UC-NRLF SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY CAPTAfN P. R. GURDON, i.s.C, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, GOALl'ARA. 2 SHILLONG: j PRINTED AT THE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. O >- Prico Rs 2, inclusive of Postage. GIFT OF 739 SOME ASSAMESE PROVER COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY CAPTAIN P. R. GURDON, i.s.c., DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, GOALPARA. SHILLONG : PRINTED AT THE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. Price Rs 2, inclusive of Postage, SHILLONG: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING OFFICE. INTBODUCTION. I HAVE but few remarks to make by way of introduction ; the proverbs, which have in many cases been picked up from the mouths of the people, will speak for themselves. I do not wish to advance that the proverbs in themselves are specially interesting, but I trust to those who are acquainted with Assamese, or are interested in the Assamese, they may not be altogether without interest. The translations have been considerably revised since they were first made, and, in the revision, I am specially indebted to Mr. Abdul Majid, B.A., LL.B., Barrister-at-law, who is a native of Jorhat, for his very valuable help and suggestions. This collection does not pretend to be a collection from all the Assamese-speaking districts of the province ; it consists of only proverbs from Sibsagar, Nowgong, and Gauhati ; hence the title " Some Assamese Proverbs." I have a few remarks to make about the method of transliteration. Throughout ^1 (long a) has been represented by an accented a ; ^T (short a) is unaccented. I should, however, have preferred to have written the Assamese ^ phonetically as " o ", and in this I am sup- ported by Mr. Melitus, although the latter remarks that it is usual to transliterate the Assamese