GIFT OF Irving Lindhabr i'JiO THE REIGN OF THE GREAT ELECTOR ^n igist0rkal Uomatice BY L. MOHLBACH ^-^^^-// AUTHOR OF JOSEPH II. A>ID HIS COURT, FREDERICK THE CKEAT AND HIS COURT, LOUISA CP PRUSSIA AND HER TIMES, HENRY TIB. iMO OB COURT, ETC TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN By MARY STUART SMITH NEW YORK THE McCLURE CO. MCMX COPTBIGHT, 1897, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANT. 'Tr\/tv\Q Li vnd Victim iP CONTENTS. BOOK I. PAO« I. A FAMILY PESTITAL ..••••••• 1 II. Doing penance • • . 8 III. Brothee and sister 20 IV. The offer of marriage 27 V. The French ambassador .,..••. 38 VI. The last farewell 52 VII. Elector and beggar 62 VIII. Love's courier returns 74 IX. Noth bricht Eisen, Noth lehrt Betsn • • • • 88 BOOK XL I. The Hague 100 11. A PAIR OF WEDDED LOVERS Ill III. The walk 123 IV. Friends meet again •••••••• 139 V. The challenge ••••••••• 147 VI. The elopement .••.••••• 160 VII. The Chinese Pavilion .••..•.. 171 VIII. The confession 180 IX. The wedding 194 BOOK in. I. The return from Prague ..••••• 201 II. The confession • • . 214 III. Castle building • • • 224 IV. The first cauliflower ..,,,.,. 232 V. The lady from a foreign land 244 VI. The skeleton • • . 254 VII. The Elector and the burgomaster . • • . . 269 VIII. The tempter 276 iv THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. IX. Meeting again ••....,,. 282 X. The trial ..••..••,, 290 BOOK IV. I. Politics and intrigues 302 II. The visit 314 III. The execution 333 IV. The day op audiences , . 355 V. Preacher and tailor 367 VI. Music and art ...•.,,,, 385 VII. Jesus my confidence 399 VIII. Retribution • . 416 THE REIGN OP THE GREAT ELECTOR. THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. BOOK I. I ' ' I. — ^A Family Festival. ' ' • '■-' ' The cathedral bells were ringing and cannon thundering from the low ramparts of the fortress of Berlin. These festive sounds announced to the gaping, listening crowd, who thronged the space between the cathedral and castle, that the solemn ceremony in the cathedral was over, that the Prin- cess Charlotte Louise, eldest sister of Elector Frederick Wil- liam, had just been married to Duke Jacob of Kurland, and that the priest had pronounced a blessing upon the pair. The people, however, did not add their benediction, they had no loving congratulations for the' newly married couple. The court had been too long absent from Berlin, and during the five years of the present Elector's administration, he had himself only once visited Berlin for a short time, and his family not at all. Not until now, in the middle of the year 1645, had the Electoral family returned to Berlin, and the Elector an- nounced to the magistrates and citizens of his "loyal resi- dent city" that he expected to take up his abode at Berlin for a long time, perhaps for good. With high-sounding words had the magistrates and citi- zens replied to this Electoral message, but at the bottom of their hearts they felt but little pleasure at the news. The common people of Berlin had received the tidings with perfect indifference. They had been so long oppressed by the perpetu- ally recurring calamities of war that they were no longer capa* 2 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. ble of joyful emotions. So reduced were they by poverty and distress, that they could think of nothing but their own bitter sorrows, and not unless their Prince had brought them relief from poverty and want would they have given him a cordial reception. But the Elector was poor — ^that they knew; the Elector himself was straitened for want of money, and often had difficulty in providing maintenance for his princely household. The Mark had been utterly exhausted by war, and the States of Prussia had refused their consent to the tax imposed by the Elector. • The 'Mectbr had no money! Why, then, should the people of 3erlin rejoice in his presence? The Elector gave his sister in marriage, and, conformably with a time-honored usage, his subjects must endow the bride! Why, then, should this marriage gladden the hearts of the poor Berlin folk, since it threatened them with the imposition of new taxes, and was to fetch from the carefully locked chest the hard-earned two- groschen-piece assessed to each individual? No, not out of love but curiosity had the people flocked hither, thronging the cathedral square and castle grounds. They wished to see the Electoral family move in state, they wished to enjoy a spectacle that possessed one merit at least — that of costing them no money. The bells continued to ring merrily and cannon were still thundering salutes from the walls, when the cathedral door opened and the pastor Stoschius stepped forth upon the ca- thedral square, in simple clerical attire, with the accompany- ing tall black velvet cap upon his head. The incumbents of all the other churches of Berlin followed; but their faces were grave and sad, for only in deference to a stringent order of the Elector had they consented to attend service in a Reformed church, and witness a ceremony performed by a Calvinistic minister. A peculiar movement was perceptible among the closely packed multitude on the appearance of the preach- ers. Here some were seen to bow profoundly, as the cathedral pastor Stoschius passed, there others proudly kept their heads erect and eyed the ministers of the Reformed Church with threatening looks, while they reverentially lowered their eyes A FAMILY FESTIVAL. ^ before the Lutheran ministers following them, who again, in their turn, were greeted by the disrespectful mutterings of those attached to the Eef ormed Church, whose faith the Elec- toral family professed. But the procession following the clergy was fortunately calculated to divert the attention of the multitude, and to make them forget their mutual hatred of creed in the common feelings of curiosity and love of sight- seeing. It was truly a very grand procession that filed along be- hind the priests, the sacristans and the choristers of the gray cloister. First the Elector's hundred life-guardsmen were seen to march by, their uniforms glittering with gold lace, and their weapons shouldered. Then came the High Cham- berlain Conrad von Burgsdorf in a velvet suit embroidered with gold, and on his head a gold-brimmed hat, surmounted by nodding plumes attached by a large diamond clasp. He was followed by the six members of the privy council in their robes of office. Now came the Electoral pages in velvet clothes trimmed with silver lace, then the court marshal and chamber- lains in their dress uniforms, and behind them, a small space intervening, appeared the Elector Frederick William in a magnificent court dress buttoned across the breast with im- mense diamond studs, and around his slender yet well-devel- oped form a broad belt set with emeralds, pearls, and rubies. He led by the hand his sister, the newly married Duchess of Kurland, who in her exquisite bridal toilet was lovely to be- hold. And yet the eyes of the multitude rested upon her only for a short time, and but a cursory glance did they bestow upon the succeeding couples, viz., the Dowager Electress, who accompanied Duke Jacob of Kurland, and the Princess Sophie Hedwig, who was escorted by the Duke's brother. The eyes of the multitude saw all this, but they ever re- turned to the Elector, to that noble and energetic countenance full of youthful fire and manly seriousness, those finely curved lips around which hovered a smile so sad and yet so sweet. His dark-blue eyes were fixed with long, beaming glances upon the multitude, who permitted him to pass in silence, without sympathy as it seemed, and yet wholly lost in his contempla- tion. This silence of the people seemed to vex him, for a cloud 4 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. passed over his brow. But it vanished as quickly as it camOy and was lost in the brightness of the smile that lighted hi» countenance as he kindly bowed to the right and left, as if in return for the greetings which should have come from the people, who, however, let him pass by coldly and silently, asking themselves in view of all this splendor of dress, these diamonds, and these golden ornaments: " Why shall we stint ourselves for this Princess, who is encircled with pomp and glory while we suffer want and hunger! If the Elector has no money, why does he not sell some of his large diamonds? We have sold all that we possessed to buy ourselves bread, and now shall we, out of our poverty and rags, pay a wedding tax to this Princess, clad in silk and satin? " And what they all thought, some at last began to speak aloud: "Herr Elector, remit the taxes! We are too poor to pay them! Herr Elector, excuse us from the wedding^ tax!^^ At first only individual voices were heard, but ever louder, ever fuller swelled the chorus, until, like a gathering tempest,. there swept across the broad cathedral square stentorian shouts> of: "Herr Elector, spare us the tax! We are so poor — so wretched! '' The Elector seemed not to understand these loud, wild cries, perhaps because the ringing of bells and discharge of cannon actually rendered them unintelligible. Still he smiled and bestowed kind greetings right and left, yet he slightly quickened his pace, and began a lively conversation with the young Duchess at his side. Now they had traversed the cathe- dral square, passed the castle common, and reached the en- trance of the pleasure garden, which must be crossed before- gaining the castle on that side of the Spree. In Count Schwarzenberg's time this so-called pleasure garden had at least borne some remote resemblance to a princely park, for the Stadtholder in the Mark had occasionally bestowed a few orna-^ naental shrubs and flowers upon it, out of magnanimous friend- ship for Elector George William, and had also had the com- plaisance to depute his own skillful gardener to put it in order a little every year. Then the trees had been artistically trimmed, the turf cut, and the walks covered with graveL A FAMILY FESTIVAL. 5 But since Count Schwarzenberg's death, his palace had been deserted, and, as the young Elector resided at Konigsberg, no one had troubled himself about the condition of the pleas- ure garden. The trees had shot up at random, the shrubbery had died out, and the turf disappeared; the drains leading to the Spree had become choked up, and pools of mud and water had gradually changed the soil into a swamp, hardly passable in damp, rainy weather. To-day, however, a path had been carefully provided for the princely family, by laying boards, and covering these with carpeting. But on both sides of this artificial road the mire and mud again held sway, and only a few foolhardy boys and ragged beggars had had the temerity to wade through this marsh, in order to see the pro- cession pass. The Elector experienced a sensation of relief, as he now walked through the quiet, deserted pleasure garden, and with a rare smile he leaned over toward the young Duchess at his side. " Only see, sister,^' said he, " what a great lesson we have received to-day! " " What lesson, Frederick? " asked Charlotte Louise softly. " The lesson that we should despise nothing, esteem noth- ing small, not even the dirt in the road, because everything has its use. The dirt in the road here serves us as a bulwark against the rude, persistent mob, who have shamelessly mo- lested us, and actually made me burn with anger. The dirt in the road protects us against the insults of the populace, and " " Gracious sir, oh, gracious sir, have pity on me! Give an alms to the poor wayside beggar, sir! " The Elector broke off in the middle of his sentence, to listen to the mournful, pleading voice that cried to him. This voice sounded strangely familiar, and awoke within him sad memories. He paused before the beggar, who had fallen on his knees in the mud beside the carpet, and stretched out both hands imploringly toward him. " Pity, sir, pity! '^ cried the beggar a second time. " Give me an alms, gracious sir! " " It is he, yes, it is he," murmured the Elector, whose eyes 1$ THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. rested piercingly upon the pale, begrimed features of the beggar. " Gabriel Nietzel! " said he then, in a loud voice — " Gabriel Metzel!" The beggar shuddered and a scream escaped his lips. Al- most joyfully he looked up at the Elector, but speedily this expression vanished and was succeeded by a dark cloud that overshadowed his countenance. " Gabriel Nietzel is dead," said he; " Gabriel Metzel died in his sins, and has gone to hell! " ^^ Then let us pray for him, that Almighty God may release him! " cried the Elector. " No, no, he will never be released! " shrieked the beggar in the voice of despair. " He was a shameful criminal! " " But he had repented of his crime and done severe penance," said the Elector gently. " Come straight to the cas- tle, and ask for my Chamberlain Kunkel. I have something to say to you." He nodded kindly to the beggar and passed on, while he turned to his sister and begged her pardon for the delay. " You knew that beggar then? " said the Duchess sym- pathetically. " Yes, I knew him," replied the Elector. " He reminds me of a period of gloom, sorrow, and bitter humiliation, and — ^but here we are at the castle. I will tell you some other time. Per- mit me now to attend you to your apartments, and to bid you farewell." " Brother," whispered the Duchess, " I would like to take leave of you without witnesses, for it seems to me I have much to say to you, that none other than God and yourself should hear." The Elector nodded a kind assent and then turned to salute the ministers, who were standing on both sides of the castle door, the courtiers and pages having ranged themselves in their rear. With a friendly greeting and a few condescending words he dismissed his ministers and the nobles of his retinue. He then again turned to his sister, and handed her up the broad, carpeted staircase, leading to the upper corridor, where were situated the Electoral apartments. A FAMILY FESTIVAL. 7 In the small vestibule before the grand audience hall, the residents at court were assembled. The Elector stopped and turned with amiable address to accost the couple following him, viz., his mother and the Duke of Kurland. " Here my office ceases and yours begins, dear brother-in- law," said he. " Therefore take your bride^s hand and lead her into the hall. The nobility of the Mark wish to take leave of their beloved Princess, who, with cruel haste, must bid farewell to Berlin, and follow her husband within an hour after her nuptials." ^^ You know, brother-in-law, necessity compels me to make my departure so abrupt. Besides the courier of yesterday, another arrived to-day bringing urgent appeals for my return from my councilors and nobility. The Swedes threaten my duchy, and it is all important that I should be there, in readi- ness to protect my country and my people." "You are right, Duke," exclaimed the Elector, with a nod of approval. "When the interests of one^s land and people are at stake, all family considerations and personal desires should give way. Set out, therefore, and be assured that my love and best wishes attend you. And you, dearest mother, will grant my request, and honor the young ducal pair by escorting them to Potsdam? " "I do so the more willingly," replied the Electress, "as my apartments in the castle are sadly out of repair and must be refitted. Yesterday the heavy rain quite deluged my dress- ing room. Pray, dear son, attend to having the needful re- pairs made, and for that reason I shall prolong my stay at Potsdam to two months." " Do so, most gracious mother, and hear my promise! As soon as our affairs are in a little more prosperous condition, I shall have a stately palace built for you at any point within the Mark which you may designate, and it shall be so strong and solid that no rain or storm shall have power to molest you there." "My son," cried the Electress joyfully, "I accept your generous offer, and have no hesitation in selecting a site, with- out further deliberation! Both of my estates are near Grossen, and in Grossen, therefore, I would like my palace to be." 8 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " At Grossen be it then, dearest mother. And now, Duke, be pleased to conduct your bride into the hall. I have a re- quest, though, to make of you, sister! When all is ready for the journey, be kind enough to come into my cabinet, that brother and sister may take an informal leave of one another. My brother-in-law I see makes no objection, and will not, I know, be jealous of a brother. Au revoir then! '' II. — ^DoiNG Penance. With a kindly salutation the Elector left, to repair to his own apartments, not, however, through the great antechamber by means of which public access was had to the Elector, but through the small side corridor leading into the room of Chamberlain Kunkel, and thence into his own sleeping apart- ment. In approaching this small corridor he was greeted by the voice of his chamberlain, speaking in loud, angry tones. "It is madness,'' exclaimed this voice. "You can not speak to the Elector to-day. You misunderstood him! The Elector will not admit to audience such a shabby fellow as you are! " " He has done so," replied a soft, gentle voice. " Yes, the Elector commanded me to come forthwith to the castle, and to desire you to conduct me to him. Else surely I should not have come here." " You lie! The Elector would invite no beggar to a feast on his sister's wedding day." " And why not, Kunkel? " asked the Elector, opening the door and coming in. " Are we not all beggars, who neverthe- less hope to be invited to the great resurrection feast of the Lord of Hosts?" " Most gracious sir," muttered Kunkel, " I did not know, I did not think that your grace " "Would speak to this man," interrupted the Elector. " Yes, I will speak to him, and that without delay! Come! " DOING PENANCE. 9 said he, turning to the beggar, who stood at the door, his head meekly bowed upon his breast. " You, Kunkel, stay here and wait until this man comes back. Have some breakfast brought, that he may eat, drink, and grow strong. Come! " He strode through the corridor and adjoining rooms until he reached his own cabinet. The beggar followed him, with bowed head and hands folded upon his breast. At the cabinet door he stopped and awaited with humble, modest air the address of the Elector, who threw his hat and ermined mantle upon the table, and drew off his gold-em- broidered gauntlets. Then he drew near the beggar, and scrutinized him long, with kindly, sympathizing looks. Not once, though, did the Jbeggar raise his eyes, nor did a single feature of his pale, thin face move. " Gabriel Nietzel,'* asked the Elector after a long pause, •''wherefore this disguise?" "It is no disguise, sir," replied the beggar gently. "I am what I seem — I am a beggar." " Why did you not apply to me when you were in want? " asked the Elector quickly. " Did I not expressly tell you at Kbnigsberg that you would always find a protector in me? Did I not enjoin it upon you as a duty to turn to me if you were ever in distress, Gabriel Metzel? " The beggar was long silent and a momentary blush tinged his pale cheeks with red. "You call me by a name which does not belong to me," he said, with low, trembling voice. " My name is not Gabriel Metzel. I know nothing of such a person." " But I know of him," cried the Elector quickly. " I know that seven years ago, here at Berlin, poor Gabriel Nietzel al- lowed himself to fall into the snares of the tempter and was led into crime. I know that Gabriel Metzel would have be- come a murderer if God in his mercy had not prevented it. But God sent me a messenger in the shape of a noble, high- souled woman. She came to me at the risk of her life, brought me deliverance from certain death, and gave her own life for mine! This noble, high-souled woman was the wife of him who meant to murder me, and to make atonement for liim 10 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. whom she loved she went herself to meet death. Gabriel Niet- zel, do you know of whom I speak? Need I tell you that this devoted woman, my deliverer, was your wife — ^that her name was Rebecca?'^ " Rebecca! '' cried the beggar, with so piercing a shriek that the Elector was moved to the very depths of his heart. " Rebecca! " repeated the man once more, while he fell upon his knees and sobbing and groaning covered his face with his hands. " Will you still deny that you are Gabriel Nietzel? " asked the Elector. " No," groaned the beggar — " no, I will not. I am Gabriel Nietzel, the much-to-be-pitied monster, who once bore that name. But I have cast it from me, I have scattered it to the four winds of heaven, as they scatter the ashes of a criminal, that they may find no sepulcher upon earth! Rebecca has no grave either, although she was an angel! Gabriel Nietzel is dead, and he will not rise from the dead until he has found his dead Rebecca's remains, and laid them in a tomb.'' " Stand up, Gabriel Nietzel," commanded the Elector — " stand up and tell me where you have been and what you have been doing since the day I last saw you, five years ago, at Konigsberg." " Let me kneel, sir," implored Gabriel. " I can not look you in the face, for I read my crime upon your brow, and it bows me to the earth." " God has accepted the atonement for your crime, Gabriel^ and I have forgiven you." *^ But I, sir, I have not forgiven myself, and Rebecca has not forgiven me either, else she would have let me find her grave, and taken me home to her. I have sought death these long years. I have sought it upon battle fields and upon the raging sea, I have gone to meet it in hospitals and at the bed- side of those smitten with pestilence, but all in vain. In the depths of my despair I made a pilgrimage to Rome, barefooted and clothed in sackcloth, to beseech the Holy Father of Christendom to accept my penance and forgive me in the name of God. Three days and nights I knelt within the inner court of the Vatican, before the Pope's windows. On DOING PENANCIL 1% the fourth day, in tender compassion, Innocent sent out hi& chamberlain to the ragged beggar to ask him why he had thus knelt and prayed for three whole days. And the beggar answered: ' That I can only reveal to the Holy Father himself. From a great distance have I journeyed hither barefooted, in order to confess to him. He alone can receive my confession/ The chamberlain left me, and a fourth day and night I re- mained upon my knees. But on the morning of the fifth day the Pope again sent his chamberlain to summon me to his presence in the Vatican. I could not, however, rise from my knees; my limbs refused to perform their office; four days of fasting, hunger, and thirst had exhausted all my strength^ and I hoped even now that God in his mercy was about to re- lease me from all the pains of earth. When I attempted to- rise I fell back senseless. When I came to myself I was in a large room, encircled by strangers, who were regarding me with sympathizing looks. A physician had bled me, and was in the act of bandaging my arm; they had rubbed my forehead with restoratives, and moistened my parched lips with wine. A sweet fragrance filled the room. It was the odor of the viands they were bringing for me. Involuntarily I stretched out my hand for food, but drew it back, for I remembered my oath, neither to eat or drink until I had made confession to the Pope. When I told the chamberlain this he left the apartment, and in a few minutes returned with joyful counte- nance. The Pope summoned me to his presence. The Pope was ready to receive the beggar^s confession!" " Go on! Go on! " exclaimed the Elector, as Gabriel now paused, drawing a deep breath and bowing his head yet more deeply upon his breast. " Do you wish it, sir? Have you patience enough to hear more of the criminal's story?" " It interests me greatly, for you know he whom you call a criminal is the husband of the woman who saved my life. Speak then, Gabriel. Tell me more. Did you see the Pope ? '^ "Yes, I saw the Pope," replied Gabriel solemnly. "I knelt before him on the high cushion, which was placed ready for me near the Pope's armchair, and into his bowed and listen- ing ear I whispered my confession. I veiled nothing, con- 2 12 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. cealed nothing, laying bare to him all the thoughts and actions of my life, making full confession of my sins and crimes, with- out reservation or attempt at palliation! " " And the Pope? He pardoned you, did he not? He pro- nounced absolution upon you and gave you his blessing, since it was only a heretic whom you had purposed to kill? You are absolved from your sins, are you not, Gabriel? Speak; what said the Pope ? " " Sir, his were cruel words, which have haunted me ever «ince. Like the thunder of doomsday they are ever resound- ing in my ears, and I shall hear them at the hour of death! When I had ended my confession, the holy father rose from his seat and drew himself up erect, with angry face and flash- ing eyes. 'You were near killing,' said he, 'an heretical prince, a dangerous enemy of the Church and the holy faith. God had probably selected you as the instrument by means of which he would rid the world of this dangerous young Prince, who has evidently been armed by the powers of hell to do battle against religion and the Church. I pronounce you pure of this deed, I exonerate you from murder. In the name of God and the only true Church, I forgive you for all your errors, crimes, and sins but one! One crime, however, you have committed, for which there is no forgiveness either in this world or the next; one crime for which you must do penance both here and hereafter. The fires of purgatory await you. From this hour they shall burn for you on every path, filling your days and nights with anguish; they shall follow jou to the grave and allow you there no rest; they shall rise with you, and even before the throne of God overwhelm you with dismay! For you have committed one crime, never for- given by God or the Church. You have lived in criminal in- tercourse with a daughter of that accursed race which nailed our Saviour to the cross, you have taken a Jewess to your heart, instead of spurning her with your foot. You have wished to deceive God and man by passing off your Jewish mistress as your wdfe; you have given your name to the child of your shame, and have not yet had him admitted to the Christian communion, nor poured the holy waters of baptism upon that son of carnality and crime. Cursed be ye therefore all your DOING PENANCE. 13 life, and cursed be your child! Happiness shall ever elude his grasp, and misfortune relentlessly pursue him. In shame and sin was he born, in sin and shame shall he live and die. You have confessed your fearful crime to me, the priest of the Lord, and the secrets of the confessional are sacred. Take heed, however, that in the priest of the Lord you do not arouse the earthly judge, and that the priest inform not the Pope of your wicked act, for the Pope dare show you no mercy; the law of the Church sentences to death by fire the criminal who has lived in carnal intercourse with a Jewess! Flee, therefore, flee away, lest the Pope take knowledge of your crime — flee, ere the secret of the confessional is made known to him I Cursed be you and the son of shame! Cursed be all they who show you pity, cursed be the compassionate souls, who extend their hands to you, cursed ' " He grew speechless, muttering a few unintelligible words, then sank a lifeless, senseless mass upon the floor. "Poor man," murmured the Elector compassionately — *' poor victim of prejudice and hard-heartedness, I pity youl It shall not be said that the Calvinistic Prince has had no compassion upon the poor creature, condemned by the prince and priest of the Catholic Church." He rang and ordered the chamberlain, who came hurry- ing in, to lift up the fainting beggar and to convey him into the antechamber, there to rub his forehead with vinegar and endeavor to restore him to consciousness. But the Elector's sharp eye read in the chamberlain's -countenance his inward reluctance to performing this ofiice of love for a beggar. While Kunkel thus bent over the swoon- ing man, wholly void of sympathy, and hesitating to touch him, the Elector quickly approached. " Stop! " said he, " I did wrong to order you to remove this poor man to the antechamber. He is sick and suffering, and the sick and suffering should ever find a brother in the healthy, "We will put him to bed here in my easy chair! " And the Elector stooped over the poor man and passed his arm under his shoulder. " Gracious sir! " cried Kunkel, greatly shocked, " you will not lift the beggar with your own exalted hands! " 14 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER "And why not?" asked the Elector, smiling. "There is no one else here to help you, and God only sees us. Before God, though, we are all nothing but beggars, and He regards neither the purple of the prince nor the rags of the beggar. He only looks upon the heart." And with strong arm Frederick William lifted up the beggar and laid him carefully and gently in the easychair. ' " Now," said he, " run for restoratives and chafe his tem- ples." " I will fetch the essence of balm which is upon your dress- ing table! " cried Kunkel, whom the Elector's noble example had seemed to warm into sympathy. " Do so," said the Elector kindly; " bring also the Tokay wine which stands beside it." On Kunkel's speedy re-appear- ance with the two bottles the Elector with his own hands sprinkled a few drops of the essence of balm upon the temples of the swooning man, while Kunkel held a handkerchief steeped in the same under his nose. " Gracious sir, he is stirring," whispered Kunkel joyfully — " he is coming back to life." "Poor man!" sighed the Elector, "perhaps it would be better for him not to come back to life! It is true, though, that he is stirring and will soon be awake. Go out, Kunkel^ I prefer being left alone with him." Kunkel cast a last sympathizing look upon the beggar, and, seeing that he opened his eyes, gave a nod of satisfaction and left the room without delay. "Where am I? What has happened to me?" murmured Gabriel Nietzel, casting a long dreamy glance around him. Then, when his eye met the sympathizing gaze of the Elector, a shudder crept over the unhappy man's whole frame, and, as if stung by horror, he sprang from the chair in which he lay. "My God! who put the beggar to bed in the Elector's seat?" cried he as if shocked. "Who took pity upon the murderer? " " I," replied the Elector softly. " I am not his holiness the Pope, who condemned and cursed you. I am only your fellow, and therefore I can forgive where he condemned and DOING PENANCE. I5, bless where he cursed. Yes, Gabriel Nietzel, I pronounce a blessing upon you, a blessing in the name of that noble, de- voted woman, who for your sake met her death. It is true that she belonged to that unhappy people, who crucified our Lord; she was a Jewess. Nevertheless, within her dwelt the love of God, and she followed the Saviour's glorious example. In giving herself for the sins of others she atoned for your crime, and delivered me from death in order to win eternal life for you and free you from the course of the evildoer. To save your soul was the only reward which she coveted from God or man. She was a Christian by deed if not by profession; she obeyed the law of love and sealed it with her blood. And therefore, I,. Elector Frederick William, say: She died as she lived, in love. No stain was found upon her, no shame or dishonor was at- tached to her. The confession of faith belongs to man, but faith itself to God, who regards not the name of Catholic or Calvinist, Jew or heathen, but only men who keep his com- mandments, loving and exhorting one another to good and pious works. Gabriel Nietzel, your Eebecca died the death of a Christian, and you may claim her as your wife before God and men, for God united you. God has taken to himself the wife of your bosom. Blessings upon Eebecca's memory. Be it held sacred, and revered by you and me, although the Pope' at Rome has pronounced sentence against her." " Oh, sir, sir! " cried Gabriel Nietzel, lifting up his clasped hands to the Elector. " You esteem my Rebecca, then; you do not call her an accursed Jewess? " " She has gone home to God, for she was a child of God! " said the Elector mildly. The beggar uttered a cry of rapture, and rushed toward the Elector. Falling upon his knees, he kissed his garments, embraced his knees, and pressed his lips upon his feet. "You are my priest! You are my pope! " he cried with enthusiasm. " I believe you, sir, when you say that my Re- becca is not doomed to everlasting misery, but has been saved by her love." " You, too, Gabriel Nietzel, you, too, she saved — ^you, too, she purified from sin and crime. Awake then, Gabriel; lift up your head and be a man! Cast aside these rags, be up and! 16 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. doing! Work becomes a man, no idle, inaetiye penance can procure him forgiveness. In the name of Grod, in the name of love and Eebecca, I charge you to resuscitate the painter Gabriel Nietzel, and restore him to his art and use- fulness! " " No, sir, no. I dare not," said the beggar, sorrowfully shaking his head. " Gabriel Nietzel is dead, and nothing can release him from the power of the grave. My lips are bound by a solemn oath, which nought but death can loosen! " " To whom have you given this oath? " " To God, Rebecca, and myself, sir. When the Pope thrust me from him, an unf orgiven criminal, and without absolution drove me back to life, then in my utter despair I became for the second time a murderer — the murderer of myself. From the Vatican I rushed forth like a madman. Whither I knew not. I fled before an unknown terror, before a specter that pursued me with mockery and laughter, hunting me farther, ever farther. Through streets and squares I ran; when I fell, I got up and ran again; when men tried to lay hold of me, I broke away from them and ran on and on. When the shades of evening fell I sank down, senseless and exhausted. Near me I heard the roaring of waters, before me I saw a black, monstrous mass, a huge and yawning sepulcher. I saw before me the Tiber, inviting me to its cruel, yet welcome embrace, calling to me with its ceaseless murmurings. I cried aloud for Joy. I stretched out my arms and sprang into the abyss. The waves closed gurgling over me, forced me once more to the surface to drag me into the depths again. There was a ringing as of bells in my ears, my feet seemed weighted down by iron fetters, and I was drawn down the stream as upon the wings of the hurricane. My senses forsook me, I sank." " Horrible! " murmured the Elector. ^^ And how did you -escape the tomb?" " I did not escape it, sir, but the tomb escaped me. It would not accept me and permit me to taste of its repose. Even death would have no fellowship with the criminal, and pitilessly hunted him again into life. On the ruins of the old Tiber bridge, where once the Horatii and Curiatii had fought their deadly combat, on this heap of stones near the shore. DOING PENANCE. 17 I found myself on awakening from my deathlike slumber in the middle of the night. I lay for a long while motion- less, looking up at the starry sky, and listening to the voices- of the night, the waves, and the wind. All shrieked in my ear: * Live to do penance, faithless father, who forgot his child, and would have left him a lonely orphan in the world? Live to do penance and to make amends! ' I crept down from the rubbish to the shore, and there fell upon my knees, lifted up my arms to Heaven, and cried with loud, echoing voice to God: * I will live to do penance. As a beggar plead- ing for mercy will I stand before God and men. In sackcloth, poor and naked, I will go through life. I will renounce my art, ambition, and all the amenities of life. Gabriel Nietzel is dead, and nothing remains of him but a beggar, groveling in the dust and living upon the charities of mankind. For the sake of money Gabriel Nietzel became a criminal, there- fore in poverty, want, and penance shall he journey to the grave! ' That I swore to the Great Spirit, who dwells en- throned above the clouds; swore by the name of my son — swore that this child should never learn who was his father, that I would bring him up to regard me as his servant, stand- ing apart from him, and never laying claim to his love. I shall keep my oath, sir, till I breathe forth my last gasp." '' Where is your son, Gabriel Nietzel? " asked the Elector. " I had left him at Venice with Rebecca's father. From Rome I traveled there, in order to reclaim him and take him with me. I found him in the Ghetto, hungry, and lying half naked in the street. His grandfather had died, and, as no heirs made their appearance, the Government had assumed the inheritance and confiscated the property. The poor boy would have died if the poor Jews of the Ghetto had not had compassion upon him. I took him with me, and together we traversed the whole of Germany; I begged for him, I suf- fered want for him; I shall beg for him while I live, and that is and shall be the only aim of my existence." " But you can not wish the boy to partake of your miser- able existence," said the Elector. " Surely you would not condemn the innocent child to your life of penance. Give him to me! I will give to the son what I owe to the mother; I 18 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. will pay to him my debt of gratitude! Give me Eebecca's son! '' " Sir, no, that I can not do! " cried Gabriel quickly. " Sir, I will do penance; my whole life is one of repentance and mortification. But this one thing is too hard, too intolerable! Leave me my son, leave me Eebecca's child! " "Abraham gave up his son when God required it, and Abraham was no sinner," said the Elector severely. " No crime burdened his soul, but he was humble and obedient, and, to propitiate God, offered up the dearest thing he pos- sessed upon earth. You, too, Gabriel Nietzel, should be hum- ble and obedient, and offer in sacrifice to God and your duty the dearest thing you have upon earth. I demand your son of you, that he may be brought up a God-fearing, honest, and virtuous man. If you refuse to give him to me, you are no lowly, contrite servant of God, but a selfish man, who prefers the gratification of his own wishes to the welfare of his poor, unfortunate child, who for his sake must be a despised pauper! " " No, sir, no! " cried Gabriel, " my Eaphael shall not be a pauper! No, you shall not say that I am selfish and hard- hearted! I will conquer my heart, I will renounce the last thing that is mine — the last joy of my existence! I will give you my child, sir, that he may grow up to be a virtuous man, I will '' His voice was choked by tears, he heaved a convulsive sob, and his whole frame shook as with ague. "My child, my beloved child!" he whispered, while the tears streamed down his sunken cheeks. "My Eaphael! I shall tear thee from my heart; I shall see thee no more — no more drink in consolation from thy dear face, and no more see my Eebecca's eyes mirrored in yours. I shall shut out the last star of my existence, and wander away in darkness and in solitude." " It must be so," said the Elector, with a voice full of emo- tion, visibly touched by the grief and tears of the unhappy man. " You must make this sacrifice to the welfare of your eon, and save him from your misery. It is not right that he should suffer with you, and be sentenced to your life of pen- DOING PENANCE. 10 ance. Give me Eebecca's child, and I swear that I will do all I can to make him a happy man! " " I give him to you, sir — I resign my son. Only be piti- ful, and let me keep him a few days more." "How long, Gabriel, would you have him? Appoint your own time — say when you will bring him to me." " Grant him to me eight days longer, sir, eight days! ^' implored Gabriel, with trembling, choking voice. "Well, be it so! Keep the child eight days longer, and then bring him to me here in the castle! " " I shall bring him, sir! In eight days, I shall bring you my Eaphael, and transfer him to your care. But until then he is mine, until then I may see and speak to him! Ah, sir, dismiss me now, that I may go to my child — that I may not lose a moment of the time I am still to have him with me! " " Go, Gabriel, and, that you may have no need to beg for these eight days, take this piece of gold." He tried to lay it in Gabriel's hand, but the latter drew back. " No, sir," he said gently, " I have not begged of you, therefore I can not receive your gift. For these eight days Raphael is still my child, and he must live as his father does, although he knows not that I am his father. I beseech you, sir, to dismiss me, and permit me to go to my son." " Go, then! But I depend upon your word, Gabriel Met- zel. In eight days you are to bring me your son. I shall ex- pect you at nine o'clock in the morning." " In eight days I shall bring him to you. But one request more I have to make of you. Call me not Gabriel Nietzel any longer, for, as I have already told you, Gabriel Nietzel is dead." " And who are you then, poor man? " "I am the beggar Glaus — nothing more, sir " "Brother, may I come in?" asked a voice outside the grand antechamber, while the door was gently opened. " You are welcome, Duchess," said the Elector, and as he advanced to meet her, Gabriel Nietzel hurried out through, the door of the small antechamber. 20 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. III. — Brothek and Sister. "Was not that the beggar we passed just now in the pleasure garden?" asked Charlotte Louise. " Yes, it was he/' replied the Elector, sighing. " A poor unfortunate man, whom I used to know under different cir- cumstances, and whom I called here that he might acquaint me with the particulars of his life. Ah, sister, there is but little joy and happiness upon earth, and much bitter grief and suffering. Vain is our contest with life, and what do we gain by it at last? Many disappointments and few gratifica- tions, many humiliations and few triumphs! " ^'But methinks, brother, one triumph outweighs a hun- dred defeats, and one success obliterates the memory of a hun- dred disappointments." " I agree with you in that," cried the Elector, with beam- ing eyes. "Although, alas! up to this time there has been "but little in my experience to verify such an assertion. Dur- ing the course of my five years' sovereignty I have only to tell of disappointments and humiliations, but " " But your triumphs and successes will come," interposed the Duchess, with animation of manner. " I hope and believe so," cried the Elector; " and had not such hopes brightened the difficult path I have been called upon to tread for the past five years, I should have sunk under my burdens. But amid all my varied discouragements, I ever consoled myself with the thought, my time will come! For me, too, will dawn a day of retribution and triumph! This I said to myself when I knelt before the King of Poland and swore allegiance to him; this I repeated when I received the tardy and unwilling homage of my obstinate States; this con- soled me when I looked upon the small number of my wretched, ill-clad soldiery, the towns and States refusing me money to fill up my regiments; this I repeat to myself day and night. Yes, my time will come, for me, too, shall dawn a day of retribution and triumph! I tell you this, sister, in the hour of our parting, that you may think of me hopefully and cheer- fully; that you may know that your poor brother does not BROTHER AND SISTER. 21 always expect to go with bowed head and humble mien, seek- ing to conceal his insignificance beneath the shadow of other great contending parties. No, sister, I am quietly and little by little preparing the great broad road upon which, God willing, I shall one day march gloriously at the head of a brave and victorious army. This is my goal — this is my hope! " " And you will reach your goal; it is written upon your brow! " cried Charlotte Louise enthusiastically. " You will make yourself and your country great and glorious. So says my heart, so says the glance of your eagle eye! I thank you, Frederick, for this revelation of yourself and your designs, on the eve of our separation." " It is not often that I indulge in confidences,^' said the Elector, smiling, "few can boast of knowing my thoughts and plans. He who would attain to any eminence in this life must carefully conceal his purpose from others, for the world is wicked and envious, loving to obstruct the way of the small who would become great, and seeking by all possible mean& to prevent their growth." " But you will grow, despite Emperor and empire, and all your enemies and ill-wishers. Ah, brother, how enviable is your lot compared with mine. You look forward confidently to the future, and if at present your sky. is clouded, yet at the edge of the distant horizon are discernible the crimson hues which betoken a brilliant sunrise; while I see nothing before and around me but pale and somber twilight, a starless sky,. and an aimless path." " Do you not love your husband? " asked the Elector. "Brother," replied Charlotte Louise, with a melancholy smile, " when you notified me of my engagement you did not ask me that question, but simply informed me that I must con- eider myself the Duke's betrothed." " You did not know the Duke then, Louise, you had only seen him once, and could not have been expected to love him." " Very true," sighed Louise, " I had only seen hira once, and did not know him; but for all that I was his betrothed."' " But now, Louise, you have seen him daily for a fortnight, and ought to be sufficiently well acquainted with him to know whether you can love him and be happy with him." 22 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " And what good would result if I should answer no, brother? It is true I have passed fourteen days in the society of the Duke of Kurland, and therefore had an opportunity of "becoming acquainted with him. But never once during this time did my brother or mother ask me if I could love the man whom they had selected for my husband. To-day, though, the question comes too late, for my fate is irrevocably sealed. I accept it as becomes a princess; I submit to it with patience, and an honest purpose to bear it unmurmuringly. The Duke is a good man, and that is always a firm foundation upon which to base a calm and peaceful existence, provided that the wings of inclination are cropped so short that they can not fly beyond the narrow confines to which they are forcibly restricted." " And do your thoughts and wishes never fly out, sister," asked the Elector, fixing his eyes upon his sister with a look of warmest sympathy. She cast down her eyes and sighed. " Frederick," she said timidly after a long pause — " Frederick, let me ask you one C|uestion at this parting hour. To-day separates me forever from my past, and I would not have a single dark spot left about which my thoughts might revolve, fruitlessly striving to brighten it." " And therefore you would learn of me what has become of Count John Adolphus von Schwarzenberg, and whether I am still at feud with him. Is not that the question you wished to address to me, Louise? " " Yes, brother, that is the question. Throughout these long years I have never pronounced his name, never spoken of him to any one. But I know that he contends with you, and wdll not bend to your will. Tell me all you know of him. Tell me everything, and remember that in this hour I lay the last blossoms of memory upon the coffin of my past before enter- ing upon a new life." " Do you know nothing at all about him? " asked the Elec- tor, fixing his penetrating glance upon her. Again the Princess cast down her eyes and was long silent. ^' Three weeks ago," said she then, with short, quick breath — "^Hhree weeks ago, on entering my dressing room, I found lying upon the table a sealed paper, addressed to me. It con- BROTHER AND SISTER. 23 tained the information that Count John Adolphus von Schwarzenberg had married a Countess Stahremberg." " And you doubt the truth of this information? " " I doubt it, because there is no one to confirm it, and be- cause I thought that " "Well, what did you think, Louise?'^ " That perhaps some one might have an interest in per- suading me that the count was married, because — ^because " Because this some one might imagine, that if you be- lieved the count to be married, you might yourself be inclined to marry? You were quite right in your supposition, sister, ior it was I who sent you that information." " I thought I recognized your handwriting, brother." " I did not disguise it, for I wanted you to know from whom it came." " I thought I divined your intention to be to arouse my heart from its melancholy reveries, and warn it against occupy- ing itself with a man on whom it would be a sin to think as ;soon as he was married. I thought I divined, moreover, that I was to be married myself, and that you meant to remind me that the past was irretrievably gone." " Sister, you are an acute and deep-seeing diplomatist," said the Elector, smiling, "and therefore I venture not to •contradict you. Yes, you understood rightly all that I wished to say to you, and I thank you for shaping your course accord- ingly. It was of the greatest consequence to me to have an ally, who might serve me as a bulwark against both Sweden and Poland, and unite his strength with mine, if I should «ome day take the field against either of these two powers. Therefore I gladly accepted the proposals of the Duke of Kur- land, and therefore I thank you now for having comprehended my desires and acted in accordance with them. Now I am cer- tain that, if there should be war between the Poles or Swedes and the Elector of Brandenburg, I shall at least have one firm ally. My beloved sister, the Duchess of Kurland, will take care that her husband be not on the side of my enemies." " Yes, brother, be assured of that. I thank you for those words, for you give me thereby some object in living. I shall 24 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. now strive earnestly to deserve the Duke's love, and gain in- fluence over him, that I may at some future time be useful to my beloved brother. But, brother, you have not answered my question " " Have I not? " said the Elector, smiling. " It is true I have some further tidings to impart to you concerning Count Schwarzenberg, the Emperor Ferdinand's favorite. He is in high favor yet, it seems, and is one of his Imperial Majesty's most trusted ministers. And the Emperor shows his wisdom in employing the count in his service, for he is a clever di- plomatist, of clear head, sharp wit and cold heart, void of principle, as most politicians are, perfectly unscrupulous, and only pursuing his own interests, be they personal or political. Count Schwarzenberg belongs to the number of my most bitter opponents, although at present he draws in his claws, and has flattered and caressed my ambassador at Frankfort in the most friendly manner, in order to make him Imperialist in his views. Meanwhile we are ourselves a little versed in the arts and wiles of diplomacy, and will not allow ourselves to be hoodwinked by such flatteries, or give up our litigation with the count. He will by and by be forced to retreat from his position, and must see that all things are not progressing as he could wish and desire. His pretensions to the office of Grand Master of the Knights of St. John he has already been obliged to give up, and solemnly renounce all claim to it, because all the members of the order declared that they would not have him as their head.* But fortune, which seems particularly to favor this aspiring and avaricious young man, forthwith in- demnified him for his disappointment. In the first place he married the wealthy Countess Stahremberg, and then his cousin, George Louis Schwarzenberg, died without heirs, leav- ing Count John Adolphus to inherit the rich manors of Schwarzenberg and Hohen-Landsberg, and become at the same time the head of the family. It is to be expected that the Emperor's favor will grant to the son the darling wish of the father, by changing Adolphus Schwarzenberg's title from count to that of prince. This, sister, is all I have to com- municate to you with regard to this man. But, no, I forgot * Carl Renains Hauser's State Papers, vol. iii, p. 42. BROTHER AND SISTER. 25 to mention one thing: Despite the velvet paws which he dis- plays to Wesenberg, he has urged a complaint against me be- fore the Emperor, persisting that we owe him almost a million dollars, because to that sum amounted the advances of money- made at different times by Count Adam to our father. He can hardly, however, prove the half of these claims, and we are not disposed to pay unauthorized debts — in the first place, because it is contrary to our sense of justice; and, secondly, because our coffers are empty. I would indeed be glad if such sums as the count demands were in my own treasury, for in that case many things would be very different from what they are now. For money is power, and a million of dollars would be an all-conquering army." "Happy those who can be content with the possession of such ah army! " sighed the Duchess. " Happy those who have dethroned the heart, and find the fullness of their wishes in the gratification of their selfishness and ambition! In this sense Count Adolphus will be happy, and I shall rejoice that it is so, for personal satisfaction is the highest thing after which men strive, and if he finds his in gold and titles, power and influence, I shall not find fault with him on that score. I have no longer any interest in him. Thank you, dearest brother, for all that you have said to me; your words have been the stones with which I have immured recollections of the past in the vault of my heart. They can never revive and come forth again; this thought even now consoles me. I thank you for all the love which you have bestowed upon me, and I beseech you to keep a small place in your heart for your absent sister. I shall have time enough to think of you, and I am sure that my dear brother will often give me occasion to hear of him.'^ " You think then, sister, my name will not be wholly ob- scure, and melt away into nothingness? " " I know that you will inscribe it in golden letters upon the pages of history. I know that through you, Branden- burg will become great and powerful, and that you will win honor and fame from the whole world." The Elector's countenance grew radiant and a wondrous smile lit up his features. " I thank you^ sister/' said he sol- 26 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. emnly; "may you be a true prophetess. The honor, fame, and greatness of my country are the ends for which I strive, which I shall pursue with unceasing ardor. Truly, these are objects well worthy the devotion of a whole life." ** And love, brother? Shall love have no share of your life?" " No, I have nothing to do with her," replied the Elector, almost roughly. " All I ask of her is to keep at a distance and not divert me from my high pursuits. I envy her not her myrtle crown. May she not prevent me from earning at least one laurel wreath for my grave. But hark! sister, the posthorns blow, and your husband will be vexed with me for detaining his Duchess so long from his side." " The hour of departure has come," sighed the Duchess. '^ I must bid you farewell, Frederick, must leave behind my home and family! Oh, forget me not in your joy and pros- perity; think of the solitary sister, who, afar off, desolate and in retirement, will pine away longing for her home, brother, sister, and mother. Brother, let me kiss you once more; who* knows whether it will not be for the last time in this life? " " Come, sister, come to your brother's heart, your truest, best friend, who will never cease to love you! " They held each other in a long, close embrace, and then exchanged tender glances, the eyes of both being moistened with tears. " Farewell, Frederick! " " Farewell, Louise! " " Give me your hand and lead me out; I will not weep, for the Duke shall not think that I follow him unwilling- ly! " "You have a noble, courageous heart! Come, beloved sister! May God's blessing attend you, and love gladden your days! Come, I will lead you to your husband." THE OFFER OP MARRIAGE. 27 IV. — The Offer of Maeriage. The carriages rolled through the palace gate and across the cathedral square, where the people were still collected in scattered groups, greeting the young ducal pair with friend- ly cheers as they passed. The Elector stood upon the small landing place before the palace, and followed the retreating equipages with mournful glances, until the last had disap- peared around the corner of the square, when he turned and slowly re-entered the palace. How silent and desolate it seemed as he now mounted the stairs and walked down the long corridor! How melancholy he felt as he passed the doors leading to the apartments of his mother and sisters! He was alone, quite alone! No one there to look upon him with friendly, sympathizing eyes, no one to greet him with kind words of affection. It made him sad, but he would not acknowledge it to him- self; the Elector Frederick William would not allow himself to be a foolish, lovelorn man! " He who would be great must be solitary," said he to him- self, while involuntarily he shook his head. " He who dedi- cates himself to ambition and renown dare not admit other feelings into his heart, and weakly long for human love. Be courageous and resigned then, Frederick William! You are not alone, for the hopes of your future are with you. You are not solitary, for you have a people to love and make happy. Lift up your head and look aloft. We build for the future, and a sorry edifice it will be if we do not with joyful zeal devote to it every energy of our nature." And as he thus spoke his countenance grew radiant, and he threw his head proudly and boldly back. Thus he entered his cabinet and began to sing in a rich, manly voice the melody of his favorite song. Then, as if his heart felt strengthened by the song, he began to add words to the melody: "At Liitzen, that field crowned with glory and light — hurrah I Gustavus Adolphus, the hero, gave fight— hurrah I He died for the truth, which he lived to defend ; How brave was his life and how noble his end I 28 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. Now ' God's will be done ! ' was his watchword till death, * The Lord Jesus Christ ' his sole refuge by faith — hurrah I " Now Pappenheim and the fierce Wallenstein swore— hurrah I At Liitzen that Sweden should conquer no more — hurrah I Gustavus and Bernhard, though, suffered it not, And drove their proud enemies quick from the spot. The Emperor's troops broke, faltered, and fled ; Lo ! Sweden has conquered — her King, though, is dead ! " "Well, what will you have, Kunkel?" asked he, break- ing off in his song, as the door of the antechamber opened hur- liedly, and the chamberlain made his appearance. " Gracious sir, the Lord High Chamberlain von Burgs- dorf is without in the anteroom, accompanied by three strange gentlemen, and requests an audience with your Electoral Orace." " Open the doors then, and admit the gentlemen," said the Elector, as he arose from his seat and turned his flashing eyes toward the door, in which appeared the Lord High Chamber- lain von Burgsdorf , followed by three lords gorgeously ar- rayed in gold-embroidered suits. Each of them held in his right hand, set off by rich plaited lace cuffs, a letter bearing a massive seal, and not upon the Elector but this letter did they gaze with serious and solemn mien. " Your Electoral Grace," said Conrad von Burgsdorf, en- deavoring to make his red face assume an expression of gravity — "your Electoral Grace, I entreat the privilege of present- ing these lords. They are three ambassadors extraordinary from Bavaria, Saxony, and the Electorate of Mentz. Here is Baron von Straubing, ambassador from the Elector of Bavaria; the second lord is Count Fleming, ambassador extraordinary of the Elector of Saxony; and the third lord is Baron von Thumen, ambassador from the Elector of Mentz." " And what would these ambassadors extraordinary from the three Electors have of me?" asked the Elector. " We each beg to be permitted to hand to the Elector of Brandenburg a missive sent by our several Sovereigns," re- plied Baron von Straubing, with bold step approaching the Elector and holding out to him the letter. Already had Frederick William stretched out his hand to THE OFFER OF MARRIAGE. 29 take it, when Burgsdorf thrust himself between him and the Bavarian envoy, whom he repulsed with a haughty gesture. " You know very well what my office is," said he, with loud, angry voice; " and you also know very well. Sir Ambas- sador, that sovereigns are not accustomed to have letters stuck into their hands in that unceremonious fashion, as if they were love letters too precious to be seen by other eyes. His Elec- toral Grace, however, has no such especial love and intimacy with any Elector in the German empire as to warrant this love letter style of correspondence. Therefore I must beg of your lordships to place your letters in my hands for further transference to his Electoral Grace." "We beg pardon! " cried both the other envoys, immedi- ately coming forward; "we were expressly directed by our masters to transmit this writing to his Electoral Grace in person." " Then give them to me, sirs," said the Elector, again ex- tending his hand. " I am ready to receive your writing." " No, Sir Elector, no I can not suffer that! " cried Burgs- dorf with scarlet face. " It is an infringement of my rights, and I will not allow etiquette to be so totally laid aside. These gentlemen say that their lords directed them to hand their letters to your Electoral Grace in person, but they have for- gotten most humbly, with the reverence due your grace, to ask permission to execute their master's instructions. It is by no means enough that the other Electors have a will; the Elector of Brandenberg has also a will of his own, and since he has been kind enough to constitute me lord high chamber- lain, I must needs perform the duties of my office and repel every transgression of the laws of etiquette. Most gracious sir, I accordingly beg for these three gentlemen, envoys, who have appeared here most humbly and reverentially, the high privilege of being permitted to put their Sovereigns' letters into your exalted hands. Will you condescend, sir, to tell me whether you can grant them this favor? " " Yes, lord high chancellor," replied the Elector, smiling, ^'I will accord to these envoys permission to deliver to me the communications they bring from their Electors." Conrad von Burgsdorf turned with a solenm air of im- 30 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. portance to the ambassadors: " Gentlemen, his Electoral Grace most graciously condescends to receive yonr dispatches I Draw nearer then; his highness permits you so to do! '' The envoys advanced, although visibly disconcerted, while Burgsdorf, with flushed, triumphant face, stepped aside, in full consciousness of having maintained his dignity. The Elector took the three letters and broke open the first one. With composed and smiling features he read its contents, and then laid it aside upon his writing table. "Are the three communications alike?" asked he, open- ing the second missive. " Yes, your Electoral Highness, exactly alike.'' "Then I can spare myself the trouble of reading them, and it is enough that I have read the Elector of Bavaria's letter. It is verily worded in a tolerably haughty and wrath- ful tone, and accuses me of strange things." " Strange things indeed. Your Electoral Highness, gave occasion thereto," replied Count Fleming briskly. "Your highness' envoy at Frankfort seems to desire to introduce some startling novelties, and " " Ah, Sir Count," interrupted the Elector, " you would continue in the same tone adopted by the Electors in writing to me; I therefore relieve you of the trouble of proceeding, and, instead of contending with you, begin our controversy by reference to your lords' letters — Chamberlain von Burgs- dorf, read aloud to me this portion of the Electoral communi- cation, for it contains the substance of the whole, the rest being mere courtly formalities." He handed Burgsdorf the paper, and pointed out with his finger the place designated. " ^ It has been almost with astonishment that we have perceived, through the advices of our representatives, that the Brandenburg deputy to the Diet, holding its sitting at Frankfort, has almost universally refused his consent to meas- ures unanimously adopted by all the other Electoral delegates, giving as his excuse that he had not received instructions. We hope that Brandenburg will not be disposed to introduce novel- ties opposed to the declared sense of the whole body of Elec- tors and established usage. Else we must esteem this a most THE OFFER OF MARRIAGE. 31 dangerous and hurtful innovation, and feel compelled to pro- test against it, while we beseech Brandenburg to adhere to time-honored customs and the union of Electors, and beg the Elector to give his envoy instuctions to that effect.* For the rest we remain ' " "Enough! " interrupted the Elector. " The rest is mere formality, and we have not time, like the delegates of the German Empire at Frankfort, as also those at Miinster and Osnabruck, to attend to the details of formality and etiquette. Hear now, gentlemen, my reply to this threatening address of the Electors, and have the goodness to pay good heed, for I do not intend to send an answer in writing! You may re- port to your several lords what I say to you. Above all things," continued the Elector with elevated voice — " above all things announce to the Electors that Brandenburg does not intend to be intimidated and frightened by evil and menacing lan- guage, and that it is not sufficient for the Electors to solicit me to adhere to time-honored customs, to submit to the de- cisions of the majority, and to introduce no innovations. Say to the Electors that it is not at all in accordance with my views and designs to submit patiently to what is decided by the ma- jority of the Diet at Frankfort or any other place, and that I am fully prepared to introduce novelties. If I should always allow myself to be ruled by the majority, I would ever come off worst in the contest, and be behind all the other Electors. I would also be often compelled to vote against the peculiar interests of my land and people, thus entailing misfortune upon them; for well do I know that Brandenburg has few friends in the German Empire and among the German Princes. I know that the universal cry is, ' the Electorate of Branden- burg shall be kept down,' and that the votes of the Princes and their representatives will correspond to this cry. My watch- word, though, is, ' Brandenburg shall rise.' That I may give her consideration in the German Empire, it becomes me not to succumb to any or be ruled by the majority, but I must needs go boldly and independently forward in my own way, and express and maintain my opinions in the face of the whole world. But least of all, gentlemen, do I feel disposed to be See Droysen, History of Prussian Politics, vol. iii, part 1, p. 281. 32 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. governed by the majority of this Diet at Frankfort, which meddles with many things by no means concerning it, while it neglects matters coming properly within its province. We summoned this Diet to determine questions relating to law and justice, common to all Germany, and instead of that they have busied themselves there with things altogether differ- ent, viz., with matters of conscience and religion, which ought to be decided at Miinster or Osnabriick. Therefore my envoy at Frankfort does well in not consenting to what the other delegates have done, in deciding matters that ought never to have been discussed by that Diet. For the rest, I beg you, gentlemen, to tell your lords from me that I shall ever hold myself in cheerful readiness to unite with them in endeavor- ing to promote the interests of the empire.* This is the an- swer, which I have to impart to the written communications of the Electors; and now, gentlemen, you are dismissed! '' He greeted them with a short nod of his head, and stood proudly erect, while the ambassadors bowed low, and with measured tread and crestfallen countenances left the apart- ment. The Lord High Chancellor von Burgsdorf followed with triumphant mien, but only a few minutes had elapsed ere he returned to the cabinet. " Your highness," said he gayly, " this seems to be indeed the day of grand audiences. Your delegate to Frankfort is in the antechamber, besides two other gentlemen — an ambas- sador from Emperor Ferdinand and one from the King of France. Whom shall I admit to audience first? " " Him who has undoubtedly the right of precedence," re- plied the Elector. " Usher in the Emperor's envoy." Burgsdorf hurried out and returned immediately, accom- panied by a grave, proud-looking lord, in the full dress of a Spanish courtier. " Your Electoral Highness," announced Burgsdorf, step- ping close up to Frederick William and making a profound bow, " Count von Trautmannsdorf, the envoy of his Majesty Emperor Ferdinand, on his way to Osnabriick, wishes to be presented to your highness." "It is you then, count, whom his German Majesty has * The Elector's own words. See Droysen, p. 283. THE OFFER OF MARRIAGE. 33 deputed to attend the council at Osnabriick! " cried the Elec- tor, with animation. " I congratulate the German Empire, nay, all Europe, upon the circumstance, for it is known to all the world that Count von Trautmannsdorf is not merely a highly polished, noble, and incorruptible gentleman, but of humane and impartial mind. Of such men we have especial need now in the councils of Miinster and Osnabriick, where questions are to be settled touching the welfare of Europe as well as of the German Empire." " Your Electoral Grace does me too much honor, indeed,'' said the count, smihng; " but I shall at least use my utmost endeavors, in passing to and fro from Osnabriick to Miinster, to soothe and moderate party contentions." " And you will be doing a noble deed, count," said the Elector kindly. " Only impress it on the delegates first of all to confine their attention to the principal subjects for consideration, and not to waste so much time upon mere preliminaries — ^not to wrangle and dispute about rank and titles, but, laying aside all such trifling, give themselves to their serious and important work. All Europe looks to these assemblies at Miinster and Osnabriick; all people are hoping for their different religious creeds to be guaranteed to them, and hope for the setthng of all controversies relating to Church and religion. What an impression will be made when it is seen that these men, who ought to give peace to princes and people, have commenced by quarreling with each other over pitiful and wholly irrelevant questions of etiquette! Call the attention of the counselors to this matter, count; tell the representatives 6f the great powers not to arrogate too much to themselves, and tell the representatives of small provinces and princes not to be too aspiring and expect to be placed upon a footing of equality with the great States." " I shall attend with punctiliousness and devotion to exe- cuting your commands, and act upon your wise advice," re- plied Count Trautmannsdorf, bowing reverentially. " Your Electoral Grace will, however, permit me, I hope, to address my representations to his own deputy? " " If his demeanor demands it, do so, count. Only I beg of you to consider that his task is totally different from that 34 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. of any other person there. The Electorate of Brandenburg is the youngest of the Electoral houses, and has hitherto been the smallest and most insignificant. I well know the general desire to keep under its growth and prevent its advancement in importance. I know, too, that I will just the opposite, and desire to be as great and powerful as my fellow-sovereigns. If Brandenburg is small, it only follows that she must increase in size; if she is reproached with youth, every day will remedy the fault, and her hereditary privileges should not surely be curtailed on that account." " And no one I hope entertains such a thought, your high- ness," exclaimed Count Trautmannsdorf eagerly. " But least of all suspect his Imperial Majesty of such intentions. It lies near to his heart that your highness should everywhere receive the honor and devotion due you, for his Majesty cherishes a peculiar affection for your grace, and so ardently wishes your success and prosperity that he would be happy to contribute to .them in every possible way." " If his Imperial Majesty is indeed so graciously disposed toward me, I can not doubt but that I shall be ultimately fortunate." " Your grace, however, should on your side prove to the Emperor that you are sincerely desirous to hold friendly relations with him." " I should esteem myself happy to be allowed the oppor- tunity of proving this," interposed Frederick William hastily. " Excuse my bluntness, sir, but the Emperor in the great- ness of his condescension has himself devised a sure means of restoring the most cordial relations between himself and the most favored of German princes. You see, your highness, that the Emperor loves you, for he has been pleased to offer you the hand of his beloved daughter, the Archduchess Anna Maria of Austria. He purposes to endow the arch- duchess so richly that your wealth shall be greater than that of any other sovereign in the empire. He desires to call you his son-in-law, and to give you honor and distinctions in the eyes of all Europe. Only say, most gracious sir, will you re- ceive this confidential intimation favorably, and will you pay your addresses to the daughter of the Emperor? " THE OFFER OF MARRIAGE. 35 *' Truly, count, you dazzle my eyes by giving me a glimpse of a future brilliant as the sun itself. The little Elector of Brandenburg become the son-in-law of the exalted, mighty Emperor of Germany — be raised by his lord's condescension to so prominent a position in the eyes of all Europe! I repeat it, count, my eyes are quite dazzled by the glorious pros- pect! " " But does your grace accept my offer? " " How can you ask such a question, count — as if any one could see the gates of paradise opened and refuse to enter in! Am I to be the Emperor's son-in-law, and husband to the most charming and richest of princesses! And will this Princess not merely make the sacrifice of deigning to bestow her hand upon me, but for my sake give up her religion and adopt that of my house? " "What, your highness," asked the count, whose radiant face suddenly assumed an expression of gravity and horror, *^ can you suppose that the Archduchess Anna Maria could give up her religion ? " " Did you not say, count, that the Emperor would not reject my proposals for the hand of the Archduchess Anna Maria, but, on the other hand, would graciously accept me as his son-in-law? " " Yes, your highness, I did say so, but " "Well, and was not that saying tacitly that the arch- duchess was ready to renounce her faith and adopt the Cal- vinist creed? " "By no means," cried Count Trautmannsdorf, perfectly shocked. " The archduchess renounce the Holy Catholic religion and turn Calvinist! That is simply impossible! " "Impossible, count?" asked the Elector, in unruffled tones. " Surely, if his Majesty has seriously entertained thoughts of forming such an alliance, small as the house of Brandenburg is, he can not have overlooked the existence of a family law, requiring the wife of the reigning head of the fami- ly to profess the religion of her husband. I may add that I am firmly convinced myself that there is no happy union where man and wife do not profess the same faith, and I have made up my mind never to wed a princess of a different creed ,36 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. from my own. I hope, however, this will prove no obstacle to my marriage with the archduchess, and that the Princess will adopt the faith of my house and family." " Indulge no such hopes, sir! " cried the count. " An archduchess of Austria can never forsake the religion of her fathers, and never would the Emperor give his consent to it. But if your highness insists upon that point, there is yet an- other means of bringing about a unity in religion. The arch- duchess is a Catholic, it is true, and a pious Cathohc. How infinitely happy would it make her, and what a high proof of love would it be, if your highness should determine " "I hope," interrupted the Elector severely — "I hope you do not mean to propose that I should be the one to change my religion! No, I am convinced that you would not ven- ture to propose such a thing to me! I tell you, that nothing in the world could induce me to change my religion." " That is to say," sighed the count, " a union with the archduchess is impossible." " If that is the case, count, I beg you not to forget that it is not I who makes it impossible," exclaimed the Elector, with warmth. " I should be happy to receive a wife at the Em- peror's hands, only I must not be expected, in order to attain this happiness, to burden my conscience, and have cause to blush before God and my people. Tell the Emperor this. Tell his Majesty that I am deeply touched by the high honor so graciously destined for me, and that it is not my fault in- deed if I am compelled to decline it. May the Emperor in his condescension make allowance for me, and not turn from me his favor. To this end intercede for me with the Emperor; and assure him, moreover, that I shall not take a wife from any house whose interests oppose those of his Majesty, but that I am most anxious to prove how dear to me are his approbation and favor. Have you anything further to say in the name of his Imperial Majesty? " * "No, your highness; I have finished," said the count, sighing. " I have the honor of bidding your grace farewell, and requesting my dismissal." " God be with you. Count Trautmannsdorf, and may your The Elector's own words. See PSllnitz, Memoirs, vol. i, p. 44. THE OFFER OP MARRIAGE. 37 c difficult task at Osnabriick and Miinster not be dashed as sud- jdenly as my prospects for the future, which in the beginning -you painted so fair and left more dark than ever." " Your highness, you blame me '^ '* I blame nobody, and I hope that you do neither. Cir- icumstances are stronger than the will of man. All this should teach us to be humble and adapt ourselves to circumstances. You are dismissed, count! " He gave him a friendly nod, and looked after the silently retreating nobleman with an expressive smile, while with folded arms he stood thoughtfully in the center of the room. " Rebuffed, completely rebuffed," said Burgsdorf, who had opened the door for the ambassador, but remained in the cabi- net. " Gracious sir, I have only one regret to express at this moment." " Well, and what is that, Burgsdorf? " " Your highness, I regret that you are not my son, and that I may not address your grace Just as a father might! " " Truly you frighten me," exclaimed the Elector, laugh- ing. *' Just say at once, old Burgsdorf, that you would like to scold me now if I were your son. Methinks you are im- perially minded, and think it abominable in me not to obey the Emperor's behests with all humility. You would like to scold me, would you not? " " No, your highness, no indeed. I am not at all imperially disposed, and would say nothing harsh, but only what is 'affectionate and kind." "What, for example? I give you permission to treat me as your son, and in some sense I am almost so. You used often to carry me in your arms when I was a child; taught me to> handle a sword, to hunt and shoot. In all knightly exercises you were my instructor, generally a gentle and kind one, but •at times strict and severe, as becomes a parent. Then for once .let me consider myself as your son, and you, speak as if you were indeed my father." " You grant me leave to do so then, your highness? " " I beg you to, old father Burgsdorf." " Well," cried Burgsdorf, rushing up to the Elector with outstretched arms, " let me embrace you, my son! I am proud 38 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. of you, you make me happy, and I prophecy for you a glorious future! For although you are young and passionate, yet you curb your spirit with the wisdom and moderation of a gray- beard. Although you thirst for glory and renown, yet your honor and independence are dearer to you than aught else, and you gave God the glory while you rejected the honor of becoming the Emperor^s son-in-law." " Thank you, father Burgsdorf, for it pleases me to call you by that name, and I trust that you will ever love me as your own son! " " I have nothing in the world to love besides yourself, sir! '^ cried Burgsdorf, the tears streaming down his red cheeks. ^' I am separated from my shrewish wife and her daughter, and so it has come to pass that on you are concentrated my in- dividual affections. Do not trample them under your feet, sir, despise not the offering of my heart." " You see that I do not, old friend, for, what seldom hap- pens, I have opened my heart to you and become tender. I entreat you therefore to act honorably and openly toward me, to stand bj me as a father, and never to conceal your opinions from me." " I promise you, sir, and now let me resume my role of office and ceremony. Most gracious sir, will you condescend to receive the French lord now? " The Elector nodded a smiling assent, and Burgsdorf hastened to open the antechamber door. V. — The Feench Ambassadok. " Let the Marquis d'Avaux, envoy of his Majesty the Kin^ of France enter," cried Burgsdorf in a loud voice, " his high- ness is ready to receive his excellency." A gentleman of small, trim figure, in a sky-blue velvet coat, trimmed richly with gold lace, and a dress sword dangling at his side, entered the cabinet, pausing at the door to make three profoundly ceremonious bows. Then he slowly ad- THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR. 39 wanced until within a few steps of the Elector, when he again bowed so deeply that the long, fair ringlets encircling his Jiead fell over and concealed his face. " Marquis d^Avaux/' said the Elector, " I am glad to see you once more, for you will know that the last time we met you thought that death was at my heels, and that I could not escape him." "Yes indeed, your highness," replied the marquis. "I Temember it very well. Our spies had informed me that your but I have never in my life seen so beautiful a child." *^ He must indeed be truly beautiful, since he has attracted the attention of so devoted an alchemist as yourself, Kunkel, who have no eyes for anything but crucibles and phials. But time presses — bring in the beggar, Kunkel." " With the boy, your highness? " " As the man himself may choose." Kunkel went out, much astonished that his Electoral Grace should permit the beggar to exercise his own discretion with regard to any matter. A moment later the door opened softly, and Gabriel Niet- zel entered. He remained standing humbly near the door, and leant his hand upon a chair beside him, as if he feared that he would fall if this support should fail him. The Elector looked into Gabriel's pale and sunken face, upon which the pain and agitation of these past eight days had wrought frightful ravages, and his soul was touched with sympathy. " Gabriel Nietzel," he said, advancing toward the beggar, and there was a something of entreaty in his voice — " Gabriel Metzel, I hope you have come to tell me that you can not persist in the frightful penance which you have imposed upon yourself, and I tell you you will be right in so doing. Our God is a. God of love, and he will not refuse to pardon you, if penitent. Besides, an angel stands before his throne, and pleads for you. Eebecca saved my life, and I would recompense you for the good done me by lier. Hear me once more. I shall not persuade you to emerge from obscurity and concealment, but I would at least procure you a comfort- able means of subsistence. I will make you steward of my Boetzon estate, not far from here. In the village are a good schoolmaster and learned priest; both together could in- struct the boy in scientific matters as well as farming, and if he is industrious, and becomes a worthy, honest man, we will constitute him inspector of one of our domains, and in your old age you could receive from him the bread of charity, which you will not take from me. Now say that you will accept my offer, Gabriel Nietzel." ^4 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. A pause ensued. Nothing was heard but the loud ticking of the clock, and Gabriel's quick-coming breath. He had folded his hands convulsively together, his body shaking as if rocked by the fierceness of a tempestuous wind. The J^lector fixed his large, beaming eyes upon him, and awaited his decision with features full of expectancy. " Well," exclaimed Frederick William, impatiently at last, ^^ will you accept my offer, Gabriel Metzel? " The beggar slowly raised his head, and his large, deep- sunken eyes met the Elector's gaze with firmness. " Gracious sir," he said, with loud and solemn voice, ^^you mistake me. I am not Gabriel Metzel, and know no such person. I am the beggar Claus, and in obedience to your highness's instructions I have brought the orphan boy whose rearing you expressed a desire to superintend." The Elector stamped his foot impatiently, and turned away, as if in indignation — perhaps to conceal the tears which had moistened his eyes. " Well then, let me see the boy." " Gracious sir, you promised me to tell no one, not even him, who his parents were." " I promised and shall keep my word. Open the door and admit the boy." Gabriel Metzel obeyed; he opened the door and beckoned with his hand. Immediately within the open doorway ap- peared the boy's pretty, slender form. His cheeks glowed with excitement and impatience, and his large black eyes were fixed boldly and inquiringly upon the strange gentle- man in the gold-embroidered coat, while his crimson lips slightly trembled as if from inward emotion. But he reso- lutely compressed them and involuntarily shook his head, so that his long fair curls fell in a golden shower over his rosy face. "Kunkel is, right indeed," murmured the Elector; "this is a beautiful child. What is the boy's name? " he asked then, turning to Gabriel. "He has no name, sir; he is waiting to receive a name from you." The boy quickly raised his head and shook back the curls ELECTOR AND BEGGAR. 65 from his brow. " What are you saying there, Glaus? " he asked defiantly. " I have a name. My name is Eaphael." " His father once gave him that name out of pride and presumption/' said Gabriel softly. "But he has repented of it, and, through me, begs you, sir, to change it! '' " I shall do so, Ga " The Elector paused, warned by a pleading glance from Gabriel. "I shall do so, Glaus. Has the boy been baptized yet? " " No, sir, he has not been baptized.'' *'Then we will have him baptized. Has his father de- termined in what Ghurch he shall be reared?" "No, your highness. It depends entirely upon your will." " Then he shall be received into the Reformed Ghurch,. of which I am myself a member, for I like those in whom I have an interest to be of the same faith as myself. I will therefore have the boy baptized, and then send him to a school where he shall be well instructed. Has he a prefer- ence for any profession, or has his father determined what he shall become?" " I know myself what I want to be," cried the boy eagerly. " I want to be a soldier, a brave soldier, in splendid uniform and with saber rattling at my side, who will be dreaded and looked up to by everybody." " Truly you are a fine little fellow ! " cried the Elector,, with a well-pleased smile, contemplating the boy's animated countenance and sparkling eyes. " I think it stands plainly written upon your face that you would make a valiant sol- dier. Tell me," he continued, turning to the beggar, " has the father expressed any wish with regard to his son's future ? " " Yes, your highness," replied Gabriel, after short reflec- tion. " He did have such a wish, and were he yet alive he would implore your grace upon his knees to grant it." " I promise you to fulfill it. Tell me what it is ? " "Your highness, the father of this boy would beseech you to bring up the son to walk in his mother's footsteps, and make restitution for the evil deed which his father " " Hark ! " interposed the Elector, with frowning brow and angry voice ; " it is not right for you to speak ill of the ee THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. father in presence of the son, and accuse him of sin and crime. It is written, ' Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the earth.' Instead of this, you have taught this poor child to despise and hate his father. You must do so no more. And listen, little fel- low, do not believe that your father was such a bad man as Claus there says. On the contrary, your father was quite a good man, and you must reverence him in thought, for he loved you very much." " Sir, you knew my father, then! '' exclaimed the boy, running up to the Elector and laying both hands upon his arm, while he lifted his dark eyes to Frederick William's face with an expression of glowing impatience. "Yes," replied the Elector, "I knew your father, and repeat that he was not so bad as Claus would have you be- lieve." " Oh, sir! " cried the boy, smiling, " I never did believe it. And the more Claus abused him the more I loved my father, and prayed to God for him." " And you do right in this, my child," said the Elector, approvingly. " Pray for your father, and think of him as pure from sin. He was a man, and sin upon her approach found him weak, and enticed him into evil paths. But his heart was good, and therefore God pitied him, and sent him a mes- senger of eternal life, who made full restitution for the evil he had wrought. Let this love embalm his memory, and, if your poor father is actually dead, let us hope that he is safely housed in the mansions of eternal bliss. He has re- pented fully, then let us with our whole hearts forgive him as we hope ourselves to be forgiven." " Sir, my beloved sir! " cried the beggar, weeping aloud and falling upon his knees — " I thank you for these words? They shall be my support and consolation, and, when God in his mercy releases me from life, I shall think of you while breathing my last prayer." " Stand up, poor man," said the Elector kindly. " My child, help your father to rise from his knees." " Help him I will! " cried the boy; " but Claus is not my father, sir. My father was no beggar, but a grand gentleman, ELECTOR AND BEGGAR. 67 an artist. Claus denies this, it is true; but I am not so stupid — I know that it is true." " And how do you know it? " " My grandfather often told me so, when I lived with him in Venice, and I noted well his words. ' Your father is a great painter,' he would often say, ' and produces such beautiful forms upon canvas that they seem to live and breathe.' Then he would point to a lovely portrait hanging upon the wall in his chamber, and say: ' That is your mother. Only see, how pleasantly she smiles, and how good and happy «he looks! This is your father's work, and is living, although the original has been long since dead and buried.' " " Dead she is, but not buried! " groaned the beggar, clasp- ing his hands over his face. " I can not conduct her son to her grave, for she has none. She was murdered! Mur- dered! " *^Hush, Claus, hush!" said the Elector imperiously. " God has taken her to himself, and also summoned to his bar him who probably was guilty of her death. He has judged and sentenced, and silence becomes man. But you have still to answer my question, Claus. You were to tell me if this boy's father would have selected any especial calling for him." " He entertained the wish, sir, that he might become your servant, living near you, to protect you from danger and watch by you in sickness. Sir, if his father had lived he would have fallen on his knees, and with uplifted hands said: ^ Do not make Eebecca's son a distinguished man; let him remain in obscurity, but give him a noble calling; let him be a sol- dier. When the boy becomes a youth take him into your bodyguard, and when a full-grown man, into your own regi- ment.' " " It shall be as you say," exclaimed the Elector cheer- fully. " But he must learn something first, for I do not in- tend that in the future my soldiers shall be such ignorant, Tude fellows as they are now. And, that you may feel no un- easiness about the boy, Claus, I will show you directly that I have already made provision for his future." The Elector rang, and ordered Chancellor Kunkel, who 68 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. obeyed the summons, to introduce Inspector Ulile of Joa- chim's vale. A few moments later there appeared in the antechamber door, the portly figure of a man about fifty years old, of grave, dignified aspect. " Now Uhle,'' called out the Elector, " you shall see that I keep my word. Day before yesterday, when I was at Joachim's vale, inspecting the Prince's school of the Convent of Dambeck, and you met me with such a sad countenance, complaining of the decline of the school, and that scholars came no longer to enter themselves, I promised to procure you one boarder myself, and bade you come here at the pres- ent time. Well, here is the boarder I promised you, and he is to accompany you forthwith to Dambeck. Have you a conveyance ready, that you may set out immediately? " " A carriage stands ready awaiting your highness's com- mands," replied the man, reverentially, " and my wife has a chamber already prepared for the boarder's reception. We both return you our most humble acknowledgments for your gracious assistance. War has utterly ruined our property; the Swedes and Imperialists have robbed us and left us noth- ing but our wretched lives." " Yet you always had the place of inspector of the Elec- toral school," said the Elector soothingly. ''Yes, sir, but it brings us nothing but a shelter in the convent free of rent, some firewood, and a bit of land for rais- ing corn and vegetables. We had planted our field, the corn was in full ear, when last year the Swedes came, pitilessly trampled down the whole, and rendered all our toil and labor vain. So we passed a wretched winter and often had but slender fare, for the school had gone down completely, and was closed the whole winter, because there were no scholars. Now there is no fixed salary attached to the discharge of my office as inspector, but my pay is entirely proportionate to the number of pupils in the school." " Then it was indeed bad for you to have the school closed during the whole winter," said the Elector. " Be of good courage, all will be better now, and I hope that ere long, all the wounds war has inflicted upon my poor people will be healed. The Joachim valley school shall be re-established. ELECTOR AND BEGGAR, 69 and all the pastors and magistrates within the confines of the Mark must exert themselves to procure studious pupils for the Prince's school. I will give them a good example, and send twelve hoarders, for whose maintenance I will my- self provide. Behold your first boarder, old Uhle, and you must promise me to receive him kindly and treat him as if he were your own child.'' " Your highness, I promise from the bottom of my soul, and I feel that I can keep my word, for the boy seems to be a fine one, and has already won my heart. Besides, last year God took from us our only child, and so we will love the child as if he were our own. Will you go with me, little man? Will you stay with me, and be my son? " The boy fixed his large, black eyes with a long and try- ing look upon the inspector's friendly, smiling face. " Yes, I will go with you," he said after a pause, " and I will love you, too. But I can not be your son, and you are not my father, else my Uncle Claus would long since have fallen to scolding you, for he hates my father, and is always abusing him. Say, uncle, is this my father, and can I be his son? " "No," replied Claus softly and with downcast eyes — *' no, that is not your father. But you must love this gentle- man as a father, and obey him as if you were his son." " And you are to be his son and he your father," said the Elector earnestly. " Hark, Uhle! this boy is an orphan. I knew his parents, and his mother especially once did me a great service. His father also was well known to me, and I promised him to care for his only child. The boy is name- less, for he can not bear his father's name. Now I require of you, Jacob Uhle, to give your name to this child and adopt him. He must call you father, and your wife mother, and find in your house a home. Will you promise me that it shall be so, Jacob Uhle? " " I promise you, gracious sir! " cried Uhle solemnly, draw- ing near to the boy and laying both hands upon his fair, curly head. " I swear to your highness to love and cherish this child as if he were my own, and promise that in my housp he shall find a home. I shall from this hour give him my name and treat him as my child." *rO THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER " God bless you for those words! " cried Gabriel, down whose pale cheeks the tears were streaming in torrents. " Well then/' said the Elector, gently nodding his head, ^^we have found a father for the orphan, a name for the nameless, and I think his mother in heaven will rejoice over it. I shall provide for the boy's maintenance, and your wife, I am sure, will attend to keeping his wearing apparel in order. You must send me your account, which shall be paid, including a stated sum for his clothing. All else that may be needful shall be communicated to you by my secretary, as also regarding the boy's baptism, which I wish to take place promptly. I myself will stand sponsor for him. You gave the boy his surname, and I will choose him his baptismal one. Let his name be Frederich William Uhle." ^'^ Frederick William Uhle!" murmured Gabriel, looking through his tears upon the boy, who seemed to have totally forgotten him, and fixed his smiling, inquisitive looks some- times upon the Elector, sometimes upon Jacob Uhle. " Go now, Jacob Uhle, and see that all is in readiness for your journey," ordered the Elector. " The boy shall speedily follow you, and be your traveling companion. Go! " He responded to Jacob Uhle's reverential bow by a friend- ly nod, and as soon as that person had gone out turned to Oabriei Nietzel. " I wanted to procure you a little respite, that you might take a last farewell of the boy. I can well imagine that your heart feels such a longing, and therefore I sent Jacob Uhle on before." " Your highness is noble and magnanimous to the last," replied Gabriel softly. "I thank you. But I have no fur- ther farewell to take, nor anything more to say to Frederick William Uhle. All is over! " " But I, bad, old uncle, I have something more to say to you! " cried the boy, running up to Gabriel and flinging both arms around his body. " I have to say to you, that I shall always love you, and that you will never, never be anything to me but my dear, good uncle! And now, give me one more kiss for good-by." A d-eadly pallor overspread Gabriel's countenance, and his ELECTOR AND BEGGAR. 7X whole person shook. He convulsively pushed off the boy and freed himself from his embrace. "Go!" he cried passionately — "go, and do not touch me! I can not bear it! Go! Have pity, sir, you see I am only a weak man, and it is too much for me. Permit me to withdraw." " No, not you, but the boy must go," replied the Elector, ringing. " I have still a couple of words to say to you! " He directed Chamberlain Kunkel, who entered, to conduct the boy to Jacob Uhle, who was awaiting him with his carriage below. " Go, Frederick William Uhle, go and grow up to be a good and virtuous man." The boy made no reply. His eyes were ever fixed upon his uncle's pale, quivering features, and gushing tears deprived him of the power of speech. Passively, offering no resistance, he suffered Chamberlain Kunkel to take his hand and lead him to the door. All was dark before his eyes, and he knew not himself the source or meaning of the pain which filled liis little breast. It was not such pain as he used to feel when he had gone hungry and chilly through the streets of Venice, or when, holding by his Uncle Claus's hand, he had followed him wearily in his long and tiresome pilgrimages — he was not hungry, he was not thirsty, his feet were not painful, nor his head aching. But something within pained so sorely, weighed upon him so heavily, that it almost crushed him to the earth. The child let his curly head sink upon his breast, and went slowly out, not knowing that he bore with him his first grief, and that it was his heart which oppressed him so sorely. " Gabriel Nietzel," said the Elector, as soon as the door had closed behind the boy, " one word with you now, poor, unhappy man! You have to-day oft'ered the greatest sacri- fice man can bring. You have parted with your child, and renounced him for life. You have done what is most difficult, you have conquered and renounced love. Believe me, poor man, that you have now made full atonement for your sin, and purified yourself from all guilt. The fires of penitence have cleansed your soul from all contamination of crime; they have made you a new man, let your soul rise to a new life. 72 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. Lift up your head, be strong and firm; conquer remorse as you have conquered sin. I, your Elector, to my people and servants, the representative of God upon earth, pronounce you free of all guilt — I absolve you! " Gabriel slowly shook his head. " I will do penance to the end,^' he said in a low, spiritless voice. " I vowed so to do when God in his justice permitted me not to perish in the waters of the Tiber, and from the arms of death, again thrust the suicide out into the world. Only God himself can absolve me from doing penance, when he calls me to himself in eter- nal peace, after I shall have suffered all these tortures. He will know when I have endured enough, to be permitted once more to behold my Eebecca's face and be reunited to her." "But what will you do?" asked the Elector. "How will you live?" " By death, sir! My life will be a prolonged death, my existence a perpetual pang. I will eat the bread of humilia^ tion, begging a bit of bread or a penny from the charity of men, which I shall accept, well knowing that I have not de- served it. Before your castle, sir, will I pass my life as a beg- gar, ever looking up at it and thinking that there you once lay in agony, suffering from poison administered by the hand of an accursed murderer; ever remembering that a blessed angel rescued you from the jaws of death, that my Eebecca saved you; that for me she went to death; and that I can not find her grave, to lie there and die." " It is, then, your irrevocable decision to live as a beggar,"" said the Elector. " My irrevocable decision, sir." " At least tell me something I can do for you," exclaimed the Elector, almost entreatingly. " Sir, I beg of you to order the sheriff not to drive me from your castle gate, but permit me to spend my life begging on the castle square." Involuntarily the Elector stamped his foot upon the ground. " Well then," he said quickly, " one thing you must at least promise me! The chief cook shall send you a warm bowl of soup every day from my kitchen. You must promise me to eat it." ELECTOR AND BEGGAR. 73 " Sir, I can make no such promise! " cried Gabriel, with an expression of horror. " I can not accept food and drink irom one whom I have attempted to poison. Grant me the favor I asked, I have nothing further to desire." "Well, be it so! As long as you choose you shall keep your station before the castle, on the castle square and in the pleasure garden, and no man shall dare to interfere with you. But you must daily accept the gift which I shall offer you; and if I can not come myself, take it from him who will bring it to you from me." " I am a beggar, sir, and thankfully accept the alms it becomes a beggar to receive. But this alms must not exceed a penny, the amount commonly cast in the beggar's hat. Will your grace " The loud rumbling of a wheeled vehicle was heard in the castle yard, silencing Gabriel, and the groan which forced itself from his breast sounded almost like a shriek. "It is Jacob Uhle's carriage," said the Elector softly. *' The boy has gone." " Yes, and I have lost my son for ever! " cried Gabriel with a heartrending cry of woe. "Dismiss me, sir, dismiss me, let me go." " Well, go then, poor man! " said the Elector softly. " May God be gracious to you and speak peace to your soul! " Gabriel Nietzel muttered a few unintelligible words and tottered toward the door. The Elector looked after him with an expression of pro- found sympathy, and just as he had laid his hand upon the latch and opened it, with sudden haste he called him back: *' Gabriel ISTietzel! " The beggar moved on as if it were not he who was called. " Glaus! " cried the Elector, " hear one word more! " The beggar stood still in the open door, but did not turn round, and his body swayed to and fro. " Glaus, if you should feel some day that you have under- gone penance enough — that you can forgive yourself, as God, Rebecca, and I have forgiven you — if you long for rest and a quiet spot to lay your weary head, then come to me and you «hallhaveit!" 74 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. Only an incomprehensible murmur was his reply, and then the bowed form tottered on, and the door closed behind it. The Elector stood immovable in his place; it seemed to him as if with the grating, creaking sound of these retreating footsteps his own past, his own youth, were passing away, and an inexpressible feeling of melancholy took possession of his whole soul. A loud noise, as of something heavy falling, aroused him from his reverie. He hastened to the door and opened it. " What is the matter, Kunkel? What noise was that? '^ "Nothing at all, most gracious sir. The beggar fainted and fell, that was all." The Elector closed the door and returned to his own apartment. His large, flaming eyes were slowly raised to heaven, and his thoughts were uplifted to God. " Before thee, Lord! " he whispered, "we are all noth- ing but weak, sinful creatures, and all greatness sinks into* nothingness! I thought myself a prince, and wanted to con-^ trol. A beggar comes along and resists me with the might of his will, making me feel that I have no power over him, can control him in nothing, and benefit him in nothing! The beggar is a man like myself, and beggars are we all in thy sight, Lord God Almighty! " YIII. — Love's Coubieb Retubns. " Well, truly, you have made good speed," was the Elec- tor's greeting to Burgsdorf, as the latter entered his cabinet. "Hardly six weeks have elapsed since you set out on your journey to Sweden, and here you are at home again." " Yes, most gracious sir," said Burgsdorf, whose red face shone with rapture — "yes, God be praised, I am at home again. I can not express to your highness how happy I am to find myself once more in dear old Berlin. This morning as I rode into the city, and saw the women milking their cow& in the streets and the hogs wallowing in the mire, I can not LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. 75 paint the sensation of comfort I experienced. Akl home i& a wonderful place, and nowhere is life so pleasant as at Ber- lin! " "Where the cows are milked before the doors and the hogs wallow about in the streets — those are indeed advan- tages, which few capitals share with Berlin, and the posses- sion of which few envy us. In Stockholm you were doubt- less deprived of these sweets, old Burgsdorf ? " " Entirely deprived of them," asseverated Burgsdorf, with a deep sigh. "" It was dreadful, sir — everything so fine, so prim, so precise. The whole city was clean to a fault, and so quiet and proper in all its parts that it kept one in a constant state of anxiety. God knows I hardly dared to utter one oath all the time I was there, because I thought the men would die of fright at the sound, even though they understood not a word I said. For, would your highness believe it, men are so stupid in Sweden that they do not understand German at all." '^ And you are so wise that you understand no Swedish,'* remarked the Elector, laughing. " Naturally, sir, not a single word," said Burgsdorf. " I never heard such abominable gibberish in my life as those Swedes talk, and good luck it was for me that at court they spoke nothing but French." "I can imagine, old man, what elegant French you spouted!" cried the Elector. "No doubt one word chased another, as a pack of hounds the hunted stag of conversation, and if a couple were swamped by the wayside the others rushed forward only the more courageously." " Your highness does me injustice," said Burgsdorf seri- ously. " I do indeed speak very elegant French because my mother was a Frenchwoman, and I was consequently accus- tomed to that tongue, even while in the cradle." " Old man, old man, methinks it has been many years since you were the inmate of a nursery." " Sixty-two years, your highness, and my mother has been dead full twenty years. Yet I can still speak French as glibly as a dancing master and I assure you that I not only under- stood every word I heard, but spoke so fluently myself that 76 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. her Majesty complimented me upon the style of my conversa- tion." "But, Burgsdorf/' said the Elector, "I had hoped that the Queen would be content to speak German with you, for she, too, has a right on the mother's side to claim that as her native tongue." "Most gracious sir, the Queen did commence by speak- ing German with me, and I must say she speaks it very well. But it pleased her better to talk French with me, and she was always in a fine humor when we spoke that language." " No doubt, it must have been right comical. But enough of this. You must now tell me all that you have seen and heard, besides all that you have done. Come, sit down in that armchair, old friend; you know you used often to sit there when you were telling my father of all your campaigns and adventures. Sit down, old friend." And the Elector pointed to the high-backed leather arm- chair, while he himself took a seat upon the small divan. Con- rad von Burgsdorf slowly deposited his unwieldly figure in the armchair, and assumed a thoughtful air. " Most gracious sir," he said, " it is true I have often sat opposite your blessed father in this armchair, and told him many a merry tale, but he was always pleased to inspirit me for the task." "What are you hinting at now, Burgsdorf?" asked the Elector, smiling. " Gracious sir, what do they do when they want violin music? Do they not tune the fiddle and rosin the bow? It is just so with men. They, too, need to be tuned and rosined, when they would make an oration, and that in their best style." " It seems to me you have learned at Stockholm to make a most apt use of metaphors," said the Elector, taking up a bell and ringing. " Two bottles of Ehenish wine," was his order to the chamberlain, who obeyed his called. " Quick! " "Your highness overwhelms me with kindness," cried Burgsdorf, with joyful countenance. " I have not seen a l)ottle of Ehenish wine for six weeks, much less tasted any. Those Polar bears in Sweden heat their cold blood with strong LOVE'S COxfRIER RETURNS. 77 Spanish wine when they want to thaw. For my part, I can not bear their Xeres and Madeira; they make me as melan- choly as a screech owl." " Then drown your melancholy in German Ehenish wine/' said the Elector, as just at this moment the chamberlain en- tered and placed upon the small table near the divan two bottles of wine, with large green goblets. " Pour out for your- self, lord chamberlain, and drink." " Without your highness condescending to pledge me by drinking first? " " Well, pour out the fourth of a glass for me, but fill your •own goblet to the brim. I congratulate you upon your happy return home." He let his glass touch that of the lord high chamberlain and drank a few drops, while Burgsdorf drained the contents of his large goblet at a draught. '^Is the violin tuned now?" asked the Elector, smiling. *^ Has the bow been sufficiently plied with rosin? " " Yes, your highness," replied Burgsdorf, drawing a deep breath. " The concert can begin, but it must be allowed me, during little pauses, to tune the violin again, for it is very easily put out of tune." " Do so, but mind that the pauses be not too many. And now let the concert open. Tell me, how did the Queen re- ceive you? What said she to her mother's letter, and to you, the living epistle? " " Most gracious sir. Queen Christina carelessly threw her mother's letter on the table without reading it, in order to devote herself to me, the living epistle, as your grace says." "And she knew how to read you? She penetrated your designs? " " Your highness, she only read what I chose to let her read, ■and saw as much of my designs as I meant that she should. The Queen is an uncommonly wise and sharp-witted woman, l)ut I am no dolt, either, so we two resembled a couple of flies Tiovering about a hot loaf, each dreading to be burned, yet grudging it to the other. When she asked me, ^ What of Lord High Chancellor Burgsdorf? Is he still the Elector's con- fidant?' I replied, * Your Majesty, von Burgsdorf is an old 78 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. soldier, whose only pleasure is in fighting and drinking; such an elegant, scholarly gentleman as my Elector, chooses very different confidants from that old fighter/ When I ventured to ask, ' Has your Majesty read your most nohle mother's letter? Will your royal grace not concede a little to your toother's wishes, and fix your heavenly eyes upon Germany, where a handsome young prince has turned his thoughts with ardent love toward the fairest, most distinguished prin- cess in all Europe, namely, your Majesty? ' The young Queen replied with a charming smile: ' I know not of what prince you speak. There are many princes in Germany, and doubt- less all would find it right pleasant to wed me, since I have a kingdom for a dowry. Of what prince do you speak, then? ^ *Your Majesty,' answered I, *I speak of the handsomest, youngest, most amiable prince in Germany — of ' ' Of young Archduke Leopold of Austria, his father's heir appar- ent?' interrupted she. 'Well, that certainly would be an acceptable match for a queen, for when the archduke becomes Emperor he will at least be the most distinguished prince in Europe.' ' Madam,' replied I gravely, and I believe with becoming dignity, ' I am not speaking of the Archduke Leo- pold of Austria, and I esteem it very questionable if he will ever become Emperor of Germany. I speak of the young Elector Frederick Wilham of Brandenburg, your cousin, and not only the favorite of your mother but of all the ladies.' * Oh, of Jiimj replied her young Majesty snappishly. ' You are right, he does indeed seem the favorite of the ladies, and doubtless many Ariadne-like tears will be shed upon the occa- sion of his approaching marriage. They say he is engaged to Mademoiselle d'Orleans, and that it was Cardinal Mazarin who brought about the match.' ' Your Majesty,' cried I, ' that is a mistake. The Elector is not engaged to Mademoiselle d'Or- leans.' * Well then, it is the little Princess of Orange,' said her Majesty, proudly throwing back her head. * The States and the Prince of Orange will no doubt be very eager to accept the Elector's urgent suit.' ' Your Majesty,' protested I, ' in- deed the Elector has never wooed the Princess of Orange, and it has never entered his mind to marry that young lady.' ' Well then, it is the Archduchess of Austria or a princess of Poland/ LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. 79 cried the Queen, with a laugh which seemed much more the result of pique than of merriment. * The Elector seems to be so much courted, and so many marriageable princesses are offered to him, that he will be puzzled to make a choice/ ' Your Majesty! ' cried I, with commendable ardor, ^ the Elec- tor finds no difiiculty whatever in the matter. He will only follow the dictates of his heart, and his heart has long since made its choice. His heart is fixed with longing upon the young, lovely, fascinating Queen of the North, the inspiring Muse, the heavenly goddess, who has descended from Olym- pus to bless mankind.^ Your highness must understand,'^ explained Burgsdorf, " that this is the style in which Queen Christina's court speak of and to her. There is a perpetual scattering of incense and sounding of praises, and the Queen is so used to it that it seems quite natural to her to be called a goddess or fairy. She instantly understood whom I meant when I spoke of the Muse and goddess. ' Sir! ' cried she, and your grace should have seen how her eyes flashed and how proud she looked — ' sir, I am not of the number of princesses who may be chosen; it is for me to choose the man whom I shall honor with my hand! But I must acknowledge that I have as yet no desire whatever to marry, and when I do, it must be first strictly stipulated that my husband shall not pretend to be my lord, and arrogate to himself authority over me; but be subject to me, and always recognize me as the Sovereign Queen of Sweden, who submits to no guidance, but that of her own head! ' " " Ah! she said that, did she? " asked the Elector, smiling. " Your highness, those are her own words," affirmed Burgs- dorf, reaching out for the bottle and filling his glass. " I beg permission to apply a little Inore rosin." " Those are my little cousin's views, then? " said the Elec- tor. " She will only accept a husband who will at once be- come her slave, and receive all honors and dignities through her." " Yes, your highness," replied Burgsdorf, " only a hus- band who will obey orders. Her Majesty afterward expressed herself yet more fully and decidedly upon the subject, and, moreover, in the presence and with the approbation of Chan- :80 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. cellor Oxenstiern, who is a very proud and cunning man, and so intends to guard by clauses all the freedoms, privi- leges, and honors of the Queen, that her husband will be a mere cipher, not being allowed to meddle in affairs of state • or even occupy a prominent position. The very first condi- tion of this union is to be that her husband shall not at all share her rank, or occupy a place on the throne beside her. The Queen's husband only retains the rank and title he pos» sessed before his marriage; on all state occasions his station is at the side of the throne, on which the Queen sits alone; he always yields her Majesty the precedence, and walks im^ mediately behind her. He has neither seat nor voice in the 'Council of state, and expressly promises never to interfere in K^overnment affairs. The honors and dignities granted him by the Queen he is to consider not as his right, but as mere acts of grace. All these conditions the Queen's husband must solemnly pledge himself to fulfill." "And what think you, old friend?" asked the Elector, with a sly smile. " Is the young Queen worth so much, as to justify a man in bowing to the earth before her and becoming a simple possession of hers? Is the Queen beautiful, amiable, .and sweet-tempered? Has she a kind heart? Does she possess the qualities needful for a husband's happiness? Is she gentle, patient, intelligent, and unselfish?" Burgsdorf cast down his eyes thoughtfully, and his counte- nance was expressive of confusion and embarrassment. "Is your highness asking me in sober earnest, and do you desire me to give an honest, candid answer? " "An honest and candid answer, Burgsdorf! For what reason did I send you to Stockholm but that you might see and hear, faithfully reporting to me the result of your observa- tions? Have no concealments with me, lord high chamberlain, but tell me all you know without reserve; for I know you. I know that behind your broad, good-natured face lies hidden a crafty mind, and that you are a wolf who knows how to as- sume sheep's clothing. Speak then, Burgsdorf, honestly and ^openly! " " Yes, your highness, I will. So help me God, I shall give .you my honest, true sentiments." LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. 8J. "If, for example, you were a prince like myself, would you like to have the Queen of Sweden for a wife ? " " Heaven forfend! " cried Burgsdorf, with an expression of genuine horror. " That is to say," he continued, soften- ing down, "it would be a very different case for me. Were- I called Elector of Brandenburg ten times over, I should be nothing but the rough, ignorant old fellow I am at present,, and such a man the Queen would not suit. But with your- self, gracious sir, all is so different! You are learned, polished,, handsome, and young — you are in all respects the Queen's equal." " Queen Christina, then, is very learned and cultivated? " " "Fearfully learned and excessively cultivated," sighed Burgsdorf, casting up to heaven his little watery blue eyes. " I never could have believed that a woman could be so learned and wise, and find so much pleasure in sheep's-leather men and books." "What do you mean by sheep's-leather men, old Burgs- dorf?" " I understand by that learned gentlemen, who look and act as if they were living in leather-bound folios. I assure your grace these savants are like walking encyclopaedias: if they talk it is always as if they were reading aloud, and their intrusive wisdom has the same effect upon a man as a great bluebottle fly buzzing around his head and bewildering his. senses. But the Queen is charmed with all this, and the more sublimated the nonsense they talk, the better pleased is she and the more radiant becomes her countenance. She enter- tains no one at her court but learned men, artists, and poets, and however ugly and revolting the appearance of these men, . the Queen thinks them handsome, and talks for hours at a time with some old owl of a scholar, while she takes no notice of the young noblemen of her court, unless they are distin- guished for some accomplishment or other." " I am pleased to hear this of my dear cousin," exclaimed the Elector, with animation. " It proves that she possesses a noble, high-strung soul, and has nothing of the levity of her sex about her. Oh, how I envy her the happiness "of being- able to assemble around her a court of scholars, artists, and' S2 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. poets, by their companionship refreshing and ennobling her own spirit/' "For my part," said Burgsdorf, "I could many a time see nothing either refreshing or ennobling in what was going on, and in spite of all their learning, poetry, and art, they have occasionally quite a respectable quarrel. I can tell your highness a charming anecdote in point, the circumstances of which I was eyewitness to myself/' " Tell it! tell it! '' cried the Elector eagerly, himself con- descending to open the second bottle and fill his high cham- berlain's goblet to the brim. "What sort of an anecdote? Where did it occur? " "At court, and in the immediate neighborhood of the 'Queen herself, most gracious sir. A short time ago a whole shipload of learned men arrived there, and during my first Audience the Queen remarked to me that I had come to her court at a very fortunate time, for there was no court in all Europe where were assembled so many distinguished and re- nowned men as at hers. I was to observe everything closely, that I might give an account of what I saw to the Elector of Brandenburg. The Queen even had the kindness to introduce me to one of these learned monsters. She said to me: ' Sir, since you appear as my mother's ambassador, and have been the bearer of a letter from her grace, I will reward you by admitting you to participation in a rare piece of good fortune. Behold the greatest and most world-renowned of philosophers! The French boasts that he was born in France, and call him Descartes, but all Europe claims and is proud of him, and he has ceased to be a Frenchman, for he is a sage and is known to the whole world as Cartesius — Eobertus Cartesius.' " "Was Cartesius there?" exclaimed the Elector warmly. ^*Did you have the happiness of seeing Cartesius, the great philosopher and mathematician? " "Now your highness begins in the same strain," sighed Burgsdorf. " Now you speak of the happiness which I have enjoyed. Well, I did see Cartesius, but what saw I? A little fellow, who is certainly the very ugliest man ever created, and an ape would not herself discover the deception if Car- tesius should palm himself off as her son. The very children LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. gS in the street begin to cry and scream when they meet him. But Queen Christina finds him not only handsome but kiss- able, at least according to a little story told me by Count Oxen- stiern. Cartesius was taking a walk in the palace garden, and, wholly absorbed in his mathematical problems, had seated himself under a laurel tree and fallen asleep. Now the Queea came along with her ladies, who saw the sleeping philosopher, laughed at him, and disputed whether he looked like an ape or a tiger-cat. The Queen, however, reproved them severely, softly approached, broke off two large branches of the laurel tree, and wove them into a wreath on which she fastened her own breastpin, consisting of two magnificent diamonds. This wreath she gently placed on Cartesius's bald head, then stooped down over him, kissed his lips and called out: ^ Wake up, my master! Wisdom may not sleep, else folly will gain still more power upon earth. Wake up, my teacher, for your pupil is beside you and would learn of you! ' " * " Burgsdorf, that is charming! " cried the Elector; " and upon the strength of this one story I could almost fall des- perately in love with this intellectual young Queen." " God forbid! " muttered Burgsdorf, as, quite shocked, he drew back the hand which he had stretched out for his glass of wine. "But in this charming little anecdote I see nothing of quarreling and contention," said the Elector. "I thought you were to tell of such things." '^ Gracious sir, the real story is yet to come, and this was only the introduction. I was obliged to begin by telling you. how many scholars and artists were to be found at the Queen's court at that time. There was also the learned Abbot Bour- ■delot, who had translated into French the poems of a certain Latin or Greek poet named Homer; moreover there was an Italian, a Marquis Monaldeschi, by whom the Queen is in- «tructed in the Italian language, and who is an improvisator, as she calls it, and makes impromptu the finest verses. The Queen was often so carried away that she would burst into tears and offer him both her hands. Then the marquis would fall upon his knees before her, kiss the tips of her fingers, and * Historical. See Curiosities, vol. ix. 84 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. press the hem of her garment to his lips. Thereupon he would again begin to declaim, and the scene always closed by the Queen bestowing upon him a jewel, a ring, a diamond pin, or some such present." " Is the marquis also as ugly a man as Cartesius? " asked the Elector. " By no means, your highness; he is quite a young and an uncommonly handsome man, and it is whispered But I am again turning aside from my story. One more savant was there, of whom the Queen made a great deal; Meibom was his name." " Meibom! " exclaimed the Elector, starting up. " Marcus Meibom, formerly of Amsterdam, who published there so famous a treatise on the music of the ancient Greeks and Homans?" " It may well be, your highness, for his name is Marcus, too, and the ancients are ever upon his tongue, and what is not Greek or Latin he despises and abuses roundly. Accord- ingly he had told Queen Christina that the musical instru- ments now in use were quite pitiful, and that none of the modem music heard in royal chapels was to be compared with the music of the old Greeks and Romans. The Queen was naturally very curious to become acquainted with this ex- quisitely delightful music of the Greeks, and she begged Mar- cus Meibom to have such instruments prepared under his own direction. He did so, and when they were finished, a Greek concert was to be given in the Queen's apartments. The whole court was invited, and the Queen deigned to appoint me a place quite near her, that I might have the very best op- portunity of seeing and hearing. Now the concert was to begin, and the Greek musicians marched in with their curious instruments. Marcus Meibom himself preceded them. He had assumed the Greek costume, and looked ridiculous an^ mean enough with his bare legs blue with cold, and a piece of red stuff thrown around him as a mantle. On his head he wore a laurel wreath, and in his arms he held a queer-looking in- strument that he had constructed himself. He called it a harhiton, and was to accompany himself on it, while he sang a song, which a certain Pindar had composed and Maoneus LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. 85 Meibom had set to music. I assure your grace, as the fellow came marching in with outstretched legs and head thrown back, with his larhiton on his arm and his eyes turned up in rapture toward heaven, I could not help smiling, and, look- ing around, I saw that all the courtiers seemed to be amused. But just at this moment the Queen said, ' Viola Apollon, le roi des Muses en personne,' and all faces quickly became seri- ous again, and I used my utmost exertions to recover my gravity. And now Marcus Meibom planted himself close be- fore the Queen. A long pause ensued, and nothing was heard but the softly whispering voice of the Marquis Monaldeschi,. who was standing behind her Majesty's chair, and stooped so low down to her that his handsome head almost touched her fair and naked shoulders. He whispered a few words in her ear, and she smiled a little, but quickly grew serious again and fixed her large, blue eyes upon Marcus Meibom. He now seized the larbiton with both hands, held it before him with the left, and with the right attacked the strings, which growled like an old bass viol. Then followed another pause, and now Meibom began to sing. That is to say, gracious sir, he stretched open his mouth and there came forth a couple of loud, shrill notes, that sounded just as if an ass were braying after thistles. I could not help it, sir; I exploded with laughter, and my laugh proved contagious, infecting the whole court. Meibom did as if he saw nothing, and treated us to another strain of falsetto, casting, however, a withering glance upon Abbot Bourdelot, whom the Queen had beckoned to her side, and whose fine full-moon face shone with pleas- ure and delight. Now came another loud ass's bray from Meibom, and Abbot Bourdelot laughed aloud, the Queen heartily joining in. Then Marcus Meibom leaped up high, as if an adder had stung him, threw his larbiton so violently upon the ground that it was dashed to pieces, rushed upon the abbot hke a wounded boar, and gave him a box on the ear — such a rousing one, sir, as I might administer to my servant." " And the Abbot Bourdelot? " asked the Elector, much amused. " Well, Abbot Bourdelot did the best thing that could be 86 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. done: he laughed yet louder, the Queen and the whole court laughing with him, so that Marcus Meibom become raving mad and rushed out of the hall like one possessed.* " Truly that is a most entertaining story, and I envy you for having been present at the scene. Did the Queen do noth- ing afterward to soothe the antiquarian's feelings? '' " She tried, but could not succeed, for Meibom was perfect- ly desperate, and would not remain another day. He furi- ously demanded his dismissal, that he might take passage on a vessel about to set sail for Amsterdam. So the Queen was forced to dismiss him, although loth to do so, and to com- pensate him in some degree for his mortification, she gave him a valuable diamond ring and her own portrait encircled with diamonds." "It seems that the Queen possesses a great many dia- monds," said the Elector thoughtfully; " and she is very gen- erous, is she not?" " Most gracious sir, do you call that generosity? People in Sweden whisper under their breath that their young ■Queen is recklessly extravagant, changing all the crown prop- erty into diamonds and trinkets, to be thrown away upon strangers and foreigners." "Do you belong to the number of foreigners who reap the benefit of this prodigality? " "I? God forbid!" exclaimed Burgsdorf with an expres- sion of the deepest indignation. " I am no scholar, or artist, or Italian improvisator, but merely a plain German noble- man, too clumsy to dance to the merry piping of the Queen. I got nothing, not even one little diamond." " That is perceptible by the chagrin you manifest," slyly interposed the Elector. "I got nothing," continued Burgsdorf, "but sarcastic speeches at my departure. Sarcastic compliments for the widowed Queen, who had committed the great offense of drop- ping the title of Majesty in addressing her daughter, besides using such affectionate and tender language as is customary among common people, but not seemly when used by a mother, * Historical scenes. See Samuel Buchholtz, History of the Electorate of Brandenburg, vol. vi, p. 53. LOVE'S COURIER RETURNS. gf who is the subject of her daughter, a reigning Queen. These were her Majesty's own words. ' And as regards the Elector and his wishes/ said the Queen, * let him prove his love by deeds, if he would convince me of it. If he submits himself wholly to my will, then I shall see whether I will accept his offer and choose him for my husband. All the unmarried princes of Europe are my suitors. Only to the most ardent lover shall I sacrifice my freedom. Let the Elector endeavor to conquer my royal heart by an urgent suit.' " " And after conquering it become the slave of her caprices, the subject of her whims! " cried the Elector quickly. " How ran the conditions of arriving at this state of happiness? The husband of the Queen is to claim neither the title nor rank of King; he is not to sit beside her on her throne, but stand humbly aside; always yield his wife precedence, and walk behind her; have neither seat nor voice in the council of state, and pledge himself never by word or deed to meddle in Govern- ment affairs." " Yes, that is the purport of the bond which you are to sign; and if you do so, gracious sir, you have the hope of be- coming the Queen's husband. This is the result of my Swedish journey, gracious sir! Affix your signature, and the Elector of Brandenburg has the honor of being a queen's husband! " "The Elector of Brandenburg declines the honor," ex- claimed Frederick William proudly. " It is unworthy of him to be only the husband of a queen, and he covets not a crown, that brings no power with it." * " You will not marry the Queen of Sweden, then? " asked Burgsdorf , with brightening countenance. " No! " exclaimed the Elector, with powerful voice — "no, I will not marry Queen Christina of Sweden! It is over with that plan forever, and I must say it was almost a thing deter- mined before you came. Your information, however, has turned the scale, and the matter is settled for all time! " " And I thank God for it! " cried Burgsdorf, clasping his hands rapturously together. " If I thought that my glorious young Elector were to marry that learned and haughty Queen, * The Elector's own words. Vide Droysen, History of Prussian Poli- tics. 88 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. I would be ready to cry just like any old woman. For it is obvious, your highness, it may be very pleasant to converse with so intelligent a lady, but to marry her — pshaw! chills run over me whenever I think of it! And what would become of us poor Markers, with a mistress prizing nothing but what is foreign, and perpetually surrounded by a swarm of French- men and Italians? Ah, your highness, I thank you in the name of all your subjects, for not becoming the Queen of Sweden's husband. You might have been a powerful sover- eign, but assuredly an unhappy man; and we all love you so much that our first desire is to see you happy. There must be some other young lady in the world whom your highness can marry, besides Queen Christina? " " Must I be married then, nolens volens? " asked the Elec- tor. " Yes, your highness, and that as soon as possible! " " Well then, if it is so decidedly necessary,'' said the Elec- tor, smiling, " read this paper." He took from his writing table a letter, and handed it to the lord high chamberlain. IX. — ^NOTH BRIGHT ElSEN, NOTH LEHRT BeTEN.* BuRGSDORF took the letter and had hardly read two lines before his broad face flushed, and a joyful smile lighted up his features. "Is it possible?" exclaimed he with delight. "Is your grace actually contemplating an alliance with the house of Orange?" " Yes, I am thinking of it, and the Sovereign States like- wise think of forming an alliance with the house of Branden-^ burg. We need each other, and would conclude a league offen- * As there is no equivalent proverb in the English, the translator judged it best to leave this adage in the original at the head of the chap- ter, the literal translation being, "Necessity breaks iron, necessity teaches to pray." NOTH BRIGHT EISEN, NOTH LEHRT BETEN. 89 fiive and defensive, whose token is to be the little Princess of Orange. Her father, Prince Frederick Henry, is old and in- firm. Holland dreads the power and ambition of his son, and would secure herself against them. Therefore she wants peace with Spain, that she may have rest without, and check the encroachments of the young Stadtholder within. I need Holland's assistance at the congress of Miinster to prevent iSweden from wresting Pomerania from me, and Holland promises me the whole weight of her influence as soon as I have pledged my good faith to her, by forming an engagement with the Princess of Orange.*' "And your grace has made a most judicious choice, I believe,*' cried Burgsdorf joyfully. "All the world praises the Princess of Orange as a model of grace and loveliness! Oh, and how it will vex the learned Queen of Sweden to see the Princess preferred to herself! " " She is, indeed, quite the opposite of my royal cousin Christina. I sent Ewald von Kleist on a secret mission to Holland, similar to your own at the court of Sweden. He was to see how the land lay, and he has been at home now for three days." " Your highness then courted two princesses at once! " exclaimed Burgsdorf in amazement. " Not exactly courted; but it is always well to have two paths to select from, that if one should be obstructed you may turn to the other. This seems to me a most important prin- ciple in Kf e as in politics, and one that I shall act upon all my life." " Yes, but suppose I had obtained the consent of the Queen of Sweden also. What could your highness have done with two brides?" " I would have weighed them both in the scales of policy, and chosen her whose side preponderated; for the head alone is my matrimonial agent, the heart has nothing to do in the matter. A prince must marry from motives of prudence, not from personal considerations. I would form an alliance with Holland, because she is a useful ally. It is a fortunate coin- cidence for me that the Princess of Orange is very amiable, lovely, and attractive. Ewald von Kleist is never tired of 90 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. descanting upon her astonishing amiability, and assures me that all Holland is in love with the young Princess. She, too, has a suitor whose highest ambition it is to become her hus- band. The Prince of Wales is at present residing at The Hague, on account of the dreadfully unsettled state of affairs in England, and is desperately in love with the Princess of Orange. From this I conclude that she is charming and lovely, for the Stuarts have a keen eye for beauty of the body as of the mind. They inherit this from their ancestress Mary Stuart." " But the Princess frowns upon the Prince of Wales. She rejects the Stuart in favor of the young Elector of Branden- burg, who can cope with all the Stuarts in the world." " She does neither the one thing nor the other, for she knows nothing of my suit. I merely sent Ewald von Kleist to pioneer my way, and find out the dispositions of the Prince of Orange, with the express stipulation that these prelimi- naries should for the present be concealed from the Princess. Now, as the Stadtholder has granted me his consent, and I have acquitted myself of my princely obligations, I should like for once to indulge myself by acting as a young man and engage in a romantic little adventure. I should like to find out whether the Princess of Orange would accept my hand merely in obedience to the behest of her father. Prince Henry,, and whether, if she had her choice, she would prefer the Prince of Wales." " And if such were the case, which I never, never can be- lieve, would your highness give way to the Prince of Wales? " The Elector made no immediate reply, but looked thought- fully before him. " Burgsdorf," said he, " it is a bitter thing to be obliged to give up a first love, and I am indeed unwill- ing that for my sake the Princess should be called to suffer such a grief. A man must be strong enough to bend to neces- sity, and rank duty higher than love. He must renounce his own inclinations, conquer pain, and yet remain himself. But with a woman the case is different, and if her heart is crushed by the pressure of duty and necessity, all is lost with it, and she makes shipwreck of her whole being. I have had such an ex- perience in my own life, and would spare my little cousin sucb NOTH BRIGHT EISEN, NOTH LEHRT BETEN. 91 ehipwreck, for she lives in my memory as a pretty, tender child, from whom I would be loth to draw one sigh. There- fore would I go to The Hague, to see and hear for myself; and if I am forced to admit that the Princess loves Charles Stuart,, and would be unhappy if called upon to renounce him, I will use all my influence with her father to induce him to make the young couple happy by sanctioning their union! " " And yet your highness accused yourself just now of only employing the head as a matrimonial agent, and of marrying only out of prudence! ^' " But I can not require of a young girl what I require of myself," said the Elector. " Besides, to acknowledge the whole truth, I must confess that it is galling to me to become the husband of a woman who offers herself to me only as a sacrifice and follows me to the altar with secret tears. In one email corner of his heart the Prince is still the man, and al- though he may feel no love himself, yet he would like to in- spire love, or at least not be regarded with abhorrence. There- fore I would now go to The Hague, privately and incognito^ to see and hear for myself how matters stand, and whether Charles Stuart is a successful rival." "I fear your highness will not be able to preserve your incognito,^' remarked Conrad von Burgsdorf, shaking his head. " Your grace can not so quietly change your scene of action. You must be somewhere, and however remote the place of your retreat, it will soon become known." " Then I will set out on my journey publicly and with all pomp; let it be known, too, that I am going to Holland to be married, else the States would grant me no money for this journey. Alas! that I should be compelled to have recourse to the States for money! I have already written to the Stadt- holder in Prussia, as well as the deliberative assembly there,, that a tax should be imposed for the defrayal of expenses at- tending my marriage, and for the ordering of my new house- hold." "Your highness will not wait until this tax is granted,, will you? " asked Burgsdorf, quite shocked. " No, old man, that would involve too great a delay," re- plied the Elector. " The States are not very prompt in mak- 7 .92 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. ing grants of money, quarreling, wrangling, and disputing over each head in a manner altogether shameful, and with the greatest difficulty providing the barely necessary. No, I would have long to wait, were I to defer my marriage until I received a grant of money from the States, and it might easily happen that meanwhile Sweden and France would succeed in rendering abortive a journey so exceedingly distasteful to them. Upon my urgent solicitation my mother had the goodness to lend me three thousand dollars, and this sum may serve to meet expenses, until the States have granted what I need." " We must allow them no rest! '^ cried Burgsdorf passion- ately. " They must be perpetually reminded of their duty." " I empower you to do this in my name," said the Elector, "^^ for we are indeed in pressing need of this money. The three thousand dollars will hardly complete the needful prepara- tions for our journey, for it is not our intention to appear there as a poor, beggarly Prince, but, as becomes us, in prince- ly style, with a rich attendance of equipages and servants, and a bodyguard in new and splendid uniforms." " And then there is your grace's wedding outfit to be thought of," said Burgsdorf thoughtfully. " For you must appear before those rich mynheers and merchants in a man- ner calculated to inspire them with sentiments of respect and astonishment." " That is very true," sighed the Elector. " It would cer- tainly be advisable to make an impression by the princely splendor of my own wardrobe; but how are such elegancies to be procured, seeing that we have no means of paying for them?" " Most gracious sir," cried Burgsdorf joyfully, after a little thought, "if we can not pay for such magnificent wedding clothes, then let us borrow." "Yes, but where are those who will lend to us?" asked the Elector, sighing. " Here, in our own territories, we have no silk and velvet factories, no jewelers and embroiderers in gold. We must procure everything from abroad, and there is not a tailor in Berlin capable of making up such handsome clothes, even if we were to provide him with the richest stuffs. NOTH BRIGHT EISEN, NOTH LEHRT BETEN. 93 Such things, however, can only be obtained abroad for cash, and I have no money. All my coffers are empty." " Gracious sir, your clothes must be made at the place where you are to be married," cried Burgsdorf merrily. " In Holland are to be found manufactories of silk and velvet, jewelers and embroiderers in gold. In Holland also are clever tailors, who understand the finest intricacies of their art. Now, all these men will be proud to credit the exalted Prince who is to wed the Princess of Orange, and thus become in some sort their fellow-country man. Gracious sir, let us hasten to Holland, there to order your bridal outfit." " The thought is good, and we will act upon it," nodded the Elector gayly. " Yes, our wedding clothes shall be or- dered in Amsterdam, and doubtless the good mynheers will credit us until the Prussian States shall condescend to gratify our wishes and send us the required sums. Ah! it is indeed unfortunate that princes can not in such matters do as they would, but are dependent upon the inclinations of their States. They presume to be my treasurers and dictate to me what I shall receive and spend. And I can do nothing but submit. I must smiUngly conceal my chagrin, and, like puss, stroke where I can not scratch. Well then, stroke I shall, hoping thereby to gain my end. But meanwhile it will be a difficult task to procure the money for the needed outlays, for I am bent upon appearing in Amsterdam at the head of a glitter- ing retinue. I know those merchants and shopkeepers! If I were to appear before them in modest, simple garb, they would not only diminish the dowry of my bride, but also im- pose upon me harder conditions than if I were to dazzle them by assuming all the pomp and splendor befitting my rank and station. Make your arrangements accordingly. Lord Cham- berlain von Burgsdorf. We are to be escorted by a retinue of thirty coaches drawn by handsome horses, and move to the sound of martial music, and we are to be preceded by a com- pany of guardsmen in new and tasteful uniforms. As to the present plight of my bodyguard, it is wretched in the extreme. Not one has a coat like his fellow. One wears a green jacket, another a red, the third a yellow — in short, it is insufferable. I shall have no such followers. See to it, old friend! " 94: THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " The soldiers' equipments will be the hardest things of all to procure/' sighed Burgsdorf . " Coaches, horses, every- thing else we can get with some trouble. But uniforms for the bodyguard! Could your highness possibly spare the three thousand dollars lent you by your mother? " " Certainly not, Burgsdorf. That is to defray our travel- ing expenses." " It is a bad case then, and I know not Your high- ness," he burst forth suddenly — "your highness, I have a thought." " Well, give it to us, lord high chamberlain." " Your grace must pardon me for having such an audacious thought; but necessity knows no law, and sharpens the dull- est wits. Gracious sir, that was a rich medallion sent you by Cardinal Mazarin. How many diamonds did it contain, and how highly did your grace value them? " "I think there were four-and-twenty diamonds, and I valued them at at least twelve thousand ducats." "And your grace also knew a Jew of Amsterdam with whom you had formerly transacted similar business, and who would assuredly be ready to pay that amount for the dia- monds?" " Yes, indeed, the Jew Abraham on the Strand, No. 14! " " Most gracious sir, let me hurry forward in advance; be pleased to intrust the medallion to me, and you shall see how excellent a bargain I can drive! " " Well, if such is your desire, take Cardinal Mazarin's me- dallion, and see what you can do with it. You know where I put it. The key is in the drawer, so that you have nothing to do but to open it and take the medallion." Without speaking a word, Burgsdorf hurried across to the writing table, opened the drawer and took out the red mo- rocco case, on which were stamped in gold the crown and armorial bearings of France. " I have it," he cried triumphantly. " I hold your com- pany of guardsmen in my own hands now, and they shall parade before you, gracious sir, in costly uniforms! Only per- mit me to set out to-morrow for Amsterdam, and pay Abraham, the Jew, a little visit." NOTH BRIGHT EISEN, NOTH LEHRT BETEN. 95 " Why so? Can you suppose that Abraham, the Jew, is a collector of curiosities, who will pay you a high price for Cardinal Mazarines miniature? " " For the miniature ? Pshaw! No Jew would pay me even one ducat for that. But the diamonds, your highness — the four-and-twenty exquisite diamonds which accompanied the portrait! " And with hands trembling for eagerness Burgsdorf pressed the little clasp that closed the case, and lifted up the lid. But, upon looking into the opened case, an exclamation of horror, almost resembling a bitter oath, escaped his lips, and his eyes were raised with an expression of stupid amazement from the case to the face of the Elector, who regarded him smilingly. " Well," asked the Elector, ^' what silences you all at once? Do you no longer like the medallion? Have you counted the jewels and found them in place? " " Gracious sir! " cried Burgsdorf, drawing a breath of re- lief, " I see plainly that I am and ever will be a stupid old ass, and you are quicker in everything. Quicker in thought, quicker in action. The idea of my presuming to give you advice, and thinking to parade as a discovery what you have long since known! '^ " Yes, the afflictions and privations of my childhood and youth early gave me wisdom in such matters. Necessity is mighty for the pulling down of the strongholds of pride! What can be more humbhng at first to a high-minded man than the idea of gaining money by chaiferings with a Jew? But necessity is more imperious than pride, soon teaching us to make of her a virtue. For the rest, I had no sooner laid eyes upon these jewels, than visions arose before me of the transformations which might be effected by a proper use of them. I pointed them out to you, too, but you could discover nothing in the faces of the sparkling stones." " Because I am stupid and short-sighted, your highness. You saw at once the reflection of a whole troop of splendidly caparisoned soldiers in the brilliant stones. Will your grace only do me the favor to let me know if you saw aright, and if the diamonds have actually changed into life-guardsmen? " 96 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " Yes, my trusty old friend, they have done so, and there is no necessity for your preceding me in order to pay Abraham, the Jew, a visit. Ewald von Kleist has long since forestalled you, and acquainted me by a private courier with the result of his visit. Tailors, shoemakers, and clothiers have done their duty, and the little company of life-guardsmen is ready. We can therefore soon set out upon our journey, and the sooner the better, for I long to have an end put to this state of sus- pense, and to know with whom I have to side, with Holland and England, with Sweden and France, with the Emperor of Germany or with Poland." " Be that as it will! " cried Burgsdorf. " You will ever be true to yourself, your people, and your States, and that is the principal thing! " '^ You are right, old friend; such is my purpose, and I hope by and by to become a considerable and mighty Prince, who shall not have to labor to form alliances, but whose alli- ance will be sought. A brilliant future can not be purchased with a breath, but we must carefully and skillfully dig deep the foundations whereon to erect the lofty edifice. There- fore we go to Holland to woo our bride. Up the Ehine to Duis- burg we shall go with glittering train and noisy splendor. But there you shall go forward in advance and once more sound the Princess, and more especially her mother, who as yet knows nothing of the affair. If you bring me a favorable report, I shall proceed myself to The Hague. The rest de- pends upon my little cousin Louisa Henrietta. I will not have her receive from me her first lesson in the pains of dis- appointed love, and if she loves the Prince of Wales she shall have him. Now, old man, make haste, and discharge your office of lord high chamberlain and master of ceremonies. Pre- pare all things for the bridal trip, and God grant it be a happy one! " " Yes, God grant it! " exclaimed Burgsdorf. " For my part, I am convinced of it, and deem it impossible that a pru- dent and pretty Princess should prefer Prince Charles Stuart to the young Elector of Brandenburg." " Incalculable is the heart of woman," said the Elector. "In the eyes of a compassionate young girl. Prince Charles NOTH BRIGHT EISEN, J^OTH LEHRT BETEN. 97 Stuart is invested with peculiar charms, for he is unfortunate. I have just received secret tidings from England, and truly shocking they were. King Charles I, who was last year de- feated by Cromwell and Fairfax in a final and decisive battle, has at last, in the extremity of his distress, fled to Newark, to the camp of the Scots. They have not, however, received him as their King, but made him prisoner and are now in treaty with General Cromwell and the English Parliament for his delivery." " That is dreadful, that is perfectly abominable! " ex- claimed Burgsdorf, with horror. " A nation take its own King prisoner, and revolt against him! And God does not send down fire and brimstone to consume it! " " God^s ways are not as man^s ways. It is his will some-^ times that the mighty be humbled, and the proud trodden in the dust. King Charles was very mighty and perhaps, too,, very proud. Now he is a poor prisoner, and a peasant's son is a powerful general, while the King^s son has taken refuge- at The Hague as a fugitive and outlaw! This misfortune it is which weaves a crown of glory for his head, and renders; him lovable in the eyes of the Princess of Orange." " But, most gracious sir, it is impossible that the Princess loves him. She is, moreover, older than the Prince, for she is now twenty, while Charles Stuart is barely sixteen — a mere boy." " He has been matured in the school of adversity, and, be- sides, commenced life early, for they say he has already had many experiences in Paris. Well, we shall see. Only set about your preparations for our journey in the heartiest manner pos- sible, and let us make haste to reach The Hague." " Most gracious sir, in eight days all shall be ready for our departure," cried Burgsdorf, **^and, if agreeable to you, in from three to four weeks we can be at The Hague, and you can receive a favorable answer from the Princess herself." " May it be so," said the Elector gravely. " Go now, old man, begin your preparations, and report to me every morn- ing the progress you have made." Burgsdorf pressed to his lips the Elector's proffered hand, and forsook the cabinet to enter upon his work with stormy 98 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. zeal, and set in motion tailors and shoemakers, saddlers and workmen of every craft. The Elector remained alone in his cabinet, absorbed in deepest thought, and ever darker grew his countenance and sadder the glance of his eye. " It is decided," he murmured softly to himself. " I must subdue my heart, I must chain it forever. The dreams of my youth are over, and its oaths have melted away like the breath of the wind." Light] y and with bowed head he stepped across to a secret press concealed in the wooden wainscoting of the wall. His father had had this press constructed by foreign workmen, when Berlin was besieged for the first time by the Swedes, for the purpose of affording a place of concealment for his valuables and important papers. On his deathbed he had con- fided to his son the secret of this press. The young Elector had found in this receptacle nothing but letters and family papers, no treasures or jewels remaining. Yet he himself had one jewel concealed in this sanctum — a jewel that he often looked at, and upon which he now again fixed his sad and mournful gaze when he had opened the press. And yet this jewel was nothing but a pretty little lady's slipper, of blue satin trimmed with silver lace. But it was more to him. To him it was a memento of the sweet and bitter past, a memento of the greatest pain of his life, whose wounds yet bled and never would be healed. Again she stood before him in her radiant charms, her ravishing beauty. He saw her look upon him with beaming eyes, heard her sweet voice whispering to him vows of ardent love. And then he saw himself at her feet as he plucked this little shoe from her foot as a pledge of love, hid it upon his heart, and swore that it should ever rest there — that he would not exchange this precious jewel for all the treasures of earth, that it should be laid with him in his coffin. " Ludovicka, Ludovicka! what has become of these youth- ful vows? Whither wanders the light and fugitive foot which once wore this shoe? Ludovicka Hollandine! why did you break your oath and trample upon love with the little foot to which this shoe belonged ? " With quivering lips and sorrowing heart he thus quesi- NOTH BRICHT EISEN, NOTE LEHRT BBTBN. 99 tioned the little blue shoe, the jewel of memory, of buried love! And the old pain revived within him, and love again stepped forth from her grave. But he will not! No, he will not let her live again! He has no right to play the love-sick swain, and to pine longingly after a woman who has betrayed and forsaken him! He is a Prince, he has a whole nation to love, and he owes it to his people to give himself a wife, the throne a successor, the princely house a family. It is indeed decided that he shall be married. All hesitation as to choice is over, and if Princess Louisa Henrietta of Orange will accept his hand, he is ready and willing to form with her an indis- soluble bond. Yet onc€ more with trembling, timid hand he draws forth the little blue satin slipper and presses it to his lips, holding it so for a long time, and as he slowly draws it away, restoring it to its place in the press, are those diamonds or dewdrops sparkling upon it? But the Elector will conquer his heart — he will be a strong man, a valient Prince. With a quick, vigorous jerk he closes the panels of the wainscoting, and inr dignantly shakes his head, as if angry with himself. " It is all over," he says aloud to himself; " the past has departed, its memories are withered. Farewell, Ludovicka HoUandine! Welcome, Louisa Henrietta! I can not give you a sound, whole heart, but I shall offer you the reverence, de- votion, and love of an honest man. Marriages, they say, are made in heaven. But the marriages of princes from an excep- tion, for they are concluded in the cabinet of policy and at the green table of diplomacy. Hail, Princess of Orange! hail, my future wife! I go to you, and in your hands lies my future! No," he continued after a long pause, and his large, blue eyes were slowly raised to heaven — " no, not in a woman's handf In thy hand, Lord my God, lies my future. Decide for me and for her, and give me whatever is best for me. I am going to The Hague to seek a wife for the Elector, a partner for his throne. Necessity breaks the strongest will, but necessity also teaches us to pray. And thus in my heart's hour of greatest need I pray to thee, God: give me what is for my good. I seek a heart. Let me find it, if such is thy good pleasure." BOOK in I. — The Hague. It was morning. A fresh, beautiful, and yet warm Octobei morning, with clear, blue sky, and that air of soothing, calm repose which rests like the eternal peace of God upon the autumn landscape. With involuntary satisfaction we feel that we may trust the promise of such a morning, and be cer- tain that a bright, fair day will follow, to end in a gorgeous, golden sunset and crimson evening sky. No more are to be dreaded the sudden, unexpected storms of summer — ^those tempests which all at once obscure the brightest sky, extin- guishing sunlight and veiling in blackest night the fairest day, and as suddenly darkening the smiling face of prosperity by the lowering clouds of passion. All is rest. No more glow- ing heat, no more crash of storm, but still all that vigor and bouyancy of life, so instinct with enjoyment, that warmth of existence so pleasurable in itself, and which as yet breathes naught of the chilling frost of winter nor the numbness in- cident to snow and ice. Warmth, sunshine, and life pervaded that cheerful morning landscape. The mist, which in the morning twilight had lain like a mantle over the broad expanse of meadow flat, had scat- tered before the splendor of the sun, and now in white, trans- parent garb floated spiritlike above the plain, then mounted higher, and was lost at the horizon. The forest, which bounded the horizon beyond the broad, green, flower-besprinkled plain, was glorious in the many-tinted hues of her autumn dress, which, preparatory to approaching decay, assumed all the pomp and glow of the fullest, most succulent life. Beyond, opposite the forest, on the other side of this extensive plain, which,, 100 THE HAGUE. 101 ilowery and green, stretched far away, and was only diversi- fied here and there by an aspiring windmill, with its four wings, fabulous and far outspread — beyond waa visible ^ huge and stately pile of buildings, situated near a park. » 'This 'park was the great park of the Prince of Orange, and •i;hi^' edifice,' the so-called court of the Stadtholder, in which resided t4ie' Prince of Orange with his family, and where had always re- sided the Stadtholder of Holland. This mansion could not properly be called a palace, for it was the result of no unity of design, no singleness of plan, but a gradually increased assemblage of individual houses, an odd conglomeration of mean and lofty buildings, of pavilions with bow windows and niches, of small, tasteless houses and high, towering pinnacles^ in close proximity to which was again met a building in the modern style — a modest private dwelling. This whole jumble of architecture, which was called " The Stadtholder's Court,^^ had grown on in the course of the century, proportionately with the increasing and ascendant power of rich, mighty Hol- land and her princely Stadtholder, and in these spires and niches, these towers and dwelling houses, which now formed a whole, might be read the history of the rising power and greatness of Holland and the house of Orange. These build- ings formed in themselves, as it were, a little town and had been divided into two halves — ^the outer and the inner court, or, if you will, into the elegant suburb and the busy little city. In the outer court, with its taller, statelier, and more modern edifices, were the private apartments of the audience hall, and chambers of State, the reception rooms, the ball- rooms, and guest chambers of the Stadtholder and his wife, the apartments of the princes and princesses. In the inner court were the halls of justice, the officers of the lesser cour- tiers, down to the lackeys, the grooms, and milkmaids. Beside the inner court, but removed from it a few hundred paces, were to be also found the farm buildings, the stables for horses and cows, and the barns in which was stored a stock of winter fodder. A whole world in miniature was reflected in this court of the Stadtholder. Here could be observed at once the household arrangements of a rich, mighty Prince, and the quiet everyday life of the farm and country house. 102 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER, This morning perfect silence reigned throughout the outer court. Everywhere as yet the curtains hung drawn before the windows. The spacious gates were yet unopened, the lackeys in their gold-laced liveries had not yet appeared be- neath the portals, and only in yon tiny cottage standing close beside the castic was to be descried the gigantic form of the porter, with a broad shoulder belt drawn diagonally across his massive frame, and a jaunty three-cornered hat crowning a head well graced by short and waving curls. But his counte- nance was impassive and void of all expression, and the great golden staff which he always bore in his hand by day still stood idle in a corner of the lodge; as yet there was nothing to regu- late or present, for at this hour no high-born visitor drew near the grand pavilion in which dwelt the Stadtholder. In the inner court, on the contrary, reigned the most bustling and most active life. The doors of the stables were wide open, and the maids in their pretty, ample skirts of bright-red woolen stuff, and white hoods with golden ornaments over hair hang- ing down in long plaited braids, moved busily to and fro in the inner compartments of the stables, then took down the low, white wooden stools, and the white buckets bound with hoops of brass, in order to begin milking the cows, the most impor- tant business of the morning. Separate from the other stables lay a larger building, that, as might meanwhile be seen, was distined for the same use as the rest of the stables. The great double wings of the mid- dle door were wide open, and through these the interior might be seen. On both sides of the room, before pretty and highly- polished cribs, stood six cows of the high-blooded Swiss breed. Their reddish-brown hides were so glossy and sleek that it was plain to be seen what great attention was lavished upon, the proud creatures. The floor was laid out in great red flag- stones, and, moreover, in the stall of each of the twelve was strewn fresh straw. The scent of hay heaped high within the mangers perfumed the place, and the cows ate of it with loud, rustling noise, while the maids sat at their sides and milked them. This noise, occasioned by the chewing of the animals ruminating, and the milk spurting into the buckets, alone interrupted for a long while the peaceful silence pre- THE HAGUE. 103 vaiHng hem. All at once it was interrupted by the rustling of approaching footsteps. A slender female form, clad in the simple costume of women of the middle class in Holland, en- tered the stable, and went with light, rapid step through the middle room. A closely plaited blue skirt of fine woolen stuif, reaching down to the ankles, inclosed a figure at once elegant and vigorous. Below peeped out the little feet, clad in high black boots with shining buckles, and cotton stockings daz- ^lingly white. A bodice of black velvet with wide white mousselaine sleeves enveloped the full and noble bust. Above the white and slender throat beamed a countenance full of the sweetest, loveliest maiden charms, and a head encircled by a profusion of fair ringlets, with rosy cheeks and brown eyes of wonderful fire and brilliancy; while around the slightly pouting lips played an expression of girlish tender- ness. As she stepped forward with gently oscillating gait, the oows stopped eating, turned their heads, and looked after her, as if they wondered that she had not ^o-day bestowed upon them her accustomed morning greeting, and stroked their glossy hides with her soft, white hand. But the fair young girl was not thinking of her favorite to-day, although she paused before the stall of each individual cow. She was only observing, however, the small black tablets which were stuck up over the crib in every partition, and on which were inscribed different numbers in white chalk. These numbers the young girl wrote in the blue noteJ)ook which she held in her hand, carefully comparing them with the numbers which she had yesterday entered in the same book. These numbers told her what quantity of milk each cow had given on the preceding day, and thus, by comparing the entries to- gether, the condition and well-being of each cow could be -easily ascertained. " Trude," said the youthful maiden, with sweet sonorous voice, while she remained standing before the stall of the finest cow — ^' Trude, something must be the matter with the cow. Yesterday she gave less milk than usual by three subjects cringing in the dust — " yes, it shall be so! The Princess Mary and her giddy mother must begone from here. They furnish no good example to my daughter, and my son shall not be snared in the nets of this young Circe. She must begone — that is a settled thing! This THE WALK. 127 yery day my husband must make known to our Prince his discontent at seeing him thus engrossed with his future wife, to the neglect of his studies and other duties. He must insist upon his sacredly complying with the articles of the marriage contract, and not thinking of being united to the Princess Mary before she has completed her sixteenth year. William must give his solemn promise to this effect, and I shall then see myself to the removal of this whole court (so snugly en- sconced here) to one of our border castles. I shall see, more- over, that they return not before the proper time. If, to my deepest regret, I lose my husband in a few months, and my son succeeds to the Stadtholdership, I will be alone at his side, and it shall be my task so to influence my son that he yield to me the sole guidance of affairs. Directed by my counsels and experience, he will never again think of playing the part of a loving shepherd to his wife. When the year is out, and the marriage may be legally consummated, then let the Princess Mary come. I shall no longer have any- thing to fear, and I shall remain undisputed mistress of the field." The door was opened and the chamberlain entered. " His highness the Elector of Brandenburg! " was his announce- ment, and in the open doorway appeared the tall and stately form of Frederick William. Princess Amelia rushed forward to meet him with out- stretched arms. ' "Welcome, dear nephew!" she cried cor- dially. " With my whole soul I bid you welcome! " " Thank you, aunt, for this cordial greeting," said the Elector, imprinting a warm kiss upon the Princess's lips. " It really seems to me as if I were coming home after a long ab- sence, and I assure your grace that as I passed through each well-known spot on my way to your apartments my heart beat, as if I were the lost son returning to his father's house after years of wandering." " So be it, dear nephew! Let us abide by your comparison, and may you find this to be a father's house. A lost son, in- deed, you never were, and yet I greet you as one found again, for your absence has been of long duration." " But I come with a heart so much the more tender and 128 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. devoted," said the Elector feelingly, " and right candidly I beseech you to receive me again into favor." " I must needs yield to the pleading of those blue eyes," said the Princess, smilingly surveying the noble form of her youthful kinsman. " It seems to me," she continued, " that you have grown." " When you saw me last, dearest aunt, I was but an in- significant, little Electoral Prince, and perhaps I have grown ^ little since as Elector; but I am yet of fearfully diminutive proportions." " All will come with time, nephew, for you are of healthy, robust nature, and have a stout will of your own. But tell me, have you paid your respects to my husband, your dear uncle?" " No, most gracious aunt, I was not allowed access to him, for they told me the physicians had strictly forbidden the slumber of the sick Prince to be disturbed. Therefore I have ventured to intrude upon your privacy." "Ah, my dear nephew, your uncle is indeed very sick," sighed the Princess, " and had your visit been delayed only a few months longer I fear he would not have been here to bid you welcome." " So they told me, and thereby hastened my movements. But tell me, aunt, can you encourage me to hope for success in the most important object of my journey? Shall I be welcome to Fraulein Louisa? " The Princess shrugged her shoulders and sighed. " That, -dear nephew, is a question which unfortunately I can not answer. My daughter is of a reserved nature, and does not willingly betray her feelings. She lives in a world of her own, and, although kind to every one, opens her heart to none. Just as you entered, my thoughts were engaged with her, for I had been looking after her as she passed down the park avenue." "Was she alone?" asked the Elector, with animation. *' Permit me to follow and speak to her! " " Do so if you wish it, dear nephew. But you will not find lier alone, but in company, and it was that very thing which occupied my thoughts. My son William with his young THE WALK. 129 Princess and the Prince of Wales went with her. For the rest, I am very glad to have an opportunity of speaking to you before you see my daughter, for I have an important com- munication to make to you, which I purposely reserved for a personal interview. You begged that we should say nothing of your addresses to our daughter, and this has surprised me,, for it shows that a remarkable sympathy exists between you. You would not have a wife who only gives you her hand under the force of restraint, and just so, Louisa will only marry for love, and you shall now learn from me how it happened that we have indulged the Princess in this fantastical wish. The Elector of Hesse was here last year on a visit, and sued for our Louisa^s hand. We gave him our consent, for she was at the age when it is customary to give princesses in marriage. But when we presented to Louisa her bridegroom elect, she was so overcome by her emotion that she fell in a fainting fit, which was followed by a burning fever. Our doctors thought that this sickness was the result of violent nervous excitement, and that it might easily prove dangerous unless- they could remove from the Princess all subjects of distress. In her delirium, however, she was ever lamenting her engage- ment to the Elector of Hesse, and called herself a poor victim,, so I took occasion, at a time when she was free from fever,, to tell her that her father and I would not insist upon this marriage, but that she was free to reject the Elector if she chose. She screamed aloud with delight, seized both my hands, and amid many tears besought me to make her a solemn promise never to force her to marry. She has ever since evinced a great repugnance to matrimony, and it would be her death if I were to send her from me, and command her to- become the wife of some strange prince whom she did not love. She pleaded with such touching words and in so moving^ a manner that it was hard to resist her, especially as the physi- cians had declared it so important to avoid giving her any cause of distress. I had therefore to make the best of a bad matter, and gave my princely word of honor to our daughter that we, her parents, would never force her to marry, but allow her to choose a husband for herself, or remain at home if she never felt inclined to marry. I promised Louisa this^ 130 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. laying my right hand on her brow, and, like a meek, tender- hearted mother, I confess that I felt recompensed by the happy smile that lighted up my sick child's face, and that in the rosy light of dawn she looked more like an angel than a creature of mortal mold. She threw her arms around my neck, kissed me fervently, then sank back upon her pillow and fell asleep. She lay for thirty hours wrapped in unbroken slumber, and when she awoke there was no trace of fever, and the doctors said that the Princess was in a fair way to re- cover. And so it seemed, for in two days Louisa was perfectly well and merry as a lark. I had saved her life by my promise, but can not deny that I have often repented it since, for many eligible offers have been made her, which she has invariably declined, affirming that she has no idea of marrying, and prefers living at The Hague with her dear parents. There- fore, my dear, I can say nothing but ' Try your luck,' and if the Princess accepts your offer you will be most welcome to me as a son-in-law. But I promise to keep my word and not to breathe a word of the matter to the young lady herself. I shall leave you young people to settle your own affairs. I once committed the error of giving my daughter a foolish promise, which I can not retract, for I regard a promise as a sacred obligation. See, nephew, if you can not soften the Princess's obdurate heart. But I must forewarn you that an- other is making the same effort." " The Prince of Wales! He loves her, then? " "Yes, he loves her, and with all the impetuosity of a spoiled young man." " And she'^ Does she love liim9 Most earnestly I beseech your grace to tell me candidly, that in case of the worst 1 may avoid the pain and mortification of being rejected! " " If I had known that, dear nephew, with any certainty, I should have written to you, and begged you not to come. But I will tell you my candid opinion, and the result of my observations. It is true that Louisa is very cordial in her manners to the Prince of Wales, and more confidential with him than any other person. You might have seen that for yourself, if you had been here a few moments since. Prince William walked in front with Princess Mary, and arm in arm THE WALK. 131 followed the Prince of Wales and Princess Louisa in lively conversation." " She loves him," murmured the Elector, " it is clear, she loves him." " Not quite so clear, nephew mine. It rather seems to me at times as if Louisa regarded the Prince of Wales as a mere boy, and never dreamed that her kindness toward him could be attributed to any tenderer feeling than that of friendship. Only consider, he is three years younger than my daughter, and a maiden of nineteen years seems to herself sedate and mature beside a youth of sixteen. Louisa sometimes plays the part of governess to the Prince of Wales, and when we are displeased with him, and indignant at his reckless, forward behavior, she always is ready with this excuse: ' He is such a child, and so unhappy. Surely, you will be indulgent to a poor boy, who is violent and passionate, because he takes so much to heart the misfortunes of his father.' She is also of a mild and sweet disposition, and the sorrows of others find an ever-ready response in her sympathizing breast. It may, therefore, be nothing but compassion which makes her seem so kindly disposed toward the Prince of Wales." " But if it should proceed from a different feeling, and if the Princess should return the love of the Prince of Wales, would your grace with good will consent to their union? " ^' With good will, no, nephew; but you know what promise I have given my daughter. I can only tell you that I sincerely hope your suit may be crowned with success." " You empower me, then, dearest aunt, to enter the lists with the Prince of Wales? " "I not merely empower you. Elector, but wish it, and say with all my heart, God grant you the victory! " She offered him her hand, which he kissed. " Permit me to follow and speak to the Princess," he said. " Do so, my dear. You can then see how my daughter is affected by your unexpected appearance." " Does your grace know where the young people went? " '' No; but you may easily find out from the laborers who are at work in the park. I myself will go with you to the side path into which they turned." 132 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. The Princess took the Elector's arm and descended with him into the park. The two youthful pairs had meanwhile gone on their way. Lightly and airily, as though on wings, they fluttered through the park, ever onward, not caring: whither they went, only selecting the narrowest paths and the thickest shrubbery. Occasionally, quite forgotting that a second couple followed him. Prince William paused to gaze with rapture upon Mary's blushing, smiling face, and tO' listen to the fond words which modestly trembled on her lips. Put then his sister's gentle entreaty warned him to go on,, otherwise she smilingly threatened she would take the Prin- cess's arm herself, and finish the walk at her side. Prince William with a sigh gave heed to her gentle admonition, but a cloud of displeasure settled upon his brow. " I can not bear it," he muttered. " This restraint is in- supportable. Mary! " he continued, with vehemence,. " sometimes it seems to me as if I must burst by force the "bonds with which they would unjustly fetter me." " And I? Am I not fettered too? " whispered Mary, with tenderly coaxing glances. " Do you believe, then, that I do* not feel the chains to be heavy and galling with which a cruel fate has bound me ? " " Ah, if it were fate which chained us, then I should sub- mit without murmuring to the inevitable, and full of con- fidence and patience look forward to the future. But it is only the will of our parents which separates us; it is only my mother's love of dominion, who thinks that the worshiped, bewitching daughter-in-law would become a dangerous rival, that " '^ Hush, for God's sake, hush! " interposed Mary quickly; " if Louisa hears us, we are lost." And she hastily drew her enamored young husband away. " There they go," sighed the Prince of Wales, " a blessed and enviable pair of lovers! Oh, cousin, will you never suffer your cruel heart to be softened? " " Cousin, my heart is not cruel, and therefore does not need to be softened." " May I put my interpretation upon those words? " asked THE WALK. 135 the Prince, a flash of joy perceptible in his voice. " Do you at least mean to give me one ray of hope? " " Hope! What do you mean, cousin? " She looked at him so calmly with her large, truthful blue eyes, that her composure only aroused the Prince to still greater passion. " You will not understand me! '^ he cried angrily. ^^ You? pretend not to know that I love you, ardently, passionately love you; that the height of my desire is to call you mine; that the thought of you is the only star of hope, which illumines the night of my soul; that I would die of despair if it were not for you — you, with that magical face, whose- smile hfts me to Heaven, whose anger hurls me into the depths of woe! Louisa, I tell you — and would that I could shout it out so loud that the whole earth should tremble with the shock! — I love you! Do you hear? — I love you!" " If you shout so once more, cousin," she replied quietly,. ** I shall drop your arm and join the others." "Ah! you durst not, Louisa; to-day you can not escape me, for I have your word that you will not let go my arm dur- ing the whole walk. It is the wager I won! " " Very true, I did give you my word to that effect," said the Princess quietly. " But, cousin, you should refrain from taking unfair advantage of me, and forcing me to hear what were better left unsaid." " Yes, I will force you to listen! I will repeat it until its fiery glow shall melt the icy crust of your heart! I love you, Louisa, I love you! Oh, do not look at me so tranquilly and! coldly, for it is this composure which drives me to despair. Have pity, cruel one! Think what a weight of grief is press- ing upon me! I am a King's son, and yet have been compelled to leave the proud and mighty kingdom, to flee to a foreign land and seek an asylum at the hands of more fortunate friends. I have left my dear, unhappy father in the midst of a struggle with contending parties, who are only united in hatred of their King. My place should be at his side. Am- bition and love both prompt me to battle, and if needs be die, in defense of my King and father. But the few friends 134 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. left us in England besought me on their knees to flee and rescue the future King from the fierceness of the raging multitude athirst for royal blood. My father himself urged me to effect my escape, saying that I owed it as a sacred duty to my kingdom and my family, as it was his duty to yield his crowned and anointed head to the men who threatened the monarchy. I submitted, I went. I came here with my family, desperate and full of grief. Then I saw you, Louisa, and it seemed to me as if an angel had descended from heaven to comfort me. My soul, my heart bowed down in adoration and rapture, and I felt lifted up above all the sorrows and trials of life! And this hallowed impression of the first mo- ment has remained with me through all these weeks and months. The fugitive, banished King's son kneels at your feet, and no longer bewails the loss of country, throne, and father — the father who perhaps ere now has been butchered by his own subjects." "You look too gloomily upon the future, cousin," said Louisa gently. " Surely the dissensions of the King and his people will be healed, and who knows how soon you will re- turn in triumph to England, to stand once more beside your father's throne, and receive the congratulations of his sub- jects! " " No, Louisa, that will not be," said Charles, in a hollow voice. " I got bad news this morning. A trusty old servant ■arrived with important dispatches for my mother from the King. Louisa, I will tell you what nobody here knows yet, and what I trust to heaven will long remain a secret: Louisa, a new and dreadful misfortune has overtaken us. After the last decisive battle at Naseby, my father, as you know, took refuge in the Scottish camp at Newark. He believed him- self safe there, for the Scots were the only ones who had re- mained true to him, and fought for him against the Parlia- ment generals Fairfax and Cromwell." " I know, I know," said Louisa anxiously. " And they remained true, the brave Scots, did they not, cousin? " " No, Louisa ; the Scots betrayed my father, as Judas did ihe Saviour. The Scots sold their King to the hostile Parlia- anent — that is to say, to Cromwell." THE WALK. 135 ** Poor Charles! how I pity you! " murmured the Princess, laying her hand upon the Prince's arm. '' Yes, I am to be pitied, for this dreadful news tells me that I have lost my father, my royal inheritance, and my home! At the moment when they led my father away to the county of Northampton, where he was incarcerated in Castle Holder- by, fate allowed him the opportunity of intrusting to his faithful servant Stephen a few letters and dispatches for my mother. In spite of all perils, he succeeded in making good his escape from England and arrived here in safety. Louisa, my father bids my mother and her daughters set out forth- with for France, in order to implore aid and succor for the King of England. France ought indeed to do this unso- licited for the son-in-law of her greatest King. Mary Stuart's grandson and Henry IV's daughter are reduced to beggary, and sue for the help of other sovereigns! Louisa! Con- ceive the horrors of our situation, and sympathize with us in our misery! " " Believe me, Charles," whispered Louisa, with tears in her eyes, " that no one feels more deeply with you and yours in your misfortunes than I." " Louisa, it rests with you to transform the most wretched of mortals into the happiest. See, Louisa, my fate is in your hand. I will receive from you not merely happiness, but a home, a new fatherland. Say that you accept my love, that you return it, and I shall feel myself indemnified for all that I have lost in England. I will stay here and devote my whole life to you, in return for the blessedness which you have be- stowed upon me. Say that you scorn me, and I depart with my mother. You thrust me out into the wilderness of despair, and if I perish, you may know that it i-s you who have been my ruin. Your love might have saved me, your indifference will have killed me! Speak now, Louisa, and decide my fate! " His large, flaming eyes were fixed with consuming glances upon the face of the Princess, who, however, kept perfectly quiet and looked at him with a smile. " My dear cousin," she said, " you take too serioup a view of the matter, and erroneously attribute to me a greater influ- ence upon your life than I possess. The misfortunes of your 136 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. house touch me deeply, for you well know my warm affection for my little sister-in-law and myself; and therefore I fer- vently wish that you may struggle with adversity, and restore to your father his throne and freedom. It seems to me your every thought should he concentrated upon that object, that nothing should engage you but the attainment of that end. You should banish from your heart every opposing desire,, you should wish for nothing but your father^s release and restoration to his kingly domains. Such were a holy aim,, and no unholy or earthly desire should be allowed to divert you from it." " You would evade me, cousin! " exclaimed the Prince,, with stormy impatience. "My heavens! be merciful thenl Give me at least one gleam of hope! Say with that cold, calm smile of yours: Go, cousin, fight for your throne, and free your father, and when you have succeeded in recovering your power, and are again undisputed heir to the most glorious throne in the universe, then I shall see whether I can love you or at least become your wife, for it is something to be a queen, especially when I know the king will be my most obedient and submissive subject. Say even thus much, and I shall thank you and say that you have left me one ray of hope." " You are very cruel and unjust, Charles," said the Prin- cess mournfully. "Cruel, unjust?" repeated Charles. "My heavens! da you not see that I am in despair — ^that I stand before you like a wretched pauper pleading for a crumb of bread to en- able me to support existence, and hope for better times? O Louisa! just look at me — see the tears in my eyes, witnesses of my grief! " Princess Louisa turned her glance upon the Prince's pale, excited countenance with an expression of deep sympathy. Yes, he wept; unaffected tears stood in his eyes, and his lips quivered with excess of emotion. " Poor child! " sighed Louisa. " You actually fancy that you love me, I do believe." " You call me a child, you treat me as if I were a beardless boy, weeping for a plaything! " THE WALK. 137 "Prince Charles, you are a child yet, and still yon talk •of love — you! with yonr sixteen years! " " And what do you know of it, if you are three years my senior?" cried Charles, with flashing eyes. "Know, made- moiselle; that you are much younger than I am, for you have seen nothing, felt nothing. You know neither the world, nor life, nor love. But I, mademoiselle, despite the youth with which you reproach me, am a man in feeling, for misfortune has tempered me, and years of adventure count double in the life of a man! I am older, much older, than you, made- moiselle, and when I say that I love you boundlessly, I do not say that you are my first love; your sweet face healed wounds which pitiless fate had inflicted earlier, when death snatched from me my first love. No, Louisa, you are not my first love, but you shall be my last; for I will die if you thrust me from you bereft of hope." " You will not die. Prince, for you will find a balm for this wound as readily as for the first," said Louisa, with a :gentle smile. " You do not believe in my love, then, my despair, my -devouring grief? " " No, I do not believe in them. Prince." The Prince uttered a cry of rage, and stood still, trembling with passionate excitement. " I will tell you why you do not believe in it," he said, with hollow voice and teeth firmly set. *' You do not believe in my love because you do not under- stand it, because your own heart is incapable of a warm and glowing sentiment, because you are of a nature to vegetate only in dampness and mist, having no conception of heat and sunshine. Ah, mademoiselle, despite your beauty and grace, you are a poor, pitiable creature. You might be divine and you are but a thing of ice in woman's form, for you know not love." The Princess shuddered slightly, and an expression of mingled pain and ecstacy flitted across her glowing counte- nance. "'You are mistaken," she said; "indeed, you mis- understand me. I do know love. But what you in the folly of your passionate, childish heart call love is not true love." 138 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. "And what is true love? " asked the Prince despairingly. ^' Explain it to me, if you know it so well! " "True love is never unhappy and never complains/^ said Louisa softly, but as she spoke her countenance gradually brightened, and at last grew radiant with the rapture of in- spiration. " True love is unselfish and self-sacrificing, ask- ing nothing but giving everything, lavishing upon her beloved all the treasures of her thought and sensibility. To serve him, joyfully would she go to death, and yet not die, for she bears within her the principle of endless life. She hourly denies herself, is chaste and pure, hiding in shade,, and yet basking in perpetual sunshine. Nothing can shake,, nothing move her; she suffers, it is true, in endeavoring to guard her own fire in solitude and concealment, yet the divine flames mount upward, seeking their native element, for God is love! True love asks for no earthly possession, yet possesses what is inalienable, herself, and in herself the purest enjoy- ment. Every desire of her nature is concentrated in the one wish, to know the object of her devotion blessed, and for this she lives, for this she would gladly die! " " Louisa! " exclaimed the Prince, looking up at her with astonished, awe-struck glances, as she stood motionless, with folded hands and eyes upturned to heaven — " Louisa, how changed you are! So glorious to behold, so celestial in your beauty! Louisa! " She shrank like a somnambulist, suddenly awakened and recalled from her heavenly dreams and converse with the stars to earth and reality. "Come," she said, with a shiver — "come, let us hasten on, for you see our brother and sister are already far in ad- vance, and we shall have difficulty in overtaking them." She hurriedly drew the Prince of Wales forward, and he followed her, absorbed in silent thought. FRIENDS MEET AGAIN. 139 .IV. — Fbiends meet again. The Prince of Orange and his fair bride were meanwhile well aware that the two lingered behind, and consequently quickened their own pace to make the distance yet greater. Now a curve in the path entirely concealed them from their followers, and two old oaks, standing close together and of gigantic proportions, offered them a grateful shelter, where they were secure from the prying gaze of all intruders. The Prince drew his beloved behind this shelter, took her in his arms, and covered her mouth with glowing kisses. " Mary, my dear, beloved Mary! " he whispered, " know how inexpressibly I love you, how inexpressibly wretched I am, and then say that you will hearken to my entreaties — that, like myself, you are determined no longer to submit to this unnatural restraint, no longer to suffer them to keep as apart, since we belong to each other, and have plighted our sacred troth! Speak, Mary, say that you will be mine, forever mine! ^' " I will be yours, forever yours! " whispered the Prin- cess. He thanked her, pressing her more closely in his arms, and kissing her again and again. " And will you have courage and determination to contend against all difi&culties, and to do what is needful for the execution of our project? '^ "I shall have courage and determination. But tell me what we shall have to do." He bent closer over her ear and kissed its rosy tip before he answered. " We must make our escape," he whispered — " flee before the tyranny of our parents, and force them into measures." **^Flee!" she repeated, blushing for joy and clapping her hands like a little child. " Flee! Oh, what a charming adven- ture that will be! But how can we succeed in evading our mother's spies, and " " Mary, Mary! " called the Princess Louisa's voice quite in their neighborhood. " Mary, where are you, where Ah! there they are behind the two oaks! Come, Prince, 10 140 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. come quick! They would play at hide-and-go-seek with us!" " Mary," whispered Prince "William hurriedly, imprint- ing a last kiss upon her lips — " Mary, I will make all arrange- ments with your brother, and through him acquaint you with all the details of our plan. Only be on your guard, and be ready to come at any hour that I may call and ^' He saw the fluttering of his sister's blue skirt behind the oak, and, offering the Princess his arm, emerged from behind the tree. " Here we are," he said, smiling. " We have been resting a little, and waiting for you, and I must say that you have kept us waiting a good long while." " True, we have loitered a little," replied Louisa, " but now we will go on with renewed spirit." "I am tired and thirsty," said Princess Mary languidly. ^^ Let us at least find a bench where we may sit down and rest awhile." "We are quite close to the Chinese Pavilion now," said Louisa, "and at the porter's lodge there we can procure a glass of milk for my tender little sister. Come, let us ascend this path, and in five minutes we shall be in sight of the pavilion." Silently, thoughtfully they moved forward, until, as Prin- cess Louisa had predicted, in a few moments they caught sight of the great Chinese Pavilion, which in the happy days of early wedlock Prince Frederick Henry had caused to be erected for the gratification of his young bride. A natural opening in the midst of the wooded park had been laid out as a Chinese garden, with miniature shrubbery, statues, pa- godas, and all the odd little ornaments with which those wonderful people are accustomed to adorn their pleasure grounds. At the end of this garden, which was encircled by trees, lay the pavilion, curtained by a background of lofty yew trees. The two young couples quickened their pace, and walked briskly through the intricate paths winding toward the pavilion between flower beds edged with bits of porcelain. The porter, who had seen them coming, made haste to open the grand door of entrance, to spread Chinese carpets over the FKIENDS MEET AGAIN. 14X marble benches in front of the pavilion, and above these ta stretch gigantic, umbrella-shaped awnings, which, supported on tall poles, arose like monstrous mushrooms. Our pedes- trians sank upon the benches thus pleasantly shaded, and after their long walk gave themselves up with a feeling of infinite delight to the enjoyment of the scene around. The porter without delay handed them upon a silver waiter tall glasses of milk, with fruit and fresh pastry; but only Prin- cess Mary and her husband partook of the frugal re- past. The other young couple sat there mute, and not even, the jests and bantering of his sister could arouse the Prince of Wales from his gloomy, thoughtful silence. Only occasion- ally his large, flaming eyes looked up from beneath the knit eyebrows and were fixed with glances at once questioning and wrathful upon Princess Louisa, who meanwhile heeded him not at all, but with a gentle smile allowed her friendly, clear blue eyes to revel in the beauties of the scene spread out before her. The flowers and shrubs, the butterflies sport- ing from flower to flower, the songs of birds, and the soft rustling of the trees as they were agitated by the breeze, filled her senses with pleasing emotions. Suddenly she started, a deep blush suffused her cheeks, and motionless, with wide- open eyes and hands convulsively grasping the edge of the black marble table before her, she gazed across the garden in the direction of the little alley through which they had just issued from the park. She had espied the form of a young man, a young man, whom, it is true, she had not seen for a long while, but whom •she nevertheless recognized with the eyes of her heart, with the pious instinct of memory. Was it indeed he, or was it only a dream? She continued to gaze beyond the garden, and her whole life, her whole soul lay in that gaze. She saw liim — it was no illusion, no dream! She knew that handsome figure, displayed to such advantage in a closely-fitting suit of green velvet, with golden Brandenburgs upon the breast. She knew that noble, blooming, yet manly face, shaded though it was by a plumed hat trimmed with gold lace; well she faew who it was, who with light, elastic step and lofty bear- ing advanced through the Chinese garden straight to the 142 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. pavilion. Forgetting everything, only remembering that it was the friend, the playmate of her childhood whom she saw again after a long separation, Louisa sprang from her seat, and with the fleetness of a gazelle hastened to meet him. The Prince of Wales was startled out of his gloomy rever- ies, the tender married pair ceased their whispers, and all three followed the rapid movements of the Princess with glances of astonishment. They now saw the young man, who with a radiant face hurried forward to meet the young lady. Now they were close together, the young man doffed his hat and bowed lowly and reverentially before the Princess. But she held out to him both her hands, and he dropped his hat, took l)oth hands within his own, fell on one knee before the Prin- cess, and pressed both her hands to his lips. They formed a striking group, that kneeling young man, looking up with beaming, grateful countenance, that slender maidenly form gently inclining forward and looking down upon him who knelt before her. An interesting group! More interesting than all the groups of Chinese gods and angels and genii in- terspersed among the flower beds! But upon the Prince of Wales it produced a very disagreeable impression, and with a face flushed with anger he turned to the Prince of Orange, who was examining the young stranger with searching glances. "Who is this third man,'' he asked, "who dares to in- trude here unannounced, and greets your sister with such peculiar complaisance? " "It is Yes indeed, I am not mistaken, it is our cousin, the Elector of Brandenburg! " cried Prince William, with animation, and he too sprang forward to greet his rela- tive. The Prince of Wales likewise made a few steps forward, possibly not to salute the stranger, but to interrupt his in- terview with the Princess Louisa; but then he paused and slowly returned to his seat. " 'No/' he said proudly, " I shall not go to meet this little Elector! This petty German Prince is not equal in rank to the Prince of Wales, and therefore I shall not make advances to him and seem to yield him the precedence. I shall await him here.'' FRIENDS MEET AGAIN. I45. "And I too, of course," whispered Princess Mary, lean- ing back with an air of distinguished nonchalance. " I think it very strange that my husband should desert me to meet the little Elector of Brandenburg, and, as it seems, totally forget me." But her husband had not forgotten her, and quickly re- turned to her side, and behind him, engaged in friendly, en- grossing conversation, came the Princess Louisa and the Elec- tor Frederick William. " Permit me, cousin," said the Prince of Orange cheer- fully — " permit me to present to you my wife. Princess Mary of England. And here is my brother-in-law, the Prince of Wales." After a slight obeisance both young men lifted their heads and looked at each other with glances singularly de- fiant in their expression. " Why, Cousin Charles! " exclaimed Louisa cheerfully,. " you do not speak a word! You are not surprised to see my dear cousin, of whom I have spoken to you so often, al- though his apparition was a little sudden? " " I bid your highness heartily welcome," said the Prince of Wales, in a low tone, bowing his head. • " And I likewise bid your highness heartily welcome," responded the Elector, with his rich, full voice. "We are both guests on fair Holland's soil, and guests may welcome one another after their noble hosts have graciously received and entertained both." "He is proud," said Charles to himself; " he would not have it seem as if I could bid him welcome here. Oh, he is proud, but I shall humble his pride! " " Permit me also to bid your highness welcome," said Princess Mary, rising and offering the Elector her little hand. " Yes, I bid you welcome, and you must account me among the number of your hosts while you are in Holland, for I belong to them." " True," cried the Elector, " and I esteem Holland happy, for not only does she enjoy the glorious, beautiful present, but beholds in you her bright and sunny future." As the Elector thus spoke with a pleasant smile and a 144 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. glance full of undisguised admiration, he seized the Prin- cess's hand, and, bowing reverentially, breathed a kiss upon the tips of her fingers. " And now, cousin,'' said Prince William — " now since the ceremony of introduction is over, and we have convinced each other that we are all near relations and good friends, let us know how the world goes with you, and first of all whether we may offer you our congratulations." "Congratulations upon what, dear cousin?" " Why, I rather think upon your approaching nuptials." " Yes indeed, upon your marriage," chimed in Princess Mary. " Oh, you see. Sir Elector, we are well informed as to your movements, and know that you are on your way to be married." " I wish to heaven it may be so," replied the Elector, and his eye wandered to Louisa's face, but she was not looking at him. "Yes, your grace is right; I trust that my mar- riage will be the result of this trip, but unhappily I am yet ignorant of the name of my bride." Princess Louisa quickly raised her eyes, and looked in- quiringly into the smiling countenance of the Elector, whose glance turned invariably upon her. " What do you mean, cousin, by saying that you do not know the name of your bride? " exclaimed Prince William. " Indeed, I do not know whether the lady I am to marry is called Politica or Bellona " " Sir Elector! " cried Princess Mary, " then we know better than you yourself. Your bride's name is Christina, and they say that not stern Dame Politica but the god of love has managed the affair for you." " Who is your grace's informant? " "Why, my sweet sister-in-law, the Princess Louisa, who stands there so demurely, and has not spoken a word since the Elector came." "Did you say so, cousin?" asked the Elector, turning to the Princess. " Did you say that I was to marry Queen Christina of Sweden? " " Yes, cousin," she quietly answered, with simple candor. '*I repeated what I heard my father say at table yesterday FRIENDS MEET AGAIN. 145 to his minister — that you would call here on your way to Sweden, where your marriage was to take place. This piece of news struck me as perfectly natural, and I was glad to hear it, for I know that you have been courting the young Queen for the last two years." " And you were glad to hear this piece of news? Well, cousin, I am sorry to have to deny you this pleasure for I have no intention whatever of proceeding to Sweden, and there is no longer any talk of a union between Queen Christina and myself." A flash of light for an instant brightened Louisa's face; but it was only for an instant, and nobody perceived it, no- body — except the Elector. " Poor cousin! " said the Prince of Wales, in compassion- ate tone, "I pity your grace. It would have been such an advantageous match for the Elector of Brandenburg to marry a Queen of Sweden." The Elector bit his lip, and indignation gleamed in his eye, but he speedily recovered his self-control and forced himself to smile. "If I had esteemed it as such, your highness, I should not have declined its advantages." "Your grace declined, then?" said the Princess Mary. " It was your grace who rejected the Queen and " "Mary," interposed Louisa quickly, "how can you talk so, child that you are? Why disturb ourselves about political marriages, and what is it to us whither our dear cousin goes when he leaves Holland? Let us be glad that he is here now, and I hope. Cousin Frederick, that your visit will be a long one." "I shall stay, if you wish it. Cousin Louisa," said the Elector courteously. "Ah! there the Elector says more out of gallantry than is justifiable," exclaimed the Prince of Wales passionately. " Your grace just said that you were to be married, if not to the Queen of Sweden, to some other lady. Permit me to guess the name of your ladylove! " " No, I shall be the one to guess," exclaimed Mary eagerly. " I know the name of your ladylove." 146 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. "Most gracious lady," smiled the Elector, "I beg you ihen to let me hear it." "Her name," said the Princess slowly, while her laugh- ing eyes glanced roguishly at the faces of all present — " her name is — Princess Ludovicka Hollandine." This name, pronounced so suddenly, so unexpectedly, pro- duced a different impression upon each. The Prince of Wales broke out into a loud, merry laugh; Prince William started and drew nearer his wife, softly whispering a few words in her ear; Princess Louisa's cheeks became deadly pale, and, as if seized with a sudden faintness, she sank upon the marble bench. The Elector himself grew pale for a moment, and pressed his lips firmly together. " Good heavens! " said Mary, with a show of astonishment. " I must have said something very bad to throw you all into such confusion! " " No, your highness," replied the Elector, breathing more freely, "you said nothing bad, but something very sad, for you recalled the name of a lady once dear to my heart, and for whose sake I have suffered much. It were cowardly in me to deny the memories of my past, and I have the courage -candidly to confess them. Yes, your highness. Princess Ludo- vicka was the mistress of my affections; yet, if I say was, I may add it is not my fault that she is no longer so, and this consciousness has served to console me during days when I suffered for and — through her." A pause ensued. Suddenly Princess Louisa arose, and her countenance was lighted up with enthusiasm and joy. She /approached the Elector and offered him her hand. " Cousin," she said, " I thank you, for that was a good and worthy answer, and proves that you have a strong, brave heart that mocks not at past sufferings and hides not its wounds. I think, though, that wounds borne on the heart are just as honorable as those gained by warriors on the battle field. Both prove that one has fought and received his wounds bravely. But now," she continued, in lighter, more cheerful tones, " let me propose that we return home." " Agreed! " exclaimed all, visibly glad to be freed from an embarrassing situation. Prince William offered his arm to THE CHALLENGE. 147 his young wife and threaded with her the labyrinthine paths of the Chinese garden. The Elector approached the Prin- cess Louisa. " Be pleased to accept my arm, cousin, and " " I beg pardon, Sir Elector," said the sharp, cutting voice of the Prince of Wales, close to his ear — " I beg pardon." He stepped in front of the Elector, and offered the Princess his arm. " Eemember our wager," he whispered softly. The Princess reluctantly laid her hand on the Prince's arm, but at the same time turned her face toward the Elector, who had stepped back, pale and in evident indignation. " I beg you," she said softly, " to walk on my right side, that we may all three go together." The Elector declined with a bow. " I would only disturb your graces," he said proudly. " A third is always an intruder. Permit me to follow you." The Princess's hand trembled on the arm of the Prince of Wales, but he held her fast, and once more whispered, " Re- member our wager and your pledged word." Princess Louisa said no more, and proceeded, still holding the Prince's arm. The Elector followed in moody silence. V. — The Challenge. " Well, dear nephew," said the Princess Amelia the next morning, as the Elector entered her apartment, "be kind enough to acquaint me with the events of yesterday. In the first place, how did Louisa receive you? " " With gracious affability, aunt," replied the Elector. " I derived the happiest auguries from \he warmth of her first greeting, but alas! I was soon made to feel that I was labor- ing under a delusion." " How so ? What can have happened ? " "When they prepared to return to the palace, I offered my arm to the Princess, but, the Prince of Wales stepping up at this moment and offering his arm, she left me standing and accepted him as her escort." 14:8 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " No good sign, indeed/' sighed Princess Amelia. " And how was it during the walk. You at least talked a great deal to her, did you not? " " Very little, gracious lady. The Prince of Wales occu- pied the field, and wholly engrossed the conversation. It must be acknowledged, too, that he has a right voluble tongue and a full flow of breath. I could not compete with him, and therefore kept silence." "And were sullen and peevish of course! And that i& what you call seeking a woman's love! Do you not see that Louisa could not act differently? You have been absent so many years, and paid your addresses to so many other ladies, that you could not expect her to greet your tardy arrival by open demonstrations of favor. You must make up your mind to submit to a little teasing, for even if she prefers you to the Prince of Wales, she would not willingly betray her feelings so prematurely." " I could not have believed that the Princess Louisa Hen- rietta would play the coquette," said the Elector thoughtfully,. in an undertone. " All we women are a little coquettish, and must be so,"* replied the Princess, smiling. " But hark, nephew! I have some good news for you. Queen Henrietta of England was- here yesterday evening, and we held a long conference with her. She has received a most melancholy message from her husband in England. The Scots have betrayed the unhappy King into the hands of Parliament, and he is now a prisoner in some isolated castle. The Queen is to proceed to France without delay, in order to solicit there subsidies of money and troops. We can not think of objecting to her depart- ure, and it is therefore determined that day after to-mor- row she with her whole family will leave The Hague on their way to France. Now, nephew, what say you to this good news?" " I know not in what respect you esteem this good news, gracious lady. I see plainly that the Stadtholder could not detain the Queen, and that the States-General could not under present circumstances incur the risk of war with England; but from the bottom of my heart I pity the poor Queen THE CHALLENGE. I49, and her husband, for I do not believe that she will obtain the desired aid from France/' " Good heavens! dear nephew, just for once lose sight of politics, and consider this affair from a personal point of view. I tell you, the Queen with her family leaves The Hague for France. That is to say, the Prince of Wales accompanies his mother, and therefore day after to-morrow you will be rid of a troublesome rival." "And your grace actually supposes that I would have greater hope of winning the Princess's favor if the Prince of "Wales were no longer present? But I confess that it would be rather a humihating thought to me to feel that I was mere-^ ly preferred because my rival had been forced by fate to vacate the field. I would owe such preference only to the free, un- biassed will of the Princess; and if she laments the departure- of the Prince of Wales, I must say that I sincerely lament it with her." "I have not heard that my daughter does lament it,'^ said Princess Amelia, shrugging her shoulders. " She knows, then, of the Prince's projected journey? " " Yes, for she was present yesterday evening at the family conference, and has already been into my cabinet this morn- ing to beg me to gratify her brother's wishes and urge Queen Henrietta not to take her daughter Mary to France with her,, but to leave her behind with us." "What, did she think of taking the Princess Mary,, Prince William's wife, to France?" asked the Elector, much astonished. " She goes to France," rejoined the Princess in a severe- tone. " Her place is at her mother's side, and not until she- has completed her sixteenth year shall she return here as the wife of the Prince of Orange. So ran the marriage contract, and we are firmly determined to abide by it. You are a far- sighted politician, nephew, and if you could have observed the Princess and her young husband a little longer, you would have seen that the welfare of the Prince and our coun- try necessitated this measure." "I believe that I already know the state of the case,"" said the Elector, smiling. " Your grace with reason dreads 150 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. to see reacted the old fable of Hercules and the fair Om- phale/' " I am not surprised at this evidence of your quick dis- cernment/' smiled the Princess. "But the young people, alas! consider this measure as unreasonable and tyrannical, and consequently, since yesterday evening, the younger mem- bers of our family have been totally out of tune. Therefore we had to excuse ourselves last evening, for nothing was to be seen but weeping eyes and mournful countenances. But I beg you to counsel the young people to listen to reason, and especially to try and convince my son that this short sepa- ration is for his good." " But, most gracious aunt, he loves his young wife, and love seldom listens to reason. Meanwhile, since such are your grace's commands, I will endeavor to call the Prince's atten- tion to some grounds for consolation, although I am con- vinced that these grounds will be equally unwelcome with the consoler." The Elector took his leave of Princess Amelia and re- paired to Prince William's apartments. The valet de chambre stood in the antechamber, and with an expression of painful regret announced that his highness was suffering dreadfully from toothache, and had given strict orders to admit no one, as he preferred to suffer in solitude. Just as he made this assertion, the sound of loud and violent talking was heard within the Prince's chamber. " The Prince is not alone," said the Elector, smiling, " for methinks I hear talking in his room." " Most gracious highness, it is the Prince talking to him- self," said the valet with respectful earnestness. " His grace always does so when he has the toothache." The Elector left the antechamber and descended into the park. The lovely repose and sweet tranquillity of nature here surrounding him did him good by refreshing his spirit, and he gave himself up to them with a feeling of infinite de- light. Slowly he went down the broad avenue, and now turned off into the shady side path, which he traversed, absorbed in thought. All at once he paused and looked around. It seemed to him that quite close to him he heard the Princess THE CHALLENGE. 151 Louisa's soft and melodious voice. And he was not mistaken! There she came, emerging from the shrubbery arm in arm with her young sister-in-law Mary, and both so absorbed in their whispered conversation that they did not perceive the Elector, who had stepped aside, although they were coming up the very path in which he stood. This was the first time that he had been able quietly to observe the Princess, and with a painfully sweet feeling he gazed upon her noble, slender form and lovely, interesting face. He inwardly exclaimed: " There I might have found a mother for my people, a wife for my heart! Why have I come so late? Why did I wait until another came and won the love which might yet make me so happy? How sad she looks! She is naturally grieving, because Prince Charles must leave her. Why should I care whether she is sad or not? " And with defiant though melan- choly air, the Elector advanced and saluted the ladies, who were now quite near him. A beautiful blush mantled Louisa's cheeks, and involuntarily she offered the Elector her hand. " Good-morning, Cousin Frederick," she said. " It is handsome of you to come to meet us." " What makes you think that the Elector has come to meet us? " asked Mary pettishly. '' His highness could not possibly have known that we came this way." " True," replied Louisa, blushing, " to be sure, you could not have known it, cousin." '* Yet I intended to visit the ladies, for I wished to do my- self the pleasure of paying my respects to them at Bosch." " Go then. Sir Elector," said Princess Mary hastily. " My mother is at home, and will be rejoiced to receive a visit from your highness. Farewell then. Sir Elector, we must hurry; they are waiting for us. Come now, Louisa. You well know that we have no time to lose." She drew the Princess forward, and Louisa followed her without resistance, silent and perplexed. But before they had gone more than a little way she stood still. " Just wait one moment, Mary," she said hurriedly. " I want to say one word to the Elector, and will rejoin you directly." And ere Princess Mary had time to offer any opposi- 152 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. tion, Louisa had dropped her arm and turned swiftly around, crying, " Elector, allow me one word more! '' But she need not have raised her voice to call, for the Elector had stood still, looking after them. When he saw Louisa turn around he hastened to meet her, and now stood close in front of her. "Did you call me, cousin?" he asked, and his looks ex- pressed so much ardor of feeling that Louisa, quite abashed, cast down her eyes. " Yes, cousin," she softly answered, " I called you, for I thought " " Well? " asked the Elector, smiling as she still hesitated, " what did your highness think, or, rather, what will you have the goodness to let me know of your thoughts? " "I thought that you were a little displeased with me yesterday." "Did you indeed think that, Fraulein? Then I suppose I was in your opinion justified in being displeased? " " Yes, cousin," she said bravely, " you have a cause for dis- pleasure, and I beg your pardon for it. You offered me your arm, which I declined, at the same time accepting the arm of the Prince of Wales. But I was only paying a wager won from me by Prince Charles. I had bound myself by promise to give him my arm during the whole walk, and not to tell any one that I granted him this favor merely in payment of a lost wager. That was the reason, cousin, why I had to de- cline your arm yesterday." "Louisa, Louisa! "impatiently exclaimed Princess Mary, *' do you not know that we must make haste? " " I am coming! I am coming! Farewell, Elector, please do not be angry with me again to-day! " She softly whispered these words, nodded to him, turned round, and with the fleet-footedness of a young antelope flew along the walk. And again the Elector stood a long time looking after her; and, as a bend of the path concealed her slender form from view, he sighed deeply. " Fool that I was to come so late; she might have loved me, if another had not preceded me. Her eyes have the same childlike innocence of expression as when I parted from her THE CHALLENGE. 153 years ago. Why does the rememhrance of that hour now re- vive in me for the first time, after so long slumbering in the recesses of my heart — why does it awake now and with sweet voice sing a pious song of the past? Just as the maiden of to-day, so the child once looked upon me as she gave me her hand when I bade her good-by, and said, ^ Be a good man! ' Oh, you sweet, innocent child, it is so hard to be a good man in this world. You should stand at my side, with your large, childlike eyes and sweet smile, and help me to become so! If I saw the world mirrored in your eyes, I might fancy it pure and spotless as yourself, and cherish an ardent desire to be led back by you to the paradise of innocence, your native home! Then she crowned me with a wreath of sweet-scented flowers, which she had destined for her favorite cow, and she did so with such angelic grace that I actually felt proud of the preference shown me, a poor child of man, over her beautiful brown cow! I should like to know if the pretty creature is still alive, and whether Louisa sometimes looks at her, and especially if she retains her taste for household affairs and fondness for country life, or if, like all the rest, she feels her- self exalted above domestic duties, because she is a Princess! I should also like to know whether she prays as innocently and piously as when, haunted by evil spirits, she fled for refuge to her Cousin Ludovicka. Poor child! how you trembled, and how your little heart throbbed for anguish, and she drove you away — cruel Ludovicka drove you away, because her lover stood behind the curtain. And I was the lover, and, cruel as she, I allowed her to drive you back to your lonely chamber. You went and prayed; the evil spirits stood aloof from you, but they had power over me and Oh, ye sad, bitter memories! why will ye revive within, making me so sad and melancholy, and causing the old wounds of my heart to bleed afresh?" How long he continued to move through the shady paths of the park, wrapt in his own thoughts and visions of the past, he knew not himself; he only knew that solitude and quiet did him good, that it refreshed him to listen to the whisper- ings of his own soul, and once more to feel something of the enthusiasm, the painful longing and the joyous disquiet of an 154 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. enamored young man. Yes, he could no longer deny it to himself, he was in love with the Princess Louisa. She had fascinated him with her amiability and grace, with her lovely composed and gentle countenance, with her noble, maidenly appearance, and her large blue eyes, at once so innocent and so intelligent. Yes, he was in love! For the first time, after long, long years, his heart was again awake, and the Elector, usually so given up to politics and Government affairs, was suddenly changed into a young man, whose every thought centered upon the woman of his choice, who was ever present to his imagination in all the charms of her loveliness. And was it actually impossible to win her? Had he really come too late? — had another won her heart? With what a radiant countenance had she hastened to meet him on his first appear- ance — how cordially had she welcomed him! Then why had she said to-day that she only gave her arm to the Prince of Wales yesterday in consequence of a wager — why should she care for him to know that if not " Well, I have found your grace at last,^' exclaimed a loud laughing voice behind him. " Here, then, the Elector of Brandenburg must be sought, in the deepest recesses of the park.^' " And why does the Prince of Wales condescend to look for me? '' asked the Elector, turning quickly around and look- ing into the Prince's laughing face with an air of considerable annoyance. " Princess Amelia commissioned Prince William and my- self to look for your grace and request you to join her hus- band while he takes his airing, for to-day Prince Frederick Henry feels quite well, and cherishes a lively desire to be with your grace. I esteem myself fortunate in being made the bearer of this message." " I return to your highness my most humble acknowledg- ments, and hasten to repair to the palace." '* I beg your highness not to make such haste," said the Prince of Wales, laying his hand on the Elector's arm and detaining him. " Since fortune has favored me I would profit by this opportunity to ask the Elector of Brandenburg a ques- tion. Elector, will you permit me to put a question to you? '* THE CHALLENGE. I55 " Prince of Wales, I shall be glad if I can answer it to your Batisfaction." " I thank your highness. Allow me to ask then: Have you come, as they say, simply for a political conference or to ask the hand of Princess Louisa Henrietta? " " How can this interest your grace ? What is it to you whether I came here for the furtherance of political ends or to he married?" " Sir Elector, you reply by questioning me! But you promised to answer me, and I beg you so to do." " Well then, your highness," said the Elector, after short reflection, fixing his eyes upon the Prince's face with an ex- pression of defiance, "I will answer you, and acknowledge the whole truth to you. Yes, I have come to ask the hand of Princess Louisa Henrietta." " I fancy that you have met with but little encourage- ment! " cried the Prince scornfully. *^ Why should your highness fancy any such thing? " asked the Elector proudly; " and if I may be permitted to ask, how can my purpose of marrying my cousin, the Princess of Orange, concern the Prince of Wales? " " Sir Elector, the Princess is my cousin as well." " No excuse, your highness, for meddling in our personal affairs." " Our! " cried the Prince passionately. " Do you already confound your affairs with those of the Princess? I claim the right of protesting against it. Sir Elector, for I love Princess Louisa Henrietta! " As he thus spoke he proudly threw back his head, and a ray of deep feeling and noble fire flashed forth upon his fea- tures, enhancing the beauty of his handsome, spirited face. The Elector saw it, and it provoked him, for he felt that this face was capable of exerting a magical influence over a woman's heart. "Ah! your highness loves Princess Louisa, but what of that? " " What of that, sir? I should think, sir, the circumstance ©f my owning it to you would force you to draw an infer- ence." 156 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " Pardon me, sir, I draw no necessary inference." " Sir, the princes of my house ^re not accustomed to love, without the certainty of a return of affection. When I owned to you that I loved the Princess, you should have understood, as a matter of course, that the Princess reciprocated my love, and then, I think, your knightly honor would have pledged you to forbear a further prosecution of your suit." " Excuse me, your highness. Perhaps the house of Stuart entertains different ideas of knightly honor than are preva- lent among us in Germany. So long as a lady is free and un- ^engaged, any gentleman feels privileged to woo her." " But, Sir Elector, I told you, that I had the good fortune to be loved by the Princess. How can you think of seeking iher love when I tell you that it belongs to me! " "I beg your highness's pardon, I can not admit such a olaim." " That is to say your highness does not believe that the Princess loves me? " asked the Prince, in angry, threatening tones. The Elector smiled and looked with perfect composure into his flushed, excited countenance. " Well, if your highness insists upon knowing my inmost thoughts, I will not withhold them. No, I do not believe that the Princess Louisa loves you — ^loves you so as to accept you for her husband." " You do not believe it! I should like to know by what Tight you dare to doubt what I affirm? " " By the right of reason, your highness. It would, par- don me — it would not be reasonable if the Princess, who has ;already completed her nineteenth year, should think of marry- ing a Prince who is in years still a boy." The Prince of Wales uttered a shriek, and a deadly pal- lor overspread his cheeks. " Sir Elector! " he cried, in a voice trembling with rage — " Sir Elector, would you insult me?" " By no means! I only express my opinion, and must ad- Tiere to it: a Princess of nineteen will hardly think of marry- ing a lad of sixteen, even though he be well grown and of pre- cocious intellect. But now, allow me to repair to the palace. THE CHALLENGE. 157 for you yourself were pleased to tell me that I was expected there." The Elector bowed with a cold smile, and, turning around, hurried up the avenue. For one moment the Prince stood irresolute, as if stunned by this dreadful blow hurled at once against his vanity and his heart. Then he bounded forward in wild pursuit. " Sir Elector! " he cried, when he had overtaken him — ^^ Sir Elector, one word more! " " What is the pleasure of the Prince of Wales? " asked the Elector, standing still and turning his noble countenance upon the Prince. For the second time since they had known each other their eyes met, and exchanged fierce, menacing glances. " Did you not dare to doubt that the Princess Louisa loves me?" asked the Prince, in a voice hollow and choked by passion. " Yes, sir, I doubt it, and have explained to you my grounds for so doing." " Will you believe me if I give you proofs that the Prin- cess loves me?" "Proofs?" asked the Elector, a little surprised and hesi- tating. " Yes, proofs," repeated the Prince. *^ For example, would you esteem it satisfactory proof if you should see the Prin- cess Louisa come to a rendezvous of my appointment? " " Sir, if the Princess were to do such a thing as that I should leave The Hague early to-morrow morning and abandon my suit for ever." An expression of triumph flitted across the Prince's coun- tenance. "You have forced me to make you the confidant of my sweetest secret," he said. " Give me your princely word that you will betray it to no one, and you will see that the Princess will accept my invitation." " I give you my princely word," replied the Elector sol- emnly. " Very well, sir, I trust to your word, and the secret of our love rests securely in your breast. Be pleased now to fix the place of meeting, and I shall notify the Princess." 158 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " Then let it be here, in the park. At the Chinese Pavilion, where I first saw her." "At what hour? Will not your highness have the good- ness to name the hour? " " Five o'clock, then, if you have no objection." " Five o'clock! Allow me to remark that that is rather early, and that daylight is not favorable to an interview be- tween lovers, because it makes it too public." " Well, let us take a later hour! " cried the Elector. " Seven o'clock in the evening then? " " Seven o'clock will do. You will not object, though, to my escorting the Princess there. The pavilion is quite a long way off, and the Princess does not like to walk through the park alone at so late an hour. I know that from experience. Therefore, at seven o'clock Princess Louisa and I will come to the Chinese Pavilion, and if you will take the trouble to station yourself somewhere in the neighborhood you shall see us enter the pavilion together." "I shall be punctually on the spot!" cried the Elector. " But one stipulation I must make. I said that if I saw the Princess repair to a rendezvous of your appointment, I would leave The Hague early the next morning." " Yes your highness said so." "And I now retract my word, in so far as that I insist upon first having an interview with you, Sir Prince of Wales. In the boldness and presumption of your spirit you insulted me the other day by speaking words of unwarrantable in- solence. You think, then, Sir Prince, that it would be a most advantageous match on my side to marry a Queen of Sweden. I shall not leave The Hague until you have proved to me, sword in hand, that you are qualified to give an opinion upon the interests of the Elector of Brandenburg." " I actually believe you do me the honor to challenge me to fight a duel! " said the Prince of Wales. " Lo! the Elec- tor of Brandenburg has now the goodness to treat me as a man of whom satisfaction may be demanded sword in hand. Your views have changed suddenly, and I have grown rapidly old in your eyes. Have I rightly understood you, sir, is this a challenge?" THE CHALLENGE. ^5^ " Yes, it is a challenge/' cried the Elector, his voice tremu- lous with passion. "At seven o'clock this evening I shall await you and the Princess at the Chinese Pavilion. But early to-morrow morning, at the same place and the same hour, I shall expect you alone and armed, to make good your assertion that it would be so much to my advantage to marry the Queen of Sweden." "I accept, but beseech you not to forget that you have given me your word to keep our secret, and betray it to no one, not even the Princess herself. You will therefore keep per- fectly quiet, when you have seen us enter the pavilion? " " Be without uneasiness, sir; I shall keep my word. To- morrow morning, then, early, at seven o'clock." "At seven o'clock. What weapon does your highness select?" " "Whichever you prefer and use most skillfully." " It is a matter of indifference to me, for I am practiced in all. But in this case I prefer the dagger, for it makes least noise; and for the Princess's sake, I would naturally like to keep our duel as secret as the rendezvous." " Let us use daggers, then. Early to-morrow morning, without seconds, at the Chinese Pavilion, provided that '^ " That Princess Louisa comes this evening at seven o'clock^ would you say? Let your mind be relieved of all uneasiness, your highness; both rendezvous shall take place." " Good, and now, as we have nothing more to say to each other, I take my leave." The Elector turned his back upon the Prince without deigning to bestow upon him a parting salutation, and, with head haughtily erect, strode swiftly up the avenue. Prince Charles looked after him with smiling countenance and beaming eyes. " Which of us is the greater child now? " he asked scornfully of himself. "Is it not childish to call me out to fight a duel on account of a rendezvous? Oh, that rendezvous! First of all, I must contrive some way of bring- ing it about, and that, I fear, will cost some trouble and per- plexity. Yet already I have a glimmering idea of a way by which I can contrive to effect my scheme. I have in contem- plation a little comedy of errors, whose conception Shakes- 160 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. peare himself might envy me. What saidst thou Shakespeare? Yes, thou art right. I will venture all, for I love thee, Louisa, and — I hate that proud, supercilious Elector, coming here with Caesar's assumption: Veni, vidi, vici! " VI. — The Elopement. " You have come at last, Charles. My heavens! how long you have kept me waiting!" exclaimed Prince William of Orange to his young hrother-in-law, as toward noon of the same day that young gentleman entered his chamber. "I thought you had totally forgotten me and left me in the lurch. Good heavens, Charles! how can anybody be so slow and hard- hearted! " " Say rather, dear brother, how can anybody be so much in love and so impatient. As if the whole world turned upon your love, and as if we other poor mortals had nothing else to do but to fly upon your errands." "Just tell me this; have you seen Mary? Did you give her my letter? Does she consent? " "I saw her. I gave her your letter. But before I an- swer your third question I must learn what you have been doing meanwhile. Have you been with your father? Did you openly avow to him your ardent desire to live with your young wife?" " I have been with my father, but I found my mother there, and the very instant I broached this subject she com- manded silence, for the physicians had strictly forbidden the introduction of exciting topics." " She is naturally a most tender and conscientious nurse," said Prince Charles, shrugging his shoulders, " for every day of your father's life prolongs by so much her term of su- premacy and influence. But did you not attempt to melt your mother's stony heart? " " I did. I besought her to grant me an audience. I con- fessed to her my boundless love for Mary, telling her that THE ELOPEMENT. 101 I could not survive separation from her, that I would be lost, miserable, comfortless, if she did not revoke her cruel de- cision. All was in vain. * Men do not die of broken hearts,' said my mother, and when I swore in desperation to go with Mary to France, she smiled and said she would take care to prevent that. If I did not behave myself in a rational man- ner, she would deal with me as I deserved: confine me to my room, and place two sentinels before the door until the Prin- cess had fairly set off." " And she is the woman to execute such a threat! " said Prince Charles, laughing. " To be sure she is, my friend. I needed only to look in her flashing eyes and her energetic face to feel convinced of that. Yes, she would have locked me up like a disobedient- boy, and our whole plan would have come to nought. I re- flected upon this, and therefore seemed finally to acquiesce in the cogency of my mother's reasoning, and consented that the Princess Mary should accompany her mother to France, there to remain until the term shall have fully expired, when our marriage will be consummated according to the marriage compact. Now you know all: answer my question: does Mary consent to elope with me? " " Yes, she consents." Prince William cried aloud for joy, with passionate ten- derness flung both arms around his brother-in-law's neck, and stormily pressed him to his heart. "For heaven's sake! I am not the Princess Mary," said Charles, laughing. " Keep your tenderness for a more aus- picious occasion, and hear what I have to say to you." *' I am listening, dear brother-in-law, I am all ear." ** This evening at six o'clock my sister will expect you to be under her window, and like an angel will descend from above to you, or, to express myself prosaically, will come down to you by means of a rope ladder." " At six o'clock? Is not that very early? Should we not rather await the darkness of night?" " My dear brother-in-law, it is dark at six o'clock in Octo- ber, as you seem not to have observed, especially now when there is no moonshine. You will be no more visible at six 162 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. than at seven o'clock. But you must be off as early as possible, that by eleven you may be beyond the reach of pursuit and discovery." " Why so, my sage Mentor? " " Because, my beloved pupil, my mother. Queen Hen- rietta, occupies the same bedroom as my two sisters, and it is her rule never to let the young ladies sleep alone. This sleeping room is quite near the Queen's drawing room, being only separated from it by a small passage upon which open two doors, one leading to the Queen's drawdng room, the other to the chamber of her lady's maid. My mother has now fixed habits, from which she never deviates. She remains in her sitting room, either reading or writing to my father, until eleven o'clock. The princesses, however, are allowed to retire earlier, if they wish it. But the Queen never enters her sleep- ing room until eleven, even if indisposed; and before going to rest, with motherly solicitude, always draws aside the bed curtains to assure herself that her daughters are enjoying tranquil slumbers. Do you now, dear brother-in-law, com- prehend the necessity of escaping as early as possible? " " Of course, because at eleven our flight must be discov- ered." " Yes, because at eleven begins the fifth act of this comedy, the act of developments and explanations. I assure you, my friend, it will open in a painfully stormy manner, for my mother will probably take it no less to heart than yours. I believe it is the only point on which our gracious mammas cordially sympathize. From the bottom of their hearts both would gladly see this marriage dissolved." "What? Your mother too?" said Prince William bit- terly. " Certainly. This alliance never met her approval, and she only acquiesced in deference to her husband's views. But now it would please her extremely to have my sister unmar- ried. Mary is young, beautiful, and fascinating in her man- ners. At Paris she will find a King, a few years younger than herself, indeed, but with whom she might conclude just such a marriage as she had previously done with you. It would be a brilliant match, and who knows what will happen if she THE ELOPEMENT. 163 pleases King Louis XIV and the regent, his mother? Your union has hitherto heen merely one of form, and consequently is not indissoluble. Princess Mary will then return to the bosom of the only true Church, and the Pope will assuredly have the complaisance to pronounce her earlier marriage in- valid, as also to bless the new matrimonial engagement." " For God's sake forbear, else you will drive me to mad- ness! " murmured William breathlessly, with pale, trembling lips. " God be thanked, Mary is not going to France; she will stay here in spite of both our ambitious, domineering mothers. Tell me, dear Charles, what I have to do. You must act for me, and make all the needful preparations.'* " Yes, if you were to act in person all would be in vain! Your shrewd mother is, of course, keeping a vigilant watch upon you, and at the very first sign of peculiarity in your movements she would carry her threat into execution, and keep you imprisoned until Mary has left. I have, therefore, acted for you, and I think you will be satisfied with my ar- rangements. Little remains to be done. All depends upon your preventing this journey of your little wife's to France, and insisting upon your right to keep her with you. My mother can not well defer her journey, for the packet boat which is to take her to Havre is ready to sail, and, moreover, she has paid her passage, and our funds are not in a condi- tion to admit of losing so much money. My mother will be obliged, therefore, to set sail with her younger daughter and retinue, and I only will be left to search for my sister and then follow my family to France. You need only conceal yourselves for a few days somewhere in the neighborhood, and take care that your being found again be attended with such eclat that your mother will be forced to admit that you are actually married, and can no longer be separated. It is there- fore best to go no farther than Amsterdam, and take up your quarters in the castle there. You will arrive there before daybreak; the steward will open the doors for you, and you can tell him that you have come to spend a few days in your good town of Amsterdam, and that your attendants will arrive early the next morning. In the morning the glad tidings will have spread over the whole city. You will have to ride 164 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. through the streets in an open carriage, to receive the con- gratulations of the populace, and all will be done. Your mar- riage will be a fait accompli which your mother can no longer deny. She will put a good face on the matter, and probably pay you a little visit at Amsterdam and fetch you back to The Hague.'' " Would that my mother's little visit were over! " sighed Prince William, with an air that made the Prince of Wales laugh. " Do not think of that now, but of your departure hence," he said. " First of all, write a touching and respectful letter to your parents, entreating their forgiveness. Leave this letter, addressed to your mother, on your writing desk. Then |)rovide yourself with money and such like indispensables, and, above all things, repair punctually to my rooms at Bosch at six o'clock. For the rest, the rope ladder and equipage I shall provide, which will give me enough to do until the appointed hour arrives. Farewell then, brother- in-law, until we meet again at six o'clock precisely." And the Prince of Wales left his brother-in-law, that he might do all that he had promised for the execution of his cunningly devised scheme; but while he made arrangements for the flight of the lovers, he never for an instant lost sight of his own affairs, and the rendezvous in the Chinese Pavilion occupied just as much of his thoughts as the elopement to Amsterdam. He observed everything closely, and when, after long rambling and taking many needful precautions, he at last returned to Bosch, his mother's temporary resi- dence, he made his faithful valet give him an account of all that had happened there during the day. The youngest Princess had been with her Majesty, who had packed up all her valuables and completed her preparations for her jour- ney. Princess Mary, however, had kept her own room, Prin- cess Louisa of Orange having spent the whole day with her, and only set out for The Hague an hour ago. Princess Mary had accompanied the Princess Louisa to her carriage, her eyes were red with weeping, and when she embraced the Princess for the last time she had sobbed aloud, and the Prin- cess Louisa had wept too. Then the Princess Mary had again THE ELOPEMENT. 165 .Tetired to her room, and had excused herself to her Majesty for not appearing at table, on the plea of suffering from an excruciating headache. The Prince of Wales heard this news with much satis- faction, and forthwith repaired to his sister Mary's chamber. She lay upon the divan, her head buried in its silken cushions, weeping and lamenting aloud, without paying any heed to approaching footsteps. Prince Charles made a rapid circuit of the apartment, looked behind every curtain, under every piece of furniture, and then stepped close up to the divan on which his sister lay. " Mary, we are alone, no spies are watching us! " Immediately her laments ceased and she sprang quickly up. " Thank God, brother, that you have come at last," she whispered. " I was so uneasy." " And time was so long, was it not, and I am such a slow, cruel creature? Oh, yes, I have had full experience of such forms of speech during my recent interview with your hus- band, and therefore will excuse you a repetition. Oh, you poor lovers! groping about in the night of illusion, how bit- terly will you be disappointed when the sun of knowledge rises and the mists of enthusiasm vanish! " " That will never be! " cried Mary with warmth. " We shall always love each other just as ardently as we do now. We will never be undeceived, and ever cherish our illu- sions." " Oh, yes, of course, so they talk at your age." "At my age! And how much older are you then, my Prince of Wales? " *' Almost two years, my Princess of Orange, and two years of bitter experiences have they been, believe me. But let us now talk of more pressing matters, for the hour of separation is at hand, and we have still much to do." " Oh dear, oh dear! I am frightened already! If our plans should miscarry and we be discovered! If my strict mother-in-law should catch us, I believe I should melt like wax beneath her burning eyes! " " Compose yourself, Mary; she will not catch you, for I have guarded against all contingencies. But attend to me 166 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. for a little while, and be pleased to answer my questions. Have you taken your final leave of the Princess Louisa? '^ " Yes, brother Charles. Poor good Louisa! She melted into tears, and I, too, wept bitterly, I knew not wherefore." " You did not betray anything of your plan, and she has no suspicion of your approaching flight? " '' God forbid! Betray anything to her! She would hare forthwith done everything in the world to thwart us in our adventure! What a pious, obedient, and humble little per- son she is! She exhorted me with tears in her eyes to be sub- missive to our parent's will, and to commit all to our dear Heavenly Father! Ah! if Louisa had a suspicion of what is going on, she would report to her mother on the spot. I am convinced of that, and therefore kept my counsel." "Well done, little sister. Now be kind enough to allow me to dictate a note to you. Have the goodness to take this seat." He led his sister to her escritoire and placed pen and paper before her. " What am I to write then ? " asked Mary, smiling. " May- hap a letter to my sweet mother-in-law? " " Ask no questions, sister, only write; we have no time to lose, and this affair signifies little to you. Are you ready, dear sister? May I begin? " " Commence, I am on the qui vive to hear." " Only, be not so intent upon hearing as to forget to write. "So, heading, ' My dear Louisa! ' " " Oh, I am to write to Louisa? Good heavens, what can I have to write to her about? " " You shall soon hear. Only write: "My dear Louisa: I write you these lines, just as I am in the act of taking a very rash step. Louisa, it almost broke my heart that I could not tell you everything, and I have begged my dear husband until he has allowed me to write you at least this last farewell, and make this request of you: if you would see us once more before our departure, if you would give your brother one last farewell, then come to the Chinese Pavilion at seven o'clock exactly. There you will THE ELOPEMENT. 1(J7 receive the last greetings of your brother William and your unhappy sister Mary. I long to see you once again, for I repent so much of having deceived you to-day. We part with light hearts from all but you and brother Charles; we grieve to bid you farewell, for you two are the only ones who truly love us. Come, sister, come punctually to the Chinese Pavilion at seven o'clock. But be silent as the grave, if you would not be responsible for the death of Youk Mary.'' "I do not understand a word of all this," sighed Mary, when she had written to the end. " That is not at all necessary. You will understand all in good time. But do not lay your pen aside yet, chere smur, for here is a second sheet of paper. Be so good as to copy the note I dictated to you, only direct it to the Prince of Wales instead of to the Princess." " So be it, but you will explain to me when I have finished what " " Not then, but hereafter. Only see, the clock now points to half-past five. We must hurry sister, or all is lost. Please write." The Princess made no response, but began to write rapidly, then, at an intimation from her brother, folded up both let- ters, wrote the addresses, and sealed them. Prince Charles took both letters, broke the seal of the one directed to himself, and then thrust it into the breast pocket of his velvet coat. " The other letter, Charles? What is to be done with that? " asked the Princess inquisitively. *' You shall learn directly. Just wait one minute." He opened the door leading into the antechamber, and finding his valet standing without, bade him enter. " Go immediately, James," he said, " and carry this letter from the Princess of Orange to Princess Louisa Henrietta at The Hague. But take good care to give it into the hands of none but the Princess herself." " Your highness, your order shall be obeyed." " The greatest dispatch is required. How soon can you get there, James? " 168 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. The valet looked at the clock. " It now wants a quarter of six. I shall be there a quarter past six, your highness." " That is to say, you will run the whole way like a hunted stag?'' " I shall run, most gracious sir." And the valet swiftly vanished through the antechamber door. "Now, sister," said the Prince of Wales gravely, "the parting hour has come, and we must take leave of one another. I have only to attach this rope ladder to your window." He drew a package from his pocket and unwrapped it. " Ah, let me see! " cried Mary. " I have never seen a rope ladder. Ah, how ingeniously these silken cords are inter- linked, and how securely all is joined together. Oh, I ought not to be afraid, for these steps will not give way. And yet, brother, my heart beats as though it would burst." "Fear nothing, sister, you are quite safe. This ladder is perfectly true. I have myself tried each step, and proved them all to be strong and firm." The Prince of Wales now made fast the ladder to a pro- jection below the window, and in the midst of some parting injunctions to Princess Mary, suddenly paused. " Hark! " he said, " the clock is striking six. The decisive moment has arrived — the moment for action." " Alas! I am filled with anguish! " sighed the Princess. "I feel dreadfully alarmed, and all at once this adventure, which has hitherto amused me, strikes me now as quite a seri- ous affair, and I know not why, but I begin to be ashamed of having undertaken it." " That is to say^ sister, you are afraid of venturing upon the rope ladder — nothing more. You can still draw back if you choose. If you repent, and find it more to your taste to go with our mother to France, there to eat the bread of charity, say so, and I will loosen the ladder, go down into the park to your husband, who is waiting for you under your window, and tell him that you prefer following your mother to staying here with him." " No, I do not prefer it! " exclaimed the Princess warmly. " No, I will not go with my mother to France, to beg for help THE ELOPEMENT. 169 and protection there, when I can be a free, honored, and happy Princess here at my husband^s side." " You have made up your mind, then, Mary? " " Yes, I have made up my mind decidedly. You say, brother, my husband is waiting for me below? Well, he shall not wait in vain; I will go to him." And with flushed cheeks and resolute carriage the Prin- cess approached the window. "Not so fast, chere soeur, not so fast," whispered the Prince. '^ I am to go before, to show you, in the first place, that the ladder is trustworthy, and, in the second, to help your husband to hold it firmly for your descent. Au revoir, then, fair Princess; we shall meet below. As soon as I have gained the ground I shall clap my hands three times as a signal for you to commence your journey." He swung himself up into the window seat, once more nodded encouragingly to his sister, and then vanished into the darkness. Princess Mary leaned far out, saw the shadow slowly glide down, heard the creaking and groaning of the silken cords, and in breathless suspense expected every minute to hear the cry of the falling and the rending of the ladder. But no. The ladder stopped moving, and from below she heard the appointed signal. " Now! " she murmured, with trembling lips and blanched cheeks — "now! " One moment more she stood still hesitating, and her large hazel eyes turned toward the door leading to her mother's apartments. " Oh, my mother! " she whispered, " who knows whether we shall ever meet again, and I have not bid you good-by; I have not received your parting blessing, have " Again the clapping of hands was heard from the garden. ^'I am coming, yes, I am coming," whispered Mary. "Ah, I will think of nothing but that my husband is there waiting for me." She sprang courageously upon the chair which stood be- side the window, thence swung herself up to the window sill, with both hands held to the cross piece, and cautiously and lightly began the descent. The ladder oscillated, and her 170 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. heart beat so as to take away her breath; but she heard her husband's voice speaking words of cheer and encouragement, and that strengthened her to descend more quickly. Now two arms encircled her and lifted her down from the ladder, press- ing her fondly to a loudly beating heart, and a beloved voice whispered words of ardent gratitude and warm devotion in her ear. " Away now, away! " urged Prince Charles, at their side. " Good heavens! just be rational for one quarter of an hour longer, and you will have a whole lifetime left for the indul- gence of your folly. Come, come! " " Whither, brother? '' whispered Mary. " To the carriage, my romantic sister. It is hardly two hundred paces distant, at the entrance to the park." " Two hundred paces! But my feet burn as if they were on fire, and pain me very much. I can not move a step." " I will carry you, darling! Come to my arms! I shall bear you in my arms through life, and never let your beloved feet touch the rough ground." The Prince of Orange lifted the delicate, sylphlike form of his girlish young wife in his strong arms, and bore her with vigorous step down the avenue. Prince Charles walked silent- ly beside them until they had gained the outer gate of the park. This he opened and gave a thrice-repeated whistle. Forthwith was heard the muffled sound of carriage wheels, moving slowly over the graveled walk. " Stop!" was Prince Charles's order, and he opened the coach door himself, al- though the lackey had sprung obsequiously down from his seat beside the driver. " Get in, sister," said the Prince, *^ and may the God of love protect you." " Farewell, brother; one parting kiss! " "And accept the assurance of my undying gratitude, dear brother-in-law. You I have to thank for the happiness of my whole life; you enabled me to find the requisite courage to break loose from the despotic will which threatened to enthral me. You freed me from the chains of moral slavery, and if ever I become a strong and independent sovereign, you it will be who has made me so! Take my hand, and my word THE CHINESE PAVILION. 17J for it that I will recompense you to the utmost of my ability." " It may be, brother, that I shall soon have to claim this promise/' said the Prince of Wales, sighing. "My future does not lie clear and bright before me like yours. But who knows, perhaps But enough of words. Be off aow. Gal- lop off, coachman, to Amsterdam! " The coachman applied his whip to the horses and the car- riage rolled rapidly down the road. The Prince looked after it until it disappeared in the surrounding darkness, and the rolling of the wheels was no longer heard. "And now," he said, in loud, determined tone — "now the hour has come which is to settle my fate as well. God of love, stand by me, and let not my trust in thee be brought to shame! Hark! already the castle clock is striking the half hour after six. I shall not have time to go down to The Hague. The Chinese Pavilion is nearer, and I shall station myself somewhere in its neighborhood. Will she come? — will she have the courage to go through the park alone by night? Yes, she will, for she has a brave heart, and will not shrink from performing a deed of love. Yes, she will come, and my sly James will see her, and a half hour later hand the note in question to Princess Amelia. Verily, I play a rash game, and if I lose, nothing is left to me but either to cast myself into the sea or to accompany my mother across the sea to France. Which course shall I take? I dread — the latter! " VII. — The Chinese Paviliow. Princess Louisa had just received Mary's enigmatical aote, and in helpless terror pondered upon its contents. The mysterious language in which it was couched and its dark hints filled her affectionate heart with infinite anxiety, and she knew not what these farewell words of Mary's could signify. After a long soliloquy she thought that she had unraveled the mystery. Her brother must have made up his mind to 12 172 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. follow his wife to France. They wished to give her a last fare- well, and she could not turn a deaf ear to their request. No, she must hasten to them, and strive by the tenderest appeals to turn them aside from a project which she felt sure would cause her beloved father's death. She slipped the ominous billet into her pocket and prepared to set forth. " No one will think it singular that I should go down into the park,'' she said, as she hastily threw a scarf around her shoulders and covered her head with a veil, " for I sometimes go to the dairy in the evening, to see whether they have made things secure for the night, and yet — ^I would rather go down the private staircase, and enter the park through the little gate where no sentinel is stationed. Ah! if I were not obliged to go alone! If only " For one minute she paused and a vivid blush suffused her cheeks. "It is true," she whispered, "lie would pro- tect me, and at liis side how securely I might walk along! He would not betray me if I were to confide this secret to him, but second me in my efforts to deter my brother and sister from taking this violent measure. Oh, he is so wise, so elo- quent, nobody can resist him! I will have him called. I will place myself and my secret under his protection, and implore his assistance." She made a few steps forward, but faltered and stood still. " No," said she, slowly shaking her brown curls — " no, I will not call him. He does not care for me — he takes no interest in me. Not once has he asked for me to-day, although I foolishly volunteered to apologize to him this morning. Even at table he did not address a single observation to me, and if our eyes accidentally met, he looked at me so angrily that his glance seemed to pierce me to the soul, and I could have cried aloud for very agony! No, I shall not call him — him least of all! I shall go alone! " She no longer hesitated, a cheerful determination took pos- session of her whole being and filled her with strength and spirit. Hurriedly she left her apartment, saying to her maid, whom she met in the antechamber, that she would be absent but for a little while. She speedily made her way into the park. It was a gloomy evening, not a moonbeam illumined the dark- THE CHINESE PAVILION. 173 ness, and only the stars shone clearly in the evening sky. To them Princess Louisa lifted her eyes as she traversed the broad space leading into the dark avenue. " Attend me, ye stars, and watch over me! Bright wit- nesses of God's unceasing care for his creatures, smile down upon me, and inspire my poor timid heart with courage! " And it seemed to her as if the stars sparkled more bril- liantly, and the breeze sighing among the foliage seemed to whisper to her that God was near to sustain and protect her by his presence. Courageously she moved forward, borne onward by the strength of her inward emotion, by the burning love of her stout, true heart. She had a duty to fulfill — a sacred duty! She would restrain her brother and sister from entering upon a course fraught with danger; she would guard her beloved father from grief and peril of death! There was no longer in her any timidity or maidenly shrinking. God watched over her. Had the Elector Frederick William thus seen her, could he have looked into her clear eye and noble, open coun- tenance, he must have read her pure soul as depicted upon every feature, and his heart must have been filled with faith and confidence. But he did not see her. He had long wan- dered among the solitary walks of the park, bewailing the fate which seemed to be about to doom him to a second dis- appointment. " Louisa, Louisa! has your face, too, de- ceived me? — was that appearance of maidenly innocence only a mask assumed to hide the wonted levity of your sex? I could weep to think that you are but a poor deluded woman — you whom your Maker had destined for a model of femi- nine truth and purity! " Thus absorbed in melancholy re- flections, gathering gloom warned him that the hour for the hated rendezvous was at hand, and he bent his «teps toward the pavilion, which was even now visible on the other side of the Chinese garden, with its white walls and two lighted windows. He seated himself on the marble bench, in the arbor close beside the entrance. The projecting pillars of the little portal cast their dark shadows over his form, and no careless passer-by would have observed him. There he sat, enveloped in his mantle, looking out into the night, and 174 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. listening to every sound that broke the stillness of the evening hour, and amid the pains and conflicts of which his soul was now called to undergo, unknown and unsus- pected by himself, there sprang up within him the genial blossoms of a new sensation, and a new era of thought and being. "When Mahadoh loves," say the Hindoo Brahmins — " when Mahadoh loves, tears fill the eye of the god. These tears the lotus flower receives and bears down to earth, and each of these tears, so soon as it touches the earth, becomes a human heart, instinct with the divine essence. And there- fore the human heart is full of love and woe, for man's love springs from the tears of a god! " The Elector thought not of these words of the Brahmins, but he experienced their im- port as he sat, with clinched hands and palpitating heart, looking out through the darkness for her whom his heart had so long deferred looking for and yet found so soon. Man's love is indeed an emanation from deity. It burned not then in the heart of that frivolous young Prince, who, with head thrown back and little step, came gliding through the park. He had taken a short cut, in order to be at the place of appointment in good time. Like a serpent he had crept along swiftly and noiselessly through narrow paths and densest shrubbery. Now he stood at the entrance to the avenue which led directly from the palace, and waited for Louisa. Oh, he knew her well; he knew that she would take no bypaths and secret ways, but come fearlessly by the broadest and most direct road! Then he turned and looked toward the pavilion. " Is that haughty Elector already there? You would mortify me, you petty little German Prince! I shall have my revenge, and aim my blow straight at your heart; then I shall carry off in triumph the bride you had thought to win! " And now he gazed down the avenue. "Will she come? —can I have miscalculated? " It seemed to him as if he heard approaching steps, as if he saw a form advancing along the avenue. Yes, he had not been deceived — yes, it was Princess Louisa! He hastened to meet her, joyfully, gratefully. THE CHINESE PAVILION. 175 " Who is that? " asked Louisa, in a distinct, courageous tone of voice. '' It is I, cousin/' whispered the Prince of Wales. " Ah! I thought I should meet with you upon this sorrowful pil- grimage. I suspected that they had called you as well as myself.'' " Did you, too, receive a letter, inviting you to come to the Chinese Pavilion? " " Yes, a letter from my sister Mary. She writes that she and her hushand are about to set out on a long journey, and that she longed to embrace me once more before her depart- ure." V " The very same thing that she wrote to me. Oh, let us make haste, cousin! Oh dear, why did I not meet you earlier? Why did you not come for me? I felt so much afraid coming through that dreary, lonely avenue." " Cousin, I did not know that they had asked you to come here, and the letter enjoined the strictest secrecy upon me." "Upon me too! Oh, the poor, foolish children! Oh, cousin, you will join your entreaties to mine, and urge them to give up this fearful project. It would be the death of my poor, sick father, if they were to run away! Oh, cousin, you will help me to prevent it, will you not? " " I will do anything that you desire of me. Cousin Louisa, for you well know you are mistress of my head, my heart, and my will. Take my arm and let us hasten to seek them." Without resistance the Princess took his arm and moved rapidly forward through the Chinese garden to the pavilion. " Only see, there is a light in the little parlor," said Louisa anxiously; " they are there already waiting for us! " " Yes, they are there already, as it seems. Come, my noble, Hn usu- THE EXECUTION. 34;| ally so bright and clear, grew dim. And as he now turned them heavenward, two tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. " He has a son," he said softly to himself, " a son whom. he loves. Oh, my God, how wonderful are thy ways! Thou givest to the beggar what thou deniest to the Prince, and the Prince might envy the beggar! " Meanwhile, by the energy of his will, Gabriel Nietzel had suppressed his groans and weeping, and again lifted up his head. With the back of his hand he wiped away the tears from his eyes and looked at his son. His countenance actually seemed glorified, and after long, long years for the first time- a smile illumined his features. " It is Rebecca! " he cried. " Those are her eyes! That is her wonderful countenance, that is the sweet smile with, which she was wont to cheer and comfort my heart! " "Yes, it is Rebecca," said the Elector, approaching the two. " My child," he continued, turning to the boy, who with bewildered glances looked sometimes upon Gabriel and sometimes upon the Elector, " speak to your father, tell him that you will love him, and beg him to stay with you." "Is that man my father?" asked the young man, almost sorrowfully. " No," cried Gabriel Metzel vehemently — " no, I am not your father! You know your father was a gentleman, a re- nowned artist. Your grandfather told you so, when you were with him in Venice. Do you not remember, Raphael? " "My God!" murmured the boy, as if awakening from a dream. "Raphael! he calls me Raphael! Yes, indeed, they used to call me so before I had found my father Jacob Uhle. And you! " he cried all at once aloud and joyfully — " are not you my good old foster-father? Are not you Glaus— my dear, good Glaus? " He laid both hands on Gabriel's shoulders, his large, flam- ing eyes seeking in that pinched and wasted countenance traces of childhood's memories. "Yes, it is he," continued the lad. "You have come* again at last, and I find you on exactly the same spot where you left me. Oh, I remember all now, I know how much I wept at first when you thrust me from you, Glaus, and whea 342 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. I had to go to a strange place among strange people. At night, when I was alone, I called to you and scolded you, weep- ing bitterly for longing to see my old Claus. But in the morn- ing I dried my eyes, and did not let any one see my sadness. Tor Jacob Uhle and his wife were so very kind to me, calling me their child and acting in every respect like tender parents. And then there was so much to be learned, so much to be done, that I soon forgot my sorrow. So years have passed away, and only occasionally do I still think of my good old Claus. But now you are here again, Claus, and I mean to hold fast to you, and not let you run away from me again." " Well spoken," said the Elector, smiling approvingly upon the boy. " Hold him right fast, that he escape us not again. Tell him that a father has no right to forsake his son, for «ee, I will now tell you a secret; you " "No!" screamed Gabriel, violently thrusting the young man from him — " no, sir, you will not. As a last favor I be- seech you to betray no secret to this youth. You would not eternally trouble the serenity of his soul. He has found a father and a family, let him enjoy them. Look at that dear face. Upon it still rests the sunshine of youth. Oh, sir, do not let me be the cause of casting a dark shadow over it!" "But I," cried the young man, anxiously approaching the Elector, " I implore your highness to tell me the truth. Do it, I beg of you, sir, that I may know who I am. I am strong and sound, both in soul and body, and can bear any secret. Tell me, I beseech you, sir, is this poor, unhappy man my own veritable father? I well know that from child- hood up he took care of me, denied himself to supply my wants, cradled me in his arms, carried me when my feet were sore, and begged for me when I hungered. But when I asked him about my father he told me that he had long since been dead and buried, and that I must never think or speak of him. But if Claus is indeed my father, I will love him as a true son, make up to him for what he has done for me, and nurse him in his old age. Your highness, you do not know perhaps that I have finished the course at Joachim's vale. I have passed my ^examinations in the highest class, and now come to ask you. THE EXECUTION, 843 sir, to take me into the number of your soldiers, for Father Uhle says you promised that you would." "And he speaks the truth. You shall be a soldier, and just as soon as you have learned the exercises and regulations you shall belong to my bodyguard." "I shall learn, and learn quickly, too! " cried the young man joyfully, " and I shall get pay then, shall I not? " " Yes indeed, that you shall." " Then I can support old Claus just as he supported me, and care for him and love him. That is to say," continued he with a tender, imploring glance at Claus — " that is to say, if he will accept it from me." " Claus," asked the Elector, " can you resist any longer? Does your heart make no response? " "Yes, sir," replied Claus, looking up determinedly, "it responds in the name of his father, who has been long since dead and buried, and this is its response. Hear it, Frederick William Uhle, hear and ponder it well. The man who stands here before you is not worthy of your love and sympathy, and you are not to weep for him, but blot his remembrance from your mind and scatter it to the four winds of heaven, €ven as shall be soon done with his ashes! The Elector has granted me the last favor of being privileged to see you once more, Frederick William Uhle. I thank you, too, tor coming and giving me a loving embrace on my way to death." " On your way to death? " asked the young man, turning pale. " Good heavens, Claus! You are not the Claus whom they were telling us about as we came along, the Claus— — " " The Claus who is sentenced to death for murder and witchcraft? Yes, I am that Claus! " cried Gabriel, draw- ing himself up erect gravely and with dignity. "Frederick Wilham Uhle, turn from me and think of me no more, for I do not deserve it! " " He slanders himself, he speaks what is false! " cried the Elector passionately. "He wants to die, and therefore has accused himself of evil deeds which he did not commit. Short-sighted and foolish men credited his accusation, and condemned him. But I tell you, Frederick William Uhle, 344 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. that this man is not gnilty of the crimes for which he has been condemned. And therefore pardon him I will^ and therefore I had you summoned that you might beg him to accept my pardon and live." " Glaus! " cried the son, seizing him by the hand and look- ing at him with pleading glances — " Glaus, please do not go away from me. I beg you to endure life for my sake, what- ever ills it may have brought you. Give me the happiness of having you with me, that by my love I may make amends for all the trouble I ever cost you. What matters it to you that men prosecute and condemn you when the Elector pro- nounces you innocent, and while I am here to love, venerate, and cherish you, while I " " merciful Father! " burst forth Gabriel, with a shriek of despairing agony. "Will this poor, tortured heart then never break? Must it be racked and tormented to the last minute? Sir, sir, I am suffering, pity me! Sir, sir, the fires of purgatory burn within my heart. Let thus much of grief suffice — pity me! " And wringing his hands, which were uplifted toward heaven, Gabriel Nietzel threw himself on his knees and looked up with countenance distorted by grief and gestures of en- treaty, while his lips murmured detached words of supplica- tion and fervent prayer. Gradually these, too, were hushed, his features again grew more composed, the restless hands dropped, and he bowed his head upon his breast. Unbroken quiet prevailed now in the Electoral cabinet. The beggar Glaus still knelt in silence,, while his son stood behind him with folded hands and stream- ing eyes. Opposite these two, leaning against his writing table, stood the Elector, gazing upon the strange picture with grave and deeply moved countenance. Suddenly Gabriel Nietzel arose, and his whole manner was tranquil and dignified. " Sir,'' he said, turning to the Elector, " permit me to speak once more to this young man here as if he were my son and I his father. Will you tell him to do unquestioningly what I shall ask of him? " " It shall be done,'^ said the Elector, and, turning to the THE EXECUTION. 345 youth, he said, " Do what he bids you, and do it without ques- tion." " I will," murmured the youth, with quivering lips, " My son," said Gabriel Nietzel solemnly, " do you re- member that starry night when you slept in my arms with no roof above us but the arching sky? " "I remember it. Father Glaus," replied his son softly. "I then told you what I shall now repeat: ^ Be happy, my child, the blessing of your mother rest upon you, and make of you a good and virtuous man! Think ever of your mother. Honor her in every woman and maiden whom you approach. Pray also for your unhappy father. He departed this life under painful circumstances, pray for him that God may have mercy upon him, and that he may enter into everlasting peace.' Then my son," and something approaching a smile flitted across his face, " then I kissed you and said: ' When you are called to die, may some tender mouth bestow upon you a parting kiss. May you expire beneath a kiss! ' For to-day, Frederick William Uhle, this is also my farewell speech. Think of your noble mother and pray for your wretched father! And now, without uttering a word, without even looking at me, turn around, go, and await without the Elec- tor's further commands." And as the son still lingered, his large eyes fixed in entreaty upon his father, and latter with a proud, imperious move- ment of the hand waved him toward the door. " It is my last wish," he cried, " go! " " Obey him," said the Elector earnestly. The youth sighed deeply, once more directed his eyes to the face of old Glaus, then turned slowly, opened the door, and went out. A low, painful groan escaped Gabriel Nietzel's l)reast; he pressed both hands upon his heart, as if he would liold it together that it might not break beneath its weight of woe. Then he stepped lightly across to the door through which his son had disappeared, knelt down before it, stooped to the floor, and kissed the threshold which his foot had touched. " Blessings be upon you, my son," he said softly. '^ Your father's spirit will be near you and his love will protect you. Blessings be upon you! " 346 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. He arose slowly and turned to the Elector. " Sir/' he said in a toneless voice — " sir, I am weary, and long for rest and solitude. Do me one last favor, summon the men to lead me back to my prison.'' "You remain immovable, then?" asked the Elector. " You will not accept pardon from me? See, Gabriel, I have prepared everything for your flight. A carriage is waiting to drive you away from this place. In my chamberlain's room are clothes for you. Kiinkel will drive you to Kopenick, where we could keep you a few weeks in concealment until the hue and cry raised over your disappearance shall be over. Then, with a certificate from me, present yourself at the Konigsberg hospital and take the place of nurse. But we will tell the silly people that you certainly were a sorcerer, for you vanished from the castle in a cloud of smoke and vapor. Say even now that you accept my proposal, and will submit to my wishes. Gabriel Nietzel, I should like so much to recon- cile you with the world, to have the consciousness that I had lightened your sufferings, that there was upon earth one human heart that I had consoled, one sorrow-stricken soul that I had relieved. Do you not see that my own soul is in grief for you, and that you humble me by making me feel my powerlessness? You call yourself a criminal because long years ago you made an attempt upon my life. Well, then,, atone for your crime now, while you accept life from me." He had stepped up quite close to Gabriel, and his counte- nance, usually so proud, wore now an expression of humble entreaty. " You mean well by me, sir," said Gabriel. " You would alleviate my sufferings? " " Yes, Gabriel, I would indeed! " "Well, do so then, sir. Sign my death warrant, that I may go away into everlasting life." The Elector impatiently stamped his foot, and turned away with indignation and bitterness of heart. " Be not angry with me, my dear, high-souled Elector," said Gabriel softly. " Indeed, I can not do otherwise, and if you could see into my inner nature you would know that it is impossible for me to live longer. Grant me yet another THE EXECUTION. 347 last request. Give orders that Frederick William Uhle re- turn to Joachim's vale this very day, and let him remain there until all is over here." "It shall be done/' murmured the Elector with hollow voice. " And now, sir, he pitiful and let me go away. My soul is weary, like my body." " Well, he it so! " cried the Elector, straightening himself up. " I will grant you the favor you ask. Stay here and see! '' He strode quickly to the writing table, took a pen, and with rapid strokes signed his name to the document, which he then picked up and handed to Gabriel Nietzel. • " See here," he said, " I have done what you asked of me as a last favor. Do you know by this that I have good inten- tions toward you, and consider that I prove my love to you,, while in the eyes of the world I condemn you? " " I know by this that you are a noble, magnanimous Prince. Permit me, sir, to kiss your name; for this name upon that paper is for me the word of deliverance, the announcement of an end whose beginning is blessedness! " He bowed his head over the paper and kissed the name which ratified his sentence of death. " Frederick William! " he said aloud, " Elector of Bran- denburg, blessed be your life! Great works will you accom- plish, and posterity will encircle with fame the name which I have just kissed. With deadly intent the wretch Gabriel Nietzel once stretched forth against you his criminal hand. For this he now goes to death, and you live, live in happiness and glory! We are quits! I have now expiated my guilt, and after the space of two days, when you think of Gabriel Nietzel, lift up your eyes to heaven and greet him with kindly remembrance." " I shall do so, Gabriel. It will sometimes be a comfort to me to think of you in heaven, for I shall believe that your blessed spirit also thinks of me and looks down lovingly upon my toils and conflicts here below. Give me your hand, Gabriel Nietzel. You stand at the portals of death, and there the prince and the beggar are equals. My soul speaks now to yours: Farewell until we meet again! " ,348 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " Farewell until we meet again! " repeated Gabriel, lay- ing his thin, wasted fingers within the Elector's strong, white hand. Then, after a short pause, Frederick William called his chamberlain, who hurried in, convinced that the moment had come when he was to set out with Claus for Kopenick. " Klinkel," said the Elector, with averted face, " go down now and fetch back the men, that they may again lead Claus ,to prison. Hush! not a word! Go! " Kiinkel sighed deeply and hastened to execute his errand. " Sir," said Gabriel softly, " I beg that you will have the goodness to forward the subscribed sentence to the authorities concerned without delay; for I understand that the execu- 4;ion can not take place until twenty-four hours afterward." " It shall be attended to, Gabriel Nietzel." " Then, my dear sir, I should like to make one more re- xjuest in behalf of my beloved son, or Frederick William IJhle, I should have said. You have promised that he shall be taken into your bodyguard; when all is over with me, will your highness be pleased to have him brought here to Berlin? " " Yes, I will. He shall become a member of my own regi- ment and have his lodging in the castle.'' " And, sir, please have his mother's grave pointed out to Frederick William Uhle, that he may pray there." "He shall learn to know it, Gabriel; depend upon me ior that." " I thank your highness. There come my guards! Once imore, sir, farewell until we meet again! " The provost and jailer entered. " Chain your prisoner again and lead him away," was the Elector's order. "But, hark ye, men, treat him humanely ^nd be compassionate toward him." He retired into the window niche and looked out into the dark night. Behind him he heard the clashing of the heavy chains with which they were again ironing the prisoner, the creaking of men's hard footsteps, and the jarring of doors. Then all was still. But the Elector did not turn around. He opened the window and let the night wind cool his burning brow. He looked up at the sky, whose profound darkness THE EXECUTION. 349 was here and there illumined by a shining star. All was silent, save that every now and then a breeze caused a rustling among the trees of the pleasure garden and wafted the perfume of flowers into the Electoral apartment. Suddenly this stillness was broken by the loud rolling of departing carriage wheels. The Elector started and sighed heavily. " He is gone/' he said in low tones. " I will see Gabriel ISTietzel no more on earth. I had become so accustomed to see- ing my Claus's good, sympathetic countenance on going in and out of the castle that I felt as if something was wrong the whole day if he was not in his place, and was uneasy until I saw him again. I almost, yes, I really loved him. Why should the Elector be ashamed to admit that he loved the beggar, since no one hears him save God alone? Lord my God! have mercy upon the old beggar; graciously take to thy bosom his purified spirit. Have mercy upon me, too, Lord! for I, too, am a poor beggar, praying for an alms from thy bounty. Give it to me. Lord! enlighten the eyes of my understanding and fill my heart with goodness, that 1 may become the wise, beneficent ruler of my people. Amen! '' He closed the window and returned to the cabinet. How blank and desolate it seemed to him at this moment — ^how strangely did that paper strike him, that death warrant lying on his writing table! " Has he gone, Kiinkel? " " Yes, your Electoral Highness, he has gone." " Did he say anything more? Did he speak again? " " No, your highness, not a single word. Only as he crossed "the threshold of the castle and stepped out into the inner court, where the carriage stood, he said with loud voice, ^ God bless this house and all who dwell therein! ' " A pause ensued. Then Frederick William slowly passed his hand over his eyes. " Kiinkel," he said in a low tone, " he was a good man — was Glaus." "Yes, sir, a good and a very unhappy man. God give to his soul eternal peace! " "And to us all, for we all need it," sighed the Elector. Then, after a short silence, he continued: "I am thinking 350 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. of setting ont early to-morrow morning on a little trip. I shall go to Potsdam and stay there three days. Make your arrangements accordingly, and now call in my private secre- tary- In a few minutes the person summoned entered the cabi- net. The Elector was standing beside his writing table look- ing at the fatal paper. " Take this/' he said " affix our seal, direct and forward it at once to the city court. In one hour it must be there." Two days later, in the early morning hours, an unusual crowd filled the streets of Berlin and Cologne. The whole population seemed to know only one and the same aim, and to have signaled each other to repair to-day to the council house of Berlin. An endless throng of men pressed across the long, wooden bridge leading to Berlin; rolling on in a black stream it swept across the bridge to the corner of Span- dow Street, where arose to view the council house with its jutting balconies and small tower. The master saddler Gebhardt, who had likewise under- taken to keep a beershop in the house left him by his father, had certainly no cause to complain to-day of the locality of his stand, and had no longer any need to envy gossip Lehmann, who dwelt immediately upon the castle bridge where the sack- ing of the child murderess had taken place. To-day Geb- hardt actually would not have exchanged with the glovemaker Lehmann, for his "barrack" enabled him to turn a pretty penny. He had carried out the plan devised by him on the day of Claus's trial, and had put up a scaffolding, covered it with boards, and prepared quite a number of comfortable seats, which he let for two groschen a head to the more well to do of the sight-loving multitude. Very soon all these seats were disposed of, and the privileged owners crowded upon the improvised benches, while the multitude in dense masses took possession of the whole street. The city guards were hardly able to keep clear the little square in front of the council house. On this square arose the scaffold, draped in black, with its low, white block on which lay the bare and glittering axe. At the side stood two of the executioner's servants in their red woolen clothes, the red cowl drawn so THE EXECUTION. 351 far over the head that the eyes were only seen through open- ings inserted for the purpose. Not far from the scaffold they had heaped up a huge pile of straw and dry brush, over which a correctly shaped open quadrangle of split wood had been built up into a sort of altar, on whose top was placed a grid- iron. This was the funeral pile prepared to receive the crimi- naFs corpse, and to change the human body into a little heap of ashes. Now was heard in the distance the hollow sound of the beating of drums, and at the same time the bell in the little council house tower let its low, monotonous wailing be heard. " They come! they come! ^' resounded from all sides, and the burghers who had been refreshing themselves in Geb- hardt's "barrack" with some of his fine Eathenower beer set down their cans and hurried out into the street, while the privileged ones on the tribune wrapped up again in greasy paper the remains of the edibles which they had brought with them, and hurriedly thrust them into their pockets. For now the long-expected moment had come, and the show was actually to begin. " The]- come! they come! " repeated the crowd. Then followed a deep, breathless silence, for every- body wanted to refresh his heart with the music of the drum, which came nearer and nearer, and the sound of the little bell, which tolled away slowly and regularly. The throng which filled the street leading to the great prison separated, leaving a passage for a cart drawn by one wretched-looking horse, in which sat the dramatis personce of the great tragedy which was about to be enacted. In the white shirt of condemned criminals sat the culprit in the back part of the cart, his head covered with a black cloth, such as became a sorcerer and wiz- ard, that his evil eye might not bewitch and give over to the devil those upon whom it rested on his way to death. On the front seat was seen the prison priest in his black gown with short white surplice, holding a crucifix in his hand, and at his side the director of the prison in his long black robes. At the side of the cart, his broad hand firmly clutching the ladder which served for a side rail, walked the executioner in his dress of fiery red, the red cowl thrown back from the 352 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. head so as to disclose to view his fierce face and the long black beard covering his chin and hanging down upon his breast. But the spectators did not like it at all that they could not see the principal actor in this play, the condemned man, and read upon his face a little of the torture and anguish which he must undoubtedly be undergoing. A discontented mur- mur began to make itself heard among the mob. It in- creased with every step made by the procession, and finally swelled into a roar of fury. " Pull the cloth off his head! We want to see him, we want to see Glaus, the murderer and sorcerer! " This sounded from all quarters, and the raging multitude pressed up so close that the city guards who followed the pro- cession, twenty in number, made haste to surround the cart and protect it against the onslaught of the mob. " We want to see him! We will see Glaus! " was screamed from all sides. The minister stooped toward the executioner, who had just turned inquiringly to him. " Gratify the poor people," he said. " Eemove the cloth, so that everybody can see him." The executioner complied with this request and pulled down the black cloth which covered Gabriel's head. A uni- versal shout of joy rewarded him. Now they could see him — the sorcerer, the murderer! His face was no longer so pale and sunken as it had been of late. It was as if glorified by a ray of evening sunshine. His blue eyes, which used to look so dull, were now bright and clear, and turned toward the spectators with an expres- sion of infinite mildness and serenity, while they, on their part, greeted him with derisive shouts and jeering epithets. But gradually this clamor was hushed. Beneath those soft glances scorn and malice melted and changed into a sort of compassion. " He does not look so wicked," said some. " N'obody would believe that this was a sorcerer! " cried others. " Poor beggar Glaus! " sighed a couple of women, whose lost cows he had found a few weeks ago. At the trial these very women had appeared as witnesses against him, and his having known where to find the cows had been taken as a proof THE EXECUTION. 353 of his demoniacal art. Now, at the sight of him, they felt something like remorse, and when the cart came nearer they shrank back to avoid being seen by him. But he had already seen them, and saluted them with a slight nod of the head and a gentle smile of his thin lips. Ewald, the cobbler, Wendt, the shoemaker, Fiirberg, the tailor, and Kurt, the leech, were also among the spectators. They had planted themselves close to the scaffold to obtain a near view of the scene. When the cart drove up and halted before the scaffold, they fixed their looks upon the condemned man with an expression of wicked malice. But what was that which suddenly effaced this expression from their counte- nances? Why did their cheeks grow pale? — why did they cast their eyes upon the ground? Glaus had looked at them. His large, blue eyes had met their glances, and they felt that they were recognized. "I wish I were away from this place," said the tailor Fiirberg amazed. " I do not know, but I do not believe I could go to execution with such courage." Ewald, the cobbler, however, yielding to an impulse of his heart, pressed close to the scaffold, whose first step Gabriel Nietzel had just mounted, walking at the preacher's side. " Glaus! " he cried, with a voice of entreaty — " Glaus, just hear one more word! I beg you to forgive me for the harm I did you, and not to remember against me up there that I laughed at you that time about the Eebecca of whom you talked to yourself. Forgive me, poor Glaus, for I am truly grieved about it now." Glaus turned and looked kindly at him. " I have nothing to forgive you for, Ewald," he said. " You acted according to your light, as did the rest of you. I thank you for it. You helped me to attain death, and I am glad to die." Again he turned slowly around and mounted the steps. A deathlike stillness reigned round about. The multitude packed together as closely as it could stand, having taken pos- session of all the streets opening upon the square. All the houses, yes, and all the roofs, now gazed in breathless attention upon that slender white figure, which had just gained the platform of the scaffold, and drew itself up erect as if feeling 354 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER relieved of a burden and free from all the misery of this world. And so Gabriel Metzel did feel free and disincumbered. Years of pain, remorse, and penance had fallen from him. He had passed through the purgatory of earthly torture, and now knew that he was at the end, and that beyond he should be reunited to his Eebecca, who would again receive him, purified of his sin, to her love and her blessed embrace. As he now glanced upward it seemed to him as if the heavens opened and the face of his beloved looked down upon him with a heavenly smile, beckoning to him with beaming eyes. He threw up both arms toward her and cried: " I come! I come! Hail to thee, Eebecca! I go to eternal peace — to eternal love! " He fell upon his knees and laid his head upon the block. The executioner raised the axe and brandished it aloft. The spectators saw it gleam in the air and then drop. A dull sound reverberated, blood spurted up, and the head of the poor beggar Glaus feel from the block upon the scaffold. The bell still continued to toll and the drum to beat a hollow response. But the people no longer huzzaed; they had grown still, and many a mouth murmured a prayer for the departed. The executioner's attendants lifted up the corpse and bore it with the head across to the pjrre, laid it on the gridiron, and set fire to the straw and brushwood. The flames ascended, and soon nothing was to be seen but a pillar of fire rising up bright and high, from which monstrous black clouds floated up to the sky. This pillar of fire was Gabriel NietzeFs grave. And upon the clouds his beatified spirit soared upward to heaven. THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 355 IV. — The Day of Audiences. The three days which the Elector had allowed himself to spend in retirement and solitude at his little hunting seat at Potsdam had expired, and he had returned to his city resi- dence on the morning of the fourth day. His countenance had again assumed its expression of open cheerfulness, his eye was once more clear and bright; only for a moment was it obscured, as his carriage drove up to the castle and his glance was directed to the spot where Gabriel Metzel had been ac- customed to stand and greet him on his return home to Berlin. To-day this spot was empty, and the Elector knew that the melancholy yet tender eyes of his dear beggar Glaus would never again look up to and welcome him. But he asked no question concerning him or his death, and when Kiinkel ventured unbidden to speak of the recent execution, the Elector signed to him with his hand to desist. " Glaus is now before the throne of God on high," he said; ^' he has done with suffering, and, because I know that and rejoice in it, I would not distress my mind with thoughts of what his poor body must have suffered. Be silent, there- fore, on the subject. Besides, I have a great deal to do to-day, and many audiences to grant. Are there many persons in the hall? " " Yes, your Electoral Grace, it has been long since I have seen the grand antechamber so thronged." " They come at my summons. Gall in my gentleman of the bedchamber, von Maltzan, that he may report to me. But you go without delay to the Electress, and say to her Electoral Grace that I crave her forgiveness for not going to her immediately in consideration of my having important audiences to grant. But so soon as these are over I shall do myself the honor of waiting upon her. Then go also to her royal Highness the Princess of the Palatinate, present my most humble compliments to that lady, and " " Your Electoral Grace, excuse me for venturing to inter- rupt you, but both ladies drove yesterday to Boetzow and are not expected to return before noon." 356 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. '^ Then call my gentleman of the bedchamber here! " It seems, then, that the two cousins are on the best of terms," said Frederick William to himself, as soon as he was alone. ^' I should never have thought it, yet I am glad of it because it proves to me that the Princess knows how to sub- mit, and that she is in earnest in her efforts to win her cousin's love. That will be pleasant, for it is true the Princess's com- pany is very agreeable, and she is mistress of the art of wiling away time and saying what is witty and interesting "Well, Maltzan," he said to that gentleman, who now entered, " tell me who are all those people in the antecham- ber?" "Your highness, there are the court preacher Bergius and the pastor of the Mcolai Church, Pommarius." "They have been summoned. Who else?" "Then there is a deputation from the Brandenburg States." "Who else?" " Two gentlemen who do not understand a word of Ger- man, and speak very poor French. I could only make out that they came from Dresden, and that your highness's am- bassador there has given them a letter to your Electoral Grace, written in his own hand." " I know who they are, and am glad that they are here," said the Elector, with a bright smile. " You have named all, have you?" " No, your highness. Burgomaster Wegelin is also in the antechamber and begs for a gracious hearing. Then last of all came a little bit of a man, who urgently entreats for an audience as he has traveled forty miles on foot to seek a per- sonal interview with your Electoral Highness. The poor man looks dusty and poverty-stricken; he says that he did not rest at all, but that, just as soon as he got to Berlin, only paus- ing to go into a church, he straightway inquired the way to the castle, that he mig^ht speak with the beloved Sovereign, for whose sake he had passed eight days and eight nights on the road." " The man pleases me; he shall have his audience. But he must first rest and refresh himself a little. Have the poor THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 357 ^traveler carried into the kitchen, and there supplied with food and drink. Then let one of the servants help him to wash and dress, and in two hours' time he must again he found in the anteroom. We shall then probably have gotten through with the other audiences, and his turn is to come last. I shall first receive the gentlemen from Dresden, then Burgo- master Wegelin. The deputation from the States follows him, and afterward the preachers Bergius and Pommarius. You now know what the order is, take your measures accordingly, and attend to the poor foot traveler for me. Let them come in now." The gentleman of the bedchamber hurried out, and im- mediately afterward the two foreigners were ushered into the Electoral cabinet. " You eome from Dresden, gentlemen," said the Elector in fluent French, " and, as I hear, are the bearers of a letter for me from my agent there? " The two gentlemen bowed, and one of them, reverentially approaching the Elector, handed him a great sealed packet, which, full of lively curiosity, he hastened to break open. It was, in truth, a letter from Baron von Plotzen, who had been sent by the Elector Frederick William as envoy extraordinary to the Electoral court of Saxony to settle some disputes about boundaries, in behalf of Magdeburg and Halberstadt. The communication ran as follows: " Your Electoral Highness did me the honor of commis- sioning me while here to engage a few members of the Elec- toral choir for my most gracious master's service. I have succeeded in so doing, but will not conceal that it was at- tended with some difficulties, and will cost your Electoral Grace some sacrifices. They are flush of money here in the Electorate of Saxony, and consequently the members of the choir are better paid than elsewhere. I have succeeded in persuading two very good musicians, the one a bass singer, the other who sings with a higher voice — I believe they call it a tenor — ^to enter the Electoral service. But I have an- nexed some conditions which seemed to me unavoidable. For instance, that I might engage these Italian musicians for 358 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. jour highness, I was obliged to offer them some inducements^ for Italians are mightily influenced by mercenary considera- tions. They receive here a salary of six hundred dollars per annum, in return for which they sing three times a week in the Electoral apartments, and also intone sacred music in church after the sermon. I have now insured to these people .a yearly income of seven hundred and fifty dollars, on con- dition, however, that their singing is satisfactory to your Elec- toral Grace. But in case that they do not please, I have agreed that your highness shall pay each of them fifty dollars by way of indemnity, and allow them to remain three days in the Electoral castle, to rest themselves before setting out on their return here. That your Electoral Grace may not feel ham- pered in making your decision, note, in conclusion, that no- l3ody here knows aught of my agreement with these singers. Up to this time they are engaged here at Dresden, and have only asked an eight days' leave of absence for the purpose of making a little trip. In case, therefore, that your Elec- toral Grace prefers to send them back under the above-named ^conditions, no objection can be made. I remain until death " Your Electoral Grace's most humble servant, Fkedekick von Plotzen." The Elector thoughtfully folded up the letter, and with •difficulty suppressed a heavy sigh. Then he fixed his glance upon the two Italians, who with their great black eyes were looking at him inquiringly and full of expectancy. "Have you brought your notes with you, so as to sing something for us? " asked the Elector. " That was not necessary, gracious sir,'' said one of them. "We carry all our music in our hearts and heads, and your highness need only specify what master's operas we shall sing, and we will obey." Frederick William felt somewhat embarrassed. He loved music passionately and was himself a performer upon the •spinet and violin, and often had found entertainment in mak- ing music with his wife, especially in playing duets, when Louisa played upon the spinet and he upon the violin. These •duets and other musical pieces had been composed and tran- THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 359 scribed expressly for the purpose by the organist and musical director of the Nicolai church, John Criiger, and Robert Eobertin had also composed some fine things for the spinet and other instruments. Moreover, the singers of the Electoral choir, some of whom the Elector had had brought from The Hague, used to sing many beautiful arias for him, but he had forgotten to ask the names of their composers. Nor, too, had he ever heard an opera; that was an Italian invention, which had hardly penetrated yet to the north of Germany. And now these singers expected him to name the Italian masters, selections from whose works he would like them to sing. He felt somewhat embarrassed. He knew none of those composers' names, and neither did his wife. But there was the Princess Ludovicka. She certainly had a more familiar acquaintance with these things; she was herself a distin- guished amateur, and just a few days ago had told with rap- ture of the delightful theatrical entertainment 3 held in Paris at King Louis's court. Princess Ludovicka could most assur- edly suggest operatic pieces suitable for these singers to exe- cute. And how pleasant it was to have such a witty and pol- ished lady at his court! So thought Frederick William, and at that moment he thanked her for having stayed, and resolved to tell her how highly gratified he now felt by her presence. He bade the two singers for the present to report themselves to the major-domo, who would assign them their rooms; in the afternoon he would have them called, and test their powers of song. '' Though if they were to sing like nightingales," said the Elector, when they had gone out, ^' yet I could not keep them, for where could I procure money enough to pay such expensive birds? I am really a poor man, with obstinate States and cities, who will vote me no money." It was unfortunate for Herr Wegelin, Burgomaster of Berlin, that his reception took place just now, for the Elec- tor's brow was clouded and his mood severe. "Well," he called out, "what brings you to me again? As soon as I see the stern lords of Berlin coming, I know be- forehand that they have some complaint to set up or griev- ance to redress. Or maybe you have hunted up some other 360 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. unfortunate, whom you can charge with witchcraft, and by means of whose death you can prepare a congenial entertain- ment for the bloodthirsty populace of Berlin/' " Your Electoral Highness seems very unfavorably dis- posed to the cities and magistrates of Berlin and Cologne/^ said the burgomaster, with a painful sigh. " It is true, I have no great love for the uproarious, pert,, and obstinate people of Berlin and Cologne! " cried the Elec- tor passionately. " Their mouths are always full of big words, but of deeds nothing is ever heard. They think themselves knowing and clever, yet are only knowing in vices and follies. But the arts and sciences, manufactures and commerce lie prostrate, and Berlin and Cologne must needs shrink back in shame from comparison with other capital cities of Ger- many. Their boastfulness, though, never ceases, and this saucy Berlin has learned from its Burgomaster "Wegelin and its proud aldermen. The burgomaster is always in the opposi- tion, and esteems himself to be the lord and ruler here, who alone has power to say what is law and right." " Not alone, your highness," said the burgomaster, with reverential mien but firm voice — " not alone, your highness; but he has a word to say when the question concerns the welfare of the city, whose burgomaster he has the honor of being. But permit me, sir, to say a few words in defense of the unhappy cities of Berlin and Cologne. Your highness says that they are far behind the other princely residences of Germany, and that the arts and sciences, commerce and manufactures are in a miserable condition here. Since your highness says so, it must be true. Meanwhile I beg your grace to consider what a long series of misfortunes we have experi- enced, how much affliction and distress we have endured for more than fifty years, and how war has desolated and laid waste the cities and whole country hereabout. The citizens live in wretchedness and want; owners of property have no money wherewith to rebuild their houses, half burned or totally destroyed by the soldiery. And where poverty and misery are at home, art and science can not flourish." " And where frivolity, love of pleasure, and disorderliness THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 361 are at home/' cried the Elector, " still less can they flour- ish! You say the citizens of Berlin and Cologne are poor and wretched, and yet they pursue all sorts of trifling amusements. The women dress with an extravagance that is really shame- ful, while the men, instead of working and providing for their families, frequent beerhouses and spend hours in watching the tricks of jugglers and puppet men who practice their trade upon the streets and squares, and often even station them- selves at the church doors, so that, when the afternoon service is over and men have slept themselves tired, they may enjoy a puppet show. And all this the burgomasters of Berlin and Cologne put up with! They even allow the scholars of the g5r[nnasia here to act plays and appear in ridiculous farces. And now tell me. Sir Burgomaster, what is the matter to-day, and wherefore have you come ? " "Your Electoral Highness," replied the burgomaster, proudly lifting up his head, which hitherto had been bowed in lowly reverence, " I have come, to my own sorrow and re- gret> to make a most humble representation to your high- ness, and to beseech you to make allowances for our poor city and not to require too much." " Where does the ' too much ' begin. Sir Burgomaster? " "Your highness, where the law ends. The law declares that the government of the cities of Berlin and Cologne de- volves upon their burgomasters and aldermen. Since the year 1649 both cities again agreed as to the mode in which their government was to be administered, and your highness gave your approval to this agreement. The city of Berlin chooses two burgomasters and one half of the aldermen, the city of Cologne one burgomaster and the other half of the aldermen. As a matter of form, the names of those appointed were laid before the Elector for ratification, and then every year on St. Thomas's Day it has been the custom to intro- duce the officers elected into the senate house. The task in- trusted to the burgomasters and aldermen is to manage the city property, to care for law and order, to regulate the police, to punish criminals, to protect the well-disposed, to aid the citizens in their distresses, and represent them before his Elec- toral Grace." 362 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " And you are here to-day in the character of their repre- sentative, are you not ? " " Yes, your Electoral Grace, I am. I must in the name of hoth cities — for the Burgomaster of Cologne is sick and has commissioned me to speak in his hehalf — I must, in the name of both cities, most urgently beseech your grace to be pleased to leave in our hands the administration of town affairs, for the discharge of which duties we were elected by the inhabitants, and for which we are paid. Of late, how- ever, your highness has issued so many orders that we do not know at all how we can execute them, and the burghers must be utterly ruined if everything is to be stopped, as is the pur- port of the orders. Now, I beg your grace to abstain from carrying out these orders, which can not be conformable to the views of the burgomasters and aldermen, to whom belongs the management of the city, according to law and Justice." " You mean to say by that! " cried the Elector, with boil- ing indignation, " that I trouble myself about matters which concern me not, and that it is for the burgomasters and alder- men of Berlin alone to command here, to issue orders and make regulations? " " Your highness, the cities of Berlin and Cologne have, of course, their own free constitution, and there stands on Broad Street, not far from the cathedral, the stone which for ages has marked the spot where the jurisdiction of the Elec- toral officer ceases and the jurisdiction of the city commences.'^ "I shall have that stone thrown down!" cried the Elec- tor angrily. "I will prove to the cities, the burgomasters and aldermen, that the old times of insubordination and dis- obedience are over, and that you must all submit yourselves to me, your Elector and Sovereign! I have done the cities of Berlin and Cologne the honor of exalting them to be my capitals. Here in Cologne I am having reared a new Electoral palace, instead of the old tumble-down castle. And I choose that my places of residence shall do honor to their Prince. I tell you, man, in spite of you, I shall lift my cities out of mire and wretchedness. And I care not if, in effecting my object, I do restrict your liberties and infringe upon your rights. But you would only maintain these rights in order THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 36a to retard the progress which I am bent upon making, and your liberties must consist in nothing but following the old beaten track, and living on in dirt. I have ordered the hog- stys to be removed from the streets and transferred to the yards; and so it stands! I have decreed that those citi- zens who keep four hogs should have three of them slaugh- tered, and instead procure a cow, and to such I have granted free pasturage in the park, and offered to have them in- structed in the management of the dairy, free of charge, by the Dutch whom I have had brought here for the purpose. So it stands! I have ordered all filth to be removed from the streets, and that every peasant who comes to town with a loud of corn or pease shall carry off a load of manure. And so that stands! It is also fixed that the citizens shall undertake the service of grading the town and exercise them- selves in military movements. I once more commit to you the appointing of a few watchmen, to cry the hours and to go about the streets by night. Lamps, too, shall be lighted when it is dark, that everybody may see which way he is going, and whom he meets. But as to the tax which I have assessed to Berlin, I shall demand it by force if you will not give it in friendliness! I tell you, Wegelin, you had better bow your head and be humble; for I alone am lord here, to give laws, and it is your part to see that they are executed. I expect yet to live to see the day when Berlin shall emerge from her misery and mire, and become a large, wealthy, and handsome city, where business shall thrive and the arts flourish. And then shall I exclaim with pride: 'This is my work! And what Berlin is, she became through her Elec- tor and not through her burgomasters! ' There you have my answer, Wegelin. Go and think it over. You are dismissed! '' The burgomaster would nevertheless have dared to reply, but the Elector cut him short at the first words by striking the glass bell on the table with a little silver ham- mer, thereby summoning Herr von Maltzan into the cabi- net. " Let the deputation from the States enter and conduct the burgomaster out," commanded the Elector, and before Wegelin had quite reached the door, toward which he moved 24 364 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. silently and with bowed head, the four deputies of the States were already within the room. " Welcome, gentlemen! " called out the Elector, " wel- come if you bring me good news! You have requested an audience, and I have granted you one. Tell me what brings you here." " Your highness, the country's distress and the impos- sibility of raising the new tax imposed," replied Baron von Arnim, the spokesman of the deputation. " The old song, the everlasting complaint. You think that there can be no ruling without you, and yet, as soon as you are called upon to take your share of the government by designating the ways and means by which can be procured the money needful for the support of the land and govern- ment, you have no other answer to give than that it is impos- sible to collect taxes. Just tell me, gentlemen, how one can govern a country, care for its improvement, and maintain law and order intact with no money and no sources of in- come r p" "But, your highness, the poor inhabitants of the Mark have no money or sources of income either," replied von Arnim, sighing. " And if the possibility of making anything is continually diminished, they will at last lose heart alto- gether, and no longer be able to earn anything." "And by^ what means are their gains diminished and their spirits broken?" "Your highness, by the introduction into the land of so many strangers and foreigners. For that reason we now appear before your highness in the name of the States. Most urgently do they beg and beseech your grace henceforward to condescend to refrain from attracting so many foreigners here." An expression of painful astonishment flitted across the Elector's face, and the luster of his eye was 'dimmed. "This, then, is the return I get," he said, "for all the painstaking and solicitude, which I have given myself for the Mark! Everything is in a wretched state here — agri- culture, tillage, cattle rearing, all languish. Not so much because the inhabitants have had many hardships to endure, THE DAY OF AUDIENCES. 365 but rather because they understand nothing of all these things, and know not how to turn to advantage what they still possess. . To benefit my subjects, therefore, to excite their emulation by showing them good examples, I offered inducements to Dutch farmers and gardeners to settle here, paid their traveling expenses, assigned land to them, and hoped by their influence to effect a reform among my own people. And now you gentlemen come and complain of the very thing I was doing purely out of regard for you, as your faithful Sovereign! Instead of thanking me for my interest, you come to complain that I have done the country an in- jury by what was meant solely for its advantage. Look around you, sirs, behold how flourishing the country begins to look once more; how much better and more profitable is the mode of culture pursued; what returns the meadows begin to make by furnishing fodder for cows; what splendid gardens have been made out of fields once fallow, now abounding in various kinds of vegetables, and resplendent with rare and beautiful flowers! All this you owe to the thrifty, untiring Dutch whom I have attracted to the country. Verily, I quite prided myself upon this action, and it grieves me to see in what a spirit you take it, and how little you seem to comprehend that all my thoughts and deeds have been directed to benefitting my subjects, and helping them to conquer the difficulties of their situation and be again estab- lished in easier and more comfortable circumstances." "Your highness, the immigration of Dutch and other foreigners is not the worst thing of which we have to com- plain in the name of our constituents. Much worse yet is it that men have been invited here from your highness's other lands and provinces, and invested with Electoral appoint- ments, thereby mortifying the Markers and thrusting them into the background." " Ah! you allude to my having lately invited here a few officers from Cleves — and Prussia, too, I believe — and having given them Government offices." "Yes, your highness, that is what has filled the States, and country too, with care and uneasiness. Years ago the Ehenish provinces obtained from your highness the privilege 366 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. of having their courts and colleges represented by no foreign oflBcials, but that, on the other hand, all positions should be filled by natives of the country. Your highness l^estowed the like privilege upon the inhabitants of the duchy of Prus- sia. Only the inhabitants of the Mark enjoy no such im- munity, and must submit to seing foreigners brought among them and suppHed with offices, while we have no lack of men at home well fitted for filling such positions." "As if you gentlemen were always the judges of that! '^ cried the Elector, with a mocking smile, " and as if it became you to obtrude upon me, your Sovereign Prince, your opinion on the subject! " " Your highness, we have only been commissioned to beg and implore your highness, in the name of the States, to grant us the same prerogatives which you have accorded to your other provinces, that we may not be forced to believe that the Mark Brandenburg ocupies a lower place in your affec- tions than those other lands." " For that very reason you should rather have supposed that I preferred the Mark Brandenburg, because I was in- fusing fresh vigor into her, and striving to engage in her behalf the best and ablest minds." " Your highness, God be thanked that here at home there is no lack of able minds and prudent men prepared to dis- charge with dignity the duties of any office which might devolve upon them. Grant to the faithful deputies of the Mark Brandenburg a token of your favor by agreeing that no foreigner shall be invested with any public office among them, though he should come from the closely contiguous bishopric of Magdeburg. Let none but natives hold office among us. If your Electoral Highness will bestow upon us this token of regard, we, for our part, agree to set ourselves zealously to work to gratify the Electoral desires, and put every means in motion to make it possible for the Mark Brandenburg to pay to your grace in three years the required sum of forty-five thousand dollars for the maintenance of your soldiers." * " "Well, then ! " cried the Elector, shrugging his shoulders, * See King, description of Berlin, part 2. PREACHER AND TAILOR. 367 *' at this price I must yield to your narrow and short-sighted Yiews, although I tell you that by such narrow-mindedness you injure far more than you benefit the Mark, and shut the door upon enlightenment. But, alas! I must have money for clothing and feeding my soldiers, that I may establish military affairs upon a firm and solid basis. Therefore I must accept the bargain you ofi'er me, and shall announce to you at the next session of the Diet that you are at liberty to adhere to your own limited point of view, and that you can draw the narrowest boundariee around your fatherland, not even recognizing as countrymen the inhabitants of my other provinces. Go with this my answer to those who sent you. Only, see to it that the sums required for the support of the military be forthcoming without more ado. Go then, and convey my friendly salutations to the loyal States! '^ V. — Preacher and Tailor. " Well, I shall get the pay for my soldiers now," said the Elector, after the withdrawal of the deputation, "but it grieves me that they annexed to the grant such a stupid and illiberal condition. Simple men they are, fancying them- selves wise in their folly and strong in their weakness. They see nothing beyond the present day and hour, and are dis- turbed by no cares for the morrow. And they make it mat- ter for reproach that I look farther, and have higher aims in view. They misunderstand my efforts to do them good, and reward me with ingratitude. However little a man may have been influenced in his action by the expectation of being thanked, still, ingratitude must always be painful. I feel weary and utterly dispirited by all these things, and would therefore willingly be excused from an interview with those two wrangling preachers, at least for to-day." He struck the bell and ordered Herr von Maltzan to ask the two preachers to call again the next day, as well as any other persons who might be waiting in the antechamber to 368 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. obtain an audience. The gentleman of the bedchamber bowed silently and was in the act of retiring when the Elector called him back. " I had well-nigh forgotten the poor traveler, and I should have been sorry for that afterward. He took an eight days' journey to reach me, and therefore I shall not keep the poor man waiting any longer. Bring him in, Maltzan." " I thank your grace for this condescending permission," said Maltzen, bowing. " It would have really grieved me if the poor little man had been obliged to go off without having effected his object. He would not consent to take either food or drink, because he said that he had made a vow neither to eat nor drink in Berlin before speaking with your high- ness. Besides, immediately on his arrival he had strength- ened himself by prayer, and would need no further restora- tive, even should he have to wait four-and-twenty hours be- fore gaining admittance to your highness's presence." " Maltzan, let him come in directly. It pleases me to see, that you have such a kind and sympathizing heart." A few moments after Herr von Maltzan had withdrawn the cabinet door was softly opened, and a lean, little man entered and timidly paused near the door. It was a strange apparition, and the Elector involuntarily smiled as he caught sight of it. About his somewhat crooked, bandy legs hung loosely wide, gray linen pantaloons. His feet were covered with great buckled shoes, out of which peeped forth coquet- tishly blue clock stockings. A long waistcoat, trimmed oddly with lace and tassels, covered the upper part of his body, and over this hung negligently and loosely a threadbare overcoat of black cloth, trimmed with brass buttons as large as dollars. The long, withered neck was held erect by a broad, white cravat, made into a gigantic bow whose two wings mounted majestically up to the ill-shaven, bristly chin. Gray hair encircled like a crown the bald brow and upper part of the head, falling in light, scattered curls over the high and some- what unequal shoulders. But most striking of all seemed the face of this man; it was ugly and shriveled, and yet there was something interesting about it. The lines were furrowed and the brow wrinkled, and yet such living, youthful fire PREACHER AND TAILOR. 369 sparkled in those dark-brown eyes, that they, together with the sharply cut eagle nose, gave a bold, daring expression to the face, which contrasted strangely with the good-hu- mored, soft smile that played about the thin lips. " Who are you? " asked the Elector very kindly. " Where do you come from, and what would you have of me? " "Alas! your highness," replied the man, sighing, "in those few words your grace asked three questions. But, with all due deference to your Electoral Highness, I must con- fess that my three answers will prove somewhat longer, and that they will form a discourse divided into three sections, provided that you extend me the needful permission and lend an open ear." " You are a queer fellow," smiled the Elector. "Your Electoral Grace has already had the goodness to intone the first proposition or question, and to anticipate my answer. Your first question was. Who are you? and your highness has condescended to answer, A queer fellow! And a queer fellow I am, in truth, for I am at one and the same time tailor and pastor, penitent and father confessor, layman and priest. As a tailor I make the peasant's clothes, and after- ward as pastor do them equal service spiritually by expos- ing to them their sins and errors. In the pulpit, on Sunday, I spin a tolerably long yarn, and on Monday thread my needle to mend my peasant's church-going suits, that they may pre- sent a decent, respectable appearance at preaching the next Sunday. Yes, indeed, I am a queer fellow, as your high- ness was pleased to remark." "And as you have proved to me by your discourse," laughed the Elector, sinking into his armchair, and with his bright eyes complacently regarding the strange blending of tailor and preacher in the odd specimen of humanity be- fore him. " Having now finished with article one, let us pass to the second part of the answer." " The second part is easy and hard to answer, your high- ness," replied the man shrugging his shoulders. " It depends upon whether your highness requires a metaphysical or a political answer. If the latter is the case, then to your ques- tion. Where do you come from? I have to answer, I come 370 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. from the village Dobelheim of Halberstadt. But if your highness expects a metaphysical answer, then would it have to be decided whether I ought to say that I come from God or confess that I am in part derived from the devil; and first of all must be settled the grand question, whether man is good by nature or whether he is spoilt in the world through the influence of the devil, who, as the learned ministers say, goes about in bodily shape, without being interfered with by the Almighty. I am no scholar, but a simple pastor, dar- ing to doubt the reality of a devil incarnate, hence deeming the exorcism and expulsion of the devil at the baptism of children not merely a superfluous, but a blasphemous act, since it would seem to imply that God is not as powerful as the devil, for where would be the omnipotence and omni- presence of the Deity if the devil had already possession of the bodies of infants? '^ "You are a rash, extravagant talker," cried the Elector cheerfully, "and it seems to me that your tongue at least has suffered no fatigue from your long journey, and still runs with extraordinary boldness and activity. We will not press further the metaphysical part of the answer, and I must for the present declare myself satisfied with the political answer. You are from the village of Dobelheim of Halberstadt, then; and what is your name? " " My name is Jacob Samuel Fear-God Live-Right Conrad Martin Eberhard Trust-God Gottlieb Charles John Frederick Richter.'^ "What? You venture to assert that you bear twelve names?" "No, your highness, I possess twelve Christian names, but I bear only one at a time. In January my wife calls me Jacob, in February Samuel, in March Fear-God, etc. Every month she calls me by a different name, as my parents and brothers and sisters used to do. But this comes from a vow- made by my blessed father when he carried me to the baptismal font. My father was a poor tailor here in Berlin, and, as times went very hard with him during the war, in his difficulties he bethought himself of giving a great christening, and inviting twelve rich and influential godfathers to officiate on the occa- PREACHER AND TAILOR. 371 fiion, to each of whom he said that he held him in such espe- cial love and honor that he cherished no more ardent desire than to bestow his Christian name upon his first-born son. Now, your highness knows that good, obtuse men are more accessible to flattery than anything else, and that great advan- tage may be taken of their weakness. The godfathers whom my father loved so much accordingly all duly repaired to the church at the appointed hour, and each was in turn astonished to find eleven other sponsors besides himself, all affirming that my father wished to name his first-born son in especial com- pliment to them. My father now confessed with tears in his eyes that he was in great poverty, and had invited twelve sponsors because he hoped that each of the rich, generous gentlemen would bestow a dollar upon the child, and thus save his wife and child from suffering the pangs of hunger for a few weeks, until he could earn some more money. And he had selected these twelve godfathers because they were the richest, most magnanimous, and most generous citizens of all Berlin, and because therefore he felt that their names would entail a blessing upon his son. My father actually succeeded, by such moving and flattering appeals, in propitiating his twelve godfathers, and each gave him two dollars on condi- tion that the child should once in the year be called by his name. This my father solemnly promised for himself and his son, and both have adhered scrupulously to the engage- ment; for, although my good father has been long since dead, up to the present day I change my Christian name with every month, according to the succession of my god- fathers." " And what is your name this month? " "My name is Gottlieb this month, your Electoral High- ness." "Let us proceed now to solve my third query, Gottlieb Eichter. If I mistake not it was. What would you have of mer 9" " Yes, that was it; and I make answer. Justice and a favorable sentence! " " Ay! Gottlieb Eichter, in one breath you have given utter- ance to a contradiction. If you demand justice, you have no 372 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. need of asking a favorable sentence, since justice asks not for favor but stands of herself." " That is very true, gracious sir; but in our distressful times the greatest favor to which one can aspire is to obtain justice, and not have it wrested from him by the interposition of some strong and mighty hand." " Have you cause to dread such a strong and mighty hand, and do you know to whom it belongs? " " Yes, your highness, I do entertain such a dread, and the hand belongs to the counselor of the consistory and court preacher Stoschius." " What! " cried the Elector amazed. " You venture to accuse my court preacher Stoschius, and to maintain that he would pervert justice ? " ''Yes, your highness, the justice of our degenerate days, if blind, yet seems to have a keen perception of the approach of the high and honored. Herr Stoschius, you see, is a promi- nent and distinguished court preacher, while I am only a village pastor, poor and unknown, possessing nothing in the world but a good conscience, ten children, and the love of my poor flock, which, by the way, is a rich boon of Providence.'* " A boon which many a rich and famous man might envy you, Gottlieb Eichter. But now tell me what you have to do with my court preacher and counselor of the consistory? " "Ah! most gracious sir, the counselor of the consistory, in pursuance of an Electoral order, made a tour through the districts assigned to your highness at the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia, and so came also to Halberstadt and even to our little hamlet of Dobelheim. It is a wretched little vil- lage, far remote from the highways of traffic, and nobody troubles himself much about us, but least of all the Bishop of Halberstadt, to whom we are nevertheless subject. Our little village consists of Protestant peasants and colonists, and was poorly enough esteemed, until the gracious, pious, and blessed Elector Frederick William took pity upon the Luth- erans and Calvinists and gained for them equal rights and equal respect for their creeds. We had our own little parish church, and the peasants durst choose their own pastor, but at the same time paid his salary wholly unaided, and worked PREACHER AND TAILOR. 373; his fields for him. Well, the support was scanty enough, and the pastor was not much better off than any peasant of his congregation. But he was content, for he had lived long in the community, and desired nothing better than to abide there. Dobelheim is such a quiet, peaceful, shady little spot, and it struck me as so homelike when I came there in my wanderings that I forthwith determined to stay and settle there." " Gottlieb Kichter,'^ said the Elector, smilingly threaten- ing him with his finger, " truly, you spin as long a yam as if you were preparing to darn a huge rent in some peasant's smock frock, instead of instituting a complaint against our counselor of the consistory and court preacher Stoschius, as you proposed to do. Tell me, first of all, then, what brought you here, and why do you demand of me Justice and even favor against my court preacher? " "Ah! your Electoral Highness, because with his great,, haughty eyes he would see in me only the tailor and not the pastor. You sent him abroad through the land to inspect the churches and congregations, but he did not return like the dove with the olive branch in her beak, but like the vul- ture, who pounces upon the doves and destroys their nest. For ten years, ever since our old minister's death, I had occu- pied his place, and discharged all the duties of the pastoral office to the satisfaction of my dear little flock, when lo! here came the counselor of the consistory, and fell into a rage when he learned that I was a preacher merely on Sundays, and when business allows, but in the week nothing but a poor little tailor,, and " " Hold on! " interposed the Elector. " I will not merely hearken to your accusation, but at the same time hear my court preacher's defense, and what you have to say against him you must say in his presence! " His large blue eyes were fixed upon Gottlieb Eichter's face with a sharp, searching expression. But the man's haggard, shrewd countenance remained perfectly calm, and seemed even to look on approvingly, while the Elector, summoning Chamberlain Kunkel, bade him go forthwith to the court preacher Stoschius and command his immediate attendance upon the Elector. 374 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. " I thank your highness/' said Gottlieb Eichter, quickly nodding his head. " You are indeed a wise and just judge, who hears both sides of a question, and condemns none be- fore he is proved guilty. God only grant that the court preacher may consent to accede to your invitation, and come without delay." " He will be ready enough," said the Elector, smiling, " and if I invite him will surely come. You are perfectly willing, then, that he should hear what you have to allege against him? " "I am glad, if respect for your Electoral Highness can induce his worship to listen to me, for in Dobelheim, when I tried to speak, he bade me hold my tongue, and, like a mile- stone, merely showed me the way to the door." " It must indeed have surprised him a little to find a tailor as pastor of a Christian community." " But, your highness, nobody was ever born a preacher, and the apostle Peter himself was nothing but a poor fisher- man." " You know how to give an answer," said Frederick Wil- liam, smiling. " I hope, too, your highness, that I need not be speech- less when on the day of judgment our Lord shall ask me if I have led an honest, useful life, and have been a faithful guardian of the souls which he has intrusted to my care." " You believe, then, that our Lord himself set you apart as the pastor of your congregation? " " Yes, your Electoral Highness! " cried Gottlieb Eichter joyfully, laying his right hand upon his breast as if in con- firmation of his words — " yes, I have a firm, unshaken confi- dence in the genuineness of my calling. God so ordered it, that in the course of my wanderings as a poor journeyman tailor I should come to Dobelheim and settle there. God so ordered it, that one day, when I carried back to the good old minister his gown, which I had spent eight days in repairing, the old gentleman should enter into discourse with me, and his good, kind heart be so drawn out to me that I afterward ventured to come to him daily, when my day's work was done, to read pious and edifying books, whose contents we discussed PREACHER AND TAILOR. 375 together. God willed that the good old pastor should instruct me, strengthen my faith, and explain and elucidate what I did not understand in the Holy Scriptures. So by and by I became quite versed in theology, and when the pastor at last became weak and sickly, he could with a good conscience allow me to take his place in the pulpit and elsewhere, for he knew that I would speak and act in accordance with his own views and feelings, and, moreover, every Sunday evening he read the Gospels with me, and I wrote down heads of subjects upon which I had to preach. Thus I was for ten years my dear pastor's adjunct, he himself giving me that title, and the villagers as well. When now the pastor — God rest his soul! — finally died of old age, and I was weeping over him, as became a grateful son, for he had indeed been a father and friend to me, the leaders of the congregation came to me, and roused me out of my melancholy by saying, ^ Trust-God Eichter ' — my name was Trust-God that very month — ^ Trust-God Eichter, you must not sit any longer weeping and lamenting over the old man, for you have no time, since you well know that to-morrow is Sunday, and you have the duties of your office to discharge.' ' What ofiice? ' asked I in astonishment. ^ Why, your office as our preacher,' said they, and when I made opposition and declared that it was impossible, they made an- swer: ^ Why should not things go on to-morrow as they have gone on for the past ten years? You have been acting as our good minister's substitute for ten years, and proved accepta- ble to us. Why should it be any the worse, merely because the old pastor no longer occupies the parsonage, but lies asleep in the churchyard? ' " '^ That was indeed fitly and wisely spoken by the people," cried the Elector involuntarily, "and methinks they were right." " I thank your highness for your gracious approval," said Gottlieb Eichter joyfully. " I, too, felt in my heart that the good people were right; and when they told me that the con- gregation had met that very day and unanimously chosen me for their pastor, and that therefore, as the oldest of the community, they had come to announce to me that from that hour I was the minister of their choice, my heart felt fearful. 376 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. and at the same time right glad, and I thanked God for the confidence and love which the congregation testified toward me, although I was quite crushed by the high honor bestowed upon me, the poor tailor. I replied to the elders of the con- gregation that I could not give an answer immediately, for I must first consult with God, my own conscience, and the de- parted spirit of my good old pastor. I told them that if they would only all assemble in church as usual, I would give them an answer: if I did not appear in the pulpit, they might then know that I could not accept their offer and conscientiously assume the duties of the pastorate. They were content with this and left me with that understanding. And now I was alone with God, my conscience, and the departed spirit of my dear old pastor." For a moment Gottlieb Eichter was silent and reverentially looked up to heaven, as if he there saw the departed spirit of his revered friend and greeted it with devotion. The Elector indulged him, being unwilling to disturb his silent prayer, and when the door of the antechamber, to which Gottlieb's back was turned, softly opened, and the court preacher Stoschius entered in full canonicals, with all the gravity pertaining to his office, the Elector motioned to him by a sign to remain quietly standing where he was, and to listen. Then turning again to Gottlieb, he inquired in soft, benign tones: "And what followed, Gottlieb Eichter? Did you commune with your three friends as to whether you should accept the living of Dobelheim? " As he thus questioned, he cast a rapid glance across at the court preacher Stoschius, whose features had now assumed still greater gravity and whose brow was clouded. "Yes," replied Gottlieb, awakening from his reverie as from a dream — "yes, I communed with my three friends. I went out to my dear friend's grave, and there, kneeling down, examined my conscience, whether it were pure and sin- cere, and not influenced by sinful presumption and worldly vanity in accepting the offer made me by the congregation. Then I prayed right fervently to our Heavenly Father, that he would enlighten my mind and tell me what I must do, and that he would give me a token of his will. And when I had PREACHER AND TAILOR. 377 thus prayed I opened my beloved pastor's old Bible, which I had taken with me to his grave, and, without looking, laid my finger on a passage of the open page, and then stooped down to read it." " Well," asked the Elector, listening eagerly, " what did you read? What was in the passage to which your finger pointed? " " Your highness, it was written there, ' Thou shalt sing and give praises unto the name of the Lord, and publish it to all people.' And as I read that I seemed to hear the voice of my dear old preacher speaking to me in these words, * Go your ways and praise the Lord, doing as I have taught you! ' Quite cheerfully and devoutly I returned home, and watched and prayed all night, with true devotion of heart preparing myself for the coming Sabbath. As the bells rang for church, my heart beat quite loud and my breath seemed to fail me, as, with Bible in hand, I took my way through the shady walk leading from the parsonage to the church. Nobody could see me in this walk, and the vestry room likewise was secluded and dark. I was there alone and heard the congregation singing a choral. With devout heart I knelt and besought God to pity my weakness, and, although I was nothing but a tailor, to forbid that my congregation should one day say of me, * We have made a goat our gardener, he has laid waste our land; woe be unto us! ' Now the congregation was silent, and I slowly ascended the pulpit stairs. I had done the same every Sunday for ten years, and it had never occurred to me that I had no right to do so. But to-day my heart was op- pressed with anxious timidity, and as I crossed the chancel and advanced toward the pulpit I felt that I grew deadly pale. The whole congregation was present of course, and as soon as the good people caught sight of me they arose from their seats, lifted up to me their friendly faces, and exclaimed aloud and unanimously: ' God bless our dear pastor. May God long preserve to us our dear preacher, Trust-God Eichter! ' ' Peace and joy be with us all! ' cried I, and then for awhile we wept together, then dried our eyes, and I began my sermon and brougfht it happily to an end. In this way, most gracious Elec- tor, I became pastor in Dobelheim, and have discharged the 378 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. duties of this office nine years to the satisfaction of my con- gregation. We love each other cordially, and are like one great family, that in us may he fulfilled the words of the apostle John, ' Children, love one another.' And now, your Electoral Highness, the court preacher Stoschiu^ would count it against me as a crime that I hold the place of pastor in the village of Dohelheim. He called me a blasphemer and sacri- legious person, and in the Elector's name forbade me once and forever to set my foot in the pulpit, unless I wished to be arrested and cast into prison." " Is that true, Stoschius ? " asked the Elector, turning to the court preacher, who with flushed and angry countenance had listened to Gottlieb Eichter's narration, and now drew near with solemn steps. " Yes, Sir Elector," he cried pathetically — " yes, it is true. I did forbid this tailor to enter the sacred pulpit. I did not wish the house of God to be desecrated and a mere patcher to play preacher." "Most gracious sir," cried Gottlieb, "a genuine pastor should be also a genuine patcher. His tongue should be the needle with which he mends the rents torn by his spiritual children in their virtue and integrity." " Cease your biting metaphors," said the Elector, with a slight smile. " I have something more to say to Stoschius. — Reverend sir, you say that Gottlieb Richter has desecrated the pulpit: in what way has he done so?" " By entering it in an unwarrantable manner! '^ passion- ately exclaimed the stem counselor of the consistory, "by daring to play the part of a consecrated servant of the Lord, and exercising functions only befitting a priest. But he is no priest, no consecrated servant of the Lord. He is noth- ing but a tailor, and in that capacity serves the community, whose pastor he presumes to call himself; and, since I wished to find out with my own eyes whether they had told me the truth, I so managed it as to arrive at the village of Dohelheim one Saturday afternoon. I left my carriage, and on foot in- quired my way to the parsonage and entered unannounced. Lo! in a wretched little apartment sat this man, three coarse smock frocks lying before him, and busily engaged patching a PREACHER AND TAILOR. 379 ragged sleeve. * What are you making there/ said I, * and why do yon sew away so industriously? ' He did not even look up, and, instead of rising to welcome the court preacher of his Electoral Grace, as respect and courtesy required, quietly sewed away and said composedly, ' I am mending the torn Sunday coats of the peasants, and sew so industriously be- cause to-morrow is Sunday and the minister is much vexed if his peasants do not appear neat and tidy at church.^ Then said I, ^What is your pastor's name? Where is he?' and, perfectly unabashed, the fellow answered me quietly, ' This month his name is Fear-God Richter, and he sits here on the bench mending coats.' " The Elector quickly drew his hand across his face to con- ceal from the court preacher a smile, which he felt to be irre- pressible. But in his eagerness Herr Stoschius was not con- scious of this, and indignantly proceeded: " Yes, gracious sir, those were his words, and when I asked what they meant he added, ^ They mean that in the week I am a tailor, but on Sunday a preacher.' A shudder passed over me, and as I looked at the man it struck me that it might be the devil mocking me in human shape, for you know he goes through the world tempting the good and laying snares for the souls of the just. I could not and would not believe that such a crime was actually committed by a man, and proposed to my- self quietly and patiently to wait until Sunday morning. I rode to a gentleman's country seat in the neighborhood, passed the night there, and returned the next morning to Dobel- heim. The worship of God had already begun, and upon entering the church what a sight I beheld! There stood the tailor of yesterday in a black gown, and in front of him two women with little children in their arms and sponsors around them. He had just opened the sacred volume and was about to begin the ceremony. But I rushed up to him, snatched the book out of his hand, thrust him back and called out: ' How dare you commit such a crime! You are an impostor, and instead of expelling the devil from the bodies of these children, you will drive the devil into them by your blas- phemous act! ' " "Yes, thus you spoke!" exclaimed Gottlieb Richter, 25 ^80 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. ^^ and it was a right edifying example of Christian toleration and pitying love that you gave to my terrified congregation. But they did not acknowledge it as such '^ " How dare you interrupt me?^' asked the court preacher haughtily. " Did you not hear his most worshipful highness bid you cease your impertinence? " " It is true, GottHeb, that I bade you be silent, although not in such harsh terms as the court preacher uses. Speak now, your reverence. How did the congregation deport it- .self?" "Your highness, it was plain to see that the fellow had bewitched the whole set and given them over to the devil. Por they cursed and swore, darted at me with their fists, and would surely have beaten me if this man had not placed him- .self in front of me and rebuked them until they became quiet again." "Did he do that?" asked the Elector. "Did he pro- tect the court preacher Stoschius, who had accused him of such a dreadful crime? I admire that in him, and it seems to me that with such a spirit he could not have been given over entirely to the devil. And what else happened, your rever- vence? " "I then mounted the pulpit, and, after the raging and screaming pack of peasants had been quieted, announced to -the congregation that the tailor Eichter, who presumed to act the parson, to assume the priestly vestments, and exercise cleri- cal functions, had thereby incurred heavy guilt, for he had profaned God's sanctuary and misused the name of the Lord. Therefore he must be termed a blasphemer and sacrilegious person. I informed the congregation that in the shortest pos- ;sible space of time I would supply them with an ordained and educated minister and install him in that living. With sol- emn words, by virtue of my office, I prohibited the tailor from ever again entering the pulpit or undertaking ecclesi- astical duties, threatening him with being put under arrest vand thrown into prison so soon as he should transgress my orders. I acted thus by virtue of my ofiice and the holy ob- ligations which it imposed upon me." "Now, Gottlieb Richter," said the Elector, after a short PREACHER AND TAILOR. 381 silence, " if you have anytliing more to say in your own de- fense, do so." " Your Electoral Highness, I have only this to say: The congregation chose me for their paster of their own free will, 4ind I for my part discharged the duties of the office of my own free will, to our mutual satisfaction." " But no one may hold an ofi&ce for which he is not quali- fied," cried the court preacher haughtily, " and for which he has not prepared himself hy previous study." " True," said Gottlieb composedly. " For example, if you were to undertake the office of head tailor in our village, that would of course be to commit a great injustice, for you would not be able to perform its duties, not having gone through the needful course of preparation. But for being village pastor no other studies were required than those which I was privileged to receive from my dear old pastor during the course of ten years. He did not, indeed, instruct me in mere theology, but in the fear of God; he drummed into me no obscure, latinized modes of speech, but taught me to address my con- gregation in simple, direct words, coming from the heart and therefore reaching hearts. Besides, I inherited from the good pastor three hundred fully written and beautiful ser- mons, which it was expressly stipulated in his will that I should sometimes read to his people." "But you know as well as anybody," cried the court preacher, " that only an educated man ought to undertake the office of preacher, and can possibly produce a regular and well-arranged sermon." " I have been educated. Sir Counselor of the Consistory and court preacher. Only, instead of the University of Wit- temberg, I have attended the University of Dobelheim, and for ten long years listened to most instructive lectures from my pastor. I am, therefore, an educated man; and as to sermons, they please my congregation, and if the people do not sleep so soundly as when a learned doctor holds forth in a pompous harangue of which they understand nothing, their hearts are the more awake and their souls watchful." " Stoschius," said the Elector, smiling, " I verily believe 3S2 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. this man does know how to talk, and can edify his congrega- tion." " That may well be, your highness/' replied Stoschius stiffly, " hut that only makes the matter worse, and proves that his congregation is already stupefied, and can no longer dis- tinguish a common tailor from an educated divine and bishop of souls. I grant that by making use of the papers left by the deceased minister- he may be able to read off a correct dis- course; but it is impossible that a tailor should with dignity and propriety conduct the administration of the sacraments. For instance, how would he perform the holy rite of baptism, he, tailor Richter? How would he practice the same?" "I perform the service in the manner customary in our Church," quietly returned Gottlieb. " Show us, then, how you would baptize a child. Will your highness permit me to put this man to the test, and lead him ad ahsurdum in your presence, thus proving to you that he understands nothing whatever about sacred things? " "Put him to the test, reverend sir," replied Frederick William. " You see, I grant you full indulgence, and listen respectfully to your colloquy without meddling in it at all myself." "I thank your highness, and will proceed forthwith to demonstrate the tailor's utter unfitness for playing the part of pastor. Just tell me how you would baptize a child. Make the experiment." " To do so, your reverence, I must first of all have a. child." In his theological zeal Herr Stoschius fetched the little child from his head, as Jupiter produced Minerva. That i& to say, he took from his right reverend cranium his little black velvet cap, and laid it on the table before the tailor. " We will fancy," he said, " that this is a child; baptize it now." " If I am to go through the ceremony of baptism I must have water, too." ''You are right," said the Elector. "Water belongs to baptism as wine to the Lord's Supper. There stands a large glass of fresh water, take that." PREACHER AND TAILOR. 383 Gottlieb took the glass and placed it on the table beside Herr Stoschius's little cap; then he bowed lowly and rever- entially before the Elector, and somewhat less profoundly before the court preacher. " If the august and revered witnesses of this solemn act of baptism are ready," he said in a loud voice, " then may pro- ceed the sacred rite asked for by the court preacher Stoschius, as the father of this little cap.'' " We are ready, reverend sir," said the Elector, with a friendly nod. With slow, solemn movement Gottlieb now picked up the little cap, and holding it with his left hand over the impro- vised baptismal font, sprinkled it with water with the right, saying: " In accordance with the requirement of my gracious Sovereign and Elector, and inasmuch as Herr Stoschius will have it so, I baptize thee, little cap. Thou shalt be called Little Cap now, and so long as there is a thread of thee left. If such is your wish, tender father of this cap, then answer with a loud and solemn Yes! " * The Elector could no longer preserve his gravity, but broke forth into a loud, merry laugh. Then he rose, with- drew into a window recess, and beckoned to the court preacher. " Listen, reverend sir," he said, inclining toward the stem theologian and speaking softly, so that he might not be under- stood by Gottlieb, who continued to sprinkle his little cap with water — " listen, reverend sir; let the man go on undisturbed in the regular discharge of the duties of his office, for he is wiser than you." f The exalted counselor of the consistory and court preacher looked with stupid astonishment into the Elector's smiling face. But the latter was not at all disconcerted by this, and continued: "Probably he is better fitted to be the preacher of a plain, simple village community than a scholar would be, and you would assuredly have done better if you had not allowed your theological zeal to get the better of you, instead * The tailor's own words. See King's Historical Description of Ber* lin, vol. ii, p. 54. f The Elector's own words. See the same authority. 584 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. of being governed by a little Christian charity and forbear- ance. There is enough of dissension in our churches without this. You preachers find peculiar delight in attacking and making war upon one another, although you know that I abominate this perpetual wrangling, and you yourselves must admit to your own consciences that the ministers of all con- fessions are not called to sow the wind that they may reap the whirlwind, but to bring peace, whose fruit is universal love toward man. Now, let that poor man alone, and disturb him no longer in his course of action, for I tell you he is one of the righteous, and a faithful servant to his God and earthly Sovereign. But that you may not be humbled and put to shame before him, I shall permit you to say that you have convinced yourself of his fitness for his position, and that you have therefore begged me to give my consent to his holding the office of pastor." " Your Electoral Grace," murmured the concistorial coun- selor, highly shocked, "I should have to retract, I should have to bow my head before " " Before reason and myself, yes, that you shall," inter- posed the Elector. "In your blind zeal you have done in- justice; now make restitution, and that without delay! " He left the window recess and stationed himself not far from the poor village tailor and pastor. The consistorial coun- selor now approached the latter, and endeavored to force a smile to his quivering lips. " You have certainly shown me one thing," he said with difficulty, struggling for breath, " you have proved to me that you do understand the holy sacraments very well and have a -close acquaintance with their forms. Since, moreover, you have for your use the written sermons of your predecessor, and seem to possess a good Christian disposition and to be honored by your village congregation, we shall in this case make an exception to the common rule, and wink at this ir- regularity, offering no further hindrance to your continued •discharge of the duties of your office. Provided, of course, that your Electoral Grace has no further objection to make to it," added Herr Stoschius, turning to the Elector with a reverential bow. MUSIC AND ART. 385 *' No, my worthy court preacher,'^ smilingly replied Fred- erick William, " I have no objection at all, and entirely agree with you. "We shall leave Gottlieb Richter in his place, and not esteem it as any reproach to him that he is not a learned scholar who has completed his studies at Wittemberg. For,, to speak plainly, I am not particularly well pleased with this university, and have already made up my mind to issue an edict prohibiting all my subjects from going to Wittemberg-, there to prosecute their theological and philosophical studies.* For this Wittemberg is a very nest of discord, perpetually pro- moting disputes between the Lutherans and Reformers. Re- turn to your congregation with a cheerful heart, Gottlieb Richter, live among them in unity and concord, and, as you say, work upon their consciences on Sundays and in the week upon their coats. Continue in innocence of heart, in the love of God and man. But to you. Sir Consistorial Counselor, to* you I repeat the words I once before spoke to you: be mild and conciliatory toward the preachers of both confessions. When the preachers pray, let them not have cause to sigh and moan. Let them not be oppressed in their persons or prop- erty; for we have never been willing to assume supremacy over conscience, but would leave each one to worship God according to the dictates of his own heart.f Be ever mindful of this^ Sir Court Preacher, and consistorial counselor Stoschius! " VI. — Music and Aet. The rehearsal of the two Italian musicians was to take place on the afternoon of the same day, in the Electress's apartments. Signors Altiera and Grimani had been ordered to hold themselves in readiness for the Electoral summons to- descend to the princely apartments. The Elector now re- paired thither, his wife and the Princess Ludovicka Hoi- landine having gone there immediately after dinner. * See Orlich, History of the Great Elector, vol. ii, p. 469. f The Great Elector's own words. See ibid., p. 464. 386 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. "Now, ladies/' said the Elector cheerfully, "if such is your pleasure, we can send for the Italian musicians, and the concert may begin. We have invited our organist Kriiger to attend, as well as a few other members of our choir, and old Conrad von Burgsdorf besides." " Of course," exclaimed Princess Ludovicka, smiling. '' Burgsdorf, the Elector's favorite, may never be absent! " " And I, my husband," said the Electress, " have taken the liberty of inviting my Lord Marshal von Schwerin to this little concert." " Of course," laughed the Princess, " Schwerin, the Elec- tress's favorite, may never be absent! " A light shadow flitted across the Elector's brow, but he forced himself to smile. "And what favorite have you in- vited, Princess, because he may never be absent? " " I have no favorite. My heart is dumb; it has crept into a corner of my soul, and there sits and weeps. Yet speak not of me. Let us talk of the concert. What airs and duets are these signors to sing for us? " " Ah! that is the very thing about which I wished to ask the ladies. These gentlemen would leave to us the selec- tion of music, affirming that they can sing all the operas by heart. But to my shame I must confess that I am so ignorant as not even to know the names of the Italian operas which are now represented at some of the European courts. I there- fore leave to the ladies the choice of the music." "I must beg to be excused, my dear," replied Louisa softly; "I am in the same position as yourself, Frederick. I, too, know nothing whatever about the new Italian opera, not even rightly understanding what is meant by it. I know nothing but sacred music, fine choruses, hymns, and songs. These form the joy and solace of my soul, but I have never heard any operatic music." "Oh, you happy, simple, and innocent creature!" cried Ludovicka, tenderly embracing the Electress, "how I envy you. that innocence! I, alas! possess not a trace of it, and my restless spirit is ever longing for new stimulants, new in- spiration. I must know everything, occupy myself with all that is new in the field of art, and so soon as I hear of such MUSIC AND ART. 38T things, no rest remains to me until I have made nearer ac- quaintance with them. That is because I lack the satisfac- tion and quiet restraints of the household circle, for which we poor women are destined." " No, cousin, you accuse yourself most unjustifiably,'' <3ried the Elector, with animation. " You blame yourself where you merit praise and commendation. It is, indeed, praiseworthy to preserve such a lively interest in the arts and sciences as you do, and to this we have been indebted for hours of the brightest enjoyment during your few weeks' sojourn among us. What a pleasure it was to us to-day, for instance, when you told us of your favorite poet, Shakespeare, and how our souls were refreshed by that wonderful monologue which you repeated to us from his tragedy of Julia and her lover. It is marvelous that you can retain all that in your memory, and reproduce it as if you were yourself an actress." " Say, rather, it would be a shame if I were not acquainted with the glorious poetry of my adored William Shakespeare, and could not retain a few of his lines in my memory! I have grown up with them; noble Shakespeare has always been my teacher, counselor, and comforter, although he has been dead fifty years already. But he still lives immortal in his works, and speaks to us with the flaming tongue of the seraph and the tender voice of man. How could I help knowing Shakes- peare, since my mother is an Englishwoman, and in her father- land he is idolized by the whole nation! " " I wish," said the Elector thoughtfully—" I wish that I had sufficient acquaintance with the English language to enable me to read those beautiful plays of your great poet, for what you have told me of them has made me curious to hear more." " I will read Shakespeare with you, cousin! " cried the Princess joyfully, "and what you do not understand I can. translate for you and write off the translation; then we might •study a few scenes from the plays and act them, as we used to do in Paris with the comedies of Moli^re. cousin, dear cousin! what glorious, delightful hours those will be, and how very happy we shall be — that is to say," with a sweet smile S88 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. to the Electress — " that is to say, if our beloved Louisa ap- proves, and will take part in our readings." " I will take part in everything that gives my dear husband, pleasure/' returned Louisa cordially, " and, although I may keep silence myself, because I am too little versed in thesfr. matters, yet I take pleasure in listening to you, and sympa- thize with you at least in spirit." "Ah, Louisa! what an angel you are! " cried Ludovicka;, ** what admirable modesty united with so much solid informa- tion, such an active, energetic spirit! " "Indeed, my knowledge is very limited," said the Elec- tress. "My information concerns only the farm and dairy^, and my whole art consists in loving my husband above every- thing and concentrating my thoughts upon making him; happy." "And that, dearest Louisa, is an art which you under- stand to perfection," exclaimed the Elector, pressing his^ wife's hand to his lips. " Ah! what a tender matrimonial scene," remarked the' Princess, with a slight touch of sarcasm in her tone. " But we have entirely forgotten our Italian singers and their con- cert." ^^ And the operas from which they are to sing," added the Elector. "You know these operas. Princess Ludovicka, do- you not?" " Oh, yes, we have often sung extracts from them at the court of the Queen mother, Anne of Austria. Her Italian director of the choir was also my singing master, as Mignard^ the court painter, was my instructor in painting." " Verily, cousin, I must repeat that you are a miracle of learning and acquirements! " cried the Elector. " And I," whispered the Electress softly to herself — " I am- a poor, pitiable woman, for I know nothing at all of all these- things, and Frederick will be weary of me and despise me when he compares me with Ludovicka, for she, alas! knows; everything, understands everything, and is so witty, so beau- tiful, and so entertaining! And I — alas! " She suppressed the sigh which struggled for utterance, and forced herself to listen with a smile of friendly attentionn MUSIC AND ART. 389^ to the Princess's explanation of the nature of the opera that just a short time previously had come from Italy, the home of music and art, to the courts of Versailles, Dresden, and Vienna. The two ladies were ahout to repair to the musie room, escorted hy the Elector, who had already offered each of them an arm, when he suddenly stood still and with a some- what embarrassed air turned to the Princess. " By the way," he said, " in pleasant conversation with you I had well-nigh forgotten a principal thing. We are now to have the pleasure of hearing these Italian singers, and we may do so with full right, for we reward them quite re- spectably for their trouble. But I beg of you, Electress and you, too. Princess, not to lavish too great praise upon them when the performance is over. Even though they have sung with exquisite taste and skill, say not much about it. I have my reasons for this, and, although I would not discuss them further, they are sufl&ciently important to make me urge yom not to forget my request." With lively words the Princess gave assurance that she would certainly keep this in mind. The Electress said noth- ing, but her eyes met those of the Elector with a smile full of meaning and intelligence. They now repaired to the musie room, where were already assembled Burgsdorf, SchweriUy and the choristers, and the two Italian singers were now sum- moned. In the name of the Electoral pair the Princess called upon them to sing from the Darius of Beverini and the Berenice of Freschi, and the eyes of the two singers beamed with pleas- ure. For these two operas were at that time all the rage throughout Italy, and offered the singers the best opportunity of displaying their extraordinary accomplishments and going off into artistic flourishes, trills, and runs. The little lead- incased panes of glass in the Electoral apartment rattled in response to the loudly echoing song, anji the old gray wall& themselves seemed to shake as if agitated by these melodies,, the like of which had never been heard in the sedate Elec- toral castle of Berlin. What shouts of joy and grief, what glowing love and painful longing, what bursts of passion and what trembling sighs! The impressions made upon the sev- 390 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. eral auditors were wholly different. The distinguished organ- ist and celebrated composer Kruger grew purple from horror and amazement. His eyes were wide open, and about his thick lips played a smile of inexpressible contempt. He could not help it, he must give vent to his spleen in a few words at least. He therefore turned to the members of the choir, who stood behind him speechless and awe-struck. " Why, the fellows sing as if they were trained nightin- gales," he growled. " Nobody can see that it costs them any effort or exertion. That is no art, but merely poor, plain na- ture.'^ Conrad von Burgsdorf had withdrawn to the most remote corner of the apartment, and there ensconced himself in a leather-covered chair. The cushion was not quite as hard as a board, and the back was comfortable. The sweet melody had probably reminded him of the cradle songs of his youth, and he could not resist his inclination to close his eyes a little and profit by the opportunity of enjoying a sweet afternoon nap. The Lord Marshal Schwerin, too, seemed little edified by this overwhelming display of Italian art. His soft and hand- some countenance twitched painfully at times, but when his •eyes rested upon the Electress, behind whose chair he stood, he composed his features and assumed an air of gravity. But the Princess's face was radiant with pleasure. And when the voices of the two singers now blended harmoniously in a scientific duet, and went off into shrill, long-winded trills, she turned with a deep sigh to the Elector, who sat between her and his wife, and whispered: " I have never heard finer or better-cultivated voices. They are singers of the first rank, and it is a pleasure to listen to them." " A pleasure, indeed," murmured the Elector, sighing in- voluntarily, for he thought that he could not often enjoy the pleasure of hearing these distinguished singers. Fifteen hun- dred dollars salary for both would be too great an ex- travagance for a prince with empty coffers. Sixteen hun- dred dollars would clothe a whole company of soldiers, and two singers would cost double that amount. The Elector of MUSIC AND ART. 391 Brandenburg, alas! had no funds at his own disposal, but must ever await the unwilling grant of money by his States. The poor, dependent Elector durst not expend such sums upon two foreign musicians! " But all this must be altered," he said to himself, while the singers continued their marvelous trills and flourishes. *^ The Elector of Brandenburg must not always be restricted in his expenditures by the whims of the States; there must be fixed taxes, a regular excise, the sources of income must be determined, and by the Elector alone must be determined ihe disbursement of the income. Sovereign he will be within his own dominions — free, unlimited Sovereign! He will break the haughty spirit of the States, grind to dust and ashes the worn-out rights and privileges of the cities and States! They cleave to tradition and the past, would arrest the prog- ress of the world, and so manage to retain the mastery, their "Sovereign Prince being dependent upon their will, and the burgher and peasant kept in poverty and want. The States must be humbled, that the burghers may be exalted; old privi- leges must vanish, that the new era, the era of progress, may step into their place! " Sing on, artists, trill and quaver away! The Elector does not hear; he thinks of the future, of all that destiny has or- dained him to accomplish, and he ponders upon the means of accomplishing it! But now the song is hushed, the grand duet from Berenice is finished. The silence rouses the Elector from his reverie •and Conrad von Burgsdorf from his sweet slumbers. The latter starts and exclaims with animation: " Heavenly! Won- derfully fine! '^ The composer Kriiger growls out a few un- intelligible words, and the singers look with their large, spark- ling black eyes at the Electoral pair, awaiting their acknowl- edgments and plaudits. But the Elector sits there silent and gloomy; the Princess Ludovicka, too, is silent, for, however much she may have been charmed by the music, she remembers his request that the singers be not complimented. She is silent, therefore, -and with a shrug of her shoulders turns to the Elector, whispering a few words in his ear. Then all at once this 392 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. painful silence is broken by the sweet, gentle voice of the Electress. " What glorious music! " she says, with a charming smile, at the same time turning to her Lord Marshal von Schwerin. *'What glorious music! how skillfully and tastefully these gentlemen have sung! " The eyes of the two Italians flash with joy, for, as is her wont, the Electress has spoken in French, and they have understood. "I beg, lord marshal," continued the Electress, "that you will present the two singers to me, that I may thank them in person." The lord marshal hastens to conduct the singers to her. But the Princess Ludovicka leans over toward the Elector^ who is looking at his wife in amazement and ill humor. " Good heavens, dear cousin! " she whispers, " how is it possible that Louisa can so utterly have forgotten your wishes? How thoughtless to praise these people so loudly, when you bade us avoid any commendation of them whatever! " "True, it proves little regard for my wishes. I thank you, cousin, for so graciously heeding my request." Did the Electress hear these words of her husband? For a moment her clear blue eye rested upon him with singular seriousness, then were turned again to the singers, who stood before her and had just made her their profound obeisance. With distinct voice she praised their singing, and invited Otto von Schwerin to join her, which he did with alac- rity. " It is unheard of, it is abominable! " murmured the Prin- cess, loud enough to be heard by the Elector, and he felt that Ludovicka was right, and in his heart was angry with his wife,, who did not respect his wishes. Suddenly, in the midst of her conversation with the sing- ers, Louisa turned to her husband. " Your highness," she said joyfully, "I have just heard that these gentlemen have no engagement elsewhere, and would be inclined to^ stay with us and often gladden us with their delightful music." "Indeed, that is a right pleasant prospect," murmured MUSIC AND ART. 393 the Elector, rising from his seat and with a forced smile approaching his wife. " The singers could stay with us, then, and dedicate to us their time and talents." " Most gracious highness," asseverated the two artists, " we should esteem ourselves happy if your highness would condescend to take us into your service. Baron von Plotzen opened before us this lofty prospect in case we should meet the approval of your Electoral Highnesses." " I know," said the Elector shortly. " I shall make known my decision presently, and meanwhile thank you for your music. Electress, accept my arm, and let me lead you back to your room." He reverentially greeted Princess Ludovicka, gave a pass- ing nod to the gentlemen, and with his wife left the music hall. Princess Ludovicka, however, stepped across to the bow window where Burgsdorf stood. " My friend," she said, " we are ever nearing our goal, and unconsciously the Electress has become our ally. She provoked the Elector to-day by her want of tact, and I suspect that a precious matrimonial scene is going on in her apartments now. The Electress is very use- ful to us and promotes our plans." "Your highness believes, then, that you will succeed in freeing the Elector from his wife's chains? " said Burgsdorf, in low tones. " Well, I should have to believe in magic if it were not so, for if one sees side by side a full crimson rose and a buttercup, and may take his choice, surely he will choose the rose and leave the buttercup to the cows." " Burgsdorf, you are witty and ingenious, it seems," smiled the Princess. " Most gracious Princess, it is only a reflection from your sunshine. But I must tell your royal highness that in other respects I am quite desperate." " I, too, old man, for our plan advances but slowly, and I am being continually pressed and urged from Paris to bring matters to a point. For the rest, I am expecting a courier -every day to give me the exact conditions which France wishes to impose. Come to me on the day after to-morrow; I will probably have received the dispatches then, and we can agree 394 THE GREAT ELECTOR IK POWER. better upon everything. But hush! there comes the lord mar- Bhal.'^ Meanwhile the Elector had silently led his wife back to her cabinet. When the door closed behind them, he turned to her with frowning brow. " Electress," he asked, " had you entirely forgotten my de^ sire that the singers should not be praised? " " No/' she replied, looking smilingly at him — " no, I had not forgotten it! " " What! '' cried the Elector, astonished, " you thought of it, and yet " " Yet I praised them, Frederick, and it seems to me they well deserved that praise. They are distinguished artists, and whatever your lips may say, in youx heart you agree with me." " That is not the point to be considered, Electress, but the question is whether '' " I will tell you, Frederick, what the question is," inter- rupted the Electress kindly, laying her hand on Frederick's; shoulder. " The case is simply this: The Elector would gladly have these singers in his choir, but finds them too* dear, and would therefore pretend not to like them." " Good heavens, Louisa! how do you know that, and what betrayed to you my inmost thoughts? " " Your countenance — your dear, truthful countenance! "* cried she, tenderly stroking his cheek with her small, white hand. "Just now, when you expressed your wish that I should not commend the singers, however much they might please me, I looked at you, and read in your features the rea- son of your wish. For see, Frederick, I am not learned nor witty; I am only a poor, simple woman, possessing but one faculty, which no one shares with me. I can read your coun- tenance, and know how to decipher the thoughts stamped upon your forehead. By the light of love my heart has studied your whole nature, dived into its intricacies, and learned the interpretation of every light shadow. So I knew directly that my lord's treasury was again empty through the contumacy of the States, and that therefore my husband wished to dismiss the singers, who nevertheless had: come MUSIC AND ART. 395 "by his own desire. They demand too high a salary, do they not?" " Yes, indeed, you have guessed, my 'cute little Louisa,'^ said the Elector, whose face began to brighten. " It was not such a very difficult thing to do for a woman who loves you," said she softly. " But since, fortunately, I have no States to refuse me money, and my finances are in a very flourishing condition, so that I can afford to make an extra expenditure, I have determined to indulge myself by engaging the singers whom your highness was about to scorn." " Louisa! " cried the Elector, " I begin to. comprehend now, and your goodness makes me feel heartily ashamed of myself." ^* How ashamed ? And what are you saying about my good- ness? Ah, I understand! My husband imagines that I would offer him my casket, that he might take out enough money to pay the wages of these singers! But you are mistaken. Sir Elector; I have had no such rash idea, and it has never entered my head to lend you this money. For I know you, and know what would be the end of it. Instead of appropriating the borrowed sum to its destined object you would have equipped new soldiers and still discharged the singers." " Ah, Louisa, dear Louisa, how well you know me! " " Yes, indeed, I know you well, sir, and therefore will take good care not to open my casket to you. My money would be gone, and still no music, for the singers would have been dismissed before the doors had closed behind me. But I am charmed with this Italian singing. It is so different from anything I have ever heard before, going so deep into the heart, so sweet, so graceful. In short, I must hear these sing- ers often, and therefore beg your permission, my dear hus- band, to engage both for our choir, provided that you think •they would be content with a salary of eight hundred dollars apiece." " They have never aspired to so much as that," cried the Elector quickly; " they only ask for seven hundred and fifty dollars each." "Ah! my husband, how exact your knowledge is, as if you had actually designed to engage themf But I do not 26 ^96 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. mean that these artists shall be torn from me again. I insist nipon having my wish. It shall not be believed of the Electress of Brandenburg that she has a taste for no higher music than the tinkling of cowbells and the lowing of cattle, or that a sacred choral goes to her heart more than the airs and duets of these great Italian artists. Oh, no; I, too, know what is fine and exalted, and in proof thereof I now engage these two «ignors. I crave your permission, most gracious Elector. Allow me to commission my Lord Marshal von Schwerin to treat with these artists and to conclude the engagement with ;them." "No further transactions will be needed, Electress, for they have already made their stipulations, and Baron von Plbtzen made the contract with them in Dresden, provided ithat they could gain our approbation." " That they could gain your approbation, you mean, Fred- erick. But if I were to accept those conditions now. Elector, everybody would believe and say that your highness had en- gaged these two singers for the chapel, and there would be great grumbling and talking among the States. They would say, ' If the Elector has money enough to engage these Italian nightingales, it is by no means necessary to open new sources of income to him, and we shall take good care not to grant him the tax which he asks of us because he maintains that he 'has no money wherewith to clothe his militia. You see, sir, it will not do for the transactions to be carried on in your mame; on the contrary, they must be conducted in my name, by my lord marshal, for at present I alone can allow myself such an indulgence. Thank God, we do not hold here to community of goods, so that it may well happen that my husband has no money while I am wallowing in wealth. 1 draw a splendid annuity from Holland, the Electorate of Brandenburg has also assigned me a handsome grant, and then I have besides the revenues from my estate of Boet- zow. You know, twice every week I send the produce of my farm to Berlin, and sell in the market butter, milk, and cheese, and that of course brings in quite considerable sums." " Not that it covers in the hundredth part the expenditures MUSIC AND ART. 397 which your highness has incurred at Boetzow," smilingly re- marked the Elector. " Maybe so/' continued the Electress; " but I am happily not called to render an account of this to the States, and none of them have the shamelessness to question me as to the way in which I spend my means. I may therefore dare to do what you may not, sir. And then reflect that, as you told me your- self, the talk at a recent sitting of your privy council fell upon the choir, and that the privy councilors thought that it would be necessary for your highness to economize in that direc- tion, and retrench in your expenditures. A goodly sum might be saved if your highness would dispense with a choir. You. also promised so to do. What would be the impression, then, if you were now to engage two costly singers? No, no; I alone can enjoy this luxury; everybody shall know that it is I who does it, and for that reason I so shocked the organist Kriiger to-day, and, to the just indignation of my dear cousin, praised the two artists so extravagantly, laying myself out to do them honor. I would have everybody know that I engaged the singers, and that they are to be paid out of my treasury. Schwerin shall therefore close the contract with them this very day, provided that you grant me the permission I now humbly sue for." " Louisa," said the Elector, laying both hands upon his wife's shoulders and looking at her with fervent glances, " do you really believe that I am deceived by all these words, and hy your raptures over these Italian singers? Do you suppose that I understand you no better, and do not appreciate the tender, magnanimous soul which would veil itself under words and yet can not? Thank you, my gentle, faithful wife, thank you! You would give me pleasure while pretending to be thinking only of yourself, and depreciating your act as if it were of no value. Louisa! contrasted with you, I feel humbled and right ashamed, hardly daring to lift my sin- ful eyes to your purity and loveliness. I repent, beloved, and confess my fault! I was ill humored and angry with you, not understanding immediately why you acted as you did. I fancied myself justified in finding fault with you, and my spirit was stirred against you. Ah! how little does man. 398 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. know the depth and tenderness of a woman's heart, and how much more trustful, noble, and magnanimous are you women when you love! Forgive me, Louisa, please forgive me." " I have nothing to forgive in you," said she, smiling, her voice trembling slightly. ^ " But if you think so, I will tell you how you can make prompt and ample amends." "How, Louisa?" "In firm, decided words give me leave to engage these wonderful Italian singers, permit the affair to be transacted by my lord marshal in my name, and allow their appointment as members of your choir to be made by myself." " Well, my extravagant wife, I grant your wish — on cer- tain conditions, however." " Name your conditions, Frederick! " " In the first place, you must give me a kiss in token of your forgiveness. Say, do you accept my first condition? " " ISTot until you have named the others." " I have only one more, and here it is: I give my consent to your request, and you can take the Italians into our service in your name. But you must first, openly and candidly, an» swer this question: Do you actually find such exalted delight in listening to these artists? Do opera music and singing please you?" " What a question! " replied the ElectreSs, with a pretty pout. " Do you take me for a barbarian who can not be pleased with what must throw everybody into ecstasies and exalt one to the seventh heaven? Do you esteem me so utterly unpol- ished and devoid of taste as not to comprehend the wonder- ful powers displayed by these musicians, the purity of their tones, and the flexibility of their organs? And then, that music, that passionate, glowing, melting music, which affects the mind so strangely; how wholly different is the effect pro- duced by listening to a hymn or sacred song, by which the heart feels touched, and the eyes grow moist with emotion I By this music we are not, indeed, made to weep, and the feel- ings are not touched, but we are excited; it is as when one: has drunk a glass of heavy wine, which mounts to the head and causes a slight dizziness." "And afterward follows a slight intoxication, eh? Hark> JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 399 Louisa! you have not given me a candid answer, and fulfilled one of my conditions. I will now tell you that I actually wonder at these singers, and it will give me genuine pleasure to hear this new opera music right often, and to be a little in- toxicated by it. But now, answer me honestly, how do you like this style of song and music? " The Electress laughingly flung her arm around him. " Abominable! " she whispered, " perfectly abominable! " The Elector laughed, too, and, while he ardently pressed Louisa to his heart, he took from her lips the fulfillment of his first condition. And now, both conditions being fulfilled,, the Signors Grimani and Altiera, by command of the Electress, were engaged for her choir, and were the first Italian singers who electrified Berlin by their birdlike voices, and excited the rapture of the public. YII. — Jesijs my Confidence. "It must be, yes, it must be! " cried the Princess Ludo- Ticka Hollandine. " This affair must at last be decided! " " Most heartily I second the wish," sighed Burgsdorf . " If we do not now, through your highness, once more gain the Elector and hold him fast, he will be entirely lost to us, and the dear old customs of his country, and every vestige of an- cient law and order, will be irretrievably destroyed. But the Electress alone is to blame for all these things. She intro- duced these new ideas into the land, and everything here will be transformed through her influence. The good, honest, merry Markers are to be changed into slow, dull, busy Dutch- men, knowing nothing but how to pray and work. Our sandy soil is to be suddenly converted into a Dutch garden, and all is to be brought about with as much nicety and delicacy as if men were no longer men and women no longer women. Most gracious highness, aid me, I beseech you — save my Elector for me, preserve to me his friendship, for otherwise I am lost. He used always to call me his old friend, often his father, but 400 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. for weeks it has been no longer so, and my heart is well-nigh bursting; I am becoming desperate." " To what end that comic acting, my dear old man? '* asked the Princess, smiling. " Why would you persuade me that nought but concern for the Elector's lost friendship makes you desperate? Eather speak out honestly, and say that you dread losing your influence over the Elector and being sup- planted by the Electress. Everybody struggles for life, and he who has been accustomed to dwell in sunshine and in the full splendor of daylight can not all at once vegetate in night and darkness. And you shall not either. You are and shall remain the all-powerful friend and minister of the Elector, and to that end I will sustain you, as in return you must stand by me, that we may compass all that France desires. You know what are the conditions upon which France promises you an annuity for life of twenty thousand livres, secured to you by bond?" " For Heaven's sake, your highness," murmured Burgs- dorf, casting an anxious glance through the whole apartment, " speak lower! These old, crumbling walls might have holes in them, and other ears than mine might hear your words! " " Dear me, they are much too honorable and too artless for such things here! " cried the Princess, shrugging her shoulders. " There is no ear of Dionysius here, and you may shout out the deepest secrets of your heart in this old barrack without being heard by anybody. The Elector and Electress live in the other wing, and on a different story, and I have the honor of being the sole occupant of this side of the castle. Besides, I purposely came with you into my dressing room, because this chamber has no mode of egress save through my sitting room and the little arras door there leading into my maid's chamber. Nobody could hear us but my servant, and I gave her leave of absence to-day, and she has gone to Boet- zow. The Electress also went there early this morning, ac- companied only by her lord marshal, who is quite a factotum with her, being at the same time architect of the new palace -at Boetzow and inspector of her grounds. The Elector stayed here to read Shakespeare with me, and afterward the Italian singers are to come and we shall make music together." JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 401 " That is to say, your highness has conquered, and Einaldo^ wears the chains of the fairest Armida." " The Elector is indeed affectionate to me, and I now hope that success is about to crown our united efforts. I shall do to-day what I have done never before. I shall introduce a little politics into our conversation, and for the first time hint at an alliance with France. To-morrow morning, at the sit- ting of the privy council, you will advocate this alliance, and so conduct matters that the Elector shall commission you to go to Paris and treat with the Bang's ministers. You have your instructions and know what to demand and what to con- cede. In some sort France recognizes you as her minister at the Brandenburg court, and pays you a pension for life. The document securing this to you must be here very soon, to- gether with a few other important papers, which Cardinal Mazarin will send me. I expected the courier to-day, and am astonished at his non-arrival." " The roads are bad, and the recent rains have made them much worse, so that the courier may well have been detained." " True, and yet he always comes at the right time. There- fore, you know what you have to do. We must now hasten the crisis, and I trust that the Elector is ripe for our plans. So the watchword is: Union with France, opposition to the Emperor of Germany, to Sweden, and to Poland. The Elector pledges himself not to give his vote at the election at Frank- fort to the son of the Emperor of Germany, but to exert him- self to secure the election of the son of the Saxon electoral house as King of the Eomans, and to give Mm his vote. If it comes to a declaration of war between Austria and France,, the Elector is to side with the latter, furnishing auxiliary troops and supporting the French troops in all their under- takings. In return, France guarantees to the Elector his pos- sessions on the Ehine, as well as the dukedom of Prussia, and pays him annually a million livres. You know all now. Go,, then, and "What was that?" exclaimed the Princess, starting and lifting her eyes to the ceiling of her room. " Did you hear nothing?" " Your highness," muttered Burgsdorf, " the rafter seemedi 402 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. to me to creak, and only see how dust and lime are sifting through the boards nailed across the ceiling." " Good heavens! what if anybody should be up there? " whispered the Princess. " Suppose that we have been over- heard?" "Will your highness condescend to dismiss me?" mur- mured Burgsdorf . " I will go and see whether anybody is up there, and if I catch him " "Hush, hush!" whispered the Princess; "just listen. There is that creaking again, and a whole cloud of dust comes pouring down through the boards. Dear me, how anxious I feel, and if I thought that the Elector Oh, no, no, that is utterly impossible! How could it have occurred to him to climb up there, and why should he wish to play the spy upon us? No, no, it must have been a rat running about there." " A rat could not make the rafters creak, nor raise a cloud of dust," sighed Burgsdorf. "I am afraid, your highness, really and truly, I am afraid, and I feel as if the door might open and the devil enter in bodily shape! Dismiss me, your highness, dismiss me! " " Go, Burgsdorf! And to-morrow be clever with your tongue, think of your French minister's salary, and remember that I shall soon present you the promised document signed by Mazarin! " She nodded a condescending farewell to Burgsdorf, who was struck perfectly dumb, and, as soon as he had disappeared, went into her reception room. On the threshold she paused, once more looking back at the half -obliterated angels and the boards on the ceiling above. " It can not have been anything," she said, drawing a breath of relief. " Old Burgsdorf is a coward, and I myself am a timid little fool. Courage, Ludovicka, courage! Your past is to be avenged, the tears of your youth are to be dried, while the tears of another shall be made to flow. Yes, she shall weep as I have wept, and I shall drive her from the place which belongs to me! "Will you succeed, Ludovicka?" she asked of herself, as she stepped to the mirror and gazed at herself with searching glances. " Are you still young, beautiful, and lovely enough JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 403 to supplant this pretty young woman? It is true that she is more beautiful, yet it is only the tame beauty of virtuous, women. But in these black eyes, which I see reflected in the glass, gleams something of the fires of hell, and the heart of him who looks into them must be consumed. Did not Car- dinal Mazarin often call me a demon, and, when I recently took leave of him, did he not say: ^ You are a diavolezza, and a little imp dances upon the tip of every one of your fingers. Go now and enchant the Elector! ' Yes, yes, I will enchant him, and have done so already. Drop by drop I have infused into him the poison, the bitter poison of jealousy, and also poured in drop by drop the sweet balsam of love. He is jealous of her and he loves me. Eejoice then, Ludovicka, rejoice, the great work will succeed, and ere a year has expired you will be Electress of Brandenburg." A knock was heard at the door, and the Elector's voice asked, " May I come in? " Forthwith the Princess's countenance assumed an expres- sion of radiant joy. She flew to the door, tore it open, and bade him welcome with tender words. He kissed her hand, and took his seat on the sofa at her side. " How snug and quiet it is here! " he said, " and what a comfort it is amid the vexatious cares of government to look forward to being consoled by your conversation and amiable presence! " " My presence must soon be changed into absence. The dream is drawing to a close, Frederick, and a bitter, painful awakening will follow." " No, no, Ludovicka, you must not leave me. It is such a happiness to be near you, you must not deprive me of it yet. Think of the beautiful fable of ^geria and Numa Pompilius; "be my ^geria, charming Princess." " ^geria was the counselor of N"uma Pompilius, and he^ consulted with her concerning affairs of state. You see, Fred- erick, your comparison does not hold good, for when would you do me the honor of asking my advice about such serious matters? " " I shall do sc directly, my JEgerm., and this very day you must give me your advice. Fov only see, like Hercules, I 404 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. stand at a cross way, with two beautiful, enticing women beckoning to me. The name of one is France, the name of the other Austria. Just to-day I have received dispatches containing important tidings from my ambassadors at Vienna and Paris. The Emperor of Germany informs me that France has devised a scheme for my ruin, and would league herself with Sweden and Poland against me. France has allotted my dukedom of Prussia to Poland, which in return will cede Liesland to the crown of Sweden. I am to be quieted and appeased by a subsidy.* And this, the Emperor informs me,, is the plan which the French ambassador. Count Chanut, has proposed at Stockholm, and which he recommends as a means for holding in check the house of Austria and the German princes." f "I do not believe it!" cried Ludovicka, with animation. '^ I know Count Chanut; he is much too clever a diplomatist,. much too wise a statesman, to make such wild, hazardous proposals. Besides, I know that the count esteems and re- veres you, declares you to be the noblest, most gifted Prince in Europe, and prophesies for you a brilliant future. No, my dear friend, trust not to these Austrian innuendoes. Aus- tria meditates your ruin, and will never contribute to mak- ing Brandenburg great and powerful." "That is true," said the Elector thoughtfully. "Aus- tria is very jealous of her power. She would gladly re-estab- lish her old supremacy, and act as if Emperor and empire were on the same footing as before the Peace of Westphalia." " And did you not say, my friend Numa Pompilius, that you had also dispatches from your ambassador at Paris?" " Yes, my ^geria. Herr von Jena writes me of a very important conference which he has had with Cardinal Maza- rin. His eminence informs me, through my ambassador, that Austria is intriguing against me, and has suggested to Spain to prolong the contest in the Netherlands in order to possess herself of my Ehenish provinces. Lorraine is to furnish Spain the support of his troops in this undertaking, and if I march there and offer battle, then the Emperor of * Droysen, History of Prussian Politics, vol. iii, part 3, p. 61. f Droysen, the same. JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 405 Germany will empower his son-in-law, the King of Poland,, to take possession again of my dukedom of Prussia and in- vest it with his troops. In the name of the King, the cardinal now offers me his assistance in opposing such traitorous schemes. He invites me to enter into a league with the King of France, but at the same time a league against the Emperor of Germany. He offers me money, troops, possession of lands, and asks nothing in return but that I shall become a faithful ally to France and assist the King in all his wars. Now say, ^geria, whom am I to follow, which alliance shall I accept? '^ " The alliance with the King of France! ^' cried Ludo- vicka enthusiastically. " The alliance of the noblest, great- est, mightiest state in Europe! Beware of Austria, for she is^ your rival. Trust France, for she is your friend. She prom- ises you soldiers, money, and possession of lands — that is to- say, she promises you a great and glorious future. Accept it, Frederick William, reject not the laurels which France offers you." " Thank you, ^geria," said the Elector, smiling. " You are indeed a fiery counselor and a zealous statesman. But a truce to politics now; they do not quite become the lips^ of my sweet cousin. It is much sweeter and more attrac- tive to hear them speak of poetry and love." "Of love, Frederick?" said the Princess. Her glowing glances sunk deep into the Elector's eyes. "Would that I could read to the bottom of your heart, my friend. I should like to know if recollections of the past are inscribed there, whether they have revived within you. Frederick! I should like to know if your old love has grown young again." She softly laid her head against his shoulder. " Hush, hush! " said he gently; " lift not the veil from my heart. There are secrets which may be confided to none, hardly to one's self; and to what purpose should I do so,, Ludovicka? Am I not married? " She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him with a fascinating smile. " Are your soul and heart wedded or only your hand, Frederick? " He avoided her glance and turned his head aside. *^ Only my hand, Ludovicka." 406 'l^HE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. She uttered a low cry, and with a passionate movement flung both her arms around his neck. " Then you are not married," she whispered; " then you will break this bond, in which your soul and heart have no part! " " I shall separate from her," murmured the Elector, irembling. " Are you not already separated from her, since she loves you no longer? Have you not a right to separate from her, .since she is childless? " " But she loves me, Ludovicka." " No; she loves Herr Otto von Schwerin. Good heavens, T^rederick, are you blind? — is that a secret to you which all the world knows? Have you not remarked the glowing love existing between the chaste and modest Electress and her noble, virtuous lord marshal? " The Elector started. " Serpent, serpent! " he cried, in unutterable wrath. Then, shuddering, he clasped both hands before his face and sighed aloud. The face of the Princess was radiant, and her glowing •eyes were fixed upon the Elector with an expression of de- moniacal glee. Mazarin was indeed right; she was a diavolezza, and upon the tip of each of her fingers danced a little imp. " No, she does not love you, Frederick William," she whispered. " She deceives you and laughs in her sleeve at her unsuspecting husband. At this very hour, while you are here with me, she is with him again at Boetzow — in tender solitude, in sweet retirement with her lover! " The Elector jumped up and let his hands fall from before his face, which she saw was pale and colorless. But his eyes flashed and sparkled with excitement and indignation. " I will go! " he said with hollow voice. " I will surprise them! Hush, not a word, Ludovicka; do not detain me. An end must be put to this, a sudden end. Farewell, Ludovicka, fare- well!" And with rapid strides he left the room. Princess Ludovicka looked after him with triumphant 'glances. "I have conquered," she exulted, and springing JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 407 to the mirror, she bowed to the reflection of her own image, whispering, "I congratulate you, Electress of Brandenburg. I congratulate you! " Outside the door of her apartment stood the Elector. With flashing eyes, lifting his clinched fists to heaven, he whispered fiercely: " Serpent, serpent! I will have my revenge, yes, I will have my revenge! I must away — away to Boetzow! '^ He hastened down the corridor, entered his own apart- ments, and bade the chamberlain order the carriage with- out delay. A quarter of an hour later it rolled out of the castle gate. The Elector had left for Boetzow. The Electress Louisa Henrietta had just completed her inspection of the cowhouses and dairy rooms. She had re- garded with peculiar pleasure the fine brown cows sent to her from The Hague recently by her mother, and had Just entered the little room next the dairy. In the window stood the writing desk, which she had kept in her counting room at The Hague, and everything was arranged exactly as it had been there. Three years ago, when the Elector had presented Boetzow to her, he had prepared for her the sweet surprise of finding all the farming arrangements exactly modeled after her own, little establishment near the Buitenhof, and even the dairymaids and stewardesses whom she had left there she had found again when the Elector for the first time had taken her to Boetzow. To-day was Saturday, when the weekly accounts were rendered. Louisa Henrietta, therefore, drew forth the ac- count books from her desk, and with grave demeanor ex- amined the papers lying before her. In the midst of this employment she was interrupted by the entrance of a bloom- ing, contented-looking peasant girl, clad in the Dutch cos- tume. " Most gracious lady! " she said, in the good, broad dia- lect of her native land, " Dappled Brown has just calved and given birth to two calves at once." " I am pleased to hear it, Trude," said the Electress, nod- ding kindly upon her. " Tend the little creatures carefully. 408 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. that they may thrive well, for you know Dappled Brown is our best cow." "I shall do so, most gracious lady, for I love Dappled Brown very much. Do you know why? " " No, Trude, I do not indeed." " It is," said Trude, casting down her eyes and in con- fusion pulling at her white apron, " it is because Dappled Brown reminds me of old times. Do you remember, gracious lady, that time, six years ago, when we were at home? I just sat before Big Betty, Dappled Brown's mother, and the calf which is now such a fine cow had just been taken away from her mother three days before, and the coV gave such quanti- ties of milk. I just sat and milked her when my Princess came by, and looked at me with her beautiful eyes until I felt my cheeks tingle with shame, and she said to me with her soft voice, which went like a dagger to my heart, ^ Trude, I am surprised that Big Betty gave less milk yesterday than the days before.' Do you remember it still, Electress? " " I remember it," replied Louisa Henrietta softly. " The bad stewardess had led you astray, she had tempted you to do evil." " But you, my most gracious Princess — you were the angel who saved me! " cried Trude, with streaming eyes, taking the Electress's robe in her hands and pressing it to her lips. " You saved me from the evil eye and the wicked sorceress. ^ Only pray right piously and be good and true,' you said, * and no evil eye will have any further power over you and your cows.' " "And you have prayed piously, and again become good and true," said the Electress kindly. "You are my best stewardess, and all that you touch prospers. See, Trude, this is the blessing that follows purity of heart and upright- ness of conduct. I have just looked over your accounts, and am delighted with your order and punctuality. In return I will make you a present. Dappled Brown is Big Betty's daughter, and you have loved her for the sake of your recol- lections. I now give you her two calves. You are to bring them up for yourself and your future household; for well I know that Michael and you love one another and would JESUS MY CONFIDENCE 409 like to marry. One year hence, Trude, the wedding shall take place, and the grandchildren of Big Betty shall occupy the first stalls in your stable." Trude cried and laughed for joy, and blushed until she was as red as a cherry, and looked toward the door as if she would like to go out, but dared not before having been dis- missed by the Electress. " Go now, Trude," said Louisa, smiling. " Your heart T\dll burst if you can not speedily unburden it to Michael. Send Bailiff Sturm in to me." Trude hurried off, and immediately afterward the bailiff entered. " Listen," said the Electress in her broken German; " I am not perfectly satisfied with you. You must keep my books more strictly and systematically. Last week they again sent money to me in Berlin without particularizing whether it was for butter, milk, or cheese. This I must know, that I may make the entry in my own book, where I mark down exactly all my receipts and expenditures." * "Most gracious Electress," reverentially answered the bailiff, "I beg pardon. Hereafter I will note everything down with exactness." "And see," continued the Electress, "that the masons and carpenters are more diligent. Everything is going on so slowly. The courtyard is only half paved, although it should have been finished last week. The carp ponds, too, are not in order; but first of all must be made the kitchen well, that the water for washing the butter may not have to be fetched so far, but be right cold. Attend to all this, and when I come again next Saturday, let me at least find the well done. Where is the gardener? " " He has gone with the lord marshal to the new garden." "Then I shall go there, too," said the Electress, rising from her seat. " If any one asks for me, and wishes to speak to me on pressing affairs pertaining to the farm, you will know where to find me." She nodded kindly to the bailiff, hung her little key basket on her arm, and left the farm buildings to go into the * The Electress's own words. See Orlich, book ii. 410 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. garden. But she did not seem so cheerful to-day as was her wont; her beautiful blue eyes did not look around with the lively interest they were accustomed to manifest when she was in her dear garden at Boetzow. Her cheeks, too, were paler than usual, and no mild and gentle smile beamed to-day upon her countenance. Nor was her step so lithe and elastic as it usually was, and her head, that used to sit so proudly and gracefully upon the slender throat was to-day cast down. She saw not the flowers which bloomed at her side, she heard not the twittering of birds in the shrubbery. Her eye was turned inward, and she only heeded the low, sad whisperings within her breast. "All has become so different," she said mournfully to herself. " He no longer troubles himself about me; he has. only sympathy and attention for her. Oh, my God! what have I not suffered during these last horrible weeks! I see now how she encircled him with her nets, how she brought into play every art of her bewitching nature in order to at- tract him. Ah! and it is so natural that she succeeds, for she is witty, wise, and beautiful, while I am so insignificant,, so uninteresting compared with her! Yet I love him so much I would give my life to insure his happiness, and I have al- ways believed that true, heavenly love, having divine energy within itself, had power to retain the heart to which it had devoted itself. But it is not so, alas! it is not so! I have- not the power of keeping constant to myself the precious; affections of his heart. It is my fault, I know it, and I have nobody to reproach for it but myself. And yet, it is such: grief, such bitter grief! " Thus she walked along, absorbed in melancholy thought, and heeding not the outer world. She heard not the rolling of carriage wheels, saw not that her Lord Marshal Otto von^ Schwerin was coming up the long avenue to meet her, and' only his words of salutation roused her from her sad reveries.. "Ah! there you are, Schwerin," she said, kindly offer- ing him her hand. " They told me that you had gone with the gardener to where they are laying off the new grounds^, and I meant to join you there." " Your highness has passed by without observing them,"" JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 411 replied Otto von Schwerin, whose soft intelligent eyes rested most regretfully upon his mistress's pale countenance. " Did I, indeed? Did I pass by? I believe I was a little absorbed by my thoughts." " I trust that those thoughts were not of a sorrowful nature." " Not exactly. I was not utterly gloomy or out of tune. There is comfort for everything, and all things must turn out for the best to those who love God. No, I have no time for repinings; I have so much to think about as regards my housekeeping and the many improvements and buildings I am projecting here. Come, Schwerin, let us look at the carp ponds, and then show me the new bower of roses which the gardener has erected after a drawing of mine. I hope he copied it right closely, for I attach great importance to it. You must know, the original of this bower, of which mine is to be a copy, is in the park at The Hague, and there I was sitting when I first saw the Elector again after many years. Come, Schwerin, let us go to the bower." With light, graceful step she walked cheerfully along a^ her marshal's side. She had not heard the rolling of the carriage which stopped before the little palace of Boetzow. The Elector alighted, and when he heard from the lackeys who hurried out to greet him that the Electress was in the garden, he forthwith repaired there himself. " Let no one announce my coming to the Electress," was his order to the lackeys. " I want to surprise her highness. All of you then stay where you are." He proceeded to the garden and walked rapidly down the avenue. But Bailiff Sturm had caught sight of him, and hastened to the Elector. "Your Electoral Highness," he said, "the Electress bade me say that she had gone to the new part of the gar- den." "Alone?" " ISTo, the lord marshal is also there." " Good! Stay here, I will look for the Electress myself.'* He entered the walk, which led to the new plantations. 27 412 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN. POWER. But he was little acquainted with the way, and knew not whither to turn. "Well, it is not the enchanted garden of Armida," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "and I can not fail to come out right at last." Thus he advanced straight into the little forest of noble young trees and beautiful shrubbery. All at once it seemed to him as if he heard not far from him a low voice singing. He stood still and listened. Yes, he was not mistaken; it was singing, in a low, half-suppressed voice, and he knew the voice. It was that of the Blectress. He followed the direction of this voice, and made a path for himself through the thicket, but cautiously, without mak- ing a noise. He reached a little clearing in the woods, and found himself in the rear of a lofty arbor, built of wire work, in the Chinese style. The rosebushes had not yet grown tall -and thick enough to obstruct the view of the interior, and he saw his wife sitting in the arbor upon a pretty rustic bench. Her hands were folded over her knee, and with a gentle smile she was looking up at Otto von Schwerin, who stood before her, with a book in his hand. She sang a beautiful, sacred melody in a low, subdued voice, and Schwerin looked in his Ijook and nodded from time to time as if approvingly. The Elector crept nearer, and now stood not far from the back of the arbor. " Do you not think the melody suits the words? " asked the Electress, who had ceased to sing. "Yes, it suits perfectly, your highness; there is some- thing deeply solemn and touching about it." " It is not of my own composition," said Louisa, " so that I can not appropriate your praise to myself. I heard it sung at Cleves, years ago, by passing pilgrims. The beautiful, solemn strain made a deep impression upon my heart, and immediately the wish stirred within me to have beautiful words to suit the beautiful melody. Therefore I sang the air for you, and asked you to compose a poem to suit it." "That is to say, your highness, you suggested the sub- stance of the poem; you gave me the whole train of thought, designated the contents of each verse, and I have done noth- JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 413 ing more than translate into German and rhyme the pious, noble words which yon repeated to me in French. You, Electress, are properly the composer of both melody and song." " No, no, indeed, you do me too much honor, and I can not accept it. But please read me your pretty song once more." " Your highness, it is your own song. And what title will your grace give it? " " Let the first line constitute its title," said the Electress, after a short reflection. "I asked you to begin with those words, because I uttered them a few weeks ago, at a moment full of significance to me. * Jesus is my confidence,' so our song commences, and so shall it be called. Now let me hear it." The Elector had approached still nearer, and if Louisa had turned only a little aside she would have seen through the wire work his noble countenance and his beautiful eyes resting upon her with an expression of infinite love. But she looked only at the friend who stood before her, and only listened to the song which he now began to read: " Jesus is my confidence, My life, my Sariour now. Knowing this, should not my heart In sweet contentment bowl What though death's long night draws near, Still my heart shall know no fear. " Jesus, He, my Saviour lives, I, too, shall then see life — Be where my Redeemer is When past this mortal strife. Leaves our Head one feeble limb Which is drawn not after Him f " By the bond of hope and love Close linked to Him am I ; When the last dread summons comes, By faith I'll know him nigh. Lifted up on victory's wing, Death I oh, where will be thy sting f 414 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. '^The poem is only finished so far," said Otto von Schwerin, "but your highness can see plainly that I have exactly followed your words and ideas, really doing nothing more than transposing them into rhyme. The following stanza I have done scarcely anything to, for your grace's words naturally shaped themselves into verse, only needing a little alteration for the sake of the rhyme. Be pleased to listen, your highness: " Glory soon shall crown the saint Who here but weeps and sighs, Earthly we must sink into the graye. But heavenly shall we rise. Here my body must decay There immortal bloom alway." " That is very pretty, and to me a deep wellspring of com- fort and refreshment seems to lie hid in those words. Let us now try to unite the text with the music, and then we shall add it to the collection of songs which I requested you to arrange for me. I think that we have enough songs now, and that they will form a pretty little hook. You must get them printed for me, Schwerin, and this collection will be a memorial which, perhaps, when the childless Electress Louisa shall be no more, may serve to remind my dear lord and Elector of me in dark, gloomy days, and probably console him with the very words which have consoled me. Have three copies printed for me, then, Schwerin, right handsome- ly and durably on thick parchment. One copy for my dear lord, one for my own comfort and edification, and the third for you, dear friend, to serve as a memento of me when I am no more." " most gracious Electress! " said Schwerin, with a voice choked by emotion, " you make me sorry and glad at the same time. You gladden me by the glorious present which you bequeath me, and sadden me by speaking of your death. God forbid that so heavy a calamity should overtake us all ^" " Hush, my friend, hush, it shall be as God chooses. For, as my song says, so it is. Dust I am and unto dust must some day return. Be not angry with me on account of my melan- JESUS MY CONFIDENCE. 415 choly. I have actually no ground or motive for it. It is most likely nothing but physical weakness, for I must acknowledge that I have not felt entirely well for some time. I suffer I But it will pass away, and all will be well again. But now, dear friend, let us once more sing that beautiful song, and try whether it is well adapted to the air. You know the words by heart, so give me the writing, that I may read from the paper." Schwerin handed her the manuscript, and with full, sonor- ous voice, carried away by inward enthusiasm, the Electress sang to her beautiful melody: " Jesus is my confidence, My life, my Saviour now. Knowing this, should not my heart In sweet contentment bow f What though death's long night draws near, Still my heart shall know no fear." " Still my heart shall know no fear! '^ repeated a loud, joyful voice behind her, and her heart quivered with rapture, for she had recognized that beloved voice. She saw his tall, splendid figure, saw him enter the arbor, approach her with radiant countenance, and extend his arms toward her. Gently she arose from her seat and tottered toward him, his arm encircled her waist, and she leaned her head against his true, warm heart, full of reverence and joy unutterable. Schwerin had tried to sing on, not wishing to disturb their meeting, and hoping that the harmony of the pious song might fall upon their ears like a benediction from on high. But the heart of the friend was weaker than his will, and in the midst of a strain commenced the lord marshal broke off, and with a blissful smile surveyed the princely pair, and yet saw nothing, for tears dimmed his eyes. Not a word was spoken. What could words have said at that hallowed moment? The Elector held his beloved wife in his arms, and she leaned on him in the bHssful con- sciousness that on his breast was her true, her inalienable home. 416 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER, VIII. — Retribution. It was early on the following day. The Elector had re- turned the evening before with his wife from Orangeburg to Berlin, but Princess Ludovicka had in vain waited for a message from him. The Elector had retired to his own apart- ments, and was pacing his cabinet, revolving grave and seri- ous thoughts. ^'^An end must be made of this thing," he said to himself. " Louisa is grieved and distressed. She deems it possible that this intriguer, this heartless coquette, may at last ensnare my heart. And why pursue further this miserable game? I know everything now, yes, the whole abominable tissue of avarice, cunning, and villainy, and this day, yes, this very day, I shall break with both of them! I shall unmask their nefarious schemes, and make up to the Electress for all that she has suffered." A low knock at the door interrupted him, and Chamber- lain Kiinkel entered. "Most gracious highness," he said, '^ the secretary of the Dutch ambassador, Count von Brand- trup, implores an audience. He has dispatches to deliver to your highness from The Hague! " "Ah! at last! at last!" exclaimed the Elector joyfully. '^ Admit the gentleman without delay." Kunkel opened the door, and the Elector eagerly beck- oned this representative of the Dutch legation to approach. " Do you bring me dispatches from Holland? " he asked — " a letter from the Princess Amelia? " " Yes, most gracious sir! I have herewith the honor of delivering it to you. But at the same time I beg leave to pre- sent a most urgent petition in the name of the ambassador, Count von Brandtrup." " Speak, sir; what is it? " asked the Elector, at the same time breaking the seal of the letter and unfolding the paper. "The count was ordered by the Princess Regent to ask your highness if, the same day that the Princess's letter reaches you, you will allow him the honor of waiting upon your Electoral Highnesses, for the purpose of communicat- ing to you some tidings concerning family affairs. Accord- RETRIBUTION. 417 ingly the count asks if he may be allowed the high privilege of being received in an hour from this time, without any ceremony? The Princess Amelia also desires that the Prin- cess Ludovicka Hollandine of the Palatinate be present at this reception, but no one else." " Eh! That is quite a strange and mysterious message," said the Elector. " Meanwhile the Princess's wish shall be a law to me, and all shall be done as her grace directs. I shall expect the count in an hour, and notify the Elec- tress and Princess Ludovicka in time. We shall receive the count's visit in the Electress's cabinet, and the ambassador may be introduced without further ceremony by our chamber- Iain, who will await him in the antechamber. Bear this mes- sage to the count, and present my compliments to him." " And now," said the Elector, after the secretary had withdrawn — " now for my prudent mother-in-law's letter." The Princess Amelia had written a long, significant letter to the Elector, in which politics occupied an important place. But this time family affairs interested Frederick William still more, and he read several times the portion of the letter devoted to them: ''Now, as regards the Princess Ludovicka Hollandine, I had already heard from Paris, through reliable sources, that this intriguing individual had insinuated herself into Maza- rin's good graces, and become a political emissary of the car- dinal. I had also been informed that she had been sent to your court to induce you by her wiles and arts to form an alliance with France and forsake your present policy. She is a person of many gifts, well skilled in the arts of seduction, and before I received your letter I had planned to expose her to you, and once and forever to procure my dear Louisa rest from her evil machinations. I can imagine how she revived the story of your youthful love, pretending to have always lived upon and been consumed by that pure and in- nocent passion. But I determined to unmask her, that she might flee from your house as the devil flees at sight of the holy Cross. So I devised my plan and have happily executed it. I shall tell you nothing more about it, however, lest, through excess of tenderness and delicacy toward your old 418 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. flame, you might shrink from carrying out my scheme. For, however good and true men may be — however good and' true you are to my Louisa — they always preserve a little weak- ness for their earlier loves, and sometimes think of them with secret satisfaction, and would be sorry to give them pain. But I am a woman, and women are vindictive toward the false of their own sex, especially when the happiness of a beloved and virtuous daughter may be threatened by the wiles of one of them. I would therefore revenge Louisa on Ludovicka Hollandine. But fear nothing, my son; it will be no bloody revenge; at most it could only cause the blood to mount to Ludovicka's cheeks, if she were still capable of shame, which, alas! I doubt. Make no further inquiries, but simply receive the ambassador's visit, and permit him to communicate to you his information. But I urge that this be done as speedily as possible after the arrival of my letter, for Ludovicka has her spies everywhere, even in the house of my minister in Berlin, and if she gets wind of this affair, she will not await developments, but abscond beforehand. Therefore be silent, even with Louisa, and delay not to grant the ambassador the desired interview without ceremony and without witnesses." "I really can not understand what it signifies," said the Elector, laughing, when he had read over Princess Amelia's letter for the third time. " However, I can trust to her pru- dence and discernment, so that things may take their course. I will send Kiinkel to the Princess Ludovicka forthwith, and request her to breakfast with us in Louisa's apartments, where I shall join her in a half hour myself, as I have some impor- tant communications to make to her. She will certainly come, for she will think that her vile, contemptible plan is about to succeed, and that I have actually been ensnared in her devilish toils! Yes, the hour of reckoning is now come, and to-day I shall also balance accounts with Burgsdorf. To- day for the last time will he enter my cabinet." An hour later the Princess Ludovicka Hollandine entered the cabinet, where she found the Electress at her husband's side. She came with radiant countenance and beaming eyes, and a triumphant smile hovered about her lips, for she did RETRIBUTION. 419 not doubt but that the Elector had requested her to come here because he would prepare her a triumph over her hu- miliated rival, and because her plan had proved success- ful. The Electress suspected nothing of all these things; her husband, conformably to Princess Amelia's wishes, had al- lowed nothing of her mother's plans of vengeance to trans- pire, and only told her that Count Brandtrup was coming to impart to them both and the Princess important tidings relating to family affairs. Louisa Henrietta advanced, therefore, to meet the Prin- cess in a perfectly simple, unembarrassed manner, and greeted her with a friendly smile. Frederick William, on the other hand, had not a word of response for her cordial greeting, and met her smile with firm, defiant mien. " Tell me, Ludovicka," asked the Electress, " are you not very curious with regard to the news Count Brandtrup brings us?" "What news?" cried the Princess. "I know nothing ^bout it. Is Count Brandtrup coming here? " "Yes, indeed," replied the Elector. "My mother-in- law's envoy will appear here immediately. He has impor- tant family tidings to communicate to us, in the name of the Regent, who expressly desired that your highness might be present at this audience." " Strange," murmured the Princess. *^ Louisa, your mother was never particularly partial to me, and it is a won- der to me that she has all at once thought of me." " Is that really a source of wonder to your grace? " asked the Elector. " After long years of roving about the world, did you not think of us, and receive us again into your affec- tion — and that to such a degree that you would have us be- lieve you could content yourself here in our wretched old castle, and could find pleasure in the monotonous and virtu- ous life we lead here, though it is assuredly not in the least io your taste." The Princess had turned pale, and the smile had faded from her lips. She was in the act of making a sharp and angry retort, when the door opened, and the gentleman of 4:20 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. the bedchamber von Maltzan announced Count von Brand- trup. " Let him come in," said the Elector, " and take care, Malt- zan, that nobody else be admitted while the count is here." " But, your Electoral Highness, the count does not come alone. He brings a whole company with him. Shall I not admit those persons? " " The count himself is to decide that," replied the Elec- tor. *^ Let him enter." "I am indeed curious to know what all this signifies," murmured Ludovicka, sinking into the armchair placed be- side the Electress's sofa. The door was now opened, and the Dutch ambassador entered. With stately steps he approached the Electress and bowed reverentially before her, then turned to the Elector and saluted him with just as low a bow. For Princess Ludo- vicka Hollandine, however, he had no eyes, no salutation. " Know, count," said the Elector, " that we are very curi- ous to learn the tidings of which you are the bearer! First of all, relieve our minds, and tell us that they are not of a melancholy nature." ''Not in the least melancholy, your highness. They only concern an act of justice, a well-merited punishment, inflicted in accordance with the spirit of holy writ, which says, ' If an eye offend thee, pluck it out; if one of thy mem- bers offend thee, cast it from thee.' " "And to whom are those words of holy writ to be ap- plied? " asked the Elector. ''Your highness, to a member of the house of Orange, who has brought much care and sorrow upon that illustrious family, and would bring yet more if it were not lopped off the vigorously shooting tree as a withered branch. I stand here in the name of Princess Amelia, Eegent of the Nether- lands, and in obedience to her commands I read the follow- ing:" He drew forth a paper, unfolded it, and read: "We, Princess Amelia of Orange, Eegent of the States and head of the house of Orange, and as such intrusted with the defense of virtue and good morals, and charged with RETRIBUTION. 421 maintaining in its purity the religion of our house and not suffering it to be corrupted, accordingly notify you, the sons and daughters, the relations and connections of our house> to this effect, that we now and forever renounce the Princess Ludovicka Hollandine of the Palatinate; we " The Princess started from her seat with a loud cry of in- dignation. " Sit down," cried the Elector, " in the name of the Prin- cess Eegent, I charge you sit down and listen! " She sank back into the armchair as if annihilated, and only a single angry flash of her eyes fell upon the Elector's face. With imperturbable tranquillity Count Brandtrup read on: ^^We forbid her to consider herself a member of our family, and forever withdraw our protection from her. She has forsaken and abjured the religion of her fathers, she has secretly absconded from her mother's house, forsaken also her second home and family. She shall therefore now be forsaken and given up by her family and " " Stop, oh, stop! " cried the Electress, with tears in her eyes. " Do not be cruel, read no more! " " On the contrary, Electress," said Ludovicka, " let him read on, and have the goodness to play no longer this farce of emotion, for it is you yourself who have called into life this highly dramatic scene, and prompted your mother to this act of Christian piety." "I?" asked the Electress, painfully shocked. "Do you believe that I ^" "Electress," interrupted Frederick William, "have the goodness to hear what more the count has to read." Count Brandtrup composedly continued his sentence where he had left off: " And shall be regarded as a stranger by us all. We for- bid her to set foot within the boundaries of our dominions ; she is banished for life from the States; and nothing belong- ing to the Princess Ludovicka shall remain within the limits of our land. We therefore send her " " Stop! " cried the Princess, trembling, " hold, read no more! " 422 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. But Count Brandtrup continued with elevated yoice: ^^We therefore send the Princess the only treasures which. she still possesses in Holland, and which she deposited here since her sojourn in France; we send them beyond our boundaries to the tender Princess, that she may provide for them elsewhere. We command our minister at Berlin, Count Brandtrup, to commit these treasures to the Princess of the Palatinate in the presence of the Elector and Electress of Brandenburg/^ " But I — I forbid you to do so! " cried the Princess, her eyes flashing fury. " I forbid you to carry any further this insult, this malignity! " " Madam," said the count coldly, " it is for no one to com- mand or forbid me to do anything, save God and the Prin- cess Eegent. What she prescribes, that I do." So speaking, he strode across to the door and opened it. ^^ Enter, little ladies, enter," he said. There appeared in the doorway two charming little girls, aged two and three years. Beautiful were they to behold with their blonde, curly heads, their dark, expressive eyes. " Mesdemoiselles Virginie and Lucie de Villars," said the count, "go to your mother, the Princess Ludovicka, and kiss her." The little children stepped timidly forward, and there appeared in the door two other little girls, a few years older. "Mesdemoiselles Laura and Aim^e de Brantome," con- tinued the count, "go and kiss your mother, the Princess Ludovicka." And as they stepped forward, two sprightly boys, of seven and eight years, entered the door. "Vicomte Turenne and Monsieur Champion,^* said the count, " go to your mother and kiss her hand." They had not taken more than one step forward, when two larger boys appeared upon the threshold of the door. " My young Yicomtes d'Entragues " said the count, with perfect gravity, but the Elector interrupted him with a peal of loud, hearty laughter, to which the Princess replied with a shriek of rage. She thrust back the two little girls, who were about to take her hand, so violently that they fell RETRIBUTION. 423 backward to tlie ground, then with a vehement movement of her hand she waved off the rest of the children, and with proud, quick step swept through the apartment, tore open the door, and disappeared behind it.* " It serves her right," said the Elector to himself. " She would scatter the seeds of evil, and they have sprung up to prove her own ruin! " The Electress had hardly seen that the Princess had with- drawn. She had sprung from her seat and hastened to the little girls whom their mother had thrown down. She had picked up the lovely little creatures, and, kneeling between them, had drawn them to her side, and sought to comfort them with gentle soothing words. Count Brandtrup approached her. "If your highness will permit me," he said, " I will take the children away with me again." "And whither would you take them, count?" asked the Electress, tenderly embracing the children again. " They go with their governesses and tutors to the Palati- nate, where their grandmother, the Electress, will provide for them." An hour later a carriage drawn by four horses rolled out of the castle gate. The windows were closed, the curtains lowered. Within sat the Princess Ludovicka HoUandine. White with passion, with tears of rage in her large, sparkling ^yes, she drove off. No one had taken leave of her, no one had bidden her an affectionate farewell, as she stepped into the carriage. Only a few lackeys had stood beside the coach door and helped her in. Solitary and alone she drove away, never again to return to her family and relations. Queen Anne of Austria and Mazarin rewarded her zeal in behalf of French policy by making her Abbess of Meaubuisson, and for a long time still she pursued her scandalous course of life in that abbey. Hardly had the Princess left the castle, when Burgsdorf * The Princess Ludovicka HoUandine was, without being married, the mother of fourteen children, and, as the Duchess of Orleans relates in iier letters, boasted without reserve of this fact. 4:24: THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. entered the Electoral cabinet with his portfolio under hi& arm. He came with his wonted gay and jovial bearing, with the haughty confidence of a favorite who knows his own power and consequence, and has no doubt of their duration. The Elector sat before his writing table, and his eyes rested sadly and gloomily upon the entering minister. "What would you have here?" he asked, with thunder- ing voice. Burgsdorf started and looked bewildered. "Your high- ness, I come as I do every day, to the meeting of the privy council." "You come in vain," said the Elector, rising. "You shall never more attend a meeting of the privy council." "Why not, your highness?" asked Burgsdorf, who en- deavored to preserve his bold, free-and-easy manner. With threatening mien the Elector stepped close up to him. " Why not? " he asked, with glances of burning indig- nation. " Have you still spirit enough to ask why I dismiss you? Well, I will tell you. Because there is a Dionysius's ear in this castle, and because, when rafters creak and dust sifts through boards in the ceiling, you may know that it is not caused by rats." "Your highness! oh! my dear, gracious Elector!" shrieked Burgsdorf, dropping the portfolio, his knees knock- ing together so violently that he sank to the floor. " Have pity, have mercy, I entreat you! " "You entreat in vain," said the Elector gravely, almost sadly. " All is over between us. I had determined to punish you more severely, and to accuse you in full council as a traitor, as the paid spy of a foreign power, but I thought of the long years gone by, of the love borne you by my father and myself. I thought of your gray hairs and your old age, and in my heart, I have already forgiven you the grief you have caused me." " You have forgiven me, your highness? " cried Burgsdorf joyfully. " You will again be a kind and gracious Sovereign to me? " " Yes, a kind and gracious Sovereign, for, instead of pub- licly accusing you, I shall dismiss you with all secrecy. But RETRIBUTION. 425 to-day, in the course of one hour, you are to leave Berlin and to retire to your estates. From there you will address me a petition, desiring me to dismiss you from all your offices." " Sir, you banish me, you drive me from your presence! " lamented Burgsdorf. ^^You are not in earnest, surely you will relent!" " No," said the Elector, " I shall not relent.. You have banished yourself from my regards, driven yourself from my presence. Go and live happily, if you can. I shall have no :suit instituted against you, for I would not be unmindful of the services rendered by you to my house in earlier days. The papers in the archives, too, which might compromise jou, shall be given up to you,* and I shall preserve silence with regard to your tricks and treasons. I well know that you will take advantage of this, and say that I dismissed you because you opposed me in the recent Diet, and had set your- self against the tax which I am thinking of introducing. I will allow you this satisfaction for the sake of all the pleasant hours which I have passed with you. Only, keep a guard upon your false tongue, that it never dare to speak against the Electress, for then you shall learn to know me as an in- exorable and severe master. Go now, and remember that in one hour you must have left Berlin. Go! " " Sir, my beloved Elector, at least permit me to kiss your hand. You have often called me your father, and " "Hush!" interrupted the Elector imperiously. "Speak not of things which are dead and buried. Be silent, and go without uttering another word. Conrad von Burgsdorf, you are dismissed." Burgsdorf groaned aloud, let his head sink upon his breast, and reeled out of the room.f The Elector still sat motionless, sadly looking after him. Then he slowly drew his hand across his eyes. "I loved * Conrad von Burgsdorf died in the next year (1653) on his estate of Gusow. After his downfall he had become a raging opponent of the Elector ; " but he," says Droysen, " took no notice of the abuse and vitu- peration with which the ingrate requited him. His death put an end to further vexations." (Droysen, vol. iii, part 3, p. 69.) f HistoricaL Vide Droysen, ibid. 426 THE GREAT ELECTOR IN POWER. him," he said, " and it is a bitter thing to he ohliged to lose a friend before death has called him hence. Ah! life makes us poorer every day in joys and hopes, and the ideals of our youth go not with us to the tomb. But this one, God I this one let me hold fast to the end! This one ideal, that I may lift my country, which Thou hast intrusted to me, out of poverty and degradation, and make it great and strong;, that I may make my people happy, free, and independent,, winning for them a place among the civilized nations of the- earth. To that end, bestow upon me thy blessing, Lord my God! and help me, so that from the little Electorate of Brandenburg may spring up a mighty and united kingdoml Amen! " (it)< THE END. YB 53045 M 1584 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY