7-2- 1/ I I 4 I' \T> I ifllifimilii Presented hi/ I>((te lleceiced Xo. '= y/ /y t'lKNi nil All Jin iniliiil;/ Itlllra fur the (jnrrniniCIlt n/ IIk- Suite Lihiliilj. jHisHi'tl March S//;, l^'61. Ski'iiov II. Till' Liiii:ii-i;iii sliaH cinisc to be kept a register of all l>"ok.s is-iicd iiiiil ivlm-ncd : ami all lJook^< takt'ii liy the incinbiTS of the lA'.y;islatiire. or iff* oflurcr.*. sliiill In' retiiined at the close of the session. If any peri'on injure or fail to return any Ixtok taken from the Library, he shall f irfiit and pay to the Librarian, for the benefit of the Librarj', three limes the value thereof; and bef(U-c the Controller shall issue his warrant in favor of my member or olli.er of the Lv^^islatnre, or of this State, for his per diem allowanee or sal.iry. he shall be satisfied that such ini nibcr or ofli<-er has r.'turned all books taken out