A : S THE LIBRARY OF THE OF LOS UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA ANGELES PL. I. MATERIALS HISTORY OF COCKFIELD, SUFFOLK, CHURCHILL BAJBING-TON, Disney Professor nj Archaeology in the University oj Cambridge, Sector of Coc/cfield, and late Fellow of St. John's College. REPRINTED KHOM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUFFOLK INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. 1880. DA MATEEIALS FOE A HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. The annals of Cockfield, though not very illustrious, are nevertheless worthy of some attention, and there are names occurring therein which deserve to be remembered in con- nection with the ecclesiastical, literary, and scientific history of this country. Let us, in the first place, consider a little the history and architecture of the parish Church of St. Peter. The present building contains nothing, I believe, earlier than the 14th century, and consists of Decorated, Perpendicular, and still later work. To that century belong the Decorated arches and windows of the North aisle, the nave, the tower, a small window in the North side of the chancel, the sedilia, the beautiful niches outside the chancel, as well as the elaborate and varied work of the cornice under the parapet. To the 14th century we must also refer a recess, appa- rently an aumbry,* in the South-east corner of the wall near the pulpit, which, as well as the remains of a piscina, was brought to light during the recent restorations. There is also a piscina in the chancel, near the sedilia, and another in the South aisle. To the latter part of the same 14th century belongs also the beautiful Decorated tomb in the wall of the chancel, which was both mutilated and covered with white- wash a few years ago, but has now been cleverly restored under the superintendence of Mr. Fawcett. It is thus * It has been conjectured that this some secular building. On this matter I aumbry was not originally any part of otter no opinion, the Church, but had been brought from 646171 MATERIALS FOR A described in Lansdowne MSS. (No. 260, fol. 146b, quoted also in Davy's Suffolk Collections, Add. MSS. No. 19077 p. 244, in the British Museum), in a hand of the 16th century: " In Cockfeild Church theis (there is) in the chauncel a toambe under a wall arched of a Knight How d - " fi e. of Knight named Howard), " of Sutton's Hall in that towne" (it is really in the parish of Bradfield Combust) ; " he was slaine by his servauntes ; in one of his scutcheons a fess twixt four doble cottises, in another a fess." The matrices of the scutcheons are now coloured black. At the end of the nave is a square embattled flint tower with buttresses reaching almost to the top, containing six bells ; on the South side the string-course has been cot through, and a panel opened ; why this was done has never been satisfactorily explained. The buttresses inside the Church supporting the tower are, if I mistake not, an unusual feature ; the Church tower at Hitcham however, as well as other features of that Church, are so similar, that it is to be suspected that both were the work of the same builders, or under a common superintendence. The remaining parts of the Church are, I believe, mostly of the 15th century, viz., the elaborate and beautiful porch, and the South side, which are Perpendicular. It was observed by Mr. Freeman last year, when the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain visited Sudbury, that in the generality of East Anglian Churches there were two clerestory windows to each bay, but that St. Gregory's, Sudbury, furnished an exception. Among other exceptions is this Church. Some of the windows which are now Perpendicular were not always so : those in the chancel have been altered from the Decorated to the Perpendicular style, and the outline of the earlier windows may still be traced upon the South side. The East window had, no doubt, been similarly treated, as the mouldings which now enclose it do not well fit it, but make a polygonal rather than a curved outline. They belong to the Decorated period, and the present window has been lately executed by Mr. Fawcett, of Cambridge, in the same style, in place of the 18th century window, which had a wooden frame-work, happily fallen TL. II. TOWER OF COCKFIELD CHURCH. HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. O into decay, instead of mullions and tracery. The edgings of painted glass in two out of the three large windows of the sides of the chancel have been made up of the glass which was till last year in all the three, supplemented by a few other pieces of ancient and modern glass. They probably come pretty near to their original appearance, and are pre- sumed to be of the age of Henry VII., or thereabouts. They have been arranged by Mr. Constable, of Cambridge. The stalls, which are of fine work, apparently about the end of the 15th century, were till lately dispersed piece- meal about the Church : they have been arranged and com- pleted by Mr. Fawcett. The undersides of the miserere seats in the return-stalls have been intentionally hacked and mutilated ; it is rather to be suspected that we have here traces of the handy-work of William Dowsing, Parlia- mentary visitor, and his myrmidons, who, during the time of the Puritan domination, left his mark on the Churches of these parts in 1643 and 1644 with his axes and hammers.* The communion-table, the railsf, and the pulpit, are all of Jacobean work of the 17th centurv ; one side */ * of the pulpit being left plain, shows that it was placed originally against a pillar : within the memory of man it stood against a pillar in the middle of the North aisle: more recently near the aumbry mentioned above. It is * The name of Cockfield, however, Francis Harvey, Esq., Thomas Myllea, does not occur in the published part of and Roger Gleed, inhabitants of Cockfield, his Diary ; and it is possible that these and also to the Churchwardens (not mutilations, as well as those in the painted named). They are authorized "to rail windows, were perpetrated when the in the said Communion-table in such altar rails were broken up; and this decent manner as it was before." Another occurred, as Mr. Tymms thought, about order, dated October, 1683, recites that two years earlier. See below. the " rayles are not as yet sett vp," f "At Cockfield, the altar rails were addressed to "Zacherie Fiske, Clerk, tumultously and violently pulled up and James Harvey, gent., Thomas My lies, broke in pieces by a company of profane Roger Gleed, inhabitants of the said and wicked fellowes gathered together out parish." The rails, arranged about three of seueral townes neare about." Lib. sides of the Communion-table, were Fac., vol. i., fo. 100. This appears to have found in 1867 to be in a great degree taken place in 1641. (East Anglian, by decayed : the sounder ones have been re- Tymms, vol. iii., p. 253.) The quotation arranged in two frames, and placed in is from an order of Bishop Sparrow, given their present position : they are doubtless at length, p. 272," concerneing the setting those which were set up about the end of vp of the rayles in Cockfield Chancele," Charles the Second's reign, in conformity dated June 13, 1682, and addressed to with the above-named order. MATERIALS FOR A of fairly good work, with ornamentations of palm-branches. The base of the pulpit, however, is much earlier : not later, it has been supposed, than the 15th century. The benches of the Church replace some ugly pews of the present century, and some no less ugly and patched benches of the 17th; they have been copied from two worm-eaten fragments of benches of the 15th century, which happily survived, and are an exact reproduction so far as regards the terminating fleur-de-lis or poppy -head, except that it is of a smaller size than the original. The tower formerly contained a singing- gallery, which was removed before I came : in that part of the Church a few years ago were the Eoyal arms well painted for the time, about 1780 ; but on taking the wood down it was found to be rotten, and therefore not able (like the scutcheons now placed in the tower, belonging to the Harvey, Aspin, and Belgrave families) to be replaced. The font a few years ago was in deplorable condition, cut down all round and scraped, and surmounted by an unsightly dome-shaped cover. It was only found possible to preserve the octangular base ; and this guarantees that the form and size of the new font executed by Mr. Fawcett is of the same general form and size as the original one of the 14th or 15th century. It is ingeniously adorned with cocks, in reference to the original name Cochan-feld ( A.S.) ; then in Domesday Cothefelda, (rather Coche-felda) ; afterwards Cokefeld, or Cockfield.* These cocks are intended to be connected with St. Peter, to whom the Church is dedicated ; and a text of that Apostle now accordingly runs round the font on labels about the cocks. Baptism doth now save MS, &c. The pavement of the Church, made of Minton's tiles, was originally of brick, and was till lately interspersed, as the chancel now is, with flat sepulchral stones. These, as well as the ancient stone altar (on which are crosses) have been removed to the floor of the tower, where they are more secure from injury. The sepulchral monuments now re- maining in the Church, which more especially deserve to be See Davy Add. MSS. in British Museum, 19,171 p. 101 ; c and t are frequently undistinguishable in ancient MSS. HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. mentioned here* are those of the Harveys, who, in the 17th century, obtained Pepper's Hall from the Spring family, the same race of rich clothiers who did so much for Lavenham Church. Francis Harvey, Kecorder of Colchester, who settled here, had a son James, who married for his first wife Cecilia, j* daughter of Edmund Waller, of Beaconsfield, Bucks, the famous poet who knew how to shift sides so gracefully in the civil wars, and to extol Cromwell and Charles the Second with almost equal sublimity and sin- cerity. Whether he ever visited his daughter here I know not. She died in 1695, and her tomb is in this Churchyard. The temple tomb in the chancel is to her husband, who died in 1728 f aged 69, and to his son James Harvey, Fellow Com- moner of Clare Hall, who died afterwards of small-pox in 1723, aged 20, having been destined for the legal profession ; also to the Eev. Calthorpe Harvey, Eector of Lawshall, and Acle in Norfolk J To the Harveys in the latter part of the last century succeeded the Aspins, related to them by marriage, and we have here the sepulchral stones of the Eev. Harvey Aspin, who died 1791, and of his wife. After them followed the Actons, also related to the above families, and after them the Baldwins, one of whom, the late respected Church- warden, is buried in a vault in the Churchyard. Pepper's Hall, formerly written Pepperall's, was a manor, and the house was a moderate gentleman's seat. Kirby, in his Suffolk Traveller, calls it a handsome mansion, which for some time has been and now is (in 1764) the seat of the Harveys. * See Appendix for this and some other assigned over to attend and waite upon inscriptions. the inheritance of the premisses settled upon the said James Harvey and Cicilia f She is mentioned in a deed, dated 1698. Waller. (In possession of Mrs. Baldwin.) Mr. Harvey j ffe , of 1{mdfl ^ Cock . ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. Hawys ) 1710 (Blomefield's History of Norfolk, Item, by indenture dated Nov. 6, 1689, by Parkin, vol. xi. p. 90), and of Lawshall, reciteing the mortgages aforesaid, and the adjoining parish to Cockfield, in 1732, their being forfeited and an intended when he succeeded Francis Harvey, who marriage betweene James Harvey and was Rector in 1704. He was probably Cicilia Waller and that the said mort- the brother of Francis : for the latter see gage money is intended to be paid out of Davy's Suffolk Collections in the British the portion of the said Cecilia Waller and Museum. (Add. MSS., 19078, fol. 9, 10.) that the said termes are agreed to be 6 MATERIALS FOR A (p. 259). There is a tradition that it is constructed of the materials of the Old Hall (which gave name to a part of the parish now known as Old Hall Green), of which traces* are still to be seen not far from the Green. This must pro- bably have been at least two centuries ago, if at all. A. very old man, about 85, now living, altered Pepper's Hall into its present form ; it had then two gables, and it seemed to him an Elizabethan house. He made a sketch of it from memory. The other monuments in the Church are in part to strangers; in part to Eectors of the parish. The Church and Chancel at one time contained many monuments which have now vanished, consisting mostly of the arms of families in painted glass. These will be found in Davy's Collection of MSS. relating to Suffolk, in the British Museum. -f It must suffice to name the families, with little or no comment. IN THE CHANCEL. SPEING, of whom above. EICE, a Knight. DE VERB. The De Veres, Earls of Oxford, possessed for many ages Earl's Hall, in Cockfield, named after them.J Their arms were formerly in the East window, along with those of Ufford, Spring, Waldegrave, and Rice. IN THE CHURCH. In various windows of the Church were arms of other families : Criketot, Pakenham, Du Boyce, Browne, Butler, * The moat and the fotmdations are f See Add. MSS. 19077, p. 244, seq. still in part to be traced ; and their site The arms of some of these families are is now commonly called the Old Gardens. there described more or less fully from This is, possibly, the Cockfield Hall various MS. sources, and there are also vested before the Reformation in the some rough sketches of others, to which Abbot of Bury, to which the Spring no family name is attached. A skilled family succeeded in the 16th century ; herald would probably be able to make but I now rather suspect that it is the Old out a good deal from these notes. Pepper's Hall. Mr. R. Hilder can remem- j The juxta-position of the arms of ber an old drift- way leading from the Great the three families, Spring, Rice, and De Green to the Old Gardens, and thence to Vere may be compared with the fact that Stanningfield ; of which some faint traces there is now a connection between them, remain. In the beginning of this century See Burke' s Peerage under Baron there was much fine timber in the neigh- MONTEAGLB. bourhood of the Old Hall and Pepper's Hall, which has now almost entirely dis- appeared. HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. Mortimer of Attleborough, in Norfolk, and likewise the arms of Cockfield ; these last are described as arg. a cross between 4 cocks or. This family took its name from the place, and was descended from Koger de Vere and Alberic de Vere, both being sons of the Earl of Oxford, not very long after the Conquest. Members of this family held lands here under the Abbey of Bury, which are situated about Earl's Hall, now the residence of Mr. Hustler, and near Cockfield Hall, now in the possession of Mr. Jennings, of Newmarket. A group of cottages, not very far from the latter Hall, is now known as The Abbey, having, probably, been in possession of the Abbey of Bury ; for we do not appear ever to have had an Abbey in this place.* It is with regret that I mention the disappearance of these coats of arms; which are mostly described by Thomas Martin, in his Church Notes ; by Jermyn, in his Col- lections relating to Suffolk; and some few by Davy, as late as Oct. 14, 1834 ; who has also brought together what others had recorded. So that much has been consigned to destruction within the last two centuries ; some little even during the last half-century. When I came here in 1866 there was certainly nothing like a coat of arms to be seen anywhere ; but the windows in the North aisle had been recently reglazed, and the frag- ments of painted glass which had belonged to them were packed in a confused mass in a basket, which was handed over to me by Miss Latter, a niece of my predecessor, the Rev. R. Jeffreys. It contained a portion of one shield of arms only connected together by lead. I now regret that I did not submit it to my late friend, Mr. Almack, who might probably have found some remaining pieces in the basket ; and perhaps fragments of other shields. As it was, I forwarded the whole to Mr. Constable to do the best that he could with them ; these, together with some other fragments in the Church, have been worked up along with a little modern glass into the edgings of the windows on * Tlio Abbey farm in Henry VIII's. con, (vol. iii. p. 173, Ellis and Bandinel's ruign is mentioned in Dugdalo's Monasti- edition), and is valued at 17 0*. Od. 8 MATERIALS FOR A . the South side, and in a quatrefoil of one of the "West windows. I feel, however, pretty confident that no skill, not even Mr. Almack's, could have made much out of them. Besides shields of arms, there were figures of saints, &c. : see a South aisle window for one of these. As regards the inside of the Church walls, I have only to observe that the recent restorations brought to light that there had once been frescoes there, but it was impossible to make out more than the bare fact. Of the ancient rood screen not a vestige remains ; but the rood-staircase in part exists, and has been cased outside at a more recent period. It has been thought to have been one of Archbishop Laud's attempts to bring back again the rood-screens : by others, and, perhaps, more probably, to belong to the age of Anne, and to have had no such motive. The roof, with its king-posts, was once more ornamental than at present. It was lately repaired, in or about 1858, and the colouring obliterated. Mr. Drayton "Wyatt in 1848 made careful sketches of the original coloured enrichments. There is some good oak carving in the roof of the South aisle. The only part of the Church of which anything more, perhaps, needs to be said here, is the porch, originally very fine work of the 15th century, ornamented with panels of flint, and having shields for arms, but now in a most deplorable state. On one of the almost blank shields appear faint remains of the arms of the Abbey of Bury. Davy had in 1834 seemed to himself to recognise them as such. The other shield is quite blank. There are elegant designs for the upper parts of the panels and for independent patterns slightly sunk in the clunch, of which the face of the porch is built. There is also another structure now forming a part of the Church, about which I should be glad to know more. It is now used as a vestry, but must have been in the first instance something very different. It has been conjectured to be a cell in which an anchoret might have dwelt ; more probably, at it seems to me, it may have been a kind of priest's chamber. "Whatever it was, it was certainly built later than the Chancel ; it has cut into the niches and otherwise disfigured it. A squint or hagio- scope came to light during the restoration of the Church, a HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. 9 little above the slab of Howard's tomb; but was covered up again, as was thought best, being now of no use and cer- tainly not ornamental.* From the Church I proceed to its Rectors, t and to their works, both literary and of other kinds. The Eectors were presented by the Abbey or Abbott of Bury up to the middle of the 16th century. Subsequently the Springs presented, and in 1708 the presentation was made by St. John's College, Cambridge, in whose gift the living now is. From that time to the present the Rectors of Cockfield have always been chosen from the Fellows of the College. Among the Incumbents worthy of notice, Mr Knewstubb, the Presbyterian, presented in 1579 by Sir W. Spring, was Rector here for 45 years, and lived to be 80 years old. In Cockfield was set up one of the first meetings of such Dissenters as, without exactly renouncing the Communion of the Church of England, adhered to the Presbyterian mode of govern- ment in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. About 1576J according to Neal, or, as Fuller says, in 1582, " an assembly was held at Mr. Knewstubb's Church, in Cock- field," where sixty [puritanical] clergymen of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire met together to confer about the Common Prayer Book, as to what might be tolerated, and what totally rejected. They consulted also about apparel, holidays, fastings, injunctions, &c. " Matters," says Fuller, "herein were carried with such secresy, that we can see no light thereof, but what only shineth through one crevice, in a private letter, one thus express- ing himself to his friend : " Concerning the meeting, I hope all things were so proceeded in as yourself would like of, as well for reverence to other brethren as for other matters : I suppose before this time some of the company have told you by word, for that was permitted unto you." (Church Hist, ix, Cent. 16, 16-18). From Cockfield, proceeds Neal, " they adjourned to Cam- * Further details about the architec- f For a list of them, with notes on all ture of the Church, as well as copies of the later ones, see Appendix (iii.) the inscriptions, will be found in the % 1579 is the earliest year possible. Appendix (i.) and (ii.) 10 MATERIALS FOR A bridge at the time of the next commencement, and from thence to London, where they hoped to be concealed by the general resort of the people to Parliament. In these assem- blies they came to the following conclusions,* concerning ministers, deacons, ceremonies, subscriptions, churchwardens, &c., which were drawn up in an elegant Latin style by Mr. Cartwright and Travers, and given to the ministers for their direction in their several parishes." (Hist, of Purit. vol. i., p. 303.) Mr. Knewstubb was one of the four puritanical divines at the Conference in Hampton Court in 1604, and took a prominent part therein. Some passages of arms between him and his opponents have been photographed. One citing a passage of one of the Fathers against him, which was for the interpretation of a place of Scripture, but yet was no genuine exposition of the sense : " Sire," said he to the King, "they say a son may tell money after his father ; and I see no reason but a man may examine Scripture after a Father, for human judgment may err.''f On another occasion he was rather saucily handled by James I. Mr. Knewstubb had said : <{ I take exception to the cross in baptism, whereat the weak brethren are offended, contrary to the counsel of the apostle." James I. replied (among other words) in these : "How long will such brethren be weak ? Are not forty-five years long enough to grow strong in Some of them are strong enough, if not headstrong ; conceiving them- selves able enough to teach all the bishops in the land." (Full. p. 186). He also took exception to the surplice as being a kind of garment worn by the priests of Isis The King replied that the common argument against it was that it was a rag of Popery ; and as there were no heathen now amongst us, who might thereby be confirmed in paganism, he saw no reason why it might not for comeliness sake be continued. It was observed that of his party Reynolds spoke much beneath himself, but most largely ; Knewstubb most affectionately ; Chaderton most sparingly. (Fuller, Ch. Hist, x., Cent, xvii.) Knewstubb wrote, in 1577, lec- * They are given afterwards at length. f Harl. MSS. 6305: quoted in Add. MSS. 19,077, fol.253. HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. 1 1 tures on Exodus xx., and other places of Scripture; in 1579, an answer to certain assertions, maintaining the Church of Kome to be the true and Catholic Church, dedicated to those " gentlemen in Suffolk whom the true worshipping of God had made right worshipful." In the same year appeared his most important work, entitled " A Confutation of Heresies, taught by H. N. (t.e. t Henry Nicolas, of Leyden), and embraced of a number who call themselves of the Family of Love."* This obscure Dutch sect which came over to England, temp. Edward VI., attenuated all Scripture, according to Fuller, into allegories ; and under pretence to turn them into spirit they turned them into nothing; and, according to him, they turned all morality into nothing likewise. They also counterfeited special revela- tions, and at length, though they were at first distinct from. Antinomians and Anabaptists, s6 mingled themselves up with them, that "it is almost impossible to bank and bound their several absurdities." The Eev. Dr. Corrie, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, has an almost unique collection of their works, some of which, no larger than a penny tract, cost him several pounds. Mr. Knewstubb gave two exhibi- tions to St. John's College, Cambridge, one to be held by a scholar born and brought up at Kirby Stephen, in West- moreland, his birth place, or, failing that place, from Appleby; and one from Cockfield, or, failing that, from Sudbury. He is mentioned in Baker's History of St. John's College as having been a Fellow of that College, and as succeeding Dr. Longworth, Master of St. John's, in the Itectory of Cockfield. Knewstubb was buried here in 1624, and Peck has preserved a Latin epitaph in praise of him, * See Watt's Sibl. Srit. for a list of at their handes." * * " The Queen his works ; also Lowndes' Sibl. Man. is to be desired to have her sword 'drawne (Bohn's Ed.) The following passages will vppon these horrible treasons to the shew that the spirit of the man was not launchinge of such as are curable and to at all above the spirit of his age. " If you the quite cutting off of those that are seeke after the Puritans these they (the desperate, the captaines especially." And Family of Love) bee which although for her most honorable Council is to be their loosenesse of life, they are from the desired to consider " how her Maiesties toppe to the toe nothing but blottes ; yet swoorde may be most conningly and bragge they of all perfection, even vnto a rightly handeled for the speediest and verie deifying of themselues ; what mis- effectualest ridding heereof. " From the chiefe therefore yee feare might come address " to the Reader," prefixed to J. from the Puritans, that looke for assuredly Knewstub's Confutation. 12 MATERIALS FOR A which has vanished from Cockfield. Mr. John Smith suc- ceeded Knewstubb, and was Eector from 1625 to 1676. He somehow managed to escape ejection during the Commonwealth, as is manifest from the parish registers. It may be observed that the plague in Smith's time visited Cockfield severely. In the sickness year (as our register calls it) viz., 1666, fifty-one burials are recorded in July and August, the day on which the corpses were buried being also specified; and besides it is mentioned that eighteen other persons (whose names are given) were buried between July 5 and August 21 in that year. This looks as though there had been some crowded burials, possibly without any service over the bodies. Smith was buried here in 1676, and was followed by Zachary Fiske, of Queen's College, Cambridge. Fiske was appointed in 1685 by the Mayor and two Aldermen of Bury and by the learned minister of St. James's Church, Nicholas Clagett, and his colleague, Mr. Batt, to be one of the preachers in the Wednesday Lectures for that year.* The election is con- firmed by Anthony Sparrow, Bishop of Norwich, in whose diocese St. Edmundsbury, as it was called, was then situated, f To him succeeded F. Eobins (1708-1723), who seems to have been mostly non-resident, but was a benefactor to the poor here, to whom he left three pounds annually, and to St. John's College, Cambridge, to which he left two exhibitions of 10. Jonathan Hall, D.D., (1723-1743), also a pre- bendary of Durham during the same years, was the next Eector ; he gave two silver flagons for the Communion ; he was followed by Henry "Wrigley, (1743-1765), who gave a handsome silver alms-dish for the Communion ; these are now used. He wasfollowedby Mr.W.Ludlam+(1767-1783), formerly Tutor of St. John's College, an eminent mathema- * The handbill containing the names Eev. H. Pigot's Account of Hadleigh, in of the preachers was re-printed in fac- Proc. of Suff. Institute, vol. iii., p. 195). simile by the late E. Almack. J In 1757 he was appointed by the f Dr. TrumbulTs living of Hadleigh Master and Seniors of St. John's College, was given in 1691, in consequence of Cambridge, Parochial Chaplain of Horn- his being a non-juror, to Mr. Fiske, who, ingsea, Cambridgeshire. His successor notwithstanding, generously returned the was appointed in 1765. (Clay's Hist, of emoluments to Dr. Triimbull, who con- Sorningsea, p. 53, in Occasional Papers tinued to reside among the flock. (See of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society.) HISTORY OF COCKF1ELD. 13 tician, some of whose discoveries are printed in the Trans- actions of the Royal Society, of which he was a Fellow. His essays on sacred subjects, afterwards reprinted along with those of his brother Thomas and under his inspection, were highly thought of at the time, particularly by Bishops Hurds and Marsh and Mr. Gough ; and Mr. Nichols does not hesitate to say that they will ever be esteemed as among " the soundest theological publications of the age in which they were written." He died and was buried at Leicester in 1788, and an account of him is given in Nichols' Hist, of Leicestershire.* In his time, on Aug. * ' He was highly celebrated for his skill in mechanics and mathematics. He was author of " Astronomical Observa- tions made in St. John's College, Cam- bridge, in the years 1767 and 1768 ; with an Account of several Astronomical In- struments, 1769," 4to. ; " Two Mathe- matical Essays ; the first on Ultimate Ratios, the second on the Power of the Wedge, 1770," 8vo. ; " Direction for the Use of Hadley's Quadrant ; with Remarks on the Construction of that Instrument, 1771," 8vo. ; "The Theory of Hadley's Quadrant ; or Rules for the Construction and Use of that Instrument demonstrated, 1771," 8vo. ; " An Essay on Newton's Second Law of Motion, 1780," 8vo. ; "The Rudiments of Mathematics; de- signed for the Use of Students at the Universities; containing an Introduction to Algebra; Remarks on the First Six Books of Euclid; and the Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 1785," 8vo. ; " An Introduction to, and Notes on, Mr. Bird's Method of Dividing Astro- nomical Instruments, 1786," 4to. ; " Ma- thematical Essays ; 1, on the Properties of the Cycloid ; 2, on Def. I. Cor. I. prop. 10 ; Cor. I. prop. 13 ; Book I. of Newton's Principia, 1787," 8vo. ; Essays on Scrip- ture Metaphors ; Divine Justice ; Divine Mercy ; and the Doctrine of Satisfaction, 1787," 8vo. ; Two Essays ; on Justifica- tion and the Influence of the Holy Spirit, 1788." He also published in the " Philo- sophical Transactions," 1, " Account of a new-constructed Balance for the Woollen Manufacture," vol. LV. p. 205 ; 2, " Observations on the Transit of Venus and Eclipse of the Sun at Leicester, June 3, 1769," LIX. 236 ; 3, 4, and 5, "Astronomical Observations there," LX. 355, LXV. 366 370; 6, "Eclipse of the Sun at Leicester, 1778," LXVIII. 1019 ; 7, "An Engine for turning Ovals in Wood or Metal, and drawing Ovals on Paper," LXX. 378. In Gent. Mag., vol. XXXV., p. 412, is his Report to the Board of Longitude on the Merits of Mr. Harrison's Watch ; and in vol. XLIL, p. 562, a short account of Church Organs. He was also, in early life, an occasional writer in the Monthly Review' (Nichols' Leicestershire, vol. I. pt. II. p. 318.) See also Nichols' Lit. Anec., vol. III. p. 639, where his works are again enume- rated : his library is there stated to have been sold by the eminent bookseller Lockyer Davis in 1790. His essays (published after his death conjointly with those of his brother William, Rector of Foston, Leicestershire, in two volumes in 1807, 8vo.) were assailed by Dr. Isaac Milner in his Biographical Preface to his brother Joseph's Posthumous Sermon* in reply to Mr. W. Ludlam's "attack on Mr. Milner's observations upon Gibbon's account of Christianity." In the Appen- dix to the Essays are " Remarks upon the scurrilous reflections cast upon Mr. W. and T. Ludlam by Dr. Milner," pp. 435- 458. He was friendly with the Rev. T. Robinson, of Leicester, at which place ho appears to have lived during the later years of his life, following his favourite mechanical studies, although their differ- ences of sentiment led Mr. Robinson to fear that he might have found in him a formidable opponent. The fact, however, proved otherwise. ' Mr. Ludlam con- stantly attended Mr. Robinson's discourses, and aimed to promote his welfare in every possible way.' See Robinson's Life, prefixed to his Scripture Characters. p. 11, Lond., 1827. See also Nichols' Illustrations, vol. v. pp. 349, 899, and the Indices to his Anecdotes and Illus- trations, and Hist, of Leicestershire. 1 4 MATERIALS FOR A 2, 1775, we find (in Davy's Suffolk Collections) that there happened in the afternoon a violent storm of thunder and lightning; the new work belonging to the spire (tower) of the Church, " which had been almost destroyed by a violent storm the beginning of the hard weather last winter, and was nearly repaired, was beat down, and the inside set on fire at three or four different places," and with great difficulty extinguished. A son of Mr Ludlam was Governor of Sierra Leone, and a tribute of respect inscribed on his monument at Leicester by his mother in 1810, was the joint pro- duction of Henry Thornton, M.P. for Southwark, of Thomas Babington, M.P. for Leicester, and of his brother-in-law, Zachary Macaulay, father of the late Lord Macaulay, all strong anti -slavery men. Dr. George Belgrave, the Methuselah of the later Eectors, was here from 1788 to 1831, holding also during part of the time the living of Stisted, in Essex, but residing mostly amongst us. He built nearly all the older part of the present Rectory, in which, however, are still slight traces of an earlier house, probably Jacobean, and there are now among us some who can recollect his three-cocked hat, as well as his kindly manners and instructions.* To him succeeded Mr. Reginald Bligh (1831-1841) nearly related to Lieut. Bligh, Governor, in 1806, of New South Wales, famed for his con- nection with the Bounty, and for the hardships he endured from the mutineers of that vessel off Pitcairn's Island in 1789. Reginald Bligh built the newer and better part of the present Rectory, and designed to improve the Chancel, but was cut short by death in 1841, occasioned by catching cold at a funeral. He was succeeded by the Rev. R. Jeffreys (brother of Dr. Julius Jeffreys, the inventor of the respirator), who, besides other good deeds, built the present National School, which has since his death been enlarged. He also meditated the restoration of the Chancel, and had even, I have heard, gone so far as to order plans to be made for * His name appears under the year Clergymen in Suffolk ; see the Annual 1792 among the Preachers at Bury St. Reports. But neither this sermon nor Edmund's in behalf of the Charity for anything else from his pen appears to the relief of the Widows and Orphans of have been printed. HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. 15 its execution ; whether they were ever actually made, I cannot say. He was buried at Twickenham, in June, 1866, after having for a few years ceased to reside here during the winter months, by reason of ill-health. The only Cockfield-born person whose life has been written, or head engraved, is, so far as I know, Isaac Milles, the son of a plain country gentleman living at Cockfield, on a small estate of his own, at Carrington's Farm (as I have after much labour made out), and church- warden here. He was sent to Bury school, whither he went daily from his father s house ; thence to St. John's College, Cambridge,* where he became acquainted with E. Stilling- fleet, W. Cave, &c., as well as with Isaac Barrow, Trin., and Thos. Tenison, C.C C., afterwards Archbishop of Canter- bury, of all whom we have interesting accounts in his life (printed in 1721), usuallyf but erroneously^ said to have been written by his son Thomas Milles, who in 1706 was Greek Professor at Oxford, and the year following Bishop of Waterford. Isaac Milles was succes- sively Curate of Barley, Vicar of High Wycombe, and Rector of High Clear, Hants, in all which stations he shewed himself to be a most exemplary man, performing all * His admission to St. John's has been there in the 17th and 18th centuries, but kindly copied by the Rev. Dr. Bateson, it has long since vanished from the parish, Master of the College, where it appears except as belonging to persons of a lower thus " Isaac Mills Suffolciensis de Cock- class. The house has evidently seen better field filius Thomae M anos natus days, and was a substantial farmhouse. The septendecim, literis grammaticis institutus family -were entitled to bear arms, which in Si Edmundi Burgu sub M ro Stephens p r are figured in Virtue's engraving of Isaac triclinium, admissus est Subsizator pro Mills, together with the motto Pietate et M ro Bedon Tutore et fidejussore ejus M ro prudentia. They are, Ar. a chev. betw. Fogg Novembr. primo 1655." The house three mill-rinds, sa. (See Burke's General in which he lived, formerly known as Armoury.} Isaac's father is not termed Carrington's Farm, now Park Farm, is now esquire or even gentleman in Bishop in possession of Mr. Jennings, situated off Sparrow's monition mentioned above, but Deadman's Lane, in a field. A deed he was evidently one of the principal dated 1783 (in the possession of Mrs. Bald- inhabitants of the parish, win) speaks of the said premises "being f As by Noble, Biogr. Hist, of England, sometime in the tenure of Thomas Milles, vol. 2, p. 138. late of Christopher Prentice, and then in J The author refers (p. 13) to the the occupation of the said Robert Carring- Bishop as an authority, " as I have been ton." The Thomas Milles named herein informed by his Lordship." I am inclined is in all likelihood the person thus named to think that the biography was not writ- in the Register : Thomas Mills, farmer, ten by any of his sons, buried 1765. The name often occurs 16 MATERIALS FOR A his duties both in the study and among his flock with all diligence and fidelity. His life shews how little the state of the country clergy at that period agrees with the descrip- tion given of them by Lord Macaulay in his History of England. The features of Isaac Milles have been perpetuated by the eminent engraver, Geo. Virtue. A copy of this rare print is in the British Museum. The parish registers go back as far as 1561, and, with slight exceptions, are perfect down to the present time. They contain various entries of some interest, but none on which it is necessary to dwell here. All the earlier books are written on parchment. (See Appendix, vi , " Extracts from Parish Registers?') A duplicate copy of a portion of our registers, much more full in details, written on paper, injured by damp, was kindly presented to me by the Rev. N. Drake, into whose possession it had come. The earliest entry is 1678, the latest 1743, which last says, May 3, 1743, " I gave Mr. Win. Studd and Mr. John Bixley orders for to present Eich d> Sutton, John Nice, Thomas Mower, and John Carter for refusing to pay the church clerk his dues.'' (Signed) ROGER SPARES. This happened when Dr. Hall was the Eector : Messrs. Studd and Bixley were the Churchwardens : John Carter had just been married, and had doubtless refused the fees : who Eoger Sparke was I know not; perhaps the church clerk himself. The same register informs us that"J.W. Sparke did put eighteen tench and one small carp into my pond, March 3, 1737 " ; and there are other entries of the same kind. There is little more that needs to be said. As regards the history of the parish, we find that the Eomans had some connection with it. The warbank, so called, near the Hole Farm, is considered to be a fragment of a Eoman encamp- ment. A bronze bust, found near it, was lent me by Mr. Prigg ; I took it to the British Museum and shewed it to Dr. Birch, who like myself thought it to be of late Eoman work. A pot containing about 200 Eoman denarii was found not far from this bank in Lavenham ; they are described by me in HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. 17 our Proceedings. Roman coins have been found in Cock- field occasionally. Mrs. Edgar has a second brass of Julia Domna, wife of Sept. Severus, found here. A quantity of Roman bricks, tiles, &c., but no coins, were found in or about 1826 in a field belonging to Earl's Hall.* A tile found in 1834 near Colchester Green in this parish, mentioned in Davy's Collection, is supposed to be Roman. In Saxon times, about the middle of the 10th century, the lands of this place were given by Earl Algar to Ethelfled, his daughter-in-law ; she, according to her father's will, ceded them, together with Chelsworth which King Edgar gave her, to the Abbey of Bury. Nearly the whole of the parish seems to have remained for a long time in the possession of the Abbey; but after the Norman Conquest the Earls of Oxford and their family held under the Abbot for some time ; then they became seised of some lands temp. Edward I., and kept possession of Earl's Hall as late as the reign of Elizabeth. After passing into various hands, it is now in the, possession of Mr. Hustler. Cockfield Hall, and its manor passed away from the Abbey at the dissolution to the J Spring family, and thence to various other hands, much of the land being till recently in the possession of Mr. Buck, and now in that of Mr. Jennings. Pepper's Hall likewise formed a part of the Spring estates, and then came 'into the possession of the Harveys, Aspins, Actons, and Baldwins, as has been said. The other principal landowners of the place now are Sir C. J. F. Bunbury, Bart., the Rev. C. J. Martyn, the Rev. G. A. Langdale, Mr. Le Grice, Mr. Barnwell, Mr. Elers, Mr. Oakes, Mr. Wolton, Mr. Mothersole, Mr. Ruffell, Mrs. Hartley, Miss Collett, and Miss Brooke. The Misses Manning are Ladies of the Manors of Cockfield Hall and Earl's HalL There is no house in the parish of any considerable antiquity except that near the church, which may be as old as the reign of Henry VII., its timber work inside a nd Concise SuoryofSvry and itt environ*, p. 87 (1827.) 18 MATERIALS FOR A out will repay a visit : its early history is not known to me. One of the cottages near Small-bridge bears the date 1676, and some other cottages seem to be of about the same date, as do some fine chimneys in the farmhouses in which Mr. King, sen., and Mr. Euffell now live. Portions of several other farm-houses are certainly of the 17th century; an oven in Cockfield Hall, as Mr. F. Jennings informed me, bore date 1615 or 1616 (the last figure being partly defaced); in a garret in Carrington's Farm, now commonly called Park Farm, the date 1687 is impressed in plaster; but if Isaac Milles was born here, as I have supposed above, the original house must be older, and the appearance of some of its parts in no way militates against this supposition. Perhaps I should not omit to mention the Hundred-stone (so called) in this parish, formerly inscribed thus This marks the bounds Of three hundreds and three towns. The hundreds being Babergh, Thedwastre, and Cosford ; and the parishes Cockfield, Felsham, and Thorpe Morieux. Close to this stone is a pond by the road-side, called the Hundred-stone pond, through which flows a stream (often dry), which, passing through Lavenham and Badleigh, falls into the Stour near Higham. It is navigable for small vessels as far as Hadleigh. The source of this stream, the Bret, seems most properly placed in Thorpe Morieux (see the Ordnance Map). It is said however by Dyer* to rise in Cockfield ; and there are two tributaries of it which do so : one rises in a ditch near the Eectory, and goes into the Hundred-stone pond ; the other rises near Cross Green, and goes into the stream not far from Pepper's Hall. To this river, if it may be so called, Drayton alludes in his Poly- olbion, where, speaking of the Stour, he says Breton, fair nymph, fresh succour to her brings. Of the natural history of the place 1 shall content myself with saying that Mr. Jordan, the schoolmaster of the * Restoration of ancient modes of "bestowing names on Rivers, $c., pp. 210-11 (Exet. 1805.) HISTORY OF COCKFIKLD. 1 9 National School, and I, have given some attention both to its zoology and botany. We have captured, or received, or procured, or seen, various birds and insects of some importance, and collected several plants which are more or less uncommon ; but it would be of little interest to read a list of them here.* The Mirror for 1838 says that no primrose grows here, and that the villagers declare that it will not live here, but sickens and soon dies. This, I believe, has been thought to be so since the year of the plague. But in truth we have the primrose, though very rarely : I have gathered both it, the cowslip, and (what is very common here, though rare in most parts of England) the true oxlip, in Dead Man's lane, Cockfield. So, as there is an error to the alleged fact, we may be content to leave the reason to shift for itself. A nephew of Mr Bligh informed me that in his uncle's incumbency there was ah heronry here, near the rectory .j- The bird itself, the heron, has occasionally within my knowledge visited the place, and one took up his quarters for some days by the moat close to the rectory. I have only to add that I have derived much assistance in drawing up this paper from the notes of my former Curate, the Rev. W. T. T. Drake, taken from MSS. in the British Museum, from transcripts from some parts of those MSS., made by Mrs. Babington, and from various pieces of local information supplied by Mrs. Baldwin, by the Rev. E. L. Barnwell, and by Mr. Richard Bilder. The Rev. Dr Bateson, Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, has given me free access to the MS. books of the College, and has kindly assisted me in other ways ; W. T. Bensly, Esq., Deputy Registrar of Norwich, has very liberally furnished me with a copy of the list of rectors down to the eighteenth century from the Norwich Registry, and J. Dray ton Wyatt, Esq., architect, has communicated * I hope before long to give some f Mr. Hilder remembers the time when account of the birds of Suffolk in these the heron, as well as other birds against Proceeding*, and also of additions to which war is now waged, was much more Henslow's and Skepper's Flora of Svf- common than at present; but he has no folk, in which the Cockfield birds and recollection of aa herony. plants will be included. 2 MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF COCKFIELD. most valuable notes made by himself many years ago before certain features of the church had vanished. These last will be found in the Appendix. CHURCHILL BABINGTON. Pi,. III. MONUMENT IN COCKFIELD CHURCH. APPENDIX. (I) ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS RELATING TO THE ARCHITECTURE OF COCKFIELD CHURCH. (A) From " The Ecclesiastical and Architectural Topography of England. Part VII. Su/olk." (As the Church was in 1855.) No. 454, Cockfield, St. Peter, " Has a large and handsome tower, without pinnacles, which seems Perpendicular." RICKMAN. " Chancel, with late vestry on the North side ; nave, with clerestory, aisles, and South porch ; tower at West end. The church is Decorated with some later additions. The East window is very large, but all the tracery has been destroyed ; the buttresses have good niches. There is a small piscina, with a canopy in the South wall [of the chancel] and against the North wall is a fine attar-tomb, panelled, and with shields ; over it is a fine canopy in three bays, divided by buttresses with rich pinnacles ; there is a great variety of detail about this monument, much disfigured by whitewash. The nave-piers are octagons, with moulded caps ; the tower has buttresses set square at the angles, good two-light windows in the upper stage. The South aisle and porch are good but late Per- pendicular, with three-light transomed windows and a battlement richly panelled. Font, a plain octagon. There are good open seats with poppies and panelling." WILLIAM CAVELER, Architect. (B) The dimensions of the Church are as follows : The chancel 37 feet long, and 17 feet 3 inches wide. The nave 65 feet long, 18 feet 8 inches wide; and the aisles are the same length as the nave, and 11 feet 3 inches wide. The tower is 1 1 feet 2 inches from East to West, and 9 feet from North to South. The height of the tower from the top to the roof -ridge is about 28 feet ; from the ridge to the ground about 43 feet : total about 71 feet. Height of the nave wall about 30 feet. Height of chancel roof ridge to the ground about 37 feet : add 3| feet for the cross. The vestry is 15 feet 2 inches long by 8 feet wide. The bells are six, and bear the following inscriptions : No. 1. * IOHN IOWARS * ROBT DEBENHAM * C * W * THO * GARDINER * FECIT * 1721 * NUM = 126*. No. 2 is blank. No. 3. CHARLES NEWMAN MADE MEE 1700 No. 4 GH (?) HT (?) CHARLES NEWMAN MADE MEE 1699. No. 5 MILES GRAY 1656 No. 6 IAMES EDAHA 106 #- The last inscription seems to be blundered. The date may be 1668. 22 Mr. Hilder informs me that the present bells were placed as they are now between thirty and forty years ago : there were previously five bells only. Besides one bell being added one was taken away and replaced by another. He made partial copies of the inscriptions, and it appears that Nos. 1, 4, and 5 were certainly here before the alteration. The porch is 14 feet 4 inches North and South, by 11 feet 4 inches East and West. The windows in the East and West walls, which are now (July, 1879) being restored, are designed from the traces of them, found beneath the stucco. A niche on the right side of the entrance door into the church has been revealed by the restoration of the porch, of which the original work has been retained, wherever that was possible : the new work has been restored by help of the remains of the old. On the North side of the Church are four two-light Decorated windows with quatrefoil above, all perfectly similar. The West window of the North aisle and the lower West window in the tower are also similar as regards tracery, but the comprising-arch ot the latter is segmental, agreeing with the belfry window above, and the other belfy windows. On the North and South sides of the tower are single windows of one small light each ; also four narrow rectangular loop holes on the South side in the staircase. The East window of the North aisle is a Perpen- dicular four-light window without transom (altered in modern times. ) On the South aisle of the Church are four Perpendicular three light windows transomed, all similar ; in the West of the same aisle is a similar window but larger. In the East end of the same aisle is another window generally similar, also larger, but with the transom lower down ; the upper part of the window over the three middle lights is divided into six smaller lights, these being finished above as in all the other "windows. In the South wall, near the S.E. corner is a piscina, in a square recess. In the chancel on the North side towards the West is a high three- light Perpendicular window, without transom ; in the upper part are four small lights, with a lune on either side. On the same side, nearer the East, above the ~ Decorated tomb, is a broad Decorated window, having a quatrefoil above. On the South side, on either side of the door, is a window similar to the Perpendicular window on the North side. The new East window has been already described. There are six stalls on each side, and two at each end facing the East. The original tracery of the desk in front of the stalls on the North side appears to be entire. The stalls have been completed where necessary by modern work. Within the vestry is a piscina in the middle of the South wall, and an aumbry nearly square, in the South-east corner. In the North wall, at the East corner, is a low narrow door, which has been blocked up. The present unsightly window on the North side is modern. The narrow one-light window on the West side is original, and deeply splayed. The lower door communicating with the chancel seems to be tolerably ancient. It is surmounted by a hood moulding. Outside the chancel, on the South, are two buttresses with Decorated 23 niches half way up, of beautiful work. On the East side are two similar buttresses ; on the North were originally two others similar, one of which is entirely, and the other almost destroyed, by the construction of the vestry : the cornice, immediately beneath the roof, is an elaborate one, composed of quadripartite flowers, human heads, and various animals. To these notes of my own I am now able to add with great pleasure the following valuable remarks by J. Drayton Wyatt, Esq., Architect, relating in part to details no longer existing : (C). It was in the summer of the year 1848 that I first saw Cockfield Church, when I made as complete an examination of the fabric as time would then allow. There proved to be, however, so much that was interesting and valuable that I took another opportunity (viz , in August ? 1849) of visiting the church for the purpose of further sketching, measuring, and recording its special features. From these notes I extract the following particulars, some of which have reference to points already touched upon in the previous historical description ; others are supplementary, and include the ancient polychrome-decoration of the roofs, which has since been wholly effaced. I prefer to adhere mainly to the exact wording of these " notes " : The proportions of this Church are exceedingly good ; as are also the details throughout. Some of them are comparatively plain and bold, but many portions are richly moulded, especially the Chancel, with its string-courses, cornice, plinths, and groined niches in the buttresses, all in the pure late-Decorated style, which prevails generally throughout the edifice. The South aisle and South porch are, however, decidedly Perpen- dicular, with panelled parapets and flush flint eurface-walling in parts ; also the window jambs in this aisle are more deeply recessed outside than in the other windows of the Church. The Tower is of noble size, and lofty. Octagonal staircase on South side not placed at either of the angles, but near the middle, thus dis- placing the belfry window. Above is the tower parapet of chequered flint- work, in which two opposite oblong panels have been sunk (orcut through) continuing down below the cornice, which has accordingly been destroyed to suit. I could not examine this part from the tower roof, nor arrive at any conclusion as to the object of these alterations. Had there been but one panel, viz. : the larjje one on the South side, its shape and position might have favoured the conjecture that it was made to receive the framework of a wooden sun-dial.* The Staircase to the rood loft, as now seen externally, is of plain red brick, square on plan, and apparently of recent erection. The only now visible fragment of the original staircase is a small stone quatrefoil window, which probably remains in situ, though it may have been in- serted afresh. * Others have conjectured that the transit instrument ; if so, probably in Mr. panels were cut for the employment of a Ludlam's time. (C. B.) 24 The present Vestry is a small oblong chamber, with a lean-to roof, on the North side of the Chancel, and which has undergone considerable mutilation. A doorway and two small windows on the North side have been blocked up, and a large square modern two-light window substi- tuted. A few stone corbels remain in the walls, at about 7 feet from the ground, indicating the position of an intermediate floor which once divided the building into two heights. The outline of the window which formerly lighted the upper apartment is still to be traced in the West wall. No indications of any staircase are to be seen. Probably the means of communication between the two chambers was by a wooden step-ladder, such as yet exists in a very similar and curious structure of about the same date, at Hesseit* Church, a few miles distant. The roofs are mostly covered with lead. Some of the ancient ironwork is in good preservation on the doors. Inside, it is noticeable that the clerestory windows are not over the centres of the arches, but over the centre of the piers, and also that there is an additional window on each side, in the space nearest to the Chancel arch. The Jacobean pulpit rests on a slender Perpendicular stem, panelled, with moulded cap and base. The are four ancient oak stalls, and a few oak benches. There is more or less stained glass in all the two-light windows of the North aisle. The roofs of the Nave and Aisles are simple in construction, but shew an unusual amount of finish as regards mouldings, carving, and applied colour. The Nave roof is of pure " Decorated " date, of a good pitch, each principal truss being formed of a tie beam, with king-post above, from which spring curved braces, two being in connection with the longi- tudinal ridge under the collar beams, and the other two abutting against the upper strutted rafters, which help to make up the general polygonal form of the roof. The tie beams are 11 in. x 9in., with mouldings and fillets, separated by a deep hollow. The more prominent mouldings are painted red, and the hollows are painted blue. Above these, on the plain face of each side of the beam, is painted a series of delicate quatrefoils in circles, the pattern being in white, and the ground blue. There are 62 quatrefoils in each length, from wall to wall. The wall plates are each 6in. deep, and moulded to correspond with the beams. All these mouldings are gathered to a point at their respective ends, which are further enriched by beautiful rosettes, &c , sometimes single and sometimes double, carved in relief with excellent effect. The king- posts are octagonal shafts, with well-moulded caps and bases. The curved braces above are 6in. x Tin., chamfered underneath ; the * This interesting Church has been by Canon Cooke, in his Materials for a exhaustively described and illustrated in History of Hessett in the Proceedings of 8 paper specially devoted to that subject the Suffolk Institute, vol. V. See p. 23. 25 longitudinal beam is 6in. x 4in.,also chamfered. On the soffits of these braces, also on the cardinal faces of the king-posts, are painted a suc- cession of arrow zigzags, and traces of a similar kind of enrichment appear on the other timbers. The alternate faces of the king-posts are painted a plain vermillion. The principal rafters measure each 11 in. x 9in., and are laid flatwise ; the collars, common rafters, and stud-pieces, are 6iin. x S^in., and are not chairfered. The North Aisle roof is a lean-to, contemporary with that of the Nave, and very similar in detail. Thie also has carved rosettes in the wall plates under each principal. The eastern bay has the additions of boarding under the rafters, and battlements above the wall-plate. The South Aisle roof is (like that part of the church) of late Perpen- dicular character, and rather flat in pitch. The principals have curved brackets at the ends, and are richly carved with scroll foliage, excepting in the Eastern bay, which is without carving. On one of its massive beams is the date " 1673," and on another " W. H., 1795." Variations from the foregoing description noted during a recent inspection of the Church in July, 1879 : 1. The Nave roof is now slated. 2. The Pulpit has been considerably lowered. Yery little of the " stem " is now left. 3. There is now no stained glass in either of the North aisle windows. 4. All vestiges of colour on the roofs have disappeared ; also the boarding and battlements to the North Aisle roof. J. DRAYTON WYATT. (II.) COCKFIELD EPITAPHS. (A.) NOT NOW REMAINING THERE. Mr. JOHN KNEWSTUB'S Epitaph at Cockfield in Suffolk. Posteritati sacrum. Humillimus pientissimusq ; Dei servus, Johannes Knewstub, hujus ecclesise de Cockfielde per annos XLV. vigilantissimns & fidelissimus pastor ; nutricius ecclesise & scholarum singularis ; Christianas veritatis, Balutiferse evangelii doctrinae, verae puraeq ; religionis contra antichris- tum Romanum ejusque emissaries acerrimus assertor & propugnator; nullus hujus saeculi procellis succumbens, fortiter adversus omnes casus humanos, pro divini nominis gloria, summa cum tolerantia restitit. Tandem senio confectus LXXX aetatis anno, ex hac miserrima vita in celestem patriam, pie, sancteque migravit XXIX Maii anno reparatae salutis, 1624. Heu quantulum tanto viro monumentum ! Johannis Knewstub imaginem hie P.C.B.O. ut cujus ingenii monumenta aeterna sint, ejus corporis quoq ; memoria ne a posteritate desideretur. Frienda maye awhile by arte our viewe commende But 'tys not longe eare all thinges heere shall ende. The arte of artes is so to lyve & dye, As we may lyve in heav'n eternally. 26 lohn Knewstub. He lyved 80. years & dyed the 29. of Maye, 1624. (Peck's Desid. Cur. p. 216, London, 1779.) E. Codice MS. penes Samuel Knight S.T.P. 1731. (B.) EPITAPHS NOW EXISTING IN THE CHURCH AND CHANCEL. In the Chancel on the South Wall, on a white marble slab : (1) " Within a vault beneath is deposited the body of The Rev. GEORGE BELGRAVE D.D, rector of this parish and vicar of Stebbing in the county of Essex. He died March 10 th 1831 Aged 81 years. Also that of FANNY his wife. She died Dec. 16 th 1844 Aged 88 years." (Their arms above). Below, on the Chancel floor, is a slab to the same persons, to the same effect. On the North side of the Chancel floor : (2) In memory of The Rev d REGINALD BLIGH B.D. Rector of this parish. Died Feb. 4 th 1841, In his 63 d year. (3) To y e memory y e Rev d Mr. COLLIER WALTER Born at Witney In Oxfordshire & Died 19 th of Apr. AH737. (4) In the middle of the North side of the Chancel is a tomb, having two columns and two pilasters with Corinthian capitals on each side ; above the pediment are the Harvey crest and arms on a shield impaling Beriffe between scrolls and flowers. A bust of James Harvey is in the centre, placed on a plinth, resembling a sarcophagus. Below this and below the columns, the tomb is divided into three compartments, each of which, as well as the plinth, bear inscriptions. The whole was executed by N. Royce, of Bury St. Edmund's. 27 On the plinth, below bust : JACOBI HARVEY, Aulae Olarensis apud Cantab. Socio-commensalis eflSgies. Si vultum, Sculptor, parum feliciter ausus es, Mens quommodo Adolescentis exprimenda divinior ! Acri erat Ingenio, optima Indole, Moribus mellitissimis ; Linguarum, turn Qrecoe cum Latinae, non levitus doctus ; Eruditione Academic;!, ultra annos, repletus ; Artium, quas attigit, tenax ; nondum tactarum avidissimus ; Cum jam severioribus Legum Anglicarum studijs, Quo Patriae esset Idoneus, se accingeret ; Yale (heu longuni !) dicendi gratia, Academiam visens, Variolarum lue correptus domum redijt ; Xostraeque Omnium Spes una cum Illo conciderunt. Die Junij 9 Anno Dom. 1723 -. LUDLAM, B.D. 1788 June 5. G~. BELGRAVE, B.D. 1831 Aug. 13. REGINALD BLIGH, B.D. By an order in Council dated 19th April, 1837, part of the Archdea- conry of Sudbury, which comprehends Cockfield, was transferred from the Diocese of Norwich to that of Ely. Henceforwards the Rectors of Cockfield became subject to the Bishops of Ely (see Le Neve, Fast. Eccl. Angl., vol. i., p. 325, Hardy), and their institutions are registered in the Ely Books of Institutions, preserved at Broad Sanctuary, West- minster. 1841 June 2. RICHARD JEFFREYS, B.D. 1866 Nov. 9. CHURCHILL BABINGTON, B.D. Of the Rectors before Dr. Longworth little appears to be known.* The Parish Register only mentions that "W. Modye, Rector of Cockfield, was buried here on June 28, 1567 ; and there is no sepulchral monument now remaining either of him or of any of his predecessors. But from Dr. Longworth downwards something may be said of each Rector in succession. RICHARD LONGWORTH (1567 1579.) In Baker's History of St. John's College, edited with continuation in 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1869), by the Rev. Professor John E. B. Mayor, Fellow of the College, is a chapter entitled, " Richard Longworth, twelfth Master, admitted May 11, 1564," and there are various other references to him in the same work (see Index), whence the following account is derived. He was elected Key ton Scholar in St. John's Coll., Nov. 6, 1550 ; to a Fellowship on Lady Margaret's foundation in the same College, July 27, 1559 ; to a Senior Fellowship unanimi consensu, Feb. 28, 1561. He is described in the College books as born in Lanca- shire. When Queen Elizabeth visited Cambridge, not omitting St. * In one of the Helmingham Deeds Cockfield. Blomefield Norf. vol. ii, p. (No. 4), Eeginald de Ecclea and others 444 [Ed. 2], quoted hy Davy, Add. MSS. settle Wylbey Manor, in Hingham, in 19,077 under Cockfield. (Notes on 1357, on Adam de Hautboys, parson of Rectors.) 35 John's College, in August, 1564, he " was then " (says Baker) " a very- young man, and not having attained to the degree of Doctor of Divinity could have no share in the public exercise : but though he had no opportunities of shewing his learning, yet in these proceedings he has the character given him of a pious, prudent man, a fit character for a governor. He appears to have been a man of business, and a noted preacher, a thing much valued in those days : he was chosen College Preacher in 156J, and the same year Preacher for the University. He commenced D.D. in the year 1567, and the year after was Vice- Chancellor. . . . Dr. Longworth died in 1579, which year his Deanery of Chester, a Prebend of Worcester and his Rectory of Cockfield became void by his death. In the last he was succeeded by Jo. Knewstub, who, as he was Fellow of the same College, so was of the same persuasion with his master." He had also been collated to a Prebend in the eighth stall of Durham in 1567, but resigned that preferment in 1572, on being made Dean of Chester. (Le Neve's Fasti, vol. iii., p. 316. Hardy). Amidst all these splendid preferments it is to be feared that he found little time for Cockfield, and there is no sign in our Register that he ever resided here at all. In his Mastership of St. John's College he became at length unfortunate ; he sided with the discontented Puritanical party, and the College was then involved in great disorder. In Aug. 1 569, several of the Fellows wrote to Cecil, Lord Burghley, complaining of the degeneracy of their College, and that during Longworth's government their house went more and more into decay of good learning. The Bishop of Ely wrote letters, as visitor of the College, and deprived Longworth of his Mastership. JOHN KNEWSTUB (15791624) " Joh. Knewstub, St. John's, B.A. 1564 ; M.A. 1568 ; B.D. 1576" (Richardson's MS. Catalogue)* " Ego Johannes Knewstub ex com. Westmor. admissus sum socius pro Domina Fundatrice, 21, Martii, 1567." (Peck's Desid Cur. vol. i., p. 21 6, Lond. 1779; Baker u.s., 288.) Admitted a Senior Fellow of St. John's Coll., 5 April, 1572. (Id. p. 326.) Jo. Knewstub, rect., buried 31 May, 1624. (Parish Register.) For a notice of him, his epitaph, his works, and his benefactions, see above. Besides the account of him (at the Hampton Court Conference) in Fuller's Church History, see Neal's History of the Puritans, vol. i., and on the other side, Collier's Eccles. Hist, p l ii., book viii., Perry's Hist, of the Church of England, vol. i. He certainly deserves to be called in Baker's words, Notus vir. (u.s., p. 288, note). It does not appear that he was ever married. The following extracts from letters relating to Knewstub's inquiry for a Curate, and his intended payment, are not without interest. Bedell (afterwards Bishop) was then preacher at St. Mary's, Bury St. Edmund's. * Preserved in the Registry of Cambridge. 36 (See Tymms Hist, of St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmund* s. pp. 115- 125). They are preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (Bodl. MSS. torn. Ixxv. 180), and are quoted by Davy u.s., p. 254, from Brit. Mag. vol. x. pp. 674-678 : Bedell to Ward (end of Letter). " I am to entreat you to provide for Mr. Knewstub, if you may, any young man that would be his Curate and teach in his parish, that would wear the surplice : he should have 10 yearly and his table. Dated Bury, 26 Nov., 1604." Bodl. MSS., torn Ixxv., 180. The same to the same. " For Mr. Knewstub's Curate he should be with him in house ; and I do think the place would be very profitable that wav to a young divine not only for knowledge, but for the rare example of a good life. I pray you do what you can herein, and with all speed. Bury, this 3rd Dec." (1604). JOHN SMITH (16241676). John Smith or Smyth occurs in the Registers as Rector from 1625 onwards, which record the births and burials of 5 sons and 6 daughters. He was buried here, where he had so long lived, June 21, 1676. His name is so common that I cannot identify him so as to be able to say anything of his degrees, &c. Nor do I know who Sara (sic) his wife was. His eldest son, William, baptised Nov. 12, 1631, was admitted as a Sizar of St. John's College, Cambridge, under Mr. Frost, at the age_of 17, on Nov. 3, 1648. (St. John's Admission Books). ZACHAEY FISKE (16761708). "Zachary Fiske, Suffolk, adm. Sizar, 4 Oct., 1664, tutore Clem. Smith." (Extract from the Admission Books of Queen's Coll., Cambr., kindly furnished by the Rev. W. G. Searle), B.A. 1668, M.A. 1673. (Gradual* Cantabrigienses.) Not a Fellow of his College. He was twice married. By his first wife Elizabeth, who died in 1685, he bad two sons and four daughters ; by his second wife, Margaret, he had four sons and three daughters. I have not discovered the maiden name of either of his wives. His eldest son Thomas, baptised June 16, 1678. was doubtless the Thomas Fiske who was B.A. of Queen's Coll., Cambridge, in 1698, and the same as the Thomas Fiske, Curate of Hadleigh, whose name is attached to the Register of Burials there in 1 706. He resided in the room over the library in the Rectory Tower at Hadleigh. His father was then Rector of Hadleigh as well as of Cockfield, having, as has been said, been pre- sented to the living by William and Mary in 1691, though he allowed Dr. Trumbull, the non-juring ex-Rector to retain the emoluments and in great degree to perform the duties. Another son of Mr. Fiske, viz., John, baptized Dec. 28, 1693, may probably be the same as he who became B.A. of Queen's Coll., Cambridge, in 1715, and Rector of Thorpe Morieux in 1719. Neither Thomas nor John were Fellows of their 37 College. Zachary Fiske was in all likelihood of the same family as the Fiskes of Thorpe Morieux, an adjoining village. For them see Concise Description, &c., p. 312, and Burke's Landed Gentry under FISKE- HARKISON. The Parish Registers shew that Mr. Fiske resided constantly at Cock- field, where he was buried Sept. 15, 1708. I am not aware whether any monument was ever placed here to him or to his predecessor. FKANCIS ROBINS (17081720). " Franciscus Robins natus infra Chart juxta Sutton Valence in agro Cantiano, literis institutus in schola libera apud Sutton sub M ro Foster, films Joannis R. agricolse, setatis suae 18. Admissus est subsizator pro M ro Vaughan, tutore et fide jussore ejus M ro Browne. Junii 30. 1685." (St. John's College Admission Books). He took the degree of B.A. in 1688 ; M.A. 1692 ; B.D. 1700. (Grad. Cant.) He was elected a Fellow of St. John's on Lady Margaret's Foundation on April 1, 1691, and a Senior Fellow on Nov. 3, 1707. His Fellowship was filled up March 14, 1710. (Baker's Hist.) He signs our Parish Registers as Rector 1711-1715 ; Thomas Martin signs as Curate 1717-1722. His benefactions to the parish have been mentioned above : he was also a benefactor to St. John's College, Cambridge, where till lately he was commemorated by a feast held annually on a fixed day in Lent. He is buried at Sutton Valence, and a College order dated 23 May, 1785, allows a sum not exceeding 5 for replacing his monument in the Church there. (Baker). JONATHAN HALL (17201743). "Jonathan Hall, Dunelmensis, de civitate Dunelm, filius Johannis Hall generosi, anno natus quindecim, literis institutus in schola privata infra Dunelm sub magistro Ross admissus est pensionarius sub M r<> Orchard Tutore et fide jussore ejus Aprilis 10 mo 1696." (St. John's Admission Books). Elected Fellow of St. John's College on Lady Mar- garet's Foundation, April 9, 1701 ; Senior Fellow, April 13, 1720 ; his Fellowship was filled up Feb. 13, 1722. (Baker). Took the degrees of B.A. in 1699 ; M.A. in 1703 ; B.D. in 1710 ; D.D, in 1723. (Grad. Cant.) On Jan. 21, 1717, ten Fellows were elected in place of as many non- jurors who were expelled, Mr. Hall being one of the five Seniors who were present at their election. (Baker, vol. ii., p. 1008). He signs our Registers as Rector 1723-1742. His gift of Communion plate is mentioned above. He was Prebendary of the fifth stall in Durham Cathedral 1723- 1743, and died on June 29, 1743. (Le Neve). He was not buried at Cockfield. In his time the Rev. Collier Walter lived here, and one of 38 his six children was born here in 1728, he being buried in the church in 1737. Probably he was Dr. Hall's Curate John Nickalls, who was certainly his Curate, was buried Jan. 4, 1743. HENRY WRIGLEY (17431767). " Henricus Wrigley, filius Henrici Wrigley defuncti, natus apud Man- chester literis institutus Cestrias sub M ro Henchman annos habens 17 ; admissus pensionarius Tutore et Fidej. Doc. Edmnndson, May 13 (1715)." (St. John's Admission Books). Elected Fellow of St. John's on Dr. Keyton's Foundation, March 13, 1722 ; elected Senior Fellow, Nov. 27, 1736. His Fellowship was filled up April 1, 1745. (Baker). Took the degree of B.A. in 1718 ; of M.A. in 1722 ; of B.D., 1729. (Grad. Cant.) Was tutor of St. John's, and Bishop Dodgson and Dr. Powell were among his pupils (Baker), as well as Mr. Ludlam, mentioned below. He signs the Parish Eegisters as Eector, 1743-65. He died at the end of 1766, but is not buried here. His present of Communion plate is mentioned above. Kobert French signs himself as Curate 1754-1771. The following quotation from the Chase, Jan. 3, 1767, co. 8 (a news- paper ?) is from T. Martin's notes, incorporated in Davy, u.s. : " Cambridge, Jan. 1. " Last week died the Rev. Mr. "Wrigley, Rector of Cockfield, co. Suffolk, and formerly Fellow and principal Tutor of St. John's College. The living is in the gift of that Society, and worth 300 per annum." Its value in the King's books had been 30. WILLIAM LUDLAM (17671788). "Grulielmus Ludlam, Leicestriensis, filius natu major Richardi Ludlarn M D., natus in oppido de Leicester literis institutus in publica ejusdem oppidi schola sub M ro Clayton, admissus pensionarius minor, tutore et fidejussore ejus M ro Wrigley. July 24 (1734) an. aet. 18vo." (St. John's Admission Books). He was elected Fellow of St. John's, March 13, 1744 on the Lady Margaret's Foundation ; Senior Fellow, March 15, 1763. His Fellow- ship was filled up, March 14, 1769. (Baker.) He took his B.A. degree in 1738 ; M.A. in 1742 ; B.D. in 1749. {Grad. Cant). The Mathematical Tripos was instituted only ten years after he took his degree, viz., in 1748 : had it existed in his time he would doubtless have been very near the head of it ; most probably the Senior Wrangler. While he lived in College he was very intimate with 39 Dr. Powell, his contemporary, who became at length (in 1765) Master of St John's. He supported Mr. Ludlam as a candidate for the Luca- sian Professorship of Mathematics in 1760, to which however Mr. Waring, also a very eminent mathematician, was elected. The Master and Seniors in 1767 commissioned him to buy two globes, at a price not exceeding ten guineas, for the observatory in St John's, and a suspicion has been already mentioned (under Appendix i.) that he converted the Church tower here into another observatory, after he left the College. He signs the Parish Registers here as Rector from 1767 to 1773, and again in 1782 and 1783. During the interval and later on he was living with his brother at Leicester, where the Rev. T. Robinson found him when he was appointed in 1778 to be Lecturer in St. Martin's Church in that place. Vaughan's Life of Robinson (pp. 58-72). William Courteen signs as Curate from 1771-1780. John Smyth signs as Curate from 1783-1788. For Mr. Ludlam's works, theological and mathematical, see above ; also for Dr. Herbert Marsh's opinion of Dr. Milner's attack on him, see Baker, vol. ii., p. 855, where he calls it very violent and unjustifiable. His simple epitaph in St. Mary's Church, Leicester, is given in Nichols' Hist, of Leicfst. (vol. i., p. 318) who mentions that he was Vicar of Norton-by-Galby, in the same, county, from 1749-1788 (vol. ii., p. 734). He was married, and left a family, one of whom is mentioned above. Being anxious to discover his wife's maiden name, I wrote to the Rev. Canon E. T. Vaughan, formerly of Leicester, and in reply, he says : " Her maiden name is not mentioned in my father's Life of Robin*on ; though several things are told about the marriage. He says (at p. 92), ' Having rigidly adhered to his College habits for some years after he had quitted the walls of St. John's, he at length abruptly formed the determination of marrying a wife, and speedily gave effect to it. What could scarcely have been anticipated, considering the period and former usages of his life, he was much blessed and prospered in this connection. . . . The lady whom he married had proved herself a most useful and affectionate helpmeet to him ; sharing all his little troubles, and tenderly relieving all his complaints ; ' making all his bed in his sickness,' and kindly exercising herself by much forbearance, self-denial, and labour ' To rock the crad'e of reposing age.' They had several children born to them, most of whom died in infancy or early youth : but two lived long enough to realize, in some considerable degree, the fond hopes which their anxious mother had entertained of them ; although their days were few, and they, too, have been swept hastily to their graves before her.' " I can remember being taken, as a child, to visit an old Mrs. Ludlam, who was the widow of one of the two elder Messrs. Ludlam, I think of Mr. "Win. Ludlam the Rector of Cockfield.f This lady was I think clearly (from the form of expression used) * In a note to this it is said " Mr. T. eminent in his profession as a surgeon Ludlam, the eldest, distinguished himself and was much respected for his humanity greatly by his talents, zeal, and integrity, and charity." as Governor of Sierra Leone. Mr. W. f In a later note he suspects that it Ludlam, the younger brother, had become was Mrs. T. Ludlam. 40 Btill living when the Life of Mr. Robinson was published, in 1815. I know very well Mrs. William Ludlam, the younger, the widow of the younger of the two brothers mentioned in the above note. She had been a Miss Parker, niece of Mr. Parker Newdigate, of Arbury Park, Warwickshire. She afterwards removed with her family of daughters to live at Cambridge, where her only son, Thomas, who had been an Oakham boy, went as a Freshman to Peterhouse, Cambridge, in Oct., 1828. They were living there when I went as a Freshman to Christ's, in 1830, and continued there until her son took his degree in 1832 as Senior Optime, and 12th in 1st class of Tripos. The year, as you will remember, was an extremely good classical year. He died a few years ago as Vicar of St. Nicholas, Guildford, and, I believe, was much respected there. ... I have had on my study chimney-piece for the last forty years and more a time-pie^e, at the back of which (inside) is this inscription, ' Made by Jas. Bullock for T. L., 1777, improved by W. L.' It has a 'gridiron' pendulum, composed of 9 parallel rods of brass and iron alternately, and I think the upper part (which is of flexible steel) is supposed to vibrate between ' cycloidal checks.' I believe accomplished clockmakers know a certain construction of clocks as made 'on Ludlam's principle.' This clock was given me by my mother, to whom it came by gift from her eldest sister, Miss Pares, to whom it had been given or left by (I think) the widow of one of the Messrs. Ludlam, probably the old lady whom I have mentioned above. Apparently its original owner was Mr. Thomas Ludlam, the Confrater of Wigston's Hospital. My clock is always treated with profound respect by any intelligent clockmaker who sees it." GEOEGE BELGRAVE (1788 1831). " Georgius Bel grave, Rutlandiensis, filius Jeremias Belgrave Clerici, natus ad Preston [in com. Rutland], literis institutes in schola de Uppingham, sub M ro Knap, admissus est subsizator, Oct. 19, 1765, tutore et fidejussore M ro Abbot, annos natus 16." (St. John's Admis- sion Books). For his pedigree, and the history of his family, see Nichols' Hist, of Leicest., vol. iv., p. 207, and Burke's Landed Gentry, under BELGRAVE. Elected Fellow of St. John's on Lady Margaret's Foun- dation, April 7, 1772 ; Senior Fellow, March 7, 1788 ; his Fellow- ship filled up March 31, 1789. (Baker). Took the degree of B.A. in 1770 (when he appears as 8th Senior Optime in mathematical honours); of MA. in 1773; of B D. in 1781. (Grad. Cant). Incorp. B.D. of Trin. Coll., Oxford, June 16, 1802 ; D.D. (of the same University) June 17, 1802. (Grad. Oxon.) Signs the Parish Registers here as Rector in 1 788, and resides constantly. He officiated till Sept. 25, 1828, and was buried here, March 17, 1831. He married on Aug. 6, 1788, Fanny, daughter of James Neave, Esq., of Waltham- stow, Essex. (Nichols, u.s, and Ipswich Journal, Aug. 16, 1788, quoted in Davy, u.s.) She was, no doubt, of the same family as the present Baronet of that name, of Dagnam Park, Essex, the arms being the same. (See Burke's Peerage and Baronetage under NEAVE). For her epitaph, see above. For some account of him, and for his epitaph, see above. He died (says the Ipswich Journal, March 19, 1831) " deeply regretted," after having been Rector of Cockfield 42 years, and 28 years Vicar of Stebbing, in Essex ; his widow died, as the same journal, Dec. 21, 1844, observes, at her residence in "Westgate Street, Bury St. Edmund's. 41 (Quoted in Davy, n.s.) In his time "William Gooch signs the Parish Registers, as Curate, in 1792 and 1793 ; as Officiating Minister in 1797 and 1805. Frederick Croker often signs as Officiating Minister from March 20, 1820, and as Curate from July 21, 1822, to Aug. 12, 1831. REGINALD BLIGH (18311841). " No. 1002. Reginald Bligh, of Cornwall (nothing said of his father or exact birth-place), Sizar under Wood and Smith, May 17, 1797." (St. John's Admission Books). Elected Fellow of St. John's on Lady Margaret's Foundation, April 6, 1802 ; elected a Senior Fellow, Sept., 1 823. His Fellowship was filled up March 25, 1 833. He took the degree of B.A. in 1801, when his name appears as 12th Wrangler; of M.A., 1804 ; of B.D. in 1812. He first signs the Register as Rector on Aug. 21, 1831, and officiates for the last time on Dec. 14, 1840. Buried here Feb. 12, 1841, aged 63. For some account of him, and for his epitaph, see above. He was never married, but a sister lived with him here. Bligh is an ancient family name in Cornwall. See Bridgets Index to Pedigrees, p. 18. RICHARD JEFFREYS (18411866). " No. 1522. Richard Jeffreys, of Cambridgeshire, born at Ely, March 14, 1791. Sizar under Wood, May 15, 1808." (St. John's Admission Books). A note from his niece, Miss Latter, in answer to my request, supplies some further information. It appears that Richard was the third child (of sixteen), and the third son of the Rev. Richard Jeffreys [of Trin. Coll., Camb., B.A., 1785 ; MA., 1802 ; Grad. Cant.'} His father was a Minor Canon of Ely, who gave up this preferment in order to take a Chaplaincy at Calcutta, and is the Chaplain referred to in Henry Martyn's Memoirs, who, during the time of a pulpit controversy against Martyn, when his turn came to preach, ascended the pulpit, not to preach, but to read a homily of the Church, bearing on the subject, and so stopped all mouths. On his return to England he became Rector of Throcken and Buntingford, Herts. The Jeffreys family used to have a right to send a son to Winchester, in consequence of " some great uncle Edward Jeffreys" [Trm. Coll., Cam., B.A., 1737] having left houses at Winchester to the College. " I have never heard," she says, " that my dear uncle ever wrote anything. I remember Mr. Crick, the public orator, when staying with us at Cockfield, speaking of his talent for writing Latin verse, which he spoke of as unequalled." His skill in the use of the lathe, and also his extraordinary skating powers are still well remembered. He was elected fellow of St. John's on Dr. Thimbleby's Foundation April 2, 1816 ; and a Senior Fellow on May 10, 1834. His Fellowship was filled up April 4, 1843. He took the degree of B.A. in 1813, when his name appears as 4tb Senior Optime in mathematical honours ; of M.A. in 1816 ; of B D. in 1823. He signs the Parish Registers as Rector in July, 1841, and frequently till 1856 ; sometimes later. James S. Serjeant signs as Curate from 42 Jan., 1848, to Aug., 1855, and sometimes officiates afterwards. George Dobree signs as Curate from Oct., 1855, to Jan., 1866. Mr. Jeffreys was never married, but his sister, Mrs. Latter, generally resided with him in the Eectory. For some further account of him, see the body of the paper above. He was greatly beloved and respected in the parish. (IV). EXTEACTS AND ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS RELATING TO THE TENURE OF LAND IN COCKFIELD : ITS MANORS, AND POPULATION. 1. Possessions of the Abbey of Bury. (A). " St. Edmund held Cockfield in King Edward's time (1041- 1066 A.D.) for a manor of four carucates and a half of land. Always fourteen villanes ; and then sixteen bordars, now (1086 A.D.) twenty- two. Then two ploughs in the demesne, now three ; and then twelve ploughs of the vassals, now six. Always four bondmen, eight acres of meadow, a mill for winter use ; now three carthorses, and twelve head of cattle, and thirty-seven hogs, and ninety- eight sheep ; now twelve hives of bees. This manor was then worth six pounds, now eight. In the same are twenty-one freemen of five carucates of land, whom four vassals hold of the Abbot. Berard three carucates ; and James one ; and Goleman one. Thirteen bordars and three bondmen. Then among them all eight ploughs, now seven ; and sixteen acres of meadow. Dannage (wood) for six hogs. All these may give and sell their land, but the soke and protection to the same Saint ; except one, over whom he had the soke only. It was then worth three pounds, now four. This village was in length thirteen quarentens (furlongs), and one mile in breadth ; and it pays twenty-three pence half-penny of the tax. But others hold there." DOMESDAY BOOK. The Land of St. Edmund. Extracted and translated by the Rev W. Bawdwen from p. 356b to 372 of the original. (MS. in the Library of the Suffolk Institute, fol. 15). Another translation scarcely differing is given at p. v. of the Facsimile of Domesday Book, Suffolk (Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1863). The words in parenthesis are from this translation. (B) " COKKEFELD MANERIUM." "Firma Manerii, 17 Os. Orf." From the Computus ministrorum Domini Regis (Henrici sc. Octavi) preserved in the Augmentation Office. Abstract of Roll. 32, Hen. VIII. (DUGDALE Monasticon, vol. iii., p. 1 73. Ed. Cayley, Ellis, & Bandinel). This is no doubt the annual value received by the Abbey from the Abbey Farm, which I conjecture may have been on or near the site of the farm-house occupied by Mrs. Sansum, that part of Cockfield being now known as the Abbey. 2. Cockfield Manors. In recent times there have been only two manors, an account of which is contained in the following extracts, which are based on medieval authorities mostly given in the original Latin in Davy's Suffolk Col- 43 lections as above. Ethelfled's will is translated by Thorpe (English Charters, p, 519.) (1). Cockfield consists of two manors, viz., Cockfield Hall, "which probably formerly belonged to the Abbey of Bury, but which Sir Wm. Spring died seised of, in the 42nd of Queen Elizabeth. The other is Earl's Hall, so called from the Veres, Earls of Oxford. Alice, the widow of Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who died 24th Edward I., had for her dowry the manor of Cockfield, and some others, in this county. After her decease, it came to John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, who died possessed of it, in the 33rd Edward III. ; it remained in that family till another named John, Earl of Oxford, taking up arms with the Lancas- trians, against King Edward IV., forfeited his estates ; Edward gave them to his brother, the Duke of York ; but the Earl assisting King Henry VII. against Richard, in Bosworth-field, he was restored to his honours and estates ; and enjoyed by his successors till the death of Aubrey de Vere,* the last Earl of Oxford, who died about 1702." (Concise Description of Bury St. Edmunds and its Environs. P. 85. London, 1827). (2). Cockfield "is a village of large extent, having two manors, Cock- field Hall, and Earl's Hall ; the former being vested in the Abbot of St. Edmund's, by the gift of Earl Alfgar, after the decease of Ethelfled, his daughter ; and then King Edgar gave to the said Ethelfled, Chelsworth manor, which she gave, together with Cockfield, to the said Abbey, according to her father, the Earl's will ; and the Cockfield family, who are supposed to derive from a younger son of the noble house of De Vere, Earls of Oxford, held here of the said Abbot. Alberic de Vere had a younger brother, Roger, who held this lordship of the said Abbot, immediately after the Conquest ; and Abbot Anselm, who lived in the time of Henry I., granted the service of Roger, to his brother Alberic, at the King's request : from this parish they assumed the surname of Cokefield. Anselm also granted to Adam de Cokefield and his heirs, by the service of one Knight, the land in Cockfield and Lilesey, in Suffolk, which his father Lemmerus held in his lifetime, as the men of St. Edmund's swore and testified, in the presence of Talbot, the Prior, and others. In the 3rd of Richard I., Sampson, Abbot of St. Edmund's, leased to Adam de Cokefield for life, the manors of Groton and Semere, which had been previously fanned by his father, Robert de Cokefield : and in the 3rd of Henry III., Rohais, his widow, re-leased to Thomas de Burgh and Nesta his wife, her dower in the lands of her late husband, Adam de Cokefield, in Cokefield, Semere, and Groton ; other lands being assigned to her. This Nesta was the only child of Adam de Cokefield, and Rohais, his wife. After the decease of Sir Thomas de Burgh, she became the wife * This appears to be an error : see below. 44 of John de Beauchamp, who died about the 24th of the above reiem ; and married, thirdly, to Matthew de Leyham, In the 26th of Henry HI., this Matthew de Leyham and Nesta, his wife, granted to the Abbot of St. Edmund's, five carucates of land in this parish ; the Abbot re-leasing all claim to the land belonging to his Convent, in Lilesey, Groton, Semere, and Rougham The interest of the Cokefield family appears to have ceased here at the above period. After the suppression of the above Monastery, Cockfield Hall manor became vested in the Spring family ; and Sir William Spring, Knt., of Pakenham, died seized thereof, in the 42nd of Queen Elizabeth, when John Spring, Esq., his only son, succeeded ; who deceased the following year." (PAGE'S Supplement to the Suffolk Traveller, pp. 932, 933. Ipswich, 1844). It appears from Davy's Suffolk Collections (Brit. Mus. Add. MSS., 19,171, p 46), that there were at one time four manors in Cockfield, viz., Cockfield Hall, Earl's Hall, Peper's als' Colchester's, and Butler's als' Jaccobbie's. The following list of the LORDS OF MANORS down to 1826 is taken from Davy (Add. MSS., 19,077, f. 238-9) : MANOR OF COCKFIELD HALL. LORDS. 967 Earl ALFAN. ATHELFLED, his dau r . They gave it to T.R.Edw. The ABBOT OF BURY. 20 W.I 1086 DITTO. Who granted it to 3 E. 1 1275 The PRIOR OF BURY.* H. 8 The CROWN, on the Dissolution. 37 H. 8 1545 JOHN SPRING and DOROTHY his wife, by grant from the Crown. He died 1547. 39 H. 8 1547 Sir WILLIAM SPRING, Knt., son and heir. Died 42 Eliz. 42 El. 1600 JOHN SPRING, Esq., son and heir Died 1602. 1602 Sir WILLIAM SPRING, Knt., son and heir. Sir WILLIAM SPRING, of Pakenham, Bart, son and heir. Died 1654. 1654 Sir WILLIAM SPRING, of Pakenham, Bart, son and heir. Died 1684. Sir THOMAS ROBINSON, of Kentweli Hall, Bart. Died 1683. For his office and rank, see Yateg' Sury, p. 186. 45 1683 Sir LUMLEY ROBINSON, Bart., son and heir. Died 1684. 1684 Sir THOMAS ROBINSON, Bart., son and heir. Died 1706. JOHN MOORE, Esq. Died 1753. 1753 RICHARD MOO RE, Esq., son and heir. Died 1 782. 1782 RICHARD MOORE, Esq., son and heir. Died 1820. On Oct. 8, 1829, were to be sold by auction at the Mart, London The Manor of Cockfield Hall ; Cockfield Hall Farm, containing 340 acres ; the Manor of Earl's Hall in Cockfield ; Earl's Hall Farm containing 333 acres (Ipswich Journal, Sept. 19, .829, quoted by Davy.) Both the Manors came into the possession of Mr. James Cuddon, of Norwich, and then into the hands of Mr. Serjeant Manning, who acted as Steward for his daughters, the Misses Manning, who purchased them in 1853 of Mr. Cuddon's executors, and who now hold them, as has been said. Cockfield Hall and Farm were purchased by Mr. Samuel Buck, of Hawstead, who gave the land on which the School now stands, and after coming into the hands of his brother, Mr. Robert Buck, and his nephew, Mr. Corsbie, were purchased in 1865 by Mr. T. Jennings, of Newmarket, whose son, Mr. F. Jennings, now resides at the Hall or Manor-house. Earl's Hall was purchased by Mr. Robert Martin Carss, of Little Welnetham, who sold it in 1 86 1 to Mr. "William Baker Hustler, who now resides there. The following, according to Davy, appear to have been the TENANTS of this Manor under the Abbot : ROBERT DE COKEFIELD. ADAM DE COKEFIELD, son and heir. 11 Job. 1209 MARGARET DE COKEFIELD, da. had " seisinam suam" (Abbrev.Placit. p. 67 J. ROBERT DE COKEFIELD, son and heir of Adam. ADAM DE COKEFIELD, son and heir. NESTA DE COKEFIELD, da and heir. Married (1) Thomas de Burgh ; (2) John de Bello Campo ; (3) Matthew de Leyham. 46 MANOR OF EARL'S HALL. LORDS. 20 W. 1 1086 The ABBOT OF BURY. ROGER, brother of Aubrey de Vere, E. of Oxford, by grant from the Abbot. ALBERTO or AUBREY DE VERE, 1st E. of Oxford. Died 5 Steph, 5 Steph. 1140 AUBREY DE VERE, 2nd E. of Oxford, son and heir Died 16 Joh , 1216. 16 Joh. 1216 ROBERT DE VERE, 3rd E. of Oxford, brother and heir. Died 5 H 3., 1221. HUGH DE VERE, 4th Earl (1221). ROBERT DE VERE, 5th Earl (1262), ALICE his wife had it for her dower (1296). ROBERT DE VERE, 6th Earl (1312). JOHN DE VERE, 7th Earl (1331), held it with Matilda his wife. He died in 1360 ; she in 1367. They were succeeded by THOMAS DE VERE, 8th Earl, 1S67 : he by ROBERT DE VERE, 9th Earl, who died in 1388 ; he forfeited it in 1381. AUBREY DE VERE, 10th Earl, uncle of Robert, restored to it in 1397 : succeeded by his son and heir, RICHARD DE VERE, llth Earl (1400) : by JOHN DE VERE, 12th Earl, attainted and beheaded (1 E. 4) in J461 : JOHN DE VERE, his son and heir, 13th Earl (restored 1470), forfeited it in 1485. The Crown granted it to RICHARD, Duke of Gloucester, in 1462. It was held by JOHN, Lord Howard, in 1475. John the 13th Earl was restored some time in the reign of Henry VII., and on his death, in 1512, was succeeded by his nephew and heir, JOHN, the 14th Earl. Then followed JOHN, 15th Earl, in 1527 : JOHN, the 16th Earl, in 1539 : EDWARD, the 17th Earl, in 1562. He was succeeded by Sir WILLIAM SPRING, Knt., who died in 1600 : and was suc- ceeded by Sir WILLIAM SPRING, Knt., in 1602 : he by Sir THOMAS SKINNER, Knt., in 1609. Sold to ISAAC WOODER. In 16u9 JOHN STRUTT held a part. In 1668 Dame Elizabeth Spring granted a lease of it to Sir THOMAS ROBINSON, of Kent well Hall. The Manor then went with that of Cockfield Hall down to RICHARD MOORE who sold them and died in 1826. (See above.) 47 MANOR OF PEPER'S, alias COLCHESTER'S. LORDS. Held in 1315 by ADAM DE COLCHESTER: Borne time afterwards by JOAN PEPER, a woman : in 1425 by ADAM DE COLCHESTER (?) : and at a later time by THOMAS SPRING, who died 1523. Other members of the Spring family, down to Sir W. SPRING, who succeeded in 1601. The HARVEYS appear to have succeeded the SPRINGS about the middle of the seventeenth ceutury both to the Hall and to the Manor. Francis Harvey,* who died in 1691, was succeeded by James Harvey, the Recorder of Colchester. His widow, Elizabeth Harvey, devised them to the Rev. Harvey Aspin and his heirs. He belonged to a Hampshire family, took the degree of t LLB. in 1740, being a member of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was related to the Harvey and Calthorpe families, and married Isabella Lestrange of Bury St. Edmund's, a member of the Hunstan- ton family of that name. He succeeded to the Harvey estate in 1767, and left it to his sister Dorothy who, in 1761, married Na l Acton of Bramford (died 1795) whose family was anciently seated at Ipswich. Thus on the death of Harvey Aspin in 1791, the Actons succeeded, and in 1814 William Baldwin, of Sparrow's Nest, Ipswich, formerly of Thorpe Morieux, purchased the estate of Caroline Acton. About this time *" Manor fell into disuse, the Manor-house was tu . .a into a farm-house, and the estate was enfranchised by the Honour of Clare. Mr. William Baldwin, son of the preceding, succeeded his father in 1830. The farm is now in the possession (by purchase) of Mr. * I inadvertently stated in the body of Wells). Jermyn adds, " Sir Francis was this paper that Francis Hervey was appointed Justice 1624." The Bishop, Recorder of Colchester, whereas it was his who kindly lent me the above M S., refers son James who held that office. " Francis to his paper on the family of Hervey, Hervey of the Middle Temple and of from which it appears that Sir F. Harvey, Cockfield in Suffolk Esq and late Reader the Justice of the King's Bench, 1626, of that Hon bl< Society, defended from whose arms are in one of the windows Sir Francis Harvey of the same house, of the Middle Temple, was of the North- Serjeant at Law and one of the Justices amptonshire branch of the family. See of the Common Pleas, (temp. James I.)," Proc. of Buff. I*st., vol. ii., p. 414, and Grandeur of the Law, 1684, p. 165, pi. x. for the arms in the window, which quoted in Jermyn's MS. (in possession of however are not the same as those in Lord Arthur Hervey, Bishop of Bath and Oockfield Church. 48 J. T. Cousens, son-in-law of Mr. Baldwin. (The information given above is derived from Katherine Jermyn's " Insignia of Suffolk Families " in MSS. in the Library of the Suffolk Institute ; and from the Title-Deeds of Pepper's Hall.) MANOR OF BUTLER'S, alias JACOBBIE'S. LORDS. The aforesaid THOMAS SPRING, died seised of it in 1523, and was succeeded by other members of the family down to JOHN SPRING, Esq., who was seised of it in 1 600. I have been unable to discover anything more of this Butler's Manor, but am inclined to suspect that the Green now called Button's Green is a corruption of Butler's Green. The house thereon, belonging to the Rev. G. A. Langdale, occupied by Mr. Simkin, and also the house not far distant, known as Knight's Hill, belonging to Mr. Barnewell, and occupied by Mr. Edgar, are certainly not very modern and may probably be of the seventeenth century, but there was a house between the two known as the Old House of which no vestige now remains, though a barn belonging to it was taken down about twenty years ago. This I suspect may have been the Manor House. It should be added that Cockfield was anciently included in the Liberty of the Honour of Clare, as appears by several Records in the Tower, one of which is as early as 47 Hen. III. (A D. 1259 ) Harl. MS., 370, in Brit. Mus., quoted in Davy, (Add. MSS. 19,102, p. 79). Mr. H. Elwes, of the firm of Messrs. Turner, Elwes, and Co., Colchester, of whom the first named is the present Steward of the Honour of Clare, informs me that he finds an old entry in one of the Terriers that the Manor of Pepper, in Cockfield, was formerly held of the Honour by an annual Suit Fine or Quit Rent of 15s., but was enfranchised. There is no date, but it must have been at latest very early in the present cen- tury Other properties, belonging to the families of Creasy, Burch, &c , were also liable to fines in the last century, as Mr. Elwes adds, but they have been allowed to drop. The Langdale family, however, still pay. The late Rev. M. R. Langdale paid in 1 857 to R. Rouse, Esq., Barrister- at-Law, the Steward of Her Majesty of the Honour of Clare for Ingress to 40 acres of land in Cockfield, as follows : Enrolment, 2 2s. Orf.; Ingress Fine,l Qs.Od.; 13 years' Suit Fines and Acquittance, 1 ls.8d. ; in all, 4 3s. 8d. "In 1860 I paid," says the Rev. G. A. Langdale, in a letter to me, " 1 Is. Qd. as Ingress Fine, and 5s. for three years' Suit Fines." Whether any other family having land in Cockfield still pays to the Honour I cannot say. Since the great properties of the Springs and De Veres were broken up (the former in about the middle of the 17th, the latter well after the middle of the 16th century, so far as I am able to conjecture) the lands of Coockfield have frequently changed hands, and the owners have but 49 rarely been resident. The only country gentleman's seat in the parish for the last two hundred years and more appears to have been Pepper's Hall, whose successive inhabitants have been already named. In 1827 the principal proprietors of Cockfield are said in the Concise Description of Bury and its Environs, to be Sir H. Bunbury, Bart., Nathaniel Lee Acton, Esq., R. Moore, Esq., George Barnwell, Esq., Mrs. Studd (of Wetherden), Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. James Steward. Of these Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Steward were, I believe, the only residents. Of the rest, the property now held by the Barnwell family is one of the most considerable, viz., Knight's Hill, now occupied by Mr. Edgar. It was purchased about the middle of the last century for the Rev. Frederick Barnwell, Rector of Brockley, in Suffolk, from 17661771; he was the youngest son of Charles Barnwell, Esq., of Mileham, in Norfolk, and from him the property has descended to the present possessor, C. L. Barnwell, Esq., who has mostly resided in London. The present principal landowners are mentioned in the body of this paper. Of the resident landed proprietors, Mr. Ruffell, of Cliptbushes, inherits a Jacobean farm- house, in which his family have lived as tenants for several genera- tions ; and this is more, I think, than can be said of any other. The population of Cockfield, according to official returns, was 829 in 1810 ; 1023 in 1835 (see Davy, Add. MSS., 19,171, pp. 289 and 297) ; it was 992 in 1861 ; 980 in 1871, and has remained nearly stationary till now (1879). The parish contains 3626 acres, and must be much greater now than in the time of William the Conqueror, when Domesday Book was compiled. (V). CHARITIES IN COCKFIELD. (A). " Mr. Knewstub, of Cockfield, in the County of Suffolk, Cleric, his foundation of two Exhibitions for two poor scholars. An. 1623. Sep- tember 1."* " Mr. Knewstub gave to the College an annuity of eleaven pounds per an. out of certain lands, called Squire's lands, in South Minster and Steple in Essex. Twenty shillings whereof is to go to the College, and ten pounds to two poor scholars commonly called sub-sizars. To be elected at the generall election of scholars ; one whereof to be out of the north and the other of the south. For the north parts, one born in the parish of Kirby Stephen, and for want of such a one, any one born in the county of Westmorland, and brought up in the school of Kirby Stephen. For want of such, one to be chosen of Appleby school. And for the south parts, one born in the parish of Cockfield in Suffolk, and for want of such a one, one taught in the school of Sudbury. If absent above 50 days together, the allowance in proportion shall go to the College. If absent 91 days, they are to forfeit their exhibitions. V. Whit Book, p. 1039. * Those of his name and kindred to he preferred hefore any othen. 50 The nomination to the one, by the Vicar or Incumbent of Kirby Stephen, and the schoolmaster for the time being. To the other, by the Rector or Incumbent of Cockfield aforesaid for the time being." (Fifth Report from the Select Committee of Education, etc., viz., Appendix [B] documents. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 8 June, 1818.) See also Nicholson and Burn Hist, and Antiq. ofCumb. and West., vol. i., p. 543. (B). Carder's Charity (See the Will of John Corder, of Cock- field, dated 13th May, 1636, printed in H. McKeon's Inquiry into the Rights of the Poor in Lavenham, p. 39, Lond. 1829.) " Twenty-four shillings a year, the gift of John Corder, arising from a small farm in Lawshall, in Suffolk, divided among several parishes, among which is the parish of Cockfield." (Painted on a black-board in Cockfield Church.) The Will directs that 1 Os. Od. shall be spent by the Minister and Churchwardens " amonge such poore of their towne as they in discretion think fitt in bread." Provision is made for change of value of the estate. (C). Grimwood"s Charity. "A house and garden situate in Cockfield, near the Rectory, for the use of the poor, given in the year of our Lord 1667, by John Grimwood." (The same board.) This is the house " anciently called The Town House " of Page's Suppl., p. 935. The yard in which it is situate is now called Workhouse-yard, the house having been formerly used as a Workhouse. On " a small piece of waste " here -situate, the Rev. R. Jeffreys, sunk a well in 1846 for the use of inhabitants near adjoining, and paid 2 2s. Od. ''for fine and fees on grant " thereof, and stamps " to James Cuddon, Lord of the Manor of Cockfield Hall ; and Is. Qd. for three years quit-rent." (Parish Docu- ment.) (D). Nice's Charity. " Twenty-four shillings a year, the gift of Edward Nice, arising from a piece of land lying in Bradfield St. Clare, Suffolk, bequeathed in the year of our Lord 1 671, to be distributed annually to four of the poorest widows." (The same board.) See also Charity Commissioners' Reports, vol xx., p. 490., where it is stated that the land, five acres, is called the Church Close. (E). Extract from " the Will of Francis Robins, of the parish of Button Valence, in the county of Kent, Clerke, late Senior Fellow of St. John's College, in Cambridge, and now Rector of Cockfeild (sic), near St. Edmund's Bury, in the county of Suffolk, dated July 7, 1720." (Copy of the Will preserved in the archives of St. John's College, Cambridge.) " Item, I give to the poor of the severell parishes of Sutton Valence, Cockfield and Lenham the severell sumines of three pounds a piece to each parish to be distributed yearly for ever on the eleventh day of March by the Minister and Churchwardens of the three above named 51 parishes amongst the most indigent and honest poor people snch chiefly as are sick or dont receive constant alms from the parish but are willing to keep out of the poor rates by their own labour and industry." His property is mostly left to St. John's College, Cambridge, and to various relatives. Extract from Charity Commissioners' Report on Charities in Kent, made 26 Novr., 1836, published 1837. " Sutton Valence. Robins's Charity. The Rev d . Francis Robins by his Will bearing date 7 th July, 1720, proved in the Prerogative Court, gives to the poor of the several parishes of Sutton Valence, Cockfield (in Suffolk) and Lenham the yearly sums of 3 each to be distributed every 11 th March by the Minister and Churchwardens of the respective parishes amongst the most indigent and honest poor people, such chiefly as should be sick, or should not receive constant alms from the parish, but should be willing to keep off the poor-rates by their own labour and industry ; and he requested his executors to buy a parcel of land in Smarden, therein described, to be a perpetual fund for the payment of these three several sums without any deduction. Up to Christmas, 1833, the yearly sum of 3 was paid by the late Sir John Filmer to each of the three parishes above named as charged on land, containing about 18 Acres, in the parish of Boughton Malherbe or Lenham, occupied by William Chainey. On the death of Sir J. Filmer this property came to George James Sulivan, Esq. In consequence of some doubts which existed as to the party who was liable to this payment, the Churchwardens had not in March, 1836, received the annuity due to this parish ; when received it was distributed to the poor, and it is stated that those who were most industrious were selected." (F). Fentoris Charity. "The sum of 90, clear of the legacy duty, left by Mr. Samuel Fenton, in the year 1848, by which 100 Stock was purchased in the Reduced Three per Cent. Annuities, and invested in the names of the Rev. R. Jeffreys, Rector, and Messrs George Steam and William Baldwin, Churchwardens. The dividend thereon to be expended annually in bread or coals for the poor of the parish." (The same board.) (VI). COCKFIELD REGISTERS. The Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials from 1561 to 1760 are con- tained in one quarto parchment book. The late Rev. R. Bligh has written the following note inside the cover : " The leaf containing pages 21 and 22 is missing. The years 1591 and 1592 are lost, and 1590 and 1593 are both of them in consequence incomplete. Discovered by me in December 1831. In other respects the Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials (1561-1760) seem complete." R. Bligh, Rector. 52 The Baptisms and Burials from 1761 to 1812 are contained in a sma.. folio parchment volume. The other Registers are contained in various paper books down to the present time. I have not observed any imper- fection in any of them, except that which is mentioned above. (A.) BAPTISMS. 1595 John, B of John Mannock, Gent. 29 July. 1597 Anne, d of do. 28 March. Probably related to John Mannock Esq of Gifford's Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland. F. Mannock, Esq of the same place was created a Baronet by Charles I. (Burke's Ext. Baronets.) 1598-9 Mary, d of Stephen Newcomen, Clerk. Feb. I. Probably a member of the ancient Lincolnshire family so named. (See Burke's Gen. Arm. and Land. Gent.) 1612 John, s of Richard Knewstub. 17 June. 1624 Samuel, s of Thomas Milles. 25 Feb. Educated at Bury Grammar School, admitted a sizar at St. John's College, Cambridge, June 9, 1643. (St John's Admis- sion Books.) Brother of Isaac, mentioned above; he afterwards became " the very worthy minister of Royston," Herts, where he was " vicar for many years." {Life of Milles, pp. 5, 31.) 1629-30 Elizabeth, d of Mr. John Smyth, Rector. 4 Mar. 1631 William, s ot do. 12 Nov. 1633 John, s of do, 14 Sep 1 . Oritur et moritur eodem die. 1636 Sara, d of do and Sara. 10 Aug. 1638-9 Susan, d of do. 19 Mar. 1642-3 Mary, d of do. 4 Jan. 1651 Mary, d of do. 8 May. 1664-5 John, s of do. 23 Jan. 1665-6 Sara, d of do. 4 Mar. 1667-8 John, s of do. 13 Feb. 1634-5 Frances, d of Mr. Francis Plnmsted. 5 March. 1636-7 William, s of Mr. Francis Plumsted and Clemence his wife. 9 Feb. 1 639-40 Robert, s of do. 1 3 Feb. 1641 Ann, d of do. 8 Aug. 1638 Isaac, s of Tho. Milles and Ruth his wife 30 Sept. (For a notice of him, see above, p. 209. His mother "was a minis- ter's daughter." Life of Milks, p. 5.) 1658 James, s of Mr. Francis Harvey and Winnefred his wife. 17 Feb. (Born 5 Feb.) For the family see above, pp. 1 99, 2 4 ' , and p 22 1 for James' epitaph. This Francis was probably agrandson of Sir F.Harvey. 1674 Frances, s of Frances Harvey Esq and Barbara his wife. 28 Jul. B.A. 1696 ;M.A. 1700. Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and Rector of Lawshall, Suffolk. See above, p. 199 (note), where the word " probably " may be omitted. 53 1678 Dorathy, d of Francis Harvey Esq. and Barbara his wife. 20 Jun. 1 678 Thomas, s of Mr. Zach. Fiske, Rector of Cockfield, and Elizabeth his wife. 16 Jun. This is no doubt the Thomas Fiske who was B.A. of Queen's Coll. Camb. in 1698 and Curate of Hadleigh in J706. (See Proc. Suff. Inst., Vol. iii., p. 195, note.) 1679 Elizabeth, d of do. 19 Aug. 1680 Dorathy, d of do. 19 Dec. 1682 Katherine, d of do. 2 Aug. 1683 Mary, d of do. 4 Jul. 1684-5 Eobert, s of do. 1 Mar. 1691 Zach., s of Zach. Fiske and Margaret his wife. 1 Jul. 1692 Margaret, d of do. 1 1 Jun. 1693 John, s of do. 28 Dec. B.A. of Queen's Coll., Camb., in 1715. Rector of Thorpe Morieux, 1717. Died Oct. 4, 1764, aged 72 years. (Concise Description of Bury, &c. t p. 313.) 1696 Zach., s of do. 28 Apr. 1696-7 Margaret, d of do. 24 Feb. Oritur et moritur eodem die. Buried same day. 1698-9 Charles, s of do. 29 Aug. J7QJJ | Samuel, s of do. 13 Feb. 1702 Margaret, d of do. 12 May. 1705 Charles,s of do. 1 1 July. 1686-7 Calthorpe, s of Fr. Harvey Esq. and Barbarah his wife. 8 Feb. 1703 James, s of James Harvey Esq. and Elizabeth his wife. 15 Sept. 1724 Thomas, s of Thomas Martin A.M. and Catherine his wife. Jul. 27. 1735 Mary, d. of Robert and Mary Asbin (Aspin ?). 11 Dec. 1728 John, s of Collier Walter, Clerk, and Susanna. 10 June. 1729 Susanna, d of do. 8 Oct. 1730 Susanna, d of do. 29 Sept. 1731 Collier, s of do. 9 Dec. 1735 Robert, s of do. 1 Jul. 1736 Susanna, d of do. 22 Oct. 1802 Ann Elizabeth, d of Rev. William and Mary Gooch (late Hill spinster). 14 Sept. 1806 Catherine Sarah, d of Rev. Thomas and Maria Godfrey (late Pogson spinster) 29 Nov. Received into the Church 1 Nov., 1810. (Mr. Godfrey resided at Pepper's Hall.) 1809 Thomas JiJmilius Charles, s of do. 2 Oct. Received 1 NOT. 1810. (B.) MARRIAGES. 1609 Richard Knewstub and Joane Talcoate. 1 Aug. Doubtless a relative of the Rector. 1636 M r Edward Plumsted and Jane Guinbye. 8 Sept. Probably a member of one of the Norfolk families whose arms are given in Burke's Gen. Arm. 1685 Charles Trumbull LLD. widower and M" (Mistress) Eliz. Calthorpe. 9 Aug. Rector of Hadleigh, till Mr. Fiske succeeded him. (See Proc. Suff. Inst., vol. iii., pp. 1 89-20 1 .) Miss Calthorpe was doubtless visiting the Harveys at Pepper's Hall,vvhere Calthorpe Harvey was born in 1 686. Sir W. Trumbull, the Doctor's brother, was chief Secretary of State to King William III. 1702 James Daniel and Elizabeth Fike. 30 Jul. 1859 James Dodington Carmichael L l Colonel 32 nd Foot, and Barre" Georgina Watson, widow, daughter ot Major B. Latter. 7 July. She was a niece of the Rector. (C.) BURIALS. 1564 " The Lady Dorythy Spring," 10 Apr. (Daughter of Sir W- Waldegrave and widow of Sir John Spring of Lavenham- See Burke's Ext. Baronets, p. 501.) 1567 William Modye, Rector of Cockfield/ 28 June. 1613 John Spring, Nov. 19. (Son of Sir W. Spring of Pakenham. See Burke u.s. ) 1624 Mr. John Knewstub, Rector of Cockfield 31 May. (See his epitaph above ) 1639 Susan, d of Mr. John Smith, Rector. 25 Mar. 1664-5 John, s of do. 25 Jan. 1676 John Smyth, Rector of Cockfield. 21 June. 1633 Edmund "Hey wood, of Peppers. 21 Mar. Churchwarden in 1632. Probably a tenant under the Spring family. 1641 Clemence, wife of Mr. Francis Plumsted. 8 Aug. 1644 Ruth, wife of Tho. Milles. 29 Oct. 1 657-8 Theophilus Harvie. 30 Jan. A Norfolk family bearing the same arms (viz., ar. 3 saddles sa. 2 and 1 ) as the Cockfield Harveys is mentioned in Burke's Gen. Arm. 1663-4 Winefred, wife of Francis Harvey, Gent. 14 Feb. 1672 Thomas Milles, Sen r . 14 Nov. Probably the father of Isaac Milles. 1676 Francis Plumsted. 14 Apr. 1679-80 John Garaham, s of Mr. Tho. Ganiham. 28 Feb. Mr. Hilder thinks that the Cockfield Garnhams were related to a family of the same name in the adjoining parish of Felsham, 55 and in the Concise Description of Bury and its Environs, p. 129, Mrs. Garnham is mentioned as being " one of the principal proprietors of estates '' there in 1827. No one of the name is connected with that place now. 1685 M i8 Elizabeth Fiske, wife of Zach. Fiske. 8 May. 1691 Zach., son of Zach. and Margaret Fiske. 2 Oct. 1692 Marg., d of do. 24 Nov. 1698-9 Charles, s of do. 6 Feb. 1700 Katherine, d of do died at S. Hasteed, Essex, 25 Nov., buried there 27 Nov. 1705 Charles, s of do. 8 Oct. 1708 Zach. Fiske, Rector of Cockfield. 15 Sept. 1684 A son of John Ponder that died unbaptized buried in his orchard. 10 Nov. 1685 Thomas Milles. 20 May. 1691 Francis Harvey Esq. 29 Sept. 1 695-6 Cecilia, wife of Jas. Harvey Esq. 9 Jan. (See her epitaph above.) 1691-2 Edmund, s of Jas. Harvey Esq and Cecilia his wife. 8 Feb. 16.99 Richard Garnum. 2 Apr. (Buried in the Church; see his epitaph above). 1712 Eliz., d of James Harvey Esq. 4 Jul. (See above, p. 221) 1712 James, s of Ruben How. 10 June. (See his epitaph above, p. 224, slightly misread. For 1721 read 1712.) 1723 Jarnes,sof James Harvey Esq and Eliz. his wife. 10 June. (See his epitaph above.) 1724 Thomas, son of Tho. and Cath. Martin A.M. 5 Aug. 1725 John Jowars of Cockfield Hall. 15 Oct. (Churchwarden in 1721. See inscriptions on bells. ) 1728 James Harvey Esq. 17 Apr. (See his epitaph above.) 1734 Elizabeth, relict of Jas. Harvey Esq. 24 Apr. (See her epitaph above. ) 1739 Damaris Berife, Vid. 1 Dec. (See James Harvey's epitaph above.) 1729 Susanna, d of Collier "Walter, Clerk, and Susanna. 21 Oct. 1731 Susanna, d of do. 18 Dec. 1737 Rev. Collier Walter. 22. Apr. (See his epitaph above.) He was probably Curate to Dr Hall. 1742-3 John Nickalls, Curate. 4 Jan. (Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge. B. A. 1735. M.A. 1739.) 1743 Madan Fisk, Vid. 11 Aug. 1748 Samuel Fiske, a single man. 17 Apr. 1750 William Sparke, Church Clarke & Sexton for 38 years, died 15 Nov. The earliest entry, if I mistake not, of a parish clerk or a sexton here. 1764 Dorothy Aspin, widow, from St. Edmundsbury. 9 Mar. 56 1767 Calthorp Harvey, late Eector of Lawshall. 24 Nov. (M.A Magd. Coll., Oxf., 1711. See above, p. 199, and his epitaph p 222.) 1769 Mrs. Ann Aspin, a singlewoman. 25th July. 1770 Mrs. Frances Harvey, Relict of Calthorpe Harvey. 26 May. (See her epitaph above). 1770 Mrs. Elizabeth Lingley. 11 June. (Read Lyndley. See her epitaph above. She was in all likelihood sister-in-law to the Rev. Calthorp Harvey, her arms being the same as Mrs. C. Harvey's). 1772 Susanna, relict of Rev. Collier "Walter. 17 June. 1790 Isabella, wife of Rev. Harvey Aspin aged 81. 16 Jan. 1791 The Rev. Harvey Aspin aged 75. 13 June (See their epitaphs above.) 1800 Mary, wife of Stephen Waller aged 57. 28 June. (See her epitaph above.) Stephen Waller (her son ?) was a farmer (Register of Baptisms for 1816, n. Ill), possibly some family connection of the poet, whose daughter Mrs. Harvey, is buried close by. 1831 George Belgrave D.D. Rector, aged 81. 17 March. (See his epitaph above.) 1841 Reginald Bligh, B.D., Rector, aged 63. 12 February. (See his epitaph above.) 1844 Fanny Belgrave of Bury St. Edmund's, aged 88. 23 December. (See her epitaph above.) (D.) OTHER ENTRIES. 1574 Thomas Steward and John Jowers Churchwardens. This is the first entry of the Churchwardens for the year : they occur frequently, but not regularly, afterwards. 1625 John Smith, Rector. Roger Abbot, Tho. Milles, Church- wardens. His name, sometimes written Smyth, occurs again regularly along with those of the Churchwardens down to 1635, but never afterwards. This Thomas Milles was probably the father of Isaac Milles, and grandfather of Bishop Milles. (See above.) The entries from 1625-1634 are repeated. 1642 Mr. Plumsted, Tho. Renouls, Churchwardens. 1656 Fras. Harvie gent. John Grimwood, Churchwardens. 1666 " The sicknesse yeare." Betweene the 5 te of July 66 and the 21 te of August fol- lowing these persons hereafter Darned were buried." [They are eighteen in number ; and there are fifty-nine others entered separately during the year ; the average number of burials in the ten proceeding years is twelve.] 57 1677 Zach. Fiske, Rector, and often afterwards till 1694 (inclusive). 1711 Fran. Robins, Rector. Also in 1712, 13, 15. 1715 Thomas Martin, Curate. Also 1717, 1718, 1722. 1721 Generals at Sudbury. Apr. 20. The word Generals is used for an Archdeacon's visitation. See HalliwelPs Diet., s. v. 1721 Generals at Lanham (Lavenham) 5 Oct. 1723 Jonnath. Hall Rector, and forwards to 1742. 1743 Henry Wriggly, Rector, and forwards to 1765. 1767 William Ludlam, Rector, and forwards to 1773, and again 1782 & 3. 1754 Robert French, Curate, and forwards to 1771. 1764 William Curteen, officiating minister, Curate 1771 to 1780 ; officiates in 1788. 1 78 1 John Smyth, Curate ; and forwards to 1 788. " N.B. This year, an Act passed imposing a Tax of three- pence, on all Births or Christenings : and y e same on Burials, except of Paupers or such as receive Relief of y e parish. This Tax commenced on Octobr. 1 st 1783. J. Smyth Curate." Hence the word pauper is often added from this date. From 1783-1812, women's maiden names are added. 1784 " Paid W m Humphry of Sudbury eight shillings and 3d. being y e Tax money, received for Xtnings. Marrges. and Burials in this Parish, since October 1 783 to y e present day 31 Dec. John Smyth, Curate." Similar entries under 1785, 1786, 1787. 1788 George Belgrave, Curate 2 Oct. Rector 14 Oct. ; and forwards till 1828. 1792 William Gooch, Curate till 1793. Officiates in 1797 and 1805. 1820 Frederick Croker, officiating minister, also in 1821, 1822. Curate 1822 and forwards to 1831. 1831 Reginald Bligh, Rector ; and forwards till 1840. 1841 Richard Jeffreys Rector ; and forwards till 1865. 1848 James S. Sergeant Curate ; forwards to 1855, and officiates often afterwards. 1855 George Dobree Curate, forwards to 1866. (VII). ARMS NOW OB FORMERLY IN COCKFIELD CHURCH. The arms of the Cockfield Harveys are mentioned above under No. VI., those of their wives may be found in Burke's General Armoury, as well as the arms of the Aspin and Acton families ; also those of Dr. and Mrs. Belgrave in other works of the same writer : but I prefer to 58 give an account of these, and if possible of some of the arms now lost from the windows, on some future occasion, together with some extracts from medieval authorities relating to the Manors, &c. POSTSCRIPT. I erred in saying (p. 209) that Isaac Milles went daily from his father's house to Bury School. He commonly went early on Monday to school on foot and returned on Saturday. (See his Life, pp. 11, 12.) Also in the note (p. 209) for "Isaac's father" read "Isaac's brother." (See extracts from Burials under 1672 and 1685). C.B. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50m-ll,'50 (2554)444 Babinrbon Materials C666Bn a history 000 998 004 6 DA 690 0666B11