BOOftfctlilvJ i iSTItttOHfcR \ THE MEDEA OF EURIPIDES, WITH NOTES AND AN INTRODUCTION, FREDERIC D. ALLEX, Ph. D., PROFESSOR IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY. BOSTOX, U.S.A.; GIXN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. 1893. Copyright, 1S76. By GINN BROTHER! Typography by J. S. Cushing & Co., Boston, U.S.A. Fresswokk by Ginn & Co., Boston, U.S.A. SRLf URL f - c /l3&,Q".~ PREFACE. Of the conjectural emendations in the text of the Medea which have been, especially during the last few decades, proposed in great numbers, such and such only have been adopted in the present edition as seemed to me either quite certain or in the highest degree probable. For the rest the best manuscripts have been closely followed in the main. Anything like an incisive treatment of the text is, in my opinion, out of place in editions intended for learners. Only in a few hopelessly garbled passages the need of furnishing a readable text in decent metrical form has led me to admit bolder and more uncertain alterations. Here due warning is given the reader in the notes. In interpretation I have striven for correctness rather than for originality, and have of course derived much from others. Brevity had to be studied, but I have not know- ingly slurred over any real difficulty. The following editions have been used : Porson's ; Elms- ley's (German reprint with Hermann's notes) ; Kirchhoff 's editions of 1855 and 1867 ; Dindorf's (Oxford edition 1839, and Poetae Scenici 1868) ; Nauck's 3d edition, 1871, i v PREFACE. also his Euripidcisclic Studicn ; Schoene's Medea, 1853; Pflugk and Klotz's 3d edition, 1867; Witschel's, 1858; Paley's 2d edition, 1872; Weil's, 1868; Hogan's Medea, 1873; Wecklein's Medea, 1874. This last-named excel- lent work has been of especial nse. Corrections or suggestions from any quarter will be grate- fully received. F. D. A. Cincinnati, September, 1876. INTRODUCTION. I. EURIPIDES. § 1. Life. — What we know of Euripides' personal history, excluding what is plainly fabulous, is substantially this. He lived from 480, or a little earlier, to 406 B. c. The current belief was that lie was born in Salamis on the day of the sea- fight, but this has the air of an invention. His father's name was Mnesarchus or Mnesarchides; his mother's, Clito. The latter at least was of humble origin. Euripides was of a studious and speculative turn, an ardent disciple of the philosophers and soph- ists of his day, Anaxagoras, Prodicus, Socrates, and others. His first play he exhibited at the age of twenty-five ; thirteen years later he gained for the first time the first prize. Of a gloomy temperament, never personally popular with his countrymen, and not successful in his profession at first (he won only five dra- matic victories), he seems to have suffered from a morbid sensi- tiveness, a consciousness of being misunderstood, a feeling some- times reflected in his works. He lived aloof from the world, in the midst of his large collection of books. There was some trouble in his domestic relations ; with neither his first nor his second wife did he live happily. His last years were spent abroad, first in Magnesia, then at the court of Archelaus, the Macedonian king, at Pella, where he died and was buried, a cenotaph being erected at Athens. He left three sons, the youngest of whom followed his father's profession. The popu- larity of his plays at the close of his life and throughout later antiquity was extraordinary. 2 INTRODUCTION. § 2. Works. — Of Euripides' 75 (according to others 92) plays, there have come down to us 19, or excluding the 'Pectus-, which is almost universally thought to he spurious, 18. These are : v AA.k?/(ttis, Av8pofid^r), Bci/c^cu, 'Exdfiy], 'Kkivr], HXeKrpa, UpaKXeibaL, Hpa/cAvys jxaivujxt.vo'i, iKerides, IttttoAutos, Icfuyeveia rj ev AuAiSi, Ic^tyeVeta rj iv Tui'pois, law, K-vkXwij/ (a satyric drama), MryScta, OpearTT}as, 1396. There is, therefore, plainly, this weak point in the construction of the piece. The sending of the dragon-chariot is a sudden intervention on the part of the god, for otherwise Medea's excuse for her child- murder, that the boys must in any case die (1000, 1236), would not hold good, since there would be the possibility of her saving them as well as herself by flight. Aristotle blames this super- natural intervention at the close, but there is this to be said for it, that the winding-up of the action does not depend in any great measure on it, there being nothing to show that Medea herself could not escape without the chariot, as she has expected to do throughout. The most that the chariot does is to enable her to rescue and bury the bodies of the children, and to appear triumphant in the last colloquy with Jason, while it enhances, of course, the scenic effect of the close. "With more justice one might find fault with the introduction of Aegeus, whose appear- ance just at the nick of time is purely accidental anil not brought about by anything in the action itself. In fact this scene has little dramatic interest or import, and seems to be introduced mainly to bring on the stage an Athenian national hero. It is somewhat surprising to find Medea at the end imposing a festival in atonement for her own crime on the Corinthians, whom she has just made her bitter enemies. "We must suppose INTRODUCTION. 11 that the authority of Hera is to effect this, who is the protectress of Medea as of all the Argonauts.* The character of Jason is that of complete selfishness, a selfish- ness which has overrun and stifled his natural good impulses. Creon is imperious hut well-meaning. Aegeus is a mere lay- figure. The servants, on the other hand, are well conceived; the nurse, with her bustling anxiety, is particularly good. § 13. Question of Double Recension. — There seems to he some reason for thinking that the Medea has undergone a revision or alteration since its first production, and that we have not the play exactly in its original form. Porson, Boeckh, Her- mann, and others have thought this; Elmsley, Matthiae, Pllugk, have denied it. The chief considerations in favor are : 1. The dittography (passage written in two ways), 723, 724, 729, 730 = 725-728; see note. Hermann thinks 777 = 778, 771), another such. 2. Words quoted from Medea, hut not found in our play. Such are the words £> 6epjji6(3ov\ov cnrXdyxvov, said by the Scliol. Aristoph. Ach. 119 to he ev rfj M/^Seia E vptTriSov. Aristophanes Pax 1012 quotes c'k M^Sctas (whose Medea he does not say) 6X6- fj,av, 6Ao/xav, not in our Medea (yet see 97), hut found I ph. T. 152. Lastly in Ennius' Medea is a translation of the verse fjucra) crort + was current, which represented that Euripides was bribed by the Corinthians to lay the murder upon Medea. But we see traces of this same conception of Medea as the murderer in Cre- ophylus' account and the mystical narrative of Eumelus, so that it evidently existed long before, side by shle with the commoner story. Xor can we doubt that Jason's unfaithfulness and Me- dea's revenge were elements ingrafted on the legend before it came into the tragedians' hands. * Scliol. Med. 273. t ii. 3, 6. i Schol. Med. 10. INTRODUCTION. 1/ The original elements of the Corinthian story are, we see, these : Medea is a wise and divine benefactress, who comes from afar and rules the state. She and her mortal offspring stand under the protection of Hera. The children are destroyed — how, was less clearly defined — and Medea departs as she came. Jason is clearly no part of this tale, and perhaps the connec- tion of Medea with Sisyphus, hinted at by the Scholiast to Pindar on Theopompus' authority, points to the older local tradition as to the paternity of the children. After the fusion of the Corin- thian Medea with the Argonautic heroine, the poets were at great pains to connect the two legends, and Jason is introduced along with other new features. There can be little doubt that Medea was originally worshipped as a goddess, and that the sacrifices were intended for her, but that she sank in time to the level of a mortal, while the original ceremonial was still maintained, transferred to the patronage of Hera. § 19. Physical Significance of the Myth. — Medea is the Moon, one of the many mythical impersonations of that lumi- nary. The Moon, like the Sun, is all-wise because all-seeing, but to her belong especially occult wisdom and the mysterious arts of enchantment, such as nourish under the weird influences of her light. Hence her name M^Seia (fM-qSea-ia), " wise woman," from fxrjSos. She is the Sun's offspring (originally, no doubt, his daughter), for the new moon seems to emanate from the sun. She comes from the far west, deserting her Sun-father's house on the western horizon, for the new moon is first seen in the west. Or she is thought of (doubtless later) as coming from the east, where the full moon rises. She abides for a time with increasing splendor ; then wanes and disappears. Her children are proba- bly stars, in particular the short-lived morning and evening stars. This figure, which in Corinth took the shape of a preserver 18 INTRODUCTION. and divine ruler,* became in the Thessalian myth rather an en- chantress, and nothing was easier than for her to be incorporated into the story of the Argonauts, who sail into the same enchanted regions of the east or west in search of the Golden Fleece, which is nothing but the ruddy clouds of sunrise or sunset. * Wecklein thinks Medea a Phoenician goddess, and that her worship was supplanted at Corinth by that of Hera, when she was transformed into a priestess of Hera. This* seems very uncertain. More reasonable is his idea that the shutting u^ ; T the children stood instead of former human sacrifices. ETPiniAOT MHAEIA. YIIO0E2I2 MHAEIA2. [AIKAIAPXOT] laacov tls Koptvdov e\6cov. inayopevos km 'Mr)8(iav, tyyvarai km ttjv tov KpeovTos tov KopivBltov {3aai\ea>s dvyarepa FXavKrjv nobs ydpov. peWovaa 8e f] Mr;8fia (pvya8evea6cu imb Kpeoiroy e/c ttjs KopivBov, rrap- aiTrjtjaptvq npbs plav rjptpav pelvai km ri^oi'tra. piaBbv ttjs )(dpiTos tupa &ta tcov nalbcov -nipnti ttj TXavKj] io-BrjTa km \-pvaoiv artcpavov, ois (Kelvrj Xprjaapevr] 8ia(p8eipeTM • km 6 Kpecov 8e TrepiirXaKels tjj BvyciTpl uttcoacto. Mi']8eia 8e tovs iavTrjs 77aiSas dnoKTflvao'a (tti apparos bpciKovrwv 7TT(pa>- tcov 6 7rap' 'HA/ou eXafiev iTro^os ytvopivq aTTo8t8pdo~K€i th 'ABrjvas KaKft Alyd tco Ilav8iovos yape'crai. epc-Kv8r)s 8e Kin ^tpcovlbrjs (pacrtv cos rj Mrj8eia avc^rrjcracra tov 'ldtrova viov Troir)o~eif. TT(p). 8( tov iraTpbs avTOv Arroyos 6 tovs NdcrTovr 7roi7;cras' (prjaiv ovtcos • aVTiKO. 5 Aiaova. 8r)Ke tpi\ov Kopov rjpwovTa, yrjpas aTto^vaaGa iSviym ■Kpairibeaai, (pd.ppa.Ka ttoW e^o\ i a iirl XP l iKflvov yeyaprjKevai ttjv Kpeov- tos Ovyarepa cnreKrave peu TXcwktju kcu Kptovra kol tovs l8iovs vlovs, {\wpla6r^ Se laaovos AiyeZ ovvaiKijcrovcra. Trap oiSere'pa) Kfirai. )j pvOo- TTOlla. H pev cricqvrj tov 8pdparos vnoKeirai ev Koplvda, 6 8e ^opos (TvvearrjKfV e* yvvaiKwv noXiTidwu. Tvpokoyi^ei 8e rpo(pos Mr]8eiat. e'SiSci^^ eirl Uv6o8aypov apxovros 'Ohvpnuidos n{' erei a • npcoros Ev(popicov, devrepos 'S.ocpoKXfjS. rpiros Eipt7ri'S7js MijSa'a, QikoKT-qTr], Alktvl, Qepicrrals craTV- potf. OV (TCp^fTat. TA TOY APAMAT02 IIPOSftllA. TP0*02. riAiAAraros. MHAEIA. X0P02 TTXAIKfiN. KPEQN. IAZflX. AirETZ. AITEA02. IIAIAE2 MHAEIAS. MHAEIA. TP0$02. JcJ©' ax^eX* \\pyovs fj.r) hiaTTTaaOai (jKct^o? KoX^ojv e? aXav Kvaveas 'ZvfJLTrXrjyd&as, /lct^S' iv vdiraicri Tl-qXLov irecrelv irore TfxiqOelcra irevKiq, /U.77S' iperjxcocraL X^P a ^ dvhpaiv api TTavra crvvTTjKovaa oa/cpi;ot9 vpovov, eVet 7rpo9 az^Spo? fjaOeT r)hiKr)ixeviq, ovt ofJLjjL eVatpouar ovt a.77aXXdcrcroucra y7j9 Trpoacorrov ■ a>9 oe 7reVpo9 77 #aXd art/xacra? e^et. eyvo)Ke 8' 17 TaXaiva o-vp.(f)opd<; vtto olov 7raTpcoa<; fxr] air okeiuecr 9 at yOovos. 35 crruyet Se 7rat§a9 ouS' opcocr eu^patz^erat. Se'Sot/ca S' avrrjp \xr) tl fiovXevcnj viov • /3apeta yap (f>py]v, ouS' dve^erai /ca/cai? Tracr^ovcr' * eywSa TT^oe, oeip.aivo) ri vw • [p,r) Otjktov tocrr) (fxxcryavov St' 177^x09, 40 crtyrj S0//.OU9 elcrfiacr, Xv ecrrpwrat Xe^09> ^ /cat Tvpavvov top re yij/xavTa Kravrj KaVetTa ixe'i^o) o~vjX(f)opa.v Xd/3y Tiva '\ $€li>7] yap ' ovtol pa,Stw9 ye o~v/Ji(3aXa)V ey^Opav rt9 avr^ koXXivikov oiaerai. 45 dXX' ot'Se 7ratSe9 e'/c Tpoy^aiv nerrav/JLepoL oret^ovcrt, jjLrjTpbs ovSev Ivvoov\ievoi kolkojv • via yap 02. £,r)\oj a • ev ap-yji Trrj/xa kovSetto) /xecrot. nAiAArnros. S) fiLopos, el -%pV Secr77ora5 elirelv roSe • a>s ovoev oloe tojv veojrepcov KaKcov. TPO*02. tI o ecrriv, a> yepaie ; fir) fyOovei (frpdcrai. UAIAAmroS. ovhev • fxereyvajv Kal to. irpo&d* elprjfxepa. 60 26 EYPiniAOY TPO$02. fjLT], rrpos yeveiov, KpvirTe crvvhovXov aeOev • 65 criyrjv ydp, el XPV> T( ^§ e Otjcto /xcu ire pi. nAIAATfirOS. TjKovad tov XeyovTos, ov Sokojv Kkveiv, Treacrovs TrpocreXOcov evda St) iraXairaToi Bdcrcrovari, aefxvbu d/xc/>l Tleiprjvrjs vhtop, a>9 Tovcrhe ncuSas y^5 eXdv KopLvOias crvv fJL7)Tpl /xeXXoi TrjaSe Kolpavos ydovos Kpeajv. 6 fxevTOL p.vOo<; el 7)s oSe ovk olSa ' {3ov\oLfJL7)v S' av ovk eivai ToSe. TPO$02. kclI ravr ^\dao)v 7rcuSa9 e^ave^erai T:a.(jyovr02, MHAEIA LCD, 85 a) tekv, aKOved' otos ets v/xas Trarrjp ; oXotro /xeV /x - ^* SecrTrdr^s yap coV e'/xds* ctrap /ca/cds y' <&v eis <£tXovs dXtcr/cerat. nAiAArnros. Tts S' ou^t dv-f]70iv ; aprt yiyv(i>crKei9 /xaXtcrra rovcrS' epr)fJL(o(ra<; e^e /cat to) 7reXa£e purjTpl Svcrdvfxov[xevrj. rj&r] yap elhoi' Ofx/xa viv Tavpovfieprjv rotcrS' ok rt opacretoucrav • ouSe 7rava*erat ^dXou, o~a<£' otSa, Trpiv /caracr/c^i/zat riva. e\0povs ye \xevToi, tu) (j)i\ovs, Spacreie' rt. 95 90 hvcrravos eyco [xekea re ttoviav, lui fxoC fJLOL, 7TC05 av oXoifiav ; TPO$02. rdS' eKetvo, L\oL na'i&es • fxiJT^p Kivel Kpahiav, /civet Se ^(6\ov. cnrevSere Oaaaov Swttaro? etcra), ioo 28 EYPiniAOY kolI /XT) ireXdarjT opp.a.TO<; iyyvs, prjSe rrpoaeXOrjT, dXXd (f>vXdcro-ead dypiov r}9o<; crTvyepdp re fyvariv (f>pevb<; avOdSovs. Ire pvp, yoipeW* a>? ra^o? etcrcu. 105 Srj^ov 8' dpxrjs i^atpo/xevop ve<£os oipcoyrjs a>? ra^' dvd^ei p^eitpvL dvjjito • tl nor epydaeraL pLeyaXoanXayxPOS Svo-KaTdnavcrTOS ^jjv^r) h-q^6eiaa KaKolcnv ; no MHAEIA. atat. enaOop TXdpop enadop p.eydXa>p d^C oSvppojp • 02. Id) p.Ol fJLOL. l(0 tXtJiACOV. 115 tl he ctol 7ratSe -rrpou>5. tols hvcnavov KoX^tSo?, ovhe ttoj r]Tno<$ ' aXXd, ye- poud, Xe^op • in dp.(jjL7rv\ov yap e- o~co fxeXddpov yoov ZkXvop • ouSe crvf- 135 -^So/xat, w yvVat, dXyecri, ow/xaro?, eVei /xot (piXop KeKpaprai. TP04>02. ovk etcrt Sd/xot • (ppovSa raS' 77S77. tw /xe^ yaya ex et Xe/crpa rvpdppcop, iw 17 8' eV OaXdjxoLS ttJk6l /3iorr)p hecTTTOLPa, (fjikcup ouSevopepa fj.vdoL<;. MHAEIA. atat • Sia /zou KecbaXds <^Xo^ ovpap'ia /3aL7) ' TL Se /*oi £77^ ert KepSog ; 145 ^>eu (£ev • Oapdrco KaraXvcraifxap (Slotolp arvyepap TrpoXiTrovcra. 30 EYPiniAOY XOP02. cues, a> Zed koll yd. /cat (f>a)s, o-rp. d\dp olav a oucrra^o? jxekirei pvp.(f)a ; 15 ° rts o~oi TTore ra? a7rXarov KotVas e/305, w /xarata, cr7reucret TeXevTap ; fjtrjSev Tooe \lo~o~ov. el Se croa.p r e'criooi/x avTol% jxeXdOpois SiaKPaLopepovs, ol y e'/xe irpoaOep roX/xaxx' doiKeiv . 165 a; naTep, a> 770X19, wv aTTepdo~urjP atcr^pojs 7W e/xdi^ KretVacra Kao~LP. TPO02. K\ve0' ota Xeyet K-a7rt/3oaTcu QejALP evKTaiap Zrjpd 6\ 09 opKcop MHAEIA. 31 0vyjtoIiXa Kal rdo avoa, (TTrevcracra trpiv tl kolkojo-cu tovs ecrco • wevOos yap jxcydXcos rdS' op/xa/rai. TPCXfcOS. opdcrcj raS' • drdp (f)6(3o<; el neicroj SecriTOivav ifxijp ■ 185 [x6)^0ov Se ydpiv TrjV& eViSwcra). Kairoi ro/caSo? Sepy/xa XeaLvrjs aTTOTavpovTai. S/xajaCv, orav rt? fxvOov 7rpo(f)epa)P nlXas op/Ar^df}. cr/catov? oe Xeya>v KovSev tl o~o(j)ov<; im toi>9 npoade jSpoTovs ovk av afJidpTOLs, oiTives vfxvovs eirl p,ev OaXiais 82 EYPiniAOY iiri t elXa-rrivat^ ko.1 Trapd Seun/oi? evpovro /3iov reprrvas olkools • (TTvyiovs Se fipoTojp ovSels Xvnas 195 evpero povcrr) kolI 7roXv^6pSoL<; toOOUS TTOLVEIV, i£ 5)V Q6.VO.TOl oeLvai re rir^ai o-(f)dk\ovcri So/xous. Kairoi raSe pev /cepSo? aKeicrOai poXiralo-i fiporovs- Iva S' evhetirvoi 2co doures, ri paTTjV relvovo-i fiorjv ; to napov yap e^ei Tepxfjtv d' olvtov oatro? TrXijpojpa fipoTolo-iv. X0P02. layav diov ttoXvcttovov «fru>8. yoojv, Xiyvpa. 8' d^ea poyepd 205 /3oa rof e^ XeVei irpoboTav KaKovvp' aXpvpav ttovtov kXjjK direpavTov. MHAEIA. KopLvdcaL yvvaxKE*;, i^rjXdou Sopov, prj poi tl pep(br}o-9' • otSa yap 7roXXov<; /3poTa>p 215 arepvovs yeywrag, rou? ^.ez; 6ppa.Ta)V oltto, tovs S' eV Ovpa'iois' 0% o d(fj \r]a"u^ox> 770009 S^cr/cXetaz^ Iktt\o~iXai. ip qj yap rjp poi irdpTa, yiypuxjKei^ KaXax;, Ka/ctcrro? dpSpcop eK/31/3r)^ ovpbs ttoo~i%. tt&ptcdp S' ocr ear epxbvya /cat ypcoprjP ey^ei 230 yvpaiKES icrp.ep dOXLO)To.rop (Jjvtop' as irpcora pep del ^prjpdrcop v7Tep/3oXrj ttoctip TTpLaaOai heo—rrcWrjP re craj/xaros Xaftelp- kokov yap tovt er' dXytop kokop • Kap ra>8' dyajf piyMTTos, ^ Kaxbp Xafielp 235 "^ yjprjCTTOP. ov yap evxXeels drraAAayat yvpai^LP, ouS' oto^ r dp-qpacrOat ttoctip. et? Katfct 8' 17^^ Kat Popovs d(f)typepy]P Set paPTLP elpat, pr) padovcrap olkoOep, oto) pdkicrTa yjprjcrerai crvptvpzTr). 240 ko.^ pep raS' ^tz^ eKiropovpepaicrLP ev 7roT€<; • o>vyd&a, kafiovcrav Sicrcra crw aavrrj T€Kva, MHAEIA. 35 kolI pr\ tl peXXeLV ■ ws e'yw fipafievs Xoyov tovcY et/xt, acou/c drreL/JU npbs Sopovs ttoXlv 275 7rptv av ere ycua? Teppovojv e£(o fidXaj. MHAEIA. atat • TTav(i)\y)<; rj Takaiv airoXXvpaL. i^Opol yap i^iden irdvTa St) koXcuv, kovk ecrriv arris evrrpoaoLcrTos eK/3ao~i9. iprjcrofxai Se Kal Ka/cw? 7racr^ovcr' opojs, 280 tlvos // 6KO.TL yfjs a.770o"reXXet5, Kpeov ; KPEQN. Se'Soi/ca ev ' ov vvv pe 7rpcoTov, dXXd TroXXdxLs, Kpeov, efiXaxfje Sofa peydXa t elpyavrai Kaxd. yjp~f) S' ovttoO' ocrrt? dpTLpa>v Tre(pVK dvrjp walSas TrepLcrcrojS eVStSao-zcecr^at cro^ous * 295 Xto/319 ya/3 dXXy]<; -qs eyovaiv dpycas r-soo 305 36 EYPiniAOY (f)UOVOl> 77"p05 aCTTOiV dX(f>dl>OVCrL 8v(TfJL€Vr). (TKaioicrL pev yap Ktxiva irpocrfyepoiv crocf)d odget? d^pelo<; kov ctck^o? 77ec/>u/ceVat • TtoJV O av OOKOVVTOJV CtSeWt TL TTOLKlXov Kpeiaaoiv vopLcr6e\<; Xvnpbs ev ttoXcl <^>avel. iyco oe KavTr) Trjcr&e kolvcovcj tv^tj<;. cro(f)rj yap ovcra rot? pep elp €7tlo<;, [rots 8' rjav^ala, Tot? Se Oarepov Tp6nov,~\ rots 8' av TrpocravTiQs ■ elpl 8' ovk ayav ao(f>yj crv 8' av (f)o/3el p,e pr\ tl irXrjppeXes irdOys • ov^ a>8' £)(€L p,OL f per) Tpecrrjs -qpds, Kpeov, coctt ets rvpavvovs aVSpa? e^apaprdveLv. tl ydp crv p r)&LKr)Ka<; ; e^eSov tcop-qv 6t(o ere 0vpo9 e^eiv. vvp(f>ev€T , ev irpdcrcroiTE • TTjvhe he yQova id.Te pc oIkelv. /cat yap rjhLKYjpepoL o~Lyqcr6p,ecrda, k peter ctovojv PLKcopevoL. 315 KPEON. Xeyets d/coucrat paXdaK , dXX eieroi cfrpevaiv 6ppa>Sta pot p,rj tl fiovXevj)<; kolkov • Tocrcohe 8' rjcrcrov t) irdpos ireiroLdd o~ol ■ yvvrj ydp o^vOvpo^, cog 8' aureus avrjp, pdcov (f)vXdo~o~eLV r) l\o) yap ov ere jxaWop rj So/xous e/xou?. MHAEIA. a> TraTpis, &>i crou Kapra vvv p.veiav eyoi. KPEON. 77Xt]^ yap reKveov ep.oiye (^ikrarov tto\v. MHAEIA. (f>ev (j)ev ' /3poroL<; epcore^ &>g kclkov fxeya. sso KPEON. 07TW5 av, olfxai, kou TrapaerToxriv rvyai. MHAEIA. Zev, [xrj \d0OL ere ra^S' 09 curios kclkoiv. KPEON. e/57T , a) fxaraia, /cat ju, onrdWa^ov ttovojv. 38 EYPiniAOY MHAEIA. 7Tovovfxev rjjxels kov ttovoiv Ke^pijfxeda. KPEQN. TO-X i£ ottoZu)v ^eipos ojcrdijcreL fiia. 335 MHAEIA. fir) hrJTa tovto y , dXXd a, Kpeou — KPEfiN. 6)(\ov 7rape^et5, d>? eoi/cas, a> yvvai. MHAEIA. vKa<; • et/co? S' icrrlv evvoidv cr e^etzA 345 Tovfxov yap ov jjlol (fjpovTLs, el (f>ev£ovfie0a, /cetVous Se Kkaioi o~vfi(j)opa Ke^prjfievovq. MHAEIA. 39 KPEON. rJKL(TTa rovpov Xrjp ev rvpavviKOV, aiSovpevos he iroXXd Sr) oie^Oopa • KaX vvv opco pev e^apaprdvcov, yvvat, 350 6/xojs Se reu^et rouSe • Trpovvveiroj Be croc, el ' rjpepav piav • 355 ou yap tl hpacrais heivov a)V (f)6(Sos p ex et- J XOP02. Svcrra^e ywai, ev (f>ev, peXea tojv ctojv ayeutv. ttol Trore rpexjjeL ; Tiva Trpos £eviav T) SojJLOV r) yOoVOL (TOJTrjpa KOLKcJjV 360 e^evp-qcreLs ; w? et? airopov ere KXvSojva 6e6s, M-^Seia, kolkcov eiropevcre. MHAEIA. Ka.KOj<; TreirpaKTai navTa)(fj • rt? avrepel; dXX' ovrt Tavrr) ravra prj SoKelre ttoj. 365 er etcr dyaJ^e? rot? veoxjri vvpcf)LOL<;, ko\ toIctl KrjSevcracrLV ov crp.iK.poi TTOVOL. ooxels yap av pe TovSe dcoTrevcrai Trore, el pyj tl Kephaivovcrav rj Tey^vojpevrjv ; ovS' av TTpoaelirov ovh' av r)\Jjdpr)V ^epolv. 370 40 EYPiniAOY 6 o ets Tocrovrov pwpLas d(f>LKero, oxtt, igop avrco rap' iXelv /3ovXevpaTa yrjs eK^akovTi, r^VS' d(f)rJKev rjpepav pelvai p , ip fj rpels T(av ipcov eydpaiv vekoovs OtJctoj, narepa re kolI Koprjv tto07]cropai oopovs viTEpfiaivovcra ko\ rey(V(Dpevq, davovaa Otjcto) toIs ipols iyOpois yeXatv. KparidTa ttjv evOelav, fj irec^vKapev (TOou paXiorra, (papuaKOLS avrous iXelv. 385 elev • kglI St) TeOvacTL • ti's ae Several rroAis ; rt? y^ davXov kcu lopovs iyeyyvov 1 ? £evo<; napao-^CDP pvcrerai Tovpbv Se/xas ; ovk ecrTL. peivacr ovv en apiKpov ypovov, r]v pev rt? -qpLP rrvpyos acr(fjaX7]S (fxipyj, ooXcp pereipi roi^Se ko.1 crtyrj fyovov • soo r\v S' i^eXawr) £vp(f>opd p dp-qyavos, avTTj ^tyos Xafiovcra, keI peXXa) davelv, ktevg) o~(j)e, roXprjS S' elpi Trpog to Kaprepov. ov yap pa TT/P oecriroivav tjv iya> o~e/3a) pdXio~Ta TrdvTOiv kol ^vvepyov eiXoprjv, EKarrjv, pvyols vaiovo~av cartas iprjS, yaipov tls avTOJP Tovpov dXyvvel Keap. 305 MHAEIA. 41 rriKpovs 8 iyco o~(f)LV /cat Xvypovs Oyjcrco ydfiovs, TTiKpov 8e /ct^Sos /cat (f)vya\etV rot? 2tcruc/>etot9 rot? r' 'Iacrovo? ya/xot?, yeycocrap icrdXov 7rarpo9 'HXlov t airo. 4&>rarat. XOP02. v A^co 7roTa[xcZu iepcop ^copovcrL irayai, z; S' ovketl 7Ttcrrt? dpapev ' Tap 8' e'/xdf evxXeiap e^eip Plotclp cxTpeifjovcrL c/>a/xat ■ ep^erat rt/xd yvpaiKeico yeVet ■ ovketl Svcr/ce'XaSo? c/>d/xa ywat/cag efet. 420 fjLOvcrai oe TraXaiyepecop Xrj^ovcr ololScip ot/3o e)(et TroXXd jjiep d/xerepap dphpcop re /xolpap eIttelp. 430 42 EYPiniAOY (TV 8' €K /jl€p oikidv irarpuxiiv eVXevcra? ovSep irpdy/xa • ^17 Travcrrj irore Xeyova \acrcop oj? ko.kl(tt6$ ear aprjp ' a S' ets rvpdppovs icrrC ctol XeXey/xeVa, Tra^ Kepooq -qyov t^^xiovp-'epy] vyf). Kayw fxep del fiacriXecop Ov/jLOVfxepcjp 455 opyds d(f)rjpovp K5 p.T]T ay^prjfxcDV arvv tIkvomtiv Ik7t£o~t\% fjL7]T eVSer?9 tov ' -rroXX' e^e'X/cerat cf>vyr) kolko. £vv avTy • /cat yap el av fxe cm/yet?, ovk av hwai^v crol /ca/cojs (ppovelv nore. MHAEIA. <■» V w TrayKaKLCTTe, tovto yap a enreiv e^co i^ yXcocrcrrj \xiyio~rov ets avavhpiav KaKOV, r}X0es 7T/305 T^txa?, rjXOes, e^d lottos yeyw? ; [#eot5 re /cct/xot iravri r dv0pd>7ro)v yeVet ;] ourot Opdcros roS' £cttIv ovS' euroX/xta, iXovv. iyd> re yap Xe^acra Kov5 icracriv 'EXXtJvcdv ocrot ravrbv o-vv£Lcre(3r]o-ap 'Apytoov cr/cdc/)o?, 7T€[JL(f)0euTa Tavpcuv TTvpirvooiV l-nio~TaTr]V £evyXato"t kol o—rrepovvra Oavdcrip.ov yvr)v • SpaKovTa S\ 09 Trdyyjpvo-Qv d/xTre'^cov Sepas 480 o~7T€LpaL<; ecra>£e ttoXvttXokols avirvos oiv, KTetvacr dv£o~yov crot (fyaos o~o)Tr\piov. avTr) Se Ttarepa /cat So/xov? irpo&ovcr ifiovs ttjv YItjXlojtlv et9 IaA/co^ LKOfxrjv 44 EYPiniAOY crvv croi, rrpoOvpos paWov y) o~o kolklctt dvopcov, iraOcov upovoajKas rjpas, Kaiva o' eKTrjcra) kevrj Tfaihcov yeycoTajv • el yap r]0~Q' > cotcus en, 490 (TvyyvuHTT dv rjv crot toxjo epao~6rjvai Xe^ou?. opKojv he (ftpovhr) ttlcttls, ouS' e^co paBelv rj 6eov$ vopi^et^ tov<$ tot ovk apvetv en, 7) Kaiva Keio~6ai 0eo~p ev dvOpconoLq to. vvv, eirei o~vvoio~6d y eis ep ovk evopKOs d>v. 495 <$>ev Septet xelp, 175 o~v 7roXX' e\ap/3dvov koI T(i)vhe yovaTcov, w? paTiqv Ke^p^crpeQa KCLKOV 7Tp09 dvhpOS, ikTTlSoJV 8' T)pdpT0peV. ay • o>5 % ; soo o/xco5 S' • epa)TY]0el<; ydp alo-^icov avel. vvv ttoI Tpdrrcopai ; iroTepa -rrpbq naTpbs hopovs, ov? crol npohovo~a Kai iraTpav d(f)iKopr)v ; rj Trpbs raXatVa? ITeXtaSa?; Kakojs y dv ovv he^aivTo p olkols S)v naTepa KaTeKTavov. sos eyei yap ovtoj • rot? pev oiKouev c/>l'Xch5 ey^Opd KaOeaTTi^ , ou? 8e p ovk ixPV p ^a/ccos Spav, crol ^dpiv (bepovcra rrokepiovs e^ai. TOiydp jxe nokkals paKapiav dv EXXaoa. eOrjKas dvrl TOJvSe ■ OavpacrTov Se ere 5io e^a> TTo'crt^ /cat ttlcttov tj Takaiv eyco, el (fiev^opai ye yaiav eK/3ej3kr]pevr], (fjikojv eprjpo 1 ?, crvv tIkvois povrj povoi^' MHAEIA. 45 kclXop y oVetSo? rco vecocrrl vv{JL(f)L(i), tttco^ovs dXdcrdai 7iatSa5 17 r ecrcocrd ere, sis a) Zev, tl S17 ^pvaov pep o? Kij38r)Xos fi T€KfJLT]pL dv6p(x)TTOl(TlV W7ra. IA2CN. Set /x', w5 eot/ce, firj kolkov fyvvai Xeyeiv, dXX' wore vab<; Kehvbv olaKOcrrp6ov<; Kpaarirehois VTTeKhpapeiv tyjp crrjp aro/xapyop, a> yvvai, yXcocrcraXyiav. 525 eyat o , eVetor) /cat Xiav Trvpyols ^apiv, Y^virpiv vopitia rf)<; eprjs vo.VK.Xr)pia<; CTO)T€Lpav eivat Oecov re kcxvO paiiroiv povrjv. (tol S' ecrrt pev vovs Xe77Tog, dXX' enicfidovos Xoyos &LeX0eLV, w? v Epw? o-' rjvdyKacre 530 robots dc/)i5/crots avro drjcropai Xlo.v ' 07717 -yap ow covqeras, ov /ca/cais e^et. peu^oj ye pevroi tt)s e'/j.rj'? arwTf]pia% etXr^ag ^ oe'oco/ca?, co? e'ya; (fjpdcra). 535 TTpZiTov pev 'EXXdS' d^rt fiapfidpov ^doubs yalav /carot/cetg /cat Slkyju eVto-racrat vofxoLS re xprjcrOai prj Trpbs tcr^vo? X^P LV ' 40 EYPIITIAOY 7rdVre? Se a tjctOovt ovcrav "EXX-^ve? aor)v kglI &6£av ecr^€5 • et Se yrjs iir ecr^arot? 540 OpOLCTLP toKCt?, OVK O.V TjV \6yOS (T€0€V. elrj 8' epotye fxrJTe ^p^cro? *v Sopot? firjT , Op(f)icoetStcra?, eV TwSe Set^a) irpwra peV o~oc/>o? yeya>s, eVetra cro)(f>pa)P, etra crot peya? c^tXo? /cat 7raio~i rot? i/xoLcrtv ■ dXX' e^' ^crv^o?. sso eVei p.ericrT'qv oevp 'Ja>X/aa? \dopb<; 77oXXa? i(f>eXi evprj/x' evpov evTvyirrTepov , rj 7ratSa yrjfxai /3ao~tXe'to? (fivyas yeyax; ; °^X' V °"^ KVl £> ei > °~ ol/ M^ E^Oaipoiv Xe^o?, 555 Kcuvrjs Se vv/x(f)7]S l/xepco 7re7rXT7ypeVo?, ov& et? ajxiWav tto\vtekvov cnrovSrjv eyuv • aXt? yap ot yey core? ouSe pep(£opai • aXX' w?, ro peV peyurTov, oiKOipev /caXa>? /cat p?) cnravL^QLpecrOa, yLypaxTKcou otl seo Trivryro. c/>euyet 7rct? Tt? e'K7roSa;^ c/>t'Xo?, 77atSa? Se ^pe't/zatp' a^tw? 3opa>z; ipcov, cr7retpa? t aSeXc/>ou? toZctiv Ik creOev re'/cfot? et? Tavrb BeirjV koX ^vvapTijcras yivos evSaifxopoirjp. crot re yap 7ratoa)^ Tt Set; 565 epot Te Xvet rotcrt peWovcriv re'/crot? ra £aW ovrjacu. paii; /3e/3ouXevpai /ca/caj? ; MHAEIA. 47 ovS' av crv (Jxxltjs, ei ere fir} Kvitpi Xe^o?. dXX' ets rocrovrov rjKeO' coctt opdovfievrj^ evvrjs yvvalices iravr ey^iv fo/xi£ere, 570 tjv S' av yevrjTai £vjjL(f)opd ns et? Xe^o?, rd Xwcrra /cat /caXXicrra TroKe/JLLc^raTa TidecrOe. XPV P 7^-P a XXoOev iroOev /SpoTovs ncuSas T€kvov(tO Strata Spdv. MHAEIA. ^ noXXd noXXols et/xt Sioicfropos fipOTQJV. e/xot yap octtls a8t/<05 wv cro ttirep rjcrOa /at) /caKog, ireicravTa ixe yafJLtLV ydfxov roVS', dXXa, /x^ o"ty^ (f)[Xo)V. IA2f2N. koXojs y av ovv crv ra>S' vinqperei^ Xoyco, el o~oi ydfjiop Karenrov, 17715 ovSe jw ToXfias p.eOelvai Kap&ias fxeyav ^qXoi^. sno 48 EYPiniAOY MHAEIA, ov tovto a eT)(€i>, dXXd fidpfiapov Xe^os 7rpos yrjpas ovk evho^ov i£e/3ouve croi. IA212N. ev vvv toV l/xacrLV. MHAEIA. psq /jlol yevoLTO \v7rpbs evSat/jLcov ySto?, /JL7)0 6\j3oS OCTTLS T7]V ifXTJV KVltpi (f)piva. IA2DN. oiaO* co? /xerevfei kou cro(f)0)Tepa (fyavei ; rd ^prjcrrd \kr] ctol Xvnpd (f)a.Lvecr$(o ttot4, pnqcV evrvyovcra SvcrTv^rjs elvai So/cet. MHAEIA. v/3piC iireihr) crol fiev ecrr aTToarpo^rj, iyco S' ep-q/jLOS rrjvhe (fjev^ov/xaL yBova.. IA20N. avrrj raS' eikov • p."qhev dXXov cutioj. eos MHAEIA. tl Soaicra ; /jlojv ya/xovcra kch tt pooovcrd ere ; 600 MHAEIA. 49 IASfiN. apas TvpdvvoLS avocriovs dpajpepyj. MHAEIA. Kal cro ts dpala y ovcra rvyydpoi Sd/xot?. IASftN. wvyr) eio tt poo~o)(f>eXrjpa ^p-qpdr cjp ipwp Xafieip, Xey • to? eroipos d(f)d6vq) Sovvau X e P^ ^eVois re irepireiv crvp/3o\\ ot Spdaovcri, cr' ev. Kal ravra prj OeXovcra paipavels, yvvai ' Xrj^acra S' opyrjs KepSapels dpeipopa. 615 MHAEIA. ovt dp tjevoicri tomti crot? xpyjcraipeO* dv, ovt dv rt Se^atpecrda, prjO* rjplp SiSov • kolkov yap dpopbs Swp' optqctlp ovk e^ei. IA2QN. t dXX' ovp eyco pep baipopas p.aprvpopai, co? irdpQ^ vrrovpyeiv crol re Kal TeKPOLS 6eXa> • 620 crot S' ovk dpecTKei Tayd0\ dXX? avOahia (fiiXovs dirco0el' Toiydp aXyvpel rrXeop. MHAEIA. \ojpei ' ttoOo) yap T77? peoSpyJTOv Koprp; alpei -^popi^cjp dcopdrcop i£a>7TL0S ' 50 EYPiniAOY vu/x(^eu'* Lcra)<; ydp ' avv 6eto S' elprjo-erai' 625 ya/xets roiovrov cocrre a dpveiadai ydfxov. XOP02. Epaires vrrep fxev ayav e'\#cWeeir)<; 1/jLepo) ^ptcraa acfiVKTov oicttov. dvT. a. crrepyoi he \xe crcocfrpoavva, ha)prj[ia koWmttov 0ea>v • fjL7)he ttot djji(f)L\6yov<; opyds aKopecrd re veiKt], dvpov eKrrXrj^acr erepois eVl \eKrpois, 639 Trpocr/3d\oL heuvd Kv7rpis, aTTToXejAOvs S' ewas cre/3i- d£v(f)pG)v Kpivoi Xexi ywaiKuv. a) TTa.TpL<$, (b Sw/xara, /xt) o-Tp. p'. hrJT airoXts yevoijiav tov dfAr)~xavias e^ovcra hvcnrepaTov aloiv ', oiKTporaTOV d^eaiv. 647 Oavdrco Oavdrco ndpos Sa/xeu?^ dyepavravb^ e^avvcracra- pLO^Oajv S' ovKaWosvirepOevr) yas Trarpias (TTEpecrOai. 652 elhojxev, ovk e£ erepoiv av-r. p\ fj.v0ov e^co (j)pdaao~0ai • ere yap ot> 7roXt5, ou fy'iXwv Tt? ajKTicrev iraOovcrav heivorara rraOeaiV. 655 d^dpLCTTOs oXol0\ orco rrapecrTi MHAEIA. 51 fir] (f)[\ov<; Tip.av, KaOapav dvoi^avra kXtj^ol (fypevcov * iixol fiev (JjlXos ovttot ecrrat. ec2 AITEY2. Mr^Seta, x a ^P e ' T0 ^ e J^-P TrpooifJLLov KciWiov ovSels olSe 7rpoa(f)(jopeLV <£i'Xou TTCLL (TO(f)OV UavSiOVOS, 665 Alyev. TTodev yyjs TrjcrS' eTrLCTTpaxpa neSov ; AITEY2. tf?oifiov iraXaibv eKknrcov XP 7 ] (TT7 1P L0V ' MHAEIA. tl S' 6/x^xxXoy yry? dearncohov eaTakrjS ; AITEY2. 7ratoa;^ ipevvcop cnrepjx oVoj? yivouo jjlol. MHAEIA. 7rpos Oeoiv, aVcus yap Seup' act retVei? (3lov ; AITEY2. MHAEIA. Sa/xapro? ovcnqs, r) Xe'^ovg aVeipos iov; 670 52 EYPiniAOY AITEY2. ovk icrfJLEP evvfjs a^vyes ya/xr^Xtov. MHAEIA. rt Srjra &olj3o<; eirre ctol iraihcav rrepi ; AITEY2. (Topao~ov hvcrdvp-ia^. MHAEIA. aSi/cei // 'lacrcDi^ ovhkv i£ i/j.ov rraQuiv. 690 695 54 EYPiniAOY AITEY2. tl xprjfxa Spacras ; (fipd^e jxol cra(f)ecrTepov. MHAEIA. yvvaiK icf) rjfiLP SecnroTtv ho/xajv e^et. AITEY2. rj ttov TeToXfJLrjK epyov cuo"xj.(ttov roSe ; MHAEIA. crdfi lad' • art/xot o icrpev ol irpo tov (fiikoL. AITEY2. irorepop ipacrOels r) crop i^daipcov Xe^os; MHAEIA. \xiya.v y epcoTa* ttlcttos ovk ecf)V i> reXecrc^opos yevono nalSajv, /cavros 6\/3lo<; Odvots. 715 evprjfxa 8' ouk oier6' oiov evpr)Ka<; roSe • 7ravcraj 8e a - ' cW aVcuSa Kal Traie)a)V yovds enreipal ere OiJctcd • rotaS' oTSa (pdpLcaKa. 710 56 EYPIIIIAOY AITEY2. TToWcoP EKOLTl TYjp'oe CTOL SoVVCLl ^dpLP, yvvai, irpoOvfJios elpi, irpatTa pep Oewp, vso eireira ttcllSov oiv eVotyyeXXei yopd^. €t5 tovto yap Br) (ppovBos elpi 770.5 iyco. ovto) o' e^et poi • aov pep ekdovcrqs ^(dova, aov irpo^eveiv BiKatos dtp. [roaopBe pePTOL croi irpoaiqpaipoi, yvvai ■ 725 e'/c rrjaBe pep yr)s ov a dyeip /3ov\r]aopaL, avTr) o edpirep £15 epovs ekOrjq Bopovs, pepels acriAos kov ae pr) pedd> tlpl.^\ €K rr)aBe S' avrr) yrjs drraWdaaov iroBa • apaiTios yap kol £epoc<; elpai 6eXco. 730 MHAEIA. earai too • dXXct ttlcttls el yepouo poi tovtojp, e^ot/x az^ udpra 7rpos aeOep Ka\w?. AITEY2. /xa>j> ov TreTTOiOas ; rj tl croi to Bvay^epe^ ; MHAEIA. TreiToiOa • TleXlov S' e'x#po5 earl poi Sd/j.05 Kpecop re. TOVT015 o\ bpKioiai pep tpyeis, "35 ayovaw ov pedei ap Ik yaias epe • Xoyoi5 Be avp/3a<$ Kal Becop dpwporos, (f)L\o<$ yepoC dp Kan LKrjpvKev para ra^' dp ttlBol ere • rdpd pep yap daBeprj, roi5 S' oX/3o5 ecrrt Kal S0/X05 rvpappiKos. 740 MHAEIA. 57 AITEYS. iroWrjv eXefa?, V IJjJP eKOVCTLO) rpoiroj. AITEY2. 0/xvvfj.L Tcuap 'HXiov #' dyyo^- cre'/Sa? Oeovs re iraPTas ifxpevav d o~ov kXvoj. MHAEIA. apKEL ' TL O OpKO) TCOO€ jXTj [XjJ,€PO)P TTaUOlS ', AITEY2. a tolctl ovcro-efiovo-i yiyperai fiporoip. 755 58 EYPiniAOY MHAEIA yaipcav 7ropevov • Travra yap /caXws ex et " Kayco ttoXlv crrjv ws rd^iar a<£t£o/xai, rrpd^acr a fxeXXcj /cat tv^ovct a /3ov\o/jLai. XOP02. aXXa a" o Matas 7ro/x7rato9 dva^ 7reXacrete So/xots, s eyvcocrfieva '] MHAEIA. 59 TraiSas Se jxeivai tovs ijxov<;, 780 ov^ o»5 XuroOo-' av 7roXe/xta5 eVt ydopos eyOpoicn 7rcuSas rov? ifiovs Kadvfip'io~ai, dXX' a>s So'Xoio~i 7ratSa /3acriXeci>s ktoivco. 7re/xi//aj yap ai)Tovs Swp' e^wras ev yepoiv pvp.(f)r) (f>epoPTas, TtjpSe fxrj <^evyeip y(6ova, 7S5 \eirrov re rreirXov /cat ttXokop ^pvo~rjXaTov • Koivnep Xa/3ovo~a ko /ca/cws oXetrat 77as #' 05 ai^ 0ty?7 Kopr)<; ' TOLolaSe xpLcrco cfrapfxaKois Scoptj/xaTa. ivTavOa fiePTOi roVS' dnaWoicrcroj \6yov • 7ao a»/xw^a S' otof epyop ear epyacrriov rovvrevOev rjfxlp • t€kvol yap KaraKTevoj rap! • ovtls ecTTLv ocrrt? i^acptjaeTai • So/xop re iravra crvyy^iaa 'ldo~ow? e^eijXL yauxs, (piXTarcop Traiocop Ke'pSos ; oure /xot -rraTpls ovt oi/co? earip ovt d~roo~T po dpdyKTj tois i/xolcn <, even KkeivoT&Tav cro- , del Sta \a[A7rpoTaTov fiaivovres d/3pa><; aWepog, eu$a ttoO* ay vaVTevcrai • tov KaXkivaov t dnb Kr)$7] poSecov ttXokov dvQeoiv to. cro5 ow lepcov TroTa.\kZiv tIkvov, credev Kaphiq re X-q\jjei, 62 EYPiniAOY Seivav Trpocrdyovcra toX/jlolv ; 7ra>s S' o/jl/jloltol Trpocr/BaXovcra sco tekvols dSaKpvv fiolpav cr^crets (f)6vov ; ov hvvdaei, TTaihojv LKerdv ttltvoptojv, Teygai X^P a < \ i0lv ' lo - v r\ap.OVL dv[10J, 865 i a % n n . Hkqj KeXevcrueis • ko.1 yap ovcra Svcrfievr)^ ovtolv dfxdpTOL^ rovSe' y , aXA.' aKovcrofxaL tl xp-qjxa fiovXei Kaivbv i£ 4/jlov, yvvai. MHAEIA. Idcrov, aiTovfxai ere roiv eipr]jxivu)V crvyypwfiov eivaL- rag S' i/jeds opyas (jjepetv s~o et/co? cr ', e77et vtov 7roX/V vTreipyacrTai (f)iXa. iya) S' ifiavTr] oca Xoycov d^)iKOjxrjV, KaXoihopricra • (T\erXia, tl jj.aLPop.aL koll Svo-fxevaLvaj rolcri ftovXevovcrLV ev, iy(6pd Se yata? KOipdvois /ca#uxra/xcu §~5 7rocrei # , 05 i^iuz; Spa Ta o~vp.(f)opu)TaTa, yrjp.a<; Tvpavvov koll KacrLyvrjrov? tekvols ifAols (f)VT€V(ov ; ovk dTTaXXa^OrjcropaL OvfJLOv ; tl irdcrya), Oewv iropLtpvTOiV KaXws ; ovk elcrl pep poL TraiSe?, oTSa Se ydopa 880 (JievyovTas r]pd<; koll cnraPL^oPTa^ qjiXcop ; tolvt evvorjcrao- rjcrdoprjP dfiovXiav 7ToXXrju e^ovcra /cat [xdnqv dvpovpeprj. MHAEIA. 63 vvv ovv irraLva) a(o(f>povelv re jxoi So/cet? KrjSos too' r\\xiv TrpocrXa/^cov, eyto o a(f>pa>v, 885 V XP1 V l xiLre ^ v[Xov<; fxrjTpbs /a era ■ cnrovSal yap rjplv koI fxedecrTrjKev ^0X09. Xa(3ecr0e ^etpo? Se^ta tIkv , ovto) Kal uoXvv £aWe6/3ov rrXea. Xpovco he veLKoq 7rarpoVTO<; dXXoiovs, Trocrec. 910 aXX' et? to \q)ov crov fxedecrTrjKev Keap, eyvcos he rrjv vlkcoctolv dXXd tco ^povco fiovXrjV • yvva.iK.os epya ravra (jax^povos. vfxcov he, noiSes, ovk a^povTicrroi^ irar-qp ttoXXtjv eOrjKe crvv deols Trpo[ir\Qiav • 915 oifioLL yap u/xas Trjcroe yrj<; KopLvOtas to. irpcxiT ecrecrOai crvv KacnyvrJTOLs en. dXX' av^dvecrOe • rdXXa S' e^epyd^erai TraTqp re Kal 9ev. IA20N. tl StJ, rdXatva, TolarcV emarTevei<; reKvois ; MHAEIA. 65 MHAEIA. Ztlktou clvtovs • Ifiv 8' ot i^ev^ov t4kvcl, 930 elcrrjkOe p oTkto<; el yevqcrerai rdSe. dXX' covirep ovveK eis ipovs r)K€ts \6yovs, to. pep XeXe/crai, ruiv 8' eyui pv-qcrOrjaopai. eirel rvpavvois yr/s p airoaTeikai So/cet, Kapoi rdS' ecrrt XdJcrra, yiyi/wcrKcij KaXw?, 935 /xi^r' i/xTTohcov crol prjre Koipavois ^Oovbq vaieiv • So/cco yap Svcrpeprjs eivou Sopocq • r)pel<; pev e'/c yrjs T770-8' airaipopev (frvyrj, TratSe? 8' oVcds ai^ eKTpa(j)a)(TL err) X e P' L > alrov Kpeovra rrjvhe prj fyevyeiv ydova. 940 IA2DN. ovk oTS' d^ et Treicraipi, Treipacrdai 8e X/ 31 ?* MHAEIA. crv 8' dXXa, o"7)z/ KeXevcrov aire'icrOaL iraTpos ywai/ca 7rat,8a<; Ti^Se ju.77 cfievyeuv ^66va. IA212N. pakicrTa, /cat rreicreiv ye So^d^aj crc^' eyw. MHAEIA. enrep yvvaiKwv ecrri tcop aXXw^ /xta. ' 945 (TvWiqxjjopaL Se rouSe ipovra<;. dXX oaov ra^o? -^pecov 950 KOCTfJLOV KOjXi^eiV &€VpO TTpOaTToXoJP TIVO.. evhaipovrjcrei o ou^ ev dXXd pvpia, dp&poq t dpicrTov crov Tv^over opevverov KeKT-qjievrj re Kocrpov ov ttoO HXtos iroLTpos Trarrjp hlboiCTlV eKyOVOKJIV CHS. 955 Xd^vcrde (pepvas racrSe, 77cuSes, et? X^P a<; koX Trj Tvpdvvco paxapLa vvpfyrj 8ore (pepovTes ' ovtol Swpa. pepirrd Several. I A 2 n N . rt 8', a> po.To.ia, TOivhe eras /ce^ot? X^P a/xa fiacriXeiov ttzttXcdv, 960 SoKet? 8e xpvcrov ; crcp^e, prj 81801; raSe. eiirep yap rjpas a^tot Xoyou tivo<$ yvvrj, irpoOrjaei -^prjpdrojv, crdcf)' oio eyw. MHAEIA. /at? /xot erv • TreiOeiv Sajpa Kal #eovs \0y09 • Xpucrouyag $vxrj rjor). Several vvp(f)a ^pvaecuv dvaSecrpdv Se^erac SvcrTavos arav • £av6a 8' dpcf)l Kopa OrjcreL top "AiSa sso koo-jxov avrd yepoiv Xafiovcra. Treicrei X^P L ^ dpfipoo-ios t avyd tt4tt\ov avr. a. XpvaroTevKTov re arecbavov irepidicrdai - veprepots 8' 77S77 Trdpa vvp KaKovvpcfre Krjhepcov rvpdvvaiv, 9J0 iraicrlv ov /caretSw? oXedpov /Bloto. Trpocrdyeis oAo^oj re era arvyepov 6d- VOLTOV. SvcTTave, poipas oaov napo'i^ei. 995 peTacrrevopat Se croi> dXyoq, a> TaXawa ttollScov avr. p'. pdrep, a (f>ovevcreLS rtxva vvpcfahicov eveKev Xeyiow, a croc TrpoXiTrtov dvo- /XCJeivTo.L waives ouSe o~oi (frvyrjs, 1005 68 EYPiniAOY /cat ocopa vvfA(f>7) ySacrtXis dcr/xevrj -^epolv iSe^ar • elp-qvyj Se TaKeWev tekvols. ea. tl crvy^yOeicr ebr^/cag j]vik curi^eis; \ji crrju erpexjjas e/A7raXti> 7rapr)i$a kovk ao"fA€vr) toVS' e£ e/xoi) Se^ei \6yov ;] MHAEIA. atai. nMAArnros. TaS' ou £w&)Ss <^povovcr iijuq^avrjaaixirjv. nAiAArnros. va-pcTei' /caret rot /cat cru npbs t4kv(ov en. 1015 MHAEIA. 69 MHAEIA. aXXovs KaTa.^0) irpoaOev tj TaXaiv iyco. nAiAArnros. ovtol jxopy] crv ctojv drre^vyr] 1 ; tzkvcov. Kov(f)(os (frepetv ypr) 6v~qrov ovto. cru/x^opa?. MHAEIA. Spdcrco raS\ dXXd j3alve So)/jl) 77"oAl9 koll Scofi, iv (0 Xlttovtes dOXiav i/xe OLKijcreT del pnqTpovyds, nplv crcfxov ova t4kv , i^eOpe^fafx-qv, dXXcos o' ifioyOovv /cat Kare^dvdrjV ttovois, 1030 areppas iveyKova iv toko 19 dXyrj&ovas. rj \xtjv noO' rj Svcrrrjvoq elyov iXniSa^ 7roXXcts iv vjxlv yr)po/3opovTL<;. cr^wv yap icrTeprj/xivrj Xv77pbv Oid^co /Slotov dXyeivov t ipoi. VfX€LS ok pLTjTep OVK€T OfX/XaCTLV (f)iXoLS 70 EYPiniAOY oipecrO', is ctXXo cryrjp dnoaTavTes jB'iov. (f)sv (f>ev ' ri npocroepKecrOe fx oppacriv, reKva; 1040 tl TrpocryekaTe top Tra.vvo-Ta.jov ye\a)v ; atat • ti opdcroi ; Kapoia ydp ot^erat, yvvaiKeq, oppa (fxuhpov a>5 elhov t€kvojp. ovk av Svpaipyjv • yaipeTO) fiovXevpaTa tol Trpoadev ' d£a) nalSas Ik yatas e/xov?. iotf tl Set pe TroLTepa tcop&e rot? tovtcov /ca/cot? Xvirovcrav avTrjv Sts rocra KTacrOai ko.k.6. ; ov hf)T eywye. ^atoeraj fiovXevpaTa. KatVot rt traayo) ; fiovXopai yeXcoT 6(f>Xeiv eydpovs pedeicra. Tovq ipovs d^rjpiovs ; ioso ToXprjTeov rctS'. ctXXa r^9 e/u.179 kolky)*;, to koI TrpoecrOai paXOaKovs Xoyovs (ftpevos. ^wpetre 7ratSe5 etpapovcri ere. jua rou5 Trap' 'AiSt? vepTepovq aXacrropas, ourot 7ror' ecrrat tovO* oVoj? e'^^otg eyw 1060 7ratoa9 Traprjcrai tovs epovs Kadvfipicrai. [irdvTcos o~(fj dvdyKYj Ko.T0a.peip ■ eVet Se ^P 1 ?' rjpeLS KTEvovpev olirep i^e(j)vcrapep.~\ TrdvTcos TTeTtpa.KTa.1 tovto kouac e/c^eu^erat. /cat St) Vt KpaTL crTe^avos, iv TreirXoiai re 1065 vvp(f)r) Tvpavvos oXXvtol, o-a^>' otS' eyaj. MHAEIA. 71 aXA.' el/xi yap Si] TXyj/jLOveo-TaTrjv 6S6v, Kal TovcrSe 77e/xi//aj TXrjjJLOvecrTepav en, iraTSas Trpocrenreiv Sot, oj t£kvol, Sot ao~ it da aa 6 ai fxrjTpl Se^udp X^P a - 1070 a) (f)L\Ta.Tr) X ei P' faXTaTOV ° e ' P- OL K!C ^/ 3a ' icat o~\r]ix,a Kal irpoo-(07roi> evyeves tIkviuv. evSaip.ovolTov, dXX' e'/cet • tol 8' IvOdSe TTaTTfp d(f)ei\eT. (b yXvKela Trpocrfiokij, a> fia\0aKos XP^** Kvevpid 6* t^Sicttov tzkvoiv. 1075 ^ajpetre ^wpax • ovket elfju irpoo-fiXiireiv ola npos vfxds, dXXa vtKtojxai /ca/cots. /cat ixavddvoi fiep ola toXjjltJo~(o /ca/ca ■ Ov/jlo^ Se Kpeiacrcov tcov i{xa)v ^ovXevfiaTcov, ocnrep [xeyicrTcou atrtos Kaxaiv fipoTols. 1030 XOP02. TroWaKLS rjSrj Sid XeTTTOTepcov jjLvdcov e/JioXov Kal 7Tpb<; ajxiXXa 1 ; TjXOov [xeL^ovs 7j XPV ytvedv OrjXvv epevvav • dXXd yap ecrTLV jjLOvcra Kal rj/xlv, r) Trpoao/jLiXei loss o~o(f)ia<; eveKev • Trdo~aio~i fxev ov • rravpov Se yevos — jxcav ev iroXXal* evpois dv Lo-coq ■ — • ovk airofxovo-ov to yvvaiKcov. Kai (frrj/JLL /3poTa)i> oiTive\)Tevo~av ttoISos, tt po^epeiv eis evru^ta^ TOiV yeivap.evo)v. 72 EYPIIIIAOY ol [xev areKVoi hi a.TT€ipocrvvr)v eid' rjhv fiporols clt dviapov 1095 TrcuSes reXedovcr ov)(l rv^ovre^ ttoXXojv jxo^Ooiv diri^ovrai * oXai he tekvojv ecrriv ev olkols yXvKepou fikacTTrjiA, ecropto /xeXerrj KaTarpv^ofJieuov^ top airavra ^povov • noo irpuiTov fxev oircos 6pe\jjcoo~i KctXai?, /3LOTOV $' OTTodeV XeixjjOVCTL tekvois ' €TL €K TOVTUiV €LT inl (fiXdVpOlS en ern xprjcrTols Ixo^dovcrL, ro8' earlv dhr)Xov. ev he to ttolvtoiv Xoicrdiov 17877 1105 TTOLCTLP KCLTepO) OvTjTOlCTl KO.KOV ' Kal S77 yap aXt? Biorov 6' evpov, cruj/xa t is tJ/3t)p 7]Xvde TeKvcov Xpr](TTOL t eyevovr • el he Kvprjcrai ScLLflCOV OVTOS, (f)pOl)hoS 6? "\lhr)V 1113 ©dVaros irpocfiepoop crwyaara TeKvojv. 7TW5 OW Xv£l 77"y0O9 TOIS GlXXoiS T^S' en Xvtttjv duLapoTarrjV TTaihoiV (LV€K€V 6vqroi(Ti Oeovs iirijSaXXeiv ; ms MHAEIA. (f)iXai, rraXai rot Trpoo-fxevovcra. tyjv TV)(r)v KapahoKa) TaKeWev ol TrpofirjcreTai. /cat St) hehopxa rovhe rcov 'lacroi^o? (TTei^ovT oirahcov • npevfxa o y)pedio~\x.evov heiKvvcriv ws tl Kaivov dyyeXei kolkov. 1120 MHAEIA. 73 ATTEAOS. a> heivov epyov TrapavofJLcos elpyaafxeur) Mr/Seta, evye (frevye, jjltJte vaiav \nrov(T aTrrjvrjv p,t]T oyov Tre&oo-Tifir). MHAEIA. tl 8' a^toV fioi TrjaSe rvyyavei (pvyrjs ; ArrEAOS. oXcoXeu 7) Tvpavvos dprtajs Koprj 1125 KoeW y 6 (f)vcra<; app.dKCDi' tcju crcov vtto. MHAEIA. kolWlcttov et7ra5 fivOov, iv S' evepyerats to \oittov rjSrj /cat ikoL<; e/xots ecret. ATTEAOS. tl r)<5 ; (frpovcls puev 6p6a kov yaatpet, ywai, 17715 Tvpavvojv kcTTiav rJKLcrpeprjv 1130 ^capcts Kkvovcra. kov (j>o/3eZ to. rotaSe ; MHAEIA. e^co rt Kayaj rots -ye 0-01? ivavTiov XoyoLcrw elrrtiv aXXa fxr) o-Trepyov, (f)c\o<;, Xegov o' o7TO)5 wXoz^ro • St? toctov yap av repi/zeta? r)fJLaq, el TeOvaai irayKaKOi^. H35 ATTEAOS. e7ret TeKvoiv arZiV rjXde StVrv^o? your) 74 EYPiniAOY crvv TraTpl Kal TraprjXOe pv/jl^lkovs So/xov?, rjcrdr)p€P olirep crot? eKappopep kclkoIs 8/xwe9 * St' olkcop 8' evOvs rjp ttoXvs Xoyos ere Kal ttoctlp crop peIkos ecnTeicrOai to rrpip. ii*o Kvpel S' 6 pep rig X eL P ' ° ^ £olp6op Kapa iraihoiP ' iyco Se Kavrbs rj&oprjs viro crjlya.% yvpaup6i>, bppdroiv 8' dub Kopas crrpefiovcrai', alpd r ovk evbv xpoi * ins €LT aVTipoXlTOV YJK6P dkoXvyfjS piya.V ko)Kvtov. €v6v<; 8' r) fxev ets narpos hopovs topprjcrev, r) Se rrpb<; rbu dpricos ttoctiv (f)pdcrovcra vvprf)r]<; crvp(f)opd<; • aVacra Se CTTeyr) ttvkvokjiv £ktvtt£i bpop.rma.criv, nso rjb-q S' dve\KOJV kojXov ekttXIO pov bpopov ra^ii? {3abLo-Tr)q reppovwv dv rjTTreTO • r) S' e£ dvavbov /cat pvcravTos oppaTOs Setz-'o^ (rreud^ao-' i) rdXaiv r)yeipero ' bi—Xovv ydp avrrj rr-qp! in eo~T par evei o. H85 Xpvcrovi pkv dp(f)l Kparl Keipevos wXokos OavpauTov tet vdpa napcpdyov irvpos • irenXoi be Xetttoi, cruiv tckvcov bcoprjpara, XevKr)i> eooLTTTOv crdpKa Trj<; oucroat/xovog. (frevyeL S' dyacrracr' e/c Opovwv rrvpovpdvrj, 1190 aeiovca ^a'niqv Kpdrd 7 olXXot dXXocre, plxbai OeXovcra (j-i<\>'xvov • dXX' dpaporax; crvvbecrpa ^pucro? et^e, 77up o\ eVet Kop-qv ecretcre, pdXXov St? toctok r' iXapnero. 76 EYPiniAOY TTLTUei 8' 65 OuSctS (TVjJi(f)Opa VLKOJ/XePT], 1195 v\r)v rco tckoptl Kapra SvcrjxaOrjs iSelv • ovt ofx/xdrcDP ydp SrjXos rjv KaTao~Tao~L<; ovt evcfives irpoaoiTrov, af/xa 8' i£ aKpov ecrra^e /cparo? (TVfxTrefyvpixivov irvpi, crap/ce? 8' a7r' ocrreW wore 7reu/az;oj> hdxpv 1200 yvaOjJLois dorjXois (j)apfxa.K(x)p dtreppeov, oeusbp diafxa • ttcujl 8' 77^ ^>o/3o9 Oiyeiv veKpov • Tvyj)v yap el^ojxev SiSacr kolKov. TTarrjp o 6 tXtJjjlojv crvp. ■ 1205 ojp-co^e 8' evdvs, kcu TrepiTTTv^a^ Se/xa? kweZ npocravhcov rotaS'* <5 Sucrn^e 77cu, T19 cr aiS' art/xwg oaipovcov drrajXecre ; tl<; tov yepovra TVfifiov opfyavov aeOev TL07]O~LP ; OL/J.OL, O~w6dv0ip.i CTOL, TZKVOV. 1210 eVei Se Oprjvcov koI yoo)v inavcraTO, \prjtfiiv yepaibv i^avacrrrjcraL Se/xaopd. Kai /AOL to jxev aov eKnoScou earoi Xoyov * yvuxrei ydp avrrj £>7/Aias dnoo~Tpo 'Idcrow?. 1235 MHAEIA. ? rdyicnd fioi 7raiSas KTavovcrr) T^crS' d^opfxaaOai ^(Oovb<; /cat /xt) cr^oX?}^ dyovcrav e/cSowai T€Kva dXXr) (povevcrau ovcrixevecrTepa Yepi. Trdvrcos (T(p dvdyKt] KarOavelv. eVet Se X/)??, 12 "° rjfiet's KTevov/jLCV, olirep i£ev rdXaiva X €l P e V 1 ?' ^- a /3e £1^)05, Xa/3', ep7re 7rpo? /3aX/3tSa \vrrrjpdv j3tov, 1245 /cat /xt) /ca/ctcr#r)\ /^S' dvap^viqcrdrj^ tekvcov a>5 <£tXra#', aivcrav, SvaTvyr)^ 8' iyo) yvvr\. 1250 XOP02. Io» Ta re Kai Trap.d>ar}<; oiviav T€Kvol<; TrpocrfiaXeiv yip clvtoktovov ' era? yap . . ypverda^ yovds 1255 efiXacTTev, 0ecoi> 8' cu/xa . . irirveiv (fiofios vtt dvdpoiv. dXkd vlv, (h o KaKOTv^s yvvcu. 1271 IIAI2 a. otfxoL, tl Spdcrco ; ttol (f)vya> firjTpbs X*P a 12n IIAI2 ft'. ovk oTS', dSeXc^e ^>tXrar'' 6XXu/xecr#a ydp. XOP02. 7TapeX0o) &6[aovs ; dprj^ai 6vov 1275 OOK€t /XOt T€KVOLS. n A I A E 2 . vai', 7rpo5 ^ea;^, apyj^aT • iv Seovn yap • a>? eyyus 77877 y' iafjiev apKvcov £i(f>ov<;. XOP02. Tako.LV , a>s ap -qcrOa nerpo's rj crtSapos, art? t4kv(i)v ov ere/ce? 1280 apoTov avTo^eipL i^olpa KTevels. fjuav or] kKvco fiiav tcov Trdpos avr. p\ yvualK iv vyfj ; 1295 Set yap ^t^ 17x01 y^s ae Kpvcf)9rjva.L koltoi, rj irr-qvov apai cro)\x e's aWepos /3a#09, et fir] Tvpdppojy ocofxacrcp Swcret Slktjp. ttIttoiO* anoKTeLvacra KOipavovs ydovoq aOcoos avTYj TwvSe (^ev^eaOai So/xa>z> ; isoo aW ov yap av-rjs typovTLO a>9 Texpcop e^co • Keivrjv fiep ou? eSpacrev ep^ovcriv ko.ko)<;, ifiajv Se iraCSov rj\dov eVcrwcrat fiiov, p.rj fxoC tl Spdacoa oi TrpocrtJKOPTes yevet, fxr}Tpa)OP iKTrpdcrcrovTes avocriov 6vov. 1305 XOP02. d) tXtJ/jlop, ovk oicrO* oi kolkwv i\7]\v0as, 'ldcrop • ov yap tovctS' dev ooficov ; XOPOS. 7rvXas avoC^as (tcov t€kvojp oxjjei (frovov. IA2fiN. ^aXare /cXr^Sa? a>eiav e^et?, Xe'y' et rt /3ov\eL, x €i P^ &' ov v/zaucret? 7rore. 1320 roto^S' o^rjjxa Trarpbs "HXios 7raTr)p olococtlv rj/jblp, epvp.a 77oXe/uas ^epo?. IA2I2N. w /ucros, w peyLCTTOu iydicn-q yvvai Oeols re kollloI iravTi r av6 paiiroiv yevei, 17x15 TeKvoLcrL aoicriv ifl/3a\eLU £t<£o9 1325 82 EYPiniAOY erX-^s TeKovcra Kafx oVatS' dntoXeo-as • /cat ravra hpdcraa rjXiov re 77-/30 0€ /cat TeKovad /jlol tIkvo,, evvrjs e/cart /cat Xe^ous o~(/>' dircnXeo-as. ovk eo~TLV 17715 tout' av 'EXXrjvls yvprj erXr) tto6\ cov ye irpocrdev rj^lovv eyco 1340 yrjfxai, o~e, /cr^Sog e^Opov oXeOpiov 7 e'/xot, Xea.iva.v, ov yvvaLKa, T77S TvparjVihos ^KvXXr)<; e\ovo~av aypiu)Tepav <^>vo~iv. ctXX' ov ydp dv o~e ttuptot? oveihecri Sa/cot/xt ■ rotoVS' e/J.7re(f)VKe ctol Opdaos • 13-45 epp', alcr\poTTOie /cat TeKvoiv /xtat^oVe. ifxol he top ifxbv ha.LfJL.ov aid^eiv 7rdpa, 05 ovTe XeKTpcov ueoyd/xcou optJctoluxl, ov 7ratSa? ous ecf)Vo~a Ka^edpexfjdfxrjv e£a) Trpoaenrelv £aWa<>, aXX' dncoXecra. 1350 MHAEIA. fxaKpdv av e^eTeiva Tolah' evavTiov XoyoLCTLV, el /xr) Zeus 7rarr)p r)ir'io~Ta.TO MHAEIA. 83 oV i£ ifxov 7T€Trov6a<; old r elpydo~(o • crv S' ovk IjueXXes ra/x' drt/xacra? Ae^T/ jepirvov hid^eiv {3iotov eyyekcov ijxoi, 1355 ouS' r) Tvpappos ovS' 6 crol Trpocrdels ydfiovs Kpecjv drip.ov TrjcrSe /a' e'/c/3aXeiV xP 0V ^' Trpbs Tavra /cat Ae'ai^av, el /3ouXei, /cdXei, kcu %kv\\olv fj Tvparjvbv cuKTjaev rreSou • tt/<; en/ 1 ? yctp cl>? ^pr) /capSta? dpOrjxpdfxrju. 1300 IA20N. kglvttJ ye Xvnel koI ko.kojv Koivaivos ei. MHAEIA. cra^)' to-^t • Xvet 8' aXyos, 171/ cru /at) 'yyeXag. IA2CN. a> TeKva, /attt/50s a>5 a)\eo~0e Trarpcfa vocro). I A 2 O N . oirroi i>w 17 /at) Select cr^)' aTToikecrev. 1365 MHAEIA. dXX v/3/5t9 01 re crot ^eoS/A^reg ydfxoL. IASfiN. Xe^ovs crc^e y T^icocras ovveKa xravelv ; 1370 84 EYPiniAOY MHAEIA. crjALKpov yvvoLLKL Trrj/xa tovt elvat So/cet9; IASON. 77719 ye oraxfypcov • crol Se TrdvT iarlv /ca/cct. MHAEIA. otS' ovket etcrt • touto yaya ere S^erat. IA20N. oto' elcnv o)[mol o"w Kapa /xtacrrope?. MHAEIA. Lcra(TLV ocrrts "^/o^e iryjfxovrjs 0eoi. IA2ftN. tcracri S^ra 0*171' y' d77d-rr*Jcrrot' peva. MHAEIA. oTuyet • TTLKpav Be f3d£iv i^Oaipa) creOev. IA20N. /cat /u/r)v eya> cn^ • paSuoi S' d7ra\\ayat. 1375 MHAEIA. 7TW? ow ; rt Spdcrco ; Kapra yap Kayo) OeKoi. IASfiN. Odxjjat veKpovs jjlol TovaSe /cat /cXavcrat Trapes. MHAEIA. 85 MHAEIA. ov otjt , £7rec ovpa? TTjo eyw uaya) X e P L > epovcr €5 'Hpas rejuews 'A/cpatas #eov, fo»? jXTj TL<$ CLVTOVS TToXefJLLOOV Ka6vj3pL(Tr), 1380 Tvp.fiovs avaaTTwv • yry Se r^Se %lo~v(J)Ov (rejxprjp eopTTjV /cat T€.\rj Trpoo-dxpofxeu to Xolttov dvrl rouSe SvcrcrefBovs (frovov. avTr) Se yalav et/xt ttjv 'E^e^e'cos, Atyet (TWOLKrjo-ovcra tw HolpSlovos. i335 crv S', axTirep et/cos, Kardavel /ca/cos /ca/ca»s, Apyov? Koipa vhv Xett//dVeu ^>eu, [xvcrapd /cat irouSoXeTop. MHAEIA. (rret^e 7rpo/xot, (f)i\iov yjprj^oi crrd/xaro? 7raiSaji> 6 raXa? TrpocnrTv^acrOai. 140 ° MHAEIA. wi; cr^)€ 7rpog aire\avv6p.e6' , 1405 old T€ ira.cryo\L£.v e/c r^5 fJivcrapas /cat 7rou&o(f)6i>ov TrjcrSe Xeati^s ; ctXX' ottoctov yovv irdpa /cat Swa/xat rack /cat 0prjvu) /ca,7rt#ea£a>, IxapTvpofievos Satjuovas eus /xot i4io re'/ci/ anoKTeivao- aTroKioXveus xjjavo-at, re yepoiv #d\//at re i^e/cpov?, ovs ixtjttot iyco (fyuaas 6s — iroiT|o-«i€ we should regu- larly have TroiTJcrai. — 6 tovs Noo-totjs iroif|tras, the author of the Xosti, one of the poems of the Epic Cyclus ; it was commonly ascribed to Agias of Troezen. — StcL^vXos, an Egyptian Greek of uncertain age, who wrote, among other books, a work Trepl QerraXiov. — Soku, sc. 6 ~EupnrL5ris. — viro- (5a\e'cr0ai,,/ff/,sc7?/ appropriated, palming it off as his own, as a woman an- other's child. — 'EXXdSos |3ios, in three books, was Dicaearchus' chief work ; it was an account of the customs, institutions, and topography of Greece. — viro(ivT|jJiao-t, : these were brief notes on various subjects. Those here referred to were in six books, attributed sometimes to Aristotle, some- times to Theophrastus. — \U\u$>ovto.i, k. t. X. : an unjust criticism ; see on v. 899. — irpOTrtemv, burst. — elo-poX^, opening verse. — eirtijep-yac-ia, fur- ther development of the thought. — Ti|iaxi8as, a glossographer and com- mentator of uncertain time ; his remark is wrong ; see on v. 3. — "Opipos : Odys. e, 264. 90 MEDEA. Hypothesis Secoxd. — Aristophanes of Byzantium, the famous Alex- andrine scholar and librarian (about 200 B. a), busied himself especially with the criticism of the poets. We possess many such brief notices of his on plays. The didascaliae, or statements as to date of representation, etc., were collected from the Athenian choregic inscriptions which commemo- rated the dramatic contests. — Trap' ov8€T«pu>, k. t. \. : that is, neither Aeschylus nor Sophocles composed a play on the same subject. — irpw- tos (fy), i. e. took the first prize. — Evxpopiwv, sem of Aeschylus. — ov €X': for this formula of wishing, see GMT. § 83, 2 ; H. 721, b (fine print). — 8iairrdo-0ai : the ship is said to fly, as Hel. 147 and else- where its sails are called wings. — 2vp.TrXirYd.8as is object of Stairr. The Symplegades or o-ai : this verb occurs nowhere else in classic Greek. Hesy- chius explains it by Kunrais apuoaat. The subject is still tt€vkt]. And would that it had never equipped with oars the hands of those noblest men. The pine is thought of as furnishing material for oars as well as for ship. 6 fig. IltXCa : dat. of advantage, fejr Pelias. — Se'o-rrotv' sp.^ MtjSho. : these words make it clear to the spectators who the speaker is. — irvpYOvs : the place whither ; H. 551 : G. § 162. — €KTr\aYeio-a, crazed in heart; iKTrXrjffffw of an overpowering passion such as deprives of self-control. 11 fig. A singular case of attraction. ttoXitwv (for woXirais) takes the NOTES. 91 case of UK. The reason is that (pvyfj belongs not to avdavovaa but to acpi- KfTo, so that the relative clause really begins with pleasing the citizens to whose land she has come in her flight. Had the poet written iroXirais, nearly = rjTi/xaKef, but with the idea of present con- tinuance more prominent. This use of ?x u with aor. partic. (GMT. § 112, 2, Note 7 ; H. 797) is a favorite one with Sophocles and Euripides, but is probably not found in Aeschylus. 35. diroXtCireo-Oai is passive ; to be bereft, jvf) diroX.. joined by synizesis. 37. veov = kclk6v, as often. 38. [Japeta, resentful. 40-43. The two first of these verses are plainly interpolated from 379 flg. ; the others might be retained (reading p.-q for if) but that rvpavvov is awkward and obscure. If the princess is meant, there should be some designation of the gender. 45. tcaXXiviKov means victory, or the honors of victory ; so rb KaWLvtKov is used Find. Nem. 3, 17. In the absence of the article it is better to take it as neuter, than as masc. with aritpavov understood, as some have done. 46. oi8« -iraiSes erreixovo-i, here come the children. For this use of 68e, very common in the drama, see H. 678 a. — The learner should note the difference between to6xos and rpox6s. 49. The 7rcu5a7«76s, who now enters with the two boys, is an aged family-slave of Jason's. Wealthy Greeks, when their boys had outgrown the nursery, gave them into the charge of such trusty slaves, whose duty 92 MEDEA. it was to attend them wherever they went. — Btoirotvqs limits o(kwv kttj/jxi taken together. 50. t^vSc should be translated thus. It is similarly used in 689 below. 52. is used like off t)fu, deny, ovk id, forbid, etc. 68. TTitra-ois, the gaming -place. So oi ix^vs, the fish-market, tT|S, true, correct. 73. ovk elvai : a very exceptional use of ov. The rule would require fir). The expression seems to be analogous to XPV °b with infin., which is frequent in Eurip. ; see 294, 574 ; Androm. 100, XPV °"' ovttot elirelv oiidiv 6\(3loi> fiporihii : Hipp. 645, XP 7 )" e ' s yvvaiKa wpbairoXov /i£v ov rrepav : in cases, too, where it is impossible to say that ov forms with the infin. a simple idea. The usage arose probably thus : first the ov was put directly after the XPV for reasons of emphasis, still belonging to it (so Hipp. 507, and perhaps the NOTES. 93 above passage of Androm.), then it gradually attached itself to the infin., and allowed itself to be separated from XPV- 74, 75. irdcrxovTas is supplementary partic. ; cp. 38. See GMT. §112, 1; H. 800. — «l koC because of the negative idea implied in the foregoing ques- tion : (surely he will not) even though lie has, etc. 76. Ki]8€V[idTwv : H. 581 ; G. § 175, 2. \eiirerai expresses inferiority. 78, 79. dirwX6|A€ from motives of selfishness. This verse looks like an interpolation. 88. el — yt = eirei, seeing that; hence ov, instead of htj, is admissible. Jelf's Grammar, § 744, 1. The clause depends on dpri yiyvdiaKets, the idea being, ' Are you just beginning, in view of Jason's neglect, to recognize the self-love of men ? Did you never meet with an instance of it be- fore ? ' 90, 91. epup-wo-as 'i\t, keep secluded. — ireXd^w is transitive here and 760, but has its ordinary intrans. sense, 101. 93. Spaereiovo-av : a desiderative verb ; H. 472, Rem. j. 94. irplv Ka.Taa-KT}\J/a{ nva : "irpiv with the infin. after negative sen- tences is rare in the Attic poets, but more frequent in the Attic prose." Goodwin, MT. § 106, 2, N. 2. /carao-KT^rrw only here takes the accus. It probably means, strike down as with a thunderbolt (Schol. fi\a\pai...olov nepavvwaai) ; with dat. on the contrary, simply fall upon. 96, 97. Medea's voice is heard in soliloquy within the palace. The ana- paests which she speaks are tinctured with Doric forms, while those of the nurse are free from them. Anapaestic systems admit Dorisms only excep- tionally, to impart greater solemnity or pathos. — irovwv is causal genitive in exclamation (H. 592 a ; G. § 173, 3) joined to an adjective, as often ; cp. 1028. — ttws dv 6\oi\kav; would that I might die. This form of wish (GMT. § 82, N. 5), not rare in tragedy, occurs again 173. 94 MEDEA. 98. yo8' iKtivo, There it is! literally, 'this is that' (spoken of before). A common colloquial formula. 106 ilg. It is plain that the storm-cloud of wailing, just beginning to rise, will shortly dart upward with greater fury. I have given avq.^ei (from avqaau = avaios is meant as subject. By reading 677X77 or 677X0? we might retain dm- \p€i. apxTJS l£aipdp.evov = alpbp.tvov e£ dpx 7 ? 5 * rising from its starting- point. With v€'4>os ol^wyfjs cp. crTiva.yp.wi> vefpos, H. F. 1140. 112. w Ka/rdpaToi iraiSes : in spite of the nurse's caution, the children, who here enter the house with their attendant, are espied by Medea. 116. ' is the mainspring of Grecian ethics. All excess is £ ! /3/hs, which the gods punish by sending drv. — dire'8a>Kev : gnomic aorist ; IT. 707 ; GMT. § 30. Its subject is still rd virep^aWovra. 131. The chorus of Corinthian women now appears in the orchestra and sings the Parodos, which consists of four parts, — proode, strophe, anti- strophe, and epode, — separated from each other by anapaests of Medea and the nurse. NOTES. 95 134. iir d(i4>iirvXov, k. t. X. : the meaning of these words is doubtful. They are, I think, best taken thus, / heard a cry near the doorway within the house ; the chorus inferring Medea's nearness to the door from the dis- tinctness of her voice, eirl as Heracl. 239, £ 08. Other ways are pos- sible : 1. Being near the porch (Medea's) / heard a cry within tlie house. But the chorus has just arrived and was not ' near the porch ' when Medea last spoke, 111. 2. Being near (my own) doorway I heard a cry in (Medea's) house. So Wecklein. 3. Joining d/n<£. fieXdd., being near the double-doored house, I heard a cry within. So Elmsley, Paley, Klotz. To this the same objection applies as to 1, and the position of &ru is, be- sides, unfavorable. 4. / heard a cry inside, in Ow double-doored house; i-wi as in e7r' oU-qp-aTos, etc., but this use belongs rather to later prose, dfi- cplirvXos occurs only here. Klotz and Paley, taking it adjectively, refer it to the outer and inner door {avXeios and p.iravXosi), but the word as applied to a house can only mean having a door on both sides. But as a substan- tive to dfi(piirv\ov can mean doorway or vestibule ; cp. dp.p«'va, nothing comforted at heart. 147. PkjtcLv, object of KaTaXvaaip,av. The same expression, frag. 984, KOLTaXvaap.4vovs [3Lov ; the active Suppl. 1004, KaraXvaovaa j3iotoi>. — irpo- Xiirovo-a (ai'TTji). 149. dx d. e 215, \[/ 213. See lexicon for the literal meaning of xapdffcre may be rendered unprovoked. 166, 167. direvdo-0T]v : from aTrovaiu ; alaxp&s goes with it. — Kacriv, Apsyrtus ; see Introduction, § 11, and note on v. 1334. 169. Zfjva : whereas Medea, 160, has not invoked Zeus. This has troubled many commentators, ancient and modern. Hut Zeus opuios, the guardian of oaths, would be the first deity on whom Medea would naturally call ; and we may suppose that in her previous outbursts (see v. 21) she has called upon him, and that the nurse forgets what particular divinities she has just appealed to. If an emendation is necessary, that of Nauck, Zr}v6s for Zrjvd 6' (cp. 208, and note), is easy. 171. ev tivi p-iKpoi, with (the commission of) any trifling deed. 173. irus dv, k. t. A., as 97. 176. & ™>s, II. 830 at end ; somewhat differently GMT. § 53, X. 2. — Papij0D(Aos is sullen, opposed to 6t.v9vfj.os, quick-tempered, impetuous. 178. to irpoevfiov = irpodvpla, G. § 139, 2 ; II. 496, 6th ex. 181. (f>i\a Kal Ta8' a, trill grant f rah/, beyond my obligations. 187. Stp-yp-a : cognate ace. with aTroravpovTai, as if with depKerai. 100 fig. The tenor of the following passage is that music might, if rightly employed, be made a comfort in grief, whereas it is only used to heighten needlessly the merriment of feasts. 192 tig. The correlative of (xt'v is 5t, 195. — dtcods = aKpodp-ara. NOTES. 97 197. €^ uv refers to Xinras. —, violent deaths. 200-203. Xva., where. — nivovvi {utter in long-drawn strains) of the physical act of singing. — to 7rapbv 7r\T) 1 jco[j.a together. TrXr/pw/xa, physical satisfaction. The sense : ' feasts are merry enough without the aid of song.' — The nurse here enters the house. 205 fig. Take Xi-y^pd adverbially (or rather as predicate adj. of effect, = ware Xiyvpa elvai). fio-ycpd belongs with ax ea , and the phrase &X etx P 0< ?j as containing a simple idea (= Opnvei), governs the accus. rbv . . .naKowpfyov, And loudly crying forth her grievous woes she complains of the false bride- groom, etc. Such constructions, in which a verb and accus., taken to- gether, govern a second accusative, are not infrequent in tragedy. Soph. Elec. 124, rd/cejs oip.wyav tqv 'Ayap^pivova ; Bacch. 1289, to p.e\Xov Kapdla ■jr-ejdrjp. ?x el - 208. rdv Zt|vbs 0€[uv, Zeus' own Themis; that is, his irapeopos (Find. 01. 8, 27), and inseparable companion. So Qepis Atd? nXapiov, Aesch. Suppl. 360. Slie is here said to have led Medea into Greece, the idea being that Medea went in reliance on Themis as guardian of the oaths of Jason. 211 flg. 8t' 61Xa VVX.LOV, over the sea in the night. — ttovtov K\fj8a : the strait of the Bosporus ; called dirtpavTos, impenetrable, because of the Sym- plegades which guard it. a.Trepavros has this meaning Aeseh. Prom. 153 and 1078 ; elsewhere it means end/ess. Some give it the hitter sense here, justifying it by Homer's 'EXXrjairoi-Tos anelpwv, 11. w 545. IJoth meanings of airipavTO? arise naturally, since nepaivw means either pass through or go through with. 214. Medea appears on the stage. 215 tig. A difficult passage. Probably the following interpretation (Seidler's) is the right one : Iknoiv many haughty -men, some from personal acquaintance {6p.p-6.Twv airo), others who are strangers ; and these (namely, both the above classes, all the tre/ivoi) froia their reserved demeanor have got an evil name and a reputation for indifference. This use of an, icith- my eyes, from my own observation, is found Aesch. Ag. 987 ; nearly Aesch. Suppl. 207, Soph. 0. C. 14. iv Gvpatois, among foreign- ers or strangers, the usual meaning of Ovpaios in Eurip. The yavxos ttous is one slow to make advances, not meeting one, as we say, half-way. (Some editors, with the Scholiast, explain roes pev...6vpuiois 'some in retirement, others in public life.') For KTaaOai = get the reputation of, cp. I. T. 076, oeiXiav KeKTijaopai, and Soph. Ant. 924. 220. oo-tis after ppor&v, H. 514 d, last part. 222-224. Strangers especially, she says, should adapt themselves [irpoa- Xupeiv) to their adopted land, though, to be sure, not even in citizens are stubbornness and ill-breeding (dpaOia) praiseworthy. Hermann sees in this last verse an allusion to the demagogue Cleon. The aorist f|'v«cra and 98 MEDEA. some others are used to denote a. feeling or resolution (or the expression of the same) which lias already arisen in the speaker's mind, where we em- ploy the present. GMT. § 19, N. 5 ; H. 709. 226. \J/v^v 8i«p0a.ptc*, has broken my heart. 228. «v u>...irdvTa, for he with whom my all rested. — ■yi-yvwo-Keis : the Mss. have yiyixlxTKeiu, due, as the Sehol. expressly says, to the actors, who misconceived the sense. yiyvucrKw and yiyvwaKei have also been conjec- tured. 231. vtov, like our creature, in a depreciatory sense. 232 llg. irpiora \ilv answered by Tt : (' first buy the husband, then serve him ') unless, indeed, the correlative is 235 fig. — XP T H JL< * TW '' virtppoXfj : rightly explained by Paley, "by outbidding others in the offer of a wealthy dower." Cp. Amir. 289, vTrepfioXais \6ywv 8vawv, vying with each other in hard words. inrepftaWeiv means outbid. Euripides has transferred the usage of his own time to the heroic age, in which the custom was quite the reverse, the suitor bidding for and buying, as it were, his wife. — tovto, rb 5i(jirbTr)i> \a(3di>. For the expression cp. Soph. 0. T. 1365, irp€aj3irrepoi> i-Ti kclkou kclkov, u?i evil limn evil. 235 fig. a-ytiv, risk. — By airaXXaYai is meant the awoXeupis or formal separation from the husband, attainable to a woman only through a diffi- cult process at law, and looked upon at best as scandalous. The husband, on the contrary, might repudiate {diroTripireiv) his wife at pleasure. Here, again, Eurip. has Athenian institutions in mind. 238-240. The sense : 'a woman who has come by marriage into a for- eign land has need (in order to live happily) of supernatural foresight, if she has learned nothing from her relatives as to the disposition of him who is to be her husband.' This is the best that can be made of the Mss. reading. 8to> is equivalent to olip. Not the difficulty of selecting a hus- band is meant (for that is not compatible with the tense of acpi.yp.evqv), but that of living agreeably with him afterwards. And to make this meaning plainer some alter the last line, reading oirws for 6Vuj, or x a P L(reTaL f° r XPycrcrcu. 241, 242. d goes with €Kirovovp,tvai.cTiv. — pt tov at/Spas, Sehol. Athenian custom con- fined women strictly to their homes. pX^irtiv implies devotion ; cp. Ion (314, ets Safiapra ff)p fi\fTrr)S, and Andr. 179. 250. ko.ku>s 4>povovvT«s : syn tact ieally with \iyovat, yet standing by itself; wrongly though. Just so Heracl. 55. 252. aXX' ov -yap, but (enough said, for) .. .not ; II. 870 d. — tJk«, ap- plies. NOTES. 99 258. jie8oppifo-ao-0ai, {with whom) to seek a haven of refuge from, etc. Properly, to change moorings away from something. 259. to 8e below. Sec on 413. — €s oXkt|v and ovs t predicate adj. of effect, = p!s...dp'yias, for, aside from the charge of sloth which they have to bear besides. ?x €lv dpyiav is said like Krdadai pq.8vi.uav, 217. This idio- matic use of &\\os, on the other hand, besides, is well known. H. 538 e (end). So Ion 161, &\\os...kvsvos, a swan besidxs. 100 MEDEA. 304. Interpolated from 808. 308. wTTi...i%a\i.. depends on tD5' Zx el P- 01 - 314, 315. lea! -ydp lias not its usual force here, but Kai = Kalnep and goes with i)5i.Kvp-ei>oi. — t)8iki7 pivot : when a woman speaks of herself in the plural, she uses masculine, not feminine forms; H. 518 d. — Kp€iptvo>v with fiovXcvrjs. — PovXevTjs, lest you are devising. In strictness, the pres. subj. in such cases refers not to a present act, but the future disclosure of a present act ('lest it may turn out that you are now plotting'), so that the rule (GMT. §§ 12 and 20) that the subjunctive in final and object clauses refers to the future, still holds good. The Mss. here have povXevcr-ys, which could be retained only by translating, ' lest you may (prove to) have plotted.' This use of aor. subj. is Homeric (II. a 555, k 97), but I know of no Attic example. The correction is Elmsley's. 319, 320. us 8' aiirws, and just so. This adverb is often written avrws, but wrongly. It comes from auras, with changed accent, not from ovros. lis avrus (waavTus) is simply the ablative of 6 aur6s. — vXo.povTi8', accus., not dative.- — -fl, qua; in what direction and so whither.- — aop)j.TJv, resources, means, properly a start tag -'point. The meaning, place, of safety (Lidd. & Scott), is wrong. — ovSev irpoTi^a, does not at all care or think it worth while. 346. A €v|ovp.«ea : GMT. § 56. 349. The perf. 8i£'4>0epa is always transitive (= 5UfjKev, has left me free to remain. aTrep{3a>wv rv\as, Ale. S29), but Ion 514, in coming out. 3S4, 385. Kpaxiara: H. 518 a. — tt)v ivQtlav (6S6v), adverbial. — Tre^>. o-o4>cu, namely, wc women, the sex in general. Elmsley conjectured ost now they are dead. Cp. 1107. 102 MEDEA. 389. irvp-yos : metaphorical. 391. But if a fute devoid of all resource decree my exile. 393. t6X(it]s to KapT€pov, the height of daring. 396. Medea has an image of Hecate, patroness of witchcraft, in her house. Such private shrines, 'Exarcua, were common at Athens. 398 fig. The ydpoi will he bitter to bride and bridegroom, the n'jdos and €lois, k. t. X. : from, the Sisypheans and from Jason's bride. The dative with 6v (II. f 153), and otherwise in ill repute. Creon especially is meant. Wedlock is put for the bride, as Andr. 103. (Others, joining 2i. and "yap.., explain 'from the marriage of Sisyphus's descendant and Jason,' as dat. of cause, I suppose. But the second tcks forbids this ; moreover, the con- text requires dat. of the person whose laughter is feared. Probably, how- ever, we should read rolad' for tois t : 'from this Sisyphean bride of Jason's.' ) 405. irarpos : Aeetes, son of Helios. Od. k 138, dpcpw (Aeetes and Circe) 5' eKyeydrrju (paetjipLppoTov 'lleXLoio. 406. €7rto-Tao-ai : referring back to 400. — irpbs Si koA irtcf>. yuvau«s, and, besides, ice (I and the rest of my sex) arc ivomen. 410. Medea remains on the stage during the choral song, the burden of which is: (1) The infidelity of men ; men will, the chorus says, hence- forth have that name for faithlessness which hitherto has been borne by women. (2) The forlorn condition of Medea. — dvio trora\i.'2v, k. t. X. : " Rivers flowing backward " was a proverbial expression for whatever hap- pens contrary to the ordinary course of things. — Upwv: all rivers are sacred. 413 llg. p*'v is answered by rai' 5' epdv, not deui> ft. The first 5 'reverence. 442 fig. fi€0opfj.icravyn, with exile only, and not rather with death. 456. dT]povv : impf. of attempted action. 459, 460. kcik tovs Kpao-ire'Sois, i. e. with furled sails. Medea's ■yXoxj-craX-yia is likened to a sudden gale. 526. k merely, but the whole clause : since, moreover (besides reviling me), you exaggerate the favors you have done me. Cp. Soph. Phil. 380, O. T. 412. 529. £ttC0ovos for Jason, because apparently boastful. The sense : ' You have intelligence enough to understand, though it is invidious for me to relate, that it was Love that,' etc. The antithesis ((it'v — dXXd) is between foOs and \6yos. 532. &XX' ouk, k. t. X. : but I will not undertake to settle the point ivith over-nicety ; the question, that is, to whom he owes his safety. 533 ilg. "yap ovv,for real!)/. — ttjs tp-^s o-a)TT]pias, in return for saving me, genit. of price with \afxf3avio (Orest. 502), as if it were avTi\a/j.(3&i>u>. 538. p.^| irpos Urxvos X < *P tv > without giving way to violence, without allow- ing violence its sway. Cp. H. F. 779, avofxlq. x°-P LV 81806s. 542 fig. XP V °"° S aiK l vijivrjcroi are parallel. — -ye'voiTo : GMT. § 34, 1 (a). 546. dpaXXav, k. r. X. The same words Suppl. 428. 548 llg. ■yfycos : supplem. partic. — a-pa)v, chaste, virtuous; the op- posite of cLKpaTTjs, incontinent, lustful. His proof of aoipia, 551 fig., of 7], 555 fig., of (piXla, 559 fig. — '4\ fjo~u\os : Medea had made a- gesture of impatience. 554. f\ iraiSa ■ : added after rov8e as explanatory of it. So Heracl. 298. 555. "3 woXvreKvias. A compound adjec- tive used for the genit. of its derivative abstract substantive ; a favorite Euripidean figure. So &/j.i\\a (piKoirXovros, ?pts a(3poTr\ovTos, £ct>6, certainly improves the sense. 565, 566. t£ 8ci ; implies ovdev del, hence re — re. — ircuSwv : i. e. ' any more children.' — Xvti (sc. riXv) = Xva-ireXel, as below 1112, 1362, and frequently in tragedy. 573 fig. The same sentiment again, Hipp. 616 flg., at greater length. — Xprjv : imperf. of unfulfilled necessity ; GMT. § 49, 2, Note 3 ; G. § 222, N. 2 ; H. 703. — "yap, the fact is. It may, like that in 122, be explained by assuming an ellipsis: 'Things are not as they ought to be, for...' But it must be borne in mind that ydp does not always mean for, and is not always a causal particle. Its original force (7e + dp) must have been intensive and consecutive, something like surely then, and the recognition of this accounts for many uses of ydp which otherwise can only be laboriously explained. So particularly the ydp of wishes, not only in the formula el ydp, but by itself (/ca*:ws yap ££6Xoio Cycl. 261 ; Orest. 1147 ; Hipp. 640), which might be roughly rendered ivould then indeed. And so it may be taken here, as XPV V is nearly the same as &pr\v, contrary to your mind or wishes. 580. ipol, to my mind : see on 404. 582 flg. ■yX»o-ol, but not did reXovs ao8« Xd-yu) : this argument in favor of my marrying the princess. 591 flg. The thought is abridged ; it is in full : It icas not that (fear of tny anger) that restrained you (from telling me) but the consciousness that your real motive in deserting me was a different one, namely that your marriage ivith a foreigner teas likely to prove not reputable for your old age ; i. e. if continued through life. 594, 595. ynfiai : in I'm. after oI5a instead of participle. This occurs only with tcrdi, chiefly after the phrase eC r6S' tadi, seldom elsewhere (Soph. Ant. 473, Phil. 1329). — \€KTpo Pao-iXt'wv, the royal bride. /SacrtXe'wv is NOTES. 107 generalizing plural ; of a royal personage, of royalty. The Ms. reading X. flas..av€i ; equivalent to olad' dis fierev^ ap.ivt) aocpwripa |idTttv €£wmos : an expression peculiar to Eurip. (Ale. 546, Suppl. 1038), and ridiculed by Aristophanes, Thesm. 881. 625, 626. crvv 6«p 8 ' tipTjo-mu, with leave of Heaven be it said ; a for- mula to avoid the appearance of presumption and consequent divine dis- pleasure. — dpvtio-0ai, will be fain to disown. 627 fig. Jason having departed, the chorus (1) praises moderation and contentment in love and wedlock, and (2) bewails the lot of the homeless. Medea remains upon the stage. — virtp — o/yav, plus nimio ; as it were, 'in over-excess.' Sometimes joined virepdyav. 629 fig. iraptStoKav : gnomic aorist. The plural of aor. in -Ka, Heracl. 319 ; Ion, 1200 ; H. F. 590 ; Or. 1166, 1641. — dvSpdcriv = avOpuirois, as 675. — aXis, (just enough and no more) in moderation, as Ale. 907. — &6v : xP^ creo! has v often in lyric passages, a license bor- rowed from the lyric poets. Pindar has even xpucis once. — ip^'pf XP- : as with a poison. — ouj-tov : obj. of epda-ao-0ax, to receive into my mind, to recog- nize the truth of. 659. dxdpisrTOs oXoito, may he perish gracclcssly or dismally ; without having any x°Va\ov •yfjs : a white stone in the nave of the Delphic temple was believed to mark the centre of the earth. 669. ottws •y € ' V0l - T0: indirect for ttQs yevvrai; GMT. § 88, X. 1. 675. KO.T* &v8pa: 11. 660 c. — o-u(i3aX.€iv: epexegetical infin. ; 'words too wise for a man in respect of understanding them'; that is, too wise for a man to understand. Notice &vSpa = AvOpwrrov. 676. |i€v (without 5') is not unfrequent in questions. Cp. 1129. 677. €TT€i toi «a£: this formula means especially as. 679. The scholiast gives as the current form of the oracle : — 6le'p TaTe Aaiov, fATf Aiicrr/? Trp'tv yovvbv 'AOrjvaiojv afyLKtaOai ' (so, with slight variations, Plutarch and Apollodorus), and explains its meaning thus : clctkov ovv rys yaarpos, ttqSo. Se to p.bpiov, irapoaov ws 6 ttoSswv tov dffKOv irpoex* 1 ' X«7« ovv on ^XPV CT ^ j"- ' I^V crweXOeiv erepa. (iraipa, Elmsl.) irplv iiri^rjvai tt,% iraTpioos. Medea attempts no solution of the mystery. 682. cos ti XPTlt' 0V: GMT. § 109, Note 4, (a). Exactly, under the feeling of wliai need? Cos is not quite meaningless. 684. us Xiyovcn refers to evae^eararos. Of Pelops' other sons, Atreus a:id Thyestes at least were not ewe/Jets at all. NOTES. 109 688. Medea turns away as if to end the interview abruptly. Aegeus' attention is thus drawn to her sorrowful appearance. 689. 88e, thus : see on 50. 690. Aegeus, I hair, ete. 694. €(j>' tijjuv, not simply besides me, but superseding me, in authority over me. yaixetv eiri tlvl or €7n.ya/j.e'tv tivi is used of taking a second wife 'over the head,' as we might say, of some one, either the first wife or the children. Ale, 305, 372, Orest. 589, Herod. IV. 154. 695. fj irov, if right, must mean, Is it possible that— ? {Really in any way — ?) But it is not elsewhere used in questions implying surprise or incredulity as to a statement already made, but in those containing a sug- gestion of the speaker's, which he brings forward with more or less hesita- tion. Cp. 1308. Accordingly the conjecture fi-q irov (Weil) has much in its favor. 696. irpb tov : H. 525 d ; O. 143, 2. 698. (M-ycty ■/ 'Ipara., namely, epaaOels. The sense : ' Yes, 't is a new passion, and a mighty one, that made him desert me. Inconstancy is his nature.' She next explains that this passion is ambition for rank. 699. £to> = idaOu. ' Never mind him.' Soph. O. T. 669, 6 5' ovv tru. 703. fjv: GMT. §11, Note 6. 707. €iTT]veo-a : see on 223. 708. \o-ya> p,«v oi\i, k. t. X. : he pretends not to, but he is willing to be patient under the affliction. This last with irony, as it were Jason's own hypocritical language. She means that he is secretly glad of it. So un- derstood, the vulgate, winch has caused some perplexity, seems to give good sense. 709. Suppliants clasped the knees, grasped the right hand, or stroked the beard of the person supplicated. 715. 6\pios 6dvois : that is, ' may you live happy till your death.' 717. 8«, as often, where yap would have been in place. 720. 06t5v : the gods are the guardians of suppliants ; Medea, in saying iKtala yiyvofiai (710), had put herself under their protection. 722. pov8ds €t|u, am helpless, undone, have utterly fail eel. Cp. Heracl. 703. (Others, am eager ; but there is no example of such a use of (ppovSos.) 724. Tre-pao-op-ai- 8ikcuos aiv, shall be justified in trying. According to Greek views of the jus gentium it would be right for Aegeus to protect Medea if she tied of herself to him as a suppliant, but not to take her himself out of another's dominions. 725-728. These four lines seem to be a paraphrase of 723, 724, 729, 730, repeating a part of the thought in a diluted form. They seem to have been written as a substitute for them, by some one who thought the original expression obscure. Hence 1 have followed Kirchhoff in bracketing them. 110 MEDEA. Nauck rejects 723, 724, and 729, and places 730 after 726. — oti crt ^ (jl€0w: GMT. § 89, 1 ; II. 845. — tivi : dativus commodi. 729. d.7ra\Xdcr(rov Tr68a: irdda (or kQXov, etc.) is often joined, for greater vividness, to intransitive verbs of motion (fiaLveiv, Trepav, eiraacreiv, etc.) as a kind of cognate accusative (as it were, walk a footstep) ; especially com- mon in Eurip.; Ale. 1153, Elec. 94, 1173, Hec. 53, 1071. 735 fig. Join totjtois iLyovaiv «k ^euas «}«', at the bidding of these, should they attempt to carry me off out of the country. £ue cannot depend on /xe- 6eio, which would require a genit. The Mss. have /xtdds, which, if right, woidd he for /xeOeir^s, a solitary instance of its kind ; this shorter form (fiedeifMtv, etc.) is common enough in plural, but not in singular. &yw of forcible abduction. 737 fig. are badly garbled in the Mss., which give ei>u}/j.oTos...KaTriK7]pvKeu- fj.acn ovk clv ttLOoio : tliis makes the passage merely a repetition of the first part of the sentence. But plainly Xo-yois 8e stands in opposition to opKioicri p.€v, and the meaning must have been, 'but if you make an agreement in words merely, and not with oaths, then you will be likely to yield to my enemies' demands.' A single hint of the original text, KdiriKTjpvKevfjiaTa, is furnished by a scholium. I have written the passage, nearly with Nauck, so as to give tin- needed sense, without feeling at all sure that the words are Euripides'. — tjnXos : namely of my enemies. 739. rdfid: nearly equivalent to eyu. Cp. Andr. 235. 741. ^Xe^as = £5a£as ev \6yois. (borson.) 744 fig. Construe SeiKvvvai '4\ovtv eirivoiav Kart\o>v (TircvSeis (avrd). " Idem est e-rrivoiav KaT(.x.uv quod ciriOviiiav exwv." (Elms- lev.) C]). TrbOoV KO.TCXWV, J'llOell. 330. 763. SeSoKTjo-ai : the dramatists use the tenses 5oKy)au), etc., freely, espe- cially in choral passages. NOTES. 111 766. elg 686v P«[3tjkc4mv : that is, we are no longer wandering at ran- dom, see our course clearly before us. 768 llg. f|, where ; ko.6' S fiipos. Schol. In the very matter, she means, which perplexed her most ; see 386 fig. — €Kd[Avofj.ev : as a ship in dis- tress : ep. Aesch. Theb. 210. — Xip.T|V : so Amir. 891 Orestes is called a haven. 770 fig. irpv(xvT|T-qv kcLXcdv : the ancients moored their ships with the stern towards the shore. — (ioXovres : see on 314. — &a-rv, the lower town ; iroXio-fJia, the acropolis. 773. 8€\ov, expect. 778, 779. These two verses come in very awkwardly after 777. They were plainly written as a substitute for it, not to follow it. 781. XittoCo-' dv, Wecklein after Elmsley ; the Mss. Xnrovaa. The par- ticiple represents the optative. — The next line is suspected by many ; cp. 1060. 785. (i/f| <{>€v-y€iv depends on the idea of entreaty implied in SQpa |i(o£a: aor. as 223. Medea has now given up her former plan (375) of causing Jason's death. The idea which has all along been dimly present to her mind has now taken definite shape ; she will take a more exquisite revenge by killing his children with his new wife, leaving him childless and without prospect of issue, to pass an old age of regret and remorse. — TOvvrevOev : cp. on rovuOivde, 1167. 795. dvov 4>€v-yov — — — — The lost words contained some equivalent to ai'pas. 844 fig. Loves which are the companions of wisdom are chaste and tem- perate loves as opposed to sensual passion, including the Ipws ipvxys of the philosophers ; see Eur. frag. 342. Such are iravTOias ap€T&s ^vvcp-yol, that is, join with wisdom in producing every virtue. 846 fig. The order: ttQs ovv r) noXis iepwv woraydv -J) x^P a TroiATn/xos (pi'Kwv ££« i\cov Trd(j.7ri(AOS, safely harboring its friends, affording them a safe refuge. In this sense Trofxiri/Aos 6 daipewv (the Dodonian Zeus), Phoen. 9S4. — tolv ov\ bcriav \iir tiXkuv, you the polluted among your fellow -men. 854. -n-avTr) pevbs...X €l p' 1 Ka P^ ( 3- T€ : il curious enallage ; boldness cither of mind or in your hand and heart. — tc'kvov (vocative), Nauck. But even thus the text is hardly sound. 861 fl£. &8a.Kpvv . . . ovov, keep tearless the lot of murder, i. e. 'keep from weeping at the murder you are destined to commit.' The emphasis falls on 6.oa.Kpvv = icare aSattpw dvac. yoipa (pjvov in the same sense, Elec. 1290. 864. (Jxnviav of the effect ; 'stain your hand red.' 866 fig. kcu -yap as at 314. — ovit&v : ovtol av. 871. vircp-ya^ofiai, a rare word, seems here to have the sense of uTrovpyiw. 872. SiaXd-ywv & ; what am I thinking of? what possesses me to act as I do? Cp. 1049. 880. ttcuScs : referring to 565. — \0dva <{>€iL)-yovTas : their banishment from Iolcus is meant. — T||Aa.s: Jason and all the family ; see 551 -554. 884. (rufypovtiv refers to 549. 887. £€paivciv and the following infinitives are brought in as if fy... / u€T^x e "' had preceded, instead of the impersonal y...y.eT<:?i>cu. Hence, too, the accus. Kydevovcrav. — irapto-Tcivai Xe\«i : that is, assist at the bridal ceremonies, particularly in conducting the bride into the 6d\a,uos. — vv\l- T)v, k. t. X. : construe ij8ea6ai ti KySevovaav (tending) vvu. aedev. 889 fig. €o-(i€v oldv kpovtiv: infin. of the imperfect ; GMT. § 15, 3. 896. 8iaXAdx0'HT€ tt)s frp. fc'x^P as > mike peace in renouncing your former enmity. Since diaWdaao/xai is strictly effect a change in my relations, it can, like any other compound of aWdacrw, take the genitive. — The chil- dren, in answer to this summons, appear from the house accompanied by their guardian. 899 fig. oifioi...K€Kpv(JLp.ev