THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES STATUTES Ai\D BYE-LAWS ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH, M \I>K IN rri;:-L" VXCK OF THE roAVEKS GKAXTKU BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1681, WITH CHARTER, LETTER OF RATIFICATION, LIST OF FELLOWS. EDINBUEGII: PRINTED BY THOMAS CONSTABLE, PRINTEll TO HER MAJESTY. Mist "Ow Uifc CONTENTS. E5R23 PREFACE, CHARTER, kc. I as?. FAGB Preface, CiiARTA Erkctionis, ......... xxvii Charter of Ratification, ........ xxxv List of Fellows, xxxvii List of Honorary Members, xlvii List of Presidents, xlviii BYE-LAWS. Chap. I. Of the Common Seal, 1 II. Of Ordinary Fellows, 2 in. Of Non-Resident Fellows, 5 IV. Of Honorary Fellows, ....... tj V. Of Licentiates, ........ 6 VI. Of the Fees, 6 VII. Of Forfeiture of Fellowships and Licenses, ... 7 VIII. Of the Election of Office-Rearers. .... 8 IX. Of the Powers and Duties of Office- Rearers, ... 8 X. Of the Meetings of the College, 16 XI. Of the Order of Rusiness, . . . . . . 17 XII. Of Motions and Laws, . . . . . . 17 XIII. Of the Contributions and Fines, ..... 18 XIV. Of the Property of the College, 19 XV. Of the Library and Library Committee, . . . 21 XVI. Of the Museum and Museum Committee, ... 24 XVII. Of Publications, 2,5 XVIIT. Of Diplomas, 05 XIX. Of Certificate of Qualification to Lecture, . . . -26 APPENDIX. I. Form of Promissory Obligation, ..... 29 II-V. Forms of Petitions, ....... 30 VI- VII. Forms of Diplomas, ....... 32 VIII. Form of Letter to Honorary Associates, . . . ;j;5 IX. Form of Certificate of Qualification to Lecture, . . 33 OFFICE BEARERS. 1852. PROFESSOR JAMES YOUNG SIMPSON. Dr. WILLIAM SELLER. ffiountil. Professor ROBERT CHRISTISON. Dr. ALEXANDER WOOD. Dr. ROBERT SPITTAL. Dr. JAMES BEGBIE. Dr. JOHN TAYLOR. ffifnsora. Dr. ROBERT RENTON. Dr. ROBERT BOAVES MALCOLM. STreasuver. I Sftretarg. Dr. JOHN TAYLOR. : Dr. ALEXANDER WOOD. Htbvarian. i ^vocurator=jFistaL Dr. JOHN BROWN, i Du. JOHN G. M. BURT. ffiuvator of ittusettm. Du. J VMES STARK. PREFACE. The attenu)t to incorporate the Practitioners of Medicine Eariy attempts at ^ *• formation of a Col- in Scotland for the purpose of raising the standard both of^''^°- the character and acquirements of Physicians, originated in 1 617. King James I. of Enghmd, to whom an applica- order of james i. tion for that purpose was made, received it favourably, and issued an order to the Parliament for the establishment of a College of Physicians in Edinburgh. This order is still ex- tant. After reciting the evils which the community had suf- fered from the intrusion of irregular practitioners, it directs the Parliament to form a College of Physicians, and to ap- point seven persons to examine those who practise Medi- cine, and to make it illegal for any person to exercise the art and science of Physic within Edinburgh and the neighbourhood, without the Diploma of the College. His Majesty also farther suggests that warrant should be given to the College to appoint yearly three of their number to visit the Apothecaries' shops in the burgh, to examine the state of the drugs exposed for sale, and to destroy such as might be found corrupt or insufficient. Dissensions, chiefly of a religious kind, had the effect hct fnntrated. of frustrating the wishes of the King in this respect. iteuewai of attempt. 111 1 6oO tliG attempt was reiiewed, and King Charles I. referred the matter to tlie Privy Council ; but, owing chiefly to the unsettled state of puhlic affairs, nothing more was done in his reign. Patent by Cromwell, The matter was warmly taken up by Cromwell during his Protectorate ; and a patent, still extant, was made out in 1656, instituting a College of Physicians of Scotland, " who shall have power and authoritie to oversie, rule, and order, what may concerne the right administratioune of Physike to the people of Scotland in all pairts and places of the said nation, with power to them to censure and punish all persons who shall presume to practise, exercise, or profess Physike, or give Medicines, or ordaine Ph^^sicall Praescriptiones in any pairt or place of Scotland, being not members of the said Colledge, or not being approved and licensed by the said Praesident and Colledge under their Common Seal/' Farther, by this patent of Incorpora- tion it was proposed to give to the said President and Col- lege the power to practise the Art of Surgery : "forasmuch as the Science of Physick doth comprehend, include, and containe in it the knowledge of Chirurgery, being a special part of the same and member thereof" By it, also, the power of examining and licensing Apothecaries, and of visiting their shops, was to be conferred on the proposed College ; and, lastly, they were to be entitled to receive from the magistrates of the several cities and burghs, and the sheriffs of the respective counties, " such dead bodies of malefactors executed as they shall desyre, for making of dissection and anatomie for the use of the Colledge." The extensive powers thus proposed to be conferred naturallv created jealousies anions the other public Medi- Frustmtea by (ther *- *' o i Bledical Bodies aud cal bodies, and before the various conferences for the ad- Jeath of cromweii. justment of these differences were ended, the death of the Protector put a stop for a time to the whole matter. Eventually, though not without great opposition on the Pr^^'i^ charter, part of the Surgeons, the Universities, the Municipal Cor- poration, and even the Bishops and Archbishops, the present Charter of Incorporation was obtained from Charles IL, and the Great Seal appended on St. Andrew's day, 1 681 . This Charter commences by laying down the necessity summary of us cou- " ^ '^ teats. which exists for ascertaining that those who design to practise any profession should be examined as to their capacity for doing so, and that from the absence of any regulation of this kind regarding Medicine, great confu- sion had arisen, and many very ill qualified exercised the healing art. It then proceeds to institute the College of Physicians as a great and powerful means of correcting these abuses. It ordains that the College shall consist of certain individuals who are named, and of all others cliosen by them as Colleagues and Fellows of their Society, within the city of Edinburgh,* its suburbs and liberties : so that they and their successors should be united and conjoined into one body, community, and College, in all time coming. The Charter further provides for the elec- tion of a Council, President, and other Office-Bearers, and * In a legal opinion by the Dean of Faculty (Adam Anderson, Epq.,) subsequently Lord Advocate, and now one of the Senators of the College- of Justice, and John ^Marshall, Esq., now Dean of Faculty, dated Decem- ber 1851, it is stated, — "We are of opinion that the jurisdiction and • privileges of the College hold over the extended royalty of the city of Edin- burgh, and extend as the myaltv extends." sumina,iy uf con- confers ou tliG Collcge the power to enact Laws for its due tents ol Ohai'ter. government and welfare, and to promote the Science and regulate the practice of Medicine within the city of Edin- hurgh and Leith, their suburbs and liberties. It prevents, under certain penalties, any one from practising Medicine within its jurisdiction who has not obtained its license or diploma. It confers on the College the power, under certain re- gulations, of calling before them and fining unlicensed practitioners, and also of 2)unishing all Physicians, Doctors of Medicine, Licentiates, and Fellows practising within their jurisdiction, who shall violate any of the Laws of the College. The College is farther invested by the Charter with power to examine, along with a magistrate and chemist, the medicines kept in the Apothecaries' shops, and to destroy them in the event of their not being found of good quality. The Charter also declares that the Magistrates shall not allow an}"^ one to open an Apothecary's shoj) after the date of its ratification, until he has by an examination satisfied the President and Censors that he has a com- petent knowledge of drugs. The Charter farther declares, that no Fellow of the College can be cited as a juror on any assize in town or country, nor be called out to watch or ward, or on an}^ pretext whatever be withdrawn from his patients. Immediately on receiving the Charter, the College en- tered with great zeal on the discharge of the duties com- "■ mitted to it. I'ui.iicatioii of a The publication of a Phai-macopoeia was undertaken, P)iaiiiiitc" i^'un- <=> i- IX' tain Close, 1/04. until in 170i it acquired property in Fountain Close in the High Street. These premises were sold in 1770, and the foundation of the late Hall in Georo-e Street was uaii in George ° Street, ] 775. laid in l77o. During the removal of that building, which is now numbered with tlie things that were, the foundation-stone was discovered in May 1845. A vvell- ^''""'"^^''''" ^'"■'•'• cut inscription on this interesting relic sets forth that it was laid bv the hands of the late Professor Cullen, ^"^^^ ^y Profes«.r ' CuUen. so long a distinguished ornament of the Edinburgh Uni- versity, on the 27th November 1775. Inclosed in the stone, a bottle was found, containing, 1st, A Parchment Roll, on which are beautifully inscribed the names of the Fellows of the College at the time ; 2d, Several British Coins of date 1771 ; 3d, A Silver Medal, representing on the one side the future College, surmounted by the words, " ARTI SALUTIFERAE SACRUM, at its base the ser- pent entwined round a club ; on the other side — A E D E S luscription on stoue. COLL. EEG. MED. E D I N B. HIC POSITAE XX Vn NOV. A.D. MDCCLXX V CUEANTE PRAESIDE GULIELMO CULLEN ARCHITECTO JAC. CRAIG. 4th, Another Silver Medal, having the arms of the city of Edinburgh on the one side, and on the other an inscrip- Memorial to Archi- ^'^^^^ bcariug that tlus memorial had been presented to Mr, Craig-, Architect, by the Council of the city of Edin- burgh, in compliment to his professional talents, in the year 1767. It is as follows : — ■ Hall in Queen Street, 1845. Aid in erecting In- firmary. Phannacopoeia, edition, l(i99. JACOBO CRAIG AECHITECTO PROPTER OPTIMAM EDINBURGI NOVI ICHONOGRAPHIAM D . D SENATUS EDINBURGENUS MDCCLXVII. These interesting relics of an age gone by are now in the possession of the College. On the 8th of August 1844, the foundation-stone of the present Hall was laid by the President, Dr. Ronton, in presence of the Fellows of the College and others. As is customary on such occasions, a bottle containing various memorials was deposited in the stone. In this instance there were, 1st, A copy of the last edition of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, containing a list of the Fellows of the College ; 2d, A work regarding the private affairs of the College, printed severtil years ago ; 3d, An Edinburgh Almanac for the current year; 4th, Several British Coins of the day ; and, lastly, a silver plate with a suitable in- scription in Latin relative to the occasion. The erection of the Royal Infirmary was mainly due to the exertions of the College. The first edition of the Pliarmacopoeia was issued in 1699, and since then the publication of successive edi- XI tions lias enabled the College to keep pace with the pro- gress of scientific discovery. From the date of its Incorporation in 1 681 , the attention Library, of the College appears to have been steadily directed to the formation of a Library. Sir Robert Sibbald, to whose exertions the College is mainly indebted for its Charter, was a large contributor to the Library. Two years after how commenced. the Incorporation of the College, a Librarian was appointed. The Library was during the earlier years of its existence, enriched by donations from Fellows of the College, eminent Phj'sicians, and individuals of distinction not even con- nected with the medical profession. In 1705, the library of the deceased Laird of Living- Progress of Library. stone, was purchased for 800 merks Scots. In 1741, a large donation was made by Mr David Drum- mond, advocate, of the books of his late brother. Dr. John Drummond. In 1756, a considerable addition to the Library was obtained from Messrs. Hamilton & Balfour, Booksellers, in return for the copyright of the Pharmacopaua, published in that year. In 1761, Alexander Gibson, Esq., of Clifton Hall, pre- sented to the College the Library of their late Fellow, Dr. Edward Wright of Vessie, of whose property he was the heir. The Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, in seventy-nine volumes 4to, were bequeathed about the same time by another Fellow, Dr. James Mackenzie. In 1766, John Earl of Bute, presented the twenty-six magnificent folios of Hill's Vegetable System. In 1781, Sir John Pringle presented, under certain con- ditions, ten volumes of MS. Annotations. In 1791, tlic College expended £\Q0 in the inirchasc of books at the sale of the collection of the late Dr. Cullen. In 1793, the first alphabetical catalogue was printed. In 1828, by the bequest of Dr. Duncan, Junior, the College came into possession of a large collection of MS. Notes and Lectures, amounting to 180 volumes, and in- cluding the Lectures of the Founders of the Edinburgh School of Medicine. In 18S1, Dr. Adam presented the twelve folio volumes of Montfaucon's Antiqnite Expliquee. In 1836, the College, by the bequest of Dr. Moncrieff, acquired his medical books, consisting of 225 volumes. In 1845, Dr. Home presented 240 volumes ; and the family of the late Dr. Abercrombie, 80 volumes from his Library. In the same year, Dr. Beilby presented a num- ber of scarce and curious old medical books. Catalogue of Lib- In 184<8, tlio Library Committee finally completed a new rary. Catalogue, which was printed in January 1849. Present condition of The uumbor of Volumcs at present contained in the Library. Library is nearly 9000. Museum. The formation of the Museum of Materia Medica may be dated from the 4th August 1835, when a Committee How commenced, appointed to cousidcr the sale or improvement of the College Hall in George street, reported, — " That it had oc- curred to the Committee that it might be desirable to commence a Museum of Materia Medica, for the reception of which the Hall, or other part of the building, might xm gradually, as required, bo fitted up/' A Comniittee was appointed to take all measures which should appear to them to be proper for commencing such a Museum. The Committee accordingly invited the Fellows and others to contribute donations to the Museum, and entered into a correspondence with Lord Glenelg, the Colonial Secretary, and the heads of the Army and Navy Medical Boards, for the ])urposeof procuring through their influence objects of interest for the Museum. In the meantime, donations began to be received, and pn-iessof .Museum. the late Dr Davidson had the honour of being the first contributor, presenting the tirst three specimens on the 3d November 1835. Dr. Christison's donations, however, were the most numerous and valuable, numbering 29 by April 1837. Dr. Stark, on his appointment as Honorary Curator in 1839, entered vigorously on the discharge of his duties ; and it was chiefly through his exertions that the follow- ing donations were obtained: — In 1839, Dr. Christison put the duplicates he might receive for his own collection at the disposal of the College, and became a contril)utor to the Museum of valuable specimens not otherwise attainable. Mr. Duncan, (of Duncan & Flockhart.) Mr. J. F. j\Iucfarlane, and others, also made numerous donations. The Messrs. Lawson & Son, on a list being furnished to them of such articles as they could easily procure, kindly presented the collec- tion of cereals and others DOW in the Museum; and the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, on being furnished with a of the mef Committee on admission of XXIV Fellows again considered. Two motions made. 1st, Motion to approve of the Report. 2d, Motion to disapprove. The vote being taken, the second motion was carried by the casting vote of the President. Draught of New 2'\stMiwch 1843. — The draught of a proposed new Charter for the College was read and approved. Owing to the prospect continually held out of some measure of Medical Reform being adopted by the legislature, by which the Charters of all existing bodies would be altered, no farther steps were taken to procure this new Charter for the College. Trustees. \st Au(/ust 1843. — Rcsolvcd that all property belonging to the College shall be vested in Trustees to be chosen by the Council, with the approval of the College. The Trustees to be five in number, of whom the Treasurer shall be one ex-officio. Foreign Graduates. '^tk November 1 843. — Certain regulations for the examination of foreign Graduates, which had been several times under the consideration of the College, read a third time and passed. Ath Novemher 1846. — A motion that an official costume should be worn by the Fellows, was read a second time and nega- tived. Ath May 1847. — Resolved that as full a notice as possible of the business to be transacted at the Meetings of the College be given in the billets, by which the Meeting is summoned. Certificates required 4^A May 1847. — Report of Committee on the examination of tolectoe.^'"^"'''"" Fellows proposing to deliver lectures on the subjects required by examining medical boards, laid on the table. 2d Novemher 1847. — Regulations in regard to the examina- tion of Fellows proposing to lecture finally adopted, after being discussed at meetings held lltk and Mt/i May, and dd August, 1847. \st August 1848. — Resolved that the book containing the record of examination of foreign Graduates, should not hence- forth be laid on the table, but only a coi)y of the entry regarding the examination of succes.sful Candidates. rtth Noimaher 1850. — Moved that a Committee be appointed to revise the Laws, and to report to the Council such suggestions Revision of Laws for their improvement as may appear to them desirable ; and that the Council, after full consideration of these suggestions, shall report them to the College, with their opinion thereon. 5th Aiiqust 1851. — The new Laws, as considered by the ^*"'*i"n of new "■ •' Laws. Council, were laid on the table, and the following motion unani- mously adopted — " That, as it is extremely desirable that no Law should be adopted until it has received the fullest possible con- sideration, the College do now resolve that all proposed amend- ments on the Laws be given in to the Secretary, in writing, within ten days, and be thereafter considered by the Council and Law Committee conjointly, who shall Report them, with their opinion thereon, at next meeting of the College." It was farther resolved, that the amendments to be proposed, with the opinion of the Council and Committee thereon, should be printed, and circulated among the Fellows previously to the Meeting at which they are to be discussed. ^Ih, May 1SJ2. — The new Laws were considered for the third time, when the following motion was unanimously adopted : — " The Royal College. of Physicians having now for a third time considered the Report of the Law Committee as amended, do hereby declare the same to be adopted, and that the Laws therein contained are the Statutes and Bye-Laws of the College, by which it shall be governed in time coming, and do direct the Council to have the printing of the Laws completed, and copies issued to the Fellows at their earliest convenience." CHARTA ERECTIONIS REGIT MEDICORUM COLLEGII APUD EDINBURGUM. Cakolus, Dei gratia, Magnee Britannige, Franciae, et Hiberniae Preamble and rea- .... . , sous of foundation. Rex, Fideique Defensor, Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos praesentesLiterje perveuerint, salutem, SCIATIS, Quandoquidem nos, ex innata nostra bonitate, et erga populura nostrum paterna indulgentia, cum siraus scilicet pater patris, et omnium legiorum et subditorura nostrorum parens uutritius, necnon maxime cupidi et provide curantes, ut non solum jura, proprietates, et possessiones, aliaque qua^vis subditorum nostrorum commoda rata, provisa, et confirmata sint, verum etiara (qua3 maximi sunt pretii, et illorum importance of i^e ' ■ ^ ^ r 7 ^j^^j health. maxime intersunt) ipsorum scilicet vitaet sanitas, omnium aliorum externorura emolumentorumfundamentura et subjectum, Dei bene- dictione, media ordinaria, et honestorum, fidelium, et appi-obatorura importance of good ,.,. . f.11 ^ 1 Physicians. medicorum diligentiam, et ndeies conatus ad morbos tot et tam periculosos humanae fragilitati contingentes curandos et praeveni- endos comitante, conservetur ; necnon animo revolventes, quod legura aliaruraque scientiarum praxis et artium, artificiorum et mechanicarum tecbnarum exercitium, legibus cura et prudentia nostra, et Regiorum nostrorum praedecessorum tam commode re- Examination of can- . ... didates required in gulata et disposita sit, ut nulli liceat aut permissum sit prius in every other profes- ... sion. lege tanquam jurisperitus, vel advocatus, velin quovis alio munere aut officio eo spectante, vel in qualibet scientia, professione, aut ai"te practicare, quam per probatum examen capax et aptus inve- niatur, perque viros sufficienti potestate et authoritate in huncefFec- tum instructos legitime admittatur : prse nimia taraen et ingenua nimis medicorum id temporis modestia (ne suo merito minus tribuere aut diffidere, aliorumve restrictionem in commodura et eraolumen- Medicine been long tum suum intciidere et designare videantur), physices et medicinaj practised without . , . . . . „ . qualification or praxis pel" longum tcmpus in maxima ataxia et coniiisione exstitit, authority. • n et sine ullo warranto, authoritate, invasa, usurpata, proprioque irapetu arrepta, exercita, magiiaque in audacia et impunitate, sine And by more un- ullo obstaculo aut iiiipedimento, a mulierculis, aliisque non solum worthy persons. . . , .... , . , . . . . . , . , . ignaris, sea et vilibus et soruidis personis, sine eruditione et liberali cidtu, vel minima cujusvis literaturfe, ipsorumve medicina? princi- piorum et elementorum notitia et tinctura, usa (potius abusa) fuit. Et non solum hortulani, aliique rudes et illiterati, in medicina prac- And by Quacks and ticare, et subditis nosti'is abuti, illudere, et imponere ausi sunt ; Impostors of every . , . . kind. verum etiam ad iiotitiam et famam praedictte tolerationis et abusus peregrini impostores, agyrtse, et empirici, nulla pra^visa prohibi- tiohe, advenerunt, et in hoc regno diu commorati, et medicinam professi sunt et practicarunt, suaque medicamenta et pharmaca vendiderunt, et sine quovis vel ipsorum vel pharmacorum suorura conditionis et aptitudinis examine, populo distribuerunt. Quae- Kome hfve assumed quidcm tolei'atio et abusus eo provecta est, ut quidam veneficii rei the title of Doctor who could neither habiti et reputati professionem et praxin cum Doctoris Medicinje read nor write. nomine sibi assuraere ausi sint; et quamvis ita plane rudes et ignari ut nee legere nee scribere queant, dictitare tamen audeant, et prce- scriptiones et receptas suas pro morborum maxime desperatorum cura describendascurent, cum magnisimpensis, extortione, periculo, And all this to the et destructioue legiorum nostrorum, et in maximum dictaj profes- manifest injury of ... . . . . the Public. sionis et scientife, tarn antiqusB et necessariaj, tantique, per omnia tempora, et apud omnes nationes, usus et pretii, scandalum et op- probrium. Cumque, ab exemplo et aliorum nostrorum regnorum, aliar- umque bene constitutarum et gubernatarum nationum experientia, „,^ „ .. , luculentur constet, quod Medicorum Societatis et Collegii ex The Erection of a ' i ° ciaiw°\s the^'niost P^rsonis gravibus, doctis, integris, et dicta3 professioni congruen- of^retv"mrng"\*^itrh tibus consistentis, erectio, maxime proprium et efficax foret medium, ''*'™*'^' et ad tales abusus reformandos et praeveniendos, ne in posterum irrepant, remedium ; cumque nos benignum liabeamus affectum crga anliquatn civitatem nostram Edinburgum, qua^ non solum XXIX civiurn, sed et omnium subditoruin nostrorum tantopere interest, Peculiarly nece^airy in Edinburgh as the cum, nempe, supreraarum curiarum nostrarum juridicarura, in metropolis and seat of the courts of law. quibus authoritas et justitia nostra eminentissime repraesentantur et administrantur, sedes sit ordinaria, adeo ut nobilitas, ordoque equestris, aliique nostri subditi stepe occasionem habeant, eoque ab omnibus regni angulis proficisci, inque dicta civitate, per tem- pera et tempestates morbis et intemperiebus maxime obnoxia per- manere teneantur, et considerationibus quibus supra Societatem et Collegium Medicorum modo, et cum potestatibus, facultatibus, College of Physi- cians to be erected. et privilegiis infra script., Edinburgi erigere apud nos statuentes : Igitur nos dedimus et concessimus, tenoreque prtesentium, ex certa nostra scientia, proprioque motu, prterogativa, et potestate nostra regali, damns et concedimus Davidi Hay, Thomaj Burnet, Matheo First Fellows named Brisbaine, Arcliibaldo Stevensone, Andrere Balfoure, Roberto Sib- bald, Jacobo Livingstone, Roberto Crawfurd, Roberto Trotter, Matheo Sinclare, Jacobo Stewart, Gulielmo Stevensone, Alexandre Cranstone, Joanni Hutton, Joanni M'Gill, Gulielmo Lauder, Joanni Lermonth, Jacobo Ilalket, Gulielmo Wright, Patricio Halyburton, et Arcliibaldo Pitcairne, artium magistris, et medi- Power to . Colleagues and Fel- cince doctoi'ibus, omnibusque aliis qui posthac ab illis in ipsorum lows. societatem cooptati fuerint, et ab illis tanquam collegos et sodales eorum societatis intra dictam nostram urbem Edinburgi, suburbia jurisdiction to ex- ...i.-, -...p. . tend over Edili- et pnvilegia ejusdem, admissi luerint, ut in unum corpus, com- burgh, its suburbs, munitatem, et Collegium uniantur et conjungantur omni tempore future. Etereximus,instituimus,etincorporavimus, tenoreque pra3sentium erigimus, instituimus, et incorporamus viros supra mentionatos, eorumque successores, Collegium, societatem, et incorporationem fieri omni tempore future, omnibusque potestatibus, facultatibus, Powers and Privi- et privilegiis ad liberum Collegium, societatem, et incorpora- ''°^^' tionem requi^itis et spectantibus, frui et habere, et absque pra?- Power to hold judicio generalitatis prajdictai, quocunque loco et tempore, et ^™'^' quoties sibi visum fuerit, convenire ; curaque potestate illis, eor- umque successoribus, commune gazophylacium seu thesaurarium et patrimoniura habendi, et voluntaria munera, contributiones, XXX legata, et donutiones, in comraodum et usum dicti Collegii, et ad medicinae professionem et physices praxin et exercitium proferen- dum et promovendum impendendi, inter se erogandi, et ab aliis Power to acquire benevolis accipiendi. Inque hunc efFectum, iisdera potestatem and hold Property. tradimus^eosque capaces reddimus, acquirendi, procurandi, habendi, et terras, tenementa, annuos-reditus, possessiones, decimas, aliaque in usum dicti Collegii, ej usque collegarum successorura, cum intra A Common Seal, tum extra burgum, possidendi, et commune sigillura habendi, com- mune Sigillum Regii Medicorum Collegii apud Edinburgum desig- nandum, et habendi, agendi, et exercendi omnes alias libertates, All the ordinary potestatcs, et facultatcs cuilibet alii libero collegio et incorporation! privilejes of Cor- porate Bodies. competentcs, quasve ipsi tanquam corpora incorporata debent, seu habere, agere, aut exercere poterint. Government of Et pro meliori dicti collegii regimine, et thesauri et patrimonii College. ^ ... . eidem spectaturi administratione, dedimus, tenoreque prassentiura dict£e"societati et Collegio potestatem damns, ejusdemque collegis Council of Seven, maudamus, annuatim, omni tempore futuro, Concilium, ex septem dictse societatis collegarum doctissimis, sapientissimis, et in facultate medicinae maxime peritis, consistens, eligere : Quod quidera concili- President. um unum ex corum numero, pro illo anno Prsesidem fore est electur- secretary, Trea- um ; cum potestate etiam dicto Prajsidi et Concilio, Clericum, surer, and other -ht-- • i t •• Officers. Thesaurarium aliosque Ministros in commodum dictse societatis ne- cessarios et requisitos, eligendi et constituendi. Et declaramus dict- um Prsesidem, Collegium, et communitatem, sub nomine Prcesidis College may be a Regii Medicorum Collec/ii apud Edinburgum, caTpacem fore causas coram party in actions at ., ., .,..,.., .. , . . law. omnibus et quibuscunque j udicibus in quibuscunque curiis et actioni- bus agere, prosequi, et tueri. Ac ulterius dicto Prsesidi et Collegio, College may makeeorumquc succcssoribus, potestatem tradimus, canones, prsecepta, Bye-Laws for pro- .,.,,.. . . moting the science acta, et statuta sancieudi ad medicinse scientiam promovendam, ejus- and regulating prac- , . , , . tice of Medicine, dem praxinritcdisponendam, inque bonam gubernationem, ordinem, regimen, et correctionem dicti Collegii et communitatis, oraniumque Also for its own re- dictam facultatcm exercentium intradictam civitatem Edinburgenam, gulation and that . , , . ■> i • x i tt- r^ of all Practitioners ej usque suburbia, solummodo, VIZ. Letnam, Vicum Canonicorum, within its jurisdic- ^ . , , ir- o • t t -rr- tt !• tion. Portam Occidentalem, Vicum feancti Leonardi, et Vicum 1^ igulinum, quando, et quotiescunque necesse fuerit. Proviso omnino, sicuti per praisentes provkletur et declaratur, quod proesentibus non obstanti- bus Pharmaco-ohirurgi Edinburgenses potestatem habituri sunt, orane genus vulnerum, contusionum, fracturarum, dislocationum, Fellows not to prac- , . , .. , . tise Surgerv, and tumoruni, ulcerura, et id genus alia qute sunt chirurgicaruni opera- burgeon- a pothecar- . ies not to practise tionum subjecta, et accidentia exinde orientia duntaxat curandi ; Medicine. curam autem morborum originaliter internorum, ex medicorum dicti Collegii prasscripto et directione unice praestandam, miniine habebunt. Et similiter concessimus, tenoreque pra3sentium concedimus, No unlicensed per- /-( 11 • • son to practise Medi- praeiato Frassidi et Collegio, eor unique successoribus quod nulli "i^e. intra dictam civitatera, ej usque suburbia et privilegia, antedictam facultatem pi'ius practicare et exercere licebit, quam ad ean- dem per dictum Praesidem et Collegium, eorumque pro tempore successores, warranto et diplomate in hunc efFectum per dictum College to ^rant Li- cense by Diplomas. Praesidera et Collegium, eorumque pro tempore successores con- cesso, eorumque communi sigillo signato fuerit admissus ; fdque sub poena sexaginta librarum nionetie Scotice, quovis mense quo Penalties. quicunque, modo pra^dicto nondum licentiatus et admissus, dicta facultate et praxi utetur et exercebit. Quarum quidem mulctarum alterum dimidium pauperum, alterum dicti Collegii usui et cora- modo applicandum volumus. Si quivis tamen, post censuram modo, prajdicto, dictam facultatem nihilominus absque licentia exercere persistet, prgedietam mulctam, quovis mense, quo practi- care persistent, duplicandam ordinamus. Et pariter volumus, concedimus, et ordinamus, quod annuatim Censors. duo ex dicta Societate et Collegio per dictum concilium tanquam Censores eligantur, qui cum PriBside pro tempore, vice et nomine May with the Presi- .. . . dent, hold courts for dicti Collegii, potestatem, authoritateni, etjurisdictionem habebunt, t«ai and punish- ment of delinquents. omnes dictam medicinal facultatem absque licentia, ut praidicitur, intra praidictam civitatem, libertates, et suburbia prsedicta practic- antes et exercentes, coram sese convocandi, illisque mulctas supra specificatas imponendi ; dicto tamen medicorum Collegio, ejusve Must give notice, . Ill- . 1 ^^^^ ^ '^'^'y Magi;- Praeside, curias ad delinquentes puniendos tenturo, prrepositum trate may be ap- pointed an As^sessor. civitatis Edinburgi, vel unum aliquem ex ejusdem raagistratibus, de curiae suas loco ct tempore omni modo certiorem faciente, adeo ut (si XXXII ipsis visum fuerit) unum ex balivis suis illis in jurisdictione cumula- tiva assidere constituent : Proviso omnimodo, sicuti per pra^sentes providetur et declaratur, quod medicorum Collegio nondum licebit Surgeon- A po the- quemvis pharmaco-cliirurgum Edinburgi burgensem mulctare, sine caries, Burgesses, not to be fined with- consensu prcepositi, aut cuiusvis unius ex balivis Edinburgi, qui assi- out concurrence of _ . o i ProTost or Magis- debit, et talibus actis iudicialibus intererit. Et si venire et adesse trate. '' abnuerint, hocsecreto nostro concilio notum faciendum est, ut hi quod Procedure in the idoueum et justum sit, perficiant, absque pra3Judicio dicto Collegio, event of the Sum- . mous being disre- in casu recusationis et morse procedendi, et similiter invigilandi, garded. gubernandi, et coram se convocandi, et, si necesse fuerit, corrigendi et puniendi omnes medicos, et medicina? doctores associatos, seu licentiatos, dictam facultatem intra dictam civitatem, et limites preedictos, exercentes, ob qutEcunque crimina et delicta ab illis in eorum praxi contra statuta et acta dicti Collegii commissa; idque ab illis talia araerciamenta et mulctas exigendo, ut dicto Prsesidi, Censoribus, et supervisoribus visum fuerit, ntque delictum prome- rebitur; dictis tanien mulctis summam quadraginta librarum non- * dura excedentibus: quae quidem amerciamenta et mulctoe usibus prsedictis applicanda volumus et ordinamus. Et pro iisdem na- mando, et omni alia executione legali utendo et incarcerando, et ad sententias et raandata de tempore in tempus per dictos super- visores, virtute potestatis et authoritatis illis per nos commissse, Magistrates and emittenda, magistratus intra dictam civitatem, suburbia et liberta- OfBcers to assist in carrying these sen- [gs eiusdem prsidictas, aliosquc nostros le2;is ministros, per prajsentes, tences into etiect. J i ' i o ' i i authoritate nostra mandamus et requirimus, ad prtedictas sententias exequendas assistere ; inque hunc eifectum, prrecepta namationis, aliasque executiones necessarias dirigere, eodem modo quo super propriis suis decretis et sententiis agere solent ; cum potestate etiam dictis Pra;sidi et Censoribus, quoties opus fuerit, scrutandi, Power of inspecting coHsiderandi, et inspiciendi pharmaca, et medicamenta simplicia et shops of Apotheca- . t i • t • • rics and Druggists, composita nunc aut in posterum vendenda Ultra dictam civitatem, suburbia, et libertates prasdictas, si recentia, bona, et proba sint, et qua3 secure ad raorbos et infirmitates legiorum nostruruin curandos usurpari et applicari poterint. Proviso omnimodo, sicuti per prse- sentes specialiter providetur, quod ubi talis inspectio et scrutiniura XXXIU faciendum est, unus ex magistratibus intra dictam civitatem, cum uno pharmacopoeo et chirurgo-pliarmacopoeo, visitoribus pro tem- pore constituendis, qui assistere requirantur, ut eadem bene, et secundum regulas, pro populi comraodo composita et prjeparata esse videant; et ubi pharmaca insutficientia et corrupta invenien- tur, cum potestate illis eadem in publicas plateas ejiciendi, vel de- struendi. Et ulterius, pro nobis et successoribus nostris volumus et con- no President or T 1 T, ..,. T.n/ri. Fellow to be cited cedimus, quod neque I'rceses, neque quivis ahus dicti Medicorum to proceed on Assize /^ 11 •• . .... or Circuit; Lollegn, neve eorum successores, super assisam aut mquisitionem in urbe aut rure procedere citentur aut summoniantur. Cumque nor to watch or eorum in iBgrotos et valetudinarios observantia sit semper adeo necessaria, ut sine maximo prtejudicio et aagrotorum periculo ab nor on any pretext 1 . i i i • 1,1- 11 ... to be withdrawn eadem quovis pretextu et occasione abstrahi non debeant; igitur from his Patientn. nos, pro nobis et successoribus nostris, dictum Prjesidem, omnesque dicti Collegii socios et collegas, eorumque successores, ab omnibus excubiis in futurura liberamus et absolvimus. Et per prfesentes declaramus, quodvis jus, potestatem, et juris- Powers of the Magis- dictionem ad magistratus civitatis Edinburgi, et quasvis jura et geon\pothecIrier privilegia ad chirurgo-pharmacopceos pertinentia, illis et singulis ^''^"^'^^ reserved. eorum respective, prout de jui'e competit, specialiter reservari. Per praesentes etiam specialiter providetur, iuriura et privilegi- „ „ ^ ^ '■ '■ ' '' tr o College has no power orum supra scriptorum dicto Medicorum Collegio concessionera, ad s°hooT'r*to'*confM scholarum pro dicta arte medica, aut qualibet ejusdem parte docenda •^^s'-^®'' erectionem, seu gradus alicui eatenus conferendos et concedendos, nuUo modoextendendam; eadem per prfesentes specialiter declaratur absque prfejudicio forejurium etprivilegiorum infavorem Universi- tatis seu Collegii Andreapolitani, Glasguensis, Abredonensis, et Edinburgensis concessorum ; et prsesentibus et clausulis quibuscun- queinibi contentis non obstantibus, licitum et legitimum erit cuivis in dictis universitatibus laurea doctorandis, libertatem et potestatem '■ Graduates of the habere in dicta civitate aliisque locis supra scriptis practicandi, ipsis Scotch universities '■ '■ ^ ' ' ^ may practise in tamen praedictis mulctis aliisque poenis supra scriptis nondum ob- 5^^''"'"='' ^"'i>°"' noxiis, nisi intra dictos limites, vel quamlibet earundem partem, actu commorati fuerint ; in quo casu, dicta? incorporationis et societatis Not to prejudice Masters of Arts ; or Graduates of Must be subject to prascep.tis ct reguUs, sicut alii in eadeni incorporati, soluramodo sub- the Bye-Laws of the College. jicientur : et dictum Rledicorum Collegium, more pi'jBdicto erigen- dum, per prjBsentes obligator quemvis hominem sou bomines in dic- tis Universitatibus laurea doctorandos, absque quovis praevio seu antecedente examine, sed solummodo ad ipsorum diplomatis, seu ad gradus admissionis Praesidi dicti Medicorum Collegii productionem licentiare. Per prsesentes omnimodo specialiter providetur, quod jurium et privilegiorum supra scriptorura dicto Medicorum CoUegio concessio nullo modo prtejudicabit quemvis artium magistri gradum in qualibet dicti regni universitate nactum, et statim medicinae praxin exercentem, vel ad doctoris gradum in quavis ex prsedictis universfties"'^"^ universitatibus, seu qualibet celebri universitate extera admissum, quo minus viri hisce qualitatibus instruct!, ad literarum suarum patentium a dictis universitatibus domi aut peregre Prcesidi dicti Collegii productionem, intra limites praescriptos practicare licen- tientur, nullo prgeeunte examine. Professors of Medi- Spccialitcr itidcm providetur, quod publici medicinae professores smes^VaU br^d- rcspectivarum universitatum hujus regni, ad eorum Praesidi Collegii FeUows^ onoiary guppiipf^^iQ^em, tanquam socii honorarii ejusdem societatis ad- mittentur. Et postremo, fideliter promittimus in verbo Principis, hoc prae- sens diploma in hoc current! Parliamento ratificatum iri, et per praesentes status Parliamenti idem conformiter ratificari requirimus. Promise of Ratifica- In cujus rci testimonium, prsesentibus magnum Sigillum nostrum append! mandavimus, apud aulam nostram de Whitehall, vigesimo nono die mensis Novembris, anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo octogesimo primo, et anno regni nostri trigesimo tertio. Per signaturam manu S. D. N. Regis suprascriptam. CHARTER OF RATIFICATION IN FAVOUIl OP THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, EDINBURGH, Dated June 16, 1685. At Edinburgh, the Sixteenth day of June, one thousand six hundred eighty and five years. Our Sovereign Lord, with advice and consent of the estates of Ratification and ap- proval of Charter. this present Parliament, ratifies and approves, and for his Majesty and his successors perpetually confirms, the Letters-patent granted by his Majesty's dearest brother, King Charles the Second, of ever blessed memory, whereof the tenor follows. [Here the Letters- Patent are engrossed verbatim.] Together with all acts, decreets, and sentences of his Majesty's Privy Council, or of the Lords of Session, or of any other judi- catory within this kingdom, conceived in favour of the Royal College of Physicians, for making the Patent above written, and privileges therein contained, effectual : And specially, but pre- Ea,tification of Act judice of the generality, an act of his Majesty's Privy Council, of i684/ordaining"the the date the twenty-first day of November, one thousand six Apothecaries' shops hundred eighty and four years, ordaining the said Royal College, at least twice a-year, to visit all apothecaries' shops and chambers within Edinburgh, suburbs and liberties thereof, calling to their as- sistance one or two of the eldest or ablest of the brotherhood of the apothecaries ; as also, that they desire one of the Bailies of Edinburgh, or respective Magistrates of the place where the shops to be visited do lie, to grant their concurrence in the said visitation ; and these Bailies or Magistrates are, by the said act, ordained, upon any Magistrates to grant ij.. iiU'iTii r' • ,• 1 t'l^ir effectual con- such desire, to grant their eiiectual concurrence for ejecting and currence. destroying all corrupt and insufficient drugs ; and also ordaining, that the apothecaries, when required, shall attend and assist the XXXVl Apothecaries to re- said physiciaiis ; and that all masters of apothecaries' shops or ceive visitors with respect. chambers, or their servants, receive these visitors of the shops w^ith all respect, and expose to their view all the drugs that shall be called for; and that upon oath, to be administered both to them- selves and servants ; and shall quietly and peaceably suffer the drugs that shall be found insufficient by the said physicians to be ejected and destroyed, as they will be ansvperable ; And sicklike, ordaining that no persons who have not already been examined and admitted by the fraternity of apothecaries, be suffered in any None to open Apo- time coming, by the Magistrates aforesaid, to keep any apothecaries' thecaries' Shops who have not been ex- shops or chambers, exccpt such allenarly as shall be tried and ap- amined by the Fra- ternity of Apothe- proven by the President and Censors of the said Royal College : caries, or by Presi- r ^ ^ o dent and Censors of j^n^ in like manner, ane act of the Lords of Session, dated the the College. ' twenty-first day of March last bypast, proceeding upon suspension, at the instance of an chirurgeon-apothecary, of a sentence pro- Ratification of Act nounced by the President and Censors of the said Royal College, of Lords of Session, •' _ _ j o ' dated 21st March, for unwarrantable practice of Medicine : whereby it was found by the said Lords of Session, that where the Magistrates of Edinburgh refuse or delay or give concurrence to punish delinquents, that the College, in that case, have both the judicative and executive power, in all and sundry heads, points, articles, circumstances, and con- ditions, contained in the said Letters-patent, and act above men- tioned, and after the terms and tenor thereof, in all points : And his Majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, wills and grants, and for his Majesty and his successors, decerns and ordains, That this present ratification is, and shall be, as valid, sufficient and effectual, to the said Royal College, and their successors, as if the acts above mentioned were herein at length de verbo in verbum specially insert and engrossed : Whereanent our said Sovereign Lord, with advice and consent foresaid, for his Majesty and his successors, hath dis- pensed, and by thir presents dispenses for ever. — Extracted forth of the Records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbat, Lord M'Leod and Castlehaven, Clerk to his Majesty's Parliament, Council Registers and Rolls, &c. TARBAT, CLER. KEG. LIST OF THE FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AT EDINBURGH, FROM THE FIRST ERECTION OF THE COLLEGE, ON THE 29Tn NOVEMBER 1681. LIST OF THOSE IN THE ORIGINAL PATENT. .1 David Hay. Alexander Cranstone. Thomas Burnet. John Hutton. Mathew Brisbaine. John M'Gill. Archibald Stevensone. John Lermonth. Robert Sibbald. William Stevensone. James Livingstone. James Halket. Antjrew Balfoure. William W^right. Robert Crawford. Patrick Haltburton. Robert Trotter. William Lauder. Matthew Sinclare. Archibald Pitcairne. James Stewart. LIST OF FELLOWS ADMITTED. Names of Fellows. Dates of their Diplomas. Peter Kello, IJoHN Aberxetht, June 9. 1683. Places where they received their Degrees. Dates of their Licences to Practise. Aug. 13. 1684. Dates of their admission as Fellows. Dec. Dec. 11. 1682. 4. 1684. Orange i I From this to the year 1693, the record is wanting ; but, from subsequent sederunts it appears, that, during this period, there were admitted, William Stevenson, William Eccles. William Douglas. Thomas Spexce. Robert Hay. Dates of their Diplomas. Places where Dates of their Dates of their Names of Fellows. they received Licences to admission as their Degrees. Practise. Fellows. Charles Oliphant, May 15. 1693. Nov. 9. 1693. Andrew Melville, 1683. ( Caen, in ") \ Normandy / July 5. 1694. July 5. 1694. Joseph Dalrtmple, July 30. 1694. James Robertson, Sept. 27 1694 David Dickson, Feb. 21. 1690. Harderwick. Oct. 8. 1694. Oct. 16. 1694. Oct. Oct. 8. 1694. 16. 1694. George Stirling, John Smellome, Oct. 23. 1694. Nov. 15. 1694. Oct. Nov. 23. 1694. 15. 1694. George Hepburn, ' Robert Carmichael, ... July 1. 1694. Leyden. Dec. 3. 1694. Dec. 3. 1694. David Mitchell, ) Sir Edward Eizat,... \ Sept. 14. 1695. Will Blackadder, Sept. 10. 1695. Gilbert Rule, Leyden. Oct. 7. 1695. Oct. Oct. 2. 1695. 7. 1695. Adam Freer, Alexander Dundas, ... Nov. 4. 1695. Nov. 4. 1695. James Forrest, June 12. 1691.'Leyden. Mar. 25. 1697.,Harderwick. Nov. 20. 1696. April 27. 1698. Nov. 20. 1696. April 28. 1698. William Jardine, John Hat, Jan. 21. 1701. Ahp.rdfiMv Nov. 16. 1702. Nov. 26. 1702. Nov. Nov. 19. 1702. 26. 1702. John Riddell, ) John St. Clair, ) John Monro, !.. Aberdeeri. ) John Drummond, Aherdepn. ( Jan. 7. 1704. Feb. 9. 1704. Jan. Feb. 7. 1704. 9. 1704. James Luitfoot, Orange. Rheims. William Lermont, Feb. 9. 1704. Feb. 9. 1704. William Stewart, July 24. 1704. St. Andrews. July 28. 1704. Aug. 16. 1704. Francis Pringle, July 14. 1702. Leyden. ) Charles Preston, Nov. 21. 1704. Dec. 1. 1704. George Mackenzie, s David CocKBURN, May 14. 1705. Edinburgh. June 29. 1705. Aug. 30. 1705. James Brown, April 12. 1704. Rheims. Feb. 25. 1706. j Aug. 12. 1707. Will. Alexander, July 23. 1699. Rheims. June 18. 1706. Patrick Sinclair, Oct. 24. 1703. Utrecht. Nov. 14. 1706. Aug. 12. 1707= Thomas Young, June 18. 1694. Utrecht. Sept. 23. 1707. Dec. 12. 1707. Robert Lowis, Oct. 29. 1707. Leyden. Sept. 7. 1708. Nov. 9. 1708. James Crawford, July 6. 1707. Leyden. Dec. 12. 1710. Feb. 13. 1711. Nic. Montgomerie, July 30. 1708. Rheims. Dec. 29. 1709. Aug. 5. 1712. John Menzies, July 8. 1709. Utrecht. Mar. 12. 1707. 'Utrecht. May 6. 1712. Feb. 9. 1714. Dec. June 10. 1712. 1. 1714. William Arthur, George Patullo, April 23. 1710. Rheims. July 5. 1711. St. Andrews. Aug. 15. 1711.'Harderwick. Mar. 23. 1714. June 15. 1714. June 15. 1714. June Dec. Dec. 15. 1714. 14. 1714. 14. 1714. John Clerk, William Hamilton, William Cochran, Aug. 4. 1712. Rheims. Jan. 7. 1715 Aug. 2. 1715. Robert Thomson, July 15. 1713. Rheims. Aug. 7. 1719. Edinburffh. June 5. 1716. Aug. 10. 1719 Mar. 24. 1719. Nov. 10. 1719. Aug. Aug. Sept. Nov. 1. 1716. 10. 1719. 29. 1719. 1. 1720. John Burnet, James Eccles, Nov. 10. 1718. Sept. 12. 1713 Edinburgh. Rheims. 'John Lermont, John Marshall, Oct. 22. 1719. Aberdeen. Mar. 21 1721. Aug. Nov. 1. 1721. 14. 1721. Charles A lston, Dec. 2. 1719. Aug. 24. 1717. Glasgow. Rheims. April 13.1721. June 8. 1721. Will. Porterfield David Kinneir, . . June 12. 1714. Aug. 11. 1696. Nov. 16. 1723. St. Andrews. Rheims. ) Edinburgh. ( Aug. 23. 1723. Nov. 21. 1723. Feb. Feb. 4. 1724. 4. 1724. Geoeoe Oswald, John Rutherford, July 21. 1719. Rheims. Mar. 24 1724. Nov. 3. 1724. Andrew Sinclair, July 10. 1720. Angers. Feb. 25. 1724. Nov. 3. 1724. Names of Fellows. Andkew Plumber, John Innes, Alexander Scott, ... -I James Dundas, Sir Alex. Dick, I John Stevenson, John Taylor, < Charles Nisbet, John Prisgle, David Foulis, James B.\iRD, < Robert Whytt, ■! Dates of their Diplomas. Bernard Allan, .\dam Murray, Sir Stuart Threip- ' land, John Cochrane, Alex. Campbell, Thomas Lidderdale, . John Boswell, David Clerk, John Steu art, James Lind, Tho JiAs Elliot, Colin Drummond, . . . . Francis Home, July Nov. July Oct. Aug. Aug. Jan. Jan. Mar. July Oct. July Oct. Aug. June April Oct. May Dec. William Gumming, ... < k lex. Stevenson, James Grieve, John Fotiiergill, \YlLLIAM CuLLEN, A lexaxder Monro, Patrick Haldane, North Vigor, Gregory Grant, j. Alex. Monro, jun., William Baylies, Thomas Glen, -j Robert Ramsay, Edward Wright, John Gardiner, , John Hope, Adam Austin, Thomas Young, William Butter, James Walker, j a mes g rainger, Places where Dates of their they received | Licences to their Degrees. I Practise. 1722.Leyden. 1722.'Paclua. 1713.Rheims. 1724. St. Andrews. 1722. Rhcims. ' 1725.'Lcyden. 1727. St. Andrews.^ 1710. Harderw ick. 1727. 'Glasgow. ' 1727. St. Andrews. ^ 1733, St. Andrews. 1730. Leyden. 1735. Rheims. 1733. Rheims. 1737.[St. Andrews. . 1736 iRheims. 1737. St. Andrews. 1742. St. Andrews.' 1726., St. Andrews. Aug. 9. 1742. .Edinburgh. May April Oct. Nov. Aug. Mar. May Aug. Aug. Mar. April July [July Aug. Sept. ijan. Aug. ■June May May Oct. Dec. July July Dec. June |Dec. Jan. JMay jNov. Sept. May 'Mar. 5. 30. 20. 1. 15. 12. 3. 15. 22. 7. 6. 9. 12. 13. 14. 1. 3. 12 4. 4. 25. 18. 31. 27. 10. 15. 29. 29. 15. 30. 16. 28 14. 1744. 1 St. Andrews. 1746.jSt. Andrews. 1747.iSt. Andrews. 1736. 1 Leyden. 174G.' Edinburgh. 1740.[Rheims. 1748. 'Edinburgh. 1746. Edinburgh. 1750.|Edinburgh. 1750.|Edinburgh. ]750.|Rheims. 1752.' Edinburgh. 1749.|Glasgow. 1733.! Edinburgh. 1736. Edinburgh. 25. 1724 24. 1724. 9. 1725 2. 1725. 7. 1727. 6. 1729. 6. 1729. 3. 1734. 27. 1734. 18. 173-!'. 21. 1737. 13. 1737. 2. 1742. 13. 1743. May 3. 1743. 15. 1744. 6. 1746. 2. 1748. 13. 1737 1. 1748. 5. 1746. 2. 1748. 7. 1749. 5. 1751. 7. 1751. 4. 1752. iFeb. ,Mar. Feb. JMar. [Feb. JMay Aug. Jan. Aug. Jan. June 1 Dec. jNov. Aug. Dates of their Admission as Fellows. 1740. 1756. 1758. Glasgow. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. 1747.lEdinburgh. 1753. iRheims. 1754.JAberdeen. 1755. 1 Edinburgh. 174 8. 'Aberdeen. 1726.!Rheims. 1730. St. Andrews. 1757. Edinburgh. 1753. Edinburgh. 1759. Edinburgh. 1 750. Glasgow. 1749. Glasgow. 1 761. i Edinburgh. 1761. i Edinburgh. 1752.|St. Andrews. 1753.i Edinburgh. May May Feb. Sept. Nov. Aug. Aug. Nov. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Feb. Aug. Feb. Aug. Nov. Nov. 1. 1757. 5. 1751. \ 6. 1753. i / 6. 1754 3. 1756. 10. 1758. 7. 1758. May 2. 1758. Aug. 7. 1759. Nov. 6. 1759. Dec. 11.1759. Feb. 5. 1760. Aug. 5. 1760. Nov. 6. 1750. Aug. 7. 1753. Dec. 8. 1761. Aug. 2. 1763. Nov. Nov. Feb. Nov. Nov. Aug. Aug. ■ Feb. Aug. May Nov. Nov. Aug. Feb. May May Feb. Aug. Nov. ;May May Feb. May Aug. Aug. Feb. Aug. Mar. Aug. Nov. 8. 1724. 3. 1724. 9. 1725. 2. 1725. 7. 1727. 5. 1729. 4. 1730. 4. 1735. 2. 1737. 2. 1738. 7. 1738. 2. 1742 13. 1743. 7. 1744. 15. 1744. 6. 1746. 2. 1748. 2. 1748. 7. 1749. 1. 1750. 1. 1750. 5. 1751. 5. 1752. 4. 1752. 4. 1452 6. 1753. 6. 1754. 5. 1756 10. 1758 7. 1758. Nov. 7. 1758, May Aug. May JMay Aug. Feb. Aug. Nov. Nov. 1. 1759 7. 1759. 6. 1760. 5. 1761. 4. 1761. 2. 1762. 3. 1762. 2. 1762. 1. 1763, Nov. 1. 1763. Feb. 7. 1764 xl Names of Fellows. Thomas Livingstone, .. Robert Petrie, Andrew Wilson, Maxwell Gartshore,.. John Gregory, John Morgan, John Steedman, James Hat Joseph Black, Arthur Nicolson, James M'Kittrick, William Shippen, jun.,. c Will. Macfarlane ■t James Spence, . James Aikman, James Lind, Andrew Duncan, George T ailour, Martin Eccles, William Buchan, James Hamilton, Nathaniel Spens Robert Hamilton, Edward Spry, James Hunter, Robert Lan glands, Dan. Rutherford, James Gregory, Arnold B. Beerenbrok, Matthew Powell, James Hamilton, William Wright, Thomas Gillespie, Thomas Meik, John Lind, William G rieve, Henry C u llen, John Ellison, Robert Stevenson, John Jo. Sue, John Marshall, James AVood, Robert Grant, (\ndrew Farquharson,.. Thomas Kerr, John Clark, , William Farquharson James Campbell, ... .... Henry M'Laggan, Robert Frekr, David Morton, Thomas Stevenson, Thomas Cochrane,, Samuel Spalding, Dates of their Diplomas. Dec. .May June ^Lay Mar. July Nov. Nov. June Mar. Sept. Sept. Aug. Mar. Sept. July Sept. Oct. Jan. Aug. June .June June May Jan. June July Sept. June June Aug. Aug. Oct. Dec. May Jan. Sept. June Nov. June Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. Oct. Nov. June Sept. Oct. Sept. Feb. Sept. July Nov. Sept. 1752. 30. 1750 29. 1749. 8. 17G4 13. 174(J. 18. 1763. 15 1740. 8. 1758. 11. 1754. 10. 1763. 12. 1766 16. 1761. 8. 1725. 15. 1727. 4. 1764. 6. 1768. 12. 1768 25. 1769. 27. 1768 21. 1753. 2. 1761. 12. 1771. 4. 1773. 12. 1766. 4. 1759 2. 1747. 4. 1750 12. 1772. 18. 1774. 24 1774 27. 1773 13. 1771. 25. 1763. 1. 1766. 11. 1772. 4. 1777. 12. 1770. 24. 1780 30. 1782 24. 1778. 26. 1783. 26. 1783. 12. 1776. 24. 1780. 27. 1784 25. 1784. 7. 1773.' 28. 1778. 17. 1781. 20. 1784. 23. 1779. 1. 1768. 24. 1786. 27. 1784. 26. 1785. Places where they received their Degrees. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Rheims. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Rheims. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Glasgow. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Leyden. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. jAberdeen. I St. Andrews. [Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Glasgow. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Glasgow. St. Andrews. Dates of their Licences to Practise. Feb. 7. 1764, Aug. June 7. 1764, 12. 1764, Mar. 5. 1765, Aug. Feb. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Nov. Mar. Feb. Nov. May Feb. June I Aug. JNov. Aug. Nov. jFeb. iFeb. |May Feb. Feb. Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. Nov. Feb. Feb. May Aug. May Aug. Sept. Nov. Feb. May Nov. Dec. Mar. Mar. Nov. Nov. Feb. May Aug. Nov. May 7. 1764, 5. 1765, 3. 1767. 5. 1767. 4. 1767. 3. 1767. 7. 1727. 30. 1769. 7. 1769. 7. 1769 1. 1770, 5. 1771, 20. 1771. 6. 1771. 5. 1771. 3. 1773, 3. 1773. 1. 1774. 24. 1774. 2. 1775, 6. 1776 6. 1776, 11. 1777. 4. 1777, 2. 1779, 1. 1780, 2. 1779, 6. 1781. 6. 1781. 1. 1781. 6. 1782. 6. 1783 5. 1783. 1. 1783. 4. 1783, 3. 1784, 4. 1784. 2. 1784. 2. 1784. 23. 1785. 23. 1785. 1. 1785. 1. 1785. 7. 1786. 2. 1786. 1. 1786. 7. 1786. 1. 1787. Dates of their admission as Fellows. May 1. 1764. • Nov. 6.1764. Aug. Nov. Aug. May Aug. Nov. Feb. 6. 1765. 5. 1765. 5. 1766. 5. 1767. 4. 1767. 3. 1767. 2. 1768. Dec. 12. 17€ Aug. May Nov. May May Nov. Nov. Nov. July Feb. May July May May May Feb. Aug. Feb. May Nov. May May May Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. Dec. May Aug. Feb. Feb. May May Feb. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Nov. Aug. 1. 1769. 1. 1770. 6. 1770. 7. 1771. 7. 1771. 5. 1/71. 3. 1772. 3. 1772. 7. 1774. 1. 1774. 3. 1774. 14. 1774. 1776. 1777. 1777. 1778. 1778. 1. 1780. 2. 1780. 7. 1780. 1. 1781. 1. 1781. 7. 1782. 5. 1782. 5. 1783. 4. Vii 4. 1783. 4. 1783. 4. 1784. 3. 1784. 1. 1785. 1. 1785. 3. 1785. 3. 1785. 7. 1786. 7. 1786. 2. 17S 1. 1786. 7. 1786. 6. 1787. 7. 1787. xli Names of Fellows. Geo. Baciimatiev, Thomas s^pkns, John Drimmoxd, Pat. Baron !^ETON, William Splxk, Charles ."ttuart, Alex. Hamilton, Alex. Grant Cliigston, John Craigie Charles Webster, Charlks Congalton, ... Thomas Gillies, James Clark, William Roxburgh, ... George Wilson, John Lorimer, WiL. MoNCRIEf F, Andrew Fill.oj, James Home, James Curkie, Jo. COAKLET LeTSOM, ... Nicolas Bindox, Thomas Arnold, John Yule, Joseph Fox, James M'Doxnell, Ja.mes Hamilton, Jan., Andrew Young, James M'Kittrick "1 Adair, / Angus M'Doxald, Alex. Philip Wilson, James Buchan, James G asking, Alex. Stewart, Sir Walter Farqu- 1 HAR, Bart., J Jo. HuTTON Cooper, ... Sir Alex. Douglas, "1 Bart., J Tho. Cha. Hope, George Dickson, Andrew Duncan, Andrew Keltie, Alex. Monro, Colin Lauder, Geo. Gavin Brown, ... Alexander AVilson, ... |M.\TTiiEW Poole jRoBERT Kennedy, I Willi am Kennedy, IThomas Jamieso.n, !NicoLAs Romayne, jAlEX. iMoRISON, I William Ward, Pates of their Diplomas. Sept. 12. Sept. 13. June 8. Sept 12. Aug. 1. Sept. 12. Mar. 19. Sept. 6. Dec. 27. Sept. 12. April 4. .July 28. Sept. 17. Jan. 12. Jan, 2. Apr. 29. Sept. 12. May 4. Sept. 18. Mar. 30. June 20 Sept. 12. Nov. 29. Sept. 12. Feb. 1. Sept. 13 Feb. 8. June 22. Sept. 12. Jan. 10. June 25. Sept. 12. June 10. Nov. 2. Jan. 19. 1786. 1784. 1786. 1787.1 1788. 1781. 1783. 1788 1788. 1777. 1771. 1788. 1773. 1790. 1790. 1764. 1768. 1791. 1781. 1780. 1769. 1788. 1766. 1785. 1783. 1784. 1792. 1793. Places where they received their Degrees. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. .-Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Glasgow. Leyden. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. 1789.Edmburgh. 1789. St. Andrews. 1792. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Leyden. St. Andrews. 1792. 1789. 1795. 1796. 1 Aberdeen. Mar. 12. 1796. St. Andrews. July 11. 1760. Sept. 12. Aug. 8. Sept. 12. Sept. 12. July 24. Aug. 22. Dec. 17. Aug. 18. Sept. 12. .April 12. •Jan. 1.5. June 24. Sept. 12. Sept. 12. 1787. 1796. 1794. 1797. 1786. 17t7. 1796. 1798. 1794. 1800 1791. 1780. 1799. 1800. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Dates of their Licences to practise. Aug. Nov. Nov. Nov. Aug. Mar. Feb. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. May May Feb. Aug. May June June Feb. Aug. Oct. Nov. Nov. 7. 1787. 6. 1787. 6. 1787. 6. 1787. 5. 1788. 4. 1783. 5. 1788. 13. 1789. 13. 1789. 1. 1780 5. 1788. 5. 1789. 5. 1789. 2. 1790 3. 1790. 3. 1791. 1. 1791. 1. 1791. 1. 1791, 2. 1791, 25. 1791. 1. 1791. 24. 1791. Feb. 7. 1792. Feb. Aug. Nov. Dec. Feb. Aug. Oct. Dec. Mar. Mar. May Nov. Sept. Nov. 17. 1792 22. 1793, 15. 1792 5. 1793. 3. 1794. 5. 1794. 27. 1795. 3. 1795. 1. 1796. 15. 1796 10. 1796 5. 1795 6. 1796 1. 1796 Nov. Nov. Dec. Feb. Aug. May Aug. Dec. Aug. May Feb. 7. 1797. 30. 1797. 6. 1798. 5. 1799 6. 1799, 7. 1799. 5. 1800 5. 1799 28. 1800. 6. 1800. 3. 1801. Dates of their admission as Fellows. Aug. Feb. Feb. Feb. Aug. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May May Aug. Aug. Feb. Nov. Aug. 1. 1787. 5. 1788. 5. 1788. 5. 1788. 19. 1788. 3. 1789. 3. 1789. 3. 1789. 3. 1789, 6. 1789, 5. 1789, 3. 1789, 3. 1789, 13. 1790. 3. 1790, 2. 1791, Aug. Nov. 2. 1791, 1. 1791, Dec. 1. 1791, Mar. 6. 1792, Mar. 6. 1792, Nov. 5. 1793, Dec. 5. 1793, Feb. Feb. Aug. Feb. Feb. 3. 1794, 3. 1795. 4. 1795, 2. 1796, 2. 1796, May 3. 1796. May 18. 1796. Nov. 1. 1796 Dec. 1. 1796 Nov. 30. 1797, May 1. 1798, May 7. 1799, Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. Nov. May May 5. 1799, 5. 1800, 4. 1800, 4. 1800, 4. 1800 11. 1801 .5. 1801 xlii James Robertson, Oct. Donald Smith, May Oswald Hunter, June William Dick, Feb. William Franklin, July Robinson Foxlet, Oct. John Gray, May Samuel M'Dowell, June Thomas Brown, jSept. Alex. Mackenzie, |Mar. John Barclay, June William Wightman, James Macgregor, .. George Alley, William Gourlay, ., Thomas Gray, Joshua H. Davidson,.. Names of Fellows. Dates of their Diplomas. Places where they received their Decrees. Dates of their Licences to practise. June Feb. Apr. June April June Alexander Wylie, Jub' ^ 14. 6. 24. 24. 7. 8. 11. 14. 12. 13. 24. 3. 17. 11. 24 7. 24. 9 Adam Burt, John Cheyne, James Muttlebury, .. James Proud Johnson, Henry Hardie, James Anderson, David Daniel Davis, .. John Bigsby, WiL. Elford Leach, .. William Ferguson, WlL. PULTENEY AlISON, Alex. Maclarty, Benjamin Bartlet \ Buchanan, j John Warroch Pursell, John Clark, j William Maxton, John Williamson, Samuel Fergusson, Robert Briggs, John BowEN, Benjamin Lara, George Magrath, William Beatty, Henry Dewar, , Anthony Lindsay, James Murdoch, Andrew Nicoll, , John Murray, George Drysdale, Hen. Evans Holder, ... William Pym, David Aird, Isaac Wilson, David James Hamil- ) TON Dickson j Mar. June Apr. Sept. Sept. Sept. May June Jan. Mar. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. May Aug. Feb. June Dec. July Sept. Oct. June Aug. Apr. Sept. Dec. 1794. 1785. 1803. 1803. 1795. 1804. 1805. 1805. 1803. 1803. 1796. 1790. 1804. 1807. 1782. 1800. 1807. 1808. 1808. 1795. 1810. 1805. 1809. 1810. 1801. 1810. 1812. 1812. 1811. 1795. 12. 1808. 1798. 1806. 1821. 1804. 1813. 1813. 1806. 1809. 1802. 1805. 1806. 1804. 1814. 1814. 1810. 1814. 1815. 1801. 1799. 1805. 1796. 'Aberdeen. St. Andrews. lEdinburgh. lAberdeen. jAberdeen. St. Andrews. lAberdeen. iSt. Andi-ews. Edinburgh. SSt. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. 1st. Andrews. JEdinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Glasgow. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Mar. May Aug. June Aug. Feb. Aug. Aug. Feb. May Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. Feb. May Aug. Feb. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Nov. Feb. 80. 1802. 3. 1803. 2. 1803. 1. 1804. 7. 1804. 5. 1805. 6. 1805. 6. 1805. 5. 1805. 6. 1806. 5. 1805. 5. 1806. 26. 1806, 3. 1807. 2. 1808, 2. 1808, 2. 1808 1. 1808 1. 1809 22. 1810 1. 1810 7. 1810 5. 1811 6. 1810 4. 1812 4. 1812 4. 1812 6. 1812 5. 1811 1. 1813 Aug. 4. 1812. Mar. 2. 1813 Mar. 2. 1813 Aug. 18. 1806. Aberdeen. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Aug Aug. Feb. Feb. Aug. May Nov. July Nov. Feb. Feb. May 2. 1813 2. 1813 2. 1813 18. 1813 1. 1814 12. 1814 2. 1814 2. 1814 1. 1814 7. 1815 2. 1814 2. 1815 1. 1814 15. 1815 7. 1815 6. 1816 6. 1816 7. 1816 Dates of their admission as Fellows. May 7. 1816. 4. 1802. 2. 1803. 1. 1803. 6. 1804. 6. 1804. 7. 1805. 5. 1805. 6. 1805. 4. 1806. 5. 1806. 4. 1806. 4. 1806. 5. 1807. 2. 1808. 3. 1808. 1. 1808. 1. 1809. 7. 1809. 7. 1809. 1. 1810. 7. 1810. 6. 1810. 7. 1811. 5. 1811. 5. 1812. 5. 1812. 5. 1812. 4. 1812. 3. 1812. 4. 1818. 3. 1813. 3. 1813. 8. 1813. 1. 1814. 1. 1814. 3. 1814. 3. 1814. 3. 1814. 2. 1814. 1. 1814. 1. 1814. 7. 1815. 2. 1815. 1. 1815. 1. 1815. 7. 1815. 7. 1815. 6. 1816. 7. 1816. 7. 1816. 6. 1816. Aug. 6. 1816. May Aug. Nov. Nov. Nov. May Nov. Nov. Feb. Aug. Nov. Nov. May Feb. May Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. May Aug. Nov. May Nov. May May May Aug. Nov. May Aug. Aug. Aug. Feb. Feb. May May May Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. May Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. May May Aug. xli Names of Fellows. Dates of their Diplomas. Places where they received their Degrees. Dates of their Licences to practise. Dates of their admission as FeUows. Robert John Hume, ... Jan. Feb. Apr. Dec. Sept. Mar. June July Mar. June June Aug. Dec. Aug. Jan. June Jan. May June Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Oct. Jan. June Aug. May June Sept. June Aug. Apr. June Aug. Aug. Jan. Aug. Sept. Aug. Feb. Feb. June June Jan. June May June Aug. Mar. |July Aug. Jan. Ljuly 12. 1816., St. Andrews. 7. 1817. {Aberdeen. Aug. Feb. May May May May Nov. Aug. May May Dec. Nov. Aug. Aug. Mar. May Feb. Feb. May Aug. Feb. Feb. Aug. Nov. Aug. Feb. Feb. Aug. Aug. Nov. Feb. Feb. May May Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. May Feb. May Nov. Dec. Feb. Nov. Nov. Feb. May Nov. June Aug. Jan. Feb. 6. 1816. 25. 1817. 6. 1817. 6. 1817. 16. 1817. 5. 1818. 4. 1817. 4. 1818. 5. 1818. 5. 1818. 19. 1818. 3. 1818. 3. 1819. 3. 1819. 3. 1819. 4. 1819. 1. 1820. 1. 1820. 2. 1820. 1. 1820. 1. 1820. 1. 1820. 7. 1821. 6. 182L 6. 1822. 5. 1822. 5. 1822 6. 1822. 6. 1822 5. 1822. 4. 1823. 4. 1828. 6. 1823. 4. 1824. 4. 1823. 4. 1823. 4. 1823. 3. 1824. 4. 1824. 1. 1825. 3. 1825. 2. 1824. 28. 1825. 7. 1820. 7. 1826. 4. 1817. 5. 1828. 2. 1815. 6. 1827. 24. 1828. 5. 1828. 13. 1829. 7. 1815. Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. ]\ray May May Nov. Nov. Nov. May May May May Aug. Nov. Feb. May Nov. Feb. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Aug. Nov. Feb. Feb. May Aug. Nov. Nov. Nov. Feb. INlay i\Iay Aug. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Aug. May May June Nov. Aug. Feb. Aug. Aug. 5. 1816. 5. 1817. 5. 1817. 5. 1817. 4. 1817. 4. 1818. 3. 1818. 3. 1818. 4. 1819. 4. 1819. 4. 1819. 2. 1819. 2. 1819. 2. 1819. 2. 1820. 2. 1820. 2. 1820. 2. 1820. 1. 1820. 7. 1820. 6. 1821 1. 1821. 6. 1821. 5. 1822. 5. 1822. 4. 1823. 14. 1817. St. Andrews. 7. 1816. iSt. Andrews. 12. 1810. Edinburgh. 7. 1818. |St. Andrews. 24. 1814.!Edinburgh. 4. 1818. St. Andrews. 4. 1809. 1st. Andrews. 24. 1812.iEdinburgh. 24. 1809. 'Edinburgh. 1. lS16.,Edinburgh. 5. 1818. 1st. Andrews. 2. 1819.lEdinburgh. 30. 1819.iAberdeen. 24. 1795. EcUnburgh. 7. 1815. jSt. Andrews. 13. 1816.'Aberdeen. 20. 1814.: Aberdeen. 2. 1819. Edinburgh. 12. 1808. Edinburgh. 2. 1819. Edinburgh. 1. 1820. Edinburgh. 4. 1821. 'Aberdeen. 18. 1771. Leyden. 24. 1814. Efbnbnvpb Fat. C.\mi'BellBaird,... Will. Moxcrieff, Wm. Preston Lauder,... Andrew Kenney, J as. Tuos. Brown Watt, Walter Adam, Edward Turner, Ale.x. Kennedy, Steph. Macmullen, James Gillies, Sir Jas. Ro. Gra^ct, ... Ebenezer Gairdner, ... Robert Graham, Jas. Geo. Playfaib, ... John Butter, William Arnold, David Campbell, Robert Christison, ... Thomas Kidd, 2. 1819. 12. 1819. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. 4. 1823. 4. 1823 John Abercrombie, ... Robert Groat, 4. 1803. 12. 1783. 24. 1808. 1. 1817. 10. 1823. 3. 1809. 1. 1816. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Glasgow. St. Andrews. Edinbiirp-h. 4. 1823 4. 1823. G. Augustus Borth- 1 wick, / Robert Carntegy, John Young, 3. 1824. 3. 1824. 4. 1824 Thomas Magrath, William Beilby, 3. 1824 2. 1824 Edward jMilligan, John Macwuirter, Thomas Shortt, 1. 1815. Edinburgh. 6. 1816. St. Andrews. 1. 1815. Edinburgh. 12. 1809. Edinburgh. 28. 181 2.! Aberdeen. 5. 1825.! Aberdeen. 16. 1805. St. Andrews. 24. 1814. Edinburgh. 24. 1807. 'Edinburgh. 4. 1806. Aberdeen. 2. 1824 2. 1824 1. 1825 James Wood, 3. 1825 Alexander Boyle, John Murray, 3. 1825 2. 1825 Richard Poole, 1. 1825 Robert Grant, 6. 1827 Richard Hawley, James Melus, 6. 1827 6. 1827 Sir And"- Halliday, ... James Macdonald, John Thatcher, Ja. Crawfurd Gregory, Peter Ramsay, William Gregory, Ed. DuFFtN Allison, ... John Thomson, John Price, 24. 1806. 21. 1806. 24. 1806. 2. 1824. 3. 1817. 12. 1828. 20. 1827. 11. 1808. 3. 1821. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Ediubnrgli. St. Andrews. Edinburgli. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Aberdeen. 7. 1827 6. 1828 6. 1828 24. 1828 4. 1828 4. 1829 2. 1830 3. 1830 3. 1830 xliv Names of Fellows. Dates of their Diplomas. Robert Lewins, David Boswell Reid, . . . John Mackenzie, Montgomery Robert ) SON, J Andrew Combe, ... John Hume Peebles, ... David Craigie, Peter Fair u airn, Thos. Stewart Traill, Alex. George Home, ... Jacob D. Hunter, Patrick Charles, William Glover, William Thomson, John Wilson Anderson John Smith, James Patterson, J. D. Morries Stirling, Robert Spittal, James Burnes, Charles Ransford, Ralph Richardson, ... Archibald Robertson, Thos. B. Harness, William Macdonald, ... Samuel Hobart, John Tilstone, William Seller, John Reid, James Young Simpson, Henrt Atkinson, William Reid, John Spens, James Cox, Charles Bell, Edmund B. Lockyer, ... Martin Barry, John Moir, George Paterson, Patrick Rolland, John Home, William Henderson, ... James Marr, John Macn aught, J AS. Lynch O'CoNNER,... J NO. T. Ingleby, Rob. Geo. Holland, ... Jno. Ward Dowsley, ... John Miller, Andrew Henderson, .., J. Stevenson Bushnan, Ralph F. Ainsworth,... James Stark, Thomas Radford, Places where they received their Degrees. June 24. 1813. Edinburgh. July 12. 1830. Edinburgh. Aug. 2. 1824. Edinburgh. Oct. 16. 1829. Aug. Sept. Aug. Aug. Sept. Aug. July July Aug. Apr. Aug. Aug. July July Mar. Aug. July Aug. Aug. Apr. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Apr. July July July July May July July Dec. Apr. Nov. May June Feb. June Aug. May Mar. July Apr. 1. 1825. 30. 1828. 1. 1816. 2. 1819. 13. 1802. 1. 1823. 12. 1831. 12. 1828.1 17. 1818.: 1. 1831. 1. 1820.1 I. 1823.' 12. 1832. 12. 1831. 11. 1832. 7. 1824. 12. 1833. 1. 1834. 1. 1817. 28.1835. 1. 1818. 30. 1835. 24. 1835. 1. 1821. 12. 1830. 12. 1832. 1. 1835 2. 1824. 1. 1835. 1. 1835. 27. 1836. 8. 1836. 12. 1833. 12. 1828, 12. 1833. 28. 1837. 13. 1829. 12. 1831. 6. 1837. 7 1815 24. 1820. 28 1838. 12. 1838. II. 1826. 24. 1805 1. 1823. 14. 1836. 13. 1836, 12. 1833. 4. 1839, Aberdeen. Edinburgh. Pisa. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinbvirgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. |Edinburgh. jSt. Andrews. Aberdeen. Edinburgh. iEdinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Giessen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Erlangen. Heidelberg. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Erlangen. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Glasgow. Jena. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Keil. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Abei'deen. Aberdeen. Heidelberg. Erlangen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Heidelberg. Berlin. Edinburgh. Heidelberg. Dates of their Licences to practise. Dates of their admission as Fellows. Nov. 3. 1829. y Nov. Aug 2. 1830. 2. 1831. Nov. 1. 1831. Feb. 7. 1832. May Aug. Aug. Feb. May May May Aug. Aug. Oct. Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. May Sept. Feb. Feb. Aug. Nov. Feb. Feb. Aug. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. July July July July Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Nov. Nov. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Aug. 1. 1832. 7. 1832. 7. 1832. 5. 1833. 1833, 1833. 1833. 1833. 1833. 12. 1833. 12. 1833. 12. 1833. 4. 1834. 4. 1834. 6. 1834. 23. 1834. 3. 1835. 3. 1835. 4. 1835. 3. 1835. 2. 1886. 2. 1836. 2. 1836. 4. 1836. 4. 1836. 4. 1836. 4. 1836. 7. 1837. 7. 1837. 7. 1837. 7. 1837. 7. 1837. 15. 1837. 15. 1837. 15. 1837. 15. 1837. 6. 1838. 6. 1838. 6. 1838. 6. 1838. 1. 1838. 6. 1838. 6. 1838. 6. 1838. 6. 1839. 5. 1839. 5. 1839, 5. 1839, 7. 1839, 6. 1839 xlv Names of Fellows. Keith Imray, James Andrew, KoB. Bowes Malcolm,..- George Lund, Evan P. Cameron, Thomas R. Colledge,... Alexander Wood, John Willett, Jno. Rose Cormack, ... George Hull, Henry Hawkins, Henry Lonsdale Jno. Hughes Bennett, .. Donald Macfarlane,... William Robertson, ... An. Halliday Douglas, Aug J. G. M. Burt, Nov. June 28. 1836. July 2. 1839. July 12. 1831. Aug. 1. 1837. Dates of their Diplomas. Places where they received their Degrees. Pisa. Cambridge. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Dec. 16. 1839 Aberdeen. Aug. 1. 1839. Edinburgh. May 5. 1840.!st. Andrews. Aug. 1. 1837.lEdiuburgh. June 6. 1825. 1st. Andrews. Mar. 16. 1838.lErlangen. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1. 1838. 1. 1837. 1. 1836. 1. 1839. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1. 1840. Edinburgh. 9. 1836. William Hall Ryott,. William Macleod, .... Alexander Jackson, . Theodore F. Wood,.... John Beevok, William Hutcheson, . W. M. Adams, John Scott, Edward Greenhow, . John Coldstream, Jan. 10. 1842. Giessen. Erlangen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Giessen. May 2. 1843. Aug. 1. 1838. Aug. 1. 1843. Aug. 3. 1841. Aug. 1. 1838. Aug. 9. 1843. Aug. 1. 1820.lEdinburgh. Sept. 24. 1835.jErlangen. Aug. 1. 1827. Edinburgh. Archibald Makellar, 'April 25. 1832. Glasgow. Robert Paterson, 'Aug. 1. 1836 j Edinburgh. Aug. 1. 1841. Edinburgh. Sept. 12. 1812. Edinburgh. Aug. 1. 1844. Edinburgh. Aug. 1. 1835. 'Edinburgh. April 6. 1840.!Giessen. George S. Keith, William Bowie, Neville Wood, Alexander Peddle, Ben. North Arnold, .. Thomas Smith Maccall, I April 24. 1838.;St. Andrews. Thomas Hughes, William Mackinnon, ... Thomas Head, William Scott, Samuel D. Lees, Alexander Smith, James G. Harrison, ... Benjamin Robinson, ... Charles Chadwick, ... J. Calthrop Williams, Robert Brent William Henry Lowe, Alfred Crabbe •John Ferguson, , John Scott, .James Begbie, John Taylor, Thomas Graham Weir, Thomas Wright, John Brown, Aug. Aug. May May Aug. 1. 1837. Jan. 28. 1826. June 6. 1842. May 7. 1839. Aug. 1. 1837. Aug. 2. 1824. July Aug. May June Aug. Aug. July Aug. Aug. 1. 1819. 2. 1821. 12. 1830. 1. 1835. 1. 1845. July 12. 1833 Dates of their j Licences to < Practise. ' 1. l(i25.|Edinburgh. 1. 1836. Edinburgh. 6. 1845. St. Andi-ews. 6. 1845. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Giessen. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 1. 1845. St. Andrews. 1. 1840. [Edinburgh. 5. 1846. St. Andrews.. 1. 1815. Edinburgh. Eflinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Dates of their admission as Fellows. Feb. May Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. Feb. Aug. Aug. Sept. Nov. Feb. Feb. May May Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. Feb. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. j\Iay May May May May Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Aug. Nov. Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May Aug. 4. 1840. 5. 1840. 4. 1840. 4. 1840. 4. 1840. 4. 1840. 3. 1840. 3. 1840. 2. 1841. 2. 1841. 3. 1841. 3. 1841. 30. 1842. 1. 1842. 7. 1843. 7. 1843. 2. 1843. 2. 1843. 1. 1843. 7. 1843. 7. 1843. 6. 1844. 6. 1844. 5. 1844. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 6. 1845. 6. 1845. 27. 1845 27. 1845 27. 1845. 5. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 1845. 4. 1845. 4. 1845. 20. 1845. 20. 1845. 4 1846. 4. 1846. 7. 1846. 2. 1847. 2. 1847. 2. 1847. 2. 1847. 2. 1847. 4. 1847. 3. 1847. xlvi Names of Fellows. Dates of their Diplomas. Edward Mackat, Nath. Allen Travis, ... Davld Maclagan, Frederick Bell Hunt, James York, James Charles Hall,... CiiAs. Radcltffe Hall, Edward Waters, Alexander Keiller,... C. LocKHART Robertson, Thomas Hill Pattison, Jno. Young Myrtle, ... Samuel Somerville, ... William ( 'umming, Forbes Benj. Winslow, Wm. Tennant Gairdner, Wm. Charles Hood, ... Alex. A. Renton, Jas. Matthews Duncan, Peter NiDDBiE, Jas. W. Begbie, Sept. 25. Aug. 1 . Sept. 12. May 6. Dec. 15. June 27. Feb. 16 Aug. 2. Aug. 4. May 5. July 12. July 12. Aug. 1. Aug. 6. April 13. Aug. 1. May 5. Aug 1. Oct. 16. April 29. Aug. 2. 1844. 1825. 1805. 1845. 1832. 1840. 1848. 1S47. 1835. 1845, 1831, 1833, 1836, 1839, 1849 1845 1846 1849 1846, 1835 1847 Places where they received their Degrees. Giessen. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Erlangen. Erlangen. Erlangen. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. St. Andrews. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Aberdeen. {"Edinburgh. St. Andrews. Etlinburgh. Aberdeen. Glasgow. Edinburgh. Dates of their Licences to Practise. Dates of their admission as Fellows. Nov. Dec. Feb. Feb. May May Aug. Aug. April May Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Feb. May May Feb. May Dec. Feb. 2. 1847. 2. 1847. 1. 1848. 1. 1848. 1. 1848. 1. 1848. 1. 1848. 1. 1848. 5. 1849. 1. 1849. 6. 1849. 6. 1849. 6. 1849. 6. 1849. 5. 1850. 7. 1850. 7. 1850. 4 1851. 6. 1851. 4. 1851. 3. 1852. LIST HONORARY MEMBERS, FROM THE ERECTION OF THE COLLEGE, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR ADMISSION. N.B. — The Record is vantlng from December 1682 to the year 1694. Names of Honorary Members. Dates of their admission. Earl of Marchmont, ... Lord Whitehill, ....;.... Lord Anstruther, Dr. David Gregory. ... Dr. Robert Gray, Sir Hans Sloan, Earl of Wemyss, Laird of Posso, Earl of Le\':en, EARLofEREOLL Earl of Glasgow, Lord Prestonh all, Lord Minto, Dr. John Arbcthnot,... Dr. Alex. Russell, Dr. Will. Cockburn, ... Dr. George Cheyne, ... Dr. James Campbell, ... Dr. Will. Fullerton, . . . Dr. George Martin, ... Dr. David Balfour, ... Dr. John Johnston, . . . Dk. Thomas Simpson, . . . Dr. Richard Mead, ... Dr. J as. M'Kenzie, De. John Huxham, Dr. G. Van Swieten, ... Arch. Duke of Aegyle, May 15. 1696. Nov. 6. Aug. 22. Oct. 4. Oct. 4. Dec. 13. Nov. 14. Apr. 22. June 3. June 18. 1707 1699. 1705. 1705. 1705. 1705. 1706, 1707 1707 Dec. 12. 1707 Feb. 12. 1712 May May 5. 1724 2. 1727 Nov. 5. 1728 Aug. 5. 1740 Feb. Feb.' 7. 1744 7. 1744 May 7. 1745 Oct. 2. 1755 Oct. 2. 1755 Nov. 4. 1755 Nov. 30. 1758 Names of Honorary Members. M. DE Senac, John Earl of Bute, ... Dr. James Mounsey, ... Count Carbury, Sir Charles Linneus, . . . Baron Albert Von ■) Halleb, / Henry Duke of Buc- ") cleuch, / Dr. H. Gaubius, Dr. Ja3. Flint, ex officio, Dr. Ant. Stork, Dr. J. G. Zimmerman,... Dr. J. M. DE Lassonne, SiE. Jos. Banks, Bart., Dr. John Eogerson, ... JGeoroe Duke of Mon- "j I tague, / Dr. p. Camper, jDr. Fel. Yicq. D'Azte, Dr. Jo. And. Murray, Dr. Aug. Got. Rich-) teb, J Dr. Jo. Got. Walter,... jSiR Geo. Baker, Bart., ICOtTNT RuMFORD, Dr. Ed WAP. d .Tenner, ... Dr. Matthew Baillie, Dates of their admission. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. May Nov. I Dec. Uec. Dec. Feb. Dec. Mar. Nov. May Nov. 4. 1760. 8. 1761. 2. 1762. 5. 1765. 3. 1772. Nov. 3. 1772. 2. 1773. 2. 1773. 3. 1774. 5. 1776. 5. 1782. 5. 1782. 17. 1782. 2. 1790. 1. 1791. 27. 1792. 4. 1800. 20. 1806. 13. 1809. xlviii LIST PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE FROM ITS ERECTION. Dr. Archibald Stevenson, elected President 8th December 1681, and continued till 1684. Sir Robert Sibbald, elected 4tli December 1684. From 1684 to 1693 the Record is wanting. Names of Presidents. Dates of their Election. Names of Presidents. Dates of tlieir Election. Sir Arch. Stevenson,... Nov. 30. 1693. Dr. James Hay, Nov. 30. 1786. Dr. Robert Trotter, ... Dec. 6. 1694. Dr. Joseph Black, Dec. 4. 1788. Sir Thomas Burnet, ... Dec. 3. 1696. Dr. And. Duncan, Dec. 2. 1790. Dr. Mat. Sixclare, ... Dec. 1. 1698. Dr. James Hamilton,... Dec. 6. 1792. Dr. Robert Trotter, . . . Dec. 5. 1700. Dr. Nathaniel Spens, . . . Dec. 4. 1794. Dr. Alex. Dundas, Dec. 3. 1702. Dr. D. Rutherford, ... Dec. 1. 1796. Dr. James Halket, Nov. 30. 1704. Dr. James Gregory, ... Dec. 6. 1798. Dr. William Eccles, ... Dec. 5. 1706. Dr. Will. Wright, Dec. 3. 1801. Dr. Mat. Sinclare, ... Dec. 2. 1708. iDr. Thomas Spens, Dec. 1. 1803. Dr. Will. Stewart, ... Dec. 6. 1716. Dr. Charles Stuart, Dec. 4. 1806 Dr. James Forrest, ... Dec 3. 1719. Dr. James Home, Nov 30. 1809. Dr. Joiiij Dbummond, ... Dec. 6. 1722. Dr. J. Hamilton, Jun.,.. Dec. 3. 1812. Dr. Francis Pringle,... Nov. 30. 1727. Dr. Tnos. Chas. Hope,.. Nov. 30. 1815. Dr. John Riddell, Dec. 2. 1731. Dr. James Buchan, Dec. 2. 1819. Dr. Robert Lowis, Dec. 4. 1735. Dr. And. Duncan, Jun., Dec. 5. 1822. Dr. John Clerk, Dec. 4. 1740. Dr And. Duncan, Sen., Dec. 4. 1824. Dr. Will. Cochran, ... Dec. 6. 1744. Dr. Alex. Monro, Dec. 1. 1825. Dr. W. Porterfield, ... Dec. 1. 1748. IDr. Alex. Morrison, ... Dec. 6. 1827. ^^ Dr. Jo. Rutherford, .. Nov. 30. 1752. iD. J. H. Davidson, Dec. 3. 1829. M % Sir Alex. Dick, Dec. Dec. 2. 1756. 1. 1763. Dr. J. Macwhirter, ... Dr. J. H. Davidson, ... Dec. Dec. 1. 1831. 5. 1833. Dr. Robert Whytt, ... SirS. Thriepland, Dec. 4. 1766. Dr. John Thomson, Dec. 4. 1834. '^'i Dr. John Boswell, Dec. 6. 1770. Dr. W. p. Alison, Dec. 1. 1836. \% Dr. Colin Drummond,... Dec. 3. 1772. Dr. R. Christison, Dec. 0. 1838. ■s-s Dr. William Cullen,.. Aug. 3. 1773. Dr. R. Graham, Dec 3. 1840. ir Dr. Francis Home, Nov. 30. 1775. Dr. R. Renton, Doc 1. 1842. Dec 4 1777. Dr. W. Beilby, Dec 5. 1844. Dr. Alex. Monro, Dec. 3. 1779. Dr. R. Christison, Dec. 3. 1846. '>^ Dec 5 1782 Dr. W. Seller, Nov. 30. 1848. X Dr. John Hope, Dec. 2. 1784. Dr. J. Y. Simpson, Dec. 6. 1850. CHAPTER I. OF THE COMMON SEAL. The Seal whereof the above is an engraving, is the Seal of Ti.e common seai. this College ; and shall be affixed to all Testimonials, Licenses, Certificates, and other public acts of the College. The Common Seal shall be kept in the custody of the T„bekeptb.vsecre- Secretarj'^, and shall be affixed by him to such documents as the College, Council, or President shall direct. CHAPTER II. OF ORDINAKY FELLOWS. Who are eii T\ • . > Shoi) involves for- ners, or servants, keep a public Apothecary s, Druggists, or feitureofFeUowsMp Chemist's shop, shall, ipso facto, forfeit all the rights and privi- leges which he does or may enjoy as a Fellow or Licentiate of the College, and his name shall be expunged from the List. 2. Any Fellow of the College, who shall act in a manner Mode of depriving unbecoming the character of a Physician, may be deprived of ° '*^ « ""' i^ his Fellowship. In which case the following form shall be observed : — A Motion to that eflect must be made and seconded at one Meeting, and determined viva voce at an- other Meeting called for the purpose ; the object of both Meet- ings being announced in the billets, which must be circulated one week previously ; and it shall require a majority of three- fourths of the Fellows present to carry the motion. A Copy of the motion must be suspended in the Council-Room during the above period. CHAPTER YIII. ON THE ELECTION OF OFFICE-BEARERS. By a Plurality of 1. At the Annual MeetTng for the election of Office-Bearers, voices. _ ( Vide Chap. X., No. 1 .) the Fellows present shall, by a plurality of voices, choose seven of their number as the Council of the College, and Electors of the other Office-Bearers. Council to choose 2. These Electors shall retire to another room, and make Office-Bearers. choice of a President, (who must be one of the Electors,) Two Censors, a Treasurer, a Secretary, Procurator Fiscal, a Curator of Museum, a Librarian, an Uuder-Librarian, Examiners of Foreign Graduates, a Clerk, and an Officer, — each to continue in Office for one year. Nomination of Vice- 3. When the Electors return, the Clerk shall announce the President. names of the Office-Bearers ; after which the newly elected President shall take the Chair, and nominate a Vice-Presi- dent. President not to hold 4. The Same Member may be elected President for two office for more than • i i c i • • ■, two years consecu- years Successively, but not lor any longer consecutive period, tively. unless by the unanimous consent of the Council. But the same Member may be re-elected after having been out of Office for two years. 5. ' number of years. No restriction on 5. The other Officc-Bearers may be re-elected for an unlimited other Office-Bearers. CHAPTER IX. OF THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE OFFICE-BEARERS. § 1. The President. To be addresse 1 ] , The President shall be addressed by those who speak in by the speakers. the Meetings. 2. He shall keep order, regulate tlie Debates, suggest Mem- To regulate the Do- bate and name the bers of Committees, call the votes when necessary, and declare Committees. in what manner the question is determined. 3. lie shall have one vote as an Ordinary Member, and a To have an ordinary and casting vote. casting vote in case of an equal division. 4. He shall not originate or second any Motion while acting as Cannot originate or second a motion. Chairman. 5. He shall appoint all Committees, and shall be ex-qfficlo a How nominated. Member and Chairman of every Committee. 6. If the College have occasion to sue or defend in any Suits to be carried /-I c T • • I 1 1 1 ■ ^ • 1 on in his name. Court of Justice, the suit shall be carried on in the name of the President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh. 7. He shall sign all Diplomas issued by the College. To sign Diplomas. § 2. The Censors. The two Censors, with the President, are authorized by the Their authority by Charter of the College to call before them unlicensed Practi- tioners, and to sit as Judges upon them, — on giving notice to the Magistrates of Edinburgh, who may appoint one of the Bailies to sit as an Assessor. § 3. Of Committees. 1 . At the appointment of every Committee (except standing m v, ■ , * ^ •' ^ i o To be restricted as Committees,) a time fixed for the business being finished '■'*'™«- which the College entrusts to it. 2. No expenses shall be incurred by Committees without a Not to incur expense special vote of the College, and a limitation of the sum to be ex- me of the College^. pended. 3. Committees appointed at one Quarterly Meeting shall bring when to report. up written reports to the next Quarterly Meeting, unless it has been otherwise determined. § 4, The Treasurer. ^ . The Treasurer shall receive, disburse, and be accountable Accountable for mi for, all the money of the College. '""^ ^"^^^ 10 May defray ordinary 2. He iiiav pay, vvithout any Special order, the ordinary expenses without a j r j i j r > j special vote. expenses of the College, but shall not pay or disburse any other sum without previous direction to that effect from the Council. Accountf to be ba- 3^ jjg ghall balance his Accounts every year on the 25th day laneed and audited. •' ■' •' of January, or, if that day shall happen to be Sunday, on the January, and shall deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Quarterly Meeting in February a Report signed by at least two of the Auditors of Accounts, containing his Charge and Discharge of the money belonging to the College, with a true state of his Accounts. pe°nditwe^""'"^^ ^^ ■*• ^^® ^^^ ^^^P ^ regular Book of Accounts, containing the various items of Income and Expenditure for the year, which Book shall be produced yearly at the February Meeting. Book of Capital Ac- 5, jJq shall keep a Book containing a statement of the Capital Account, which Book shall also be produced yearly at the Feb- ruary Meeting. ^ovV^lo in'bauif ^- He may retain <£20 in his hands; but any surplus above that shall be lodged in the Banking-house where the Cash -account of the College is kept; and when the funds so lodged shall amount to XSOO, they shall be lent out on heritable, or such other good security, as the Trustees may approve. Cannot overdi-avv y^ jf ^t any time he shall have occasion to overdraw the Cash- Bank-account with- -^ out authority of accouut of the College, he shall first obtain the authority of the Council. ° - •' Council for so doing, and be furnished with a certified excerpt of the minute, to be lodged with the Bank as their authority from the College for making such advance. Latitude aa to re- 8. He may expend the sum of .£5 on such repairs on the pairs. buildings as may be necessary, but when the expense exceeds that sum he shall previously obtain the authority of the Council. v i hiniseli, or cause to be taken by the Clerk, minutes ot the pro- ceedings, and shall see that they are properly extended, and, after approval, engrossed in the respective minute books. To. submit the opi- 3. He shall Submit to the College, the opinion of the Council nion of the Council ,, . .ii- i-iii -iii to the College. OH all motions Or other business which has been considered by them, and shall give such explanations to the College as the Council may direct. To sign all diplomas. 4. He shall, in conjunction with the President, sign all Diplo- mas issued by the College. To keep the Diploma 5. He shall keep Under his custody the copperplates on which '' * ^^' are engraved the forms of Diplomas for Fellows and Licentiates, and also the lithographed or printed forms of Petition for the Fellowship or License. To keep the College 6. He shall keep Under his custody, in the safe of the College, ters.'and papers. ^ ^^^ various Minute Books, Letters, and papers belonging to the College. The Current Letter Book and Minutes of Council he may keep in his own house, but the Minute-Book of the College is, on no account whatever, to be removed from the buildinjr. 7. He shall allow access to these Minutes at all times to the To allow access to the Minutes to Fel Fellows of the College. Other parties shall only be permitted to i""s. inspect them ou making written application to the Council and receiving its sanction. 8. He shall direct the Clerk to summon Meetings of the Col- To arrange for sum - ° niomng Meetings of lege and Council, and shall furnish him with a list of the busi- coUege or Council. ness to be transacted at each Meeting, in order that it may be duly entered in the billets by which the Meeting is called. He shall also previously to each Quarterly or Extraordinary Meet- ing of the College, cause a programme of the business to be suspended in the Reading-room. 9. He shall previously to the Meeting of Council before the To report absentees from Meetings of Quarterly Meeting of the College in November of each year, Council. give to the Clerk a list of Members of the Council, who may have been absent at any of the Meetings, in order that the fines exigible from them may be collected and included in the annual statement of the contributions and fines. § 8. Procurator- Fiscal. The Procurator-Fiscal shall have the charge of all the legal proceedings of the College. § 9. The Librarian. 1. The Librarian shall have the general control of the to have control of Library, and superintend the ordering of Books, and the per- ' ^^^^' formance of the duties of the Library by the Under- Librarian and Officer. 2. He shall, previously to the Meeting of Council before the to Register absen- Quarterly Meeting of the College in November of each year, comiue^"""'"''' give to the Clerk a list of Members of the Library Committee who may have been absent from any of the Meetings of the Committee, and also of those Fellows who may have committed any breach of the regulations of the Library, in order that the fines exigible from them may be collected and included in the Annual Statement of the contributions and fiiie.s. 14 § 10. Under- Librarian. Hoursofattciiannoe. 1. The Uiicler-Librarian shall attend at least one stated hour daily, from 4 to 5 o'clock, p.m., for giving out and receiving Books, and performing all other duties devolving on him under the Regulations for the Library. Kegisters to be kept. 2. He shall regularly enter all Books, purchased or presented to the College, in the Library Journal kept for that purpose, and in the alphabetical Catalogue. To execute instruc- 3. He shall receive and execute the instructions of the Li- tions of Librarian. . »x-i r^ • ^^ ^ brarian and Library Committee regarding the concerns or the Library ; and shall also attend Meetings of the Library Com- mittee when required. § n. The Clerk. Toattend Meeting of 1. The Clerk shall attend all the Meetings of the Collefje, the College or Council. _ ° ® Quarterly Meetings of the Council, and such other Meetings of the Council, or of any of the Committees which may require his assistance. To call Roll. 2. He shall call the Roll at the commencement and close of each Meeting of the College, and register the fines against those who are late, or absent. To read Minutes and 3. He shall, at cach Meeting of the College, read the Minutes Petition.s. . t-» • • /■ /-i t of the former Meeting, and any Petitions of Candidates for admission as Fellows or Licentiates. To keep Minutes. 4. He shall, at each Meeting of the College, minute the pro- ceedings, and shall subsequently extend them under the direction of the Secretary. To submit Minutes to 5. He shall submit the draft of the minute so prepared to the Quarterly Meeting of Council previously to its being read at the next Quarterly Meeting of the College. He sliall, within To engross Minutes f<>ur days after each minute has received the sanction of the Col- in the Minute-book, j^^^^^ ^^^^^^ j^ ^^ ^^ cngrosscd in the Minute-Book. To copy all docu- (]. \\q shall, when directed by the Secretary, copy all letters or ments required by "^ ./ i ^ College. other documents which the interests of the College may require. 1") 7. lie sliall, on or boturo the Quarterly ^Feeting in Novenilter, Th collect lines. annually collect all the Knes incurred by Fellows, and shall keep a regular statement of them and of the contributions, which he shall annually submit to the Committee for auditing the Ac- counts. 8. He shall engross all financial statements that have been To engross Fiiianciui statements. approved of by the College, in the Account and Minute-Book of the College. 9. He shall issue the billets summoning the Meetings of the To issue Billets. College, with such list of the business to be transacted as shall be furnished him by the Secretary. 10. He shall, before the 81st of January of each year, arrange To arrange Papers. the Papers and Vouchers of the College for the past year, and shall prepare an index of the same to be given to the Secretary To prepare Annual •' Index to Minutes. for custody. 11. For these services he shall receive an annual salary of ^^^'^•■y £25 Sterling. § 12. The Officer. 1. He shall be elected by the Council, and hold his office itow to be chosen. during their pleasure. 2. He shall reside in the apartments provided for him in the Col- To reside in College. lege ; and shall give his whole time to the performance of the business of the College. 3. He shall keep the Hall, and other apartments of the College To keep the apart- 1 1 • 11 1111 , 1 , nients in order. clean and in good order, and shall attend at the door at every Meeting. 4. He shall be ready at all times to give out Books to Fellows To give out books. on receipt under the regulations in Chap. XV. 5. He shall have the apartments ready for the use of the Fel- To open coUege. lows every morning at 10, a.m. 6. He shall put out all lights, and see that the fires ai'c To shut College. properly extinguished, and the College shut every evening at 1 0, P.M. 7. Besides coal, gas, and apartments, he shall receive such salary. salary as the Council may appoint. 16 CHAPTER X. OF THE MEETINGS OF THE COLLEGE. Kiection Meeting. 1- A Meeting of the College shall be held annually, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, on St. Andrew's Day, if it shall happen to fall on a Thursday ; and, if not, on the first Thurs- day thereafter, — for the sole purpose of electing Office-Bearera for the year ensuing. Quarterly Meetings. 2. Besides the Election Meeting, there shall be held four stated Quarterly Meetings, viz., on the first Tuesday of Feb- ruary, May, August, and November, at Three o'clock in the afternoon. Arrangement of 3. On the Friday preceding each Quarterly Meeting, the te^iy'^MeetTngs!^^'^ Councll shall meet in the Hall at such hour as the Council may from time to time determine, to consider the business which is to be brought before the College on the Tuesday following, and to instruct the Secretary or Clerk what notices are to be circulated in the billets, which shall be issued on the Friday evening. By whom the busi- 4. The busluess of the College shall be managed solely by the aged. Ordinary Fellows on the Koll of Attendance, seven of whom are necessary to form a quorum. Chairman. 5. Each Meeting shall be constituted by the President or Vice-President, or, in their absence, by the eldest Fellow pre- sent, taking the Chair at the hour appointed. Extraordinary Meet- 6. The President may call Extraordinary Meetings of the ings. College when he thinks necessary. May he called on a 7. The Secretary shall be bound to call an extraordinary Requisition by six . <■ i /~i n • . • ... Fellows. Meetmg of the College at any time on receiving a requisition to that effect signed by six Resident Fellows, whose names are on the Roll of Attendance. Such requisition must state the object for which the Meeting is to be held. Meetings of Coiuicii. 8. The President, Secretary, or Treasurer, may, severally, call a meeting of the Council when they think it necessary. 17 CHAPTER XI. OF THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. The Clerk shall call the Roll of attending Ordinary R..n cvai. Fellows, and fine those who are ahsent. 2. He shall, at Quarterly Meetinffs, read the Minutes of the Minutes of funn.;i- . ... Meetings. last Quarterly Meeting, and of all subsequent Meetings, which, when approved of, shall be signed by the President. 3. Petitions of Candidates for admission as Fellows or Li- Petitions. centiates shall be considered. 4. Iklotions and Ballots for Fellowship shall take place. forTuowf ^''"'"' 5. Reports of Committees shall be received ; and, 6. Any other business, previously proposed, according to M^^n^^eous busi- the laws, shall be brought forward by the Secretary. ( Vide Chap. Xn.) 7. Notice of all business to be transacted at the JMeetings of ^^"^ "^^ ""eu^fu the College shall be given in the billets. ^"'^'^ CHAPTER XII. MOTIONS AND LAWS. 1. When any Fellow wishes to submit a motion to the Procedure in regani _ to Motions. consideration of the College, he must deliver it in writing to the Secretary, who shall lay it before the next Meeting of the to be first con.=idered Council, and shall afterwards report it, with the opinion of ^^^^ *^°"^"''''- the Council thereon, at the ensuing Quarterly Meeting of the College, or at any extraordinary Meeting called for the purpose, when it shall be determined by the votes of a majority. 2. These regulations are not intended to apply to motions F.x.-eptionR, founded on reports from the Council or Committees brought in due course before the College, (unless a change of law is in- E 18 volved in them) ; or to amendments arising in the course of dis- cussion upon any motion. Procedure in regard 3_ jf ^\^q motion relate to the establishment of a permanent to Motions for al- '- tenng Laws. Regulation or Law, or to the abrogation or change of a law, it shall contain a specification of all the laws so affected by it, and of the alterations contemplated in each ; and if, on discussing the matter, it is found that such specification is incomjDlete, the discussion shall be adjourned till next Ordinary Meeting, unless the College, by a majority of three-fourths, decide otherwise. The motion shall be considered at three several Meetings before it be determined upon. But if the College shall unanimously approve of the motion, it may be immediately adopted as a temporary regulation, till it shall receive the full sanction of the Cojlege. Vote of the College. 4^ ^jj questions shall be determined by the votes of a ma- jority, excepting in such cases as are otherwise provided for by the laws. llfeaSng"" "" ^- ^° FellovT shall speak oftener than once on each Motion, except the Mover who shall have a right to reply. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS AND FINES. For absence at Eiec- 1. Every Member who shall be absent during the Meeting for tion or Quarterly Meeting. Election, or during any of the Quarterly Meetings, shall pay a Fine of 2s. Gd. For absence at Ex- 2. Everv Member who shall be absent during an Extraordinary traordinary Meeting. "^ a ^ Meeting, shall be fined Is. Fine fornot ans- 3^ Every Member who shall not answer to his name when wenng to Name. •' the Roll is called at the beginning or end of every Meeting, shall be fined 6d. ji^etin' ''''''^'"" ^' "^^y Member leaving the Room at any of the Meetings of the College before the President has declared the Meeting ended, ►*hall be fined Is. ; if from an Extraordinary Meeting, 6d. 19 5. If the Clerk shall be absent without an excuse satisfactory to ^^'^J"'^ absence ..f the College, and without sending a properly qualified substitute, he shall pay a fine of 5s. 6. At the Quarterly Meetings of Council, any Member of For absence from _ Council. Council absent during the whole Meeting shall be fined 2s. 6d., and at all other Meetings of Council, Is. Every Member absent when the Roll is called, at the beginning or end of the Council Meetings, shall be fined 6d. 7. Members absent from a Meetins: of the Library or Museum J'^'" absence from ° ■' Library or Museum Committee shall be fined Is. for every such absence. Committee. 8. Trustees absent from a Meeting of Trustees shall be fined f-"- absence from ° Meeting of Trustees. 2s. 6d. for every such absence. 9. No excuses shall be sustained for absence from the Meet- For excuses for ab- sence. ings, excepting being confined to the house by sickness, or being absent from Scotland. 10. Each Fellow on the Roll of attending Members shall pay For Contri- bution. annually, at the Quarterly Meeting held in November, One Guinea of contribution, and such fines as he may have incurred. 11. Any Fellow who may be in arrear of his Annual Contri- Penalties for being butions and Fines for a longer period than two years, shall, after due intimation having been given twice to him, at the interval of a month, be deprived of the use of the Library and Reading room, and of the privilege of attending the Meetings of the Col lege, and have his name struck off the list of attending Mem bers. No Fellow who is in arrear of his contribution and fines for two years, shall be allowed to vote at the election of Office- Bearers. CHAPTER XIV. OF THE PROPERTY OF THE COLLEGE. in arrears. 1. No motion tending to alienate any part of the property Motions tending to of the College, or apply it to other than the ordinary purposes of of the CoUege. the College, shall be discussed except at Extraordinary Meetings 20 Not to be carried without consent of three-fourths of Meelins;. Of Money Votes. called for the purpose, at which all Ordinary Fellows, whether on the Roll or not, shall be summoned to attend. No such alienation shall take place unless approved of by a majority of three-fourths of the Members present, at three several Meetings, eight days at least intervening between each. 2. No sum of money shall be voted in donation, subscription, or otherwise, excepting for the ordinary expenses of the College, till the propriety thereof has been considered at two several Meet- ings, eight days at least interveningbetween each ; one of these may be a Quarterly Meeting, provided intimation of the proposal has been given in the billets ; and there must be a majority of three- fourths of the Members present at these two Meetings, to warrant such a proposal. But if the sum proposed do not exceed Ten Guineas Sterling, it shall be competent for the College by a majority of three-fourths of the Fellows present, to vote such the said sum immediatelyat any Meeting, Quarterly or Extraordinary, provided in either case notice has been given in the billets summon- ing the Meeting. 3. The securities for all the sums of money or property that may belong to, or constitute any part or portion of the Funds of tlie College, and all heritable rights connected therewith, shall be conceived and taken to and in favour of the persons who may be Trustees for the time being, and to their successors in office. How to b« invested. 4_ "j^i^q Trustees shall have the power to lend out and invest the monies belonging to the College upon Heritable Security ; or to invest the said funds, or such part of them as they shall think proper, in the purchase of Government Stock, or Stock of the Bank of England, or of any Bank in Scotland constituted by Charter or Act of Parliament, or in any other species of security which four-fifths of the said Trustees at any Meeting may direct and appoint. 5. No purchase or sale of property or stock shall be made at any time by the said Trustees, without the special consent of four- fifths of the said Trustees, acting for the time being, expressed by a minute entered in the Sederunt-Book of the Trustees, and sub- scribed by the Trustees so consenting and approving. AU Property to be Tested in the Trus- tees. Purchase and Property. 21 CHAPTER XV. LlliKAKY AND LIBRAKY COMMIUTEK, 1. The President, Treasurer, and Librarian, together with two Oou.titutiouofCom other Fellows appointed annually, at the Quarterly Meeting in August, shall form a Committee for the purchase of Books and euperintendence of the Library, and shall meet at least once a month. 2. The attending Fellows of the College may upon subscrib- I'll^l:^,' •'''"''"" ing a receipt in a book kept for the purpose, borrow any books from the Library, excepting the ten volumes of MSS. given to the College- by Sir John Pringle. The Library Committee may also withhold from circulation such Books as from their extreme value or other causes, they think it inexpedient should circulate, provided always that a List of them be hung in the Library for the information of the Fellows. 3. No Books shall be lent out except a receipt be given for it, J^^^^'pt* f^"'" ^>' or the Fellow may leave a signed list of the Books he wishes to procure from the Library, which shall be held in place of a receipt. Fellows returning Books must see that their receipts are cancelled, as otherwise they will be held responsible for any Books lost that are entered in their names. 4 The Sub-Librarian shall attend daily at the hour appointed. Books to be given out by Sub-Libra for fiving out and receiving Books, and the performance of rian and Officer. other duties connected with the Library. In his absence the Presses shall be kept constantly locked, but the key shall be en- trusted to the Officer, who shall give out Books to Fellows for consultation, he remaining in attendance at the Hall to re- ceive and replace such Books immediately when done with. The Officer shall also give out Books which are allowed to circulate among the Fellows, on taking a receipt for the same, which he shall hand over to the Sub-Librarian at his next visit, for inser- tion in the Receipt-Book. 5. The Sub-Librarian shall be responsible for all Books 22 Responsibilities of which are entered in the Receipt-Book, and for which he can Sub-Libranan and '■ Officer. shew no Receipt ; and the Officer for all such as are neither en- tered in the book, nor acknowledged by the signature of any Member. Books may be call- Q, Any Books which have been less than a year in the Library, eU in, and fine for "^ _ ^ •' -^ neglect, may be called in after being a fortnight, and all other Books after being a month, in the possession of Members. Any Mem- ber neglecting to return a Book after intimation to do so has been duly sent him by the Sub-Librarian, shall be fined One Shilling for each day that he detains it, and no other Book shall be lent to him in the meantime. Not to be issued for 7. All Books and Periodicals, shall (unless withheld by order a month after their receipt. of the Library Committee,) lie on the table of the Library for a month after their reception. On being withdrawn from the table, the Sub-Librarian shall insert in the Library Catalogues their titles and places on the shelves ; after which they may be per- mitted to circulate among the Fellows. The numbers of Periodi- cals, after being removed from the table, shall be laid aside until they form a volume, and then bound. In the meantime they may be given out to Fellows under the ordinary regulations, but liable to be called in when wanted for binding. List of New Books g, A List shall be regularly kept by the Sub-Librarian of all and Periodicals to be o ./ 1 ./ ^'^p^- Books and Periodicals laid upon the table, together with the date of their reception and removal. This List it shall be the duty of the Officer to compare with the Books, &c., actually on the table, every morning after 10 o'clock: reporting to the Sub- Librarian any that he finds missing, in order that they may be traced, and the proper penalty inflicted for their unauthorized removal or detention. May be reraoyed at- 9. In the evenings, after 8 o'clock, the Officer may give out ter 8 P.M., and re- " . i c t» i t» • turned before 10 to Fellows to take home with them, any of the Books or Peri- A.M. next day. odicals which are laid on the Library table; on condition of their being returned by 1 o'clock the next morning. He shall mark down in a proper book, their names and those of the Fellows to whom they are delivered, taking a receipt for the same ; and if not returned at the time appointed, shall record 23 against the offender a tine of One Shilling for each hour they are detained. 10. Any Fellow removing Books, &c., from the Hall with- ^i"e for lenv^vai •' °_ of Books without out informing the Sub-Librarian or Officer, shall be fined Five authority. Shillings for each offence. Newspapers shall on no account removed. ""^ ° " whatever be removed from the Reading-room. 11. The Catalogues of the Library, with all recent additions Committee regularly ° "^ ' to examine the inserted ; the Library Table Book ; the Evening Receipt Book ; ^""''^■ the Proposal Book ; and a list of fines incurred for infringing the Regulations of the Library, shall be regularly laid before the Committee at each of their Meetings. 12. Honorary, Non-Resident Fellows, and Fellows whose ^f'^^'^''^-, S°"'?®' •^ ' sident, and Non-At- names have been taken off the Roll of Resident Members, may, tending Fellows may ' J ' have the use of Li- avail themselves of the privileges of the Library and Reading- re'^^^ations' '^"''^'° room, under the regulations contained in Chap. H., Laws 9, 10, 11. Strangers wishing to consult Books, if unattended by Fellows, Admission of stnm- must have the permission of the Council in each case, and shall do so in an adjoining apartment. 13. At the Quarterly Meeting in May every year, all Books Books to be called . in annually ; borrowed shall be ordered in within a week after that day, in order that the Librarian and Committee may institute an exami- nation and comparison with the Press Catalogue of all the Books in the Library ; which they shall do within a fortnight after the said Quarterly IMeeting. Fellows who neglect to comply with this order shall be fined One Shilling for each Book and each day of detention. The Books shall be called in and examined in like ^"^ "'^en a new Li- brarian is appointed. manner on a vacancy in the Offices of Sub-Librarian or Officer, before being handed over to the custody of a successor. 14. The Committee may from time to time make temporary interim Regulations ... may be made. regulations in regard to the Library. But such regulations shall not be acted on till approved of by the Council, and the whole or a part of them may be suspended or abolished by a vote of a majority of the Fellows at any Quarterly Meeting of the College, no previous notice of such a motion being required. Such tem- porary regulations moreover shall be held to be in force so long only as a copy of them hangs in a conspicuous place in the Read- ing-room or Library. 24 CHAPTER XVL MUSEUM AND MUSEUM COMJIITTEE. coiistitutioDotcom- 1. The President, the Professor of Materia Medica in the Uni- miltae. versity of Edinburgh, (if a Fellow of the College,) the Curator of the Museum, and two other Fellows appointed annually, at the Quarterly Meeting in August, shall form a Committee for the superintendence of the Museum, and shall meet as occasion re- quires. Curator tu keep 2. The Curator shall keep the keys of the Museum Cases, arrange the specimens according to a certain scientific order, and see that all the Specimens are properly put up and preserved. Curator to enter Do- 3. The Curator shall enter in a book kept for the purpose, a nations. particular description of every article presented to the Museum of the College, with the name of the donor, and the date of its presentation, and shall exhibit to the College at the first Quar- terly Meeting thereafter, the donations received since their last Meeting. Specimens not to be 4, No specimen shall be handled or removed from the glass handled. ' '^ ° case, except in the presence of the Curator. Admission of visi- 5, Every Fellow of the College may give a written order for the admission of visitors to the Museum ; but the cases shall not be opened to such visitors without the consent of the Museum Committee previously obtained, and at the sight of the Curator or one of the Members of the Museum Committee appointed for this purpose. Curator to register g_ The Curator shall, previously to the Meeting before the fines for absence j. .- o from jjuseuin cmn- Quarterly Meeting of the College in November in each year, give to the Clerk a list of those Members of the Museum Com- mitte who may have been absent from any of the Meetings, in order that the fines exigible from them may be collected and included in the Annual Statement of contributions and fines. 25 CHAPTER XVII. OF PUBLICATIONS. 1. No publication shall appear in the name of the College, but ^;;'"ptb';^^:,ir.n'lr ,, ^ ,, . jv- „ name of CoUego. on the following conditions : — ]st. It must be voted at three several Meetings, eight days intervening between each Meeting ; but if a third part of those present shall dissent, the publica- tion shall not take place in name of the College. 2dl^, All the resident Fellows of the College on the Roll of attendance, must be summoned to every one of those Meetings. 2 When the CoUeffe resolve upon printing a new edition of New editions of ° . PharmacopcBia. their Pharmacopoeia, that work shall be conducted by a Commit- tee appointed for the purpose ; but no alterations shall be made, till they have been approved of by a majority of the College, at two Meetings held for the purpose of considering them. 3. Motions and resolutions which have received the unanimous Publication of Mo- tions and Resolu- consent of the College may be published in the Newspapers or tions. Medical Periodicals, provided the College unanimously consents at one Meeting that this should be done. CHAPTER XVIII. OF DIPLOMAS, &C. 1. All the Diplomas of the College shall be engraved according Forms of Dipium&B. to a pattern approved of by the Council. These plates shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary. Every Diploma issued by the College, shall be signed by the President, and counter- signed by the Secretary, 2. Engraved or printed forms of Petition for admission to the I'^rmsff ^et'ti""- Resident and Non-Resident Fellowship, and for the Licentiate- ship, according to a pattern approved of by the Council, shall bo kept by the Secretary, and be furnished by him to intending Candidates. 26 CHAPTER XIX. CERTIFICATES OF QUALIFICATION TO LECTURE. N.B. — The Royal College of Surgeons of EcUnhurgh and other Licensing Boards, having awarded to Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians the privilege ofalloiving Lectures delivered by them to form part of the required curricuhmi of study, the foUoioing regulations have heen framed in regard to the certificate of qualification required. Certiacate of ability 1. Aiiv Fellow of the College desirous of being recognised as to Lecture. a Lecturer by the Royal College of Surgeons, and other Li- censing Boards, shall make written application to the Secretary, who shall lay the same within ten days thereafter before the Council. The Council shall then appoint five well qualified gentle- Board of Esamina- men to be a Board of Examiners : three of whom shall be a quorum. tion. ^ Nature of Examina- 2. The Board having met and determined on the mode of examination, shall inform the Candidate of the time and place where such examination shall be held. The examination shall consist of 1. Questions to be answered either viva voce or in writing. 2. A Lecture on some subject that he proposes to teach, in the course of which he shall give 3. The appropriate illustrations, manipulations, or de- monstrations. 4. He shall also give proof of possessing available means for illustrating the course. How Certificate to 3^ Jq the cvcut of the decision of the Board being favourable, be conferred. ° the President shall confer a certificate of qualification to teach at the first meeting of the College thereafter, or at an Extraordinary Meeting to be called for the purpose. Certificate of Quail- 4. The certificate of qualification to teach shall be in the form ticatiou. ^ ^ given m Appendix No. IX. Joint Examination 5. For the Examination of Lecturers not Fellows either of of proposed Lectur- / 1 • 1 t-i era not Fellows of this Collejre or of the College of Surgeons, (which Examination the College. , ° . . is to be conducted by a joint Board of the two Colleges,) the Council shall nominate an equal number of gentlemen with those appointed by the sister College. 27 6. Previously, liowever, to any such Applicant being taken on Attestation as to trial, a petition from him shall be presented to the President of either College, with a testimonial as to his general character, signed by at least three Fellows of either College. 7. The number composing the joint Board shall be left to the dumber of Joiut decision of the Committee of the two Colleges. 8. The sum of ten guineas shall iu each case be paid to the Board of Examiners, one-half by the Candidate, and the other half, in the case of his being a Fellow, out of the College funds. When one who is not a Fellow is examined, he shall pay the the whole sura required. APPENDIX. No. I. FORM OF Promissory Obligation, to be signed by every Resident Fellow, before taking his seat in the College. I , one of the Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh, do, by subscribing these presents, so- lemnly declare and surely promise, First, That I shall, all my life, according to my power, preserve and maintain the privileges, liberties, jurisdiction, and authority, granted to the said College by his sacred Majesty's gracious Patent for the good and necessary ends and uses therein contained. Secondly, That I shall lay hold of all occasions to promote the welfare and flourishing of the said College ; and always give my Vote, when it is asked, as I think may be most conducive thereto. Thirdly , That I shall, as much as I can, advance and preserve unity, amity, and good order among all the Fellows, Candidates, and Licentiates thereof; and shall heartily wish and endeavour to promote the prosperity of them all, while they continue orderly and faithful to the College. Fourthly, That during my being a Fellow of the College, I shall at all times be subject to the due order and government thereof, according to the foresaid Patent. Fifthly, That I shall never divulge anything that is acted or spoken in any Meeting of the said College, or Council, or Court thereof, which I think may tend to the prejudice or de- famation of the same, or any Member thereof. All the foresaid articles I shall keep, and never wittingly and willingly break any one of them as I desire to be holden and reputed an honest man. 30 No. II. FORM OF Petition for Admission as Fellows or Licentiates, of Graduates of British or Irish Universities, who propose to reside and practise in Edinburgh. Unto the Much Honoured the President and Remanent Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh, the PETITION of , Doctor of Medicine. Humbly Sheweth, That, for several years past, I have applied myself to the Study of Medicine, and have obtained the Degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of , conform to my Diploma, dated , and being willing to observe the whole Laws and Regulations of the College. May it therefore please the Royal College to admit me a Fellow (or Licentiate) of the College, with power to Prac- tise Medicine within the City or Liberties thereof, and to enjoy all other rights, liberties, and privileges, which any other Fellow (or Licentiate) does or may enjoy. No. III. FORM OF Petition for Admission as Fellows or Licentiates, of Graduates of British or Irish Univei-sities, who do not propose to reside or practise in Edinburgh. Unto the Much Honoured the President and Remanent Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinhirgh, THE PETITION of , Doctor of Medicine. Humbly Sheweth, That, for several years past, I have applied myself to the Study of Medicine, and have obtained the Degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University o f , conform to my Diploma, dated , and being willing, and hereby engaging, if I come to reside within the City or liberties of Edinburgh, I shall then SI fulfil the whole conditions which the College does or may require of Resident Fellow^s (or Licentiates); and being also most willing to observe the whole laws and Regulations of the College. May it therefore please the Royal College to admit me a Fellow (or Licentiate) of the College, with power to enjoy all the rights, liberties and privileges, which any other Fellow (or Licentiate), not residing in Edinburgh, does or may enjoy. No. IV. FORM OF Petition for Admission as Fellows or Licentiates, of Graduates of Foreign Universities, who propose to reside and practise in Edinburgh. Unto the Much Honoured the President and Remanent of Fellows the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, PETITION of , Doctor of Medicine. Humbly Sheweth, That, for several years past, I have applied myself to the Study of Medicine, and have obtained the Degree of Doc- tor of Medicine from the University of , conform to my Diploma, dated_ . That being desirous of obtaining the Rank of Fellow (or Li- centiate) of the College, and having undergone the Trial of my qualifications prescribed by the Regulations of the College ; and being willing, and hereby engaging, to fulfil the whole Laws and Regulations of the College. May it therefore please the Royal College to admit me a Fellow (or Licentiate) of the College, with power to practise Medicine within the City or liberties thereof, and to enjoy all other rights, liberties, and privileges which any other Fellow (or Licentiate,) not residing in Edinburgh, does or may enjoy.] 32 No. V. FORM OF Petition for admission as Fellows or Licentiates, of Candidates having a Foreign Degree, and who do not pro- pose to reside or practise in Edinburgh. Unto the Much Honoured the President and Remanent Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the PETITION of , Doctor of Medicine. Humbly Sheweth, That, for several years past, I have applied myself to the Study of Medicine, and have obtained the Degree of Doc- tor of Medicine from the University of , conform to my Diploma, dated . That being desirous of obtaining the Rank of Fellow (or Li- centiate) of the College, and having undergone the Trial of my qualifications prescribed by the Regulations of the College ; and being willing, and hereby engaging, if I come to reside within the City or liberties of Edinburgh, I will then fulfil the whole con- ditions which the College does or may require of Resident Fellows (or Licentiates) ; and being also most willing to observe the whole Laws and Regulations of the College. May it therefoi'e please the Royal College to admit me a Fellow (or Licentiate) of the College, with power to enjoy all the rights and privileges which any other Fel- low (or Licentiate), not residing in Edinburgh, does or may enjoy. No. VL A DIPLOMA, in the following terms, shall be granted to every Resident Ordinary Fellow of the College. " Collegium Regium Medicorum Edinburgense, rogante Prse- side, Sociisque annuentibus, decrevit ornatissimum virum A. B. in Societatem suam cooptare, et Collegam adsciscere. Ipsum ideo in societatem cooptat, Socium Residentem adscissit, omniumque honorum atqne privilegiorum quibus Socii Residentes ejusdera 33 Collegii fruuntiir, participem tacit. In cujus rei fidem, hoc dip- lomu, sigillo siio Prtusidisque Secretariique chirographo luunituiu, expediri jussit. "Actum Edinburgi, in Conventu Socioriini, die," &c. No. vn. A DIPLOMA, in the following terms, shall be granted to evevy Non-Resident Ordinary Fellow of the College. " Collegium Regium Medicorum Edinburgense, rogante Pre- side, Sociisque annuentibus, decrevit ornatissiraum virum A. B. in Societatem suam cooptare, et CoUegam Non-Residentem adsciscere. Ipsum ideo in Societatem cooptat, Socium Non-Residentem adscis- cit, omniumque honorum atque privilegiorura quibus Socii Non- Residentes ejusdem Collegii fruuntur, participem facit. In cujus rei fidem, hoc diploma, sigillo suo Praesidisque Secretariique chiro- grapho munitum, expediri jussit. "Actum Edinburgi, in Conventu Socioruni, die," &c. No. VIII. FORM of a LETTER, to be presented by the College to Honorary Associates. *' Collegium Regiura Medicorum Edinburgense, rogante Prae- side Sociisque annuentibus, decrevit virum illustrem A. B. eru- ditione omnigena celeberrimum, in Societatem suam cooptare, et Collegam adsciscere. Ipsum ideo in Collegium cooptat, Socium Honorarium adsciscit, omniumque honorum quibus Socii ejusdem Collegii Honorarii fruuntur, participem facit. In cujus rei fidem, banc chartam, Prfesidis Secretariique chirographo munitam, ex- pediri jussit. " Actum Edinburgi, in Conventu Sociorum, die," cfec. No. IX. FORM OF A Certificate to be presented by the College to Fellows who have been examined and found qualified to lecture on any branch of Medical Science required by the Examining Boards. Collegium Regium Medicorum Edinense, de peracto examine, audita prjelectione, inspectoque apparatu inter prselegen- 34 • dum adhibendo, his Uteris testatur docendo banc Medicinae partem virum ingenuum, consociurn, A. B. se parera comprobasse. In cujus rei fidem banc cbartam sigillo suo, Praesidis, Secretariique ehiroragrapbo munitam, expediri jussit — Actnra Edinburgi, in Conventu Sociorum, die, &c. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below.