Illustrated Qatalogue of the Post- Exposition Exhibition in the Department of Fine Arts ^ Panama-Pacific International Exposition < San Francisco ^ California ^ January First to May First ^ Nineteen Hundred £^ Sixteen ^ "Published by the San Francisco Art Association i B 3 17M bSb SCHUSSLER BROS. OBJECTS of ART Frames and Mirrors Specially Designed Van Briggle Pottery. Artist Supplies, Pacific Coast Agents for Rembrandt Colors. Art Galleries. Permanent Exhibition of Paintings by California Artists 285 GEARY STREET Factory: 326-348 Grove Street RABJOHN & MORCOM Ar t Dealers You are invited to visit our Art Galleries which contain examples of many of the best California Artists' work. Picture Framing, Prints, Artists' Materials. Coast Agents for the celebrated Cambridge Oil and Water Colors 240 POST STREET Phone Douglas 5042 San Francisco, Cal. ^y^-^-^.i^^^k^^^^v-^^^ ITALfAN SWISSES '""COLONV 5j 51fi Dry - Galifornia. TO THE BEST IMPORTED** Verdict of connoisseurs ^ "Awarded Four Grand Prix" at International Exposition (Three Abroad) &>^^$6.&<:3;N'ig^>:?^^'d>(^>5^r^ (,ZS^Bf3Z H S C (S COLLECTORS of EXPOSITION BOOKS and PICTURES SHOULD NOT FAIL TO SECURE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF OUR PUBLICATION, AS THE EDITIONS ARE NEARLY EXHAUSTED AND WILL NOT BE REPRINTED THAT WAS A DREAM WORTH BUKrDIXG. By Louis J. Stellmann. A graphic prose poem on the birth and develop- ment of San Francisco's great fair. "A distinctive volume by Louis J. Stellmann, who, in picture and word, portrays the spirit of San Francisco's great festival. So exquisite are the pictures from the author's exclusive camera studies, and as colored by Edith Kinney Stellmann, it would be an affecta- tion not to give them priority of praise. They arrest the eye and would hold it to the end, even though challenged by the prose of a Shelley — yes, prose is the word and Shelley is the poet. ' ' — From San Francisco Chronicle. SCULPTURES OF THE EXPOSITION PALACES AND COURTS. By Juliet James. Being descriptive notes on the art of the statuary of the Panama-Pacific International Expo- sition, with thirty-four tipped reproductions in duotone of the work of thirty sculptors. EXPOSITION BABIES. By Edith Kinney SteUmann. An idyl of the Fine Arts Colonnade. ' ' Some are jolly, little chaps, piping merrily on reeds, playing with frogs and fish, or stand- ing sturdily on the hard shell of a tortoise. All are alluring — so alluring that few people have passed through this wondrous colonnade without a smile and a cheery word for each of the tiny folk. ' ' THE CITY OF DOMES. By John D. Barry. A walk with an architect about the courts and palaces of the Panama- Pacific International Exposition, with a discussion of its archi- tecture, its sculpture, its mural decorations, its coloring and its lighting. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. A series of twelve cards in four colors from the original oil paintings by Will Sparks. H. S. CROCKER COMPANY 565-571 Market Street San Francisco Mercantile National Bank of San Francisco Capital and Surplus $3,000,000 Receives Deposits subject to check, and offers facilities for the transaction of all branches of domestic and foreign Banking Ibis Bank solicits the accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco (Owned by the Stockholders of Mercantile National Bank of San Francisco) CAPITAL : : ONE MILLION DOLLARS Authorized to act as Executor, Trustee, Administrator or Guardian, and in all fiduciary cai)acities, on behalf of indivi- duals. Institutions or corporations SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDING Afford every convenience and protection possible through modern methods, mechanical equipment and efficient service 464 California Street San Francisco, California REPORT OF THE COhfDITION OF THE Anglo & London Paris National Bank of San Francisco AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DECEMBER 31, 1915 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts : : $17,178,635.26 Capital Stock : : : $ 4.000,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure dr- Surplus : : : : : : 1,500,000,00 culation at par : : : 2,500,000.00 Undivided Profits : : : 510,809.92 Other U. S. Bonds at par 100,000.00 Circulation : : : : : 2,451,600.00 Other Bonds : : : : 3,297,780.16 Lettersof Credit, Domestic Other Assets : : : : 400,000.00 and Foreign : : : : 1,872,360.85 Customers' Liability on Deposits :::::: 36,823,467.77 Letters of Credit : : 1,872,360.85 Cash and Sight Exchange 21,809,462.27 47,158.238.54 47,158.238.54 OFFICERS HERBERT FLEISHHACKER, WASHINGTON DODGE, J. FRIEDLANDER, C. F. HUNT. : : C. R. PARKER. : President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Cashier WM. H. HIGH, Asst. Cashier G. R. BURDICK, Asst. Cashier H. CHOYNSKI. Asst. Cashier J. W. LILIENTHAL Jr., .\sst. CashJer A. L.\NGERMAN, Secretary The German Savings and Loan Society (The German Bank) SAVINGS COMMERCIAL 526 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNL\ + ♦ + December 31st, 1915 ASSETS United States, State, Municipal and other Bonds (market value $16,428,215.00), standing on books at $15,497,757.54 Loans on Real Estate, secured by first Mortgagres 40,622,378.61 Loans on Bonds and Stocks 639,151.72 Bank Buildings and Lots, Main and Branch Offices (value $600,000.00), standing on books at. - . . 1.00 Other Real Estate (value $168,000,001, standing on books at 1.00 Employees' Pension Fund, ($211,238.93) standing on books at 1.00 CASH 5,090,371.15 Total $61,849,662.02 LIABILITIES Due Depositors $58,840,699.38 Capital Stock actually paid in 1,000,000.00 Reserve and Contingent Funds 2,008,962.64 Total $61,849,662.02 N. OHLANDT, President GEO. TOURNl', Manager The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society HIBERNIA BANK Savings Bank Only Incorporated 1864 Comer of Market, McAllister and Jones Streets ASSETS $63,626,547.72 RESER^^E FUND . $ 3,782,463.65 NUMBER OF DEPOSITORS 87,632 Open Daily from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays from 10 A. M. to 12 M. Open Saturday Evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock for Deposits Only The Shortest Distance Between T\vo Points is **Long Distance'' Long Distance Telephone Service Eliminates time. Binds city and country together. Saves the expense and inconvenience of travel. Broadens companionship. Conserves time and energy. Enables anyone to send the right word to the right place at the right moment. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station and your Telephone is the center of a system connecting five Western States and every other part of the country. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY LONDON PARIS The Print Rooms HILL TOLERTON IL\RE ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS BOTH OLD AND MODERN Brangwyn Whistler Zom Rembrandt Pennell Cameron FINE ENGLISH MEZZOTINTS ARTISTS' DRAWINGS AUTOGRAPH LETTERS BOOKS ON ART 107 GRANT AVENUE San Francisco Telephone SUTTER 287 One of the seven murals by Albert Herter in the Caf4. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST-EXPOSITION PERIOD Dep arttnent of Fine Arts PROPERTY OF THE ART COLLECTIONS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY NOW READY ART IN California A Survey of American Art with special reference to Californian Painting, Sculp- ture and Architecture past and present par- ticularly asthose arts were represented at the Panama- Pacific International Exposition Being essays and articles by the following contributors: BRUCE PORTER EVERETT MAXWELL PORTER GARNETT HECTOR ALLIOT MICHAEL Wn^LIAMS antony anderson alma may cook wHjLIS polk john e. d. trask A. B. CLARK JOHN McLURE HAMILTON JOHN I. WALTER ROBERT B. HARSHE MABEL URMY SEARES PEDRO J. LEMOS HILL TOLERTON HAMILTON WRIGHT JOHN McLaren A. STIRLING CALDER LOUIS CHRISTIAN MULLGARDT BERNARD R. MAYBECK This sumptuous and profusely illustrated volume deals authoritatively with various aspects of American art, with the spirit that underlies it, and with its promise for the future, especially in California. In addition to articles of a general nature, ' ' Art in California ' ' contains studies dealing with more specific phases of the subject and with various eesthetic aspects of the Exposition. It will be illustrated with full-page reproductions of representative works by more than eighty of the best-known Californian painters and sculptors, together with a correspondingly large nimiber by the foremost Eastern artists, and many new and notable photographic views of the Exposition, including eight four- color plates. Format — Large octavo; 600 pages (8 by 11 inches) ; 150 pages of text printed on especially woven paper, 250 pages of plates on cameo stock, and eight pages of direct color plates. Library Edition — Bound in boards, covered with Fabriano hand-made paper, with Irish linen back and corners; price $10.00. Bound in boards, covered with velvet ooze or seal; price $15.00. Bound in full genuine morocco; price, $20.00. Collector's Edition — Bound in full crushed Levant; price, $25.00. R. L. BERNIER, PUBLISHER 710 NEW CALL BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Illustrated Qatalogue of the Post- Exposition Exhibition in the Department of Fine Arts ^ Panama-Pacific International Exposition ^ San Francisco ^ California -^ January First to May Firsts Nineteen Hundred £^ Sixteen ^ T^ublished by the San Francisco Art Association DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, 1915 POST-EXPOSITION EXHIBITION JOHN E. D. TEASE Chief JANE BE MABANVILLE Secretary JOHN G. DUN LAP Sales Manager N H81H- Contents ?3 Floor Plan vi The San Francisco Art Association. By John I. Walter, President vii The School of Fine Arts. By Pedro J. Lemos Plate Section Reproductions from Paintings, Sculpture and Etchings Plate Section Catalogue of Exhibits — United States Section S Colonnade and Eotunda. International Section 4 Galleries 1 to 10, 17, 18, 22 to 24. Norwegian Section 12^ Galleries 11 to 16. Chilian Section 15 Galleries 19 and 20. United States Section 16 Galleries 25 to 50. Galleries 55 to 79. Galleries 87 to 97. Philippine Section 58 Gallery 98. United States Section 5S Galleries 99 to 112. Netherlands Section 65 Galleries 113 to 116. United States Section 65 Galleries 117 to 120. Greek Casts 69 Galleries 51, 54, 80 and 85. Index to Artists 79 Members of San Francisco Art Association 99 Western Art at the Exposition. By Michael Williams 107 Art in California. A Brief Review of a Monumental Book Ill [V] •^"c» .«!§ flj"^' .S.Hr^VK o -o cai--. ^ 5 9 Sio ■-W.2 .Id c S o-g-o .. in"- i ="° S -^ = »iQA"= E- «-- a a .•5-H"o'5d" i; S .5 c-o >: !1 6 o w P 5 m [Vi] The San Francisco Art Association THE San Francisco Art Association, which conducts the San Francisco Institute of Art, and its School of Design, was organized on March 28, 1871, for the promotion and encouragement of art in the community. It is an interesting fact — one in which San Francisco may take just pride — that this city organized its art work as early as New York or Boston — a striking testimony to the artistic energy of California. For the last forty-one years the Association has pursued its ends unceasingly, holding exhibitions and lectures, maintaining a large and important school, and interesting itself in every art movement in the city and State. After occupying the Museum Eoom of the Mercantile Library for the first year of its existence, the Association rented apartments at 313 Pine street, where it remained until 1876, and then moved to 430 Pine street. On March 4, 1893, it entered into possession of what was thereafter known as the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art. This important change in its housing was brought about through the munifi- cence of Mr. Edward F. Searles, of Methuen, Massachusetts, the owner of the property referred to, who deeded the buildings and grounds to the Eegents of the State University in trust for the uses of the Art Association, under its com- memmorative title. Superbly and most picturesquely located, this magnificent edifice was orig- inally designed for a residence by the pioneer citizen whose name it bore. Well adapted primarily to the purposes for which it was used, the place through the further generosity of Mr. Searles underwent many changes, increasing its advan- tages as an Art Institute. Most notable of these was the transformation of one of the buildings into a home for the School, and the addition to the house proper of a spacious hall for the exhibition of pictures, known as the Mary Frances Searles Gallery. Then came the great catastrophe of 1906, when fire following upon an earth- quake devastated the city and laid the greater part of it in ashes. The Art Institute, museum and school buildings, was destroyed, together with nearly all its contents; pictures, statuary, library, school equipment, the accumulations of nearly thirty-five years, were almost entirely swept out of existence. Owing to the isolated position of the Institute, and the precautions taken against any ordinary fire, very little insurance was carried, so that the monetary loss, as well as the loss in objects of art which can never be replaced, was appalling. Nevertheless, in spite of lack of means and the broken and disordered condi- tion of the city following the catastrophe, the Association succeeded in erecting a building on the foundations of the former Institute and reopening the School with all its departments within little more than a year after its destruction. Such pictures and statuary as were saved were installed in suitable rooms and a new library begun. In view of the fact that the memorial buildings of the Mark Hopkins Institute were obliterated it was decided to call the Institute there- after the San Francisco Institute of Art. The limitations of space forbid any sort of comprehensive list of those who have graduated from the school and who have become celebrated as painters, sculptors, illustrators, etchers and teachers. Sufiiee it to say that the roster of those prominent in the art world of America today contains a great many names of those who received their early training in this school. Eealizing that the Panama-Pacific International Exposition has created the most profound and wide-spread public interest in art, the directors of the Associ- ation knew it to be their duty to so strengthen the membership and financial resources of the Association as to bring about the establishment of a permanent and thoroughly equipped gallery, institute and school of fine arts. That which had sufficed for San Francisco up to the magical year of 1915 [vii] SAN FRANCISCO ART ASSOCIATION had suddenly become altogether inadequate. The Exposition had literally created tens of thousands of lovers and students of art. Therefore, the Association invited the co-operation and affiliation of the San Francisco Society of Artists, an organization which in little more than a year had built up a membership of nearly four hundred, which included many of the most celebrated artists of the day in America. We must here not fail to recognize the very vital part played by the Sketch Club, an organization of women artists which had done very fruitful work indeed in San Francisco, and which formed the nucleus around which the San Francisco Society of Artists was formed. The San Francisco Society of Artists responded with sincere and characteristic zeal. Committees representing both bodies held a series of conferences which finally and most happily resulted in the amalgamation of the two organizations. At the same time, some fifteen or twenty of the most representative of the women's organizations formed an executive committee pledged to an active cam- paign to assist the San Francisco Art Association to enlarge its membership. As soon as the general public understood the significance of the new move- ment they set the seal of their approval and support upon it, so that in a very short time the San Francisco Art Association had gained more than a thousand members. As these lines are being written, only a short time after the start of the campaign, it seems quite safe to prophesy that the time is not far distant when the San Francisco Art Association will have a membership of at least three thousand, and will possess ample funds for the great work which it has undertaken. With the public interested to such a large extent the service that the Asso- ciation can render it wiE be practically unlimited. Varied and frequent lecture courses, the publication of art catalogues, monographs and literature of all kinds appertaining to the subject; local, loan and circulating exhibitions held at frequent intervals, the increase in the size, equipment and scope of the School and connecting it more firmly with the instruction of art in the educational institutions of the State — all these are not alone probabilities, but a great deal in their direction has already been accomplished by the Association in the last three months. That the public of San Francisco demands galleries devoted exclusively to the exhibition of meritorious examples of the plastic arts, where all may freely come and receive the stimulus and delight which these things afford, there is no possible doubt. Nor is there any question that this demand is accompanied by another calling for standard and an excellence of the highest order. The perma- nent location of these galleries cannot at this moment be foretold, but whether this lovely Palace of Fine Arts, in the catalogue of whose collection this article appears, be permanently retained or vanish as a beautiful dream — one thing is certain, San Francisco intends to have them somewhere and definite plans in this direction will undoubtedly be unfolded in the very near future. [viii] REPRODUCTIONS FROM PAINT- INGS, SCULPTURE AND ETCHINGS, POST-EXHIBITION, PALACE OF FINE ARTS; WITH AN ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE BY PEDRO J. LEMOS, OF THE SAN FRANCISCO ART ASSO- CIATION'S SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS The San Francisco Art Association's School of Fine Arts T ^HE Sau Francisco Art Association has un- doubtedly accomplished more for the devel- ojiment of Art in the West than any other similar organization. This has been largely ac- complished through its art school, the California School of Design. Organized in 1871, the system of instruction and management has resulted in connnendation from all parts of the world. No less authority than Benjamin Constant commended it to the Julian Academy in Paris. And not only are such records of the past, but during the past three years the students of the school in open competition with all other art schools in the United States and Canada have secured the greater num- Iter of awards. Of the large number of students who have studied in the School of Design, a large proportion have achieved success in the profession of art, some having become distinguished, while many hundreds have become self-supporting in various art professions and industries. Among those whom the school records proudly as having enrolled in the classes are such names as Alexander Harrison, the well known painter; Edward Cucuel, who has achieved fame abroad; Eobert I. Aitken, the prominent sculptor; Eric Pape the painter, illustrator and instructor; Ernest C. Peixotto, the author and illustrator-' James Swinnertou and Homer Davenport, the cartoonists; Guy Rose, Charles Rollo Peters, Wilbur Reaser, Clara McChesney and a host of others. There is scarcely a painter identified with California art who has not been a student in the school and whose success or expression has been made possible bv the early foresight of the Association in establishing an art school. California names such as Dickman, Raleigh, Martinez, Cummings, JouUin, Chitten- den, Froelich, Seawall, Del Mue, Withrow. Borglum, Boye, Greenbaum, Piazzonni Jorgeusen, Staekpole, Judson. Redmond. Latimer. Mc- Cormick, Dixon, Morgan, Lee. Lundborg, Stanton, Grey, Xahl, Walter. Cunio. Raphael. Percy. Triedler. Carlson and others who are identified as leaders in California art have received instruction at the School of Design. The school through its Normal Art department and affiliation with the University of California has placed throughout the schools of the State many teachers of art. Thus it has been able to further its art infiuenee by training teachers along the correct lines of art, so that they in turn could teach art in the schools of the West. The interesting and surprising part of the school 's existence is that its wonderful part in giving these brilliant names to the history of Western and national art lias been accomplished with but little means. There is no other school in the United States of equal prominence or proportions that has been able to exist without endowments or scholarship funds for SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS its support. In the forty-odd years of the school's existence it has never received endowments or sim- ilar funds enjoyed by many Eastern art schools. The first endowment to be recorded will commence this year, through the generosity of the late Mr. Virgil Williams and his wife. The school owes its foundation to Mr. Virgil Williams, and it is a last- ing tribute to his interest in promoting art in the West that he planned such a fund. It is a surprise to directors of Eastern schools who visit the city to find a school of such size and again to know that it is supported by its own income. Schools through the East have large deficits, and the School of Design exists only through the strictest economy. This economy permits us to continue, but not to develop. New equipment, a better building, more funds for operating expenses, would accommo- date more students and permit greater growth. The subjects in the school originally consisted of the subjects of drawing, painting and sculpture. However, through the growth of industrial and commercial requirements and the fact that many students must necessarily become self-supporting, many of the applied and commercial forms of art have been added to the curriculum. This combination of studies has successfully prepared students to enter art industries with the knowledge of designing for such application intelligently, and, at the same time, having received a high training in draughtsmanship, to introduce artistic ideals into their work. At the present time the subjects consist of: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Illustration, Composition, Decorative and Commercial Design, Sketch Work, Mural Painting, Anatomy, Perspective, Interior Decoration, a Teacher's Course, Etching, Pottery, and Handicrafts. Besides the day classes, a class is held every Saturday and three evenings a week. These classes accomodate those who are unable to attend during the day through the week. Nine instructors are engaged in teaching, while two others are on the staff certain times of the school term, teaching special subjects. A suimner session has been held for two years, largely in response to the demands of teachers and others wishing to secure the advantages of this well known institution during the vacation months of the year. Many talented students applying at the School are unable to pay even the reason- able tuition charges and the School management grants a number of scholarships each year to assist such applicants. Again six scholarships are awarded to students for meritorious work accomplished in the classes during the year. The number of scholarships is necessarily limited and great and lasting good could be accomplished if funds were available for granting scholarships to more additional students. It must be borne in mind that many of the artists who have brought fame to the West and those who have established California art, have been many times those who have been recipients of such scholarships. They have made the most of the opportunities granted to them when they needed them most. At the present time there are students in the school who are just as talented as those former students who have become prominent in art. There are many now who would like to study art, who are undoubtedly fired with the same art ideals as those who have been granted scholarships before. They are prevented from doing so for lack of funds. Where can there be a greater aid to art SCHOOL OF FINE AKTS and its development than the establishment of scholarships to per- mit and encourage struggling students to secure good instruc- tion? A poor Ameri- can art student iu Eome unable to ex- hibit and thus bring his work before the public was, through the muniticence and wise generosity of another American, given funds to have his work cast in bronze. That step was the necessary one to bring recognition to genius. That expenditure was one of the greatest made for American art, for the student was none other than Saint Gaudens, "America's Old Master." I know of students working long hours of the night, to enable them to attend school in the dav, others who have saved for many years to attend art school, and others who go without" necessities of life, to be able to purchase their working materials. In Europe art students receive privileges in attending exhibitions, purchasing privileges and in manv wavs their studies are made easier; for it is hard enough work over- coming technical" difficulties in art study, but it is doubly hard to overcome financial obstacles at the same time. The School grants all the scholarships it possibly can. It needs others to help in this icork. The interest from a $2,000 fund will enable a student to enter the school for a year. Who knows but that many Alexander Harrisons and Saint Gaudens are waiting for such encouragement? I. therefore, appeal to those art patrons and those interested m art development to interest themselves in the worthv art students who need assistance. The returns will be great, not in dollars, but "in those rewards greater than money can bring. Visit the school, see what is being accompUshed. We will tell you where you can help- we will be glad to have vour suggestions. The school is a part of the Western art development; we want each art lover to feel that the school is part of their interest. With all the commendable aeti^•ities in art preservation and art purchases, let us not forget one of the greatest preservations of all— that of preserving and encour- aging the art student and that which the art student requires— true art education. ciT . -Ss-s Director of the Institute. THE YACHTS: liLOUCESTEE HAEBUE. By Cluhh Ha.s.sani (Purchased by the San Francisco Society of Artists, and presented to the San Francisco Art Association, with which the Society has amalgamated.) HERO AND LEANDER. By Felix E. Hiihthio YOUNG GIEL. By Gretchen W. Sogers DANCING BACCHANTE. By Bobert I. Aitken THE WREATH OF ANEMONES. By Axel GaUen-KuUelu p^ POBTEAIT: MRS. HUTH. By James McXeiU Whistler POPPY GIRL. Bii J. J. Mora PARK BENCH IN WINTER. By Frits Thaulow SCRATCHING A TWISTER. By Joseph J. Mom HEAD OF LOUIS SLOSS, JR. By Ealph Stavkpole PORTRAIT: KEXEUKT XV. Bij Ilonitio Gaigher SUMMER NIGHT: I'Ui.NT LOBOS. Bii W'iUktm Hitschel IX THE STUDIO. By Ellen Emmet Band THE WHITE VASE. By Hugh H. Breckenridge (Purchased by Mrs. E. H. Harriman for presentation to the San Francisco Art Association.) TORSO. By Arthur B. Carles (Purchased by Mrs. E. H. Harriman for presentation to the San Francisco Art Association.) ST. IVES FISHING BOATS. By Hayley Lever NUDE. Bii Bichard E. iliih O YE OF LITTLE FAITH! By Emil Carlsen THE HOUSEMAID. By William McGregor Paxton KWAUXOX MEDITATING OX HUMAN LIFE. By John La Farge. y PEACE: HOPILAND. By Albert L. GroU PORTRAIT. By Clarence K. EinUe FOX AND GEESE. By Joseph T. Pearson, Jr. 'v-f^>e^:?-y^^F^jss^^s:i^^r^^^T-^jr^-^-^~-^i^-- MOTHER. By John McLure Hamilton THE POOL, LA GEANJA. By Ernest Peixotto ISLES OF THE BAY. By Joseph PennelJ H ^^SmP^^^^^^^f^'"- ""^MH ^^^^1 ^Br ^|d||[h^^^^^^^|Mtt|^B| Chw ' ^^^^^1 ^Kf ■'■ ^^^^f J^^^^H ^^^Hi ''..-Llal ^^^^Hp' ' '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H| H P 1 i w ^^^H ^■l^ ^Mt ^^^^^^^^^^B ^^^K^H Wm- .f '^^^^^H ^K^^ ^R\' K*- IK^.: i^'S'flEisr » '".mim^ ^^^^H^H BEFORE THP] MiKKOK. By Louis Mark THE LAND OF HEART'S DESIRE. By William W,niU THE PIONEf:R :M0THER. Bfi ChdiUs Grafly ENTRANCE TO THE SERAGLIO. By Jules Chierin QUARRY. By Daniel Garher WINTER MGHT IN THE MOUNTAIN. Bj/ Harald SoMberg A LAPLANDER. Bij Humid Brnn HALF DOME, YOSEMITE. Btj Joseph Pennell BLUE DEPTHS: CARMEL. By William Eitschel HALF DOME, YOSEMITE. By Joseph PenneJl -^dm BLUE DEPTHS: CAEMEL. By William Sitschel Pr.MA AND .SNAKE. Bi, Arthur Putnam VANITY. By Haig Patigian WILLIAM CULLEN BEYANT. By Herbert Adams SIGNING OF LOUISIANA PUKCHASE TEEATY. By Karl Bitter PORTRAIT OF FRANK DUVENECK. By Joseph Be Camp PAEESSE. By Laivton Parker WATEEFALL. By W. Elmer Schofield PORTRAIT OF AX ACTOR. By Frank Van Sloun BEYOND. By Chester Beach ARCADIA. B\j Edgar Walter. NUDE STUDY. By John Singer Sargent •^ PORTRAIT : COMPOSER BARToK. By Eobert Bereny SELF PORTRAIT. By WiUiam M. Chase TO MARKET IX THE WEST INDIES. By Johanna K. WoodiceU Hailman Catalogue of Exhibits The Catalogue of Exhibits Is arranged to follow the numbering of the Galleries. The various Sections compris- ing the Post Exposition Exhibition will be found commencing with the pages given below : United States Section 3 Colonnade and Rotunda. International Section 4 Galleries 1 to 10, 17, 18, 22 to 24. Norwegian Section 12 Galleries 11 to 16. Chilian Section 15 GaUeries 19 and 20. United States Section 16 Galleries 25 to 50. Galleries 55 to 79. Galleries 87 to 97. Philippine Section 58 Gallery 98. United States Section 58 GaUeries 99 to 112. Netherlands Section 63 Galleries 113 to 116. United States Section 65 Galleries 117 to 120. Greek Casts 69 Galleries 51, 54, 80 and 85. In the Index of Artists on pages 79 to 97 of this Catalogue, all exhibiting artists are listed in alphabetical order. With the name of the artist is given the section in which the artist exhibits and the niunber or numbers borne by his or her works. UNITED STATES SECTION COLONNADE SCULPTURE ROTH, FREDERICK G. R. 1. Sea Lions. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 2. The Scout. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 3. Wind and Sprav. PATIGIAN, HAIG 4. Diana. FRY, SHERRY EDMUNDSON 5. Peace: Fountain Figure. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 6. American Bison. SAINT GAUDENS, AUGUSTUS 7. Seated Lincoln. Lent by the Lincoln Memorial Fund. HOLM, VICTOR S. 8. Halsey C. Ives. Esq. FRISHMUTH, HARRIET W. 9. The Girl with Dolphin. PARSONS, EDITH BARRETTO 10. Fountain: Duck Babv. BERGE, EDWARD 11. Muse Finding Head of Orpheus. PARSONS, EDITH BARRETTO 12. Goose Girl. BATEMAN, JOHN M. 13. Flower Girl. NOQUET, PAUL 14. Soldier of Marathon. Lent by Gutzon Borglum, Esq BITTER, KARL 15. Statue of Thomas Jefferson. POLASEK, ALBIN 16. Portrait of a Boy. GRAFLY. CHARLES 17. The Pioneer Mother. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 18. The Awakening. ADAMS, HERBERT 19. William Cullen Brvant. BOYLE, JOHN J. 20. Returning from the Hunt. SCUDDER, JANET 21. Flying Cupid. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 22. Primitive Man. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 23. A Faun's Toilet. DALLIN. CYRUS EDWIN 24. War or Peace. PRATT, BEL A LYON 25. Bov with Fish. WEINMAN, ADOLPH ALEXANDER 26. Head of Lincoln. PERRY, R. HINTON 27. Daughter of Pan. ADAMS, HERBERT 28. Chief Justice Marshall. BERGE, EDWARD 29. Sundial. DIETSCH. C. PERCITAL 30. Destinv. PIETRO. C. S." 31. Mother of the Dead. TAFT, LORADO 32. Fragment: Fountain of Time. QUINN, EDMOND T. 33. Nymph: Garden Figure. BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 34. Dying Lion. PAINE, ROBERT 35. Fountain for Public Garden. PRATT, BELA LYON 36. Whaleman. HOLM, VICTOR S. 37. Prima Mater. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 38. Bird Fountain. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 39. Triton Babies. BERGE, EDWARD 40. Wild Flower. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 41. Sun God and Python. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 42. Sundial Bov. HEBER, CARL AUGUSTUS 43. Bondage. SCUDDER, JANET 44. Young Diana. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 45. Marble Paun. PATIGIAN, HAIG 46. Apollo Hunting. SALVATORE, VICTOR D 47. Youth. PARSONS, EDITH BARRETTO 48. Turtle Babv. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMA>- 49. Garden Figure MULLER OLGA POPOFF 50. Centaur. POLASEK, ALBIN 51. The Sower. BEACH. CHESTER 52. Bevond. RUMSEY, CHARLES CARY 53. Bovhood. PICCIRILLI. ATTILIO 54. An Outcast. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 55. Idvl. PICCIRILLL FURIO 56. Eurydice. 57. Young Mother and Child. KONTL ISIDORE 58. Wood Nvmph. AITKEN. ROBERT 59. Michelangelo. 60. William H. Taft. „, Lent by Mrs. William H. Tafl WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 61. Henry Ward Beecher. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 62. American Bison. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 63. Kirkpatrick Memorial Fountain. ROTVNBA SCULPTUEE PRATT, BELA LYON 64. Large Relief No. 2. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 65. Lincoln. Lent by the State of Nebraska. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 66. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 1. BOYLE, JOHN J. 67. Commodore Barrv Monument. RECCHIA. RICHARD H. 68. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 1. [3] INTEENATIONAL SECTION FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 69. Earl Dodge Memorial : Princeton Stu- dent. Lent by Princeton University. Mckenzie, r. tait 70. The Young Franklin. PRATT, BELA LYON 71. Large Relief No. 1. BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 72. Statue of Lafayette. INTERNATIONAL SECTION Much of the International Section was arranged in Europe by Mr. J. Nilson Laurvik, Special Representative of the Department of Fine Arts GALLERIES 1 to 10, 17, 18, 22 to 24 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY Austria 73. Portrait: Mrs. John Quiney Adams. 74. Portrait: Fraulein Von Sevbl. ADAMS, W D ACRES ' England 75. The Monument. AGUIAR, EL CONDE DE Spain 76. Memories. 77. Natural Tj-pe of Seville. 78. Study. AMAN-JEAN, EDMOND France 79. Portrait of the Familv of Aman-Jean. ANDRASSY, THEOD Hungary 80. Moonlight: Arabia. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 81. Arabian Village by Night. Lent by Count Gvula Andrassv. BAIXAS CARRATE, JUAN Spain 82. The Fair of St. Thomas. 83. Happv Children. BARABAS, MIKLOS Hungarv 84. Portrait: Count L. Batthyanyi. Lent by Count Batthyanyi. 85. Portrait: Deak Ferencz. BARTA, E. Hungary 86. The Beggars. Lent bv Dr. Ignacz Fekete. BATTHYANYI. COUNT GYULA Hungary 87. Bal des Ardents. 88. Casa Rossa. 89. Juvisy. 90. Ladies of the Harem. 91. Longchamps. 92. Soiree. BENCZUR, BELA Hungary 93. Hot Day: Lake Balaton: Hungary. 94. Storm: Lake Balaton: Hungarv. BENCZUR, GYULA Hungary 95. Man's Portrait. Lent by Bela Benezur. 96. Portrait: Count J. Andrassy, Sr. Lent by Count Gviila Andrassv. BERENY, ROBERT Hungary 97. Shadow Giving Way to Sunshine. 98. My Happy, Merry, Sad, Indifferent and Jealous People Beneath the Town. 99. Portrait : Composer Bartok. 100. The Faraglini's. 101. Sewing Woman: Evening in Her Room. 102. Golgotha. 103. Fantastic Rocks. 104. Souvenir of a Meadow. 105. Yellow Embroidery. 106. Flowers and Animals. 107. Blue Fishes. 108. Fairyland. 109. Souvenir of a Sunny Garden. 110. Yellow Embroidery. 111. A Decoration. 112. Landscape. 113. Mountain and Rocks. 114. Trees of Fairyland. 115. Playing Horses. 116. Scenes of a Circus. 117. Boat Between Waves. 118. Tropical Trees. 119. Squirrels. BILBAO.GONZALO Spain 120. Dance of the Luises in the Cathedral of Seville. 121. Cigarette Girls of Seville. BIRCH, S. J. LAMORNA England 122. October: The River Course near Montreuil-sur-Mer. BLANCHE, JACQUES EMILE France 128. Anniversarv. BOEMM, RITTA Hungary 124. Hungarian Interior. 125. Old Hungarian Jugs. BOHM, PAL Hungary 126. Christmas Mummers. BOSZXAY, STEPHEN 127. Bv the River. BRODSZKY, SANDOR Hungary 130. Peasant Woman. BRUCK, LAJOS Hungary 131. Market Place. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 132. Old Hungarian Peasant. 133. Seaside in Bretagne. 134. Village Houses: Hungary. 135. Italian Child with Cherries. 136. Interior: Hungarian Peasant House. 137. Girl and Butterflies. 138. Summer Clouds. BRUCK, MIKSA Hungary 139. Hungarian Interior. 140. Auvergne Interior. 141. Flowerbeds near Budapest. BRUNDRIT, REGINALD GRANGE England 142. Dinant-sur-Meuse. BURMESTER, ERNST Germany 143. Outdoors. CAMMERLOHER, KARL MORITZ Austria 144. Landscape. 145. Portrait of a Lady. 146. Portrait of a Child. CARDONA. JUAN Spain 147. Gypsy. 148. Before the Dresser. 149. The Kiss. CHRISTMAS, E. W. England 150. Moonlight in the Argentine. 151. Christ of the Andes. CLARENBACH, Max 152. Garden. COTTET, CHARLES France 153. Port of Douarnenez. Brittanv. CREALOCK, JOHN " England 154. The Red Sofa. CSAKTORNYAI Hungary 155. Landscape. CSOK, ISTVAN Hungary 156. Two Girls in a Garden. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 157. Fairies. 158. Summer Flowers. 159. On the Lido. [4] IXTERXATIOXAL SECTION 160. Still Life. 161. Chinese Porcelains. 162. Spring. 163. Asters. CZIGANY, DEZSO 164. 'Woman Arranging Hair. Lent bv Dr. Ignacz Fekete. DODS-WITHERS, ISOBEL England 165. The Fortress Church of Albi. DRAPER, H. J. England 166. Firing Fish. EAST. SIR ALFRED England 167. The Rainbow. EDYI-ILLES, ALADAR Hungary 168. StaU. 169. Young BuU. 170. Siesta. 171. Before the Storm. 172. Grey Horse. 173. Prairie Hut: Hungary. 174. Homeward. EMERICI, AXDOR Hungary 175. Crucifixion Lent bv Bela Benczur, Esq. 176. Girl's Head. Lent bv Bela Benczur, Esq. 177. Child's Head. Lent bv Bela Benczur, Esq. ENGELMAX. PETER Austria 178. Portrait: Xo. 2. 179. Portrait: No. 1. 180. Portrait: No. 3. FECHIN, NICHOLAI Russia 181. Nude. Lent bv John R. Hunter, Esq. FEHERTARY, ERZSI Hungary 182. Margaret Island: Budapest. 183. Landscape. FEN YES. ADOLF Hungary 184. Kitchen Table. Lent bv Marezell Nemes, Esq. FERENCZY. KAROLY Hungary 185. Still Life: Roses. Lent by JIarczell Nemes, Esq. 186. Landscape. 187. Girl's Portrait. FERENCZY. TALER Hungary 188. Flute Player. 189. San Pietro di Castello: Venice. FERRER. SANTIAGO Spain 190. Interior. GAIGHER. HORATIO Austria 191. Portrait: Benedict XV. 192. Portrait: Pope Pius X. GALIMBERTI. SAND OR Hungary 193. St. Rafael. 194. Motive: Hungarian Town. 195. Motive: Rue de Vaueirard. GALIMBERTI-DENES, VALERIA Hungary 196. Chrvsanthemums in Blue Vase. 197. Still Life: Roses. GALLEN-KALLELA, AXEL Finland 198. On Guard. 199. Tropical Fruits: Still Life. 200. A VTild Savannah. 201. My First Hyena. 202. Symposium. 203. Kenoussa. 204. My First Buffalo. 205. In Autumn Sunlight. 206. Portrait: 'Waino Salmin. 207. Portrait of Madam E. E. 208. Young Kikouyou "Warrior. 209. Banana Leaves. 210. The Deluge. 211. Lynx Hunter. 212. Rhinoceros and Euphorbia. 213. Playing Child. 214. Sunset. 215. Portrait: Robert Kajanus. 216. Buffalo Hunt. 217. Portrait: Mr. Gustav Mahler. 218. Mv First Rhinoceros. 219. The Tribe of Naudi. 220. Kullerve Warrior. 221. Summer Night. 222. The Cataract of Masioja. 223. Spring. 224. Portrait: Mother and Infant. 225. Barcarole of Kaleral. 226. Savage in the Shadow. 227. The Hrasiani Mountains. 228. Gazelle. 229. Crocodile. 230. Carcass. 231. Meadow. 232. The School. 233. Hide. 234. Zebras and Chamois. 235. Parched Fir Tree: Winter. 236. Burned Fir Tree. 237. After the Hunt. 238. Portrait of Madam G. A. S. 239. Slain Rhinosceros. 240. Kikouyou. 241. Broken Fir Tree. 242. The "Waterfall. 243. Kikouyou "Woman. 244. Massai Warrior. 245. Homo Victor. 246. Portrait : Mr. Alpo Sailo. 247. Antelope. 248. The Burnt Prairie. 249. Denva Sabouk. 250. "Wild Date Palm. 251. Portrait of Madam M. G. K. 252. Bathers. 253. Landscape Painter. 254. Spring Breezes. 255. Ski Runners. 256. In the Brush. 257. Portrait of a Lady among the Rocks. 258. Model of a Cupola for the Capitol Building at Helsingfors. 259. The Thieves of Lampo. GARCIA ESCARRE, FRANCISCO Spain 260. Maternity. 261. Esmeraldine. GINNETT. LOUIS England 262. The Golden Hypnos. CLATTER. GYULA Hungary 263. Ladv's Portrait. GLATZ, OSZKAR Hungary 264. Hungarian Landscape. 265. The Visit. 266. Hungarian Goose Girls. 267. Transylvanian Landscape. 268. Shepherdess. VON GLEHN, .JANE EMMET England 269. The Blue Jacket. VON GLEHN. "W. G. England 2 70. La Colline Sacree. GOHLER, HERMANN Germany 271. Schloss Monrepos. GOODMAN, R. G. England 272. Tulloch: Scotland. 273. A South African Homestead. 274. The Coast of England. 275. TheAlhambra: Granada. HARY. GYULA Hungary 276. Fisher Bastion: Budapest. HATVANY, BARON FERENCZ Hungary 277. StiU Life. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 278. Sunny Street. Lent bv Count Grula Andrassy. 279. Still Life. 280. Environs of Rome. [5] INTEENATIONAL SECTION HAWEIS, STEPHEN England 281. Porte dei Marmi : Liguria. 282. Na Moala: Fiji Islands. 283. Na Aissama: A Fijian Village. 284. Vakamololo Dance, Fiji No. 1. 285. Vakamololo Dance, Fiji No. 3. 286. Vakamololo: Three Girls. 287. Vakamololo Dance No. 2. HELSBY, ALFREDO Chile 288. A Coming Storm in the Andes. 289. Chilean Farmhouses in Spring. HOLLO, GEZA Hungary 290. Weaving Design No. 528. HUGHES-STANTON, H. England 291. Fort St. Andre. IVANYI-GRUNWALD, BELA Hungary 292. Bathing Women. 293. Park View. 294. Tree in Blossom. 295. Sunshine. 296. Two Women. 297. Nascence. JAVOR, PAL Hungary 298. Hungarian Home Altar. 299. Altar: Hungarian Peasant Church. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. JONES, REGINALD England 300. The Mill Pond. JUNGHANNS, JULIUS PAUL Germany 301. A Memory of the Tyrol. KARLOVSKY, BERTALAN Hungary 302. Portrait: Countess Karolyi. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 303. Portrait: Count Gyula Andrassy. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 304. Portrait: Madame Alcsuti. Lent by Dr. Agoston Alcsuti. KATONA, NANDOR Hungary 305. In the Tatra. Lent by Adolf Kellner, Esq. 306. In the Tatra. Lent by Count Lajos Batthyanyi KAZIANY, ODON Hungary 307. The Dark Woman. 308. The Young Man. 309. Under the Cypress. 310. Study: The Disciple. 311. Study: Head. 312. I'lie Serpentine Dancer. 313. Mors Peregrinans. 314. The Castle of Tiszadob. KERNSTOCK, KAROLY Hungary 315. Study for Glass Painting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 316. Portrait: Painter Czobel. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 317. Horsemen. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 318. Nude. KEZDI-KOVACS, LASZLO Hungary 319. Sunlit Trees. KNIGHT, HAROLD England 320. The Girl and the Picture. KNIGHT, LAURA England 321. The Model. 322. The Governess. KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Austria 323. Portrait: Architect Adolf Loos. Lent by Adolf Loos. Esq. 324. Portrait: Dr. Egon Wellesz. Lent by Dr. Egon Wellesz. 325. Portrait: Peter Altenberg. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 326. Portrait of the Artist. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 327. Portrait: Emma Veronica Sanders. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 328. Portrait: Doctor Von Webern, Com- poser. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 329. Portrait: Angora Cat. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 330. Portrait: Paul Scheerbat. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 331. Portrait: Signor Verona. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 332. Portrait: Doctor de Jankosky. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 333. Portrait: Mrs. H. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 334. Portrait: Mrs. Adolf Loos. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 335. Portrait: Two Children. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 336. Portrait: Italian Lady. Lent by Adolf Loos, Esq. 337. Child with Hands of Father and Mother. Lent bv Adolf Loos, Esq. KOROSFOI-KRIESCH, A. Hungary 338. Fear. 339. Joy. 340. Bv the Wayside. 341. Zach Klara. 342. Zach Klara. 343. Weaving: Design No. 451. 344. Weaving: Design No. 758. 345. Weaving: Design No. 291. 346. Weaving: Design No. 97. 347. Weaving: Design No. 742. 348. Weaving: Design No. 734. 349. Weaving: Design No. 593. 350. Weaving: Design No. 617. 351. Weaving: Design No. 113. KUNFFY, LAJOS Hungary 352. Mihalv Czigany. KUNWALD, CEZAR Hungary 353. Portrait. LA TOUCHE. GASTON France 354. Le Gue. LAVERY. JOHN England 355. Portrait. Lent bv Henrv Smith, Esq. LAWSON, J. KERR England 356. St. Botolph's Church, Boston. LEADER. B. EASTLAKE England 357. Moonlight After Rain. LIPOTH, FERENCZ Hungary 358. Colormarmit No. 1. 359. Colormarmit No. 2. 360. Colormarmit No. 3. 361. Colormarmit No. 4. 362. Decorative Panel: Hungarian Peasant Motive. 363. Decorative Panel : Mythological Motive. LLIMONA, JUAN Spain 364. Fig Tree. 365. Sonata Without Words. LLOPIS DE CASADES, JUAN MARIA Spain 366. Garden. 367. Interior. 368. Interior of Church. LOPEZ-MESQUITA, JOSE M. Spain 369. A Spanish GjTJsy. Lent by Mrs. Alice Mumford Roberts. 370. Matador. Lent by Mrs. Alice Mumford Roberts. LOTZ. KAROLY Hungary 371. Bathing Women. 372. Portrait: Artist's Wife. 373. Child's Portrait. 374. Hungarian Peasant Wedding. 375. End of the Harvest. 376. Hungarian Hussar. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvany. LOY, MINA England 377. Lillah, Gaby and Amaranthe. 378. The Etruscan Loggia. [6] INTEENATIONAL SECTION MAGYAR-MAXNHEIMER, GUSTAV Hungary 379. Nocturne. 380. Approaching Storm. 381. Autumn Landscape. 382. After the Storm. 383. Young Hungarian Gypsy Woman. MAJOR, HENRIK Hungary 384. Self Portrait. MARFFY, ODON Hungary 385. Man's Portrait. 386. Dalmatian Landscape. 387. Wood Path. 388. Still Life. Lent bv Karoly Kernstock, Esq. MARK, LAJOS Hungary 389. Preparing for a Walk. 390. Before the Mirror. 391. Breakfast Table. 392. Lady with Parasol. 393. Portrait : Miss Nilsen. MEDNYANSZKY, BARON Hungary 394. Winter: Hungarian Village. 395. Sunset. 396. Winter in the Carpathians. Lent by Count Gvula Andrassv. MEIFREN, ELISEO ' Spain 397. Cumulus Clouds: Mallorca. 398. Road in Pollensa. 399. The White Rock. MESZOLY, GEZA Hungary 400. Summer Landscape. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvanv. MIESS, FRIGYES Hungary 401. Dutch Girl. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. MIHALY, REZSO Hungary 402. Weaving: Design No. 308. 403. Weaving: Design No. 395. 404. Weaving: Design No. 735. MUNKACSY, MIHALY Hungary 405. Landscape: Sunset. Lent by Count Gyula Andrassy. 406. Landscape: In the Woods. NADLER, R. Hungary 407. Suspension Bridge: Budapest. NAGY, LAURA Hungarv 408. Design No. 551. 409. Design No. 756. 410. Design No. 439. NAGY, SANDOR Hungary 411. Bath of the Fairies. 412. Disappearing Illusions. 413. Isle of Crete. 414. Weaving: Design No. 89. 415. Weaving: Design No. 262. 416. Weaving: Design No. 229. 417. Weaving: Design No. 501. OLGYAY, FERENCZ Hungary 418. Summer Landscape. OLSSON, JULIUS England 419. Silver Moonlight. ORTNER. FERENCZ Hungary 420. Weaving: Design No. 580. PAAL, LASZLO Hungary 421. Autumn Landscane. 422. Storm Cloud. Lent by Count Gvula Andrassv. PATERSON, JAMES England 423. The Old Garden. PECHAN, JOZSEF Hungary 424. Farm Yard. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. PICABIA, FRANCIS 425. C'est de moi qu'il s'agit. 426. Animation. PICASSO, PABLO 427. Violon et Flacon. 428. Portrait. 429. Les Arbes. POR, BERTALAN Hungary 430. Decorative Composition. 431. Decorative Composition. 432. Mv Family. PRIESTMAN, ARNOLD England 433. Hurst Castle. PRINET, RENE XAVIER France 434. The Author. RAAB, ERVIN Hungary 435. Snow in the Park. 436. Winter Sun. REMSEY, MME. Hungary 437. Weaving: Design No. 739. 438. Weaving: Design No. 732. 439. Weaving: Design No. 731. 440. Weaving: Design No. 754. RENOM Y JUAMANDREU, FAUSTO Spain 441. People's Sunday. RIPPL-RONAI, JOZSEF Hungary 442. Child's Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 443. Portrait: Dr. Guttmann. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 444. Female Nude. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 445. Ladies in the Garden. Lent by Lajos Jambor, Esq. 446. Woman's Head in Profile. Lent by Count Gvula Andrassy. 447. Park. Lent by Dr. Ignacz Fekete. 448. Portrait: Mark Vedres. Lent by Mark Vedres, Esq. 449. Interior. 450. Hungarian Interior. 451. Woman with Poppy in Her Hair. Lent bv Dr. Ignacz Fekete. RUDNAY, GYULA Hungary 452. Mother and Child. SAUTER. GEORGE England 453. The Weisshorn : Moonlight. 454. Spring Veil. 455. Violet: Miss Ruth Hunt. 456. The Cinal: Rothhorn. 457. The Great Friend: Matterhorn. 458. The Vallev. 459. In the Clouds. 460. The Rimphisehhorn. 461. The Dent Blanche. 462. The Blue Sphinx: Matterhorn. 463. Resurrection. 464. The Avenue. 465. Mrs. Penelope Wheeler. SIMPSON, CHARLES WALTER England 466. Autumn Sunset. SLUITER, WILLY Holland 467. Autumn Day. SOMLO, LILI Hungary 468. Channel of Lyssewegh. 469. View of Taormina. 470. Park of Kortvelves. SPANYI, BELA Hungary 471. Landscape. SPEED, HAROLD England 472. Apollo and Daphne. SZINNYEI-MERSE, PAL Hungary 473. Melting Snow. Lent bv Count Gvula Andrassv. TAMASY. MIKLOS " Hungary 474. Still Life. TIBOR, ERNO Hungary 475. Hungarian Village Market. 476. Field Workers. TIHANYI. LAJOS Hungary 477. Self Portrait. 478. Self Portrait: 1914. 479. Young Man's Portrait. 480. Landscape. UNDY, KAROLA Hungary 481. Weaving: Design No. 290. [7] INTEENATIONAL SECTION U>rDY, KAROLA—Co7itiyiited -cr.;^,?^- "leaving: Design No. 755. VASTAGH. GEZA Hungary 483. Winter in the Atlas Mountains 484. In the Farmvard. ,,485. Hungarian Buffalo Span. VASTAGH, GYORGY ^ Hungarv 486. Gypsy Woman. -Hungary VASZARY, JANOS Hungary 487. Portrait: Countess L. Batthvanyi! ^oo TTT ^®°* '^y Count Lajos Batthvanyi. 488. Woman with Mirror. 489. Promenade: Lake Balston. An,^ T, ^®°* ^^ Marczell Nemes, Esq. 490. Peasant Girl's Head. 491. Woman with Cat. —^ . , , „ Lent by Marczell Nemes. Esq WALLESZNE, GYENES GITTA Hungary 492. Under the Tree. iiungary 493. Woman in Brown Dress 494. Play. 495. Resting Nude. 496. Mother with Son. 497. Female Nude. 498. In the Blue Background 499. Erotic. 500. Mother and Child 501. Profile. 502. Lilac Dress. 503. Summer Heat 504. Thirt.v- Year-Old Woman. 505. Movements. 506. Mother and Baby. f^I' *Iadonna in Modern Guise. 508. Bunch of Grapes. 509. Adam and Eve. 510. Lady in Blue Dress. 511. Desire. 512. Fair Woman and Child. 513. Two Girls. 514. Biedermeyer. WINTER. TATON Fn^inr,^ 515. The Waning of the Year. ^"^''°'^ KTA-^k^ V"^ ^™'- Middelburg. ZADOR, ISTA'AN tt 517. Interior: Rakoczy Time "^'^g"? ZIPFER, SAND OR ' ' tt„„„„. 518. In the Garden. Hungary ZILZER. ANTAL w 519. The Source. Hungary 520. Portrait. ZORAD „ 521. Landscape with Figures ^'^'^Sary DE ZUBIAURRE, RAMON ' Spain 522. Viseayan Peasants. ^ ° 523. Serenade in Granada. 524. Type of Segovian. ^^505'^si^^rTi ^-^LENTIN Spain oJo. Spanish Peasant. 526. Peasant with a Bowl 527. Peasant Couple. 528. Peasant with Jug. GEAPHIC SECTION DRAWINGS, ETCHINGS, LITHOGR.\PHS ETC Tt3^'w'"° u""??^"" Participation arranged 'by Herr Hugo Heller of Vienna BRANGWYN, FRANK ' England 529. Bark Strippers. J^^ngland 530. London Bridge: No 3 531. The Millwheel: Montreuil 532. Breaking up the "Hannibal." 533. bawrers. 534. Old Kew Bridge. 535. Building the Victoria and Albert Museum. 536. The Bridge: Barnard Castle (Aqua- tint). 537. The Coal Mine. 538. Barges: Bruges. 539. Windmills: Bruges. 540. Breaking up the "Caledonia." 541. The Farmvard. 542. Blacksmiths. 543. Entrance to Montreuil 544. The Return from Work. 545. Santa Maria from the Street 546. Santa Maria della Salute: Venice 547. Men in a Bakehouse. 548. Church of Notre Dame: Eu 549. Via delle Trombe: Messina. 550. Apse of Duomo: Messina f?o- Su^^'t^ °^ " Spirito Santo: Messina. 5o2. The Lot at St. Cirq. 553. The Roundabout: Bruges. 554. A Back Street in Naples. 555. Breaking up the "Duncan." 5o6. The Crucifixion. 557. Notre Dame: Poictiers 558. Street in Tours. 559. Abbey St. Leonard. 560. Cannon Street Station: Interior tfio" ^1' ^1^^^'"'^°/ *he Exchange: Genoa. f2o ^u^ Demolition of the Post Office. 563. The Moat. 564. Old Mills: Meaux. 565. Le Pont Neuf: Paris. 566. Church of Aairvault. 567. Building the Bridge. COSSMANN. A. ^„3tria 568. Pinzgauerm. DETTMAR, R. j^^^^^.^ 569. Prometheus. FITTON, HEDLEY England ^^ 570. St. Etienne du Mont. -t-ngland HANISCH, R. ^ . 571. Stift Melk. Austria 572. Schonbrunn. o(3. Old Fisherman. 574. Late Summer. 575. At the Railway Station 576. Portrait of Mrs. H. 577. On the Silt Dunes. TTTvrvTST™T- ^T? *^^ Bohmer Forests. \-^Q ir \ h ^- Austria 579. Bengal Tiger. 580. Blue Parrot. 581. L'Amour. 582. Pelicans. 583. Lion's Head. 584. Flamingo. 585. Chamois. 586. Arabian Nights. 587. Playing Parrots. 588. Two Blue Parrots. 589. Oriental Life. 590. Mountain Goats. KASIMIR. L. ^^gtj.j^ ^li V^T'^^r. Stephans Square (after Alt). 592. Karls Church. 593. Castle Kreuzenstein. XT . f ?6.y'^°°^ • Minorite Church. KASIMIR-HOERXES, T. Austria 595. Hamburg: Katzen Path ^^,^^6- Prague: Niklas Church. KLEMM, WALTER Austria 597. Tight-Rope Walker. Austria 598. Don Quixote: No. 1. 599. Don Quixote: No. 3. 600. Don Quixote: No. 4. 601. Don Quixote: No. 5. 602. Don Quixote: No. 6. 603. Don Quixote: No. 7 604. Tvll Ulenspiegel. 605. Ulenspiegel. 606. The Pursuit. [8] INTERNATIONAL SECTION 607. The Invasion. 608. The Watcher. 609. The Storks. 610. Ice Harvesting. 611. Winter Sport. KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Austria 612. Portrait of Karl Kraus. LEDERER, FRITZ Austria 613. Austrian Landscape. 614. Dort Gasse. 615. Herr Weil. 616. Tragedian. 617. Landscape. 618. Rolling Mill. 619. Hilly Landscape. MANXIXG, W. WESTLEY England 620. The Avenue: Normandj-. MATISSE, HENRI 621. Girl with Brooch. 622. Portrait: M. Massia (outline). 623. Portrait: M. Massia (background). 624. Madam Lansberg. 625. Head of Young Woman No. 25. 626. Head of Young Girl No. 20. 627. Head of Young Woman No. 26. 628. Head of Young Girl with Flowered Hat. 629. Head of Young Girl No. 23. 630. Head of Young Girl No. 24. 631. Head of Young Girl. 632. Head. 633. Feminine Mask. 634. Portrait: M. Massia. ORLIK, EMIL Austria 635. Little Heads. 636. An Indian. 637. London Girls. 638. Going to Church: Bohemia. 639. Picture of Japanese Boy. 640. Bargaining. 641. Peasant Woman. 642. My Mother. 643. At the Precipice. 644. Ferdinand Hodler. 645. Architect Hoffman. 646. Glassworks near Glasgow. 647. A Mussel Merchant: Rotterdam. 648. The Angler. 649. Japanese Woman in Winter Dress. 650. The Kurumaya : Tokio. 651. Before the Temple. 652. Landing Place: Tokio. 653. From Edinburgh. 654. A Part of the Ghetto: Prague. 655. Fruitfulness. 656. Michael Kramer. OSBORNE, MALCOLM England 657. Lavardin. POLLAK. MAX Austria 658. Portrait of Professor S. Freud. 659. Vienna : Franziskaner Square. 660. Vienna: University Square. SCHMUTZER, FERD Austria 661. Brahms Room. 662. Haystack. SVABINSKY Austria 663. At the Piano. 664. Old Woman with Dog. THILMANN, C. Austria 665. Evening: Venice. VONDROUS, C. Austria 666. Market in Turnau. 667. Smithy: Prague. 668. Mathesons Harbor. WAY, T. R. England 669. Purple Cap. 670. Cremorne Gardens. 671. Little White Girl. 672. Maud. 673. Little Nude. HUNGARIAN GRAPHIC SECTION Arranged by the Fine Arts Museum of Budapest COMPRISING DEA-^^^NGS, WATER COLORS, PASTELS, ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. BARANSKY, E. LAZLO Hungary 674. Hungarian Fountain. BATTHYANYI, COUNT GYULA Hungary 675. Working Girl's Dream. 676. Mannequin. 677. Court Ball. BERENY, ROBERT Hungary 678. Sewing in the Garden. 679. The Convalescent. 680. Portrait: Ignotus. Lent by Dr. Sandor Ferenczi. BERON, GYULA Hungary 681. Lady's Portrait. EDVI-ILLES, JENO Hungary 682. Clouds. GLATZ, OSZKAR Hungary 683. Spinning. 684. Old Pianist. 685. Old Seamstress. 686. Motherhood. 687. Peasant Girl Dressing. 688. The Dinner. 689. Resting. GOTH, MORIC Hungary 690. Artist's Wife. 691. Self Portrait. 692. Tired Horse. HATVANY, BARON FERENCZ Hungary 693. Drawing: No. 1. 694. Drawing: No. 2. 695. Drawing: No. 3. 696. Drawing: No. 4. HERMAN, LIPOT Hungary 697. Nude Study. Lent by Dr. Lajos Ferenczi. 698. Summer Phantasy. Lent by Dr. Lajos Ferenczi. JUHASZ, ARPAD Hungary 699. Drawing: No. 1. 700. Drawing: No. 2. KONRAD, GYULA Hungary 701. Peasant Woman : Mezokovesd 702. Summer Evening: The Arno. 703. Motive: From a Little Town. LENARD. ROBERT Hungary 704. Windy Sunset. 705. On the Arno. 706. Puenta San Martino. 707. Toledo. 708. Gateway: Toledo. 709. Church Colonnade. 710. Old Part of Toledo. 711. On the Arno. 712. Alcantara. 713. The San Martino Bridge: Toledo. 714. Old Town. 715. Landscape. 716. Sunset in Genoa. 717. Saint Cloud. 718. Prague: Old Bridge. 719. Canal in France. 720. Old Houses in Genoa. 721. Ponte Vecchio. 722. Genoa. LOTZ, KAROLY Hungary 723. Study. Lent by Baron Perencz Hatvany. [9] INTERNATIONAL SECTION MARKO, ERNO Hungary 724. Woman Knitting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. NAGY, LAURA Hungary 725. Old Woman with Animals. 726. Fairyland. 727. Bird's Supper. 728. The Dolls' Queen. NAGY, SAND OR Hungary 729. Child's Portrait. PAPP, LAJOS Hungary 730. The Stonebreaker. POGANY. WILLY Hungary 731. Rheingold. 732. Walkurenritt. 733. Illustration for Tannhauser: No. 1. 734. Illustration for Tannhauser: No. 2. 735. Illustration for Tannhauser: No. 3. 736. Illustration for Tannhauser: No. 4. 737. Illustiation for Parseval: No. 1. 738. Illustration for Parseval: No. 2. 739. Illustration for Parseval: No. 3. 740. Illustration for Parseval: No. 4. POR, BERTALAN Hungary 741. Decorative Composition (dry point etching). 742. Landscape with Hay Rick. 743. Study: Three Figures. 744. Self Portrait: No. 2. 745. Study for Decoration. 746. Composition Studies. 747. Study for Portrait Group. 748. Study for Woman's Portrait. 749. Portrait. 750. Female Study. 751. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 1. 752. Studv for Decoration: Worship wisdom: No. 2. 753. Studv for Decoration : Worship wisdom: No. 3. 754. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 4. 755. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom : No. 5. 756. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 6. 757. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom : No. 7. 758. Studv for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 8. 759. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 9. 760. Studv for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 10. 761. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 11. 762. Study for Decoration: Worship wisdom: No. 12. 763. Studv for Decoration: Worship wisdom: No. 13. 764. Study for Decoration : Worship Wisdom: No. 14. 765. Studv for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 15. 766. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 16. 767. Study for Decoration : Worship Wisdom: No. 17. 768. Study for Decoration : Worship wisdom: No. 18. 769. Studv for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 19. 770. Studv for Decoration: Worship wisdom: No. 20. 771. Study for Decoration : Worship Wisdom: No. 21. 772. Study for Decoration: Worship Wisdom: No. 22. 773. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 23. 774. Studv for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 24. 775. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 25. 776. Study for Decoration: Worship of Wisdom: No. 26. 777. Studv for Decoration: Worship of wisdom: No. 2 7. 778. Composition Studies. 779. Study of Nude Seated. 780. Landscape Composition. 781. Portrait Study. 782. Composition Studies. 783. Study of Male Figure. 784. Landscape Study with Figures. 785. Landscape Study: The Mill. 786. Study: Male Figure. 787. Pastoral Composition. 788. Composition Studies. 789. Landscape Study with Cows. 790. Decorative Composition Study. 791. Landscape Study: The Ford. 792. Decorative Composition Study. 793. Landscape Study with Cattle. 794. Female Study: Grief. 795. Study of Adam and Eve. 796. Composition Study. 797. Decorative Composition Study. 798. Composition Study. 799. Landscape Studv: The Shepherd: No. 1. 800. Three Composition Studies. 801. Two Composition Studies. 802. Landscape Studv: The Shepherd: No. 2. 803. Study for Mosaic. 804. Decorative Composition Study: Fe- cundity. 805. Decorative Composition Study: The Pioneers: No. 1. 806. Decorative Composition Study: The Pioneers: No. 2. 807. Landscape Composition. 808. Portrait Study of a Man. 809. Decorative Composition Study. 810. Study: Female Nude. PRinODA, ISTVAN Hungary 811. Portrait of Mrs. Irene P. 812. Studv of Female Nude. RAUSCHER," LAJOS Hungary 813. Doorway in Rothenburg. 814. Hut in Szelakna. 815. Baggerrad. 816. Slavic Village: No. 1. 817. Slavic Village: No. 2. 818. Part of Margaret Island: Budapest. 819. Motive from Old Buda. 820. Buda. RIPPL-RONAL. JOSEF Hungary 821. Outdoor Amusements. 822. Shore Scene: Ostend. 823. Old Woman Seated. 824. Knitting. 825. Carroussel. 826. Walk in the Garden. 827. Three Girls in a Garden. 828. Drawing: Man Drinking. Lent by Baron Ferencz Hatvany. 829. Woman at Piano. 830. In the Garden. RONAI-KASZNER Hungary 831. Don Pietro Caruso. SZEKELY, ANDOR Hungary 832. Washing Day. 833. Old Woman's Home: Bruges. SZEKELY, ARPAD Hungary 834. Stone Bridge [10] INTERNATIONAL SECTION TICHY, GYULA Hungary 835. Moment and Century. TICHY, KALMAN Hungary 836. Bouquet of Flowers. 837. Gold Rain. UITZ, BELA Hungary 838. Self Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 839. Man's Portrait. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 840. Man's Profile. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 841. Child on Mother's Arm. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 842. Little Girl's Head. Lent bv Marczell Nemes, Esq. 843. Mother and Baby. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 844. Mother and Child. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 845. Girl's Head in Profile. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 846. Expectant Mother. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 847. Woman Leaning on Her Chin. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 848. Woman Reading. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 849. Woman with Crossed Legs. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 850. Woman with Hand to Her Breast. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 851. Woman with Velvet Ribbon. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 852. Woman Sitting. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 853. Woman with Head Turned. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 854. Woman: Head Bent. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. 855. Woman with Child in Her Lap. Lent by Marczell Nemes, Esq. VADASZ, MIKLOS Hungary 856. A Summer Episode. 857. Cheap Places: Race Course. 858. In Amusement Park. 859. Female Impersonator. VASZARY, JANOS Hungary 860. Drawing. ZADOR, ISTVAN Hungary 861. The Elisabeth Palace: Budapest. 862. The Baross Street: Budapest. 863. ThronefoUower Street: Budapest. 864. The Bath Street: Budapest. 865. The Woodpecker Street: Budapest. SCULPTURE BECK, O. FULOP Hungary 866. Ancient Hungarian Archer. 867. Medals. 868. Medals. CANALIAS. JOSE Spain 869. Mariner. FEHERVARY, ERZSI Hungary 870. Black and White. 871. Green and White. 872. Cleopatra. 873. Harlequin. 874. Ballerina. FEMES-BECK, VILMOS Hungary 875. Medals. 876. Dancer. 877. Eve. 878. Woman with Sheaf. 879. Dante. 880. Beatrice. FERENCZY, BENJAMIN Hungary 881. Madonna. KORMENDI-FRIMM, JENO Hungary 882. Portrait Bust. 883. Medal. MARES, FREDERICO Spain 884. Studv of Nude Men. MURANYI, GYULA Hungary 885. Medals. PETER, VICTOR France 886. Lioness and Cubs. 887. The Lion and the Rat. 888. St. Hubert. 889. Leonberg Dog. 890. Collie. 891. Arabian Greyhound. 892. Lion Drinking. 893. Bulldog. 894. Lulu, a Pomeranian. 895. Trompette. 896. Chienne d' Arret. 897. Frederick MacMonnies. 898. Republic. 899. Cupids Struggling Over a Heart. 900. Dr. Roux. 901. Henri Goutier. 902. Model of the Jury Medal Ecole des Beaux Arts. 903. Chien Griffon et Faisan. 904. Le Chien qui la lache sa proie pour I'ombre. 905. Spaniel Hunting. 906. Dog with Cropped Ears. 907. Spaniel and Duck. 908. Fearless, Running Dog. 909. Dog Protecting Its Young from a Snake. 910. Petit Chien Griffon. 911. Obverse and Reverse Proofs New French Nickles. 912. Little Girl Petting a Dog. 913. Mr. Gouge. 914. Mr. Coutan. 915. Mr. Carli. 916. Dogs of Different Breeds. PICK. LAJOS Hungary 917. The Start. RIVIERE, CHARLES France 918. Statue of a Lady, Veiled. 919. Small Nude Figure of a Woman. 920. Le Roghi. 921. Martha Mary Magdalen. 922. Woman Bearers of Sacred Vessels. 923. Epais. 924. Phryne. 925. Dante. 926. Adam and Eve. 927. Messe de Monait. 928. La Cigale et la Fourmi. 929. Woman of Martinique. 930. Souvenir of Alexandria. 931. Group of Warriors. 932. Return of the Warriors. 933. Women in Moorish Dance. 934. Arab Woman and a Child. 935. Woman with Wings. 936. Sphinx Seated on Red Marble. 937. Sphinx Standing on Red Marble. 938. Bacchus and Bacchante. 939. Elf. 940. Dancer Cambodgien. 941. Dancer with Lotus. 942. Peacock on a Wooden Pedestal. 943. Invocation. 944. Salammbo. 945. Salammbo. 946. Satyres and Bacchante. 947. Susannah, the Virgin. 948. Feminine Sketch. 949. Oriental Courtesan. 950. Amir and His Donkey. [11] INTEENATIONAL SECTION RIVIERE, CHARLES — Continued 951. Priest Blessing the Sea. 952. Sarcophagus. 953. Group of Doctors. 954. Group of Holy Women. 955. Loie Fuller. 956. Statuette, Self Portrait. 957. Arabian Horseman. 958. Vivian. 959. Bust, the Two Sorrows. 960. Head of a Woman. 961. Statuette of Roty. 962. Two Bas Relief, Motif Siamese. 963. Head of a Girl. DE ROSALES, EMANUEL O. 964. Puppets. 965. Bacchante. SIMAY, IMRE Hungary 966. Orang Utang. 967. Family Joy. 968. Mother and Son. 969. Rhesus Erythreus. 970. Father and Son. TELCS, EDE Hungary 971. Medals. 972. Female Figure. 973. Portrait Bust: Artist's Wife. TROUBETZKOY, PAUL Russia 974. Mrs. Henderson. 975. Mrs. Crane. 976. Mr. Waterman. 977. Mrs. B. Harriman. 978. Lady Constance Richardson. 979. Princess Troubetzkoy. 980. Princess Troubetzkov. VEDRES, MARK Hungary 981. Girl Arranging Hair. 982. Singing Boy. 983. Dancing Girl. 984. After Bath. 985. Bacchus. 986. Adam and Eve. 987. Boy Resting. 988. Girl Carrying Water. 989. Danseuse. 990. Morning Toilet. 991. Woman Arranging Hair. 992. Reposing Athlete. ZILZER, HA.JNALKA Hungary 993. Portrait Plaque. ZUTT, AR Hungary 994. Case of War Medals. ITALIAN FUTURISTS PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BALLA 995. Dynamic Decomposition of a Motor in Rapid Movement. 996. Dynamism of Dispersion. 997. Dynamic Expansion : Speed. 998. Luminous Successions : Displacements. 999. Dynamism of Plasticity: Noises: Speed. 1000. Dynamism of Plastic Lights. 1001. Walking Lines: Dynamic Successions. 1002. Dynamism of Light. 1003. Dynamic Rhvthm. BOCCIONI 1004. Nude: Complementary Dynamism of Form : Colour. 1005. Dynamism of a Cyclist. 1006. Elasticity. 1007. Matter. 1008. Dynamism of a Football Player. CARRA 1009. The Disintegration of Flesh. 1010. Centrifugal Forces. 1011. Abstract Perspective of Form: Color. 1012. The Complement of Form to a Nude Figure. 1013. Study for the Picture: A Woman's Shape and Scents. 1014. Dynamic Space of a Jockery. 1015. Plastic Transcendencies. 1016. Synthesis of a Music Hall. 1017. Form of a Dancer in Circular Move- ment. 1018. Force Centres of a Boxer. 1019. Dynamism of a Boxer. 1020. Architectural Construction of a Woman on the Beach. 1021. A Woman's Shape and Scents. 1022. Woman: House: Bottle: as a Spher- ical Expansion in Space. 1023. Simultaneousness. RUSSOLO 1024. Dynamism of a Motor. 1025. Dynamic Volumes. 1026. Plastic Summary of a Woman's Move- ments. 1027. My Dynamic Self. 1028. Dynamic Expansion: Houses: Lights. SEVERINI 1029. Light: Speed: Noise: In Simulta- neous Interpenetration. 1030. Forms and Color: Tone in the Argen- tine Tango. 1031. Sea Dancer. 1032. Spherical Expansion of Lights: Cen- tripetal. 1033. Spherical Expansion of Light: Cen- trifugal. 1034. Dynamic Decomposition of the Portrait "of the Poet Marinetti. 1035. Dynamism of the 14th July. 1036. Light: Speed: Noise: Sketch. 1037. Forms and Color: Tone in the Argen- tine Tango: First Sketch. 1038. Forms and Color: Tone in the Double Boston: Second Sketch. 1039. Sea Dancer: Study. 1040. Dynamic Continuity of a Train in Rapid Movement. 1041. Sea Dancer: Study No. 2. 1042. Sea Dancer: Study No. 3. BOCCIONI SCULPTURE 1043. Developments of a Battle in Space: Still Life. 1044. Muscles in Quick Motion. NORWEGIAN SECTION GALLERIES 11 to 16 PAINTINGS ASTRUP, NICOLAI 1045. Window Flowers. Lent by Henrik Lund, Esq. 1046. Storm-Blown Aspentree. Lent by Henrik Lund, Esq. BRUN, HARALD 1047. A Laplander. 1048. Young Woman. 1049. Gladioli. COLLETT, FREDRIK 1050. Spring Landscape. DAHL, NILS 1051. September Evening. 1052. Autumn Landscape. DEBERITZ, PER 1053. On the Beach. From the Shulz Collection. [12] NOEWEGIAN SECTION 1054. Nude. From the Shulz Collection. 1055. Garden in Jleutone. Lent by August Mohr, Esq. DIRIKS, EDVARD 1056. Storm on Drobaksfjord. 1057. December on the Seine. From the Shulz Collection. ERIKSEN, BJARNE 1058. Summer Night. ERIKSEN, SIGURD 1059. In the Woods. GAUGUIN, POLA 1060. Sidestreet in Christiania. 1061. Forest Interior. 1062. Sunset. 1063. Spruce "Wood. GRANDE, SEVERIN 1064. Still Life. 1065. Fir Trees. 1066. On the Beach. 1067. Summer in Soon. HAAVARDSHOLM, MAGNHILD 1068. Cabbage Field. HEIBERG, ASTRI WELHAVEN 1069. Portrait of a Girl. 1070. Landscape. HEIBERG. JEAN 1071. Boxers. 1072. Calla Lilies and Tiger Lilies. 1073. Bathing Boj-s. 1074. Landscape. 1075. Nude. HENNING, OTTO. 1076. Valley in the Mountains. 1077. Storm. HOLBO, KRISTEN 1078. Al Fresco Luncheon. 1079. Summer Evening in Vaage. 1080. Mountain Dairy Pasture: Norway. HOLMBOE, THOROLP 1081. In the Garden. 1082. Winter Road. 1083. Winter. 1084. Owl. 1085. Autumn. 1086. Twilight. JACOBSEN, AUGUST 1087. Berry Tree. JOHANSEN, OTTO 1088. In the Garden. 1089. Cagne: France. 1090. In the Romsdal : Norway. JORDE, LARS 1091. Midsummer. 1092. Noon Sun: Sjodalen. 1093. Morning Sun on Winter Cliffs. KATLI, ARNE 1094. Landscape. 1095. Summer. 1096. In the Harbor. Lent by August Mohr, Esq. 1097. Nude. From the Shulz Collection. 1098. Garden. 1099. Summer Night. From the Shulz Collection. 1100. The Tree. 1101. The Red Tablecloth. KIELLAND, MANNE 1102. Lonstrup: Denmark. KOLSTO, FREDRIK 1103. Clear Winter Day. 1104. Winter Day on the Coast. KRAG, LUL 1105. Portrait of Mrs. K. KROHG, CHRISTIAN 1106. At the Table. 1107. Buttoning the Shoes. Prom the Shulz Collection. 1108. Portrait. 1109. The Struggle for Life. 1110. Norwegian Pilot. 1111. Old Italian Woman. 1112. The Child. 1113. Sleeping. LAURENG, THEODOR 1114. Portrait of a Boy. Lent by Henrik Lund, Esq. LUND, HENRIK 1115. Portrait: The Norwegian Author, Hans Jaeger. 1116. A Question. From the Shulz Collection. 1117. The Dramatist, Gunnar Heiberg, and Friends in the Garden. 1118. Portrait of Mrs. M. 1119. On the Doorsteps. 1120. The Kitchen Wall. 1121. The Actress, Mme. Wettergren. MULLER, JOHANNES 1122. Norwegian Mountain Stream. 1123. Eyening. MUNCH, EDVARD 1124. Landscape: Middle Europe. 1125. Winter Landscape. 1126. Portrait of the Painter, S. 1127. Winter Landscape on the Coast. 1128. Summer Night in Aasgaardstrand. From the Shulz Collection. 1129. The Sun: Study for Decoration in Christiania University. 1130. Morning. From the Shulz Collection. 1131. Morning Toilet. 1132. Portrait: The Author, Jappe Nilssen. ONSAGER, SOREN 1133. Before the Mirror. From the Shulz Collection. 1134. Sleeping Children. From the Shulz Collection. REVOLD. AXEL 1135. Shipyard. 1136. Two Girls. 1137. Italian Girl. 1138. Winter Landscape. ROM, HENRIK 1139. Stormy Day in Fishing Village. 1140. Summer Night. 1141. Portrait of a Lady. SALICATH, ORNULP 1142. Young Girl. 1143. My Wife. SALVESEN, VALBORG SCHWARTZ 1144. Interior. SANN, JACOB 1145. Fisherman's Garden. 1146. Fisherman's Cottage. 1147. Summer Evening in Sandefjord. SCHONHEYDER, ANNA 1148. Vaage Church: Norway. SINDING, SIGMUND 1149. Autumn. 1150. Autumn in Norway. 1151. In the Harbor. 1152. Twixt Winter and Spring. 1153. Country Road. SMITH-KIELLAND, PER 1154. Winter. SOHLBERG, HARALD 1155. Oak Tree: Evening Light. Lent by Rasmus Meyer, Esq. 1156. Midsummer Night. Lent by Dr. Midelfart. 1157. Spring Evening: Akershus, Chris- tiania. Lent bv Olaf Gulbranson. [13] NORWEGIAN SECTION SOHLBERG, UAUAhD— Continued 1158. Winter Night in Mountains Lent by J. B. Stang, Esq. 1159. Fruitful Acres. Lent by Consul Harald Pettersen. 1160. Fisherman's Cottage. Lent by Byron Smith, Esq. 1161. From Sagene, Christiania. 1162. Afternoon Sun. SOMME, JACOB 1163. Evening Sun. 1164. Interior. SORENSEN, HENRIK 1165. The Waiter. Lent by August Mohr, Esq. 1166. Afraid. 1167. Friends. STADSKLEIV, THORLEIV 1168. Overcast Day in the Mountains. STROM, HALFDAN 1169. Effect of Sunlight. 1170. In the Meadow. 1171. Self Portrait. 1172. Portrait of a Lady. 1173. In the Sun. 1174. Figure Study. SVARSTAD, A. D. 1175. Portrait. 1176. Old House: Christiania. 1177. Terrace in Rome. 1178. Dedication of the People's House: Christiania. 1179. Anarchists' Meeting in London. TANNES, MARIE 1180. March. THAULOW, FRITS 1181. Pumpkin Field, Pennsylvania. 1182. Town Gate: Cordova, Spain. 1183. In Skagen, Denmark. 1184. Watermill. 1185. Square in Beaulieu, France. 1186. River in Brittany, France. 1187. Fisherman's Bridge. 1188. Park Bench in Winter. 1189. Landscape: Gravelines, France. 1190. Watering the Horses: Normandy. 1191. Smoking Chimneys: St. Denis, France. 1192. Boulevard de la Madeleine: Paris. 1193. The Mesna River: Norway. 1194. Church Interior: Burgos, Spain. 1195. Surf: Dieppe, France. 1196. Apple Barges on the Seine. THORBJORSEN, SIMON 1197. Autumn Evening. 1198. Still Life. TUNOLD, BERNT 1199. Tranquility Lent bv Direktor Kjell Koren. VALSTAD, OTTO 1200. Digitalis. 1201. A Corner of My Studio. 1202. Near the Christianiafjord. 1203. The Antique Mirror. 1204. Spring. WERENSKIOLD, DAGFIN 1205. Hawk and Turkeys. 1206. Crows and Their Young. WETLESEN, WILHELM 1207. Landscape from Fredrikstad, Norway. 1208. Horses in Snow. GRAPHIC SECTION ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, WOODCUTS, DRAW- INGS AND WATER COLORS ERIKSEN, KRISTOPER 1209. The Rider (after Rembrandt's painting in the Museum of Copenhagen). GAUGUIN, POLA 1210. Winter in the City. 1211. Decorative Figure. 1212. Woman's Head. HAMMARBAECK, A. 1213. Sketch. 1214. Little Boy. 1215. Profile. HOLM, HANS 1216. The Burial of Christ (after Ribera's painting in Louvre) (L). 1217. From Mesna River (L. in colors of painting by Thaulow). 1218. From Amiens (L. in colors of painting by Thaulow). KAVLI, ARNE 1219. Interior of a Music Box. 1220. Singer in Tights. 1221. Sketch. 1222. Woman's Head. 1223. Female Figure. 1224. Singer. 1225. Singing Negro. 1226. Two Gentlemen in Paris. 1227. Tlie Author, Wildenway. 1228. Songstress. 1229. Songstress Resiing. KIELLAND, MANNA 1230. Wolves and Eagles Fighting (etching of painting by Jan Fyt). MUNCH, EDVARD 1231. Death Scene (L). 1232. Adieus (L). 1233. Henrik Ibsen in Grand Cafe (L). 1234. The Sea of Love (L). 1235. Woman with Loose Hair (L). 1236. Helge Rode (E). 1237. Man Praying (woodcut in 2 colors). 1238. Young Girl (E). 1239. Amorous Woman (L. in 4 colors). 1240. By the Seashore (W. in 4 colors). 1241. Two People (W. in 3 colors). 1242. The Liberation (L. in blue). 1243. Woman with Red Hair (L. in 3 colors). 1244. The Beggar (E. on zinc). 1245. Moonlight: Woman Outside the House (W. in 4 colors). 1246. Self Portrait (L). 1247. The Dead Mother (E). 1248. Lubec (E). 1249. Study (E). 1250. August Strindberg (L). 1251. Jealousy (L. in black). 1252. Vampire (W. in 4 colors). 1253. Eva Cudocci and Bella Edwards (L). 1254. Self Portrait: No. 2 (L). 1255. Oak Tree (E. on zinc). 1256. The Kiss (E). 1257. Sick Girl (E). 1258. The Sick Child (E). 1259. Italian Woman (E). 1260. Woman in Summer Night (E). 1261. Moonlight (E). 1262. Landgerichtsdirektor, S. (E). 1263. Sigbjorn Obstfelder (E). 1264. Bathing Woman (E). 1265. Henry van de Velde (L). 1266. Thv. S. (L). 1267. Nude (L). 1268. Leopard (L). 1269. A Young Lady (E). 1270. Workmen (L). 1271. Thv. S. II (L). 1272. Museum Director, Jens Thiis (L). 1273. Panic (W). 1274. Woman with Large Hat (L). 1275. Workmen (W). 1276. The Seducer (L). [14] NOEWEGIAN SECTION 1277. Madam G. (L. in red). 1273. Young Lady (L). 1279. Two Old People (L). 1280. Two Apes with Their Young (L). 1281. Polar Bear (L). 1282. Eagle's Head (L). 1283. Tiger (L). 1284. Boy, Girl and Horse (L). 1285. Five Apes and an Ape's Head (L). 1286. Two Eagle Heads (L). 1287. Eight Apes (L). NORDHAGEN, JOHAN 1288. Falls in Telemarken (E. of painting by August Cappelen). 1289. Claudius Civils' Conspiracy Against the Romans (from Rembrandt's painting). 1290. Christ at Emmaus (from Rembrandt's painting). 1291. Birch Tree in Storm (from painting by Prof. J. C. Dahl). 1292. Prof. Hans Gude: Portrait (E). 1293. Arne Garborg (E). PETERSSEN, REIDAR 1294. The Slaughter of the Innocents (from Valerio Castelli's painting in Na- tional Museum, Christiania). 1295. Head: Study (E). 1296. Self Portrait. THAULOW, FRITS 1297. Pont de Amiens (E. in colors). 1298. Laveuses de Quimperle (E. in colors). 1299. Soir (E. in colors). 1300. Porte de Marbre (E. in colors). SCULPTURES AND MEDALLIONS ST. LERCHE, HANS 1301. Pope Leo XIII. 1302. Max Liebermann. 1303. Child. 1304. Young Roman. 1305. Infant Child. 1306. Three Monkeys. 1307. Bacchanal. 1308. Siren. 1309. Roman Carnival. 1310. Crayfish. 1311. Young Man. 1312. Ibsen. 1313. Nude. 1314. Bust of Young Roman. 1315. The Poet and the Sphinx. 1316. Woman and the Sea Bear. 1317. Wild Boar. 1318. Venus. 1319. Siren. 1320. Spectre. 1321. Nude. 1322. Pope Pius X. 1323. Pope Leo XIII. 1324. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. 1325. Fishes. 1326. Fishes. 1327. The Tiber. 1328. Anti-Darwinist Illusions. 1329. The Marquise Casati in Fete Costume. 1330. Sea Motive. 1331. Typical Roman Child. 1332. Statuette: Pope Pius X. 1333. Pope Pius X (A). 1334. Pope Leo XIII (B). 1335. Y'oung Silenus. 1336. Bust of a Y'oung Roman. 1337. Woman (glass). 1338. Woman and Sea Bear. 1339. Idyl. 1340. Boy (terra cotta). 1341. Child (terra cotta). 1342. Pope Benedict XV (terra cotta). 1343. Statuette (terra cotta). 1344. Pope Pius X (terra cotta). 1345. Candida (terracotta). 1346. Up Against It (terra cotta). 1347. Bust of a Boy (terra cotta). 1348. Schopenhauer: Head (terracotta).. 1349. Head of a Child (terra cotta). VIK, INGEBRIGT 1350. Young Girl (bronze). CHILIAN SECTION GALLERIES 19 and 20 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BACKHAUS, JOSE 1351. View of Santiago from the Santa Lucia Hill. 1352. Colonial Country House. BURCHARD, PABLO 1353. Santa Lucia Hill Through the Mist. 1354. The Fountain. 1355. Copper Utensil. 1356. Mutrun Hill. 1357. The Post Office: Santiago. CARACCI, JOSE 1358. Evensong. 1359. Dream. 1360. At Rest. CORREA. RAFAEL. 1361. Driving Calves. 1362. Oxen: Harrowing. 1363. Crepuscule. COSTA, JERONIMO 1364. Knitting. ESPINOSA, EUCARPIO 1365. Portrait of Don P. A. 1366. Portrait of Madame E. B. de E. 1367. Old Pierrot. GONZALES, JUAN FRANCISCO 1368. Pink and White Grapes. 1369. Orchard of the Recoleta Monastery. 1370. Pajaritos Road. 1371. Old Courtyard: Lo Bezanilla. 1372. Road in Villasana. 1373. Yellow Roses in Autumn. 1374. Crepuscule Plava Blanca. 1375. The Village (rancho). 1376. Padih Residence. 1377. Cloister in Old Dominica. 1378. Petunias. 1379. Maitenes Ravine. 1380. An Old Road in Melipilla. 1381. Portrait of Inocencia. 1382. Hidden Ranches of the Village, 1383. Penalolen in Autumn. 1384. By the Maipo River. 1385. Winter Roses. 1386. Doorways of Old Farms. 1387. Autumn Storm. ISAMITT. CARLOS 1388. The Santa Lucia Hill on a Rainy Day. 1889. Corner of Tenglo Island. 1390. Foothills: Puerto Montt. JOPRE, PEDRO 1391. In the Studio. LOBOS, ALFREDO. 1392. Colonial House: Seventeenth Century. LOBOS, ENRIQUE 1393. Catita. [15] CHILIAN SECTION LUCARES, OSCAR 1394. Study. 1395. Irma. LUNCH, ENRIQUE 1396. The Lady in Blue. MONTERO DE LEIVA, ELENA 1397. Roses. 1398. Peonies. ORTIZ DE ZARATE, JULIO 1399. A Convent Corner in Santiago. 1400. The Job. PEREIRA, ALIRO G. 1401. Portrait of the Sculptor, V. M. PUELMA DE FUENZALIDA, DORA 1402. Indoors. REBOLLEDO, CORREA BENITO 1403. A Brave Boy. REZKA, PEDRO A. 1404. Portrait of Dr. M. R. VALENZUELA. LLANOS ALBERTO 1405. Moonrise from the Ravine. 1406. In the Valley. 1407. Near Santiago. 1408. Bushes in Flower. 1409. Old Trees in the Lolol Stream. 1410. Solitude. 1411. The Four Cantons Lake. 1412. Opposition. 1413. Autumn. 1414. The Alameda, Santiago. SCULPTURE GONZALES, SIMON. 1415. Dezca: The Sculptor. 1416. The Boy of the Fountain. APPLIED ART MUNOZ, JARA JOAQUIN 1417. Basket of Flowers. 1418. Indian Customs. 1419. Incrusted Panel. UNITED STATES SECTION GALLERY 25 PAINTINGS STEWART, JULIUS L. 1420. Wood Nymphs. LEVER, HAYLEY 1421. Winter: Harlem River. CRISP, ARTHUR ^ , 1422. Dim Yesterday's Pageant Backgrounds Todav. LEVER, HAYLEY 1423. Washington Bridge. STEWART, JULIUS L. 1424. Blue Butterfly. GROLL, ALBERT LOREY 1425. Peace: Hopiland. . DOW, ARTHUR WESLEY 1426. The Enchanted Mesa. CALIGA, I. H. 1427. Autumn. DOW, ARTHUR WESLEY 1428. The Great Shadow. BOSTON, JOSEPH H. 1429. Mount Hamlin. LUNGREN, FERNAND 1430. In the Abyss: Grand Canyon. PARSHALL, DEWITT 1431. Great Abyss. WAITE, EMILY BURLING 1432. The Lavender Gown. BORG, CARL OSCAR 1433. Chateau Gaillard. Lent by Mrs. Phosbe A. Hearst. CLARKE. THOMAS SHIELDS 1434. The Dawn of New Life. FISHER, MARK 1435. In the Garden. ROGERS, FRANKLIN W. 1436. The Siesta. LEIGH, WILLIAM ROBINSON 1437. The Stampede. LEVY, WILLIAM AUERBACH 1438. Normandy Fishermen. SCULPTURE FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 1439. Study of a Head. MAC NEIL, HERMON ATKINS 1440. Indian: Arms Folded. MORA, JOSEPH JACINTO 1441. Scratching a Twister. GALLERY 26 PAINTINGS O'BRIEN, FRANK M. 1442. In the Foothills of the Apennines. DUMOND, FREDERIC MELVILLE 1443. Raton Pass. PANCOAST, MORRIS HALL. 1444. The Narrows in Winter. WAITE, EMILY BURLING 1445. Tijmentje Pouring Water. HAILMAN, JOHANNA K. WOODWELL 1446. A Tropical Menage. HOEBER, ARTHUR 1447. Sprav. ROOK, EDWARD F. 1448. Snow, Ice and Foam. SLOAN, JOHN 1449. Gloucester Harbor. UPER, WALTER 1450. Indian Madonna. DOUGHERTY, PAUL 1451. Changing Weather. SLOAN, JOHN 1452. McSorlev's Old Ale-House. UFER, WALTER 1453. Indian Garden. 1454. Povee Chigee. GROLL, ALBERT LOREY 1455. Arizona Desert. DUMOND, FREDERIC MELVILLE 1456. Hoss Tradin' on the Reservation. UFER, WALTER 1457. Sprucing Up for the Fiesta. COFFIN, WILLIAM ANDERSON 1458. Earlv Morning in Mav. DUMOND, FREDERIC MELVILLE 1459. 1849. UFER, WALTER 1460. Rosa Cota of San Juan Pueblo. ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. 1461. June Idvl. GLINTENKAMP, HENRY J. 1402. Wind Gap. SCHWARTZ, ANDREW THOMAS 1463. In Vermont. JONES, FRANCIS C. 1464. The Divan. « LANGHORNE, KATHERINE 1465. Sakonnet Surf. LINDIN, CARL ERIC 1466. Evening. DIXON, MAYNARD 1467. The Trail in Oregon. [16] UNITED STATES SECTION GALLERY 27 PAIXTIXGS COFFIX, WILLIAM ANDERSON 1468. A March Evening. MASON, JOHN 1469. Old Cider Mill. AMES, BLANCHE 1470. Pauline. COFFIN, WILLIAM ANDERSON 1471. September Afternoon. MASON, JOHN 1472. On the Road to Killingworth. CHURCHILL, W. W. 1473. Pouring Tea. ERICSON. DAVID 1474. The Late Tea. BOYNTON, RAY S. 1475. Vanity. CARLSON, JOHN F. 1476. Frost Bound. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE 1477. Two Girls. O'BRIEN, FRANK M. 147S. Spring Morning: Marin County. BOYNTON, RAY S. 1479. Young Diana. ML'HRMAN, HENRY 1480. Highgate. ROSENTHAL, ALBERT 1481. Alberta Uhle-Smith. OLINSKY, IVAN G. 1482. Two Girls. WHITE, ORRIN A. 1483. Autumn in the Canvon. TALCOTT, ALLEN B. 1484. April at Chipmunk Point. MAYNARD, RICHARD F. 1485. In and Out of an Oval Mirror. KAULA. LEE LUFKIN 1486. On the Old Settle. BREMER, ANNE M. 1487. The A'illage of Good Cheer. MERRITT, ANNA LEA 1488. Nvmph of Dew. CARLISLE. MARY HELEN 1489. High Noon: California. CALLAHAN, CAROLINE R. 1490. Luncheon. GELHAAR, EMIL 1491. Packer Hall. MERRITT, ANNA LEA 1492. Youth. BARNETT. TOM P. 1493. Winter. Lent by the City Art Museum: St. Louis. MEAKIN. LEWIS HENRY 1494. Rockport. OCHTMAN, LEONARD 1495. Winter Morning: Mianus River. BRUMBACK. LOUISE UPTON 1496. The Harbor: Gloucester. BROWNE, CHARLES FRANCIS 1497. La Vacherie: France. FORSYTH. WILLIAM 1493. The Wind from the West, VAN BOSKERCK, ROBERT W. 1499. The Valley at Delhi: New York. PANCOAST, MORRIS HALL 1500. Gray Day. BORG, CARL OSCAR 1501. Landscape. PERRY, LILLA CABOT 1502. Hildegarde. POTTHAST, EDWARD HENRY 1503. The Illecilewaet Glacier. THOMPSON, GEORGE ALBERT 1504. February Morning. GALLERIES 28 to 34 In addition to the prints displayed in Gal- leries 28 to 34, there are many other prints in cases in the Sales Office, which may be entered from Gallery 35. The prints on dis- play in the Galleries will be changed from time to time. .SCVLPTURE NOQUET, PAUL 1505. Endless Grief. PRATT, BELA LYON 1506. Edward Everett Hale. Gallery 30 BOYLE, JOHN J 1507. Tired Out. Gallery 31 DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 1508. Protest. Gallery 32 VONNOH. BESSIE POTTER 1509. Water Lilies. Gallery 33 KONTL ISIDORE 1510. Surprise. Gallery 33 AKELEY, CARL E. 1511. Lion and Buffalo. Gallery 34 HARVEY. ELI 1512. Lioness Recumbent. Gallery 34 PRINTS, ETCHINGS. LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. ADDAMS. CLIFFORD 1513. Admiral's House, Amsterdam. 1514. City Hall, Philadelphia. 1515. Land Ho. 1516. River Scene: Blackfriars. 1517. A Venetian Schooner. 1518. The Dressmaker's Balconr, Venice 1519. The Rialto, Venice. 1520. Harbor Scene, Venice. 1521. A^enice. 1522. Garden Entrance, Venice. 1523. Westminster. 1524. After a Wedding, Grand Central, Venice. 1525. The Emigrants' Entry, Philadelphia. 1526. New York Harbor. 1527. The Print Shop of Keppel, N. Y. 1528. Dordrecht Cathedral. 1529. Antique Shop, Venice. 1530. The Thames. 1531. Soho. 1532. Hampstead. 1533. Demolition. 1534. Tower of London. 1535. A Soho Alley. 1536. Limehouse. 1537. Hoboken. 1538. Dordrecht Gateway. 1539. Tramway Accident. 1540. By the Dam, Philadelphia. 1541. Coliseum, St. Martin's Lane. 1542. Old Race Street Shop. 1543. Waterloo Place. 1544. Stable Yard, Philadelphia. 1545. Finchley. 1546. Lincoln's Inn Fields. 1547. Alexandra Day in Seething Lane. 1548. Decoy Farm. 1549. By tiie Docks, Brooklyn. 1550. New York Herald Building. 1551. The High Stoop. 1552. El Rastro, Madrid. 1553. Hampstead Garden Suburb. 1554. Margate. 1555. Yarmouth Hospital. [1-] UNITED STATES SECTION AID, GEORGE CHARLES 1556. Port d'Honfleur. 1557. Cathedral Saint Cecile, Albi. 1558. Pergolata. 1559. Dans la Vallee de I'Eure. 1560. Rue de Neubourg, Louviers. 1561. Twilight. 1562. Rue de L'Eveche, Beauvais. 1563. Italian Gates. 1564. La Vielle Maison. Louviers. 1565. La Seine a Puteaux. 1566. Coin du Marehe, Louviers. 1567. Jardin de Mme. Lescaute. 1568. St. Nicholas du Chardonnet. 1569. La Conciergerie, Paris. 1570. Pont Marie, Paris. 1571. Piazza Parrochiale, Dolceaqua. 1572. Hotel de Cluny, Paris. ALMQUIST, OLOF 1573. Woodrow Wilson. 1574. Joseph Jefferson. 1575. Miss Effv Elsev. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER 1576. Self Portrait. 1577. John Carroll. ARMINGTON, CAROLINE HELENA 1578. St. Sulpice, Paris. 1579. Notre Dame de Paris. 1580. Quai des Orfevres, Paris. 1581. Pont Neuf et le Louvre. 1582. An Old Court, Venice. 1583. Old Door, Venice. 1584. Notre Dame Pris de St. Julien le Pauvre, Paris. 1585. Pont dei Sospiri, Venice. 1586. Porte d'Entree, Cluny, Paris. 1587. Les Thermes, Cluny, Paris. 1588. Court du Dragon, Paris. 1589. Une Boutique, Constantine. 1590. St. Gervais, Paris. 1591. L'ne Ruelle, Constantine. 1592. L^n Passage, Constantine. 1593. Rue de I'Arc, Constantine. 1594. He de la Cite, Paris. 1595. Thames and St. Paul's, London. 1596. Pont Saiute Marie, Paris. 1597. No. 8 Rue de I'Arc, Constantine. 1598. La Rue de I'Eehelle, Constantine. 1599. Tourelle Principale, Cluny, Paris. 1600. Hotel de Sens, Paris. ARMINGTON, FRANK M. 1601. Pont du Carrousel, Paris. 1602. Meditation. 1603. Marie. 1604. Konigstrasse, Nurnberg. 1605. Type Oriental. 1606. Pont Neuf, Paris. 1607. Jardin des Tuileries. 1608. Tour Eiffel. Paris. 1609. Vue Prise d'Une Ruine a Carthage. 1610. Pietro. 1611. Campement Saharien. 1612. Bedouin. 1613. Route de SidiOkba, Biskra. 1614. Jean. 1615. Jeanne. 1616. The Black Sash. 1617. Notre Dame de Paris. 1618. Tower Bridge, London. 1619. Bourrelier au Marais, Paris. 1620. Ali. BACHER. OTTO 1621. Chioggia. 1622. Three Ships. 1623. Entrance, Grand Canal. 1624. Fondamenta di Tolentini. 1625. Lavanderia. 1626. Ponte del Pistor. 1627. Lace Makers. 1628. Schleissheim, Tree in Roval Garden. 1629. A Corner of St. Marks. 1630. Net Makers, Chioggia. 1631. Old Market, Florence. BARONE. ANTONIO 1632. Bobs. 1633. The Brook. 1634. La Dance au Crepuscule. 1635. The Spanish Necklace. 1636. Doves and Tenements. 1637. Between the Tenements. 1638. The Little Shop. 1639. Cornelia. 1640. The Fish Vendor. 1641. Boy Writing. 1642. Herald Square, New York. 1643. Roberto. 1644. The Little Mother. 1645. Still Life. 1646. La Petite Grecque. 1647. Mother. 1648. Mercedita. 1649. Boy with Dominoes. 1650. Joe. 1651. Lady with Fur Collar. 1652. Boy Writing. 1653. Grazia. 1654. Ponte Vecchio: Rochester. BAUMAN, GU STAVE 1655. Town of Nashville. 1656. In the Hills of Brown. 1657. Mathis Alley. 1658. Courthouse Yard. 1659. The Door Yards. 1660. Washington Barnes' Cabin. 1661. Peach and Plum Bloom. 1662. Harden Hollow. BELLOWS, GEORGE 1663. Artists' Evening. 1664. "1914." BENSON, FRANK W. 1665. Ducks Swimming. 1666. Sunset. 1667. Blue Hills. 1668. Duck Hunter. 1669. Clam Digger. 1670. Mother and Child. 1671. Geese Against Sky. 1672. Canada Geese. 1673. Dusk. 1674. Moonlight. 1675. River Divers. 1676. Blue Heron. 1677. Yellow Legs. 1678. Duck and Ripples. 1679. Leaping Salmon. 1680. Lone Goose. 1681. Nan. 1682. Egrets. 1683. Wild Goose Drinking. 1684. Wild Swans. 1685. Brown Pelican. 1686. Perching Pelican. 1687. The Fishermen. 1688. The Gunner. 1689. My Pointer. 1690. Frightened Ducks. 1691. Wild Geese Resting. 1692. Morning. 1693. The Seiner. 1694. The Moose Caller. 1695. Candle Light. 1696. The High Carry. 1697. The Lobsterman. 1698. Flight of Blue Bills. 1699. The Anchorage. 1700. Low Tide. 1701. Black Breast Plover. 1702. Whistlers. [18] UNITED STATES SECTION 1703. The Landing. 1704. The Brick Barge. 1705. Solitude. BERNSTROM, VICTOR 1706. The River Shore. 1707. Pirates' Haven. 1708. The Mujik. 1709. The Mystery of Life. 1710. Jacking for Eels. 1711. Limbering Up. 1712. Philip II of Spain. 1713. The Dead Matador. 1714. Shepherdess. 1715. Trapped at Last. BLOODGOOD, ROBERT FANSHAWE 1716. Hark! 1717. Hard Times. 1718. The End of an Outlaw. 1719. The Early Bird. 1720. Fairy Godmother. 1721. The Merry Winter Crow. 1722. Jealousy. 1723. Arctic Traveler. BLUM, ROBERT F. 1724. The Witch. 1725. Profile. BOBBETT, ALFRED 1726. The Cure (after Darley). Lent by Mrs. P. O. C. Darley. BORG, CARL OSCAR 1727. Villa dei Quintilli (Campagna Romana). 1728. II Castello. 1729. San Pietro di Palestrina. 1730. Landscape. 1731. Venetian Canal. BRIDPORT, HUGH 1732. John Vaughan (after Thomas Sully). BROWN, BENJAMIN C. 1733. Cliff, Golden Gate. 1734. Venetian Bridge. 1735. In Old San Juan. 1736. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice. 1737. Russian River, California. 1738. Rainy Day, San Francisco. 1739. Hay Wharf, San Francisco. 1740. A Bridge of Venice. 1741. Old Bridge at Bruges. 1742. Gate of Western Nations. 1743. The Peristyle: World's Fair. 1744. Court of Palms. 1745. Venetian Doorway. 1746. Half Dome from Art Building. 1747. Half Dome from Art Palace. 1748. The Flower Man: San Francisco. 1749. Mullgardt's Tower: Court of Abun- dance. 1750. Arch of the Western Nations. 1751. The Peristyle: Art Palace, P. P. I. E. 1752. Peristyle of Art Palace. 1753. Court of Palms. 1754. Peristyle Reflected. 1755. Mullgardt's Tower. 1756. Sunset: Grand Canyon. BROWN, HOWELL C. 1757. Eucalyptus Trees. 1758. Summer Afternoon, Laguna Beach. 1759. The Sign Board, Chinatown, San Francisco. 1760. Sycamores. 1761. Monterey Coast. 1762. Up Telegraph Hill: San Francisco. 1763. California. 1764. Telegraph Hill: San Francisco. 1765. San Luis Rey. BROWN, M. E. D. 1766. Stephen Girard (after Bass Otis). BURR, GEORGE ELBERT 1767. The Willows. 1768. The Fairy Glen. 1769. Evening, Lake Geneva. 1770. Pinon Trees and Spanish Peaks. 1771. Arizona Clouds. 1772. Oaks in Winter. BURT, CHARLES 1773. Henry W. Longfellow. CALEWAERT, LOUIS H. 1774. Old Houses in Detroit. 1775. Madam Braun. 1776. The Blower. 1777. Ma Grandmere. 1778. My First Plate. 1779. William Fanning. 1780. The Canal. 1781. Youth Drawing. 1782. Portrait of J. R. 1783. Sketch of the Etcher. 1784. Ma Grandmere Endormi. 1785. Luminaris. 1786. North Peoria Street. 1787. On the Detroit River. CARR, MICHAEL CARMICHAEL 1788. Lobster Baskets, Corsica. 1789. Nonza, Corsica. CHADWICK, CHARLES W. 1790. Needlework (after Townsend). 1791. The Culprit (after Belcher). 1792. Illustration (after Brown). 1793. Bereavement (after Adan). 1794. Sent to Bed (after Belcher). 1795. Portrait. CHADWICK, EMMA 1796. Pont Neuf. 1797. Landscape. 1798. Study of Trees. 1799. Pont Neuf No. 2. CHANDLER, GEORGE WALTER 1800. Impasse du Lion, Algiers. 1801. The Minarettes, Benares. 1802. Via Riccabone, San Remo. 1803. La Rue Kleber, Algiers. 1804. Souk El Djemma. 1805. A Farmyard in Auvergne. 1806. Via Monte, San Remo. 1807. Via Vecchia, Perugia. 1808. Rue des Teinturiers. 1809. Rue Abd El Kader. 1810. Westminster Abbev (The Choir). CHENEY, JOHN 1811. Beatrice. CLOSSON, WILLIAM BAXTER 1812. The Christ (after Da Vinci). 1813. The Turkey Pasture (after Fuller). 1814. Flora (after Titian). 1815. Portrait of Thiers. 1816. Madonna Granducca (after Raphael). 1817. Paolo and Francesca (after Watts). 1818. Immaculate Conception (after Murillo). 1819. Flowers (after Bonvin). 1820. Haunts of the Song Sparrow. 1821. Ralph W. Emerson (after Rowse). 1822. Dr. O. W. Holmes. 1823. Charles and Mary (after Van Dyck). COLE, TIMOTHY 1824. Portrait (after Velasquez). 1825. Portrait of Princess Vitelli (after Francis). 1826. Holy Family (after Rembrandt). 1827. Portrait cxf a Spanish Lady (after Fortuny). 1828. Saint Elizabeth (after Zurbaran). 1829. La Maternite (after Carriere). 1830. Portrait of a Man (after Velasquez). 1831. Mother (after Millet). 1832. Philip IV (after Velasquez). 1833. Nature (after Romney). [19] UNITED STATES SECTION COLE, TIMOTHY — Continued 1834. Mona Lisa (after Da Vinci). 1835. The Broken Mirror (after Greuze). 1836. Portrait of Mrs. Glenowen and Child (after Raeburn). 1837. Repose in Egj-pt (after Knaus). 1838. The Cavalier (after Hals). COLMAN, SAMUEL 1839. Windmill. Lent bv Ingraham Hughes, Esq. COLWELL. ELIZABETH 1840. The Four Willows by the Stream. 1841. The Lake in Winter. 1842. The Sea from Penobscot Lighthouse. 1843. The Pig Sty. 1844. Kellar's Orchard. 1845. Head of an Old Man. 1846. An Old Man Reading. 1847. The Great Pine. 1848. The Willow. 1849. The Bridge. 1850. Old Willows. 1851. Peach Blossoms. CONGDON, ADAIRENE VOSE 1852. Place Saint Genevieve. 1853. Montreuil sur Mer. 1854. Montreuil sur Mer. 1855. Place Saint Genevieve. 1856. Fisherman's Cottage: Brittany. 1857. Fisherman's Cottage: Brittany. 1858. Old Venetian Palace. 1859. Old Venetian Palace. 1860. Fisherwives of Normandy. 1861. Venetian Doorway. CONGDON, THOMAS R. 1862. Saint Etienne du Mont. 1863. Le Palais du Luxembourg. 1864. Bridge of Sighs. 1865. Fountain of the Luxembourg. 1866. An Old English Gateway. 1867. Factories on the Thames. 1868. Le Palais du Luxembourg. 1869. Along the Embankment. 1870. Pont Neuf. 1871. Browning's Home, Grand Canal. 1872. An Old English Court. 1873. Fountain of the Luxembourg. 1874. Saint Jean du Doight, Finisterre. 1875. La Seine. 1876. Last Kiss of the Sun. 1877. Saint Sulpice: Paris. COOVER, NELL 1878. Waiting. 1879. Sleeping Infant. 1880. Jealousy. 1881. Petit Enfant. 1882. Laurette. 1883. La Ballon Rouge. 1884. Au Guignol. COTTON, JOHN WESLEY 1885. Pollard Willows. 1886. Belgian Farm. 1887. In the Beguinage, Bruges. 1888. Belfry of Bruges. 1889. Place de la Digue, Bruges. 1890. Quai du Rosarie, Bruges. 1891. The Hilltop. 1892. In Epping Forest. 1893. Twelfth Century Houses, Chester, Eng- land. 1894. Porthwidden Cove, Cornwall. 1895. Hampstead Heath. 1896. St. Ives' Harbor. 1897. The Firs, Hampstead Heath. 1898. Beeches, Epping Forest, England. 1899. The Firs, Hampstead Heath. 1900. Blossom Time. 1901. Old Flemish Mill. 1902. Out of the Fog. 1903. Old Bridge, Bruges. 1904. On Bruges Canal. 1905. Market Women of Flanders. 1906. Old Butter House, Bruges. 1907. Belfry of Bruges No. 2. COVEY, ARTHUR S. 1908. Steel Workers, No. 1. 1909. Harbour Cove, Gloucester. 1910. The Singing Man. 1911. The Call. 1912. Steel Workers No. 2. 1913. The Hammer Shop. 1914. Victoria Station, London. 1915. The White Mill. 1916. The Coppersmith. DAHLGREEX, CHARLES W. 1917. The Willows. 1918. Approaching Storm. 1919. Falkeuburg, Germany. 1920. Shower on the Marshes. 1921. A Day in Tone. 1922. Fantasie. 1923. In Mood. 1924. The Light House. 1925. Mist at Sea. 1926. Birch Tree. 1927. Winter Shadows. 1928. The Edge of the Timber Line. 1929. Sunshine and Poetrv. 1930. Christmas. 1931. Florida Forest Fire. 1932. The Lowlands. 1933. After a Spring Rain. 1934. Evening on the Marshes No. 1. 1935. Evening on the Marshes No. 2. 1936. Sunset Clouds. 1937. Awakening of Spring. 1938. On the Road to Holland. 1939. Reflections. 1940. Moorlands of Germany. 1941. A Poem. 1942. Cyclone Cloud. 1943. On a Country Road No. 2. 1944. Heatherlands. DAVIS, JOHN PARKER 1945. The Tile Club at Easthampton (after Abbey). 1946. Mme. Deshoulieres (after Mignard). 1947. Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford (after Kneller). 1948. The Divine Tragedy, Mary Magdalene (after Dielman). 1949. The Skeleton in Armor (after Abbey). DAWKINS, HENRY 1950. Benjamin Lav (after W. Williams). DAWSON- WATSON 1951. Peter Van Brugh Livingston (after Raeburn). 1952. Dr. Horace Bushnell (after Rowse). DE CORDOBA, MATHILDE 1953. Ma Mere. 1954. Gilbert Simon. 1955. Jacqueline. 1956. Boy Blue. 1957. Kate Prentice. 1958. The Ballet Dress. 1959. Halla Brown. 1960. Child with Japanese Lantern. 1961. Helen Buchanan. 1962. Sir John Simon. 1963. Enfant Aux Raisin. 1964. The Good Fairy. 1965. Child Standing. 1966. Camilla Brown. 1967. Her First Portrait. 1968. Toby, Son of Lord Hilton. 1969. John Burroughs. 1970. Henrv Whitney. 1971. Dorothy Pratt. [20] UNITED STATES SECTION 1972. Florence Pratt. DE WITT, GERARD 1973. The Arch. DILLAYE, BLANCHE 1974. On Little Egg Harbor Bay. 1975. A Bird's Eye A'iew of Annisquam. 1976. A Country Road. 1977. A Mob of Houses. 1978. An Old Street, Quebec. 1979. A Dutch Waterway. 1980. Leaning Houses, Dordrecht. 1981. The Last Cargo. 1982. A Narrow Way. 1983. Fishing Wiers, Bay of Fundy. 1984. Marsh at Ocean City. 1985. On the Road to Wanapashemet. 1986. An Upland Path. 1987. A French Roadside. 1988. Mist on the Cornish Coast. 1989. A Mansion in the Sky. 1990. The Downs: East Gloucester, Mass. 1991. The Road to Pompey Hill. 1992. Low Tide on a Dutch River. 1993. Lubec High Way. 1994. The Village Mill. 1995. Old House: Crecy-en-Brie. DOW, ARTHUR W. 1996. The Dory. 1997. The Yellow House. 1998. Rain in May. 1999. Ipswich Marshes, Color Schemes Nos. I, II. 2000. By Salt Marshes. 2001. Harry Mayne, His House, the Pirate of Old Ipswich. 2002. The Desert, Color Schemes Nos. I, II, III, IV. 2003. Little Venice, Color Schemes Nos. I, II. 2004. The Blue House. 2005. April. 2006. The Old Bridge, Ipswich. 2007. Site of the Moraine. 2008. The Blue Lily. 2009. In Old High, Ipswich. DURAND, ASHER BROWN 2010. John Trumbull (after Waldo & Jewett). EDWARDS, S. ARLENT. 2011. Alexander Hamilton. 2012. Simonetta. EDWIN, DAVID 2013. Thomas McKean (after Gilbert Stuart). ERTZ, EDWARD F. 2014. Place Royal, Paris. 2015. La Terre. 2016. Lavoirs, Chartres. 2017. Mother and Child. 2018. Vieux Loups de Mer. 2019. A Study of Expression. 2020. Polperro. ESKRIDGE, ROBERT 2021. The Junk Shop, Chicago. 2022. Old Mission, San Diego. EVANS, JOHN W. 2023. Becalmed (after Beal). 2024. Making Glass Beads (after Sargent). 2025. Commencement Day (after Bellows). 2026. Little Dutch Girl (after Woodbury). 2027. Medallion, Napoleon. 2028. Statue Louis XIV. FARRAR, HENRY. 2029. Sunset. 2030. In Port. 2031. Sunset in the Lower Bay. FERRIS, STEPHEN J. 2032. Granada. Lent bv Ingraham Hughes, Esq. FRENCH. FRANK P. 2033. Edwin Booth (after Sargent). 2034. Portrait (after Dewing). 2035. Beech Woods (after Parsons). 2036. The Meadow. 2037. Bedouin Girl (after photograph). 2038. Isaak Walton (after Boughton). 2039. Francis I (after Reinhardt). 2040. Under the Mistletoe. 2041. Christmas Chimes. 2042. Valentine. 2043. The Chrysanthemum. 2044. Evening Primrose (after Gibson). 2045. A Christmas Vigil. 2046. St. Cecilia (after Church). 2047. The Golden Stair •'after Burne Jones). 2048. Henevah (after Bridgman). 2049. The Dav of Rest (after Abbey). 2050. The Vale of Tears (after Poveda). 2051. The Rare Vase (after Fortuny). GAGNON, CLARENCE A. 2052. Rue des Cordeliers, Dinan. 2053. L'Orage. 2054. Mont St. Michel, Brittany. 2055. Vieux Moulin en Picardie. 2056. Tour de I'Horloga, Dinan. 2057. Moonlight, Pont de I'Arche. 2058. Canal du Loing. 2059. Luxembourg Gardens, Paris. 2060. Sant' Agostino Canal, Venice. 2061. Porte de Bourgogne, Moret. 2062. November Evening. GALLAGHER, SEARS 2063. Across the River. 2064. Old State House, Boston. 2065. Woolworth Building, New York. 2066. Appledore, England. 2067. St. Ives. 2068. Brooklyn Bridge, New York. 2069. Trinity Church, Boston. 2070. T Wharf, Boston. 2071. Bovlston Street, Boston. 2072. Bideford, England. 2073. English Cottage. 2074. Appledore, England. 2075. Old Mill, Nantucket. 2076. Wild Cherry Trees. 2077. Boy with Dog. 2078. From the Hill. 2079. Kitchen: Old Fairbanks House, Ded- ham, Mass. 2080. Old Sailor. 2081. New and Old Boston. 2082. Toilers. 2083. New England Fireplace. 2084. Hollyhocks. 2085. Breezy Day. 2086. On the Beach. 2087. North River House. 2088. Head of Old Man. 2089. Trees on the Hill. 2090. Old Cedars. 2091. Through the Cedars. 2092. Old Shop. 2093. September. GALLAUDET, ELISHA 2094. George Whitefield, M. A. GETCHELL, EDITH LORING 2095. Home by the Sea. GILMORE, ADA 2096. Promenade. GLEESON, CHARLES K. 2097. Quai d'lvry, Paris. 2098. Les Carriers, Paris. 2099. King's Highway Viaduct, St. Louis. 2100. Pont Saint Nicholas. 2101. A View of Burgos. 2102. Au Impasse, Paris. 2103. Val du Grace. 2104. Platersque Doorway. 2105. Conciergerie, Paris. 2106. Fifteen Houses and Pont Neuf. [21] UNITED STATES SECTION GLEESON, CHARLES K. — Continued 2107. Tavern of Seven Trees. 2108. Corner of Pont Neuf. 2109. Near Saint Etienne du Mont. 2110. Noon Hour. 2111. Alcantara, General View. 2112. Vue de la Cite. 2113. Saint Anne of Shaudon. GOETSCH, GUSTAVE F. 2114. On the Harlem Pier. 2115. Marblehead, Mass. 2116. In the Harbor. GOLDTHWAITHE. ANNE 2117. Fraulein Von Kneptisch. 2118. Churchyard, Brittany. 2119. The Ballet. 2120. Cock Fight. 2121. Sunny Hillside. 2122. The Letter. 2123. Alabama Pines. 2124. At Montmartre. 2125. Un Moment Musical — Shubert No. 2. 2126. Un Moment Musical — Shubert No. 3. 2127. New Year's Eve. GRIFFIN, JAMES MARTIN 2128. River Lee, Cork, Ireland. GRIFFITH, LOUIS OSCAR 2129. Winter. 2130. In New England. 2131. The Weaver. 2132. The City of Granite. 2133. Morning Glow, Pont Avon. 2134. Cathedral: Quimperle. 2135. Solitude. HALE, WALTER 2136. The Flatiron Building, New York. 2137. The Castle of Turegano. 2138. The Alcazar, Segovia. HALPIN, FREDERICK 2139. Asher S. Durand (after C. L. Elliot). HAMMERSMITH, PAUL 2140. Twilight Shadows. 2141. Ferry Boats. 2142. University Drive. 2143. Holland. HANSEN, ARMIN C. 2144. The Shower. 2145. Flemish Landscape. 2146. Before the Wind. 2147. Low Tide. HARER, FREDERICK W. 2148. Independence Square. 2149. A Fire. 2150. La Estellita. 2151. An Effect of Light. 2152. Marketing. 2153. The Farrier. 2154. Emigrants. 2155. A Scavenger. 2156. A Bum. HARLEY 2157. Jack of the Mill (after Darley). Lent bv Mrs. F. O. C. Darley. HARRITON, ABRAHAM 2158. Son of Israel. HARSHE, ROBERT B. 2159. Dutch Cottages. 2160. San Lorenzo. 2161. Fisherman's Wharf. 2162. The Ostrich. 2163. Indian Rock Park. 2164. Chinese Truck Patch. 2165. On the Stanford Farm. 2166. Sand Dunes. 2167. Lagunitas, Stanford University. 2168. Twilight. 2169. Three Pines. 2170. Chinese Truck Patch. 2171. Tamalpais. 2172. On the Stanford Farm. 2173. Monterey Dunes. 2174. Poplars, Seals Ranch. 2175. Deserted Kilns. 2176. A Dutch Water Gate. 2177. The Inner Quad: Stanford University. 2178. Unidentified. HARTMAN, C. BERTRAM 2179. Admiration. 2180. Birds of Paradise. 2181. Vanity. 2182. Erotic. 2183. Flamingo Fantasy. 2184. Elephantasy. 2185. Ice Bear. HASKELL, ERNEST 2186. The Spectre. 2187. Dwarfs of Ragged Island. 2188. Hill Top. 2189. Kinnebeck Homesteads. 2190. Peeling Apples. 2191. The Captain. 2192. Darning. 2193. The Whistling Boy. 2194. The Crippled Pine. 2195. The Moss Trees. 2196. The Skeletons. 2197. The Hunchback. 2198. The Dead Sisters. 2199. The Colt. 2200. The Blind Gypsy. 2201. Retrospection. 2202. Drawbridge. 2203. The Sand Hopper. 2204. Mrs. P. 2205. Announcement. 2206. Christmas Card. 2207. Bookplate. 2208. Christmas Card (Private Plate) (Whitney). 2209. Book Plate (Lorillard). HASSAM, CHILDE 2210. Garden of the Luxembourg. 2211. Old Dutch Church, Fishkill Village. 2212. The Steps. 2213. The Athenaeum: Portsmouth. 2214. Reading in Bed. 2215. Kitty Resting. 2216. The White Kimono. 2217. Cos Cob Dock. 2218. Painting Fans. 2219. Contre-Jour. 2220. The Dance. 2221. The Lucinda of New Y'ork. 2222. The Etcher. 2223. The Laurel Dance. 2224. Cos Cob. 2225. Old Toll Bridge. 2226. The Old Cherry Tree. 2227. St. Sepulchre: Strand. 2228. The Barges: Cos Cob. 2229. The Old House: Cos Cob. 2230. Palmer's Dock: Cos Cob. 2231. The Georgian Chair. 2232. The Colonial Table. 2233. Low Tide: Cos Cob Bridge. 2234. Moonrise at Sunset. 2235. Elms in Mav. 2236. The Little Piano. 223 7. Street in Newburgh. 2238. The Little Pool: Appledore. 2239. Porte St. Martin: Paris. 2240. Long Bridge. 2241. The White Mantel. 2242. Old Lace. 2243. The Dutch Door. 2244. Sunset: Constable's Hook. 2245. The Illustrator. 2246. June. [22] UNITED STATES SECTION 2247. A Portrait. 2248. Toby's: Cos Cob. 2249. Connecticut Barns. 2250. The Old House. 2251. Mrs. R. HEINEMANN, ERNST 2252. Japanese Children. HIGGINS, EUGENE 2253. The Rent Bill. 2254. The Blind Leading the Blind. 2255. The Rag Pickers. 2256. Under Archwav. 2257. In the Park. 2258. Slum Girl. 2259. Mendicants. 2260. An Outcast. 2261. Mother Groliot's Doorway. 2262. The Return. 2263. Out of Shadows. HILL, JOHN 2264. New York from Governor's Island. HOBART, CLARK 2265. The Bathing Pool. 2266. "Wood Nymph. 2267. Evening. 2268. "Speak!" 2269. Nvmpth at Pool. 2270. The Chess Players. 2271. The White Cloud. 2272. Homeward Path. 2273. Mav Flowers. 2274. The Morning Walk. 2275. Symphony in Red and Blue. 22 76. The Garden Pete. 2277. Fairy Tales. 2278. The Ladv Guinivere. 2279. Sleep. 2280. Going to the Dance. 2281. Sunday Afternoon. 2282. Follv Leading Love. 2283. California Night. 2284. The Peacock. 2285. Beatrice. 2286. Svlvan Glade. 2287. The Green Vase. 2288. The Tribute. 2289. Wayside Rest. 2290. Goin' to Meetin'. HOPKINS, EDNA BOIES 2291. Phlox. 2292. Purple Daisy. 2293. Bramble. 2294. Fig Leaves. 2295. Honeysuckle. 2296. Puschia. 2297. Grapes. 2298. Datura. 2299. Morning Glory. 2300. Pepper. HORNBY, LESTER GEORGE 2301. Le Matin, Gland-Sur-Marne. 2302. Le Pont. 2303. Le Ciel Pluvieux. 2304. La Cathedral a Reims. 2305. La Marne a Chateau Thierry. 2306. La Jardiniere, Matin, Marne. 2307. Le Chateau. Passy-Sur-Marne. 2308. Vieille Maisons, Reims. 2309. The Goose Girl. 2310. Dimanche Matin, Verneuil, Marne. 2311. La Brise, Marne. 2312. Yieille Femme aux Champs. 2313. The Harvester, Marne. 2314. Dans les Champs. 2315. L'Eglise a Gland, Marne. 2316. The PigSty, Marne. 2317. La Fete a Pantin. 2318. Chateau a la Parte-Milon. 2319. Les Lavoirs a Chateau-Thierry. 2320. La Colline, Marne. 2321. Le Gamin, Marne. 2322. Ramasseurs des Fagots, Marne. 2323. Ciel et Champs No. 7. 2324. Ciel et Champs No. 4. 2325. Les Cochons. HORTER, EARL 2326. French Quarter, New Orleans. 2327. Old Farm House, Germantown. HUBER, KONRAD 2328. Nimrod Exhibits His Humor (after Darlev). HURLEY, EDWARD T. 2329. Market Alley. 2330. Dry Creek Valley, Boone Countv, Ky. 2331. A Bad Night. 2332. Suspension Bridge, Cincinnati. 2333. In Eden Park. 2334. Autumn Woods. 2335. Sheep at Oult Park. 2336. The Mission Cross. 2337. 6th and Market: West of Elm Coin. 2338. The Ohio from Elmhurst Place. 2339. 5th and Canal: Dayton, Ohio. 2340. Autumn Woods. 2341. The Blizzard. 2342. The East End: Cincinnati, Ohio. 2343. Fountain Square: Cincinnati. 2344. Lower Market: Cincinnati. 2345. An Old Gateway. 2346. Winter on Mt. Adams. 2347. Kilgours Woods. 2348. Beeches. 2349. Hampelman's Boat House. 2350. Lover's Lane: Mt. Adams. 2351. The Ohio from Mt. Adams. 2352. Hatch and Elgina Place: Mt. Adams. 2353. From Eden Park. HYDE, HELEN 2354. Cherry-Rain. 2355. An Interlude, Mexico. 2356. The Family Umbrella. 2357. Going to Market. 2358. In Their Holiday Clothes. 2359. The Sacred Calf, Agra, India. 2360. The Bath. 2361. The Sauce-Pan Shop, Soochow, China. 2362. Baby Talk. 2363. The Furious Dragon. 2364. The Blue Umbrella. 2365. A Mexican Coquette. 2366. Feeding the Bunnies. 2367. Sunday Morning. 2368. Over the Garden Wall. 2369. August. 2370. New Brooms. 2371. The Go-Cart. 2372. A Roundelay. 2373. Complaints. 2374. Blossom Time in Tokyo. 2375. The Kameido Bridge. 2376. The Little Pink Plum. 23 77. An April Evening. 2378. The Secret. 2379. My Neighbors. 2380. A Day in June. 2381. A Daruma Branch. 2382. Going to the Fair. 2383. Friends of Winter. 2384. New Year's Day in Tokyo. 2385. Turtle. 2386. The Lucky Branch. 2387. Bamboo Gate. 2388. Goblin Lanterns. 2389. Rainy Night. 2390. Survival of the Fittest. 2391. From the Rice Fields. 2392. Butterflies. 2393. Mother and Child. [23] UNITED STATES SECTION HYDE, HE-LEN— Continued 2394. The Return. 2395. The White Peacock. 2396. Moonlight ou the Viga Canal, Mexico. 2397. The Mirror. 2398. Apricot Cloud. 2399. Alfonso and Conchita. JAQUES, BERTHA E. CLAUSON 2400. Minelli, Venice. 2401. Venice Fisherman. 2402. Shipyard, Venice. 2403. The Arch, Roman Forum. 2404. Street of Janissaries, Algiers. 2405. Willows, Rvsord. 2406. Peat Boat, Marken. 2407. Along the Mall. 2408. Scotch Collier's Cottage. 2409. Rain on Thames. 2410. Charing Cross Bridge. 2411. Hampstead Heath. 2412. Prisons of the Sea. 2413. Paradise Bridge, Venice. 2414. Santa Margherita, Venice. 2415. The Columns, Roman Forum. 2416. Burano. 2417. Thames Boats, London. JOHNS, W. B. 2418. Village on the Seine. 2419. The Stone Bridge. 2420. November Day. 2421. Evening in Prance. 2422. The Canal. 2423. A Little Arab. 2424. Across the Fields. JOHNSON, THOMAS 2425. Franz Liszt. 2426. Robert Browning. 2427. Alfred Tennyson. Lent by Mrs. Thomas Johnson. KEELER, CHARLES B., JR. 2428. Bazaar of the 100,000 Articles, Quim- per, Brittany. 2429. Old Houses in the Place Terre au Due, Quimper. 2430. House of the Lime Seller in the Rue Traverse, Morlaix. 2431. Beggar at St. Jean du Doight. 2432. Christmas Card. 2433. Levanto. 2434. Ronda, the Impregnable: Spain. 2435. Morning, the Shadow of the Cliff: Ronda. 2436. Barrio San Francisco: Ronda. 2437. Santa Maria la Mavor: Ronda. 2438. For a Booklover. 2439. Street in Quimperle: Brittany. KIMBALL, KATHERINE 2440. Oast Houses. 2441. Presbytere de St. Maclou, Rouen. 2442. Chateau Gaillard. 2443. Chateau Gaillard. 2444. Maison Barlier, Paris. 2445. Facade of the Louvre. 2446. The Cemeterj-, Venice. 2447. La Maison le Roy, Petit Andeley. 2448. The Doomed Island. 2449. Towers of Notre Dame. 2450. Jasper's Gate House. 2451. St. Nicholas du Chardonnet. KING, CHARLES B. 2452. Dixmude, Belgium. 2453. Amsterdam. 2454. Grand Canal. 2455. Rainy Day, Fifth Avenue. KOOPMAN, AUGUSTUS 2456. Brittany Fisherman. 2457. In the Cafe. 2458. Dutch Sailing Master. KRUELL, GUSTAV 2459. Abraham Lincoln. 2460. W. T. Sherman. 2461. Robert E. Lee. 2462. Daniel Webster. 2463. U. S. Grant. 2464. Abraham Lincoln (with beard). LAFFAN, A. 2465. Moonlight on the Adriatic. LANDER, BENJAMIN 2466. Among the Daisies. LEARNED, ARTHUR GARFIELD 2467. Young Satyr. 2468. Sibyl. LEMOS, PEDRO J. 2469. The Old Quarry. 2470. Along the Road. 2471. The Hillside, Lake Merritt. 2472. At the Edge of the River. 2473. A Summer Evening. 2474. Fishing Dav. 2475. Wind Warriors. 2476. Fog: Piedmont Hills. 2477. Still Waters. 2478. Waiting for a Breeze. 2479. The Hillside: Harvest. 2480. Day in June. 2481. Plowing Time. 2482. Pool Over the Hill. LEVY, BEATRICE S. 2483. Central Park Impression, New York 2484. The Lake at Night. 2485. The Vacant Lot. 2486. Field Museum Through the Trees 2487. Song of Summer. 2488. West Entrance, Field Museum, Chicaeo LEVY, WILLIAM AUERBACH ' 2489. The Harp of the Winds. LEWIS, ALLEN 2490. The Landing. 2491. Lady on the Stairs. 2492. The Procession. 2493. Old Woman Reading. 2494. The Work Shop. 2495. Climbing Boy. 2496. La Port Guillaume. 2497. The Obelisk. 2498. Portrait of Boardman Robinson. 2499. Little Storm. 2500. The Green, Prospect Park. 2501. The Sand Yard. 2502. Valle de Chevreuse. 2503. Metropolitan Museum. 2504. Dead Oak. 2505. Willow in the Mist. 2506. Roosting Pigeon. 2507. Paris Print Shop. 2508. The Hard Pull. 2509. The Closing Curtain. LONGACRE, JAMES BARTON 2510. Andrew Jackson. LUM, BERTHA 2511. Aovagi. 2512. Through the Night. 2513. Rainy Twilight. 2514. Magic Carpet. 2515. Winter. 2516. Evening. 2517. Cherry Blossoms. 2518. Snow Balls. 2519. Rain. 2520. Children. 2521. Sisters. 2522. Wind and Rain. 2523. The Home-Coming. 2524. O Fuji San. 2525. Peter. 2526. Sails. 2527. The Bridge. 2528. Pines by the Sea. 2529. Goblin Dance. 2530. Fishermen. [24] UNITED STATES SECTION 2531. Bob. LUQUIEXS, HUC-ilAZELET 2532. Fern Yard in Picardie. 2433. Vanderbilt Gateway. 2534. Phelps Gateway. 2535. Osborn Gateway. MAC LAUGHLAX, DOXALD SHAW 2536. The Grimsel Pass. 2537. The Life of the Thames. 2538. Quai des Grands Augustins. 2539. A Devonshire Tillage. McMILLEX. illLDRED 2540. Low Tide: Staples. MAXLEY. THOMAS R. 2541. Street in Castile. 2542. Fish House. 2543. Old Shed. 2544. The Elms. MARIX, JOHX 2545. Canal d" Amsterdam. 2546. Towers, Saint Germain. 2547. Bal Bullier. 2548. Ca dOro, Venice. MARSHALL, WILLIAM EDGAR 2549. George Washington. MARTIXEZ, XATIER 2550. Peace. 2551. At the PooL 2552. In the HiU. 2553. At the Grove. 2554. Dance of the Fairies. 2555. Spring Dance. MAVERICK, PETER 2556. Rev. Edward Mitchell. MEIXSHAUSEX, GEORGE 2557. Andrew Jackson. 2558. The Life Boat. 2559. The Phantom Ship. 2560. Samuel Houston. 2561. George Washington. 2562. U. S. Grant. 2563. Robert Fulton. 2564. Daniel Webster. 2565. Benjamin Franklin. 2566. Fenimore Cooper. 2567. Portrait. 2568. Rape of the Sabines (after Rubens). 2569. Landing of Ponce de Leon. 2570. Cumberland Falls (after Farny). 2571. Beeehwood (after Lindsay). 2572. Washington Artillery (after Redwood). 2573. Eagle of -Jupiter and Ganymede (after Rembrandt). 2574. Abraham Lincoln. 2575. The Chicken Woman (after Vollon). 2576. Sand Mountain (after Lindsay). 2577. Hawk's X'est. 2578. The Sun Dial (after Farny). 2579. A Question of Seconds (after Farny). 2580. John Adams. 2581. Chief Justice Waite. 2582. Three Doctors. 2583. John Arkwright. MELVILLE, FRAXCIS 2584. The Cobbler. 2585. Busy. 2586. The Stableyard. 2587. December. 2588. The Ginger Jar. 2589. South Bay, Long Island. 2590. Xan. 2591. The Window Seat. 2592. The Late J. Q. A. Ward. 2593. Emelie. MERRILL, KATHERIXE 2594. Burnham Beeches. 2595. St. Dunstan's in the East. 2596. Canterbury from St. Martin's Hill. 2597. Federal Building from Quincy Street, Chicago. 2598. Woolworth Building, from City Hall Square. 2599. St. Josephafs Polish Cathedral, Mil- waukee. 2600. Where Art and Commerce Meet. 2601. St. James' Cathedral, Montreal. 2602. Harper's Ferry. 2603. Harper's House, Harper's Perry. 2604. Burnside Bridge, Antietam. 2605. Gen. Meade's Headquarters, Gettysburg. 2606. Little Round Top from Devil's Glen. 2607. Drydocks, Xewport Xews. 2608. Illinois Monument, Gettysburg. 2609. Lookout Mountain. MERRITT, AXXA LEA 2610. A Child that Wriggled. 2611. Reapers. 2612. Grandmother's Boa. 2613. Cupid Bound. 2614. The X'arrow Way. 2615. An Emigrant Child. 2616. A Mother. 2617. A Little Quakeress. 2618. A Piping Shepherd. 2619. Oliver Wendell Holmes. MIELZIXER, LEO 2620. Adolescence. MILHAU, ZELLA DE 2621. Afterglow, Quebec. 2622. The Coast. 2623. Boats on the Nile. 2624. The Pirates' Cove. 2625. Long Island Sand Dunes. 2626. Lowlands. 2627. The Pool. 2628. The Sands. MILLAR, ADDISOX THOMAS 2629. The Winding Road, Holland. 2630. The Storm, St. Vincent de Paul, N. Y. 2631. Moonrise on the Birches. 2632. Boer Farmhouse. 2633. Hayberg. 2634. The Old Kirk. 2635. The Return of the Flock. 2636. The Ship Yard, Muidan. 2637. Hauling Logs Through the Dunes. 2638. A Winter Evening, Laren. 2639. Xovember Evening, Laren. 2640. The Drawbridge, Hakkelaarshek. 2641. The Faggot Girl. 2642. Holland Farm House. 2643. Gathering Fire Wood. 2644. The Long Barn, Rumson Road. 2645. The Valley After the Storm. 2646. The Barnyard. 2647. Oak Trees. 2648. Spring Plowing. 2649. The River Docks, Norwalk. 2650. Fairj- Rings. 2651. Ali Baba's House. 2652. Rue Ben Ali. 2653. Rue Thebes. 2654. Rue Kleber. 2655. The Three Arabs. 2656. Arab Gateway. 2657. Old Madrid. 2658. A Winter Moon, Laren. Lent by Solon H. Borglum, Esq. MIXOR, ROBERT C. 2659. Morning on the Niantic River, Conn. 2660. Evening. MOXKS, JOHX A. S. 2661. Rocky Road. MORAX, MARY XIMMO 2662. The Edge of a Georgian Pond. 2663. Twilight, East Hampton. Lent by Thomas Moran, Esq. [25] UNITED STATES SECTION MORAN, PETER 2664. On the Road to Albueraue. Lent bv George Frederick Keene, Esq." 2665. "Woodland Pool. 2666. Evening. 2667. Spring. 2668. Plowing the Stubble. MORAN, THOMAS 2669. An Old Apple Orchard. 2670. Hook Pond, East Hampton. 2671. The Breaking Wave. 2672. The Light House. 2673. A Montauk Pond. 2674. A Turkish Bazaar. 2675. Twilight. 2676. A Tower of Cortez. 2677. Pass of Glencoe. 2678. Harlech Castle. 2679. Old Church of San Juan, New Mexico. MULLGARDT, LOUIS CHRISTIAN 2680. East Entrance to Varied Industries Building. 2681. Carmel Mission, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. 2682. West Side of Education Building. NAHL, PERHAM W. 2683. Pan and Syrinx. 2684. Evening. 2685. Redwoods at Palo, Colorado. 2686. Arbolado No. 2. 2687. Storm. 2688. California Hills. 2689. Oak and Underbrush. 2690. The Hunchback. 2691. Coast Scene. 2692. Marsh and Uplands. 2693. Monterey Hills. NEWMAN. VICTOR WINTHROP 2694. Alice. 2695. George Washington. NORDFELDT, BROR J. O. 2696. The Incoming Fog. 2697. Little Italv, Chicago. 2698. The Jew of Tangier. 2699. My Mother. 2700. Hee Jan. 2701. Barges on the North Branch, Chicago. 2702. The Open Hearth Furnace, Chicago. 2703. The Piano. 2704. California Street, San Francisco. 2705. Chinatown Shops. 2706. Crowley's Wharf. 2707. The Edge of Chinatown. 2708. Golden Gate Beach. 2709. The Mounted Policeman. 2710. Telegraph Hill. 2711. The Electric Tram, Portland, Ore. 2712. The Bessemer Converter, Chicago. 2713. Bridge Builders, Chicago. 2714. Calumet River, South Deering, Chicago. 2715. The Coal Crusher, Chicago. 2716. Entrance to the Field Museum, Chicago. 2717. Field Museum No. 2. 2718. Grain Elevators, South Deering. 2719. Illinois-Michigan Canal, Chicago. 2720. The Little Hub, Chicago. 2721. The Logan Monument, Chicago. 2722. The Night Shift. Chicago. 2723. Park Row, Chicago. 2724. Pasquale Scale, Chicago. 2725. 638 South Clark Street, Chicago. 2726. Sacco Grande, Tangier. 2727. Ca di Mosto, Venice. 2728. The House of tue Madonna. 2729. Anglers— The Mist. 2730. The Branch. 2731. The Bridge. 2732. The Rock, Nahant. 2733. The Skyrocket. 2734. Small Wave, Moonrise. 2735. The Tree. 2736. The Illinois Steel Company. Chicago. NORMAN, JOHN 2737. George Washington. NORTHCOTE, STAFFORD M. 2738. Plavmates. ORR, LOUIS 2739. Les Saintes Maries. 2740. Court of the Library, Rouen Cathedral. 2741. Chapel of St. Antoine, St. Trophime, Aries. 2742. Fort St. Andre, Avignon. 2743. Rue St. Severin, Paris. 2744. L'Eglise aux Stes. Maries de la Mer. 2745. Church of St. Gilles. 2746. Rue de la Petite Boucherie. PAGE, WILLIAM 2747. Rev. James Milnor. PARTINGTON, GERTRUDE 2748. Beach and Cliffs at San Francisco. 2749. Old Telegraph Hill. 2750. Portrait Mile, de Cordoba. 2 751. Court of the Ages: Evening. 2752. Chinatown. 2753. Court of the Ages PARTRIDGE, G. ROY 2754. St. Cloud. 2755. Tanagra and Marguerites. 2756. Ambition Bound. 2757. Dancing Water. 2758. White Butterfly. 2759. In a King's House. 2760. Notre Dame. 2761. The Hessian Messenger. 2762. Das Bettler Madchen. 2763. A House in Hessia. 2764. Ephemera. 2765. Lace from Paris. 2766. La Petite Reine. 2767. Le Pantheon. 2768. La Maison Blanche. 2769. Le Louvre No. 1. 2770. Le Pont de la Tournelle, Paris. 2771. The Photographer's Shop. 2772. Le Pont Neuf. 2773. Le Louvre. 2774. Gypsy. 2775. The Veil. 2776. Ex Libris, St. Clare Shepard. 2777. Ex Libris, O. V. 2778. Ex Libris, F. H. 2779. Ex Libris, R. P. 2780. Ex Libris, F. P. 2781. La Porte de Moret. 2782. Le Louvre No. 4. 2783. Egalite et la Mendiante. 2784. Dharyamana. 2785. Winter Moon. 2786. The Buttress. 2787. Early Morning, Notre Dame de Paris. 2788. Winter Blossoms. 2789. The Greek. 2790. L'Annonciation. 2791. The Hut in the Clearing. 2792. Portrait of a Young Man. 2793. Le Louvre No. 2. 2794. Over the Seine. 2795. The Fir Tree. 2796. Wall Street. 2797. New York Public Library. 2798. The Grey Bridge. 2799. In a Robe of Mist. 2800. The Marvelous Mountain. 2801. Polish City. PATTERSON, MARGARET 2802. Le Pouldu, Brittany. 2803. The Hyer's House, Chatham. [26] UNITED STATES SECTION 2804. The Tall Trees. 2805. The Swan. 2806. The Sands, Chatham. 2807. Winding Road, Quimperle. 2808. Flemish Village. 2809. Wind Blown Trees: Cape Cod. 2810. Cape Cod House. PAULUS, FRANCIS PETRUS 2811. Old Beggar Woman. 2812. Head of an Old Man. 2813. The Coppersmiths. 2814. Fish Market, Bruges, No. 1. 2815. Fish Market, Bruges, No. 2. 2816. Belfry of Bruges. 2817. In the Ancient Crypt, Bruges. 2818. Quai des Menetriers, Bruges. 2819. Quai des Menetriers, Bruges. 2820. Old Rag Market, Bruges. 2821. Eel Woman. 2822. Sunshine and Shadow. 2823. An Old Canal, Bruges. 2824. An Old Canal, Bruges. 2825. Old Market Under the Trees, Bruges. 2826. Old Philosopher. 2827. In the Outskirts of Bruges. 2828. Alfred Gilbert: The English Sculptor. 2829. Fish Market No. 3, Bruges 2830. The Old Bridge, Bruges. 2831. The Dogana. 2832. Robert Hopkins: Marine Painter. 2833. Along the Giudecca. PEALE, CHARLES WILLSON 2834. Rev. Joseph Pilmore. PEALE, REMBRANDT 2835. Lord Bvron. PEARSON, RALPH M. 2836. Loggers on the Mississippi. 2837. Structural Iron. 2838. Rough Water Outside. 2839. Moonlight, Pont de I'Arche. 2840. Open Hearth Furnaces. 2841. The Asphalters. 2842. The Track Gang. 2843. A Rock River Sunset. 2844. Field Museum. 2845. A Kansas Citv Blufif. 2846. Elverhoj Studios. 2847. Black Hawk Countrr. 2848. Squaw Rock. 2849. Lincoln Monument. 2850. Shanties of the Mississippi. 2851. Bookplate, Florence M. Hendershot. 2852. Bookplate, Grace Dickerson. 2853. Bookplate, Ruth Pearson. 2854. Bookplate, John Irwin Scull. 2855. Bookplate, Leroy Truman Goble. 2856. Bookplate, Wallace Hickman. 2857. Bookplate, Winifred Goble. 2858. Bookplate, Frank O. Lowden. PELHAM, PETER 2859. Cotton Mather. 2860. Rubens. PENNELL, JOSEPH London in War Times. 2861. Searchlights over St. Paul's. 2862. London Lights, No. 2. New York Series. 2863. Palisades and Palaces. 2864. Times Building. 2865. Hail, America! 2866. The Elevated. 2867. Building a Skyscraper at Night 2868. Cortlandt Street. 2869. Bridge at Hell Gate. 2870. New York from Brooklyn 2871. Up to the Woolworth. 2872. New York City in 1915. 2873. Sunset from Williamsburg Bridge 2874. St. Paul's. 2875. 2876. 2877. 2878. 2879. 2880. 2881. 2882. 2883. 2884. 2885. 2886. 2887. 2888. 2889. 2890. 2891. 2892. 2893. 2894. 2895. 2896. 2897. 2898. 2899. 2900. 2901. 2902. 2903. 2904. 2905. 2906. 2907. 2908. 2909. 2910. 2911. 2912. 2913. 2914. 2915. 2916. 2917. 2918. 2919. 2920. 2921. 2922. 2923! 2924. 2925. 2926. 2927. 2928. 2929. 2930. 2931. 2932. 2933. 2934. 2935. 2936. 2937. Woolworth Building. Pittsburgh and Chicago Series. On the Way to Bessemer. Pittsburgh No. 3. Pittsburgh No. 2. Stockyards, Chicago. Grain Elevators, Chicago. Mining Village. The Mine. Homestead. San Francisco Series. Up to the Fairmont. Kearny Street. Chinatown. Isles of the Bay. Seal Rocks. Down and Up California Street. Washington Series. The Avenue, Washington. Yosemite Series. The Cathedral Door. At the Foot of the Falls. Falls at Night. Grand Canyon Series. Storm in the Canyon. Philadelphia, 1914. Girard Street. Philadelphia from Belmont. The Philadelphia Club. The Tunnel in the Park. Down Sansome Street from Eighth Street. The Massed Skyscrapers Above the Housetops. The Dining Room, Stenton. The Hall at Cliveden, the Chew House. The Bridge Across Market Street, from Broad Street Station. The Drawing Room at Cliveden. The Hall, Stenton. Wyck, the Doorway from Within. The Elevated at Market Street Wharf. Upper Room at Stenton. Bed Room, Stenton, the Home of James Logan. Library, C. J. Wistar Residence. Hall, C. J. Wistar Residence. Interior, C. J. Wistar Residence. The Water Works. Belgian Series. Old and New Mills at Valenciennes. The Dump, Serang. The Iron Gate, Charleroi. Landscape Work. English Series. St. Paul's Out of My Window. River of Work, Leeds. Low Moor Works, Bradford. The Big Stack, Sheffield. Copper at Cardiff. The Great Chimnev, Bradford. The Great White Cloud, Leeds. Mond Gas. Old and New England. The Winding Stair, Leeds. Forges at Sheffield. Dinner Time, Greengates. The Strand. St. Clements Danes. German Series. New Rhine Castles. Cranes at Duisburg. Tracks of Oberhausen. Greek Series. Columns of Temple of Jupiter, Evening. The Wine-Dark Sea. European Series. Court of the Fishpond. [27] UNITED STATES SECTION PENNELL, JOSEPH — Continued 2938. Alcantara Bridge: Toledo. Zeppelins. 2939. Zeppelin Shed. 2940. Zeppelin Coming Out. Panama Series. 2941. Steam Shovel in the Cut. PERARD, VICTOR SEMON 2942. The Old Organ Grinder. 2943. Brooklyn Bridge. 2944. The Madeleine. 2945. Portrait Sketch. 2946. Tours de Carcassonne. PERCY, ISABELLE C. 2947. Maine Woods. PIAZZONI, GOTTARDO F. P. 2948. Avenue des Champs Elysses, Paris. 2949. Mountain Home, Switzerland. 2950. The Seine. Neuilly, France. 2951. Italian Pines, Rome. 2952. St. Peter's from Villa Borghese, Rome. 2953. Stone Dwellings. 2954. Spring in the Alps. 2955. View of Montmartre from Neuilly, France. 2956. Ebb Tide, Green Brae. 2957. Dawn, Green Brae Slough. 2958. Wooded Hillside, Marin County. 2959. The Old Oak Trunk No. 1. 2960. The Old Oak Trunk No. 2. 2961. Avenue de la Grande Armee. PLOWMAN, GEORGE T. 2962. Mezzotint. 2963. St. Nicholas du Chardonnet. 2964. Passage des Patriarchs, Paris. 2965. Notre Dame, Paris. 2966. St. Etienne du Mont, Paris. 2967. Ye Old Dick, London. 2968. Rue de Pretres, St. Severin, Paris. 2969. St. Martins in the Fields, London. 2970. Hotel de Sens, Paris. 2971. The Monument, London. 2972. Maison de Balzac. 2973. Impasse des Boeufs. Paris. 2974. Staples Inn, London. 2975. Roofs of Paris. 2976. Strasburg, Germany. 2977. Passage Moret, Paris. 2978. Shot Tower, London. 2979. Cloth Fair, Smithfield, London. 2980. Viterbo, Italy. 2981. Towers of Notre Dame, Paris. 2982. Rue de la Harpe. 2983. Wurtzburg, Germany. 2984. Le Vieux Coin, Paris. 2985. Faneuil Hall, Boston. 2986. In Rome. 2987. California Landscape. 2988. Below Bridge, London. 2989. Le Maison Desolee. 2990. Quartier St. Severin. 2991. St. Sulpice, Paris. 2992. Near St. John's Gate, London. 2993. Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. 2994. Pantheon, Paris. 2995. Tannery, Paris. QUINLAN, WILL J. 2996. Building a Viaduct. 2997. Edge of the Sassafras Grove. 2998. Burling Slip, New York City. 2999. New York Towers. 3000. Van Cortlandt Mansion. 3001. The Clam Diggers. 3002. At Yonkers Refinerv. 3003. Sassafras Trees No. 1. 3004. Sassafras Trees No. 2. 3005. Cathedral of St. John the Divine. 3006. Overhauling a Three-Master. 3007. Metropolitan Life, and Worth Monu- ment. 3008. Madison Square Tower. 3009. Portrait of an Old Man. 3010. Metropolitan Life and Madison Square Towers. 3011. Tower of Manhattan Bridge. 3012. From Washington Heights, New York City. 3013. Fixing the Bowsprit. 3014. Trees and Rocks. 3015. The Old Spy Oak. 3016. Under the Brooklyn Bridge. 3017. Brooklyn Bridge from James Slip. 3018. Weatherbeaten Sentinels, No. 2. 3019. Repairing the Damage. 3020. A New York Canyon. 3021. Stone Bridge, Central Park, New York. 3022. Constructing the Bankers' Trust Building. 3023. New York Public Library, No. 1. 3024. New York Public Library, No. 2. 3025. A Queensboro Bridge. 3026. Broadway from Bowling Green. 3027. The Smith Building, Seattle. 3028. Eleventh Street Bridge, Tacoma. 3029. Broad Street, New York City. 3030. Coenties Slip, New York City. 3031. Spanning Hell Gate. RANDOLPH, LEE F. 3032. A Wind-Swept Pine, Monterey. 3033. San Carlos Mission, Monterey. 3034. Old Church Tower at Grez. 3035. L'Eglise de Nemours. 3036. Sewing. 3037. Church of St. Sulpice, Paris. 3038. The Church Tower. 3039. Old Church at Grez. 3040. An Arab Doorway, Coustantine, Al- geria. 3041. L'Eglise d'Ecquelles, France. 3042. Farm Court at Moret, France. 3043. Le Pantheon, Paris. 3044. Notre Dame de Paris. 3045. Le Posterne, Moret. 3046. A Little Holland Maid. 3047. St. Gervais, Paris. 3048. The Butcher Shop, Moret, France. 3049. Unloading. REED, EARL H. 3050. The Homing Call. 3051. A City's Highway. 3052. The Troopers of the Sky. 3053. Over the Waste Places. 3054. A Forgotten Harvest. 3055. The Voices of the Dunes. 3056. Heralds of the Storm. 3057. Among the Sand Hills^ 3058. Neighborhood Gossip. 3059. The Course of True Love. 3060. Solitude. 3061. Harsh Hay Stacks. 3062. In Somebody's Orchard. 3063. The First Temples. 3064. The Win-d-Swept Dunes. 3065. Dawn in the Hills. 3066. The Edge of the Forest. 3067. The Fisherman's Home. 3068. A North Woods Hermitage. 3069. Old Apple Trees. 3070. Derelicts. 3071. The Requiem of the Leaves. 3072. Twilight on the Dunes. 3073. A Tryst. 3074. On the Chicaming Sands. 3075. Twilight on the Marshes. 3076. A Ship of Dreams. 3077. The Call of the North. 3078. Michigan Sands. [28] UNITED STATES SECTION 3079. The Song of the East Shore. 3080. Laving Down the Law. REINDEL, WILHELM G. 3081. Siesta. 30S2. The Heath. REVERE, PAUL 3083. A Conference Between Some Indian Chiefs and Colonel Bouquet. 3084. The ilitred Minuet. 3085. King Philip. ROSEXTHAL. ALBERT 3086. Rev. William H. Furness. 3087. Lawn Tennis Club (after Bridgeman). ROSENTHAL. MAX 3088. Washington (after Trumbull). 3089. Franklin (after C. W. Peale). 3090. Franklin Cafter C. W. Peale). 3091. Edward VII. 3092. Lincoln. 3093. General John Cadwallader. 3094. Richard Henrv Lee. 3095. Col. William S. Smith, 3096. Col. Walter Stewart. 3097. Charles Thompson. 3098. Rev. Jacob Duche. 3099. St. Memin. 3100. Xapoleon (after Isabev). 3101. Edward Savage. 3102. Toussard. 3103. Daniel Webster. 3104. Daniel Webster. ROTH, ERXEST DAVID 3105. Grim Florence. 3106. Ca' d'Oro, Venice. 3107. The Arch of the Conca. 3108. II Campo Margherita, Venice. 3109. Assisi. 3110. The Bridges, Florence. 3111. San Gimignano, the Towers. 3112. The Bridge, Venice. 3113. A Venetian Doorway. 3114. Poplars near Florence. 3115. The Ghetto. Venice. 3116. The Little Mosque, Stamboul. 3117. A German Barn Yard. 3118. The Gate, Venice. 3119. On the Arno, Florence. 3120. Fiesole from San Francesca. 3121. San Gregorio, Venice. 3122. A Quiet Canal, Venice. 3123. Ponte Vecchio, Afternoon. 3124. Or San Michele. Florence. 3125. St. Pierre: Beauvais. 3126. Pont Xeuf: Paris. 3127. St. Catherine: Honfleur. RUBIXS, H. W. 3129. Arriving Steamer. 3130. Chicago River. RYDER, WORTH 3131. Flemish Woman. 3132. Bavarian Girl. 3133. Woman of Dachau. 3134. The Cirque. 3135. Seven Solitudes. ST. MEMIX. CHARLES B. J. FEVRET DE 3136. Meriwether Lewis. SAVAGE. EDWARD 313 7. The Washington Family. SAWYER. PHIL 3139. Whiskers. 3140. The White House. 3141. Mike. 3142. The White House. 3143. Dad Bartlett, Miner. SCHLEGELL. GUSTAV VOX 3144. Venice-Salute. 3145. Lake St. Croix. SCHNEIDER, OTTO J. 3146. A Puritan Maiden. 3147. La Belle Dame Sans Merei. 3148. Maison d'un Ministre sous Louis XI. 3149. San Germain I'Auxerrais, Paris. 3150. Portail Central. Eglise St. Merri, Paris. 3151. Portail Eglise St. Nicholas des Champs, Paris. 3152. Petit Rue St. Simon, Tours. 3153. Impasse du Boeuf, Paris. 3154. Hotel de Sens, Paris. SCHOFF, STEPHEN ALONZO 3155. The Bathers (after William M. Hunt). 3156. Mrs. Harrison Grev Otis (after Gilbert Stuart). SENSENEY. GEORGE 3157. An Arehwav. 3158. The Bridge of Sighs. 3159. Court of the Greyhounds. 3160. A Devout Woman. 3161. Harbor of Murano. 3162. Pont du Cheval. 3163. Old Foot Bridge. 3164. Old Fisherwoman of Etoples. SIMMONS, WILL 3165. Vultures. 3166. White Herons. 3167. Wolf, Studv of a Snarl. 3168. Otters, Playing. 3169. Bear Cubs, the Unexpected. 3170. Black Swans, Towards Morning. 3171. Crane, Solitaire. 3172. Mallard Ducks, Before the Storm. 3173. Condors. SLOAN, JOHN 3174. Roofs. Summer Night. 3175. Night Windows. 3176. Fifth Avenue Critics. 3177. Mother. 3178. Ping Pong Photos. 3179. The Little Bride. 3180. Turning Out the Light. 3181. Connoisseurs of Prints. 3182. Anshutz on Anatomy. 3183. Man, Wife and Child. 3184. Memory. 3185. The Man Monkev. 3186. The Show Case. 3187. Fun, One Cent. 3188. The Women's Page. 3189. Girl and Beggar. 3190. The Picture Buver. 3191. Gold Fish. SMILLIE, JAMES DAVID 3192. Hollyhocks. 3193. Voyage of Life. 3194. Double Hollyhocks. 3195. Sunnv Hours. SMITH, J. AXDRE 3196. The Jewel of Venice. 3197. Palaces and Barges. 3198. The Molo: Venice. 3199. The Wood Road, Connecticut. 3200. Sunshine and Flowers, Venice. 3201. Campo Fosca, Venice. SMITHWICK, JOHX G. 3202. Girl with Muff (after Abbey). 3203. Penelope Boothby (after Reynolds). Lent by George H. Whittle, Esq. SQUIRE, MAUD H. 3204. Mother. 3205. The Dispute. 3206. On the Quay. 3207. Knitting. 3208. A Peasant. 3209. Loafers. 3210. Little Model. 3211. Two Women. 3212. At Market. [29] UNITED STATES SECTION SQUIRE, MAUD B..— Continued 3213. Little Boys. 3214. The Portrait. 3215. Bargaining. 3216. Cherries. 3217. Sisters. 3218. Woman and Child. 3219. Girl with a Basket. 3220. Children. 3221. Brothers. 3222. Windy Dav. STACKPOLE, RALPH 3223. Adele. 3224. Piazzoni Etching. 3225. Adele Sewing. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER 3226. Landscape with Figures. 322 7. Just After Sunset. 3228. Landscape. STEUVER, CELIA M. 3229. Old Street, Besigheim, Bavaria. 3230. Ulm II. 3231. Old Arcaded House, Bavaria. 3232. Old Wall, Weisenburg Am Sand, Ba- varia. 3233. Danauwerth, Bavaria. 3234. Old Mill, Holland. 3235. La Grare, La Niege. 3236. Besigheim, Wurtenberg. 3237. Helgoland. 3238. Ulm I. 3239. Evening. 3240. Old Tower, Rothenburg. 3241. Krapfenwald, Allee, I., Vienna. 3242. View of a Church. STEVENS, DOROTHY 3243. Gamine. 3244. St. Jacques, Dieppe. 3245. Odalisque. 3246. La Sortie de I'Eglise. 3247. On the Canal, Bruges. 3248. The Cathedral Square. 3249. The Merry-Go-Round. 3250. Antwerp Cathedral. 3251. Ponte Vecchio. 3252. Mle. de Maupin. 3253. Nude. 3254. St. Nicola, Ghent. 3255. Hotel de la Ville, Bruges. 8256. Coppelia. 3257. Firenze. 3258. Mont St. Michel. 3259. Rue I'Ane Aveugle. 3260. Dinan, Brittany. STEVENS, HELEN B. 3261. Main Building and Boat Houses, Wellesley. 3262. Library Cloister, Brvn Mawr College. STEVENS, THOMAS WOOD 3263. Harper Memorial, University of Chi- cago. 3264. Bridging a Ravine, Pittsburgh. 3265. Clearing for the Great Staircase. 3266. Fountain of the Great Lakes. 3267. Blair Arch, Princeton. 3268. Cadet Barracks and Chapel, West Point. STURGES. DWIGHT C. 3269. A Late Cottager. 3270. Alone. 3271. The Promised Land. 3272. Sisters. 3273. Stamp Collectors. 3274. Portrait: Dr. Samuel Green. 3275. The Bedtime Story. 3276. The Three Elms. 3277. Path Through the Pasture. 3278. An Old Hebrew. 3279. Portrait Mrs. S. 3280. Adams Square, Boston. 3281. Still Waters. 3282. T Wharf, Boston. 3283. Home from the Banks. 3284. Portrait Mr. Washburn. 3285. Nude. 3286. Road Around the Hill. 3287. My Father. 3288. Scollay Square, Boston. 3289. Solitaire. 3290. Little Girl Dressing. 3291. Essex Marshes. 3292. The Old Flute Player. 3293. My Little Model. 3294. Park Street and State House, Boston. 3295. Portrait, Miss C. 3296. Along the Merrimac. 3297. Study Head. 3298. Violinist. 3299. The Monev Lender. 3300. Nude No. 2. 3301. A Summer Day. 3302. The Cobbler. TALLMADGE, THOMAS 3303. Structural Steel. 3304. Old Sugar Warehouses. 3305. Calle St. Ignace, Havana. TIEBOUT, CORNELIUS 3306. Right Rev. William White. VAN ELTEN, KRUSEMAN H. D. 3307. Glimpse of the Ocean. VONDROUS, JOHN C. 3308. Nicholas Church from Mostecka Street 3309. Prague Bridges. 3310. S. Maria della Salute, Venice. 3311. Tyn Church, Prague (Nocturne). 3312. Street on Hradcany, Prague. 3313. Old Houses, Prague. 3314. Market Place, Prague. 3315. St. Nicholas Church, Prague. 3316. An Old House, Slavonov, Bohemia. 3317. Bridge of Charles the Fourth, Prague. 3318. Tyn Church Portal, Prague. 3319. A Doorway: Venice. 3320. Ponte Rialto: Venice, No. 1. 3321. II Traghetto: Venice. 3322. Palazzo Dorio : Venice. 3323. Ponte Rialto: Venice, No. 2. 3324. Tyn Church from the East: Prague. WARNER, EVERETT L. 3325. Memorial Tower. 3326. Brooklyn Bridge. 3327. Montreuil Mills. 3328. Phelps Gateway. 3329. Moonlight, Montreuil. 3330. Brothers and Linnonia. 3331. Rue Jerzual, Dinan. 3332. A Bavarian Church. 3333. Harvard Hall. WARNER, WILLIAM 3334. Sir Charles Metcalf. WASHBURN, CADWALLADER 3335. Ebbing Tides. 3336. Santa Maria in Distance, Cuernavaca, Me.xico. 3337. Liberal Arts Building: The Entrance. 3338. A Sharp Turn, Cuernavaca. 3339. A Quiet Inlet, Oceanport. 3340. Boats: Brielle. 3341. Sailing Boat Ashore. 3342. Bav Head in Distance. 3343. Wash of the Tides. 3344. High Noon, Manasquan. 3345. Siesta, Cuernavaca, Mexico. 3346. Caracola Road No. 2, Cuernavaca, Mexico. 3347. Boats Landing. 3348. West Facade of la Valenciana. 3349. West Side of Temple Parroquiale, Toxco, Mexico. [30] UNITED STATES SECTION 3350. Front Facade of la Valenciana. 3351. A Riverside Path, Manasquan River. 3352. Glimpse of Manasquan River. 3353. Low Tide, Seaside Park. 3354. Fishermen's Return. 3355. Afternoon Tranquillity. 3356. Bridge at Mantaloking. 3357. Crabbing, Brielle. 3358. Sandy Road. 3359. Bridge at Brielle. 3360. Valley Path, Cuernavaca. 3361. Porfirio Diaz Park. 3362. Templo de Salud Mixcoae, Mexico. 3363. Borda Garden in Distance, Cuerna- vaca, Mexico. 3364. Road to Cuernavaca, Mexico. 3365. The Great Arch. 3366. Building the Dome. 3367. The Derrick. 3368. The Flagstaff. 3369. Sunlight and Shadow. 3370. The Doorway. 3371. The Scaffolding. 3372. The Half Dome. WATT, WILLIAM G. 3373. The Ring (after Alexander). 3374. The Apple Gatherers (after Ander- son). 3375. The Harvest (after L'hermitte). 3376. The Pool. 3377. A Music Party (after Metsu). 3378. Andromeda (after Duran). 3379. Carcassonne (from photo). 3380. Book Plate by Chas. S. Chapman. 3381. Book Plate by Chas. S. Chapman. 3382. Fancy Head. 3383. Mt. Rainier (after Perard). 3384. Book Plate. 3385. Illustration (after Birch). WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 3386. Vieux Marche, Marseilles. 3387. L'Institut. 3388. Ancienne Faculte de Medecine, Paris. 3389. Old Houses on the Quai. 3390. Le Pont Notre Dame. 3391. Sur le Quai Montebello. 3392. The Bridge, Frankfort. 3393. Notre Dame des Andelys. 3394. Le Pont Neuf, Paris. 3395. Old Court, Sachsenhousen. 3396. La Route de Louviers. 3397. Der Danger Franz. 3398. St. Saturnin, Toulouse. 3399. La Rue St. Jacques. 3400. Les Blanchisseuses. 3401. La Maison Meline. WEHRSCHMIDT, DANIEL A. 3402. You Should Also Mount with Me. 3403. Old Hall. 3404. The Hedge Cutter. 3405. The Old Shepherd. 3406. In an Irish Creamery. 3407. The Bathing Tent. 3408. The Babv Bacchus. WELLINGTON, F. H. 3409. Girl at the Piano (after painting by Harry Townsend). Lent by Ray Brown, Esq. WE STRUM, ANNI VON 3410. Birches. 3411. Windmill. 3412. Old Baltic Farm House. WETHERILL, ELISHA KENT KANE 3413. The Triangle. 3414. The Archway. 3415. Gatewav, Bryn Mawr. 3416. The Shacks. 3417. Brooklyn Bridge. 3418. The Sooty Shop. 3419. Camden Court House. 3420. The Goose Shop. 3421. The Tenements. 3422. The Coal Hoist. 3423. The Back Street. 3424. Bayle's Slip. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL 3425. The Thames. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3426. The Smith, Passage du Dragon. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3427. Draped Figure, Reclining (in colors). Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3428. Draped Figure, Standing. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3429. The Little Nude Model Reading. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3430. Nude Model Standing. Lent bv Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3431. Study: Maude Seated. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3432. Stephane Mallarme. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3433. A Duet. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3434. Annie: Standing. 3435. The Unsafe Tenement. 3436. Annie: Seated. 3437. Soupe a Trois Sous. 3438. Greenwich Park. 3439. Early Morning, Battersea. 3440. Millbank. 3441. The Forge. 3442. Longshoremen. 3443. Street in Saverne. 3444. La Vieille aux Loques. 3445. Billingsgate. 3446. The Dancing Girl. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3447. La Fruitiere de la Rue de Gronelle. 3448. Terrace: Luxembourg. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3449. Little London. Lent by Hunt Henderson, Esq. 3450. Savoy Pigeons. Lent bv Hunt Henderson, Esq. WHITE, CHARLES "henry 3451. The Old Courtyard. 3452. San Remo. 3453. La Rue de la Paix. WILKE, WILLIAM H. 3454. Toward the Bay. 3455. The Viaduct. 3456. Bill. 3457. The Wood Road. 3458. The Hav Barges. 3459. At the Dock. 3460. Telegraph Hill, San Francisco. 3461. The Forest. 3462. A Study. WILLIA3IS, J. SCOTT 3463. In September. WILLIAMSON, SHIRLEY 3464. Monotype No. 1. 3465. Monotpye No. 2. 3466. Monotype No. 3. 3467. Monotype No. 4. 3468. Monotype No. 5. 3469. Monotype No. 6. 3470. Monotype No. 7. 3471. Monotype No. 8. 3472. Monotype No. 9. 3473. Monotype No. 10. 3474. Monotype No. 11. 3475. Monotype No. 12. 3476. Monotype No. 13. 3477. Monotype No. 14. 3478. Monotype No. 15. 3479. Monotype No. 16. [31] UNITED STATES SECTION WINSLOW, HENRY 3480. Westminster Cathedral. 3481. Saint Paul's. 3482. The Spire. 3483. London Bridge. ■3484. Pont de I'Arche. 3485. The Wanderer. 3486. The Carpenter's Shop. 3487. The Beeches. 3488. The Old Square. 3489. Wood Monsters. 3490. The Liners. 3491. The London Docks. 3492. The Oil Ship. 3493. The Argument. 3494. The Spring Cleaning. 3495. Whistler's Thames. WOLF, HENRY 3496. Lower New York in a Mist, from a Pennsylvania R. R. Boat. 3497. The Evening Star. 3498. Little Lady Sophie of Soho (after Whistler). 3499. Evening, Swan Lake, Central Park, New York. 3500. The Wood Gatherers (after Inness). 3501. Lizzie Lineh (after Weir). S502. Joseph Pulitzer (after Sargent). 3503. The Mussel Gatherers (after Martin). 3504. The Mirror (after Alexander). 3505. Lady with a Lute (after Vermeer). 3506. River Scene, La Riviere a la Tour Lointaine (after Corot). 3507. A Northeaster (after Homer). 3508. Portrait of the Engraver, H. Wolf (after Wiles). 3509. Miss Alexander (after Whistler). 3510. Morning Mists. 3511. Recreation (after Couture). 3512. Don Balthasar (after Velasquez). 3513. Woman at the Window (after Ver- meer). 3514. Girl with Fruit (after Ambrogio de Predis). 3515. William M. Thackeray (from drawing by Lawrence). 3516. Portrait Sketch (unfinished) (after Whistler). 3517. Beatrice d'Este (after da Vinci). 3518. Portrait of a Girl (after Velasquez). 3519. Mv Mother (after Whistler). 3520. Thomas Carlyle (after Whistler). 3521. A Madonna (after Botticelli). 3522. A Gentlewoman (after Weir). 3523. A Spanish Countess (after Goya). 3524. Homeward (after Dessar). 3525. The Music Room (after Whistler). i3526. Young Lady with Poppy Flower (after Loeb). 3527. Miss Nelthrop (after Lawrence). 3528. The Fur Jacket (after Whistler). 3529. Kittv Fisher (after Reynolds). 3530. The" Goldfish (after Hubbell). 3531. A Danish Princess (after Holbein). 3532. Portrait of a Lady (after Shannon). 3533. Landscape (after Dewey). 3534. Lady with Hand Mirror (after Wiles). 3535. Portrait of a Girl (after Emmett). 3536. Mother and Child (after Cassatt). 3537. The Sonata (after Wiles). 3538. A Lady in Black (after Chase). 3539. The Christmas Tree (after Weir). 3540. The Green Bodice (after Weir). 3541. The Bent Tree (after Corot). 3542. Hon. Joseph H. Choate (after Sar- gent ) . 3543. The Coral Necklace (after Tarbell). 3544. Lady Stanhope (after Reynolds). 3545. Mercedes (after Mora). 3546. 3547. 3548. 3549. 3550. 3551. 3552. 3553. 3554. 3555. 3556. 3557. 3558. 3559. 3560. 3561. 3562. 3563. 3564. 3565. 3566. 3567. 3568. 3569. 3570. 3571. 3572. 3573. 3574. 3575. 3576. 3577. 3578. 3579. 3580. 3581. 3582. 3583. 3584. 3585. 3586. 3587. 3588. 3589. 3590. 3591. 3592. 3593. 3594. 3595. 3596. 3597. 3598. 3599. 3600 3601, 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607, 3608 3609 El Conde, Duque Olivares (after Ve- lasquez). George Washington (after Stuart). Chevalier Yrujo (after Stuart). Portrait of Trumbull (after Stuart). Portrait of Miss Mierken (after Stuart). Portrait of Miss Plumstead (after Stuart). Portrait of Miss Morris (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Lea (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Otis (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Gotliff (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Griffith (after Stuart). Portrait of Mrs. Nancy Pennington (after Stuart). Angel with the Flaming Sword (after Blashfield). The Promenader (after Menzel). Open Air Meeting (after Meuzel). The Tiger (after Menzel). Courting (after Hals). Evening in Normandy (after Dearth). The Fox Hunt (after Homer). Eight Bells (after Homer). A Normandy Farm (after Martin). The Harp of the Winds (after Mar- tin). Early Ploughing (after Walker). A Favorite Corner (after Alexander). A Flower (after Alexander). A Quiet Hour (after Alexander). The Mousmee (after Blum). Un Canal en Artois (after Caziu). The Approaching Storm (after Cazin). The Road to the Village (after Cazin). Josephine, Empress (after Lefevbre). Napoleon, Emperor (after Lefevbre). Yellow Marguerites (after Moore). Romila (after Sears). A Shipwrecked Sailor (after Pyle). A Virgin Enthroned (after Thayer). Emperor Hadrian (after Tadema). Information (after Meissonier). , Campagne de France (after Meis- sonier). Portrait of Gerome. La Soif (after Gerome). , The Carpet Merchant (after Gerome). , Holy Eve (after Von Uhde). . Good Friday (after Von Uhde). , Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (after Gerome). . The Road to Bethlehem (after Von Uhde). . In the Shade (after Caliga). . Empress Josephine (after Realier Dumas). . Benjamin Franklin (after Duplessis). . Le Soir (after Breton). The Road to Concarneau (after Pick- nell). The Moose Hunt (after Brush). Portrait of a Boy (after Brush). Reverie (after Beaux). Les Amoureux (after Diaz). Bismarck (after Lenbach). Self Portrait (after Lenbach). The Millpond (after Ranger). Landscape in Holland (after Ranger). A l'Abreuvoir(after Dagnan-Bouveret). The Madonna of the Rose (after Dag- nan-Bouveret). La Bearnaise (after Dagnan-Bouveret). Alone in the World (after Israels). Sally Franklin (after Hoppner). [32] UNITED STATES SECTION 3610. Nantucket School of Philosophy (after Johnson). 3611. The Young Michelangelo Sculpturing the Head of a Faun. 8612. Lady in Black (after Freer). 3613. San Giorgio (after Bunce). 3614. Christ Walking on the Waves (after Coleman). 3615. Visit of the Shepherds (after Lerolle). 3616. Self Portrait (after Dow). 3617. Mrs. Champion de Crespigny (after Romney ) . 3618. At Kissingen (after Menzel). 3619. The Scattering of the Mists. 3620. The Roadside (after Giflford). 3621. Thomas Jefferson (after C. W. Peale). 3622. The New England Peddler (after John- son). 3623. Judge Jones (after Stuart). 3624. Portrait of a Lady (after Henri). 3625. Mv Daughter Josephine (after Tar- beU). 3626. Aurora (after Low). 3627. Summer (after Benson). WOOD, FRANKLIN T. 3628. Farm Lane. 3629. Piazza Bagnia. 3630. Pasture Bars. 3631. Gondolas. 3632. Boy in Tam o'Shanter. 3633. Browning's Palace, Venice. 3634. Taormina from Greek Theater. 3635. Jean-Marie No. II. 3636. November. 3637. The Hermitage. 3638. Porta della Conca, Perugia. WORCESTER, ALBERT 3639. Fete aux Invalides. 3640. The Seine: Paris. 3641. Quai St. Michel a Paris. 3642. Old Mill Near Provins. 3643. Paris: Rue de la Petite Boucherie. 3644. Marche de la Rue Mouflfetard No. 1. 3645. Kite Flyers at Amsterdam. 3646. Amsterdam. 3647. Paris. 3648. Paris No. 3. 3649. Wagon Maker at St. Valery sur Somme. 8650. Sheep at St. Valery sur Somme. WORKMAN, DAVID TICE 3651. Elvet Bridge, Old Durham. WRIGHT, CHARLES GUSHING 3652. Henry Rutgers. WRIGHT, JOSEPH 3653. Portrait of George Washington. Lent by C. W. McAlpin, Esq. WRIGHT. MARGARET HARDON 3654. St. Merr, Paris. 3655. Courtyard, Taormina. 3656. Chateau Verres, Val d'Aosta. 3657. Harvard House, Stratford-on-Avon. 3658. Ypres. 3659. San Dominico. YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 3660. Tewa No. 1. 3661. Under the "L." 3662. Ballet Girl No. 1. 3663. The Roman Beggar. 3664. On the Grand Canal. 3665. Fort Washington Point. 3666. The Sand Pit. 3667. Trench Diggers. 3668. Pont des Artes. 3669. The Pirate. 3670. The Forge. ZIM, MARCO 3671. Morning. 3672. S^-mphony. GALLERY 35 PAINTINGS MAGER. GUS 3673. The Laborer. DE WENTWORTH, CECILE 3674 Portrait of William Howard laft. CLARK, FREEMAN 3675. The Climbers. STEELE, THEODORE C. 3676. The Poplars. NICHOLS, HOBART 3677. The Knob: Maine. SCULPTURE GRIMES, FRANCES 3678. Rex Fincke, Jr. F A.IRB ANKS, AVARD 3679. Old Bill Keddington. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 3680. Lawrence. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT 3681. Leaping Tiger. 3682. Polar Bear. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 3683. Indian on Horse. WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 3684. General Hancock. FLORIO, SALVATORE E. wlSNMi?fr'lI)'6LPH ALEXANDER 3686 Study for Lincoln at Hodgeuville. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 3687. Passing of the Red Alan. GALLERY 36 PAINTINGS AND DEALINGS FOLGER, ANNIE B. ,, , , * 3688. October Hillside: Nantucket. FORTUNE, E. CHARLTON 3689. Betty. FOLGER, ANNIE B. 3690 Passing Cloud Shadows. HEIL, CHARLES EMIL 3691. Young Catbird. 3692. Bluejay. „, . , , 3693. BlaekCap Chickadee. BETTS, ANNA WHELAN 3694. Preparations for Bed. 3695! At the Window. VOGT, LOUIS C. 3696 A Market Place on the Nile. 3697 An Old Street: Cairo. BUTTON ALBERT PRENTICE 3698. Ultima Thule. BELCHER, HILDA 3699 The Little Boston Giri. SNELL, HENRY B. 3700. The Quai: Pans. VOGT, LOUIS C. . 3701 Late Afternoon: Lairo. SPRINCHORN, CARL 3702. Woman with Fan. 3703. Youth. 3704. Drawing. 3705. Sea God. 3706. Drawing. 3707. Masquerade. UMBSTA^TTER,'NEfLY LITTLEHALE 3709. An Opal Day. 3710 The Woods. „ BUTTON. ALBERT PRENTICE UMBSTAET?Er'^N?l!:Y LITTLEHALE 3712. The Golden Pine. WIECZOREK, MAX 3713. Mother and Child LATHROP, WILLIAM LANG SON 3714. Golden Afternoon. [33] UNITED STATES SECTION WIECZOREK, MAX 3 715. Mrs. John P. Jones. 3716. Young Girl. BUTTON. ALBERT PRENTICE 3717. Girl of the Desert. UMBSTAETTER. NELLY LITTLEHALE 3718. The White Birch. 3719. Old Thorn Trees. 3720. Takesago. MAGONIGLE, EDITH M. 3721. The Secret Garden. SCHMITT, ALBERT FELIX 3722. In Wonderland. SPRINCHORN, CARL 3723. Dancers. 3724. Dancer. 3725. Young Woman. DIMOCK, E. 3726. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country. 3727. Group. 3728. East Side School Children. 3729. Group. 3730. Group in New England. 3731. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country. BURNHAM. ANITA WILLETS 3732. Twenty-first Chapter of Job. JAKOB I, RUTH 3733. Atlantic Citv. MENDENHALL, EMMA 3734. An English Village. SANDONA, MATTE O 3635. Studies of Miss H. M. Sullivan. PETERSEN, JANE 3736. Old Morlaix. HEIL, CHARLES EMILE 3737. Field Sparrow. 3738. Chickens. 3739. Golden-Crowned Kinglet No 2 3740. Phoebe. 3741. Golden-Crowned Kinglet No. 1 3742. Young Bluejav. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. 3743. Rankin Mills. 3744. Mills at Swissvale. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 3745. New Bridge on the Charles : Boston. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. 3746. Monongahela from Soho Hill MAGONIGLE, EDITH M. 3747. Linet de Maris. NORDELL, EMMA PARKER 3748. On the Boulevard. MAGONIGLE, EDITH M. 3749. The Queen of Hearts. 3750. Vice and Virtue. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 3751. Westminster Bridge: London. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. 3752. The Blowout: Soho. 3753. Coming from Work. 3754. Pittsburgh from the Golf Club. WAGNER, FRED 3755. Brooklyn Bridge. 3756. Across the Schuvlkill. 3757. The Two Bridges. NORDELL, EMMA PARKER 3758. The Open Window. 3759. Above the Village Street. 3760. The Fisherfolk: Conc^rneau. 3761. In Brittany. 3762. A Barbizon Window. 3763. The Old Gate. WAGNER, FRED 3764. The Yellow Bridge. 3765. Vallev of Snow. 3766. The Village: Winter. SCULPTURE KRUPKA, JOSEPH 3767. Kiss of the Oceans. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 3768. Lion and Lioness Group. GALLERY 37 MINIATURES KAELIN, CHARLES S. 3769. Rocks and Sea. DILLAYE, BLANCHE 3770. The Evening Star. KAELIN, CHARLES S. 3771. Old MiU. SNELL, HENRY B. 3772. The Cove. 3773. Twilight at Sea. HALE, WALTER 3774. After the Rain: Baveux. STARK, OTTO 3775. The Gravel Screen. NICHOLLS, RHODA HOLMES 3776. 1860. STARK, OTTO 3777. Building Operations. MAC GILVARY, NORWOOD 3778. June in the Forest. WILLIAMS, GEORGE ALFRED 3779. The Witch. 3780. Moonlit Breaker. 3781. The Drama of Hell: Forest of Souls. MORA, F. LUIS 3782. Christmas Market. 3783. Back of the Cathedral: Granada. 3784. Spanish Peasant. BURLEIGH, SYDNEY RICHMOND 3785. At the Wharf. MORA, F. LUIS 3786. Mountain Village: Cataluna. 3787. Hall of Ambassadors: Granada. WILLIAMS, GEORGE ALFRED 3788. The Drama of Life: Daughters of Man. 3789. Storm-Cleared Sea. 3790. The Drama of Life: The Plague. 3791. The Idol. CAULDWELL, LESLIE 3792. Portrait of Colonel W. BRADLEY, SUSAN H. 3793. Grand Canyon. LANGTRY, MARY 3794. A September Night: Ipswich. MENDENHALL, EMMA 3795. Street in St. Ives: Cornwall. KAELIN, CHARLES S. 3796. Boats in Harbor. DEMING. ADELAIDE 3797. A Quiet Day. KAELIN, CHARLES S. 3798. Bits of Snow. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN 3799. Along the Stream. FORSYTH, WILLIAM 3800. A Sunny Corner. GRANVILLE-SMITH, WALTER 3801. The Landing. WRIGHT, LOUISE WOOD 3802. Corfe Castle: Dorset. TAPLEY, J. J. WOODING 3803. November. COUSE, E. IRVING 3804. The Turqouise Beadmaker. WRIGHT, LOUISE WOOD 3805. In Dorsetshire. LITTLE. JOHN WESLEY 3806. In Devonshire. GRANVILLE-SMITH, WALTER 3807. The Boat Shop. [34] UNITED STATES SECTION MAYNARD, RICHARD F. 3808. Reading. REUTERDAHL, HENRY 3809. The Shipbuilders. MIXIATUEES MOELLER, SELMA M. D. 3810. Portrait. „ PATTERSON, REBECCA BURD PEALE 3811. George, Jr. MOELLER. SELMA M. D. 3812. Miss Stein. LUDOVICI, ALICE E. 3813. Portrait of Miss Ludovici. LUKE, KATHRYN LOGAN 3814. The Little French Model. MOELLER, SELMA M. D. 3815. Annette. LUKE, KATHRYN LOGAN 3816. Portrait of Mrs. Philip Campbell. HENDERSON, A. ELIZABETH 3817. The Daily Chapter. CLEMENT, CATHERINE 3818. Portrait. HENDERSON. A. ELIZABETH 3819. The Violin. FOOTE, JOSEPHINE J. 3820. Junior. HOOPER, ROSA „ ^ - 3821. Doesn't Your Mamma Wash Your Face? 3822. A Frenchman. HENDERSON, A. ELIZABETH 3823. Lessons. HOOPER, ROSA 3824. Grandfather. BODINE, HELEN 3825. Portrait. _ , BOYLE, SARAH YOCUM McFADDEN 3826. Maid Marion. „ „ „ ^, 3827. Portrait of Dr. WiUiam H. McFadden. HARLAND, MARY 3828. Italian Fishermen. BODINE, HELEN 3829. Inseparable. _ , BOYLE, SARAH YOCUM McFADDEN 3830. Peggie. JAY. CECIL 3831. Maternity. HARPER. MARIAN DUNLAP 3832. Miss G. JAY, CECIL 3833. Maternity. 3834. The Love Letter. 3835. Maternity. 3836. Dancing Bacchante. MUNDY, ETHEL FRANCES 3837. Mr. F. A. Saunders. TINGLEY, BLANCHE 3838. Josephine Summer. MUNDY, ETHEL FRANCES 3839. Margaret Mundy. 3840. Sallv Cameron. PAICE, PHILIP STUART 3841. Me and Pussy. MUNDY, ETHEL FRANCES 3842. Miss Ruth "Wales. WELLS, ALICE RUSHMORE 3843. Miss Natalie Peck. MACSOUD NICHOLAS S. 384-<^. Portrait of Julius A. Gross, Esq. WELLS, ALICE RUSHMORE 3845. Portrait. PACKARD, MABEL 3846. Portrait Miss P. MACSOUD NICHOLAS S. 3847. Portrait of a Boy. PACKARD, MABEL 3848. Study of a Head. MACSOUD, NICHOLAS S. 3849. Portrait of Miss Theresa Borman. COOLIDGE, BERTHA 3850. Portrait of a Russian Girl. 3851. Woman in White. MACSOUD, NICHOLAS 3852. Portrait of My Mother. COOLIDGE, BERTHA 3853. Portrait of Mrs. R. 3854. Portrait of Miss E. L. V. STANTON, LUCY M. 3855. Mrs. Hunnicutt. HUDSPETH, R. N. 3856. Miss Dorithy Dodge. STANTON, LUCY M. 3857. Mr. Joel Chandler Harris. 3858. Aunt Liza. 3859. A Scheme in Blue and White. HUDSPETH, R. N. 3860. Rev. Canon Tremayne. STANTON, LUCY M. 3861. An Old Woman. DURKEE, HELEN WINSLOW 3862. Portrait of Miss D. 3863. A Study. 3864. William Ives, Esq. 3865. Still Life. 3866. Margaret. 3867. Portrait. 3868. Hilda. 3869. Kadidje. 3870. The Spanish ShawL 3871. Still Life. 3872. Bather. 3873. Autumn. 3874. The Flowered Dress. WAGNER, FRANK HUGH 3875. Portrait of Mr. G. 3876. Marv Alice. KELLY, HANNAH R. 3877. When Roses Bloom. RING, ALICE BLAIR 3878. Miniature No. 1. MITCHELL, ELEANOR B. 3879. Cleaning the Fish. 3880. Study of Lamplight. 3881. Portrait. RING, ALICE BLAIR 3882. Miniature No. 2. MOTT-SMITH, MAY 3883. Sea Foam. RING, ALICE BLAIR 3884. Miniature No. 3. MOTT-SMITH, MAY 3885. Miniature. MITCHELL, ELEANOR B. 3886. Portrait. MOTT-SMITH, MAY 3887. Portrait of a Woman. LEWIS, HELEN Y. 3888. Miss Whitelaw. 3889. Miss Madge Kennedy. 3890. Portrait of an Actor. 3891. Miss H. Draper. 3892. An American. 3893. The Fichu. 3894. Miss Lakeman. 3895. Editha. HOWARD, CLARA E. 3896 Cadet. SIMPSON, EDNA HUESTIS 3897. Outdoor Sketch. 3898. The Green Gown. 3899. Mrs. Mortimer Anstiee. MURRAY, GRACE H. 3900. Portrait of Mrs. H. L. W. SIMPSON. EDNA HUESTIS 3901. The Pool. 3902. Mrs. Frank Laurence Stiles. [35] UNITED STATES SECTION TYLER, CAROLYN D. 3903. Jeanette. MURRAY, GRACE H. 3904. Miniature Study. TYLER, CAROLYN D. 3905. Master Robert Gibson. HAWLEY, MARGARET FOOTE 3906. Portrait of Miss Barbara Quin. 3907. Portrait of Miss Jean Hooke. FERNOW, BERNICE P. ANDREWS 3908. Childhood. 3909. Pierpont Edwards Dutcher: Third. HAWLEY, MARGARET FOOTE 3910. Portrait of Clarence Williams. FERNOW, BERNICE P. ANDREWS 3911. Mrs. Charles Palmer. FENDERSON, ANNIE M. 3912. Portrait of Wilhelmina. FERNOW, BERNICE P. ANDREWS 3913. Mrs. B. L. Smith. CROWLEY, GRAY PRICE 3914. Mrs. Alfred Gray. GALE, HARRIETTE DRAPER 3915. Studv in Brown. MAC DOUGALL, JOHN A. 3916. Dick. HILDEBRANDT, CORNELIA E. 3917. Baby's Head. WELCH, KATHERINE G. 3918. Profile. SNEAD, LOUISE WILLIS 3919. Portrait of Miss Snead. 3020. Young Violinist. PAXSON, MARTHA K. D. 3921. Muriel S. SNEAD, LOUISE WILLIS 3922. Portrait. KLEIN, LILLIE V. O'RYAN 3923. Portrait of William Keith. 3924. Portrait of Mrs. Thomas E. Flvnn. McINTIRE, KATHERINE 3925. Portrait of a Man. KLEIN, LILLIE V. O'RYAN 3926. Portrait of Sir Wilfred Laurier. 3927. Mrs. Margaret O'Callaghan. HURLEY, IRENE BISHOP 3928. Portrait of Mrs. H. PURDIE, EVELYN 3929. Miss Rice. 3930. An Old Woman. ROGERS, MARY 3931. The Red Hair. PURDIE, EVELYN 3932. Mrs. Oakley. 3933. Y'oung Girl in Blue. ROGERS, MARY 3934. Anna. PURDIE. EVELYN 3935. Portrait of Nancv. JACKSON, ANNIE HURLBURT 3936. Lapis Lazuli. MAGONIGLE, EDITH M. 3937. Gwendolyn Munroe. 3938. Louis Avres, Esq. FAIRCHILD, MAY 3939. The Rose. JACKSON, ANNIE HURLBURT 3940. The Blue Mantle. WILLSON, MARTHA B. 3941. Girl's Profile. JACKSON, ANNIE HURLBURT 3942. Mrs. Arthur Pickering Almy. 3943. Baby's Head. LUCAS, JEAN WILLIAMS 3944. Mrs. Frederick M. Thomas. 3945. Miss Agnes Rogers. 3946. Man With Rufif. OTIS, AMY 3947. A College Girl. LUCAS, JEAN WILLIAMS 3948. Paddie Cat and Mistress. 3949. Alfred Williams Lucas. WILLSON, MARTHA B. 3950. The Lace Cap. OTIS, AMY 3951. Portrait of an Artist. SCTJLPTXTEE DUVENEOK, FRANK 3952. Memorial: Elizabeth Booth Duveneck. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. GALLERY 88 PAINTINGS DUFNER, EDWARD 3953. Moonlight on the Lake. CASER, ETTORE 3954. Musical Moment. SYLVESTER, FREDERICK O. 3955. A Mural Painting. CURTIS, WILLIAM FULLER 3956. The Golden God. SOUIiPTXJRE RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 3957. Bas-Relief Portrait: Bela L. Pratt. HERING, HENRY 3958. Portrait Relief: Mr. Evarts Tracy. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 3959. A Roman Ladv. WENDT, JULIA M. BRACKEN 3960. Medal: Chicago Society of Artists. 3961. Mode Wineman. WRIGHT. ALICE MORGAN 3962. Pastorale No. 3. 3963. Portrait of President Seelye. ' WENDT, JULIA M. BRACKEN 3964. Life Saver. WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 3965. Pastorale No. 2. 3966. Pastorale No. 1. WENDT, JULIA M. BRACKEN 3967. Carl Oscar Borg. SAINT GAUDENS, LOUIS 3968. Medallion Babv. SNEDEN, ELEANOR ANTOINETTE 3969. Portrait of a Woman. SAINT GAUDENS, LOUIS 3970. Franklin Medal. KIMBALL, ISABEL MOORE 3971. Portrait Placquette. DALLIN, CYRUS E. 3972. Indian Archer. SNEDEN, ELEANOR ANTOINETTE 3973. Portrait of a Boy. MOTT- SMITH, MAY 3974. Diana. KIMBALL, ISABEL MOORE 3975. Portrait Medallion. PIETZ, ADAM 3976. Louis G. Heinze. WARNER, OLIN L. 3977. The Wood Children. Lent bv C. E. S. Wood, Esq. GRIMES, FRANCES 3978. Mrs. C. H. Crane. BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 3979. The Finish. 3980. Study No. 1. 3981. The Bacchic Dancer. 3982. Portrait of Margaret Tew. 3983. Study No. 3. 3984. The Greek Maiden's Dance of Joy. 3985. Study No. 2. 3986. Portrait. WARNER, OLIN L. 3987. Sabina. 3988. Lot: Chief of the Spokanes. [36] UNITED STATES SECTION 3989. Young Chief: Cayuse Indian. 3990. Yat in-Ee-Ah-Witz: Chief of the 3991. N-Che-Ask-We: Chief of the Coeur d'Alenes. 3992. Nanny Moale Wood. 3993. Seltice. WASHBURN, MARY 3994. The Philosopher. 3995. The Infant. WARNER, OLIN L. 3996. 0. E. S. Wood. 3997. Maxwell Wood. WASHBURN, MARY 3998. Ernest. 3999. My Mother. WARNER, OLIN L. 4000. Chief Moses: Sulk-Tash-Kosha. HERING, HENRY 4001. Portrait Relief: Mrs. Tracy Dews. HARVEY, ELI 4002. Lioness Combating. 4003. Lion Combating. HERING, HENRY 4004. Portrait Relief: Stephen H. Olin. GRIMES, FRANCES 4005. Joseph Parsons. 4006. Mrs. Joseph Parsons. 4007. Mrs. George Parsons. 4008. George Forman Goodyear. 4009. Arthur Whiting. SAINT GAUDENS, LOUIS 4010. Medallion Portrait. BURNHAM, ROGER NOBLE 4011. University of California Medal: Ob- verse. 4012. University of California Medal: Re- verse. MILLER, J. MAXWELL 4013. Portrait Heads: Obverse. 4014. Portrait Heads: Reverse. BURNHAM, ROGER NOBLE 4015. Eleanor Waring Burnham. WEINERT, ALBERT 4016. Miss Helen Dodd. MILLER, J. MAXWELL 4017. William Sidney Thayer. BURNHAM, ROGER NOBLE 4018. Betty. 4019. Johann Ernest Perabo. MILLER, J. MAXWELL 4020. Jubilee Medal: James, Cardinal Gib- bons : Obverse. 4021. Jubilee Medal: James, Cardinal Gib- bons : Reverse. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 4022. Medallion: L. St. G. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 4023. Bas-Relief Portrait: H. E. Smith. MEARS, HELEN FARNSWORTH 4024. Portrait of My Mother. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 4025. Bas-Relief Portrait: F. C. Recchia. USHER, LEILA 4026. William Austin Cannon. 4027. Robert Underwood Johnson. 4028. Adolf Kanitz. 4029. Francis James Child. 4030. Bas-Relief of a Child. 4031. Susan B. Anthony: Obverse. 4032. Susan B. Anthony: Reverse. 4033. Girl of Palermo. 4034. Maria Montessori. 4035. Charles Eliot Norton. 4036. Taorminese Girl. SCHWEIZER, J. OTTO 4037. Fred Silcher. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 4038. Walden. 4039. Frederick Coe Sherman. SCHWEIZER, J. OTTO 4040. Portrait of George Linden. BUSH-BROWN, H. K. 4041. Newburgh Medal: Obverse. 4042. Newburgh Medal: Reverse. SCHWEIZER, J. OTTO 4043. Portrait of the Artist's Mother. 4044. Alexander the Great. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 4045. John Newbold Hazard. 4046. Emma J. O. Sherman. SCHWEIZER, J. OTTO 4047. Portrait of S. Weir Mitchell. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 4048. Jean. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW 4049. Coquetry. NEILSEN, M. P. 4050. Double Medallion: Louis and Han- nah Schoenfeld. JOHNSON, GRACE MOTT 4051. Chimpanzees. WARNER, OLIN L. 4052. Cupid and Psyche. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. RECCHIA, RICHARD H. 4053. Bas-Relief Portrait: George Guest. WARNER, OLIN L. 4054. Chief Joseph: Chief of the Nez Perce Indians. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. AITKEN, ROBERT 4055. Model: Commemorative Medal: Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposi- tion : Reverse. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW 4056. Portrait. AITKEN, ROBERT 4057. Model: Commemorative Medal: Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposi- tion : Obverse. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 4058. Hygiene: Obverse. 4059. Hygiene: Reverse. 4060. Frederick Samuel Talmage. 4061. Carl Schurz: Reverse. 4062. Motherhood: Obverse. 4063. Motherhood: Reverse. SCUDDER, JANET 4064. Fahnestock Medallion. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 4065. Lincoln Medal: Obverse. 4066. Lincoln Medal: Reverse. 4067. Carl Schurz: Obverse. 4068. Washington Irving. 4069. William H. Welch. KEMEYS, EDWARD 4070. Buffalo and Wolves. GALLERY 39 SCULPTURE STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 4071. Season of Grapes. HERING, HENRY 4072. Evarts Tracy. 4073. Medal: American Institute of Archi- tects : Reverse. 4074. Medal: Panama-Pacific International Exposition. 4075. Scarsdale Golf and Country Club Medal : Obverse. 4076. Scarsdale Golf and Country Club Medal : Reverse. 4077. Huntington Wolcott Jackson. 4078. Charles Albert Coffin. 4079. Medal: American Institute of Archi- tects : Obverse. 4080. Stephen Henry Olin. [37] UNITED STATES SECTION HERING, HENRY — Continued 4081. Alice Olin Dows and Stephen Olin Dows. SAHLER, HELEN 4082. Curly Locks. HERING, HENRY 4083. Stephen Henry Olin: Obverse. 4084. Model for Scarsdale Golf and Country Club Medal: Reverse. 4085. Model for Scarsdale Golf and Country Club Medal: Obverse. AITKEN, ROBERT 4086. Outer Darkness. RYDEN, HENNING 4087. Charles Dickens. 4088. Medal: Inauguration, 1913. 4089. Medal: The American Carnation So- ciety. BATEMAN, JOHN M. 4090. Model: Official Entrance Badge: Pan- ama-Pacific International Exposi- tion. RYDEN, HENNING 4091. Medal: American Institute of Chem- ical Engineers. 4092. The Dorner Memorial Medal. 4093. The Horticultural Society of Chicago. MAC NEIL, HERMON A. 4094. Pan-American Medal of Award: Re- verse. 4095. Pan-American Medal of Award: Ob- verse. PIETZ, ADAM 4096. Stephen Girard. GELERT, JOHANNES 4097. Denmark Medal: Reverse. 4098. Denmark Medal: Obverse. HILL, CLARA 4099. Frederick Bruce Kelham. PIETZ, ADAM 4100. Dorothy. 4101. Helen. MAC NEIL, HERMON A. 4102. Medal of Honor Architectural League of New York : Reverse. 4103. Medal of Honor Architectural League of New York: Obverse. PIETZ, ADAM 4104. Maurits Leefson. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 4105. Edward and John Lancaster Burling. PICCIRILLI, FDRIO 4106. Madonna. 4107. Mv Sister Yole. ERASER, JAMES EARLE 4108. David Bernard Ericson. 4109. Medallion No. 2. 4110. Pan-American Exposition Special Medal of Honor: Reverse. 4111. Portrait Plaque No. 3. 4112. Chicken. 4113. Medallion No. 1. 4114. Pan-American Exposition Special Medal of Honor: Obverse. 4115. Portrait Plaque No. 2. 4116. Plaque: Flora and Sonny-Boy Whit- ney. 4117. Medal No. 1. 4118. Portrait Plaque No. 1. 4119. Plaque. 4120. Medal No. 3. 4121. Medal No. 2. 4122. Plaque. 4123. Horatio Hathaway Brewster. ELLERHUSEN, ULRICH H. 4124. Relief on Ludeke Monument. BROOKS, RICHARD E. 4125. Cameron and Grace. 4126. Medallion Portrait No. 1. 4127. William Brown Cogswell. 4128. Medallion Portrait. MAC INTOSH, WILLIAM W. 4129. Portrait of Mrs. L. C. M. BROOKS, RICHARD E. 4130. Margaret, Cyrus and Raymond. 4131. Susan J. Henry. 4132. Medallion Portrait No. 2. 4133. Mary S. Lyman. 4134. Henry. FLANAGAN, JOHN 4135. Portrait Medallion No. 7. 4136. Captain Henry Rostron : Obverse. 4137. Edward Guthrie Kennedy: Obverse. 4138. Medal: Essex Agricultural Society of Massachusetts : Reverse. 4139. Ethel. 4140. Walt Whitman. 4141. Barr Ferree. 4142. Captain Henry Rostron: Reverse. 4143. Edward Guthrie Kennedy: Reverse. 4144. Medal: Essex Agricultural Society of Massachusetts : Obverse. 4145. The Delver. FLORIO, SALVATORE E. 4146. Springtime. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 4147. Charles Keck. 4148. The Edison Medal. 4149. Medal: American Institute of Archi- tects : Obverse. 4150. Julius Theodore Melchers. 4151. Bronze Medal: Louisiana Purchase Exposition. . 4152. Louise Hettinger: Plaque. 4153. Medal for Life Saving. 4154. Medal: American Institute of Archi- tects : Reverse. 4155. Charles Yoce Harvey. 4156. Grand Prize: Louisiana Purchase Ex- position. 4157. Medal. 4158. Dorothy. 4159. Louise Hettinger: Medal. 4160. Plaque No. 1. 4161. Medal: National Institute of Arts and Letters : Obverse. 4162. U. S. Medal for Life Saving on Rail- roads. 4163. Portrait Plaque. 4164. Alice Helen Hettinger. 4165. Medallion: Portrait of Child. 4166. Plaque No. 2. 4167. Medal: National Institute of Arts and Letters : Reverse. 4168. Catharine Weinman. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 4169. Dr. Emily Blackwell. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW 4170. On the Shore. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 4171. A Siegfried Motif. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 4172. Carlota Saint-Gaudens. FLANAGAN, JOHN 4173. Portrait Plaque No. 2. 4174. Portrait Medallion No. 5. 4175. Portrait Medallion No. 4. 4176. Medal: Massachusetts Horticultural Society: Obverse. 4177. Medal: The Pennsylvania Society: Reverse. 4178. Maud Doering. 4179. Phoebe Apperson Hearst. 4180. Agnes Lane, Phoebe Apperson Hearst and Anne Drucille Apperson. 4181. Medal: Massachusetts Horticultural Society: Reverse. [38] UNITED STATES SECTION 4182. Medal: The Pennsylvania Society: Obverse. 4183. Portrait Medallion No, 3. 4184. Portrait Medallion No. 6. 4185. Frederick James Gregg. 4186. Medallion Portrait No. 1. 4187. Andre Saglio. 4188. Hudson-Fulton Medal: Reverse. 4189. Wilson Nesbit Benson. 4190. Portrait Plaque No. 1. 4191. Medal: The Numismatic and Anti- quarian Society of Philadelphia. 4192. Daniel Garrison Brinton. 4193. Medal: The Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia : Obverse. 4194. Medal: The Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia : Reverse. 4195. Medallion. 4196. Tolstoy. 4197. Medallion Portrait No. 2. 4198. Hudson-Fulton Medal: Obverse. 4199. Hortense Leonore Mitchell. CALDER, A. STIRLING 4200. A Woman. GALLERY 40 PAINTINGS BURNHAM, ANITA WILLETS 4201. Day Dreaming. McCARTER, HENRY 4202. The Spanish Legend. BELCHER, HILDA 4203. Dav-Dreamer. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 4204. Stately Cedar. BURNHAM, ANITA WILLETS 4205. Napping. BETTS, ANNA WHELAN 4206. The Trundle Bed. BAINS, ETHEL FRANKLIN BETTS 4207. Snow White and Rose Red. GRAY, PERCY 4208. Out of the Desert: Oregon. BAINS, ETHEL FRANKLIN BETTS 4209. The Story of the Six Swans. 4210. Rumpelstiltskin. 4211. The Frog Prince. FORSYTH, WILLIAM 4212. Winter in the Hills. KING, EDITH LAWRENCE 4213. On the Beach: Capri. 4214. Nude. SCHILLE, ALICE 4215. The Passing Years. COCKROFT, EDYTHE YARIAN 4216. Girl Reading. BULL, CHARLES LIVINGSTON 4217. Beautv and the Beast. AIKEN, CHARLES A. 4218. Portrait. PADDOCK. ETHEL LOUISE 4219. Red-Haired Girl. SNELL, HENRY B. 4220. Still Life. PEIXOTTO, MARY 4221. The Shrine. BREYFOGLE. -JOHN WINSTANLEY 4222. The Rain. PEIXOTTO, MARY 4223. Smithy Orto. MACKY, E. SPENCER 4224. Portrait. BOYNTON, RAY S. 4225. Eve. MACKY, E. SPENCER 4226. Alice. ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN 4227. Queen Jehan and Riczi. 4228. Elizabeth. SCHILLE, ALICE 4229. The Other Side of the Circus Wagon. ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN 4230. Queen Cophetua. SCHILLE, ALICE 4231. St. Germain-des-Pres. ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN 4232. Antoine and the Little Wooden Sol- dier. 4233. The Princess. SCHILLE, ALICE 4234. The Gardener's Cottage. RANDOLPH, LEE F. 4235. White Cosmos. BOONE, CORA 4236. Cinerarias. MILNE, DAVID 4237. Broken Color. 4238. Black and White No. 1. 4239. Tricolor. 4240. Bronx Snow. 4241. Interior New York Public Library. 4242. Dots and Dashes. 4243. Black and White No. 2. AUSTIN, AMANDA P. 4244. Market Street : Pont 1' Abbe : Brittany, MENDENHALL. EMMA 4245. Luxembourg Gardens. DEMUTH, CHARLES 4246. Bathers: No. 1. 4247. Bathers: No. 2. OAKLEY, THORNTON 4248. Rajputana. 4249. Bullock Cart: Rajputana. 4250. The Guard of the Maharajah. 4251. Fakir. 4252. Water Buffalo. HARDING, GEORGE 4253. Colombo Harbor. CAMP, HAROLD M. 4254. Turn in the River. HAWORTH, EDITH 4255. Rainv Evening. BUTTON, ALBERT PRENTICE 4256. In the Meadow. SMITH, JESSIE WILLCOX 4257. Cinderella. PADDOCK, ETHEL LOUISE 4258. Night. BUTTON, ALBERT PRENTICE 4259. Girl in Gray. SNELL, FLORENCE F. 4260. Street in Rothenburg. 4261. Cottages on the Cliflf: Polperro. 4262. A Gate of Rothenburg. PRESTON, MAY WILSON 4263. Drawing No. 5. 4264. Drawing No. 1. 4265. Drawing No. 4. 4266. Drawing No. 3. 4267. Drawing No. 6. 4268. Drawing No. 2. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 4269. Mid-Forest. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4270. November Sunset: Canaan Mountain. SEARS, TABER 4271. The Arab Merchant. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4272. Pond Hill in October. SCHILLE, ALICE 4273. Saturday Morning. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4274. October in Cornwall. SEARS, TABER 4275. York Cathedral. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER 4276. Knights on Horseback. 4277. Landscape. [39] UNITED STATES SECTION STETSON, CHARLES WALTER — Contimied 4278. A Dance at the End of the Day. 4279. Girls Under a Tree. 4280. Near the Edge of the Ancient Burial Ground. 4281. A Stream in Maremma. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4282. Showery Weather: Adirondacks. SEARS, TABER 4283. Harbor of St. George. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4284. Overlook Mountain: Catskills. SCHILLE, ALICE 4285. The Pig Market. MOSER, JAMES HENRY 4286. Fog Lifting. SEARS, TABER 4287. Bridge of the Canonica : Tenice. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 4288. Towering Pines, Sunset. MAURY, CORNELIA P. 4289. One Shoe Off. SNELL, HENRY B. 4290. The Devon Coast. BOYNTON, RAY S. 4291. A Boy. MINIATTJKES SHUTTLEWORTH, CLAIRE 4292. A Small Boy. MELCHER, BERTHA CORBETT 4293. A Mountain Lassie. SAWYER. MYRA L. 4294. In a White Cap. VALK, ELLA SNOWDEN 4295. Miss Frances Cocke. WARING, LEILA 4296. Mrs. T. Malbone Waring. WASHINGTON, ELIZABETH P. 4297. The First Parasol. MELCHER, BERTHA CORBETT 4298. My Daughter Charlotte. SAWYER, MYRA L. 4299. Portrait of an Old Man. HERR, MARGARET 4300. Portrait of Miss Dougal. WASHINGTON, ELIZABETH F. 4301. Nancy. HERR, MARGARET 4302. Malvina. CAREW, BERTHA 4303. The Late Archbishop Corrigan. BUSHNELL, ADELYN 4304. Portrait of an Old Man. WHITTEMORE, WILLIAM JOHN 4305. Baby's Head. SOUDER, MARY RINARD 4306. Portrait of a Girl. SIBONI, EMMA B. 4307. Little Miss Mary Armes. SOUDER, MARY RINARD 4308. Portrait of a Girl. WHITTEMORE, WILLIAM JOHN 4309. In the isTursery. 4310. Portrait of Father and Mother. YOUNG, MATTIE 4311. Sister. BAXTER, MARTHA WHEELER 4312. Boy Driving. 4313. Portrait of Mrs. T. WOOD, KATHRYN LEONE 4314. Mother. BAXTER, MARTHA WHEELER 4315. Theodore. 4316. My Mother. 4317. The Peacock Fan. CHASE, LILA 4318. Portrait. 4319. Elizabeth. LYNCH, ANNA 4320. Marion Stanton. EVANS, FRANCES 4321. Portrait. LYNCH, ANNA 4322. Portrait of Henrietta E. Countiss. STREAN, MARIA JUDSON 4323. Bov in Pierrot Costume. SEARLE, ALICE T. 4324. Leslie Hall. STREAN, MARIA JUDSON 4325. Dorothy. 4326. Portrait of Miss Alexander. 4327. William. 4328. Portrait. 4329. Mrs. W. B. McKennan. 4330. Girl in Grav Coat. WOLCOTT, KATHERINE 4331. On the Dunes. HEUERMANN, MAGDA 4332. Miss Virginia. SAINT GAUDENS. CARLOTA 4333. Portrait: Marv Shipman. HEUERMANN, MAGDA 4334. Mv Father. WEBSTER, ETHEL FEEDER 4335. Grandfather. TANNAHILL, MARY H. 4336. A Young Mother. 4337. Brothers. r 4338. Girl with Parrot. WEBSTER. ETHEL FEEDER 4339. Edith. TANNAHILL, MARY H. 4340. Jane Chapman. HEUERMANN, MAGDA 4341. Franz von Lenbach. SAINT GAUDENS, CARLOTA 4342. Studv in Red. BUSH-BROWN, MARGARET LESLEY 4343. Portrait of Moncure D. Conway. MITCHELL, LAURA M. D. 4344. Study in Miniature. MYRICK. KATHARINE 4345. Study. MITCHELL, LAURA M. D. 4346. My Grandmother. 4347. Boy with Black Hat. 4348. Margaret. BUSH-BROWN, MARGARET LESLEY 4349. The Flute Lesson. HAZEN, WILHELMINA 4350. Twin Pearls. PERRIE, BERTHA E. 4351. An English Garden. HAZEN. WILHELMINA 4352. La Senora G. 4353. Brownie. TUTTLE, ADRIANNA 4354. Mrs. Charles Shearman Coxe. 4355. Portrait. MITCHELL, LAURA M. D. 4356. Old-Fashioned Girl. TUTTLE, ADRIANNA 4357. William Somerset Maugham. PERRIE. BERTHA E. 4358. A Brittany Peasant Girl. SPRINGER, EVA 4360. Italian Girl. PEPER, META A. 4361. Portrait of Young Man. SHEPARD, CLARE 4362. Bethrothed of the Raven. 4363. Mary. 4364. David. 4365. The Pale Flower. 4366. Kathleen. 4367. Bertha. 4368. Miss Fisken. [40] UNITED STATES SECTION PEPER, META A. 4369. Portrait of Christine Peper. WEBSTER, ETHEL FELDER 4370. Louise. INGERSOLL, EMMA K. H. 4373. Mary Meigs. HOWLAND, ALLEN S. 4374. Portrait of Miss A. TURNER, HELEN M. 4375. Portrait of Mrs. Sherwood. INGERSOLL, EMMA K. H. 4376. Baby Dan. TURNER, HELEN M. 4377. Mr. Frank Regal. HOWLAND, ALLEN S. 4378. Portrait Study. PUREPOY, HESLOPE 4379. Jeanette. 4380. Miss Clark, MARSH, ALICE RANDALL 4381. Portrait Sketch of a Russian Girl. INGERSOLL, EMMA H. K. 4382. Portrait Sketch. TAYLOR, EMILY DRAYTON 4383. Spring. 4384. Mrs. John Innis Kane. 4385. Mrs. Paul Mills. 4386. Miss Corrine B. Freeman. 4387. Life's Bubbles. BAER, WILLIAM JACOB 4388. Young Diana. TAYLOR, EMILY DRAYTON 4389. Mrs. Allison. BAER, WILLIAM JACOB 4390. Doris. 4391. Friends. 4392. Mrs. E. R. Hewitt. 4393. Primavera. 4394. Nymph and Cupid. 4395. The Apple. 4396. Betty. 4397. Laodicea. PHILLIPS, CAROLINE KING 4398. Miss Elizabeth Johnson. 4399. Mrs. W. S. Brugess. 4400. Graham Newell Fitch. SPRINGER, EVA 4401. La Vieille. JAMAR, S. CORINNE 4402. Bob. ARCHAMBAULT, A. MARGARETTA 4403. Miss Frances Brock. TAYLOR, MINNIE C. 4404. Portrait. ARCHAMBAULT, A. MARGARETTA 4405. Miss M. Smith. TAYLOR, MINNIE 0, 4406. Robie. SPRINGER, EVA 4407. Little Simone. ARCHAMBAULT, A. MARGARETTA 4408. Miss Clementine Dalcour. 4409. Jacqueline. PHILLIPS, CAROLINE KING 4410. Colonel Graham Denby Fitch. 4411. Miss Carol S. Johnson. NEWELL, PETER 4412. My Daughter. 4413. Portrait of Miss G. CROSS, SALLY 4414. Portrait: Miss Lilian Gardener. BELL, CLARA LOUISE 4415. Elizabeth. CROSS, SALLY 4416. Portrait of Miss McKay and Peter. BELL, CLARA LOUISE 4417. Little Girl with the Curls. RBDFIELD, HELOISE GUILLOU 4418. Mr. Martin Mower. CROSS, SALLY 4419. Portrait of Olin Downes, Esq. REDFIELD, HELOISE GUILLOU 4420. Portrait of a Child. 4421. Lady with Furs. 4422. Miss A. CROSS, SALLY 4423. Portrait of Miss Turner. BLISS, ALMA HERSIG 4424. An Italian Child. 4425. Study. WILLIAMS, ALYN 4426. The Cardinal. AHRENS, ELLEN WETHERALD 4427. Miss G. C. WILLIAMS, ALYN 4428. Tiger Lily. HARPER, MARIAN DUNLAP 4429. My Dear. AHRENS, ELLEN WETHERALD 4430. A Brown Study. 4431. Little Bert. WILLIAMS, ALYN 4432. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. PRICE, EUGENIA 4433. Portrait: Mary Angell. WASHINGTON, ELIZABETH P. 4434. Abdul Baha. HUNTER, SARA KATHERINE 4435. Study of a Head. PRICE, EUGENIA 4436. The Spirit of Autumn. OALLERT 41 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BOURNE, GERTRUDE B. 4451. Rhododendrons. KRONBERG, LOUIS 4452. The Exercise. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN 4453. Cloud Legions. TUTTLE, RUEL CROMPTON 4454. The Fountain: Windsor. PETERSON, JANE 4455. Rapids Above Niagara. NELL, TONY 4456. Paper Ladies. MENDENHALL, EMMA 4457. Mulberry Street Hill. BIXBEE, WILLIAM 4458. Winter. BUDWORTH, WILL S. 4459. Afternoon Shadows: Chestertown. 4460. Early Spring: Wakefield Woods. PATTERSON, MARGARET 4461. Basque Fishing Boats. HUBBARD, MARY WILSON 4462. A Portrait Sketch. MONGES, HENRY B. 4463. Sunset. SCHMITT, ALBERT FELIX 4464. Peddlers at Gibraltar. BULL, CHARLES LIVINGSTON 4465. The Sea Horse of Grande Terre. NEUHAUS, EUGEN 4466. Plowing at Ingleside. 4467. A Corner of Lake Merced. BOURNE, GERTRUDE B. 4468. Rear View of Boston State House. PETERSON, JANE 4469. Low Tide. [41] UNITED STATES SECTION HUNT, E. AUBREY 4470. Morocco. SCULPTTJKE BORGLUM, SOLON H. 4471. Washington of 1753. GALLERY 42 PAINTINGS TVALCOTT, HARRY MILLS 4472. The Children's Cotillion. WALKER, HORATIO 4473. Woman and Cow. 4474. Girl and Geese. DUMOND, HELEN SAVIER 4475. An Arm of the Mediterranean. WALKER, HORATIO 4476. Potato Gatherers. POORE, HENRY RANKIN 4477. New England Winter. WEIR, J. ALDEN 4478. The Palm Leaf Fan. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 4479. Harmony in Brown. DIRKS, RUDOLPH 4480. Clearing Land. PAXTON, WILLIAM M. 4481. The Green Satin Gown. DUMOND, HELEN SAVIER 4482. Southern France. DIRKS, RUDOLPH 4483. The Boatman. WALKER, HORATIO 4484. Moonrise: Winter. KRETZINGER, CLARA J. 4485. A Thoughtful Moment. TURNER, HELEN M. 4486. Mother and Child. TALCOTT, ALLEN B. 4487. The Ledges. WALKER, HORATIO 4488. Bov Feeding Calves. CADENASSO, GIUSEPPE 4489. Summer. WETHERILL, E. K. K. 4490. Mysterious Thoughts. GALLERT 43 PAINTINGS GUERIN, JULES 4491. The Ballet: Moonlight. 4492. The Deserted Mosque. 4493. The Women's Mosque. 4494. The Porta Romano. 4495. The Prayer of the East. 4496. Temple of Sunium. 4497. The Market Place: Siena. 4498. The Old Wine Shop: Siena. 4499. Moonlight on the Bosphorus. 4500. The Encore. 4501. The Bathers. 4502. The Aqueduct: Night. 4503. Temple of Sunium. 4504. Moonlight: Italy. 4505. The Dancers. 4506. The Bridge. 4507. On the Baroda River. 4508. Landscape Near Siena. 4509. A Bazaar in Constantinople. 4510. Entrance to the Seraglio. 4511. By the Sea. 4512. EjTib on the Golden Horn. GALLERY 44 PAINTINGS HINKLE, CLARENCE K. 4512. Portrait. DE TOLL, F. USHER 4513. East River: New York: Winter. SOTTER. GEORGE W. 4514. The Yallev in Snow. POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 4515. Contidences. 4516. Water Lilies. FOOTE, MARY 4517. Mrs. John Carpenter. BARTLETT, FREDERIC CLAY 4518. Spring Recess. CORNOYER, PAUL 4519. Winter: Columbus Circle. ROSS, DENMAN W. 4520. The Musician. DE JONG, BETTY 4521. Beatrix. BEAL. GIFFORD 4522. Picnic Partv. ROECKER, HARRY LEON 4523. Calves Resting. HOPKINS, JAMES R. 4524. The Lavish Light. SELDEN, DIXIE 4525. A Freighter: St. Ives. MAYER, LOUIS 4526. Portrait of Mrs. M. YOUNG, CHARLES MORRIS 4527. Mv House in Winter. 4528. The Grav Mill. POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 4529. A Gathering Storm. 4530. Surf Bathing. KRETZINGER, CLARA JOSEPHINE 4531. The Dav of the Garden Party. YOUNG, CHARLES MORRIS 4532. Farm House in Winter. 4533. Winter Afternoon. KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM A. 4534. Pleasing Reflections. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 4535. Monday Morning. YOUNG, CHARLES MORRIS 4536. Winter Landscape with Crows. BEAL, GIFFORD 4537. The Gossips. KING, PAUL 4538. Snug Harbor. YOUNG. CHARLES MORRIS 4539. The Red Mill. SCULPTUEE WALTER, EDGAR 4540. Nj-mph and Bear. GALLERY 45 PAINTINGS GRIFFIN, WALTER 4541. Midsummer Afternoon. 4542. Red House: Venice. 4543. Carcasonne: France. 4544. Late Afternoon: Breton Village. 4545. Corner Grand Canal. 4546. Landscape: Olive Trees. 4547. The Brook: Winter. 4548. Springtime. 4549. Oak Tree Pasture. 4550. Late September. 4551. Apple Blossoms. 4552. Connecticut Landscape. 4553. Late Afternoon. 4554. Woodchoppers. 4555. Grand Canal: Venice No. 1. 4556. The Doges Palace. 4557. Unloading Fish. 4558. June Morning: Venice. 4559. Valley of the Essonne: France. 4560. Blue Nets: Sardine Fisherman. 4561. Low Tide. 4562. Salute: Venice. 4563. May Morning. [42] UNITED STATES SECTION 4564. Evening Hour. 4565. French Poplars. 4566. Donelan. 4567. Old School Ship: Venice. SCULPTURE HOARD, MARGARET 4568. The Old Woman. FROMEN, AGNES VALBORG 4569. The Last of His Tribe. ROTH, FREDERICK G. R. 4570. Equestrienne. 4571. Polar Bear. 4572. Seal. 4573. Hippopotamus. 4574. Calf. 4575. Polar Bear. 4576. Tug-of-War. 4577. Sea Lion. 4578. The Baker. 4579. The Candlestick Maker. 4580. The Butcher. GALLERY 46 PAINTINGS SPENCER, ROBERT 4581. One o'Clock. LATHROP, WILLIAM L. 4582. A Bucks County Pasture. SPENCER, ROBERT 4583. The Grey Mills. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 4584. Rainy Day: Boulogne. MURRAY, FRANK WALDO 4585. Portrait of Robert Fowler. LATHROP, WILLIAM L. 4586. Neglected Farm. SPENCER, ROBERT 4587. Courtyard at Dusk. 4588. The Courtyard. 4589. The Closing Hour. DUMOND, FRANK VINCENT 4590. The Elopers. BORIE, ADOLPHE 4591. Spring. SPENCER, ROBERT 4592. Courtyard at Noon. 4593. Spring. DUMOND, FRANK VINCENT 4594. The Fairy Tale. BORIE, ADOLPHE 4595. A Woman Pensive. SPENCER, ROBERT 4596. The White Tenement. REUTERDAHL, HENRY 4597. Hudson in Winter. PARKER, LAWTON 4598. Psyche. STODDARD, ALICE KENT 4599. Fisherman's Little Sister. METCALF, WILLARD L. 4600. Golden Screen. ROGERS, GRETCHEN W. 4601. Girl with a Book. PARKER, LAWTON 4602. Figure Against Sunlight. ADDAMS, INEZ 4603. Portrait Study. DAVIS, CHARLES H. 4604. May Morning. METCALF. WILLARD L. 4605. October Afternoon. 4606. Trembling Leaves. 4607. Cherry Blossoms. SCITLPTURE COONSMAN, NANCY 4608. Portrait of Old Woman. SAHLER, HELEN 4609. Head of a Boy. EBERLE, ABASTENIA ST. LEGER 4610. Bacchanale. RICHARDS, LUCY C. 4611. The Dancer. GALLERY 47 PAINTINGS REID, ROBERT 4612. Autumn. HUDSON, ELMER F. 4613. Boats. SPEICHER, EUGENE 4614. Belgian Girl. GILCHRIST, WALLACE W., JR. 4615. Girl in Pink. HUDSON, ELMER F. 4616. Fishing Boats. KRONBERG, LOUIS 4617. Ballet Girl in Green. REID, ROBERT 4618. The Goldfish. MACKY, CONSTANCE 4619. Roses. HARTLEY, MARSDEN 4620. Hillside. CLUTE, WALTER MARSHALL 4621. Romance. GUSHING, HOWARD GARDINER 4622. Interior. LATHROP, WILLIAM L. 4623. On Fishers Island. HARTLEY, MARSDEN 4624. Late Autumn. TURNER, HELEN M. 4625. Helen. BLUMENSCHEIN, MARY GREENE 4626. The Fan. NORDELL, CARL J. 4627. The Chinese Beads. KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM A. 4628. A Rose in Blue. MESSER, EDMUND CLARENCE 4629. Blue Ridge. LANG, ANNIE TRAQUAIR 4630. The Gray Kimona. KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM A. 4631. A Debutante. DE VOLL, F. USHER 4632. The White City. HOPKINS, JAMES R. 4633. Frivolity. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Assn. DONOHO, RUGER 4634. The Rose Terrace. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4635. Winter Morning. LEVITT, JOEL J. 4636. The Window Over the Lake. BUEHR, KARL 4637. Louisette. DONOHOE, RUGER 4638. A Garden. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4639. Late Afternoon. SOtTLPTUEE HERING, HENRY 4640. Bust of Augustus Saint Gaudens. SALVATORE, VICTOR D. 4641. Head of Old Lady. GALLERY 48 PAINTINGS POWERS, MARION 4642. Alexina. [43] UNITED STATES SECTION MILLER, KENNETH HAYES 4643. Hagar. 4644. The River. HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4645. General Booth. BOOK, EDWARD P. 4646. Dish of Fruit. MILLER, KENNETH HAYES 4647. The Swan. 4648. The Cloud. RICHARDSON, MARY CURTIS 4649. Undine. ROGERS, GRETCHEN W. 4650. Interior. HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4651. Gladstone at Hawarden. ACKERMAN, OLGA M. 4652. At a Concert. HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4653. Joseph Pennell. HAMILTON, MARY RITER 4654. Old Woman: Study. HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4655. My Mother. MARTINEZ, XAVIER T. 4656. Head of a Girl. HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4657. Sir Archibald Glikie. LOCKWOOD, WILTON 4658. White Peonies. 4659. Portrait of an Old Man. GIHON, CLARENCE M. 4660. Haunted House. LOCKWOOD, WILTON 4661. Peonies. SCULPTURE HERING, HENRY 4662. L' Allegro. 4663. Running Diana. GALLERY 49 PAINTINGS HAMILTON, JOHN McCLURE 4664. Sunshine and Shadows. 4665. Toilette. 4666. The Oriental. 4667. The Aspirant. 4668. Discouraged. 4669. Belle and Her Friends. 4670. The Passing Show. 4671. Pensive. 4672. Concentration. 4673. Tears. 4674. Head Bowed Down. 4675. A Cup of Tea : A Book of Prose. 4676. King's Cream Pony. 4677. Grief. 4678. King's Cream Pony. 4679. Poppies. 4680. King's Cream Pony. 4681. Waiting. 4682. Royal Coach. 4683. Looking Backward. 4684. The Yawn. 4685. Reflection. 4686. La Main Blanche. 4687. Undecided. 4688. Bandeuse. 4689. Belle. 4690. The Tulle Bow. 4691. A Passing Shadow. 4692. Dejection. 4693. Ingenue. 4694. My Dance. 4695. The Lady, the Dog and the Socialist. 4696. Meditation. 4697. The Sunshine Fire. SCULPTUEE MAC NEIL, CAROL BROOKS 4698. Bettv. QUINN, EDMOND T. 4699. Audrev. POLASEK, ALBIN 4700. Fantasy. 4701. Portrait of a Baby. GALLERY 50 PAINTINGS PARKER, LAWTON 4702. An English Girl. MYERS, JEROME 4703. Christmas Dinner. KOPMAN. BENJAMIN D. 4704. Plucking a Goose. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4705. Model with Spider. PEIXOTTO, ERNEST 4706. Portofino: Italian Riviera. MYERS, JEROME 4707. Autumn Bower. TURNBULL, GRACE 4708. Asleep. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 4709. Ladv in Black •DUMOND, PRANK VINCENT 4710. The Bathers. COMAN, CHARLOTTE B. 4711. A View from Highland Inn. KENDALL, SERGEANT 4712. Alison. DUMOND, FRANK VINCENT 4713. Mav Bloom. COMAN, CHARLOTTE B. 4714. A Passing Shower. RAND, ELLEN EMMET 4715. Grenville. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN 4716. Silvered Acres. IRVINE, WILSON 4717. The Chasm. BITTINGER, CHARLES 4718. Library of the Prince: Versailles. STODDARD, ALICE KENT 4719. The Sisters. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN 4720. Spring Morning. NOYCES, GEORGE L. 4721. Mount Lafayette. HEYNEMANN, JULIA H. 4722. The Spanish Coat. DUMOND, FRANK A'lNCENT 4723. Gray Newfoundland. ALLEN, CHARLES CURTIS 4724. Mountain and Cloud. RAND, ELLEN EMMET 4725. Portrait of Madame M. P. T. HITTLE, MARGARET A. 4726. Flower Beds' at Reissig's. DUMOND, FRANK VINCENT 4727. July Afternoon. TITCOMB, M. BRADISH 4728. The Distant City. SCULPTURE RUMSEY, CHARLES CARY 4729. The End of the Trail. GALLERY 55 PAINTINGS WEBSTER, E. AMBROSE 4730. In the Woods. FOOTE, MARY 4731. Portrait of Miss Matilda BrownelL LEVER, HAYLEY 4732. Across the River Exe. [44] UNITED STATES SECTION BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 4733. Bowl of Fruit. RAND. ELLEN EMMET 4734. Portrait of Prof. William James. WEBSTER, E. AMBROSE 4735. On the Trail. RITMAN. LOUIS 4736. Gray Day in the Garden. THORNDIKE, CHARLES HALL 4737. Boats Entering the River. DIRKS, RUDOLPH 4738. Head of Old Dutchman. RITMAN, LOUIS 4739. Dejeuner. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4740. Masts and Sails. TITCOMB, M. BRADISH 4741. Edge of the Woods. FERGUSON, NANCY 4742. Town Hotel Square. 4743. Fruit Stand. 4744. Red Banner. MCCORMICK, M. EVELYN 4745. Old Custom House: Monterey. TITCOMB, M. BRADISH 4746. Summer Girls. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4747. From Cunningham's Wharf. EDMONDSON, WILLIAM J. 4748. The Garden. FELDMAN, BARUCH M. 4749. Portrait Study: Introspection. STEELE, ZULMA 4750. Sumac. FERGUSON, NANCY 4751. Out for a Walk. 4752. The Barber Shop. COCKROFT, EDYTHE VARIAN 4753. Portrait Study. SCULPTURE GELERT, JOHN 4754. Evening Prayer. POPE, ALEXANDER 4755. Our Vanishing Wild Life. GALLERY 56 PAINTINGS DAVIS, CECIL CLARK 4756. Portrait of Miss L. C. Silver. REDMOND, GRANVILLE 4757. Solitude. MITCHELL, ARTHUR 4758. Close of a November Day. WERNER, FRANK A. 4759. Jessie. REDMOND, GRANVILLE 4760. Lifting Fog. SPEAR, ARTHUR P. 4761. Spring in the City. RICHARDSON, MARY CURTIS 4762. The Sleeping Child. NOURSE, ELIZABETH 4763. Summer. HITCHCOCK, GEORGE 4764. Vanquished. 4765. In Brabant. FILEMYR, JOSEPH J. 4768. The Silent Hour. FINK, DENMAN 4767. Portrait of Mrs. F. HOFFMAN, HARRY LESLIE 4768. A Mood of Spring. BRUMBACK, LOUISE UPTON 4769. High Tide on the Beach. BURNSIDE, CAMERON 4770. The Yellow Curtain. SACKS, JOSEPPI 4771. In Street Costume. MACRUM, GEORGE H. 4772. The Towering City. JONES, LEON FOSTER 4773. Long Island Village. POWERS, MARION 4774. A Tea Partv. STOKES, FRANK WILBERT 4775. Belgica Channel. 4776. Gate of Hades: Sunset EfJect: Green- land. 4777. Antarctic Glacier: Admiralty Sound. 4778. Aurora Australia: Antarctic Bergs. 4779. Aurora Borealis : Sea Ice Foreground. 4780. Antarctic Afterglow: Admiralty Sound. SCULPTURE WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 4781. General Washington. 4782. Simon Kenton. GALLERY 57 PAINTINGS SPEAR, ARTHUR P. 4783. The Girl in the Boat. SELDEN, DIXIE 4784. Bunker's Hill, St. Ives. FORTUNE, E. CHARLTON 4785. The San Gabriel Vine. ROSS, DENMAN W. 4786. Edmund. SELDEN, DIXIE 4787. Reading War News: St. Ives. BARTLETT, FREDERIC CLAY 4788. Our Country Dining Room. ADDAMS, CLIFFORD 4789. The Lady of the Five Marks. PAXTON, ELIZABETH OKIE 4790. In the Morning. FORTUNE, E. CHARLTON 4791. Summer. ROSS, DENMAN W. 4792. Anna. PAXTON, ELIZABETH OKIE 4793. The Breakfast Tray. FISKE, GERTRUDE 4794. The Attic. MUHRMANN, HENRY 4795. Flower Vendor. FRIESEKE, FREDERICK CARL 4796. Sleep. CLARKSON, RALPH 4797. Across the Studio. ROSENTHAL, ALBERT 4798. The Millinery. PRESTON, JAMES 4799. Autumn. HURLEY, EDWARD TIMOTHY 4800. Murmuring. PERRY. LILLA CABOT 4801. On Scituate Marshes. TANNER, HENRY O. 4802. Entry of El Mokri. PRESTON, JAMES 4803. Winter. COMAN, CHARLOTTE B. 4804. A Country Store. GRAY, FREDERICK G. 4805. Morning. CONNER, JOHN RAMSEY 4806. Cottage Interior. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4807. The Salute: Venice. PIAZZONI, GOTTARDO F. P. 4808. Lux ^Eterna. CONNER, JOHN RAMSEY 4809. The Little Seamstress. [45] UNITED STATES SECTION GIHOX, CLARENCE M. 4810. Peasant Houses. SCULPTUEE WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 4811. Pilgrim: A Sketch. 4812. Indian Hunter. GALLERY 58 PAINTINGS HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4813. Moon Clouds. DICKMAN, CHARLES J. 4814. Dawn. BRYANT, MAUDE DREIN 4815. Still Life: Larkspur. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4816. Nature's Mirror. MURPHY, HERMAN DUDLEY 4817. Venetian Brocade. TANNER, HENRY O. 4818. Christ at the Home of Lazarus. PARRISH, CLARA WEAVER 4819. The Worshipper. DUNBAR, HAROLD C. 4820. Girl in Black. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4821. Wave Glitter. BETTS, LOUIS 4822. Ladv in White. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4823. Sun Glitter. DUNBAR, HAROLD C. 4824. Portrait of Mrs. D. SCHWARTZ, ANDREW T. 4825. Ice Floe. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 4826. Sun: Sea. HAILMAN, JOHANNA K. WOODWELL 4827. Tony. FERGUSON. NANCY M. 4828. A Rural Lane. SOUUTUEE WARD, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 4829. Norseman. 4830. Freedman. GALLERY 59 PAINTINGS RICHMOND, AGNES M. 4831. Mending. ROBINSON, THEODORE 4832. Normandy Mother. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 4833. On the Canal. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 4834. Celia's Arbor. ROBINSON, THEODORE 4835. In the Sun. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 4836. Port Ben. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 4837. Garden at Giverny Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. ANDREW, RICHARD 4838. By the River. ROBINSON, THEODORE 4839. Peeling Apples. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. HAILMAN, JOHANNA K. WOODWELL 4840. To Market in the West Indies. BERLIN, HARRY 4841. Motherhood. SMITH, EDWARD GREGORY 4842. Horseshoe Hill. TYSON, CARROLL S., JR. 4843. Portrait. WALKER, HORATIO 4844. Man Sawing Wood. SMITH, GEORGE W. 4845. Monterev Dunes. ROGERS. GRETCHEN W. 4846. Young Girl. TURNER. HELEN M. 4847. Marv Tarleton. HOPKINS, JAMES R. 4848. Beside the Lake. TARBELL, EDMUND C. 4849. Girl in Blue. MILLER. RICHARD E. 4850. Interior of Living Room. TARBELL, EDMUND C. 4851. Josephine. 4852. Dr. Edward Reynolds. Lent bv Dr. Edward Reynolds. RICH. JOHN H. 4853. The Blue Kimono. CONNER. JOHN R. 4854. The Glen. TARBELL, EDMUND C. 4855. On the Bos'n's Hill. Lent bv S. Dacre Bush, Esq. RICHARDSON, MARY CURTIS 4856. The Young Mother. KNOX, JAMES 4857. White Swan. CASSATT, MARY 4858. Woman Reading in a Garden. SCULPTUEE SCHULENBURG, ADELE E. 4859. Scrub Woman. HOVENDEN, MARTHA M. 4860. Girl and Kitten: Sundial. GALLERY 60 PAINTINGS CARLES, ARTHUR B. 4861. Nude. KUHN, WALT 4862. Amusement. CARLES. ARTHUR B. 4863. Talloires: Lac d'Amercy. GUTMANN, BERNHARD 4864. Nude. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 4865. Baroness. 4866. Green Car. SLOAN, JOHN 4867. Renganeschi's : Sundav Night. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 4868. Family Group. 4869. Girls Bathing. WOOLF, S. J. 4870. The Underworld. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 4871. Two Nudes. 4872. Sail Boats in Sunlight. WAGNER, FRED 4873. Winter Evening. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 4874. Woman with Apple. 4875. Italian Parade. WAGNER, FRED 4876. Shoveling Snow. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 4877. A Beach Scene. LUKS, GEORGE 4878. Children's Page. BORIE, ADOLPHE 4879. Nude. KENT. ROCKWELL 4880. A Mother and Her Sons. [46] UNITED STATES SECTION LUKS, GEORGE 4881. New York Boy. SCULPTURE KEMINGTON, FREDERIC 4882. Broncho Buster. 4883. Cheyenne. GALLERY 61 PAINTINGS PAXTON, WILLIAM McGREGOR 4884. The Housemaid. 4885. Bellissima. 4886. The Sisters. 4887. Dayliglit and Lamplight. 4888. Breakfast. LITTLE, PHILIP 4889. The Making of New Lands. CAHILL, WILLIAM V. 4890. The Red Book. POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 4891. Young America. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 4892. Portrait. HOPKINSON, CHARLES 4893. Knitting. FOOTE, WILL HOWE 4894. Italian Girl's Head. POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 4895. The Three Sisters. LITTLE, PHILIP 4896. The Upper Ipswich. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 4897. Lavender and Old Ivory. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 4898. La Princesse Lointaine. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4899. Late Autumn. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 4900. The Tower of Ivorv. SCHMITT, ALBERT FELIX 4901. Blue and Gold. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4902. Spring Morning: Medfield. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 4903. Sun Bath. 4904. Conversation Piece. 4905. Country Life in America. HOPKINS, JAMES R. 4906. Memories. PAXTON, WILLIAM McGREGOR 4907. Glow of Gold and Gleam of Pearl. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 4908. White Roses. HOPKINS, JAMES R. 4909. Mandarin Blue. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 4910. Portrait: Agnes. SCULPTURE STEWARDSON, EDMUND AUSTIN 4911. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. OLIN Alden Weir. Lent by C. E. S. Wood. GALLERY 62 PAINTINGS FOOTE, WILL HOWE 4913. Sunny Interior. WENDT, WILLIAM 4914. The Land of Heart's Desire. WARNER, EVERETT L. 4915. The Edge of the River. FOOTE, WILL HOWE 4916. Hydrangeas. TROCCOLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 4917. New England Woman. WARNER 4912. J, DEL MUE, MAURICE 4918. Late Afternoon in the Sierras. RICHARDSON, MARY CURTIS 4919. Portrait of Professor Paget. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4920. Apple Blossoms. WENDT, WILLIAM 4921. Tahoma the Eternal. PRESTON, JAMES 4922. Landscape. MASON, MAUD M. 4923. Still Life. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 4924. Oak Tree: Mistv Dav. SAXTON, JOHN GORDON " 4925. Midwinter. SCULPTURE STACKPOLE, RALPH 4926. Nymph. MULLER, OLGA POPOFF 4927. Meditation. BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 4928. Portrait. FENTON, BEATRICE 4929. Peter Moran. Lent by the Art Club of Phila- delphia. Case 1 . MORA, JOSEPH J. 4930. Chochonee. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 4931. Mere Colaer. HARVEY, ELI 4932. Maternal Provisions. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 4933. Water Witch Girl. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 4934. In the Mornine. WHEELOCK, LILA AUDUBON 4935. Ski: Russian Wolf Hound. MORA, JOSEPH J. 4936. The Moki Hairdresser. HOFFMAN, MALVINA 4937. Orientals: Pavlowa and Novikoflf. QUINN, EDMOND T. 4938. Nvmph. HOFFMAN, MALVINA 4939. Pavlowa Gavotte. SCUDDER, JANET 4940. Frog Fountain. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 4941. Josef. HOFFMAN, MALVINA 4942. Russian Baechanale. RISQUE, CAROLINE EVERETT 4943. The Old One. GALLERY 63 PAINTINGS WALKER, HORATIO 4944. Ploughing in Acadia. VAN SLOUN, FRANK J. 4945. Portrait of an Actor. KROLL, LEON 4946. River Industries. LEVY, WILLIAM AUERBACH 4947. The Draftsman. LAMBERT, GERTRUDE 4948. Black and Green. TARBELL, EDMUND C. 4949. Edmund and Eaglet. ROBERTS, ALICE MUMFORD 4950. Two Vaudeville Stars. KROLL, LEON 4951. Weehawken Terminal. ADDAMS, INEZ 4952. The Death of Lucrece. [47] UNITED STATES SECTION POWERS, MARION 4953. Encore. MAURER, ALFRED H. 4954. Jeanne. BREUER, HENRY J. 4955. The Santa Inez Mountains. WEHRSCHMIDT, DANIEL 4956. The Morning's Milk. WAGNER, ROBERT 4957. Portrait of Stewart Edward White. DUVENECK, FRANK 4958. Turkish Page. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emy "of the Fine Arts. MARR, CARL 4959. Holy Family. Lent by Mrs. Phoebe Hearst. UPTON, FLORENCE K. 4960. The Yellow Room. BAND, ELLEN EMMET 4961. Singing. SCULPTITBE GRAFLY, CHARLES 4962. Edwin Swift Clymer. 4963. William M. Paxton. 4964. The Surgeon. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Pine Arts. BATHHURST, CLYDE C. 4965. Portrait of James Grafly. GRAFLY. CHARLES 4966. W. Elmer Schofield. 4967. George Harding. POLASEK. ALBIN _ ,^.„ ^ 4968. Portrait Bust of Frank D. Millet. GRAFLY, CHARLES 4969. Thomas P. Anshutz. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. GALLERY 64 PAINTIKGS DOUGHERTY, PAUL 4970. From Clodgy Point. OARRIGAN, WILLIAM L. 4971. Midsummer Masque. TROCCOLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 4972. Portrait of Mr. Ferry. DOUGHERTY. PATH- 4973. Toward the Sunlight. BUTLER, MARY 4974. Trees at Shubel's Mount. TROCCOLL GIOVANNI BATTISTA 4975. Portrait of Mrs. Brincherhoff. BOOK, EDWARD F. 4976. Laurel. DOUGHERTY. PAUL 4977. Storm Gleams. CARLSEN. EMIL 4978. TwUight. 4979. The Meeting of the Two Seas. NOYES, GEORGE L. 4980. The White Lady: Old Mexico. CARLSEN. EMIL 4981. O Ye of Little Faith. 4982. Dines. 4983. The Open Sea. TURNER, HELEN M. 4984. Dorothea Knittine. BEAUX, CECILIA 4985. Dorothea and Prancesca 4986. Sita and Sarita. RYDEN, HENNING 4987. Return of the Boats. RAND, ELLEN EMMET 4988. In the Studio. BEAUX, CECILIA 4989. The Dreamer. CORNOYER, PAUL 4990. Old New York. BEAUX, CECILIA 4991. Study in White. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 4992. Portrait Study. ROSEN, CHARLES 4993. The Delaware: Winter Morning. SCHOFIELD, W. ELMER 4994. Winter. GAULEY, ROBERT DAVID 4995. Portrait: Pedro de Cordoba. ROSEN, CHARLES 4996. Wind-Blown Trees. 4997. Floating Ice: Early Morning. 4998. A Summer Dav. POOKE, MARION L. 4999. Judith. ROSEN, CHARLES 5000. Winter Morning: Maine Coast. SCTJLPTUEE COBBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 5001. Chameleon Bov. CALDER, A. STIRLING 5002. Seated Athlete. ELLERHUSEN, ULRICH H. 5003. Buffalo — Gone! GELERT, JOHANNES 5004. Theseus Courting Ariadne. BECCHIA. RICHARD H. 5005. Golden Age No. 1. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 5006. Battle of the Bulls. BERGE. EDWARD 5007. Boy and Frog Fountain. GALLERY 65 PAINTINGS LEVER, HAYLEY 5008. Smeaton's Quay: St. Ives. POOKE, MARION L. 5009. Donna Italianna. LEVER, HAYLEY 5010. 66th Street & Broadway: Sunday Morn. ULLMAN, EUGENE PAUL 5011. Parisienne. LEVER, HAYLEY 5012. St. Ives: Summer. 5013. Gloucester. ULLMAN, EUGENE PAUL 5014. Young Widow. BAKER, SAMUEL BURTIS 5015. Portrait of Miss Marion Howard. LEVER, HAYLEY 5016. St. Ives Fishing Boats. HARTMAN, C. BERTRAM 5017. Pearls. MILLER, RICHARD E. 5018. Morning Sunlight. 5019. October. 5020. The Gossins. 5021. Nude. 5022. The Convalescent. 5023. On the River. 5024. The Green Cage. HARTMAN, C. BERTRAM 5025. Two Natures. BRYANT, EVERETT L. 5026. Snapdragon and Fan. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 5027. Still Life: Blue and Gold. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 5028. Repose. BRYANT EVERETT L. 5029. Wild Honeysuckle. [48] UNITED STATES SECTION HALPERT. SAMUEL 5030. Still Life. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 5031. Italian Pitcher and Fruit. SHEELER, CHARLES 5032. Landscape No. 4: 1915. GILES, HOWARD 5033. Marine. SINGER, WILLIAM H., JR. 5034. Olden Farms: May. RAVLIN, GRACE 5035. Great Market: Grand Socco : Tangier. PARKER, LAWTON 5036. Paresse. SINGER, WILLIAM H., JR. 5037. Olden Church: Norway. RAVLIN, GRACE 5038. Gate of the Grand Socco: Tangier. ROSEN, CHARLES 5039. A Summer Sky. SCUIiPTUEE SCUDDER, JANET 5040. Little Ladv of the Sea. FRISHMUTH, HARRIET W. 5041. Young Girl with Fish: A Fountain. Case 1. EBERLE. ABASTENIA ST. LEGER 5042. The Little Brother. 5043. Solitude. 5044. Dancing in Avenue A. 5045. Mother Bathing Child. 5046. Little Mother. 5047. Slumber. 5048. The Windy Door Step. 5049. Girl Skipping Rope. 5050. Rag Picker. 5051. Rag Time. Case S. VONNOH, BESSIE POTTER 5052. Enthroned. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 5053. Mischief. YONNOH. BESSIE POTTER 5054. Girl Dancing. STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 5055. Investigation. YONNOH. BESSIE POTTER 5056. Grecian Draperies. 5057. His First Journey. 5058. A Chance Acquaintance. 5059. The Scarf. 5060. Motherhood. 5061. The Dance. GALLERY 66 PAINTINGS MATHEWS, ARTHUR F. 5062. Decoration. BRANGWYN, FRANK 5063. Decoration. 5064. Decoration. FULLER. HENRY B. 5065. Triumph of Truth Over Error. BRANGWYN. FRANK 5066. Decoration. 5067. Decoration. HASSAM. CHILDE 5068. Decoration. BRANGWYN, FRANK 5069. Decoration. 5070. Decoration. DICKMAN, CHARLES J. 5071. Before the Storm. BRANGWYN, FRANK 5072. Decoration. 5073. Decoration. SCULPTURE MORA. JOSEPH J. 5074. Moki Mana. GRAFLY, CHARLES 5075. Marble Head. MORA, JOSEPH J. 5076. Old Moki. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 5077. Mv Mother. AITKEN, ROBERT 5078. Door for Gates Mausoleum. PRATT, BE LA LYON 5079. Bust of Mv Mother. BITTER, KARL 5080. Signing of Louisiana Purchase Treaty. Lent by City of St. Louis. PATIGIAN, HAIG 5081. John Keith, Esq. HERING. HENRY 5082. Memory. PATIGIAN, HAIG 5083. Study. WARNER, OLIN L. 5084. Dancing Nymph. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. GRAFLY, CHARLES 5085. The Oarsman. AUSTIN, AMANDA P. 5086. Saint Jean. HERING, HENRY 5087. Devotion. ADAMS, HERBERT 5088. Bacchante. CALDER, A. STIRLING 5089. Historian. FENTON, BEATRICE 5090. Marjorie D. Martenet. FRASER, JAMES EARLE 5091. Flora and Sonnv Whitnev. 5092. Portrait Bust. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 5093. Arthur. POWERS, HIRAM 5094. California. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 5095. Louis Johnson. FRASER. JAMES EARLE 5096. Portrait of G. C. Whitney. PRATT, BELA LYON 5097. River Nvmph. GRIMES. FRANCES 5098. Ralph Pulitzer, Jr. STORRS, JOHN 5099. Marble Head. BITTER, KARL 5100. Memorial to Dr. Henry P. Tappan. Lent by University of Michigan. SALTATORE, VICTOR D. 5101. Study of a Young Girl. HERING, HENRY 5102. Courage. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 5103. Fragment of Statue. LEE. ARTHUR 5104. The Virgin. 5105. The Nigger. Lent by Mrs. Harry Payne Whit- nev. PICCIRILLI. ATTILIO 5106. Portrait of a Boy. HERING, HENRY 5107. Peace. AUSTIN, AMANDA P. 5108. Portrait of Miss Quinn. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 5109. Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial. ZETTLER, EMIL ROBERT 5110. David P. [49] UNITED STATES SECTION FRASER, JAMES EARLE 5111. Bust of J. E. 0. FRENCH, DANIEL CHESTER 5113. Melvin Memorial. FRASER, JAMES EARLE 5113. Portrait Study. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 5114. Nature: Tlie Consoler. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 5115. A Soul. PATIGIAN, HAIG 5116. Vanity. LONGMAN, EVELYN BEATRICE 5117. L' Amour. ROTH, FREDERICK G. R. 5118. Polar Bear. BITTER, KARL 5119. Fountain Group. Lent by John D. Rockefeller, Esq. HOARD, MARGARET 5120. Eve. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. . , ^^ , 5121 Lectern for Clark Memorial Chapel. WHITNEY, GERTRUDE VANDERBILT 5122. Fountain. GALLERY 67 PAINTINGS PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 5123 Promenade on Seashore No. 2. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 5124. Peonies. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 5125. Promenade on Seashore No. 3. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 5126. The Curio Window. SHEELER, CHARLES 5127. White Tulips. SPEICHER, EUGENE 5128. Henrv Lee McFee. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 5129. Tapestrv and Fruit. RITMAN, LOUIS 5130. Honey Bee Paradise. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 5131. Landscape with Figures. NORDELL, CARL J. 5132. In the Arbor. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 5133. Decorative Sketch. 5134. Beach. NORDELL, CARL J. 5135. Morning. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 5136. The Waterfall. PARKER, LAWTON 5137. Cinerarias. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 5138. Still Life: Flowers. McFEE, HENRY L. 5139. Still Life. KUHN, WALT 5140. Surf. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 5141. Landscape. KROLL, LEON 5142. Landscape in Maine. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 5143. Zinnias and Asters. McFEE, HENRY L. 5144. Naked Trees. KUHN, WALT 5145. Ostrich. LEVER, HAYLEY 5146. Bathing Beach: Gloucester. McFEE, HENRY L. 5147. Dahlias. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 5148. Bouquet. RITMAN, LOUIS 5149. An Improvised Flower Basket. 5150. Sun Spots and Shadows. FRIESEKE, FREDERICK CARL 5151. Summer. RITMAN, LOUIS 5152. Dahlias. 5153. Reflected Color. SCULPTUEE LAESSLE, ALBERT 5154. Fantail Pigeon. 5155. Chanticleer. GRIMES, FRANCES 5156. Miss Pearmain. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 5157. Paul Saint-Gaudens. Case 1 . PUTNAM, ARTHUR 5158. Indian and Puma. 5159. Skunked Wild Cat. 5160. Sneaking Coyote. 5161. Leopard and Gnu. 5162. Combat. 5163. Tiger Love. 5164. Resting Puma. 5165. Little Cub Bear. 5166. Buffalo Hunt. 5167. Crouching Wild Cat. 5168. Two Pumas. 5169. Puma and Snake. 5170. Snarling Jaguar. Case 2. LAESSLE, ALBERT 5171. The Squirrel. 5172. Turtle and Prey. 5173. Locust and Pine Cone. 5174. King Crab and Beetle. 5175. Blue-Eyed Lizard. 5176. Young Turtle. 5177. Repletion. 5178. Turning Turtle. 5179. The First Step. 5180. An Outcast. 5181. Frog and Katydid. 5182. The Contented Hop-Toad. 5183. The Source. 5184. Turtle and Snail. 5185. Heron and Fish. 5186. The Old Bullfrog. GALLERY 68 PAINTINGS REDFIELD, EDWARD "W. 5187. Cedar Hill. GUSHING. HOWARD GARDINER 5188. Wardrobe. POTTHAST, EDWARD HENRY 5189. Peace and Quiet. GUSHING, HOWARD GARDINER 5190. Portrait. LANG, ANNIE TRAQUAIR 5191. Japanese Print. MOLARSKY, MORRIS 5192. Reflections. HOPKINSON, CHARLES 5193. Salem Bav: Massachusetts. REDFIELD, EDWARD W. 5194. In the Clearing. RITSCHEL, WILLIAM 5195. Blue Depths: Carmel. JOHANSEN, JOHN CHRISTEN 5196. The Rider. 5197. Venetian Arcade. 5198. Village Rider. 5199. Portrait of Miss F. B. [50] UNITED STATES SECTION RITSCHEL, WILLIAM 5200. Summer Nisht: Point Lobos. NISBET, ROBERT H. 5201. The Emerald Robe. GARBER, DANIEL 5202. Little Village: Winter. BEAL, GIFFORD 5203. Summer Landscape. GARBER. DANIEL 5204. Prom Tinicum Hill. BROWNE, GEORGE ELMER 5205. Port of Sottomarina. GARBER. DANIEL 5206. Cherry Blossoms. BEAL, REYNOLDS 5207. Lawrenceville Lock. HANSEN. ARMIN C. 5208. At the Breakfast Table. SCHOFIELD, W. ELMER 5209. Waterfall. DONOHO, RUGER 5210. Wind Flowers. JOHANSEN, JOHN CHRISTEN 5211. Approaching Storm. GUSHING, HOWARD GARDINER 5212. Portrait. DONOHO, RUGER 5213. A Veil of Leaves. CAMP, HAROLD M. 5214. A Hilltop. SCHOFIELD, W. ELMER 5215. The Hilltop. SOtTLPTtTEE MAC NEILL, HERMON A. 5216. Girl with Young Satyr. 5217. Incoming Wave. LAESSLE, ALBERT 5218. Kingfisher. AITKEN, ROBERT 5219. Tired Mercury. MAC NEILL, CAROL BROOKS 5220. The Wave. AITKEN, ROBERT 5221. Dancing Paun. 5222. Dancing Bacchante. MAC NEILL, CAROL BROOKS 5223. Farewell to the Fairies. BATEMAN, JOHN M. 5224. Fountain and Aquarium. GALLERY 69 PAINTINGS POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 5225. The Beach at Rockaway. STEELE, ZULMA 5226. Nature's Tapestry. BOHM, MAX 5227. The Sea Babies. DAVOL, JOSEPH BENJAMIN 5228. A Winter Coast: Moonlight. OBERTEUFFER, GEORGE 5229. En Fete: Dieppe. FORSYTH, WILLIAM 5230. The Red Hill. CARLSON, JOHN FABIAN 5231. Grey Woods. FUNK, WILHELM 5232 Mrs. John W. McKinnon. PEARSON, JOSEPH T., JR. 5233. Fox and Geese. DAVIS, CECIL CLARK 5234. Portrait. MILLER, RICHARD E. 5235. The Visit. KENDALL, SERGEANT 5236. Devotion. NELSON, BRUCE 5237. The Golden Shore. OCHTMAN, LEONARD 5238. Winter. HECHT, VICTOR DAVID 5239. Portrait of Mrs. Irving Stern. NELSON, BRUCE 5240. The Summer Sea. SANDZEN, SVEN BIRGER 5241. The Granite Cathedral. SEYPFERT, LEOPOLD 5242. Nude. BLUMENSCHEIN, ERNEST L. 5243. Wise Man: Warrior: Youth. SNELL, HENRY B. 5244. Low Tide. HARRISON, ALEXANDER 5245. The Joy of Life. BLUMENSCHEIN, ERNEST L. 5246. The Peace Maker. SCHMIDT, KARL 5247. The Great Pacific. RYDER, CHAUNCEY F. 5248. The Ox Team. SCUIiPTUEE Case 1 . COHEN, NESSA 5249. Navajo Watching Women at Work. MAC NEILL, CAROL BROOKS 5250. First Lesson. LICHTENAUER, J. MORTIMER 5251. Statuette. LUKEMAN, AUGUSTUS 5252. Diana. YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 5253. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. SCUDDER, JANET 5254. Shell Fountain. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 5255. Fenella. YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 5256. Stevedore. GAENSSLEN, OTTO ROBERT 5257. Youth. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5258. Playing Bear. YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 5259. Chiseler. 5260. Scrubwoman. STEWARDSON, EDMUND AUSTIN 5261. Alexander Harrison. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. SAINT GAUDENS, ANNETTA JOHNSON 5262. Bedtime. POLASEK, ALBIN 52 63. Maternal Love. Case 2. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5264. The Fight Between a Panther and a Grizzly Bear. 5265. Indian Hunter. 5266. Maternity. BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 5267. The Little Dancer. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5268. The Friendly Tussle. BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 5269. And as Pretty a Piece of Flesh as Any in Messina. JOHNSON, GRACE MOTT 5270. Greyhound Pup. 5271. Chimpanzee. COHEN, NESSA 5272. Sunrise. JOHNSON, GRACE MOTT 5273. Goat. MANATT, WILLIAM WHITNEY 5274. Nymph. [51] UNITED STATES SECTION DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5275. The Antelope or American Pronghorn. BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 5276. Comedy. 5277. Greed. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 5278. Classicism and Renaissance. GALLERY 70 PAINTINGS HERKOMER, HERMAN G. 5279. Mrs. Hamilton Griffin. SPARKS, ARTHUR W. 5280. Mills at Rankin. HERKOMER, HERMAN G. 5281. Portrait: William Harvey, Esq. FLAGG, CHARLES NOEL 5282. Portrait of Paul Wayland Bartlett. HANSEN, ARMIN C. 5283. The Belated Boat. POOR, HENRY VARNUM 5284. Baby's Toilet. DAVEY, RANDALL 5285. Captain Dan Stevens: Lighthouse Keeper. SARGEANT, GENEVE RIXPORD 5286. Margaret. FISKE, GERTRUDE 5287. The Curtain. GRAY, FREDERICK G. 5288. Portrait. ROBERTS, ALICE MUMFORD 5289. Red Peppers. COOLIDGE, MARY ROSAMOND 5290. The Old-Fashioned Gown. DICKMAN, CHARLES J. 5291. Picardv Fisher Folk. HOPKINSON, CHARLES 5292. Portrait. NORDELL, CARL J. 5293. The Pink Scarf. SCULPTUKE YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 5294. Peter Newell at Leonia. 5295. The Heavy Sledge. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 5296. L'Orage. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5297. The American Bison. ALFANO, VINCENZO 5298. Quousque Tandem. HOLLISTER, ANTOINETTE B. 5299. Bavarian Peasant Mother and Child. ALFANO, VINCENZO 5300. Might is Right. KONTI, ISIDORE 5301. Solace. GALLERY 71 PAINTINGS JUNG, C. JAC. 5302. Winter Afternoon. PUTHUFF, HANSON 5303. Home of the Ranger. WOOLP, SAMUEL JOHNSON 5304. Brown the Wheats. UFER, WALTER 5305. A Daughter of San Juan Pueblo. MEAKIN, LEWIS HENRY 5306. Kicking Horse River. PEYRAUD, FRANK C. 5307. Summer Evening. MORA, F. LUIS 5308. The Fortune Teller. REIFPEL, CHARLES 5309. Silvermine Valley. MEAKIN, LEWIS HENRY 5310. Rocky Mountain Valley. ADAMS, J. OTTIS 5311. Winter Morning. Lent by Muncie Art Association. GLACKENS, WILLIAM J. 5312. Chez Mouquin. UFER, WALTER 5313. Taos Indian in Corn Field. DE VOLL, F. USHER 5314. Brooklyn Bridge: Winter. MEAKIN, LEWIS HENRY 5315. Stormy Day. BITTINGER. CHARLES 5316. Isabel. HYETT. WILL J. 5317. Crossroads: Ravenrock. PAPE, ERIC 5318. Portrait of Edith Wynne Mathison as Hermione. BITTINGER, CHARLES 5319. Vanity. TYSON, CARROLL S., JR. 5320. Road to the Pier. DUFNER, EDWARD 5321. Reflections. HUTCHISON, F. W. 5322. A Northern River. PAPE, ERIC 5323. Portrait of Mrs. John Hays Ham- mond. DUFNER, EDWARD 5324. Summer Evening. GROVER, OLIVER DENNETT 5325. Rocky Shore: Lake Garda. COX. LOUISE 5326. A Daughter of Eve. KROLL, LEON 5327. Rockport Quarries. BRINLEY, D. PUTNAM 5328. Noon. BREUER, HENRY J. 5329. Lake Louise. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE 5330. Black Cap. KROLL, LEON 5331. Lower Manhattan. BRINLEY, D. PUTNAM 5332. Matins. GALT, CHARLES FRANKLIN 5333. The Gypsy. BREUER, HENRY J. 5334. Mount Assiniboine. DAVOL, JOSEPH BENJAMIN 5335. Maine Coast. LANG, ANNIE TRAQUAIR 5336. The Hotels: Venice. HAGGIN, BEN ALI 5337. Little White Dancer. CASE, BERTHA 5338. View: Sidi Ben Said: Tunis. FOSTER, BEN 5339. October Morning. LANG, ANNIE TRAQUAIR 5340. From My Window: Venice. BREUER, HENRY J. 5341. Mount Sir Donald. SCULPTURE PRATT, BELA LYON 5342. Polo Player. 5343. St. Christopher. GALLERY 72 PAINTINGS WOODBURY, CHARLES H. 5344. Colored Reef. 5345. Kingston Harbor. 5346. Surf. 5347. Beach. 5348. Hurry. [52] UNITED STATES SECTION 5349. The Pool. 5350. The Bark. 5351. In the Cove. 5352. The Punt. 5353. Shallow Water. 5354. New Snow. 5355. Gulf Stream. 5356. Gray Sea. 5357. Sunken Ledges. 5358. A Winter Sea. 5359. Morning at Sea. 5360. The Culebra Cut. 5361. Bathers. 5362. Tropical Wave. 5363. Barnacles. 5364. The Bathing Pool. 5365. The Tramp Steamer. 5366. Evening. 5367. At Sea. 5368. Tesceira: Azores. 5369. Caribbean Sea. 5370. The Last Drift. 5371. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. VIII. 5372. Ten Panels of the Sea: No. VII. 5373. Bathers. 5374. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. V. 5375. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. VI. 5376. The Wave. 5377. The Tide River. 5378. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. IV. 5379. Ten Panels of the Sea: No. III. 5380. Fantasy. 5381. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. II. 5382. Ten Panels of the Sea : No. I. SCULPTTJEE GRAFLY, CHARLES 5383. Joseph R. De Camp LONGMAN, EVELYN BEATRICE 5384. Head of Bacchante. MULLER. OLGA POPOFF 5385. Head of Breton. JAEGERS, ALBERT 5386. Portrait: Uncle Joe Cannon. Case 1. PROCTOR, A. PHIMISTER 5387. Silver King Fish. 5388. Charging Elephant. 5389. BufEalo. 5390. American Horse. 5391. Elk. 5392. Faun: First Model. 5393. Buffalo, Q. H. 5394. Dog With Bone. 5395. Princeton Tiger. Twenty-two inch reduction. GALLERY 73 PAINTINGS CLARK, ALSON SKINNER 5396. Market in Panama. 5397. In the Lock: Miraflores. 5398. Sosa Hill from the Quarry. 5399. In Tropical Waters. 5400. Gold Hill from Culebra. 5401. Dredges Under Gold Hill. 5402. Gates: Pedro Miguel. 5403. Moving the Trestle. 5404. Pedro Miguel Locks. 5405. Big Cranes: Miraflores. 5406. Culebra Cut from Empire. 5407. First Dredges Through Gatun Locks. 5408. Cucaracha Slide. 5409. Culebra Slide. 5410. The Cranes: Miraflores. 5411. In the Cut. 5412. Three Hills from Culebra. 5413. Panama from the Pacific. SCrLPTUEE PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 5414. Head Portrait. HARVEY, ELI 5415. American Elk. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 5416. L'Arriere Pensee. SALVATORE, VICTOR D. 5417. Study of Old Man. Case 1. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5418. On Stonv Pastures. 5419. R. E. W. WARNER, OLIN L. 5420. Maude Morgan. Lent bv C. E. S. Wood, Esq. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5421. Womboli. WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 5422. Wood Nymph. FRASER, JAMES EARLE 5423. Melisande. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5424. Strayed from the Herd. FRASER, JAMES EARLE 5425. End of the Trail. HUMPHRISS, CHARLES H. 5426. Indian Hunter. ADAMS, HERBERT 5427. Debutante. SAINT GAUDENS, LOUIS 5428. Infant's Head. WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 5429. Piping Satvrs. ELLERHUSEN, ULRICH H. 5430. The Commuters. WRIGHT, ALICE MORGAN 5431. Piping Satyrs. GALLERY 74 PAINTINGS POOKE, MARION L. 5432. Critics. PANCOAST, MORRIS HALL 5433. Afternoon: Tompkinsville. YATES, CULLEN 5434. Old Farm: November. VAN LAER, ALEXANDER T. 5435. The Old MiU. POOKE, MARION L. 5436. Silhouettes. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 5437. The Bridge: Ogunquit. SPARKS, ARTHUR W. 5438. Midsummer Day. MAGER, GUS 5439. Flower Bouquet. GAULEY, ROBERT DAVID 5440. Reverie. BORG, CARL OSCAR 5441. Campagna Romana. SOTTER, GEORGE W. 5442. Snow-Bound Hills: Pittsburg. JAY, CECIL 5443. Torn Skirt. CLARKSON, RALPH 5444. Portrait Sketch. SOTTER. GEORGE W. 5445. Moonlight: Gloucester Harbor. FERGUSON, NANCY M. 5446. The Old Homestead. WILES, IRVING RAMSEY 5447. Madame GervilleReache as Carmen. ROBINSON, Will S. 5448. Group of White Birches. WEISS, SAMUEL A. 5449. Sunshine. [53] UNITED STATES SECTION HEYNEMANN, JULIA H. 5450 Mrs. Arthur Sj-mons. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. 5451. Boothbay Harbor. HOULAHAN, KATHLEEN 5452. Portrait. qPF.ICHER, EUGENE E. ^ , t, 5453 Portrait of John Nelson Cole, Jr. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. „ , , 5454. Springtime in the Suburbs. =^455 Sandy Creek. hImILTON, MARY RITER 5456. The Poor. SCULPTUBB BOYLE, JOHN J. 5457. Stone Age. KONTI, ISIDORE 5458. Dying Me^lo^^^e^s^^ ^^ PAINTINGS SARGENT, JOHN SINGER 5459. Spanish Stable. 5460. Nude Study. 5461. Syrian Goats. M62 Portrait of Henry James Esq. lilt. Sketch of. Joseph Jefferson, Esq. 5464. Rose Marie. 5465. The Ske^tch^ers^^^ ^^^^^.^ ^^^^^^^ 5466. Madam Gautrin. 5467. Reconnoitering. SCULPTURE MORA, JOSEPH J. 5468. Esoah. ^^5f6rSo?1iu5sioss Jr. VONNOH, BESSIE POTTER 5470 A Young Mother. STACKPOLE, RALPH W. 5471 Mrs. Sloss and Children. GALLERY 76 PAINTINGS THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 5472 St. Paul's: London. WRIGHT, JOHN 5473. Sicilian Lai»ds<:ape. MURPHY, HERMANN DUDLEY 5474 The Back of the Salute. MURPHY, HERMANN DUDLEY 5476. The Cloud. 5477. The Emigrants: Azores. 5478. New Moon. 5479. Evening. 5480. At Sea. 5481. Fireworks. MC COMAS, FRANCIS 5482. Pines at Monterey. 5483. Sichomovi: Arizona. 5484. Walpi: Arizona. 5485. A Los Olivos Oak Tree. 5486. Oaks of the Monte. 5487. The Red Wagon. MURPHY, HERMANN DUDLEY 5488. Hot Springs. 5489. Palazzo da Mula. 5490. In the Azores. 5491. Winter Cloud. 5492. The Green Door. 5493. Angra: Azores. GALLERY 77 PAINTINGS ANDERSON, KARL 5494. The Serenade. 5495. Lower Pasture. 5496. Boy and Goat. 5497. The Pool. CARRIGAN, WILLIAM L. 5498. Mountain Farm. DUNLAP, HELENA 5499. The Dressing Table. YARROW, WILLIAM H. K. 5500. Reflection. BUEHR, KARL ALBERT 5501. Luncheon Outdoors. FOOTE, MARY 5502. Study. ANDERSON, KARL 5503. Fireflies. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE 5504. Miss M. and a Parrot. CARRIGAN, WILLIAM L. 5505. Summer Hills. FRIESEKE, FREDERICK CARL 5506. On the Beach. 5507. Breakfast in the Garden. 5508. Through the Vines. 5509. In the Doorway. MORA, F. LUIS 5510. Black, Grey and Rose. HARTMAN, C. BERTRAM 5511. Spring. 5512. Summer. 5513. Autumn. 5514. Winter. MORA, F. LUIS 5515. Preparations for the Party. SCULPTUEE WARNER, OLIN L. 5516. Rosali^.^^^ ^^ ^ ^ g_ ^^^^_ ^^^ LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 5517. Winged Head. HOFFMAN, MALVINA . 5518 Portrait Bust: Bonanus Grimson. FARNHAM, SALLY JAMES 5519. Cave Woman. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 5520 The Human Instrument. saint' GAUDENS, LOUIS 5521. Head of Ceres. FENTON, BEATRICE 5522. Caroline. „ , _ Lent by Gustavus Remak, Jr., Esq. GALLERY 78 PAINTINGS HASSAM, CHILDE 5523 The Yachts: Gloucester Harbor. (Purchased bv the San Francisco Society of Artists for presenta- tion to the San Francisco Art Association.) 5524. Jonquils. . , --, ^ 5525 Sunset: New England Coast. 5526'. The Woman with Black Furs and Fire Opals. 5527 Nymph with Ducks. 5528. Couch on the Porch: Cos Cob. 5529. Peonies. 5530 In the Shadow of the Vine. 5531. The Little River in June. 5532. The West Indian Girl. 5533 The Ancient Window of Nemours. 5534! California Hills in Spring. 5535. The Strawberry Tea Set. . 5536. Spring Morning in California. 5537. Telegraph Hill. 5538. The Terre Cuit Tea bet. 5539. Aphrodite. 5540. The South Ledges. 5541. Nude. SCULPTUEE WEINMAN, ADOLPH ALEXANDER 5542. Heroic Courage. [54] UNITED STATES SECTION ADAMS, HERBERT 5543. Meditation. MACNEILL, HERMON' A. 5544. Navajo Orator. ■BRIGHT. ALICE MORGAN 5545. Beside the Pool. GALLERY 79 PAIXTIXGS CHASE, WILLIAM MERRITT 5546. Miss Savageau. 5547. A Poor Man's MeaL 5548. Self Portrait. 5549. Portrait: Hilda Spong. 5550. Just Onions. 5551. Portrait of an Artist. 5552. Steichen. 5553. Helen. 5554. A Passenger Boat. 5555. Venice. 5556. Italian Landscape. 5557. Back of the TiUa. 5558. Portrait Group. 5559. Old Houses: Venice. 5560. Long Island Landscape. 5561. On a Grand Canal. 5562. Day Dream. 5563. Portrait of J. Frank Currier. 5564. Mr. Sullivan. 5565. The Orangerj-. 5567. Woman in White Buttoning Gloves. 5568. La Salute. 5569. Mrs. Vonnoh. 5570. Mrs. Sullivan. 5571. R. U. Johnson. 5572. Big Copper Kettle and Fish. 5573. Study of a Young Girl. 5574 Woman with the White Shawl. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 5575. Still Life: Fish. 5576. Mrs. Mason. 5577. Mrs. Chase. GALLERY 83 PAINTINGS FLORENCE. M. SARGENT 5578. Panel. 5579. Panel. MERRITT, ANNA LEA 5580. Lure of Fame. FLORENCE. M. SARGENT 5581. Panel. 5582. Panel. SCtlLPTTEE HOLM, VICTOR S. 5583. Edmund H. Wuerpel, Esq. CORBETT, GAIL SHERMAN 5584. Bust of Rev. Samuel J. Calthrop. PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 5585. Fragment of a Statue. 5586. Fragment of a Statute. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 5587. Womanhood. GANIERE, GEORGE ETIENNE 5588. Head of Lincoln. DALLIN, CYRUS EDWIN 5589. My Boys. BRENNER, VICTOR D. 5590. Seeking. GALLERY 87 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS DAVIE S, ARTHUR B. 5591. Two Voices. 5592. Ensapphired Italy. 5593. Friend's Fancy. 5594. The Chord of Change. 5595. Summer Storm. 5596. Summer Has O'erhrimmed. 5597. Silver- Veined Earth. 5598. Drawing. 5599. Drawing. 5600. Drawing. 5601. Drawing. 5602. Drawing. 5603. Drawing. 5604. Drawing. 5605. Drawing. 5606. Drawing. 5607. Drawing. 5608. Drawing. 5609. Drawing. 5610. Drawing. 5611. Drawing. 5612. Mountaineers. 5613. Shadowy Prefaces. 5614. Evening Among the Ruins. 5615. The Wind's Way. 5616. Bucolic. 5617. Poetic Memories. 5618. Under the Bough. 5619. Facades. 5620. Sacramental Tree. 5621. Interwoven. 5622. Overborne. SCTJIiPTUEE PRATT, BELA LYON 5623. Upstream and Downstream. GRAFLY, CHARLES 5624. Maidenhood. AITKEN, ROBERT 5625. A Thing of Beauty. CHAMBERLIN, F. TOLLES 5626. The Cup Bearer. BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 5627. Vine Leaves. GALLERY 88 PAINTINGS REDFIELD, EDWARD W. 5628. May: Delaware Valley. 5629. Easter Morning. 5630. Across the Canal. 5631. The Spring Freshet. 5632. After the Blizzard. 5633. A Village in France. 5634. Snow Storm. 5635. Brook in Winter. 5636. The Canal in Winter. 5637. In the Woods. 5638. Grey Day: Center Bridge. 5639. Rhododendrons. 5640. Overlooking the River. 5641. Equihen: France. 5642. The Quarry Road. 5643. Meadow and Brook. 5644. Spring. 5645. On the Delaware River. 5646. Autumn. 5647. Woodland Solitude. 5648. Between Daylight and Darkness: New York City. 5649. Winter at Center Bridge. 5650. Stover's Mill. SCTJXPTtTEE GRAFLY, CHARLES 5651. Edward W. Redfield. 5652. The Entomologist. Lent by Henry L. Viereck, Esq. GALLERY 89 PAINTINGS DE CAMP, JOSEPH 5653. The Fur Jacket. 5654. Portrait of Frank Duveneck. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 5655. The 'Cellist. [55] UNITED STATES SECTION BENSON. PRANK "W. 5656. The Coot Shooter. 5657. The Hill Top. 5658. Mother and Child. PEIXOTTO. ERNEST 5659. Villa Lante. LA FARGE, JOHN 5660. Kwaunon Meditating on Human Life. PEIXOTTO, ERNEST 5661. The Pool. WHISTLER, JAMES MC NEILL 5662. Green and Violet: Portrait of Mrs. E. Millicent Cobden. DE CAMP, JOSEPH 5663. Girl with a Book. WHISTLER, JAMES MC NEILL 5664. Portrait: Mrs. Huth. Lent bv Louis Huth, Esq. DE CAMP, JOSEPH 5665. Penseroso. WHISTLER, JAMES MC NEILL 5666. Note Blanche: Whistler's Study of Jo. Lent by the Estate of Mrs. E. M. Cobden. SCULPTURE PRATT, BELA LYON 5667. Young Mother. 5668. Echo. 5669. The Butterfly. 5670. Lord Amherst. LONGMAN, EVELYN BEATRICE 5671. Female Torso. 5672. Female Torso. PRATT, BELA LYON 5673. Study of a Young Girl. GALLERY 90 PAINTINGS MARIN, JOHN 5674. The Blue Mountain: Tyrol. 5675. Fir Trees: Maine. 5676. Carrying Place Head: Maine. 5677. Spruce with Moss. 5678. Off Wallace's Head. 5679. Tree and Rock Forms. 5680. Coming Storm: Cast Island. 5681. Hudson River: West Point. 5682. Downtown New York. 5683. Waves and Rock: Big Wood Island. 5684. Pine Tree: Casco Bay. 5685. Brooklyn Bridge: New York. 5686. Pine Tree: Maine. 5687. Big Wood Island. 5688. Bridge-on-Seine. 5689. Pitch Pine: Casco Bay. 5690. Mountains and Mist Forms. 5691. Mountain in Mist: Kupstein. 5692. Fish House Cove: Casco Bay. 5693. Black Clouds: Paris. 5694. From Peekskill: Hudson. 5695. Casco Bay. 5696. Little Bit: Casco Bay. 5697. Cat Point: Casco Bay. 5698. Mountain and Lake: Tyrol. 5699. Rocks and Trees. 5700. The Mountains: Kupstein. GALLERY 91 PAINTINGS TWACHTMAN, JOHN H. 5701. Hill at Arc-la-Bataille. 5702. Niagara. 5703. Summer. 5704. Sailing. 5705. Greenwich Hills. 5706. On the Upper Terrace. 5707. Frozen Stream. 5708. Phlox. 5709. Bridge in Spring. 5710. Harbor View Hotel. GALLERY 92 PAINTINGS CADENASSO, GIUSEPPE 5711. The Reflection. ALBERT, ERNEST 5712. Ten Above Zero. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE 5713. Youth. ROTH, ERNEST D. 5714. A Winter Landscape. BROWNELL, MATILDA 5715. Girl with Columbine. DOUGHERTY. PARKE C. 5716. Mont St. Michel. COLEMAN, CHARLES CARYL 5717. Sorrow. DOUGHERTY, PARKE C. 5718. Moonlight, JANSSON, ALFRED 5719. Illinois Landscape. TOWLE, LEDYARD H, 5720. Birl and Macaw, DE VOLL, F, USHER 5721. Quebec from the Fortifications, GOODWIN, ARTHUR CLIFTON 5722. T Wharf: Boston, CLARKSON, RALPH 5723. Portrait of E. G. Keith, Esq. GOODWIN, ARTHUR CLIFTON 5724. Boylston Street: Boston, SCULPTTJEE WARNER, OLIN L, 5725. Maude Morgan, Lent by C. E, S, Wood, Esq. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5726. Portrait of W. R. M„ Esq, 5727. Chief Blackbird. POLASEK, ALBIN 5728. Aspiration. GALLERY 93 PAINTINGS BELLOWS, GEORGE 5729. Jeanette with Cat. 5730. Polo Crowd, 5731. Laura. 5732. River Front. 5733. Excavation at Night. 5734. North Country. 5735. Day in June, 5736. Cloudy Day, 5737. Portrait of a Young Lady, 5738. Grandmother. 5739. Boy. 5740. Portrait of Judge Peter B. Olney. SCULPTUEE ADAMS, HERBERT 5741. Infant Burbank. ZETTLER, EMIL ROBERT 5742. Professor T. S. WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5743. BaU Pitcher. CALDER, A. STIRLING 5744. Laughing Boy, WEINMAN, ADOLPH A. 5745. The Bowler. GALLERY 94 PAINTINGS MACRUM, GEORGE H. 5746. Wool worth Building from West Street. HARRISON, BIRGE 5747. The Tow on the Lake. WARREN, FRANK C. 5748. A Mediterranean Village. [56] UNITED STATES SECTION MC COLL, ilARY A. 5749. Reflections. WARREN, FRANK C. 5750. In the Sahara. 5751. The Caravan in the Desert. 5752. Evening. 5753. Landscape with Figures. HARRISON, BIRGE 5754. Floating Ice. WARNER, EVERETT L. 5755. Brooklvn Bridee, COLT, MORGAN 5756. Long Island Moor. COOLIDGE, MARY ROSAMOND 5757. Portrait of S. Burtis Baker. COOPER, COLIN CAMPBELL 5758. Fifth Avenue: New York. STEWART, JULIUS L. 5759. Venice. COLT, MORGAN 5760. A StiU Day. BADITZ, LAZAR 5761. Self Portrait. COOPER, COLIN CAMPBELL 5762. Bowling Green: New York. BOWDOIN, HARRIETTE 5763. A Venetian Highway. O'BRIEN, FRANK M. 5764. Dunes in Italv. LA FARGE, BANCEL" 5765. The Willow. OLSON, ALBERT BYRON 5766. Decoration: The Three Sisters. WALTMAN, HARRY FRANKLIN 5767. Vermont. TYSON, CARROLL S., JR. 5768. Before Morning. QUINLAN, WILL J. 5769. Mt. Rainier from Pinnacle Peak. EATON, CHARLES WARREN 5770. Summer Night: Lake Como. WENTZ, HENRY 5771. November: Five P. M. TAYLOR, CHARLES J. 5772. Sandv Creek Bridge. PIERCE, LUCY V. 5773. Carmel Landscape. HARRISON, BIRGE 5774. Evening in Philadelphia. FOOTE, MARY 5775. Portrait of Mrs. Herman Kobbe. HARRISON. BIRGE 5776. White Wings. 5777. The Red Saw MiU. KENDALL, SERGEANT 5778. Venetian Brocade. SCULPTURE ALFANO, VINCENZO 5779. Cicero. 5780. Mother's Love. AZZI, MARIUS A. 5781. Flower Giri. GALLERY 95 HERTER LOOMS 5782. Tapestry. 5783. Tapestry. 5784. Tapestry. 5785. Tapestry. 5786. Tapestry. 5787. Tapestry. 5788. Tapestrj'- 5789. Tapestrv. 5790. Tapestry. 5791. Tapestry. 5792. Tapestrv. 5793. Tapestrv. 5794. Tapestrv. HERTER LOOMS 5795. Furniture. AUZERAIS, LOUIS F. 5796. Collection of Fen Potterv. PATIGIAN, HAIG .5797. Daniel Monroe Burns. SCULPTUSB RUMSET, CHARLES GARY 5798. Lion Cub. 5799. Buffalo and Calf. 5800. Hound. 5801. Horse and Man Drinking. 5802. Study for Centaur. 5803. Scratching Dog. 5804. Stone Bull. GALLERY 96 PAINTINGS PEYRAUD, FRANK C. 5805. October. DIXON, MAYNARD 5806. Navajo Women. COUSE, E. IRVING 5807. Twilight: Taos Pueblo. SNELL, HENRY B. 5808. The Cargo Boat. PYLE, WILLIAM SCOTT 5809. The Composer. LAMB, F. M. 5810. Our New England. FROELICH, MAREN M. 5811. The Chinese Robe. PEARSON, JOSEPH T., JR. 5812. Ducks in a Marsh. FINN, JAMES WALL 5813. Girl with a Fan. GROLL, ALBERT LOREY 5814. Lake Louise. SANDONA, MATTEO 5815. Portrait of Mrs. Leo Lentelli. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5816. Prayer to the Manes of the Dead. EATON, CHARLES WARREN 5817. The Shawangunk Valley. WOOLF, SAMUEL JOHNSON 5818. The News Stand. BREDIN, R. SLOAN 5819. The Farm. GALLERY 97 PAINTINGS WAUGH, FREDERICK J. 5820. Coming of the Line Storm. OBERTEUFFER. GEORGE 5821. Fishing Boats. ROBERTS, ALICE MUMFORD 5822. The Laughing Girl. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 5823. The Call of Lingering Dav. PUTHUFF, HANSON 5824. Grav Day in Stimmer. LUKS, GEORGE 5825. The Mother. 5826. Man in Brown. WAUGH, FREDERICK J. 5827. The Maine Coast, RUNGIUS, CARL 5828. On Wilcox Pass. BORIE, ADOLPHE 5829. Ladv with Black Scarf. WAUGH, FREDERICK J. 5830. The Southern Gulf Stream. LOCKMAN, DE WITT M. 5831. Portrait of Miss D. RUNGIUS, CARL 5832. Canadian Rockies. AMES. BLANCHE 5833. General Adelbert Ames. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 5834. Late Afternoon. [57] PHILIPPINE SECTION MURA, FRANK 5835. On the Downs: Sompting. PARTINGTON, GERTRUDE 5836. Portrait of Mrs. Jack Allan Parting- ton. GRAY, FREDERICK G. 5837. Portrait Study: Hon. Joseph G. Can- non. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 5838. Gathering Clouds. HUNT, E. AUBREY 5839. A Tidal River. ADAMS, PHILIP 5840. The Sailor. GALT, CHARLES FRANKLIN 5841. The Etcher. LATHROP, WILLIAM LANGSON 5842. Summer Afternoon. POOKE, MARION L. 5843. The Chess Plavers. BROWNELL, MATILDA 5844. Girl in the Chinese Porcelain Room. "WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 5845. An Evening Symphony. PAGE, MARIE DANFORTH 5846. Portrait of Anna Coleman Ladd. SCULPTUEE LAESSLE, ALBERT 5847. The Bronze Turkey. PHILIPPINE SECTION GALLERY 98 PAIXTIXGS AND DEAWIKG8 AMORSOLO, F. 5848. Landscape. ASUNCION 5849. A Bunch of Bananas. CULLER, TOMAS 5850. A "Water Carrier. ESPIRITU, A. 585L A Gardener. 5852. Assassination of Governor Bustamante. FABIE, S. L. 5853. A Garden Comer. 5854. Country "Wavs. HERRER, JOAQUIN M. 5855. The Model. 5856. Sampling. HIDALGO, FELIX R. 5857. The Corpse of a Tribal Chief Lying in State. 5858. Assassination of Governor Bustamante. 5859. The Surf. 5860. Moonlight. 5861. Landscape. 5862. Archeronte. 5863. A Portrait. 5864. Landscape. 5865. Christian Maidens Before the Mob. 5866. Marine. 5867. Hero and Leander. LUNA, JUAN 5868. A Dutch Scene. 5869. A Parisienne. MORENO, AGAPITA 5870. A Baguio Landscape. O'FARRELL, G. 5871. Landscape. 5872. Landscape. REYES, N. 5873. Landscape. RIVERA y MIR, VICENTE 5874. A Filipino Maiden. 5875. A Filipino Dame. 5876. A Sick Man. DE LA ROSA, FABIAN 5877. My Cat. 5878. Resentment. 5879. A Billet Doux. 5880. A Dining Room Corner. 5881. A Portrait of Miss Hidalgo. ZARAGOZA M. 5882. Gallantry. 5883. At Prayer. UNITED STATES SECTION GALLERY 99 PAIXTIN6S FISHER. MARK 5884. The Rick Yard. POWERS. MARION 5885. The Bouquet. WENDEL, THEODORE 5886. Ipswich Marsh. SPAETH, MARY HAUGHTON 5887. Penelope Roberts. TITCOMB. M. BRADISH 5888. Hillside and Harbor. SMITH, CHARLES L. A. 5889. The Retreating Light. STEELE, THEODORE C. 5890. The Hill Countrv. BERNEKER, LOUIS F. 5891. Coral and Blue. OCHTMAN, LEONARD 5892. The Brook in Spring. BRAUN, MAURICE 5893. Hills and VaUev: Southern California. EBERT, CHARLES 5894. Earlv November. WILLIAMSON, ADA C. 5895. Baby in a French Cap. BITTINGER, CHARLES 5896. After Supper. POOKE, MARION L. 5897. The WaU Flower. TADAMA, F. 5898. Public Market: Seattle. BISSELL, HELEN RATHBUN 5899. Old Melodies. MANIGAULT, E. MIDDLETON 5900. Pastoral. DEMING, EDWIN WILLARD 5901. Vow of Vengeance. SCHLEGELL, GUSTAV VON 5902. Positano Lemon Vine. SCITLPTUEE YOUNG, MAHONRI M. 5903. Dav Dreams. LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 5904. Eleanora Duse. GALLERY 100 PAIKTIXGS CUNEO, C"YRUS CINCINNATO 5905. The Mother. BREMER, ANNE M. 5906. Isabella. [58] UNITED STATES SECTION ""^Jo^T ^Spa'^S'h Fair in the Time of Goya. NELL, TONY NELL, TONY 5910. Floating Feather. PADDOCK, JOSEPHINE 5911 The Blue Feather. EBERT, CHARLES 5912 Monhegan Headlands. ^-'59?3^ wSier'^^Sonhern France. YATES, CDLLEN 5914. Spring. _,^„ SHAW, SYDNEY DALE 5915. Nature's Screen. 5916. Woodland Fete. 5917 Southwestern Summer. BRYANT, MAUD DREIN 5918. Still Life: Asters. PERRY, LILLA CABOT 5919. Open Air Concert. DUNLAP, HELENA 59'>0 The Senor s (warden. WAITE, EMILY BURLING 5921 Tijmentje Cleaning Brass. MACKY, E. SPENCER 5922 Mother and Chiia. FARNDON, WALTER 5923. Wistaria Arbor. WAITE, EMILY BURLING 5924 A Morning in September. BEAL, REYNOLDS 5925. Orr's Mills. POOR, HENRY VARNUM 5926. The Orchardist and His i! amuy. LINDE, OSSIP L. 5927. Venice. RANDOLPH, LEE F. 5928. The Grape Vine. WHITEMAN, S. EDWIN 5929. Summer Breeze. SCULPTUEE LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 5930. High Tide: Low Tide. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 5931. Colts in a Storm. SIMONS, AMORY C. 5932 Having a Hard Tmie. FAIRBANKS, AVARD 5933. The Baby. KONTI, ISIDORE 5934. Scherzo. SIMONS, AMORY C. 5935. Mastiff Dog. 5936. The Storm. AKELEY, CARL E. 5937. Stung. WARNER, OLIN L. 5938. Maude^Morgan^ ^_ ^_ ^^^^_ ^^^_ LADD, ANNA COLEMAN 5939. Sleeping Furies. HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN 5940. Winter Group. 5941. Jaguar Reaching. NOQUET, PAUL 5942. Weeping Man. FRY, SHERRY EDMUNDSON 5943. Chief Mahaska. NOQUET, PAUL 5944. Despair. GALLERY 101 DRAWINGS AND MONOTYPES WILLIAMSON, SHIRLEY 5945. Monotype No. 1. 5946. Monotype No. 10. 5947. Monotype No. 6. 5948. Monotype No. 4. 5949. Monotype No. 5. 5950. Monotype No. 9. HOBART, CLARK 5951. May Flowers. 5952. Speak 1 5953. Evening. 5954 Homeward Patn. lilt Symphony in Red and Blue. 5956. The Morning Walt. 5957. Goin' to Meetin*. 5958 The Tribute. WILLIAMSON, SHIRLEY 5959. Monotype No. 14. 5960. Monotype No. 1^. 5961. Monotype No. 16. 5962. Monotype No. 1^. 5963. Monotype No. 15. 5964. Monotype No. H. HOBART, CLARK 5965. California Night. 5966. The Bathing Pool. 5967. Sylvan Glade. 5968 Sunday Afternoon. 5969 The Lady Guinivere. 5970". The White Cloud. 5971. Midday Rest. 5972. Sleep. JAKOBI, RUTH 5978. City Square. 5974. Towards Evening. 5975. The Beach. 5976. Silent Street. 5977. Reaping. 5978. Water Front. 5979. On the Sand. 5980. Brooklyn Bridee. WILLIAMSON, SHIRLEY 5981. Monotype No. 7. 5982. Monotype No. 8. MARTINEZ, XAVIER T. 5983. At the Grove. 5984 The Fairy Dance. 5985. In the Hills. 5986. Peace. 5987. At the Pool. 5988. Spring Dance WILLIAMSON, SHIRLEY 5989. Monotype No. 6. 5990. Monotype No. ^. LONDONER, AMY 5991. Park Bench. 5992. The Bathers. '^ciQB Woman in UlacK. I994. Boardwalk: Atlantic City. 5995. The Fairy Tale. 5996 Trees and Mountains. 5997'. Cripple Creek. 5998. A Strange House. ^??9''9''^FoUy'^t?adingLove: An Allegory. 6000. The Chess Players. 6001. Nymph at Pool. 6002. The Peacock. 6003. The Green Vase. 6004. Fairy Tales. 6005. Wood NjTnph. 6006. Going to the Dance. GALLERY 102 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS HALE. LILIAN WESTCOTT 6007. Bleeding Hearts. [59] UNITED STATES SECTION JACKSON, ANNIE HURLBURT 6008. Child's Head. BUTLER, THEODORE EARL 6009. Sunrise. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 6010. Gardenia Rose. BUTLER. THEODORE EARL 6011. Peonies. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 6012. Madonna Lilies. BUTLER, THEODORE EARL 6013. Afternoon. HALE, LILIAN WESTCOTT 6014. Anemones. MIELZINER, LEO 6015. A Profile in Silver Point. BUTLER, J. J. P. 6016. Autumn Landscape. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6017. Fete: Night. 6018. Illustration: The Iron Woman. 6019. Souvenir of Versailles. ZORACH, WILLIAM 6020. Flowers. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6021. The Beach: Brighton. ZORACH, WILLIAM 6022. The Wood Cutters. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6023. The Pool: London. 6024. The Villas: Trouville. ZORACH, WILLIAM 6025. Woods in Autumn. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6026. The Cargo: London. ZORACH, WILLIAM 6027. The Country Vallev. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6028. At the Races: Deauville. BOONE, CORA 6029. Tulips. HOPKINSON, CHARLES 6030. Effect of Light. 6031. Effect of Light. TAYLOR, FRANK WALTER 6032. Illustration: The Iron Woman. LANGTRY, MARY 6033. Personally Conducted. HOPKINSON, CHARLES 6034. Effect of Light. 6035. Effect of Light. BOONE, CORA 6036. A Pot of Flowers. GALLERY 103 PAINTINGS CRISP, ARTHUR 6037. A Song Hit. 6038. The Philanderer. DILLAYE, BLANCHE 6039. On the Grand Morin. HALLOWELL, GEORGE HAWLEY 6040. The Logan. PERCY, ISABELLA C. 6041. Interior of Mission: San Juan. HALLOWELL, GEORGE HAWLEY 6042. Wood's Lake. WARREN, HAROLD B. 6043. Autumn. HALLOWELL. GEORGE HAWLEY 6044. The Driving Pitch. BOWDOIN, HARRIETTE 6045. A Bit of Sunshine. DILLAYE, BLANCHE 6046. Moonlight. LA FARGE, BANCEL 6047. The Ravine. FINKELNBURG, AUGUSTA 6048. The Old Homestead. DAWSON, GEORGE WALTER 6049. An Old Cottage Rose. MC CARTER, HENRY 6050. Return from Foray: Early Ireland. 6051. Yearly Tribute to the King of Tara. DAWSON, GEORGE WALTER 6052. Rose-Covered Wall: Spain. PRESTON, JAMES 6053. Market Place. LATHROP, WILLIAM LANGSTON 6054. Landscape. 6055. A Grey Day. LAMB, F. M. 6056. Threatening. HALLOWELL, GEORGE HAWLEY 6057. The Snow Path. PETERSON, JANE 6058. Sunlight and Shadows: Venice. HALLOWELL, GEORGE HAWLEY 6059. Island Lake. 6060. New Hampshire Snow. 6061. The Choppers. PETERSON, JANE 6062. Old Venice. COOPER, COLIN CAMPBELL 6063. A Salem Residence. 6064. Mountains at Gruyeres: Switzerland, 6065. The White House. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 6066. Autumn Fruits. NEUHAUS. EUGEN 6067. Cliffs at Westport. 6068. Helvetia Cemetery. HALE, PHILIP LESLIE 6069. A Passing Hour. 6070. Wistaria and the Mysterious Miss Wistar. SCULPTURE KEMEYS, EDWARD S. 6071. Fighting Panther and Deer. GALLERY 104 PAINTINGS SCHUSTER, DONNA 6072. Concert in the Court of the Four Seasons. NUNN, FREDERIC 6073. Sand and Sea. SCHUSTER, DONNA 6074. Construction Work to the South of the Tower of Jewels. SELDEN, HENRY BILL 6075. Cloudy Morning. SCHUSTER, DONNA 6076. Construction Work to the South of the Tower of Jewels. NUNN, FREDERIC 6077. Harbor in Winter. MUHRMAN, HENRY 6078. Autumn Landscape with Children. 6079. Chrysanthemums. 6080. Boy with White Coat. 6081. Town and Sky. 6082. Sunset. 6083. Garden Flowers. CONANT, LUCY SCARBOROUGH 6084. The Jungfrau at Noon. 6085. Piz Languard from Rosegg Valley. 6086. The Matterhorn. 6087. The Sella Joch: Dolomites. 6088. The Silver Lake of the Engadine. 6089. The Beloved Pine: Campfer. SEARS, SARAH CHOATE 6090. Pigeon Berries: Bermuda. 6091. Hibiscus: Bermuda. ZIMMERMAN, M. W. 6092. Across the Valley. [60] UNITED STATES SECTION Bavaria. 1. SEARS, SARAH CHOATE 6093. Morning Glories: Bermuda. BYNE, ARTHUR 6094. The Bishop's Well: Palencia. 6095. A Toledan Tenement. 6096. An Old Palace in Avila. 6097. Cathedral Silhouette: Saragossa. 6098. Vigo from the Bay. 6099. Patio in an Old Posada in Alcala. 6100. Tarragona Cathedral Seen from the Cloister. 6101. A Fountain in Lugo. MURPHY, CAROLINE BOWLES 6102. In the Azores. 6103. A Cloud. HARDING, GEORGE 6104. Night: Australian Desert. MURPHY. CAROLINE BOWLES 6105. Hot Springs. GILCHRIST, WALLACE W., JR. 6106. Incoming Tide. 6107. The Fish Dock. 6108. Towards the Sun. 6109. Rocks: The Maine Coast. 6110. Twin Birches. 6111. A Quiet Sea. GALLERY 105 PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS AND MONOTYPES PRESTON, JAMES 6112. Paris No. 6. 6113. Paris No. 7. 6114. Paris No. 5: Cafe. 6115. Paris No. 6116. Mamburg 6117. Paris No, PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 6118. Marine. 6119. Rocks. 6120. Beach. 6121. Canal: Venice. 6122. Decorative Sketch. 6123. The Rocks. SHEELER, CHARLES 6124. Landscape No. 5: 1914: Drawing. 6125. Drawing No. 2: 1914. 6126. Landscape No. 2: 1914. 6127. Drawing No. 1: 1914. 6128. Landscape: Bethlehem. 6129. Mid-Ocean: 1908. 6130. Landscape No. 2: 1915. 6131. Landscape No. 3: 1915. 6132. Landscape No. 4: 1915. 6133. Landscape No. 5: 1914. 6134. Interior: 1915. HART, GEORGE 6135. Call of the South Sea. 6136. Marie. 6137. Athesie and Child. MARSHALL, E. NEWELL 6138. Parroquet. 6139. Parrot and Fruit. 6140. Parrot and Grapes. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 6141. Beach. 6142. Under the Trees. 6143. Decorative Sketch. 6144. Salute: Venice. 6145. The Sea. 6146. Landscape. MARSHALL, E. NEWELL 6147. Parroquet and Peaches. 6148. Parroquet and Anemones. HART, GEORGE 6149. Hawaiian Cowboy. MARSHALL, E. NEWELL 6150. Parrot. HART, GEORGE 6151. My Friend Soloi. 6152. Sweetheart. HARTMAN, C. BERTRAM 6153. Erotic. 6154. Elefantasy. 6155. Birds of Paradise. 6156. Ice Bear. 6157. Lotophagi. 6158. Flamingo Fantasy. 6159. Admiration. 6160. Vanity. SCULPTURE POLASEK, ALBIN 6161. Portrait Bust of Theodore N. Ely. GALLERY 106 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS HASSAM, CHILDE 6162. Puerta del Sol: Toledo. 6163. The Fete of Lannion: Grey Evening. 6164. Sunset at Lannion. 6165. The Old House with Elms. 6166. Drawing for Thalassa. 6167. Old Dutch Church. 6168. The Old House: September. 6169. The Quais: Lannion. 6170. Thalassa. 6171. The Dance. 6172. Marsh Haymakers. 6173. The Convent. 6174. Moonrise at Sunset. 6175. The River: Nude. 6176. Shrimp Fishers. 6177. Mt. Hood. 6178. Hickory Trees. 6179. Brittany Cottage. 6180. La Clarte. 6181. Skull Springs: Oregon. 6182. The Squall: Gloucester. 6183. Happy Valley: Harney Desert. 6184. Street in Haarlem. 6185. Deep Pool. 6186. Water Lily and Nasturtiums. 6187. Der Groot House: Haarlem. 6188. Brelevenez: Second. 6189. Antwerp Cathedral Spire. 6190. Weir's Farm: The Rain. 6191. St. Michael's: Lannion. 6192. Brelevenez. 6193. Shoals Garden. 6194. Newfields: New Hampshire. 6195. The Blue Sea: Appledore. 6196. Portrait of a Young Girl. 6197. Isles of Shoals: Duck Island. SCUIiPTUEE BISHOP, EMILY CLAYTON 6198. Passing of the Seasons: Winter into Spring. GALLERY 107 PAINTINGS LAWSON, ERNEST 6199. Midday. 6200. Hot Beds. 6201. Palisade Road. 6202. Launch Works. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6203. Belgian Farm. FERGUSON, NANCY 6204. Coming from Church: Princetown. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6205. Environs of Brussels. LAWSON. ERNEST 6206. Harlem River. MACKY, CONSTANCE 6207. Portrait of Mrs. Frederick Roth. [61] UNITED STATES SECTION SINGER, WILLIAM H., JR. 6208. In My Garden. TURNER, HELEN M. 6209. Portrait. LAWSON, ERNEST 6210. Boat Builders. 6211. Young Trees in Winter. 6212. Boat Club. 6213. Red Church. 6214. Hudson River and Palisades. 6215. Hills at Innwood. 6216. Beginning of Winter. SCUIiPTimB PICCIRILLI, ATTILIO 6217. Head of a Boy. 6218. Head of a Girl. GALLERY 108 PAINTINGS WEBER, MAX 6219. Still Life. 6220. Potatoes. KUHN, WALT 6221. Mural Decoration. Lent by John Quinn, Esq. WEBER, MAX 6222. Decoration. MACRAE, ELMER LIVINGSTON 6223. Iris. WEBER, MAX 6224. Memories of a Chinese Restaurant. MAC RAE, ELMER LIVINGSTON 6225. Fruit Decoration. WEBER, MAX 6226. Indian Basket. MAC RAE, ELMER LIVINGSTON 6227. Pear Decoration. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 6228. Mosaic. Lent by John Quinn, Esq. 6229. Picnic. Lent by John Quinn, Esq. WEBER, MAX 6230. Figures and Landscape. DAVIE S, ARTHUR B. 6231. Mural Decoration. Lent by John Quinn, Esq. WEBER, MAX 6232. Mexican Vases. HALPERT, SAMUEL 6233. Lake George. DAVIE S, ARTHUR B. 6234. Panel. PASCIN, JULES 6235. Interior with Figure. SPEICHER, EUGENE 6236. Still Life. MCFEE, HENRY LEE 6237. Still Life. PASCIN, JULES 6238. Story Teller. WEBER, MAX 6239. Woman in Garden. 6240. Carrying Fruit. 6241. Woman and Tents. PASCIN, JULES 6242. Boys Playing Marbles. WEBER, MAX 6243. Still Life. GALLERY 109 PAINTINGS HUNTINGTON, MARGARET WENDELL 6244. Still Life. NORDELL, CARL J. 6245. The Listeners. GOTTHOLD, FLORENCE WOLD 6246. The Yellow Cat. BRYANT, MAUDE DREIN 6247. Still Life: Crimson Ramblers. CARLES, ARTHUR B. 6248. Torso. SMITH, GEORGE WASHINGTON 6249. California Hillside. BRYANT, EVERETT L. 6250. Peonies. WALTMAN, HARRY FRANKLIN 6251. The Blue Fountain. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 6252. White Vase. SMITH, GEORGE WASHINGTON 6253. Eucalyptus Trees. TYSON, CARROLL S., JR. 6254. A Midsummer's Day. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6255. Tulip Fields. SHORE, HENRIETTA M. 6256. Sisters. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6257. Spring Winds. GOODWIN, ARTHUR CLIFTON 6258. Boylston Street: Boston. REUTERDAHL, HENRY 6259. Skyscrapers. ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. 6260. Laurel Blossoms. MACRAE, ELMER LIVINGSTON 6261. Summer: Martha's Vinevard. ADDAMS, CLIFFORD 6262. Sadness. POWELL, ARTHUR J. E. 6263. Bronx KiUs. SOULPTUBB BERGE, EDWARD 6264. Undine. GALLERY 110 PAINTINGS MC ILHENNY, C. MORGAN 6265. A Gray Morning. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. ROLSHOVEN, JULIUS 6266. The Refectory of San Damiano: Assisi. Lent by the Art Museum of Detroit. SPENCER, MARY 6267. Peonies. HOWE, WILLIAM HENRY 6268. Low Lands: Holland. THOMAS, SEYMOUR 6269. Portrait: Henri Vignaud. WOODWELL, JOSEPH R. 6270. Sand Dunes. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6271. In Holland. VINTON, FREDERIC PORTER 6272. Portrait: Mrs. Vinton. RICHARDS, WILLIAM T. 6273. Marine. Lent by Frederick W. Tillman, Jr., Esq. RAPHAEL, JOSEPH 6274. Market Dav on the Canal. MCKILLOP, WILLIAM 6275. Portrait of Robert W. Chanler. CONNELL, EDWIN D. 6276. The Dunes. DE WBNTWORTH, CECILE 6277. Taper to Saint Genevieve. POORE, HENRY RANKIN 6278. Twilight on the Moor. MUHRMAN, HENRY 6279. The Barge. [62] UNITED STl^TES SECTION WOODWELL, JOSEPH R. 6230. Squam River. 6281. Mist from the Sea. REHN. FRANK K. M. 6282. Where the Waves Sweep. GALLERY 111 PAIXTIXGS PARTINGTON, J. H. E. 6283. The Old Belhnan. Lent bv R. L. Partington, Esq. STETSON. CHARLES WALTER 6284. Bather. 6285. In Praise of Dionysos. 6286. October. MORAN, PETER 6287. Water Bearer: San Juan. EAKINS. THOMAS 6288. The Home Ranch. 6289. The Concert Singer. 6290. The Veteran. 6291. Portrait of Henry O. Tanner. 6292. The Crucifixion. 6293. The Bohemian. MORAN, PETER 6294. September Haze. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER 6295. Summer Joy. 6296. The Love Song. 6297. Portrait of Grace Ellery Channing- Stetson. 6298. Moonrise Behind Cypresses. MORAN, PETER 6299. Pueblo of Zia. STETSON, CHARLES WALTER 6300. A Place of Peace. 6301. Hanfaony. 6302. Smugglers. SCULPTtTKE WARNER, OLIN 6303. Bust of Colonel Wood. Lent bv C. E. S. Wood, Esq. PRATT, BELA LYON 6304. Bust of Mrs. Pratt. GALLERY 112 PAINTINGS LINDE, OSSIP L. 6305. Steps: Venice. MC EWEN, WALTER 6306. The Betrothed. 6807. Oldebroeck. 6308. Yes or No. MELCHERS, GARI 6309. The Arbor. 6310. Mother and Child. Lent bv James Deering, Esq. 6311. North River. 6312. Skaters. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emv of the Fine Arts. MCEWEN, WALTER 6313. An Interlude. MELCHERS, GARI 6314. Open Window. 6315. Snow. BUTLER, HOWARD RUSSELL 6316. Spirits of the Twilight. MELCHERS, GARI 6317. Portrait Group. Lent bv Huso Reisinger Estate. VAN BOSKERCK, ROBERT W. 6318. Gill Brook: Adirondacks. SUTTER, HENRY R. 6319. Street Scene: Provincetown. HEYNEMANN, JULIA H. 6320. Miss Mollv Muir. HOBART, CLARK 6321. The Blue Bav: Monterey. HUBBELL, HENRY SALEM 6322. The Crimson Charger. THOMPSON, LESLIE P. 6323. Tea. SARGEANT, GENEVE RIXFORD 6324. Floating Clouds. SCITLPTUEE CRENIER, HENRI 6325. Girl and Butterflies. AKELEY. CARL E. 6326. The Wounded Comrade. NETHERLANDS SECTION GALLERIES 113 to 116 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS ADDICKS, CHRISTIAN JOHANNES 6327. Mother and Child. BALWfi, C. F. 6328. Road on the Heath. 6829. The Old Cottage. BAUTZ, DAVID 6330. Dead Birds. VAN BEEK, BERNARDUS ANTONIE 6331. Dutch Landscape. VAN DEN BERG, WILLEM 6332. Bov with Bowl of Fruit. BERKEMEYER, LUDOLPH 6333. On the Banks of a Dutch Lake. DE BOER, GERARD J. 6334. In the Garden of the Castle. 6335. The Edge of the Forest. BOTTEMA, TJERK 6336. Loading Hay. 6337. Drinker. 6338. Harvest Time. GATE, P. TEN 6389. Autumn. COLLETTE, JOAN 6340. Volendam. 6341. Volendam Fisherman. LE COMTE, A. 6342. Amsterdam. COSSAAR, J. C. W. 6343. San Marco. DAKE, CAREL L. 6844. The Three Holy Kings. DAKE, CAREL L., JR. 6345. View of Mt. Tamalpais. 6346. Chinese Gate: Hongkong. 6347. Bolinas Bay. 6348. Sheep Fold. DERKSEN, G. 6349. Children Among Wildflowers. VAN DEVENTER, JOHANNA CORNELIA 6350. Beeches. DOOYEWAARD, JACOB 6351. Meditation. VAN DRIESTEN, A. J. 6352. Autumn. VAN ESSEN, JAN. 6353. Pelicans. FERWERDA, BEREND 6854. Wheat Stacks. GARJEANNE. J. 6355. Brook in Limburg. 6356. Birch Trees in Sunshine. 6357. Cottage on the Heath. GEERLINGS, JACQUES 6358. Ploughing. GOED^^iIE^^), theodoor 6359. Chapel in France. [63] NETHERLANDS SECTION GORI, BERTHA 6360. Old Woman. DE GROOT, G. 6361. In the Kempen Country. HAMEL, WILLEM 6362. Sheep on the Dunes. HEYENBROCK, HERMAN 6363. New Building. 6364. Steel Works. 6365. Belgian Colliery. 6366. Factory in Winter. 6367. Extinguishing Coke. 6368. Belgian Glass Factory. VAN INGEN, HENDRIKUS ALEXANDER 6369. Resting. 6370. Head of a Cow. 6371. Summertime. 6372. Dutch Landscape. 6373. Dutch Landscape. JANS, JAN 6374. Spring Morning on the Dunes. JANSSEN, ROBERT M. 6375. Repairing Fishing Nets in Katwyk. 6376. Girl from lerseke, Zeeland. KERLING, ANNA E. 6377. Diligent Old Woman. 6378. Feeding the Chickens. KEVER, J. S. H. 6379. Domestic Cares. KOPPENOL, C. 6380. Sea near Scheveningen. 6381. Loading Hay. 6382. Geese near the Lake. KRABBfi, H. M. 6383. Little Sis. 6384. Belgian Refugees. KRAMER, MARTINUS 6385. Wintertime in Belgium. 6386. Wintertime in Holland. LEDEBOER, HANS 6387. What I Saw in My Dreams. LtJCKER, EUGENE 6388. Dordrecht. 6389. Blooming Apple Tree. 6390. Sions HiU: Nymegen. 6391. Last Sunrays. LUYT, A. M. 6392. Peasant Festival: Zeeland. VAN DER MAAREL, M. 6393. On the Beach. 6394. Country Road. MAUVE, A. R. 6395. Wintertime. MAUVE, ANTOON 6396. Returning Home. 6397. Sheep Shearing. 6398. A Warm Day. 6399. Sunset in Winter. MENSION, C. J. 6400. The Beast of Prey. MENTOR, A. 6401. The Reincarnation of Satan. 6402. The White Saviour. 6403. The Highest Sacrifice. MESDAG, HENDRIK WILLEM 6404. A Stormy Sea. MEYER, JOHAN 6405. Early Morning. MONDRIAAN, FRITZ 6406. The Golden Autumn. 6407. By the Pond. DE MOOR, P. CORNELIUS 6408. The Dance. MOOY, F. A. 6409. Wintertime in Brabant. OERDER, FRANS 6410. Nasturtium. 6411. Waiting. OOSTERZEE, H. A. VAN 6412. Autumnal Afternoon. VAN OVERBEEK, G. J. 6413. Cart Horses at the Riverside. DE REGT, P. 6414. Dreary Day in Spring. REPELIUS, BETSY 6415. Interior of a Dutch Home. VAN RHYNNEN, JAN 6416. Brook with Lilies. RINK, PAUL 6417. Good Friday in Rome. ROELOFS, WILLEM E., JR 6418. The Land of Tulips. ROSSE, HERMANN 6419. The Water Palace. 6420. Carmel Bay. 6421. Garibeg Dal: a Javau Festival. SCHIEDGES, P. P. 6422. Mill at Nigtevecht. SCHIPPERUS, PIETER ADRIANUS 6423. Winter. 6424. Autumn. SCHULMAN, DAVID 6425. A Winter Afternoon in Laren. SLUITER, WILLY 6426. At the Races. SMITH, HOBBE 6427. Fisherman Knitting Nets. SNOECK, JACOB 6428. Before the Open Door. 6429. Cleaning Vegetables. VAN SOEST, LOUIS 6430. Winter Evening. 6431. Carnival. STERRE DE JONG, J. F. 6432. Waiting for Breakfast. 6433. In the Cornfield. TESTAS, P. H. 6434. Constrained Thoughts of a Disagree- able Event in the Past. 6435. Good Intentions Thwarted by Earthly Difficulties. 6436. Caught Anger. 6437. Corroding Pain. 6438. Sarcastic Thoughts. 6439. Purification from Evil Thoughts 6440. Soul Still Bound to Earth. 6441. Evil Thoughts Purified by Music. 6442. Energetic Thought. 6443. Troubles of Life. TOOROP, JAN 6444. Fish Distribution in Katwyk. VAN TUSSENBROEK, OTTO 6445. The Volendam Sailor. VELSEN, SUZE 6446. Autumn. VLAANDERBN, JOHAN 6447. Country Road in Overyssel. 6448. The Country of Overyssel. VREEDENBURGH, C. 6449. Unloading Peat on the Edge of a Canal. 6450. Village of Blokzyl. 6451. Village of Nieuwkoop. 6452. In the Meadow. VREEDENBURGH-SCHOTEL, M. 6453. Slum in the City of Hattem. VUUREN, JAN VAN 6454. The Mill. VAN DER WAAY, NICOLAAS 6455. The Looking Glass. 6456. Dutch Orphan House Girl. 6457. The Springtime of Life. VAN WALCHREN, PIET M. 6458. The Cornmill. WANDSCHEER, MARIE 6459. Nasturtiums. [64] NETHEELANDS SECTION YAN WANING, CORNELIS ANTHONY 6460. Ancient Part of the Hague City. 6461. Moonlight in Dordrecht. WARTENA, FROUKJE 6462. In Flanders. VAN DER WEELE. H. J. 6463. Dutch Ploughing Oxen. VAN DER WILLIGEN, C. A. 6464. Nasturtium. ZON, JACOB 6465. Nawj'ing. 6466. Preparing Fodder, FEINTS, ETCHINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, ETC. BAUER, M. A. J. 6467. Church in Moscow. 6468. Street in Constantinople. 6469. A Damascus Bazaar. BAUKEMA-PHILIPSE, M. 6470. Castle Doorweerth. BODIFEE, PAUL 6471. Old Town in "Winter. 6472. Old Town. BOTTEMA, TJEERD 6473. Winter at Laren, 6474. House at Laren. 6475. Steeple at Laren. GRAADT VAN ROGGEN, JOHANNES MAT- THEUS 6476. Venice. 6477. Venice. HARTING, DIRK 6478. Steeple Amersfoort. 6479. Amsterdam Lock. 6480. Langegracht: Amersfoort. 6481. Amersfoort I. 6482. Amersfoort II. 6483. Amersfoort Canal V. 6484. Fairy Tale. 6485. Amsterdam. HAVERKAMP, G. C. 6486. Market in the Evening: Amsterdam. 6487. Old Church: Amsterdam. 6488. St. Pieter Leiden. 6489. Antwerp. HEMELMAN, ALBERT 6490. Small Gelder Yard. 6491. Pile Driver: Amsterdam. ISRAELS, JOSEF 6492. White Herons. ISRAELS, JOSEF 6493. Knitting Fishing Nets. DE JONG, TOON 6494. Yeere Cathedral. 6495. Tjalk Outside Dordrecht. KOEKKOEK, GERARD 6496. Delfshaven Harbor. KRAMER, MARTINUS 6497. To the River. 6498. Downs Oaks. LtJCKER, EUGENE 6499. Old Mill. 6500. Nymegen. 6501. Shipbuilding Yard. 6502. Cathedral. 6503. Last Sunrays. 6504. Winter Evening. 6505. Old Houses. MARIS, MATTHEW 6506. The Sower (after Millet). MOULYN, S. 6507. Le Chateau Beaufort. 6508. Study of the Nude. 6509. Villa d'Este. POORTENAAR, JAN 6510. Gateway, Westminster. 6511. Roman Catholic Cathedral. 6512. Moonrise. 6513. Interned British Soldier. 6514. First Arch, Waterloo Bridge. 6515. At Blackfriars Station. 6516. Sunset. 6517. Westminster Abbey. 6518. Coast of Cornwall. 6519. Under the Viaduct: Amsterdam. 6520. Waterloo Bridge and River. 6521. Evening. 6522. Blackfriars Bridge. 6523. Nude. 6524. Amsterdam: Kolkje. 6525. Amsterdam: Beurs. 6526. Amsterdam: New Church. 6527. Amsterdam: Gateway. 6428. Amsterdam: Reguliersgracht. 6429. Amsterdam: St. Nicolai Church. 6530. Newcastle: Castle Stairs. 6531. Newcastle: Cathedral. 6532. Newcastle: Cranes. 6533. Newcastle: Shipbuilding I. 6534. Newcastle: Shipbuilding II. 6535. Newcastle: High Bridge. SHELFHOUT, LODEWYK 6536. Winter 'Iree. 6537. Les Angles. VAN DER VALK, M. 6538. The Dog of Fo. 6539. The Bridge. 6540. Sandfihip. 6541. Avenue. 6542. River View. 6543. Bridge. 6544. Mill Near the Lake. 6545. Old Boat. 6546. Meadow Road. 6547. Amsterdam. 6548. Old MiU Delft. 6549. Riverside. 6550. Brook Near Warmond. VELSEN, SUZE 6551. Sunny Doorlet. 6552. Old Dutch Slum. 6553. Old Gateway: Hasselt. 6554. Door: Bethlehem Church. UNITED STATES SECTION GALLERY 117 PAINTINGS MAURER, ALFRED H. 6555. Bal Bullier. MAYER, LOUIS 6556. Ladv with Black Veil. EBERT, CHARLES 6557. The Fog Bow. HOFFMAN, HARRY LESLIE 6558. Saturday Morning : Savannah Market WILLIAMS, GEORGE ALFRED 6559. The Drama of the Sea : The Breakers. BERNINGHAUS, OSCAR E. 6560. A Southwestern Pueblo. NOBLE, JOHN 6561. Toilers of the Sea. ANDERSEN. MARTINUS 6562. The Glittering Pageant. CASER, ETTORE 6563. Old Venice. [65] UNITED STATES SECTION SEAWELL, HARRY W. 6564. Interior. KIXG, PAUL 6565. Winter. GRANVILLE-SMITH, WALTER 6566. Clearing Mists. FOOTE, WILL HOWE 6567. Gloucester Harbor. ALBRIGHT, ADAM EMORY 6568. The Hill Road. PANCOAST, MORRIS HALL 6569. La France Leaving Quarantine. ULLMAN, EUGENE PAUL 6570. Head of a Young Woman. TROCCOLI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 6571. Woman with a Handkerchief. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 6572. Corner of the Garden. 6573. Studio Interior: Chinese Jar. SAND OR. MATHIAS 6574. The Pueblo of Walpi. PRICE, C. S. 6575. On the Plains. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 6576. The Open Garden. 6577. Studio Interior: The Tapestried Wall. HIGGINS, EUGENE 6578. The Strange Land. VIVIAN, CALTHEA 6579. Moonlight: St. Francis Sutter Park. IRVINE, WILSON 6580. The Bathing Beach. CUNEO, RINALDO 6581. Notre Dame: Paris. BOWER, ALEXANDER 6582. The White Shore. WESSEL, HERMAN H. 6583. The Harbor: He aux Moines. SCULPTUEE STERLING, LINDSEY MORRIS 6584. Fountain: Afraid. GALLERY 118 PAIXTIXGS BUTLER, EDWARD B. 6585. The Brook. DUMOND, FREDERIC MELVILLE 6586. Sea Carvings. COOPER. EMMA LAMPERT 6587. Temple at Jaipur. COOPER, COLIN CAMPBELL 6588. Beauvais Cathedral. BERLIN, HARRY 6589. Vermont Hills. COOPER, EMMA LAMPERT 6590. Side Street: Beauvais. STEELE, THEODORE C. 6591. November Afternoon. BOWER, ALEXANDER 6592. Snow-Covered Cliffs. BEAUMONT, LILIAN ADELE 6593. The Satin Gown. KING, PAUL 6594. June. GRANVILLE-SMITH, WALTER 6595. Summer Breeze. SHARP, JOSEPH HENRY 6596. Crucita : Taos Indian Girl. RAVLIN, GRACE 6597. To the Cemetery: Venice. BRAUN, MAURICE 6598. Sunlit Hills: Southern California. DUSTIN, SILAS S. 6599. Midnight in New England. FARLEY, RICHARD BLOSSOM 6600. Primrose Path. JONES, LEON FOSTER 6601. A Misty Day in Winter. ALLIS, C. HARRY 6602. Evening: Montreuil. LANGHORNE. KATHERINE 6603. Rhode Island Pool. ASHLEY, CLIFFORD W. 6604. Chase of the Bowhead Whale. NOYES, GEORGE L. 6605. Winter Morning. FOURNIER, ALEXIS JEAN 6606. Morning in Venice. ERICSON, DAVID 6607. Low Tide. DE JONG, BETTY 6608. The Dancing Girl. GROSSMANN, EDWIN BOOTH 6609. StiU Life. DAVOL, JOSEPH BENJAMIN 6610. Where Sea and River Meet. SELDEN, HENRY BILL 6611. October Morning. FOOTE, MARY 6612. Portrait of August Jaccaci, Esq. CLOSSON, WILLIAM BAXTER 6613. A Glimpse of the Sea. GALLERY 119 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS SNELL, HENRY B. 6614. The Lighthouse bv Moonlight. PAPE, ERIC 6615. The Mexican Dance. SNELL, HENRY B. 6616. The Passing Steamer. ZIMMERMANN, M. W. 6617. Across the Lake. COUSE, E. IRVING 6618. An Indian Shepherd. WEBER, SARAH S. STILLWELL 6619. Water Babv. WYETH, N. C. 6620. Old Pew (Treasure Island). 6621. Chinese Pirates. 6622. The Picador. 6623. Captain Bones Routs Black Dog (Treasure Island). 6624. Ebenezer Balfour (Kidnaped). SCHOONOVER, FRANK E. 6625. The Trail of the North. ARTHURS, STANLEY MASSEY 6626. Overland Transportation. SCHOONOVER, FRANK E. 6627. The Fur Brigade. ARTHURS, STANLEY MASSEY 6628. The Evening Mail. BEEK. ALICE D. ENGLEY 6629. Portrait Studv. GALLAGHER, SEARS 6630. From the Bridge. EVERETT, HERBERT EDWARD 6631. Cottage Garden. 6632. Garden at Pipestave Hill. FINKELNBURG, AUGUSTA 6633. Mv Woodsie Park. DUFNER, EDWARD 6634. Portrait: A Rav of Sunlight. ROBINSON, BOARDMAN 6635. Louvain. BENDA, WLADYSLAW T. 6636. Laila. MC CARTER, HENRY 6637. Lust for Gold. FORTUNE, E. CHARLTON 6638. Moonlight. HURRY, LUCY W. 6639. The Concert in the Garden. OAKLEY, THORNTON 6640. Shinto Pilgrim. 6641. Fisherman. [66] UNITED STATES SECTION 6642. Faggot Gatherer. 6643. Peasant Woman. DAVIS, STUART 6644. The River. 6645. The Fog. EISENLOHR, E. G. 6646. First Furrows. MAURY, CORNELIA F. 6647. The Three Bears Story. LICHTENAUER, J. MORTIMER 6648. Studv for Harris Theater. KUHN, "WALT 6649. Drawing. BROWN, CHARLOTTE HARDING 6650. The Squab Syndicate. 6651. Hump Yourself. FORTUNE. E. CHARLTON 6652. The Galloway Inn. HARDING, GEORGE 6653. The Fisherwoman. BROWN, CHARLOTTE HARDING 6654. On the Hillside. BLUMENSCHEIN. MARY GREENE 6655. A Girl. BENDA, WLADYSLAW T. 6656. Amazons: I. 6657. Amazons: II. DE ROSALES-BAGG, LOUISE 6658. Portrait. PRESTON, JAMES 6659. Regenburg: Bavaria. ELLIOTT, ELIZABETH SHIPPEN GREEN 6660. Inspector Joly. 6661. The First Communion. WEILL, EDMOND 6662. October Haze. MAO GILVARY, NORWOOD 6663. Autumn Idyl. FOLGER, ANNIE, B. 6664. Sand Dunes. HURRY, LUCY W. 6665. The Peacock. 6666. Waiting for the Stage Coach. DE ROSALES-BAGG. LOUISE 6667. Miss Betty Callish. CRISP, ARTHUR 6668. The Little Spinster. MURA, FRANK 6669. Washerwoman. 6670. Market Carts. 6671. Cottages in Warwick. 6672. The Old Malt House. 6673. Castle Wall: Warwick. 6674. Street in Warwick: Winter. 6675. Barges in Tow. 6676. Cloudy Day on the Thames. 6677. Brewers' Drayman. 6678. Below London Bridge. HAWORTH, EDITH 6679. Gibraltar. 6680. Midsummer. 6681. Cvpress Tree. 6682. African Coast. 6683. Village Street: Provincetown. HEYNEMANN, JULIA H. 6684. Old Chinatown: San Francisco. WILSON, FLOYD 6685. Chinatown: Portland. BALL. ROBERT E. JR. 6686. The Palms. MAGER, GUS 6687. Tulips and Irises. ROGERS, GRETCHEN W. 6688. Still Life. BLUMENSCHEIN, ERNEST L. 6689. Love of Life No. 2. 6690. Love of Life No. 1. HARDING, GEORGE 6691. The Wreckers. NORMAN, MABEL 6692. Portrait of Mrs. Wm. R. Hunter. 6693. Maestro Alessandro : Profile. 6694. Portrait of Dr. George Cerio. 6695. Matilde. 6696. Portrait of Mrs. Helene Anderson. 6697. Maestro Alessandro. 6698. Portrait of Mr. Charles H. Hapgood. WYETH, N. C. 6699. Roaring Skipper. MC CORMICK, HOWARD 6700. Hopi Ceremonial. ROBINSON, BOARDMAN 6701. Viva What's His Name: Mexico, '12. 6702. Disease in the Wake of War: Bal- kans, '12. BECKER, MAURICE 6703. The Older Generation. 6704. The Bov and the Man. ROBINSON, BOARDMAN 6705. T. R. in Old Madrid. WEBSTER, HERMAN A. 6706. Rio Ogni Santi : Venice. 6707. Ponte Santa Triniti. 6708. Rio Delia Croce: Venice. 6709. On the Arno : Florence. 6710. Ponte Vecchio : Florence. 6711. Ponte Delle Grazie: Florence. WOODBURY, CHARLES H. 6712. Cut at Empire. 6713. Near Pedro Mieuel. 6714. Near Empire. 6715. Sea Wall: Panama. 6716. The Great Slide. 6717. Culebra Cut. ABBEY, EDWIN A. 6718. St. Agnes' Eve. 6719. Parson Dunkhardt. LICHTENAUER, J. MORTIMER 6720. Studv for Shubert Theatre. MIELZINER, LEO 6721. Character Head. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 6722. Sassafras Trees: Moonlight. 6723. Oak Tree: Coming Storm. CAHILL, ARTHUR 6724. Illustration for Western Story. STORRS, JOHN 6725. Portrait. HALE, WALTER 6726. The Walk Along the Ramparts. 6727. The Chapel on the Rock: Le Puy. SLOAN, JOHN 6728. Girl Undressing. 6729. Woman on Roof. 6730. At the Top of the Swing. 6731. Return from Toil. DAVIS, STUART 6732. The Cafe Loque. 6733. A Back Yard. HUNTER, ISABEL 6734. On the Exposition Grounds No. 1. 6735. On the Exposition Grounds No. 2. HARDING, GEORGE 6736. Busy Day at the Docks. KELLER, ARTHUR I. 6737. The Young Critic. OLSON, ALBERT BYRON 6738. Ballet. RANDOLPH, LEE F. 6739. Avignon: Prance. PRENDERGAST, MAURICE B. 6740. Promenade on Seashore No. 1. PICASSO, PABLO 6741. Violon et Flacon. OLSON, ALBERT BYRON 6742. Ballet. FERGUSON, NANCY 6743. Market Day. [67] UNITED STATES SECTION POTTHAST, EDWARD H. 6744. Surf Bathing. ROSS, DENNAN W. 6745. Still Life. DICKENSON, PRESTON 6746. Village and Country. DAVIES, ARTHUR B. 6747. Drawing. 6748. Latticed Passage. 6749. Drawing. GALLERY 120 PAINTINGS RITTENBERG, HENRY R. 6750. Still Life. BOYNTON, RAY S. 6751. Spokane Valley. PIAZZONI, GOTTARDO F. P. 6752. The End of the Day. LoKKE, MARIE 6753. Portrait of a Child. TUCKER, ALLEN 6754. The Ice Storm. THORNDIKE, CHARLES H. 6755. Grav Weather. LIL.JESTROM, GUSTAV F. 6756. Vishnu Temple: Grand Canyon. DEL MUE, MAURICE 6757. Late Afternoon in the Sierras. SCHWARTZ, ANDREW THOMAS 6758. Destiny: Hope: Despair. BALL, ROBERT E., JR. 6760. Moonlight: Gothic Arch at St. Jean: Brittany. JONES, HUGH BOLTON 6761. Through the Trees. BROOKE, RICHARD NORRIS 6762. A Stony Outpost. SCHMAUSS, PETER 6763. Easter. KROLL, LEON 6764. Landscape and Sea. BROWN, BENJAMIN CHAMBERS 6765. Cliffs: Golden Gate. YATES, CULLEN 6766. November Snow. RICHARDS, LEE GREENE 6767. A Man in a Cloak. DEWEY, CHARLES MELVILLE 6768. The Harvest Moon. PALMER, PAULINE 6769. The Ledge. GRABACH, JOHN R. 6770. Banks of the Connecticut River. HOEBER, ARTHUR 6771. The Meadow Brook. JUERGENS, ALFRED 6772. Garden Flowers. VAN LAER, ALEXANDER T. 6774. November Afternoon. CONGDON, THOMAS R. 6775. The Greenroom. VOLKERT, EDWARD C. 6776. Winter Evening: Connecticut. HALPERT, SAMUEL 6777. Interior. PERRY, LILLA CABOT 6778. Germaine Sewing by the Brook. SPRINCHORN, CARL 6779. Beach at Laguna. WHITE, ORRIN A. 6780. Snow Blown Peaks. BERNSTEIN, THERESA F. 6781. Open Air Show. BROWN, BENJAMIN CHAMBERS 6782. Over the Roofs : Antwerp. ROULAND, ORLANDO 6783. Portrait of John Burroughs. HAMMOND, ARTHUR J. 6784. The Old Artist. WILLIAMS, GEORGE ALFRED 6785. Boom Island Light: Ogonquit. BRAUN, MAURICE 6786. The Hillside: Morning. BLUMENSCHEIN, MARY GREENE 6787. Valentine. KELLER, EDGAR 6790. Under the Bridge: Harlem River. ADAMS, JOHN OTTIS 6791. A Bit of the Whitewater. KOPMAN, BENJAMIN D. 6792. Portrait of a Young Man. PFEIPFEN, JUSTUS 6793. Central Park. LANGHORNE, KATHERINE 6794. A Dav Last Summer. WILLIAMS, GEORGE ALFRED 6795. Afternoon Sea. IRVINE, WILSON 6796. Laughing June. HYDE, WILLIAM HENRY 6797. Vera. MAZZANOVICH, LAURENCE 6798. Grey Glow. CHAPMAN, CHARLES S. 6799. The Marauder. WUERPEL, EDMUND H. 6800. The Sheltered Bay. DIRKS, RUDOLPH 6801. On the Dike. WHEELER, JANET 6802. In Memoriam. DILLAYE, BLANCHE 6803. The God of Good Fortune. THORNDIKE, CHARLES HALL 6804. Church. SMITH, HOWARD EVERETT 6805. The Convalescent. TUCKER, ALLEN 6806. Portrait in Blue and Ivory. MC KILLOP, WILLIAM 6807. The Letter. SPEICHER, EUGENE E. 6808. In the Catskills. TYNG, MARGARET FULLER 6809. The Silver Bowl. GRANT, LAWRENCE 6810. Fishing Boats: Concarneau. ALLEN, MARION BOYD 6811. Enameling. HUDSON, CHARLES W. 6812. Great Cedar: Moonlight. DIXON, MAYNARD 6813. The Palomino Mare. DU BOIS, GUY PENE 6814. Trapeze Performer. BISSELL, HELEN RATHBUN 6815. A German Interior. JUERGENS, ALFRED 6816. In May. NAHL, PERHAM W. 6817. Despair. GRANVILLE-SMITH, WALTER 6818. Queen's Lace. COLE, THOMAS CASILEAR 6819. Portrait of a Lady. SCHOOK, F. DE FORREST 6820. Sunshine and Shadow. [68] UNITED STATES SECTION LIPPINCOTT, WILLIAM H. 6821. Love Finds the Way. RAMSEY, CHARLES F. 6822. A Garden. DABO, LEON 6824. The Rockets: Rain of Fire. HURLEY, EDWARD TIMOTHY 6825. The New Year. BITTINGER, CHARLES 6826. The Library of the Prince: Versailles. MURPHY. ADA CLIFFORD 6827. Sweet Apples. NOBLE, JOHN 6828. Paris: The Beach. REDFIELD, EDWARD W. 6829. The River Road. 6830. Garden by the River. • 6831. The Road in Summer. 6832. The Coast of France. 6833. The English Channel. HASSAM, CHILDE 6834. County Fair: Still Life. BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. 6835. White Phlox. HASSAM, CHILDE 6836. New England Peaches and Grapes. SCULPTURE WORTHINGTON, BEATRICE MAUDE 6837. Grief. COONSMAN, NANCY 6839. Wistful Baby. ERASER, JAMES EARLE 6840. Portrait of J. G. MAZUR, WLADYSLAW 6841. Motherless. KRATINA, JOSEPH M. 6842. Genius: Head of Baby. WARNER, OLIN L. 6843. Mr. Cottier. KNIGHT, CHARLES ROBERT 6844. Kodiak Bear. HARVEY, ELI 6845. Lion of the Desert. 6846. Rex: Lion with Antelope. GREEK CASTS GALLERIES 51, 54, 80 and 85 6847 1, Primitive statue of a woman, from Delos, dedicated by Nikandre, a noble lady of Naxos, to Artemis. Naxian marble. Early Greek art of the Vllth century B. C. The dedicatory inscription is engraved on the statue's left leg. Stais p. 2. Perrot VIII 148. Brunn 57a. 6848 15. Archaic head of a youth, found in the sanctuary of the Ptoan Apollo in Boe- otia. Marble. It belong to a statue of the same type as 1558. Early Vlth cent. B. 0. Provincial Boeotian work, Stais p. U. Perrot VIII 511. 6849 21. Statue of a running, or flying Victory, from Delos, where it probably crowned the roof of a temple. Marble. Archaic style, about the middle of the Vlth cent. B. C. Stais p. 5. Perrot VIII 299. Brunn 36. 6850 29. Marble tombstone (stele), with the figure of the dead warrior (Aristion, friend of Peisistratos, tyrant of Athens) in low relief. Below the signature of the sculptor, Aristokles. After 550 B. C. Stais p. 15 Perrot VIII 133. Brunn 41a. 6851 38. Fragment of a marble stele from the Dipylon cemetery in Athens. Head of a youth holding a discus, the hair gathered in a bunch. First half of Vlth century B. C. Stais p. 17. Perrot VIII 664. Conze, Attische Grabreliefs pi. 4. 6852 89. Marble stele from Orchomenos in Boeo- tia, the work of Alxenor of Naxos. The dead man, wrapped in his cloak, offers a locust to his dog. Early Vth cent. B. C. Stais p. 21. Perrot VIII 361. Brunn 416. 6853 41. Marble tombstone, probably base of a statue of a sphinx. In front, a youth- ful warrior, on horseback, holding a second horse. On either side, mourn- ers. Early Vlth cent. B. C. Stais p. 21. Brunn 66. 6854 126. Large marble votive relief, from Eleusis. Demeter offering probably ears of corn to the boy Triptolemos. Behind him, Persephone holding a torch. Finest Attic work, about 450 B. C. Stais p. 27. Brunn 7. Svoronos pi. 24, 25. 6855 128. Unfinished marble statuette of Athena, found on the Pnyx at Athens, a copy of the famous statue of gold and ivory by Phidias (the Athena Parthenos), in the Parthenon. Stais p. 31. Brunn 38. 6856 129. Marble statuette, a more elaborate but artistically inferior copy of the same famous original as 128. Roman work. Stais p. 29. Brunn 39. 40. 6857 136-154. Fragments of the marble sculptures in the pediment of the temple of Askle- plos at Epidauros. Probably the work of the sculptor Timotheus. Best Attic art of the early IVth century B. 0. 6858 136. Mounted Amazon pointing her lance at a falling foe. Stais p. 36. Cawadias, Fouilles d'Epi- daure pi. 8, 1. Brunn 20. 6859 137. Wounded Amazon falling from her horse. Stais p. 36. Cawadias pi. 8, 4. 6860 140. Female head. Cavvidias pi. 8. 9. 6861 143. Head of a horse. Cawadias pi. 8, 12. 6862 144. Head of a Centaur. Cawadias pi. 8, 13. 6863 152. Body of a dying warrior. Cawadias pi. 11, 15. [69] GREEK CASTS 6864 154. Female head. Cawadias pi. 8, 8. 6864 154. Female Head. Cawadias p. 8, 5. 155-157. 162. Statues from the roof of the same temple (akroteria). 6865 155. Victory holding a bird in her right hand, floating gently in the air. Sta'is p. 39. Cawadias pi. 8, 5. 6866 156. Goddess, probably Aura (Xj-mph of the air), on horseback. Stais p. 39, Cawadias pi. 11, 16, 17. Brunn 19. 6867 157. Goddess, probably Aura (Xj-mph of the air), on horseback. Stais p. 39. Cawadias pi. 11, 16, 17. Brunn 19. 6868 162. Body of youthful Victory in rapid flight. Stais p. 40. Cawadias pi. 11, 19. Brunn 19. 6869 159. Marble statuette of Victory from the tem- ple of Artemis, at Epidauros. First half of the FVth cent. B. C. Stais, p. 41. Cawadias pi. 10 and 1906 pi. 3. 6870 160. Marble statuette of Victory from the tem- ple of Artemis, at Epidauros. First half of the IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 41. Cawadias pi. 10, and 1906 pi. 3. 6871 161. Marble statuette of Vivtory from the tem- ple of Artemis, at Epidauros. First half of the IVth cent. B. C. Stai's p. 41. Cawadias pi. 10 and 1906 pi. 3. 6872 164. Marble lion's head (gargoyle), from the round building (tholos), at Epidau- ros. Second half of the IVth cent. B. C. (See the metope and triglyphs from the same building, below p. ?). Cawadias pi. 10. 6873 173. Marble votive relief of Asklepios seated on a chair, draped in his cloak. From Epidauros. IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 42. Cawadias pi. 9, 21. Svo- ronos pi. 31. 6874 174. Marble votive relief of Asklepios seated on a chair, draped in his cloak. From Epidauros. lA'^th cent. B. C. Stais p. 42. Cawadias pi. 9, 21. Svo- ronos pi. 31. 6875 178. A boar's head, from the marble pediment sculptures, representing the hunting of the Calydonian boar, of the temple of Athena Alea, at Tegea. Best Attic work, probably bv Skopas, early IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 32. Brunn 44. 6876 179. A youth's head, from the marble pediment sculptures, representing the hunting of the Calydonian boar, of the temple of Athena Alea, at Tegea. Best Attic work, probably by Skopas, early IVth century. B. C. Stais p. 32. Brunn 44. 6877 180. Youth's head, from the marble pediment sculptures, representing the hunting of the Calydonian boar, of the temple of Athena Alea, at Tegea. Best Attic work, probably by Skopas, early IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 32. Brunn 44. 6878 181. Youthful head from the temple of Pluton at Eleusis, probably the Eleusinian deity Eubuleus. Best Attic work of the IVth century B. C, formerly con- sidered an original of the great Praxit- eles. Compare nr. 1839. Stai's p. 33. Brunn 74. 6879 182. Marble head of a goddess, probably Aph- rodite, from the sanctuary of Askle- pios at Athens. Best Attic art of the rV'th cent. Stais p. 34. Brunn 174. 6880 183. Marble head of ApoUon, found at Lau- rion. It belonged to a statue of the god holding his bow in the left hand, the right resting on his head (ApoUon Lykeios). IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 35. 6881 185. Marble head of a woman from Delos wearing an expression of strong pain. IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 35. 6882 190. Marble head of a woman, probably Hy- gieia. from the sanctuary of Asklepios, at Athens. IVth cent. B. C. Stai's p. 52. 6883 215. Relief from a marble base which bore the group of Leto, Apollon and Artemis, by Praxiteles, at Mantlnea in Arcadia. This relief is work by the great artist's pupils. It represents the musical con- test of Apollon and Marsyas, the Muses looking on. The fourth slab of the base, bearing three Muses, is lost. Sta'i's p. 53. Brunn 468. Svoronos pi. 30, 31, 6884 216. Relief from a marble base which bore the group of Leto, Apollon and Artemis, by Praxiteles, at Mantinea in Arcadia. This relief is work by the great artist's pupils. It represents the musical con- test of Apollon and Marsyas, the Muses looking on. The fourth slab of the base, bearing three Muses, is lost. Sta'is p. 53. Brunn 468. Svoronos pi. 30, 31. 6885 217. Relief from a marble base which bore the group of Leto. Apollon and Artemis, by Praxiteles, at Mantinea in Arcadia. This relief is work by the great artist's pupils. It represents the musical con- test of Apollon and Marsyas, the Muses looking on. The fourth slab of the base, bearing three Muses, is lost. Stais p. 53. Brunn 468. Svoronos pi. 30, 31. [70] GREEK CASTS 6886 218. Marble statue of Hermes, or a funereal hero, probably from a tomb in the island of Andros. Fine work of the IVth century, evidently inspired by the famous Hermes of Praxiteles at 258, OljTupia (see below p. 19). Stais p. 50. Brunn 18. 6887 226. Marble relief, from Mantinea: a woman holding leaves, before her a palm (now almost entirely destroyed). Middle of 259 the Vth century. Fouglres, Bull. Corresp. hellen. 1887, 376. Svoronos pi. 199. 6888 231. Marble statue of Themis (Justice), from her temple at Rhamnus in Attica, the work of Chairestratos (his signature on the base). Early Illd cent. B. C. Stais p. 63. Brunn 476. 6889 234. Colossal marble head of Athena, origi- nally wearing a bronze helmet, found near the Theseion, at Athens. Prob- ably a hellenistic copy of a Vth cen- tury original. Stais p. 74. Brunn 48. 6890 235. Colossal marble statue of Poseidon, from the island of Melos. The trident in his right hand is restored. Broad decorative hellenistic work. Stai's p. 75. Brunn 550. 6891 240. Marble statue of Hermes, from Atalante, holding a bag (now lost) in his right, and the kerykeion (messenger's wand) in his left hand. Copy, prob- ably of a work by the great Lysippos, court sculptor to Alexander the Great. Stai's p. 77. 6892 243. Marble statue of Hermes holding a ram. from Troizen, copy of an original of the Vth century. Stais p. 80. 6893 247. Marble statue of a Gaulish warrior, from. Delos, from a votive monument. The warrior has fallen on his right knee, and is making a last desperate defence 417 against a victorious enemy, probably mounted. The head, left shoulder and arm with shield, were worked in a separate block, now lost. Excellent 715 work of the Pergamon school (lid cent. B. C.) Stais p. 83. 6894 248. Marble statue of a youth, probably a 715 temple slave offering sacrifice, found near the Olympieion at Athens. Copy of a bronze original of the Vth century. Stais p. 86. Salis, Athen. Mitteilungen 1906, 352. 6895 249. Marble oust of the emperor Hadrian (A. D. 117-138), found near the 717 Olvmpieion, at Athens. Stais p. 91. 6896 252. Marble statuette of Pan. from Sparta. He is draped in his cloak, and holds 718 a syrinx (reed flute). Roman work. Stais p. 87. 6897 256. Marble statue of Dionysos, mutilated, 260 262 263 294 303 368 from the theatre of Sikyon, near Cor- inth. Hellenistic work. Stais p. 88. American Journal Archse- ology 1889, 294. 6898 Upper part (head and bust) of a colossal marble statue of Asklepios, from the Piraeus. Decorative early hellenistic ■work. Stais p. 89. 6899 Marble relief with draped maidens dant>- ing gracefully : from the theatre of Dionysos at Athens. Excellent Roman decorative work. Stais p. 67. Svoronos pi. 32. 6900 Marble relief with draped maidens danc- ing gracefully ; from the theatre of Dionysos at Athens. Excellent Roman decorative work. Stais p. 67. Svoronos pi. 32. 6901 Marble statue of Aphrodite, draped and wearing a sword, from Epidauros. Excellent copy of a Vth century origi- nal of the t>-pe called Venus Genetrix. Stais p. 82. 6902 Marble statue of Asklepios, from his sanctuary at Epidauros. Roman copy of a Greek original. Stais p. 87. 6903 Marble head of Hygieia, from the sanc- tuary of Asklepios, at Epidauros. 6904 Column with the three-bodied Hakate in high relief, from Epidauros, dedicated by a certain Fabulos. Decorative Roman work. Cawadias, Fouilles d'Epidure pi. 10, 27. 6905 Marble portrait head of Hermachos, pupil of Epikuros, found at Athens. Good Roman work. Stais p. 80. Bernoulli, Griech. Ikono- graphie II p. 40. 6906 Marble bust of Antinous. the favorite of the Emperor Hadrian, from Patras. Careful work. Stais p. 98. 869. Marble reliefs from tombs, found at Athens, where the contrary is not especially mentioned. See also below, p. 15. 6907 , A boy opening a cage with his right hand, a bird in his left. Under the cage, a cat and a slave boy. The lower half of the slab is missing. Excellent early IVth century work. Stais p. 112. Conze, Attische Grabre- liefs pi. 204. 6908 , The deceased woman seated, clasping a standing woman's hand. Behind her, a man standing in a dejected attitude. Sta'is p. 113. Conze pi. 80. 6909 , The deceased, a tine lady called Ameino- kleia, preparing for her last journey, with the help of two slave girls. Found in the Piraeus. Sta'is p. 113. Conze pi. 177. [71] GEEEK CASTS 6910 722. A seated lady (Archestrate), taking jewels from a box which a slave girl offers her, while her little boy brings her a bird. Found at Markopulo is Attica. Stais p. 115. Conze pi. 68. 6911 733. Polyxena standing, a pomegranate in her right, her left hand raising her veil. Small stele from Larissa in Thessaly, early Vth cent. B. C. Stais p. 118. 6912 734. The youthful Hekedamos, holding a cock and two lances. Found at Larissa. Middle of the Vth cent. B. C. Stai's p. 119. 6913 739. Amphotto standing, a flower (now lost, probably only painted) in her right, a pomegranate (?) in her left hand. Found at Thebes. First half of the Vth cent. B. C. Stais p. 122. 6914 741. A youth draped in his cloak, wearing a broad-brimmed hat (petasos) and car- rying a hare and a fruit. Found in Thessaly. Vth cent. B. C. Stais p. 123. 6915 742. Youth carrying a strigil and an oil-flask, accompanied by his dog. Vth century. Found at Thespiai. The stele was used again much later, and the inscription added. Stais p. 124. 6916 831. Phrasikleia seated, her slave girl with an open casket standing before her. IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 144. Conze pi. 67. 6917 832. The deceased woman, seated, clasps a standing woman's hand. Behind them are a man and a girl in mournful atti- tude. IVth century B. C. Stais p. 146. Conze pi. 85. 6918 835. Marble vase (lekythos), from a tomb, with low relief of the deceased as a youthful warrior on horseback, in the inidst of his family (two warriors, two women). Excellent work, about 400 B. C. Stais p. 149. Conze pi. 218-9. 6919 869. Youth standing in a pensive attitude, his little slave and his dog mourning at his feet, his father before him, his right hand raised to his lips, in a most expressive gesture of grief. Excellent early IVth century art. Found in the bed "of the Ilissos at Athens. Stais p. 167. Conze pi. 211. 6920 1378. Base of a statue or of a votive offering, bearing a case of surgical instruments and two cupping-glasses, carved in low relief. Found in the sanctuary of Asklepios at Athens. Bull. Corresp. heUenique 1877 pi. 9. 6921 1402. Marble votive relief from Thyrea. Askle- pios and his family of healing heroes receiving pilgrims. IVth cent. B. C. Stais p. 239. Svoronos pi. 35. 6922 1425. Marble relief, slab from a base or an altar, found in the sanctuary of Askle- pios, at Epidauros : Asklepios seated on his throne, before him Hygieia and Nike (Victory), behind him Epione. Archaistic Roman work. Stais p. 246. Cawadias, 1895 pi. 8. Svoronos pi. 68. 6923 1463. Marble base of a bronze tripod (lost), given as a prize for a musical or dra- matic victory. Dionysos, in long flow- ing robes, holding thyrsos (wand) and kantharos (two-handled cup ), between two Victories with ewer and paten. Stais p. 58. Oesterr. Jahreshefte 1899, 255. Svoronos pi. 29. 6924 1500. Votive marble relief from the Piraus. The youthful Dionysos on his couch, a girl sitting at his feet. Three actors in long robes, with masks in their hands, stand behind her. Athen. Mitteilungon 1882 pi. 14. Svo- ronos pi. 82. 6925 1501. Marble relief (formerly erroneously called "The Death of Socrates"), perhaps a tombstone. A man lies on a couch, holding a paten. At his feet, a woman seated on a stool, and a slave boy. A draped man stands in the right corner, a dog lies under the couch, V-IVth cent. B. 0. Svoronos pi. 83. 6926 1558. Marble statue of a youth, commonly called Apollo, from Melos. First half of the Vlth century B. C. Good archaic ■work. Cp. nr. 2720. Stais p. 10. Perrot VIII 321. 1561-1580. Marble sculptures from the famous sanctuary of Hera near Argos, exca- vated by the American School of Arch- eology in Athens. Waldstein, The Argive Herum I. 6927 1561. Female head. Vth cent. B. C. Stais p. 59. Waldstein pi. 32. 6928 1563, 1564. Two heads of Amazons (?). Vth century. Stais p. 59. Waldstein pi. 31, 33. 6929 Vth century.. Very fin.e 1571. Female head, work. Stais p. 59. 1572. 1578. Waldstein pi. 36. 6930 Torso of a young warrior, from one of the metopes of the later temple of Hera (after 423 B. C). Stais p. 59. Waldstein pi. 34. 6931 Body of a statue of Victory ( ?). V-IVth century. Waldstein pi. 35. 6932 1580. Lion's head, gargoyle, from the later temple. Waldstein pi. 125. 6933 1733. Quadrangular marble base, from Athens, which originally bore a statue by the famous IVth century sculptor Bry- axis, probably a Victory, since the re- liefs on three sides (bearded rider advancing towards a tripod, com- [72] GREEK CASTS memorate the successes of three Athe- nians in the anthippasia (contest on horseback). Stais p. 54. Scoronos pi. 26, 27. 1734-1737. Fragments of a colossal group of four marble statues (Demeter, Des- poina-Persephone, Artemis, the titan Antyos), in the temple of Despoina at Lykosura in Arcadia, by the sculptor Damophon of Messene (early lid cent. B. C. Stais p. 55. Brunn 478-480. Dickins, British School Annual XIII pi. 12. 6934 1734. Head of Demeter, a long veil flowing be- hind. 6935 1735. Head of Artemis. 6936 1736. Head of Anytos. 6937 1737. Part of Despoina's cloak, richly em- broidered ■with Victories, Nereids, mummers, etc. 6938 Mutilated marble head of a young god, found at Athens. A replica of uj. 181. 6939 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Sta'is p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6940 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Stais p. 26. Fortwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6941 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6942 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6943 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. 0. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6944 Archaic marble head, warrior, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. 0. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6945 Archaic marble head, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6946 Archaic marble head, from the temple of Aphaia in Aegina. About 500 B. C. Stais p. 26. Furtwangler, Aegina p. 256, 272. 6947 Colossal marble statue of a naked youth, from the temple of Poseidon at Sunion, 1839. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940. 2720. Archaic art, first part of Vlth cent. B. 0. Comp. nr. 1558. Stais p. 7. 6948 2858. Marble statue of Aphrodite, of the type of the famous statue of Knidos, by Praxiteles. IN THE DIPYLON CEMETERY AT ATHENS (Near the Church of Holy Trinity) 6949 1. Relief showing Dexileos (killed in battle 394 B. C.) on horseback, slaying a defeated foe. Excellent early IVth century work. Conze, Attische Grabreliefs 1158. 6950 2. Relief of Demetria and Pamphile. Excel- lent IVth century work. Conze pi. 40. 6951 3. Relief of a woman (a priestess), carry- ing a hydria (vase for water). IVth century.' Conze pi. 152. 6952 4. Relief of Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos. She is seated, choosing a jewel from a casket which a slave girl offers her. Excellent early IVth century art. Conze pi. 30. 6953 5. Relief of Korallion, seated, clasping the hand of a man standing before her. Behind her. a man and a girl in mournful attitudes. IVth cent. B. C. 6954 6. Large marble dog, from the funeral pre- cinct of Lysimachides from Acharnai. IVth cent. B. C. Brueckner, Friedhof am Eridanos p. 76, 73. 6955 7. Relief showing two men on a couch, two seated women, and Charon in his boat in the foreground, from the precinct of Lysimachides. Conze pi. 251. Brueckner 84. MARBLE SCULPTURES IN THE ACROP- OLIS MUSEUM AT ATHENS Dickins, Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum, Schrader. Auswahl archaischer Manor-Sculp- turen in Acropolis Museum 1913 6956 143. Archaic couchant hound. Vlth cent. B. C. Very good work. Dickins p. 143. Schrader, Archaische Marmorsculptren 76 (not the large work quoted above.) 6957 624. Statue of a man carrying a bull calf as an offering across his shoulders. Ar- chaic style, first half of Vlth century B. C. The limestone carries the dedi- catory inscription. Dickins p. 156. Schrader 1. c. 7. Bninn 6. 6958 625. Statue of Athena, seated, much feathered. Perhaps the famous statue by En- doios. Archaic art of the Vth cent. B. C. Dickins p. 160, Perrot VIII 615, Shra- der I. c. 43. Auswahl p. 24. Brunn 145. [73] GREEK CASTS 6959 631. Colossal group of Athena slaying a giant, from the pediment of the archaic tem- ple of Athena. Second half of Vlth cent. B. C. 700. Dickins p. 169. Perrot VIII 557. Brunn 471. Schrader, Auswahl p. 25 f. 670-686. Statues of maidens or ladies, per- haps priestesses, in the archaic style, dedicated to Athena in the second half of the Vlth century, and buried 698. after they had been mutilated during the sack of the acropolis by the Persians. They are richly clad, and most of them wear diadems, earrings and bracelets. The left hand usually draws the gown tightly round the 856. legs, the right hand was stretched forward, holding some votive offering (a fruit or a bird). Many traces of bright coloring remain. 6960 972- 670. Dickins p. 205. Perrot VIII 578. 6961 671. One of the older and simpler statues. Dickins p. 207. Perrot VIII 581. Schrader, Aushwahl pi. 11. 972 6962 672. Dickins p. 209. 6963 973. 677. Dickins p. 219. Perrot VIII 297. 6964 678. Dickins p. 220. Perrot VIII 584. The 974. lower part of the body is missing. 6965 679. The most archaic specimen, clad in Doric 989. fashion. Dickins p. 223. Perrot 603. Schrader, Auswahl pi. 1, 2. 1342 6966 680. Dickins p. 226. Perrot VIII 577. 6967 681. The finest and largest, the work of the famous sculptor Antenor. Dickins p. 228. Perrot VIII pi. 2. Schrader, 1347. Auswahl pi. 3. 6968 684. Dickins p. 237. Schrader, Auswahl pi. 9, 10. 6969 685. Dickins p. 240. Schrader, Auswahl pi. 7, 8. 6970 686. The latest of all these statues, dedicated by Tuthydikos. Dickins p. 241. Per- rot VIII 595. Schrader, Auswahl p. 32 S. 6971 689. Marble head of a youth, from a statue of the early Vth century B. C. Excellent Attic work, with traces of coloring well preserved. Dickins, p. 248. Perrot VIII 643 pi. 14. 6972 695. Marble relief, called the "Mourning Athena." The goddess, leaning on her lance, gazes at a stele standing before her, perhaps she is supposed to read an inscription upon it. First half of Vth cent. B. C. Dickins p. 258. Svoronos, Journal in- ternat. d'archeologie numismatique 1909, 81. 6973 697. Small statue of a horse, much mutilated. Excellent archaic work. Dickins p. 262, 267. Perrot VIII 639. Schra- der, Archaische Marmor-Sculpturen 81, 84. Auswahl Arch. Marm.- Sculpt. pi. 14, 15. 6974 Small statue of a horse with a rider, much mutilated. Excellent archaic work. Dickins p. 262, 267. Perrot VIII 639. Schrader, Archaische Marmor-Sculpturen 81, 84. Auswahl Arch. Marm. -Sculpt, pi. 14, 15. 6975 Statue of a nude youth, legs and arms incomplete. Excellent Attic work, of the early Vth century. Dickins p. 264. Schrader 58. Auswahl pi. 16, 17. 6976 857. 859. 860. 862-879. Twenty-two slabs from the frieze of the Parthenon. A. Smith, Sculptures of the Parthenon pi. 36. 40. 41. 42. 44. 47. 53. 54. 6997 974. 989. Slabs from the marble balus- trade round the temple of Wingless Victory. Second half of Vth cent. B.C. 6998 Two Victorieb leading a bull to sacrifice. Brunn 34. 6999 Victory untying her sandal. Brunn 35 A. 7000 Victory erecting a trophy. Brunn 35. 7001 Athena Nike seated upon a rock. 7002 Marble relief of a man mounting a char- iot. Archaic Attic art of the late Vlth century. Dickins p. 275. Schrader, Athen, Mitteilungen pi. 11. 7003 Colossal marble owl. Svoronos, Journ. internat. d'arch. num- ism. XIV 1912 pi. 15. 7004 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7005 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7006 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7007 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7008 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7009 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. [74] LOANS 7010 Architectural fragment (Carj'atid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7011 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7012 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7013 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7014 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7015 Architectural fragment (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7016 Statue (Carj-atid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7017 Statue (Caryatid), from the North and South porch of the Erechtheion. Finest Attic work of the late Vth century. 7018 Marble chair of the priest of Dionysos Eleuthereus, from the theatre of Di- onysos at Athens, with exquisite low reliefs (winged youths with game cocks, Arimasps and griffins, two satyrs amongst grape vines). Risom, Melanges Holleaux pi. 8-H. SCULPTURES IN VARIOUS PLACES 7019 1. Limestone relief from the Lion Gate at Mycenae. Two lions guardant, on each side of a column. About XVth cent. B. C, the finest monument of Mycen- aean sculpture. Brunn 1. Perrot VI pi. 14. 7020 3. Relief with head of Medusa, at Argos. Roman decorative work, from some building. 7021 4. The Hermes of Praxiteles, at Olympia, almost the only original statue by a great master preserved. The God holds the infant Dionysos on his left arm. Brunn 466-7. 7022 7. Metope and triglyphs from the round building (tholos) at Epidauros. Sec- ond half of IVth century B. 0. See above p. 8. Cavvadias, Fouilles d'Epidaure pi. 4-6. LOANS RENI, GUIDO 7023. Mary Magdalene. Lent by Dr. Thomas H. Winslow. TURNER, J. M. W. 7024. Sunset: Venice. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. SULLY, THOMAS 7025. Portrait Group. Lent by Mrs. Ellen Howard Rep- pert. [75] INDEX OF ARTISTS INDEX OF ARTISTS ABBEY, EDWIN A. United States 6718, 6719 ACKERMAN, OLGA M. United States 4652 ADAMS, HERBERT United States 19, 28, 5088, 5427, 5543, 5741 ADAMS, JOHN OTTIS United States 5311, 6791 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY International 73, 74 ADAMS, PHILIP United States 5840 ADAMS, W. DACRE International 75 ADDAMS, CLIFFORD United States 1513 to 1555, 4789, 6262 ADDAMS, INEZ United States 4603, 4952 ADDICKS, CHRISTIAN JOHANNES 6327 Netherlands AGUIAR, EL CONDE DE International 76, 77, 78 AHRENS, ELLEN WETHERALD 4427, 4430,4431 United States AID, GEORGE CHARLES United States 1556 to 1572 AIKEN, CHARLES A. United States 4218 AITKEN, ROBERT I. United States 59, 60, 4055, 4057, 4086, 5078, 5219, 5221, 5222 5625 AKELEY.' CARL E. United States 1511, 5937, 6326 ALBERT, ERNEST United States 5712 ALBRIGHT, ADAM EMORY United States 6568 ALPANO, VINCENZO United States 5298. 5300, 5779, 5780 ALLEN, CHARLES CURTIS United States 4724 ALLEN, MARION BOYD United States 6811 ALLIS, C. HARRY United States 6602 ALMQUIST, OLOP United States 1573, 1574, 1575 AMAN-JEAN, EDMOND French 79 AMES, BLANCHE United States 1470, 5833 AMORSOLO, F. Philippine 5848 ANDERSEN, MARTINUS United States 6562 ANDERSON, ALEXANDER United States 1576, 1577 ANDERSON, KARL United States 5494 to 5497, 5503 ANDRASSY, THEOD. International 80, 81 ANDREW, RICHARD United States 4838 ARCHAMBAULT. A. MARGARETTA 4403 4405, 4408, 4409 United States ARMINGTON, CAROLINE HELENA 1578 to 1600 United States ARMINGTON, FRANK M. United States 1601 to 1620 ARTHURS, STANLEY MASSEY 6626, 6628 ASHLEY, CLIFFORD WARREN 6604 United States ASTRUP, NICOLAI Norwegian 1045, 1046 ASUNCION Philippine 5849 AUSTIN, AMANDA P. United States 4244, 5086, 5108 AUZERAIS, LOUIS F. United States 5796 AZZI, MARIUS A. United States 5781 BACHER, OTTO United States 1621 to 1631 BACKHAUS, JOSE Chilian 1351, 1352 BAER, WILLIAM J. United States 4388, 4390 to 4397 BAINS, ETHEL FRANKLIN BETTS 4207,4209,4210,4211 United States BAIXAS CARRATE, JUAN International 82, 83 BAKER, SAMUEL BURTIS United States 5015 BALL, ROBERT E., JR. United States 6686, 6760 BALLA International 995 to 1003 BALWE, C. F. Netherlands 6328 6329 BARABAS, MIKLOS International 84, 85 BARANSKY, E. LASZLO International 674 BARNETT, TOM P. United States 1493 BARONE, ANTONIO United States 1632 to 1654 BARTA, E. International 86 BARTLETT, FREDERIC CLAY 4518, 4788 United States BARTLETT, PAUL WAYLAND 34, 72 United States BATEMAN, JOHN M. United States 13. 4090, 5224 BATHURST, CLYDE C. United States 4965 BATTHYANYL COUNT GYULA 87 to 92, 675, 676, 677 International BAUER, M. A. J. Netherlands 6467, 6468, 6469 BAUKEMA, PHILIPE M. Netherlands 6470 BAUMANN, GU STAVE United States 1655 to 1662 BAUTZ, DAVID Netherlands 6330 BAXTER, MARTHA WHEELER 4312, 4313, 4315. 4316, 4317 United States BEACH, CHESTER United States 52 BEAL. GIFFORD United States 4522, 4537,5203 BEAL, REYNOLDS United States 5207, 5925 BEAUMONT, LILIAN ADELE United States 6593 BEAUX, CECILIA United States 4985, 4986, 4989, 4991, 4992 BECK, O. FULOP International 866, 867, 868 BECKER. MAURICE United States 6703, 6704 BEEK, ALICE D. ENGLEY Netherlands 6629 [79] INDEX OF AETISTS BEEK, BERNARDUS ANTONIE VAN 5331 Netherlands BELCHER, HILDA United States BELL?' CLARA LOUISE United States BELLOWS, GEORGE H. United States 1663, 1664, 5729 to 5740 BENCZUR, BELA International 93 94 BENCZUR, GYULA International 95 96 BEND A, WLADYSLAW T. United States 6636, 6656, 6657 a+„t„c BENSON, PRANK W. United States 1665 to 1705, 5656, 5657, 5658 BERENY, ROBERT International 97 to 119, 678, 679, 680 ,. ^ , ^ BERG, WILLEM VAN DEN Netherlands BERGE, EDWARD United States 11, 29, 40, 5007, 6264 .. ^ , j BERKEMBYER, RUDOLPH Netherlands BERLIN, HARRY United States 4841, 6589 .. , o. ^ BERNEKER, LOUIS P. United States BERNINGHAUS, OSCAR E. United States BERNSTEIN, THERESA P. United States BERNSTROM, VICTOR United States 1706 to 1715 , BERON, GYULA International BETTS ANNA WHELAN United States 3694,' 3695, 4206 BETTS, LOUIS United States BILBAO, GONZALO International BIRCH, S. J. LAMORNA International 122 BISHOP EMILY CLAYTON United States 3979 to 3986, 4928, 5267, 5269, 5276, 5277, 5278, 6198 ^ BISSBLL, HELEN RATHBURN 5899 6815 United otates BITTER, KARL United States 15, 5080, 5100, 5119 BITTINGER, CHARLES United States 4718, 5316, 5319, 5896. BIXBEE, WILLIAM J. United States 4458 ^. , BLANCHE, JACQUES EMILE International 123 BLISS, ALMA HERSIG United States 4424, 4425 BLOODGOOD. ROBERT PANSHAWE 1716 to 1723 United States BLUM, ROBERT P. United States 1724, 1725 BLUMENSCHEIN, ERNEST L. .^ ^ „, , 5243 5246, 6689, 6690 United States BLUMENSCHEIN, MARY SHEPHARD GREENE United States 4626, 6655, 6787 .. ^ o. * BOBBETT, ALFRED United States BOCCIONI International 1004 to 1008, 1043, 1044 ,,,.,, BODIFEE, PAUL Netherlands BODIn'e, HELEN United States 3825, 3829 BOEMM, RITTA International 124, 125 BOER, G. J. DE Netherlands 6334, 6335 BOHM, MAX United States 5227 BOHM, PAL International 126 BOONE, CORA United States 4236, 6029, 6036 BORG, CARL OSCAR United States 1433, 1501, 1727 to 1731, 5441 BORGLUM, SOLON H. United States 4471 BORIE, ADOLPHE United States 4591, 4595, 4879, 5829 BOSTON, JOSEPH H. United States 1429 BOSZNAY, STEPHEN International 127 BOTTEMA, TJEERD Netherlands 6473, 6474, 6475 BOTTEMA, TJERK Netherlands 6336, 6337, 6338 BOURNE, GERTRUDE BEALS 4451, 4468 United States BOWDOIN, HARRIETTS United States 5763, 6045 BOWER, ALEXANDER United States 6582, 6592 BOYLE, JOHN J. United States 20, 67, 1507, 5457 BOYLE, SARAH Y. McPADDEN 3826, 3827, 3830 United States BOYNTON, RAY S. United States 1475, 1479, 4225, 4291, 6751 BRADLEY, SUSAN H. United States 3793 BRANGWYN, PRANK International 529 to 567, 5063, 5064, 5066, 5067, 5069, 5070, 5072, 5073 BRAUN, MAURICE United States 5893, 6598, 6786 BRECKENRIDGE, HUGH H. United States 4733, 5027, 5031, 5124, 5126, 5129, 6252, 6572, 6573, 6576, 6577, 6835 BREDIN, R. SLOAN United States 5819 BREMER, ANNE M. United States 1487, 5906 BRENNER, VICTOR D. United States 4058 to 4063, 4065 to 4069, 4169, 5114, 5587, 5590 BREUER, HENRY JOSEPH United States 4955, 5329, 5334, 5341 BREYFOGLE, JOHN WINSTANLEY 4222 United States BRIDPORT, HUGH United States 1732 BRINLEY, D. PUTNAM United States 5328, 5332 BRODSZKY, SANDOR International 130 BROOKE, RICHARD NORRIS United States 6762 BROOKS, RICHARD E. United States 4125 to 4128, 4130 to 4134 BROWN, BENJAMIN C. United States 1733 to 1756, 6765, 6782 BROWN, CHARLOTTE HARDING 6650, 6651, 6654 United States BROWN, HOWELL C. United States 1757 to 1765 BROWN, M. E. D. United States 1766 BROWNE, CHARLES PRANOIS 1497 United States BROWNE, GEORGE ELMER United States 5205 BROWNELL, MATILDA A. United States 5715, 5844 [80] INDEX OF AETISTS BRUCK, LAJOS International 131 to 138 BRUCK. MIKSA International 139, 140, 141 BRUMBACK, LOUISE UPTON United States 1496, 4769 BRUN, HARALD Norwegian 1047, 1048, 1049 BRUNDRIT, R. G. International 142 BRYANT, EVERETT LLOYD United States 5026, 5029, 6250 BRYANT, MAUDE DREIN United States 4815, 5918, 6247 BUD WORTH, WILL S. United States 4459, 4460 BUEHR, KARL ALBERT United States 4637, 5501 BULL, CHARLES LIVINGSTON 4217, 4465 United States BURCHARD, PABLO Chilian 1353 to 1357 BURLEIGH, SIDNEY RICHMOND 3785 United States BURMESTER, ERNST Germany 143 BURNHAM, ANITA WILLETS United States 3732, 4201, 4205 BURNHAM, ROGER NOBLE United States 4011, 4012, 4015, 4018, 4019 BURNSIDE, CAMERON United States 4770 BURR, GEORGE ELBERT United States 1767 to 1772 BURROUGHS, EDITH WOODMAN 49, 5255, 5416, 5627 United States BURT, CHARLES United States 1773 BUSH-BROWN, H. K. United States 4041, 4042 BUSH-BROWN, MARGARET LESLEY 4343, 4349 United States BUSHNELL, ADELYN United States 4304 BUTLER, EDWARD B. United States 6585 BUTLER, HOWARD RUSSELL 6316 United States BUTLER, J. J. P. United States 6016 BUTLER, MARY United States 4974 BUTLER, THEODORE EARL United States 6009, 6011, 6013 BUTTON, ALBERT PRENTICE 3698, 3711, 3717, 4256, 4259 United States BYNE, ARTHUR United States 6094 to 6101 CADENASSO, GIUSEPPE United States 4489, 5711 CAHILL, ARTHUR United States 6724 CAHILL, WILLIAM V. United States 4890 CALDER, A. STIRLING United States 4200, 5002, 5089, 5744 CALEWAERT, LOUIS H. United States 1774 to 1787 CALI6A, I. H. United States 1427 CALLAHAN, CAROLINE R. United States 1490 CAMMERLOHER, KARL MORITZ 144, 145, 146 International CAMP, HAROLD M. United States 4254, 5214 CANALIAS, JOSE International 869 CARACCL JOSE Chilian 1358, 1359, 1360 CARDONA, JUAN International 147, 148, 149 CAREW, BERTHA Italian 4303 CARLES, ARTHUR B. United States 4861, 4863, 5028, 5138, 5141, 5143, 5148 6248 ' CARLISLE, MARY HELEN United States 1489 CARLSEN, EMIL United States 4978, 4979, 4981, 4982,4983 CARLSON, JOHN F. United States 1476, 3799, 4453, 4716, 4720, 5231 CARR, MICHAEL CARMICHAEL _ 1J88 1789 United States CARRA International 1009 to 1023 CARRIGAN, WILLIAM L. United States 4971, 5498, 5505 CASE. BERTHA United States 5338 CASER, ETTORE United States 3954, 6563 CASSATT, MARY United States 4858 CATE. P. TEN Netherlands 6339 CAULDWELL, LESLIE United States 3792 CHAD WICK, CHARLES W. United States 1790 to 1795 CHADWICK, EMMA United States 1796 to 1799 CHAMBERLIN, F. TOLLES United States 5626 CHANDLER, GEORGE WALTER 1800 to 1810 United States CHAPMAN, CHARLES S. United States 6799 CHASE, LILA ELIZABETH United States 4318, 4319 CHASE, WILLIAM M. United States 5546 to 5577 CHENEY, JOHN United States CHRISTMAS, E. W. International 150, 151 CHURCHILL, WILLIAM W. United States 1473 CLARENBACH, MAX Chilian 152 CLARK, ALSON SKINNER United States 5396 to 5413 ^hi^F^ FREEMAN United States 3675 CLARKE, THOMAS SHIELDS United States 1434 CLARKSON, RALPH United States 4797, 5444, 5723 CLEMENT. CATHERINE United States 3818 CLOSSON, WILLIAM BAXTER 1812 to 1823, 6613 United StatP