LDPOX LIBRARY DmjrUtitrk CnlU-rtum. 187S. University of California Berkeley ir/0** 1 Harper & Brothers' List of Publications. HABPEB & BROTHERS will send by Mail, Postage paid (for any distance in the United States under 30UO miles), Books ordered from this List, on receipt of the Priceu NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. April, 1859. INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WOKKS RELATING TO THEM. ABERNETHY : his Life and Writings, by Mcllvaine . . 47 Abyssinia : History of, by Russell 125 Addison : Spectator, 42 Complete Works of, 42. Adorna, Catharine : Life of, by Upham 39 Addresses, Lectures, and Speeches : D'Aubigne, 97 Goodrich's Selected Speeches, 23 Tlilliard, 171 John- son, A. B., 119 Montgomery, 97 Nott, 106 Olin, 73 Thackeray, 114 For Sermons, see Theological. JEschylus, Translations of 58 Africa : Andersson, 60 Earth, 59 Gumming, 60 Head (Life of Bruce), 170 Jameson, Wilson, and Murray, 99 Lander, 87 Livingstone, 59 Owen, 150 Mungo Park, 86 Wilson, 60. Agriculture : Agricultural Chemistry, hy Chaptal, 190 American Husbandry, by Gaylord and Tucker, 124 Armstrong's Agriculture, 124 Farmer's Companion, by Buel, 124 Farmer's Instructor, by Buel, 124 Farmer's Dictionary, by Gardner, 69 Watson's American Home Garden, 190. Alexander the Great : By Abbott, 176 History of, by Williams, 137. Alfred the Great : History of, by Abbott . . . .176 Algebra See Mathematics. America : HISTORY : Abbott's History of Columbus, 176 Belknap, 94 Blake, 161 Bonner, 107 Curtis, 17 llaliburton, 102 Helps, 53 Hildreth, 15 Howitt, 151 Lossing, 21 Robertson, 52 Sparks, 18 Stone, 129- Story, 18 Robins, 18 Thatcher, 127 Tytler, 146 TRAVELS IN: Bremer, 72 Lewis and Clarke, 101 Lyell, 177 Wortley, 153 WO- MAN IN AMERICA : 134. Ancient Cities : Ruins of, by Bucke 162 Andes : Twenty Months in the, by Holton .... 159 Anecdotes : Anecdotal Olio, 119 Percy Anecdotes, 119 Harper's Magazine (Edi- tor's Drawer), 1. Antiquities : Layard, 56 Salkeld, 222 Smith, 199 Wilkinson, 55. Arabia : Crichton, 87 Olin, 73 Owen, 150 Stephens, 22. Arabian Nights' Entertainments 91 Ararat, Mount : Parrott's Ascent of 101 Architecture : Vaux's, 110 Jarves's Hints on, 156. Arctic Voyages : Barrow, 88 Polar Seas, 99 Richardson, 149 Uncle Philip's Whale Fisheries, 136 Wrangell, 94. Arithmetic See Mathematics. Arminius : Life of, by Bangs ..... .68 Art: Alison, 193 Burke, 202 Cunningham, 75 Jarves. 15G Lossing, 21 See Essays, Belles Lettres, <(-c. iv INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. PAGE Assyria : History of, by Fraser, 149 Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, 56. Astronomy: Dick, 132 Loomis, 215, 216 May.hew (Life of Ferguson), 121 Olm- sted, 219 Somerville, 73 Whewell, 182. Austria in 1848-9, by Stiles 155 BABYLON : Layard's Discoveries at 56 Barbary States : History of, by Russell 125 Beaumarchais, his Life and Times 52 Bible : Illuminated and Pictorial, 15 Alford's Greek Testament, 192_Barnes 1 8 Notes, 24 Beecher's the Bible and the People, 33 Beecher's the Peo- ple the Interpreters of the Bible, 33 Brown's Bible Dictionary and Con- cordance, 96 Field's Scripture Illustrated, 74 Gilfillan' s Bards of, 103 Gleig's History of, 92 Greek Concordance of the New Testament, 208 Prideaux's Connection of the Old and New Testaments, 97 Samp- son's Beauties of, 152 Spencer's Greek Testament, 224 Strickland's History of the American Bible Society, 95 Strong's Harmony of the Gospels, 223. Biography : Abbott's Illustrated Histories, 176 Abbott's Napoleon Bonaparte, 172 Abbott's Napoleon at St. Helena, 172 Abernethy's Memoirs, 47 Alison's Life of John, Duke of Marlboro ugh, 54 American Missionary Memorial, 147 Anthon's Classical Dictionary, 199 Apostles and Early Martyrs, 178 Baillie's Life Studies, 110 Balboa, Cortez, and Pizarro, 114 Bangs' s Life of James Arminius, 68 Barrow's Life of Peter the Great, 88 Beattie's Life of Campbell, 47 Beauchesne's Louis XVII., 104 Beaumarchais, 52 Beckwourth's Autobiography, 109 Belknap's American Biography, 94 Belknap's Life, 94 Bell's Mary Queen of Scots, 94 Bell's (K.) Life of Canning, 79 Bickersteth's Memoir, 101 Blessiugton (Lady) Memoirs of, 47 Bonaparte, Court and Camp of, 162 Bonaparte, Lockhart's Life of, 162 Bonnechose's Reformers be- fore the Reformation, 49 Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, 42 Bourbon (the) Prince, 104 Boyhood of Great Men, 117 Brews ter's Life of Sir Isaac Newton, 116 Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 116 Bunsen's Life of Niebuhr, 62 Burns's Life and Works, 41 Burr's Life, by Davis, 95 Burr's Private Journal, 95 Bush's Life of Mohammed, 126 Byron's Life, by Gait, 45 Byron's Life, by Moore, 45 Calvin's Life, by Dyer, 177 Carlyle's Cromwell, 55 Carlyle's Frederic the Great, 55 Chal- mers's (Rev. Dr.) Life and Writings, 154 Chalmers's Correspondence, 154 Cheever's Memorials of Captain Congar, 155 Clay's (Cassius M.) Life and Writings, 91 Clinton (De Witt), 85 Columbus and Vespu- cius, Lives of, 75 Croly's Life of George IV., 48 Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 55 Cromwell's Life, by Russell, 125 Cunningham's Lives of Painters, 75 Curran and his Contemporaries, 48 Czar (the) and the Sultan, 137 Days of Queen Mary, 102 Distinguished Females, 136 Distinguished Men of Modern Times, 90 Dover's Life of Fred- eric the Great, 165 Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, 115 Edgar's Boyhood of Great Men, 117 Edgar's Footprints of Famous Men, 117 Eminent Individuals, 98 Fenelon's Ancient Philosophers, 90 Field's Irish Confederates, 152 Fisk's Life, by Rev. Dr. Holdich, 108 Foot- prints of Famous Men, 117 Forster's Celebrated British Statesmen, 37 Francis's Orators of the Age, 115 Franklin's Life, by Himself, 19 Franklin's Life, Illustrated by Chapman, 19 Goldsmith's Life, by Washington Irving, 41 Goodrich's Select British Eloquence, 23 Guizot's Corneille and his Times, 48 Guizot's Shakspeare and his Times, 48 Hale's (Mrs.) Woman's Record, 32 Haydon's Autobiog- raphy, 46 Head's Life of Bruce, 170 Herodotus ; his Life and Tra- vels, by J. Talboys Wheeler, 144 Holmes 1 s Life of Mozart, 128 Howe's Eminent Mechanics, 128 Hewitt's Homes and Haunts of the British Poets, 151 Humboldt (the Brothers), Lives of, 61 Hunter's Sacred Biography, 93 Hunt's (Leigh) Autobiography, 46 James's Life of Charlemagne, 81 James's Life of Henry IV., 81 Jay and Hamilton, by Ren wick, 85 Josephine, Memes's Memoirs of, 100 INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. v PAGE Lamartine's Celebrated Characters, 63 Le Bas's Life of Cranmer, 146 Le Bas's Life of V\ ickliff, 146 Lee's (Mrs.) Life of Baron (Juvier, 146 Life of Christ, Illustrated, 93 Lives of Distinguished Men, DO Lowe's (Sir Hudson) Letters and Journals of Napoleon at St. Helena, 47 Luther's Life, by Scott, 138 Mackenzie's Life of Paul Jones, 123 Mackenzie's Life of Commodore Terry, 123 Mayhew's Life of Fer- guson, 121 M cores Life and Letters of Lord Byron, 45 More's (Han- nah) Life and Correspondence, 7T Neander's Life of Christ, 130 Nie- buhr's Life and Letters, 62 Olin's Life and Letters, 73 Pardoe's Louis XIV., 48 Pardoe's Episodes of French History, 48 Park's Life and Travels, 86 Plutarch's Lives, 89 Prescott's Biographical and Miscella- neous Essays, 16 Proudfit's Life, by Forsyth, 108 Rachel's Memoirs, 186 Sedgwick's Life of Joseph Curtis, 28 Seymour's Self-Made Men, 187 Simms's Life of Chevalier Bayard, 126 Smith' s (Sydney) Life of, 45 Southey's Life and Correspondence, 44 Southey's Life of LordNelson, 44 Southey's Life of John Wesley, 44 Sparks' s American biography, 18 Stilling' s Autobiography, 136 St. John's Lives of Celebrated Travelers, 92 Strickland's (Miss) Queens of Scotland, 53 Tayler's (Rev. C. B.) Homes of the English Martyrs, 182 Taylor's (Isaac) Wesley and Meth- odism, 104 Taylor's (W. C.) Modern British Plutarch, 89 Thacke- ray's English Humorists, 114 Upham's Life of Madame Adorna, 39 Lpham's Life of Madame Guyon, 40 Washington's Life, in Latin, 128 Washington's Life, by M'Guire, 129 Washington's Life, by Paulding, 34 Webster's (Hon. Daniel) Diplomatic and Official Papers, 153 Webster's 'Private Life, 153 Wheeler's Biographical History of Congress, 94 Williams' s Life of Alexander the Great, 137 Wirt's Life of the British Spy, 134. Birds: Natural History of, by Eennie, 90 Wood's Natural History, 66. Body (the) and the Mind, by Dr. Moore . . . . .75 Bonaparte, Napoleon : At St. Helena, 172 Life of, by Abbott, 172 Court and Camp of, 162 By Lockhart, 162 Expedition to Russia, 128. Book-keeping, by Duff 205 Borneo : Keppel's Expedition to ...... 131 Botany of the United States : Beck's 138 Brazil, Ewbank's 108 British America, by Hugh Murray 99 British Eloquence, by Goodrich 23 British Poets, Selections from, by Halleck . . . .19 British Statesmen, by Forster 37 Buena Vista : Battle of, by Carleton 50 Burke : His Life and Complete Works 43 Burns : His Life and Works ....... 41 Burr (Aaron) : Life, Private Journal 95 Byron : Life by Gait by JMoore ...... 45 Butler's Analogy of Religion 71 C^ESAE, Translations of 20 Ca3sar, History of, by Jacob Abbott 176 California : Marryat, 165 Thornton, 90 Woods, 182. Calisthenics, by Miss Catharine E. Beecher .... 200 Campbell (Thos.) : His Life and Letters, by Beattie . . 47 Canada, the Conquest of Warburton . . . . .54 Canning : Life by Bell 79 v i INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. PAGE Catholics See Romanism. Celebrated Characters, by Lamartine 63 Central America : Holton, 159 Squier,' 25 Stephens, 22 Wells, 111. Charlemagne : Life of, by James . . . . . .81 Charles I. and Charles II. : Histories of, by Jacob Abbott . 176 Chalmers : Correspondence, Life and Writings, and Posthumous Works, 154 Charles V. : History of, by Robertson 52 Chemistry : Chaptal, 190 Draper, 205 Foster, 206 Foster's Chart, 206 Kane, 211_Kenwick, 222. Chili : Smith's Araucanians 106 China : Davis, 98 Hue, 105 Marco Polo's Travels, 153 Smith, 136 Y van and Callery, 79. Chivalry : James's Chivalry and the Crusades, 81 Simms's Life of Bayard, 126. Christ : Life of, Illustrated, 93 Life of, by Neander, 130 Hunter's Life of, 93 More about Jesus, 185. Christmas Tales : Dickens' s Christmas Tales, 191 Hall's Old Whitey's Christmas Trot, 81 Paulding's Book of St. Nicholas, 34. Church History : By Gieseler, 57 Mosheim, 57 Waddington, 56 See Theology. Cicero : Translations of . . . . . . . .31 Civilization : Dick on the Improvement of Society, 132 Magoon's Westward Em- pire, 112 Sanger's History of Prostitution, 23. Clay's (Cassius M.) Life and Writings 91 Cleopatra : History of, by Jacob Abbott . . . . .176 Clinton (De Witt) Life of, by Renwick 85 Coleridge : His Complete Works ...... 43 College Books See School and College Text-Books. Columbus : And Vespucius, Lives of, 75 Life of, by Irving, 19. Commercial : Cyclopedia of Commerce, 183 Duff's Book-keeping, 205 Harper's Universal Gazetteer, 14 M'Culloch's Universal Gazetteer, 137 Stans- bury's Interest Tables, 74. Confessional : History of, by Bishop Hopkins . . . .86 Congress : Biographical History of, by Wheeler . . .94 Connecticut : History of, by Dwight 136 Constitution : AMERICAN : Curtis' s History of the, 17 Duer's Constitutional Juri?- , prudence, 133 Story's Exposition of the, 18 ENGLISH : Hallam's Constitutional History, 51. Conversation : Rhetoric of, by Hervey 66 Cook, Captain : Voyages Round the World, 64 Circumnavigation of the Globe, 64 Life and Voyages, by Dr. Kippis, 65. Corneille and his Times, by Guizot 48 INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. PAOE Cortez, Hernando : History of, by Jacob Abbott . . . 176 Courtesy : Principles of, by Hervey 66 Cowper's Poetical Works 41 Cranmer : Life of, by Le Bas 146 Cromwell : Life by Russell, 125 Letters and^Speeches of, by Carlyle. 65. Crusades : History of, by James 81 Curran and his Contemporaries ...... 48 Curtis (Joseph) : Life of, by Miss Sedgwick . . . .28 Cuvier : Life of, by Mrs. Lee 146 Cyrus : History of, by Jacob Abbott 176 DARIUS : History of, by Jacob Abbott 176 Davy, Sir Humphrey : Life of, by Mayhew .... 121 Democracy, by Camp 90 Demonology and Witchcraft, by Scott 148 Demosthenes : translations of ...... 43 Denmark : History of, by Crichton and Wheaton . . .87 Dictionaries and Works of Reference : Andrews' s Latin-English Lexicon, 193 Anthon's Classical Dictionary, 199 Anthon's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 199 An- thon's Latin-English and English- Latin Lexicon, 200 Anthon's School Dictionary of Antiquities, 199 Blackstone's Commentaries, 112 Brande's Encyclopaedia, 122 Brown's Concordance of the Bible, 96 Brown's Dictionary of the Bible, 96 Cobb's Miniature Lexicon, 137 Cooper's Surgical Dictionary, 6T Copland's Medical Dictionary, 70 Crabb's English Synonyms, 203 Drisler's Greek-English and English- Greek Lexicon, 213 Gardner's Farmer's Dictionary, 69 Gardner's New Medical Dictionary, 69 Harper's Gazetteer of the World, 14 Homans's Cyclopaedia of Commerce, 188 Hooper's ^tolical Dictionary, 178 Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, ^A Lowry's Uni- versal Atlas, 216 M'Culloch's Gazetteer, 137 Rljfe and Arnold's English-Latin Lexicon, 200 Robinson's Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, 22 Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities, 199 Smith's New Classical Dictionary, 199 Webster's Encyclopedia of Domestic Econ- omy, 190 Yonge's English-Greek Lexicon, 226. Distinguished Women, bj Mrs. Hale . . . . .32 Domestic Economy : American Cookery by Miss Smith, 181 Miss Beecher's Domestic Econ- omy, 33 Miss Beecher's Domestic Receipt-Book, 33 Miss Beecher's Let- ters on Health and Happiness, 33 French Domestic Cookery, 166 Cook's Oracle, by Kitchiner, 140 Directions for Invigorating and Pro- longing Life, by Kitchiner, 140 Epicure's Receipt-Book, 102 Ency- clopeedia of Domestic Economy by Webster, 190 Domestic Duties by Mrs. Parkes, 102. Dryden's Complete Works and Life . . . . .42 Dutch Republic : History of the Rise of the, by Motley . . 16 EDGEWORTH'S NOVELS, Tales, &c 78 Educational : Abbott's Holy Land, 22 Thomson's r l he Land and the Book, 192. TACITUS: translated 22 Taste: Nature and Principles of, by Alison, 54 Pleasures of, by Jane Tay- lor, 171. Technology ; or, Professions and Trades, by Hazen . . 169 Theological : Achilli's Dealings with the Inquisition, 177 Alford's Greek Testament, 192 Baird's Religion in America, 158 Bangs' s Life of James Arminius, 68 Barnes's Notes on the New Testament, Questions to, 24 Beecher's (Catharine) Theological Works, 33 Bell's Mechanism of the Hand, 133 Bickersteth's Memoir, 101 Blair's Sermons, 141 Bogue's Theologi- cal Lectures, 82 Bonnechose's Reformers, 4") Brown's Bible Concord- ance, Bible Dictionary, 96 Bungener's Council of Trent, 163 Bush's Life of Mohammed, 126 Butler's Analogy of Religion, 71 Calvin's Life, 177 Chalmers's Works, 154 Coleridge's Works, 43 Cure (Le) Manque ; or, Social and Religious Customs in France, 165 D'Aubigno's Discourses and Essays, 97 De Sanctis's Rome, Christian and Papal, 157 Dwight's Theology, 37 Ellis' s The Missionary in Madagascar, 185 Englishman's (the) Greek Concordance of the Aew Testament, 208 Eisk's Life, 108 Foster's Christian Purity, 140 Gieseler's Ecclesiastic- al History, 59 Gleig's History of the Bible, 92 Hall's (Robert) Com- plete Works, 168 Hopkins' s History of the Confessional, 86 Hewitt's Priestcraft, 151 Hunter's Sacred Biogrophy, 93 Jay's Works, 58 Keith's Demonstration of Christianity, Harmony of Prophecy, Land of Israel, Truth of the Christian Religion, 139 Kirwan's Works, 35 Le Bas's Life of Cranmer, Life of Wicklif, 146 Lewis's Platonic Theology, 212 Livingstone's Missionary Travels in Africa, 59 Magoon's West- ward Empire, 112 Milman's History of Christianity, History of the Jews, 179 Missionary Memorials, by Pierson, 147 Moaheim's Ecclesi- astical History, 57 Neal's History of the Puritans, 37 Neander's Life of Christ, 130 Noel on Christian Baptism, on the Union of Church and State, 181 Olin's Life and Works, 73 Paley's Evidences of Christiani- ty, Natural Theology, 143 Prideaux's Connection of the Old and New Testaments, 97 Robinson's Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, 222 Saurin's Sermons, 98 Scott's Life of Luther, 138 Seymour's Jesuits at Rome, 105 Shuttleworth's Consistency of Revelation, 101 Smedley's Reformation in France, 91 Southey's Life of Wesley, 44 Spencer's Greek Testament, 224 Steinmetz's Novitiate, 99 Strickland's History of the American Bible Society, 95 Strong's Harmony of the Gospels, 223 Sufferings of Christ, 147 Summerfield's Sermons, 181 Taylor's Wesley and Methodism, 104 Thomson's The Land and the Book, 192 Thompson's Christian Theism, 163 Turner's Sacred History of the World, 119 Upham's Works, 39, 40 Waddington's Church History, 56. Travel and Adventure : Abbott's Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels, 177 Abbott's Summer in Scotland, 175 Altowan ; or, Adventures in the Far West, 121 An- ] dersson's Lake Ngami, 60 Atkinson's Siberia, 61 Baird's Modern xxii INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. PAGE Greece, 109 Barrow's Arctic Regions, 88 Pitcairn's Island and Mu- tiny of the Bounty, 88 Earth's Africa, 59 Bartlett's Nile Boat, 161 Beckwourth's Adventures, 109 Bremer's Homes of the New World, 92 Browne's Whaling Cruise, 105 Yusef, 105 Carpenter's Mexico, 150 v;hange for the American Notes, 191 Cheever's Captain Congar, Island World of the Pacific, The ^'liale and his Captors, 155 Circumnaviga- tion of the Glohe, 64 Cook's Voyages round the World, 65 Cor- son's Loiterings in Europe, 134 Cumming's Five YeaTs in Africa, 60 Curtis's Howadji in Syria, Lotus-Eating, Nile Notes of a Howadji, 26 Curzon's Armenia and Erzeroom, 116 Dana's Two Years before , the Mast, 126 Darwin's Voyage of a Naturalist, 98 Davenport's Per- ilous Adventures, 82 Davis's El Gringo, 84 De Forest's European Acquaintance, 85 Dickens's American Notes, 191 Dore, 85 Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, 115 Durbin's Observations in Europe, 142 Durbin's Travels in the East, 142 Edwards's European Travel, 111 Ellet's Rambles about the Country, 93 Ellis's Madagascar, 185 Ewbank's Brazil, 108 Farnham's Prairie Land, 144 Ferris's Utah and the Mormons, 118 Fisk's Travels in Europe, 103 Gironierre's Philippine Islands, 65 Head's Emigrant, 170 Head's Life of Bruce, 170 Head's Home Tour, 170 Herodotus, his Life and Travels, by Wheeler, 144 Helton's New Granada, 159 Jacobs's Scenes in the Pa- cific, 61 Jameson's Discovery in Africa, 99 Jarves's Italy, 156 Jar- ves's Paris, 156 Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition, 35 Keppel's Expedi- tion to Borneo, 131 Kingston's Fred Markham in Russia, 187 Kir- wan's Men and Things in Europe, 35 Knout (the) and the Russians, 77 Kohl's Ireland, 152 Landers' Africa, 87 Leslie's Polar Seas, 99 Lewis and Clarke's Travels, 101 Livingstone's Africa, 59 Lyell's United States, 177 Mackenzie's American in England, 123 Macken- zie's Spain Revisited, 123 Mackenzie's Year in Spain, 123 Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias of Spain, 85 Marco Polo's Travels, 153 Marryat's Mountains and Molehills, 165 Melville's Works, 27 Nordhoff's Island World, 111 Olin's Travels in the Holy Land, 73 Owen's Voyages to Africa, 150 Pages La Plata, 183 Park's Travels in Africa, 86 Parrott's Mount Ararat, 101 Parry's North Pole, 145 Perils of the Sea, 146 Pfeiffer's Journey round the World, 64 Phelps's Caroline West. Tley, 95 Prime's (S. I.) Europe and the East, 37 Prime's (W. C.) ioat Life in Egypt, Tent Life in the Holy Land, 36 Richardson's Arctic Fxpedition, 14') Kuxton's Mexico, 141 Ruxton's Far West, 141 Sandwich Island Notes, 114 Sargent's American Adventure, 82 Sea ward's Shipwreck, 102 Sedgwick's Let- ters from Abroad, 29 Siebold's Japanese, 82 Smith's (E. R.) Arau- canians and Chili, 106 Smith's (Rev. G.) Consular Cities of China, 132 Squier's Central America, 25 Squier's Waikna, 25 Stephens' s Cen- tral America, Greece, Holy Land, Yucatan, 92 St. John's Celebrated Characters, 92 Swan's Northwest Coast, 158 Thomson's Holy Land, 192 Thornton's Oregon and California, 90 Tomes' s Panama, 105 Tri- colored Sketches in Paris, 155 Uncle Philip's Whale Fishery, 136 Vag- abond Life in Mexico, 110 Virginia Illustrated, 38 Waikna ; or, Ad- ventures on the Mosquito Shore, 25 Wallis's Glimpses of Spain, 95 Webber's Old Hicks the Guide, 95 Wheeler's Life and Travels of He- rodotus, 144 Wells's Honduras, 111 Wilson's (R. A.) Mexico, 164 Wilson's (J. L.) Western Africa, 60 Wood's Gold Diggings, 182 Wood's (W. M.) Fankwei, 189 Wortley's United States, 153 Wrang- ell's Siberia, 94 Yusef, by J. Ross Browne, 105. Trees : Browne's Trees of America, 145 Uncle Philip's American Forest, 136 Springer's Forest Life and Forest Trees, 182 Watson's American Home Garden, 190. Trent, Council of: History by Bungener .... 163 Trenton Falls : Curtis's Lotus-Eating . . . . .26 Trigonometry See Mathematics. Turkey : Curzon's Armenia and Erzeroom, 116 The Czar and the Sultan, 137 Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, 56 Stephens's Travels in, 22. Tycho Brahe, Life by Brewster 116 UNITED STATES See.- America. INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND WORKS. xxiii Utah and the Mormons, by Eerris 118 VEGETABLE Substances used for the Food of Man . . 99 Venice, Smedley's Venetian History 91 Vespucius, Life of 75 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation .... 140 Virgil : Translations of 20 Virginia : History of, by Uncle Philip, 135 Illustrated by Porte Crayon, 38. Voyages See Travel and Adventure. WASHINGTON City, History of the Invasion and Capture of 157 Washington, George: Life of, by Glass, 128 M'Guire's Religious Opinions of, 129 Pauld- ing's Life of, 34 Washington Territory and the N.W. Coast, by Swan . .158 Waterloo : Battle of, by Gleig, 92 Creasy' s Fifteen Decisive Battles, 103. Webster, Daniel : His Private Life, by Lanman, 153 Diplomatic and Official Papers, 153. Whale: Browne's Whaling Cruise, 105 Cheever's "Whale and his Captors, 155 Melville' s.Moby-Dick, 27 Uncle Philip's American Whale Fishery, 136. Wicklif: Life of, by Le Bas 146 Will : Upham's Treatise on 39 William the Conqueror : History of, by Abbott . . .176 Witchcraft and Demonology, by Sir Walter Scott . . . 148 Woman : Distinguished Females, Lives of, 236 Mrs. Graves' s Woman in Amer- icn, 134 Mi*s. Hale's Woman's Record, 32 Mrs. Jameson's Celebrated Female Sovereigns, 149 Miss M'Intosh's Woman an Enigma, 31. Wyoming : History of, by Rev. Dr. Peck . . . .186 XENOPHON: Translations of 38 Xerxes : History of, by Abbott . . . . . 176 YUCATAN: Squier, 25Stephens, 22 Wells, 111. ki HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 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The prime object of the author in arranging his plan was to reproduce the history of the American Revolution in such an attractive manner, as to entice his countrymen to read the wonderful story, study its philosophy and teachings, and to become familiar with the founders of our Republic and the value of their labors. In this he has been eminently successful ; the pages of the Field-Book are read with the same avidity as those of a romance. Its exquisite illustrations have a lasting and intrinsic value as delineations of fact. An analysis shows that these illustrations exhibit 245 portraits, 475 auto- graphs of eminent men, 182 celebrated buildings, 62 maps and plans of battles, fortifications, &c., 46 views of battle-grounds, 102 views of other historical local- ities, 96 sketches of curious historical objects, 26 fac similes of manuscripts, 27 medals, seals, &c., 46 views of fortifications, sketches of 12 remarkable trees, 76 monuments, 24 old churches, 6 statues, 75 appropriate initial letters, and about a dozen miscellaneous fancy sketches. There are in all 1100 engravings, includ- ing 1500 distinct illustrations of objects described in the text. A very elaborate Analytical and Chronological Index has been prepared for each volume, by the late Rev. Dr. SHROEDER, which enables the student to read- ily find any name, event, locality, or fact mentioned in the war. For public and private libraries, for constant reference in families, and as a reading-book in households and schools, it has no superior among the many books offered to the public. Explanatory notes are profusely given upon every page in the volumes, and also a brief biographical sketch of every man distinguished in the events of the Revolution, the history of whose life is known. The Supple- ment of forty pages contains a History of the Naval Operations of the Revolu- tion; of the Diplomacy; of the Confederation and Federal Constitution; the Prisons and Prison-ships of New York ; Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and other matters of curious interest to the student of our his- tory. As a whole, it contains all the essential facts of the early history of our Republic, which are scattered through scores of volumes, often inaccessible to the great mass of readers. It forms a complete Guide-book to the tourist seeking for fields consecrated by patriotism, which lie scattered over our broad land. Nothing has been spared to make this great National Work complete, reliable, and eminently useful to all classes of citizens. Upward of $40,000 have been ex- pended in its publication. The publishers take great pleasure in presenting these volumes as the best specimen of typography ever issued from the American press. Lossing's History of the Pine Arts, Outline History of the Fine Arts ; embracing a Review of the Rise, Progress, and Influence of the Arts among different Nations, Ancient and Modern, with Notices of the Character and Works of many celebrated Artists. By BENSON J. LOSSING, Author of the "Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution." Engravings. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. 22 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Stephens's Travels in Central America, Travels in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. By J. L. STEPHENS. With a Map and 88 Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, Mus- lin, $5 00 ; Half Calf, $7 00. We close this book with regret. From the first page to the last the animation, the characteristic energy, the buoyant spirit of the author remained undimin- ished. Our extracts might have been thrice trebled, and yet left the volumes rich in important and original matter. The political details, for instance, from, which we have systematically abstained, would in themselves be sufficient to render the work one of high interest and permanent value. Let our friends of the New World send out half a dozen such travelers as Mr. Stephens, and we predict that the records of their wanderings, discoveries, and adventures will do more to elevate the literary character of America than the angry philippics of all the reviewers and newspapers throughout the Union, backed though they may be by an entire phalanx of servile echoes in England. London Quarterly Review. Stephens's Travels in Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. By J. L. STEPHENS. 120 En- gravings, from Drawings by F. CATHERWOOD. 2 vols. 8vo, Mus- lin, $5 00; Half Calf, $7 00. At once so amusing in their details and so instructive in their inquiries. Lit- erai-y Gazette. These delightful volumes! It is grievous to quit a store so brimful to over- flowing of what we like best. Athenaeum. The pleasantest and best work that has lately appeared. Spectator. Stephens's Travels in Greece, Travels in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. By J. L. STE- PHENS. Engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 75 ; Half Calf, $345. Very pleasant volumes. Such, indeed, is the spirit of the author's descriptions, and the vivid force and truth of his narrative, that reading his work is like ac- companying him on his route, and the reader grows at last to take a personal in- terest in all his adventures. Athenaeum. Stephens's Travels in Egypt, Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. By J. L. STEPHENS. Engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 75 ; Half Calf, $3 45. One of the most brilliant and fascinating books of travel ever published. The account of the visit to the city of Petraea, which is excavated in the solid rock, and had not before been visited for centuries by any European traveler, is most deeply interesting. Tacitns, Literally Translated. Tacitus. The "Works of Tacitus. The Oxford Translation, Re- vised. With Notes. Vol. I. The Annals. Vol. II. The History, Germany, Agricola, and Dialogues on Orators. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 50; Half Calf, $3 20. HAKPEK & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 23 Goodrich's British Eloquence, Select British Eloquence ; embracing the best Speeches entire of the most eminent Orators of Great Britain for the last two Cen- turies ; with Sketches of their Lives, an Estimate of their Genius, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By CHAUNCEY A. GOOD- RICH, D.D., Professor in Yale College. 8vo, Muslin, $3 50 ; Sheep extra, $3 75 ; Half Calf, $4 50. In this carefully prepared volume, we have an important contribution to rhe- torical literature. Containing the speeches of the great British orators, which are regarded as the master-pieces of their respective authors ; a memoir of each orator, showing the leading events of his public life, and the distinctive charac- teristics of his oratory ; an historical introduction to each of the speeches, ex- plaining the circumstances of the case ; the state of parties and the exact point at issue ; an analysis of the longer speeches in side notes ; and a large body of critical and explanatory notes, together with translations of the passages quoted from foreign languages; it leaves nothing to be desired as a text-book of the po- litical and forensic eloquence of Great Britain. The copious and valuable mem- oirs and notices by the editor make this less a compilation than an original work. The manner in which he has performed his task is a model of accurate and thor- ough editorship. He has omitted nothing which the most exacting student could demand for the elucidation of the subject in hand, without ever being tempted to indulge in superfluous details, A great mass of attractive information is thus presented, and in a style of singular clearness, strength, and elegance. It is rarely that so much profound scholarship, sound judgment, refined taste, and vigorous expression are devoted to the critical preparation for the press of the standard productions of other writers. Dr, Sanger's History of Prostitution, The History of Prostitution: its Extent, Causes, and Effects thwughout the World. (Being an Official Report to the Board of Aims-House Governors of the City of New York.) By WILL- IAM W. SANGER, MJX, Resident Physician, Blackwell's Island, New York City ; Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ; late one of the Physicians to the Ma- rine Hospital, Quarantine, New York, &c., &c., &c. 8vo, Mus- lin, $3 00. This important work is the first serious attempt that has ever been made to collect into one volume all the facts respecting the great social evil, Prostitution. It contains a brief summary of all the facts and statistics given in the famous work of Parent Duchatelet, and in the more recent works by various authors on Prostitution in England, Germany, &c. The subject of Prostitution in the Uni- ted States is most thoroughly treated, with copious statistics from the Police rec- ords and other authentic sources of information. Dr. ganger's official experi- ence and the opportunities opened to him by the Governors of the Aims-House, have undoubtedly enabled him to produce a work that will necessarily become the text-book on this painful but vitally important subject, and which, as such, must form part of the library of every magistrate, physician, and philanthropist, not only in this country but throughout the civilized world. N. Y. Observer. It is a book that every magistrate, every professional man, and, indeed, most adult citizens should read. The enormous evil must be grappled with, and an able, scientific work upon it, like the present, is necessaiy in order that it may be intelligently treated. -JV. Y. Christian Advocate and Journal. 24 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Barnes's Notes on the New Testament, For Bible Classes and Sunday Schools. Maps and Engravings. 11 vols. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents per Volume. Sets in Half Calf, $17 60. The Volumes sold separately. On the Four Gospels. 2 vols., $1 50. On the Acts of the Apostles. 75 cents. On the Epistle to the Romans. 75 cents. On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. 75 cents. On the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the Epistle to the Galatians. 75 cents. On the Epistles to the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the Phil- ippians. 75 cents. On the Epistles to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Phil- emon. 75 cents. On the Epistle to the Hebrews. 75 cents. On the General Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude. 75 cents. On the Revelation. 75 cents. These valuable Commentaries combine a just proportion of the devotional with the critical. The first rank among Biblical critics has been assigned to Albert Barnes. His fame has become European. " I know of no Commentary," says the Rev. Dr. Cummin g, of England, "so succinct, full, and impartial. It is fitted to instruct the preacher no less than the Sunday-school teacher. It seems to be his grand effort to unveil solely what * the Spirit saith to the churches.' I venture to predict that his faithful and lucid comments will find a response in the minds, hearts, and consciences of most Christian readers." Questions on Barnes's Notes, 18mo, Muslin, 15 cents per Volume. As follows: VOL. I. On Matthew ; II. On Mark and Luke ; III. On Jchn ; IV. On Acts ; V. On Romans ; VI. On First Corinthians ; VH. On Hebrews. Sallust, Literally Translated, Sallust, Florus, and Velleius Paterculus. Literally Translated, with Copious Notes and General Index. By the Rev. JOHN SEL- BY WATSON, M. A., Head Master of the Proprietary Grammar School, Stockwell. Portrait, 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents; Half Calf, $1 60. Sallust, Translated by Rose. History of the Jugurthine War, and of the Conspiracy of Catiline. Translated by WILLIAM ROSE, A.M. Portrait. 18mo, Muslin, 40 cents. Ovid, Translated by Dryden, Pope, Addison, &c, Ovid's Metamorphoses and Epistles. Translated by DRYDEN, POPE, ADDISON, CONGREVE, and others. Portrait. 2 vols. ISmo, Muslin, 90 cents. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 25 Squier's Central America, The States of Central America : Their Geography, Topography, Climate, Population, Resources, Productions, Commerce, Politi- cal Organization, Aborigines, &c., &c. Comprising Chapters on Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Be- lize, the Bay Islands, the Mosquito Shore, and the Honduras In- ter-Oceanic Railway. By E. G. SQUIER, formerly Charge d' Af- faires of the United States to the Republics of Central America. With Numerous Original Maps and Illustrations. A New and Enlarged Edition. 8vo, Muslin, $3 00. Mr. Squier has all the requisites for his undertaking. He has resided in the country for a considerable period in a distinguished position, and he has trav- ersed it in all directions. Of a high and bold spirit, a clear-sighted observer, and indefatigable even among those transatlantic Anglo-Saxons whom nothing tires, he is at once historian, geographer, archaeologist, naturalist, political econ- omist, politician, man of business, negociator, mineralogist, physiologist; when necessary he is even an engineer. He presents, in fact, a fine specimen of the most remarkable type of the North American, one who is fit for every thing, uniting flexibility of mind with force of will. Under these circumstances, Mr. Squier has been enabled to present us with a most interesting picture of Central America, in which he displays its various resources, astonishing in their variety. MICHEL CHEVALIER, in Journal des Debate. Squier's Waikna; Waikna ; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By SAMUEL A. BARD. With a Map of the Mosquito Shore, and upward of Sixty Original Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, $1 25. This is a narrative of adventure on that part of the Eastern coast of Central America known as the " Mosquito Shore." It presents an animated and lively picture of the character and habits of the people and scenery of that coast, which lately had been invested with much interest on account of the pretensions set up there by Great Britain, and strenuously denied by the United States. A rapid sketch of the relations of the two countries is given in the Appendix. The artist has enriched and illustrated his descriptions with striking and characteristic sketches of scenery and incidents. Horace, Literally Translated, The Works of Horace. Literally Translated into Engish Prose, by C. SMART, A.M., of Pembroke College, Cambridge. A New Edition, Kevised, with a copious Selection of Notes, by THEO- DORE ALOIS BUCKLEY, B.A., of Christ Church. Portrait. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents; Half Calf, $1 60. Horace and Phsedrus, Translated by Francis, &c, The Odes, Satires, and Epistles of Horace, translated by PHILIP FRANCIS, D.D. With Versions of various Odes, by MILTON, DRY- DEN, POPE, ADDISON, BYRON, and others. To which are append- ed the Fables of Phadrus, with the Appendix of GUDIUS. Trans- lated by C. SMART, A.M. Portrait. 2. rols. 18mo, Muslin, 90 cents. B 26 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Nile Notes of a Howadji, By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00 ; Half Calf, $1 85. In this brilliant volume of Eastern travels, the genius of the youthful author, who has since attained such eminent distinction, was first revealed to the literary public. Written in a style which combines the voluptuous softness of an Orient- al atmosphere with the sunny splendors of the tropics, it at once marked the writer as a new star in American literature. He takes the reader with him into rare and beautiful scenes of nature, unfolds the mysteries of Arabian life, and reproduces the strange incidents of a unique tour in language of wonderful viv- idness and force. The Howadji in Syria, By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Half Calf, $1 85. A second volume of Oriental travel, distinguished for the same bold and strik- ing characteristics which give such a decided impress of beauty and power to the Nile Notes. It abounds in picturesque descriptions of the marvels of the Holy Land, throwing fresh light on ancient localities, and imbued with the spirit of sympathy and reverence for the sacred scenes which it calls forth from the dim oblivion of the past. Lotus-Eating. A Summer Book. By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. Beautifully Illustrated from Designs by Kensett. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents; Half Calf, $1 60. This delightful volume is a record of the summer rambles of the author, touch- ing gracefully on many of the most interesting spots in American scenery, and giving a series of lively pictures of the celebrated places of fashionable resort. Humor, pathos, and sentiment are generally blended in its pages, its reflections are always suggestive, its narratives never pall upon the taste, its brilliant word- painting is relieved by an undercurrent of genuine feeling, and its fresh and glow- ing descriptions give a new charm to familiar objects. The Potiphar Papers, By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. Illustrated from Drawings by HOPPIN. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Half Calf, $1 85. These papers made the reputation of the periodical in which they were first given to the world. They were hailed with the liveliest delight by the American reading world, who acknowledge in their anonymous author a new star in their literary firmament. As graphic and telling descriptions of a peculiar phase of American society they are unexcelled ; the fresh and sparkling wit, the genial humor, and keen and truthful satire with which "our Best Society" is dissected, have delighted thousands, and made "Mrs. Potiphar" a proverb. Hoppin's pencil has ably aided the pen of the Howadji in these collected sketches. Prue and I, By GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Half Calf, $1 85. In the character and fancies of an old bookkeeper, "who wears a white cravat and black trowsers in the morning, who rarely goes to the opera, and never dines out," the author of these charming essays has embodied the sweetest and most genial humor which has graced English literature since the delightful Essays of Elia. " Prue and I" is a book for the fireside, for a leisure hour, or for a sum- mer day. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 27 Herman Melville's Works, The new path struck out by Melville in Typee and Omoo has led to a wide and brilliant fame in a short space of time. Few of the younger American authors are more extensively read or more universally admired. His pictures of primi- tive social life in the islands of the South Sea possess an irresistible charm. The works devoted to this subject are redolent of the spicy fragrance of the native forests, and glow with the splendid lights of a tropical sky. In his other pro- ductions, comic humor is admirably blended with powerful description, grave reflection, and exciting narrative. Surpassed in originality by no recent writer in literature, his works form an epoch in its progress, and are indispensable in every library, Omoo; A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 12mo, Muslin, $1 25 ; Half Calf, $2 15. Typee ; A Peep at Polynesian Life, during a four Month's Residence in the Marquesas. By HERMAN MELVILLE. The Revised Edition, with a Sequel. 12mo, Paper, 75 cents ; Muslin, 87 cents ; Half Calf, $1 75. Moby-Dick ; Or, The Whale. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 12mo, Muslin, $1 50 ; Half Calf, $2 35. White Jacket ; Or, The World in a Man-of-War. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 12mo, Muslin, $1 25 ; Half Calf, $2 10. Redburn ; His First Voyage. Being the Reminiscences of the Son-of-a- Gentleman in the Merchant Service. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Half Calf, $1 85. Mardi; And a Voyage Thither. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 75 ; Half Calf, $3 45. Pierre ; Or, The Ambiguities. By HERMAN MELVILLE. 12mo, Muslin, $1 25 ; Half Calf, $2 10. Georgia Scenes, With Original Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, 90 cents. " Georgia Scenes is among the happiest pictures of society produced in the present age, and it ranks with 'Knickerbocker' or 'Salmagundi' as a work of humor. Judge Longstreet, its accomplished author, has placed himself among the classics of his department. One of the most laughter-moving volumes ex- tant." 28 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Miss Sedgwick's Works. Miss Sedgwick has marked individuality ; she writes with a higher aim than merely to amuse. Indeed, the rare endowments of her mind depend in an unu- sual degree upon the moral qualities with which they are united for their value. Animated by a cheerful philosophy, and anxious to pour its sunshine into every place where there is lurking care or suffering, she selects for illustration the scenes of every-day experience, paints them with exact fidelity, and seeks to diffuse over the mind a delicious serenity, and in the heart kind feelings and sympathies, and wise ambition and steady hope. Her style is colloquial, pictur- esque, and marked by a facile grace, which is evidently a gift of nature. Her characters are nicely drawn and delicately contrasted ; her delineation of man- ners decidedly the best that have appeared. Prose Writers of America. Memoir of Joseph Curtis, A Model Man. By CATHARINE M. SEDGWICK. 16mo, Muslin, 50 cents. Joseph Curtis was a merchant and a philanthropist. In the course of an un- obtrusive and laborious business life of over fifty years, he proved how very much practical good can be accomplished in any society by a man of small means, but large and active faith. As the leader of the Manumission movement in New York, the originator and first superintendent of the Juvenile House of Kefuge, and as a most active and practical member of the School Board, his name will live in the memories of the citizens of New York. As a careful, kind, and lov- ing father, his life is a model for all. Miss Sedgwick's memoir is a plain state- ment of facts, without eulogy other than that contained in the facts themselves. Mr. Curtis' s career is a model for the youth of our land. Married or Single? A Novel. By CATHARINE M. SEDGWICK. 2 vols. 12mo, Mus- lin, $1 75. " In this book Miss Sedgwick has entered New York society, and selected her people as her actors. Without caricaturing, every person is drawn from life, with all the follies and all the virtues that make up a frequenter of New York circles. It is a simple, yet an absorbing story of modern life. In its progress, married life is laid bare of all its concealments, and the contrast with singleness of heart and life is made plain. The pains, trials, troubles, sorrows, and ago- nies resulting from marriage are among the prominent incidents of the history; yet the moral can scarcely be said to be in favor of single life." Hope Leslie, A Novel. By CATHARINE M. SEDGWICK. 2 vols. 12mo, Mus- lin, $1 25. The Linwoods, By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1 50. Live and Let Live ; Or, Domestic Service Illustrated. By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. A story of a young girl who goes out to service. She enters different families and learns many painful lessons. The book is designed to set forth the mutual duties of the employers and the employed, in the relative positions of mistress of a family and domestic servant HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 29 Means and Ends; Or, Self-training. By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. This volume is intended to furnish an answer to the question, "What is edu- cation?" It inculcates that physical and economical training, forethought, the formation of sound principles, useful habits, and pleasing manners, are a part of education ; that housewifery, cookery, the care of a sick-room, and even taste in dress, are essential parts of female education, as well as a knowledge of books, sciences, and accomplishments. A Love Token for Children, Designed for Sunday School Libraries. By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. A book for children, inculcating, by means of simple stories, forgiveness of in- juries, perseverance in well-doing, and self-sacrifice for the welfare of others. The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man, By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. We recognize in these books feminine skill and delicacy of delineation, with unusual discrimination of character and knowledge of the heart. Another high recommendation is their marked religious tone. Norwich Courier. Stories for Young Persons, By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. There is a sweetness and sociability in her stories we meet with nowhere else. Newburgh Courier. Her writings are always well worth reading. The quiet good sense and ster- ling principles they contain will make them acceptable to matiuer minds. Her- ald. Wilton Harvey, and other Tales, By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home. By Miss C. M. SEDGWICK. 18mo, Mus- lin, $1 90. Miss Sedgwick, says the London Athenceum, has far exceeded her predeces- sors; for they only described characters and scenes, while she has carried her researches into the parlors, nay to the very pantries of individuals. Miss Sedg- wick occupies a high position in America, not merely as an ornament of its world of light literature, but as a moral teacher. Tales of Glauber Spa, By CATHARINE M. SEDGWICK and Others. 12mo, Muslin, 85 cents. Livy, Translated by Baker, Livy's History of Rome. Translated by GEORGE BAKER. Por- trait. 5 vols. 18mo, Muslin, $2 25. 30 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Lucy Howard's Journal. By Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. It presents an engaging picture of the affections by which life is endeared, the trials to which it is exposed, and the pure and peaceful enjoyments with which it may often be filled. The book abounds with generous and true sentiments, and those simple and reconciling truths which we are so apt to lose sight of in this bustling, work-day world ; and all conveyed, too, in that same elegant form which marks all of Mrs. Sigourney's writings. .y. Y. Courier and Enquirer. Letters to Mothers, By Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents ; Muslin, gilt edges, 90 cents. The-e letters touch upon a great variety of topics of special interest to those to whom they are addressed. The privileges of the mother, the influence of chil- dren upon parents, the mutual relation of children and parents, the aims and ob- jects in life to be inculcated, are all treated of in a manner full of grace and fine feeling. No mother can peruse this volume without gaining from it new views of her duties, and new strength to aid her in the performance of them. Letters to Young Ladies. By Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents ; Muslin, gilt edges, 90 cents. Mrs. Sigourney, in her "Letters to Young Ladies," has given evidence to the public that her capacity to impart instruction in matters of domestic economy, and the minor as well as the major morals that should regulate our conduct in our intercourse with the world, is equal to her power to thrill the heart and cap- tivate the senses by her beautiful creations of poetry. Literary Examiner. Myrtis, and other Sketchings, By Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. Her writings are so pure, so refined, and appeal so directly to the best feelings of the heart, that they will ever hold a prominent place in our literature while these qualities are esteemed. But few modem writers have done more good with the pen, and we trust she may long be preserved for future usefulness. North American. Pocahontas, and other Poems, By Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. Engravings. 12mo, Muslin, 90 cents. Her writings have endeared her name to the lovers of virtue and song every where. As a writer of verse she has high moral aims, and though this circum- stance, \vith ordinary talent, might entitle her to consideration, she can add the effectual claim of sterling literary excellence. Her poetry is characterized by ease, tenderness, a chastened fancy, and a delicate sensibility of whatever is beautiful in nature or charming in truth. It may be described in one word, as the poetiy of refined religious emotion. Chamber*. Jnvenal and Persius, Translated, The Satires of Juvenal. Translated by CHARLES BADHAM, M.D., F.R.S. With an Appendix, containing Imitations of the Third and Fourth Satires, by Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON. To which are ap- pended the Satires of Persius, translated by the Rt. Hon. Sir W. DRUMMOND. 12rao, Muslin, 45 cents. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 31 Praise and Principle; Or, For what shall I Live ? By Miss M. J. M'INTOSH. 18mo, Muslin, 37 cents. 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The object of this work is, in describing the present to connect it with the past, which, in speaking of what is daily and accidental, would separate it from what ages have sanctioned, and distant ages are likely to see ; a work which, in show- ing the effect which time, and laws, and accident produce upon the character of the people, would also show the manner in which the character of a people trav- erses time, enters into laws, and dominates over accident. By Sir E. BULWER LYTTON. 84 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, Mackenzie's Works, Novels and Miscellaneous Works of Henry Mackenzie : compris- ing "The Man of Feeling," "The Man of the World," "Julia de Roubigne," &c. With a Memoir of the Author, by Sir WALTER SCOTT. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00; Half Calf, $1 85. 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The author devoted himself with untiring diligence to the examination of lo- cal English antiquities which preserve the memory of the Protestant Martyrs, and has here set forth the fruit of his researches in an eloquent and impressive manner. Among the places to which he made a pious pilgrimage, Smithfield, Lutterworth, Gloucester, and Oxford are most conspicuous. The Mechanic, By Rev. C. B. TATLER. 18mo, Muslin, 30 cents. Spurzheim's Phrenology, Phrenology ; or, the Doctrine of the Mental Phenomena. By J. G. SPURZHEIM. A new revised Edition, with many Illustra- tions. Two Volumes in One. 8vo, Muslin, $1 50. The distinguished reputation of this author will suffice to commend the pres- ent improved edition of his celebrated work on the study of mental phenomena, both in the physiological and philosophical part of phrenology. As the most thorough and profound treatise on the subject, this work has long retained the first rank ; it illustrates the science by numerous facts cited from a variety of sources, of great value and interest, which render this production unique. The work is embellished by numerous engravings illustratve of the text, which are admirably executed on steel. Whewell's Astronomy and General Physics, Considered with reference to Natural Theology. 12mo, Muslin, 50 cents. The distinguished reputation of Professor "Whewell was materially extended by the production of this beautiful treatise, which formed one of the prize essays of the Bridgewater series. Whewell's Elements of Morality, Including Polity. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, 90 cents. We have read the work through with growing gratitude to the author for the distinctness of his definitions, for the transparency of his statements, for his ac- curacy in the use of terms, and for the minuteness and thoroughness of his anal- ysis of moral ideas and conceptions. North American Review. History of Wonderful Inventions, Illustrated by numerous Engravings. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. The compass, gunpowder, gun-cotton, printing, gas, steam, electricity, time and weather guages, and all the other most remarkable elements which guide and rule the world in our age, are well explained and described in this volume. Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings, By DANIEL B. WOODS. 12mo, Muslin, 62| cents. U, S, Army Regulations, Regulations for the Army of the United States. Approved by the President of the United States, and Printed under the Direc- tions of the Secretary of War. 12mo, Muslin, $1 50. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 183 Page's La Plata. La Plata : The Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. Being a Narrative of the Exploration of the Tributaries of the River La Plata and Adjacent Countries, during the Years 1853, '54, '55, and '56, under the orders of the United States Government. By THOMAS J. PAGE, U.S.N., Commander of the Expedition. With Map and numerous Engravings. 8vo, Muslin, $3 00; Half Calf, $400. This volume contains the Official Narrative of one of the most important Ex- peditions ever sent out by our Government. The vast region drained by the River La Plata and its tributaries was closed to commerce and navigation by the rigid Colonial Laws of Spain, the civil wars which followed the Independence, and the subsequent selfish policy of Rosas, the tyrant of Buenos Ayres. After the defeat and flight of Rosas, one of the first acts of Urquiza, the able and en- lightened Director of the Argentine Confederation, was the decree of August 28, 1852, declaring the waters of the Confederation free to the flags of all nations. Our Government was the first to avail itself of this decree. Early in 1853 the steamer Water Witch was placed under the command of Lieutenant PAGE, with instructions to explore the Rivers of La Plata, and report upon their navigabili- ty and adaptation to commerce. Lieutenant PAGE executed his commission with rare fidelity and intelligence, and has embodied the results in this volume. The explorations described in the narrative embrace an extent of 3600 miles of river navigation, and 4400 miles of journey by land in Paraguay and the Argentine Confederation. The River Paraguay alone was found to be navigable, at low water, by a steamer drawing nine feet, for more than 2000 miles from the ocean. The basin of La Plata is almost equal in extent to that of the Mississippi, and not inferior in salubrity of climate and fertility of soil, while the head waters of its rivers penetrate the richest mineral provinces of Brazil and Bolivia. The pro- ducts of this region must find their outlet through the River La Plata. The population numbers scarcely one person to a square mile, but great inducements to emigration are now offered by the Argentine Confederation. The commerce of the country, already considerable, is capable of immediate and almost indefi- nite increase. Lieutenant PAGE'S Narrative contains ample information respect- ing the soil, climate, and productions of the country, and the manners, habits, and customs of the people. An interesting and valuable account of the Jesuit Missions in La Plata is appended to the Narrative. The Illustrations comprise the accurate Map of the Country prepared by the orders of our Government, Portraits of Urquiza, Lopez, Francia, and Loyola, and numerous Engravings of Scenery, Character, and Incident. Inez, A Tale of the Alamo. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. A very spirited and powerful story, by an American lady. The scene is laid in Texas, and the story illustrates Texas life, the influence of the Jesuits, and human nature in general. Pindar and Anacreon, Translated, Pindar, Translated by Key. C. A. WHEELWRIGHT. Anacreon, Translated by T. BOURNE. Portrait. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. 184 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Tales from the Operas, The Incidents of each Opera are related in a graphic and pleas- ing style, while preserving the force and spirit of the Original. Edited by GEORGE FREDERICK PARDON. 12mo, Muslin. The usefulness of this book, apart from the interest of the narratives, will at once commend itself to every reader. To those who frequent the Opera it is in- valuable, and to those who speak and hear of it only, it is indispensable. The main incidents of the most celebrated Lyric Dramas are embodied in this work, the periods of history to which they refer are illustrated, the principal characters delineated, the plots unravelled, and the genius and spirit of each Opera care- fully and lucidly brought out. How few who visit the Opera House understand the nature and particulars of that which is being enacted ? and how few partic- ipate in the beauty and comprehensiveness of the music? In this book we can once more listen with rapt attention to the stirring tales of the Huguenots ; re- joice with Massaniello and William Tell ; weep with Norma and Desdemona ; shudder at the crimes of Lucrezia Borgia; laugh at the miseries and perplexities of Don Pasquale : make merry with the Barber of Seville ; be melted at the woes of La Traviata, or sit spell-bound and watch the Somnambulist crossing the creaking bridge. In a word, how few can intelligently enjoy and appreciate these master-pieces of dramatic and lyric art without an accurate and succinct knowledge of the narratives on which they are founded ? To provide this knowl- edge is the object of the present volume. The Laird of Norlaw, A Scottish Story. By Mrs. OLIPHANT. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00. The author is one of the most truthful delineators of domestic life. The first perusal of her books insures a second, and often a third reading, and, like the novels of Sir Walter Scott, the more frequently they are reverted to, the greater the pleasure. We have very little doubt that the same marks of permanent fa- vor which yet abide by the tales of Miss Edgeworth and Miss Austen, and the novels of Scott and Bulwer, are in store for this gifted lady's agreeable works of fiction. Messenger. Katie Stewart, A True Story. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. The Quiet Heart. A Novel. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. The Athelings; Or, the Three Gifts. A Novel. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. The Days of My Life, An Autobiography. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 185 More About Jesus. With Illustrations and a Map. By the Author of "Peep of Day," " Reading without Tears," &c. 16mo, Muslin. ' Tell me more about Jesus," is the request that would more frequently be heard if parents and teachers would take the pains to make what they tell the children interesting ; and this may easily be done by means of the many appli- ances within reach. A map of the Holy Land, and a plan of Jerusalem, with a few prints, will always enable the intelligent senior to make his or her Scripture lesson agreeable to the juniors. The author of this little book has already shown her aptitude for the work in her " Peep of Day," and other publications, but in none more prominently than in this. It consists of a series of stories, of about two pages long, embracing the whole of the events in the life of our blessed Lord, told in a plain, simple style, suited to the capacities of children of seven or eight years of age. But better still, all good children's books are good for adults ; and this will be found equally useful to put into the hands of very ignorant grown- up people, who may from this learn the story of man's redemption in an intelli- gent manner. Many of the lessons are illustrated with cuts of the places men- tioned. Reading without Tears; Or, a Pleasant Mode of Learning to Eead. By the Author of " Peep of Day," ' ' More about Jesus," &c. Beautifully Illustrated. Small 4to, Muslin, gilt, 50 cents. An easy, simple, and pleasant book for the tiny scholars of the nursery -room. It contains a picture for every word of spelling capable of pictorial explanation. The reading lessons have been carefully selected, being composed of the prece- ding spelling lessons, by which means, together with the picture meanings, the words are easily impressed on the memory of a very young child. -London Ath- enaeum. Ellis's Madagascar, Three Visits to Madagascar, during the Years 1853-1854-1856. Including a Journey to the Capital, with Notices of the Natural History of the Country and of the Present Civilization of the Peo- ple. By the Rev. WILLIAM ELLIS, F.H.S., Author of "Polyne- sian Researches." Illustrated by a Map and Wood- cuts from Photographs, &c. 8vo, Muslin. Mr. Ellis is a zealous missionary an active, intelligent, resolute, handy, ob- servant, and well-informed man and a lively, interesting, unaffected writer. In this handsome volume he gives us a very minute account of three several visits which he paid within the last five years to the little known but very remarkable island of Madagascar. He took with him a camera, and his book is illustrated by a number of portraits and views of scenery of whose accuracy we are assured by their having been photographed on the spot. Mr. Ellis was accustomed to keep a journal, in which he noted down every evening the events of the day; and that journal, transmitted to England in the form of letters, furnished the mate- rials for the present volume. It is a readable book. It takes us into untrodden fields ; and its style is characterized by truthfulness, simplicity, and a pleasing but perfectly unobtrusive earnestness. The questions opened out by this book are of such public interest at present that we can not err in predicting for it a success scarcely second to Dr. Living- stone's u Journal." We commend our readers, architectural, botanical, political, or theological, to this excellent book. London Athenaeum. 186 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Muller's History of Greek Literature, A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. By K. O. Mtix- LER, late Professor in the University of Gottingen. Continued after the Author's Death by JOHN WILLIAM DONALDSON, D.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and late Fel- low of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo, Muslin. (In Press.) This work, originally undertaken at the request of the Society for the Diffu- sion of Useful Knowledge, was written with a view to its appearance in an En- glish form only, and left incomplete by the death of its Author in 1840. The Society had arranged that Dr. Donaldson, who had translated the latter half of the work, should complete it according to the plan proposed by Professor Miil- ler; and the present publishers have resumed the undertaking in the hope of placing within the reach of classical students a complete but convenient Manual of Greek Literary History. The book comprises Chronological Tables, Indices, some Supplementary Notes, and a Memoir and Portrait of the Author. Wyoming ; Its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures. By Rev. GEORGE PECK, D.D. Beautifully Illustrated. 12mo, Mus- lin, f 1 25. A clear and complete narrative of the early settlement of Wyoming, the massacre of its inhabitants, and the principal incidents in the lives of the survivors. Almost every chapter has in it the groundwork of an historical novel. There is no class of readers who will not peruse it with pleasure. The work is rendered still more in- teresting by a variety of pictorial illustrations, comprising some artistic sketches. Dr, Thome. A Novel. By ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Author of "Barchester Towers," &c. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00. Mr. Trollope has a real sense of fun a thing not common in these days. We can promise a hearty laugh to all who undertake " Doctor Thorne" a laugh that does good to the laugher, not cynical and cruel, but hearty and sympathet- ic, and there are so few books now-a-days that make us laugh. There is genu- ine humor in " Doctor Thorne," not strained or ambitiously displayed, but arising from the natural play of the characters. The characters are real creatures of hu- man nature, flesh and blood, vigorously and broadly drawn, bnt not caricatured. We are prepared to name him (the author of Doctor Thorne) among the illus- trious living writers of fiction. * * In Doctor Thorne the handling is broad and powerful, but sure, and under strong restraint ; every touch tells, because every touch is the result of thought and feeling, subdued with rare technical skill. * * The author's broad and vigorous portraiture, his keen insight into character, his subtle and penetrating observation, embrace too widely and pierce too deeply into the society around him not to give to all he writes the strength and consist- ency of a purpose ; and we cheerfully add that his purpose seems to us to be un- exceptionable in its courageous independence and brave humanity. The Leader. Memoirs of Rachel, By Madame De B . 12mo, Muslin, $1 00. " A volume full of spicy gossip and anecdote of the great Hebrew tragedienne. The authoress follows her subject minutely, through the many eventful phases of her career ; recounting with French liveliness and spirit all those accidents and incidents which made up Rachel's strange and contradictoiy character. She gives, besides, a most interesting account of the French theatrical world, its man- agement by the government, and of that life behind the green curtain in France, of which Rachel was so long the centre." > HARPER & BROTHERS 1 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 187 Self-Made Men, By CHARLES C. B. SEYMOUR. Many Portraits. 12mo, 588 pp., Muslin, f 1 25 ; Muslin, gilt edges, $1 40; Half Calf, $2 10. The author includes in this volume not only those individuals who have risen to scientific or social eminence without the usual appliances of education, but a great variety of men who, though favored with the usual advantages of literary culture, have carved out their way to usefulness and renown in the midst of for- midable obstacles, by the force of their own genius and energy. Thus we have sketches of Daniel Webster, Immanuel Kant, Fichte, Sir William Jones, and others, who, though self-made men, can hardly be called self-educated men: these are by the side of Elihu Burritt, Burns, Henry Clay, Dr. Franklin, and sev- eral others of a similar stamp, who, in spite of the want of a regular early educa- tion, have gained a position among their fellow-men which tempts one to consid- er the learning of the schools as superfluous. The unity of the volume according- ly, is to be found in the fact that it consists of the biographies of persons who have won distinction by dint of struggle. The subjects comprise statesmen, scholars, poets, inventors, men conspicuous for their mental ability and attract- ive for their moral worth. The book can not fail to be useful wherever it is read. Fred Markham in Russia; Or, the Boy Travelers in the Land of the Czar. By W. H. G. KINGSTON, Esq., Author of "Salt Water," "Peter the Whaler," " Mark Seaworth," " Manco," &c. Profusely and elegantly Il- lustrated. Small 4to, Muslin, gilt, 75 cents. " No youth of an inquiring mind will lay aside this entertaining volume with- out mastering its contents, and recollecting them, too ; for the author has so managed his subject as surely to absorb the minds of his youthful readers. It is full of information, which will be equally interesting to all classes of readers. Indeed, it describes many things in Russia which are scarcely mentioned in works of far greater. pretension." Adam Bede, A Novel. By GEORGE ELIOT, Author of " Scenes of Clerical Life." 12mo, Muslin, Among the new writers of fiction who have recently appeared in Great Brit- ain, we should place George Eliot, the author of Scenes of Clerical Life, at the head. We should be at a loss to name any English novelist of the present day who has excelled the author in his pictures of domestic life, or who has shown a higher order of talent in the delineation of individual character, than the author of these admirable tales. They make us acquainted with an entirely new phase of English Life that of the middle-class religious family and they are wholly free from the flippancies, affectations, and maudlin sentiments which are pecu- liar to the majority of the so-called religious novels. N. Y. Times. Scenes of Clerical Life. A Novel. The Sad Fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton. Mr. Gilfil's Love-Story. Janet's Repentance. By GEORGE ELIOT. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. Obviously the production of a peculiar and remarkable writer, whose style showed little or no family resemblances with that of any living author. * * He has made us weep over his pathos, and laugh over his comedy; and he has done so with a quiet truth which we find in few of his contemporaries. Saturday Review (London). 188 HARPER & BROTHERS 1 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. A Cyclopedia of Commerce And Commercial Navigation. Edited by J. SMITH ROMANS, Corresponding Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, and Editor of "The Bankers' Magazine and Statistical Register ;" and by J. SMITH HOMANS, Jr., B.S., Au- thor of " An Historical and Statistical Account of the Foreign Commerce of the U. S." Royal Octavo, 2000 pages, double col- umes, strongly bound, Muslin, $6 00 ; Sheep extra, $6 75 ; Half Calf extra, $8 00. Sheep extra, 2 vols., $8 00; Law Sheep, 2 vols., $8 00 ; Half Calf extra, 2 vols., $8 75. This work is a compendium of commercial knowledge, including articles upon the trade of every important maritime country and city in the world ; copious and reliable statistics upon the staple productions of every climate ; essays upon commercial subjects; synopsis of the laws regulating commerce ; and, generally, information and statistics upon every important commercial subject. The want of a comprehensive commercial work of this kind has long been felt in the United States a work exhibiting the condition and resources of the Uni- ted States and the separate States, as well as of foreign nations. The only at- tempt hitherto made in this country to supply the want of such a work was the reprint, more than twenty-five years ago, of M'Culloch's Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. This work is very deficient in statistics relating to this continent, particularly of the United States, while many subjects of great importance to commercial men are either omitted entirely or mentioned only incidentally. The extensive and important changes that have taken place within the past ten years in commercial affairs the establishment of new States, new Territories, new commercial places the unexampled increase of the commerce of the United States, of the development and the record of the great industrial resources of the United States all seem to require a new and distinct work, with a view to place before commercial readers a more ample account of the progress of commerce throughout the world. The present volume has been prepared with a view to supply, in part, this want; and while the editors have aimed at presenting a fair exhibit of the finances, the internal and foreign commerce, the staple pro- ducts of each State, they have at the same time gathered together the latest statistics in reference to the products and the commercial relations of foreign nations: especially of those with whom the United States have the most inti- mate intercourse. The work contains over 2700 subjects. I HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 189 Life of North American Insects, With numerous Illustrations drawn from Specimens in the Cabi- net of the Author. By Professor JAEGER, assisted by H. C. PRESTON, M.D. 12mo, Muslin. The present work is the fruit of Entomological investigations, pursued by the author for many years during his extensive travels in Europe, Asia, and on this Continent and is accompanied by a thorough examination of all the works published on the subject in the various European languages. No branch of Natural History deserves a more careful and thorough study than the class of Insects, because none is more abounding in use or injury to man none pre- sents so great diversity of occupations and so many grades of society. The study and knowledge of the companions that swarm around us on every tree and flower, in the air about us, and on the earth beneath us, must be important and interesting to every one, of whatever mental capacity or taste. And it has been very generally so considered, for the rich and poor, lettered and unlettered, the statesman and philosopher, manufacturer and merchant, husbandman and horticulturist, clergyman and physician, have often made this study the principal occupation of their leisure hours. Fankwei ; Or, The San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China, and Japan. By WILLIAM MAXWELL WOOD, M.D., U.S.N., late Surgeon of the Fleet to the United States East India Squadron, Author of " Wandering Sketches in South America, Polynesia," &c., &c. 12mo, Muslin, $ 1 25. The veteran surgeon of the United States fleet composing the expedition to Siam, here presents an interesting record of his experience in the waters of the East. His volume contains several graphic episodes illustrative of life on board ship, together with a great amount of information concerning the manners and customs, political condition, and religious ideas of the remote regions to which his official capacity gave him intimate access. He writes in a style which bears the impress of a decided individuality, showing the resolute thinker and observer. In addition to the topics which naturally fall within the compass of his narrative, Dr. Wood presents numerous comments on the naval discipline and traditions with which many years have made him familiar. They are brought forward with sailor-like frankness, and man-of-war life is hit off in a manner which will com- pare favorably with Herman Melville's Sea sketches. Charles Lever's Novels, \Ve hardly know how to convey an adequate notion of the exuberant whim and drollery by which this writer is characterized. His works are a perpetual feast of gayety. John Bull. *' This well-known humorous and sparkling writer, whose numerous laughter- provoking novels have so often convulsed the reader by their drollery and rollick- ing wit, seems to possess an endless fund of entertainment." Gerald Fitzgerald the " Chevalier." 8vo, Paper. (In press.) The Martins of Cro' Martin. 8vo, Taper, 63 cents ; Muslin, 75 cents. Maurice Tiernay, The Soldier of For- tune. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. The Nevilles of Garrettstown. 8vo, Paper, ^5 cents. The Dodd Family Abroad. Svo, Paper, 75 cents. Sir Jasper Carew, Knt. ; His Life and Adventures. With some Account of his Over-reachings and Short-com- ings, now first given to the World by Himself. Svo, Paper, 50 cents. The Daltons ; or, the Three Roads of Life. Svo, Paper, 50 cents. Roland Cashel. With Illustrations by Phiz. Svo, Paper, 75 cents ; Muslin, $1 00. Glencore and his Fortunes. Svo, Paper, 50 cents. 190 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. The American Home Garden, Being Principles and Rules for the Culture of Vegetables, Fruits, Flowers, and Shrubbery. To which are added brief Notes on Farm Crops, with a Table of their Average Product and Chemi- cal Constituents. By ALEXANDER WATSON. With several Hund- red Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin. The author here presents, in a digested and plain form, such directions and in- formation as will, if applied, enable every one who has a garden to supply the home table with Its pleasant and healthful products at the least possible outlay of labor and expense, and add choice fruits and flowers to the family stock of ra- tional, cheap, every-day enjoyments. Chaptal's Chemistry Applied to Agriculture. With a Preliminary Chapter on the Or- ganization, Structure, &c., of Plants, by Sir HUMPHREY DAVY; an Essay on the Use of Lime as a Manure, by M. Puvis ; with Introductory observations to the same, by Professor RENWICK. Translated and Edited by Rev. WILLIAM P. PAGE. 18mo, Half Sheep, 50 cents. An able and complete manual on the subject of Chemistry, freed from all tech- nicalities, being expressly prepared for popular use ; the work, therefore, can not fail of proving acceptable among the farming community, and all who are in any manner interested hi the culture of the soil. Johnson's Economy of Health, The Economy of Health ; or, the Stream of Human Life from the Cradle to the Grave. With Reflections, Moral, Physical, and Philosophical, on the Septennial Phases of Human Exist- ence. By JAMES JOHNSON, M.D. 18mo, Muslin, 50 cents. This volume contains many striking and original remarks upon the maintenance of health, especially upon the moral and physical changes which take place at the different marked periods of human life. Webster's Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy: comprising such subjects as are most immediately connected with Housekeeping ; as, the Construction of Domestic Edifices ; Arti- cles of Furniture; Animal and Vegetable Substances used as Food, and the Methods of Preserving and preparing them by Cooking ; making Bread ; Materials employed in Dress and the Toilet ; Business of the Laundry ; Preservation of Health ; Do- mestic Medicine, &c. By THOMAS WEBSTER. With Additions by an American Physician. With nearly 1000 Engravings. Svo, Sheep, $3 00. This is a valuable and truly useful work, comprising every thing needful to be known in domestic economy essential to the comfort, convenience, utility, and enjoyment of a family. In fact, there is nothing in the entire range of the do- mestic economy of a family that can not be found in this book. It contains near- ly 1250 pages, withersede every other icork on the subject. The volume conforms with the u History of Greece," by Dr. Win. Smith, in typography, lite- rary method, and illustration. John Bull. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 213 Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, Based on the German Work of FRANCIS PAS sow. With Correc- tions and Additions, and the Insertion, in Alphabetical Order, of the Proper Names occurring in the principal Greek Authors, by HENRY DRISLER, M.A. Royal 8vo, Sheep extra, $5 00. The work of Liddell and Scott is esteemed by scholars as incomparably the best Greek lexicon ever published. It fs constructed on the true principles of lexicog- graphy, and presents, besides the clear and consistent signification of each word, its history, the changes it has undergone, and especially its usage in each of the great eras of the language. On the score of completeness, accuracy, comprehen- siveness, and scholarship, the work is not to be named in comparison with Donne- gan, or any other Greek-English lexicon. Its publication was hailed with great satisfaction by all professors and teachers of the Greek language, and has done much to advance Greek learning among us. A significant testimonial to its value is to be found in the fact that, from its first appearance, this lexicon was adopted in the English schools to the exclusion of all others, received the stamp of public ap- probation, and^was awarded the palm of decided superiority over other lexicons. Professor Drisler has not only carefully prepared the work, but has added large- ly to its value, especially by the insertion of all the proper names in their alpha- betical order. LOOMIS'S SERIES OP TEXT-BOOKS. The Course of Mathematics by Professor Loomis has now been for several years before the public, and has received the general approbation of teachers throughout the country. The following are some of the institutions in which this Course has been introdueed either wholly or in part : Dartmouth College, N. H. ; \\ illiams College, Mass. ; Amherst College, Mass. ; Yale College, Conn. ; Trinity College, Conn. ; Wesleyan University, Conn. ; Hamilton College, N. Y. ; Hobart Free College, N. Y. ; New York University, N. Y. ; Troy University, N. Y. ; Dickin- son College, Penn. ; Jefferson College, Penn. ; Alleghany College, Penn. ; La- fayette College, Penn. ; St. John's College, Md. ; Columbian College, D. 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This volume explains, in a simple and philosophical manner, the theory of all the ordinary operations of Arithmetic, and illustrates them by examples suffi- ciently numerous to impress them indelibly upon the mind of the pupil. The most important information required respecting the usual forms of business is given in a clear and concise manner. The book is designed for the use of ad- vanced students in our public schools, and furnishes a complete preparation for the study of Algebra, as well as for the practical duties of the counting-house. The answers to about one-third of the questions are given in the body of the work ; but in order to lead the student to rely upon his own judgment, the an- swers to the remaining questions are purposely omitted. For the convenience, however, of such teachers as may desire it, there is published a small edition con- taining the answers to all the questions. 214: HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. LOOMIS'S SERIES, Continued. Elements of Algebra, Designed for the use of Beginners. Fourteenth edition. 12mo, 281 pages, Sheep extra, 62 cents. This volume is intended for the use of students who have just completed the study of arithmetic. It is believed that it will be found sufficiently clear and sim- ple to be adapted to the wants of a large class of students in our common schools. It explains the method of solving equations of the first degree, with one, two, or more quantities ; the principles of involution and of evolution ; the solution of equations of the second degree ; the principles of ratio and proportion, with arith- metical and geometrical progression. Every principle is illustrated by a copious collection of examples, and at the close of the book will be found a collection of two hundred miscellaneous problems. A Treatise on Algebra, Nineteenth Edition. 8vo, 359 pages, Sheep extra, $1 00. This treatise is designed to contain as much of algebra as can be profitably read in the time allotted to this study in most of our colleges, and those subjects have been selected which are most important in a course of mathematical study. Par- ticular pains have been taken to cultivate in the mind of the student a habit of generalization, and to lead him to reduce every principle to its most general form. It is believed that, in respect of difficulty, this treatise need not discourage any youth of fifteen years of age who possesses average abilities, while it is designed to form close habits of reasoning, and cultivate a truly philosophic spirit in more mature minds. In accordance with the expressed wish of many teachers, a classi- fied collection of two hundred and fi ty problems is appended to the last edition of this work. Elements of Geometry and Conic Sections, Seventeenth Edition. 8vo, 234 pages, Sheep extra, 75 cents. The arrangement of the propositions in this treatise is generally the same as in Legendre's Geometry, but the form of the demonstrations is reduced more nearly to the model of Euclid. The propositions are all enunciated in general terms, with the utmost brevity which is consistent with clearness. The short treatise on Conic Sections, appended to this volume, is designed particularly for those who have not time or inclination for the study of analytical geometry. The last edi- tion of this work contains a collection of theorems without demonstration and problems without solution, for the exercise of the pupil. Trigonometry and Tables, Sixteenth Edition. 8vo, 360 pages, Sheep extra, $1 50. The Trigonometry and Tables, bound separately. The Trigo- nometry, (1 00 ; Tables, $1 00. This work contains an exposition of the nature and properties of logarithms ; the principles of plane trigonometry ; the mensuration of surfaces and solids ; the principles of land surveying, with a full description of the instruments employed ; the elements of navigation, and 01 spherical trigonometry. The tables furnish the logarithms of numbers to 10,000, with the proportional parts for a fifth figure in the natural number ; logarithmic sines and tangents for every ten seconds of the quadrant, with the proportional parts to single seconds ; natural sines and tan- gents for every minute of the quadrant ; a traverse table ; a table of meridional parts, &c. The last edition of this work contains a collection of one hundred mis- cellaneous problems at the close of the volume. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 215 LOOMIS'S SERIES, Continued. Elements of Analytical Geometry, And of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Thirteenth Edi- tion. 8vo, 286 pages, Sheep extra, $1 50. The first part of this volume treats of the application of algebra to geometry, the construction of equations, the properties of a straight line, a circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola ; the classification of algebraic curves, and the more im- portant transcendental curves. The second part treats of the differentiation of algebraic functions, of Maclaurin's and Taylor's theorems, of maxima and minima, transcendental functions, theory of curves, and evolutes. The third part exhibits the method of obtaining the integrals of a great variety of differentials, and their application to the rectification and quadrature of curves, and the cubature of solids. All the principles are illustrated by an extensive collection of examples, and a classified collection of a hundred and fifty problems will be found at the close of the volume. Elements of Natural Philosophy, Designed for Academies and High Schools. 12mo, 352 pages, Sheep extra, $1 00. This volume exhibits in a concise form the fundamental principles of Natural Philosophy, arranged in their natural order, and explained in a clear and scien- tific manner, without requiring a knowledge of the mathematics, beyond that of the elementary branches. It treats of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Heat, Optics, Magnetism and Electricity. Special pains have been taken to make this work both practical and interesting, by borrowing illustra- tions from common life, and by explaining phenomena which are familiar to all, but whose philosophy is not generally well understood. The volume is designed particularly for the use of the higher classes in Academies and High Schools. Practical Astronomy, An Introduction to Practical Astronomy, with a Collection of Astronomical Tables. 8vo, 497 pages, Sheep extra, $1 50. This work furnishes a description of the instruments required in the outfit of an observatory, as also the methods of employing them, and the computations grow- ing out of their use. It treats particularly of the Transit Instrument and of G rad- uated Circles ; of the method of determining time, latitude, and longitude, with the computation of eclipses and occultations. The work is designed for the use of amateur observers, practical surveyors, and engineers, as well as students who are engaged in a course of training in our colleges. The tables which accompany this volume are puch as have been found most useful in astronomical computa- tions, and to them has been added a catalogue of 1500 stars, with the constants re- quired for reducing the mean to the apparent places. Recent Progress of Astronomy, Especially in the United States. A thoroughly revised Edition. Illustrations. 12mo, 396 pages, Muslin, $1 00. This volume is designed to exhibit, in a popular form, the most important astro- nomical discoveries of the past ten years. It treats particularly of the discovery of the planet Neptune, of the new asteroids, of the new satellite, and the new ring of Saturn, of the great comet of 1843, Biela's comet, Miss Mitchell's comet, &c. ; of the parallax of fixed stars, motion of the stars, revolution of the nebulae, &c. ; the history of American observatories, determination of longitude by the electric telegraph, manufacture of telescopes in the United States, &c. The new edition of this work has been mostly re-written and much enlarged, and contains the most important discoveries in Astronomy down to the present time. 216 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Loomis's Meteorology and Astronomy, Elements of, for the use of Academies and High Schools. 12mo, Sheep extra. (In press.) This volume is prepared upon the same model as the Elements of Natural Philosophy. It exhibits in a concise form the fundamental principles of Meteor- ology and Astronomy, arranged in their natural order, and explained in a scien- tific manner, without requiring a knowledge of the mathematics beyond that of the elementary branches. Lowry's Universal Atlas, Constructed and Engraved from the most recent Authorities. 4to, Half Roan, $5 00. This atlas contains one hundred Maps of the various countries of the world, with a convenient and copious Index. These Maps are constructed on propor- tional scales, which are distinguished by precise indications, and afford every fa- cility for ready and accurate comparison of different portions of the earth's sur- face. They are executed with remarkable neatness, and, embodying the latest geographical discoveries, will be found highly valuable, both for seminaries of learning and the private student. PROF. M'CLINTOCK'S CLASSICAL SERIES. The series of books prepared by Professor John McClintock, and published by Harper & Brothers, which we have now used for nearly two years with signal suc- cess, is an immeasurable advance upon the systems pursued, twenty-five years ago, of worrying and wearying through the whole of the Latin and Greek Gram- mars. By the more rational system now in use, we learn a little of the grammar first, and use it as soon as learned, in oral or written exercises, until it becomes as familiar as one's own mother tongue, and the pupil can render from Latin or Greek into English, or from English into Latin or Greek, with equal readiness. School Report, at Lawrence, Mass., Jem., 185D. M'Clintock's First Book in Latin. A First Book in Latin ; Containing Grammar, Exercises, and Vocabularies, on the Method of constant Imitation and Repeti- tion. With Summaries of Etymology, and Syntax. By Rev. J. M'CLINTOCK, D.D., late Professor of Languages, and Rev. GEO. R. CROOKS, D.D., late Adjunct Professor of Languages, in Dick- inson College^ 12mo, Sheep extra, 75 cents. This volume has been, perhaps, more largely sold within the last few years than any other Latin elementary book. It is at once philosophical and practical. In the hands of good teachers it can not fail to give pupils a thorough knowledge of the elements of Latin. M'Clintock's Second Book in Latin. Containing Syntax and Reading Lessons in Prose ; forming a sufficient Latin Reader, with Imitation Exercises and a Vocabu- lary. 12mo, Sheep extra, 75 cents. The Second Book gives the Syntax in an enlarged form. Its reading lessons are taken wholly from Cicero and Caesar, on the principle that none but the best writ- ers should be read by beginners. The notes are ample, without giving the pupil too much aid. There is no better Latin Reader than this, even for classes that have not studied the " First Book. 11 HAEPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 217 M'Clintock's First Book in Greek. Containing a full View of the Forms of Words, with Vocabula- ries and copious Exercises, on the Method of constant Imitation and Repetition. Revised Edition. With brief Summaries of the Doctrine of the Verb, and of the Rules of Syntax. 12mo, Sheep extra, 75 cents. This is u Greek made easy, 11 not by leaving out the hard parts, but by present- ing the difficulties one at a time, and in the order most consonant to nature and reason. The book has been very widely introduced into the better class of schools, M'Clintock's Second Book in Greek, Containing Syntax, with Reading Lessons in Prose ; Prosody and the Dialects, with Reading Lessons in Verse. Forming a suffi- cient Greek Reader, with Notes and copious Vocabulary. 12mo, Sheep extra, 75 cents. This is a " Greek Reader," formed on the plan of giving the pupil no more to read than he can thoroughly master. All the Syntax and Prosody that are need- ed for the reading are given in the volume. The extracts in prose are from Xeno- phon ; those in verse from Homer and Anacreon. Mrs, Markham's History of France, A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius Cassar to the Reign of Louis Philippe,. With Conversations at the end of each Chapter. By Mrs. MARKHAM. Prepared for the use of Schools by the addition of a Map, Notes, and Questions, and a Supplementary Chapter, bringing down the History to the pres- ent Time. By JACOB ABBOTT. 12mo, Muslin, $1 00. The History of France, by Mrs. Markham, is a very clear, succinct, and enter- taining narrative. It seems well adapted to its purpsse of communicating a dis- tinct and connected idea of the progress of events of which that most remarkable country has been the scene. A very full and carefully executed map of France, not contained in the original work, has been provided for this edition ; and in re- spect to all places of any importance mentioned in the work, there are notes of reference to facilitate finding them upon the map. Maury's Principles of Eloquence, The Principles of Eloquence. By the Abbe MAURY. With an Introduction, by Bishop POTTER. 18mo, Muslin, 45 cents. Mill's Logic. A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive ; being a con- nected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation, By J. S. MILL. 8vo, Muslin, $1 50. It is excellent throughout in its plan, in its illustrative examples, and in its ex- ecution every way in a word, it is perfect of its kind. To most young persons composition is the most painful task in the culture of the mind, and so it must be as long as they are required to write out their thoughts before they have been taught to think. Your book provides a remedy for this very defective system ; it teaches the pupil how to take the first step in the difficult art of thinking, and then leads him on until he can do without a guide Rev. Dr. COGSWELL. K 218 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OP PUBLICATIONS. Mills's Literature. The Literature and Literary Men of Great Britain and Ireland. By ABRAHAM MILLS, A.M. 2vols. 8vo, Muslin, $3 50; Half Calf, $5 50. The plan of this work is of a very comprehensive character. It embraces the whole field of English literature, from the origin and formation of the Anglo-Sax- on language to the close of the seventeenth century. Account is given of nearly all the noteworthy poets, historians, novelists, dramatists, divines, and philoso- phers in Great Britain and Ireland during the space of more than twelve centu- ries, with critical notices of their writings, and choice extracts sufficiently numer- ous to give a fair impression of the genius and peculiar style of each individual. Such a compendium must be a treasure to all who desire to have the gems of British literature made accessible without labor, and without the expense of a large library. Morse's School Geography, A new System of Geography, for the use of Schools. Illustrated by more than 50 Cerographic Maps, and numerous Engravings on Wood. 4to, Half Bound, 50 cents. This popular new school geography, entirely original in its plan, is extremely beautiful in its pictorial embellishments, lucid and simple in its adaptation to the purposes of popular instruction, as well as by far the cheapest of all works of the kind ever produced. Since its publication over half a million copies have been printed. The Public School Society of the city of New York unanimously adopted Morse's School Geography into their extensive schools, and it has been generally introduced into those of Philadelphia and elsewhere. The superiority of this Geography over all others, consists in, 1. The Arrangement is such that the Map, Questions on the Map, and Descrip- tion of each country are on the same page, or on pages directly opposite, enabling the pupil to refer readily from one to the other, without the inconvenience of two books, or even the necessity of turning the leaf. 2. The Maps are more numerous, and generally on a larger scale than in any other School Geography. 3. The Exercises on the Map are so framed as to presejfa a connected view of the great features of each country. 4. The Descriptions are a series of short paragraphs, -vr* jise style, and confined to the most interesting and characteristic mafct^ 6. The correct Pronunciation of difficult names is indicated by dividing into syllables, accenting, &c. 6. The General and Comparative Views at the end of the volume are on the plan first introduced by the author in 1820, and since adopted by many other School Geographies. They are regarded as well fitted to exercise and strengthen the judgment. 7. The new art of Cerography is applied for the first time to the illustration of a work of this kind, and enables the publishers to sell it at a very low price. The whole work is the result of long and careful study, and is intended to im- press upon the mind of the student such outlines of geography as will form the toest foundation for farther and extensive acquisitions. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 219 Noel and Chapsal's French Grammar, A new System of French Grammar ; containing the First Part of the celebrated Grammar of these Authors. Arranged with Ques- tions and a Key in English. Also, an Abridgment of the Syntax and Grammatical Analysis of the same Authors. To which are added, Lessons in Beading and Speaking, Forms of Drafts, Ad- vertisements, &c. Designed to facilitate the Student in the use of the French Language, 1st. By making it a Medium of Com- munication between Himself and Teacher. 2d. By enabling him to Read, Write, and Speak it on all Occasions. By SARAH E. SAYMORE. Revised and corrected, by Frof. C. P. BORDKNAVE. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. The Grammar of Noel and Chapsal is universally considered to be well adapted for use in our academies. The form of question and answer adopted by Mrs. Seaman, with the translated key at the end, are evident improvements. Olmsted's Astronomy, Letters on Astronomy, in which the Elements of the Science are familiarly explained in connection with Biographical Sketches of the most eminent Astronomers. With numerous Engravings. By DENISON OLMSTED, LL.D., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Yale College. Revised Edition, including the latest Discoveries. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. The name of Professor Olmsted is at once associated in the mind of every one who hears it with such objects as that of which this work treats. It is in the form of letters a mode of conveying instruction which, when well followed, as in this case, possesses peculiar advantages. This work, whether used as an ele- mentary one by beginners, or as a " refresher 1 ' by adults, is one of the best which has ever been published in this country. Parker's Outlines of General History, Outlines of Gener History, Designed as the Foundation and Re- view of a Coup of Historical Reading. By RICHARD GREEN PARFFP '"""., Corresponding member of the New York Histor- ical vuthor of " Aid to English Composition." New Editio v, Additions. 12mo, Sheep extra, $1 00. These Questions on History have been constructed upon the plan suggested by Sir WALTER SCOTT in his letter to Lord MONTAGUE, where he says, " For this species of instruction, I do not so much approve of tasks and set hours for se- rious reading, as the plan of endeavoring to impart a taste for history to the youths themselves, and suffering them to gratify it in their own way. The knowledge which we acquire at freewill, and by spontaneous exertion, is like food eaten with an appetite it digests well, and benefits the system ten times more than the double cramming of an alderman." The design of this work is to lay the substratum for a course of historical reading, which may be either spontane- ously or systematically assigned. In a word, to present a panoramic view of his- tory, giving its outlines in an abbreviated form, divested of minor and tedious de- tails, and thus inspire a love of study. The work is equally adapted to schools and families. 220 HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Parker's Aids to English Composition, Aids to English Composition, prepared for Students of all Grades, embracing Specimens and Examples of School and Col- lege Exercises, and most of the higher Departments of English Composition, both in Prose and Verse. A new Edition, with Additions and Improvements. By RICHARD GREEN PARKER, A.M. 12mo, Muslin, 80 cents ; Sheep extra, 90 cents. The public have been so long familiar with this excellent volume, that it is un- necessary to say any thing in its praise. It is replete with most valuable and in- structive matter, admirably adapted to students, and indispensable to all who ap- preciate the advantages of acquiring elegance in diction and literary composition. It is just such a work as every man who attempts to prepare any thing for the press ought to possess and study. Parker's Geographical Questions, Adapted for the use of Morse's, Woodbridge's, Worcester's, Mitch- ell's, Field's, Malte-Brun's, Smith's, Olney's, Goodrich 's, or any other respectable Collection of Maps: embracing, by way of Question and Answer, such Portions of the Elements of Geogra- phy as are necessary as an Introduction to the Study of the Maps. To which is added a concise Description of the Terres- trial Globe. 12mo, Muslin, 20 cents. These Questions embrace none of the tedious and uninteresting details of geog- raphy. They are designed to simplify the study of this important science, by means of the useful and important process of classification. There are few ques- tions among them that can not be answered from any respectable atlas ; they will prove useful and convenient on this account, as they may be used without sub- jecting a class of pupils to the expense frequently attendant on a required uni- formity of maps. These Questions are used in many of the leading schools in New- England. Plautus, 4 'The Captives." A Comedy of Plautus. With English Notes for the use of Students. By JOHN PROUDFIT, D.D. 18mo, Pa- per, 38 cents. 44 The Captives" has generally been esteemed the masterpiece of the father and prince of Roman comedy. It is free from the immoralities which a rude and li- cientious age ha& impressed on most of his productions ; it contains much to illus- trate the deeply interesting subject of ancient slavery ; its plot possesses unusual variety and interest ; and it abounds in the most beautiful and impressive moral sentiments. Potter's Principles of Science. The Principles of Science applied to the Domestic and Mechan- ic Arts, and to Manufactures and Agriculture, with reflections on the Progress of the Arts, and their influence on National Wel- fare. By the Rt. Rev. ALONZO POTTER, D.D., formerly Profess- or of Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric in Union College, Schenec- tady, New York. Revised Edition. With illustrative Cuts. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. HARPER & BROTHERS' LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. 221 Potter's Political Economy. Political Economy : its Objects, Uses, and Principles ; consider- ed with reference to the Condition of the American People. With a Summary for the use of Students. By A. 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