and my rights." [3| pp., f hep. Endorsed " Nabob, 20th June, 1776. Received 22nd .Tune, 1777." The outer cover, which is addressed to " Robert Palk, Esq., Rruton Street," is marked "Duplicate of letter of the 20th .Tune," and is endorsed " Detained till 9th June, having been enclosed in a packet directed to Colonel Macleane (by the Grenville). L.M." The cover bears a ivax seal inscribed in Persian character tvith the titles of the Nazvab nearly as set forth at the head of his letter. The ori<^inal letter appears to have been received on the 3rd February, 1777.] • [No. 288.] .John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1770, June 20th, Madras. Heeeived otli TY'l)ruary, 1777.— " I have received yoiu- favor of the 15th Decern l)er, and waited on the Nabob myself with your letter, who seemed very happy at your expressions of frieudsiiip, and puts great relyance in No. 288.] 276 your assistance. He has of late been in a very disagreable, nay distressful! situation. The part Lord Pigot had to act of delivering up Tanjore naturally occasioned a distance between them. Two months after his Lordship's arrival the Nabob consented to deliver up Tanjore Fort to an English garrison : he could not be prevailed upon to go further. Lord Pigot, after trying in vain for near two months more to perswadc the Nabob to surrender the countrey to the Rajah, he went down himself, being vested by the Council with the powers of a deputation for reinstating the Rajah, and he was declared Commander in Chief of all the garrisons he went through. Messrs, Dalrymple'^' and Jourdan'-' accompanyed his Lordship, but they were simple companions, the former doing all his business. The Rajah was accordingly reinstated on the 11th of April. The Nabob had assigned the revenues of Tanjore proceeding from the February crop of grain to Europeans and others to the amount of, as it is currently reported, fifteen or sixteen lacks of pagodas. Mr. Benfield had the largest Tanakaw ; Mr. Monckton, George Smith, Adams, De Souza and others had also. The grain was a great part cutt and received by the Tanakawholders. However, it did not signifie : the Rajah's people, supported by our troops, possessed themselves of it. Since Lord Pigot's return there has been some division in Council, and the Majority was that the Tanakaws should be paid. The Nabob having applyed to Sir Edward Hughes for his protection, alledging that he apprehended violence from Lord Pigot, has prevented his Lordship from going to him of late. The Supreme Council has also wrote to the (iovernor and Council here, disapproving Lord Pigot's sending for the Dabir*-^' away by a military force from the Nabob's territorys. He was manager for the Rajah, and since for the Nabob, of the Tanjore countr}^ and he was ordered away to Alianore just before liOrd Pigot got to Tanjore. " These disagreements render the Settlement unhappy, and affects credit very much, and I am afraid the breach between Lord Pigot and the Nabob is so wide that it will hardly be closed. I apprehend things were pushed rather too far. The Tanakaws was a matter of such general concern to the Settlement that it interests almost every body, and has occasioned nuich uneasiness. Such is our situation at present, and no doubt \ery different things will be wrote by the different partys. The Nal)ob's character will on the one side be made out as a dissi})atiiig intriguing man aiming fast towards independence : and his own partizans will represent him as ill treated and oppressed grandure. It is very certain that the Nabob is so very different a eiiaracter now, both in his political as well as personal capacity, to what he was 14 years ago that the method of (1) Alpxcander Dalrymple. Vide No. 263, p. 257, note 2. ('-) Fi'iinci.s Jourdan. Vide Xn. '.i'.i, p. 51, note 1. (3^ J^Abir, Pcid., secretary. 277 [No. 288. treating him tlien can't be any ways prf)por at present. A vicforons Administration can easily contain the Nabob within the ])roper bounds, at tlic same time that he should not be lowered too much in the eyes of the publiek, particularly the natixes. It is certain that he has not the least notion of order, reffularitv or oeconomv in his finances, and if our (iovxrnment could settle the revemies and expenees of the Nabob on a proper reasonable footing, it will be the greatest service they could render the publiek as well as the Nabob. It will be a[n] arduous as well as a very delicate undertaking : however, in my humble opinion better worth attempting than many things else which causes ill blood and no real advantage. Your assisting the Nabob in this time of perturbation to him will be very acceptable . . . " A peace was concluded with the Morattas the 1st of May." <^* " John d'Fries." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 289.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, June 27th, Fort St. George. — " Since mine of the 2nd February last . . . Lord Pigot, Mr. Dalrymple, Mr. Jourdan, Captains Wood'-' and Thomson and one or two officers and doctors, with a battalion of seapoys and fifty European cavalry, and Moodu Kistnah, &c., set out from hence the 28th of March to Tonjore. And also his Lordship desired Chippermall Chitty, Sunca Rama Chitty and me from this place, and Irshepah Chitty and Sree Salupudy from Cuddalore to accompany him. We did accordingly, and we all, in company with his Lordship, arrived at Tonjore the 8th April, and the ceremony at the time of the restoration of the Rajah is wrote in a seperate paper and enclosed herein. And by what I heard and saw, the poor Rajah has been treated very ill by the Nabob's people taking every thing from him, and left him in a small place in his palace, and he had only one turband and no coat to put on, or any kind of iewells or anv household furniture. Thev hardlv left the copper potts and things commonly used in their necessary affairs, and also took away every kind of Jewells from the Rajah's women, and left them with black beeds on their necks, and with very few clouts and very poor allowance daily given them. He could hardly maintain his family and attendants. Several of his relations and people were kept close prisoners, and they were released after his Lordship's arrival there ; but most of the people thanked the Nabob for keeping the King so long with hfe. That he would not have done if it were not (1) An error for 1st March, Cf. No. 284, p. 273. f2) Captain Robert Wood, Town Major of Fort St. George. No. 289.] 278 for his promise, when that place was taken by our forces, to the Governor and Council and General Smith. All which ga\e much concern to his Lordship and the rest of the gentlemen to see the Rajah in such miserable condition as the Nabob's people treated him, and his Lordship was so gracious as to buy a pullenkeen, a horse and a dagger, and presented them to the Rajah, and afterwards remained at Ton j ore about 18 days . . . " Comaroo, who was dubash to Mr. Hay<^' at Trichinopoly, and after Mr, Hay went home he served Mr. Benfield and acted in the saucar business ; and I hear that he played several tricks with the Rajah and hurted the kingdom in several respects before the place was taken . . . And now he went, with his Lordship's leave, to Tonjore with us, and as soon as he got there, that very same night he went to the Rajah in the middle of the night and told him ... as soon as lie get the country to let him haxe the management, and that he will advance what money he wants . . . His Lordship was informed of it, and sent for the said Comaroo . . . and ordered him to receive 10 or twelve lashes, and told him to go about his business . . . " I, in company with Chippermall Chitty and Irshcpah Chitty . . . went to see Trichinopoly, Seerangam and Jcmboo Kistnah, where I heard by the English gentlemen there that the Maravars of Ramanadapurum and Shivagunga are prisoners there, with very poor allowances given to them by the Nabob's people ..." The Nawab received private intelligence last September of the Company's intention to restore Tanjore. " Therefore he collected most of the revenues produced in that country as fast as he could, and afterwards gave Tanaca or draft to Mr, Benfield, Mr. Monckton and several other English gentlemen for a considerable sum, upwards of twenty lacks of pagodas , . , After the country was put under the Rajah's management , . , these gentlemen that lent the above sums to the Nabob repre- sented their case to the Board and demanded Tanaca from the Rajah, for which the Governor and Council met in council several times, and have not brought it to a conclusion yet. But once seven Gentlemen in Council were of one side, and Lord Pigot, Mr. Dawson, Mr, Russell, Mr. Dalrvmple and Mr. Stone on another side, that is seven against five. The Majority gave their opinion that the Tonjore Rajah must discharge all the Tanaca that was granted by the Nabob, and Lord Pigot and J'(jur Gentlemen in Council on the other side ga\c their opinion that the Rajah or the country of Tonjore had no thing to do with the Nabob's Tanaca, but the Nabob nuist be accountable for it . . . The Nabob may discharge the above Tanacas if he pleases, but he will not do it l)efore the Comi)any send out positive orders to him to do so. The Nabob's intention is to ruin the Rajah again, though the country was delivered up to (1) James Hay, Vide No, 230, p. 235, note 2. 279 [No. 289. liim . . , hut the poor Rajah has no other aid ami assistance, but intirely depends on your honour's and the Company's protection. " Mr. Dawson resigned the service . . . Mr. Monckton has married liOrd Pigot's eldest daughter*^* March last. Lord Pigot carrys on his government with nmch civility . . . There was a peace concluded between our Government of Bombay and the great Marattas, and every thing settled in our favour . ." " Chocapah." [Autograph original, 3| pp., f hep., and duplicate, 4 pp., Uo.] [Enclosure]. " Tonjore, 11th April, 1776. " It is the Right Honourable Lord Pigot's orders that the following Proclamation, this day made publick on the restoration of the Rajah to the Musnud, be read at the head of each corps and explained the seapovs of the different battalions at 7 o'clock." " By Order. (Signed) Robert Wood, Aid de Camp." [Proclamation.] " The Right Honourable Lord Pigot, President of the Council for affairs of the East India Company on the Coast of Choromandal, and Governor of Fort St. George, &c., to all whom it may concern. " Whereas a Treaty Avas concluded in 1762 betAveen the Nabob of the Carnatick and the Rajah of Tonjore, to which Treaty the English became guarantee, and whereas, in direct violation of the above Treaty, the troops of the P2ast India Company, at the instigation of the said Nabob, did remove the Rajah from his government : the East India Company, dis- approving the conduct of their servants, have thought proper to require that the Rajah be again restored. And in virtue of the orders of the said Company all officers, civil and military, and all persons under the protection of the said Company are hereby required to consider the Rajah of Tonjore as again restored to the government of his country in the full extent of that government as at the conclusion of the Treaty in 1762, and to give him all proper aid and assistance. Dated in Tonjore the 11th day of April, 1776." "(Signed) Pigot." " The Rajah made his appearance a quarter before three in the afternoon. On his appearance on the parade he was saluted with 21 gims, and then was carried round the capital streets accompanyed by the troop of cavalry, the (irandicr Company [of] Pjuropeans, the Artillary two guns, and six com- panys of Grandier Seapoys, His Lordship, &c. On the Rajah's return he went round the square, [and] was saluted by all the -officers as he went round. On his going in[to the] Palace a second [salute] and three volleys of small arms by [the] whole (1) Sophia Pigot. No. 289.] 280 [of the] troops. And at 8 o'clock at night the Rajah, in company with his Lordship, Messrs. Dalrymple, Jourdan, Benfield and Chambers,*^' Colonel Harper,'-' Captains Wood and Thomson set at the Cuchery'^' and read the above pro- clamation in jNIaratty language in the presence of all the Madrass Merchants and the people of that place ; and then all the Madrass Merchants went with his Lordship, named Moodu Kistnah, Chippermall Chitty, Chocapah Chitty, Sunca Ramy Chitty, Arnachella Chitty, Gandavady Suby Chitty, Bugavan Puntuloo and Ballumoodu Chitty ; and Sree Salupuddy and Irshepah Chitty of [the] Cuddah^re Merchants — they all paid their respects to the Rajah with the usual Xuzar**' of few pagodas and few gold mohurs, and received beetlenut and roes water [sic] as customar3\ Thus ended the ceromoney." [2 pjj.i Mo.] [No. 290.] Edmund Veale Lane to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, July 11th, Tannah.— " You will, long ere this reaches you, have the news and particulars of the dishonorable and wretched Treaty*^* concluded by the Supreme Council's Plenipo with the Ministerial Party of the Marrattahs, by which we have violated the national honor and made our faith justly doubted by every Prince in India ; and, what is more immediately felt by the Company, all our acquisitions . . are given up. Out of the whole there is only reserved about Broach a territory of three lacks annually, and the islands of Salsette and Caranjar.'^' There surely was never ought so fatal to this Settlement, for besides the great loss in returning a rich tract of country, we are at this time forced to be nearly at the same expense as we were when there was war, for the wretches with whom this notable treaty was made neither seem to be inclined, or appear to be able, to fullfill their engagements, none of their officers scarce obeying their orders. " As they are disunited among themselves, and attacked from without by Hyder All\-, and likewise have, in many parts of the dominions they have left, a number of ci\il broils to engage their attention, therefore it is quite a doubt if the peace will last, or even those who made it will be there to answer for it, as lately one of the Peshwah family, who for a long while managed the Morattah government under Nannah/^* by name (1' Williaiu Chambers. Vide No. 2fj3, p. 258, note 3. (2) Lt.-Col. Iluiuphrey Harper, Madras Infantry. Vide No. 270, }i. 2G4, note 5. (■^) Cuchery, nilrherry, from Hind, karhahri, office of administration, court-house. (4) Nuzar, from IVrs. nazar, a complimentary present. (5) The Treaty of Furandhar. (•" Karanja, on tlie east side of Boml)ay harbour. (7) Nannah, Nana, tlie appellation of the Peshwa, the cliief minister of the Raja, and the virtual ruler. The office of Peshwa was held, at the time referred to, by J^alaji Haji Kao ( I 7 10— 1701). 281 [No. 290. Sudabali,'^' who, having lost a battle in HiiidostaTi about the year 1751) against the Abdalhihs,*-' and being wounded and taken, underwent a severe and long captivity ; but at last gaining his liberty, returned to Foonah nine years ago, where by the means of the jieople now at tlie iiead ol" alTairs at that Durbar, he was treated as an ini])ostor, loaded with irons and eonhncd in a fort. But the confusion caused by the intestine disj)utes of the Marrattahs has at last given an opportunity to Su(hd)airs i'riends to effect his release, and he is now at the head of between 15 and 20 thousand men. He pretends to be an enemy to none, but only a well wisher to the Peshwah family, of which he is one. It is, however, believed he is not \'ery sincere in the former, and that he will get the better of the Ministry, which should he do, as Ragonath Row and him were always the best of friends, it is generally thought the latter (who is now left destitute on a trifling allowance from the Company) will get a share in the government, if the child, *'^* as the Ministerial Party pretend, be really the late Prince's ; and on the contrary, if an impostor, it is impossible to say how it will go, for the throne of so large an empire is too great a temptation to be lightly given up. Time therefore can only determine it. " However, at any rate the Company are great sufferers by the pacifick inclinations of the Supreme [Government], for though there is a peace concluded, we in no shape benefit by it, but, as I before observed, labour under every disadvantage of a war, though without the advantage of it . . ." [Holograph, 7 pjj., Uo.] " Edmund Veale Lane. \Enclosure]. Letter, dated 1th June, from Mr. Griffith, Attorney for Mr. Boddam, to E. V. Lane about remitting to England the amount of Lane's debt to Robert Palk. [No. 291.] Lieut. J. Snelling to Roe[er]t Palk, Esqr., near Exeter. 1776, July 13th, Chicacole. — I beg to be favoured with letters of recommendation to influential persons at Madras, such as Mr. Jourdan and Mr. Claud Russell, in view to my being appointed to a regiment as Quartermaster or Adjutant, or to the command of an outpost. Lieutenants are now in a worse position than Ensigns were formerly, owing to the withdrawal of half-batta. [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.] " J. Snelling." (1) Sudasheo Chimnaji, known as Sudal)a, a famous chief and a cousin of Ragliol)a, was second in command of the Mai-athas at the battle of i'aaijjal in 17(U, when he was reported missing. The man calling himself Sudalia who aiipearcd (luce years later was an impostor. After long imprisonment this pei-son esca)>iMl in Apr-il, 177(5, gained credence of a large following, collected an army, secured |io.s.session of the Konkan, and was countenanced hy the Government of Bombay. In Octolier he was rout.ed, and yielded himself to Raglioji Angria. Tlie latter delivcicd him to the ministers at Poona, who put him to dcatli. (2) The Abdalis were Afghans, who fought under Ahmad Shah Abdali at the battle of Panipat. (•^) The alleged posthumous son of the murdered Peshwa Narayan Rao. ?5 282 [No. 292.] Lieut. John Yarde'^' to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1776, August 16th, Barhampore. — All military appointments are now in the hands of the General, who is unfavourable to officers recommended to Mr. Hastings. I am now nearing promotion to Captain, " Nothing material has happened since I wrote you last, but we are in hopes, if things take a change, that Avc shall have a Maharatta war, which will make the army all alive again . . ." [Holograph, 3 pp., Uo.\ " John Yarde." [No. 293.] Georgi: Baker to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, August 30th, Fort St. George. — " I heard from Mr. Palk at Bengali under date the third instant . . . Colonel Monson was very ill. The Vizier's troops haveing mutinied for want of pay, and some of our officers haveing been lent him for the discipline of those troops, it is said some five or six of them suffered on the occasion. After some time had elapsed . . two battalions of our seapoys had a warm skirmish, or rather a pitched action, with eight or ten battalions of the Vizier's, in which the latter were worsted and suffered a good deal. The conmianding officer of our troops has been called down to Calcutta to account either for fighting against orders or without them . . . This must not alarm Mr. Kennaway for his sons : I have heard from them both since this happened. " The Supreme Council have concluded a Treaty with the Ministerial Party at Poonah, by which Raganout Row is ])recluded from any share of the government, but allowed a jaghire for his support, though he himself does not accede to the terms. Since this treaty was concluded another chief,'"' who was supposed to be dead, has made his appearance. He is a man banished by a former faction, but now generally acknow- ledged as the next heir to the Poonah government. Those are the accounts from the other coast of about the lieginning of this month, by which we are also told that Mr. Hornby'-^' was then about dispatching a small packet (by the southern passage) to Suez for Europe. By this channel letters of the middle of May last arrived at Bombay on or about the 1st instant from England for Mr. Hastings, and were inunediatcly forwarded from thence to Bengali, where they are probably ere now arrived . . . " At our Presidency for the last few months there has been much to do. . . Lord Pigot arrived here on the ninth of last December to the, in appearance, very great satisfaction of the Settlement, and certainly to the real satisfaction of a very great majority of it. By pacifick though firm and determined (1) John Yarde. Vide No. 54, p. 80, note 2. ^2) Sudaba. Cf. No. 290, p. 281, note 1. (3) William Hornby, Governor of Bombay. 283 [No. 293. measures he got the Nabob to vvitlnlraw his garrison from Tanjorc, and to consent to the CompaiiN's placeing one there tliemselves. This was done in hist February. The remaining part of that month and all March was spent in prevailing on the Nai)ob to give the country up to the Rajah . . . About the end of Mareli or the begiiming of April T.ord Pigot was dejMited b}- the Hoard, and set out henee to execute the Com- pan\'s orders as to the restoration of the liajah to his throne and kingdom, and which was, I think, done on or about the !)th of April. Dalrymple and Jourdan accompanyed him, but were not of the deputation. The business effected, his Lordship returned here about the end of April or the beginning of May, and . . . made his report to the Board. This . . . was received without any invidious remarks or publiek dis- approbation, but . . , soon after the cloud began to gather. '' A black man of this place, whose name is Comerah, and who was dubash to Mr. Hay while Paymaster at Thrichinopolly, had in that capacity been very usefull to that gentleman in the acquisition of a very competent fortune, and in the course of the business (being, though young, very acute) had gained great knowledge and influence in the Tan j ore country. On Mr. Hay's going home, and after the capture of Tanjore, this man was sought for l)y many. Mr. Benfield afforded him the largest held of action, and under the auspices of, perhaps in conjunction with, Mr. Wynch, imployed him in negociating money matters in the Tanjore country to a vast amount ; which, together with the countenance given him by the Nabob, . . . gave him in that country the consequence of a Basha. '' The Nabob, for prosecuting the siege of Tanjore and paying the prize money after it was taken, had borrowed of Benfield six lacks and seventy thousand pagodas, for the repayment of which he had assigned the produce of certain districts of that country ; and this Comerah was imployed there by Benfield to collect it. When it came under consideration to send a deputation for the restoration of the Rajah, Comerah was (by his master) called down . . . His Lordship desired him to stay till he himself went up. But as this neither suited his, his master's or the Nabob's purposes, he set off, got before, and, Avas found there when Lord Pigot arrived at Tanjore ; which, with some remonstrances n\ade against him b}' tlie Rajah, . . . tempted Lord Pigot in an unguarded moment to corporally punish him with twelve lashes in a publiek manner. This furnished fuel for a future flame. " The Nabob's manager of the Tanjore country being then at some distance from the capital, liord Pigot conceiNcd a notion of getting from him the account of the revenues, &c., received ; and in order thereto sent a party of horse to secure either him or the accounts. But the man . . . set off for, and got within the conRnes of the Carnatiek before he was overtaken, notwithstanding which, he or his accounts were seized. This No. 293.] 284 furnished the Nabob with a very specious pretext (perhaps a just one) for complaint, and of whicli he made the most bv addressing the Board here and the Supreme Council at Bengali ... in terms of strong resentment. " The Nabob's reception of Lord Pigot on his arrival was in appearance the most cordial and affectionate. One day, after Lord Pigot had breakfasted with him at an elegant tal3le, the Nabob sent him the tea service of rich gold and silver plate that he had been entertained with ; which he, after some hesitation, and to preserve as far as might be a good imderstanding, accepted. By the best account I can get it was worth from three to hve thousand pagodas. But the value has been much exaggerated, and Lord Pigot has been threatened by Benfield with a prosecution for venality . , . " The Nabob . . . very artfully led on Lord Pigot by one hness or other from December to April to delay his departure for Tanjore till that period, with an intention ... to collect, or permit his creditors to collect, in discharge of his debt what they could of the crop of grain . . . As the grain had been cut and stacked, it was marked with Mr. Benfield's chop'^' and claimed as his property. About the time the Rajah was restored .this grain was demanded of Lord Pigot by Benfield, but it seems the Rajah applyed it to his own purpose. Benfield calls it a violent seizure of British property by Lord Pigot, and declares he shall be made by law to account to him for the whole. Lord Pigot says it was a transaction of the Rajah's, and what he has nothing to say to. " Here then is the bone of contention. Benfield and that part of the Council who support his cause say that this grain, assigned to his creditors by the Nabob, should have gone in discharge of his debt, but as it did not, the Rajah ought to be made to pay it. Lord Pigot and his party say ; — Let the Nabob produce his accounts ... of the Tanjore country, and if there is any thing remains unpaid we consent that the Rajah of Tanjore be made to pay it ; l)ut if the Nabob will not produce his accoimts, let the whole be referred to the Company, and wait their determination. This Benfield and his party will not agree to ... . " After much warm debate. . . . Benfield's (or if yon please Sir Robert's)*-* party carrved their point of sending Colonel Stuart^'*' to conmiand at Tanjore ... to assist them there in recovering this money from the Rajah. Next, the scale turned the other way, and T^ord Pigot's party got Russell appointed Resident tiiere, he being the man they wished to be with the King. A few days only elapsed when Russell was, in con- n' Cliiiii, slamp, (lie : fi'oiii Ifind. cJihftpna, to print. {-) Uri^.-({("m'ral .Sir Holx-i'l^ Fletcher, comma luliii^' tli(> ^ladiMS Arm\-. Vide No. Ill, /'. 1<):5, note 2. (■') Colonel James Stuart, after 2U years' service in the British Army, was n])pointe(l l)y the Company to he second in comtnand at Port St. George, where he an-ived in .May, 177(i. lie hail seen active service ui Nova Scotia in 1758, and subsequently in the West Indies. 285 [No. 203. sequence of the Company's orders, directed to go on the circuit. Now things grew serious . . . Sir l^obert's party was the Majority (though, as he was ill, he did not always attend Council) and orders were drawn out for Colonel Stuart to proceed to Tanjore. They lay on the tal)le ready Tor signing, but the President would not sign them. After much altercation the Secretary'^' was (by Sir Robert's party, who was the Majority) directed to sign them /o/' the President. But the Secretary did not think it safe to do so without a written order. An order for that j)urpose was accordingly drawn out, and Stratton and ]3rooke haveing signed it (as the rest of the Majority were going to do) Lord Pigot desired to see the paper before Brooke had (as he was in the very act of doing) given it to Floyer ; and haveing thus received it, drew another paper out of his pocket containing a charge against Brooke and Stratton for signing such an order without the President's . . . consent, and immediately moved that they should be suspended the service for it ; which they accordingly were by Lord Pigot's easting voice. Sir Robert, being ill, was not present. " This transaction happened late in the afternoon of the 22nd of this month of August. The Council broke up innnediatcly, and Sir Robert's party met at his house on Choultry Plain'-' that evening, where they stayed till midnight ; then retired, and met at five next morning. liOrd Pigot summoned a Council for that forenoon . . . but left Stratton and Brooke out of the summons. Lord Pigot's party met accordingly. . . The other party did not come, but about noon sent a Notary Publick with a strong protest against the expulsion of Stratton and Brooke . . . , declared the nullity of Lord Pigot's and the Minority's powers, and asserted that the Government rested in them, the Majority . . . The party, or Council if y/)U please, broke up with an intention to consider of the matter till Monday the 26th. But while they were at dinner a letter was brought to Lord Pigot by a gentleman who had received it from Sir Robert's party, chargeing him as a Company's servant not to regard any orders of the Minority, as the Government was regidarly vested in them the Alajority, and that they expected his obedience. This induced liOrd Pigot's party to assemble in Council again after dinner. While they were there the officer of the Main Guard brought in another letter to the same purport addressed to him as such. And soon after it was known that similar letters had been circulated to all in office, ci\il and military. This Lord Pigot, &c., considered as sowing sedition and tending to raise a mutiny in the garrison ; and then on that ground (Sir Robert being first put in arrest by Lord Pigot, &c.) they suspended the whole of his party. This last transaction happened on the 23rd in the evening. (1) Richard Joseph Sulivan. Vide No. 19, p. 29, note 3. (2) C'hmiltry Plain extended for iU miles S.W. of Fort St. George towards the Mount, and was the principal residential locality (if the period. It was so called from a Choultry on the main road 2 J miles from the Fort. No. 293,] 286 " On Sir Robert being put under arrest by Lord Pigot, &c., they offered the command of the Army to Colonel Stuart (as I believe the other party did also . , ,). Stuart desired a little time to consider of it. In the evening of the 23rd he accepted of the command from Lord Pigot, &c. . . . and came to breakfast with him at the Gardens, where I happened to be also. After breakfast Lord Pigot and Stuart withdrew and had some conversation together, but they parted soon, and some time after met again in the Council Room. After which they with others dined together, and I think went to Council again after dinner, where they sat till the evening. On breaking up Lord Pigot desired Stviart to sup with him at the Gardens, which the other readyly accepted, but said he was at a loss for a conveyance, as his servants had disappointed him of his carriage. Stone told him his was at Stuart's service, but he declined it and said as his Lordship was going out himself he begge^l leave to accompany him. Pigot gladly accepted of his company. They set off together about I past seven in the evening. In passing over the Island, Captain Lysaght'^' stepped up from the side of the road and stopped the carriage with a pistol in his hand, and told Lord Pigot he was his, Lysaght's, prisoner. At the same instant came up Captain Edington'^' with a party of seapoys to support Lysaght. Then Stuart told Pigot in those words to (iet out, get out. Pigot said (speaking to Stuart), You have deceived me. They then put him into a close chaise, prepared and at hand for the purpose, and Lysaght, attended by an orderly, set off full speed with him. He asked where they meant to carry him. They said, To the Mount ; which they accordingly did, and delivered him to Major Horne,*^' then in cantonment there with about 2 or 3 hundred artillery. This happened in the evening of the 24th August. " The principal officers of the garrison had their Que. Stuart returned to them immediately, and his Council, if I may call it such, was into Town and in the Council Room immediately after him. The military were told [that]. Sir Robert being ill, Stuart commanded ; and he with his dependants very luckily preserved such order as to prevent any blood being shed. " All the members of the Council slept in the Council Room that night, and the next morning, \izt. the 25th August, a paper was circulated informing the publick that the then Government desired the Company's ci\il and military servants, as well as tlie inhabitants in general, to attend at the Council Room at 11 that day ; wliieh being accordingly done by most, a proclamation was read to them and afterwards affixed at the Seagate, setting forth the reasons for the measures which had been taken ; and Mr. Stratton, after haveing been thvis pro- claimed Governor of Fort St. George and i^residcnt of the Council, (1' Caphiin Artliur Lysaght. ciiimnajulcd a Scjioy haHalion. Brother of the fiist Loi-il Lisle, lie married ill 177() Martha, (iau^htei' of y\v. John Pyhii.s. *-' Tjt .-("cilonel James Mdington was tlio Adjiitaiil -(ienei-ah l^) Major Aluttliew Horne, coiumaiidiiig the Ai-tillery. 287 [No. 293. and saluted with nineteen guns on the occasion, stood ready to receive the compHments of rnare than he found disposed to bestow them. " The niiHtarv however (it being a work ol" their own) together with the prinei|)al l)l;ick and Arniciiian merchants . . . j)aid their devoirs, but a rcniarkal)le backwarthiess appeared in tlie bulk of the civil scr^■ants . , . Some few ofTicers, whose approba- tion of the Revolution was doubt lull, were ordered to the out garrisons. " The Gentlemen now in power being, however, fearfull of some attempt being made to wrest the goNcrnment out of their hands in favor of Lord Pigot, sent a party privately to the Mount under the command of Captain Edington, at midnight between the 27th and 28th instant, to remove his Lordship's person elsewhere, but to what place they would not then say (though they have since declared it to be Chingleput). This unreasonable and unexpected measure much surprised Lord Pigot and alarmed his friends, who put the worst construction on it. Edington, by virtue of a written order, peremptoryly demanded his person of Major Home, and Home as peremptoryly insisted for a time on Lord Pigot yielding himself up to Edington ; but he as positively asserted he would not do so, and declared they should not take him away alive. " On this the Artillery (some two or three hundred in number) then in cantonment there were put under arms, and called on to do their duty ; but Pigot harangued them on the occasion, told them that he and he only was their lawful Governor, that his person had been violently seized without a reason, that he was then in secure confinement under them and not possible for him, if he was so disposed, to escape, and on that account there could be no reason for his removal at such an hour, \n such a way, to be carrycd he knew not where, and for purposes which he feared could not be good. Home called again on the men to do their duty, told them he was their officer, and asked if they woidd not obey him. Notwithstanding which they stood stock still luider arms and perfectly nuite. Home and Edington, haveing thus nuich reason to apprehend the defection of those troops, dropped the design, and so it ended. " September 10th. On the 31st August Lord Pigot applyed by his friends to the Mayor's Court for a writ of Habeas Corpus." After some deliberation the Court decided it had power to grant the writ, but an adjournment took place on formal grounds and when the Court assembled again on the 2nd September the previous decision was reversed. " And thus that affair ended." Prior to the subversion of the Government reports of the ]?oard's proceedings and disputes had been sent to the Supreme Council. Sir Robert Fletcher was in correspondence Avith (General Clavering, but no private representations were made on behalf of Lord Pigot's party. " Answers to the whole No. 293.] 288 detail of what was sent previous to the RevoKition have been received from the Supreme [Government] condemning in general Lord Pigot's measures, more especially those at Tanjore, and particularly his seizure of the Nabob's agent within the confines of the Carnatick. No answers are yet received to the accounts sent of the Revolution. They cannot well be expected till towards the end of this month . . . " September 21st . . . The Szvallow, sloop of war, is to sail the 30th instant with accounts of the Revolution to Suez ; Dalrymple'i' on one part and Colonel Capper'^* on behalf of the other go on her . . " " George Baker." "P.S. — October 8th. On the 6th instant the Administration here received publick letters from the Supreme [Council] at Calcutta, acknowledging the receipt of the letter containing the account of the late Revolution here : of which they give their full approbation, and promise to support them in their government. Thus this matter now stands. What measures will be taken on your side the water time will unfold. The Swallow's departure was postponed, but she is now to sail for Suez on the 10th instant. . ." " G. Baker." [Autograph, \5\ pp., Jlscp. The grosser errors in spelling made by Ba/cer's amanuensis have been corrected.^ [No. 294.] Richard Welland to Robert Palk, Esqr., Bruton Street, London. 1776, September 6th, Ship Salisbury, Madrass Roads. — " Honoured Uncle, . . We are just come from Bombay and we expect to go to Masulapatam soon. I have done sc[h]ool now, and I do duty on the quarterdeck as Midshipman. Mr. Adams is dead, and I heard he died wo[r]th 80 thousand pounds. Sir Edward Hughes behaves very well to me ; likeways Mr. Baker, for I gt) ashore very often, and he sends me [plenty] of fruit every Sunday. I am glad brother Robert has made choise of the army. All my covisins in India are well. The governer of Madrass suspen[d]ed some of the Council for private correspondence witli the Nabob. The Council tooke him the next morning out of his chariot, and put him in prison at the Mount, and suspcii|d](.'d him and Mr. Stone and several otliers, and Mr. Striatcly''^' \sic] is mad[e] gove[r]ner. All the Com- pany's ships saluted him with 19 guns, and the Fort saluted us with 15 guns, and we returned the same number . . . " Your affcctiotiate anrl ever dutiful nephew, " Richard Welland." [Holograph, 2 pp., t/o. Wax seal with monogratn.] (1) Alexander Dali > in|il.-. Vide No. 263, p. 257, note 2. '-' Jaiiios CapiitT, a civilian, was ajipoinf ctl l)y tl>e Directors in 1773 to be Cuimuissai'y General, Madras, with the relative rank o( Colonel, '3) George Stratton. 289 [No. 295.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 15th, Fort St. George. — Received 21st April, 1777. — Since I wrote to you on the 27th June'^' a revolution has occurred here. The Nawab, forgetting that he owes his position as ruler of the Carnatic to Lord Pigot during the latter's first administration, has lately supported those who are hostile to the Governor. The Nawab and his sons instigated the Majority in the Council to vote against the appointment of Mr. Russell to Tanjorc, and to require that gentleman to accompany the Circuit Committee to the Northern Circars. On the 22nd August, after Lord Pigot had suspended Messrs. Stratton and Brooke for inciting the Secretary to commit an unlawful act, the Majority, consisting of Mr. Stratton, Sir Robert Fletcher, and Messrs. Brooke, Floyer, Palmer, Jourdan and Mackay, joined (with the exception of Sir Robert, who was ill) Messrs. Benfield and Macpherson and the two sons of the Nawab at night at Mr. Benfield's garden house, where they received communications from the Nawab. Next morning all, except the Nawab's sons, met at Sir Robert Fletcher's garden, where the Majority resolved to assume the Government, and sent out notices to that effect. On receipt of the notice Lord Pigot suspended the Majority members and appointed Colonel Stuart Commander-in-Chief. Colonel Stuart, after repeatedly enjoying his Lordship's hospitality, drove with the Governor on the evening of the 24th from the Fort towards the Company's Garden, having previously arranged with Benfield, Macpherson and others that the carriage should be stopped by Colonel Edington and Captain Lysaght, supported by an armed party of sepoys and Nawab's troops. The two officers emerged from the shadows of the avenue of trees on the Island, and presenting pistols, halted the chaise. Colonel Stuart forced Lord Pigot to enter Mr. Benfield's carriage, which was in waiting, and despatched him a prisoner to the Mount, where he was placed in the custody of Major Home. The Majority immediately went to the Fort, and next morning issued orders to " all the military and civil servants of the Company and white and black inhabitants of IMadrasspatnam to give them their attendance at the Fort Square at 11 o'clock in that morning, and to hear the proclamation they drew out themseh'es in the names of his Majest}^ [the] English nation and the East India Company. . . . On the 26th the Nabob and his two sons with great pomp came to the Fort to give his visit to Mr. Stratton, and the 27th Mr. Stratton went to the Nabob with great pomp, where he was received very handsomely ..." On the 28th at midnight Colonel Edington went to the Mount to remove Lord Pigot to Gingee, but through the action of Major Home and Messrs. Russell, Dalrymple and Monckton (1) No. 289, p. 277, No. 295.] • 290 the intention was not executed. " Mr. Russell came down to Sir Edward Hughes at St. Thome at three in the morning, and got him out of his bed and acquainted him. . . . Sir Edward Hughes immediately came to the Fort, and spoke to IMr. Stratton and the rest of the Gentlemen at 4 o'clock in the morning," and induced them to promise that no further attempt to remove Lord Pigot would be made. Most of the civil servants have refused to recognize any Governor but Lord Pigot, and all the native inhabitants are profoundly grieved and depressed. Many of the military officers have no sympathy with the revolution. We are in hopes that such gentlemen as yourself, Mr. Du Pre and Mr. Call will return to India to put matters right. " I used to get my letters corrected by somebody else before, but I [am] now afraid to shew this letter to any one here, and therefore I wrote it myself as well as I can, and request you will please to excuse me the errors and broken English wrote in this letter ..." " Chocapah." [Holograph, 6 pp.y Mo.] [No. 296.] H[enry] Vansittart, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esqr.]. 1776, September 18th, Calcutta. — " I have received your favors of the 14th December, 1775, and 7th January, 1776. If I should ever prove an honor to my name, I shall attribute it to my good fortune in meeting with friends who have suggested its importance and animated my pursuit ... It gives me uneasiness that I should transmit memorials of myself to my friends in an uncouth form, and hope that my future perfor- mances will not be liable to such exception. The friend at whose instance you imparted the counsel being unknown, I can only thank him through you for his kind attention ..." " H. Vansittart." [Holograph, If p., flscp.] [No. 297.] George Smith to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 20th, Fort St. George. — " How great must be your surprise on receipt of this to know that a revolution has taken place in our Government, that Lord Pigot is a prisoner under a military guard at the Mount, and George Stratton in the chair of Government. To enumerate the circumstances which have led to this change would be to swell this beyond the limits of a letter. I must therefore refer you to the India House and to the public papers for the detail. In order, however, to gratify your curiosity thus raised by me, I will here inform you of a few uncontrovcrtable facts, which will guide you to the source of this event. 291 [No. 297. " The present Adiniiiistration accuse Lord Pigot with despotism, arbitrary power, an intention to subvert tlie con- stitution of (Government, and with the receipt of })resents. These are the sunuuary of the accusations against him, wliich, if true, would scarcely justify the measures which have been adopted ; but, being ialse, how nuich more culpable iire the men who have seized on his Government and person ! If opposition to a venal faction in his Coimcil, and putting a negative on resolves formed on injustice and self-interest ; if a strict observance of the interest and honour of the Company, and a punctual regard to their instructions and orders can be termed despotic and arbitrary measures tending to the sub- version of the Constitution, then is my Lord guilty of the charge against him ; if not, he is innocent. Of these charges I most readily acquit him. Effects but too evidently demonstrate the cause of this revolution ; self interest is the source and spring of it — Tanjore loans and money from the Nabob to load the Rajah with the payment of these moneys — this the true, the undoubted cause. You know me, and I tell you that I am totally disinterested in my representation ; and to convince you that I am so, I need only tell you that I have a Tanka for pearls, which I last year sold the Nabob, . . . on Tanjore, unpaid, to the amount of Pags. 31,500, which is a large sum to me, and for which I could now get an order on the Rajah by an application to the present Administration ... In regard to the information of presents, from whom do they [sic] come ? From the declared foes of Lord Pigot — Benfield and his man Comaroo. . . . Benfield's enmity against Lord Pigot is incredible : he has said such things to me of him that I could not have believed if he had not told me them himself. " Since the revolution the sentiments of the Supreme Council on the conduct of my Lord Pigot towards the Nabob have come to hand. These give great hopes to the present Administration that their measures in regard to him will also be approved. These resolves you will see. Until! you do, and know circum- stances, please to suspend your opinion, for I will take upon me to say that they are crude, indigested and malignant . . . " Bob Munro,*"^' considering the present Administration illegal, has had the honesty and fortitude to say so in a letter to them, jointly with 37 other civil servants, and . . thinking he could no othcrways address Mr. Stratton than as ' stiling himself President and Governor of Fort St. George ', has for this address been suspended the service. The smalness of the crime, the friendship which you had for his father . . . will, I hope, be incentives with you to aid his other friends in getting him reinstated . . . " In regard to Randall's plot of assassination'-' ; the orders d' Robert Duncan Munro. Vide No. 33, ]>. 55, notf 2. '2) William Randall, late Captain in the Nawab's army, was alleged to have plotted with the Nawab's second son, Amir-ul-Umara, to poison Lord Pigot. No. 297.] 292 of these gentlemen to Major Hornfe] ' That in case a rescue was attempted, as the last resource his Lordship's life must answer for it, and this you are to signify to him ' ; and Colonel Edington's attempt to take him from Horn[e] in the dead of night, are horrible things. The two last bear hard on the new Powers, and resemble much the seven Tyrants of Syracuse. As to the first, every person will judge for himself, I know Omer a] Omrah to be a bad man, and I can figure to myself what a bad man is capable of doing . , ." " George Smith." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4io.] [No. 298.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 20th, Fort St. George. — I advise the despatch per Grenville of " one box containing six small jarrs of limons and chillies pickles," of which I beg your acceptance. " Chocapah," [Autograph, 1 p., Mo.] [No. 299.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 21st, Madras. — " We have had an instance lately of the dispatch with which advices may be sent from Europe to India by forwarding the letters to Grand Cairo directly, and from thence over the Isthmus of Suez, where vessels may be stationed to fetch them away to India. A private packet for Mr. Hastings of the 20th May from London, with letters from Mr. Graham at Marseilles of 3rd June, was received at Calcutta the 15th August, and we had extracts of it here from Bengal, come overland, the 7th instant . . . Colonel Monson has been very ailing lately . . . Lady Monson'^' dyed some months since. " The arrival of the present packet from India will fill you all with much surprize as well as serious concern ... at the unfortunate lengths to which the animosities and dissentions in Council have been carried, and the violent end it is brought to by the arrest of Lord Pigot, who is now a prisoner at the Mount, and the gentlemen who sided Avith him in Council, Messrs. Russell, Dalrymplc, Stone and Latham'-*, being sus- pended. I enclose you copys of several of the proceedings which were made publick ... I shall avoid all reflections, but only observe that extremities of this nature must prejudice the Government very much and reduce its dignity and con- sequence, more so with the Asiatics, whose notion of a Chief Magistrate or the Government of a single person is congenial (1) Colonel the Hon. George Monson, married Lady Anne Vane, daughter of the Earl of D.u'liiiKton. (-) Richard Lathoni, (^hief at Cuddalorc, sal in Council when at Madras. He was a civil servant of 175G, 293 [No. 299. to them. The Nabob with reason seems to be sorry for what has happened, as I told him that it was out of his power to prevent suspieions being entertained of his having had some hand in all that is come to pass . . . " You will perceive by the resolutions of the Supreme Couneil of the 7th August last that they disapproved entirely of most part of Lord Pigot's conduct towards the Nabob, whom they declare they were determined to protect in his just rights. The present Administration waits to hear from Bengal regarding the last act ... I may aver for truth to you that if Lord Pigot had been less violent, and more moderate and attentive to the great interest the Settlement had in the Tanjore countrey from the Tanakaws and orders for money granted by the Nabob to individuals, much of what has happened may have been pre- vented, for it was certainly the interest of private individuals that increased the opposition . . . " It will be strongly urged by those that do not favor the Nabob's cause that he should not be permit[t]ed to reside here, as it gives him a convenient opportunity to form partys in Council, &c. . . . The advantages to this Settlement since his constant residence here for the last ten years are very great and visible, both in the considerable increase of inhabitants, near a third more than before, as well as of the trade and benefits reaped by them by the great consumption of many articles of use and ornament for the Nabob's family and court. But in a political sense also the Nabob should be kept here in preference to any distant place, as we can watch better over his actions ... A great deal has been said about the Nabob's aiming at independance, and his great force, &c. The first will never be attained by him but by a weak Administration on our part suffering him to do so. He certainly had a numerous rabble, and has still too many useless people that occasions to him a great but unnecessary expence. When our Government is on good terms with the Nabob, he may be easily prevailed upon to regulate many things, but when both sides are in an ill humour it is no time for reforming abuses. It is of the most important consequence to the Company that a sincere harmony and good understanding should subsist between their Government here and the Nabob . . . "During these political contests many things have been said of presents received on both sides. His Lordship was accused also of a large sum received from the Nabob since his arrival. " Mr. Adams'i' dyed lately with a sudden attack of an apoplcctick fit. He remained speechless for two days before he expired. He has left upwards of fifty thousand £. . . . The Mayor's Court are going to petition the King for power to grant writ of Habeas Corpus, w^hich will be a great security to the subject, and a very necessary power to the Court here. It is the commonly received opinion here that Sir Edward flscp.] [No. 302.] Charles Floyer'^' to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 25th, Fort St. George. — " The news now conveyed to England by His Majesty's sloop the Swallow to Suez, and from thence by land, are of so serious a nature as to require the inmiediate attention of the Court of Directors, the Court of Proprietors and of the Ministry itself. They relate solely to this Presidency, and must be deemed the more important as they contain matters for which no precedent can be traced amongst the Company's records.*-' In short, my dear Sir, the minion of the public, and the Governor, nominated in so distinguished a manner (Lord Pigot) by a Court of Proprietors, has proved the greatest tyrant 3^ou can possibly conceive, not only in his avowed principles of government, but in the most injurious, most oppressive and most illegal measures he has pursued in his attempts to subvert the constitutional rights of our nation and of the East India Company, and in making every thing subservient to his private interests in direct breach of his trust and of the positive orders of the Company. To enumerate a tenth part of the outrageous acts he has com- mitted would require much more time than the present dis- patch affords me : permit me therefore to refer you to my brother, whom I have desired to wait upon you with a particular relation of the most important parts of our transactions, by which you will perceive that the Majority of Council . . . has been reduced to the very disagreable necessity of causing the person of Lord Pigot to be arrested, and of suspending Messrs. Russell, Dalrymple and Stone from the service . . . " His liOrdship's grand and favorite object was the restoration of the Rajah of Tan j ore, and the rock on which he and his associates split. That his Lordship came to India at his (1) Vide No. 8-1, p. iV.i. note 0. '2) Tho HuI)version of Mr. Foxcroft's Goveruincnl hy Sir Edward Wintor in 1()($5 presents points of resemblance. 299 [No. 302. advanced time of life merely to enforce the orders of the Company on that subject without ha^■ing in view his private interest also I believe cannot be supposed even 1)}' his warmest friends. He had a most extensive field for the gratification of every wish. It was the restoring in his single person a King, dispossessed of his country and reduced to a state of oblivion and obscurity, to a throne. This was the man destined to look up to his restorer as his demi-god, and from whom alone he could expect the future blessings of this life. And in order to effect so favorite a point his Lordship . . . proceeded to Tanjore to execute singly the orders of the Company. Hence originated all the evils lately experienced . . , as well from his conduct during and after his public transactions there as from his indecent behavior towards the Nabob, who was doomed to fall a victim to the support his Lordship had determined to give to the Rajah ... If we very early conceived suspicions of his Lordship's self-interested motives . . . , the event must prove such suspicions were not groundless, for Mr. Benfield has addressed a letter to the Board . . . wherein he charges Lord Pigot with having received presents in plate, jewels and money to a very considerable amount from Indian Princes ; and that having obtained undoubted proofs thereof, he is determined to commence prosecutions against him for a breach of the late Act of Parliament. The charge, I fear, is too true ; and if public report is to be credited, the sum amounts to between three and four hundred thousand pounds. " In confidence to you, my dear Sir, ... I shall now inform you of his Lordship's supposed plan, and which has, in my opinion, been so strongly corroborated by his late conduct . . . that I frankly confess I believe it to be true. The greatest part of the above enormous sum was to come from Tanjore. A Resident therefore . . . was to be appointed at the Rajah's Court, and that Resident insisted upon by his Lordship to be only his friend Mr. Russell, who W'as to marry the youngest Miss Pigot (a child of sixteen years of age) ; to have as large a fortune with her as had been given to Mr. Monckton with the eldest daughter (at least £20,000) ; to receive for his Lordship the ballanee due to him from the Tanjore country ; to wait the departure of Messrs. Stratton and Brooke, who had determined to go to Europe . . ., when Mr. Russell becoming second of Council, his Lordship was to embark upon the very next ship for Europe, leaving the Government to his friend and son-in-law. The other son-in-law (Mr. Monckton, w^ho has very handsomely availed himself of his relationship to a Governor) and his lady were to have accompanied the father to Europe. No bad plan, I think, for all the parties concerned. But unfortunately for them it has failed in all its points : — Vide the violent efforts of the Minority to send Russell to Tanjore ; the obstacles they threw in the way of . . . the Committee of Circuit ... of which Committee Messrs. Russell and Dairy mple were nominated No. 302.] 300 members from home ; and the last violent effort attempted by Lord Pigot to suspend Messrs. Stratton and Brooke from the service, who were the only two members between Mr. Russell and the Chair." The Majority having protested against this suspension as illegal, the Minorit}' reassembled, suspended their remaining opponents, and appointed Colonel Stuart Commander-in-Chief. " We therefore did assert our rights as a Majority, and causing Lord Pigot to be arrested, we assumed the government of the Company's affairs on the day following (the 24th August), and suspended Lord Pigot from being President of the Council, and Messrs. Russell, Dalrymple, Stone and Lathom from the Company's service . . . The last named gentleman, although he had been arrived at Madrass twelve days before this happened, in his way to the Committee of Circuit, had never attended a single Council untill the day on which we were all suspended : and finding he concurred in the unanimous resolutions of . . . the Minority . . ., we included him also in the list of suspended members . . . " Of the rectitude of the cause I have been under the absolute necessity of espousing ... I am under no apprehension . . . I am well aware that the circumstance of arresting Lord Pigot will be represented in the strongest colours by his friends at home, and that it will at first operate strongly in his favor, because it is an event for which there is no precedent abroad. But when, among the many other reasons assigned in the narrative to my brother, ... as well as those more fully stated in our address to the Court of Directors, we consider . . . the very violent and uncontroulable disposition of Lord Pigot, who had so deep a stake, and his having a military commission as Commander-in-Chief of the military forces within the garrison of Fort St. George and the Black Town, I am led to hope those reasons will sufficiently evince the absolute necessity of arresting his person as a previous step to the Majority's resuming the Government . . . Had the Majority contented themselves with merely suspending his Lordship from the Government, an insurrection must have ensued . . . and the loss of many lives would certainly have been the consequence, and Lord Pigot's amongst them, for he never would have yielded to an}' power ; whereas by the measures which were taken not a man was seen under arms, and the Government was as peaceable and quiet from the day we resumed it as if nothing had happened, excepting a remonstrance which was signed and sent to us from some of the youngest civil servants of the Company, headed by his Lordship's son-in-law, Mr. Monckton, and two or three Senior Merchants ... " As for his Lordship, it is only the name of an arrest, for he is lodged in the house of Major Home, who commands the artillery at the Mount and who has an order to treat him with all possible respect and attention. The houses at the Mount 301 [No. 302. are filled with his sons-in-law, his daughters and a tribe of his followers ; people of all denominations visiting him daily ; and he has the whole IMonnt for his range of cxereise and amusement. He wishes, naturally enough, to return as Governor to his Fort, and has frequently declared to the troops that he would put himself at the head of them and mareh them into it. " This, my dear Sir, is in few words the real matter of fact. If you shall find I have acted upon fair, honest and constitutional grounds in my small attempts to crush tyranny and oppression, I hope I shall meet from the Company, from you and my other friends those tokens of approbation which alone can relieve my mind from the very great uneasiness I labor under . . ." " Charles Floyer." [Holograph, 10| 2)P; 4/o.] [No. 303.] Sir Edw[ar]d Hughes to Rob[er]t Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 26th, Madras. Received 28th April, 1777. — " I was not only obliged to go last year to Bombay to dock and refitt, but it was the seat of business, and all India wished me there with the squadron to assist in reconciling their disputes with the Mharattas, which were terminated before I left again by a treaty concluded at Poonah between the Mharatta Ministers and that Presidency, for the effecting of which the presence of the squadron proved very usefull ... I hope the measure will be approved at home, for I can assure you . . . that we took by much the weakest side. " Your nephew is a very clever lad, and has learned both practice and theory of his profession much as could be expected. He does the duty of midshipman now, and I flatter myself will do very well, though, as is the case with most young people, he is a little pickle, and [I] am obliged to look very sharp after him, which I will do for your sake. He [is] sometimes with Captain Baker on shore, but not too often : that would ruin all. " You might well be apprehensive of the orders brought out by Lord Pigot deeply affecting His Highness ; yet the Gentlemen at Bengal, to whom he has appealed, find most fault with the carrying them into execution, of the manner of which the Nabob loudly complains, as you will find. The consequence of that and other steps at the Board has brought about a strange revolution. The Gentlemen of what is said to be the Majority have possessed themselves of the Government, laid a restraint on liOrd Pigot l)y seizing on the person of his Lordship and sending him to the Mount, where the Train of the Company is stationed, and his Lordship remains under the care of Major Home. Both parties have appealed to me, both declaring they are the legal Government. The only line of conduct I thought my self qualified to take has been that of not })retending to determine that of which I am not a competent judge, but giving the assistance of the ships under my command where I see the No. 303.] 302 power is of carrying on the Company's service and benefit of the nation. They have also appealed to the Supreme Council, and their determination is eagerly expected . . . " His Lordship claimed the protection of the King's colours, which [claim], from some circumstances that happened, I thought necessary to make of the Board, who did not think proper to part with his Lordship from under their authority ; and so the matters stands, except his Lordship haveing farther offered for reason a design being formed to take away his life, but which has not gained any credit and said to have been in agitation nine months ago. If so, why was it not discovered before ? . . . " I am glad you assist Mr. Macleane. It is my opinion, had that gentleman been at home sooner, the orders respecting Tanjore had ne'er been obtained. A Company's garrison in the place and the country to remain with the Nabob is, in my opinion, most for the benefit of nation and Company, for I am sure he will ever remain their fast friend notwithstanding the many distresses daily, I may say, imposed on him. It is much to be lamented that no express or written treaty has ever been concluded between the Nabob and the Company. It has been recommended in the letters of last year from Bengal to the Court of Directors, but [it] is doubted whether it can be properly effected by that Government without their authority. But he will be firmly supported in his just rights, and effectually, till their orders can be received for the application of a lasting treaty. I see no fault to be found in giving up Tanjore to the Nabob. The servants of the Company should, in my opinion, have insisted on a Company's garrison, . . . though I believe nothing of his aiming at independancy : on the contrary, that it is the farthest from his thoughts. " I expect to be relieved in May and to see you some time next year : — I think [by] Sir E. Vernon most likely. I shall then compleat four years absence, and Lady Hughes will agree with me that [is] long enough. I hope the troubles in America will be ended ere that. God knows 'tis dreadfull in every shape. " Oh, I wish it was in my power to give your attorneys bills ; but our wants for so few people are so few also, it makes it impossil)le. They tell me there is not nuich to remitt. " I am, with best respects to Mrs. Palk and compliments to the Bretts, " EuwD. Hughes." [Holograph, 8 jjp-, 4/o.] [No. 304.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, September 26th, Madras. — " This is to inclose you the declaration of Captain Randall against the Nabol:)'s son Amir ul Omrah, which at a distance must injure his character, more 303 [No. 304. particularly so as he bears an unfavorable one already in England. Captain Randall is a bad character, and little credit is given to his information here. No advices yet from Bengal since the revolution. I send you also Mr. Russell's declaration regarding himself of what passed on the 24th August . . . " Several affidavits have been made within these two or three days which greatly invalidates Captain Randall." " John d'Frtes." [Autograph, 1 p., Ito. Duplicate] [Enclosures. Besides Randall's declaration, two other affidavits ha\e been found which appear to have been forwarded by d'Fries with this or a subsequent letter. Russell's declaration has not been traced.] No. 1. 1776, September 15th. Copy of deposition before the Mayor by William Randall, now or late Captain in the service of the Nawab, and Aide de Camp to his son Amir-ul-Umara. The latter frequently instigated deponent to murder Lord Pigot, and proposed to engage Benfield's dubash, Comaroo, to aid him. Deponent visited Comaroo, who was acquainted with the Prince's design. Amir-ul-Umara has also pressed deponent to go to England and expose the weakness of character of his elder ])rother Umdat-ul-Umara in view to the succession devolving on himself. Sworn before John Turing'^', Mayor. No. 2. 1776, September 21st.^ — Copy of deposition before the Mayor by Samuel Mills, late Lieutenant in the service of Amir- ul-Umara. William Randall told deponent, with whom he lived, that he had a plan for making his fortune. He wrote a paper, which he took first to Lord Pigot at the Mount, then to the Mayor, and afterwards showed to deponent. Subsequently Randall received letters and money from Mr. Monckton. Sworn before John Turing, Mayor. No. 3. 1776, September 26th. — Copy of deposition by Edward Monckton. On going to his house at the Mount for dinner at 1 p.m. on the 15th September, deponent found Captain Randall among the guests. Randall showed deponent a written state- ment which he wished to make on oath. Next morning Randall brought the paper duly attested, and said that he had resigned the Nawab's service, and that Lord Pigot had promised to befriend him and pay his passage to England. He asked for a loan of Pags. 600, which deponent provided. Sworn in Court before James Taylor'^), Registrar. [3 sheets, flscp.] [No. 305.] CnocArAH to the Honble Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, October 1st, Fort St. George. — I hear that Captain Randall, an officer in the Nawab's service, has declared on oath <1) Vide No. 214, p. 221, note 2. \2) James Tavlor, a civil servant of 1764, No. 305.] 304 before the Mayor that " Mudar Mulk, the Nabob's second son," instigated him to murder Lord Pigot by poison or otherwise, and promised him the aid of Comaroo, Benfield's dubash. " Chocapah." [Autograph, 2h pp., 4/o.] [No. 306.] Henry Brooke to Robert Palk, Esqr., London. 1776, October 2nd, Fort St. George. — " You will be surprized at the news that you will hear on the arrival of the Company's packet by this conveyance. The unhappy division which has prevailed in our Council . . . and the put[t]ing Lord Pigot under an arrest is of such importance that I have wrote a short account of it to Mr. Roberts'^', Chairman at the India House, in two letters, copies of both which I have transmitted to my brother Thomas Brooke in Charles Street, St. James's, London, to both of which I beg leave to refer you." " Henry Brooke." [Holograph, 1 p., 4/o.] [No. 307.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, October 6th, Fort St. George. — Owing to the unsettled state of public affairs I am obliged to relinquish my duties as your attorney, but my resignation should cause no incon- venience to your other attorneys here. The Minority in the recent revolution included Lathom, Chief of Cuddalore, who came up to join the Circuit Committee. " He did not take his seat at the Board till a, day or two before the event of the 24th of August, so that he came in just time enough (as it were) to be suspended. I am sorry for him. He is a good man, and means ivell at least. " Sir Robert Fletcher has been ill for some months past of a decline, and for the last week it has been said that he will go to the Cape for the recovery of his health. Apartments, are kept for him and I^ady Fletcher on board the Greenwich, but it is thouglit by some that the late favorable accounts from the Supreme | Government] may induce him to put off his voyage. " Binfield is just retiu'ned from Tanjore, where he went to recover his money by virtue of a recommendatory letter from the Board to the Rajah. The King . . . denyes owing him any thing. Binfield being chagrined, was rude and insolent, and left the King aliruptly. One part of Binfield's busyness was to have ])rocured proof there of Lord Pigot's vcnallity, but it does not appear that he has succeeded. He has long threatened him with a prosecution on that score, and if he can (I) John Hobcrls was Chairman in 177(5, 305 [No. 307. find ground to go on, I am perswaded will not spare him, haveing repeatedly declared that he will spend one hundred thousand pounds to obtain satisfaction of him . . ." " George Baker." [Holograph, 5 j^P-, -ito.] [No. 308.] II. H. the Nawab Walajah to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, October 8th, Chepauck. — " My letter that goes to you herewith will inform you of the situation of my affairs. You may recollect that at the time the treaty was made by Lord Pigot with the Rajah of Tanjore in 1762, when you. General Lawrence, Mr. Bourchier and Colonel Call were at Madrass, I complained to you and General Lawrence that it was contrary to my inclination that the treaty was made ; that I had told his Lordship so, and had refused to subscribe to it ; but that he put a pen in my hand and obliged me to sign it, and also took my Chop'^' and put it with his own hand to the treaty. I hope that . . . you will declare this circvmistance to every body, as it will shew how unjust his Lordship's conduct has been. He made a large fortune and went home ; but not content, he has returned to India to pursue his private interests and to make another fortune by repeating his ill treatment to me. " What can I say more ? " [1 p., flscp. The outer cover is addressed in both English and Persian character. Its ivax seal bears the NawaVs titles in Persian.] [No. 309.] Prince Amir-ul-Umara to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, October 9th, Chepauk. — " Though I have not had the pleasure of a correspondence with you, I am very sensible of your great friendship for my father when you were in this country, and of the assistance you give Colonel Macleane . . . You'll see by my father's letter to you, as w^ell as from the representations of Colonel Macleane, how things are situated here, and the troubles that his Lordship has occasioned in my father's rights and country. We have great hopes from your assistance. Your letter to Sir Edward Hughes rejoiced my father's heart. W"e have had great support from our mutual friend Mr. Hastings. I give as much assistance as is in my power to your attorney, Mr. de Vries . . ." " What can I say more ? " [1 p., flscp. Nawab's cipher.] (V Vide No. 293, p. 284, note J, V 306 [No. 310.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esqr. 1776, October 10th, Madras. — " This goes by the Sti-allow, which is to put the letters ashore at Suez, to be forwarded from thence to Grand Cairo and Alexandria and so to Europe, and may probably be the first advice that you will receive of the revolution that happened in the Government of this Settlement on the 24th of August last. Mr. Dairy mple goes with Lord Pigot's packet, and Colonel Capper with the Nabob's, by whom I send this. " The measures pursued by Lord Pigot in the surrender of Tanjore to the Rajah and the total disregard paid to the interest of individuals (English and others) who had a very large amount to receive there by assignment from the Nabob, caused a very great discontent in the Settlement as well as a disgust in the Nabob, and occasioned a strong opposition in Council against his Lordship, who had on his side Messrs. Russell, Dalrymple and Stone ; the Majority consisting of Messrs. Stratton, Sir Robert Fletcher, Brooke, Floyer, Palmer, Jourdan and Mackay. After a contest of three months the grand point of dispute became that Mr. Russell, who had been appointed, by the casting vote of the President only. Resident at Tanjore, was afterwards named on the Committee of Circuit. Colonel Stuart was to be Commandant at Tanjore. Lord Pigot refused absolutely signing to his instructions, which were drawn out, without Mr. Russell was permit[t]ed to go to Tanjore for a few days at least. This brought matters to a crisis. Lord Pigot by a finess suspended Messrs. Stratton and Brooke the 22nd, which gave to his party the majority, as he called in the next day Mr. Lathom to Council, who has come down from Cuddalore to proceed on the Circuit. " Mr. Stratton's party would not admit that they were suspended, and on the 23rd met themselves as a Board ; and, as the legal representatives of the Company, signified a protest to Lord Pigot and his party, who thereupon suspended the rest of them and put Sir Robert Fletcher under an arrest. This drove them to the extremity on the next [day], the 24th, of seizing on Lord Pigot, who was carried to the Mount, and is kept there \mder guard of the Artillery commanded by Major Hornc. Messrs. Russell, Dalrymple, Stone and Lathom [were] suspended . . . " We are in daily expectation of hearing from Bengal the opinion of the Supreme Council hereon. In their resolutions of the 7th August they disapproved entirely of Lord Pigot's conduct towards the Nabob and of his proceedings in the surrender of Tanjore . . . It will be of the utmost consequence that the Company's determination of this important subject be proper, considerate and impartial, as the future well-being of this very considerable Colony and their good correspondence 307 [No. 310. with the Nabob will entirely depend thereon . . . The most essential thing for the Company as well as the pnbliek is that there be always a good understanding subsisting between their Administration here and the Nabob, who should be used with proper respect, and not slighted and irritated. We have raised him ourselves to what he is, and to think now of treating him as we did twenty years ago will be neither just nor judicious. He is too sensible of his own consequence ; but I do believe that he is a sincere friend of the English. His own good sense will lead him to be so. " The choice of persons to conduct the Company's affairs here should be made with the greatest care and attention to their abilities and characters, as much depends on a vigorous, well conducted Administration. A line should be drawn of the extent of the powers of a Governor and that of a majority of his Council, as different opinions are held thereon by the different partys. In those troubles at Bengal during Mr. Vansittart's government nothing but his incomparable mildness of temper prevented things running into extremities. And it should be clearly pointed out whether the military power should at any time interfere in disputes of the civil government, as the not determining it very clearly may leave a door open to dangerous proceedings hereafter. " We are quiet in these parts. Although a peace has been made many months ago betw^een the Presidency of Bombay and the Morattas, yet there don't seem to be much cordiality subsisting. Trade is almost ruined all over India. The scarcity of specie is much felt here : the exportation continues as great as ever both to China and Europe . . ." " John d'Fries." [P.S.] — " The Supreme Council have unanimously approved of the act of the Majority, and promise their support, acknow- ledging them to be the legal representatives of the Company." [Autograph, 4 pp., Uo.] [No. 311.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esq. 1776, October 14th, Fort St. George. — " Since I closed my last Lord Pigot has put Sir R. Fletcher into our Mayor's Court for two hundred thousand pounds damages, and required security for that sum ere he leaves the Settlement, which he was about to do for the recovery of [lis health at the Cape. The Court have accepted bail for ten thousand pounds only, and Sir Robert and Lady Fletcher go on the Greenwich. Report says that Miss Pybus"> is to be marryed to Captain Lysaght . . . Mr. R. Adams dyed about six weeks since, worth near two lacks of pagodas. Colonel Monson has been long dangerously ill . . . (1) Cf. No. 293, V- 28G, note ], No. 311.] 308 " I have made no comment on the narrative sent you. Were I to do so, it would be some thing Hke what follows : — The spirit of liberty within these few years spreading and thriveing throughout the British dominions extended itself even here, and this at the time of a lax and weak government. People, at least some of the Council, dreaded a restraint under Lord Pigot's government which they had not been for a long time used to . . . The orders he came to execute as to the restoration of the King of Tan j ore alarmed those who had lent money to the Nabob on his assignment of the produce of parts of that country. The Settlement, it is said, had lent him on such assignments (called Tankas) some fifteen lacks of pagodas, which if they could not recover by virtue thereof, they had no one to look to for it but the Nabob ; and he told them that they haveing accepted of those assignments as their security, they were to look to that and not to him for payment. So that it became their joynt interest either not to restore the country to the King, or restore it only on condition of its being saddled with the payment of that sum of money . . . And this, in the opinion of many, was the principal private motive for oppos- ing Lord Pigot's measures, though it was not the avowed one. " This being the case, the Opposition chose the best grounds of argument that offered in a course of long altercation, kept up perhaps for the very purpose of involveing Lord Pigot in inextricable difficultyes, or to compel him to submit to the government of a majority against him, which I suppose his spirit could but ill brook, and which I believe brought things and persons to the state they are now in." Lord Pigot, moreover, failed to cultivate a good understanding with the Supreme Council, while the members of the Majority corresponded privately with Bengal and ascertained how far they might expect support. " The restoration of the Rajah of Tanjore on terms precluding those from the prospect of recovering it who had lent the Nabob money on that country was to this Settlement a most unpopular measure, and such as rendered the supporters of it odious. Those who opposed it were of course dubbed patriots, though perhaps done for their own sakes . . ." " George Baker." [Autograph, 3^^ pp., flscp. Some corrections have been made in the spelling.'] [No. 312.] John d'Fries to RoiiERT Palk, Esq. 1776, October 15th, Madras.—" The Supreme Council have entirely approved of the conduct of the Majority of Council, and have promised them their support . . . The business must now be finally determined in Europe. It will not do for his Lordship to preside here again. " Colonel Monson dyed the beginning of this month, which 309 [No. 312. will leave Mr. Hastings with a clear majority. Sir Robert Fletcher embarks ou the Greenwich for the Cape, but there is very little hopes of his life. He has given bail for 10,000/. to answer suit, my Lord Pigot having entered an action in the Mayor's Court for two hundred thousand /. damages against him. " Mr. Baker has wrote us a letter signifying that from ill health he is obliged to relinquish the charge of your affairs. Mr. Stone is gone to the Mount to live, to be nearer Lord Pigot ..." " John d'Fries." [^Autograph, 2 pp., 4/o.] [No. 313]. Edm[un]d Veale Lane to Robert Palk, Esq. 1776, December 17th, Salsette. Received 28th July, 1777.— " I wrote to you in my last of the peace which the Supremes had concluded with the Ministerial Party of the Morattahs, and that they had compelled the Governor and Council to break their engagements to Ragonath Row (or Ragobah). It was owing entirel}' to an accident the Treaty was in any shape complied with by the Ministers ; for had not Sudabah,'^* a first cousin of Ragobah's, got released from confinement and very near wrested the government from them, Colonel Upton might have returned to Calcutta without having an article of the Treaty fulfilled. But on Sudabah's success, being apprehensive we should join him, the Ministers made good most of the cessions stipulated for, though they had either refused or evaded to do it for some months before. Notwithstanding this good fortune at first, poor Sudabah was at last betrayed by some of his people, and taken prisoner by Madjee Scindy,*-* one of the Ministerial Generals. " Ragobah, who had resided at Surat ever since our leaving him, finding his relation out of prison, and a promising prospect of success, left that place and made the best of his way towards Basein in order to join Sudabah. But when the misfortune just now mentioned happened, Ragobah was so hard pushed as to be obliged to take shelter on board one of the Company's vessels, and is now safe at Bombay. "It is now said the officer who took Sudabah prisoner has declared for him, and means to make him Vizier to the young child, and that Ragobah has in consequence been invited to return to Poonah. However, it is believed by most to be only a finesse of the Ministers to get Ragobah into their hands. Be it as it will, I wish most sincerely there was an end to the dispute. Were the Presidency of Bombay once more permitted to inter- fere, it would soon terminate to our advantage ; but as that (1) Vide Xo. 29n, p. 281, note 1. (2) Mahadaji JSindia. No. 313.] 310 seems to be very uncertain, if not improbable, I fear the present possessors of the Morattah government will continue in power, which if the case, we shall ever have a most inveterate enemy near us, that will lay wait for the first opportunity that offers to injure the Company . . . " As General Carnac'^' is appointed to be our Governor on the resignation of Mr. Hornby, I shall think myself greatly favoured could you . . . procure me a letter of recommendation to him from some of his friends . . ." " Edmd. Veale Lane." [Holograph, 4 pp. 4fo.] [No. 314.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esq. 1777, January 20th, Fort St. George. — I hear that Mr. Benfield, obtaining no satisfaction for the tanka given him by the Nawab on Tanjore, appealed to the Council, but received no support. " Upon which, on the 24th October last, Mr. Ben- field went to the Nabob's cutchery, where he made [a] great noise, and stayed there from 8 o'clock in the morning to 8 at night without taking any victuals nor drink, and said that he would not go from the door without the Nabob give him some proper manner of satisfaction to his money ; and the Nabob sat with him so long without victuals, and at last told Mr. Benfield that he will appoint Mr. Mackay, Mr. Macpherson, Cojah Ashum Cawn*-* and another Moorman to settle his accounts . . , but not a word of Tanaca money of Tanjore . . . " Mr. Stratton and the Gentlemen at the Fort affixed an advertisement at the gates, giving notice that they are willing to receive sealed proposals untill the loth of PVbruary next (though the Cowles expire the 31st July next, which is about Sg months more) for farming the Beetle and Tabacoa Farm, Arrack and Toddy Farm, Ruby Brokerage, Paddy Field and Salt Pans, Trivatore, Egmore, Perembore and St. Thoma," and also the Fort St. David farms, for five, eight or ten years ; but it seems doubtful whether the acceptance of tenders by a self-constituted Government will be valid. Lord Pigot was (1) John Carnac came to India in 1751 at the age of 38 as a subaltern in Adler- cron's Regiment, and three years later joined tlie Company's forces with a step of rank. In 1760 Major Cai-nac succeeded Caillaud in command of tlic army at Patua, and in tlie followinj,' year defoaled Ihe Mogul, who was aided hy a French contingent un Maratlias, and in 17(37 n-signed the service, wont to luiglaiul and entered I'ai liaineut . Kelurning to India in 1770, he was appointed a nieml)er of the Bombay Council. As a Field Deputy he accompanied Egeiton's ill-fated expedition against the Marathas, and was dismissed the service for his share in concluding the Convention of Wargaon in 1779. Camac resided at Bombay until ISIM). when he visited Mahe for his health. On the return voyage lie was seizetl with illness, and was landed at Mangalore, where he died, aged 84 years. (-' Khwaja Assam (yilashim) Khan, the Nawabs Diwan. In 17>sl lie was deputed to Calcutta v.-ith Richard Sulivan to offer the assignment of Walajah's revenues to the Company for the charges of the war with llaidar. 311 [No. 311. offered payment of his salary up to the 2-lth August, but refused to accept it, as the amount was only part of what was due to him. Tlic Council were obliged to break open the Treasury, because the keys were in Lord Pigot's possession. His Lord- ship is in good spirits, and we hope that orders for his reinstate- ment will be received in due course. Mr. Andrew Ross*^' having enquired of the Supreme Court of Bengal whether the Board has power to convene Quarter Sessions, the Chief Justice declined to give an opinion, but authorized Mr. Stratton to hold sessions provisionally pending receipt of orders from England. Mr. Turing, the late Mayor, received a similar intimation regarding the Court of Mayor and Aldermen. Colonel Stuart has been seriously ill. Captain Lysaght is transferred to Ganjam, and Major Sydenham succeeds him as Town Major. " Mr. Russell made a grand entertainment of cards and supper at the Mount," both at Christmas and on New Year's Day, and put up a handsome pandal.''^^ Most of the civil servants, some of the officers and the principal English and Armenian residents were present. Mr. Stratton found himself deserted on those occasions, as everyone went to visit Lord Pigot. When Chippermall Chetty and I called on Mr. Mackay we were refused admission by his chobdarsS^^ The dubash said his master was displeased with me for visiting Lord Pigot and supplying materials for Mr. Russell's pandal. The Bombay Council have refused to acknowledge any Governor here but Lord Pigot. A proposal to send his Lordship forcibly to England was strongly supported by Colonel Stuart and Mr. Mackay, but opposed by Mr. Stratton and the other members of the Council. The French have stopped work on the fortifications at Pondi- cherry. The new Governor, M. Bellecombe, arrived there on the 8th instant, and took charge from M. Law. Haidar Ali is reported to have taken Cranganore, one of the Dutch settlements on the Malabar Coast, and to be preparing to attack the Rajas of Cochin and Travancore. The latter expect assistance from the Dutch at Colombo. Haidar, having made a prisoner of Morari Rao and seized territory on this side of the Kistna, will be opposed by Nizam Ali as well as by the whole power of the Marathas. Mr. Macpherson**' is about to sail for England in the Lioness. Mr. Brooke desired to depart likewise, but was refused leave by his colleagues in Council. Colonel Stuart will go shortly to Tanjore, where the Raja expects little consideration from him. " Chocapah." [Autograph, 13 pp., 4to.] <1> Vide No. 28, p. 46, not.- 1. (2) Pandal, an open shed, draped pavilion. (>*) Chobdar, bearer of a (silver) staff. (*) John Macpherson. T'trfc No. 27(i, j). 2tJ3, note 2. 312 [No. 315.] Sir Edw[ar]d Hughes to Rob[er]t Palk, Esq. 1777, February 6th, Madras. — " I returned the middle of last month from Ceylon to this Presidency, where I find things much in the same state I left them ; Lord Pigot still under restraint at the Mount ; his Lordship, the Gentlemen in the Fort and the Nabob all anxious to receive the determination of the Court of Directors, which I fear cannot be before August. It seems there was some steps taken at the Board to send Lord Pigot to England in this ship, but overruled by a majority of two. The Nabob very much averse to such a measure : indeed, as their differences are referred to a Court of Directors, sure it is most proper his Lordship should wait here the result. " Nothing has arrived here since the Triton, nor do I expect anything now sooner than May, when I have reason to believe the ships will arrive to relieve me, and I shall be prepared to leave India immediately. The Coventry has been at Mocha and Judda, the Seahorse to China : both joined me again after performing well the service I sent them upon. . . . " I hope you and Mr. Macleane have succeeded in favour of the Nabob. There is already an English garrison there,*^' to which his Highness readily consents, but I hope the Company will recall their former orders that took the country from him, though the remark you make of our former labour and expence is very just. Some plan may be settled to avoid the same difficulties relative to the brothers*-' after the father's decease, yet the Nabob at the same time may be satisfied. " A new Governor has taken place at Pondichery, Major Creneral Bellecombe. Mr. Law is not pleased at his immediate remove from the Chair. There is also a new Intendant, and a 70-gun ship lent to the Company has just landed 100 men from Mauritius. I conclude their operations in India will depend much on what has passed last year in America. " The death of Colonel Monson gave the majority to Mr. Hastings, and, it is said from Bengal, has made many changes by displacing some of the late appointments, establishing others, and that the Company's affairs are carried on now chiefly on the old plan. General Clavering has been very ill also, and though clear of his fever and boils, much emaciated. This climate is n(;t good for too great strain of the mind, what has, I am afraid, attended the General ever since his arrival. It is probable a greater number of members of that Council may be judged necessary to provide against these casualties. " Our friend Captain Baker is very well ; greatly displeased with this late revolution in Government. He is nevertheless carrying his water through the surf*'^' to supply the shipping, and (1) At Tanjoro. '21 Tlio quostion of succession as between llie brothers Umdat-ul-Uuiarri and Aiiiir-til-riiiara. (^) Baker engineered a pipe line througli the surf to deliver water to sliips outside. 313 [No. 315. hearty though he grows old. Mr. Stone is at the Mount with his liordship. I would gladly assist them with bills for the money you may have in their hands, but our demands at present for the use of 600 men oidy are so small, very little is in my power." " Edwd. Hughes." [Holograph, G jjp., ito.] [No. 316.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esq. 1777, February Gth, Fort St. George. Received 28th July. — " Mr, Maepherson,'^' a gentleman well known (and in some degree distinguished here, though of but little standing in the Company's serviee) takes his passage on the Lijoness. He was dismissed the service in Lord Pigot's Government for counselling the Nabob to pursue measures incompatible with the Company's interest ; and it is supposed he goes to England on account of the Nabob to support his cause. Colonel Stuart sets out in a few days for his command at Tan jour . . ." " George Baker." [Autograph, 2\ jjp., Uo.] [No. 317.] Tho[ma]s Palk to [Robert Palk, Esq.] 1777, February 6th, Madras. — " However unacceptable information of this nature may prove, yet it is, Sir, nevertheless, my indispensable duty to make known to you an event which I dread will meet with your disapprobation, as well as a dis- appointment to my father, etc. family ; but I must say that it woidd most sensibly grieve me should any one action of my life, though attending with the most perfect state of felicity to myself, meet your disapprobation I have connected myself to the family of Mr. Thomas Pelling'-' by marrying his fourth daughter, Miss Catharine. With respect to her aeeompli[sh]ments it would be absurd in me to sound forth, but I must do her that justice to say that they are such as no man would make the least objection to. On the 30th ultimo our nuptials were celebrated . . ." " Thos. Palk." [Holograph, 2\ j)p., Uo.'\ [No. 318.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esq. 1777, October 13th, Fort St. George. — " My last was per his Majesty's ship Salishurij under date the 28th ultimo . . . Johnson and Perring arrived here the 6th instant, Charles <1) John Macpherson. Vide No. 270, p. 263, note 2. (2) Vide No. 250, p. 247, note 1. No. 318.] 314 Smith'^' yesterday. Sir Edward Vernon sailed with his squadron this morning for Trinconomaley and Bombay . . . Stone and Russell go on the Egmont. Mr. Stratton and his colleagues stay to take their tryal. They have been admit[t]ed to bail. . . The new Government'^* have not yet entered on the disposition of the chiefships or of the places of profit. ... I hope Perring will not forget your nephew.'"' He has been put in mind of him, and shows a disposition to serve him . . ." " George Baker." [Autograph, 2\ pp., Uo. Duplicate.] [No. 319.] Rob[er]t Palk, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esq.]. [Enclosure in a missing letter of date below]. 1777, November 20th. — An account of remittances to England by Robert Palk, jun., from 1771 to 1777, aggregating £57,429 2s. 7d. [4 jjp., flscp.] [No. 320.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, January 29th, Fort St. George. Received 11th x-iugust. — " The last letter that I troubled you with was of the 13th of last October per Egmont. . . Russell (who married Miss Leonora Pigot the day before they imbarked) and Stone both went on the Egmont . . . Messrs. Stratton and Brooke left this early in December for Anjango, where they imbarked on a small vessel the 31st of that month for Suez in their way to Europe. Early in this month the Valantine, in her way hither from Bengali, ran aground on the shoal between this and Pullicat, from which she got off with difficulty after haveing thrown over board the least valuable part of her cargoe, together with most of her guns, and cutting away all her masts. She is now in this road prepareing to sail for and dock at Bombay, from whence she is expected to be here again some four, five or six months hence to load for Europe ; when it is said Jourdan and Benfield will take their passage on her thither. I hear nothing of Floyer or Lathom's proceeding to Europe at present." Monckton and his family and Colonel Ross,'"^* the Chief Engineer, are sailing for England immediately. " Messrs. J. Whitehill, C. Smith, S. Johnson and P. Perring, constituteing our present Board of Government, go on calmly (1) Charlps Smith, Hamuel Johnson and Peter Perring were members of the new Council nominated by the Directors in June, 1777. (2) Thomas T'alk, in whuin Pcii-iiifi;, as a Devonian, was iiilerested. (:j) Patrick Ross was (•oiiuuissi( mod to the Royal Kn^^ineei's after udy of Lord Pigot on the 11th May, 1777, the jury Ijrought m a verdict of wilful murder against Stratton, Fletcher, Brooke, Floyer, Palmer, Jourdan, Mackay, Stuart, Edington, Lysaght and Home. A case was begun at the Quarter Sessions in September, but the proceedings were quashed in November. (2) Immediately after the revolution the Majority ordered the removal of George Andrew Ram, a civil servant of 1767, from the office of Coroner, and appointed a successor. Ram maintained that his supersession was illegal, and he held the inquest on Lord Pigot. George Smith was the foreman of the jury. (3) The water supply of the Fort, for which Baker had contracted in 1771. The project embraced a pipe line from the ' Seven Wells,' north of Black Town, and storage cisterns under the ramparts of Fort St. George. (4) Thomas Rumbold entered the Madras civil service in 1752, but was trans- ferred to the army. He served under Lawrence at Trichinopoly, accompanied Clive to Calcutta and was wounded at Plassey. Reverting to the civil service, he sat in the Bengal Covincil from 17(56 to 176!>, returned to England, entered Parliament, and served as a Director of the Company from 1772 until he was appointed Governor of Madras. He was created a baronet in 1779. No. 8*.»0.1 a 1 (I n " I Vv, 1 tiMvr II |>n»\ crrtti lu j if I nut -' Mr W \% II I ot i rtv u II. i ; »!.. i;..v . kt 1 \m\ r. lis 1 • " 1 *ii i I > til |i i I Nt«»r\ for lilt \ Mil !uit 1 '!'» to l>e •'innate, ril, that IV roiitract it ri. for aiiv «>thrr tli ;'«ry- A not '»r th- IN heart '' inch as T »r in a (rxrnl Court T hut too ">• ' t ii • (Ive '"li^v ■;. lying "Gkok*;! Jaklr." ■^ \::> I « N r- U \r li n A' I. V • a* M inM of my Ml" DOG tsTNA." *!. -i pp.. Mo.) (. 177H. Man Mr \{ K. r He I-* I n« J- nf K (No. .r«.j IUkER to H<»UKKT P.M.K. Km| Fort St. < K.Tcivetl 5tb N niber.— . amv«i hrir the l»cjririi»inff of Fe^";iry last. an.! in a fair wav of Ixing rcstr.Ml to his 1! ts out to " .w on a vf ^^ V^"'' i i'...k at Ch. It. . . . '•,^"^'^ n (hv which ship thi< . • • arved here » M.ka.u-ux^>i 317 [No. 322. a few days sice from Bengali. . . . Mrs. Parry/^' Mrs. Hessman and a Mrs. Saw were passengers on her for FAirope, but it is said that Mr. Parry has some thoughts of staying here. . . . Mr. and Mr> Flover and Colonel and Mrs. Ross take their passages on br. . . . '•' The Bes\\horough and Lord North, with Mr. Rumbold, General MonDe,'-' Sir J. Day,'-^' etc., arrived here the 8th of last month, d well. The Government being again established, wc enjoy domstick quiet, and party resentment, it is to be hoped, will in a reasnable time wear away. The new Governor being of course buv, ... I have not yet had a proper opportunity to speak to Im on my affair. Some thing must, however, be finally resolvd on between this and next October. My state of health an- time of life will not allow me to play with time any longer. . . " The Freeh, under the direction of Saint Luban,'^' have hoisted theiicolours at Choul, a ])lacc you know on the sea coast in the laratah dominions a little to the south of Bombay. . . . The GNcrnmcnt of Bombay did some two months' since apply t this Presidency for troops. The answer returned was that the could take no step of that kind without the approbation 'f the Government General, but that they would, as they did, 'rite to Bengali on the subject. . . . " The Coipany havcing ordered a Court of Encpiiry into General Sturt's conduct respecting the late revolution here, he, instead tercof, has requested an immediate court-martial without that])revious formality ; but the Board, it is said, have declined a omplyance with that request. . . . And it is said that hissix months' suspension, which expired on the last day of the ast month, is continued. . . . The General has many friend in the army, that corps eousjderi ng him as theirs. Major Horn. Captains Lysaght and Edington are ordered to repair to thd^resideney. . . . While General Stuart's [conduct] remains uniipeached at martial law, theirs (who acted under his orders) lay perhaps be unimpeachable . . . (iod send a speedy end t this unlucky business. . . ." " George Baker." [P.S.] — " 'his letter was wrote but a few hours when I (1) Mrs. Parr n^e Emclia Vansittart. '2) Major Geiral Hector Munro, Commander-in-Chief, Madra.s. Mum-o went to India in 176 as Major of the 89tli Regiment, and three years later he won the battle of Buxai In October, 1778, on the outbreak of war with France, he took Pondicherry, f< which he received the knighthood of the Bath. His inertia, however, in 17j^ contributed to the annihihition of Baillie's force by Haidar Ali, and led to his on dismissal from the Company's service in 1782. (•^) Sir John 'ay. Advocate General, Bengal, remained at Madras during the inquiry into th>tauses of the late revolution. '*) A person ilHng liimself the Chevalier dc St. Lubin, wlio professed to have an intimate ki.wledge of Haidar Ali's plans, had been employed in 1708 as intelligence ofti^r to the Field Deputies with Colonel Smith at Kolar. In May, 1777, he appeaxl at Poona as a genuine emissary from the King of France with letters and giftfor the Peshwa. Nana Farnavis gave him the use of the port of Chaul in returnor a promise of armed assistance, No. 322.] 318 accidentally heard that Mr. Monroe* i' (who was Paymaster of Chinglepat at the time of the revolution in our Government, but who had been dismissed the service by Mr. Stratton . . .) had been restored to that office, and set out to take charge of it yesterday. So that Mr. Kennaway is not only disappointed in his journey, but, what is far worse, Mr. Palk of his place. The former inconvenience we can easyly remedy, but as to the latter it depends on Mr. Palk's friends and good fortune to supply a substitute." [Autograph, 5| pp., flscp.] [No. 323.] MuDOO KisTNA to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, March 14th, Fort St. George.—" Mr. Rumbold arrived on Sunday, the 8th February, and succeeded to the Government. I went and paid my respects to him, and soon after presented a letter to him together with a representation containing an account of my long service to the Company beginning in the year 1747, and how I was prevented by Mr. Stratton in the execution of my office without cause, but he has not yet given me any answer. " The Nabob and his son Madarul Mulk, in direct opposition to justice, are still busy in hurting and ruining myself and family. I do not know what to say to them. As they are princes they think that nobody can oppose or contradict their assertions, or call them to an account. I have the pleasure to hear that Governor Rumbold is your friend, and hope therefore that you will be so kind as to write to him what is necessary in my behalf to protect me and family against the insults and malicious proceedings of the Nabob and his said son, and likewise about the restoration of my employ. . . ." " MuDOO KiSTNA." [Autograph, 2 pp., 4/o. Duplicate.] [No. 324.] Colonel Gilbert Ironside to Robert Palk, Esq., London. 1778, March 22nd, Calcutta. — I have not replied earlier to your letter of the 20th December, 1776, in consequence of press of work and " some particular incidents which lately occurred here, and which General Caillaud will . . . communicate .... A whole budget of papers had I collected for your amusement, and had commenced a long narrative in illustration of them," but these nnist wait a sul:)seqiient despatch. Meanwhile I must refer to another matter. The aj)pr()a('hing termination of the Company's charter renders pr()l)able the advent of a number of King's oflieers, or possibly the amalgamation of the King's and Company's forces in India. Before such a con- tingency can occur it is important to me to secure promotion. W Robert Duncan Munro, Vide No. 33, p. 55, note S, . 319 [No. 324. 1 have accordingly applied to General Caillaud and other friends in England to obtain for me a brevet as brigadier, with an order for succession to Hrigadier-Gencral Stibbert when that ofiiccr leaves for England. As I am now, after 20 years' service, the senior colonel on the Bengal list, such grant of rank Avill injure no-one and cost the Company nothing. I hope my application may receive your support. " Gilbert Ironside." " P.S. — After perusal of the accompanying papers, permit me to request your communication of them to General Caillaud." [Holograph. 4 pjj., 4/o.] [Enclosures : The papers mentioned in the postscript above appear to have been eight in number, of which Nos. 2 and 3 have not been traced'^'.] No. 1. Copy of letter dated Fort William, 22nd June, 1777, from Warren Hastings and Richard Barzvell to Colonel Ironside, commanding the 3rd Brigade in the field. " Whereas General Clavering has thought proper to assume to himself the title, place and office of Governor General of this Presidency," we submitted the proceedings of the Board on this matter to the Chief Justice and Judges for opinion. General Clavering and Mr. Francis presented to the same authorities the Directors' orders relative to the appointment of Governor General. A copy of the Judges' opinion is now transmitted to you for publication in General Orders. [1 p., flscp.] No. 4. Copy of Resolutions [by the Board, dated 23rd June, 1777]. Resolved that by his usurpation of the office of Governor General Lieut. -General Clavering has thereby relinquished his offices of Senior Counsellor and Commander-in-Chief ; that Richard Barwell be appointed Senior Counsellor ; that the office of Commander-in-Chief no longer exists, and that Lieut. -General Clavering be not admitted to meetings of the Council. [l^ p., flscp.] No. 5. Copy of Minute hy Mr. Francis, dated Revenue Board, 2Uh June [1777]. Advances arguments for reversing the resolutions of the 22nd June'^) regarding General Clavering. Points out that he and Clavering had acquiesced in the opinion given by the Judges,, and states that he himself now appears as " mediator of peace and amity in Council." Argues that under the Act of 1773 Clavering's seat in Council is (1) No. 2 was probably a copy of the Judges' opinion, delivered on the 20th June, that the assumption of office by Clavering was illegal ; and No. 3 a copy of the letter from Clavering and Francis to the Judges acquiescing in their decision. (2) An error for 2'ird June. Cf. Hastings' letter to Sykcs of 29th June, {l-ife of Warren Hastings, Gleig, ii., 151.) No. 324.J 320. not vacant, and that the Board has no power to dismiss the Commander-in-Chief in respect of his authority outside Bengal. [2| 2jp., flscp.] No. 6. Copy of letter, dated Fort WiUiam, 2Uh June, 1777, from E. Impeij, R. Chambers, S. C. Lemaistre and J. Hyde to the Honble. Warren Hastings, Esq., Governor General, and the Gentlemen of the Council. We have " this morning " received a letter from (General Clavering and INIr. Francis relative to your resolution of " yesterday," declaring vacant the offices held by General Clavering. Though we have not on this occasion received any representation from you, yet, as we regard the present question as part of the transaction on which you lately asked for our decision, we now deliver the opinion that your Board has not the power to remove a member from the Council nor declare his seat vacant, [li p., flscp.] A^o. 7. Copy of Extract of the Proceedings of the Governor General and Council, dated 25th June, 1777. " Resolved that the Board do recede from putting in execution all their resolutions passed since the 20th instant, which can in any wise prevent the General from the full and immediate exercise of his several offices . . ." [I p., flscp.] No. 8. Copy of letter, dated Fort William, 25th June, 1777, from Warren Hastings, J. Clavering, R. Barwell and P. Francis to Colonel Ironside, commanding the 3rd Brigade in the field. We transmit copies of a letter from the Supreme Court and Government resolution thereon, direct their publi- cation in General Orders, and revoke all orders issued [?since] the 19th instant which have a contrary tendency. [I p., flscp.] No. 325. Henry Vansittart, jun., to [Robert Palk, Esq.] 1778, April 24th, Calcutta. — " The eldest Kennaway has been obliged to visit the Coast for the recovery of his health . . . His brother is present in the scene of emolument, deriving very considerable; advantages from his situation in Asoph-ud- Dowlah's'i* country. " We dread a revolution in our Government by the first packet from Europe. ... I am not very a})j)rehensive of one my- self, provided the news of the General's*"' death should have reached England before a new Act of Parliament passed. We (1) Asaf-u(i-(laiila, Nawab of Oudh, wlio snccooded on tlio doath of his father Shuja-iid-daiila in January, 1775. (3) JSir John CJavering died in August, 1777i 321 [No. 325. think the Minister will be obliged to lay India affairs before Parliament in order to restrain the authority of the Supreme Court. " I think the expedition into the eountr}' of the Mahrattoes, though apparently the troops are only to pass through it in their wav to Boniljav, mav raise a clamour at home. However, the Government defends the measure with many plausible arguments, and declares it will produce a good effect even if the troops should l)e obliged to return. The French had certainly been intriguing with the Mahrattas, and it is a maxim well know^n to foreigners that the only method of establishing them- selves in India is by connecting themselves with the country Powders. " I am obliged to you for interesting yourself in my concerns, and be assured that I have no friend on w^hom I can place more reliance, and none whose good offices are more pleasing . . . ." " Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 pp., flscp.] [No. 326.] Tho[ma]s Pelling to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, October 11th, Madras. — I have pleasure in acceding to your w^ish that I should become one of your attorneys in concert with Mr. d 'Fries. " Your nephew, Mr. T. Palk, was appointed Paymaster at Chenglaput when the arrangement was made on Mr. Whitehill's arrival last year, where he would have been happily situated for a few^ years ; but had the mortification to be recalled by the Governor and Council, who, on the arrival of Mr. Rumbold, received orders from the Court of Directors to restore the young gentlemen that were under suspension to their former stations. He has the promise of being provided for, but favourites and weighty recommendations will ever be predominant, so that he must rest content and look forward. I have no reason to find fault with his conduct since marriage, and should be happy he regained your former paternal affection by con^'incing him of it in a line from yourself. ..." " Thos. Pelling." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4/o. Duplicate.] [No. 327.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Robert Palk, Fisq.]. 1778, October 15th, Fort St. George. Received 11th Sep- tember, 1779. — " I am sorry to acquaint you that poor Snelling'^' departed this life the 17th of August in Madras. His station for six years past has been in the Cicacole district (so fatal to U) Lieut. J. Snelling. Vide No. 267, p. 261, No. 327.] 322 many), and had been at death's door several times. Even those who have the shghtest attack of that pernicious disorder, though survive, never get quit of it. He made a will, leaving what little monev he was worth to a child and its mother, which I have taken care of for the present, as I hope that Snelling's friends will send for it. I am told it is very white, having not yet seen it. ]My having no knowledge of Snelling's relations, who they are and where they are, is the reason of my troubling you, Sir, with this information." I learn with much satisfaction from Mr. Baker that Mrs. Palk has recovered from her late indisposition. " Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 2 pp., Uo.] [No. 328.] MuDOO KisTXA to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, October 15th, Fort St. George. — I have received no satisfactory reply from Governor Rumbold to ni}^ application for reinstatement — a result which I attribute to the malign influence of the Nawab and his son, who suspect me of being the cause of the rendition of Tan j ore. It is hard that I should suffer when all the Company's servants who were suspended by Mr. Stratton's Government have been restored to the service. My desire for reinstatement is due to a regard for my reputation, as well as for the sake of my son Choliappa, who has been trained in native languages in view to his becoming useful to the Com- pany. I beg that you will use your influence with the Directors on my behalf, and also write to Mr. Rumbold. " MuDOO KiSTNA." [Autograph, 3 jyjj-^ ^^^-l [No. 329.] Edward Cotsford'^' to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, October 17th, Madrass. Received 17th March, 1779.— " We arrived here safe and sound on the 16th of August last, meeting with our greatest risque when we imagined the cares of the voyage over. Not knowing of our differences with the French, we passed within sight of Pondicherry and their fleet at anchor injthe road. When we came off the place in the morn- ing we saw a ship astern crowding after us. At the same time one of those in the road slip])cd from her anchor and gave us chace. She sailed ill, and the one astern was still too far off to do any thing with us. After a chace of upwards of twenty miles, when the largest began to near us very fast, we saw six sail ahead, and about a quarter of an hour afterwards the two Frenchmen hauled their wind and stood to the eastward. The falling in with Sir Edward Vernon (for they proved to be his (1) Vide No. 183, p. 19H, note L 823 [No. 320. squadron) I believe saved us. English ships in the situation of those Frenehnien Avould certainly have shewn a better conduct. " We have had open trenches before Pondiehcrry for some time, where we have met with more opposition than was expected. Considering we were masters of the time for declaring hostilities with the French, it aj)pears to me that the greatest advantage has not been made of so very commanding a privilege. Before discovering our purpose we might have recei^'ed e^■ery kind of inforination respecting the works of Pondiehcrry, the strength of the garrison, the quantity of stores and provisions, and numberless other particulars, a knowledge of which might have put it in our power to have carried the place by surprize, or have prepared us for the difliculties we have met with ; for our experience has shewn that we held them too cheap, having either made too light of their strength or given ourselves credit for too much. What I have said is merely my private opinion, and I give it with some diffidence lest I shoidd be mistaken. We have had a great deal of rain lately, which has impeded our operations, and, considering the season of the year, great vigour and expedition is necessary. Indeed we expect every hour to hear that the business is decided. " A resolution very detrimental to an increase of reputation and my pri\'ate interest has been lately adopted here — I mean the calling all the Zemindars up to the Presidency, and in a great measure taking the business of that chiefship out of the hands of the Chief and Council. This, together with other particulars, makes me apprehensive the Otterton*^' estate will not come within my grasp. I have desired Mr. Webster to wait upon you for your opinion. He will shew you my letter to him, and likewise the copy of one which I have writ to Mr. Wombwell*^' by this dispatch, which treats on the affairs of Masulipatam .... " Advices are just now received from camp that the Governor of Pondicherr}^ has sent out a flag of truce desiring permission to send out propositions for a capitulation. God grant it may terminate successfully, for much depends upon that event. " M}^ situation here is extreamly disagreeable, as all the Zemindars are now here, and when they will return I cannot tell. " If the state of things should put it in your power to serve me towards my promotion in this country, your assistance will always be very gratefully acknowdedged by me. My presumption grows in seeing the small abilities of the present Governor and Council. . . ." " Edward Cotsford." [Holograph, 5 pp., Mo.] <1) A village between Sidmouth and Exmouth near the moutli of tlie Otter. (2' George Wombwell, fhairman of the Company in 1777 and 1778, was created A baronet in the latter year, 324 [No. 330.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, October 19th, Fort St. George.—" I have the pleasure to inform your Honour that Mr. Bellecombe, the French (ioNTruour, and his Council were at last obliged to surrender the Fort and town of Pondicherry to General Munro by capitulation yesterday under the following terms : — That private fortunes of the white and black inhabitants of Pondicherry are to be secured to themselves, and they are to be permitted to carrj' them where they please ; the fortifications [and] the houses belonging to the Government and the inhabitants both white and black are not to be destroyed untill they further hear from Europe ; the French troops and the French gentlemen are surrendered themselves prisoners of war to his Britan[n]ick Majesty on condition they are permitted to proceed to Europe under the cost of the English. . . . " We the inhabitants under the English protection are very well secured by the present victory, as we shall certainly be under no apprehension from the French, who can do nothing in these part[s] of the world during the present war, as they have no Settlement in the East Indies to send their forces and land them. ..." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 2 pp., Mo.] [No. 331.] Philip Stowey'^' to [Robert Palk, Esq.]. 1778, October 21st, Madrass. — " After a passage of six months I arrived here safe and well. The Settlement at that time did not seem very flattering to my views on account of a determined war carrying on against the French in these parts; but as great siiccess[es] have attended it since, and particularly so in the reduction of Pondicherry, things now bear a much better aspect, and I have no doubt but the purposes of my coming here will on the long run be fully answered, provided I continue in health. . . . '' 1 iia\'e been called into employ, and have formed plans for an alteration and enlargement to the Admiralty building,'^'' which is now carrvingr into execution. Your and Mr. Call's letters were received by Mr. Rumbold with seeming attention, and T was flattered with ideas of his intention to serve me, but that is all to come . . . Yesterday T had the honor of an audience with his Highness the Nabob, who, on deliNcry of your and Mr. Call's letters, received me very gratiously and requested my assistance in the way of my profession. He is building at (^) Philip Stowcy was njipointod Civil Architect at Madras by the Company, with liliprly In imdcrtako jn'ivato woi-k, '-) Vidc'iso. 216, V- ^^-'i, note 2, 325 [No. 331. the Diirbarr*^' in the Moorish stile, and I fear has gone on too far to be prevailed on to alter it." Details of the siege of Pondieherry yon will hear from other sources, " Our batteries against that place were opened the 18th of last month, and after a noble defence, in which the brave Belcombe*-' have gained nuich honor, the Fort was surrendered the 17th instant. Our loss of men is not inconsiderable, par- ticularly officers, among which fell Major Stcphins,*-^' Chief Engineer. A man of good abilities and most indcfatiguable in the exercise of his profession, his loss is universally lamented here. Mr. Baker, for whom I brought a letter from you, is now almost inconsolable for the loss of his son,*-*' who was also killed before Pondieherry. . . ," " Philip Stowey." [Holograph, 2f pp., 4to.] [No. 332.] Chocapah to the Honble. Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, October 31st, Fort St. George. Received 27th March, 1779, — Since waiting to you on the 19th instant I learn that " our Grenadiers . . , marched in at the Villinour Gate and entered into the town of Pondieherry a little before 5 o'clock the 18th in the evening, and [a] little before 6 of the same evening the French troops with their officers marched out, colours flying and drums beating, to the glacis, where they piled their arms and were received prisoners of war by a party of our troops commanded by Captain Lysaght, and marched about a mile beyond our camp, where they remained that night ; and next day they marched down to Madrass, and arri\cd here the 28th. They were about five hundred prisoners and about forty officers, part of which they keep prisoners in the Black Town,'^' and the rest sent down to Poonamally,*^* where they remain prisoners ; and the officers are set at liberty upon their parole, to live here and at St. Thome. The Company allows them the usual allowance." I hear " they have also about two hundred more French prisoners in the hospital at Pondi- eherry", who are to be brought here by sea. " Mr. Bellecombe, Mr. Law, and the rest of the gentlemen of Council and other private merchants and the French inhabitants are still at Pondieherry." M, Bellecombe is expected here early next month. " The French frigate that was in the Road of (1) The Nawab's palace at Chepauk. Cf. No. 206, p. 218, note 2. f2) General Bellecombe, Governor of Pondieherry. '3) William Stevens joined the Madras Engineers as Ensign in 17(51, and was employed in the following year in a survey of Adam's Bridge in Palk Strait. He served as Captain at the siege of Tanjore in 177^, and was promoted Major in 1774. In 1778, when acting as Chief Engineer during the absence of Colonel Ross in England, he was killed by a cannon shot in the trenches before Pondieherry. (■i) Ensign George Baker. (5) These prisoners were lodged in a building known as the 'Company's Granary,' which occupied the site of llie jiresent Custom House. (5) Poonamallee, 15 miles west of Madras, possessed a fort and barracks. No. 332.] 326 Poiidicherry is permitted to go to Mauritius and from thence to France." After the surrender General Munro received the merchants and other native inhabitants with much civihty, and allowed them to reside and carry on business under British protection. The Governor and Council also granted permission to the gentlemen and other residents of French nationality to remain and trade, provided they took an oath of fidelity to the Government. " General Munro returned from Pondicherry this morning. Captain William Rumbold (our Governor's son) is ready to take his passage with all the news on the Cormorant, now under dispatch for England. . . ." " Chocapah." [Autograph, 3| _2:>p., 4io.] [No. 333.] Messrs. Felling & de Fries to Robert Palk, Esq. 1778, November 1st, [Madras]. Received 17th March, 1779. — " We have desired Lord Shelburne to send us directions about the bills we have in our hands belonging to him. There is no likelyhood of its being paid in India now that poor Mr. McLeane*^' is lost ! " We hope that you will be able to procure payment from Mr. Stone in England. We can't learn that he has any property here besides his houses. '2) We find by Comroo's will, which was proved in court, that Mr. Stone is considerably indebted to Comroo, and it has been reported that Mr. Benfield (between whom and Mr. Stone there was not much affection subsisting) endeavored to take along with him Mr. Stone's bond to Comroo, that he might recover it in England, but we don't know absolutely for certain whether he has taken it along with him or not. We thought it was necessary to give you a hint .... " The Nabob since the fall of Pondicherry has promised to make a dividend to his creditors. God send he may keep his Avord. The whole Settlement is in want very much of pay- ments from him. Whenever we are in cash we shall endeavor to remit to you to the best ad\'antage, for we think your property will be safer nearer vou than at this distance. India is a country of revolution, and we think we shall alwavs be subject to it." " Felling & de Fries." [2| 2^P'> 4^0-] [No. 334.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esq. 1779, March 22nd, Fort St. George. Received 2nd January, 1780. — " This is purposely to inclose'^' to you copy of a letter (n C()lonel Lauchlan iMaclcano. Cf. No. 10!), /). 189, note 2. (2) Ji)lin Maxwell Stdiic owned (wo liniises in Fori SI. Georgo, one in St. Thom6 Street and one in diaries Street. (3) Enclosures not found. 327 [No. 334. wrote by the Nabob's new consolidated creditors to the (iovernor and Select Committee, and also extract of their letter to the Court of Directors, reeonimendin»T the business of the creditors to them. I act in it as a trustee J'or the Nabob, and our house are creditors to a considerable amount. The failure of payment from the Nabob (occasioned chiefly by the pressing calls upon him for money by the Company's agents here) has thrown the whole Settlement in the greatest distress imaginal>le, and unless some measure be taken by Government to proeiu-e satisfaction and relief to the creditors, who constitute the greatest part of the British subjects in this place and the other Settlements in India, it must end in their total ruin. As it is, there is hardly any trade subsisting in the place at present, and an entire loss of private credit and confidence. " As this matter will merit the most serious attention on the part of the Company, may I beg your interest and assistance when it comes to be debated at a General Court or otherwise ; in doing of which I assure you it will be rendering service to the cause of the English in India in general, and to this once flourish- ing Settlement in particular ; and I dare say many in P^ngland will find themselves in a very disagreable situation if the interest at least on this fund is not regularly discharged. ..." " John d'Fries." [Autograph, 2 pp., Uo. Dujjlicate.] [No. 335.] Tho[mas] Palk to Robert Palk, Esq. 1779, October 15th, Fort St. George.—" I have already informed you of the cause of my removal from the paymastership of Chinglaput. It was a cruel stroke upon me indeed. However, Sir, I flatter myself that you and Mr. Sulivan will endeavor to get me some appointment. I have been out of employ ever since, and see no probability of being otherwise, notwithstanding Mr. Rumbold has so often engaged his word of honor to serve me, and as often forfeited it. Never was a man so universally disliked. He employs people not in the service, and gives away places to the youngest servants which the oldest would grasp at ; takes away places and gives it to otherS; and such like conduct. There is scarce a foot of land between this and Ganjam but he has sold. The Guntoor Circar the Nabob is to have, or has it. The Jaghire'^^ in December last was adver- tized to be lett, but it did not take place, because of course the Nabob paid handsomely for it. But what could the country otherwise expect from a man of his stamp ? The seeds of corruption ha\e so effectually taken root that I do not think it possible to eradicate [them]. Gaming is arrived to that height that it requires the most vigorous measures to break the spirit of it, and to begin with the Select Committee. I dined with the (1) Vide No. 118, i>. 146, note 3. No. 335.] 328 Governor a few days ago, when he proposed a rubber, which of course was readily assented to. The party consisted of the Governor, Mr. Plumer,*^' Lieutenants Low and Malcohii*-', which was scarce begun when dinner came upon table, and kept 60 people waiting for its being finished. " The Circars will soon be in the state of the Nabob's country. The Zemindars were so very handsomely squeezed when they were called down last year that I hear the zemindaries are in a state of depopulation owing to the oppression of the Zemindars. Thus, Sir, you have but a slight view of our situation, though it may convey a strong idea. Mr. Cotsford will no doubt give you a better view of it than I am able, though not with more truth. The Company are sinking so very gradually step by step into mire as if they really intended it, and I am sure their affairs were never so well conducted as by a Governor and 12 Council,'^' for the less opposition a wicked Governor has to encounter, the more mischief he can do. You are a Proprietor, Sir, so therefore for the Company's sake become a Director. I shall then hope they may still be saved. " You are indebted, Sir, to Mr. Floj^er for his kindnesses to me, as I am sure it was on your account I received so much friendship from him. ..." "Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 3f pp., Mo.] [No. 336.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, Esq. 1780, January 16th, Madras. — " Three ships of Sir Edward Hughes's fleet are arrived, the Superb, Eagle and Nymph, which were sent forward with the sick of the squadron, being a great many. The rest of the fleet is expected in a week hence. Mr. Cuthbert'^' is come," so we shall tender money to him on your account for Navy bifls. Mr. Stone's affairs here are not as he represented them to his creditors in England, and we shall not trouble ourselves with them unless we find that we can be of use to you and others. " The Maratta war still continues. A few days ago 500 Europeans were sent away from hence to join Colonel Goddard'^' at Surat. This is an improper time to be quarrelling with the country Powers and with so powerful a one as the Marrattas. Hydcr seem[s] to be only waiting for an opportunity to break with us. A great fire happened in November last at Bengal in the Company's warehouse, which burnt 18 lacks of rupees of (1) Hall Plumcr, a civil servant of 1760. (2) Pn)l)al)ly Hcru'v Mak-olin (or Malcomhc) \sln) oiitcrt'd the Madras army iu 17(57, and hccamc licutcii.iiit in 177(1, and captain in 17711. (3) l>ig()(,'.s ('i)uiu'il ci>nsLsU'd of IVcsident and eleven iiuMul>er.s, including the C.-in-C. ; Kinnhold's of President and four civilian nienihers. (*) Arthur Cuthbert. Vide No. 57, p. S'd, note 5. (5) Colonel Thomas Goddard superseded Colonel Leslie in the cuiuiaaiKl of a Bengal force which luarehed across India to Surat. 329 [No. 3;JG. raw silk and piece goods. . . . The treasury at Bengal is very- low. Here on the Coast they can hardly make both ends meet, the expenccs of fortification, etc., being \xay great. We have heard nothing of any French ships in the Indian seas since the taking of the Osterley. " It is said that Mr. Ilumbold is to leave us in the course of March next, having taken his passage on the General Barker. The Nabob desire[sj his compliments to you and for a con- tinuance of your friendship. His affairs can hardly be worse than they are at present, the drain being continual, and the sources lessening every day. The divided interest in his family continues as great as ever notwithstanding the death of Maphauscawn,*^' which happened some months ago. . . ." " John d'Fries." [Autograph, 2\ pp., -ito. Duplicate,] [No. 337.] Tho[mas] Palk to Robert Palk, Esq. 1780, January 30th, Fort St. George. — " I had, Sir, flattered myself that your displeasure would have in some measure subsided by this time, and that you would have honored me with a renewal of your correspondence ; but I am unhappy enough to find myself still lying under it, and unfortunately at a time that I have more need of your friendship than ever I had." Being still without employment, I beg you to use your influence to procure me some appointment, such as a paymaster- ship or a seat in the Masulipatam Council. " Mr. R[umbold] has put me off ever since I was removed from Chinglaput with the strongest assurances of his serving me. Mr. Sulivan*^* has interposed in my behalf with him in an uncommon friendly manner, but without any other success than promises. In short, Sir, he is blind and deaf to every other consideration but that of establishing a strong interest at home ; and I hope that if he does not do something for me, that he will repent he had not considered it an object to have acquired yours. I do. Sir, assure you that a King of France was never so absolute as he is here. Every thing he proposes is carried without the least opposition. He is now on the point of going home, and Mr. Whitehill will of course succeed. I could say a great deal, but at present it would not be prudent. I shall say this much, that the Company is sinking into ruin as fast as possible. . . . " We have accounts that Colonel Goddard has at last taken the field against the Morattoes. A detachment has been sent from hence of 400 Europeans and 2 battalions of sepoys, but they cannot possibly reach Surat till the middle of February. Hyder-Ally, seeing how we are entangling ourselves, is growing very troublesome. A vessel in the month of November coming '1) Mahfuz Khan, elder brotlier of Nawab Walajah. <-) Stephen Suhvan (I'ide No. 189, p. 205), son of Lawrence Sulivan, came to Madras about 1778 as Secretary and Persian Translator. No. 337.] 330 down the Malabar Coast was taken by one of his, and carried into CalHcutt, with six gentlemen and three ladies*^' from Europe by Suez. And 'tis reported that he stopt by the same means Captain Bonnveau'^' and another gentleman with dispatches from the Company so late only as August. " Mr. Grey,'^^ that was once in the Bengal Council, has been pitched upon, in preference to a Company's servant, to go Ambassador to Hyder. He also had an employ at the siege of Pondicherry and at Mahe, when at least a dozen Company's servants were unemployed. But, Sir, this is nothing to other oppressive acts of Government. " Sir E. Hughes arrived here with his squadron and nine Indiamen the 18th instant. He has this day presented his Majesty's letter to the Nabob. Sir Edward is extremely well and hearty, and Sir E. Vernon goes home in an Indiaman much displeased thereat, Dick Welland is now with me, and is very much esteemed by the Admiral and officers. He seems to think it better he had staid at home, as he would be more in the way of promotion. " I send this by his Majesty's ship Coventry by way of Suez, though I am very doubtful of his reaching you safe, for the gentlemen that have lately come that way met with a great many difficulties. I have made a mistake, Sir. Captains Banks^^' and Bonnevaux'^) were coming from Bussora, and [were] taken by the Marattoes and not by Hyder-Ally. " I shall esteem it a favor [if] you will send me a line for Mr. Whitehill. My wife is well, and joins me in presenting her respects to you and Mrs. Palk and love to mv cousins. . . ." " Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 5 pp., 4fo.] [No. 338.] John d'Fries to Robert Palk, P^sq. 1780, February 4th, Madras. — " This goes by way of Suez. The Coventry is sent there to demand satisfaction for the vexation committed by that Government last year on our people. Sir Edward Hughes arrived here with the rest of his ships on the (1) Tiic J)aiiisli shij) Nalhalia, from Suez to Uengal, put into Calicut, wiioi'o she was seizi'd by llaidar ; and her nine Britisli passengers, including two ladies, were arrested. Anthony Fay, barrister, and his wife Eliza were confined at Calicut, and tlic remainder, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. 'I'ulloh, were carried to Seringa- liatam. All were released after about three months" detention. (Oriijhuil Letters from Iiidia, Mrs. Eay. 1817.) (2) Captain Bonncvaux was captux'ed by the Marathas, as stated later in the letter. (3) Mr. George (Jray was sent to Seringapatam to ask for the release of the Calicut prisoners. (4) (ioorge Banks, Madras Engineers, entered the service in 1771, and retired as Major in 1791. (o' Peter Bonnevaux joined the Madras Infantry as Ensign in 17liS. In 1782 Captain Bonncvaux commanded the detachment which sailed with Sir E. Hughes for the reduction of Trincomalee. He became Lieut. -Colonel in 179-1, and died three years later. 331 [No. 338. 19th ultimo. I applyed to hi in for Navy bills on your account. He gave me a civil answer, but desired [nic] to send in my tender, which I have accordingly done. " Sir Thomas Riimbold*^' goes for certain on the General Barker, when wc shall be left with Mr. Whitehili for our Governor. I hope nothing will happen to require the exertion of extra- ordinarv abilities, for I believe thev will not be found in our Council. The INIaratta war continues still. They took lately Messrs. Bonnivaux and Banks, who were coming over with a packet from England, which they left in July last. " Although I have not been able to go out on account of the inflanmiation in my eye, which has been a very severe attack on me, I have intimated to the Nabob what you desired me to conuuunicate to him. His situation is rather worse, nor do I see any likely hood of its bettering." We reluctantly consented to act as attorneys for the trustees of Mr. Stone, but only till others can be appointed. " I am sorry to find that Mr. Stone's affairs are likely to turn out much worse than what was represented to you. We shall do the best with what little remains there are here. Colonel McLeane's executors sent out powers of attorney to iNIr. Oakely,'-' Mr. Felling and myself . . . which we refused, and would have nothing to say to it. . . . Your nephew Mr. Welland was made a lieutenant at the Madeira. . . ." " John d'Fries." [Autograph, 3 pp., Uo.] [No. 339.] Stephen Sulivan to [Robert Palk, Esq.]. 1780, February 5th, Fort St. George. — " I return you my sincere thanks for your obliging enquiries after Mrs. Sulivan's and my health. Mine, you will hear from Queen Square, has been exactly the same as when I partook of red mullets with you in Devonshire. I wish I could speak as favorably of Mrs. Sulivan, who has suffered severely indeed from this relaxing climate so inauspicious to women in general. She is, however, at present considerably recovered, and I trust with suitable care and attention will have no more relapses. " On the arrival of Sir Edward Hughes, he scarce waited for an introduction of me to him, but took the first opportunity of mentioning your name and the friendly manner in which you had been pleased to express a soUicitude for my prosperity, adding at the same time on his own part he should be happy to forward my wishes in any way I would point out to him from the regard he had for his old friend Mr. Palk. . . . From my father's*^' letters I find you have been equally atten- (1) Rumbold was created a l)aronet on the 27th March, 1779. (2' Vide No. 10(5, ;). 212, note 1. ('*) Lawrence SuUvan. No. 339.J 332 tive in desiring Mr. John De Fries to give me his confidence and advice. No man in the Settlement is better calcidated for such a task from his local knowledge and long experience in business. . . . " To my father's letters I refer yon for particulars of my situation, as I have not a secret upon earth I wish concealed from you. You will there find how mistaken he was when he attributed to the Nabob any other motives of conduct than an artful policy operating from fear, without a single remembrance of past obligations, or a view to present favor but as it may prove a channel for the gratification of his ambition. Mr. Macpherson, who must write because he is hired, may employ volumes to expiscate (in his own elegant new coinage of words) the reverse ; but men who have no restraints of this kind to warp or mislead their judgment are contented with the facts and the evidence before them. " My father will likewise explain to you the reasons for my resigning the Persian Translatorship, which have the sanction of Mr. De Fries' approbation. When I was given to understand that not an iota of confidential communication was to pass through me, but that at best I was to be a mere letter carrier, it was time to recollect I had a connnendable pride about me, which will prevent me, I hope always, from being insignificant. The profits of my place of Secretary are so scanty, and the expence of Madras since your time so increased, that it ceases any longer to be an object. In short, my dear Sir, I have laid such stress in my letters to my father on a seat in Council or the Residency of Tanjore'^' as the only two objects on this Coast that can enable me to acquire a competency, that I hope you will use every argument to persuade him to bring either of those points forward, that it may be settled in the new arrangements at home, and not left to be done here. . . ." " Stephen Sulivan." [Holograph, 3| pp., 4io.] [No. 340.] George Baker to Robert Palk, Esq. 1780, February 7th, Fort St. George. Received December — , 1780. — " Although it is considered as very doubtfull whether (after what has past) an Englishman may be suffered to pass unmolested through Egypt with a packet, yet our Government have found it necessary to make the tryal, and for that purpose the Company's ketch'-' Nancy is to be dispatched this evening for Suez or else where in the Red Sea with one Mr. Woolley,'-^' a gentleman in the Nabob's service. Such an opportunity (1) Sto|ilion Siiliviin was appointed Resident at Taujoro by the Directors in 1780, but he resigned tiie post iimiiediatcly to become personal assistant to ilastings in Bengal. Tie was succeeded in the Residency by .Tolin Sulivnn. (^) Tlie " ketch " of the period was rigged as a brigautine. (3) James WooUey, secretary to the Nawab. 333 [No. 340. offering, I mean to try if I can get this single sheet into that packet, just to acknowledge the receipt of your several favors by the ships that arrived here on the 18th ultimo under convoy of Sir Edward Hughes. . . . " Sir Edward is in good health, and is the same good man as ever. Your nephew. Lieutenant Welland, got a conmiission at Madeira. He is a charming youth, modest, manly and discreet, and in good health and spirrits. He has been on shore some days, and passes his time with his cousin Palk, Mr. Perring or myself, to either of which he is, as at many other friends' he soon will be, welcome." Our Bengal friends are well, " as is your nephew Mr. T. Palk and family here. He has not indeed yet got an employ, but lives in hope of something soon. He is made happy by your kind remembrance of him, and will, I am clearly and fully per- swaded, deserve your favor, which no doubt will be conferred on him. . . . " As to publick affairs, you will be better informed by your other correspondents. I have only to wish that the Marattah war be not at this juncture found an arduous task. As to my personal affairs, I will not by this conveyance speak of them, . . . though I may perhaps touch on that subject by the March ships. Some time in that month the General Barker, Ganges, Norfolk and Talbot are to be dispatched from Bengal and this place for Europe, on some of which it is very confidently expected that Sir Edward Vernon and Sir Thomas Rumbold are to take their passage. ..." " George Baker." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 341.] Messrs. Pelling & de Fries to Robert Palk, Esq. 1780, February 10th, Madras. — Contains particulars of remittances made to England by Navy bills and otherwise for Robert Palk and Robert Palk, jun., and of the latter's risk on a Respondentia bond. [2 pp., 4/0.] [No. 342.] The Case of Robert Palk, jun., on board the Surprise. [By Surgeon Adam Burt.] 1783, April 3rd, Calcutta. — " Agreed to attend as surgeon to Robert Palk, Esq., during his voyage to Europe in the Surprise packet. This gentleman appears to be about 38 or 40 years of age. He is of a spare habit of body ; has been at least 20 years in India, and for the most part very healthy during that time. Mr. Campbell,*^' the Surgeon General, informs me that Mr. Palk has had more than one very severe fall within these last two or three years ; particularly once when he was walking on the (1) Daniel Campbell, Surgeon General in Bengal No. 342.] 334 roof of a house, which in this country is generally flat ; it gave way under his feet, and he fell through from a very considerable height. From this his system in general received a shock, the effects of which confined him several days. However, no remarkable symptoms followed as a consequence immediately after this or any other accident which happened to him. " Mr. Campbell also informed me that, as Mr. Palk was riding on horseback some weeks ago, he suddenly fell to the ground without any apparent cause. The nearest medical assisstants were instantly called : they found him in a state of insensibility, laying as if asleep. It was imagined that some injury had been received from the fall, and phlebotomy was performed. He gradually recovered his senses, but was affected with spasms, or as he himself expressed it, startings of the muscles of one side of his body. His face was also much distorted. Mr. Stark, '^' Surgeon at Calcutta, took more blood from him, but I do not know what medicines were prescribed. In two or three days after this first attack he was seized with a fit, which Mr. Campbell says was of the apoplectic or epileptic kind. Since then he has had several returns of epileptic fits." Diary. " 16th April. Mr. Palk is in good spirits. The spasms of one side are not so frequent as usual, but his face is considerably distorted. He takes pills of assafoetida as prescribed for him by Mr. Campbell. " 17th. He says that ' he had a slight touch of his disorder last night, but he sleeped it away.' Mr. Campbell and Mr. Stark thought it adviseable to put a seton in his neck, which I have performed this day. He is pretty chearful, but his tongue is swelled . . . and he pronounces his words with much difficulty. " 18th. This afternoon, as Mr. Palk and I were sitting on the quarter deck, he started up very suddenly from his seat, and without having time to utter a single word he fell down in violent convulsions, which continued near a quarter of an hour. . . . He soon recovered his senses, but continued very languid during the remainder of the day." I prescribed camphor, antimony Avine and assafoetida. " 21st. Very free from spasms ; pronounces his words with unconuuon ease ; is chearful. . . . " 23rd. Mr. Palk had a fit this morning." I prescribed valerian root. " 20th. He had a fit this morning at G o'clock ; is very languid ; his tongue is exceedingly swelled. ..." I gave camphor and valerian. " 29th. The spasms are abated, and the distortion of his face is scarcely perceptible. "1st May. Mr. Palk is in excellent spirits. " 3rd. He is almost entirely free from spasms ; tongue not (1' Surgeon James Starki 335 [No. 342. so much swelled, and he speaks with ease. T continue the camphor and valerian," and also the antimonial wine. " 4th. Mr. Palk appears as if in perfect health. Medicines as i'ormerly. " 8th. The ease which Mr. Palk has enjoyed for some time is too soon interrupted. He had a fit this morning about four o'clock. . . . " 9th. Mr. Palk had another severe attack last night, and was extremely languid this morning, " 11th. The spasms of his muscles are very frequent, particularly of the right side of the body. . . . " 12th. Mr. Palk had another fit this morning. After the convulsions were over he remained comatose for a considerable time ; is very languid. Medicines given as formerly. . . . " 13th. To-day lie is in extraordinary good spirits ; walked the deck in the evening for a considerable time, and is pretty free from spasms. . . . " 14th. Mr. Palk was seized with his disorder this morning about 5 o'clock. The convulsions were uncommonly severe. When these abated he remained without any signs of life for several minutes. ... At length breathing succeeded, but that more laborious than I ever saw in any other case. By degrees it became more moderate, but he remained comatose, at least for the most part. He is now and then seized with violent convulsions, which gradually terminate in an universal tremor, and leaves him insensible. ... In the evening the convulsions w^ere very alarming. ..." I accordingly bled him. " 15th. We have been becalmed these 2 or 3 daj's in 2 degrees N. latitude. Mr. Palk remains insensible and in a comatose state, but frequently seized with convulsions. . . . " 16th, Mr. Palk does not recover his senses in the least. ..." I applied blisters to his temples. " 17th. He gives some signs of returning sensibility, but remains speechless. He is restless, and twists his body into many very awkward postures. . . . " 18th. During last night Mr. Palk appeared to be in great agony .^His cries were dreadful. The unnatural exertions of his body were so great that it required two men to keep him in the cotte. . . . There is an universal tremor of the muscles. His pulse 80. . . . " 19th. He is still comatose ; lies with his eyes open, but now and then he is seized with convulsions, which gradually ter- minate in tremors. . . . Pulse 100. . . . W^e are in 28 miles N. lat. and still becalmed." " 20th. Mr. Palk died about 4 o'clock p.m. [Holograph, unsigned. 10| pp., 4^o.] 336 [No. 343.] Henry Preston*^* to Sir Robert Palk, Bart.*^), Bruton Street, London. 1783, August 8th, Fort St. George. — ^" As you have always been so sincere a friend to me, I presume to inform you of my safe arrival here after a very prosperous voyage of four months and ten days. We sailed from England on the 11th of March, and touched at St. Jago about 3 weeks after. This was the only place we touched at : we staid there but three days. We met with nothing remarkable till we came in sight of the Coast, July 19th, and we came to an anchor on the 22nd. " I was greatly surprised to hear of Hyder Alley's death, '^' and also of Sir Eyre Coote's, who died on his passage to Bengal by sea.'*' Hyder's son Tipo Seib carries on the war at present. He is not above 40 miles from hence with all his horse. I hear that there is a cessation of arms for a month to take place, but I am not certain. " There was an engagement the 22 of June between Sir Edward Hughes and Suffrcin off Trincoumale. I am not acquainted with the particulars, but I think we had 500 men killed, and the fleet came in here in a very shattered condition. " I began to receive pay as soon as I came ashore. iiMy pay is 18 pagodas per month ... I have not had an opportunity to go to Bengal as yet, but I think I shall go in a few days . . ." " Henry Preston." " P.S. — I return you my most grateful acknowledgements for the genteel station your goodness has placed me in." [Holograph, 2 pp., 4to. Wax seal, defaced]. [No. 344.] Dr. Adam Burt to Messrs. James & David Webster, Leadcnhall Street. 1783, September lOtli, liimerick, Ireland, — " I was ordered by the Governor and Council of Bengal to attend as surgeon to Robert Palk, P^lsq., during his voyage from thence to J^urope. Accordingly I embarked along with him on board the Surprise packet, and we sailed in April. This gentleman had been attacked with an epilepsy, from which, in the opinion of the most experienced medical jM'actitioners in Calcutta, he could not recover in India. I am sincerely sorry to add that his disease defeated my utmost efforts to preserve him. He died about a month after we left Bengal. (1) Henry Preston crilrnil (In- Hciig;il Army as a cad.t in ITS.'i, aiui died in 1791 at Dinapnro. (-' Hulicrt I'alk was ci-catcd a baronet on (he IDtli June, 17S2. (•'" Haidar Ali cxiiii-cd a( Cliittoor on the 7., 4/o.] [No. 357.] Dr. Adam Burt to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1783, October 31st, London. — " This day I have deposited the effects of your nephew, which I brought from IJmerick, in your house in Bruton Street, where I had the honour to receive yours of the 27th instant. You only desired me to bring the articles which were deposited with Mr. Lyons, but Captain Hall concurring with me in opinion that it would give you satis- faction to get the papers as soon as possible, I have also brought all of them that were placed in the Custom House on the 16th ultimo. " I do not wonder that you arc surprized at Mr. Louch's behaviour. He and Mr. Lyons, agent for the Company, are (1) Now Gresham Street, E.C. No. 357.] 346 joined agents for Colonel Watson in Bengal, the proprietor of the vessel. ... " I saw 32 packages delivered over to Mr. Sexton Bayllee, Surveyor of the Port of Limerick, among which are a large box for Francis Roberts,*^* at Dr. Lawrence's, Essex Street, Strand, and a small box for Mrs. Elizabeth Ironside, at Twickenham, Middlesex, both by favour of Mr. Palk, The effects were delivered to the Surveyor with the seals entire which had been put on on the 16th ultimo. I was not a little astonished to find almost all the seals broken . . . the next day after they were landed. ... In presence of Mr. Louch and Captain Hall I requested permission again to seal up all the packages, which the Surveyor refused me. He said it was dark when the effects were landed, and the seals might have been broken off by the porters ; l3ut he insisted on inmiediately inspecting all the packages, and that he himself would open them if no other person would be present to superintend it. I told him that I was not answerable for the consequences of landing the effects, yet I would do all in my power towards their preservation, and had witnessed their being delivered over to him to be deposited in the King's stores merely as a place of security. That I would immediately make an affidavit concerning his proceedings, which, if you pleased, might be laid before the Commissioners. This surely alarmed him, for next day he requested of me to seal up all the packages, to which I consented, at the same time observing that sealing them up at that time would not supersede my affidavit, which I made accordingly. " Before I left Limerick the Surveyor had set off for Dublin. He gave out that he would lay before the Commissioners infor- mation concerning the contents of Mr. Palk's packages," based on statements of Mr. Louch. I represented to the Collector of Limerick that Mr. Louch could not know anything about the contents. " I had so much luggage that I could not possibly bring any of Mr. Palk's servants along with me. Mr. liouch and Captain Asquith had no objection to carry them round in the ship. The European will probably take another mode of conveyance. The Indian proposed officiating as servant to the 2nd mate till their arrival in London, which I encouraged, as I thought it would ensure him protection." " Adam Burt." " P.S. — I am to be heard of at Messrs. Websters." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 358.] Henry McMaiion to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 2nd, Limerick. — I have been engaged by Dr. Burt to look after the effects of Mr. Palk. Directly after d' Francis Hcilnifs ,i I'cl^itivc of Mrs. Letitia Ironside. 3^7 L^'o. 358. Dr. Burt's departure, Mr. Baillie went to Dublin to see the Com- missioners, and on his return made a seizure of the effeets. He falsely asserts that Dr. Burt offered him 500/. to give up the goods. I propose to file a claim tomorrow lest the effects should be forthwith condenmed, though I am not able to comply with all legal recpiiremcnts ; but I hope you will depute a person who can make a claim in accordance with the Act, of which I enclose an abstract. I have already sent a memorial to the Conunissioners praying for a postponement of proceedings pending investigation. " The Speaker of our House of Commons (Mr. Pery) is Baillie's relation and patron, but would by no means countenance him in an act of injustice. I therefore take the liberty to recommend to you either to write yourself, or procure some other gentleman of consequence who may know Mr. Pery, to represent this matter in its true light. If this is done, I have little doubt that Baillie would instantl}^ be checked in his career, which may save much expence. . . ." " Henry McMahon." [Holograph, 2^ pp., -ito. Wax seal.] Enclosure. Extract from Statute 19 and 20 Geo. Ill, cap. 12, sees. 1 and 2. [1 p., Mo.] [No. 359.] Sober Hall to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 3rd, Limerick. — " Finding the goods at the Custome House that were sent from the Surprise are to be con- demned and sold as a legal seizure, I have directed Mr. Henry McMahon, Attorney at Law, to send a petition and a copy of the affadavit sworn to by Mr. Burt to the Commissioners of the Customs at Dublin, in hopes . . . they will give further time, so that you may have an oppertunity to make such application and send over such instructions as you think proper. ..." " Sober Hall." [Autograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 360.] William Douglas to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 3rd, Limerick. — Encloses a letter for Dr. Burt, which, in case of the doctor's absence, is to be opened by Sir R. Palk. [Holograph, 1 p., Uo. Wax seal.] [No. 361.] Henry McMahon to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 4th, Limerick. — ■" I yesterday got at the Custom House a copy of the seizing note lodged for the goods in the stores, and found it dated the 15th of October, being about No. 361.J 348 the day the goods were landed, though I am convinced it was not filed until yesterday morning ; but it was intended so as that the time for claiming may expire before you could possibly have an opportunity of putting in a claim according to the Act, of which I sent you an abstract. " I instantly tendered a claim such as the nature of the case would admit of. It was peremptorily refused, . . . not being according to law. I immediately prepared and sent off by Post Office express a memorial to the Commissioners. ... I refer you for further particulars to . . . copies of the seizing note, memorial and claim herewith sent." " Henry McMahon." [Holograph, 1 ]j., 4>to. Wax seal.'\ [Enclosures.^ No. 1. — Copy of seizing note, dated Port Limerick, loth October, 1783. Signed by S. Baylie, Surveyor, and addressed to George Maunsell, Esq., Collector. No. 2. — Copy of claim by Henry McMahon as agent for the owner. Sir Robert Pa Ik, dated Port of Limerick, 3rd November, 1783. No. 3. — Copy of further memorial by Henry McMahon to the Chief Commissioners of Revenue, praying that the claim may be admitted. [1|- p.,flscp.] [No. 302.] William Douglas to Sir Robert Palk, Bart,, Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 7th, Limerick. — Encloses a letter for Dr. Burt, which, in case of the doctor's absence, is to be opened by Sir R. Palk. [Holograph, 1 p.. Mo. Wax seal.] [No. 363.] Sober Hall to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 8th, Limerick. — I write for Mr. McMahon to say that the Connnissioners have granted time for the submission of a proper chiim. You might send Dr. I3urt over to make the claim. " Thus far is Mr. HaiHc disappointed, who flattered liimscll' with the notion (jf accelerating matters so as to have the goods condenmed and sold before there would be either a claim or trval. . . ." " Sober Hall." [Holograph. 1 p., Uo.] 349 [No. 364.] William Young to Sir Robi<:rt Palk, Bart., M.P., Briiton Street, London. 1783, November Dtli, T>inierick. — "Hononred Sir, I am given to understand your honour is heir to my late master, Robert Palk, Ks(j. I think it my duty to aequaint you with the particulars which were taken of his stores after his diseease. I would have acquainted your honour sooner, but Capt. Asqueth has not sailed for London till last Thursday. ... I have a particular accoimt of the contents of each of my late master's trunks and eirects of every kind, as they were all conmiitted to my charge since they left India till landed and lodged in this Custom House. ... I request your honour will be pleased to send me directions whether I am to remain with the effects till they proceed to London, or how I am to conduct myself. At present I am at the house of IMr. William Douglas of this town. ..." " William Young." [Autograph, If p., 4to. Wax seal.] [Enclosures.] No. 1.— Copy of " List of Mr. Palk's stores." [2 pp., 4/0.] No. 2. — " A list of stores belonging to my late master, Robert Palk, Esq., expended after his diseease bv order of Capt. Asqueth. (i> . . ." " William Young." [Autograph, 1 2^- flscp.] [No. 365.] Willia^i Douglas to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1783, November 11th, Limerick. — " Inclosed you have a cop3^ of the Board's letter to the Collector, Never the less Mr. Baylie, Port Surveyor, entered the stores yesterday in company with Mr. James Lyons, merchant in this town, broke open every chest and package belonging to Mr. Palk, rummaged and tossed the whole of his effects. " William Young, Mr. Palk's servant, is the bearer of this . . ." " William Douglas." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [Enclosure.] Copy of letter from the Board of Customs to George Maunsell, Esq., ("ollector of Customs, Limerick, dated Dublin, 6th Novem- ber, 1783. " The Board direct that the tryal be delayed and a proper time given for making a legal claim." [1 p., 4/0.] (1) Among the articles exp. ndod were • — 4 doz. Iji-andy, 7 J doz. madeira, 6* doz. waters, 7 doz. shrub, 8 doz. porter, 1 OU-gal. cask of rum broached, 6 tubs sugar candy, 1 bag cheroots, 2 bags walnuts, 15 shpep, 6 goa^s, 4 kids, 3 hogs, 3 turkeys, 24 geese, and 72 fowls, 350 [No. 366.] 1783, November 15th, London. — Deposition of Adam Burt sworn before William Pfxkham, Lord Mayor, setting forth the circumstances of the landing of Mr. Palk's effects, and their dehvery into the charge of Mr. Sexton Bayhe. mp.,flscp.] [No. 367.] Dr. Adam Burt to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1783, November 30th, London. — " I have reason for beheving that Captain David x\squith, of the Surprise packet, intends to claim 1,500 rupees on account of my passage, and in addition to the sum which Mr. Palk advanced to him in Bengal. There was not any surgeon belonging to the vessel. At the intreaty of the captain I attended the sick of the ship during the passage. Surely it must be granted that in a ship of so considerable force the assistance of a surgeon in time of war is an adequate recom- pence for the room he occupies on board. I used no other provisions during the voyage but what had been provided at the particular expence of Mr. Palk. I hope therefore that you will not attend to the above demand of the captain till he shall have consented sufficiently to reward me." " Adam Burt." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.'\ [No. 368.] William Young to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1783, December 16th, Limerick. — I have the pleasure to inform your honour that the goods are delivered up, and are ready for conveyance to Dublin and thence to the India House. The only cause of delay is Mr. Baylie's bill of expenses, which Captain Hall declines to pay until Mr. McMahon can learn from the Commissioners what amount is just. " William Young." [Holograph, 1 _/:>., 4fo.] [No. 369.] Sober Hall to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, January 14th, Limerick. — " At last we have been able to get all the chests, etc., out of the Custome House here, and they went off for Dublin under the care of your late nephew's servant (who has behaved with great propriety and attention) and a Custome House officer for Dublin. ... I enclose you a list of the plate and the other articles [of] that seazable nature for your satisfaction and guide when they arrive at the India House. . . ." " Sober Hall," [Holograph, 1 p., 4^o.] 351 [No. 370.] Geo[rge] Maunsei.l to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, January 15th, Limerick. — I received orders from the Revenue Commissioners to forward your nephew's goods to Dublin as soon as Mr. Baylie's account was paid. The account was settled for 40/. by your friend Captain Hall and your attor- ney, for which I accepted a bill drawn by William Young on Mr. T. Maunsell,*^' as instructed by you. Mr. Hall and I decided that some of the sea stores, which were not worth the cost of carriage, should be sold. They realized over 37/. The remaining articles are now on their way to Dublin, and I have asked Mr. Maunsell to forward them thence to London without delay. " Geo. Maunsell." [Holograph, If ji., 4/o.] [No. 371.] D[avid] Asquith to Sir Robert Palk, Bruton Street, London. 1784, January 21st, Ship Surprise, Downs. — I am surprised to learn from your letter of the 17th January that the things have not been delivered. I have written to Mr. Louch on the subject. The delay is by no fault of mine. " D. Asquith." [Holograph, 1 p., 4io. Wax seal with arms.] [No. 372.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, February 2nd, Fort St. George. — " This will be delivered to you by Captain Tod with my little boy Tom. The enclosed paper contains a list of the clothes I have sent with him, meant more as a check upon the servant than any thing else, who is a man that never was employed upon such an occasion before. . . . For Tom's passage I have paid 500 pags., which is more than hath of late been paid for such children, so that I hope the captain will make no farther demand on his account." "Tho. Palk." " P.S. — The garrison of Palagaut-Cherry, a fort taken during the cessation of hostilities (and after the Embassy'-' had set out) by Colonel Fullarton,'"^' was, in its return to join him, '1' Thomas Maunsell was in 1757 one of the Agents for the Army in Bengal. (-) The Commissioners dcjiutcd to Mangalore to negotinte with Tijiii. Vide No. 378, p. 35.5, note ]. (•^) Lieut.-Colonol \\ illi.uii FuUaiton, commaudiug 11. M. t)Stli Kegt., defended Negapatam against tlic French in 1781.'. On promotion to Colonel in the following year he superseded Ross Lang in command of the Soutliern army, and prosecuted vigorous and successful operations against Tipu and the Poligars of Dindigul and Madura. He took I'alglialcherri in November, 1783, and was preparing to march against Seringapatam when he received orders to suspend hostilities pending nego- tiations with Tipu. His victorious campaign ]e(l (o tbp Peace treaty of JMangaJore pf the 11th March, 1784, No. 372.] 352 having ceded the fort to Tippoo, attacked and sustained a very heavy loss by one of his tributary Poligars. This and other causes of a similar nature will delay the so much desired peace." [Holograph, 1 p., flscp . ] [No. 373.] Henry Preston to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London. 1784, February 2nd, Camp at Trivetore. — " I was prevented by sickness from going to Bengal till the monsoons set in, when I could not possibly get a passage ; which induced me to make application to join a Bengal detachment which was then under orders to march round to Bengal. I was fortunate enough to obtain permission from Colonel Pearce,*^' who had the command of the detachment, to join, and I now enjoy 340 rupees per month. It is to your goodness. Sir, I owe this preferment ; and permit me to return you my most grateful acknowledgments for the many obligations I lie under to you." Please forward the enclosed to my brother Fitzgerald in Dublin. " Henry Preston." [Holograph, 2 j^P-, 4fo.] [No. 374.] David Asquith to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, February 4th, Ship Surprise, Falmouth. — The quilts which Mr. Louch sent you were the only things belonging to Mr. Palk which remained on board. David Asquith." [Holograph, 1 p., 4-to.] [No. 375.] Tho[ma]s Maunsell'-' to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, February 5th, Dublin. — " I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 22nd in the country, where I have been detained by illness and the severity of the season. I came to town a few days ago, and inuucdiately came to the Custom House about your nephew's ci'fects. In my absence I had a })articular friend, Robert Alexander,*'') to attend to this business. We have done all in our jiower to get the effects lodged with me, and I am really much disappointed it cannot succeed. Mr. Winder**' wrote to you upon the stores being lodged at the Custom House, '1' Tliomas Dcane Poarsc entered the Bengal Artillery as Major in 1768, and liecanie Lieut .-fV)l(inol in the following year. In 1781 he commanded a force which was sent from Bengal lo aid Eyre Cuote against Haidar All. After a march of six months Colonel Pearse joined Coote shortly after the battle of Porto Novo. He commanded a Iirigade at the battles of Polilurand Sholinghur, and did good service until his return in 1781 to Bengal, where he died in 1787. (2) Vide No. 370, p. :<51, note 1. <3) Elder brother of James Alexander. Vide No. 65, p. 92, note 6. (4) Thopias \\inder, Secretary to the Commissioners of Customs. 353 [No. 375. and unless yon can prevail in Englaiul to have them dehxcred to nic, I shall apply to have them shi})ped by the first vcsscll to London. " I was anxious to see William Young, and could not I'md him out till last Tuesday. ... I am sorry for the trouble this poor man met with in his journey from Limerick. He was taken up on a suspicion of being a highway man, and Mr. lAike Flood, a magistrate, wrote to me upon the occasion, whose letter I enclose vou. He was immediatclv discharged, but lost his pistols by the villainy of the people. It was fortunate for him that I was in the country about 13 miles from the place where this affair happened. " I shall be impatient to hear what you have done by your application to the Court of Directors and Colonel Barre, ^i^-] [Enclosure.] Letter from Luke Flood to Thomas Maunsell, dated Corvill, Roundwood, 17th January, 1784. " William Young, brought before me this day on suspicion of being a highway man, and who writes to you by the bearer, has mentioned a circumstance of having drawn a draft on you for fourty pound on account of Mr. Palk. I shall be thankful to you for your information if any such transaction happened, and your idea of the matter. Young says he was servant to the deceased Mr. Palk, who was brother to Sir Robert Palk, an English member of Parliament, and is now employed by him in the care of the deceased's property." " Lu. Flood." [Holograph, 1 p., 4fo.] [No. 376.] Tiio[ma]s Maunsell to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, February 14th, Dublin. — " I yesterday received your letter of the 6th to Alexander and me, and went this morning to the Commissioners, from whom I have obtained an order that the effects should be immediately shipped on board the Draper, Capt. Rendell, for London, consigned to you at the India House. I took William Young with me to the Custom House, and shall have him attended to on board ship, as it is certainly better he should go with the effects. . . . " I am glad to acquaint you that we shall recover the pistols which were taken from William Young. . . ." " Thos Maunsell." [Holograph, 1\ p., Uo.] (n Colonel Isaac Barr6 (172(3 — 1802), a member of Parliament from 17fil and {(.n active politician, was Paymaster General under Lord Slielburue's Oovernmcnt. 354 [No. 377.] George Baker to Sir Robert Palke,y the Frencli that tlio restitution of Trin- conialee to (ho HiKisli was to he only formal, pendinK (he iiiuufdiati' (raiisfer of the port to (he Didch. The Madras (!overnmeii( liad ni> kno\\ii'tlgi' of such an agreement, and referred tiie ma(ter to England in .Tidy, 1781. '•*' John Sulivan had been Resident at Tanjore since 178(1, when Stephen Sulivau resigned the post to which he had then just been appointed, 355 [No. 378.] Chocapaii to the Hoiiblo. Sir Robert Palk, Baronet. 1784, September 11th, Madrass. — Since I last wrote, Messrs. Sadlcir, Hiulleston and Stannton'D made peace with Tippoo at Mangalore, and return(Hl in April to Madras. " Lord Maeartney*^) and the Nabob do not agree at all in any respect, bnt his Lordship is very honest and do[es] not receive anv present nor allowance from anv bodv ; but he has a long dispute with | the] Governor General and Council of Bengal about [the] Nabob's affairs. . . . " General Bussey is at Pondichery, and their forces is about one thousand Europeans both at Pondichery and Cuddalore, and the rest he sent away to Mauritius, and he is in very great distress to feed those troops now with him. And upon some disputes between them and our Government on account of Tricamally(3) the French do not deliver up Cuddalore to us nor take charge of Pondichery." No taxes are collected at Pondichery either by the British Resident or the French. Trade is bad and money scarce. " Chocapaii." [Autograph, 2 pp., 4-to.] [No. 379.] H.H. the Nawab Walajah to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1784, September 15th, Chepauck. — " You are my old friend and have been the faithful servant of the Company in an exalted station in this Government. During your government the affairs of the Company were conducted with honour, propriety and advantage ; and you was an eye witness to the friendship and support which I shewed towards the Company, and the sincerity, chearfulness and punctuality with which I paid my current charges with them. But now the misconduct of the Company's servants is the sole cause of the ruin in which their affairs and those of the public and their friends are involved. " Lord Macartney has brought utter ruin upon all the affairs of his employers, their friends and the public. In return for the good I have done his Lordship has done every injury to me, my family and eoimtry. Large sums of money from the revenues of my countiy have been dissipated and made away with, and not brought into the Company's treasury to my credit. In short, my friend, a full detail of liOrd Macartney's evil conduct towards me and the public would fill volumes. I request therefore to refer you for particulars to Mr. James (1) A Commission consisting of Anthony Sadlcir, John Iludleston and George Staunton, the last of whom wa» the Governor's private secretary, had lieen sent to Mangalore to arrange terms with Tipu. A treaty wns ronchided on the 11th March, 1781, whereby restitution of prisoners was agreed to. Those released by Tipu in March and April numbered 1,140 British and about 3,000 native soldiers. '■-) Lord Macartney assumed charge as Governor in June, 17S1, (3) Trincomalee, in Ceylon. Vide No. 377, p. 354, No. 379.] 356 Macpherson,'^' and I flatter myself no exertions on your part will be wanting to the reestablishment of my government and country. " It was during my friend's time that the last peace with France w^as concluded, and you know that Monsr Law, who came out as Commissary on the part of the French King, though the villages around Pondichery had been dependant on it from ancient time, yet he did not think it right or proper to hoist the French flag in Pondichery, or to receive the said villages without my concurrence and authority, nor untill he had sent a Vackeel to me and had an interview himself at Sadrass. In that business you was pleased to show me every token of honour and respect, and you gave me every friendly information and support : we were both one and the same. But now, though the King of Great Britain has engaged in his late treaty with France to procure for that nation the cession of two additional districts*-' of my country, to which the French can claim no right, and as the acquisition will greatly increase their power in this country, they consequently should be bound by stronger restrictions than heretofore with a view to the good of the Carnatic and of the English possessions in this part ; yet Lord Macartney, in his implacable enmity towards me and my family, has endeavoured to deprive me totally of my inherent rights ; and though I chearfully consented to the cession of the districts to the French agreeable to the engagements of his Majesty the King of Great Britain, yet his Lordship denied me the privilege of giving away my own countries, and determined to surrender them to the French without my interference and without making them enter into any Crarnamah.'-^' His Lordship accordingly signified to Monsf Bussy, through his own private secretary Mr. Staunton, that he possessed the sovreignty of the Carnatic, and that all negotiations must be entered into with him. But Bussy, though an enemy, denied his Lordship's position, as you will iniderstand from the letter to Lord Macartney on this subject. I write this for your information. " My friend will be pleased to recollect that it was himself who delivered to me the letter which was addressed me by the late Earl of Chat[h]am, the father of the present Minister, Mr. Pitt. You have now a hap])y opportunity of exerting your interest with the Minister and your other friends ibr the re-establishment of my affairs, and I trust that your exertions will not be wanting. " May you long enjoy every earthly blessing. What can I say more ? " [3 pp.y demy. Duplicate.] (1) James IVIacplRTSon idok over clmr^'c of Walajah's intcrcsls in Enplaml from his cousin Joiin wiion the latter sailed for India to become a membci- of the Supreme^ Council. '-) The villages of Villenour and l^ahour, which now form part of rondicherry territory. '•" Crarnamah, Pers., kamr-nfnua, n written airroement, 357 [No. 380.] A[BRAirAM] Welland'1' to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1784, September 18th, Calcutta. Received Kith October, 1785. — I am pleased to hear that my cousin Abraham*^' is coming to India. I shall of course render him all assistance in my power. " The expences I incurred at Madrass are undoubtedly very great, but believe me, had I not received Mr. Thomas Palk's approbation for every article I bought, I would not have spent half the money I did. " How very much the times are altered since you was in India, when a person was satisfied with one or two servants ! I can assure you a Writer in Bengal can not now exist under an establishment of less than thirty. The goodness of INIr. Hastings to the black people has lain us under this imposition." However, I live as economically as possible. " Your very dutiful and affectionate nephew, A. Welland." [Holograph, 6 pp., Uo.] [No. 381.] Mrs. C[atharine] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1784, October 8th, Trichinapoly. Received 23rd October, 1785.'^^ — " I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 15th of February, and the satisfaction it affords me is more than I can express, particularly for your too kind assurance of taking care of my children in England. . . . " My Tom is, I hope, by the blessing of the Almighty safe arrived, of which I am very anxious to hear. We could not possibly hear of him since he left the Cape, when he was well. Catharine is my next, who is four years old. I shall embrace the first good opportunity for sending her to England. My last is Bob, and as every parent is proud of its own, I cannot help saying he is a very fine child, and I flatter myself with hopes that by the time he comes of age to be sent also, that we shall be able to accompany him ourselves. " The loss of our valuable brother was somewhat unexpected, as we flattered ourselves that the voyage would restore him to health. We feel the loss most sensibly. " An end being put to a dreadful war enabled me to return here with ^Ir. Palk in April last. I hope we shall be allowed to remain here for the future undisturbed. . . . " Your most obliged and most affectionate niece, C. Palk." [Holograph, 2^ pp., Uo.] (1) Abraham Welland, brotlior of Lieut. Richard Welland, R.N., and son of Sir Robert Palk's sister Grace Welland. <2) Thomas Al)raham, son of Robert Abraham of Gurrington, near Ashl)urton, was born in 1769 and died in 1818. He was a cousin of Sir Robert Palk, whose mother was Frances Abraham. (3) The Pigot, which was to have left for England on the 15th Oct. 1784, was employed locally, and did not sail on the homeward voyage until Feb., 1785. 358 [No. 382.] Tho[ma]s Palk to Sir Robert Palk. 1784, October 10th, Trichinapoly. Received 23rd October, 1785. — Your acceptance of the care of my boy Tom without my having first obtained your approbation impresses me with the deepest sense of gratitude. " Had it pleased the Ahnighty to have spared my poor brother, he would no doubt have taken those charges upon himself. This imhappy e\ ent was first inti- mated to me by a town report, nor did I see any letter confirming it for many days, so that I was in a painful melancholy suspence during that period. He appears to have possessed a very handsome fortune. " Though the peace took place in March last, it is only within the last month that a final exchange of places took place, owing to, I believe, some delay occasioned by the Supreme Council, who, it seems, do not altogether approve of the Treaty, as the Nabob has been totally excluded therefrom. To such a length hath private animosity gone forth ! The Supreme Council have taken up the matter very warmly, and have threatened our Select Committee w4th suspension should they not open an immediate negotiation with Tippoo, and insist upon the Nabob's being inserted in the Treaty. The Committee have peremptorily refused doing it, and it is expected that a change in this Govern- ment will very soon take place. It appears to me to be at present a very unhappy one, that gives general disapprobation and disgust. It is a very happy circumstance for the Coast that a man of Mr. Hastings's experience and abilities guides the helm. He proves himself a man of inexhaustable resource. The Directors and Company between them have irritated him a great deal . . . , but he has too much honor to leave them in tiie hour of danger, and hath proven that no ill treatment whatever can swerve him from the publick good. He set out on a tour through the provinces in February last, and returned to Calcutta only in August. You will no doubt, Sir, hear from better authority than mine tJie good which hath been derived from this excursion to the publick. " Mrs. Palk wishes to have sent her a picture of her son Tom. Should you think of it, Sir, you will oblige us by getting one taken , . . ." " Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., 4^o.] [No. 383.] George Raker to Sir Robert Palk, Rart. 1784, October 10th, Fort St. George. — " I know of no publick news worth your notice except the mutinous disposition of the Army, which has shewn itself a second time very lately. The 3Gtli Regiment took to their arms, and were with difficulty 359 [No. 383. prevailed on to lay them down after one of the most active had been blown from a gun. Tlieir complaint was the want of their arrears, aggravated perhaps by the knowledge of all Batta but in a few particular places being to be taken off about the end of the year. This, it seems, has been resolved on in Committee, and may perhaps have been published in General Orders. It may be difficult wholly to suppress the spirrit of dissatisfaction for a long time, and perhaps equally so to pay up their arrears in a short one. The different Powers of Hindostan are . . . at peace, but the rumour of an approaching rupture between the Nizam and Maratahs as allyes and Tippoo is very prevalent. Some think that in such a case w^e shall keep aloof. . . . " Sir Edward Hughes sailed early this morning with his squadron for the other coast. A dispute having arisen in our Select Committee between the Gove[r]nor and Mr. Sadleir (our friend) about the time of the Jiino^s departure, the former gave the latter at the Council Board the lye direct. This terminated in a duel between them after the Juno sailed. Tlioinas Gcils entered the Madras Artillery in 1707. He was transferred in tiie followinj? year to the Engineers, and, as ('aptain, was employed in 177!» on the deiuulilion of th(> fortifiealions of Tondieherry. On his return in 1781 from home leave the Directors fiiilcti (o speeify the corps with which Major Geils was to serve, luil, aflcr eonsulf.itidii witli (i.-ierals ('.lilijuid and Sir Hol'crt Barker, (hey posted liim in 1 7S7 to the Artillery as Lieut. -Colonel. lie hecame Major-General in 17!Mi, and was Ojmmandant of Artillery durinj^- the mutiny at St. Thcmias's Alount in 17!)S. For his action on that occasion he was censured. He married Mary Pascal in 177:5, and diccl in Scotland in 181."). '-' Henry Vansittart, jun., married Miss t'atiurinc Ann I'ownc) at Calcutta in I'Vluuary, 1783. 361 [No. 386. bonds. The house, I think, should not be sold for much less than 50,000 S.Rs. . . . " Mr. Hastings has rejoined us in Calcutta, but before his return had the misfortune to lose his only friend in Council, Mr. Wilder. The other members have not yet eonmieneed an active opposition, but the Settlement is now trembling and confounded with the expectation of a change of Government. Mr. Hastings has declared himself on the point of departure, and desired that the Burrington, Tndiaman, may be detained for him. " Our situation at present is very disagreable. There is talk of a reform and retrenchment of expences. The latter is to be effected by a reduction of the avowed allowances of the Company's servants, of which a complete statement has been made out. The amount of my commission is very considerable, and in case such a plan should be carried into execution, more liable to reduction than anv other. The secret and illicit emoluments will be untouched, so that persons whose advantages are of this description will have a great superiority over those to whom the Council have thought proper to allot a fair and legal recom- pence for their services. I speak only of reports, and am by no means certain that such an event will happen. On the contrary, I think the measure will not be pursued in the tottering state of the present Council on the eve of a change. . . ." In July last Mrs. Vansittart presented me with a son, who has been named Henry. Mr. Abraham is living with me, but he will shortly move into Writers' Buildings. Kennaway, Stables'^' and I agree in advising him to enter the Coinmercial branch, where he may have an initial salary of Rs. 400 to Rs. 500, rather than the Political or Revenue. " Henry Vansittart." [Autograph, 4 pp., 4to. Duplicate.] [No. 387.] Henry Vansittart & R[ichard] Kennaway to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1784, December 28th, Calcutta. — " You were informed in our letter by the Surprise of the application from Captain Asquith for payment for the passage to England of Mr. Burt the surgeon, and of the refusal we gave to it. Lest this matter should be litigated in England we think it necessary to inform you of the following circumstances, the kiunvledge of which may be serviceable in resisting the claim. Colonel W^atson demanded passage money upon this plea, that no surgeon was necessary for the care of the ship's company, whereas it C^' John Staliles, a Bengal civil servant, succeeded Pliilip Francis as a member of the Supreme Coutncil. No. 387.J 362 happened on the passage that many of the seamen had absokite occasion for his assistance, which Mr. Burt gave them at the formal requisition of Captain Asquith. After this he became to all intents and purposes surgeon of the ship, and has recovered allowances in that capacity from Colonel Watson by the decision of referees or arbitrators. The claim to passage money of course, if any previously existed, was done away with by this act, which rendered him an officer of the ship. . . . " We observe that in the will Mr. Palk bequeathes'2,000/. to his brother Mr. Thomas Palk on the Coast, from whom is due by his books Current Rupees 20,359 \2cis., in part of which his bond for Current Rupees 19,290 10 is in our possession. This bond we recommend to be delivered up to him, the debt being about cancelled by the legacy. . . ." Henry Vansittart, R. Kennaway." [Autographs, 5J- pp., Uo.] [No. 388.] George Baker to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1785, January 25th, Fort St. George. — My, last letter, dated 10th Octoljcr, was sent by the Pigot, which was due to sail for England on the 15th idem. For want of cargo, howe\'er, and to save demurrage, she was diverted to the eastward, but she has now returned here, and will leave for Europe early in Februar3^ " Colonel Pearse's detachment is, I suppose, arrived in Bengali by about this time. The last letter that I had from Captain J. Kennaway was on his leaving Ganjani, in which he told me he hoped to be in Calcutta about the end of the year . . . " Mr. Hastings came down to Calcutta about the beginning of November, and it was then said that he intended to go home by the ships of this season ; but as a copy of Mr. Pit[tJ's amended Bill has been received here with a few letters from England dated the Gth of /Vugust last, and as the purport of the whole has been . . . received in Bengali, it is now confidently reported here that the GoAcrnor (ieneral has declared it to be his intention to continue in India some time longer. " It is said that liOrd Macartney keeps the Greyhound packet, which [is] now in this road, till the new Bill shall have passed and be received here, together with the Court's of Controul and Directors' Orders in consequence thereof, that he may be sure of a passage home inuuediately if he shall then be either desireous or in want ol' it. " The bulk of the troops arc in cantonment at Arcot. The King's olfieers there have complained loudly of the impropriety of the commanding officer's (Brigadier General Horn[e]) privilege 3G3 [No. 388. of selling arrack to the troops ; in conseqnence of which our Government have by public advertizement signified their desire to receive proposals for furnishing the troops . . . with that article by contract. IIorn[e] is called down, hut is appointed to connuand all the troops to the southward of the C'oUeroon, and General Campbell* ^^ is sent up to Arcot to command there in his stead. " The Batta, which was to have been taken off on the 31st of the last month, the Board have now declared to be their intention to continue till further notice. Indeed they could not do otherwise, the clamours of the Army haveing been so loud on that score that I believe nothing less than a general mutiny Avould have been the consequence of their persisting in their former resolution. ... "It is proposed to send a Committee, comprising the Com- mander-in-Chief and Chief Engineer, to examine the forts throughout the Carnatic with the object of determining which shall be preserved and which demolished. A Committee of Accounts has lately been appointed to examine all financial claims on the Company. Mr. William Jackson,*-' one of the members, who has been deputed to the country south of the Coleroon, finds huge war claims put forward there. " A small American ship (the first belonging to the United States) from Phyladelphia arrived at Pondicherry on the 26th of last month. The captain and supracargoe have been here, and are just gone back to that place, and talk of returning to America soon. " The 52nd Regiment now at Poonamaly are at this moment in nuitiny. I have not yet heard their pretext or complaint, though i understand that it is rather specious than well grounded ; for however much the Company's troops are in arrear, it appears that the King's are so regularly paid as to leave little reason of complaint on that score. " Mr. Bussy dyed in the begin[n]ing of this month at Pondi- cherry. Orders have been received by our Government from the Governor General and Council to receive from and restore to the French and Dutch the several places agreeable to the terms of the respective treatyes. Mr. Floyer is gone to the southward as Commissary for that purpose. " Mr. Daniel, <3) who has for the last three or four years been Chief of Masulipatam, came up here with his family this month on the Pigot, and means to send them home on that ship .... Dureing his Chiefship in that Circar he has used extraordinary exertions with great moderation and good effect in collecting ... a very great part of the arrears of the revenue, amoimt- ing, I think, in the whole to some thirty lack of pagodes, and thereby rendered himself a good and faithfuU servant to n) Majoi-General Allan Cainplull a Kintr's oflicer. (-' Vide No. 105, p. 135, nolo 3. (3) James Daniell. Vide No. 193, p. 208, note 4. No. 388.J 364 the Company, and a friend to this Settlement, with the character of an able, worthy, honest man. . . ." " George Baker." " P.S. — The 52nd Regiment at Poonamaly submitted. . . ." [Holograph, 12 pp.. Mo.] [No. 389.] Chocapah to the Honble. Sir Robert Palk, Baronet. 1785, February 2nd, Madrass. — Nothing extraordinary has happened since I last wrote except that " Lord Macartney and Mr, Sadleir challanced with pistoles on the 23rd of September last near Egmore Fort,'^' when his Lordship was wounded on his right side, and soon after he is recovered. . . ." Orders have been sent to this Presidency from Bengal forbidding the drawing of bills. As this part of the country has been ruined by the enemy, there is difficulty in finding money to pay the troops, who are giving trouble. " General Bussey is dead at Pondichery the 5th of last month, and since [then] we have taken charge of Cuddalore, and the French have taken charge of Pondichery." " Chocapah." [Autograph, l^ p., Uo.] [No. 390.] W[illiam] Wynch'^) to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1785, February 3rd, Madras. — I enclose a letter from Mr. Pybus relating to Goodlad's estate. Lord Macartney's new system is disliked by the Company's servants, and the economy he talks of has injured credit. " It's now with the greatest difficulty even a trifling loan can be obtained from a black man. Those of the Company's servants who have applied for their arrears of pay have been paid in Bengal bills, which bills were discounted at 50 per cent., while Lord Macartney himself regularly every 3 months pocketed his own pay of 10,000 pagodas, and his Council receiving theirs at a discount in Bengal bills. . . . Nothing but the most disagrcable circumstances have attended us lately, duels, dissensions in Council and mutiny among the King's troops." After being eighteen months without emplo\iuent I have been ajipointed a Commissioner of the Board of Accounts, thanks to the exertions of my friend Mr. liarclay,' " one of the Council. I beg that you will interest yourself on liis behalf. He is desirous of succeeding Mr, Sulivan**' as Resident of Tanjore when the latter leaves for Europe. [Holograph, 2| pp., 4>to.] " W. Wynch." (1) A i-i'dniiM alxnit tui) miles west of l''«prt St. (ii'orgi'. '■-' Willi.im W ynch. so!i of (Hivci'iinf \\'\mc1i, was a civil scrvaiif cf 1 TliC. ("*) Kobert Bart-lay, ;i civil servant of 17(5:?, was junior ihcihIkt of Maiart iicy's Coiiiu-il. W Juliu Sulivan. Vide No, 377, p. 354, note 4. 865 [No. 391.] [Major] John Shortt'^^ to [Sir] Robert Palk. 1785, February 5th, Madras. — I wrote to you last year " on the interesting suljjeet of a stop being put to my rank in the government of liord Maeartney and Lieut.-General Lang*^) as Commander in Chief. The reason I nexer could arri\e at, and the only answer I received through the Secretary was that it was the Connnittee did it from mature consideration." In order to obtain redress I wrote to you and General Caillaud and other friends. I now again beg you to use your interest on my behalf. " I cannot charge myself with any thing more than being too hospitable heretofore, which, as it has proved prejudicial to my interest, I will in future study to correct." [Holograph, 2\ pp., Uo.] " John Shortt." [No. 392.] Colurk Seetaram Pundetii to Sir Robert Pai.k. 1785, February 7th, Madrass.- -" With all humility I humbly presume to address to your honour that after the Northern Circars became Jaqueer to the Honourable Company, and since the end of Mr. Bourchier's government to the last of Mr. Rumbold's government, the Jamidars'^) of Chicacole Circars are suffered great cruelties and oppressions through the means of Seetaram Rauz,'*> by which the Honourable Company suffered a great loss in their revenue." As an old servant of the Company I presented many petitions on this subject, but without obtaining redress. Copies of these I now send, together with an address for submission to the Directors and a letter to be kindly forwarded to the Hon. Edward Monckton. [2 pp., Mo.] [Enclosures.] No. 1. — N.D. — Copy of petition from Collure Seetaram PuNDETH, Mazoomdar,*^' of Vizagapatam, to the Honble. Thomas Rumbold, Esq., President, and Governor of Fort St. George. [To the same effect as No. 3 below]. [H PP'^ flscp.] (1) John Shortt (or Short) entered the Madras army as Ensign in 1760, and attained the rank of Major in 1778. He -was ultimately invalided in India, and died in 180.'^. (2) Koss Lang, a Lieutenant in the Madras European Regiment in 1758, accom- panied Caillaud 's force to Bengal in the following year. As Captain he commanded a hattalion of native infantry at the siege of Madura in 1763, and as Lieut. -Colonel served in the first Mysore war, taking command of the experlition on tlie iccall of Cf)lonel Jolui Wood in 17().S. In 1777 Colonel Lang acted as Conuuander-in-Chief during the susjiension of Colonel James Stuart, and in 1780 he defended Vellore against Haidar Ali. On the deportation of General Stuart in 1783 Lang was promoted Lieut.-General and became Commander-in-Chief, holding the appointment until his retirement in 1785. He niarried Ann, widow of Captain Thomas Oats and daughter of Thomas Pelling. (3) Zemindars. (■l) Sitaram Ilaz. Vide No. 10, p. 28, note 5. (5) Majumddr, a revenue accountant who keeps a Record of the Governinent collections, No. 392.] 366 No. 2. — N.D. — Copy of letter or petition from Row Seetaram Rungarow, Sirdar in the Sircar of Chicacolc, to the Honble. Thomas Rumrold, Esq., President, and Governor of Fort St. George. I beg to represent that " my country [is] called Beb- booly in the^Circar of Chicacole under the districts of Vizagapatam. That Poosapauty Seetaram Rauze and Vijiaram Rauze having imprisoned my l)rother Vencata Runga Row in the Fort of Vijanagram and unjustly possessed my country ; the said my l^rother is five and twenty years of age ; he is not married yet. Since 3 years he is in their confine, and not put on the turband since he has been confined. . . ." The Chief and Council of Vizagapatam took no notice of the matter. Governor Wynch at Madras prevented Mr. Stratton, the Chief, from releasing the prisoner. Lord Pigot, on his arrival, referred the case to the Committee of Circuit. I give some account of my family and that of Poosa- pauty, and of the disputes and warfare between them, especially when the French held the Circars. I now pray that my country may be restored to me, and my brother released. [3 pp., flscp.] No, 3. — N.D. — Copy of petition from Seetaram Pundeth, Majoomdar, of Vizagapatam, to the Rt. Hon. Lord Macartney, K.B., President and Governor in Council, Fort St. George. Your petitioner represents that he is a Majoomdar in the Company's service at Vizagapatam. After the transfer of the Circars Poospatty Seetaram Rajah recommended a sepoy to the Chiefs as their Dubash, with resulting loss to the Company. Several Zemindars were dispossessed of their districts, and the Chiefs, who had accepted presents, concurred in the spoliation. The Zemindars were detained prisoners at Vizagapatam, some of them being put in irons. Your petitioner ajipealed on their behalf to the Governor of Madras, first to Mr. Wvnch and afterwards to T^ord Pisfot. " It however unfortunately haj){)encd that iiis Ivordship was dispossessed of his Government.'" Your petitioner then appealed to Governor Rumbold, but the Rajahs concerned came to Madras " and presented sums to a considerable amount to the said (Governor, as also to the CoimeiTlors, Seeretarys and Dubashes. which entirely shut their eyes against justice." Your petitioner prays that you will not suffer the Circuit Committee to be influenced by the gifts of the Ilajahs, but direct the Committee so to act that the 367 [No. 392. losses of rcv(MUie may be repaired and the dispossessed Zemindars may reeover tlieir territories. [2| pp., f I Sep.] No. 4. — Copy of petition of Collore Seetaram Pundeth, Mazoomdar of Vizagapatam, to the Honble. Warren Hastings, Esq., President, and Governor Cieneral of Fort William. Dated Sth January, 1785. Represents that his ancestors and himself served the Company in \'izagapatani for upwards of a century. " After the Circars were subjoined to the Vizagapatam territories the Poospatty Seetaram Rauz, in order the better to succeed in his own private views, etc., recom- mended a common seapoy called Jaggoo to the then Chiefs to act as their Dubash, and by whose means the said Seetaram Rauz procured the interest of the gentlemen, and by which he has encroached on several of neighbouring » Jamidars' coimtrys, who were known to be well affected to the Honourable Company. And nevertheless the said Poospatty Seetaram Rauz killed the Cawsepatty Rauz and his sons, and also he has closely imprisoned the Rungarow's son, etc. Jamidars, who are yet in confine- ment, but some of them are dispersed into different countries." Petitioner applied to the late Lord Pigot, who promised to restore the lands to the Zemindars ; but he is now no more. Mr. Claud Russell carried the papers to Europe to submit them to the Court of Directors, but he effected nothing. He returned to India as Chief at Vizagapatam, and is friendly with Seetaram Rauz. Petitioner has presented some papers to the Circuit Committee, but none to Lord Macartney, as the Governor has a great regard for Seetaram Rauz. Petitioner prays for redress for the injured Zemindars. [3| pp., Uo.] [No. 393.] Lieut.-General Ross Lang to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1785, February 9th. Fort St. George. Received 23rd Octo- ber, 1785. — " I have the pleasure to acknowledge your favor of the 8th March last by Mr. Abraham, and should have been happy to have shewn that gentleman any civility in my power in consequence of your recommendation of him ; but the shortness of the stay he made here prevented my shewing him that attention which I could have wished. " I have the pleasure to inform you that the situation in which Captain Collins'^' now is is a very favorable one : he commands (1' Edward Collins entered the Madras Army as Ensign in 1765, becoming Caiitainfin 1772, Lient.-Colonel in 1786 and MaJor-GeflefaJ in 1795, B[e djed at >Iadras in 1808, No. 393.] 368 a battalion of Native Infantry. You may be assured that I shall be happy in an opportunity of serving him when in my power, both on account of his own merits, and as you are interested in his welfare. " I am fully sensible of the obligation under which I lay to you for confirming the Court of Directors in the good opinion they had of my services, and the part you have taken in my favor, and shall hope for a continuance of your support with them. . . ." " Ross Lano." [Autograph, 2 pp., Mo.\ [No. 39i.] R[awson] H[art] BoDDAM^i) to SiR RoBERT Palk, Loudou. 1785, March 12th, Bombay, — " In conformity to your desire I applied to Mr. James Hatley, who has had the management of Mr. Lane's<2) affairs since his demise, for the payment of the deceased['s] bonds to you. . . . The amount of the assests [sic] being j^laced in the Honble. Company's Treasury, no payment can be received therefrom, on account of the situation of their affairs and the very heavy debts due by this Presidency ; and when they will be able to settle them, without assistance in some effectual mode from Europe, God only knows : therefore [I] did not chuse to take on me, without your particular directions, to receive as payment for your demand on Mr. Lane's estate any transfer on his credit on the Bombay Treasury. . . . I can at any time . . . get such a transfer made ; but when you may get paid therefrom I will not pretend even to give a guess at, as their Bombay Government is so very deeply involved that any the least prospect seems very distant indeed, and I can see not even a chance for [it] without some very effectual step is taken by Government, such as funding the debt altogether, [that] can ever give any prospect of relief. " The great changes in the Governments of Madrass and Bombay by the reduction of their Councils to a Governor, two civilians and the Connnander-in-Chief of the Forces has greatly affected the senior servants, and I believe nothing but their being so very deeply involved in their Treasury debt keeps many now in India. We, thank God, are in entire tranquility with all our neighbours ; but the idea of losing Mr. Hastings from liengall, as private advices lately received assure us he was to proceed to Enropc on the Bcrrington in the first week in February last, has thrown a general damp on all our prospects ; . . . and the late rapid progress and success that has attended Mahadjee Sindia in now being possessed of the whole power at the Court of Dilly . . . forebodes no very favour- able prospects from so able and enterprizing a genius. Time, (1) Rawson Hart Boddam, Governor of Bombay 1781 to 1788. '8) Edmund Vcale Lane. Vide No. 150, p. IG'J, note 2, 369 [No. 304. however, will disclose matters, ami I shall hope that the jealousy of the Poonah durbar at one of their Jaggeredars being grown so powerfull will furnish means to attruct [?obstruct] Sindia's views, so as to leave the Company in full security both for themselves and allies on that side of India. . . ." " R. H. BODDAM." [Autograph, 2^ pp., Mo.] [No. 395.] A[braham] Welland to Sm Rob[er]t Palk, Bart. 1785, March 21st, Calcutta. — I am still serving as Assistant in the Import Warehouse. I was lately recommended as Deputy, but that post has been otherwise filled. I hope to repay sh' rtly the sum which Mr. Kennaway advanced from the estate of the late Mr. Palk on account of my brother Richard. " Your dutiful nephew, A. Welland." [Holograph, 7 pp., 4>to.] [No. 396.] [Captain] F[rancis] Swain Ward(i> to Captain John Kennaway. 1785, April 24th.— Printed form of receipt, filled up in MS., for Rs. 100 as subscription for one set of Perspective Views of Hindoo Temples, Buildings, etc., to be published and delivered within eighteen months in England and two years in India. Appended is an instruction to deliver to Captain Kennaway or his order, signed by [Autograph, 1 p.,Uo.] " F. Swain Ward." [Endorsement.] " John Kennaway desires the views may be delivered to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street, London." [No. 397.] OziAS Humphry(2' iq Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P., Bruton Street. 1785, May 15th, Cape of Good Hope. — I have just heard of the death of Mr. Wheler,*^) the resignation of Mr. Hastings and the return of Sir John D'Oyley,'*' to each of wdiom I carry recom- mendations. " You had the goodness to promise me your kind favor with Mr. Vansittart'"^) if he should be appointed Governor. (1) Francis Swain Ward, though trained as an artist, entered the Madras military service. lie resigned his commission in 1764 and became Secretary to the Society of Artists. In 1774 he was reappointed to the Madras Army witli the rank of Captain, when he presented to the Company a set of his landscapes painted in Soutliem India. He retired as Lieut.-Colonel in 1786, and died at Negapatam in 1794. A number of his views were engraved liy Edward Onne. (2) Ozias Humphry, portrait painter and associate of Romney and Blake, painted portraits in India from 1785 to 1788. He was elected R.A. in 1791, and died in 1810. (3) Edward Wheler, a member of the Supreme Council. (4) Sir John D'Oyly, Bt., a Bengal civil servant of 1770, returned to England in 1784. He went ovit again in 1804, and died at Calcutta in 1818. (5) ^eorge Vansittart, y No. 397.] 370 I take the liberty to write to yoii from hence to entreat it, as I shall now be in the East Indies unprotected in a wide sea. I am sensible how slight a claim I have to your favor, but any service you have the kindness to do me with Mr. Vansittart, or the present Governor, or whoever is appointed to succeed him will be received with thankfulness, and remembered with the warmest gratitude. . . ." " OziAS Humphry." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo. Wax seal with crest and initials O.H.] [No. 398.] Ensign W[illia]m Preston'^' to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1785, May 16th, Madras. — As a supernumerary ofhcer of Captain Edmonds''^) battalion I am not ehgible for the alloAV- ance in lieu of half batta ; but General Lang has been good enough to transfer me to a regiment at Trichinopoly where I can draw it. " We are informed [that] General Sloper is to command in India, and General Balling'^* on the Coast. . . . I shall be very thankfull if you will please to recommend me to these gentlemen or to Mr. Holland,**' who [it] is expected will govern. " I find this service to be very good, particularly for a single man, but the pay of an ensign is not sufficient to support a family. Several subalterns who have their familys with them were immediately provided for. A fort adjutant's appointment is very good, I am informed. They are frequently appointed by the Court of Directors, or strongly recommended by them to the Governor or Commander-in-Chief for the succession of a place. I trust. Sir, your goodness will assist me with your interest, so that I may have it in my power to get my family out. . . ." " Wm. Preston." [Holograph, 2 pp.. Mo.] [No. 399.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1785, May 20th, Trichinapoly. — " Though it is now a year since the restoration of peace, I do not find that in poj)ulation or cultivation any material increase has occurred : so effectually has the sword and famine swept away its inhabitants and destroyed agriculture. I did think that the Poligar countries woidd have been conducive to the saving of thousands of lives, and that at the conclusion of peace they would be flocking back tl) William Preston joined the Madras Army as Ensign in 1783. He attained the rank of Captain in 1798, and died in 1802. (2) Edward Edmondes entered the service as a cadet in 17()-}. '3' Lt. -General Rol)ert Sloper and Lt. -General Sir John Dalling, Bt., arrived in 1785 as C.-in-f. in India and C.-in-C, Madras, respectively. ^*1 John Ilollond, who was expected to succeed Lord Macartney. Vide No. 91, p. 122, note 1. 371 [No. 399. to their former residencies ; but in this hope I liave been cruelly disajjpointcd. Frt)ni the Colleroon to Arcott liic country is almost laid waste from the want of inhabitants to enltiv'ate, and other countries which ha\c not been so destitute have failed in their crops from a scarcity of rain ; and from those causes are we still labouring under a heavy debt and large arrears, wdiich the continuance of the Assignment and peace can only relieve us from. God grant them both is my constant praj'er, but sorry I am to say that I fear neither will be of long duration. . . . " I am anxious to have some account of Tom, which I am noAv in daily expectation of. . . . " "Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 2| j^P-^ 'ito.] [No. 400.] Messrs. Felling & de Fries to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1785, June 12th, Fort St. George. Received 30th March, 1786. — We thank you for your information regarding the dis- posal in England of the business of the Nawab's creditors. " Mr. Call's'^* diligence and assiduitv on this occasion deserves the particular acknowledgement of the creditors, wdio are now put on a public and solid footing. The Nabob will no doubt for some time find much difficulty to fulfil his engagement of paying annually sixteen lacks of pagodas, 12 on account of his debt to the Company and creditors and 4 for the expences of the army, from the ruined state of some part of the country, which has been almost entirely unpeopled ; but it is possible with good management and strict occonomy, should we continue in peace and tolerable plentiful seasons. " Lord Macartney left us the 4th instant on the Greyhound packet for Bengal, He is to call at Vizagapatam, from whence it is said he means to send his resignation. Our Administration at present consist of Mr. Davidson, General Sir John Bailing, Mr. Danniell and General Sloper, who as Commander-in-Chief of India has a seat and vote in Council. " The Company's letter to the Nabob has been delivered, and security demanded for the payments he is to make. We are told the Nabob is to give Souckar securities, such as they are, on which the countries will be delivered up to him. Much will depend on the person presiding over the Company's affairs keeping always a strict hand in exacting a due compliance with the different parts of the agreement. Lord Macartney would haAc been an excellent person for this purpose, but he was absolutely against having any thing to do with the Amier,*^) who has still the management of his father's affairs, which made him quit his station sooner than otherwise he would have done ; (1) Colonel John Call, formerly Chief Engineer and a member of the Madras Council. Vidr No. 1!', p. 22 note 4. (2) Amlr-ul-Umara, Walajah's second son, No. 400.] 372 and he has declared that he would not accept of the Government of Bengal should he be appointed to it. . . . " We are in peace with all the Powers of India, and likely to continue so, in which will depend our salvation, for the arrears and bond debt of the Company in India at present amounts to upwards of seven millions sterling, to clear which will require at least fifteen years of a continuance of peace. The discount of bonds here is 40 per cent., at Bengal 25 and Bombay 70. At thi<; last Settlement no interest has been paid for four years. " The French seem to turn their views in India entirely to commerce. They have a small garrison at Pondicherry and has done nothing to the fortification of that place. Trincomale has been delivered up to the Dutch, who has not yet taken possession of their Factories on this coast. They have been at war with the Mallays, and in the whole their power in India seem[s] to be very much on the decline. ..." " Pelling & DE Fries." [3 pp., 4io.] [No. 401.] Tno[MAs] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1785, July 12th, Trichinapoly. Received 10th April, 1786. — This goes by a French ship. I am glad to learn " that my little boy was safe arrived at Haldon House. Your intentions of putting him to the school at St. Mary Ottery has given us much pleasure, and I doubt not from the tendency of his disposition but he will give Lady Palk and you, my very much esteemed Sir, satisfaction. Mrs. P. is very desirous of embracing the opportunity of General Lang's return to Europe to send Kitty and Bob with her sister Mrs. Lang, but I think Bob too young to be parted with. . . . " By the late orders from home the Nabob is upon tlie point of being again put in possession of the Carnatick. This day or to-morrow it will, I believe, take place, his Highness having engaged to pay to the Company 4 lacks of pagodas more than the Presidency had authority to stipulate for. Should the old gentleman perform, we shall have no occasion to repent the change, though our situation cannot well be worse tium at present. Besides the old arrears to the troops we are incurring new ones from 1st February last, going on 6 months. Having told you this, you will be naturally led to conclude that there are defects somewhere. It is a melancholy truth, as is that of the troops having suffered a loss of 8 per cent, in all payments since Mr. Irwin' i' received the management of this district, arising from his introduction of the debased coin of Tinnevelly, and stopping the coinage of this. Complaints have been made, but the transaction has been so plausibly coloured over that Lord M. approved of it. Such injustice to troops meriting the *" I';yll^s Ii'wiu, a civil servant of 1 7(!S, was one of tlio ('I'minissjdncrs of Assiprnct} Eevenuc in 1781. 373 [No. 401. most kind treatment, who have to my knowledge for the last 4 years laboured under the most uncon\mon hardships, is most sensibly felt, and if not redressed by tiiis Government, which I hope is a more moderate one tlian the last, meaning Lord IM.'s, a very unpleasant detail of grievances will be laid before the Company. Believe me. Sir, I have seen the native troops perishing in the streets, selling their children for a rupee, and it is not a month ago that they were begging about the canton- ments almost in the saine condition. . . . These, Sir, are truths that happen under my own eye. The native troops are so sensible of the ill-treatment they have received from Government that it is the general opinion they never will suffer themselves to feel the like distress again. The reasons are many and obvious for my communicating these facts to you, for it is my opinion that the existence of the British Empire in India depends upon their being redressed or not. " Mr. Davidson is at present in the Chair, and I cannot say that our honourable masters have shewn their wisdom in providing a successor to Lord M., but we are in daily expecta- tion of Mr. Holland's*^) arrival. . . ." "Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 402.] Tho[ma]s Abraham to Sir R[obert] Palk, Bart. 1785, August 6th, Calcutta. — ^It is reported that Lord Macartney, who arrived here five or six days ago, after resigning the Government of Madras, has been appointed Governor General of Bengal. As, however, he has not taken his seat, it is thought he must have declined the post. Failing his Lordship, I hope that Mr. Vansittart will be appointed. The Government are retrenching expenditure, and the people of Calcutta are preparing a petition against certain clauses of the late Act of Parliament. '2' I send my respects to Lady and Miss Palk, and beg you to remember me to Lawrence when you write to him, as I under- stand that he is now in France. " Thos. Abraham." [Holograph, 3 pp., 410.] [No. 403.] Chocapah to the Honble. Sir Robert Palk, Baronet. 1785, September 17th, Madrass. — In May last orders arrived from the Company to restore the Assigned Districts to the Nawab, and to receive from him yearly 12 lakhs of pagodas on account of his debt to the Company and private creditors, and 4 lakhs (1) Mr. John Hollond was nomin.ated by the Directors to succeed Lord Macartney, hut he declined the appointment. After the resignation of Sir Archibald Campbell in 1789 Mr. Hollond served for a year as provisional Governor. (2) The India Act of 1784. No. 403.] 374 for current charges. Lord Macartney, disapproving of these instructions, resigned and proceeded to Bengal on his way home. The Company's packet dehvered here on the 16th July nominated him Governor General of Bengal. The orders were at once forwarded to Calcutta, but Lord Macartney declined the appointment and sailed for England in the SwaUozv on the 10th August. The Government here is in the hands of Mr. Davidson, with Sir John Bailing and Mr. Daniell as Councillors. They arranged to deliver the territories to the Nawab, but the latter could not find sowcar security for the payment he was bound to make. He promised, however, to pay three lakhs this month, six in January and seven in June. " The Marattys sent their Vackeel here to request for our assistance to beat Tippoo. By what I hear our Government does not chuse to do it. I hope they will do, and destroy Tippoo entirely, as he is always [an] enemy to us." It is reported that General Campbell'^) is to succeed Lord Macartney. As the latter has refused Bengal, it seems likely that the General will go there, in which case another appointment will be made to Madras. " Chocapah." [Autograph, 2^ pp., Uo. Duplicate.] [No. 404.] George Baker to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1785, October 10th, Fort St. George.— I send this by Mr. Thomas Barnard,'-* late of the Masulipatam Council, who takes his passage by a French ship from Pondicherry. I acknowledge receipt of your letters of December, 1784, and March and April; 1785, and thank you for all you have done towards recovering my money from the Company. Mr. Kennaway wrote to me in April that the principal sum of my bonds had been received, but only two years' interest instead of three. " George Baker." [Holograph, 3 pp.. Mo.] [No. 405.] FuTWOOD Smerdon to Walter Palk, jun.,<^' Ashburton. 1785, November 8th, Ottery. — " As it is usual with me to send my bills luilf yearly, I have taken the liberty of writing out Master Palk's,<^' which you will, I trust, find perfectly right. He is in good health and spirits, and has no suspicion that the Christmas vacation is drawing on. (1) Major General Sir Archib'ald Campbell, K.B., an oflicei- of Royal Engineers of 1758, was lent to the East India Company from 17()l to 1772 as Chief EnKineer, Heiigal. He was Governor of Madras from 17S()1o 1780. '2) Thomas Barnard, a civil servant of 17(ir), known for liis v.ilualiK' survey of the Company's Jm/ir. (3) Son of'Walter Palk. s.ii.. and ucph.w of Sir Hol.crl I'alk. (■*' Tliomas Palk, jun., son ol' Thomas P.ilU of (hr Madras civil service. 375 [No. 405. " The dancing master, Monsr. Faye, having succeeded Tolver in his schools, demanded no entrance for your nephew. Master Tom begs me to present his affectionate duty to his Uncle and Aunt, who will have the goodness to accept of mine and Mrs. Smerdon's respectful compliments." " FuTWOOD Smerdon." " Master T. Palk to Michaelmas, 1785 {half-year). " Board and tuition, £15 15s. ; w^ashing, £1 Is. ; mending, 5s ; servants, 5s. ; shoe-cleaning, 2s. 6d. ; in weekly threepences, 5s. 9d. ; spelling book, Reading made easy. Watts' hymns and a smaller book, 2s. 6d. ; April 11, a pair of gloves and gar- ters. Is. 6d. ; June 17, paid driver for conveying Master P. to Exeter, 2s. ; gave Master P. at same time, 6d. ; to cutting hair at different times, Is. ; a hymn book and prayer. Is. 4d. ; Total £18 3s. Id. " Dancingf master to Michaelmas, £l lis. 6d. ; entrance, nil ; writing master, 12s. ; shoemaker's bill, lis. 3d. ; two pair of worsted stockings, 3s. Total, £2 17s. 9d." [Holograph, 2 pp., Uo. Wax seal with monogram.] [Endorsement.]—'' Mr. Smerdon's bill, £21 Os. lOd. ; to a pair shoes, 2s. 9d. ; to breeches and waistcoat, 14s. 7d. ; to a hat, 4s. 3d. : to entrance at Mr. Smerdon's School, £4 4s. ; to Mrs. Cooksley for schooling, £3 Is. 6d. ; to Mr. Davis for cloath, £1 6s. ; ' to Mr. Stone for shoes, 7s. ; to a hat, 10s. Total, £31 10s. lid. " 9 Nov., 1785. Received the above. "Walter Palk, Junr." [Autograph, I p., 4io.] [No. 406.] Lawrence Palk to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Haldon House, Exeter. 1785, December 3rd, Neuchatel. — I enclose a letter for Sir Bourchier Wrey. " I am happy to find that my sister has made so good a choice, and it is the most anxious wish of my heart that she may meet with that happiness she most justly merits. ... I am but just risen from my bed, to which I have been confined this week past by an operation which has given me the greatest pain, but the good effects of which I already begin to feel. Having been recommended to a dentist, the excellency of whose talents has gained him a decided superiority over the other masters in his profession, I determined to follow the advice of my friends, and summoned up sufficient resolution to have one of those great tusks entirely pulled out, and the rest of my teeth put in order. The operation, I can assure you, has succeeded, and though the pain has not entirely left me, I have . every reason to be satisfied, and my mouth is no longer ashamed to be seen. No. 406.] 376 " I am now quite settled, and find my residence very agreable. The language comes apace, and I am now able to join pretty well in the conversation. ... At present the French and fencing masters only give me employment, but I intend taking a drawing master, as I find there is one of ability here, and every day convinces me of the utility and pleasure which is to be derived from a knowledge of that art. . ". ." " Lawrence Pai.k." [Holograph, 3 pp., Mo. Wax seal with crest.^ [No. 407.] A[braham] Welland to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1785, December 13th, Guttaul. — " By the arrival of the last ships from England we find that the Court of Directors have thought proper to reduce our salaries more than one half, and also to add that this is but a trifle to what we may expect. Small as they may conceive it to be, I am apprehensive it will cause a very great change, for how can it be supposed that when we are not allowed a sufficiency to live on we shall scruple at peculation of any thing else to procure a competency ? Should they also, as we hear it is intended, cut off the batta from the allowances of the officers, this country, I fear, will not remain much longer in their hands. A number of gentlemen have already resigned their offices, and are gone to live at Serampore, Chin- surah and Chandernagore on account of every thing being much cheaper at those places than in Calcutta. Many others have given up the Company's service altogether, and are going home on the ships that are now about to sail. A captain of one of the Indiamen has received a lack and [a] half of rupees for passengers only. Five and twenty families, besides a number of other gentlemen of the first rank in the service intend to return this year to Europe. Mr. Larkins,*^' the Accountant General, has had fifty thousand rupees cut off from his salary. Mr. Kenna- way is reduced from two thousand to five hundred rupees per mensem, and the rest in proportion. Small as my allowances were, they have, however, thought fit to deduct four hundred rupees from it monthly. In short, there is not a Company's servant from a Senior Merchant to a Writer but who has in some degree suffered ; so that the misfortune, being general, is not so severely felt as it otherwise would be. The saving altogether to the Company amounts to about fil'ty lacks of rupees. The Governor and Council had, before the arrival of these orders, reduced our establishment as low as was thought possible, but this was so very small in comparison to the Court of Directors' [instructions] that they will gain neither credit nor honor by it. " On the Gth instant the Montague, Capt. Brittcl, was burnt at her moorings at Diamond Point. Fil'ty of her people perished, among whom [was] her chief officer. The Dublin was much (1) William Larkins, a Bengal civil servant. i f l 377 [No. 407. hurt by the explosion. It was occasioned by the carelessness of the armourer, who in carrying some lire from the galley to the forge let drop a few coals on the salt petre, which instantly took fire, and notwithstanding all the exertions of the crew com- municated itself to the whole ship. This is the fifth Indiaman the Company have lost by fire within these two years past. " Our petition to the House of Commons against certain clauses of Mr. Pitt's Act of Parliament*^* will be ready to be sent home by the last ship of the season. A committee of fifteen gentlemen have been sitting for these six months past, among whom is Mr. Vansittart. The petition has been framed, and signed by most of the people here. Old Price, <-' the person who wrote so virulently against Mr. Macintosh'^* and Mr, Francis, has, under the feigned name of An Inhabitant of Calcutta, given every support in his power to the Bill. No person on its first arrival could say more against it .than he did, and I am very certain that he was one of the party who at a drinking bout burnt it. " Accompanying I have the pleasure of sending you all the news papers for the last year, and also Mr. Dallas's''** speech at a meeting of the inhabitants of Calcutta, with many other publications, which I hope will afford you some amusement ..." " Your very dutiful nephew, A. Welland." [Holograph, 8 pp., 4:to.] [Enclosure.] Printed copy of resolutions passed " at a meeting of the British inhabitants of Calcutta, held at the Theatre on Monday the 25th of July [1785] in pursuance of a public summons by the High Sheriff at the request of the Grand Jury, on the 15th of June last, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety and necessity of a petition on certain parts of an Act of the 24th of his present IMajesty, entitled 'An Act for the better regulation of the affairs of the East India Company and of the British possessions in India, and for establishing a Court of Judicature for the more speedy and effectual trial of persons accused of offences committed in the East Indies.' " Eighteen resolutions were proposed and unanimously agreed to. The following are the most important : — Resolution 2. Protests against the obligation imposed on the Company's servants, on their return home, to deliver upon oath an inventory of their whole property. Resolution 3, — Represents that the new tribunal deprives them of their birthright, trial by jury. Resolution 4. States that the Act renders them liable to (1) The India Act of 1784, which established a Board of six Commissioners for India, commonly knowii as the Board of ('-, fDi'iiiefly secrekiry to Sir Tbuuias Kumlmld, uabuuw socivtaiy to the NawaL). 381 [No. 412. expenses are very great. The King's troops are a heavy charge. The arrears to the army remain still unpaid, and Go^'ernment paper [is] selling at a great discount from the continual increase of the bond debt, as most accounts are adjusted by granting bonds. The distresses of individuals from not having received any part of the Nabob's debt for so long a space of time are great, and affect the trade and welfare of the Settlement. " Mr. Sadleir, Chief at Mazulipatam, seem[s] to be more employed in preparing accusations and informations against his predecessors than in collecting the revenues entrusted to his charge. Mr. Daniell goes by this ship, and Mr. Floyer is to succeed him at the Council Board. " We have had a report for a week past that Tippoo is killed. It wants confirmation, but the report coming from various parts, it is probable he has met with some misfortune. The Marattas [are] threatening invading his country. We have had no inter- course of trade with the Mysore Country since the peace, Tippoo keeping the passes closely guarded. . . . " We have a report that the Company, having taken up an extraordinary number of ships this year, will permit their servants and others living under their jurisdiction to send piece goods on freight to England. This will be a wise plan, as the Company have no funds for carrying on an Investment on the Coast, there being hardly a thousand bales made on their account during the whole year ; and if private trade is per- mitted to be carried on the Company's ships, it will be a great convenience to their servants or others living under their protection, and will be of great national benefit. It will besides effectually defeat the commercial operations of foreign nations to India, as they will be deprived of the assistance of British money. If the Company don't fall on some such method, they will neither benefit b}' their trade nor be able to act in competition with the foreign traders." " Felling & de Fries." [2 pp., 4/0.] [No. 413.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, January 12th, Trichinapoly.- — I enclose two sets of l)ills in your favour, one for 2,000/ and the other for 4;000/. This goes bv a French conveyance. " Tho. Palk." [Holograph, 1 p., flscp.] [No. 414.] Walter Palk, jun., to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Haldon House. 1786, January 16th, Ashburton. — I return the letters from Vansittart and Kennaway. I have consiilted my father, who No. 414.] 382 agrees with me that their claims on my brother Tom and Abraham Welland should be relin(][uished. The legacies to them may accordingly be paid. I have entered the legacy to Thomas Withecombe/^' as it was omitted before. " Walter Palk, jun." [Holograph, 1 p., Uo.] [No. 415.] F. D'lvERNOis to Sir Robert Palk, Bruton Street. 1786, January 17th, Neufchatel. Received 28th January. — I hasten to give the information you ask for about your son's teeth. Two of the upper ones were irregular, a circumstance which not only affected what may be called la decoration de sa houche, but interfered with its hygiene. A lady who is a friend of your son advised him to avail himself of the skill of a dentist of repute who visits Neufchatel twice a year. The dentist was at first inclined simply to remove both teeth, but he afterwards judged that the interval left by one of them would allow of his replacing the tooth after he had extracted it and reduced its size. This was the operation which he skilfully performed on a courageous patient. The space left by the tooth which was entirely removed has already diminished. Our only fear now is that the other tooth, which was taken out and replaced may not become as firm as the rest. I thank you, Sir, for your interest in what concerns myself. I am entirely at your service if you wish me to continue the tour as your son's companion. His friend I shall ever remain. He is prepared to leave Neufchatel in March if the roads are then practicable. In travelling through Germany I propose that we hurry over the smaller Courts and make a prolonged stay only in the three or four principal cities. Dresden would be the first place for such a stay on our way to Rerlin, unless the Court Palatine should be at Mannheim. Letters of recommendation we shall of course need. " F. D'lVERNOIS." P.S. — In the account which I sent you last October there was a slight error, although the total was correct. The personal expenses for three travellers should iuive been 7/5,057, and the common expenses L8,676 10,9. Total 7>18,788 Ifxs-.d) Of the ])ersonal ex])cnses I owe L626. The balance relates to Messrs Palk niul Rceke. Our furtlier expenses IVoiii the 27th Sept. to the 31st Dec. have been L(i,863 156'., of which Ll,689 10.9. is due from me. Grand total, L20,597 11.9. Should you wish it I will lurnish a more detailed statement. [Holograph. French, 3 pp., 4to.] [No. 418.] F. D'lvERNOis to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street. 1786, February 6th, Neuchatel. — Your son has just returned after accompanying INIr. Spencer on part of his journey. M. de Traytorrens went v\'ith them. You seem to be unfavourable to the intimacy with Mr. Spencer, but as the latter lived in the same house, ordinary courtesy compelled some association, and it is impossible not to like him. The disadvantage of the tendency of the two young men to converse in English is now removed by Mr. Spencer's departure. You are desirous that we should leave Neuchatel as soon as possible, but I suppose not before March. Your son would like to stay longer, and many here will certainly regret his departure. I beg you to intimate to him, as of your own motion, the beginning or middle of March as the time for leaving Switzerland. " F. D'lVERNOIS." [Holograph, French, 2| pp., Uo. Wax seal hearing arms.] [No. 419.] Henry Vansittart, jun., to John Caillaud,'1' Esq. 1786, February 9th, Calcutta.— I send this by the hand of your particular friend Mr. Droz.'-> He is embarrassed on account of his bond of about Rs. 9,000 left by the late Mr. Palk, which ought to hav^c been cancelled, as Mr. Droz never obtained the consideration for which the bond Mas given. The executors have no power to release Mr. Droz from the debt, but the circumstances should be laid before Sir Robert Palk in view to the claim being relinquished. I hope that you will be able to assist in the matter. Please remember me to Mrs. Caillaud. " Henry Vansittart." [Holograph, 2 pp., \to.] [No. 420.] The Rev. Samuel Badcock'^' to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, February 11th, South Molton. — " I received the box of MSS. last week perfectly secure. I shall soon be at leisure to examine them with the care which thev deserve, and will (1) Genonil .lolin ('nillaud. Vide No. 78, y. 102, note. \. (2) Simeon Droz, a Bongal civil servant of 1761. (3) Samuel Badeock was a Nonconfin-niist minister of SoiiUi l\Iollon, Devcn, who contributed to literary magazines, especially llie Mtnildy Beiietc. He entered tl»e EslabUshod Church in 1786, and died two years later at the age of 41 1 385 [No. 420. endeavour to reduce this disordered mass to some degree of consistency, I am more and more convinced of their utihty to any one who may liave health, ahihties and s|)irit to undertake a History of the County ; and when arranged on the plan I have projected, they will he a most curious rejjository of materials l)oth to anuisc and to inform the antiquary. . . . " I may at some future period engage in an undertaking of which indeed I had formed no conception a short time since. I would not indeed have it j)ul)licly known that I entertain even the most distant prospect of writing a regular History of the County of Devon, nor would I have it supposed that I shall proceed l)eyond an arrangement of the papers which you have done me the honour of entrusting to my charge. . . . After 1 have classed the MSS., and written a catalogue of them and such an index tt) their several contents as may facilitate the researches and inquiries of any person who may have the curiosity to inspect them, I will return them to you with care and fidelity." " Samuel Badcock." " P.S. — I hope I have not taken too great freedom by enclosing a letter to a friend who hath the superintendence of the MontJiJij [Holograph, 2 _/9_p,, Uo.\ [No. 421.] Lawrence Palk to Sir Robert Palk. 1786, February 13th, Neuchatcl.—" My dear Father. At my return from Bcsanyon last Monday I found a letter from you. . . . With regard to quitting Neuchatcl, we shall be ready whenever you think proper. For my own part I must own I shall be rather sorry to leave it so soon, as I am convinced it is almost impossible, at least very difficult, to find another little town, the society of which is so excellent and the manners so polished. By the departure of Spencer there is no Fnglishman but myself in Mrs. Borel's house, and in the town but two, . . . -SO that I shall imdoubtedly acquire the French much quicker than I did heretofore. . . . " I am happy to hear that things are so nearly settled relative to my sister's marriage. That she may derive from it every happiness and l)lessing ... is the only desire of my heart. . , . '* Mr. D'lvernois tells me he has satisfied you with regard to the sums we have expended since your last letter of credit . . . I shall wait till I receive another letter from you before I consult Mr. D'lvernois uj)on our tovn- for the spring. He seems, however, to prefer Germany to the South of France, and wishes our first course to be to Berlin. . . . " I suppose Haldon will be so entirely altered when I return that it will almost be impossible for me to recognize it. I hear z No. 421.] 386 the winter has been remarkably severe in England, and has done considerable damage. I hope your plantations have not come in for their share. My best duty attend my mother, with love to Nancy and Emelia . . . [Holograph, 4> pp., Uo.] " L. Palk." [No. 422.] Tho[mas] Pai.k to Sir Robert Palk. 1786, February 15th, Trichinapoly. — " By this conveyance (a Dane) I transmit you a third sett of bills on Copenhagen for 2,400/,, which sum will, I hope, bring my remittances to near 10,000/., to which Walter will, I imagine, add the Jegaci/^K . . . " The funding of the Company's debts incurred in India was very much to be wished by us all, but we have not been guilty of peculation to that extent as to induce us to accept of it upon the terms it offers for doing it. However wanting its con- stituents may be to do their servants justice, I never despaired of receiving it from the hands of our employers, but the proposed exchange of 1^. 8f/. the rupee manifests them to be no better ; though I cannot think but some error has been com- mitted somewhere, which the arrival of General Campbell must clear up. . . . Were it not for the general good character given of him, we should have little more to hope for than what we experience from the present Administration. Lord M. is certainly very culpable in leaving the Chair to so weak and indolent a man as fills it at present, that never was capable of conducting even his own domestick affairs. " Mr. Daniell, appointed Governor C.'s successor, sailed the very day before this news arrived, and though it is e\ident the Company never meant that Mr. Floyer should . . . hold a seat at the Board, he was sworn in the 14th day after Mr. D.'s departure, though his appointment to Cuddalore was known before it took place, and of Mr. Cas[a]major's'-^ to succeed Mr. Daniell. ..." [Holograph, 4 pp., ito.] " Tho. Palk." [No. 428.] Messrs. Ayton, Brassey & Co., to Sir Rob[er]t Palk, Bart., Bruton Street. 1786, February 17th, Lombard Street. — Messrs. Agassiz, Rougemont & Co., to whom we gave a guarantee to pay bills up to 500/. drawn by your son, inform us that this sum is exhausted. Please state whether you wish us to give a further guarantee. [1 p., 4/0.] " Ayton Brassey & Co." [Endorsed in Sir. R. Palk's hand]. — " Desired Lawrence may have a credit for a 3rd 500/. more." (1) The legacy of £2,000 left by Robert Palk, jun. (2) James Henry Casamaijor, son of Noah and Rebecca Casamaijor, a civil Hcrvant of 1702. Vide No. 18, /). 22, note .'5. 387 [No. 424.] Messrs. Henry Vansittart & R[ichard] Kennaway to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, Febniarv 22nd, Calcutta. — A bond from Mr. Droz to Mr, Palk for Current Hu])ces 9,000 at 1 per cent, was found among the latter's pajiers. It was payable on th(> 31 st January, 1784, when we clainietl the amount, but Mr. Droz denied having received any consideration for the bond. We enclose his affidavit. He states that the intended consideration " was a Filature or building for winding silk, in the neighbourhood of Cossimbuzar. of which he should have received possession to render the obligation of the bond complete, but which was never yielded to him : on the contrary, that Mr. Palk, holding a contract for raw silk under another name with the Board of Trade, continued to employ this Filature in the provision of his silk." The latter part of this statement is confirmed by the enquiries we have made. As to whether the Filature was the consideration for the bond, we cannot speak positively, but we are inclined to think that Mr. Droz's assertion is correct. The Filature was sold by Mr. Palk before his departure for Rs. 8,000. Mr. Droz says that Mr. Palk promised to return the bond, but the matter was delayed partly by the latter's illness, and partly by his own absence from Calcutta. We have no power ourselves to grant release, but refer the case to you for disposal. " Henry Vansittart, R. Kennaway." [Autographs, 3| pp., 4to. Duplicate.] [No. 425.] Tho[ma]s Abraham to Sir R[obert] Palk, 1786, February 25th, Calcutta. — " Since my last we have had agreeable news from England for those who are in the possession of Company's bonds, and much in arrears, vizt. that the Govern- ment General have permission to draw on them to the amount of 6 crores of rupees — about 6 million sterling. The only objection to this mode of payment is that it is rather a bad remittance, as the Current Rupee is to be drawn only at 1*. 86?., and the payment in England will be so very long and doubtful. There is also a new plan adopted here in the payment of the Company's servants with a view of stopping the present very high discount on the Company's treasury orders, and making the late reductions as light as possible, which at best nuist be bad. This is a plan of Mr. Larkins's, the Accountant General. How far it will succeed time only will discover. The mode is by certificates bearing interest. . . . " I had, a few weeks ago, some prospect of going up as an assistant to the C'ollector of Chittagong from the promises Mr. Maepherson made me, and of his wishes to serve me in con- sequence of my letter to him from Lord North. Indeed I cannot Xo. 425.] 388 blame him for it, as another gentleman was applied for by the Collector, and it is a compliment generally paid the Chiefs and Collectors of appointing the assistants they apply for. . . . I have still some hopes of getting up the country some where, . . . Mr. Macpherson has always been very friendly to me whenever I have gone to speak to him, and expressed his wishes to serve me, which gives me the greater hopes of success in my application, as I see everything still goes by interest notwithstanding the late Act of Parliament. I can convince you of this no better than by telling you that the greatest part of the many appointments that have been given away lately have been given to Scotchmen. " Mr. Williams'^' from Exeter has got a very good appoint- ment lateh^ but it was, I believe, owing to his being appointed by the Court of Directors to succeed upon the first ^'acancy. AVe are in very great hopes of getting a new Governor in a little time. Every person seems to be tired of the present one already. . . . " My best respects to Lady [and] Miss Palk,. Emelia, and Lawrence when you write him, as I suppose he is in France . . ." " Thos. Abraham." {Holograph, 4 pj)., Uo.] [No. 426.] Messrs. Ayton Brassey & Co. to Sir Rob[er]t Palk, Bart,, Bruton Street. 1786, February 25th, Lombard Street. — Stating that a further credit of 500/. has been assigned to Messrs. Agassiz, Rougemont & Co., to be drawn on by Mr. Lawrence Palk at Xeuchatel and Vienna. [1 p., 4/0,] (Endorsed in Sir R, Palk's hand], "A third 500/. to Lawrence." [No. 427.] Lawrence Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, March 2nd, Ncuchatel, — " My dear Father,— I am happy to hear that Mr, Spencer has given you the letter with which I charged him, but am sorry that he has given you so bad an account of my progress in French. . . ." I shall be ready to leave Neuchatel directly I receive letters of reconniiendation and credit. I fear there is no prospect of meeting liord ^V'ycombc,*-* as we camiot reach Vienna under three weeks, by which time he will have left. I am distressed to hear of Emelia's serious illness, but hope soon to have better news. (I) John Williams, a Bengal civil servant of 1783, was assistant in the Secretary's offlce in 1785. (-) John, only son of the 1st Marquess of Lansdowne aiul 2nil Karl <>f Shelburne, 389 [No. i'27. " T sliall be extremely lia])py to hear that my sister is united to Sir IJoureliier."* ... 1 wiUin<^ly promise that I never will propose to any lady to whom either you or my motlier objeet, and your goodness to me upon ever}- oceasion makes me flatter myself you would not wish to oblige me to make choiec of one that I do not approve. Your fortune is certainly of your own acquiring, and T would not wish to have the least share of it if \()U have the least reason to imagine I do not deserve it. Hitherto I have done e\ery thing in my power to show you liow gratel'ul I am for all the kindnesses bestowed upon me — kindnesses which I never shall forget, and in return for which I shall c\er make it my study to oblige you. Adieu, my dear Father ; I earnestly join in every wish that it may be possible I'or me to render myself such a character as you desire, and to deserve which will always be the endeavour of " Your ever dutiful and affectionate son, Lawrence Palk." [Holograph, 3|- pp., Uo.] [No. 428.] Lawrence Palk to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Bruton Street. 1786, IMarch 5th, Neuchatel.— " My dear Father,— I received this morning your letter of the 13th last month. ... As it seems to be your desire that I should quit Neuchatel innnediatel v I sh(juld do it with the greatest pleasure, did not the want of letters of recommendation hinder me, and more so as it is impossible to arrive at Vienna before the departure of Lord ^Vycombe. . . . " The character I have licard of Sir Bourchier from every quarter, and especially so from our common friend Mr. Beeher,'-' makes me exceedingly happy in the thoughts of his alliance to our family. . . . " Mr. D'lvernois has accompanied his sisters on their return to (Jencva. They have been here for a few days to assist at a ball I have lately given to my friends at Neuchatel seJon Vusagc. ... I can assure vou he iustlv merits mv conlidenee. I esteem myself superiorly happy in having joined so good and amiable a friend. . . . " Your account of Lord Cornwallis's success with regard to the (Governor Generalship gives me rather more pain than pleasure, as I expected my LTncle (ieorge''" would have been appointed, knowing he rather desired it. . . ." " Lawrence Palk." \II olograph, ^\ pp., Uo. Wai' seal.] <1) Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bt. Vide p. 396, note 1. (2) Probably Richard Bechcr, a Director of the Company from 1775 to 1783. Cf. No. 101, p. 131, note 3. (3) George Vansittart. 890 [No. 429.] F. D'lvERNOis to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., Briiton Street. 1786, March 9th, Neuchatel. — I enclose an account of the money we have drawn since we left England, so that yon may judge what fresh credit will be needed. There is still a balance of 200 louis with Messrs. Pourtales. Your son gave a very pleasant entertainment a week ago to his acquaintances, for it is the custom with the English on leaving to acknowledge thus the various attentions received during their stay. What pleased me most was the general praise accorded to Mr. Palk for the ease, gaiety and air of distinction with which he did the honours. He was kind enough to invite my sisters, so I had to be absent four days to escort them homeward until avc could meet my mother half wav fron\ Geneva. On my return vour son told me that vou had again urged his departure. He wished to wait for letters of recommendation to Germany, but I conclude that we shall find these at Vienna. The cold, however, is so severe just now that I think we cannot start before the beginning of April. It would gratify you and Lady Palk could you both witness the signs of regret which all who know your son show at his impending departure, and could you realize how greatly he is esteemed. His progress in French has been marked since Mr. Spencer left ; and I can promise that Ijcfore he returns to England he will be able to speak, if not like Mr. Spencer without accent, at any rate sufficiently well for an ambassador, the standard generally aimed at by young Englishmen. As you direct our journey towards Vienna, I suppose you have given up the idea of including Italy in our tour. I should like to know what you propose, so that I may be able to refresh my knowledge of Italian. Please intimate to Lady Palk the pleasure 1 feel at hearing of your younger daughter's convalesccjice. " F. D'lVERNOIS." Since our departiu'c from London to the 9th March we have received the folloAving :— L. s. From Mr. Beeke, LondoTi, for expenses in England, 66/. 5^. (id. sterling . . . . . . . . 1,590 6 „ Mr. Beeke, on our arrival at Calais, 75 guineas 1,904 „ Sir J. Lambert, 21st July, 200/, sterling in notes . . . . . . . . . . 4,966 „ Mr. Beeke at Neuchatel 72 „ Messrs. Pourtales, in August, 98 louis for 100/. sterling . . . . . . . . . . 2,352 ,, Mr. Beeke at St. Gall and Constance. . . . 600 ,, Mr. Beeke at Berne, a note for 1,000 livres, which realized only . . . . . . 972 „ Messrs. Pourtales, 26th September, 150 louis 3,600 Carried over 16,056 6 391 [No. 429. L s. Brought over 1(),050 6 From Mes.srs. Pourtales, 8th Oct. to 31st Jan., seven paynients of 50 loiiis each . . . . . . 8,400 Messrs. Pourtales, 28th Februarv, 100 louis 2,400 L26,856 Qs. [Holograph, French, ^ pp., Uo. Wax seal hearing arms.] [No. 430.] [George Baker] to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, March 12th, Fort St. George. Received 26th August.— " It is now about two months since that a report of Tippoo Sultan's death was first reported and generally credited here. It continued in this state for about a fortnight, then became doubtfull or disputed, and continues so to the present hour. It would gratifye my curiosity if I could but know what our Government say on that subject to the Company by this dis- patch, for hitherto they appear to have been as ignorant of the truth as I am. But whether Tippoo be dead or alive, we are, thank God, in peace. Report[s] of the Marahtas' and Nizam's joynt hostile intentions against Tippoo's co[u]ntry are very prevalent. . . . Harvest in the Carnatick, now gathering in, is, compared to the few cultivators of the land, very plentifull, and the great quantityes of various kinds of grain brought by sea from the northward has brought the respective prices thereof down as low as I have at any time heretofore known it. " You undoubtedly know that a cantonment was (before the Assignment of the Carnatick was yielded up) fixed on, and barracks prepareing for about twelve thousand men at or near Sheveram, a small village in the road from Canjeveram to Chingleput, and at about the distance of eight or ten miles from the former place. The site of this cantonment is, for by far the greater part, within the boundary, but on the very verge, of the Companye's Jaghire ; and in order to compleat the plan thereof to its necessary extent and in the precise situation that was deemed most eligible, it has been made to extend in one or more particular parts for a very little space and distance into the Nabob's country — a circumstance that either gave his Highness umbrage, or that he did not at least approve of. This then became a subject of conference or discussion between his Highness and our (iovernment, which terminated about a week since in the following manner, vizt. : The Nabob, his son the Ameer, Mr. Da\idson our present Governor, and General Balling went to the spot, where and when the former party formally yielded up to the Company that part of its domain which fell within the limits of the cantonment on their receiving from the Company as a compensation for the same such a portion of the Jaghire as was deemed equivalent thereto. This done, No. 430.] 392 his Highness the Nabob, cither at the desire or with the appro- bation of our Governor and General, gave the plaee his name of Wahlahjah,*') which when announced to the publick liv a salute of twenty-one guns, all partys returned to their respective })laccs of residence. " Thus far was wrote on the 12th. I had more to say, but was through indisposition obliged to stop, and thus conclude on the 16th." [5 pp., 4'to. Unsigned, but endorsed in Sir R. Palk\s hand] " From Capt. Bakei\" [No. 431.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, March 15th, Trichinapoly. Keceived 26th August. — " The Nizam and Marattoes have actually taken the field with a view of attacking Tippoo, who is not dead, as was the general belief for two months, and is very busy disciplining his troops and bringing them together. From hence you may infer that we keep ourselves exceeding ignorant of what passes beyond even the walls of Madras, which is truly the case, so indolent and inactive we arc. I cannot penetrate Tippoo's real design by feigning himself dead and keejjing the gates of Seringapatam shut for so long a time, which wc know beyond a doul)t to have happened, at a time that his brother and chief officers are so disaffected to him, and his country threatened with imasion, unless the report of the intentions of those powers be not true, and so draw us into a scrape by supposing we would put in our claims in the participation of his country, which (fortunately perlia])s) our situation has forbid, were the present a more enterprizing (iovernment than it is. " Every one is dissatisfied, and looking out with the most painful anxiety [for] the speedy arrival of Governor Campbell. . . ." " Tno. Palk." ^Holograph, 2| pp., Uo.\ [No. 432.] Messrs. Pelling & de Fries to Siti Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, March 18th, Fort St. George. Received 26th August.- " (ieneral ('anipl)cll is not arri\ed yet. AVe want much an able (iovernor : our jjrescnt Administration is but a i'eeble one. Mr. Floyer was taken in to fill the })lacc of Mr. Danicll, who is returned to Furope. Storms brewing around us. A formi;iKl Hyder did. whose ])olitical al)ilities were inluiitely suj)crior. The frontiers and confines of the C'arnatiek will be fdicd with armed trooj^s. and although we ha\"e nothing to ap})rehend directly with the present (piarrel with these Indian Powers, yet in their consequences may alfect us iC proper care is not taken by wise and skilful negociation to preserve our neutrality and our rights unaftcctcd. There was no truth in the reports of Tij)poo's death. -' The Nabob has j^aid regularly his first and second kists, amounting to nine lacks of pagodas, and yet no dividend made to his j)rivate creditors. A notice from the Government came forth oil the 1 tth instant that a di^■ide^d of one lack and |aj hair of pagodas will be made on the 1st April, and we are told that the Company is to have a share of this trifling sum, the Cio\'ernment here construing that the dividend is to be made only annually at the end of every year after the 12 lacks of })agodas are receiNcd. This is a great hardship on the creditors, and we don't know how to help ourselves bnt by a reference to Europe. . . . '' The Bengal (iovermiient has afforded great assistance to this Presidenc}' in money, etc., and have taken upon them entirely to pay the King's troops on this coast ; but we appre- hend these great aids have not been made properly use of. The arrears of the army still unadjusted. Mr. Sadleir and Hodges' •' are removed from ]Masulipatam. . . . " The Court of Directors ha\'e sent out orders under date 1,5th Septend)er last'-' for liquidating their bond debts in India with bills of exchange to be granted on them. The exchange for ^Madras and Bond)ay is left to the Bengal Government to hx upon, which is not done yet. Unfavourable as this remit- tance will be, for it will take up near fifteen years before the l)ills can all be cleared on the footing they are granted, yet it A\ ill be of great service, as numbers may avail of this mode of realising in preference to keeping their bonds in India without any prospect of pa\inent, the Company's credit in India being \('ry low indeed. Bills granted by this Presidency on that of Jiengal are discounted at 30 per cent., and Company's bonds 33 to 40." [3 pp., 4/0.] " Pellixg & UE Fries." [No. 433.] Tii()[majs Pkllinc; to Sii{ Robert Palk, Ikirt. 1780, March 18th. Madras. Received 2Gth August. — '' I now take the lil)ertv to reconnnend to vour notice two of n\\ grand- James Hodges. Vule No. 251, }>. 218, note 1. '-' Among the Palk MSS. is a ropy of " Court's Orders to Bengal, dated 15th Sept., 1785. rospecting the liquidation of the Company's del)ts in India " (l|p. flgcp.). This pajx-r was jx-rliajis onclnscd in I'l'lliiig A: de Fries' letter. No. 433.] 894 children (at present in England under the guardianship of Mr, Daniel De Castro'^'), the sons of poor Gibson,'-* whom you knew. He dying insolvent and in their infancy, the care of maintaining and educating them fell to my lot. The humanity of Governor Hastings was such as to admit these children minor cadets on the Bengal establishment, and who enjoyed the Company's indulgence until they arriNcd at the age of four- teen years, when they were to appear, or to be struck out of the list of cadets by a military regulation of Sir Eyre Coote's. To have had them come out to India at that age, their little educa- tion would be lost. I therefore requested of Mr. De Castro to continue them in England until the year 1788, when the eldest boy will l)e eighteen and the youngest seventeen years old. As it is my intention and wish that these lads should make their first appearance in the world in the military line on the Bengal establishment, your prevalent and kind assistance will be wanted my dear Sir. . . . " Your nei)hcw Mr. Palk and wife are well at Trichin[o]polly. Their family was increased last year with another son. Young Robert is a charming boy. My daughter Gibson takes the liberty to join her daughters in most respectful compliments to your good self and ladv." " Tnos. Pellixg." [Holograph. 2 pp., j'lscp.] [No. 434.] Tho[ma]s Abraham to Sir R[obert] Palk, Bart. 1786, March 24th, Calcutta. Received 8th October. — " I should imagine this Government will incur the displeasure of the Board of Controul when they find out what little attention has been paid to the late Act of Parliament in general, but particularly those parts of it relative \o giving away all appointments according to seniority in the service, whicli has scarce hccn attended to in any one instance, as the munber of memorials that are gone home to the Court of Directors on the subject will evince ... It is a Scotch (iovernnient. and very few but Scotchmen get anything , . . " Amongst the number of expedients lately thought of to alleviate in some measure the present public distress for want of money there has been one lately suggested, and I think seems to be approved, which is to establish a bank under the denonn'nation of ' the Cieneral Bank of India ' (a small one \vc had l)ef()re'''*) to consist of 100 subscribers, and also meant to extend to the other Presidencies in the following proportion : — ll> The I)c Castros were Hebrew merchants of Madras. In the Fort St. George records mention is made of Samuel De Castro in 1719, of Daniel De Castro in lT(i.S and of Moses De Casti-o in 176(5. (-) Captain Tlioinas Gilison married Kli/.al)eth Pellini: at Ma(h-as in 17()(). (3) Kstahlished liy Hastings in 177;j, liut aholishcd l>y the n.'W Couneil of tlie Governor (ieneral. 395 [No. 434. Bengal, 75 siihscribors. Madras, 15, Bombay, 10, at 20,000 nipces each, inakinjj: a capital of Rupees 20,00,000, e(pial Lt) about 200,000/. sterlin Sir noiii'chirr Wn-y. fitli nrironc* , in.ifi'icd Anne I'nik. IKli >rai'cli, 178(5. She (lird ill 17!l|. (-) ('(iloiicj J)<'s I'i.iiis, (if tile Compaiu's l'",iiri>|)(';iii I iifaiit r> , was an Knsiij;u in 1758, and served as Captain in tlio .Manila expedition. (■" t'olonel Aliraliani IJonjimr. I'lV/r No. IJd, /). 5(1, note 2. (^) Tlic Rev. .John I'liilip Fubiicius was sent to India by the S.P.C.K. iu 17 JO as a missionary. lie officiated at Clivc's marriage in 175^, and ultimately died at Madras in 1701. 397 [No. 435. his sister Marie Elizabeth, of Ncuchatel, as heiress. Conse- qiientl}' the property remained in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Fabricius, who was named cxeeiitor jointly with Lieut. -Colonel Bonjoiir. The two children died in the same year as their father. Their mother married a M. Pignon, and died in 1776 without obtaining possession of the property, of which she was granted only the income. After her death Pignon claimed the property as her heir, and in 1777 he brought a suit in the Mayor's Court of Madras which was decided in his favour in 1780. The executor appealed to Government against the decision, and I have heard nothing further of the matter. [French, 2 pp., 8vo.] [No. 436.] [F. D'lvERNOis to Sir Robert Palk.] 1786, April 22nd, Vienna. — Now that we are 200 leagues from Ncuchatel I can, without alarming you, give the true reason for my long-standing wish to see your son away from that place. . . . Soon after his arrival there he was attracted by a young lady of irreproachable character. Within a month the budding preference became so marked as to cause me some disquiet. I heard that the young lady's parents were building hopes for the future on the attachment, although Palk had spoken plainly of the impossibility of his marrying outside his own country. This disturbed me, and I ))egged you, Sir, to prepare him for departure . . . Now, Sir, you ha\e the key to all Palk's delays. Perhaps you may blame me for not keeping you informed, but I was unwilling to alarm you needlessly ... It is unnecessary to say that the young lady was as much in love as he was. I could not save Palk from final heart-rending inter\icws ; but he made no promise except that he would pay another visit to Ncuchatel when he coidd. He was rather depressed during the first few days of our journey, but soon brightened up. He assured me yesterday that he had never been so happy as during the last six months — and he might have added tior so prudent, for his whole behaviour shows that he can unite the sensi)>ility of a young man with the reserve of a man of experience who knows the value of honour too well to offer anything which can be construed as a promise . . . We left Ncuchatel on the 5th instant after settling our bills and drawing the amount of your last credit on Messrs. Pourtales. When we started there remained only L5, 676 6s., which we took with us in cash and letters of credit. Our expenses were certainly high, considering the habits of the people among whom we lived. I scAcral times discussed this point with your son. Though it would be unfair to charge him with extravagance, he is certainly inclined to be careless in ])usiness matters . . . [The remainder of the letter is 7nissi7ig]. [Holograph, French, ^ pp.^ 4/u.] 398 [No. 437.] [Lawrence Palk] to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P., Bniton Street. 1786, May 21.st, Vienna. Received 2nd June.—" My dear Father, — The Court having acconipanied the Emperor to Luxembourg, Vienna is become quite empty and consequently dull ; therefore I think the sooner I quit it the better . . . Mr. D'lvernois seems to be of the same opinion with me, and only waits to hear your intentions upon the subject, and the receit of that letter relating to our tour which you informed me T^ord Lansdown w^as about to send him. The only houses into which I am now admitted are those of Prince Kaunitz'^' and the Russian Ambassador's. The former is opened every e\'ening, and I must own that I have taken so great a liking to its owner, who is reckoned the Oracle of Vienna, that I scarcely ever miss. The only thing however to be gained by this constant attendance is the ton and manners of a man of the world : as for politics, you never hear talk of them, and I believe the Emperor has enjoined silence upon every one of his Ministers. Your letter to Madame la Comtesse de Thun was of particular use to me, as she is the only lady who admits the English constantly into her house . . . She was made choice of by the Emperor to accompany him to Luxembourg." I am very disturbed about Emelia's health and anxiously await news. [Signature I'emoved.] [P.S.] — " Monsr. D'lvernois . . . desires you will be kind enough to beg Mr. Dumont, who is at present at Lord Lansdovvn's, to send us without delay at Berlin the letter of introduction for the Count de Goertz which he had the goodness to promise us." [Holograph, 3|- pp., Uo. Wax seal.] [No. 438.] [Lawrence Palk] to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P,, Bruton Street. 1786, June 3rd, Vienna. — " My dear Fatlicr, — Your obser- vations are very just, and I really remained in Switzerland longer than I ought to hiwc done ... I infoi'mcd you of the loss of Mr. Cleveland's introductory letter to Madame de Prangin . . . This is the sole reason that deprived me of the pleasure of paying my compliments to her during my residence at Neuchatel. Vienna has been for the last week remarkably dull owing to the departure of most of the nobility for their country seats, and particularly those who kept open house for strangers ; during which time we have visited every thing that is curious, which consist only in some very fine U) Prinro Kaunitz, " shining star and guide of Austrian policies," represented Austria at the Treaty nf Aix-la-Chapelle in 1718, wlieu he was 37 years of age. 899 [No. 438. edifices, the Treasury and the Arsenal. The Treasury is remarkably rich, and contains the jewels, etc., which have been collected from every part of the dominions belonging to the house of Austria , . . " The Arsenal is a very large pile of buildings, and contains arms for upwards [of] 350,000 men. They show you the jacket which Gustavus Adolphus wore when he was treacherously murdered at the battle of Lutzen, which was afterwards gained by the Imperialists, and the chains which the Turcs had brought with them to lead the then Emperour in captivity to Constantinople . . ." [Signature removed.] [Holograph, 31 pp., 4to. Wax ffeal.] [No. 439.] F. D'TvERNOis to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P., Bruton Street. 1786, June 10th, Feslau, near Vienna. — About a week ago Me told you of a little expedition we were about to make into Hungary. Our three-day visit enabled us to form an idea of the inexhaustible fertility of that kingdom. We are now staying with the Countess de Friez, four leagues from Vienna. Your son would like to prolong the visit, but an engagement to dine with Prince Kaunitz obliges us to leave to-morrow. Our departure from Vienna is fixed for the 16th. We should have started even earlier but for the festival of Corpus Christi and the installation of the Bishop of Liege. Palk is as ready to leave Vienna as he was reluctant to say good-bye to Neuchatel . . . Our business will end with Paris now that he is familiar with its language. Tliough I have no reason to be partial to Frenchmen, the more I travel among continental people the more convinced I am that the French are the most interesting for a young foreigner to culti- vate. The advantages and dangers of the capital depend on the society with which he mixes, and ... it would be well for you to provide us with some good letters of introduction. I hope that Madame de Friez will give us a letter to the Austrian Ambassador at Berlin. This, with the one I expect from my friend Dumont to Count de Goertz, will suffice us for that capital. We expect to be there by the end of the month, halting only at Dresden and Prague. Through the Chevalier Keith*^' your son has just drawn on you for £2.50 sterling in bills of exchange. [Signature removed]. [Holograph, French, 3| pp., iio. Wax seal ivith monogram]. (1) Vide No. 441, /-. 10.'^ iimIo 1. ^00 [No. 440.] Lawrence Palk to [Sir Robert Palk], 1786, June 26th, Dresden. Received 19th July. " My dear Father, — My last letter . . . made you acquainted with my intended tour through a small but interesting part of Hungary in company with a very agreable party of my English friends. After having travelled for the space of about ten German miles through a beautiful and well cultivated comitry we arrived at Esterhazi, the seat of the Prince of that name. The flattering accounts I had heard of it from every quarter made me anxious to be myself a spectator of its beauties, I am sorry to say, however, my expectations were very much dis- appointed. The Palais, though large, contains nothing which deserves the title of real magnificence, and out of nearly two hundred rooms there are only two that are above the usvial size. The gardens, on the contrary, are in general very prettily laid out and pleasantly interspersed with grottos, hermitages, temples, etc., etc. One building in particular (which is called the Belvidere) attracted our notice not only for its elegance and simplicity but also for its novelty, being entirely different from the (ierman taste, who admires nothing but what is entirely covered with gilding and awkward ornaments . . . The present Prince has continually about his person a guard of two hundred men collected from amongst his tenants, dressed in magnificent uniforms, and as many more inhabit the other country seats. Two companies of players, the one Italian, the other German, perform alternately in a new and very beautiful theatre . . . Every stranger has the permission to enter, even without having been presented to the Prince, who very seldom shows himself and lives here quite a retired life . . . " From Esterhazi we proceeded as far as Presburg, the capital of Plungary, a very ugly, ill-built town situated upon the Danube, over which you pass by a flying bridge. The town, since the Duke of Saxe Tesehen has removed his residence to Brussels, has fallen into decay. The castle is a very large and rather beautiful building inhabited by nearly six hundred young men, all of the country, who are there bred up I'or the church. They received us very politely and showed us every curiosity they possess'ed. We saw the window from which the late Empress Queen' ^' addressed the people in a most pathetic speech, holding in her arms the })resent Emperour,*-' then a cliild of scarcely a year old, imploring their assistance to extricate her from those calamities which her numerous enemies heaped upon her. Her faithful Hungarians, softened by this spectacle, swore to sacrifize the last drop of their blood in her and her son's defence ; but little did they think at that time that tlie child would one day prove their greatest oppressor, and make slaves of those (1) Maria Theresa, widow of Francis I. (-) Joseph II. (1705—1790). 101 [No. 440. people, to wlioin he not only owed his life but his erown, by- overthrowing their rights and liberties, which he had religiously promised to maintain. "We talk of setting off tomorrow or the day after for Berlin through Leipsig. . . . You are now thinking, I suppose, of going into Devonshire, the Parhament being nearly at an end. ..." " Lawrence Palk." [Holograph, 4 2>P-, 4 we received your last favour of the 4th instant, inclosing a letter of credit, . . . for which we return you our most sincere thanks, particularly so as the money we took up at Vienna is now entirely expended. ... " You say in your last kind letter, ' My inducement to send my son abroad was to supply the want of study at home, to teach him to be a good citizen, and that qui mores hominiim midiorum vidit et nrhes might make his own remarks, adopt the good and avoid what was otherwise.' During my travels on the Continent my time has been principally employed in reading the histories of the several States T have passed through, in acquainting myself with the different objects of conmierce, and of their different manner of government. These have been my princi])al studies, and if I have not succeeded in my attempts, the fault ought rather to be imputed to the badness of my memory than to my want of application . . . " Berlin is at present remarkably dull, most of its inhabitants having retired to their country seats, or to Potsdam, where the alarming indisposition of the King calls for their almost constant attendance. It is generally feared that he will not survi^'e the winter. His legs are swelled in such a manner as to prevent his walking without the assistance of his servants even from one chamber to another. He has not, however, lost his accus- tomed chearfulness, but dines every day in company with a chosen party of his generals . . . Great expectations arc formed of the abilities of his successour, the Prince of Prussia, and the generallity of people imagine that the kingdom will be in the same flourishing condition during his administration as it has :^ (1) The Crown rdnce, shortly to become Frederick Wilham II. 405 [No. 447. btcii during tluiL ol" his uncle. Be this as it may, the death of the present king cannot but cause great disturbance and be sincerely felt in every part of the kingdom. The Emperour has his eyes continually iixed on Silesia, keeps his troups in readiness, and waits only for that event to attcm[)t the conquest of that province, which has been so unjustly ravished from him. The Prussian army, is however, on a very good footing, com- manded by excellent and very expert generals . . . But if the Prince of Prussia does not, upon his coming to the throne, augment the pay of his soldiers, and relax in some measure the se\erity of their discipline, it is feared that nearly half his army will desert upon the first breaking out of a war. The soldiers complain very much, and honestly confess, even to their own officers, that they only wait for a good opportunity to quit their present masters. " We intend setting off the day after tomorrow for Brunswic and Hanover. After having been presented to the Duke of York we shall proceed to Dusseldorf, from whence we shall descend the Rhine to Wesel, where I hope to have the pleasure of hearing from you. We expect to be there in about six weeks. If you do not think your letters can arrive there by that time, I shall be obliged to you to direct them to Amsterdam ..." " Lawrence Palk." [Holograph, 31 pjj., ito. Wax seal.] [No. 448.] F. D'lvERNOis to [Sir Robert Palk]. 178G, July .30th, Brunswick. Received 17th August. — We arri^•ed here yesterday, and have already been received by the Duchess, sister of the King of England, with the greatest affability . . . Your son felt that he deserved your little lecture on economy, and was anxious to reduce his expenditure, which, though considerable, could not be called extravagant. Part of it was due to beneficence : in other cases he was duped by the false prejudices which most young Englishmen bring to the Continent. But he is rapidly curing himself of them, and our expenses are certainly less than at Neuchatel, where no display was called for. Moreover, rapid travelling and brief halts, such as we have had in Germany, involve increased cost. At Vienna we spent nearly 250/. in two months, but it was less than Mr. Spencer's expenditure, and much below that of Mr. Dunt/, who got through lOOl. in one month all by himself. Still, I am glad that you have read your son a homily, and I shall be happ}^ if you will say a further word on the subject when we reach Paris, where opportunities of spending w411 be both numerous and tempting. I shall send you a detailed statement of account from Cassel, where wc are to attend the No. 448.] 406 ceremony, with which Lord Dalrymple is charged, of investing the Landgrave of Hesse with the Garter. "F. D'lVERNOIS." [Holograph, French, 4- pp., Ato.] [No. 449.] The Rev. Samuel Badcock to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, August 1st, West Sandford. — " I have taken the hberty of transmitting to you a paper, which, if it meets with your approl)ation, I should be glad to see published in the Gentleman'' s Magazine. I flatter myself that I have expressed myself at the conclusion in a manner sufficiently delicate not to give you offence. I wished to have given wider scope to my gratitude, but was restrained by the sense of that very liberality to which I found myself under such great obligations. If you approve of this paper and will permit it, I will communicate to the Editor some farther account of the MSS. which you have entrusted with me. But I will not move a step without your permission. " I had drawn up a catalogue, with some general account of the contents of the several papers^ before I had the honour of writing to you an account of the progress I had made. Since that I have heard of a very curious MS. in Mr. Coffin's library, 'i' entitled Hooker\9 Surveij. I believe it is the only one now existing, and I wish to procure a sight of it, that I ma}^ extract from it whatever is curious to be added to vour collection. I doubt not but Mr. Coffin would very readily permit it if the favour were asked him cither by yourself or Sir John Chichester ..." " Samuel Badcock." {Holograph, 2 jjp., flscp.] [No. 450.] Tno[MA]s Felling to Sir Robert Falk, Bt. 1786, August 2nd [Madras]. — Encloses duplicate of his letter of the 18th March, 1786, and announces that the natural sons of Mr. ]^arclay<-* and Colonel Kelly'-^* have arrived in India with commissions as ensign. [Holograph, h p., 4/o.] [No. 451.] F. D'Ivernois to [Sir Robert Falk]. 1786, August 9th, Fyrmont, near Hanover. ReceiAxd 23rd August. — Since I wrote from Brunswick we have visited Hanover. We were there presented to the Duke of York, who honoured us with an invitation to dinner. liCaving (1) Tlift lil)r;iry at Poi'tledgo, near Bideford. (2) Rol>crt Barclay. Vide Xo. 39n, ;). 304, note 3. '^) Robert Kelly. Vide No. 78, p. 106, note 5. 407 [No. 451. Hanover for Cassel, we made a circuit by Pyrmont, where the Geriuaii society of the vicinity had assembled to take advantage of the mineral springs. We ex[)eetcd to meet here the ruling Uuke of C\)urland and his Duchess, whose acquaintance we had made at the residence of the Crown Prince of Prussia. This is the second da\' ol" our stay, and as we havx no need of the cure, thank heaven, we shall make for Cassel very shortly. That place is not likely to oiler attractions, as the Court is in retreat. We shall go a little out of our way to visit Gottingen, get a glimpse of its celebrated university, and be presented to the young Princes, as General Grenville has been good enough to give us a letter to their Governor. From Cassel there are two routes to Holland open to us ; one to Wesel through Westphalia, which is direct but devoid of interest ; the other, double the distance but much more attractive, by Frankfort and the Rhine. We shall probably adopt the latter, as it will enable us to see Coblentz, Cologne, Diisseldorf, etc. This route will take us a fortnight or more . . , Allowing from two to three weeks to reach Wesel and two more for passing through Holland, we ought to be at the end of our travels b}^ the middle of September. This is rather earlier than you expected, and is the result of our having visited the capitals at a period when the nobles were out of town. As I believe that the cultivation of good society rather than topo- graphical knowledge is your chief aim for your son, there would have been no advantage in prolonging our halts in Germany. The question now is whether you wish us to establish our- selves at once in Paris until next February, or whether we should travel a little in France before settling down. As you are aware. Sir, there is one essential difference between the capitals of France and England. The English people can be studied adequately in London ; but to know the French nation it is not enough to reside in Paris. One must penetrate the country . . . Meanwhile I suggest that you should procure for us as many letters of reconnncndation as possible, for it is chiefly on them that your son must rely for the connections he will form in the capital. A letter to the Ambassador is of little service bv itself. . . . "F. D'lVERNOIS." P.S. — August 11th, Gottingen. We arriv^ed here yesterday, and have already been presented to the three young Princes, who have asked us to supper this evening. We also met Sir Isaac Heard, '1' who told us the Cassel ceremony M^as over. Apparently we have not lost much by our absence from it. What we rcffrct much more is that the letter which vou entrusted to him for us has not f)cen delivered. Sir Isaac handed it to Lord Barnard,'"-' who is taking it to Berlin, where he expects to find us. Palk, though disappointed, is cheered by the good - ■ ■ ■ - . ■ ■ — I -■■..- I I ^ ■ ■ .- ,. , - -— -■■ .1.1 ■ I d' Sir Isaac Hoard, Garter King of Arms. (-) William Harry Vane, Viscount Barnard, son of the Earl of Darlington. No. 451.] 408 account of your health which Sir Isaac gives. Your son has had the pleasure of meeting several of his Oxford friends, who all agree that he never looked better . . . By Sir Isaac Heard I am sending you a copy of our accoimts from the time we left London. The balance of cash remaining on this date is Crowns 311-23-6,. besides 100/. of the letter of credit of Sir R. Herries and Co. . . . [Holograph, French, 8 pp., Uo.] [No. 452.] Henry Vansittart & R[icnAR]D Kennaway to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1780, August 13th, Calcutta. — " We are very glad your brother and nephew have taken on them the debt of Lieut. Welland to his brother. Our pa^mient of it Avas a serious object to young Welland's convenience. We believe Welland has a proper sense of errors, and disposition to reform, which regulates his present conduct ; but his embarrassments from the past we believe are not small, and such as time and oeconomy only in the present situation of this service can entirely remedy . . . " Tom Palk's legacy being set off against his debt to the estate; 'i' as it is not only for the convenience of the estate but agreeable to his wishes to receive the sum still intended him in England, whither our attention is engaged in remitting the property, we recommend his being indulged with the payment of it there." We hope you duly received bills for a lakh of rupees, and also those for our remittance of 8,859/. We shall shortly send the accounts of the estate. " Henry Vansittart, Rd. Kennaway." [Autographs, S^ pp., Uo.] [No. 453.] Simeon Droz'^) to [General John Caillaud]. 1786, August 19th, Arlington Street. — " I arrived in England the 6th instant, and landed at Weymouth. From thence I proceeded with my family to Bath, where I left Mrs. Droz very poorly indeed, her nerves being nuich siiook by the fatignc^s of the voyage, and they were in a very indilTerent state before. I liad the pleasure of seeing your sister, being well at Bath. I arrived in town last Thursday night, and am comfortably lodged for the present in the same house with John Boileau . . ." My chief object in writing is to ask you to use your inlluence with Sir Rol)ert Palk, with whom I am not acquainted. " The case is this : — When I succeeded my late frieiul Mr. Palk in the chiefship of Cossimbuzar, he proposed that I should take off his hands some concerns in small Filatures or places for making silk, (1) The estate of Robert Palk, jun. ' (^) Vide No. 41!), p. 881, note 2. 409 [No. 453. Avliic'li ]\v i)ossessed in the neighbourhood of the Factory ; and in consc(][uence I gave him at his request a bond^for 9,000 Rs., bearing interest at 1 per eent. per annum, and payable in ^3 vears : but I never received the said Fihxtures or anv smallest advantage from them ^vllatever . . ." Mr. Palk promised to return the bond, but forgot to do so, fell ill, and died on liis way home. Messrs. Vansittart & Kennaway afterwards presented the bond for payment. I explained the matter and, in return for the original bond, gave a bond of indemnity to cover them in case Sir Robert Palk and the other executors should insist on pavment. I now beg you to interest yourself with Sir Robert on my behalf and secure the return of the bond of indemnity. [Ilulograph, 4 pp., Mo.] " Simeon Droz." [No. 454.] Lawrexce Palk to Sir Robert Palk, Bart., M.P., Bruton Street. 1786, August 'Jlst, Wesel. Received 5th September. — " We arri\cd here \'esterday evening some moments after the express which brought the account of the King of Prussia's death f)n the 17th instant, and of the heri[di]tary Prince's accession to the throne by the name of Frederick William the 2nd. This morning we were at the parade when the troups comprising this garrison took the oath of fidelity and obedeance to their new souverain. Notwithstanding the trouble and confusion this event cannot fail of producing in every part of the Prussian territories, it seems here to be the general opinion that the Emj^erour, actually in Transilvania and far remo^'ed from the frontiers of Silesia, will not strike a blow in attempting to regain this part of the possessions anciently belonging to his family . . . " I this moment receive your kind letter of the 11th inst. . . . Your accounts of my dear mother's health . . . have gi\'en me the greatest uneasiness, and make me accept with the sineerest acknowledgements }'our permission to return to England as soon as possible. Had you not desired me to continue my tour through Holland, I might perhaps have been the avant- courcur of this letter. The alarming state of my poor Emelia's health, joined to th[at] of my dear mother, makes me unc()ni[mon] anxious to join my endeavours to yours in searching a means to render them every consolation in my jifower. " Mr. D'lvernois, whom I have consulted with regard to our proposed tour through Holland, is of opinion it will not take up more than three weeks, at the end of which time I hope to add to the pleasure of embracing that of assuring my dear father by word of mouth how truly and sincerely I am his most dutiful and affectionate son, " Lawrence Palk." [Holograph, 3| pp., 4/o. Wax seal.] 410 [No. 455.] Henry Vansittart jun., to Sir Robert Palk. 1786, August 26th, Calcutta. Received — March, 1787. — " I am very much obhged to you for an intimation contained in one of your lettei's to Kemiaway and myself that you would get us reconmiended to Lord Cornwallis. This I believe will be the last instance of assistance which I shall require from you after the man}^ which I have received, both in fixing me upon this establishment and in promoting my successful progress through this service. Every consideration inclines me to go home next year. I gain very little more than a subsistence, and my situation is rendered every year more disagreable by the interference of the Government here, the Court of Directors and Parliament ... " We expect Lord Cornwallis in a lortnight, and the business of Government is in suspencc untill his arrival. His appointment may be productive of much good or much harm, and it will not be in the power of the best intentions to prevent the latter, either if his Lordship acts without advice or if he is influenced by bad . . . " I think we shall })e able completely to close our administra- tion of your nephew's estate this year . . ." " H^NRY Vansittart." [Autograph, 3| pp., Uo. Duplicate.'] [No. 456.] Messrs. Pelling »fe de Fries to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, August 29th, Fort St. George.—" The Nabob has regularly compleated, even by anticipation, the payment of his annual subsidy of sixteen lacks. The Government has not l)een cjuite so regular in making the dividends to his creditors, some part being still unpaid. We shall . . . remit you . . . whatever dividends we may receive on account of the Nabob's bond to General Lawrence, and for your concern under the late Mr. Morse. The executors of Goodlad liave not made any further payment. We do not fail to remind them from time to time, but until money becomes more plenty in the Settlement punctuality will not be observed in dealings. " Lord CornwaUis arrived here on the 22nd instant after a very short passage, and is to leave this for Bengal the 1st of next month. People's mind[s] are made easy for the repeal of the ol)noxious part of Mr. Pitt's India Bill. We are peaceable throughout all onr possessions \n India. Tippoo, the Marattas and Nizam |are] lighting out their own battles. This last has lost the whole of the Adoni country to Tippoo. The rains at present on that side prevent operations in the held, but it is likely to take place with more vigour the next spring." " Pelling & de Fries." [2 pp.y Uo. Duplicate.] 411 [No. 457.] Tho[mas] Palk to Sir Robert Palk. 178(), September 7tli, Trich[inopol]y.— " I am happy that so handsome an addition has been made to my poor brother's legacies to my sisters, and thankful for the cancelling of my debt to him, which in that event has been, I hope, . . . carried to my credit in England . . . When all the bills which I have transn)itted to you are paid, with the legacy, their amount will be 18,976/. [?18*7n6/.] . . . " You may, my dear Sir, very naturally conclude that I am most anxious to see those dear friends at home once more, and that T am straining every nerve to effect it, but alas I fortunes are not to be made so rapidly now as before the war. People in my situation have never made them by their employs, but by loans of money to the country at, as you know, an high interest ; but it is no longer safe to do it on any terms ; and the Nabob, since the restitution of the Assignment, has not practised that good old custom. A most cordial understanding exists at present between me and his Highness, and it shall not be my fault should it not continue . . . " My brother,'^' I see, is purchasing away. I hope you will be able to do something of the same sort for me soon. I forgot to tell you, after enimierating the simis I had remitted, that I have Company's paper for Pagodas 60,000, . . . for which I have the bond of the Bengal Government ; so that, airthings considered, my having been 12 years without any employ, and finding myself much in debt on my coming here, you will not think I have been idle. I hope, however, that by the end of '87 I shall find myself in very comfortable circumstances, and that the Januar\' following will enable me to lea\"e India . . . " I am happy to find Tom is well and improving. When you think him of age to be put to a school at or near London, I shall be nuich pleased. In January next we intend to send Kitty and Bob by Mrs. I^ang, Mrs. Palk's sister ; the former in particular to be presented to Lady Palk. She is a sweet child, and will I doubt not be a great favorite. Neither of them as yet have had the smallpox. They will go on the Manship, Capt. Gregory . . ." [Holograph, 7-i pp., 4/o.] " Tiro. Palk." [No. 458.] Lawrence Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, September 8th, I^a Have. — " We arrived here yesterday in company with the Count dc Boui'ghaus and his I'amily, who were kind enough to olTtr us a place in their boat from Amster- dam, At my arrival I had the pleasure of receiving the letters you had entrusted to the care of Sir Isaac Heard, amongst (1) Walter Palk, jim. No. 458.J 412 which I found a recommendatory one to Sir James Harris. '^^ I do not suppose it will be of any great use to me, being informed our Ambassador is at present entirely occupied with the Prince of Orange's affairs, which seem to grow every day worse and worse, insomuch that a civil war appears now to be almost inevitable. The States of Holland, who assembled this mornina', have come to a resolution almost unanimous, not only to divest him of all his employments, but also of his Statholderat. . . . The King of Prussia has sent one of his principal Ministers, the Count de Gortz (late envoy to the Court of Petersbourg) to endeavour to accomplish "a reconciliation between the Prince of Orange and the States ; but they seem to be so exasperated against [himi] that it is feared this negotiation will turn out unsuccessful. " I cannot conceive how the Stadholder, united solely with the province of Gueldre, can resist the imited efforts of the remaining six, whose troups are at least five [times] as numerous as those at present under his command, unless his brother in law the King of Prussia makes a diversion in his favour, which in the present position of affairs appears to be ^'ery improbable. " In addition to this piece of news we have received advice of the declaration of war between Russia and the Turks, and that we have sold Gibraltar to the Empress'^) for the sum of 2,000,000 })ounds sterling. I am to[o] good an Englishman not to wish this piece of news to be authentic, as it has been sufliciently proNcd that this fortress is of no real use to us, but on the contrary puts us to a much greater expence than we can at present afford. " We have been thus far ^'ery much deliglited with our tour through Holland. At ovu' entrance into this country every thing announced to us the riches and general ease of its inhabi- tants, and this spectacle was greatly heigthened by the idea of the marks of misery and oppression we had left behind us in the deserts of AVestphalia. But ^vhat particularly attracted our attention was the astonishing neatness and cleanliness of all the houses both great and small ... I cannot give any idc^a of the societies, as, not ha\ ing anv letters of recommentUiliou 7 7 O •- for Amsterdam or any other town througli which I have passed, I was not admitted amongst them. The Dutch seem to me to ])e in general a very good kind of people in their own way, who uiiderstaiul speculation as well, if not nuich better than tluir neighl)ours. " Your letter to Mr. D'lvernois, which we yesterday received, gives me no account of Emelia,'^* though it makes me happy in the receit of [ncw^s ofj the better health of my dear mother. We intend setting off in three or four days for Brussels, and on '1' Sir James Hams, afterwards Earl of .Maltucsbury, was British Minister at the HaKue. '■-> Catheriue II. of Russia. '^' Tlic ucws of limelia Palk'd death ou the 11th Augu;st was doubtless withheld intentionally. 413 [No. 458. our way we shall pass throiigli Rotterdam and Breda. We expect to arrive at Brussels in about a fortnight. Avlien I flatter myseli' I sluiU have the pleasure of hearing from you . . ." " Lawrence Palk." [Holograph, 4: pp., -ito.] [No. 450.] Thomas Abraham to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1780, September 18th, Calcutta. — " It is reported that Mr. Stables intends going home this season on one of the Indiamen. Mr. IMacpherson will also go probably, in consequence of having lost his appointment, and haAang such little influence from" his being only a Member of Council. The Governor, I suppose, will do anything noAv even without the Council. It is rather dangerous now, I l^elieve, to say much about public affairs in consequence of the late orders from home, which I shall accordingly take care to pay attention to ; indeed there is very little to say if one wished it. " General Lang intends embarking for Europe this season in an Indiaman from hence that is to call at Madras. Mr. .Jackson, son of the musician at Exeter I believe, is gone from Madras to China . . . and thence to England." I have not yet met Ensign Preston.'^' ;; He called on me once in Calcutta, but I missed him, and he left directly afterwards with Colonel Pearse's detachment. Ensign Preston'^) of the Coast establish- ment was here some time ago. He proposed, after returning to Trichinopoly, to proceed to England to bring oat his wife and children. I thank you for recommending me to Lord Cornwallis and Mr. Shore, and congratulate you on Miss Palk's marriage. " Thomas Abraham." [Holograph, 4 pp., Mo.] [No. 460.] Chocapah to the Honble. Sir Robert Palk, Baronet. 1786, September 30th, Madrass. — " Sir Archibald Campbell is arrived here the 6th April last . . . According to the Company's order a Board of Revenue and a Board of Trade were appointed, . . . the former consisting of Mr. Davidson as President, and Messrs. Oakeley, Moubray<^' and Haliburton'^' members ; the latter consisting of Mr. Casamaijor as President, and Messrs. Hollond,'^) Hamilton and John Balfour'*^' members ; and the (1) Ensigm Henry Preston, Bengal Army, Vide No. 313, p. 336, note 1. (2) Eiisign William Preston, Madras Army. Vide No. 30S, p. 370, note 1. (•^' Geort^e Monbray came to India in 1771 as a Senior Merchant with the fixed apjjointinent of Accountant. He retired in 1792. (4) David Haliburton, a Madras civil servant of 1770, was Persian Translator and Interpreter. (5) Edward John llollond, wlio entered the service in 1769, was eventually provisional Governor for a week in succession to his brother John Hollond. (6) William IlaTniUon and John Balfour were Madras civil servants of 1766 and 1772, respectively. No. 460.] 414 Governor is to take his seat in both these Departments whenever he pleases . . . " Earl of Cornwall is arrived here with a commission for the Government of Bengali, and with a new one for Sir Archibald Campbell " as Commander-in-Chief of the Coast army. Lord Cornwallis sailed for Bengal on the 31st August. " Hyder's son Tippoo directed his war in another part of the world. He declared against the Nizam and Marattas, and has marched with a large army against Adoni, the capital of the late Basalat Jing. He invaded the fort, but was repulsed with great loss by Bassalat Jing's son, who was in the fort with his family. The Nizam, hearing of Tippoo's great army, dispatched a large force under the command of his brother Mokar Ally, assisted with a body of the Marattas horse, who were safely arrived into the fort of Adoni. But unfortunately for the Nizam the conductor of this large army came in such haste that he had not taken the usual precaution to bring provision sufficient for his army as well as [to] supply those in the fort, and exhausted the little provision that was in the fort in a few days after their arrival. When they found it difficult to get provision into the fort on account of Tippoo's being on the frontiers of it, they thought it proper to evacuate the fort of Adoni, and marched with all their forces to the fort of Royachoor ; and Tippoo immediately entered into the fort of Adoni . . . Tippoo, after this success, intends to march against Conoul, which if not timely succoured by the Nizam will, it is thought, fall into his hands . . . " Sir John Bailing will, I think, sail for England soon according to the orders of the Court of Directors. He is very sorry at the death of his son Lieut. Dalling, who died here the middle of this month. The Connnittee of Circuit, having examined the Circars under Vizagapatam, , . . arc now in the Masulipatam district . . ." " ClIOCAPAH." [Autograph, i J^p., 4/o.] [No. 461.] Messrs. Felling & de Fries to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, October 1 Itli, Fort St. George. — " Although the Nabob paid very punctually his stipulated sum of sixteen lacks for last year, this Government has not coniplcated the payment due for the creditors' share. AVe are promised a di\i(lend soon . , . The Nabob was lately very ill, but he is now in a fair way of recovery, and continues his payments regularly. He sent us word by his Braminy to present his compliments to you his old friend. " Lord Cornwallis took possession of his Government on the 12tli September. Mr. Shore was unwell : the damp climate of Bengal will be unfavourable to his asthmatick complaint. 415 [No. 461. " Tippoo and the Marattas are gone into winter quarters, to recommence their operations after the rains. " The rate of bills granted by the Presidencies in India on the Company in liquidation of their debt is so low — 7 shillings per pagoda for this place — that we don't imagine much of their debt will be transferred to Europe." " Felling & de Fries." [1 p., Uo.] [No. 462.] The Rev. S[amuel] Badcock to Sir Robert Palk, Bart,, Bruton Street. 1786, October 19th, South Molton.— " I have frequently made enquiries after the health of Lady Palk, but the accounts I received were so very unfavourable that I was fearful of writing to you lest I should intrude on you ... I most sincerely sympathize with you in the affliction you have lately gone through . . . " Since my last I have received Hooker's Account of Devon from Mr. Coffin's library. What is valuable shall be transcribed. I expect Westcote's Description'^^^ . . . that a cop^y of it may [be] procured for your collection. A very large folio of arms and genealogies is the only remaining MS. in Portlege'^) Library that respects the County. " In Fuller's Worthies, under the article of Devonshire, mention is made of a manuscript relating to the County written by ' Northcote, Baronet.' Fuller refers to it several times, and even gives some extracts from it. Bishop Nicholson,'^) however, in his Historical Library supposes that Fuller had confounded Northcote with Westcote, and then says in a pun- ning way that ' the author was often at a greater distance from truth than North and West.' Yet Mr. Gough seems positive that Fuller made no mistake, and says that the late Sir Henry Northcote*'*' (who practised physic and lived in the parish of Tawstoek) had the manuscript in his possession that Fuller quotes, and intended to have published it with considerable enlargements. He further says that the MS. was afterwards in the possession of Mr. Hesket. I have desired Mr. Chichester of Hall to ask his relation Sir Stafford Northcote if he possesses any IMSS. that may be worth transcribing relating to the County. The Mr. Heskett mentioned by Gough is supposed ... to have been the same gentleman who some years since possessed i^ldiscot near Torrington, now Mr. Rowe's estate. What became of his papers I could never learn. " I will take care to have the MSS. belonging to your collection bound in the way you have mentioned, and will superintend the business that no mistakes may be made . . . U) Thomas Westcote published a View of Devonshire in 1630. (2) Portledge, near Bideford, the scat of the Pine-Coffin family. (3) William Nicolson, Bishop of Carlisle. W Sir Henry Northcote, Bt., M.D., (1655—1730). No. 462.] 416 " I have lately spent a fortnight at Colonel Simcoe's and at other places in the neighbourhood of Exeter ; and then took the opportunity of writing to my uncle to inform him that I had at last come to a resolution to quit my office among the Dissenters. I explained my reasons, and then left him to judge whether I had not taken a right step. It was the step that my inclination, my judgment and my conscience equally concurred to dictate. . . . The risque I ran with my uncle I was well aware of, but I was resolved to hazard it . . . " The Bishop hath offered me ordination, and was so obliging as to say that he considered me as a great acquisition ... I told the Bishop that ordination was too serious a business to be determined on in haste . . . but it was probable that I should avail myself of his Lordship's offer next summer. I have no ambition of preferment. A rerij moderate competency is all I wish, and my prospects do not exceed a hundred a year. If I could secure that, I shall be perfectly resigned to the loss of my uncle's favour and fortune ..." " S. Badcock." " P.S. — I am much with Sir John Chichester, who often, very often, speaks of you and Lady Palk with great friendship and esteem. I went to call on Sir Bourchier Wrev this week, but he and I^ady Wrey were gone to Barley. We wished much to know how liady Palk was ; and Sir John (whom I shall see this afternoon) will rejo^^ce to hear that any favourable circum- stance appears in her Ladyship's complaint." [Holograph, 4 pp. flscp. and | p. 4to.] [No. 463.] G. Browne to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1780, November 8th. — " Mr. Ward's^i) last letters informed me that he had directed his agent at Calcutta to remitt money to engrave the Vie^^■s of Hindoo Buildings, and I have in con- sequence been in daily expectation of it. None is yet received. So soon as I find myself in cash to carry the work into execution I shall give notice in the papers." " G. Browne/' [Holograph, 1 p., 4to.] [No. 464.] Tiio[ma]s Abraham to [Sir Robert Palk]. 1786, November 12th, Calcutta. — " It is with extreme concern that I communicate to vou the mclancholv event since mv last of the death of my poor friend Mr. Van Sittart, miiversally })elovcd, lamented and regretted, of which, as you will have no doubt very particular information, I shall quit the painful and (1) Culonel Francis Swain Ward. Vide No. 396, p. 369, note 1. 417 [No. 464. disagreeable further relation by only observing the bad effects of too long a stay in this country, both in this and another recent instance . . . " The bill I drew on my father for 150/. I hope has been honoured. I shall use my utmost endeavours to prevent any necessity for drawing again. I can live upon my present salary without running into any debt, which I shall always studiously take care to avoid : it hangs like a millstone about the neck of a young man, now certainly when there is so bad a prospect of ever being able to repay it. My salary has been reduced so much lately that I should imagine it will be cut no more, or that I may be able to get some little encrease to it . . ." [Holograph, 3^ pp., Uo.] " Thos. Abraham." [No. 465.] Tho[mas] Palk to [Sir Robert Palk]. [17]86, November 14th, Trichinapoly. — " These few lines will be conveyed by the Swallow packet. By the MansMp, which will sail from Madras about the 15th of next month, I shall have the pleasure to write you again. General Lang and family will go on this ship, and will have my children Kitty and Bob under their care. We are about setting off for Madras for that purpose. I shall write to Ashburton by that conveyance, though I have not heard from thence this year . . ." [Holograph, 2\ pp., Uo.] " Tho. Palk.' 9> [No. 466.] Adrian de Fries'^' to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, November 20th, Fort St. George.— On the 16th instant I sent you a First Bill of Exchange for 2,000/. on account of Mr. Thomas Palk of Trichinopoly. I now enclose a First of Exchange drawn by the Governor and Council of Tranquebar on the Royal College of Economy and Commerce at Copenhagen for 1,856/. 5*., payable to your order for credit to Mr. Palk. [Autograph, 1 p., Uo.] " Adrian de Fries." [No. 467.] Messrs. Felling & de Fries to Sir Robert Palk. 1786, December 2nd, Fort St. George.— " The creditors of the Nabob have not received their last dividend from the Government yet to compleat their share of the annual pa3'ment of 16 lacks, which was fully paid by the Nabob in July last. The Company having sent out instructions to the Governor and (1) The firm of Felling & de Fries bore for a time the designation Adrian & John de Fries. BB No. 467.] 418 Council regarding the New Cavalry Loan'^' to make provision with the Nabob for the liquidation of it, the Governor and Council have thought proper to join this loan to the three former classes of creditors ; which being looked upon as an innovation, and contrary to the arrangement made with the Court of Directors under the sanction of Parliament, the Committee of Creditors have strongh^ remonstrated against it. " We beg leave to inclose you copys of two letters*^) written on this occasion, and hope from the justice of the Board of Control that the creditors will have satisfaction to their just complaint . . . We are convinced of your good inclination to render service to the poor creditors and for promoting the welfare of this Settlement, and shall therefore take the liberty to recommend their cause to your good offices . . . " We have nothing new. The war between the Maratta and Tippoo continue[s] without any extraordinary occurrence. Lord Cornwallis gives universal satisfaction at Bengal." [2 pp., Uo.] " Felling &z de Fries." [Enclosure].— QoY^y of letter dated Fort St. George, 24th November, 1786, from the Committee of the Three Classes of the Nawab's creditors to the Honble. Major General Sir Archibald Campbell, K.B., President and Governor in Council, Fort St. George. With reference to our letter of the 21st instant, and to Mr. Secretary Chamier's reply intimating that Government have resolved to carry out the Court's orders " by placing the debts of Colonel Sir Henrv Cosbv,*^' Lieut. -Colonel Dugald CaniDbell*'^' and Mr. Doll " in the same category as the creditors in the Cavalry Loan, we ask for reconsideration of this decision on the ground that it prejudices oiir rights and alienates in favour of others a public negotiable fund which is the property of our constituents. (Signed) [2f pp., flscp.] " John Turing, James Taylor, Edward Hollond, Paul Benfield, George Moubray." (1) The Cavalry Loan of 1769 was of Pags. 1,00,000 advanced by James Taylor. Andrew Majendie and James Call for the satisfaction of arrears of i>ay to the Nawali's troops. (2) One letter only has been traced. (3) Captain Henry Augustus Cosby commanded a battalion of native infantry in the first Mysore War, 1767-69. In 1774 he became Adjutant General of the Madras Army with the rank of Lieut. -Colonel, and three years later conducted a force against the Poligars of Chittoor. He afterwards served in the second Mysore war, and died in 1787. (4) Dugald Campbell served in 1771 as a lieutenant in the 1st Madras Cavalry, and two years later he commanded the regiment at the siege of Tanjore. Colonel Clampbcll was afterwards in command of the four regiments of native cavalry which mutinied at Arnee in 1781. lie must n^t be confused with Lieut. Dugald €ampl)ell, who accompanied Killpatrick in 1756 to Bengal, where he was killed in the same year. 419 [No. 468.] Ensign Wjli|ta]m Pkeston to Ste Robkut Pai.k, Bart., London. 1786, December IDth, Trichinopoly.— " I did myself the pleasure of writing to you from Calcutta in July last. Nothing material has happened since but the death of Mr. Yansittart, whose loss is lamented by all who had the honor of his acquain- tance. I returned here in October, and am . . . restored to the eft'ectis'c list, as I have declined all thoughts of visiting Europe till Mr. Palk returns. He tells me it will be in another year. General Lang has deferred going home this season. It's a dis- appointment to Mr. and Mrs. Palk not being able to send their children. We were on our way to Madras and within eighty miles, when Mrs. P. received intelligence from the General that he had changed his mind. " The present Government renders our situation very satis- factory. Tippoo Saib and the Mahrattoes have lately had desperate actions, which terminated in favor of the latter . . ." [Holograph, lip., 4fo.] " Willm. Preston." [No. 469.] Messrs. Pelling & de Fries to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1786, December 23rd, Fort St. George.—" At last the Govern- ment has made, on the 15th instant, the dividend to the Nabob's creditors to compleat the first annual payment on the present arrangement ; and even this was made one half in money and one half in bills on Mazulipatam, which may occasion us some small loss . . . We inclose you a statement of General Lawrence's bond with the Nabob to 1st January, 1785 . . ." We have pressed Messrs. Petrie and De Souza for a settlement of Goodlad's estate. They say that the bond creditors will shortly be paid in full, and that the book creditors will receive 60 per cent, of their claims. We enclose you a first bill of exchange for 1,000/., being Pags. 2,500 at 8^. per pagoda, which is a very favourable rate. " Publick affairs are in a good train. We are in peace with all the country Powers. The administration of Lord Cornwallis is acceptable to all Bengal, and must greatly recover the Company's credit by his great savings and good management. The Marattas and Tippoo continue at war, but nothing remarkable done on either side." [2 pj)., Uc] " Pelling & de Fries, &c." [No. 470.] The Rev. Samuel Badcock to Sir Robert Palk, Bart. 1787, March 1st, South Molton.— " I was sorely disappointed in missing the opportunity of seeing you o' Tuesday, as I pro- posed and most earnestly wished, at Sir John Chichester's, but No. 470.] 420 a violent attack of the head-ach (my old and unconquerable enemy !) confined me all day to my bed at Hall . . . " I . . . beg that when you return to London you will be so obliging as to second my application to Sir George Yonge for any little thing that he may hav^e it in his power to procure for me, as the time approaches when I wish to get orders, and I have no prospect from any other quarter. I have stated to Sir George my situation ; and as I have the History of the County greatly at heart, and will exert myself to complete it to the best of my power so as to make it a monument for futurity, I only want a present support to sit down without care ; and a little, a very little, will suffice. I shall then have leisure to prosecute my engagement with you in this great and arduous undertaking ... " And as to yourself — my recompense hath exceeded not only my expectation but my desert." " Sam. Badcock." " P.S. — I will beg the favour of you to direct the enclosed to Mr. Beeke at Oxford'^) ..." [Holograph, 3 pp., large 4to.] tl' ProVjably the Rev. Henry Beeke, Vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, from 1782. 421 INDEX. Abdalee, The. 5ee Ahmad Shah Abdali. Abdalis. The, 281, 281 n2. Abdallah, The. See Ahmad Shah Abdali. Abdallahs, The. See AbdiiUs, The. Abercrombie, Captain, 359. Abington, Major William, li. Abraham, Frances, iv, 357 7i2. Abraham, Robert, 245, 245 ?«2, 357 h2. Abraham, Thomas ; arrives in India, Ivi, 359, 359 ?«2 ; criticizes Mac- pherson, Ixi, 388, 394 ; note on, 357 «2 ; letters from, 373, 383, 387, 394, 413, 416; commended, 379, 379 nl; salary of, 383, 417 ; men- tioned, V, Iv, 357, 361, 367. Account of Devon, Hooker's, 415. Accou7tt of the War in India, Cambridge's, X. Achin, Achem, Atcheen, 10, 10 7i3, 54, 174. Act, India, Ivii, Iviii, 362, 377. Act, Regulating, xxxii, xxxiii. Adair, Captain Thomas, 93. Adam's Bridge, 325 ti3. Adams, Captain John, 113, 220, 220 nl, 239, 240. Adams, Mrs. Eleanor, 113, 220. Adams, RejTiold ; Master Attendant, xxxv, 141 n\, 150 ?!l ; a fanka- holder, xl, 276 ; death of, xlii, 288, 293, 293 nl, 307; letters from, 141, 150, 173, 185, 195, 220, 222, 234, 256 ; remits mone3% 185 ; tenant of Palk's house, 195, 208, 208 Hi, 223, 223 nl, 256 ; his fortune, 288, 293, 307 ; mentioned, xxxvi, 94, 235, 254. Adams sisters, The, 237. Adlercron, Colonel John, xii. Admiralty House, ^Madras ; enlargement of, xlviii, 324 ; Madge at, 223 ; note on, 223 n2 ; conference at, 257 ; Governor's residence, 258, 258 « 1,260, 26.5. Admiralty, Lords of the, 6. Adoni district ; force to protect, xlvii, devastated by Tipu, Ix ; Nizam in, 23 ; Xizam loses, 410. Adoni fort ; taken by Tipu, 414. Advocate, Government, 29 «3. Affleck, (Captain Philip?), 121. Afghans, The, xvi. Agassiz, Rougemont & Co.. 386. 388. Agra, xxxi, 237, 237 ?i3, 238. Agreement as to Walajah's debt, 178, 179. Ahmad Shah Abdrih, the Abdalee, the Abdallah ; threatens Delhi, xvi, 40, 40 7i2, 45, 45 ?i4 ; at Panipat, xxxvi, 281 n2. Ahmadnagar, 1 «3. Ahtur, 34. Aix-Ia-Chapelle, v. See Treaties. Akbar, Huckenbar, 3, 3» 3. Aldersey, WilUam ; letters from, 69, 168 ; note on, 69 nl ; aids R. Palk, jun., 226 ; mentioned, iv nl, 92. Aldiscot, 415. Alexander, James ; supports R. Palk, jun., 92 ; note on, 92 n6 ; at Patna, 130, 130 n5 ; goes to Europe, 180, 180 nl ; mentioned, 19 nl, 91, 352 n3. See Caledon. Alexander, Rebecca, 30 nl. See DuPre. Alexander, Robert, 352, 352 n3, 353. Alexandria, 306. Allahabad ; troops sent to, xvi, 45 ; ceded to Shuja-ud-daula, xxxi, 227 n2 ; Mogul and Vizier at, 110; survey of, 167; payment for, 231 ; note on, 231 n4. Allbeary, Mary, 51 n2. See Brooke. Allum securities, 243, 244. Alms, R. N., Lieut. James, 6, 6 n3. Ambrooke, v. Ambur fort, Iv, 354. America ; war with, xxxviii, 269, 302, 312 ; first U.S. ship arrives, Ivii, 363 ; Du Pre's advice as to, 102. Amery, ilr. John S., Ixvii. Amir-ul-Umara ; proposed employment of, xxxiv, 246, 246 n2, 254 ; liia mot. Hi ; Macartney's dislike of, Ux, 371, 371 n2; manages the Nawab's affairs, lix ; letters from, 58, 305 ; note on, 58 nl ; wedding of, 154, 154 n3 ; his army com- mand, 164, 225 ; his alleged plot, 291n2, 302, 303, 304 ; his character, 292, 303 ; question of his succes- sion, 312, 312 n2; called Madar- ul-mulk, 225, 225 n3, 246, 316, 316 nl, 318 ; mentioned, Ixii, 391. Amurampadu, 271. Amusements, 207, 261, 327. See Sport. Anantapur, 270 n4. Anderson. Dr. James, xliv. BB 422 Andrews, John ; envoy to Haidar, ix ; criticism of, 78 ; note on, 78 nl ; signs certificate, 94 ; resigns, 197. Angel ville, 166. Angria, x. Anhalt-Dessau, Prince Leopold of, Ixv, 402, 402 wl. Anjengo ; the Sclaters of, xxxvii ; recruits at, 29 ; Chief at, 148 n 2, 258 ; Hughes at, 258 ; embarka- tion at, 314 ; mentioned, 6, 13, 125, 164, 186. Annoar. See Ennore. Anson, George, Lord, 6. Architect, Ci\il, 109 )il, 324 nl. Arcot ; entered by Nawab, ^di ; Clive's defence of, xii, 17 nl, 246 7i3 ; fails in supplies, 23 ; Walajah's visit to, 44, 48 ; Nizam's attempt on, 62 ; neglected by Walajah, 218 ; attack expected on, 237 ; troops at, 362 ; the command at, 363, 363 nl ; desolation around, 371. Arcot, Nawab of. .See Muhammad Ali. See Walajah. Arcy, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of Holder- nesse, 6. Ardley, Samuel ; superseded, 78 ; note on, 78 n2; death of, 174, 179; mentioned, 110, 110 n4, 135. Arielore (Araiyalur), 26. Armenian merchants, 137, 254. Army ; combination of officers of, xxviii, 207 nS, 229 n4 ; officers bargain ^\^th Walajah, xxx, 224 ; pay u-ith- held from, Iv, Ivi, Ivii, 364, 372, 381, 393 ; mutiny in, Ivi, Ivii, 358, 363, 364, 379, 418 «4 ; distress in, Ivii, 354, 373 ; want of supplies ' for, 49 ; lack of personnel, 72, 88, 111, 135, 159; distribution of, 99, 362 ; transfer of authority from, 100; cost of Coast, 114; Engineer corps created, 161 ; off- reckonings, 161 ; acts as auxiliary, 164, 177 ; movements, 184, 199, 200, 207, 2,58, 328, 329 ; waste in, 186 ; discipUne in, 193 ; negroes in, 200 ; prize money for, 224 ; dealings with natives by officers of, 233 ; aids Shuja-ud- daula, 238 ; losses in Cambay, 249; agents, 351 ?!l ; arrack for, 362, 363. .S'ee Batta. See Court- martial. See Regiments. Arnachala Chetti, 136, 280. Aniee (Ami) ; beseiged, 102 nl ; death of Kelly at, 106 n5 ; claimed by the Maratlias, 235, 235 n4 : mutiny at, 418 n4. Arrack ; Goa, xxxv, 256 ; for troops, Ivi, 362, 363 ; consignment of, 5 ; note on, 5 n9. Arrack and Toddv ; contract for, xxxii, 216, 310. Arrany. See Amee. Artists, Society of, 361 nl. Arzdasht, 209,' 209 nl. Asaf-ud-daula ; Xawab of Oudh, xxxiii, li, 320, 320 nl ; cedes Benares, xxxiii, 249. Ashburton ; the Palks of, iv, v ; Grammar school of, v ; member for, 30 n2, 86 h1, 242, 245; Dunning of, 135 ni, 245 nl ; mentioned, 79, 88, 113 n4, 115, 180 n3, 227 nl, 231, 231 n2, 374, 381. Ashburton, John Dunning, Lord, 135 n4, 245 nl. See Dmining. Aska, 261. Asquith, Commander David ; commands the Surprise, hi ; his conduct. Hi, hii, 337, 338, 341, 342; claims passage money, liii, 338, 350, 361, 362 ; letters from, 340, 345, 351, 352 ; his previous command, liii, 341, 342; his table, 338, 349, 349 nl. Assaymaster, 197 n4, 216, 257 n2. Assigned Revenue, Committee of, 109 nl. Assignment; Walajah's second, li, 371, 391 ; surrender of the, h, lix, 374, 411 ; Walajah's first, 129, 155. Association of Piece-goods merchants, 216 Association of Diamond merchants, 73, 76, 90. See Diamonds. Atcheen. See Achln. Attorney, Letter of, 219. Attorney-General, 29 n3, Audynarayenah Chitty (Achnarayana Chetti), 136. Aurangabad, 1, 1 n3. Aurangzeb, 3. Aurora, frigate; Commissioners embark in, 119 ; at the Cape, 125, 130, 138; fears for, 130, 134, 136; given up for lost, 139, 148, 149, 150, 154, 157, 158, 161, 184; mentioned, 30 n3, 124. See Ships. Auroras. »S'ee Textiles. Austen, Francis, 124. Austen, Jane, 124 nl. Austen, Philadelphia, 124 ?)1. See Han- cock. Austen, Rev. George, 124. Auteuil, Louis Combault dc, xi, 23 nl, 102 nl. Awd. See Oudh. Avton, Brassey & Co. ; letters from, 386, 388. 423 BadCOCk, Rov. Samuel ; his career, Ixiii ; letters from, 384, 400, 415, 410 : note on, 384 h3 ; mentioned, 416. Bahour, xi, Ivi, 356 )i2. Baillie, Colonel William, I. 317 w2. Baji Rao, Peshwa, xxxvi. Baker, Aaron, x nl. Baker, Commander George ; his ser- vices, XXXV ; describes the revolution, xl, 282—288; his view of the revolution, xliii, 308, 312 ; liis water-supplv scheme, xJiii, xlv, 195, 234, 312, 312 n3, 315, 315 »3, 316; reports on fortifications, xlv, 255, 315 ; his hostility to Wynch, xlv, 316 ; commends R, Welland, xlix, 333 ; describes results of the war, Ivii, 353 ; Master Atten- dant, 141 )i\ ; recommended by Palk, 171, 193; note on, 171 «3 ; reports on Madge's estate, 232; letter to, 249; letters from, 249, 253, 254, 257, 265, 269, 271, 282, 304, 307, 313, 314, 316, 332, 354, 358, 362, 374, 391 ; his kindness to R. Welland, 254, 288, 301 ; ham- pered in his work, 256 ; his ill-health, 309 ; loss of his son, 325 ; mentioned, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, Iv, Ixii, 322. Baker, Ensign George, xlvii, 325, 325 ni. Baker. William, 171 «3. • Bakhshi\ buxey, 80. 80 w5, 156 n2. Bjllagh.1t, The ; Marathas retire to^ 183, 183 «1 ; Raghoba in, 237, 239 ; Haidar Ali in, 270. Balaji Baji Rao, Feshwa, 280 nl. Balambangan ; opium for, 255 ; note on, 255 « 10; settlement at, 257 ?i2 ; capture of, 259, 259 «2, 260, 264. Balamuttu Chetti, 280. Baldwin, George, 294, 294 nl. Balfour, John, 413, 413 nQ. Ballard, Mr. ; a cadet, 91, 101, 102. Balwant Singh, Raja of Benares, 249, 249 »1. Banca, Straits of, Sumatra, 53. Bandar Abbas, 5 n2. Bandarmalanka ; factory at, 29 ; ship- yards at, 94 ; note on, 94 «2 ; oppression at, 264. Bangalore ; threatened by Col. Smith, xiii ; proposed action regarding, 25, 33 ; Marathas advance on, Bangalore — conl. 42, 47 ; delay of British action against, 81, 89. Bank ; at Calcutta, Ixi, 394 7i3. Bank of India ; proposed, Ixi, Ixii, 394, 395. Bank Annuities, 8. Banks, (Captain George ; taken by Marathas, xlix, 330, 331 ; note on, 330 n4. Bannatyne, Mrs., iii, iv, Ixvii, 1. Bantam, x ?tl. Banyan, bani/a, 80, 80 n3. Baramahal, The ; Wood's success in, XV, 82 n2 ; promised to Wala- jah, xxi, 184 ; FitzGerald in, 166 %1 ; situation of, 184 »1. Barclay, Robert ; member of IMadraa Council, 364, 364 nS ; his son, 406, 406 n2. Barhampore. See Berhampur. Barker, 13 rig. -Genera] Sir Robert ; letter from, 112; his career, 112 wl; at Benares, 227, 227 n3 ; leaves India, 232 ; mentioned, xxxi, xlv, 360 ?il. Barker, Mr., 110. Barnard, Thomas, 374, 374 w2. Barnard, William Harry Vane, Vis- count, 407. Baroda, Barraud, 1 n3. Barr6, Colonel Isaac, 353, 353 nl. Barrington, Fitzwilliam, 15, 15 nl, 167, 167 n2. Barvvell, Richard ; member of Supreme Council, xxxii ; supports Hast- ings, xxxiii ; rumour regarding, 207, 207 w4 ; prosecutes the Fowkes, 248 «5 ; mentioned, 319, 320. Basalat Jang ; rules Guntur, viii, 23 «6 ; his French troops, xxxv, xlvii, 252, 252 nl, 258, 258 n4, 259 ; besieges Bellary, xxxv ; is routed by Tipu, 259 ; nego- tiates with Rumbold, xlvii ; his agreement about Guntur, 1 ; his death, Ix, 414 ; his settlement with i\Iadhu Rao, 23 ; brother of Nizam Ali, 23 n6 ; tributary to the Nizam, 34 ; British aid for, 264 n5 ; at war with Haidar, 270 ; his son at Adoni, 414. Basra ; passengers via, xlix, 330 ; voyage to, 5 ; Coote travels via, 137 n2, 142, 144, 146, 158; news from, 154, 156. Bassein, xxxiv, 273. iV^- Basset, Mrs., ix. Batavia ; Governor of, 64 ; Cranch at, 77. 86 : remittances from, 221 ; 424 Batavia — cont. Dutch troops from, 224 ; men- tioned, 149, 168. Bath, Order of the, 158. Batta ; withdrawal of, Ivi, 359, 376 ; continuance of, 363. Batta, Half ; abolition of, 272, 281 ; still dra-mi at Trichinopoly, 370. Bay of Bengal ; survey of, 167. Bayelan, M., 35. Baylie, Sexton ; receives Palk's goods, liii, 346, 350 ; seizes the effects, liv, 347—349 ; Surveyor of the port of Limerick, 346 ; his conduct, 346—348 ; his bill of costs, 350, 351. Bazalet Jing. See Basalat Jang. Bazett, C. ; letter from, 129. Bazett, Captain Matthew, 129 n2. Bazzallyzung. See Basalat Jang. Beads, St. Ignatius's. See Beans, St. Ignatius's. Bean, Mr., 52. Beans, St. Ignatius's, 93, 93 »2. Beardmore, Samuel ; cadet, 203, 203 n4, 230, 230 n2. Beaufoy, Mr. and Mrs., 395. Beausset, M., 235. Bebbooly, See Bobbili. Becher, Richard ; his office, 130 ; ill- ness of, 131, 131 ?i3 ; mentioned, 389, 389 712. Beck, Captain de, 121, 121 «3, 122. Bednur ; taken by Tipu, li, 27 nl ; ravaged by the Marathas, 47 ; note on, 49 n2 ; taken by Haidar, 61 ; mentioned, 89. Bednur, Rani of ; her country taken by Haidar, 33 ; a prisoner, 35 ; liberated, 49, 49 n2. Beeke, Rev. Henry ; goes to Switzer- land, Ixiii ; suggests a tour, 378 ; receipts from, 390 ; at Oxford, 420, 420 nl ; men- tioned, 382. Beetle. See Betel. Begams of Oudh, li. Bellary, xxxv. Bellecoinbe, Major-General ; Governor of Pondicherry, xliii, 312; capit- ulates, xlvii, 324, 325, 325 «2 ; succeeds Jean Law, 311 ; a prisoner of war, 325. Bellingham, Captain, 98, 98 m1, 115. Belvidero, The ; at Haldon, ix ; at Estei-hazy, 400. Benares ; ceded to the British, xxxiii, 249, 249 nl ; Raja deposed, li ; Treaty of, 227, 227 ?i2 ; troops approach, 238 ; mentioned, 252, 379. Bencoolen ; Governor of, 96 nl : re- mittances from. 221 ; mentioned 17 721,214. Benfield, Paul ; liis career, xl, 109 «1 ; soucar to Walajah, xl, 236, 236 ?!l ; a ianka-holder, xl, 276, 278, 284, 310; supports the Majority, xli, 289 ; liis charges against Pigot, xHii, 284, 291, 299 ; his visits to Tanjore, xliii, 280, 294, 304 ; summoned to England, xUv, 326 ; his refractory conduct, 103, 103 n2, 109 ; contractor for fortifica- tions, 255, 255 7?5 ; his dubash, 278, 283, 303 ; his loans to Walajah, 283 ; his enmity to Pigot, 291, 305 ; mentioned, 314, 418. Bengal ; survey of, xxiii, 167, 167 nl ; Nawab of, xxv, xxvi, xxvi nl, 122 ?!2, 126, 126 «5, 191, 206; combination of officers in, xxviii ; revenue regulations for, xxxi, 191, 192, 206, 207, 228, 231, 233, 234; affairs of, 110, 165, 170; reform needed in, 117, 120, 179 ; trouble expected in, 126, 156, 156 n3 ; terrible famine in, 131, 132, 135, 137, 141, 147, 191 ; Coote intends going to, 137, 142, 144 ; Hastings proposed as Governor of, 157 ; charges against Councillors of, 170 ; Hastings becomes Governor of, 173, 174, 179 ; Naib Diwan of, 187 ?d, 206 w3; Hastings's re- forms in, 191, 192, 20(i, 228, 233, 238 ; Cartier as Governor of, 208 ; floods in, 231 ; rumour regarding, 235 ; Hastings Gover- nor-General in, 240 ; informers in, 248 ; Governmenl credit in, 364, 372 ; reduction of salaries in, 376. Bengal Atlas, Rcnnell's, xxiii, 167 nl. Bengal, Bay of. See Bay of Bengal. Bengal Detachment, Peach's ; marches on Hyderabad, xiv, xv, 68, 199 ; defeats Narayan Deo, xxx, 68 722 ; returns to Bengal, 200. Bengal Detachment, Pearse's ; marches from Midnapur to JMadras, 1, 343 71 1 ; in action, lii, 352 nl ; returns to Bengal, Iv, 352, 362. Bengal Government. See Council, Bengal. Berar, Raja of, xlix, 1. Berdmore, I\Ir. See Beardmore. Berhampur, Berampoore ; province of, 1 «3. 425 Berhampur, Barhampore, Burham- pore ; cantonment of, 158, 282. Berlin, Ixv, Ixvi, 402, 403, 404. Besan^on, 383. Betcelas. See Textiles. Betel, 18, 18 ?^9. Betel and Tobacco farm, xxxv, 19 ?(4, 57, 234, 235, 310. Bethune, Dr. George, 17, 17 n2. Bhagavaii Pantulu, 280. B/irnig, xxxv, 234, 234 n3. Biddannr, Bidnoor. See Bedniir. Bihar ; Naib Diwiln of, xxvi, 206 »3 ; famine in, 131 ; Revenue Covm- cil for, 134, 136 ; survey of, 167. Bimlipatam, I, 354. Binny, Charles, 380, 380 n2. Black To^^l, Madras ; defences of, 18 no ; source of water near, 171 n3 ; Governor's military powers in, 300 ; French prisoners lodged in, 325, 325 v5. Blue Goods. See Textiles. Board of Commerce. See Board of Trade. Board of Control ; orders of, 362 ; con- stitution of, 377 nl ; disappro- bation of, 394 ; justice expected from, 418. Board of Police, xix. Board of Revenue ; in Madras, Ixii, 402, 413 ; in Bengal and Bihar, 130, 134, 136, 158, 230. Board of Trade, Ixii, 402, 413. Bobbili, Bebbooly, 366. Boddam, Charles, 245, 245 )i4. Boddam, Rawson Hart ; Governor of Bombay, hdii, 195 wl, 368 nl ; at Tellicherry, 195 ; letter from, 368 ; mentioned, 281. Boehm & Sons, 82. Boehm, Edmimd ; agent for Vansit- tart, 127, 127 n2, 128; character of, 189, 189 ?zl ; his dealings in India stock ; 243, 243 no ; men- tioned, 159, 170, 180, 190, 235. Boehm, R., 215. Boehm family. The, 245. Boileau, Jolm, 408. Bolts, William, xxvi, 203, 203 nl. Bombay ; Governor of, 18 no, 148 n2, 282, 282 «3 ; squadron at, 213, 263, 266, 273; British envoy at, 266 ; Hughes's work at, 301 ; Raghoba at, 309 ; ship docked at, 314 ; financial situation at, 368, 372 ; mentioned, 5, 150. Bombay Government. See Council, Bombay. Bomorev, 163 n3. Bonds, Company's ; discount on, Ivii, lix, Ixi, 364, 372, 381, 393; liquidation of, 238, 387, 393 «2, 401, 415. Bonjour, Colonel Abraham ; captures Kalaiyarkoil, xxviii ; at Neu- chatel, Ixiv, 396 ; guards the Carnatic passes, 50 ; note on, 50 w2 ; suppresses the Kallars, 218 ; 218 n6 ; leaves India, 255, 255 n8 ; executor for Des Plans, 396, 396 h3, 397. Bonnevaux, Captain Peter, xlix, 330, 330 n2, no, 331. Books ; Palk's gift of, 131 ; on Moslem law, 158, 187 ; gift of Persian, 159 ; Ironside's Persian, 168 ; Arabic MS., 203. Borel, Mrs., 385. Borneo, 255 nlO, 257 n2, 259. Boscawen, Admiral the Hon. Edward ; his expedition to India, v, xi ; a Lord of the Admiraltj', 6 ; Baker's service with, 171 n3 ; mentioned, vi, xxxv. Boscawen, Hon. Mrs. Frances, 63, 63 h 3. Boulger, ]\Ir. Demetrius C, Ixvii. Boulton, Henry Crabb, Chainnan, 89, 89 h2; a Director, 117, 117 «2 ; Hastings addresses, 219, 219 ?;3. Bourchier, Charles ; succeeds Palk as Governor, viii, xii, 18 ; luckless administration of, xiii, 43, 95, 105, 109, 129; recalls Col. Smith, xiv ; liis opinion of Rayalu Pant, xvii, 108 ; his resignation, xviii, 95, 95 nl, 102, 104, 105, 111, 115, 118; liis fortune, xviii, 108 ; Orme's opinion of, xviii ; liis career, 18 /i5 ; confers with Walajah, 26 ; letters from, 36, 105 ; Ms expected successor, 51 ; his attitude to Calland, 70 ; his difficulties, 71, 71 7i2, 104; is influenced by Call, 78 ; arranges Smerdon's transfer, 85 ; incurs displeasure, 96, 122 ; liis accomit of the treatv with Haidar, 105, 106; leaves IncUa, 121, 122; his reception in England, 148, 154, 163 ; letter to, 197 ; his silver plate, 198 ; his neglect of Tom Palk, 202 ; a creditor of Johnson, 216 ; his dubash, 296 ; his term of office, 365 ; men- tioned, ix 7il, xvi, XXV, 20, 22, 22 ri2, 29, .30 nl, 48, 48 n3, 56, 57, 64, 77, 92, 94, 96, 99, 110, 134, 149, 159, 184, 185, 199, 305. 426 Bo.urchier, Mrs. (Charles), 38, 108, 139. Bourchier, James ; his attachment, xiii, 29 w6, 37, 37 »2, 38, 50; returns to England, xviii, 121, 122 ; envoy to the Marathas, 24 ; note on, 24 ?il ; envoy to the Xizam, 42, 47, 49 ; envoy to Haidar, 62 ; letter from, 71 ; applies to Mrs. Morse, 101 ; his remittances, 108, 108 7i3 ; men- tioned, viii 7i2, xii, 29, 91, 93 n2, 94. Bourchier, Richard ; Governor of Bom- bay, xviii, 18 ?t5 ; his death, 148 ; note on, 148 n2. Bourchier family. The, 168. Bourghaus, Count de, 411. Bowhaj', X nl. Boyd, John ; loan by, 127, 127 nS ; mortgage offered to, 243, 243 nl, 244 ; mentioned, 64, 64 h4. Bradford, Rev. J., Ixiii ; letter from, 402. Brathwaite, Colonel John ; reduces Mah6, xlvii ; defeated in Tan- jore ] ; narrow escape of, 176 ; note on, 176 n3. Brazil, 150, 163. Brett, Charles, 5, 5 w8, 03, 250. Brett, T., 63. Brett family, The, 302. Brettell, Commander Thomas, 376. Brickenden, Richard, 94. Bridgeman, George, 64, 64 n2. Bridgeman, Sir Henry, 64, 64 n2. Briggs, Dr. Stephen, 73, 73 «3. Bright, Phyllis, 220 «3. See Hopkins. Bristol, Gilbert Ironside, sen.. Bishop of, xxvi. Bristol, Gilbert Ironside, jun., Bishop of, xxvi. British Museum ; Palk MSS. in, iii, iv, vinn2, ixnl, n'S, xvi «2, xviii, xix, xxvii 11 1 , xxxiv, Ixvii, 52 ??3; Hastings's letters in, iv, iv nl ; Lawrence's Narrative in, x n2 ; letters from Call in, xv ; Bar- ker's diawing in, 112 ?!l. Broach, xxxvi, 250 nl, 280. Broadcloth, Company's. See Textiles. Brohier, Captain John, 22 n4. Bromlicid, Commander Philip, 258. Brooke, Henry ; member of the Majority, xl, 289, 306 ; sus- pended, xli. xliii, 285, 294, 300, 306 ; fined, xliv ; leaves India, xlv, 314; letters from, 51, 141, 304 ; note on, 51 n2 ; involved in Manila dispute, 51, 52 ; his transfer, 135, 174, 197 ; imparts secret information, 140, 140 /(2 ; Brooke. Henry — c^ont. his houses, 141 ; opposes Wala- jah, 246. 246 n4 ; charge against, 285; leave refused to, 311; verdict against, 315 nl ; men- tioned, xii, 255, 259, 270, 299. Brooke, Mrs. Mary, 52. See Allbeary. Brooke, Thomas, 304. Brown. Captain George, 147, 147 h4. Browne, G., letter from, 416. Brownrigg, JMajor, 82. Bruce, Captain, 110. Brunswick, Augusta, Duchess of, Ixvi, 405. Buchanan, Dr. Duncan, 52, 52 n5. Buckunjee ; banking house of. 236, 236 n5. Bucldand-in-the-Moor, iv. Bulman, Dr. Job, 247 n\. Bulwansing. See Balwant Singh. Burhampore. See Berhampur. Burt, Dr. Adam ; attends R. Palk, jun., Iii, 336, 340 ; takes charge of effects, liii, 343, 344; his affidavit, liv, 350 ; prepares medical case, 333 ; letters from. 336, 340, 341, 342. 343, 350 : at Limerick, 337 ; his memoran- dum, 338 ; attends the crew, 338, 350, 362 ; passage money for, 340, 342, 361 ; is suspicious of the captain, 341 ; his protest, 344, 345 ; engages an attornej', 346 ; travels to London, 345, 347. Burton, Mr., 218. Bussera, Bussora, Bussorali. See Basra. Bussy, Charles Joseph, Marquis de ; defends Cuddalore, li ; upholds Walajah's sovercignt}', Ivi, 356 ; his death, Ivii, 363, 364 ; his troops, 355. Butterford, Ixiii. Buxar, xlv, 317 n2. Buxey. See Bakhshi. Cadapanattatn See Kadapanattam. Cadets ; Elinor, Ixii, 394 ; arrival of, 114. Cadiz, Cales, 13, 74. Cailiaud, Brig.-General John ; occupies the Circars, viii ; negotiates Treaty of Hyderabad, viii; 60 n4, 62 ; Nizam's gift to, ix ; Lawrence's Narrative attri- buted to, X >t2 ; at Hyderabad, 427 Caillaud, Brig. -General — conl. 47 ; his expedition to Bengal, 66 »1, 98 nl, 365 «2 ; in Eng- land, 85; his career, 102 «1 ; supports Fletcher, 163 »2 ; at Patna, 310 n\ ; letters to, 384, 408 ; mentioned, xi, xlv, Ixi, 19, 19 «2, 44, 51, 63, 63 nl, 69, 102, 158, 228, 230, 318, 319, 360 «1. 384 «1. Caillaud. Mrs. (Jolin), 102, 384. Cairo ; mails via, xxxi, 292, 294, 306. Calacoil. See Kalaiyarkoil. Calcutta ; becomes seat of the Diwani, XXV, 192 ; capture of, 7, 52 n2 ; lack of money at, 93, 126 ; price of bread at, 135 ; corpses in streets of, 147 ; troops near, 188 ; troops for the Coast from, 199, 200 ; revenue adminis- tered from, 206, 227, 233; arrival of Councillors and Judges at, 273 ; CUve's expedition to, 315 n4 ; petition from, 373, 377; mentioned, 113, 124 ?il, 130, 131, 159, 202, 208, 214, 218, 219, 220, 226, 229, 230. Caledon, James Alexander, Earl of, 92 ?i6. See Alexander. Cales. See Cadiz. Calicut ; ship seized at, xlvii, 330, 330 n\ ; reduction of, li ; pro- posals regarding, 33. Call, James ; note on, 131 n\ ; his private trade, 135, 138 ; a creditor of Walajah, 418 n\ ; mentioned, 131. Call, John, sen., 35, 35 ?i3, 41. 113. Call, Colonel John ; Chief Engineer and a Councillor, xii, 109 nl, 174 /tl ; a Field Deputy, xii, xiv, 71 ; reports on the war, XV, 22—26, 41^3 ; his letters in the British Museum, xv ; retires to England, xvlii, 121, 122 ; aids the Xawab's creditors, Ux, 371, 371 nl ; letters from, 22, 34, 41 ; his career, 22 «4 ; his proposed treaty, 24, 31 — 34 ; his policy, 25, 31 ; sends home diamonds, 34 ; aids the Gover- nor, 36 ; envoy to the Marathas, 43, 48 ; supported by CUve, 59 ; , superseded by Du jfr^, 59 n'i ; his abilities, 71 ; his conduct criticized, 78, 122, 148 ; incurs di.spleasure, 96 ; application to, 99 ; prepares to sail, 100, 104, 107, 110, 111, 118; his health, 103 : expected as Governor, 175 ; his insurance premium. Call, Colonel John — cant. 239; mentioned, 94, 115, 119, 138, 202, 290, .305, 324. Calland, John ; letters from, 55, 69 ; note on, 55 «3 ; his difference with Bourchier, 56, 57 ; com- plaints against, 69 ; leaves India, 93, 96, 96 h4 ; his in- tentions, 107 ; acts for the Xawab's creditors, 121, 121 n2 ; his despair, 129 ; his expected return, 155. Cambay, 249. Cambridge, Richard Owen ; his Account of the War in India, x, 2. Campbell, Alexander, 15, 15 ni, 69, 69 »2. Campbell, Major-General Allan, 363, 363 nl. Campbell, Major-GJeneral Sir Archi- bald ; arrives as Governor, Ix, Ixi, 402, 413 ; liis previous service, Ixi, 374 nl ; appointed C.-in-C, Ixi, 414 ; his early measures, Ixii, 402 ; his expected arrival, 374, 386, 392; com- plaint to, 418 ; mentioned, 373 nl, 401. Campbell, Colonel Charles ; at second siege of Madura, 61 nl, 82 n2 ; note on, 63 n4 ; in England, 170, 170 n2 ; hopes to return, 240 ; mentioned, 26 n3, 57, 63, 70, 70 nl. Campbell, Daniel ; Surgeon- General, 333, 333 nl, 334. Campbell, Colonel Donald ; his com- mand, 26 ; note on, 26 n3 ; instructions to, 26 ; his expedi- tion against the Poligars, 50 ; at first siege of Madura, 61 nl, 81 n2 ; loses two children, 79 ; at Kolar, 81 ; prepares to sail, 85 ; mentioned, 63 n-l. Campbell, Mrs. (Donald), 93, 96, 96 n3. Campbell, Lieut. Dugald, 418 n4. Campbell, Lt.-Colonel Dugald, 418, 418 n4. Campbell, Colonel John ; defends ]\Iangalore, Li. CamiDbell, Colonel John, 250. Canal, Cochrane's, 91 n7. Canar}' Lslands, 163. Cannijig, Rev. Richard, 76, 184, 184 n3. Canoul, Xawab of. See Kumool. Canton ; G. Smith at, 7, 7 n4 ; silver for, 53, 73 ; remittance from, 170 ; voyage to, 239 ; super- cargoes of, 401. Cantonment; at Sheveram or Wala- jahbad, Ixii, 391, 392, 392 nl ; 428 Cantonment — coni. at Cossirabazar or Berhampur, 80, 158. Cape of Good Hope ; Ozias Humphry at, lix, 369 ; the Aurora leaves, 125, 138 ; severe weather off, 151 ; H. Vansittart, jmi., at, 163, 168 ; the Hawke sent to, 194; Fletcher sails for, 304, 300; mentioned, 22, 50, 51, 74, 357. Cape Town, 163. Cape Verd Islands, 163. Capper, Colonel James ; carries des- patches, xliii, 288, 306 ; note on, 288 ??2. Caramnassah River. See Karamnasa. Caranjar. See Karanja. Carlisle, \^^illiam Nicolson, Bishop of, 415, 415 w3. Cannichael, Mr., 83, 90. Carnac, Brig. -General John ; speaks in Parliament, xxv, 186 ; expected to succeed Hornby, 310; his career, 310 rd ; mentioned, xlv. Carnatic battalions, 114. Camatic, Nawab of the. See Muham- mad Ali. See Walajah. Carnatic, The ; invasions of, xiii, xiv, 1, 66 ; devastation in, xiv, xvi, 1, Ivii, 95, 103, 105, 359 ; fears of invasion of, xxi, xlix, 31 ; threatened by the Marathas, xxi, xxiii, xxxii, 141, 142, 145, 152, 153, 175, 235, 238 ; passes of. See Passes, Carnatic ; des- cription of, 1 n3, 2, 3, 3 «1 ; grant of, 42, 62 ; chant demanded for, xxxii, 42, 237 ; frontier of, 63 ; anarchy in, 97 ; British reverses in, 99 ; protection of, 129, 182; peace in, 152, 213, 256, 270 ; hostilities with the French in, 296 ; sovereignty claimed foi", 356 ; inspection of forts of, 363 ; assignment of, 372, 391. Caroor (Kfirur) ; Haitlar at, 61 ; taken from I\lysorc, 62 ; seized by R. Smith, 113 nl. Carpenter, Ensign J., letter from, I +. Carr, :\Iark, 17, 17)i2. Carter, Marian, 78, 19 7il, 87, 95. Carter, Roger ; sails for England, 9.'}, 96 ; Governor of Bencoolcn, 96 ?(1 ; mentioned, 94, 107. Cartier, John ; Governor of Bengal, xxii, xxv, 45 h3, 113, 113 nl, 117 ; in Council, 45, 80, 80 j^9 ; is succeeded by Hastings, 174; his j)rospects, 175 ; leaves India, 208 ; treatment of, 208. Carty, Mr., 135. Carvalho, Elizabeth, 146 nl. Casamaijor, James Henry ; appoint- ments of, 386, 413 ; note on, 386 n2 ; mentioned, 22, 22 )!3. Casamaijor, Xoah, 22 nl, 386 h2. Casamaijor, Mrs. Rebecca ; letter from, 22 ; note on, 22 nl ; mentioned, 267, 267 n2, 386 v2. Casavah (Kesava) ; letter from, 154. Casemates, 255, 255 ?i3. Cash. See Coinage and Currenc3^ Cassavaia (Kesavaiya), 94. Castro, Daniel de, 394, 394 nl. Castro, Moses de, 241, 394 nl. Castro, Samuel de, 394 » 1 . Castro, De, Pelling & de Fries, 247 nl. Catherine II., of Russia, 412 n2. Cauvery (Kaveri) River, 184 nl. Cawn Sahib, 61. See Muhammad Yusuf. Cawsejjatty Rauz, 367. See Gajapati Riiz. Ceylon ; navigation round, 124; Dutch troops from, 224 ; Hughes's return from, 312 ; mentioned, 54, 168. Chabuk, whip, 109, 109 n3. C'hacram. See Coinage and Currciicv. Chait Singh, li. Chambers, Sir Robert, 320. Chambers, William ; represents Wala- jah, 258, 258 »3 ; at Tanjoic, 280, 280 nl. Chamier, John, 418. Champion, Brig. -General Alexander, xxxi, 233. Chanda Sahib ; supported by the French, xi ; executed, xi, 3 ; his character, 3 ; his son, 61, 181 ; note on, 61 ?(4 ; hisfamil3% 106 »4. C!handcrnagore ; migration to, hiii, 376; defences of, 110. Changama ; battle of, xiii, 147 ;i4 ; pass of, 1. Chapnxan, Colonel Charles ; succeeds Barker, xxxi, 232, 232 n:i ; his gambling losses, 232, 233. Charity Choultry. See Choultry. Charity School. See School. Charity, Temple, 271. Charles 111., of Spain. 8, 8 ??7. Chatham, William Pitt. Earl of, 30, 356. Chaubuke. See Chdbuk. Cliaul ; port of, xlvi, 317, 317 ?i4. Chaut, chout, choute; claimed from the Camatic, xxxii, 42, 237 ; expected from Haidar, 33, 116 ; etymology of, 33 nl ; freedom 429 Chant, chout — cont. from, XXXV, 257. Checrecoad (Chakmkodo?), 21, 104. Chen Busvaiya, 49 n'2. Chepauk ; Xawab's palace at. xlviii, 218, 218 h2, 244, 260, 325, 325 »1 ; investiture at, 1.32 n2 ; Nawab's conrt at, 239 ; Wala- jah at. 257, 268, 274, 355. Clieppermall C'liitty. See Chippenuall Chetti. Chey goods. See Textiles. Cliicacole Circar ; attacked by Xarayan Deo, XXX, 199 ; oppression in, lix, 365, 366 ; Sitarain Raz in, 28 n5, 50 ; let to Renters, 43, 48, 50, 65 ; troops in, 65, 115, 223, 261, 281; supplies from, 66 ; imhealthiness of, 321, 322. Chichester, Charles ; of Hall, 415. Chichester, 8ir John, 5th Bart., ix. Chichester, .Sir John, 6th Bart., 406, 416, 419. Cliildren, sale of, Ivii, 373. Chilnaik, 34. Cliina ; export of specie to, 154, 252 307 ; voj-age to England via 184 ; (t. Smith's interests in 217, 218 ; sale of opium in, 221 remittances through, 237, 238 239 ; war-sliip sent to, 312 mentioned, 123, 126, 220, 248. Chingleput ; Caillaud's force at, 102 n\ R. Smith at, 113 ?;1 ; district includes the Jaghire, 146 n3 Pa}Tna.ster at, 315, 321, 327 mentioned, 316, 391. Chiimabolaram, 25, 33. Chinon, 395. Chinsurah ; migration to, Iviii, 376. Cliintz. See Textiles. Chippermall Chetti ; Company's Mer- chant, 136 ; his affairs, 197 ; ]\Iint Manager, 197 ?; 4 ; with Pigot at Tanjore, 277, 280 ; visits Trichinopoly, 278 ; j\Iac- kay's reception of, 311. Chittoor, 336 n3. Chittagong, 387. Chobddr, 311, 311 h3. Chocapah Chitty. See Chokappa Chetti. Choiseul, Due de, 171, 171 nl. Chokappa Chetti ; a Company's Mer- chant, xii, xxxii, 18 ni, 56, 56 m2 ; deprecates export of specie, xxxvtii, 264 ; Ansits Tanjore and Trichinopoly, xxxix, 277, 278, 280 ; commends Macartney, Iv, 355 ; letters from, IS, 41, 136, 1.32, 1.34, 173, Chokappa Chetti — cont. 196, 197, 210, 216, 225, 235, 246, 253, 259, 263, 277, 289, 292, 303, 310, 324, 325, 355, 364, 373, 380, 413 ; mentioned, xxxiv, xl, xli, xliii, xlvii, Ixii. Choliappa, 296, 322. Chop ; stamp, die, 284, 284 h1 ; Wala- jah's 305. Chorley, A., 63. Chormandell, Choromandel. See Coro- niandel. Choultry, Charity, 21, 104, 154 ; note on, 21 nl. Choultry Plain, 285, 285 »2. Choultry, Register of the, 78 /;2. Chout, choute. See Chaut. Christna. See Kistna River. Chudleigh, 167 ?(1. Chudleigh, Sir George, ix. Church of St. Rita, San Thome, 11 »1. Churchill, Mr. 93. Cicacole. See Chicacole. Circars, Northern, The ; acquisition and occupation of, viii, xv, 23 h6, 62, 102 nl, 107, 365 ; annual I'ent for, \iii, xiv ; expedition from, xiii, xv, 23, 47, 49, 63, 65 ; threatened by Fazil Beg, xxiii, 156 ; administration of xxxvii, 43, 120, 133, 367 ; unhealthy liills of, xxxvii, 160 ; claim for abolition of tribute for, xlvii ; Zemindars summoned from, xlviii, 323 ; oppression in, xlviii, 328 ; threatened by Xizara, xlix ; pacification of, 48 ; troops in, 64, 99, 261 n2 ; morals of officers in, 65 ; treaty of 1768 regarding, 108, 108 nl ; the French in, 116 n5, 366; question of restoring, 120, 148 ; the Palk brothers in, 136 ; peace in, 165, 194 ; Circuit Committee to visit, 267, 289, 414 ; mentioned, v, 28 no, 74 n3. Circuit Committee. See Committee of Circuit. City of Dreadful Night, xvii nl. Civil Servants ; resignation and exodus of, Ivui, 376 ; trade restrictions of; 234 ; pay withheld from, 354. Clarke, Captain Sir John, R. X. ; carries opium, 255 ; note on, 255 n9 ; carries off Mrs. Draper, 271 n4 ; mentioned, xxx^^i, xxxvii ?;1. Clavcring, Lt.-General Sir John ; member of the Supreme Council, xxxii ; his relations with the Madras ^Majority, .\liii, 287 ; 430 Clavering — cont. attempted usurpation by, x]v, xlvi, 319, 319 7il, 320; Iiis death, xlvi, 320, 320 ?i2 ; opposes Hastings, 12 w2, 246, 262, 262 nl, 282 ; his faction, 252 ni ; his ilhiess, 312. Cleveland, Mr., 398. Clevland, Augustus C, 168. Clive, Robert, Lord ; quarrels with Fordj^ce, v ; visits England, vi ?il ; obtains grant of Circars, viii ; defeats d'Auteuil, xi ; his defence of Arcot, xii, 246 ?i3 ; vindicates himself, xxv, 185 ; suppresses combination of offi- cers, xx\Tii ; his expedition to Bengal, xlv, 112 »1, 315 ?i4 ; at Gheriah, 5 nd ; favours Wala- jah, 12 ; his relations -with G. Vansittart, 16, 37 ; sails for England, 16, 50 ; writes to Call, 30 ; his partes 30 7i2 ; his plans regarding Marathas and Haidar, 31, 43, 105 ; sujiports Call, 59 ; breaks wdth H. Vansittart, 89 ; is attended by Dr. Hancock, 124 nl ; employs Ironside, 124 n2 ; supports Purling, 129 ; charges against, 170, 170 nd, 171, 193 ; obtains grant of the Diwani, 187 7*1, 231 ; rents Admiralty House, Madras, 223 n2; "reported killed, 232; liis marriage, 396 ??4. Clode, Major William, 379, 379 }i2. Gloth, Broad. See Textiles. Coast, The. See Coromandel. Cochrane, Hon. Basil, 91, 91 nl. Cochrane, Thomas, Earl of Dundonald, 91, 91 nl. Cochin, Raja of, 311. Coffery, Coffree ; bravery of a, 110; etymology, 110 ??2; company, 200. Coffin, Mr., 406, 406 nl, 415. Coimbatore ; Wood's doings in, xxi, 121 ; Fullarton's success in, lii ; in Haidar's hands, 95. Coinage and Currenc}^ ; sonnaut, 5, 5 h4, 6 : rea, 5, 5 «5 ; fanam, 20, 20 nl, 27, 27 ?i2, 236; jiagoda, 20 nl. 27 )i2 ; cash, 27, 27 «2 ; Star pagoda, 27, 27 «3, 28 n4, 236, 249, 250; Porto Novo pagoda, 27, 27 «3, 236 ; Old Madras pagoda, 28, 28 n4 ; M.M. pagoda, 28 tA ; gold mohur, 102, 237, 280, 338; Arcot rui>ee, 1 13, 239, 249, 250 ; Spanish dollar, 170 ; Bombay Coinage and Currency — cont. rupee, 236 ; chacram, 236, 236 ?i4 ; Current rupee, 239, 362, 387 ; chequin (sequin), 338 ; Sicca rupee, 361 ; debasement of, 372; French livre. 382, 382 «2. Coja Ashum Cawn. See Khwaja Assam Khan. Colar. See Kolar. Colebrooke, Sir George ; liis Grenada estates, xxii, 243 ; favours Macleane, xxxix, 189, 189 7^2 ; Deputy Chairman, 89 ; Chair- man, 186 ml ; Palk's relations ■with, 243 ; liis dealings in stock, 244 ; mentioned, 186. Colefax, Rev. Thomas, vi. Coleroon River, 164, 363, 371. Coles, Edward, 259. Collangoody (Kollangudi), 25. Collectors ; replaced by Councils, 231. Colleries (Kallars) ; rebel, 194, 218 ; note on, 194 7il. ColHns, Captain Edward, 367, 367 h1. Comaroo, Comerah, Comroo. See Kumara. Combamett, Commamett. See Kham- mamett. Commander-in-Cliief, Bengal, xxxi, 112 nl. Commander-in-Chief, India : Lawrence as, xi ; Coote as, xx, xlv, 133 «1, 144 ; Sloper as, lix, 370, 370 ni, .371. Commander-in-Chief, Madras ; Smith resigns office of, xx\iii, 196 ; Fletcher becomes, xxviii, 214 ; Smith resumes duties of, xxix, 212, 214 ; Stuart as, U ; Lang as, lii ; Dalling as, Ux, 370, 370 ti3 ; Campbell as, Ixi, 414 ; Gover- nor's powers as, 144, 146, 300; Brathwaite as, 176 w3; to in- spect forts, 363. Commander-in-Chief, Naval, 132 n2. Commerce, Board of. See Board of Trade. Commercial career ; premium for entry on a, 402. Commissary-General, 189 «2. Commissioners, Debt, 308. Commissioners, Peace ; negotiate with 'lipu, lii, 351, 351 »2 ; return from Mangalore, Iv, 355. Commissioners, Reform ; appointed, XX, 120 ; lost in the Aurora, xx ; voyage of, 119 ; desire for arrival of, 121, 124, 129; no news of, 137, 147, 151 : fears for, 143, 158 ; proposal to re- 481 Commissionors, Reform— co«/. place, 167, 171, 191, 192, 193. Committee of Accounts, 30.'3, 301. Committee of Assigned Re venue, 109 nl Committee of Circuit ; appointed, xxxvii, 2(57 : Lathom joins, xli, 3(H), 30-4; work of, Ixii, 2G7, 209, 289, 3(56. 367, 414 ; Ruasell noiuinated to, 272 ; members of, 299. Committee, Revenue, 227. ^ee also Councils, Revenue. Committee, Secret, vii, 191. Committee, Select, of Bengal, 40. Committee, Select, of Madras ; Palk nominated to, vii ; to negotiate with Tipu, ha, 358 ; disputes in the, Ivi, 359 ; to settle terms of debt, 120, 126, 126 nl, 327 ; Stone a member of, 195. Comoro Islands, 151 nl. Company's Gardens, xli, 286, 289. See also Garden House. Comroo. See Kumara. Condapillee See Kondapalli. (-'ondepa Chitty (Kondappa Chetti),136. Confederacy against Haidar, xiii, 32. Confederacy of Haidar, Nizam and Marathas, xlix. Conicoply, 20, 20 nZ. Conjeveram ; Baillie's disaster near, 1 ; raided by Haidar, 57 ; canton- ment near, 391. Conoul. See Kurnool. Constance, 395. Convention of Wargaon, xlvi. Cooke, Thomas, 4, 4 nl. Cooke, Captain William, 225. 225 nl, 236. Coote, General Sir Eyre ; C.-in-C. in India, xx, 131, 137, 139, 145; quarrels with Du Pre, xx, 132, 132 Hi, 134, 136, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 151, 181, 185 ; refuses to act, XX, 132, 1.34, 144, 146 ; leaves India, 137 n2, 140, 142, 144, 153, 157, 158 ; speaks in Parhament, xxv, 186, 193 ; reappointed, xlv, 215 ; sent against Haidar, 1 ; his victories, 1, 147 n4 ; his illness, 1 ; returns to Bengal, li ; his death at Madras, U, 8 ?i5, 217 n2, 336, 336 »i4 ; orders to, 8 ; his cai'eer, 8 n5 ; his powers, 144, 157, 193 ; order of the Bath for, 158 ; is joined by Pearse, 352 nl; regulations by, 394. Copenhagen, 386, 417. Corah. See Kora. Coral ; importation of, 46, 46 /(3, 59, 77. Cordon, 255, 255 n2. Cork Harbour, 13. Corneille, Daniel, xxxviii ; letter from, 274 ; note on, 274 n2. Cornish, Admiral Samuel, 8h4, 12, 5bi2. Cornwallis, Charles, Earl ; appointed Governor-General, Ixi, 389, 414 ; arrives at Madras, 410, 414 ; assumes office, 414 ; his ad- ministration, 418, 419 ; men- tioned, 413 ; Coromandel Coast ; cost of army on, 114; good government on, 170, 171 ; Dutch desire territory on, 224. Coroner, 315, 315 n2. Corpus Christi festival, 399. Cosby, Colonel Sir Henry, 418, 418 /(3. Coss, cose ; a measure of distance, 40, 40 n4. Cossim Ally Cawn. See Kasinz Ali Khan (Mir Kasim). Cossimbazar ; the French at, 35 n2 ; R. Palk, junr., at, 80, 175; Hastings at, 190, 191 ; IMiddle- ton as Chief at, 206 ; fihiture near, 387 ; mentioned, 207, 214. Cotsford, Edward ; his ship chased, xlvi, 322 ; complains of Rum- bold, xlvni, 323 ; his service, xxix, XXX, 199 ?tl ; letters from, 199, 223, 322 ; reports on Gan- jam, 199—201, 223 ; his troops, 200 ; visits England, 225, 235, 235 nl ; mentioned, 328. Cotsford, William, 34, 34 /i3, 35, 38, 41, 64. Council, Bengal, 71, 226. Council, Bombay ; attack Marathas, xxxiv, 249, 251 ; ignore Strat- ton, xliii, 311 ; support Raghoba xlvi, 256, 273 ; denounce Con- vention of Wargaon, xlvi ; re- duction of, Iviii, 368 ; take Sal- sette, 250 ; their action condemn- ed, 252 ; suspend hostilities, 253, 2.55 ; conclude peace, 279, 301 ; abandon Raghoba, 309 ; Carnac a member of, 310 nl ; ask Madras for troops, 317. Council Chamber, Fort St. George, 257. 286. Council, Madras ; aid Walajah with troops, xxiv, 164 ; dissensions in, xxix, xxxiv, xxxv, xl, Ivii, 209, 212, 252, 254, 278, 284, 296, 306, 364 ; parties in, xli, xliv, 246, 249, 254, 278, 285; strength of, xliv, 314, 328, 328^3, 368, 371, 374; want of ability in, xlix, I, 323, 331 ; unpopular. 482 Council, Madras — cont. Ivi, 358 ; G. Smith's application to, 217 ; suspend Macpherson, 264 ; enquire into Sadleir's conduct, 264 ; proceedings of, 272 ; Minority in, 278, 292, 294, 306 ; Majority assume the Government, 286, 289, 294, 295, 30U, 301, 306; Majority arrest Pigot, 300 ; action of INIajority approved, 308. Council of Durbar, 206. Council, Suj^reme ; constitution of, xxxii, 207 w4, 273 ; Hastings's position in, xxxiii, xliii ; Mac- pherson enters, xxxix, Ivi ; sujiport Madras Majority, xlui, 288, 307, 308 ; condemn Pigot's acts, xliii, 276, 288, 291, 293, 297, 301, 306; rescind a reso- lution, xlvi, 320 ; their difference Avith Rumbold, xlviii ; difference Mith ]\Iacartney, Iv, 355 ; order revision of a treaty, Ivi, 358 ; aid Bombay and Madras, Ixi, 393; dissensions in, 246, 252, 254, 260, 262, 319, 320; send an envoy to Poona, 251, 253, 253 wl, 280; their orders to Basalat Jang, 252 ; disapprove action of Bombay, 252 ; sanc- tion Walaj all's request, 258 ; Walajah's complaint to, 284 ; their relations with Madras, 287, 308 ; make peace with the Marathas, 309 ; tlieir orders to Dr. Burt, 336. Councils, Provincial, 231. Councils, Revenue, xxiii, 231. Courland, Duke and Duchess of, 407. Court Martial ; on Colonel Wood, xxi, 82 n2, 117, 121, 171 ; on Colonel Stuart, xliv, 317 ; on Captain Orton, 71 ii\ ; on Captain Kelly, 114, 115. Court, Mayor's ; decision regarding Des Plans, Ixiv, 397 ; will proved in, 68, 86 ; suits against Wood in, 126 ; threat of action in, 211 ; no power to grant writ of Habeas Corpus, 287, 295 ; desire further powers, 293; Pigot's petition to, 295; suit against Fletcher in, 309 ; authorized to sit, 311. Court of Directors ; despatches from, and letters to, iv, 52, 52 ?i3, 79 : receive Palk, viii, 59 ; called the ' Honourable Twenty-four,' 72, 72 u2 ; displeasure of, 96 ; Ministry's request to, 143 ; their Court of Directors — conl. orders regarding Tanjore, 267 ; censure Madras, 267 ; appoint Circuit Committee, 267 ; reduce salaries, 376 ; orders on bond debt, 393, 393 nl, 401 ; their orders about Walajah's debts, 418. See East India Company. Court of Enquiry, 317. Court of Judicature, Supreme ; created, xxxiii ; opinion regarding a verdict, xHv : assuine excessive authority, xlvi, 321 ; arrival of Judges of, 273 ; authorize Quarter Sessions, 311 ; opinion regarding Clavering, 319. Court of Proprietors, xlv, 91 ; reject IMinis try's request, 143 ; men- tioned, 170 n3, 316, Court of Record, 217. Courts, Civil, Criminal and Revenue, 206. Courts of Justice, 233, 233 n6, nl, «9, nil, 7i,13. Cowle ; grant, licence, 18, 18 7ilO, 310. Cradock, Florentia, 74 n4. See Wynch riorentia. Cranch, Captain Peter ; his deatli, 68, 77 ; note on, 68 n3 ; his will, 77, 86, 100 ; his estate, 94, 98, 150. Cranganore, 311. Crarnamah,(^'omr-Hf7//w), written agree- ment, 356, 356 ?;3. Crauford, Quintin ; aids WJiiteliill, xliv ; leaves India, 216, 216 n\ ; returns to Madras, 257, 257 7i3, 259 ; at MasuUpatam, 270, 270 w2, 272. Crawford, Mr., 402. Creditors of Walaj ah ; total debt to, XV, xxiv, 27, 46 ; rates of interest for, xxv, 39, 146 ; agents in England for, xxv, 121, 148 ; Tanjore assignments for certain, xl, 276, 278, 283, 284 ; payments cease to, xlviii, 95, 147 ; distress of, lix. 326, 327, 381 ; Call's efforts for, lix, 371 ; payments promised for, lix, 373 ; assignment to, 27 ; short payments to, 44, 48, 77 ; lend dividends to Government, 90 ; enquiry regarding debts to, 96 ; Select Committee nego- tiate wth, 120, 126 ; promises to, 152, 155, 162, 170, 326, 327 ; agreement between Company and, 178, 179 ; Nawab disre- gards agreement with, 179 ; payments made, 380, 393, 401, 410, 414, 417 ; classes of, 418. 433 Crighton, John, 170. Croke, Sophia, 74 ni. C^o^^^l Prince of Prussia, 1x9, 404, 404 Hi, 409. Cruttenden. Edward Holden, 15, 15 «1. Cuchery. See Cutclierry. Cuddalore ; Clive at, v ; Lathoni as Chief at, xli, 292 «2, 304 ; falls to Tipu and the French, I ; attacked by Stuart, li ; held by the Frenoli, Iv, 354, 355 ; restored to the British, Ivii, 364 ; Conipanj-'s Merchants at, 69, 70 ; the Investment at, 70, 221 ; remains British, 95 ; Sad- leir as envoy to, 96 ?!2 ; Daniell at, 208 ; Fletcher reaches, 212 ; JIadge visits, 223 ; Floyer posted to, 386. Cuddapah, 23 ; Xawab of, 34 ; Haidar's successes in, 61. Cumberland, Duke of, 6, 6 no. Cuming, William, 57, 57 nl. Cunette, 255, 255 «4. Currapah. See Cuddapah. Currency ; exhausted in Bengal, 227. See also Coinage and Currency. Custoorv (Kasturi) ; letter from, 154. Cutcherry, Cucherv, 280, 280 «3. Cuthbert, Arthur, 83 «5, 328, 328 h4. Dabir, secretary, 276, 276 ?i3. Dacca, 45, 206, 215, 245. Dacre & Harris, Messrs., 239. Dacres, Philip M., 206, 206 nl. Dallas, George, 377, 377 ni. Dalling, Lt.-General Sir John, ; C.-in- C, Madras, lix, 370, 370 w3 ; returns to England, Ixi, 414 ; member of Council, 371 , 374 ; loss of Ms son, 414 ; mentioned Ixii, 391. Dalling, Lieut., 414. Dalrymple, Alexander ; member of the Minority, xl, 294, 306; sus- pended by the Majority, xlii, 292, 295, 298, 300, 306 ; carries despatches, xliii, 288, 288 nl, 306 ; at Sulu, 29 ni ; forms a settlement, 255 nlO ; arrives with Pigot, 257, 259; note on, 257 7(2, member of Circuit Committee, 268, 299; at Tan- jore. 276, 276 nl, 277, 280, 283 296; supports Pigot, 289, mentioned, xxxviii, 258, 278. Dalrymple, John, Lord ; Ambassador Dalrymple, John, Lord — cotit. at Berlin, Ixv, 403, 403 n2 ; at Cassel, 406. Dalton, Captain John, 61 nl. D'Arcy, Rol)ert, Earl of Holdernesse, 6. Darrell, Lionel ; note on, 80 nl ; G. Vansittart's partner, 93, 112; mentioned, 80, 92, 92 n2. Darlington, Henrv Vane, Earl of, 292 »1. Darvall, Roger, 214, 214 nl. Darvall, Mrs., 79. Daniell, James ; Chief at Cuddalore, xxix : member of Council, lix, 371, 374 ; leaves India, lix, 380, 381, 386, 392; letters from, 208, 221 ; note on, 208 «4 ; Chief at Masulipatara, 363, 363 n3 ; eulogy of, 363, 364 ; accused by Sadleir, 380 ; nominated to succeed as Gover- nor, 386. Daniell, Mr., 173. Dashwood, Hannah, 73 n2. Dasu Reddi, Dessoo Reddy, 41. Davidson, Alexander ; provisional Governor, lix, Ix, 371, 373, 374 ; administration of, Ix, 386, 392 ; visits Bengal, 73 ; note on, 73 nl ; member of a Comniittee, 264, 264 ?i3 ; second in a duel, 359 nl ; President, Board of Revenue, 413 ; mentioned, Ixi, Ixii, 391. Davidson, John. 46, 46 n2, 50, 50 n5. Dawk (dak), 238, 238 n2. Dawson, George ; opposes Walajah, 246 ; note on, 246 7i3 ; member of Circuit Committee, 268 ; resigns, 279 ; mentioned, 94, 135, 255, 259, 270, 278. Day, Sir Joim, 317, 317 n3. De Beck, Captain. See Beck, Captain de. De Castro. See Castro. De Morgan. See Morgan. De Paiba. See Paiba. De Souza. See Souza. Deccan, The ; Subahdar of, viii ; capital of, 1 ; provinces of, 1 n3. De la Bourdonnais ; capture of Madras by, xxxiv, 17 nl, n 4, 83 nl. De la Metric, Quintin, 79 n2. Delhi, Delly, Dilly ; threatened by the Abdfili, xvi, 40, 40 n2, 45; occupied by the Marathas, xxiii ; is delivered to the Mogul, xxiii, XX vi, 165, 193 ; the Mogul's son escapes from, Iv ; Sindia's power at, Iviii, 368, 369 ; the Mogul to be restored to, 110 ; threatened 434 Delhi, De]l3% Dilly— ro«/. by Kasim Ali, 156 ; King of, 267, See ]\Iogul ; threatened b}' ]Marathas, 237. Dent, Captain, R.X., 158. Dent, Cotton Bowerbank, 247 n\. Des Plans, Henriette, 396. Des Plans, Colonel Jean ; his \rill, Ixiv, 396 ; note on, 396 «2. Des Plans, Mrs. Maria Victoriana, 396. Des Plans, Marie Elizabeth, Ixiv, 396, 397. Des Plans, Ursule, 396. Dessoo Redely (Dasn Reddi), 41. DesvcBux, Charles, 174, 174^1. De\'ikota ; Renter of, x\di, 97 ; troops sent to, 4 ; Chief at, 113 n\. Devon ; proposed History of, Ixiii, 385, 420. Dewanny, dewaunee. See Diwdni. DTries, John. See Fries, John de. Diamond Merchants ; association of, 73, 76, 90 ; of Guzerat, 76. Diamonds ; remittances by, xxxviii, 21, 21 n2, 73 ; trade 'in, 21, 91 ; quality of, 38, 90 ; scarcity of, 41 ; sales of, 76, 111, 125; export of, 94 ; consignments of, 124, 139. Dinajpur, DinageiDore, 113, 134, 272. Dinapur ; views of, 238. Dindignl, Dingigul ; Fullarton's success in, lii ; restored to Tipu, Iv, 354 ; Walajah's claim on, 25 ; dis- posal of, 33 ; transferred to Mysore, 62. Directors of the E. I. Company. See Court of Directors. See East India Company. Discount on Company's bonds, Ivii, lix, 381, 387, 393. Diseases ; malarial fever, xvii, xxxvii, 160, 161, 223, 261 ; phthisis, xliii, 304; apoplexy, 1, 293; epilepsy, lii, 333 — 335 ; small- pox, 17, 75, 79 ; gout, 68, 76 ; pestilence after famine, 135, 147 ; liver abscess, 147, 207, 208, 211, 215. D'lvemois, F. See Ivernois, F. de Dlwan, duan ; Walajah's, li : Nizam's, 41, 41 h3 ; chief revenue officer, 207 n2, 233, 233 nl. Diwdni, The ; Calcutta the seat of, XXV, 192 ; assumed by the Com- pany, xxvi, 187 71 1 ; revenues of, 130 ; mode of conducting, 192 ; Clive obtains grant of, 231. Diwdni Addlat ; civil court, 233, 233 n6. Doidge, Henrv, 5, 5 nl, 6, 7. DoU, Mr., 418. Douglas, William, merchant, 344 ; letters from, 347, 348, 349. Douglass, Lieut., R.N., 125. Doveton, Commander Richard, 53. Dow, Alexander, xxii. 203, 203 »2. Do^^^ls, The, 351. Dowsett, Robert ; at Cuddalore, 56, ^ 57 ; note on, 56 nl ; evades his creditors, 253, 253 >i2 ; returns from France, 254. D'Oyly, Sir John.* See Oyly. Drake, Dawsonne, 52, 52 nl. Draper, Daniel, xxxvii, 271 n4. Draper, Mrs. Eliza ; her career, xxxvii ; ■ elopes from Bombay, 255 n9 ; sails for England, 271 ; note on, 271 ??4. Draper, Brig. -General Sir William ; orders to, 8 ; his career, 8 n4 ; his Manila expedition, 12 7il, 51 n2, 112 nl. Dresden, 400. Drilling, Captain (Captain George Drinnen), 93. Droz, Simeon ; buys a filatui-e, Ixi ; his bond, Ixi, 384, 387, 409; note on, 384 n2 ; Chief at Cossimbazar, 408 ; letter from, 408; visits Bath, 408. Droz, Mrs. (Simeon), 408. Duan. See Diwdn. Dubash, Governor's, 296. Dublin ; Breda Street in, 166 ; T. i\Iaunsell in, 352. Duff, Captain Patrick, 229, 229 n4, 230. Dumont, Mr., 398, 399. Dunchideock, ix, x, x wl. Diindonald. Thomas Cochrane, Earl of, 91, 91 »7. Dumiing, John, sen., 245, 245 «1. Dunning, John ; introduction to. 135 ; note on, 135 ni ; L. Suli van's mortgage to, 188, 188 nl ; his popularity, 242, 242 nl ; his India stock, 242 ; created Lord Ashburton, 135 «4, 245 «1. Duntze (John ?), 405. Dupleix, Joseph, Marquis de ; recall of, xi ; imposes forged docu- ments, xxxii, 60. 97 nl ; repudi- ates De la Bourdonnais' terms, 17 n4. Du Pr6, Alexander, 137. Du Pr6, Josias ; a member of Council, xii, 78 ; negotiates with Haidar, xiv, 42 n2, 106 ; his views on the war, xvi, xvi?il, 101 ; his career, xix, 30 «1; succeeds Bourchier, xix, 50, 104, 104 7i2, 115, 122; his difficulties, xx. 435 Du Pn^, Josias— co/(^ 132, 136, 138, 139, 144, 147; maintains neutrality, xxi, 125, 172, 174, 178 ; L. Sulivan hopes to succeed, xxii. xxv, 186 ; much harassed, xxiii, 156 ; refuses to assist tlie Marathas, xxiv, 172 ; returns to England, xxix, 198, 210, 211, 212, 214, 218 ; arrives in India, 30, 78 ; his marriage, 30 h 1 ; to supersede Call, 59, 59 h3 ; T. Palk meets 75, 75 n2 ; hostile to military authority, 100 ; to be relieved by Hastings, 100, 100 n\, 102 ; letters from, 101, 137, 172, 198 ; his advice regarding Anxerica, 102; his abilities, 116, 116 nl, 126, 129, 181 ; expects censure, 140 ; his orders to Fletcher, 163 h2, 208, 209, 214, 215 ; his successor, 171, 175, 207, 210; his Tanjore expedition, 172, 175; praise of, 178, 181, 195, 196, 214 ; refuses to ask favom-s, 184 ; is friendly to Goodlad, 194 ; resignation of, 195, 196, 198, 210; complaint to, 195; resents Harland's discourtesy, 201 ; disputes in his Council, 209, 212 ; letter for, 219, 220 ; mentioned, 88, 94, 149, 151, 180, 216, 227, 290. Du Pr6, ]\Ii-s. Rebecca, 101, 138, 173. See Alexander. Du Pont, Captain Francis, 86. Durani, Ahmad Shah. See Ahmad Shah Abdali. Durbar ; Haidar's, 62 ; etymology of, 62 nl ; at Patna, 170 ; Council of, 206 ; at Poona, 369. Dutch, The ; receive but relinquish Nagore, xxx, 224 ; their Coast settlements taken, 1 ; receive Trincomalee, Iv, Ivii, 372 ; waning power of, Ivii, 372 ; their claim settled, 237 ; their Malabar settlements, 311 ; their Malay war, 372. .See Holland. Dynagepore. See Dinajpur. East India Company, The ; L. Suli- van's influence in, xiii ; inter- ference by Parliament with, xix, xxv, xxxi, 105, 143, 213, 222 ; appoint Commissioners for reform, xx,4l6 ; uphold Wood's acquittal, xxi, 162, 171 ; voting East India Company — cont. qualification for, xxii, 91 ni ; split votes of a Propi*ietor of, xxii, 91, 91 «4, 127; assume the Diwani, xxvi, 187 nl ; claim opium trade, xxvi, xxvii, 231 ; their orders as to Tanjore, xxxviii, 267, 279 ; decision regarding the revolution, xliv ; bonds of. See Bonds ; financial position of, Ixi, 372, 386, 393, 401, 415; the Investment of. See Investment ; Directors of. See Court of Directors ; send out field officers, 85 ; their views on the Mysore war, 89 ; their enquiry into Walajah's debt, 96 ; differences among Directors of, 101, 111, 123; Palk pleads with, 105 ; India overmanned by, 123 ; displeasure of, 138, 186, 208, 267 ; waning power of, 143, 144, 145, 177, 329 ; recep- tion of Bourchier by, 148 ; ignorance of Directors of, 157, 202, 203 ; mismanagement by, 170, 171 ; Walajah's jealousy of, 177 ; responsible for defence of, the Carnatic, 182 ; stock of, See Stock; orders regarding Coote, 193 ; orders as to Comicillors, 198 ; orders for reforms in Bengal, 206 ; the tribimal of, 209 ; revoke an order, 226 ; restrict private trade, 231 ; charter of, 235, 318; forbid acceptance of presents, 247 ; acquire Benares, 249 ; lose Balambangan, 259, 260 ; Iron- side's case referred to, 262, 263 ; appoint Committee of Circuit, 267. Edington, Colonel James ; arrests Lord Pigot, xli, 289 ; attempts to remove Pigot, xlii, 287, 292; Adjutant-General, 286, 286 n2 ; charge agaiiist, 295 ; verdict against, 295, 315 wl; sum- moned to Madras, 317. Editor, Morning Chronicle; letter to, 60. Edmondes, Captain Edward, 258, 370, 370 «2. Egerton, Colonel Charles, xlvi, 310 nl. Egmore Fort, 364, 364 nl. Egremont, Charles Wvndham, Earl of, 9. Egypt, xlix, 332. Eiderabad. iS'ee Hyderabad. " Eliza," Sterne's. See Draper, Mrs. Elliot, (Sir) Gilbert, 6. Ellis, Dr. James, 226. 436 Ellore ; Circar of, 48 ; morals of officers at, 65 ; Colonel Tod at, 87 ; military headquarters at, 98 ; death of T. Palk at, 156 ; Madge at, 160; the Palk brothers moved to, 160 ; troops at, 258. Elphinstone, Commander the Hon. William, 202. Embassy to Tipu, 351, 351 n2. Emperor Joseph II., The ; favoms a Genevan colony, Ixv, 395 ; goes to Luxembourg, Ixv, 398 ; aims at Silesia, Ixv, Ixvi, 405 ; in Transylvania, Ixvi, 409. Engineers, creation of corps of, 161. England, George, 5. English Historical Library, Bishop Nicolson's, 415, 415 ?i3. Ennore, Annoar, 272, 272 n2. Ensign ; pay of an, 103. Erode, 71 n\, 114 ?i5. Esterhazy, Prince, Ixv, 400. Etaiyapuram, Etavaram ; Poligar of, 25. Everet, Mr., 112. Exchange, Bills of, iii. Exchange, Rates of ; for pagodas, Ixi, 38, 73, 111, 150, 173, 253, 415, 419 ; for rupees, 6, 386, 387 ; for Spanish dollars. 170, 173. Exeter, 123, 171 n4, 231 7i\, 375, 388. Export Warehousekeeper ; Palk as, viii ; Hastings as, xix, xxxii ; conducts the Investment, 210, FabriciUS, Rev. John Philip, 396, 390 n4, 397. Facey, Lieut. George ; as Ensign, 169, 169 ?i3; at Tellicherry, 250, 250 «3. Factories, 8, 9, 29. Fairfield, Richard ; note on, 63 n5 ; re])re.sents Walajah's creditors, 121, 121 n\ ; mentioned, 63. False Bay, 163, 164. Famine in Bengal, xxiii, 131, 132, 135, 137, 147. Fanam. See Coinage. Fares, Passenger ; to England, Iviii, 338,351,376. Farm; Arrack and Todd v, 216,310; Betel and Tobacco, 234, 235, 310 ; Villages, 310. Faujdar, fousdar, phousdar, 66, 66 ?(2, 67, 254, 254 n2. Faujddri Addlat. See Courts of Justice. Fav, Anthony and Eliza, xl\di?2l, 330 nl. Faye, M., 375. Fazil Beg Khan, xxiii, 156, 156 n2. Fergusson, William ; letter from, 7 ; note on, 1 n2 ; death of, 142, 142 n2. Feslau, 399. Field Deputies ; interference of, xiv, xvi 7!l ; in first Mysore war, xlvi, 71. 317 ni ; criticism of, 103 ; with Egerton's force, xl\a, 310 j;l; Call as one of the, 22 7i4 ; Carnac as one of the, 310 «1. Filature, Ixi, 387, 408, 409. Finch, Ensign James, 190, 190 n2. Finlan, Sir., 166. Fire, damage by, 328, 376, 377. FitzGerald, Captain James, 23. FitzGerald. Captain Robert Villiers ; killed, 87, 87 nl, 95. FitzGerald, Major Thomas ; his ad- vance, 23 ; his march from the Circars, 49, 49 n5 ; sails for England, 153 ; letter from, 166. Fitzgerald, Mr., Bengal Artillery, 112. Fitzroy, Augustus Henr}', Duke of Grafton, 263 n2. Fleming, Lieut. William, 86. Fletcher, Colonel Sir Robert ; com- mands IMadras armv, xxviii, 163, 196, 207, 213, "214 ; his previous career, xx\nii, 163 7i2 ; quarrels with Du Pre, xxix, 215, 217, 221 ; is ordered to Trichi- nopoly, xxix, 209, 212 ; claims to go to England, xxix, 212, 214, 216; returns to Madras as C.-in-C, xxxiv., 247, 284, 284 n2; member of the Majority, xl, 285, 289, 294, 306 ; placed "hi arrest, xli, 285, 294, 295, 306; plans arrest of Pigot, xli ; his illness, xliii, 286, 295, 304, 309 ; death of, xliii ; vilifies Bonjour, 50 7)2 ; court-martial on, 207, 207 «3 ; Du Prc's measures regarding, 208, 209 ; hopes for Palk's aid, 209 ; is expected at Tanjore, 264, 265 ; corresponds with Claveruig, 287 ; is prosecuted, 307, 309 ; sails for the Cape, 309; verdict against, 315 7!l; mentioned, xlv, 201. Flctclicr, Lady, 247, 304, 307. Flint, Lieut. William (jun.), 1. Flint, Major William (sen.), 25, 26, 68. Flood, Luke, liv, 353. Floyer, Mrs. Catherine, 122, 317. ^3^ Floyer, Charles ; member of the Majority, xl, 289, 294, 306; defends his action, xlii ; his surmises, xlii, xliii, 299 ; is fined, xliv ; is rc-emplovod, Ivii, lix, 363, 381, 386, 392; his kindness to the Palks, 113, 328 ; note on, 113 h6; goes to Eng- land, 180, 180?!2, 317; letter from, 298 ; verdict against, 315 «1 ; mentioned, 314. Fochon, M., 225. See also Foucault. Fonseca, Fra. Salvator de, 10. Forbes, Admiral the Hon. John, 6. Forde, Colonel Francis ; a Commis- sioner, XX, 116, 117 ; note on, 116 ?i5. Fordyce, Rev. Francis, v. Forest, Mrs., 188. Fort Marlborough, 17 nl, «4, 214. Fort St. David ; R. Palk at, v ; seat of Government at, v ; S. Law- rence at, X ; taken by the French, xii, xxx, 63 n5 ; Deputy Governor of, xxx ; defences of, 22 ?z4 ; farmed villages of, 310 ; mentioned, 17 nl, 129, 248 n5. Fort St. George, Madras ; restored by the French, v ; the seat of Government, v ; garrison of, x ; Lally's siege of, xix, xxxv, xxxviii, 8 n4, 171 n3 ; Walajah acquires houses in, xxxiv, 247 ; water supply of, xxxv, 171 n3, 315 n3 ; Palk's house in, xxxv, 208, 208 «1. 251 ; new defences of, xxxv, xl, xlv, 199 nl, 255, 314 ??3, 315, 329; the Fort House of, xli, 265 ; Town Major of, 49 n4, 277 n2, 294 ; Barker's drawing of, 112 ?(1 ; T. Palk lives outside, 299; the Fort Square in, 257, 258, 289 ; proclamation in, 286, 289 ; Governor's military powers in, 300 ; streets in, 326 n2. See also Madras. Fort William, Calcutta ; the seat of Government, 157, 215, 219, 227 ; defences of, 1 88 ; men- tioned, 172, 202, 203. Fortifications ; of Madras, xxxv, xl, xlv, 18 «5, 174 nl, 255, 315; cost of, xlviii, 329 ; of Fort St. David, 22 »4. Foster, Mr. William, Ixvii. Foucault, M., 225 n2, 235. See aha Fochon, M. Fousdar. See Fav.jdar. Fowke, Francis ; is prosecuted, xxxiii : son of Josci)h Fowke, 248 n5 ; Fowke, Francis — cont. is employed, 252. Fowke, Joseph ; accuses Hastings, and is prosecuted, xxxiii ; an in- former, 248 ; note on, 248 n5 ; rumour regarding, 252, 252 n2. Fowke, Randall, 248 n5. Fox, Henry, 7. Foxcroft, George, 298 n2. Francis, Philip ; member of the Su- preme Council, xxxii ; appeals to the Judges, xlvi, 319 ; opposes Hastings, 12 n2 ; is vilified by Price, 377 n2 ; mentioned, 320, 361 nl. Fraser, Captain Robert, 147, 147 n2. Frederick William II., of Prussia ; as Crown Prince, Ixv, 404, 404 nl, 405 ; as King, Ixvi, 409. Frederick the Great ; at Potsdam, Ixv ; his critical condition, Ixv, 403, 403 n4, 404; death of, Ixvi, 409. French prisoners, 325, 325 n5. French, The ; restore Fort St. George, V. ; ca^pture Madras, x, 218 n3 ; support Chanda Sahib, xi ; war of 1757 with, xii ; hostility of, XX, 138 ; seize Sadras, xxxiv ; intrigue with the Marathas, xlvi, 317, 321 ; war of 1778 with, xlvi, 322 ; capture Cuddalore, 1 ; peace of 1783 with, li ; hold Cuddalore and Trincomalee, Iv, 354, 354 n3, 355 ; receive Pondi- cherry, Ivii, 364 ; deliver up Cuddalore, Ivii, 364 ; commer- cial aims of, Ivii, 372 ; troops of, 72, 134, 137, 194, 235, 355; their relations with Haidar, 86, 102 ; their defences at Pondi- cherry, 93, 110, 3U; Sadleir's mission to, 96 n2 ; defeated by Forde, 116 n5; results of war wdth, 120 ; poverty of, 123, 148, 174 ; fears in Bengal of, 126 ; effect of fall of Tanjore on, 165 ; lose Mah6, 176 7i3 ; effect of Treaty of Paris on, 181, 356 ; no risk of attack by, 188 ; their activities, 196, 235 ; their system of govern- ment, 225 ; capture a ship, 329 ; attack Negapatam, 351 n3 ; receive villages, 356 ; rumour of war with, 383. French East India Company, 380. Fries, Adrian de, 417, 417 nl. Fries, John de ; advocates the Suez route, xxxi, 292, 294 ; his house of agency, xxxiii, 247 nl ; com- CC 438 Fries, John de — cont. ments on the Maratha situation, XXXV, 249, 252 ; deprecates export of specie, xxxviii, 252 ; his account of the revolution, xl, xliii, 306, 307 ; approves Madras as the Xawab's domicUe, xlii, 293 ; reports on the Nawab's finances, xhnii, 327 ; his estimate of the Council, xlix, 331 ; his association with Morse, 90, 90 «1, 195; letters from, 225, 236, 248, 251, 260, 268, 275, 292, 302, 306, 308, 326, 328, 330 ; is agent for Palk, 267 ; is aided by An.ir-ul- Umara, 305 ; his wide know- ledge. 332; mentioned, 321. Frieschmann, Lt.-Colonel Daniel, 121, 121 n4. Friez, Countess de, Ixv, 399. Friez, Mr., 195. See Fries, John de. FuUarton, Colonel William ; his suc- cesses, Hi ; takes Palghat, Iv, 351 ; note on, 351 nS ; men- tioned, 106 n5. Fuller, Thomas, 415. Gajapati Raz, Cawsepatty Rauz, 367. Galle, Gol, Pomt de, 168. Ganges, River ; the Karamnasa a tributary of, 187 n3 • the river Godavari named as, 3, 3 n2. Ganjam ; the Resident in, xxix, xxx, 78 nl, 199 wl, 201, 225; situa- tion in, xxix, xxx, 199, 200; importance of, 148 ; revenue of, 200, 223; fort at, 200; grain produce of, 223 ; men- tioned, Iv, 191, 191 nl, 362. Garden House, The Company's ; Pigot's death at, xliv ; Walajah at, 41 ; situation of, 57, 57 n3, 218, 218 n3; Wynch at, 258, 265. See Company's Gardens. Gardiner, Commander Henry, 203. Gardner, Captain, 360. Gee, Captain ]\licl>aol ; death of, xv, 87, 87 7)2, 95 ; his marriage, 79, 79 nl, 87. Gegadevy. See Jcgadovi. Geils, Major Thomas, 360, 360 nl. Geneva, Ixiv, Ixv, 389. 390, 395. Genevans ; colony of. Ixv, ?,9'^. ilentlemau's Mafj'izine, 406. George III, Iving ; i-eceives Palk, viii, 59 ; letter to, 12 ; men- tioned, Ix^i. Germany, Tour in, 378. Ghauts, Eastern, 184 nl. Gheriah ; destruction of, x, 5 w6, 52 n2 ; prize money, 5. Gibraltar, Ixvi, 412. Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth, 394, 394 7?2. See Pelling, Elizabeth. Gibson, Captain Thomas ; his sons, Lxii, 394 ; his marriage, 247 n\ ; note on, 394 n2. Gifts from natives ; order regarding, xxxiv, 247. Gtngee (Jtnji) ; Raja of, 4 ; journey to, 17 ; intended removal of Pigot to, 289. Ginghams. See Textiles. Glover, Commander Alphonsus, 7. Goa, 10, 61. 252. Godavari River ; called Ganges, 3, 3w2. Goddard, Jane, 17 n4, 83 nl. See Morse, Jane. Goddard, Colonel Thomas ; supersedes Leslie, xlvi, 328 n5 ; his ex- pedition to Surat, xlvi, 147 ni, 328 n5 ; operates against the Marathas, xlix, 329 ; is re- inforced, 328. Godeheu, Charles Robert, 60. Godown, 5, 5 nlO, 208. Goertz. Count de, Ixvi, 398, 399, 412. Gokal Tarvadi, diamond merchant, 21, 21 n3, 34, 34 7i2, 35, 73. Gol. See Galle. Golconda ; situation of, 1 n3, 2 ; King of, lOnl ; Subah of, 89. See also Subah. Golden Rock, xi. Goynasta, xxxii, 210, 210 n2. Gombroon, 5, 5 n2. Goo'dlad, Anthony; in Bengal, 163 ; letters from, 172, 208, 215, 222 ; mentioned, xxix, xxxi, 272, 272 7! 1. Goodlad, Richard ; expected appoint- ment of, 123, 123 «3, 155 ; embarkation of, 148, 148 n3, 150; illness of, 215 ; atPurnea, 222 ; letter from, 272 ; note on, 272 n\ ; mentioned xxix, Goodlad, William Martin ; a Secretary to Government, iii, xii ; des- cribes Haidar's ravages, xvi, 95; arranges the affairs of Rayalu Pant, xvii, 108, 163 ; comments on the situation, xx, xxi,'^109,^ 125,:T45'; his views on Wood's dismissal, x.xi, 121, 439 Goodlad, Williani Martin — conl. 162 ; his opinion as to Tanjore, xxiii, 155, 156, 162 ; his views on the Plenipotentiary, xxiv, 186 ; his death, xxix, 209, 210, 215 ; his estate, xxix, 211, 212, 215, 216, 258, 260, 266, 364, 410, 419: letters to, 14, 59, 68. 90. 91, 92, 96, HI, 129, 148, 149, 154, 157, 169, 170, 185 ; note on, 14 «l ; letters from, 39, 52, 77, 94, 109, 119, 125, 145, 152, 155, 161, 164, 166, 177, 179, 185, 186, 193, 196 ; his association with J. Johnson, xxix, 45 ?i7, 211 ; coral consignments for, 46, 46 nS ; supplies copies of documents, 52, 52 h3, 79 ; trains T. Palk, 81, 91, 135, 202; his sorrow for H. iVIacka}', 82 ; agent for Palk, 96, 111, 195, 196; his aspirations, 110, 166, 186; trains Griffiths, 117 ; his length of service, 165, 194 ; his prospects, 1 95 ; recommended for Comicil, 198 ; illness of, 207, 208, 210, 211, 214; appreciation of, 211 ; Palk's friendship for, 222 ; mentioned xviii, 73, 73 n4, 115, 191, 272 nl. Goodlad, Mrs. ; rates of interest for, 39; letter to, 149; bills of exchange on, 179, 180 ; her affliction, 216 ; mentioned,59, 90. Goodlad, Miss, 59, 90. Goods, English, 231. Goordass, Eajah. See Gurdas, Raja. Gooty (GCiti) ; besieged by Haidar, XXXV, 270, 270 «4; Chief of, 33 /i4, 87 «2. Gopal Had Pant, 24, 24 nA. Gopal Rao, 136. Gordon, Colonel Robert ; occupies Salsette, xxxiv, 250 ; letter from, 250; note on, 250 «1; his difference with Bombay, 251 ; mentioned, xxxv, xxxvi. Gough, Richard, author and anti- ■ quarian, 415. Government bonds. See Bonds, Com- pany's. Government House, Madras, 218 ?!3. Government of Bengal, ^ladras, &c. Sec Council, Bengal, &c. Government, Supreme. See Council, Supreme. Governor of Madras ; his military powers, 276, 300 ; need for definition of his powers, 307 ; dinner party of, 328. Grafton, Augustus H. Fitzroy, Duke of, 263 w2. Graham, John ; at Mursliidabad, 130 ; tours with Hastings, 206, 206 nl ; at Marseilles, 292. Graham, Phoebe, 73. Grain ; prohibition of export of, 226, 231. Granary, Company's, 325 7i5. Grand Cairo ; mails via, 292, 294, 306. See Cairo. Grant, John. 338. Grant, Major, 230. Grattan, Major John, 359 nl. Gray, George ; envoy to Haidar, xlvii, 330, 3.30 ?i3. Greenwich. Vansittart's house at, 102. Gregorie, Commander Charles, 411. Grenada estate, 243. Grenville, General, 407. Griffith, Mr., 281. Griffiths, Rev. Charles ; death of, 72, 76, 78, 104 ; notes on, 72 n3, 76 /;1 ; his sons, 234 nl ; mentioned, 117 m1, 184, Griffiths, Frederick ; letters from, 234, 246 ; note on, 234 nl. Griffiths, Henry; is commended, 117, 117 nl, 12.5, 140 , 184 ; Hast- ings's interest in, 203, 204, 226 ; letters from, 204, 226 ; intro- duces his brother, 234, 234 n2 ; mentioned, 246. Griffiths, William! U (Frederick Wil- liam ?), 184, 226, 234 nl. Griffiths, Mrs., 76. Gruff goods, 7n3, 8, 8nl. Gruffees, 7, 7 n3. Guelder, Province of, 412. Gumpertz t Hymans, Messrs. 111. Guntur Circar ; ruled by Basalat Jang, viii, 23 n6 ; transferred to the Company, xlvii ; rented by Walajah, xlvii, xlviii, 327 ; to be restored to Basalat, 1 ; Floyer at, 113 n6; expedition to, 264 «5 ; mentioned 248 n'i. Gurdas, Raja, 206. Gurrington, 245 n2, 357 n2. Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden, 399. Gutty. See Gooty. Guzerat ; diamond merchants of, 76 ; expedition to 147 /(4. Gwalior ; capture of, xlix, 1. '" Probably identical with Frederick Griffiths, mentioned above. 440 Habeas Corpus ; writs of, 287, 293, 295. Haidar Ali ; causes of first war with, viii,' 61 ; mission of Andrews to, ix, 78 «1; confederacy against, xiii, 22, 32, 41, 47 ; progress of first war witli, xiv, 23 3il, 49, 74, 77, 81, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95, 105, 199; ravages the Carnatic, xiv, xvi, 94, 95, 97 ; signs treaty at the Mount, xiv, xvi, 30 nl, 42 «2, 99, 104, 106 ; his relations with Walajah, xiv, xlvii, 145, 183, 184, 256 ; his hostility to the British, xx, 138 ; is attacked by the Marathas, xxi, 61 ; question of British aid for, xxi, 120, 142, 162, 178, 181, 183; reduces Malabar, xxxii, 61 ; attacks Basalat Jang, xxxv, 259, 264 « 5, 270; captures Morari Rao, xxxv, 270, 311 ; his overtures repelled, xlvii ; seizes British passengers, xlvii, 329, 330, 330 nl ; attitude of, xxxvi, xlviii ; Gray's mission to, xlvii, 330 ; Rumbold quarrels with, xlviii ; joins a confederacy, xlix ; second war with, I, 96 7i2, 310 n2 ; devastates the Carnatic, 1 ; annihilates Baillie's force, 1, 317 n2 ; Coote's operations against, 1, 8 n5, 352 nl ; his relations with the French, li, 102; his death, li, lii, 336, 336 n3 ; popularity of, Ix, 393 ; at Seringapatam, 24, 47, 49, 153 ; British policy towards, 26, 125, 137, 142, 145, 178, 181, 183 ; Call's i)lan of operations against, 31 ; raids Madras, 57, 57 7/4; his intrigues, 61 ; courts the Nizam, 62 ; is tributary to the Nizam, 63 ; retreats, 69 ; sportively called The Hydra, Hvdro, Hydro Naigue, 71, 83, 83 «8, 89, 93, 102, 135; his downfall expected, 72 ; attacks at Mulhagal, 88, 89 ; Directors (lisaj)[)rove of war with, 89 ; Palk's comments on first war with, 96 ; victorious in iirst war, Idl ; his mother, 106 ?^4 ; Nizam settles with. Ill; captures Erode, 114 n5 : Hast- Haidar Ah — conf. ings's comments on, 116 ; his war with the Marathas, 116, 119, 120, 125, 132, 134, 136, 152, 155, 165, 174, 175, 178, 194, 196, 213; pursuit of, 166 nl ; makes peace with the Marathas, 194, 196 ; his aims against Travancore, 196, 252, 311 ; negotiates with Raghoba, 235, 237, 252 ; his attitude to the Marathas, 280, 311 ; be- sieges Vellore, 365 n2 ; his conquests, 393 ; his son Tipu, 414. Haidarnagar, 49 n2. Haldon ; purchased by Palk, ix, 135, 135 n2 ; former owners of, ix ; improvements at, ix, 385, 404 ; conference at, ix, 189 «2 ; T. Palk, jun. arrives at, Ixii, 372 ; Palk at, 149, 193, 375, 378, 381; mentioned, 169, 231, 243, 244, 254, 260, 261. Haliburton, David, 413, 413 n4. Hall, Commander Richard, 245, 245 no. Hall, Commander Sober ; aids Burt, liv, 343, 345, 347, 351 ; letters from, 344, 348, 350 ; mentioned, 346. Hamilton, William, 413, 413 n6. Hammick, Sir Murray, Ixvii. Hancock, Mrs. Philadelphia, 124, 139. See Austen. Hancock, Dr. Tyso Saul, 124, 124 nl, 130, 130Ji.3. Hanover, City of, 6. Harland, Admiral Sir Robert ; arrives as Naval C.-in-C. and Pleni potentiary, xxiv, 159, 181 threatens the Council, xxiv, 182 note on, 154 7? 1; his powers, 165, 181, 185; reinforcement for, 171 ; his attitude to Du Pr6, 178, 179, 181, 194, 201 his intimacy with Walajah, 182 supports Walaj all's claims, 224 mentioned, xxxvi. Harper, Colonel Humphrey ; occupies Tanjore fort, xxxix, 269 ; marches on Adoni, xlvii ; ordered to Tanjore, 264 ; note on, 264 n5 ; with Pigot at Tanjore, 280, 280 n2. Harris, Sir James, \xvi, 412, 412 h1. Harrison, John, 15, 15 «1. Hart, Colonel Simon ; his expedition from the Circars, xiii, xv, 66 ; note on, 66 nl ; his retirement expected, 85 ; is sui)ersc'cled , 87 ; is expected at Kllore, 115. 441 Hastenbeck, 6 n5. Hastings, \\'anen ; his agents in Eng- land, ivjil,_xxxix, 189 rt2; his correspondence, iv, iv ?il ; his provisional resignation, x, xlv, 189 h2, 252 v3 ; his early service, xix, 116 n6 ; his service at Madras, xix, 100, 100 7il, 102, 104, 10-1 h2, 107, 117, 132, 156, 173 ; Governor of Bengal, xix, XXV, 157, 174, 179, 187 ; his view of the situation, xx, 116, 140 ; expects invasion of the Carnatic, xxi, 116; his opinion as to Wood, xxi, 117 ; is over- worked, xxiv, 156 ; liis reforms in Bengal, xxv, xxvi, 112 7il, 191, 192, 206, 207, 231, 238 ; his guiding principles, xxvi, 192; relations with the Xawab Vizier, xxxi, 222, 228, 238; reforms the plan of Livest- ment, xxxii, 210 n2 ; becomes Governor-General, xxxii ; his Council, xxxii, 12 h2, 240, 246, 254, 262, 273, 282; charges against, xxxiii, 248 n5 ; secures a majority, xliii, 309, 312 ; consults the Judges, xlvi, 319, 319 nl, n2, 320 ; sends a force across India, xlvi ; opposes Rimibold, xlvii ; liis able diplomacy, 1 ; liis differences with Macartney, li ; deposes the Raja of Benares, li ; his treaty with Sindia, li ; his settlement of Oudh, Iv ; meets the Mogul's son, Iv, 354 ; his consideration for the natives, haii, 357 ; his departure, Ixviii, lix, 263 h2, 361, 362, 368, 369 ; his Calcutta bank, Ixi, 394 nS ; admits Minor Cadets, Ixii, 394 ; letters from, 116, 123, 125, 139, 140, 191, 202, 219, 227 ; com- ments on the peace with Haidar, 116; liis kindness to the Griffiths brothers, 117, 140, 226, 234 ; consigns diamonds, 124, 125 ; his relations with Palk, 129, 138, 139 ; praise of, 138, 179, 203, 204, 222, 358; Walajah's sentiments towards, 140; sails for Bengal, 173, 179; his kindness to H. Vansittart, jim., 180, 190; his considera- tion for R. Palk, jun., 187, 226 ; corresponds with L. Sulivan, 191, 20S ; negotiates Treaty of Benares, 227, 227 n2 ; supports Walajah, 305 ; on tour, 354, Hastings, Warren — cont. 358, 361, 362 ; petition to, 367 ; characterizes Macpherson and Stables, 379 ; his return to India desired, 383 ; mentioned, xiii, xxii, 115, 154, 196, 216, 230, 292, 297, 310, 320, 332 nl. Hatley, James, 368. Hats,'^231, 254. Hawke, Admiral Edward, 7, 7 nl. Hay, George, 6. Hay, James ; at Trichiuopoly, 176, 176 n2, 283 ; goes to England, 235 ; note on, 23a n2 ; his dubash, 278, 278 nl. • Headborough, iv, \'iii. Heard, Sir Isaac ; Garter King of Arms, Ixvi, 407 ?il ; mentioned, 407, 408, 411. Helling, ^Ir. ; arrives at Madras, 68 ; is recommended, 69 ; delivers seeds, 90 ; obtains a ship, 94 ; Goodlad's attention to. 111. Henlev, Sir Robert, 6. Herbert, John, 259, 259 «2. Heron, Commander George, 19 nl. Herries, Sir R., & Co., 408. Heskett (Hesketh ?) Mr., 415. Hesse ; Prince of, 6 ; Landgrave of, 406. Hessman, Mrs., 317. Hever Allv, 77. See Haidar Ali. Hifili, Ingerlee, 122. Hill, i\Ii-., 220. Hinchman, Thomas, 338. Hircarrah (hurkdra), messenger, spy, 123, 123 7il. Hodges, James ; letter from, 248 ; note on, 248 n I ; at Masuli- patam, 393, 393 nl. Holdernesse, Robert D'Arcy, Earl of, 6. Holkar, xlix, Ix. Holland ; war with, 1 ; prosperity of, Ixvi ; tour in, 412 ; See also Dutch, The. Holies, Thomas Pelham, Duke of ^Newcastle, 7. Hollond, Edward John, 413, 413 n5, 418. Hollond, John ; envoy to the Nizam, xlvii, xlviii ; will succeed Morse, 103 ; his marriage, 122 ; notes on, 122 nl, 373 nl ; on special duty, 264, 264 n3 ; expected as Governor, 370, 370 n4, 373 ; mentioned, 413 n5. Hollond, William, 92, 92 n3, 93, 112. Holwell, Elizabeth, 252 n4. Holwell, John Zephaniah, 252 n4. Honavar, Onor, li, 33, 33 n3, 96. Hooker's Survey, 406. 442 Hopkins, Amelia, 113 nl. See Smith, Mrs. Amelia. Hopkins, Charles, 113 nl, 220 7t3. Hopkins, llrs. PhyUis, 220, 220 /i3. See Bright. Hopkias, Sarah, 83 )i5. Horace ; quotation from, 230. Hornby, William, 282, 282 h3. Home, Major ]\latthew ; has custody of Lord Pigot, xl, xlii, 286. 287, 289, 292, 295, 300, 306; as Brig. -Gen. at Arcot sells arrack, Ivi, 362, 363 ; commands Artillery, 286, 300, 306 ; verdict against, 315 h1 ; ordered to Madras, 317. Home, R., 63. Hosur, 166 «1. Hough, Commander, 5. Hough, Commander Samuel, 190, 190 Hi. Hough & Spencer, Messrs., 5, 6. House of Agency, Morse's, xii, xxxtii, 44, 88, 90'h1, 103, 119. House of Commons ; speeches in, xxv, 186, 193 ; petition to, 377. Howfe, Commander Thomas, 44. Huckenbar, 3. See Alcbar. Hudleston, John, lii, 355, 355 h1. Hughes, Admiral Sir Edward ; escorts Councillors, xxxiii, 273 ; com- mands the squadron, xxxvi, 330 ; comments on tlie Puran- dhar Treaty, xxx\a, 273 ; sym- pathizes with Walajah, xxxviii, xxxix, 273 ; ^\'alajah claims protection of, xl, 276 ; confers with Majority about Pigot, xlii, 290, 302 ; his opinion as to Tanjore, xlii, 302 ; his relief by Vernon, xlvi, 302 ; relieves Vernon, xlviii, 330 ; is com- mended, xlix, 333 ; takes Trincoinalee, 1, 330 ?i5 ; engages Suffren, 1, hi, 336 Vide p. 459, not© 1, and p. 472, note 1. 443 Investment, The Company's ; nature of, xii, 18 n4 ; system recast, xix, xxxii, 210 ; lack of funds for, lix, 381 ; at Madras, 19, 41, 136, 152 ; At Vizagapatam, 29, 36, 46, 50; at Cuddalore, 55, 70, 221 ; for the Circars, 165 ; trade forbidden in articles of, 234 ; mentioned, 126. Ipplepcn, V. Ironside, lildward, 124 )i2. Ironside, Mrs. Elizabeth, 346. ironside, Gilbert, sen., Bishop of Bristol, xxvi, 124 n2. Ironside, Gilbert, jun.. Bishop of Bristol, xxvi, 124 w2. Ironside, Colonel Gilbert ; procures native law-books, xxvi, 158, 187, 203 ; charges against, xxxiii, 262 ; reports Clavering's usurjiation, xlv, 319, 320 ; re- mits by diamonds, 124 ; note on, 124 w2 ; fears supersession, 130, 130 h4 ; letters from, 157, 187, 203, 230, 262, 318; his merits, 169 ; his prospects, 187, 230 ; mentioned, xiii. Ironside, Mrs. Letitia ; arrives in India, xxvi, 230 ; diamonds for, 124, 139; is related to General Lawrence, 124 ; Palk's civility to, 157, 187 ; is charged with oriental MSS., 158 ; letter from, 168 ; her brother, 262 ; mentioned, 346 nl. Irsappa Chetti, Irshapah Chitty ; Company's Merchant, 56, 70 ; accompanies Pigot, 277, 280 ; visits Trichuiopoly, 278. Irsvin, Eyles, 372, 372 nl. Island, The, at Madras, 286, 289. Islands, The ; French troops at, 72, 171, 194 ; note on, 72 nl ; warlike preparations at, 126. Isle of Boiu-bon (Reunion), 72 nl. Isle of France (Mauritius), 72 nl. See Mauritius. Itchapour. iS'ee Ichchapur. Ivernois, Francois de ; tours with L. Palk, Ixiii ; advises departure from Switzerland, Ixiv, 378, 385 ; letters from, 378, 382, 384, 390, 397, 399, 405, 406 ; his financial statements, 382, 390, 391 ; at Constance, 395 ; at Vienna, 397 ; at Brunswick, 405 ; at Pyrmont, 406 ; mentioned, Ixv, Ixvi, Ixvii, 389, 409, 412. Ives, Dr. Edward, 6, 6 n2. Ives, Edward Otto ; civil servant, 233. Jackson, Commander Joseph, 83. Jackson, William ; letter from, 135 ; note on, 136 nS ; special duty of, 363 ; goes to China, 413. Jafar Ali Khan, JafHer Ali Cawn (Mir Jafar), 126 n5, 191, 206. Jaiiiabandi, zuinmabundy, 133, 133 n2. James, (Sir) William ; Commodore of the Bombay Marine, 5, 6. James, Robert ; letter from, 13. Jamseylon, Junkseylon, 10, 10 n2. See Ujung Salang. Jangama Chetti, 152, 197. Jagat Chand, 206. Jaghire, jaguire, jail ; his sons, 282. Kenton, 171 n3. Kerjean, Jacques de, xi. Kesava, Kesavaiya, 94 ; letter from, 154. Ketch, 332, 332 ??2. Khammamett Combamett, Comma - mett ; capture of, xv, 67 ; faujdar of, 66 ; march to, 199 ; mentioned, 64. Khandesh, 1 ?t3. Khimed}', 199. See Kimedi. Khwaja Assam (Hashim ?) Khan, 310, 310 n2. Kiladar, 264, 264 «4. Killpatrick, Major James, xi, 418 h4. Kilpatrick, Captain, 64. Kimedi ; Zemindar of, xxx, 68 «2, 199. See also Xarayan Deo. King, Commander Richard, 7. King, , R.N., of H.M.S. Cumber- land, 5. Kisnagury. See Ivrishnagiri. Kid, instalment, 28, 28 h6, 236. 236 n2. Kistna River ; crossed by Nizam, Ix, 23, 63 ; a boundary, 2, 2/(1; crossing of the, 24, 41, 47, 49; crossed by Mahdu Rao, 152, J 53; Raghoba crosses the, 237 ; freedom from chaut of states bordering tlie, 257 ; crossed by Nizam and the Marathas, 392 ; Marathas re- main south of, 402. Kloster-Zeven, Convention of, 6 n5. Kolar, Colar; the arm}' at, xiv, xv, 81, 445 Kolar, Colar — cont, 81 »1 ; ceded to the Marathas, xxi ; surrender of, 10(5. Kondajjalli, Condapillee ; garrison of, 65 ; Lieut. T. Palk at, 114, 136, 151, 153. See IMustafanagar. Konkan, The, xxxvi, 281 nl. Kora, Gorah ; the Mogul near, 165, 165 «1 ; ceded to the Vizier, 227 «2 ; 2)a3Mnent for, 231 ; note on, 231 «4. Kri.sluiagiri, 77, 87 nl. Krishna Rayalu, Raja of Vijayanagar, 3, 4." Kumara, Comaroo, Comerah, Coniroo ; dubash to Benfield, 278 ; his intrigues, 278, 283 ; is flogged, 278, 283 ; informs against Pigot, 291 ; his alleged plot, 303, 304 ; his will, 326. Knrnool, Canoul, Conoul ; Nawab of, 34 ; threatened, 414. Lack (lakh), one hundred thousand, 27 uo. Lally, Thomas Ai-thur, Comte de ; captures Fort St. David, xii ; XXX ; his siege of Fort St. George, xii, xix, xxxiv, xxxv, 102 nl ; threatens Madras, 83 nl. Lambert, Sir John, 390. Lambert, William, 227, 227 ni. Landreset, ]\I. de, 10. Lane, Edmmid Veale ; condemns Treaty of Purandhar, xxxvi, 280; his death, Iviii, 368, 368 n2 ; his debt to Palk, Iviii, 281, 368; letters from, 169, 280, 309 ; note on, 169 n2. Lane, Thomas, 190, 190 nl. Lang, Lt.- General Ross ; defends Vellore, 1 ; commands IMadras army, lii, 365 ; postpones de- partui-e, Ixiii, 419 ; liis marriage, 247 nl ; is superseded, 351 n3 ; note on, 365 n2 ; letter from, 367 ; his obligation to Palk, 368 ; prepares to sail, 372, 413, 417 ; mentioned, 370. Lang, Mrs. Ann, Ixii, 372, 411. See Pelling. See Oats. Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquess of, 388 «2, 398. Larkins, William, 376, 376 ?il, 387. Lathom, Richard ; Chief at Cuddalore, xii, 304 ; suspended by the Majority, xlii, 292, 300j 304, Lathom, Richard — cont. 306; note on, 292 n2 ; appre- ciation of, 304 ; in Council, .306 ; mentioned, 314. Law; Muhammadan, xxvi, 158, 187, 203; English, xxxiii. Law, Ewan, 221. Law, Frances, 146 nl, 196. Law, Jacques, xi, 35 n2. Law, Jean ; Governor of Pondicherry, xxxii, 35, 137, 137 nl ; super- seded by Bellecombe, xliii, 311, 312; note on, 35 h2 ; abilities of, 174 ; fortifies Pondicherry, 1 96 ; governs for the King, 225 ; stores for, 253 ; aids the Mogul, 310 nl ; a prisoner, 325 ; a commissary to receive Pondicherry, 356. Law, Jeanne, 210. Lawi-ell, James, 130, 206, 206 nl. Lawrence, Dr., 346. Lawrence, Major- General Stringer; his Narrative, iii, x, x ?i2, 1-4, 7 nl ; Palk's relations with vi, vii ; returns to India, viii ; his death, ix, 259, 259 Ji3 ; monuments to, ix ; his career, x-xii ; C.-in-C. in India, xi, 13, 144 ; Ms campaigns in Trichi- nopoly, xi, xlv, 88, 102 »1, 315 n4 ; liis pensions, xii, 11, 11 n3, 13, 126, 173; leaves India, xii, 12 ; portraits of, xii ; his failing health, xxxii, 240 ; letter from, 1 ; his march towards Tanjore, 3, 3 ^4 ; asks for Palk's services, 3 ; order to, 8 ; letters to, 13, 58, 213 ; his native titles, 58 ; liis house plundered, 58 ; aided by Palk, 60 ; acts on behalf of the army, 85 ; recommends a cadet, 91, 102 ; is related to Mi-s. Ironside, 124 ; his powers, 144, 157 ; supports Fletcher, 163 /i2 ; Ms agent in India, 212 ; his defence of Madras, 297 ; Walajah's comjjlauit to, 305 ; Walajah's bond to, 401, 410, 419 ; men- tioned, 18, 18 h3, 19, 48, 69, 111, 118, 125, 139, 141, 159, 161, 166, 168, 169, 198, 220, 228. Lawrence Bagli, 83, 83 n7. Leadenhall Street (i.e. the India House) ; jjolitics of, 148 ; Good- lad's merits reported to, 186 ; the tribunal of, 209. See India House. Lee & Ayton, Messrs., 111. 446 Legge, Hon. Henry Bilson, 7. Leij3zig, 402. Lemaistre, Justice Stephen Caesar, 295, 295 nl, 320. Lennox, Commander John, 17, 38. Leslie, Colonel Matthew ; Ms command, xlvi ; tries to supersede Iron- side, 130, 169, 169 Hi ; a King's officer, 130 n4 ; the Director's opinion of, 169 ; is superseded by Goddard, 328 7i5. Levy, Mrs. Judy, 63. Ley, Thomas ; is recommended, 149 ; a ship's officer, 190, 190 «1 ; goes to China, 220, 222 ; men- tioned, 163. Liege, Bishop of, 399. Light, Hester Eleanora, 72, 72 )i~, 78. Light, William, 72, 72 nS. Limerick ; the Surprise at, liii, 340, 344, 345 ; Indiamen at, 7 ; Burt at, 336 ; effects of R. Palk, jun., at, 343 ; journey from, 353. Lind, Mr., 64. Lindsay, Admiral Sir John ; Naval C.-in-C. and Plenipotentiary, XX, 132 ; differences with, xx 132, 136, 136 «2, 137, 138, 139 143, 181 ; supports Walajah, xxi, 137, 140, 201 ; urges attack on Tanjore, xxiii, 162 is succeeded by Harland, xxiv 154 nl, 181 ; his appointment xxxix, 138 ; his powers, 132 143, 145, 185 ; note on, 132 n2 his charges against the Govern ment, 156 ; is decorated, 158 is recalled, 165. Line, Mr., 64. Linga Chetti, 197 n4. IJngappa Chetti, 136. Lisbon, 13. Lisle, John Lysaght, Lord, 286 »]. Loan, New Cavalry, 418, 418 h1. London Streets, Buildings, &c. Bcrncrs Street, 339. Bruton Street, ix, liii, 166, 275, 288, 336, 345-409 passim. Burlington Street, 13. Charles Street, St. James's, 304. Essex Court, Temple, 205. Kssex Street, Strand, 346. Great Ormond Street, 79. Jerusalem Coffee House, 239, 239 11 \. King's Koad, Gray's Inn, ISO. Lad Lane (now Grcsham Street), 345, 345 nl. Leadenhall Street (India House) liii, 21, 101, 123, 144, 336. London Streets, &c. — cont. Lombard Street, 386, 388. Paper Buildings, Temple, 240, 241. Park Place, St. James's, ix, 170, 188-274 passim. Queen Square, 188, 190, 241, 243, 244, 245, 331. Sise Lane, 82, 159, 170, 180. Spring Gardens, ix, 59, 115, 122, 166. Swan with Two Necks, Lad Lane, 345. Loppo, Dom, 10. Louch, jMr. ; agent for the Surprise, 340, 343, 344; his behaviour, 343, 344, 345 ; his information, 346 ; mentioned, 351, 352. Louis XV., of France, 8, 8 nQ. Low, Lieut., 328. Luclaiow, Iv. Lupton, Colonel, 255. See Upton. Liitzen, Battle of, 399. Luxembourg, 398. Lyons, James ; Company's agent at Limerick, 341 ; letter from, 344 ; supports Baylie, 349 ; mentioned, 345. Lysaght, Captam Arthur ; arrests Lord Pigot, xli, 286, 289 ; note on, 286 nl ; Town Major, 295 ; charge against, 295 ; engaged to Miss Pybus, 307 ; in Ganjam, 311; verdict against, 315 7il ; ordered to ^ladras, 317 ; at siege of PoncUcherry, 325. Lysaght, John, Lord Lisle, 286 nl. Macartney, George, Lord ; arrives as Governor, 1, 355 ?^2 ; ini- willing to give up the Assign- naent, li ; deports Stuart, li ; his differences with Hastings, li, Iv, 355 ; his relations with Walajah, Ivi, 355, 356 ; liis duel with Sadleir, Ivi, 96 n2 ; 359, 359 /; J, 364; his dcj)arturo, Ivii, lix, 362, 371 ; Ids stipoud, Ivii, 364 ; declines the Governor- Generalship, lix, 373, 374, 383 ; his dislike of Amir-ul-Umara, lix, 371 ; petition to, 366 ; his regard for Sitarfuu Rfiz, 367 ; criticized, 386 ; mentioned, 146 ?il, 365, 370 Ji4, 372. McGowan, Major John ; his voyage home, lii, 337 ; liis services, lii, 343 nl ; conveys information. 447 McGowan, ^[a j(ir Jolm — CAjnt. liii, .'J.'iS ; his dispute with Asquitli, U41, 342 ; letter from, 343 ; his report, 344 ; men- tioned, 340. McGwire, William, 171, 171 n2. ^Macintosh, \A'illiam, 377, 377 »3. ^lackay, George ; a Field Deputy, xiv, 71. 71 «3 ; susi)ended, xxix, 212. 212 «2, 214, 216 ; member of the Majority, xl, 289, 294, 306 ; lined, xliv ; at Teneriffe, 17 ; liis career, 17 n'i ; bar to his promotion, 59, 59 n2 ; his conduct, 217 ; opposes Walajah 246, 246 nl ; liis house, 247 ; member of Circuit Committee, 268 ; refuses a visit, 311 ; prosecutes Monckton, 315; verdict against, 315 «1 ; men- tioned, 94, 310. Mackay, Captain Hector ; takes charge of T. Palk, XV, 81 ; killed in action, xvi, 82, 87, 90, 95. Mackaj, ]\Irs. Sarah, 110, 110 h3, 123. See Stratton, Sarah. Mackintosh, Mr., 6. McLean, Captain, 78. Macleane, Colonel Lauchlau ; at the Haldon conference, ix ; Hast- ings's agent, xxxix ; Walajah's agent, xxxix, 244, 268, 274, 274 n3, 275, 305, 312; his mission to England, xlii ; tenders Hastings's resignation, xlv ; his death, xlviii, 326, 326 n\ ; Iiis debt to L. Sulivan, 188, 188 «2, 189, 242, 242 «3 ; his career, 189 n2 ; Iiis influence with the Directors, 302 ; Ms executors, 331 ; mentioned, 297. Macleod, Commander Alexander, 263 n2, 264. McMahon, Henry ; attorney-at-law, liv, 347 ; letters from, 346, 347 ; his claim, 348 ; men- tioned, 350. McNab, Lieut. Robert, 86. McXeal, Ensign, 176. Macpherson, James ; agent for Wala- jah, Ivi, 355, 356 ; note on, 356 n\. Alacpherson, John ; his career, xxxix, 263 n2 ; supports the Majority, xli, 289 ; goes to England, xliii, 311, 313, 313 n\ ; enters the Supreme Council, Ivi, 356 n\ ; Governor- General, lix, Ixi, 379 ; his abilities, lix, 379 ; sends an envoy to Mysore, Ix ; executor for Goodlad, 211, 2117^3; his Macpherson, John — cont. relations with Walajah, 2(53, 264, 332 ; is suspended, 264 ; is dismissed, 270, 270 n'i, 313 ; his prouiiscs to Abraham, 387 ; favours Scots, 388, 394 ; ex- pected departure of, 413; men- tioned, xlv, xlix, 310. Macrae, James, 56, 56 h3. Madagascar ; French preparations in. 126, 134; wreck off, 1.58, 161. MadapoUam, 29, 78 »1. Madar-ul-mulk, Madurul Mullock, Mudar ]\lulk. See Amir-ul- Cmara. Madavaraw^ INIadavarave. See Madhu Rao. Madeira ; island of, 151, 159, 163, 331, 333; wine, xxxv, 38, 113, 141, 173, 185. Madge, Major Thomas ; in the Circars, xii, 64, 65 ; joins Hart's ex- pedition, XV, 66 ; comments on the peace terms, xvi, 99 ; his illness, x\di, 161, 223 ; at siege of Tanjore, xvii, 223 ; death of, xvii, 232, 245 ; his scheme to aid T. Palk, xx\dii, 202, 218, 219 ; his gift for Monson, 50, 65 ; note on, 50 h6 ; letters from, 64, 84, 97, 160 ; executor for Cranch, 77, 86, 150 ; late of 96th Foot, 86 ; at Samulkota, 115, 151 ; his consideration for Smerdon, 119 ; operates against Poligars, 136, 153 ; reports death of the Palk brothers, 160 ; losses of his detachment, 161 ; remittance from, 173 ; ad- ministers estates of the Palks, 204, 250 ; his estate, 232, 253, 254 ; his children, 249 ; men- tioned, 82, 87, 100. Madhu Rao, Peshwa, (Madavaraw, jNIadavarave, ^lahadarow, I\Iaha- debrow, ^lahadevarow, Mahde- brow, ]\Iaudavarow,^laudharow, jModerow) ; leads his army in person, xiii, 23; engages Haidar, xxi, 23, 116, 116 h2, 136, 142 ; his death, xxxii, 210, 213; fourth Peshwa, 23 no; proposed grant for, 34 ; Iiis successes, 42, 47, 49 ; his claims, 42 ; negotiations with, 43 ; British attitude towards, 125 ; advances to the Kistna, 152 ; mentioned, 135. See also Marathas, The. Madjee Scindy, 309. See Mahadaji Sindia. 448 Madras ; its capture by the French, X, xii, 248 no ; raided by Haidar in 1767, xiii, xv, 57, 57 «4, 91 ?il ; White TowTi of, xxviii, XXXV, 22 n4, 134, 134 nl ; Black Town of, xxxv, xl, 57, 109 r!l,n2, 134, 134 nl. See Black Town ; fortifications of, xxxv, xI, 18 «5, 109 nl ; its Island, xli ; as Walajah's domicile, xlii, 293 ; its suburbs raided by Haidar in 1780, I ; devastation aromid, I ; arsenal and hospital at, 29 n3 ; Govern- ment House at, 57 h3, 218 «3 ; Lally's siege of, 61 nl, 102 nl, 257 «2, 296, 297 ; Town Temple of, 97 nl ; survey of, 109 n2 ; sickness in, 147 ; revolution in, xl-xliii, 282-302. See Fort St. George. See Council, Madras. Madura; Muhammad Yusuf's- re- bellion in, viii, xv ; capture of, XV ; sieges, of, xxx, 61 nl, 199 nl; first siege of, 12 n2, 26 n3, 61, 61 nl, 81 n2, 167 nl, 365 3(2 ; second siege of, 22 n4 , 52 n4, 61 nl, 63 n4, 82 n2, 166 nl; cantonment needed in, 26 ; remains British, 95 ; Mahfuz Khan's rebellion in, 102 nl; exiJedition agamst Poligars of, 176 n3 ; Kallars of, 194 nl. Mahadaji Sindia ; occu2:)ies Delhi, xxiii ; cajDtures Raghoba, xlvi ; plans to attack Goddard, xlix ; Hastings's treaty with, li ; his jjower at Delhi, Iviii, 368 ; captures the pretended Sudaba, 309. Mahadarow, Mahadebrow, ]\Iahade- varow, Mahdebrow. See Madhu Rao, Mah6 ; reduction of, xlvii, 106 n5, 176 ?t3 ; Carnac visits, 310 7!l. Mahfuz Khan ; his death, xlviii, 329 ; his rebellion, (51 ; note on, 61 n6 ; deputed to Hyderabad, 62 ; Caillaud operates against, 102 nl ; elder brothei' of Walajah, 329, 329 h1. -Maliiiuid Hiza Chan, IMahmud Kizza ( 'awn, Mahomed Kyza Cawn. See Muhammad Baza, Nawab. Mails ; sent via Suez, xxxi, 282, 292 ; proposeil route for, 294, 306. Maitland, Mrs. Jane, 52, 52 n4. See Morgan. Maitland, Lieut. Bichard, 52 n4. Majendie, Andrew ; his dispute witli Majendie, Andrew — cont. Jackson, 83, 83 n4 ; his con- tempt of court, 103, 103 nl ; committed to prison, 109 ; his loan to Walajah, 418 nl. MdjumdCir, mazoomdar, 365, 365 n5, 366, 367. Malabar ; reduced by Haidar, xxxii, 61 ; operations in, 1 ; Mathews commands in, li ; disposal of Haidar s conquests in, 33 ; Company's possessions m, 72 ; Maratha ship blown up off, 247 ; Hughes sails for, 255, 258, 266, 354, 359. J\lalacca, 29. Malays, The ; capture Balambangan, 264 ; make war on the Dutch, 372. Malcolm (or Malcombe), Henry, 328, 328 n-2. Maldivias (Maldive Islands), 149. Malguzari lands, 233, 233 n8. Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of, Ixvi, 412, 412 nl. Malwagle, 82. See Mulbagal. Mangalore ; Campbell's defence of, li ; surrender of, lii ; Treaty of. Hi, 355, 355 7(1 ; Peace Com- missioners at, Iv, 351 ?i2 ; Sadleir's mission to, 96 ?;2 ; Carnac's death at, 310 «1. Mangalpetta ; pass of, 23. IManila expedition ; led by Draper and Cornish, 8 ?i4 ; Lewin Smith, with, 28 «3 ; Brooke with, 51, 51 n2 ; B. Barker with, 112 nl ; Fletcher with, 163 h2 ; Cotsford with, 199 «1 ; mentioned, xx\-iii, xxix, 12/(1, ?(2, 396 n2. Manila trade ; permission desired for, 19 ; difficulties of, 53, 74 ; Spanish Governor's statement as to, 73 ; ships for, 29, 90, 137 ; state of, 152, 154, 173, 216, 254 ; freedom of, 380. Maiiimangalam, Munnimunglum, 97. Mannar Chetti, 136. Manni Begam, Munny Begum, 191, 206. Manshij), John, 127, 127 n5, 128, 246. Maphauscawn, 329. See IMahfuz Khan. Maps, Pvciuiell's, xxiii, 167. Marathas, The ; their wars with Haidar, xiii, xxi, xxxii, 23, 35, 41, 61, 120, 125, 132. 134, 137, 153, 155, 165, 175, 280, 311 ; fears in the Carnatic of, xxi, xxxii, 48, 116, 120, 152, 155, 162, 172, 175, 177, 178, 184, 237, 238; the Mogul joins, xxiii, 1 65 ; retire 41*) Marathas, The — con*. from Rohilkhanrl, xxvi, 192 ; attack the Jats, xxvi, 192 ; dominate the IMogul, xxxi, 19;5, 231 ?(4 ; dissensions among, xxxii, 175, 213, 237, 251 ; their reported claims, xxxii, 235 ; Bombay attacks the IMinisterial party of, xxxiv, 249 ; civil war among, xxxv, 256, 257 ; de- feated at Panijjat in 1761, XXX vi ; intrigue with the French, xlvi, 321 ; Avar renewed with, xlviii, 328, 329, 331, 333; seize British passengers, xlix, 330 ; are allied with Haidar and the Nizam, xlix ; conclude Treaty of Salbai, 11 ; join Nizam against Tipu, Ix, 392, 393, 401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 418, 419; account of, 2 ; J. Bourchier negotiates with, 24 ; British policy towards, 31, 32, 142, 145 ; lack confidence in Nizam, 42, 43 ; as mercenaries, 87, 87 n2 ; risks from, 89, 102, 156 ; ask British aid, 152, 174, 374 ; threaten Bengal, 156 ; British neutrality towards, 173, 181, 183 ; Walajah's attitude to, 174, 182, 183, 184 ; defeat the Rohillas, 187 ; their hostility to Oudh, 187 ; make peace with Haidar, 194, 196; attack the Mogul, 207 ; negotiate with Haidar and Nizam, 235, 237 ; cause trouble in Bombay, 247 ; their fleet, 247 ; agree to an armistice, 251, 252, 253, 255, 260 ; Upton's negotiations with, 266, 273 ; peace concluded with, 277, 277 n\, 279, 280, 282, 301, 307, 309 ; defeated by Carnac in 1765, 310 n\ ; expedition through territory of, 321 ; are jealous of Sindia, 369 ; in- cidence of cost of war with, 379 ; threaten Tipu, 381, 391 ; mentioned, 138, 179, 210, 224, 239, 265, 359. Maravar of Ramnad, The ; is attacked by Raja of Tanjorc, xxiii, 155, 174 ; his auxiliary force, 26 ; his territory, 26 «2 ; called The Great Maravar, 26 n\ ; ex- pedition of 1772 against, 194 ; is subdued, 213 ; his country taken by Walajah, 218; a prisoner, 278. Maravar of Kalij^arkoil, or of Siva- ganga, The ; called The Little Maravar of Kaliyarkoil — cont. Maravar, 26 7!4 ; attacked by Colonel Bonjour, 50 v2 ; ex- pedition against, 194 ; called The Nalkottai Poligar, 194, 194n3,218,2l8n4; is subdued, 213 ; a prisoner, 278. Maravars, The two ; expedition against, xxviii, 23 «1, 186, 191, 193 ; held prisoners by Walajah xxxix, 278 ; Walajah's designs against, 26 ; a history of, 97 n\ ; oppressed by Tanjore, 162; revenues of, 194 ; Walajah's success against, 201 ; Maratha aid expected for, 235 ; men- tioned, xxxii. Marchand, M., 61 nl. Maria Theresa, Empress, Ixv, 400, 400 n\. Marriage custom, Hindu, 77. Marsden Thomas ; his contempt of court, 103, 103 n3, 109; note on, 109 n2. Martin, Captain, 59. Martin, Mrs., 64. Mason, E., 63. Master, Attendant ; post of, xxxv ; Adams as, 141 nl, 150, 150 nl ; Baker as, 141 rd, 171 ?i3 ; Tas- well as, 141 «3. Masulipatam ; Lewin Smith as Chief at, 28 n3, 50 n3, 65, 65 n2, 100; Whitehill as Chief at, 29 n2, 269 ; Bengal troops at, 66 ; Wynch as Chief at, 74 ?z4, 99, 132, 197 ; Sadleir at, 96 n2, 380 ; taken by Forde, 116 ?i5 ; value of, 148 ; Daniell as Chief *at, 208 «4, 363; T. Palk at, 218, 232, 249, 250, 254, 256, 259, 265, 329; S. Johnson as Cliief at, 255 ; Committee of Inquiry at, 264 ; Crauford at, 272 ; affairs at, 323 ; bills on, 419 ; mentioned, 29, 43 n2, 66, 98, 174, 202, 248. Mathews, Brig. -General Richard ; as captain captures Mulbagal, xxxvii, 82 wl ; commands in Malabar, and surrenders at Bednur, li ; his battalion, 27 ; note on, 27 n\ ; j^raise of, 261, 261 w2. Maudavarow, Maudharow. See Madhu Rao. Maunsell, George ; at Limerick, 348, 349 ; letter from, 351. Maunsell, Thomas ; bill drawn on. liv, 351 ; acts for Palk, Iv ; note on, 351 «1 ; letters from. 450 Mannpell, Thomas — conK 352, 353 ; letter to, .353. Mauphus Cawn, 61. See Mahfuz Khan. Mauritius ; Fletcher's death at, xliii, 163 n2 ; note on, 72 n\ ; French reserv^es at, 134, 312, 355, 383 ; mentioned, 163, 326. IMayor of I\Iadi-as, 303. ^ee also Court, Mayor's. Mazoomdar. See Majumdar. Mears, Commander Charles, 79, 226, 233. Mecca, 61. Meddighery, IMedgeri (Mudigiri ?), 35, 49. Merchants, Armenian, 254. Merchants, The Company's ; replaced by gomastas, xxxii, 210 7i2 ; duties of, 18 7)4 ; of Cuddalore, 55, 56, 69, 280 ; appointment of, 136 ; deliver goods, 152 ; of Madras, 280. Merchants, Native ; of Calcutta, 80, 80 w3 ; of Madras, 254. Middleton, Samuel, 206, 206 nl. Midnapur ; G. Vansittart at, 16, 21, 113, 123, 134; aspect of, 40; conditions at, 80 ; Pearse's march from, 343 nl. Militia, Madras, 57 n4, 91, 91 nl. Mills, Samuel, 303. Minister Plenipotentiary. See Pleni- potentiary. Minor Cadets, Ixii, 394. Mint, 197, 197 n4. Mir Jafar, ]\Ieer Jaffier. See Jafar Ali Khan. Mir Ka.sim. See Kasim Ali Khan. Mission, Commercial ; Monckton's, 173, 174; Desvoeux's, 174; Dalrymple's, 257 «2. Mocha, 312. Moderow, 135. See IMadhu Rao. Mofussil (mujassul), 2.33, 233 r!l2. Mogul, The ; cedes the Circars, viii, 23?^6, 102 nl ; Walajah sub- ordinate to, xxiv, 181 ; govern- ment of, 1 ; confers honours on Wahijah, 11 n2, 12 ; grants the Carnatic, 42 ; is reconciled to the Vizier, 110; receives Delhi from the ]\Iarathas, 165; is dominated by the IMarathas, 187, 193 ; defends Delhi, 207 ; joins the ]\larathas, 231 ^f4; loses territory, 231 ?i4 ; is de- feated by Carnac, 310 nl ; mentioned. Iv, 238. See also Sliah Alam. Mokar AH, 414. Monckton, Hon. Edward ; a tunica- holder, xl, 276, 278; his marriage, xl, 279, 279 nl, 299; Xawab's charge against, 146 ; note on, 146 n2; his mission to Quedah, 173, 173 nl, 174; Assaymaster, 216 ; his Manila trade, 254 ; supports Lord Pigot, 289; his protest, 300; his affidavit, 303 ; prepares to sail, 314 ; is prosecuted, 315. Money ; lacking in ^Madras, Iv, Ivii, 90, 329, ■ 354, 355, 364, 410 ; scarce at Calcutta, 93, 126, 394 ; needed in Bengal, 102, 227, 329 ; sent from England, 103 ; supplied to INIadras and Bombay, 379. See also Specie. Monghyr, 190' Monson, Colonel the Hon. George ; member of the Supreme Council, xxxii ; his death, xxxiii, xliii, 308, 312 ; notes on, 12 n2, 292 nl ; Madge's gift for, 50, 65 ; illness of, 282, 292, 307 ; mentioned, 12. Monson, Lady Anne, 292, 292 nl. See Vane. Monthly Review, The. 384 «3, 385. Moodoo Kistna, Moodu Kisna. See ]\Iuttukrishna Mudali. IMoonimadgoo. See Munimadgu. Mooperala Kistnia. See Jlupirala Kistnaiya. Moore, Henry ; letter from, 13. Moorees. See Textiles. Moota Chitty. See Muttu Chetti. Mora^in, Leon, 253. Morari Rao ; surrenders to Haidar, XXXV, 311 ; dies in confinement, XXXV ; his territorj^ 33, 34, 35 ; note on, 33 n4 ; Chief of Gooty, 87 n2 ; serves the British, 87 «2 ; fails to assist, lOG, 1 06 nl ; is attacked by Haidar, 270. IVIordaunt; General Sir John, 7, 7 nl. Morgan, Captain Augustus de, xlvii. Morgan, Jane de, 52 »4. Morgan, Captain John de, 267 nl. IMorgan, Mary de, 267 nl. Morgan, Susanna. 91 »2. Morris, Commander Artlmr, 164. Morse, Emelia ; marries H. Vansittart, sen., 17 /;4, .30 /(3. See Van- sittart, Mrs. Enielia. Morse, Frances ; marries C. Boddam, 245 n4. Morse, Airs. Jane ; goes to England, xxxiii, 202 ; her experiences, 451 Morse, Mm. Ja.ne—cnnt. xxxiv ; letters from, 83, 100, 133 ; note on. 83 nl ; afflicted by loss of Aurora, 150; moots H. Vansittart, jun., 180 ; her illness, 11)5, 202; Du Pr6's consideration for, 199 ; in England, 245, 2(50 ; mentioned, 17 n4, 194. jSee Goddard, Jane. Morse, Nicholas ; late Governor, xii, 17 »4, S3 n\ ; his house of agency, xii, xxxiii, 44, 88, 90 nl, 103, 119 ; liis views on the war, xvi, 89 ; dei^lores loss of H. Van- sittart, XX, 133, 150 ; his death, xx\ii, 17 «4, 190, 191, 194-199 passitn, 202 ; is succeeded by d'Fries, xxxiii ; his career, 17 ?!4 ; deals in diamonds, 21, 90; letters from, 88, 93, 102, 104, 134, 142 ; liis house at the Mount, 119, 135; his kinchiess to T. Palk, 138, 174; illness of, 174 ; receives H. Vansittart, jmi., 180 ; his affairs, 196 ; appreciation of, 197 ; agent for Palk, 93, 225, 410; occupies Vansittart's house, 247 ; men- tioned, 17, 20, 29, 30?i3, 34, 54, 73, 76, 131, 139, 155, 170. Motteux, John ; a Director, 127, 127 rtl ; liis payment for H. Vansittart, 128 ; his ad\ace to L. Sulivan, 188, 188 n3 ; his accounts, 189 ; loan of stock to, 243, 243 h4; mentioned, 190. Moubray, George, 413, 413 n3, 418. Mould, Mr., 115. Mount, The. See St. Thomas's INIount. Mozambique Channel, 151 «1. Mudaji, Raja of Berar, xlix. Mudar IMulk (Madar-ul-Mulk). See Amir-uI-Umara. Mudoo Kistna. See Muttukrishna Mudali. Mugford, Mary, iv, 18 «1. Muhammad Ali, Nawab of Arcot ; entere Arcot, \di ; is aided by Palk, ix ; is besieged in Trichi- nopoly, xi ; portrait of, xii ; is hated by Haidar, xiv ; Xawab of the Carnatic, 1, 61 7)3 ; grants San Thome to the Company, 10 n\ ; liis title of Walajah, 11 n2, 61 n3 ; Navdi/ats de- tained by, 106 n4 ; grants the Jaghire to the Company, 146 ; mentioned, 61. See Walajah. Muhammad Raza ; Xaib Diwan of Bengal, xxv, 206, 206 w3 ; Muhammad, Raza — cant. arrested, tried and acquitted, xxvi, 191 n2, 192, 203 ; his lil)rarv, 187 ; note on, 187 »] : his power broken, 191. Muhammad Yusuf ("Cawn Sahib"); his rebellion, viii, 61 ; Haidar's intrigues with, xv; note on, 61 ?(1. ]\Iulbagal, JNIalwaglo ; Wood's action at, xiv, XV, 87, 87 «1 ; Wood's assault on fort of, xvi, 82 ; Mathews captures fort of, xxxvii, 27 7il ; note on, 82 Jil. Mulkirke, Miss, 110. Mmiimadgu ; diamond sales at, 21, 76. Munir-ud-daula, 110, 110 ?a. Munnimunglum. See Manimangalam. •]Munny Begum. See IManni Begam. Mmiro, Dr. Andrew, 7 n2, 54 w2, 74 nl. jMunro, ]\Irs. Frances Mary, 54, 54 n2, 74, 74 nl, 142. Munro, ]\Iaj or- General Sir Hector ; his early career, xiv ; arrives at Madras, xiv, 317 ; is knighted, xl\ai; retreats from Con jeveram, 1 ; takes Negapatam, 1 ; re- signs, li ; note on, 317 n2 ; takes Pondicherry, 324 ; is considerate to the French, 326 ; mentioned, xliv. Munro, John, of Culcarn, 8, 8 n2. Mmxro, Katherine, 7, 7 n5. Munro, jMargaret Aurora ; prepares for India, 55, 74, 74 n2, 75, 75 7i3 ; her marriage, 55 nl, 95, 95 n3. See Smith, Mrs. Margaret. Munro, Robert Duncan ; Walajah's debt to, 55 ; note on, 55 n2 ; letter from, 142 ; suspended by Stratton, 291, 291 h1 ; rein- stated, 318, 318 nl. Mupirrda Kistnaiya, Mupral Kistnayah, Mooperala Kistnia ; his licence as betel farmer, 18, 19 n4, 20; letters from, 19, 57 ; his differ- ence with Walajah, 20 ; his death, 77 ; his son, 94, 105. Murshidabad ; Resident at, 116n6, 206 ; Revenue Board for, 130 ; Hastings at, 206, 206 n2. Muscat, 235. Musnud, The ; of Tanjore, 279. Mustafanagar (Kondapalli) ; Circar of, 48. Mutsuddee (mutasaddi), 207, 207 nl. Muttu Chetti, Moota Chitty, 41. iMuttukrishna ; Company's Merchant, 70. Muttukrishna Mudali, Moodoo Kistnah, Moodu Kisna ; arranges the 452 Muttukrishna ]\Iuda]i — cent. affair of Rayalu Pant, xvii, 97, 97 »1, 108, 147, 155 ; Company's Interpreter, xxxii ; at Sadras, xxxii ; arrack fanner. 19, 20 ; letters from, 218, 236, 239, 256, 270, 296, 316, 318, 322 ; Pigot's dubash, 259, 260; with Pigot at Tanjore, 277, 280, 296; Walajali's hostility to, 318, 322 ; mentioned, xxxv, 122, 218 nl. Mydagaut, 246. Mysore ; Raja of, 4 ; future govern- ment of, 33 ; conquest by Marathas undesirable, 142 ; British plan of conquest im- practicable, 148 ; plundered by Marathas, 153 ; no intercourse with, 381. Mysore War, First ; its cause, xiii, 61, 62, 63, 143; Call's plan of operations in, 31 ; results ex- pected from, 49 ; envoy sent to Haidar during, 78 ?2l ; British reverses in, 94 ; disastrous results of, 95, 105 ; motives for beginning, 105 ; incidence of cost of, 107, 162; Hastings's comments on, 116; Ross Lang in, 365 «2 ; mentioned, xxxvii, xlvi, 225?il. Mysore War, Second ; its heavy cost, 1 ; its deplorable effects, Ivii ; invasion of Carnatic in, 96 n2 ; mentioned, xlix, 418 n3. Naalcooty, Naulcooty. See Xalkottai PoHgar. Nadcutch (Nadava-kurichi ?), 25. Xagore ; disposal of, xxx, 224 ; Resi- dent at, 196 ?i 1 ; expected grant of, 269. Naib ; Walajali's, at Arcot, 27 ; mean- ing of, 27 «4, 206 h3. Naib Diudn ; in Bengal, 206 ; for Pro- vincial Council, 233, 233 «5. Najaf Khun ; the IMogul's General, xxxi, 237, 237 n\ ; at Agra, 237, 238. Najib Khan, Nazeeb Cawn, 20, 264. Xajib Yar Khan, Nazeabeaur CaAvn, 28, 28 «2. Najm-ud-daula, Nawab of Bengal, 126 7(5. Nalkottai (Naalcooty, Naulcooty) Poligar ; subdued, 194, 194 ?i3 ; his country taken, 218, 218 «4. See Maravar of Kaliyarkoil. Nana, Nannah, The ; title of the Pesh- wa, 2, 280, 280 ?i7. Nana Farnavis, xlvi, 317 iiA. Nancy, ^liss, 141. See Palk, Anne (Nancy). Nandkumar, ]\Iaharaja ; arrest of, iv n\ ; employment of, xxv, 191 ; tried and executed, xxxiii, 248, 248 »5 ; character of, 192 ; his son, 191, 206. Narayan ; Governor's dubash, 296. Naraj-an Deo, Narrain Dew, Narrain- doo ; Zemmdar of Kimedi, xxx, 68 n2 ; rebels, xxx, 68, 68 n2, 199, 199 h2 ; is defeated, xxx, 191 n\, 199. Narayan Pillai, Narrain Pillah ; Com- pany's Merchant, 56, 56 n2. Narayan Rao, Narrain Raw, Narran- rave ; becomes Peshwa, xxxii, 210 ; is murdered, xxxii, 237, 237^1, 251, 251 nl ; his son, li, 281, 281 «3 ; his party attack Raghoba, 239. Narrain Dew, Narraindoo. See Nara- yan Deo. Narrain Pillah. See Narayan Pillai. Narrain Raw, Narranrave. See Nara- yan Rao. Nattal, 9. Naulcooty. See Nalkottai Poligar. Navayat class, 106, 106 «4. Navy, The, 125. See Squadron. Navy Bills; remittance bv, 328, 331, 333. Nawab of Arcot and the Carnatic. See Muhammad Ali. See Walajah. Nawab of Bengal. See Bengal. Nawab of Cuddapah. See Cuddapali. Nawab of Kurnool. See Kurnool. Nawab Vizier of Oudh ; seeks British aid, xx%a, 192, 192 n'2 ; Shuja- ud-daula as, xxxi ; . Hastings's treaty with, xxxi, 222, 227, 227 n2, 228 ; defeated at Buxar, xlv ; Barker's influence \v\i\\, 112 7j1; receives territory, 227 n2 ; mutiny in his army, 282 ; Asaf-ud-daula as, 320 nl ; nientioned, xvi, xxiii, 88 nl. See Shuja-ud-daula. See Asaf- ud-daula. Nazeabeaur Cawn. See Najlb Yar Khan. Nazeeb Cawn. See Najlb Klian. Negapatam, 1, 351 7(3. Nellacuntaker, Nellakontawker. See Nilakantaker. Nellore, 102 /;1. Neuchatel; L. Palk at, Ixiii-lxv, 375, 378, 382, 384, 385, 388, 389, 397. 453 Newcastle, Thomas Pelham Holies, Duke of, 7. Newspapers ; Morning Chronicle, 60 ; Iiicky\rosi3ective 4.55 Talk, (Sir) Robert— fOH^ Governor, %-ii ; his marriage, viii, 30 n'3 ; Governor of Madras, 1763-67, viii, 61, 159; returns to England, viii, 1-t ; acquires Haldon, ix, 123 ; in Parliament, i\-, S6h1, 242, 353; created a baronet, x. Hi, 336, 336 n'2 ; his death, x, Ixvii ; his chief correspondents, xii, xiii ; states causes of first ^lysore War, xiv, XV, 61-63 ; his overtui-es to Haidar. xv, 61 ; Rayalu Pant's claim on, x%'ii, 97, 155, 163 ; deplores loss of Vansittart, XX, 157 ; adnxonishes Tom Palk, xxviii, 228 ; his house in Fort St. George, xxxv, 223 h1, 251 ; is reconciled to Tom Palk, xlix, 333 ; his MSS. on Devon, Ixiii, 406, 415 ; his children, Ixiii, 141 h2 ; executor for Dr. Munio, 7 h2 ; letters to, 7-419 passim : letters from, 14, 59, 60, 68, 90, 91, 92, 96, 111, 115, 123, 129, 148, 149, 154, 157, 159, 169, 170, 185, 228, 240, 243; his friendship for L. Sulivan, 30 n2 ; his London houses, 59, 170, 288 ; to solicit votes, 63 ; liis concerns iii the East, 73, 239, 240, 241, 333 ; comments on the first IMysore war, 96, 111 ; pleads for Bourchier, 105 ; his views as to Walajahs creditors, 129 ; his friendship for Hastings, 138 ; Walajah's charges against, 140 ; his anxiety for the Aurora, 154; liis loan to Goodlad, 179, 180 ; employs Cotsford. 199 h1 ; liis Madras agents, 212 ; acts for R. Palk, jun., 219 ; liis dealings in India Stock, 243 ; Walajah's confidence in, 269 ; Lane's debt to, 281 ; Walajah's com- plaint to, 305 ; Hughes's friend- ship for, 331 ; his claim on Droz, 384, 409 ; mentioned, 35, 39 Hi, 100, 134, 171 h4, 249, 369, 408. Palk, Robert, jun., Bengal civil service; nephew of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv ; \-isits Madras, xiii, 16 ; marries Lucia Stonhouse, xiii, xvi, 131, 134, 1.36, 1.50; mis- conduct of, xvi, 80, 92 ; at Patna. xxiii, 130, 134, 136, 158, 187 ; restored to Patna, xxvi, 226j 227, 230 ; his expenditure, xxvii. 215 ; his orinion of Palk, Robert, jun. — cont. Emelia Vansittart, xxvii, 226 ; reports on Tom Palk, xxviii, 232 ; gives Bengal news, xxxi ; his opium venture, xxxviii, 221, 237, 238, 239 ; lus iUness, voj-age and death, Iii, hi, 333-336, 340, 354, 357, 358, 409 ; his effects, lii-liv, 338, 339, 340, 342, 350, 352 ; his servants, liii, 337, 340, 341, 346; his passage money, liii, 338 ; his stores for the vovage. liii. 339 ; his estate, hiii, ixi, 360, 361, 369, 408, 408 «1, 410; letters from, 16, 44, 113, 122, 130, 226, 230, 237, 238, 272 ; note on, 16 «2 ; his bequests, 39 h1, 362, 382, 386 ill, 411 ; is unemploved, 45. 113, 187, 190, 219 ; at'Cossimbazar, 88, 92, 408 ; acts for his uncle, 112, 112 h2; aids Tom Palk, 135, 138, 232 ; is recalled from Patna, 158, 159 ; lus son, 175 ; death of his wife, 202 ; Madge's projwsal to, 218; at Dacca, 245 ; accident to, 273 ; liis remittances, 314, 333 ; sails for England, 333 ; attended by Dr. Burt, 336, 340; letters carried by, 342, 345 ; his will, 343, 360 ; Droz's bond to, 384, 387, 409 ; mentioned, iv, iv wl, xiii, 18 ill, 81, 81 h3, 115. 115 ?il, 170, 204, 207, 214, 220, 256, 282, 353. Palk, Robert, lertius ; son of Tom Palk, Ivi, 357 ; to be sent home, Ixii. 411, 417 ; mentioned, 372, 394. Palk. Thomas ; great-grandfather of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv. Palk, Thomas ; imcle of (Sir) Robert Palk. iv. Palk, Lieut. Thomas ; a kinsman of (Sir) Robert Palk, v, xii, 64 m5 ; .serves in the Circars, v, xii, 64, 65 ; accompanies Hart's detachment, xv, 66, 87 ; his fatal expedition, xvii, 153, 156, 160, 161, 163; lettei-s from, 87, 114, 136, 153; at Konda- palli, 151 ; his child, 204, 250; his estate, 249, 253, 254 ; men- tioned, 74 «3, 81, 81 n4, 176. Palk, Tom ; nephew of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv ; a cadet and after- wards civil servant, v. xii. 74 7i3 ; his voyage to and arrival in India, xv, xv h1, 18, 18 Hi, 74, 74 n3, 81 ; joins the armv in Mysore, xv, 81 456 Palk, Tom — cont. 83, 83 m6, 87, 93, 94, 108; is transferred to the civil service, xvii, xviii, 91, 104, 110; is commended, xviii, 103, 108, 166 ; A-isits Trichinopoly, xxvii, 163 ; visits Calcutta, xxvii, 202, 204, 207, 219; appointed to Masulipatam, xxviii, xxx^^, 218 ; his extravagance, 229, 232 ; is admonished h\ his uncle, xxviii, 129, 228, "^229; his reform, xxviii, xlv, Ixii, 401, 411 ; his marriage, xliv, 247 n\, 313 ; is superseded, xlv, 318 ; Paymaster at Trichinopoly, xlv, Iv, 354, 357, 358, 411, 417; criticizes Pvumbold, xlviii, 327, 328 ; is forgiven by his uncle, xlix, 333 ; his children, Ivi, ]xii, 357, 372, 394, 411, 417; describes desolation of the Camatic, Ivii, 371 ; receives a legacy, Iviii, 362, 382, 386, 386 nl, 408; criticizes David- son's rule, Ix, 386, 392; his remittances, Ixii, 380, 381, 386, 401, 403, 411, 417; acquires Butterford, Ixiii ; Olive's in- terest in, 59, 59 n5 ; is recom- mended to Goodlad, 69, 97 ; letters from, 74, 81, 118, 119, 138, 150, 152, 153, 174, 202, 204, 207, 214, 218, 249, 265, 313, 321, 327, 329, 351, 358, 360, 370, 372, 380, 381, 386, 392, 401, 403, 411, 417 ; leaves the army reluctantlv, 101, 103, 108, 110, 139; his mother's wish. 111 ; his salary and allow- ance, 1 1 8, 266 ; begins private trade, 118, 135; serves under Goodlad, 135, 138 ; his atten- tion to John Palk, 151 ; executor for his cousins, 161, 204, 249, 253; applies to occupy his uncle's house, 208 ; letters to, 228, 249 ; meets R. Welland, 254, 256 ; grieves at his uncle's displeasure, 265, 329 ; his debt to Wynch, 266, 272 ; Perring's interest in, 314, 314 ?;2 ; appointed to Chingle- put but superseded, 315, 316, 318, 321, 327; proposes to visit England, 419 ; mentioned, XXXV, Ixi, 64;(5, 84, 114, 115, I Hi. 131, 136, 141, 147, 150, 214, 259. Palk, Tom, jun., son of Tom Palk, hi ; is sent to England, hi, Ixii, 351, Palk, Tom, jun. — cont. 357 ; his school, Ixii, 372, 374, 374 n4 ; his first school bill, Ixii, 375 ; his passage money, 351 ; arrives at Haldon, 358, 372 ; his portrait desired, 358 ; news expected of, 371 ; his progress, 411. Palk, Walter (d. cir. 1679), great-grand- uncle of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv. Palk, Walter (b 1659), grandfather of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv, 229, 229 n3. Palk, Walter (b. 1686), father of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv, 229. 229 «2. Palk, Walter, (b. 1714), brother of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv, 16 n2, 18 «1, 39 wl ; liis house at YoUand Hill, 231 n2 ; mentioned, 64 n5, 74 m3, 88, 88?i4, 113, 113 7i4, 115, 115 n2, 174, 229, 229 »1, 354, 354 n2. Palk, Walter (b. 1742), nephew of (Sir) Robert Palk, iv, 122; letter to, 374 ; note on, 374 n3 ; letter from, 381 ; his purchases, 411, 411 /il ; mentioned, 386. Palks, The Cornish ; Lieut. Thomas Palk and Ensign John Palk {q.v.) so tenued, 249. Palmaner, Pass of, 43, 43 nl. Palmer, Archdale ; member of the Majority, xl, 289, 294, 306; opposes Walajah, 246 ; note on, 246 h5 ; verdict against, 315 n\ ; mentioned, 255. Pandal, 311, 311 ?22. Panipat, Battle of, in 1761 ; xxxvi, 281 n\, n2. Panjalam Kurichi, Pannyallum Crutch, 25. Parker, Captain J. N., 163, 163 n3. Parliament ; Acts of, xxxii, xxxiii, Ivii, hiii, 362, 377 ; controls the Company, 105 ; orders enquiry regarding IncUa, 185 ; will frame laws for India, 203 ; dis- solution of, 244 ; members of, ix, XXV, xxix, 86 >tl, 185, 186, 193, 212, 214, 242, 353. Parry, Edward, xxvii, xxvii »1, 248 n4. Parrj% Mrs. Emelia, 248, 248/(4, 317, 317 nl. See Vansittart, Emelia, jun. Parumna, 233, 233 n'i. Pascal, INIary, 360 «1. Pasley, Dr. Gilbert ; attends Goodlad, xxix, 211,211 «1 ; attends Lonl Pigot, xliv ; note on, 73 n2 ; attends Madge 223, 223 «3 ; will 457 Pasley, Dr. Gilbert — coni. attend Kcuuaway, 315 ; men- tioned, 73. Passage money ; for R. Palk, jun., liii, 338; for Dr. Burt, liii, 340, 342, 361 ; for Tom Palk, jun., 351 ; receijits of a commander for, h-iii, 376. Passes, Carnatic ; Changama, 1 ; Man- galpetta, 23 ; from ^Mysore, 34 ; Palmaner, 43, 43 «1 ; Kada- panattam, 43, 43 «1, 48 ; Jega- devi, 44, 44 «1 ; troops to defend, 47 ; possession desired of, 49 ; taken by Haidar, 63 ; closed by Tipu, Ix, 381 ; men- tioned, xxi. Patan Nawabs, 393. Patna ; Revenue Council at, xvi, 130, 158 ; Hastings's mission to, xxvi, 124 n2 ; H. Muni-o suc- ceeds Carnac at, xlv ; massacre at, 122 n2 ; R. Palk, jmi., at, 136, 175, 187, 226, 227, 230; McGwire as Chief at, 171 ; H. Vansittart, jun., at, 190, 215 ; G. Vansittart at, 202, 207 ; opium revenue from, 231 ; views of, 238 ; Carnac succeeds Cail- laud at, 310 wl. Patthagarh, Pattagur, 187, 187 «2. Paupa Braminj", jiui. (V. Papaiva), 91 ill. Pay ; of armv is in arrear, Iv, Ivi, l\ii, lix, Ixi', 354, 359, 372, 381, 393 ; of civil servants is in arrear, Iv, l\rli, 354, 364 ; reduction of civil, Iviii, 361, 376; of a temporary writer, 98; of a covenanted writer, 108. Payengaut, Pain Gaut, Payen Gatte ; the passes to be part of the, 34 ; etymologj' of the term, 34 n 1 ; threat against, 116; chant for the, 237. Payne, John ; extracts from Orme's letter to, vi, xi, xWii ; men- tioned, xviii nl. Peach, Colonel Joseph ; his detach- ment, xiv ; arrives from Bengal, XV, 68 ; defeats Narayan Deo, XXX, 68 n2, 191 nl ; supersedes Hart, 68, 87 ; note on, 68 nl ; marches on Hyderabad, 199. Pearse, Colonel Thomas Deane ; his Bengal contingent, 1, lii, 343 nl ; returns to Bengal, Iv, 352, 362 ; note on, 352 nl. Pechell, ilr., ix, 63. Peckham, William, 350. Peddanaikpetta, 218 n3. Pcddapore (Peddapuram), 23. Pelling & de Fries ; the tirni of, xxxiii, 90 nl, 247 nl ; advise Palk, xhiii, 326 ; commend Call, lix, 371 ; anticipate trouble, Ix, 392 ; criticize Davidson's rule, Ix, 392 ; re- mittance through, 150 ; sell Vansittart's house, 247 ; letters from, 326. 333, 371, 380, 392, 401, 410, 414, 417, 419 ; refuse to represent Macleane, 331 ; mentioned, xliv, Iv, Ixi, Ixii, 241. See Fries, John de. See Pelling, Thomas, jun. Pelling, Ann ; marriages of, 166 »2, 247 )il, 365 h2. See Oats, ^^ee Lang. Pelling, Catharine ; marries Tom Palk, xliv, 247 nl, 313. See Palk, Mrs. Catharine. Pelling, Elizabeth, 247 «1, 394 n2. See Gibson, Elizabeth. Pelling, Mary, 247 nl. Pelling, Sophia, 247 nl. Pelling, Thomas, sen., 247 nl. Pelling, Thomas, jun., free merchant, xxxiii ; joins d'Fries, xxxiii ; his daughters, xliv, 166 «2, 313, 365 «2 ; his grandsons, Ixii, 393 ; note on, 247 nl ; letters from, 321, 393, 406. Pemble, Mr., 7. Penny, The Rev. Frank, lx\'ii. Peon, 20, 20 n2. Perpetuanoes. See Textiles. Perring, Peter ; a member of Comacil, xliv, 314, 314 ?2l ; on special duty, 264, 264 ?t3 ; returns from England, 313 ; his interest in Tom Palk, 314, 314 n2, 315; is deputed to Tanjore, 315 ; mentioned. 333. Persia, 131. Persian language ; H. Vansittart's study of, 180, 190, 227; Chambers's proficiency in, 258. Persian Translator ; Clavering's, xxxiii, 262 ; S. Sulivan, as, xlix, 329 n2, 332 ; office of the, 219, 222 ; at Calcutta, 227 ; R. Goodlad as, 272. Pery, Mr., liv, 347. Peshcush, Piscash, tribute ; payable by Mysore to Nizam, 33, 33 n2 ; to be paid by the Company to the Exchequer, 72. Peshkdr. steward, 206. Peshwa, The ; alliance proposed with, xxiv, 182 ; Narayan Rao's son as, li ; Madhu Rao as, 116 458 Peshwa, The — cont. 116 n2 ; called The Nana, 280, 280 nl, French envoy to, 317 n4. See Madhu Rao. See Xarayan Rao. Petre, Mr., 170. Petre, Mr. (John Petrie ?), xxvii, 232, 2.32 Hi. Petrie, William ; Secretary to Govern- ment, xxix, 212, 213 ; recom- mended, 196 ; note on, 196 nl ; letter from, 210 ; Judge Advo- cate General, 212 ; administers Goodlad's estate, 222 ;• visits England, 260, 260 »1 ; men- tioned, 216, 419. Petty, John, Earl Wycombe, 388, 389, 395. Petty, William, Earl of Shelburne. See Shelburne. See Lansdowne. Philadelphia, 363. Philliiis, Ann, 95, 95 n4. Phipps, :\1];., 69. Phipps, Mr., jim., 92. Phipps, ]\lrs. 92. Phousdar (faiijddr) ; of Khammamett, 66, 67 ; etymolog}-, 66 »2 ; at Tanjore, 254, 254 n2. Phousdari (fanjdari), 181, 181 «2. Piece-goods. See Textiles. Pignon, M., 397. Pigot, Dr., 6, 6 «4. Pigot, George, Lord ; arrives as Governor of Madras, xxxviii, 257, 258, 259, 260, 270, 282, 284 ; his previous adminis- tration, xxxviii, 140, 253, 296, 305 ; his dealings with Wala- jah, xxxix, 259, 266, 268, 275, 296 ; is deputed to Tanjore, xxxix, 276, 277 ; reinstates the Raja, xxxix, 276, 277, 279, 283, 296 ; arrests the Nawab's manager, xL 283 ; his minority in Council, xl, 285 ; suspends Stratton and Brooke, xU, 285, 289. 300, 306 ; is arrested and conHned, xli, 286, 288, 289, 292, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 306, 312; resists removal, xlii, 287, 289 ; charges against, xlii, 291, 293, 298, 299 ; his suggested motives, xlii, 298, 299 ; proposal to deport, xliii, 311, 312; illness and death of, xliv ; infjiiest on, xliv, 315, 315 n\ ; expected as Governor, 2.32, 247, 251, 253, 254, 255, 25(5; orders troops to Tanjore, 263 ; his courtesy to Wjnch, 265 ; his charge against Mac- Pigot, George, Lord — cont. pherson, 270 ; brings orders regarding Tanjore, 273, 274, 301, 308 ; his measures dis- approved, 276, 288, 293, 297, 301, 306 ; his gifts to the Raja, 278 ; appHes for a writ, 287, 295 ; alleged plot against, 291 112, 302, 303, 304 ; his action criticized, 296, 297 ; his military commission, 300 ; claims Hughes's protection, 302 ; claims damages, 307, 309 ; fails to correspond ■iWth Bengal, 308 ; retains keys, 311 ; appeal to, 366 ; his promises to Zemindars, 367 ; mentioned, ra, xii, xxx, XXXV, 51 h2, 109 »1, 113 )i6, 163 n2, 197, 246 «5, 366. Pigot, I>eonora ; engagement and mar- riage of, xliii, xlv, 299, 314 ; at Admiralty House, 258, 258 ?il. Pigot, Sophia ; her marriage, xl, 146 »2, 279, 279 «1, 299; at Admiralty House, 258, 258 n\. Pigou, Miss, 73. Pigou, Commander Peter, 271. Pincke, Thor.ias Alured, 95, 95 «2. Piscash. Sec Peshcush. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 6, 30, 356. Pitt, William, jun.; his India Bill, 362, 377, 410 ; mentioned, 356. Plassey, Battle of ; Rumbold wounded at, xlv, 315 iiA ; Eyre Coote at, 8?i5; Barker at, 112 nl. Playdell (or PleydeU), Charies Stafford ; his loan to Vansittart, 128, 128 nl ; dismissal of, 252 ; note on, 252 vA. Plenipotentiary, The ; arrival of, xx, 132 n2 ; supports Walajah, xxi, 137 ; his influence over Wala- jah, xxiv, 145 ; altercations with, 132, 137, 139, 140, 143; his threats, 138, 173 ; his powers, 145, 158 ; injures the Company, 183, 185, 186, 213. See Lindsay. See Harland. Pleydell, Charies Stafford. See Play- dell. Plowman, Henry, 45 «6, 92, 92 n\, 93. Plowman, Mrs., 45. Plumer, Hall, xlviii, 328, 328 nl. Plymouth, 123. Pocock, Admiral Sir George, 52 ; note on, 52 n2. Point de Galle, 168. Point Palmoiras, 54. Police ; Board of, xix ; superintendent of, 252, 252 w4. 459 Poligar of Etaiyapiiram, 25. Poligar, Naalcooty. See Xalkottai. Poligars of the Circars ; Nizam settles with, 23 ; note on, 23 i?3 ; fail to aid the Nizam, 67 ; JMadgc operates against, 136. Poligars, Northern ; o])erations against, 63 ni, 153, 418 7i3. Poligars, Southern ; rebellion of, xv, 25 ; operations against, xxviii, 26 7(3, 176 »3, 194, 351 «3 ; dis- affection among, 62 ; their soldiers called Colleries, 194 nl. Polilur ; first battle of, 1 ; second battle of, 1, li, Hi, 147 h4, 271 n2, 352 wl. Pondicherry ; Boscawen's siege of, V, xi, XXXV, 171 n3 ; Palk and Vansittart at, vi, 30 nS ; de- fences of, xxxii, 93, 110, 196, 235, 253, 311, 380; Jean Law as Governor of, xxxii, 35, 35 n2 ; 137, 131 nl, 174; siege and capture of (1761), xxxviii, 12 nl, ?)2, 22 «4 ; siege and capitula- tion (1778), xM, xMi, 317 n2, 323, 324, 325, 326 ; demolition of its fortifications, xlrii, 360 nl; held by the British, Iv, 355; death of Bussy at, Ivii, 363, 364 ; American sliip at, Ivii, 363 ; restored to the French, Ivii, 364 ; Mysore attempts relief of, 62 ; the Morses prisoners at, 83 «1 ; French force at, 134, 137, 196, 355, 372, 380 ; trade at, 152, 253 ; cap- ture of (1793), 176 ?^3 ; system of Government at, 225, 235, 311 ; British passengers sail from, 271 ; Bellecombe as Governor of, 312, 325 ; French fleet at, 322 ; British Resident at, 355 ; an open town, 402 ; mentioned, 210. Poona, Ponnah ; Ministerial party at, xxxiv, 257, 282 ; St. Lubin at, xlvi, 317 «4 ; Upton as envoy to, 251, 253, 255, 258; seat of the Maratha government, 256 ; British advance on, 258 ; Walajah'senvoy to, 258 ; treaty signed at, 273, 301 ; Raghoba invited to, 309 ; Durbar jealous of Sindia, 369. Poonamallee ; rented by Walajah, xlviii nl ; mutiny at, hd, 363, 364 ; training of cadets at, Poonamallee — conf. 136, 141 ; Coote's regiment at, 151 ; recruits at, 193; French prisoners at, 325 ; note on, .325 n6. Popham, Major William, xlix, 1. Popinjays. See Textiles. Portledge ; library at, Ixiii, 406 nl, 415, 415 n2. Porto Novo ; battle of, 1, 8 n5, 352 nl ; French landing at, 1. Post, Letter ; plan for, xxxi, 238, 238 nl. Post Office ; letters censored bj^ 97. Potsdam ; Frederick the Great at, Ixv, 403, 404 ; Crown Prince of Prussia at, 404. Potter, James ; letter to, 239. Pourtales, Messrs. ; receipts from, 390, 391 ; credit with, 397. Povery, Lieut. Peter James, 23. Po-miey, IMrs. Catherine ; is inoculated, 79 ; note on, 79 n2. Powney, Catherine Ann ; her marriage, Iviii, 360 n2. See Vansittart, JMrs. Catherine. Powney, Commander John, 14 ??2, 19 nl, 22 nl, 79 n2. Powney, Mxs. Mary ; letter from, 9 ; note on, 19 nl ; Palk's friend- ship for, 360. Powney, Thomas, 79 n2. Powney, William ; his voyage, 14, 14 n2, 19, 29. Prangin, Mme. de, 398. Presburg, 400. Preston, A., 64. Preston, Ensign Henry ; arrives as cadet, lii, ; letters from, 336iteen ; small-pox on board, 75. Eesolution, 242. Rochford, 170. Rodney, 379, 380. ^Salisbury ; flagship of Sir E. Hughes, xxxvi, 255 ; carries merchandize, xxxvi, 256 ; men- tioned, 288, 313. Salisbury ; P. Bromfield com- mands, 258. Sarah, late Madras Merchant, 221. *Seahorse; sails for Malabar, 255 ; is sent to China, 311. Spelce, 170. *Stag ; at the Cape with Aurora, 125, 134 ; her mission to Persia, 131 ; Lieut. Johnson of, 134 ; mentioned, 177. Steevens, Admiral ; quick passage of, 13. Success ; under orders for Basra, 5. Sultanissa Begam ; trades to Manila, 54, 74 ; mentioned, 73. *Superb ; arrives in advance of the squadron, 328. Surprise, packet ; voyage of R. Palk, jun., in, Hi, 333, 336; D. Asquith commands, lii, 337, 350 ; death of Palk in, Ivi, Ships; Surprise — conf. 336, 340; at Limerick, 336, 344 ; returns to India, 354, 380; mentioned, liv, 341, 343, 351, 352, :561, 379. *Swallow, sloop of war ; carries despatches regarding the revo- lution, xliii, 288, 298, 306; mentioned, 253. Swallow, jjacket ; voyage to Gom- broon, 5 ; carries IMacartney from Bengal, 374 ; mentioned, 417. Swan ; trades to Pegu, 14 7il, 29. Syren, sloop ; carries home news of capture of Calcutta, 7. Talbot, 333. Thames, 94, 108. Triton ; Hon. W. Elphinstone com- mands, 202 ; carries Fletcher home, 216 ; mentioned 312. Valentine ; aground near Madras, 314 ; mentioned, 80. Vansittart, 153. Watson, Admiral, 59, 76, 77. Worcester ; R. Hall commands, 245 n5. *Yorlc, 125. Shirpi, Sirpi. See Sira. Shittabro}'. See Shatab Rai. Sholingarh, 1, 352 nl. Shore, John, 413, 414. Short, Thomas ; letter from, 245. Shortt, Major John ; influence of hospitality on lus promotion, Iviii ; letter from, 365 ; note on, 365 nl. Shuja-ud-daula ; Xawab Vizier of Oudh, xvi, 45, 45 n5, 88 nl ; is supported by the British against the IMarathas, xxiii, 187, 207, 238; receives Kora and Allahabad, xxxi ; his pay- ments, xxxi, 231 ; death of, xxxiii, li, 320 n 1 ; his successor, xxxiii, li, 249 ; the Begams seize his treasure, li ; expected rupture with, 88, 123 ; reduces his army, 93 ; deemed un- trustworthy, 102 ; is reconciled to the Mogul, 1 10 ; Barker's influence with, 112 n\ ; ex- cellence of his cavalry, 116; hostilities with, 1,53, 153 n3 ; his martial aims, 192, 192 n2 ; Hastings's treaty with, 222, 227 ?i2 ; at war with the Jat<, 237. See Xawab Vizier. Sibbendy, 67, 67 n2. Ships of the^Royal Xavy, 466 Sikhs, The ; defeated by the Abdali, xvi, 40, 40 n3. Sikandar Jah, son of Xizam AH, 67, 67 7il. Silesia ; tranquillity in, Ixvi ; the Emperor hopes to regain, 405 ; no attempt expected on, 409. Silk factories, 206. See Filature. Silver ; scarcity of, 73 ; purchase of plate, 198. See Money. See Specie. Simcoe, Colonel, 416. Sindia, Mahadaji. See Mahadaji Sindia. Sira or Sirpi ; ceded to the Marathas, xxi ; occupied by Eaghoba, xxxii, 235, 235 7(3, 237 ; taken by Madhu Eao, 23, 35, 42, 47, 49 ; situation of, 23 nl ; terri- tory of, 24 ; importance of, 25 ; formerly under Nizam, 33 ; Haidar reduces, 61, 61 7i2. Siraj-ud-daula ; a title of Walajah, 42, 42 «5. Sirpi, Shirpi. See Sira. Sitaram Pandit, C. ; reports on Chica- cole, Iviii, lix ; letter from, 365 ; petitions from, 365-367. Sitarfim Raja, P. See Sitarjlm Raz. Sitaram Ranga Rao, R ; letter from, 366. Sitaram Raz, Sittaramrauze, Sitteram Rauze ; chief Zemindar in Chicacole, xxx, 28, 28 no ; oppression by, lix, 365, 365 n4, 366, 367 ; pays kists, 35 ; rents ( liicacole, 43, 50 ; rents Vizia- nagram only, 48 ; his arrogance, 65, 65 «3 ; his power, 200, 201 ; recommends a sepoy as dubas.h, 366, 367 ; kills Gajapati Raz, 367. Sivaganga, Maravar of ; a prisoner, xxxix, 278 ; called the Little Maravar and Nalkottai Poligar, 194 «3. See Maravar of Kali- yarkoil. See Nalkottai Poligar. Sivaji, 2 ?;2. Skottowe, Commander Nicholas, 231, 238. Slopcr, Mrs. Kitoria ; letter from, 82 ; note on, 82 ;(3. Sloper, Robert, 82 ?(3, 135. Slopcr, Lt.-Ceneral Robert; C.-in-C. in India, lix, .370, 370 «3, 371 ; sits in the Madras Council, 371 ; favours King's ollicers, 379. Small, Martha, 17 ill. See Pybus, Mrs. Martha. Small pox. See Diseases. Smeidoii, Futwood ; letter from, 374. Smerdon, Mrs. (Futwood), 375. Smerdon, Ensign ; liis shortcomings, xvii, 84, 85 ; his father blame- worthy, 84 ; in the Circars, 87 : resigns the serWce, 98 ; runs away, 115 ; his adventures, 119 Smerdon, iNIrs., mother of Ensign Smerdon, 119. Smith, ]\Irs. Amelia, wife of General R. Smith, 113 h1, 168. See Hopkins, Amelia. Smith, Charles ; a member of Council, xliv, 174, 179, 314, 314 nl ; pto\'isional Governor, 1 ; Mayor of Madras, 86 ; charge against, 146 ; note on, 146 nl ; his marriage, 196 ; visits Pondi- cherry, 210. Smith, George ; free merchant, xii, 7 n4, 53 nl, 213 ; a tanka- holder, xl, xlii, 276 ; denomices the revolution, xlii, 291 ; fore- man of inquest jmy, xUv ; at Canton, 7 ; liis experience at Manila, 53 ; letters from, 53, 73, 213,216,290; his debts to Palk and Vansittart, 53, 248 ; his marriage, 95, 95 «3 ; objects to sign new covenants, 213, 217 ; is interdicted from trade, 213 ; is ordered to England, 216; his protest, 217 ; his early career, 217. Smith, John ; Chief at Vizagapatam, 50, 50 n4, 78, 78 n3. Smith, John Lewin ; Chief at iNIasuli- patam, 28, 28 w3, 43 «2, 65 n2, 100 ; his revenue collections, 28, 35; leases Chicacole, 43; settles with Sitaram Raz,.50 ; 50 n3 ; his orders to Colonel Hart, 66 ; indiscretion of, 67 ; sails for England, 110; Janga- nux's debt to, 152. Smith, Joseph, sen. ; Gunner and Engineer, 23 »1. Smith, Brig.-General Joseph ; com- mands the army against Haidar, xiii, xiv, 23, 47, 49 ; his com- mand against Tanjore, xxiv, 164 ; at Trichinopoly, xxvii, 156, 163, 163 nl; conimands the Maravan ex])edition, xxviii, 50/(2. 213; resigns, xxviii, 163 «2, 196, 208, 214; resumes command of the Army, xxix, 212, 214 ; supports Walajah in Council, xxxiv, 246, 249 ; arrives at Hyderabad, 23 ; note on, 23 n\ ; advises the Nizam, 28, 41, 42, 47, 49; 467 Smith, Brig. -General, Joseph— cont. complains of Orton, 71 ; re- ceives Field Deputies, 71 ; his mihtary capacity, 78, 78 )i4 ; praise of, 81 ; is joined by Wood, 82 «2 ; pursues Haidar, 105 ; blames Walajah, 172 ; Iiis house at Trichinopoly, 176; dis- approves the Tanjore settle- ment, 177 ; prejiares for Eng- land, 207 ; Dutch protest to, "224 ; captures Tanjore, 225, 278 ; sails for England, 251, 254, 255, 255 ill ; mentioned, 26, 32, 68, 84, 87, 91, 317 w4. Smith, Mrs. Margaret Aurora, 214. See Jlunro, ^Margaret. Smith, Commander Nathaniel ; com- mands the Lord Camden, 14 ; his ojDinion of Allum securities, 244 ; is supported by Palk, 245 ; note on, 245 7i6. Smith, Brig.-General Richard ; repre- sents Walajah's creditors, xxv, 121; his fortune, 113; note on, 113 h1; liis house in England, 168 ; mentioned, xlv. Smith, Captain, 7. Smith, Mr., supercargo, 5. Snelling, Lieut. J. ; reveres Mathews, xxxvii, 261 ; death of, xxx^^i, 321, 321 nl ; as cadet, 115, 115 7i3; is aided by Palk, 115, 116, 147, 147 ?i3; letters from, 191, 261, 281 ; illness of, 261 ; in the Circars, 281. Solo. See Sulu. Somner, Mi-., 64. See Sumner. Sonnaut. See Coinage. Sooloo. See Sulu. Sou bah. The. See Subah. Soucar, soukar ; Benfield as, xl, 236 ; bills, 35, 35 nl ; security, 114, 235, 371. Souce}-, 113. South Molton, 384, 384 n3. South Sea Annuities, 8. Souza, Antonio de ; an executor for Goodlad, 211 ; free merchant, 211 ?i4 ; his piece-goods Associa- tion, 216 ; his assignment on Tanjore, 276; mentioned, 419. Spain ; war apprehended with, xxv, 148 ; King of, 8, 8n 7, 53, 54. Specie ; export from India of, xxxviii, 252, 307. See Money. Spencer, ]\Ir., in Switzerland, Ixiv, 378 ; returns to England, 383, 384, 385 ; commimicates ^vith Spencer, Mr. — conL Sir R. Palk, 388; his profi- ciency in French, 390 ; his expenditure, 405. Sport ; plays, horse-racing and cock- fighting, xxxvii, 261 ; card- jilaying, xlviii, 17 ; gaming, 232, 233, 327. Squadron, The ; under Admiral Watson, X ; under Sir R. Har- land, 159, 181 ; reinforcement for, 171 ; sails from Madras for Bombay, 201 ; under Sir E, Hughes at Madras, xxxvi ; at Bombay, 213, 263, 266, 273, 301 ; escorts Supreme Council and Judges, 273 ; under Sir E. Vernon, 322, 323 ; Hughes resumes command of, 330 ; in action! 1) with the French, 336. Srirangam ; Lawrence's victory at, xi, 35 «2 ; temples at, 2, 4, 4 n3 ; visited by Chokappa, &c., 278. Sri Salupathi, 277. 280. Stables, John ; his abilities, lix, 379 ; advises Abraham, 361 ; note on, 361 nl ; prepares for England, 413. . Stair, John Dalrymple, Earl of, 403 n2. Stark, Dr. James, 334, 334 nl. Starke, Richard, 64, 64?il. Staixnton, George ; a Peace Com- missioner, li, 355, 355 nl ; Secretary to JNIacartnej', 356. Staveley, Rev. Samuel, vi. Steevens, Commodore Charles, 6, 6 «1, 12 «1. Sterne, Laurence, xxxvii, 271 w4. Stevens. Major William ; killetl at Pondicherry, xlvii, 325 ; note on, 325 n3. Stewart (or Stuart), John ; Secretary, Bengal, xxv, 262, 262 «2 ; desig- nated Secretary, Madras, 149, 149 nl ; his nomination can- celled, 157, 157 n2 ; dismissal of, 252, 262 ; note on, 252 nS ; associates with IMacpherson, 264, 264 nl ; sails for England, 266, 266 nl. Stibbert, Brig.-General Giles, xlv, 319. Stock, China, 72. Stock, India ; voting power of holders of, xxii, 91 n4, 127 ; effect of Tanjore success on price of, 185; Dunning's, 242; Palk's dealings in, 243 ; Colebrooke's sale of, 244. '^' Vide p. 45!), note 1, and p. 172, note 1. 468 Stone, Mrs. Marj-, 48, 184, 195. See Seale. Stone, John Maxwell ; Secretary, Mili- tary Department, xii, 46 n4 ; describes military operations, XV, 47, 48 ; his opinion of the situation, xxi, 142-144; in C'oimcil, xxix, 195, 218 ; sup- ports Walajah, xxxiv, 246, 246 7! 9, 249; member of the Minority, xl, 294, 306; sus- pended by the Majority, xlii, 288, 292, 295, 298, 300, 306; sails for England, xlv, 314 ; letters from, 46, 104, 142, 180, 194, 197, 267, 271 ; note on, 46 ?i4 ; an executor for Griffiths, 72, 72 7i5, 76 ; will train Tom Palk, 91, 91 w6 ; recommends H. Griffiths, 140; letter to, 154 ; his prospects, 186, 195 ; recommends Goodlad for Coun- cil, 198 ; liis appointments, 212 ; advises H. Griffiths, 226 ; agent for Palk, 251, 256 ; his offer to Stuart, 286 ; resides at the Mount, 309, 313; his affairs, 326, 328, 331 ; his houses in Fort St. George, 326, 326 n2 ; mentioned, 73, 73 n4, 79, 225, 241, 278. Stonhouse, Rev. Sir James, xiii, x\n, 37 7il. Stonhouse, Sir John, xiii, 30 nZ, 37 iil. Stonhouse, Lucia ; marries E. Palk, jun., xiii, xvi, 131, 131 ?i5, 134, 136 ; her death, xvi, 202, 204 ; epitaph on, xvii, xvii ?!l ; ex- pected arrival of, 100, 100 ?;3. See Palk, Airs. Lucia. Stonhou.se, IMartha ; marries Arthur Vansittart, 37 nl. See Vansit- tart, Mrs. IMartha. Stonhouse, Sarali ; arrives at Madras, xiii ; her suitors, xiii, 29 »6, 131, 131 m4 ; C. Bourchier's opinion of, 37 ; marries George Vansittart, 37 v\. See Vansit- tart, Mrs. Sarah. Stonhouse, Lieut. Thomas ; exjiected arrival of his brother and sister, 100 ; note on, 100 »2 ; will visit Calcutta, 115, 204, 219. Stonhou.se, Mr., 100, 115. Storey, Dr. Robert, 380, 380 xl. Storm ; at Surat, xx.xiv, 247. Stowey, Philip ; Civil Architect, xh-iii, 324 ril ; letter from, 324. Straccj', Edward ; Mackay infornis against, xxix, 217, 217 nl ; accompanies an embassy, 42 ; Stracey, Edward — coiit. note on, 42 ?i2 ; in Council, 218. Stratton, George ; a member of the Majority, xl, 289, 294, 306 ; suspension of, xli, xlii, xliv, 285, 294, 300, 306; unrecog- nized by Bombay, xliii, 311 ; verdict against, xliv, 315 wl ; sails for England, xlv, 314 ; his marriage, 72, 78 ; note on, 72 ??6 ; Chief at Vizagapatam, 197, 252, 366 ; moves to Madras, 255 ; Pigot's charge against, 285 ; his protest, 285 ; usurps the Government, 286, 288, 288 w3, 290, 295, 296; his relations with Walajah, 289, 297 ; IMunro's attitude towards, 291 ; records arrest of Lord Pigot, 295 ; liis orders as to cowles, 310 ; is authorized to hold Quarter Sessions, 311 ; to be tried, 314 ; dismisses Munro, 318 ; his orders of suspension reversed, 322 ; men- tioned, 94, 135, 259, 270, 271, 299. Stratton, John, 17 «3. Stratton, Sarah, 17 n3, 110 wS. See Mackay, Mrs. Sarah. Stuart, Major-General James ; aa Colonel is offered Tanjore com- mand, xli, 284, 284 w3, 285; accepts Pigot's hospitality, xli, 286 ; plans and executes the arrest of Pigot, xli, 289 ; is suspended, tried and acquitted, xliv, 317, 365 «2 ; his com- mand of the arm3^ li, 286, 295, 300; attacks Cuddalore, li ; is dismi.s.scd and deported, li, 365 7t'2 ; Pigot's charge against, 295 ; illness of, 31 1 ; is expected at Tanjore, 311, 313; verdict against, 315 nl. Subah, Soubah ; original meaning of, ] , 1 »2 ; ruler of the Deccan, 23, 23 n2 ; crosses the Kistna, 23, 24 ; complains of British delay, 25; desires aid, 31; a treaty suggested with, 32 ; Walajah's enmity to. 36 ; dilatoriiiess of, 41 ; confirms grant of Carnatic, 42 ; his alliance with Haidar, 66 ; alarmed by British advance, 67; seeks peace, 67, 199; is exi>ected to join Marathas, 132 ; Walajah subject to, 181 ; weak- ness of, 194 ; mentioned, xx, 138. See Xizam Ali. 169 Subahdar of tlio Deecan ; his alleged grant to Dupleix, 07 hJ. See Subah. Subrahinaiiya Chetti, 136. Subu Chetti, G., 280. Sudaba (Sudashco Rao, Sudasheo Chiiunaji) ; nephew of B.'iji Rao, xxxvi ; a pretender claims the Peshwasliip as, xxxvi, 281, 281 nl, 282, 282 7i2 ; is executed XXX vii ; his career, 281, 281 nl, 309. Suez ; as route for mails, xxxi, xlix, 282, 292, 294, 300 ; news sent homeward via, xliii. 298 ; White- hill arrives by way of, xliv ; passengers via, xlvii, 330, .330 /?1 ; diflficulties of route by, 330. Suffren de Saint-Troijez, Pierre Andr6 de ; his engagements with Hughes, 1, Hi, .336(1'; delivers prisoners to Haidar, 1. Sulivan, Benjamin, 29 n?>. Sulivan, John ; sails for Europe, xxxvii, 270, 270 nl, 271 ; Resident at Tanjore, Iv, 332 wl, 364, 364 n4; his fortune, Iv, 354 ; assistant to Whitehill, 29 ; notes on, 29 ?i3, 354 »4 ; returns from China, 123, 123 n2 ; is respon- sible for Tom Palk, 272. Sulivan, Laurence ; corresponds with Palk, xiii ; is related to Wood, xxi, 117 ; his career, xxi, xxii, 30 h2 ; his financial troubles, xxii, 79, 127, 128, 188, 189; in Parliament, xxii, 86, 86 nl, 242, 245 ; a candidate for Madras, xxii, xxv, 186, 193, 197, 210, 215 ; his estimate of Walajah, xlix, 332 ; memoran- dum l)v, 63 ; letters from, 79, 126, 188, 189, 190, 241, 243, 244, 245 ; out of the Direction, 83, 222 ; rejoins the Direction, 91, 91 n3, 112, 149, 157, 162; his integrity, 117; Palk's in- fluence with, 118; opposes over- staffing, 123 ; Hastings corresponds with, 139, 141, 203. 208, 219, 220 ; desires post of Commissioner, 171, 190; his influence, 175 ; a patron of Coodlad, 185, 186 ; letters to, 191, 243 ; is expected in India, 191, 193, 197,210,215; papers to be showai to, 227 ; his ill- Suliva!!, Laurence — cont. fortime, 240 ; fails to meet Dunning, 242; Tom Palk's hopes from, 327 ; mentioned, ix, 30, 60, 60 nl, 106, 166, 329 n2, 331, 331 «3. Sulivan, Mrs. (Laurence), 188. Sulivan, Richard Joseph ; Secretary to Government, xli, 294, 295 ; demands wTitten orders, xli, 285, 285 nl ; his mission to Calcutta, li, 310 7i2 ; note on, 29 n3. Sulivan, Stephen ; seeks loans from Palk, xxii, 205, 240; goes to India, xxii ; his appointments, xlix, 329, 329 n2, 332; is deputed to Bengal, 1 ; aids his father, 188 ; letters from, 205, 240, 241, 331 ; notes on, 205 nl, 332 nl ; to stand for Parliament, 242, 242 n2 ; Hughes's civility to, 331. SuHvan, Mrs. (Stephen), 331. Suiu, Solo, Sooloo, Zoloo Islands ; sepoys from, 29 ; Dalrymple's mission to, 29 «.4 ; reduction of, 79 ; treaty with Sultan of, 257 n2 ; attack by natives on, 259. Sumatra ; restoration of places in, 9 ; Fort Marlborough in, 17 n4. Sumner, William Brightwell ; Hast- ings's debt to, 118, 123, 123 ni, 139, 139 nl ; note on, 118 nl ; mentioned, 64. Supervisoi's, The. See Commissioners, Reform, Supreme Council. See Council, Su- preme. Supreme Court. See Court of Judi- cature, Sujjreme. Surajah Dowla, in error for Shuja-ud- daula, {q,>\,) 153, 153 n3. Surat ; damage by storm at, xxxiv, 247 ; Goddard's march to, xlvi, 328 n5 ; Madras force for, xlvi, 147 n4, 329 ; exi^edition against, 250 ?il ; Raghoba at, 309 ; mentioned, 21. Survey of Bengal, RenneU's, xxiii, 167. Swynfen, Rev. George, v. Sydenham, Major William, 311. Syfe ut Dowlah, Nawab. See Saif- ud-daula. Syracuse, Seven Tyrants of, 292. Syringapatam, 24. See Seringapatam. (1) Vide p. 459, note 1, and p. 472, note 1. EE 470 Taluk (tdluq), 233, 233 «10. Tanaca, tanaka, tanakaw. See Tanka. Tanjore City and Fort ; siege of, in 1771, xxiv, 165 ; peace con- cluded by Walajah, xxiv, 166, 172, 174 ; siege and capture of, in 1773, XXX, 223, 224, 236; Lord Pigot's \nsit to, xxxix, 277, 299 ; Russell nominated Resident at, xli, 284, 289, 299, 306 ; Stephen Sulivan as Resident at, xlix, 332 wl, 354 w4 ; John Sulivan Resident at, Iv, 332 72 1, 354, 354 w4, 364 ; rendition of, 109^1, 306; garrisoned by Walajah, 223, 249 ; Walajah's intentions as to, 246 ; Kiladar of, 264 ; delivery to the British of, 264, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 275, 276, 283, 296, 312, 312 «1 ; Stuart to command at, 284, 306, 313 ; disapproval of Pigot's measures at, 288, 306 ; Ben- field's \asit to, 294 ; mentioned, 325 «3, 418 n4. Tanjore Province ; conquest in 1773 of, xxx, xlvii, 223, 224, 225, 236, 237, 239; proposed ruler for, xxxiv, 254 ; orders for restitution of, xxxviii, 263, 265, 267, 273, 274, 296, 302 ; Walajah mortgages revenues of, xl, 276, 278, 291 ; Hughes's opinion as to, xlii, 302 ; Brathwaite defeated in, 1, 176 nZ ; Marathas withdraw from, 4 ; tribute due from, 46 ; situation in, 162, 171 ; ex- pedition of 1771 against, 164, 165, 166, 172, 175, 177, 185; ]\laratha views regarding, 237, 265 ; differences in Council as to, 278 ; Walajah's reluctance to give up, 283, 296; Pigot's measures respecting, 296, 316 ; mentioned, 184, 191, 258. Tanjore Raja ; Palk's negotiations with, vi, 3, 3 «5, 4, 60 ; attacks Rnmnad, xxiii, 155; is attacked, de})osed and imprisoned, xxx, 223, 224, 225, 236; loses hope, xxxii, 239 ; is liberated and rein- stated, xxxviii, xxxix, 270, 271, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 283, 296, 298, 308 ; seizure of grahi l)y, xl, 276 ; Benfield's claims on, xliii, 304 ; to aid against Poligars, 26 ; his tribute to Walajah, 27, 315 ; cause of Avar of 1771 with, 156, 164, 172 ; Tanjore Raja — cont. lais treaty of 1762 vAih Walajah, 162, 279, 305 ; Walajah's settle- ment with, 174, 177, 201, 213 ; his grant of Nagore, 224 ; Maratha aid expected for, 235, 239 ; restoration of territory to, 263, 265, 267 ; Pigot's gifts to, 278; mentioned, xlii, 23 ?il, 311. Tanka, tanaca, tanaka, tanakaw, tuncaw ; granted on Tanjore revenues, xl, 276, 278, 291, 293, 308 ; on Tinnevelly, 236 ; on Ongole, 248, 248 w2. Tannah ; reduction of, 250 ; com- mand at, 251 ; Lane at, 280. Tapanoully, 9. Tapermaul Chitty, 197 ?i4. See Chip- permall Chetti. Taswell, George ; arrival of, 141, 141 ?i3, 150, 173. Taunton, 30 n2. Tavistock, 220. Tax, Fortification, 109 n2. Taylor, James ; his marriage, 95, 95 nA ; Registrar of Maj^or's Court, 303, 303 n2 ; his loan to Walajah, 418 n\ ; men- tioned, 418. Taylor, Thomas, 267 nl. Tellicherry ; Abington's success at, li ; proposed grants of territory near, 33 ; Boddam at, 195 ; ships need convoy north of, 258 ; mentioned, 193, 250. Temple, Richard, Earl, 6. Temple; charity, 271; Jambukistna, 278; Madras, 97 «1. Temples; Srirangam, 2, 4, 4n3, 278; views, of, lix, 369. Teneriffe, 17, 74, 75. Tenevely. See Tinnevelly. Textiles, Woollen; broadcloth, 17, 18; popinjays and auroras, 18, 18 111 ; perpetuanoes, 18, 18 «8. TextUes, Cotton ; salempores, 41, 41 ?(2, 1.36; beteelas (muslin) and ginghams, 136 ; moorees (blue goods), 136, 152 ; paint- ings (chintz), 152, \52 n\ ; chey goods (d^'ed red \\itli chay root), 152, 152 n\ ; long cloth, ordinarv, 156 ; piece goods, 216, 381. Thackeray, Jane, 260 «3. See Rennell. Thomas, Rev. Jolui ; cha])lain. 72, 72 »(4 ; letter from, 7() ; an executor for Griffiths, 76, 104, 104 >(1. Thomson, Captain, 277 280. Thun, Countess of, Ixv, 398. 471 Tinnevelly ; disturbances in, 25 ; Mahfuz Khan's rebellion in, 102 nl ; expedition against, 17(3 n'i ; Poligars of, 194 nl ; the Renter of, 225, 236; de- based coinage of, 372. Tipu Sultan ; as Tipu Sahib raids Madras, xiii, xv, 57, 57 ??4 ; reduces Sira, xxxii, 23 nl ; annihilates Baillie's force, 1 ; with the French takes Cudda- lore, 1 ; defeats Bratliwaite, 1, 176 n3 ; as Sultan besieges Bednur and Mangalore, li ; negotiates for peace, lii, 96 »2, 351 n2, 355, 355 nl, 358 ; re- stores forts and receives Dindi- gul, Iv, 354 ; closes Camatic passes, Ix, 381 ; feigns death, Ix, 381, 391, 392, 393; his rupture with Nizam and the Marathas, Ix, 359, 374, 391, 392, 401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 418, 419 ; ravages Adoni, Ix, 414 ; unpopularity of, Ix, 393 ; attacks Basalat Jang, 259 ; continues war with British after Haidar's death, 336; Fullar- ton's operations against, 351 h3. Tod, Commander Alexander, 351. Tod, Lt.-Colonel Charles ; marches from Vellore, 49 ; note on, 49 /(4 ; is troubled by Smerdon, 85 ; at Ellore, 87 ; commands in the Circars, 98, 115. Todos Santos, Bay of, 163. Tolver, Mr., 375. Tondiman, 26, 26 wl, 162. Tor Moluin, 171 ?i3. Totapalli, Chief of, xvii, 151. Town ]Major of Fort St. George ; Tod as, 49 w4 ; R. Wood as, 277 n2, 294 ; Lysaght as, 295 ; Sydenham as, 311. Trade ; in salt, xxvii, 80 ; in opium, xxxviii, 221, 237 ; Board of, Ixii, 402, 413 ; depressed in Calcutta, 126 ; bad throughout India, 173, 307 ; civil servants restricted in, 231,234; depressed in Madras, 327, 355. Tranquebar, 417. Transylvania, 409. Travancore ; threatened with attack, 196, 201, 252, 311. Traytorrens, I\I. de, 384. Treaty ; suggested in 1767 between Nizam and the Marathas, 24, 31, 33 ; commercial, with Sultan of Sulu, 257 ?«2 ; sug- gested between the Camatic Treaty — c^nt. Nawab and tiie Company, 302. Treaties : — ■ Aix-la-Chajwlle, of 1748, with l^^-ance, v, 398 nl. Allahabad, of 1765, with the Nawab Vizier ; denounced by the Majority, xxxiii. Benares, of 1773 ; with the Nawab Vizier, xxxi, 222, 227, 227 n2 ; denounced by the Majority, xxxiii ; cession to the Vizier under, 231 n4 ; men- tioned, 231. Carnatic-'J'anjore, of 1762, xxiii, xiii, L55, 164, 279; violation of, by the Fvaja, 162 ; is ol)noxious to Walajah, 305. Fyzabad, of 1772, with the Marathas, 112 til. Hyderabad, of, 1766 ; negotiated by Caillaud, viii, 62, 62 »2, 102 nl ; reward for negotiating, ix ; cause of the first Mysore war, xiii, 60, 60 ni : men- tioned, xiv, XV. Madras, of 1768 ; with the Nizam, xiv ; negotiated by Rukn- ud-daula, 108, 108 wl. Mangalore, of 1784 ; with Tipu Sultan, lii, 355, 355 7>l ; Nawab no party to, Ivi, 358 ; mentioned Ix. 351 ■h3. Mysore-Maratha, of 1772, xxi, 194. Mysore-Maratha, of 1787 ; between Tipu and Holkar, Ix. Oudh, of 1775, negotiated by Hastings with Asaf-ud-daula ; provisions of, 248, 249, Paris, of 1763 ; order based on, xii, 8 ; construction placed on eleventh article of, xxiv, 181 ; ensures tran(] uillity of the Carnatic, 156 ; mentioned, 143. Pondicherrv (provisional), of 1754, vi, 30 n3, 60. Purandhar, of 1766 ; witli the Marathas, xxxvi, 273, 282 ; con- demned by Lane, xxxvi, 280, 280 «5 ; described by Hughes, xxxvi, 301 ; provisions of, 309 ; mentioned, 307. St. Thomas's Mount, of 1769 ; with Haidar, xiv, xvi, .30 wl, 106; Du Pre's description of, 101 ; delay in publishing terms of, 103 ; mentioned, xlvii. Salbai, of 1782 ; with the Mara- thas( Sindia), 11. Surat, of 1775 ; with the Marathas (Raghoba), xxxi v. 472 Treaties — coni. Versailles, of 1783 ; with the French, li, 356 ; mentioned, Ivi. Tricamally, 355. See Trincomalee. Trichinopoly ; relief of, xi ; Law- rence's actions near, xi, 88 ; powder explosion at, xxvii, 174, 175, 176 ; T. Palk as Pay- master at, xlv, 354, 357, 358, 392 ; taken by Chanda Sahib, 3 ; French attack on the fort of, 4, 4 n2 ; tributary to Vijaya- nagar, 4 ; J. Smith's defence of, 23 nl ; Walajah visits, 41, 48 ; remains British, 95 ; re- lieved by CaiUaud, 102 nl ; E. Smith at, 113 »1; Clive at, 124 nl ; J. Smith \dsits, 156, 163 ; Fletcher ordered to, 163 n2, 209, 212; expedition from, 162, 165, 175, 184; rock- fort of, 176 ; is avoided by Walajah, 218; Hay at, 235, 235 «2 ; regiment moved from, 263, 264 ; British garrison of, 268 ; visited by Chokap^Da, 278 ; depopulation of, 370 ; mentioned, 190, 223, 315 ni, 370. Trimbak Rao, xxi. TruneUvashel, 269. Trincomalee, Tricamally, Trincana- mally ; captured by Hughes, 1, 330 «5 ; surrendered to the French, 1, Iv, 354, 354 n3, 355, 355 »3 ; Asquith at, liii, 342 ; restored to the Dutch, Iv, Ivii, 372 ; the squadron at, 174, 314 ; erroneous report of en- gagement off, 336.?1. White TowTi, Madras {i.e. Fort St. George). See Madras. See Fort St. George. Whitehill, John ; sails for England, xxxvii, 265, 265 nl, 270, 271; returns to Madras and forms a Government, xliv, 314, 321 ; is relieved by Rumbold, xlv ; is again provisional Governor, xhiii, xlix, 1, 329, 331 ; sus- pended by Hastings, 1, 146 nl ; note on, 29 n2 ; envoy to Hyderabad, 88, 88 n2 ; Chief at Masulipatam, 265, 269, 269 nl ; uncle of Mrs. Draper, 271, 271 n4 ; responsible for Toni Palk, 272; mentioned, 29, 100, 330. Whitehill, Thomas, xxxvii, 271 n4. Whitehill, I\liss, xxxvii. Why tie. Councillor, 88. See Whitehill, John. Widdicombe, Mary, iv, 16 n2. Widdicombe, Thomasine, iv. Willot, ]Mr., 154. Willianis, Alexander, 75 nl. Williams, John. 388, 388 nl. Williamson, Elizabeth, 55 n2. Winchester school, 124 «2. Winder, 'Ihonias, 352, 352 n4. Winds; land, 40; longshore, 48, 48 «4. Wine; madeira, 113, 141, 173. Winsor family, 245. Winter, Sir Kdward, 298 n2. Withecombe, Thomas, 39 »1, 382. Withccombe, Mr. ; Walajah's gift on account of, 39, 39 nl, 77, 96, 129, 147. Wombwell, George, 323, 323 /(2. Wongole, 248. See Ongole. Wood, Colonel John ; commands in the Baramahal, xiv, xv, 82, 87, 88, 89, 166 nl ; is recalled and courtmartialed, xiv, 82 7i2, 114, 115, 117, 121, 365 n2; is acquitted but dismissed, xxi, 121, 148; note on, 82 n2 ; his resignation expected, 85 ; a relative of L. Sulivan, 117 ; his disputes with Government, 126. is restored, 162, 171 ; Wood, Captain Robert ; accompanies Pigot to Tanjore, 277, 280; Town Major of Fort St. George, 277 n2, 294 ; aide-de-camp to the Governor, 279. Wood, Mrs., 79. Woolley, James, 332, 332 n3. Worangal, 67. Worthies of England, Thomas Fuller's, 415. Wrey, Sir Bourchier ; his engagement and marriage, x, Ixiv, 375, 389, 389 nl ; mentioned, 396, 396 nl, 402, 416. Wrey, Lady, 416. See Palk, Anne (Nancy). Writer ; pay of a monthly, 98 ; i^ay of a covenanted, 108. Writers' Buildings, Calcutta, 361. 379. Wycombe, John Petty, Earl, 388, 389; 395. Wynch, Alexander ; provisional Gover- nor of Madras, xxix, 195, 196, 198, 207, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 240 ; his career, xxx, 74 n4, 210 nl ; opposes the Nawab, xxxiv, 246 ; fails to inspire respect, xxxvi, 255 ; Baker's opinion of, xlv, 256, 316 ; at Teneriffe, 74 ; his notice of Tom Palk, 75, 81 ; agent for R. Palk, 96, 111, 196, 212 ; Chief at IMasnlipatam, 99, 174, 197 ; letter from, 132 ; at Rajahmundry, 160 ; G. Smith's representation to, 217 ; appoints Tom Palk, 218 ; awaits Pigot's arrival, 251 ; Chokappa's opinion of, 254 ; deli\ers charge to Pigot, 257, 258. 260, 265 ; sails for England, 266, 269 ; Tom Palk's debt to, 266, 272 ; at St. Helena, 274 ; supports Benfield, 283 ; appeal to, 366 ; mentioned, xiii, 94. Wynch, Lieut. Alexander, 75 nl, 133. Wynch, Mrs. Florentia, 75, 81, 133, 216. See Cradock, Florentia. Wvnch, George, 132, 132 n3. 477 Wynch, Robert, 133. VVynch, Sophia, 133. WjTich, William ; describes financial conditions in Madras, Ivii, 364 ; visits Bengal, 133, 133 ?il ; letter from, 364, 364 n2. WjTidham, Charles, Earl of Egre- mont, 9. Young, William, servant of R. Palk jun.; Ms adventures in Ireland, liv, Iv, 350 ; his list of stores, 339, 349 ; letters from, 349, 350 ; draws a bill, 351 ; is arrested as a highwayman, 253. Yusuf Khan. See Muhammad Yusuf. Yarde, Lieut. John ; note on, 80 n2 ; leaves Calcutta, 131, 131 w2 ; letter from, 282 ; mentioned, 80. Yolland HUl, Ashbm-ton, 113 ri4, 231, 231 n2. Yonge, Sir George, Secretary for War, 420. York, Frederick, Duke of, Ixvi, 405, 406. Zemindars of the Circars ; oppose British forces, 23, 23 n4, 67 ; submission of, 48, 133 ; oppres- sion of, 328, 365, 365 /i3, 366, 367. Zemindars of Ganjam ; control of, 200, 201 ; summoned to Madras, 323. Zoloo. See Sulu. Zummabundy, 133. See Jamabandi. \ THE HISTOKICAL MANUSCEIPTS COMMISSION, Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. CertaIxX Commissioners were appointed by Qaeen Victoria in 1869 to encjiiire as to the existence of unpublished manuscripts in the possession of ])rivate persons and in institutions, calculated to throw light on the Civil, Ecclesiastical, Literary, or Scientific History of the Empire. The Commission has been renewed by the late King and by H.M. King George, and new Commissioners have been appointed from time to time to fill vacancies that have occurred. The present Commissioners are : — Lord Sterndale, Master of the Rolls (Chairman), The Earl of Crawford, The Earl of Rosebery, K.G., the Earl of Dartmouth, Lord Mostyn, Lord Fitzmaurice, Sir H. C. Maxwell-Lyte, K.C.B., Sir Frederic Ken von, K.C.B., Professor Firth, M.A., LL.D., Professor Pollard, M.A., Mr. R. A. Roberts and Mr. F. Elrington Ball. With the object of securing the co-operation of the owners of manuscripts, without which their work could not be carried on, the Commissioners think it desirable to describe the system upon which they conduct their enquiries. If the owner of any collection of manuscript books or documents express his willingness to submit them to the Com- missioners, an inspection is made under their direction by some competent and trustworthy person, and if any of the manuscripts appear to come \^"ithin the scope of their enquiry, the owner is asked to consent to the publication of copies or abstracts of them in the reports of the Commission. The object of the Commission being the discovery of unpublished historical and literary materials, attention is directed to that object exclusively, and owners of manuscripts need be under no apprehension that the examination of papers by the Commission may mean in any way a prying into private affairs. 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Among the numerous owners of valuable documents who have given their sanction to the temporary removal of manuscripts by the Commission may be named : — His Majesty the King, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke of Portland, the Duke of Buccleuch, the Marquess of Salisbury, the Marquess of Ormonde, the Marquess Townshend, the Marquess of Bath,, the Earl of Dartmouth, the Earl of Carhsle, the Earl of Egmont, Lord Kenyon, Lord Sackville, Mrs. Stopford Snckville, Sir George Wombwell, Mr. le Fleming, of Rydal, Mr. Fortescue, of Dropmore, and Mr. Rawdon Hastings, of Ashby de la Zouche. The work of the Commissioners, with the hberal-minded co-operation of many ow'ners of manuscripts, has resulted so far in the i)ublication of nearly a hundred and fifty volumes of previously unprinted historical materials. The Commissioners also regard it as part of their duty to be ready to give advice as to the housing and keejnng of'valuable paf)ers, and the repair of any that may be in a state of decay. A. E. STAMP, Secretary. LIST OF REPORTS ISSUED. (Size, F'cap to Ninth Report, Part III., induHive ; after that Svo.) (Dates in parentheses shows years of Reprints.) Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of MSS., &c. 1870 (1874) First Report, with Api'e:^dix England. House of Lords ; Duke of Rut- land : Duke of Manchester ; Marquis of Lothian ; Earl of Winchilsea and Not- tingham ; Earl of Coventry ; Earl of Macclesfield ; Earl St. Germains ; Earl of Zetland ; Viscount Midleton , Lord Mostyn : Lord Herries ; Lord de Tabley ; Earl of Shrewsbury ; Sir John Salus- bury Trelawney, Bart. ; Sir Thomas Winnington, Bart. ; Richard Almack ; T. E. Lefroy ; G. F. Luttrell ; Col. Napier ; W. Phelips ; John ToUemache ; F. 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Manuscript Materials for History in Scotland ; Duke of Hamil- ton ; Duke of Richmond ; Marquis of Lothian ; Earl of Dalhousie ; Buckie MSS. ; Library of Catholic Bishop of Edinburgh ; University of Edinburgh ; City of Edinburgh ; Advocates' Libr iry, Edinburgh ; Burgh of Aber- deen ; Corporation of Glasgow. Ireland. Earl of Charlemont ; Earl of Rosse ; Lord Talbot de Malahide and J. W. Bayly ; Thomas Hewitt and Richard Caulfiel.d, LL.D. ; Corpora- tions of Cork, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Waterford. Heidelberg. University Library. No. of Paper. Price. C. 55 s. d. 1 6 30063 A 2 1871 Second Report, with Appendix, and Index TO THE First and Second Reports. England and Wales. Duke of Bedford ; Countess Cowper and Baroness Lucas ; Earl of Dartmouth ; Earl Spencer ; Earl . of Mount Edgcumbe ; Eat 1 Cathcart ; Earl of Bradford ; Earl Cawdor ; Yis- count Dillon : Lord Camoys ; Lord Arundell of Wardour ; Lord Lyttelton ; Lord Calthorpe ; Lord Wrottesley ; Lord Leigh : Hon. G. M. 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Clare, Gonville and Caius, Jesus, Trinity Hall ; Dean and Chapter of Carlisle ; St. Mary's College ; Oscott ; Oxford Colleges, viz., Corpus Christi, Exeter, Jesus, Lincoln, Xew, Oriel, Queen's, Trinity, Worcester ; Stoneyhurst College ; Woodchester Monastery ; Corporation of Abingdon : Inner Temple Library — (Petyt MSS.) ; Chetham Library, Manchester. Scotland. Duke of Montrose ; Duke of Sutherland ; Marquis of Huntley ; Earl of Crawford and Balcarres ; Earl of Morton ; Earl of Strathmore ; Earl of Dalhousie ; Earl of Airlie : Earl of Stair ; Earl of Rosslyn ; Earl Cawdor ; Lord Forbes ; Lord Torphichen ; Sir J. H. Burnett, Bart. ; J. Guthrie ; A. F. Irvine : J. F. Leith ; Aberdeen University ; Blairs' Catholic College ; Trinity College, Glenalmond ; Royal Burgh of Montrose ; St. Andrew's University. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde : Earl of Granard ; Earl of Rosse ; The O'Conor Don ; Major-General F. P. Dunne ; Dr. R. D. Lyons (Abp. King's Collection) ; Rothe's Register of Kilkenny. C. 441 s. d. 3 10 Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of ^ISS., &c. Price. 1872 Third Repokt, with ArrF.xnix ano Tnokx (1895) England and Walks. House of Lords Duke of Devonshire .(Bolton Abbey) ; Duke of Devonshire (Hardwicke Hall) ; Duke of Northum erlaud ; Marquis of Lansdowne ; INlarquis of Salisbury ; Marquis of Bath ; Marquis of Bute ; Marquis of Northampton ; Marquis of Westminster ; Earl of Devon ; Earl of Shaftesbury ; Earl De la Warr ; Earl Fortescue ; Earl of Chichester ; Effingham ; Lord Gage ; Lord ciiffe ; Lord de L'Isle and Bishop of Southwark Catholic) ; Sir H. Bediugfield, Sir C. Bunbury, Bart. : Bart. ; Sir P.' de M. Bart. ; Sir E. Filmer, Fitzgerald, Bart. ; Sir Ffolkes, Bart. ; Sir T. Hare, Bart. ; Sir R. John Lawson, Throckmorton, Eyston ; Rev. Earl of Wharn- Dudley ; (Roman Bart. ; Sir W. Cope, Grey-Egerton, Bart. : Sir G. Wm. H. N. Sir H. Gunning, Bart. ; Bart. ; Sir C. Isham, Knightlev, Bart. ; Sir Bart. ; ^ Sir N. W. Bart. ; W. Dod ; C. J. F. Hopkinson ; J. H. Lee ; W. J. Legh ; H. S. Le Strange ; T. C. Marsh ; R. Orlebar ; Miss Othen ; F. Peake ; Calendar of Phelips' MSS. "; Rev. W. Sneyd ; R. E. Egerton- War- burton ; G. F. Wilbraham ; M. Wilson ; Corporation of Axbridge ; Corporation of Berwick-upon-Tweed ; Corporation of Bridgwater ; Cambridge Colleges, viz., Downing, Sidney Sussex ; Parish of Cheddar ; Corporation of Kingston- on-Thames ; County of Somerset ; Stonyhurst College ; Corporation of Totnes ; City of Wells ; Dean and Chapter of Wells ; Vicars Choral of Wells ; Dr. Williams' Library. Scotland. Duke of Montrose ; Marquis of Bute ; Eail of Seafield ; Earl of Glas- gow ; Lord Rollo ; Sir A. Edmonstone, Bart. ; Sir P. K. Murray, Bart. ; James Dundas ; Robert Dundas ; Lieut.-Col. W. Ross King; C. H. D. Moray ; John Webster ; R. G. E. Wemyss ; Glasgow University. Ireland. Marouis of Ormonde ; Earl of Granard ; Historical Memoirs of the Geraldine Earls of Desmond ; Parlia- mentary History of Ireland, by Hugh Howard ; I'lack Book of Limerick ; Chief Baron WiUes' Memoranda on Ireland. C. G73 «. d. > Stationery Office Publications.) \ Report and Appendix, Part I., Section I. 1907. 8vo. :— Duke of Marlborough ; Earl of Ports- mouth ; Earl of Jersey ; House of Tiords : Lord Emly ; Ralph Bankes : Goo. AVingfield Digby ; Royal College Corporation of Trinity 1 10 7 6 C. 2340 i 3 (j Old of 2)i'int. 6 Section II. 1008. of Physicians ; House. Appendix, Part 8vo. :— Magdalen College, Oxford ; Corpora- tion of Pontefract ; Lord Brav brooks ; Viscount Arbuthnott : Earl < f (Uasgow ; Miss Hamilton, ot Barns and Cochno ; Alex C. Stuart, of Kaglescaruie ; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; Corpora- tions of Chester and Leicester : The O'Conor Don ; Lord Talbot de Mala- bide ; Marquis of Ormonde. 1881 J 881 1883 (1895) Eighth Report, &c.—cout. Appendix, Part I., Section II., IDOD. 8vo. :— Earl of Denbigh ; Trinity College, Dub- lin; Ewelnie Almhouse ; Queen Anne's Bounty ; Edw. Hailstone ; Church of St. Andrew, Worcester ; Bishop Bub- with's Almshouses, Wells ; Derry Dio- cesan Library ; G. H. Finch ; and Index-. Eighth Report. Part II. Appendix and Index. Duke of Manchester. (^Reissued, as a Stationery Office publication, 1910. Svo.) Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index Earl of Ashburnham. Ninth Report, with Appendix and Index • Part I. Dean and Chapter of St. and Chapter of Canterbury ; tion of Canterbury : Diocesan of Carlisle ; Corporation of Corporation of Barnstaple ; Almshouse ; Corporation of Corporation of Plymouth ; Wardens Rochester Bridge ; Corporation 1884 (1895) 1884 Paul's ; Dean Corpora- II egistry Cai'lisle ; Ewelme Ipswich of Rochester ; Corporation of Stratford- u23on-Avon ; Corporation of Wisbech ; Corporation of Great Yarmouth ; West Riding of Yorkshire i North Riding of Yorkshire ; Eton College ; Hunstanton Vicarage. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index ... House of Lords ; Marquis of Ormonde ; Lord Elphinstone ; Sir R. A. O. Dal- yell, Bart. ; Sir Archibald Grant, Bart. ; Hon. H. C. Maxwell Stuart ; Duke of Leinster ; Marquis of Drog- heda ; Lord Macartney ; Rinuccini Memoirs ; Earl of Leicester ; Earl Manvers ; Earl of Pembroke ; Chandos Pole Gell ; Earl of Devon ; Alfred Morrison ; Rev. W. Pyne and the Rev. A. J. Woodforde. Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index ... Mrs. Stopford Sackville. [Reissued, 1904, revised and er tended us Cd. 1892.. 8w.] 8. d. 4 6 C. 3040-i C. 3040-ii C. 3773 C. 3773-i C. 3773-ii Out of print. 3 6 Out of print. 5 2 6 3 Out of print. 1 10 10 Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of M.SS., &c. No. of Paper. Price. 1883 (1895) 1888 1889 1892 1894 1896 1899 -1899 1902 1904 190G 1910 1915 1885 Calendar of the Manuschipts of the Mar- quis OF Salisbury, K G. (or Cecil MSS.). Part I. 1306-1571 Part II. 1572-1582 Part III. 1583-1539 Part IV. 1590-1594 Part Y. 1594-1596 Part VI. 1596 Part VII. 1597 Part Vlll. 1598 Part IX. 1599 Part X. 1600 Part XI. 1601 Part XII. 1602 Part XIII. Addenda Part I. (— Eliz ) Tenth Report 1885 (1895) 1885 1885 1885 1885 (1895) 1887 Statioiierij Office publica- (^Reissued as tion, 1906.) This is introductory to the fotlowing Appendices and Indexes : (1.) Earl of Eglinton; Sir J. S. Max- well, Bart. ; C. S. H. D. Moray ; C. F. Weston Underwood ; G. W Digby (2.) The family of Gawdy (3.) Wells Ca-hedral \_Reissued, as Vol. I., 19^)7, revised and ex- tended, us Cd. 2810.] (4.) Earl of Westmorland ; Capt. Stewart, of Alltyrodin ; Nevil Story Maskelyne; Lord Stafford; Sir N. VV. Throckmorton ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring ; Misses Boycott, of Hereford ; Lord Muncaster ; Capt J. F. Bagot ; George Browne, of Troutbeck ; Earl of Kil- morey ; Stanley Leighton ; Earl of Powis ; R. Jasper More ; W. F. Plow- den ; Alfred Sal^ey ; J. L. Parkinson ; Rev. John Walcot ; E. Lloyd Gatacre ; S Zachary Lloyd; Rev. T. S. Hill, Rector of Thoringtou ; Rev. C. R. Manning, Rector of Diss ; Rev. W. H. Sewell, Vicar of Yaxley ; Corporations of Bishop's Castle, Kendnl, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth ; County of Essex ; Stony liurst College. {Reissued as a Statiotiery Offire puhlica- iii'n, 1906.) (5.) Marquis of Ormonde ; Earl of Fin- gall ; Cin-porations of Galway and Waterf ord ; Sees of Dublin and Ossory ; the Jesuits in Ireland. (G.) Manpiis of Abergavenny ; Lord Braye ; G. F. Luttrell ; P. P. Bouverie ; W. Bromley Davenport ; B. R. T. Balfour. C. 3777 0. 5463 C. 5889-v C. 6823 C. 7574 C. 7884 C. 9246 C. 9467 C. 928 C. 2052 C. 3134 C. 5291 C. 7842 C. 4548 C. 4575 C. 4576-iii C. 5476-ii C. 4576 C. 4576-i C. 5242 s. d. 3 5 3 5 2 1 2 11 2 6 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 3 2 3 2 10 3 3 3 Out of print. 3 7 1 4 Out of print. Out of j}rint. 6 . 2 10 1 7 11 Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of MSS., &c. No. of Paper. Price. 1887 Eleventh Repout This is iutroductory to the foilowmg Appendices and Indexes : C. 5060-vi s. d. 3 1887 (1.) H. I). Skrine ; Salvetti Corre- spondence. C. 5060 1 1 1887 (2.) House of Lords, 1678-1G88 C. 5060-i 2 1887 (3.) Corporations of Southampton and King's Lynn. C. f.060-ii 1 8 1887 (4.) Marquis Townshend C. 5060-iii 2 6 1887 (5.) Earl of Dartmouth C. 5060-iv 2 8 1887 (6.) Duke of Hamilton C. 50t;0-v 1 6 1888 (7.) Duke of Leeds ; Marchioness of Waterford ; Lord Hothfield ; Francis Darwin of Creskeld ; Hamon Le Strange, of Hunstanton Hall ; A. W. Saville, of Rufford Abbey ; Bridg- water Trust Office ; Reading Corpora- tion ; Inner Temple Library. C. 5612 2 1890 Twelfth Report This is introductory to the following Appendices and Indexes : C. 5889 3 1888 (1.) Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS, at Melbourne Hall, Derby) Vol. I. C. 5472 2 7 1888 (2.) ., „ Vol. [I. C. 5613 2 5 1889 (3.3 „ „ Vol. in. ... C. 5889-i 1 4 1888 (4.) Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. C. 5611 Out of 1911 (^Reissued as a Stationery Office I'ublica- print. tion.) 5 1891 (5) Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. II. C. 5889-ii 2 1889 (G.) House of Lords, 1689-1690 C. 5889-iii 2 1 1890 (7.) S. H. le Fleming, of Rydal C. 5889-iv 1 11 1891 (8.) Duke of Athole, K.T. ; Earl of Home C. 6338 1 1891 (9.) Duke of Beaufort ; Eai'l of Donough- more ; J. H. Gurney ; W. W. B. Hul- ton ; R. W. Ketton ; G. A. Aitken : P. V. Smith ; Bishop of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Gloucester, Lincoln, and Peterborough ; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrars, and Newark ; Southwell Minster ; Lincoln District Registry. C. 6338-i 2 6 • 1891 (10.) First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. I. C. 6338-ii 1 U 1892 Thirteenth Report This is introductoi-y to the following Appendices and Indexes : C. 6827 3 1891 (1.) Duke of Portland. Tol I C. 6474 3 1893 (2.) „ ,. Vohll 0. 6827-i 2 1892 (3.) J. B. Fortescue, of Dropmore, Vol. J. C. 6660 2 7 1892 (4.) Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford ; Captain F. C. Loder- Symonds ; E. R. Wodehouse ; J. Dovas- ton ; Sir T. B. Lenn.rd, Bart. : Rev. W. D. Macray ; Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary Report). C. 6810 2 4 1892 (5.) House of Lords, 1690-1691 C. 6822 2 4 12 1893 1»93 1893 1896 1894 1894 1894 1894 1896 1895 Thirteenth Report — cont. Appendices and Indexes — cont. (6.) Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart. ; the Delaval Family, of Seatou Delaval ; Earl of Ancaster ; General Lyttelton- Anuesley. (7.) Earl of Lonsdale (8.) First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. II. Fourteenth Report This is introductory to the following Appendices and Indexes : of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. III. of Portland. Vol. III. (Harley (1.) Duke (2.) Duke MSS.i.). (3.) Duke of Roxburghe Sir H. H. Campbell, Bart. ; Earl of Strathmore ; Countess Dowager of Seafield. (4.) Lord Kenyon (5.) J. B. Fortescue of Dropmore. Vol. II. (6.) House of Lords, 1692-93 Manuscripts of the House of Lords, 1693- Dilto. No. Ditto No. Ditto. No. Ditto. No. Ditto. No. (New Series). See Price 2s. 2d. Vol. II. Price, 2s. Vol. Ill Price 2s. Vol. IV. Price 2s. Vol. V. Price 2s. H.L. See 9d. See See 9d. See 8d. Vol. VI. Price 2s. See Id. H.L. H.L. H.L. H.L. H.L. 1895 1895 1895 1895 1899 1896 1897 1897 1695, Vol No. (5) of 1900. 1695-1697. (18) of 1903. 1697-1699. (175) of 1905. 1699-1702. (7) of 1908. 1702-1704. (62) of 1910. 1704-1706. (142) of 1912. (7.) Marquis of Ormonde (8.) Corporations of Lincoln, Bury St. Edmunds, Hertford, and Great Grimsby ; Dean and Chapter of Wor- cester, and of Lichfield ; Bishop's Registry of Worcester. (9.) Earl of Buckinghamshire ; Earl of Lindsey ; Earl of Onslow ; Lord Emly ; T. J. Hare ; J. Round. (10.) Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. II. (American Papers). Fifteenth Report .^ This is introductory to the following Appendices and Indexes : (1.) Earl of Dartmouth. Vol. III. • ... (2.) J. Eliot Hodgkin (3) Royal Irish Academy of the gift Charles Haliday of Dublin (Acts the Privy Cauncil 1571) ; Sir William the Council Book ; Council Book. of of in Ireland, 1556- Ussher's Table to Table to the Red C. 7166 0. 7241 C. 7424 C. 7983 C. 7476 C. 7569 C. 7570 C. 7571 C. 7572 C. 7573 C. 7678 C. 7881 C. 7882 C. 7883 C. 9295 C. 8156 C. 8327 C. 8364 s. d. 1 4 1 3 1 11 3 1 11 2 8 1 2 2 10 2 8 1 11 1 10 1 5 2 6 2 9 4 1 5 1 8 1 4 i:5 Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of MSS., &c. No. of Paper. Price. 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1899 1898 1899 1905 1902 1903 1905 1910 1899 1903 1903 1903 1899 1909 1902 1903 1904 1906 1908 1911 1912 1904 1910 1899 1901 1901 1907 1899 1899 1905 1906 1908 1910 1912 1915 Fifteenth Report — coid. Appendices and Indexes— co;;/. (4.) Duke of Portland. Vol. IV. (Harley MSS. ii.). (5.) Right Hon. F. J. Savile Foljambe ... (6.) Earl of Carlisle (7.) Duke of Somerset ; Marquis of Ailes- bury ; Sir F. G. Puleston, Bart. (8.) Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, at Drumlanrig Castle. Vol. I. (9.) J. J. Hope Johnstone, of Annandale (lO.) Corporations of Shrewsbury and Coventry ; Sir W O. Corbet, Bart. ; Elar of Radnor ; P. E. Tillard ; J. R. Carr-Ellison ; Andrew Kingsmill. Manuscripts in the Welsh Language : Vol. I. Lord Mostyn, at Mostyn Hall Vol. I. Part II.— Peniarth Vol. L Part III.— Ditto Vol. IL Part I. Jesus College, Oxford ; Free Library, Cardiff ; Havod ; Wrex- ham ; Llanwrin ; Merthvr ; Aberdar. Vol. II. Part II. Plas " Llan Stephan ; Free Library, Cardiff. Vol. II. Part III. Panton ; Cwrtmawr Vol.11. Part IV. British Museum ... Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, at Mon- tagu House, Whitehall. Vol. I. Vol. II. (Part I.) „ „ Vol. II. (Part II.) „ ,, At Drumlanrig (Castle. Vol. II. Marquess of Ormonde, K.P., at Kilkenny Castle. Vol. II. „ Index to Vols. I. and II. „ New Series, Vol. I. Vol.IL ... Vol. m. ... Vol. IV. ... Vol. V. ... Vol. VL ... Vol. VIL ... Mrs. Stopford-Sackville, Vol. I. Tol. II Duke of Portland. Vol. V. (Harley MSS. iii.) „ Vol. VI. (Harley MSS. iv., with Index to Harley MSS.). Vol. VIL Vol. VIII J. M. Heathcote ... J. B. Fortescue, of Dropmore, Vol. III. Vol. IV. Vol. V. Vol. VL Vol. VII Vol. VIIL ... Vol. IX. C. 8497 C. 8550 C. 8551 C. 8552 C. 8553 C. 8554 C. 9472 C. 8829 C. 9468 Cd. 2443 Cd. 1100 Cd. 16£2 Cd. 2444 Cd. 5353 C. 9244 Cd. 930 Cd. 930-i Cd. 1827 C. 9245 Cd. 4774 Cd. 929 Cd. 1691 Cd. 1963 Cd. 3008 Cd. 4116 Cd. 5288 Cd. 6255 Cd. 1892 Cd. 5038 C. 9466 Cd. 676 Cd. 783 Cd. 3475 C. 9469 C. 9470 Cd. 2233 Cd. 2211 Cd. 3670 Cd. 5290 Cd. 5732 Cd. 7105 d. 2 11 10 3 6 1 9 1 4 1 1 1 4 2 11 8 1 9 1 8 8 1 2 7 1 10 1 11 1 1 2 lU 1 7 1 10 2 3 2 10 2 6 2 6 1 10 1 6 2 9 1 9 2 3 1 10 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 6 4 5 1 11 2 7 2 8 14 1899 1900 1900 1900 1901 1903 1904 1907 1909 1910 1914 1913 1 902 1904 1907 1910 1912 lOir, i'.i()-i 1904 1907 1908 F. W. Leybonie-Popham ... Mrs. Frankland-Russell-Astley ... Lord Montagu of Beauheu Beverley Corporation Report on Various Collections. Vol. I. Corporations of Berwick-on-Tweed, Bur- ford and Lostwithiel ; Counties of Wilts and "Worcester ; Bishop of Chichester ; Deans and Chapters of Chichester, Cap- terbury and Salisbury. Report on Various Collections. Vol. 11. Sir George Wombwell ; Duke of Norfolk ; Lord Edmund Talbot (the Shrewsbury Papers) ; Miss Buxton ; Mrs. Harford ; Mrs. Wentworth, of Woolley. Report on Various Collections. Vol. III. T. H. Clarke-Thoruhill : Sir T. Barrett- Lennard, Bart. ; R. Pelham ; W. Papillon ; W. Cleverley Alexander. Report on Various Collect 'ons. Vol. IV. Bishop of Salisbury ; Bishop of Exeter ; De>in and Chapter of Exeter ; Earl of Leicester ; Sir W. Clayton, Bart. ; Major Money-Kyrle ; F. H. T. Jervoise : Glemham Hall ; Corporations of Salis- bury, Orford and Aldeburgh. Report on Various Collections. Vol. V. Colonel Mordaunt Hay, of Duns Castle ; Sir Archibald Edmonstone. of Dun- treaih ; Sir John Graham, of Fintry. K.C.M.G. Report on Various Collections. Vol. VI. Miss M. Eyre Matcham ; Captain H. V. Knox; C. Wykeham -Martin ; K. B. Tighe ; Lord Oranmore and Bi-owne. Report on Various Collections. Vol. VII. ... Bishop of London ; St. George's Chapel, Windsor ; Corporations of Beccles, Dua- wich, Southwold and Thetford ; Duke of Norfolk ; Earl of Essex ; Sir Hervey Bruce ; Col. Frewen ; H. C. Staunton ; F. Merttens. Report on Various Collections. Vol. VIII. Hon. 1-rederick Lindley Wood ; M. L. S. Clements ; S. Philip Unwin. The Stuarts Manuscripts at Wiiidsor Castle, belonging to His Majesty the King. Vol. I. Vol. 11. Vol. ill. Vol. IV. Vol. V. 1) David N.R. Milne-Home of Colonel Castle Marquess of Bath, at T/ongleat A^)l. VI. Wcdderbiirn Vol. Vol. Vol. I. II. 111. C. 9471 Cd. 282 Cd. 283 Cd. 284 Cd. 784 Cd. 932 Cd. 19(34 Cd. 3218 Cd. 4600 Cd. 4382 Cd. 6722 Cd. 6639 Cd. 927 Cd. 2189 Cd. 3430 Cd. .')046 Cd. 6163 Cd. 7104 Cd. 931 Cd. 2048 Cd. 3474 Cd. 3849 (Piior )^•lpel■s.) s. 1 2 (I. 6 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 6 1 9 1 4 2 3 2 4 2 11 2 9 2 10 2 9 3 1 3 9 1 4 1 1 15 Date of Issue. Report, Name of Owner of MS3., i*cc. I 1204 American Mannscripts in the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain. Vol. I. 1906 1907 1909 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1909 1905 1906 1906 1907 1914 1907 1907 1911 1916 1911 1911 1911 1913 1914 1916 1914 1917 1920 1920 Vol. II. - Vol. Ill Vol. IV Sixteenth Repokt (containing a list of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collec- tions Reports have been made to July, 1904). Earl of Mar and Kellie, at Alloa House, N.B Lady Du Cane Marquess of Lothian, at Blickling Hall Earl of Egmont. Vol. I. Part L Vol. L Part IL ... Vol. II Duke of Rutland. Vol. IV Earl of Verulam ... Franciscan MSS. at the Convent, Merchants' Quay, Dublin. Dean and Chapter of Wells. Vol. I Vol. IL Earl of Ancaster, at Grimsthorpe Seventeenth Report (containing a list of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collec- tions Reports have been made to June, 1907). Lord Polwarth. Vol. I Vol. II Earl of Denbigh. (Part V.) ... ' Lord Middleton Pepys' MSS. at Magdalene College, Cambridge Allan George Finch. Vol. I Laing MSS. in the University of Edinburgh. Vol. I. City of Exeter Guide to the Reports on collections of Manu- scripts issued by the Royal Commissioners for Historical Manuscripts. Part I. — ■ Topographical. Eighteenth Report (containing a list of the owners of Manuscripts upon whose collec- tions Reports have been made to July, 1916). Earl of Egmont. Vol. L, 1730-1733 IMarquess of Ormonde, K.P. New Series. Vol. VIII. No. of Paper. Cd. 2201 Cd. 2897 Cd. 3669 Cd. 4773 Cd. 2209 Price. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. Cd. 2190 2367 : 2319 i 2318 1 2570 4599 i 2606 ! 2973 . 2867 I ! 2810 ' 7106 3429 Cd. 3737 Cd. 5289 Cd. 7593 Cd. 5565 Cd. 5567 Cd. 5721 Cd. 6.508 Cd. 6905 Cd. 7640 Cd. 7594 Cd. 8364 Cd. 8264 Cd. 284 s. d. 2 3 2 6 1 11 2 3 9 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 8 9 3 9 4 4 2 11 3 10 2 7 4 2 11 2 10 1 7 3 1 7 2 8 •2 a 2 3 I. 1 9 2 4 - T f i. rfi ^ -re-^By 'f— • i"- ■ - ■*r^vnra^Br TpggfT^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 1 5 2006 DD20 15M 4-02 f rod 00 -sj A3 O < (T> o HO h3pi O tr CD o'M) a> H (D «^ HO to Pj V; H ►i H. 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